HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1997_10_07News Pickering • dvN.......r.t..ser Optional 4 week home delivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand October 7, Vol. 32, No. 40, Pressrun 44,000 12 pages photo by Andrew Iwanowski Decisions, decisions... Brandon Whitmore had to search through a on the weekend at Rosebank Park in south veritable mountain of pumpkins for the per- Pickering. The event featured a host of fun feet specimen during a community fair held activities for kids and families. WDSCAPE CONCEPTS Www CALF.aOm-42T•9415 9900 COLOUR PRINTF with purchase of any computer (905) 420-9707 Ready for action Durham boards brace for strike The safety of students is top among concerns of Durham school boards as an illegal teachers' strike looms in the province. Mary Brown, communica- tions manager for the Durham Board of Education, says the board hopes to keep schools open in the event of a strike. "The plan at this point is to keep schools open if at all possible:" she says. But, schools will be closed if there teachers' federation representatives Friday afternoon to discuss what will happen if teachers across the province carry out threats to strike. "We will be in communica- tion with staff and parents at an appropriate time, if neces- sary;" says Mr. Andrews. But, he hopes, "there may not even be a strike" If passed into law, Bill 160 would give the provincial government the right to dic- is "concern for the safety and GRANT tate class sizes, put uncerii- well-being of the students...if ANDREWS fied instructors into the class - there are too many students 'It would room, cut preparation time to supervise safely" be illegal' for secondary school teach - She says the decision to ers, lengthen the school year close schools will be made by the and cut professional activity days. board on an individual basis. Ms. Brown also says buses will not run and parents would be asked to make alternate arrangements for their children for the duration of the strike. Grant Andrews, director of the Durham Region Roman Catholic Sepa- rate School Board, is not prepared to say whether any schools would remain open to watch over children if teachers walk out to protest Bill 160. "If any strike action happens, it would be illegal;' he says. "The board cannot condone any illegal strike." Mr. Andrews was to meet with Durham water plant may be finished cheaper, sooner BY KEITH GILLIGAN STAFF REPORTER A $93.7 -million water supply plant under construction on the Ajax lakefront could be finished six months sooner and cost almost $700,000 less than estimated. The savings result from reduced con- struction costs and less GST, a Durham Region works committee report notes. Ajax Regional Councillor Roger Ander- son, a member of Durham's works commit- tee, calls the $700,000 savings "a nice chunk of money". Durham Region is building the plant to supply 36 million gallons of drinking water a day to Ajax and Pickering residents. It could be finished in the spring of 1999 instead of the original completion date of the fall of '99, the committee report states. Work is ahead of schedule because there have been no construction problems and no major delays. "There weren't any major surprises," Coun. Anderson says. "Every - See PLANT/Page 3 At a huge teachers' rally at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium last Thurs- See TEACHERS/Page 4 INSIDE Ask the Candidates - You're invited to submit that one burn- ing question -- See page 4. Editoriial Page ...........6 Sports .................8 Classified ..............9 HOW TO REACH US General ..........683-5110 Death Notices .......683-3005 Auction Line .......683-7545 Sincerely Yours ........ ............ 1-800-662-8423 Email ................ Newsroom@durhamnews.net Internet .............. http://www.durhamnews.net PAGE 2 - THE NEWS ADVERMER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, M P Around ham Rezion Yule love it Oshawa Santa Claus Parade preparations take off OSHAWA — He doesn't make his official stop in Oshawa for another three months, but organizers are already busy preparing for Santa's preview visit. A year ago, the future of the Oshawa Santa Claus Parade was in jeopardy. but the commitment of local residents has ensured its survival. "It's not going too bad;" says Bruno Gauweiler, co-chairmanof Q the parade's organizing committee. The parade, which will be held Saturday, Nov. 15. already has more than a dozen entries and "we're starting to get some sponsorships;' says Mr. Gauweiler, noting it costs about $20.000 to stage the event. This year's parade features a new twist — it won't have any twists or turns. In previous years, the parade route made a couple of turns as it left the Oshawa Centre, went south through downtown and then returned to the mall. But the route has been changed to address safety concerns, says Mr. Gauweiler. The parade will now proceed in a 3.5 -kilometre straight line along King Street from the Oshawa Centre to Wilson Road. It's about one kilo- metre shorter than previous parade routes. "More people seem happy with it:' says Mr. Gauweiler. "We're looking at it from the safety aspect. Some of those 18 - wheelers (trucks) have some blind _ spots when they turn corners and they can't tell if kids are in certain places." This year's theme for the parade is a "Frosty Christ- mas;' and will feature Frosty the Snowman. A fund-raising dance for the parade, featuring the Lincolnaires, will he held Oct. 18 at the Oshawa Curling Club, says Mr. Gauweiler. Some volunteers are also needed to help with the parade, he says. For more information on the dance, or to volunteer to help the parade, phone 728-1377. photo by Ron Pietroniro The bug stops here Oshawa Mayor Nancy Diamond needs all vaccine clinic held last week to keep• the the strength she can muster in her bid to annual bug at bay. Administering the shot is regain the mayor's chair in that city on Nov. Tracey Stevenson of Para -Med Services. Flu 10. Mayor Diamond took advantage of a flu vaccine clinics are being held this month Whitby won't push for hidden user fees: Mayor BY CHRISTY CHASE DURHAM STAFF WHITBY — The Province is letting munici- palities know some types of user fees aren't to be used. But Whitby wasn't considering using the for- bidden fees anyway, says Mayor Tom Edwards. However, he did say municipalities have to seri- ously look at user fees as government grants shrink and income from investment interest diminishes. Municipal Affairs and Housing Minister Al Leach has notified municipalities they cannot charge user fees to other levels of local govern- ment for conducting municipal elections or col- lecting property taxes, can't charge vendors for the cost of recycling or disposing of goods they sell and can't charge developers for allocating water and sewer capacity. Children's camp in dire straits Camp Sharing, which provides summer camping experiences for school -aged children, needs help to survive. Founder and camp chief William Magee says Camp Sharing needs about $5,000 for the camp in 1998 and more than $1,600 to pay for outstanding accounts from this past summer's session. He's applied for a registered charity number. Children from Grade 1 to 8 get one free week of camping through Camp Sharing, which asks for a donation from campers towards food. The camp, located west of Omemee, asks for donations of money and materials to provide kids with a camping expe- rience. This was the first year the camp has been short on donations, Mr. Magee says. Problems over the summer included a PC week's meat supply and half of the canoe pad- "Soni municipalities have been talking about charging upper tier governments and school boards for the cost of running local elections and collecting property taxes," Mr. Leach said. 'That's inap- propriate. There's only one taxpayer and this type of fee would only pass costs from one level of government to another level that serves exactly the same taxpayer." But Mayor Edwards says the Town has not yet considered such charges. Other municipalities though have con- sidered charging fees to the vendors of alcoholic beverages or newspaper firms for the cost of recycling newsprint, Mr. Leach says. Mayor Edwards says in an era of diminishing provincial government grants, municipalities are having to look at more and more user fees. "We are compelled by the senior levels of government to introduce these mea- sures. The more senior levels of gov- ernment diminish grants to us, the more we're going to have to see these things to make up for funds. "I'm very grateful the bulk of resi- dents understand this and accept this;' he says. 'The concept of user fees is one that does not lie easily with munici- palities like Whitby. We would like to maintain easy access." There are user fees in Whitby for use of municipal swimming pools, the fitness facility at Whitby Civic Recre- ation Centre and other recreational facilities, he says. TOM EDWARDS `Easy access' dies being stolen. Items needed for next summer include 16 new or used paddles and 10 life jackets. Anyone interested in helping out is asked to call Mr. Magee at 579-1198. Brain injury problems are purpose of meeting planned in Oshawa .OSHAWA — Barriers facing people with traumatic brain injury is the focus of a confer- ence being held in Oshawa in November. Presented by the Head Injury Planning and Advisory Group of Durham Region, it will explore barriers, focus on solutions and bring together people committed to overcoming the problem. It will be held Thursday Nov. 6, from 8 am. until 4:30 p.m. at the Holiday Inn, 1011 Bloor St. E. in Oshawa. Among the guest speakers is former Cana - than Football League standout Terry Evan- shen. Registration is $90. For information, phone 723-2732. Whitby farmer sheds trees for storage WHITBY -- Council has approved a tree farm owner's request to rezone part of his property for storage sheds. William Watson Investments Ltd. intends to rezone seven acres of his land and build mini -storage units on his property on Conlin Road. He owns 61 acres.. The land has been used as a tree farm for 15 years, planted with scotch pine. But a shift in - the Christmas tree market has meant "negligi- ble" revenues from the land, according to a planning report. The trees surrounding the area will act as a buffer and screen the units from sight. P Plant to come in under budget, ahead of schedule PLANT/From page 1 thing fell into place for them" Operation of the new plant will start in September of next year, while demolition of an existing plant and landscaping work will stretch into 1999. The plant is about 60 per cent fin- ished, while laborers have complet- ed three-quarters of the work on the intake pipe that stretches almost two kilometres out into Lake Ontario at a depth of 60 feet. The Region's finance committee last Wednesday approved issuing debentures, or borrowing, of up to $36.5 million to help pay for the plant, in addition to the $19 million debentured last October. Money needs to be debentured because "we don't have $90 million sitting around;' Coun. Ander- Dominion Securities, think interest rates could go up early next year because of strong economic growth. "It is recommended that the remaining borrowing requirements be issued this fall to take advantage of the attractive interest rates:" finance staff say. In addition to borrowing money, the Region is financing the plant with development charges, water users payments, the sale of houses near the plant, money from a reserve fund and a provincial grant. D u r h a m Council will deal with the works and finance reports this Wednes- day. son says. CARPET CLEANINGtlt1111111111111111 He says the BUTLER Region is issu- ing debentures CARPET $r now "because CLEANING interest rates are so low". THANKS IVMG A finance department S �. AVA SABLE report to the SINCE ' Carpet Cleaning finance com- 19" • Upholstery Cleaning mittcc notes a Maid Service Durham's fiscal • Bland Cleaning agents, CIBC (905) 686-9160 Wood Gundy "Tell your friends" and RBC THE BUTLER DID IT. SALE _►PECIAL BAR S I __ 111111111M �`, IN TODAY'S News Adveuser Tues, Oct. 7, 1997 News Advertiser * Deville's Ajax/Pick. Shoppers Drug Matt Ajax/Pick. * Toys `R' Us Ajax/Pick. *White Rose Ajax/Pick. Zellers Ajax/Pick. Delivered to selected households only Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For mfotmation on delivering your advertising_ _ flyers, uir4tews�Ad"crttwl call ALVIN �..."' BROUWER at 683-5110. a Eric Tuesday's Carrier of the Week is Eric. He enjoys swimming, basketball, collecting coins & stamps. Eric will receive a dinner for 4 and a T-shirt compliments of Burger King. Congratulations Eric for being our Carrier of the Week. - BURM KING Committed to ExceUence 1280 Kingston Rd., Pickering 345 McKcnzic Ave.,Ajax THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7 1997 - PAGE 3 t; nor, on w, eu`ae r Potice' have real estate tntrrresta;1�1dwa Regional PoLce g_IIIB W1tI1, say- AL a imted �H� app =s Robbery suspect nabbed after botched heist PICKERING — A 24 - year -old Pickering man is charged with robbery follow- ing a botched heist at a local convenience store early Wednesday. Durham Regional Police said a man entered Beckers Milk at 1298 Kingston Rd. just after midnight, claimed he was armed with a knife and demanded cash.The would-be bandit ran from the store empty-handed after the clerk refused to meet his demand. The victim called 911 and a suspect was captured by police while fleeing the area minutes later. Scott William Fernic of Val- ley Farm Road is chanzc,l PAGE 4 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1997 su P ckriri g woman found Safe 'A Pickering woman reported her ex-husband on Saturday. issing two days earlier was found ,His van that she'd been driving fe yesterday in Toronto, was found abandoned on Hwy. 401 Durham Regional Police ani near Harmony Road in Oshawa olunteer searchers had been look- around 5:20 p.m. Friday. ng for Lou -Anne Carriere. 44, Police said Monday the woman A ince she was reported missing by was found safe in Toronto. 