HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1997_09_16STOIREROonji 1 PERIODICALfile, ea * Pickerin 4o-School Sale S�inl egs us at MW CYBER - CYBER CAFE .,ia: �Vg1i us FICP,i HILI gugLlr' HODAK1c (905) 420-9707 a � CEPyTFtt1L clveftise-r Optional 4 week home delivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand Septeml-)er 16, 1997, Vol. 32, No. 37, Pressrun 44,000 16 pages Photo by Andrew Iwanowsld Like sand through the hourglass Tyler Gagnon concentrates on getting the most out of Pickering on Saturday. The event featured a celebration his sand art design during Artfest on the Esplanade in of arts and offered numerous activities for participants. `� 1 Creating Putsnt,es - College cam- paign shifts into high gear - psge 3. Editorial Purge ...........4 Sports ................11 Classified ..............12 HOW TO REACH US General .......... 683-511 o Death Notices ......683-3005 Auction I3ne .......683-7545 Sincerely Yours ........ ............ 14X00-662-8423 Email ................ NewsroomOdurhamnews. net lintemet .............. http://www.durhamnews.net Pickering resident calls for `citizens' revolt against nuclear plant BY MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER PICKERING — A Pickering woman is looking for other residents interested in starting a "66- iens' revolt" against the Pickering nuclear station. "A lot of people are talking about some- how fighting the nuclear plant and some- how getting it shut down:' says Sally Mcleod. "You just go to a soccer game with your kids and that's what the parents are talking about" When Mrs. McLeod moved to Picker- ing about 10 yeah ago, she wasn't worried about living so close to a nuclear station. SALLY "You figure that they're the experts. McLEOD Everybody tells you it's safe technology. Faith 'is now That faith in the experts is now totally erod- ed" totally eroded' Most of that erosion has taken place over the past few years, she says, as the plant has been plagued See PICKERING/Page 2 MP lauds probe into gas pricing BY KEITH GILLIGAN STAFF REPORTER The establishment of a probe into the pricing practices of oil companies in Canada has pumped up a local MP who's been campaigning to ease motorists' gas pains. Federal Industry Minister John Manley announced Friday after meet- ing with provincial consumer ministers in Regina that a working group of gov- ernment officials, oil industry repre- sentatives and consumers will investi- gate gas pricing practices. "This is a very positive step on a national scale taken by the minister," Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge MP Dan McTeague says. "I hope this examina- tion will provide Canadians with some answers for the sudden and significant gas price increases they witnessed across the country this summer..' Mr. McTeague had introduced a pri- vate member's bill in the last Parlia- ment calling on the oil industry to jus- tify price increases. The bill, which received second reading, died when the election was called. "It's vital that the oil industry be scrutinized to uncover the reasons for inflated gas prices at particular times of the year," Mr. McTeague says. "Canadians deserve protection from being taken at the pumps and this pro- tection must come from their govern - menu" He charges the oil industry is prac- tising predatory pricing, reducing competition and "the deliberate elimi- nation of independent gasoline retail- ers." Ontario Consumer and Commercial Relations Minister David Tsubouchi says, "We look forward to the results which should lead to a better under- standing of how pricing practices are undertaken by the (oil) industry" Mr. Tsubouchi wants the federal government to look into the "percep- tion on the part of consumers in Ontario that the big petroleum compa- See FUEL/Page 2 LAPI McTEAGUE `A positive step on a national scale' PAGE 2 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 P Pickerin resident wants nuclearplant `out of the communi ' g community' PICKERING/From page I by spills, unscheduled shut- downs, licensing problems and a series of critical reports on its operations. The most recent review in August con- cluded four reactors at Picker- ing need to be taken out of service indefinitely to allow Ontario Hydro to concentrate on running the other half of the station properly. Mrs. McLeod maintains the community has reached the end of its rope with bad trews about the station. "We want a shutdown of the entire thing. We want them out of the community. They're gone." She's particu- larly irritated over the length of time it's taking Hydro to organize the public meeting to discuss the situation promised in August by Hydro nuclear division head Carl Andognini. Hydro officials now say the forum may be held by the end of this year. "Whv do we need three months to call together the people of this town? It's hap- Fuelp rice probe sparks praise FUEL/F=rom page 1 nies are not being fair at the pumps:' The investigation should ensure fair competition and consumers won't have to "put up with the roller coaster pricing practices which seem to occur mainly on long summer weekends;' Mr. Tsubouchi adds. His communication's adviser, Debra McCain, says, "Most of the implementation issues (for the work- ing group) have to be worked out and decided ' She doesn't know when a final report will be prepared. The next steps are to set up the committee, decide who will sit on it and when it will meet. "It's a fairly significant coup get- ting this far;' Ms. McCain says. "The minister felt this is larger than an Ontario issue. It's a national issue that needs a national solution. She notes, "It's the very first time consumers in Canada have had the opportunity to be involved in a process like this. It's an opportunity for con- sumers to (a) have some input and (b) present some transparency to gas pric- ing. "Whenever the Competition Bureau does investigate, it's mostly in - camera and a report is produced. Take it or leave it. This process will involve con- sumers," Ms. McCain says. Teachers' union applauds new contract The union representing 2,400 public elementary school teachers in Durham .is recommending accep- tance of a new contract which "reflects today's society" That message comes from Ontario Public School Teachers' Federation, Durham district co -pres- ident Bill Butcher after a tentative collective agreement was reached with the Durham Board of Educa- tion. Teachers are scheduled to ratify the deal Sept. 24. The board will rat - My it several days later. "We're very pleased with the con- tract. It's a fair contract," believes Mr. Butcher, who's prohibited from releasing its details before ratifica- tion. Teachers have been wodiing with- out a contract since AuSust, 1996. pening now. If you can't come to us right now we will gather ourselves." Mrs. McLeod describes the delay as "arro- gance" on Hydro's part. She maintains arrogance and lack of interest in the pub- lic's concerns have been typi- cal of Hydro. As an example, she cited a recent Saturday morning in Kinsmen Park when parents attending their children's soccer games were frightened by the sound of an alarm and loudspeakers at the nearby station. Nobody could figure out what was going on and parents were wondering whether they should take their children and leave. "Somebody phoned over and the nuclear plant had no idea what it was about;' she says, noting no one from the station ever called back to explain the situation as promised. Mrs. McLeod believes it's up to citizens to take on Hydro because the Town, Province and federal govem- ment all have vested interests in the continued operation and success of Pickering's nuclear Find us online at www.durhamnews.net �K8J:14 010101�� FOR HOME WINTER BLUES By simply adding generous portions of natural light, and perhaps a few plants a whole new atmosphere of bright open space can be achieved. It's an environment that feels good to be in[ Bring In 0e sonsbhm and make K foot Mks surwrwsr-..d/ wfnter long! (xrV1osses & t_rsw 0100"10) SKYUGHTS UNLIMITED (905) 831-3798 w•'vr b«n peovWft bele-proof saahM» 8116 19811. A can AMV cwe nor hen• W whet* blm•. clere PUBLIC NOTICE Canada Public Notice CRTC 1997-114. The CRTC has received applications from the following cable licensees for authority to acid WNYO-49 (IND/Warner Brothers) Buffalo, N.Y. on a discretionary tier of the cable undertakings serving the following localities: 2. Etobicoke/Mississauga: and Ajax, Ont. Applications by ROGERS CABLESYSTEMS LIMITED. EXAMINATION OF APPLICATIONS: 80 Worcester Rd., Etobkzke: and 301 Marwood Av., Oshawa, Ont. The complete text of this application is available through the Public Examination Room of the CRTC in Hull, (819) 997-2429. Written interventions must be filed with the Secretary General, CRTC, Ottawa, Ont. K 1 A ON2, with prof that a copy has been served on the applicant on or before 3 October 1997. For more infor- mation on the intervention process, you may call the CRTC Public Affairs in Hull at (819) 997-0313. Fax (819) 994-0218, TDD (819) 994-0423, or by consulting our Internet site: httpJ7www.c rtc.gc.ca. The public notice is available in adtemative format upon request. Canadian Radio4ekwision and Conseil de to rsdiodllfusion at des Telecofnmunications Commission 016cofnmunwibons canadiennes AI" r11:faN111.1,11-81. If1W�Ml CORNNGA&NM FACMRY OUBM' Great savings on assorted open stock Corelle Dinnerware, Visions Cookware, Corningware and coordinated accessories ItcCEOR70 own .90a"Or and -__....e_ 81.11E RLVHW t <. StaiNess cookrwre at special sevinpll FACTOW OUTLET im Pldoe h Nerltwtry (905) 4M9= Ism 13 ac. set atop. -Vaal. lona ThwZ4101. toms-11pis 'S& y�-sopa DEW CAMS ACCWM • coroners aaysrs • Drinkware • wed server 11 =AN 11W, %_ station. The Town needs the grant -in -lieu -of -taxes it gets for having the plant here, she notes, while Ottawa is pro- tecting overseas sales of the CANDU reactor system the Pickering plant is based on. "It's so obvious. If they have to abandon this plant, how will they be able to make a sale anywhere? That's what the agenda is here. That's what's so scary about it:' Mrs. McLeod is inviting anyone interested in helping fight the nuclear station to call her at 420-3159. Her hope is to gather enough interest to hold a puts lic meeting. Notice o1 - Liquor Licence Application The following establishment has applied to the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for a Sale Licence Mama Lucy Restaurant 1792 Liverpool Road, The Super Centre Mall Unit 4, Pickering Any resident of the municipality may make written submission as to whether the issuance of the licence is in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than October 10, 1997. Please include your name, address and telephone number. If a petition is submitted to the: Board, please identify the designated contact person. Note: ilk 1.I.130 gives the applicant details of any objections. Submissions to be sent to: Licensing and Permits Branch Liquor Uccnce Beard of Ontario 55 Lala Shore Blvd. E., Toronto ON M5E IA4 Fax: (416)326-5555 E-mail at licensingw,'Ilbo.on.ca. SALE ME CIAL IN TODAY'S News Adve_ Hies., Sept. 16,1997 News Advertiser ' 4abird Lumber Aja McL * Iry u, Lilli 1ol11 M Pick. • Plow Hut Ajsotllridl. r Price Ondc Foods No -9gMD"NM 081llMneYanl6on AjsdPldl. •Nt N Pow Crib! Awft WfkRM Ap1rlPl L Zdn Aj�IrlPick ' Dclvaod to sdeeW hwati ddi ay Remember, eA imier , indudilq tbttte on glossy piper, tau be Mcycied with die hist of your meMapeper dtrottgb your blue box ing PV Fat information on delivering call ALVIN NI BROUWER at 683-5110. Brwtadon Tuesday's carrier of the week is Brendan. Brendan enjoys building model tanks & playing computer games. He will receive a dinner for 4 and a T-shirt comphinents of Burger Coasy'wtisJofrs Brandon, for being our carrier of the week. ON= Corwwdued to Exceltewce 1280 Kingston Rd., Pickering 345 McKenzie Ave.,A)ax T' Auction aids in Creating Futures Pickering event this Sunday aims to add to $12 -million fund-raising goal Each year, September marks the time when many exciting things hap- pen in Durham and this September is no different. This month marks the beginning of the final stages in the Creating Futures Durham College and Univer- sity Centre Fund Campaign. In 1995, with reduced government funding, Durham College was faced with a dilemma. How would it suc- cessfully continue its state-of-the-art technology and teaching methods and grow the Durham University Centre concept while maintaining tradition- ally high educational standards of the college? An innovative solution to funding these initiatives would be needed. In February, 1996 a feasibility study concluded the people of Durham Region would support a $12 - million, fund-raising effort by the college to further develop two key areas: program development -informa- tion technology and scholarships and bursaries for students in need. With this information came the birth of the Creating Futures Campaign in April, 1996. With just four months to go before the end of the campaign effort on Dec. 31, the pace is at a feverish rate .to reach the $12 -million mark. To date, $8.5 million has been commit- ted to the campaign. Out of that total goal, $1 million has been raised for the students -in - need portion of the campaign and was matched by the Ontario government to make a total of $2 million for stu- dents in need. This money will be put in a trust fund, enabling the college to allocate more funds to these students through the use of annual scholarships and bursaries. In a bid to bring community involvement from across the region, during the last stretch, special event fund-raisers are in the works. Oshawa, Bowmanville, Uxbridge, Whitby, Ajax and Pickering have been asked to officially proclaim Sept. 21-28 as Durham College and University Centre Week in -the region. The councils of Ajax and Pickering are in full support. On Sunday, Sept. 21, the Town of Ajax and Town of Pickering Commit - ..tee of the Creating Futures Durham College and University Centro Fund Campaign aro holding a Gala Silent and Live Auction at the Pickering Recreation Complex. Ken Shaw of CFTO-TV hosts the event and Regional Councillor Rick Johnson will act as auctioneer. In our FS Hone insert kxNxled in this newspe tier last week Please nolo Itw fol- lowirtp: pw6 s30-Retroneau flatware, 51h �(rtwwn) is not atreiloirle. Neo. ' Relroneew tlkwwrwam, wi l be available Oolober 15, 1997. Pape 5 in Panwmx* Powerplay insert -CD plsyr, Mod. SLS120 comes with owbuds net headphones. Insomrier ft, 8w errors Ne- ed appeared in our adverlishp. %% sin- =* regret any inoortmftrxe or aortltr Sion fo our azWnwW Ajax and Pickering businesses and individuals have already started to show their support toward post -sec- ondary education in Durham Region by generously donating auction items such as autographed Blue Jays and Raptors paraphernalia, full -year gym memberships, tickets and hotel accommodation for a weekend for two in Ottawa, and much more. Pre- viewing for the event will start at 6 p.m. and the silent and live auction will take place between 7 p.m. and 10 pm. "I am excited about the support received to date from local retailers and restaurants;' said Beth Wilson, chairman of the Ajax and Pickering General Community Committee. "We still need additional products to make this auction a success. A gala auction is a perfect way for business- es and individuals in the Ajax -Picker- ing Community to participate in building a future for our college and university students. Businesses can show support by donating products and services and individuals attend- ing the auction receive great value for their dollar: First of all, by supporting Durham College and University Cen- tre and second by going home with products and services they need." Anyone wishing to donate auction items can contact Durham College's communications and development department at (905) 721-3032. Tickets are available for $15 at all Bank of Montreal branches in Ajax and Pickering or at Durham College's communications and development department. For more information, call (905) 721-3032. Z n6rb "V EK I-MISK TUESDAY, SEVI IUMIZEK 16, IW7 - PAGE 3 BOYM BEARS dt FRMNMTm announces a Royal Visit from Prince Hamalot... our first time etaer ff Event Piece for 1997 His Majesty, Prince Hamalot will be appearing at The Boyds Bears & Friends T14 Special Event hosted by: 175 Weift" Rd. N. (at udwy) (W) 68f-7185 Prince Hamalot will be available on Saturday, Sept. 20 (while supplies last) • 16%9• Please