HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1997_10_15I Ni 0 Pckering ews A-dve FOR You TWO MATRRNITY 20% OPP lirilo was 10% OFF om" Poulos riled" Yobs;° Hoy. /2 E of NdCourt rd rW 426-2088 miser P!Ckerrnt( ; s Comynunity Acrurspaper since 1965 Optional .; %veek home delivey charge 45/ $1 newsstand October 15, 1k�>7, Vol. 32. No. 42. Pressrun -42,500 30 pages Planning for job action ■ ■ ■ Durham parents brace for teachers' strike B) St SAN U NEILL ' .%IAII RICPc )BILK PICKERING — Local parents and school commumts councils (SCC) are rally- ing together to formulate back-up plans for student care in the event of a teachers' strike GRANT this month. ANDREWS Joanne Dec, of Glcngn,%c Public When School's community counrll ,a,, the SCC necessary hell a parent information ni,•hi rc,_ardmg Candidates crowd ballot in Pickering Twenty-four vie for seven council seats in municipal election PIr'AF:RI%G — There'll he 24 cm.l.dAtc, 'r—Litng the ballots for the even p. iiwns Int Ptckcnng Cowaeil up our torahs in the mumctpal c1cctxM Monda%. Nu% ll) That's four more than in the last eiect3on is 1944. The Pickerinj mayor's Joh has attracted three candidate%. MOU41 rig incumhent W ayae Arthur%. Hes bemg cWlc*Sed by Ward 3 local Councillor Enrico Pistntio and Ward 2 local Cowngillor Sherry Sent,.. Richard Ward. who has run for the mayor'% job in prcvK%m year and was regi%tcmd to run again this time. has withdrawn to ;haUcngc instead fur the Regional Ward 3 scat. There are three cortterwlers for the Ward I Regional seat held by Maurice Bircmer. Caws. Brenner w ill he facing Kc. in Ashes currently a separate sc "I [ward tru%tee for Pickering. and Pickering Public Library Board chairman Jill Foster. Ward 2 Reginal Councillor Doug Dickerson has registered to run (of the scat he was appointed to by Council in January 1996 to replace the late David Farr. He's being challenged by Eileen Higdon• the furrier Ward 2 councillor who made an unsuccessful bid for the SCC MORE/Page 3 INSIDE No Bones About It -- New, pro- cedure at Ajax-Pickrnng Ih)spi- tal will aid many - page 13 - Mus" Medley – A variety ,.howand big band dance is headed this wap - Page 17. Editorial Page ...........6 Eusettainment .........16 Sports ................1 K C.lassiiied . ...........19 Real Estate . .........REI HOW TO REACH US General ... ......083-5110 Death Notices ...683-3005 Auction Line ...... 683-,545 Sincerely Yours .... 1 -Ht 10-062-8 i t 3 Internet ........... . ww•w Aurli:unncss ;.nct Bill 160 last week to inform parents they must prepare for the possibility of a teach- ers' walkout and develop a support system for those who need it. "It alarmed one how many parents didn't xxm to be informed as to what Kati going on. she says. "We wanted ill let them know thev would get notice of a 'Inks" Ms. Dies as, the meenn_ _ attended h% Ct C rcrrc.,, across the region. was organircd to inform parents of the Durham Board of Education's plans in the event of a strike and to assure Parents teachers aren't going to simply walk out of classrooms leaving children unat- tended. "We basically wanted to make them think ,IN'tit what's going to happen." she r%, while the public board plans to keep Schools open if it can. "We don't want a lot of children coming to school with no supervision:' She says the SCC has compiled a list of stay-at-home moms willing to take care of a child in the case of an cmergency. The coun- cil is also forming a group of nx)thcrs who will wait outside the school in the mxomings if it is closed to make sure children arc nut Flying in formation? Archbishop Denis O'Cotttioi Cathoh, Illgh Schoxil lake Ontario Secondary Schoxol Athletic% junior foot - Chargers' running back Nkosi Mathtuin draws a ball action at Oshawa'% Alexandra Park Friday after - crowd of O'Neill Collegiate Redmen tacklers during noon. O'Neill won 3(,-21. Drug suspect snatches Durham officer s gun iGotchal. n B1 Slt�.F'HEN SIt:xN when the suspect tx)lted from the vchicic.hal+{icned su fast" and wuhin sounds ConalIa RUA%r stwi i A struggle hod place with the two plain- Taylor Jumped the suspect :►rid wrestled away AJAX — A suspected drug drake stnppal clothe% officers, during which the man the firearm. During the Scuffles in which box a policy officer of his gun and pointed it at snatched Const. Taylor's semi-automatic pis- officers altered mirex injuries, the suspect � him and his partner d ging an arrest which col from his Shoulder holster. Sergeant Jim was able to break free and run off intoe riear- wen awry Fndav afternoon. Grimley said. by ravine. ,1 '4_�, "He cut out of tlx: car like a madman... Sgt. Grimley said the suspect emerged CunstaMc% Dave Taylor and Al Siriuotu, JIM GRI�ILEY txxh of the Durham Regional Police drug He managed to grab hold ul the gun and minutes later on the other side of the ravine nt 'I -Ikea squad, had Just stopped a car they had been pointed it at the officer" a cement truck comlxwnd on Notion Riad, madman' following on Old Kingston Road in Ajax Sgt. Grimly said the segtience of events SCC SUSPECT/Rage See STRIKF:/Page 2 Teachers applaud cabinet shuffle Iiut `this is still a 10LI *h fit�ht' By IANDA WHrre i cachcr%' utnuns here arc pileased he provincial government has duniped John Srxibelon as minister lot ,,Iucatiort and will cnJ their -ace clievcr" into the a tame. but rloutx the playing field >a% changed dras- ;wally. The problem remains that Bill IM) is the property of the (Progrc%- stve) CottaervAive MIKE government." O'('ONNOR WAc%Ontario Eng- 'Problem li%h Calhi)hc rC lTlalnl Teachers' A%%otcia- tion, Durham branch president Mike O'Co iww. See NE• E% /Page 2 1 Durham Regional Police Inspector Greg Mills gives Pickering mayor Wayne Arthurs a peck through the new laser radar unit. Police target Pickering speeders with new laser radar BY MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER PICKERING — Speeders beware. Durham police have you in their sights and they're not likely to miss with their new Marksrttan LTl 2(Y20 laser guns. Police recently received two of the $8,000 laser units from the Town of Pickering to be used almost cxclusitely for speed limit enforcement here. The unit, are much more accurate and effec- tive than the old radar devices used to track speeders. They use a narrow beam of light that can focus on and track a single car, while the old radars worked with a wide beam which made it almost impossible to track vehicles in heavy traf- fic. ..This is the latest state-of-the-art technology," explained Inspector Greg Mills at the official launch of the laser system at Pickering's 19 Divi - «The individualized approach to instruction really suited me well. I cculd work at my own pace to master the material while learning to work independently. ee Isodora (Ted) Fazari See SPEEDERS/Page 4 M1 4 Durham Regional Police Inspector Greg Mills gives Pickering mayor Wayne Arthurs a peck through the new laser radar unit. Police target Pickering speeders with new laser radar BY MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER PICKERING — Speeders beware. Durham police have you in their sights and they're not likely to miss with their new Marksrttan LTl 2(Y20 laser guns. Police recently received two of the $8,000 laser units from the Town of Pickering to be used almost cxclusitely for speed limit enforcement here. The unit, are much more accurate and effec- tive than the old radar devices used to track speeders. They use a narrow beam of light that can focus on and track a single car, while the old radars worked with a wide beam which made it almost impossible to track vehicles in heavy traf- fic. ..This is the latest state-of-the-art technology," explained Inspector Greg Mills at the official launch of the laser system at Pickering's 19 Divi - «The individualized approach to instruction really suited me well. I cculd work at my own pace to master the material while learning to work independently. ee Isodora (Ted) Fazari See SPEEDERS/Page 4 M1 fPAGE 2 - TME NEWS ADVERTLWISt WnMRIMAY, ()(-PAKt IS. 1"7 New education minister is `ace reliever' NEW/From page 1 The change "isn't going to accom- plish anything unless (the new minis- ter) has a mandate to dump the proh- lent areas of B I I I 1611." In a surprise move Thursday. Pre- mier Mike Harris demoted Mr. Snobe- len to the less semor po rtfoho of nat- ural resources and replaced him with Dave Johnson, who leaves the man- agement board. The former mayor of East York. Mr. John- son was the main negotiator for the Tories in the five-week public service strike last year and helped pre- vent a strike by Ontario doctors before that. Teachers from across Ontario have threatened to strike illegally over Bill 160, which would give the Province the right to set class size. place more uncertified instructors in the classroom. cut preparation time fix high school teachers and reduce profes- sional activity days. If approval. Bill 160 would also put the Province — not in boards — m charge of totting educe- O,� aom property tax rate. Teachers want the hill wlthdr]Nn IN radicalh altered kit and hope Mr Johnstm will bring pvsrtrvc change. "If penrxal ttlA indeed a road- block, it's good �A Ihcv've been removed. Ontario) Sec- ondary School leachers' Fcderatio)n. Durham district president Pat Jcrmcy says o)( Mr. Snobelen's departure. She believes the provincial govem- mcm "recognised there was a prob- lem" between teachers' unions and Mr Snobelen, a high school dropout many criticized for comparing education to a business and students to consumers Parties & Play Centre Durham Region's 1st Party & Play Centre for children up to 12 We Provide A Safe, Call* Environment for KIDST Cr�Ot ' Birthday Parties' BaM•sitting Ch" Game Area ' Toddler Area ' Lounge for Parents AUM IM Excellent security Procedures' Socks required NOW INTRODUCING — — _ — _ _ Exclusive Parties I COUPON I Call for Details i 10% Off i Regular Hours Non to Red 10 amto3Put I Any Party Thurs to sat ill am to % pm I San llamt06pm I Package -I F --------Name=_====-I f OD/O Off Address Town Pc. I Admissions Phone* ' I honeJf � OC}• A af9 Fill out a ballot to win Mr. l ' l `F G Pumpkin. Draw on Oct. 2W97 250 Bayly St. W. 401 x Ajax = I "lb .%.,MacKenzie Plaza 427-9223 B.ry Please remember to recycle., � -- - - -- - � SALE IN TODAY'S News Advertiser Wed., Oct. 15, 1997 News Advertiser 'BL,siIwDq0 AFft FOPS# Aoft 'GiAW loxft ' HM Gak Alupdt. ' Lai* Bu kWl Fick. ' LA Windows Aj pidl 'Moore's *Pd. Pa* Unen ApLPtdl. Real NO 114M. Shoppers Dq Mart A u ft sqm BOY A0 'Tile Bay Ajak�Fidl. The Blick far ' Theafte Hews Pick. 'Toys R Us Apz,% VIR Me% Aja01& • ' . I,IYI'� t� .Kiltil[d IxxIKIMu,ib.il�) R: -comber, all Inserts, including :e on glossy papa. can be Icled with the rest of your ,paper through your blue Recycling program. • information on delivering r advertising flyers. ALVIN -,- 1- LI iW1 9L'wER •^ - �,., �, •. .5 110 David \%'cdncsday's carrier of the %% ":kis. David. David cnluys Karate. Nintendo. computers and soccer. Hr will rccriv'ea dinner for 4 and T-shirt compliments of Ifurger King. Congratulations David for tying our carrier of the week. Strike plans in place for parents STRIDE/ I -rum page 1 left unattended. Man Brown, communication!, manager for the Durham Board of Education, told the News Advertiser the board hopes to keep schools open of teachers strike. But. schiwls will be closed if there are too many stu- dents to super- vise safely. Ms. Brown also says huses won't run and parents will be asked to make alternate arrangements for their children for the duration of the'strike. G r a n t Andrews, direc- tor of the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board, has said the board will inform staff and parents of its plans when nec- essary. If passed into law. Bill 160 would give the provincial gov- ernment the right to dictate class sizes, put uncer- tified instructors into the class- room, cut prepa- ration time for secondary school teachers, length- en the school year and cut pro- fessional activity days. Public input sessions on the bill arc set to begin next heck. CONGRATULATION'SIHARRICE, • RICHARD So PRICE RICHARD PRICE' For 20 Outstanding near, r Celebrating 20 yrs. of Financial Planning ,_V( -11K in Durham Re ion r r. ODOIV V EL.[. "Conrntalmdens Rickard at yorr 2Ark Aowiversory" t 41YkGROUP OF FUNDS "It is through the skills and experience of investment professionals like yourself that C.I. has become a major force among Canada's mutual fund organizations. I Congratulations Richard""' rZ71I MUTUAL FUNDS Back Row... Nichole. Pam. Richard, Brenda, Kate Front Row... Mary Anne, Debbie, Leanne Absent: Jen Plumbtiee & Deborah Woolacott. Gam„r • Free Draws • Grand Prize $500 Investment Portfolio Ark"* • Hot dogs • Cake • Balloons • Hourly Door Prizes on 20 successful years to Pumpkins For Sale Donated by (Whittamores Pumpkin Farms)ft- investors. ung Canadian Taunton Rd., 3 kms West of Whites Rd. with proceeds to the s Rd. From your friends at Cancer Society 427_7000 TRIMARK. h I NVE TMOUT gyp■ wMtVtiTMeNT ptliaiwlNta ♦TRIMARK� a�1sa MUTUAL ► i✓ N Dy 335 Bayiy Street W. Ajax (comer of Finley & Bayly) III , "Congratulations Richard on 20 yrs. of outstanding service in Financial Planning,' Templeton ;ekr� At= �+m+iit+s imwiYaa. ^owwAft....W "A1C OR" OF FINW Wishes to Richard Price on ha 20th Anniversary, cm 'GROUP OF FUNDS• ONE SKILLED FINANCIAL PLANNER. 20 YEARS OF DEDICATED SERVICE. ■ ii.rr, r Election Notebook: Campaign kickoffs DICKERING — An official kickoff for the electi(m campaign of Sherry Scnis, the Ward attend. Call 831-6000. (current 2 local Councillor running for mayor, will he held Ryan campaign HQ open Wednesday, Oct. 15. The launch will run from 7 to The candidate says she favors a 9 p.m. at Gallantry's Banquet Hall in the Pickering Town Centre. All residents wishing PICKERING — Dave Ryan, who is seeking re - to meet the can- didate or help with the election to his Ward I local Council seat, has opened campaign are welcome to a campaign office at 376 Kingston Rd., at the corner THE NEWS ADVE11TL4ER WEDNESDAY, OCTOtElt 15, 19$7 • PAGE.3 and office openings of Ruugemount Drew An open house was field Ward 3 local Councillor challenging for the mayor's there to officially launch his campaign Oct 5. The Joh In the Nov. 10 election, hes ripened a campaign phone number for the office is 5119-1()14. hcad4uaners. . It'ugs located at 365 Kingston Rd.. at the corner of PIStrifto office open Roenxunt Drive. An official kickoff for his earn- paign was held there Oct. 8. The phone number for PICKERING — Enrico Pistntto, the current the office is 509-8017. More candidates seek election in 1997 civic election MORE/From page I mayor's josh in 1994: and Ralph Sutton, a member of the Pickering Hydro Commission. Ms. Higdon was registered to run for the Ward 2 local scat until signing up for the Regional position Friday. Ward 3 Regional Councillor Rick Johnson has registered to run again for his current position, and is being challenged by Wayne Rowe and Richard Ward. At the local level, incumbent Ward I Coun- cillor Dave Ryan will try to recapture his seat. He will have to fight off Joe Pacione, who ran unsuccessfully for the separate school board in 1994. There are five challengers for the Ward 2 local position being vacated by Coun. Senis. They are Mark Holland, who tried for but failed to win a scat on the public school board in 1994; Don Kitchen, who served as a Pick- ering councillor for atx)ut 15 years from the late 1960h to the early 1980s: Bill McLean: Myrna Picone: and Kip Van Kempen, the for- rner Ward 2 Regional Councillor who was defeated in a run for the mayoralty in 1994. There are also five candidates vying for the Foster running for Ward PICKERING — Jill Foster BANKRUPTCY we need." will challenge lir the Ward 1 Vlfcnns all In_ol•.,m_3 The candidate says she favors a Regional seat on Town Council in services including personal lramwork approach to municipal the upcoming Nov. 10 municipal and corporate bankruptcies _,ovcrnment: wants continued election. OSHAWA ctforls to keep neighborhoods and Ms. Foster has born chairman 122 Albert St 721 75M harks safe: believes neighborhoods of the Pickering Public Library +' hould be meaningful partners in Board since 1995, is a founding 50('olxlnerrtal Ave 619 1473 the planning process: wants a be( - member of the Dalebr, Neigh- COBOL, RG !,:r transit system: favors tough but borhood Association, and has 72 K.neist w 372 4744 nsible controls on spending., served on two Town of Pickering Saturday k Evening tihc also says she will push for committees examining GTA Itl.t. noire diversified economic devcl- reform and neighborhood safety. 3129 upment here. She notes in -a press rckace t'OsrER She says the reactors on the 'A' announcing her candidacy that 'I care section of the Pickering nuclear under her guidance the Town's passionately' station should be closed immedi- libraries have enjoyed a 13 -per Ike. t mels. with renewed attention and cent rise in circulation and an increase in tighter controls and maintenance for the 'B' services at the: sank term a 10 -per cent budget cut has been imple- mented. The candidate also notes that as co-chair of the E.B. Phin School Community Council she fought for a scluol crossing light on Altona Road, and was instrumental in petitioning Town Council for side- walks on Altona, approaching the scbxx)I. "1 care passionately for this community." states Ms. Foster. "My family and 1 live in Ward I. 1 work in Ward I. 1 know the prob- Icros herr. the people, the services Ward 3 local representative's job being left open by Coun. Pistnttu's departure. They are Dave D(mcrino. Ian GlynWilliams, John Hayden, David Pickles and Paul Pisiritto (Coun. Pistritto's brother. Residents will he able to vote from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on election day Nov. 10. Advance polls will he held Saturday. Nos. I and Wednesdav, Nos 5 from 10 a.m. to R p.m. at the Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade (off Gicnanna Road just south of Hwy. 2). For more information, call the Town clerk's office at 420-4611. Regional seat reactors. Ms. Foster worked 14 wars at Global television as a senior producer, editor and manager. For the past seven years, she has beeh vice-president of a small communications company in Ward I. Ms. Foster has lived in Pickering for 12 years. TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY DAY TIME, EI'ENINC: (6F WEEKEND C:01URSUS 1A ENING COUILSESc Vlfcnns all In_ol•.,m_3 1 night per week 16:30 - 9:30 pm► PK kennit services including personal WcJ (.04,'1tNF" fill _4 rtUN Cl /tel' UA\' and corporate bankruptcies <� wn'-sera k r W-Kinneh 1 l.luw a 51 I v Tiat'. a k 1 -11 OSHAWA 46 V. knmx 5 1 1.1 Th"'." 122 Albert St 721 75M F -el 511 halo wh. twwa ()rh-. SI / MtM flet 2- AJAX l ict 21 F -el U Intrrmaahatr Pk-kcnnit S I2v Tac. A 50('olxlnerrtal Ave 619 1473 Thar. l 4 -ka, D- COBOL, RG (let 4,2 wnpare- 1'xkanntt $119 Moo 72 K.neist w 372 4744 Mkni-ft Off -e 95 - I'mn. Pwtennit S I lv Tac, (k't 21 Saturday k Evening txt 24 Appointments available JAMES R. VANCH mly DuI ; rham DID YOU KNOW? - police F-7)ur at tnwtamc %; rnpanlco h.Is c I. ,,:J yuut swnytciia o�isr ductibles to cars the :omprchensivc covers fire, theft, van d;tlism and glass claims. target of fire bug OSHAMPA - Durh.arn gton- alal Police arc hulums an arson- ist who has cost dectin SM.1X111 in arched vehicles over a two-day perx xd. A spccially- designed van used by the: pl)licC dcpan- ment for trans- porting prisoners. worth S50OX), was destroyed by firc Friday night while parked in the la at Ontario Motor Sales on Bond Street West. The 1989 cube van was doused with an accelerant before being set ablaze. Sergeant Jim Grimley said. The evening before, a marked police cruiser worth $30,000 was also destroyed by a fire which also was deliberately Set. The same fire- bug is believed responsible -for both blazes, Sgt. Grimley said. Police are also investigating a possible link to the firebombing of a police ser- vice station wagon on Aug. 18, which was parked at an elec- tronics repair slap in Oshawa. Sgt. Grimley said the prisoner van was set on fire between 9:30 p.m. and 9:40 P.m. Friday night, shortly after a security guard at the cat lot checked the arca. • for a small cost you have: the right to huy your deductible hick down 1, '51(10.(1) Bl:l' IT IX)N'N 1%'0N%. REF-0RE YOt NEED 17-•r CALLUS US «e will :oscr a, much of our deductible a, hncin_ ailows. Based on Insurance Prices -Ali Work Guaranteed 860 8rodt ad S aINTERPROVINCIAL.I 'S(4,. 831-1819 COMPUTER TRAINING (let. 21 DAY TIME, EI'ENINC: (6F WEEKEND C:01URSUS 1A ENING COUILSESc Yickcrinit $129 'Tidies 1 night per week 16:30 - 9:30 pm► PK kennit Cotlr�c duration 6 week% ( unto.., utherwise stated) WcJ (.04,'1tNF" fill _4 rtUN Cl /tel' UA\' STAXT IIAYF <� wn'-sera k r W-Kinneh 1 l.luw a 51 I v Tiat'. a k 1 -11 4 Now• Sl lv Thar. lkt 14 V. knmx 5 1 1.1 Th"'." lit[ 24 F -el 511 halo wh. twwa ()rh-. SI / MtM flet 2- Eiic0 " 11 lner. "1w 1a.M Packcnnit S 1 2•) Tua-a l ict 21 F -el U Intrrmaahatr Pk-kcnnit S I2v Tac. A Ike 2 Thar. l 4 -ka, D- [4yM yknit lir Oh- Sit-) W'cal n (let 4,2 wnpare- 1'xkanntt $119 Moo 0k1 2 Mkni-ft Off -e 95 - I'mn. Pwtennit S I lv Tac, (k't 21 Z r..wan(1tf-9S tl.h— 312•) Thur txt 24 Intenneahatc (let. 21 Wittl 7.11-Imnxkl4Ykx1 lNlawa $129 Wed. (Ict __ Yickcrinit $129 'Tidies N11- h Off- 9- Inc.- PK kennit 51 44 WcJ o t 22 Wu k-, 4 1 a>ah.awa - Sill) Mon <>a'1 2- STARi l>aluw.i SI 19 "IIIc. (k'i 21 fits AM l>aliaw� SI I•i Taara/ITw D- (let. IN Exaxl 5.11 lntermediatr (Thaws $115 PM MW 15 0 wka) (let. is N.wcrH.int7.0 ()alaawa $99 P.M. (3 wka) Pickenn/t $1 19 Wed a k't 22 Woiak,wa 9S O'l- a 3129 Mon l k'4, 2- Windlims 3.1 /hhawa $115 PM l>.twwa S 1 29 Tura l let ()It I (Mhawa $129 Tac. w Ike. t ISckennit $125 AM Nur 15 Wool 6.0 lntnaduction (hhawa Ells AM (3 -11)Yickcrrllt Word 6.11 lnterinediAr <)ahawa $1115 A.N Nuv. 15 W int'? Intnidtwtion Pickering $125 I $129 IW ()a't.2 AvaW1bte foe IifWnerr ewwme,+ FROG. . lickcrinit $129 Ttcurmt Dec 2 ous ah,)tst a tirade 12 1 -i -king far a CANKER chanlle? Arc you curid n4uivaJenc-y (3 irks) Ward 6.11-ImnwkltYkrl l)ahaWa $119 Tli a (let. 21 Wittl 7.11-Imnxkl4Ykx1 lNlawa $129 Wed. (Ict __ Yickcrinit $129 'Tidies Oct. 21 Ward7.0-hucrmcdiale Pickermle $129 boon. lk.t. 2- W4 xu-,df t 6.11 - Intro -1- ILa $119 W%4 tkt. 22 SATURDAY COURSE& 4 weeks (unless OdWrWISC sated) COURSE tAC-ATION cost Aw or rM STARi DATE c oenptxcra kir hcninner ()ahawa $lis AM Oct. Is fits AM M_15 ctwellkaw, Intnidiwlio a O haws $169 PM (5 Wks) Oct. IN Excel 5.0 1ntnxim-11k)n (hhawa $IIS PM (let. IN Exaxl 5.11 lntermediatr (Thaws $115 PM MW 15 Micnt..n ()frier 97 - Intro Pickering $1310 AM (let. is N.wcrH.int7.0 ()alaawa $99 P.M. (3 wka) Nov.22 Pickrnirig $99 PM (3 -k.,) (let. 2S Pickering $99 PM 0, wits Nan•. 19 pn'tier,,mming in Java Pickering $205 AM (5 wka) Oct. 25 Viaeaal Matic 3 0 1'ickirrmrit $14,x0 PM (5 Wier). Nov. Windlims 3.1 /hhawa $115 PM IIS (let ri (Xhawa AM Nov IS Wt[xkawa 95 Oshawa $125 AM ()It I ( )ahawa $125 AM Nov I S "'i"'init$125 PM (let Iri ISckennit $125 AM Nur 15 Wool 6.0 lntnaduction (hhawa Ells AM (let 1rt Word 6.11 lnterinediAr <)ahawa $1115 A.N Nuv. 15 W int'? Intnidtwtion Pickering $125 I Nov 15 otlsseomlaed Traltove� ASK A11OUT OUR DAY TIME COMP(TM AvaW1bte foe IifWnerr ewwme,+ FROG. Y (903) 42o-SM1 or cws)k 66th -711 WW START DATE: OCI' M r, 199' FREE INFORMATION MEti.IiION ous ah,)tst a tirade 12 1 -i -king far a CANKER chanlle? Arc you curid n4uivaJenc-y (C-E.D.) 7 naralay,(hhahrr 25, 199-, 10:1x0 a.m .Aalult 4,k Continuing Educatkul Crntre. 244) Sinxoe Ftmet, Oshawa Call (91)5) 4346-3211 or 1 (rxo) 40W9619 For nx)rr inftrmatkM or m-gistratkm call: Oshawa (905) 4.463211 or I ()NN)) 4(W)619 Pickerllpl (90S) 420-S841 Ir (905) N4&7118 L_ Q�4(�Silt sad :;e�iu«ut�g 5d,o"&1eu PICKERING KINSMEN Santa Claus Parade NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES Corporate and Community Entries Welcome PARADE DATE: SAT. NOV. 15. 1997 Theme: ENT- YFORMSAT A Christmas Wonderla i H 11`0• �' -_ i � 1 % f 'f NE1 cc SERVING TriE COMMUNITY'S GREATEST NEED Peter's Will match the Manufacturer's Rebate at the sales desk to DOUBLE you cash aback savings. ccT IN" 11LILM • 'a S4M to $70 by mail from ons • WkSHERS • DRYERS • I.AUNURY PAIRS • RANGES • RfFRIGERATORS • DISHWASHLKS t • OVER-THL-RANGE MICROKAVF OVENS � 401 i Bruck Rood, Pickering 1755 t•ick.ranq P ekv,.oy unit 12 905-429-A333 x 1-900-231-9274 N IltMyrlir Mm3 to Skip ippiwea fir QuAll1' • i RVV • if.: (TION /elm I.econd in the series of "Christmas with Trisha Romance" Presenting this enchanting image. Evening Skaters as a Collectors' Plate. Also available as an Ornament and a Limited r Edition Musical- to capture the magic of winter for Christmas 19971 .-t'• Ptah S I/4 - Aw m. mlrb gold edge. Limited to 92 frying days. Individually numbered ' and accompanied by certificate of authenticYty. $49 9S Frame: PF Frame Special adth purchase of 'Evenitkq Skaters" S59.99 L MusfcaL Limited Edition of t v, (ri i wortati'tae. a t w. w 1 rAI:L 4 - TML NEWS Alri'F,' M%KR W DNMAV. Ol.