1440 Documentary on missing teens airing again this week `Lost Boys' have been missing more than two years A documentary on the disappear- ance of six teenage boys in the icy waters of Lake Ontario two -and -a - half years ago will he televised later this month. Vigil of Hope is described by pro- ducer/director Vladimir Bondarenko as a "gift- to the parents of the teens and a -memorial to lost sons and a tribute to courage in facing the unknown." Missing since March 17. 1995 and presumed dead are Jay Boyle, Rob- bie Rumbolt and Chad Smith, all of Pickering, Danny Higgins of Ajax, Michael Cummins of Oshawa, and Jamie Lefebvre of Scarborough, for- merly of Ajax. They were last seen leaving a friend's place with plans to head down to the beach at Frenchman's Bay in Pickering. It's believed they took a 14 -foot imitation Boston Whaler boat for a joy ride from a marina at the bottom of Liverpool Road. A Vigil of Hope will be aired on CBC Newsworld's Rough Cuts Sat- urday. Oct. 18 at I p.m. and again at 9 p.m. Teachers unions will let public know.if strike called TEACHERS/From page 1 participate in an illegal strike, Ms. Brown says. "That's an area I would day, Ontano Secondary School Teach not be free to talk about." She adds ers' Federation vice-president Paul comment on that matter would have to Inksetter said the public will "know come from the board. ahead of time so they can make Neither Grant Yeo, director of the arrangements" if a strike is planned public board, nor Ruth Ann Schedlich, When asked if teachers would face chairman of the board, could be any repercussions if they choose to reached for comment. !►•w •w�►w ♦wVw •w•w •wof ww HRT � s 'Y CRAP s 30 CO C 30 S OCTOBER.. S 9' ' ' 30 ' OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM C ..'Thornton .� a ; DURHAMS LARGIEST AU THUMC Country Craft Show featt uias i Canada's Top Exl%ibitm with the best Selection of Folk Arty Victorian, S IC Southwesk, Contemporary and Country Crafts. . ENJOY OUR TEA ROOM, BUY A QUILT DRAW TICKET FOR THE UNITED WAY S C W C s If Flora Designs • Candies 30• Jewelry • Beats • Folk Art • Wooden C 4ectibles S • Stained Gloss • Dolls 30 • Quilts • Reproduction Fumiture S • Fbttery • Gourmet Delights % rTrt SAM Sms AAMIMONa somm 31 ChMdmw Yedw 10 Pro* Teens can overcome depression A program being offered by The Youth Centre could help teenagers bounce back from depres- sion. Overcoming Depression is for teens living with the illness or at an increased risk of becom- ing depressed. Using an educational approach, participants can learn more about depression and its impact on their lives. Through discussions and self- awareness activities, participants will gain sup- port, develop new coping skills and become aware of various community supports available. The News Advertiser invites readers to... r y nT The free, I0 -week program is open to Ajax and Pickering residents aged 15 to 19. It's offered Thursdays from Oct. 16 to Dec. 18, from 6 to 8 p.m. at The Youth Centre, 360 Bayly St. W. (between Westney Road and Finley Avenue) in Ajax. Space is limited so you must register prior to the course starting. It's fully funded by the provincial Ministry of Health. Call The Youth Centre at 428-1212 for more information or to register. uestion The CANDIDATES forr A E F , ,�� C. our chance to question the people iss y Mayor's Chair. ting your vote for the May On November 10, 1997 we will go to the polls to elect a new municipal government. It's time to let the candi- dates for mayor know what's on your mind. Send us your question and the News Advertiser will select several of the most frequently asked and send them to the candidates. Their answers will appear in the Oct. 26 edition of the News Advertiser. Questions must be less than 20 words. Deadline for questions Oct. 10, 1997. 4D • r W • i HEALTHY SMILES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY We keep our patients smiling by taking the time to understand their needs. Add our friendly, caring staff and state-of-the-art techniques and you've found a good dental home! • A Full Range of Dental Treatments • Saturday and Evening Appointments • Flexlle Payment Options • A Relaxing, Stress -Free Atmosphere • Cosmetic Dentistry DR. VIJAY BADHWAR • DENTISTRY 101 New Patients and Emergencies Welcome Conveniently located in the Aiax plaza at 172 'Harwood Ave. S. THE NEWS ADVEwnmot TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1"7 -PAGE 5 Six shot outside Pickering dance BY STEPHEN SHAW DURHAM STAFF PICKERING - Detectives have no motive and few leads after a pair of gun- men stormed into a crowded hotel dance hall and opened fire, wounding six young people early Sunday. Five of the victims were shot in the lee and foot while a sixth suffered a hand wound, Durham Regional Police said. Police said two men - and possibly a third - walked into the banquet hall dance at the Robin Hood Inn after midnight and moments later started shooting. " I saw three guys come flying through the front door in an awful hurry. They pushed their way through five doormen and within seconds shots were going off;' said the manager of the hotel, who only gave his first name, Doug. He said the shooting spree lasted just a few seconds as patrons and the gunmen made a "mad dash" for the door. Police said there were as many as 500 people in the hall at the time, however, the manager disputed that estimate, saying there were only about 120 people - "tops" Detectives yesterday were still inter- viewing victims and witnesses, but they have received little information to go on, Sergeant Jim Grimley said. "It seems nobody saw anything. So far the people who have been interviewed say they were either looking the opposite way or were in the washroom at the time;" Sergeant Jim Grimley said. Food bank BY MARIANNE TAKAC 1I:\II RLPORTLR PICKERING —A com nity organization which h those without may soon without a home. The current Kingston R premises of the St. Paul's the -Hill Community Food B are slated to be demolished make way for a new librar East Woodlands Park just of Rosebank Road. Const tion of the library is expecte begin sometime next spri According to food bank o niters, discussions with Town about a new site h been going on for two y Just two victims remained at the scene when officers and an ambulance arrived at the 1999 Altona Rd. inn just before 12:45 a.m. A 19 -year-old man was found outside and a 17 -year-old girl was located inside, both with gunshot wounds to their legs. Officers were later called to Scarboronvh Centenary Hospital after two more vic- tims, men aged 18 and 20, showed up with injuries. While police were there a 22- ycar-old man also wounded in the gunfire arrived. The sixth victim, a 20 -year-old Ajax woman whose foot was grazed by a bullet causing a minor flesh wound, showed up at 19 Division in Pickering at I p.m. The other wounded - all were released from hospital - are from Scarborough, Toronto and East York. Detective Keith Kritzer said he knows of no incident or altercation which may have sparked the shooting and added the shooters probably did not target any per- son in particular. "It looks just like a random shooting... There is a certain element out there, guys who do this sort of stuff for no good rea- son," he said. Det. Kritzer said witnesses have given conflicting descriptions of the suspects and the manager said the three men who burst in before the gunfire were black. Doug the manager said the hall had been rented out to an Oshawa disc jockey who ran the dance. Durham Regional Police suspect an inti- the Robin Hood Inn in Pickenng early dentin which six victims were shot outside Sunday morning was a 'random shooting'. "They came down the stairs and started shooting and then they were gone. It all hap- pened so fast;" said Doug. He added that the same D.J. had rented the hall before without incident. "I've never seen a fight or any problems here" Anyone with information is asked to call Durham Regional Police at 579-1520, exten- sion 2565 or Crime Stoppers at 436 -TIPS. feeding Ajax, Pickering needy S without result. "We're not l000k- ing owned by the Town whit ing for anything posh;' says St. the food bank is permitted t mu- Paul's food bank chairman use without charge. It's an idea .Ips Esther Lucas. "But we do need location because it's on a majo be a great deal of space and we do transportation artery an need parking" because there's plenty of park oad St. Paul's food bank has ing. on- been helping feed needy Ajax "We fear that if this matter i ank and Pickering residents since not soon addressed we will en to it was started in 1992. Last up in some remote industria y at year more than 2,500 boxes of condo inaccessible to many o A food were distributed to local the food bank clients." says Nis nuc- families, providing sustenance Lucas. J to to 8,500 people, many of them St. Paul's food bank woul ng. children. like the Town to consider allow or St. Paul's receives no fund- ing it to locate in the basemen the ing from the Town or agencies area of the new library. At i. ave such as the United Way. But its usually open two mornings cars existing site is in an ofd build- week and would not interfere Billboard TUESDAY, OCT. 7 GENEALOGY: The Whitby - Oshawa Branch (Durham Region) of the Ontario Genealogical Society meets at 7:30 p.m. at the Arts Resources Centre, 45 Queen St., Oshawa. Guest speaker is Ruth Burkholder of the Association for the Preserva- tion of Ontario Land Registry Office Documents. Everyone's welcome. 683-2476 (Marion), 723-7460 (Bessie). EDUCATION STOREFRONT: The Special Education Advisory Committee of the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board presents its second annual special education storefront featur- ing displays by community organiza- tions and services. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Catholic Education Centre, 650 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa. Call 576- 6150 ext. 121 (Teresa) for more information. READING PROGRAM: Registra- tion for volunteers for the William Peak Co-operative Homes Reading Circle, for children 4 to 12, is held from 7 to 8 p.m. in the 2nd -floor large activity room in the middle building of the cooperative where the daycare is located, at 1990 Whites Rd. (at Finch Ave.) The program runs every Tuesday for about an hour from Oct. 14 to April 28. Call 428-0573 (Debbie McMullen) for more information on the program. QUILTERS: The Durham Trillium Quilters' Guild meets at 7:30 p.m. at the Rundle Park Community Centre, $.199 40 lb 1 BAG 1 ton $199.50 Fw 9militiss $4so less ilw a too lm h 0 I r d s d I f d t s a needs a home with the library or the other groups using the new facility:' notes Nis. Lucas. Alternatively, a donation of premises for the food bank would also he wel- come. About 3,5(X) square feet on one level would be needed. Mayor Wayne Arthurs says that while its present location was only provided to St. Paul's as an interim solution, the Town is willing to work with the food bank to help find it a new home. "We*re not about to put the food bank out on the street. The Town recognizes we do have a social responsibility in the com- munity," Mayor Arthurs explains. 241 Park Rd. S., Oshawa. Demonstrations on Chrismas quilted baskets and specialty fram- ing. Call 623-7892 (Joan Seaton), or 723-3340 (Karen Menzies) for infor- mation. LIFE: Ladies in Fellowship Evening meets from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Bayfair Baptist Church, Hwy. 2 east of Whites Rd., Pickering. Cost is $2 at the door. Theme is Health and Healing for Mind, Body and Soul. Call 839- 2494 (Edna). STRAW 3�Ea BALE �� 17341 Hoxton St. Clarettnont ('as) $49-2112 Btrock Rd. & Notrth to eHoxton) ADVER ISM CORRE(,'TM In our Trans Canada nyer, included in his news- paper last week Please note: Page 4 -Van Heusen " sleeve knit lops and seaters, will be available October 10. Page 8-Ealon Home dinnnerwere set and open stock, trice is incorrect. Price range should read: Only 513.99 b 562.99. We sincerely apologize to our valued customers and regret any inconvenience this may have caused. &M SPEaAIln% Lti t� I.WALIATION & %RVK NG OF: • F1.10ACES • BOILixs • .tiR CONDITIONERS • G.ti FAl: PLkCE� • Dit7VOKK DbiGN A CIl.S.\IN6 ••r � !