HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1997_04_16MATERNITY OVERALLS $29.95 Street urchins take he stage In musical )Ilver...See page 10 SPECIAL RATES TO AIRPORT 8rryUT-OF 70WN Ina ha... coy logo ilio NPickering ews Advertiser Pickeriii 's Coirinuniti, since 1965 ,_til. 32 No. 16 Pressrun -42,50() %X-IIDIP.5DAY, APRIL. 16 All f mired up Pickering councillor takes firefighters' message to Queen's Park By I %K Nc s 11111 RII7,K11R The new Fire Protection and Prcwwwr A;I being proposed by the pr,xmclal co,Cmrllent "will leopardvc the public atcts' Pickering \1,ud local Councillor Sherr Scros has t, ld Ih e I iniamo Lcgtslature's standmg ;ontmotcc In adnunutration of justice Coun Sams sass she apnearcd before the :omnuticY last week t" rep. resent the ,icw , of her c,,nsuturnts. who have exrresscd a lot of c,,nccm about the I"i,latt,n — Hill I. 1",c been ecitinc ;alk and when 1"I::..:t 1n puhhc pcopic wtll hnm_ up the suh- jcrt . Coun Senis a,, six and resi- dents are conccmcd jK,ut pr„ tsions of the hillthat would allow lull-nmc firefighter, to he replaced with part- timLi,,. pennit the rumt-cr of tirefight- crs h, he reduced and alliin the pnxati- zalwr, of fire drpartn cril, ".%, far I I'm conccmcd anv til these• moxas w„uld run ;ontrar% t, pubad satcy% " the Icg,slauon Is also tang fought by local fire- tightrn. who m:unuin Increasing pan -timers and some r,1 its ,ther prnn,vons will undcrinme the eflncti,cness of lire scr,i,:c, and thercM threaten lives '-Rcplacmg full-time fneti_hters w.th pan - tine stall „r Volunteers will )eopardve the public Safetx of the residents A Pickering. as the part- imers have less trarmnc and c\per once:' Coun ,ems 'told ilia committer. "h takes .: pn,tessonal tirctighter at least four \,cars ,xo,rkin: tull-Itme it, acquire the .kill, nidal n, Fr real_% • r am emer- genc, You tui don't get that lcxcl of training and expcncnce wnh somcone ,xho Is tircti. hting on a pan-nmc basis Imagine the thought t part-time d,tit,,r, t\c wouldn't c,en cnicriam the thought liar -. '1x, are protc—i pals who ane lives. So ,c firefighter, Pan timers .tic lust not ccplahic" The councillor also mam- mcd the hill"s pmativati,m prrnrsluns ust be changed " Pmatiiation is the most tnghtemng -o,pect Of all In rex mind. ttte fire :panmcnt and puller Jcpanment KwW nc,rr. c,cr he c,,nuac1Cd Out to pmatc compare "Gr,! n,us h cmpha is ,ewld be placed on pn,lit and not -tough on life -a% Ing I don t :are how truistic the compans would sac tfny ould be" But. Durham itkc t %111' and C"orn- numtx and Socia; scr%t,:, \1:rns4cr Janet Ecker doubts there's an% meed !o worry ah,,ut rmatvation. "NI nictral- rtx> currently ha, c• to powc, to du this arK1 dx-• lc cho wn not to do rho;' she noted in an 0w:: # ,. rcr vtcw And. Nis Eckcr said she's confident the hill will "improsr fire s:dct, and not put the puhhc at nsk If there are amendment, and it they impru%e the hill, then thcv nerd to be considered I xnatn',I don't want a, do anything or suppon anything that puts the puNic at risk he.ausc tit a tire" tiH1:KK1" til-\I� Pickering residents want a stop to traffic `calming' Bi M \Rl x',\I IAK V -ti committee to urge the Town to usual shorter .peal humps :,, 1: ,1 t RI 1+,R 11R consider removing the speed But the Rougemoxtnt riesidcnts PICKERI\t: — tic careful humps maintained many cars are actual - what rt tq..mse u>u '"Rx oidcnce Is clear." said IN drtxmg faster through the _, might eel it. Peter ' illiams "These humps neighb,rho W now Io reduce the That's the warning It, otter hate tailed their trial Thcy'rc unpleasant cffect of the speed town covens Irons a group of clearl' causing more problems hump%. or dnxmg around them Rougcmount Urnc residents than they sokc"and endangering pedestrians unharpy with the spud humps lite humps are actu:rlh speed They also claimed that in installed on their street last sum- humps that slope up and down insulting them the Town had finer to deal with speeding and three Inches oxer a length of Il responded to the complaints of when ,umplamn Ftxr of them tCeL designed to slow cars with- only a small number of residents attended \1,nda, night's mectmL out jolting them and without torc- SEE REMOVF/page 4 of Pickering C„unctl"s cxe,:uti,c mg them to almost stop as the 199^ s, I "\ \v\\ c]� If , r"c! it1 I>,jrit•� photo by A.J Groen Fund-raising cash in the corner pocket Fiona Malloch lines up a shot at Hardwood Cafe & Billiards in Ajax Sunday during a fund- raising pool tournament for the Youth Seri, ice Canada/N1cntonhip Program, sponsored by Durham Family Respite. The program pairs unemployed people US and over with spectal- needs children and their families. Money from the tourney will he used to send mentors and the families they help on a trip to Kingston once the program ends later this spring. Worshippers share a piece of heaven on earth Rev. Chris White of Westninster United Church says interest in religion and churches is on the rise. 'Incredible' things are happening, he says. 'There is a real hunger and thirst for spirituality' right here at home BY CHRISTY CHASE STAFF RMRTER Welcome to the Bible belt of the Greater Toron- Iu Area. It appears people are seeking more than good neighborhoods, schools and recreational facilities when they move to Durham Region. They are also seeking God and a good place to worship. And they are being welcomed by active congregations eager to share the word of God. '• The 905 area code is the Bible belt of the GTA:' says Rev. Christopher White, A Westmin- ster United Church in Whitby. "People are coming out of Toronto. They're coming here and looking for the whole package, God is part of the package" In past years, the news media and churches have been busy discussing an overall decline in church attendance, something that has forced many churches to rethink their approach to worship in at to draw people bask and find new mem- bers. Many believe churches are succeeding in increasing people's interest in religion. -'The triumph of the secular mind may be changing:' Rev. White says, pointing to recent cover stories in weekly newsmagazines on heaven and prayer and an ongoing interest in angels. In fact, the second most popular television show is Touched By An Angel, he reports. He adds that overall attendance at churches and interest in religion is up, although this might not he noticeable in all churches. He says no one is sure whether the decline in church -goers has "bottomed out' yet. "We're seeing incredible things happening at the church," says Daniel Winter, youth pastor at Bayfair Baptist Church in Pickering. "I think right now there is a real hunger and thirst for spirituali- ty. There are no answers in society." Pastor Winter is predicting great things for churches everywhere, especially in Durham. He has studied Christian revivals and believes we're heading for another one. "I don't think it's happening yet but it's com- See DURHANI/page 3 INSIDE Electrical Circuit - Durham util- ity inerger talks scheduled for month's c•nd - page 7. Recycled ideas - New technolo- i gy and innovation may provide the key to diverting SO per cent of our waste from landfill sites - page 10. Editorial Page ...........G Entertainment ..........11 Sports ................1-i Classified ..............15 Real Estate ............REI HOW TO REACH US General . . . . . . . . . . 083-5110 Death Notices ......083-3005 Auction Line .......683-7545 Sincerely Yours .... . -8(X)-002-8-t 2i i Internet ..... ... . I xcxvw durh:unncw, nc•1 PAGIE 2-44 Fit, VESsS AU\ t:kTISBk, WF.V..AP1U1. 16, IV" Ask Yo r Children., \\'c are the workers who arc public. but still ha\c .lir Integral and sane stone'. In I,tll, out Alam sccrctares and custodial seri. Ice. hours You the dllletence tit the level offcn o\erlooked in the Ihlrhan, role in file FdUeallon s\stems sourcing or pr,aii/ation can educational as,r,lants arc custodial stall In huildmgs, ;,I'.cr,Ice and prtdessionahsm Board of 1{.tomos, and [tic herr un Durham actu;dlt increase costs In n,an} Invohcd tit Ranihows. an cleaning inctlitl materials was cxlrcme. Dorian, Rca, Ion R„n,an I'hcse pco+ple Include our eases and ;it,,, a deterioration innucallve program than helps use. relaun It with .tall and We Isar that the pncali/ation illCalhohl: Scholl Baan \\'c ar skilled trades Maintenance of the scr%iccs we pro,Idc The students m clen,cnlan schools students, keel of training: our lobs will definuel\' impact tie support staff workcl, pcople \\'c hair electrician,. a\er i,%ilgcofour cnnplokees deal wUh lanul, p lana kill) ,dL, of building/ on your rhiWrcn. \\i ire a Mani of m work richt til your plumbers. locksmiths. ,s around 5eous 1600 per hour. nr,t such a, di\orccs, parental s:alclll/sccurh} competency of conunittetl. profcNsional, well quid', school \\c arc the carpenters. H \'AC. p;nntcrs. an outragwase. hu[ a separations. daub. ctc. Mani, replacement staII. high trained group of emplo\ces familiar l`,Iccs 1'ou know us as ate Approxunatel\ Is trades In dc,ent wage lot the 1611(1 secret arI . custodtarls and turnoeer of employees and who truly care fur the wellare the Sccretan. Custodial S(att lotal and general Mauurnancr members we hale here in educarlotcl as i,tani, organvc ahscnlectsn, due Io lots wage•' of the sIudcnls and for and the Fducau„n A -,Tart and Stall hhey I,ro, ldc o l log Durban, these arc people who after,choid acti\ules such a, Could %ou nnaglnc the Iny,ao pr,,% ding an anno,phere that III sonic sccoIl&l% schools. we prc,cnian\'c maintenance 6+ our Inc n, ,•ul connnun111C1. pan Ski fill,,, coach school teams. it thus also h:y,pcncd to your allows thein m achle\c their are the Caletcna ','lschools and also cinergcncy 21 la\c, here, shop localh. use our ire unr,hed In school fund school Sccretar\ and m:rxiniun, putcnual ;11tcr all. Thor are alio ni;t n „I us who hour scr\ icc rc,lauranls. cnlcrl;unn,enl raising art, lues such as Fducational Assistants Ask we are parents lwork hchlnd the scenes and are \),c also hall skilled technical ecillrc,. cic \1c ,Ire ,our BBQYs. Fail I airs. cic. These parents in the communulc, that not as hlrhlt , I,Ihlc to the employees Thcu skills Include neighbours I'll t of the are fust a tctt examples (if* the were attccied and thc\ will tell Here% Analtsts. Computer corporations who h:nc nnadc little "c\uas'• There are rnany i�p�cd i�pQ9 _ �pQTechnicians. Printer,, occrfure, to our Education more loo nun,cr,u, it, Int, but ♦�i Audis,/Video Technicians, S%,Icnts for our sentccs arc Ihcy all contributeIli the 5 0 Mairitenance Mechanics. American based corporations anilosphcic and cducitlnrn of ti Controls and Fleciromc who arc profit-driten. who pa\ your child and [hr school 's! Technicians. ctc These arc johs minimum wage, to employees. cot ini n icnt \lana of the that people don't rcalvc are and siphon none\ awe\ from support start arc on'thc School 'i there but prottdc essential the local communities and corn Connnuntt\ Councils of (hc s scr\ice, for the staff and away from our country. \\'c are school where the\ work. A rewrK •- tudents. crnployees who lecl earl of the prtatc contractor well not x t \\c also halt adnnnlslranon "school team". we hate an protide [hese "antras" or go t buildings for hoth Boards. that attachment Io our students. our "aho\c and hcxond" the call of JOHN BROOKS• CUSTODIAN hold hath parrot! ,ialI, school,. Ntan\ of our duh aclnitic,'that weIeel are •I GLENN YANCH•MAINTENANCE SUE ANrISOUIPE•EDUC4?ICNA',aSS514N? secretarial and administration eu,todl;trl, orid ,ccreluflc, hale %cr\ Int otimil :Irl of \our ServicesGLENN t.O Schools And Wort, saes Valley RE-EView UCATICPublic A. ASS $I. Paul Cdt hC,IiC SCnOOi f r ool Maintains a safe. clear 8 healthy for all deparuncnrs been at their schools for more children', edu,:a0orl. TMs heavy equipment operator install and SueAnn works with senior environment. as well as orpamzes the AN \ou can sec, we are a tort than 20 \car,. ,orne ha\'c seen a the Board ill Ed Uc 811on maintains playgrounds. fences. flower kindergarten and special needs kids. recycling program. dt,c r,c col ICCIl on i,f well l•fallon i+l lamllics L•VrPlllr.li led ,4It the Illalnh•Il:Iflce beds you name ii. for 120 Schools He also f k hFund raises for her school and cant cin to\cc,, but \\L• all hate the through l ,Utes ,, hool, In 1 )5 1 hods lime to won, on the social committee tinoanything ed rather do. p ughlhelr,chi+aI,. <, �•'i \ forsupporrstatt !'1 9 sh pQ0 same purpose and direction In \\'c feel we are an Integral part report dated Scptcmhcr 191AIL our loh, that t, to prol.de a of the ,\,Fein. we all hate loh show, that Ihr: result, wereIrarn,ng en\Ir,nn,cm that tel a dcscrtpuons. and we do Ihese dlNaslroilN the report found theJean. hcalthx and :I safe place as protc, wriallx skilled and statf cmpli�tcd b\ these a.for our student,. the teaching trained en,plo\cc,- but It's the companies t,cre pald lu,lsuit .Ind the con,munrl\ hidden aspcch of our jobs that the minlnium wageand were C'nforlunalch. due (a the we ll mall the higgcsl nil uhic,I to a sign,flcarli pro, I n c t a 1 c o ternmcnl contributions to our ,iudcrits amount of tra,ntng. t\ uh ro used Fduc:un,n Rclorm, and achoo s p P I reference to the ,air. erfei utr and :ulhack, rn funding w our A, a connnitted n,cmhcr of and citi\icnt method, of Educational S\,tcn,. our lobs tour school learn. \ou'II trod ruaintanriu_ a school. I'hc arc now under attack •Ind wr nam. of our staff trnolRed In report also L'Iocl on to ,lite Ill I ELIJAS^,.."."t^r,.SECRETAR, are con,lanll\ hcarne the roam arusute, wlIh the ••otcrall. the Board, use of Archbshoc Der,, ;; .,;.r n:;: n,gn Sell word,rr\all/allon p and "oui ,ludcnY,, and a lot of this r, con(rarl ileanrr, re,ulls in •-•iE ^A._E"•E�-=A- _•.A-A:c c -y,• DON BRYANS •MAINTENANCE As well as Pier duties as a guidance sourcing- a, I wa% to :ut +,h done ,it their own lithe mcon,l,lcni\ Irl Ictel al South Slmeoe Public School 120 Schools And Work sites secretary, Elma works on Parent Jars finds her work In Diagnostic This Locksmith maintains secarry at Council. Parent Guild and organizes Behavior and Language fulfilling. She 12) schools. He also works or the the used uniform committee also found time to loin a committee Food and Toy Dave, dedicated to Equity Policy. ,.no AboutUs one II s' I -;lI I :- 4 •ems ` I ri:,r, 1 ° r y ,�,� •� J �ILtiIII � =AIG Mi ='Ls •Eh-A-Ol ASSIS'AN' PENNY McKENZIE • SECRETARY SCOTT TREEN • CHIEF CLS-OOIAN EE—ANN JEFcgIES • SE=RETARY RICK WORSLEY • ^HIE- ^JSTODIAN PAMONA--'SA ENGJSr, A'AfINIS'RCION S:. Barnard Elementary Li IN McFarlane Public School Conant Public SchoCi tar. C F Cannon Public School S. uonn A MAc0—to ;',.0- School Adin,n,slrat•cl B,.Ud,ng Facilitates the Integration of a child Penny receives tremendousm Belo^9s to the Garde- rg and Betty Anne Iprgs her cab a sacretary, Job 1 involves dedicator to a safe, Ramona interacts with each board wit" multiple disabilities involvement into a regular satisfaction from hvolvement Recycling Clubs. as Weil as 'ne He40 Beyond her deity duties saw s a Rainbow clean, secure school Then he works employeedirecting traffic for payroll Classroom. Also helps other children staff committees and extra Curricular and Safety Committee An,C 'as liked a Faor,takx Admn,siers naadicar,on Fur,d an extra curricular acirvd43 Rick .S aria correspondence She a130 IS a with apecUl needs SUCCfld at schOOL events at her school students bike or two races aria worts on schOW pugs .dao the official 'roofed Dauretriever. shit association representative 5 i�'pQ kpQ� ripQ� cipQ� PQM pQ� ♦oi Ll,\ ti ��4 ♦\4 A r1 TONY ALBIS• TECHNICIAN DONNA BROCKMAN• EDUCA'IOl ASSS•AN' MONICA BAWDEN• SECRETARY 'IM VAN LEELVEN• EDUCA*IONA. ASSIS'AN' KEVEN WEBB • TECHNICAL ANNE MARIE COREY • ADMINISTRATION Adm,nistrat ion Buacting E. A. Fairman Public School St. Michael Catholic School Paul Dwyer High School All Schools And Work sites Secretary To The Controller of Installs narivill 6 software for use by As well as developing lasering strategies Beyond 20 years secretarial duty. Anel hours Tim orgamm au urs n,e Mode Keven repairs equipment and provides Planning and Assessment the students 6 the aeminostration aro individual studem programs Donna Monica is head of School Fund Building Club at ar nernemary lie ,cc, For instruction to teachers and students. Anne Mane gathers and stores building Also supplies ac the service erganMes the Salary Patrol lirpgram and the raising, runs food drives and almost ten years'r- has dedmatee nlml to he also sets up for Professional statistics that dictate capiul 6 support for these programs rade It Fall Show spearheads the Sharelife program, helping students achieve their goals Activity Days. allocations of funding for new schools. ♦0i� cQs Oi�p pimp — i�pQ i;,,•� BRUCE STRACHAN • CHIEF CUSTODIAN BRIAN FOLEY • MAINTENANCE CHRIS FRENDOCUYBO-CHU CUSTODIAN MAY STEWART • SECRETARY SUZANNE NADEAU • SECRETARY VIVEN KASTRIS•EpUCATIONALASSISTANT St. Michael Catholic School Services 120 Schools And work sibs St. Wilfrid Catholic School Holy Redeer wr Catholic School Lincoln Avenue Public School St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic School A safe, clean and secure This bricklayer takes great pride in Chris is part of the school's recycling Students receive a comforting hand This secretary knows the importance Vivien works with special reads environment are top priority for providing quality work in maintenance program, and is active in school from Mry when sick or injured. She of the link that joins teacher, students and disabled chllWen. She also Bruce. He belongs to the school's of 120 schools. activities such as prop making for also solves the little problems like and parents. She's been doing it for 20 `oluntaars her time to Rainbows, Operations Committee. school plays. forgotten lundes. years. trOOM land Sam Committee and is nod�pQc' Pte' Q5 Q9 Qe Q5 � �a ,tie •s°j ei r � J tltll� •.� -` ulltr SCOTT BREMNER • CUSTODIAN SAl COE • EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT RON REITER • MAINTENANCE ROSS TYSICK • CUSTODIAN RUTH ANN PAUL • SECRETARY KAREN ULRICH -TECHNICIAN Anderson High School Glengrove Public School All Schools And Work sites SA. Cawkar Public School Brock High School 9 Administration Building As well as maintaining the school, Ater rJassrbom twists Sandra is a member Ron has employed his own ideas and Atter maintensnee at his shoot, Ross This shoot secretary also works as Karats is bivalved in tfw printing W maMiM Scott helps with school plays, fund of the School Community Council. The designs to make schools accessible to works on tle School Community the Community Ambassador for her to staff, students and palms. She's abo raising and represented staff in Growth Team, Salary Classes. Rainbows and students in wheelchairs or with other Council and cooks at the school 880s. school. Ruth Ann has been caring for datdesbd to obatching sti skans pnntoom Canada Day Celebrations. Inbansaral Sports. physical challenges. students for nineteen years, skills in that Cop Educe= Sponsored By CURE Local 218. If You'd Like More Information, Or Would Like To Share Your Comments Call Us At ((05) 571-7879 Or Fax Us At (905) 571-4102. Durham THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1997 - PAGE 3 churches enjoy sating `hunger' for spirituality Bayfair Bapu,t Church in Pickcrinl_ has a iron ' ,Incl � ihrant ,oniorci-•a- tion. Each merriber of the church has individual reasons for choosing to worship there, as individual as the people lhcrosclve, Brad Close aleft) found God last }ear and now work, with fellow congregation member Jeff White (centre), a high school student, and youth pastor Daniel Win- ter to spread the Gospel. There are mann faiths which make up the church community in Durham Region, most cit which are enjoying a growing interest and return to the church. One local mim,ter suggests Durham Region is the Hihle Belt cif the so-called 905/GTA area. DURHAM/From page I ing. There', a hunger. People feel very, very thirsty. Then God send, his spirit. 1 feel that's coming, And many peo- ple hLheic it's going to happen in Durham Region" '•I think people are coming hack;' says Rev. Daniel Palillo, of SI. licrnadette's Catholic Church in Ajax. "'they feel the call of spirituality in their lives" "1 think we're offering people what they're looking for and that', the word of God;' says Dr. Sam Martin, pastor of Baylair Baptist "There are no fancy gimmicks We're a lively church. We're family oriented. We're helping people find (iod and in finding Ciod, thev'rc finding out who they arc. Generally people are looking for a place that's alive and where God is real." Each Sunday morning. about KOf) to 10H) people wor- ship at Bayfiur with another 5tH) to 600, including about 140 tern,, unending in the evening, Dr. Martin says. Marry of those swelling the ranks of regular worship- pers are adults who went to church as kids but left it as they' grew older and now are returning to the flock Olh- ers arc adults who have been disillusioned and are now looking li RAGE 4 -TIDE NEVI'S AUYF:KTISi-;R W ED,%F_1DAV. AMI. 14 I"1 Remove traffic humps: Rougemount residents REMOVE/From page I Nulling fire, police, cnihul:nce and roads tali- spccding commuters during rush hill Rest - and didn't have the suppi.n of mtrL cials for asw.