join us or you mmis ay s your opportunity 4a to add this Royal Bear to your collection. iFind us online at www.durhamnews.net I PAGE 4 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser oas an e ensriA Metroland Community Newspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L 1 S 2H5 PHONE: 683-5110 FAX: 683-7363 Publisher: Tim Whittaker ♦ Editorial • More time • Inc ass rates an The Education Improvement Commission, asked to deliver a report to the Education Ministry on the future of schooling in the province, has brought for- ward the Road Ahead, a document which calls for radical changes. This does not please teachers, nor does it please the unions which re resent them 1 ZA EVA 10 M Sports Staff Writer Living proof that anything's possible Nelson Bond is a source of inspiration to any- one with a dream and the courage to pursue it. The 51 -year-old Ajax resident who lost his sight to undetected glaucoma four years ago put several years worth of weight training and sever- al months of long-distance running into fulfilling an ambition — to compete in a triathlon. His dream came true near Burlington Saturday. He took part in the Midland-Walwyn Triathlon, competing in the shorter -distance Friendship Wave event for newcomers to the sport. No Nelson didn't win the event He finished Itm, p But for parents and students, the Road Ahead offers a blueprint to help make Ontario's young v Letters tot e editor well back in the pack of 20 or so competitors. But. that doesn't matter. He gave it his best shot in a physically demanding s PhY Y 8 Pte- And, he get people competitive among their peers around the self-satisfaction and the admiration of hundreds world. The most significant thing about the Road Ahead single dads need — ti accepts The News Advertiser accepts letters of well wishers and interested spectators who witnessed the event at Gulliver's Lake and Park, is its call for two more weeks of school for elemen- totheeditor. All letters shouts be aped or neatly hand-written, 150 north of Burlington. tar students and three more weeks for second y secondary two incomes words. Each letter must be signed Teresa Nowell -Sim g part �o"' � �"t" � � students. That, in itself signals a desire to take much more To the editor. with a first and last name or two ini- tials and a last name. Please include who also served as Nelson's guide for the triathlon, says the event was a "wonderful" out - seriously the education of our youth. Steve Houston had a nice com- ment on the StatsCan info regarding a phone number for verification. The ing from start to finish. It was also an emotional experience for those who saw Nelson gut it out to In several Canadian provinces, students attend p family income in his Aug. 24 col- Y g editor reserves the right to edit copy the end of the 200 -metre swim, 10 -kilometre bike school for 200 days a year. In Germany and Japan, umn. The following occurs to me for sr.•le, length and content. Opinions expressed in letters are and 2.5 -kilometre run in a time of 39 minutes. 55 students are in class for more than 210 days a year. In Ontario, it's a paltry 185 days per year. The fact families need two incomes to survive in Canada today those of the writer and not necessar- seconds people there �"' thrilled and really The three to five weeks less r year spent comes as no shock at all when ih• those of the News Advertiser.' cheering for him," says Teresa. "After he had fin - receiving receiving classroom instruction adds up to more viewed as the result of Canada's 'exponential taxation of everything' ished it, a lot of tears were shed. He was thrilled than a full YEAR to a year -and -a -half less educa- system. Come down hard and I was thrilled that he completed it" tion over the course of a student's grade school This must be doubly devastating Nelson is living proof that all things are posi- ble for people willing to meet challenges head - career. Consider that fact for a moment. for broken families. I think of sepa- ,, on drunk d iverson• Society is too quick to tell people, especially It's not hard to understand, therefore, why rated dads who must maintain a those with physical challenges, what they can't Ontario students don't fare well when judged across complete household so their chil- dren have a to live, who imperil all achieve. Canada and fare even less well when compared place sleep, play, "People say you shouldn't do it because internationally with their counterparts. eat,entertained, and on when a is they are with him. Dad s also sen To the editor: you're going to hurt yourself," says Nelson. "People If Ontario is to take its rightful place as leader in tenced by count and the child sup- Apparently, alcohol was a factor think you should be in a closet your entire life" Canada and as one of the top places in the world in port guidelines to pay child support in the death of Princess Di. Not Nelson. He's waked out three times a which to live and work, our education system must to the mother, so he is actually living I'm pleased to read the Reduce week at the Ajax Community Centre weight again become world class. - on about half an income and sup- Impaired Drinking Everywhere room for the past four years. In that time, he has If that means more classroom time and a more Porting the equivalent of two sets of program in Ajax and Pickering will won the support and encouragemetitof his fellow intense learning environment, then we welcome it. children. be no longer be limited to the weight room devotees. Teachers, who stand to lose several weeks' vacs-in Mae salt in the wound. Most of the mothers are remarried (common Christmas season for as Inspector John Hamilton correctly states "He's an inspiration to a lot of people in here," tion time if the Road Ahead recommendations are law). This puts them in the enviable "Drunk driving kills all year." notes Teresa, the weight osupervisor at the mrn "He agreed to and passed by the Tory government, will position of having two -and -a -half Let's respect the lives of all, and community centre. motivates them by what they see him do» not likely accept this without a fight. incomes at their disposal. come down hard on those irrespon- This past weekend's triathlon is only the But, in this instance, what's good for our chil- • -- Not a pretty picture for dads, but sible drivers who feel they have a beginning for Nelson. He's aheady making plans dren must carry the day. it is nonetheless the Canadian reali- right to risk the misery of drunk to compete �n next year. _ ty. driving fatalities. - To respond to this editorial call Infosoure at R& Pocock, W�iam Al Riven writes in our Tue day nvtotion of stag rifOBax� 683-7040 and dial 5104 6columnists. S To respond to this column call Infosource at 683-7040 and dial 5108L A -ax Pickerin - 1 JOANNE BURGHARDT. Editor in -corer TO REACH US News - Advertiser STEW HOUSTON, ung Editor 's ° '°R°• Advatising'"a°'�" General: 3-5110 The News Advertiser is one or the Mmolaod Printing. Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering ALVIIN BROUWER, Retail Advertising Manager Clanibe is 683-0707 Board of Trade. Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc-, EDDIE KOIADZWJCZAK, Classified Advertising ManagerCanadian 683-5110 Community Newspaper Assoc- Canadian E MONIQtiE LEA, Real staldAutanaiveAdvatisiog Mapager Publisher: Tim Whittaker AEE FAKHOUQIE, Distribution Manage Ate: d� Fax: 683-7363 Circulations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. - The Publisher reserves the right to classiify or refuse aaY A Metrolaed Community Newspaper •BARBARA HARRISON, Productiop Cemposiag Fax: 579-9273 it -tilt: ttewsroomledurfiamnews.net advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space Price error occupies published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday JAMCE O'WJI , Assistant Production Manager :CHERYL HAMM Assistant Production Manages 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 J LH.IdAN HOOK, Adini iisuancn Manager tutpJ/www.durltamnews.net Y • Q7 CWAdM ANNIlMdUndar Y P OF pec SEPTEMBER Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Month DEPARTMENT Arthritis Month Sept. 17 Committee of Adjustment Sept. 18 Statutory Public Information Meeting Sept. 22 Executive Committee Meeting Sept. 28 Durham College & University t Centre Week in Durham Region Pmw onarb OCTOBER 1 -7th uvtin Breastfeeding Week Oct. 6 Town Council Meeting Oct. 9 Site Plan Advisory Committee Oct. 14 Town Council Meeting Oct. 16 Slatutor. Puhlik lnt1rrrnari,.n til_'rr n Oct. 23 "Sister,, D,i`.. J" %ongratalatlons and thank You to all who %—Amtemd their punts. low' I )par' ' of rs by Marcel Allison, Mite Beaton. John Pelnella, Allan Ftagel, Drone Fordham. ,Madeleine Andbom Calan Fu tah% Carraea Fudabn. Katbryn Hanson, Robert. Hunte; . iE Wer Ne* Barbara Ptice, Card Rooney. We-ly sprung. VU& Titre. Joe ward. Ste.o B16ite and Colin Needbars, tho overall wtoare: . Prlsa from Amplis Foto. Silvan Color Lab, Mia Comm New Choioc Radty, Canoe Canada. Mary Cook Photography and the Advisory Commit,= of P iciurctug Mweam Villatte will be presented daring History in Action, Sunday, Sq*m*wr 7 at the Mmeunt Village. )P=ti1BR>�[iB �useuzn -� �B �lilla.Se THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 -PAGE 5 If you would Ift to get involved, pIaw call (105) 4S-8401. Fall Family picnic Sunday, October 5 from 1 to 4 Pm ., FITNESS CONSULTATION Lilt Your Fitness Level - book your Fitness Consultation TODAY: r t Jow" a health facility and starting an exercise program can be overwhekning! The Pickering Recreation Complex offers you a Fatness Cor>sult bon that will help you get started or simply continue on the path to healthy living. A Fitness Consultation is for beginner tb advanced level patrons interested in starting an effective exercise program that will produce resutts! A Fitness Consultation measures your current fitness level and capacities. It consists of... * cardiovascular efficiency * Body drwrk s u Flexibility * Muscular strength and endurance Lar Blood pressure At the c onciusion of your Fitness Consultation, the qualified appraiser will design a fitness program that is BEST for you! Eliminate the guess work often involved in developing your own exercise program - have an exercise program designed especially for you by a qualified fitness professional! Buy with c.onhdtince...the Pidcenng Recreation Complex is ONE OF ONLY T10100 Accredited Fitness Appraisal Centres in ft Durham Region? For more kdornumon, caN the Wcftering Recreation Compiex at 905- •31-1711 or 905 -683 -GM Notice of Public Meeting Of int: Durham Ragiottal Council to oonsitler alt! naw Pickwitg olRcial Plan and tv— atttatt11 it- to tlta Dwham Ragin - OKicial Platt Wbm- September ?A,1"7 at IA:M aa. WbeW-CGWKB Climbers BuM ag GN Roeaiaad Read Fast = - wvbirb,, aaari• Durtwo Regional Council will be molding a public meeting at the time, daft, and location Doted above, to consider the new Town of Pickering Official Plan and rdaled anreadrriarts to the Dradnm Regional Official Plea. This is a public I and all are invited to attend. If you wish to address Regional Council, you must have appearod beton: the Regional Phmiag Commimc as September 9, 1997, and also mister as a dem• by forwarding Yom request in writing at least 48 hours prior to the September 24th meeting to: Regional Clerk. Regional Headquarters Building. 605 Roseland Road East. Box 623, Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3. If you have Say gtrmons related to the Pickering Official Plan, please contact Catherine Rose of the Pickering Planning Department as (905) 420-4660 extension 203& or (905) 653-2760. Celebrate the promotion of 113it"i"641,114AL J, I /� MR �1, � a collection of Works to Dilute Racism Tuesday, September 16th Pickering Civic Complex 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Contact: The Muslim Educational & Cultural Association 683-7447 DICKERING unun10 u. d lM Pldcrkg Recreaaon Complex hat been proudly serving your community for 14 years! SoturdtaY, Sept. 20, 1997 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. bring your trinol• family to the Pickering Recreation Complex Join in the celebration Enjoy Nw Coke, the clowns and the Company! r Saltxday, September 20,12-00 to 2-00 p.m. 7 Join in the fun...Celebrale with us at the Pickering Recreation Complex! Valley Farm Road. just south of Hwy. 2 663-6582 • SWIM, SQUASH, ADMISSION 0 I HEALTH CLUB - I' or*capon Der WSW can onlam0""40y be raoae 0aen r 2 OO d' 1. p 200 a m or semllr. s.p' Mug s i x� , Not vand with any odw *scant Of splcw carr a los rlolart aC L=----------------� Communi� Polies Day r pkm to Mac' wv and *y Saturday, Sept. 20th Vale: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m 19 Division, Hwy, 2 cit Brock Rd. Activities For all ages: - tours of police station - downs - di of specialized :fixe po,�r,g units pony et>ierlainrrteetf by - hee hot clogs and pop Durfmn Regiornol Pipe Bond - kids safety - community aisplays village cars Support Safe Communities a Plan To Athmd DEPARTMENT OF r j CULTURE & RECREATION REQUIRES A PART-TIME FITNESS Gg10urrtarar ROOM SUPERVISOR t Must have current basic rescuer CPR Pmw onarb certifteation, current Certified uvtin Fitness Consultant, appropriate tiaooaa.w.nn. experience in Fitness Field. Mwcp Fw.urn d Applicants mist possess or be ofAftavAV. to .a..rr.�Pru,aa working towards a degree in p Physical Education or Kinesatogy M�Aa. a so ,1010. Cara as. from a recognized post secondary '"°'' 1i ""° b tabtJ a cantdlb. institution. a,evr-u* Application forms can be obtained F'= Vk Nit M r,00&from the Human Resourccs 0"XkAb.fbapW. Department, One The Esplanade. Pickering and must be completed an awkinn a and returned by September 19, 1997, Who-OW°pi° to Valerie Jones, Employmeat Services Coordinator. J" %ongratalatlons and thank You to all who %—Amtemd their punts. low' I )par' ' of rs by Marcel Allison, Mite Beaton. John Pelnella, Allan Ftagel, Drone Fordham. ,Madeleine Andbom Calan Fu tah% Carraea Fudabn. Katbryn Hanson, Robert. Hunte; . iE Wer Ne* Barbara Ptice, Card Rooney. We-ly sprung. VU& Titre. Joe ward. Ste.o B16ite and Colin Needbars, tho overall wtoare: . Prlsa from Amplis Foto. Silvan Color Lab, Mia Comm New Choioc Radty, Canoe Canada. Mary Cook Photography and the Advisory Commit,= of P iciurctug Mweam Villatte will be presented daring History in Action, Sunday, Sq*m*wr 7 at the Mmeunt Village. )P=ti1BR>�[iB �useuzn -� �B �lilla.Se THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 -PAGE 5 If you would Ift to get involved, pIaw call (105) 4S-8401. Fall Family picnic Sunday, October 5 from 1 to 4 Pm ., FITNESS CONSULTATION Lilt Your Fitness Level - book your Fitness Consultation TODAY: r t Jow" a health facility and starting an exercise program can be overwhekning! The Pickering Recreation Complex offers you a Fatness Cor>sult bon that will help you get started or simply continue on the path to healthy living. A Fitness Consultation is for beginner tb advanced level patrons interested in starting an effective exercise program that will produce resutts! A Fitness Consultation measures your current fitness level and capacities. It consists of... * cardiovascular efficiency * Body drwrk s u Flexibility * Muscular strength and endurance Lar Blood pressure At the c onciusion of your Fitness Consultation, the qualified appraiser will design a fitness program that is BEST for you! Eliminate the guess work often involved in developing your own exercise program - have an exercise program designed especially for you by a qualified fitness professional! Buy with c.onhdtince...the Pidcenng Recreation Complex is ONE OF ONLY T10100 Accredited Fitness Appraisal Centres in ft Durham Region? For more kdornumon, caN the Wcftering Recreation Compiex at 905- •31-1711 or 905 -683 -GM Notice of Public Meeting Of int: Durham Ragiottal Council to oonsitler alt! naw Pickwitg olRcial Plan and tv— atttatt11 it- to tlta Dwham Ragin - OKicial Platt Wbm- September ?A,1"7 at IA:M aa. WbeW-CGWKB Climbers BuM ag GN Roeaiaad Read Fast = - wvbirb,, aaari• Durtwo Regional Council will be molding a public meeting at the time, daft, and location Doted above, to consider the new Town of Pickering Official Plan and rdaled anreadrriarts to the Dradnm Regional Official Plea. This is a public I and all are invited to attend. If you wish to address Regional Council, you must have appearod beton: the Regional Phmiag Commimc as September 9, 1997, and also mister as a dem• by forwarding Yom request in writing at least 48 hours prior to the September 24th meeting to: Regional Clerk. Regional Headquarters Building. 