�� llwia - air t«ala,IN Fw Ilea. liria - - .r 24 bas Sadw tri Coll (905) 420-9593 TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCYI JAMES R. YANCH Offering all insolvency services including personal and corporate bankruptcies OS H AWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX 50 Commercial Ave. 619 -1473 COBOU RG 72 King St. W. 372-4744 Saturday & Evening Appointments available. THE EQUION GROUP C Wealth Creation, Preservation and Management Client -Centred Financial Planning Solutions In a World of Change -mutual funds -private money management . bonds EQUION SECURITIES CANADA LIMITED Member Canadian Investor Protection Fund and the lt1CMOLAS FALLOK, Toronto Stock Exchange 3000 Garden St., Suite 214, Whitby • • 428-3952COMPLINIENTAI PAGE 6 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1f97 Ajc"-Pickering News Advertiser di'Otorials aetters A Metroland Communis Newspaper . y published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday PHONE: 683-5110 FAX: 683-7363 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L IS 2H5 Publisher: Tim Whittaker justice system When does the public's right to know spill over into harassment? That's the difficult question posed in light of public demonstrations in Oshawa over released sex offenders living in communities. This past Saturday, some members of the Mary Street Community Association picketed outside the home of a convicted sex offender. The residents, who formed their association just over a year ago as a response against growing crime in their community, are angry at the man who is living in their neighborhood and demand he leave. Joe Marion, organizer of the protest, was quoted in a newspaper as saying, "This is like putting an alcoholic in charge of a bar." While it's understandable the knowledge of a sex offender living nearby would unnerve par- ents, it's also a fact the man has done the time for doing the crime and has been released from prison. That's not to say there is no possibility of another offence taking place in the future. Of course, nobody can predict that. But surely the stress caused by this protest and resultant public- ity does nothing to help him get his life back together. Does he not deserve a second chance'? Doesn't any criminal deserve a second chance in a society which does not have capital punishment as part of its legal system? If a person is violat- ing any conditions of his parole or release, he will be arrested and charged by police. End of story. It's a sad and rather obvious fact that sex offenders, both captured and practising their odi- ous acts at the present time, exist in our society. Parents would be better served to be vigilant of their children's activities and to properly street - proof their children so they won't be victims of sexual predators. Children are taught little by parents whose idea of justice is to hound a neigh- bor into running away. And where is he supposed to run to anyway? Ajax, Pickering, Whitby, Clarington, Port Perry? If any further protests are coming on the sub- ject, they should be targeted at the justice system, where change might be effected. Laws can be strengthened but protesters must send the mes- sage to politicians and ministers. To respond to this editorial call Infosowre Aieat 683-7040 and dial 5104 x: Ajax Pickering mews Advertiser Publisher: Tim Whittaker aA Metroland Community Newspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L IS 2H5 ss..e Mr.r« A 91 v Letters to the editor More class time won't fix education To the editor: Your Sept. 16 editorial, 'More time in the class rates an X. presented several miscon- ceptions. I am a highschool of teacher with 24 year% of experience in Ontario and I take my job quite seriously. Your statistics about the length of the school year in Germany and Japan arc mis- leading. The: average German high school student spend% considerably less time in the classroom than in Canada. While the Ontario system of education is designed to prepare students to be independent thinkers, the German system prepares them to fit into the economy. Most German students by the age of 16 are involved in apprenticeship pro- grams. Japanese students attend school on Saturday, cleaning the building. Thus, it is difficult to compare the two systems by the number of days alone. Your editorial assumes the recommenda- tion for more time in the classroom is auto- matically an improvement If quantity of time is so important, I have several ques- tions. Why not eliminate assemblies and spats events? Why not extend the hours of night school and summer school credit classes to match those of regular day school classes? After all, the students in all these courses receive the same credit Why is the Ministry of Education delermined to elimi- nate the fifth year of high school? It is net quantity of time that is critical, but what goes on in that time. Your editorial ignores this basic fact and seems intent on ignoring teac tici% and what they have to say. Would you tell a doctor that more time spent on an operation would mean better surgery? Extending the school year will not pro- duce a great improvement in education in Ontario. More could be accomplished by examining what goes on in the classroom. Not enough money is spent in the class- room as a result of the massive cuts in edu- cational funding. Ontario rank~ near the bot- tom of the 10 provinces and 50 U.S. states in spending per student. This makes the pur- chase of expensive text hooks difficult. You also seem to assume teachers are angry merely over the extension of the school year. Wrong. We are deeply con- cerned about what goes on in the classroom — the actual process of learning. We have been subjected to numerous changes in the way this is to be done with little consultation and assistance. If you did a little more research and listened to the other side of the discussion on education, you might realize that it is a lot more complex than the side presented by the EIC and the ministry. If we're to improve education in Ontario, . we must lode at what is being done in the classroom, not just how long students spend in school. More could be accomplished by examining the process of elation, such as returning grammar to the curriculum, than by extending the school year: JOANNE KMGHARDT, Editor -in -Chief STEVE HOUSTON, Managing Editor BRUCE DANFORD, Advertising Manager ALVIN BROUWER, Retail Advertising Manager EDDIE KOLODZIFJCZAK, Classified Advta W ft Manager MONIQUE IEA, Rel Estate/AmmiatmAdvertuang Manager ABE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager BARBARA HARRISON, Production Manager JANICE O'NEIL, Assistant Production Manager CHERYL HAINES, Assistant Production Manage LILLIAN HOOK, Administration Manager Healy needs a little help from his friends Glenn Healy's regular -season debut with the Toronto Maple Leafs was not bad, but it certainly won't make the Leafs' coaching staff lean in his direction as the club's primary puck stopper. The Pickering native turned Ajax resi- dent was the choice of Leafs' coach Mike Murphy to start Saturday's game against the New York Islanders. All eyes were on Healy in this one. The former New York Rangers' goalie, who spent four years there before coming to the lowly Leafs as an off-season free agent, drew the starting assignment after Toronto lost to the Washington Capitals last Wednesday. Incumbent netminder Felix Potvin was anything but cat -like in that loss, which prompted the switch to Healy for Saturday's contest. Healy fared better in his start than Po (vin, but the net result was still the same — the Leafs lost 3-0. As the con- summate team player he is, Healy will he more concerned about the Lcafs' second loss in as many NHL games than losing to his former Islanders' mates. Healy has been as resilient over his 13 -season career a, the Leafs have been wretched in recent years. He's run the gamut in terms of the quality of teams he's played for, reaching the pinnacle in '94 with the Rangers' Stanley Cup victo- ry. Healy knows the ups -and -downs of NHL hockey and how to weather the bad times. He and the Leafs will have to bat- tle through what could be a long season fraught with rookie mistakes and some pretty rough nights along the way. The Leafs were obviously looking for Healy to hold the fort against the Isles until the Buds' offence got going. The problem was it never did. Healy's goaltending performance was not the main reason for Saturday's loss. A woeful lack of scoring punch by the Leafs was evident Saturday as it was last Wedmesday...and likely will be in games to come. No goalie can win a hockey game if his team doesn't score. Al Rivett writes inow Tuesday mutation of Robert Dkk, staff colwn ls. To rrspond to this cohmn caU /nfosOwre at 683-7040 and diol 510tH TO REACH US Gem al: 683-5110 Ch nsWed: 683-0707 Dkb*wdm: 683-5117 AoIeiNC7sos— Fats: 683-7363 Composing Fu: 579-9273 E-ttttW: newsroom@dudmnmews ret The News Advertiser is one of the Metrolaed Primus& Pubbsiim sad Dumbuting group of newspapers. Mie News Advertiser is a member of tie Aju A Piebaiai Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc.. Ciusedim Circulations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Couecil. The publisber reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for aaverusemeet limited to space price error occupies. Oct. 1-7 Breastfeeding Week Oct. 6-12 National Family Week Oct.8 Committee of Adjustment Oct. 9 Site Plan Advisory Committee Oct. 13-19 Oct. 13-18 Hospice Week Insurance Information Week Oct. 14 •li)wn Council Meeting Oct. 16 Statutory Public Information Meeting Oct. 23 Sisters Day Oct. 29 Committee of Adjustment TOWN OF PI('KERI\G HOLIDAY' OPERATING HOLRS NtONDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1997 Ot.1 ,hc•r 13 - CLOSE) Tuc,,da).Ocloher 1-1 Fxcr 11mc Committee Meeting at 7:30 p.m. NO CullecUuns on �lund,n Moeda), Ot tt+cr L, - \O SLR% 1CIi %IoridaN, O: toher I (Ti)SLI-) Rckering Central Library CLOSED Sundays until Mid -October ('LOSIa) !or the Sr,ucm �lunol,n. OL tuher I t - ('I.OSI:I) ,%londay. OL, it 13 - CLOSED 1londas. Ooohcr I.t - ('I.OSFD Public Skating \O Public Skatim! on \1 fh:mergency Service will not he affected by the Holiday Schedule. Town of Pickering Public Works tr mergency Telephone Number is 19051 6834319 The Pickering Township Historical Society will hold a general meeting on TLesday, October 14, 1997 at the Pickering Recreation Complex. The evening will be a discussion "A Shared Heritage, Heritage: Ajax and Pickering" by William Parish, former mayor of Ajax- The meeting will commence at 7:30 pro. and will be followed by social time and light refreshments. Admission is free and all are welcome to attend. For more information call Tom Mohr at (905) 839-1212. 1997 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS CANDIDATE ELECnON SEMINAR If you are interested in running for public office in the upcoming 1997 Municipal Election, an information session will be held with representatives of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to provide an overview of the Municipal Elections Act. The seminar will be held: Wednesday, October 8, 1997 7:00 p.m. - Room 2007 Durham Board of Education Offices 400 Taunton Road East, Whitby Those interested in seeking election to Town Council or School Boards are encouraged to attend. To register for this seminar, please contact Debbie Kearns, Election Assistant at 420-4618, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 a.m. THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1997 -PAGE 7 wild 420-2222 * 683-2760* y 24 hr. D i rect Access 420-4660: b Site: www.town.pickering.on.ca t Pickering Fire Department Know When The Pickering Fire Icpartment TO ! O• to conjunction with lJ • Fire Prevention Canada React Fast Announces to Fire Prevention Week Fire! October 5 -11,1997 During Fire Prevention Week The Pickering Firc Ihparitnent Welcomes People To Tour Our Fire Stations Between 09:00 A.M. and ur (X) PM If you are interested in arranging rr'up tours contact the main headquarters at t'M5) 839-80,)S I-trc Stations are located at: Hall #5 1616 Bayly Street Hall #2 553 Kingston Road Hall #6 1115 Finch Avenue Visit our display at the- Pickering Town Centre NOTICE OF MEETING Official Plan Amendment Application 97-0011P /coning By-law Amendmernf Application A 5197 Pickering Town Council will he considering the above applications on Tuesday, October 14. 1997, at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. x Recumr"en"jon Report prepared by the Planning I h-partment will he available at the office of the Town e "cele on and after (ktober K. 1997 I'w Town has concluded a Land Use and Design k.••.,ew of the Rouge flill Library site and the abutting two properties to the north (sec nap hrinw ). to assist to the review of proposed .,i ,iidmcnts to the Pickering District Plan and 7.oning It'. law as they apply to the. -se lands The proposed ..: ondments would permit the lands to support a ­Jrr range of uses than arc currently pe...utted. 'I hese new uses include residential, retailing of K,w,d% and services, office". restaurants. community. cultural, recreational and special purpose usry. As "ell, specific zoning provisions would ensure that the design of new buildings achieve desired urban design objectives for these lands. Fall '97 Leisure Programs! Are you interested in Leisure Workshops/Programs? The Department of Culture and Recreation has something for YOU Program: Dates: r Country Craft Workshops Various: Oct. 11 -Nov. 30/97 Ali Folkart Seminars Nov. 1 and Nov. 29/97 Stained Glass Workshop Oct. 20/97 Watercolor Workshops Nov. 8 and Dec. 6/97 Indian Cooking - Advanced Starts: Oct. 30/97 (5 wks.) 111 Karate Continuous Registration 1 Taekwon Do Continuous Registration For more information, please call the Department Culture and Recreation at 420-4621 Pickering Concert Band invites you to their Family Spooktacular Concert Sunday, October 26 - 2:00 p.m. Kahn Auction Barn 2699 Brock Rd. N., Pickering (between Finch & Taunton Rd.) Council may either approve the apphcauons as initiated, approve thrin with wch modifications as Staff may have recommended, as Council deems expedient, retuse the applications, or adjourn consideration of them to a later date If you or your agent wish to address Council with respect to this matter please register with the Town Clerk by October 10, 1997. Bruce Taylor. ACMT, CMM Town Clerk 13th Artnxwl Durhann Regional Poico Disabled Children's Gaines ScdurdW November 22.1997 PfckerMg Recreation Complex 9:00-4:30 p.m. The Durham Regional Police invite children with physical disabilities to join in the fun. For registration information please call the Pickering Recreation Complex at 831-1711 or 683-6582, Spectators Welcome! A great day is had by oil! "rizes for best costumes! Goody bags Children's Activities - 1:00 p.m. Hay & Pony rides Face painting Scare -Yourself -Silly Room ^�y,p Kids in costume FREE! Adults: $6.00 .,• For info call 686-0523 or 831-2754 metro zo got Tickeh at Pickering Migge Pharmacy wc VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES! It .: The Department of Culture and Recreation is looking for K interested individuals (15 years of fo .sww �/ �• t wle 4 age and older) who would like to msµ"'*"fmµ I tµ"h'i1 be a Town of Pickering Volunteer. ,�`� , If you would like to meet some new friends, learn some new skills or just have the time, we're looking for you! Volunteers are required to assist in the following �� • 11111111 � areas: ill µ w M!N fa. I.ittr • Gale' Now alt Mite • Weekly Children's Programs wrler4ar "esftMi�rgiutihuM�" • "Leisure Buddies' Assisting • . individuals with Special Needs %IOMan Hr// 1 `�xfalBotlt //,� in Programs • Special Events (eg Artfesr F` Complex Birthday Party; 1rF�►�`rkF` Holiday Tree Lighting; New .. Year's Eve Celebration) up Mw t nbrkof Applicatim m available at the rttttllt I►etl ritla lttatr Pickering