-rinents un The Rougenu,unt .peed dents asked for the measures after meetings. Gino Hanap;u fan of Ruugetnounl Um'c Io1J hump.. Area residents w ill also he consulted and open houses and votes held to each community councillors trafti: going through The area has cvm household on the street w III recent• a Yue%- last fall. Residents also requested the installation decrca,eJ drinauially since the compleU-I tit lionneure on the Issue. Sliced and %olunlc studies of the curb projections or 'chlcarte: already In Much tic mann- are also hemg completed place on Glendale Dn%c, wlurh Mr. Brake said the reconstruction on Hw% Sall. tamed brought the trallic 1n The lirst plJ:r "Ake wall hic finishing up,nnevaluation Huh- hate been cticclise In reducing speeding. Ilio Derided problems have nuts Jisar- in the nc\t n\o to three week,:' said Mr Brake. H If geared". he ,;tad, adding It %kas lime for the "111- t t n ` hot, d:p.utntent has concer%cd c gviinicni"" to end. recel%ed "little complaint- shout Mr. Haniparian ,cud In ;in mtenlew that it the humps In fact, re,ldenis tit was p;uticularli, adanung the "loom is planning about a halt-doien other neigh - Ga install sired humps in other nclghMirhtkxls horhood, hanr asked to hanr when the% have caused ,o mam prohlenis ort then) on their street, as well. "Town Rougeniount. He urged re,idents In those area, lire will Install peed Io make sure the\ re a\Naic of \\hat 1, hayp yening humps and lather Arathl calming and ",top the, looli,hne,,.. measure, in the handcts of Chen Pi:kenm• traffic and w;L to management :o- n wood and Whnrtale In \tan. as ordinator Sicphcn Brake ,aid 1n an intenlr\\ "ell ;ts a tratlit. circle in (green 10-1 ,,.tit arc current]\ tit the pr,xe„ of con- \`. mo,tl\ to ,lint down School trustees, public to get a break at meetings 131' CIlkisr) Cll\tiE 11\11 k l Pt i k l l R Durham Board of Education truster, arc •going to give themschrs and the ruhh: a break a :tater break. that I,. On Slonda\ night alter +0 minutes of dchan•. trustees voled to hold short cotter break, during regular board meet- ings In \tan and June it the chairman decide, thc\ "rc need- ed. The break will goc theni time it, go It, The Na,hroorn, make telephone call, 1t, :onsmucnis, fall, it, people in the pubh: gallon and "rclixu�' their encrere, it meeting, run late. said Scugog trustee BuhhlC Drew it makrne the motion 1 Think we could be a little more ho,rltahl:: 11117 soul The break N Ill also gni rncnihers of the ruhhc rune off loo. said A'll tru,rcc i)ourz Ross "H"e'rc nor the mn,I ct:Iting ,how in towr• Circ Ihern it break Howcscr. not e%cr%one Irks, the idea "I think n', rather Irl%„lou,: Najd Alak mi,tcc Duncan Read It trustee, want a chance to meet the public. "there rriu,t he a healer wa\ to do It "I don"t like the Idea of ,topping in the nuddle of the meeting.' ,aid Pl:kcrul Jill Hamlhun adding she'd rather truster, made thcni,clics nailahle h0orc meeting, Ikon Tru,lec, halite their prnatc or In -cancra ,c„inn tr'tore he it mecnng and often enter the :hanifcr lust a I” minute, h0,,re the 7 p -in. ,tarang time ret the open ,c,,ion. \15 Harnilton is also not sure about whether the board should otter ,otnc :uttec or :tisk ic, ,luring the hreak..i.1dnic there are u,uall\ rnorc trustee, and .tate present than mrmtk•r, of The public w hen hil arc called N"hen rine break wa, dr,:u„cd \L nda\ night. there wore tour memhcrs of thio public. 13 trustee,. I I ,Taft and one reporter pre- sent - Ala% trustee Colleen Jordan joking - b.,u,_ !c,Icd putting a donation lar h\ the :,,flee riot "It mi he i mono --nuking ,enturc it the :oltec-, F ­ti:.. �i- BLUE OCEAN RESTAU -C:: Fish A Chips E$Clbsshm for at e^ ,^o' EVEKY nwY __•gyp !P SCLAL_” Btu- F'H(riV! 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I'RFSFN -S t LOONIE DAY _ AT THE NiETRO EAST TRAIL CENTRE, PICKERING OL, iIX)()I% PARKI\( I 1 OI ALL RII)I_S - ONE F)OLLAR -$1.00 EACH CHOICE OF;A\) CIilI.l)RF\ ll ADLI I I IIIA I KIIA-S OI'F\' AI'RIi 17-20 100\11 KIDFS AX*AI1 ABLE O\ THURSDAY • APRIL 17 ONLY FROM S:tnl I'\1 itI loam PPI. IXF.K)ll 11"1I CO\II Kix EFiri (:Oi\(, 1O I.O( :\I. ( 1I.-Xm I mi, Hundreds of deals storewide 40% off Casual Connection women's leather loafers V Bw4MF 5 40% Off Elite silk blouses rreo sizes Intl co�ours Our reg 444 99 B $49.99' _%, 5 '[RAMS 39.95 BW 129 Save 40'/o Eaton's Beauty &► 6, Saves 30% Buy 1, Save M% Sala, perm Mm ft Fair hosiery W era's 'International Series Olde at Eat=s s Includes haircut. shampoo. style. Out biggest sale of the season! Stock upon pantyhose, Selected stylists. knee-highs. tights and trouser socks. Selection includes silky sneers, bodyshapers. day sheers, queer -size. stockings, stay -ups and support. Excludes 'Guaranteed Inslock- mulllpel Other murtipacks are cW&dneo 1 nem. $40 to $150 off selected DIE. appliances Bath $7.99 Caldwell cotton towels Henn $5 94 Fn, $3 99 I, it $16.99 Diansy's UM DaMadans, Our reg. 517.99• On now until April 24th All offers good until Thursday. April 24. 1997, or while quaotbeB last. Savings off original ticketed prices. Selection may vary by Storu Factory Outlets. Warebou,r• Stores and Clearance Centres not included Furniture items not in all stores. •lntroduclw, niter After April 241h, our regular paces will apply. P THF: NEWS ADt'EWFISE'R WEDNESDAV, APR11. IA, I997 - PAGE 3 voiaen Commission sowed seeds of `chaos': Wittv `Major' tax increases feared if Province downloads responsibilities to lower levels of government Mississauga know, or for that mailer care, about the water and sewer systems in the town (if Ajax or the town of Pi,kcring" "11 our taxpayer, wanted the system expanded to it certain arca. she would only look upon that a, heing a divcr,nrn of i lh S from her munlctnaloy" t gc % p nua gl Governments in Ontario are In a "state of' [trial t9r Wilt} want, the eminent's plans un which Icvel of government chaos- because the Pro%Ince wants (tri balance ms Province to parry on with pays what Durham would have to pick up S50 budget and municipalities :tri: under attack. Its plan it, update assess- million more in responsibilities. Durham Region's Chairman contends, mens sy,rrul,, ,t. each "rhes can only mean one thing - mayor tax And, 11m Wittv says, unless the Province municipality will he on an increases." he said changes its ound nn downloading responsibilities cern playlnt IIeIJ. to municipallic,, property owners face "n)alor•' Hr admitted that have been reassessed rela[i%ely recently, the swings should not he too severe. Regardless, there will he swung,. 'Tor those people who du face an Increased assessment. you should, you won't but you should, accept the fact that vou'%e been paying less than you should have.- Mr 'li said. Unlcs, there arc chart s I ih pr i I n tax Increases. ' sonic older ncigh- "I foresee a continu"I and, in fact, enhanced -'.. horhood, that Icvel of turmoil over the next few year,,' Ile said JINI WITTY haven't been during his annual address to the Ajax -Pickering Annual address rcalsse,scd for vears, Board of Trade on Tuesday such as 'fora nu,, Mr WHIN told about fan neople at Regalis Oshawa and Whithv. could face big pn,per- Re,taurnni in Pickering "this whole mess" started ty tax Increases. when the previous provincial government set up F:or areas such as Pickering and Ajax the Golden Commission which called for the elimination ,f I f I )c Inc regions in the Greater Toronto Arca and the establishment uta hoard Io oversee the GTA. ..The Golden Connni-ion was set up to essentially look at wav, to correct the flaws In the Mctro assessment Along the way. Ih,, cot involved in rnany other thing,. "It has always been t .opinion that the Golden Kcport looked strictly at 'what can we Jo U, hcnc- fit downtown Toronto'"' 'ter `o',im said. Metro has been losing ahout $1(9) million a Near In assic-incnt which had to he corrected. he note(]. 'deli,', properly-Iax a„e„mcnl sy,rcm ' necdcd to he hrm1011 into the 1'lvo,. howc%er. the route:tl will was not there to make such Jrasuc change,'. %'title the Golden Report was YOU CAN EAT FOR AS LITTLE AS YOU CAN AT HOME Breakfast Special (Daily) 1279 Luncheon Specials Daily s595 TWO CAN DINE FOR $13 49 1349 (Every Day of The Week) I $999 or Less TWO BEAUTIFUL BANQUET HALLS ALL INCLUSIVE 15900 Pickering Town Centre 839.2507 it c r a I I 1 - panned by n)o,claim az muni, Ipal ��Ij - g L I1A n,�[herr was age group of four mat on IInclud Ing \an,v Dla j t mond of - - a• C),hawal who 'r t�<.. •• thought there •s.. wasa great deal of mcnt in what G' was hcinc rrc- v �`�� -�' AP it I & W� �I o ns to c n J e d * ��jiV f"�./R 8 They saw this a, ;; ► ' to oea a their ENTER TO WIN SEE crc:ur thrrr SEE IN STORE FOR DETAILS own Inane kung t • Trip to see Celine Dion in France dom% and thr„w �� "'•' •A prize from Bell Mobilit with every activation erc p p'lietnen r, ria er t • Chance to VJ in London, nglond at the INXS concert In regional for `r for Much Music In r■ government The Provncc I% now consoler- .. •�,ourv,�c-t•-�• ^,cexo,nx., '•Y '• -,,CK. a•n,r<tD,ArDI (DIMnKn(, Ing scrring up a ; m as `ce nave, 'nvN•. Greater 1'hl,,ad ��,.,s�� : t • .. Am y'' !'ria 5- '.rip syan ). a ti%'rt1cC, Bo:ud •--_ -nDv>, amrau,� and Is wauttn ?7” rem for a report Magnaii - ote from special Stereo Tq Wit11 sa•r: ady l,cr M I l l •S^art Sound • STa t Picture Farrow on it, •Aud,oVideo,np0s Only - Limit 1 per customer mandate Thi major concern that i `- most co I Shop the News Advertiser! F"WmThe W-mehester Arms Special Events INIONDAY Free Pool 7-10 p.m. NVEDNESDAY WinE tilQht Saturday- and Sundae British Breakfast 10:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Saturda%- .a ril 19th 8.30 - 12:30 "Wade” 1.104) Baric St. at Liyer'prloll --837-2366 FUTURE �- SHOP r <' 2 IC i i 40"1 60 Watt 3 Disc _:,. co manta, • Jw, euro •ew•x rasseete w ;O,♦A �On N•C:'OnK rQ •J�tnN rY IM'.^•• " J kO Ior, rat'S021 IC 7I1 :500■v Cold : De'.,nr.., V seem to hate, �. pAN Na GS PURCHASE 3 or MORE MUSIC CD1.4 Inc ludl nle ON ALL reo myself, is that a . co, pia. Min, Systems save un to an additional 20%! Greater Toronto f3o%et ' RKelvers ll Stereos . . portiowill (cone ' goombox s Co SterRotk �� another lelel of systems y.a phones cordless-,�, goycrnnnent and _ this le%cl of - -- guyernnnent 9 Nith14X would be far !r �yperZOom more ren,oted I - from the lax- L D s superior quality a■rte P ay ars a iP101VE(EJt' TD K SA 90 mages are at your fingertips with the bright Witty +aid, A f; l'Sg 80 Watt AUDIO TAPES 11.2 lens, The impressive 14X hyper loom allows you to get up dose and less could ,assume 6x9 Car80 • High Bias Only_ personal with your subjects .n than 2seconds,Otherfeaturesinclude. �tlt7t`vI[ Internet 10 'arrter Kit version_, try M,crosah Internet c use o me, EAp wer 2.0 For Wet Access 95 • 3C Days F,ee Unlimrted Internet Access Limit I per customer ownership anti limit l0 per customer • High resolution colour viewfinder•Program AE with control" of Speakers special effects • Intelligent iunct,on control facilities pail These great speakers • " hon Pioneer feature fur by regional awater resistant woofer D 1 - M,..;.:-.il ?cyyereL taxpayers, such 1. incredible sound quality Wooly t- - • _ Speakers ata real ce! Limit 1 per customer H -- i P as water and �� O sewer systems. / \ \ -_� _ _ • ToelNd Personaudiocors "There i5 the U\1111piI; // / \1 � � �..> d«ales boots prlAessioaal sound to Personal coreput"s =�}�[l ... 1 speakers mM the very real possi- `.# mu uademands of hility that this s i i nsoftwarewithhrIS � hoard could a .� ,- performance take over the systems and ;. 3.5" HD Disks ~ a` Ga make decisions •20/pack sikii regarding future NettotIetePill' �•�t•IFi4 ko O 150 Only Limit 10 per customer _ 2D.ly-LimitIpercusteer • rates and et fete Internet Kit sato changes to what Comp WONWON,��,t�apeeavit , s,grylych • we have paid ,ypralle%IMarlwtPkDlw .ON't Li 611pounim"" ON LOCATION SATURDAY ARE IS for. 4on tasv"t"dwek°'a . "As far asJ dame • 14 k 93L I'm concerned. this ;s totally PAY First Prize Address. unacceptable,"NQ GS1 Texas Instruments Cordless Phone 49 Cy_ he said. pu�cell 6800 Organizer "What would rtes Huge128KMemoryCapac4 Second Prize Posrol� the rnayor ofBite or • Large 6x24 Line Screen r e 1 pV dap dtPes RemitnderlAddress,Note E u es 5 Free CDs 1 I dedore ff hay r�ePf one f • Optional PC Connectively K' Third Prize °rid 1 agree col read t+e cul f Reg. price 579.99 / be bound by them of Bus �onresr } 10 Only• Limit[ per custa'•r' 16 pc. Dinnerware Sett 1'9narUre slop: AJAX 40 Kingston Rd. E. 428-4450 ,FUTUREat Harwood Ave. Price Protection does not apply on these specials 'on wawa Duan m■rnm ■■iii'M■■x rt.■ti er4liunrr■a,rtri ■rr tI MAw Nrrwd .»dl ■err n D■d■Mm. hbrrWwda■ IoinNau.n h,■d9■d Pnlry rw,lw ■[en ria G5r YrIM•MNnWed b.,airingdoioiroin atnwlr yoSwMamilt lirert�■n11■rld. lirr[tide l■d—nl■a dlarldM.r■to mr■1 ,1�■nrww lr lS2115 fa L■rin SN 951w 11 nm�-^"0"'rD `^'MN.i dhA for ;winxoP,au,d*f.ardent l7.anhvmwrNpo. of a.nl it wnun.u.Nr Dnmmngp4w Se�'IIm51100"rekvu 51na5 r SlADOwc4e ■t ■D♦t ■ria Elyr"n rrtrela eR oirl■Ilwb M[■Nn.wwl r15.1115irlr wrnr 111 eF7ULIW ,NdS70N 1SIm S7 WP �'r i01'it'rw WefawdYad i7nendn rinrrmmM'pnwnrWy511HI{m Sr 500 pnlorw575774m57 J00 pr,r,ne ae mde Dd nm..,p 6dre. dS9i011r 51711 )enp■l eR■rld N■tt�t 6rrnr,lrpn ivW lin ata ill Mrloitlltlow,I. SO 65 (W roil n 52121IS) ■W IMP 2669%6 St t�,;,.v.v 176121■d,N571267ned 1111%1111■S7 ODD w -h- 16 el•r•+ Wwoiik r Iwen lewN■p Noll ilew-1, SNI .4 06. Amnas■rvr �•1.1•nvlaw k. qoi St.. ern■[ wed" ■darn Dr r "a.es■y Baits ue■Nun ■er I. k.■ w ore TAGE 6 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER W EDNFSIIAI', APRIL. 16. I997 Ajax-llic ke?l nk V Editorials News Advertiser AMetrulutdCommunity Newspaper published Tuesday. Wednesday, Friday. Sunday PHONE: 683-5110 FAX: 6Ki-7363 130Cummerctat Ave.. Ajax. Ont. LIS 2H5 Publisher: Tim Whittaker ♦ Editorial NEIL rul / SAMSON Knee-jerkGuestGuestr _.. Golcn>i•n reactions not necessary Oshawa councillors are kiddim_ thcnt,el%eN, or wor,c. ,imp[ playing politic, \%hen they react with outrage ower objections h% Other members rot Durham Rr_•i(m o%er their actions of late. The prohlcm here is a sirtmpk one: M a majori- ty cote of council. O,ha%%a has recommended that Durham Rc,_lon he dismantled and that O,hawa amal�-,arcate tt ith Whith% and (-ourtice. O,ha%%a regional councillor, got hlghl detcnsi%e last week at a Tegional council rnectim, when their position came under attack trom \\'hith\ Ma\or Tom Fd%%ard, and C'larinoon Ma%or Diane Harnrc \\'h\ ' What should the% ha\c expected' O,ha\\a Ma\or .\:tits% Dianiond is Aron'_ %%hen she ,:ns Regional council "has no ri_•hi Io take a po,ition. it', not \\Ithin the pur\Ic%% of this coun- cil to appn,\c or refect a motion of an% member municipality ,. Tn to tollo\% Nl.i% ,r Diamond's lo, -,i,: if %ou can She's a.\ in!-, ( hha%%a has a ri_'hi to call for the Rc_•lon to he di,rnanticd and to push it p,„t- film that tt .%\allo\\ up \\ hlth\ and Courticc but the mayor, „t those hitter two municipalities, in their po,iuon, a, rc,•Ional councillors. hace no right to ohlcct. It dor,n't make much sense .Rtes IT ' It only FUJI,,” sense when %ou realize Ae re heading into a municipal election and the actions of Oshaw.i councillor, are Inicndcd to hoo,[ their standing at the poll, this tall, It', Important to note that not all O,hawa regional councillors are on the 'Kill Durham Rcgion' ticket Counclllnrs Boh Boych\n ansa John (gra% hace stood a_,ain,I the tide pointing out some of the henefit, l ),ha,.%a has gained from rvgmnal go\ernmenl Thcv'%e also indicated the Rc:•ton may he Oshawa', he,[ buL indeed the best bet of all the municipalities is Uurham. t„ stand avain1t the GT:\ tide It is pos,Ihlc the Pr, %InsC mrrht huv (),h.iwa's argunicni and dismantle Durham Rc,•Ion It that happens, howc\cr. O,hawa councillor, shouldn't expect the rest of the Region to go gently Into that good nigh[. (�. T, rr pmd rn rhos r•dif ,n d gull foil ..... cerrr it n1(l+twrCc ns: 'u.ti,,rnd,6•d slew ♦You said it... In response to Al Rlvett',, April S column headlined 'w(mliun's hocks% wins a new fan'. our readers Sall: 'It', nice tem see someone In the media take a Ixtsltive approach and not dwell on the neizau\cs but to he supp(trh%e. I think thal's the way the nmedia should be responding to all sports. whether it', professional or minor. I think he's doing a _great job." vWe asked... The question is: As Durham separate school board trustees make their final decisions on the 1997 budget• do you think they should spend S 15.010 to replace a sign in front of the board headquarters and 530.000 to install a sink in a junior kindergarten room') pp— -R1111111 Robert Burke Dan Pheeney Jill Sekora says. says. "The money says. "That's a lot "It's a lot til can be spent a lot of money It money. It could better. It's nun- sounds like a bad be spent a lot sense" idea." more wisely'. Alax-Pickering News'Advertiser Publisher: Tim %Nhittaker A Metruland Conununny NcA,paper puhh,hed Jucsday. Wednesday, Friday. Sunday 1311 Commercial A\c . Ajax. Ont. 1. IS 21`15 v Letters to the editor Fireticyhters put others' lives first To the editor: I .! like I, ie,pond to Gerard NO,er_', letter to the LLlrch I 1 echo +n. ,pecificilk hl, :faint That firefighters arc -whining. to rn,tCct their loh, and That we need a 'real ly chcck' 1:,,r paint - Ing sill coil cr%mt, Ault the same bru,h and tor n,,t seeking I," to understand. 1 --Iler thi+ leapt) chcck. I. 1-ull Ionic 1-irclirhtcr, in Ont;ino are mctnhcr, „1 prole, .tonal a,\ ciatwn, affiliated at the pro\mctal. nati,mal and imernatnmal Ic%cl, Con,equently, we h.oc collc.- liNe wreenient, entrcnchmg l•,h ,ccurtl% Btll X: ,1„c, not :h.,l- lenge this ,ccunn or attempt I'. nullit\ our agreencnis. So hoA could our concern he based .,n job ,ccurth” It can't. Fact t,, difficult a, it may he to helicis tirclighicr, actually care ah„ui the eornniumtic, we ,enc :Ind Inc in. Imagine that Iron cn:l sen an t s' 2 BIII X4 ,1,e, not lust creak to pan -timer+ but alto to :,,flat oral increased use of yoluntecr, When we rcl\ on %oluniccr, I, sa\c It%cs Ac also rcl in Them being w uhm range A hen the call comes , but w hat it The%'rc \ I,it mg trend, in another:,munurn ty 'i, h:nmg radios with heann,• range ;what it they're In the shoAcr'i: ha\ing %chicles stain ik mcnther N,rrtiw, can. %chi- cle starting ,maintenance). and ahilily to dn\e (enjoying drink, with friend,t C'nhke In the case of full-time firefighter -N. nohod knoA, Aho is and who is no showmg up ur Ahen' 3. Part-timers do not hace the resource, To dedicaic it, fire fighting, especially it they are pursuing a career. Tu the extent I learn from experience it At take them that much longer, assuming time away dues not make them forget — in which case they may never learn. Where 1 may be required o0 work with an assortment of part- timers, how can you expect me to know who is covering me'' Can they carry me out, are they stable, capable, dedicated to the mission, experienced with this type of tire. tit:' I know the full - Timers I go into fires with like the back of my hand. When 1 enter fires with them I know they care about my life and my family as I care about theirs. But I did not come to care in such u way by being paid for it. This is The Aeit %:l,lt, rirser arrrluc levte'rs to th, I dime Ail lct- ter\ should be ti ped or nrcrt- 1% hand -ti ritten. 150 trord%. Erich letter mutt be .%iyned it 101 a jir\f curd hi sl frame err oto mural\ and a last name. f'!r ase ire Indy a /rhyme• mon- bei tar terga, atter,; !he- reh- for re%eri-e, the richt to earl top% for ,r\!r, h-ficth and re, ite•ni. Opr mons etpre•v%ed in lefler% air !!rn\e• of the (truer and not rrere\\urvi\ rho\e cel the' .\yin \ Adi I rrt%rr nut ata,ut the m„ncy The risk, I t.ok.• 1 c•%aivate larrch h\ the Icam I'm with. And I e\.iluatc the team h\ how I knr , them -Ihi,,w in a few part tinier, and %cc how the team ch:uige, nccn ask w hcn the team charge,. how Joe, altcct lice,° 4 Bill XS alts , for mcrc.lsed rehan,c on IIILA :ud agrccnicnt, to compCn,.itc lar dccre."Ine resource, the hope i, that our nearest mutual aid partner will not he hu,% Alien we need them and/or will nut have the problems di,cu„ed ab o\c ,; Boll X4 divert, cun,idcr able resource, to public educa- tion (;real But not at the cost of responc capahilaN Wh\ not' Ho,w can educating you pte\cnt the ,(her guy from causing [he accident which trap, you in _your %chic lc' ihc,c• arc just a Icw prohfem, with BIII 1,4 St,tuw:, tell us that full -tine firelirhiers h%e ,honer i,c%cn In nine ,ear,) than a,.crige. are more likely to experience heart disease and brain cancer land the list goe, un i, are unable to act reasonahle lite insurance. are not as acceptable Ior organ donation,, experience sleep dis- order,, c xpc rience physical and p,ychological 'burn -out' at increased rates, are more likely lit experience job injury. etc. Du %ou honestly think I am doing this job strictly lior my paycheque” How insulting. No paycheque could compensate for these. I du it fur the overwhelm- ing sense of care for those I ,cr%e, help and yes, save. 1 do it to continue a fine tradition of loyally and dedication to my community that was started by many line firefighters before me. I do it fru reasons Mr. Nuberg does not understand. Like many in my profession. I put the lives of others thelore mine consistently and proudly. 