-ro"X IS. 1149 Suspect captured with aid of truckers SUSPEC r/From page I where he then tried to lu)ack a v "He jumped into the cab of one trucks and threatened the driver he gun. litere was a bnct struggle he w the to and the drier lumped out the ignition key." the sergeant said Meanwhile, Constable Bob arrived at the scene and insuuct driver of another truck to block Suspect. At the same time a third "jumped into the sack, grabbed the pect and pulled him out of the cab Speeders SP!' EDERS/}-roan page I sion station Thursday mornm_,. D police have been using the new un about two weeks. -The amount of people charge gone way up:' said Insp. Mills. Two officers using one of the can ticket 30 to 40 speeders with hour. Grimley said. Sgt. Grimley said the driver backed eh icle. away when the suspect motioned as it'he of time were pulling out a gun. The suspect was arrestedhad a them arrested by Const. Annan, who had twcrn his weapon drawn. Sgt. Gnmlev said the taking captured man is "veru luckN" he wasn't shot by police. "Certainly on at least two lnnan occasions the oflicers tound themselves rd the in a position faring an armed o r poten- 'n the tially :rimed suspect" driver The three truckers involved in the sus- arrest. whose names were not released. :' Sgt. will be recommended tier ci%ilian cita- caught by new by Lascr'technology Inc., w�can measure urtlam speed in about one cond at a range of utap to two kilometres on flat terrain. They its for can also he used it)ke measurements at d has oniric or accident scenes and are consid- ered as accurate as the equipment sur- veyors use. Another bonus of the new units technology, according to police, is that it bin an renders useless the 'fuzz -busters' some motorists have in their cars to war thein The units. which are Canadian -made -STARTS OMORROW OPENS AT 9:00 A.M..1011111 W 100% SILK QQ JACQUARD ✓✓�� NECKTIES 12 ALINED 99'9 ALL WEATHER TRENCH COATS tions. Sgt. Grimley added. Joseph Prieto, of Toronto. appeared in (hhawa provincial court yesterday for a hail hearing. He is charged with two counts each of assaulting a police officer. rohlxrn• and pointing a firearm and individu:d counts of escaping lawful custody. assault causing bodily harm. posw•ssion of a firearm while prohibited, use of a firearm while committing an offence. possession of stolen property. possession of a controlled substance and possession of the proceeds of crime. technology of radar traps. Pickering Council decided to purchase the lasers to deal with what is perceived as a growing speeding prob- lem in the town. particularly in areas such as Bavh Street between Whites and Liverpox l roads. Police were has Ing difficulty enforcing speed limits because their conventional radar devices could not pick out speeders from the high vol- ume of traffic on roads such as Bayly. SPECIAL MOMENTS 40 - 70% OFF • BRIDAL GOWNS • BRIDES MAIDS 1. • MOTHER OF THE ' BRIDE/GROOM ` ,- • PROM DRESSES and more... .Y "Limited Time Offer" 137 Byron St. N. Whitby (905) 666-8689 � -` (Pearson Lanes) Find us online at www,durhamnewsnet IMCDC P AL4 N -VA i 4i CANADIAN MADE 99 QUALITY DRESS SHIRTS yg QUALITY 100% 19" WOOL FASHION SPORTCOATS BEST SUIT BUY! "`A�A� 149m COME IN FOR MANY MORE IN-STORE SPECIALS! DURHAM t CENTRE " 90 Kingston Rd. pro Ajax ❑ ROL (905) 686-1176 .8- .°� ° ALTERATION$ DONE ON PIES AT A NOMINAL CHARGE MOO U SW PEOPM OVER 100 STORES ACROSS CANADA "a SATISFACTION GUARANTEED �. OR MONEY gERJ110ED! DON'T MISS THIS RATION 100% COTTON �� CORDUROY PANTS 29Z/$1% QUI US �p THER BOMBER JACKETS % • DOWNTOWN TORONTO 100 Yorge St. (416) 363.5442 • TORONTO 3150 Duftnnt St. at Apex Rd. (416) 781.0660 • WOODBRII M 7887 Weston Rd. North of Hwy. 7 (905) 850-2829 • DUFFERN MIIAU 900 Duffenn St. (416) 537-3487 • NORM YORK 80 Steeles Ave. West (905) 731.0160 • MARKHAM SUPERSTORE 3135 Hwy. 7 East (905) 470.2515 • SCARBOROUGH 2300 Lawrence Ave. East at Kennedy Rd (416) 755-3331 • SCARBOROUGH 3711 Lawrence Ave East (416) 439-5088 • d+1CKELgING While's Road Shopping Centre 705 Kingston Rd. (905) 837.2720 • OSHAWA 22 Stevenson Rd. South across from Oshawa Shopping Centm (905) 433-0455 NEWMARKET Gates of York Plaza 17310 Yonge Sl (905) 896-1071 ' BARRIE Spnngwater Market Place 411 Bayfield Sl. Unit A 13 (705) 734-9881 ' MISSISSAUGA SUPERSTORE 2150 Dundas St. E. (905) 276.66611 • MNSSGSAUGA 4557 Hurontano St. (905) 507.1117 • MISSM4SAUGA WEST 2501 Hyde Park Gate (905) 829-8008 • BRAMPTON 239 Ousen St East (905) 453-5700 • OAKYN.LE OakvNle Town Centre 270 North Service Rd West (905) 338-0111 THE NEWS At„'E ITIS ,jL WEMP_1;D Y. (MT()iplt IS. IcYp7-pAI:E S Unity in diversity As students in schools across Durham Region explore racism• tolerance and diversity through various school unit initiatives, some high schoolers in Pickering decided to cele- brate cultural differences by coming to school dressed in multicultural clothing. These stu- Ajax earns ISO designation BY KtorrH GllJ.K:A` 1(:111 RFPIWVFR AJAX — The Town has whwvcd a first in ()maria and taclra)crs coidd he the Mcrielici:incs. Ajax is the first 0ntano community and tee of the tirst in 11(,rth America it, whievc No IXM)1 dc.tgnatRm. That mcam the Tow n is offcrmg het- tt7 +!•rills at H,wcr c—i,. Ma -„r %icv'C Partsh said dining a press t; nfCrCnK:7 Thursday arrxrmcing the achicvement. ..It Ames AW the edge it rexch k) proved- yualaY mun>lrpd govCntreent. That'. what the public warts:' Maytor Parish said. '-ITus m a real valuahk tool. Business unit tmtl. i. huuaesae+ with ISO in Want undcrstaMd i17 nic Tawe's ISO dnitwation will help attract new business here. the pre- dictcd. Brian Skinner, cxcc-utivc asricrant to, Chief AdmirustrAuve Officer Richard Pari ttto, said earning the dicsiEnation was "an and-naking that waos cSernand- ing and chalknghng." Havato ISO in place will -help keep costs and taxes down, and provide our C11901Men padictable. consa lcnt and uhimaecly healer scrvirx keels:' Mr Skmrwr added. .412 part of the cenificati in process. about 5111) joh dc%LnrKRoas and duties were ddaumcnied. Mr RtrmAkr said this designation sliendni -wnc to seed a nw%- sage to Ajax cawcas and con>Fwnics that civic officials init red to run the Town like a husiness. '-If somcone's in with a complaim of a ralucst. they sho"'t expect to tic ignored. It will he dealt with right away. If not, they'll get a rc%ponst. There's going us he waouniaNlity more than anything else. Emplovices will he accountahle. If you're accountable, you'll perfiorm. If you're accountable, you'll deliver the goods." It's not only private -.Lctor cmpk)yees who strive to perform well in their jtrbs. Mr. Paristmo said. Stafl' arc individuals and they take individual prick in what they do:' Town stat) aren't dust talking the talk about delivering better service. he borast- a ")Don't take our word for it. Just watch it:' Chris Gillis of Durham College helped the Town with the ISO process. ''!boss: who do it correctly achieve cost savings and customer satisfaction;' Mr. Gillis said. "You'll provide better value W the residents and businesses in the Town:' DR. S. KHALFAN OPTOMETRIST EveniFiglSatuniay Appointments Available im Mlpu Free Parking NEW PATIENTS WELCOME a ftrirood Am S„ Nair (905) 426-1434 MCA"Er CIEA>wrn+c■ ■ BUTLM ■ ■ CARPET CLEANING ■ , lu'. ■ • on" rl...l.s ■ (9os) 68"160 ■ ■ "Tell your friends" ■ THE BUTLER oto R. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 0 dents at Pine Ridge Secondary School took advantage of Multicultural Day there and came in colorful attire from cultures around the world. Standing at front right is student G:ruruv Puri, who is the school's diversity officer on the student council. Peter's will match the Manufacturer's Rebate at the sales desk to DOUBLE your cash -back savings. G ET CASH BACK SAVINGS by mail from $M to S" on • WASHERS • DRYERS • LAUNDRY PAIRS in R,1\GES • REFRIGERATORS • DISHWASHERS r • OVER -THE -RANGE MICRO1h'AVE OVENS r �W it 401 & Brock Road, Pickering 061t rT' ���0► i 1 7S5 Pickering Parkway Unit 12 905-423-6333 or 1-800-231-9274 The ltiftMo a Mace to Shop appliances fa QUALITY . 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Excludes liquidation items in Clearance Centres and Catalogue purchases Offer ends Sunday, October 26 1197 Ask for details '0/601 furniture Shop excludes baby and pilo furniture 1650 rutaria St, UWI r7 Whitby, Oatafio P1loalf(905)579-4048 Stan Hem Moa. • Fri. 9:30 sAL - 9:00 pic Sat. 9:30 eAL - 6:00 pA. SOL 11:00 SJIL - 5:00 PJIL nbile "middies last SEARS 10314 Copyngnt 1997 Sears Caruda Inc. ec-�.. K,� � t PUM0-THE NEWS ADVERTISER W*3WESD4Y,OCTOBER IS, 11"7 Ajux-Pickering VEditorialsNewsAdvertiser and A MetrollatldCommunity Newspaper published Tuesday. Wednesday. Friday. Sunday PHONE: 683-5110 FAX' 683 7363 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax. Ont. L I S 2H5 Publisher: Tim Whittaker ♦ Editorial Is new minister the answer? As teachers. parents, students and politicians hold their collective breath across Ontario. the Province has decided the new minister of education, Dave Johnson. will be the man of the hour. the savior in the Bill 160 fight. Having ditched John Snobelen just before the legis- lature recessed last Wednesday (it meets again Nov 17). Premier Mike Harris is hoping Mr. Johnson's skills as a negotiator and manager will come to the fore and create labor peace with teachers. There's no doubt Mr. Johnson, who was chairman of management board. interim minister of health and deputy premier. has the ability to negotiate a deal with teachers. He managed the public service strike last year and saw it to a suc- cessful conclusion for both sides. Along with Treasurer Ernie Eves. he is the strongest cabinet minister in Mr. Harris's government, well-respected within, and out- side, the legislature. Mr. Snobelcn'. messv two-year tenure as minister got off to a bad start when it was leaked he had told education mmistn officials to "create a crisis" in the minim at their first large meeting after the Tories were elected to lune of 1995- His credibility was dam- aged, perhaps hey ond repair at that point. He had a condescending attitude toward teachers and it appeared there would he no possible way to cut a deal as long as he was in charge. That's all changed now. or has it real - Iv'.' The Pro%trice is still committed to getting the best hang for its education buck. And with education costs greater than the results they are to deliver, it's hard to argue with Hams government objectives. Ontario -4u- dent-., on a per capita spending h-asm. are faring less well than half the provinces in Canada. and do even worse when sow factor in costs per student when com- pared with other countries around the w(mid. We must do better. Mr Johnson and the governlnftnt will have to com- promise of co ursc as will teacher union leaden or no deal will he possible. The status quos isn't good enough for our students and isn't acceptable to taxpayers. flf()KOtnrCY rS.Y i -'x1411 ansj dial 3 f OV ♦You said it... In response to the Oct. 7 News Advertiser editorial headlined 'Take protest of sex offenders to justice system', our readers said: "1 hclwve the issue here is riot that this convicted offender is living to a conrmunuy, but it's the fact he's, living so close to a school... You don't put someone with a preference for chil- dren is a schoolyard. It's just wrong and it makes the parents uncomfortable and when they're uncomfortable then the children arc uncomfortable. It should he a safe haven for children." -Somewhere along the line (your editorial) says after foe's done the time, he's done the urns: it's the end of the story. No. there is no end of story when it comes to sex offenders. They prey (n the weak They're the most cowardly of all. Statistics suggest 99 per cent of them are rcpeaters. There is no cure. no matter what we think" vWe asked... The question is: What do you think about John Snobelen being removed as Ontario Minister of Education? .or Alice Abrahams says " 1 think Joanne Janssen says, "I think it is says, -1 think the should AT TUE VERY 1 LEAsT.AST1lE NEW MINISTER OF LAM IWILL BE A61.E To SAVE MONEYON/ LONG DISTANCE/ C �. �m $0 NoW 1NE A0 Tot 0 F AND 14E MINtw ARE FROM wagy,.. / `` . Jf C9lNC1DENCF ?- .I Two v Letters to the editor Attacking quality education is not `common sense' To the editor: I write to sou as a mother who with the help of many dedicated teachers raised four children in Pickering who graduated from university. are gainfulh' employed, have never needed welfare or even a student loan This was possible with the help of dolens of dedicated teachers who served their community and inspired their stu- dents- Without their help I could have tailed. 1 ala., lout tarsi Frasss4:lw{dtrca wlss. novas face an ever( inure difficult crieironnkent than their parents. 71htir teachers must :ope with new techook.gy. stuW budgets for h mA, aid computers. overcrowded classrooms, the needs of a non -English-speaking multicultural smi- Cty. weak pareaW mflucncc. resulting from sin - Irk parent and working -mother families. drugs. racism and alvenation. Teaching today is a lough, chalk -opal Job. Stirlen% hood more adividual attention and guidance. riot less. Class sizes must he kept small so tcac-hers can help and inspire thew students. Our govermocm's failure to understand the importance of quality education as we approach the 21st century t% very intrbintg. Prcparabonk time is essential for the preparabou of challenging lessons, projects and experi- ments. Teachers need time for extra activities: sports, arts• music. outdoor recreation. People of � Failure to properly Roiled education today will result in future funding of jails, welfare. drug rchabihtanon and unemployment insm- amc. Surely, the highest prxxuy should be given to quality education so ortr kids can take their place in the modern high-tech, socially complex and competitive world. Sure, the deficit must he eliminated. the debt paid down and with great numbers of highly trained. wen r-1. taxpaying workers we might even have a tax sift. It is A matter of prio ruites. For cxarnr*. you can make Ontario more efficient and save hnllfons by stopping the malw4dizatuxf rt urban sprawl. Cut the Menmury of Transpnrtatioa bud- get. refuse to fund new schools until the exist. Ing setwx)l% are fully utilized. 1 am not an expert in pedagogy, but I do have id) years of pairenting success. encouraging my kids' teachers. Instead of teacher hashing the goscrament should encourage our teaching profcswonah to get on with the challenges of the future. Govcrnmem advisers and spin doc- tors arc taut of touch with reality. WN) as more qualified to set education policy: teactiers or poldtictans and hurcaucrats" Attacking quality education is not •'amnion scow". Rboda .Alamck. (urrmont Ajax should have vote on casino To the editor: Further to your Oct. I editorial headlined 'Voters should hold (fit.- cards'. let me assure you a great many of my friends in Ajax agree with you. was most disappointed when our council dec1ided not to put the question to the people in the Nov. 10 municipal election. It was more dis- appointing inappointing when one of our brightest council- lors suggested that council members should not try to dictate the morality of our people. Good heavens, since when is stating a preference deemed to be mixed up in morality? The people of Ajax should be given the chance to say yes or no to casinos. I love to play cards, gamble and have even been known to bet on a horse race, and if 1 decide to vote 'No' to casinos it will not be because of any precon- ceived idea of morality but what 1, as a resident of Ajax, would like to sec happen in my awn. that was a good s appropriate and y have someone The News Advertiser accepts tellers to the editor. move. What it's about time. more qualified All letters should he typed nr math• hand-written. was he doing -- Only good who has gone ISO words. Each letter rnust he signed with a first someone with- things can come g through the g and last name or two rnntals and a last name. Please include a phone number for verification. out Grade 12 -- from it:' system I don't The editor resery th s h Council members always love to say "Let's hear what the public has to say". In this case• with respect to casinos. are they afraid they may not hear what they want to hear'' Public hear- ings can he interpreted many ways and often are. but when we make a statement on our bal- lot, why even council cannot change that. Gard Bradley, Aj- Bouquets to Town for flower displays To the editor: Accolades to the parks department of the Town of Ajax! Each summer. large hanging baskets and roadside containers are placed in Pickering Village with an attractive display of flowers. They beautify the surroundings and uplift the soul. Thanks, too, to the young women whose early -morning watering keeps the presentation fresh for so many weeks. WERNER GRAFFMANN Guest Column Ajax resident Werner Graffmann believes teachers' unions are holding taxpayers at ransom over Bill 160. Sensible majority of teachers must put students first Recent months have seen an ever - escalating war of polemics foisted by the teachers' unions upon the Ministry of Education. And, although the Province has now sidestepped the right to strike and other contentious issues. we still appear to be heading for an imminent, full-scale showdown. Notwithstanding the unions' sophistry, at stake ts. of course. our right by whom we wish to be governed, plain and simple. Either by tur elected representatives or by an unelected bureaucracy. hcholden only to itself. To be sure, while this affects all pub- lic service sectors. the education system takes on specific significance due its most sensitive product. namely the future of our children. Interest to the outcome, therefore, should not he limit- ed to parents of school-agc children only, but should also be of concern to all taxpayers, for several reasons. 1) The anachronistic days o1 the pro- lifcration of autonomous school hoard fiefdoms must come to an end, it only to induce as much cvcnncss as possible into the education process across the province. 2) A badly needed reduction n the spiraling expenditures of the past due to excessive costs and fancy, yet bankrupt ideas, as well as the Icaptnogging of LLrUOnf contracll from tunsdiction to jurisdiction. 3) The unctuous spectacle of inacces- sible and unaccountablc cducrats shap- ing the future of our children and grand- children in ways mono parents, have found objectionable, but arc unable to remedy. Makc no mistake about it. At stake arc two fundamental political systems — the freedom of dennacratic capitalism or the dictates of bureaucratic socialism. In this context, one cannot ignore the paradox of union history. Whcn originally corfccivcd. unions were the only defence workers had against the rapacious and ycs, some- times even murderous, capitalistic rob - her barons of yesteryear. Since then, however, the balance of power has swung toward the unions. certainly those in the public sector. Aided and abetted by suhscrvient trustces and politicians in recent decades, they were able to parlay their positions into overall affluence, exceed- ing parity with equivalent rankings in the private sector, even. Thus the ono: -time opprcssc:d have become "special interest" oppressors. claiming unreasonable demands based upon their monopoly position which, when contested, they are now trying to force upon us illegally. It is in this light that the overbearing teachers' unions, in fighting the government, are holding at ransom every taxpayer who is opposed to their seemingly unlimited powers. We shall all regret it dearly if the Ontario government should lose this struggle, which has far more to do with political power than with education. Hopefully we shall see the sensible majority of teachers place democracy and student interests before the exhorta- tions of the minority which bullies and leads them. The News Advertiser invites readers to submit columns for Be Our Guest on current issues far- ing our Durham Region commitiea ng t to edit copy for etters S. un in that poli- think the ideas length and content. . flpmtnus expressed in letters Submissions should be 600 words or less, mustAgnes, Frank and Sheila Cookey, be signed and include a daytime tele are those o the is riter and not neressarih• those o pour n tion'." were wrong" j f Un V Pickering alero her. published columns may run in condensed the News Advertiser. form as a letter te, the editor Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser Publisher: Tim Whittaker A Mcm,land Community Newspaper published "fucsday, Wednesday, Friday. Sunday 130 Commercial Ave.. Ajax, Ont. LIS 21-15 ` ' 4 JOANNE BURGHARDT Fdoor-in-Chief STEVE HOUSTON, Managing Editor BRUCE DANFORD Adwrinvrig Manager ALVIN BROUWER. Retail Advenning Manager EDDIE KOLODZIFJCZAK. Cla. tied Advertising Ntanager MONIQUE LEA. Real Estate/Auioloo( veAdventsing Manager ARE FAKHOUR1E IAstntxaeon Manager BARBARA HARRISON P -duction Manager JANICE O'NEIL, A.,,istant production Manager CHERYL HAINES. A, istant Production Manager LILLIAN HOOK, Administration Manager TO REACH US The News Advertiser is one of the Meuoland printing„ publishing and Otsnibwing group of newspapers The News Adventscr is a member of the Ajax General: 683-5110 Q Pickering Lund of Trade, Omenn Community Newspaper Assoc. Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc, Canadian Classified: sx1-0707 Circulations Audit Rood and the Ontario press Council The reserves W%triltution. 683-5117 puhhsher the right to classify or refuse any advertisement Credit for ad—nie nest linuted to Admin/ClwssWwd Fax: 681-7363 spec price error occupies Composing tax: 5749273 E-mail: thtsweek(a'tstarca Hop://www Jurhamnews.net Canadian Grculwrons Audit Boned Marnbar P • Letters to the editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I, f t ., , . THIS NEWS ADVERTISER W E MEWAY, OCTCOM IS, It1Yr - PAGE 7 EnvironmentalI'llassessment take anjoby needed f so m child has j or nuclear lant y . To thet foodin his'belly'I'm writing in response to the Sept. 30 edition article regarding a •` ` ' ° •rar►r• suggestior to appoint an ombudsman - to deal with the problems betweenr� To the editor: bedroom apartment, plus the hydro I : a" ti ,;t ` I'm a single mother, living on a bill. ertrrens and Ontario Hydro. „ ^ fixed income of $875.75 per My child gave up watching telco With all due respect. appointing C �' � .� an ombudsman to monitor the i month. I've been searching deeper- vision because of the length of dim �E _� — _� t ately for a job in order to support that has passed since he had cables nuclear on b x the same as putting a ,' i f my child. Each day brings one dis- I'm a medical office lab assis. suggestion box as its gates. It is use- '{"NL" i'"�� •I - _ °i; a appointment after another, as doors tant and I've just completed ony less. and i does nothing but act as a •• ?�e _ .. slam shut in my face one after the year of the Registered Practical ; diversion for criticism of Hydro. � .- ` � Further, it tikes the resother. I've vied everywhere there is Nursing Assistant course which 1, ponsibility off �* our elected politicians and adds � .. - a 'help wanted' sign as well as the had to quit because it was impossi� � - another level of ineffective bureau- agencies. lite to get to the food banks afters cracy. r'.ri1�; The answer is always -we will leaving school at 4:30 p.m. each ". A full environmental assessment i call you". day. There was no money for books, ;1' I called the agencies every day or bus fare to get to school. .1 is the only way to glue this comma- � � � �_- to no avail I'm willing to work anywhere in nity the answers it so badly needs. Letter writers Robert Paul and on the troubled Pickering nuclear I've reached the point where I order to provide my child with a Nothing sh,trt of a full indepen- Prank Douglas share their feelings plant and the nuclear industry. feally don't know what to do. At roof over his head and food in his. dent environmental assessment of the times, I fell as if God is punishing stomach. nuclear facility is acceptable after the devastating report that became public the truth from C We can't meet electrical needs by burning wood To the editor: In her Oc I guest column, Irene Kock of Durham Nuclear Awareness says. "Ontario Hydro remains com- mitted to is aging nuatar and coal ga- tions" and that us. this summer. We're tired of hearing If Hydro has nothing to hide, then about heavy water spills• illegally they and our local politicians should dumped waste on landfill sites. We're stop wasting our time with talk f an o tired of debates about the tritium lev- ombudsman and public rclaII els in our water and radiation levels schemes. This is nothing but a snow in our air. job. We need to get to the rout of this An environmental assessment, no problem. matter what the local Hydro manage- It's our right and responsibility to ment say publicly, is Hydro's worst demand a full, independent, environ - nightmare. You can bet they'll fight mental assessment. tooth and nail, and put extreme pres- sure on our elected representatives Robert Paul, (behind the scenes, of course) to keep Pickering Hvdro plays to -old OF p�C run a,llut- rN Ing coal ail oil- 110 fired sta%ons". _ z In the same — breath sh:n Cale] II1C era- Groups such uon of a trici- MIT(AVIM ty from Alax Energy, using arc quick tocrit- waste construe - N I\TFR 1.1\N- "0141 tion lumbr, stat- h ^wr PRl11:R to ing that do clec- Presclr..l x.,atanr t.aslrw fa tricity poduced ,.; , w,•Iking d ward, ,.. p .„c,,.n� an me. My rent is $875.00 for a two- R.A. Davis Pickering. We need your phone number! Ajax and Pickering residents writing letters to the editor of the News Advertiser are reminded that we need a day -time phone number where we can contact you for confirmation of your letter. This applies to people who email us tort If vo ur letter hasn't run. it could be PlcK,,EMG 420-2222 * 683-2760 24 hr. Direct Access 420-4660 Web Site: www.town.pickerinq.on.ca would be "dean, efficient and cheap-. Surcly Yom deal expect us to believe that the PrtMtnce can make u) for over 4,(X)0 aegawaIits of lositicoricity from the shut- down of Pickcsng 'A' and 1 k t. 13-1 v : A , (kt.13-18Ir.urameInt,xmutonWeek (k•t.14 1own('IwrwdMeetIng (Mt. 16 Stauow% P.Inl�wmatu•n Mccung I h't. 23 Sister, Dau ( Not. 29 C 4vmnuiice of AJfu,tmenl \m. 6 Site Peart Adh tvwy Commntec ♦r,. 17 C„k"d N urcctmg \n,. 19 C, wrimunec ,tl Adtustirknt \to,. 2t► SLduuny Public Informs oom Mccung \n.. 14 C,xnnuacc of Ad,u,imcm Bruce A' with KF'l IR OF l ►1 PSR 1 KF 111 t %(A Ian RF: d. F: %I I0% Duract wood.' REV IRF:S IHE Groups such MIT(AVIM as ti's. heck's 1NSI Rt Cl FOR arc quick tocrit- N I\TFR 1.1\N- "0141 kite w shout h ^wr PRl11:R to Putting fo'watd Presclr..l x.,atanr t.aslrw fa rational, realistic ,.; , w,•Iking d ward, ,.. p .„c,,.n� an solutions. Yes. r-”" "T C emrwak tcxperneaved orb nuclear power •^-•---� "I can he Ynsafe:-^»,-^ ti:indcr�.tw lraterww yet no oto has•. .r yaw L..Jun} Ie,cl I prcvwwu ever beer killed kr. •w•«" "'a`C("r""`TI or injure) as a i.wo utas >"� Irntrwcl.w ,..d.... c route of :5 years •n•��••,. I—in} and 1i hin* cxpertcadx of nuclea• power �( in Ontaria. How ; �°A"" ' Plc c utonw( a detailed ra-wtnc fey ".:e.-, ' many people tkn,Aer 11. 1947 u, -.-nw %Akm J.wr., Empl.•..tewt have been killed \c ices l'owrdinraw, 1 w11 a or injurtd on the bt—mor, IkWrt-cnr. 401 in Pickering or Ajax in the FHE MIAN 4W PIC KE.RIM.' last is years., W':PARTMF:N'f (WP.aRI:-S 6c Fa<•ILtTt1:.S Should we dose SENIOR CITIZENS SNON REMOVAL PROGRAM the The Town of Pickering. and the C,madian Electricity Progress Club Rckcrmg/Ajax Wotnen offers a production is Snow Removal Program tier Srmor C iii/ens in about choices. urban areas only. "(he program provides snow We can produce removal of residential trot walkway, driveway power in Ontario apron and clearance to the front/rear to meet the emranceway. There is no charge for this service demand, or we however as the program is operated using can become existing staff'. dependent on OPENINGS ARE LIMITED TO THE .other provinces FIRST 2W APPLICANTS or the U.S. to For further information please contact the supply our elec- Department of Parks & Facilities tricity. If DNA, at (905) 426-4624 Greenpeace and Raging DEADLINE FOR APPI.ICATIONS - Gr G Grannies had November 14, 1997 their way, all of the nuclear, coal The Pickering Township Historical and gas plants Society will hold a general meeting on would be shut Tu'stlay. Oetobcr 14, 1997, at the PiAcring down. How Recreation Complex. The evening will be a would we meet discussion "A Shared Heritage, Heritage: Ajax our electrical and Pickering" by William Parish, former mayor demands? Is Ms. of A)ax. The meeting will commence at 7:30 Kock volunteer- p.m. and will be followed by social time and ing to have her light refreshments. hyd[o service Admission a frcc and all are welcome to attend. disconnected? For more inlormauon call Tom Mohr at (4051 goy -1,12. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES", NITIES", I Il,�r Ihp.nim.•n ,d l-.,:h,u .rJ kiircaium „ I,.,.i,,n� I.w ,trleiefleJ i IS Near. ,I age :rid ,4,k -r, .+ho woulal hke I., he a rown of I '• keY,n,: iulrnlcc, It Naar w uid hkc lu ..""t ..woe new Inen4%. learn r rrw new ..::I, or just have Ito time. we lt-king Vttu' VldLLnlcer, arc restored N. a,Nt,1 � , i • '%c 1b4 1, w ing arca. • Zkh (7tildrea'. ProoWarn. • "Leisure muddies- - A,a,tmg ..IiN idual, w ith sre. til Needs to l'''ogs", • special F: ornt. e•• Artless: CtmVtcx ft::aid N Pa1IN. Iladul4y Trey Lighting. \,w YCar , Evc Cckbrattdo ) be-ausc you didn't provide a phone number At the News Advertiser. we like to discuss letters to the editor with their authors• as well as confirm they came from your pen for computer). Call Steve Housan at 6XI-5110 If v„u have any questions. Pickering Concert Band invites you to their Family Spooktacular Concert Sunday, October 26 - 2:00 p.m. Kohn Auction Barn 2699 Brock Rd. N., Pickering (between Finch & Taunton Rd.) Prizes for best costumes! Goody bags Children's Activities - 1:00 p.m. Hay & Pony rides Face painting _ Scare -Yourself -Silly Room �► �.� Kids in coshune FREE! %pplicatkins are available at the Adults: $6.00 ' Pickering RecreatirHt Complex For inti call 686-0523 or 831-2754Memo zo �v � .r •�V 831-1711 or 683-6582 Tickets at Pickering Vdloge Pharmacy wt -000 FITNESS CONSULTATION Lift You Fitness Level - book your Fitness Consultation TODAYW Joining a health facility and starting an exercise program can be overwhelming! The Pickering Recreation Complex offers you a Fitness Consultation that will help you get started or simply continue on the path to healthy living. A Fitness Consultation is for beginner to advanced level patrons interested in starting an effective exercise program that will produce results! A Fitness Consultation measures your current fitness kwiel and capacities. It r a mists of.. E:. Cardiovascular ellilcierlcy t sir Body downics Mfus�cular strerlgilh and endurance Blood 1341111111131,11110 ,... At ate conclusion of your F*sw C4olisultati«t, tete gltaMiad ovpftiw! i+lgit�s progam that Eliminate the guess work often involved in developing your own exercise program - have an exercise program designed especially for you by a qualified fitness professional! Buy with confidence... the Pickering Recreation Complex is ONE OF ONLY TWO Accredited Fitness Appraisal Centres in the Durham Region! For more information, call the Pickering Recreation Complex at 905-831-1711 or 905-683-6582 FALL FAMILY PICNIC Congratulates McGraw-Hill Ryerson Read-A-Thon WINNERS: Southwood Park Public School, Ajax - 5500* Glengrove Public School, Pickering - $300* Vaughan Willard Public School, Pickering - $100* `Resource Materials '74aw4-"w is r 40&4.. s-;?ze l ;e9ozosm afvc a>ittoKo" tie ,tr,elfEt�unr7 Sclsool�(rowae 17"Odn aft We can't meet 116 the province's electrical needs with wind Multicultural Council of Oshawa/Durham ' lumbo solar A Window To The World • Saturday, Oct. 18 veer or burning lumber. To sug- gest otherwise,e. —C Ms. Ms. Kock, is lunacy 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. CENTRE COURT Frank Douglas, Ajaxx V * * W W * * * %�C 7k )tk W SIC 311[ A PAIGE 6 - TME Nk W S ADV EItTWEN W EINEMAY, OCTkUiM 15. 1"7 Durham Catholic students challenged to solve racism BY St SAN UNEILL %I V1 1,01"RI7H Close to IM students from Durham schools are %hating anti -racism initiati%es with their peer, now that then're back in class after the Thanksgiving weekend. The Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board is holding a spirit leadership camp for Grade 6 through 8 students this week in the hope of instilling a greater sen%e of acceptance among students. "W Ya not pushing tolerance." says Cynthia Rodncv. a teacher at Pickenng's St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School who co-ordinated the three-day program with David Malleau from St. Paul Catholic School in Whitby. Ms. Rodney %a)'s the program aims to teach "acceptance through understanding ... we want them to he emponvcrc'<d'- While attending the camp. the students take pan in bonding activities within their own "families' which arc made up of a cern%-section of pupils from schools across the region. Mr. Mallcau says the practice of separating students from the same school means when gawp% reunite at their respective schools the pupils will have different ideas and "fresh" perspectives. ..W • the he Separate school board students in Durham came back to school after the Thanksgiving holiday armed with new way% to combat racism. Here, students Sametta Cole. Kciley !Miller, Cynthia Maidonald take part in an exercise during a spirit leadership seminar held last week �►�w•www•AVA•AV^•www•w•.� � � of 30 IV C ion 30 AP31 C OCTOBER30 . � s • ` i 99 Thornton •. S. OSHAWA DURHAM'S LARGEST AUTHENTIC Country Craft Show featuring Canada's Top Exhibitors with the best Selection of Folk Art, Victorian, ' S Southwest, Contemporary and Country Crafts. OUR TEA ROOM, BUY A QUILT DRAW TICKFT FOR THE UNITED WAY ' C ENJOY . .... �. 9FioralDesigns 9'.'tndles S 31 * (�� 9 Jewelry 9 h•, yrs i •Foo: Art IP :,, oden Colledbles . C m, i ' 9 �t,,ined Glass 9' - is 31 9 Quits 9 r., . f•roduction F*iture e •^~ ..... 9 P._ , ttery 9 : irmet Deligh$ •T 'TWE STANDS STILL" ADMISSION S.•-oo 31` 4 ' i.wrrwrrwww%p&W&rrwrrwWAWA SENN)RS $3.00 (905) 434-5531 Children Under 10 Free Vw.� w e an, m to more cog- nizant and he able to recogruive u racist ideas and actions and to core up with solutions for change:' he %ays. The stu- dents will develop action plans to implement when they return ao class. "We don't consider this program a success Just because they've had a good EATON S TRANS time here. Mr. Mallcau says. The procc%s of developing a plan of action turns the program into a "proactive expenee . W'UP TO While the students concentrate on developing anti -racism initiatives. Mc 40%off ntic Lv says. en want sjus to much nt�r Cirlpnwerrrent acre% Just :L% much through sprntuahty" The students "bccoxre active in M -;x tng lir spintu- al celebration%" thnoughhrot the week as VANITY FAIR well The race is on for trustees in Ajax, Pickering With the close of nonnnauons lot ;hc Nlon. 10 muntcgxd ck-Ltio n Fnday. the race is on in Pickering for trustee po%t- txw% on the %crur-atc and public school boards. Howc%rr. a% a result tit the Province'% redrstnbution of trustee% under Rdt Irl, the Fewer lctxr,l ta..r.b Alt. Ut c .rc revs- ,tab up kir Fab%. The %cdxratc hoard was reyunv d to chop the number of tru%tec% in the rcgxm from 18 to eight. elimrnrung one positron in Pickering. There arc five cattdxiate% in the nn- arng for the two seats on the separate board — Davc Curne. Ivarko Lahrrc- etosa, Anna Minelli. Jim McCafferty and Fran Pemra The number of public h owd trwace% is being reduced from 15 to ll acro%% the region. and from three too two in Pickering. Paul Crawford. Jan Genge. Al Goodall. Sommerville Henry and Ruth Ann Schedhch arc m the running for the public hoard trustee ptrroott%. There will he no French trustees on either Durharn hoard as the Provmce'% legt%latuon will create two French lan- Suage district school heard% %mctchilng across rTkrA of miathern Ontario. EL-une L.egauh. current chatrm an of the French language section of the Durham Regio Roman Catholic SeTa- raw School Board. is the lone candidate in the running to repre%ent the region on the new French language separate board. Jean -Marc Cowffrn. Nouasri Has - sen and SvI%ic Landry are competing it represent Region IA. which includes Durham. Northumberland. Petertxor- ou_eh and Clarngton. on the neve French language public board LN AJAX: Gem Noonan and Janice Oldman. current separate board trustees, will compete against Vernon Edwards for the one Ajax seat on the separate school board which will be renamed the Durham District Separate School Board. As a result of the Province's redistri- bution of trustees under Bill 101, the Fewer School Boards Act, the number of separate board trustees from the Town has been cut from three to one. The board was required to chop the number of trustees in the region from 18 to eight. 1L'hile the number of public board trustees is being reduced from 15 to I I across the region, the number of Ajax trustees to sit on the board remains unchanged at two. Vying to represent Wards I and 2 on the public board are Darryl Blakeley and Andrew Temple while Donna Bavdak and Brian Clarke are running to represent Wards 3 and 4. There will he no French trustees on either Durham hoard as the Province's legislation will create two French lan- guage district school boards stretching across most of southern Ontario. Elaine L egault. current chairman of the French language section of the Durham Region Roman Catholic Sepa- rate School Board. is the lone candidate in the running to represent the region on the new French language separate board. Jean -Marc Couffin, Nouasri Has - sen and Sylvic Landry are competing to represent Region IA, which includes Durham. Northumberland, Peterbor- ough and Clarmgton. k I PANTYH HTE AND TIG S Bu, Buy ._. sd%e -. Excludes 513.99 guaranteed in -stock 3 -pack pantyhose. 2 -packs considered a single item. W%Off ALL BRATS WerrtBrS, VtryuerBr2t .0 otj »ytox (eakJOW 519.96 ppogrw, Speedo and WonderBra Prer here). 300/o o MEN'S SOCKS Selected brarc ,ia.mes and Eaton Basics. MEN'S RETREAT PERFECT T-SHNRT SALE, ONLY $9.99 20%uff ONEIDA FLATWARE 5-pce. formal place settings and 20-pce. casual sets. 200/fo ROYAL DOI�LTON Figurines and _ Bunnykins Dinnerware the one 50%Off JEWELLERY Jones New York boxed jewellery. Savings off original ticketed prices. UP TO 50%off OPULENCE PILLOWS, DUVETS AND MATTRESS PADS %Uff SEVEN GIFTWARE Excludes Collectibles. 30%aff LAMPS AND LAMP SHADES All regular -priced in -stock . I THE NEWS ADvrjrrmEa wmNESDAir. ocima R IS. jw? - pAt:Lr 9 Pickering We're online at ww"r. durhamnews. net Hot new o e� available onlySunday!until 50%Off $200 off COOKWARE ALL SOFAS AND a cook vast sets LO�EATS and open stock. r. C UP TO JEM00 Off SETS S r- mons. Sealy, Serta arc Spring Au AND SOFA BEDS 300/o OSFiKOSFI All kid's co-ordinates,sleepwear and shoes. 35"/o WOMEN'S SLEEPVVEAR ExclucUes it w s Carada Sale spec a: c,.vs and Cahnrl Klein. 300/o ATT1WDE All Attitude shoes, dean and tops for women. 3 0 O O W- ff ALL MEN'S SWEATERS Excludes Designers. . 1 •A IL IF ad •4-- W%Off AM WCHM AM TABLE LJFIEENS our best sale of the season! All savings off original ticketed prices OVER 250 DEALS, M aerie good wo 9ud", oclabr 19, 1991 a dtNs yu.alw Isat 9svYies ell ergot t , III I: , 8auceon value W alae. Factory aam. ltl, Mmes and Cbalallos Cowes not li ckded Fu lkm not sae/tafr 1n M NOML revamps off-street parking rules By MARIANNE TAKACS tir TRLW)Vrl:* PICKERING — New off-street parking rules regulating the size of vehicles resident, can park on their properties have been approved by Town Council. The Town's current zoning bylaw provisions for off-street parking date hack to the early 1960s. with some amended in the mid -1970x. According to a planning department report to Council, the Town has received many complaints over recent years about the number and types of vehicles, such as trucks and buses. hetng parked in front of people, home, Residents have been concerned about their impact on the streetscape and on pedestrian safe- ty. However, when bylaw officers have gone out to deal with complaints they have found the old bylaws are now dif- ficult to enforce. explains Geoff %lcK- night of Pickering'% planning depan- mem For example, under the old rules, 'private' vehicles were permitted to he parked in driveways while commercial vehicles were prohibited. so that some- one with a large truck in their driveway could leve it there on the ha%i% thev also used it for their private driving needs. "We changed the emphasis from the type of vehicle being considered to tic size of the vehicle:' sav, Mr McK- night. Under the new rule,. ,chicles parked in front of a home or on a side of it cxpined to the street (such a, on a corner lots may he no h,ghcr than 2.6 metre% and rui longer than 6 7 mctrc% In the rear and side yards, vehicles up to four metre% high and 10 metres ling may he parked Inoperative vehicles. such as one up ,,n blanks. must be kept within an cml,^cd %ur ttrc. A maxt- mum of titer vehnlc% may he parked on the externa of a l.x, inc of which may be a tr:uler. In effect. a relatively small c,xnrrler- cial vchtck. a tntkr with a how. of a mint- whxxwl bus co tild he parked on a from driveway. while a medium-size truck or large rrxxor home could. only be parked cn the side. and a regular- srne sc•Nnnt Ars vcx,tdn', M rx,tiwimu % UJ park un a r_su3cntt4l lot at all. "If it'% tout high to tit ,r. a game it's too high to sit in the front yard and if it's Iw long it, fit in a garage it's kw bag to it in the Imu yard.- says Mr. Mc knight. CORRECTION NOTICE MEDIA 1031 On Sale Oct. 13 - Oct. 26 Sews Days Flyer Page 17 READS. Save S20 On All Wore^ s Softsports® Comfort Shoes -The Softspotsig Style 'Accra m' wit not tie avaiW*'. Sears regrets any ulconvenence that T,is 'nay have caused. Making the Grade? How to Motivate Your Child to do Better in School. Icatunm• Nt;k Whitchead Ph Il %%ed. Oct. 22. 7:311pm Spa,e i, ::mite,: Call ',, re.::.:.: 42,11-3141 Reading " makes me feel good! Children discover the joy of learning! Using innovative learning materials developed by our own research teams, our students learn to read, write and spell using phonics. It's fun! It's creative! It works! *Reading *Writing eSpellin *Math •Studv Skills *French *Homework Support Call today! You'll be glad you did! �JJ 420-3141 C0010M I IIS RecA .Aive., rltkerm t tt wa,G ce aw- Ih1/;g N .TIS M1 Wts AUS t:K'1'LCt:K N ta►Nt tiDAl'.1 K"tt Nit:K I c, 1"7 Make a run for Heart and Stroke fund-raiser You can make a fund-ramng tvent for the Heart and Stroke Foundation a roaring success. The Whitby Tiger, Running Club h holding a 10-kiloi Ire run and a five -km walk or run on Sunday. Nos. 2 starting at to a.m. The event stark and finishes at the InNuois Park Arena at the corner uI Victoria and Henry streets in Whnhv. Th, route for both the run and walk Is around the Port Whitt,% Harhour. Awards will be prescnted to the top three male and feniale finishers in the 10 -km run and the first overall male and female master runners. All Participants will rccrrvc a certificate. The first 50 pre -registered walk- ers and runners w III recetcc a T-shirt. The cost for the 10-knt run is 510 in advance and 512 on No%. 2. For the five -km events, it's 55 in advance Help is where the Hearth is The Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre in Oshawa. which .fliers pro- grams for Durham Region cancer patients and their carcgners, is seek- ing volunteers and oftcnm voduniccr training. Join in the joy of creating a centre whine mission is it, care for each other as People lice with cancer Training is being offered for reception. peer surpori and support group facilitator vo.lunirers on Wednesdays. Oct. 22 and 21) and Nov. 5 from 6.30 ro 9:30 p m Peer support sol- untcers must have had a Per stinal expenemc w nth cancer. w ith at least one sear and $6 on the day of the event Stroke Foundation. Call t06-9270 All proceeds go to the Heart and for more information. ` t s , f Nilt y t _. Rrliahle. supervimcd dao carr it a home it,virtu nrightx)tirhoxxl • Sate. comfortable environments • Reliable local back-up for Provider's • St,mulating daily programs nclidays or illness • Traired. professional Providers • Complete insurance coverage • Monthly home inspections • income tax receipts supplied and. we welcome full of part-time owe for children from 6 weeks of ager —Wft Watch Ptiwse 11111111111111119of Cart 1` S– For Information Call: 686-4816 since then cliag noses Tratnini will NEI take place at Hearth Place, Yh C,,fN,rnc tit H' 199 Call �'`i-iti and ask for Andrea for a Prc inion iew . Hearth Place M 0 is also lowking for %olunteerh Iii .. assrsl with the planning oI its Winstmo . may , raisin •events DeviA6AqQ up Mandir opens in Pickering PI('Kf,RINC — Gran,l „penin, celchrations arc being held Saturday. Oil 1% from I to 5 P.m, kir the nc% Dci Mandir Hindu tcnipic at 25% Brock Rd Escrs,mc is Welcome to attend the tiPemng of this wow N -construct- cd inandir and cultural centre. Admisatn is Imo. The celebrations will iricl= enter- twrimcnt and refreshments. For ntore information. call Amar at 316-239- 3579 or Krishna at 416-755-1693. Altona Forest outing PICKERING -- A trip to the Alton Forest is planned when the Pickering Naturalists go on a trek this wcek- end. The group is heading out Saturday. Oct. IN and will learn about the J. Murray Speirs Ecological Reserve while on the outing. Meet at 9 a. m. at the southwest comer of the Pickering GO station parking lot. Call 666- 3897 for infor- mation. 1 The Select Committee on Ontario Hydro Nuclear Affairs will hold Mpublic hearings on issues as contained in its terms of reference in erento, and in the communities in which the Darlington, Pickering and Bruce nuclear facilities are located. Please contact the Cleric of the Committee to obtain information on the specific locations and dates for each location. The Committee's terms of reference includes the review of the Nuclear Performance Advisory Group's Independent Integrated Performance Assessment (IIPA); the examination of the Atomic Energy Control Board Report on the IIPA making recommendations on safety principles relating to training and implementation plans; and examining the costs and environmental impacts of the nuclear recovery statement. The Committee expects to present its final report by December 1. 1997. Interested people who wish to be considered to make an oral presentation should contact the Clerk by 12:00 p.m., on Monday October 20, 1997. Those who do not wish to make an oral presentation but who are interested in providing a written submission, may do so by sending it to the Clerk at the address below by Friday, November 7, 1997. Derwyn Shea, M.P.P. Donna Bryce Chair/President Clerk /Grelfrdre Room 1405, Whitney Block/Bureau 1405, Edifice Whitney Queen's Park, Toronto, ON M7A 1A2 Telephone/relbphone: 416/325-3525 Facsimile/Telecopieur: 416/325-3505 TDD/ATS: 416/325-3538 Collect calls will be acceptedJ Nous acceptons les appels A frais vires. Cos renseignements sod disporribites en franFais sur dernande. 1.. K :' Legislative Assembly of Ontario _L4 'Get the very lowest prices on the largest selection of quality new and pre -owned cars, trucks, vans, and 4x4s in town! _ff.— //bi on-site, Stop gaggling! You know you'll always get the lowest prices on our cars - guaranteed!" j 997 PLYMOUTH NEON t.,ar 2A 4 s� rt'a0 CMI ti -oft. inn *. AKirtM CaU�lw F=y ttNtigrigi $592 PER DAY - r tilUnder financing is available toFind Selection, qualified buyers! ings, And Service One Roof!" 1997 VOYAGER SE fttaw.l!t�x Ton vCt bo: dr >• r triR.pt�rwBtL Kite mama Wow Ilppr itrL lw ill. 7=11111 ape OYinrdttmryirtrril art, War ftcarOstit $$21 PEA DAY - 1997 STRATUS pax ry� sit . Psnt incitits tuowttic. 2.41, trip". cruse. AIWFM 1115"'n" On ftich ow Nwm at I 61388!7N2zfflaAr_ M im M MEN r a � r �J t 811111MEF, .11 It JR. A VIL GE 8 CHRYSLER li :RVICE OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY AND EVERY NIGHT Volunteer groups need People just like you in Ajax and Pickering There's a lot you can do for your community, by lending your free time and your wealth of talents as a volun- teer to help less fortunate people living in your town. Several local agencies want you as; a volunteer member of their teams. Ajax -Pickering Community Care Home Support Program: Needs vol- unteers to dn%c wniorN and physically disabled adults to their medical appointments. A gasoline compensa- tion is provided. Call Sally Longo at 686-3331. Ajax -Pickering General Hospital Auxiliary: Require, mature. reliable volunteer% 16 years or over for various areas of hospital in-service, library cart and also gift and coffee shops. Training provided. Call Betty or Ella at the aux- iliary office,683-2320, cxt. 5481. Mondays or Thursdays, 10 a.m. to noon. or Tuc%days. I to 3 p.m. Ajax -Pickering Iced Cross: loin the Red Cross team' C hallengmg peni- tious exist with many programs and services. Call 420-3383. Arthritis Societv of Durham Region: V 1untcerN needed to help with special events throughout the year. fundraising and office work and/or serve on the chapter's executive committee. Call Lucy Pem at 434- 7221 or I-8XN-765-(1))5. Ajax -Pickering Women's Resource Centre: Women volunteer% are needed a, up" and provide mfcrrnatitn on community r:surccS to abused women at a vulnerable time in their lives. You will be required to work at le" two hours per week, he willing to learn new skill% and share your wisekxn and concern. For applica- tion or information. call Jackie or Joan at 686-2f.6r. Not Briothers .acsnciation of Ajax - Pickering: Women and men are reed cd for the new in-schoxsl Mentioning Program one Mur per week Big Brothers and volunteers for group activities, office uspp rt and agency programs arc also needed. Share the fun and %uppxt the mums and M)ys from father -absent homes in our coxn- munlYGs. Call 6X6-_'871 8orei( Parent Prop -Am: Being a Black Ku,:w i% cos% acid rewarding. Display the Blick Parent %ign only when it t% coxrvcnent to answer sur door. Your oxJy rc%punubday is kvfink tip the person in need of r%istamc with the proper autfwritoc%. For nxxe mf rmaticsn aMxu the Ajax Bleak Pr - cm Prtsgrarn. call Henry laczek at 427- 2054. Fix the Pickcnng Block Parent Program. call Sandra Armstrong at 8 A 1 ON7X 84C Sisters Association of Ajax - Pickering: Women who can offer a supr,orte%c, caring frie:(dship to a girl six to 16. a Msy six ks 10 or w a preg- nant teen or young mother are needled to volunteer with the one-to-one matching programs. Volunteers arc needed for office help. spinal events. fundraising and the Hurd of dirccuw%. Call 428-81 1 I . Breast Cancer Society of Canada - Durham R -pon Chapter: The %oci- ety fund, Canadian breast cancer rcscarch and hcigh(ens people's aware- ness of txca%t cancer. Volunteers who can donate two to three Msur% per rnon(th arc needed to assist in the daily operations of the chapter, to assist in the organization of fundraising events, to conduct public speaking engage - menu, etc. Full training provided. Call 686-7993 or 666-4561. Canndam Cancer Society. west Durbom Unit: Volunteer are required for many interesting activities, includ- ing organizing and canvassing for the annual April fundraising campaign. Drivers are also needed to transport patten vi to cancer trcaument centres. It is an invaluable way to spend your spare time since one in three Canadians are diagnosed with cancer in their life- ume. Contact Lynn Nazarko at 686- 1516. With your help cancer can be beaten. Caiadran Dh&eks Ansecinhou Durlmm Region Bramcb: The goal of CDA into improve the quality of life of Canadians affected by diabetes through research, service, advmxy and educa- tion. The Durrharn Region branch needs volunteers for a variety of positions and to help out at bingos held every Sunday afternoon at Caesar's Bingo Place, 88 King St. W., Oshawa If inter- ested in any of these positions, call Ted Savelle, fund development co-ordina- tor at 436-6648. Child Find Ontario - Durham Region Chapter: Child Find is dedi- cated to reducing the incidence of missing children and returning them home safely. Call anytime and leave a message at 686.3181. Children's Aid Society of Durham Region: Volunteers needed to act as special friends to children and parents, to supr:rvise family access vis- its, to help with special events and to supervise the children's playroom. For more information, call Susan Kuchars. ki at 433-1553, ext. 2311 (mornings only). I_ -right right to your doorstep four times each reek in the News Advertiser' 69EE A nR 69 Sears-O-Pedic� Days...Don't miss our Lowest Pn,*ces This Yean fns=SIlEP*tf I& so ~41S. SMS 1115 599.91. his ser Oeoli coker sees i r si Save 61TIc 'JACQUELYN' POCKET COIL & FOAM SLEEP SETS Ton .70510 Sus reg 15" 91 sass BrAle. NOSU Lis reg I lf"" 1738 flow .70W Lens ref. 2099 91 iiia er7 Mr eir re loot 91S[OYNI' M I� SBS mums. Soars not W.91.1.: sol 1341 Who end Wm so rW as tri fu><uer� a �sBllr�� .71ti0 b Lis n} 799.91. ilia set rwrosdtoor Wit SM �x DESW II9UPSEA -79170,75 Sees reg. 1799.91. Twit sat `671! - Wle.0"MOWr'"M*0ruk toPlus, don't pay for one full year when you use your Segs Gard on furr&ww, sleep sell and dean c*or nags tNs'i per esN DeeoMr 1991, r epprowd aedii, saM row Sus (rd. Yiowor 5200 pwclw. StS deFwrol In eoi eN opplrolle Nus oe/ rlwpn re popeMe or one of psi<hou Eorlodr i A&M dors ie (loreou (ecru 411111 (01116 a poreMses 0Hw esds Ssedry, 00" 26, 1197 111 In do" '0/101 Fwworo Sleep, ndsdn loll God polio furedore For poor Amptibi n11eoeiero...AN Moe @itws we eeolow w for brio, SI. (Ml orbes, heroeedo, SnrMeo* weeNtoe. 6orrerd Spro, Nee a" oed MrYsiik sower end ow Nerrriot 1wellwe eetlw 141reoiee. ryes, Morro ebe eoegdM w tle hNewiq Whale Mem l' i(wo Sieros: MrNq(ee INS) UI -9155, Miuisseop 19051 $29-611111, kmpNe (NS) 4$5.125S, Kitcbm r (SI9) llfa-9211, WW*Y t»S) S29-N/i, woo&rWp (NSI ass -NN 1650 Vi lwk St„ UWt #7 Wbilb out" KIM! (90S) 579-4043 Storz NoBrs: NlwFrie 9:30 oAL - 9:00 pili Sot. 9:30 Bs - 6:00 pAL SB1le 11:00 GJL - 5:00 PJL ." 