605 Roseland Road East. Box 623, Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3. If you have Say gtrmons related to the Pickering Official Plan, please contact Catherine Rose of the Pickering Planning Department as (905) 420-4660 extension 203& or (905) 653-2760. Celebrate the promotion of 113it"i"641,114AL J, I /� MR �1, � a collection of Works to Dilute Racism Tuesday, September 16th Pickering Civic Complex 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Contact: The Muslim Educational & Cultural Association 683-7447 DICKERING unun10 u. d lM Pldcrkg Recreaaon Complex hat been proudly serving your community for 14 years! SoturdtaY, Sept. 20, 1997 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. bring your trinol• family to the Pickering Recreation Complex Join in the celebration Enjoy Nw Coke, the clowns and the Company! r Saltxday, September 20,12-00 to 2-00 p.m. 7 Join in the fun...Celebrale with us at the Pickering Recreation Complex! Valley Farm Road. just south of Hwy. 2 663-6582 • SWIM, SQUASH, ADMISSION 0 I HEALTH CLUB - I' or*capon Der WSW can onlam0""40y be raoae 0aen r 2 OO d' 1. p 200 a m or semllr. s.p' Mug s i x� , Not vand with any odw *scant Of splcw carr a los rlolart aC L=----------------� Communi� Polies Day r pkm to Mac' wv and *y Saturday, Sept. 20th Vale: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m 19 Division, Hwy, 2 cit Brock Rd. Activities For all ages: - tours of police station - downs - di of specialized :fixe po,�r,g units pony et>ierlainrrteetf by - hee hot clogs and pop Durfmn Regiornol Pipe Bond - kids safety - community aisplays village cars Support Safe Communities a Plan To Athmd PAGE 6 - THE NEWS ADVERT[SER TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 Around Durham Region Unauthorized street mural sparks debate in Oshawa `Highway to Heaven' design on building contravenes Oshawa bylaw Bl' BRIAN LEGREE DURHAM STAFF OSHAWA — The controversial "Highway to Heaven" mural in down- town Oshawa remains in artistic limbo. Artist Inga Bennett's creation on the wall of a building on the southwest corner of Simcoc and John streets was 75 per cent complete when City offi- cials informed her in late July it was in violation of a municipal bylaw. She was told by City officials she needed a letter of permission from the building's landlord and council's approval for the mural to remain. But so far, no action has been taken by the artist. No letters have been written or requests for approval made, says Ms. Bennett, who says the bylaw which requires council approval for murals "doesn't make sense. "More freedom should be given to people to create;" she says. "I have a vision that Oshawa could be sort of like Paris, with lots of artists in the streets — more tourism rather than rely- ing on GM." Although Ms. Bennett told This Week she expects to write the City asking that the mural be allowed to stay, the issue of landlord permission is more complex, she says. The building's owner passed away earlier this year and getting permission from the estate is complicated, says Ms. Bennett, adding the entire process to ensure the mural's survival "is turn- ing out to be a pain in the you -know - where" City officials say Ms. Bennett's actions will determine the immediate future of the mural. "Basically, it's in her hands;' says Jerry Conlin, manager, bylaw enforce- ment for the City of Oshawa, "It can't go on forever." Mr. Conlin says the City will likely meet with Ms. Bennett before the end of September "to see what course of action will be taken" The artist hopes she'll get the green light to complete the mural. "If I'm allowed to finish it, it will be stunning;' says Ms. Bennett. "It is making people happy looking at it. It's uplifting." Students at Glengrove Public School in the dream alive are participants (from left) Pickering work to keep up the pace during Ryan Dow, Ryan Morton and Germaine their Terry Fox Run held Friday. Keeping Darlington. Durham students to get hepatitis B vaccinations Grade 7 students across Durham will start getting protection from hepatitis B this month. School vaccinations clinics will begin the end of September for the students by the Durham Region health department. Students will receive three doses of the vac- cine. The health department in three years has vaccinated approximately 20,000 Durham stu- dents, with 95 per cent of them getting the three doses. Information packages will be going home to parents this month. For more information on the vaccination program, call the health department at 723- 8521 or 1-800-841-2729. r'he beef's Citspends 1bui*ldi*ng Oshawa expected to approve $300,000 in upgrades on City buildings OSHAWA — Fixing the roof at Donevan Recreation Complex heads a list of repairs slated to be done to City buildings, accord- ing to a conuncil committee. The Community Services Committee is recommending council approve $300,000 in maintenance upgrades to selected proper - ties. The committee picked six projects, including $138,000 to fix Donevan's roof, from a condition audit of 98 of the City's buildings and structures. The audit recommends the City spend more than $1.6 million on 175 upgrades in 1997. Donevan is in need of "some immediate repairs." says a City report written by Stephen Bedford, community services com- missioner. The entrance vestibule at Centennial Pool needs $47,000 in structural repairs, while $45,000 is earmarked for repairs to uneven Whitby library gets computer assets WHITBY — Whitby Public Library has net- ted $77,000 worth of computer equipment from Durham Free Net. The library was named beneficiary of the capital assets of Durham Free Net, which went out of business at the end of May. The assets consist of com- puter equipment, including r; routers, monitors, modems !� and the equipment to use them. . The community free net provider began busi- ness in 1995, getting funding from the Ontario Network Infrastruc- ture Program, through the ministry of econom- ic development and trade, to buy the equip- ment. P0 As public libraries supported the organiza- tion from the start, its board offered the equip - walkways, damaged sidewalks and broken curbs at 19 locations in the City. In addition, $23,500 has been set aside to fix a number of leaky roofs at nine build- ings. $19.900 will be used to upgrade or repair fire alarm systems, fire separations and emergency and exit lighting at 12 City buildings. and $25,000 will be used for structural investigations and some repairs to 1 I buildings. The proposed projects, if approved by council, will correct or investigate 60 of the 175 recommendations made during the con- dition. audit of City properties, the report says. men( to the library. "Whitby Public Library board is delighted to receive this equipment and hopes to use it to enhance service links between our branch libraries;" said board chairman John Ecker. Chief librarian Nancy Harsanyi said equip- ment that can't be used will be offered to other libraries in the region or sold. Charity sale to benefit Bigs and Littles OSHAWA — Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Oshawa-Whitby-Clarington will be the big winners at the Third Annual Maxwell Village Charity Yard Sale. The sale, which will be held Saturday, Sept. :27 from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m., will feature furni- ture, toys, books, household items, crafts, a silent auction, bake sale, barbecue and the chance to win a cruise for two to the Caribbean. All proceeds from the event will go to Big �n h�tby Y Brookhn United Church will hold a beef dinner on Oct. 1. There will be two sittings, at 5 tl p.m. and 6:30 pm., at the church for the dinner which willinclude pies for dessert. Tickets are $10 for aduhs and $5 a children five4o-11.Pmsi;hool- will be adxnitoed>i . �. ... x or Brothers and Big Sisters. To get to the yard sale take Harmony Road North to Swiss Heights (just south of Taunton Road) and follow the signs. Black women's congress meets Saturday, Sept. 20 AJAX -- The Ajax -Pickering Chapter of the Congress of Black Women holds an open house and membership drive this weekend. It's being held at the River Breeze Commu- nity Centre at 1 Richards Lane in Ajax Satur- day, Sept. 20 from 2:30 to 5 p.m. The congress promotes the health, well- being and growth of black -African women and their families, and aims to foster harmony in the community. For more information, call Vivian at 428- 0264, Norma at 428-9191 or Claudette at 427- 5535. . • .. • .. .. . • . • • .. . • . • • • lQlF1�§ AbVkkTWM TUESDAY, SEPTEM im li, IM -PAGE 7 After MUCH DELIBERATION 3, AND A SMALL THING CALLED NEAR- BANKRUPTCY, WE DECIDED WE NEEDED CHANGE THAT TO A LITTLE. zz. PAGE 6 -THE NEWS MND TURSDAY, SEPT MMER 16, IM OK. A lot. It's not easy to admit when you've made a mistake, but they say acceptance is the first step. And with the help of our generous investors, long-standing suppliers, loyal customers and devoted associates, we've been able to take things quite a few steps further. Fashion? At Eaton's? It's true. When you walk into our fashion departments, you'll actually want to stay, thanks to stylish outfits by designers' like Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Polo Ralph Lauren, ]ones of New York, Liz Claiborne, Nautica, Nine West and Kenneth Cole. You'll also find great prices on this season's looks with our own private collections, like Work Connection, Casual Connection, Attitude and Retreat, to name a few. We won't be undersold. Honest. We really are committed to bringing you the best prices, whether it's TVs, appliances, mattresses or clothing. In fact, we've gone so far as to introduce our "Eaton's Will Not Be Undersold" guarantee. Which means that if you find a lower price on an identical in -stock item somewhere else, we'll match it - Even more ways to save? Believe it. Every week and weekend of the entire year, you'll be sure to find a sale or a special event �omg on. We've also brought back the sales you love, like the Trans Canada Sale, .Record Breaking Days and Eaton's Uncrates the Sun. Plus,- you'll be eligible for rewards and exclusive value offers whenever you use your Eaton's credit card. ';, Indecisive people, welcome. Even if you do find something you love, you can always change your mind. And because we have so much confidence in the quality of all of our products, we still have our no hassle, no questions asked return policy. So you can I ring back absolutely anything you're not satisfied with. . ... ...... .w"!i�i}.r.,....0 .. �:�rid"w..4'�r.w�ws... -,J. +tw .... .,_.�- ... � ... .- . .. + � . .. ... :.-- "•_.. �........ ... .... 0 THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16,19!7 -PAGE 9 If it's broke, we'll fix it. We stand behind all of the products we sell. So if one of them does happen to break, just bring it in and we'll fix it, or take it back— Plus, we believe we still have the best after-sales service guarantee in the industry. Which means that we'll service any appliance of any brand name, no matter where you bought it. The best sales associates. Lots and lots of them. We've always prided ourselves on hiring and training the best sales associates. But who's kidding who they've been a little scarce for the last while. That's why we're making sure that we have enough to go around. So you can get the help you need, when you need it. Last but not least. Finally, we'd like to introduce our "Remarkable Value Program'; where you'll find hundreds of high quality items from all over the store, at great prices. Which means even better values for you. Basically, we want to give you the best. You can see the difference already in our merchandise, our prices and our service. And before you know it, you'll see the difference in our stores, as well. We know we can't change overnight. But we're working on it. •All dn'gntn not aadhlt n dl fotra �F des eanpn�ai d,esrt cages ad saatdt ad sv� a6ni F4�ce taxtfi aeot be owatiad wth otlw F--6 daws+a aetal I and me Am •'•Apple to jpii m, dmam and po&-b .rh dwj" ­epotrns PAGE 10 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 1"? First there were Pogs, then Devil Sticks and virtual pets. The latest craze set to sweep Canada are Chat- ter Rings, which require skill and plenty of practise. A Toronto-based toy company is predicting huge demand for this latest toy and is currently negotiating with distributors to make it available in Durham and other outlying regions. Ringmasters Chatter Rings the latest toy craze BY SHAWN SIMiPSON SPECIAL TO THE NEWS ADVERTISER All it takes is excellent hand -eye coordination, patience and persever- ance An understanding of physics wouldn't hurt either. Chatter Rings, alias Gyrating Rings, is little more than a 10 -inch stainless steel ring containing five smaller finger -size rings but it's mak- ing big waves among both kids and the toy industry. It's very popular with kids, says Adam Beder, marketing manager for Spin Master Toys of North York. "I can't believe it: it's unbeliev- able" Spin Master Toys, the company that introduced Devil Sticks, Di -ab - lo, Grow -Things Dinosaurs and Earth Buddies to the world, is now chan- nelling a lot of its marketing energy into this latest craze which, Mr. Beder says, is taking North America by storm. AI though simple in design, the toy requires an enor- mous amount of practice in order riiiiiiiiiiiiiiia Financial spectrum is topic of seminar Business Alliance Network hosts event with topics covering wide range of issues WHITBY — Investments, global networking, international markets and business financing will be topics of discussion at a Sept. 25 finance seminar held by Durham Region's Business Alliance Network. New Ways of Financing Your Business is the title of the event to be held from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Jackson's Touch of Class Catering. Denise Dagenais, senior econo- mist with the provincial finance min- istry, will talk about the new Small Business Investment Fund for small - and medium-sized manufacturing firms. The Ontario Community Devel- opment Fund will be discussed by Paul Hodgert, manager of the 1000 Islands Community Development Corporation. .Networking will be the topic of Bruce Friend- ship while Kurt Rufelds of Industry Cana- da's Export Development Corporation will cover how Durham manufacturing firms can use the branch in their expansion plans. Brent Court, of the International Trade Centre in Toronto, will discuss the New York State market. The luncheon speaker will be Gary Fitchett, author of Where To Go When The Banks Say No. Durham Region's new worldwide web site will be available for inspec- tion during the seminar. For advance registration, call the region's economic development department at 723-0023. Words of Wisdom Motha to small child: -yt sure to wash your arms before you put Invest today! �' a 1G l shit - CeII 90 721-3032. Small child: "Should I wash for l I Dickwe long or shat sleeves?" to keep the five smaller rings in motion, which can spin at 1,000 r.p.m., as the user performs various tricks with the larger hoop. Gravity, momentum, energy, and the position of the larger ring are keys to this complex plaything. "It's addictive;' says Mr. Beder. "It's a game of skill and it grabs you. It provides you with endless challenges." Over the past year more than a million of the spinning, twirling, vibrating units have sold worldwide including in Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii. And although Chatter Rings can already be found here, Mr. Beder says the company hasn't yet officially launched or introduced the toy to the Canadian market. Currently, Spin Master is negotiat- ing with various toy distributors to carry Chatter Rings in its stores and, soon, a new television commercial will air, giving many people their first glimpse at the latest toy fad. But unlike Devil Sticks, Mr. Beder says, Chatter Rings require a special marketing effort so people can wit- ness for themselves why the trinket is so popular. "You have to wow someone not just let (the toy) sit on a shelf," he says. "The company has hired kids to demonstrate the rings to customers at stores carrying them. But with the... very strong regional demand already shown in Toronto and Durham we will no longer require the toy be demonstrated in the stores." Among some of the tricks compe- tent Chatter Ring users can perform include Loop Da Loop, Walking the Dog, Nose Dive and a host of others. As the person becomes more experi- enced the tricks are almost endless, says Mr. Beder. Anyone wanting to learn more about Chatter Rings before they go out and buy the toy, which costs somewhere between $12 to $15, can visit Spin Master's website at http://www.spinmaster.com. Have you given your $5 yet,?. Just $5.00 a week, a month, a year or one time, is a small price to pay for high-quality, relevant education and training. Give to the Miriam Col egg & Univcm& Centre fiud. You are the future of post -secondary education in Durham Region. BANKRUPTO Offering all insolvency services including personal and corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7508 AJAX 50 Commercial Ave. 619 -1473 COBOURG 72 King St. W. 3724744 Saturday k Evening Appointments available. Creating Aitt&es D�eh� Cris t lihasA Cssre ltd Yes! I NOW SO J11010 1010110M COMWW & ulo0wera r Came" by cbeqAW Name: tChequei p.j _11, to Outran Imams d tJnvamW Cewe Retd 13S by Ghw* Cwt o MasterCard D visa o Ametican Espess -Card Number. A!xptry dote: Address: - Telephone Number. silinah— nate Pr imp q rm YOM bed Bank of gtoW aL RKAF)b tutu be 8saed for tach and credit card da utow. Cbarffi0 a Registration Nunrber 0348847--20.13 Send contrUmetoto creatbug pub"Va Campaign, Dttt�bam ns Coftg 2000 Stancoe Sbwt North, Osbaaaa, LIM 717. - °_ _ �.