1 don't mind admitting it some- times frightens the hell out of mc. But it ater 14 year, 1 can still he trighlened, just imagine the child I in searching for Mr \uhcry ask, "\\h\ should the puhlt: scclr,r he considered ,acrCd` How rnl,led: it', the li%c, we mu,t consider sacred no( the scaor ntc p,h, are hoot we acknuw Iedre this con,idcra - tum ibis t, no poke Bill til jeop- ardy,, -,ur communities in the name of ,acing money ihere', \our rcalr[% check \ow cote with \our good conctcnec' Dan Haden, \ja♦ Parking han near hospital I, monev -rah To the editor: officer Da%c Mllllani, must ,urch he kid - din, when he ,:lain, "rat, parked on Centennial Road are a safety :oncern Lct's see Whcn Aa, the last reported acerdeni on this road' Is the cnlranec to and from Alar Pi:kcring General Hospital ane dittcicni than an\ other street in Ajax' Do wc. or it not. ,hould- n.I we ha\c sight line, c,tah- fished at these intersection a, in all tither street, in town' \It \\ Ilham%. It you want to say you arc anxious to cnfi,f\e an unnec- essary h%IaA. that's fine but dont tr% and Tool us with this sate[% concerns angle II just doesn't hold up. %L'tor Stec f'ansh a right again It i, "oyer The Ione and mean spirited" and what's Wore it is and was a nwney grah front da% tine. A, fur [hose indniduals who are abusing the system, let's gel even with them by imposing a hardship on those physically challenged indi%iduals in our community who already hace more than their share of prob- lems moving about tour town. A good Idea' Not! Solution: Keep the bylaw as is but remove the restrictions on the east side of Centennial Road and ensure goe)d sigh[ lines at all intersections in the area. If those individuals, who are such a concern to our bylaw officer and some members of council, continue to disregard our hvlaws. then let's get at them. Who knows, our bylaw officers may even catch the people who are regularly using our Kinsmen Participation Park as their dogs' public washrooms. Gord Bradley, Ajax Neil Samson and wife Sharon operate Monarch Kitchen & Bath Centre in Pickering;. Firefighters and police save the :4 M On Sunday. March 311 our bu,inCss ,uttered it tire in our shop. Fortunately. no time Aa, injured and darnagc wa, limit- ed. i'hc tiro was discovered h% Durham Regional Police Conslahle \'ITice D'Armco doing a routine check on the parkin,_ lot at the hack tit our otticc hulldinv. \\•hen he dnr%e around the hack of the building. he oh,cr,cd water and srnokc c,caping through the - - hack roll -up door. He iinincdIatcI contacted the fire dcpartrnent� w h I c h responded instanth. \\'c were notihcd sH \R()\ at hum(: lust til\ISO\ atter noon Whcn Ac arn%Cd at our pktcC of hu,mcs,. the fire department wa, Inside the prcmi,c,. We were adyl,ed that the ,prinklcl .%stem had ha,lcall put the tire out We wcre not allowed to enter the huilding until the fire department was certain the tire had been extinguished. Pickcrng Fire Department Captain, Soren Gordon and Charles Smith and their crews were cxtrcmcly Thorough, com- pcient and protes,ional. After they allowed us to enter the prcmm,cs. thcv helped Us to get rid of as much water as pos,ihic, offered to help u, moyc an%thmg necessary and made holes in the ceiling, where we requested in order to control the dr mage of water. On %1ond:n morning. Constahle D Ainico stopped by our hu%incss and the next morning. Captain Gurdon and Captain Smith stopped by our olIice on their own time to see how the clean-up was pro- gressing. A, hush the owners tit a business and residents in the town of Pickering we are very impressed by the professional- ism and caring attitude of both the police officer and the fire captains. We feel that these individu- als and the fire crews should he highly commended. Our sincere thanks to all involved. We are still here today because of their actions. The Netts Advertiser invites readers to submit columns for Be Our Guest on current issues facing our Durham Region communities. Submissions should be 600 words or less, must be signed and include a daytime telephone number. Unpublished columns nuty rwi in condensed form as a letter to the editor. JOANNE Bit RGHARI/T. Fd iib ,i m-Chiel STEVE HOUSTON. Managing F blur TO Ri'.ACH US 711c• New+ Ad­i­, •, a one u( IIIc• Morland Printing. Puhhshmg and DIIII&uung group til ii—paprn IIIc Neu, Ade in ., e meander of BRt ('E DANFORD. Adwnnuig S1Imager :\Lvly BRUI'N'EK, Retail Ad,crtumg \lanaecr EDDIE K0I.01MEJf%AK.(la.+died,\dvemsmg S1.m.i_•cr %10\IQ1 F. LEA. kcal k -+Idle :W, clung Mame, "I General: 6%35111) Cltc,ified: 6X t.117n7 PKIribuli(al: 6x m S I 17 Admin/Cla„irted Fax: 6N t 7 36 1 the Aias x 1•ickenng Board tit Iladc. 1)nla ,, C• lvo.wy N—p iia As N.. ( inadi.on ( ommumn Newspaper A, , Canadian Cireulanlms Awhl ll,nnd :Ind the onto;,. I'll" (•uunal I'll, puhli,her reserves the nehl log iasfy ­ rau­anv adse1t,enum('redalfur,dveruumentlim- red la ,pose price error ABF: FAKHOUWE. Uutnhuuun Manager C'ompn,ing Fax: S74 )27 i BARBARA HARRISON, Pnxlu.on %lana ect F. -mail: new+n x,nl("'•.lurh:unnew, nn JANICE 0-\F:II., A+.waw Pn,lu,twit A7anagcl CHEM L HAINES, A­i,unt Ih..I.ow l Manages LILLIAN BMW. Aduum+trauun b.anager blip //www durharnne%s net- _ �tM OC C�rcuanons.codn \ noard Memtxir •„` •_ •, Pt-),. L�y A"J'ov, THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16. 1797 • PAGE 7 Brolght1ea. Utility merger meeting set for end of month B) BRIAN LEGIRf.1 I., HllAxl SI AI l OSHANNA - A meeting tai deter - nine if the ,_icatiun of one Durharn- wlde utlhty remains feasihle has been Put off until the end of the rnonth The Osha%ka Public Uuhttes Cum- miulun Wt C) was to host a meeting I-ucsday wllh representatives from utilities tit Whlthy. Clanngton, Scu- gog. Ajax. Pickering, Uxbridge and Brock, but the nn_cting has been post- poned until April 29 The ITU yoted unanimously against joining a single, regwn-wide utility at a meeting last rnonth because it would have resulted in higher electricity rates In Oshawa, says Al O'Donnell. PUC ;hairman However, the PUC Is Null interest- ed in pursuing the issue, he says. "'Ke hope we can find some way around it." says Mr O'Donnell. adding -we're ..at saying it's a dead horse, but we're quite a ways apart - The utilities have been meeting since laic last year to discuss arflAlga- matiun options An 80 -page report nn the Issue called for the creation of a single utility to serve the region's I45,INN1 hydro customers. The study said the utilities could reah/c a cosl-sa%ing of $5 million by eliminating 95 )ohs, but ultimately rates In Oshawa would Increase. says Mr O'Donnell. "It still appears we'd end up ,uhsi- diiing the other utilities;' he says. "We have to come up with a dif- ferent wary of doing it so Oshawa rates arc entrenched somehow;" he adds, noting Oshawa has the lowest rates in the region and the lowest staff to customer ratio among utili- ties. n � �l � S 1 �. ■ ■ ■ � 1 a IN II ■ UL The right stuffed Wednesday, April 16 And Thursday, April 17 St. lames Catholic School students in Alax joined efforts recently to raise money for Kids Helping Kids to aid children in .Arerhall-tri The children at the school collected 275 stuffed plush toys and raised Sl 62 for the pro- ject. Rainforest preservation fund -raisin` Garage sale h held saturdav AJAX -- A locally -haled conser- vation i:rocp is hosting a fund-rais- ing garage sale this weekend it) help it preserve sensitive tropical rainfor- est trees. The Canadian Organvation for Tropical P.ducation and Rainforest Conscryaln.n. hods the ale from X a.m :. 4 p in on Saturday. Apit 19 at 39 Farrow Cres . Ala' Pn,cecds Irom the sale will eu to further the organvation's :on,er,a tion foals Dtcanhwilc, the Canadian Orga- miation fur Tropical Education and Rainforest Conservation also) holds a weekly hinge Nlcdnesdays at 1210 p.m at Alax Bingo Country, 610 %lonarch Aye Call Matikn Cole at 6XI :116 lir marc ti:l.,nnau,m SEPARAT-ED -,,DIVORCED? i - 01HEAVF HEALTH FOOD & FITNESS SHOPS Pickering Town Centre i Sal aids April 27, 1997 while quantities lost 1 tt.a i,r.dadr„o k S!rC M 6r mio m Ca & 1 RICE DREAM DELICIOUS AND DAIRY-FREEI *Discount 946 mL ONLY ' m 189 " VI1I1•lA i ! V- Original or nr•rs.rra� Vanilla flavour rrr..tirrrr ' •'•r• Tobacco, Cafet Gift Certificates -No Rainchecks sin -Stock Items only -Some limits apply *No Adjustments to existing Layawys or previous purchases MGX 8 • THE NEWS AIWER I'1sF.R WF:DNESn Al. 1PR11 In. 1997 A kid on the GO in Pickering Julie Jenktnson puts together a cardhoaro Ok) Train cutout as part of a Safct_v Ua% sponsored h\ the Ajax -Pickering chapter of the One Parent Farnlllcs Association The event was held Saturda\ at the Pickering Recreation Compie>, and featured a host of a:Li\ boos Ajax students host fashion shoji, AJ%X -- A fund-raising It's urganlrcd hs the fashi.,r h, w for terns, lea- schools Intcra:t Club. tunng clothes from store, at which 1s run hs the Rotary the Pickering Ttwn Centre. Club All nn+nes raised goes I, home held-fhursday. to a scht-i in India llekcts April 17 at 7 p m at Fsctcr are S4 at the door r+r 5? it High School. till f alhy Ct . purchased in adsan:e at the Ajax shool. Call6XO, y'as Public board says `Oui' to French school again The Durha in Huard of Education will try once again to act up a French first language school In the region. •F'rumees Mondaq approved in principle a plan at establish it French tint language elemen- tal} school this September. depending on a detailed rcpim regarding stte, financial and gov- cinance in)phca ions and options due on April " 1 Hesitate to express too much enthusiasm until we get all Om details;' said Whitby trustee Patty How elan, who noted the board has been working liir two -and -a -half years on the project. The board tnLd to open a school in Septern- ter. I`,196 but was unable to due it) a stories of problems, Including funding and timing. A wney hats found there are 23 f llnilies with 39 students Interested in a public French first language school. Public board franco phone stu- dents we currently bused into Metro Toronto schools fur education in French. Ms. Bowman said it's important it) have these children educated in Durham. Oshawa is dw likely site for a school, she said. 17m only French lint language school in Durham IS run by the Durham Region Rontan Catholic Separate School Board. Durham school board looks to curb costly damage Durham Board of Education years. That's great. but ." staff arc looking for viays to In 1996• total damages reduce the high cost of property amounted to $242.406.96. cont- daniage susuuned cacti )car. pared to $244.238 03 In 1995. Property damage costs due ui N'hcn presented the figures. andahsnn. wear and tear. acci- trustees asked It there was anv ,lents and Improper use of proper- way to further reduce costs. tic i\ and equipment decreased last says. scar but Is still high. notes hoard "I think we recd to look at that. hushes. superintendent Ron N'c're analysing the information" I rho, Ich. School principals will he asked "Costs are down from previous to re%icw each case (there were Toys ",w CORRECTION NOTICE 1,, he To,, K i . \I•,. ,•.'r tis cr, the K,-.:; G: I" Ih. Surrthcarl or the Boca' I.ulclunbCT featured on page I. •. cs itt+t include it water hottle. Als ,'te 1 r,ml.lin 4 -piece Goalie Pad Sc;, ad,criiscd .it )14.44 on page h is . +rrcctl% .ho.n \\c apolocvc for an con,, rucnce this rude haee caused Please recycle me! oroys .Aar: 11111111111"Sp CORRECTION NOTICE he lr,v. K ..\,:... .r::.::.cr, the Kort Otrls' It, lwccthcart or the It. - !h"' Ioars lchmhrr shown on page I-., not Include .1 water hot Ile The I r.1r1ALn 4 piece Goalie Pad Set .1,h ; -tial d at S P) ,14 r+ll page h i, currerll, shown Also the .pedals cod \-Mien actin heure%drown un iec I, .i not include \rola Forec . reurc.. ;r,,X Light -t -p Flgurrs. lu:ori �' \tururt \to—Icr Armor f orae �,i �X's4..ndl � P. h,a Fr>;htcr. •urc. :4:X- \te est+,,,: ,,re t,1r .int ,rimenlcn- ni— .,iu,c,i FUTURE SH0P=m1=21ffi= Receive with any Cantel activation • Leather Case • Car Charger` FREE.- Extra Battery Or $50.00 In-store Credit •v ..ararr• egvre :or'wr r ver a^c N c+ron-v..�t,, .. i nri.c vers . r �. 1--X I" Aaeprav ,..von ew•c a u ..r.wa•,.,•w �� - v� a :;; son :,..aro-an �,rst •ra- r ^� v -v w; . •., . YY:M+WlfiY 4 n. -- a::M'J'MC r-.� a[•:.a:, ..''.+.,.. 5'bC �. 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Ontario Each ricket ,s eligible to, every drdw Lottery license number P971237 Please send me Nan¢• llcketisl at S40 each =i. sei(s)of 3 tickets for SIDO =1 Aitn os. n entl0sing n Lndrilabie Liona''u' 0PSI a r.enn r,al be ,ssen ar on,aunrs •. 1 Cdy PotsteCode Total $l I Ph.-IHI IBI i J cheque J J Amex 1 muney order J VISA MasterCard J j Card o _1 1 I Expiry •_ 1. -L� +�+ Signature M y I Please Canadian Red Cross returt+ Io Ontario Zone 5700 Cancross Crt. Mississaug,i ON L5R 3E9 luny 6r.1a,,v rdufr P9712sl Ch,u iLit,h• Hegsv abort n�rriba, 0017190 it — .. - .- ....�J FOR YOU TWO MATERNITY SPRING MATERNITY SALE Blouses 11.285 Incidents of damage last an act of vandalism at Pine Ridge year) and determine what can be Secondary School in Pickering in done to avoid or prevent prnh- which a large number of windows lents. Mr Trhovich says. Those were broken. suggestions will then he shared in Of the hoard's more than RX) hopes of finding it system -wide schools, 62 had daniage of less plan to reduce property darnage. than $1.(X)0 with several reporting Much of the costs each year no damage at all. conic from broken windows, Dir. Mr. 'hrbo%ich says most of the Trhuvich says. The 1996 damage costs were not recuverahle since costs would have hcen tens of the hoard's Insurance carries a thousands of dollars lower but for $25,()(X1 deductible. FOR YOU TWO MATERNITY SPRING MATERNITY SALE Blouses $19.95 Jeans $19.95 Bike Shorts 14.99 Skirts 9.95 Jumpers 19.99 Shorts 5.00 Nursing P.J.'s 19.95 Overalls 29.95 Le-winas 19.95 Linen Pants 19.95 �R l0 426-2088 1 '�)' ; 109 Old Kingston Rd. r Pickering Village Mon- Fri 10-9 TW ` Courtyard Sat 10-6 l t�s.ci IV Hwy. #2 - E. of Brock Rd. Sun 12-5 69EEAnR SS Superguard® 60 starting from 4799 '-9JR,"..,r.y _,. itunng a speaaiiy formulated head ,mpound that provides long, even tread Near and exceflent traction in a wide variety ;# driving conditions ettloco w— MW PW, no yore Swrs Cord wilil DON'T PAY UNTIL OCTOBER 1997 oe all avtomotivr products fund ser kos On approved credit, with your Sears Card. $35 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable of time of purchase. Offer ends Sunday, April 27, 1997 Liquidation items in Clearance Centres and Catalogue purchases ore not included in this offer. Ask for details. SGM pains Mil firth, Ori 27, 1997, wW6 gtrsstfhirs tet 04320 Copyright 1997 Sean Canada Inc Auto Centre Expect moue from .Sears Direct Une seven I teer,1420-0271 SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE Nllr apo: ran• hit00 rw • IAI pa, Sol fill un • 090pm-Sin 11:W IIOpI • j.0tut UHIp U NI(l5l Student work on display in Durham OSHAWA -- The talents of Durban Region student are being displayed for all it bee and appreciate until this weekend r Oshawa. An exhibition of art work. by kindergarten to OAC students frarn the Durham Regio Roman Catholic Separate School Board i. being displayed until April 20 at the Roher 1 McLaughlin Gallery, 72 Queen St., Civic t Centre, Oshawa. The gallery is open Tues - n days, Wednesdays and Fridays from IU a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursdays frarn 10 a.m. to 9 p m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 12 to 4 p rn. Region Admu+ron In see the kallery exhibit n free. c Call 576-3(X)f) for more information on the t di,play. Consumer Car Mart Service Cede "Trust your car to someone who cares" Doctors and mechanics have more in common than you may think. When you are sick, you go to a reputable hospital arid want only the finest medical experts to cure your illness. When your car isn't running smoothly, you take it to a trusted service centre where you know qualified technicians will fix the problem. Bringing your vehicle to Consumer Car Mart's Service Centre is similar "to going to an s emergency room". says service centre owner Lynn Goodis. The car 1s experiencing 'symptoms' and the technicians 'diagnose' the problem and estimate how much it will cost to fix the vehicle. "We take good care of our customers" says Lynn. "We're trying to overcome the perception some people have had with mechanics. "We give fair and honest estimates and work on any kind of vehicle" Consumer Car Mart provides shuttle service for its clients and service cars free of charge when a considerable amount of work is being done on a customer's vehicle. The service centre offers a lifetime guarantee on brakes and mufflers. Consumer Car Mart has built a good report with its clients. Its sales department was established 12 years ago and the service Centre on Brock Road three years ago. In addition to service. "we have the best prices.- says Lynn. Currently, front or rear brakes are available for $59. each, tune-ups starting at $39., alignment starting at $39. and a 99c hand wash with any service invoice. Seniors (age 60 or older) can become VIP members and automatically receive 20 per cent off labor. 10 per cent off parts and a lube, oil and filter for S14.98. Consumer Car Mart's Service Centre Is located at 1016 Brock Rd. S., Pickering, lust south of Hwy 401. Call 420-3555. A ie P R I L w,. MADE IN JAPAN 1 :I 9 29999: 4 -head H1-Fi stereo VHS VCR 630 • 1277 Cassette player '. otod 16" ....wewy.� . 14999 21" amplified mini -state antenna. - 3230A CD -8156 portable CO player. Ltd qty ne Rain Checks 42-8857 4 13999-" FX9850 colour graph scientific calculator.' 6518055 4999 EC -386 32K data organizer 65-853 I �V X7-99 CASIO. Casio FX280 scientific FX740013 scientific calculator. 6518057 calculator. 6518054 HTX-202 handheld 2 metre ham transceiver. 19-1120 You must nm ave a valid amateur rad, �itence tO ie9any own a nam rade transceiver rub' 1 L THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAV, APRIL 16, FffT - PAGE 9 PPmLjr1E --, 2277x22" NATURAL FLUSH WINDOW �I lea''':r garages s•^e^..s PaNSFT 72X22 1169327; ! 44-1132" NATURAL FLUSH P4?lSF'44x,: 16933 $98.87 _ .1 VINYL CLAD SLIDER WINDOWS _ .at„•a; e . a,...•,•3...:,..r.ee W^rte P4142&,WS40C- 4MJ"; �A VINYL CASEMENT WINDOWS V3'1942 S1 144995" 5125 5149 5157 $173 5192 $209 5 FT. SUB= PATIO DOOR • Ready to WS1311 • Cleat pine interior • Aluminum clad exterior • Authentic trench door a 030715(410067.68) 6 FT. WHITE SUDII PATIO DOOR 024769(410065.66) GLASLITE 3-4*9 ftCUM G -am: ;n WWE FBERPA'no� • 15 year Warranty on finish • Ma nlerunce free patio door • High energy ratnig • Slim profiles •Key leCx Included • Secunr, lock leSteC 10 over 50010 .Pao P5FTLH1408454.551 W PATIO DOOR P6FTLH 1400457.591 I TRC -501 40 -channel CB. 21-1701 RadioShack.. You've got questions. We've got answers.' APPLY TODAYt aMM JW vad�osnx. t:re.r�� ai> yeti maws OO Ilgbe vn Tpu�cPises warnut aara, . • + ypwn are x'lual reW,l arts, e•[lavve til any xW�+�aek•'.,,.•. W., _-M Sale endsMir r,9nl la fgrrKt perwwl �� typcyrean• •• CMck BBi WM4 PMW Im tri RedWSPack ac. W W IC-iMa"d May 3, 1997 'tY W �+ o, i41wYu �.m•vunwva•.m.v r,nwa w nuM urwo uw�]nrn..� rub' 1 L THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAV, APRIL 16, FffT - PAGE 9 PPmLjr1E --, 2277x22" NATURAL FLUSH WINDOW �I lea''':r garages s•^e^..s PaNSFT 72X22 1169327; ! 44-1132" NATURAL FLUSH P4?lSF'44x,: 16933 $98.87 _ .1 VINYL CLAD SLIDER WINDOWS _ .at„•a; e . a,...•,•3...:,..r.ee W^rte P4142&,WS40C- 4MJ"; �A VINYL CASEMENT WINDOWS V3'1942 S1 144995" 5125 5149 5157 $173 5192 $209 5 FT. SUB= PATIO DOOR • Ready to WS1311 • Cleat pine interior • Aluminum clad exterior • Authentic trench door a 030715(410067.68) 6 FT. WHITE SUDII PATIO DOOR 024769(410065.66) GLASLITE 3-4*9 ftCUM G -am: ;n WWE FBERPA'no� • 15 year Warranty on finish • Ma nlerunce free patio door • High energy ratnig • Slim profiles •Key leCx Included • Secunr, lock leSteC 10 over 50010 .Pao P5FTLH1408454.551 W PATIO DOOR P6FTLH 1400457.591 I PACE 10 - THE NEWS ADVERTLSER WEDNESDAY, AML Is, 1117 Waste f rontmiers New technology, innovation can help further the fight against dumping Facilities proposed to solve Durham's waste Super Blue Box Recycling. a dlvj- sion of Eastern Powcr and Development (EPD), wants fit solve Durham's waste problem with a recycling/methane gas facility at file now -closed Brock West Landfill SIle. EPD recently hosted three open houses to explain its recycling technology to the public. President Greg Vogl says the proposed $60 -million plant. oyer a -20 -year -period. would not Import waste from outside Durham Region. At present. the Brock West dump has been closed to waste (with the exception of receiving household hazardous waste at the HHW depot on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 7 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. until May 30) and it now awaits landscaping for recreational use as stated in the original agreement between the Town of Pickering and Mctni. Pickering councillors are in support of recycling systems but are fearful that a plant of this magnitude would eventually take garbage from outside Durham. To solve Metro's garbage crisis, a com- posting facility pilot program that will cost $10 million oyer the next eight ,car, was approved which will dtyert 50 per cent of its waste from landfill Despite the good news, this goal falls short of the original plan to divert W) per cent from landfill within three years ir LARRAINE ROULSTON RecYcler's Report If the composting pilot program is suc- cessful. Metro will spend as much as $145 million to build a material recycling facili- ty for fibre and container material, an out- door composting facility for yard and leaf waste, and several mixed waste processing facilities. Large facilities take time to build and make operational. so what do we do in the meantime° We can include the new items of alu- minum pie plates. plastic hoitles with the number 1 inside the recycling logo, and all types of paper along with our food/bever- age glass and tin into the blue box. II everyone practises the IRs diligently. composts to create a natural fertilizer for our soil, and takes personal responsibility to reduce the waste they generate at home. at work. on vacation.or while organizing s communievents, we would not have this problem in the first place Amnesty International marks a milestone The local A;i -sent, International . icnec. puhllsizc the gruup'. efforts. chapter celebrates its 20th annocrsary raise funds and participate in world - of helping prisoners of conscience next wide campaigns :limed at individual week countries or on special themes :1)ax-Pickcnng Chapter 90 a one of Call Ms Johanmsse at 839-3969 for the largest and ,eldest Amnesty groups more information or to hu, tickets for in the counts, with about 250 mcm- the anniversary event. hers. spokesman Accepted (Selected Tax Program AFnr lohannlssevE—FILEre BOOKKEEPING SERVICES ALSO AVAILABLE nRs. ' (905) 294-0967 DT Owens ALL RETURNS PREPARED - Personal, Business S20 a person CASHwhse whoseatilcleawREADY [vivaxJatlasaided ALL SERVICES DONE ON LOCATION AT chapter began in ACICT" SA r.RVICES 1977 when by Amnes Dorothy Westney = lntemational, will �' be the guest READY CASH WITHIN 24 HOURS Most Refunds, speaker at •r 20th ?V REFUNC CHEQUES IN ABOUT 2 WEEKS anniversary cek- hration and din- IMost E -Filed Returns) ncr Tucsday. FREE E -FILING WITH TAX PREPARATION April '_2at7pm E -FILE ONLY SERVICE AVAILABLE - Your Diskettes at Pickering til_ 1 The Esplanade (905) 693-8844 lagc United Accepted (Selected Tax Program Church. 