HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1997_02_19Pickering N ews Ac[ve.. Pickering's Comfy unity Newspaper since 1965 er Pressrun 40,500 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1997 $1 vvww'.durhamnews.net 28 Pages Home business roti seeks concessions in PickerinLyg P .` Piekering's president of the Dunham Home- •According to a Town report. prencur Group, a non-profit net- only physicians may practise from their homes under current toning regulations, subject to specific provisions. The Recommended Oficial Plan for the Town recognizes that home-based businesses provide both economic and environmen- tal benefits, the report notes. That's because home-based busi- nesses not only "incubate" new business, they also reduce com- muting and improve neighbxr- hoiod afety. Pickerin,•', zoning regulations arc "h% fir the ni—i re,1n,:tt%c in Durham R ,hen VAr',n dale i 1a, . MAI RICE BRENNER Sourcc of tai zoning 'most working and support group for legal in several Durham munici- home-hased businesses through- restnictive' out the Region. Whitby.) "What other occupation in our in Region town employs 6W people?" change in tuning bylaws is 'long asked Mr. Spencer. noting home - Bl LINDA WIIIIT based businesses "enhance the IMI RFP4)R11 F existence of other businesses in PICKE RING -- Residents our town" and have the potential who work out it their homes to employ other residents if the here hope a doosion by Town business flourishes. council to initiate a zoning But "we can be held out to dry rwriew of home-hacd businesses by insurance companies.. .:ilhelp them "operate out in the because the use of a home tier pen. not behind .oric hu,he, " husmess is still not permitted Surh a ern N c w, ;L' ; ; :rider current toning hylaws. Nlr O-• `" ' cr told councillors %lon- (Home-brit businesses are now with more eyes on the communl- legal in several Durham munici- ty" and believes the next step palities, including Ajax and would be to create shared office Whitby.) space and machinery for people Mr. Martindale maintains a working out of their homes. change in tuning bylaws is 'long Ward 3 Regional Coun. Rick overdue" and believes home Johnson expressed concern that businesses "arc compatible with more home-based businesses and complementary to residential might create traffic and parking neighhxxh otidsi." problems in some residential Ward 1 Regional Councillor areas, but was assured by director Maurice Brenner noted legaliz- of planning Neil Carroll that all ing home-based businesses concerns would be- considered. would not only help those people Mr. Carroll suggested inviting employed from home, but it one member of every registered would also help create a new ratepayer association to a meet- ,,,Lm:c A tat rc�enuc ing to express their views. Car.! !- :! o •r. "CIT He He believes a bylaw could be Auction Line ..683 7545 in place as early as the end of X11111 Everything you've got, everything to gain Pickering pans pooling proposal BY LINDA WHITE 1f111 KI-K,KI,K YI(. ht.RING -- rAc 'r,, -n Pl,krnng has voiced its - 11,o tion to the pooling of -openy taxes to help Toron- Councillors approved a rcs- luuon Monday expressing !icer opposition to "pooling of .,ny portion of the property taxes in order to alleviate the burden of funding soft ser - ices by Metro Toronto." The resolution points to plans by the Province to off- load to municipalities half of the cost of welfare and long- term care for the elderly and the total cost of ,axial hour. ing. Currently, the Province picks up 80 per cent of the cost of welfare. with mumci- Andrew McPherson vigorously exercises to get in shape at the Pickering Weekends are a busy place at the recreation centre where fitness buffs can be palities picking up the remain - Recreation Centre on the weekend in anticipation of becoming a firefighter. found pumping iron, working the treadmills or playing squash and racquet- der. Here, the strain shows on his face as he ponders this weighty proposition. ball. See TAX/page 2 INSIDE TrueBlue -- You can feed Budgetstays e course more to your blue box these Bred in heron has it umnist Liberals deliver on deficit promise: McTeague nine Roulston has it cov- ' • I col- umn --page 7. BY KEITH GILLIGAN ■early to Roar — flickering j STAFF REPORTER Federal Finance Minister Paul Mar- Panthers come away with tin followed through on his promise to two weekend victories, deliver a "stay the course" budget, now prepare for playoff Ontario Riding MP Dan McTeague series - page 12. says. budget' as a catalyst to call an election "We've met our deficit targets and Editorial page 6 people will applaud us for staying the Enhw1ainment course and for not spending money we .....11 don't have," he says. Sports- Spo- ........ , ..12 "lis not an election goodie type of Clasgiitliied . • .. • .. •24 budget. That's a welcome break from Ilteal Estate .......REI tradition. (Mr. Martin) understood the nomic growth of three per cent this pulse of the nation and articulated it HOW TO REACH US well for our times," Mr. McTeague General adds. ......68}5110 Death Notices Highlights of the budget include no .683-3005 new taxes, but there are tax breaks for Auction Line ..683 7545 students, low-income Canadians, dis- Sincerely Yours - . - abled people, and help for charities. ,........l-8W-662-ti-i2i Mr. Martin is predicting a deficit Internet ....... this fiscal year of about $19 billion, wwvw.durhamnewn.net down from his projection last year of a frid Laurier's assumption about Cana- deficit of $24 billion. The deficit should drop to S17 billion next year ry," Mr. McTeague says. '"there's con - and down to $9 billion by 1999, Mr. ftdence in the future and hope in the Martin said when releasing the budget next generation" yesterday afternoon. There are $137 million in lax It's been widely expected the Liber- breaks for students and changes to al government will use a 'good news make it easier for students to repay budget' as a catalyst to call an election their loans. Mr. McTeague says help this year. for students is "very much an invest - "Me traditional life of a govern- ment in the future". ment is four years. There will be, Also, there's about $1 billion in ought to be and should be an election spending to help poorer Canadians. in 1997," Mr. McTeague says. Small business will benefit because The government is predicting eco- some of the paper burden is being lift- nomic growth of three per cent this ed, including businesses only having year, and that will lead the industrial- to file some government forms on a ized world, Mr. McTeague says. quarterly basis, rather than the present The government could be running a monthly basis. surplus by the end of the century, Mr. "That's a fairly important message McTeague says. The last time the fed- to small business owners and entrepre- eral government ran a surplus was in neurs operating in the region," Mr. 1968-69. McTeague says. "We're building a very strong eco- Charities will also benefit, as peo- nomic base for the 21st century. Wil- plc will now be able to donate more frid Laurier's assumption about Cana- da will be carried into the next centu- _ DAN McTEAGUE Met our deficit targets a W PAGE: 2 -THF: NEWS ADVFRTIs F:R N'EDNKS11)II'. FF:BRt ARI 19.1947 plc'- i Andrew wranowsk The ladder of success Four -v car -old Brandon and his mom Corinne Orrett play with an old toy ladder and peg exhibit put on display hs the Pickering Museum Village. It was part of a Heritage Day Festival held last weekend at the Pickering Recreation Complex and sponsored by the Pickering Adv isory Commit- ter on Race Relations and Equity and the Town's Culture and Recreation department The event featured a host of multicultural displays and was xell attended by area residents. Tax pool plan by Province rapped at Pickering Council Rick Johnston, says government may fix 'broken' system FROM PAGE. I Theretorc. the downloading of those costs would have "an especial - are c special- arge impact un large urban ccn- tres" such as Metro Toronto because of its high population of the pinir and cldcrlv.the resolution notes. Councillors are critical of plans by the Pro�trice to force all munici- palines in the Greater Toronto Area :(GTA) to pool funding for social :services in order to lessen the impact of downloading the cost of soft services. "In good times. we could proba- bly manage with offloading.•• Ward 2 Local Councillor Shcrry Sena noted. "In a fallen economy, we could go broke pretty quickly." "Nowhere were programs of this nature ever designed to be put on backs of property tax owners." agreed Ward 1 Regional Coun. Mau- : rice Brenner, who believes residents "have always been prepared" to pay for such things as police and fire services, road maintenance and recreation. Ward 3 Regional Coun. Rick Johnson failed to convince col- leagues to "wait and see" if provin- cial proposals improve a "broken" system. He pointed to hundreds of com- munities which are policed by the Ontario Provincial Police -- the cost of which is picked up the the Province -- while those areas with regional police forces pick up the cost themselves. A copy of the resolution will be forwarded to all municipalities in the GTA. as well as Premier Mike Harris. numerous ministers and leaders of opposition parties. PAYING TOO MUCH for HOME & AUTO INSURANCE? 683-9725 Phone quotes Mon - Wed until 8:00 p.m. ]PINE RIDGE INSURANCE Mr and Mrs J. MacGillivray of Pickering, Grand Prize Winners of the 'Which Way To the Beach Event LOOK WHO'S GOING TO THE BEACH'.'. Pickering Town Centre wishes to congratulate Mr and Mrs. John MacGillivray of Pickering, Grand Prize ntnners of the "Which Way To The Beach Event:" which took place from January Gth through February 'rid. 1997. Mr. and Mrs. MacGillivray will be traveling to Cancun. Mexico for a one-week stay at the all- inclusive Royal Solaris Caribe Hotel and Manna courtesy of the Merchants of the Pickering Town Centre. Together with their Grand Prize, Mr. and Mrs. MacGillivray also picked up their "Which -Way To The Beach" accessory kit. consisting of canvas tots- beach ball. WWTTB T -Shirt. sun -hat and beach towel PLUS an oversize Beach Umbrella: Other WWTTB Accessory Kit winners include: G. Todd: Mrs. 'Mahan: C. Everson: B. Harvey: J. Hamblin: E. Barton: L. Wehrli: B Wilson. G. Newlon: K. Cosem: A. Chase. S. Battersby: C. Bromley: Mrs. Maw. D. Pettai: D. Hodgson: R. Van WWatcrschool: I. Kipping: K. Murphy: F. Walsh: J. Podlipski: R. Eastman. J. Bontopt: S. Scott: R. Smith. M. Scott. F. C(x)per, S. Gorr. 1). Gillczeau: S. Hardie: K. Hackey: Houston: B. Dennis: S. Buttan: S. Lvlle. T. Dawn: A. Schaefer. 1). Smith: J. Acue. Pickering Town Centre Everyone shops the News Advertiser in Ajax! r VEST PRICES ARANTEED,.F* RYHIGH Q 4 � #1V WHITE SENSVITY W ITI9ENVELOPES ; r` FAX PAPER a 999 99 500__ a/PACK6 !00/PACK 5 00o sheets case 19 7" • Keyboord pull-out • 53- w x 42" d . gleached Oak finish it Easy to assemble 32942 'Price t3variorrdw lftk ifs WH AJAX M_ rill+I 1000ASKE UWAVES ""70 WE Buunrt Ikom''is5� aY� j ®®® �~ • FREE NEXT -DAY W DELIVERY ENIEAPItISE o nd ENTERPRISE PLUS pR eaie moria d the Buvness D" Lid STORE HOURS MON • FRI &#AV f►MI SATURDAY 9AM-01111 (90.91111M N WHIISY) SUNDAY 1IAM-SPM Some nems mat ria be ewafr .16 SThe Buvneu Depot Ltd 1997 1 STAIPLER `°�° Sef ncludes stapler, 5 000 staples ox)d 49 ' sfaale rernam- ss 1 r VEST PRICES ARANTEED,.F* RYHIGH Q 4 � #1V WHITE SENSVITY W ITI9ENVELOPES ; r` FAX PAPER a 999 99 500__ a/PACK6 !00/PACK 5 00o sheets case 19 7" • Keyboord pull-out • 53- w x 42" d . gleached Oak finish it Easy to assemble 32942 'Price t3variorrdw lftk ifs WH AJAX M_ rill+I 1000ASKE UWAVES ""70 WE Buunrt Ikom''is5� aY� j ®®® �~ • FREE NEXT -DAY W DELIVERY ENIEAPItISE o nd ENTERPRISE PLUS pR eaie moria d the Buvness D" Lid STORE HOURS MON • FRI &#AV f►MI SATURDAY 9AM-01111 (90.91111M N WHIISY) SUNDAY 1IAM-SPM Some nems mat ria be ewafr .16 SThe Buvneu Depot Ltd 1997 1 get Highlightsoe—re III fir the Child Ta CIT,lm a sin I�a ter � WE awls over en treat M0 to bellnts �J D 7be tuition twit other disabled integrate " ;! mancrethit will atory� paid into the economicby Canadian etude fife of the community. aejending post secondary schools. O i1.S0 ti M F1md �ibn flor a Health Q Perents eao con- . T3 aasito help ';'tribute up to $1.000 improve health Per year into the Reg- Sb0 tailioo fora bler+ed Et�oo Sav Health Informs- u� tea• This motley can be transferred to an System, a national . RRSP if not used for s'; Erse health information. education purposes. Q The budget ori II see the Q too in ae+vmoney for rice t- n,deficit d top to $19.6 bit- `aoadim Wrasuracture Pre- " '- lion by the end of this fiscal Year. significant- Sim as part a $ I. billion program for Pre. ly less than the re- y $ 1 dkied lure of 1+1 1997 and 1998. The federal government's $24.3 bt7liat total contribution will be 5600 million. Morin Inquiry Mr. X felt Morin jailhouse 'confession' a ticket to freedom: Lockyer 131' Sn,'PHEN SHAW DI kll4M S TAI I "There'N a big difference" between sexually abusing and killing children. SII says a convicted pedophile, known as Mr. X. whoclaims he overheard ajad- huse murder confession by Guy Paul Morin, an Inquiry heard yesterday. A ora% very upset. 1 was mad." %arid the Oshawa nl — WNrsc name n prottected by a publication ban. Mr X tesutied at Mr. %I, inn's two In- als that in June. 1995 he overteard from a neighboring cell at the Whnhy, lad a weeping Mr \form confess to killing "that little girl:" nine-year-old Christine Jesslap. A set out to tell the truth and that's whit I did, tell the truth... I told the truth at both mals and I'm telling the truth here today. You can't change the truth." he told inquiry counsel Mary Anne Sandcrvan yiMentay. Mr X. who at the Ionic had c,nvlc- tion+ for exually assaulting nine young children, two of them family mcnnt+ers, sold the Inquiry he was reading the Bible in his jail cell when he herd the contes- stou. Having "three children tit my own." he said he hecante angry and "felt like getting through the wall" of hu cell to kill Mr. Storm. During a heated Inns cx anon uiun. Mr NLonn's lawyer James 1-o ckver asked Mr. X why "you of all people sone one who sexually assaulted children In disgusting ways" woull he disturbed by the mr1u�rder. -D o you think you were sensitive to the welfare of children in 1985:"' he asked `!r. X. "Here Is a big differerne in assaulting children and killing children. Titcrc was a little girl killed and that's what upset me." Mr. X answered. "So the differ- ence is that a child had been killed instead of sexually assaulted." Mr. Lockyer asked incredulously .11'hat's a big difference," said Mr. X. Mr. X denied Mr. Lockyer's accusation that he made up the con- fession as a "ticket to freedom." M Lock er r. y suggested the con- fession was "all part of a big game as a way of getting what you wanted" and proceeded to read of I lust used it for leverage I wanted out of there'." He told %Ir Lockycr he even tried Io "sweeten" the offer by promising poke the name of a child pornography dealer. Tile i ui rs robin hown rano- THE NEWS ADVEIt.TISER WFIAVSDAY, F'EnRt1ARY 19, 1"'? - PACE 3 Breaks for students in budget FROM PAGE I stocks and Minds to chari- ties. "Someone could say rather than donate money, I'll give you stocks" Highlights of the hud- get include: U $150 million for a Health Transition Fund to help provinces improve health care: ❑ $50 million for a Canada Hcalth Inforrna- hon System, a national systern for health intonna- lion: ❑ SHM) million for the Child Tax Benclit: J 530 million for the Opportunities Fund to help the disabled Integrate into the economic Ills of the community: In addition, these changes have heen made by the finance minister for the coming tical year: U the ami ant of char- table donation. eligible lior a tax credit will he increased to 75 per cent: J the Old Age Security and the Guaranteed Income Supplement will he combine(] by 2001: J the post -secondary education UIK credit will double over the next two years; J the tuition tax credit will cover orf)er mandatory fees paid by students; 12th Oshawa International MCMC FAIR _ LIVE READERS oto INCREDIBLE BOOKS �_. AMAZING CRYSTALS detective, in which h e is quoted asOur FREE LECTURES, i ,•: ,� DEMOS & PRIZES sion left him Friday: 12.10 pm. "shaking in dos- Saturday: 11.10 pm. 9W." Sunday: 11.7 pm. • ♦ Admission S6 �• GOOD ALL WEEKEND n4 -.7P g a cent man was found guilty of murder. . GRADE examining how Durham and York J nregional roam' handled de imrsn. how Durham's Crown attorneys pnrse L XPi Av 1yO NN7 culed the case and the role jailhouse LEARNING CENTRE: informants played In the prosecution of Mr Sfonn Chn,ttne Jcss(op. who lived next d(xx to Mr Sfonn. disappeared from her QNiccrosvdle home on Oct. 3. 191<3 Her body was discovered in the northern part of Durham Rcgton on Dec ;. 19144, N1r T.. `.. Mlrm was acquitted at the first mal and convicted at the second. He was eventu- ally cleared by DNA cvrckncc In 1995 Mr X also, Icstiied yestendav that at t Mdlll alhout the time of the second trial he f_ hattpQ w><talved with Detective Bernie Flt,,- iltttlnq plamck, one of Durh tin's lead mvcsuga- urs m tie'a'sc saNin • that n ,rca.ton ►♦ StU� Shills e ), "wc had a Couple of dnnks ' f rl"Z� )I•. He said he called Do. Fitzpatrick and KXI IJ : I.A l A MS the other lead investigator. Detective John Sheppard, by their nicknanus. TILT' and'Sh-p.' Mr X hackcd up the tcsirm. 1885 Glenanna Rd, Suite 103 Pickering 420-9930 ny tit jallhusc mli,nnaw RI-hcn Dean M ,,...., 11 H•wr•.p,r.., M.-..-"w•.Vw . O.,M va,- . l ..n... ,... rv.•........ 'yt.o_ who told the Inquiry Lot %sere 51r Morin confessed u, the nnrder. He said he was "surprised, but 1 did- n't know why" Mr May later recanted his confession claim, which her May testified last week was In fact uuthtul. BROKEN WINDSHIELD? USAVE PTO $170100 only - No Overcharge to Insurance Co. P; ker-nit�glme Locaton) _r m WIPER • BLADES s• S • Based on Insurance Prices • All work Guaranteed • Cad for details on car dean -ups! • r 860 Brock Rd. S. 837781 /, Unit #1{j(�-t(jV( ,Y/ • Pickering, Ont. as Lucky??' - oto eeling Regional Police detective, in which h e is quoted asOur Customers Have Won saying the confes- sion left him $3 75 "shaking in dos- OVBI' ,000 9W." You get me in Bingo & High Stakes Nevada Ticket aorta here, I'll give you a signed state- Cash & prizes, trent. Anything. I got to get oitta in our first two weeks!! here," Mr. Lockyer quoted Mr. X as 6505E AT RINCO• BLAC KIACK• ROULETTE -MINI RACC 40.47 saying HOLD FIA POKER • PAI C.OW POKE R • HIGH STAKES PLIC L TAH, Mr. X agreed � (laming Hours- (Dad)) l2 Neon - 400 a in he has "told my Ringo Sessions: (DaJc) 12 30 p in .3:30 prn (Decision Bingo) A A 30 p m. shares of lies" LO I lk,ors open at I 1 00 a.in ) Additional 10 30 p.m. Fnda)- & Saturday police when in trouble with the -)GREAT BLUE HERON I— and said he HnnrrAaEE CASINO a 9Go was using the` V ,Where Fun is the Name of the Game, alleged confessions as a means to barter for an early LOC ATEDNEARPOR7 PtRRYONTARiO 1311 R:Ie:ItiCwhichHHR 211 1 I RON OR gni 98S-4888 , he never Bose. ... • .. _ _ Soar with us in cyberspace. You can find us at www.durhamnews.net ❑ students will have 30 months, tax-free• to repay student loans, up from the current IR months: J parents can con- tribute up u) $40)0 per year into the Registered Education Savings Plan. This money can he trans- ferred to an RRSP if not used for education purpoN- cs; CJS425 million in new money for the Canadian Infrastructure Works Pro- gram will he contributed as part of a $1.9 billion program for 1997 and 19911 The federal govern- ment's total contribution to the program will he 5600 million. Additional Immediate CreditTax of at (plus R.SP Deductible) "Top -Grade Management..." Gordon Pape s 1997 Buyers Guide to Mutuai Funds ONEYEAR TOTAL RETURN SINCE INCEPTION E 1 • E 1 Chartered Financial Planner -�« x Call (428-9911 investors are switching over to James SchotieW 3 PLANVES r Budding trust since 1975 rs -:Oram ✓dOrmdaVl a.' Te C i vo"Or � �-rd n :Ontan"d m rte CI sec us Doran a ropy nom t. ui on 2t12CFund M ' =est �adlar pace tx K ry Sweet West. Sure . aD Box 155 xrto. Cmuno A15x ' . 