�.�•�� u ° + � .., s 4's AiifRR `Ci1`�J�Y�re►�4-►�.c�M� 'tiL jay.. i..�:�i"..t�.wf.®".9.,i01fP1!'4ty..:.:;.�jw:ya:.�� '�,..� JAMES R. YANCH 0.0 C�,. . ..Xa.�.;t4.�:Ti';' . P Tf)<L"N&WISAtDV99T0MTi1R9DMf:PAGit it Pickering Sports, f AlRivett, sports writer 683-5110 Fax: 683-7363 Pickering Panthers' forward Louis Pickering Recreation Complex Foulidis checks the North York Friday night. Panthers won 5-2, but Rangers' captain to the ice during lost to the Niagara Scenic 3-2 in the Panthers' home opener at the West Seneca, New York Sunday. Football Dolphins Thunder -struck The Ajax -Pickering Dolphins Football Club squads were shut out of the win column after dropping all three Central Ontario Minor Football League matches to the Scarborough Thunder at Pickering's Kinsmen Park last Sunday. In the tyke contest, the Dolphins lost 33-6. Dan West scored Ajax-Pickering's lone touchdown. Meanwhile, the atom Dolphins suffered a 20-6 defeat. Brandon Pottle had the Ione Dolphins' major. In the peewee contest, the Thunder lowered the boom on the Dolphins 48-14. Bryan Wheatle and Ryan McMillan each scored a touch- down. Greg Mair added a two- point convert for the peewee Dolphins. Scoreboard PICMR1101110 MEN'S SIO-PrTCM LEAGUE PLAYOFF RESULTS FROM SEPT. 7 TUDOR ARMS DIVISNON Lone Star A Now 14 vs. The Brow Shop 3: Long Horns 11 vs. Lone Star Hilmen 6: Dakota Bob's 8 M Young Gulf 7; Moodiss 15 vs. Dakota Bob's 5; Reservoir Dogs 16 vs. Tudor Annus 7: Gophers 17 vs. Duharn Bulls 8. BAYLY"S DIVISION The Indians 20 ver. The Neighbour Hoods 10; Scott's Repiourarks 12 vs. The' Is- s 7; V11w Plymoudu 12 vs. Royals 7; Vilage Plymou0►17 Vs. Windssler Arms 16; Stallions 16 vs. Pappe 3; MMenis Prirlpbs 11 vs. Blares 7. MUD HENS DIVISION Capital Purushtne tt 20 vs. Mud Hers Exports 1; Capital Pu hihnsnt 18 vs. GuaNns 9; Toy Shop 16 5; D� Lexus 15; Toy Shop 8 vs. Thundsr Roollg 24 ver. Mud Hem S. Dwdodh Roofing 17 va, The Swar Rats 10; Storks 23 vs. Rask I&n Up 4; Sharks 12 vs. Pappe 1. ROUGE VALLEY MIMES DIVIBION Tudor Arms 14 vs. boll/Savoie Meats 2; Annadits 8 vs. Tudor Arms S; Weis Wart Hogs 19 vs. Ronin' Rebels 8; War's Wan Hogs 20 vs. Sultans Of &*q East Side Marion 10; Pic wins A's 23 vs. Copy SYSMma IS; Pickering A's 20 vs. P.C.L. 606 Ig. AEBDUND sPDRTs avlswN Watermaker 18 vs. Country Style 9; Stselers 10 vs. Waterau"r 9: Simmons Mattress 14 vs. Woodruff Barons 7; S.K.R. Inc. 14 vs. Rebound Sports 12. Dakota Bob's 27 vs. Petets Appliances S. PETER'S APPLIANCES DIVISION Brigid Mea 10 vs. Cokkoell Banker 5; Water Doctor Warriors 11 vs. Firestones 17 Catchers 5; Banc of Montreal 28 vs. Pickering Man's Progress 9. Canada Trust 20 vs. Blade Sous 10. OSHAWA AND DISTRICT SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION MIDGET BOILS BRADY DIVISION! FWAL PLAYOFF TEAM 0 M - L STAIDNBs T F A FT's Coboug (Gold) 3 3 0 0 22 14 0 O"m (Sdm) 3 2 1 0 24 22 4 Fisk (I - 1 3 1 2 0 22 10 2 8rarrraMe 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 Newrsrkst 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Part Perry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PKXERM SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION LATE GiR S CHAMP10NSNan GAME Seturdw Sept. 6. 1887 Subway Subs (Whites & Hwy s2) 7 Csr0uy 21 - Percy Fulton 8 —CongrahAstiors to both Merry on a well payed and vociti g gens. News Advertiser Work ethic strong as Panthers BY AL RIvm SPORTS REPORTER PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers split games in their opening weekend of hockey, including a victory in their home debut against the North York Rangers at the Pickering Recreation Complex Friday night. The rookie -laden Panthers put in a workman -like performance to down the visiting Rangers 5-2 in their Metro Junior 'A' Hockey League regular -season opener. But, they fell to earth on Saturday night as freshmen mistakes proved costly in a 3-2 loss to the Niagara Scenic at West Seneca, New York. The Panthers travelled to Thornhill for a contest against the Rattlers Monday night after our deadline. In Saturday's loss, the Panthers couldn't capitalize on scoring chances despite having the temto- Tial advantage throughout the con- test and ouishooting Niagara 30- 23. With the scored tied at 2-2, Niagara tallied in the last minute of play to sink the Panthers. Panthers' head coach Rod McGillis says the work ethic. which was the foundation of Friday's victory, was still in evi- dence in Saturday's contest. The snl i t sP.ason openers .r Panthers, however, couldn't deliv- er the knock -out punch in a game which was clearly theirs for the tak- ing. Q�CKE 1►6' ,.We out- worked and outplayed them. The game was in hand for the most part, but we made a few mistakes that ended up in our net. The lesson for us is that you have to play a full 60 minutes. We had a lex of chances, but we just couldn't capitalize on them in the offensive zone;' says McGillis. Centre Mike Hanna and left winger Mihrin Asinmaz scored for the Panthers against Niagara. Meanwhile, in the North York contest, the Panthers fed on the excitement of the home opener to get their first win of the season. McGillis says the key to the win was the team's ability to work hard the entire contest. "I think everyone was really excited about the home opener. With so many new players and veterans getting into roles of growing responsibility, everyone was ready to play. It was a super effort by 20 hockey players: Goaltender Kevin Boyle. who returned to the Panthers from the Ontario Hockey League's Sarnia Sting, was a big reason for the win over North York, notes McGillis. Boyle "played well and showed a lot of maturity. It's very essential to have veteran leader- ship in goal and Kevin certainly provides that for us:' Rookie centre Barry Taylor scored two goals against North York, while left winger Stu Vandergeest, centre George Trifon and rookie right winger Justin Squires notched one apiece. McGillis notes the work ethic the Panthers brought to the ice on the weekend will have to continue throughout the season for the squad to be successful. "We're going to have to be a hard-working team. We're going to meet lots of teams with equal talent, so we're going to have to work harder than the other Tito Panthers next see action at the league's annual College Weekend slate of games at the York University Ice Gardens. The Panthers play the Durham Huskies Saturday at 9:30 p.m. They return home for a game against the Syracuse Junior Crunch at the Pic ken ng Recreation Complex Sunday at 7:3() p.m. "abs Shadow knows: how to play soccer `` k BY AL R1VEff ' CK RING — A Pickering Been well take b he m pitches of P.E.L to play for a national tide month JIM= Bunting, 15, a member of the -- kwbmotlgh United Shadow Soccer C'lub's gills' order -15 turn, wdl talt+e her fast tnp to the nation- ib in Chniouesawn on the ' 1waksov* long r' 1 ireelloend Oct. l0 to 13. .Mit Scatbotough United Shadow eanTled a berth a tbaar 00nal Am down alter winning char third oosied live Onurio championship. But, it didn't aaa':widlout a battle. Pkymg_ tie Ajax United 1 to Shadow eked cart a 11-0 suftn-Idles6 tvictaY to take ft tide and Bann a shot at a thet 174 the S1la&W advaaaed through t g1.4t`�rboit0t{ght �!'JttdC said i68c 0 PAGE 12 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 19"7 Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Ajax News Advertiser officePickering News Advertiser Outlet I 130 Commercial Are., Ajax - 7fl7 1822 whites Rd. Pickering IL HOURS: 9 am - 5pm Mon.- Fri. Saraiillm-Amberiea Plaza CLASSII Closed Sat M toes. -Fri. 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. ��.'::".,.: oad0. FAX: (90511579-4218 00" Naas "M tlalh til scow MINN. -Fri., sat Mom - 3W Sun -Nese til 5 P.M. TORONTO LINE (905)798-7259 aOM yrs. RL- fswlSr"ns I I Career: G.r1mrN NNp1 Gini"' HNP 1 GenpN HNp 1 Go" HNp 1 sndN ►wft-ft 1 & IteErAgeite . 1 DR.wemw CAREER SCHOOL OF FLOR- AL DESIGN 26 will F"ly 6 ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE. 4 11 2 yrs ago I left my 100K lob. Business Program: 12 will m- Today from my tame. I earn lissive 3-0nse program. 3 Professional more than my Moor Part - "k course. In- home video. .Beginfws Pro- nmeRul-time. Training pro - riled. Small investment re - gram Part-nmeRuN time Quwed 905-4324234. 24 hr mufM available. A school remigd message. Mrere all your training becomes worthwhile Finan- BEAUTY' SALON requires par coal assistance may De anal- time licensed styFsts for able 905-436-7746 INTER- d AM CN CWdn NET-www.durhammull.conu 576-2512 lteglsctnoa a -mai - sdww MOTHERS CORPORATE a SERMCES . hanging workers LA FRANCES Natural Therapy and empigrues together. dint offers ongoing aro- Resumes/cover tellers, tar/ matherapy workshops and mail. wremet. lob Oracerrmerit. CtAAied aromatherapy mors- our computer h W system sage courses Nestart n courses NlAxs yin trorit a X721-0363 BMW eorrnfplroes�ume de canilletl ply (4161 291-956 Fax (441166) chrmm as 297-01116 INSURANCE Lranced C S.R. CLERICAL SUPPORT WORK- Teiegbbe all rrommercJal ER wanted to work in tory. "llognenCit requued Benefits. two volume. exam office lailary,ootfrontt�e�at Pat �oglM and duss W" WiNden wrervance (905) 579 dnba Rew 0 ac01 ca - 1317 or tax (9051432.1566 wool serer. Wig. and THE NAZI STATION Career CaurOOW dolts (immmum a 50 wfrm) Full -twat. coitrad Training Cerner Become a L4 $1000 per how Mal tedauern a. career Thank ir" tW low War available In atrrpae rails, . n"xeve illy Mese chosen for Our COONpedicures. wax- an wmerve" will be mar , I, wog (905) Fax resume to (905) 4360416 IF I COULD son you taw a' Sept 17 I.Nm an excesem IWl ime COMPDTER USERSI Format. inmmr "Oolong from home i copy b mal disks for ash' hie rine 10 en" it Ire4resu- RUSH S-A S E To L L Wood. ads 416.264-4493 646 Braid Road W. Suite 3M. . Messr313INW. Oren L4Z 30 1 Career Training Ula Career Training PP' THE DURHAM REGION " LOCAL TRAINING BOARD Cordially invites you to its OFFICIAL. LAUNCH Thursday, September 18. 1997 Guild Hall- Holiday Inn 1011 Bloor Street East. Oshawa (Hwy 401/Harmony Road Exit) Reception from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 P.M. Local Boards are a means by which each commumty can decide its own training needs. This will ensure resources are used more effectively and needs of the community are being met. Please join us and learn how YOU & YOUR FAMILY will benefit from this community partnership as we chart the course of training unto the new nullenimn. FULL TIME Management has forced us to expand for our busy std b hockey season. 15 Positions available anmediately in all areas. Fray varies With position and responsibility No experience? No problem. We are wi8ing to train the right applicants. Call Ms. Scott 721-1411 DlRJO MART. Pickering Town Centre Requires experienced part time Cosmetician Apply in person with resume. GENERAL LABOtIRER required by sewer inspection/cleaning Co. to start immediatey. Must be reliable. VA" to work outdoors. .9.00 per hour to Start. Previ- ous experience in construction field/lob sites an asset. Fax resume (905) 683-4668 or maiV drop off to: TELESCAN SEWER SERVICES, 751 IICKAY RD., NMR 6, PICKERING, DMT. L1w 3C7. Selected candidates will be contacted for 0- lerview $17-85 Base Pay Local Company has 15 new positions to fill in Marketing Department. Full or Part Time. No Expenence Necessary, training isprovided. Call 723-4920. COWNER ORMU WANTED - JWP Drstnbutnon Services Inc. an expanding Puckering boric couner company, serv- ing We GTA. has immediate openings for reliable broken drivers with vans or ars. 055eeoo , - $700 Awetl A Shona IYkiro�a..I"Is Darehwla bmerested parties al Lip or Vak a (905) 42467M DALLY TENNO W assign - Pon for atimit as bur W GpiMNI PM4 1 GtI ow Hay drstrw / factory. suwAOle lex Lacks DSHAwww"mi Y Expeternce wESTNEYAAlIEOINVEwAY not aeassary. ONl lratapOflaYan Ar10 Pkat am�1/(��r�Im aftfr6xarnoe a brad. Cal Men- Ffi.. (corn -spm. for immu rr. twAY al i� �M T� ing Rep. and one Outside Sales Rep.. 1sSStirYyvliyal�sl. Salon in DIR- � i M Canine. A*. Goodaw mV� be 19 yrs. of age • Clean, Safe en1Nl fill *W~ •for cam The Palau East Imm�� Plunge coMintyor Line 907 g Pickering aa11AITas 1615 Dwdn St. ��/b * �)t420-2595 E. WMWy Wow: 'maw. m- Directory and layout experience a plus. VOW , �o�i1 lNut- Existing and new accounts, training, Asn 2� pm Wndry �Wanted`�• DJs, ser staff A Door peesons ill - t�`orilrleetie. Mail or fax. ris mili to: years experience. Mon smok- rne. feaed yard. Rlaips Gnrl Raps!!! 6 no. to cora AjawrPickering News Advertiser sdnooLJaa7-9505 0 No FL.at W yon. Come CNNE npaid IN part Bale office dum" m PWNriROares "WON Mo Nwv n RINEWINUM REEONC- vow alit ms. salary, mm- adeNDer sora Iormsas. No am. Firunrinsim "UMM- pFM money from home. ExalfNm part-time Immix. l 440 Ifl06K iAiF sorry wort. Mo esp. necN- M�0 OadoNC for aloe wIt AddurssM aleo ataYk. per m 3 par week L(gM dNh'- 0erryyU3 -736A a 41(r50e Bdm 1 DNmla S<. :fRti ail lir tb1Md W. MW ON. LIN = WANTED With clientele salary 5800 and U with a ,000 - $10,000 bonus. please call (416) 417-3218 ..car wx" .. • 4".sa W SM panble pOhousievogim and�ol M door spats items. T1' ''%:I, pro - rimed. Gra,. Homemakers Amd -ilia im- cow SNYNs. CaN Moa. b Weld. ter an harviar . 723 - moo. Required for New Home Site it Whft Thu51-8 pm. satilSim 1-5pm Please fax resume New Home Sales gg5-ir17-2555 0iys oralatlrtarNpWsq me ttxperl- am. Rd Caall Sb* at 0 6) 723- M. Straight Yr. an Awd Engio Resuima b: 360 1 St. IN. WAY. ANTS: S. &00. PIZZA Citi warned. must NON-SMOKING live out be- have some experience, sett- Two dynamic bysttter required full time for 42276-v7n for 905- Advertising Sales Representatives 21 nnonm old and 4 mond old: rrquired immediatel for References required. Brock von, space available to mg. in OW hair salon Cal 434- StommT5 Earn S50 -$1g0 weekly working for newsfaa- w�•Arin should OW caurlortawk 905-• a6 ArnWew 905iG{-6611. �l Carter opportunity. F Rd. / Hwy 12.663-3751. wESTNEYAAlIEOINVEwAY CAREGWR. Lire -out, 3 Due to expansion of our Telephone children. flembk, wpm how - Directory we required one Telemarket- sow'suit ing Rep. and one Outside Sales Rep.. nature woman. R-gerrgwnU If you are aggressive, highly motivat- Hwy.2 area. 5091616. n ed, have a positive attitude and are • I- dedicated to overall customer satisfac- for baem 01666 1754be tion, we would like you to pin our win- DAYCANE or ning team. after school, after school, in my home. e. Near BrockMwy,2. Near St Minimum two years sales experience. 