300 BOOKKEEPING SERVICES ALSO AVAILABLE Church St N . ' (905) 294-0967 Ajax Ticket, are ALL RETURNS PREPARED - Personal, Business S20 a person Corporations 8 Trusts The local ALL SERVICES DONE ON LOCATION AT chapter began in ACICT" SA r.RVICES 1977 when i Dorothy Westney PICKERING TOWN CENTRE watched a Man OPPOS E P- S PET :EN -RES Alive program 1355 KINGSTON IID- PICKEIIKIG, ON'T. LIV 160 about Brace- PH. (905) 637-0564 bridge resident OPEN MON jA- S.iNCAvS PEE -C APPA, MA_ -RS Judith Brockle- 'rpm Ali Rud —1", rR HgN.Ar ' wt 01 IrexA Rood hurst describing the torture and Y /j g imprisonment of TA "CY people in jails in • I different parts of a A , . the world. Mrs. STEELES AVE SCARBOROUGH 1 ROUGE Westne) talked His with the Village PARK t ecumenical group . • PARCUL (Pres- byterian. Angli- can, Roman • Catholics and United Ladies) about the pro- gram. The F'� 1O DAYS, � Amnesty Intema- Ir tional chapter was Choose from Special Selections of: born with eight FABRIC FEST - Asserted Se6ia 115cm wide. people. 100% unknown fibres. NOME 199 n Amnesty -- -- ----- — PNKFM R.AMOMETFE 305cm wide. International 100% cotton. Our Reg. 4.49 m NOW 2.99 of slatted in 1961 when British VJ44M 100% COTTON PRMI/S 150cm wide lawyer Peter Our Reg. 9.98 m NOW 1/2 Ow Ret, Puke Benenson wrote a GALAXY SPORTSWEAR 115cm wide. newspaper article Our Reg. 8.98 m NOW 1/2 Ow Ret„ Prim urging people to Fakrielani's Detdm Stay. begin working STONEWASi , NI LLWASHM, MMAMOFD, impartially and RIDWO RCAF 150cm wide, assorted weights. peacefully for the Our Reg. 12.98-14.98 m release of prison- _- NOW 20% OFF Ow Rot. Prim ers of conscience. FabrlelaiM's Coloessl KW& CoNeetlon Within a month, Assorted widths & contents, individually priced. more than 1,000 01 111 20% OFF Ow Ret. Mee people from vari- sANDWASNED POLYESTER - Heavy WoWd ous countries had 115cm wide, 100% polyester. offered to help. Our Reg. 14.98 m NOW 1/2 Ow Rot. Prim In 1977, Amnesty Interna- YORYU PRIM 115cm wide. 100% polyester. tional won the Our Reg. 9.98 m NOW 4.45 a -------— - ---- -- — Nobel Peace Prize MYON CREPE PRINTS 115cm wide. for its contribu- Our Reg. 14.98 m NOW 9.99 to tion to "securing LIGHT VAUGHT DRAPERY SOLIDS 120.150cm the ground for Assorted contents. Our Reg. 9.9&10.98 m freedom, for jus- NOW 1/2 Ow 111114L Prke tice and thereby KORAN THREAD 100 m spool Our Reg. 1.50 ea. also for the peace NOW WY 1 at Our Ret. Prue, GET 1 FREEI of the: ...Anti ask for IRUE GIFT with a 820 purchase, The local whirr quantitirs last!" chapter meets monthly. Mem- bers write letters on behalf of one 1355 WIN= Ile. kx more adopted pmor WM Catre 338.58!0 prisoners of con- N r ❑JJ Coming events: April 21-25 has been delcare as Earth Week. .April 23: 'Toronto. 1996 Waste Mini- mization Awards Ceremony hosted by the Recycling Council of Ontario 416-960- 1025. April 26: Pickcnng. 10 a.in at French- man's Bay Yacht Club Improve French- man's Bay by helping to plant cottonwood trees. cleaning up liner, and building a habitat for birds. April 28 - May 4: National Composting Awareness Week and Alax's Environmental Affairs Week. May 1: Pickering Council chambers, 7:30 p m. Pickering Waste Reduction Com- mittee is hosting a composting discussion. May 9-10: Pickenng's Metro East Trade Centre. 3Rs display for businesses will he offered at 'The Metro East Business and Computer Exhibition'. For information about the event, call Hayden Bradshaw at 1-800-265-70S]. May 22: Whitby. 4:30 p.m. at the Durham Board of Education office at 400 Taunton Rd. Official launch of Durham Environmental Ncl.%ork's (DEN) new 'State of the Envin,nnicnt Poster %lap.' Followed by a DEN inecting. The topic A the meeting is water conservation. Larruine Rnulsfnn'.i column tgilnrin,n errvtnmrne•n- ral tcwrs rrYularli upprucr un Wedne.%dav 0 iig This new shoe from El is now available in 12 colours. It has quickly become a customer favorite. 11 hilthN Mall DREW—, 905-728-11141 ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE AN INVITATION TO COMMENT ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE PROPOSED HIGHWAY 407rrRANSITWAY FROM MARKHAM ROAD EASTERLY TO HIGHWAY 7 EAST OF BROCK ROAD THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ACT SUBSECTION 6.3 NOTICE OF SUBMISSION The Ministry of Transportation (the proponent) has 5k,t riw: arent (EA) for a proposed extension of Highway 407 Transirway from Markham Road easterly to Highway 7 east of Brock Road (see key plan) to the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE) Approval under the Environmental Assessment Act (EA Act, s being sought for an ultimate basic 10 lane freeway to be constructed in stages corresponding to exisnngrfuture traffic demands In adcntion, approval is being sought for the future implementation of a transitwav in a separate corridor adiacent to Highwav 407 \= _ � �' � . J 1 MARKNAM o MAJOR MACKENIIE � Whitby, Ontario LIN 2148 Bowmamriie, Ont. L1C 3A6 o (905)668.5803 (905)623-3379 Local Libraries Markham Community Library Pickering Pubic Library Greenwood Library 6031 Highway 7 1 The Esplanade (905) 693-8844 Markham, Ontario Pickering, Ontario (905) 294-2782 (905) 831-6265 Whitevale Library ' (905) 294-0967 Written comments from the public are requested by June 6,1997. Please send your comments, im Please send a copy to: I kl � side ♦ w... ..,she 2•�:' w'VCR epry.r;,. r,V `� I�' Environmental Assessment Branch Central Region, 3rd Floor, Atrium Tower y cis-, tf on m I HIGHWAY 407 so PROPOSED HIGNWAr 4077RANSrrW4> (To Dr op- rR / w�rxf ,e„ 'rpm Ali Rud —1", rR HgN.Ar ' wt 01 IrexA Rood tdArtewn P4 In infill)< _J c Y /j g TA "CY i �' I STEELES AVE SCARBOROUGH 1 ROUGE PiCKERiNG\ J AJAX PARK t This EA has been suo nifted in accordance with a transitional process Implemented with amendments to the EA Act which came into force on January 1 1997 Under subsections 12 4(21 and 12 4(3) of the EA Act, certain provisions of the former and the new Part II of the Act will apply to this environmental assessment Under these new provisions there will be Milt opportunity, after the Notice of Completion of Review Is published, to make submissions and request a hearing MOEE Is also proposing to apply the new provision which would allow a hearing to be requested either on the whoie environmental assessment or only on particular matters of concern. MOEE will consider requests to refer matters to mediation as appropriate MOEE has. at the proponent's request, applied the provision of section 12 2 of the amended Act with respect to activities permitted before receiving approval You have the right to submit comments on the proposed undertaking, the environmental assessment end the proposed application of any particular new provision of the amended Act to this EA. HOW DO YOU GET THE INFORMATION YOU NEED' You may Inspect the documents during normal business hours at the following locations'. MOEE - Environmental WTO -Central Region MOEE-Central Region Assessment Branch Planning and Environmental Office 5775 Yonge Sir., 8th Floor 250 Davlsville Avenue Atrium Tower, 3rd Floor North York, Ontario 5th Floor 1201 Wilson Avenue M2M 4J1 Toronto. Ontario M4S 1 H2 Oownsvtew, Ontario M3M 1J8 (416) 326-6700 (416)440-3450 (416)235-5485 Municipalities Clerk, Region of York Clerk, Region of Durham Clerk, Town of Ajax 17250 Yonge Street 605 Rossland Road East 65 Harwood Avenue South Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 6Z1 Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Ajax, Ontario LIS 2H9 (905) 731-0201 (905) 668.7711 (905) 683.4550 Clerk, Town of Markham Clerk, Town of Pickering Clerk, City of Oshawa 101 Town Centre Boulevard 1 The Esplanade 50 Centre Street S. Markham, Ontario L3R 9W3 Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6K7 Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 3Z7 (905) 477-7000 (905) 420-2222 (905) 725-7351 TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS YOUR VIEWS If you make a written submission to the Reiiew Co-ordinator before the above date, your comments will be considered during the preparation of the MOEE review. A Notice of Completion of the Review will be published in a local newspaper when the Ministry review has been completed. Under the Freedom of Information and Profeclion of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise slated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address. telephone number and propel ty location included in all submissions become part of the public record files for this matter and can be released if requested by any person. Notice is being issued in accordance with new section 6.3 pursuant to an order under section 12.4(3) Des renseignements sur ce programme soot disponsibles en frangais en composani (416) 235.5633. ® Ontario Clerk, Town of Whitby Clark, Municipality of Cladrgton 575 Rossland Road East 40 Temperance Street Whitby, Ontario LIN 2148 Bowmamriie, Ont. L1C 3A6 (905)668.5803 (905)623-3379 Local Libraries Markham Community Library Pickering Pubic Library Greenwood Library 6031 Highway 7 1 The Esplanade (905) 693-8844 Markham, Ontario Pickering, Ontario (905) 294-2782 (905) 831-6265 Whitevale Library ' (905) 294-0967 Written comments from the public are requested by June 6,1997. Please send your comments, im Please send a copy to: Highway 407frransitway EA Highway 407lrransitway EA Mr. Nigel Wood, Review Co-ordinator Ministry of Transportation Ministry of Environment and Energy Planning and Environmental Office Environmental Assessment Branch Central Region, 3rd Floor, Atrium Tower 250 Davisville Avenue, 5th Floor 1201 Wilson Avenue Toronto. Ontario M4S 1H2 Downsview, Ontario M31M 1J8 TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPRESS YOUR VIEWS If you make a written submission to the Reiiew Co-ordinator before the above date, your comments will be considered during the preparation of the MOEE review. A Notice of Completion of the Review will be published in a local newspaper when the Ministry review has been completed. Under the Freedom of Information and Profeclion of Privacy Act and the Environmental Assessment Act, unless otherwise slated in the submission, any personal information such as name, address. telephone number and propel ty location included in all submissions become part of the public record files for this matter and can be released if requested by any person. Notice is being issued in accordance with new section 6.3 pursuant to an order under section 12.4(3) Des renseignements sur ce programme soot disponsibles en frangais en composani (416) 235.5633. ® Ontario THE NEWS AI)VEK'rlSElt WHDNFLSDAV. APKII. 16. 1197 - PAGE 11 News Advertiser Arts&z Ne�vsro ml 683-5110 FAX 683--363 use ca 1, wi Twosti a Local talent hits the stage in production of Dickens' classic 131' At. RIVF i -r sI\Ii HI 1'"RIIR ""('KERING — T'he curtain will rrnc er hthree Pickering youngsters who'll tread the hoards her a North York .omnnu. nity theatre annparl) %%ifh their first perfiinnaree in Thursday. Jessica Dtanxmd, K, Shannon Standen. S. and Rchecca Van Gqn, 7, will play workhousC kids in the Curtain Call f hcamr's musical production of OI r\rr run- ning April17, 19, 20, _21 and 26 at North York\ FarriCw Lihrar lhcatre. After auditioning in January and hcginning rehearsals soon alter, the three are CXLllxd about stepping on stage to perforin 'Ihey'II Join 49 other cast menr hers -- 20 of thcni children -- to act out the 159.ycar-old Charles Dickcn,' nuycl which porira�s the hardships of early Victorian Landon. "It's getting more exciting escry urns we rehearse because PlentN, of we're getting closer ler the show." notes RchCCLa. a Grade 2 student at Frenchman's Bay Public School along with Jcsslca Dressed in taucred clothes to portray file street urchins who lull in the factories. the three will per- forin in the opening number where they'll sing Food Glorious Food and Ohscr and in the final curtain call sung It's the stage debut for hath Shannon and RchCcca, while it's the second Curtain Call "theatre production fur Jessica. She played a hahy munchkin in the theatre troupe's production of The \,k ward , I Oi last year Catherine Balh,ur. Jessica's mother, sacs the yuung,tcr, have been walking on aur since Carmng their parts atter the auditions in r Januar-1-he rehearsals at Cos - burn United Church at C'oxw'Cll A%cnuc and Gerrard Street in "rurontu hays proycn it) ht a rewarding expert- cnce for all three girl, Yaks this Friday- at Ajax club AJ %X — I hey „ :,c- splitting ti,c,t ,ides and rolling in the u,lc, I nd:rs at Annandale (jolt and Curlme Club when )'uk 1'uk, comedians take the stage. Comedians B J 11,'o„dhurv. Scan C'ullins and `—Own Coy from the Iamied'r, natio laugh tactor arc1Caiurcd I a fun night of stand-up iiicds Door, open .it x h m and the ,how start, at 9. A ,lance will follow the comedy. with music proxadcd hs Scscn \Vellntan and the Durharn 1)J Scrylce ticket, .tie j I(a In ad%ancc and $12 :it tire ,lour Tickets Can h, purchased at Annandale dunnc normal workmr- hours Annandale is at the corner of Ras Is and Church streets, Ajax For more information, call the cluh at h.li', 12I0 2) OUR 2"d� � MINI MONSTER BINGO '•Mr,,t of the children in the play are older, ser when they audi- unned and made it they were quite excited.' says Ballour, who became involved with the Curtain Call Players through it Lu -worker "It's been a fahulou, cxpencncc fur them -They've matured. thev're more focused and more committedto acting. Certainly, if has helped build their self esteem and they also get to sec how things work hchmd the scenes" As a play which call on the children to not only act, but also to sing and dance. Olixer has hcen a tall order for the three young thespian, But, director Kroh O'Connell and chorcogra- 2,hcr John Smith have made it as ea,y is possible for the youngest rnernhcrs of the asst ""Fhcy'se been ycry accommo- dat,-,, with them ncc younger _n do [heir rehear,ad first sit we can get them home and Into hed:" say, Balfour. Shannon. it (trade 2 student al William Dunhar Public School. says she's noticed impro%crncnt in herself ;after more than three months of rehearsing. " %Vc"rc get- ting heater and heater at u." For RchCcca. the pro,pcct of acting in C)Irver has a little extra spccial meaning She'll he work- ing alongside her Lather. Parr Van Gi1n, who', a trumpet player in the pit orchestra for (tic rnusl- cal "Ihc Farr few Lihrar Theatre I, at 35 Fauriew Mall Dr.. North Y,�rk at the corner of Don MIIFs Road and Sheppard Avenue fast ricket, are $15 for adults and 512 for ,cnnlr, and student, For ticket, or more inh,r- mauon. call 11r-1h2- 39t1� r,E�Es�Q 1Cx96 FM presents © :,.. . -`---Yuk Yuk's' 1 \ Friday April 13th Doors Open Spm Show - 9pm Dance - 11 pm �" •• �' s '10 IN ADVANCE '12 AT THE DOOR at the WILD. WACKY & WONDERFUL COUNTRY CLUB CHURL ST 683-3210. CHURCH ST. N. OF BAYLY AJAX Please recvcle! S;;S� __L .:r 100'_.nn D V Val 000 JACKPOTS MUST GO • Great Regular Games • Great Super Jackpot & Lots More F O 30O5 ON41PI; & OR << N? RECREASIONAI SALES S 14662 HWY. 48, STOUFFVILLE, ONT 905-642-4200 -1-888-237-4200 OPEN HOUSE April 18-20,1997 LARGEST DISPLAY OF TRAVEL TRAILERS 5TH WHEELS & FOLD -DOWNS EVER! ALL NEW NON-CURRENT 5TH WHEELS, TRAVEL TRAILERS & PARK MODELS PRICED AT COST * PARTS & SERVICE SPECIALS * Jfayew * GIVEAWAYS * REFRESHMENTS * S:.a:,:. ,i. S.:r,.!,r. . Jcs,..a : ), in rn:.iii,l R_•rcc- ca Van Glln i right i are street urchins in the Curtain Call Plascrs' production of OI«cr at the Fairview Lihrars T'heatrc in North Murk the phis runs April 17-26, tFOREVER YOUNG IMPRESSIONS I HI: HIRIT UI\1f ISRO ;/EU (;}IILURf:N S ff:\.NU/F<x)I PKIN"1�.1� `f:f`.\ t)N I Iii: \l.NXTI(XI:RIN6 110:sPI'VAL "LLL.111110N \\ (A LU LIKI: ,k) Lff:ANig l -HI: III NI)RLDS Of \OL1 N"fEF:R� \\ II ) �l:\)fa flim \\ OND11R1 ( L (:� f:N"f IIAPPLN XI.L III:\I IIARI)\\ORK .k\D I.()RIIfO'NL (W )"UI \X If() B11) fl MY 1\1PRI IONS AND \11-sf`.UOl"I".RI.MiL\11WR FOR ONit"a1O. H.\\ L.\ (riff 111XI, \\ 111 I_\,I I FORT VI: R. 7 FOr Milwc- Infi> ` Call 28-c 954/ %Clair the paint and paper people LUXURY VELVETTE SATIN LATEX M&MPAINT " • 8"M an tWll lair flataawa tri r airrr aw iia site l ilr " • "11o"* 0 219 Or V" Not satin Inuit! UE6UlA1 lOw � PREMIUM CEILING WHITE LATEX &78L PAINT • IUM � rdta fat flYiaY flfltYa w wd� � arllca i11aa1aelMe 14A • Esau M W* (078) LUXURY VRVETTE LAIDI GLOSS LUXURY SII ME SATN I PRBVIIIN LAID{ SBVI-GLOSS LusTRE LAiE)c1 wIm 125!LIMEN Io m • OrawO aatrW 011e Ir aitrM 1l Ilrliaw. • lkerlYOlb W rMaYa lar IirrhtR ratty • raw r YRarr aawnaro all VU IFwras ars llnwra l�aeyooly a1 tsYaal raara • IM Mae • Esor • 1ntY11r •IMI 11111ft • Emy anawn • awl a11! • Ear "OW aldrin • AraYh yea 1111 M Mw oaYlo • ion w Mort cdon A rsaaa !!� I& LEVOLORR NVIN CUSTOM V, veff 111Y BLINDS to bw 100 celnlrs RyleeadifiLeadim&va Aft UoMn"TM 8m eveilme how 24" x W, 24' xW'to144"xW' 0o AN 0 30 ;Z40M oFr ALL WALLPAPER BOOK ORDERS V O YOU MY 2 9M MU M NMIE Mm IIm a pu ad0m M'lem h a hili tan" d fluff 'A a" Rrr alai or rr.aww.t las al inewwwrat M aik ter on My Aria Prices guaranteed until April 27, 1997. Not all items may be available at all stores. Dealers may sell for less. AJAX pICKERING SCARBOROUGH GREAT BLUE HERON picterrog roan benne Apley lane Shopping Conn . CHARITABLE C451N0 to BINGO r the paint and paper people 428.1608 ` • 1 -Where Fun is the Name of the Came r-� l(X All[) 'it Ali P, JR: .•: Rh'. ;)`-I�y:::u F O 30O5 ON41PI; & OR << N? RECREASIONAI SALES S 14662 HWY. 48, STOUFFVILLE, ONT 905-642-4200 -1-888-237-4200 OPEN HOUSE April 18-20,1997 LARGEST DISPLAY OF TRAVEL TRAILERS 5TH WHEELS & FOLD -DOWNS EVER! ALL NEW NON-CURRENT 5TH WHEELS, TRAVEL TRAILERS & PARK MODELS PRICED AT COST * PARTS & SERVICE SPECIALS * Jfayew * GIVEAWAYS * REFRESHMENTS * S:.a:,:. ,i. S.:r,.!,r. . Jcs,..a : ), in rn:.iii,l R_•rcc- ca Van Glln i right i are street urchins in the Curtain Call Plascrs' production of OI«cr at the Fairview Lihrars T'heatrc in North Murk the phis runs April 17-26, tFOREVER YOUNG IMPRESSIONS I HI: HIRIT UI\1f ISRO ;/EU (;}IILURf:N S ff:\.NU/F<x)I PKIN"1�.1� `f:f`.\ t)N I Iii: \l.NXTI(XI:RIN6 110:sPI'VAL "LLL.111110N \\ (A LU LIKI: ,k) Lff:ANig l -HI: III NI)RLDS Of \OL1 N"fEF:R� \\ II ) �l:\)fa flim \\ OND11R1 ( L (:� f:N"f IIAPPLN XI.L III:\I IIARI)\\ORK .k\D I.()RIIfO'NL (W )"UI \X If() B11) fl MY 1\1PRI IONS AND \11-sf`.UOl"I".RI.MiL\11WR FOR ONit"a1O. H.\\ L.\ (riff 111XI, \\ 111 I_\,I I FORT VI: R. 7 FOr Milwc- Infi> ` Call 28-c 954/ %Clair the paint and paper people LUXURY VELVETTE SATIN LATEX M&MPAINT " • 8"M an tWll lair flataawa tri r airrr aw iia site l ilr " • "11o"* 0 219 Or V" Not satin Inuit! UE6UlA1 lOw � PREMIUM CEILING WHITE LATEX &78L PAINT • IUM � rdta fat flYiaY flfltYa w wd� � arllca i11aa1aelMe 14A • Esau M W* (078) LUXURY VRVETTE LAIDI GLOSS LUXURY SII ME SATN I PRBVIIIN LAID{ SBVI-GLOSS LusTRE LAiE)c1 wIm 125!LIMEN Io m • OrawO aatrW 011e Ir aitrM 1l Ilrliaw. • lkerlYOlb W rMaYa lar IirrhtR ratty • raw r YRarr aawnaro all VU IFwras ars llnwra l�aeyooly a1 tsYaal raara • IM Mae • Esor • 1ntY11r •IMI 11111ft • Emy anawn • awl a11! • Ear "OW aldrin • AraYh yea 1111 M Mw oaYlo • ion w Mort cdon A rsaaa !!� I& LEVOLORR NVIN CUSTOM V, veff 111Y BLINDS to bw 100 celnlrs RyleeadifiLeadim&va Aft UoMn"TM 8m eveilme how 24" x W, 24' xW'to144"xW' 0o AN 0 30 ;Z40M oFr ALL WALLPAPER BOOK ORDERS V O YOU MY 2 9M MU M NMIE Mm IIm a pu ad0m M'lem h a hili tan" d fluff 'A a" Rrr alai or rr.aww.t las al inewwwrat M aik ter on My Aria Prices guaranteed until April 27, 1997. Not all items may be available at all stores. Dealers may sell for less. AJAX pICKERING SCARBOROUGH Oluorary !tl Centro MCUr picterrog roan benne Apley lane Shopping Conn $rl Voltmy Road Rlloeay 21 Liverpool 11 Ryiander flyd the paint and paper people 428.1608 839.2252 724.0781 PAGE 12 -THE NEWS ADVE:Ir"SER WEDNESDAY, A1aW1. 16, 1"'? Durham ready to fight for 1 BY SHAWN SIMPSON SPF('IAI '1'(1'THi' Nl w\ At A I'KrIS I'N The Ministry of Education and Training is offering Oman colleges back a portion of rnone% lost in past budget cuts, but the% "III ha%'c to fight for it. A $23 -million Strategic In(Cst- ment Hund Is up for grahs to coIIrOC's fulfilling requirements outlined it, Education Min- ister John Sno- helen's '97-'9S college budget. Each school is eligible for 2-4 per cent of its total operating grant should they meet the _.w Criteria. •-- "This was money that was clawed away from us:' said 60 ,- � Durham College '', , president Gar% N14, , Polonsk%. "(Bou �,;,'t" each college has ar a legitimate chance to win 1 back "hat was 1 taken awa% 1Q E%cr%hody will 1 end up getting an 1 equitable share" 1 htr Polonskv 1 ITUE said he think. 