HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1997_07_27Pickering Iveltise STCI LTC M IF-RIOOICAL Optional 4 week home delivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand July 27, 1997, Vol. 32, No. 30, Pressrun 44,000 24 pages photo by Ron Pietronim Pitched battle for the ball Gavin McCrorie of Ajax, right, and Whitby's quois Soccer Club clinic at the pitch on Vic - Paul Kontos fight for the ball during the Iro- toria Fields in Whitby Monday. HOME IMPROVEMENTS BY r.dh o.nw i avaiw W696-FW So *@ fibs Cin hwt VW OUR SHOWFAM ne stom itrwt 2445 tswwofft4m on .00a A-) Parents protest Disabled kids' families' anger against Province over funds `snowballs' BY LINDA WHrm STAFF REPORTER A provincial organization represent- ing the developmentally -disabled has joined forces with local parents demand- ing increased support from the Ontario government. "People in this arta have been lead- ers;' Stan Woronko, co-chairman of the Family Alliance Ontario said outside Community and Social Services Minis- ter and Durham West MPP Janet Ecker's Pickering constituency office Thursday morning. He joined members of the Durham Coalition of Families for Support to Per- sons with Developmental Disabilities, who delivered a letter to Ms. Ecker and were distributing a 'Wanted' flyer to area residents asking for a new minister. "Durham Region is badly underfund- ed. That's why parents here are angrier, (than in other areas);' noted Mr. Woronko, who's from Richmond Hill. But their action has had a "snowball effect" and parents of developmentally - disabled children from across the province are planning protests outside each of the ministry's 12 area offices this fall, according to Mr. Woronko. Family Alliance Ontario was formed in 1993 to pressure the Province to increase the amount of money it gave to families with devck p mentally -disabled See FAMILIES/ page 5 Pickenn down to two Catholictrustees g PICKERING — Separate school board That's the decision reached by the clerks in tion. supporters here will elect two trustees — Durham Region's three largest municipalities In reaching that decision, the clerks down from three — in the November munici- — Pickering, Whitby and Oshawa — whose See CATHOLICS/ page 4 pal election. input was required under provincial legisla- photo by Ron Pietroniro Stan Woronko, co-chairman of the Family Alliance of Ontario, joins parents of developmentally -dis- abled children in a protest against MPP Janet Ecker Thursday. INSIDE Editorial Page ...........6 Sports ................12 ClzssiHed .............16 HOW TO REACH US General ..........683-5110 Death Notices .....683-3005 Auction Line ......683-7545 Sincerely Yours ........ ....... 14300-662-8423 Email ................ NewsroomOdurhamnews. net Internet .............. http://www.durhamnews.net PAGE 2 - THENEWS ADVMTISER WNA6AY; JULY 27, 1997 Up the creek Frenchman's Bay fix -up relies on urban Pickering: task force BY MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER PICKERING — Urban- ization has choked and pol- luted the creeks and streams that used to bring fresh, clean water into Frenchman's Bay. That was the somewhat dispiriting lesson learned on a tour of one of those creeks recently by the Environment Committee of the Waterfront 2001 Tack Force on the future of Pickering's lakeshore area. The task force was established b) the Town to develop a comprehensive vision of how Pickering's waterfront should take shape in the future. Committee member fol- lowed Pine Creek from Dou- glas Park (where it enter Frenchman's Bay). under Hwy. 401 and up to the area of Finch Avenue and Dixie Road. They saw a stream eroded by unnaturally high volumes of water brought in through run-off from adja- cent lands and the town's stormwater drainage system. It was filthy and clogged with pollutants and sedimentation washed off town streets and constrtx-tion sites; and grown over with algae and inappro- priate vegetation encouraged by natural and chemical fer- tilizers washed in through stormwater and run-off. 'It's as if the bay has lost its roots:' the committee was told by its chairman, Nick Eyles, a professor of geology in the department of environ- mental science at the Univer- sity of Toronto. '"That is the number -one problem with Frenchman's Bay:' Prof. Eyles explained that in addition to losing a source of fresh, clean water from the creeks, the bay also has to cope with the sedimentation and pollution from 15 stormwater discharge outlets flowing into it. He said the inflow coming from the stormwater system has ".about the same chemistry as landfill leachate, especially the first flush". The sedimentation and pollutants coming into the bay are slowly filling it in, clouding the water and dam- aging important wildlife habitat such as fish spawning areas. The sediment and chemical soup are more or less trapped there, since there is only a relatively tiny open- ing from the bay to Lake Ontario. The good news, noted Prof. Eyles, is that the sources of most of the streams feeding the bay are roughly in the area of the Ontario Hydro corridor Prof. '.`ick Eyles, chairman of the Environmental Committee of Pickering's Waterfront 2001 Task Force, takes a moment beside Pine Creek in Douglas Park to explain to committee members the environmental damage that has already occurred there. Below right, committee member, e\aminc the creek. stretching across the top of urban Pickering, where no damaging development has yet taken place. Committee member conclud- ed the best way to improve the water quality and wildlife habitat in Frenchman's Bay is to address the problem at the bay's ..roots" in the urban part of town above Hwy. 401. Possible solutions discussed by the member included campaigns to reduce the amount of pollutants such as paints and detergents being dumped into the stormwater system by activities as simple as washing a car on a drive- way, to reduce the use of chemicals such as pesticides which run off into creeks from urban landscapes: and to reduce the din, dust and soil running off into stormwater and creeks from construction sites and adja- cent embankments. . Prof. Eyles noted it will be important to re-establish some of the natural wetlands and swamp areas along the creeks in the urban area which used to act as "big fil- ters" trapping sediment and slowing the flow of the water. Committee members also maintained public education will be the most important factor in getting individuals, industries and governments to do the things necessary to clean up the creeks and save the bay from destruction. "If the public will is strong enough;' said commit- tee member Jim Dike, "the Town will make the changes „ The Waterfront 2000 Task Force is expected to report its findings to Town Council in early October. LOP -W NX it 1P �Sf fox .01 r P Canadian 1ire Pickering \V. Air Conditioning Check • Test manifold pressures • Check belts and hoses • Check vent temperature • J 1627 leak test $ 99 • Nitrogen testing extra, if ' required Reg. %2.00 'Most cars With the purchase of 2 tires • Our licensed, trained technicians use the latest, $ 99 computerized equipment to help extend the tread fife of your tires. 24 • They will inspect all key components, measure all four wheels and adjust front caster, camber and toe as required. -Most cars • Installation of rear -wheel shims and adjustments extra' if required. Trucks & Mini Vans $29.99 castrolGiw John Force Funny Car Tuesday, July 29th 1Oam - 4pm CANADIAN TIRE SERVICE Pickering Only 1300 Kingston Rd. at Liverpool 839-8124 Service Hours: Mon. -Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m q Saturday 7:30 a.m - 6:00 p.m., Sunday 9:30 a.m - 5:00 p.m. UP TO 0y, Thur$, Jahr 24L OFF Enda Wd,.I* 3t11h, strop Earl Beal Selection AN Sales Sorry, No Raiflchedts. � ASL $ � . NiirT°PIZ ° • 104';, ids � ��I@d ��i''es ' Exduda Pat Moss, Fertilizers, Pools, Carden Supplies, Etc., tlnless otherwise hxb=ted 01 CANADIAN TIRE PICKERING 1300 Kingston Road at Liverpool 839-8017 61 Gt rden Centre Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. rm Teens hone job skills Ajax and Pickering teens can develop job skills and leam about the value of volun- teering in a free four-day pro- gram offered by The Youth Centre. Youth Action Experience will help young people aged 13 to 19 learn about volunteer work, develop job skills and help their community. They will work on short-term com- munity projects, such as park or green space cleanup, paint- ing, landscaping, visiting senior citizens' centres and helping with children's pro- grams. Participants are asked to take a brown -bag lunch. Juice, snacks and all equipment needed for the projects will be provided. The first session will run from July 29 to Aug. 1 and the second Aug. 5 to 8. The Youth Centre is at 360 Bayly St. W., Unit 5, Ajax. Register by calling the cen- tre at 428-1212. Please Recycle Every business requires the use of a variety of products, services and information in order to be successful -- buying or selling. HELP IS ON ITS WAY! 14,500 copies every month business to business A i COMING SEPTEMBER 18, 1997 For advertising information call Andrea @ 683-5110 A division of the hews Advertiser THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1497 - PAGE 3 SALE PECIAL BAPONS IN TODAY'S News Advertiser Sun. July 27, 1997 News Advertiser *A&P Ajax ' Bi Way Apx(Pick ' Canadian Tire Pick ' Food Basics Apx"Pick Globalnet Ajax'Pick ' Guardian Drugs (Fairport) Pick ' Guardian dngs (Glenanrka) Pick ' Lobims Ajax Loeb ApxfPick ' M 6 M Meats Apx'Pick No Frills Pick Price Check Foods Ajax Pick ' Price mapper Ajax'P•ick ' Sav-A Centre Apx'Pick . Sears Apx,Pick ' Skxpercentro A00ick IDA Phartnacentre Pick ' IGA Ajax westney Guardian MW Ajax Ddvered to *iaicd kxadaids oolr Remember, all inserts. including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the nest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising flyers, call ALYIN u. BROLER .'W 683-5110. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1ST 4 SESSIONS 12:30 pm 3:30 pm 7:00 pm now - Tom Sunday's carrier of the week is, Tom. Tom enjoys soccer, hockey, track & field. He will receive a dinner for 4 and a T-shirt compliments of Burger King. Cirmgratulations Tom for being our carrier of the week. 6UROM KING Committed to £xceUence THE DELTA BINGO PICKERING (Formerly Top RANK BINGO on Bayly St.) 975 DILLINGHAM ROAD 14ne block South of Bayly St., First Sheet on The Righ 13000" SUPERJACKPO FULL CARD HOT LINE 831-2421 Regular sessions DIRECT LINE 831-1215 Mon. - Sun. 12:30 pm, 7:00 pm, 10:30 pm Fri., Scat., Sun. 12:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 7:00 pm, 10:30 pm Charity uc #482286 Abu V.1A* riEWAki*tii'i"'s't:>r bki , ,Ibifrr: t*i P Catholics lose trustee in Pickering CATHOLICS/ from page 1 approved recommendations submitted by the Durham Region Roman Catholic Sepa- rate School Board's Local Education Improvement Committee (LEIC) earlier this month. The board was required to chop the num- ber of trustees from 18 to eight under the provincial government's Fewer School Boards Act. Elsewhere in the Region, separate school supporters in Ajax will elect one trustee, down from three; Oshawa will choose two, down from five; Whitby will get two, down from three; and the northern communities of Brock. Scugog and Uxbridge will continue to elect one representative. There will be no French trustees on the board — which will be renamed the Durham District Separate School Board — because French Catholic schools will fall under the jurisdiction of a new French district school board stretching from Peterborough to the Pickering hedges on GTSB `It's taking government farther away from people': Dickerson BY MARIANNE TAKACs STAFF REPORTER PICKERING — Town Councillors are digging in their heels in opposition to the formation of a Greater Toronto Ser- vices Board. At a special meeting Tuesday, Coun- cil resolved to send a message to Mirus- ter of Municipal Affairs and Housing Al Leach stating Pickering does not support the establishment of a GTSB as recommended to the minister by his special adviser on the issue, Milt Far- rell. However, in acknowl- edgement of the general belief Queen's Paris is determined to go ahead with a GTSB despite all opposition, Council will also send the minister a list of changes Pickering would like MA to see made to the plan for it B RE drawn up by Mr. Farrell. 'It w Councillors were con- cerned Pickering's needs and ter w wishes would pull little ing pe weight with the 28 -member exam ve committee which would make all the final decisions for the body and on which the Town would not necessarily have a wouldn't really matter what the residents of Pickering saW' ma 0 Ward 1 Regional! Councillor Mauriac Brenna "We wmW have very bule udluence. We would have very little right of any appeal" Councillors also said they were wor- ried or tied the GTSB will eat up costing tax- payers money. Ward 2 Regional Councillor Doug Dickerson maintained � is "not one shred of evidence" the new board would deliver services more cheaply or effec- tively, and suggested it would decrease public access to the decision-making process on many insures. 'It's taking government farther and farther away from where the people are:' said Coun. Dickerson. Mr. Farrell's report recommends the GTSB be given four primacy roles — infrastructure co-ordination, serving as a discussion forum, issue resolution and delivery of services such as public tran- sit. Membership on the all-important executive committee taould be based on population so Durtham would have three representanves — the Region cluunnan and two mayors. There would be two representatives for Halton Region, five for Peel Region, four for York Region and 14 for the new, amalgamated City of Toronto, now Metropolitan Toronto. The changes to the Farrell plan Pick- ering is asking for include: • A guaranteed seat for Pickering on the executive committee based on its "strate- gic location and unique crn-urnstances" — the fact it's immediately adjacent to Toronto and has substantial undeveloped lands owned by the federal and provin- cial governments and the likelihood it will he significantly affected by many decisions of the GTSB. Consideration be given to allowing Durham Region one addi- tional seat on the executive conuruttee. ' Issues related to "soft" infrastructure such as social assistance and social housing not come under the mandate of the GTSB. ' Responsibility for GO Transit not be transferred to URICE the GTSB until all outstand- ing financial obligations and MR otter concerns related to GO dn't mat- are adequately addressed. Picker- • The Province assume ini- le said.' tial administrative and sup- port costs of operating the GTSB for 18 months. ' A mechanism for the appeal of GTSB decisions by any municipality which considers itself to have been treated unfairly by such a decision be estab- lished, with a appointed by the Province to act as arbitrator. Bedsore a GTSB is implemented, a busi- ness pian be provided by the Province derrmsttating the cost bmefits it would bring- * GTA municipalities be given the opporumity to review draft legislation on the enation of the GTSB. The deadline for to respond to the Fanrell report is July 31. It's expected the Province will want to introduce legislation in the late summer or early fall for the creation of a GTSB, so it could be in place by January, 1998. cul at op WE CAN HELP rou ACHIEVE A FRESH START P10haaiarw and Prnonatfxad swvks Fiw ConAdw" ConsuftWon .- s osw►rw 146 Simeon Street N. PW M4401 (00 -ft—) aH 1919 t.awwm Ave. E. (414) 7504M (raw OVP and 401) 255 Mornipaide Aw. (416) 25s4140 tMaww•raa 1044 Niagara Peninsula. Currently, three trustees sit on the Durham board's French language section. The clerks also approved a recommenda- tion by the LEIC that trustees in all munici- palities run at large. Previously, trustees in Ajax and Oshawa ran according to wards. The changes mean each Pickering trustee will represent 9.200 ratepayers, while the Ajax trustee will serve 15,150. Each Oshawa trustee u ill represent almost 13,9(() ratcpa%crs. each V1'hitbv trustee will serve almost 8,500 ratepayers and the trustee rep- resenting the North will serve 4,000 ratepay- ers. Individual municipalities, the school board and the LEIC have 10 days to appeal the results of the clerks' report, which has been submitted to the Minister of Education and Training. Copies were also sent to each municipality. The LEIC says it will ask the Province for an additional two trustees. If approved, they would likely go to Ajax and Oshawa. Wicks' witty words Cartoonist and illustrator Ben Wicks answers a question from the crowd while attending The Word Is Out '97 writers' festi- val at the Pickering Museum Village last Sunday. The third annual event, organized by the Writers' Circle of Durham Region, featured readings by numerous authors, many from Durham. Genfle nf"L" for AAd-1U1111'"1-% 1 • • • all im Convenient care with you in mind: ✓ New patients welcome ✓ We file insurance claims and accept res cera, credit cards for payment To help you feel at ease: ✓ Ultrasonic cleanings ✓ Soothing nitrous oxide & general: anesthesia \�•. - Virtual Vision glasses &stereo headphones cehonesou � help Autoclave sterilization Amazing intraoral camera Complete preventive, restorative & cosmetic dentistry ✓ Payment plans available OJAC. ✓ 5% discount for senior citizens ✓ White fillings for back teeth ✓ Impacted wisdom teeth treatment ✓ Saturday appointments Call for your free cosmetic consultation! • Learn how tooth whitening, porcelain veneers, and other cosmetic procedures can make your smile look brighter. Dr. Steven Na" DDA Former Editor of the newsletter for dentists, THE DENTALETTER cncL NOW 683-1432 ® 172 Harwood Ave. South, Suite 101, Ajax 0 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 27; IW- PAGE 3 `Families want reassurance' changes are coming FAMILIES / from page l children through Special Services at Home funding. That hasn't happened and the alliance is now also demanding improved services at the ministry's 12 area offices. "The practices in different parts of the province are varied," explained Mr. Woronko. "Some offices are very good, but we want them all like that. It's very inconsistent" The alliance was one of nine organizations invited to sit on a provincial advisory group on developmental services. While each of those organizations agreed on the need for individu- alized funding — which would allow families to purchase the support they choose — Mr. Woronko was "totally disappointed" that was- n't recommended in a document released last spring. The document was "more about rationing services than anything else;' criticizes Mr. Woronko. Like many parents, he's upset about a Rat- ings of Personal Care and Support Form from the ministry, which requires caregivers to rate the level of care needed by applicants. Questions about bowel and bladder elimi- nation and control are included on the form, which Mr. Woronko believes is "dehumaniz- ing ... It doesn't address. dignity and quality -of - life issues" While a small group of parents from the Durham coalition has scheduled a meeting with Ms. Ecker this fall, they are demanding a public meeting so all families can have a voice. "Families want reassurance (that changes are on the way)," explained coalition spokesman Donna Hoare. "We're being told to be patient, but it's very frustrating for fami- lies ... We just want to get on with our lives, but we need to get better support. Ex -cop admits killer's profile altered to fit Morin BY STEPHEN SHAW The profile, released at an April 16, 1985 DURHAM STAFF news conference, was later a factor in a court Before it was released to the public, decision to move the trial to London, Mr. San - Durham Regional Police doctored an FBI pro- dler said. Me of Christine Jessop's killer so it would match Guy Paul Morin, a retired officer now admits. Former inspector John Shephard, one of the lead officers in the Jessop investigation, acknowledged the pro- file, developed by a behavioral sci- ences expert, was "deliberately tai- lored" to fit Mr. Morin, at the time the prime suspect in the murder. The profile was issued in a news release shortly before Mr. Morin's arrest in April 1985 as part of an attempt to "stir him up" and leave him with the impression investigators were closing in on him. "He didn't come running in to say, 'Here I am, I confess," Mr. Shephard told the inquiry Thursday, probing Mr. Morin's wrongful 1992 murder conviction. "We know why now, don't we?" replied Mark Sandler, inquiry coun- sel. DNA evidence exonerated Mr. Morin two years ago in the rape and murder of nine-year-old Christine, his next-door neighbor. Christine dis- appeared from her Queensville home in October 1984 and her remains were found three months later in a field in Durham Region. The real psychological profile painted a portrait of a killer who was likely a sloppy, poorly -groomed, agi- tated, young man who presents him- self as "macho," believed himself to be superior to others and may have had a criminal record for cruelty to animals. It fit Mr. Morin in few areas. For the release police issued to the pub- lic, Mr. Shephard said many of the characteristics which did not corre- spond with Mr. Morin were "enhanced" to fit him. Mr. Shephard agreed with Mr. Sandler's suggestion the ruse was an attempt to "shake up" Mr. Morin, perhaps rattle him before his arrest. SUN-SATIONAL SUMMER SALES West on 401 from Whites Rd. - Exit to Kingston Rd. Right at first exit (Lawson Rd.) >� Turn left at light. Here we are! f 1366 OLD KINGSTON RD. • HIGHLAND CREEK VILLAGE � Xtl* 4M.