HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1997_05_25..*.�-.�.....................�..-..•...,.:«, ,q_ .... .. ,-. �- :fi•^ �+na.+wa.....a:.ss�•^r;i/•s+ra.m... s�fAs'. , � cmr+ws. ..a-++�.,�`�9..� •n%,�'t News Pickering Advertiser Optional 4 week home delivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand May 25, 1997, Vol. 32, No. 21, Pressrun 42,500 36 pages VENTS BY 64;W& Fbr11mbe VftCoTMO WOUR =$1110" sbvd (tai* 01110 4Gt 6M-2445 Nuclear plant emissions inquiry not enough: Brenner BY MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER PICKERING — Ontario Hydro is directing the head of its nuclear division to conduct an investigation into the cir- cumstances surrounding the dumping of tonnes of toxic copper and zinc into Lake Ontario from the Pickering Nuclear Gen- erating Staticin. But Pickerim, Ward I Regional Coun- cillor Maurice Brenner says that's not enough to deal with the situation. Hydro officials recently admitted the Pickering station has been releasing cop- per into Lake Ontario at an average rate of 56 tonnes per year and zinc at 22 tonnes annually. The toxic metals are washed into the lake by water used to cool cor- roding condenser tubes that help cool steam used to drive the station's turbines. Carl Andognini, Hydra's executive vice-president and chief nuclear officer, has been asked by utility president and CEO Allan Kupcis to handle the review. "I have instructed him to conduct a detailed investigation of the enrvironmen- tal, technical, managerial and public dis- closure processes surrounding the use of copper -containing condenser tubing in Hvdro's statwns:' says Mr. Kupcis in a Getting down and dirty A Toronto Scottish player grimaces after being day. The Wanderers blanked the Scottish 21-0 taken to the turf by an Ajax Wanderers player and went on to defeat Montreal's St. Anne de during the Ajax Wanderers Rugby Club's Bellevue 9-5 in the final. The event attracted women's tournament last Saturday and Sun- teams from Newfoundland and Quebec. Awlw -Lower :Price tS }yl 'he Motorola Star Tac is the world's smallest and lig�itest 3# jcellular phone. It weighs as little as 3.1 oz. and fits sn the our hand! Visit us ora demonstration ofy. . .:palm f media release announcing the review. "As chief nuclear officer, Carl Andognini has accountability for the safe operation of Ontario Hydro's nuclear facilities and is the appropriate person to lead this exami- nation within the organization' Mr. Andognini's report is to be com- 1NAURICE See LAKE/ Page 3 BRENNER Impact on lake Class clash Opposition expected to year-round schooling Durham public board `not surprised' Province to consider modified calendar BY LINDA WHITE STAFF REPORTER As the Province is set to consider studying year-round schooling, it should brace itself for opposition from parents. That warning comes from Durham Board of Education chair- man Ruth Ann Schedlich, who faced much oppo- sition to the idea when the board RUTH ANN considered intro- SCE EDLICH ducing a modified •People do not school year five like change.' years ago - The board held a vote at five schools — Highbush Public School in Pickering, Corona- tion and Athabasca in Oshawa, and West Lynde and R.A. Hutchison in Whitby. Parents and staff were given a_final say on whether a modified calendar would be introduced at each location. See YEAR-ROUND/ Page 5 INSIDE Election update - Reform leader Preston Manning comes to Durham - page 141. Ediitortlal Page ...........6 Sports ................26 Classiltied .........28 HOW TO REACH US Genesi ..........683-5110 Death Notices .....68}3005 Auction Line ......683-7545 sincerely Yours ........ ....... 1-800-662-8423 Email ................ NewsroomOdurhamnew+s. net Internet .............. http://www.durhamnews.net Awk Tom Came. Comms1r '✓ yi ' No�'-`k PAGE 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER S11NDAl'. MAN'25, 1497 P P Lake LAKE/ From Page 1 quality Rights. The provincial legis- lation allows for such a pleted and made public with- review, headed by a special in a month. commissioner, to be ordered Coun. Brenner maintains by the Province after a the Hydro review is "a step request for it by a group of in the right direction" but two individuals, according tc insufficient. He wants an the councillor. It would be ur investigation of the emis- to the commissioner tc cions conducted under the decide whether charue� Environmental Bill of should he laid fctr � iolatior laws Violated? of environmental laws. "A review must be arms length, independent, and report back to the minister," says Coun. Brenner. He will ask the Town of Pickering to request such an investigation in a motion he plans to bring before Council Monday night. If Council docs not agree to make the request, he says, he will do it himself together with anoth- er Pickering resident. Coun. Brenner notes he's particularly upset at Hydro's claim the emissions have created no immediate danger to human health. "It's not like I'm going to drink a glass of water and die tomorrow. But it is going; to impact Lake Ontario. It is going to impact the fish. It is going to impact the vegeta- tion." John Jackson, president of a coalition of 200 Canadi- an and American citizens' environmental groups called Great Lakes United, says the Pickering nuclear station emissions clearly violate the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. The agreement commits governments on both sides of the border to zero discharge into the lakes of persistent toxic sub- stances. "The critical thing about those metals is they don't break down so what you're talking about is that quantity building up," says Mr. Jack- son, explaining the metals accumulate in lake sediment. "We have the fish ingest- ing them and it goes up the food chain." People end up ingesting the metals, he says, and they have been demon- strated to have effects on people's health. photo by Ron Pietroniro Kids walkWINDSHIELD?UP SAVE BROKEN TO 140,00 the walk iNo Overcharge to Insurance Co. kenedgLocatiotime onln) When Mini-Skool daycare in Pickering held its annual walk to raise money for World Vision Thursday, Arin Por, left, and Gabrielle Hoover joined hands and did the trek together. Smaller children were pushed in strollers and all enjoyed a barbecue with clowns at the end. Balloon' `* Lkan Prizes.--- * with my service invoice - Based on Insurance Prices • All work Guaranteed - Cal for details on Car dean -ups! 860 Brtx& Rd. S. Unit #, 83?.1819 Pickering, Ont. R 4 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1'997 - PAGE 3 During MUM Month at hNr' SA�� c�AL 1N5 • (BARGA RANGES 1 • r)rluMr EasyClean Stybng I • oo• n'Xir&w, (horn Light: TODAY'S News Advertiser y Sunday, May 25/97 NewsAdvertiger ' A&P Ajax pawry Smim - . ' BiWay Ajax ' Canadian Tire Pick 4 .y Cashway AozPkk .Maria Food Basics AinVick sunday's L:uner of the Hakim Opk3l ApOkk week is, Maria. 1�laria ' Homes Publishing AWvPidc ' Hon Toy Motors Pick rnpys sv"imrnin8 and IGA Aox -r filer blading;. She will l.oIA Mrs Alax.eive a dinner for 4 and Loeb AjaxPia T-shirt compliments of ' Mbltl Meats Ajax;Pick Burger King;. ' No Frits Pick OnWratula k ns Maria Peniqlai • Fl it Market Pick ; r tr being t n r Carrier of the ' Price Check Foods ApxPlck. I' `ek. • Prior Chopper Wyk ' Save A Centre AjaxPick �s hole 0�i 'SUROM Seers WHare Ajax • Shorttegr's Opkal MxPick. skilm Cgflh! `,'- PICk ccommitte•d Tu Fx4,euerwe ' Yaldenllelr ,Aox;Pick + ti 1,1( iklivered to selected howdwi s oaly If -vou did not receive Remember, all inserts, inctrding tbose on glossy paper. can be recycled with the rest of your newsp.per tbrough your blue bo: Recycling Program. For information on delivering Circulation at your advertising'I _ �.�.� Ns 5 11 �1 ALVIN W1 C s Ad`cn�`� BROUWER ''r'�y_s•s! at 693-511 it ,�•���- CONSI/MER CAR MART THE I t1RF nIL FILTER Roaltio" a hapedi m 1 19.98••-=1 Moatata i � trtldta I cMftdfw I-iilltltllartoplae.Ilattaagrlr I-ltaadoa swan NMI ;S �aw -ingligtd�M�31197 � SERVICE SUPER CENTRE Baffoon est 1997 Hours: Mon., Tues-, Wed., Fri.ird A/C - ckup 8:00 am. -6:010 pm. • �5 . 5 95 Thurs. 8:00 am. -'8:00 p.m., tltoattvJls ti orlgt parts: Stet 8:00 am. -5:00 p.m. 28Exp3,197 PACE 4 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1997 Map illustrates condition of Durham's environment Bl' MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER A local group has produced a 'state of the environment' poster map for Durham Region designed to help residents, gov- ernments and businesses take action to preserve the region's ecological health. The map, a project of Durham En,i- ronmental Nctwork (DEN), was unveiled Thursday afternoon at the Durham Board of Education Centre on Taunton Road in Whitby. Four thousand copies have been produced and arc being sent to the region's schools, libraries, municipal gov- ernments, environmental groups and agencies. and individuals who request them. "We want to introduce Durham Region to the concept of state of the envi- ronment reporting," says DEN steering committee member Hclen Break. "We want to establish a benchmark for how well the natural environment is doing currently" State of the environment (SOE) reporting is a mechanism for under- standing changes in the environ- ment — what is happening, why it's happening, what the impact is and what can be done about it. SOE is designed to identify, analyze and interpret environmental trends and conditions and identify pressures from human activities that alter the state of the environment. Other groups and governments have done SOE reporting, but always in the form of written docu- ments not easily accessible or understandable to most people. DEN is the first to have adapted SOE reporting to a poster map that's attractive and user-friendly. "It's a message but it's also a tool,- says Ms. Break. DEN 's map identifies environ- mental features such as farmland, wetlands and conservation areas. and human activity such as high- ways, water plants and waste sites. It also provides information in five 'environmental indicator categories' — green space, air, water, energy and waste. For example, beside a logo for the 'water' indicator cate- Woo ■......� w•aa NUMe" ohm �SUM 2N Ajax, Ont. LIS 2J5 Tel: (905) 686.4439 TBfYMe" & Vd@ ChaC 2100 Egh IIIc Av& E (East of Met:� Rd) Scatrborougk Ont. M1J 2E4 L Tel: (416) 4384000 A AWAL MCMM WALK IN HOURS Daily 8am - 9pm Sat. 1Oam - 4pm SEEN AM 2 MS. MOO • TOOO-no 24 HR. EMERGENCY PAGER AMBERLEA SHOPPING CENTRE ON WHITES RD. PICKERING BETWEEN FINCH & HWY 401 oExItnimAlions In Hospltsl •/.hemlCkW Sbrtlizntion •Collect From Insurances ! ent& and 67azing Sruabnent FACTS & STATS Following are some tidbits from DEN's 'State of the environment' poster map of Durham: 0 Number of days of moderate or poor air quality in 1995: 67. ❑ Residential water consumption rates per person in litres a day in 1995: 319 ❑ Average number of days beaches were closed in 1996: 21 gory, the map notes that in 1995 the aver- age Durham resident consumed 319 litres of water per day. The back of the map is covered with detailed information on Durham's status under the five environmental indicator categories. It provides facts on issues such as household electrical consumption, the number of days local beaches are closed due to poor water quality, the rate of residential waste diversion, environ- mentally significant areas, and the num- her of days the air in Durham is of mod- erate or poorer quality according to the air quality index. Also included on the back of the map are 'What We Can Do' sections for each environmental indicator category, with suggestions for actions municipalities, companies and individuals can take to protect that aspect of the environment. DEN has not only raised money for and published the map (at a cost of about $50,000), it has also issued a challenge to governments and the community to take action so the next map, which DEN expects to issue in about five years, pro- vides a much prettier picture of the state of Durham's natural environment. Anyone interested in obtaining a copy of the current edition may request one by calling Gail Lawlor of DEN at 905-504. 8390. The maps are free, but there may be a small mailing charge unless arrange- ments can be made for direct' delivery through a DEN member or for pick-up. THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1"7 - PAGE S Year-round calendar popular at pilot school YEAR-ROUND/ From Page I The board would only introduce the program if 75 per cent of parents and staff voted in favor of it, but it was rejected at each school. R.A. Hutchison saw the highest support for the plan, with 47 per cent in favor of it. Highbush recorded the least support, with just 14 per cent. Each of the other schools saw about 25 per cent support for the plan. " I think 75 per cent approval rat- ing was too ambitious," Mrs. Schedlich says in retrospect. "And I think people felt we were ramming it (year-round schooling) down their throats." Since then, the board built a mod- ified calendar into its newest school — C.E. Broughton in Whitby — where parents from across the Region can voluntarily enroll their children. That school, which opened last August, also runs a traditional calendar. The year-round calendar has proven popular, with 150 additional students waiting to enrol in the year- round program this fall, according to Mrs. Schedlich. "If it fits their lifestyle and timetable, they really like it," she says of parents who have enrolled their children in the year-round cal- endar. "But normally, people do not like change." Still, Mrs. Schedlich is "not sur- prised" Minister of Education and Training John Snobelen is looking at year-round schooling for the 1998- 99 school year since it will soon be taking over all education taxation. While year-round schooling would alleviate pressure at over- crowded schools and "reduce the need for new schools", many believe it has educational benefits, Mrs. Schedlich reminds. That's largely because many stu- dents must re -learn lessons from the previous year after a lengthy sum- mer vacation. Studies indicate short- er breaks throughout the year mean CLANU E I•IIENNM U4C- . wl I STEES i tNSO V8CY t 0WXTANTS dW OFF HOURS BY APPOINTMENT OSHAWA ti72944 WRNTSGSIDE AWL pwwwa q�_�416) 283-8140 SCARBOROUGH 1a • Dy (416) 750-9620 TORONTO piw&Luq (416) 364-4421 BRAMPTON(anti="toaswnl (905) 455-5705 ST. CATHERINES (905) 688-3181 Wte wish to draw your affiWOM b the error in our current 75 Mors Great Outdoor Sale' N)W.. Page 1. Glad garbage begs, 42-9726-6 reads Save 40%. should read Save 39%. Page 2. The Mustreliom for a1J10ntoti49 circuit tester, 25-1054-8 and Probe -type tester, 25-1076-6 should be transposed. Page 4. Item 1: 52-2428485m heater cord should be 3m and 52-2429-6, I Om heater cad should be 5m. We sincerely regret any hrconverAience we may have caused y_vu:. _ better retention of learned material. instructional days as they do now.) the school day and duration of the school (Under year-round schooling, students The Province says it will also be look- year. would receive the same number of ing at such things as class size, length of AtY�F`a=atsss s s: �ti'ia� :sic :3 %i z=x�s=a`.'i �'�.a1�1=i�:�iTiTa���� =a s�f�P ►3TL�L�i�iFatfFt'i�Pi���''.�_�� i rt -'Ii i�iaS�i' �"1 a�Fi sv'sm1's`47" • - --. .... .. . . . . PAGE 6 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25,1"7 Ajax Pickering News Advertiser • Communis ditorials aetters A Metroland y Newspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 21-15 PHONE: 683-5110 FAX: 683-7363 Publisher: Tim Whittaker ♦ Editorial Fighting racism starts at home Learning, once again, is the key. The best thing to arm ourselves in the ongoing fight against racial discrimination and damaging stereotypes is education. A few high-profile crimes related to race notwith- standing, Durham residents can rest assured there is a powerful force in the region to tear down those stereo- types and promote positive relations. The News Advertiser set out in recent weeks to examine the state of race relations in our communities in Durham. The information we received was encour- aging on all fronts. The Oshawa/Durham Multicultural Council's ranks are growing; students are active in schools across the region; police say hate -related crime occurs but "it's not a major problem." That's encouraging news for all of us to consider. More inspiring are the efforts of teens in Durham — from all walks of life — who work hard every day to improve relations and foster debate and discussion in their communities. Youth, after all, may well hold the key to a more harmonious future for all Canadians. One instance recounted by Durham Regional Police Staff Sergeant Gordon McKechnie embodies that youthful vigilance in the fight against racism. A mem- ber of the white supremacist group Heritage Front who turned up at a Pickering high school, Sgt. McKechnie recalled, picked the wrong group of people to bump into. "Students decided together to get rid of him." Indeed. Those efforts — whether through peaceful con- frontation, ongoing forums to further encourage dis- cussion, or informal acts and deeds — provide strength and an ongoing sense of purpose. The numbers show that Durham's growing popula- tion is quite diverse. By embracing what we have in common, instead of identifying where we differ, we'll all do a better job of contributing to Canada's cultural mosaic. And the efforts start right here at home. To respond to this editorial call Infosource at nfosogme 683-7040 and dial 5104 ♦You said it... In response to our May 16 editorial headlined `Slam the door on a new jail', our readers said: "Everyone is against it, but, knowing this Conservative government, that jail will end up in Durham Region." Ajax -Pickering mews Advertiser Publisher: Tim Whittaker A Metroland Community Newspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday ♦ Letters to the editor Custodians clean up students' mess To the editor: This is in response to your articles on contracting out the work of custodial staff. Here is some real information for taxpayers who are screaming that the public sector is overpaid and under -worked. I work for the Durham Board of Education at a local high school. I'm a custodian and don't feel I should have to defend my job. I'm one of the staff who cleans up the messes left by stu- dents. Perhaps if they would not throw apples and oranges down the stairs, against the walls, or even in toilets, there wouldn't be such a mess to clean up. These students eat food and drink canned or bottled drinks throughout the day. When they're finished, do you think it goes into a garbage container, which there are plenty of? No! It is dropped on the floors any- where they please. Students stuff clothes into the toilet bowls or set them on fire, set fires in the garbage cans, spit on the floors, write graffiti all over the bathroom walls, and throw food around the cafeteria. This is the kind of job custo- dians do every day. We don't just sweep floors to fill our time. Donna Beasley, Custodian The News Advertiser accepts let- ters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neatly hand- written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verification. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor -in -Chief STEVE HOUSTON, Managing Editor BRUCE DANFORD, Advertising Manager ALVIN BROUWER, Retail Advertising Manager EDDIE KOLODZIEJCZAK, Classified Advertising Manager MONIQUE LEA, Real Estate Advertising Manager ABE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager BARBARA HARRISON, Production Manager JANICE O'NEIL, Assistant Production Manager CHERYL HAINFS Ass' TO REACH US General: 683-5110 Classitlied: 683-0707 Distribution: 683-5117 AdmintClassitled Fax: 683-7363 Composing Fax: 579-9273 E-mail: newsroomOdurhamnews.net BLAKE PURDY News Editor Meet the next rump party It's a week and a bit before Peter Mansbridge makes the Big Declaration three minutes after the polls close in Canada, 33 minutes after they shut down in Newfoundland. "'Ilse CBC pre- dicts a hostile invasion by Rita MacNeil fans upset about the cancellation of her show. And, we project a majority government for the Philadelphia Flyers. Now, back to the hockey game." The News Advertiser dimwit you're reading now feels safe in already forecasting the last - place finisher. Based on a completely unscientif- ic poll of curbside signs erected during this fed- eral election campaign — a poll that's inaccu- rate 19 out of 20 times — I declare that the Grits. the Tories, the Performers, the New Dippers and the Blockheads will finish ahead of the Student Painters. Batted on a slightly more scientific poll of dogs sidling up to those same roadside signs. I feel secure in proclaiming that those signs which are hammered completely into the ground are only half as popular with pooches as those that have about two feet of stick protruding from the bottom. Something to do with backsplash. But, back to the Student Painters. I'm sorry to say they will be reduced to a rump party after June 2. Well, actually, I'm not sorry to say u; I love saying it. Rump party, rump party, rump party. Just envision it — a rump party. It's my favorite election expression, even ahead of ­Ne polled 100 undecided voters and, man, were they ever mad." Student Painters' leader Sherwin Williams can't understand his party's slide in popularity. "1 thought we were pushing all the right buttons — doorbells, namely." For example, the Student Painters agree with the mainstream parties about the number -one issue in this campaign. "Jobs, Jobs, jobs,., say-, Mr. Williams. "Send us to the House of Commons and we'll work on your behalf Or. for that matter, invite us into your house and we'll work even harder on your behalf." He concedes the Student Painters have fum- bled the ball on the unity issue. "Half of us pre- fer rollers, half swear by brushes. Some like gloss, others favor flat. Don't even ask me about latex and acrylic. That's the most divisive issue in our party." That, it would seem, is the reason the party has painted itself into a corner — twnp-first. day Blake Purdy is a regular contributor to our Sun column rotation. To respond to this column call In fosource at 683-7040 and dial 51018 The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing. Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. Thr News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax &Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse anY am dvertiseent. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occupies. J 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 tstun Production Manager hctp://www.darhamnews.net �7 LILLIAN HOOK, Administration Manager I& Durham Centre MPP hopes to help take bite out of crime BY SUSAN O'NEILL . DURHAM STAFF Durham Centre MPP Jim Flaherty has been named as one of three MPPs to sit on a new provincial panel aiming to crack down on crime. The crime control commission will bridge the ministries of the attorney and solicitor generals and will examine issues such as youth crime, the release of parolees and child sex abuse. "We've been asked by the prerpier to form a crime control strategy to fulfill our commitment to community safety," Mr. Flaherty says, adding the commis- sion will go through a consultation process and will ultimately make rec- ommendations to the government. "There are areas where we can do much better," he says. "If you treat every crime seriously, crime overall will be reduced." Mr. Flaherty, who was recently named as parliamentary assistant to Attorney General Charles Harnick, flew to New York City with the commission Thursday to meet with members of the mayor's office. "We wanted to go to New York City first because it is a sample of substantial reform to the criminal justice system that has worked in a complex city," he says. Mr. Flaherty, a civil litigation lawyer, says the city has reduced the homicide rate by half, reduced burglar- ies by 30 per cent and car thefts by 20 per cent since 1993. The reason for this he says is because the police "let it be known that all laws would be enforced." He says citizens of New York now know they'll be arrested if they commit an offence, even if it's minor, such as playing loud music in the street. "They've managed to change behav- ior," he says. Mr. Flaherty says police officers need to be freed from the "burden of paperwork" and supported in doing their work on the street. "What we need to do is bring back courtesy and respect and really get back to good old-fashioned police work," he says. Mr. Flaherty says the crime control panel will look at various issues over the next two years, adding he would like to address the Young Offenders Act COM'A CIS? aw all" CORRECTION NOTICE Media 0611 w sale Monday May 26 - Sunday Jun 1197. Beck page copy is irworecL Should have read: 112 price Wasilierbedw plus Latex Sarin Ret pant 3.78L 921101 Sears Rag. 43.99 Sale Priced 21.99 Plus save $15 on all outer Fnishes Sears Reg. 44.99 - 45.99 each 29.99 - 30.99. U2 pros Easy Lwft plus Latex SaMn Flat paint 3.78L •11100. Sears Rsg. 39.99 Sale Priced 19.99 Plus save $14 on d 011ier Ftrlishw Sears Reg. 33.99 - 43.99. Each 19.99 - 29.99 Meda 0611 page 35 reads: only 99 cents speckm 10wM major oil. The bogie sim" is alcorretd. Should have been a spectrum bode' Media 0541 on sale Monday May 19 - Sunday May 25, page 25 reads: 28.60mm tamers including cue and lidbries. #11748 only 34.99. This uwt does rid own will$ to trete. ft ap0login for arty hoomienience #ret Moa may hwe cowd. 1995 USED COMPACT VAN. 32,000 kms. A few spills on seats. Some grime in the cupholders. Smells like smoke. Tires as bald as the owner, who must sell to upgrade to an Astro. Asking $22,900. Ad number 06487__ 1994 COMPACT VAN. 40.000 kms. Nice colour. Not loaded. Only 1 acct - dent. $20.680. Ad number 48254. 