199 the govern- 1 ment'% plan Is to encourage 1 schools Io drop 1 obsolete councs and adopt nc" one, that are in 1 demand and rel- 1 want to hxla%'s 1 • • high-tech "ark 1 Cn%Ironment 1 such as informs- 1 tion tcchnolug% 1 ti Mwrns nava s.C[l (computer -relit- cd programs)- Sorr,c Imtitu- tions nla% object to competing for a share Irl the put, but for Durham College it Just means a fit - tic more paper- r work. he said. Durham is already / doing many of the things detailed in bfr Snobefen's 'epnrt and other pr,jc"s are In the planning phase. .1 -Ir Pulon%k\ a said one of the projects Durham is looking into Is 'self-dlrccted computer learning labswith self- directed sott- %arc" Thc%c labs. is explained. will allow students to work on their own, although the% will have access it, a teacher should they have am questions Series of workshops can make you a better parent Another idea Durham Is looking into, and one the mmistry is encour- aging colleges to consider, is Cu -oper- ation hclwcen colleges. The report slates that projects undertaken hei"cen Iwo colleges, such as sharing adnunistr ii%c ser,ces to reduce costs. will he 0rcn lop fundm0 prior - It Ott Polunsk% said hr "anl, to forge a joint task force, an "asscss- ment instrument" between Durham and another college The mini board will help each school objectively measure the results of str teglcs and the ef7cCti%c ncss of each rCspeLI W hoard ref t;,+( crines NICasutIll r the relevance of a pi, erirn of the ,rr:ill yualu% , eduIa est college funding tion, the report suggests, can be deter- work of our graduates:' Mr. Polorl mined by high rates of student satis- said. faction obtained through student sur- "(Snolielen's) created a process vcys here to force feed some change - and "When we administer our satisfac- it's to a level of four per cent. Hc's lion sun'cys it, students and employ- saving please keep doing 96 per cent crs "c are up In the 90's (per cent). of what vou'%'c leen doing hecausc There aren't Ino ni:ny companies that it's hang on, but please work Anhui gel daui that 11101 We ,Ire still the Univ this four per cent to rr,ove to%kard colleOC if OMono to guarantee the these strategic industries.. NEV 199 Mo� In stock a AJAX Help for parents who want to m become even better parents is a v a i l a b l e through a regional agency. 1 The Family Education Resource Centre • of Kinark Child BL Family Ser- vices hosts a series of work- shops for par- ents of children aged one to 10 years. Under- standing Your Child's Misbe- havior is held May 7 and 14; Discipline With- out Punishment is held May 21 and 28; and • Building Your Child's Self - Esteem is held June 4 and 11. Each runs from 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. at St. 3� Bernadette Catholic School. 41 Bayly St. E., Ajax. Cost is • $36 for the series of six workshops or $6 for each class. Pre register by • calling 433- 0386, ext. 338. If 4 No Foolin". We're Dealin'.1 Get the very lowest prices on the largest selection of quali new and pre -owned cars, trucks, vans, and 4x4s in town! _.,Special on-site financing is available to qualified buyers! " Stop gaggling! You know you'll always get the lowest prices on our cars -guaranteed!" STRATUS 4 DR 2aL. ♦ C1 1 J sX 4.'0 p a.. p o IM. awe 4, _,,: pont kr .. Iddown rear Sear. AM FM rat i nae Baena or Factory Wwrwh 15,888 oR 5 '° F ' "Find Selection, Savings, And Service All under One Roof!" >i9� RAM C/C SPORT— 1995 RAM PICK-UP 1095 MAZDA 626 CROMOS YR sae, lux PA, A ON", a t coed., MR 11 Casa 5 2L VS. dub p s pt slWV rear window 40440 seat W.Wy qt lite, Ri, PA, w toad, dill hdlis (sash, AMM atl baba SPT, am deaaa MIMi, oau. l Ina. rear sac storage trays Pic Mi t mm Oil I& MME. I om wOi YR Ipapldi•aMa step baro, Only 311.5W mks ccs laieaar. lasts_-- tws+sa -. 0V s6 ays,7s ONLY SAVE SAVE • SAVE SALE 1 61988 88parrq► a;� 1994 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER 19041NTREPID 1995 LUMINA 3 a. V6 ago. pas .. p_h . M. Cruse. ar oar 7 pass.. Alk u It auk, PR Pa. Pie, K oreR a Nil. AWM rak. 31L V6. mill Pw., PA, p seas. A coria, Al cars., w seas. AWRM ass Oahblah, 0444. mM., alum wheels, Ikd 6 eseL low standing8 V5153 aim Oy 0,300 ricks SIL. *WI7A • fy�Jgt # " SAVE BIG ONLY / 07 PKC a 1994 LX VOYAGER 1996 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE 8 3l sang., 7. Pant. erAt ld aaab dUflt imuM Ita� 11, L OL, auto., p wnndows. p dl , p seats, AMiFM wss , CD, OIi1a, p.rtYltrw, PA, auto. temp aa, heated seas. AfAR#1 CD, m" tow pack. rear hp EordR bop Yittl, l widows. oh, curse. sunscreen 6 nae Slk. gt135?A - 's k..aP%83 ONLY 81pa2•+an PRICED TO SELL MIX CORfKM 11�N1M PP CKAM W AHA ILMI• 845*1 ONLY pK date 1996 GRAND VOYAGER • a 4G..udC e" 01 Sues CC 7 Aye . 7 pass sea AM FM a,, ooi rail ugrr pact pm sae Baaoce at taaory wanarry O 209588 NTAIII 1996 NEON 4 DR HIGHLINE $u I P.3'_ 2 OL. aiao. Irons p s to lo, an Cone doth barbels, Console. low mats. AM I'M Cass, plus more 421888 OR 1498m NO lg1EUMT NO AIR TAX NO OAS TAX 1995 JEEP YJ a.OL, auto., ps.., p.b., bright pack. alumnum wheels, lit AMIFM rass, ow.l. rad&, sport pack, Trac loch, on road pack, doth Mrhets 6 mora . Only 20,700 miles. Balance tanory warranty SAVE BIG 1996 LNS ale. Ra. ►4 OL OWK Item oft two lit b*m • lila e•eek loan =*a OLMM =Mk MINI SwAbI ra.Mw. IMU L 8k. IPw ILY r 4'Z * flw M► W VOTAOER 1 1996 SEBRING LXI CONY. s �--3 5L V6. aft, P $eats. P wrilm, p di, W. cruise. w oad . AMiFM cullsum wheels. Ai! p. �. bxMs dwhia m. Awilam. SALE 51 5,8818 11101111111111111 wumm ItiCURI > T OO jamm 110111 NMVILLAGE * PLY1111" Nwr.ral CHRYSLER TORONTO = triF•IAWA illboard legioEDNESDAY, APRIL 16 CHRE: The ladies aux- n y of Royal Canadian ion. Bay Ridges nch 606, holds a euchre t the third dnesday each Ath at 8 . Irutn .e at the i hall. A' 1555 Baily Street. Pickering. All wel- conic. Admission $1.50 t'or scri over 65, $3 fur adults. Refreshuienls served. Prizes awarded. 839-2990 or 427-8831 V01,UNTF,F.RS: Comma- mts Volunteer Accountants (Durham Region) holds a seminar for non-profit agencies on recruiting and momating volunteers at 7 p.rn at Investors Group Financial Scnices'. 111- 1614 Dundas St. F.. Whil- by. Space Is limited. Regis- ter. 430-9122, FRENCH IMMERSION: An informaimn NC..urn regarding French immer- sion at Southwood Park Public School in Ajax IN held at 7 p.m. at Duffin's Bay Public School. 66 Pittrnann Cres.. Ajax, firr the Duflin's Bav commu- nity 683-5231. H�1Y, 4117: A public meeting un 1hC impacts of Hwy -107 on communities along its path is held at 7:30 p.m. in the lower level of the Greenwood C'om- mu'te Centre in Green- wood Park on Greenwood Rd in Greenv ood (9115)436-2252 ur (905)9S3-5241) TIR RSD\1',APRII, 17 FASHION SHOW A Will! lashi, n .Iniw for teens, featuring clothes from stores it the Picker IngTown Centre, is held at 7 p M. at Exeter High School, 80 Falby Ct., Ajax. It's organized by the school's Interact Club, which is run by the Rotary Club. All money raised goes to a school in India. Tickets $4 at the door or $3 if purchased in advance at the school. 683-8125. YMCA OPEN HOUSE: Learn more about services and resources at your local YMCA at an open house from M a.m. to 3 p.m. Refreshments available. 1400 Bayly St. 1t15A, Pickering. 839-8011 (Angela). FRENCH IMMERSION: An information session regarding French immer- sion at Southwood Park Public School 1n Ajax is held at 7 p.m. at Lakeside Public School. 4 Parkes Dr.. Ajax. for families 1n that community. 683-5231. AIRPLANES: The Ajax Radw Cimir(dled Model Airplane Club holds ms month- ly (meeting a1 7:30 p in in Room G- 17 of the Ajax -Pickering General HuNprtal. Enter from Cen- tennial Rd. 831 1505. CRAFTS: A craft and N-1, sale n being held fr,mn 10 a.m. to 3 p m in the lobby of the Village Retirement Centre and Orchard Villa, 1955 Vallev Farm Rd., Pickering. Donations of craft itemN appreciated. 8;1 26-11 (Doreen or Dtbbic). BREAST-FEEDING: La Lc.he League Pickering mvites pregnant women and hreast-feeding mothers to its monthly meeting at , 31) p m. Babies welcome. 811-2017. 427-8()6; or •116-282-6462 for inl-rrna- lion.lucation I'1 ia:,; a:: lia'.c oil .ki,!, Iv _ propel you etfecnvels into the huNiness world Acquire the computer skills you }! need to successful h compete 1n the Iib market through the Microsoft CNticc Certificate program offered L .,t the Durham Colkge Nkhitby Skills I raining Centre Our grads conic with an employer guarantee Financial assistance is available. Courses start April 21 and July '_ 1. 1 hm't delay - Enrol today Call: Scott Sheppardson Durham College liN hitby Skills Training Centre (905) 721-33.13 DPRrfArt �• Nla.I1:iS;eITltTlt 111111001, PICKERING NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION Community Open House Saforasy, May 3, 1997 9" To 3N Open to all ages. Unique opportunity to see inside one of the world's largest nuclear power plants! We�i love to ohow you around! �, 1T ��lift, � Registration required - book by A0 251 Ca11905.839.1151 ext. 4111 or fax 905.837.7305 for a registration form or pick one up at the Pickering Nuclear Information Centre located at 1,675 Montgomery Park ROSC (Brock 5. W Montgomery Park, right and fellow 5ign5). pnd.openhou5e0hydro.onca fl 401 Elm at a►exa red t1•ueebsew a••t asawah Iw Pf• y ' -Bnwk Read i. Pid mq Wear blafataealt Em" 1 --- 44 Ontaft Hydro THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1997 - PAGE 113 iscover Can8da'­)..'_. a Rediscover Windstar Discover The Value Of The New '98 Windstar Fun! Imes! Educatkmad some GS Cownpayamet or Eguiwkttt Trade • In -plant tours - see the control room, •e•pr. used fuel bay, turbine hall and more • o,a ';.,,,., o.,r.v�gPr • Try out safety equipment your family first: • High-tech displays and exhibits about 61111111110 Will iiaiI W the plant/5afety/environrnerrt Ifo Ttiet • See your neighbours at work A.tle• Mwl•r is Fun activities for kids and adults We�i love to ohow you around! �, 1T ��lift, � Registration required - book by A0 251 Ca11905.839.1151 ext. 4111 or fax 905.837.7305 for a registration form or pick one up at the Pickering Nuclear Information Centre located at 1,675 Montgomery Park ROSC (Brock 5. W Montgomery Park, right and fellow 5ign5). pnd.openhou5e0hydro.onca fl 401 Elm at a►exa red t1•ueebsew a••t asawah Iw Pf• y ' -Bnwk Read i. Pid mq Wear blafataealt Em" 1 --- 44 Ontaft Hydro THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1997 - PAGE 113 iscover Can8da'­)..'_. a Rediscover Windstar Discover The Value Of The New '98 Windstar 0 See Your Ontario Ford & Mercury Deaiers GIVE THEM SOMETHING SPECIALTOTALK ABOUT! Ford Taurus GL wry Elf" Sable GS �r 3 NEW LOW PRICE! TAURUS OR SABLE, SEDAN OR WAGON! LIMITED ' ** OR LEASE FOR TIME §:2r*9 OFFER! ' 24 MONTH LEASE ON mTHE PLAN COMPARE THE VALUE! CHOOSE THE LEASE PAVRAEfdT THAT'S RIGHT MR VnH1 hetweJ s e • l some GS Cownpayamet or Eguiwkttt Trade What you expect from a minivan: •e•pr. we Put Safety aM1 • o,a ';.,,,., o.,r.v�gPr ,n. len your family first: • �' Conart�on mg SPar�ng$2 $358 enedstx s ties WAY ";L V6 Engine • AWFM Stereo S402 an1owto to can fly stars - And the extras •1M•,e Cavum •.. ,r • Mq•n 4r• ,itir the hi¢est p•+Max U.S. Gewer.oa,t fr oot•eM "ash you get with Windstar: q1 . test r for beth the • E. Anda.,' .•-` 1" i ., r. :.BS ;, •r., 24 Month Lease Or Buy For drWw -dket> oas r-' • • .,,,r ,,;; .,, ,, at W-dows. HH�dreSn • • •t 8 Mirror. >..rr r,nted $21,995 _ Test-drive 98 Windstar • t 4ueed Aut-, m,r o• ,acy Glass and win' Over 57,000,000` Upgrade to the luxury of Quad e of instant w Captain's Chairs and the most • - • • travel related prizes. powerful engine to any mmrvan. , - �•�.•. ,. .•,A,�t ��. �, Just $49 Per WA • . .minim r_ Month Morete Roo s xtte ""Ilia • Ralk • ,. G�aiS -�•-r•, © =Ea arger*uvti M1lgdge ,.. ..: :'.�..:». �I �-. ".v fed• SVr.x Fa�.w - u..w %4" use stow s:w twt C A N A D A t S SOU , S P A 51.5 s o l toss seer , t t� '• .. .•':: r'• Rcdicuwcr it '+ith Ford ® • - ��� 1-888-447-4424 0 See Your Ontario Ford & Mercury Deaiers GIVE THEM SOMETHING SPECIALTOTALK ABOUT! Ford Taurus GL wry Elf" Sable GS �r 3 NEW LOW PRICE! TAURUS OR SABLE, SEDAN OR WAGON! LIMITED ' ** OR LEASE FOR TIME §:2r*9 OFFER! ' 24 MONTH LEASE ON mTHE PLAN COMPARE THE VALUE! CHOOSE THE LEASE PAVRAEfdT THAT'S RIGHT MR VnH1 hetweJ wwb—& •e• uw ou .roti some GS Cownpayamet or Eguiwkttt Trade S2,995 •e•pr. aww ,..y vie a ,n. len •o•r r.1 v cgruav�•, I $358 51,16S S 0 S402 S 18S •1M•,e Cavum •.. ,r • Mq•n 4r• ,itir y r �qr. q1 . 7Mirte• Q DWAVO yriNnt or EgtYvNrK TraAa All, IMy 11"Eme; Awes or S" Sdns or Wagons some GS Cownpayamet or Eguiwkttt Trade S2,995 5269 53,185 S1,995 S314 $2,165 S 99S $358 51,16S S 0 S402 S 18S See Your Ontario ®® Ford & Mercury Dealers _ ...�. �, 5..„�. nepnn� yu ri ., .. ,...<. nweM IM10i�.•.•• m✓w•w«�.wwow. w.,,.. �.,wr .,... .,v ra war... �... in..e um. ,. n., ws....,. .w.•.. ••.• onrrn Mc. v Mn. n.w,«�.,�.,...'e PACE 14 • THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 1117 OIINMII MCKAO§ Pic k rinSor swEEKMaYS'37" WEEKENDS c4; a PLUS PST. OST = TtP wlUwMalc bYrDkNW o --- — ANNANDALE COUNTRY CLUI Al Rivett, smarts (?+i SI 10 F� /',o � 9 PNews Advertiser OYiifip.ILOrarrtitAM ��W0 Pickerim!PantherDeewees all -Ontario hockevcham s p Hometown team gets Evan Cicorgiecski. Pelan finished off the scar- scored for Pickering, with assists I„ Mork ing after receiving a perfect set-up from Rogers with two, Billing. Calder, Hughc, and past Timmins to take Andrew Hopkins and Kevin Rogers. Small with one apiece. Mark Rogers was the chanipnmship game's Hopkins was named Pickering's MVP of AA provincial title most valuable player for Pickering. Brandon the game. Saker did a solid Ioh of neutralrnng Timmins' The Panthers then lost 3-2 to Northern in Peterborough top off,ensisr player. Ontario Hockey league representauves Goalie Chris From was stellar in net in the Timmins Seahawks in a physical cumest championship game and allowed only two Timmins score I Iwo in the first period and one goals dun ng the whole weekend to finish wish in the second to take a 3-0 lead. The Panthers the lowest egals-again,t average. roared hack with two goals in the third by Kula In the semi-final much against Hamilton, and Pelan, assisted by Hopkins. Kevin Rogers the Panthers turned in a strung defensive effort and Vahey. to record a narrow 1-0 sictory. Chris Franz Mark Rogers slid awkwardly into the recorded the only championship shutoul by hoards midway through the game and was ,lopping 20 shols taken to hospital lift X-ray's. (ivahc Luke Gregoire was named the MVP of the game (or Pickering. The All -Ontario OHF champions are coached by Norm Rogers, assisted by Don Ruta and Don SmAl The goalie coach n Mikc Brown, the trainer n Bob Price and the rnan ager is Bill Dawson r i1 - Pickering scored early in the second period when Andrew Hopkins came out from behind the net w slide a backhand shut between the goalie's legs. Trevor Small and Rocky Ruler assisted. Alam Mnycr wars instrumental in shutting down several Hamilton offensive threats. while Kevin Kn}'irs blocked a slapshol from the point lair m the game ht preserve the shutout. Hopkins was named game MVP. Round-robin action started on Friday with Pickering and Hamilton battling to a 4-4 tic. Brandon Black. Billing, Mark Rogers and Michael DeK'so❑ scored lir the Panthers, with assi.0 to Vahey and Hughes with two each. Pekin and Rfark Rogers with singles. Defcnceman Dawson was the game's MVP. The Panthers downed host Peterborough Nationals 4-1 in the sec- ond game. Ruta. Billing, Hughes and Hopkins PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers Golden Gnddlc peewee 'AA' rep hockey team captured the Ontario Hockey Federation cham- pionship on the weekend by w inning the gold - medal game 5-1 over the Timmins Sauve Lumber Seahawks After playing 8t, Lames during the regular season. the Panther prewers became the first Pickering squad ever to reach the eti r OHF chainpi- 4 ` rnships and win 9, ��(',► ? T h I01 IA1f� Panthers gut on he hoard in P,:terhorough first when Aaron Calder and David Hughcs act up team captain Scott Billing for a goal five minuet, mto the first period. Mark K, ers scored for Pickenng shorik after on assists to Ryan Pelan• and Hughes Timmins tallied early in the sec- ond to ,lose the gap before Hughes answered for Pickering three min- utcs lacer, cumerung a sct-up by Mark RnCI'ra and Billing The Panthers held the 3-1 lead mhl rrndwas through the third +hen Stott Fahey tipped in a rebound from Kc%:n Rogers and 'rhe Pickering Panthers Golden Griddle peewee 'AA* rep hoLkcy tcdm captured the all -Ontario championship after defeating Timnims int he final. Team inemhe•rs are front row, from left, TreWr Small, Lukc Gregoire, Scott Billing. Chris Frani, Andrew Hopkins. Ryan Pelan, Hark Rogers and Adam Moyer. In middle row are Evan Georgievski, Kc�m Rogers. Scott Vahe%. Brandon Saker. David Hughes, Rocky Ruta, Aaron Calder. Michael Dawson and Don Small, assistant coach. In hack row are goalie coach %like Brown, trainer Bob Prier, head coach Norm Rogers, assislant coach Don Ruta, manager Bill Dawson and Brandon Black AJAX SII\OR HOCKEY ASSOCLAXIO'\ r Sunday. Apri120.199 6.30 p.m. Located in the Ajar Communit}- Centre H-M.S. R(x)m 2nd \'ice Prc%ident Tournament Director O.M.H.A. Director Referee In Chief Trcw%urcr Equipment Manager . Hou.cicaguc Director (Minor Di%i%ion) Rau ko &www Inline HW" Nsvfcs Oran h Want • acus, - soy amigo Aupt CiTmism • Wari - llrss0 Ttrrrsdap • 15 Non-Ceafact thea • Thsss ti:30 Pin -10:1111 itskaon ries rapier • 'All 51x' Tsaaa 111111112 19 F-11 111111" .11:91111:1110"1 .. . llad: Saartin, April 19/97 Location: Ajax Cwnunnv Centre. 75 Ceitemial St., Ajax. Om. mon: 1090 am - 2:00 pm For letter information coatut Jim Darlow 905-6%-4266 Harvey Bunston:905.666-1576 Read the News .advertiser four times each week r NEWCASTLE GOLF COURSE Season Pass & Pay as you play Weekends Midweek 18 holes - $25 18 holes - $22 9 holes - $18 9 holes - $15 Twilight - 4:30 p.m. 9 hole rates spr* WW SELECT MANAGERS APPUCATIOIS FOR 1997 SUSON NOW BEIWECENED 1 AM DIVltilow tlsitnoATE 1 .,�". Minor aft""" 111117 1 C. r Ilaijor Mosqalto 7N6 1 s peaallp equipped with 200 H.P. 4.3 him V6 engine, SpeciaW equipped wits 330 H.P. B.0 hire VB engine, 4 speed e tranra�on vdtlt 8utomlftc: transnumon with overdrive, air conditioning, •_ MNror Peewee %fits ««$• 4 speed automatic r major IPeewes 19th" 1 vverdzive, clot3i scab, chrome platrtliirhaala,dl�ts aw cludWats, cb=— plated wrlyapy, dawfaon 1lt2 ti 1ls3 chrome gn33e, ABS, dual air bags, IItit/Ftdf ate �' ;4glpw, bode ri8kitouldinga AHS, dual �� tinted 1 sr 24 -Hour Roadside Assistance. 3 rear/60,,000 len ' r � cassette. 84 Hoar 11 9s, AM/FM steiao RoaiilideAssistaagp, yearl60,OtX)iitit p. Midget 1lt0 319tf ' , CM TUTAL"' 1VYarzatttr `� �I u,� W i The South Durham Select League is comprised of 1 �• i R,Y�a House League select players from various ( r * , AfAtA L Durham Baseball Associations. MY r. A SMT i IT rel League and tournament ipl n A In June and July 1 f t with playoffs m August. Applicants should have 1 n, h, IQ211e and test oljie tod8y Coaching Level 1 Technical (Baseball) 1 1 t iiT1 YY PatCllisive %C -whV •.,..e. ,ia�,.r.�` w...: and Ap Icatlonshould Include outline of +•; •' y ' «i««.. •DRi • Mi * " ` `` qualifications, s tions, experience and philosophy. 1 �F CheVYT1,tllnder CD. � �° iYa.i t0f y+r?"� r '"'•';�„�_ x, Applications must be received by April 25 1 �• �• " � ''��"=� "#� , `• Submit mppfcaWns to Gordon Brock, Sehict Convenor, 1 ASAWA, P.O. Box 39, Ajax, Ontario, L1S 3C2 1 4 V Weekend Teetimes required 2miEo[ Newcastle Village off Hwy. 2 (905) 987-4851 on Goff Coarse Road spr* WW SELECT MANAGERS APPUCATIOIS FOR 1997 SUSON NOW BEIWECENED 1 AM DIVltilow tlsitnoATE 1 .,�". Minor aft""" 111117 1 C. r Ilaijor Mosqalto 7N6 1 s peaallp equipped with 200 H.P. 4.3 him V6 engine, SpeciaW equipped wits 330 H.P. B.0 hire VB engine, 4 speed e tranra�on vdtlt 8utomlftc: transnumon with overdrive, air conditioning, •_ MNror Peewee %fits ««$• 4 speed automatic r major IPeewes 19th" 1 vverdzive, clot3i scab, chrome platrtliirhaala,dl�ts aw cludWats, cb=— plated wrlyapy, dawfaon 1lt2 ti 1ls3 chrome gn33e, ABS, dual air bags, IItit/Ftdf ate �' ;4glpw, bode ri8kitouldinga AHS, dual �� tinted 1 sr 24 -Hour Roadside Assistance. 3 rear/60,,000 len ' r � cassette. 84 Hoar 11 9s, AM/FM steiao RoaiilideAssistaagp, yearl60,OtX)iitit p. Midget 1lt0 319tf ' , CM TUTAL"' 1VYarzatttr `� �I u,� W i The South Durham Select League is comprised of 1 �• i R,Y�a House League select players from various ( r * , AfAtA L Durham Baseball Associations. MY r. A SMT i IT rel League and tournament ipl n A In June and July 1 f t with playoffs m August. Applicants should have 1 n, h, IQ211e and test oljie tod8y Coaching Level 1 Technical (Baseball) 1 1 t iiT1 YY PatCllisive %C -whV •.,..e. ,ia�,.r.�` w...: and Ap Icatlonshould Include outline of +•; •' y ' «i««.. •DRi • Mi * " ` `` qualifications, s tions, experience and philosophy. 1 �F CheVYT1,tllnder CD. � �° iYa.i t0f y+r?"� r '"'•';�„�_ x, Applications must be received by April 25 1 �• �• " � ''��"=� "#� , `• Submit mppfcaWns to Gordon Brock, Sehict Convenor, 1 ASAWA, P.O. Box 39, Ajax, Ontario, L1S 3C2 1 4 THF. NP:WtiAwt.,irrItiER WEDNESDAY APRIL 16, 1997 PAGE IS 2 for 1 -1� O s , Buy one ?eek, get 2nd free. , (905) Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. TORONTO Monday to Friday all us for . `'INE 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday details or fax your ad Applies to Atil For 798-7259 (905) 579-2238 it Sal. and Vehicles F. ■/� Sale only. GARAGE SALES BIRTH NOT -CES (y Announce your baby ; arnv:fl s(j only X35+GST and ret...-E`7 ecewe a bile cerUhcate ,\M +/,M enhthng you to $ 55 worth 54­1 WI of quality baby products Careers I I Careers 1'FAR Callhe .11.Jere I I CareersI I Careers I r TORONTO CAREER 1C -.L 'I' FAI UTS:r,•r ,q wY ' :try A Bu Sine„ Pr•; h. 12 wv AWrrp.•rsrwulalAsw haxai Back • � � � erivve ' n prig e- r� w'. MP,O - nonal - lefrtxrlWarnry PrWAol-Ri, f,ruep 1pf,— as I 89gmnws Prtoan• Global Human Resources Helping Y Build a Helping pu Better [ ifs �w-"' nW s ne -- "sola A , ,al Hare Ivnvr r,armr.� bosom b• s y a.wrypri 91A 83. . 2 r— Accounting and Computers bue sinss Administration business d Computer Applications Computer Support Specialist Network a Communications Computer Programming M.C.b.A. Computer Applications Executive Secretary Legal Admin Assistant Medical office Assistant Hotel 8 Restaurant OI»rations bar i beverage Mana9emenl Travef and Tourism Dental Charrside Assistant Dental Recept.Nnnat. 420-1344 Get ahead for Fall by taking these Continuous Learning HUMAN SERVICES COUNSELLOR courses now. 1-F_kx I 1'FAR Callhe .11.Jere rlrr•rk.prr•rwt 1m -r LIFT jrr 1.1krv4.r r i. .,ire• :rt - ..r ; . Iniin.lx. ,jai . ,. M AWrrp.•rsrwulalAsw haxai linea I• Forwr/lS."fe s 'huixur fief. 1.