+ The Durham Board of Education Computer Training • Daytime, evening and weekend courses • a variety of courses including Windows 95, Computers for Beginners and Microsoft Office 95 & 97 • Custom training available for business customers For registration or more information, call In Oshawa 436-3211 or 1 (8001408-8619 In Pickering 686-7118 or 420-5841 The G.E.D. (General Education Are you without a high school diploma? Earn an equivalency certificate this summer! Call 436-3211 or 1 (800) 408-9619 for more information. W NW W 4WW r 4411111WIw w mww• In the Friday, Juty 25th edition of the News Advertiser, an item in the Fuhme Shop advertisement inadvertantly had some copy omiaed. Uh"i AST 21 IN STORE SALE The News Advertiser regrets any inconven'lerice this may have caused our customers. li" � N ala @WMW AM "We're still getting up every morning trying to cope. Unless you've walked in (our) shoes, you don't know what (we're) talking about;' added Ms. Hoare, pointing to parents who changed the diapers of their adult children, fed them and found someone to care for them before attending Thursday's demonstration. Ms. Ecker was unavailable for comment following the last demonstration, but has repeatedly told the News Advertiser she real- izes families need more money and that she supports individualized funding. The govem- ment is phasing out institutions and restructur- ing developmental services to meet that goal. BROKEN WINDSHIELMUP TOSAVE 140,00 time only - No Overcharge to Insurance Co. Pickerring Location) • Based on Insurance Prices • All work &.aranteec • Caii !or details on Car dean -ups: 860 Brock Rd. S. INTERPROVINCIAL • , Pickering, Ont. 837m7819 IS�A &ARS Expect more f tom Sears- Save ears Save 10% on 4 or more Installed Imi Replacement Windows Save 10", on Installed Decorator Shingles Backed by a fulh transferable warranty and Sears Pledge of Satisfaction; details in store. Sale prices end Sunday. Aug. 24. 1997 0 io Save $250 On Installed lu.•rinxW ( ventral .air Conditioning 047ti31 series. Sak prices end Sunda. Aug. 10. 1997 jjI �T Save $60 on Installed Vimi Patio Doors Sak prices end Swrdas. August 3.1997 Replace our roof now and don t pay 'til osnextyar when you use our Sears Card Don't pay styrol January 1996, on instated wofutg, windows, erwt and patio dom cattr-al air mrrditiortirrg, gas fuephces, electronic air cleaners and furnaces, on approved tmii[. with wtu sears Cara. W deferral fee and all appliea6ie Lawes and charges are payable at free of ptuchase. Ckl?er ends Starchy. August 17. 1997. Ask for derails. CALL NOW, TOLL FREE, FOR A NO -OBLIGATION IN-HOME ESTIMATE OR NTSrr YOUR SEARS RETAIL STORE 1-800-625-0025 Sears Guaranteed Home Improvements Talk to someone you know" Copyright 1997. Seas Canada Inc. PAGE 6 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 27,1997 Ajax Pickering asand 7 1 Orl NAMetrolewand sAdCommunivetisertyNewspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L IS 2H5 PHONE: 683-5110 FAX: 683-7363 Publisher: Tim Whittaker ♦ Editorial Time to take action on youth crime -We're starting to see them younger and younger. Those words came from a Durham Regional Police detective following a robbery in which two suspects, both under the age of 16, were arrested. Youth crime of this type may not be at epi- dcmic proportion but this latest robbery should serve as a warning flare to the community. This week two teens were arrested following a theft at a convenience store. The store clerk was threatened with a knife and when he wouldn't comply with the demands of the young thugs he was punched. While one culprit watched the front door, the other grabbed cigarettes from behind the counter before making their getaway. Quick action by police and the eyewitnesses resulted in the arrest of two suspects a short dis- tance from the store. While robbery squad Detective Paul Hamilton was apprehending one suspect the other allegedly jumped him from behind, in what the detective called a "minor" assault. Det. Hamilton said police in Durham are charging a greater number of young people with robbery, a trend which only began in the past year or two. Following a bank heist in Oshawa last year. a 14 -year-old boy became the youngest person ever charged with robbery in Durham. "We are just starting to see young people arrested for robbery more frequently... We seem to he seeing the younger ages more in the sum- mer time, maybe because they are out of school and have more free time;" the detective said. It's a disturbing trend and one that should con- cern every person in Durham. The police force has taken steps to curb the problem with commu- nity patrols, undercover sting operations and education programs, but they need help. Parents should take the time to find out what their kids are doing in their spare time. All par- ents hate to think it could be their child who's getting into trouble, but all kids can fall under the spell of bad influences when in a large group of peers. If there appears to be a problem in your neigh- borhood, speak with community police officers who make it their job to know the kids in the area. By working together a solution can be found. This is a time for people to take action. �.' To respond to this editorial call nfOSO( lruree at 683-7040 and dial 5104 Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser Publisher: Tim Whittaker A Metroland Community Newspaper 1kl'1shed Tuesda Wednesda Frida Sunda v Letters to the editor Lord Durham parking lot improves safety To the editor. I was pleased to attend the Ajax Town Council meeting Monday July 14 re the approval of a new parking lot for Lord Durham Public School. This has definitely been a long time coming. My disappointment came when I received my News Advertiser on July 16. After reading the front-page article "Parking's case", I realized something quite important was missing. It is great to read that the school will benefit from more parking spaces and get improved landscaping, but I would like to reaffirm the main purpose (at least for me) for the past six years is to ensure the safety of our children. Of course, we're getting new land- scaping and, yes, we've been fighting for a new parking lot. Why? The obvious reason is the overcrowding of cars on the street (and with overcrowding come safety issues) but what about the cars that have been parked and sometimes moving in the play area where not just my children play but perhaps yours as well? I am so thankful that this problem will be imme- diately alleviated as no longer will there be parking available on the school property where our children play. Another bonus will be that our children will have proper designated walkways which will provide safer entry and dismissal to and from the school. I must also mention that our associated children with spe- cial needs will have the oppor- tunity to have safer access to and from the school. They will be going in through the front doors via a much-needed prop- er ramp. I would like to take this opportunity to express sincere thanks to Councillor Pat Brown for taking this "bull by the horns" and helping us see it through. Also, thanks to the Town of Ajax, Durham Board of Education and Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board for their co-oper- ation with this project. Heather Payne, Chairman, Lord Durham P.S. School Community Council, Ajax JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor-in-chief SIEVE HOUSTON, Managing Editor BRUCE DANFORD, Advertising Manager ALVIN BROUWER, Retail Advertising Manager EDDIE KOLODZII:JCZAK, Classified Advertising Manager mManager MONIQUE LEA, Real EstaidAutootiveAdwrtising Maer an ABE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Mager BARBARA HARRISON, Production Manager JANICE O'NEH., Assistant Production Manager News Editor Thanks for the invite Joanne Burghardt, Editor -in -Chief, Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, Oshawa-Whitby- Clarington This Week, Port Perry This Week, Northumberiand News, etc., etc. Dear Media Mogul: Thanks for inviting me to your pool party and barbecue. It's awfully kind of you to open up your home to all the 97 beer -swilling, cigar -chomping journalists in your publishing empire. I was wondering if the 54 sleeping bags you're rent- ing will be enough to accommodate all the siren -chasing scribes and shutterbugs who'll consurne a little too much punch. Just a couple of questions. Who is this Martha Stewart per- son you wish you could hire to look after the barbecue? All my social affairs are catered by Ronald McDonald. Can you shed some light on the rumors swirling around the news- rooms under your domain that I'll be asked to play the part of the big, bad hairy baboon in the human petting zoo that the adults are going to put on for the kids? I really like the personal touch on the invitations. The way on my invitation, for example, you circled the pool, the bar- becue area and the patio with a note 'Off limits to Blake'. You're such a kidder. And, the clipping you sent along from one of your newspapers reporting that "Council Monday passed a bylaw to prohibit topless sunbathing on local beach- es, at Town swimming pools, and on any public and private property for that matter by anyone named Blake Purdy" Funny, I don't recall reading that in any of the publications in the division. And, I keep track of them all in case I can sup- plement my income by stringing for the National Enquirer. As an aside, could we start publishing more stories about Wien abductions? The invitation to your pool party came at a welcome time. This summer's been a bummer for me in terms of water recre- ation. First there was the trip to Poopie-pants Provincial Park where everybody was ordered out of the pool about once an hour because there'd been "a fouling" by a swimmer. Then, we made a trek to Raw Sewage River where you could almost walk on the water. And, the above -ground pool we had installed exploded last weekend when we were trying to blow it up. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend your soir6e as I'll be on vacation. My honey and I have rented a cottage on E.coli Lake. I guess you forgot about my holiday when you "t'a'e p�dg your bush. I'm suronly it was oly a coincidence that you put my invitation in the sowinter-office envelope notice I'd sent to you with of my vacation request. It had the same Big Macs special sauce stain. Anyway, I hope to make it to your pool perry and barbe- cue next year. Just one mac question about the pasonalized map you sent me: Don't you get awfully Brod commuting to work everyday from K*wkm? Blake Purdy is a regular contribawr to our Srwday colw an rotation. To respond to this column calf Infosow ce at 683.7040 and dial 5108. TO REACH US General: 683-5110m Cla: 683-0707 Didr<hution: 683-5110 Admin/CI:9sided Fax: 683-7363 Composing Fax: 579-9273 E-mail: newsroomi0durharnnews.net The Newry Advertiser is one of rhe A/errohaad Printing. Publiddeg gad Distributing soup of newspwm. The News Advertiser is a meotber of the A* A Pickering Berard of Trade, Ontario Coattaunity Newspaper Assoc.. mun Canadian Comity Nmspsper Assoc., Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occupies. Fu x y. y. y CHERYL HAINES, Assistant Production Manager JAvww.dur an%news.net a 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L IS 2H5 LILLIAN HOOK, Administration MangerG. camom �P' [�17 a.,d tt... Birthday A cutie with a great smile turns seven on July 31. Wishing Alexandra Day many happy returns with "all our love- are Grandma and Grandpa Anderson. Wedding Ginette and Gary Campbell of Ajax are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter Teresa to Jared Giffin, the son of Ronald and the late Carmen Giffin of Whitby. The wedding took place May 10 at Claremont United Church, followed by a lovely reception at Thunderbird Golf Club. Teresa and Jared reside in Calgary, Alberta. Birthday B a b e - magnet Nick Miller turns 18 on July 27. Wishing him a happy birthday are Mom, Dad, Natalie and Geoff. As usual, Nat will be buy- ing her loving brother an expen- sive gift. And, Nick will be having a few hundred of his closest friends over for a party the next time Mom and Dad are out of town. • A . Birthday A birthday poem for Graham, who celebrated his sec- ond birthday on July 26: "Our wee firefight- er has turned two. In the event of a fire, he'll be there for you." Lots of love from Mommy, Daddy, Rachal and Jessica. 45th Anniversary ..�i. sit O. r na, uct n- adette's Catholic W o in e n s League in Ajax celebrated its ,. 45th anniversary , recently. The group had 70 members at its inaugural meeting on Oct. 25, 1951 and 1 1 of the originals were at the anniversary mass and luncheon — Marie Talbot, Gilberta Mahon, Helen McAneney, Lina Hughes, Lucille Swailes, Mary Barnaby, Marie Lawrence, Kay Booth, Mary Dickson, Joan Wahl and Eileen Sprag- gs. All 1 I are still active in the CWL. League members volunteer at blood donor clinics, visit nursing homes and hospitals, promote public speaking at schools and help in the parish. Birthday Happy birth- day wishes go out to Chelsea Abbott, as she turns seven on July 30. Wishing Chelsea all the best with loads of love are M o m m y, Daddy, brother Richard, Granma, Papa, cousins Nicole, Kyle and Robyn, Aunt Angela and Uncle Wayne. Special wishes from the whole family also go out to Aunt Karen and Uncle Mark, who cele- brate their anniversary on July 29. 1794 vWerpool Road Pickering 831-54E31 THIS WEEKS CAKE WINNERS ARE: 1. chelm Abbott 2. DoigC 11111Wo 3. Ates" Day Winners Inay go directly to Baskin Robbins to recen their FREE cake. (Please provide idedifwation) PRIZE VAUD UNTIL SAT., AUGUST 2, 1997 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1"7 - PAGE 7 1 Birthday "Our little angel" Crystal Starr Yardley turns two on July 27. Happy birthday wishes and love from Mommy, Nanny Carolyn, Great-grandparents Muriel and Steve, Uncles Shawn and Allan and Auntie Bree-Ann. Volunteer award Gord Levis has been given a pat on the back by the Durham Region branch of Child Find Ontario. Gord, the chapter's chair- man, was named the volunteer of the year for all his time and dedi- cation to helping Child Find. Birthday Doug Cranston turned nine on July 10 and celebrated with a few friends at a pool party. Wishing him a happy birthday were sister Jen - n i f e r , Mommy, D.J. and Snowy. Birthday Wishing Shaunna a happy 13th birthday on July 31, with love, are N a n n y, Papa, Mom, Dad, her aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Dean's list Lorraine Robertson of Ajax has made the Dean's list at Houghton College, a Christian liberals arts col- lege in western New York. Lorraine, a senior, made the list for the second semester of the 1996-97 school year. She's the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robertson. "TORONTO'S FUNNIEST MUSICAL!" val"Gibson, nm ronto Sun NEW YORKER THEATRE too rw�= 651 Yo11wE ST • GMAT Paammeo NEwwlsr c. «" AIR CAP A.A Call/ 141w872-1111 t c,n, Birthday? Anniversary? Graduation? Let us know. We'll publish your spe- cial occasion in an easy -to -read and easy -to -clip, format... Name Dropping, Keith Gilligan, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 PAGE 11 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY r, IM PERMIES1 ' rg BAG • aappuC' OF NEW ZEALAN: PaCZEN A --HE SERVICE C%N'Ea • t t IW11Q A : ,. -- "THE TOWELS PaG OF 8 PRQDUCT OF G'. TARiC FRESH NF ER FROZEN OLYMEL CADET BRAND AT TNr DELI CCJ'+Tr 11 • ... �, i •• 1 I •� g,► 0� 1 • f :1 D1 1 � .M:rE � �E :.�c• 1t IMI :n :,�- _ � i 1 1 i iDi Dl_Xx1 /WdIJBMRD v J � MOW � � • � EZ7 a_� Pt8U51- 1D �� � �V� �1� L =M-C. =- WESTOh NO wed �.t�� U11a700�rw4 AVE ■Ovb.s9W ir. r. ZU $T �l� �'o•� G11LLAW 1WE W.,. m d OGEW ,r wear OENNNIDE CASE OF 24 x 355 mL i 1_ L r FRESH FROZEN c`? t PRODUCT16 OF D• STRIP" PORK SIDE I ]Bi TTNE T RNQIESTEAp T TOFu in AA �RE 4-39 kg FETA Cl#;FSE LB OWN BAG _X-AMW+9 LB A SAS?t+OC��^JRS' SAUSAGE FANNY PACK 'kaw, 51991 #1 GRADE 76we 4 taw se�� w HED (FE S • 1, l • 1 10 LB. BAG 2 u A G r.n►ri•r TOFCENTRALAAEWA TOC'"V' • 1 ty :orti GINGER; = L. • )tiA ,NM 9A,: i 3 •; _E P'LL ""l'p iN•r • HONEY COMB • SUGAR CRISP • REGULAR • MARSHAMALLOW ALPHABITS 400 K BOX 2o49 EA. 1 SUNLIKE JUICE LTD NEVADA • m P• L.TJG 0Al.l. KHAN • • HANDISNACKS 84 R PKG. EGGO �S IMN"W— G PAD UAC PSLs• OF 2 - I.S. 11�;� AADS DW=%LJAR LZ 13S •l tui' OUHUN" •ICA NBOW • oycoo: P, EA. 1 FRUITE ASSORTED gi DR1 �:S • 2. BOr7LE FA 3 • ,25C^L •4„ • • THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 27,1977 -PAGE f •P1l'L�TMs1��� FILL YOUR OWN BAG / f A AQlc OR 14ATC-H 6E ' Am kK • L8. LEMONS1 GRAPEFRUIT��� _ ' GE S•ZE ' 3S 'ia VE:)"'N1 S.ZE %s 39 ea ldr -1 osc .5d II :RC coT A - eodg PEARS LARGE 2 L BOTTLE a LARC'E SIZE 44 44A& FILL YOUR EA.. OWN BAG -Allb, .011L lak LmmT AQ it f,L I e i_ - , • �- ' ,�t..��.