5r' MulfjW Fords rc +', o rorip 5rW. emn im .;M: 0Ma c VSC 2Y' aead 'roe xosectus Att oche rnesanq Sure ram aro mesnem ,n •eturn . MUTUAL FUNDS ate At 7eO7ro ante tiara rwasems past oerbr"ance and s SASE CIAL FLYERS IN TODAY S News Abe6sef Wednesda%. vehruarN 19,1997 Henry Desjardins Auto Ajax Lillie Caesars Ajax 'Martial Arts Canada Pick. P zzaville Ajax Real Estate Ajax/Pick. Rick Serglson -Remax First Pick ' )ease -.0 ;lead oro R C!6m; Remember. it mwi tk I11dilix dXR ,x!Is! Wef m be resided •till die Fest 4 tour rfwg fr dlrwO .WNW bin Rdidlle prom Fa di mtdOn 01 d6sdm wllrndtertnou;Bla dl A.1114_ Tin; '\L;NM1S /1r1 Dern cart' Vanier :�i•.tnc.:.:. r.. , _-: icr of aloe is Barad Darwi ovs rullcrhladln}; :C numng hanlc•I wilt •Ica• .a (Ilnncr b r 1 ind shlrl comphilinis .,t �cr Boni ( un,�ruru4uiunz : t::T,el _ the a„ k KING l rrmmlr/r� I rr t I..'f/r rrr AJAX BINGO ('puny 610 MONARCH AVE. AJAX 427-8572 BREATHE EASY IN OUR NEW "NON SMOKING ROOM" CELEBRATE OUR GRAND OPENING WITH SPECIAL CARD PACKAGES AND RATES (starting Monday February 24, 1997 4 STRIP PACKAGE - $20.00 6 STRIP PACKAGE - $25.00 (12:30pm, 4:00pm, 7:00pm, 10:30pm) 4 STRIP PACKAGE - $18.00 6 STRIP PACKAGE - $25.00 (Saturday - 9:30am and Friday/Saturday 1:30am) SUPERJACKPOT AND NEVADA FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 427-8572 COME OUT AND SUPPORT LOCAL CHARITIES PAGE 4 -A -THE NEWS rwvcir WAk wm.. FENWARY is. 1m L_ Oldsmobile Y c U r C h e y/ - I d s D S your choice. Drive away Che rehrt1aY -blahs h oR]1' 5.9% v2111e financing rate blr eA or take advantage cC loth le2Se rates with NO IAQNr, t DOt„ )IST. $2990' Dowd so*- wwah NO C tARGE Iii'NNING BOAw)S ISA plus Deep Tinted Glass. Chrome Grille. AM!FM Cassette, Body Side Mouldings Down m - - • • • 00 � $284• A monrh Down ss rrl�rvy4: CIK FZc�-Tular Cal) I SH plus Automatic Transmission and Chrome Wheels Dr Down Lease $1,0 00. $253. $1,200. $247. $2,500_ $207_ Chevy Venture Van Arriving Daily f .Z` i L-.l%,IIlCr Sedan ISB plus Air Conditioning and Automatic Transmission Caw' -flier Coupe ISB plus Air Conditioning and Automatic Transmission and Spoiler $04' $268. • A month Do,W—�� js $O: Down $439. Oldsmobile 88 Base I S B Down $1,007!7 $2,50 $0- $3680' Chevrolet I.ununa Setlari SA plus Remote Keyless Entry Down m Lease • • • • • • $411,41,$477. 0 A mornrh Down 1 SC plus High Back Reclining Seats and Electronic Transfer Case Down ot • • • • • $O� Down s599. bh. $00 Dowd $328. C/K Extended Cab Oldsmobile Aurora ISB plus 5.0 LVS Engine, Automatic Base I SA Transmission. Chrome Wheels,Tih/Crulse. AM/FM Stereo Cassette, Carpet, Body Side ® Mouldings. Deep ® Glass D.Lease D. •• $522. $2,500. re Pk� b) �our ayment even ends .goon.[ I rw 4npala u •. nns 5) dory and omen down paymen•s do not lnplude hergni se 'r oepoa+ sin- va 5b;yy50 ca,", 5620'5725 t, a Requur GG $845 S,150 VmNre $11,"50 Olds as SM4575 Aurora SM4,700 LAK f dented Cab I 5995 Si,r, F .i .' Y.35 SSSr . umrna S795'5475 i,.enoe ,nwrance or aces 'Au gerngnslrared ,eux ,;'e•• any trial ad on a 06 lrronln lean Inn 44, :rnKks ed Wooed as desulbed Annual oilomme brrm 70 000 em j008 per ergess lrlomene Dealer ma, :ea 5 '.na g not ",.'able 1, Ines— out, truus Chevrolet Tann, and 1 nemn,e+ bnt:.nban ArrallcK on apWo,,d 6MFI. -da only Down payment may be r,gwred F ample Pit 000 at 5 9°, APR 0r monby payment Is W ' I Por 48 months,cost or borrowmq , S2 50+ 44 tot., o,gal- �s 572 501 44 'tOrr— • rnrc I until U." 194110 may nil be comdnen :. "mer of?" Otters apple to 1997 new or dello-9111.1 modern m Dealer .memory Otters aopty to gwbrred retaa cuslome•s wly Vehxle quanlme5 may be -ed Ser DNkr Por r.ond•hons and de!., IS Durham family lauds call in Whitby to toughen truck safety legislation g Woman killed in Ajax by "It's not enough," Coun. Drumm added. "•lire Town owes it to this family to stand behind them." runaway truck wheel When contacted, Theresa W—na was ecstatic atxtut the motion passed by the committee. remembered by Town "That's great," she says. "That's exactly what's necessary." Ms. Worona says her family has tried to BY CHRIS BOVIE get the message across, but feels the support of ouR"AM wort: municipal governments will put more pressure on WHITBY- Ontario residents owe a lot to the the Ministry of Transportation. family whose loved one was killed by a runaway "When the Minister realizes there's political sup - truck wheel in 1995, claims Whithy ReKioral Coup- Ixm behind it, he has a couple of more questions he cillor Joe Drumm. has to answer," she says. "Maybe the (provincial) Coun. Drumm introduced a motion Wore his government will deal with larger government bod- Town council Monday. Feb. 18 asking the Ministry les. of Transportation to amend legislation to make highways safer. The motion, ongi- SUPPORT GROUP rc,lly brought forward at North York coun- cil, will go to Whitby's full council for Adjust to she loss of a love approval next Monday, rodaeionsMp and look iorwaM to New provisions include: rebuledha0 your Nie. You wlN share in • the immediate 90 -day suspension of the Mind support of mon and plates on all trucks firund w he unsafe. women rd hyou're- undestanwhat yore truck o0 and how you fool. eacperlene2o • A 90 -Jay licence suspension for companies with three or more suspensions For more iniormartion Call in one year. PROJECT -PARTNERS at • operating licence suspension of any t90SM30-5624 and Quote Raf - garage or mechanic who inspected and RS*150 or Fax (905)839-3509 or certified a vehicle bound to be not road- E-mail we art 11aleksorf®netcom.Ca. worthy. Coun. Drumm says Whitby's Worona "BAYWASH" family has worked tirelessly to make �+ Onta1je-peighwat'Onia nor ethefc. Where Your Car is the Star "ihe people of Omariu owe the family a tremendous debt for the way they stayed 12 Do -It -Yourself Car Wash after it." Coun. Drumm wid. Angela Worona was killed Jan. 31, Located directly behind 1995 when a runaway truck wheel Ajax Harwood Plaza, slammed head-on into the car she was dri- ving on Hwy. 401 between Ajax and beside the Brewers' Retail Whitby. Since then her sister Theresa and Open 24 flours 100% Fresh Water immediate family have continual to push r„ the Ministry of Translxrrtation to adopt 15 Commercial Ave. tougher row regulations on truck safety. 'Based on a :3 minute wash SEAM 11-4w(! Ni WO, ss. E«h 0 '5 "�, . I 49.99 P 85/70813 49.99 P'75!7OR14 59.99 PI85/70R14 59.99 P195/70P14 59.99 P205/70R14 59.99 k.cr„dw No dvge qca- ..,, woranty vso'asnr a.ran � ,ra ENDS SUNDAY OUTSTANDING VALUE! 100,000 km tread wearout warranty' on Pirelli® P6 M&S '.1ua ana snow raTea treoa uesign ks rrnNAvvea3 Schon m all weather conditions Computer-ossisled :.,sign low angle transverse grooves provide improved wet traction- 'T' rated for improved handling and cornering. $72700 saes All 131' sizes All IN' saes 4999 16, 5999 SAVE 40' SAVE Z5' RoodBw�dlsr•/LE SRv�r9uard Esprit• Premium all -season tires made for Sears by Computer-assisted all season tread design. 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X50600 series. • "There is a $5 deposit when you buy a new bonery at Sews refundable wish the rourn of your old bonery for retyclirs9 $ ll prias NA suttltltry. Februenry 23, 1"7, w6W tNs■fif es lost 02402 10 Coprrgm 1996 Seas Cavairc Expect more from Spars SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE r w.•ro oro.n: Yor.frs coo ase. - ttuq e.e., fM. a:s.n. • two t.• 1Mn. t20D noon - s:00 a.r. tlrraar..e.e Ceke err..# are Noel 4ee.4jatrs 42" ara000 to m ar as THE NEWS ADYE MIM WF" SMV. ff.=U"V 19,197 - PAGE S P1J11L1('N0T1(,' EA /,�V�'f..IliPl;f I��1R\SCF • BLINDS is PAINTS • AREA RUGS • PERGO NO INTEREST • HARDWOOD • INSTALLATIONS':l NO PAYMENTS • O.A.C. WHILE SUPPLIES LAST NEW LOCATION ETrL . \ • 1220 SIMCOE ST. N.oir Iontlerld at Tatritot 6 Tatml ne .• •. • a" r " ��/ TAUNTON R WAYNE AVE 4 ROSSLANC • A FAMILY TRADITION SINCE 1988 FREE 432-2036 432-2098 ESTIMATES Find us online at www.durhamnews.net RadioShack F E B R U A R Y da; stamp ane two cordlesspron. Features7999 wad recording 43-781 CC7 iss, -encPon ,ucwtry. 10 -pumper speeo diaurg 43-1049 X1 24' 6X 1600 3 ttralr aMaloss with thermal overload protection. 150 -watts RMS each 15 woofer. 3- x T horn, 4' midrange 40-8820 999'': posy calculator. Dual -powered with 3 -key memory. 65-590 PRO LX5 2 -way speakers. 5' woofer with linaeum'-design tweeter 40.4061 Indoorlostbar thermometer. -save 15 Measures blow eiild mdoorroutdoor temperatures in #M99 Celsius or -1999 Fahrenheit 63-1009 RadioShack_ .._ Aso.� lourve Rot questions. Wr'vr Kot answer+. - --- Sale ends Mar. 1/97 FUME -TIM NEWS AgittrU 7.4M wzDmzspAys nalgUARY 12. I"? r . � � T k�eringNewsdvertise7 ltoria s an etters A� pliblislied T1iesdaY• Y• Friday • Sunday PHONE: 683-5110 FAX: 683-7363 13o Commercial Ave., Ajax, Out. LIS 2H5 PtrbBtlber: Thu Writtaker ♦ Editorial . ma A I IfA A i I w I i DUNCAN Teachyour children well Nothing is more precious to us than our children. They represent the future, carry for us many of our hopes and dreams, yet remain unaffected by the cynicism of adulthood. It's no surprise, then, that parents across Durham Region reacted quickly and aggressively following an abduction attempt in Ajax last week - which itself followed several attempts in Metro Toronto. It's clear that parents have become fearful in this world we live in. It's also clear Durham Regional Police take each of these cases to heart, judging by the number of calls they received in the wake of the Ajax incident. Some of those cases, unfortunately, were unfounded. Others were simply made-up stories. If we are to succeed as a community in keeping the danger at bay we must act with our heads instead of our hearts. Reinforce at home the street -proofing lessons taught in Durham Region's schools. Talk to your children regularly, test them, make sure they know how to react and what they should be wary of. If you're not sure what to do, contact your local Child Find office, which can provide a tip -sheet on how to streetproof your children. Further advice can he readily provided by your local detachment of the Durham Regional Police Service. But we must temper that message with common sense. Teach your children to be alert without unduly scaring them. Be sure they know how to react and when to react. Teach them well and they will have the best defence: Knowledge. As parents, you too should take a lesson to mini- mizc your chances of being victimized. Get to know your neighbors. Know the route - and the common short-cuts - to your child's school. Pay attention to the people and vehicles commonly seen on your street, or in your child's sch(ol vicinity. Common sense, keen awareness and a cool head are our best defense against those who would victim- ize our kids. Teach yourself and your children well Colledlsely, wC can remain safe. To respond to rho editorial call Jnfosow re at nfosotnj, 683-7040 and dial 5109 .You said it... In response to the Friday, Feb. 7 (editorial chastising Pickering firefighters for wearing their uniforms in public protests of Bill 84 while Ajax firefighters didn't don their uniforms, our readers say- * " 1 was just wondering what turnip truck this editor fell oft of 1 hope it wasn't in Pickering. My hat goes out to the Pickering and Ajax firefighters They're doing a wonderful ,lob. As far as you cutting them up and calling the firefight- ers a defiant association, I think they should have been there with their sirens blaring to make the public aware" ♦ "I can't believe the editor wouldn't support these people who risk their lives for the community" vWe asked... The question is: Do you agree with the Durham Board of Education's decision to leave in graphic language as part of the high school sexual educa- tion kit for teachers? Wright Wendy says, "They says, " h don't should leave it in think it has to be there. Kids learn graphic for the sex education in ideas to be put schools anyway. across to the indi- They know what's viduals. They going on" know what's hap- must be pening." Atm Walters slays, "I don't believe they have to be so explicit' Pickering News Advertiser Publisher: Tim Whittaker A Metrola nd Community Newspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 21-15 ♦ Letters to the North through tlx: new Plan. Its aim is inert. School boards have asked the not to preserve these lands for Pickering agricultural use, but to plan for their "orderly" destruction by �- the promotion of urban sprawl farm 1 and development. That is cer- and raink a bctraval. ing must be changed to allow compar- In this sorry saga of deceit must be and duplicity there is perhaps conditions within the region. Let people one slight glimmer of hope. negotiate on a level playing field. Perhaps the planning department saved study will arrive at the same. iso( with working conditions outside the common-sense conclusions that To the editor: countless other studies and the Re Pickering Council's vote overwhelming weight of local on the agricultural areas. opinion have already reached — On Feb 10. Pickering that these lands are a priceless Council voted to extend the asset and they must be preserved boundary of the Scatt,o Urban for permanent agricultural use District Study to include the Since the Seaton Urban Study agricultural lands on the west will now include these agricul- side of the West Duffins Creek. tural lands, these lands now It is not clear whether this deet- include Seaton. Perhaps the cion represents a shabby betray- planning department will take al or a far-sighted act of states- this opportunity to put a firm manship. One would hope for barrier around the Seaton devcl- the latter. but one's fear is that opment, setting limits to the the former is far more likely rampant, predatory sprawl being The pro%mcial government. promoted by the North through the Ontario Realty Pickering Development Corporation (ORC i. is making Corporation, another creation of plans to sell off the lands in the the provincial government, and agricultural preserve at a price properly designating most of the considerably higher than would Seaton land.. for permanent agri- normally he expected for good cultural and open space use. farmland, because of their 'prox- Perhaps when Pickering imity to development'. ORC has Town Council receives this stated that it has no interest in study. it will give a resounding the future use of the lands, fol- endorsement to the permanent lowing their sale. retention of these lands, both in The price will not be able to the agricultural preserve and in be met by many of the tenant the Seaton area for agricultural farmers, a great number of and open space use. So resound - whose families have been work- ing perhaps, Council will place a ing this land for generations and complete ban on development from whom the land was expro- for say, 99 years, at least, on the printed in the 1970s. agricultural and open space The price is too high for most lands. Perhaps this is where the of these people to bear strut they statesmanship will come in. The will be forced off the land. The actions of both the planning price. however, will be extreme- department and Council over the ly tempting to potential specula- (text few months will determine tors and land grabbers, who will which gate will open for them now, by the action of Pickering when the last trumpet sounds. Council, be in a position to exert That is why your comment enormous influence and pies- J.C. Thompson, sure to have the land use desig- Wbitevak nation changed from agricultural they should be relying on for to allow developmeoL The needed grassiroots political sup- actions of ORC are indeed a Impatient betrayal. municipablies that have asked for During the debate of this issue, most members of Council drivers risk spoke strongly in favor of pre- mean the private and pan -time serving these lands for perms- accidents trent agricultural use. And yet The professional firefighters the members of Council voted to To the editor include them in an urban study. That could be described as a Each morning I travel betrayal. This study will be tort through the intersection of ducted by the Pickering plan- Liverpool Road strut Hwy. 2 ning department, which has from Pickering to Oshawa. I been developing the new draft die westbound wall patiently for th Official Plan for the Town of vehicllesesturning left on to Pickering. The stated objective LilRoa because th of the planning department is to have promote "orderly development" However, it really irritates me However, in the Town of Pickering 1 am forted to wait for those The News Advertiser unwes readersto sub. who continue their left turns JOANNE BL'RGHARDT, Edit--m-Chief STEVE HOUSTON, Mmaging Editor BRUCE DANFORD, Advertising MOWa ALVIN BRouwER, Retail Advertising Manager FRED EISMONT, Classified Advertising Manager MONIQUE LEA, Real EntaDe Advertising Manager ABE FAttHOURIE, Distribution Manager BARBARA HARRISON. Production Manager JANICE O'NEIL, Ali iMM Production Manager CHERYL HAINES, AsWOW Production Manager LILWAN HOOK, Merger READ Guest Column Bill 104 will destroy school system Bill 104, The Fewer School Boards Act, is about to destroy the system of pub- lic education that has served Ontario well for 150 years, replacing shared power with absolute power held by bureaucrats at Queen's Park. Thrace points must be made. First, if the change is because of "high" trustee salaries, the public must know that until 20 years ago, trustee salaries were set by the Province. The Ontario legislature gave school boards the right to set their own salaries. They could have taken that right away. Outside Metro Toronto, only one school board pays $20,000. The Durham Board of Education pays $12,920. Twelve years ago. the trustee salary of $9.800 was some $200 more than an Ajax town coun- cillor, now it is $6,000 less. Second, some say school boards never propose ways to control expenses. Here are seven: 1) Grandfather or eliminate retirement gratuities: the maximum of yeah sever- ance pay that teachers collect on retire - TO REACH US Gem": 683-5110 Classified: 683-0707 Distribution: 683.5110 Adadn&ImWAW Fax: 683.7363 Caupodag Fax: 579-9273 E-mail: newsttwm@durhamrcws.net Mop //wwwAurfunusews.rret tekphoae number. Unpublished columns Rick Bereme, may nu in condensed form as a kner to the Plid ring editor. The Newt Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, PublisNag au; Distributing group of newspapers. The Nevis Advertiser is a member out the Ajax ! Pickering Bord of Trade. Ontario Conmunity Newspaper A tic., Cauidiar Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Circalrions Audit Hord and the Oouria Neu Council. The pablislw reserves the right to clarify or refuse an. adveniserieat Credit fm advertisement limited to space price error occupies. I Gtudtan Ck.Wbra Awn soarer saantbar .,�,,...��.... inert. School boards have asked the editor Davis, Peterson and Rae governments to abolish this law. All refused. 2) The law governing teacher bargain - well after the advanced green ing must be changed to allow compar- ends. icons with other jobs and employment These drivers are so anxious conditions within the region. Let people to reach their destination that negotiate on a level playing field. they would rather risk an acci- Presently, provincial law forbids compar- dent with oncoming traffic than iso( with working conditions outside the wait for the next light. Right -of- education sector. The same Davis, way means nothing and there is Peterson and Rae governments refused to no use honking your horn: all change this. you'll get is a clear view of their 3) Year-round schooling would mduce middle finger. spate requirements by 25 per cent. saving 1 wonder how long they will on the cost of new schools. be allowed to get away with it? 4) School boards have suggested exploring other staffing, using librarian Trevor Gillman, instead of library teachers. using early Pickering childhood education teachers, and accountants to assist in running schools. Public safety These changes would reduce salary( sects Queen's Park refuses to consider t>,� . 