9 S For rib. tali 1874 Directory and layout experience a plus. DURHAM FIREWIDDO Existing and new accounts, training, ATTENTION PAREIMI - Su - ^dr, quality 2 commission and base pay. ((905) (905)home 1686. fall (9051 Mail or fax. ris mili to: years experience. Mon smok- rne. feaed yard. Rlaips Gnrl Raps!!! 6 no. to cora AjawrPickering News Advertiser sdnooLJaa7-9505 1.30 Commercial Ave. "WON Mo Nwv n Ajax, Ontario LIS 2H5 avail - nmr none. AffaWWe able i Reliable h Daycare dable STYLIST NEOUW&D rmmk- ax- w (905) 619-9068 rants. Ndn-smow.rq emnroa- *a" wxm at least 2 years experience. Guaralleem Mtn n oDXWASP . CAN 430- 1 �- %000 Help 31SMS DIET. Take off tin- BUSY China Store requires V-4mmOuGH Mjtetioa warted Pounds a kis- . lard workof , friendly. put- �r� conte Iva 3 coo Look Good a Fed Graf. rens Saks staff. Rew01emoausiq � 100% Nrral aha Guaranteed. how% mod"M WNW - ,,Mch (905)571.5063 no waste ter staaerits , i .rsftrVEW N*Agrlm Peep drop on neswus A, or 411111 1 Mase f>:to resowe SUPERINTENDENT Rdb I'm , a Crux. Othunw 222-2094 1W 416 - Mature cou0le for high shopping C"mre. rise bddmg in Apx. SailNee Must hire experience, Hob good tbtmxrrneabon CAMEIMItS aria carpenters NW work skills. apprentice regime by Nie Phase In mmm a: hour and sew oonntrad framing (IIe5) $is -2m 6261 T•pprrte 19051 427 - Teachers req. for in-home tutoring with "A -Little -Extra Hel" Tutoring Service. All grades do subjects. Please fax your resume to: 905-668-3365 O1 oMNab OWEM NCEO CM for own- bubm company who is cow er Aerate and speaks Dales include older enM a PWCPAS G Please send resmne to Batman in - "nes. 655 M Noopphonenecalls olum OBTERAL OFFICE help need- ed for small sarbwo once Pleasant Mom nam OW inn to lrool", with good �sklls.be full" Wort wCOMPUNW immopsrosak'o955. FW MMe !23 os 2 nusi*WN10k: P.O. Box 461. Oshawa, om- tab L1 H 7LS TIE LAW Mo of Bury J. Carmichael now" ame �ex- tbdgfupp"l1w. N rreeleYtiaa ori be Yip sYiaNy fxNdsdeNw. Reply IMM m - some lo CH of aaa. Oela-!? Stout En ■1139 Oslo. No MA -T programmer lathe or rrwlxrq m orhom Possible Perm posdron all $37 -SM. or fat DWom3m we saNens re- QuorededPlisse all (905) 6931-0079 NUT= TECII XM - Y- censed gas finer/mstaier for bay contractor Fax to 905-852- 0188 Rkbrndp) or all 905- 652.5726 MACMMT AssemWer wen Mechanical or electronic baclteround meede - wmme- dwely for contract asspn- mM Please ab for an ap- pentaaxd hme►nrm Person" 905-837-4= OR experienced MACHM OIERATORS Ntfe- fAant>rialt beat.. 41/ in I dkerb Ae, Y� WON rreANm- "wme be ("s) 406-erm ■saner warted for rosy rem- ftalmucommerraa eorarac- for Fax to 905-852.0166 or x11905-852-5725 1 How" ft" 21121111 DENTAL RECEPTION, pan - '.HARPS an asset. Iypaq references. $14$134nr 11aq! drop off 10- Or Fill . 40 King St W Suite 502. Osha- wa. Organo L I H 1A4 appeemra regured 3 days per DERTAI TECI RK" with Pad for busy nue curare n Orthodontic experience re- mwm FW Ow. 6 morrlrt i UP. Parse Cal 426 -MIS. LOelllr MOTWB to arta for children anChubut LXNW Ieterislom. flachifOolow am. 4242671 Kwu am HOME. M wo w 6yrs expertenneI. list nal CPA. non-smpkhq. no pets. 11 ON A• apes hot meals. TLC. I'm " 637-2042 NKITFIEII of 2 wrelcomtes an AM Imam a Child brat aid, detailed to yaw "grits i (f05026-2195 2 PICKERING Bomb / nuNr. Loving; daycare. 1$ morass to outings ((1 years Wt) CraNS. story tkwt, musk na- tram n - i tanAdtc. First Aid. C PR nxrmbed. Non- smoking. reaipiS. 905-428- 1214 PLAY Oaytue. 6wks a up WAlkng distance to Roland Michener and Lord Elgun CPR. non smoking onviror- mkrrt. home cooked Was ams snacks team -bpm West- ray RWt&V 2 Cab 663.2210 RELWLE Mom a 1. my horse, First Aid, smoke-free, crams. admres. mon6ous lune rs/Snads. Wevney Soah a 401 CaN 686-9151 $MTN Ajax, 14 ytlas ex- perience. smoke tree, playroom, special playhouse with crave slide. Clow to Lakeside School. Bade up aalaok Cal 683-6679 Arbein for Sob GARAGE door repairs, broken springs. cables. rollers, open- ers InstaNdf $49. New doors/ 4ope. e�.0luality Plus Doors 36- CRAFTSMAN lathe, SW with gouges and stand: 2/- Leah Dovetail Jig with router WK serer used $450 firm. Scat 905-697-0454 ALWAYS Open Carquters. Sales. Service a upgrades, 6rm q system$325X55 Good Used Hard Durres. Trade-ins wdconle.Ph. 905-571-5291 BAKERY epuipnierd for sale. Can (416)483-3016 BEIGE 311sell-eiraril Hor- porm stove While Welding- ham O wo mor fireplug (1 cord spit"um- soned (905)431 N5 after CARPET FREE estimates. New saxorry popes. $Mck uEasy to maintain. yywoear4 A to 55rsq. 1MRy. lookCAIN pyre ItAsso) 426 2862. CARPETS - las a case. 100% nylon. new Stan w lap tanI - on hand. 1 will riper 3 rooms. $349 slam pea. ow wwwoo-- rom, list tree rnsm- two" /�� ) Norman GW2CARPETS SAIF: Las a car- pets 100% nylon stain re- lease. Garp" 3 rooms f339 (30 se 1A.) bdudN: carpel. Drorni. pad and mstoa- Non, Free eeI - . , if i raprs Servmp Dlahan and earanap aur. Sam 905 - este -ten. raw brand carpet �Y low pric- es We have it am. Commer- aar A Resmu". PMW- sional irWaNaaon. few available Senor mnuoarMs Sarssta�ewpon OM MIM. For . plogm can Mice (905) 43�deJ040 or (416) 622.8226 CLEARANCE SALE - EnIn Orr ► ca pmt _and DW mum yams. n ison and ac- ceswnes. pattern books. won bins. Port Perry se5- 2849 COMMERCIAL HOUR pin- to peeler. 25 Ib apapy. great for restaurant or dip truck business, 5600 a best 3offer 607 Telephone (905) 985 - COMPLETE kitchen carp ennng ax MUM b. 1905)d31 -3t22 quored Please send resume gym, wESTNEYAAlIEOINVEwAY boards. includes twoutiom tank PROJECT KW&WM remand R�Sor RO 38B loving mother a 1 providing loving ar o f 1 care kitchen cupboards. double sink. Moen U". by ourtnm Chrtsban lfomnes WARby. oaaw LAA 9K3 Non smokrq. First Aid CFR coummop. dishwasheGmal m oversee mnslnlchn01 len- $fortyMum Secretary re- yelce"ard, nu for baem 01666 1754be WINrgpraen- Sft Pur blue R�bn n tritrous 6unches PA*rences/ potenral all 905.430-1341 for details. r�P1s 45 terve for DCH and oma wnxkends a Ievenings. GO nw $139. New wo ft* for sakly. oAft > 905-M3083 1 We . Put -fire 13 rmn - mar- om. tel-= FiN00d No. Please roppyy tossing ex- FIN.. -Time RMT wanted to hum $179. NC. 164 lignams perms Quakrieet". pro- lacks completed r- chiropractic laic in Whitby. SO -starter. team AMLVTELY TIE GEST - top and reser. es by So= 2gW b: Fred a- coolant � gwMy seasoned r4r wood. sw*v Alibi Wim- wN4. Pr Coordinator. potenral all 905.430-1341 for details. by atl Oshow kaN OLIPAW Cfaistian Ipdrs Ire.. blockMKIV b a. DURHAM FIREWIDDO 100 Lien Na Drive Soigh, ll8 6Ral NW -4L nom- Group C 427-5278 ((905) (905)home 1686. fall (9051 �Ar sms 0 FWAVM, esalhw Very 430-1741 BovrrmAiwilk. Appy to: Fie Oest geawty, hardwood, guar - tabes. For mbrrAv= Callnor, 436 -ma. I21, Ottltaar Tfis Week PO anisic extra Iola twine toy W ACEIMMT WSW W Ila 481. OShaaa DRUM LIN U=no . GN i sol. Herat saAe, b be aPaMe d n 715. msaweeeN, ha ddeeYwvreeryry� his. Orinrs stN 1cd- Keay Heat rwearod. A05.753- DNS. mimlmom 10 yrs. ex• PIITiIaiMFAIAPItT. Spink- 2246. COAfa1NC CLEARANCE cam ar 0twl iodk amd amd an meow . Mom Cal tLpo P� hood batMporuow Cal 91 -am Ostrava. Sam" mom to: systems wrench W/modw. Columbia RNwbolimwl Cir- $509. Upd Color tnOtWes - ft 1400 PASon Rd.N 00r- 1 PrIMKM t M. le- all 1199. Ir SVGA tlq. 14"5-4"00. mak. . bdodes ere- Cauwplle am rom bis ONIos Nay Medium Sind firm seeking an individual With � experlelud in Preparing Weekly computerized payrolls, ad- minister WCB, E.I., benefit programs and perform other office duties. Knowledge of Microsoft Office desirable. Forward resumes bg with 31111111Y apectliflons and references Alla it Te dile Procell Me Co. Ltd., P -0. Ux 55 Ajax, Old. LIS 3C2 Fac (!81'i) 6824711111 s .i,.'.Y t+s,�M.�-'+. ,"#�Saiw�Rty+A'- ". :'et`..., .. ,; • `;:c: '-iarAabiYra�IR.tVY.at•.- a'ivi•-.Yw�f[w....Y.W.w....:o+,r�aarr..rrlrureArnWua .. „yew _ - - -.- ....,�..•-�.-....- w.xtarwt•iilYiiia: a�fgeaimigtlklk#r+.. _.•,..,-. s:,,,, . t750. Nems for *a �,,;a nw $139. New wo ft* RECEPTIONIST RECEPTIONIST ..Mq from i NNO.o* �' *= l79B. ON,,- time for om. tel-= (P°' trm,.n Go � phyysio clinic LIM16 t11 W. Arlorle kkhm set 06 trip INP a 4 hum $179. NC. 164 lignams In Kckerin . 9 tic f� s75- Wlpdet minae t+MeL tte5. call lag eoannAmwk 132 from 401. a7 -30M. t�ea)�erN��tl�te 9osa78 O_14. tNuMp$ DF ArfAM ENT, yFi�x �: 7eFl- PLV-V.7Ye7 fW bedroom Sola. daft room blockMKIV b a. suite lamps am Awn wmm ter altllellid $4W. Calall 509 81M. TTdWm M 40k. 11Aleil huNh clini Mort M possest Vilify MEM. taller. �. BURL*. have m- hiltepOrtitlOn Amd ow11 FAX • AD ern hOt•D h•tia baby tnrr'Mge, dal tabes. For mbrrAv= Callnor, 436 -ma. 0"Nit. Nomiu.Mks i mods mine. i 7lBt. s .i,.'.Y t+s,�M.�-'+. ,"#�Saiw�Rty+A'- ". :'et`..., .. ,; • `;:c: '-iarAabiYra�IR.tVY.at•.- a'ivi•-.Yw�f[w....Y.W.w....:o+,r�aarr..rrlrureArnWua .. „yew _ - - -.- ....,�..•-�.-....- w.xtarwt•iilYiiia: a�fgeaimigtlklk#r+.. _.•,..,-. s:,,,, . THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1"7 -PAGE 13 or_ 11 � fir' 11 � �' • Mrim 1 1 / 1 rwbrre or OMMOM seW. ma- ho pinYlcarr n.rr Duncan :1250.' Free-sfa1ding gifts fireplace smeen, !raid OW. asking 5200. ChBdnn snow WBes. (905A66.17B3. STEF A MMAgn M"J NC- Ss. NEW SJOCK ARRIVED! Showroom fell of hidges. all sizes. 2-10yrs, 525WW, Skis - by -side, 4yrs. rwlerAce, valued $2400. only SOW. Gas/electric stoves 240(r. white/almond, S2OG/up. Upright freezers 525Wup, Mom treezer, lice new. retailed $1700, orgy 50. Washers. all sizes $225/up. Dryers. gu/elecinc, Al sizes $l00/up. Bu6i-in dishwasher $225. Lott more! 362 French St. Oshawa. 905432-7167. MNAMV MMA chainsaw, 61 a engine $350. Cobra wood - stove. forced ale Ian SM. 01- 1 pa 05o 0 M, MM WMA Pc. C-33. mini lower. makfor. keyboard. tete. speakers. mouse. windows us. Like new! 53400 0.B.0. Cal (905)-464- 9624. BE 11101111 Hem Duty Washer 8 Dryer. 1 112 year old. $800. CAB 905.831-8171. LAVAGE sold maple office - size desk. (perfect for com- p �desk) BOM in colour. 5500 oto. BeautWWtW of lumili n! Cal Port Peng 9652649. LWINBNODM SET. bvestal. solaichair. 3 tables. drahirp table. Computer Wk, ectric e ffiilinegr and stcabinetaa0. call (905) 831- 743 MASSEY FERGUSON 510 diesel combine. Quick attack tmade. s, 4 -row narrow a 14 R. W7rdr cut don poli -up rest. Oversize the. air cord.. bn cosw Oft packag1e, Pon Pent 905 -98S -3183, F a NOVINge. store. dbh- washer AN in ecOM eondl- tort 905.656.8874(Whg-y). PENTIUM ISGUM. 2m JD PCI Graphics amdwaW card. AWE sound -cad. 24X CD - Rom. 32M Ram, mom- puter, moll-keyborrd. 339W no0sm. As" 52500. 905- 066.4490. PIANO a 1111. r". apartmerri sin.od$1500. s` w wc' nkaiwrne a C~. Kenomors. We new, $350 Cal 906^420-5260. PIANO - Story i Clarke. uprght.. with-emn, -. Exceernt wpk MO C1 A436-0728. As" PIANO. 5450 Lipijt treezer. "a 900eEl r me - client. $200 N 5250. Gooier coil, 5100. Exer cise ban villrotor. $50. Casa ash register. $200 Ileal wrap anerkre, 5180. sca". 5200 8a S1001. M. IN' I room chairs. $35hsch. 905- 728-2256.905430.7816. KE IIEEPINO equipment on. audig extada. raw and NSW brood and honey ss. Wrs. Pae rkeOotU-k. 1905) POOL a" Special. JN Kid - ed. Limited ria" offer Pool Sttpplirs also. Cal G R.B. kfeintarrkp 906383-Aa2. sheds a- X S2" plous�- AMM[N other sim MW shot" MCKay URN AIN amd t76e�p�,� a/x For m into pll 90 415- 2093. OAR/IINE FUNNTWE... The NEW pd of Ow Fal Y"-eP am go" ttWhU aid h@ p showroom, ttoa.NEW WAIng mm sees. NEW bmdoom afro a NEW haw amp a DERno*E for ING..We at ma a Np�r� m 1- 4 . WE AIM: THE FACTOIIY! TRADITIONAL WOODWORK - BIG 905-9115-11117111. a�SCOOTER, NO aeepp, IN ModIM 00,0E A 31,200. M It SAM ad ow wir ftio- Muft AOLan" ed WOtor. tr b hist Of tut ON 0111411 4 YM � SM FEW WL and up. usedlawMm 3200. and m0. and wit. Now iiWd mm fridgesb . Ilk nalke �Norma,1sm 5 cf. 322S, --SI, A�imM,,,m's =1116-744111LK WATrs d sol K " ie- 2.5 W! ""not r. s"dom stem Olt Qdiyprl TTAAOIEE SIgA.DIN& 10'hpcon- aa0e Old ddgnt UkA ("I"Ilo.)sed for SM, 7466 VAUM. it you are concerned with the lute, smell error took d your water. we can l"1o. for information 6863351 Or GINI.O 34 After 5 P.M. WOODS, bMd, 'OdOW. ditiarr. p$1good 000i heads $11200. Asking SM 080. 16sPeed bike, best oft. 905430-9687. WiPftd 1 AAkfee AJAX Chimney Sweeps, pest screens 1and caps (no muss, no fires! Free at mate�6 7741. FOLDING WIRE. Stackable containers with at last 1 drop. Approx. 42 cubic n. (.a�0i- tad Abe. 683-5117 WANTED APPLIANCES. work- ing or not, washers, dryers, fridges, stoves, camp" Trailer, small pick up truck, mowmoae, smao car. If tong distance call 6116-6768 than enter 905-509.8172. 1 c.0 vwd SING MOVING SALE: Everything must go' Call (905) 666.2970.1or nfornntlon • 1 Art' a THE NEW MANAGEMENT of Lakeview Ceramics announc- es excifing changes. Now taking gow to orders. Bisque in :tori and by order. WC are now Custom nrft Viick),*s Dry Brom spolmn start Sept. 20. Book yo spa" now. Came see wheel s Now at Lakeview. 905-725- 6709 LAM 3. 1333 Boundary Rd. Oshawa. I Pt CLEARANCE SALE. Me In- sblo mm. 16' x 24' 0 D rec- Osr i�krrar�q 25yr wananry0ppl-600$0 668 7564 Pickennp/Apa, phone 416- 796.7509. • / Loot a • Feemr FOUND- female prey at. n brieorth NApra area. between Ravencron a Rothergkn. Ptmame al 427 -Ml Free 10 good horme d owner doesn't CLAIM • 1 Pe"lSuPpwl SOBER Pape. CKC registered. tads docked, 1st sheds, tal- toad, reedy, b go Phe" AN 5W.(705)799-5131. PNNENNED Jack Run" Pups- first shots, vee ti"f1 . dewormed, ready T SW Umber. Cal now. 665 0191 YONONME Terrier Puppies. asks a females. n0, 1. moo -clopped. snots. kis m goararooK $8m a Myo. aN 66-4917. DESPERATE 4 Mad and m4e" kimannt. We're Ilene od- sole and desperakhp rant a warm home. before water CDnrres. 4284160. LOWALE Labrador Fletrw- a pups. Farm raised. CKC mg-, gg-,� ,I"amu guarantee. Black. 613-47volik3-2043. 24d. 1- LMASA AM pups for sale. "Ma"Mara. vel hum House trWp OMW (706) 786-3124, tome message. KNE MRM SMALU oilers mdwftM. MW&tedp W Aid W4" care Plrs a lovely, facility. Gime fiber horse and yourself a us neat aomra. � 9905- 655+030. Il I p r safeShophud ad FIR IN G~B,d Ow we too" class am sea 2ft �RAMIBFMW ppp�x PW Owws Dowis Doft Act wast to YA DogatLik Admtt shrifts at 325. Zr Rom RP io:r' dWLANSIL 15% 00 " (901151,J235413, I, 723 COW PPnISKBW OnpaMym- ORNOW ftm IKD OAC. CWOM erm'. %*W 1981 to 1901. SOW s�odh,�Mom RhblN 905.7263382. NW A VIEWLE? Poor med17 MO Credt7 &v*not7 CAB Tract a 916-576-1808 of 1-886259.303. I can hOPI IOU SEDAN DWMY (PON - CA 1Mo �y MorlN traNCIM 2lmr (dmmY!) dW. 16 k CAN �8m8-6107 1977 Lincoln Town Car, ex- W TOYOTA TERCEL, 4•door, 1!!8 CADONETTE Bow -rider, ce6ent Condition, certified standard. rebuill mom, matt- And Trader, 3L Mercury Cobra $4000. Days 434-7330: Eve. tied. excellent conhdition, stem drive. mart' 4361781. $2500 OBO, CaN 905.831- aooessorits. $9mas�0.oe°aN 9175 194 FOM W, 3.8 L.. 6cyl, 4dr. aura, Its. pb. ailm, 120K. ar9ite acid body in good oCh- W. rt$15000..uncaw!eA.905- 967-0505. 1967 BIMCK LeSabre T-tpyopoe3800 d, oo 4M.- Cal ri a905 6 aB65. 1997 CAVALIER Z24. rebut/ V6 engine, ado„ white with black interior. many new Asking $1400 as is. 76-0873 after 6 p.m. or 416- 369-1359 days. 1997 MAMA Nx7, white, 140,000 km, (6000 km. on new ergine . complete ex- haust). AM racing nms/ Yo- �ma tirm. 54000. 430- 194 AUTO, 2 -door Firefly, 5700. 19M Ado, 1 ton Ram Mardwagon van $1500 both 160iow Cal 571-5315 19Q DAYTONA, auto, 2 door. 4 cylinder, new tires and struts, cassette, power wid- ows. tow kill Annd wit CedNy Dost offer665-0954 . (905) 1998 CAVALIER, wim 120.11DO kms.. well maintained, no rust. new breyagantafor/slart- r. recent DrAkes. $3900. Can N after 6. 725-8273 1998 CIEVY Sprint 4 door. Automatic. hatchback, 92K, 32695CWU W. Cal 579-0191 1196 MERCURY TO . 4 - door. ado. price $2.995. 1990 Hyundai Excel. 3 -door. 5 - Speed. speed. ornh 70.DOOkm. price$2.995. 703. 1911 PONTIAC Sunbird LE. 2dr. red with grey rat.. ale IN. Ob, axes. condition. WOW exhrenony well tam ars d. 163.680 I III It km 54700 606p8m0 eeruned. Cal farm Am. 427.7897 mtssape. 905 1997 OLDSMOB LE CUTLASS CIERA, at, pw, of crew. at ao o Casette. 132.000 km. V6 11 '1 Aad body ex- cetiennt Asking $9700. 905- 430-2M. 05430-2503. YOU OWE IT TO YONNISELF 8143 or 905-831.0051. 435-5133. DYIIMAM moons. sales a Service. repairs. loss A me- dumcs, reasonable rates. 92 Grind Prix SE, 2 -door, 55995. 92 Z24 aulo, 56195. 92 EAqy Talon, $7995. 92 Cavaikr ado. 2 -door. $1995. 92 Sun - bird. 2 -door, 5 -speed. $4995. 91 Cavalier 4 -dr. auto. $4295 91 Lumina Euro 4 -dr. $4995 91 Grand Am 2 -dr ado. $4995. 91 Grad Prix GT 5spd. $6995. 90 Cavalier 4 -dr. auto. 53595. 90 Corsica SM 90 BOMVV* SE $4995 90 Sun- -5spd, $4295. 90 Eapk Taken TSI Turbo 5spd. $6595. 90 Cavalier RS 5spd $3995. 90 Grand Prix 4 -dr $5790 90 Lumina Euro 4-0r $4995. 90 Cavalier RS 5$pd $4395. 90 Sunbird GT 2 -dr. auto. $3795. 90 Olds Cutlass Supreme SL. $5995 89 Tracker 5spd. $2995. 89 Ranger ado $3795. 89 Pont - ac 6000 LE 13595. 89 Boeoe- wtle SSE 55595 89 224 ado S34i 89 Daytauto $2795. 86 Berretta GT $2990. 4 Z24. $2795. 88 Grand Am SE 4-4r. $3590. DURHAM MOTORS. 221 WOW" Rd.S.. Ain 905483-7560. 1997 SAFAMI, loaded 1978 Rarchero. kkm. 1959 klewrd Camper, lots Elomino 8 Ranchero wig ram. M above showroom tandoori! CAN LOme 263-2611 19% CAVALIER Wagon, aw tonmbc.excel ent condition. 