��-��ELP � CJI � ���� PRODUCT OF U � .. �A. r•n:�FJl4 I DO 1A p Do f�"} J • • ' "� 7Od Wiff:• ' •D1 Di• • : D1 j i I • • j r. b LB• CEM0 BAG H.P. SAUCESJIM USL NIX. IA NAVEL ORANGES SE3.8c-r YOUR OWN nc `7 1*111 ti 1.1�_, 1 1 r ►• ' , ► 1' zw PAGE 10 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1997 Home building crucial for good economy: Leach BY DONNA DONALDSON SPECIAL TO THL- NEWS ADWRIlSER The home building indus- try plays a "crucial role" in the economy, in creating jobs and in building the future of our communities, says Min- ister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Al Leach. "We knew that in order to get this province prosperous again, we needed this province building again;' he told members of the Oshawa -Durham Home Builders' Association at the first annual Industry Lun- cheon at Hevdenshore Pavil- ion in Whitby Tuesday. "When the building industry works, the economy works. When you thrive, the province thrives. When you're happy, I'm happy. The minister cited recent statistics from Canada Hous- ing and Mortgage Corpora- tion (CMHC) which show that the census area of Oshawa. Whitby and Clar- ington experienced its high- est monthly total of new con- struction starts in more than five years in June with 343, compared to 279 in May. He attributed the increase in building activity to low mortgage rates, limited resale supply and growing consumer confidence. Mr. TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE FOR FILMING ON WHITES ROAD We at Grand Slam Productions Inc. wish to close Whites Road between Taunton Road and Third Concession Road for the film THE BIG HIT on Wednesday, July 30 (7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.) and on Thursday. July 31, 1997 (7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.). Residents and tenants of both Whites Road and Forestream Trail Will of course maintain full continued access to their premises. THE BIG HIT is an action/comedy revolving around five would-be hit men. The principal scene involves a Keystone Cops style car chase and gunfire effects. All traffic related activity and gunfire effects will be supervised by Durham Regional Police. We look forward to the privilege of filming in your neighborhood. Please call me (Dongen Fode) or my assistants (Celeste Butt and David Mcllroy) at (416) 368-6262 if you have any questions. We will be happy to answer any questions that you may have. Thank you for reading this notice. GVENANN4 ow P� OR019 ... A 3 dentist lean and cheerful staff is here to greet you.=lr taring about you family's dental well-being. n Dr. Henry Alban, D.D.S. • Dr. Stephen Minsky, D.D.S. • Dr. Howard Kanner, D.D.S. • Emergencies Welcome • New Patients Welcome Senior irn�s;,u, naancce Pllayn�s,A�cceeptteed • Visa & Fina�na�a}lry while Arrangements y • Se1 io �Jlx iJ1p R • I ftw Oxide • D ^'�-' 7 w1 iR 7 ^ • Cosmetic Dentistry • Whitening of Teeth • Wheelchair accessibility • Hygienist • Children's play centre • Specialists avoUtile in dfice Oral Surgeon • Periodontist • Anesthetist 1885 GINWme Medical Centre " 1 . .. lice.- rYl. i�6:30 p.ar. Lunch 12:30.1:30 pm. Leach added that those fac- tors, along with housing affordability, will in turn strengthen the construction activity in the second half of the year. And, he said, the govern- ment believes that its tax cuts, for example, may be a major factor in growing con- sumer confidence and increased home sales. "Tax cuts are boosting the economy, people are buying homes, builders are building and creating jobs" — about 221,000 jobs in the past year. said the minister. Mr_ Leach highlighted :_11ERN MARKET PLACE Momtnq•W Ave t� SHEPPARD 0 N U11 FR m-bL A HM Ani Q some initiatives the govern- ment has undertaken in its ongoing effort to remove barriers to economic growth, including reform of the development charges legisla- tion. He said the proposed bill would help contain costs of new construction, pro- mote job creation, increase municipal accountability and help municipalities recover development costs related to new growth. "The legislation would give municipalities the abili- ty and the flexibility to pro- vide the facilities and ser- vices that new home buyers and new businesses need to grow and prosper;' said the minister, explaining that to do this they must reduce the scope of services eligible for funding through develop- ment charges. "I know you'll agree these charges should no longer be used to fund facili- ties used by everyone in the community — museums, theatres, city halls or tourism facilities," he said. "Every- one in the community should pay for them out of general municipal revenues — over time — when they can afford them" He also noted that munic- ipal decisions have to become more cost-effective and accountable. The government has moved "fast" the past two years to lay the groundwork for economic renewal. "That's why we've realigned municipal and provincial government services so that we can deliver better services at less cost." He told builders they play a "vital" role and he looks forward to their continued partnership in working toward a more vibrant econ- omy. I� :tom • sr Where High Quality, Good Value & Service Come First 2 LOCATIONS, ONE GREAT SERVICE "��� Serving the Community for over 14 years rMOV913 W �'. 2' -_ . SPECIALS AVAILABLE UNTIL Aug. 4th oft WHILE m inrm uw Prices subject to charge without nonce CARIBANA SPECIALS Y 3 jCaribbean Choice Walk6ft `W66ds-1-���•`/�7��T�%i ACKEES JERK SEASONING PIG TAIL SALT BEEF A ftiftLimit 2 per Limit 2 per _ _� 1 customer customer IL Sabina GREEN (CONGO PIGEON PEAS) ■ 89/4To ml Grace or Pantry Shell VIENNA SAUSAGE 311 099M13G NuPak DRY PIGEON PEAS 311 ■ 891398 ml Pantry Shelf CORNED BEEF 212.79,340 LALAH'S CHUBBY CURRY DRINKS 5.99,4LB.',N 6.292ct,2: YL FRESH FRES CHICKEN CHICKEN LEGS LEGS .79Am sv.a KING FISH 2.99M Fresh Halal LARGE ROOSTERS &99.Acm FLOWN IN DAILI FRES RED SNAPPERS GILLEYBA" GMY SNAPPER Sabina Frozen GREEN (CONGO PIGEON PEAS) 212.99rJaG PATTY SHOP BEEF PATTIES 3...99moz. NuPak Parboiled RICE &99.. WOWMS HENS DRAKES 9.99 16.99 COW FOOT .59� Dairy Girl CONDENSED MILK 212 7 9/300 ml CHOW MEIN 311.99�FA VITARROZ MALTA .Y 9.99 , : STEMI NI G HENS x4.99 BONELESS COD FISH 3M994a "_ CLOSED MONDAY AUGUST 41m, 1997 SEAFOOD • MEATS • FRUITS tit, VEGETABLES EAST tit WEST INDIAN • CHINESE • FILIPINO FOODS HEALTH 9 BEAUTY do RELIGIOUS PRODUCTS THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 27,1!!7 -PAGE 11 Headers' Chaice Awards ' We want to know all your favourites from the five categories listed below. 'Il%as you wish and mail, deliver or fax the entire entry form to us by August 15th prize and your favourite might win too! Those who receive the most votes will win our "Readers Ch Simply print your choices beside as many selections 1997. Every entry will have a chance to win a great Dice" award. You'll read all the winners in an upcom- ing issue of the Ajax News Advertiser. So go ahead! Make your choices and send your entry to us! Best i iDrink All -Around Restaurant Chinese Restaurant Family Restaurant French Restaurant Greek Restaurant Indian Restaurant Italian Restaurant Seafood Restaurant Buffet Restaurant Atmosphere Outdoor Patio Pasta Steak Salad Bar Pizza Chicken Wings Brunch Lunch Submarine Deli Cup of Coffee Dessert Ice Cream Bakery Fish & Chips French Fry Truck Hot Dog Hamburger Doughnuts Bagels Cocktails Best Entertainment Movie Theatre Bingo Hall Movie Rental Hotel Bar Pub Billiards Sports Bar Arcade Night Club Children's Entertainment Live Entertainment Comedy Club Skating Gotf Course Bowling Insurance Agent Chef Waiter/waitress Bank Teller Financial Planner Pharmacist Chiropractors Real Estate Salesperson Car Salesperson Hairstylist/Barber Photographer Travel Agent Real Estate Office (specify franchise) Weight Loss Clinic Catering Security Nursing Homes Dance Studio Tanning Studio Employment Agency Hotel/Motel Modeling School Lawn Service Carpet Cleaner Oil/Lube Change Pool Company Floor Coverings Catering Company Pest Control Home Builder Day Care Centre Travel Agent Car Wash Investment Company Gas Station Bank/Trust Company Dry Cleaner Fitness Club Martial Arts Club Insurance Company Accounting Firm Landscaper Hair Salon/Barber Shop Photography Studio Brew Your Own Beer/Wine Transmission Print Shop Shoe Repair Body Shop Muffler Shop Manicure/Pedicure Contractor Heating/Air Conditioning Taxi Service Pet Groomer Regional Shopping Centre Local Shopping Centre Strip Mall Department Store Men's Store Women's Store Children's Store Clearance Centre Factory Direct Store Shoe Store Lingerie Store Children's Shoe Store Health Food Store China Store Fabric Store Party Supply Store Jewellery Store Adult Entertainment Shop Formal Wear Gift Shop Grocery Store Drug Store Discount Store Convenience Store Optical Store Furniture Store Antique Store Bedding Store Appliance Store Gardening Store Hardware Store Home Improvement Centre Lighting Centre Motorcycle Shop Craft Store Picture Framing Toy Store Sporting Goods Store Bicycle Shop Camera Store Cellular Phone Centre Pet Store Tire Shop New Car Dealership Domestic Car Dealership Import Car Dealership Used Car Dealership Auto Parts Body Shop Florist Record Store Musical Instrument Store Book Store Office Furniture Office Supplies Store Bridal Shop Kitchen Store Ajax* Pickering News Advertiser Readers'Choice Awards 1,21� Addrew Phone ", Fax a deliver to: The Ajax Pickering News Advertiser 130 -132 Conlrnercid Ave. Ajax, Ontario LIS 2N5 Fax: 905-619-9068 CONTEST RULES: Winners of prizes will be determined by random draw. Employees of The Ajax Pickering News Advertiser, and dwir immediate families are not eligible to enter. Judges discretion as to validity of entry forms is final. Deadline for contest is August 15th 1997. PAGE 12 - THE NEVI'S ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1997 Pickerin Al Rivett, sports \writer 683-5110 Fax: 68377363 P S P orts News Advertiser Healy donates Leafs' sweater to golf tourney Pickering ball mosquitos finalists The newest member of the Toronto Maple Leafs has Fazing Milton in the second game, Red Sox Athlcics in Action minor. Z' mosquito rep baseball team finished lent his name and turned over his first-ever Leaf sweater as runner-up at the 16 -squad Clarkson team played well defensively and Tournament last weekend. wouldn't allow Milton to get on track to a good cause at the upcoming ninth annual Paul and offensively. tones to earn a berth in the final, the In their final preliminary -round Sox fell to East York 11-6. although Jamie Coburn Memorial Golf Tournament in Pickering Pickering was mounting a rally when town 5-3 to earn their way to the play- time ran out. next month. In the semi-final game which took Pickering minor mosquito team only 55 minutes to play, the Sox The tournament is set for the Seaton Golf Course on blanked Newmarket 10-0. The squad Hinan, Kevin Hussey, Ryan Jackson, = Friday, Aug. 1. All money raised from the event will go0 defence and explosive offence to post Christopher McGeachy, Jaime Peters, • > _ toward the joint effort of Ajax and Pickering firefighters Pickering started the tourney by Vanderstarren and Michael Vella. blasting Thornhill 12-3. The Sox took to raise $100,000 for the purchase of a C -Arm X -Ray � iRECREATIONf}L) looked back. assisted by Craig Loder and Bill Vella. imaging machine for Ajax -Pickering General Hospital. Pickering native Glenn Healy, who after four seasons SAtURDAy/SUNDAY AU6USt gtff b 10T14 minding net for the New York Rangers signed as a free =® pICKERIi�iG (90S) 420-9090 {� l agent with the Maple Leafs earlier this month, will give his sweater to be raffled off at PLAYING i Register by Aug 7th �- the tourney. The sweater was donated by Pickering Vil- FIELDS ' • �'�' • lage Source for Sports �° "" which will have Healy's '� ,® 16 TEAMS WANTED CO-ED 4 ON 4 (2 MEN, 2 WOMEN) name and his new number CASH PR= �r 30 sewn on the back. %B CHAMMINSW The tourney is in memo- CONSOLATION CHAMPIONSHIP ry of father and son, Paul and Jamie Coburn, who BA 43E= Road robin - Pod play - Sat ' passed away tragically several Qu•rtex Semis & Pauls - San Z years ago. Family and friends ,treanizcd the first event in 1988 to �'-- $12S.00/TEAM photo by A J Groen aav tribute to the Coburns and to Little Conner O'Hara extends his club urging golfers to support worthwhile causes in their names. play in the ninth annual Paul and Jamie Cobum Memori- Tickets are 550 each. Early tee -off al Golf Tournament at the Seaton Golf Coupe Aug. I. times are ,till available.Please recycle this newspaper With him is newest Toronto :Maple Leaf Glenn Heal} Amone interested in donating prizes or playing in the g,f who'll be donating his first-ever Leaf jerse} fi'l as a rae prize and organizer and Ajax firefighter Jim O'Hara. tournament can call Jim O'Hara at 427-2940. S,eeial�va�a 7UF.SDAY Meats Pickering ball mosquitos finalists PICKERING — The Pickering Fazing Milton in the second game, Red Sox Athlcics in Action minor. Pickering again dominated the contest mosquito rep baseball team finished early en route to an 11-2 victory. The as runner-up at the 16 -squad Clarkson team played well defensively and Tournament last weekend. wouldn't allow Milton to get on track After posting four consecutive vic- offensively. tones to earn a berth in the final, the In their final preliminary -round Sox fell to East York 11-6. although contest, the Red Sox edged George - Pickering was mounting a rally when town 5-3 to earn their way to the play- time ran out. off round. In the semi-final game which took Pickering minor mosquito team only 55 minutes to play, the Sox members are Ryan Cameron, Kyle blanked Newmarket 10-0. The squad Hinan, Kevin Hussey, Ryan Jackson, made use of excellent pitching, strong Steven Loder, David McElroy, defence and explosive offence to post Christopher McGeachy, Jaime Peters, the win. Sean Quinlan, Garret Russell, Brad Pickering started the tourney by Vanderstarren and Michael Vella. blasting Thornhill 12-3. The Sox took The Red Sox minor mosquitos are control of the game early and never coached and managed by Ken Hussey, looked back. assisted by Craig Loder and Bill Vella. IF • TIME • QUALITY • GENTLE DENTAL CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU WE ARE AVAUABLE TO SERVE YOU WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS WE r PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario (South of Hwy. #2) DR JOSEPH A. MISKIN, DEMIST 4P Orr. Quality Fresh Cut Meats At Everyday Low Prices! Fresh Octoberf est Sausage $ 99 sioo lb. Breaded Chicken Cutlets 5499 a Fresh Kabobs 599 �,_ 4 a., Fresh Boneless Chicken Breasts $ 99 �i00te. _ lb. Cmwdiaia Grade A/AA/AAA To Round Steaks 49 Li! lb. Fresh � Pork !, Kabobs S99 �,_4m. Marinated Boneless Chicken Breasts ItaRm or Loewe &fleet $ 99 Si0 W lb. T.011f%OU 8lO�S MYB 90�. 99 Lem _­� Gronad Beed $6 9 1 a. N >w••» •: �' "The* M"t People" Ell Pickerain Scoreboard PICKERING MEN'S SL04MH LEAGUE TUDOR ARMS DIVISION StandkVWScores as of July 20. TEAM G W L T F A PTS Lone Star Hitmen 11 9 1 1 127 65 19 Reservoir Dogs 9 8 1 0 130 82 16 Moodies 11 7 4 0 121 86 14 Gophers 11 7 4 0 145 99 14 Dakota Bob's 11 5 4 2 95 84 12 Young Guns 11 5 4 2 137 99 12 Long Horns 11 4 7 0 102 149 8 The Brew Shop 11 3 7 1 85 145 7 Durherh Bulls 10 1 7 2 83 119 4 Tudor Arms 12 1 11 0 85 184 2 DIVISION RESULTS Young Guns 19 vs. The Tudor Arms 4; Reservoir Dogs 21 v. Long Homs 8; Moodies 21 vs. Durham Bulls 10; Gophers 10 vs. Dakota Bob's Lookouts 2; Dakota Bob's Lookouts 6 vs. The Brew Shop 5; Lone Star Hitmen 12 vs. The Brew Slop 0. SAYLY'S DIVISION up of junior 'A' and midget TEAM G W TEAM G W L T F A PTS Blazers 11 11 0 0 196 57 22 Stallions 11 9 0 2 135 70 20 The Indians 11 8 3 0 131 90 16 Viaaga Plymouth 12 5 7 0 96 119 10 Scott's Rastsurantl0 4 5 1 123 111 9 Royals 11 4 7 0 122 149 8 Pam's 10 4 6 0 62 90 8 Neighbor F/ooda 11 3 7 1 106 148 7 wnchaster Arms 10 3 7 0 73 97 6 Meterwe Pringles 11 1 10 0 76 189 2 DIVISION RESULTS 10 6 Village Pymourh 9 vs. Winchester Arms 7: Papp's 11 vs. The Neighbour Hoods 6; The khdirhs 2c vs Stoats Sorts Restaurant 3; Blazers 16 vs. Melanie Pringles 2; Royals 20 vs. Melanie Pringles 2; Stallions 7 vs. Royals 5. MUD HEN'S DIVISION TEAM G W L T F A PTS Capital Punish. 12 11 0 1 256 53 23 Sharks 12 7 4 1 111 131 15 Danforth Rooting 12 7 5 0 155 151 14 Guzzlers 11 6 5 0 140 124 12 Toy Shop 11 5 4 2 122 131 12 The Sewer Rats 12 5 5 2 158 159 12 Thunder 11 4 5 2 92 93 10 Peeps 11 3 4 4 87 113 10 Radc'Em Up 11 3 7 1 120 154 7 Scarboro Lexus 10 3 6 1 108 135 7 Mud Hans Exp. 10 3 7 0 86 146 6 Mud Hen's 11 3 8 0 101 171 6 DIVISION RESULTS Papp's 10 vs. Toy Shop 10; The Sewer Rats 17 vs. Scarboro Lexus Rangers 3: Sharks 6 vs. The Sewer Rats 4; Mud Hen's 14 vs. Sharks 5; Danforth Roding Supply 8 vs. Thunder 3; Danforth Rooting Supply 19 vs. Radc'Em Up 14; Capital Punishment 17 vs. Guz- zlers 2: Capital Punishment 31 vs. Mud Hen's Exports 0. ROUGE VALLEY WINES DIVISION up of junior 'A' and midget TEAM G W L T F A PTS Runnin' Rebals 11 8 3 0 166 105 16 R.C.L. 606 12 8 4 0 134 115 16 Royals 12 8 4 0 135 107 16 Pickering A's 12 7 5 0 159 117 14 Armadillos 10 5 3 2 136 118 12 East Side Manos 12 5 6 1 125 137 11 Tudor Arms 12 5 7 0 117 121 10 Sultans of Swing 11 5 6 0 112 135 10 Pro Copy System 12 4 7 1 139 170 9 IsoWSavoo Mestsl0 4 5 1 . 102 106 9 Weirs Wart Hogs 11 4 6 1 116 132 9 Hi1FRom 11 3 8 0 92 126 6 Rolling Devils host Belgians Area roller hockey teams up of junior 'A' and midget hope to give a visiting players. squad from Belgium a The exhibition 'games 'devil' of a time during a against the Belgians repre- pair of exhibition contests sent one of the first times slated for Ajax next month. roller hockey with an The Durham Devils international flavor has Roller Hockey League will been played locally. host two games against a Roller hockey is one of 10 -member Belgium squad the fastest growing sports in at the Ajax Community the world and is set to Centre arena on Aug. 5 and become a demonstration 7 at 7:30 p.m. each night. sport at the 2000 Summer The Belgians, who have Olympics. at least one player from the The Ajax Community Belgium national team, will Centre is at 75 Centennial send their midget squad (16 Road, Ajax. and 17 year olds) to play Spectators are welcome; the two Durham Devils there's no admission squads which will be made charge. Hockey team BBQ funds Europe trip PICKERING — A Pick- bantam hockey team will host ering hockey team will host a the barbecue at Sav-A-Centre fund-raising barbecue next on Whites Road and Strouds month to raise funds for a trip Lane on Saturday, Aug. 2 to Europe in 1998. from 10:30 am. to 3 p.m. The Pickering Panthers For more information, call Golden Griddle 'AA minor Meri Calder at 839-0663. M DIVISION RESULTS Sultans of Swing 12 vs. Pro Copy Systems 11; Run- nin' Rebels 16 vs. Pickering A's 9; Royals 12 vs. Pick- ering A's 11; Royals 18 vs. Iso/USavoie Meats 15; Armadillos 13 vs. East Side Marios 5; Walt's Wart Hogs 19 vs. East Side Manias 12; R.C.L. 606 25 vs. Tudor Arms 2; Hill -Rom 18 vs. Tudor Arms 6. REBOUND SPORTS DIVISION Standing as as TEAM G W L T F A PTS Dakota Bob's 12 11 1 0 177 83 22 Redound Sports 11 8 3 0 147 111 16 Stealers 11 6 5 0 149 124 12 Country Style 10 6 4 0 94 99 12 Woodruff Barons 11 6 5 0 112 116 12 Watermaker 11 6 5 0 125 121 12 Simmons Mattressl2 4 8 0 100 117 8 S K.R. Inc. 12 2 10 0 99 125 4 Peter's Applianceslo 1 9 0 53 152 2 DIVISION RESULTS 6 Woodruff Barons 8 vs. Country Style 7; Simmons Mattress 14 vs. Woodruff Barons 3: Simmons Mat- tress 12 vs. S.K.R Inc. 0; S K.R. Inc. 13 vs. Steelers 3; Dakota Bob's 12 vs. Rebound Sports 6: Water - maker 15 vs. Peters Appliances 7. 