9sniilrs IN 10 10311 Co OqN 1997 Secs Car,,, Mit PAG[ 12 - Turr whirs AtwEirrmm N'mwmAY, o onom t Is. t"7 .Around Durham- Region Drug suspect launches$1.5 million lawsuit p Bl' STEPHEN SHAW I" "HAM SlAll A major drug conspiracy case has taken an unusual twist with the lawyer for an Oshawa man. who suffered a severe jailhouse beating, applying to have the prosecutor kicked off the case on grounds of bias. And in another strange tum. the accused man has now launched a S 1.5 -million lawsuit which accuses the Crown of "jeopardizing" his safety and the Whit- by Jail of "negligence.' Dennis Clinton Warner is one of dozens of peo- ple facing hundreds of drug conspiracy and weapons charges stemming from a crack cocain bust last December, dest:nbed by police as the largest ever in Durham Region. The civil lawsuit surrounds a letter sent in July to all defence ctunstls in the criminal case by Stephan Mannier. the prosecutor assigned by the Canada Department of Justice to handle the drug charges. According to a statement of claim, filed in Ontario Court. general division and obtained by'his Week. the letter named Mr. Warner as a Crown wit- ness at a preliminar hearing. The bearing - to determine if there is sufficient evidence to send the accused men kr trial - was scheduled to Stan last week but was delayed pend- ing the outcome of the motion to remove Mr Martmer from the case. In the statement of claim it's alleged Mr. %larinier "knew, was willfully blind to or recklessl} disre- garded" that the letter would give the impre.slon that Mr. Warner was co-operating with the authorities: that he planned to testify against his co -accused -In fact at no time did Warner have any intention whatsoever of co-operating with the Crown:' the statement of claim says. Five days after the letter was sent. Mr Warner was visited by officer~ with the RCMP Hetero he Special delivery from ;an \lc\amara has a friend inldccd In Michael ('had The paramedic delivered Mr.. McNamara'% %on at her Ajax home Saturday. Oct. 4. The baby was named Chad. after Mr. Chad. Bl \1 \RIANNE TAKAC-S ~TAF} REPORTIE t AJAX — Mike Chad of Ajax is a •-rend in need arkd a friend indeed. Not only was he prepared to provide ,ncr,•ency babysitting for his friends. '.In and Patrick McNamara of Ajax. .1 hen they were to have their baby early ant Saturday moaning, he delivered the I,abv Loo, Mrs. McNamara was in what was �upposeod to be an early stage of labor when her water broke slR iffy atter 3 am. ,-aturday. Oct. 4. Mr. Chad and his wife. Sandra, friends of the Mc Namara.. who both just happen to he paramedics. were asked if either could corse over and baby-sit the McNarnlaras' other two chil- Ifen wtuk- they went to NNvital. So. Mr. t 'hid dropped hy. "Basically-. as he got to the door the hab%'s head popped out in the bathroom upstairs:' recalls Mr.. McNamara *1 knew xrnedung was haggyening but 1 didn't expect to deliver there and there. He just took over the whole .itua- returned to his cell Mock, according kI the statement. Ix was branded an-informev' by other inmates. "He was then attacked from behind and severely beaten." Tht statement says Mr. Warner suffered a severe concussion, a fractured cheekbone and nose. swollen eyes and cuts and bruises to his face and head. It goes on to list various physical and emo- tional problems he continues to suffer as a result of the attack. In issuing the letter. Mr. Mannier "abused his public office with malice... (and) thereby commit- ted an assault on Mr. Warner:' claims the lawsuit. The civil action also blames Whitbv Jail officials. who -knew or ought to have known" Mr. Warner would be a target for -physical attack but failed to ensure his safety. "Warner's beating and the Injuries resulting... were contributed to as a result of the negligence of the Whitby Jail:' says the statement. A statement of a friend tion. very calm. very collected. "He did a great job:' Mr. Chad and Mr. McNamara carried Mrs. McNamara from the bathroorn to the bedroKtm, where. in the capable hands of Mr. Chad. she gave birth to a son at 3:45 a.m. Young Chad, at seven pounds. seven ounces. is doing fine. It was the fifth baby delivery for Mr. Chad. but the first ever off-duty. uncquippcd and in the home. It should also he riled that it seems Mn. McNamara is not one to oleo things the ordinary way. Two -and -a -half years ago, she gave birth to her older son. Jordan. on the same day her sister-in-law. Jantinc Caner. also had a boy. The two habies were brought into the world by the same doctor at Ajax -Picker- ing General Hospital o ric hour and 20 minutes apart, both nine days late and both after lahor was induced. Their picture was in the paper that time too. Lawyer for Whitby mom working on deal BN SIEMIE\ SH.Aw dent we will avoid a trio... %Ir. I It kHA,f STV I Pell said in a tekphonic mtm wo. K HITRV - A Whithv woman Mrs. Hawley. who until this charged w Ith .luffrng her mental- year has worked as a supply IN drsahled dauehter in the trunk teacher for the Durham Board of of a car while vacationing in Edtrcati—. was charged lam sum - Florida may not have to stand raer by pie is Cedar Grove. �616iY }lawltye� K 7Cse� Fla. �'0� witOealei. IaC:Y�, ata uled to he arraigned in a Fkwida off-duty officer. said court Nov. 6 obi the charge of they observed a woman aggravated child abuse. carry bet seven -year - Her U.S lawyer. Robert Pell. old daughter from the said vraerdav he 3s currently back seat of a car. place negtxiating` with the state arta- her inside the trunk nerd ney'% office in an attempt to have close the lid. The tem- thc case resolved prior to the peraturc At the tithe was arraignment. above 44afegrees Ccl- -We are attempting to work sus. police sad. things out. . . but not ung has The girl was inside been completed. We are conft_ the trwk fox less than a New YMCA plans to keep old ties to Durham communities Bl' BRIAN L.EGREE ULRHAM STAFF OSHAWA -'lie YMCA is coming to Oshawa but it's not leas Inv Durham's other communities. The organization held formal ground -breaking cere- monies in downtown Oshawa Tuesday, although construc- tion on the new Durham Region YMCA. a S13.5 -million, 60.(l0O square-f«x facility, won't begin until January. The move to the southeast corner of Mary and William streets will allow the YMCA to have a central focus while simultaneously ser ing the rest of Durham Region, says Lee Fraser, the Durham Region YMCA's manager of com- munity ser'ices. "it will be complementary to what we have. We're com- ing here, but we're not going away (in other communities):' she says. noting YMCA facilities and programs in Whitby, Pickering. Ajax. Poet Perry, Courtice, Bowmanville and Newcastle will continue to operate. Although the YMCA has been a fixture in Durham Region for more than 40 years and serves more than 20,000 people annually in a wide range of programs, it still remains an unknown entity to a large segment of the population. says Ms. Fraser. "The challenge we have is visibility," she says. "People don't know we're dere. many don't know we exist. It's always a continual challenge to ge; the word out:' The new YMCA will enhance the organization's ability 10 attract more attention to its "really diverse set of pro- grams:' says Ms. Fraser, noting the YMCA offers services ranging from employment counselling to supervised access to child care and recreational programs. About $1 million still remains to be pledged through a fund-raising campaign to meet the public goal of $6 mil- lion, says Maureen Kempston Darkes, president and gener- al manager of General Motors of Canada, who is also chair- man of the Durham Healthy Returns Campaign. "Community support is critical to our success;' says Ms. Kempston Darkes, who told a crowd of about 250 that "administration of (YMCA) programs without a central operating facility has been a challenge:' for the organiza- tion through the years. The new YMCA, which will include a child-care centre, climbing wall, aquatic centre, gymnasium, indoor track, dance studio, squash courts and snack bar and is expected to attract 1.000 people daily, will be a "cornerstone of downtown Oshawa for decades to come:' says Ms. Kemp- ston Darkcs. Tuesday's ground -breaking gave the YMCA a chance "to thank the individuals, organizations and companies who have invested in the YMCA:' says Rich Bailey, president and chief executive officer of the YMCA of Greater Toron- to. minute beforc *itnc%,c, con- fronted tete mother, who immedi- ately freed the girl Police said the mother placed the girl in the trunk as punish- ment for unruly behavior. The girl was enwtionally dis- naught but physically unha nosed by iiia brief orded.0olico said.; M Haw ley wa% held overnight at the Bay County Jail and released on a $5.000 bond. Durham Board of Education officials say Mrs Hawley. wow is also a local Brownie's Leader, recently asked that her natoe be removed toms its Tier Of $1r1{Sly '98 Windstar: Recommended by people who < know what safety's We pili - rt w -� first: ✓nA in,n,-en w live Hen i- Manrv': • • p Dorf, e-i,rM ewe FOM aeeewy" Includes the of Quad Captain's claim only summarizes the plain itis allegations. none of which have been proven in court. Mr. Warner's lawsuit names Mr. Mannier, the Attorney General of Canada and also the Province of Ontario. which is responsible for running the Whitby Jail under the Solicitor General's ministry. Mr. Warner is suing for general, special and punitive damages. Meanwhile, last Friday, provincial court Judge David Stone was to hear evidence and argu- ments by lawyers representing Mr. Warner and the justice department on the motion to have Mr. Malrinier removed from the case. Peter Zaduk, one of Mr. Warner's lawyers. said applications to have a Crown removed from a case are rare, though not unheard of. "It's certainly not common. Officials with the justice department would nix comment on the criminal or civil cases. A sporkcsman with the Ministry of the Solicitor General did not return calls. Getting a grip Kcvin Drennan, 7, seems to be having a hard time itft- ing his pick from the pumpkin patch at Willovitree Farm in Utica. The Port Perry boy was on the wagon choLking out the pumpkins. • Most Powerful Engine in any • Privacy Glass • Family Entry System Minivan - 3 8L 200 hp V6 • Depowered Second Generation Dual Air Bags • Aluminum Wheels • Cruise Control • Tilt Steering • AM/FM Stereo Cassette • Power Windows/Locks and Minors • Air Conditioning • Light Group VAIA 3tal rue Dow npayalalrt ar 11We/er Cs kraalMy Payesrst equivalent Wade kOonlMy Parma sass $3.3% sm far s1.so saw 54" 6 0 sad See Your Oetar le Nam] For1d & Mercury Dealerserr tfMrw tasin alae dei tatetr./wrWe/soon/ WSW aUTM MLAO THE LEGAL Co". -?4&w'96 Windstar GL/•96 Villager GS with PUP 3576N71A, monthly lease payment of s299rs269 based On 24 month lease from Pora Cred-t to qual.herf neral lessees, on approved credit Some conditions and a mileage restriction of 36,000 km over two years apply. S3,3SO downpayment or equivalent trade required First month '% payment and security deposit required. Villager Quad Captain's Chain not eiiautly as shown --Purchase -"'90 Windstar 3 O with PE P 3506 for $21.995 after S1.5oo rashback deducted. Ton Payable on full amount of purchase price before cashback deducted Some conditions apply. All offers eectude freight (56751. license, msuren.e and all applicable tae" Dealer may sell or lease for less. Offers may change without notice Limited time offer U 5 National Highway Safety Adm.n tion data used m comparing vehicles within 226 kg (SOO lbs.) See dealer for details Ontario FMDA, PO boa 2000, Oakville. Ontario 1.61 SEa A THP: NEWS AMP lrrism WEDNIUSDAY. ocrosim is. 1"7. YA(a: 13 A bone toPick... New procedure at Ajax hospital may improve lives A new procedure available at Ajax -Pickering �% General Hospital could help improve the quali- AW ty of life for many aging residents. 1 ton $/99.50 Bone densitometry tests have been available ra ,4510 ias riot, awn BAG 173.1 Hoxton ��q y (Brock Rd. 13 Brock Rd. d at the hospital since last spring and are con- St-, Claremont N.- left on old North to Hoxwn) ducted to determine a patienl's hone density, reports rheumatologist Dr. Heather McDonald. \ ,� The test is extremely useful in the early diag- nosis of osteoporosis. because the sooner diag- nosis is made, the sooner treatment can begin. Patients can determine if they are at a greater risk of breaking a bone and take precautions, It "It we can pick it up early. people can begin to their calcium and Vitamin D intake early and can decide it they want to go on hor- mone therapy:' explains Dr. McDonald. an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of osteo- pontsis. As people age, their bones begin to micro- scopically deteriorate from the inside and grad- ually become more fragile. In men and women suffering from osteoporosis - the most com- mon of metabolic bone diseases — the deterio- ration is accelerated. It is estimated that at least one-third of all w omen aged over 65 will suffer a fracture of the h xrrtebrae and as many as one-quarter of elderly :women and one-third of elderly men will suffer ,'hip fractures. i "A lot of people lose their independence after a tone fracture:' notes Dr. McDonald. tinting to a large percentage of elderly women orced u) move to a nursing home early because I that loss of independence. While Fane fractures can lead to a loss of finobility, they can also lead to increased risk of death, reports Dr. McDonald. who says 20 per !tent of 21.(X)0 Canadian% who suffered hip fractures related to osfeopontsis in 1993 died as a result of their fracture. "That's a higher percentage than women detected with breast cancer:" adds Dr. McDon- ald. She describes osteoporosis as a "silent dis- ease" because it has few symptoms. People are often detected with osteoporosis after reali/ing they have lost several inches in height or have broken a rib or wrist. Still. white and Asian women. small women and those who smoke and/or drink are most likely to suffer from osteoporosis. But "family history is probably the most important factor;' reports Dr. McDonald. who says those people who have a relative suffering hom osteoporosis should talk i., their physician. The bone densitometry machine can also he used in a host of other areas. including children suffering from bowel disease. The machine is considered to he one of the must technically -advanced, safe and reliable methods of bone densitometry. A patient is fully clothed throughout the pro- cedure and lies on a comfortable bed while a scanning unit connected to a powerful comput- er processor takes x-rays of the vertebrae and hip joints. The data is translated into color images and is displayed on a computer screen to show the measurement of hone density in comparison to statistical averages. The test takes about 15 minutes. Ajax -Pickering General Hospital plans w purchase the 51(l0,(XX) machine. which is cur - being leased. It is the only such machine in Ajax and Pickering and is available to all Durham residents on referral of a physician. Exceptional children meeting Oct. 21 WHITBY -- Dw Durham Region chapter of the Resources for Exceptional Children fields its aaaual general meeting next week and cveryouc is welcome. Lynn Ziraldo, a contributing editor to A Guido: to r Uderstan"S Lewassig and Bcbxvtoar Probkds in witl speak. 1. Her presentation is titled Developing Productive ncrshlps between Home and School. The meeting is being beta Tuesday. Oct. 21 at 7:30 m. at the Diitilltam Board of Education leadgl/arters. Towtow Rd. W'.. Whitby. For Iii am information, call 327-1(&52. JB��y shower Sunday AJ �s. ', erne L\Ag. Ki fx.sts a Tree t+.i+y .1n �vrcT !.int parent, thus Sunday. w ,bolter rs bang held. Sunday. (Xt. 19 :d 2 P.M. At dw Ajax Cont munity Ccwtrc. C'cntcnntal Rd. TAcrc's a fash- itne show fcatunng maternity wear. informxum on infant pfdiopulrrxilwy resuscrtation. dixw pntcs, gift hags. and displays by focal civic and business gawps. To register, call 619-1 %66. GRADE �% E AW _FfIIAHO\S L. EARNING CENT HES 1 ton $/99.50 "A ddd MISPOI Kab/ a a Iwf CAW ra ,4510 ias riot, awn BAG 173.1 Hoxton ��q y (Brock Rd. 13 Brock Rd. d . im" f Ksmav* St-, Claremont N.- left on old North to Hoxwn) 420-9930 430-9981 Apx/Dickwing pahawalw%t�v \ ,� UK Gknetw RE.. Sk flu IM haws Ad. E. Sri lD THE FARM ST1)RE & MORE $3�' B� STRAW 1 ton $/99.50 $3� ra ,4510 ias riot, awn BAG 173.1 Hoxton ��q y (Brock Rd. 13 Brock Rd. d PER SALE St-, Claremont N.- left on old North to Hoxwn) Dr. Kevin Tyber .md Ao. ut4 O P_TO-M ET R I S T_S ____I • Dispensing of Contact lenses and glasses • Complale Famiy Eye Care • Low Vision Services EXTENDED HOURS EVERY SATURDAY til HWweod S. 1 wlHglGh�i� IBetwe•r' MAi-i 8 ,,,427-4144 A.C2 b1U.16 \ tiltX),(XX) fame dense: machine at (from left) Heather McDonald. Patricia Ajax -Pickering General Hospital helps detect Cross and Miriam Fulton, await their next osteoporosis at earlier stages, providing early patient. The machine is used to measure an treatment and better prognoses for patients. individuals home density, which provides a Here. the densitometry team at the hospital clearer diagnostic picture for doctors. Traffic tied up, after multi -vehicle accident lhi�ais aixtou. io Etct tticu iiwui­idi.uit weekend started were trapped for Nmrs in trar- f: along Hwy. 401 Friday after a garbage tack crx- 4k -d near the intersrdtion of Hwy. 115/35. "A garbage truck was headed casitnwnd and it hit the concrete median and rolled over in to the westh and lanes:' says a spokcsmjn for the Whitt), Jctachmcnt ..t the (hitario Provincial Polwc a wl,i iiK Ulu W. )s.i,-wO.ilOg disc [--Mg traf- fic. A westbound car also swerved to avoid the truck and flipped on to its side. -flwrc were only minor injuries reponcd from the dolli- siu ms. The wcsthtund lanes were closed from at%,ut the tiny of the accident :et 5 u) p m until I I p m The casth and lanes were ,pcncd h�•liratirrthe-tod,ni h. cscrtrat ..d. ai iik; .ra.a.. ' . , ;:'x ()IT.rx,k.,man In addition. the situation was made worse because the acs idcnt occurred in a con,trucuon toric where traffic had already been reduced to two lanes in both directions, and the �m-ramp from Hwy t5/115 in the casthound lanes of Hws 401 wear already closed Xddin._ n� the traffic mayhem w n i nd I,�r, �r �hc If— :11: n rim 1..,,. .. \;... 1 ' slier Rally Sport limited Idition 1 1 1 -------------------------------------- ', 'I' ------e i dye , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LATHS/ i oow : o 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vic 1 me, 1 Der 1 1 tine 1 '1►t. i t 1 t -----------------------------------------------------------� L I M I T E D T 1 M E O C H E V R O L E T 0 L D S M 0 8 1 L E VWA 114 • Tt4C Nrws AI„'EKrm= N nmv%UAY, (x-rt1iEK 14. 1007 Reduction, r is in the bag Canadians take home more than 55 million plastic shop- Canadian Plastics Industr} Association. says. "It is not a ping bags every week' technical problem to melt and recycle plastics. Once col - When Bulk Barn store removed its recycling bins for lected. cleaned and processed, film can be recycled into new plastic film, a reader called me to express her disappoint- film. mens. Pickering's Bulk Barn manager said too man coma- When different plastics get mixed or co -mingled, it mmants such as oil -stained hags and disposable diapers becomes a plastic lumlxr." were being dcfx,sited in the bins. Also the large bins need- He adds that, if a municipality is strongly committed to ed replacing about every.six months which became expen- solid waste diversion. it will kxrk tossard the' long term and sive to maintain. find ways to strengthen markets and recycle effectively. Good public education with easy -to- __ __, brcaklm_ even when markets are read posters are needed for both cus- LARRAINE down. Internet users can find out tomer% and employees to make recycling more ah(ut this industry through depots work. ROU LSTON www.plastics.ca. f II cover marketing - In the late 19".. a closed loop system to a future column. for recycling the polyethylene grocery - Plastic film is necessary on some and retail hags developed rapidly in R�C•� f•��� 'S `a to(x s, but it is up to us to choose Canada and the U.S. - what we do not need. Reuse cloth By the fall of 1991). it was estimated Repo rt hags. that more than 10,000 supermarkets were Refuse a bag for a single item (w a participating to plastic grocery sack recy- ,null item that can be included into a cling programs. bigger hag. Don't put bananas. for Unfortunately. due to a variety of economical and politi- example, into a separate bag Reuse milk pouches for lunch cal reasons. the present market for the film is very low. Sue bags. In addition, both people and municipal purchasers Campbell of Durham Region Recycling says the Region must kook for the EcoLogo when buying plastic film and doesn't intend to include it in our Blue Box pick-ups until other products to help develop markets for p(st-consumer the market improves. waste. But the goof news is that Sears Canada recycles cus- COMING EVENTS: tomer%' unwanted Sears bags. And. Dominion Say-A-Ccn- Oct. I S. 9 am h1 4; p in.. Cameron. Ont. Fcovillage Net- tre at the Ambcrlca Placa in Pickering still has its bin for work of Canada meeting. For details, call 705-887-155 1. plastic film. "W'e'ye never had a prohlem with our recycling Nov. 17-18, Old Torun Alexandria. Virginia- Recycling box.' says store manager Bill Slipetr. "Tie clean plastic Laws International presents 'Take it Back' 97' conference film from produce hags deposited by customers gets picked on packaging design. For details, call 301-335-4237, up by our hag supplier and put into the hatch making new Dominion hags:' Lorrain. Reulsnm's column exploring enrtnntmental isstws r"u- Paul W'allcr. manager of Education Serylccs for the lark apt can , n %idnexda% Sexual health the topic at Women's Centre meeting in Ajax %JAX -- Sexual health 1% ort the agenda tornortuw when the Afax- Ptckrnng Women's Centre hosts a meeting The group r, oficrtng a ,cries of free ntcractnc sc,srons on women's w cl Inc. ,. On TTtur%d:ty. Oct 16. public health nurse Cathennc W'alkcr d:% - cusses sexual health from 7 to 9 p.m. at the centre. Portable N 2. St George's Anglican Church. southvrest ,%x , ,.t itanaS:A11 th ,.► Nw.j. 2. Pkkcrtng Village 1Ajaxt All arc wel- come to attend. but preregistratum recommended. Call 326-1064 or 686-2661 for iakxmatu,n. .t.01,14 r _mmimmillii ===j Over 120 lifestyle items on sale! HURRY! ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT! SALE ENDS OCT. 19, 1997 FEATURING! HEALTHLINE HEALTHLINE GLUCOSAMINE SULFATE VITAMIN E-400 SOOtny Capsules Capsules t SO s S..•.. A., 4 - . S-t oto'. SR•'7 23 99 SALE 37.99 SALE 19.99 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE am 0 d s...s. w4n.•o ,o, — r C—d. a 1107 s.... Cana. "N-7 or Purchase From lease From P•' �„„ 1095 24 Months 11771 PROTEGE SE most interior room in Its class • AM/FM stereo cassette • air conditioning • 14" wheels with full covers •'60/40 split fold down rear seat or Purchase From lease From $259 pe, P,•n,h, $ 9995 1 24 Months Al 1993.616 LX FAMILY SEDAN d 5 spd transmission • power windows and door locks • AM/FM stereo cassette • cruise control, tilt steering and air conditioning a 0 THENOWO SALES EVENT endo Oct 31 E) �0 --- °" E . visit M.146w.b .n• ■1 MW. Tal•a.C. 'On.� h++Ww w w,I. ton puna RyM(I roM� no. writ w,^0 ww,. u�n1 ria. G<� � ibt b a awe w+ u,W SwW ria u«. m�, •.. �. OIIb Dow w111IA11M K •w �/.I•wMI Iw• Our, w+^+M. rslMr�haMN S[�MM AIU5I'm ~4f Sl W.' wcwft M ..SZM Oft', OAC{a acUYwtAwf..wM�� U�d �. rwwK. IwtW rt... Mew .NrW Mw[MY4aiVion IIw I' "sass MlM n•u.ap.b wlin IIwI Sw Iwowlaq I.•wtb lwiul'Sm. s1M www.w hwMSE wI.IY All AilYwlyw(wI� MAO Wn'.,r Nt hal nt4Ma Ia•n nw,msl pb. Erna a conb.0 Durham Mazda, 1250 Dundas St. E., 668-6881, Whitby ptpN' T MISS RI 1�� LOOK INSIDE TODAY'S PAPER FOR OUR VALUE PACKED FLYER QW)ONES THE SLTT PEOPLE Su I 1_ T I Mr $295 295E coria. a.w ons nom. rA.ws I�.a cows 14"-.29" 99" 11 Clues sought in `skilled' -in at Pickering bingo hall BY SGT. KIivIN SI-ANEY DURHAM NI GI()V( RIN11 sloPP6RS CKERING — Crime Stoppers and am Regional Police are asking for your in solving a break and enter here on Oct. killed burglars managed to forcibly enter Delta Bingo Hall at 975 Dillingham Rd. cen 2 and 5:15 a.m. that day. nce inside, the culprits located and chcd open a safe containing a large quanti- cash. rine Stoppers will pay for information leads to an arrest in this incident. As a Carib ab hosts ickerincr dance ICKERING lin, rc ,mu dance the r.11 away this i.jtday in L k ring. I he Picker - g Carib Cana- an Cultural 0ciatiun Ll. a uCele- alrn 17th nniversary inner and ance Satur- n. Oct. 18 at c Pickering c: rcatton nnplex. 1867 alley Farm d (south of w 21. Cock - it ock- II. are at 6 30 rnfollowed v dinner at 7 10 p.m. For- p3al dress is req u i red. Music ,, per- �ormcd hN Fletcher. s Love. An adult admin ioton is $25. Call 42x - 674h (Alma). 42 0. 5 1 96 ISu"an). 430- )S7 INI„rm:u ,or 42v :�' 4,1 (Wilhc) caller, you never have to give your name or tes- tify in court. Crime Stoppers does not use call display. If you have any information aM,ut this case or any other crime, you're asked to call Durham Regional C'rinic Stoppers at 436-8477 or I -800 -222 -"rips. _J -J J Sergeant Kevin Slaney is the police co- ordinator of the Durham Regional Crime Stoppers program and .submits this article in the interest of soling crime. AL Canadian Tire Pickering W-1/2 Price li WITH THE PURI • Our i sensed, trained tecnnic.ans the latest. computerized equipm help extend the tread life of your • They will inspect all key compo measure all four wheels and adj front taster, camber and toe as r • Installation of rear -wheel shims adjustments extra, if required. Trucks & Mini Vans S29.9 Lube, oil & filter Rotate tires Castrol GTX motor od 20c' maintenance checlt 29 99'' -Most cars 00 Enviro Charge Extra :.V= gnment CHASE OF 2 TIRES use ent to tires. nertts. ust 99 equired. and 9 24Most Cars • Perform computerized engine analysts with printout - nspect oil finer and PVC valve - Replace spark plug with Motorrtaster V -groove spark plugs ' Inspect distributor cap, motor. ignft*n wires and coil. 79 99* Most cars 4 cylinder D.I.S. Systems11, Platinum Extra CANADIAN i1RE SEilViCE Pickering Only 1300 Kingston Rd. at Liverpool lff� 839-8124 p VtSA { Swot. Floors:1&m.*m 7:30 am. - 9.08 P.m. Saaresy 7:70 ant - 6:00 pm. Sxnfay 9:30 amt - S:00 pm t Y1Gi GOOD,�EAR ,rHt: NIEWS ADYF:RTISER WF.UNIlUSDAY.00r(LRFJt 15. 1177 - PAGE. 15 and WEDNESDAY. OCT. 15 CANCER: Hearth Place Cancer Support Cen- tre offers a 'Yoga for bodies under stress' pro- gram for cancer patients or their caregivers from 10 to 11:15 a.m. at 86 Colborne St. W., Oshawa. All Durham rrsidents welcome. Pre- registration required since space is limited. 579- 4833. CUBS: The 4th Ajax Cubs meet from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Paul's United Church. 65 Kings Cres., Ajax. Indoor and outdoor activities for boys aged eight to 10. New members welcome. 