1995 VAN. Only 28.000 kms. Teenager driven, never over the limit. Holds 18 (7 legally). Ad number 17453. $22.500. Ask for Buds. 1993 PASSENGER/ CARGO VAN. Perfect for transport of seafood. White with large Mackerel decal on sides. Doesn't smell (with windows open). $21.000. Ad number 79462. Ask for 'Sting' Ray. 1994 COMPACT VAN. City driven, by elderly retiree. Bike racks and trailer hitch included. Ad number 42008. $23,350. 1996 COMPACT VAN. No accidents caused by owner. New shiny paint. $21,000. Ad number 4!4735- 1995 COMPACT VAN. Wife dust had her nose done. Insists I buy van with Dassenger air bag, like an Astro. Call Dirk Ad num- ber 67432. Asking $23.000. 1997 COMPACT VAN. Sim4ar to the Chevy Astro. but more expensive. Asking $25.000. Cal Nina. Ad num- ber 77309. 1995 COMPACT VAN- Looks nice Great conwrtenaals No good features except cup holders Comes with seat- belts Cal Ted Lorraine. $22,500 Ad number 19008.96N. 19 Comm VAExpecti second set a triplets. Must In rent van for an 8 -seater Astro. Call Debbie. $22,900 best offer. Ad num- ber 73099. 1994 COMPACT VAN. Must sell to upgrade to Astro with side -guard beams. now that son has his licence. Call Fred. Ad num ber55093. 1996 VAN. Must sell current van to upgrade to Astro, with battery run- down protection. Also looking for a good international exchange program for 16 year old. Interested parties, in either my van or my kid, should contact Rudger. Ad number 69380. 1995 COMPACT VAN. Must sell existing van. It seems I require 4 -wheel ABS and a good Optometrist. $23.500. Ad number 55350. _ 1996 PASSENGER VAN for sale. Good condition. No sliding door child safety lock. Looking for both a van with this feature and my 4 -year old. Ad num- ber 99264.- - - 1995 VAN. Moving to Arizona. Must sol to buy van with 24 hour roadside assistance. Call Ned. Ad number 63271. Asking $23,000. 1994 COMPACT VAN. Just changed jobs Now running a shuttle service for Jerry Springer's guests. Need a van with removable mid- dle and rear seats. Ad number 26376._ 1996 COMPACT VAN. Gently used for dog walking ser- vice. Canine aroma included at no extra charge. Nose prints will come off the windows with a bit of cleaner. Asking $23,000. Ad number 97663. 1995 USED COM- PACT VAN. $20,699. Comes with driver and pas senger seats. The passen- gersof your passe gers can sit on milk crates (not sup- phed). Ad number 87563. arid 1997 COMPACTN. Yk VAkesl Just had our sixth kid and need to upgrade to Astro with seating for curtr akie eight. Used 1 year W nxv*V kids to daycare, hockey. soccer, scouts, guides, school. But, really, it's in great first. "I think we should take the lead," he says. Mr. Flaherty will sit on the commis- sion with Scarborough West MPP Jim Brown and London South MPP Bob Wood, both of whom are parliamentary assistants to Solicitor General Bob Runciman. shape, no spills ever. really. Call Betty. Ad number37.5 94__ ___ 1994 3 YEARS NEW. Fully loaded compact van. except for passen- ger air bag) No war- ranty. No roadside assistance. But in pretty good shape. Just $20.099. Ad number 46577. 1996 COMPACT VAN. $22.000. Low. I ow mileage. Mint condition. Just dri- ven to and from job - site. Call Manny. Ad number 87565__ 1995 COMPACT CARGO/PASSEN- GER VAN. Upgrading to bigger Astro for booming deli delivery busi- ness. Pretty sure we know how to re- install seats. Interior is burgundy with mustard coloured carpet. I believe it was French's mus- tard. Just $20.500. Call David, ad num- ber 28753. 1997 COMPACT VAN. Almost new. Good utility vehicle. No air condriionw+s. Small engine makes it a good family van. because it doesn't go too fast. Asking 21.000. Ad number 75645._ _ _ 1996 VAN. COMPACT/CARGO /PASSENGER. Great shape. Helped six friends move last year. Carpet can be repaired. Asking $20.299. Call Pete. Ad number 09475._ 1997 COMPACT VAN. Fully loaded with buckets. Yup, it's got a whole bunch of buckets in the back we'll throw in for free. Just $23.500. Ad number 75643. 1995 VAN. Great for hauling kids a other crud. Rea workhorse. On 30,000 km (this year). Don't mi out. Call Bob. Ad number 22075.99 16 VAN. Only 10,000 km. spent weeks as a delivery van. body Work brakes Scotchguard Wiling to trade fo new Chevy Astro Call Lance. Ad num 06836. 1995 COMPACT VAN 32,000 kms. A few sills on seann Some grime in THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 23, 1!!7 - PAGE 7 ANNOUNCEMENT Muslim WeHare Centre is operating a Muslim Welfare Home For Needy Women And Children in Whitby. Our services are open to all the needy irrespective of Religion, Nationality, Caste or Creed. We also provide a free shuttle van service for residents of Muslim Welfare Home from Whitby to Muslim Welfare Centre in Scarborough to facilitate job hunting. Please contact at (416) 754-8116 or (905) 665-0424. Our motto is "Service to Humanity is Service to Allah (God)" cupholders. Smells and Only 2 Pia Needs k, s arca like smoke. Tires as Compact bald as the owner. Under who must sell to upgrade to an Astro. $209000 ' , ' Asking $22,900. Ad number 06487. 1994 COMPACT 1997 CHEVY VAN. 40.000 kms ASTRO. Brand new. 4 -wheel ABS. dual air Nice colour. Not bags, 4.3 litre Vortec loaded. Only 1 act -1- V6 engine. 4 speed dent. $20,680. Ad automatic transmis- number 48254. ___ sion with overdrive, 1995 VAN. Only rear wheel drive. 8 28,000 kms. person seating, air Teenager driven, conditioning. AM/FM never over the limit. stereo, child safety kraus. side guard dont Holds 18 (7 legally). beams. intermittent Ad number 17453. Only $22.500. Ask for 19.995- lease Buck._ _ _ r month 19W PASSENGER/ 36 mon s' Complete CARGO VAN. with new car smell Perfect for transport and those little rubber of seafood. White -hairs' on the tires. Call 1-800-463-7483. with large Mackerel decal on sides. Doesn't smell (with windows open). $21.000. Ad number 79462. Ask for -Sting" Ray. 1994 COMPACT VAN. City driven. by elderly retiree. Bike racks and trailer hitch included. Ad number 42008. 350. 1996 COMPACT VAN. No accidents caused by owner. New shiny paint. $21.000. Ad number 44735,_ _ 1995 COMPACT VAN. Wife lust had her nose done. Insists I buy van with passenger air bag, like an Astro. Call Dirk. Ad num- ber 67432. Asking $23 �-_ 1997 COMPACT VAN. Similar to the Chevy Astro, but more expensive. Asking $25.000. Call Nina. Ad num- ber 77309. _ 1995 COMPACT VAN. Looks nice. Great commercials. No good features except cup holders. Comes with seat - bells. Call Ted and 00 Lorraine. $22,5. Ad number 19008. 16 COMPACT 99 VAN. Expecting second set of triplets. Must trade in current van for an 8 -seater Astro. Cali Debbie. $22,900 or best offer. Ad num- ber 73099. 1894 COMPACT VAIL Must sal to TM Ing upgrade to Astro Two USED with side -guard 1111 d m beas, now that son has his licence. ts. Call Fred. Ad num- thre ber 55093. You dlioutid Rival oils: tBased on a 36 -mill lease for Chevy Astro Van 1 SA equipped as described. Annual kibmetre lint 20,000 km, $0.06 per exoess00, Mornetra. A minijan down payment of $3,000 is requrt'ired. Security deposit of $300 is Wed. 'Freight $845, licence, mural= and taxes are not lndud- $29 ed, oftr applies to 1997 row or demonstrallor models. Dealer order or Vede be newssary Dealer cuslomers only. Limiled time offer while quantities last. OBer may rid combined or k other oiler y OAC. Visit your Chevrolet dealer or call 1selliliam for less. Offer applies io qualilied �-800.463.7483 PAGE S - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1997 3 T Ae CARE in t nding w6& Y u sews of frit wu ksk" befog hdd on Mus- 5. DevdopKng Job l ,earls on Jime e I Z Restmne Re&- ts in June could h* unertnployed people find radw on June 19 and Maiming Self -Esteem on rL x F,:E3?•MrV The seminars are being offered by CARE, a pro. All sessaons start at 1:30 p m. at the CARE t of the Drumm, Region UnrnVbYed Help Con- offices at 1400 Ba* St., Unit 12 in I`Wwriing, next the 030 trainsudioa. int+avihwiing liadnaques wr�l be oovemd on7rure�` � 420�A�tofar,dda+ein6napn�iau,ortar+ Family Fun Night at PICKERING — A Pickering school promises a night of fun for the whole clan on Tuesday. Fairport Beach Public School is hosting its Fam- ily Fun Night from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Among the activities planned are a silent auction, Fairport Beach school raffle, jumping castle, kids games and face painting. Proceeds will be used to buy equipment for the school. The school's at 754 Oklahoma Dr. Call 831-1744. To MM Gree Pete Spedol 2 Ell Shells (irokeo eesy) 1/2InPefreit (Peel Mlr) Nome -Cd Pbt tm toot fried) &A i side order of lel wei Teased Seed eras tae drwial) let leda Tee Bids, Ceffie Of mods, or frosk/y Spserad Orap Bea Have You Fed Your Composter Lately? Ill VI • AIR CONDITIONING 12YORIC Heating and Air SALE Authorized Deakr CONSUMERS GAS 6 - rut R on your gas bill O.A.C. 11% We're online at www,durhamnews.net M a00'.= 10., WOW t4i)TIGE srlrimis picketing May 25tnh and closed gond Y Wi11 be � Monday' May ublic- eneral P Mous to 9 ta7hank Y.ou„ Weare holding a spec l customer e t to °r-�� years! tors CV -TQM--F--" IF Y R A T RE FIVE Y IN—VI TATI N 19—p R EA ERE ITER AT 6. P' BEEN 11: Y 2 • H AND_ • Np Y _ ,BE"EEN Y M pAY F ANp Y WEL ME I 1 '11 our regular business at Tuesday I hours w� 9:oo a -m' I 4 rtonftl dt&-•• — - i .r. � .i rf ♦. t 1. ." . f• :%,w .a • .% .I4 got • i 1;e r• r � r • ., ..V, I. - - .. - - ----- %------------- . . . - _ . _ -.- _ . _ _ ... _ .. _ .. ._ _ .. - - - . - . • . _ - ��aa... •a as • saaa•a���. +ta •a aa�• THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1997 - PAGE 9 Don't leave home to get it Acquiring birth, marriage and death certificates made easier BY SUSAN O'NEILL DURHAM STAFF As of tomorrow Ajax and Pickering residents will no longer need to travel to Queen's Park or rely on the post office when they need a birth, marriage or death certificate. David Tsubouchi, Minister of Con- sumer and Commercial Relations, will be in Whitby Thursday to kick off a ser- vice -expansion project at the Durham gram to expand the services of the Office of the Registrar across the province, will provide same-day service when people require vital statistics. "The purpose of the expansion is to improve service to the public;" says min- istry spokesman Maurice Simms. "The big beneficiaries will be people who need these things on very short notice." Mr. Simms says Whitby will be one of seven locations included in the expan- Land Registry Office. s i o n , The project, which is part of a pro- adding up swam ` AND DURING MAYTAG MONTH... SF.LF.0"rF.l� MAY -FAC; You Should 1)ISHWAti11ERSf ell Get To Know rn d -l1+ P = ;'1 FREE GAS BBQ! I PLUS... I WE PAY YOUR DEDUCTIBLE ION MOST INSURANCE CLAIMS, ' Auto GIaff 1-800-839-0003 UXBRIDGE BOWMANVILLE OSHAWA PORT PERRY PORT HOPE PICKERING COBOURG BRIGHTON CAMPBELLFORD We're on the net at www.durhamnews.net Do roll X New WHY TIME ME SO MMY REPLACBMT WNDow (� Cor ? beca� P0006 ow whmdews ;� R►e� Compare yourself! REFORM Pyr wow oweV Liberal/PC Reform's Fresh Start d'1i` . ai POOR rAtMb�R IorENV FW1Od Over the past 25 years, The Liberals and Tories have racked Inr Rrt•I�FbftTmm �1 OA.SHWOOD' 3� %9 =D •. 66 Russett Are 00111wa until six months ago people had to send requests for birth or marriage certifi- cates through the mail or travel to Queen's Park or Thunder Bay to pick them up. He says the expansion to Whitby fol- lows a "successful" pilot project that was introduced in Hamilton last Novem- ber, adding London, North Bay, Ottawa, Sudbury and Windsor are also part of the expansion plans. Mr. Simms says the service will cut down on delays and will increase conve- nience. "You'd be surprised by the number of people who leave it to the last minute;" he says. "With local services... it's going to make it a lot easier." The Office of the Registrar General will operate from the Durham Land Reg- istry Office, 590 Rossland Rd. E. For more information call 430-3452. What•d] ff e cel er n'' Compare yourself! REFORM versus the old-line parties Liberal/PC Reform's Fresh Start 25 year track record for Canadians CANARIA! High Debt = High Taxes /•f More effective government Over the past 25 years, The Liberals and Tories have racked Step by step, we'll overhaul government operations saving up more than $600 Billion in debt. Canada spends $48 about $15 billion a year while re -investing in health and billion in interest payments every year. education High Taxes + Lower Taxes AFTER a balanced budget Since 1984, the Liberals and Tories have raised your taxes We will provide the average family with $2,000 in tax relief 107 times. The Tories gave us the GST and the Liberals by 2000. Budget surpluses will be shared between tax have given us a 73% increase in CPP premiums. relief, increased health and education funding, and debt reduction. 1.2 million low-income earners will come off the tax roles. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs + More and better jobs The Tones left Canada with a legacy of 1.65 million Our tax relief will leave more money in your pocket. That unemployed. The Liberals have hardly reduced the will stimulate consumer spending, enabling business to numbersover 14 million Canadians remain unemployed. create long-term, quality Canadian jobs_ Cut health care funding by 40-/- # $4 billion dollars more to health The Liberals have cut health and education transfers to the We will pr►oritiLc government spending to improve the provinces by more than 40%. since 1993. quality of our health and education systems - $4 billion more each year for health and education. Rights for Bernardo and Olson + Victims rights The Liberals and Tories have created a justice system that puts the rights of criminals ahead of the rights of victims Reform will shift the balance from the rights of criminals to and law-abiding citizens. Incarcerated prisoners can now rights of victims and law -biding citizens Victims' Bill vote but we don't expect Paul Bernardo will vote Reform. of Rights, Reform the YOA, Life means Life, etc. 13"nct society + Equality of all provinces Both Jean Chretien and Jean Charest support special status We'll give more power to all provinces, including Quebec. for the province of Quebec. Distinct Society has been through decentralization and a greater emphasis on local rejected by Canadians - twice! control. Gold-plated MP pensions # MP pension reform Liberal and Tory MPs continue to draw millions from their 50 Reform MPs have opted out of the program until it is lucrative pension plan, while ordinary Canadians will only brought into line with private sector plans Reform MP, Deb get $8,800/yr in CPP benefits. For example, Jean Charest Grey, gave up a pension worth $1.5 million will receive $4.3 million when he retires (to age 75). We w9l protect your pensions- FRESH START .REFORM'S CampalgnP�� Office Office 831-0020 668-5016 VIEW Reform oQ'ers a real democratic guarantee that includes: - Recall (fire your MP) ill - Free Votes in the House of Commons - Citizen Initiated Referendums - Binding Referendum for Capital Punishment ® GRIFFITH. KEN0SERJEANTSON Authorized by Doan Wile, Official Agent for Ken Grifflth Authorized by Gard Courtemanebe Agent for Bill Serjeantson • Look for the Reform Information Brochure inserted in your paper. PAGE 10 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25,1197 • Ajax Home Week parade entries still sought Annual event on June 7 highlight of Home Week AJAX — There's still time to enter a float or band in the Ajax Home Week parade just over two weeks away. There's no charge to enter the parade being held Saturday, June 7 starting at 12:30 p.m. The parade is one of the highlights of the annual Home Week, which runs from Friday, June 6 to Sunday, June 15. Other activities this year include the 40th anniversary reunion of Ajax High School, a three-day book sale, fireworks, dances, an auction, a Monte Carlo night and the presentation of the Ajax Civic Award. The parade will form on Mills Road, proceed cast along Station Street, south on Harwood Avenue to Clements Road, west to Centennial Road and north into the Ajax Community Centre parking lot. Six bands have already entered the parade, which will also feature floats from the Ajax Fire Depart- bar.ly�w"3nrr+���wrlyla..'^1Yrtt�ir ^? i stumps removed SPECIALIST by machine TTOppinappinpp • Fully Insured • "40acs WOOcl - Prunlnp 1 i • Animal Rescue • Cavity Repair 25 Years Experience ,4 CELEBRATE CELEB � J COME S_ i.` SAYINGS UKE 10 11 C I F 11 ,..._....,, REFRILX;ERATORSat [A,ry 1t,r1va. f .y HEATING & AM co"DrnoNING SERVW4G DU MAN REGI coNVEiar iA___ SNCE 1970 FUEL DUCT WORK, SPECIALS NOW ON AVE $300. CENTRAL AIR "FREE" Honeywell Digital Thermostat SAVE on Electric Air Cleaners • AX TUNE-UP $55.00 OSHAWA • Humidifiers A kx*x es uMning . 11 Ducdm AX Fre pick iso i rehtrtl Nwc�aToa. "Zopm The Arizona is still your favorite style in Birkenstock sandals. For a limited time this summer we are offering the special price of $99 for the Arizona in black and brown leather. valid until July 31, 1997 aoa a rr. to � Whitby Mall 905-728-9141 ment, the Ajax Comets Baton Club, the Gold Wing Touring Association, the Ajax Kinsmen Club, the Quarter -Horse Racing Owners of Ontario and the Durham Dragons hockey club. And, World Kick Box- ing Champion Paul Biafore will take part. Non-perishable food items will be collected along the parade route for distribution by the Ajax - Pickering Salvation Army. Call Dave Cawthorne at 428-7459 to enter the parade or for more infor- mation. Parents and French Public School Ratepayers The Durham Board of Education invites you to attend an information meeting about: The opening of the first elementary French language public school in Durham Region in September 1997. This mctitting will be held on: May 28, 1997 from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm at T.R. McEwen Senior Public School 460 Wilson Road South Oshawa, Ontario L1H 6Z9 For fnfornmdon aJ! (416) 391-2848 F ATLANTIC TREE SERVICE serving Ajax & PlckeHng i stumps removed SPECIALIST by machine TTOppinappinpp • Fully Insured • "40acs WOOcl - Prunlnp • Free Estimates • Animal Rescue • Cavity Repair 25 Years Experience ,4 call Jerry, 1, , Please recycle . this newspaper Government is about making choices. Choosing is about deciding priorities. Priorities are ultimately about values. V ralues are clear. Responsibility. Compassion. Fairness. Respect. ► believe that government can, should and must be a force for Rood That is why 1 have stood up for this community. And will continue to do so. 'Hy values are rooted in this community. Since 19931 have fought on your beholf on a number of issues that concern this community. From truck safety to cable rotes to drug costs. I have listened to you and r# lerted your concerns in Ottawa. I need your support on June 2nd to continue the work that has begun. To join my campaign, take a lawn sign or get more information, please drop by my office at 984 Kingston Rd. or call 427-6700. Dan - g. P�4r aj-Ajax- Uxk ridge U MI 4-1-4 i., F. I+...«. ur.;r ,y.., r- u.,, wr.n--. DU Parents et contribuables francophones au systeme d'education public Le Conseil scolaire de Durham vows invite a participer a une reunion d'information concernant: Vouveruwe de la premiere eeole publi9ue de bwgW fiwwpd a de la region de Durham en septembre 1997. Celle rencontre se tiendm: Le mercrWi 28 mai 1997 de19h30A21hit T.R. McEwen Senior Public School 460, rue Wilson Sud Oshawa, Ontario L1H 4K5 rensd6mm-vous en appellant le (416) 391-2848 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1"7 - PAGE 11 Durham rushes to undertake infrastructure projects Durham Region is getting $2.7 million from the federal and provincial governments in the second phase of the Canada -Ontario Infrastructure Works Program, but the timing leaves one councillor miffed. Region works committee chairman and Oshawa Councillor John Aker said the provincial government's announcement Tuesday that it will take part in the second phase of the infrastructure program leaves municipalities little time to com- plete projects before the March 31, 1998 deadline. The Province's decision came five months after the federal gov- emnI announced the second phase. Coun. Aker told council colleagues Wednesday it could be the fall before the Region has selected projects and tendered them. "It took them five months to be a participant and they expect us to do the job in three months. It doesn't seem to be common sense to me," Coun. Aker said. The second phase of the infrastrucz- ture program is identical to the first, with the federal, provincial and munici- pal governments each paying one-third of the cost. Durham's share is $1.35 million, for a total of just over $4 mil- lion. Municipalities must have applica- tions submitted by June 13 to be eligible for second -phase funding. The Province is limiting work to repairing and reha- bilitating hard services, such as roads, water and sewer lines. "We think we can do it, but it's almost impossible," Coun. Aker said. "Now is the construction season. I don't know why the time line is so tight." The fall isn't a good time to be lay- ing asphalt, the councillor added. ,14 ev&MM'�9.1�: Q MAKE A SOUND INVESTMENT 129 =.d. #3." 0 837.1639 "The best time to lay asphalt, with the best results, is June, July, August and September. Asphalt laid in cold weather doesn't bond to the next level. We've all seen it on the 401 where it comes off in patches because it's been laid in cold weather," he said in an interview. To get the work done during warm weath- er, the Region may negotiate to extend con- tracts with companies now undertaking road work for Durham, he said. "The time line is so tight, we can't go through the normal one -step -in -front -of -the - other process," Coun. Aker said. That process would require the Region to submit applica- tions by June 13, wait about a month for the Province to approve the work, then tender the project, with bids due in August. Using that process, the work wouldn't be done until late fall, he adds. Works commissioner Vic Silgailis said the money can't be used "for new growth. If we have to replace a bad pipe, that's OK. If it's only to put in a bigger pipe for growth, we're not allowed to do that." In the first phase of the infrastructure pro- gram, the Region received ahout $8 million, Mr. Silgailis said. per montnisb months $1,300tdown I The Cavalier Sedan comes with Automatic Owl Transmission and Air Conditioning and lots of other features that our competition doesn't have. ADVERTISED CAVALIER off E-77-PEZRm— COROLLA 7,31 CIVIC ESCORT NEON o� o. ---■v o o©�© Value Priced at your Chevrolet Store PAGE 12 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25,19!7 CAW togetmillion, autoworkers appeal BY BRIAN LEGREE DURHAM STAFF OSHAWA — Local 222 of the Canadian Auto Workers will pay about $1 million in a strike over- payment to the national union — but the method of restitution is being appealed by some members. At least two Local 222 members are appealing the decision to have the the local's entire 16,000 members fund the repayment, instead of the 10,000 striking GM workers who received the overpayment during last fall's strike, Local 222 officials say. Due to an error, some striking GM workers received an additional pay of $125 each, CAW offi- cials say. Local 222's other members, including employees at Oshawa Transit, A.G. Simpson, Lear Canada, Duplate, Wood- bridge Foam, AVPEX, Centre Manufacturing, Columbus McKin- non, Mackie Auto- motive Systems, Cliff Mills Motors, Ontario Guard Ser- vices, St. Marys Cement, Whitby Transit, Kerr Industries and Peregrine weren't part of the overpay- ment. The appeal will be heard by the CAW's National Executive Board, says Dave Broad- bent, Local 222 secretary-trcasurer. Although Local 222's Executive Board recommend- ed not repaying any money to the national union at a meeting in late March, the local's full membership voted in favor of full restitution at a May 1 meeting, with the mo to come out of Local 222's general funds, says Zr.M Broadbent. The vote was done by a show of hands "but it was close;' says Mr. Broadbent, "probably within five votes" among about 100 Local 222 members in attendance. Some members felt "the individuals who received the money should pay it back," not the entire membership, says Mn Broadbent. Once the dispute is resolved by the National Executive Board, the national CAW will receive the $1 million agreed upon by the two sides, says Mr. Broadbent. AJAX TIRE SALES Congratulations to Jorg and Rosemary Siegenthaler of Pickering for winning 4 BRIDGESTONE TIRES from AJAX TIRE Grand Opening Event for Firestone and Bridgestone Tires. Jorg(right) is shown with George Stolarek of Ajax Tire Sales (on left), located at 369 Finley Ave. in Ajax AJAX TIRE SALES 369 FINLEY AVE., AJAX 683-5675 installation, balancing, valves and tire The Don't Mikasa miss it! Featuring selected discontinued and surplus lines of Mikasa dinnerware, crystal, giftware and flatware. Choose from hundreds of items - all at fantastic savings! • No dealers please • Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Interac (No cheques) • All Sales Final • No refunds or exchanges VW Warehouse Sale SAVE UP8 0yo to off Suggested Retail Prices Wed., May 28 11 am -8:30 pm ChFj" laj The cost :Lo !lave yotir News News'Advcruser even`Jf you choose lvertiser delivered to your home not to pay your carrier. Il increase beginning Wednesday, AAs a result of the increase, our ty 28. carriers wilt earn more, as they keep The delivery payment. cbllecte SL y. M1. ■ at means each edition - Tues- `-_1t will also give its a.chance to f, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday reward them for their hard work will still cost less than 32 cents: through such'.outings` as movies, u'll continue to receive your skating and mini -golf. The Don't Mikasa miss it! Featuring selected discontinued and surplus lines of Mikasa dinnerware, crystal, giftware and flatware. Choose from hundreds of items - all at fantastic savings! • No dealers please • Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Interac (No cheques) • All Sales Final • No refunds or exchanges VW Warehouse Sale SAVE UP8 0yo to off Suggested Retail Prices Wed., May 28 11 am -8:30 pm Thurs., May 29 laj The cost :Lo !lave yotir News News'Advcruser even`Jf you choose lvertiser delivered to your home not to pay your carrier. Il increase beginning Wednesday, AAs a result of the increase, our ty 28. carriers wilt earn more, as they keep The delivery payment. cbllecte the majority of all fire money col- u'y four weeks, will now be $5 lected, r / at means each edition - Tues- `-_1t will also give its a.chance to f, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday reward them for their hard work will still cost less than 32 cents: through such'.outings` as movies, u'll continue to receive your skating and mini -golf. The Don't Mikasa miss it! Featuring selected discontinued and surplus lines of Mikasa dinnerware, crystal, giftware and flatware. Choose from hundreds of items - all at fantastic savings! • No dealers please • Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Interac (No cheques) • All Sales Final • No refunds or exchanges VW Warehouse Sale SAVE UP8 0yo to off Suggested Retail Prices Wed., May 28 11 am -8:30 pm Thurs., May 29 11 am -8:30 pm Fri., May 30 11 am -8:30 pm Sat., May 31 10 am4:00 pm Sun., June 1 11 am -5:00 pm One location only 161 McPherson St., Markham, ON Zip Across Town 0Express Toll Route 14 A—. PACNbb 0 11eh.sn Y t N ; One location only 161 McPherson St., Markham, ON Zip Across Town 0Express Toll Route THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1"7 -PAGE 13 Durham police honor hometown heroes For the second time, an Oshawa resi- dent has been recognized for his efforts in catching a criminal. Alfred Borg received a Durham Regional Police Civilian Award Wednes- day for his part in helping catch a suspect in the sexual assault of three females, all under 15 years old. In all, 10 individuals and two organi- zations received awards for their efforts at a meeting of Durham Regional Coun- cil. "We're blessed to have citizens, at a risk to their own safety, get involved to help the community," Durham Chairman Jim Witty said. Mr. Borg reports he "just got upset at what he was doing and I thought I had to get him" in explaining his involvement in helping police catch the sex -assault suspect on March 30, 1996. Mr. Borg chased the suspect fleeing the scene of the attack in downtown Oshawa for about 15 minutes. When the suspect ran into a restaurant, Mr. Borg waited outside for police and identified the culprit to officers who arrested him. Mr. Borg wasn't thinking of his safe- ty when he chased the suspect. "I just made up my mind to get him." He received his first civilian award in 1974 when he helped Durham Regional Police catch two armed robbers in Whit- by. Steven Ross, an employee with a Pickering taxi company, was honored for helping catch three youths involved in a rash of home break-ins. In late 1995, Mr. Ross reported a sus- picious incident involving three youths, thinking they were committing a crime. About a month later, he saw the youths again and notified police. The three were arrested and charged with 42 break and enter -related charges. 