6 PETER'S APPLIANCES DIVISION 1 97 107 TEAM G W L T F A PTS Bank of Montreal 1111 0 0 155 51 22 Canada Trust 11 7 3 1121 92 15 Water Doctor 11 6 4 1 98 90 13 Bright Idea 10 5 5 0 108 103 10 Coldwell Banker 11 5 6 0 89 130 10 Pick. Men's Prog. 11 3 8 0 78 103 6 Blade Sox 11 3 8 0 113 136 6 17 Catchers 11 3 8 0 89 134 6 DIVISION RESULTS 13 Banc of Montreal 5 vs Bright Idea 3; Fxeslones 17 Catchers 8 vs. Pickering Men's Progress 6: Blade Sore 13 vs. Water Doctor Wamors 5: Coldwee Banker 6 vs Canada Trust 2, 6 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1997 - PAGE 13 AJAX MEN'S SLO-PITCH ASSOCIATION Standing as as of July 21 'A' DIVISION TEAM G W L T F A Pick. Marine Royalsl6 14 2 0 163 90 Steelers 17 11 6 0 135122 Cruisers 16 9 7 0 167144 Calrvxth Auto Parts 15 8 6 1 132 121 Nailers 17 8 6 1 159118 Caligo Raiders 14 6 7 1 97 107 Renegades 16 5 9 2 130 152 Jett Sawyer Bulls 14 4 8 2 96 134 Deal With It 18 3 14 1 122 210 13' DIVISION TEAM G W L T F A Hooters 18 13 5 0 206 131 Misfits 17 11 6 0 142128 Sec Storey Manners16 10 6 0 170 110 Tee to Pin 16 9 7 0 170 126 Ranch House Saintsl6 9 7 0 150 175 Coughlan Cougars 17 7 10 0 154 158 Re/Max Sharks 15 7 8 0 117 138 Mud Hen's 16 5 11 0 141 180 Seals 18 4 14 0 110194 'C' DIVISION TEAM G W L T F A Royal Scot Dawgs 17 14 1 2 248 131 DA Services 16 12 4 0 189 143 Up On Deck Bulls 17 8 6 3 224 172 Saawolves 17 9 8 0 185198 Alum. Club Redmenl6 8 8 0 181 147 Prudential Panthers 15 6 6 3 173 179 Sapphires 17 5 10 2 209 200 Cardinals 15 4 9 . 2 159194my' Beuas 16 2 12 2 85 238 indicates Late score AJAX BRIDGE CLUB Bridge results trom Tuesday. Jury 22 STRATIFIED PAIRS FLIGHT'A' — NORTH -SOUTH 1. Damon Todaro and Chet Doktor. 2. Greg Sweeney and Bob Johnston EAST -WEST PTS 1. Evelyn Blade and Mike Fernley. 2 John Duquette 28 and Rea Rennox. 22 FUGHT'B'—EAST-WEST 18 1 Alba Saptel and Robert Saptel. 2 John Aitken and 17 Max Tang N' 17 AJAX SENIOR MES SLO-PITCH 13 Scores/standings as at July 21. 12 STANDINGS 10 TEAM G W L T F A PTS 7 Mills 3 Hadwin 10 9 0 1 174 74 19 Mariners 10 6 3 1 135116 13 PTS Ajax Antiques 9 6 3 0 114 84 12 26 Pizza Pino 10 5 5 0 149 138 10 22 Ajax Axamen 11 3 8 2 113 129 8 20 Relics 10 3 6 1 94 130 7 18 Brew Kettle 10 2 6 2 77 143 6 18 Sweat Sox 10 2 7 1 101 125 5 14 GAME RESULTS — From July 21 14 Relics 8 vs Ajax Axemen 5. Sweat Sox 11 vs. Ajax 10 Axemen 11. Sweat Sox 11 vs. Brew Kettle 3; Pizza 8 Pino 13 vs. Ajax Antiques 10; Mills & Hadwtn 20 vs. Manners 6. PTS AJAX MEN'S SLO-PITCH ASSOCIATION 30 MASTERS' DIVISION 24 Results as of Juty 20 19 STANDINGS 18 TEAM G W L T F A PTS 15' Resistors 15 14 1 0 253 92 28 15 Pizza Pino 14 12 2 0 172 98 24 t 1 • Second Storey 16 7 9 0 155 212 14 10 Gators14 6 7 1 167143 13 6 Radc'Em Up Slogs 14 3 10 1 96 150 6 Ranch 15 1 14 0 115 245 2 GAME RESULTS Judy 20: Resistors 14 vs Ranch 4. Pt za Pino 9 vs. Rade 'Em Up Slugs 3; Gators 15 vs. Second Storey 2. Second Storey 15 vs. Ranch 10 f - Sat July 2 -6th through I I4th L w� ScottM Dance Company of Canada TMS Award winning dance company embraces new and traditional dancing Ilam, 1pm, 3pm, 7pm WAGON _ 130 and t �+. SundayGospel Concens in the Park3:30 pm 5:5" Sonshine City - July 27th BMES r FE IV KeNta HavedwW - Augi 9- Orrtado Wildflower `1� OF FLOIA/ERS Thurs. KIDS ' S2.99 under Garden & Bird SancWary `�`�- N NOIA/!!! Shows at Ilam, 1pm and 3pm * RREVYORKS Terri Lynn Spooner, Singing. Puppets - July 31st �� q� MINIATU Craig Douglas, Comic Juggler - Aug. 7th300 p� VILLAGE �� ' .Road. :ADULTS it •� <Ino CQNSYMER CAR MRMT wino stents �a cum Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Thurs. 8:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Sat 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Reg. * Y/c+on Reg. f=rom F1+�On1 Y�•'f.Z e *394 cyte • klokldaa sear at Daloo or claarpion plop *includes anti -freeze and Maw to iglu • i opt. can. lana !,sucks - SM eclba E+pira+.Alry�l7 Seniors EirkmApix31A7 Oda* AIC �*6995 HECK RECHARGE PERFORMANCE TE $28� 'ltwola a Odeon pares tri I V nwft i Flinn" JW MW . OFFERS APPLY TO MOST CARS ANO c.*W TRLaM. _ _ •6 months ono payments •no down payment •no Interest o.a.c. Now only 9ncNldes r w Ranlim pods. nor brains tltlllr11i0ad elaarlad a adjwlad and kdxw t,o kastaM. ouaar pares a MOW 11 'Ira it rlaada . L iExdrm AuD. 31A7 A Free I • AN Auiels toglaFit , and eooll" 41MI 0= Shuttle "GIN ra grate fW FRSE95 •••••• _ e a s litres 1OOW30 oil and Exprw ,A(osmium 81ter Aug. 91, 1907 PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. JUIN 27. IM Around Durham Rewon Mental Health Centre cuts will hurt service, says union BY SUSAN O'NEILL DURHAM STAFF WHITBY - Proposed budget cuts at the Whit- by Mental Health Centre could see longer wait- ing lists and fewer services for patients, says a union representative. The hospital is currently finalizing details for its operating plan for the 1997/98 fiscal year and Joan Gates, who represents hospital workers in the Ontario Public Service Employees Union, says the cutbacks will have "a significant impact on services." According to a memo to staff' from Adminis- trator Ron Ballantyne, dated July 17, the hospital will cut 25 psychiatric rehabilitation beds, a patient workshop and a geriatric day hospital in addition to other service adjustments. "We don't believe it's a good thing for mental health care," says Ms. Gates, adding the cuts will mean "more waiting lists and less service avail- able for people." The hospital is facing a $2.4 million reduction in its budget. $1.9 million of which the facility is "expected to internalize" to account for a portion of the costs for the forensic unit slated to open this fall. Ms. Gates says the result is that "one group of patients are being pitted against another group... both services are very needed" She says it is "totally unacceptable" to take money away from one area of service to fund the new unit, adding "the loss of those 25 beds is going to have a major impact on the service we provide" "Our services are very much in demand:' says Mr. Ballantyne, adding the cutbacks "may very well make it more difficult" for patients to access services. However, he says the facility is asking for Get snapping Pickering Museum Village is once again holding its annual photo contest this summer, in co-operation with the Don Mills Carrera Club. This is the fifth year for the event, which is open to all camera club mem- bers, students and amateur and profes- sional photographers. Photos entered in the contest must be taken within the museum village. A special Camera Day is being held at the museum village Sunday, July 27 to give photographers an opportunity to set up shots if they wish with the costumed village interpreters. It will also provide an opportunity to talk with other camas buffs and explore the museum village as a photographs But, photos entered in the contest may have been taken at any time. 'Ilse deadline for entries oris year is Friday, Aug. 22. There is no entry fee. Winning photos will become the property of the museum village and will go on dis- play likaries and pub- lic facilities dtroughou hDwham Region and Scarborough. Winning entries from Inst year's contest will be on display at die museum village on Camera Day. Participants will be able to pick up non -winning pht" at the amseuni vd- lage on Sunday, Sept 7 during History in Action Day. All July 27 visitors with cam- eras will receive a guest pass for Sept 7. Admission to the museum village, located three kilometres east of Brock Road on Hwy. 7 in Greenwood, is $4 for adults and $3 for seniors and students. For more information call 683-8401 or 420-4620. additional funding for community treatment teams which may help to offset the loss of ser- vice in other areas. Ms. Gates says the facility is currently "under bedded" in relation to the population of the area it services, which includes Durham Region, York Region, Scarborough and Victoria County. While she says the cuts will undoubtedly affect programs and services, she says "we're not sure how many staff will be impacted" However, the facility recently laid off five staff members and Mr. Ballantyne says it is too early to know if other jobs will be affected. Billboard MONDAY, JULY 28 LUNCH: The Ladies Auxiliary of Royal Cana- dian Legion Branch 606 offers lunch every week- day from 11:30 to 1:30 p.m. at the Legion hall at 1555 Bayly St., Pickering. Under $4. All wel- come, no membership required. (839-2990). FRIDAY, AUG. I ADDICTIONS: Serenity Group holds a 12 -step recovery meeting at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Pickering. The group meets weekly and deals with addictions of all types including co-dependancy. A children's pro- gram is available as required during the meeting. 428-9431 evenings (Jim). SATURDAY, AUG. 2 PARA BBQ: The Pickering Auxiliary Rescue Association hosts a fund-raising barbecue from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at LOEB store at Dixie Rd. and Finch Ave.. Pickering. Hamburgers, hot dogs, pop. Proceeds to local marine rescue unit. 905-683-3424 (Wayne Langfeld). REPAIRS (1 hr.) ' Relines ' Complete. Partial Dentures LOWER DENTURE STABILITY NEW PERMANENT, SOFT DENTURE LINER FREE CONSULTATION Willem Steil, DD, ECIC(A) 84 Old Kingston Rd. W. PICKERING VILLAGE AJAX Green & Yellow Beaus PICK YOUR OWN or Reedy Picked Available (Supply permitting) 40 Zdanowiez Farm .m THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1997 - PAGE 15 AIR CONDITIONING M lr YORIC, Heating and Air Conditioning SALE Authorized Deakr e CONSUMERS GAS - rut it on your gas 0111 U.A.C. 11% 5 10W.A All You Can Play MONSTER BINGO Min. 4 - Max. 10 Books (Also includes package of Specials) Saturday,•7prn $1,000 JACKPOT $2,000 JACKPOT $5,000 FINAL JACKPOT S40 Advanced Tickets. $45 At the Door � GREAT BLUE HERON CHARITABLE CASINO B BINGO ISLAND ROAD. PORT PERRY 1 -888 -29 -HERON OR 905-985-4888 FREE PARKING .Wu IS /: 3a g"Mi -ammulW As"ar mus: k .9 MS 7I 7Q x XW 14 trom 4prn incudes one bingo dabber Debbers srmwk ear -Tai,.. Gmuabw oxim _.ty�rwra� oawaoa 1 just a quick drive away ,.17;6_111.1..41 a,+ 1f 14, 43 ..! .._,♦•.... ..••-, a�. •..... •_�-•.l. r:1 ... a"1-''-.-.--2 a;; �I.; t-�t-�� : .....a.l.... .... .. -..%Aw.t t t.s$rSY: '.-atS.2i�t411iY L:_ .t.i't .:.. L':'GR: _ i' Y. An ---- PAGE 16- THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1997 Buy one week, get (905) the 2nd free! Call us for TORONTO details LINE Appke - ArdCMsFor 798-7259 683 SW and Fp GARAGE SALES only $S+csT Call 8 a.m. to 8 P.M. Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday or fax your ad (905) 579-4218 m Careers Im Careers u1n, Careers 1 1 Careers 1 1 Careers 1 1 Careers 1 1 Careers 051 Careen gin, Careers • • • • School of Business r -W Co-p-ters Mush"" AdrWbWW&*Am aasirese i Comp~ Appbcadb • c -m -ter 311"pport SpeciuMst Natworh i Cerap-br ►roeramenire M.C.&& Compater Appac MW= E"C"" secretary Leer Amain Assistant saedk all OrrRce Assistant itetel i Resta-rant Operations ser a so...af. M--W-N-a Tra- am To -risme DewbW ChaisWe Assistant Denson C4&ail �� a o,,,,, 732-1163 PROGRAMMER/ANALYST C1' mmit y) INFORMATION MANACEMFM SERVICES The Department of Corporate Services requires an individual for a temporary assignment who will be responsible for defining technical configuration and user interface standards for die City's desktop computer systems, as well as evaluating new software releases for desktop productivity software applications. ENVIRONMENT: The City Is currently running a Windows NT network of approximately 300 users. Desktop systems are Intel-based and currently running Windows for Workgroups, Microsoft Exchange/Schedule+ and Microsoft Office. : Demonstrated knowledge and skills norrrtalhr associated with Corrlpletion of a 3 -gear Computer Technology program from a eommurilty college, plus 5 years of relevant experience, or have the equivalent combination of education and experience • Experience in developing techrilcal documentation and In defining software corAguratforis in a network environment - Experience with the following Mk rosoft products: Windows nor workgroups, Windows 95, Windows NT. Access/Office, Exchange and Schedule+ - Good communication and Interpersonal skills - A valid Ontario driver's licence. This temporary assignment Is for a maximum period of six (6) months. HOURLY RATE- $20.53. We Invite you to forward your resume, no later than Wednesday, py 90, 1997, quo" AD 97/'97. to the EmploAnerit Co-ordinator; 50 Centre St South. Oshawa. ON L1 H 3Z7 Fax: (905) 436-5696. All applicants are thanked for their Interest Only those to be interviewed w111 be contacted by T6wsday, AuSno 28. 1997. rers«W Inlorrnawn povlded Is a *@Md adv the autlw ty of The 1M%nldpd Ad RS.O. 1990. c.NL45. s.207. para 45. and vAN be CITY OF andarn rued In ammdoe with d+e Nkaddpal neeof r+f mmadon sect Oshawa Naaedton of P*"cy Ad. 1959. for anobwn nt p+rposm =%-Y• mCareers11 Car«nIm Carew M11 PRODUCTION SUPERVISORY POSITIONS Supervisory positions are available for highly motivated individuals to Join a unionized manufacturing automotive component plant. Our facility is a three shift operation utilizing flexible manufacturing systems and computer integrated manufacturing and management information sys- tems. As a Production Supervisor you will be iespor>slble for the effective use of personnel, material and equipment as it relates to the component manufacturing operation. You will be required to meet production schedules, maintain quality and administer safety and labour relations practices. You will also be responsible to implement synchronous manu- faMnng strategies in order to eliminate waste and improve efiicien 'ass. As a Production Supervisor you will have experience in automotive components, stamping. plastics, Reaction Injection Moulding (RIM), or paint operations. Your College/University Degree or equivalent experi- ence will comp Tient your manufacturing a penence and entianoe your ability to organize and solve problems. You will have demonstrated leadership, interpersonal and communwation skills. Together with other supervisors, you will be part of a team supporting business plan d*c- tives and maintaining the opembon at a world class level. The suooesstul applicants will receive competitive base salaries, bonus Compensation and cornprehensive benefits. Applications are encouraged from qualified men and women, members of visible minorities, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities. Please mail your resume including references and letter expressing interest in Corlildence to: File # 9880, Oshawa Whitby This weak, P. O. Boot 481, 865 Famwell SL Oshawa, Ont. L1 H 71.5 We thank all applicants; however, only those selected for an interview will be contacted. 4m4liii' ONLY 10 f'01JTHS �' t 7y71. ,r, •_N ZELLEN POIr W STUDfO Full Sim sobs atx- pwbnceIII an assn. salary + bonus. pooNEIaM61 4WW1 11 MIN n INSURANCE LXZE CA& TaboWm and ooa► Naroial algal« . Ie. oo�Nrairnaraata WM .nos. Cama Pat at wbnW an Nrlmmm (905) 579- 1317 of tax (905) 432- 15W TIME NAL STATION Ca - roar Tr&Wq Cenw Be - Como a nae ladakdan, ea W W"ft me#" in arYiow nolo. aar oar - . strabud o PM bMera � r ww *L (M) 7~29-I1s1 °rip MECHANIC This international company has an immediate opening for a Production Mechanic to do set-ups and main- tenance on a variety of high-speed assembly equipment. A post sec- ondary diploma in mechanics or electronics and five years related experience is required. The ability to problem -solve and trouble -shoot is essential. We offer a competitive salary plus benefits in a three shift production (Please submit resume or apply with written application to: Recision Valve (Canada) Limited 85 Fuller Road Ajax, Ontario L1S 2E1 1 GGea� l HIM General P Help requires thirty CLASS AZ DRIVERS 2 yrs. exp.; I.C.C. M.dkal, Polka Clearance, Cleat abstract, FulYPart time Call Rwidy or Todd 430-2204 Lots at Imo- ENV( )No- ACeotla"" OF DURHAM ----NAL > hr buseee AdrshWatratlon A -Z MO omens. VA~ Wase- > 111"Cal office Laboratory Assistant 4Z!;!7! firlNs stw USA lar Naim b -F- t )11, Medical Oma Administration ooarvarrr Mut nava LC.C. NadlCK abs"" bVIIrdrrp 9054383W5. )0-tk ChlropraeOffice Assistant 10 -Tourism and Mo polity )0- Comsatlnity Care Olver 7 ain in Malde. Net Two 310- Pbarmwy TeoMdeiaa CondwAW )I-As41M Can AIN I Techalipium voWn Ewoba9ai Dan > fif Wen ssrviao worim 576=9175 > ALTERNRATWE NEOF CML 4 1n rob. Io. I hrt MORMON: ATTEW MT CAM AIDES P*ft MTAf110 >- Leal CMrk "COLLRSE MdWm Mas, oN r )0- um a aeewNy AdmUiMfratleti 4m4liii' ONLY 10 f'01JTHS �' t 7y71. ,r, •_N ZELLEN POIr W STUDfO Full Sim sobs atx- pwbnceIII an assn. salary + bonus. pooNEIaM61 4WW1 11 MIN n INSURANCE LXZE CA& TaboWm and ooa► Naroial algal« . Ie. oo�Nrairnaraata WM .nos. Cama Pat at wbnW an Nrlmmm (905) 579- 1317 of tax (905) 432- 15W TIME NAL STATION Ca - roar Tr&Wq Cenw Be - Como a nae ladakdan, ea W W"ft me#" in arYiow nolo. aar oar - . strabud o PM bMera � r ww *L (M) 7~29-I1s1 °rip MECHANIC This international company has an immediate opening for a Production Mechanic to do set-ups and main- tenance on a variety of high-speed assembly equipment. A post sec- ondary diploma in mechanics or electronics and five years related experience is required. The ability to problem -solve and trouble -shoot is essential. We offer a competitive salary plus benefits in a three shift production (Please submit resume or apply with written application to: Recision Valve (Canada) Limited 85 Fuller Road Ajax, Ontario L1S 2E1 1 GGea� l HIM General P Help requires thirty CLASS AZ DRIVERS 2 yrs. exp.; I.C.C. M.dkal, Polka Clearance, Cleat abstract, FulYPart time Call Rwidy or Todd 430-2204 Lots at Imo- ENV( OF DURHAM ----NAL NOMI A -Z MO omens. VA~ Wase- l=ull 6 Part dM* b no Canada A firlNs stw USA lar Naim b -F- t 416.41""7. ooarvarrr Mut nava LC.C. NadlCK abs"" bVIIrdrrp 9054383W5. CvoR and vat. daatrloa. w0- dW Paid radians/ hit ane van eta w Oa% .• Mala tars d2abs Whiny br MARanbt- 2 ..oma Cd i s m 01 t VM s« �e,�.rAp has. ata 2125 ALTERNRATWE NEOF CML 4 1n rob. Io. I hrt MORMON: ATTEW MT CAM AIDES P*ft my bort fob. Teft tut oWAWatirll. ay hots. I ass Nora fm WAW dl 9",- W uM Ny eoaor. hn•aaraihra ib., ae°viatm dwr� sw�ias 1111048111011"vrarlead 'baanMd aPvfoait 0-i a ON -43249K 26 hL III � Rao NW MOt m� NO N balnrlanl �� ANNK no R Wing b- atraad. no NMdy da'�� . �oallon. 