427-6409. THURSDAY, OCT. 16 WOMEN: The Ajax -Pickering Women's Cen- tre is offering a series of free interactive ses- sions on women's wellness. Tonight• public health nurse Catherine Walker discusses sexual health from 7 to 9 p.m. at the cerate, Portable N 2, St. George's Anglican Church, southwest corner of Randall Dr. and Hwy. 2. Pickering Village (Ajax). All welcome. Preregistration recommended. 426-1064 or 686-2661. CANCER: Hearth Place Cancer Support Cen- tre offers Stress Buster relaxation and guided imagery techniques for cancer patients and/or their caregivers from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at 86 Col- borne St. W., Oshawa. Free. All Durham resi- dents welcome. 579-4833. FRIDAY, OCT. 17 ALLERGIES: The Durham Region Anaphy- laxis Support Group meets the third Friday of each month in Ajax at 7:30 p.m. This group provides support for those dealing with life- threatening food/other allergies. 686-3018 or 42()•8404. BRAS BRIEFS GIRDLES %NXX BIKINIS CONTROL. TOP BRIEFS SPORTS BRAS BRAO SAVE 61,"/0 ..._... UP TO HUGE SAVINGS ON A LARGE SELECTION! MATCHING SETS! ASSORTED STYLES! THIS EVENT LASTS ONLY 4 DAYS THURSDAY, OCL 16:......10:00 am. - 9:00 ". FRIDAY, OCT. 17:........10:00 a.m. - 9:00 pm. SATURDAY, OCT. 18:.....:.9 00 a-im. - 6:00 p -m. P MAY, OCL 19: .......1000 u. - 5:00'-rtt. ONE LOCATION ONLY: 1287 KENNEDY RD. SCARBOROUGH 401 a. � UN ■ 1787 R cl Y ' I La9arest• Ave. i - _ I 12t71s�tlr bol - Ow want of 61 401 I 4 L RAGE N -TMC NCN'1 AL)x'l:MTI% R WMNn-WtY. OC'TORCR Is, 1"7 eNA-s Advertiser • -,-ArtS &J6 eat weIr Newsroom 083-5110 FAX: 083-7363 The beat goes on... Ajax talent, worldwide vision BeatFaclots Nlustc is doing some reall% gout things tiff Canadian urban MUSIC artist. Unlike some record companies that seem to have their :vc only on the bottom line. this new record label has a higher vision: to give genuine support and promotion to Canadian R&B. soul and rap artists. There's a hu_r amount of talent in those musical genres up here in Canada. but not the infrastructure a, support it, says Beat - Fac ton founder. and Ajax resident, Ivan Bern -("mil the word 'represent' means 'sup - poll,' there will never he a progressive urban music industry in Canada. And until we unite to educate ourselves more about the business, there will always be music but never a music business." BcatFactor% has made great strides since it started oul in Ajar in 1490. as a manage - men( iompans ti.r young. talented black music artists As wch it has represented such notable act as Sltchic Mcc and L.A. Lu%. Index. Lo%C K Sas. Devon and Rupert ll amon_., mann others. Fmm the itmc tit its inception. BeatFac- ton Manaecmcni's artists ha%c sold over a Millon records worldwide The compam has also prided itself in signing the first Canadian rap artist to an international record deal and selling more rap. hip hip and R&B records worldwide than ane other Canadian management Com- pany Its hest known cicm. hip hop group the Dream A'arnors. sold Mx).000 copies worldwide of their gn.und-breaking hip hiip/jail alhum. And Now the Legacy Begins The htgge,t leap came one year ago for BcatFaclUK%. That's when the management company dcetdcd to transform it%clt into an indcpcn- dent record label The new venture is headed up by Ivan Bern. Rupert Gavle and Phillip Giylc - Afax resideIlfl DIT. At around the same time. the company forged a partnership with EMI Music Canada. snaking BF the first urban music label in Canada to be natiunall distributed by one of the six major record companies in the world. The brand new recixd label has- n't wasted any time at all. Over the past year they have d %BSB\ THE VUR E' 2885 Anona Rd. Pickering \IDV% 1111- A ING •Iia i s t ..n.„I Is \n k 11AI MAR14I1GE 1S X11 RI)ER .r ma.h hit.. :0H0 all %flit tali• ail. \u. rhii. fro. .a dun us iir, (91 15 147, 2-311 Faro Ii, ion. owner tr,*tn left) Ian Berry, Rupert Gavle and Phillip i 1% .tr., 'r. ing a leg up to young urban Canadian music artists. The trio established the Beat Fac- tory in 1990 in Ajax a% a management company I(x)ktng for bright, young and undis- covered talent. released a number of compilation CDs rep- rc%cnting a cross section of black -music artists: RapE%sentsals One and RapEssen- tial% Two. Grt)ovcEssanual% and Essential Caribbean, not to mention nabbing a distri- bution deal for American supergroup Earth. Wind and Fire's Greatest Hits Live, released this past June. and E,W& F -s first new album in four yeah, In the Name of Lo%c. released this August Meanwhile BcatFactory continues with its mandate. "What we're doing is opening people's eyes. "Wc re %snowing that the urban music scene is %cry bright. that there are really great R&B, stwl. rap in,i house music anises here in Canada.* sa) s Phillip Gayle. -,:s • Come i See WHY v T� _ Everybody's Going NORTH to the OCEAN In Pickering BLUE OCEAN STAURAN p ,oi r"-” apoo Fish 8t Chips 0,0 R )V! . wllNRr M � F117Js ra.od..is w. isesh' BROCK NORTH PLAZA NA%LU W �f Murder Mystery t Dinner Theatre & Dance • UV%tUaW%optional :scary • (:oicktail% 6.30 • Dinner":IS W'hodunniL?? • Fully licenced (Cash liar► • $35 per per%on: Dinner, show & Daner Annandale Golf Or Country Club Reservations 903-683-3810 ametv44,�y/w4w./// WM., OCT. 15 8r. THURS. OCT.16 9:30M to 4:301m s F�: Metro Convention Centre Be/1 South BuUdixk% res Bremner Bial. � OF THE DOM MEWR JUBNEE A fixture on radio and television for close to 30 years. The show was watched by 3 million Canadians each week regulary outdrawing the Ed Sullivan Snow. WEO. i TMMIS.11M AM i 3 PM 04, 11,11 / SWNIG-TIME TO REMEMBER Be sure to catch highlights from the muss al with a WWII setting. WED. A THURS. 2 PM "CANNIM'S COIF DOCTOR - it his your MAITOM HAMILTON Ili MAOIC OF NIMH MMa1Rai analysis Holders of the Guinness World DWI MrCar holiest riew miopi or try s few Record for Joke Tell!%n (52 hours clan. Recent perforrroficrx include swim at ft straight) 2 Gold Comedy albums. Frans, Begkim 6 Tokyo. rens a elliQ ere ren e•.ax eee driving range. SOMM S • 00 T8 Swilw FaMMr 14:31= • TBAVEL VME0 TEZIM 0- 9baafla #two►wr' • OIILY $1 ADNMON MMR k...............11:38 • COOMG DIWOV Your chance to see the tap dant ■ •309111— ing rhythms that have appeared �MafnsweiiiiAriafitfiur 1! of cow on CBC. CTV and over 20 T.V. commercials JOR MMa.................1!/a � ATTO c�EE1>MOt1■0 THURS.1ft16AM Jsigwr ..... ................2dMl,ta The Waterfront u am Sbom of UtErpod TMm- Differ Usk", Offitar BoioM I4i.- 6 pis" law Baaledef Banquet w 20-2020 Facilities Y Boot yom Xum Part? now! iii.vinif MreaikLet • Lunch a Dinner Santa. needs company in Pickering parade PICKERIING — Santa Claus is coming to town and he's looking for company. The Pickering 'Kinsmen are seeking community and commercial/corporate entries for their 30th Annu- al Kinsmen Santa Claus Parade Saturday, Nov. 15. The theme of this year's parade is A Christmas Wonderland. The parade starts at Vaughan Willard Public School at Dixie and Glenanna roads at 10 a.m. The registration fee for commercial and corporate entries is $35. There's no charge for community; entries. Entry forms are available at Guest Services at the Pickering Town Centre (lower level). LOEB Glendale Market Place at Dixie Road and Finch Avenue, and the' Pickcririg Recreation Complex on Valley Farm Road. . For more information on the parade, call Ken at 41-0-5007. EATERY OPEN EVERY DAY 9:00 a.m. YOU CAN EAT FOR AS UTILE AS YOU CAN AT NOME Breakfast Special (Daily) s299 Luncheon Specials Daily $649 TWO CAN DINE FOR 1144' (Every Day of The Week) EVERY SATURDAY NIGHIJ Everything on our men" after 5.00 pm,) 049 Oriesm TWO BEAUTIFUL BANQUET HALLS ALL INCLUSIVE S59°° Pickering Town Centre 839.2507 Print your suggested name for the theatre on the official ballot and mail to the given address. r----------------------------------------------------------------, NAME THE THEATRE CONTEST I suggest the new theatre's name to be: i Name: Age: 1 Address: Postal Code: Phone: Mod or drop completed an ry to 'NAME THE THEATRE CONTEST' i News Advertiser � I 3a 132 com,i.Kid A— L..,,,.`__---__— Ape, pelade. 115 2H CONTEST RULES News Advertiser you must be is years of op a, ovw r enM Employe ii and—eediai. family rnsmbws of the R«ad and oiha sponsors cannot parkipoA Only Ain deiced wary form a hwiddror n foraimi4 an elp�ble Pares must be —Pied as od—is ed and on not negotiable for cash '✓Vnnen wit be c-tocled by phone The decision of coniW judges will be foal Cor.rest nuodfne Fi,doy. November 14, 1997 THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, (X'ToXj= IS, 1"7. PAGE 17 ews Advertiser Arts&, 0 1ne Ntckenng H"est Htll %Iustcal Theatre Preparing for the skive is (from lett) (fiord troupe brings its brand of entertainment to loice, Steven Grierson, Dawn Andrews, the Village Retirement Centre in Pickering Mary Power and Maggie Robertson. For Friday. Oct. 24 and Saturday. Oct. 25. ticket information, call 416-297-6024. Variety show, big band dance swings into Pickering Musical theatre show visits local retirement centre PICKERING — The Pickering West Hill Musical Mcatrc will offer patrons something l tally different later this month. The musical theatre troupe presents a variety show and dance at the Village Retirement Centre in K-kcnng Friday. Oct. 24 and Saturday. (let Choir sings it loud to mark fifth anniversary BY MICHELE Y(x'Nc tx RHAM srA I - Durham Rcgton's finest Choir is lift - tog us collective voice in celebration of Its fifth year - and you are Mitad to xoin them in a spacial anniversary concert OCL IN The goal of the Durham Phi9wrnxn- ic Chow over the past five years has been 'exctlknce: pure and simple. and this year they're cck+raung, not just their five years in existerK;e, but also their ucngtlishment-s ova dict time. The growth and success of the choir is due, in large pert• Io the expertise of its dumtor. Robert Phillips. "Wc have a really wo lidaful dircc- tor," says choir member and Whithy rc%- idcnt, Lynn Dyck. "He krkm% an awful len. not just about the music. but about the voice Itself - She says this is a very irdustriou-s :choir. adding. because Phillips knows : his stuff - and how to teach it - --it snakes us WANT to work hard " _ Phillips says a lot of the choir's time »end energy is spent on fine timing - - working on the fundamentals of choral singing. "We take all the basics of chord) 6suuction - including the blending of voices, clarity, diction, enunciation of wads, proper breathing, and so on - and boy that to some of the best choral music available, whether it's folk songs pr larger -score pieces.' The superior quality of the music is litntiaw thing that Dyck likes about being a member of this choir. -M )repertoire is really demanding. •After some hard work, you really feel )rewarded by the time you perform it:' .phe says. ;: Dyck says the work of the choir and its director has paid off over the past five gears. "I've been in the choir since almost *!he beginning and I know we've really .d, irnproved over the five years. We've • piped all the concerts we've done and ,t'P'ring those recordings you can : jrally see the difference:' she says. The choir will be marking the 200th anniversary of Frani. Schubert's birth by singing his 'Mass in G.' The choir will •be joined by some former choristers and soloists to present the work along with a :,variety of other solo and choral -I-- lions. The Fifth Anniversary Concert takes : glace Saturday, Oct. I gat the Salvation : -Army - Oshawa Temple, 570 Thornton ;:Rd. N., at 7:30 p.m. Tickets for this special concert are available at Wilson and Lee Music Store, 87 Simcoc St. N., in Oshawa and : ;at Information Oshawa, at the Oshawa :Centre. Tickets are $12 ($10 for seniors ::WW students). For more information call :'7219-1739 or 721-9290. 25. Following tfx variety .how, you can dance to the big (rand sounds of Harmonic Bra%%. [Nx)rs open at 7 ;0 p.m.. with curtain time at 8:15 P.M. In addittort to the show and dance, there's a sileat auction and a cold buffet meal. The event is licensed under the 1.1.130. Tickets arc $20 each. Phone orders are now being accepted by calling 41(1-297-6024. The Village Retirement ('entre is at 19,; Val - Icy Farm Rd N , one hl,tik sc,i t ftn.,k R,,ad and dust mKth of Hiss HEALTHY SMILES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY We keep our patients smiling by taking the time to understand their needs. Add our friendly, caring staff and state-of-the-art techniques and you've found'a good dental home! • A Full Range of Dental Treatments • Saturday and Evening Appointments • Flexible Payment Options • A Relaxing, Stress -Free Atmosphere • Cosmetic Dentistry Call Us: 683-1432 DR. VIJAY BADHWAR • DENTISTRY New Patients and Emergencies Welcome Conveniently located in the Ajax Plaza at 172 Harwood Ave. S. Let us entertain you! v 0 PAGE In - i11tE NEws AtmEKns&;a WDIM ESDAY, (KT06rK 15. 1'M7 Pl* rl nSports c e Al Rivett. sp(wi N %\11 r i : ] 1,1 I. i\ oi� < II photo by A.J. Groen Pickering Panthers' Tyler Middlebrook fends off a Wexford Raiders defender during Metro Junior 'A' Hockey League action at the Pickering Recreation Complex Friday. Pickering lost 8-2. "Let the fuel cost savings make your payment" The ultimate commercial utility vaNds, Vie V W Transporter comes with an atortoraied 2.4 L, 5 cylinder diesel mow, mer d0ulbla doors and a steel partition belviaan the passenger area up from and to COW bay in bade. The Transporter has a payload capacity of 1 tonne and 0111111111118 combination of cargo capacity and fuel economy that pays non-stop dWidandd • 6atu m M.Tt. &3W4 uuk t. a rrc., tura OM pias Drivers Wanted. 9 OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC. Ac ICAREMID CM �N� raq w rw irKt 1877 / • `wks Mitt Ir.Ina lqq •� r.•1.! . R,niyt is C..a USA 8 Euap W.� r,P YA AR FOR YOUR TRADE' ~� 1425 DUNDAS ST. E., WHIM (905) 6804410 www P News Advertiser Top figure skaters on ice in Pickering PICKERING — Figure .Laing cnthusiamt will he itemcd it) a talented display at the sixth annual Central Ontario Section Toyota (htoberfest Competition at the Pickering Recreation Complex tins weekend. Top national and interna- tional skaters and the best Young competitors from the host Pickering Figure Skating PICKERING C 1 u b FIGURE SKATING will be -- �—� ,in ice !r I Oct. 17 j to 19. In total. — CLUB J 5 8 5 n,tnabr.CI skaters in the juvenile through senior cate- gories will compete in singles. pairs and dance events. Jennifer Robinson, the 1996 Canadian senior ladies' cham- pion. and Jeff Langdon, the 1997 Canadian silver medalist who placed in the top 10 in the world championships, will take part in the meet. Stc%en Cousins. the seven -time British champion, will add an international flavor ladies. Lisa Gilroy and Matthew Smith, juvenile dance. and Nicole Thomson of Pickering and her partner Shaun Tilley of to the COS Toyota Barrie. novice Octolerfest meet. photo by A.J. Groen Six member% of the Mckrring Figure Skating are Alexandra Richaird%on, Lisa Gilroy. Club will compete at the 1997 Toyota %latthr% Smith and Kendall Tyler. Missing for Octoberfc%t competition this weekend. photo %err Nicole Thomson and partner Shawn Kneeling I% Arrsandat Gilroy. In track. from left. Tilk-y of the ltanpo%j skating club. Wexford knocks the stuffin (y out of Panthers a.m. to II p.m. originally from .. BY AL Ri%t.-17 who paw money to sec :h;. -t to he to the iinc-up our the snxmui. KItR g3l"C,. Panther% against the Hunmvilk PICKERING — The ML(;ilhs says the Panthrn Wildcats at the Pickering Thanksgn ine wcckcnd was A �c appealed his two*game' %u%- RCcreat on Complex Sunday, total turkey for the Pickering pertsitnt us the league. and have Oct. 19 at 7 30 p.m Pte. requested H,m%tt,n nt)t hL Tlic P:mth r. .it in .monti The Panthers Mete carved up allowed to referee any mote place to the league % Eastern by the Wexford Raader% who Panthers h.xnc dates. Dntston wttha mark of 5-4-3 lex took ho th ends of a hoose -ani- Tykr Muldkbxo ole and Toa 13 points Pickering trails f" - home series to Metro Junior 'A' Crniluvic, while shorthanded. place Oshawa L.cgxxuures (7 -2 - Hockey League regular_sGason scored lex the Panthers in 0) by one putt. actr.xf. Friday's contest. The Raiders humbled the In respxtse to the FEW Paathtcrs ri-? m the Pickering weekend drb+•rcic. the Recrc2m-m Complex Fnday. then Panthers have track two c7u%hed the Pickering putur% m- I roster novo% to bolster ARAfY SURPLUS at the Scarborough Arena their line-up. • s+ : . t�' Gardens Sunday. Pickering purchased HALLOWEEN On Scoria%. with head cinch Joel Jo>hntxt froom the Rod McGtll4 in the sand% after Peterborough Treruway- SPECIALS being slapped with a two -game Wager Bees odte f OHA suspension during Friday's con- Provincial Junior 'A' twos test. the Panthers were never in Hocke% Leaguc. the game. The host Raiders sun- Johnston. a centreman. `'. of ply outworked Pil kering for their had 60 puatts with the Halloween ninth win of the season against Blast seaon sand was in draft ,, o Costumes aaly tete bas. Centre George an eighth round pole •." Trifon scored the Panthers' lone of the Ontano Hockey li at Low Low goal. League s Peterborough + Meanwhile. in Friday's tilt Pctcs Last year. Prices before a good crowd at the com- "We really needed d pkx. the Panthers dropped their some veteran kadership ` first home game of the season. tip the mtkfle. He should However, penalties wire the be a good cone -two punch 1240 Phifflip Murray Avenue Panthers' downfall: at one point, with George Tnfoon. We • •1 they took sc%ert miaox mfrartiotn have high expectations 1 in a row. A:s a result. Wexford for Joel:' says Mcf;dhs. sock for four powerplay goals The Panthers also to putihe game on ice. made a cash deal for O According to McGillis. the Markham Waxers of officiating of referee Jim dc:fenceman Justin Houston in the Friday contest Cowalezyk. The 6'3"' NOTHING WORKS was "atrocious" as the Panthers' 185 -pond Port Pen} rL%- HARDER FOR penalty box was a revolving door ideseventh-round nt was a senth-round through the entire game. draft choice of the Sault YOUR MONEY "We felt the game was out of Ste. Marie Greyhounds last Diesel control. Seven or eight penalties year. were called in a row on our team. "We're a better team I asked fox a time out and he today than we were this denied it: 1 asked for a stick mea- La -%t weekend:" says surement and he denied it. I had a McGillis. "We're a team disagreement with him and 1 was that can now challenge thrown out of the game. I was lox a playoff position" extremely disappointed with the Both Johnston and $019 situation. I felt bad for the people Cowalczyk are expected C 1"" -it" let photo by A.J. Groen Pickering Panthers' Tyler Middlebrook fends off a Wexford Raiders defender during Metro Junior 'A' Hockey League action at the Pickering Recreation Complex Friday. Pickering lost 8-2. "Let the fuel cost savings make your payment" The ultimate commercial utility vaNds, Vie V W Transporter comes with an atortoraied 2.4 L, 5 cylinder diesel mow, mer d0ulbla doors and a steel partition belviaan the passenger area up from and to COW bay in bade. The Transporter has a payload capacity of 1 tonne and 0111111111118 combination of cargo capacity and fuel economy that pays non-stop dWidandd • 6atu m M.Tt. &3W4 uuk t. a rrc., tura OM pias Drivers Wanted. 9 OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC. Ac ICAREMID CM �N� raq w rw irKt 1877 / • `wks Mitt Ir.Ina lqq •� r.•1.! . R,niyt is C..a USA 8 Euap W.� r,P YA AR FOR YOUR TRADE' ~� 1425 DUNDAS ST. E., WHIM (905) 6804410 www P News Advertiser Top figure skaters on ice in Pickering PICKERING — Figure .Laing cnthusiamt will he itemcd it) a talented display at the sixth annual Central Ontario Section Toyota (htoberfest Competition at the Pickering Recreation Complex tins weekend. Top national and interna- tional skaters and the best Young competitors from the host Pickering Figure Skating PICKERING C 1 u b FIGURE SKATING will be -- �—� ,in ice !r I Oct. 17 j to 19. In total. — CLUB J 5 8 5 n,tnabr.CI skaters in the juvenile through senior cate- gories will compete in singles. pairs and dance events. Jennifer Robinson, the 1996 Canadian senior ladies' cham- pion. and Jeff Langdon, the 1997 Canadian silver medalist who placed in the top 10 in the world championships, will take part in the meet. Stc%en Cousins. the seven -time British champion, will add an international flavor ladies. Lisa Gilroy and Matthew Smith, juvenile dance. and Nicole Thomson of Pickering and her partner Shaun Tilley of to the COS Toyota Barrie. novice Octolerfest meet. dance. Of local note is The compeli- the homecoming of tion runs from 9 Nadia Nficatleff. a.m. to II p.m. originally from .. daily. Pickering. and her,T i c k e t s . partner Brunt ) available at the Marcotte, of door, are $5 for Quebec. who were -.- adults and $3 for 1996 Canadian team children and lrlcrnhers. They will .niors. All -event compete in the STEVEN passes are $12 for senior pairs event.l_'O('ti1NS adults and $7 for The Pickering Figure Skating Club, in its 26th year of opera- tion and with over 6M mem- bers, aim) boasts a large group of skaters who'll compete at the prestigious event. They arc Alexandra Richardson and Kendall Tyler, juvenile ladies: Amanda Gilroy, pre -novice children and seniors. For more information on the COS Toyota Ocuoberfest competition. call 420-1433. For more information about the Pickering Figure Skating Club's programs (ages three to adult). call the club office at 420-4117. 69EE /A nR 69 Outstanding buys'. 4499 549U&9 b499 ALL 13" SIZES ALL 14" SIZES ALL 15" SIZES RoadHandW All -Season Touring tires carry a 95,000 km Tread Wearout Warranty Rwarlondbr' 'c-nng pr'enwi m tires are mode for Sears by lJrtiroyaECioodrief+ They hove a computer -fain d stood which is mild and snow{cited, offering a smodlt, eowhorlpblb ride. .69300 -- ubb geeelLlies Inial fele print and Oil. 26, w Saws � 11eMdeg, Otto. 25, 1117 10322 Copyrght+997 Sears Canada Inc. Auto Cettlre Expect morefrom Sears Dirresc/fit U"r* lass) 42271 SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE Ware open: Mon.- Fri. 8:00 aim -1:00 p.m., SM. 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Sun.12:00 noon - 6:00 p.m. 4208000, Ext. 250 or 251 THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WEDNESDAY, O('r()♦ER 15. IOrf7 - PAGE le Pic•keririg News Advertiser a WN 0 COO"/ clap Ave..Al otYleoe O O pleksrl'10 WhitNvils Advsring Out/et 130 Caewewarrlal Au., Ala 1622 luh+tes Rd. ptoLYseretse NOUns: 9 aiw - Spee Men.- Fri.683aars/Lae-Ambwl*a Fears IFIEO ON-LINE Classed Setelray Tams -Fri. 10 ell . - rttP-w. FAX: (905)579-4121 a obi Ilwoe epos d.alr til area ilea. -Fol.. am 9:aaea - apse Son-mCLOSEa Mee S i. rrAx: IMsI sro-tet+• —�• TORONTO LINE ('410)798-7Z50 y' 11 Genesi II Careers II Careers II Careers 11 carers 11111111111 caner/ 111MITIM career: 11 Careers IM careers �"J�t TORONTO Si ✓y Helping YOU Build a Better Life 0— NEW COURSEH PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER AeeowMm and Compeers aasbo" A/wrYdstratien Cotwpute, Sapporo semckaUst lisle -x01 A Cees-WAC*tk ns Cer—b" p.e�irwrwk,e M-C.aJL Ce..•ater Aair�lil Executive secretary Legged I I Assistant Medical 0011scie Assistant Hotel t Restaurant operations IKINGSTON ser i te.vera,. Ma,.e.wrael !� x Travel and TaimIm ROAD I l 0 PICKERING DernW QulrsWe A-ista t ta«n� �•."e.Yst 420-1344 > N There are 18,000 unfilled technology jobs in Canada In the ever-ctlxxyng world of computer tedvloLo% It is villa) to train at a College whose Dips mean s you have the skills that employers demand. Programs at CDI College are delivered in a hands-on, business envirorvnent and include Microsoft, Novell, C C++, Visual Basic, Unix. GUI, and Systems Analysis. Get started! • Programmer Analyst • Computerized Accounting • Network Specialist • Network Technician • LAN Administrator • Microsoft Office Program �cw COLLEGE Awed for ywr rutin OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY ICWI Oshawa to&y! 905-434-8585 Scarborough 416-291-6662 (Markham Road & 401) 30 wmpEses across Canada including Toronto, Oshawa, North York, Mississauga, Scarborough. Hamihon. Brampton. - CAM" Vrrvr,t s INM - A Canadian wide leading and fast growing con- struction products company Is looking for a All candidates should reside in Durham Region and have 5+ years Senior Financial Administration and Supervisory experience, preferably with a medium sized sales and distribution / manufacturing company. Those who qualify will have either a C.G.A., C.M.A. or C.A. professional designation. In addition, strong computer skills and some systems knowledge is essential. For the selected individual, we offer an unlimited career growth opportunity with an attractive salary based on experience, plus bonus and benefits. Qualified applicants should send their resumes to: Human Resources Department 8 Midtown Dr., Box 417 Oshawa, Ontario L1J 8L2 All resume submissions will be kept confidential. We thank all applicants, however only those selected for interviews will be contacted. Embracing a unique career! Mutual Ute of Canada, lead company of The Mutual Group and a major provider of financial services in Canada. "s an excellent opportunity in the Durham region . . Working with the branch manager, the successful candidate .n inns challenging role will be responsible for recruiting individuals for commissioned sales opportunities in marketing insurance and other financial products. As an ideal candidate, you will have a successful background in sales (non life insurance) and management A proven record of attraction power, communication skills. and an entrepreneurial spirit are key ingredients. This position offers a competitive compensation and benefits program. Please forward your resume and a brief letter indicating now this position fits in with your career goals, in confidence, by Oetolber 25, 1997, to 5dward Rommduk, Branch Manager, Mu1Ma1 lisle of Canada, 129 Myron street North, Whitby, Ontaeio Ll N 4M8 Fax: (903) 668-2141 We tbank everyone for their intertest ho mervler, we are only able to contact those selected fear farther c'onsideradon. V%irThe Mutual Group Day and Evening 3 o Training !� x At DESIGN 26 A Fwr6try S sboraA I l 0 �v �MtIQ ` I ` > N , No evpern`nx w -MOWS MS Omce Bookkeeping PC and Network Specialist Hadwra—A•I CNE Mr SE Computer Programming Database PryJ•amm��� V,swal BasK. Java. ,1rML •♦ Business Accounting ACCOunl,ng 83 -5 ACC,_ C P'us lir- oo v+7, Buying a Computer C .�s q oo, zeoyeo- . k4A;pe-ywsm7 Windowss/Windows 95 CIO �'s`"- �`wP�"' q Microsoft Office Hardware A+ Certification 0 Call (905) 427-1922 Today 100 11cm 100 100 ducatioll I ,xie 3,4dminrslrrti n k -Z MIOFES3$ONAL Dnwrs At DESIGN 26 A Fwr6try S sboraA I l 0 )► mort C# Admm " JKaI Office Adrstrohon ` I ` > r,1prooK Office Assistant , gymers, broWown. loading .r�son and Hospitality� (J ' '"-sage Therapy all your Iralmlg DecOmes worlhwMk Nat- yams with A-: regwad and 5ft A ­ ower operators 905-723- A04 905.4361146 INTER NET-winrournynrnal cam .. ''7gcy TechnKlon ci, li Job ch Tdw� > �.. .