5) The Ministry has just begun to at stake allow school boards to enter lease -hack arrangcments to build schools. Eleven year ago the DBE asked to do this and To the editor: was denied. Think of the carts saved for As a professional firefighter 1 Durham taxpayers if that financing was must comment on the editorial used for 22 new schools built in that time. headlined 'Fight it like a fire' in 6) Durham has one superintendent of the Feb. 7 News Advertiser. education for every 6,0110 au dcm%s the The professional firefighters provincial average is one per 3.5(X). The in the province of Ontario arc Ministry could control costs across the presently battling a legislative province by setting standards for the hir. fin in the form of Bill 84, the ing of a whole range of board staff, if con - likes of which the public should trolling costs is the real issue. hope never passes. Section 9 of 7) Boards have asked for more provin- this Bill would allow af: munici- tial funding: 1995 figures show 45 per palities to privatize (equates to cent of elementary education in Durham profit over safety) fire services is paid by provincial taxes and 28.5 per and replace professional fire- cent of high school taxes. Local taxes pay fighters with part-time fnrefight- the majority of the costs. Ontario current- ers (less experience. dedication ly spends less than the average American and lack of team wont). state on a per student basis by $1,100. While this bill would not save Finally, what is the real price of some the Province motley, it is being community control over the quality of offered to the municipalities as a education obtained for dollars spent" "cherry" in lieu of the numerous Hone could the existing system of joint cuts in transfer payments. It does provincial and local control have lasted so not force the implementation of long if now suddenly it no longer works'? privatization and part-timers, yet I would suggest the reader should use offers it as a form of cost savings. the test used by that conservative political That is why your comment communicator Ronald Reagan. His sim- "Firefighters in Pickering have ple test is, "Ask yourself if you will be already alienated the very people baro off it= you axe". they should be relying on for The values of local alxessibility, some needed grassiroots political sup- local accounubiility and an ability to port" is so naive. It is these advocate for public education in our corn- municipablies that have asked for mortifies ars about to disappew. the requited legislation to imple- I belicve that responsible govemmern mean the private and pan -time trans `100 taxation without represennta- fire services. don". The converse is also tette — without The professional firefighters tie power to tax there can be no pretense in Ontario are committed to pro- of responsible government. After Bill vent this legislat— from passietg 104. because of the loss of taxing power, because it will reduce the present school boards will not provide - first -lass level of fire suppres- ble government. If die will of the people sion available. Thele is none fina is to make the change, effectively ending in North America and the sttatis- local tarponsibifity, 1 know that public tics are available to back this educauoo will be very diffacm statement. Why would we not History will judge whustia it win be aggnxsivelY fight this kind of better or worse. legislation that will endanger public safety? The News Advertiser unwes readersto sub. The public should be con- mir columns jar Be Our Greer on crrrtdu serried about Bill 84 and can call issues gwind aurDwham Reg,, commwd. 1-8011••618-8859 for more infor- ries. subsuggion, shouN be 600 words or oration. losmust be sfarsed and include a dayru" TO REACH US Gem": 683-5110 Classified: 683-0707 Distribution: 683.5110 Adadn&ImWAW Fax: 683.7363 Caupodag Fax: 579-9273 E-mail: newsttwm@durhamrcws.net Mop //wwwAurfunusews.rret tekphoae number. Unpublished columns Rick Bereme, may nu in condensed form as a kner to the Plid ring editor. The Newt Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, PublisNag au; Distributing group of newspapers. The Nevis Advertiser is a member out the Ajax ! Pickering Bord of Trade. Ontario Conmunity Newspaper A tic., Cauidiar Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Circalrions Audit Hord and the Oouria Neu Council. The pablislw reserves the right to clarify or refuse an. adveniserieat Credit fm advertisement limited to space price error occupies. I Gtudtan Ck.Wbra Awn soarer saantbar .,�,,...��.... THE Naws,tnvcartM wv, rEIa>Mr Is. tin - nice 7 Around Durham Region i:13C11iF� 3 = "�oillil filly �F r tht'y (the workers) are srAl+t+ rT"gM of tbrellr Efrgaining reps were right at tDident .bf Csaidra, iee�t iv811 Latera resolution," adding there eayt lie's pleait a�reysreas " s will be: heated by tl ; ; '�tA mon to the OLRB, the fab 13oard Plsgt troy believe 'they were arttietpate#'tite 1r ittl about tb ie contents of the ia:ue " tld5 hY pnd wem,*ver told they &' bf9f>iebrication •workers .say didy ' :would "ba 'tlsnnttuted" as';GM employees. by`nnion officials when -they rat_,' . I -The fabrication" plant, which employs contract with General Motors and. _ 1,875;; was sold to Peregrine, a Michigan- laiat with the Board.- based automotive supplier, and part': of tbe" by Ae Board to reach a mediated . contract dealt with the status of those- work- keit the workers. the Canadian M. '.. representatives and General, But CAW officials maintain the workera'c gt9'4ciak during two meetings failed. were fully informed about the situation when Board' has scheduled hearings forthey ratified the contract Oct 23 at a Civic t 3, 19j and 20 in Toronto. I IAuditorium. voter=. following a three-week fields hopes the hearing "will carry- strike at GM ratgh to its final conclusion. we awl About 700 fab plant workers are involved torofortableit's a good agreement At the, in the challenge Sex attack defendant makes Oshawa court appearance OSHAWA — The man accused in the brutal adjourned to March 24. summer sex attack of an Oshawa teen made a The victim. who remained in a coma follow - brief appearance in Oshawa provincial court yes- ing the attack, was found semi-conscious in a terday. grassy field near Centre and Hall streets 12 hours Michael Kohylanski, 20, of Killarney Court, is after she was reported missing by her family. charged with aggravated assault and aggravated A court ordered publication ban prevents New kids on the recycling block in Durham Region As well as the familiar plastic one and two litre pop bottles, the number T coded plastic is now collected in Durham Region's Blue Box program. Just turn these newly accepted bottles over to find the recycling logo with its identifying number. Two examples are salad dressing and liquor bottles. Durham's collected plastic will be kept at the highest market value if the public continues to recycle pop bottles and carefully checks for the number' F printed on the other plastic bottles. Recycling regulations ask that all plastic containers be coded, but unfortunately some juice bottles and other types are not. If there is not a number on the bottom, it is better to be safe by not including it. Also, remove all caps, then squeeze bottles to conserve space. Tin caps may be placed inside a can for recy- cling. A good issue for us to raise with manufac- turers is that recycling logos should be bigger and more visible. The other new kid in the box is the aluminum pie plate. Fruit, tart, and meat pie lovers should wash their pie plate. whether they choose to recy- cle it or reuse it. As you probahly know, last year Durham Region requested that all fold and beverage con- tainers be placed loose in your blue box. This new recycling method enables the collecting contractor to sort the glass, cans and plastic at the curb and place them more quickly into separate compart- ments tin the collection vehicle. You can help by inserting a piece of cardboard into your Blue Box to create compartments to sep- arate materials. Recycling supervisor Sue Campbell says, "I congratulate residents Our recyclables are coming in practically contamination free." However, many people are still not aware that all household paper is needed. Junk mail and post cards are recycled. Simply place a sturdy box or hamper in a convenient location to collect all types of paper with the exception of carbon and waxed paper. Newspapers and maga- zines also go into this box with a few put on top for weight before setting it at the curb. Put your Blue Box on top to avoid any Icxne paper from blowing away. With your flattened cor- rugated cardboard, include egg cartons. brown paper bags, and boxboard. Remove the inner wax liner from cereal boxes; plastic film from tissue boxes: as well as any blis- ter bubbles, staples, etc. from packaging. Good source separation is a vital element in a well-run recycling service which results in smooth collection and processing operations. We can even place our Blue Box beside our neighbors to streamline pick-ups. We are all pioneers in recycling: let us do the best Job we can'. Larraine Roulstnn's column exploring envi- ronmental issues reqularlc appeary on (Wednesday. sexual assault to the July 14 attack which hlleftt a details Or the case from being printed. y 14 -year-old girl**%%K%�TT%%I�TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT�FTTTT-T*71�C7K7K7K with severe head injuries. During * 3�~ G' pzC,a f 1K Monday's * '9 r" appearance the `v -p The T(o%-n of Pickering cast was * — ��� Z t Architect ,*k rPIKERINGr e ,* chosen * > : Trertiser own of Pickering (905) 4202commencin-March 4. 199 7 222 (905) 683.2760 for new * MARCH 1997 MARCH 1997 PUBLIC SWIM * SCHEDIJLE Whitby Feh. t� t oir e� 'c Infioreni Fc A. 20 �uwtory Pub 1'c In(rxmanum Meering * FrA. 24 kaccutrve Comrmttcc Meeting Learn to Swim Dunbarton Indoor Pool - Whites Rd. at Sheppard Avenue 1 t'rh. 2x Budget Mccting Mach Break MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESOAr T141RS0AY FRtOAr SATURDAY SUNDAY SCh00l Mar. 3 Tnwn Council %kering at the Ree Complex Mr 10417 Mr 11111 Mr 12619 Mr. 11&20 Mir, /4121 15&22 Mon. 1"n sic M-4 Sale vctghtsuurhiod Tavi. Rrsr O P a% •-fru oon L.r:v B R OO ti I_ I N '�cbrsa ary i% ticart M Sam PrnsM or Prngla Leucon �m S.rn 24 p n. 24 p m 24 p.m21 pm. 24 pan. CLCSED MM- Lava AO 12 7a pm. 71 P.M* . .✓ --Anarchitect �� A"Srim L9ptt 5.9 P.M. has been cho- * 1997 SESSION 1 sen to design o"• in- arch 10 ' Ree Complex PUSUC SWIM SCHEDULE the school to * PROPERTY TAXES T.— rftwch11 replace $t. * DUEMarch Break MONDAY TUESDAY a'EDNESDAr THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY y F.. %w—h'4 Mr. 101117 Mar, 11611 Mr. 12119 Mr. 13620 Mar. 14621 Mr IAA Mw. 16&23 T Lco Catholic ysy, FEBRUARY 25, 1997 900-11.00a.m and School but T` SESSION Open Swint &7.30 am. 6-730 am. 67.30Am 6•J30a.m. 6.7.>Dtua Thr first (it iwi. in.ulliiicnt..d ilio ITTERI�I tit MII 4:00.7:00 p.m oar Leo« lase, rr Sam& -Priv.) sSs.no don't expect i[ Junhtsrnwrih MuttS.am 41 OO pat' 91" pm' 41OOpm' 91pm.' 9/OOpm' ri«. rrcn to to be builty 110.4 helm ron is 15-1; 2 hr lessons Open Saw 14:00 p.m 14:00 p.m. 1490 ". 14:00 pAt 14:00 p.m. 14:00 pm. 14:00 p.m. there anytime T �" `A "" MA_ST 'a RD re — bm-,r acceotcd r,,,,,._ mK„p (g pLment of Iup, F,,. M.,c� z, ^ax 3 per class open Stun 7.9:00 p.m. 7400 p.m. 74:00 p.m. 74.00 pa, 74.00 p.ta 7.9:00 pm 74-M p.m. soon. J. Protons $95-00 �► Adult S..9.10:00 p.m. ?10:00 pm. 9.10:00 p.m. 9.10:00 p,m. 9.10:00 pat "it'll be a the TEI.EPAI"NETT tcicphtwc boll paying services For swim lessons I5-1/2 hr. lessons. max. Couple of .* rel wveral Bank% and fruvt Companies cam aMv be used Call Karen at 1 per Citta) years before * I" pay you, any'axes 11 8I1-1711 Call 683-M2 for March Break Information we have a Laic payment charges are added on the first day of the school," said .* foll—mg mouth on all unpaid installmones and un the f Judv Morris, a ,y f -i day of the month thereafter The rue is 1 00% for -,You are Cord a!!y Mar. ar. 1 7 to Whitby trustee T each month. or frxuon thereof .. f %RCH99A(9621,1997 with Durham * Paynxnt m person can be made to the Cashier at the invited to attem R e g i o n %luni"pal Building, One The Esplanade. Pickering. R 0m a n y ()tart,,. LIv 6K7 ARTS CAMP - Ages 5 to 12 SPORTS CAMP - Ages 5 to 12 CatholicSepa-T Our telephone number is , This action packed week will For the active camper a week full rate School (9051420-4614 provide campers the opportunity to of spurts and games. Join to the tun Board. develop new skills and express as we learn Indoor Soccer, Floor On Monday * themselves through a variety of Hockey, Basketball, Indoor Games night, the �° t PART-TIME activities: Drama, Art. Cooking, and many more team events. y board the Wednesday, Mnteb 26, 1997 Creative Games, Crafts and Special Special events and theme days well TRANSIT Theme Das A daily swim is be planned throughout the week. A ed Totten Sims * 7:00 - 930�.r11. Days. P g Hubicki Asso- y OPERATORS at the available for campers. daily swim will he provided by ciates as the * `*••• `1+` REG?UIRED 8 x q g architects for SCM Cf�t qualified lifeguards. the new * � ` to prover. Ta -i rarowna win mweponatmon AwC nano the'roaina Quire, Full Da Cam Program 7 a.m. to 6:15 m. S97/week arviva wa PKkw•w arra Ca otrr« °7pf0 l If+Ow9r y011 Y P rOg P school but no m 0 magi .,a eoec..ip mexhi y : v wdawvrya,.eantthwagii dweyisyouryaa,ty Regular Day Camp 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. SWweek site has been at:aa.r 0--lr cam cz am ontem *—,-. wtoee .an purple. �[ chosen, Mrs. .y `"°`"" damn "" MOM Swondary Srs.od Morris said.T caii to- ar aeirrawa or oomOr aaan a . rdm forte crow. dit a(iutit,a � if., ia'a . w.aawa... r, w. ititrnlnaa ►aairq ane ara«rriaa: -.. �t However, �( aa.w.r F..m.a a.ma,rimra mn+ty 10 ver murtaarry rel f ow youth mtJ.;hape LAW evvratants far tree ar.nrarww atrswny win, maneira or ave puoae in she said the �yy i>t..ra,•a p, taap011ai119 to pRr sow rivunaa, sore school tom- T """""'"m°" ��«t ea par oy Ter.: D.pitm v • �artutiranieamaticpternrtetiaM6yrarar ."..a.a.m. malrama cstrdmu m,ww.ma. arglor Vannp casae by a awbwrra munity IS mwrew,wAso tiro.nnY tianrorey; nrnimmbed minty to •4 tar totfmpnwwrswrie,ofa(vmrpert'sp-d delighted that 1mo.eu46,ri w paar.m ar plyairal namatwa a ten trmaAion � � refloat g ,.nb.rs. laorq nor eaarraa0 DarioOl, rapaaWa arm rlfio nen rota b Liar T 8 new School * areae. movrrimra, aec) ngwaa d ar ooaaiac irm will be built * h°r' . MARCH BREAK CAMPS s eventually. �111�p1 b""' om °' o°n" i0 k0"' ar The Pickering Advisory Ctrnninee Y .a.ar.,..w fAa.ian i:alrreas Daparanam. Orr nr "It's won- * 1� • a/ar• Eap areft Isom ot No must be mnpma . on Raiz Relations and E.gawy For more information, call the Town of Pickering peeft annu ane ranrrrma W r-abnrry 2aar1aaT, b aaau derful for * .�.. r ea..sar a m m 420-4620 Department of Culture & Recreation (905) 420-4621 them," she �y said, "I'm real- * HOUSEtHO[9/LA7_Ae1i!MU WASTE THE PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX AND SEARS... ly pleased." Household Hazardous Waste will continue to be St. Leo s * accepted at the Brock West Landfill Site all day offering you FREE FITNESS DEMONSTRATIONS! yy was built for a * Wednesday and each Saturday morning until the end of T maximum of y March, 1997. Household Hazardous Waste is 98 students T considered non -collectible under Town of Pickering Have you always wanted to try a treadmill or any other piece of fitness equipment but is now * By-law and includes such materials as paints, oils, but just didn't know where to start! home LO more thinners, propane tanks, automotive batteries, than to a antifreeze, etc. The Block West landfill Site u located on Concession Road 3 west of Brock Road in Join us at the Pickering Town Centre in the Fitness has no gym or * Pickering. For further information, please contact the library. Landfill Silo at 686.1294. Department of Sears and have all your fitness related y T h e T As a result of the Brock West Landfill Site being cloned T replacement * to the acceptance of all new ran -hazardous waste, all questions answered! school for replacement St. materials must now be taken to the Durham Materials Recovery Facility Inc. waste transfer station located at Leo was one 1220 Squires Beach Road in Pickering. A deposit may Personal Trainers and Fitness Instructors from the Piclkering'Tiecreation Complex will be of five pro- * be requested if your total load is approaching the loo discussing exercise principles and demonstrating proper technique using a variety of jects for which yy Its free dumping allowance. For further information, yy the board T please contact Durham Materials Recovery Facility lac exercise equipment supplied by Sears. T r e c e i v e d at 619-2619. y approval from Please help keep our environment clean and toxic frac ` T by disposing of your waste materials at the locations So what are you waiting for??? theprovincial outlined above. government * For any additional information regarding waste Visit us between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. Saturday, February 22 which has just Management Services, please contact the Town or lifted a DRC- Pickering Public Works Department at 420.4630 or in the Fitness Department of Sears to pick up your FREE GUEST PASS and get * year freeze en * 6833-y-276yy0. �yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy mayy, �y{r yy y��yy yy yymotivated to ikeeP those New Yea��ryys,, RReslolu�ttiionns!!y yy yyy yy ma�yy,,� *yy school con- struction. on siruction. LARRAINE ROULSTON Recycler's .Report PAGE f - TIS NEWS ADvrxnsiER WEDN&4DAY, WERRttARY 19, 1117 Refresher tips for parents expecting another baby Expecting another baby? one who has never taken childbirth If so, you may be interested in education classes. Cost is $50, which refresher childbirth education classes is tax-deductible with a note from offered by Choices Childbirth Educa- your doctor or midwife. tion and Labour Support Services. Choices Childbirth Education and The series of four classes. offered Labour Support Services is a non - Thursday evenings from March 20 to profit organization that provides April 10 at a Pickering location, will choice -based prenatal education, pro - focus on such issues as supporting the fessional labor support and post -par - laboring woman, comfort measures tum support to families in Durham for childbirth, sibling adjustment and Region. vaginal birth after caesarean birth. For more information on the class - The series is appropriate for any- es, or h1 register, call 420-0223. Information fair - for new families in Pickering PICKERING -- An information fair for expectant and new families will he held March K at the Pickering Town Centre. Choices in Childbirth Education and Labour Support Service, a non-profit organization, is hosting the family fair which will feature displays by community organi- zations and local businesses serving expectant and new parents. Topics will include prenatal classes. midwifery. cloth diapers and breast-feeding. Child Find will be finger and footprinting children free from 10 a.m. to'_ p.m. for children accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Free copies of the New Baby and Child Care Ency- clopedia will he given out to the first 50 people visiting the Choices's exhibit. There will also be draws for prices donated by the exhibitors. The fair will be held on the lower level from 9:10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Hunters can take aim at turkey hunting seminar A tine -day seminar on hunt- ing wild turketi is being held next month. followed by a certification exam. The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunter is holding the course and top- ics include wild turkey biology, calling and hunt- ing techniques. hunung ethics and safety procedures. It's followed by a Ministry of Natur- al Resources examination to ctttifv hunter. The cost is $15 per person, payable in advance.Atten- dance at an OFAH seminar is manda- lory for anyone wanting to hunt wild turkeys in Ontario for the first time. Instruc- tors are experi- enced Canadian and American wild turkey hunters Gary Ball and Gary Walker. Wild turkey hunting season runs from April 25 to May 16. 