Recreation Complex fall bu;l 831-1711 or 683.6582. ,,,wcma&5ffn420-462( PAGE E - THE NEWS ADVERT11SER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1997 Pickering Sports .. P Al Rivett, snorts writer 683-5110 Fax: 683-7363 News Advertiser Panther sniper one-man show in gritty -ties By AL RivErr SPORTS RGPORITR PICKERING —The Pickering Panthers scratched and clawed their way to a pair of draws in Metro Junior 'A' Hockey League play over the weekend. The Panthers played to a 2-2 tic with the Markham Waxcrs in Markham Friday night and followed up with another 2-2 draw against the Wellington Dukes at the Pickering Recreation Complex Sunday. The ties move the Panthers' regular -season record to 4-2-3 for I 1 points. The Panthers are on the road tonight. Tuesday, Oct. 7, for a game against rival Oshawa Legionaires at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium. The Pickering juniors escaped with the single points thanks to the offensive prowess of centre George Triton, who provided all the scoring in both games, and the goaltend- ing of Joel Cameron, who started Friday's game, and Devin Boyle, who was in net at home Sunday. They kept the Panthers in the games. despite shaky first periods in both contests. In Sunday's tilt, Triton's second of the night with goalicnder Boyle on the bench and 13 seconds on the clock enabled the Panthers to pull even with Wellington. An overtime trams tailed to determine a winner. After lalling behind 2-0 to Wellington in the opening frame, the Panthers regrouped in the second stanza when Trif'on scored to bring Pickering back to within one goal. Boyle was rock solid between the pipes in the second and third periods to keep the Panthers in the game and alloH Tnfi>n to scvir iiie equalizer in the waning seconds. The Panthers outshot Wellington 37-26. Meanwhile, in Markham Friday night, Triton knotted the score at 2-2 with seven minutes remaining in the contest. The Panthers were also behind the eight ball in the first period when they tell behind 2-0. Triton scored a shorthanded goal in the middle frame, on a setup by detenceman Chris Hunter, then netted the tying marker in the third stanza. The come -from -behind draws were both a source of pride and concern for Pickering first- year head coach Rod McGillis. "On a positive note our guys never quit and they played through until the final buzzer. There's always an air of confidence that we can come back. Conversely, we don't want to be spotting teams leads. We're going to rectify that by having stronger first periods" McGillis had high praise for the work of veteran centre Triton whose four -goal effort on the weekend boosted his totals to seven goals and five assists for 12 points in seven games. "George Triton is doing everything we've asked of him. He's scoring and pro- viding a lot of leadership and we need that from him with the young team we have. But, we've got to start having other players step up and contribute. We can't rely on one guy to do the scoring;' notes McGillis. The Panthers will face their biggest challenge of the young season this coming weekend as they meet the undefeated Wexford Raider. in a home-and-honic .cries hasn't hcatcn h, k,u.!,•� photo by Ron Pieftr6ro Backfield in -mof o i n A Whitby Henry Street High School Hawks' ball carrier tries to find a hole in the Pine Ridge Secondary School Pumas' defensive line during Lake Ontario Secondary School Athletics senior foot- - ball action at the Pickering school last Thursday. In a battle of undefeated teams, Henry Street prevailed 25-14. in at least eight seasons. "We're going to have our hands full," says McGillis. "it will be a good test for us early in the season. If we can bring our top game we can knock them off and we get two kicks at the can " ']'he Panthers host the Raiders at the com- plex on friday at 7:30 p.m. The teams play the rematch at Scarborough Arena Gardens Sunday night. PANTHERS' POSTSCRIPT: The Panthers will be without forward Rob Dancey for a while with a strained leg mus- cle...Former Panther torward Trevor Grybowski is currently playing with the University of Toronto Varsity Blues hockey team. A Fine Dining Restaurant Reader's Thank you to the Choice readers for choosing Awards Regalis as having 1997 the best chief in Ajax and Pickering Private rows * Banquet facilities * Opea for Mmcb weekdays. Available for any hiaction * We also enter, small or bis - Open 7 days a week the most Elegant Dining in Pickering ft" PA 1305 Pickering Pkwy (at Liverpool) 420-7577 call for reservations THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1997 -PAGE 9 100 100 100 100 100 100 110 110 BIDS burirr•r a i uhmary !M =. COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY CAREERS AUTOCAD Technology offers unlimited career opportunities. This 150 -hour course starts October 20 and runs five days a week from 7:30 am to 12:30 pm. Cost is $1,590.50. BUSINESS INFORMATION SYSTEMS offers a foothold into one of the fastest growing fields - computer analyst/programmer. This full-time, seven-month certificate program starts October 20. Cost is $7,948.80. For more information call Scott Shepperdson at (905)721-3343 Business & Industry Development Services Durham College Skills Training Centre 1610 Champlain Avenue, Whitby LIN 6A7 CAREER SCHOOL OF FLOR- AL DESIGN 26 wk. Horlstry a Buseess Program: 12 wk. In - 3 -0- WV- ' 3 wk. Pr01 sislornl Course. W lame Now: .Boons Pro- gram. Part-timMrrll 11" aunts avalM. A Strad Matti e as your training bearhnes woMwlik. Finan- tlel assbtam may a avaA Able. 905-136-7716. 111TER- NET-www.dur ammall.coml swiss hoof. e -mall - sctaom aC . a THE RAIL STATION Career Tiamirig Center. Become a had technician. cares training available in arnecial roils. ih p. ab(905 7) 23 8063es. w - LF I COMO show you law to mm an I , -,m full-time khtonne working from lame a have Save to enpy Il Interest - 017 416.284-4493. General 1 l Hob 2 SEWING MACHINE OPERA- TORS who have exp. and weel prer airldedgeon shoeDue 3 needle. Must be able to work without eeWpevKian and be extremely,(„l lndllYattd.Only sincere ar ddales road W.6 amnwtsuraee well tap. C GN NS -726-9340. 9-3 ONLY! Leake Message mud phone A M.M Plitt per year. Come {,row with us. Salary. eom- Td'bonuses. Me . --- oaN she aldlew. oils Ad PRORtiIOWL DrkwL Wlrntd :w:dMaly b rim cm a cold USA. ICC Med a. Alsdne:L CVOR abattats UM pollice pnayeara cit taaiws Wtlk A -Z kMkied�aAd for a seavely know in is M. Good Mew 1mAer operators. 905.723- and erect mead agrind FlualliactgrtwndolNcta� M b- Fele NO�ia NOy Thk Week P.O. OSx 48f, Oshma LIN 71.5. aAltaEa Rgrirod for busy G*Mn stloa Can mile bet' CBS 904314255 for � alk at wopk� �i MVDD- W^ W Brock Rta loll Moak 10 null d W D U R H A M � C:OILE CiF TRAIN FOR A CAREER IN 'Pcnil,ng Min�airy Snit Approval GALLA CAREER LNDEPENDcNcE WTrH A MASSAGE THERAPY DIPLOMA FROM ONTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGE. JOIN THE GROWING FQ'r n OF HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS IN LESS THAN 24 moNTHS.- You're invited to attend our Information Session being held on: Wed. Oct. 81 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. callfor reservations ^let (9,i) Wagn .' 200 JOHN STREET MOTOWN MALL • OSHAWA 1 QWAM Hayl for ~ Some Doiulwin w (lads. AppN T%5Btodl b000gpyy a NAI disks for aehl Ft11511 S.AS.E. To: LL Wtatt SH BMW Fund East. Stip 31113 Mississauga. Oct. 41Z COLNIIHI OFAVBS. We need spec prdvM iMrri d ed last NepdssM 1 SUM hakh Earn b occas a t "alt -WI! ppoMtNrnl 90o rc 8.0OeG33d Designer�W for r A busy onsom OtlawaeNNnYd WDM >� to bay Submit aalM lo: Eyerpream Florist 1053 Slo- note 3LN., i 1s 4X1. No DIM calls aMtap Must located in Pulk- bee no in MPp pwsaos arc lmra gold dtfnr qY isoad SNNR base hetF keg txperina a ddkia as' set NNartsttd persbmN p in resin to 905- 13e-1717.. Cwmwg HMP 51M camn ard hepers.MNst be OeDMIo- able. hardworkklp and ria ahaid of long dWs. Good drk- ni pas. Call son"s- s- ww YkiSn�N�Be I...yevri. 0wft=i tT.e tee icer !"kaga PWa wEvularristes FSaCemWrYI 8W Grandae SL, Salle 164, va mewaver, a.C. v6! SAI Area Taxi COMPW* 0111 Also Pidt "Tab Plate to lease Also Licensed A Medwlic 7 RaM or 1 Lava taMtae It's not too late to sign up for a college program! You can still sign up for Durham College's General Arts Science program in October or January. The General Arts & Science program offers a full academic curriculum plus career exploration, skills development and flexi- ble programming. This well planned, post secondary program, provides necessary credits for future studies and teaches students employability skills that both employers and educators require. Course dates: October 27 - December 12, 1997 January 5 - April 24, 1998 Come to Durham College and get a head start on your future. For Information call Call nowt today at 721-3111 Courses start on ext 2269. October 27th. Educating You for the Real World 1 Genitival Help EARN UP TO $300 PER WEEK P,? Door to door camazers needed for registered enarl- ba in your an Hours are 5- 9pm weaudars. Must be nut in appearance. and Hourlypaa tam n 1800.79175 EXPERIENCED hairstylist waned for busy Salon in Our nam Centre. Aw. Good wag- es, Call (905)619-6057. EXPERIENCED HAIRSTYLISTS and Color Technicians want- ed! We are Torah in down- town Whitby . We am the place to be! The Wild Flower Artistic Hair Design. Chert - 430- 2113. EXPERIENCED kitchen Ldp and drivers needed. Apply m person 21 . or alk{r e. Piz- za Hut. 1780 Liverpool Rd. (905) 839-0881 EXPERENCED Hair Stylist a Nall Technician for A)om II Flair Design.wlktpy Entine Juke or Heanner 668-5000. EXPERIENCED HAM Stylist. deeded part time for expW ng sea. excelled opportuni- ty. call 723-6596 leave mes- SW. GIFT STORE requires sales- P, bme am put- fkte. L11 a awiiaDk for Aedblt hays cold weekends. Drop resales b Kay's Enlace. 11 subbons St. Oshawa. No phone alis per. EI(PERIENCED Indy pe -V carpet" needed immediate - 11 to creat kitchen, bathroom and separate entrance in my home. lidephme (905) 426- 4129 010AILAF11111 Com swo*L requital. Fr- War - WA" mein 04*=- MffGera" Nip PART TME EXPERIENCED. Seamstress, to do alterations a repairs tot dry cleaners. Resumes aoeepla0 only at Jefferson Cleaners. Like Vis- ta squall. NON MOI%KERS NEEDED- eam great money from home Excellent pan -Dawe a rnme. Easy wort. No ep. nem- sary, Sad sen -Addressed Stamped -Envelope to: PO Banc 210032. 501 Dundas St. W Whtby One LIN 6X6 0 YOU arc rat making 5400/ week. call us. Oshawa Com - Creeds to tang people. Pay vanes with positim. Ask Lor La" at 721-0299. NASTY BOSS 10010M b work individuals half 10 death how- ever will pay W to $14.50 per hr. Pura vacation also wred, able. Over 18, an required. Cad 571.3532. OFFICE Qesakq sun w quired. Cama position. Matwgs only, en0aiere re- qulrW. Fax resume 10 905- 839.1717. OPPORTUNITY TO Advance at your own pace for progressive ad company representing top name franchises. Year round. FuH time only. call Paula 721-1411 awaimm 3 MCI a wok at BTI Corral. IN reared person or shelamt Pfmss sp pry N Swcoe SL person S. l0O144slw. Coral 133 NOM IMFM, Mahn swd- of Part floe yypaaoartASlotls aalabla b arose 1 M M balloting , diA b thea stab gaaMy. Call (906) 619991 bMwtn 1 and 6 b artarhge an kNMvis cam RE�St EOttOK blolkYq � TaMM C1Wirsnt YVotlar stills std tNckaded No have a oplege doom or a BA$9lAr Fax review : 1-905.349.3517. Succoum NKVIIW cob thea SUM be IaoMM ' 1 Gentrail ►iNp STORE MANAGER eapen- enc,d. turdworking. Cyrumic leader for exr7atg ental store in Dsnawa Fax (905) 426- 2159. SUPER -DIET. Tale on Un - warded Pounds a Inches. LookGood i Fed Great. 100x Natural i Guarantied. (905)571.5063. TELEMARNETERS Needed. Compary e■pandirg in Osha- we arm On as roula. Call MS) 201.1943. WE NEED a full-time hairstyl- ing instructor. Pm- -are. Licensed wine 3 recent years of exI r . Would have attended bier d n t and seminars regularly. To start as soon as possible. Contact Mrs. J. Vachon (905)576- 3558. Caner School or Hw- styling Diploma would be ad- rarragears. 