-,d core Aide osue E ora Dass )! -."7n Service Worker 576.9175 > : ctoom Worker OMTAY 0 SUSIMSS COLUCA > :., clerk 200 kA. swea Noise > : •• S Security Adnimiseohon late bv- tell, Oshawa ._.....-. ,... s....-: I I seers 1 1 :green 1 ;_oral _ -.A1. a. Y7P, -7,A, Operations Supervisor Reporting to Me Operations .11faterager, Ike Operations Supervisor is responsibk for the preventative, diagnostic and reactive maintenance for all interna/ and externa/ assers of a Dalt million square foot shopping centre. The ideal candidate is a "short -sleeve sapervitsor- and self-saarter with proven orgarei,atiowd and leadership skills in a similar environment Abdiry to work with both staff and contractors coupled with demonstrated abilities in prioritizing, scheduling. monitoring and performing required skills is essentiaL .4 Province of Ontario F-kcaiicurn's License, hands-on knowledge in a variety of other trades, a miainMtm of two years supervisory experience and five years rtlated work experience are also required Familiarity in reading blueprints and construction drawings, excellent verba/ and wrinerr communieattion skills• and knowledge of the Health and Safety .pct round out Ike qualifications required for skis pleidon. Otrgoarg dirties will include comeplete arspectionas of oke pkyswal plant and exterior properre, nonimrorg the performance of Ike C'entre's HFAC-, Ekctrica/ and Mechanical tyutpnereirt, assisting wept the preparation and condo/ of annual expense and capita/ development projects and budgets: umamt construction coordination; and the unpletrentation, maintenance and automation of a Pievoreawive Maintenance Program Interested candidata are asked to forward their resume, nor later than Iitdnesda)'. October 300. /99-, to: Pickering Town Centre, .4dministration Offset, 1355 Kingston Road, Pickering. Ontario, L 11- I B8, or fax to (905)420-93 79. vwrim sp.K%wES (FF IN RH.&m REGION C(M)RMNATOR POSITION kEQUIREMENTS: • Tho,r-gh kn.w Icdgc ,1I wk lel SehiKes ark/ victim issues, `exrally acquired through a degree in social work. psychology or related program of surly. • Demonstrated expeneacdoducauudundersunding of crisis ine kation work including We field of woman ,dune. • Sound knowledge of ten justice system and awareness around vwUrnValkn Me". • Cwxd oral and wrmen commuaicatious skills aid ability to present information to loge and uoall gnxaps in accordance with the prtwpks of adult education. • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to maintain good working relationships with police. fire and regional ambulance Menkes. volunteers and a broad range of Social Sen Ice provider. • Expenomcdabihty in organizing. training and managing volunteers from diverse and varied backgrounds. • High level of commmnem and energy to oversee a complex and demanding program. • Supervisry ability or experience. • Computer knowledge POSITION SUMMARY: Under the general direction of the Bead of Directors of \'SDR, the full- time Co-ordinator Is responsible for the development and admhmstralian of the Vicum Support Services of Durham Region. Accomplished by effectively managing and munitioning the delivery of this service and supporting the enhancement of social justice through providing direct assistance to victims of crime, tragic circumstances or disaster (referred to the service by police officers, firefighters and/or regional ambulance officers); ensuring the adherence to applicable legislation. regulation. policies and procedures in accordance with ministerial guidelines as developed by the Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services. Although the volunteers ultimately provide the assistance the VSDR Co- ordinator is the one who develops and maintains a postmc. healthy organizational climate. The VSDR Co-ordinator represents VSDR to the police, fire services. regional amhulance, the helping sen ices and the community at large. Sensitivity to the needs and interested of others B crucial to facilitate co-operation and maintain gaol public relations. Be a Purl of The Excitement) We are expanding our famous !akeout & dekv- ery locations That meant we are lookrrg for career-rrkrwted women aro men as: sere Manager You possess strong leadership, o0rrnuaura- tan. decision mtk,•,g s interpersonal skills You are outgoing anC !nendly with excellent pAlOmer service skills. and you have a mrx- mum of 2 years experience In the test food wxkatry cook You must be well-groomed. dependaDb responsible, a team player & take an acuva rob in cleaning. You nave previous cooking ekperience, and the ability to convrwncate tlu- enFy in English. Please note WM all fobs we hani s -as and or dude law rliyu and w..-, work. Pizza Pizza offers an attractive salary & bene - his program with outstanding training & devel- opment opportunities. To apply please submit a resume to: Patricia Sordo. Pizza Pizza Lsmted, 560 Jarvis St Toronto. Ontario M4Y 2H9 Fax: (416)967-3566. Pizza Pizza Is a smoke-free work place. -c—%-q akwy Corea Trankn0 Trans Canada T nick Driver Training tie on one private A7/D7- Danwous Goa P.D.I C. Log book border -Air brake, Commercial tire changers an . Air brake adjustment cert.. No GSTIPST 24 hr.n days per week Financial Assistance may he available 905-428-9475 = C. F c«ural ifwp CMHa SCNM OF FLORFLOR. k -Z MIOFES3$ONAL Dnwrs At DESIGN 26 A Fwr6try S Wanted immWlalely to run susness Proteram. 12 A rt- Canso and USA. Icc Mri- temlve 31thaw prooram. 3 a. ADsllacC CVOR abstract wk Prolesslolai Nuns In. ens police ckaunce. OW time video. &Omnis Pro- gymers, broWown. loading gram PA(I-hmeAull Ma alloamrlg pay. compliti" Nunn avylabk A SOWwipes tine pad weeMY AI50 all your Iralmlg DecOmes worlhwMk Nat- yams with A-: regwad and cul asinine ine may o avaa. ower operators 905-723- A04 905.4361146 INTER NET-winrournynrnal cam 6118 IbrakChOd. o -rad sctoobt AUTO DWI person required 11 Calces• „ C406M a tench ewpharmxeu Ixa comPany SenunO Der N Mositenewagehr la 1 Muir have Own tools MW e.penencW pea person. for sons w11N marUgerul as paint department lof ••A' TEW MB KUWW Private sena, Sept Im. acraturg TIE ell STa11M Ca eer —ship skins Ideal Ids N.MI RR Dshawa snap Call 19M) 579-40M 10 bhngW eNmm4ry Training Snu, Boo1or a Mar Buse u ub ",rmp businiu owner. 1nCMrs. a car yea Como glow mh USS"ry eari- INc1MIS. 1 tknliplw (IMYIk) nae IerJincWl, Carer IryNn srwMiry princlpN. UxkM iry118k a Artificial nonnates 21 goers a CanAOa mrssloes ane sasses Ib Keelly Salle reaum out US falyes. ICM acconmF datkoo Fax resister 905-688- M W04 pleuras. way No caps N Commisswns Exceptional prolossWNl tin- y Am COO" (905) 128- 7M7. Tdi Bonny pesum time licensed stylists to 0152. WI Conrad M-430 me (905) 723-9083 ehh paslape Cele 19051 686- , rrderw We rt- 1117 bw Wb•Macao Whitby arO Ala. Call Rea 6579 ant Bpm sum to co11FWMNi la. hen (9051619.1831 (NS) 686-050 . N wares -c. R 'hw•1 r.A'am..e 'vwM +.�.. anus Ale aN1 y05 1. f� CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE lice aC span .'.. anon az News Ad- •- ur w,1. -rot o -t- 104 'o' ^rare Mot aco•ect inseMon !Mot LUN 51'10 'n - C. y !Or non -ins~ oy advertisement ,;. arty •or Cron .n ads ^d.^ 1, '^•. iln0ae .: 'Ur Me $Pao occ6 Nie er•o, MI :bpv -:..,,bfw. ::M appro- 7f-waQerM^I 3t • 1 AdveMser, C111eC coolli lar •eu"C ..:,,q M axinm dv .w axk,a. +.s'trecsvr rd wov,,,er .oma - i.l nae drrntreM e a ...' ane. am Psi :oawvrtl ism, •oyau .. v ,I vva •a .nn .;A.i Lo erose instil Ad to seen •• temweree. y1t ,K 11 :ya.n 11 :ar.Ps OL >y Rear fatnwa H* IiiIIIIII Genual H* Guest Services Stat/ (Seasonal gyp) We require four friendly, enthusias- tic, outgoing people to help us serve our customers this Christmas from November 1st through December 241h. Duties include answering phones, stroller and wheelchair bans, gift wrapping and more. The ideal candidates will be energe- tic, mufti-taskers who thrive in a fast paced environment and enjoy deal- ing with a wide variety of people and situations. Shifts will include even- ings and weekends, as well as some days. Interested candidates please for- ward resumes by October 24 th to: Guest Services Manager Pickering Town Centre 1355 Kingston Road, Pickering Ontario L1V 1B8 or fax to (905.420-9379) No telephone calls, phase. TO PL ACE AN AD IN THIS CLASSIFIED SECTION PLEASE CALL 683-0707 1 1 1 .r1r- rAGE 2e -THE NEWS AP%•ERTT5E1. WMNESDAI•.lK-I'(MER 15, 117 OERce Haig ONO � � � r 6M Quwltl 1M4 1 Gllyd wIo NMP i.C.MEkN6C�ir11EM�t! &kin IMIIMN y Iy a MNI DrM � "a ftffv M IlaafAae "0 uum Van. aV cult. AJAX - CLIPPER APTS. JUNIOR POSITION, eo'aMo1eo"to WMM14 for ndim emyWad• / ■ W4 wen pay, moor. on ad. Db. crow aorta u" 2 i 3 bedrooms, broadloom, 2 appliances. Inc' antiques, fine tummrre. Royal Doutt". tum owner. fnnl mlo w. o* 70 mwng pmw "anon• pa' - CLIENT SERVICE EXECUTIVE mN� Moocrott, good corns i oiasss old toys. Coge,_ Law MO be " �w r dw � n'r^16t `Owoe underground parking. s.'ith iu,ttrmer .,-n ice abilities. tic- & other Interesting snicks Durham's Largest (iwwinro`Ll�d. y041M6 Rood sMeNrey s 1Bp np I�pur.speS 55 f�T CM Lbmputer and data entry skills alit since 1973 pprray cWm mlryfmn. Doty >r of lister 15.000 I". saw. MON.-TIIIIRS. 9 A.M. - S P.M. essrrttial, t•sm,aliv D -base 3 and Pb"o o fun. IGH a eM kAo" II.M 725-0151 FRI. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. wnnd.,ws 52_n-S24K per year tml "3 Mel: hf (f/5167M22iT �t �1 � � I W. ,W. Tra1Nr/ SAT. i SUN. 12.5 Please fax resume to (9051619-2549 1 Mkew W 1 charged: Hie r �� (91Fi) U34MI SNo t31908"'FAIN for Jacn TI i N FT' TVAM, wrm add SHELTER CANADIAN 7r ,ANF W. tiler new 7M1E11, n you are cuncerrNa 1995 BornNwwe SSEI. suer. groom. MtdwoVd floors. MAIUIIE G1wranented S'of• Moulnm Heavy city with me um. sine" Lot low aurPd 38 A ale Dorf 17 Florida room serene On PROPERTIES LIMITED $ , ."I en p NOGOMM WNry filly %. for , o luck $60 of your ser, in can Mlp qA. rlylo. wM on *~ u« arms MIM yw round tra.r 116 566 Call Ia wdanunm 6,6.11351 525000 !905It tla t IN is I I'll "twice l.nl.r run insurance agents OmW 111F UIRECE 1 T need reel atter 500 For I I 'Ba9 OrSKTI1akr5pm lei". must ad seen f25.918(w to, Jae. Tine Dara i 905423'1401 enure, twmmnlp Lard, In 1rnla,ayl CMM) Pre- d ,rem"I lei, Ion bus r Y group 3 PIECE oak bookcase YAMAHA ELECTONE. ME 30 for Jack Temeran al 1161 MPID,CIdery RUN nouily Ileer SHLI mwtarp piuux Prevn+uS ew a deh. cdnnu in Sa00 who ane mn elect,.,,,, organ $450 000 Ask Jett a 1800161 AA Joel a6al GN w1,Mlo/rye dervm End a Soso" Sacn- In SW 660.9520 spews, h;ll scnoWCOKege puouata cob a trained Io owe assn VMIgMture ark EKG skills desirable Th.$ np r,.Vn u0k pus mans $,SC '2S36t/ mon wed 1. Amstr.ny Alto saw 1-150 OW- CA IL 726-161, OpKall w wua ca a Rack l� YAMAHA 650 Ma, pus NCMwr; arm NS a Marketing refits n part tIo goyim" aa.naods ",role ,murS NOae fllblrnl Oelure IN. NIS 6 bar aver 60,• 1 AreCgs Awawnwe. ftad= SNrr P'CMI. ore Ialeh CNMIst GMC. 2132 mum 30000km lull Tarring baTir $1 Very clean 51600 year armedodnrdwl5 are LnrIH pensaN DY salary A com- N m ant Hard wain cm- er•"g toren to Scum AAW1a Famty Doctors. (loner Rmde { I E2 SNOOKEN iAtllE In Orta[ 'mdmin' sever cues. 3 �, ANTIQUES Absolutely Pur EHiwpow Aw E.. SarNr- oalb, OwWb Mu 2H1 or best ontt Call 623-5272 1tNN YAhUHA MAIIM 750 m,sAbm3 Please rely b FAI $ea OsMwawhnby TMs Ptara. 96. Westerly RO b Ala Lt5 3N7 No caNL r uks one lull ser each W snuuke, ant aght balls and cnasm4 IunmWre or NV" uu1 cNn[dK instruwNnts. 1911 SININNEO. tl t ar. 5 Sod 92000 Hwy km. nem soon serve. isunyylnal kin. one Owner, e.cdkn[ week. PO 8m 48,. I)SMwa. Onto H 71-5 tp" otan dMr, $1.500 1 416 725 CHIN. ad-. ad•a,Nsw;, Andy. mini c nation. lady droven$7000 conatwn, f2M0 132.8106 Ni. L1 SALESine howl and Imni -,,,.MST rub Now for south Prc ,e Na Sraroor 1107 190543418" Al PDN CIWp SpKQI ". ONCOya. doh. wM bot- Iles. a6ocR0a a Mau Cao Robert Rowell Am mons ,q. ant le, 4 p m Pe c, required to, the ,qM Islas NEON. BLUE. Aub. t Manne Oui ortho0unlli oflka Damn $Q" aO Wes i therm tKlS M51MM Brooklin Fold S1we Equipment bola- try Full.bne Emplo/wgm owl exp reamed PMI. 116-291. 254 '- luded Limited bore .iter Pool Supplies Aho Call 1 l Gn IEP WANTED single a an $8000 firm T 1905; 655-5400 Is FT. C1MDY 1986 c,ubwt. $mall Progressive Canparry m ftiten Arta Must be two • 1 gait, GAS Maintenance 905-663- 835.^ Must be good cnedn, IleA- sono pIK 0 Call 905723- 1/a{ GIC JIMM'/, sLS. / 7 In titre 6 cvl Vonec enpY. Ih 11001%, of out 00310 Mem Craver All ,n good mF sed mdrateo ale work- M,/ m A Same Otlldoor Can w.std pwY; 57'9.1727 AMWAY Queen Coawane (20 6 s 530 930 Dm Mn. - poor ..dors. races O, slimm. 62.000 led $23.600 dervm End a Soso" Sacn- In SW 660.9520 PUW KrlOwledge d MKMWI Imerrel LIVE OUT trill., Ala._ most p it, Brad new with a It I I aalMe nen kale 131-5912 :"°° °�P"�" Mass am The re- oared Own Tuto portalbd ave aridly" eneePr. out. flys. and craNs, fight Muse. ami :,r r re Great CNrst- was in wed' go f95000 CD's N /NI7 pry lop mut to your used and Tike WHITE 1 -TOP FIREBIRD, OUfSME SiOHor, la Opus. ran motor Mmes. tra h, Rpwte, Fag 905126.1969 keepMo (no Drry0er7aOIt GK Helena a 435-9979 new COs Cal George 0 auto cruise. kap., SOIS. We ` Saes. 37M I1eU- k1MtK1 row Surpkn.Ara Nonsmoker. Ory, v 686- 1620 Foe LIN. rtNafaP) Om 4351998 asr yoyer. Oo.,OtK Dart% son Rd Nam. RRIt etaM6n 975455-0070 SMALL COMPLETELY com� ...,g firm I,,, wam$20 KO 'V 593 w 1 A713 i CraftS i9.50g Nn YOWq 527.500 Cab 1054304579 �lwP� s w. ppuu per ver ,eVur o,_ W ylNNy t9- onth and a. "Id half days sclmdll MINK $115 Be Surtt 5325 9 OrioleEN AUTO LOAIfS ' Eau � AN, t nine aryl to aelam Musl be Nvvmg. also" and nhgu, dmmg r m sinle genera oubkWp saws" merp,In: MonI,,, Sw5pm, 5750 3 dnnwrs $45 each istrwrre tasks Pk ,a q- Ca"Fielerenccs required Table 6 stars $55 Stove sane to Ms amu. W54M Pets 905509.0213. 515 Bu1M $135 A set a 0753 awn $265 AnOgury table i 1 SoretMft ApMw 1 Sae"1mpAgMNs odemann. 19051497-3532 CARMY WOKEN, 100%. N 'n k Sn Stam .r..;c pu le L Jlptl Fu, 3 rooms. $m 0 PM wkludes 3r iq Yds Cne, dour pad .illwS,Malal In vim yher «r quo~ n yaw bow 1ngreM, r partners W ,,. full yea. Daniel . 1 -OW ="ora tory COM81Mt Ma .sly Fcrguwr •"••�• Sat & Sun Ilem• 4pm "C 1r.•' •. raeni cixw GmiJ, anwh Moors. 14 " stra;nt cul mm m nx- VALIANT PROPERTY meed Nick up red. a row I1ar- innMed. COMPIO M;ws MANAGEMENT �ivitard M pm., on won - r, nes tip W hwvw s'0000 %. G, I pads 905-579-1626 nor Pow Pary 905485318 COa18NN - MaSry FwguW inset t.aMm Cores- LAW III - Wloom OSHAWA . Way" OxIn.V :n J4," arta" leaden. 14 ad, love, Ivo ',I howN. pOr,n Wer, GO STAaOn. .• :ha gm wt m ra,aw era "South ^sMwe w;h- 401 Poking, nyd,u Dakm# .toed P.N-w rM. 4 rw, w- Oarabod PaM1aIO Yad. a6ls- mn head. Co.~ into ca0le n nxtuerw pAbo Slq y .xdoew by CA IS lots Of Ca" Awwr,obAe" :%Laws Air coo. Nm aderl- AraFA1W Oec 1 91s- 131- las No AOAOM Na rine law son e 1 Articles Wanted 1 1 1w 6yb set up for navesl M 1901 721.2372 (at$) •.: ,angers n nae I S"1000 lot CorpNN pack 2Sn 27E1752 ^ar vel 3 rooms. $349 F - SLackaae .«n Pm, Pam, WS -1853183 aspowo. LARGE man Boa SOMA aped . Large I- ' A PA,,dea carpel. pa cdntaners own x qyt 1 qae 1 1 AOwkwamta .,C,..n v,ignoomin a I LIQ k.kr Clow a any. N- m p.d. ,.peer nsbN- W WE FINANCE ISO f." Ira ese- dlaP Altp 83 42 aIOK K or" redecaape s..nay •lees 130 yerOsl Norman Lad Aa 643-s1,7 EVERYONE F'0"RW n>"m s95omto ."ran. way, im 2.en 75 A p, �A' I314 NWAWEO. Scrap mFtaF NO turn d•JwnS I BEOROON •ar 0C r carpw1 1.1Valium; meludird 490 v+wn w4 .ntrna 1375. a9 `tlr CAFWM LITE L14S a ar mm.ved BBOS air can. First time bury- o""'" y,uii Buret aRglq. -M p`ew:m pou lbd.. wo.n ere farm machinery o""'" 7, fly DCII. aslant, LB9Em�7 oNr00m DaatmNm, ,rylun Stan ,a a LnI meta filos.5" err. bankrupt; 901Qt SM �M PhM was vxo wt ��. oil sm to" ..+, arpef 7 roams f339 >a- M l WCNIees caws. 6',a bad Credit, n0 tori -Smoke,. no iusineypies. f7W am tooB . �xw,V "nay -CAM OSHAWA Fnery�fMNnafs tlwadf . 1 Mss Credit! It you A CMaa" Wuwd oro 837-8143 9W437 9W437 IM Z,8 vio mworm JI W. -eros Saye; Durk.? oragiftwork, you drive! «. on los rapt. madly. o- 2 B q apts br rent, awtanp awe Sam 905 pot. IF, CLASSES ova' pp ore. $579m0.0 wtcMLwe NBM 05M Lar Md r. 50 Close 10 . - tin Lots of e- 41191557,-sm roan ant SW and 2 Iwd V, 3C � Join the Best Delivery Team in Town and std clua En- aim CMnmla ane .. eves Neann.q n bwgwwwn Mut Janes Votes 16 1997 OYD11td V8111CIeS to rvoo KONQ m WAN" 40 5590. -LIN. memo. 4rryMr 1rloydeS ylbve schools. shopping 3 4)' Transit right On well. rat Fa am 436 7 WMTty O d aq- n.aaa.m n ver mmry us ,w„uw,vr 1 Snwls Remy LN T777 saw new or. Arlan San ^ase, t+ua-W Can aid ,�t+,b,q LMt worsen aPcaml,odaN C1�10o5e t1.Om. ,]tar wW 20 pr• .POWW. r. palw,g unwr<s „CMrwO w.std pwY; 57'9.1727 pall your ODOI. Phony TO ADVERTISE FOR ,conk Man a :, 2I For mvw 63147 an Daae rM51 576 3147 SPECIAL :„ b- 05.PN rlI Flow ser SaS7 tiMRTNWE:T os9DIAA 2 to View (90S) 72t -:71t b.rgnf ueor:.rm ws.,wMl :"°° °�P"�" raI e -- • 5 ••w: ver n m Host P,ns,.am ap aywr vr.y _Pd ftgg . nw Mo mint sol Inrbwa neo". SALES HELP IN THIS Mrs aellaN Luwome1 ..Maw •Mo.la WANTED 5 m 11 w FINANCE , i 2 a. . 009696 r . Avafr. Now IM wm,IY /� * = SECTION PLEASE arwaw«d hw m -Mme fiYrr,aq W MM 915 a3t 4010 a Law 3 4 pm An cue a irwnlry -ruin Lean i Ar,OpN Slow sow SawV a Kah- 105.852 9212 a t DEPARTMENT SWRWAN CNEV - -�� Sw a� S dd1wa�� how wAred. xi4l !Des CAN Fkawu 7xss517 altm . Fks~ D N18EAMNOW Town.Pa noon IN,AeIOr ap w ow are fecal 6." Join the Best Delivery Team in Town and std CALL4tea22422a wa / `_v+ _707 i.Imd wap Stale tt.IP CARIIfe >0 100 CD C 126 ore am amt0 105. wlgstn a 15 and SRN sub Lao we. $3200 432 -IMS Ioo415e82 1 �M 1 M au1407 t k iv Owe beboo $12S M MPM 7/0 baarlea aN15 pw fie. t� t tem +A will eturaea Mae a lee troop vel w.New .ha19 F.tM,r Areloq er. a 7na,o has, s e.d.•„m F dui. Mar . ..SM svMF ant Now 1fl $779 haM NO NydaP Cr {23Qa0 On well. rat Fa am 436 7 WMTty O d aq- n.aaa.m n ver mmry us ,w„uw,vr 1 Snwls Remy LN T777 00 , "IE il,b,•w2 No- o<7' w Nb , N 2 ra aver Ile. e.Oa.,g 3S0 "waw. . awe sed mein b.6+malm r ftlw" Lap FMs rail r MSI srEsn4 /! Bwdvoam ant a .Ane L: -M of SALE '54% �,,, lis a t1Aea sins sou SPWo aid Due Win il3w V% n«aws and l* ,..=sorra own. new a.. i nrn +n' TiPEd DESIGN sER��' Home and wec page uearton Hyper krllc aNTBY. 1 aavaw mw I ,a. a aN.w ..., r$500iew 1w..ew tAwown FRA. hos 9we79o. v�ar ANMtN 061MMA Ever, W" a 2 F.ding I waw ba :nrry 8uwwp eras ruin r.10V Now accepting applications for: CONTRACT DELIVERY DRIVERS Apply in person at: 68 Harwood Ave. - Ajax 375 King St W - Oshawa 315 Dundas St E - Whitby -eat MAP 1Mrye1 semen ape. Cala Duarte W 1 yw, draw U m0 •.:oW pdow M- 110-7aE26Ie R new COeRVrEe3 - MOMTOeS. Demnam :'i: '•.au ,%01,01 at s.»-�� ar 4 a fry aryY ant 0 . nrec MMwO BSt i on .� % lease., 1 b amtbwt Osnwa b n,. 1 ONMIOV 2 e ant IN. 1. 'aa.Df mCu '.v _yms fin.'. 1 )55 e" a rum les $129 -KUAw Also rental chat, amebk ,wnNa. Fa•I•V unN hvadow OeNOw 1M la- peed P40 r ,wdtrw 4070 .waw WT 9121 " wtWei baa. Ilywe aN -.rund Lara and speak," a,,w ,: NaeRM task Pupae • PICtIMIIG Nor G urgA. palpwy I. 1 ar 110212 - new ' 3 G a nad amps MnNAwe I. sr � 1 1 « 778781 b.rgnf ueor:.rm ws.,wMl titiINT89 : toweaw Ori - s'65 Manby cgw4nce a worn e -- • 5 ••w: ►ay v,,ws mm path All vel: S'-• 'sLLsl plow mint sol Inrbwa neo". ,,w And "Caws. AM w,dw SW 3N SIMM M -YL A I AOv ANTO W Wife. r. _. :... • 1010 ore • The RqM Location a,we wrap -w -N, Ab MSS Pommy a IMM" No ION. $ti0 Erf 132 Iron 437-7050 •un Oow, 080 ad Eton U S n,Fnplmr• Crwr :soot.- i. tii1111f oMn COIMt w"ca iM,831 a ,Lar wlAaAg. .0m is i a IAN W ow 3 P w 5711076 Ser► 0 NNW's M;iLl IL wry am ald.M U3 ^'1"7 PACMNI wM w4011%W 2 w11 •mr7 rlMw "a ryn Irt IS, New norm wa"Ir., �W'..60'W� ft' """'° " "7.312 SOOGOus Apartments bedwom an ANN a 180 mu, Lawn ft" W lm aNw newt r,rt F 6 _� AUTO LOAIfS ' ane m Gam 4 Sank No rw, mw>•' Call OIC IIN,- son ,.awn� stmt. w""'i. as M2 Fre" A HOS, 1 Amirmt 1-:u, nrr,..n r..nua. MwLi lad. US8186 kalAded Tgmg At 000, � tto ailew *on Go SNU taPRN��IVIKNUs Me. w �i IIF !-M7 CONIt1rlA fPECWY win amanye n COrlVera8rH TO $Ch00k doe Sawa LAW ,ft* NCr 7714aaa 11831 #tr 705 KinOn Rd. - PEdttiFEr"n iftofw $tAG rM IWW, www moor 111MH[ a rr. koro MOMWA awaAam spa Now. Y^ "7 B 1 to rrweWr wnprr,.r- E.cdgm ­ ICdM" RHE, AAM :1G 0^ve mewed dp.w ae6wre / ShoOiD,F10 1 SSx P a: ti05 e31 ion 33 6 aleft. 16. Co $ero L. ra warla6k far leir :inn ,Mont floe FwTtwf SAll2. Iur _ two Unlerw 'i L tl versSainew $awed ►,ata W WNW 2 Close To 401 Naw ..al.m N Ra p 1 :erww nok 1 'frost wap r xu,e up.w; n tttw s '. "oil eaNN q IOIIO RNfNIG Set Maw ypw war S,{II Caar SeAuh cmu t RWry Cao Tri' 1 ,... i. a• '>ry. + .a ,u,ncr 4 muu. W Ps he dM �hirrelei 5w01, aa- Ar, .aNo,rab olon 1 f2M2 t G CN C+i Call 5laawew 1.2.3 Bedroom$ MwMK t.e1r reNaaN r gENij MCKEIRING WASSI v s w v elf Coe 414-711-7C2 aIW aanv re Saes 31aw oma 6 0 Cnnewa swwa ties �e ,wu pian w MIe new 1 w.l. ,,;1. -ItE Lea Cro scrods IV "0 /w11Ia 41C 40a,1e3i 6614-Ktii from $690. pp prh nuwtwtaws CAM OWN vow MOog A-••.: ' 'C:r-. Prwe won w Fenow ser a.�w� TOW11e masSt ,61 waaiMln a 9N5 _7332 tOSFBt-180 a rMS, I11 FNOM fNSNTN^ 174 L,r.MDwl M S P.W e•ww Dem.- / Dwf1e .,mato Ow IdIJ$IC raw • Ip r] Wena FALLING ►RICES' HM hQr1Y,ri.��.r.VrM.i we w-ee+rwr OWPY TME Chalwr 6 wwMMwwe wp Sn,u'e,rry uv-onnr... -e,t aeL4Wr"wWltb $1ARTEC, .••• -made" ON FACYORT Luer kn AFfORDAMf rwah.r L, Bawd«• .Y.:I we Mo. -aN27N,••lanew M�:r�Inrtrllwe0w1uLk fix i4A1awWK,4•'NAK �A yrT'WuFFMw ANN d GI Wt" AND PlCnen^, yp r,.drwe aFP,,•Vt NAIIAGETK ......r.. ,M lw.,aA sale ._ Weider. NAmN SIIMteMNi fM EVFRr 1 a 4 loco ante. "awls BwIAWA Bw •w n �Irnn 5583• bNaMe low STI-I&M ,• •St 6 mm ASSISTANT arra surobo is ..It4rIN i0mws. ,. Fa w w 0arw• OM , Lawn arw.MJr; N S7.M5 L 1 Law 2 a Ph1, 1C ease �' tlwfJlea ane SAWA& M- Fneeo, womoom paAlD. Jrraunwwa nae 3 warn +va,a•'e„ta n carr •^,ILaNM 1057257010 9-a00•i�0-e=7f fA,w9 aN up IalRltl, a mw :day= I^ w.a as rew1N o. pose $love AIN eNM1w DMbalw t .werM Ia1t11tCe Fmr OgNt RWca1 we MI IFI, ry ar,ar"�r Caw b40t a gMNIWi BIwu,M t boo � OlapMf IIILc~ A Cam SM 57%. load W wow. MayreNbhaDTime y;.MllE-0M8 Paw1�NS6M-Mt0 ane ppl, Twpe4r gw.wppt - N new rw Mw PIM oO Paa'wo w"R"w.. R"k",e si{7 oar„r Mtt SFtCraN. >an•.�..I, �..nor.r�ti neer M Mfutw 1900 LWMN Eve. poise. rRNA, Limit Pop mRPl,ll, E- Peanv MocnanC rK". Ilea Ment sten ow ani i swOw I M a c1O dwwpRf M low in.= Mn ant 35.916 Pa.. 003-576-4255 clitan ruts :n Ion NNO x-0467 W, PN;te, ,lV con- HOS x IN t Nv a,. a nxnnts w �• - fr A'OA "Amy m6 A W tM SN Per Arm 1IM 6w woo nw , len+; ndu4o Mw 101N W, itl.w.., B.v"i M- sz m a "W univp+.,w.11 v le, Rawaw 1••' Cr n S, AwISM Sho bewM ww $a #" 7 /E0w00es _.A* M^ IMAM Me MN A.Ws ]MOROOM auu.s P..+pH !0 DIA a - iGas SB E. '.ANI baDkYa,d 1, Feil irons b. bW O'ery waw mr I.NiMod ry I0.8404712. sa::- ..a V a Ower4 No erperNwa i _ 19ad E.Abne L.L.U. Vi. aMp W. xelyd 309 C Pill= "�"rs'•9 ..:aro f74r b wart fi M•a' , .W, arlry fila "ARK. ort W adore. w ryma rLA,Oe• . / Slut a la M11 ,N, M/. afAawa Nu Veq P11Me PON Ii-501-IM7 GMrr +ru Ia1{NN-. -low b 1101 871 312, Ann: Gary Kawry .ruNN wloAw A. anus Fed 8ro ao+ Mrew CRRwRw S.wMA $6 W aMb. VA, W IWSM2367 aper SOW aOIlaaDt ,ua bop t A 2 ""M METRO _ > 1 C PR Crrehad am.. SM -Is. leer IF htYf pig cntM. wW 4 MIM t912 M WANIRLY -wow" 3 bod-n Apa nam Men Aa. twawm mea, Agar COURIER NOMtaMafei mlHue fa10- tom MMROe q rdeMw,f CawNw 2N saw. wtahwA alliin„i„ ever Ow,anq MIO 1 sm sim�-kopmua- ".ft ..pindmg Inc 'r - '�.. .,•,r yygqmmdarIwYMMwnqp ..Ag. .eCeOla MSd71- Yuw•..•- Y• coos. i- AFr rn,v 9 law-, PWW Cray, wr UI -n Mk6My 4wNMM Ker 1M NNM. pr Mi Ms aM- .•.vl.:,.. ,,fogy M Nloee tl FsoRtt 17c>RF - wp I3T 41441uw meSAAw $Awont el 0,0 epi LN. rang, warn .agog pmaq wrJlrN ,elw,ay ,waw Dec 19 F.WAW. 7..,rc-I OM tyr Ilms wan aHSTaE7 elweMaaa rrplola rot .ei w, Walowlrae Jrad Mae, ItahO. Rick "talon bryaaew ~ pill •I r %a 00 PWa u For, q,>tww. poo 74gra6ee.. Rnr $*=3 Mn . pa. 106 tusk Mie Car A8A .:. • "'• `'"IL :aPytat, .va.aw w m It Gww Ouw Awa W 4=pl P.1i i.ApawA err ant f7, tf10 Hwa w iM0 . 1rJ w FroIAN 9�N}N 2 pwmansinit wN.Fb a.&W iseve JAX 1, Iu+rcs t.aR pan r.T. i;.s davurr apo 141"1 t71-tOS e 1 rtrn LN k,awd. for oro pin Dec t Wim"* o6a mu a Car OrnerS 'ymi bog~ 1 Co",aN 530 F•PtP w IbI aaA fwd As WNN YTIMMI MAT Io, yea f6 AS IgM Cepa Gwe ire MANY E aRMfeY 2 OSHAWA e15wRcw tent. AJAX 4 p40oM t-tgel Mus: Lave Oam vehCa ,„agrtPtnalterr. 1" i•,, eRPenenct „Idblearss -kont rev. ,ree.•rr Bah, ver, a,0�lMPt� SHE%Ah. nEi%DOGS �,ol 10.000 em" Ma No sol baa w Ln Lata,- Varve 1=beabaR a . oelxrwd rOwM IIw11� Inc POGO tbmmWtlO- MTAN Pbo.WM , awed ,,.try r-ri ii7-=7 Sagt la 2 9I3-S.i7o W�bwaGor fJMF � ItutivarnNitiv wgOq' MIMO it INNAN 410aW. NwgtO lo.-ar aWa .prop mama .I . AC lA Mo. boft era 0/WA.aeaM21A6YLi ::p'. Skins Cali JORw I;;. new. pnanrury ,^ )sow Mad PMw 105.1364M76 alliin. A I aro. iWbl. .tdlrlt/ m bola Cal Ilpw.c frown wk m" q 915 1917 out . paA•q SrycwreyYa,b• .a W. Fw6rw uPapo tow Mn Cr 416-Ici-$612 Ta1la. w M. 1 11 ts. ,Miro 985469.3632 Pw�^^'d tads Goa 12% awl eras. m -Ne wa• I N If Co 1105.721 9340. 90-Q6 127-MI2 C 416 -_Mer -5'13 1 FwAWood wRTEJN 'wog rMMMs 6pe 395 Caw r Cwkw Alb 1711 INRIIOMYAAOSMAIM. now cmw erae0 to a 4 -A-�O 'rppl M s,wws uw a e.KW- 3•Dam yrany c.,mrynr HMO rale " 905-831-5.''..23 AMMUTELY TIE MT top only Stix 99 LAW a0rllo N� Caw*. 1M AO 31. W . a IOMAWA. 900 6le1. SI. 2- kw I I;2 EMM SM a .rn rr-,,n 'Can ctsn nrl.a wW,red OwiH, ws.,eed ha11.104 1i $::9 JC M. ant ane QW Sa MMI CN 57178M. NAA. Law 1 1 DryOtooln. bedroom aparOnW, ftSW rlAr gUJM tad rt bDww Rarer .ger, asserrbr, xcrY J.n !OS -57611712 lot wpee srr:ng PrLYer Fye AIM- ane awn AN Daws Friendly, nMNlgMnl. OPw StNND Da a 439th ado maul, uKJlrave WS~ W a pts Mang. le..al Pew► homw . JustMq mol. v,ryw ONra CMM". Nowley' non shedding. bybeat Ts auxN saleawnupg Tc ipp" yc 4/6 SALES on Doles, I Ng.