0111111 01111 PWj MMil�ddk abatis � dW*v Iwo*00W � _ at ►ter pubo- d ��r�� nus" Fballra. WdWWha- oar or trainYlp In ani/ r0- reap isftvim davairPtars v kUft o* For I Cal Ch@W a 42 MOL = h W ASSBMNJ illstar Home - �ioarcb b wed oo pl= NSWMa pMum A am a#9i91 P.O. sorim N1 5727JWL ANa*V raoord. Ovhww Ont L1H 7L5 tri. 41"124rM Xis SEAM SALONCartdhnCoNPary sect Part *" kWNWd aqF ht br Oahans and Ajaa Cd Dors 723.7320- THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1997 -PAGE 17 11 career, 1 1 careers 1 1 careers 1 o«,Helpl 1 tierh t 1 c mal 1 G 1 salsa Help/ JoSsles Help/HelP P p Agent Agent 1 I-T-giT We're Serious about getting you one of the 18,000 jobs available Our individualized learning plan provides unique program packages in day or evening classes. Train with others in a hands-on, business -oriented environment. We provide career consultation, teach job search skills and, for qualified students, we help find financial assistance. Start training for a rewarding career in technology ■ Programmer Analyst ■ Network Spe ciahst ■ LAN Administrator ■ Cootputwized Technician • Modern Office Skl11s < 7o CD/ COLLEGE Reach ler your future OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Call today technology training starts soon Scartwough 416-297-6662 Moore is the leading global partner helping companies communicate through print and digital technologies. As the lading supplier of document formatted information, Moore designs, manufactures and delivers business communications products, services and solutions to customers. Warehouse Persons Located in our Divisional Warehouse and Distribution Centre in Oshawa, you will perform a number of warehouse duties including picking orders, putting away stock and shipping product. You are a highly motivated tam player who thrives on working in a fast -paced, changing environment. You have good problem solving abilities and communication skills and are able to work rotating shifts. Preference will be given to applicants with previous warehouse and/or lift truck experience. Moore provides excellent training and offers competitive wages and benefits. Please forward your resume in confidence to: David A. Hagel, Manager, Human Resources, 6600 Explorer Drive, Mississauga, Ontario LAW 6C3. COWW d M EAoArym w E,wry •� w;Md M , w0kp.umi Smarter by design 1 Help 1 °;IRelp ' °'f�C° Help Custom truck and trailer manufacturer has openings for the following positions. CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER - The ideal can- didate will have a minimum 10 years experience managing a customer service department. Priority consideration will be given to those with a background in welding and heavy truck and trailer mechanics. MACHINIST - A minimum 3 years experience required. Preference will be given to those familiar with machining for custom hydraulic cylinders. CAD OPERATOR - The ideal candidate will have a num- mum 5 years experience. Preference will be given to those fa- miliar with vehicle hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical sys- tems. This positions is available immediately. We offer competitive wages and benefits. Please forward your rerun a to P.O. Box 96, Part Perm, Ontario. 1.91, 1A1. Only dwse appiicaots suitable for the above positions will be contacted. (Markham Road &401) Retail lo+bwDOag..w.'a Bus- Opp. � � wltw.atr`A.at w 28 campuses across Canada including Toronto, Oshawa, l WWU allow in ow rim beac lord Gnaw d North York, Mississauga, Scarborough, Hamilton. sem+► n„�e,::'°`•; a'.a°a`p.Mt M t •,, Nays Adwlaow raila an old adrarIBM a Clad[ 1* ad Won FAkdon wini ' tl o= and be lib IN am alk an tleolrW itlalao10 ad WAR OdlanolailiMb 11111111111110M. Lillift IM w- as in ant is Uitd to M a>asat MId br M tilos 004ft as alar. M tiny is all a Is an W P" dnarat faf 60" prams 1.ewlid lot PMPNM• bonam t1+ *11110 Ap* COWWM t1a[n! FW - Wall. am a cad darts br baaM MM SJLa.E. U me aim %WGait. Stale 31tM1. daaalaa %Qk Oft LQ 30 omm .0 oWa -.Cd EARN SW . weak Maw hone. L%" aaaanhlp ow 411111a MwklW lb opply ad 416,202.@M Iib IK deft ExPgllsrc� �y send t�iatmre 1�s•. Flo #M Thb Wnk Rp, gat 44ai Odw ft ole. LIH 71.5. General Help we asses di u ditecilly 10 E= work. No deWsasrld _ S.AIS.E b�ptr�lbs•� NeYolas.0nL1Y �d sfa�wr .b a at.fa Cow atloid �ftnww Lina. DWW VA bektdo as bosh of aafvioo and asoma inNAL a bmaa A�eCwoniiii aoi a ndillow M aaaa. NM Kempo n ba 006-ar- tS or qua. 906.427-015 ll A sTTLW On tfAM. am log uA salad , U" (Wilson hat wen.Rod vwv ot . ad loft 725-1171. MC11111116 1101111111211111111 U16 "No .Oa* , wv ..•cult~ rat Mas dealtssondd yaSASE to OW110 E,. an. 150 Clwk 9ndb 247. MMM n 0101. LBT 4tle. unvon N*dw for 98111- WASA•MA W N 80640"111.- 11"t -T1111111111 06 0"111. �fcoor iea+d N AW Plobal area, 2a Pori Novel wPe �Owing" S"y 0"cas•ns W Roo Sat 344, liar, Oelrb LIS 3C2. =U010 SM is nae look- by Tun Ca.00e f'p°wr-144- =."=- for nal ' A ",efl dobsoMpd �byp �The strrne lo:. , wlydtaur Dr., Spoon for cant Plains a+ 1 � e&* d Catlada. To 0e tem LIB 1 b Ma aaa1a11a m Help hew am two awerlOw. Ids) 623,2225 to ana st- face A00h Look clew a Feal Gwast .a a aid. aaMt Au� Ilio booms of L ClonnowwL No eEa11rCE 11111111111repaired for alamtoa.e wpair Shap. at Ca.bb. Fl�ia T by c 36e The $200. Cassa Fee Phone Coft pias.. Wit hare good arlowar cats . unis VA a Free Road dwildon bob~ baits at S"b alas and be ar0«iernoed Moldftel S oMarbtxPwo 1 N*/Alm aatinaft Fat lWw.we Caudoe R foe bey laM• 123. 10(905)430-1222. ane valdas aaduead. baa. on oMa audowofre saiwor (s>1i =U010 SM is nae look- tlaFYw ••wM apPorbnnt lora 0111109kv for nal ' A ",efl pass i adlldad aceafaioafc a" Molaoibrwl Nw FSP Spoon for cant Plains a+ 0101111 60 amid ."'Md� pIa paewrllm• be Cada 9hKe Y f0643D w7. e•f agalrwt wo supply 1id"i'e a'id "'� Ma aaa1a11a m s1lreFolEh TWO of Un- pievion"bewieft kd elabd Paand4 i MioMs face A00h Look clew a Feal Gwast .a a aid. aaMt 140% HaMral i Qac pallW 4M pour oWR Palrido (a f6L abaoL ��RwwaMr•r� aulgoi sow in UMN 11011M for a W tY Aaa10g'+� w dwildon bob~ baits at SattttMtya Fact 4/a Dwdisal Cobagn Aug 1e. In. 17. For am Mrawaba of phos*411104114W fasrr a von tw � foe bey laM• 123. Oaam 0 aaw s°0=F" cancan b baa. on oMa audowofre saiwor (s>1i /bad oosedbabr 3 Is 111111111110111M $Ann - No.. warm aoola•nw. wmieor baatatd b011r b Oke- Acct ywd in vow am son swan added 0r we bt4Nnt y 1d and atrb MdlM* aneeaevo 0% No anaabb. Hoary has 01111111111 -lions sat w aqr a aMlor aaowu, aloe b Nle aw o": awsjWlt atyefimnoe ho*- Mt 911000 aawa N"ClIs 4 tlaFYw ••wM apPorbnnt lora CAr11 PK0-11011 (Ica b i1MtI Plaint i argaflbd•o glia rico- aaaa i. roc wawa aaaa- pass i adlldad aceafaioafc a" Molaoibrwl Nw Qn++ine a�t+nla , one at ;rowan Van vers tall 31atit- 4aaa t8t UdU 0101111 60 amid ."'Md� pIa paewrllm• be Cada e•f agalrwt wo supply 1id"i'e a'id "'� and 0oup to a�g PrP m HAWAT" Wien aa- pmraia rarnlad Mx CAI- pert Pu menbaim ala eohooi opa•rwd e4iri1 p tafdafib duiiig tbfdaa baafon In PkMaNq par so*wive10 a�4 d PiskoYOiiig 7ban conk., call flub pour oWR Palrido (a f6L q � � � 410-14aa in �'�'t p.rblr pl0wbtaM, cabal Irl houn; � � am SELL R N= - CALL GENERAL O FF!= nip 2 3 peyehnNc cow nets 1111 bum Plaaae or F1LE Mu"14M i41h C.*" Ob�warodge F•: AM.. 9b. Is IO Wtialw10, O101rio. L3R OW. Fir 94111420l. tlobd27.4sf3 (s>1i 1 Sales Help/ Agent EXPERIENCED. MATURE. enewawsw sales npre- w law Ve for a well estab- Refle - owwcoppv deoF- waNfp in Duham Region. Excellent oo mites can and wncernrge lor suooessm Calf , Fax Motamie b (905) 427-1339. RADIO, Adrertgirq Tele- phone Saks. work tMM hone. SonbA>,.hem ane. Fate meelerne neommy. etreeaerr cowwneemorns - Wtr na.ae b cotumavy Pubac Serr¢ee Rada. PO.ean 2177. Kingston ciew o. K71. SA. RE UND s Sable Repre- sentMva rneeded for nes Will sale ane- sand moume a $05-4344002 Skilled 19101 Help AUTO BODY MAN. Own Por own buwrrea. COm- ow.r •wrvp.d body Shop for cwt. " $1495 mored. 19. 725-1171. SALES AGENTS REQUIRED ErOxmiastic sales consultants with a confident, positive attitude are required for a five week pilot pro- ject in Whitby. Applicants must have sales experience with strong communication and people skills. We offer flexible hours, excep- tional hourly rates and an excel- lent commission . Ti se ft July 29fh.4 p.m. Falx Reamms to: I - ni Dwis 41640645M SALES MERCHANDISING REPRESENTATIVE (APPra-2deliskeek) . ACTMEOIA, Canada*'- 9 supplier of Mid parry sales and mordwidlsing services has an irm odide 9pg bra part tinge Sales Merchandising Raprosudo w in the A jaxlPidowN ales. The succesalul carhdide- niust be tteltible b adapt to sudden prograru dwinges, sales nlperctwrdreing eltperietece, preferably in mess mer r' L r to 9 g slores is ntluired, as well as strong cornrwnitsilion arid w"nizadonel : dNL We vA provide Ualniingan of a ret' required Plus ,sleege Use It you aro interest in a chaNe qft career opportunity That SO p wAdes tine for bnt(ly and oulaide irdlerests, send your resum6 b: acerata McDlermid ACTMEDIl1 CANADA INC. 1296 Marlin Grove Rood Eftk oka, ON M9W 4X3 Fax (416) 7434M Idfu9M11dglodehhaaa� nils aMMtrnia10htdMatlt7td No phone Calls plow. APPLY TODAY, START TOMORROW 20 Immediate openings for people want to start making money now. No sales - No telemarketing Call Tina 721-0299 Must be 18 and older. OLYMPIA INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LTD. COMMISSIONED SALES AGENT FULL or PART-TIME SALES MACHINE SHOP SUPPLIES (905) 683-5010 BRUCE HYDE JM SkilledIM Skilled Help Help. A local progressive Durham Region manu- facturer is looking for a highly motivated flexible individual to full the position of TEAM MANAGER, NIGHT SHIFT' The successful candidate should possess a post secondary degree or diploma, have demonstrated leadership skills, sound knowl- edge of the team concept. This person should possess a passion for safety, have a good understanding of logistics, strong inter- personal and coaching skills and strong me- chanical aptitude. Please reply in con- fidrrx with salary expectations to: FILE N 9aM5 OSHAWA THIS WEEK P.O. BOX 431, OSHAWA, ONTARIO LIH 71.5 Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. :k RE�l11RES TIRE INSTALLER ILUBE TECH Successful applicant will work in a busy flat rate environment and need to pos- sess superior customer handling skills. Nights and weekends are a regular part of the schedule and the person will need to have their own tools. Apply with resume to: QWMKNs1n TWO 1300 Kingston Rd. Pkkering EXPERIENCED SIDING INSTALLERS Good wages Local work Must have own break Cwmii Home Improvements 686-2445 EXTM8 Im w.r.dA w M, Irsr .tares A#tention ewer R.N.'s aavecla Part time R-N.'s required to work with children in Durham Regkm • Weekends. Nights. Variety of shifts e Current CPR and College of Nurses Registration e 2 pears recent Pediatric Experience definite prerequisite • Community Nursing an asset Fax or deliver resume by Tuesday. July 29. 1997 Dudiialln mociation for 865 fey Road South AJm Ontario. LIS 984 Flax: (906) 427-9618 Only those applicants selected for interviews will be contacted. Pk a - r'Oft 001/1 .1-r,' 019 I'21�Ai'41r' PAGE IS- THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 27,1!!7 ImslitHlelp • A°i; i 1 1 1 1Beskelt1 1 CLASS A LICENSED ME- CHANIC reclined for busy auomotihre shop. Con- fidence, enthusiastic and knowledgeable.Good cus- torrw service skills an as- ter Plssw fax resume to: 905-430.1222 DRAFTSPERSON NEED- ED.Archnectral, electrical. mechanical, structural, act. AutoCAD< Microstahon or CADKEY knowledge a must. Fax resume to (905) 839.3852 Mon -Thurs. EXPERIENCED Truck Driver, class A -Z. min 3 years experience. US ex- perience. wrath medical. Call 905-623-6273. 905-686- 2224 FIXTURE -TOOLMAKERS. Pnmanly for afternoon shift for automotive -related com- pany. High hourly rates Paid with benefits. based on expenence to Fib 39878. Oshw thy This Week. PO. Box 481, Oshaiva. Ontario L I H 71-5, QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN and apprentice required immediately. Send resumes to PO Bae 5062 Claremont. Ontario LIY IA4 or Fax resume to 905- 649-5156 Hospital 1 lleeiesl Oval DF%T11. HIGIF:7 COORDINATOR & RF.CEPTIO\LST Pkasc apply only I • W' S yen ase era • rcamorwh oigrelooral 6 _onrixxx[aiarh Isaac Fax (905) 8-$945.135 1 Daycare • Wanted CHILD CARE REQUIRED 3 rwcnoo aged gift my home or $a Join A, Mac- Donald public school area Full time. References w M, ea 931-7243 NURTURING NANNY/ CAREGIVER with playful teen requie0 for Sept for 8 month and 6 yr. old Brock Rd /Cont 3 Lne out pre- *rred 606-5232 Daycare Available E.C.E Moller of 2. home owvcam fenced yard. acsv- ities, kawx4s+sr ads. non- e�mokin^q4� references Val- *ytar Ibrook or" Call 905-426-1543 or 905- 420-3706 FIMf LOVING Manor of 3 to provide genal caring daycare Services at non- smoking home r North Hermitage 'St.Patndk Stool ares Pleas WI 905-428.3272 MOTHER of 3 boys 7. 4. a 3. close to Souhwrood P.S.. Harwood/Dryer, loads to w, toys. cratK. huge back- yard, walk to Kinsman Park. snacks a lunch provided. 011641-smokkmg. tun erfnron- nem. Can 68&-2829, PICKER/IG Basch / Roac: Loving daycah: /8 months to need bard outings and Park). Crafts, story time, music, nutritious meals a snacks. First Aid, C.Pq certified. Non-smolong, re- oeilm. 905-428-1244. HAPPY HOME DAYCARE- WesmeyiDManey, - dose to Lester B. Pearson Elemen- tary School, 17 yrs. exp. Mealsisnacks provided. Large play area Close to park. Receipts/references avoi All ages wet. come Lots more 686- 8719 Holme Care HELPING HAND HOME CARE- Services for Sen- iors. Wide range of servtc- as. care -giver relief. light home -maintenance. per- sonal pre program• much more. Sandra 905-706- 632e. 1 Firewood FIREWOOD. akoeNent vveeryry best quality hardwOOd. 9�;;Wfted extra long time kihy seasaed, cut a spit. Honest messuremenl free delivery. summer prices. Kozy Heat Firewood 905- 753-2246 1 Bargain Comer 23cu.IL FREEZER, $100. 0 0008tu air conditioner. $150 Apt - size HitachiwasMr/spm-dryer, $200. Computer desk. $10. -0505 4rerceer. APPLIANCES for sale, &I - mond stovetrdge. a dish- viasfrr 12 yens old, all in good working condition. 1 pieces $5o(I (9D5)419. 3679 BEDROOM Fiwrrtw o. 6325 Teak dresser a but. lot, W Weedh Elegant fablea chairs. $450 Case* table. $75. Etc Phone 693-2671 FREE TO GOOD HOW- 7 month old abicolne cross. W14Include ell accesw net Cal (905)426 1505 UPRIGHT EntertalrrwuM Contra. oak. beautiful con. d lion, 6125 New kitchen cupboards. " oak. n- ck+dag Darer Lazy Susan a Pantry, $400 905-639- 3196 WASHER and dryer, Vhk- Ing, whore. heavy dry, 7 yrs. old $325 Apra 619- 159 1 for sort GARAGE door repairs, broken springs. capµ. roger. installedopenersinstalled$49 No. doom opren. Quality Plus Doors 416- 336-0073 DWYCW* • AVailable Sr. GEORGE'S DAYCARE Op "Ift DoH: HUM � S 2,1997 *W* Fflft 72aal.-6.90pA +�2MiJi K -W xW hall diy I op-- is -CMisbil propralu IN i warm.CUM IINIIONNB6 for &Adm 10 bw aM plot( cum inoom S(.6lMp�.!'f�6.�i�-MW Ti�q N� 614331 p 01 e1P0,151? �M� DURHAM RD. 5 CONC. "99 a �tal = g g 6 HWY. 7 TAUNT ROAD HWY. 2 GREEN : " II"'' Fw Sale FOUND rig at G*rWnaa Liverpool. it prldrnp lot near McDonalds. Cal to idMMly (905)-839.6883• PICK •00oft R R BRAE R III ORCHARDS '45 655-4501 or 655-3217 OSHAWA OBEDIENCE Assoc. CCllapsses starting and basic, Tuesday 11th. puppy 5th. basic a tceTo Repsler cel Bev. 4350868 BEAGLE PUPS oho otter apt. size pupa - no Papers, vet checked, first shots, ready to go now. Will d@W- or. Whitby location. Call Laurie 905665-0191 HOURS R YOUNG spayed or neu- R tered cats with vaconalgns 19 available to responsible 21 Weekdays 8am - 8pm R booster I Kittens m:� >r R medium to larger sued 2 R doge also in need of is. Sat. &Sun. Sam - 6pm homes. Pol sup. � ee doodW always; >f welcome. Please call Dur- lm OF READY PICKED AVAILABLE R hom°` _of 91 ATTENTION: Dog PICKING SUBJECT TO SUPPLY & WEATHER Rstarting at $54.99 tDWasto o 1@RRRRRRR�RRRRRiRiliRRIiRRRR RRI9RRRRRRRRNRRRMRRNRRRRRRRRRRRR Life R Jadufs atarOrg of t2S 24' Articles For Sale 36- Craftsman Lathe. $550 with gouges and also d; 24' Leigh DowdaN Jig with router bits, never used $450 krm. 647-0454 AIR CONDITIONER, 1-24' Nmand stove. 1-30' white stove. 1 Apt. sized washer a dryer sat. 432-9,96. oak for Dew or Mico*. AIR COMMMUERS $149 a up Dehumidifiers S99 7 up Mipowave SW TVs $99 a up Fridges $150 a up. Stoves 399 a up. Wadt..s $150 a up. o.rs 399 a up. VCRs $79 a up. Apandsrryeer4 send from $399 AW�sized heezws $150 a up. vacuum $50 A up We have now and used Composers. Up o 6 WeBuyan=0 Sel9O6�J6-� 1133200 POCK (BOTTOM DEALS. 22 Simcoo St. Noel (at Bond SL) Oshawa ALL POE Bedroom suite. mediirrri stared, 6' Can- nauee be60. bureau with hutch. A mains armwe. 2 naghlste ds with lanws. f2900 (9051-U2.3688 ANTIQUE PIANO. ornate scroll". best offer, pool tab 0 . $500 080. 2 man teat trai*r, exce4rK cond- tan $400. 060. Evertir96. 655-1694 BIRCH CANOPY, LITTLE FOLKS Cllr, high quemy, with accessories, quid SI.000, &slung $350 Car Seat pad $'So- as" $45 725-5040 BRUNSWICK P0o1 Table. 4x8. only 3 months old. malt condition. N aopebo- nes ridded. $1.400 080. C40 905.432.9401. CARPET / 3 roans fir $319 (30 aq. yards) Piano, um pad a nWMbon n- CAaded. cal Sal 432-2750. CARPET BROKER, 1004. Nylon trd, plush. stwn iotishrt crpeL For 3 roam., afy, $364.00. Price ihekrdes 30 Sq. Yale Carpet Oekme pad and intstaNakpn n your hone. Free quout, tion . n you Itonrng. No' t>♦ 1aiML no Icr Orfs lid yen, 00". 1-e00- 217-0104. CAMETS - Was of crI ' 1004 f*M. now shin R I"" cwpsu on hid. I will crpat 3 rooms, SM. Price includes - i; pre► nwun paid. en F iretale- mMatis (30 yards). elder mm 6862914. CARPM SALE Lala of crpow 100% now a m tubus. rI Fp 3 rooms 378. (30 sq; yd.) kkclla - CWPK NWM@abw Foe e446mol Durisonand oma- Sam 9054WI77T2a . CAM M Try sold sae. Now 100% now Skain. Iia Dro*ie mit- we to suit any knad,- Senior disooranl R@pd► ON". Cam and I'll ohm OWlike difference. 100% Ipnlers satekaoseac 4314040 . Mede c6os1 ALWAYS OPEN[ COW PUTERS. sales. Service aril Upgradse 1644 meg system $595.. 39 6 1144 SVGA cokfu. Trade-ins w0looffas. Phore (905) 571-601 ArtiCWS Articles 1 For Sale 1 For Sale COMPUTER SERVICE - Sales. Pnreers $49. VGA colour monitors $125. Fax Machina $169 Systems, 386. 486. Pentium. Used and now IM reasonable nes •Ca- vrwnt IOCattort and show- room. Call for pndng. Mod- el T CanpfMrs, 131 Brod St. S., Whitby (905) 430- 5615. COMPUTER CLEARANCE CENTRE - Nw 166 Mhz/32 ram/ 1 760 drivMnrhultimede 2a NI, mohtor $1296. 75 Mhz/ 16 ram/1.3 GB dnvehrtullr media 28 rose* montor $895. Used 396 and IM's hon $125. Exit 432 b 164 Baeekre Most of Liberty) (905)697-3059. CUSTOM MADE California Redwood conservatory oty* solanum Hoer reaec- nve, ONKWKVe root rzii pit I. x x 7 . Cal r _details. (905) 420- 0932. HANK'S a STEFS HOME APPLIANCES Save moray onquall Waefers. a s era, $175 A up. Frost -free In VW VW a up Sloven. fi a up New apparnc- aa Cap tot rrnedieh aw- rce a viii out sharroorm. 362 French St Oshawa 905-432-7167. Ask abort oto eatrhded wnrarey pro gram. ENGAGEMENT ANO WEDDING rang eat, never used 1!3 krat sd hito, aril metehrg 3 diwaxid bond, appraisal $2400. get $1200 firm 688-9990 FOR SALE, Berry and Romance art prints. dhow pattern Noritake piece W. cowmb king for Band dt.at (douto), call 426-3596 FREE TO GOOD NOW Complaint Aommill sinew. secrecy system. 2 yr. nbrft bring ages "No M 324.95 par month. irneMndos pofrp reg r�ori (Pofrca, WADO- Cwi. fire). VaMud at 3x19. Cal Bi al 906 420!69. HARDTOP Tem traiasr, on" 6, rift waw. fridgw. aft $1500; Mfd elridwnwy os karmOp 5350; 2 doiie kofmbm $100. MCh; am, Iic hot water tare (40 get - bras). &8" WAS $100: kWW a Jon 4361261. NFFACN 9B1r0 khp bP wilt PrirMet. Crry case. 3 moat old, sow o1 to ail AAsslitg $3,000. (905) 723- NOVSIB OUT ladies sad dat*Mns Clobrrng, S9m- mr Cb mnciL $5 and $10 rack, E i C 1235 Bt1NX ort 200 Pk1k@rig price Now 4150.GePPw4 (M5)4KW LARGE FNM PREF k'idge lyre old r excslrft conQmon $400. ND Wash. 6194 ,, $400 �la 6 yrs am M)- OFFICE FlIAN dw*Wbordroom WAS. 3 3D'It60' metal dub 2 hi - back sawal dn0is I sing cabinet Grest for skxMK honor. ofsp. 426-3033 OLD FASHIONED, pi wonel dra i ng table Plus machine, $406, Wild wood dNk L -shops, 5200. @teal deck $900. tis 619-,2110. PIANOS -GRANDFATHER CLOCKS. Visit our were - how. rww awed prangs (upright a grand). drgilal pence a kyboards. 