000 Clarington resi&mts John Duncan, Michael Ruller, Cole Henderson and Robert Walraven were honored for their help in finding a kidnapped four-year- old girl and capturing her abductor. In the early hours of Oct. 9, 1996, after the girl was discovered missing from her home, Durham police enlisted the aid of residents. Mr. Duncan found the girl and a man in a metal shed behind a house. When the suspect - fled, Mr. Ruller chased him and the culprit was caught by Mr. Henderson and Mr. Wal - raven. "We as a police service can only imagine what would have occurred to the young child had the community not pulled together and located her in a rela- tively short period of time," Staff Sergeant Roy Good says. "Tire (girl's) family thanked us a lot. They couldn't believe we'd find her safe;Mr. Duncan says. The abduction "hits pretty close to home" for Mr. Duncan as he has a six- year-old son and three-year-old daugh- ter. Mr. Ruller wasn't thinking of his own safety because `tit happened so fast. "John and I both have our children and it's the first thing to enter my mind," says Mr. Ruller, who also has a thivi—. year-old daughter. "It's a small town and you don't expect anything like this" Concern for his safety also didn't impede Mr. Henderson. "I never thought about that. Events happened so quickly„ After hearing on his police scanner that the suspect was heading toward his neighborhood, Mr. Henderson went out- side hoping to see the culprit and direct police to the kidnapper's whereabouts. Mr. Walraven had returned home after taking his children to school to join the search when the suspect "went run- ning past me, about six or eight feet away" The suspect was trying to scale a fence when Mr. Walraven grabbed him, threw him to the ground and pinned him with the help of Mr. Henderson. "I never thought about my safety, not once," Mr. Walraven says. 000 The Ontario Voluntary Emergency Response Team (OVERT) received an award for the group's efforts in helping police in searches of people lost in the wilderness. "It's more a credit to the volunteers, to acknowledge their dedication, their professional- ism," OVERT spokesman Shane Harbinson says. "It's a credit to the;r dedication to the com- munity and to what they're willing to do" The organization has about 100 volunteers. ODD Also receiving an award was the Durham Regional Crime Stoppers program, which in the past 10 years has led to 1,200 arrests, 1,600 cases being cleared and the seizure of more than $8 million in narcotics and recovered property. 1 Two things � � our competitors don't � I want you to see • I 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 1 1 ,97 Our Sunfire2 am% Features. 4-steed automatic transmission -` in System e engine al air bags -wheel ABS PASSLock' theft Our Price. SMARTLEASE * per month /36 months *239 deterrent system air conditioning AM/FM stereo cassette folding rear seat !clining front its S Purchase $ 17 359' 1 (excludes freight $620) NOW nly $10 0 0 down ` from your �� Performance PONTL uc Team suicK i should know this: *Based on a 36 month lease for 1997 Sunfire Sedan i equipped as described. A minimum down payment of $1,000 and $300GMC :urity deposit are required. Annual kilometre limit: 20,000 km. $0.08 excess kilometre. OAC. Other lease options available. stfreight $620, :once, insurance and taxes are not included. Dealer trade may be neces- •y. Dealer may sell/lease for loss. See Dealer for details. Winancing approved CMAC credit only. Example: $10,000 at 3.9Y, APR, the monthly anent is $225.33 for 48 months. Cost of borrowing is $815.84. Total ,igation is $10,815.84• Down payment may be required. stssOffors apply 1997 now or demonstrator models only and applies to qualified retail homers only. Limited time offers which may not be combined with other 'ars. See Dealer for details. 1 1 1 I 7 1 1 1 E rl 1 J PAGE 14 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1"7 ♦ J'AX, NIDI MANNING DOES DURH M Reform ea er blasts Liberals 10 0 ono creation national BY SUSAN UNEILL DURHAM STAFF WHITBY — With only 10 days left in the federal election campaign Reform leader Pre- ston Manning visited Whitby yesterday promising job cre- ation, tax relief and an end to the unity crisis. Mr. Manning, who was at Anderson Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute, addressed stu- dents from schools throughout the region answering questions about the economy and the sta- tus of Quebec. The party leader told students that as the end of the campaign nears the key issues become clearer, adding for his party those issues are job creation and national unity. He says the country's next government will need to ask "what can be done to create more jobs, particularly jobs for young people'' "We believe the key to more jobs is tax relief;' he says, adding more money in the pub- lic pocket and in the pockets of businesses will stimulate the Reform party leader Preston Manning and his wife, Sandra, share a laugh during a campaign stop at Anderson Collegiate in Whitby. Students from around Durham were on hand. economy and create job oppor- ate jobs" tunities. The second major issue Mr. He also says the Reform Manning addressed was the mat - Party does not "think that the ter of national unity and his government can go and create party's commitment to uniting jobs' for young people...busi- the country. nesses should be the ones to ere- He told students that offering Candidates facequestions from businessgroup Quebec status as a "distinct soci- is playing with words," adding it will not solve the unity dehate. "We all love Canada and �.int this country to be united in he 21st century," he says, dding the key is "to treat all anadians equally and all roe inces equally." However, when asked how he government should respond it' Quebec votes to separate in the future he says the federal government would have to honor the vote. "We hope that never hap- pens;" he says. "If it happens it's really a terrible commentary on our political system" He says his party is not only interested in "just keeping the country together but in uniting the country" and while he says the provinces are clearly not the same, they all deserve the same powers. "We have a platform that's designed for all Canadians," he says. "'lite aim is to unite the country and not leave anyone out. BY MARIANNE TAKACS family poverty. The deficit would go down, and reduction of corporate taxes. STAFF REPORTER they said, as employment increases. Mr. McTeague stated he supported the har- Ajax and Pickering Board of Trade mem- Progressive Conservative representatives monization of federal and provincial sales bers had their chance to grill federal election Leanne Lewis (Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge) and taxes to make them easier for businesses to candidates on the issues considered important Frank Snyder (Whitby -Ajax) offered their administer. However, he made no commitment to the business community Thursday after- party's commitment to eliminate the deficit by to reducing corporate taxes, noting the tax bur - noon, but received direct answers to only some 2000 and reduce the national debt to 50 per den has shifted significantly over recent of their questions. cent of GDP by 2005. The PCs would achieve decades from corporations to individual citi- The board invited the full slate of con- this, they said, by "setting priorities" and cut- zens. tenders for the ridings of Pickering -Ajax- ting federal government spending by $12 bil- Mr. Snyder said the Conservatives would Uxbridge and Whitby -Ajax to an all -Candi- lion, while maintaining health care and educa- reduce the corporate tax rate front 28 to 24 per dates' forum at the Simply Italian restaurant in tion• cent and cut taxes on small business, and Mr. the Harwood Place Mall. (Whitby -Ajax Liberal candidates Dan McTeague (Picker- Griffith alsosaid Reform would reduce the tax Reform Party candidate Rick Serjeantson ing-Ajax-Uxbridge) and Judi Longfield (Whit- bwden he said was killing small business. Mr. missed the session to join party leader Preston by -Ajax) pointed to the deficit -cutting success Grey stated the tax burden on corporations in Manning on a campaign stop in Whitby.) of their government in Ottawa and claimed the Canada was the lowest among the G-7 nations Board members armed themselves for the federal budget would be balanced by 1999. and that everybody should pay their fair share. occasion with a list of very specific questions. Half of any surplus after that, they said, would Board of Trade president John Wiersma First on the list was a request for all the par- be spent on health and social programs and said in an interview he was pleased with the ties' schedules for deficit elimination and debt half would go to eliminating the national debt way the meeting turned out. reduction. and "modest" tax reductions. "It was an excellent forum to meet the can - Reform Party Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge However, candidates answered a question didates and to determine what the party plat - candidate Ken Griffith outlined his party's on the increase of RRSP contribution limits forms are," he noted. commitment to eliminating the deficit by with descriptions of their parties' policies on A recent board survey found the top elec- March 31, 1999 and then splitting any surplus the Canada Pension Plan. Other questions on tion issues as perceived by board members are, after that evenly among increased spending on Quebec, the constitution and indexation of in order of priority: debt and deficit reduction, health and education, paying down the nation- income tax brackets were also left unanswered personal taxation, corporate taxation, GST al debt and cutting taxes. by most of the candidates, who replied instead harmonization, employment insurance, nation - New Democratic Party candidates Doug with outlines of their party's policy in the same al unity, international trade, internal trade, Grey (Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge) and Karen general subject area. maximizing private sector involvement in gov- Dolan (Whitby -Ajax) said their party wants to Board of Trade members did get some ernment, labor law reform and the retirement cut unemployment in half and reduce child and direct answers to a question on simplification income system. Election Notebook Victims of Violence endorse McTeague Victims of Violence, an organizati dedicated to assisting victims of viol crime and helping families find missi children, has announced it is offici endorsing Liberal candidate McTeague in the riding of Pickeri" Ajax -Uxbridge. In its letter of endon� men(, the organization praised h McTeague for doing "an exemplary jdA in speaking for victims of crime" duri� his term as MP for Ontario Ridiitt (which has been split into two for this election). "We commend you for that and we do hope that you will be re-elected to con- tinue this effort to improve the situation for all crime victims in Canada," states the letters Advance polls You have one more opportunity cast your ballot in advance of the June federal election. Advance polls are open Monday, Mi 26. For the location of your advance pol check the Notice of Confirmation cal sent to every household or call 0 returning officer in your riding. In Picl ering-Ajax-Uxbridge Riding, call 421 2366. In Whitby -Ajax Riding, call 681 9490. All -candidates forum An all -candidates meeting for Pici ing-Ajax-Uxbridge Riding is being h on Tuesday, May 27 at 7:30 p.m. at P Ridge Secondary School on Liverp Road north of Finch Avenue, Pickeri All welcome. Call Steve Rae at 4; 1885, ext 545. All -candidates forum The Muslim Educational and Cultut Association is hosting an all -candidal meeting for candidates in Pickerin Ajax -Uxbridge Riding and Whitby-Aj, Riding on Friday, May 30 from 8:30 10:30 p.m. at the Pickering Recreati, Complex on Valley Farm Road south Hwy. 2. .• M V�; �11J -'r;1 .. � _._L -...r—+ --i+ uedls'lMI:K'r'a"Jk''."'RL'f�?...f i'.': "I��w4'�Y{iYk`:•rR,y ;':<rov%?!t:��,. .t „�n'.'.S�rfr'1 .h".T$?!'�??.3'1471n" .t`'S.. C THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY M, 19'7 - PAGE 15 Judge sidesteps jury, finds man not guilty on one of three charges Former Ajax real estate agent on trial BY STEPHEN SHAW DURHAM STAFF Jurors in a $2 -million fraud case appeared stunned Wednesday as a judge mid- way into the trial declared a Whitby man not guilty of aid- ing and abetting a criminal breach of trust. Mr. Justice John Shep- pard, in an unusual move, issued a directed verdict to the jury, finding former Ajax real estate agent John William Midlige not guilty of one of three charges for which he is on trial. Tire judge said prosecutor Emile Carrington "failed to produce evidence to estab- lish" Mr. Midlige committed the offence. Judge Sheppard told the jury he "may touch upon this point again" in his charge, before it begins deliberations on the two remaining charges of theft and fraud over $1,000. Mr. Midlige, 43, is accused of transferring more than $2 million held in trust by the then-Westney Road Re -Max Plus Realty Inc. into the firm's general bank account prior to the closure of sales. Dozens of agents lost $600,000 in commissions from the eventual shortfall, however, no consumers lost any money. Mr. Midlige, who is repre- senting himself in the three- week -old Ontario Court, gen- eral division trial in Whitby, opened his defence Wednes- day, calling two witnesses. Business consultant Ineke Sutherland testified she was NEWo• Cf takerrw LANDSCAPING «.otm t~�■s C# L# _t Q ACRYLIC SEALING WITH THIS AD! hired by the Ajax Re -Max in 1991 to balance the firm's financial books following the firing of bookkeeper Ray Bhatt. Ms. Sutherland told the Dear Customer: jury that while she found numerous "mistakes" in the balancing of the company's general and trust bank accounts, she found no evi- dence suggesting trust money from client deposits was being transferred prior to the close of deals, as alleged. "I determined the practice was very sloppy," she said, citing cheques being issued twice as an example of the "mistakes". The jury is expected to begin deliberations today after hearing the judge's instructions. The News Advertiser is pleased to deliver you a paper four times a week. Effective with our May 28 collection, the delivery charge will now be $5.00 for a four-week period (that's less than 32 cents per issue). Of your collection charge, $2.75 goes directly to your carrier. The other portion is re -invested in staff, technology and carrier incentive programs, which ultimately benefits you, the reader. YOC COL LD a'IN Thank you in advance for your continued support of our voluntary subscription program. Your hometown newspaper. .gAw News Advertiser A 27" TY BY PAYI.NG YOUR CARRIER! N not exactly as illustrated We Don't Sacrifice Quality & Fashion For Price! unn sTai'lors Remember... Yoi>t can always do Better at Dunns! I'.- THE t),,N.A�VA CENTRE MEN'S 1/2 PRICE 147O$GE2- s3� $ �Ea-1495� RANGE4-s o5sums197 � N� 247 � N� 297 vIFN- laiiii MEN'S SHOES NUN SUS CATSNSUN & F RSH IM MEN'So Xyr 1 ► ,� To„« NOW $ • 59� REG.'r mar. *n$lu Now sn..w. PAGE 16 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25 197 Billboard SUNDAY, MAY 25 CONCERT: One Voice, the youth choir of Pickering Pentecostal Church, offers a contem- porary gospel concert at 6 p.m. at the church, 7550 Oklahoma D. Freewill offering. Refresh- ments. 839-1302. YARD SALE: A yard sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 478 Maple Rd., Ajax, with pro- ceeds going to the Ajax -Pickering General Hospital. Rain dates are May 31 and June 1. 619-0845 (Brenda Lee). FASHION SHOW: The Ajax -Pickering Osteo- porosis Support Group and Deohaeko Support Network present a fashion show from 2 to 4 p.m. at Rougemount Co-op, 400 Kingston Rd., Pickering. Fashions by Alia and Tan Jay. Tickets, at $10, cover a tea room and prizes, including a night in a downtown Toronto hotel, Philips Coffee Duo, and an unframed print. 683-3948 (Marg) or 839-3616 (Helen). MUSEUM VILLAGE OPENS: Pickering Museum Village holds its annual Steam Up and Opening from I I a.m. to 5 p.m. Demonstra- tions of basket making, spinning and black- smithing. Get a haircut in an old-fashioned bar- ber's chair. Games, candle dipping and rope making for children. Other displays by the Pickering Model Rail- way Club, Rouge Valley Quilters, Brooklin Master Gardeners. Entertainment in the gazebo and chapel. Mule rides, barbecue. $4 for adults, $2.50 for seniors and students, $2 for children aged five to 12, no charge for children aged under five, $12 family day pass. 683- 8401. BLACK WOMEN: The Congress of Black Women (Durham Chapter) holds its general election at 8 p.m. on the main floor at 1467 Whites Rd. N., corner of Kingston Rd., Picker- ing. All interested women are invited. New members sought. Fee is $20 a year (Sylvia) or 686-7491 (Lyn). MONDAY, MAY 26 GARDENING: The Ajax Garden Club holds a plant auction at 8 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 322, 111 Hunt St., Ajax. All welcome. 683-4734. ARTHRITIS: The Ajax -Pickering Branch of the Arthritis Society holds a free public forum on living with arthritis at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 119 Church St. S., Pickering Village. Guest speakers will be Ajax rheumatologist Dr. Heather McDonald and Victor Bonnici, manager of Health and Fitness Shops for Sears. All welcome. 1-888-765- 0005, 434-7221. TUESDAY, MAY 27 ':MIGRAINE: The Durham Migraine Self -Help Group meets from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 207 Cochrane St.. Whitby. Meetings are the last Tuesday of each month. Migraine sufferers, family and friends welcome. 683-9331, 433-8964. FUN NIGHT: A Family Fun Night is held from 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Fairport Beach Public School, 754 Oklahoma Dr., Pickering. Silent auction, raffle, jumping castle, kids games, face painting, refreshments. Admission free. All welcome. Proceeds will be used to buy equipment for the school. 831-1744 (June). GOLF FOR HOSPITAL: You're invited to join the doctors, nurses and volunteers at Ajax - Pickering General Hospital at its eighth annual golf tourney at Lakeridge Links on the Ajax - Whitby border. Scramble format with contests for longest drive, closest to the tee and putting. Tickets, at $80, include golf, prizes and dinner. For tickets and tee -off times, call the hospital foundation office at 683-2320, ext. 1227. Canadian 11m Pickering icrSLE Air Conditioning Air Conditioning ' Test manifold pressures 4op* • Check begs and hoses REPAIRS • check vent temparature ,lave • J1627 leak test • Nitrogen testing % extra if required Reg. W 49 Parts & Ur ISale ends June 7/97 •k%d Car: • Lube, oil & filter • Castrolmotor oil • Rotate tires 99 • Check exhaust • Check brakes • Check belts/hoses • Check all lamps 19 • Check shocks & CV boots 4 • Top up fluid • 4 Litres of washer fluid "2 W ErnAm cewge • Replace front pads • replace front rotors' • Replace or service caliper hardware • Replace rear shoes • Replace or service shoe hardware • Machine rear drums • Repack wheel bearings .Lube andem,,y cables • Flush brake system • Replace fluid and bleed system • Check master cylinder • Check calipers and wheel cylinders • check steel and flexible brake times Does not iridude cars with rear disc brakes 00* $ %7%7 '429 ' Some restrictioris apply. CANADIAN TIRE SERVICE Pickering Only 1300 Kingston Rd. at Liverpool 839-8124 Servim Hours: Mon. -Fri. 7M G.m. - 9:00 P.m Sdumb r 7:30 Gaa - 6M p.rn, SwK* 9:30 a.m. - SM p.nr. WEDNESDAY, Asafo Thorta, MGA, Is atop Ilnaplvtt"". popular speaker and nNda comrnerraror who's been le A, in The Gobs Ma/. The ToMr*o star and the Financial Postand on Me snort Money show, fin Now kab"M work! snd Grea dml TV. BPI 0Fr.h •• MMAL FLN'D8 GT Glow 6:00 pm (refreshments/social 7:00 pm (presentation) AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE Admiral's Room, Harwood Ave. South Conn Iran fforn AtdO ThOmot, a McGill RrRol CapNr 11nanCld planar who's hr�7rd marry sainnam arra pG* moGtrr thrit bnaneial ftfte. Dbc *w hU wdcpo, prawn Nchtkltars for MYM YOURSELF FIRST by: ' R*ckxi g M'r =i* Amt and df, -0— to !rot/ %1Cm soAvta t Nn hW a1malg ag - aduclkn opt you clugtar b Dol CMqur' to ' �rlfrrArp athvrrrrr CarroriJo � prNtirMtl� yaw lu&ft a #@&w wkfpkn-w&WNfty0W0W"M&W11 Frah Cat Malft At 0 ,"The Meat People" 4. - THE THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1997 - PAGE 17 Aft" 36th Anniversary Birthday Birthday Wedding Stephen Frederick Barr turned Todd Peter- Sheila and Avard Northrup of On May 21, 1961, two on May 12. son turned two Ajax are happy Josiphine and Gordon Fry walked down the aisle and f Mommy and on May 12. to announce the into wedded bliss. Happy Daddy wished Hoping he had a marriage of their 36th anniversary wishes "our special lit- happy birthday son Dwayne to from the family. "Live, love z tie boy" a happy with lots of love Julie Farquhar - and laugh." birthday, while and kisses were son, daughter of �a"} sister Jennifer his aunts, Lorraine and covered him uncles, cousins Bob Farquhar- Btrthda S with hugs and and Grandma. son of Balti- ; y kisses. more. Ontario. The wedding was on May is a busy birthday month in March 29 in Baltimore. where the the Huntington home. On May 12, Birthday couple reside. Matthew turned Birthday- eight and cele- .,Our sweet- - orated with fami- Our hockey } heart" Tashaun Birthday t ly and friends. �+ hero"Scott John Brady turned "Hope you have a Russell reached a two on May 11. S t e p h a n i e great year!" Love double digits on Wishing him a M a c M i l l a n May 20. Wishing _ happy birthday turns the lucky, from Mom, Dad, him a happy IOth were Mommy, seven on May t6.....