'Rte se ninar is being held Satur- day, March 8 from 8:30 am. to 4 p.m. at Durham College on Simco' Street North in Oshawa Prior registration is necessary. Call the OFAH at 705-748-6324 for more informa- tion or to register. Head injured meet 'lite Head Injury Associa- tion of Durham Region meets Wednesday, Feb. 19 (tonight) at 7:30 p.m. at 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa. Sur- vivors meet on main floor, family and caregivers meet upstairs. Call 723.2732. 1996 CHEM ASTRO - cas< g^. pow tart. 1993 JEEP CHEROKEE E ..3ih eaavoea 1991 MAZDA MPV 4 WD -1 AlV C. I0IC;KS PLUS APPLIANCE We Sen: _ r0Ano""!4 Parts & Locks r' ( APPLIANCESUSED �i We •Locks I ' COMPLETE: • SALES • SERVICE • PARTS • INSTALLATION 1794 Liverpool Rd. (905) Pickering (Beside Harvey's) 839-4078 $219995 1990 POIMAC GRAND PRD( Sn w MAnei. town •6,900 19M POIll GRAND AM 4 to srwom n1wo 514CAA 0 19M HONDA CIVIC DX suromm An 83,90o , 19911 TOYOTA COW LE v 6 Acro X6,600 FREE CUT & STYLE '- 3 J MON. & TUES. i siwo Off OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 19, 1997 NOBLE BEAUTY SALON 1163 Kingston Rd., Pickering Walnut Grove Plaza, 831-1403 E -FILE READY CA$H Iaao11111110e Tax l turps m READY CASH WITHIN 24 HOURS (Most Refunds) 0 REFUND CHEQUES IN ABOUT 2 WEEKS (Most E -Filed Returns) 0 FREE E -FILING WITH TAX PREPARATION 9 E -FILE ONLY SERVICE AVAILABLE - Your Diskettes Accepted (Selected Tax Programs) BOOKKEEPING SERVICES ALSO AVAILABLE Q ALL RETURNS PREPARED - Personal, Business Corporations 8 Trusts ALL SERVICES DONE ON LOCATION AT PICKERING TOWN CENTRE CPP�S� c SPE" 1335 KINGSTON RD. PICKERING, ONT. L1V 11118 PH. (905) 837-0564 OPEN MC'. SA- _ ,%_-A- -_. ._ Ar^ NAL- QRS. D i4�9 .0iV if 27 Stereo olour clevision Yenl.rdous Value ra -AN. awy, e•s TV w^ 'annex PCtre-in 'ldwe IMS you at our 2 *o" p--3 3 194 sane Wr r r dmous =We EAPed rlepaw P1dwe 1Manwlw WC .S&MNOAP "o &W -C mages nom b x'."t11n comrast sown T _or•e mler orw 'Noor K r1cYA. A-wArq stwoo sound nnersir rw"," ✓.:d_Piend ALV MAls a outputs :38C-0127108 I 4 Head, Ste•ec H. • Brunn cdrlmd • • 8 • dwV1M VW - 8 Fent, ren nme, • Drgaa awn ha*.% - Connwca scar 05802803 vA 605 _ 14x Zoom Camcorder • Ho weed shlaer - Bult-ri lot - lrAdes sort me • Fling erne head • 4.180 4 head design PVDM KENVMD . e . Surround Sound SRS C93 Receiver WO over 2W Aatis Oyrw w power. sae Kemoow amn" nowoues today's dw andng MAC and movie sourKlPadLs. Teaind gy suds as dwell' dopa and VIG cruery masarx es MW coign for longer We pends ••home saarliar g scud Wavy. Indlids... •Sound Retinewal System tar surround sound • Full (unction remove • 6 AN inputs 52475406 KP A4= Remote 5 Disc CD Player • Fuo kniaon remote conmoi • Vanable output volume control • Random delete • HeadOwie led' twit, remole control -Duel 1 Ort DA converler 11 • Play , dlamga 4 462427406 DP4 4M JVC �/ IIIOP PRE -OWNED 2 Television t HIM WMA ACCORD EXAumo :. •1i riw O= WTM SI1P8 K t.awm 613,960 C"E" LUIIM RIRO 9.4 Lawn "DID p90 MI12DA on CltOIOS Aura M%M 011,900 1990 PLy1lDunt SIAOAIICE. oR wro AR '6,600 1963 HONDA ACCORD OI WAGON Aim •13,600 I�:d� °"" 19M BUCK REGAL GS 4 DR Lamm VAN PICKS 1 1[192 OLDS WIEVA LS 2 OIL Ano um m •9,900 523,995 '992HWAPRELUOESRssPomo m $11,900 1991 HONDA ACCORD E11R COUPE '9,700 Auto wow 1999 CHEW BERE RA GT v4 Aum FULLY Lowen 0699W $219995 1990 POIMAC GRAND PRD( Sn w MAnei. town •6,900 19M POIll GRAND AM 4 to srwom n1wo 514CAA 0 19M HONDA CIVIC DX suromm An 83,90o , 19911 TOYOTA COW LE v 6 Acro X6,600 FREE CUT & STYLE '- 3 J MON. & TUES. i siwo Off OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 19, 1997 NOBLE BEAUTY SALON 1163 Kingston Rd., Pickering Walnut Grove Plaza, 831-1403 E -FILE READY CA$H Iaao11111110e Tax l turps m READY CASH WITHIN 24 HOURS (Most Refunds) 0 REFUND CHEQUES IN ABOUT 2 WEEKS (Most E -Filed Returns) 0 FREE E -FILING WITH TAX PREPARATION 9 E -FILE ONLY SERVICE AVAILABLE - Your Diskettes Accepted (Selected Tax Programs) BOOKKEEPING SERVICES ALSO AVAILABLE Q ALL RETURNS PREPARED - Personal, Business Corporations 8 Trusts ALL SERVICES DONE ON LOCATION AT PICKERING TOWN CENTRE CPP�S� c SPE" 1335 KINGSTON RD. PICKERING, ONT. L1V 11118 PH. (905) 837-0564 OPEN MC'. SA- _ ,%_-A- -_. ._ Ar^ NAL- QRS. D i4�9 .0iV if 27 Stereo olour clevision Yenl.rdous Value ra -AN. awy, e•s TV w^ 'annex PCtre-in 'ldwe IMS you at our 2 *o" p--3 3 194 sane Wr r r dmous =We EAPed rlepaw P1dwe 1Manwlw WC .S&MNOAP "o &W -C mages nom b x'."t11n comrast sown T _or•e mler orw 'Noor K r1cYA. A-wArq stwoo sound nnersir rw"," ✓.:d_Piend ALV MAls a outputs :38C-0127108 I 4 Head, Ste•ec H. • Brunn cdrlmd • • 8 • dwV1M VW - 8 Fent, ren nme, • Drgaa awn ha*.% - Connwca scar 05802803 vA 605 _ 14x Zoom Camcorder • Ho weed shlaer - Bult-ri lot - lrAdes sort me • Fling erne head • 4.180 4 head design PVDM KENVMD . e . Surround Sound SRS C93 Receiver WO over 2W Aatis Oyrw w power. sae Kemoow amn" nowoues today's dw andng MAC and movie sourKlPadLs. Teaind gy suds as dwell' dopa and VIG cruery masarx es MW coign for longer We pends ••home saarliar g scud Wavy. Indlids... •Sound Retinewal System tar surround sound • Full (unction remove • 6 AN inputs 52475406 KP A4= Remote 5 Disc CD Player • Fuo kniaon remote conmoi • Vanable output volume control • Random delete • HeadOwie led' twit, remole control -Duel 1 Ort DA converler 11 • Play , dlamga 4 462427406 DP4 4M JVC �/ IIIOP 'olour 2 Television Alto polo. 0lv N An 'A 4pumq Am M Or rwJOMApon - roc am snap wee tfatali, i �7�j oti 6M•0 nee on taut. -,daolous' Coum on M s,peor NTS system •ore, Iron g spea m n 10 dove. Sf�O I�:d� °"" .,` 1_ • 1nNeryb •en1oM • Trrk" on • • 1 t sawn nMnUs • • • Closed chow decoder s,.m,•, Av 7.778 5",I 4 Heac r -_ _ e. r with vicIaLcr- 6 Super Picture TM odenbpraih advanced Sharp Super P�nAre aAanara$y aquas every paYOedi nupe'or a snarpe. deter pK6:re and tM oraosrpnanprwrW 19 LAaor ,oso Peed swe,^ r.ararlees SP Qublty •ecordrlg n ca mode 01W few es eKAide • w. i M'S s:wec sound • eyAf :r igrarx•w1q is sA,rparred rscordrlg • lJrevesa� 'erdra 42e029H vCN.9%me • 14x mom - Program awn exposure IA IQ • F"V erase head • kd-n Ow • ® format • Dub bebery dtarger 01407510 GPA.s 510 400 Watt Surround Sound Receiver 01420160 600 • 4d- apA poeer • Digilal delaLr a hal surround • 6 AN Wpm • System rent' —141111111q5 Disc CD Player • Mth CD player •Remote comma • 8 tines wermMiling • 24 rack FOWWAnig [TOSHIBA _ 32" Stereo Colour E --- - •t.. Television TOMIDa s rerawed rST blast pcks nee arta hO CW* Co.0-tartIM sneer n>ombrr to mumlze clow dpd and r^e0e dW we* mnprar WV t' lomess Dowernd fromte•19 sloe" la year • • • e 1 irdnw rrlrn stkrvwlq stew SrrraxlC spw � Older isamis nA1d • Ay noun and oulpdi • 181 dwrlb ftmV • 700 tries d resolution a7c•u. 32s w, TOSHIBA Easy To .:se C- • With Universal Remote • C4ne1 bating • On-screen P'c9f7e"'g • , 51 dlrelel ,ap" - WO paver on • Auto PW • Awn re•erd - Auto need rde•rter 047MM ►262 41 CD 0 Tens of thousands of titles. Yes, you can listen to any CD in the store. 'Box sell rot ilclisded CD Boomtlox With Remote Control Cot b•deli co Pyo. Mi41$ acct. spdws doer In a loetew. Hun this "dull" Litt ram. 97275701 JM701 Feature Loaded —"''m"NIIIIIIII1111 CD Boombox Deleon k 2-W spewws - Douce cassetle deck 000 AWN h,ner - aawer bad CO player 0.75987 RP 7907 U EIIIEEAJ" 11111111 40 Kingston Rd. E. 428-4450 at Harwood Ave. W Oft may rid be cdtrlbied wth any Otter pranotarW offer. Orly one borws or bee d* per WW"ter par WCNM On sWo.W u.d1 al.wnvm maw+. 0nmwes r4Arr.d ,bmrlw e•n.bp4nOn 1. 01r4a, Ai :.me d PrNwe. Anwd ntae02'1—..11 a arnw• WMO a Ped n it$ on o badft be4'1 do en '.Weil W W M eon dM at pudwal Pv Pnw a uAW t, ret Nor" •eww a •'tied bol ad Its wKwn A ream' mawW Der•1.ms a. map. I+Aw. rgwal ora M bai,rra d tM W u1AM R pad, Pn A .re o' oy ro i•wM pw1o0. •'AdmAMenne IM 152995 to 6 manor. $14.95 b 12 n1r,e•I ~ NW40 win runt rA mom e• •nrtW pncan9A ray (APR) Eawnpn on 12 nwen no +erW od.on (.A dN axeµ r AtAr9aM 0" gyrnp.,Ioatr•$61114a1$1.500 pWaVMa$a 1485 an 52.000 Pvchaw as •.oe&,o oaYrM dpad go Wee 12 mxims W~ewnW W -d SW 96 ad— in moo Pre APR 01267% MW oft at M y926)m12Ap6 poftnAVWOW to iwlu to An aftaW 12 moft wo momw mor dy p.yrma a" 1117996 on 61500 po&M a 1 157248 o, u OOC Wchm uta , ADA Ind r.my,.,p oNy MW074x$1213794 ped or x wd of 24 moron rt," dn9M cbaAHn nom nn a padAio,04 Kann In n I6296S NAM om S 9212995)uta APR 12669% lot Si s00 pacNN a 96962211th yea 62.826 221 ad 26 27%APP Im $7 0011 PvaaM No mww mms ria a.+ea* a ewes% Re.oN.18 Cwdl, son marseE Sk r• A.• m Ma orm lion, w At out NIg.Aa "Wray Am PM san.4ns an not er•eMb M is don Out. 10 saw" d.edrat son• pnoM may be low v. Ala• �/ IIIOP 2 401 W Oft may rid be cdtrlbied wth any Otter pranotarW offer. Orly one borws or bee d* per WW"ter par WCNM On sWo.W u.d1 al.wnvm maw+. 0nmwes r4Arr.d ,bmrlw e•n.bp4nOn 1. 01r4a, Ai :.me d PrNwe. Anwd ntae02'1—..11 a arnw• WMO a Ped n it$ on o badft be4'1 do en '.Weil W W M eon dM at pudwal Pv Pnw a uAW t, ret Nor" •eww a •'tied bol ad Its wKwn A ream' mawW Der•1.ms a. map. I+Aw. rgwal ora M bai,rra d tM W u1AM R pad, Pn A .re o' oy ro i•wM pw1o0. •'AdmAMenne IM 152995 to 6 manor. $14.95 b 12 n1r,e•I ~ NW40 win runt rA mom e• •nrtW pncan9A ray (APR) Eawnpn on 12 nwen no +erW od.on (.A dN axeµ r AtAr9aM 0" gyrnp.,Ioatr•$61114a1$1.500 pWaVMa$a 1485 an 52.000 Pvchaw as •.oe&,o oaYrM dpad go Wee 12 mxims W~ewnW W -d SW 96 ad— in moo Pre APR 01267% MW oft at M y926)m12Ap6 poftnAVWOW to iwlu to An aftaW 12 moft wo momw mor dy p.yrma a" 1117996 on 61500 po&M a 1 157248 o, u OOC Wchm uta , ADA Ind r.my,.,p oNy MW074x$1213794 ped or x wd of 24 moron rt," dn9M cbaAHn nom nn a padAio,04 Kann In n I6296S NAM om S 9212995)uta APR 12669% lot Si s00 pacNN a 96962211th yea 62.826 221 ad 26 27%APP Im $7 0011 PvaaM No mww mms ria a.+ea* a ewes% Re.oN.18 Cwdl, son marseE Sk r• A.• m Ma orm lion, w At out NIg.Aa "Wray Am PM san.4ns an not er•eMb M is don Out. 10 saw" d.edrat son• pnoM may be low v. Ala• New Marilyn postage stamps released! 7'uty British Nation Beats ' •.'"�" r' United States by Issuing 9 Marilyn Stamps Montserrat, B.W',I. — Postal -Compare that to this authorities in this tiny British Limited Edition Montserrat nation surprised collectors issue and you can we the ine- around the world by releasing a si% ihle appeal these stamps will set of nine Marilyn Monroe have to Marilyn fans:' points postage stamps --topping the out Van Emden. U.S. Postal Service's single The Montserrat issue is legal stamp tribute. tender for postage in Montserrat "While the Post (Ntice and recognized by every Antal released just a single Marilyn autMrity around the world. stamp, this tiny nation issued Gotta haw'em''I They are nine different camps that com- available for a short time at memorate every stage of the 59.95 U.S. (plus $3 p&hl for the starlet's life and career:' says complete set of nine different John Van Emden of ICS. distrib- colorful stamps, accompanied utor of the stamps. by a Certificate of Authenticity Each of the nine stamps is aril the free guide "99 Little about four times the size of a Kno"a Facts About Marilyn regular stamp. and each stamp Monroe" The num you can has a face value of $L 15. order today is 6 sets. Send your The RN Office issued only cheque or money order to - one Marilyn stamp. and has da) to ICS. 450 Tapu:ott Road, indicated that at least 41X1 Suite IMTBJ. Scarborough. million will he printed. ONTARIO MIB SR' 1. To TMK ,w+ E,ir• Ryr.•r order by credit card, call loll Rn4,M MIPIi rN •q NORMA if t nn.uisane[yse of Wn,n 4—E.msM free l-81MI 427.1966. D, CMG 101-0.11* - + 01 A Little Known Facts About Marilyn Monroe 1 Marilyn was paid S5 an hour for her first model- ing job. 2 In the last years of her life, Marlyn never rented a hotel suite that did not have two exits. 3 Marilyn wrote poetry, but wouldn't show t to anyone. 4 'Marilyn was used as a tiodel for Waft Disney's animated character Tinker Bell. 5 Although she took great vide in the pool at her Brentwood home. Marilyn never swam n it taken from the pocket guide 99 Little Known Facts About Marilyn Mown That you gel lee with your order of These stamps THE NEWS ADVEITISF.R WEDNESDAY, FUMARY 19.1997 • ►AGE 9 Billboard WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19 p.m. from Oct. to June at the legion EUCHRE: The ladies auxiliary of hall. 1555 Bayly Street, Pickering. All HEAD INJURY: The Head Injury Association of Durham Region meets Royal Canadian Legion, Bay Ridges welcome. Seniors over 65 $1.50, Branch 606, holds a euchre night the adults $3. Refreshments served. Prizes at 7.30 p.m. at 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa. Survivors meet on main floor, third Wednesday of every month at 8 awarded. 839-2990 or 427-8831. family and caregivers meet upstairs. 486DX/4/420 Transportation available. 723-2732. BOWL FOR KIDS SAKE BUSINESS: The Durham Home and Small Business Association meets HELP from 6:30 to 10 p.m. at the Harmony Creek Golf Club, 1(100 Bluor SL E., AJAX-PICKERING Oshawa. Guest speaker Les Gower of Strategic Management Consulting Ser - BIG BROTHERS Ji Ji vices discusses strategic thinking. $8 for association members, $10 for oth- he hues of young people who are in special ers. Register, 728-2899. JOIN OUR CAMPAIGN FOR KIDS BOWLIN FEBRUARY 21 Al CELEBRITY CALL (905 SUPPORT A PRO Big Brothers is a proven prevention appro Positive adult role models are brought into t need of guidance and companionship. Mate the law, do better in school and arc better ad to BY BOWLING HELP TAKE KIDS � OFF OUR WA CG ach Matched )usled W WAITING )NSORS L'BE, THURSDAY, FEB. 20 G DATES BREASTFEEDING: La Leche rr1MARc't12 League. Pickering, invites pregnant 486DX/4/420 women and breastfeeding mothers to LANES its monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. for )686 2871 information and suprx)rt. Babies wel- NEC Versa 2000D come. For location, call 427-8063. that has helped hundreds of area boys. 831-2017 or (416)282-6462. he hues of young people who are in special PARENTS: Parents Without Partners. Little Brothers stay out of trouble with Chapter 204, meets Thursdays at 8 as they grow into adulthood. p.m. upstairs at St. George's Anglican Church, 51 Centre St. S., Oshawa. Group debate. 571-5452 (Debbie). LIST 723-1699 (Ron). y431 (Jim), evenings. MODEL PLANES: 'Ilse Ajax Radio Controlled Model Airplane Club holds ON HOW' YOU CAN... its monthly meeting at T30 p.m. in Ajax Lioness Room G-17 of the Ajax -Pickering General Hospital. Use the Centennial 686-2871 Road entrance. 831-1505. SOCIAL JUSTICE: The Durham g VENT SPONSORS Region Coalition for Social Justice holds a forum on education, As If Our W Future Mattered, from 7 to 9 p.m. at A OR ME YS PICKF.RING i►a'' d� the United Steelworkers of Amenca RI hall. 115 Albert St. Oshawa. Forum """m'"`� "" E""' members to include teachers, parents. BOBS, CE -11 -TECH CN AIR IKNUVATI VF educational workers and school board F.SSO, 9X96 FM, SUBWAY, reps. 668-0999 iDrummond White). 725-0675 f Monica Connolly). BEREAVED FAMILIES: Bereaved Families of Ontario. Durham THURSDAY, FRIDAY chapter, holds t family support SATURDAY & SUNDAY p mei tgthe`Whit \ by Public Library. 405 Dundas St w' The theme is ASPIRETM �eR Learning to Live 41� 2021 Thro Grief Through Artistic 166MHz Pentium$ Processai All erfect r� . welco elcom"'" wme 668 Partner For Your Home Office 6531 (library) or 1-810-387-4871) • 16x Max CD ROM offers fastest CD data access (Bereaved Fami- • 1MB EDO video memory for an enjoyable gaming lie". FRIDAY. experience FV& 21 • Loaded with popular software titles %I( LT t C 1"L - Tt R.%L: The • 16-bit sound card with 3D stereo sound M u l t i: u l t u r a l • 256K pipeline burst cache Counciof % Oshawa-Durhamm h Oawa • Internet ready holds its 161h annual Social and Musical Mosaic at the General 31, Box of 25 Sikorski Polish 3.5' HD Hall. 1551 Stevenson Rd, Diskettes N . Oshawa. • Preformatted Reception at 7 c for IBM p. m., smorgas- Ixxd of ethnic r 8 compatible fool at 7:30 p.m.. computers live hand at 9:30 �Cota�E� 5 •x09505825 Density p.m. S5 for mem- bers. $111 for olh- DISKETZgM t•�EPAtt6lE5 ers. 434-6195 pktMnEES Monday to Fri- FOR MORE INFORMATION Far A TEAM CAPTArN TAKE PART IN ONE OF OUR MANY OiALLFNo@S 11.' OR Sr JOIN A TEAM CALL (905 THANKS TO ALL E COFFEF "rE lu EAST SIDE. MARIr LANE SPONSORS CLASSIC ARRA\Gi.MF.NTS, DAKOTA AWARDS, ENCORE SIGNS, Mk L COLDWELL BANKF.R, NEWS ADVERTISER. LF-- I II L17 -,� - y�0,1 LIFO iT— Nb.—I .r Phone Orders Accepted. Call 428-4450 hiGMTOR �nficl INCLUDED itlS�de pentium k1w Limited Quantities. First Come, First j24 Served. No Layaway Deposits. Dealers Welcome NEC Superscript 100C Colour Inkjet Printe • up to 3 PPM in black • 600x300 dpi in bock • 300000 dpi in co low • 1280 beffix • w irwows 95, 3.1 i 005 compatible •1y"r• I 911rtECRIMAK canott r:. a BIC 4200 Cci.:,, Printer • Includes all the software you need to create your own 1 -shirts i quips • Desipr greeting cards, stickers • Print newsletters, brochures, flyers i RRldr More • Photo realistic kit extra 1910 4NW4200 • Our Price 529" L"Jess MailAn Rebate 60" day from 8 30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., or 723-5419 (Dave Pattermos ). 141.730 Printer ALLERGIES: • 6001 dpi laser The Durham •6pailtesper minute Region Ari •MC690302SM14z laxis Support Processor Group meets the •1 Us compressed third Friday of meawV each month at •Iyear Warranty 7:30 p.m. The • 200 sheet paper tray t93oarie group provides w w support for those dealing with life- threatening food/other aller- gies. Call 428- 0336 or 686- 3018 for loca- tion. ADDICTION: The Serenity Group holds a $199999 12 -step recovery meeting at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 IBM TP345C $99900 DX475/4/450 COMPAQ 4300 $99995 486DX/4/420 X0"6 �6�I X= X359900 deals with stes, NEC Versa 2000D 99 AMBRA 686-166/16/2/28.8 $188353 TOSH I BA 410CS P90/8/810 $389800 ACER 1651 686.166/16/1.6/33.6 $179900 ACER Note Light $ 99 COMPAQ 4704 P133/16/L6/8X/33.6 NEC %20 P133/16/L6/33.6 NEC %22 P166/16/1.6/33.6 IBM TP 365ED DX475/8/540 1.777 P100/8/810 1899 586.100/8/540/4X UMITEDQ11I1NTITtES 3 MONTHS NO INTEREST NO PAYMENTS $199999 Kingston Rd., Pickering. This weekly group deals with stes, $99 2199 tions of all types, including co- dependancy. All welcome. 428- $199900 y431 (Jim), evenings. EUCHRE: The Ajax Lioness SOME ITEMS MAYBE DISPLAY MODELS Club holds a euchre night at 7 AJAX 40 Kingston Rd. E. 428-4450 ',FUTURE SHOPat Harwood Ave, Ones may not be coloWned with any other promad" otter. Only one bonus at free offer per p.m. at the Lions 1V. uuTtli Clubhouse, 500 Clements Rd. W. 2 (west of Westney Rd.), Ajax. Cost is $10 per person, singles welcome. pox Cash and door F. izes, light 'Oarti�ai.rnwiwrllp W.k.rrrrl."Cl ,}wd•i.r►.r0�.+...w►rl.YiYr.Yi.Yit i. Ya tlwrmabilli Mdrro• rat r.r1i,~ktaa1. 4L-t!�!�'.r �,� ter.. l.1r lunch. Call 683.. I�r ��yRyd .ywrrwd ^�iY-Mwlrt"", i raiurr r.nf•wr rtWal ta•i..lt.rb. yam,, r.�I r�,. a,irl� Title tot Yrriowlr ra�.ltt�y,y�t if }�""'1. �2Si lwiar�Ir4�.1.W nw+Md■�a1�.wYrr�.r w�a �1°�.dw -""V widl.wq ww.� �o �, , 4r��rd�Pw�c 1323. krir�a�iriildiwY�pinirrirrl.w 'siert""'•1dM•%Nilo .IriflWso i'rtdriIItMl.H'"1.ewIYrwwgrrwasuk.OwaMew•tGirim plotSYrw.iOa•w�wwrwgia+f�rY.raLra�wrwiY• oras ri" a-.1 lwww PAGE 10 • THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19. 