1 ORS. COST ANALYST - 2nd level CGNCMA with 3 yens ex- pedehhfl in nueela IMN ei. ware n im, costing. account - MS W"Mr= cant- MSqophab- MOAe4. Fax mesews to YtM- km Persiv (905) 837.0627. Ftiw lues to full Ilims. No be b Mwork evsnl� mat e worMkq Yaoa4tdpew of Quick Gooks PRO. NRee Vkws. k1Y0B. �vow* Is ietftinden Reswma meet be Submitted ctoa 7 BBM Woodgift ain Bbd: RlsomtComkts: For - Estate Office. Hr. wage + bonus Far. 428.OUS or Call Roger 4161-410.89®8 Cho gonad eooNwridatlm oft arca mpuw m and poG deed ill the we a WkdOws. M4.5dW&N%V EVILS tbRs� Fib OW P.O. 9:41111, � wee LIN 715 CL M - baste boomapft COOKOW a�4110 Hill olts 2 .Faxr 0%.WM po a -w 1 sales huE& I Aewirs IMPORTER.'OISTRMUTOR Df wailty phologratihic and opo - Cal =seeks ema nusi- tit avdvr0uak for penearent full ume sales posgnn For CagraVEastarn Ontario arm. Please submit resume and salary Ckpeclabons to: Vision Canada Ltd. 1755 Plummer St., Unit 20. Pickering. On- tario. UW 3St Stoa•d Heb ESTAIRJSMFD PLUMBING Company needs plumber to start immediately. Must have experience in new resiident6w -amts. For mlormat on cad 436-5105 EXPERIENCED PETROLEUM Mechanic, (Tokheim. Giltmr- a. Wayne pumps and con - Construction an asset. Please Cal 1-905.342-5695. FRAMIMG Carpenter requwed. rebabk. with at Inst 3 yam experience. Phone (905)242- 4432 after 6 p.m. NW Service Technician re- Wred for residential and iglu coavavedal. Gas Fou 2 Lie. reghlrea call (905Aa3-o3w MO- 9441 Mrtlact m Re- quires experteaW CNC LATHE OPERATOILS, and MANUAL BORING MILL OP- ERATORS. Must be owl- eeoed with Few controls. TRUCK Other - D2 License. must be siverieaced vis h us- ing overland t, i and l rk- Wa Top tabs and t new W%.Fail resume b 905- T 1 LUNGE eaRiG m OPUW meedW Moodia". Wig be W. Please all '37-0860 to mall, W l PAMTEN 5 Yarn F. rl mo =Cal M= taIKQOfhaboh Cal OeMs A Your Setvkx (91151_126.2782 pager (416) Fm new buM On Prograsssiva D!Na. Tooln�on kxr De Cad and MalslBr Cam. Call Kevin at 435-5244 WELDER REatM® 10 1 for Oust' OF sAop in A TIG elI iphc• a Mast house to: 905428 -IM ®)PTEL Established in 1995. Optel now employs over 160 people in offices in Toronto and Montreal offering business customers significant savings on local line services as well as an innovative long distance service called Least Cost Rariny.T"r. Optel Communications Corporation, Canada's first alternative local telephone company, is expanding into Pickering and Ajax. To expand our market presence we are looking for: Sales Agents You are a highly motivated, competitive sales professional with a strong desire to succeed and to earn an above average income. Experience in centrex reselling, long distance or interconnect sales would be an asset. To explore this exciting opportunity with a fast growing telecommunications leader, please fax your resume to: (416) 586-0642 Human Resources, Optel Communications, 220 King St. West, Suite 500, Toronto, Ontario MSH 1K4 EARN EXTRA $55 Men and woman with cars, trucks or vans are required to deliver telephone books in Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickenng, Clarington, Bowmanville, Port Hope and Cobourg. MLLst be plus 18 years, be available daylight hours and have car :: sluance. Paid by contract, no deductions. Please call (905) 720-0321 9am - 4pm Monday - Friday Please do not call the telephone company 51, Pickering Town Centre Requires Cashiers Dispensary Assistants Full & Part time Postal Clerks Cosmeticians Part time Experience preferred for all positions Apply in person with Resume. YMCA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE IF YOU ARE 16 TO 24 OUT OF WORK AND NOT ATTENDING SCHOOL FULLTIME ... CALL (905) 427-7670 OR DROP BY 1400 BAYLY Sr. MALL E PICKERING (beside the GO station) .1 ►+aprr M DENTAL RECEPTNMMST 32 hourshveek Must be trwhdly. hardworting, orgalftd lead victual lvlh minimum 2 yeas e wrier ca. Call 126-1215 DERTA. RECEPTWMT / CWMW Dental Assistant is, Cpm-yhes lordtrWdregwrW Fill= submit reS11Rr b Filo i 35, nd , , This; Week P.O. 461, Oshawa Ontario, LIN 71.5. TIRE Equience Dental Rs�ceptirA Cow - 1 a. Ilerleirm, Pickering C hayla (9051663.5116. • 1 DalMwd liesping, part-time, ian -,for bay I" WM 2regsquireded reNck. Soda Roupmou t � References phase. Call .1 Dat -111 tW NANNY REOUMM, five out must have own vehicle. (food scMdde. Light house keep - Much Rellerm a Rsland areae CA 619-0296. Avisilidelts DATC11111E N my how. warm caring a educational e vim - meK a Kelly 905420-"97 "a7Nwyn. ECF Praidng lions daycare. am"" rates, non-smoking eaviromait. edurabolud lun gplaayy for your child. SL James 5dtooUS. Ajax area. 619- 0561. EXPERIENCED reliable. caring dayam provider will look al- ter your child (ren) in my home, Brock Rd./ Hwy 12. 427-9439 LAKE DRIVEWAY and West- . DaycareaMblis in my hhadfihl mt, Oa -2 PAGE 10 - THE NEWS ADYERTISER TUESDAY, OCPOEER 7,1"7 1 same HIWAgtab ENEItmpAgrats SkIMd NNpEff �dMd ►INP Shed HNP BMid FIMp 11 for Still� DIRECT SALES required for our Oshawa office by the Locator, Canada's largest independent telephone di rectory company, and a member of Profi 100's fastest growing companies. If you ,have proven successful sales experi- ence, especially in the direct sales market, are highly motivated, energetic and are well ispoken and groomed - we would like to hear from you. We offer an exceptional compensation pro- gram, including base salary plus commission and a comprehensive benefit package. For interview, please call 1-888-262-5055 LOCATOR OOfTQII%r dealer recItings Sol" Rep to sell Computer, Lan, Sees tit Service products within the GTA- Salary, comm., Cronus S benefits. Exp. a must. Fax resume: CWP Solutions 906.477-sas9 • Oaf-AvsiKbla LOVING MOTHER to care for children in my home Educa- tional a creative playtime. Limned televttion. FWVOuue are 420.2871. MAPLE RIDGE HOME. Mother 6yrs expenence. fist aid/ CPR, non-smoking. no pets. 1epept5 all ages hot mays. TLC. Afordable 837-2042 MOTHER with years of day- care exxtieenence. ECE. fenced &Troo LC WtMes Rd. S What. 420-8675 PICKERING Beach / Rollo: Lo" daycare 18 months to 12 years Oady outings (forced backyard and putl Craft. story Noemusic. mu - media; maw & snack. First Aid. C.P.R certified. Non - s w mg rec pis 905-428- PLAY Daycare. 6wks & up. CPR. non-smolung envkron- naem. home Cooked meals and snacks Gam -bpm West- ney Rdrrwy 1 Cab 683-2210. RELIABLE babyswnuhg avat- able in my Nome. Ferlad yard. Nswchn/snacrs. indams a up Close to Lord Elgin Scholl. Can 905-619.3115. RELIABLE Mom of 1, my home. First Aid, smoke -tree. Crafts. activities, nutritious soutn�Caa 686 915�n I Emp°ym•rn wanaad CLASS 'A' MECHANIC. Iwc 5 years) seeks employment 3 s Inoin-per ups/ Rears Own tools Call Rob 571-7172 1 Froaood ABSOLUTELY THE BEST top 'ualkty seasoned ha'dwood Servuht; Pickering AbW Wht- bya d Oshawa sFIREWOODaDUR 427-5278 FIREWOOD, excellerm very bat quality hardwood, guar- anteed extra long bme tufty seasonea. ra a split. Honest measurement, tree delivery, Ko46 Meat Firewood 915-753- FIREWOOD Roka Lumber a Firewood Centre 4'18'x12'. $60: 4'x8'xl6'. $65 Estadustod 1963 Days 705-277.3381, Everirgs 905-434-6665. Free delivery to Oshawa area. on -= FALL AM w■10 hNlsness- Maanty dot6a wom for Articin for Eau saw DINING ROOM beautiful 9 GeCe antique mahog", Duncan Phyte. 52.450. Ma - hog" Baby grand pond. like new. $2.950 Baby grand $1.950 (905) 780-0299 3 NECE oak bookcase. good conihom. 5400 sdid pine du- ng room rade plus 2 mars $150 725-3614 mon. wed. IA before 4pm toes & thur after bpm Al Pool Closing Special. $129 all taxes & chemicals included Limited time offer. Pod Supplies and Cal G.R.6 Maintenance 905.683- 64U AJAX CHIMNEY SWEEPS. wood/oll Chimney clearaw and repairs. we supplyAnstil rscmm and ops FREE ATES 666-774, Name manage CARPETS - lots of carpel. 100% myk,rl, new stain re - Nine Carpets on hind. I win carpet 3 rooms. 5349 Price includes carpet, pre- --.. pad. aper installa- tion. tali delivery free nu- nales (30 yards) Norman 686-2311 CARPETS SALE: Lots of car- pets. 1 DO% nylon stun re- lease. carpeh 3 roma 5339 (210 sq. yd.) Incudes carpet. premium ped and rnstana- ban. Free esbmales. Carpel repairs Serving Durttan and surram g area Sam 905- CARPETS- early Christmas Sae. new 100% Nylon. stash st muer wars -me. Call ad save. carpel Starts &t $1.22/ aonndsSX_d Repairs available. Customer sabslaction guaranteed For your Iran in-home estimate CA Mike (905)431-4040 or 416)822-6226 CLEARANCE SALE Entre Contents of w OFF Paton. Mo- mond Yams. reedks and ac- cessories, proem books. wool buts Port Perry 985- 2649. COMMERCIAL BERKEL au- tomatic slicer $2200 com- 436-892mercial warg oven $2000: COMPUTERS - LARGE se- lection 466 systems complete with monitors $299 - up. Pent - mm board systems. 90 mhz, 1 GB drives ea. $595. Multime- dia yyssleets Ind cu nq moni- tors s5739 up New ,50 .2- PCRUM board systems, nNil itmeda wain monilors. $1,095. with fell watamy. New rooter boards $35 : 697-3060. Exit 432 from 401. 164 Baseline E. aro prwwlcy. Sia 10 tailor DESKS, DRESSERS. bunk - made, 7 dresses. 3 tops. 2 beds. Fbeds, apL fleeter, soh Parts. $300. (905) 420-5956 bed. loveseat. ad mora. The KEr■OIM FC:Wyfree ro 250 Fatture A OBlry nobaranor k DpenUKdeanrCj;Back Road ColleGJible and both Jumped. Motu sW Wareham. of for dodos. wn W a cetdbon. 619- 905-4262343. coo with o rthga customer, ETEF & NANX'S APPLUM- UM AND CUBA. neutral' ES Save mosey an OUAUTY Deipe and browns &wad with used appliances. 6 extra ra- direct drive washers goo mwodtnm 5300, good camel don: IsrNeoetDaN queen size 125, between 2.6 years old. complelat $125: Stoves, fridge, dryers and 4waterbed 20-6412 washers (full arid apt. sift 906 985 256e. Ireezers. (upright and chest.` Articles 362 trench St. oshava. open filar Sam Sunday! 905.432-7167. IIARAOE door repairs, broken FENDER STAGE 185 guitar amplifier Excellent condilion spdw. tames. rollers. open- US irlstallea $49. New doors,$W. Ryan 905.839-1016. openers. 0"ity Plus Doors FOUR PERSON Pot tub, in re - 4163360073 any good condition and work - Jr TABLE SAW, At new. $700. Moulded heavy do 40my bis for PN truck. CAN after 600 pm. (416) 56fr 2249. CAST NM Ad" Franklin Stove $200 ob.c. Also 28 lace bw oom vanity whin sink $70 a roti angor $him whh base 575. 509.2679. Ingorder. Asking $1,500 or tnest otter. (905) 263-4444. FIND MRUG - SON garbage Daps. Ige. fes bags. saran, alum. toil. No ash o ay. Mainy n-Sye. Spots teams. schods, YOIM groups. Inc. 5794552. 10.8 weekdays or Rem message. I re"s I t�71 L04 I - - - - i W, A Assemblers Witfun our team mwonmerwL you will assemble parts elfaerdly and accorii to gaSOorner requiems and safety glAdelinmmyou will also meet measure and report on aSsigrled KPrs, and report Wit Woble ms to senior staff. A team player you possess strong dmdenty and visual skills as well as the ability to work in a fast -paced erwomnent A demonstrated ability to work with small xsert+drcs K required while previous assembly e)qienence with small parts is an asset. Candidates for both positions are required to indicate their ability to work afternoons or nights. Please send your resume. in corificience. to: Bruce Watson, Human Resources. Morn Mastics Ltd - 4 Cannon Court,Whith%Ontario LIN SV1 Fax: (90S) 430-I60S We thank all who opply, but Only allose under consideration will be contacted. No phone calls pkose. FULL TIME CLASS A TECHNICIAN Honda experience a must. Please send resume to: WHITBY OSHAWA HONDA 1110 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. L1 N 2K2 1 Artrcln for sal PROPANE STOVE - excellent Conditwn 4 -burner and ~ Asking $110 obo. Can Aa 12 p m 432-3587 FUR COAT, beautiful. Mack / brown. silvertp. tul Wgon tax for Sue 7-9 Excelkm cwomw 51500. Cal 905 -SW 5560. GERIATRIC CHAIR (recnmg whedchar). brand new (eked 719�t $1000 obo. 623- ..•r_ *'-'0' 'Wark 17570/13 snow ban on can- na wheels $75 Par 20550115 Mw tires on cavalier Z24 aluminum wheels 1250 905- 837 2541 everanps Moving Sale Sun Oct 5. 132 Lasalle. Oshawa $50 stereo staod $100 dishwasher. kitchen set with 4 edits. rocker recliner, $100 stove. Sota & chair. X-50 29' Hitachi N $550 Kenmore stw1ung washer a dryer 1 year used. Call 720.0609 i leave mhes- Sage SHEDMAN - OuaLdy wooden stens 8' x 8' Dam int tidy 5299 plus lax. Mary other sizes and style available. Also garages and Oaks. 761 McKay Rd. Unit 3. Pickering. For more into. call 905-519,- 2M. SPIRAL STAIRCASE, sled and wood, perfect for heo tier deck or cotage WfL Over 2.000 new. Asking SL.000 obo. Also baut8ut boudoir Guise, dustly lose. custom (wade, fes.. >slcnpslcnp 2375. (906) OAL"ME FLVANTUM.. The NEW pieces of our Fail ie-ep an getting Meir ltrdSh" lout es and headirq 1w the showroom Iloor..NEWtilling roan sets. NEW bedroom Settigs & NEW home office & entertainment centers OR- DER e ters....OR- DER now for tT�hapryntkgiv- We are not a kt oul- WE ARE THE FACTORY! TRADITIONAL WOODWORK- ING 905.985.8774. UZ TICKETS, second row, Centre Stage. best oda. 623 - INS. USED FRIDGE 5225. and up. used stoves 5200 and up, used washers 5250. dry-.- $125 ryers$125 and up. New brand name fridges. 16. C.l $605 . New brand name 30' stoves 5449. and up. New student bar fridg- es 5 0. $225, Steptenson's Appliances 227 Court St., OsiLawa, 5767448. WATER, l you are concerned rich the task. toed W look of your woke we Ielp an can for udonnow -&351 or 606.0234 aft 5 p.m. ANTIQUE MIRRORED hall tree/berlth seal wanted. An- bque or4sim and double bed wanted Pwm a8 f renngs (905) 655-5007. CAR BED WANTED Must be good condition Reasonable prectd Ca 9115-723-0120, 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. Mon- - Thus. CD's to sell? I'll pay top dollar for your used sed new CO's. Cal George at 435.1996. FOLDING WIRE. Stackable cvawws won a last 1 ggaaikt drop. Approx. 42 cubic It Comf W Abe. 683-5117 smowmabiles, Rv's, bats & motors, am lefrain .&Rues, trailers. Auction to take Place at MacGregor Auction Comm, 0owmaNville 905 -997 - of 905.623-7969 . 1 Ara & CrsNa FOLK -ART CLASsEs avam- aW N keels. spedalnrp in beoWers. Nod classes sfartu qo Otto 16, 1997. SIrN Wortens abdmMr6odakd For more Wormom please cal (905) 5763947 A LADY JOTI IE 10YER. ton 800 Chill, aper city, 1Wss, sculpture AN casNcadidenuaify assured. 416.447-33M ANWM cea4aar SOME 11RN1 FOR EVERY- OWE, A www.dwhmncwft.com. cwft.com. Durham's Internet resowa and play centre! Businesses gel a custom designed on lie webfor fust $1.00 per day! 0(905) 438-9322 • I Lad& found FOUND, 2 tmis, 1 while and tabby, female, 8 mornths old. 1 write a pray, feanak, spayed.. Or tree to a good Home, all 839--1822 • MI P'a" ppb"/ UNNIELLA COCKATOOS. While. mak and female. ag- es and acassmria. Call Keith 905-430.7469. R. A. FESTERS TRUCKING requires 20 PROFESSIONAL AZ DRIVERS 2 yrs. exp. Clean abstract, clean criminal search; We offer a benefits package and direct deposit (905) 434-5110 • 1 uDPi+•I 19W Automoban Bowring for Sal 5 Mph"H CLD purCt ed ma,e 1989 GMC .:mmy 2 -wheel oast. 434-6651 onve. 4 3L. a. c. 55.000 or Desi sail -P00 and Codapoo Pups of w. Cal 905.6111"13 or sale Vet checked, brat IM MERCURY Topaz, 4 snots. deworune0 Ready now. door. automatic. p s . pp a aV Cal Lame 905365-0191 M curette. as a -'1750. can PM$UD GOLDEN Re- 725-7078 soler bp.m Inver pups. vel checked. fust 1998 COUGAR LS, fury, load - shots, devrOmnred. Heady to go ed. a low mileage. ANied. October 108[ $400 Call 1- 54,000 or best offer. Tek - 705.924 -1213 plane 579-7226, call Jan at - YORKSHIRE Terrier Puppies Females. registered, macro - at $$ shots. P1�guar- ~. � 906.686-4917 OSNAWA OBEDIENCE Assoc Classes slartmg Monday, Oe- loba 271h, puppy. basic. and wow To Repakr cal Bun. 655.4002 ENGLISH Springer SpariN 2 male yuppie. 5 months. champion hunting line. ex - crow wimperamn, hum QQua anteed. CKC registered. 5300 (905)263-1423 LHASA AM pups for sale. Non -shedding, ran -allergic, health gwrama. Vd nleeded. House traning started. Pay- ment tams ava"he. (705) 786-3124, leave message. Aulamobds 11s for CREDIT PR0KM? On pthe roman hrt aown C. Cats, truck, ans. 1981 to 1991. Auto Sao�M SVid South.L SAMOshawa Plate 905.720.3382. ler 7 p m. 1915 GEO METRO, 4 dr. w don. burgundy, air con. atnAm cast., balance of factory war- ranty, well maintained. Lady driven.drn.Certified. Must Sell. 119100. Call 905-697-0226 leave message. im OMC JIMMY, SLS. 4.3 hire 6 cyl.. Vortec engine, power windows. bttk a1f cd stereo. 