+►., Katie and Laura. "The babybirthday, with Daddy, Nana as 30. Wishing her of our love always, _ and Grandad. a happy birthday 'y family" Laura ! and love are was three on May 19. Happy birth- were Mom, Dad "wee brother" Graeme, pets ANI om, Dad, day wishes from Mommy, Daddy, Laddie, and Katie.Laddie,Oreo,Oreo,+ � Why and Keiko, and Birthday Amy, Katie, Nikky and Hammy. family in Scotland. - —� There was a Birthday celebration in Birthday y Birthdays the Cormier ,. house on May A birthday A cutie with a "Samantha was 10 on May 4 and 24 as Claudine was celebrated big smile turns celebrated her birthday with friends Mr 46 turned 18. Wish- i on May 22 in three on May with a trip- to 4- ing her a happy ! the Smith 29. Happy birth- Wheelies and a birthday and a I home. Kyle day wishes and s I e e p o v e r . great day were turned six and - love to Justine `" Nicholas was 13 Mom, Dad, had a bowling Frisoni from on May 8 —our Danielle and Denny. "Gotcha." party with his Zi and Boo. Nana, �' new teenager. friends. Lots of ZaHelp! He also had a sleepover with love and birth- "You have brought so much joy his friends. Lots of love from Birthdays I day wishes from and happiness to our family." Mummy,Daddy, Dodger the cat tit o m m y , 1+ Kara Barclay �clCbrafed her u%'- .4 and the rest of the Lambden and enth birthday on 1fa% 20 when Daddy and ----- '.' Wi le families in England." MacKenzie. BlTthl�Qy - Wigley g Grama Joyce from Usu� �,� �,. F3 (' made a special guest appcaran_, A real beauty, Birthday B�rthda K a r a' s Birthday Madison turned �' y y younger seven on May 5. Afzal Habib turned nine Look out world, brother A very important hirthdw, i, Wishing her allMay 21. Danielle Mercier can start L i a m �r s' being celebrated on `las 29 aN the best with "One more driving turned C h r i s s lots of love were year and `'° a f t e r three on S m i t h Mom, Dad, sis- you reams_ I turning Feb. 28 turns 30. to Raven, fami- ble-digit kid, ! 16 on a n d The whole ly and friends. so make the May 22. o l d e r f a m i l y best of it." Wish- brother sends their,a► Btrthda Happy birth- ing her D r e w best wish- .? day wishes a happy w a s es. Lots of .- from Mom, Dad, Grandma, birthday were Mom, Dad, nine on love fro m Happy birthday wishes go out to a dinosaur and Goofanatic. Grandpa, brothers Navaz Michelle, Nanny, Graod- April 4. Let's not forget Dad turned Michelle, Kyle and MacKenzie. Stevens Steven Sabot and Faa ma and and family. Grandpa. 40 on April 9. Happy birthday Daddy." turns nine on May 26 with special BirthdayBirthday �.� ao�1 1794 Liverpool Road birthday wishes and love from Lindsey Yakeley David Hassell will i Pickering 831-5431 Mum, Dad turns sweet 16 on be seven on May 31. THS XXT..EK S CAKE. 1x1\*,EWS .ARF. u 3 i. j« Frisooi brother Brian, his May 28. Happy birth- I R, Best wishes from z. skph•rie waMinan grandparents and day wishes and love Mom, Dad, Jonathan, _ 3. scon Russdl Great -Grandma from Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, VCmncr, ma, g,, d rcok to RL.kin Robbin. „) mvive omi. Kelly and Joshua. Aunt Lori and Jamie. their FKF.F Lake Picas parctLic idcnbti .mon) PRIZE %:ACID t %TIL,AT MAY it I•r1- PAGE 18 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1997 COLE SHE BEST & WIN! Tip -toeing through the tulips Students at St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School in Ajax proudly show off a garden of 800 tulips. Last fall, each student at the school planted a tulip bulb after raising money for the garden. From front to back, Alexander Racioppa, Alex Piamonte, Leasha Small, Natasha and Teira Caparelli and Monica Hunter. Ajax Garden Club wants you to test their petals AJAX -- If you're look- Canadian Legion, Branch ing for a little color in your 322, 111 Hunt St., Ajax. life, the Ajax Garden Club All are welcome to may be able to help. attend. Call 683-4734 for The local group holds a more information on the plant auction Monday, May plant auction or the local 26 at 8 p.m. at the Royal gardening club. • .ysaiif News Advertiser Congratulates HAKIM OPTICAL on its 30th Anniversary A part of our Community HAM C0300 ;OPTXAL ........................ F1,1111 MIN, q, 11 1:NT1111-11:421 30" EASY CLEAN RANGE ALL • SIZES SPECIALLY PRICED ' .1, r i � 7 THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY!! --- T- - - _ -- - --- - - ---- - PO SOFA - - EXQUIIT O BED ----- ,� '_ - _ - " z �i �� 1titi • i . i�TT1711q . ii,� '�1'� 1• � .._ _ _ ,, 7 . _ r'_riar.�•vs�•e�► dO SAVE 11 '�^-,;,.',.'-`'"i►G�-: Ama -� I '''�►' r.I 299 99 00 n�1�_ uliltli1 1, smomommiMm. 31" COLOR TRAK PLUS STEREO -~- RECEIVER. MONITOR 6 PIECE BEDROOM SUITE A =-f799L xf + ?'- UNBELIEVABLE VALUE' ,SAVE I 4" HIMvTE WROL )SE CAPTION MaIuTr ro.PROGRAM ILUowG FULL. IUFACTURER'S 0 MWAa rrom —7 1b11k-': a • 43 9P00 00 PAGE 20 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY ?S, 1"7 ./'III REFLECTION REALTY INC. RLT DAN PLOWMAN. SALES REP. REFLECTION REALTY INC. KATHY KOSTUK, SALES REP. ROYAL BANK • Your Bank. Your Way. REFLECTION REALTY INC. RICK DIMOCKiJUDY COCHRANE SALES REPS_ DURHAM 0 Management CENTRE Ar- ., AMERISPEC HOME INSPECTION SERVICE ,11NiYl'll� _ rr. mr. r� r� r. �n►T�T r r UNDNESDAY MAS 286-1991 from tpm-tOpm Meet the Member Realtors of the Durham Region Real Estate Board *Get confidential no obligation on the spot financing from our leading financial institutions •View the over 2,000 real estate properties listed for sale through the Durham Region Real Estate Board on the large over head screen. •Talk to our Movers •Lawyers •Watch our Fashion Shows •Phis many more related services!! LIVE REMOTE BY MAGIC 94.0 FM 5cotiaoanK �p C7 CanadaTrust SPIRIT INC. JOHN HILL, BROKER/OWNER. r � .. . ♦ . COLDWeLL BAN KeR o RMR REAL ESTATE 1;4 DAKOTA HOME INSPEC710N SERVICE DAVID 0. THOMAS I3anI" i sollc w } ,t. ? 4PW. i i'fASHNM SNOW COURTESY OF: ;. FAS"Feurno S CHURCHrLi.S/CRoSSINGS �qOshawa-w"WEEKa Clarington.Pon PeM f ; 3 HI:X .. mom W cc W X owe W 7-k AIls I vow, live, Nam J ­ ROIL MAKE AN OFFER X A, mw cc low IL MIKE TED DWAYNE TED JIM DON ANN BILL HAZEL KEVINKERRV LEN JERRY TOM PAUL CORRIGAN WILL,AMSON PICKARD WILLIAMSON McELIROY ARSENAULT -HEARD COODWYN HARDING WORSLEY PICKARD WOODCOCK DRAGE BRASSOR GROBERT AL Noe t 0 11 k' Mill 1717. THE NEWS ADVERTISER Go west, young men and women Durham high school students compete in Canadian skills contest Five students from the Durham Board of Education will compete in a national skills competition in Alberta later this month. The students won gold or silver medals at the Ontario Skills Chal- Wnge competition in Kitchener May 7, making them eligible for the May 29 to 31 Canadian Skills competition in Red Deer. Michael Pacione of Pine Ridge Secondary School in Pickering won gold in culinary arts while Pine Ridge's Sonya Rathee won silver in the job interview category. Mike Huntington and Scott Broad, of Sinclair Secondary School in Whit- by, won gold in the animation team event while Matt Gregory, of Uxbridge Secondary School, took a silver in cabinet making. Other public board winners at the provincial level, but not eligible for the Canadian contest, are Alan Per- saud and Michael Ryan, Exeter High School, Ajax, bronze in broad-based construction; Michelle Lafferty and Jamie Ward, Central Collegiate, Oshawa, silver in broad-based trans- portation; Adrienne Brown and Gau- rav Puri, Pine Ridge, silver in mecha- tronics; Chris Miller and Kevin Little, Uxbridge, silver in team carpentry; and Susanne Diesberger, Uxbridge, silver in customer service demonstra- tion event. The Durham . Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board also sent several students to the Kitchener event, although none is going on to the finals. They are Brad Chilvers, Monsign- or Paul Dwyer Catholic High School, Oshawa. fourth in automotive tech- nology; Jeff Meany and Sashia Waller, Dwyer, top 10 in broad-based technology; Kristy Osmond, Dwyer, top 10 in job skills interview; Patrick Brown, Kevin Cushnan and Norman Jarbouh, Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Secondary School, Whitby, 1 Ith in communications in their first attempt at the provincial level. More than 600 high school and college students took part in the Ontario competition designed to test entry-level trade and technical job skills. Categories included construction, communications, leadership, trans- portation and manufacturing. In the Durham Skills Challenge, more than 200 students from both boards competed in 225 separate events from February through April at high schools and Durham College. 7ting library to 2,100 square eet w e. .;The `addition is� part of the oard's facility renewal program, a which older schools receive nec ssary additions or renovations. , Pickering trustee Kevin Ashe atd he's pleased to see the 35 - ear -old school get _an addition, long with some other minor aiter- ` ICEVINI SIM vtv lite plans and working drawings` the addition will now be sent to Please to see Minister of Education for ,addition roval. f okayed, the addition"would be built for the nexi ool year. The Hormone Balancing Art — PM4 ani MPnnna»ca 1. WANT SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOUT? S DISCOLWS TO SEIIOIIS S FREE C nisi citation • corrgtete a Partial Dwmxw - Same day refines & repairs - Evening a Saturday appis. PICKERING DENTURE CUNIC Andre Maragh D.D. (905) 420-2652 1792 LIVERPOOL RD., PICKERING (SUPERCENTRE PLAZA) P Many of the challenges to a woman's wellness other life factors such as stress, lack of adequate Milk Thistle seeds to name a few. stem from either too many or too few circulating exercise and poor nutrition and functioning of the Symptoms of PMS such as depression, female hormones. To compound the problems digestive system, in particular the liver, can irritability, water retention and headache can be ACTIVE THERAPY & SPORTS INJURY Registered Therapists • Physiotherapists • Massage • Nutrition • Acupuncture Insurance Claims Accepted (Auto & Extended Health) 1099 Kinston Rd. `H.r,. z & Dixie) 831-8115 Suite #202 contribute to the lack of hormonal attributed in most cases to unusually high amounts balance. The liver is the organ of either estrogen or progesterone. There are responsible for rendering hormones wonderful herbal allies which mimic estrogen. inactive so that they can be excreted They contain substances called phytoestnogens by the body. Inability of this organ which are estrogen precursors. to do so properly can result in These can appropriatelybe inappropriate levels of circulating ° ` �` „ " case n y over PProP g `-� ' used in the case of an over hormones at various times in a abundance of progesterone. woman's cycle. The wholistic Some of these herbs are approach to restoring hormonal I Blue and Black Cohosh and balance necessarily begins with a Red Clover. To determine dietary -'tuneup" and usually sonic the appropriate herbal kind of liver detoxification and formula for a woman's support with some of the wonderful PMS symptoms a monthly liver herbs. These include my chart documenting all the favorite. Dandelion root, as well as Diane Tait changes and when they Yellow Dock root, Burdock root and Chartered Hem occur is very important. NAN PMS. MENOPAUGIVE N �0 OR009 BREAST CANCER? DENT p Women's Health Holistically Sunday, June 1,1997;10-3 y l -. A 3 dentist team -' and cheerful staff is here to greet you. Aiways caring about you and your family's dental well-being. (� Henry Alban, D.D.S. • Dr. Stephen Minsky, D. • Dr. Howard Kanner, D.D.S. • Emerpriciese Wek ane • New Patients YMeloome N ktwraim Plans Accepled • Visa 3 Frtandd Anangenients • Senior Dieoourtt • Wmis Oxide available • Dentistry wile you sleep Cosmetic Dentistry • Whilenirg d Teelh • Wheeldtair accessib q Hygienist • Children's Play centime • Specialists available in oft ' Oral Surgeon • Periodontist • Anesftt W 1586 Glenwlrn ' Nedlcal Cenb�e • HOUM Mon.- Fri. 83:30 p.m. Lund) 12:30-1:30 p.m. 4�, Diane Tait Chartered Herbalist (Greenwood Botanicals) A peaceful country retreat. �reen�ood TOM a BBBTWNM Uwe 24 � Calk Of�� _(905) 619-1405 4mk$495 • One -on -Orta rating alling • Herbal products available e9iCen VAW LM a w4ivaa a cauda 477-0-11orkh a m 83"011 - New Market 7641801-Thomhtll Continued on page 23 REPAIRS (I N.) • Relines ' Complete. Porj Dengues LOWER DENTURE STA MLnY NEW PERMANENT, SOFT IWNLMR WftS10009KC�.G(A) 84 Old &WIon I2d. W PICKERING VILLAGE. AJAX 183-4294 I need a Physiotherapist! Spring activities like bicycling can lead to ages and pain. If you're hurting from over exertion - or you want to avoid pain and injury - see the leader in physical rehabilitation. Clinic Director: Anne Marie Leepel BSC, P.T. ft Aw - Whites Road Physiotherapy !� &Sport Injury Clinic Since 1988 THE MEDICAL CLMMC • • 720 sheppe id Ave- Unit 6 (905)420-047 - PldoerMlOr Ont L1 V 1 GS .. ' 3�.N,' 1v Y,ti'rii•�e , Ajax dancers .hoof it to national showcase AJAX — Dancers from an Ajax studio qualified to compete at the national showcase after turning in spectacular performances at the Canadian Regional Dance Competi- tion in Guelph May 16 to 19. All 25 Shawney's Dance Studio students sent to the competition qual- ified to compete at the Canadian National Dance Championships in New Westminster, B.C. in July. Twenty-nine dance studios from across southern Ontario competed at the regional event. Shawney's dancers won three gold medals in the junior categories and captured seven silver medals. The studio's dancers were also presented the prestigious Encore Award for the most entertaining rou- tine. photo by Jason Liebregts Sing it! Students at St. Monica Catholic School in Pickering put the finishing touches on their production of the musical Grease at a recent dress rehearsal. Here, Katrina Salvador, dressed in 50% garb, belts out a tune. toonanueo from page 22 D Tension Across Top of Shoulders O Allergies D Numbing/Tingling in Arms or Hands O Digestive Problems During the years leading up to treatment. There are many excellent self - menopause, the sex hormone levels are help books on the shelves of your health decreasing, in particular the estrogen food store that can get you started in your levels, producing a wide range of understanding of the wholistic approach. symptoms, the most well-known of which However, it may be best to consult with a are hot flashes, sleep interference and qualified healthcare specialist such as a irritability and depression. At this time it is naturopath or qualified herbalist. For those very important to address the issues of interested in exploring the above topics in dict, exercise and stress levels. Phyto- more depth along with other women's health estrogenic herbs as well as some foods issues including endometriosis, fibrocystic containing these same phytoestrogens breasts, breast cancer and pregnancy, a day - (tofu!) are a great help in reducing long seminar is being offered at the symptoms. Another herb of choice because Greenwood Yoga and Bodywork Studio by of its balancing effect on the pituitary Diane Tai!, Chartered Herbalist of gland, a gland in the brain which fegulates Greenwood Botanicals on Sun., June 1. For hormonal output, is Chastetree Berry or more info. or to register call 619-1405. olashesc Hot Ht flashes with with DOES YOUR CHILD SMILE WITH their obvious O connection to the IDENCE� circulatory system can be reduced Self-confidence using such herbs as . .- provide Motherwort Motherwort and the child with use of essential fatty your one of acid supplements critic "needed '' such as Evening Primrose Oil and Flaxseed and/or fish oils. = As with all herbal;,, use, the proper selection, pre- paration and dosage M"Y CES protocol is the key 1=:"XP"W to successful 866 / PICKE M i90S M -M EF TIME • QUALITY • GEMrM DENTAL CARE ARE IhIPORTANT TO YOU WE ARE AVAILABLE TO SOME YOU 'WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS WE f# PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario (South of Hwy. #2) DR. JOSEPH A. MISION, DENTIST ■ -- THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. MAY 25. 1997. PA[:tr_ za AUDITION FOR THE 1997 CABARET! Pickering -West Hill Music Theatre requests Singers/Dancers held on Monday, May 26'" at 7 p.m. at Dunbarton Fairport United Church 1066 Dunbarton (Dixie Rd. & Hwy 2), Pickering Call for an appointment Mary Power (905) 686-5271 JOIN us. WEDNESDAY,;td EVENINGS e� WHEN... An American Italica Eatery AN (1 child per adult entree) 839-5811 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE SURVEY Compliments of P I N E R I D G JE NATURAL HEALTH PURPOSE To determine if any health problems you may be having are due to stress. 0 Low Bade Pain D Elbow Pain D Pain Between Shoulder Blades 0 Shoulder Pain D Tension Across Top of Shoulders O Allergies D Numbing/Tingling in Arms or Hands O Digestive Problems D Neck Pain DTension/Headaches D Hip Pain D Knee Pain D Numbing/Tingling in Legs or Feet O Dizziness O Weight Trouble O Nervous 13 Tired, Fatigued D Wrist/Hand Pain Ankle/Foot Pain D Nervous O O Difficulty Sleeping Difficulty Sleeping Which of the above is worst? How long have you had it? When it is at its worst, how does it O Moody D Irritable D Interrupt Sleep D Restricted on Daily Activities If you checked D Decision Making D Poor Attitude D Decreased Productivity 13 Exhausted at End of Day E3 Unable to Work Long Hours D Lose Patience with Spouse or children D Restricted Household Duties 17 Hinders Abili to Exercise or o f in Ability to Participate in Hobbies or CHIROPRACTIC CAN HELP YOU because Doctors gently treat the body, '-= Would ou like to reduce stress? It yore Nower is yes, then briny M this survey and receive sn iritic oonsulWM eovWW by OHIP • Call today 6011a z * •• 683-7735 W Q `= Our office is dedicated to you. DR. MARYANN FRANKO Call now to get you and your family on the DC BA BPE road to better health. Brock Rd. & Hwy. 2 Next to Swiss Chalet A LASSON INC AVON ALORO FOODS •FROZEN •ASSORTED r1 CAIN FOODS •FROZEN • CONCE_ f: i FtA1 [ D ' T ' ���Ii_ �• • , 1 1 � �, i ' E L P 1 1 NE I1 5 -91 II Eli •�i I � :� 1 " : • .. � II gat: . �•';' std it( R• BANNERSPECIAL•ST LAWRENCE , SPECIALS START ��•= • •• • • r. • • • ' Prices in effect from Sunday, May 25 `'�'• to Saturday May 31. 1997 FROM ONTARIO PACKERS • CC` ;:q0r.' CA",ADA A AA GPADES BEEF /- J, PRODUCT OF CANADA ♦ ■ • I' 11 , 1: 1 1� , MIT#& 11 /I 11: is .. • i�ii,•r:rr � / � it .1�1 " I II - � � PRODUCT OF CANADA • PREVIOUSLY FROZEN M CAIN FOODS • FROZEN SELECT FOOD PRODUCTS • SELECT Df - -q•1R� • • •r t• • �..� � � • � - • • • •• •� � � • , J... , `, - � • LTi • • 1 �I �I &111, N- 1 1 1 1.. -; E L P ��CM OhTARIC �ACKER� ".' CA ,A A AA G;AC_ ? AULT FOODS • BLACK DIAMOND PRODUCT OF BRAZIL • IMPERIAL • ii • 1:0• • p 1 11341 1 • r ,.ORNED BEEF .... • • ,. 1 -•.. -• 1 1 :1 1 1 ; 1.•I• I 1 �• ��• i � �1� 1 1 � -, ,..�. I 1 E?Fl r,1 <)r�r BRA" r:. •c ;-)L vrJEL CADET BPAND • ..' '",� ,�r ._'u ;Tp 1 % EVEF2 Y[)q YAN .7. ty ' , • , :. ,1:11 I• rte` 1 1 1 I:I I'.0 1 1 / ♦��� 1 II W/J of IK • 1 AN i ✓7 ■� ■ t; , �� ■■r,� ■® 11 , Ar.TFiF+it�,,r 11�ri�(� rnla•�:,:I� IIIrnr: l'✓.'If ., , r.t: .,^.I �r.n r�r �l; r"1 rr F 1i1:,�� ��.^r;tr)v✓r. �;II ,,.. . -..�a".I... �" iTel 7 SCOTT PAPER TRUCKLOAD SALE Com► , ' ' pp �� • ' ' �� IIT c' � � �I' 1 1 a 11 1 1 1 � �� r�; i, 1 1 • -;TRUCKLOADS DAILY FROM ONTARIO GROWERS I:• w����� :s)�.;y . PRODUCT OF U.S.A. l#1 GRADE , > J 43,11 �. ��� �-1� 1 1• IDI 1• �• r'1��-1�',r' r• :�9 .:;...�....�..,. •• I �1 I.'+ ., �,�� ;,� ;..,NII � •� , � I _ � �IDI1 ; �. 1 1 CHRISTIE BROWN COOKIES ASTRID DAIRY • • • �• FROM THE TROPICS of 111 1 1 � 1• � � � '� �I'i� 1 1 - :I�I�: 1•� ail � 1 � ti 1 - . 1 1 KRAFT CANADA •TANG _ ALL VARIETIES DIRECT FROM FLORIDA TRACTOR TRAILER LOADS ZJL- 1r: . �, 1 ~C" i'•, • I I i -1110. /�� �E� 1 I .1.�1�• YELP 1 1 ' :. I I •.I� . •1' .• 1 1 • .• • 1 �: �F j0q Y • PRODUCT OF U S A PRODUCT OF U S A CALIFORNIA ablvell�• I .1 • ' _ •- 1 1 FRor.1 oNTARIo OREENHouSF GRADE PRODUCT OF r.1ExiC_, /,- 1 PRODUCT OF U S A I • � I PRC; SP��iH 1 1 r. • ir,I • • • '.fir - -. ^ � 1 i ' r� • . l w1 1 / 'JI P 9 al I• 1 —EF _ PRODU A a T lF , .AocE \ -- :. .I �Pc;oDUC! �'/ • !! . -� v'' Imo• r (OLGATE PALr,10L1,E-r.!E'.NNE���� ---- •I it • 1'` r ._- � :�Yr•�wt, w,�l�. - hFL oc,. c•, .,a ,a ")'()ti tiot)(1 twltic' shl)p cat fi►to�h ffill Fati-m. PAGE 26 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25,1997 Durham swimmers in sync at national meet Durham Synchro Club swim teams posted top -10 finishes at the Canadian National Synchronized Swimming Championships in Saint John, New Brunswick recently. Durham's junior 'A' squad, for swim- mers 12 to 14 years old, finished a solid eighth in the country, one of five Ontario teams to turn in a top -10 finish. Team members are Jennifer Bell, Heidi Nemeth, Kimberley Bonnar, Stephanie Crann, Lauren Millar, Ashley Malarczuk, Heather Therrien and Jennifer Johnston. The team is coached by Holley Lundmark. The Durham junior 'A' team qualified for the nationals after finishing fourth at the Ontario championships in Etobicoke in February. Meanwhile, Durham's intermediate 'A' squad, for swimmers 15 to 17, finished 10th in the country, one of only three Ontario intermediate teams to make the top 10. Team members are Amanda Damtsis, Shaina Dinsdale, Jessica Coburn, Katie Ansell, Jenny Burgess, Hailey Yates, Leslie Wickens and Amy McPherson. The team is coached by Deana Inglis -Shaw. The Durham intermediate 'A' team earned its berth at the Canadians after fin- ishing fourth at the Ontario meet. P The Durham Synchro Club is hosting a water show featuring all its members at the Oshawa Civic Pool on Friday, May 30 from 5:30 to 10 p.m. Spectators are welcome. The Durham Synchro Club is made up of swimmers from across the region, including many from Ajax and Pickering. Meanwhile, the Durham Synchro Club recently received a grant from Xerox Canada to offset costs. • • Pickering,— Spo-rtsr Al Rivett, sports writer 683-5110 Fax: 683-7363 Pickering Powers its way to soccer tournament title PICKERING — The Pickering Power Peg Perego girls' under -13 rep soccer team emerged victorious after a tight final contest at the Mississauga International Soccer Tournament over the Victoria Day weekend. Power downed the host Mississauga Falcons 5-4 in the championship con- test. The score was knotted at 1-1 at the end of regulation time. Tabia Charles scored the�L E lone goal for Pickering. `Gr After two overtime halves the score was IQ then tied at 2-2. Charles struck once again for Power. The game went into a shootout with Pickering scoring three goals to Mississauga's 4AO two. Shootout goals 0 were scored by Danielle CE Tanner, Jennifer Peios and Natasha Kajganic. The final produced some brilliant goalkeeping by Kelly McNabney who was named the game's most valuable player by tourna- ment officials. Co -captain Sarah Mettler was an inspiration to her teammates in the final game as she continued to play despite suffering a bad injury midway through the contest. To advance to the final, Pickering first had to knock off the Woodbridge Strikers, who advanced as a wildcard squad. Power had played to a scoreless draw with Woodbridge earlier in the event. This time, Pickering dominated play and won 3-1. The lone goal for Woodbridge on a penalty shot was the first tally against Pickering at the tour- nament. Power goals were scored by Kate Middlebrook, McNorton and Kajganic. Midfielders Shannon Kay, Lindsay Fortin, Tonia Coletti and McNorton dominated the action in sup- port of the offensive line. In the first game of the tourney, Power blanked the Erin Mills Eagles 3- 0. Olivia -Joan Lym opened the scoring in the first half. Tanner and Stephanie McNorton added two more mark - ers in the second half. C McNorton was named MVP for Pickering. Pickering was pitted against Woodbridge Strikers in the second game, which ended in a scoreless tie. A strong effort by defensive players Kelsy Biggs, Kristine Sung, Sarah Mettler and Diana ��V- Peterson prevented the opposi- tion from scoring. The Peg Perego reps had to win the third game to advance to the semi-finals. Pickering cruised past the Scarborough Thunder 6-0. Tanner net- ted a hat trick, while Charles added two goals and Sung one. The defensive players were spectacular in the contest which saw MVP honors go to Diana Petersen. Team members are Kelsy Biggs, Tabia Charles, Tonia Coletti (co -cap- tain), Lindsay Fortin, Natasha Kajganic, Shannon Kay, Olivia -John Lym, Kelly McNabney, Stephanie McNorton, Sarah Mettler (co -captain), Kate Middlebrook, Jennifer Peios, Diana Petersen, Kristine Sung and Danielle Tanner. The team is coached by Bob Tanner, Richard Sung and Rene Coletti. The trainer is Debbie Coletti and the man- ager is Denise Tanner. News Advertiser photo by Walter Pickering High School Trojan Andrew the midget boys' 200 -metre race. The Daley, left, finishes second behind Oshawa regional track and field meet was held O'Neill Collegiate's Derrick Cummings in Wednesday and Thursday in Oshawa Pickering complex tennis teams win court battles PICKERING — The Pickering Recreation Complex intercounty tennis teams emerged victorious in games played last Saturday. The complex's inter - county boys' major east division squad defeated Swansea 8-2 in sets played at the Toronto High Park - area tennis club. Meanwhile, the complex girls' intercounty team defeated O'Connor Hill 9-1 in sets at the complex. In the boys' intercounty action (Pickering players' names appear first), Chris Hall defeated Alessandro Sax 6-3, 6-3 in under -18 singles. Martin Javor split sets with Michael Werner 6-3,3-6. In under -16 doubles, Thomas Doiron and Jeremy Holmes split sets with Christopher Smeck and Jerry Csy 3-6, 7-5. In under -14 singles, Brent Ching beat Ryan Gemmel 6-3, 6-0. In under -12 singles, Winston Tang defeated Michael McKearn 6-4.6-2. Meanwhile, in girls' intercounty action against O'Connor Hill (Pickering players appear first), Nadia Petryshyn split sets with Carolena Huiguard 7-6, 3-6 in under -18 singles. Jennifer Cremieux got past Jennifer Brankovski 6-0, 6- 2. In under -16 doubles, Cory Butler and Jennifer Vasic won by default. In under -14 singles, Nicole Doiron blanked Laura McKinley 6-0.6-0. In under -12 singles, Dawn O'Brien won 6-2,6-2 over Nicole Fallon. Top martials artists at Pickering Recreation COMP lex today PICKERING — Top martial artists Tournament. The annual charity event research by Dr. Anthony Sun, an interna- .