59.000 (dakers" sem fol0hlr tonPon rniq, ars-lock brakes. obs mirth more S9.900.0"0,656 -x906 1994 SUNG PRIX. V6. ph. ahs. M . p/w . pArhrt, secrtiy system. 4 -door. approx. 90.1x!8 Pigs -1 knots. $12.900. Lots new. one ower. 905-683- 3020 1Auammmobdn 575 to $7m to scrap ars III trucks or any prndtlory vveehicles. 24 M pro111 Free T-4 11ourOr� VtIMy IMCI -, for Cast ) 706-5740. OduD IBM 60w-NNIN, needs work (Maxum model). 1992. with trailer. asking $6,800. 905.706-5453 (Ape) 1 Ifeasemrvel TOYOTA 20 fl- Motor home. sleeps t, excellent Condition. $8.500. all 905-623-2200, Bowmanvi8e. Form MASSEY FERGUSON 510 diesel combine. Quick attach headers. 4 -row narrow a 14 h. straight tut with pick-up reel. Oversize tires, air coed., bin extension. $10.000. kir com- pete package. Port Perry 905.965-3183 11 "Pira"'"' Real 1 a 2 bedrooms available an- ytime Located 309 Cordova Rd., Oshamo. No pas. Please Cal 905579.2387. after Son 1 6 2 bedrooms, immediate, 3 appliances and blinds, MON. - FRI.9 A.M. - 5 P.M. (9115) 571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED 1 A � ewes 11 ow $do LUXURY Detached, furnished COURTICE. Backspkt approx 4 -bedroom. 2 1/2 -bats. fire- 17M sit n. 50028111. fenced place, air-conditioning, Uun- yard, Far -bedroom, 2 bath - dry. paildi , bus A door. pro rooms, pus powder room, mssiarw. non smokkq. 1650. large Umiryroom wed wood Cath 905 686 9963. burning stove Huge tat -in fIN6lE ROOMwith sharef kitcien, with Walkout to sift deft 5172.000 or best aria facilities. Females welcome. Yard. quiet neighbourhood Non-smoker, no pas, refer- Sat Sept.t 13 820. 10-3. de- ences. available immediately COURTICE, Windham Cres., Rem negotiable Call 5145.000. 3 -bedrooms. 2 (905)420-0249 anytime. baths. appliances. interlock SOUTH AJAX - Shure house walk, cedar deck. landscaped Backs ono parks. schools. with single manKitchen. Open House Sat a Sun. NMMACRATE 2 bedroom, maunartied m side and old x I once r laundry. parking. able $351V mo. Nonsmokers preferred (905)432-9966 m Maple 1 R� 4281205 IMMACULATE WESTNEv osUof ein and bathroom, new lap icer- 2 BEDROOM nom. availableHEIGHTS. use Cdnudewimkimnts 4 bedroom. bads nate. on hot water tank Oct 1 New ca" great back- Reit to park, fireplace. CAC aro more. 00 Open House (1996). New circuit breaker Yard. quiet neighbourhood able Oct. Ist. (905) 263-2354 Sat Sept.t 13 820. 10-3. de- pend in apartment , well 19 436-9933 5750 . utikbes. WE -1 2. z13 O s -q ft lads 905-427-0681 Kira SI]Oshaw BWd. area.rooms. 3 8ED1100m, tanie m 2 Atrc ue w ensude laundry. 2 Private tot Taunton Rd A%W Dec 1. _ iu � room n apartment. heal. W water. fridge, stove.washer. $1100 likes uMOM call fred. a room inclusive Oct. 31 831-2210 dryer and parking mduded 905683-7511 or aha 7 pm. 416-2831-6541 Owe* a No pets. very deperoabk Available Idia" Use d Dadryard. Rekreruas. No • 1 lan landed. :9750 td 750 mmey. A103111 -A103111- COURTICE. 4 bedroom wsw. PAW$Oe' able Oct. Ist. (905) 263-2354 dol. garage. appiarces. 1st a OSHAWA 4 Mean" Free LARGE bright one bedroom all mqu ea. minimum 1 yr. Ouse Cal TW Kropp Sutton Rest III- 850 so 2nd fir basemen apt. Sep.enlranvce. Group Classic- 438-9000300 $SM Egg sq. man $500. laundry lac., new windows. 1 & 2 1 d 2 brtdroomisl Lsrp Dal- se ft across from Dsh CIM to amemlies/bus rade. Fntnit h rlrmm hn- Fie. Caere. SM 2nd nor S500. 1 AIN! 2 BEDROOM apt in 5amapt avaaab". South W"d basemmen. Swimming 1,ZW ,% To. zm roe 1 WJU amoral Oshawa: available ON as $600 all McIv- pod. Centre ParWRossland sq. ft main. CAN 434-2447 now or Oct. 1. from $615 n- shit. FknuUsl required. aro. CA lice, ofornubm. or 655-4132. dusime. Parking' -'l. Available Idia" Use d Dadryard. Rekreruas. No 416) 43682YY or (416) 431- leave r �aN a yard.. 916 -4A ifenAsk edfor pets. 905-434-5130 $331 "Mum. . Sonet steep Ca" 05NAWA CENTILE / N1, 3- renovated bu^W Reedrb OSHAWA Extra Uro- ONE Bedroom BAcdor low. 4 appliances �arn� WANTED: Single double )r 1 & 2 1 d 2 brtdroomisl Lsrp Dal- apartment. $44Qnnpth, non- hardmrood boors. krhced yard. mum-ar to rem, well Oar+Oe nary So" has been Order smoker Can 905728.4911 parkap. central location on take kmrrrediAMy new, management for 1 year �Viewing Ores. bus route. dose to medal hated or rot. Pltae all 905 - row, and IS A very, dear and SPACIOUS ,.dl malar- covers. 5765 pts uh hu" 404-8391 We* building. 5596 a $698 nANimrs, nbk m tai ed 2 bedroom Apes. (n�rn Ou lurrnu) FirsV rekraras I'° ops. carr z Cpy� 1 panuvq cluM Available Ocbbr tet Avail a 900 am 686 Glen St. Sar" with matin cos tun. �e Oared Avar- to Wrr and Noember 1st Phone M. port provided Clefs a-ktmkr"deldy 579-0191 A rA8ULCUS getaway on 905.579-5561 10 e"b wsekly gF7mhow. Wren Lake new Dorset Ont a1250 Os. s apltl m. AM11- Oct 1 571-08N wobnwb" trans d Seem TO SEE Od11 FINE 11ECON01- A i A AUT6 We pay $ig- $1250 amdlmOrS kden,tt Avai• Lake 6 P a _i M hen MOo- TTU TUTIC RNED FA $10.000 Cash on t" spot. 2 BEDROOMS) All Odo-a 31. IM -2210 / Twwrok"w LakenqutPark Boat rrtab And OUT. Eg New arrivals 1991 u CHUN US Any condisecin. awl year Cog 1rOfA 5735. Armytin". 24 flakes. 7 drays. (90s) "S-� PICKENMG lagt one txsd• scerv: flights available From Honda Civic 4 door- Needed. 30 Min service 90568 room oasen"^t. tree We % ABSOLUTELY A GMT DEAL• $155 mer right (613) 339-1711 black Da ly. wow $6.285. 5003 or 905746-5234 laadry. nom sola. no pees.free MeonOwn 194 Podiac Firstly. auto. Preleee III Monapd f600 invckpAmft gime Avara-k Oct omnn2.33. or 44 t to mei- • / 73.000 kms. Sale 52.295, AN SCRAP Car or Truck by Le m bmTanbo 15 (9061631-7122 aria bps. horse yli rerwbsnW 1993 Nissan Quest. GXE. vantW. copmmpllete a not Amt _ _ bided, kid"r ran man. SLpI Top Call (9g6)e31 43,'!3 w OMIAwA IBbor St Large 2 8 ING 1-� bat 4 - rig from 559.900 Canes to beappkmm Stan- droom iownnauWATER M.pool. t. 3M.995 1995 Neon trgjWM M. 3 bedroom apartments n rJeanarden SM Nos Van rem Uttk a no secrnzn. 86C. pnvm Valid. air. firmest. 4 d, tow eery 7489 tow, rise bm1tlrp. Cie t0 401 ao to 'a'v' many down OAC Call RICK avaUble now, For cert and $3.295 1993 224 Cavalier, AUTONOBIIES And trrCms 60 Par'rrg. Avmok "car" WATSON. CotlweN Banker to view Woos 905 - 579 - loaded. 1oay. kai. 102.000 rartenlrorscno Aq,wrraeorn. de"y. From $600/wontm SNMCOE &Gibb St. Cory 1- (905)728-9414 or Tor 371)4. km. auto. only, $9.975 1993any art reawry n 8" Der Pfrrr 905576-4255 bedroom ground Hoar r"r 1905)427.3804 4. ret t, t door. S 1T t x � ash pad. AAlo rope. bet foods, zee. CL s rotated oats. 0 Mo- 4NEWArm . ran find Si.695 1992 AM Syno 2 and t -Wroom pSNAtNM. 3 bedroom AO oleic: rotated Doors. zed wp. Cavow. ale. aro. 4 dr. tow puff- '75 b '07 CTry or IiNIC Since S d 81Oor. ava4 rmondn radkm0e ma"r pkances rib . hoar a row nervus. minutes to Blue Jay pickup kir pits Cal aMd. row MW ad $SSNmo . kms. pry IN 995 AFFONO. Ostem 906.431-0407 laundry 906 9659106 sort schools. shopping, lien- Football. lMl Hockey NFL ARE - 1915 GEO. U.M.ls"1. possession. session . hist i tar. Nov beaches OogYmisor track. maroon. A -t. 995 1991 CASH FON CAKSI We bay 905576- (masa0r) AJAX- 2-bedoom aparbnert possessmon.427-3763 -naves ane mapr altrAc- Tracker. Auto. rendrab" used vehicles Vemdes most 2 AEDROOM Apt. Available n 'ung -_ SPACIOUS 3-odroorm town '01" Crdow w or, .. Rho - Ayr I I. drtme t. 57.950 1991 be n ruprnp cbrndrbCal l immediately5650 . u mOn Near bs. 7moepuq a kis aknalabk $275 wetly Sohn. tiavan, loaded. 427.2415 or come to 479 Cyan. Iaomrdry Ucion on schools Covert. imp Ami r-- Wel ma dmW hen 0905/683-5503 157.000 kms. like new now gayly St. East. Alex at plops it, Cal 576 -NQ 5-5 A'daat Nov 1 .691-6145. ry complex FreslaJ dmCoa. $a.11% 1993 Aerostar sport. MURAD AUTO SALES p m da+y NO WEEKENDS 501rTM EAST Oshawa - 1 ea 4 Apo" . >t utters PArtc- / / Primro Hkraw loaded. saver/red a 5t 0.650. n0. dose to :fools. an 1991 Sunbird. 3.1 v-6, air, / TMuKm 2-edreew Moll TownWWi2 InN bungalow plus ba"- amNdres Otf/rbv 1 ounr apabtert won Sipa" panty 122 Contain, St. E 'RARE OPPOKTL"NTY1111 Ado. 130.000 kms. 55.295. � wn• very sed tomer etnnp for sublet Two cep- Oshama 434-3972 C-09" renovated as new. see 55.295. 1989 Corson LT, kvst d new raised twnpr � Waded beauty. v-6. only, 1978 Ford 112 ton. 351 Clem*- low Private mparoe. Own f>lances in tach. $1.200 a 3 bedroom townhouses Wel, too miry Was b List no. Dos owam Movemg CrOc• A iiNGA1N---STNI KENF wren 4 new appYam 5500 $4,MSUPERSKq1993 AStro, extended. � 5 n $1500 obo. Days 434.7330: epi C10 a ippp q tow W. Please aN (416) M. No money damn. rem b � � tau and out. now any Ere 4161781. xlbek, tramsd. S7251no. i► 211-3009 oma. 2 and 3 bedroom InOava. f32.1XlQFr inane to "ANY $0,500. 1991 Ford F-150 xl cksime Nov. 1. Mark 905 From $750. per matin >• i► Cyt Gentleman' Geor 1986 jeep YJ Sahara. 4 0 Lien. Oct 1 -SPACIOUS 2 Nome. dative Mwfrnrkm $eery n Zrip. 302 v-8, air, and V6. had a sontaps c er*ad 549 8218 wn" 525.000 AwdiA Rea- Walker CoLdweN Barr"r R 0. 57,5% 1 1 Legend. $5500. orb. 965.2903 owd � ai MY S doze rmn 1906) 7ZB 9e1t ea. 20t Ready 728 94t4 37' Wrk mood tracer, one t mEDR00M AIT. :ecoid wN akaintauned paatry seurg. stle dpvbe bedoon and 4 para. I TO Pitman Boom Trwck. SWY d house. N.E.O$hawa, Nom d BownmwNNr. Laurel$. Keews mcki S CREEK valeNewam tell Noahard, a•t crazy pon t. Mo.rrd on 1977 ford 5 b0. nda•sw4w. 367Sdto, avail. / modN. (59.500 Private Sok $8,996. Celw b C.Mew Ads 360. gas IF ,Nrmq Itieckaal Oct. al PIM 725.4173. 5625 • Irydoo. 433-7810. or rent. 2 -bedroom. 5 maw CNoW 156 Bite 5L Wad al Cal and Mato" rr a., , 2 OEONOOM baameme W. ap0uarces open thrcpup NinN ". Con 57§aK $13.500. Cal SaW k%m. FndW, wove. "" 2)401 Apt. ow SAF Onseno. 1-705.9469103. Ahad. inmWiarry. $Moo. 194 I PRIX SE. bell- vac 4D. enerart, . wiltum bass. ed. bed d :nils. mOOft 1W 4 Whorl DO mart. cis 666-5669. mm certified. (reel car. CAN eldroor, bMxWK�siWwa 905 -897 -le 905.3018. "81 GMC 3H We w0. 1181 BACK 189,000 kw., V8, 52000 905 4rrwrnp, rho" 10 anew CENTURY LTD., 427 4373ad .Mmrrr0litg�61K00 i1 lorded, 3.3L Yd. 130K or best rYtOrhellm erg "N OP686 Grand COW4&r .. 434.2775. 6AK P. PL. Air. 0mw- AN rKetpli0rai Van" at AW r � furnished 2� cen In. Go Station. " neko- NOUfft a ApMmmtS. available immediately good Beauatuo. dean, direct wisdom. GREAT VALUE!!l ed. tag 726-4993. klaerdn, ease fo tran"perfA- tion seIno, >. Amenities►uIy bunt. 3-rdn00rem, one nterkor. egrpped-.Chatp cmap. Whitsooks I 2 SM retnp apo Oct occupancy . Cam 905-726-7361 Sam to Padded bat. TV. VCR. and mono t. How ramal Court -Whitby sa"0C thud you SwdrmN ReaF ' awd 9 X5060 am-smoftm ty Corp 723.1265 OSHAWA East 3 -bedroom pa, Pb, ste.ktg. • Frill" dsCpralsd 05NAWA CENTILE / N1, 3- main doer 6 appluxxxol. Reedrb suites Iodm basement apt 'sundry parkin vc. gas holes. non - no >fm0liers. ro fS7S.W% WI days. 905-fi610fe • C1066 10 schools roan. nip trrrer"n. available lod Call 905- kdvl,mes ENVOY THE FALL odours on Shopping Oct 1 $750. 1!3 Wlmff. 726-a711 Paudw Lane (on "NetarbN • Transit at door 1905)839 11161 Bancroft bur rode) 2 . 3 boo- • Close 10 401 PIIMORANt LAKEVEW. 2 ROSS<ANO ' Anrrsloy Spe- room. toy - I 1p - cozy '--- • AN ubMbss westriey Rd N 2 bedroom pas great 2 bdrm man floor t o , 4 First/ warm d kaltagas. n- w m iflCllhded Plus dnkldirrng room. an appliances last $825 nclasrmt Available div -Orris Drs Oa -toil sionsp mmrs 5 more b a1250 Os. s apltl m. AM11- Oct 1 571-08N wobnwb" trans d Seem TO SEE Od11 FINE 11ECON01- A i A AUT6 We pay $ig- $1250 amdlmOrS kden,tt Avai• Lake 6 P a _i M hen MOo- TTU TUTIC RNED FA $10.000 Cash on t" spot. 2 BEDROOMS) All Odo-a 31. IM -2210 / Twwrok"w LakenqutPark Boat rrtab And OUT. Eg New arrivals 1991 u CHUN US Any condisecin. awl year Cog 1rOfA 5735. Armytin". 24 flakes. 7 drays. (90s) "S-� PICKENMG lagt one txsd• scerv: flights available From Honda Civic 4 door- Needed. 30 Min service 90568 room oasen"^t. tree We % ABSOLUTELY A GMT DEAL• $155 mer right (613) 339-1711 black Da ly. wow $6.285. 5003 or 905746-5234 laadry. nom sola. no pees.free MeonOwn 194 Podiac Firstly. auto. Preleee III Monapd f600 invckpAmft gime Avara-k Oct omnn2.33. or 44 t to mei- • / 73.000 kms. Sale 52.295, AN SCRAP Car or Truck by Le m bmTanbo 15 (9061631-7122 aria bps. horse yli rerwbsnW 1993 Nissan Quest. GXE. vantW. copmmpllete a not Amt _ _ bided, kid"r ran man. SLpI Top Call (9g6)e31 43,'!3 w OMIAwA IBbor St Large 2 8 ING 1-� bat 4 - rig from 559.900 Canes to beappkmm Stan- droom iownnauWATER M.pool. t. 3M.995 1995 Neon trgjWM M. 3 bedroom apartments n rJeanarden SM Nos Van rem Uttk a no secrnzn. 86C. pnvm Valid. air. firmest. 4 d, tow eery 7489 tow, rise bm1tlrp. Cie t0 401 ao to 'a'v' many down OAC Call RICK avaUble now, For cert and $3.295 1993 224 Cavalier, AUTONOBIIES And trrCms 60 Par'rrg. Avmok "car" WATSON. CotlweN Banker to view Woos 905 - 579 - loaded. 1oay. kai. 102.000 rartenlrorscno Aq,wrraeorn. de"y. From $600/wontm SNMCOE &Gibb St. Cory 1- (905)728-9414 or Tor 371)4. km. auto. only, $9.975 1993any art reawry n 8" Der Pfrrr 905576-4255 bedroom ground Hoar r"r 1905)427.3804 4. ret t, t door. S 1T t x � ash pad. AAlo rope. bet foods, zee. CL s rotated oats. 0 Mo- 4NEWArm . ran find Si.695 1992 AM Syno 2 and t -Wroom pSNAtNM. 3 bedroom AO oleic: rotated Doors. zed wp. Cavow. ale. aro. 4 dr. tow puff- '75 b '07 CTry or IiNIC Since S d 81Oor. ava4 rmondn radkm0e ma"r pkances rib . hoar a row nervus. minutes to Blue Jay pickup kir pits Cal aMd. row MW ad $SSNmo . kms. pry IN 995 AFFONO. Ostem 906.431-0407 laundry 906 9659106 sort schools. shopping, lien- Football. lMl Hockey NFL ARE - 1915 GEO. U.M.ls"1. possession. session . hist i tar. Nov beaches OogYmisor track. maroon. A -t. 995 1991 CASH FON CAKSI We bay 905576- (masa0r) AJAX- 2-bedoom aparbnert possessmon.427-3763 -naves ane mapr altrAc- Tracker. Auto. rendrab" used vehicles Vemdes most 2 AEDROOM Apt. Available n 'ung -_ SPACIOUS 3-odroorm town '01" Crdow w or, .. Rho - Ayr I I. drtme t. 57.950 1991 be n ruprnp cbrndrbCal l immediately5650 . u mOn Near bs. 7moepuq a kis aknalabk $275 wetly Sohn. tiavan, loaded. 427.2415 or come to 479 Cyan. Iaomrdry Ucion on schools Covert. imp Ami r-- Wel ma dmW hen 0905/683-5503 157.000 kms. like new now gayly St. East. Alex at plops it, Cal 576 -NQ 5-5 A'daat Nov 1 .691-6145. ry complex FreslaJ dmCoa. $a.11% 1993 Aerostar sport. MURAD AUTO SALES p m da+y NO WEEKENDS 501rTM EAST Oshawa - 1 ea 4 Apo" . >t utters PArtc- / / Primro Hkraw loaded. saver/red a 5t 0.650. n0. dose to :fools. an 1991 Sunbird. 3.1 v-6, air, / TMuKm 2-edreew Moll TownWWi2 InN bungalow plus ba"- amNdres Otf/rbv 1 ounr apabtert won Sipa" panty 122 Contain, St. E 'RARE OPPOKTL"NTY1111 Ado. 130.000 kms. 55.295. � wn• very sed tomer etnnp for sublet Two cep- Oshama 434-3972 C-09" renovated as new. see 55.295. 1989 Corson LT, kvst d new raised twnpr � Waded beauty. v-6. only, 1978 Ford 112 ton. 351 Clem*- low Private mparoe. Own f>lances in tach. $1.200 a 3 bedroom townhouses Wel, too miry Was b List no. Dos owam Movemg CrOc• A iiNGA1N---STNI KENF wren 4 new appYam 5500 $4,MSUPERSKq1993 AStro, extended. � 5 n $1500 obo. Days 434.7330: epi C10 a ippp q tow W. Please aN (416) M. No money damn. rem b � � tau and out. now any Ere 4161781. xlbek, tramsd. S7251no. i► 211-3009 oma. 2 and 3 bedroom InOava. f32.1XlQFr inane to "ANY $0,500. 1991 Ford F-150 xl cksime Nov. 1. Mark 905 From $750. per matin >• i► Cyt Gentleman' Geor 1986 jeep YJ Sahara. 4 0 Lien. Oct 1 -SPACIOUS 2 Nome. dative Mwfrnrkm $eery n Zrip. 302 v-8, air, and V6. had a sontaps c er*ad 549 8218 wn" 525.000 AwdiA Rea- Walker CoLdweN Barr"r R 0. 57,5% 1 1 Legend. $5500. orb. 965.2903 owd � ai MY S doze rmn 1906) 7ZB 9e1t ea. 20t Ready 728 94t4 37' Wrk mood tracer, one t mEDR00M AIT. :ecoid wN akaintauned paatry seurg. stle dpvbe bedoon and 4 para. I TO Pitman Boom Trwck. SWY d house. N.E.O$hawa, Nom d BownmwNNr. Laurel$. Keews mcki S CREEK valeNewam tell Noahard, a•t crazy pon t. Mo.rrd on 1977 ford 5 b0. nda•sw4w. 367Sdto, avail. / modN. (59.500 Private Sok $8,996. Celw b C.Mew Ads 360. gas IF ,Nrmq Itieckaal Oct. al PIM 725.4173. 5625 • Irydoo. 433-7810. or rent. 2 -bedroom. 5 maw CNoW 156 Bite 5L Wad al Cal and Mato" rr a., , 2 OEONOOM baameme W. ap0uarces open thrcpup NinN ". Con 57§aK $13.500. Cal SaW k%m. FndW, wove. "" 2)401 Apt. ow SAF Onseno. 1-705.9469103. Ahad. inmWiarry. $Moo. 194 I PRIX SE. bell- vac 4D. enerart, . wiltum bass. ed. bed d :nils. mOOft 1W 4 Whorl DO mart. cis 666-5669. mm certified. (reel car. CAN eldroor, bMxWK�siWwa 905 -897 -le 905.3018. "81 GMC 3H We w0. 