11"? Red Cross courses prepare you for the worst First aid saves lives and reduces pain and suffering and loss due to disability. The aim of the Red Cross is to reduce suf- fering and loss by equipping Cana- dians with the best possible first aid training. To that end. the organi.ration is offering a series of first aid courses at its local Ajax - Pickering and Oshawa offices. Red Cross first aid courses include CPR procedures which can he per- formed by one adult to help adults, infants or children, and also offer optional instruction in two. person CPR. The eight-hour basic Emergency First Aid course is available in Ajax - Pickering on Sat- urdaN. Starch I and in Oshawa on Saturday. Feb 22 Stand rd First Aid. a rriorc com- prchcnsivc I6 -to - 18 -hour course (depending on whether the two - person CPR us*— is uw:lud- cd) is available in Ajax -Pickering on Saturday and Sun- day. March 1-2 and in Oshawa on Saturday and Sun- day. Feb. 22-223 Re -test courses for both Emcr- gclxy and Stan- dard First Aid will be held in Oshawa on Saturday. March 9 Fees for the courses arc: Emergency First Aid, $55. Stan- dard First Aid, $70. $90 with 'Two -Rescuer' option, Emer- gency First Aid re -test, $35: and Standard First Aid retest. $50. A cus- WmlLed course can he held at your facility on days, weekends or evenings. The Ajax- Pickering Red Cross office is located at 1648 Bayly St., while the Oshawa office is in the Office Galleria, suite 115, 419 King St. W. For more information or to register call the Ajax -Pickering Branch at 420- 3383 or the Oshawa branch at (905) 723-2933. Play your cards fight in Pickering PICKERING -- The ladies auxil- iary of Royal Canadian Legion, Bay Ridges Branch 606, holds a euchre night Wednesday, Feb. 19 (tonight) at 8 p.m. at the legion hall, 1555 Bayly Street, Pickering. All are welcome. Const is $1.50 for seniors over 65 and $3 for adults Refreshments are served and prizes mule awarded. Call 839-2990 or 427- 8831. 1 Carpet -Towne has buil Carpet -Towne chose this very Flooring Centre is a successful flooring busy place. '!'hat's company. because for the past 18 Andy Lewis opened years, more and more his first store in people have discovered Pickering in 1978. their homes deserve the Located at 469 Kingston best at a price they can Rd., the store features a afford. showroom highlighting Of course your home the best in product lines is a busy place too, so it's from such names as important you choose Coronet. Harding and the right flooring for Peerless. each room or hallway. Feel free to browse At Carpet -Towne, or ask for help from the people know they can friendly and find what they need knowledgeable sales from the people who staff. know flooring. Don't hesitate to Whether it's an area bring in samples of your rug, wall to wall paint or photos of your broadloom or a beautiful furniture. Combining wood floor, the staff your needs and desires work closely- with you and the salesperson's and your budget so you'll expertise. you'll find the be happy with your perfect flouring to selection and that you trangfnrm tour Ict i u t a reputation across with the look you'll be more of our carpet and happy with for many flooring products as well years to come. as items like area rugs To better serve their and ceramic tiles," he customers in the explains. "We wanted Ajax Pickering area, people to see what they Andy opened a were buying instead of warehouse outlet two looking in a catalogue." years ago at 282 More than 80% of Monarch St. in Ajax. Carpet -Towne's business "The large has come from customer warehouse gave us the referrals opportunity to display Combining this fact Darham for quality and trust Ca rpeVTOW0 _1 FLOORING CENTRE Feature with the knowledgeable every price range," says staff, professional Andy. "We're a family installers and top business so we quality product, it's no understand our surprise that Carpet- customers needs. We 'I'ow�ne is the first choice treat them the way we of thousands of people want to be treated." when it comes to For more decorating their homes information call the with the best in flooring Pickering store at 831- products. 2111 or the Ajax We have something warehouse at 427-2184, for every decor and bur"Od-cesMade U's Famous=0u� Qdom'eribe�`UsFam`ous " NONE WEEK ONLY 19951"-1500 CLUB CAB 821 Va. anb. SL D . P k, a. P d . P.ineom Mdoti ioaid.raaia L,laT Pack. AMfM mama . iaP, lea &W iw, ' ntidrq tab taiWar.natniiii0 ttasatla i niom. Onlr 76200 1994 CONCORDE SEDAN 5- Wc. sec , I " wa:s c ^,­:, a,!- 'e,,i, au. on : Ire, tamer timers aur „ ".I% sEc.-... dad. ,Mess ern Jnli 39,000 milli ' w,w Sh aV5020 l " nits. SIi i1T1Q2A ONE OWNER MINT „ ERE _, N 1996 we 1994 INTREPID 1995 STH AVEIIIIt L& W aro, 0.w, P.d., prion 0L asa"- W aiii. OMM 3 31. V6. awo . P w p d c moan ',r >.,sv a. arc AttRla &K ill, sin- Rear, issinans. Primas, a, oiiw. am blip am. don Uncut easels, Ass balls is mom 0w 1?JN calls. dish budas. console dao a maE AWill O -a. MtSMt FAM Sat p4M1 Orrr 51000 min t iiaar e Sal aV5023 .�/'� ■ area { aur. ,700 tins _ —moi 83v 6Ar�19 ONLY Per day ONLY (lardelt 1996 LUMINA 1992 FIFTH AVENUE PIEw YOMM IL Vt, aro.. P -a., PAL. Prat, ML coir, AIIF- Os.. r 3 3L v6. auic ;, . c d un. cruise. AYFM rats auto temp ar. la4 attaiL auiaar�AMMft e,eamK pan slant harm. e*alum nK Da k NsS017A�a Sol ao50i8Ae I. _ 1� 161 i"� Parte, 1996 LHS 3.51., auto. li.w. 0.d. lift, corse. p.sm. auto temp air. lea der buckets. alum wheels, tracwn control. p moors, console. AM/FM Cass.. 69JAZer d mae. &ado. Sik 8P4M5 ONLY 1472* PK day 3 to choose from 15,888 1996 NEON HIGHLINE 4 dr., 2.0 auto., p.Seaft. P.brakes. arc Gond. AM.TM sass dolit bldmis, console SOL 04919. ONLY $5 10 * per day 511 X888 *� ONLY 7 ver day OW47 6 pardw 11112 OI.DfM00" 1994 GRAND VOYAGER LE VL itAl. per, PAL. PanAL Unna, atacsaaks Pain 3& aft, p setas. P—itlows. LdOft /MYd-{., awdialm p d. bit. awse. 7 pass. sursaeen, alum .meals, OIL cass s.W a rw A32.500 cobs. a ! 41* ONLY 9 pisr diw 19ld AAI" 1994 LX VOYAGER 1lti Zi lX ars 7 p� tit itj)y ai aaa0. F a+wiR mu auto., 7 pan. l.. sats, aAmn-19- cut� cool aAra limosis, 0.eiidoai Poll,IL rurrelaq bonds, boo OW RatRt1 suramm i immSas aR13520L NLY 13 omw *e,,, 1994 ACCLAIM 4DR.+ . Ma 2.51.4LY1 , auto. Ps., Pb., air cond., idt. cruise, AWFL f Cass.W , 50i50 seats, P. moors. Sok dxa Pack 6 DEMO more. ONy 30.300 PIpCtD 4 s" 5 ` ° 43* aiii ONLY 5 par day �. Maft,oa Pk.air 1111111111L 3.5L.auo, 19�4WCQNCO temp. , dam lollslaobsidi. Dr budiMs, AIAFM ass., alum. wtiesh. ove heiead console, securfty ttAiYanimom {:'.' pacandmom. DL 7r142511. StlLaCH139011.2 ONLY ONLY 678* 682* p.r day Par day r 00 11 4_9 IMMIM X 1993 S 0.s.. 222 qL, aiA0. Attu cats., i mora. 0* 49.3110nils. SOL M125IA Yu ONLY SELL. w CE 4DR. caada,aiodd, 1 = 155** I Par day Wmwafto /.Ml/i Il11tIr�Ilk M --M EMO LACED TO wYLLAGE * , CHRYSLER Her. s-1 TOPONM (SHAWA~ THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1997 . PAGE I I News Advertiser - Ar s I ASON- t __ &JF1(e�v6ea1 Neffel][HINGS UP Newsroom 683-5110 -- FAX 683-7363 Q I c - - --- _ A' ax woman directs Neil SimonplayI For 30 years Neil Simon has been charming audiences around the world with his witty, intelligent and often touching plays abrwi lite and relationships. The Borehans of Port Perry Community-11eatre is offering Jake's Women, one of Simon's later works, as its sec. ond production of the season. lake's Women is just the ticket to brighten up those grey days of winter, says Deb Bodine of Ajax, director of the production. First produced in 1992. Jake's Women is a bittersweet comate about a writer who spends so much time convers- ing with the characters in his own mind, he loses sight of Ire real world and the things that are really important. As Jake tries to sort through the Mutter in his mind, he strug- ;les to confront the ghosts on his past and the challenges in his present in order to create a Iuture for himself and his wife Maggic. But Maggie has had enough of Jake's word pre es- atr. and his tendency to carry hoxh sides of any conversa- tion. In his joumcw to find him - .elf. Jake come% dangerously done to losing his sanity: hut m finally losing control. Jake discovers something much more precious. Jake's Women is peopled with w„nderful characters. urine real, some imagined, or N)ih -- but all female. Jake s daughter. hos dead wife. his current wife. his suer, even his psychiatrist. accompany Jake on his road to self-aware- n4ss. Durharn theatre -goers will recognize many of ole cast members of the Borchan production. Jake is played by Port Peng resident and Oshawa elementary school teacher David Lepp, whose comedic talents have been seen at numerous local theatres including Herungate Barn Theatre in Pickering. The last time he was seen on the Port Perry stage was in the award- winning proxduction of None Foster's Opening Night in 1995. Oshawa resident Rhonda Brewster makes her Port Perry debut as Maggie, Jake's frustrated wife Ahoi s haunted by the ghost of Jake's first wife Julie, played by Eliza- beth Holden. Both women are well-known to Oshawa Little Theatre and Durham Shoe- string Performers audiences. Lisa Taylor, Whitby resi- dent and teacher at Eastdale Collegiate, plays Jake's rather eccentric sister Karen who pops in and out periodically to challenge her brother on his journey to self-discovery. Betty Anne Knutson of Bow - Manville works for Durham Region Department of Health by day. holt at night poses as Jake's psychiatrist Edith. Tarnmy [At Chikxo returns to the Pori Perry stage for the first time since the award-win- ning production of Ayn Rands Night of Jan. 16 in the role of Sheila. Jakc's latest girlfncnd. The; role of Jake'. daughter Molly is played by two Port Perry actresses. Joanne M„I- Ion portrays the 21 -year-old version. while David Leptis real daughter Kiera plays Molly at 12. "I'm v, picascxl with my cast,- says Bodine. "very early on in the rehearsal process. tbtcse eight people became a unit that works very well together, and at shows In dee way the play is ikvckip- ing. It's going to be a produc- tion that everyone can enjoy - - even those who don't nor- mally go to the theatre." The play has a universal appeal, she adds. "Jake's Women is a story ahxwt self- discovery and psychological awakening, about coming to terms with the past and learn- ing to accept all that life has to offer. It promises both laughter and maybe a few tears as well, she says. Jake's Women runs Thursday. Friday and Satur- day evenings, Feb. 27, 28, March I, h, 7 and 8, at Town Hall 1873, Queen Street in Port Perry beginning at 9 p.m. Tickets are $12 each, with $2 from each ticket wing to the Town Hall Renovation Fund. Call 985-1965 for informa- tion. r / �J;r. .`i Dine Dining lJ Restaurant 0en 7 Days; `Week :7Lso Avaitable:'Private Rooms forChnrstening , 'Weddiny Receptions, or anySpecia!'evenr - '£veryd y Special., b R � 1,305 Pickering Pkw�.iat Livery a e 420-7577r, EATERY OPEN EVERY DAY 9.00 am. YOU CAN EAT FOR AS LITTLE AS YOU CAN AT NOME Breakfast Special (Daily) 5279 Luncheon Specials Daily SN595 TWO CAN DINE FOR $349 (Every Day of The Week) EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT $999 Everything on our menu atter 5.-M p.m., or IM TWO BEAUTIFUL BANQUET ETT HALLS ALL INCLUSIVE ,59°° ;e, person Pickering Town Centre 839-2507 this ad in ,1Flr n �y —r - receive a FREE N9 of windshfeld washer fluid ISPRING L ofSPECIAL tl,lnew Motorcraft Oil Filter Illlnspection of Exhaust System, Shock Absorbers, Steering, Front and Rear Suspension. Battery Cables and Connectors, All Belts and Fluid Levels, Air Cleaner/Fitter Radiator and Heater Hoses IIfTiire Rotation WA Report on Condition of Brakes Applies to most vehicles 8 lig tr•,jcks. Taxes ears. E,pires Apra 30/97 , ROYAL. BE THE 100G[ What are the features of WOODS Segregated tti1► 1 existing investment options? GICS GICs 1120 3260 HWY #7815 KING ST. Investment Funds DUNDAS ST. E. E AST OF WESTNEY RD. WEST AT ANDERSON JuiiiMC1IERiN6 OSHAWA WHITBY 686.2300 576.1800 668.5893 L-- �-------------w I I I I I I I I I —J Let us entertain you each week! IS THIS THE BES111 SP7 „ YOU BE THE 100G[ What are the features of Equity Segregated Manulik"s M. Guaranteed Manulife"s new Guaranteed existing investment options? GICS GICs Linked GICs Mutual Funds Funds Investment Funds Is my deposit guaranteed? 1�..a minimtun of , �°° ,�f dee deFtslt Yes. WItl1 a I+IIa>tl&Ee(�, e1p b 100°b afyau inrt�entis g1liWll�d, �onwtlM n Yes. i� Yes. �, No mast NJdrJrteed at matunh.r m�mi4rrr. upm you, x�tm�ntdy ardfalhaf the • death of the atlnmtant �tgOtin Fa lnotedl�ta� b yroar6roaa� adri,9ot Can I lock in capital growth? pWVM' ^^�P1mwRrw You � reset � 81+ twice � � � � � �w� Not applicable Nota applicable PP e No Possibh Yes. investment growth. Can I get potentially higher pwe���� yes Yom' You have the to benl�it from the en growth ��iya�J��b�� titian GICs? No ra Yes �n Yes Po�� of Inu�iy at Canada's best mil f1m s. I ttlltake cbaages to levy �. �? No No Yes Yes ,Manulife Gffs a8ow, to sprit yluar investment between► a you �' �4W dloieeaf by mutttad aoalpamtesimd thdrhad cfioioes. +Qt 1 aiiveltoify my 41cdhw ? w No No w Yes Yes �v Y� M.b4ok You can mI1V!money► between tends w� die Sadie tee sttttlltae. y s� MM ^''a:.• Yr�u�� - 4��IInlnfr�Yran�.�e i1AsVll��l!'1{BD1m�t ry No m No r Yes mavailable. No, generallynot mmt�nolbmddtoioestr000AGFry� AGE EN* �`,•' Gf 00601 dad Tidottork. a�Tr� ~ ���1 / V wa � �'S �R{�IIMR��'St�WM�timd� . x No IE't0n5 thin t[ilditl0[lil (�5 v� Yes Yes WL Uge�ed 6yt tlleiollhtsilyrS best coq>Iwlils. ti: wp�.a� ''I'i` y ' • based an TSE perfflllnanoe gay. ::ra.: ' belqPlad ` � Banks Trust No No No Yes. In certain dccundstances. r' Iaoatain:PletseaoJ'� . . •� Insurance Yes Please consult your financial ad�'i.�or for details. WL ' � Wale void pig x �•�'>�i toot Bank & Trust No No No Yes. if a beneficiary is named. :_ . - • ::.� , Iia isJa� ,= . ;. s Insurance Yes F None None Yes Yes yes yes �g3 � W'y �m°='— �Manulife Financial .�..�.., CALL BARRY OR KIRK McNAMEE (905) 571-3011 sz � -�_ i �� yr it •.�.; r ",• F None None 2OgD 2O"D _ ,.v CALL BARRY OR KIRK McNAMEE (905) 571-3011 PAIGE u • THE NEWS ADVEK7'11i M WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19,11197 k 0 "m • MIRES 11ale Pic rin orts • Slits • Il�w+t b Mrbl• . NIMtIQtIbSIS Al Rivett, spans writer 683-51 10 Fax: -83-7363 News Advertiser photo by Andrew Iwanowski Rockin' on Mary Minich, the lead with test was part of the ALICE the Louise Johanson rink, bonspiel at Annandale throws a rock during a game Saturday. The Norton rink against Wilma Norton's was the eventual winner of Annandale team. The con- the annual event. Lightning peewees edged by Mississauga in semi-final game at London tournament The Durham west Lightning peewee 'A' girls' hockey team advanced as far as the semi-finals zi the London tournament Feb. 14 to 16. Tbc Lightning ported a record of two wins and two ties during preliminary round-n+tn play to adyan,.c to the semi-final contest against Mississauga. Tbc game remained scoreless through throe periods of regulation urnc and an overtime frame. Unfortunately, the outcome was ultimately dccickd on a stxxx-out. with M•sstssauga winning 2- 1, Ttic tote gual to the shoot-out for the Lightning was %cored by Diana Cholakoy. The Lightning opened the event with a 5-3 win over Orangeville. Cholakoy led the way with two goals. with single mark- et ui Knstin Alcxtou. Chelsev Emshc and Mc klc. Asserts went to Heather Clarion with two. Alexuxi, Cholako*v. Jcnna Clements. Meikle and Stephanie Mourao with one apiece. In the second game. Durham West tied host London 1-1. Cholakoy scored the Lightning goal. assisted by Mourao. Durham west defeated the Willowdale Major Red wings in the third game 5-2. Cholakov con - untied her hot play during the tourney by netting a hat trick. Other scorers were Emslie and Meikle Assists went d, Alcxi u and Natalie Baborry with three apiece. Clements. Alison Fair, Jessie Ford and Melissa Gaudet. Goaltending duties during the tournament were shared by Sarah Long and Danielle Tay kr. Although they didn't make the %corcshcct, Kristina Carroll and Anne -Mane Williamson were superb un defence a Pickering Panthers Crunch Syracuse, edge Wellington B�- AL RIVETT SPORTS REPORTER PICKERING — After a week of soul-searching following a loss to the lowly Syracuse Junior Crunch to Syracuse, New York last weekend, the Pickering Panthers were on the prowl to exact some revenge south of the border Saturday afternoon. Showing some of the spark which went EB/�►� missing last week- '� end, the Panthers got off to a solid S start and went on Its to bury the hapless New Yorkers 12-3 in Metro Junior 'A' Hockey League action at the Lysander Radisson Ice Arenas. The victory was part of a perfect weekend by the Panthers, who edged the Wellington Dukes at the Wellington and District Community Centre 3-2 Friday night. For Panthers' head coach John Blackburn, the pair of victories, espe- cially the win over Syracuse, represented good signs for the club following disap- pointing results the previous weekend "We weren't too pleased with the way things went the weekend before. so the kids were on a mission this weekend:" says Blackburn. "We didn't want to come up with the same type of effort this time around." The Panthers' coaching staff ensured there would he no repeat of last week- end's exploits which saw the team lose two of three games. The Panthers endured a gruelling one -and -a -half-hour skating session during the week in preparation for the Wellington and Syracuse contests The tonic seemed to work. "Sometimes what's needed is a good kick in the rear end:" says Blackburn. In Saturday's contest, the Panthers skated to a 4-0 lead. with the first Pickering goal coming just 1:30 after the drop of the puck. The Panthers main- tained their four -goal advantage in the Read us four' times a week L— - SAU IN EPFECT MAR.IST BUY I, GET 7 2 FREEV0,V44= Hue is just a sample of the rainy special wltrctiorts, M1N !OY LET Z W W RAN U 150cm wide. Our Reg. 29.98 m Mme. LALMM 150tm wide. Our Reg. 31.98 m AM Nr. i1"IL RM 150on Our Reg. m PIUMMNN, QM Uff i IM 150an Out Reg. m W -1-/-E Fj'M SN S l 11M 150an Our Reg. 12.98-14.98 m PEM �N 115on wide. Our Reg.14.98 m UP MM MMTS 115tm wide. Our Reg. in or panel 1$T goon 8180tm wide, wool/myon blend. Our Reg. 6.98 812.98 m MMI' M WN W! Our Reg. 12.98 m ffM PM I I5an (ride. Our Reg. 8.98-9.98 in WE= UMP 90 i MINTS 115tm wide. Our Reg. 9.98-12.98 m UNINL 115crn wide,100% rayon. Our Reg. 8.98 It SLUM'S KM WMU SMAS 150cm wide. Our Reg. 8.98 m 7.«L dw LL' UNO MAS M NB 11 5c wide. Our Reg. 6.98 m NAMY SM 120-135cm wide. Our Reg. 9.98.12. i8 in N11M EMY ULL MN 11 5c wide. Our Reg. 12.98-16 98 in 1355 Kingston Rd. Pickering Town Centre 839-5990 middle stanza. leading - 3. Pickering put five more pucks in the Syracuse goal in the final frame to seal the victory. Scoring for the Panthers were Paul Webb, Shane Terry and Trevor Grzybowski. all with two -goal efforts. Single markers went to Matt Jcnkins- David Cornacchia. Paul Howes and Mike McCormick. Meanwhile, in Friday night's contest •n Wellington. the Panthers showed grit and detcrmi- nation to pocket the two points over the Dukes in their home rink, one of the hardest places to play in the league. Pickering led 1-0 after the first period and 2-1 after the middle frame. However. Wellington scored at 4:49 of the third periotl to even the DOLPHIN FOOTBALL Sat. Feb. 22, 97 rSun.Feb., 97 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. .m. PickeringRecreation ty Complex Bring birth cert. and 2 face photos FOR MORE INFO CALL 619-9180 4 score at 2-2. McCormick. with his sec- tittETIl0LEAGUE and goal of the night, scored what (As ofFW19) proved to he the game winner at 12:42 Dry�DN STANDNW s of the third. OP w L T OF GA PTS Jeremy Schott also had a goal in the 43 30 94 197 131 64 Wellington match. 