- .The highlight of the day is the black from across North America will do battle aims to raise funds for research into a cure. tionally renowned scientist. belt competition at 8 a.m. to raise funds for diabetes research at the Approximately $535,000 has been This year's tournament features 139 Admission is $8 for adults and $3 for Pickering Recreation Complex Sunday. raised through the tournament in its seven- divisions, including weapons, forms and children 12 years and under. More than 900 competitors in the year history by the Sunray Diabetes fighting competition for all ages and ranks The Pickering Recreation Complex is at karate, kung fu and tae kwon -do disci- Foundation, a volunteer fund-raising orga- from white belt to black belt. 1867 Valley Farm Rd. plines are expected to take part in the nization made up of people in the martial ..Competition starts at 8 a.m. and is .,For more information, contact Evelyn Kargte flgby p abetes P�enlVlartial Arts- _ arts- - The_ Froceecis are : used to fwW. _ expec!gkto_end at approximately 5S m. _ _ _ _Wgng at 576-1571 or 576-0050. 4 � 4 P Pickerin Sports THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1997 - PAGE 27 Elementary school cham0 0 pionships tiJUX, ricxenng schools in gym meet's ton four Local public schools finished as run- ners-up to an Oshawa school at the Durham Elementary Athletic Association girls' gymnastics final at the Oshawa Gemini Club on May 15. Gymnasts competed in nine categories during a long day of competition won by Oshawa's Stephen Saywell school, fol- lowed by Ajax's Duffin's Bay in second spot and Lincoln Alexander in third posi- tion. William Dunbar of Pickering rounded out the top four schools. Individual results: Primary compulsory: Floor - I. Melanie Duane (Lakeside), 2. Carley Churchill (Cornish), 3. Kelly Johnstone (Duffin's). Beam - 1. Kelly Johnstone (Duffin's), 2. Leah Nicholls (Lord Elgin), 3. Natasha Harris (Joseph Gould). Vault - 1. Andrea McGibbon (William Dunbar), 2. Jill Grabowski (Duke of Ed.), 3. Erin Turner (Parkside). Junior compulsory: Floor - I. Cavlec Alzner (Lakeside), 2. Auhrr% Gih,;nn (William Dunbar), 3. Nicole Watts (Duffin's). Beam - L Meaghan Duberry (Lincoln Alexander), 2. Jessica Foster (Saywell), 3. Jenny Mason (Saywell). Vault - I. Teanna Twining (Saywell), 2. Jamilla Campbell (Applecroft), 3. Nikki Hopkins (Cannington). Intermediate compulsory: Floor - I. Jessica Lee (Lakeside), 2. Ashleigh Hester (Saywell), 3. Allison Forsythe (Duffin's). Beam - I. Ashleigh Hester (Saywell) 2. Nicole Price (Lord Elgin), 3. Lindsay Stewart (Duffin's). Vault - 1. Erin Bay (Lincoln Alexander) 2. Melissa Lee (Saywell), 3. Samantha Cobourn (Lord Elgin). Advanced compulsory K-4: Floor - I. Vanessa MacLennan (William Dunbar), 2. Ainslie Wood (Saywell), 3. Jenna Swan (Saywell). Beam - 1. Vanessa MacLennan (William Dunbar), 2. Mandi Parkes (William Dunbar). 3. Kerr% Andrusiak (Applecroft ). v!u1i l Ainslie Wood (Sa,,welh. = : : �. Clark (Duke of Ed.), 3. Mandi Parkes (William Dunbar). Advanced compulsory 5-8: Floor - 1. Sara Huxter (Saywell), 2. Melissa Brunet (Lakeside), 3. Becky Thompson (Saywell). Beam - 1. Linda Ramnares (Lord Elgin), 2. Sara Huxter (Saywell), 3. Leanna Love (Lord Elgin). Vault - 1. Lara Foster (Saywell), 2. Carly Gibson (Cannington), 3. Hailie McCullogh (Lord Elgin). Optional One: Floor - 1. Allison Pascoe (Gandatsetiagon), 2. Kristin Johnstone (Lincoln Alexander), 3. Lia Murphy (Gandatsetiagon). Beam - 1. Kristin Johnstone (Lincoln Alexandery, 2. Pam Johnston (Gandatsetiagon), 3. Kelly Coates (Prince Albert). Vault - 1. Pam Johnston (Gandatsetiagon), 2. Nicole Surjanac (Cannington), 3. Chanelle Giroux (Lincoln Alexander). Optmnal Two: Floor - L Michelle [3 n n r (Saywell), 2. Kimberly Kirton 3. Kamele Barret (Lincoln photo by Andrew lwarKwsld Kimberly Kirton of Lakeside Public Association Gymnastics Championships School in Ajax performs her floor routine at Gemini Gymnastics in Oshawa recently. during the Durham Elementary Athletic She competed at the Optional 2 level. Scoreboard Lee" HM 801100L ON" REM TEAM0 w LST F A FTS fir 8 7 0 1 93 28 15 A"" St 8 7 1 0 77 3D 14 'g" e 8 2 0 71 33 12 Dor~ 8 5 2 1 as 44 11 ACw" 8 2 5 1 44 73 s x 8 2 5 1 38 85 5 Do'e 8 2 8 0 29 N 4 G -L %ba►ts8 1 7 0 35 70 2 F1.AYW S9RDOM Cwtr&Ls'A� HWSIVOK a Awlin 4. Dorww6 5. ILOSSA *w I* be Pbpd at 08hom We 03 ftid on wWM- d5% Ift 29 0 5 F.w. Alexander). Beam - I. Sarah Adams (Lincoln Alexander) 2. Kimberly Kirton (Lakeside), 3. Christa Dalziel (Saywell). Vault - I. Laura Armstrong (Cornish), 2. Sara Davis (Lakeside), 3. Krystal Alexopolos (Lord Elgin). Elite One: Floor - 1. Alicia Calderone (Lincoln Alexander), 2. Stephanie Thompson (Lakeside), 3. Erica Allingham (Gandatsetiagon). Beam - I. Alicia Calderone (Lincoln Alexander), 2. Anne Cretney (Duffin's), 3. Stephanie Thompson (Lakeside). Vault - 1. Kimberly Dingle (Lincoln Alexander), 2. Hayley Walker (Duffin's), 3. Erin Paterson (Gandatsetiagon). Elite Two: Floor - 1. Melissa Ramsey (Duffin's), 2. Ashley Fawcett (Duffin's), 3. Joy Cretney (Duffin's). Beam - 1. Ashley Fawcett (Duffin's), 2. Melissa Ramsey (Duffin's), 3. Joy Cretney (Duffin's). Vault - 1. Ashley Fawcett (Duffin's), 2. Joy Cretney (Duffin's), 3. Melissa Ramsey (Duffin's). Expect more from Sears Save $150 on lntalled Kenmore' Central Air Conditioning • 17711, ser. Sak paces end Sundae. Jut( S. 199; Save 10% on 4 or more Save S 150 on An ingA- ed Roof %tuumum 1.20) sq. ft. Sak pricer end Sunda%. June 22. 199; Installed Vinyl Q Installed Replacement saw $50 Steel Windows on an Installed Entry Doors Kenmore` Ekxuonic Air (leaner Sale prices end Sunday. June 8. 1997 eplace our • wmdows now and save 10"ol when you buy 4 or more CALL NOW, TOLL FREE, FOR A NO -OBLIGATION IN-HOME ESTIMATE OR VISrr YOUR 'RETAIL STORE 1-800-625-0025 Sears Guaranteed Home Improvements Talk to someone you know' 1997. Sean Canada tic. ffim PAGE 2S -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25,1997 • CLASSIFIEDS i. Buy one week, getCall 8 a.m. tao 8 p.m. tft4a Zncl free= (905) Monday to Friday Ca11 us for TORONTO 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 P.M. Saturday details cxr fax your ad ., ..,....�..Fa 798-72596 =0707(905) 579-4218 ""�'" GARAGE SALES BgRTM NOTOCE Announce your baby's arrival R! Mu and recslue a ylft csrtlflcata }1WT Oen ly ��5t43ST CMM ® sntltllnq you to S25 worth of quant bob roducts. f• v Karl Model MA Computer Art & Animation Karl Model Is an ALIASIWAVEFRONT Certified Instructor. ALIAS/WAVEFROW Is the leading Computer Animation Program used in films such as Jurassic Park Karl teaches Computer Animation at the Toronto School of Business in Oshawa on the latest Silicon Graphics SGI 02 computers. e This 26 week course Is designed for People who already possess drawing and designing skills and wish to make a caner in the following: e Animators M the flan Industry. Advertising design for T.V. • Design of interactive games. TAs novae ie nd gtl..n.dby al• Aivda IA- o - real Sdemir Act TORONTO Helping Y� Ou Build a Better Life 01— ft"M peer" Our i+di idualized learning plan provides f W a Maw i:aesi r uni4ue Pham PKkagn in day or emnirV w trvva ielaler An*fa classes. Train with od w in a hands -M w Naftwit Spedefat business-Orieniml environment. .t a LM Admitigwtar MleiMaRaRCle <`-.r��.il�1 ��� TidtlwoaR ftem OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Call "ft admolow pia n canpum motes Canada indutlin Vaining S" 434-8585 �e«�N" 4 Careers Im — THE NAIL STATION Ca- reer Training Center be- come a nd tecMrpan. career train- avedeft In artificial naft ear cwdk tips, coatings, p•dowfors, •wo+9. (111ts) 723-41063 Pel n•Ira• Payroll Per- sonnel. Pan -time lesaibl• hours. [dust lowo ADP PI•as• ax Munni to MMX29.179f. roue IIESI,ME proas- ponally typed witstin 24 tout If, ' Lr arouO Fri- day. 9 am. - 5 p.m. CAN 576 -aro ' ' Careers grin, Careers Im Careers ' ' Careers MWID A enc. Open House (80 Positions) May 29 and 30, 1997, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Join Our Winning Team Our expansion and movement towards becoming a significant supplier of high quality painted automotive parts in North America has created the need of an additional shift. PaintPlas's commitment to quality and family values makes it a leader among today's leading manufacturing companies. Our workforce is our number one asset and is responsible for our continued growth and success. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package. At this moment we have opportunities for the following positions: Production Supervisor(s) With 2-3 years of proven experience, preferably from an automotive environ- ment, you will have excellent communication, problem solving and organiza- tional skills. As a key member of our team you will ultimately be responsible for 30 individuals and all production related issues. Paint Line Supervisor(s) With 3-5 years of supervisory experience from a manufacturing background, preferably from an automotive environment, you will be responsible for a criti- cal step in our manufacturing process. Individuals who join our team in this role will be exposed to the latest technology in base and clear paint applications. Production Help These entry level positions will be an integral part of our manufacturing process. On a rotating shift schedule that emphasizes quality time away from the work place, you will be trained in all areas of the manufacturing process. Our training programs offer excellent opportunities for growth and personal development. If you wish to be a member of our highly successful team and have the com- mitment, communication skills and qualifications we are looking for, then attend our open Hoare on May 29 and 30,1997 front 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 pAL at our warebouse location at 1739 Orangebrook Court, Dickering. Ontario, L1W 3G& If you cannot attend our Open House, you can mail or fax your resume -to Human Resources, PaintPlas Inc., 650 Finley Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 6N1. Fax: (905) 686-00330. No prone catls please! '''« • i LTi � . . - NETWORKS to N&L • of , ii., flows ar DIAMOND INSTITUTE of Business and CmWuller Tecfirr bgy New E mulgg b Day Classesw�Anvaiable 95 BAYLY ST. W. STE. 404, AJAX, ONTARIO L1S 7KS BUS. (905) 427-1922 FAX (905) 427-2558 Special classes for health cafe professioftals Short Summer Programs Available 'filrndr aaIntots mrr bts leaaNWW 10 Violets who *BWY 1 General P A-ZPROFESSIONAL Drivers. Wanted imme- diately to run Canada & U.S.A. for major transport company. Must have I.C.C. medical, abstract. incite g CVOR. and police clearance. We offer paid layovers, breakdown and badinglunloadin9 paynew equipment, competty" wages. Cal (905)723- 8118. ACTORS IACTRESSES I MODELS 1997 NmN has begun. Toronto / Montreal pro- duction is exploding. ScotWg new people, (no experience needed) with diflerw boles , shapes. sizes. (newborn to senor) for Corlrnercois, TV Shows, Movies, Canlogs. The Model and Talent Bo- rams wi be holdng audi- tions in you area. Thus. may 29M By ippoi - Drily. Audition In of $34.50 is rMud" t you dont "W. To sdwdtla an &W%on, phone 1-519- 352-4999 between 10.6, 7 days a week NO" a Talent Bursas Not a School or Age" ASP"ALT REPAIR and driveway fedwv company ampos door b door fobs P•dpl• and tn,t91 woA1M. (005) 61"119 say Harw - Amb Mang YOU asaam.. P>roduAa and earn $727. a week. Ama;WV receded maaag• Iw•ab detasa - CON - 416-M 2-6790 aR:M Camden Company News A11vefWr WANSii to a0w11sem dndt Milk ad woe pt"Mm a Woo. Ad won wit not be rle111lta11a for IaIR Ihro ON' en P., 'I -m 1 ad rit o shelf be no liblill for non-iaalfon d ally slow- tiatslttwtl Lmdit for er- am in will s lililed to b moo paid h0 lftts VM ocm9 tQ lfts error. N Copy is 9*010 b W proal of wrt90aMM d flaws Ad -@ QUALITY INSPECTORS CONTRACT OPPORTUNITY (30 days minimum) Shift Work, Overtime Required Experience and/or training in any of the following areas: INSPECTION, METROLOGY, MEASURING, STATISTICS, QUALITY AUDITING. Must be able to chart and graph statistical data and have excellent communication skills. Experience in an Automotive or Manufacturing environment is an asset. Fax resumes to 905-721-3339. (no phone calls please) <V11P14Z:w` - ntrouctwrtn ts.now.aHr arrrkn r1r-eulti,e, THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1997 -PAGE 29r IM Careers r' Careers Carae►s Careers ' I Careers I' Careers " Careers " Careers " Careers ORIR� PPG Canada Inc., a Fortune 100 Company, is Canada's leading supplier of OEM safety glass and ARG parts to the North American automotive industry. We currently have the following opportunity in Oshawa for a: PitoCE% ENGINEER This position is responsible for providing technical input for all new design and modifications of equipment and facilities to improve processes and increase production, reduce downtime, and ensure all safety and health regu- lations and customer requirements are met. Tho selected candidate will provide engineering and start-up assistance, necessary guidance and operator training. The role entails working closely with Glass Engineering to develop speci- fications, process flow and layout, installation schedules and training requirements. Qualified candidates will possess 3 years of experience in process engineering. An engineering degree, preferably mechanical, or equivalent technical experience is preferred. Good communication skills to interface effectively with management, production, maintenance, suppliers and customers are essential. In return, we offer a competitive salary, benefits package and an opportunity for career development. Interested candidates should forward their resume, by June 6,1997, in confidence to: PPG Canada Inc. Human Resources P.O. Box 340, 155 First Avenue Oshawa, ON L1H 71_3 we VW* an applicants, but only those ssbctsd will be contacted No re/e!o )mw calls please. No agencies please. COMPUTER USERS! For. mat. coq 8 mat disks cash, cash! RUSH S.A. S.E. Ta L L. Wood. 6o-8 Bristol Road East. Suite 359R. msim-,w Ont. L4z 31(t LITTLE CAESARS PIZZA 0shirwa, Whitby & Ajax Call 905430-1430, 905428.9002, 905- 61 MW, 056196644, 905576 4401, 9054363700 Where can you get University degrees in Arts, Science & Business from Trent & York Universities, full-time during the day in Durham Region? Corse find out at our Information our Thursday, June 5 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm Durham College, Room 1-110 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa If you have any questions contact Sandra Gunn at 721-3003. : UNtveRSITE YORK TRENT uNIt/ERSrrr Edn uwt[ You for the Real World tam -a Garowdil G_ Help on, Help Help LIGHT INDUSTRIAL WORK 57.88/NR. 5e people required Immediately for assembly worse in the Mor- ningside and Sheppard area. Ele- cellent manual dellteritg skills required. Interuiews will be held in Pickering on Wed., May 28TH, Please call Tara at Quantum for an appointment. (416) 292-2282 EARN CASH FAST 1 Part-time $15fiour Must have a Car 805-686-2445 Ext. 224 University/College Students Summer Work Local company is looking fox filin, Cner9ctic people - Great income and experience training is rovWed. The starting pay i4 410.00 & up. For an interview appointment call Diane Tues - Wcd. 10-6 723-4920 unGeneral Help EARN $492 wwkty at home. assembly, clencal 7Qc41 WV mad. 24 hrhot hne (416) 812891. Earn S2.5W a month horn home! Compleong easy gwstwn- nal.M for aatonws. (416) 812 -OW cods 6. BILINGUAL CUSTOMER COMMUNICATIONS REPS ENGUSH/FRENCH This is a challenging position in a dynamic organization in Oshawa. As a team player you would be required to use your superior customer service philosophy to assist customers with their inquiries and help resolve problems. Requirements of the job: • Previous customer service experience • Excellent communication skills, both oral and written, in English and French • Above average analytical, negotiation and decision making skills • Effective organization and time management skills • Basic computer experience • Flexibility to work shifts As a member of the Minacs team, you will enjoy an attractive salary and benefits pac:kage•Please fax a detailed resume by Friday, May 30,1997, quoting File 8 CCCO597 to Fax 905.644.3991 Thank you in advance for your interest in this position. wOdnl � candidates selected for an interview ` IHIHdCS ADVANCING CUSTOMER COMMUNICATIONS Career oilCareer Career General General Training I Training I Training IM Help IM, Help Microsoft Software courses through Continuous Learning Correspondence. You cm now siza —khtg on your Iludum CalleW Cantinuom Icm=g wQto.aa software Ces or -r thtoue oarrtspontlence eotuxs. The followrtrtg are now bmig elfered Exna 5 ow 22911 • sug.8o Mioasoh office Ovt N(ow, MW 1297) • $15Z.36 pbvrerPbirA (VMD 1291) • /148.60 Windows 11 MTD 12M • S10t92 or Wiflrlowf 95 (MTD 12M • S99.92 Word 6 MTD 229s1 • $i7aso tookfor avant sod Access is F.r 97 1b n aiia r ab as& e.{ Cid MdW for am ed 721.8000 or inseam.■ w t-masat-=a 4=0 r=taoss. Edea ling You for the aid VAXW. n I M* I G Iwo lapf EZ®C�T>Z1Y>g p1R®C7+Oi of Durham Region is seeping an Executive Director go, co-ordrrele and promote the activities of JA in ( -ting to the Board of Directors, the position wall be rest for advisor recruitrnerlt, overall administration of progre "on and hndraising. carldidfrom Mamie se th supervise work of a per d UK rs corporate cormitinity and will wed to interface with local businew leaders on voknr peM ing t and fundraisinitiatives. Applicants should h M skills and proven fir ManligerneK administration and motivational skills. Fa with local Business & Cons KKAy leaders would be an IS a part-time position (average 20 hourstwk) and at Should irldcaW salary expectations with their applfcatiorl. Only (hose applicants under consideration will be contacted Applicants should send their resumes to be received no later than June 6, 1997 to: Mr. Dunrield c% Draw Chemical Lid 525 Finley Ave. Ajax, ON. LIS 2E5 LET OURNTUM WORK FOR YOU! $6.85 - $7.88 per hour OURHRM RRERS STUDENTS WELCOME Industrial positions auail- able for: • Order Picker/ Packers • Mouers • Rssemblers • Collators/ inserters • Males & Females required Steel -teed safety boots/shoes are mandatory. Interuiews to be held in Pickering on Wednesday, May 20, 1997. Cell 0a8NTUM rata IN •PPOINTMENT Tel: (416) 292-2282 Tai NE" "V=TiS= Has routes available in the following areas: AWL Picketing Min SL Glenanna Rd. Large Cres. White Pine Cres. Nelson Ave. Valley Ridge Cres. Beech SL 1995 Pinegrove Ave. Maple SL Middleton SL Tudor Ave. Beare Crt Stockbrige Cres. Silver Maple Dr. Chatfield Dr. Rambleberry Ave. Radford Dr. McBrady Cres. Please CON 68;i-5117 RENTAL AGENT (Part time) The ideal candidate would be able to work FLEXIBLE hours, enjoy working with the public, have basic secretarial skills, excellent organizational skills and be able 10 work with Mile supervision. Car required . Real estate experience would be an asset. Please �rl send wrimums to Fib* 9= Oshawa This tAlsek ROJ3= 481 Oobwt a, Ontario, LIM 7L6 AZ DRIVERS U.S. Qualified for Major Carries If you want long tern, employment MAKE YOUR NEXT MOVE THE LAST ONE Singles: long haul 3 day trips (.29-.30) Teams: out for 5-7 days, off 2 (.35) Some Senior Team Positions Available Weekly Direct Deposit, Benefits Call Mike (905)4334010 PAGE 31 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25,11 7 -PAGE 30 CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL Biovail is conducting studies involving currently marketed medications in our modern clinical research facility in Scarborough. We require healthy males for WEEKDAY/WEEKEND blood level studies To picipate you must be Male • Age 18-45 • Non -Smoker • Taking No Medications/Dmgs If you are interested in participating in a study or require additional info please call (416) 752-3333 ext. 235 Monday -Friday, 8am-3pm ESTIMATORS/ CLOSERS, required. must be depend- Gierleral Geraeral Im able. out going and post- Help Help rive, of 2125 ExL 240 Ertao, 723.1782 or Srwr rovenh o iss"gs nxfnnmiesion, n proven roc EXPERIENCED COOKS GIRLS WANTED from On- closers. AN Wadi & link&- g wanted. Please appy in fes" with r•anta to Don tanto between 619 to eorn- ptovided. car a must cell Cherry's. Mon. - Wed. 12 pore m this years 1997 Mr.Kobac 905-428-2108. noon -3 p.m 1601 Dundas Toronto Ms. Over Pageants. St. E.. Whift 520.000 in prizes and Excellent income op - PO tul lity. p'plrtunrty. Earn $200- $5W wky. No exp. necessary. Flexible hours. Call M -F, 8 am. - 9 p.m. CST (504)429-9227 Ext. 4791-121 wanted for a Seafood 8 Sseakhouse. Appy in rmper- son: 1180 Soo• SLN. Oshawa We pay you Cirectly to essernibie our products. Easy work. No experience necessary. For FREE details send S.A.S.E.ta Five Star EMerpr Ill" Liverpool Rd.. 5rilt�3 Piebrig, OnL, L1v 6W HAIRSTYLIST Wanted for busy salon. 2 years expert once a must. Salary and commission. Call 434 - Moo. General General General 1 _ �P 1 _help 1 � 1 moo 1 Help Im 11,110110 RUCTOR required. Must haw precious class- room experience leadwo Access. Excel. Word etc. Preference given to quali- fied Mao Son Trainer Fax / mail resume only: Toronto School of Business. 419 King St. W. Oshawa Ont. LIJ 2K5. Fax: 905-433- 8962. Help / Apft TRAVELAGENT WANTED Travel Agency specializing in conventionslincentives requires agent with: a minimum 2 yrs. exp. . APO knowledge french an asset but not mandatory Please submit resumes to: A & C Travel 33 King St. W. Oshawa, Ont. L1H 1At Fax: 905.432-1240 ADAMS SERVICES requires 50 CLASS AZ DRIVERS 2 yrs. exp.;1.C.C. Medical, Police Clearance, Clean abstract, Full/Part time Call Randy 430-2204 Lots of weekend. team and city work HOST / HOSTESS required for New Home Site in Pickering & Whitby Wednesdays 1-8pm Sundays & Saturdays 1-5pm Pkase fax risumi to: New Homes Sales 905W7-2555 HALENOAS' MEAT r• - W as emp@nenc•d moat cutter, counter holm and gar- help Apply in per- son with r wime to 1794 LWarpool Rd. Pmsn•rtn¢ LAOTIAN InImpreaer re. gwred for freelance as- siQrnrM. Cal Orrvroan 1- 1-5222. LIGHT TELEPHONE Work. Salary pus bonuses. Days or 0400 s. Please eW 713.8800. MAID SERVICE IOU" for part rims maids, must have own car and experience. Callbee-9160. NEW STUDENT OPEN- INGS .5350-$450,/wk., Large golf course 11 enter- tainment advertising agen- cy loolkwV for 20-30 people to help in customer service, public relations, campaign management. No expen- ence necessary. must be over 18 and work well with the opposite sex. Call Re4;eptbnW required for a busy Pickering office. Must have experience with multiline telephone systems and computers. Fax Assumes to 905-837-0260 Attn: Office Manager Jesse 721-0299. OWNER Operebre Want -1 scholarships incMading trip EXPERIENCED HAIR- ro Nabonals n Las Vegas. SIYLJST requked for as Today. 1-500 3117• Ion in Oshawa Full am, For "tore Inlorearron nor 2125 ExL 240 Ertao, 723.1782 or Srwr An Transportation Inc. 905- 427-811. HaM SMon Chins for Rem. Good Location. 725-3M. We pay you Cirectly to essernibie our products. Easy work. No experience necessary. For FREE details send S.A.S.E.ta Five Star EMerpr Ill" Liverpool Rd.. 5rilt�3 Piebrig, OnL, L1v 6W HAIRSTYLIST Wanted for busy salon. 2 years expert once a must. Salary and commission. Call 434 - Moo. General General General 1 _ �P 1 _help 1 � 1 moo 1 Help Im 11,110110 RUCTOR required. Must haw precious class- room experience leadwo Access. Excel. Word etc. Preference given to quali- fied Mao Son Trainer Fax / mail resume only: Toronto School of Business. 419 King St. W. Oshawa Ont. LIJ 2K5. Fax: 905-433- 8962. Help / Apft TRAVELAGENT WANTED Travel Agency specializing in conventionslincentives requires agent with: a minimum 2 yrs. exp. . APO knowledge french an asset but not mandatory Please submit resumes to: A & C Travel 33 King St. W. Oshawa, Ont. L1H 1At Fax: 905.432-1240 ADAMS SERVICES requires 50 CLASS AZ DRIVERS 2 yrs. exp.;1.C.C. Medical, Police Clearance, Clean abstract, Full/Part time Call Randy 430-2204 Lots of weekend. team and city work HOST / HOSTESS required for New Home Site in Pickering & Whitby Wednesdays 1-8pm Sundays & Saturdays 1-5pm Pkase fax risumi to: New Homes Sales 905W7-2555 HALENOAS' MEAT r• - W as emp@nenc•d moat cutter, counter holm and gar- help Apply in per- son with r wime to 1794 LWarpool Rd. Pmsn•rtn¢ LAOTIAN InImpreaer re. gwred for freelance as- siQrnrM. Cal Orrvroan 1- 1-5222. LIGHT TELEPHONE Work. Salary pus bonuses. Days or 0400 s. Please eW 713.8800. MAID SERVICE IOU" for part rims maids, must have own car and experience. Callbee-9160. NEW STUDENT OPEN- INGS .5350-$450,/wk., Large golf course 11 enter- tainment advertising agen- cy loolkwV for 20-30 people to help in customer service, public relations, campaign management. No expen- ence necessary. must be over 18 and work well with the opposite sex. Call Re4;eptbnW required for a busy Pickering office. Must have experience with multiline telephone systems and computers. Fax Assumes to 905-837-0260 Attn: Office Manager Jesse 721-0299. OWNER Operebre Want -1 Sales 1 SalesOW ad. 2 years US experience. gent Al gen Call Scott Duncan at Road An Transportation Inc. 905- 428-3444. RESIDENTIAL HVAC It, stoner to include rough -in. ver". must be totally reti- able. minimum 5 years ex - penance, own tools 8 transportation. Call Paul 725-5552 SERIOUS Entrepreneurs only need apply- Start your own Dusirtess for as low as $25. Call (905) 431-0871 and leap• messap•. SUPER -DIET. Take off Ur, wanted Pounds b Incites. Look good for summer! 