7tla also. rant b own. Lege se Isclion d clods Call Tel- ae Pis-, 4331491 MASSEY FERGUSON 12 hp 51.300. (905) 2611-471S3 SACRIFICE SAM Black Lacquer Diming Room Set: Buflel Hutch. Italian -made table with Oaf i 6 Chars whip seats . Asking 1,350.00 = 9o5 -n3- 0396. SEARS LT 11 Lawn be, - tor. 35 n. deck $550. or beat ober. Teklpftorhe aa6- 1663 SWDU M wooden steels 6 x lin. only 3299 plus tax faaihr user saes aid yk ss Also and decks. 761 McKay cad. Unit 3. Pickiwi g. For mon into. pt 905419.2060. Facew If CoweMNYCoamfolleM/e. ( 6500 a37 Bed t Pickering FURNITUREis - =1.1 Woodworking ryEmrerta , have �gmrkpyo�a m ow *0 w sM ant the fpatveeAglueeYl'y fur. what low T-lL 905995077a. UKRI 6G - ►rfstle. Sklar tivngroorn gat, Sklr rocker/ tocMher. KroMMr ask d- rt-tgroonh act. Riverside 00k rc,"op desk. bedroom eat rathn seta sobbed, &I- Carlo r hrtairNrx Carlbes, cd1M- tae*s, bookcases, ww4n- (905) 420-•1341 USED FRWW $225. and uD. toed saes Woo. and lip used wiyhera 5250. *TMs $179 Orad rap. Brand new Orard name frfd9aa• 16. CA $995 . New brand nems 30' f', Sao. and UP. New scraach and deft br fridges 5 C.f. 5219. Sit► 0 -maws Furniture and Aoofirbse 227 Court SL, OOesiift0rrm0 576y7o44ue con- ' wiMTIW th the mo sod bbr bat a your lertr, tae Cif hs jf. Cat for iib. "it - =I 6 6351 r 8884234 aksr 5 Pse• IArdelles yltipuichasi cid. Sko��iwn�r mitis, chis, skw adver- a& bell oo�Nar,Ioar or ck anoNl�ha CON fR@bsA Bonwa AsweirrL m�' a�aalsrrcmfa welt ld fiubic le Abs. OW 1117 TRAVEL TANK 204W. MY good . fader a.0 l IN inraeiiale eats. Call 905455-4729. drryyon, ornot, @terms, upfruck Timmer aLkwl -wag dew" No 669"7"Ti. ten MIr U05 - RR Fire Flydranl Container $25.99. BEST OWN 3', Mt/ t;farage/ 21. W. 10' Lifetime Gfsmr- 1 Yard Saks too, from $5.99. Dog shov- els from 65.99. Dog Burr hats from $9.00. 9 9, 7 MOVING SALE, 19 Cubic If G E side by aids hsend fridge. sloo., a pc. di room suite, 3800.. pullout bed deaer6aW. 5300.. au - 01125. anw�saed wskarbawahrMd $300. 1 antique sob a 2 Chairs. $700. 1 computer desk $125 1 o/lica desk 350,905.726-23*11 Uter 1 Cnnternetet NEW MUSIC e-zne e hagl/www.duRtun- news.nW-atc276hf- dew-hit Sow Now; PAY NEXT YEAR! 16 x 24. O.D. use- r Kayak pool al - checks $5.195. Meals fencinby- g Yhva. 2Syr. werrarhly 1-eu4 Pl oree5416-7W75096j� . � x(905)723-5413. 1 1 Automobiles for Sae CREDIT PROBLEMS? On that a" fnancirg Down payments from $500 Mont ly trucks, WW 1981 to 1991. AlNrdy Au i Selse Lid. 792 some Street South. Oehewa. Phone 905.720-3382 NEED A VEHICLE? Poo credit? No credit? Bank - PAN? Ca11 Trac* at 905- 5761900 or 1.89-259- 3973. I tin helpf 1m WB., red. strhdrd, goad donation. $5.000 or beat offer as a Telspho,te (15) 839-1813 1977 COIIVETTE, 75,000 k. auto. 454.glass bps. car** thin wheels. $6.500, or beat offer. (905) 655- 1094 it" VW Camper. mint oatdlion, 144,000 km.. kd- y 1o0d0d, green, $4999. certified. Cal 420-2923. 1964 HONDA CIVIC HATCHBACK. semi au- tornafc, as is or for pods, $500 obo. Call 576-3816. 1996 DODGE VAN am- lonnized, 6 cyl. dem 11.900. 1997 Grand Caravan new $29.000. Asking $24,000. 1968 Beretta loaded $2500.(905)263-4753. 1987 CAVALIER, 2 -door, loaded. $2100 o rti- 1988 Plymouth Reb- ant, $11595 certified. 19M Firebird T -bars. 3800 as is. Cal 404-9759. 1967 TOYOTA COROL- LA. Good running, high hwy mitis. g90000dd condition. $1400. Ca1905-430-0643. 19M CAVALIER 4 door automatic Air, 53000 kms $2995. Mint Ccridition 1994 Cavalier 2 Door, 5 Speed AMIFM caauelN oily 48000 kms $7195. 433-1787. =i INOC Z CANARD, T - roof, loaded. 128,000 km., No winters. $6.800 csrti- Ked. Cab Loft" 705) 324-2156 days or 705) 878-7011 ov9s. 19M LINCOLN NARK VM, LSC, 150.000 kit** loaded, mint, carkfied, must sae. $6.000 or bast offer. (905) 576-0918 19M CHEV caveka ata0on wagon. AM/FM casaetta, sub. a/c, $1450 as ia. Cal 905436-1558. 1988 PONTIAC BONNE- VILLE SE. V6. loaded, 200.000 km.. $2500 certi- fied obo. 868-0786 1991 BUICK Car*" Wagon 3 3L V6 OKCSO rK oortdbon loaded. torn- ofe aCCe 17500 Certi6@d O.B.O. Pleses can Mr 6 OOp.m. 905-723-9479- 1991 Ltl NA Euro. !- door. kiwded. 3 1, row mo. for brakes, mal6ar. �+a Oohed up. oort $5800. Call Mae here Mia -&W- 432-1 865337. work 432-1304 1981 PLYMOUTH Leer RS 5Spd, P/W, P/S, MD. PI A. One aver car. wx I - - co clition. $6000 Certifed. Dos 416724.3583 a evam 905.6554651. 1981 TOYOTA Tercel OX 4 door 5 Sod, thnderd, 185000 kms. Exd cad. 64500. cartiMd. (905)434- 1777. 1882 NISSAN AXXESSSport Von fully 09UIPP111d.. 1222.000 krn.. - tibon. asking 39800. ow 041111 1964 DODGE Canwt. V6, Aub, AIC, PS.. P.B., 7 peerger swbrg, Am/Fm Caseeae. 168000 km, $70500. Call (905) 987- 3812 1964 DODGE COLT , 5 spd.. can.. 109.000 kmn. eaceNertt condition. Owner going b UK, raker offer on ce of $5.70.* $2,� below W. a boat offer. 726-2732. ISM GUANO PIMx SE, P/W, PA_ PIs, PIM, Cnwee, 713, AmlFfn coneft, secur- ity syet . 79,000 We. $14.500. Cal 643-3020. 1904 GRAND Petr V6. pir S. abs M . pkv.. p 0tr nk, so- aMitY 6iyatem 4-doon. op - 13,900. Li1m000 f now. lOy owner- 9054833020. IM ��ttddCsrArVALIER. 2 -door, 23.000hm. nett. sea ly dim. Sk%MGW dart oar- tNot &0 Cal 905437 - WE FINANCE MOM �� $Fill ti111• blMISM 1Oi115 i al" fm W*WK boil as* no CMA N you Chi to S"CW Ff1i Ke �� vSfHSt� Ch•V obi Pi Wft (�)m�e rv,wu sMfs dr, sukk sx- oNNrt condson, was naiMailsd, 4xhnded wer• rrMyt Asking $7900. cars. bd bd 0 95.263 CAN= AUTO SALES 1985 HONDA Accord 4 dr. auto. i/995: 1 A Torrent, 2 dr, blue. $2985: 1987 HON- DA Prelude, 2 dr. white, auto. $3395: 1989 HONDA Accord EXI 4 dr. blade . auto. $5646; 1973 Motor - home 22' $3985 as is. 1988 Pontiac Tempos. black, auto. $1995; 1988 Ford Ranger pickup, baby blue, standard $2495: Call vehdfes certified: 1895 Clements Rd. Unit 177, Pickering. Need a ear, CNN Phil686-3803. CERTICAR'S THIRD AN- NIVERSARY SALE Codb- tass.-_ M erl6ed and m- Cortda all yeltklse now seriously ndkaced. Ep. Larpsat selection of G.M. mini vans from $6,295. 1990 Lumina Euros, boded from $5.695. 1989 Calsonty Euro, A-1 beauty $4,400. 1966 Suntwd SE, auto, six - cement. $2.995. firm. 1991 Sunbird LE. V4, silver. ne- duced to 35,500. 1992 Hyundai S Coups, air, 5 WOW, Defied $4.995. 1990 Buick L@Sabre, tidy loaded, 125,000 kms, WOW $6.995. 1980 Side- kick JLX, auto. hardtop, $5,995. 1992 Tracker. Mee new $4,995. 1967 Nissan Samba. wagon. 4 x 1, 1xh- belisvabN. only $3.995. 1992 Mazda Ckob Cab, pickup. $6,995. A-1. 1994 Taurus GL. loaded. sale $9, 1967 Mustang corfvsrtib*, while beat of*r over 53,000 s 1985 Camry auto "W. 1998 Cavalier 5 speed $550 o.b.o. Sae you at CWUCW Aub C«nre "Myn). 155 King SL W.. M Mat. '571-2=. Op- Sunday. DURHAM MOTORS LTD. safes and service repairs. class 'A' mochist a an duty. $45 per hour, labour rats. 35 reconditioned oerti8ed pus with 1 Yuan tow --hsps. 90 Sunbind GT 5 spd 33995. 90 Bonneville SSE $6795. 90 Luswe Euro $4995. 99 Taurus wagon $2995. M Suribed $2395. 90 Corsica $3006. 90 Su - bird 4 door $MO. 91 Cateker 4 door $4395. 91 e.r«ta $4795. 99 Sanuira 2 door $3495. 90 Lusting 34M5. M Grand AM SE $3795. 90 Sanbad GT 5 spd $4395 90 Cavalier 4 deer $-4995 M 224 $,3495. 90 Grand AM SE 5epd 32795. 92 Caner RS 3.1L auto $4995. M 8erotta 2.M. $2795. 90 Pontiac 6000 LE $3995. M so . vile SSE $2795 as is 9 Re" 2 door $2495. as is. IN Cusses Supreme 33295. M Surhbad GT auto $3795. 04 Sunbfrd SE $296 89 Z24 aub $3995. 221 Wsefrey Rd. South d the 401. 905403 -MM. FOR SALE: IM NMaas 200Sx, 120,000km. mint . OR Trade for 12 ion pick- up. Cal 905-433-5010. PAY ONLY ONE TAXI 96 Window . 44,0001ims, Waded, nrf�pnoobv. high- way correwAed, non - S20.000. message 9061361823. /M6 Class. Pickup lid size, 1/2 lin suspension auto now paint 170kms 1.3 V6, $5200. cbo; 434. 2775. WAbft 1 wall US 19 117$59 for sop ors A trucks r any ppffaYorf irMrr/@s 24 h peoh@aiorhal Pick-up. Free TaeaW4 Cog (9013) 7065740. A A A AUTO. ata pay 566 3/0,000. Cash as gas spOL Any ,, --rk any TOW CON Os a"M. 24 hours, 7 dr^ 30 mitt som- 10L 906496-'-4003 or 646- 7065236 ANY SCRAP Cr r Thick Top Caah phot. 434-74KOZ 4xis a AVTOMONLU and lauc ks welded for soap Any oondMm. Orly ago, kM arlsvd i1 bm Dulam R 91' oath Pili Also 6.ed. L 75 to W Clmv r GMC frdxlp for Put► Cab &V*rA . OWWM 95.431- 0407. CASH FOR CARS Mia buy eased v0lydaa IIIIrtUs must be in running comm. 111011. Cd 427-2415 r come st 4MURAD AUTO SAI.ES� oTr 1 ucks 1988 Nttenta8orrl, 27 5 ion, 5 pd, tingle axle. DT498. loo maty new BIpp�tr�b to IMC. M 10 prove. Cera - Ned. 2818 118,500. Cal Tony 721-0888. 1987 CHEW S-10 4 Cyrnt dw, s speed. lowered by bell tach, fight blue, Alpena Co and alarm, new Dpw max eahaust. $5500. Call Kevin 436-4157 or wort 432-138 1981 MM Space Cab 4 x 4, one owner, certified, Cal ( $,�� offs. 98 4x4 CHEV Pick Up automatic transmission, ful- ly loaded. excellent Conti - bort. $10500 certified. (905)-579-9901. WANTED, TRUCK CAP to fit GMCIChev, 96 short box rootswe full-size pidtu x Phone 905.623.0451. 1 4 Wheal wive 1987 DODGE CARAVAN, 3 We. auto, rob a It ertQrts near muffler, brakes, 177,616 kil., Certified. 113.5110. (905) 578-0026 1989 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN, loaded, $6600.6.( 721 1980 Chevy 3/4 ton ex- krded van. 305. 4 speed overdrive. middle bench seat roar Aniaiflwah ab. o�orblWNwrt. FiustE" proof. 116500 oertfisd. 9054683- 3719. /988 Lumina Van. Pa. pb. p.doo locks. keyless tan - ON entry system. am/lmn seaao cassava. air can.. 7- PDNWW sosbrg $ .4 VS. Jon 7SOa5a. 1 Trailers 1 1Q HOURS from TOMM on Rice Lake lot 50 R to wales. 33 R, 7 yr off part model trailer, filly fur- rtistad. 4 pot baton, 25 ft.a deck, d shed, as" VZO00 or beg oat. Eve. (416) 833-5944. vaeekernds pager (416) 376-250. CORSAIR cvgortt baler, 1986. 33 R, s000mgdges up 10 9. 3 pc, bodm.om, shod, Swill . Pet slates included, On -gal at Wboo- land Estelle. 2 hrs. Ns of Tonere So". Arm. 1498- $1322/2. JAYCO HARDTOP camp- ing trailer. 1991, excellent oandihon. oolong 54,500. Please Cam (fi0s) 831- 5606 "OW 198 hard �toop t camper. vo 3 -way htp and sI- Sleeps 6. $2500 or beet alter. Cal 986- 2443. �bICyC�i 1991 YAMAHA R 250. Int shape $1100 or beg offer. 623 -*W. PAN for M*Mydn�� gd bflrel Wil 4 molwi PQM om av6iabl6 . We a%[ vwlcwooww HM bIQI51108 Rd@L 11111fldWft C* jenneeft bWAWM BtS1Nr 417,19116 �YSatI "yfMi Lam 1e5T mote6 M1aar, eke mt Ion SMOA dT $1� 1n4da�Ca 2 0 Various muter bis, kuarm., (�)CaII 986.643.1145 mllalenew ISO STAIICIIAFT learn for 2211 Cuddy cabin. 170 Mao or is_. r1- New b (15) . Carl be no. MUM port I OSQ 6kimi- 7,400 . Marble ME, P.rtnlellt, For Rent 1698 SAI tUNER eat 140 hp Cobra I.O., aftinr.tt MM prop, Bow Adair am. p f.m. Castello, aedo, tads, Gear with bailer. $7900. 905-725.5043. 1988 1r In good Condition with 130 inboard, outboard drive. Good worlri.. $6200.Cal nn472ton CANOE. authentic Chest- nut Prospector, 171t., red. ally reconvoliod. with lake it". padded treats, immaculate, $1,950 firm. Call 905-433-8147be- bre Sp.m.. 1 1 Apartinifift For Rom OSHAWA - 1 bedroom op. Albert and Jackson area. Close to aI amenities, heat hydro included. $592J monthly. Fly. Available imme- 434-83 relAast Moored 11 (save message. / i 2 Bsdroa,t bacitalor apls in Oshawa and Bow- monville. starting at $600/ month, fridge a sive n- duded, with laundry facifi- ties. No pets. Cam (905) 434-2407. _... 1 -BEDROOM largo bow mem suite. separate en- hance. no pets. $550/ month. Weld Rouge area. CO (418)284-0388. rGREAT VALUEIIi White3onks Court -Whitby • Freshly decorated suites • Close to Schools • ransit at door • Close to 401 • All utilities included 2 BEDROOMS) from SM. (905)666-7332 Managed by� EXTRA LARGE 1 i 2 bed- rooms) in Norin Oshawa. Lege DMoony, quiet build- ing. $598. a S89a.01 ubk- lea, cable. par" ndud- od. Available Aug tat i Sept 121. Pham 005-579- OSHAWA (Bloor SL) Loge 2 a 3 tleeroom apwbmaMe in dew low rre purldrq Close 10 401 a----- GO. ParG- I. Mo. Available 1160oJmoaha!98- 905-576.4255. 2 AND 1 09DI100M ape sdneoe S. Of Boa. &trail Sept 1. $650 and $550imto + hydro. Pill" w4kudw. and laundry bcdom. Cal 905-576-5393 10 leave mesaapa. WILSON OLIVE area, 2 bedroom APT.. available Aug 1. Fridge, save. nag A ►Mdro nCMWed. 6742 / mo. CarpeDlayDewe�akin. Iart- dry foc 283- 2634KW or MIWgt 263-2522. 2 BEOVAMN apt now Oshawa Cwtbe anddora4p0a1. AvesabN Aug /sL Non Smokers PnstamMd. 11111101111 ata On hymn 5760246. 2 eED1100N la� � am Boor. A boaormarN oonhol ogres. NeIMy rartoveald• Are1MeCo. mr$750 Par moeuat aApptt8NOW tutees tpallioLs Huge I, so in lIdMlCillaMrat It bunft amm no doge SM.4T7-6237 A OW, SEE! OMrre. 2 bedroom Apt. in a 3 WK gopmgwpoClwi qui std LoswLdry; plants, On an 1ia755las pwW WAonsh kukmk.. 1661 PETS ..1432. PUaas bm mattmw 7 oanarumenis Build ldottl Titrle.fR 1 Wv ateiuns. 9. PJL AJAX„ 2 bodefom. aver. Aug.1. ctean A tlpacioua I lila- orwordw ao.. al r or -dim Al ildtsirs. Ing a knL cd 8864664. ilrm� . spoU.as PINGu wtr sp . ak. *spews iiilnateror , 90$4w am IIIFor I ResitA IIAJAX - CLIPPER APTS. 2 a 3 bedrooms, bI`O&dloon,, 2 ap- pliances, LxldeTfound panting. 55 FALBY CRT. MON.-THURS. 9 A.M. - 8 P.M. FRI.9 A.M. - 5 P.M. (905) 683.6021 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED 1 b 2 bedrooms, immediate, 3 appliances and tflinlds, MON. - FRI.9 A.M. - 5 P.M. (905) 571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED THE SUMMIT PLACE • 1,2,111 3 Bed Apts. is MOVE -IN INCENTIVES • All Util. Included • In - House Supt- dt Maint Rental Office: Mon - Fri. gam - 8 Pm Sat fit Sun 11 aIo- 4pm VALIANT PROPERTY LB MANAGEMENT 000-070- 111 626 Houses Houses i 1 For Rent 1 For Relit $1 - IA Absolute Affordable' SICK OF RENTING r!'! WHY NOT OWN A- 3 -Bed Semi 5700/month 3 -Bed bungalow 5800/month No down Pwfw-O DbdWpd Bw*n* 4 Call Me! (905)571-6275 or 1-800-840-6275 MARK STAPLEY Saks Rep. Secant Group Excel Rea" Inc. 1 ToWNwu98a / 1 TOWr*MXWa6 FOR M 1011 someoE STRIM NORTH 311ewooln Toartica se Uws. UNOM included sore a RNrigeralor. Pargwy 16-016 Iroughout Parking inGUded. PrygrmLrtd Arae. Clow to sctrooks and stropping. From :846.00 Cam 905-721-0980 III�r�t" AJAX, longe 2 -bedroom, not a baoemart, pwkm& win.» .rtbarto. Stet 1., $800 Pkus hymn. Cal AJAX. oom �iman! opt witbaseman! $050 mckslove. Cal 127-2381. MML. SeOApI- One i low Oilseeds law Tyaas VU90 $05 i le�wet+(fao�j e�-7n�ab�' MIALABLE MIATE- LY. in Whitby Apt. awm pain" wo dnae b bus, Mra0it86 as valets irkrde4 ksb%g wok+Md ee per, 1 bamo.m $875, 2 iodr.ose. ML 3 bad - a m $840.. Cal 430- 0134. AWLABLE NOIN; Largal bedroom $037, sroAMldis Si l 1. Largo 2 bedroom $704, nyaryalirtp nckrdad Bdh am we wpeteLt stare belCatas, Bold am&- up lafilifing located at e odwloorL Laundry 00 pnomto.s. No dopa. 721- 1178 attylrro. lowu tit Alex. Non - and". no 0 . $450. ArMYbb Aug. 1. 427-5207. For Rent COSY 9vingroo m. 2 bell- aveslkit'3p both, lasso, aso O& Plus able. Iw $5 bat miwwwa, awe. now. 5790191. NAMKWV tar AMA. 3 Bellicose main Soor of horse. Pakkt¢ Amiable Auer. 1197. lobba SM + UMM Pk Wbrwn Fnmam (905)-7184M or 725- IMMACULATE I lh sow err : A■KAO �air. 6@Pbm immoaoaely 190 liall. no POOL $151110. Hwy (LPAfdMoGa�EYI�CLEAN bast apt 3 bdnlla,� Lase L O w@ps 188 eadlifor, No pow SM as. 420.6428. LOFT APT. in hast. eSM i .,oPwkL � se, was. ShwW Mark 4334»4 Mum OAKS and Valley Farm PAL S"Noraft on- ttMtc. are ter 1W INK MA.q"°M- (gob) kNL 619.1509. (90S) 819- 1077. �Iap UWOW all inci+Nvepark- ing 1500. NWIM . 428•-7905 11 Amb NORTH OSHAWA exba 34idrm, 2 -bear, quiet liltiss, ble par in- Aval se � 8 Sep 18L call (906579-5584. ONE i TWO bakoom apt avail Immedildely a 1st or Sept 1st Naw bund ng loColad ld 350 (Malaga, Oshgve. Slat at $585 par month, All inclusive. No pets. Call ( 905) 576-6724. 2 BEDROOM APT Avail now. 2 badroorrt apt. Avail AUG 1. Parking, laundry. Includes utilities. Close to Oshawa Centre. ReNrenc- as, no pets. 7231647, 579.5969. PICKERING SOUTH 1 bedroom basement, freshly panted, able i air, Close to GO. *a code approved. S650hnonth+11/3 hydro. parking nduded. No pets. 839-0257. ONE, and two bedroom ops. in mat beautiful adult NxIdng. Available anytime. Stevenson a Rossland. Oshawa. can W5 -r23- 1000. 05-7231006. OSHAWA. tatcepti quiet dan et and 2= room +Ips $600 6725 as nduave(Pirridge Prop- erbes) Darren (905)-426- 7677 SPACIOUS was man tamed 2 bedroom apo Arad. of 900 and am Glen St. Some with waster doe- oal. Paan provided Clow to schools. shopping can - we. Go Swatfled nclud- ad. Cas 72S 4M THE NONOUON - Notlt Oalw quiet. darn. fam- ily budding - silicify man - tam". One bedroom SaptsOcl. pay Code, park - Mg. 04 loundry heg, hydic and Iwo W Iaeileas. Dienes rte1, ' '. 723- 2094 OSIMWA - Park and Ade - Weis. on" and Clean. 4- beoo m parking. hydro. mnnedge. No dogs. F.atl Wet 571-1537 or 57 I -45a OSHAWA. Clean 1 bed- room, bachelor apt.. fur- realyd, pwkng, prrAoe en• trance a both, available Aug. 31, SM indutive, stxta he a tfor 1 person. n 725-117 PICKERN/G;Lnerpool a Kingston. 2-bnn n floor dma� Largo lot. walk utile. isl.AostRot Theresa 416-267-7482. KEMM largo clean I bedroomb�t mem apartment Separlda entrarnoe, parking. n0n- smokig. no gab. 1sUlast $650. W"AM. (905)- 831- 3681 BEDROOM Basernarr apart - ..Mo Separate f111- 0anoe. no smokov. no pefs. i600. Avai les Now (905) 420-6424 d mma SPrM FRQ 9 bedroom apt- Bright above ground. soperaft entrance. includes appliances, uw ties, air. 2 spats, no psbft ohne. 4796yra.. urtert 4Pe haat Somme strata, n ceblt, o pale Z' SlIDDismat (906)420'•6321 401 mom loogs I batkooml bmomo* for quilt non prarg� (Awi5500fo w itdu ayakwo b o me - do * (985)03/ -12a2 - PORT IN KW40L Clow I-bilm basis. aNdN � Suint bagks, nfee amore AN amwftw No PCM. $aookmo. 416- 267 -MM 4Mk2I38e16. OSHA= - NORTH Ox - bit 1 - Tiro eclat. New GO ttaion, 401. Parking, hydro, baloonyrPnlio $740 ON inclusive. ting. Alto one bedroom. Sept Isl $840. No dogs. Available am.diaA* (905) 721- 2232 (416) 239-V52. SOUTH AJAX 1 I I -c basement sparbm" Sep- anite entrance. Sups al 6-.a A pubic trareit Non- sntoac Anll Sap 1. $Coo irrieslva Cal Kwan (419} 398.6983 or (905}886- 6563. ,11 AlMirtrilimts SOUTH AJAX 2 bedroom Basaoenf we b W Iknvtrrrttpp a dYtitp Y kwkmm $SSOI mo. Credlt dtark is a must Please Call 905.619.0678 or 416-374-9331. SOUTH PICKERING, 2- ttedroom basemern apaA- maM 11T25/m .fast and last all inclusive, available Oct 1. would suit mature 4 non smoking eOuWad9o5) Sloes dr 4mm7 a 3 Bdrm apts., come to hods, library and GM ant. Walk out to your nkwny or into your own irate storage. Available mediately. Can for spot (906) 721-6741 'O h.&- tuv7/„ one bedroom $582/mo. hostf rater Included, pay own hydro. Prete Oshawa localkon new O C. and Ididic m Mall. Aug 1st. 436--6042. TWO ROOM basement apartment. Pickering, prr vats both, partial kitchen, separate entrance. utilities, not smoker. 5550. 