41 26 t2 3 220 116 56 56 panthers' goaltender Kevin Boyle got 4 2 4 42• 17 23 18 24 2 0 178 207 190 241 36 36 the start in both weekend wins. PotH"43 11 30 2 138 234 24 The two weekend victories improve 44 9 33 2 197 321 20 the Panthers' record to 30-9-4 for 64 CENTRAL eTFJWANDOM OP w �L�T�OF QA PTS points. With seven games remaining. .jYIlalOoid 42 30 7 5 233 155 65 Pickering spurts it nine -point lead over ThorttliM 44 25 15 4 238 176 54 second -place Quinte Hawks in the 'MAtlWrm 43 23 16 4 204 182 50 league's Eastern Division. ';Nlpera 43 17 19 7 214 220 41 The Panthers return home fora game NOM York 44 12 27 5 222 280 WESTERNOIVISION STANDINt3s 29 against the Oshawa Legionaires at the TEAM GP 'Awwa W L T GF GA PTS Pickering Recreation Complex on ,;,142 3e 4 2 290 116 74 Friday. Game time is 7:30 p.m. The `Cabdon 43 35 6 2 280 130 72 Panthers are on the road to Port Hope i Otiiliam 43 Mu@kDlra 42 12 31 11 30 0 1 175 156 260 258 24 23 for a contest against the Buzzards at the Shobtirris 43 7 33 3 176 296 17 Jack Burger Sports Complex Saturday 7 night. Game (title is 8 p.m. middle stanza. leading - 3. Pickering put five more pucks in the Syracuse goal in the final frame to seal the victory. Scoring for the Panthers were Paul Webb, Shane Terry and Trevor Grzybowski. all with two -goal efforts. Single markers went to Matt Jcnkins- David Cornacchia. Paul Howes and Mike McCormick. Meanwhile, in Friday night's contest •n Wellington. the Panthers showed grit and detcrmi- nation to pocket the two points over the Dukes in their home rink, one of the hardest places to play in the league. Pickering led 1-0 after the first period and 2-1 after the middle frame. However. Wellington scored at 4:49 of the third periotl to even the DOLPHIN FOOTBALL Sat. Feb. 22, 97 rSun.Feb., 97 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. .m. PickeringRecreation ty Complex Bring birth cert. and 2 face photos FOR MORE INFO CALL 619-9180 (n (ii�� O 2 f or CLASSIFIEDS Buy one week, get (905) the 2nd free! Call us for TORONTO ■ details LINE Amino clesFor 798.7672 6830707 a GARAGE SALES ErMISA- only $35+GsT Careers UIT11 CareersCareers General I General I General I I I Help Help Help Start NOW in Pickering Modules included in this Program: • Anatomy and Histology • Microbiology and Sterilization is Pharmacology and Nutrition • Radiology (The Radio Curriculum of this Diploma Program is HARP Approved. In accordance with the Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act, 1980 ) • Principles of Dental Assisting • Dental Materials is Operative Dentistry Is Preventive Dentistry is Medical Emergencies as Dental Office Procedures • Clinical Work Weeks • Pre -Employment Readiness and Job Search TORONTO NMI 0=0 • Hdpi% YOt2 Buiild a Betba Life 1450 Kingston Road PICKERING 420-1344 WARRANTY CLERK Reliable conscientious organized person required. GM warranty and ADP computer experience preferred. Contact John Savage or Anne Mclntaggart 905-427-2500 Bob Myers Chev. Olds. Ajax. A local Automotive OEM Industry leader is seeking applications for the following position PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Reporting to the Plant Manager, the successful candidate will be responsible for managing people. productivity and use of materials; In a unionized environ- ment. The ideal candidate will have a certifi- cate in supervisory studies with a mini- mum of live years experience supervis- ing unionized employees. Must have a solid background in manufacturing cou- pled with OS -9000. SPC. WHMIS, first aid and CPR training. Knowledge of tooling preferred. Solid technical, com- munication, interpersonal and problem solving skins are essential as is the ability FULL TIME POSITION 6. era C."I y Idwng a • gual 'Enghsh1Frarichi foil nm• nou"y powl n 'rug Inlorm,fi«, se-cea cop your "ponvb4tNs inn .lendti ronag n aA- 1rt••r .-9. oats entry aria "ad NoulDp/Id roti -N." Th. filCcasifid .mMO a r. be WHO moa .at•o. Denmada. ria» -•;seg corn 1n 111ron ^. in Ira int lldarstand- , -I 1.2.3 tor Wnddms nn Ill 3 1 Spoken am wmren p•e"i . a W �0 frig We would Mus to 'nam'a1 TON who apply. ,^lY TON CarW- laran ssiecNd b aaerwar oe cont(iad PN•sa vnd reNrms b Poi Van ' ar•,.w•r•ar I S Merger iso 8,7 a," Rd :. PcO-N. criteria LM/ 1 A JIJAI I • CLASSIFIED INTERNET ADDRESS. H11p .,'n:. d..r^a'nne:;s ne E-mail us at : bcc567 durr,,mnetas ne1 Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday or fax your ad (905) 579-2238 BIRTH NOTICES Announce your baby's arrival 49+ and receive a gift certificate entitling you to $25 worth of quality baby products. -5 H PI Ir�F I DH Ip I Melp requires thirty CLASS AZDRIVERS 2 yrs. exp.; I.C.C. Medical, Police Clearance, Clean abstract, FuIVPart time Call Randy 43x2204 LW�tQt w"kOinj_wgrk nal" team work TRAVEL ,CONSULTANT -1.1w,-1.1w,m• . 2 Yn arcasD•ri- I HOlplhl a Kn.JrlyJw 3ga .1 OI Apab Nedlal OlrlW an assn fiMnrr. ra.irme .n pe•SOn •O Ostial: Tnwl LId. 74 5mooa S'5 « N. ATTENTION NURSES' to 905 579.90% an"?.on Does Alt.11.f e a Pra- Tmy wmamm ,roar. n. inro�esr B`r144 rO For mors Jrft-h- wAM TO BE YOUR 01 ANT E $ K D about a aid t W Wer6 :oo.N M1,, ntoo.rr SI ", pawl 'JD 1. 19 lo -d.* ,airtryA.a bit :1.000 per iin :air i- Cnair roman P.NN apply �� 9- 905-839- parson 6348. 8W 106 Dundas CO °,!w wn•by pr 46 430- 83x6.1864662480 3397 Daycare IM 0• O Wanted Ffelp CAREGIVER REQUIRED , ,ry r•Ony writ 2 ?ft 5 LAW OFFICE Posmom Full time, permanent, solicitor's secretary. ESSENTIAL: Minimum 5 years experience in Real Estate. Wordperfect. PREFERRED: Experience in commercial lending, security recovery and corporate. Our office environment is busy, friendly and smoke-free. Please send or deliver resume to: Attn: R J. Kitchen Kitchen 86 Simcoc St. S. Kitchen PO Box 428 Simeson & Oshawa, Ont McFarlane LIH 71.3 BOO "PEWAC- • welJ 'rOr•• B70an• COUNT.NTam Osla En- 10-5 45 0^• wN•MCa3 tis. REAL ESTATE OFFICE •ryvAdm,n •omrJrd iiA Wind 1905, 504 m, 71 , nrw3aury. Fur .- >>.uIrBS ndalufe. EKporen�� 905 433-1'62 Re- COUPLE ••N• 'w ^ RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY win• RaNrrw Servca �•T'- :M'830-300' . MATURE FULL TRIS ' Send resume to: Jenny Gilker t0 work wen wrthm a team. 4141St DB cORI- ""^• ••`;,; "�' ENTRT LEVEL PRO- GRAMMEIIS neaMd •rid aur '�• cn diii ^ �• -'^• Fax 905-831-3482 puter literate. Rotating shift work 1s re- ;���`t L896,5Je +its LC - •d.a•ev.'•rar• sass �r YO,.•S. 3 Y, Od am .Har IN quired. :,r.o . bro M4Geflad p4 „1., ,1 ca. ,..eerie old ulnas ad F,y .. Phone 905-831-7677 Please, forward resume, in confidence -AlY 14OW -T / Sana•: '905) x311162 R•MRna •nncee ,.curd 831. ,Har IS by fax to 905 839 3299. Elle 4ttD.-.0-1 nnl N a•.I a ,r sou P.6" Santa 4461 MOTHERS Hype ro Qw.It HI..Idasjor8: /•Jr lAt4a ,trod ,•war, INR ,ow.•Ynr « Enn,D tJ^i`en0 CNN FULL TIME LJn9Ma roc. Ma• Tnwn haw a 'Y�-r•fr �' B YOU 00411 about lL At Ices roan. an appric4nrs r,nrY 'nose under Cvrlslderatron wvr De cnntatbed '•Ilan. 77s ,171 early -T wpenena Temporary 4a0^9 'n par. O�^,� y uA nouFlo og Firewood w Cu 305 5084!x4 For Sale 1a0C 7r ne•t -114 i sea Iiomawdaan UrgnnY •w.rhr: .: '-: S82r w. ^iariara DOaaJo,, $end R• w•m aa4n rqw.- A r'9 6 daaJN FW,Ww ^d1.n Coil '91420 -208• RRrxli[I Ir. cfwrwf%]o •97• SIIIDOrJ aa0 TNT Still Time to Register for the following Continuous Learning courses •.ournc.' (.odc .�I r:YIi•r .lieu r:ur;rnl.7i: ranr r•w,1, •tI.J. -- ArY 7ylalYyrrn. N+ri%-�'•,R'lA ,Sur,. r,•h c-'ain • la"nnrsk v4l/ls / ser raNar u,vu .Nur 3 (•7w I44,k Re•,a -, r.M 219,r Feb -Ir CUM, kikm fA•er4 grrrrr•rsr -7T_1r .r , .Har IN IWM"L, P,IFit ILA. .1• 1 Frh 22 (ware/ F -d (;r a .%*r d J w a Owl, 1.411i7 _!_ IMFlrrrx Tna. h' Orr sell f, .Har IN jkwlth .: tie/'IY,NI!'f' Yanr 7lurr !11far.1 Htarntrr i .W%rt)' Tralnlrs); ,rax, reed., ,Har IS 1.,tu C4•rki .r -•w ua, .Har IN P1YYY'll rllY /A'r1fi.7R' JrxR' IS1rYr Alar Err Qw.It HI..Idasjor8: /•Jr lAt4a ,trod ,•war, 'Frh :: Ti rrN•.Harsaa;rrrN•rI!•rJ:n raw. 'hl•h-'1 15TiHlv.rrn7r ra,1J 'Y�-r•fr �' • Oor Asy .r*SAN*. R•ytshr mdcr l L �Wsaiee a free course rahoslea x146 /Ills atllilfeRd vPsaaai'q 6rWa1 cwpn k& 4m 721- .IM Educating You For the Real World. �'••• .. • .adOJnd-' Fa r en a • • 14 Green Si wnaey ser RANM'/ HFOpRED Lew- 77 5 u" P., Dov •. .. -o.d1 ..••rnJ.•� Q,-.,y1-a.axard nrero-.a 9c+u^ •,^rn5 corm f6CG J6' .W adN. ' Oarora 4 a SASE I- real. 8669794 ..a. Rel-•nGai •eo"Area Pinel. prone �.Iia•e ntal 2np niaror. -T srond EntartYrgae •50 MARKETING REPM. rWt••1 Rd •ria 83,,30,9 sApe� 9054556797 m," 5360 C40 WS5 7261p2 Cam CDn BWd Suee N7 eyilplai On 66T 4V6 SEIITATIVES MEEDEO RELIABLE ra,r.0 M oW 12 ro Sp-•c✓s Ro•d tw•' : HONDA :a all mit•- b N• we a wra .atabJYJad. n Yrir'Y Ia }•/J Yam Od ,p,rr, AawyJ.rn Road kU ser 3awr Karl.3,-JM. J• n ho MYe Arid IIaaIPW.I RapmK old -..mo•nn,p oaswO nen.. �„ 8 „ems„ �,. 200 Yeroa f5M•ce :rd. a5562 3► B YOU 00411 about lL tea•• 'o tour,-•: ol- r.tyer DiatGnr4' 'aNrMK -.d }aMd '.Q 4 KE. aEDrn1-AWoom wfTE irs It K6 tsTN ro 00 91 -Pi Ow O•riwa w Cu 305 5084!x4 FIIItw000. E.ceewii 1a0C 7r ne•t -114 i sea tl Owt ado tion -. !ram 1 pvsorn anal wvelwsu•ra AVY for •ry . JO 1 G- ao•d Ro•awrxrl S.JS•: r to Mn wrTJn aro tido 1t DayCMrQ NC, s."A 'nnQ linty DNI eler 'ode rad Ran 116E atarlad t pV,rYnl o/•ng .aquier rids • Available sea til. CN and spm F..e $100 coN•e d all M your ;w+• JSlrth:l'C' w•+•ess �, writ RELIABLE 9aWN4. wM J.ayaa ,.ww,r-rym btu. 536. lute kar.Aae 635 IYJ6airss. ^..JMUrriWr irid 'rax aparniMN^I eert-triol TOR PURCHASING P•O- danJwarY KO . 1•.•i Fw. eatn OlAae aur 636. .r- DRYER. WASHER.DIN ow DiAr• mob Orae DAr_ARE awe AILAa.E n -rr'd ah-7i171ee 1inH xnardih Cnrn [businessuc= product lee .l0ar, a SirCCOa.S1Ul am .•,wOr• 4ird prn•Pecnn my ,ane I-— .y. FIREwOaD Rn4 Lum� -.rift. S95. annoua Ye1Nn .Barr• 'laws tun OuSlness nJannars an e•• cortorcf•n9 ,�•, w,i,Jny ,a ,n. rOnmer• a •int -aA- CPR bet s wr+v; ..S.' ' ` ,S6.; 4.n.'I- 5360 psrsr 'nit rn eV' 1532 tXldtllrig •YPZe .'reit COWN4 !aid Cali Auw "S ^+yoW.M '1eJ F••ap. A sive 9 r _artaeelN Jai pusses a a 683 65aS '.5-2T 338, F.an- FIN 2-p :r..dn..r 7400 Bo. 80$6661236 dr.iaW armude, peniy.ae :atvn"ncalwn -4 snore DAYCARE emiuscN .• my nom• -T wet o1 TLC. Jri�a 905-a3�8B8s dwaary b Oat- aur ai '5 . r,, wrwn 2000 py„d caro. Y. s3% Disc R PAYS�. ••9^" '• 9 '•• awe '..P.- Mriin, Also. , •,I. eupanarce , suo. -Inning Mara ngn,DBr. . l C•d Ygn; rwr mealsn waarney B ­'.2sew 693-014 ' Bargain c.«� M C 6,$.3014 AINBIB1111M •-'a IWn 15' •rid •ern win eiConN CW an•p 1.9Arn1'1nOn P. iso abN. 6 tMAas $45 CM A►7-SIZE FIIEE2ER5. ,: •_.Ji 0434 57, 5091 nnanuan a aw.n ro Nn M My HOME. '-etchu1!• a c•a °^ • dA/Ura •oar 1 to S"•' Torry 434 JANNTOIaAL CLEANERS: op4n "wok.go,ry •^ °b ANTIQUES -,p w NTIQUES OW4 F.rr • •NJaY wpaMnq a,Ouf •tCarJnw and d Oa- fo '2 :,.;Z -n A 3rhS"i~'"'n out :Aei ati er APPOMTMENT n•..r.a11 p.nmdd male Wed. n die Antil«t- parr. Dad tee.:y [INiw uP V+i¢ Peet S1Wn •rid tit S' 75 '.. drop naw .50 •r tit de upYaeNry .•m wamd. ^O aa11n , - r aarwGp •Jed aol6ca wee. acneo"i •ria aeon, '« CNY ill CW A^ta'r"• . ,•N�:aw f3C nee .cod acc.m. good voi•ed, hrl rd pert rime anapP'rq eew un�1r 7irJA aairanc. 905, 83&36Q tape:loo 663-E63s :-.- .N�nO s7o0 _ Espartmca Dm' MY "a. Dp• 'yirF Ip all mit•- b EVryR�6Gr7 SERVICE GROWN Pis Nen «Tar A Mp owed FFull nr•••11g creed- ho MYe Arid IIaaIPW.I RapmK old Sul Reply d O avcan a.ai4w Ayr ser• -. :aur .iN -TO AMTIOUE yrs.* ocrn Su- d I/Ourti '••0•• plus no- pp�i. n Dim. Me 9 0anu FN ee7S9 OehatwlATJroy TION . -N n ^'Y ^Dins wwo.a ".•. •i. 1•.:� Blasi Mu'.l iso t •: i �o.: pAdit ou,* riV.N. sol.*- Ord enz oeea�'h YVaa. PO bow 4e1 $KG sn4vl. � wiget - all. tea. 12 1498 s21W ngire bo anal wvelwsu•ra AVY for ��ar ler W Cur'w1ly it OW • ON LIH 71.5 roe Via'! CAN 666-56!6 DAn Carie a2' Jaatd pd •leo •vaitapN aueaaa ny wilervy. CIA Shorn AI slat • '= d ant S&•4,- .M .on.,i-cJal uee :,200 /2&2010 an b == PRO[CT COOrOINA RELIABLE 9aWN4. wM 4 c weusaL360 whitePn", 6s&e,§6&4199AVAIL ors NOW ',A atria oro n pia Osnwe Aid TOR PURCHASING P•O- liras• '.r. !-Pal sine. cerid 41- ]M. DRYER. WASHER.DIN won, W b :1425 poi M Wluq araN YYa a.. Oro- Awl W ­ "Wil compArry Marco Bre•. s✓rarwr nutty Wo yyJr -T •yr RM SET Monn9, 11 pc sort JmnwavwY Gar n N eewpmer•1 Ana salla •r er`ftva pc. �n. depenOant. rerr.a dien•led p,saa. Hm.00d'w.ay 2 An• Nm ar,oem9 v1•i. old -.Meet K" OMtu- rny,m. 40 Mars. 5100 .00a 1860 raN. u SOC Ouaee Cm 4O4 -04p3 prwrcis you mu.1 » a uw swo,onced li •onniam N..00.ns dei Ww9nt 0x14 nm •s0 Bd ch u~. 241 oxide pNaaartl. exon of .NI Coondrtmd Wu u- o inns 426-9685 pound. "Hiilli sin pu DOw .ryr ria r4ea ^dn••I•o +Maur Dano . us ane wrd i,~ aro 7. 6150 Lida Jclag" a- odi'up Crux 436-6183 BROKER DELIVERY pJatchal. •dew !rwdY. Hind nyrn r•N•n9 rNu SOUTH AJAX ..pan- iso abN. 6 tMAas $45 CM A►7-SIZE FIIEE2ER5. 1x41vER3 ewe . raasasw :Oar -deer a Decd p1 to a c•a °^ • dA/Ura •oar 905427 91 s s20c a p A« -a +r rss RW ti. tion •elacM, mud of M Fitow, IN. RMµ rim :Wry aspeaA at* CMNJd .n CPR 01 •sea. S25O A +c ADI v:a (4 cyl. NW car) Cull 9n1•fY and naw • ip d Da+a :Z FdrumY 2497 and 6 ween npaoa neaps RenerericM FREE TO 0000 HOME J yyen. S20C a up St- Plot oft WAWON cNwn9 ope-os We Fm 905.43&1075 .Den -w avdeble 686-6447 • 2 "Ad pan Lace oar, 1� ape +lomat o­sss•: ilishis,shins h1S PaApen ON& a corward" rage o^g aapotMcs $Rss Wean wE6T PI." Senor. hrtuN. flood :em n Wed. • !alwilIv438- up gha Volum, 3 'M Old n . 5300 ws n P9Nt 6M66a .0 ton lees o I Iip4l AgaOla RwW Vem WNirY •a•. quo -IV o rrT a w9s alary•ra 436- a du W da wavwr :200 A i4 J Mu %R�a1Mwe a MUM. me ", It T. all' Ana n,90 n You cndcme. arcroran rnir 6720 x2B4e77 a dryv. GE. 5550 Ai. S fisie 8ie atrowe Dox w Ric. nOlnciOoa rria•la. ro� WO flux{ door sldaW c, ca• 1N PR Qualm tents. k -di prasem LOCAL PICNERMQ olives «OVJdd snow pa, GORGEOUS 1 rear ow sea 6'00 F dp•s $200 6 yd Awl kw a., mo-. COOP MY, naW- N- Quaid. Awa hN. 19051509 5796 G. -d- %1-%1-1 Chia Mu ill" Good NmpM•. up Dryers SITS l rip Sbaas. T200 6 up SrEFS Caroti EW- Komar CYaaf any eine DRresn 900 Am W tnois Y teisc d 6 HANKS APPLIANCES all ewe pm On wood. �•• •. Connpinlar WESTf Cm HEIGHTS. St. SO ^Not frac fO a 9dd Marry T 362 FnrtCn 51 Our - 111141 I Tr k*v I TyN,etreg txxapt. M War. N is sI ,b 614 >D txsMSd mrRpMIRrK d day,1111114-1Training ry �tim MWW Karl! ee sn e.a« Bea. would" beKnowledge. aso u '" quMm -ro, hot «mh mac sew At- M Aru f. CLASSIFIED Loo Loop. Salary puA CTowmatioti. tannin Snnoae-tree. rs .i.1arr".a @Mo 0*) for C�STOKp Dian Awe.. Oariaa :'J Ave. Th@ (Buser, ErAypna6l naurria ro Summit otos 4"e^ x27.5046 "Our- B • • • V�V�JpI Pam Light asseoW plc ow+q_mml. (a6) 612• Dm 106D &atO Ree Vi WNWAM GO Club, Bar AMMUTELY THE BEST 630. WhftvW o Ordarb. -top rices, hardwood tl b. DYweaFree dehilli cupbord coon. toms. DediuO. Cella.c•A 665- EVryR�6Gr7 SERVICE LOCAL WrORTERS. -in groudoor luI-AutoC1 111.. l LI rip Ora Ltw 37xis Mo Pl9dad•. V rGNees Ad eraser request, nMrNyaWK wm,te0 for nw :mon n TEUMAIIIIISOMM �M,yyMWFa427-4741 So Kam ND DESIGN V.13 EIM tl116'� �` hour b m.riTali sea•COMPUTERIzEING Mte lt� ��Rnd~M USWEss APPLICATIONS Ne6ad 1p0ap aid not be N6eR Ad.War r1MM masatle wi 1rYn rootm7TILO :somal lath 1 DELISHI /GRAPHICS URISM AND TOURISM AND in 1sIP0914 rtlara elan NO 7et.pliIRRIE71G AUTO ROOMMomieed too- "P.,e - Yt• sW RectionOla mMM wed' • off, ly ha lY P�..It' IC 0eand Bio *4 IRM 1�y 114 Needed nO.&Ws trio A'•ML or M or SF )War applmRca ^ inawW orYohnG Fad vp d up MIIR7a61E6a • MICRBUSINESS SUPPORT d ant S&•4,- era people orimead vee ameer mowed. Hem cash mala as 379r00D looking 1of•NETWORKING UNICATtoNs-CNA/CNE/NT •OFFI-E AD-ysAND OPERJ)TIONS SUPPORT NMIWE L606ry for «- nR in 6y s knoj b M bit Hard wtiaL Fos tma ony CIN Hyly 721-0299 CNEf FOII COUIITIIY CIW (S•iw" Apr, -OC- rtara snrMs pe- .0 susyMNd Trawl �A� AND PROGR G antw o -I ter I*- sada. 6 speYma. Orn q tobe :,Lodi, qW poi fall nspeaa am"" rn- 1099 FbrndirIIIM a M got cava IaOawad tx to tit PK Pam 3 Yom all as PIM 111Twv ■ w nlp"w. you MM AA" far taw" aaomeno9 intarnetwww.dbDc. ansa Trans Canada Truck Driver One on one private�AZtDDZZ, Dangerous Goads P.D.I.C. Log boot border.Air brake. Commercial fire changers cen., Air brake adjustment cert.. No GST/PST. 24 hr17 days per week Financial Assistance may be available 1145-428.4475 ITOSBi GPapy Des txxapt. M War. N is sI ,b 614 >D txsMSd mrRpMIRrK d SM page 7. °0n faro So" aisl or egln'- ployses. CW 905.373- aairs, aeWg a0rraa• 7i9s. WM.TMPAGE Deld le-i Aru f. IRYJr.iww nolviol .61i SOWMVy stow I FIfa1NOOd Y.an old) Wintond. Vairq EAIM Sass PER WEEK .i.1arr".a @Mo 0*) for and Om9ansbN OUIOoa. on puW to rasuwr n con - al 5 yrs cid - wish. 576- ? hon fan,. capping coo- Town a hda" a. The Manager. .Oaf Pam Light asseoW plc ow+q_mml. (a6) 612• Job WNWAM GO Club, Bar AMMUTELY THE BEST 630. WhftvW o Ordarb. -top rices, hardwood tl b. DYweaFree dehilli cupbord coon. toms. DediuO. Cella.c•A 665- books kam�. SD13. pm ab. (416) $124082 9617 CLAS{ •A• THICK . semng PKYerirg. Ala¢. CHAISC M Ros attentiWlathy all Osluel Cal flan. 5 p I, - 12 poll, DURINM FIREWOOD Mo Pl9dad•. V 100%. Nylon IME. pawl INGE%voa6ilCED nMrNyaWK wm,te0 for nw :mon n TEUMAIIIIISOMM �M,yyMWFa427-4741 So Kam ■o Good Gersh. Apt[. good N•g C CW 190 l -fff4tflBdo 6194057. 2 10f our Fitt, D•pErttRnt (5794D60. I rradeHnpbv inloba4R.dbcc. PnI n I'idKefirlp. Must be NTEFMRcoir ETSNs NITTRITIONIST EDM b ft& enrop wound, kid Oak" prol REQU•a.s� rL For xpmd c t Sr old G B Hi and 4$vm ad GooSupd w expt Loss s sell or Cold nus. Highly moaaaeAu Good st •'� tDa$al LAI «clef ��l.r, i tiDRUS. Paced rrl nnien Fall DaysaM CYBWn$s "•�/ Paced Wroviltimant. Fax THE NAIL STATION G- $1125 TO START - V% awe . heathy Pam plata Jane ms -M (805) 133-1162. mew Training Canter. Be' hawo sewaral kAtpmt Meer Iiflstyk a nun. after 4 p.m. Chun nw-w S0 - mins A nee ischn cwL ca- IwYaols in h o M soil COM R•xer all 1,1 0110 "LLWRWOHTS for o- we" available a1 and spore aenr No atper. I (fes)611-A" sCambonL Tog Welders Atryat • 6eengla" nett,. � Provided I ialtl 7ELENARKETERS Need and Plea Floom for Atan- UM "Winglk p, y M ng. ( 909'1 avid. Cal lot man 14 M experile.enced recon mor kis Irw pgnp; ah morsel nabs 721.920. P4M Hourly wage « wt, 6279 o F Ai s 1-EOD3e7- AOIl1 ASsold. Mu re• pkAmiop seeks sate Corry ban. Handy Rape and bo- 6279 «F" 905075-3826. vlrnd Its dome IAM " prig se4iks aapsrnwicM map . CM 1257897 organwN w officeAn-STYLIST WANTED for 1« Telm14rksMr to sell Inter- SERVICE PERSON ,tell sew Couooe Amon an not p -dol L'" to new, SALES REPS needed bit d lua-swill Met be m. (906)PAbralS3-11 . Resunr sons oaamses salary , and oneog, Industrial ch- OMwiOs largest who"" onenced n as "pact, at Conn kmion: •aim19 pro- ant,. Meet a 014 nlosaled dived food mlrfpmy. All resideritla inns rupgn. ATTENTION EMPLOY. Wiled CM Bila. (906)433- rid reeWt, o'*'Wd " "M Hyp wppod. Ask f« Reply Fie 14761. pen. well � for,� � 0453 or 7214e10. as. Fax eNNM 1a: Pub- BMn r"12. Whitby 1 •LIH p 0. FAlier.(906)5091451 call (905) 4330007. 631 97C 905.432-7167 Wan .- METICULOUS Coin 6 nmua nON Vrain9 tan dean KWXAM ALAIIILti All oavi atw 'etrgama.02 eirw.a one n your uIi Y.an old) Wintond. Vairq KEEP THEM OUP Cus In Rana capaory lAsl :dY. burr ms• security ondoe al 5 yrs cid - wish. 576- ben •soon atbldam 3664 - pear' of mM wanT Me rimes open For a Used utcfvn. cadrwa. nee asmrrM cos sews cupbord coon. toms. DediuO. Cella.c•A 665- Designs lg")42 . 9617 CANE, EMORER USED STOVE. 5199. « 100%. Nylon IME. pawl Deaf alter. Olay eeN 1 ~ maim mel F« 3 droom $75 « ball ollm looms. . Pop 19051637-6733 0ly via"••• 3o en yds ape. o OR, da pad ono tie n your tdrtr. Free Ailo4- yo gpoui PnI ArtICiM bon n Y9rr holes. No at- bit sale rnu M p•rwent for «M hull Yom. Dada. 1-600- 217-010. OWN by paw - 25-. Zr, CAIMET for aid - for fixe 31' Tura. Free dm.het-up. Wvp IN haws suvaa seas Ship. Teens4. Hudd. std M will shoo You air :tonne hent s6 2w."k tstt,ariLz Oft oho do aa - Cal 905.571-1412. tom W4UWabrn& span end manstolung, sows KENWOOD P.10P. oar- Drew CAN M" 905 - so. 5 Dale Co. dust ea- 431.4040. sada. 6 speYma. Orn q pilar: VAMV horn {8.1101 1•a � eol .eek 905-571-1412. 1j� itha Pilo pq^r"1a No adanaL (QAC) 3 loome (3ODsq.n..) iIOUkd with dekcr Pad horn only 5399. Mp�gp$ Spapms on until, cmmw.0 and r4idecloa Flooring sw� Free shop At flora. 