1007.Natural i3 anised-(905)571-5063 TIM HORTONS required Full-time/Part-time donut baker, experience pprr••- tarred. will train. Also Futi time experienced super - vow. Call 428.6320 WAIT STAFF a COOKS needed minimus: 3 years, importance for casual din - 09 restaurant. appy with in Dakota Bob's. 1755 POW - Mg Parkway. No phone ails planes Sales professional needed. Great opportunity for motivated self starter! Full training provided . Car needed. Carroll Home Improvements. 686-2445 Ext. 224 TELEMARKETER REQUIRED Experienced, highly -motivated Telemarketing Sales Processional with a proven track record; Part-time position. Commission. Applicants caM Lisa • 579-4400 ext. 2303 Or mall r0surrle to: Telemarketirg, c/o Liza, PO Box 481 Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 71_5 BIL -DEN CORP.- 25 year ofd company requires $ales Assistants, to help our sates professionals promote our new line of Premium Windows. Doors. and Permanent Roofing. No experience necessary. but Sales. Canvassing or Telemarketing experience an asseL Appkcarxs should be neat in appearance and want to earn an executive income based on perfor- rnom not attendance. Call At Zgby. 666-0015. COMMISSION SALES, full time, food industry. Expen- ence an asseL but will train the right persons. Must 1x1 No motivated and goal on - en t•d and heave own bores portafion. $50.000 plus an- nually. 4MM7 or fax 425.2103. SALES REP. required. Rapidly expanding menu facturing operation requires exp•riartee closure& YOU ccuW be eemM in ewcess of $70 K. per year. Car 1- 000-461.3605 for appoint - Mont. or tax restrno to (905) 2368141 e e • �' room Appliance re -M Moving b • 1 Flooring, Yard a Yana e e Business • 1 1 e 11 k"p'0v"""n e Repair Storage • Carpeting • Mairalerlsraoe • Mairdanance • Services WTFKM & DOOR SCREENS REPAIRED FROM KPICK UP & DELIVERY PER ORDER AJAX. PICKERING $1.00 WHITBY $1.50 OSHAWA W-00 24 HRS. 619-3176 7 DAYS A WEEK CANDO IPRENOVATIONS INC. 0000 Mine movdillm sires a 1975 NO PROJECT TOO SMALL • KilNnns • Basements • 1Kaadows • Doors • Bathroom • Etc. 905-686-5211 'of All wok plaallmd ✓ 1 Salus Disc 265-7432 Fkw ckV QAC that. art:. .tam Wood Fencilit, Daft - Clain Lints - hm DdW Hobe - Set Polls FREE •elimws cad stere ntobie 4w"111-113111111 �000R0, Sita us GARAGE OPENERS, install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service & 9"740" K.C. Alumimaal SKIft Sam, eaves, tadsI vinyl and aluminum. Low, lar I•Cuakty wodurlalift Cali Kevin at (905)1331-3194 (XWLETE HOESERII MS Adam III mmvdm • Fm1 edwA9 jdm SIGON GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Serving Durham Region 22 yrs. Additions, sun docks, patio doors, saltire 3 rec rooms etc. Free Es nom 57644 i 1 Nn�"a•n . Moving 8 • Storage Handyman available for paantirg, decora- ng. 9ardenrg, SIC. Weekends and nights available. $9.00/ttour. wo also more - house or apL Please cad A DECOR Intens & Extaior EAWM Fast, dean, Op 420 -OM ��� 1fIwI0Btc»MfIN Par "NO maty f rals, Paldoio, CIO STOW pt.4ftd SELL R jO CAM6834M MOvwG SYSTEMS ft or anhourly sa. Bat or SONM AM MD - MONTH ooc0uKm R•aide " Claw MCIiil Comparable rales Free essirrtaasa 906.725-7479 t-100.663-77so mount m0 L, , sYSIHB Mls sa arae alyetq -INh-• NO— caaessw er a1a/aiai Pads m "W ow barn at•alMa Samar a ad was tfa VAft Fta•ataadat 571-0456 HAr -O.THE- MOVERS More ti9 or small. we price them all Free estimittes, senors discount short no - lice ttlores. Appliances mored. also saorage spam araiabfe. Comparable rM11s. Cal 432-21W MICHALSKI MovM Houses. Apartments. p- lias. Appliances and Piano specialists. Senior and fid-sbrah Do- oota t Licensed, in- stx•d. Foe Ettmal s. EseaNmtt tmvtoe. Cad 416.7796. Balpc�laass movers ceras. apt. Pierlo iawir6le. Paddlla Qssdfid Dept um M FrL &" sae - tc11 pa. SA 9.2- 341 Call as-= 0 a i Stors"a!E AJAX Moving Systems Full services, moves, appliance WW piano specialists. Flat rate or hourly We now have heated storage tarots. Now offering free boxes with move. Park and load special, S&Irting at $99 and up. 725-0005 or 427-0005 NOR= STAR RAMOM LAI�Arr10 CAR>�T !W� Loam Cutwv $15 ti up Lots of Carpet an (land Spr" a Far Cases up sten release, f>Mst Tlawn" / Gordan wort odours3 room ( a yid)-EXCOMerar Rain A Service' GUARANTEED! tom sm Mtaw. (41U 1061101 (906) 619-2125 Sorra Special 65 oz. REE EPMATES . I 1 C111131111 0.00 ralawGaaTlsrnag & Un / 1 LsrG�dtCa S & Cal Sam (7 days) t 9 f9 (905)6102249 (so5)706-3206 �CA" rANTENANCE 11th Itt:. a repawred i OARDEIMIGVE House 831-TOaSS POW Cleaning Hottest reliable person with 20 yrs experience. Cleaning by the day. Reasonable Rates Every other Thursavailable. 576 -✓9665 leave message CEDAR TREES for hedging, wholesale prices, fresh dug, delivered, planting extra. 1-613472-311% CUT A TRIM LAWN MAINTENANCE spedNWitg M wass; ad** CNN Malt Is. owes" • Balsam • mmm •Oawwweial• taatalY tl.rand melt �fai wad, �""mss ft Atlaarlaa Nlatlr cmmmw stleh.9011a this• waYdaa,M wale naSleaenAdllltrNe RELAX THIS YEAR Have L AN D Yotrig Ltd take tare of your lawn. Dave 905.436-7833 Also avail. bnlslt clippig, rul)bish mmoval, top dross A seed damaged lawns, much am! • Party • Sarvloas IMAGIOM • Live Brimals • AM OCCBSIOTIS •M ages CALL JEFF MM -7w WAND WeNM Chk a ft PP&W$ Hum My Own l qbw Cin Rrsk CweeidaM 11111101110 Admuss your twrss. sorb.. sera. lttsech era more ht OW IlLt10 par d" Fare rayon CALL 111111111 - SOUFAM (a0D IM7>oe 141mMST3el • e Health • ee•uty A natural way to lose weight and/or iapxove yowr hearth and weu Heais . ven Sao Herbs. Kelly R1P.Mlmer Certykd He" Ptactitiowrr (416)282-7305 For Yew HeuMh . Earlrrrar eta be" NWAM Marra MMSM• . Pmmatas elle a • [alae pays and and* oh. Mkbdte 6WM5 JLM - aSeN T.T. Pncaitieasr it . 135 - - GENERAL TOOL ROOM MACHINISTS Plus 5 years mapWe W. 'NO Shill work, 'FuM company benefits. Tel. 905483-812 We are a progressive Canadian manufacturer of moulded rubber products with plans to expand into plastic injection moulding in 1998. With the addition of this new product line we have an im- mediate requirement for a quali- fied PROCESS ENGINEER Applicants should possess a min- imum of three (3) years plastic and automotive experience, rub- ber moulding would also be a definite asset. Qualifications: Must have experi- ence in design and process FMEAs', Advanced Quality Plan- ning, ISO/Q.S. 9000, Finite Ele- ment Analysis, Design of Experi- ments, Extensive Computer Knowledge. Please forward your resume to: WEGU Canada Inc. Attention: Human Resources Department P.O.Box 567 Whitby, Ontario L1 N 5V3 Only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted Em Skilled Daycare Help • Available NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. LOVING. Reliable Moms Cardilate with 2 - 3 year Daycare. accepting ages 2- pre0110n sotdrig, ler an 5 yrs., krncnos, snacks, big vdeirkte ONWW lt. Also playroom, large yard, Alto_ andiestes with 3 - 5 years nalPiogrove ares. Can Tool ancl Die »509 7767. parlance Plane tax �. toys. deooys. does, rosunes to 1-905-•37- MOTHER o/ 2 providing 0627 reliable. affordable dayar S/e1GLER5 for now home n MY 1101 . lanced yard. constnxtron. must have 1 large playroom. kncres/ yr, ap,„wky and own snacks provided, daly sc- 100111. 8 -ow high F- nroerps -Ad, any wok MIM. CSN flat tlIr age welcome. Weems"/ 7pm. 905.571 9 Redwe. Alison 427-1110. required for Biose tolerance work on moulds a dseast des. CANAMATIC MOULD Co. Lad %5 Macerae Ave. Units 9-11 /tier, ON Tel. 905-6863660 QUALIFIED MONTES SORT TEACHER in Ajax. Pnvela leen, Yard. Plan- sctnsse HeMtfy meds. 10 years expen- o nce. CPR. Fos! Ad. Rea• sohable raw. 427-3503 NEED A BABYSITTER you Cann trust and rely on in a ran-amo". pot fres wwworxnwo Full -lime, children: smog. a up. Hor- DOWt � .2 (9W)428 - A DYNAMIC Oshwa pro- Sessional dental office re- quires an aditiaiahniv assistant wilh temperance. twee," �k cnw anted ples�� resume b Fila f 9827, P.O. Bok 481, Olthn a, Ontario L1H 3S3 REcErTN NLST Please apply early it Ma5��4W ' ElnptiaW oMtrbearMkel a Matin dit Paz (9161 M94MM Ew�= UVE-OUTAN nerrty Bar. eww6cw P� (906)50•- • A= EC.E WB provide a aarm nurturing mwllorw. ti rtith epees• late-" Beach a Roto arra 90512 ASN S. AJAX fug day. manirg kunch,SIW sedO 1 a onww U"Viiom SL JOn's Am- bulteaoa. Flet traehes, nubt- tious atedi s. daily weeks. rrii-e= Excellent dayau•. 17 yrs erg. PAPI". an, 1 11a Happy enwirorafnfkL Mgr. play ants. 6 months A W MSW incl ded. Rebrerka car. Receipts per. Arai. Judy I& SN4719. 17 IL a10 talk drivers 6 1 " ImaldlYliCMy almo- bits) twolarss an n not aced a her wort* wdbf9 for tui 9tme sutemsr rm- C~ Twis &wilves 10 • &NM M INTERNET AdvuNIMYy WWW Got your burnhass on 672 World Wide Well and reach 80 tniliorn ptople. FREE Otaft Col 24hr. 905.434-2170 DopL TW -210L CornerSaIgah Fx in 15 NteA G.M. ahmdtrra rims from '871 Tram AA M. Seto) bur. $150. each. Call (905)831-0579. COMPLETE Scuba diving equipment.mostly new, also 2 new adult lila iscc- ets, $40 each. eat 576- 8134 acts or Dam - room fixtures: blue. excel - Well condition. no chips: tub, toilet. 2 sinks, 2 new medi. ane cabinets, sr fauoels a related hardware. $2M complete. 839-4124 after Gam. COMPUTER 41WX nhoni tor. keyboard. mouse, $1200 worth of installed software, $485 obo. Call 831-7952. FREE To GOOD HOME Complete home/business security system. 2 yr. mom - toning 891`ee11`1e01 at $24.95 des per month, inclupolis registration. (Police, medi- al, fire). Valued at $849. Cal Bill at 905.420-6566. LARGE old freezer works well $40: Bow fridge $20; 6 lockers $10. each. 623- 7W6. SOFA i chair, coffee table• at in good condition, dark burgarldy dolour. $399. at 905-519-6326 01 Articles for Sale GARAGE dor repairs. broken springs. Cables, rollers. opener inal,"d $49. New doors/openher. Ouakty Plus Doom 416- 336-W73 16338-0073 NEW LOWER MICE! Cn tMOOC adjustable. vi- brating bed. ques"ze. excellent working conek- tion. Needs top matt.en. 5610 or best oiler. Cal 905. 5760614. - 11190 MPV Mazda. color while, fully loaded. 130, km. good condition. asking $7695.: Antique dxwgroom set. Will. Chine. label a 4 chair. like new. asking 5900. obo. Gorgeous wall unit. w/ xnsfaied bwary a small bar a liquor cabtnot asking $71X): Electronic church organ w/double keyboard. good - diOom. asking $500. 431)-"W. 290' OF 1Q' vinyl cored fink tering, 9 gauge with POWs and 3 gazes or bat eller. Computer - 386 wilt monocnrorns monitor $300. Cal daily 9-12:30 pm. 725-d391 2 APPLIANCES, Maytag washer/dryer. immaculate. almond Dolor. All let $450 owner redeeoeing. Cat 631-7649. 9 PCE 'robot diwg room suer, $1.3(x1. Kitchen table and 2 choirs. 1125., 9 x 12 area rug. multi Color 1300. Excellent condition. 623 - am ! PATIO Door (6 parwfs) Vnyl Covered ($3600 New) Asking $1200 O.B.O. Cat 576 -IM AIR CONOFT10Nut$ 199. A up. Microwave $50. TVs $9M. a up. Fdeprs $150. a up. Stoves 1119. i tip. wt ashirm $150. a up. Dry- ers $09. i W VCRs s7M. a up. Aperomint sited slash - as and dryers from 1399. We have new and used computers, Up b 6 monete service guerardu. we Buy and SM ancist Anyehirg 1 Cal (905)436-1320 ROCK BOTTOM DEALS. ATTOW OUR FREE 'low to ' Wine and Bow meting danoutssrrion selanar. R can be Run and save many bo!!1 Seminar given by a prolssei - I irtbudsr at SL Ante's Pus Spirg WOW company. Book noun! Pilot 5792/37 BEAUTWK custom mads hid -,F' A rad Bois i bvoore. 7 IL soft a 5 R weasoL Pate blue i koet- ad white, skaM pit* a few on in design. Fully saie - abte covers. superb condi- ion $111W Cal 5766419. CARPET X. Nylon tlrck pMalhR' fain tooiafea mptL For 3 rooms, only $M.00. Price includes 3D S4 yds carps- dakuas pad and ireMlation n your haste. Free quOW tion . n your home. No in. lerssL no payment w one full year, Dartisl, 14W 217-0104. 1 For Seale 1 For sale 1 Arddee Wanted CARPETS - lots of arpM, � MULTI Articles: Garden ANTIQUES 100%nylon, new stain re.tractor. Iean arpete On hand, I Massey 121p with ApapkAaly, Pud" furniture or an- will carpet 3 rooms, $349. srawt>fower, $500. Wood - burring stove, Lakewood, YtPWV old. Scientific instru- Pnics +dudes carpet, pre- $400. Table saw. Be_, mal china, fir, advw- mium pad, expert instants-. older alt iron, $50. Freez- �. toys. deooys. does, son, fast delivery. free esti or. 16h., older. Free. 905- milk bottles, collection or mates (30 yards). Norman 039-0796. a"*-- Call Robert Bowen 686-2314. men. ons and boys sur neer belNat From jeans b (905) 655 6049. AntiqNEWER CARPETS SALE: lots of couch and love- seat, croam/pastels, $800; Br000k� carpets. 100% nylon stain rebase. black queen -sine waterbed BANK DOLLS WANTED carpet 3 rooms $339. (30 sq. yd.) Incudes: with 6 drawers, mirrored headboard. Cash for Barbie and her carpel. Premium Pad and matching dresser $600: 263-4751 friends. from 1960 to 1975 installation. Free estimates. (message) o related accessories. carpet repairs. Serving Timertan"We ceners'. Cat !9") 723-5170 Durham and surroundm9 NEMIER table. bedroom i bring roan area. Sun 905.6861772. drill. nail sugaring CRAFTERS WANTED: CARPETS Try and save. cure supplies, perfect for the esgnf1or, $550 or beat wanted a variety of unique crafts for our Christmas New lees F 00% nylon. Stan. product kit avalbudget. offer. Cal 905.665-8534. Catalogue. We sea. you able to suit any budget. PIANO - 5 it black ba by s1+PWT For more informs - Senior discount. Repair Grand Y er old. tion Call Mn (905)619 - thing for free es- Recently reconditioned 6555 timate. Call and 111 showclUdin bench• $5000 fine. dm*$160; 3M ams a*o* You the difference. 100% able bed $400: blends di- FOLDING WIRE. Stackable customers satisfaction PIANOS -GRANDFATHER container with at least 1 guaranteed, ra�e0ed, Mike (805) CLOCKS. Visit our ware- gets drop- Approx- ��� ���1� bookcase headboard i blouse, new a used pianos caps $200: pwlsbM corn - CASH a CARRY 6- Foam (upright 8 grand), digital WANTED - refrigerator Mattress. from $79 single. Pianos a keyboards. Not with freezer compartment - rolw frames $35. Factory toso. good o f10coC Mattress, 1650 Bayty St.Tel. faction of Call 905 852. Pickering (905) 837-0288. Op Piano. 433-1491 6212 ext. 239. CERAMIC molds for said 100's t0 choose from, ex. os"M condition, Supplies 50% off. Call after 4 p.m. and anytime on weekends. 434.572/ ALWAYS OPEN COM- PUTERS. sales and serv- ,CO. 386 or 486 c ompbate $4% and 5600 CD•Rom sound Cards. Technical Support Phone (905) 571- 5291. COMPUTER SERVICE and sales. Used and new parts/upgrades at reaaon- abto pries. Printers $49. VGA color monitans $125. fax maCPWM $149. Sys - "M. 385. 466. Paoft$ . Cal ler pricing Model T Computers. 131 Brock St. S.. Whhiey. (905) 430-5615 000 COMPUTER - - CLEARANCE Centres 4116 BfowaA. 4% kits we new miboard 8 m ram tmb vrd- ao. 1.44 floppy ed ox processor $325. New hard dnws from $169. Upgrade your low and Pentium SHARP Ux105 :hom Fax Machine. 3 yrs. old. $150 oboe Caron Phot copier PCeRE - 9 months old. $650 obo. 986-0870. SHEDMAN . 0ulty wooden sheds 6 x a ban kit, only 5299 plus tax. Mary cow sizes ad styles available. Also garages and decks. 761 McKay Rd. Unit 3. 062093. For more lido. CM SIDE BY SIDE to dp keen. or and ria dispenser. GE arab'Inglis stove boo al- mond $750. vftw w /dryer almond $250. Cat 576- 3150 SOFA -contemporary style catrm, bergs and bel pat - Ism and 2 metcling teal c ays, vey good c ondoon 2 Yrs. aid $650 :1119-9675 ENTERTAINMENT Centre Custom built. natural solid oak $650. 905-728-8906 leave message. SOFA BEDS, had wowing tabrnc, spring median from 1650 BeylySt Puke (905) 637-0290. ^^9 CPU's and trade for Intal 120's. 133'11 and /66's and STEF k HANK75 2Ws for n loll as $9900 APPLIANCES Complete now Ponaum .ark of rocrretatxaat afire, Systems from 1665. Now n rip warranty, wu apple. MOrdW$ from 219 with a ice -rose wrnar Abo- al. symem used mwMds from pots kr sppiaeca A $2S. VGA. Claringlan Com- IhaActwes IaxrtuM fur pwr. 164 88nlirw Rd. E., teat appkaeces SM Wwile at out 432. 362 French St. Oetuw May 401. 607-3056. 432-7197 OaelIC1100M sate. 14 SUITSI SUETS! Sun pc.. Gibbard Carndwn Legaey, mahogany. nckrd- - Are you pang to a gradus- Ong OWN tome we 3 trot, prom or a we0dirg but you doral hart a sut? 1My 0 chair, bu roL bullet trop look your beef 1, and server Sm= (905 � by shopping at at RUGGED REPLAYS DOES MewW IMdter to where for around $100. you? Have your drapes. YOull ger a slyilh suit shirt. bed When, accessories and to and a per of shote. anything else that matter Sound too good b be sue? b you Custom Made. Me- Come b A Replays tenal Matters O us. 905 on 1111010by ard erpwienaa 665-0159. consign -tent sfioppirg ler DIS143. Bedroom men. ons and boys sur neer belNat From jeans b suite $275. Beet beds 1165. CON" and end la- spa ~~ Rae. bin $0. Antique, &saw able, 1odaY store NOurs $120. Dining room suite andcon 0directions 905404 6 3. $575. AnOque Client $95 Accord EXI, 4 dr. black Two and dins $45. Many DI WINE FURNITURE. cow' 905-0g7.31S32. ELEGANT SYaMs•y, din. pleased 10 introduce our lig kanda ni 04ofesslw now 'Hotta Office and winner). Oval pods" Timertan"We ceners'. lads. IkghEadi eau chairs. wee have added realty now burg latch. Said dteny- bedroom i bring roan �� ung Pam as well. soil♦ partly wood (gp5 IteradnaI what wsal and FORTRESS 26.8 3 "M rifler flte 1 pkrMy fur. scooter wish charger, WW. Slleflbfgs a Mable any - cal (905) 728-0134. wlmr at ter aatrpNavr GULONAISI wgm IN.- prices. 9M69 $4n4- ing room, drhing room, and USED FR SM and Ill suiw, other up, used Moves 5200. and ibentte (905) 20-00 up. used wrsrlams 5250. IRAEA-SED dteMsrI - i dyore$179 and up. Burd dm*$160; 3M ams a*o* naw txand aaamr fii09es IS.blow bnrad s aL $996 able bed $400: blends di- . nems 30' selves $449. and Nnhpnootm ttMR 4 darns i scratch and hutch $300: wseh Mme wawbW with stmi-mo- boor klid0es 5 CJ SM. ski. I dewormed. tads docked. I , 'a Funil r• and bookcase headboard i liances 227 Court SL. caps $200: pwlsbM corn - OMussa.5767448 mods $W lo" walker ■AT6F a you am Mi.. SW 4 -wheel stroller type waive with braise $100. amnho, Waft aft"" 9058313075. ilor look of your WSW we healthy. young male. an W Call ler lido. Me - HOUSEHOLD CONOWs. 8351 or 606.02M atter 5 fnxdudirw upgm para. Pam. cofbwww tables, bedroom tlyppp STOVE, Oven wit, aft drap•ryt clever Sterna Slove OR I*" fridge, AN in good ardiion. Cal Carpet 12'x25'. Wgod for more kilo. (900) 723- warldng bolt may NO 5045, item. Ca1905426-1500. WANTED - white bedroom furniture. Call after 6 p.m. 432-7133. 1 Yard TIM NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25, M -PAGE 31 •Weldingl l hillontobilINIFor Sob For Sob BEAGLE PUPPIES - Pur- 19M " (rad), excellent CARUSO AUTO SALES - ebred, no papers. ret runner, good body. Needs 19.5 HONDA Accord 4 dr. checked, fast shots. ready door Wch A E Iao to car- burgundy, 172K, auto. to go June 41h. Cal Laurie Lily. $300 firm. Dave 985- $1995: 1968 HONDA Ac - 416 -281-1M. 7614. oord LX, 4 Or. silver, 177K, ROTTWEILLER PUPPIES- 1986 Subaru XT, 4WD. $2985; 1969 TOYOTA Ter - beautiful m ' afestic. loyal Turbo, auto. owned since HON $2 . 2 1967 blue, 1 Pre- Pets. Purebred. lovinglynes, 172,01X) kmn s. runs great. good tires. $1900. fie, 2 dr. while. 206k, Ronne -raised. Parents on Work 905-068-5011; Home auto $3395; 190 HONDA promises. docked,905-055-3112. LEE J. MOTORS 433- Accord EXI, 4 dr. black t.$2Tails arcus, $2 25. CaI1985 6021. MM. 552 Sloor a Wilson 170K, auto. $5395; 1973 1967 Old Calais, air. p.w., Moto horn 22 $3995 as is. TEAM OBEDIENCE next 181.000k. $2295 cut. 1986 D.O.T. So" Standard classes (Puppy. Nov") � a Ciera. air, p.w., Certificate- Special $39.95. start JUNE 14, 21 A 26 160.000k, $2195 cert. 1996 Can Phil 68&3803, 1895 Evening and Saturday Pontiac 6000 air. pw. Clements Rd. Unit 177. classes available: with 132,000k. $2195 cart. 1966 Pickering. small classes guaranteed. LTD air, V8, auto. 182.000k. $2195 cert. 1985 CREDIT PROBLEMS? On 905-721.7554. Dodge pickup 318 -auto, th spot financing. ancing• Down AMERICAN COMER 109.000k, $1895 can. payments from $500. SPANIEL puppies. Ador- 1975 Olds, loaded. 89,000 Monthly payments from able, affectionate. lifetime miles $1095 as is. $150. O.A.C. Car, trucks. friends. Blondes and (905)404-9759 vans. 1961 to 1996. Aiar*cy blacks. Purebred. shots. Auto Sales Ltd. 146 Brock dewormed. tads docked. DODGE Mantuan SL N., Whitby. Phone 905- home -raised. Cat 985- wo work van, auto. low kms. 6663382. 8021. propane. excellent condi- son $3495 certified. 1988 GARAGE SALE - WE COCKATOO. Beautiful, Sunbrrd convertible, auto. HAVE SOMETHING FOR OR healthy. young male. pew.. Pi.. excellent condi- YOUR GARAGE AT SU ­ loves be held. needs lots b tion. $3295 art. 433-1787 PER SALE PRICES. 13 of affection. excellent price. including huge designer 1988 IROC Z CANARD: mrro vans. at certified and ready to drew away from age pus accesso nes. T -roof. ioaded. 128.000 $3995 to $13.995.00 Travel $1.500 firm. 905.728-7242 kms. No winter $6.800. in comfort! Eg. 1993 Fond (Inve message), cortilled. Call Lords" (705) Aerostar Sport. loaded 324-2156 days. or$9895; $9895: 19W GMC Solari. 8 767011 everwngs. passenger loaded $9995: 1989 DODGE GRAND 1992 Plymouth VoYagew GarageiF CARAVAN. Clean and well maintained, burgundy LE Quad seats, loaded $9995. 1993 GMC Safari. 8 1 Fows. color with dark tinted wird- Passenger. 102.000 Ions. Yard sales running boards, un- only $9995: 1965 Chev Astro axceaerkt EQUIPMENT CLEARANCE Factory Direct to the Public Quantities Limited No Rain Checks NO DEALERS PLEASE 3 DAYS ONLY Friday May 30, Saturday May 31 Sunday June Ist 423 Bloor St. W., Oshawa roof. V6 4 speed automatic, fin• certified, $6000. 905-839- ^w great 53995: tike iota some luxury in a fairly vs - ( (many spayed a rheutared hide? Try these for site - 19N FORD Probe, mint 1991 Buick Century LnmA- IDndrtron. cerrhod. S- ad. absolutely perfect ed 'pe. 2.2L. $4200. Call $7495: 1990 Chov. Lunrna MS-725-O:iQ6. Euro 4 dr loaded. very t9M HYUNDAI SONATA, Pretty 17495: 1990 Cadillac 'res are 5 speed. only Sedan Dowels. boded. %.Wo kms.. 13995 00. leather, bow bens $11.495. arsfied. at 666-5148 or 1969 Oda, Cutlass Cera. 6 576-506 M. loeded. white. 14995: JWruu c o.a._ 90S)721-9631$7500 Cat auto. $S99S: Im %o Track*,. 5 spd. soh !op. . 1 Aria a FMII P"Zimow 19.0 Buick Lngbre Ltd. 103.000 km. $6295: 1966 firms BOartf q 3.6 hire Wry clean. cera Cavalier $+: 995while. a, bse ed. Must be en $7400. bnwh also awn per4 caw CRAFT DEALERS waxed for craft extravaganza un- der the tug top. June 7 6 8. At ate Counts Flats Market Cal 905-436-1024, • Antiques ANTIKA ANTIQUES a Collectibles. Opening on May 31, 109 Old Krngson Pic"Rd. unit 06. PidVi. lege. 905- 42628M REComputer Anton - NEW MUSK a zne e IxpJAmew.dkrhom- rnears rrV-s1e236in. ds.hsn Computers. 20011r.31=40=1200. Cash paid! Video Linx 416- 690.1690 or 1- SOD -567-8481. Pools, ffig S" FAIRYBB10 SPECIAL M X 24' radarlPlar Kayak P001 MdUdsa dela a taro ig. x.195. Maes I ing M -taws, 25yr warranty./- 800.666754. PidaM4 F Ajax, phone 4167867500. nen , Lost a • Found LOST . m Sunder hWa, Brock A Fade amp. Wp Dog d delle n COINK all. Sams b 016 noes, Satidrr Plan al 427-4105, • , FOR SALE SmAlook S rrsoks fust shots. do- "llinnedl, Wall Cal (905) 572 TRAINING TRAG Cleesn, 41L Bobrb Sa 905467 am KITTENS with 1st booster,ti uP. eYf pm. 723.1492. o. Doty 77 000 kms. $4.995. sou es young adult nus 1990 CORSICA Over 40 werr1kK t, cooso-4 ( (many spayed a rheutared CL 6 kyr , auto. err. tiny yl. a orty from Now is res time to and hilly vacanated) in 73.000 kms. green with deal at Cortices Aub Con. need of kwM hon ys Also, block interior, mint condo- are. 156 King SL Meet et many median to larger ez- son. Asbung $6.900 cert'- "drawn Mae _W%sve uw ad dogs wrong ler trial ked (905)571.2126. leave tosraara send Hahn blsruds' sI I someone to give "nesa9e open Swadrps. Cash for them a second chanes. Per 19W JAGUAR V 12. Van- Your Car. Tirades MM- suppkss and donations ab- dertPtn. cudY Pant. awn- comm- cow 57W21W w'� welcome. Plains al Ourham Ararat Adoption or like now Jaguar Dealer LEE J. MOTORS 433- (905)436841 t. earalted Owned ernes 1991- $19,000 Work 905- MM. 552 Sloor a Wilson Cal John 1.905-4308167 NO -5011. Hone 905-655 Rd Oshawa 1969 Poneac Bonneville, minx eondaon. gin, � biin 3112 only sew s$7995 Sob 1991 Z24 CAVALIER, Sully antra" loaded. low mileage. est iiith every option awr4obls. 1992 NEED A VEINCLE7 Poo warra hod. CO player. Chewy Cavalrw Z2/. credit') it') No cnKWBsriu- alarm, a mooxoofvery. $6000 y clean. aw-condisorrhg. nupt9 Cau Trace at 905 obo. Cat Cntg ` 17995 certified, 1992 57610100 or 1-866259- 6700.9054334-7074 Cavalier RS. 4 -door. ax - 3673. I anOondAhaned. low kms. as. Itp! 1192 eer.esw SE ryru.rr -0.. C -aa __ 194 BEAUMONT Spot Deluxe. $5.500 appraised at $7000. Midright blue. 355x350. very wit. excel- lent cordison, must be seen. Every" now or obuilt t sd. Cal 613-475549. 1977 CORVETTE, 52.000 MOM shred, urKWCOated. wire tlhoole ssaiaese $teal txaws. Tioct. sU0. s- , :12,500. Work 905.668- 5011: hone 9054155-3112- "W Tag, Cdrw•rowtb. 3.5mrs Va. auto, 129,0001kaw.seber carp, with Edtelmock maaribW-in- cuded. $9.000. al 723- 7982 ISM 7111100 Trans Am, fully b•dK (root, angina nitre WOK disc bralues, to - cant body a paihL $2.000 as is price includes now Carat Flsadrna 571-1290 IM Amiga - now tires, naso been p.b., p.s., p.w.. .lir. $boo ora as is, AM Fm tanses. Call 729__ acres 1M4 cardio, new er- hnrt bus and rad. $2800. Or tri amodw bads. 623- 5272 apo 6 p.m. 19N Chsv. Mono Carlo Sock Car. Now utt m -, w Ounp sans a raw end. 373 guars $1500. CAN after 8 P•1R 418.147-5563. 18M FW43MM only 188,000 it!.. $800 or best over. PIMes al Dow at 619-8911 190 MBOSAM 300 ZX Not widw divots. only 05.000 kms.. $3008.00. cart cal 5765000. M65148. r re,uuu ten, ve. i.a. one belied. 19N Chov Cavarrr, owner, full power Garel 4 -door. 125.000km. only Red. Certified 17100.576- $3995 earthed 1969 4823. Trades 4x4 removable soh 1992 ELANTRA, 4 door. 5 fop. 122k's. $1495 certified. speed. wartanty. 