1831MI WWTSbedroombasement all F•nndge, stow. washer. dry- er. lop. entrance, partung, $625 anckrave. Mrs. Evers 655.6102. WHITBY - In home. two bedroom apartment able manediaely. $850 all ublias included Includes used yard. Can 666-1477. WHITBY BROCK-S of 401. large 2 bedroom apt In spat. west b GO. fret IW $700 No pets. F'w* Inst. CNN Cored 905-509- 1520 a416-466-1291 WHIZ Y. 1 -bedroom apartment in clears. quet txdddrg ardabla Aug. let fSeS/morten ndudes held. Pa" . to 1 Cor, Iaaandry be*�Call 905-430. me. PICKERING VILLAGE mWA floor of 4 pplacc,, Wase Ary 2 isom oo. tS err wok - ng calpls. No dogs. Aval- able immediately Roter- ernae $720 inclusive, (905)509.2375. WHY rent when you can ownyow own Noma for lees 1/you tMnii?" Can Dow les Rep ReA/ax� Summlock a Realty (1991) Lb. (905) Sda-J808 o (906) 866-3211 1 For Rent WW �IfTT OMYOUR N1 POI( Sess/NTM NO DownpaynwM'n Dacharptl gip Cal 118!! PM 571-0273 1-000-4404M" Nasi sampley Sales Rep. Sulcal Group Excel Raft *eoom k 2-bam W PbwxxW lanced yard. W rage, deet, cor4ral w. availableS�pl 1st $1225f awrtat. GY 1 -800 -475 - am or (706) 726.6391. AJ" CHURCH a NWXX bedW, m, ap/Mio itis. yard, double gM- 300 plue, Sept 42&-0I$ln apemarM. Y near Betray TBEAUTWUL aw bhouseid- r.ame saw rand kedg., $wv6 near 115 SM per ma (986) 7214356. Open HM Su rft July 27. 1 - � No 2 country 4 bedroom home. north of Barmrt viae, arniabb Aug 1. Cal 700410 after 4:31) Ped- pK3mINtO - gorgeous 3 Utdr.. 2- M11.IO.MpybpYtlratCraW�. Plus Rob 426- 1984, ON mossom wamPly Ntlalyd. 401 area, AvoilM OCLI. mein bar a sMcarld floor. 2 I Ioel no fes13. $1350 in- clusive. cable a __ tap.. 837-5814 PICIfE11B1O- 2 bedroom bu�en�gg�elm. kit roc nom. $10150« ttmiil..fridge. .pt 1st Cd 120.1524. THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 27,191.7 -PAGE 13 EIel011108 + Rdall Spm 1rANTED so two by Sept/ Oct. 4 -bedroom hwuse, Al C. Knead yard. flera9e. Wier 0.4 clots b , school. Oshawa o sur - rent for 99 � Premium (905)433-470 or 1.90 639.9518. 1 Townhoum For Rent 2 Bedroom (Simco. 6 Taunton). Carpeted, 5 op- pkances, rec room, quief area. 19AW Avoid Sept 1. $900/ mo. Heat a hydro in- cluded. Call 4335132. SPACIOUS 3 bedroom townhouses in well main- tained family complex. Fregly decorated, includes 4 appliances, all utilities. Parting. close to schools. all amenities. Sept. 1 and Od. 1 occupancy. 122 Col- borne St. E. Oshawa. Appt. 434-3972. PICKERING, Hwy 2/Gle- narna Rd.. spo.ess 3 -bed- room townhouse. NO PETS $1050 plus utilities. Available Sept. 1. Fast/dag, (416 7-8045. equired. Can STILL RENTING. No mon- ey down, rem to own. 2 and 3 bedroom home From $750. per mach all indu- sve. Mtrkmum yearly in- tone$25.1100 Aurelia Ra- sw,u. (905) 728-9414 ern. 201. ELEGANT Full Equipped Wrice space sysd Wer for Ieaw. suitable for ACoou,tart a cote sional with room for aeas- tant Office is baled in a mrtovatmeadefrthpialorie Manor widlow Boardroom. be8tro kitchen facilities ndadea. Reception available .111,000 /m1h. 430-4111. ONLY ONE LEFT( S98 sq. fi. Office Unit. second floor, gond Simcoe Street North (Oshawa) bCatiOn;parlayy available. Utilities ndudetl Available immediately Call 905-576-5123 ask for Bob or Kathy. WHITEY main floor 1100 sq s. (.Hopkins St. Location. $1100 monthly. includes Property tax a ubliies. Becln %n Reld)ty Service (905)436.1800. J S Storage Space OUTSIDE STORAGE space available for rent in Picker For information tell An 416-M-7031 or 905-837-1362. srFAMOVUSIX Units e �, INDUSTRIAL UNITS 1280 Terwilkegar. 1974 sq ft ttlfice warehouse +q 53.25 all. fl. net. Cam Sit 5077 after 5 571-3261. 1 foRro° e 1 C for PAM AAA- cod h unshed room 6-r Uean. quiet person ( errtin welcome). nw but. clow b Duman Cobga. $250 and up monthly (905)726- 4845. ABOVE average rooms 6-r rem Eag Oshawa. "v:. entrance to 2nd Boor, L L=- ury .whirlpool beat. Kitchen 4sakees. able. rJar, tw- o" Wooku women or femaleStudent welcome. NmWrndcera 404-2708. Available Furnished room Mg. with Cada, kitchen lbcdbtte. dee 10 Pickanrg Station. PTC. Go. s34omm�b o 6170 a- weakly.420-4316. BASEMENT ROOMS fridge (share kdchonl, antiwar. phone -peck. cad• TV parkwg. Hwy 2/Church St., 3 blocks from Hwy 2 bund, 683-8237 R VASSMW Room for rent W 2 bedroom basement Wt rndudes Cab*. PMA- ng. dshnvesher laudndry. and aepe- rate entrance. smoker $400/mon.t. Can 427 - WON for rent. Share kitchen A beat. Now Oahe - we Centre Female pre- lared $350rnordh Cas 571-7381 WHTE 'SIBAYLY Fwnisl room with Mvde balk. AM tadl- i as, sepcaarra,el9 �an- tionce, $42Mw. � 1 slu"d Nr98f�0A 3 NO110Nnt.�thLose b share. Clean. 10 We a sartaf' 33e6C.wpka UW C My 8 30-22 0 77L I August t. Cell s house usa so show foods pit full dryk ar � mea.apa, 436.33M Pager FUNGSHEDANriftE Nam loom in gorgeous 3 bemoan IMleniaw oortdo bsahonai. 34OWMA . Awed- • (WIS) dew bedroom. slhwd w picked. Ara section in a losinhougs,F 1442 ORnow Space OSHAWA 4 liW," Free Rw BI- 850 tg2 d. t. $650 OW .q. main SW 300 p. fL across flown Osh. Cass, 800 2nd Ar SM. 1,200 sq. R 2nd I= .1.800 sq. R maid. Call 434-2447 a 8554132. AUGUST deals, Call avail- able. Charming 2 bedroom cottives available for rent On Sturgeon Lake Good awmming i fishing. Horse - a" Pas. eornaree sec Only s35o 00 per week Pts are weko0rre. Call (905)4J2- 3643 .^leave m.taag.. BALSAM LAKE. Fenlon Falls. + 2.3rg8 4 bWroorn Aug /h'usetsp ot..t`a"°a`rm+y re• sot sway 04edt, last week in August. intrudes log weekend Weekends are also available in Sept (705) 887-25W 1 ForReala Tlt 4 PLUS 1 BEDROOM baektpM. ivirgroom large kitclten, ne room/wood- burrkrtg, civoc, ►igh-eN- furnace, newgasdy throughout. double go". Gout 11172.800 or offer. (905)723-0784 47 DEAKIN DRIVE, Ajax, Beautiful 2.100 sq. s. home. 4 bedrooms. 2 11/2 baths. greenhouse kitchen. 11196,000.(905) 666-0768 BOWMANVLLLE: 3-bdrrn, 2 -bath. raised bungalow, 4 yrs. old. fenced yard, at- tached 8arape large deck. 4-appl.. FAG. Asking $127,900.905-697-1165. CONDO FOR SALEI ONnwa. Sixth floor. inside parking. secure building. Upgrades and extras. im- maculate! WIN accept car. truck boat or barter as par- tial payment. $84,900. Ph - vete. 905-242 4646 COURTICE 3 bedroom 2 baths, bnght, eat in btclrn, ggaarage, fenced yard. FAG C/A, 11157900 00 OPEN HOUSE July 27 1.4pm 5 Kintyre St (K911141nd Gar - dons) 905-432-0973 ar- do x)905-432.0$73 LINDSAY, 30 mm. north. 13611 wrront executive 3 - bedroom. lower walkout. $169.000. Call (705) 454- 1290. OSHAWA IMMACULATE 3 bedroom brick ourgabw. newer bathroom. broad- loom. furnace. antral vac. 1 1,2 badts. Finotod pace. mem. ngiout Pool. 4 ap- 06ances. $154.900 (905) 723--6495 OSHAWA. $154,900 m- maeuiate newly deconded bedroom hDaoea4b0rq1 schools. FAG gas detached naw fen dock. Lenge yard. tkwahed rec- Mom with wet bar a hw piece. 2 new baths. largo workroom. ale to vow 9905)725-4743 P CKEROM. dearable Glendale. 3.1 OetaeMO badtspkt. am-aculatety hn- rerd top to bodies . beeu- ttlwly landscaped. 11197.000 Open Hoase Weekends loam-4pm 905-831-3045 ENJOY our beautiful set - WN 6-r water sports. tech Sale Sale Mg. or g�efin0 Housekeeping Pool. Coach, stare VCUW. 2 hoot r4rE or Tor- LOT FDR SALE 66 •396 on Trull Rd sour, or Taun- oMo. August and Sept ton $58.900 Pawn - 1-N"13- 912, y (y05)725Og71 GREAT hsnnnd 4m g am Out -Of -Town hour r (romRiess La"Modal 1 perties 2 a 3 bedroom collages, candy "ceplayg r pond children's i vklren's p boat CEASAREA Hill~; Im- motor Low= mon. maculate 2-0dmt burga- ead Cottages R R. loan. air, gazebo. $109.900 03. Hastings, Ont. KOL 1YO (705)696- 1 Fabulous 2-bOmt bu nge. low. deck . hot bub. garage. double lot. $129.900. Mn [Lf Raft Events,Ray LePage RaLePage 905- Wc RMIflk 427-6522. CLEAR WATER AREA, 3 bedroom. townnuuse. pod. lacuul, Wo. peva» yard. .wadable now. For into and m view pnobs .905 - 579- 378& CLEARWATER - 2-bod- room moble (family park), heated pools, hot kr, rnnubs 10 beechas. sleeps 6. More intormoion vial - we $275 weekly 906- 434-7164. fitly hmtished. at onn ck- boned WeemerorM Monet) clubhouse, pools. hot bub, attar beaches and Major attractions, t l ik' Wei- $275 el-$275 weedy, photon altoam in your home. (806)883• -MM Mt; ansis r Salb 2 STOREY BEAUTY all brick. 2980 sq.h., Irv= decorated. circular oa( .airs. Ceramic Mia. ow" ail. 715 Anderson HRliryy (90)aaa-83g3. OPEN No �seE� edK 2 NATURE'S OWN worn, walk, hsh, privacy, too rugged wooded acres. 9 year, 2.000 sq h. home. Hwy. frontage. 1 1/2 hr. noun Of Oshawa. $135.800,(905) 985--3263 el Md PWM 1988 40' G •area r r Pak Mott Traft Two bn9 eP outs. two sparaal bed- rooms, now Fallow 20' awning (cog $1700.). Trial - or price: $4000. below marked vola.. At $16.900. for a quick total Jubd.s Pak at Wicklow (east of xGrafton). Cal 90623- 334, Monday to Thursday, 12now to awn. Wash ndis M Trailer Pak PIAM MODEL HOME, A+ priwo condom olid hr -blonds i screen room. front do* oto, asall- lite dish a afted $26.900.00. (906)-432- 2102 or (906)- 433.4145. to Lomond OBTAINING A LOAN 16 NOT GUAR- ANTEED. SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES, OTHERS DO NOT. IT i5 SUOGESTEDTHAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGH i BEFORE SKLMM ANY CONTRACTS. WAGE 20- THE NEWS ApVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 27, 19107 41 #41 T_ • 1 1 Notices On, N�� • 11 Notices ffeln, No�ti� • 11 Nom; ' 1 99siONED eu6k".6 ' 1 elr6 mn Auctions opp6rn.�liss opportlalNM6 oppor0laA166 • 1 INVITATION FOR PUBLIC REVIEW AND COMMENT York Region - Long Term Water Project Master Plan The Regional Municipality of York, in association with Consumers Utilities, has recently completed a Master Plan for " term water supply in York Region to meet projected needs to the year 2031. The Master Plan documents and consolidates the background studies, review agency hput and public consultation process which led to the adoption of a preferred solution by Regional Council on December 19, 1996. The Master Plan will form the basis on which Envtronrnental Assessments for individual component projects will be completed. The preferred solution Is shown schematically at the bottom of this notice and Includes: 1. finalizing an agreement with Metro Toronto to ktcrease the volume of water provided to York 2. implementation of a water use efficiency, program throughout the Region. 3. construction of a new water supply from lake Skncoe. 4. construction of a new water supply from take Ontario via the western part of Durham Region. 5. forrrrulation of a strategy for continued use of groundwater where appropriate. 6. optimization and expansion of the York Water System in the urban area municipalities. Interested members of the public aro Invited to review the Master Plan air Juh 30- 1997 at any of the locations listed below: ♦ The Regional Municipality of York, Transportation and Works Department, 1st Floor 17250 Yonge Street, Newmarket, ON L3Y 6Z1 • Aurora Public Library, 56 Victoria Street, Aln7ra, ON L4G 1 R2 • East Gwbmbury Public 1", 19513 Yonge Street, Holland Landing, ON L9N 1 P2 • Georgina Pubic Library, 130 Gwendolyn Boulevard, Keswick, ON L4P 3W8 6 King Township Pubic Library, 1970 King Road, King City, ON LTB 1A6 • Markham Community Library, 6031 Highway 7, Markham, ON L3P 3A7 0 Newmarket Public Library, 438 Park Avenue, New markiK ON L3Y 1 W1 ♦ Richmond Hip Pubic Library, 1 Atkinson, Richmond Hill, ON L4C OH5 6 Bathurst Clark Library, 900 Clark Avenue West, ThomtM, ON L4J 8C 1 • Stouflvipe Public Library, 6240 Main Street, Slouffvilie, ON L4A 1E2 ♦ Pickering Central Library, 1 The Esplanade, Pickering, ON L1V 6K7 • Metropokan Toronto Rehlrence Library, 789 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON M4W 2G8 • Metro Urban Affairs Library, Metro Hap, 55 John Street, Toronto, ON M5V 3C6 Written comment will be received up until September 15. 1997 by: Ms. Debbie Korctrtek, P. Eng., Long Term Water Project Manager Regional Muni ipaidy of York Transportation and Works Department Box 147, 17250 Yonge Street Newmarket, ON L3Y 6Z1 Phone: (905) 895-1200 ext. 3015 (Newmarket) (705) 437-3921 ext. 3015 (Pef adow) (905) 773-1200 ext 3015 (Oak Ridges) (905) 7644&345 ext. 3015 (ThorntA 1-888-YORK4H20 ext 3015 (Toll Free) (1-888-967-5426) Fax: (905)830-6927 W- ti+ TAURANT OPPORTUr WHITBY EXISTING BUSINESS!! Well established Golden Griddle Restaurant located at Kendalwood Park Plaza • Purchase price includes franchise fee, training costs, opening assistance • Turnkey operation • Financing available Call or fax: THE GOLDEN GRIDDLE CORPORATION 505 Consumers Rd. Ste. 1000 Willowdale, On. M2J 4V8 Phone (416) 493-3800 ext. 600 Fax(416)493-3889 Registrations IMiII Registration BW sdale Montessori School CA) (PART/FULL TIME) Toddlers 16 mo - 3 yrs Preschool 3 yrs - 6 yrs Elementary 6 -12 yrs Ajax • Pickering . Scarborough lei Ami! ;� All Welcome - 7 p.m. sharp 403 Kingston Rd. Ajax just west of Hwy. 2 and Westney Monday July 28 545 Kingston Rd. Ajax just east of Hwy. 2 and Church Tuesday, August 5 Call 509-5005 WHITBY FIGURE SKATING CLUB • 1mYD� S�(�4 YRS. OILD) • CAN SKATE (S YRS. OLD R tap) • CAN FIGURE • ADULT IEARN To SKATE • SENIOR 'V FOR All. SKATERS OVER WrrH SFN111OR BRONZE DANCES E• l 1 coming CRUBW CLASSICS CAR CLUB -5TH ANNUAL CAR SHOW. son. Aug. 17, saw go9 snores Mua.ua, 1/2 mile north of 1- l 7A, an lend (Port 97, pS-a�rr°°°E :i am" awaway, st road on ISR). Oram. Rmas Tao - Fera "6waldaN�' a tlil:lg luahah � .Ino: Jarkat 905 -NS -3396 or Thom 1054IM-3911. ATTRACTIVE while male, ya�cam g N- ktin:kg am Perzo rod sale gE whil. le�nule, slim, at� lin. adven aimus with a VOW personalityCHEIITW WIVES - OW sincere 30 40 lir. TARIO PHONE NUMBERS. Reply in wrienp=140ft 1-900.451-5566 ext 253 do E.onomist a sun, 9 . (Ouch IDM, 18 = Road. Maikym, AM 111o. • 1 Personals HEAVENLY PSYCHIC $2.99 /min. 18. 24 hrs. 1- 900-451-3783 Daily Horo- scope 1.900.677-7770 $5.00 24 his. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC - 52.99/min. 18+ 24 hours. 1.900-4513793. DAILY HOROSCOPE 1-900.677- 7770. $5.00 24 hours. BORED ONTARIO HOUSEWIVES - names a pmraM phone numbers. 1- 900-451-36311 an 704. 53.29/mn, must be 18. T- 1". MOONUGIff ESCORT SERVICE High Class MawFwe.le EwoM for M occasions. Out CMIL 24 InJ 7 days 433-14" SPOUSE CHEATING?? E.R. Psychic Answers. You anfarrow. Rased 01 Poh s 100.000+ Cdnik use us. Cauls corftedlal. 24fts. i2.99h". 111.. 1-900-451- 4055, MM. JULY 2% 6 PA. 670TAURM RD. E WHITBY. ntiques, new led furriltm, 18 1 row 4 cyl. m0 tat a trailer, almo av washer a drys impuler desk, free; new, A used sola mattresses, oak ta- bles a chairs, 2 - 30" ranges. old china cabinet, colour TV's, L.E. prints, new cedar chest, 3 bedroom suites, 2 Gramo phones, glider rocker, 2 portable car shelt- ers, new Queen hon bed, organ, coffee a end table, bed sofa, clocks, truckload of t. (yet to be seen), us much more. Note Time: 6 pm. View 1.6 pm. Mon. Good Sale. McLean Auction & Liquidations 576.7550 or 666-3291 Business low Personals a PRIVATE E ONE ON ONE L.A. LINGERIE 40 721 Bloor SL W. Oshawa (ssksadBeer) js (905) 723-0335 gin,w..a. f 1 Abrrlori.na - SARA YOUNG - In Loving Memory of our dear daughter and sister who died July 28, 1994, at age 10. It is often said God needed you Far wore than bre wofilld, Nobody knew we miss you As suck as we co*M; Tire days fly by, now more loon thousand Our bre atwaps sUona even dmgk Zwet chosen, owniorm are slrows each day /opt etre falters owd always P ear& were &vex pedes r"Ib S cowl. "alloOdbpt" but "see pia hoer r Meghatt, Daddy A 1 � 1 Cards of Tftftstks With Thanks io God, Nell and Jacque - WO joyhrNy announce the lift of their son LUKAS ALEXANDER VANDE P0L Fre anriwed at Ajax and PMwklg General Hospital on June 3, 1997 at 0036 hours, Weighing 7 pounds 15 ponds 15 ounces, 3590 grams, Proud gmndpar- ants are George & Ruby Hoekstra of BowmainvNe, and Peter and Sep Wnde POI of W W* We wish to thank all our friends artd col- league6 in the Maternal NewBom Serv- ices Department lir the excellent care provided to us. Special mention to Dr. Kathy Chapman. Dr- David Henderson, Dr. Kirit Patel, Dr. Neil Edwards, Dr. Jan Kilai, Elven Ash R.N., and Brenda Lewis R.N. We are graleful for all you've dorm. . ■ .0 -•..a�+yr,' 7- IMF .,-,,'. s,..v�f:�"��r� � �Ir'%' Q tit Rose „Nor`-�,•++. • - a Tr Bullar Supply �, � TORONI PipNhso Corridor NATO • Barak"» OSHAwA, eody shop, -pie" •. .pray Quipped BECOME A Proas1--ol lel ' interior 0 a Wadker booth , eompree, etc. sor orgy $1495 monthly. Long your a N. p�q 16N CHIP -TRAILER. 2 established Hair salon for . Complete, in Plant sale or red, North Oshawa -2 WW and U* Financing Ior W. fnmwwRrkdge. peeler. Location, very reasonable. `^' � �rryr purpose. rats from SO.= art, view at Mage Whitby car lot lir rent. kw durtnal for ..v:f `� ♦ aR �� F� Pumping apiece Community Ftwk- 9407 below 10 am /afler 7 Dial Services 6e64i605 pm. �� oppor- W- ti+ TAURANT OPPORTUr WHITBY EXISTING BUSINESS!! Well established Golden Griddle Restaurant located at Kendalwood Park Plaza • Purchase price includes franchise fee, training costs, opening assistance • Turnkey operation • Financing available Call or fax: THE GOLDEN GRIDDLE CORPORATION 505 Consumers Rd. Ste. 1000 Willowdale, On. M2J 4V8 Phone (416) 493-3800 ext. 600 Fax(416)493-3889 Registrations IMiII Registration BW sdale Montessori School CA) (PART/FULL TIME) Toddlers 16 mo - 3 yrs Preschool 3 yrs - 6 yrs Elementary 6 -12 yrs Ajax • Pickering . Scarborough lei Ami! ;� All Welcome - 7 p.m. sharp 403 Kingston Rd. Ajax just west of Hwy. 2 and Westney Monday July 28 545 Kingston Rd. Ajax just east of Hwy. 2 and Church Tuesday, August 5 Call 509-5005 WHITBY FIGURE SKATING CLUB • 1mYD� S�(�4 YRS. OILD) • CAN SKATE (S YRS. OLD R tap) • CAN FIGURE • ADULT IEARN To SKATE • SENIOR 'V FOR All. SKATERS OVER WrrH SFN111OR BRONZE DANCES E• l 1 coming CRUBW CLASSICS CAR CLUB -5TH ANNUAL CAR SHOW. son. Aug. 17, saw go9 snores Mua.ua, 1/2 mile north of 1- l 7A, an lend (Port 97, pS-a�rr°°°E :i am" awaway, st road on ISR). Oram. Rmas Tao - Fera "6waldaN�' a tlil:lg luahah � .Ino: Jarkat 905 -NS -3396 or Thom 1054IM-3911. ATTRACTIVE while male, ya�cam g N- ktin:kg am Perzo rod sale gE whil. le�nule, slim, at� lin. adven aimus with a VOW personalityCHEIITW WIVES - OW sincere 30 40 lir. TARIO PHONE NUMBERS. Reply in wrienp=140ft 1-900.451-5566 ext 253 do E.onomist a sun, 9 . (Ouch IDM, 18 = Road. Maikym, AM 111o. • 1 Personals HEAVENLY PSYCHIC $2.99 /min. 18. 24 hrs. 1- 900-451-3783 Daily Horo- scope 1.900.677-7770 $5.00 24 his. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC - 52.99/min. 18+ 24 hours. 1.900-4513793. DAILY HOROSCOPE 1-900.677- 7770. $5.00 24 hours. BORED ONTARIO HOUSEWIVES - names a pmraM phone numbers. 1- 900-451-36311 an 704. 53.29/mn, must be 18. T- 1". MOONUGIff ESCORT SERVICE High Class MawFwe.le EwoM for M occasions. Out CMIL 24 InJ 7 days 433-14" SPOUSE CHEATING?? E.R. Psychic Answers. You anfarrow. Rased 01 Poh s 100.000+ Cdnik use us. Cauls corftedlal. 24fts. i2.99h". 111.. 