-. ••+ 'a�4,v�. •r •. lefrtxrlWarnry PrWAol-Ri, f,ruep 1pf,— as I 'tillable vehicle iter gs Dasod ^.r '•avelmg Global Human Resources NANNv REOUaEO r+ (115)295-9193 Attn: Judy Ianrs C- FfMrs he ti ---4b f lfsfnNJNr.rnn• 4x IrrkaAl- Repr.rt arutex Te r••isfair r th credit —it, Cox today for nerve ruff 731-3000 or inforewkon of 1.900461.3260. 721-3052. Map Educating You for the Real World. '.nwn�le Finani al as ne Aad. 'aa75 1;65 ':1E RNEi .w d'mamman-,Hmmnr main son -111 aldesgnespe 11.11 a NAIL STATIpN ' e T.,, . ., « . taJni.rb a aac:.a-• rads aavnrnng ,oanngs. Dwnmr,r., - "M 905 73-9^A7 I General Help , N COMPUTERS Career Career -among I Trainino 46 1)111211.11 Filltil!VH:�� x � ('O111'! I.1'1-.12 ('(11.1,1•:(:1•: r Ilnc rinnlcn(i al q,icn IBM - PC •A ',CAU D. D, •, r,N V 13 .,r �.'n I, A, , a,r. •... ., Hi.�. � I •.I'. AI•r i �, n n.xN•, •Ur .a n �r Punl r,n iN•,•r;(rn let n. •, •I 1. .,r'i •AI I1 r A T• ii ill i':M •14 ire( r (moi rMMirrl r• A .rN-. •Mi a R. .ir t Siff, ...''N' . ...''N' n "N. CNA�rNE,NT I A' .N. Nri Ari. ill n,ir, rJr•l .n ",•1'. > t i ,i. 'Nn:,t Dt ea P(r•,r.MAMM N' MACINTOSH •fv.lr .inti' �Pi. ... iJ'. .i {'.. �H DI I.— SCARBOROUGH PIC KERING 72a- 1 os:3 427-3010 Q........... Tram Cana(IT f rock Dnu•r l'r:unmyt Y,c r,n orx pin no- ', �, • ;/ U ria r N„ („wwh � , a, ,, , , V11 I ( I i•x M.,h M,nk-r.A lr hr a4r .. N,...•. _. ,, t',.ntnw-r.IJl rrn•:h:rny.•r, ,,n. vn.• sAlr hrA,i ., u •,ln....r Ar i, T 1' nso'u•' VA.sf ..: hr r',Lrr, prrw•rrL mparr +A..� ^are i :r, FrnJn, hal •4,.r,rin.e nwr ha•.i..,hluhlr ^'was , an,nacr rckNyN r;'0. pen r• ellJ.42%.iia-c �www^i• ngA1 wa...1 .nu;pB10VA11,1 T "war, mo.rirr, General I .,enerai war, •• ... +�v15 ; u- I HeIP Help CONTRACT RESEARCH Career Training Office Office I Help I Help I,IIItr Ill ll .11 Mr(LIUgh RECEPTIONIST .. Perm. Part-time Ipm - 6pm a Markham Rd. & 1, -1 r-:asl s'n Alax •'iCkenrj Nhdby Janawaark • .w er r,., - ... ' _. -..,•.' .,,r ,l;-. \lark,! I,, r.irti`'ip:tte you ml be ,ompdm %Lir, :yrs expo Plc J,ant. :--ri manner A,r:Pr,. caccllltrl nn �. P'+•,w . ,�.. t,,n ,.�I.. 31C 11,1'�r fur Fan rc, ,n, to 'tillable vehicle iter gs Dasod ^.r '•avelmg Global Human Resources NANNv REOUaEO r+ (115)295-9193 Attn: Judy Ascoosol. Sales Helpr Sknled Agent Help Fina ewer wawslw,w GYE > ,al,.p•rlon FRAMING CARPENTER .•. ••E, DEP I ysw na.e •�...r•.n . :.9-N%s-l; is • - Rr. J u, m m, pe.• Y+e, +c 655-1052 are Drw.Mnrp .•••r'rd'rr•l,. mww 9u>,wa •� nanwro .ADI. = Ea• -n _ - . +wontrt.» 1 i�3 Yeti ..t,^.i NORTH YORK Full time cam- 499-0300 195 1, Dan hmo i:, ;.,� .. sa a ..a• ,puri clonblg — f -- DVrS nr'n'vPgt OC TECHN CiAN airy; I, - ent. no deliver, General Geryeral nw naming �uw ^ars , o••..nc• Help I Help Please :all • -rw,ra `-I `W—ft . ,ria „spray gpmar�o at , a•uno-, so ADAMS SERVICES requires 50 CLASS AZ DRIVERS 2 yrs. exp.: I.C.C. Medical, Police Clearance, Clean abstract. Full/Part time Call Randy 430-2204 Lots of weekend, team and city work 427-8021 YJri%':59r/Y .Oi.d a „ser •-, , :Renese POra_ wrNJOs `, vr.; .., 5 n,ir A..••.. '••sw ,.rear^ .•,•,,,,w,?, wn M-...... ar,.yy -•� 4 . • S 2E,r, A- '1 -2 -'1-2 w 2J0-1 3 .r •-f5u: w'aN rEO SEWIrrC YJ SALES, a .rAll.lit Nr: ,. �. .,,i Av t>r Mar•_. ndepender! Sales oocple quartos .rc °••"rr •,•i: '- I,IIItr Ill ll .11 Mr(LIUgh •• TludipwJr.r ,N N. .. •.p•., a Wanted r-:asl s'n Alax •'iCkenrj Nhdby Janawaark wwM• wP5 e. I,, r.irti`'ip:tte you ml be . Ann on Successlw apokc-ants will •eduurro a �. P'+•,w . ,�.. Y, NN• A,„ ..', ,w.... 'tillable vehicle iter gs Dasod ^.r '•avelmg .'" -_w °'•«" •n Saiy VA, NANNv REOUaEO r+ do-alce arld commfss,Gn Der sae �drea r, ` b• s y a.wrypri 91A 83. . 2 .. '.r KU We studentsretuae bums •o ear, ^,vier .. .• r, 997 .:.• w.•'. -M,, Ihn Vhr,_'sllmm•Yr • SJ, is left" A I r' nw �.wi tri, Call 728-5119 or 686-2292 e. - •. .� e ask for Mr Kendal a SPORTS MINDED .:'..Irketcd nledlcaitons in our modern• clinical wrc car,h .rc °••"rr •,•i: '- I,IIItr Ill ll .11 Mr(LIUgh •• TludipwJr.r ,N N. He require healthy' malrx jor Can Pin. at 905,58396-^, 141,P'Ai N1) bh ..d level sludrey - ase • -,.a ONLY12 « vna,R^ :u r. I,, r.irti`'ip:tte you ml be "new ono in,m„m • \Liss -:\.e IN 1� • ]un timoker •.o«vnu ar •.E.; . inlag. v,. • Liking \r, Wdiwtium,JDrug, .rb spa I A•r.,, , It you are inlerestCd In panlcipating r:.I ,ridy r,r require ..• Inv .'Y f:' An•^rine ” Addittlrnal inform.Rion please call +'RLs WANTED ".^, O• %lkmdav-FriclaN. Sam- ;pm .. .• r, 997 (4161 752_3333 ext. 23; Do00 •+^n' ... c pnt., ora "Ivers. para cash naps n,iuoirg •riC 'urnran .as yOAs Ngnl'Y mus, naw o— :>• C-- Norm Dsnawa by- "... •poly person'. tOSn S-— StIN. Osru' CLASSIFIED. T'•r, r ' SPORTS MINDED . and^g .Ha M,.,• �y •'El, i.r saofvwk. CUSTOMER GPOWIN(1 CIRCULA Dile to recent exD;lnsirr -sur ad item Is w.. - :r.a.po•-vy1 TION ' experiencing an overload of work NeSERVICE CONSTRUCTION Su. rr'rMmMr y I+",'. - -•, -„m sa:,•�ra— Can put 40 people to work •TmPdately viers =:.-^,«' :, ', c'+rw !""9 ex no experience necessary Start A.S.A.P, mar hN,,"t ers Choc.�., r°+a une,, A �• " Call '7J Call Julie at 905- 721-0299 JTellPI as -W bcatron as + 9C5 - 99ucn- News A,,�w Mf roti De HAIRSTYLIST WANTED • •fill • Train h ll, if Enrobmd • D/ • Yariotls Dan •Job search Throughout T•ahrtigwe • ANIMAL CARE AIDE Thr Year • NUMAN SERVICE WORKER Oltletb Blrktsss CAM,• • LAW A SECUMW ADBNNISTRATION so ism stn d Wed • LAW CLERK • DENTAL ASSISTING OEAaaa mwbm Mall • TRAVEL COIIIISELLYIG TOLLFREE 576-9175 •susElEssAOEENIsrmTION 1.888.5741300 In -Gass insrruction to hep you succeed. • LeamLeam do and run your own business • Stop the Cycle Of being laid off • Be your own boss FoloCial Planning' • No prior financial experience required • Loam the skills to succeed as a professional financial planner • work in a rapidly expanding Wad You may be eligible for government funding assistance it you are. I. Presently receiving E.I. (employment Insurance) benefits 2. Received E.I. benefits at any time during the Past 36 months 3_ Received E.I. benefits related to maternity leave at any time during the past 60 months Take back control of your life! KERN'S JEWELRY A 21 .More charm fit Orltanu is seeking a dvnamlc individual for a MANAGER'S Pr1PihOn in O,hawa- Candidate must be mutmated aggressive and consumer oriented Jewelry retail experience req d. Position includes salary and commission. Please send resume and application to: 312 Dolomite Dr., Suite #215 North York, Ontario. M3J 2N1 r,Dorside rd mile mar Ai ill ±w � .., ►+.Tel Can Pin. at 905,58396-^, nor -W,on d any, adrer- -ra:w. ONLY12 J ,,S ids hr ads 15 frilled to!'* MORTUSI pea amoktto me space K.V nae `�.u.,sw.. •_° a_•- :-.py IS suoteci to ire ape 576 -9175 - =,GBL' r,Dorside rd mile mar 11;1 're roanx:w, nserbop and .., hie snai be ro Ilapolty id Can Pin. at 905,58396-^, nor -W,on d any, adrer- er•nmgs 9c-. 819 2':' Ilserenl t4ber, ear er J ,,S ids hr ads 15 frilled to!'* HAIRSTYLIST. «r - envie pea amoktto me space K.V a::ucyin9 me error All `�.u.,sw.. •_° a_•- :-.py IS suoteci to ire ape --•- r' al Df managernenr of HAIR$TY LIST \e News A,rerw ir - y0 DOIaNO'S PIZZA 'torr n 8ir el, tlaur Sale $14 ..r ail $1495 'o "Ivers. para cash acr.mllW. I' stamnr, Ngnl'Y mus, naw o— :>• C-- Norm Dsnawa by- "... •poly person'. tOSn S-— StIN. Osru' tion. Dont ^s your own p,,,. ess w'25 - we Polub— oll Io start eIetely 434'2777 11;1 .....w^^••••�' o a TA- e�nyru.t Daycare HOME WORKERS ur. Jr'm Hite Trw suc:.essrui applicant a Available ": possess A -aha JNDE IawOOD 5 a • ; M0' -''"•• k Easy wr of Inc Engls an - ,ria ".rY Av Aw jrranc LAr-aeE J.y iApr. ^ NS�aa y., a.dX 24 nr ia16 6126691 _ w Earn $2.500 a month nom Skilled.� SUMMER sruDENTS home' Compiepng easy Help •'-�• �%++rJw-s i— .n' o .MN sada a muss Fax ouesthont"Jul" Ion custom 247 Brampton Ont LET .u• ±«nn-ova.. a•r 4Y8 •Doer N•:: Mw t DAYCARE .Wl.pr T'•r, r ' .i .. w . .. • -awe .� . and^g .Ha M,.,• �y ,.. •HC 4. rTw .,� M , w.. •• ~s .. n• :rte NwYr•y •• :aa •`.a• r,:M y,C nor. „•, . www o, .. s };S w.. - :r.a.po•-vy1 !L .Ani E C E N aror.a• a rr ur+tr •, '.r CONSTRUCTION Su. rr'rMmMr y ary.,r . -,r., • ►ERINTENOENT r r^•r9 'lea°'•u•' 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 •+rcea ILl.. p.m. Sat. 9:30.3:00 , ..".:. c ar:•waw.a55 • qdb Ana - -•s3a TRI►LE 'A "JDf ^,' a•rwr..+ ,rq w w'•d sa apVIDUALIZED- JA. r;AM/'• .n W, •. aaa egos 6 -,,, arc i tr.le 'Alien a:A 54 Ad Be", Bar'rapN _.I•♦ '' 3. LOVING Pw.s-ww-+' •^ .' 1 WANED He,rar••f•re a, -r -� G�a"d �„ •as R•cacs Cyi 905a:N-39ga ANY fLws Sales elp Sales Hol P I OHlce Help I Agent I Agent COMMISSIONED SALES AGENTS A PARTTIME P•r•pn Fri Excellew 3ppc,iJnitr for sales to a.Y «''•w;_w '"' ,,�` 'Dol 8 Die Macre and httg Accounts. Contact Bruce r+yde .5051663 -SOLO lura no dw w. xJoa OLYMPIA INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LTD. aNir 1l, r a Spa ' me Na 5 J.OicataC lenng me .Ont -.'.e once r AUTO SALES AND aeteunaea hear. Pleas. LEASING SPECIALIST Ia ^i+ssag. 9Js 721 Budd a future wdh 'THE PLAN' we Polub— oll Io start eIetely 434'2777 11;1 .....w^^••••�' o a TA- e�nyru.t EARN 6400 • SM par HOME WORKERS ur. Jr'm Hite Trw suc:.essrui applicant wee. I— roma• Clpphg 9+nny N.ad.a ..0 ": possess A -aha c rDns. ProcesYng mall M0' -''"•• k Easy wr of Inc Engls an - man. aSsemding proW.oa "� al 'edureC'• 1,11, 1,11, Ana nave a wprking 24 nr ia16 6126691 For nae J,, ails sera a .,uwiedge of MS Word Earn $2.500 a month nom SASE to Slgnre Enle•pris- Irv.^sows Em IWIl xer- home' Compiepng easy as 15o Mark Blra Suite o .MN sada a muss Fax ouesthont"Jul" Ion custom 247 Brampton Ont LET 9'5' 5'r .6955 ars 14161 812-6892 cool, 4Y8 0877 i RPEx p ean aage Can 905a27-7D2t 6 Sat, but w+l: :•al valid dnV ors license Apply 1255 I Sales APPRENTICE,* nsea IT PAYS W mss we gln' MNp 1 AgMts Sheat rneedea roe hal time EXPERIENCED Had Too You 'Dox goon Fes gets! hours 57 ic scan Profit "soar, -th own Chanute to, and earn, extra in,ome Call 5't 5063 snaring Bake., pay For new salon downtown will". aPPt Call 4331291 ask for by Can feather or June ' Lisa Lisa w Jennie, go f -M.5" LANDSCAPE CON- STRIICTION Company AJAX RESTAU- RANT- Snin EXPERIENCED ECE, tuu looking roe DZ Drier A .managers r-edW Mth >rN ysa a. Irma s111p1oynNnt. mnmum -can abat1a. JorrS1—ion Penedo in last food kAun 3 y� •wervnce Fa. re expenerva Clean —1 ape be enargenc and have Some to 19051668.5471 peanace 801 a povtrve aniiude Appy must be Tier.60-70 wsa.n 1615 Dundas St E EXPEPoENCED ilMnrykst wdlrn to wort hr 9 Wlxtby, IwNx"' Mau) required roro t Couce Beau- `eeak d Call tax 693268• rclub. lull time. no clientele BEAUTY SALON MULTI SKILLED Ren.,a :gwras pen-eme LO.hsed Styllst necessary Call 571 CLU8, bon workers :urrenuy a- loe Alaa Salary. Commis •peak to Joanne ar Shame Q.,ad. hourly or CyinrpJ. stun Call RIA 5'98839 Leave message 9C5 '23 EXPERIENCED rename, CARPET CLEANERS re items neeaed. goon 0877 i RPEx p ean aage Can 905a27-7D2t OPTION L is bokin for 9 Sat, but w+l: :•al valid dnV ors license Apply 1255 COnSulidnls to 'Harrel mein Canadar made me 0 La TervnYger ': i 0021 dies fashions in sexes XS to XXL through dime Dresar. tatcns Immediate pay News Advertiser Classified Dept. menti Call 180081J3186 ntorm,llor Or :His V - open every Mon. to Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 S--ARSOROUGH Basad p.m. Sat. 9:30.3:00 defy ry service r 3l, es direr. will, Own r No. Call 683.070'1 C: l A16,'SA Jul Fords premier lease program Fraser Ford requires Experienced Sales and Leasing Consultants for our ex- panding operation These positions have above average earning poten- tial and generous commission struc- ture. Apply in person or tax resume to: FRASER FORD SALES LTD. 815 King St. W. Oshawa Bus. 1-905-576-1800 Fax 1-905-576-6078 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALES REPRESENTATIVE DURHAM REGION The professional we seek Is a proven closer with a minimum of 3 years experience. as well as excellent Interpersonal and communication skills. Employment agency experience Is an asset. Olsten offers a competitive salary/ benefit and commission program. n j'nn -,Sj Please tax your resume to. Human Resource, Olsten Staffing Services Ltd., (416) 221-4703. We rrar•I ererydre wY10 aNIeS, howNer, orgy Those selectfxl b an usen'rew we be Cc,iacted 401 Check Out Our Flyer Deliuerly Service_ We are by far The s/ Distributor of flyers In our area. Have your flyers delivered r1w & any Wednesday. Friday or Sunday with The Newspaper that everybody needs. 0`R f A -' _ _ News Advertiser IIi li THE NEW'S AD*'EWnSER 11'EDNESDAI' APRII. 16, 19.7 Im Skilled Skilled Skilled Help 10 Help Im Help 2 GRAPHIC ARTISTS REQUIRED Macintosh Based. Must have Adobe Photo- shop. Illustrator. Quark &,or Multi Ad experi- ence. Must be willing to work In fast paced newspa- per environment. working directly with the Sales representatives to produce ad layouts, brochures, flyer pieces etc. -- up to 21 hours per week. Only those with previous experience please. Please submit resume with sample piece to: Monique Lea, Oshawa Whitby This Week, 865 Farewell St. Oshawa, Ont. L1 H 7L5. Deadline: Friday April 25, 5 p.m. Articles 1 For Sale BUY, SELL, RENT. few usedCC,,, washers and d 11.1, Pans, urr now arra used )drug diet cad R.Pa'S IU ,I.we). Ie, washers. dryers �tepner•mns Cu Hyl C.0, 155 5,mcoe 51 � •�cr•ara t.'6 AG 7t CARPET BRUxi bar ' n m,cl, r..+.. •"e •ani carrel I� • ' "• - wmy $36900 rare r , 1i�0es 30 S9 ods ,:d•net ., _• pare dew ,nsGfl',ennr ,. _vn, Free 9uum �• r^. ,r u, nwne No in .• est. 'w payment or one year Dan'el 1 800 Carpet MIT L sn�Dule ars. n, nr`•. 'all .rle•esl- .4L 3 n< , ni )sd n ' rstaned .. ,. a Dad horn only Sa'w : ••oars D^ V,nv c- ­ Hardwood "i •• s,,_ AI H,..m« • 800 6041 1 IF Sale 1 For Sole 1 AM~Mg Ard.rrlctArliol � 11For Safe Wmftd ANY SCRAP Car or Truck wanted. compent, a fall Top Cash paid FIM ptdL up Call 431-4333 a AM 7489 AUTOMOBILE$ aim trucks wanted Id, strap 686.23 4 Any condnwn any •911 narldrea'r ,nal we sell and free removal ,n Ine D.II CARPET $ I.•Is of carpels, pier •n. •••�Tne,1 qwk Iur Region. osh Dard Alsu 11`0 slam o1aase. n,sn,ro� •table any needed. 75 1. 'B7 Chev or ,:alplt urns 1339 (30 wh.p a or penhve GMC pickup pr parts Call sg yd! Includes carpel. prices 92,5985 F'74 anyl,me Oshawa 905431 C,emtum pati and msWM Di Sk 1IN Fee estimates. ;emor TRAILER. ^envy dulr earn d,scounls carper repass dem a, of teed 7 v 12. 'ASN FOR CARS! w« Sam 9056861.'.'2 Cry w� •d decM an buy used verrCleS V0VCle5 no.must Pe ,o running CoM, CARPETS- t•, and save rads 905435-4901. poo Can 4272415 or come Near i0 . Stam- Osnawa N saturday cabs to 479 Bayly St East. Aldo Ie)s r,r. prvdudi line avau- pease al fel AD AUTO SALES act✓ la suit any budget Sell dscoum Repan USED k vow Appliances. F T 6 a AUTO SALVAGE and resloti,ini b, free 115 m a ':,"ty On Used, a Cas" Inv 5Codrap Abad „.. Boned and good wars. timate. Call and 1,1 snow manufacture•, warrarly on I,uds Call u5 MSI bar pest you the difference 1005 new Slei 6 Hanks Ar customers tn111"0.- prancer 31: Fren:_I <t pnce5. z4 ors 7 days 30 guaranteed. Map ,905) pspa..,t ,,:. 41;_7,67 n service 90 5 686-500 3 431 4040 -. m1905 706 5234 CLASSICAL GUITAR USED FpIDGE f225 and Trucks carp , I )t c ' p '. s ens,,k-1 for Sale „C SWI. I,m Ca'. s hes S. -C' bar Beta h 305 939.1558 0 wars S. 1 recd up B,.3nd w bs^,• elms mages CI $n1' New Intend 19x0 f' ur' BRONCO COMPUTERS - 366 OR - 41.4 ' -a 4 sod Will Cern 466 s " me "es 34x9 and . 515uu 9858339 leave .on• t ar' Driller 5 up N t^M1 and dent t•Ssa9e $675 no fad P -one Ni frog 1 5249 Sle e•mrs 5•'-5291 Dne „rr.l and 1961 1.,1 F100 pckup •Cpl a ' Cort SI, i" "al 9Mndard. 6 oy COMPUTERS New pent 01 � -448 n> great. $1800 ALSO 1 - ^-ed,a wit^ ra garden meds ... WATER are Con 5'DC eoac ^arge dog cage car^P^ n epteste smell a,. wale, we r info 686 BJ51 C 1234 alt., 5 CARPETS rvI> ,•f w,IJ,JI. OAI(JPINE FURNITURE ARLR SALES LTD. 520 100+. nya,n now Stam rw Tradn,onal Wt"Mwonung is �s DES/6N a10 - 4•• Tal.rtbrl Re.E. Iedse Carpets on nantl I pbase0 Ie •rnr00uce our ��•ri�� IJe OMMr•, OM. 72•-2751. will rppl 3 ,tw s. f349 -H.��ne Crlrce' and SERVICE 571.777•. Dumam Re- V.ae ,,,crud«+ revolt Dre^E me,la„,menl Genle,s' 9,ons Largest sebctwn of m,um pad. eyD.,1 •,>laaa Wl nave sad«� mane new Home and web page creation Hyper pip owned yenipbs roves nm last dtN,v«ry nee esln Dedra •m. a doing room link and server storage. lull lu SP,W your a,M over Its 130 var,)� Norman lU0 cars a vans Iv criodse 1 Pecos a wen We P, '100 at �4•�� CLASSICAL xn 1991 Burch eget Id ruu load ,7tln. $8995 • Wf•,tea a s„Pr ,.. prpfe•r... 1991 Buck Regal Grana vance ,54 easetne Full fill z alarleci Please mail or drop Dn resume to: Sport. wu load 127K • LOS, 8 AWomobik5 59095 1992 Pontiac SE 4 door cal loan. nK • 1 Found 1 1 ForSak ■ ■ / CDurtecus service' 1016 Brock Rd., Unit 02 a�:�'011�312s�ic' ses .Storm MISSING b,m chter Creek Pickerinr, Ontar10 1993 Geo tun car Home anngue miner cul 19.6 FORD TEMPO GL. Call John Duarte f R l at �4•�� CLASSICAL xn 1991 Burch eget Id ruu load ,7tln. $8995 • Wf•,tea a s„Pr ,.. prpfe•r... 1991 Buck Regal Grana vance ,54 easetne Full fill z alarleci Please mail or drop Dn resume to: Sport. wu load 127K • LOS, 8 AWomobik5 59095 1992 Pontiac SE 4 door cal loan. nK • 1 Found 1 1 ForSak ■ ■ / CDurtecus service' 1016 Brock Rd., Unit 02 a�:�'011�312s�ic' ses .Storm MISSING b,m chter Creek Pickerinr, Ontar10 1993 Geo tun car Home anngue miner cul 19.6 FORD TEMPO GL. 139K 35995 1995 Dodge IMum All CprR are Dated goon 'u ung n:i un Ram V6. auto. 38K. Door to 1967 ,n s,�r e.- Cegdaolen SLp00 o D o as 515.100 1992 Saturn cell for mrkPls most ,n is �905r 686'7:. aver 6 adobe. lull load red r9a0s Some dnn;ue dos Dm $7995 1992 Chev Astro J_ $1 PO to $IW dollars 1967 Ronr'rd19, V6 euro. yen. ,D tone paint Inoao. Mus' cans were sold m the an all p7we,. 51995 can, 1�aK, f!2.400 1993 Fvrd rolls Gwmel will gladly pay had 1'atl9 Mercury Topai. 4 Aer,slar flOK. lull load. Y. for ire return Must of cyf, auto. air St995 cern $t,,995 ,'491 Ponta' Ins money was spam at red 1965 Monte Cano 5unDinO a dr ince car convenience slurps 6 Fast 5995 as ,s 1987 Dodge 130K. 35500 1994 Dodge IWd IP,71d1 Also missing Van 316 auto, propane van. A W D. fun load. 46K. -an a Panasenc CD Vital Mope) SIL rC CD $1595 as ,s 1I)t-9%59 dn0 1992 Cnev St7 w'm cab 4a4 106K. 39995 Rvm 'Nec' caste out pug. 1%T PLYMOUTH HORI 1990 Cnev SDvr15Me. Pulps T. Converter gun 20N a,"' .:eel 1d5K $11 ?1 '988 Ford bottle of cologne n blue w leo '.e'1s s�nie ore cube van 180K $6995 AT Donle called -Graven' Il 3802 ORn 434-8518 ARLIE'S.' WE NAVE you nave tib obese Con 1966 Cm I. a on 9 SOMETHING FOR EVE - Jac. 90� 4� 7 8'87 mut., .,• 4 ,,, RYONE. .osn H,a,A «y rem me Icaoed. ea elle non,u � CARU50 AUTO SALES • Ipety$Upplles! 3'995 can 1994 CAVALI 19H7 HOr.DA Pr«�d. 1 BoaMing CR 2 dl 5 sp0 only 4:'.01X' cant. 208K auto. 53 9 ■ • man On 222 •386 HONDA Accord LX FrKT arw Gm,i 90' kW cacmagen 58995 ,tic 657 standard ewer. 205K. ONE PAIR - U^Deena cert Win feeds bar older 31.995 1989 TOYOTA C•,Cma'^r5 Pill, all cages Cavalier or Sunbnd ToICpl. standard. 165K, anda nes call Kenn 1905113317f37 blue S2995. 198E HONDA 430-ea06 ar 5T9 3250 1966 ,:HF J CAVALIER a Accord lX a ,r Brand. ROTWEILLER PUCpres- d• ^• Jm cane• •' 77N s ear. 52995 985 Pure Rre E. --',tem Il un now HONDA ACCO'd lA Du,- Pe'amenl Pa, 'n on ores. ora•+, a U9t ane a gi.nOY 177K $:-t 1989 Accord EAI. 4 Fri.Snots Tans docked $300 after 3 p m ­oupA�•�`g 32 295 obo Can 965-9B5 7'3? aCNUA auto dacm. ' •OK 3`. 195 95 Can Pn,l 6863807 1895 ENGLISH 5 longer Span 1986 MUSTANG Lx 5 'ore Clemwnls Rd Unn 177, I Pups. a. A -1 .u, naw •-, :•a s PK1,c' • •_ �S300 121 ri • 'nr CENTICAR SPECIALS .11 Call :905,Ve: 1313 dn'on. fSeIOC ,, best one, c.t,he, nor 6 Cm 721_ BRING ON THE DONKEYS - -I ­Jae a4% SUNSHINE COME SEE FOR SOME VA44 A, ' are req 1988 SUNSIRD •24K a• TI TIC' DEALS '•':4 A•. col cs Dr 4 t• r s dr ,�. far•, ,L «. n1e1 d pe> - Z, $75 cross Z, $75 Very areal $2-- �M senge, lokn doors. me agent ;9057 352-2047 red ready "' go, phone 123.000 "'S`3995 . RO7TVVE1LLER PUPS 5755406 1993 As,,, CL eFt added. ^n•ac a^� �,1ea •,' 1 eve 19119 SL*OIRD LE. a do„ puke ,dr.,rs Only 70.000 E._pnen, lemc«'amen! aC' + .S7 • mm•, Sia 935 1993 Sao lxmne-caned $250 5300 $11.1C_e:nt:nc J;1-0225 -A 8 passerge' '02 000 9'': 3858021 kms 3"980 '992 Sago 1990 P,'• la bra Ltd. SLA N passenge,•,adwd FEMALE ROTTWEILLER, 3E ,- ';pry cw n cam- 59935 •991 ..MC Salah ••+ s - . : ap'•' 1st:-,•; "ed As„rig 5:99` Ivan al e. >a0ed purgund, .- a ,^ •. 'r bpm 73 •age 59 795 •99' ."', Cl. Vint 7o'd tell' Ay 1990 CNEY LVMINA adwl 8 pa IS" 7'>od S-5rr opo h ramuy EURO see •1,4.:'_ , S9995 99' DuCige ah e Cu190+.a3r_;,Jy ,xd,r•nra r rM C n LE loaded ar.1392 GHIH-TIU OV poet .;Kf ra119CS-668 :9fe 58357 Piymouln ••n e • cad• ^An 1991 „- Mir.- yxiy,d YovageUr LE 7w0 DuC. Mt aid, S 6.'95 IgAs M 1 IMn v ^^t ,nag Avr 5 ding rE ,. ampMn blood , 68 000 t" "1 Ba gain P1,11 •. S600 Cam 411 788: a ^9 5550,13A- �m3„ ^ ,J 995 Need gnM a• a' 5.H Th-ghsr•d :5. ,. tin GEO TRACKER Ten ince' W.- Go, TMam .. , ..-.• •,n,y Y We a "'o•• ,. res aid^V • s Fix= = .,Saernry •• crud saNard µs OBO 705 8'n 57995 1993 .,-n 5BS'uya`u aYVAF ut1059.95 ,., 3' 495 ' 991 N ax• A: rENTiON g Own.., 1992 SAAB 9000 CS. ., XF a 11 au oma. 4 •� Drew- $6 995 • 192 nF C ry 5n mrr> ,lart,r•g u 35199 ' - -, r„ a,; a 6 ., 36995 rG' W to •YI D r,• Dip I ,w Power -1 door, •991 Ponnx All SF 1 Jmc,w•, ,rarha:.r 325 32' w•M•.n -.'ed 1" 1-, 6 :,l aul� a• Fin Hvrt' , ,ndour, wtOr-or b Irv+ a Coar so "S 1990 Grand Pnx REST Har 1'7. 6' ampagnw Mefan,C 66m CMJw J_ won• 3:395 '97aV L,teumw 'w'am«. clan "•,.wage A • dude OMs I Dass C'q 5 :N ,req f• •99 99 ',.yrs nw' s.. J-tc Mw SA•nr auto a1ew1 15195 •989 ` 3i:5 :215113 Fo. S1.X1 905683+58C1 Ford Exon LA sub year '23-1466 '5-. nn ,I p.W 4.11 LA 9723 ••„tiler. 32995 191!' 4.Nd Dy Aper X 19.2. YEPCJRI' TOPAZ I odg• S'edi S -'I Hp 1-1559 m ", , • 1-.w nn. mr'n„,. R.r 7 r +n �...,y ,,. r,• t.nn.d a,a a -•o"a peNrw.•' a W eDrw: W."^ \p. n,iw, 19M CAVALIER A dp+' Tmill w el .r mind a naU 'an m :,' . , . Cnc�w cab Cwetw 115 ."arc: r^.'