1400 - HSP; H. IH AND HCAJS IN .UAC - PICKERING AREA Available to work a variety of doers is- cluding evesialgs sad weekends 0a a rotational basis. Car assesbal. Apply at: myy�� w4lrn 1L�� 11•7 2 SINICOE ST. S., SUITE 500, OSHAW'A OR FAX (905)579.2539 CARPET Mal DWObw ton, 12 m«nprs No pay- ment. No worw (OAC) 3 mora (3000q.n..) IrM WeO .dh del u e Pad tram only :399spec acs on V,nli Camino; Ana He,*- d Flooring Free Shop At Harris, 1-600-683-W". CARPETS - kis p meet. 100% nylon. new Alan III lease Carpets On omd. I will mpg 3 rooms, $349 Pop includes most pw mym pod, aped rlMalla- non. tet detwel tree est, masa (30 yunds) N«man 6,662314 Check Out Our Flyer Deliuery Seruice. tura ata by for The n DbWbndor of agars in oar area Have Vow ayes4fawwwd . a .1 $ .. & �•�' wwWadr6paday,FrWayorsunfttvimlllolI @popaitho-mybodynw . News Advertiser B rAGE 14 -A -THE NEWS AOVEWnSEL WEOn FE6RtIARV 11.1"7 IM For Saft.eles I A 19.1. a FaN9a I I Lost &.'"° 's1. IIA" °"FW air• I Tr"uL'sw I 14;;z I I fAp•ro n M I I F t p Ftx t1MNI CARFM yA11ANA CLAVINOVA LOST Aar It Serum 1M1 BUICK Iy8.1 Lid 38 lyarC Marc, Basic 196 GMC H{ Ion. rlM4e Lou a Carpals CIA 1535 for Mie PAM conw7dalmAborl trolls. V6. 44oa, low mill AUTO LOANS b,abs and exhaust. 350 080- 100% NVIh ca101ron $2200 Call 666- Dyck win sDottd Matt Iet,oepkml, mfe daldlan ADIu dealt" Wllt standard. wrt,l,ad (905) 839-- StwRHeaM 4064 after Som and lags very Inendy end fully loaded. a," "Soo CENTRE. Ip Ba Carpat3Roome5339 Lar1 ea yet Nims, .s Articlesed I amid Answers to Wend l If Must SEE' stil 9-0175 '-nd plea.. ..0 773 atter 4DrR i waeketlps 6543 arrange financing even it you IIaVG 1766 Ask ?715416 169 GMC S 15. sped loriqba[. Carpet Premum Pao add nsyaanon Wi11� 1991 NY•1hMM EXCEL heen turned down lamm.sson. i good kv Pam Orn S2000 Frea EstimatesP919i$Upp" Discounts Senior ANTIQUES AbsolutelY, standard. Twp door. w PKII Startling wmlad 92.900 Cao ate before Loans n new parts, As n, $?DO 1965 Pull on". 5500 Carpet Repyrs P.,cnasmg lurnituN en air bpm Call (9D5)420 7136 - ;I,,ulahle for pill as.s 905432-7167 1990 GMC Slsna SLE. oar1ed rnh'm cap. excel S9m 5.6.1772 yfhmg old S,.ennt,c ,mtru mares. china ildwir, advent ROTINTILLER 1992 CARAVAN LE ,tvdit. had credit COMPUTER .....rete bsmg. toys, decoys. dols. SHEPHERD 'os5 and pas.. 137K Ion moron •In, bankruptcy 'I'll nondl,nn 145000 hwy 11111,, 8 mess Ran, 300 milk 1111. C011acno"s Cl Tarn plr, 111V5 Sale Vet It,�wray 1. blue. one owrrr•i .11111 kir, Iwo bat black arltl melts na'd tlnre. SVGA estates Call Remn Bowen ct-ked. It shotscall loadedexcellent conddo•, hu)L'rs. yey. sk nIg $8.500 a best monies etc 404 -229 7 Antiques (905) 655.8049. Laude 1416,281-1889 cnn6ed $11.900 4;0 THESE FROST BEATING BeP, W' I Cemh can 19051 COMPUTERS 486750s B-"' OSHAWA OBEDIENCE 6594 ('all Cindy 7136_2344 CO"01.1 $295 C,ear out o1 •5 16 Vans. 2 subs, ASSOC Monday n'ghl 5 appant"M wtl 430 pMAWA 3 BEDROOM BEAUIrWVLLV Designed. well Indpa, slows and or agM. 2-Uedote base- condAam,g NaM CN . mase pararNra, prate art CenB.. schools acid at1oF. trance. cyan. mmed , piry Has a bachelor a0W1- Occupancy. Sasolmonth rani that you Can ham oat Nfilencas lsqu"d Call Available Ma` t hrsmaH Call 427 7916 905.427-3680 FOR ITEM Clean Fainly CENTRAL O$hawR ex Building Norm Oshawa Cslnlnl budding, 162-0d- 16 2 brims loow" PW rooms. 1 dock to Seniors calla. Doting 6 taundry Cenhe. large units sten al lac 7712094 $675 SOUTHCASI Osha- wa local,on. 182 bedrooms OSHAWA Newer building. start at 5575 lsbtast 729- wait memarned, generous x344, 4366889 suites Parking 6 hydro ,n' CLEAN. QUIET bachelor eluded. °° bus rout' t apanmeni. mar" of our^. �� 2-0ed I I 'a lad •n Central fOO`^' $750 3bedroom. Cd0• CGA EGA and morn M n P and UN, 1992 CHRYSLER D naso 1 I 1995 Crev'y 510. SL Mod- ane. $960 (905)4285740 TTL manors Irom 510 486 ANTIQUES WANTED lyarC Marc, Basic LE. loaded. green wM, grin (1(,it-3398 el Extended cab Mich Sit km DX 4100 mm CD tom ane We buy vngN nems or Cusses s,advr9 sol 435- ,manor 95.000 km $790c v1- loaded 43.000 - soundcomplete Drys $775 complele estates We 0968 obe 4342775 A condiu11 tonal cove. CARU50 AUTO SALES. 6 Cao. fine, included Your old 14' SVGA plus pay Cash for old China. CENTRE. ani parking Omet area Ca"alrer. auto. 905 905655 $265 gels you a new 15' glass Igunnes, loris and EQUESTRIAN F,1 Ala. 11,61- a'1- 1992 DODGE SMAOOW, + 516900 cert kms black $4295 or ever SVGA New Cap rrKK.Idrs t ordure. pre 1960. m 1.11 na 90oc sg r Y 'tables door. aulo all. cell 5A07 weekends +, nyv 1989 Dynasty white, ,rags 28NI 3 year warranty, 5255 cllldng China Carnets. new, 3000 sg h 1p1 of trey 113,00) M. mint convoi­ nu,o 160000 kms $3.295 Lots d new an used pent, neo.cases do 8 bed- ng PaveC Cit. ewe Io arena y T~c a 666-2747 1-F Celebnly Spon. burps,'. 1967 FORD F350. Crew can systems to -,Cole tram 'OOm cels. Cedar chl Second small barn Call Ban k:.Ct- Cal: I:a::'e at owner 9056833020 905 576.1800 or 1 888 2593673 1 Can 'IeID' 1994 RED SUNSIRD. dy 20400D kill $1200 84 Cab needs fume TLC. Computer Cie., nce Cer. tit, 1905' 6973059 "¢atl•e sewing machine rind 'rape Call Jeff at ANTIQUE Marto 1905 6'9.4663 PAWS A WHILE NEN- MELS. ..� " ape'- eany '.. 1992 GRAND PRIX LE c = s pD fin a. ru,Sa. el leaahtui arctic won. neauulul car excallsm con a $3500x354305 v n Honda Accord. Auld,very +wit, must De seen $1295 can Phe 696.3803 CERHCAR WILL WARM Yattl CUTE COMPACT pun Bored Lhasa A,s,, p 1 Pus non an. "I'll •cit shed DISCOVERIES ,' r-ad�ng an0 9rc�rr. ^.Bos Located Dar $8 x99 o D o ter', YOUR HEART WITH I /wI,!llDri" Ong, vet c+eo,ed 6 weeks 683-9243 •' led LBC 905 .71-9p26 THESE FROST BEATING Whitby sueable for single wak,ng person, non PICKERING Allona+ smoke' $490 par mo all Sheppa•d. 2 lag. bedroom me lustre Ava,lable ,mine- separate entrance base dately Call 668-3011 meM ofanghUclean No days. or 668-6818 eve pets Parking $750 ndN - and weekends e eve Akad immediately FINCH 9 WHITES RD. 905-509-4546. 416600- cOml le 1 be0lc,_rd 8157.AI6449 5393 apa,tment Pr air, e"nance PICKERING . new large ani parking Omet area one bedroom basement Available mlmedenlly Ines ad„ng. laugry, inn $600 mclusys Call Harry smoker rad pals. $575 m 416 a3 7393. Jenmter clus.ve (9051 831-7122 a•6 2836570 he, 6 old $35C a-cn Dom a, ...n Cournce,Bowmar I BEDROOM Apartment PICKERING. GO, 1 Dad e p enH on P'em,ses. 432 APPLIANCES V'a'nes It I please wit 1905, " 199] FORD TOPAZ: Lr•w DEALS . WE NAVE EIGHT 1986 YJ. Niue. Karo 6 suR 7565 '•'v394C cage funs loaded. m GM MNI VANS TO lop 6 sPeM. AM FM Cass CHOOSE FROM, 196 TT nail Stets A DISC JOCKEY SYSTEM ppl,anCes 432x- SIBERIAN HUSKY PUPS Cocl n. Seco of ' 1993 STARTING AT Cine" 'ver removable tam, "CCC 150. ., ••1Cl' '•57 a Home �a .o. CKC •eg,s 57500 firm 905666�0975ca k 55.550.00 EXAMPLES - t,vers.raC Nes. 130 k Cr •.,VB -,:, boa,; FREE REMOVAL un, teed. super pars wfm win •n9- Cnev AVIc CL 8 "oo condition 56.500 a 12)Spn corroact disc DIaY wanted SC'a1' -x , ,ovas, ten health and tempera 1994 GRAND PRIX St L-assenger, loaded. only bel offer 721-BgBO Its 12)Elie 1000 an washers. c s, U.- ." an `rent guarantee great for pry,• Cal. P S P M. C•c"s• $5 550 1993 Chw Astro 1995 GRAND Voyageur speakers Iwai Processor' tiring metal Call 935 571, beg,nne, ,^ushers or ado T,M. Asti Fm cassene. secu, CL. extended. 8 passenger. SE ? "IL. VE nadC. •red (I)M¢ropnone and stand 6714 to you, racmg awckl6'31 ray system, 79.000 k•^ ,adeo including Dutch da,. "net... -c. very Set comes won ever 650 NOT DOG 8 Sausage 305-5578 514.500 Call 6033020 Boors and Vortek HO an clean.--celleni condition. cvinact discs w,m canymg Car. 'VrV win toe cases Music ranges Irom 9ry. qua adage Ha M1 Cold wale•. Automobiles 1991 GRAND PRIX, V6 gine $12.950 1993 GMC 70.OJOkm wrnned. Sala,, SLK. 8 -passenger. $15.500 905723-2347 nose, 5)4x750 Cars 50s 8 60 s. Coll b on and current tlance Orele'aDly w4h sneler wonM11 Titania and Dnml and^. mus,c System m excellent forSal! `s acs P' rw P1•rnk .¢C'Jmy system. 4doo,. aD- a• nrz, '3 Cars' Fran $ppmt 10 ,wry n ecp+onry an re. I Trailers canon .n Bow,nanvdle dr =dnd:t.on A.IDng $'.500 Or 79.000 n raw kms NEED A VEHICLE? r•Cx highway ondt,oned and certified GShdwa Rea3Cndbl Desi ober Call 19051433 y r Caned Cal. 623 5342 0 P.><r �redn- ,,_ :•edit' $'4500 take new. n i .dmPles 1990 BU,dt Le loadd 4709 4356229 DUFFERH4 a . 3 oak p«+ Ban k:.Ct- Cal: I:a::'e at owner 9056833020 905 576.1800 or 1 888 2593673 1 Can 'IeID' 1994 RED SUNSIRD. sante LTD and ,990 HOMESTEADER Placid., $7.995 1990 12 a :w n mOnil¢ •, 10 Grand PT, SE. 24,. loaded 'obi¢ w.tn dl, a:tess(:nes dc- Pedes 7C Man a $7995 1991 Grana mar„ I- Pnvdle en '•�pn ba1-M ap,. Carr' r race. Rils'ir, Band area. vale entrance, clean, ap slr9el No amok phanothiluhl,ney rnClWed ing Pets 5540'in clus's no sm0km91pers. Ideal lot Marco 19 721 8070 s,gke Nmafe. Available LARGE, ale bedroom Mat 1.S550caa686-6105 basemen, apt Non 5111*k , PICKERING. Large mod- r,.l.rred No pets Fnsi.'ysl In, basen,¢nt I bedroom r.•t.,,rad Parking, laundry ..t. New apphances. ,aur .•,•Ile occupancy Ore dry yc,hties. paC9ng, sopa [',• ,9 space S550'mo all rate entrance. all. hon .-..-sive Near OC Avad smoker. no Dors tet , Mel. ani. mmedately 905. $675 imp. first 8 last call " 2497 9M&86-6259 LARGE BASEMENT bed PICKERING. 1.1 -Popp • win � ,vat. bath K.ng;tr". Rd •ye bedroom krther', -Irdly N baserra'n, raised bunga� parking, big backyard. low. a,,. separate anlranGe, smoking Pens Avail dnvaw'ay, apphances. Ist !st'.as- $425•rro lauridn, available March I p 1905, 839- balance of 15y' warranty 1981 CNEV Belau solid - haver luny lumrshd he vve Central an E5 .uvve S280L' Ca119p5 728-x578 Arts 6 t• '' OOOkms. V6 C rayon. AC. AM,FM ra P'• 5E 4 dr Ipedeo, petty beercom A Dc pain, frgga HOU$e5 Houses ° . Nraaela,de 905 573 .^454 ENCLOSED TRAILER • I CfafT$ u. t„ 4 dD`(, r. neMs dD. 66'!00 kms. llec'1„r 'ea due f1- x95, 1991 full ore. pwDare sloe and I FOf Hent _'2fi PORT UMION/LA- ,,m. 51400 Cended Good locks 5'0.500 Cen'hed p•�ntaC 5[nard GT. 6 IV' Elednc na -let I FOf RMt •are v1- E- n'gr IB' rKeraM - C Cat' Call 9,05.434- au',o Iwt7d, 1pp.ppp 4m. LUXURY • nedroom baso WRENC E. nice c ¢ Sed 905 987 J352 Cecil 10 a f6 shad. n >u,ge Lrak.s ramp door, A:iLN :ION CRAFTERS $8 395 1992 NHMn $anha rod on F'�aiCa •Pori new Slow •tin �, E3B00 ,,5. C.. ' -.'•• a' 19.6 aUICK 19% CAVALIER a door. kF auto"WDC, badd, carpel Located et 9852306 Jon •.^de•s .,I i,,, --toen Po,' 1. LESABRE LTL ',.-art ir"•dnr-,• 375 ULrirlr We rM,e 4 36 b 4 see^'% vr'.• v1- fill In Park Can Hwy ?6 Dat aaskmg GARAGE clox repairs. Ty iocatex,, Prone M,ke ar loa^.e^ S•9(IC x d •. LrCall ETS. 32500x- ' 4s and P, -UPI -en ,w1en L,ndsay and Bobcay- pr_«e•. sr• ^gs cab-af. 981-4328. a 985-8676 n s I,- vet 1905 St4.5cC Can r+, 697- cies •991 Trade, SLE, 5 9.0^- on wall Brand new "ale's Dene•a nV.14d �'25-8J26 c•x,rernde .^rte 5.5.00[ Aslrng 53,0' 000 a �� Sag '.1-w xdyoee'en VENDORS .."ked Ken- - S6 59519% Fptl F 250 Dau Doer Leave essay. Dual., Rus Doors 4'6 '= s• '"" -dun 7996 TNnsAm. . load ,r' 1 $7 HONDA CIVIC a loo, 5 6 fine autanatn Only b,yP,e 4 Pm CP Cyt ani 5 334.00.'3 leans 'e.ds u'�+gue r•anen IOr is 7m Annual Chan o ac 5: a D v �', Mar 4, CC0 rm 56.688 1991 shin girl r,, nmg Cnev Seveso.. anon Doll. D m IO 9 D Pa v 'rot ne nears KENMORE wailer and Strew at Jub,ie! Pav'I on .vmr r d, v1-^ New Dam condtn". 5'6c•C as f step side ballad. 3M.998 go ab» All (,enH• d•r. a s oIC SNC': Apm 2DMr9' ane, 6 p m ares D•akes M.m Cor+On'on r9051697.290e and keava Soec'an• 1986 Fad R-9°051 579 379' k•nm•."e SILIM W. 9o5 7213 979• Boom roma: Nc la,onab,e one, s IussO -434,226 r*ussa9e n 4 M. 5 speeC. win wP. ayallaDle MC:OfCytie, Auto araC ' cern• a,kv .'.:ELwPF%TIUV 200 •S90C :'-•vrhrnw•s. a hD f6iC 7 S45e•nnM ani 5 57.995 1992 Pan bra. .,. _...... 16975 92 Lanai's 7�dop. h- Irom' OPEN SE V. whew EN DAYS • WEEK WE M01 d!f OrG1 rap $500. ledrs watt^ Drs' 98 BONNEVILLE good lac Grand Am SE. 4 0,. Cknedash, OII 211- spot _a' MACINTOjae LC 2. w••r S 100 86 "arena Enbcer 1997 171- 5w,a•d GT "rd"':' Iran3 white loaded. pay It, Cal S599S 'set Suburban but dist rs -d ThOw std dean Judi 59995 IrlerkOs- Can L90s1 S79- jr^W810aIlS • 1 sing. ase d0u0N sfrdler ' �Inpu4CT ..; S, Oc 6x38576 redone AS ,s asking '„•ga"OY Maunlui. bad private enhwhim $525. 530 6 $ac 1-...c„• .d„y. • An ,ncluyve tuunasl 7lnternet 545M obo Lime to win. + xun car 3,o 9911 a INSURANCE: racers" Pike 36i: rcWr.g nr WMl.am 5' W Red ., 1. 2 bed••r,m 1999 CAVALIER Zea 5 v vc h 905)4042134 arhnme 1984 parsec sunb'ro wr'39- Mir S6i. Sop matin wbiach n `M • ed aura a.r. 2 or. 97 kms ,.`:•nth p M , 36.: Sallee arc drstsar nc •._.. :res 9 ARLLE SALES 726-275S. t ed 1 c ,drwd fJ 90C S7 995 9x9 Craw Coni in 1r1010r �: n �� 623 5342. 435 6229 or In www dyham- -.•Med 19e8 Chet, Coro L'.•^a•- s W -I- -a 4 -yl a0o C. Cray v siperSpOrls lust got -4332182 re.f ret,-AC230L,n c Aoodr 4 cyi act. fain Pre Spnrg 92 COC . 54 350 19811 better ant" 4 moan KE/47OOD. A.,•sd V,oeo Oo rat^ t JS km "OC Cen4ed Clearance 19W Eurdsperl Vol--- Gift GIL 4 M Born oat,mi 1piar - :-ucpc wrrdiyd GM DIRECT can e.CVI.re Gond. Wagon leaded. $5995 out:•-'.,' 119 CDC it, non 4311797 W90!!34 ,cued- P'ccffsp.Kerwan - 'rrouke.s 5 dfk CD plryeh 5 ,0•ax S- . �: .. ^xa•1 pat 1991 Transport, SE. Ml be $4444 •99• Fob Fesnva lees CAVALIER ! doe. 5 seen'. raw Kf 510995 91 4 cyl 30nmanC. sere, but ayallaDle MC:OfCytie, Auto araC ' cern• a,kv .'.:ELwPF%TIUV 200 •S90C tr..^- - ..asa.n. Anmtar a, <rco. loll,. N" $2=95 Mark «w. r" VeryCO,mp!ldrve Home 70 000 i.d•, r h'g bra. .,. _...... 16975 92 Lanai's 7�dop. h- Irom' OPEN SE V. whew EN DAYS • WEEK WE insurance Rails •Cape dna ruin mesa CC Fi a gwiv win ngl .xha. rehiring brakes .. aura. sake paced an i4e95 �_Msnt on"O.1- -30000 r WANT TO DEAL' CASH Open 9 to 9 by aw .. , rani. avy,able rr .ant aid' men,. 1S -Or al 1 Near a, .,olrancas separate wn- fnopD•n9 Ful, sen lienee, pek,ng. dose Ip Warned Pat $625 Rouge Hit GO station Hive Not smoke,. no $595 ind,-v1- Can 1a 161 .••. 905 420-9187 724-2977 OSHAWA CENTRE. 2 OSHAWA - NORTH O. ,. lull lord 7 bat•^ Near GO P,• I.,l 4C1 Pa,kng by par. .nC'a Parking. dro. byconylpatro Avast -antes re„"ed IsOysl aria ,mnedayh '?05i . ms. $925 par mo all 7212232(416) Z39-2752 'ef included call 433- SOUTH ({haws : bed 1 lop II..o. .,.Pin. NORTH OSHAWA Ergot. ava•'a'. Ma'_• sil ..mural all linen, FE IS On bus route. Mar . .... jM, panned. AC. park shoppng and amenrtres private enhwhim $525. Con yundY LNw res • An ,ncluyve tuunasl sage 7210619 ' 8617 SOUTH OSHAWA 175 NORTH OSHAWA F.'•a WMl.am 5' W Red ., 1. 2 bed••r,m orxn 5500 DM••. rm, •dose . ••'Say rsdeCualed. Se00 6 162,0 to b - .s. sn.pp,ng_labke . hn .' nta.Md. Cutlet building. mwayi Ir upw. a beacon- Wwheyw M.I. MdD' wrr•g 'at r •i ,ndu0ed AvyDls last pweed. ••. Deft V b ADr Is 5/42.5 • 721 9r7? a 7214A37 . •• 1905,579 }584 SOUTH OAMwe. L6ECYCLF 95CC ,•r..t alwar, -^.^ta,r.- ,n •i•m. M. and As.^• f2E•9v Mm.lo• •.I•a SM .ms 7 f295C ring .n na.d.a'• sakes 905.5795'49 190 C nnk« Lid POR YOUR CAR �net)♦d w,In aatn•r Ilac. TRADES WELCOME $1090C 9: 1=.1 y Mon to SaturdayNORTH Call; OW A artment9 O / Aparlmtntl OSHAWA F.t•a air' twdpom barn, aP.1m- - ". .retry IUKmn1D•buK•r WM.uom. nNr tot 1P�li VThhes 6 .HC n 'ap d M • Gr^ p'x. n�f^uyanu.•a Ca., 905 1960 8 v-.,av,W SSE •. COME SEE US AT CERTI w nu $1150 190.1 CAR AUTO CENTER 155 ,lOrN3-GOd ' I FOI RML I' FOr RMI unp•et•ty r.decChesil cape •ntlumi S45d $,60C .0 o IJP•, $300. a- - 9881 "Cl C•^'''ed .,.anrl Caravan SF yr IFpeG STREET WEST AT Me Ham~ 7`lR'37a0 lJMrtys ,rnkrded inst4u 7777 rn Cao ,905134710_ . myntrnW quiet Avallada .'nlrM6a1MY Cy' raw Can darn 9CS 430. u.,ew:. NIhwv. new brit Poi•'•' .,4- pdwar MOTOWN MALL. OSHA. 427-3595 1 BF n,POUM � .• ... ..•�••+ »IIT' -.9. nary• ba,__ 1905x70-0200. Linda 0979 er•••n9s 905 623 $6500 coo 571 0136 1-1 nit inn rve•x f fps WA ONTARIO -where ....I good xa Dueas. 1 1 Pot'.', wrr frank•. ..� • .. ,.' a,. umaxevcaae ,.,deeded Cknedash, OII 211- spot _a' MACINTOjae LC 2. w••r 4rt9 8 iok:aY.eri. •M p+As I7'ekeh•ed ? •vel { Arts 6 Cal S599S 'set Suburban but dist rs -d ThOw std dean Judi 59995 IrlerkOs- Can L90s1 S79- jr^W810aIlS • 1 • ; ty' nxirlln 7 ani h.,1n Rod 9056nY •N �, S7f701 pvael "Al D•us 4CL uyn..s A5194 MnlaDle Marlin 1st $a2416•mm 9051579- OSHAWA til n,n>; ramps s•v..•• 2 Cara^ker rm m P. a '+ascx e6y. on•• e I Cr9125 •' Crafts ;-.1 yty,vil Sonne GLS ase• ;.erect tn:ond air. now 7Iq ,. _ 07� SW enviruntnent. 905576-SJWf - alDIIn •5 16 Vans. 2 subs, C 'rucks. any OJf10- ' '.' (3695 93 Grano am AUtOmObk3 appant"M wtl 430 t i a EeFoom a n AJAX %41- base �v 6 Trude 54 Can nr .1- 2 bell 'Pts HANDS-GRAHOFATH[R CLOCKS 6. . V.I. and vied pue.a nN'n Wel Hent tD raw apt few iowein Reno d.p1a• aw"odsr.. CIO(x W -C 'am•• •-a• a,a cryo-, ^a Twp N' Panto Vkxxt 133 1191 SHOWC. SES e d she v . s ,. • 9"75 427 IOW SKLAR D 11 like Ire wilA kir• on raw o.u• 3600 Sias ,ore sewllura S40C 9aS 1194 .w OAK,9INE FUMATURE rt.; ,Noe.^...... one as ur"e"of argnsr manta d. a So 0 hoop FurmtWF An -I- r Mewl 997 In'sn "'n"" rte a Sckd ou" 6 Puy F.,-* Eg Ca, naiball Sod 5369 00 Sw,d Dow Psdetut TAW 6 4 fall,•, $69500 905965 47:4 WASHERyDRVEIts 1.0 I, Owr br :Deep. loaded. 39695 I wanlld .IKLUSED tNAKkN „' p ,n x34"A 5- n.g•. ,e owrw ^b. aDl SA9S: -.. .t 4'•m•nt Sepa•els ONE AND TWO bJkd0im �afY access to -4p1 Jidllac •rm DE is wpr clean car , am 4P app,pN em b Iaundiy 4pe pain. 0llghl earn "T ora•, renew doll. CN a a ra Es Ivn •v.l» Starting aM S600 -"•ionic, Ma, .1 ., n' -a and Wr.O.y K", v,r'g rnorrl, 5350 m.nm Y ,•nluvrw dn.ng xn':n•n nen park -us ,hoppg Gravy yhenwrty fpm .W IW1Sun - IF t1C : k, mr, dooi S30,00 905 •-Itte 6 ,- ­.-LM4Waes March IM Ill ,.y. .-, , -.-Cog Pulle 1161L, ... "p•+, let stip can 4 •NCkf A",- Call l0'S ass ria. Am rIh kl dr, Ne Salt P'- we 1906)83111, nCkl uN 7 bHrerx" .w 1M�-s7X-vE•r9� $AWS 1992 Sonoma aN 7`lR'37a0 lJMrtys ,rnkrded inst4u 7777 rn Cao ,905134710_ `S rC -,odea unl Near OsM.a nR. Came ""rg b,arla. Dilly 104K f6e5 s450 'hdo i bedoom • Marine 1•EDNDOM apanmw.tL AAA ATTRAC TIY[ b•d Cent 4360013 rake., CNI ane TWO .. Ma..:. 93 Cher Longbow Eel COD. A 6 K TCWING •urn, p rap CaxCM ^9 UaW. $475 o 2 Dedoonn flYd` ....I good xa Dueas. n.im w,.. .Dai• gDdd DNE TMroan 15M ^"" email gu..• ti tie, .g dlWrr wind rod pill. po•••,Celt Cknedash, OII 211- spot Sf1� a on s.a 1 npg.. iok:aY.eri. •M p+As I7'ekeh•ed ? •vel { Vh4eor dreg L-nd,yon Anf _ BOAT - i .too. .'.✓•�pdrkr.�� •at. wt'.• .nCke0s0 Per minydo All 'nc-0 CM -w:n65 6 Gtard Pre $E `,anwd. ,. 55cr 5-. - for :5.., unpr Aea.ibN .mn,eaet.h Call w"Iew d AraA Tw. u.droom, $6'3 •try 7Iq aceae"I COMM"O+ . C and Scrap Ca . ;wyr. Nmoe W.- Chris, 905 WA 0379 March iH CAN 305 571 aro feet 1 wyn .rKtieded - alDIIn •5 16 Vans. 2 subs, C 'rucks. any OJf10- "San. swim I4 kIl to And appant"M wtl 430 sal,, Nell. Osra.a L:•nne { cTWO s .. scan �v 6 Trude 54 Can nr .' CAN any".roll 21 IADa dpm »Wit Neill 2 0earoorrl S663 { fb•k; RAM-, My, 905 x36 avaiebw imnwpatnr ^'.11- how, ARLIE SALES .•O 520 Taunton Flo Ent 1 days Fay' 30 -•Rats. tact•'+ help, aid mad f. "c. na ' 4 --ilii. Manch 1�4 s ADP. 197 CA.N AVAILABLE MAR 1st 2 60-2 b•dr ., •-•. �.v'"g room. OSHAWA TWO Ciro 511--8662 FOR RENT. al A leal 720 2755 NMC9 No pa hts :'.T 9105,427 7 7 4 5 Cyan bwidng Npm ^'y"w exl..ri 4 aPD6Mcef. CM _ ,.r N'y pa,nle0. WHIT•Y Cl,.v !n dlnlowr arg• 11111. TO 1,0 lilt i'l iade Call Kern I Rec resOOnal 5'9-9600 2 •E D1100M a ren ray air large gordn rsvve chew W C.M And M urrr- fe", S72•a.'nnnm Pow ABs lead p, raw •nk4. 905-Sr92727 b•4h9ehn elpielmonl ga. rage. $6651-th ndu Aradable Apla ,u yl.l, '.fit (905)509 -SSBI Velacse$ ';,ra.a D •". a� 1 x01 real. n'ydn and wake, at sow 66•-a{•78aeaM7 .li .. N. tom Penny aurae". ^page BACHELOR ADI OvdddDle yet r.ke,enwf rpwrwp .'I i.l lige Iln]ncint L.,416) 32MUl Availsa. no. Non n «e a "red raw, rasa Call 721-9132 or 725 WHIT•"- ONE o.dn"" .ir 11 Nou ha,G AUTOMOBILES.1. 