62.000 kK., }'[3.600. or take over lease. 434-912 1998 Pondw Swire: 2 door, auto, air, low kms, dark peen with tan interior. Immaculate. one owner. Asking $12,&00. Cal 905368-4434. CEATICAR WILL NOT be w- dersmN1 Brig he yaw Vidal w Must We aro m , tiding sod Mle to dal. CMR ad IMp Kline TV' EF. New Arrivals. Grand AM SE, white, loaded. maps V-6, loaded " 76.000 latus. now $N.995. Z1 Grand AM SE. V6, load- ed. 99,000 kms. Mack 59,495.. 1989 Grand Am SE, loaded. 149.000 km, white. $4.495. 19W Buick Lesabre Rd. loaded, anily 124.000 kms. steal 0 $6.9 . 1989 Dodge Shadow, auto, only 69,000 karts. wow $5.295. 1991 Buick Skylark. v-0, a, r. maps. me- Ulbc blue. 125.000 kms. Note new. $6.995. Yes $6,995. 1994 Caravan, air, v3, only 50,000 kms. look. $11.995. 1989 Cara- van. air, 4 cyl.. $2.000 kms. now $5,550. 1991 Sunbid Le convertible, loaded. V-6. Greatly reduced WOOD kms. mint. red. $9.500. 1992 Astro LT, extended. loaded, 122.1x)0 Ions. perfect $11,595. 1990 Lu- mna Euro. loaded. 121.000 kms. A-1, must sell. $6.445. 1990 Sunbord LE. coupe. 5 speed. maps. 102.000 kms. red. stumng. only $5.795 1990 Caddy Fleetwood. load- ed. champagne, beauty. 120.000 kms. mien, now $9.995. 1989 Olds 88 R loaded aro pMect.. a gat a $4.550 1989 Corals, Mack and silver. V-6. yr, only $96.000 fill. ask $5.950. Cam to Certicar Asto Contra. 155 King St. win at Midtowa Will. Call 579-ZM Open So". 1992 OLDS Cuum Ciera S Fully Loaded 135000Kms Excellent condition. $7500 cerW*d. Cal (905)-4343599. Automobiles wenkd $75 to $7500 for scrap cars 8 trucks or any conliffon vehk- On. 24hr prokS$JW l pick- up- p1F- Towing. Rouge Valley5740 p Cas (Nss) A A A AUTO- We pay SW $10.000 Cash on the spot. Arry condition, any yaw. Call us anytime 2124 I . s- � dais, 30 owe. sernce. atu3s6- 50D3 or 905.7065234 ISM PONTIAC Sunbid LE. 4- ANY SCRAP Car or Trick door. 4 -Cylinder. most sell. wanted complete or not. asking $3500 cert' L or pest Top Cash pad Fra pick - 1 as IS ale. 9M-432-3064 U 74a Can (905,431-4333 or It" FORD TAURUS GL All Power PKG. A/C. 1 owner. 149000 km Asking $5000 Excellent condition. Call (905) 00' "17 1991 HYUNDAI EXCEL CXL 4 door. 5 speed. air condition - dark dark blue. well main- taued. very good stupe ut- knor/extenior, 86.000 km. 579-1413 1993 FORD TEWO. Stan- dard, White, 2 door, good con- dition. 95000 km. certified. Call 683-2822. 1951 HONOA CMC Lx, certi- fied. 4 or. 5-spd. air con., ps. pin. CD player. spoiler, reg" maimenace performed. 129.000 km, while, one owner. dean. 720-0356 or 433-4179. WE FINANCE EVERYONE ION WOMAN Qua1kyASSurA iKr IrLSpW0r Mom Plosoa Ltd is o You evil r^0 -W product to erhstxe speci6w. are met. safe tic in drfmk� cmd8oa As Is. $1200. Cal LIR -wftn relevant docurrenta bon and provide start up recognized leoder in the custom approval of parts For production -You will also Pei rot " mwk6rg &-mess. final inspection and ca%ration of QC equiprnem and condtion. sm extedor. PIS. provide direction to 0drer ban nernbers Your college As m resuh of o recency earned certificate in Statistical Process Control is coo with o rthga customer, corripkinirterited by three years aTerience in an 194 TOYOTA CRESIDII as B injection moulding and Quality Assurance we current), offer ft ereviro1 melt Highly i nowarted. you Possess proactive 282-4074. Pnobie n so" abilities and strong inmtieracOve and °MA1gopporternioes communication skill 6rpeience with micrometres. approx. 211.Ixi0lans. Asking S4950. Cal 906.618-1946. calipers and comptreem inducting the relaeed software used 906 985 256e. in Quilty Asxrrurca is essential. Assemblers Witfun our team mwonmerwL you will assemble parts elfaerdly and accorii to gaSOorner requiems and safety glAdelinmmyou will also meet measure and report on aSsigrled KPrs, and report Wit Woble ms to senior staff. A team player you possess strong dmdenty and visual skills as well as the ability to work in a fast -paced erwomnent A demonstrated ability to work with small xsert+drcs K required while previous assembly e)qienence with small parts is an asset. Candidates for both positions are required to indicate their ability to work afternoons or nights. Please send your resume. in corificience. to: Bruce Watson, Human Resources. Morn Mastics Ltd - 4 Cannon Court,Whith%Ontario LIN SV1 Fax: (90S) 430-I60S We thank all who opply, but Only allose under consideration will be contacted. No phone calls pkose. FULL TIME CLASS A TECHNICIAN Honda experience a must. Please send resume to: WHITBY OSHAWA HONDA 1110 Dundas St. E. Whitby, Ont. L1 N 2K2 1 Artrcln for sal PROPANE STOVE - excellent Conditwn 4 -burner and ~ Asking $110 obo. Can Aa 12 p m 432-3587 FUR COAT, beautiful. Mack / brown. silvertp. tul Wgon tax for Sue 7-9 Excelkm cwomw 51500. Cal 905 -SW 5560. GERIATRIC CHAIR (recnmg whedchar). brand new (eked 719�t $1000 obo. 623- ..•r_ *'-'0' 'Wark 17570/13 snow ban on can- na wheels $75 Par 20550115 Mw tires on cavalier Z24 aluminum wheels 1250 905- 837 2541 everanps Moving Sale Sun Oct 5. 132 Lasalle. Oshawa $50 stereo staod $100 dishwasher. kitchen set with 4 edits. rocker recliner, $100 stove. Sota & chair. X-50 29' Hitachi N $550 Kenmore stw1ung washer a dryer 1 year used. Call 720.0609 i leave mhes- Sage SHEDMAN - OuaLdy wooden stens 8' x 8' Dam int tidy 5299 plus lax. Mary other sizes and style available. Also garages and Oaks. 761 McKay Rd. Unit 3. Pickering. For more into. call 905-519,- 2M. SPIRAL STAIRCASE, sled and wood, perfect for heo tier deck or cotage WfL Over 2.000 new. Asking SL.000 obo. Also baut8ut boudoir Guise, dustly lose. custom (wade, fes.. >slcnpslcnp 2375. (906) OAL"ME FLVANTUM.. The NEW pieces of our Fail ie-ep an getting Meir ltrdSh" lout es and headirq 1w the showroom Iloor..NEWtilling roan sets. NEW bedroom Settigs & NEW home office & entertainment centers OR- DER e ters....OR- DER now for tT�hapryntkgiv- We are not a kt oul- WE ARE THE FACTORY! TRADITIONAL WOODWORK- ING 905.985.8774. UZ TICKETS, second row, Centre Stage. best oda. 623 - INS. USED FRIDGE 5225. and up. used stoves 5200 and up, used washers 5250. dry-.- $125 ryers$125 and up. New brand name fridges. 16. C.l $605 . New brand name 30' stoves 5449. and up. New student bar fridg- es 5 0. $225, Steptenson's Appliances 227 Court St., OsiLawa, 5767448. WATER, l you are concerned rich the task. toed W look of your woke we Ielp an can for udonnow -&351 or 606.0234 aft 5 p.m. ANTIQUE MIRRORED hall tree/berlth seal wanted. An- bque or4sim and double bed wanted Pwm a8 f renngs (905) 655-5007. CAR BED WANTED Must be good condition Reasonable prectd Ca 9115-723-0120, 5:30 - 9:30 p.m. Mon- - Thus. CD's to sell? I'll pay top dollar for your used sed new CO's. Cal George at 435.1996. FOLDING WIRE. Stackable cvawws won a last 1 ggaaikt drop. Approx. 42 cubic It Comf W Abe. 683-5117 smowmabiles, Rv's, bats & motors, am lefrain .&Rues, trailers. Auction to take Place at MacGregor Auction Comm, 0owmaNville 905 -997 - of 905.623-7969 . 1 Ara & CrsNa FOLK -ART CLASsEs avam- aW N keels. spedalnrp in beoWers. Nod classes sfartu qo Otto 16, 1997. SIrN Wortens abdmMr6odakd For more Wormom please cal (905) 5763947 A LADY JOTI IE 10YER. ton 800 Chill, aper city, 1Wss, sculpture AN casNcadidenuaify assured. 416.447-33M ANWM cea4aar SOME 11RN1 FOR EVERY- OWE, A www.dwhmncwft.com. cwft.com. Durham's Internet resowa and play centre! Businesses gel a custom designed on lie webfor fust $1.00 per day! 0(905) 438-9322 • I Lad& found FOUND, 2 tmis, 1 while and tabby, female, 8 mornths old. 1 write a pray, feanak, spayed.. Or tree to a good Home, all 839--1822 • MI P'a" ppb"/ UNNIELLA COCKATOOS. While. mak and female. ag- es and acassmria. Call Keith 905-430.7469. R. A. FESTERS TRUCKING requires 20 PROFESSIONAL AZ DRIVERS 2 yrs. exp. Clean abstract, clean criminal search; We offer a benefits package and direct deposit (905) 434-5110 • 1 uDPi+•I 19W Automoban Bowring for Sal 5 Mph"H CLD purCt ed ma,e 1989 GMC .:mmy 2 -wheel oast. 434-6651 onve. 4 3L. a. c. 55.000 or Desi sail -P00 and Codapoo Pups of w. Cal 905.6111"13 or sale Vet checked, brat IM MERCURY Topaz, 4 snots. deworune0 Ready now. door. automatic. p s . pp a aV Cal Lame 905365-0191 M curette. as a -'1750. can PM$UD GOLDEN Re- 725-7078 soler bp.m Inver pups. vel checked. fust 1998 COUGAR LS, fury, load - shots, devrOmnred. Heady to go ed. a low mileage. ANied. October 108[ $400 Call 1- 54,000 or best offer. Tek - 705.924 -1213 plane 579-7226, call Jan at - YORKSHIRE Terrier Puppies Females. registered, macro - at $$ shots. P1�guar- ~. � 906.686-4917 OSNAWA OBEDIENCE Assoc Classes slartmg Monday, Oe- loba 271h, puppy. basic. and wow To Repakr cal Bun. 655.4002 ENGLISH Springer SpariN 2 male yuppie. 5 months. champion hunting line. ex - crow wimperamn, hum QQua anteed. CKC registered. 5300 (905)263-1423 LHASA AM pups for sale. Non -shedding, ran -allergic, health gwrama. Vd nleeded. House traning started. Pay- ment tams ava"he. (705) 786-3124, leave message. Aulamobds 11s for CREDIT PR0KM? On pthe roman hrt aown C. Cats, truck, ans. 1981 to 1991. Auto Sao�M SVid South.L SAMOshawa Plate 905.720.3382. ler 7 p m. 1915 GEO METRO, 4 dr. w don. burgundy, air con. atnAm cast., balance of factory war- ranty, well maintained. Lady driven.drn.Certified. Must Sell. 119100. Call 905-697-0226 leave message. im OMC JIMMY, SLS. 4.3 hire 6 cyl.. Vortec engine, power windows. bttk a1f cd stereo. 62.000 kK., }'[3.600. or take over lease. 434-912 1998 Pondw Swire: 2 door, auto, air, low kms, dark peen with tan interior. Immaculate. one owner. Asking $12,&00. Cal 905368-4434. CEATICAR WILL NOT be w- dersmN1 Brig he yaw Vidal w Must We aro m , tiding sod Mle to dal. CMR ad IMp Kline TV' EF. New Arrivals. Grand AM SE, white, loaded. maps V-6, loaded " 76.000 latus. now $N.995. Z1 Grand AM SE. V6, load- ed. 99,000 kms. Mack 59,495.. 1989 Grand Am SE, loaded. 149.000 km, white. $4.495. 19W Buick Lesabre Rd. loaded, anily 124.000 kms. steal 0 $6.9 . 1989 Dodge Shadow, auto, only 69,000 karts. wow $5.295. 1991 Buick Skylark. v-0, a, r. maps. me- Ulbc blue. 125.000 kms. Note new. $6.995. Yes $6,995. 1994 Caravan, air, v3, only 50,000 kms. look. $11.995. 1989 Cara- van. air, 4 cyl.. $2.000 kms. now $5,550. 1991 Sunbid Le convertible, loaded. V-6. Greatly reduced WOOD kms. mint. red. $9.500. 1992 Astro LT, extended. loaded, 122.1x)0 Ions. perfect $11,595. 1990 Lu- mna Euro. loaded. 121.000 kms. A-1, must sell. $6.445. 1990 Sunbord LE. coupe. 5 speed. maps. 102.000 kms. red. stumng. only $5.795 1990 Caddy Fleetwood. load- ed. champagne, beauty. 120.000 kms. mien, now $9.995. 1989 Olds 88 R loaded aro pMect.. a gat a $4.550 1989 Corals, Mack and silver. V-6. yr, only $96.000 fill. ask $5.950. Cam to Certicar Asto Contra. 155 King St. win at Midtowa Will. Call 579-ZM Open So". 1992 OLDS Cuum Ciera S Fully Loaded 135000Kms Excellent condition. $7500 cerW*d. Cal (905)-4343599. Automobiles wenkd $75 to $7500 for scrap cars 8 trucks or any conliffon vehk- On. 24hr prokS$JW l pick- up- p1F- Towing. Rouge Valley5740 p Cas (Nss) A A A AUTO- We pay SW $10.000 Cash on the spot. Arry condition, any yaw. Call us anytime 2124 I . s- � dais, 30 owe. sernce. atu3s6- 50D3 or 905.7065234 ISM PONTIAC Sunbid LE. 4- ANY SCRAP Car or Trick door. 4 -Cylinder. most sell. wanted complete or not. asking $3500 cert' L or pest Top Cash pad Fra pick - 1 as IS ale. 9M-432-3064 U 74a Can (905,431-4333 or It" FORD TAURUS GL All Power PKG. A/C. 1 owner. 149000 km Asking $5000 Excellent condition. Call (905) 00' "17 1991 HYUNDAI EXCEL CXL 4 door. 5 speed. air condition - dark dark blue. well main- taued. very good stupe ut- knor/extenior, 86.000 km. 579-1413 1993 FORD TEWO. Stan- dard, White, 2 door, good con- dition. 95000 km. certified. Call 683-2822. 1951 HONOA CMC Lx, certi- fied. 4 or. 5-spd. air con., ps. pin. CD player. spoiler, reg" maimenace performed. 129.000 km, while, one owner. dean. 720-0356 or 433-4179. WE FINANCE EVERYONE ION WOMAN No tum downs. 4dc, PIS, PB, IVC. AMM gene. trader Much. Sow First time buy - safe tic in drfmk� cmd8oa As Is. $1200. Cal LIR ers, bankrupt; as 905- 420-15R. bad credit no 194 GRAND PRIX: Good Credit! If you condtion. sm extedor. PIS. work; you drive! PIS' 305 vs'mssm. =nmod. nmrlt Lots 01 pre - call 7-9152. $1500. owned 194 TOYOTA CRESIDII as B Vehicles to VOID w best oft cal 416- choose from. 282-4074. SPIAL 11916 OMAN OW Toronsdo, Way, Iooded. teal maMt#mW, FHI MC approx. 211.Ixi0lans. Asking S4950. Cal 906.618-1946. DEPARTMENT 906 985 256e. SHERIDAN CHEV 1911 ARES. 4 Co. winter -405-%06--498 bater, 4 door. auto.. malt' malydained low-rise quiet new parts, serviced regularly. Hwy $609. Is. pWpNp. UW., parting, secud- driven. as 905- 6E3-1623. aha 4pm. 1 1111 CA! UM 4 door, auto,111.000km, it yr, amAm cas-sere. 52995 certified. 194 �q Cavalier 4 door, auto, onnanchall fi2,000km, $500 down w18 warranty 3'wj301 w 42&--1879. finals the rest. 433-1787 after r 6 pm, INS CHRYSLER DAYTONA. turbo. 5 speed. 19.000 kid.. 194 MAW PRDI. V&, p/s. one owner, lady driven. new abs Ww tea, .� s syNmm 4 aDDrro. Drakes and ties. excelfent oondidon. S3.g00. (705) 748- 90000 111D11wY kms. 512.900. like few. Oro Or1ef. 905-083 521 . 3020. CASH FOR CARSI We buy used vehicles Vehicles must be in rulmn condmior. Can 427-2415 or come to 479 aptly St East. Ajax at MURM AUTO SALES. F NY'S AUTO RECSao - $10,000 cars. 24 hours. 730 min. service. No05) 509-559416) 452-7767 Trude torso 1967 FOID RANGER, small box, 5 speed, 0.600 unced- tiied. $2,100 certified. Call (905) 723-3514 1998 CUM Wragm 305. $5500 orified. Plane dal 905.668-9817. 1996 CHM. 4X4 one -kin da - ay exMr.Od cal. brad new rubber, 6.5 L tubo diad, fully baled. 