. two' King Sl w.. OAnew. .1 ed a •,"OtNr.nK put f950C r M,.own Mall 'WMr. mplVTrr ,• .cad ,t a ­2m,.y 2 C.s'.-. ,erW Ihew vnq Canna fernery •u re• t• d GRANO PRIX .1 rriendt' Open Sundt". .men ,," tnwr Mr's n PY, a, „ i 4 • - C ­reps, s7 ism 1�A-_Ice . n ..a..a V ^.100 eREDIT PROBLEMS' un ly and !•wnAy CtN't lymv . t te mar - - 1 pe v 267 47 $11 506 cam 683 302C ,C 11M GRAND IRIx M-11, r paymenH "om ' • ^ •"• ll OA C Can •roan. Aut mobil$ 1 1 y961 '0 996 agar dy fOr yak ,, _K r`yi r Aurt. S.re1 l.d 146 Brew 316.,_ car ,nw ,[ "• WM1rror P•,orle 9G`_ NEEC • VEHICLE' y. 611 ti66 736? •b• 4 19.1 SAFARI SLa LEASE TAKEOVER Jul :1'I, ..car, i a 5 5.6 .soc or t a68t 1593673 1Can r`e4 f15.500 Cam 6147272. Mn..vaauAw May •U Cau 1.76 GRAND PRIX g, i HM SLOMPID 7wn 905.69' 763A ane. 30p' -ond , . on, Offer) <w.a„w'.0 tare e• , r ..., Dace, r'ar.•1.: V r..,, r, nww tM7 ts..agwn Gda. ywe 25 92 9 Dram., .,n'd Must tem Bpd amAm Mox i 38502 �11 pert oe C." S'2Sc vDn, "a9 111M --NDA ACCORD w 6-.1 tie' DoOge drawn. 'pass "IN and n r Burns no IMS r :NT,.0 GRAND au'o 11: S1: opo 13a rewd, A Cm.I" ssol AM -.I J 11 .1 Ca, Bob S.'1 1479 : • IGC •. can mar 1965 CADILLAC .wdr dal options a, a^'y AutOmoblks Dwr . • . ,. ^' ,Non, m 1 cmarwn $ warned cam ra:rwr�, ,tie 6614-5586 ua' V8 A,.o wiled. rt, led 19% PONTIAC emir S75 to $7500'..: •-a: +:s 1600{ Fill Pmase Car ', remain. a..' 1 ,, anY condnw 737932 to .•,.. .m) tow ..- �rn}:arr Drpinvmai /9•S ' "^ A- V8 let-"tC d -down r ar p Cm .11 905 '06 wtar •timer in SBM. AB5 YY 3'46010 b,,,( cean Runs w« "snow 925 7.-' • JC2 new C,•t. $2300 op Mon. �'r c1n6 SERVICE ADVISOR Articles Articles • Wf•,tea a s„Pr ,.. prpfe•r... 1 For Sale 1 For Sale vance ,54 easetne Full fill z alarleci Please mail or drop Dn resume to: 7 n m al al 0 a1 a m 0� al m■ ■ �tanat;er ■ HOW ARE WE DOING? ■ 9 .lttn: ■ ■ / CDurtecus service' 1016 Brock Rd., Unit 02 T11ETh's'l1veeK*lWSacxj 3_o Deoa-i YT■ / Pickerinr, Ontar10 ■ F 'TIIECCa Ic .v C.Et7mLY5 N/t't1E 1.'PS ours LI._ •fled Penl .- 1111 3111 ■ / a"�E 9 "Im l*W-Ir vi arid, ■ T'.STrO'x.Y-- p• :tC TE' IOr`t, :BCV' ■ 75 wile "'no, $699 '.• nmed�a , � :omp,pte t S f 29 ,..r . 4A65.?, 9 ■ ■ 1 Was your call answered promptly' ■ Great deals or MMX • Wf•,tea ■ .tams GemD,eer / vance ,54 easetne MATUAE ova, d., ■ Bowman.• Just east i11Pi^" ■ can 432 697 • --.. sand Nr r a sate anM '+appy ■ 9 / 2 Did the Sales Representative offer friendly. ■ / CDurtecus service' ■ NINGROOM . 14 Idiana 2 2 yrs. exp. Clean abstract clean / d Suggestions or comments ■ w r tie w^ 3 eaK ■ 2nd 5 pUftel tMftlr fop ,24 ■ server 5850, ■ 753_7303 ■ ; are you satisfied with the response to your ■ 'RESSEFIS. 555 4m -b- ■advertisement' • Wf•,tea / - n�oRoom esu e95S7s R. A. FESTERS TRUCKING �""-'• tt, O,nAwa a•ra MATUAE ova, d., ■ Ba. ar nedr,dm su requires / • --.. sand Nr r a sate anM '+appy S75C C -•,9P. 362 ■ 15 PROFESSIONAL AZ DRIVERS ■ DUALITY DA CARE ,e S85«w w ra s5a1 Ara- 2 2 yrs. exp. Clean abstract clean / d Suggestions or comments ■ 3.25 CMw a - I, 25 A i,."n crrmmal search, SSOO-S6001week Teams 8 Singles (905) 0345210 / ,24 ■ s aD s .1y,, W. WaNl,E54OK.A1tONA / 1 ,.Into A -a,.. x5. ■ 7532 A.:-,.,-. b•a1'� W: net a,�'3A•m et 5 n. 5+.5. p vett ,eadDCa •] a W.;i \Irv, 11.1+ o P,.rllrly:, tnr r _ Yy "Im ■ �ha's %It( FIA\IC AL -lief NIB[ FRi, ■ arcs Hardw, l 1. MDw s 5,25 ince fn's uv• - ' c'u• SSOC C", ■ 9. 1St1titRFITTFR� ■ It you prefer. .NAGE .pairs. \rr ■ please contact F'ed Elsmon! 5. -.:1 I," In u1 a I<•t .tnl h4'Id \L' ■ at 576-9335. or 683-0'07 operon ■ rsop•nen N' ❑:, el F„>I h,vn+ mtrt r1„^r .. REFfi GERATOR . sm. • Fil ■ trey v,. Eaurs a'6 r ,txn han,1 haft+ The•..• ■ or fill out this ccu e- p 1x73 .Iry 'r`l.lnent !:111 tlnla' fht rsltl"rt1D ■ and (Tall t0 /-4RowooD o ,3850 Call 416-'41-9'iN ■ / +' w S'SD Fax.' 41f,-2---40-,4 BURGLAR ALARMS •• Classified Department -y.an ■ z' t "a .osn H,a,A «y rem me ■ S25r, ^,u• 119 - %it Daae 232 )2" days 905 t'V P.O. BOX .381 ■ "r' a9• ■ 865 Farewell St. / "LI TSxrs am.' FrKT arw Gm,i 90' kW MaNDIJ.,N YIN ■ ■ Oshawa, Ontario's / .,. ..a. .•xr 965 "i.ly WrC 1 F P.v000 . / HNICS WEDDING SOWN 'read r. - iuG..•..re silk Call 905 1 !asdv allerpd ooic Articles 971 Wanted or an •- +mor inti enK , pip, ad- 1•�nk r :onecnons or Rxe•' Bowen An'-wes ' ._ 155-8749 B -i" A5-', :�w4•,- .- n7Wm.t and •3dr, i ^:11 clr:nets. ming a Ded . ng --es ANTK)UE DISCOVERIES -Ln-'6f3a2a3 ,7 a f. FILING CABMETS rr l Abe WANTED •se, Dano • aaarlable ■ UH "7L5 1. fa WAN ED win D y at / ■ ;.., a nova"�..' 'a o, n -. -LE : F w - Jab Dodge tree, va- r w^ nnu..nn,d • • - - Jun Sa!'ShC..C,•'$ In8 'heave tie ;T ;,w' SUCCESS• ■ n- l ,ee n<, ...y., 7„•rd1 .ash w •.- ..i • •., m8 ■ me as � as m L d fl's< a]]-4'6' . �cw, And .navy 5n$ LNaD•,'•-.' , - - ,rr.rw• Cw Y 4.45 :613 D; nneu u. , • r • Days :OS 21, 336' T.wn • Wf•,tea 'tip X`517. -6665 1•P Strouas 4',r ''.,b �""-'• tt, O,nAwa a•ra MATUAE ova, d., 1 Bargain .' ., ^r Beat^.c• •o, Corner • --.. sand Nr r a sate anM '+appy 14,AK tt •raven Gat au u-'. ns S .. -. , ^g yu DUALITY DA CARE 63k.a� : • - ,ort 53x - t Dov, s75 lune 6 tl .1 tM G ' r•: alae Been 3'JC ,•f P►FR nus r••^e,t'c " lege• 92172' :87A 'a"r $23 Dep r�}}-~ E M.' ' . '.ia' Nary $25 I Sn' ohms and ,u•n"q ,vas S2SC 7' NC < O"riaw, F Antiques Q �" 6 • S.iMFn 9 a 3G 839 9177 up W •r G->ugnM C., PUNC , :•_,N A R15t H ANT,,,UE DEAtEPS •N ..pram: .'re • lune 6 tl .1 tM G ' P,ANOS GRANDFAT FR VA- Ga, 905.36 -LOCKS ..• ,24 ,rr pl W. WaNl,E54OK.A1tONA 1 -'a"d 'r• A vrba dt "" 1 Computer A t r Wqe ) rwr,ed a•: Ir - fmp„ 7 Yacm use E M.' N07WE $25 I Sn' ohms and 01 325 plus lbw Lel us deli you clean and •. ncros ., Tw 839 9177 up W •r G->ugnM C., rain{ s'S u Mus •vgvt m..rur arms., „ OAC y3 K Full- 4L33 9C: 1183-.669 aDw 509-93.1 �qr�. fables . Mier ,�Dms 300s9n wrstaied QUEEN SIZE CrMIm►lH+•• 'no W. WaNl,E54OK.A1tONA W 'E Ht LWIOra Sl: 'E {,caro sirs Plus We ►T^ ,,au „a from do A.:-,.,-. b•a1'� W: net a,�'3A•m et t -, .M mamei+e, ,devise• p vett ,eadDCa •] a W.;i 5399 S0e•.. , v,",vws r _ Yy "Im _ - _ t• �• ••• 50ard ,9l'S 5'V- i66J arcs Hardw, l S^1- cads top ma("els ince fn's uv• - ' c'u• SSOC C", Ali SCOOTER oo. ng Free Shop • f'x oast Mer cad 905 V - c Y. c ,,•••' t. w w^• Curdmm .; .- q , S.'S.- yn. 800663wmk, 5. -.:1 • Lost •, 1 T M a apw re . Cat ,tie. 5w' e,rbC79 A. . ,.a CARPET OUALITY REFfi GERATOR . sm. • Fil A. -3C' S'Sa:^' M S ".ic mw °� •s' rug -'Y Articles a9K 4 I. "d Er^C oy^Ient for Sale � BURGLAR ALARMS •• tri•] n, Reps F r nG 5115 4'y. .osn H,a,A «y rem me 1 Warned ,. -. b , finale, Gal War 232 )2" days 905 t'V fix r D.r A •!!i • '27-579'. or '3633.: '96. ewe FrKT arw Gm,i 90' kW MaNDIJ.,N YIN J SEA -EP , .•. Rpy ay nom'• � , rrM r y rrww3 ,r^DafKO Ca ^•.dr SNE DYAN Ouaat, . a a. Orr" an; dab. D•,'. - 17 .' ' as h.a band ay.bde Car Joe AI 81114 ire's CM mrl,Nd wt ,r -a nd rr - ..M` • f S. a9 s la. '' ser Braes nrr a,•> r X 1.6.79-6532 yew• Naw nova Ga' 668 ­11-1.D`1^•$Kura ® ,.,, .w. Aso ^a' 'les :. r I t 72' ,,exgns:u.,a168a29 yAa xas :6' Mcxa, Nc ' yiVJ56.42(f9- • Painting 6 e Moving a • Moving e mprovelrlerds • 1 1 • Decorating • Storage • Storage DEL ZOTTO AN Pre Pak" MOUNTAIN �'� � `�'�l Wood F•ncirlg sad WaMpoperb" MOVING SYSTEMS ElBarknced Deas C,am. L- ft, stucco Ceilings Am rm,- re ,Tr ng Croat moven General repairs .'vette Any- Bargain rates, nomas E FREE •sN'm l Po s Top quahty work P Grnrr'.:a, r •eKaewu CIIK , apt etc at reasonable paces ,Dma9+'9 Drage ane masa Plaint moving Call Steve araNae >e•w 6'n,C •',ortt' Packing dva6ADe 905.509-5077 2C`, o8 for Senors ascents r'ee exw'ates mobile Call mar a F ,mate 571-0755 21= 416729-1348 1888 491.6600 man THIS PAINTING ' Flooring, • 1 & DECOR NARRYOTHE Carpeting Intenor 8 Exterior MOVERS European Workmanship Move a9 a small we pace CARPET CONSULTANT Fast. clean. them ant Flee estimates. INSTALLATIONSPET 112 PRICE reliable service. seniors discount. sewn no- uce moves Appliances 25 years experience Handyman can do any 420-0081 es6eirning, our 112 rice moved also storage space p available Compaiable specially Will supply rates Ca11432.2a50. Fee eshmales transponatnon, • Moving 8 D E N Duncan. 'Jack of All Trades' • Storage Mil 1199 at 917.1400 Knowledge of ide • House • Cleaning IC, `` spj�r•ymgo wale 0146E. 1• any now 0a• % in Iw B,, to p'we Ce•'- hed ask^� 18.500 Can Tony 721 -roof 1908 Va:,a n ,l up 02200 a u,• a'•: 137.000 pow«r $•saving, c we' Drakes cap Des ^' 3480o-ernhed can 579- •� ,,r ^sapraa . -care of 53502 Ca11905658�03 1 Yar15 wheat Onve 1393 :,MC Satan KT Ver•. CD.t•�� ..m,lm cas- sene. rtAtna,g Mads. dutch doe 85,000-1 $14 000 C 11 W5,',}930. , 905 73 2.61 199] FJEEP CHEROKEE a ••e, cassette ur mi,. r"r, group. 83 000 les. ex -men, corlmMn We., m ne tied ll,ni omprra twe maeN•reKe p,agram n« brutes n.n urnhed 5'1 SCC 925 665-0„2 1996 '„xNSPORT sE ba. f.-: , Puww-ludinrq sea:; _.- -'•rage $2300' 7863" 1 Trailers 19119 ib DANK M �.• Ow- 4 P,, n _W,- ,nming d,a 'urnx:v, 1 s +- cad. Ndye b ar An .. .A $'450C . . low ONESTEADI. '. , 1�urn 1n.d . •r»4. 1 D< bate. ,.lndgw . ,a.propm^e "love .nd E,Kp•cA Mt Nlw• .In•a. .'ui•w. ,. 'M 1, P ,.,rated u N.,1b r P•7 tAwr Y, Del waw• I-, AM1, B gem - Brava S.530C AaA •aN$1000c ur Desi off., .. rrlenag• 'r bre 4 D ^ w „anft. S m to 9 0 m Pan , y J}rumble Asa In, Denise 'ri 5'9.779 1 Auto Leasing Rentals 1995 PONTIAC Trans. a'.,r' r.r•ann um• ' leaaw fa92 mmm r.oud.s aces r, sinal Ouwnpey me^.I mol Condition idea.{ 905 6s5- 1 1972 BMW RGWS. I- r n rw owner 9.7' original w me, 12 Nsy Dig SNIP Two Sin- bmg.. Nand rum naw banery warm ungvu, anu- �9li* carr', for p used 57 000. se,: bar $1 2% Can 6" 30% aft. _ bpm - -' ��� 1.93 KAWASAKI Ex 500 ! 'ray Douga"W-W. new 190 r 1 _ -�apr �-s $4 500 may 900 as S4 500 urm f9051 655- aat0 • House • Yard • Party • • • TeX Felrlcie HISURAWZ: • Cleaning • ntanarlce • Bevies$ • • Iliccbry Rates to fvlota des dlWdng GAILLIND MAI) SERVICES SPRING SPECIAL To all new clients. 20% OFF our regular rates wild all bookings of weekly and bi-weekly services (Lundell time only] Inquire bar details. Canng for your home with persorabed 6 proksslonal service for over a decade. - yrs (Fully Bonded 8 Irrsured) 9' b 683-7515 Specializing in house cleaning. • Weekly • BI -weekly • monthly Tel14161-291.8244 'Ted" 57!i-1122 Cell (905) 7D6-4365 NATIONAL MOVING a" WITH NORTH STAR FREE ESTIMATES LARGETRUCR ILIE Big SYSTEMS flat or Will do household Lots of 1 AKFIVT or oNand plAyl[ID[4ID ' Roofin hpuay rales moves residential, • 1 9 scam reMase. latest MOMH D18COlMTS. commercial All types of colours. 3 room i35 yrdt MMD SERVICE ResiOennal commefcal moves hom 5299 m5tatled al in qty cleaning Cir -;areae rates Call Carl 1x James Spring Specal 65 c: Natural' 4l''�MM/ a C Free o,r-rn s 427.2856. carpet $te 00 mstalied FING, WS-na-7479 FREE ESTIMATES! Spring dial 1.600-653-7754 Can Sam (7 da sl Insured 6 Banded S hingling all types day sl new, and (9051619-2249 61"353 anship A.AX Movic- Systems (905)706'32% d Free tun services ,moves. ap MICHALSKI Ury lic A regislered Call piano special MOVING Dtance and Houses. Apanmenls o• HOUSE ew at 'sis Fat fate or hourly We aces. Appl, n and CLEANING 26-8700 now nave heated storage Pian. Soecukss Senior and' NOW onering tree and M,c M", Drs- I l 1 r+ -pull ' Ddtos All mere path and Counts LC. -T ,n ,.ad Mur+Itl'„ load sp-ri, s-arimg a1 sure, F,«ets ales i and Fndazs COMM , "ilei S99 ,and up Call IN mbar Excellenl service. I Call Sandra Dee Call 436-7795. < t l 7!25.0l a 427 coos 831-6049 4 1 REFUNDS 1[NIGl17"S R/►iaR SuperSports Ng got WANTS WORK in-ebaR 2 Wks better with 4 month Complete property 00-N Magic Fa "FREE e+LWG^ payment plan maintenance$since$ Choen s Parties Computerized Tax available . We offer And Ali Occasions Returns prepared bye, Autoavailable. Cat Ian at Have My Own Maglaan ProhisYaul ACCO% til and (905)420-1881 Call Erele Judy K � s CGA *W""Me Home 6i�4i1 Insurance Rates. far tree estimate corporate tam a h Bete% Open 9 to 9 by appL serMc•s auadable Monday to SwMay. III Call: Jones -Dooley i 1 �aX� g kwEarla emkw 427$ • patty • RAY Y1•litk•e: • Sevices • Services LAWN wwaAH dwww Jau -•q3••5 s Marine Sill. THUNDERCRAFT Bow -hoer, 50hp Mercury. n PI•I•ly re6wR rip hpw6 In wale[ E 2 Load tra0w. loads of toys InClUddid. $6600 I1 arm. 905-473-1220. 1988 EDSON BOWRIDER Length18.6'. beam r.to, erg, 4 3 ,fro Marc, 175 take cared HPIO Extras two swim War arelawplatform, ccrapMM corwert. Pluts rall mi Dave 905-43E'7633 • privaM mg mel spam propSm"i Book now and eceive • Privet gle aw Caasa Master tral- • ff Tutartli5ehoob • tl Tutor5lShcol at rale, Call Paul' 905- TWO Free Spring or Fall 5769339. after bpm . TRUSTWORTHY Clean -Up! $11.500 DD Rrr,Jrnual .9<arcrr 1 - 1 AUiOi�iNG 9.9 EV*MDE Motor, kw hours 1211 Mumlnum Iwai s rear, experience' We teach the basic math 8 morn swsvel seat' t'al 6 as ercrllentmkrrn.r,. accessories, $1200 firm SELL language skills to place your Call 905623-8334 rc40 rale,. IT NOW child on the road to success! 19005) 514220.1971 CALL Faith Montessori1 P*Cfeoonw E. Commercial Ave Wlhicin 683-0707 9165 428 1285 OR FAX ,Earn 19•• HONDA 250 A.T.V. can Deg Excellent conWtwrf M MV 579-2238 neural&lun see! T.1905.7235986 AERATION N07WE $25 I TpTMTOCLEAN YOUR Noll MOST LAWNS Lel us deli you clean and Bil McLean Day, up you house We 839 9177 have many satisfied Cus- tomers. We suppry as C" equpr 1. We will Deal any corrpeulors price Family owned and RELAX THIS YEAR operated business Have Call for hta t9os)u1 sots. tie inn. L AN D Mowing Ltd. -•q3••5 s Marine Sill. THUNDERCRAFT Bow -hoer, 50hp Mercury. n PI•I•ly re6wR rip hpw6 In wale[ E 2 Load tra0w. loads of toys InClUddid. $6600 I1 arm. 905-473-1220. 1988 EDSON BOWRIDER Length18.6'. beam r.to, erg, 4 3 ,fro Marc, 175 take cared HPIO Extras two swim War arelawplatform, ccrapMM corwert. Pluts rall mi Dave 905-43E'7633 • privaM mg mel spam propSm"i Book now and eceive • Privet gle aw Caasa Master tral- • ff Tutartli5ehoob • tl Tutor5lShcol at rale, Call Paul' 905- TWO Free Spring or Fall 5769339. after bpm . TRUSTWORTHY Clean -Up! $11.500 DD Rrr,Jrnual .9<arcrr 1 - 1 AUiOi�iNG 9.9 EV*MDE Motor, kw hours 1211 Mumlnum Iwai s rear, experience' We teach the basic math 8 morn swsvel seat' t'al 6 as ercrllentmkrrn.r,. accessories, $1200 firm SELL language skills to place your Call 905623-8334 rc40 rale,. IT NOW child on the road to success! 19005) 514220.1971 CALL Faith Montessori1 P*Cfeoonw E. Commercial Ave Wlhicin 683-0707 9165 428 1285 OR FAX ,Earn 19•• HONDA 250 A.T.V. can Deg Excellent conWtwrf M MV 579-2238 neural&lun see! T.1905.7235986 • I -Y= I Y saga MI I FAPa«I ,, frIT Fa RBrN EA I For BM MOVING SALE NORTH OSHAWA di sOnRDr19 to everyone 28 year actumulalan d slut) ,a 9" Itedroom In wall $1 IA Ahmolute, ANordabler •arn,al"qed quiet budding SICK OF RENTING ??? 117 Preston Court, Ajax. Uimgs. cadala D.rl-g Sat. & Sun April 19 6 20. 9am Spm ^'Cmaea 3 6 1969 oil, WHY NOT OWN A: • Marine• Marine FOR SALE BOAT -1987 2511t. Peterborough burgundy/beige, new burgundy camper top, tinted win- dows. 305/OMC out drive, low hours. All accessories, excellent shape. $18,500 or best offer. Call 705-878-3500. Apartments / I I pFor Rent / "Apartments For pent WIND JAMMER APTS. 2 bedroom $785 3 bedroom $867 In family building. Fridge, stove, air, broadloom, underground parking included. Close to all amenities. 686-0841 weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. & 3 bedrxrn5, UrudOtur.rn a ap- PllanceS. underground parking 55 FALBY CRT MON - FRI 9 A M -SPM (905)683-6021 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED THE SUMMIT PLACE • 1.2. & 3 Bed Apts. • MOVE -IN INCENTIVES • All Util. Included • In - House Supt. & Maint. Rental Office: Mon - Fn 9afn - 8 pin Sat & Sun 11 am- 4pm ALIANT PROPERTY MAN EIMIENT O5Y'S 9AG1 26 'I I 4 Apartment, AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE Ll h-•.ryr - F0/ Rem .oa•. axlni..: _AA, Dwm•Ca •OSS 764755 n 1ua« v" , BE DA"'M DaNmrnl- ^ni�der! ,I ACA «'I Sn.:r. w ..,n au ••9urr Ad D«s $300 8c'^ _.^::.A' a nAdmom $775 C Ali:2 TV aro temI . S.,.n 7tN n ^ WnoAer BASEMENT apartment mw CM 9o5 -666-L':9 rim ux v,nmg Apr• 1-BEp11pQM •., ,p• .a6]..^,..:• __. wv�.ncA Mw to crow, unman G•. a orf,' Ivarda br I Inpuwa nm pa l,Ovyra "I non amu.•• «Mout paH rrrevctn. en M., a' 5650 mourn Cbaad 15191.'87 -' 816 1905:81' -C lora 14lEDMOC1M. SS,SO. 2 aROOKLIN 1.•,04 age B•xl,rwn Sri Ian , n . -.. .. as T ^.da,1 y x Sees n u a•y gull p.drnxlmCiragal— 5525 n,_f ra beading CA. nnuvw Bo,n tan ,ar (905r 72'-m, .ria now. wadlDr now — St W . OSS -5539 L.9.K. Ly9a S a 3 t«Room CNKIRDH SI / Nwy 7 •"a apanm •r1, r Gear bw 3 T•«.•.. ra.••-.nl m...a n•a bung Ci 'O .01 ld v4 AG, a'S. 431- •� 4 GO Parking .vedao, _ __ emnaarl«y F•um $600 COMFORTABLE .arta ' Gar moms Po— 905576- nil., - ^ . « ,�• aV, 4215 _-. 111—- -.1.7. +l,wy GDC ""I A ei,.KA 1 La.ga r r^ .muiw, inclarda0 2 6 r«iC••,n ap•rtmenb f6.gxmonm Iw a yst h Real, •r bwidng "Ma—ao C434.E631 :k. 'n 401 A GO Pan DESIMABLE Norm o" ring Av«Mda ImmaaUtel 2 begrrp F 5600.monm Pow,: ain� w, nulla. apart+ 15695 •OSS 764755 masts dos nyam, 2 BEDROOM Sr.D all 5685 iMluvv Fr 0aaV atluS.y Avaxyde .Ane r•IaMCH rpuired n0 /s1 Oa,ral ala n twilarng Dots LY•"r430i Norm O,nawea Ca11 905 FUR SHED 11 - ar eapan 579-98b0 war,..r, am 2 BEDROOM Apl Avao man'. ,roe^.11 Jib• Sta, iaunary. aperNaM. 2 apo tOb 4dabiI 5600 • p.ancy. a wing i1M,.a Gear auId,v Pau pia wo g pen Motors o p,.W, Can son 20 m,I we tc CC 578.96"2. 85 pm OAlly —1 bus moo 5600 mo m" NO WEEKENOS clua.w. 1, as, a_.z House! I For ReM Mey 1 CM aryl m 434 1BEDROOM aoartmnl. 4673 Avahbh anytime 309 LARGE I BEDROOM Caaover Rd. Oenawa No basal'" apt rn Pars enow.a 905 579 V, Dsnawa sem. Clean ano 2387 modem S."abla for quiet ,5 355 ^ 9051 "a am910 o, coupe 2 BEDROOM m lege tri. pan. downtown Whitby Laundry. M dogs $629 alts." 905-786 2335 Pam.ng, laundry Appro. ago sq h Awl,41S3 June room AJAR 2 w 3 bedroom orA. IB $693 Cam Jam" 905 F epace 3Dh 509-1805 dww"y Large badayaw C1osa to50'005 a trans - 2 -BEDROOM- $680 in 905 89662 dud" all ubkP". Parking LARGE 2 -BEDROOM nee E Iwndry. Cantre/G.bb, Oshawa Centre. newly Oshawa. Cleve. spcausI aeooraed, 12-'" Dlrldrlg wp- aa.tanW 9-pl. Cori anlranca. new fWr r &m@mf"S May 1. "PPI s695lmonth. 905-985-9106. unubewpammg Included. AMM" May ISI. 218 CORDOVA. 2 bdrm. (905)7288912. .PLPam & Slow $700, /-800.840-6215 mo. ala Floor urn..". Ind. LARGE 3 BDRY, IWAM1. Faking. For more AM arylo cam ywhe 436-9683. 576.2877 a 6623-706 From $7691mth, + 3 BEPOKKW AW, in Oso- hydro. act Carpot, wN Fridge. stoat. Idk..s 4 appl. and parking IrakgWSeparatearhundry W Walt to PiCkenrg tadl.800 hee- All May 1, Tom Centre. CClose5 PW mash. 434.8505 I.GO Transit and WatIVWyINWY 2, two baa man batarthfx apalmarl Hedy 401. Machan, prNaM emrance, 905420.6305 .ria of hon " tacaibell. 14M pc" .r".dose to Go andbw N 40, s7p gldiang ubb- er. Caw .Nn (905) 819- .,,.. _tan 208 2089 LOVELY 2 bedroom Deae- menl eparllMnl. Dayly AM AJAR, 1 -bedroom Daae- Whine's. =g a 1. M hint Apartment. quiet amokmg(pets. $700 Obs Won inane, bright. apt- bnoest. Suds malum MCA- doiia• 3 -pace Dam. small Ing couille 420-3509 lutdrnMh, Gun angle wodng person, $46DIm- MAJOR OAK !Poco 2 N /pets lar MITI Ian faun 90 Y Mayciva1. 1. 905-428.2262 or 426.2 rn Orn bsml apt Nr, quiet fig. -1040 coon, lots Of stooge, sap OSHAWA a•qq. brigm 2� ant, pa untilnes i ,Mwly AR, large bright, newly 775 chid57757mo May I ed rWloralW lbedroom be5e. t.rSWsl 905 686 8904 mw apartment. no sal mg. no Ors, Ma.ary. Dark 1 Bedroom basement mg.NEW canine ar. D aM. Walk out, sapanh en - 67 nifiew 4875 At rokisM Coraiao trance, lluralY. AJC. cable. 42S.-1639 parking parking Hanv000/Hwy 2 Anew JAR I bedroom smoil IVP.I5 $71x71 mm Ca. 6B6.a9Jt o baml., epi with separate APARTMENT UNITS one wlarKe, sups to LAM. and bide roup. Mn smok.r. ano Iwo bedroom. avail wall. May 1. S60Nmonih able n .dun Waiting. -.r kiduawa PMrte 915-686 1.SpW. 255 S,— SI N 653 a 19151 728-4966 ,i1`e Mar III ,n—e 5 A9 5%I.bi one I -Bed Serpi 8700/month NORTH osHAWA la,g. 1 -Bed butl'alow � py(/ {, P.T1V/mOflt Iwo be,! m alga balco- No do- pay HK I Dwhargad Bw*rupt7 I es quiet Dual—lig utero", Call me! d ,ane BARN BASEMENT WANTED Nrrl•Rr "on, 5579 Avale May sa 1905)571-6275 or 1-800-840-6275 9 55e4 MARK STA PL EY NORTH Oshawa_ t.beo. Sal,, Rrp sultan Gnwp r.'si Rralty Inc CI— Dasemgm ,abie. Mr. v rYMr rvr Dara ,4,•• ' Dud y .xnoo. 1900, Summ ldnt 11 Panty b,n.5ned. 5 LNVER►OOL Dlen.nna x5599•]7.It «SpmIS P.nnq 3550 AvallaNe im memmero 576 3870 or House! I For ReM 1 I Rets '28-9159 41 ma,mN Dos w D•non 53SC 'm,La CAS For OLIVE AND WILSON. W HI Tal b•Or PIa XEMING Mary of .,..wr'.• v3 3. ",1. u,ign1 7 b"d m ,5 355 ^ 9051 "a CLEAN ori o, y, pit ng. u„ g $1.1AAbsoiWe Anordable BRIGHT HOUSE ,ul dac6 $7500 plus IBM Mm" White, Rd 5 / Yrn, av I.N. Mar 1st OWN YOUR NOW f'a0G 'a^g• •r>S "1 9448 FOR $"SfRRM! 4,111 B& B avail ONE apt ground No Dr-Day^rent" Rcwrns tnr rent, ..x •;l Oshawa house. Drscnargee BanluupOl weekly, monthly. •'•• wrvate DnwweY- all Me, tlydm Sta if rowel fence. nonsmoker $150' 1905)371-6275 welcome, mciuvva Avadada May 1 5714297 /-800.840-6215 420-0042 ONEBEOROOM hurt FIWMa C- '^••nl a 'a Die �mn•e•lialq- Sale` pe; ^fin it ;ur LIVERPOOL Al Hwy 2 S550. New Oshawa „cel Fear,Ll,,;-m e Casement 1, ' enter t r Ow.t r� es AM 'win, in Pm le noms Pn a'ge Damfoom private 'ng' swivel .are Cam, k9cn«rne .ade ante Winne glove PTOpertles aM use of laundry Eacnmes r Nn pees Awn May Call /or details 90587• 2945 N 8183 8''83 OSHAWA 888 • 900 • .,,.. _tan `- . Dea,oem a s via" pvoio•• 705 59 '046 PICKERING 8 -1d,114 -Y-22 S•-' 7 o"dr,Mm. r r 1 . a oa c�•^ sne•1 .-c SA loDp"g S0,.,S •..•^snAa anal . co. Sa00A' ac nes t Gra Go J1 'ues . x .. _pglmanam homes z: e` 0opnrle C is"10 avail. .'led Fr,5tlav ,.qU " -a;nwsa Doll Hol 1uD ^a beacft" Gra Main, :l', mm.141leY Pledge l 728997 -4 anrxnons cdta,er. Ae.Camper -um. 5275 MeiDnuos snowy r you• •Oma -.all anytime 1905, 519- OSHAWA a•qq. brigm 2� '1 -•-.Ilii.