°pp auergenc. corFpacr Lmu Sm txwMyae pwp"Eo`yppk,naanm°Msm1Y. 5LI Awtlr71 Nov 1 cr rw ark ono s ebA. 20W IOD 1436 PIN1fESSNNIALS DUAWAO FiOMWp00 a,rAys to o87 it dont 1- a 57,-1537 w PAw ItxJudea fonts "-527" NEW- c/eefNr ewe tont- arid herdy Blore & f65% mcluMw 905 bei- �. WNet- See pW 7. Owe II to eemSelves to ,n Tune overMunN couch apricot. vel checked [trent nb liMint 570034 /SNMM. iwcdN lorWMN tNo - ww alk t0 a t1,Owing Cana- and Jur, As" $700 CM Ali 1st ShON. SM OMM Ltd 6867428 aaoom apa•NUM. pn m SmOkrs OrMarrod (� 1�1M Y.'S16{5-7562 ant to Salla" AYA, WESTKVAME 1 taro. nlrahra pu6p Na 1. Doc I $10M/mmm fAIIM ypMY dial company nem, up- 427-5997 IoM ltDs Cunas Gtta S www hSrr17.wudy, Walk into 1650 mow Fes MMA. Fat ba Cr 19M)720-1 p PART TO* edY110R �) for limned opponun.Dei for FM SiA= PIANOS 40MM-T ltA Ful" Lhasa 135000Kms NowaMs and w Non-Vnok. law. m bus raw. ►a1Y,11d1- MN. Become the HOmetwo Town Of sales people In Roy a0- Cut, SPILL & uoeit. IkA lo SC" he1ebbbByA E.cebem condition (7500 ply S,rr. W SOP A" side aro WMTIY. 2 A 3 Direct Shopping par.arw. iiwwww venismqq held IIEOAEA' delivered 'cera tsl Law At UNG Pilo 11 rAmtNd raD lsa51-ail-Ss99 3600 nctuuw ane roan W 7lwaroom IpMMwns n AaNe. tAtNFN awl. 2-sNreEr. l distributor for • ^•^�r'r7 ' ACCOINT LIST$ $55; face mrd. 4r` rd a Growl. rOAM Deo• � rem $326 "talky, 1905N26� ►HWM AvAilItem Nooft 1 Dump. bwaCar Oa WN 1Ai a ri s 6 key0oa0s Nd furry, wma PNKDW On Ole 2947 LOIIUCI Farts m l RW plop,. ity caped. Nwa6 your Area Deliver VaCafw". Call Jerry 4crt ,o owe Law >ai� apOr I,talrnbl,g Oo.n Eaw 19M457i-47et vara. yrwf awn :.'AA - As aalogues. collect them (9051619-1363 ,1 doeAs GK 1ElP eeth Iron S50 OAC Cas. Pa a viol W Scalp cars i ay q epy Wlarnq, PICtMM-I bodrobm Poll. 720.1122 1we1 owuW aro deliver pro0uct5 R.- WOO Tuu Imry posy N 33-/41 Niru vm 1911 to 1911 trucks a any tortdANI1 vtllH sOaclols. CArpryMa, newly Ain• IA,aLaY aw oar 60 am t0 your CDStOR.K Ion in Oso .n toe; lam FIKWDW, exCNknI very FR~ STOLE . MCOM Alaedy Auto Saes Ltd 792 as 24N pro --m pwA• palwed, -0 okaty, clow FAMI SN wOMq Dw9Dn ISI PKC . vada Rd -7401 Guar7nteed iWl best quahty hardwood gw,- W Frw Malo VaatY N aN. slLdOpw•0, M ultlwi ,39-0 N) F/IAIICML Lane tacany BowmNvik runaml 4-blMwr sed ova Swncw Strait Sam. Oagw Towwp MAItOM Drys 1 116 Ava --W. wrN 8pM "110 rene" comm,sswn antwd tiara I PMw WS -720.3382 W pogN.R' .CkwoO. Iralgs! N-- SeaN Aw 3-Owma 2- NKSTUM wmwn I. Burlington CAM Dnp time, hmY $11e Opo Cr aver 12 Rwyckp W NO SBlNi M, EI19 n 14161 636- For an appt call swwnoa aA i sot holo[ p h, 432-35,7 MII GRAl10 PRIK 60od a "Ala Lal 190170E M FMS. 1 OaaoolR fin. bed" FusYNN. w PEN REGUM. D991 F, rryNAIN N767 636- 716 n ,Omen in- daiver redOdtl, SM G ND PRIX FIS.ood 57 2 bedroan, iTn 3 bed-PICKERIN 51350 ,drew: toile 1 sm IMw e:. a2M 224Y Ilea Firewood 9o5.75J MEINM - QuAMr . WI. 305 N. 1arYME. WAM A { A ANO' Wa oM M6 Door SMO_ Lal 130- GME �t .dh�- pant Sp 81 Siw. ♦riN iOSN SIM FRY , Dep Try cook W TM 6EAL EMw %rooters 2246 $299 pus MMM Otlw tarwnsSNn AWI; f1500 $10.000 Call w w spa 0134 B7i8111erO S OSHAWA. 1 bNwom, 2 p 9 T�N new store Yui Ilan CAN 905- waled", Nw ntervewmp FWABP@W Rau wmeer i sues AN StyMs araasaN. GA 205 427-9152 AAY cdAdwoa, A•Y y1a GII gNC1ElM plpf. n pirAtA apa7K7IBFA, 8 2 Oath 2 awllopDa NMIh 668.25% raw a apenchoed ops Top Firewood Centre 4.6x12' Also ga l Nw Lact 761 yN �a NEW YORK- W any- N � 6bw be Lsys*W Rd Flay = n7om• MRpIF gFlapl• HB STWENf2 Earn f503t00 Cmtmrssas Fant -sun NO, 4.6.16' S65 ESLaD� A1cKae Re Uel 3. x!9 ER 152 6th. po.a every- 30 er wrvru bfndW. SKW4 MM 5560 no s11101dfg. n0 IMM. SIONmo PIN asaw Tram; Droprams Cal Dr w 1963 Darr 7G527, for eae web. W 70 -aa' w poo nrmg rgppllibR 5003afO570FS231 palway LaA 863717 fes. AyyBdB pEDlp srww ria' wwmy worMw; la rgMSDa' teas of Cara" Development 3387. Ewdngs 905434- 2093. Add wtlacW MOO a ESTHETICIAN Per should be comtorabk r905J619-9500 6665 Frw Atwry to Ouuwa bona C11 sn4273 M N� G` a rack �M a BKhew N (1111115) 421111 -Mill, m wa to -dins rwssnp arca SM t I1)3 $1 no wallo$. complete a ea. ap. Sp ad.. lanry. CAW. MMTER12E0 am MO a10r NEEDED fth^,W Iutby call Sew Elirya Costello cw: awwlN. N1 9N7 MRW*W Deb 8. rp c7 ) FMA MMv re.nwWo. do -swain mtaw a sed CM3 wide expexrerke in 905.263.1093 AIWPlGhennp. ���lfilt S13BO� ter' wnauls OaaNn awl• MR, IotOea (M Dower yaNi. G1 (906N314733 a 5475 aN wFtlMrw Mb qN. PICIMN:. 2.00"01 Law 4Yd. vANAaa Ma NNW rud rxterWon fur W Aodrew 905483-$6t1 ilSBPI9 ode EM' arlct Aon WM i n wM-�Jw? mwMon f2200 7N9. 0780621. EiraMOY401 ala LAapt IAP. cion Ane DAM. Wm. 40$75 W 113. Mi 1. Attitudes GAS FEfEHI 6 Follow Clean sant. Oran. 9p5f8-9421. CA(Sw7.n,'1714 NJTG 1MB and Rocks VOW,, b inL f650r n SAP 1-fD34S511vq. SUPFA-oET Tae on Un- er ResbMIW high and mw FLM CIAMM - Five usM COMA BMINM. Ma wYM3. hrstllaSL 1WnRCN Pickering Town wanted PoI 6 t,= emClancy tuI gh Own 5 trawr SWwwI 14-V CO. GLVM Fw3ME. Roy yw CA 4 door, NNW. waRNdldrsap AFMCadaolL t bed Pn { I AWN. Nov 1. CAR Ftaak, Centre to Phone Loa Good A Feel Great t ansportation W W bnv,n nb. good cadinn $250 NEW pws d rw Fall No yW I I1 OOOIm, All. aMm cas. a°P1f1 IN wwW a on QF- . Ph= 432-228FIJI W H0) 4262929 Robes f00% Natural i Guaranteed kurl5e can 90548.1538 sac of IN Live tui $1000 td.. ore wte9 Wad AIa - SON SM CadNO 1906 a" RIE4A aW pad A" law a M/er. 1301, M Mor- PUMM, West shore. AM Guam SMM . 3 416.977-6818 (90)571-5063 K for Pitiless" once Coss Oud- Aed law neaded. 7510 TI7 Can MGM l)S e," Dr IINtaSiOp,ARpp Cavalier 1 OodI. auto. q1M pAyp ppay1NttCal Ata 1-bedrOOm Oafs• N0ftm 1 lIDAOAM dor $1,000 won new Call NIOWmom Boa. MEW dmop 62 000bn. MOD loon fel OtAeN 511-0407. �• onto$ - CNN I.bo ODM n ., sIDArAtr OnnaMa. atbDOls a�slbpl�aN6. MON F]IPHENCEO Lna regart0 lAll IOGI. WORK LOCAL 1905CIO a 14260351 lodln nen. NEW bedrinm Al,tllce lM rM 433-1717 s.u, second Na d Mmry I1ws raY. MSOhroAB, Mdu- w. ALL INCLUSIVE. First/ W aobhMa Rawer resuu. Supervisor. full time nen 5t1ta;[ i MEW IIOnN aha i CASH FN CMM We aay bTihpaBy IDura. sou b am sore SM & %M* wrykaq. IMt tan G190.426-9000 time. IOr door 10 door tuna Krue PIO( develoENKNE. isri}R�aMlrary MtarWIII,wM CHWs.. OR- /tM GM. Jimmy 2-r ow � Yom. Cut MGdit Owl. unique produc7s. devNop a �_I�r� DER mm la TWaspv- dew. 431-. ore, $5,000 a bat awlaes. SwuaN 1a fM,yb H0181 -M62 IMS)579-9166 ova $NOW" SMALL packs% ,atop dine. vera Cal a pan-time,tullhim ncome •q.. e! an rte A ask' cow GA 905-666-9813 be in 427 24rSeq ane N Q9 WN. M BSgr� Oa heed W a Pan-hme Ds- nwst Guaa,ke0 I.,MN OaV how tbrrN Training pmwded GARM door repass brown lel - WE ARE THE NICIORS'! � tnuun Supemsa IOW pus bonuses Call Jdl 905 SWI Investment 905432. spnnps, ta0ks. idlers. Open TMOITIOMAL rlyOppWpIK- 1106 BCIMY TOpaa. 4 BoWy-_St Ent Alex a pbs hy0rb�-3011 lepl SIN worlds, woo have super 433.3901 82N 2wu recorded manage els +IMaMd Sag New OarV ING W59P-8771 �. s Ds j29' SW N MIRtAu Al1105111F5 6G4110 ryw am L�� awry experience. a post Opt Oualry Peds Doors --�'�- ! WAndary eduattion (a VETFIO MW Reapaaa re- 416.336-0073 TM /M FoMM r N stick 7'2570709W GP m SISI - IA Abssolluile Affordable! working wwrds one1 POM- quire, E.Derence necessary Kcm" F _Bawgo. TIN SLBMOIIIE Dina as CLEAN SIM OF REW M6 In 6 evenings toe days a PTuse forward Aught Tamm R P IF.wPAW IaMea 1 noo0eal Atgcal saw 5675% an r10Aa raw MONwm ANTI E.Went TMB Lits. w. RnMa.d W. Sof contained WHY NOT OWN A: two Sorry .0 mach ea162 OMMN t. pm at Oursim Reeds ul- con NWI m ntamad. a.ROwtibc ear imw inti coon A .aperemal AO erten- E.OSNwa. Onur LIG )T1 t,maw MUWcDr4 iW"Ot lady driven. $wry IoAoed raft' .DMH. KadNp nor 1-bdrm basement 3coo- I-IIE(I Semi $700/month asm wsumes to19Mtes MloadB la. 19M 19 1 OMa Mention Terminal apt. Separated entrance, no smok- OWN SALOM III e- AOMNSTMTIVE AMfstael wren toperetnced Stylist needed lot small sales i mon 5 years e.puo= market.; awry to Surpor Also rental chat, amebk dugh Must naw ucewnt ►Wase W PN N 68.7821 eammumahon SMds. Com- WMTYLtST add EMtN110ian porter knowledge and some required, min 2 3 years n- Obokkelipmg experience m- W-, C01905-683-2954 bpm would be an asset IF YOU are not nW.; SM OMPA tOW AtreS as wea .e0 u9 us Oshawa Com- a Dung a lean payer are 1my teas lull Ink people asp mporunt caaaclens. ►ay v,,ws mm path All na PWase Hind your re - lm Laa.a 721 0291 sant to 90 Itone0l Cres LIGHT TELE►NONE II111R6 Unit 12. Scarborough ON flay,or herrings red Sudan Mix IM3 Once Full Ial,mnIt provided Cal Mr W Wane a 1901 ApVERTgINC fAIES n3a910 AGENTS red Loads sup- 40gr COM- LIME TECHOCIAN. lox P,„- yye, Full ,me Wo groomed rynud sly, d, was" And GAS Fa r Fj Holy .n or rw Iwo sEsso p' - *.no.- to The Esso Su- ply in r sum 905.72ted "Sunnis to 905.7262151 un Ip1 158 Hunt Sf Ala 16AAAm 34 E.CS 1 ONce tledroan Hit Fd mCA stat. Olob," to upsca, wodM s tashias pastgner ryAVW with al gam And Lar plane Pw, p I . wary wrwo.. ca,py MO Cr 401-9759 apt. Separated entrance, no smok- 3 -Bed bungalow 5800/month 1 �T ' WWIL kmawn awning arm Hwy down 22x.00 M 45800 ALIaft( lw FNB 6MB. MO ing, n0 pets. Lap MN ft' mT g Cal 1111 asraN new ma maorubN ed 6�hI kI M.. 5 sped. R.MO .rem- AVdd. NOV 151. 80~ S"* Spcai Pw- hed. 92.100 anlMNe CAN (905)571-6275 or 1-800 840 6275 TIS 'J oW-PAWC chase - ter. Lai C1Aiaw Ifo AMM. 741x,. AM. 4 !9051723.3511 Call 686-9949 MARK STAPLEY Fashions, w to 75% an NO a son aeaKMt conation. I.Ned Sots 227.000 Ht CoM WraI;W, 305. NIXON. Whae "DON "S Fnm t 901 Ot it=. Y� mam99609 re $5500 CumNO PWaHi roll y0S.6fi9-9B17 CWAT CE. BKtI W Apart- morn. ,nab hon -smoker we,. Saks Rep Sasoo Group Excel Really Inc. CIO. MAry S W. Punon lalws. Mary 40- cendle, $9950905- 120- 90% 1fI1 GIEYIr IMI a. -loo so- con,e0, ava,lAOW wrmNdwk- ry Frwge. Sion. povate M- 1 TON.M wlepy 668410 1$11 A'UMM EXCEL CIL. 4 yy"" alll,ded ab. brad new 6 5 L Ni dal. Rana. parkin, lama m- 16AAAm 34 E.CS 1 ONce tledroan Hit Fd mCA door. s speed, air moron- Imp. Ger Niue well Alin. "oder. loede, 1 spa monwl, r3u0M Rth H from GO OIA f50Nnlomh hULast 9040E par New torn. 9600 w suis oNu W lined very good snap n' Melal4.2775 r4aoru0le 2904 P9-9760 tenuueanwr. $6.000 am 579-uu ��_ CMPIIICE brIgIN spAuous 2 10113 011 01MCM 81111M WMV WB F6NN $tri. Ano p. Mows $200 Atm 0 v�e N��•�'D*A , lii6l1t�11�e. bedroom apt T"ni1Nfew sea Close to ArMaing. 3�8eGr7om Townhouse Units. used used wWNn 11250 errs and d U Tip FADE TAM a span coup: er;ht red. lady Omer. " a A&M M. good con first,schosod pen f7007mo rApuired n9-7395. Uls ar P included p. $125 c�MO New auto. Prs. P7B. NC oboe. $1 700 a Wil oft 90'M' -NG 4 � �S Nand ram SIT Sova $419 55.000kms. exawm torsi- IN IM, t B 2 ONroom Parking IncludeArea. AAe p Nor student bM hNY' her New Miehehn rules A IM MME CARAVAN SE pafiyls n wry IRM. wW Cb9A t0 SCf10dS and shopping. a 5 cf SM S=INI is 227 Crwn 51 must b sw' 511 ON CAM P,MAk, non-vr4kof, 6cyt. 1paa. dada GmbH pW1is INA, M amw- fero1M $e41.11. ��s7ppANkaMM pMN. 16-1441 M5 576.2004 f139D0 CAA Nick 9042E ba Bus Mp N door. Pak Ib N OSNw1 fM5 f7t4 CaN SOd-721.OMW 5715. Maw Iwrn4r mO 579.9016 4 A Al I warla1111Fddw�fra- al~eYYs Irk• IQ schools. rl Dec. accialsincy I St. E OAura in Quiet ao ,cede. slue ON / SIEPN M: Cory kshea room EmploYse tire. uh-smoker oval. W n cimI euwf add N SMaaia NW*d knch- and baMmonn Reform. 05A0 905409-2458 CLEAN BRIGHT HOUSE White. Rd S and 401. Rooms for rent B&B ,nail.; weekly and monthly Hydror scaly welcome, 420-0042 r.., jlu ,IV kilChen, baMN . 6 mom. 965.666-3767 ""0. apt�0 $hued Da0- kacMniMltles rea,b... acorn b W . WNxsewwin 846-107 Anel NOv 1p 905K19-1016 Noor a fee . a no Owl ,m nm..daf„M$ Clow to as hes. Hanood/Ilwy 2 a'. mors-s0oin Call J. uw, 965126-2754 7wmE SALE- ONww. 1-v 2 storsy aN Nick No*. W ,ales. 4Ma001M, Am ow lWorrbus Rao. WNk to NAI (AEE- OPEN HOUSE t SUNDAY UNTIL SOLD King Cooraaa's W&- In Tint yips. For SW or For (lop. M Dwane n 5 vspen comm k* f ewyam■ on 100 e fres 0. Pop LSM m Opm CNKeaI. Illy all consist* sia.wo 9061254 Cables tis tiaM �...,� FlCMWM. Tndsl cwrdu L shit A jaws.salraxn, 1 pxkxq, DK 131 dMww roc faaiews, avrlapk Call 905837 2258 Lb E VBKW. no N DUIENag Bffm Mae61egM ANCON I WtANT LOT 90 5 h , 24a it 1411 ,arse Glemben wlernk low 4 t5 acrd s7B.doo Abd stn4r. Coumce 132 bwaMM. ■0 %beeq.1M,10:7/a.m. VNwMI F� q1 we M 02 Nw� no. East b SMgse S1., M. 1 loll. Sunday 's Auction leatures the Estate articles of Knowlton of Bowma,nlle. Plus 2 bankruptcy vellid b other consignments Partial Ito includes: Dunt phyfe table 8 chairs, wail Unit, MISC. tables. Chars WATEMApNT COMMUNITY m Pon Perry 2 acH lots let shit A rockers. Couch, bedroom sets. stove. washer. dry S11820.0DO74905 9h� dishwasher, plus numerous other household emec 9Jg� tools 8 hardware, CB radio S. helmet waine taikil . We now have heated mower attachment for ATV , hand 8 electric tools. �. LAR no 220 Devilbrss air cQtpressor. riding mower, vel cies include. 1990 GMC 4X4 Sierra 112 19 DALN, E, lust south d Ora. 2 big wM.drw. Iota, tons 8 Dodge Ram Camper van (fridge, stove, washr. each 50x300 rat, 5.0. by etc ). 1993 New Yorker 5th Ave_ 4 dr., 190,01T1 sae. .tied./yea waunroe. Nonhstar Rogue XL 115 OMC let boat w/Yacm Ch rtie Dead,W beautiful dry lies. `dal °win as year. lived new tracer, 1978 20' Grew 8 trailer , 1996 Polaris XCR 61 (638 his.) snowmobile. Yamaha 200 3 -wheel AT Wie Far rvery �rrgr0p° nI� *5".e� 484.1211 older outboard motors. utility Irrkr. Maturity pow stacker model 905. PaiE.a>r- (PA68), Pitts misc. sports cards . [his a large auction with a of No r0"•Y " ecte o `dine vehicles win sell SbbfeCt t0 Oeiners appr0v. ll subject owners cep be Lood Auction features misc. sports cards seg at 10:30, h CAPITAL FMANCMt cash In lowed by tools d hardware, vehicles see a 12'00 It 48HM at or..ium .les to, lowed by household furniture 8 Collectibles . Tom a,ry IeuM to wens w ties Cal 9wn-9pm. 4t 63368245 $501) deposit on vehicles. balance due (cash or Ctr OITAMM A LOAN IS NOT bed :bene) when picked up (Visa- M/C. Imeric Asn on CheOlie) Call to Mlglell or laks Jim ell aMeln. GLIANANTEM SOME CHANGE In CPRONT MacGregor MI#a Seniles. Mike MacGregor FIIONi FEES. E IIIEIIS W0 907-5M2: 105-623-778! T DO NOD m N . `i-shr W!Yor lei -Meekly M !NAT YOU 1 Aurnons AUCTION sTIGA E NNIEsnCArE rIl6II0Iig1F Lsttlr4GANr . KFOIE 614►-e3s; CONSIGNMENTS �RPACTS Moved a 801 AND ESTATES 11 act 7n Thursday October 16. 1997 kltlarnlem m AUCTION SALE WANTED 1 Thurs. Oct. 16th Low commission. MOaIGAGEs good had iia at 6:00 P.M. � walMl's AueOon payment next wJ" i, -g for Try pun- HIS Hwy n day rates both 299% A ookcaMn ac�F w Large Co10wrM selection of Sales every Tue1 Thurs. and Sal quality, horns kantsh- 6 p.m. Antiqu rings --ludi g new furniture, al . 1 8ire"wM see 6 owl' press lad phanoens etc. Owr Chairs. Farm style and er and Operator BECOME MYLES KING n F►IrAAaclautr P AUCTIONS 33 Hae SL �EpENDEN%! Oshawla, Mail „n cels Ione,•; 1. EstablislMd in kam Maw. iIMNrlwd p 1960 Nlcome FREE - 7255751 sllOpkes a postage n 723.0501 Start , Send sen addressed s9FHIDE d E inkormagoin 6 appkcaeorl Onker :NMrNaMe A Ns an 1T$$ wift" AM. Osw.a.w. Oet. M3M 1G7 LINK ESLIELIMM6 on - "I SNm seat, boom r urnp,_ I- eww .r Orr $14" Womb, u w coarct wahm Dow St215 S.1sN aieMihw win Illi 7x,17, - A , waw."- taekcrtl '.0.n haiy tawN, E W-nit0 to h-" Caw. wee, Nein. }iraiM b t2 ".N. a $$10.000 Er nine ask 172.006 CA 1. to WW 1743 .4 W $1o' "MI," "Vee ceun L. ._ ,.,-i "" acv 7Ei L 9 and rAr. 9m "an I3HRIse Lbmsbm sch" uma m veryr els 705324 PA uw b "Ar ,1nAenasiM Mrd Ant a twerseewor vwn cep b As win Alae :wile Cdew~, $et lw ..leer its r Thit,. a- &.6 Ste nM "a be se as, p if• ar n aa•nwanw�6 ON. sit N Po a,ebR 37f osa4. and a ..aw • 1 Pilrldlr• I 1 1 EXCEPTIOM"L LAOWS AMC GEMTLEMEH ^u I a w.b'w• E Yyw. r1c CN.. w.eawh _- .ra�` 4048Y61 Lao t,' ,wepw v. ulw .d.c 0r 'over in Ave 'Carr man want,. Me a I M E ^ 1. cele( meq sOom Alek b les on wWwh PO° awhov seet. owsm GA Lim rLS IMINE "V ksd p- prwrtrs .0 IN Ck„ 2 Aid Sucwly 10,Mw11 Do yin f e a.w Am lun••o w .Can., M's = Mch ,Met C*Mhoaesl W "5 -"S - Opt IE wmv PlTOEc $299 1 inan Ill- 24 tars , SDO-451- 3763 Doty momewN 19Dy 677.7770 SS 01124 his IEAVMT PsrC1EC 129910. ta. 24 hours 1900.451 3783 DAILY NON05COPE 1.100477- 7770 85 00 N hoses RIUIIEW ►tRINt AT seers ThalsrWs $aMhra ca4 an I-11061513733 82 99 pr inn 4lvs 18 In . aseeliziow ESCORT SEWAM IkifwEi E3L'alM IIT eta se,EEiEEa OM COOL asMSI 7 arys 4ltlia-sauce pbllg swwMl rem CULMM" E R PtychK Aewrs rw o• Ober Rale, n1 PON% 100.000. C m tit Cass CO , 14. I- 1451-4 $29* Dia, fa. 1-$06151.4055. lichen iffiIe Hairs n wWN a rnd al pleas riew We mdNrees see itis sebCb,. Berl furt"kxl. MI5. Chloe, saw. aP' INrv:". anegue oherirbie pt's., chi a glosswwe. pis Tres harres..^iDs I Sat. Oct 11 10:00 .aw. La ate coWction Ia a glassine CIA A Pines icA t I a Pik glass. c ra4s pp. Sewer A .I lampe ckssr )loured. &*worst 0 ods, school holA ,.f ..m flock arty .DoMtww r ,Ir- craft. Weft Dorf. Gsrmwry, try geed Irsksctkt -meas, pias M Y,CIdt m kris 4tk. Brae out Mervn. lriel kNewc are , 7otl G.Y i BiN..rw AMctldn-Nws 109-355-2106 OCT09ER T25TH 19:36 A.M. Don sale of Real E The property of J and Kenneth Theme hall Lot 11 Con. Don Twp 8 m4 It of Lindsay on Hi to Camaron la eron Rd. 34 to tan :esston - tum wah house on Nor 3 bedroom bu on 1 acre lot - 11 ge. 2 x 6 stud0innpp I concept, Cathedf tg til I&MV room. s old. Electric he; s northwest. Ne s n day of sale, Cif 30 days. A very aen five :0umry homef vrewmqq Call (705) 35 1147 Sale maraW a sold o CARL HICKSON AUCTIONS REAIORO.ONi. (705)324.9959 MOBILE 7447664 AUCTION BARN FRIDAY OCT. 17 AT 5:00 P.M. 3 MILES FAST OF LITTLE BRRAIN ON COUMTY RD. 4 The Property of Mr Oa CLwdby of Lim Brian 8 The Props fy of oke lase Mr. Mrs V,c Jewell t Oakwood 9 pc. w tit dining roan sulk walnut tea we= Meek. Chinst "MMI fit Mra rig chow 8 ot- THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY, OL-n*ta 15. JW7 . PA4E 21 ray A ftw a OVA" a o ww :10(*S. Captains high A *~at way so X Moving Systems 14MIeM Mpeoigri t ervices. moves. appliance yaentarlor heaNh naa ell ano specialists. Flat rate or rboxes brireS is tlarweSli . We now have heated HeaYen sent Herb.. e units. Now offering free Kelly RemTner with move. Park and load Certified Herbal l, starting at $99 and up. Practitioner -0005 or 427-0005 • SOrkaw w Eleuaa CrwEnMnp (416) 282-7305 Noland CNMYMrq COMPARE TO BELL PRICES. Telephone wiring, rn- demlal small business, lacks installed. moved. repaired Fns Estirl I A a G SERVICES 839-6339 �INNL_J. xKwujrT DVTERfORS memo LIND MAID SERVICES �t FALL SPECIAL To an clew :Neots. 20% OFF our regular rales with all bookings of weekly and be -weedy seimes Limited time only) htpure ler details Caning for your horde with Personyted 8 Professional service to Over a decade "or TOk'M=EP(Tffi Mgi Ear aldo le�in ��ldthr:l�l � � SIF ff`S , �' 6s}�Ij'7 �i91 ":V* 1-,5 Ji, (11CP muff rm, Af r.a1aDvit'adari dm:iG9�k � ,➢OfQ,'LfiPg �.71i..1Yi 1r � �.)i�. �.1� i1Tti� Stt PhTl�Hn �I I Ihd I III ll ,'. i.A 11.I WW11M I Cus1Omn Window :10(*S. Captains high TMAltren4% :' 1 owing : • 1 L+,iaAcrP+S I Quality work, d stool. Press back NO aw• Oak drop OF EDEN Reasonable PrTT_% TIME ff6M0 Fall a -I,.. -up. Afars Lumley �s Church rneopw, Eerpt*i�l+ur*aswk�A4 treog) 4127-0051 SeasoneCAL• DEP PEW WHA('# MEN' Evans of M wer,SOPRA77Fi =RUMENAMCall 1 Daft E OROMIxEE. re- D� pMy YcMEEKIN Eowald W-- Pvacu'., 1' age F ;r Wild Wild stlloeNSAdlw Oshawa Fuwdwm. an taDke. RCA t.or404 '.•-scar :t'Aer 14 1997. He was a recent rest cokcsoa dila, Pant Swvices Peng Services Cern of Valley Farm Nur Ging W" Edward was re. DIAMOND CedAr C1,Mt, w,,„ yin fwd. Tired from Dunlop Two where he had wokod for 43 Sam , E r- its. Predeceased by M wife Henrietta and his Maid Service a V :.: Jghter Gail He Is survived by hK son Bob. am See,;.a ...�.'; .. quality yw a�y a, ?-. Xlchldren Eks m. Brandonrvk and his wife Jenr. caul. and Christine The fainly will receive friends a . `i-shr W!Yor lei -Meekly v ��.. the MCEACI NIE FUNERAL HOME 2B Old Kx+gsh)n or +rime "��� C Road. Alda rPluenng Yintagel 905 -42B -8x88 •rOm 614►-e3s; O e^s. D°0 0 grains. Music. C x*reb. Snow 2 to Spm on Wednesday Service ,, The ;until at Moved a 801 While. Pocahor". Min Moue, Loot Bags. Face 11 act 7n Thursday October 16. 1997 kltlarnlem m ; . 1 Serino w WeemEaL `3intng,Magic, Poison Ranger. lion Keg Woody. CruMa D"Ift Sada moon. Skydaxw ML_A71 _C794 MT Pleasant Cemetery. Toronto It so desired. Done- tions if, Edwards memory Can Oe mace to The chanty Of your Choice 1 Sithe 1 Srfka : 1 • E7. call FREE! A GIFT FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY ELECTRICIAN pyq� a dnit �I1n°unr.vh.:r- ,. %)a% Nckcrmg t omm R. INrns •Wsertaeranc reewwe a FREE N^e" vaa"at ^" Attions "BAB Y'S HERE u ppRr GIFT PAC" Freiresen$akes EB4tay 1 a83- gww"ya I.1 i An allow Poi ang i IL7 w M and SMrdMA.lag T,7 0 :.Ings .areneret mosers Trip gkyMY wpk el •r pro" ^1 co tis sown �au Ice A FREE F- wo Approx. S2S worth of aObeeae brand nine ' TMS PAINTING Your free coupon is i DECOR IMecor 8 Exterior redeemable at Sears, European Workman- Sft Oshawa Centre or F dean. mbam Pickering Town Centre 420-0061 EELTSH a Inquire at: mumm Ajax Pickering News Advertiser �:IN" l 130 COrllnterCW Aloe., Ajax c r NNR 1872 whites Rd., Pickering - - N« Eta Xp �Q� (Secs CkkNM) s 1�Fi1.77S0 683-y�0.707 1116 neeneweeneeneneene, (RIR`_ ` � eEIGw wMiRwt alryerlg, CANW COrll.ilrain iMr,rNr RENOVATIONS NC. M nio.m OR%wli i,ew ONlly NINM IMNOsMON6 64,Ia 1175 HO PRO.IECTTOO SMALL 1-sa-M.S 00 • Kkbm- • RarR6Ms • Wbmio • Doss esos�s'azti � �1KE- 1 Moor big or avooL we NN�1111e1 maim Mm all Free Rb- UNGER/E kplsws maimp,E „gR,,,e sn a. 190D6a B'ZO swap andabw c'�� ® � I Or large moves, 1 •4157 a fnC� caw" partl.g and 1116 Clwealll specialists 3 9-" class 'G• iffcrose. (INN 125 cgerdms. tickets. Advice on per- sonal ad firwtcial pmb- M )GARY kms. Sales. $10. per ler. (9M 427-1672 11M NEIaw (NMR. AparkMeb•nc- 9ses Sm& . 111 LI rMr f10aANg OacaekN LXease0..d1Ntl FTM Et f►IN�E radD*Ckk Finical, Shaft anaNs r:mxwN n A & C Ordo. CNN 439-7M. your cbmOW Free Eswnon ROOFING, tali Oft the W Can Rick sbiaslin8. AA lyp. of 906619'0661 roofs, new Aid old, 419 963-7607 Wmkm Aip. Gui �yj.�Y ''� sawed 10% discoeat QOM a Ny =01 to seniors, fully m- sa w F,er esturrosses Butonnmc h0A1M• we Cal rnd be IYIIaYN9M9 Call AadMw w PM,o Not. am. iwyyyypally� for 11N514L-i?M pY % �II�'I�OIf•!•�t^I1�M•^1�0110 AC HAMOV" N a'�' how fiml ill i10 loos, �s evem of N fenow' ao°ort5,' tutor• w"IbIIg mtww. SELL R NOMI CALL 6Ei'07it7 exterior. plumbing and much more. OR FAX 579.4218 (9$5)831-2416 Ins "rr+ar awn'Ir++w nN der rrre ha sa"••w►„enws rnd :...t rove Hill, "aI- w..r tie rw,r•„we re lI ..... .n i .M. e•r i s •n..w rwser i ci.r„m h•w li ....4 'i Gw..•vwe $.ire i aw GM. lee •'yew t .a,wrwr,r m eele s e aa..n lis -w hew . •w,lr O S. s .,.o„IMr wry n" inn. we.r 7• •.,rro mew •.rr. will .111 i w sit we.le. In i 'r.•.r QAFeIrwre Z Wlnr....... a .,- ar aKnew, "Ih..e eNtowrlAA...w tRiw ON sow. Tar w.. w "•o.. ra Iris w har,n r.,r ken �.-acre w cul.."nr 3ew nor S, a'as an'�asrs r...w^t w n..w,ew a•p w wrap. An v.cr, www An r IW v�b..rwn D �� 1 YOURSI ® .t; liaw, uuartur YOVIR[ Tent one ro--rcal.r+f 'amen 22p 7a. 51<- yr r.h 11.c a`9 v,.. pw4w how aria bww .yes Call 1708-0.517793 T'1,aY- mr 0ana0ors an+ $2 41 per AeN Call 1 900-451 3793 "'p BOx =d M a,- aria +o. See" A $249 /ff "us int ME A CALL femake w,T sanw v.e.eeb MONT"tXmwNLAMO --- tr Y' �,r7 .1,r , rvr T•I '7 NOx . ye . EASY TO TALK TOO 8Cx 1754 212 MEA T..,. ,- F MI wne 23S3Yn no lid .. . ••yj so'od Cab...- Law n ,no::n+uv +su._,.A. denc+p arra mass I.naw enlp" I.AMi. _­2COwdOEKO 'eache,, ---y' V,-. ww1 bride wt ane a4ANos0� w✓nterq 14neea. errw. naw III, No coon romantK nnOle l� i Sl yr ,Id r ,q Ja`-9 wt and n move YTeti a gwheed. 24 g•,"•"go Mwe 'emir ' raced �a ,• v-..� Sew..rq a..,'1well, sin+. sw sow• it-, -,way Trtet Mwr r.onse., • BO ph, d„•.er :oow,ng'rio a aeerews sox IV" .eel• Pea nr,. u;k: 112W ^•tier ..:+ aiuv b 'rN 3a "'."Ac'm GAIN N "No "NEA ��olid 5 rt A�Oor •.33C • a1 Yr ..° -S d a..: ce, Young �.... -..a 42 5 Yn • •,'• love +a14e •.Ia7e eon oiara Mhw. t.vwn Tian o,ae ••n mw TIT rnol.r• nr and r'M imTvsr. :.• 4ee^ eyes arw a moa eyes, non $mower piie eyes. rholis ,raw he PW -d Tar w,,..a A. to :..ere Egoys w. aveeilon. elepeywe Loan" Tor A owdpa won.p ova aro mewl lemur 48 ,c >s +Dormeraw mob. II nae goy Ar. onlays old mw Lodrng •o. someone Enpo denc.lq I 'swung (.row see" an r reeNre •rid new thou_ r.40 spur n e1v * Cue In to d m..e.c We amaw and -Ho. Mw hmwe n In 32 K _01i the cern, cusess eI ow mow N W 11247 o neer ham you ova, Amor Arab Ih.rc S..stra. M•me. NEV. LACTIMS' "'w•' �X 31305 33M Menlo, and w.oe sm top oa 6"• 'hs I, mar 01apRMT PUN AM we[ SIMILAR, 30406 enlo" u" • ahr, 2D.V Amamin mw , ,e•Iimg 43 ha ,3- •,.. w,m ANOLPO MT AGE, • aa. hea"kin yrs mea M aeadr.d $.mar :u 1. .'+alr.:+aa eyes. non 22 jr, cid 4 _ iA base W sox 13506 Greet encoureers Box ,rn..r aria a *Mo a --- "a eAI nares wrch" CALL ME 33504 EnjI the 0r4de purl teieneron. 9•a'9 ow. 30 r o0 3 " s.i.+raw ARE YOU 2E TO 331 h`n1V moiiw rnd mow mp.,w4, etc Ssw A men'ak- w., 2! saelw a E"Y I --Q 'un Swilang • f w4i. eat srhi- w4. in, awned" sm 150'4 '6212 � 2 •renal 22 X • s.qe ar ong. Enjoys nil s _, move. r .,a. Caweera denalg, wdsn Cars. gag ler weAs NO alEa10 DANES MOMET74Naf Sapwtn al4 wueh wow CAN ler Mens. o,," m,wrc aro 32 r' .vd ', - 31 rr oa 5 r sun tigww. estws sm 13753 Dae si nr.ng .aneonw ova• ^ar we- .p - „ ar'd Braced -4. W sus •ran, MAT LOPE •ION 3M ro 33 Fp '•.ndwip iesr Caw.. ewes Erick wa11nS sw,WW Looking for iom , 36 r 0Ad s rigie til - out and ealew4vr cones atw bA+rg mute: in, cul and aw. 35 a crit. harewl gia-V and enlpkotea erypys 00x 3336. ore S.0 -N a IemW with s.+cew. e.iproye. And hang a" "nnew, DLOWNW AREA a^oar irebe, Pox , 7161 4" to • hra,idsflO l.M. moors and mow Loo" 36 w aro • . . -` o AJAX S LAST NICE lay Op IC brio ism "80r • 10 ar Mason" liv usiw. 30 hra hpsne �. -ae V ,a 36 ,id 5.- e5 b wet she LICK J31 3 to %. own. at &hot"" a to -.Am 26 o 40. sr.• to goo rice. -9-000 Tae CANn1G CANCER pure 0ulbm arra mow nwdwn. who, kris the Caw -, enjoys oo"g. 'w. Sade mom., 0t •.v;; 30. Call Ir eri4•ea " 13762 down aria welt IIm" At ronrwho Mehr" mo.we, Ido los, haael "ve. wrarr- SPMCIAL LADY rw" son 33368 sports am ,rwrc S KII r Enjoys rahrec Canners. 41 v 010 5, c,aati -naw A GREAT CATCH' diel to hW b a r.r4n hone0ldi r,prg arr0 .wt ka.,rp !o a speuw soy M " .1 ".9. -a. 'W 111w 00r 18590 sfatr•11 home n move d A Enjoys soots Theater unsera loa,rg,.w A single. Gw"y ARE YOU OPEN wrrh t.@P&"* e" Sen0 • Quiet ew ge NOK 16234 Omar Mattoon. 35 and MOOED, when new. 30 b 40, fun aur mutt h•ve a sense or 36 yr ; 'T •,Prq•d 0" win sales .wrests. STMKE YOUR FANCY, lyrrpr and money CAN m •naw enc enloyt av oM- who iov" cnilden No 31 Y' - 3 'a Arid W mow Blyl 35264 aeon ane maw s••kI^B en h"d games SOx 11172 mule won uvas,o,n •,n,,. -Id anoch". sn", to.." who FEEL THE KINO►ESS' UrftW NEIN TO THE AREA +urs walking n,r p 33r iia o'ai.,,•cl... ...A. Wssetea'41i2W2 20's 5'S- •a an'acr.v. 4aryr with Or" aria l•,agtr•ng Loo",ng for an s _,N• Pan. -ar. blGny via„ nA me. aanecM. pN• Io median 25:0 35 .no r lookup ler NICE SINGLE GIAL 1 feleW. 