4 sod. nomm. $24,500 or best reasonable cuts. 434-2775. Tkticb WNW *89 TToyan 44iwnuy SSEERIROakYg I ig home. Wast have out- sbndklg boar. pw ran ing caddm ad a good person- ally. should ma be duaq. oyer driven or So, l you have a Toyota 4 Runer 4086 180.000 kms or las) lookig for a cameo hone. 1 have one. Pkase call 905-725.1392. I Mrd 1996 DODGE CARAVAN: Pri- vate, nor6-smoker, acyl 7pass.. bided, Cenftt 8.5% firiancling available. $14,500. Call Rick 90640.5745. lava 1918 LUIRIA Vat, ail tion., gds, pin. cruise control, Oif s r door, . pow- keylasminasromok unry stem. amNm cas- sella. V . 180 hp. four -sped NA(L trot. 45 km, abw kd* mint. 725 0656 1 Tmbm 11 rot r A M FT. TRAILER. with add- OSHAWA. Itewly reltogkd &-morn, hardwood Boors, two bedro0111 & allcusive. Florid& room. Serene On- non-smokers. Call tarlo,st'kW yearD6,� (Ngop�yparrtts. ,-0030 or (905) 839- «Ii4,, 905-623-1401: 19H. saW abfe. Catrll 289 CORDO'WL 2-bdrm. apt. I SnowealablMe Park/Bloor. 5700!mo. 1st Boor • nail UMs. Ind. 194ast. Park- 60od raererpes a Nkat! G1 905 725 1392. ing. For more it*. cal aka 1995 POLARIS 340 Life Oe- 4pm 623-3706, 435-0917, Nae. 1300 moms, loaded, mint 575-2677. condition. $4300 oto. Call IM WAM 005 906 985 256e. 534 MARY E. Y Phone 905376.4255. B&ehelorn tied, mature wel- 2 bedroom malydained low-rise quiet • 11Mkte pWpNp. UW., parting, secud- PaPCKERIMG, 2 bmdnmom on-siteanw ryment. 73 LAW Cruiser. 32'. Twin App& r� 6W 318's. 13' beam, fiberglass taw a $7500. 000 1 bedroom D1SEnelerm Cal Rob (905)053-5270. apL- Priam erlrarhce, laundry, til rlov. t. 83114819. parldr1% $650. uMles Wall - BOAT, 261t., 1978 Formula ad, no pets. no smoldr n. rel. Thunderbird. twin 350's erences required. 4263405. camper op. remote spotlight hai n platform. and maty ex AJAX, 2 -bedroom basement tras. $15.000. No GST. 905- apt • spit- bath. private en 427-7745 trans, puking. rekrencas. 602002,593-1939. ISIAast, no pets. available aMIE WTSTORAGE for boats, Nov.1 st. $700/month kndu- cars. motor homes. Differ. she. Phone 905-426-3223. els. Wilde Saks. 4700 Thick - son Rd. North, RRrh1 Brooldn. 905-655-8010. 2 home bsml apt. nk entrance. 1 car am Farm parking. Near Go, non - aunt smoker. no pets. (905) 426 6396. COMBINE - Massey Ferguson 510 diesel, excellent condi- tion. Quick attach headers, 14 it. straight cut with variable Speed Pick-up _reel. 4 row nar- row corn new. completely updated. Air con.. bin exten- set up for harvest. $10.000 for complete- age Port Perry 905.965-3163. COMBINE - Massey Ferguson 510 diesel. excelem condi- bon. Quick attach headers. 14 ft. straightcut with variable Speed -up row cam head. Comple" epilated. Air con., bin oden- san, set up for harvest. $10,000 for complete pack - am Port Perry 905-985.3183. 11 ADatm•rrts For Rsril 1 -BEDROOM : Nicely deco- rated bachelor apartment nes Lake OnUno. West Shoe. Pickering. ledudes rpt / hydro, laerehy. S495/tnorin. Subble for one. Nor schools & public trarHN. (416) 805- 9997. 1 & 2 Bedroom, bachelor apts. Oshawa and Bowman- vwlle. Startup at $Mmonth. hndge. stove Included. Wake tacanks. No pins. Cab 905- 5767434 NORTH OSHAWA Extra large 1 a 2 bedroomis) Large bal- Cuey. Building has been under new management for 1 yeu now. aid is a Very Chao and qW building. $ 598 & $698. ub ices. came.- cinded Avyleme CetmOer and November 1st. Phone HI RISE CENTRAL OSHAWA targeRefurbished one and two bed- rooms, indoor park- uhg, central air, from $ 650 per month. CENTRE MANAGEMENT INC. (905) 728-2360 (905)432-2705 The Right Location White Oaks Court Whitby Spacious Apartments 'Utilities Included 'Transit At Door ' Convenient To Schools a Shopping 'Close To 401 Squash CouAs 1-2-3 Bedrooms from $690. 905-66&7332 AVAN.ABLE MMEDIATELY. One bedroom basement apartment. dose to Oshawa Centre. laundry, parkup 1sV W.� plus. Cal 576 3322 or 4A. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE- LY, in Whitby Apt building, spacious. Carpeted, newly Painted, with bOcony. dose to bus, shopping, all IutiMla Waded, first/last ngutred, no pets. 1 bedroom $675. 2 bedroom, 5775. 3 bed- room 5810. Call 430- 0134. AVAILABLE November 1st. Large new baseman apt. Pri- as entrance & laundry. $595. $Kkoks okoes, calk. pirking- No smokerslpds. 768614. AWJLAOLE NOW urge 1 & 2 bedrooms. everyCUng rowel- ed. Carpeted. balconrs, smaN wall -up O ISd Blood Whu Laundry on premovis. No dogs 721.1178 anytimr. SFACNFROMT Wfdby. Cen- tury farm. one DedroorWden. sun porch, fireplace. furnished or un. $1.200 Washer. No- vamea in (905) 576-8985 ONE bedroom Dasenem apt 5550/mo Oct. 15 One tw- nshed room $375/tmo , im- mediakly. Near bus, sWbois. phma. brvAast.619-9223 N. OSHAWA clean. Woe 3 bedroom, In nice nelghbour- h000d, dose to everything. d ishwasha, and storage (905) a33-3939 Wap 1.191ERP00LAAYLY. 2 -bed- room basement, stmi lw- nkhd, near GO &Town Can- tre. S600/momh, available Nov 1st. NO smokmg/pets. Call 905-420-5408. WE OSHAWA, blain Noor, ap- purrces. plus drapes. air, asMgsna. able. very quiet. no smoking. ran negotibk suitable lorsngle mature adult. 723--6830 AVAILABLE immediacy, Oct 1 or Nov 1 - t& 2 bed- room apts. New buiddttg, 350 Malaga, Oshawa. Stating $595/month am inclusive. No pets. Cal ( 905) 576-6724. ONE-1EDN0011 apartmierit. dean. Park/Adelaide area. available Nov 1. 5525 monWn- ppNaarrbbfnnigqrsVltst IriOge, stove, avylabk. Call M--ffi09 ry SPACIOUS well maintained 2 bedroomaqs. Avaa. at 900 DIM 888 G St. Sara with wagon owns. paint P>raid•d. Close o sdwfts. shopping udf Cal77264993.. IN Wind - d - 2 bedroom apes. lnndoeNto sull yolk win RaaNy mock - Corp, M3-1265. �4 all I SM. TYRONE - No TandwWrgaNItRic. badmoms. both Pitts gdra Cad 433- LARGE 1-10RM bas@NAM 7810. ap. available Noe. 1st n pro- Vessiorol lase. bcaMd on a OM 1.M1 -R. 2-11edi- guise court: With OdNwa. Prwa tomme M. PMO mNI►ah, in new am of ILE Oshawa ultrapa. suitable Iw $800. krehrdes dal, Adult mon absLin- saW abfe. Catrll ors tNektt6dw ra juon sNuolNr prNerred►. AwaiyOk Wmn"N• 906 - Sorry, ra dolt 1stilast n 432-M. 60od raererpes a Nkat! G1 905 725 1392. PICKERING VILLAGE. 1 bKd- room on man Noor, sad O$ILAWA (FAA SL) Largo 2 & rooms for rant, dose to M 3 bedroomap�bfte� n dear) sCloKeClose IM WAM 005 low rise gbeidl fo 401 & GO. Parking. Available Mnia PICKERIRI. 1-bedrom RoMtLalgSr. Phone 905376.4255. Rekr�ahces.AwNooabN Oaks & Brod I& 2 bedroom ape. for rent, 51153. all Ind. Close 10 all aa" 805 42&-6469. amenities. smwo sur m amp. No subsidy swAable. PaPCKERIMG, 2 bmdnmom 721-1553 Dasawl fnrttr&re parking. 2 1EDROOMS available any- t: rro0111. soil• able for ""Mints, no Onto. Located 309 Cordova Sff" 5650 112 no m Rd., Chimes. No pets. Pfease til rlov. t. 83114819. 01905.579.2387. atter spm SUPER dean 2-bdrm second N FALBY CRT. - 14TH Floor, Boor apt. n antra Whitby. 5 apgwtcas, 2 bedrooms, 1062sg.fi., lstllast launedry avaNable Nov. 1. $1100/mo. fadlftles. November 1s1. Cal Francis 686-3796 $824A .uW. Rekrenea. 602002,593-1939. 1 & 2 bedrooms, immediate, 3 appliances and blinds, MON. - FRI. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. (905)571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED e 2 & 3 brm apts. p.•asonable price with des included toot T and clean. pose :01, schools, shop - "(can 905) 721-8741 WHITBY, bachelor, one eeroum if well maintained eding 4 Severs Realty Ltd. 5-668-7777. wHITSY/OSHAWA- Nice 1 1R drocm apts Clean, bright th alcony. Nice 1 & 2 bed - nn apts. Cawenienl to 401. opping Call 725-6434. 1 Houses For Reil a testi, a enc- a;.o WHY RENT? OWN YOUR HOME FROM $685/MTHP S10oo GETS YOU STARTED!! Call Velf (905) 571-6275 14300-840-6275 Mark Stapley :ales Re,, Sutton Group Excel Realty OSHAWA, 3 bedrv)r: bright. .suit 'ump,eiedy oideeorai- -d. skylight, new appliancaS. ;as furnace. kneed yard. egetable garden. No mokers/dogs. $675 . 911 i - es 571-4293. ABA DA&A OU We have a ome for you $500. down. _horn • 6 mortals Ira or free .egals or reduced Mortgige aft. From $7501.0 aid kh- ausivoc Income requirement form $27.500. gross. can Ken THE BEST Collis, ld- co wen Banker (905)7n-9/14. OSHAWA. 3 -bedroom sem, rec room, laundry r00m, O.C. area. $825. utilities.frstAm, M..no dogs. Mate- dlatenbv 1. Can 726-9499. 4-KOROOM house Main floor & upstairs. Pickering area. $900 ♦uskws Fenced yard. sunroom with ba0a. 4-aW.. 6B6.63Ipolo. 2 OSHAWA Bautiftiy Dao- �ated 3 -bedroom. 2 -storey. 3 - bats, tenced backyard. close to anedka. 3 appkrttts. 34 Meshed bassmem. non- smokers, no pets. available Nov 1st. $11951mo.. 1 smart. Must stet 905-655-2024. 2 KOMODO. KinyHarmoy. 5 appliances. drapes, arkshed tiuennheht. 1 l2 bats, $875. math plus motion. RRVIast. ids. Nov 19. Call 436-8784. COURTICE, 3 -bedrooms. 3- 9athrooms. immaculate, cen- tral aro garage, double drive- way. available Da.1 st $1.050/month.ubhties, credit died & references. 435-0176 or (416)267-0143. LARGE 4 bedroom, 3 bats, 4 appliances, faced yard. $1125. Pickering, new 401. 905-471-3729. o Oshawa, shava1 very clean. $850 monft . mites. CAN(705)277-9161. TWO BEDROOM near Hospi- tal & scold, appliances w eluded, imun date posses- sion. S800/mo. Pius edlWa, 353 w Ave. Oshaw 430-1906 to vim WNM 41-11111M finished v al od bsWL Law lencedsr 1sLug $ re is "e6' iNWAC wxlnr halal near And@f$m 1Grr room, room, hMeff r0°MMe garage , 4 a1/elaOOM, avael able Nov. ISL 0��0��ps�. $975 Plus. IstAksl, lam+) sm-M after 7 p.m, WNfflY, 34whoom Victorian townhouse, Hardwood elderrs.. ON, Puft cause vale yard, near silk d IGO. Available 416{ 60-972 1. Ibn FA 1 wowddW.we. Ord unit Wet DOWNS bbcCowinowk, be mm deep, t oidw wnffm L Ravi s, greanbot r1MUn -_ M Noombw 1st Ga Nig SuRon ,rry roup. 431.0160, AN OSHAWA UM ._3 bedroom blwdhouse den b Mo. all YNs AwllabN NoYti. 1%5)579- 9856 days. LMLM1 owrom es IN Rent SPACIOUS 3 bedroom town- houses. Well maintained fam- ily complex. Freshly decorat- ed. 4 appls., all utilities. Park- ing, close to schools, all amenities. Dec. occupancy. 22 Colborne St. E. Oshawa. Apj% 434-3972. A BARGAIN... STILL RENT- ING, No money down. rem to Own. 2 and 3 bedroom home. From $750. per morrth all in- clusive. Minimum yearly in- come $25.000. Aurelia Rasa - nu. 19051 728-9414 ext 201. Span For Rent TWO SHOPS in Hampton, 1600syy lt. plus 300sq.t. stor- age. $50C/month. 1200sq.tt plus 300sq.tt. sto�repGe $400/ month. Both for 3800/manh. Hydro extra (250)762-5653 1 Rooms for Rem A BRIGHT Room. Oshawa $375 inclusive with 5 w pliances Available imme- diately. 905-M3297 AJAX . FwnishW room In Gan home, includes cable, aurory. parking. separate en :rsnce. Share facilities with 1 utter. Non smoker. S400fmo.. arced. immed. 427-0932. AJAX. FURNISHED room for MM. In chart quiet home, own wdance. air cable & laundry friliaes. stared bath Now smoker, can US-7260- ALTONA / SHEPPARD: Cory furnished room Employed raatm, non -smoke wel- come in dear putt adult home. Separate soared lulch- en and banwoona. Refermc- a SMAW. 905-5092459, MCIIERMG- Unfurnished muter bedroom,bath. walk -nn closet 50 Also la fu 1431 room, shareOaNh. $375. Larruriy m.. light Cooking, 1 905 -GW 0744. 1 sin"° AIAX- CONVEM MT TO 4M - 4 bedroom executive non- smoking hon. Sepuak 2 12 PC. pines baOh Latin - us at dry. Sod p�e mo. A%abW now Parking. 905.686-9963 FENAU seldom working (k - male welcome) person or student to share dean. 3 -bed- room home. M North Whitby. Must be naafi non-smoker, at cats. $400Naomh ndu- sive., 665-9494. C-dominisras FrRst AJAX, t -bedroom. 5 ap- pliances. wood -burning fire- place. balcony. underground parking. storage. building las indoor poolhaura. Top too. Available Nov 1sL. $800.u4it- On. Call 416-480.9203. SHORT TRIM 4 - 5 moms, Ajax, kuoNious aduX fur- nished. woolt. pool (905 uupp rec pets. horn relcrenhces )666-5615 1 Omte a • OSNAWA 4 6 ooft Fns Rut III- 850 sq.2rA W. 5550. 800 se. main $500. 3DO sq. K across from Osh. Caere, 600 tad 8r $500. 12W sq. 1L 2od floor .1.SW a 6%4132. seek Call 434-2447 MVMOX. 400 s0. n, office space IS=) baclusitcon- smamm . Ideal for delft hal, hydro. war. storm. II81N 061.0178 M -F. APPROXIMAMY 750 50.11. oMiq span pins storage available. PidNINtB ora. for raid a< a7aftralo. ntgolifDk. d 839-7902. Garage i eOAT & TRAILER STORAGE South titAin am Cost 1 � 2 M he ftal Law - IMA rMaWMIL 1/95Asu um Aeff 0 PAL 1-81-.- 2154. T CLEAR WATER AREA. 3 bedroom, townhouse, pool, pcuui. BOO, private yard, available now. For into and to view photos 905 - 579- 3788. CLEARWATER,fumished mo- biles, hated pools, hot tub, tennis, minutes to Blue Jay baseball, NHL Hockey, NFL Football, DOWHorse track, beaches and major attrac- tions Children welcome. Pho. tos avialable. 5275 weekly. (905)683-5503 L91 I 1 Irrivale Hanes Fa sate 119 GALBRAITH CRT. Bow- mamille. $117.900 1122 sq. ft. freehold townhome. 3 bed- rooms. 2 bans, at -in kitchen. Original owners Gas hat. Paved drive, ravine la. fenced Yard. Front delle Near all amenities. Flexible closing 905-623-5895 OSHAWA. 9 ROOM duplex, separate entrances oak cup- boards. tam, very clean, dou- bie garage, deck. good area. $168.DOO 725-8645. 668- 7629 REDUCED AJAX open house. 11 Field Cres, Sat. Sun. 12 - 4. 3 bedrooms, family room. new kitchen, tell"" huge deck. hot tub, mmosw base- anas, CAC. aom oak stairs. must sec. $175.900. (905) 427-9797 NOOSE for sale, can 3 -ted - mom towrorse in nce arta of Oshawa. 1-1/2 haft. rn- sfted basemat, garage. 369.900. Cal (705)439-2149 OSHAWA RENOVATED 3 bedroom Inane with bright Al- in kdChen i new loch. Walk- out been on 42 x 136 IL lot. Cbsot to Oshawa Centre. In quiet nnom, e.neirobo ' o , $155.000 (905) 665-9423 or (905)131.MM. PRIVATE Modal 2 -stony 3. 1-badroom. rice Ice, now in condition. extras. 3289.900. Can 905-509-1356. OPEN HOUSE 57 Rer b Rd. S. Som. 1-4pom REDUCED WMTsy Bungalow Great location. 3 bedrooms. liar I - moons. large mature K Open 10DI nkfullTNW*pwg tAkekrid, 1001 Wikwl West. 3.900 668-3= or 666- WNITIY. 4 bedroom sem. fenced yard bads to creek, areshed easerree. cer" at new rool7wndows aski $129.000. No ig;6 (91554 668-2976 WOW 111 Vinyl sided, with new flock, fenced yard. 3 bed- rooms. 2 bats. Antique oak vanity. main lbw lamotdry, new gas furnace W. aft disfhwutwr W. All for only $111.900. call Randolph Len - gasser, Sutton Group Salus 436-0990. 1 condos for CONDO- Pickering $123,500. Converdem, no more main - knave. immaculate 3 bed- room. 2 washrooms, ev. & di- rdrngroom. Breakfast arra. Ce- ramics, nun" lac.. Wet M distance to Meal It Public LnarsporWiort. Trade-in wel- come. Rosalean p France, Station Classic Really. 