126,000 1988 Grand Prix. priced Ila_ $3.800. Telephone right at $3475 cerstap 436-0485 1967 Chevy S10 Duda I th 194 GUARD PRIMSE. - 'ou'' 0"1' acusd cer- Work truck 1960 Ford P/W, RL PrS PAM Cruces, F25tied. Settled soler Alar stets Tel, Mean Canoes, scour sides and ad gate .2200 11Y sYSOm. 79.000 km. $14,500. Call 6833020. good. boils good. $2200 OBQ N Bxw Mud mrtfY Me GRAND PAM V6, pf drove Rin sod tans aM ate i abs, pA, pits, prbtx k, se- cotter of Bba i 1-1 cuRy system. 4-dw. cap- or rid NOW 433-W& prox. 67.000 highway km, $/3.900. Like RUST OWAX 1986 ��t4f now. ono 9064x93 lea Supreme. rw. $I'm sow -M. e»r .- . 1909 Tracker 4x4. 194 unn" , low AW automatic. mostc. $ost nileaga swOM ti cwtdh- 1967 Acadian, automie. tion, $15,900 rum. Cal $1995 Wilber. 905.666 (905)72S-4867. 6759.905-571@25. 194 TOYOTA TERCEL 19M FORD Tempo GL_ auWmore, abmArm kasseft akda. V6, ale. 4 dr. $7900 4.000 lent, dealer 0arvi, 1. 9" condition, $8,500. OW 434-2775. F- Cal John 1.905-4308167 1968 BOMaEMLLE SSE1. Waftd fully leaded, maid oondierh. highs" mirage, $23 500 certified. serious +gluier ores". 8W7038 at (905)261-0131 1M5 MMM Cub, 36.000 mum SA SIA1100. R$6 GM inspec int car. no n- � . Cat (905)723- IM Slind . 9.000 lens, 4-dow, red, loaded. mint. $14.500. Call (905)579 - Mi IM SUNFNkE. auto. air. pm PA. arMm ca ntia, 5.000 len, $16,400. Cal 905132 73rd or 9R5 -71667r1 SM to $7569 ler soap ars a trucks or any coadtion vehicles. 24 hr prdassroyl pick-up. Frost Toting. Call (905) 706.5740. A a A AUTO- Wei Mr SW $10,660. cash on lfhr spot. Any condition, any yearcall us anytirtn. 24 fours, 7 days, 30 min. W#_ Co. 905886.5003 or 905 - ANY SCRIP Car or hd complete Cash paid. repdk- W Call (905) 404.7530 or 434.7489. --- W PAGE 32 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25,117 Apsiftimerft lZG;WbMd a ff o a �� a ��For Rent a ��For ftft For Rod ffjlnl M FcwPA* AUTOMOBILES and trucks wanted for scrap. Any condition, any age. free removal in the Durham Region. cash paid. Also deeded, 75 to B7 Chev or GMC pickup for parts. Call anytime, Oshawa 905-431- 0407. CASH FOR CARS! We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condi- tion. Cal 427-2415 or corse to 479 Bayty St. East. Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES. Trucks no for Sale 1985 International, 22' S Ion. 5 sod, single axle, DT466. too many new parts 1 41st. Bills to prove. Cert- asking $8,500. Calf Tony 721-0986. 1990 FORD F150 pickup. Req Marine Standard, low mileace. box liner~$7000 certified. 16 FT. THUNDERCRAFT, 725-2694 Bowrder Boat with John- OSHAWA- 2 Oedrooatt son 90 HP outboard and trader. Very Good condition ' 4 Wheel Drive and low usage. Asking 900aq.IL large apartment n $8.500. Can (905) 668- main floor duplex apart- 0781 1909 DODGE CARAVAN. duplex on China near Turbo. 4 cal., 7 seater. new Recreational ares, asking $4500 cert- 1 Vehicles fed. (905) 509-7329 _ required. $750 mchniva. FOR RENT: 1989 24Ford ' Trailers Corsair motorhome, sleeps June 1st. Call (905)420 - 6. microwave. awning. roof last required. $25. off die- air, cruise. Available from Available June 1st. 728- June 1st. Exceaam cordi- 1979 GLENDETTE, 35 FT. tan. Please call one by out. Cathedral coil- (905)420-1846 ler hm91er ng, fully l irnhad. 17 112 R. irft MOM. screened on room. 5 x 6 able immediately. 905 shed. Island Park. on the Farm Trent River System $7900 June 30. 4341386 0 404- DESIRABLENorth OsM- n d rk OSHAWA - 888 + 900 OSHAWA. ONE -BED- OSHAWA, 2 -bedroom OSHAWA- 2 Oedrooatt wa location. 2 bedroom Glen St: 2 a 3 bedroom ROOM upper duplex apt. 900aq.IL large apartment n Spacious dean in duplac- main floor duplex apart- spts. $675. - $708. Close Sell entrance, partying, eat- duplex on China near Fenced yard. parking, ap- ment. Frac. hast rekirences to shopping, schools, GAN in kitchen. on bus route. Olive, convenient location Pliances. $650 + utilities. required. $750 mchniva. GO. UtiYess included. FWW close to GM North Plant. with parking, $720+hydro. June 1st. Call (905)420 - No psis. Available imme- last required. $25. off die- Non smoker, no pets. $550 Available June 1st. 728- IW- datley. Lynn 436-6886. counted to seniors. Call inclusive, first/last. Avail- 2255 or 430-7816. PICKERING; walking dis- "UGE, 2-3 bedroom apt. 728-4993 able immediately. 905 ail inclusive. No pets. Rel - tans to GO/W, 2 bdrm in Wes" Heights, 3850/ June 30. 4341386 0 404- 434-6353, 427-0005. OSHAWA: Newer build- spacious bsmt. apt., private mo., Call Brad Ellis. Sutton OSHAWA - 2 bedroom apt. duately. 666 5 -4312 4" Ing; well-maintained, gen- entrance, parking, C/A. No goup Leading Edge Really, Olive and Simcoe St. area. OSHAWA Bachelor, clean, emus suites. Parking d hy- smoking/pets. Refs. lst4ast. 416-298-6000. Close to all amenities, heat, upstairs, large, separate dro included; on bus route. $700. Call 905-837-0674. I/2 large bedroom base- hydro included. $620/ month! A ilabl J 1 entrance, eat -in kitchen, n- dudes lit 2 -bedroom, $735; 3 -bed- 5830'9n5' 428- PICKERING, 1 -bedroom ment,Hwy 2/townline walk- Y va e u e . ca e. ub res, pa - room, basement apartment, pn- out to pato, separate en- Frst4ast required . 434- in1g, washer, amenities. 5740. vats entrance, $675/month, trance, kitchen, bathroom, 6311 leave message. Non-smoking. $435. 905- 02/Liverpool NOW shop. no pets, no smoking. Call cable. a/c, parking, non OSHAWA . Holiday Inn 432-7543. OSHAWA, just renovated 837-1475. smoker mature person, no area. 2 bedroom lower lev- a Hwy.2. Call 619.1251. 2 -bedroom apartment, bol- PICKERING, 3 -bedroom pets $500/$650. (905) el apt. . detached house. CLEAN, QUIET tom hall of badkspkt. hard - condominium apartment, 436'9654 Newly decorated, includes Family Building North wood floors, fridge. stove, walk to Go and wadi LARGE one bedroom fndga, washer. dryer, stove, Oshawa. 1a 2 bdrms. In- nice neighbourhood. $675 baths, a 'broad- basement basement apt. available all uld. $675/mo. Avail. e. par clusive. Pay cable, ail inclusive. No pets. Rel - loom, $1010/month irlclu- Juty 15. Quiet West Lynda June 30. 4341386 0 404- a laundry fac. 723-2094. erences. 576-4895. sive. Mel Knight (905)831 - area. Close to downtown 1367. duately. 666 5 -4312 4" $875. installed. CO ler' 2273. and Go Sep entrance Air pr 9 (905) 985-4805. pisses Ness mess. BOWMANVILLE - one tis. (905)579-%U laundry, suitable for mature single ion smoker, no pets. 430-8917 LIVERPOOLIBAYLY- basement apt large 2 bed. room + den, laundry. park- ing. No pets. Suit quel working family/ couple. Near Gd lake. 3800 ndu- sive. Immediate. 837-2904. LOWER LEVEL 2 bdrm available immediately. $695 month. Call (905) 4342092. LUXURIOUS RANCH APARTMENTS ler rent - one $800. one $1000. Hwy. 12/70wnlne Whitby~ Perry. June 1. Please Cale Rob 905-909.2484 NEW bright exceptional one bedmorn. East Osha- wa. Gas freplaoe oar, pri. vate entrance. parking. in - Telephone 723-7896 or 1- quipment 2-BDRM basement apt for BASEMENT apartment. dudes cablakit" e. Non - 613.395.252Y. only $10.000 Will ash rent Avail June 1. $550 02/Liverpool NOW shop. smoker, no pals. FirstAast, of inclusive. No pefs. Call Sears Riding Mower, s~- No smog ng. Brock ping, GO. 1-bedroon, 4 references. $625. 571- 1990 HOMESTEADER 12 19.5 rep his19l6 l/Com- a Hwy.2. Call 619.1251. piste bee. large pori 1157. x 38 h rtat>,b home . 10 x nrrencrallow*. low*usedsed 2 2 hours. 41 3ED1100M apartnenp, kAdest . AfC. cable. tobe NORTH OSHAWA extre 20 flonida room Men trader Comes with transferable dose to downtovm w1,Aby, shared entrance. Suitable single mature workup large 3-bdrm, 2 -baths. quiet fully lu rased. One bed- extended waft" Top d no pelt. 5800/mondu plus S1299. lratafled. Omer en Ot/10irg ler�e t1Ntolies room. 4 PC- bale. fridge flail the Ye tactor $2200. firm. hitwo. 1 dean. goat personler qui« home. No tkug. 5590. ,sf/ pet Utaeea cable. parking n- limsloe yy�� per" and 673-7614 building, Available Owns- call last ' 63t-5249 cluded. $849. per xx It. el7f Electnc lot water. $696.01. Ulilitias, cable duately. 666 5 -4312 4" $875. installed. CO ler' Avail ,Jure 151 and July est. deck 10 x 16. shed. newAparhltents pr 9 (905) 985-4805. pisses Ness mess. BOWMANVILLE - one tis. (905)579-%U rod on Florida room. newM For Relit NEW large 1-bdrnn base- bedroom apt Arad. June 1. ONE a TWO bedroom Nr Carpel. Located at pae - OSHAWA (Boor St W.) Larget a 2 a 3 bedroom went apt.. Whitby . Profile -Est -on kitchen with f nom' apartments. unmediae In Park on lay 36 bel- Zdlarnie males hang eab. somal decoreed, pi "age stove. Imngroom with lire- possession. prow couple. ween Lindsay and Bobcsy- 1 a 2 BEDROOM down- ant. 00 -in ka . 4 pc. both. IU $550/111110. Haat. 'V- North Oahawa. nr:ludes peon, on water. Asking town oshaws. 1 bedroom ushon, cadsxrckrded. dro Parking incknOed. 623 fridge, sass. carpetN- . tree $2aJ700 a Hest otter $450 all rrrcrusrvs, asci. asci. Joe est Whet ref , 7988. ly-psimed. stwpirug plaza. Lent message Ware 4 hie 1, 1 bsdoow $425 as $625 /mo. 430-9096 after CENTRAL Oshawa. on- laundry bc3bon. Now bus. p.m. or Codi ahw 5 p.m. 10 9 irleknsive Asad ,Axe 15. 2 6:30pm. teas, budding. 142 -bed. Reasonable. 725-2642 at - P.M. Ask ler Dense (905) Osdoonfr 5525 plus hydro. BRIGHT NEWLY druoorM- morns, 1 block b Senors Or 5 pm. 579.3791 armil Jur 1. fent a last no ea2 bedroom apt n tfrphwk, Contra, " units start at OSHAWA - 2 Dsdroam pets, 72710 56 Adelaide Wilson. parturnq, $595 SOUTHEAST Osha- 'Jn'ry 1 y. 1991 FLAGSTAFF 8 ft Wit $742. Carpel,parking, wa location. tat-bsdmonsspits trader. like new. trudge. shove. etc $3.850 Tole - photo (905) 426-3716 1997 Bonk Tent Traders. Sales inn $5300. Rentals ism. $235 Renan woes. paddle boas, fsnng boas, boat trarlen. Brookln (905)655-0176 2T HOUSE Troller, deck. awning, shed 15' Run- about boat, 70hp moo. trader sur -bar watersk FREE DECK CLINIC! Ajax Store Only Wednesday, May 28, 7-8:30 p.m. Thursday, May 29, 7-8:30 p.m. Seating is limited so reserve your space by ca Ning 683-6771 ,� � c� Oshawa Ajax no POW 5745 Illus hrydro $60o range. L°"°°"` ho �'II�O 1719 Silnooe St. N. 19A No�io�'Rd. P40wwx to 655.4721. hart at $550 1st. ager auxt you -Stockwell Ry VW�VI / $ 6ee9 72e-7341. paper x,723-1265. AJAX - l ed floor d horse. 432-5107. Ya W At I bnght. cieen oM bedroom """""7 atx. Private entrance. Mon.-frri. 7-9 pin.,, Sat. &4 p.m.. Sunday 10-5 p,m, fridge. stove. parking, utl. nduarve. $650/mo 639- 0941. AJAX , bdrm basembasementseent THE GREEN RIBBON CAMPAIGN apt separate entrance.In 1992, when 15 year Did Kr Wen French disappeared, her school friends and bose ailShopping 5. $6 a GO MAY 25111-S ulk a leads mobized the illy to search kx hec In her name #" wore a %leen Ribbon ncluens. Cas NNW 683- of Nope' - hoping lex her sale rehxn. Aller Kristen French's brutal mufden at the hands 4678 bokbetween 8. 3 a 653- 3270 b3 _ - � of Paul Bernardo her school nates and teachers asked Chid Find, a national charity, 3270 b.tw..n 56. � ' - its, n trailer park 1 A 2 BOIIIM APT. avail June 1st. at 350 Malaga. AJAX Oxlrfrd Towers. Uppeed e Upper &rcldlom Like.. Also 2 bdnm at 946 Mason Spacnourt apartments. quiet only $10.000 Will ash St $600 a $720 per month buWrg• dog to shopping. separately 905-576-0539. of inclusive. No pefs. Call 401, GO. Pool, sauna. �lO �� 576-6, Three bedrooms. imme- dately and July ht. Two 1' 14SEDOM M Basement bedroom July W. From & RBPS*S apartflOV svellable imms- $814 Cal 6834571 until lately. $650/morlh kw*A- 7:30 p.m. SPRING SPECIAL 350 - siva. 1 sMas t. Smokers well- come. Caa daylong, 905 AJAX, wag maintained 1 305 Engines. 12 morphs. 420-2186. after Bpm. 905- bedloair, 20.000km warranty; From 85&5091. cantral closet o ant S1299. lratafled. Omer en EXTRA LARGE 1 a 2 ententes. $590 plus 1/3 9- avelable- Traremis- badtom(s) in Noid OMs- rrtlitea. call Joan Rogers at 900.685.0919. siors. completely rebuilt, 1 wa. Largs balconies, quiet yeer urutrfxted mrieapa, any big- SM. and AJAX- 3 bdm4 k/dr,2-4 pe n0a. any modal; From $696.01. Ulilitias, cable baele, Gant Mdlen, sloes. $875. installed. CO ler' and parking included. fridge. dishwasher. under - pr 9 (905) 985-4805. AvailaMe June Ist and July, ground Pa*cable a PbR Pertly tat Phone (905) 579.5584. utkitss inc. $1150. Joky 1. Aim Reality Lid. 683-1811. DEAD CAN Cant entad OSHAWA (Boor St W.) Larget a 2 a 3 bedroom ASIMUML Largo newly b ix it 7 Eubl arienoW Ma- I sperYrtants in den low constructed 1 bedroom Zdlarnie males hang eab. fig bulking. Clog to 401 ap •bnghL open wept. s='. CM JoM at 823- a GO. Parlring. Available atoll • estate dol. 5 -d-M&lsky. From 5800. �- 1785 in par morin Pham 905.576- cl clusrya. LMBiR9 4255 AVAILABLERpl�amm.6alNy ' t19lMtal9 OBIMWA (Boor SL) Largo In- a^ Oshaara, 1 -bed - 2 A 3 bedroom apanttuerMs room hr/ boM in than low rite baildirg. and kitchen. sapanla art - IM PONTIAC Trane- Moss Io 401 a GO. Park- tree. $40winoith DMm port. 38,0IOlon. balance of ing. Available immediately 40% utilities, orwroet. Cal ahoy may; take over From 3800Jmon1h. Phone 432-1268 Ipso. $302/w°mlh includes taxes with small dow npay- 905-578-4255. AVAN.ABLE IMMEDIATE - LY, n YNnilby APL Ekiding. amity: aekcelarn condition. - W LSON OLIVE area. 2 s carpeted. needy di�at� � sedlolr�i gauge, with balbaq, dose heat a hydro included. b bus, OMPPfg, all ladies $742. Carpel,parking, incl uded, firIbUM required. laundry hc. Daylime 263 no Deli 1 badman $675, 8369 or evenings 263- 2 bedroom. $775. Call 2522. 430-0134. 196] Honda Sabre, V-45. 2 bedroom in 8 plaoc. 628 AVAILABLE JULY LST. Sm1.fl dean 2 bedroom, 7 ertcaflertt cordition. $2100 Z. Dave - 985- Chaucer Ave., available July 1. $650 no pets Cal doe to OGH and bus ro- 7614 728-20301tava Message. we• p°rkinli• may. $675 irlduisive. No pets. 576- 7540 (leave message.) -- ` "° � , " For RRTHE AJAX/PICKERING NEWS A RnSOMEULAUE, 24bed- room basement apartment, newly -renovated, separate entrance, large yard backs onto park, parking, laundry included, no pets, 1sMast, $650 inclusive. 905-435- 0856. SOUTH OSHAWA. Bright large 1 bedroom, base- ment. central air, 4 pc. bath, newly renovated, $600. in- clusive, 579-3718 ENVIRONMIEW Large 2 bdrm apts. in Oshawa. Easy access to 401. schools. shopping. Great Comrmntity Sprit. Last Ino. rant rrgodabM. Cal (905)721-8741 for iMo 17 QUEBEC ST., ONE bedroom apartments ler rem, Simcoe and Gibb area, $450 + hydro - Ost wa. Available immediately. 571_3229. TWO BEDROOM base- ment apartment, separate entrance. close to all amenities, irtdudng Go. $700 per mo. includes ulik- hes. June 151h. (905) $37- 0904 TWO BEDROOM base- ment apartment with walk- out to patio, yard. parking. No pets- Hfllast.. $15mmo. Including ublities. Avail. Now. East Oshawa. 401. Call (905)432-2914 leave rressag•. TWO bedroom. $633./MO.. heat/water included, pay own hydro. Prime Oshawa location new O.C. and Midtown Mall. June tax 436-6042. VERY Large 1 -bedroom apartment in old Viclons home. Brookkn, available �mm.dianty. $750tmonth mckudkg uplibes. Cam day- time 905.668-2245, evert - op 905.649-3362. WATERFRONT Port Par- ry. Big. beautiful 1 -bed- room mar, Soor al" to leml ow" or. ioctiuui bast, leg surroom overlooking take. boat dodklrig $700. 1 s0est. 1/2 hydro. 1/2 oil ("Mier momlll* No Pala. paint no children. Vow. by ap- pononem only 905-571- 3888. WHITBY - 3 bedroom up- per tnplex. ges 6gplece, dose to Go, $$Mmo. + util. FirstAost. Avail. July 1. Call 668-8270. WHITBY- Dul1•nn St.. / if, 2 -bedroom apt., in clan. quiet Aaklinq. Fumy broad - Worried. Large closets. Neu all amenities. FrdgN stow. $896.25. all inclu- stv. No pets. 905.404. 1414. WHITBY- ore bedroom SW rclusm. Close b all amenities. Available Jwt. Call 4049130. WHITBY. 1 8 2 ballroom, available Mary 1 .kung. cal (905) 430-9146 or (416) 789-4145 WHY rent when you can own your own home for less than you think?!! Call Dave Hayloc k Sales Rep. Re/Max Summit Realty (1991) Ltd. (905) 668-3800 or (905) 666-3211. ' Houses For Rent $1-1 A Absolute Altl d -,d* WW RENT? OWN YOUR NOME FOR SM/MTHtt No Dowrtpayrne; It- Dtsdla� Ater- 4905) 571-6275 141004940-6275 Mtark Saks Rep Suftori Group Excel Really 3-5LORWM house, near Lake Vista plaza, buses, ch sools, quiet court. a/c. Pralen bY•Mean couple. no Polls. r 100 required. s7ooftm4h+ubktms. 725- 8829. June 1. "EDROOM farmhouse. Hwy 7 F Salem Rd., large kitchen, drnrlgroom, sun - room, ample storage. tarp• bathroom. separate saw w/shower. $1000/moror. Available immediately Cap (905)6111i 3967 AVAILABLE July 1, 4 bed- roomupper level 19M sq -ft. , 3 I»Ihroom, c•ramlic a hardwood boors Immacu- late condition $1o5oANo. Plus utaYees. aim 2 bad - room aw. available July 1, $700 incusive. Cal Dennis Morgan Sumn Group Her- itage Reality 905.831-9500. BOWMANViLLE, Wdmoi Crook Adult community, 2 orn ngo- It w. all , C/A. fireplace. Florida roan on golf course. Al rec facilities inckded. S900/mo plus UK*" 905-6811.9882. CLOSE TO O.G.H. 4 large bedrooms, upper boa du- pla. sommo. in dus ve. FwWAW. July 1. Also 3 bedroom house. Burk/Gibb. 5793109 kimte message. FINCMMINTES RD.- de- tached 2 upper levels. 3 bedrooms. 1 //2 baths. Parking. Avail. July 1. $925 Plus util. Cal Harry 416- 283-5483. JWWNIW 416- 2834570. $1-1A Absolute Affordable! SICK OF RE WMG . . WHY NOT OWN A. 3 -Bed Semi . 3700/month NO ply? aauMyla $8W/month cal wl (905)571-6275 or 1-800440-6275 -MARK STAPLEY Saks Rep. Saxon Group Eud Rally loc. man THE NEWS ADVEKnMR SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1997 -PAGE 33 (; mete Automat featuringTHREE AUTOti AUTO BODY! if SOURCt 1 ® 1'� ..�- 08Nrtilgliieal rat 264 Fairall St. Ajax (905) 619-12.22 FOR ALL YOUR AUTO SERVICE NEEDS,~ CALL THESE PROFESSIONALS! P�,110 N / A� " ,�►_ Let Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change Centre take care of your vehicle Regular oil changes are a must with any vehicle if you want to avoid costly engine repairs later on. But sometimes an oil change isn't enough. When was the last time you had your engine flushed? Never! Then it's time to visit Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change Centre in Ajax. It's one of the only of its kind in the area and if you're the kind of driver that appreciates Owner/Operator Chris Rogers says regular oil changes fast, friendly and will prolong the life of your engine. professional service then a visit to Pennzoil is your only choice. side of the road with an overheated engine Located at 195 Westney Rd. S., and a damaged block. Owner/Operator Chris Rogers says that an That's why for only $49.95 you can have oil change won't necessarily get rid of all the Your system flushed removing all the sludge in your engine. contaminants and sludge. You'll then have it "For an additional $8.95 we will add a refilled with new coolant and a rust inhibitor special chemical to your oil to break down the making your engine ready for the hot days of sludge. Then, when the oil pan is drained the summer. sludge will come out," says Chris. "After that, "You should have this done every 2 years new warranty approved oil is put in which or 40,000 kilometres," says Chris. "Also, if you will flow free of any obstructions." don't know the last time it was done, you An oil change is only $16.95 with coupon should have it checked." at Pennzoil and for that low, low :Xt Pennzoil enjoy a free coffee and a price you'll also get a warranty newspaper and relax while you approved filter as well as a OIL CHANGE,>. nit far your car to be serviced. 21 -point inspection that willAlso while you're there, check everything from,F FILTER I pick up something from the lights and filters to yourli AND 21 PT Ilarge selection of fuel and exhaust system, hoses, INSPECTION %il additives, wiper blades wires and much much and other car and truck more. You'll also get a free air freshener on top of all r that. The fact is, once you leave, you'll have a smooth running car for many months of safe, energy efficient driving. Another area of neglect on your car is the cooling system. If you don't keep it maintained you might find yourself on the la _ I�Il'tz�� ON THIS FEATURE EVERY SUNDAY ASK AUTO FOR SOURCE DETAILS! CALL; BBE tBAY 'I K NcdFhAnd remember to visit angZe. ennzoil when it comes time ournew car to have an oil When it's completed you can have your warranty book stamped. For more information about Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change Centre call 427-67196. "Honesty, Perfection Customer Satisfaction" rpnwd to Seme 1'rw 'aHR] ]Fff MEC.EUMC SHOP 1Nc. ' S ITRANSU SS19H A j .ERYlt:E _ Eveiryday Low P ~ • O1IL9 LUM 1 owtnrr MkhN s.Iltdl world G 695 Finley Ave. a FILTER m l� in v� g9ollars • irktlNla for Utelr Ajax, Out la me and i ja dsq,rads SOL - - e, 1 1 1 1 401 Fatrall St c�A C�tswraa•o a o� �t� tgois, 619-2899 221 Westney Rd. S., Unit A, Ajax races I FIcoad Csepall 6 MlM VANO d and �saw Carpltd. _V -y SAar"Wall and Da9riwd EaWW Fllltd md Chumak Dt4W DMa81d Ebptiodl nano► Wllldaar CktaNay Cvooplaa Ttlydiy. , *req _ pk.� 5134.95 (Tun no -vans. rruc*s. Station Wagons Extra Cleaning dr Detailing of Cars, Trucks and Custom Vehicles! THREE BEARS AUTO BODY OW OF AMAX'S 4j;J IAROW AM BODY A COLLISION SHOPS `SW Whig The Dwhm RsBli W Complete Collision Specialist A Refinishing To Cars dr: Tricks eFram Straightening a Rust R11111psirs • Insurance Claims $200 Off Complete Bodo i Paint M1Is I 1 OR r WE'LL PAY YOUR DEDUCTIB1 Lop to 1200!! (with this ad1 'Coupon must pe presented1 prat to ttkOrk started. 1 'SX M MSNtWM 4** Ask forf�S Fme Estimates! UW =% 282 MONARCH AYE, AW ' (9051619=2327 BB! M M MW 10 I(MIUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED, WARRANTY APPROVED SPRING SAVINGS 1 1 1 1 1 r FLUSH PJU)fAT0f1l $49.95 ! PILL Ca" OFFER Qp�OI sMA%Ila 1 CANNOT COMBINE COUPON WITH ANY OTHER OL 1 CHAN" OFFER RECOMMENDED EVERY 3 MONTHS OR SAO IOL OPItrN ?DAYS A -MINE 195 WESTIEY RD. (South of 401) (905) 427-6796 1 MM m MW BBB BBB BB! BBB WIN! JULY WHITBY, one bedroom. in tura of 3 1 1 - well malintmirmad btai dW 4 laft a-tY ratovalad. no Ltd 90S K► � 668668-7'M. (4� WHITBY.1loci". OSHAWA - 3 doom' backyard, large lack. "wry apartment. wit ata alpI .. patoas, aarai. July 1. separaa •nlrairmw imie t $96ohlta MII Feel 1(600) storage, parking, sallift 475,e84k (70N 726.5391 $s N011nt OSHAWA ktatrJtaaNr. 4 bedroom room baaulkd ow" home, dl- Modem 2 bW. �t°°mmodwn r000mtfr ridge are trona and laundry ry ' waac b GO Train,g. fro„ now tritdoas a furnma6Atto or wilt 2 e. $12 905 133 7897. 806 � gmaW wilt 4.000 ftIL Will I ap on 2 moral coaaaarcaL Wil nor - . $1896, at will ase, owner flrtntoe, with $30,000 SUN down or trade accepted. ' Immediate Poawsaiorm. 725-1171. $1-1A Absolute Affordable! SICK OF RE WMG . . WHY NOT OWN A. 3 -Bed Semi . 3700/month NO ply? aauMyla $8W/month cal wl (905)571-6275 or 1-800440-6275 -MARK STAPLEY Saks Rep. Saxon Group Eud Rally loc. man THE NEWS ADVEKnMR SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1997 -PAGE 33 (; mete Automat featuringTHREE AUTOti AUTO BODY! if SOURCt 1 ® 1'� ..�- 08Nrtilgliieal rat 264 Fairall St. Ajax (905) 619-12.22 FOR ALL YOUR AUTO SERVICE NEEDS,~ CALL THESE PROFESSIONALS! P�,110 N / A� " ,�►_ Let Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change Centre take care of your vehicle Regular oil changes are a must with any vehicle if you want to avoid costly engine repairs later on. But sometimes an oil change isn't enough. When was the last time you had your engine flushed? Never! Then it's time to visit Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change Centre in Ajax. It's one of the only of its kind in the area and if you're the kind of driver that appreciates Owner/Operator Chris Rogers says regular oil changes fast, friendly and will prolong the life of your engine. professional service then a visit to Pennzoil is your only choice. side of the road with an overheated engine Located at 195 Westney Rd. S., and a damaged block. Owner/Operator Chris Rogers says that an That's why for only $49.95 you can have oil change won't necessarily get rid of all the Your system flushed removing all the sludge in your engine. contaminants and sludge. You'll then have it "For an additional $8.95 we will add a refilled with new coolant and a rust inhibitor special chemical to your oil to break down the making your engine ready for the hot days of sludge. Then, when the oil pan is drained the summer. sludge will come out," says Chris. "After that, "You should have this done every 2 years new warranty approved oil is put in which or 40,000 kilometres," says Chris. "Also, if you will flow free of any obstructions." don't know the last time it was done, you An oil change is only $16.95 with coupon should have it checked." at Pennzoil and for that low, low :Xt Pennzoil enjoy a free coffee and a price you'll also get a warranty newspaper and relax while you approved filter as well as a OIL CHANGE,>. nit far your car to be serviced. 21 -point inspection that willAlso while you're there, check everything from,F FILTER I pick up something from the lights and filters to yourli AND 21 PT Ilarge selection of fuel and exhaust system, hoses, INSPECTION %il additives, wiper blades wires and much much and other car and truck more. You'll also get a free air freshener on top of all r that. The fact is, once you leave, you'll have a smooth running car for many months of safe, energy efficient driving. Another area of neglect on your car is the cooling system. If you don't keep it maintained you might find yourself on the la _ I�Il'tz�� ON THIS FEATURE EVERY SUNDAY ASK AUTO FOR SOURCE DETAILS! CALL; BBE tBAY 'I K NcdFhAnd remember to visit angZe. ennzoil when it comes time ournew car to have an oil When it's completed you can have your warranty book stamped. For more information about Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change Centre call 427-67196. "Honesty, Perfection Customer Satisfaction" rpnwd to Seme 1'rw 'aHR] ]Fff MEC.EUMC SHOP 1Nc. ' S ITRANSU SS19H A j .ERYlt:E _ Eveiryday Low P ~ • O1IL9 LUM 1 owtnrr MkhN s.Iltdl world G 695 Finley Ave. a FILTER m l� in v� g9ollars • irktlNla for Utelr Ajax, Out la me and i ja dsq,rads SOL - - e, 1 1 1 1 401 Fatrall St c�A C�tswraa•o a o� �t� tgois, 619-2899 221 Westney Rd. S., Unit A, Ajax races I FIcoad Csepall 6 MlM VANO d and �saw Carpltd. _V -y SAar"Wall and Da9riwd EaWW Fllltd md Chumak Dt4W DMa81d Ebptiodl nano► Wllldaar CktaNay Cvooplaa Ttlydiy. , *req _ pk.