2510 35. for a pinata, a GOOD MAN Cas :0 hard Mere sae. 9 -gr •.male who Cis. Nand fun bae resit ro our mars BOX 3526: ar di „ -,;, 3, rg BWl 13106 Cap 1. ruin mew into box K MY PRINCESS wsha g. Tic BOX 20762 FW LOVING IS&I 3S y' tic c '6C c an•x 26 yr o.. 5'7• .4J b s,n. Give rE A RN,� 1C It maAw ON THE LOOK OUT gke morwr wan sown hart Yoe Whet -In 31 . 0,a an,Aot" and been eyes S"in a 30 Y, 0a 5 • •. maw enla'vs aria bebws Enjoys wme, a'•ached ,naw see"ng An tun thing make ler Irynp. worlu g -1 .7u,M .venings Het", romrae, cuddling inra,-int. abLMd %mwe snip. poesbke wletronenp niww m neon Looking am "M S00,.n1 a with 2"" a nwaCs. Must lay chaanse BOX Tor a0msorr. 251032 ah 'hY Wvhce" 33179 se•I.r rrlresb. BOP( 20497 fIDX 11150 GIVE ME A CALL ANMAL LOVER JUST MOVED HERE NEED A COMPANON? 23 yr aid 5'&-. wine 'nay 34 yi Old. 5'4• mecum 48 Y' 010 mar loaiag 10, 4 32 y' No 5'0. 175 to Car Aa+o enjoys pan,ng, camp bull. ~let" white woman wra likes Ming N'la t Is senting a .an. i g and hAngng QA Inhale. nil dependants. �'Cang ana hong A goad cY 1 nawi tamale lex seeing a *110, 10 124. sna"dr "Mat I'aa, Imo BOX 25967 Companionship possOM with sm,ar mean is Box hazet eyes, non smoker, n4wansrup SMD 5478 0&32 GIVE ME A CALL social coy d wr Enjoys Pho- 36 yr old. 6' 1% b. roman. TOTAL ROk1AFfM HONEST A CANNG IogrePhy, an. moors. dant- I.. outgoing male seating a 48s. 6' 190 b. attractive 3/ yr d0. 6'- 165 b. hard. rg, hasspbdr riding and in_. ronuer c wry Box Imanc.ny securewnely working make with thick NawwMg Se"rg a srrgw 3:3D9B make s see"ng an MtWW- curry hair And a goal" wtyv Ina.. 3r to 43 Bol( Ire, stm Irnaie. 35 to 45. Enpys baacnts, music. 30404 SEMSITNE AID CARING wino 6 a two romar.c, ler Costly, camping. c001jng LOPES TO LAUGH 45 yr dM 61-.175 Q plus- trWXhh0. Cblnpan,onwhD and maw Seeking a sw,w Pro9sssioeial, awsctire. ,any Is. sig. terror. a.>'w1 007( 15505 le nate with sendar rover".. 5'4• srtg. hair. blue ey" See-,; Bl7pt 20838 rd as's. "non romantic lady. 30 to 50 ILETIS43 ar 5'Y�nwla w,el ori Aw snlpkw Seeing an hwest y" d eEnjoys u mt„sc long Bot brow I hau, hazel ayes. INTERESTS whp gwK.man to eryoy � nrnyno"er And social 32 yr old. 5'10' 165 b. H convey saw tkiy, good sinker Enjoys m0vw. tamer who enjoys biking, cahrereM.ns, people, COW ONE. -.COME ALL Quiet rimes and more ca npng maw binding and .iignw and eadh other 32 yr ad. attached male Soo" a maned fe.-y. more Seeing a N .ma. BOK 3082 seeking An altacned lema. won sm,w nterests BOX .0 smr41r rlwests BOK who wants a 9000 tine. 16176 33121 NEED A COJOIIIJIW BOX 16203 FLM, FUN, FUN LET'S TALK 40 yr okL 1•make with SOMETHING SERNM 511', 1'0 b. anectanay 35 yr old. male who Is hon- 1,loardw has, blue eyes amd 23 yin did. 6'. 165 bmob seeking an amsaw est. snare and fun to be a W"Okw Enjoys Ave tris- employedsxtgle while ma. Oma. for adult tin". BOX with Enjoys ars, model atre. Ca" out, darling, enjoys countrymuse. long 18663 ars, stock urs. walks. its W corWW move �. ani Warn �i orkingpon o with as MR. ROMANTIC nnOw'" olning W. dManO romantic ma. with srnilar woman who has smear 21 yr °Ica. 5'5' 160 to mate with �?� ""g a� ntreps BOX 32869 interests. Kids oka BOX wno enjoys paring, sports y no more Seeking a P,tlwug neo Bol( 33510 1UNID a SENSITIVE 16234 tamale. 18 ,° 25 with sm- 46 Yr old. white /annus with WILL CALL YOU ASAP •,ar interests Box 32945 bk.,ye Data and due eyes 39 Yr aid. 6'. ht. ran smoking C01111TRY GUY ARE WE ALSLE? Enjoys sports. dancing. male without dependents. Single whuemale 40 59' Attaaetl wets `ria. in and moves. Ih"Ire. itad. educated And employed t47 Ips, dark brown na,i stirs 5' l0• with me0urn bald wales and mere Seeing a Enjoy Alpine sk.g. (ravel, and brown as. Tian and not bad looking. kntl, swn.eiwe mAke. IB and the outdoors. ryUug and eyes, kenests irwJude music, fkL older. for c smoker, social drinker. 80X 32905 ampamosnip more Seale a kemab. 30 to daniceg. motorcycles aro 36. nnpocitod, non smokingenjoys movies, dancing. the outdoors. an n,ng and family events Stag LETS HAVE COFFEE and ' sm,wr aarv,trs g A s,nge whie °p" m.hOeC and aavnwla- 43 Y, old. 55', $kin. white BOX 13020 female. 20 to 40. who ° s 1pnfyn who's also `e^7 female wish donde nay LOVING AND CUDDLY enjoys Irving in the country discreet and dean Box Enjoys gill skwtg, tenors. Single while male, 38. BOX 30403 20545 hovel, mw.s and mohe. romanl,c, outdoor type BLUE EYED Seeking • mAk:, 40 t0 50. enjoys antenswug f nerds. GENTLEMAN with am,er nkmssts Boat quit evenings M hone. sb- Nice gent eman looking to, e2C7ALL i LEAVE MESSAGE ng Seeks �mes,gent •gu•1 7 50 y` old. single white ma.. le INS you' 111a sincere woman 3•Ibe a perfect Enjoys walcnm 81foo1 50i f�1A' m in the We& eplow yed, gemWman BOX 23B% And likes to go t0 the ;how loolung tO„ a Owns* to s y� �se ,me CAMK: CAPNNCORN LEAVE ME A BOX 30401 oydoors and more IT you 30's, la. attractive. have WS=AEAt NO GAMES. )y a sense or humor. pm*soonai mother d one. 22 yr old 16. single .00 PLEASE almaLm a and rmr UerAy. who w snows, natfmokwr, In ark Mm and dw Single 'PLEASE 5' 10. 160 Piston cap ma BOX 17903 SOCW dr.lw. Enjoys the rsyes Looking for a kanW. lbs. b -41 -hall b1w eyes. simple ming• in Ids. 18 to 22. who Nov the oul- NOT COMPUTER e,00yed. seeks female Seeking en selective it.. Moon. ore IT w•lkshe and fo, long term relationship y, GEEK sin or divoresM, nNtnw much more tt you mink this Enjoys country woks. fire M old,6'' `iNWinn qaq• Pa= 1 itis, 3510 a5. w you BOX 16705 site wives candlelight din honsel. M. ettrxuw, outgo- ssnsenve. honest. for, ming LONELY GUT Tyr. • good parry, ching '4 proleswwW main L*a dean, aia- term efstansh,p BOX risen who 6 new, to The ares • v14so. nights out on the lowwas. biking.out 23M mob, aI Seeks Spsrlel 6 looking to laN to people town and much more terrhi BOX 20475 Box 18685 BOX 23270 :10(*S. Captains high -hair. wak%a varery THE DAWN AUCTION SALE d stool. Press back NO aw• Oak drop OF EDEN sal Oct 181,7 S M oaf wills, walrus 112 Fall a -I,.. -up. ar pee.ir's hcswl Bao. �s Church rneopw, Eerpt*i�l+ur*aswk�A4 "'ech (nM Rho 571. Iia wain Oso. organ DEP PEW WHA('# MEN' Evans of M wer,SOPRA77Fi stool. nlrcroseewe. [ICEC 13i?I'r E OROMIxEE. re- D� pMy Wild Wild stlloeNSAdlw Oshawa Fuwdwm. an taDke. RCA t.or404 Fully insured cokcsoa dila, colour TV. bL~Chris Chris O'Brien Itvrrori nus. ab. CedAr C1,Mt, w,,„ yin fwd. 19051725-9184 a mach nen D's"xesaere antgi. a i r:tlAAltof 70 M wr dra.rs. Parry Srni JOA MMn AIINeA Swwb" CITY. Chwas, glass. ho.alEgkl a tAtsaei+Mr3 coueclble Awn". TOM aAwc� awRsii POW( Lives Senate w_ wow= I_. /7001 Ysa-r 543 - ora; v v.ry i ss :Miler•: ?�a+(Sr� -Tan M Ow, Magician TO ADVER?TSE TOUR ,Can LinoiE AUCTION IN ?HIS-- TION PLEASE CALL 643-0707 to LILM1 1 Sithe 1 Srfka : 1 • E7. call FREE! A GIFT FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY ELECTRICIAN pyq� a dnit �I1n°unr.vh.:r- ,. %)a% Nckcrmg t omm R. INrns •Wsertaeranc reewwe a FREE N^e" vaa"at ^" Attions "BAB Y'S HERE u ppRr GIFT PAC" Freiresen$akes EB4tay 1 a83- gww"ya I.1 i An allow Poi ang i IL7 w M and SMrdMA.lag T,7 0 :.Ings .areneret mosers Trip gkyMY wpk el •r pro" ^1 co tis sown �au Ice A FREE F- wo Approx. S2S worth of aObeeae brand nine ' TMS PAINTING Your free coupon is i DECOR IMecor 8 Exterior redeemable at Sears, European Workman- Sft Oshawa Centre or F dean. mbam Pickering Town Centre 420-0061 EELTSH a Inquire at: mumm Ajax Pickering News Advertiser �:IN" l 130 COrllnterCW Aloe., Ajax c r NNR 1872 whites Rd., Pickering - - N« Eta Xp �Q� (Secs CkkNM) s 1�Fi1.77S0 683-y�0.707 1116 neeneweeneeneneene, (RIR`_ ` � eEIGw wMiRwt alryerlg, CANW COrll.ilrain iMr,rNr RENOVATIONS NC. M nio.m OR%wli i,ew ONlly NINM IMNOsMON6 64,Ia 1175 HO PRO.IECTTOO SMALL 1-sa-M.S 00 • Kkbm- • RarR6Ms • Wbmio • Doss esos�s'azti � �1KE- 1 Moor big or avooL we NN�1111e1 maim Mm all Free Rb- UNGER/E kplsws maimp,E „gR,,,e sn a. 190D6a B'ZO swap andabw c'�� ® � I Or large moves, 1 •4157 a fnC� caw" partl.g and 1116 Clwealll specialists 3 9-" class 'G• iffcrose. (INN 125 cgerdms. tickets. Advice on per- sonal ad firwtcial pmb- M )GARY kms. Sales. $10. per ler. (9M 427-1672 11M NEIaw (NMR. AparkMeb•nc- 9ses Sm& . 111 LI rMr f10aANg OacaekN LXease0..d1Ntl FTM Et f►IN�E radD*Ckk Finical, Shaft anaNs r:mxwN n A & C Ordo. CNN 439-7M. your cbmOW Free Eswnon ROOFING, tali Oft the W Can Rick sbiaslin8. AA lyp. of 906619'0661 roofs, new Aid old, 419 963-7607 Wmkm Aip. Gui �yj.�Y ''� sawed 10% discoeat QOM a Ny =01 to seniors, fully m- sa w F,er esturrosses Butonnmc h0A1M• we Cal rnd be IYIIaYN9M9 Call AadMw w PM,o Not. am. iwyyyypally� for 11N514L-i?M pY % �II�'I�OIf•!•�t^I1�M•^1�0110 AC HAMOV" N a'�' how fiml ill i10 loos, �s evem of N fenow' ao°ort5,' tutor• w"IbIIg mtww. SELL R NOMI CALL 6Ei'07it7 exterior. plumbing and much more. OR FAX 579.4218 (9$5)831-2416 Ins "rr+ar awn'Ir++w nN der rrre ha sa"••w►„enws rnd :...t rove Hill, "aI- w..r tie rw,r•„we re lI ..... .n i .M. e•r i s •n..w rwser i ci.r„m h•w li ....4 'i Gw..•vwe $.ire i aw GM. lee •'yew t .a,wrwr,r m eele s e aa..n lis -w hew . •w,lr O S. s .,.o„IMr wry n" inn. we.r 7• •.,rro mew •.rr. will .111 i w sit we.le. In i 'r.•.r QAFeIrwre Z Wlnr....... a .,- ar aKnew, "Ih..e eNtowrlAA...w tRiw ON sow. Tar w.. w "•o.. ra Iris w har,n r.,r ken �.-acre w cul.."nr 3ew nor S, a'as an'�asrs r...w^t w n..w,ew a•p w wrap. An v.cr, www An r IW v�b..rwn D �� 1 YOURSI ® .t; liaw, uuartur YOVIR[ Tent one ro--rcal.r+f 'amen 22p 7a. 51<- yr r.h 11.c a`9 v,.. pw4w how aria bww .yes Call 1708-0.517793 T'1,aY- mr 0ana0ors an+ $2 41 per AeN Call 1 900-451 3793 "'p BOx =d M a,- aria +o. See" A $249 /ff "us int ME A CALL femake w,T sanw v.e.eeb MONT"tXmwNLAMO --- tr Y' �,r7 .1,r , rvr T•I '7 NOx . ye . EASY TO TALK TOO 8Cx 1754 212 MEA T..,. ,- F MI wne 23S3Yn no lid .. . ••yj so'od Cab...- Law n ,no::n+uv +su._,.A. denc+p arra mass I.naw enlp" I.AMi. _­2COwdOEKO 'eache,, ---y' V,-. ww1 bride wt ane a4ANos0� w✓nterq 14neea. errw. naw III, No coon romantK nnOle l� i Sl yr ,Id r ,q Ja`-9 wt and n move YTeti a gwheed. 24 g•,"•"go Mwe 'emir ' raced �a ,• v-..� Sew..rq a..,'1well, sin+. sw sow• it-, -,way Trtet Mwr r.onse., • BO ph, d„•.er :oow,ng'rio a aeerews sox IV" .eel• Pea nr,. u;k: 112W ^•tier ..:+ aiuv b 'rN 3a "'."Ac'm GAIN N "No "NEA ��olid 5 rt A�Oor •.33C • a1 Yr ..° -S d a..: ce, Young �.... -..a 42 5 Yn • •,'• love +a14e •.Ia7e eon oiara Mhw. t.vwn Tian o,ae ••n mw TIT rnol.r• nr and r'M imTvsr. :.• 4ee^ eyes arw a moa eyes, non $mower piie eyes. rholis ,raw he PW -d Tar w,,..a A. to :..ere Egoys w. aveeilon. elepeywe Loan" Tor A owdpa won.p ova aro mewl lemur 48 ,c >s +Dormeraw mob. II nae goy Ar. onlays old mw Lodrng •o. someone Enpo denc.lq I 'swung (.row see" an r reeNre •rid new thou_ r.40 spur n e1v * Cue In to d m..e.c We amaw and -Ho. Mw hmwe n In 32 K _01i the cern, cusess eI ow mow N W 11247 o neer ham you ova, Amor Arab Ih.rc S..stra. M•me. NEV. LACTIMS' "'w•' �X 31305 33M Menlo, and w.oe sm top oa 6"• 'hs I, mar 01apRMT PUN AM we[ SIMILAR, 30406 enlo" u" • ahr, 2D.V Amamin mw , ,e•Iimg 43 ha ,3- •,.. w,m ANOLPO MT AGE, • aa. hea"kin yrs mea M aeadr.d $.mar :u 1. .'+alr.:+aa eyes. non 22 jr, cid 4 _ iA base W sox 13506 Greet encoureers Box ,rn..r aria a *Mo a --- "a eAI nares wrch" CALL ME 33504 EnjI the 0r4de purl teieneron. 9•a'9 ow. 30 r o0 3 " s.i.+raw ARE YOU 2E TO 331 h`n1V moiiw rnd mow mp.,w4, etc Ssw A men'ak- w., 2! saelw a E"Y I --Q 'un Swilang • f w4i. eat srhi- w4. in, awned" sm 150'4 '6212 � 2 •renal 22 X • s.qe ar ong. Enjoys nil s _, move. r .,a. Caweera denalg, wdsn Cars. gag ler weAs NO alEa10 DANES MOMET74Naf Sapwtn al4 wueh wow CAN ler Mens. o,," m,wrc aro 32 r' .vd ', - 31 rr oa 5 r sun tigww. estws sm 13753 Dae si nr.ng .aneonw ova• ^ar we- .p - „ ar'd Braced -4. W sus •ran, MAT LOPE •ION 3M ro 33 Fp '•.ndwip iesr Caw.. ewes Erick wa11nS sw,WW Looking for iom , 36 r 0Ad s rigie til - out and ealew4vr cones atw bA+rg mute: in, cul and aw. 35 a crit. harewl gia-V and enlpkotea erypys 00x 3336. ore S.0 -N a IemW with s.+cew. e.iproye. And hang a" "nnew, DLOWNW AREA a^oar irebe, Pox , 7161 4" to • hra,idsflO l.M. moors and mow Loo" 36 w aro • . . -` o AJAX S LAST NICE lay Op IC brio ism "80r • 10 ar Mason" liv usiw. 30 hra hpsne �. -ae V ,a 36 ,id 5.- e5 b wet she LICK J31 3 to %. own. at &hot"" a to -.Am 26 o 40. sr.• to goo rice. -9-000 Tae CANn1G CANCER pure 0ulbm arra mow nwdwn. who, kris the Caw -, enjoys oo"g. 'w. Sade mom., 0t •.v;; 30. Call Ir eri4•ea " 13762 down aria welt IIm" At ronrwho Mehr" mo.we, Ido los, haael "ve. wrarr- SPMCIAL LADY rw" son 33368 sports am ,rwrc S KII r Enjoys rahrec Canners. 41 v 010 5, c,aati -naw A GREAT CATCH' diel to hW b a r.r4n hone0ldi r,prg arr0 .wt ka.,rp !o a speuw soy M " .1 ".9. -a. 'W 111w 00r 18590 sfatr•11 home n move d A Enjoys soots Theater unsera loa,rg,.w A single. Gw"y ARE YOU OPEN wrrh t.@P&"* e" Sen0 • Quiet ew ge NOK 16234 Omar Mattoon. 35 and MOOED, when new. 30 b 40, fun aur mutt h•ve a sense or 36 yr ; 'T •,Prq•d 0" win sales .wrests. STMKE YOUR FANCY, lyrrpr and money CAN m •naw enc enloyt av oM- who iov" cnilden No 31 Y' - 3 'a Arid W mow Blyl 35264 aeon ane maw s••kI^B en h"d games SOx 11172 mule won uvas,o,n •,n,,. -Id anoch". sn", to.." who FEEL THE KINO►ESS' UrftW NEIN TO THE AREA +urs walking n,r p 33r iia o'ai.,,•cl... ...A. Wssetea'41i2W2 20's 5'S- •a an'acr.v. 4aryr with Or" aria l•,agtr•ng Loo",ng for an s _,N• Pan. -ar. blGny via„ nA me. aanecM. pN• Io median 25:0 35 .no r lookup ler NICE SINGLE GIAL 1 feleW. 2510 35. for a pinata, a GOOD MAN Cas :0 hard Mere sae. 9 -gr •.male who Cis. Nand fun bae resit ro our mars BOX 3526: ar di „ -,;, 3, rg BWl 13106 Cap 1. ruin mew into box K MY PRINCESS wsha g. Tic BOX 20762 FW LOVING IS&I 3S y' tic c '6C c an•x 26 yr o.. 5'7• .4J b s,n. Give rE A RN,� 1C It maAw ON THE LOOK OUT gke morwr wan sown hart Yoe Whet -In 31 . 0,a an,Aot" and been eyes S"in a 30 Y, 0a 5 • •. maw enla'vs aria bebws Enjoys wme, a'•ached ,naw see"ng An tun thing make ler Irynp. worlu g -1 .7u,M .venings Het", romrae, cuddling inra,-int. abLMd %mwe snip. poesbke wletronenp niww m neon Looking am "M S00,.n1 a with 2"" a nwaCs. Must lay chaanse BOX Tor a0msorr. 251032 ah 'hY Wvhce" 33179 se•I.r rrlresb. BOP( 20497 fIDX 11150 GIVE ME A CALL ANMAL LOVER JUST MOVED HERE NEED A COMPANON? 23 yr aid 5'&-. wine 'nay 34 yi Old. 5'4• mecum 48 Y' 010 mar loaiag 10, 4 32 y' No 5'0. 175 to Car Aa+o enjoys pan,ng, camp bull. ~let" white woman wra likes Ming N'la t Is senting a .an. i g and hAngng QA Inhale. nil dependants. �'Cang ana hong A goad cY 1 nawi tamale lex seeing a *110, 10 124. sna"dr "Mat I'aa, Imo BOX 25967 Companionship possOM with sm,ar mean is Box hazet eyes, non smoker, n4wansrup SMD 5478 0&32 GIVE ME A CALL social coy d wr Enjoys Pho- 36 yr old. 6' 1% b. roman. TOTAL ROk1AFfM HONEST A CANNG IogrePhy, an. moors. dant- I.. outgoing male seating a 48s. 6' 190 b. attractive 3/ yr d0. 6'- 165 b. hard. rg, hasspbdr riding and in_. ronuer c wry Box Imanc.ny securewnely working make with thick NawwMg Se"rg a srrgw 3:3D9B make s see"ng an MtWW- curry hair And a goal" wtyv Ina.. 3r to 43 Bol( Ire, stm Irnaie. 35 to 45. Enpys baacnts, music. 30404 SEMSITNE AID CARING wino 6 a two romar.c, ler Costly, camping. c001jng LOPES TO LAUGH 45 yr dM 61-.175 Q plus- trWXhh0. Cblnpan,onwhD and maw Seeking a sw,w Pro9sssioeial, awsctire. ,any Is. sig. terror. a.>'w1 007( 15505 le nate with sendar rover".. 5'4• srtg. hair. blue ey" See-,; Bl7pt 20838 rd as's. "non romantic lady. 30 to 50 ILETIS43 ar 5'Y�nwla w,el ori Aw snlpkw Seeing an hwest y" d eEnjoys u mt„sc long Bot brow I hau, hazel ayes. INTERESTS whp gwK.man to eryoy � nrnyno"er And social 32 yr old. 5'10' 165 b. H convey saw tkiy, good sinker Enjoys m0vw. tamer who enjoys biking, cahrereM.ns, people, COW ONE. -.COME ALL Quiet rimes and more ca npng maw binding and .iignw and eadh other 32 yr ad. attached male Soo" a maned fe.-y. more Seeing a N .ma. BOK 3082 seeking An altacned lema. won sm,w nterests BOX .0 smr41r rlwests BOK who wants a 9000 tine. 16176 33121 NEED A COJOIIIJIW BOX 16203 FLM, FUN, FUN LET'S TALK 40 yr okL 1•make with SOMETHING SERNM 511', 1'0 b. anectanay 35 yr old. male who Is hon- 1,loardw has, blue eyes amd 23 yin did. 6'. 165 bmob seeking an amsaw est. snare and fun to be a W"Okw Enjoys Ave tris- employedsxtgle while ma. Oma. for adult tin". BOX with Enjoys ars, model atre. Ca" out, darling, enjoys countrymuse. long 18663 ars, stock urs. walks. its W corWW move �. ani Warn �i orkingpon o with as MR. ROMANTIC nnOw'" olning W. dManO romantic ma. with srnilar woman who has smear 21 yr °Ica. 5'5' 160 to mate with �?� ""g a� ntreps BOX 32869 interests. Kids oka BOX wno enjoys paring, sports y no more Seeking a P,tlwug neo Bol( 33510 1UNID a SENSITIVE 16234 tamale. 18 ,° 25 with sm- 46 Yr old. white /annus with WILL CALL YOU ASAP •,ar interests Box 32945 bk.,ye Data and due eyes 39 Yr aid. 6'. ht. ran smoking C01111TRY GUY ARE WE ALSLE? Enjoys sports. dancing. male without dependents. Single whuemale 40 59' Attaaetl wets `ria. in and moves. Ih"Ire. itad. educated And employed t47 Ips, dark brown na,i stirs 5' l0• with me0urn bald wales and mere Seeing a Enjoy Alpine sk.g. (ravel, and brown as. Tian and not bad looking. kntl, swn.eiwe mAke. IB and the outdoors. ryUug and eyes, kenests irwJude music, fkL older. for c smoker, social drinker. 80X 32905 ampamosnip more Seale a kemab. 30 to daniceg. motorcycles aro 36. nnpocitod, non smokingenjoys movies, dancing. the outdoors. an n,ng and family events Stag LETS HAVE COFFEE and ' sm,wr aarv,trs g A s,nge whie °p" m.hOeC and aavnwla- 43 Y, old. 55', $kin. white BOX 13020 female. 20 to 40. who ° s 1pnfyn who's also `e^7 female wish donde nay LOVING AND CUDDLY enjoys Irving in the country discreet and dean Box Enjoys gill skwtg, tenors. Single while male, 38. BOX 30403 20545 hovel, mw.s and mohe. romanl,c, outdoor type BLUE EYED Seeking • mAk:, 40 t0 50. enjoys antenswug f nerds. GENTLEMAN with am,er nkmssts Boat quit evenings M hone. sb- Nice gent eman looking to, e2C7ALL i LEAVE MESSAGE ng Seeks �mes,gent •gu•1 7 50 y` old. single white ma.. le INS you' 111a sincere woman 3•Ibe a perfect Enjoys walcnm 81foo1 50i f�1A' m in the We& eplow yed, gemWman BOX 23B% And likes to go t0 the ;how loolung tO„ a Owns* to s y� �se ,me CAMK: CAPNNCORN LEAVE ME A BOX 30401 oydoors and more IT you 30's, la. attractive. have WS=AEAt NO GAMES. )y a sense or humor. pm*soonai mother d one. 22 yr old 16. single .00 PLEASE almaLm a and rmr UerAy. who w snows, natfmokwr, In ark Mm and dw Single 'PLEASE 5' 10. 160 Piston cap ma BOX 17903 SOCW dr.lw. Enjoys the rsyes Looking for a kanW. lbs. b -41 -hall b1w eyes. simple ming• in Ids. 18 to 22. who Nov the oul- NOT COMPUTER e,00yed. seeks female Seeking en selective it.. Moon. ore IT w•lkshe and fo, long term relationship y, GEEK sin or divoresM, nNtnw much more tt you mink this Enjoys country woks. fire M old,6'' `iNWinn qaq• Pa= 1 itis, 3510 a5. w you BOX 16705 site wives candlelight din honsel. M. ettrxuw, outgo- ssnsenve. honest. for, ming LONELY GUT Tyr. • good parry, ching '4 proleswwW main L*a dean, aia- term efstansh,p BOX risen who 6 new, to The ares • v14so. nights out on the lowwas. biking.out 23M mob, aI Seeks Spsrlel 6 looking to laN to people town and much more terrhi BOX 20475 Box 18685 BOX 23270 PUM 22 - THF. NEWS ADTEtrnSFR WIEDNSDAT. OC' "Ella tba 1187 Pickering Soor r Pickering Panthers bantams off to fast start PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers scored the Panthers' goals. with assists to Craig scoring with a pair of goals, with single mark- The Panthers were edged 4-3 by Belleville 'AA' bantam hockey team posted three wins, a Lillie, Matt Steinke and Ryan Tracy. ers to Faulkner. McAuley and David Lewis. on home ice recently. Porter struck tier a pair of tic and a loss to start as league regular season. The bantam Panthers scored a 5-4 home vic- Adding assists were McAuley and Porter with goals, with a single to Tracy. McAuley and In their most recent tilt on Oct. 12 against tory over Barrie on Oct. 5. The ream got solid two apiece, Grimshaw, Joe Pandolti and Marks Tracy each chipped in with two assists, while Richmond Hill, the bantam Panthers posted a 5- goaltending from Mike Martmiuk. Lillie led the with one each. Porter added one. 2 victory with a good all-round team effort. John Porter and Ryan Faulkner led the w'av with a pair of goals each, with a single marker to Jason McAuley. Drawing assists were Brandon Marks and Porter with two each and McAuley with one. I CONSUMIFf CAR MART Twenty_ -four hours earlier, the Panthers drubbed host Newmarket 8-2. The forward line of McAuley. Porter and Faulkner had a combined We 15 points in the contest. Rixokie ea n goaltender Stc%e Carson put upa wall to stone opposition shooters in arrange the contest. Goals were scored hv Porter with fiyc and McAuley with your three. Assisting were McAulcy and each with four. Porter with financing two. Mike Rasmussen, Brett Carpenter and Brandon Marks with one apiece. Pickering outshut New market 33-17. The Pickering bantams played to a 2-2 tic with Markham on Oct. 9. Faulkner and Stcsc Grimshaw Hot goalie helps Axemen tie his former team AJAX — The Ajax. Axemen goal - tender stopped his old club while help - Ing his new tram yarn its first point of the young ha kcv %ca cion in Cohextrg Mtxidav night. Dane Burroughs made his dLhut in net for the Axemcn against his firmer Coo, noel Cougars teammates. trackstop- ping them to a 4-4 tic in OHA Pnovtrk:&W Junior 'A Hockey League action. The Axemen hosed rival Bowrrianville Fagics at the Ajax C'trmmunrty Centre Tucsdav night after our pros dawlltnc. The Axemen trailed 2-1 after the first period Molloy aril 3.1 after the middle uanra. The Cougars outplayed the Axemen by a wade margin in the %ccovud frame, but BumxtgfL% alkmed only one shin tiv err s the Ione on a deflecuey n off r Axcmen's skate The Ajax )unix%, however, turned the tables in the final period. scoring tree goals it) Cnfxxrg's one An trver- timc perxld failed to t Ak the isibac anvil the twu teams settled fir a single point. Mike Agciun% possed a three-point right tear the Axemen with a goal acrd two assists. JetT Angclxhs posed two tions/% and Markus Quinn ane. Defericeman Rtx1 Hynes added an assist. BurnuglLs became available it, the Axerrim last week and Ajax rtrnped at the c�de ha.r�n�o sign cc tCotiourg's starting gCoahenr for the peau two year.. ntxc.% Axemen assistant general m- -6 -Chuck Sawd on. To make rtxxn for Burroughs on the nyder, gooalw PWsck Hertttan's rights were given w the Ncwtrnarkct Hurticancs The Axlemcn remain at the ho ttclm of dile league's Ruokdotck Division with a record of 0.7-1 to start the regular sea- son. Thu weekend sees the beginning 4 dee Axcmen's contests Agairut PkMhcm Onuilm) lunar Huckcs Llagite learn. The Ontario Flockcv League and the NOJHL arc engaging in interlocking play this year. The 22 Provincial Junior 'A' Hockey League ttarris will play the five NOJHA squads in weekend trnatch- 1641%. The Axemen visit the Sturgeon Falls Lynx Fnday. then travel to Timmins to take on trine Golden Bears Saurday. Sturgeon Falls will play in Ajax Sunday. Oct. 26 at 3 p.m., while Timmins travels here Sunday, Dec. 7 for a 3 p.m. face- off. The other NOJHA tearris involved are the Ray'side-Balfour ( Sudbury ) SabreLau, the Parry Sound Shamrocks and the Elliot Lake Vikings. Scoreboard {t PICKERING PANTHERS '{ @ ETRO JGMOR'A' HOCKEY LEAGUE OCTOBER SC1EDULE Friday, Oct. 17 P4k*r,ng •PWWWM at North York 1 Filling— Saturday. Oct 25 P,okanng Panthers at Pori Nope Sunday. Oct 26 Huntsville Wildcats at Pickering Parnhers Friday. Oct 31 Shelburne Wolves at Pickering Farmers ►arwinn hoale gnaws we at the Piclu rmil Ric oh- Ciampi- on Friday and Sla4y nW*& Dawe Haas we 7:30 p.m. AJAX AXMEN OMA PROVMICIAL JUNIOR'A' HOCKEY LEAGUE SCHEDULE OCTOBER Friday, Oct 17 Alex A -men at Sturgeon Falls Lyn. Saturday. Oct 18Alas AaT,... ns at Trmms Golden Elears Tuesday. Oct 21, Peterborough Trentway-Wagar Bees at Alas Axemen Sunday. Oct 26 Sturgeon Falls Lynx at Ajax Axemen Tuesday, Oct 28 Lindsay Muslim at Ajax Axemen Friday. Oct. 31 Ajax Axemen al Coxmgmod Blues NOVEMBER Sunday.Nov 2 Alex A -man at Newmarket 87s Tuesday. Nov 4 Cobourg Cougars at Ajax Axemen Sunday. Nov g Peurborough Tr•ntway-Wagar Bins at Ajax A -.w Spm Tuesday. Nov 11 Kingston Voyageurs at Ajax Aramen Friday. Nov 14 Ajax Axeman at Aurora Magna Tigers Tuesday. Nov 18 Cobourg Cougars at Ajax Axemen Frday, Nov 21 Alex Axemen at Coucrncnmg (Onuua Terriers Saturday. Nov 22 Ajax A -men at Peterborough Trentw•y Wailer Bees Tuesday. Nov 25 Trenton Sting at Ala. Axemen Thursday, Nov 27 Alas Asemen aI Kingston Voyapeura DECEMBER Ttassday Dec 2 Aurora Magna T.gers at Ali Asemen Sunday Dec 7 Timmons GrNdwn Bears of Ala. A.emen 4 i ;.57K 1990 JAGUAR ?CJS 71K' 1993 CADILLAC STS 122K -- 1"Z 22K199. C.WILL iC FLEET%%00D BRh%I. rwom s VVNg I ON 39K 1 •r 1991 SULKI SIDEKICK 1994 %1 %ZDA PRl1'rEGE 78K 1991 NISS %N MAXIMA BRIM. 194 Grand Prix SE 194 Cavalier 194 Mazda Protege FIX, 192 Taurus LX Wagon : r V- �,, bola LOOK SAII C 4. At Consumer Car Mart customer service is our top priority. Our salaried mechanics recommend only neciessary repairs. IF-a FRW NM Only $59i. Iincludes new premium ' tion of brake m to install• other parts 3 labour extra if needed Expires Oct. 31/97 I i 39K 1995 CORN'ETTE :; 88K 75K r •. 1993 MA%D% 626 F:S 1992 FII)NM CIVIC EX 55K : 71 K 1988 HONDA %('I'l)RI) EXI 19X4-1-0)01,, til PRA GFS I Ford Turns 1 Chrysler Concor I Hyundai Excel I Nissan 240 SX I Dodee Shadow INTERIOR CLEAN e Shampoo Seats & Carpets is Degrease & Wax Door Jambs • Clean & Detail • Trunk 8 Windows Ong V5 9 `93 Mazda�ronos ES `93 Chev I.un im Cargo VIm 192 Toyota Corolla 191 Suzuki Sidekick 1190 Chen P/; - I Toe Eat Dualll ERV/CE SUPERER CENTRE Winter's coming..: DON'T FORGET YOUR CAR Only ncl Iudes: • all fluids topped • tire pressure check • free brake inspection • front end check AL $49 • �Uclfttfteze BOB 9.95 • PLUS OIL ltLTlw • 5 litres of 5W30 oil ed • tree tire rotation • all belts checked Expires Oct. 31/97 Ffpn 4 en9* • excludes reye a/c Delco or \Char pion pugs and labour to install 6 cyl. call, vans, 8 trucks S20 extra --..PRF--w MIKE NASCAR PAUL 'OFFERS APPLY TO MOST AND LIGHT TRUCKS ALIGNMENT • Includes computer check a tabour to mp os49 • shims, parts extra it needed SUPM $49 . wrth purchase $39 of any 4 tires Exp. Oct. 31/97 Hours: Moon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 8.00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Thurs. 8:00.8:00 m., Sat 8.00 a.m.-6.00 p.m. Consumer Car dart 44AW,A am