^ .rpar'mgnr. quiet PnYBB tlolllp SIYC OE NORTH rOsna- .. drrg Danmg ' Wed LaunCry faUmes. FM mak .wigs. Dngnr • : a ­".N.lo�Gea,ipn dade A RENTERS DREAM'u5e •,v S69r' Iir5t1ast can Jwr yin' .. F ao4nas. Iwndrl ac r7 '- 1,5776 5r.dge Si95y Abmerrr $91,, A . '1 EAR. QUIET mp rrlrin a, •Y.� -ad, A Ar tao4w ,mmwd aroy ,oily Hi'di-,�Df50n9 Nam timxl9a ,eleClr.r •• 2 All J tearooms Mlrr 90543816W vwa aA < vv,ns In Po cad, panmg rag grC55 roma S260Q: ,year rano vow ac 12 AccomM OS.H-AmWrAy . r3-rn2o0,9n1 e aptKq 72894,1„905 •. �'�aau ^yTar,y, 041 •1 iso au”sl 'hnaM, holy Mdiwna 2 D,a ` upgra "' 1- Del.•pm, $ 8ORM 545 Ma mS1 snM. t m,n• :qd r n.igr• ^^47,e •o a S%7xI«m. vara ga•ag, r1M -">59 ,o al,alrrYl 5361 '2 7 M 09,5 rad 515- all am- n S:"%S .Irh. ,5105 ISLtaS' '-nor 679 . 'dry (.H lad, .0 !905x556-8502 2078 OSNAWA New« w.h '•^,. r A NEWER ^• ..nvn.ca inq, .. ... r -. 7,r .5 rrxRw r�a- . s ny 4,�aE0MOOMS. d'sn ,+„• a en.N�.... roy ^ •r,a s al am-mlxn She: vu ad Ya TW^'�•dar• neeal,ae Sl7 sOe Mroom 5'Sv�53-04-28d Orrer Osnawa area $950 ohm Avenad, mm,. 395r 9051 0426 1 p thilt's 90---I,431 Sell I.— mnq, 248`. 433-2379 PICKERING/ Corm AJAX x padr.yyn mai^ AJAX Npwea b ,Irl, .,x....04 rtar 404 Jana s' a 6 "24 55'2 rr ',',• :• .n A•+wkbm Dc _. n• •p .nary S yim MAR '.,a, 2Cea•oo n n rtaG.ra•^, ac' Go ,rn a y,,., 1« 5ny9, »'� SAra Lieg. nips .au 905, 420-5992 _ clow 10 —MN •.v4 OS+NAWA NORTk 'J• °qH '^ D'Orgyy `.1 Ido MAS uAa„ •. ,. x4'0 ,tah,.• .y. Ir:•� •a, pWe••eaJ1S92Smor,' . , ^rT,o Dai.:,�r y. pati•. $� 1727947 _A` 905 ;as .1 05 59"1 ~mMy'.y AJAR Nnlney RrKn.• AJAX INGROUleol yd's ano ..drnor^ d.h.D.• . W. . . «. THE NEW% ADVEItTINF,R WEDNESDAY APRIL 16, H!7 PAGE 17 • i I AnnRatralnl$ • i I A""a"'�FlB"� • i I AnnouneNlrnlf • i I AmaMfaBNRf • i I &IrarroBRran PT Selling Something.) 2 EASY WAYS' a-,�v 1 4 • a , • • l , -HERE'S HOW IT WORKS- ��4 I- Your 19 %Ilord ad L, pul)IhIIrLI IO, I tr,nucutnr da�� •I'he rare is hard (III $5001"1 or less for only $45+GST YSY a ark 'lhrcc udY nil• not rr/lnrrlu;,,; I i .... ...rr.,r r ,uu ,r r,rtl, rirc p,c1 i0 C loch wa mu t ♦ s Ke ���� / AI)`,X'11.1 11I %L I WEEK FREE' APPLIF , Fr) AR-11y:LEti N Al P )NIt )BILF1, Fr )R ALF: oN LY $ 94 ., GST News Advertiser _8__3_0707 1 q Industrial :375.. .,_e a • Units cq safe • Auctions • ' personals a P^'sonals A ,•''.aR 1 Sill'. N "N -., v,. SF su... .. F:7R A,a P„n” w,- oro x -.,,, ..rl . 20,0 40rr an W^ ^: , Gow b 13'S arw.m }yw, cmc" nNt ..� non M. ta,•m•r• nery ,SM -•,x 'mm ,Duma•^ .or>s.•, S97' m^, 477-a'S• CaY, 1' •pp.n a .p;raMrs ,A 5•"7"5909 •y ^A6&r,:•3 BARN BASEMENT WANTED Nrrl•Rr "on, .q,.. 'ra w .. Ta•aq. bmdr twos, ,ma yr 'awn .. _ . Y.,p,.. - S • .., W_ «m Da,-. -, C• u 590 "Xf. •ang.r •, .. +•.r' 9-h 5554609 "A,. v rYMr rvr Dara ,4,•• ' Dud y .xnoo. 1900, Summ Apni fpm 905 11:12 magi , WP.•ary-sa • [MOUSTRIAL UNITS - i. „n , •. Dm S a a , _ ..- .. '- .am1 Ndr, A . Hua. ,rWD Dxrq a � n ]„wI nit. A An T wr . .yam ant T M « 5571 yino.— Avari IDN •^•^wdal«V Mar,•• amyA'couw4 vi pin .�• 5'4 •e69 STRONG FAMILY ENVIRONMENT III. :•i - L My «mow 'o 'a.Yi.rv, vroppriq ..., _rnmuMy Spm C." (905) 571-4608 tomb TOP O WEsr%f D. . Y•n smwe•a p.•N..ad E^wonu^•]•. window 05 a 5 •Dar•"CA. M ,wna • ,Colli. pour f�200 nmCi.,aing „arts 75f n..n9 "nus• 204'nau� unr.•, 's,L•HAraaadA mr•YYvrY unfurrvarVd MaY 04m 116 76' 0932 •niy •—ran bed. win OSNAWA r, qua ori an W^ ^: , Gow b 13'S ' 'S� mpnlh CN 100, 125-3209 n9 naw :arD•, r 9•.rr•d Y )n ,r•wac• haat X`" al alsea HOUSE N AJAX .•.ny ., u,r w,.d - .• own b•fi•••r 9 5 7B5 4e0K 1). fill. NORT4 OSHAWA Va.^ Vel and ,mdk.•v w .•^. or Rent a" nae • ,ppb m -n' pa•l.xnq .,~ ,ma .oc.• a. �+arghd)m000 ,ria,• its S3S0 x905. 1 A aa„•1 nx.•mI •.. 426 v rYMr rvr Dara ,4,•• ' Dud y .xnoo. 1900, •M1t, _ +,ck.D•r7 4� I uArl.ypr May I 5 LNVER►OOL Dlen.nna x5599•]7.It «SpmIS armed SOUTH WHITBY •,not ^•i., A'— . , •n Htato ledlawl D.o u m woe �''s e.x• em"ywi mato,• qui« 41 ma,mN Dos w D•non 53SC 'm,La CAS a,r 6960 905839 1 W HI Tal b•Or PIa XEMING Mary of .,..wr'.• v3 3. ._ ,5 355 ^ 9051 "a J•r DamriN. • Aa.r• •,�,a 7051 :p 265 • , van ^9 Gun- . -- ny p.H u•at1 r« WNITB ,naw• naw Ax. Na,a .•• nox � I •.+•.y , Nur •v)mA Lm4• prOIMlOna f'a0G 'a^g• A..-_,•yanrr faW A. A r liken North btia 486.1 wrw, ST AW-- I ped Yn4d d D pi,.ncAa „nap bew mom mmlcwaa 5.050 ^_ k.x • , I And Gatti T� .wl ', 1 C,5, 42nn we Sa10 . nydo OSHA 9,66ant 905' a28- 5AraMDN immedAlWy '•.1229 304 Swc St WHITES r GAYLY. 7 bed. S mr•• 5925•^^ u.&ws TWO «mown. ,618 min 1'o9Pvowasrww, n.a:.wan nclFaad Dar my WI Mar - -I o.- Prima a,.M SmICA Ir 3056390,86 loulion near OC Ina Midi `wr Mall, May Is, apanmarl��no pats. non. smoke, prataned a .rKyu" SM swm PrdaIi Rou- gsm,:ixm arts. S.'S:mom Dau 9C5 5C9-0992 WEST OF Oolrre Can - 'r. - bea^oon apanmen1. vDsuIs dipea. adult Duddn9. Seco'moM I. 1,v T A. bid, awl -a- bN Tr AV134Dh May 3,T. 9n.- App y1474 Dumam $1 . mama noor. nonh a Go. ids of ,wIc—. Jury 1 5600' mo 668.3161 or 723.9.140 SCARBOROUGH "Hme Clb1. .',•x9nDwnOOd. aa ,10 ar'ienin•i nM smwng nr, win S40C Avaywa — 'm call 116 297 10'79 WANTED- A lemW 10 •.a. .. rr,.w Al, ^ 8•>cv j• Gra MAinni..g� S4,.; pv -rnm [ uYM Pn,yy 'i 'eM.N 1905 665 9'F' TOtrrlhouaes Townhouses Fa Rent I For Rem 1011 SM/CCK STREET NORTH 3 -Bedroom Townnouse Units Utilities included Store & Retrgerator ut Parquay floors mrolio Parking inickided. Playground Area Close to scnoots and shopping. From S•18.00. CIN 905-721-0980 [Rr •. „x .. , t WHITBY t«t•x. 2 9� vis may„"x- -., Rica laean••v A,, 7.8 -. -. - .rid' v; 5725 k n 9•.rr•d Y )n ,r•wac• nal --yl 5'9y; 7; an« 1 _low •. AC• NCpwrg 37' =8' arnoac 1'98 NF, "C A,— , - ,a'nr+act' DM.grana 1). fill. SAT APR& 19 AT 6 Qarr, DrnQ,an DOW a ' or Rent a" nae • ,ppb m -n' • Low ^ Y D«CM S� RAN -F- - .JIJNT Rv WHITBY. 3'.9 ;•Y; 7 q�. 4444 ... .�,. H..:.., ,• •.» romp ; me sed• m .. n mg M 505 5 9 923• eYnxwa n,•:r..1 nu., 6 GREAT ^r,g 4•M 'a ii „ a win 1686 IS +J -., Rica laean••v -. -. - •,,.vrw'•..,, J•n•M wa«^ Wanted .-NS+GhYEN' 2t S•droom -rag•, ' t0 Buy AUCTION ,a'nr+act' DM.grana 1). fill. SAT APR& 19 AT 6 Qarr, DrnQ,an DOW a ' -�AA PM MYLES RING • Low ^ Y D«CM S� RAN -F- - .JIJNT Rv AUCTION HAL: u' 4n :11490, R R Hastvga iiia .k PROPERTY ,. m - .. i3 HALE 5. OSHAWA 4896 :60• wrwa-',. ,+uD ... .r .AKEFRONT .•049, 521.: :Cx: .,a F". ,.:'J _ _• ni WY »rr�p« . - 3waC• " . -,Ing , If. 9 HP ra• ^u..^,,.•� rc7u. her r 11' 7574 Lot apwv Oar. tab.., 0 C `NJ5632 9104:, PTOperty ^a seta - e 7051 :p 265 • SELL ^ • reamer -nary AT LA KF sEYNOVA RRLYA'E 5A•E « Inon,ar rr,gnDt,•y n 1.«'•n^ay. r:.Yyi.m .ar,. .,.:. . . .•ci l.vA '... A• • �. 7rarArr -1v noun •••P"•9 ConpM..., , 5.444 .erg. nary conk. air, We t". Doo fla , „FiMi-F.•n,;- � �abr5. Dadrppr. mo,. prygr9ura 90 m ..ndnw, small hick, ry +.o••naam Iinr , all •pwyncAa ..g. Ya•; . = brrrt - l 998 .12212 3o•iO4il 7..•04). • E "A r.•�• lent n. fi 4 u,r ,;erten tabes. ':S 656-3662 ever• i<•... .xker. a B I FIWMa uT VK.itemaf ,. .dw IntlWyer Vacation 'ng' swivel CLEAR WATER AREA. a PTOpertles ,K 06 ,."e '2 tedrn.•m nJma^4 .. shotgun. color IKuu eBa: .4'1 CLLEARWATER - :n.ra loom. yl. araaaoe ^ow Fw k aha .,,.. _tan r eta LISt not car"to via" pvoio•• 705 59 '046 'wale" tut •siaeP, all Cori CLEARWAMIR ^mows.6 mM115 'c taKnM Mme rto,,l Gra• ••n~S W.KJ,M MYLES KING •..•^snAa anal . co. AH­ ab. $y'S wo AUCT ON . x .. _pglmanam homes z: Gia ' 51 -a;nwsa Doll Hol 1uD ^a beacft" Gra Main, anrxnons cdta,er. Ae.Camper -um. 5275 MeiDnuos snowy r you• •Oma I Trak, Sites • I Business 0 pppftMfMOH 905'6615503 PnYBB tlolllp CAMPNG MEMBER" skip .- TD - "n :u 11 JC.d9rl 500 D^rad •+, LOOKING FOR OR. TIoNS,..•e• ,..,. •a.a n•s '` r FM mak PesC•ts Coam 10 Coors: gral m. ri. Pad 53695 sa.:n' ce ,416 28—,, 'RARE OP►OFITl1NITV. 5395 U5 BOU2J6C727 ,enovaed a5new' 2 w 3 TRANSPORT COMPANY bearooms un'=$ho25use000 . naw api MDnay ,, sate asking $'5 o0: ,: - 50 Lend Dam oner ,,ar l'6: 26- WHITBY 235 AYi SL ons yearly income r.q $600. 4.53 bedroom $ 650 .rKa siw 2 I TOWR11oY••• J bePOsn CDII GMil.min -a,oam $775 :Icbs- FDCPAM far go Goor94111al 728904,4 WORK FROM "ONE quiet well kept 6 pmv Ear, „p 1c 5500 Aeeri�y LsuM,y lac. parking No CENTRAL WMTRY Bur OBTAININGALOAN Pangime' Eac.wg -aw pats Awl, May 1m 576- SOUTH OSHAWA - 3 AJAR- 2 BORN. agrmand galow 2.1 bearoom. fin- Wwenn Ls NOT GFt_ from none nopponurr 7589 bedroom o ouns Clow for rant Frage. stove, SO. ;1005" Dafenrnt. hardwood ANTEED. SOME has' Sena SASE run WHITc BY 3 to hops And Shpingmom op.—tildn00 uundly bath—, new, yryeyysv CHCOMPANIES GREE ae,ails 10 woma. S950"w M arick4Ne Fust/ Close ,o all Amandrs keg ItCma. moan cora. ARGE UPFRONT Servic". PO Si 445', ua. Avadabh April 1M. AvahBal May I Cal (905) Ion $156,900 Car T 906 FEES, OTHERS 2376 Eglmton Ave East 905-57899%days 509.1106 6682717 DO NOT A is Scarbo,ougn. Ontarc MIK M7•TBr HARBOR •SAIL• SUGGESTEDTHAT 5K3 3 bedroom townhouse .n COI3RTICE. 1900 sq". YOU NVEST)GATE WBIDS I Lu ury 2 bed- nraslW n r 4 '01". 3- THOROUGHLY wu manhinW 1a^•IY room. 2 Dam. r III Antr bed—. 2 Da1M, amgnt BEFORE SIGNWSGPersonals compeX. Reality decoFM- M. wndaw; awairalgs am 0SCA hraplace. INI luMM. ANY CONTRACTS. • I 00. mKk4aa 4 appW,cies. udiU" caudad aaaable an w M Iphi. 617 000 049 IAkbf Prkatg, dots to May 15th $1.175 K,quines worm of upgfid" sdvooN. Y anrmaM. May cbnMd sew. at 7287259. $154.900 590sµ36 -O546 CHEATING VA ES - ON OCCUPanCY 122 Cobome WHITBY- Very Chan. 2 • I ' TARIO PHONE NUMBERS St. E. ORrw. AWt 434- bedroom. 2 beyrowns• 2 MEADOWVALE/40/ Int. In•ur ntt I900451-5566 alit 253 X72. starry, S87Smor"h Rrckr- MOCLAM. 4 bedporn 13049. m,n touch tone. ill M4igg.e due AJAX 2-3 BEDROOM V A90,, 6, 2324Inmie- sefet Fr.edACe Calisnsd MORTGAGES Goon. ly Cal (905, 6142324. Naaillenl. 1 1:2 car �' DW no u" Frain g for TOWNHOUSES, close to eaa9.^ u�gapnvan y�amd, any purpose. rates 'romT.L1Y S8 fClaplssMppR9 OtrlCf&Only $179.900 Call Mike 595% All apkCatns ac A,ad$841-4ie us dy" • I ReWISpBD• Lyndl905.8319500. Salus copied Community Finan683-9 e 9 - 5 NI (905) Rp ley IIII Group-"sm oil Sernoas 668.6805 17181t6&J-9280, 9 • 5 ageRaeDYIHCe ladesNORTH DSHAVAA, 3 OSHAWA /MonaMFNe ELEGANT 3$W SO.FT.• • BusiM•sscrwLbedroom basement ..Ill. 850 sg2M or. Ranch Bairgsow i5o0 SqCdlS•n walls550. 600 sq an 5500. MgrvN. ka~ wan hra- Mmed limey —4 300, " a—dm CanDnrRGino Fgar SoledwMiesFreshy decor.Nd wdm Cemre. 600 2 N 5500 Oak formal Octagn Ofrm ALTERNATIVE MEDt-7Frig/Store, doss to r 1'200 sa n 2nd poor 1.600 Oak HANS IL doaa through. CNE. 4 17 yrs ago I len Y HI. amwwa Starting at or h mem Ca 434.247 put Shows a 12.. 4 my TOOK lob Today from $290 IS. 24111, $738rtnnnth On arta Mgmt. W 855.4132 Dedrtn 6 5 bmrm. Funnel myMme. I wir or. man 900.45'. 37,83 Daily Horo- onKe Cal 905728-3777. OFFICE UNITS FOR REM 3600 SQ n.. Baht. w F.P my doctor Pan I'melu, cope 1900671. 70 Has WD am for either time Lainng Cr ,ded $500.4 ors ROomB sewn° Aoo, good Simi Dimness w/O".Ca a cord Small investment required ' Im Street Norm 10shawal b- ,m in -Law or owner npy 905437.8234 24 rix HEAVENLY PSYCHIC J•. for Rent canon, parking I. . great sports rm wuBar, Ea ,eCOmaa massage e-, 7nuu5arC5 Sdtlsrika Ayrab, immed""'" Call erase Rm, Library 6 3 :afro's , 9nzs l i•83 .' AJA%, ryrwparBailly 905.5765523 ask br Bob addne rms Lots d pos9. FOR RENT Lcrg ii Sago ;ori nm 24 -s t8 Glean rid S11 --s room OKathy 011ines Ewr Ilene° taaut salon. lull WHITES7BAYLY, on. Ded- Y upgrade Inc Y Yden, yrs room basement Apamndl Aar fol B4 ,M KMr"d. SALON pdsament kK rant sec sYs Offering 0 "St lel me Lung GNn. wz. 4 appliances, Mlirldry W uhnas IndLa. 52000 00 Bonus Can bad, esladlsned auto ,Ady y ed No smoker Available ur "'SnSo Rerbvaq to SUI your hg. PR'S .idVBrtlser 5650 InClusiw. MaY 1St baa. lot rW.0 or ". Id corer I le" shop umpietaY equip 905839-0098 nybme GM 619-9081 You Can 436"OJ12 to rNw A9 SId95 mu Large ca fol Classified Dept. ALTp14A RD. I m.dclans Prwats Wlirar,n. kin $469.00000 choice Wnlmy ocatlor, WHY rent when you can sh.pPBd: first 3 mu lh. rant Nae 9 Open 2Ve1)' B I dean IurdSfyd room $1200 -mo ice ;ream rias own your own home br dm Pnm. Oshawa ioc.uon Non. to Fri. lass Man yw tdI Call ployad non smoM.r, 579-7151 PRIVATE 3.1 Donn Win- or bui9er slang. ,voice Dave HayloU S.NH Asp In pats a" home. Shen galow. 6klbrow, Da dl. vm.TlV location S80J mu 8'60 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. RwMa. Somme Realty =el.elerences. Imbn"t poi . I. room. g" d;p. 2 tr0o sq" store icumman Sat. 9:30.3:60 It"1) Lm (905) 8683800 r Dams. ..Maur" CND Choice N Oshawa .(905) 666-3211 f100 pWr=509.2459 $129.9001705)932-2971 Caton 51395 ro all , Call 683.070", dumnal 1500 sq I1 snap. anus in Bop,, oniy $595 125-1171 go gaous -bed room, new kitchen. new broadoom. new bay. $945 Indlimve AvaMDle May Call Psi 665.84" ' f Birthdays I' Birthdays IS +J a^•Ib+ r '^++ • 7YJ s li, l,. t v.l •. „ u 04x, «• r �tI• .i f Yt'. 149 1). fill. aln �•oM,,, C........... -�AA yJr /� tea► ♦a w ad Ma .-., . J•D B 'al "arg., Mwt • a. '•s n. S� ARLS ON' HOME • 5 i v GENT'.ENAN WISHING ROMEO ONIARIO ' G >•-Ii ,• ., ra• ^u..^,,.•� P. s ape : r• yry a9�5. r 11' 7574 Lot apwv Oar. 2ymY• my1 C, ' 9�• • 22 30- 6C - MOONLIGHT .I t SELL ngh CJ.. MarT.nrr Eacvls IT NOW ra Hl X- 0.1 Out caw.. 24 ,^' - data 683-0707 432-546$ lhmlg Mc orts OR FAX 579-2238 ' f Birthdays I' Birthdays IS +J Et-isc �trLTLza li, l,. t v.l •. �tI• .i f Yt'. 149 1). fill. C........... yJr /� tea► ♦a w � � CORRECTION For our Sears Dcys Flyer (Sole dates. April 14 .27 1997; On Pogo 31 The 1 /2 price mate s bed or loft ensemble the more bed has the incorrect sole price It should read Sours hag. 749.99. Sole $374 Vile sincerely apologize For any inconvenience this may have caused Sears customers I Sea,5 Canada Inc I TOWN OF AJAX In the Town of Ajax Community page April 15, Page 7, under Schedule of meetings. It read Standing Committee of the Whole April 18, 1997 it should have read. April 28.1997, The News Advertiser regrets any inconvenience it may have caused the Town and its readers. PAGE IN . THE NEWS ADYEMSER WEDNESDAY. APRIL 16. 1777 Pickerina Sports Feature Car - Feature Car 41 K:*NO 1994 PONTIAC TRANSPORT Indoor Showroom in the Region Low K Specials in the Largest 28K l <.62K --- ?.68K _^ 73K.> 98K ;19K Aax-Pickering midgets win Eastern Ontario hockey crown The Ajax -Pickering Raiders Jacqueline 'fanner- games in the hest -of -five renes by scores o(4-1.3-1 Throughout the playoll's, the Raiderswon nine ill Racette. Neil Simpson. Adam 'Tanner. Justin T.J. Hill. Geoff Sutton Group midget 'AAA' rep hockey tear has and 7-4 Again. the goahes gave up a stingy 2.0 goals 10 game. scoring 42 goals and alltming 20. Aaron Ternplernan, Andrew cowling, Hodgkinson, Jason Lee. Greg Kitching. Alan raptured the Eastern Ontano 'AAA' league playoll against per cane. The senes victor carred the herth ladenna n .Ind Stacy Kellough maintained it runt- hived ' 11 list a%crage. Ladennan appeared 'Thatcher. Jo c Fraser. DaNid Farquharson and Aarlm chanipionshq\. Jacyuehne'lanner midgets a to the final round- wails-aga the Raiders defeated firth North, Central and roihm renes. In nine out of the Ito playoffs contests while Laerrnan. 'Ihc is by John \kinder, assisted by fork-Suncore in a home -and -away round-robin 'The Raider-, missed the OMHA championship M Kellou_•h ,tiled three g:mre, 'Iran, Greg team coached Rob Benson and managed by Leighton I.ee. •The senes, "inning three games and lining only one In one pliint and were relegated to the consolation inembers :are Stacy Kellough. claim the title round this sason Burin. 1 ), °sic Carr. Cohn Groh, Joel Coello. Allain Ironer is Steve Surcon. •The Alax-Pickering midgets defeated Noonh Central l ' and 7-0 and split ganic, with York-Sirncok, losing 4-3 betl,re Ainnm-, I IAaron Valennan reeordcd the omh shutout of the scnc, while Slam Kellough ricked up the tic - ton in net in the second gain against York -Sunco c w clinch the title In the first round of the Faslem Ontario league playoffs. the Raiders defeated Peterborough three Caines straight in the first -ret -five series by .'tics of ?- I.5-4:mil 3- I . Raiders' eual- lenders wire stellar in the syncs, posting .I.ring\ ' u gnat -against avenge In the second round, the Raiders Swept \\'hnhy In the minimum three Durham West Peewees lose North Metro title l he Durhal:u 1\:a Llghlnnt_ Slolmck h \,soCruCs peewee 'B' rcp _•Irl,' hos kr, learn lost a hcart- hrcaKu o the Brampton Canadctfe, for Ili; North Metro Girls' Hocke_s LC.I,_uC ch.unph n,hip Sunda\ the I.i_•hmmg g hard not hcen c1o,e h, Brampton in their tour prCsmu, Contest, this ,Cason Howcvcr. the Durham We,! pec A cc, played one of their hest ,•ernes o,nl% to drop :1 .4- 2 dCCI,i,,n In the winner -take -:III final The final Brampton coal was ,corcd on a lone shot w nh four sec - omd, remaining and goaliender Marianne Carclo ,;tC n the hcnch. Kcll. Ann Frieloput the I.I, ll;nut,_ in front Carl\ in the con- ic,t with an assist to Charlotte Dow Ick Brampton c\cncd the score with Ir„ than tour minute, to in, In the first period The second period saw the Canadct!c, .sore two goal, icor a 3- 1 lead - With 1 '_h remaining in the final period. the Lightning pulled Carefoote from the net for an extra attacker and the tn.,\e paid off as Friel s ,red an unassisted rnarkrr to brine Durham \\c,t to wuhin o•nc goal The pre,wrc was micn,c through the remainder of the period. but the Lightning was unable In net the cqualver The Lightning pCcwcC 'B' squad is peaking at the right time and is a Icgiiiniatt :,,mender fur the pro\In- clal title Both Durham \\'C,l and Brampton will conipcte for the Ontario \1 ,rncn', H,,ckc\ A, ,,dalton', Pro%in, lal Championship, in \LI„is,auga the pecwCe 'B icain is one of sot ,quad, the Durharn \\cst assolct- ation will ,end to the Ontario plav- dow n, Pickerinii atoms "in OT thriller to advance to final PICKERIN(. — the Pi,Kcnn:: Parthcr, lis. -',,r Ir.l\cl minor atom .cocci hocke\ team advanced to, the tier I final of the North York Hockc% laaguc M defeating a strong Thumhtll team in the li\rpomt :n i -final series. PlCkcnne detcated'Ihomhill '-6 in a contest tilled w 11h nun -stop. end -tic -end action to win the senes like points to two the Laine ended m u\ertme when Brad Cowan passed to Patrick S1olont who \ought oft twu'Momhill attacker, to score, sending the Pickering bench into a lreni\ The Bel -Air Travel atoms reached o\ertmie with a t%o-goal effort from Patrick %Iund\ aided by the aggressi%e- nes, of Kai Sa rlishun and Jason Collins. Other markers came from Chris Butler. Collins. Marc Dirosa and Samshon. AddinL assist, were Butler and Mundy with two each. Brad Cowan. Dirosa. Patrick O'Sullnan and Sanishon. Pickering forced a third and decid- ing contest after a 1-0 victory over Thornhill in game three. Goahes David Demannis and Michael Olson were spectacular in the cage, while the defence of Cameron Clayton. Ryan Clayton. Mati Gifford. O'Sullivan, Chn, Paslemack and Adam Van Dyk kept shuts to a minimum. Butler scored the lone goal. with assists to Ryan Clayton and Van Dyk. Gamc two ended in a 2-2 tic. Panther goals were scored by Mark Romanelli and Dirosa with helpers to Gifford and Cameron Clavion. "Me Bel -Air Travel atoms dropped game tine of the renes 5-3 to Thornhill. Pickering spo ucd Thornhill three quick goals and was never able to recover. Cowan. Mundy and Rumanelh scored ler the Panthers, with assists to Cowan. Molony. Mundy and Paslemack. Pickering reached the ,erni-final series after sweeping a tenacious Leaside squad in the quarter -final play- off round. The Pickenng minor atom selects are c(wched by Eat Van Dyk. Dennis Collins and Davc Wallace and managed by Brenda Mnlony C Ugm,�” N S U MI'm INS, 2 10, M MRT Feature Car - Feature Car 41 K:*NO 1994 PONTIAC TRANSPORT Indoor Showroom in the Region Low K Specials in the Largest 28K l <.62K --- ?.68K _^ 73K.> 98K ;19K 1995 HU]DA ('I% I( sF 1990 II(INDA a('(-nKD I.Sk I`x- Fist vl +_ lv4(I l 1DILf N D'A 11 1 F 1991 V1 K \ 1.}(;1.ND I 7010711 OROLIA _ -- — _'—. , ' " .:. 1.M^.._�= _T� i8K - ' `251 78 7�7K�- 75K, , `68K -- 111D�`1\. 1944 (aK\NDA%1,F \.h 1995 f10'.I)\.'t\1( ,I 1985 111 144 Pwl,i\BIKI':.} "%IRUBLt 1991\9 PaFNa I -\K6 1991 BMW 318 Is B9 `88K� K 5JK �� 88 f 89KAM O 99K- in I�,P\„\r 1.1 it kBo nl}_,FI 149101 \t t:K1 �!\F�nh IiYNI\«i}II\ 1'921'1 Jl..MN('1F.Ha I'Ypi \Poll ll ,}rill Uf LlLlf 1987\w IaRKIOLF:T Stop in and visit our Truck, Van and 4 X 4 Division 41 <.39K .i -r - '�'"` 49K11 ®. --z"1 ::. 65K , w 78K-- -- 105 I�.0 1. sass. 'A,,•L..K' x. :99c F4 IN r!\, 'k\„1'W,! 199111 \II\\ �. sass 1991 \3 vol I991 o:\p I"K\( ICFR 1792GIII1 ,\I\RI- \111.0 111K?- — - 1191 ! X124 137 i v89 ,aFaKl fill Kl\(a 1790(:%1("11\1\t\1IF I"Il%k k\ I\ Ivxv IN )Ir(.61 \K\\\N 1993 IH)D(iE. CARA%'AV I98' FI WD 114) 4\4 Certified Super Specials 117K 1339- 1991 IOKD "rat Rt . 1985 %IF.W EDI -%1(8)0 1911 li\tw t2- I \ 1 0N\ 19%1 11)) 171 ( ki "11)k I98' it(%Da PKF.I t DE I41119l k1It IV cut Tt 1}1,1111 Handyman Specials starting from only $800 II�low, W • /1 Y low •u r1 T77114� O ` 40111. oil THE "Old - LUBE OIL FILTER Rotation & Inspection ; '$ :19.98 • � '\ 1"". ' •' , -Most Cain 8 � trliCks � • - All Ik1)ida 11011W sold battery ' ' d*Cked for FREE i - kldudes 5 %hes to" oil andEX AKXM � 1 p tiltlf • - fromll Q .kkdu ,d" 11001�b�r ••IIYn tiN R•rb YO'• R ir•d•iL seniorsv.l.P. Free Shuttle Discounts Available Service Early bird A/C Checkup • ( it sW HAND WASH Ir 990* 'with all service bills Exp. ADr. 30197 Reg. now s59* P' IIIc UM MW "An pith of *AN UW labor to inM Dft parts moil lebou on N Wd14 Exp. Apr. 30197 •6 nanths •no, pfyinenta Mio down pftm m ono bdefrest O.I.C. Reg. From m 0039fr14 cyl. hldlldes new a/c deft or Champion plups and labour to install 4 cyl. Cars, Vara b Trucks $20 extra. Ext. Air. 30/97 Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 7.30 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. 7:30-5p.m., Wed. 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m. Consumer Car Mart Almmm [41r)r,)V[4