� 5134.95 (Tun no -vans. rruc*s. Station Wagons Extra Cleaning dr Detailing of Cars, Trucks and Custom Vehicles! THREE BEARS AUTO BODY OW OF AMAX'S 4j;J IAROW AM BODY A COLLISION SHOPS `SW Whig The Dwhm RsBli W Complete Collision Specialist A Refinishing To Cars dr: Tricks eFram Straightening a Rust R11111psirs • Insurance Claims $200 Off Complete Bodo i Paint M1Is I 1 OR r WE'LL PAY YOUR DEDUCTIB1 Lop to 1200!! (with this ad1 'Coupon must pe presented1 prat to ttkOrk started. 1 'SX M MSNtWM 4** Ask forf�S Fme Estimates! UW =% 282 MONARCH AYE, AW ' (9051619=2327 BB! M M MW 10 I(MIUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED, WARRANTY APPROVED SPRING SAVINGS 1 1 1 1 1 r FLUSH PJU)fAT0f1l $49.95 ! PILL Ca" OFFER Qp�OI sMA%Ila 1 CANNOT COMBINE COUPON WITH ANY OTHER OL 1 CHAN" OFFER RECOMMENDED EVERY 3 MONTHS OR SAO IOL OPItrN ?DAYS A -MINE 195 WESTIEY RD. (South of 401) (905) 427-6796 1 MM m MW BBB BBB BB! BBB WIN! more. You'll also get a free air freshener on top of all r that. The fact is, once you leave, you'll have a smooth running car for many months of safe, energy efficient driving. Another area of neglect on your car is the cooling system. If you don't keep it maintained you might find yourself on the la _ I�Il'tz�� ON THIS FEATURE EVERY SUNDAY ASK AUTO FOR SOURCE DETAILS! CALL; BBE tBAY 'I K NcdFhAnd remember to visit angZe. ennzoil when it comes time ournew car to have an oil When it's completed you can have your warranty book stamped. For more information about Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change Centre call 427-67196. "Honesty, Perfection Customer Satisfaction" rpnwd to Seme 1'rw 'aHR] ]Fff MEC.EUMC SHOP 1Nc. ' S ITRANSU SS19H A j .ERYlt:E _ Eveiryday Low P ~ • O1IL9 LUM 1 owtnrr MkhN s.Iltdl world G 695 Finley Ave. a FILTER m l� in v� g9ollars • irktlNla for Utelr Ajax, Out la me and i ja dsq,rads SOL - - e, 1 1 1 1 401 Fatrall St c�A C�tswraa•o a o� �t� tgois, 619-2899 221 Westney Rd. S., Unit A, Ajax races I FIcoad Csepall 6 MlM VANO d and �saw Carpltd. _V -y SAar"Wall and Da9riwd EaWW Fllltd md Chumak Dt4W DMa81d Ebptiodl nano► Wllldaar CktaNay Cvooplaa Ttlydiy. , *req _ pk.� 5134.95 (Tun no -vans. rruc*s. Station Wagons Extra Cleaning dr Detailing of Cars, Trucks and Custom Vehicles! THREE BEARS AUTO BODY OW OF AMAX'S 4j;J IAROW AM BODY A COLLISION SHOPS `SW Whig The Dwhm RsBli W Complete Collision Specialist A Refinishing To Cars dr: Tricks eFram Straightening a Rust R11111psirs • Insurance Claims $200 Off Complete Bodo i Paint M1Is I 1 OR r WE'LL PAY YOUR DEDUCTIB1 Lop to 1200!! (with this ad1 'Coupon must pe presented1 prat to ttkOrk started. 1 'SX M MSNtWM 4** Ask forf�S Fme Estimates! UW =% 282 MONARCH AYE, AW ' (9051619=2327 BB! M M MW 10 I(MIUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED, WARRANTY APPROVED SPRING SAVINGS 1 1 1 1 1 r FLUSH PJU)fAT0f1l $49.95 ! PILL Ca" OFFER Qp�OI sMA%Ila 1 CANNOT COMBINE COUPON WITH ANY OTHER OL 1 CHAN" OFFER RECOMMENDED EVERY 3 MONTHS OR SAO IOL OPItrN ?DAYS A -MINE 195 WESTIEY RD. (South of 401) (905) 427-6796 1 MM m MW BBB BBB BB! BBB WIN! 1 1 1 1 401 Fatrall St c�A C�tswraa•o a o� �t� tgois, 619-2899 221 Westney Rd. S., Unit A, Ajax races I FIcoad Csepall 6 MlM VANO d and �saw Carpltd. _V -y SAar"Wall and Da9riwd EaWW Fllltd md Chumak Dt4W DMa81d Ebptiodl nano► Wllldaar CktaNay Cvooplaa Ttlydiy. , *req _ pk.� 5134.95 (Tun no -vans. rruc*s. Station Wagons Extra Cleaning dr Detailing of Cars, Trucks and Custom Vehicles! THREE BEARS AUTO BODY OW OF AMAX'S 4j;J IAROW AM BODY A COLLISION SHOPS `SW Whig The Dwhm RsBli W Complete Collision Specialist A Refinishing To Cars dr: Tricks eFram Straightening a Rust R11111psirs • Insurance Claims $200 Off Complete Bodo i Paint M1Is I 1 OR r WE'LL PAY YOUR DEDUCTIB1 Lop to 1200!! (with this ad1 'Coupon must pe presented1 prat to ttkOrk started. 1 'SX M MSNtWM 4** Ask forf�S Fme Estimates! UW =% 282 MONARCH AYE, AW ' (9051619=2327 BB! M M MW 10 I(MIUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED, WARRANTY APPROVED SPRING SAVINGS 1 1 1 1 1 r FLUSH PJU)fAT0f1l $49.95 ! PILL Ca" OFFER Qp�OI sMA%Ila 1 CANNOT COMBINE COUPON WITH ANY OTHER OL 1 CHAN" OFFER RECOMMENDED EVERY 3 MONTHS OR SAO IOL OPItrN ?DAYS A -MINE 195 WESTIEY RD. (South of 401) (905) 427-6796 1 MM m MW BBB BBB BB! BBB WIN! t. PAGE 34 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1997 DVERIISE ON THIS WEEKLY FEATURE CALL 683-0707, ext 2303 AN 10 MAM AM — — — — Serving the Durham Region for over 30 Years KILP.ATRICK CONSTRUCTION Autborized Contractor CONSUMERS GAS 16 Basement, Home Renovations (Bathrooms, etc.) DONT PAY FOR 90 DAYS YOU CAN APPLY IT TO YOUR GAS BILL ON O.A.C. HOME IMPROVEMENTS Additions • 2nd floors • Bathrooms • Plumbing • Deck/fences Wiring • Tiling • Drywall WE SUPPLY PERMITS & PLANS REFERENCES b PICTURES AVAILABLE FULL INSURED • ALL WORK GUARANTEED 97 Church St., 905-428-8785 Ajax 14OW-845-4424 TWIN DIAMOND "Over 15 Years Experience" IL!t(.ccnN lia.cnlcnt� Addittc)m% - Ba1hr(x)m% General • Any. Ntdintenancc Renovation • FREE ESTIMATES • RT WILL (:1LU LENGE ANY QUOTES 0 MAKM DREAMS—REAL WINDOWS FOR LESS PROFESSIONALLY INSTALLED OR DOdT-YOJRSUF FOR EX M S111111118ICsS •VWL-AUXIS 1&WOW •ALIMMAISTORYD00RS I D • SERSS • TILT • PATIO DOORS +CASEM T •.SIxATEDSTM tK11M OR BAY WOOOM ENTRANCE DOORS STOW YUC*Tr SDOWS FFOCH�000RS PYTHON WINDOWS & DOORS =42"188 DW i CIrEY �R bckfdas M bac k q* A no hidden aeras Wbrk Gat ranifte& soak• Method • no PSI hook-up $39.95 - $5 per vent •t awp EY swEmn om $59.95 RE8fDENUALACOMMERCIAL snob• nwood used (416) 282-3292 Gardiner's Duct Cleaning tackles dust to make breathing easier Dust can be more than just an annoyance of you don't do something about it. Not only can it be a con- stant source of work come cleaning time, but it can also irritate your eyes, throat and cause breathing problems. That's why more and more residential and commer- cial customers are calling Gardiner's Duct Cleaning to tackle this problem head on. Sam and his son Scott have been cleaning heating and air conditioning ducts for over five years and they advise anyone who has not had them cleaned for a long time to get it done as soon as possible. It's a procedure that takes very little time compared to the amount of time clients enjoy clean, dust free air in their homes and it's further beneficial in that it reduces heating and cooling costs. The large, truck -mounted, vacuum unit shown in the photo above, packs more power for those tough jobs they encounter. The procedure is simple. closes off vents and makes an ing in the main duct. The, while vacuum unit sucks air into a he ing chamber, a hose is put into upstairs vents, one at a time, blows the dust and dirt into downstairs unit. They also use the air method which ensures ducts pletely rid of dust and debris. This method con- sists of a device being inserted into the duct- work while a mobile head reaches into every inch of duct work to dislodge dust and debris. "Dust will not only affect your health but ruin furniture and draperies," says Sam. "Having your ducts cleaned cuts down on cleaning and adds life to your furniture, carpet and drapes." Sam also provides chimney sweeping at The truck -mounted unit is excellent for cleaning ducts in com- mercial, residential and industrial properties. The Spring Special includes a hook-up for $39.95 plus $5 per vent (Minimum 12 vents) and chimney sweeping service for $59.95. Call (416) 282-3292. competitive prices with service that is always friendly and courteous. Caps and screens are also available to keep out unwanted pets. Presently, Gardiner's Duct Cleaning is offering a Spring Special featuring a hook-up for 539.9-5, plus $5.00 per vent, with a minimum " and chimney sweeping for ENE 2 Room In addition, there are two services available with the -hase of duct cleaning and ade dryer duct cleaning for $20.00 and brick and stone laces cleaned with free esti- mailable upon request. 's Duct Cleaning provides an affordable, long-term solution to home dust build-up. Deoderizing is also available upon request. For more information call (416) 282- 3292 Appointments are available seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Customers from Markham to Scarborough to Oshawa, have relied on their services of Gardiner's Duct Cleaning and are now enjoying a healthy home environment. Isn't it time you did too? WINDOWS & DOORS (911 579-2222 Complete Selection of Vinyl Windows & Doors CASEMENT DOUBLE >Areslf�Mf�a201T0 .HUNG i. TILT -ACTION • Picture-- - - • Bmdows y & Bow i..__. Windows Irsurance Claims • Patio Doors Storm Doors New Constru tion W iricIm -G b _ �.RepairsESTIMATES! MOBILE SHOWROOM wAYNE HUTCHINSON 686 KING ST. W. SALES, SERVICE 8 OSHAWA, ONTARIO INSTALLATION L1J 2L3 T&cApM c-= (905) 579-2222 391 Marwood Dr. unit 111 o 'bs Oshawa MASTER PLUMBERS 'Your art Plumbing b Heating Showroom 'SSoc For AJI Your PwWrements Attenption: N]( "Plumbing Heating 'Consumers Visit our Spacious Showroom (905) 725-4916 ��`I,� InttriorsInc- !� orae. ,q- R.wrl.r • Top Qladay. rFVfr=XX1ff1 Crd Wi,km,hlp parr 15 rran of SrrV r • Finislod Bas>wrients • Pdnth • Kil Aww i Baths - Faun Finisim • Pk n" • Carpentry • Ceramic i MsTbM Tiles • Drywall All wont Guranteed Prtwes k Referewcn Available Dao Fan•pl Phone: (905,- 7523 Pager: (416) 295-7220 NORJO RPRISES *WINDOWS *DOORS PATIO MP DOORS DECKS Samples.. In -Home or Showroom References Available (905) 839-2255 Plumbing Mart FOR INVW 0M �10NS Beautiful Bathrooms ftdeCthy Built • Ige Renovation Showroom aN Houses For Rent SANDRINGHAM- 3 bed- room home, 5 years old, very dean, eat -in kitchen, fireplace, fenced yard, ga- rage. July 1 $1150. 41153- 515-1790 please leave message. WHITBY - main floor bun- galow, a/c, appliances, laundry, near downtown/ Go, non smoker, no pets, $800 + portion util. Chris. tian people welcome. June 1. 666-2066 or 905.737- 6459 wHITBY, 3 BEDROOM semi, quiet, Central area. Large fenced yard. Avail- able June 15th. Asking $935. plus ubTfies. Call (905) 683.8277. 1 CW*Mk"" pdvak om For Salle CONDOnOwNHOUSE 'SPARKLING - SHINING apartment, Courtice . AND YOURS' Completely Hwye2, 2 bedroom, stor- renovated like NEW, 2 or 3 age room, patio, ravine, 5 bedroom townhouses• appliances, fireplace, $755 $500 deposit, $32.000 Plus utilities. Wftst, eve. yearly to qualify. Good (905) 683-3197 credit. RARE OPPORTUN- N. pool laundry, cable. ITY. Call 'Gentleman suits quiet non smoker. $95/week. Avail. maned. Office 8 George Walker' Coldwell • ' Refa� Banker RMR. 905-728- AJAX hour from Odiewa, Modern 9414. OSHAWA4 Months Free Rent !!!- 850 sq.2nd. flr. $550. 600 sq. main $500, 300 sqk. across from Osla Centre, 600 2nd Hr $500. 1.200 sq. n. 2nd floor .1,600 sq. h. main. Call 434-2447 or 655-4132. Townhouses Townhouses or Rent For Rent EAM,F FOR RENT 1011 SIMCOE STREET NORTH 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units. Utilities included Stow a Refrigerator. Parquay floors throughout. Parking included. Playground Area. Case to sd=1S and stropping. From $846.00. Call 905-721-0980 Townhouses For Rent 2 bedroom townhouse in well maintained family complex. Freshly decerat- ad. includes 4 appliances, all utlities. Parking. dose lel schools, a1 amenities. July occupancy. Also 3 bed- rooms ler Sept. occupancy. 122 Colborne SL E. Dow wa. Appt.434-3972. AJAX . 1 a 3 bedroom apartments or townhouses, does fo G0. sdwds, shop- pk1p, $619 - $970 plus uati - office a HOR Retail Space OFFICE and wore parking lot ler rem n C..,.. 401 area, 12x25 ft office, sepe. rate entrance. washroom. heat. hydro included. Mike 432-3935. OFFICE UNITS FOR RENT second Noor, good Srmcoe Street North (Oshawa) Io- AvAvailable Rimm rking evadable. alley call 905-576-5123 ask for Bob or Kathy. ties. Avoidable June a July EM 9805) 683-111M. 9-5 p.m. Garage a Storage Space RooAn M, ms -- for Rent BowssANvILLE - l000 so FURNISHED Room in fin- rfthed basement, separete artrana. pahong• table. laundry indkided. share k4dw a bath with 1 ofrr, $375/month. non-smokers. 427-3519. tt secure storage lurking, in A wells and floors. 200 amp service. Available irrrradialNy $200/mo. 623- 7966. SUMMER storage (snow- mobile). leave message 995-2568. LARGE clean krnshed llldtllabbl room. close to Oshawa • itIll CMNre. shoe k4cl a Prod, ceramics a herd - woad. man floor family bath. available immediate- 3 bedroom lakefront co- rage. all cornnniances. 5 IV. Phone 436-1420 ISDUSTRIAL [NITS 12M TerwNkM;W. 1974 sq- LIVERPOOI/BAVLY large ft. off" wareflousioV. Park furnished room executive and Bios 1748 and 1775 house. as w0 usive, park- sq. n. $3.25 sq. IL not. C40 N. pool laundry, cable. 579-5077 after 5 571-3281 suits quiet non smoker. $95/week. Avail. maned. GREAT fist% and family 1905) $37-1304 1 R 2 ACRE Hobby Farm in Greenwood. 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 storey house with fire- place and country kitchen. Pastoral view. in all direc- tions. Ban. perennial gar- dens and fruit trees. $249.900. Call (905) 683- 8659 after 6 p.m. No Agarrts. 3 BEDROOM BRICK bun- galow, with 1 bedroom basement apt. with private entrance and appkances. C/A, double paved drive. Close a schools, GO, shopping and parks Open house 109 St. Peter St. Whitby. Sun. 1-4. $154.900 call 655-4120 347 ATHOL ST.E., Osha- wa. Immaculate 2.1/2 SW- ey brick house. Gas/wood fireplaces. 3 -bedrooms. 2 hdl baths. finislmd base- ment, new 'rhea, lots d hardwood. Price: $146.900. Call (905)434-5406 for ap- porhlmmt. 4 BEDROOM bungalow, like new. 2 baths. Hard- wood f owirg, oak cabi- nets. cathedral tailings. huf basement. 2 wooled or es. deeded access to Trim River I Ria take 25 m+es lex ' free bowing. $99.900. (705)653-1"5 AJAX, detadNd. 2 bed. room 2 bathroom. spacious Irvng roan. bright kitchen. on fireplace, asking $126.800. Open House Sarday May 25, Call (905) 696-5298. BEAU VALLEY, beautiful rawrhe lot 3 bediomn back - split with enaukla.large kitchen. large hrMy room with fireplace. NC. FAG. $189.000. Open House Surday May 25. 1-5 pm. 579-0695 COVRTICE - 2-0orey. 2.700 sq. It., 4 bedrooms. 4 bathrooms. family room. fireplace. man floor laun- dry, hardwood floors. an- tral eit/vac, finished bafe- ment. in -ground pool. $179.900. OPEN HOUSE sat.,. May 25. Cad a"". WHrFE S BANCROFT AREA. 2 bed-' _'un ed BAYLY room ooeape for rent start- N.E. NRMDy 2264 sq. 11.. 4 - Bedroom f1JrMSlled a1 n9 Cad 905 6,9 tmdroorw firhiffhed base- , tacjldn SePeraa rel- 9231. meet. heated aground trance, $125 week, FENELON FALLS, modern Prod, ceramics a herd - woad. man floor family M il6-= 3 bedroom lakefront co- rage. all cornnniances. 5 row a toundry. direct ac- dash Lake near BercroR mirwufn to town. $525. per tan to 2 car garage. IV""5.95'1. sec- week. No pals. (905)6.23- $227.300. 579-5484 for 'SAMod 7637H°�; Sun. May 25.x12 AaOWAdIbR GREAT fist% and family 4pm. 17 Fencerow, Dr.. irg. 5 min. to Sillnt bars holiday on Ria Lake, 1 Wits". No Agerts, AJAX hour from Odiewa, Modern NEW IJSTfI - Located at LISTING BRIGHT ROOM, 2 a 3 bedroom cottages, 43 S Courtin. dean house. Laurdr% sandy beach, pleygrard. - OR' Punnets Homes For Sale PRIME N.W. Oshawa Lo- Cation - new custom kitch. en, c/air, 4 bedrooms, farm. lyroom, rec room, walk -out deck, split-level, $169,900. 726-25M SPACIOUS. 4 bdrm, 3 bath. Tormina built Bluegrass Meadows. Irg. kit., oak Cup. boards, 2 w/o to decks, Main floor laundryroom, fp, Main floor laundryroom, has garage, early entry, dr. to side yard. CV./Air, up- pradae 57011071 T for Sale ABSOLUTELY A GREAT deal!. No money down - Mortgage payments less than rent - Refurbished 2 and 3 bedroom townhous. es with appliances. First time "is also welcome - Limited quantity available. Starting at $59.000. Cab Rick Watson. Coldweli Banker, 728-9414. PICKERING . 3 bedroom condo. 1 1/2 baths, near GO. fully renovated. No Agents. 9o5.839 -35w. CLEARWATER . 2•bebl room motile (lamely park), Mated pools. hot ub. mrxules to beaCMs, sis" 6. More information aved- able $275 weekly 905- 434.7184. RESALES Thine Shan. Campground memberafeps Amerca's Largest Rrswea Clear" Houle. Resort Sates Indernabonal 1.800- 423-5967 24hm on, mSimes Trailer COSOURG. $3995 fuss Price secuded trailer lot, n a forest, sandy beads. fist" mg. (416)431-1555 or (416)501 -em. EASY COMMUTE. ro a w laxrng seasonal trader park on Trent Rrver with all hook-ups. Enjoy our fish- ing, and. Playground. flare. and Mendly 010$0here. 1 1,2 hm N.E. d Oshawa 1- 80"13-2212. RED SETTER RESORT - family carrhpprouxd and cotage resort on f» Thant Large spacious sees Full hook-up from 3112. 2 and 3 bedworn CORag t from $350Meek Rec had. star. Pool. 18111011 -1 911 --erg. boat". good fishing. 905- 436-M7; 706778-�3a0%...� Monter to Lend THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1917 -PAGE 35 IM In In Insurance ' i' Iurance � • ' Pbrsonsls / , Momoriama AM, Mentoriams X10 pi p2 (� e FI[11(ON lr U LSISS MORTGAGES Lowest rates in 40 years We'll do your shopping for the best rates and terms and have you approved or pre -approved in 4-24 hours "Exclusive on line service only at" The MORTGAGE Centre Robert Brown (905) 668-9655 209 Dundas St., E., %Iiitbv -,-h •rf/ir.• m.lcl>t•nJc•ntly nwrn rl .m.l •Ix•rart.l Business a Business Opportunities Opportunities DISTRIBUTORSHIP WILL NOT INTERFERE WITH PRESENT EMPLOYMENT NO SELLING REOURED just reSbdt established bca00n5 handling a orle of a kind product. Incredible demand, provers product and tremendous profKS. Over 15M locations aMea- dy served. Best one person hziness ever. Just ask our dealers. kin. inveStrrent $8500. Work tug or W time. For frw colour brochure a8 1--80x336.4296 FENCE BUSINESS - :rac- tor, auger, trailercompres-Personals Mr. or gun. "haver, and Cela e or tools $9800. Joe 696- 2193. WHERE are as tie tug Players in No work market. •+0 going 10 today Fa de- als coo Roger at 905.7n- 4135- • Eyeryl G�k aerMed tom Carob bstarsen 6.19 to cont; win ft years 1997 Toronto � Ow f2Q0 00 in wins and sdttlYrslttps, ndll6lq hD b CM � $06- e7-2125 SUL 21e J-6ftli Pwsonals CHEA71NG w1YEs - ow TARIO PHONE NUMBERS. 1-900.451-5568 ed. 253 s3.4Wmin. touch tone, 18 NO, ratite. fiepfdoe, bus, children's pmpram. boat a Wanda says sM. 2.000 ace - lake. Fum s;W TV SWJ motor. Low family prigs, h. NJ" tamely room. open mo. UtMumished $3noJmo. StafMrmad Coeagn R.R. fireplace, 2 1/2 bates pleat • tPla I•'Autictions incusiwe. 619-1978, 418- p• KOL 1Y0 ear Rin a � $179 000 new Needs nc 616-7915. (705A98.2601. OP- top a1 Offers. lospect BEAUTIFi L now 3 bed- " 'C Paw VA Lauesen Reeks, (905) 023-3194 MORTGAGES Good bad d u* Financing for an room Ostmaha. Druphrr• dash Lake near BercroR OPEN HOUSE Sun. May any purpose, rates from IV""5.95'1. sec- Ex00" fishing, b"M Ar applications lo- ands from 401. $40W Indio- - - n n inp, slriarmitg. dock- 25, 2-5 p.m. 635 Bewick taped. Camnunity Finann- saw. Call 435,4694. irg. 5 min. to Sillnt bars Cm Oshawa. Clean and WV M 2 stony sunt, bedc- del Services 666405 MOIISE TO 8lM11E - DWO P.P. ler bilking and walking tails. fear 3 Pa•• bathes. • BIW�le7is GNnrrfm Pldruirg wood stones sereutad Wier a 4�and , 2 pc. badwoan. Hardwood pofifll�iee bnmle POWNd � w floos throughout with sszs 2 baths. Am ;4� j rim i37scae "'�' os Ate,,.MONTHLY interest p cos- 2068619. 205-8619. (613) 339-1711. View or and �finished basis- moM Fully fuw a W- meYc mainulecks r. $5,000 S94CLE BOOM wue frMemal - IMMp: // wwwAWXNNIWL ratl with abon and 6 months mininum. Serious irwisslon only tat sfrarW faciities. Fematse Pers. plod and alatwe owes. dome is ideeey located to (416) 909-7019. w4kome' Nbmumdmr, no rohn rlose, amiable • ' RMide schools, shopping and parks. Lased at $124,900. ALTtERM711VE MEDI- CIME. 4 1/2 yrs. ago I NA IMM Ml% Rant negoti- VOL PAA* 57gp7M. my 100K job. Today from able Call (9oW �� MCKElWW n �e my anrarrrs. bedrooms, 21/22 -heft Co.� doctorl. Pa-tirthNlul 1 provided.. R0. 6 BRII�EYfully large. roe. room on foretell floor. Laundry, Honied (punmrwM homes) ramrss foyedhal, hardwood broad- 905432-8234, 24 hr. ca* Yinpoow in hvingldirrng, new huge recorded message. « $400. canon 87 r � W& ��Mellor le to � finished w/o ,1 attractions, children war come, $275 weekly, photos As" $229,900. 9054839- _ sham in your home. :(MA83-5503 SERVCE AUcnoN SALE WED, MAY UM i PAL Low COMMMIY CENW MM SE I- 1X1B01�iG SW ;onslstif19 of attaatM and seelfrg Is 100 line gent skn S, hand coo In canna, a r AnIques a 1eh01d ie9 M S Party This we The Northuntbt News for furl h r Melo all Pllkide (9(IS) 3T!-Ce7! 2RS.'rx Flet shower and nude masses with two sensual ladies. Private, unhurried fall body relaxation. 579-1501 DJOWIS st'J06N most aerocIlhe ladies, Rliade discreAK In a out call Now (tiring Ismales A NEW LIVE, HOT RAu111cHY, TALK LM xxx Your wildest fantasies lullied. "ft ONy. $3.9%Wtin. 1-900.451-2214 A RAl111011, HOT, NEW LIVE TALK LINE. Fantasies fulfilled. XXX Adults only. $3.99bhnin. 10 min. min- imum. Use yaw credit CW,Voa MIC., (dis- �-888.283-5850 use us. RM*d 91 in Carm- da. Love. Mono% Career. Lucky rs. Achieve Suc- aes. $2.990nin. 18+, 1 - OW 4514056. Full Coveting all aspects of your a. Pmraler by appoiribrion Die or avid Wayne 725-4143 Oshawa $40 ups Itf R., HEAVENLYPSYCHIC$2.99 kinin. 18+ 24 hrs. 1- 900.451-3783 Daily Horo- scope 1.900 -677 -Ino $5.00 24 hrs. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC - $2.99/min. 18+ 24 hours. 1-900-451-3783. DAILY HOROSCOPE 1 -900 -677 - TM. $5.00 24 hours. BORED ONTARIO HOUSEWIVES - names a private phone numbers. 1- 900-451-3638 ext 704, $3.29/min, must be 18. T - tone. LIVE Intimate Conversa- tions with the gid next door/ more talk for loss! .62 a min. 1-900-451-5955. MANDOLIN MAN: Versa - Me all music needs. any occasion. Sob, duet. or full band available. Call Joe at '905)666 -am. MEET sexy singles in your a•eaCall 1.900-451-7818 �r. 3245 $2.99/min. must e 'a yrs Procall Company -954-7420 MOONLIGHT ESCORT SERVICE Hao Class Ibk Female Escorts for all occasions. out calls. 24 hrs 7 days 432-14" (Hiring escorts) WILSON, ROBERT MARSHALL (BOB) MARCH 3/23 - MAY 26/96 Beautiful memories are wonderful things, They last till the longest day. They never wear out They never get lost And can never be given away. To some you may be forgotten To others, a part of the past But to us who loved and lost you Your memory will always last. Long time companion of Irene Conway, step father of Luanne & Rick, Moe & Judy, Carole & Brian. Also step -grandfather to Big Turkey (Julie) Little Turkey (C.hrissey), Clayton, Kalie, Tuff$- (.Pathan) & Ryan. Business Personals In In Memoriarns A Wernoriants IArvirrie mociefing PRIVATE t ONE ON ONE L-A. LINGERIE 10610 mmw 721 Bltx)r St. K. Oshawa g i second noon ( 905) 723-033 News advertiser Classified Dept. open every Non. to Fri. 866 &M. - 8.•66 P.M. Sit. 9-36 - 3.♦6 Cass W-174 V IN MEMORY OF 411EDO Alun UwusinF - sol{ x- 37. taken from us wrwldeniv from 'r anme aaaphy'"ilp'' Idog Lite) on Mav 25. 1rrli. A TRIBI vF. 0F 1.41%E [car Joni, put your anus arouml him Rive him a )Great big hug. Tell hires its from his Mom & give hire all my love. It only takes a little space to write how much 1 miss you, But 'AI' it will take the rest of my life to forget the day 1 lost you. Lots of Lore from "Mom, Lyn Dunning" Tony - brothers Steve & Gary - sisterw I". Donna. Sandra & the rest of his family, all formerly of BarRdges. Pickering. Oshawa • Whitby • Clariast" THIS WEEK 'News Advertiser Northumberland NEws AUCTION GOERS:: Durham Region residents can now get - up-to-date AUCTION LISTINGS via our new dedicated phone lines. All auction notices that are published in one of our publications will automatically be listed on this phone line. For Auction llshngs Cal 683m7545. Clarington Residents 404-2615 k. I PAGE 301 NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1997 A T HER/TAGS FORD / T'S. _ . 7 P"MV AEROVAR BRAND NEM/ 1991 W trim, luggage rack, AM/FM cassette, ing 3.01.6 cyl. automatic O/D., tutone, irds, privac glass. Stk.#V5101. PuND NFW 1997 acur n SDR R 2.01. dcyl. 5 speed traasaNr, 4 to cheese from. SNOWS. AICD YOUR Cff CE fw Or 094W NEW 1997 RYO UZ VMX W UM, sir cNdktiesiy, VS ---I tic 0/09 CaDtaY chairs 6 Diu CO, Move, IwNr --* -'- rs, Inraked br tlws, IaayNss MNi�ieb no MNL dy1Mrew window' did rliaeis, 4 t• eMrte *M MA 138. 2.51. DOHC 6cyl automatic, GTS gror�, res spoiler, drone wheels, poser wiurows SI =7 drone couditioui�Igg, power seats, ABS AW M CO leaft trim. Stk.#WD 101. 401111 AMP YOUR CffO CE fw Or PUMP NEW 1991 MURUS sl SDR MMM M V6 artwaMtic O/D, Power wlydM & locks, alr,� seats, AM/FM cars., speer control, keyless on", 15" ah■ ove wheels, rw ft3tedhosefrwL Sfk.rYC112. ANIS YOURCffO CE CAAv ® • or Aump NEW 1997 MUNDF"19P LX 3.01. VG suburstic QID. P� wimbn &locks, arise cowlM, tilt wheel, AWN aos., perp, f=b k aft 2 b dew ins Stic.GY6129. OOG00 ;l39� PFAMP NEW w arkr.rk IM, sky cnie, W4 peer webos, Wks, seats i I■oeweM, AM Wk AWN CI, Peer askrrra:� aft rks trectitr Isdt afi MrDsr crit i �s 13. � � � AMU YOURCffcE Do 00 �fi • • K 4PK 09 4MP MW 1991 &ie ft to" w r_*, spat SAE a tom, P ■ admM Mi ire I A D YOURcff CE 00 �• �, M arlr■rtic M, eir 7 ywrr VYhlkw A Mda, speed a" 0 dMIE #^^ bona mdr, i�tlr�, anrPwrrrais, fy sN telysieV h .d dOP dop OR 'Sale price plus applicable taxes. freight & licence, customer may choose cash back or 3.9% financing maximum term 48 mo. OAC. a