905- 666-5153. Lob for M 19L WATERFRONT COMMUNITY in Port Perry. 2 acre Sets W sale sterling at $120,000. 905- 427-M or 9105.985.3724. Wheel, 314 ase boded lot for sale, in tltrlusive an of YRdWy, starlfg at low MO's. Call (905) 985-3157 ad ftft • 1 Medi Naw t�GelfA ME Go" 10 Bay WA WY llk teincludes carport plea screerned and Whdosed add a mom. really lo move WAIL Cheaper thank ren irm. adding 905)7 $4 ,500 Aider Phone Now CAMML RiNifecini. Crib In 4OHm 9 peaWum rates for ally nasal Ne am or IM. Gael 9an-9pm 416,i3tF82415. e 1 aseiseie ALTEMNIO z NUR sok Today NOM ay (IOM. I aid mon that Mr docket Part- howh l-Uate. Training Pro- vided. SMel krA$U d no- «inQ 110640-x234, 24 hr teoordrd MMMNW TM MM AD'VEKTMM TE111 DIAY, O(,WBIM 7,19074PAGE 11 1 Auctions . 1 Aeeeorls . 1 R1eeraaotls . 1 Rnglatraaols . 1 Pdlnarlals . 1 PONFA e at Warders Auction Hall, Hwy #2 Colborne Thurs. Oct 9th at 6:00 pm Selling cont- ents from home of Mr. & Mrs. R. Clancy of Toronto with ant. & collectible pcs., mod- ern home furnishings, dishes, china, glass - wares, etc. Plus cont. ents of carrying place home furnishing tools, etc., partial list, good 3 pc. leather type sofa with wing chair, ant. hall table,i ant dresser, cedar chest, chain saw, hand tools, sledge hammers, 2 sets oak book shelves wAead- ed glass doors, DC Japan pcs., dishes, glasswares, collecta- bles, bedroom, living room, rec room furni- ture, ant. chairs, doll cradle, cast iron mail- box.Large Thurs. Sale: Sat. Oct 11th, 1Oa' m. Selling estate of Mary Sexsmith late of Port Hope ant. & collectables, Victor- ian pcs., Modern home furnishings, glass. crystal, china, etc ant. 9 pc. walnut dining rm, Victorian 3 pc. ornate bedroom suite with high hid board, dresser w/mir- ror & washstand, ant. sewing cabinet, ant. small tables, ant. hanging lamp, ant. grandfather tcodk, old trunks, old books, records, etc., crystal china, glassware, 3 dr. Malcolm chest, 2- 3/4 beds, ant dress- er w/mirror, ant. night stand approx. 100 boxes, smalls ! all m OISpos packed by fat cards, books, knock knacks. etc. AN unseen at time of ad- vertising, 2 good sales, no reserves. Visa, M.C., Irlterac, cash, good cheque. Gary Wismar Auctioneer 905-355-2106 SELL IT NOW CALL 683-CM7 AUC710N BARN Friday Oct. 10 at 5:00 p.m. 3 Miles East of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 A Local Lindsay Es- tate plus others, 9 pc. oak Dining room su- ite, chesterfield & matching love seat, round maple table & 4 chairs, Son yy port- able colour TV, Oc- casional chairs, Table & floor lamps, Duncan Phyte dining table, Oval & flat top trunk, drop front sec- retary, spool bed, an- tique dressers & chests of drawers, parlour chairs, wicker chair, modern pine dresser, crocks, Rat- tan chair, wash- stands, parlour table, Co -oil lamps, wooden rocking chairs, qty. bells, mantel clock plus a qty. china, glass, household & collectible items. Don & Greg Cornefil Auctioneers RRs1 Little Britain phone or fax (705) 7802183 UWS0511M PQ@V'@W Children 3-5 yrs., A fun way to learn the ABC's, Identify upper, lower case let- ters, word, sound association through songs,games and crafts. Tuesday's starting Oct. 14 either 9:15 - 11:15 a.m. or 1-3 p.m. 10 weeks - $80.00 1367 Altona Rd. Pickering Instructor, Margaret McMurtry Call 905-509-1207 • 1 Auctions AUCTION Snowmobiles, RV's, boats & motors, all terrain vehicles, trailers. Auction to take place at MacGregor Auction Centre, Bowmanville 905-987-5402 or 905-623.7949 • 1 Business Opportunities COMPUTE RS/ELECTAONIC equipment cleaning. Banks pay $1000. for this profes- s,onal service. Also in hospi- tal. schools, offices, etc. en- tranced appearance, removes bacteria. Easy and inexpen- sm to start this simply lucn- 'iw tattiness Toll Free 1-8W 308-3883. ret 2003, limited opportunity I NEED HELPI Overwhelmed' *it nelp you get started. Earn S5.10 OOWmOm h PT Fantastic .upport. No selling NOT MLM. 2 min mes55aappet Call 1- 300.322-6169 ext 2577 1 Auctions BOWM<1iV" 1LLE LIONS CLLR, BOWMANN-ILLS 26 BEECH RD, (TAKE LIBERTY ST. NORTH WEST TO CONCESSION ST 2ND ST TO BEECH) SATURDAY NIGHT OCT 11TH VIEW 5:30 A.M. - SALE STARTS AT 6:30 P.M. Trude loaf of mixed mer'han h,r nil . hnv bankrupt .ux t - >n .me -r, r1.,irMsinv win be sold at thi' U1. Partial hut, Scott, Emerson, Sony. Sansom. Philips, Magnavox. Orson, Memorex, Electronics, Cordless Phones, up to 32- Tv's, 4 Heart Hi F1 Stereo Vcr's, Answering Machines, TV/VCR Combo, Compact Disk Radios d Home Stereos, CD Walkman. Camcotder. Houserwren, Giftware, Colkctibla Porcelain Dolls, Exercise Machina. Tread Mills, Manual. Tools. Drills, Screwdrivers, Bits & Socket Sets, Plien, File Sets, Punch & Chad Stu, Etc, Porcelain Vases, Toys Lill Lap Top Computers Window Compatible, Microscope, Crying Dolls. Telescopes, Nikko Radio Control Can, Binoculars, 14k Je+rdkry. Precious Stone & DiAmond Renege, Michiko Peal, Antique Reproduction Furniture. Hall Tables, Mirrors, Pedestals. An Nouvcux Style Statuary Tiffany Lamps, nataba & Claudia Wild We Figunncs, To Include, Gnaaly & Polar Bean, Wolfs, Eagles, Station Horse, Vacuums Cleaners With Power Head, Attache Cases, Luggages. Tramontina & Lagcutina Cix)1 re Sets, Tnpic Layer, the Cast Can, Strollers, Cork Pictures, Kitchenware. Small Appliances, Juicers. Toaster Ovens, Blenders, Food Processors, Coffee, Kitchen Clocks, FJecw Slicess, Machines. Maestro Call Displayers, " Untbreflas, Hunting Knives, Air Beds. Cedar Chests, lase Stands. Pomehin Lamps. Touch Lamps, Silver Plated Tea Sets. Etc Kdchcn Laser Knives With, Stocks. Too Marty To list, SubKect To Additwn & Doeicuons. Terms Cash Vis M/C Only Af bqm. CW$ubMu, sad ft hoorah Not ngor Arctic Castle, 182 Welliapaa St. eswma*Wle Thanksgiving Sood", Oct. 126,1W30 a .m. (Vowing tN) 401 to Wavedy Rd. W North to n N". i East to Staging St.(Nortk 1431) be. Sunday's Auction features a vaned selection of qualii articles in as found, original & refirlished condition, if cuding pine stepback cupboard, chimney & jam cu; boards, maple buffet, server, washstands, drop trod desk, pail bench, old brass bed, 2 Victorian sota'. Cleopatra couch, mise. chairs & rockers (parlou press backs, upholstered etc.), stained glass, blanket wood boxes, misc. tables (kitchen, 7' harvest.parlou canole etc.), old tools, (brass & wood), light fixture floor model radio, enamelware, advertisingfits., co lection of scale model cast tractors, 18 ct. gold ned lace, glass & china, country collectibles etc. This is a excellent opportunity to purchase a pa. from the pas so come on out & enjoy our Thanksgiving Auctia Terms Visa, WC,Interac, Cash or Cheque. (Ned Aadioa Estate Sale from Bow manWile Sm. Oct.191k►- MacGregor Ascdos Services Milo Ma4rngor 905-9117-5102: 905623-7949 3i111. OCT. 11, VM MNIG 14 A.M. START TIME 11 A.M. 170 Hwy. 7 bnglam OW aid d MdI Rd. a 7) lue store moving & everything must go ind: I (ex cord.). oak desk, oak icebox, curio cab., ward, parlour tables, balloon bade chair. spin eLtrunks, gingerbmad dock, occ. chairs, emt d foot stool, washstand set, quilt rack, gin 1, depression glass. dinner sets, misc. dura, ws Cups & saucers, bottles, primitives, Doke C W lamlps. glassware & marry more antiques. ' also includes some household furniture & crafts. R&ady Polar As Kake Ca ft AMcliew I 603 -Mi flft Rake It* Sm. Od.12, Saul aloes. THM. OCT. 9, 6 P.M. At Brock & San Ankles, 157$113 Ht6llarq #7 kenhiam be. treat of Brach Rei. M Hwy. #7) Printed pine armoire, elaborately a Done jam copboard. sphmd desk wait * with matchiq dresser, McCaske) phol empire Chest with oval mirroti w Boston rocker . Victorian dwr with on MV touch, oak tea bolNy, wooden ictTuorn bl expartsaxl ?able, plus glass, dit hf. pc�P�.m . Modica 111. Jom Avoctlower START 6.-04 P.M.; VES: FROM NOON Kahn Country Auctions 2699 Brock Rd. N. Pickering, 3 m. N. of Hwy. 401 exit 399 featuring this week aver 300 lots of antiques, fine furniture, glass, china & txl- lectables ind: 2 stacking book shelves, ant. oak D.R. suite, numerous oak buffets (some WYpawed feet), oak serpentine front chest of drawers, oak pump organ, oak crib. Jacobean buffet, 8 pc. walnut D.R. suite, rd. oak tables, walnut B.R. suite, mah. desk, pine flat to wall, wicker desk. 3 pc. parlour set, oak B.R. scute, drop leaf tables, pine table. Vict. beds, mod D.R.. su- ite, \rice settee. Jacques & Hayes chair & rocker. rose- wood ped. desk, Boston rocker, pressed nsg. rocker w/twisted spindels, Alan. tea wagon, parlour tables, 1957 Tampico Ekctrohome T.V. (only 25 made), Art Deco pram, 1950's English metal rocking horse, Non - take dinner set, Canadian coin sets,wrought Iron table & chairs, pocket watches, gott dubs, lamps, prints 6 marry more unique articles too numerous to list! This is an especially good We for exc. oak furniture. ESTATES & CONSIGNMENTS OUR SPECIALTY Phi (ilei) 613-4011: Fax (M) 5762267 AUCTION SALE THANKSGIVING MONDAY OCTOBER 13-10 A.M. EXTRAORDINARY HOUDAY AUCTION d Clualify Antiques elk Collectibles for ES- TATE of BUD CARTWLL d Canrangtan, and PETER AUSTIN, BowntarwiNe, to be held at the Phoenix Sales Arena, Ux- Rbd. #23) kto Hivy.#47. Cao Hwy.#12 north (wesor t tooerlUx Ux- bridge. Watch for sgns. Sale Includes over 1,000 exceptional an- Illique tiful Cand s reek ncluding two beau- pce., bed- room suites, Ig. qty., tancy antique tables and chain rare China cabinets, Hoosier cabnel, hall stands & benches, stacking bookcase, ON painting Harold Cddlhwait, (England), exquisite ant. settees, an- tique beds, old wall tapestries, wheels, quilits, finumptional early Ig. qty., collectibles, china, new app glassware etc. See last week's issue for full details or can for fa�xeed� lliisathr g. One d the ft" oferirgs of ow TERMS* Cash, Irnerac, visa a lwc. 7GARY HLL Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 or Toff Frost 1-800-654-4647 %s 74 d S a6 & THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours re- ceived. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and pre- served throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, worker of mira- cles, pray for us. St- Jude, helper of the sick, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days. This prayer has never failed, and you prayers will be answered. Publication must be promised. J.B. M• 1 Business Opportunities NAIR SALON 'Nhr" modem egwpment. profitable opera- tion. For more details call Doug Baird. Rainy Executives 905.579-7339, DOG GROOMER Experienced pQroomer to take over Salon in busy Oshawa Cafestore. Ca11 723-5077 your own nusiness 'it- ., ^rapines ane aLnds bmmercul/residemW) :omplete training in design. colour. instalWan. sales. -marketing. Start up invest - mem. tree into. package. Toe ee 1.886-761-0081, ref .S 71 TRAVEL AGENCY WeO-es- ablshed location. r,Jy staffed IS licensed, fuel tranng pro - sided Revenue guarantee for 12 nvrmts of $150.000 Mets - trust tashh $72.000. call 1- 800.665-1743 eon 222 TRAVEL PARADIGM. Home- based business Excellent commissions. Professional training. On-going support FWupart-bene. Travel perks. Travel agents welcome. Io- vestmsm 59.995 owns Your business. 1-905-373-4841 or 1-666.567-7111. L,=1 Persoeais CHEATING WrVES - ON- TARIO PHONE NUMBERS 1- 900.451-5566 ext. 229 $349( nun touch lone. 18 plus A140 GErtTLEaeEtar Sovirl Durham E a�na'= sno:i ClaesuoarrRMee IN In &W Out Now MARELT LEGAL Gins Over 18. Hama a Home Members. 1- 900-451-5566 tat 6110 S349/ min. TT. mist be 13. BORED OWTAM HOUSE- WIVES - names a innate pronlnb e mlers. 1.900-451- 3M ext &W. 33.29/mn, must be t b T -ton. SPOUSE CHEATIMG?? ER. Psyckc Answers. You can know Rated /1 Police 100.000. Writ use us. Cans confidential 241hrs $2.9W min, 18. 1-900-451-4055. evemon CEorrrng vents 3RD ANNUAL ANTIQUE SHOW & SALE- Oct 18 & 19. 10-4 30 both days. Pon Perry wL Port Pe ry QrW 30 DEALERool. 160 Rosa S! : 1 1 5101"b new drywall, new tile, NEW TILE 4 COLORS $399. 416)282-8934 : Im Handyman FALL CLEANUP Small or large moves, painting and decorating class 'G' license. No tickets. Advice on per- sonal and financial prob- ems. Sales. $10 per hr. (905)426-2344 Ask for Russell :1 P40d" A & C ROOFI!kiG, Shinning, aV types of roofs, new and old, Wurkmansiip. Guar- anteed. 10% discount to sensors, fully in - un -ed. Free esamsees. Call Andrew at (9105) 4218794 � Nr•fq a NCWLM N01rC Houses. Apartments. Oak- es. IMes. Appliances am Plato Speciabsts. Now we him heated storage units. Sure and kad-Mall 0=0072 LA:used. i soad. Free Es - won. Enefto swvim. Call 436-7M : Flee HOUSECLEANING LADY Resporlsibill rehi le and With experience. Will bring own si vallin Low rates. Cal Kelly 416-284.6814;416 716.7390 Trustworthy Clearing Lady Excellent 3efeLen-Fr Call 721-2740 RAwr WAlllssM�wcroFgar R G�iidlert'a Pat A �Own W Occasions. diewin Cant Eswis 6604M I�OeIMIe V on Sunday Coc ober 5, 1997 at Aj4ldPfdaeng ped. Beloved wile of ft late CrDFd and dear her of Davis. Bob and Linde wed tih mbern and �lrw and ft*b cmo139m AA inemofiel go WE be i at St. Thimothys Presbyterian Church an dker Ave, AOL on SeMnday OcIdw 251h aid 1 The kn* would On to ufpreae then wpnaa- to d of her woMeAul fiierld i whofo�KDpipoNr ad Bdw W to old 2 End at Ajl - oudo =W so Wd for her aning her d In a, dornalim a to Ina wmdm Cancer iffy or In choll y d your choice would l e greed- PAGE 12 -THE NEWS AVVERTISFR TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, M F A L L I N T O AT THE LARGEST MULTIPLE WAREHOUSE SALE OF THE YEAR! ON FROM OCT 9 THROUGH OCT 19 WITH SAVINGS UP T rl--� Yco THE BOOK 7 FACTORY 0 IVA Designer Labels From S P I I TE JONES APPAREL GROUP cxoMMo.."dM boom of — c a �mn a 9 The 1 'We, SIGNATURE A U2 CIA11102NE COMPANY SPARE PARTS Clothing Outlet THE GREAT JEWELLERY BLOWOUT .Ai mart- ' Umdm On C& ----------------- METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE FREE PARKING FREE ADMISSION a 1899 BROOK ROAD, PICKERING 905-427-0744 TAKE THE 401 TO BROCK ROAD EXIT AT BROCK ROAD NORTH, TURN RIGHT AT SECOND SET OF LIGHTS mdt miss & dam Flea & AnOw Fair opo CVVY %mav 9.un - 5 pm MONDAY -FRIDAY 10 AM -9 PM SATURDAY 10 AM -6 PM SUNDAY 9 AM -5 PM A