1-900-451- 4055, MM. JULY 2% 6 PA. 670TAURM RD. E WHITBY. ntiques, new led furriltm, 18 1 row 4 cyl. m0 tat a trailer, almo av washer a drys impuler desk, free; new, A used sola mattresses, oak ta- bles a chairs, 2 - 30" ranges. old china cabinet, colour TV's, L.E. prints, new cedar chest, 3 bedroom suites, 2 Gramo phones, glider rocker, 2 portable car shelt- ers, new Queen hon bed, organ, coffee a end table, bed sofa, clocks, truckload of t. (yet to be seen), us much more. Note Time: 6 pm. View 1.6 pm. Mon. Good Sale. McLean Auction & Liquidations 576.7550 or 666-3291 Business low Personals a PRIVATE E ONE ON ONE L.A. LINGERIE 40 721 Bloor SL W. Oshawa (ssksadBeer) js (905) 723-0335 gin,w..a. f 1 Abrrlori.na - SARA YOUNG - In Loving Memory of our dear daughter and sister who died July 28, 1994, at age 10. It is often said God needed you Far wore than bre wofilld, Nobody knew we miss you As suck as we co*M; Tire days fly by, now more loon thousand Our bre atwaps sUona even dmgk Zwet chosen, owniorm are slrows each day /opt etre falters owd always P ear& were &vex pedes r"Ib S cowl. "alloOdbpt" but "see pia hoer r Meghatt, Daddy A 1 � 1 Cards of Tftftstks With Thanks io God, Nell and Jacque - WO joyhrNy announce the lift of their son LUKAS ALEXANDER VANDE P0L Fre anriwed at Ajax and PMwklg General Hospital on June 3, 1997 at 0036 hours, Weighing 7 pounds 15 ponds 15 ounces, 3590 grams, Proud gmndpar- ants are George & Ruby Hoekstra of BowmainvNe, and Peter and Sep Wnde POI of W W* We wish to thank all our friends artd col- league6 in the Maternal NewBom Serv- ices Department lir the excellent care provided to us. Special mention to Dr. Kathy Chapman. Dr- David Henderson, Dr. Kirit Patel, Dr. Neil Edwards, Dr. Jan Kilai, Elven Ash R.N., and Brenda Lewis R.N. We are graleful for all you've dorm. . ■ .0 Q j ' PEE Rose „Nor`-�,•++. • - a Tr Bullar Supply �, � TORONI PipNhso Corridor NATO • Barak"» OSHAwA, eody shop, -pie" •. .pray Quipped BECOME A Proas1--ol lel ' interior 0 a booth , eompree, etc. sor orgy $1495 monthly. Long your a N. p�q 16N CHIP -TRAILER. 2 established Hair salon for . Complete, in MORTGAGES - Good. tryrs, 3 sulks hokkold we- sale or red, North Oshawa Msion tataNaOork, sales. WW and U* Financing Ior W. fnmwwRrkdge. peeler. Location, very reasonable. `^' � �rryr purpose. rats from SO.= art, view at Mage Whitby car lot lir rent. kw durtnal for at nvstr mm. E 24hr 3.9Sx. N appYcaforr ac- Grow Rd. f Hwy.n 623- slwps red 6495 a up. 725.1171 p� r�ordW nkeaaape�- aeea6s-4836 apiece Community Ftwk- 9407 below 10 am /afler 7 Dial Services 6e64i605 pm. �� oppor- W- ti+ TAURANT OPPORTUr WHITBY EXISTING BUSINESS!! Well established Golden Griddle Restaurant located at Kendalwood Park Plaza • Purchase price includes franchise fee, training costs, opening assistance • Turnkey operation • Financing available Call or fax: THE GOLDEN GRIDDLE CORPORATION 505 Consumers Rd. Ste. 1000 Willowdale, On. M2J 4V8 Phone (416) 493-3800 ext. 600 Fax(416)493-3889 Registrations IMiII Registration BW sdale Montessori School CA) (PART/FULL TIME) Toddlers 16 mo - 3 yrs Preschool 3 yrs - 6 yrs Elementary 6 -12 yrs Ajax • Pickering . Scarborough lei Ami! ;� All Welcome - 7 p.m. sharp 403 Kingston Rd. Ajax just west of Hwy. 2 and Westney Monday July 28 545 Kingston Rd. Ajax just east of Hwy. 2 and Church Tuesday, August 5 Call 509-5005 WHITBY FIGURE SKATING CLUB • 1mYD� S�(�4 YRS. OILD) • CAN SKATE (S YRS. OLD R tap) • CAN FIGURE • ADULT IEARN To SKATE • SENIOR 'V FOR All. SKATERS OVER WrrH SFN111OR BRONZE DANCES E• l 1 coming CRUBW CLASSICS CAR CLUB -5TH ANNUAL CAR SHOW. son. Aug. 17, saw go9 snores Mua.ua, 1/2 mile north of 1- l 7A, an lend (Port 97, pS-a�rr°°°E :i am" awaway, st road on ISR). Oram. Rmas Tao - Fera "6waldaN�' a tlil:lg luahah � .Ino: Jarkat 905 -NS -3396 or Thom 1054IM-3911. ATTRACTIVE while male, ya�cam g N- ktin:kg am Perzo rod sale gE whil. le�nule, slim, at� lin. adven aimus with a VOW personalityCHEIITW WIVES - OW sincere 30 40 lir. TARIO PHONE NUMBERS. Reply in wrienp=140ft 1-900.451-5566 ext 253 do E.onomist a sun, 9 . (Ouch IDM, 18 = Road. Maikym, AM 111o. • 1 Personals HEAVENLY PSYCHIC $2.99 /min. 18. 24 hrs. 1- 900-451-3783 Daily Horo- scope 1.900.677-7770 $5.00 24 his. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC - 52.99/min. 18+ 24 hours. 1.900-4513793. DAILY HOROSCOPE 1-900.677- 7770. $5.00 24 hours. BORED ONTARIO HOUSEWIVES - names a pmraM phone numbers. 1- 900-451-36311 an 704. 53.29/mn, must be 18. T- 1". MOONUGIff ESCORT SERVICE High Class MawFwe.le EwoM for M occasions. Out CMIL 24 InJ 7 days 433-14" SPOUSE CHEATING?? E.R. Psychic Answers. You anfarrow. Rased 01 Poh s 100.000+ Cdnik use us. Cauls corftedlal. 24fts. i2.99h". 111.. 1-900-451- 4055, MM. JULY 2% 6 PA. 670TAURM RD. E WHITBY. ntiques, new led furriltm, 18 1 row 4 cyl. m0 tat a trailer, almo av washer a drys impuler desk, free; new, A used sola mattresses, oak ta- bles a chairs, 2 - 30" ranges. old china cabinet, colour TV's, L.E. prints, new cedar chest, 3 bedroom suites, 2 Gramo phones, glider rocker, 2 portable car shelt- ers, new Queen hon bed, organ, coffee a end table, bed sofa, clocks, truckload of t. (yet to be seen), us much more. Note Time: 6 pm. View 1.6 pm. Mon. Good Sale. McLean Auction & Liquidations 576.7550 or 666-3291 Business low Personals a PRIVATE E ONE ON ONE L.A. LINGERIE 40 721 Bloor SL W. Oshawa (ssksadBeer) js (905) 723-0335 gin,w..a. f 1 Abrrlori.na - SARA YOUNG - In Loving Memory of our dear daughter and sister who died July 28, 1994, at age 10. It is often said God needed you Far wore than bre wofilld, Nobody knew we miss you As suck as we co*M; Tire days fly by, now more loon thousand Our bre atwaps sUona even dmgk Zwet chosen, owniorm are slrows each day /opt etre falters owd always P ear& were &vex pedes r"Ib S cowl. "alloOdbpt" but "see pia hoer r Meghatt, Daddy A 1 � 1 Cards of Tftftstks With Thanks io God, Nell and Jacque - WO joyhrNy announce the lift of their son LUKAS ALEXANDER VANDE P0L Fre anriwed at Ajax and PMwklg General Hospital on June 3, 1997 at 0036 hours, Weighing 7 pounds 15 ponds 15 ounces, 3590 grams, Proud gmndpar- ants are George & Ruby Hoekstra of BowmainvNe, and Peter and Sep Wnde POI of W W* We wish to thank all our friends artd col- league6 in the Maternal NewBom Serv- ices Department lir the excellent care provided to us. Special mention to Dr. Kathy Chapman. Dr- David Henderson, Dr. Kirit Patel, Dr. Neil Edwards, Dr. Jan Kilai, Elven Ash R.N., and Brenda Lewis R.N. We are graleful for all you've dorm. . ■ .0 y4A. • I r: r'. ', I:t,.r. .. ��.'..'.'I-I ,!'... r(r I,• 1 G THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 27, 1997-PAE 2t E01"INOM amllmorommits i1 1impromneift i � � 1mpovarlerlq CANDO RENOVATIONS INC. Gwent' hams renovations sake 1975 NO PROJECT TOO SMALL • Kitchens • Basements • Wmdows • Doors • Bathrooms • Etc. 905-686-5211 Wood Fencing Decks - Chain Link - Iron DnBed Holes - set Poets FREE estimartm Call Steve 9OS-5096077 mobile 416729-1348 DOORS ORE US GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service & Repairs 905-837-0949 TO ADVERTISE ON THIS WEEKLY FEATURE CALL 683-0707 exp 2303 w 06U "D Over 8 rears experience PRO -51 PERS ALUMINUM • Soffit - Facia - Siding • 5' Seamless Eaves trough • Aluminum i Vinyl Siding • Replacement Windows i� Doors Work fully Iguaranteed- Side with the Pros. — Call the Pro, (905) 430-6x19 Serving the Durham Region for over 30 Years t<7�>\ KTT-PATMCK CONSTRUCTION Ec �OrtW Casraaar ONS MMERS GAS IIt, Home Renovations (Bathrooms, etc.) DONT PAY FOR 90 DAYS YOU CAN APPLY RTI' TO YOUR GAS Dal, ON O.A.C. 110 Addkm a 2nd Roots • 80mottts e Pkm.d* • Dsddettoss WhV e T&V e DMW WE SUPPLY PERMITS A PLANS REQ & PICTURES AIALABLE FILL IIDNED • ALL WORK GUARANTEED 97 fB wich SL, 905.428-8785 Ain 11 -MM 1115 44-9111 51tW WINDOWS FOR LESS PROFFSMONALLY Na151A11ED OR node -YOUR W •vstyl-Kuwaiaw000 •ALUlaaarST01M1DCON •SLIDERS -Tu • PIM DOOns •CASElBlr •wSIL/OEOSTEEL • BOW OR BAY MID00MIS ENtRAMCE DOORS • stnwt Mlaa)OWS • SWELIrEs • SKVLJa4rs • FlIE11M DOORS PYTHON WINDOWS cit DOORS =42H'188 Protect your investment by having new siding installed by Pro -Siders The before and after photos above show siding that was recently installed on the second floor and garage of a Port Perry home. As you can see, it has made this home more energy efficient and at the same time look great. Your home is the biggest investment maintenance -free. you will ever make and you've got to take The siding, soffit, fascia and eave- care of it. strough come in a variety of colours and Pat Bosw'of Pro -Siders has had a trust- the siding comes in many different textures ed reputation for the past nine years for including wood grain. installing the best siding on the market and You can always count on the profes- customers love that it not only looks great, sionals at Pro -Siders to pay very close but with the added insulation of the styro- attention to detail so the job is done right foam backing, can save them money on the first time. Also, you don't have to wont' their heating costs. about the job after it's finished because they "Vinyl siding can bring about dramatic leave the customer with a written guaran- changes to any property." he says. " tee. Changes that will not only enhance its When you invite Pro -Siders to your beauty but also ease maintenance tasks home for a free written estimate, Pat will such as regular painting and other repairs." show you a scrapbook filled with the many In the photo at right, siding was jobs he's done all over Durham Region. installed on the second floor and garage of The continued success of Pro -Siders a Port Peary home. As you can see, it has illustrates that more and more people are made this home more energy efficient and choosing vinyl siding for their homes. at the same time look great. ?hat's because, besides the way it looks, it When you have wood on the side of also takes the work out of home exterior your home it takes a lot of work to maintain maintenance. It can be easily repaired and it and eventually you might have to replace easily washed. It also increases the energy it," says Pat. But with siding you won't efficiency of your home especially with the have to worry about that anymore." styrofoam backing. Pat uses Kaycan siding that comes with Pro -Siders, while specializing in siding, a 5 year guarantee and is prorated beyond also does replacement windows as well as that period. Hie also uses his own extruder interior and exterior renovations and gen- for the eavestrough which produces a eral contracting. seamless product which preventing any For more information about future leaks. It will also last a lifetime and is Pro -Siders call (905) 430-6619. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — EN W C P T IN 21tS 905-420-4583 a, . CLEANED Spring Inft Summer h,V IVF'141(^ �r 'IL.0 are_ BUIDPOG GITALIN DECKS 8 FENCES ALSO DECK SANDWG a POWER WASHING 905-/86-21107 or PMer 416.378-8121 DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS (m) 579-2222 Complete Selection of Vinyf Windows & Doors CASEMENT DOUBLE rock 9bl6 CUM HUNG TILT -ACTION • Ilk - Windows • Bay 6 Boer WrdoWS • Pabo Doors Storm Doors Now Cairn cbm Glare ws �WDAt: • Screen FMS "w.�„- A•vM ESTMTESI WAYNE Ml1TC fOkISON ON KING ST IN SALES. SaERvrCE a OSMAWA. ONTARIO 04I8TAUAMIPW L 1J zu >Ihelilli�Ar (OW 579-2222 �11f1110I5 1111[. f o�•n x. -r /t sire �- Ta'I QreGryc t• -*-80" SmWe A WWW" asAW over 15 Yeses Yser"ce ' Misted DesenUntB - hiltllg .K1 , & orals • Fra Fill lishee • Pkilamg • Cwpwoy • ceramic a rase nee • ay40 FScaa Dew rawer Phone: (905) 509-7523 FREE Pager (416)295-7220 034w DOLLAR DAYS Wfth any order you can have , sa.oNs . , . 1 ROOM or 1 HALL ancouNr E11APTY "011111111111E STEAM CLEANED fors 1 eO! DDOCOUNT ULTRASStairs aro now 2 forst "1 a 1 1 Maid CIN us for odbr�edib! t o 1 .�Klde..rr,e,e' 427-1537. Beautiful Bathrooms Perfectly Built • e Renovation Showroom .VAGE 22-%I= NEWS A60&r. 1&1W AL46AY,11&V 2r/,149"i ImImpToveawrlb • Ls p�itlg / V swing K.C. Aluminum Siding, soffit, eaves, facia, vinyl and aknninum. Low, low prices. amity Workmanship Call Kevin at (905)831-3194 MILLSTONE CONSTRUCTION OWSEMS Additions b renovations *Custombuilding Licensed tradesman Free estimates John 905.427-0059 SIGON GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Serving Durham Region 22 yrs. Additions, sun decks, patio doors, screen A rec rooms etc. sill -5760 • ' Handyman Rome Handyam Flat rate for a1 work No job is too small Please call Bob 416-547-7082 Please read your classified ad on the first day of publica- tion as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the avert of an error. I REUMAL A MAINTENANCE LANDSCAPt1tIG i OARDENMi4 CALL DAVE 831-7053 • Moving 8as Moving &• Storage Storage AJAX Moving Systems Full services, moves, appliance and piano specialists. Flat rate or hourly. We now have heated storage units. Now offering free boxes with move. Park and load special, starting at $99 and up. 725-0005 or 427-0005 • Moving a • Disc • Storage • Jockey MICHALSKI MOVING Haws. Apart n•nts. 01- fan, Appianoaa and PiN Sp•aeksw Ser W MW hid-caonm DO- oountc. Lb•nsed, in- aat•d. Fr•• EsSmfts. Excsllsrd service. Call 4367795. Goss Yours Bargsn rates. homes. olk". apt. at. Fw w morn¢ Padwig amiable. 429-o2" MFlooring, Carpeting CARPET NSTALLATIONS 25 yum expwrMre, wa.trrt0, ou Free a OWN - carr lc. DAN 0•n e97-17M w W7-1100 The Idewl Ewa" A complete Disc Jockey Service - Now accepting bookings for all OCassions. 905-697-0541 Party ro.%T—Services MAGICIAN • Live anunals • AA OCCasx= • All ages CALL JEFF (905)839-7057 RABBfT WAWtia WOE DowV MW F« Chidrwrc Parill And N Occua r. Neve w ow maOidan. Can Ernie 666-4"2 mIL • Dscoraarng Clea u g • Prirele • • Tumr*Sdk or TMS PAINTING - & DECOR Wwor A Exterior European WaAananstw Fast, dean. reliable service. 420-0081 • Appliance • Repair e 1111 alt • MOVERS More Rip a Mud, " price Man awl Free •Niaalm, noir tiaowK short so- Ia uwwt Apliftm e Mist dw slompe apes gookkie. Coraperaela Ow. Cd 4tlZ-M MOVS4G SYSTEMS Mg or emd, to or haaly ales. se•oll ANO 00)�. MONTH olacotwm n.:dertlid c«ran•roiel F•• rylirrws US -725-7479 1JOOd163.771ia MOVING SYSTEMS Iwiiiiia.»Is" P000MM WMWboa" weltle. SWW&.leer.rF `IOM. FOOM UMlc ST14 5 1401 4M -ago LADY Will clean your home. lac back in S "I have very esceltnrt references!" (705)924-3400 ONLY ONE MAIL) SERVICE 8 Pet so wast= C]ewnt, t Profession MARA 404-0421 TUTOR avirbb a ow m•ruary grad• wmw a ESL rpac+aist. Ch.drn a ,dines. Expenencw r•ch- ar. CON 905-ese-18na or cap 7065654. • • Business • Services KN LISH NG INNOVATIVE Graphs arc, 4a, a nets pack Iyas, iM bort$. Qeelrg cards, le hUCk and wMopw CALL aAlRa (Mw • • HauTiMh • & Skin Care caaad opal Fwe Air ilnob o•,illp. k Ca,«rrar•d 2201) droit Aa. U•it Arw >ichoriNg (905) 683.9436 Business SEMORS SERVICES do Older Addis Caring individuals with Nacperience providing services for Senior Citizens in our community. For more information call 905-420.5114 ff"Irr �r miDlete Automotive Care 401 264 Fairall St. Ajax R �— (905)619-1222 Furan' 0 o AUTO �- • : SOURCE FOR ALL YOUR AUTO SERVICE NEEDS, CALL � THESE PROFESSIONALS! HI FOLKS !!! WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT YOUR VEHICLE??? IS IT READY FOR ALL WEATHER DRIVING CONDITIONS??? HAS IT BEEN SUMMERIZED??? HAVE THE BRAKES BEEN CHECKED RECENTLY??? DOES IT PULL TO THE LEFT OR RIGHT, DRIVING OR BRAKING??? DOES IT LEAK OIL??? DOES IT LEAK COOLANT??? DOES IT LEAK GAS??? DO THE TIRE HAVE ENOUGH TREAD DEM H??? DO ALL THE LIGHTS COME ON WHEN NEEDED??? ETC... ETC... ETC... ARE YOU SURE IT WON'T BREAK DOWN ON YOU WHEN YOU NEED IT THE MOST??? IF YOU'RE NOT SURE COME TO THRIFTY MECHANIC SHOP 1991 CHEWY CAVALIER • $460!1 art. 1990 FORD TAURUS • $3995 art 1990 MERCURY COUGAR • $4595 cert: 1990 DODGE SHADOW ES • $4195 cert. 1989 CHEV BERETTA, 5 speed • $3895 art. 1988 CHEV CORSICA • $3295 art 1989 PONTIAC SUNBIRD LE • $299r art ALL CARS AIR CONDITIONED! FULLY LOADED! Gayly and lateridge Rd, Whitby 666=2004 ITS A GOOD PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE STEP TO HAVE A IN POINT BUMPER TO BUMPER WSPBCnON DONE PLUS LUBE, OIL AND FILTER FOR ONLY $37.95 (MOST VERLIES) WE ARE PROUD TO SERVE YOU Thrifty Mectwlic Shop Ire. 60 Rnby Avtlltm, Ajax Ph. 683-1112 Prow so Serer You S SAMCIMMC SHOP me F Are- A19M. Orr. 1 � 1 1 1 10 mum OIL CHI1I1" CTIIs l NO APPOMRMENT NEEM 67 WARRANTYAPPROVED 1 SUMMER SAVINGS! 1 "Honesty, Perfection 1 Customer Satisfaction" 1 s•.....>ra• rri�e. 0L I 1 1 0 - m Nichol Softll would On N dila)* all hue Mdued CuelolNeNa a I I for Yloir patRNOIt.ii. 1 1 1 1 LUM •ASK ABOUT OUR SENIOWS DNCOUNISI F�.TER RADIATOR1PLUM �PALL $49.9:i 1 1 SPffC/AL OFFER t7MslEa,IIxY 166 AM 1 O mow Iliia111in 1 cAIaOToottelEcourallrrlNAnrfmlelf�I. 1 CIWI OFFER IE00l1111111REI)EVIM3 bli 1 O/alrar 7 DAYS A MMS EXPIRES AlxtusT 3prwer 1SMIIETFA 01401) 1 (906) 42S71M 1 — — — — — — — 81 • OUR LARGE SNOW E VAREW • alb T SM 1516 Dundas St R REBOUND SPORTS GOLF BAL 4.99 per doz L1683-3476 725 KINGSTON RD,f, nu•ven.►v+ . � OUTBOARDS PIC-9CERING 105) 837-0653 04 GAYLY STREE? VISIT THE TOWN OF AJAX BOOTH AT THE AJAX FAMILY FESTIVAL l. ., _... BER PICKERING DRMNG RANGE AND MINI PUTT FUN FOR ALL Expires1 FREE GAME Mini -putt with this ad • •. 15, 1997 buck Rd. N. In Pkke : (11n moa nom of Hury. • THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. JULY 27,1997 -PAGE 2; 11% M M DURHAM �, • SALES • SERVICE • RENTALS Scooter, WalkCI S, Lihchairs, Bath Lifts, Adjustable Beds, Wheelchairs, Stairlifts, Porchlifts, and Other Health Care Products Registered Vendor - ADP, WCB, VAC and Green Shield ,,,"6-5001 F v� F Xr �,i A10 4,4 e I, F i +•►iii , 1Z1-NdIL4 (� ppc�wEEtt,►:a,: Ba%% et, GioL - oi, ,= Iofaiy 340 Byron St. S., Whitby Phone: (905) 666.8166 ,aaonlo Line: (9051 j PP' If you are in pek..td sportl;M� atia d & PnwAm Ellusf0a Iirs ■11 E ggR1 §Alta Fk ft I0ared KIWaftnPkiii • Ba�dptp& Nick Pain Mt • Aulo Acds . • work krytries �9 /X/1/ a ` " IN SUPPORT OF AJAR PICHEMG HOSPITAL C—AM FUNDRAISER .'WITH AJAX-PICHERING FIRE FIGHTERS Contact Jim O'Hara at (905) 427-2940 .` for additional information. rSupported 6y file AJAX PROFESSIONAL =�Y,�IREI=IGHTERS r- vs Have a great day on the 9reea11 Supporting the Ajax and Tinning Belts Done ` ' Pickering General HospiL u 1 :Thank you to all the volunteens< . 'lor their participation. Shoot for the Eagles LNE $ �5 ',��T�1 7� :•a i..w Fofr..r MDF, . a Approach Professional Results JACOUELYNN TANNER 619-9500 REALTY ale. DURHAM , JUNIOR GOLF CAMP OSHAWA 432-8333 AJAX/PICKERING 428-5776 Fox Run Driving Range and bus to �SRwthorne VaIIaF�, ULTIMATE SPORTS GRILL Dino Auano 1801 Dtmdss SL East Rena Romano Whimy, Ontario j::==4) LIN 7CS 432-840032�92i5 PICKERING LANDSCAPING 8 SOD GROWERS LTD. FAiaLY BUSINESS SMCE 1958 •RESIOENTtAL -COMMERCIAL • SOD LAID • DELIVERED •SOLD IN FIELD *SEEDING a GRAONG 649-71037 M - • ow R►I cow_ _Acton"ve_Cart r Auto Air Conditioning , ! Performance &, Leak Test I With IIIb 3995 ------ a —�.tr Fa"fl St. Aiaar 2aIMONARC AJAY Beh i a M031197 DRAW FOR sur OR SELL .. • . hlt ugh la Ib qualify for Nle A -w AIR MM &CALL FOR DETAILS It6 ) 428-21, TMass s�wses AUTO SQOY =OFA,Mn Y• iARoesCOLLI—0-1 oor COLLfiIOM i11a0�/ifM� Coifea Syei•li•t i R fi i•Ai qTo C.AiTlwis ow R►I cow_ _Acton"ve_Cart r Auto Air Conditioning , ! Performance &, Leak Test I With IIIb 3995 ------ a —�.tr Fa"fl St. Aiaar 2aIMONARC AJAY Beh i a M031197 DRAW FOR sur OR SELL .. • . hlt ugh la Ib qualify for Nle A -w AIR MM &CALL FOR DETAILS It6 ) 428-21, THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY!! Elk"ok-Al 11--uml-ireip7m73IN u71 -ircubTAI-IMAIM L p.:,,�,,, / VA'• NAIR- -LOVESEAT �_� :l EASY,.1 26" COLOR REMOTE TV 39,-9, FS UK I mvrculu BEDDING -:*.'M SPECIALLY PRICED 199 ............. =�- ZZ SOFA ! CHAIR`•rLOVE Xls, UNBELIFV.A "LIVE 7 1 L ENTERTAINMENT UNIT 1540 Dundas St, E,, Whitby 430' 0000 Northwest Corner of Thickson Rd. at Dundas §QF-A- -CHAIR & LQVESE.AT f OPEN WEEKDAYS 9:30-9:00 SATURDAY 9:30-6:00 SUNDAY 11:00-5:00