1181 BACK 189,000 kw., V8, 52000 905 4rrwrnp, rho" 10 anew CENTURY LTD., 427 4373ad .Mmrrr0litg�61K00 i1 lorded, 3.3L Yd. 130K or best rYtOrhellm erg "N OP686 Grand COW4&r .. 434.2775. 6AK P. PL. Air. 0mw- AN rKetpli0rai Van" at AW r � furnished 2� het, metre. rivers rivers apt.., 5350 iod. ec adult lits - style. securny, x or bte- Born le For utor- mug SM. share bcftu vm -i nutionn 1905) 6Z3 3194 (9051 1 odor. No srnokers/pats. $11,900 -Cab (106) A316713 663-3649. SASIwe.: n horse for NCKERAN. Zara room w STOP P*iw tem aura Air. Wk - 1996 Ln,Yta Van. air pin.. poise pmlmir tis, 9 wore p c wow -m ut Lara -tt- I am-smoftm Ir 0". $375ffsomW Auaiig* pa, Pb, ste.ktg. Terme&" (905µ28-1557 $120Oh,o. 1SUMM 905725 eKoNeN head Crsel, - %u -p-. aekrin fan 1 Sed cep . kow RAIITO1 2.6dmv fw MK 837-204. W4NNK W and Cottage on NCE WAlso $11,900 -Cab (106) A316713 (pmpkdOsIN ) SASIwe.: n horse for WaM -tloow. pigle hok NW elm t"S Wee open air ,ems Enim �Idnivel 1996 Ln,Yta Van. air pin.. poise pmlmir tis, 105)-426-7677. wow -m ut Lara -tt- I 3650. yr�gm lan fished room $him Ir Noowns. pa, Pb, ste.ktg. AFMNIIENT for m.r 1900 see 1L, M Mm* ami, 2-belf $120Oh,o. 1SUMM 905725 MM SM Lamely tat. 0dr 9DSii6- 905-M&M7. Fibuy- MIS door he" My%- rooms I= porn hath a kfift WI days. 905-fi610fe 0744.tsdfeu arsbankrupt r«,am s�sy system almrtw Comm 1K ,00 hP. low ND vel Blast- p0 �p�g4 asmiraV&dw Two rooves a . oleo rift 7 6ENNOem cilli twmkgalow bacredit, no � ado. liars. 40.000 Mm of AR fel r.d is 6- priab enerarp, cable. two- do t"merr"rht crf you tow, aBSokdelF mid. 725 08%. AWAARE NOUNVAE- ltF b MAe101t APL MNirnO PIw 1 11MYOON + dsn. 3015! dry bciems a parkktq. Suit- am Its w11 " melt w 0" begs lot Sr,tnAkq plod. work; you IfIVe) wor sptiprpMM me,Ay am clikes No. mail w oat Pa$L 6t. Aqr. how ot7 f. 906 A23 Non-slonow m0 q". $139,000. al (705)47-2067. Lpre- Tre�Mls 11-1 to elyopllq ere td2200 BoentNrmr l wsekly gF7mhow. KWTWK 3-M m 2-stony.AntAin 1988 OMTCMNAR "a" � $6 �M 3h.Md � w. sxgoo. 5%s to let train. sties 5. extras irndude: 1 yr did Catalytic 2 bed00rn. 3775. 3 bmf- 3 KOROMIm house b shirt.dtmdirmg dozen any for $025"WM in- f"atr corkI'm room 3010.. CAN 430- a0 irkdrshre Pa idif flttkdry lays TW HounpMonchfrom SPECK $4700. Cal (905)579--8x70 014 boose RNAN6E +o aMm S"d�koorlof WM DEPARTME1117 dM to A a� BIR, Ski N" late song" SHEBfi M CHEV ENRmE� 22 , � perm nim •%Ifli•i4fNf a57gs9 6s91�6rmft pus lydo. CAN 669-3011 days, or 48-0618 ere. And KSolutety -left SELL R NOMI CWAMCE 3-lrmoroow 0952 ktdudbq air. Spotless kwri or. 2.5LTr autarot c. CAU kid. Sk,ca Sl. S. 3 toed"" 170000Kms. ExostleN Conch- 6'SS„ M wpbnm CAN la-Besti tion. $1750. CAN (905)404 - 818D. Oshawa. and dudes ands". $4(x7/ Sam classic 430 -SND monek. Cam Aw 5p.tm. (905) 837-204. W4NNK W and Cottage on 58 LIN OLD Christian wfdor _V' IoM in bay co'- o-boknO townkir someone of skai- booarL Ym to>r Ama , Jar WdnprOwre d 10 shhouse NW elm t"S Wee open air or lOmNd"uss. Cam (905) 837- Mo room, doing noom. kwl. 111& Lave a Nessaga on. Mater bedroom has en ANIX. bright Clan pt,st sole. lower Must zeas three wako ts. On ,-wars. Excel- 1tOkse to cable. B0, 6 finiptac-. lactkWy. pN 5 Iry for retirement or Ura appl, dNbes: all included. lanky coroW $169,000. Cal Anil OyY,"• 33501a-. It- 905-M&M7. nrele pmtm 61}1970. 00 QUALIFYING - Detached 3 bedroom central Oshawa. $3900 down. ames tot less tan ram. 577.901 Exclusive. Frank 432.2000 Durham Ovally R. E. SOUTH PICKERING - 4 bed- roombungalow. no clown pay - man. $143.000, good street. must quaky mortgage (415) 260.9391 Leave message. PICKERING . ALMOST new. fury detached home 3 bed- r00na. Mla,kr en suite. 5 now double garage. 3175.0011). (905) 619-3158 PICKERING- 3.1 large bed- rooms. large tat -,n kkknen. 2 car garage. limShed baw mem. CAC 8 central vac. dishwasher. 4 balhraoms. 2/3K. (905) 5050820 REPOSSESSED NOME$ available Let options really �one 3for toga, Cad (905) INCE LAKE- OPEN HOUSE EVERY SUNDAY UNTIL SOLD Relocating Corwwor s We - Is, -coil Home For Sale or Trade For Home in Durham Region 5 yr. old Custom Butt Rased a - Pon on 100 it WalMront on Rite Lake. Modern Open Concept Im- nacuUet cpkue, . $185.000 705) 939-T254 arretbrkert willow. excellent Invest mens 7 Dien. 362.000 gross income. $496.000 (416) ow W87 MR -Fww" For See" 154 Aeras COUNTRY IM - TREAT ORONO AREA, steric ruling progeny Mm wilmog C rstl tray stream. I room century Yom". W" 0~ hems. tow este" lob an be severed. onry $190.000 yin- . Fra". W Frartk Rey Es- Ia" Lid 576-4111 t lob b St" COMKNCIAL corner ion. Courtroe 137xn47. in fa* growing W" sur restaurant, Iii son. thtaudy parbw. ell Only $175.000 Call Waft Fran". Frank Roe Estate LM 575-4111 WATOWSONT COMMUNITY in Port Perry 2 acre lob for Sao suruq a 5120.000 905- 427-0190 or 905-965.3724 1 Caapi a�� 53995. 5996 DOWN 389mo . Wooded trader tot for sale. sad beach. fishing. ro" rolls. 12x50 units allowed. Near Cobpmg 416-431-1555. 905349.3396. N A We BEAVER TRAILER PARK LTD - Om emec NU- MEROUS USED TRAILERS FOR SALE ON SITE. Ready to move n complete with dads. s. ,I, and more. GREAT END OF YEAR BUYS!! Cal or Vasil Anytime 705.799.6221. • 1 tlreiaen CMNWVAIMN ESTAKL91E0 MAINSA• IN ter sale. 4 Sh- , hill balm", great IocaOon. Bovy today start toomorrow. 0 refins Cal 905- 728.9902, or atkr 5p& 905432-3029. 1 M'.MFK mem upper 5K Pks per ISL HNowrbaud No MLkI to hes 1 -NO -322.6/69 feet SW 24 his. SIkKL EXISTING Cam" UK" busiwss with AN ��o anYour -now. (906) 72111-110 TRAVEL AGENCY. We6-er "b1611md location, tail Sta11W a -- 1: O hull traing pro- vided. Rearm guarantee to 12 mong of $150,000. Mile - mum cash $72.000. fall 1- 800.6661743 axl=. / FaNONRN SPOUSE CHEATOO" E.R. Psychic Answers. You can know. Rated 11. Pogo 100.070. CdA. use us. ams 11 A . 241hs. S2.99y niK loci. 1-900451-4055. PAGE 14 - THE NEWS ADVWTISER TUESDAY, sarn MEER 16,1!!7 650 650 650 650 670 910 910 800 815 Ir��y1:�?ii�� �T: �..-'��T�T� ern i.Hi � n •• i� .r � Thuya. Sept. 110th - si.-12=12 0°1- 10 00 a.m. at Warder's Auction Hall, Ffwr !2 Colborne Thurs. sale sellin(; contents of storage units for non payme n of rent includes tools 2 alum ext. ladders, ; engine stands, nice oak bedroom suite with queen size bed 2 night stands, at. tractive sofa in excel condition, oak dininc room table with leaf set 6 solid oak prey: back chairs, sofa 8 matching love seat, dressers, chests of drawers, several tackle boxes full fish- ing tackle. 9 pc. ant. walnut dining room suite, clearly new bed sofa, nearly new Electrolux vacuum, tables. chairs, missal. household furnish- ings, plus smalls. knick knacks, dishes, household articles, microwave, small ap- pkances. 8 Hp snow- blower. Sat. Sale" starting 10 a.m. Es- tate of Foster Russell of Cobourg. Ant. 8 Victorian Home fur- nishings, Victorian sofa. drop leaf 2 dr old books table, lige quant. pictures, signed paintings. rugs, drop leaf table on turned legs with 6 chairs. Victorian par- lour table, drawer lamp utile, teiephone box. Mal- colm spgoled bed, cranberry Limoge, Shelley. Royal Crown Derby. nesting tables. old Vur* Vienna reg- ulator and ginger- bread clock, qty. dashes 8 collectible glasswares. Beaver sealer. lost iron door knocker. unusual old toot rest. Victorian Charts• crsilver ,Nippon silv, Nippon. Austria plus countless more things found around this old home. Both sales no reserves. Note starting times, Visa, M.C.. Dank cards. cash or cheque with ID. i Bill tAynner 905-3S5-2106 Sat. up. 2M, 11 a.m. at am Sirrtcad $t. N. lttfawa, 1 AM. ftb M Ragan. Excellent sok with gook pine furniture, as bgh good appliances A lete computer rder, 25' tv d equip.. train set. ckey, lawnmowet. snowblower ant adiall much more. Lund+ hKadde Seethes I854654WI3 1696 Bloor Street E. Courtice Flea Market Auction Bain bar 2ptl1, '413030 s n . V== 9 Colour TVs, ant' child's rocker, VCRs old radios, dressers mirrors, round pine table, book shelves sewing machine beds (double anc Single), records desks, chairs, mi. crowave 8 stand, glass, china, stereos sports cards, freezer rototiller, 8 hp Mas• sey garden tractor, Word 10 spd lathe and accessories, lim. ited edition prints, rocking chair, trunk. hall table, pocks, cradle and much more. Somethino for rsh, cheque, or n rac. Aucitionear- Jim McIntyre (905) 432-1177 (905) 404-9392 Fax (905)404-04s8 AUCTION BARN Friday SW 19 at 5:00 P.M. Contents of Local home fs plus others, bed chesterfields. 3 pc modern bedroom suite, Duncan Phyte table 6 4 dheirs. wal- nut corner china cab- inet, maple kitchen table. Bonnet chest. pine tatnrwn bell bed. qty modern dress- ers. bookshelf• ent. centre, upright Coke cooler, Kenmore washer a dryer al- mond fridge. Oak highboy dresser, cu- rio cabinet, Westing- house hedge. uoxw corner chair, mi- crowave. MTD 4 Hp snowblower, 4' a 6' wood planers, qty. guns including Sav- age, i -auto 12 Wmchesler 38- 55 .1 -ever action pkat shotguns. a 30TS. Fiberglass truck cap for Ford Ranger Don i RRt1 Lriktetle Britain P t or tax (i06) 772183 Please read your classified ad onthe first day of publica- tion as we can- not be responsi- ble for more than one inser- tion in the event of an error. ' IMM aaM 3tlp iia. re/t.t13M 12 aftv. 491 n � the■ 11 a.m.sale. Sale to kill a over 300 lots d tlM tltNowirg types } W97OW111 Barbie dolls, Ken dolls i dolhi obby �mmei faaxabel good see }bon of boys & gids annals (chatterbox), doll carria l t 1967 l.arhdl- can set with $20.00 gold con. a sets. O GW axdlecta plates, fine Bina p ects. Hu i and tips. mist. glass pcs.. crystal.112 place seting many senang pcs. of RoyW Albert bone dim flose), Odd bracelets, silver plate a des, OrierM $ porcelain pax., quilts, tamps etc. antique 5 1/2 ft. 2 door pine F cupboard, Ig. iron trine rack. oak pedestal table, c t chairs, upholstered mate lgaw dtaK excellent 9 1 dining room suite, love seat, dub lairs, antiq i *. odd witiq chairs, tea sideboards, parlour Stands etc. I pruas Lista Room Ice Cantle Light StraM, I o Castle, (lobert Bateman - Lynx in the Snow, WWI Panda, Descending Shadow Wolves Bev. Doolittle Heat Three more for BreakfNamed Plus vano prints by Laura Berry, Arm CCoote, Rids Kul James Lumbers, A.J. Casson etc. EM This will be a full sake with many articles n listed (palssibly included n fin aauction another coo pMte es4k from Oakville. a the execulim rekrase I Cash' M articles Cheque. Visa, be'MIC removeddday off saak (N t )Snack bar wit be open. ! tllaatlr AbWRIa a1tl6eMeaRaae (!Nl)j NMi eNs°ealtl`Mq FOR THE ESIM71 OF LA. rALIARM..�awllaa�lsY �WeQdeft �2AUCII�ON~r111E, 112 WELMTON ST., sOWMANalli en1DAY, SEPT. 21, ltn A.M. (V*VM 9:111) 481 le We aIf Ad., sura» Miry. 42, and to kalM fe., sur! 1 ba. Sunday's auction features complete household cadents, modem dirwgroom set, Dedroom sets, Couch 8 chairs. Mau door book case. mist. dressers. smoker stand. sewing no- crim. mist. tables ((soden, chrome. parlour, coffee 8 end. e1c.). Quality 00110Ctabla glass & china. 20 pts, of capi Oi- monte. Royal Winton, Wedgewood, Fair Lady (HN 2193), Royal Doulton, silverware d siker plate, waster 8 dryer. de- humidifier, electric mower, vacuum, mirrors, tools, fireplace, ladders. etc. Collection of appmx 50 to 100 porcelain dols ongxla book's). mist. dol furri are, etc. n is a large auction with many rare. unique 6 useful arb- cles, that the W Mrs. Valance eokcied Note doll collection will sell at 11:00 sharp Terms: VISI. MVC. Imerac. cash IL coque. (Next auction Sunday. Sept. 2811ij Call for a4 your auction needs. your location or ours. Macgregor Antill A Appraisal Samices Nike AbeGrepr, C.P.►A. 9"7-5402. 905-623.7$19 Then. Sept. 1897, 7:00 p.m. 1140 Sheppard An. West 92, Viewing 1 P.M. to time of sale. lowing instructions from the principals. we will public auction approximately 100 high end qu th & leather sofas, love seats, chairs and redlr well as mattresses d box springs in king, qu Ible b twin sizes, 8 including a quantity of I quality custom made furniture of asst. tat urs, wall units, oak tables 3 chair sets etc. TERMS: Cash, Visa, hiterat, M/C atxepted. All sales tons tl9olr NO BMRS PREMIUM. S. WAIN i Co. Iitr11i0s Limited 416-633-1416. Ross McLean, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE SAT. SEPT. 2710 A.M. AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinerryy Tools, Lumber and Rifles for the M. TATE of JOHN WRIGI4T, of Sunderland held at the Phoenix Sales Arena, Ux- bridge. Take Hwy.a12 or Lakeridge Rd. x23 north to Hwy.fl47. Go west to Ux- bridge. Watch for signs. SALE INCLUDES: M.H. 44 DS diesel Tractor, Cockshutt 70 Tractor, M.F. 50 diesel Tractor, Farmall C rowcrop Tractor with loader. Case steel wheel crank Trac- tor, M.F. Tea tractor, 5800 Case Mod. 5800 -CK Backhoe (3 buckets. 6627 hrs.), Kubota B6000 compact diesel (4 wd. loader, Excellent shape), Tri -Axel 18' Trailer, utility trailers, Mark V Sans Cab, Sedore loader, N.H. 450 sidle mower, M.H. 20A seed drill, Int. gang plow, 8' cult., Qty. hay elevators• hay wagons, gram auger, diamond harrows, potato planter, canting box, turnip drill, hammer mill. McLaughlin cutter with stencil. Wa- terloo Mfg. #366 grain stencil, tanning mills (stenciled), 2 ant. Hit b Miss en- gines, Extra large quality of tools indtad- Ing Ig. qtyelectrical wire, qty. plumbing hardware, hand, garden, power tools, mechanics tools, Ig.gty., GRAY TOOLS, Gray sockets, cachets, wrenches, welder, new Sabre saw, 10- radial arm saw on stand (new), ji.9 saw, sandblaster, bear caw, wood splitter, 19 oak lumber, 800+ board feet. 1- oak l uttber, 30 pts. 2x6 red oak lumber, barn beams, T bar posts, riding lawnmowers, Rifles (FAC req'd), 1988 Jeep Cherokee 4x4, 1992 Chev CAR 6 cyl., CHEV basket car (for antique I� may). plus much more. ou�� ed - GARY HILL AUCTIONS Sundeet hid 1-765-357-2185 Toll Free 1-866.654-4647 SAL, aE/IE W 1/a0A M. so" an heauheM Mus - "" laaemnew W lam soM4e4c4F N! Ona ad 1aa4 7A1hiF 1 novae u d M Nd PWF wry a &W tot "-Iowa" M= ora Ile an tsrllnwe. S" falces, old ft.INp tow. books Gold Couch. dept of drawws TV. p4aninOs, old lou a VS. defte . 1tlassaws. Isdda-hea t. Indli ag. se din MUMM crani taeauuower, Laura (toy lwsh tae on saowtloww Orden A hind tests. pt's Overly ale did atter eras ads SO ls. ON Nosrs- , M sod -ate called on short rloaa dw 10 early cop e. trema - ash or flood drew vah ID., hitch sweat Net or aocftmw 1101 resppstOk ler any mnftp in a soil blas sok. fadbo a - ass i Phil Osshrsss. OiYAi Wert. W 17, Md 6 P.M. Mir Mo Nealy Kahn Counts Audions. 2699 Brock Rd. N. Pickering. 3 mi. N. of Hay. 401 exit 399 featuring ft week ova 300 lots of antigun, fine furniture, plass, china a cal- ledibles ind: 2 pc. on flat to wall, unique cylindrical oak ship kap). desk oak arts i3 crafts drop front desk, 7 1/2 ft. board harvest table, vac. mah. chest of draw- ers. ash sideboard, pine side table (T), twine table. pine chimney cupboard, mah. desk, varsities, mise. chat Of drawers, set oak chars. Master time recorder cock. Yd. chairs,de bridge lamps, trunks. a d Ism, Persian rugs, t bears, Wedgewood, Cornflower. Oscar de Larva mart's welch 8 many more articles too numerous to include. EMTES & COOMi16�NIpf1: , OUR VE(rAM Fkm (rr5) rr341Ot1 I= Aedl� 576-2211117 Please Note: Due to severe banking califs we alit lo- Pla iner p a 3% pwmium on AN credit card Punches - I11111. XM LA=n ownAMOM I eandn� . and discretion In IMtAMell ly at rte Slntyefeat Nursing Home in V00by, on Sunday, September 14, 1997, in his 102nd tear. LWAV father of Joan, Au. drey and her husband Kerrherh, and Brenda and her husband John. Grandfather of four gram dvidren, nine great-grandchildren and one great -great grenddlld. Sadly missed by al his farms$ and friends. Service in the chapel of the MCEACHNIE FUNERAL GOODBODY'S LADIES FIT- HCW 28 Old Kingston Road, Ajax (Pickering Al- NESSAEAUTY SPA - Grind lags) 905.428-84M on Wednesday, September 17, Re -Opening $50.000 tenova- tion. Offering kick.boxing, 1997 at 1 m. Cremation. p bmentise, step, tanning, hair- dressing, fully- equipped gymperSi. nails. mobileer, massage. rials, indole service aval- Help Wanted a39 HITT rliAA %aur@ sae 0 pla%rwI • (able.348 yOull SEIPARATED WAIF. Ns. Pod feahh. does fitness workouts. personalized In Sense of ro�„�: el. good music. movies, ro- Memoriam, call mantic female him'Seeth Si' lar Seeking707 and let imerests in late 40's/eady 50•s looking for honesty. hap- �: f pier times and somethingne O■ our. more in her Ale. Owl be ply AWrecale "a 8 phone ii s o �„ • Rept': Pik r 24. Oshawafe'on Whitby This Week. P 0. Box 481 DOM. LI H 7L$_ ' PAT MISiELL - We've moved and I've ext your I MWe 720- 0711 20 0711 �Gadrlale� JM a d7 Gadkon Gradual, GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS appear in the Classified Section and are paid advertisements. They do not run in Milestones. You may submit picture and write-up at any of our 5 convenient locations - Ajax, Whitby Oshawa, Clarington or Port Perry. For into. call: 683-0767, 575-9335 or 985-2511 40 & Ya' News Advertiser Going To The Chapel a Wedding Extravaganza....... Sunday, Oct. 19,1997 at Pickering Recreation Complex Valley Farm Rd. Pickering Find out how Your Business cam be involved in the Fall Bri Event Of The Year! Participate In A Bridal An Evening Near Fashion Show. AD COSTS & SIZES /. U4 )AGB AD 1550 mans 90n MMM In PAGE AD '970 INrJJ011NS IteaafMM a Itlltle AItO thl l'A6t OIIONIAh EULL PAGE AD 11705 NtL111MS lItN17■ Q Section Publishes OCL 1Z 1997 To Reserve Your Booth Space Call 683-5110 CONSTRUCTION We can do all your home improvements and renovations! 686-1913 Houlm ses. A�panments. Offc- ai and Piano SNow we have healed storage waits. senior and AAd•A allit Discounts. Licensed. hsw . Free Es- tknaks. Ellcellenl Willies. Call 06.7795. Roofing $ems A & C RASRIT ROOFiNq�, WANTS WORK Shingling, all types of Doing Magic For roofs, new and old. Children's Parties Workmanship. Guar- And All Occasions. anteed. 10% discount Have My Own to seniors, fully in- can ixode sured, Free estimates. 665-4932 Call Andrew at (905)428.8704 • ftaaah SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 & WAXING Free Consultation Clean Relaxing Abnosphelle Reasonable Prices Fine Results Gmdawk of rrdh Sari Call Fernandy at 831-4838 SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 5794218 � FP7; im�j .y.--.. '::n.�"+.. . ��,mordtlarir�R4t.:'ti::rn.-:'�fe.i Faso^•.,,va.J�.i.:rt.-lra.?y."gh��W,r'T .aa 4,�1ri1tR�+..u.� _ THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 -PAGE 15 ROME\ 1EEk1\6 ill:\ K v Ate 30's female .s looking meet someone, Isle 30's early 403, who is aerao- te. vaabigent and humor- s Haw own hair and eth is a plus. BOX 11030 BIG BROWN EYES try attractive, 42 yr old, tucated, financially secure -unefte. enjoys aerobics hid much more. Looking for gentleman. 30 to 50. phys- ally fit, financially and "Ot*"*y secure. direct, lssionale and more. Can find out more. BOD( 13541 TREAT ME RIGHT11 I yr old. 5'B", 130 lb. Dods lernals, enjoys PWtlf- g. ding for a man, 1B to ?,ho enjoys the sane. DX OLDER MAN WANTED l yr cid, 5'1 1/1 divorced oder at one enjoys loop Wks. sports and more- lokirg fox a man, 50 to 00, ho enjoys the sorra. BON SINGLE MOM yr old. wpbratl% hot is also fmonheet and win to earn. CM for more x BOX 10050 BLUE EYED GAL yr oldf ' ib s mals.enjoys; b, dent- . ding out. Moines and Co. BOC 19639 ROMANTLC NAJURE 1010yed MOM*rod comes. Pow. blonde. 1 aIII AI's. to a0"ihtf ding. Looking for a it. i male. 40 10 53, honesL imisfic, pl tit". and Wury a non-smoker. WANTED-. n again Christian man. jolliesto Lord and likes K wo ISS M to 50. PEACE AND QUIET Isle is aeekilg someone crow old with gracefully I peacefully. So plus, Iligant mentally and srealy it educated, cul - id. no addictions. Enjoys *-19• reve ng and to loon. Serious cars only. 119 NEW Aiax/Pickerin-, News Advertiser Brings You... To Place your FREE ad, call 1-800-662-8423. Anytinlc, day or night. r urs To respond to an ad, call 1-900-451-3793. f FREE Personal :1d FREE Voice Greeting $2. 49 per minute. lt,u must be 18 or older. � Both uuaal-r% w„rk with TrwrhT..nrr" tail Rotrry Irhfibill NO GAMES HEREII 25 yr old. 5'2'. 100 Ib. s"a- rated mother, attractive, educated, financially secure, seeking an attrec- Me. irtebigm t, employed. tab male. 28 to 38. dark hair preferred. No Mad games. BOX 135M CHMTIAN FEMALE Single female. 42. would enjoy friendship of single Christian rmale, similar in age, with qualities of patience and understand- ing. BOOP 23734 TRAVEL LIFE'S....... Journey. 29 yr old. 5'3'. shy employed female, a smoker Enjoys movies. bowling. walks with my dog and family oriented. Seeking white outgoing R14111411. 30 to 38. tall, suc- cessfully employed, aver- age weight. no children, honest, trustworthy and humorous. BOX 13093 SPECIAL REQUEST HERE SO plus, independart while, French Ismake, honest. kind; a non smoker and social dim i m Enjoys cane Mh9. wabtilg, -M Mfg. sports and tra, . Seeks male, 60 plus, with some endaaggood sarw of humor. Bar 15590 8001 ANO SOUL WXMPWKW", full figured ar0tman, 30; es1oYs movies, teal", the outdoors, nnksic, r0lmarM tfniasand much mare. Seeking roman' tic single mW, 30 to 40. huff senslfie. nonsmok- er. good series of humor, with similar Mntereets. Riandoll arse nla0on ship poaeibte. BO( 23239 ELEGANT AND CLASSY Sinn, attractive lady enjoys travi le oo/doors and gar- dening. So" a tee gwdf- nu n, so plus; mentally and physically, Ito Win nion- smollar, soemW drinker; to growoBOold wijill. lt 154s9 GRACEFUL- LY.SN" PIAREN I 22 r old. 122 1% single IW- ert bo iN for a man who Mm childrei . ion ire dn- nen and ria kug warka slog the beach. BOO 19714 LOOKING FOR MR RIGHT Seper"d while. fill figured women, n, roto loves chil- dren, enimeKs, movie, end fravelingl, in search of a thus garridgmen, who knows how to appreeiale a good women. No genes; fnwxbtw scat BOX 23228 SIINGLE MOTHER Mother of one. 37 seeking while male. 30 to 48, lovas to yo for welks, cook and flake 1p the right one Must love pets and keds. Love the ocu- Sional ice cream core. BO( 23230 ROMANTIC SPARKS 45 yr old. anractne. petite, registered null", blonde Mir and 7- eyes. Enjoys do - ng, aerobics. squash and movies. A good kstenei and friend. Looing for attractive, pnohessorW male. 42 to S3, ran smoker. who is ciptirtwsac and caring. BOK 23726 ouTGOIW-.._. 18 yr old. 54•. 140 Ib, single. while maRw of two loves country music• cempi g and having fun. Looking for a sit gfe male. 18 to 25. who can make rhe laugh. BOJ( 12777 so" BEAUTY111 36 yr did. 5'11•, queen size. single, mom: normnakn. edu- dafad, employed Enjoys trav- el. country auctions, car ram and much more. Seeking someone. tel, orf can, 36 and up. and aiid- able. Cab for more will am 14457 THE F E T141GSt M r old, S9 1W. dim, awacave I I vl/ r1 brown Enjoys ddsaMg tr°iawd `>y�e din -+a cempmg end mwid mole. Looking for someone who is nice Ioolmg finantisry sewn, no dspanhdoits holt est srh, and mow. WX 15394 AIM YOU SMR RIWM M you M to 58, herndeom e. ta hu �pM7�w d y dOron �Country wessern music. depsrndwits, established end c emiliM with many Mwseets? All you'd gee is the whole pacluige.AN cabs wtumed. BOO 21517 sEEMM SPECIAL MALE 44 r opo 53', medium bol, atwcswe to ws with s.erne of humor. Enjoy dancing} din- ing out moves. beeches. waft cookouts, music (coutry, rock) and mom. Seek a w1hAa imolai 30 to 49, nonsmoker, roinanbc, han- asi, who knows how to treat a Lady BOX 23224 34 yr old. 5'C. full figured. Sin gle while micther, with brown ham, due eyes and a non- smoker Enjoys quiet walks. moles. dinner and she out- doors. Seeking someone who plays no head games. Must be Honest and romantic. BOD( 23223 STOP RIGHT HERE Pi single temale 20. auburn err, blue eyes. two dependert1 Enjoys outdoor activities. quiet tines. see" single whwte male. 28 to 32. attractive. fit. date lrhitven, dark hair. Must be v409mt, employed sewn. no emotional baggage. for permaneriL monogarrious nYsonshvp. BO( 21417 OF GENLWOE HEART 32 yr old. 5'4, full figured, professional female. nor- snoket, occesiorW dirtier. Enjoys the outdoors. got, long we" --g, danc- ing and mom. Seeking an employed, honest. stable. rumen c. spontaneous gen. 0srww, 32 to 40. who knows haw to treat a lady BOK 20420 RON LETTERS 20 yr dd, while krrWe wile browwh her and blue sysa willhan oldwptrolbographs� w tlh a new. in his 403 b 5ft espatidy rvsds BO( 23712 NIMKTMOM wil h a greet serm of hslmM Opp dinev 04 ooalang, atdMig, 9sndlhtig end aniim , Loolanp for a gstle men, 35 to 50. will all - adwedk for convwl-- fold BOL215M CALL MIE SNUGGLES.- ; 90nolm enjoys to quiet Ne, Lg rgand ogle while make, 40 to 4, amployed, humorous. w si filar i -d 1BOD( 0471 R U SPECIAL ENOUGH? This fur figured while Proles, solei female. 32. Foolarg for breis, of flesh air. with an employed while rrWe, 32 to 40You know clow to baal a ladA are goal oriented, Mon- ad, easy w. ggooinegg and mo Soo"fitardsiD, Possible bin)) term relalionst* BOK R U KIND HEARTED77 32 yr old. full figured. single wtwte tamale. smoker Seeking; a k+r+aay Secure. WVW wiw4e male. 30 a 40. strong stocky or medium build, ked hearted. Enjoys moves. quiet evenings. latrpfter and more. FrerhilahwD tits[. BOD( 12595 1 LIKE SPORTS 41 yr old, separated moo m with donde heir and blue eyes. Enjoys play" g pod. karatebaseball and mon. Seeking an forest mde, tight drinker, wish smw rsereses. BO( 12917 NO MORE BAR SCENES 36 yr old timed white female. see" an honest. wi male. 36 to 45. for an hoi est. no games rekstion- ship. 9M 20366 .RUST COBDUM Single molar, 34. 5.10', wlh sense of humor, enjoys movies, dinners, camping male gw nian who's happy, sm wars and a good co m u- nfealor, nisi similar iaererla. SIM 21479 ATTRACTIVE FEMALE So yr old, 57, sitracove. black femmala wAn a sense d humor, non snhokar and a non drri m. a mala for a rslli , Iii: SIX 12839 7FAa w RIGHT M r o14 ST, siroa mialisr with blonde heir and gwen qts. Sselag a cwig mala w/o is wing b seat me No a 1@4 BO( 17705 rhe VAIITNB M yr old, lsnri 1 smtikar while blonds hale and bkr alas. me out dsnca waluss and more. Sealekg a mala wiflh simlo iam BOK 20049 CSN 1 -!ANN -M $2.49 lel ■U. OEM MOWN EYES 30 r old, 5'17. 160 6, *0 lalisr, enloYs basabal, borwh- $eeklnlg • lMI� falllaKe 10n rt hdhest ratstid►sip Keds okays BOO 10641 Male .5 oolung 'a a Single wrhle of black female who is kn. sponterran and faithful. SM 11927 NOT ONE NIGHT M yr old. attached male is seeking a single or atlached lemale. over 35. r„edum to tub sgixe4 for an adult rsla- tionerrp. Cal b tnd out mon tiCOc 12966 UNDER 46. UNDER 1307 42 yr old male is looking for a lady rtderested n a serious. " tome. BOA elasorufnp N./P.k.,rfg Gree. Box 13121 ARE VIE SONAR? 40 yr old. 57r, 166 0. hoe" fit white orale, neat married no dependerKs_ Loa" for sle sane in a tsriule. 2810 40. Llns camping. travel aro much more. Cashel relasonf s�myn *ter be mo. Box OSHAWA AREA ONLY 2r. 185 11% Single 4 yr ew enjoys rM bask~. dancing and more. Looking aehploysd single, b1ladi a OrAPW slot m 20 b 26. BO( 11905 AIANCYLLLY SECURE 33 r de, 5T, 140 a single while mow atljoys ft oul- doorsandanow. Lmlafgfwa sins who lemela, wlilh a giso senies of humor for POU*bralelkonMip BOK ND GAMIN WANTW 32 r old. B'1', leo 4 WfK*- M. non dri def Ocala enjoys �Iisetgw,w rrwroh moa Lbobg for Sim fllwll . 25 to 356 with a heed on her shoulders. Cal to ted out now BOO 16061 molm SPORTS LOVER Ltd 30s who mals, 5'10', 185Ms. ohploy" independent, non drinker. occasional smokes, enjoys moon sports, rock music. -V% long wwarks. artmals wd most. Sealing ndapof dare waren. 28 to 34. with either , -, - s fix trisship and posaft ect Ship. BO( 23772 releaorf COLBUNG AREA My name is Todd. my Milt is S"r. I on 36 and bob" someonel 18b24.1ties bdo ne11e an Soso mors ado. See Siuu* ?Doss =tie Iitesnet at -,ave the same interests. give ma a call. BOO( 23249 COSOURG AREA 30 yr old. divorced mala 5'7- 165 lbs. muscular build. Loves an sports. music. camping, you nerve it Marred to my job, need wvaekends out prat to WN -4 down See" spervd lady wrR+ lvnsar r+teresla. Seroua repkes only BOX 23246 SEEK WY MS. RIGHT 36 yr aid. tall. sur+ male with muscular bald. handsome Nod warm. Sill wail I to rel that special someonet know you an out sen. so please car. BOX 2065.9 SWEETHEART ON BOARDI 40 r old male, emogwaly and tnralauy, secure. romantic. passionan. fwd worker. Seeking a loyal Ismale who doesn't play garner. BOD( 10967 "LST Liem mlisw ff 32 r old. 6'/', 190 lb mala. nondrdw. snolvir. enjoys music. guitars, singing, Sorg wrim mows, dung one and mow. Sedug a sirn91 sim, pesla LsnW. 25 to 35. pw' - nondrinker, but social diidw accep0t4 must Be music. Children wwkone. BOK 12456 SEEKS SLIM LADY 34 r old, 1130 b mals. seek - i g a slim. aMcWOL down to soar femur. over 26. tionamho6 r. Enjoys Sona Nis, trawling. sports and much mow. BOX 135M TIMED OF LONELA ESS Late M3. Bt'. 105 b mala, dark (lair, pMaiealy fit non- smoker, rarely drink:, enjoys hiking, camPMh9. canown;i, movies and more. Seeking a candid hot" lsna*, 35 to 45, not MAD crowds, with similar fnler- ests BOX 13913 EASY GONG FEMALE? $1 r old, 6'. clean cut. attractive, fit mala who enjoys, the outdoom movies. fishing. bodig, skiing. showrm ,h 9. Soak a slim. attrachvii, 11,11i female who is ,tads. who has good morals, values BOX 1ei16 ARE YOU READY+ We m grt 'Ke each other. good looking Single male. 39, with hair, no dependants. employed. sandier and social dwnker Likes boating, country music. dsncl% Seeking an attractive woman. 30 to 45, skm to well proportioned. Children welcome. BOX 23241 SOUND uKEYOU? 37 yr old. 51•. 155 lb seps- riled wAwte allraco" father of two with brown eyes, bald and nice mustache Entry the outdoors. snowmobhng Winston cup NASCAR rac- ing. Seeking a rice lama* interested in a serious rele- tionslkp. BOX 13071 PIC KE WAG AREA 30 yr old. 5.11•, 175 lb mels with blondE hrr. blue eyes. En"S camping, bowling. weekend get -a -ways and mom. Soo" a white or oriental lemals. 25 to 35, spontaneous. easy going, .1m. I /or some tun. All cabs will be wbxned BO( 13111 SOUND LIKE YOU? Almost 33 yrs old. 5'11', 205 lb. ampoyed, non smoking, while male is seeking en enp-led female, 22 to 40. with no 11 0 1- N for friendship. compersonshiip. Enjoys to ouldows, biking, trevNirg, w wrlwr skirg and watch- ing nwvm and television. BOC IBM LIFE 700 LIGHT 41 r aid, 5'9', 185 b, single whir male, fight brown hair with some silver. green eyes, honest and open minded. Law to enjoy We and especially the outdoors. BOJ( 23729 ARE WE SIMILAR? S3 yr dd, 67.195 111% finan- cialy secure, respectable and honest male enjoys travel, dancing, &-aV out and more. Looking for a Isd/ with similes qualities, age unimportant. BOX 10554 BLUE EYED EUROPEAN M yr young. 5'8'. sing* while mala, active. Looking for a skm, attractive, inNli- gent, independent, non - a spark to her personality Can for more into. 9001 13059 Pu NOT SUmv to yr old. 5'E• male. cOnew student enjoys music nature. animals and crit den Can mel BOK 1 SSW ATTRACTIVE, RUT..... ..LONELY' Late 40's. 5'11' 210 lb. good looking, sept rated male is seeking of attracave ferwals, who is t Iola! romantic. Who can be 4 tn0 d, compenron, who o kind, caning. and knenczaby, independent Call ton mom info. BOJ 155M FRIENDSHIP FIRST 20 yr old. 5.10•. 145 !b. sin g* white male is seeking w honest gid who is see" 1 ralMonshmp. BOK 194E HAPPY TN 35 yr ole feirty good bob% male saaI someone to gal Idge I with arc Iwo a twill 1sugha SM I9 AMOBM FOR RQ LM Q Widowier, as. 8 s•, singti while mala. reined many fnilewefI Enjoys weld" sports swIrg Ian pin bowling, Got Wold Ills K mama IN (39' ton aMwr rive iodic CoboiA else. am 23231 FIT i ATTRACTIVE 30 yr old, 5`11% 160 W fit, attractive, divorced fatter who is employed. Enjoys biking, walks, ten- nis, reading and more. Seeking an snraciive female. 25 to 316, slim, nonsmoker, for friend- ship. possible lag lane relationship. BOX 17759 NEED A FRIEND? Seeking a female for my friend, he is hardworking, 27 yrs old, 5'6', with brown hair and blue eyes. Don't be shy, all calls answered. BOX 20389 NEW TO AREA 2S yr old, 5'11•, 165 b, employed male with curly, brown hair and green eyes. Enjoys sports, camping, fishing and more. Seeking a while female, 20 to 30, with similar interests. too friendship, possibly more. BOX 20698 PAGE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBFR 16, 1997 1 %k * ! ! r av s1 VIP", '! I VAA DURHAM musIC CENTER MUSICLESSONS W TA K fNG FA L L R E GIS DR -4 TION FOR: PIANO * GUITAR * BASS * DRLV * FLIffF SAX * CLARINET * VOCAL * CLASSIurAL GUITAR z � PRIVATE LESSONS FROM OVER THIRTY QUALIFIED TEACHERS THOIAMW Of MUSIC B00iff IN S7WK Rom JAZZ - METHOD BOOKS = A S -VI .�_ ty.� .. .>-:�•...«_. .... _-- -:.... ,.._�.:: _ -".. _ '� ? t .-� ___ .. 'r--.+^yr.,Kw-'w•. ,. ._ter Tt_.. } - �'�+. _ .. y FIN NG (0*A* •�} .tea ANa PPP _L r 044tF=► ' ,.. .. t _ >,f ta, �i�".t7". `� •µ. 1��'- a - ~ dya. ti - w' * W.F -WEE�... - �.. ._ - .a _. ..� q. a _ia'�• "n� . �., d -� .$V �+ ,Jj•- - .x � r s �, a Q► t 3f .�. -. .. .e. .:-�, ��x._c:..f -.._: r_c♦ .. _ :glj ._ „ a _ '>�' 0 . .Y 4r.+