197] DODGE Cerae.. n Smokers PN»rrd 3600k ma. Wus hyd0 Sr94?46 b.evun,g G; Whitby 5{73 Apphanw, ubktes and ADa•:mwn+. ,air+. Mir' LS; S,nOnm d -T.,j f My xs .er1.0 ..:A� s wry Dpi Ca,cwp 4"' arh,rg nCkeded WpeW OSHAWA Z D,Wh� s Darting lOr 1 Car Call he'l'l: turned 4 van cnndbrn ' a"r �. as 9-W.,, Al meCnam 2 '.1'- bakemenl apt sol ga Dccupancy' Se Dr.gn' air-,Ddorn m 5054300959 hcl.'fd Lw,Jnv ,'• NNCwW` ., m. D,irleir" Mq• ro ro Good "- vaaaLa Marts t Uuews Curvy Cameral On -sae m, n WHITBY 3 •..ypn, Cain pain Alto -0" M K' 57 Crw p wds and pal Must be kawn. Y.cNbd Ar con tw oft d. rrf.Mgerr,.nl fa 0001 Q S650irri0 Dikes uLi� large Ddrm 'JvFr As.ulahle for ml ,MC puwop Ip an, Cie a Heat M 16900 Cnt CAN e+ke of use.. dry^ 61-8-2454 les Ind Wes asking aNa. �e'y yacxwf had credit rune. penin. 9,05431- .i4.7 1. M58395616 7 negDn. 350 mo F.P Avaeaate Mar 1. 905831 Car p.Amg. weak '.v GO aDke SaWh P,oenng x70.. ckwt /ICKRMIeG 1x90 $625 �-.ul,l Avail - Vw :u,2. hankrupt., CASH soft CARS' Vb I I ApayttlMn2f r,7ts Lrlgal •v. r;t awrd.er: I bOm ^s"'• ' 4 new r OSHAWA Ess 900 1 or Mar 688 A850 x70 947. on- soil Ira" 141 n rw 3c' 171 1412 Com utlr Com tater Compl. Video I Video huvrn Janice .:y used ren,cl•, ."spas noel ea tunnirig =;;rid. ..gin Call 12J?x15 a cant For Rech LARGE 1-0edrooN .Cal " v GSn,.a w it Oadinq Iappkancp, , am 4P app,pN em b Iaundiy 4pe pain. 0llghl earn Gen 5' ::.doom spa Irom 1675 5710. 3 Dwf. ,dpi avae. Close to strop- WH1T9 r, ix,e MbOOtn. n w„ „ e a raid beekdiilgs USED FRIDGE $225 ane USED 19th1 '.. 479 flayiy St EAH Alex 1 end 2 bedroom aan »raced ra (L mode.^, Clean. kn31,dMllwrrw painl6 Deg. aclkodk GM yW Cw a Sevens Really' Ltd 905 used s'ae•. S and se , -; ��% at MURAD AUTO SALES men's 1p •eel D1ar0or" fMY,nclus,ve No ooga mei lJMrtys ,rnkrded inst4u 7777 uses weer.': 5-50 NEED A - ANY c• tar. s450 'hdo i bedoom Non Immediate �� Ca pals n1- wwo CAM 728-4993 WNIT•r, ? bMoom ap Wild up. L/ty.n S' 79 and WEB DESIGN •urn, p rap CaxCM ^9 UaW. $475 o 2 Dedoonn flYd` =, 905 7862335 Mart 5625 plus 11alla•f Sc ,S ronin plot I+NOro w Ne. pend nye map- Sf1� 9p5431 -x333 Ss95 hydro h,sNaH •,jg.9yj7 engin wM w.;d IC, s:ngke a coupe M. 16 6 : 1 $605 and A i A IIDW4G. Pay 350- MavAW MMM t a ,00m 725-8710 AJAX Pile DeOroorm -mOSHAWA mem apt ,wt' br 914.nl. act av448b1e March 1, for u, upNMw bland name 30• Home and web page creation Hyper n Lasem.11 waNwtdock. BEAUTIFUL m. S395rna s.pawy lin appant"M wtl 430 Hovel $445 Anup s,1-- p4wnson s FurnWN and fink and server storage ff John �tlilt! s I• 1. sc5rap cars 6 lr,epsynrs 7 says Call 905 6865003 1 •EOItOOM rWne{led apt. downtown :ore. close forage. rvasner. dryer, parin,ng, nonsmoker. no ImnediaN Dadroom baMmen�aDt, / ppla m, pit *IH air trance. Ala. $650' lienee. nerly r.nwald, Includes parking, unbtNt. F.sVI&U raquil All 5773 Wake "nessagA WIeT•r, 2 bedrpom, quer Appl,anCK 227 Coat $t, a 905.706-523x. 30 inn to all amenaes. avrtad. rce"ll Isets Petered sour Mar lu 905 631 bui.dr avavabls ,rhe 9 Elfrurera 576 7Aa6 ��aa� at s7�40a ferv,ca h car 576-MVve $625 pk S. $700 „Ickesev. 417-4425 rrn plus 1:2 Whiles Avail sols rmMdiinely $?1- Able 1490 d,dlsly, no aH laundry, Parl 3825 'M1416) tom 899-52P7 • lg•indng� ; 11oVkly i • I 1 '"'�0N"M"" • I 1 F. I I F, • I Deecorati suRw4LTNoma GENERAL RENOVATIONS Palming Affix Mokary slislis IN~VZNXVM CARPENTRY 8Y W.LEAVER Wallpapering. New full swvicds. moves. ap- Basement Ap75., tree estimus estimates. roe Addlens second stories Stucco, Repainting old Plena and Foro speOy- Rec-roorns. plumbing, addoons, basements, finished bsmts.. bath stucco, wa nsco'ting, all RO rase or hourly'. We Addtgns. eILY9lcal. decAs. tram leak door ry rooms. d cks. Me i WOO moulding. Wall Ilew hak• head fall slataoon, baseboards. WIN. Now offenig a1-• drywat, decks. floors. doors i Widows, Doll minor house- slwds. root repairs. l beef spec al, s Palk and ceramic CounteOt p 8 01619 -per guatameedandretable o Faux N•d Spells. m fora - counter tops 2y2 Jr. t� �r Also Faux Pamung. 189. and LR Cal Na mw - 15 yrs. Exp. (io6)5zs-2145 (��2 Itt�tt call Mara 725-0005 air 1270005 (W 61"W• MCANDO S I Handyman TMS PAINTING COL (416) 500.4663 ION 6 DECOR MOUNTAIN Interior 8 Exte'lor MOVING SYS Renovations,ome Im• Wes ANCOR ts, 3 MEN AVAILABLE TO European WcrMransh p -I d W 0, la de RENOVATIONS Fd6: CTed' Conmwpy a'e and local WET ALL YOUR Paaa9•9 sro,age ane texas IJOES Y()L'RHOUSEHOLD HEEDS. reliable senk.cE HOUSE NEED) r arA4Mls.SHkor6rrWmcmn A LIFT' 633 Plumber cabttH maker' 420-D08� oacanb RM esn�ates You name it. Ise'll elecolaarl. Kitchens, 571-0755 tial rooms, recroans, 1.686491.6600 du a Hathnlums. panting, em. AM Appliance kachens, la ndsfw's. CANDO F II insured • • Moving i • Party • • Orirfrtg • S6oraple • S•vlon • • Setwds EI�M Rs�mBELLY ALL SAFE DAN( -ERS PRO DRIVING SCHOOL cmm B•Ig cks,s5.1ec. Clowns, magician. MARCH BREAK dRces.Ilpt, sc. P!K mrw;,v, top qualify SPECIAL - �avy� entertainment. Call MARCH 1• • 13 41ty-02.ty Mae i9 the Approved ,hiving t Me" productions count for I . mm 1965) 569-7i1• insufarcedscount Fee 6279. • • Alw regular courses • I can"" ,I .Bared. Qsr717 OWALLAYM cA11PET 25 Kars fatpwielce. Services reskeld". Our SPKMMY. ClownsaloonovaM. HEART Fm •rinses. Ill C{derela, sww Who. 6 L N Oulral4 Pacahmlas. Mini Mouse, lea TO HEART 917.1799 9r 997-150 Bags. Face Painting, Maps. SENIORS ll[ ii�II111.��, ``^^''��''�� Power RAW, UOn Kllg SERVICES Sabi mom. - f' (1Wer ngWM CIL Fully licensed. RENOVATIONS U y I w Repak NARRY�THE• CleBnlnti 905.471-5331 cyFg eldN,P%.use wfal alw.nw'cs Dmridi,g mwred and horded INCSan-� � 5 t APPLIANCES F;I MOVERS c7GW6ns U65-it18. Quality home sieve wave. `�' Move big a small we, price OWIOND na'"'N c-�e,. else- I tRAiHlT' Fa mora nlpmlalnn Carl lrores t : v R, m- mem allFree estimates, SEMM WAX" WORT[ call Hears to Haan lino 1975 P9kltiny 6 acwave 1-'c F•ee asci- Sarson asedunt. shat no MAm 6mVM Do For Seton Services FAWMAY HOME rim DaCOr•b ma»s. P, 0,,; 5 Cehwry we moves Appliances "dr A1a9K It n9 416 2e3 39or elft -206- Oclean home 6 e, or Cullens Pa oes ��y�03114 IMPROVEMENTS NO PROJECTT00 7414 w 1-r +-- moved. oho eta e 9 c 295-4909. a9 space cleaning. Single a And N Occaswrs. Specializing m SMALL ossa accehlee available Carparable Team service fvashrpoms ran. Call 432-2850. available. Navcan Er k On: 1 • Tax, Fnainciel lenovatlons. • KnrneLs • Basements IM'ERIOR • Moving i Insured i Bonded Can for a w.Mdws • Dolls 1P.><TERIOR • Storaglt 034 660-4"2. • • gHttory complimentary • Barrooms' Etc Pairit1R9 MICHALSKI consultation Wall n MEN 11Y11'H MOVING HOUSECLEANING, ••RICO T1I•' WPB 9 /foueai. Aanmenn. q 1-N AM 7rel (9051139.1333 905.686.5211 LARGE TRUCK A HOME-MADE • Good prices w,, 00':y h hos. Appkances And COOKING tall h•enw • Good work se old Pero SPacetists Sella Aar a LOW.f•n' ker 'esidi lel, and M.0 Month On. done by reliable A 1 1 `Call $ 7 e/ pe cD me'c a Ac Typo d a Aea L wnsd. it deDWKlahle woman Mel 576-6553 wed Free Estimates Ressorubla rases :K 1 1 ItLWM Call cart or J•se• Eat•NWN Berl 1p. Call Mary PO$03FOU 1 64919 0911 4367796. 655-1062 i • HOU • Flow• • CM•nNy • CIwWg GAILLIND,�, MAID SERVICES HOLIDAY SPECIAL FREE Cleaning with bookings of weekly 8 bi-weekly services. Inquire for details. Caring for your home with personalized and professional service for over a decade A(Fully bonded and,. rel 683-7515 / " AP•For lilloMtls ' For Rtlllt I • e Ra411 Sea, •somm owwI1a11•aa • OpO• P6190 la Owl I Personals VAMY eperinl■m for Outer Court Northeast OFFICE UMTS FOR ReR 1.8.95002 1550 and Oshawa Immecolno - 3 Good Simco° 5trw1 None BaC 9x1°10, 5500.2 B•dropm tladroorn semi our fOpR. (Oehler) loc■Iron, parking Flnsgp..r8 �^"•"'��i-'I Saw teNest r■ataad Cal111".a p'^^^ �•�' Dffob. .,■k,B C"I b765123 72s-5911 tYyf. MNr,Ds/ ,°need backyard Av■Ilaae ■sk for Boo or K■Bry A new'MOBILE SIGN' wo. M,ds 6681016 Apra til s69s7ma,m.°tilt un. ISVlest, With full COIOuf graphics! 9 P Wittier , a z bed. Pd.,la. 00th(,) Available March 1a,m Naw 905 69 7-75 1 9 � Ylduitrlal 9 I to And ADM to cal Igp51 TWO BEDROOM, nous° • IlnSaMOBILE MATURE P1"; F � SION 430-9148 or (416 789 for rant larva I„I South No Oowltpaymenl7- opportunity 4145 Osanewa. Avaiab1. Mach INDUSTRIAL UNITS Lvscharged WMTES/401 bawmar,l 1.wY 516-6642 or 683 1260 To --flags, 1.937 6 MAs ETS1611S IS one of 8th Ip0 N*YS faa'lost apt Sep entrance. wl In 4851 A8 W It este, -an- 7 -fig franchise�. we've 11eN8lDp8d knchan, Gundry. ler Dalro WHITBY l bedroom up.'119 Park and Rkw, 1748 Nu Dan FrrstIla,Vrelareric per available Apnl 1, do. and 1775 sg n 1325 sou n. a new mobile Sign With easy-t0-Ci1WrQE full i.. $550 incliniw 839- mand area Laundry. go ^atCell 5795017 ane, 5 colow letters a graphics. 3053 111191 6 P.m. or wee- rage no pen. hM0.11 571 3281 We Invite ym to contact our hanctlise sales nde Me. $850 IA. 905428-6089 For mtormatlon afflCe for ftxOreT inforrnatim, WHY rent when you cm WHITBY - 6 BEDROOMS. I I "len yam own nems a( 2 , a Dams �,ving ^ COHBgeS for Rent ������ less Ivan you Walk"' Call dining m -m, family r CDaw Heylock Sans Rep walkout easement. 5 r ap' -1111(110-2119-1119 77 Maa Summit Really plan-. $1.350 plus 655- THIS SUMMER ,�>il ,nor ;1991) Ltd 1905) 6683800 4480 Trent Valley 1r.a^tpbellbrdl �' 1-705-733-3074 GNS a (905) 6663211 WNI70 V. nnngle Creek. area for good fining, fur I I Townhouse$ 3-, badra,m h- F,P A, and allordabl9 accpmm0 cow to c0 ,Ialgn. 40,. ,y a r� Faris Ei M1 HOUSe; , I,rnshed Dasemenl, dose dation For ,,,I rm fi- con Legaf ISIS uhnhe,. Legaf Call(al6)287-3757 415, 4390 57625" For Rent ', Schools a dmennies, 1ac1 Cor'. POmI Rasort, A+ 1 Apr 1 11100 .( 905p TNI 705153 ,227 ' • Notices • I PIOHCQS 688-3007 TRENT ra„as Ted P-onlon_ Sul Marc, 1st Call 14•f; 461 NOW: 3bedrocm I len ;onCie-905430-9000 I! IA Absolute Al0lible grow ,ocanon, $675. A.a,1aflN .nnwya,e. Ayr t HOUsin RIVER- Woodand M Estates. lamely use keep tMNr RENTT I Wented ,ng cona9es. 3 pce bath. N OWYOUR HOME Events 9 I v"01, beach. store. play. FOR •t383/MTN^ MATURE P1"; F � SION ]'_.Ices 90 mm Northeast 2a rng 1 888 813. No Oowltpaymenl7- AlS ,uoliing I.. rent 3 Ocean 12 Lvscharged Io ,smn norm THOROUGHLY Call Me° el Taunters Rd . Oshawa Private NOmES (9051 sT1-6278 C 1v Limns IF,.., op' I I For Sale T-800-8410-0475 Far-rNiouse welcomw)- For mtormatlon horse. -,40. Marc, 1st SM Mart St W&y mal' 905)4388312 please call (905) Sales Rap $uhOn Grout AUCTIONEERS ASSOCIATION OF by $950 pours 211 ufildies Also 2 Osdvom wsMwnt PI_KERING J Ddrm town .npyt crwtngi./„s $89.900V 3 Be,,-. Elcel Flealty I I Townhouse$ l'a'9• eat �n k,cnen, re cow to c0 ,Ialgn. 40,. ,y a r� Faris Presents The *I (gtAf-- For Rent c„bm. garage. w,o 1n ISIS uhnhe,. 04 Jas Show Call(al6)287-3757 415, 4390 57625" '^ced yard n 5% ,town, van, k"' 41IIforrw lar two employed nm smoker for $657 mpud,n9 i,a,k, tel las 4varlape OSHAWA AVAILABLE ra„as Ted P-onlon_ Sul Marc, 1st Call 14•f; 461 NOW: 3bedrocm I len ;onCie-905430-9000 4727 house .nn 1-12 be,", lull .11" Tmrrljf /, rv'a 'r. FI IVI,. llur : basement. 4 aPpkanees. EXECUTIVE HOME ••olld�y Inn. OusAmawa garage. fenced yard. near amennies. 1895, month. presage area , 'N,i•by n. medalely "au"''a#. Dues. -•'�nr townhws 9"'�� nikws Na pets 1,9051728- 2.650 sq 4 bed,p>m5. 3 bath,00+a, N n 530 central we and central an, air cleaner, • WHITBY, NEW 3bAroom, hosted n gourb pool, hie. Mctlows ol rAnd d On A rRde v.raty, OF •ams 2vc en,ulla. 9a. place. fully lanced and MarchaWae For So" To TIS■ Hlywp saeew fully lanced, tnd9W landscaped backyard ASI,- we CFM R Ow -Fran AMC11nn- And twa'w ' located on no east ,ng $256.900 C.11430 ceFdNrent TM You DecNda To sIIF That Yea - +e, $t 095 avaiade Ory,$ to among. a Vwnw,W YFaI Avae . n t 905430-7697 a, So,,_, ..leis on No f a --'r i+„qtr, s0.% d N,r Cos ry ,fawn rule 1 a 7 Cie' s.i•, •'.,a N GO ,ivw, +� ' .. 4C2 5485 NORTH OSHAWA, 3 agents 1_'NO Down paymanr, Kendal grow ,ocanon, $675. A.a,1aflN .nnwya,e. Ayr t ' A "+w'n'x,sns •n weir roam. Hay, a,il.!, 11.7 r)snawa rained amly cumlles 16.000 down 4 55", 1 I Coming J Coming A RENTERS JRFAM' I-fily deCOralad 1h Slab 71 a kly. IenC.d • Events 9 I Event$ -'sy, h«, ler, yn.r " Psi- close to all deck. oow. -IV 900-41117 HOT. IT 5 troth with mile AIA... FURNISHED ,con, :w_ Pa '. an,-. M>me. 'pike tie .-W. a ,nfies Staffing n room Cab 14nr ngsne. place. 10 acres. ,rove. $795 incl .w an but tr38 mmm On ant Myra 905 432-8210 Lucre, THOROUGHLY Anon• 3 bedroom asking office Can •405.729-3117 Lamt x Reality $85.900 M., tip. doss" PICKERING WhdWRa,,iV ♦ <ar,w $?8.o00'ysar Cap 3 Dwd'•v,m month plus utilities Y K.n Co... Coldwell Bank ,rolNx.. S eOWwv:e, -r,- I b 778941/ COrldps }Of Sale ! ROD" .1 4.r vm n 5 deryo-nd Wrk ^9. 5750 For mtormatlon horse. -,40. Marc, 1st SM 3 D.doom morn tido, d mom . 2J3 umnws Awn Yol7yages, please call (905) hourse lar nint. North Whit- able March 1st 42C 0910 PLAZA 700900 awe+ �c^nM AUCTIONEERS ASSOCIATION OF by $950 pours 211 ufildies Also 2 Osdvom wsMwnt PI_KERING J Ddrm town .npyt crwtngi./„s 472-7320, dun a t $550 pus ,,-3 Mmes '" -wan awp ev.nry m,n,-ms cn.. a secure. ONTARIO an -•y rooms. 9+,•g• �ea kW 9oSM5-0ee0 wfroomm / _ •�� cow to c0 ,Ialgn. 40,. ,y a r� Faris Presents The *I (gtAf-- "EDnoom h�v,ss. new P,cke'ng Town Centre. $179.9x View, W ap •ale AVad ALTONA RD. 7 Skapo led h r.nn.aWd. tem scnoui, wren 1y room. new paint. sloop• 5!055 unmet Contac Dokarnr,d 1"'Our Risroi. 6 Vass, Noon Alas kxatim Daw 905839-4617 or Femng lrm,•d. ReMior. 04 Jas Show Call(al6)287-3757 415, 4390 57625" 9S% All appl,CaWS be lea DMtra and ;I Awl. IDN tAarch 1 SS 75P_ k"' 41IIforrw lar two employed nm smoker cepteC C01a,a,ni FinM, c•at S-.-6aa4ap5 NAMIONY/TOWNLINE PICKERING S. a L,verppa Vacation F� Uae"Audi " AREA- 7 It— 4 Dedra,.-.., Rd ' nwlr ,w^ townnplw. 3 wa,nroans Oos. � In. ,shoots a / Properties 7:00 ,PRM. - pr44S=y 0-bW caV." waWwf shnpp nq. 5901 plea us - d Awe First a last .11" Tmrrljf /, rv'a 'r. FI IVI,. llur : FEBRUARY/ 21" w ee 5 sops- al Mar praco gas heal. far" man 1" so -,"9446 "EARWAIER 2 "a- ••olld�y Inn. OusAmawa ►$(KERING Newly -p. da• muaW phot W� 101 1 °°wile► Maws eE4..*yow medalely "au"''a#. Dues. -•'�nr townhws 9"'�� w 14161266 -It t9 b D•acn•s swap. .C,o GO am _'w's NE EVERYONE WELCOME 211 IM ftOSO d Mor. ,nbrmaeon avW-wal AJAX - MAIN FLOOR of Avadabtaen, auY Atli. Th. snoAne Jekfar li 1 Ws At M edr. korA •oars°, 470c7rW aOI. ,275 w..kry 905 se7 5 -,cans 0 Araetson, LMewi to M Assorbr,ert 01 �x 7,I4 W oras. -7 araa.bl. STH AJAX v' Mctlows ol rAnd d On A rRde v.raty, OF marc, v sw plus 6o% 4 pedr«.m 4. rhea MarchaWae For So" To TIS■ Hlywp saeew Vekas (11M 29,-0760 bessi ;ori nwi I Cottages we CFM R Ow -Fran AMC11nn- And twa'w AJAX. N.rwood : GeOV, 3- wren 15. $ t t 5C go, t For Sale ceFdNrent TM You DecNda To sIIF That Yea Bou.•,,..., n.„^ .j:s.pa alsena 666-0OC9 YFaI Avae . - v, STKL RENTING. ^„> more BF Al 'r.I,iwrnon tiHM TICIETi: f 20.N sack, f a --'r i+„qtr, s0.% d N,r Cos ry ,fawn rule 1 a 7 Cie' s.i•, •'.,a N GO ,ivw, +� ' .. McMkle W Tse 0.1•E « call: Dern+o n 1700 ., . Cap 479-,161 nm YIF kw,a '.. fent (••S) 132-2034 or J•rLi Par nrcluf,w p..cnv«,w.r•vna,q 270 (9061 127 mm,mkn Yva,h snore,,i.. $24000 Ca V"` AVAILAI u w 107 3 $25.000 Aurari Flatau- Spm •19(151 668 799, lti•3l 951-1.2• To Reserve lf-4t ' D 91. w Taus- 726 seta wt 201 7`;" ars appwncea, WEST Jbed Money a'p Y-1 2 - garage. DWHI7•T aw57wto oke w lye p.N �.rvk.hc..."^� , to Lena 6 I Auetbm • I Auctions 71 ss da?t. Ew neae, bn.~ bas -,tem. Doss $71 eaw6 57,-t$Sa ' grow ,ocanon, $675. A.a,1aflN .nnwya,e. Ayr t O•TAN14G A LOAN aROOKLIN :.v. 4169316919 rs 040T GUAR Large 4 Cedreor' home.. 3 door ga- Rooms I for Rent ANTEED. SOME coMPAwes CHARGE U""T raft. 3 bath- G txLx ,10 FEES. OTHERS rooms, family00 900-41117 HOT. IT 5 troth with mile AIA... FURNISHED ,con, :w_ Pa '. an,-. SUGGESTED THAT you INVESTIGATE place. 10 acres. :ADW s 1auw1w4. rwn THOROUGHLY $1.300.00 per -.1-n- Pont 5400 u BEFORE SMNMG month plus utilities .(90,I 6K4 -SIM, ANY coNTRACTs arra6ppluvices. ! ROD" .1 4.r vm n 5 1(x, ' For mtormatlon horse. -,40. Marc, 1st SM I Yol7yages, please call (905) per month . w,mes C., • Inwrance 472-7320, dun pts three rung smgia 9(xl-5 tx/ 65- busayess hours. eking miles 915 a3a 8614 - MORTGAGES .... .. Dora ant ,.dol F,w,cng b CLEAN l w= raise,^ ALTONA RD. 7 Skapo led .ray Pwpose. Mora from Ik,n9l._ s : JL4 ftr gra 'adWf' 9S% All appl,CaWS be lea DMtra and ;I Awl. IDN tAarch 1 SS 75P_ k"' 41IIforrw lar two employed nm smoker cepteC C01a,a,ni FinM, c•at S-.-6aa4ap5 w FKawaM 5713138 Share $*parol. kitchen. 96 •. c 2 bed nolrw behlsl sem two !than Ret • 9u9k1r•Sf osY 00th I"sl Forced yard, and o..o ;905,509.2459. awnings I I11tiM Oshawa Contra 2 W Wricas $645 . uakae , Firs($ Lau Available ,mitis. AVS "s a 100'. 01 Buvno-sol im 3wafy (905) 432 1268D Lffy IN)"o'nvement books cas- IIDIISE FOR REIT urge s290, �.m a;.srura ss!,es. orb ma•" CA., 10, lot. clesn 1C. .we'v1 e, ...I. Vo-, fir- wS." 1'884' am. 871 +765 �'•Ylfote IMYeonN 96542 imm3-4861 GII 5;6. LastIu,01o, Person AUCTION 8642. o, 683165 t stet. wonnq parson 11 UNIT HOTEL, Peelle - 1.. wnh ion d VA- pew,ad , ur pa,kln9 A- Baal Norm of Perry is:" AA -" ,w n Norm East Osliaw i�05439-1133" Sours. ll los. 31 DHoly OO Walk to downtown and 069. small law. fat 5.000 hospital Fridpndry stow. LARGE master o.oloom. &b Draper, M Game,* y� f "0'01`-lus � a M -tidy corar. pnme. full Real Ewa La. (705) 746-1011 BIOOrSbNf Elft Mach tit. (905) 7238291 uta or "l- $AOp- w 1631 ties (705) 746-9113 ir,cb- 688-0956 a 5764531. ESTABLISHED DURNAY OnL N.E. OSHAWA, Som -3 T awl Agency lar sant. NOTE! - 7N• ls lilt AteeclaOWS AMM wild, , , 1R Dace,,, large / •• Curren lent Int, Iss ad- AAM:tbn C•� , Mp"rp4t 51 F]arK•. yard.. $950 Plus ualr- ' AuOmodAtiar vantages Inrr6urd parties In ANt1a1110e 1b A WNe 1Mrisly Of New bw.V&9006 Apr ,5. Call is. 905967460/ M•rNlall� (1<10lsM• Craft Hous@Mb Wry lex appantmant. 905- G•ede Arid y a �. � 7560051. WMXULATE 2-bedro0n GIVE Yew busirissa me y ou WHITBY' NEW esrwlnw easrnwnl apart"W'. to boost rt rwees' Jan Ilea At Un-dPubk AaCNM ��Be hale. 3 DdNE 2 ,2 bolls. ,nae wiIn Wan, respwri MMro East so,et9 r/om. a Entionamead y AP•r6a*W* 60 PIM Ile slew tamry room wen ore working IrMNWmale. Gordan Shw. Great FUK" OMarb CaMMplerl Auchormwm hrapaq, 5 appiaric•s. ..dry toolnws, arIvuse: spAus sail wadable Es- S� WM us per A kaganqUK rced la WWI dads. 51300 S380/rrionth, AoseaOle Im- Pow yo„ y brsewss ro over • PkA. (416) 430-29M medataly. 432-2442, ler. 25.000 -PI Core 905- mom �� A f]araca ISM 7th '/MeEw ND DOWN MYIEf1T, no ry655-8276 a t-600461 DraMom, elec. TItrN or 1 1xORKYNs (Mhela wen- 3355. AtN'riN -RIM �EM fftN tie bedlo0rn, 1 t2 stay de. eXirlwI ap 20.25 pr•lerrAd. HJURSTYLISTS, port your Ms�r�Sealte lMM�7stsr �! wood. hew kitchen = lO char■ 2 bedodm Apt. own Dusan■•,. on Slmco4 aaeeeelwsrew IlE now broadloom. W linty s shod. MUM Mw St. N.. Oshawa. (Pmts Lo- PUa en spotless Icor to animals 688-3484. In fro capon) a long osadiaMd �Mrk�r boUorn, own rt for epprOl- ansnwr 721.0068 nave br,■uty salon wen 7 ,Maoris I1RfARN .n.wy SSBI monody n- messa9• for ram b own a lei sen ti WTWNtW codas taxa. Blow ant InvesMrartt property. ( 2 Rasa PAMW arse Ceu &M I stores) Easy hnAnClrp Wb (•Gi11f I l �� Rldierdson, R�•rrY NeI As- jeer RAM today 725 1171 SOUNIM /3:-7949. ry7s01a441LC110Fr IrS TIME TO GET MEA, a IMI had$ WHITBY CONDO, ethyl 2 STARTED - In your own •' "FP"'w� • ' AV Ida =1 bi � pedr0an, 2 Dallis, 1 aD• dlstrlWtam In.,= rn air. 3 wd0oms, 5 pluhas. und■rg'o rad Durham. Consoler and DliArices, Dow tb aldlOd4, pant- indoor Pool etc., $Keine, products. NO tran- 5980 ncWs,w. Available ch" Ne. Call Greg905- DRUM wry spaaous. r■lenrlps. raw. 433.1014. •9k^9 $1.050 per M. pen 6661236. LESSONS 'abet rn-2507. Office 6 MOTHER'S dream Sfy Private lessons AUCTION NORTHOSHAWA' 3 1 • I] RtNil Spores hone. Lotus weight, tont available, rea. _buh ajD.. nin great Earn SM call 418- sonable rates,CONSIGNMENTS z. hIl,Pets. applanc•sr 631-3625. Call 1132.5255 AND ESTATES S'X1D7irvduNw. A,.= OSHAWA 4 hileel fs PREPAID GAS wrtit- IOC800i1 WANTED Ape Id: IWAM. Call: 579- Fns Rene Ill- 3000 W "tea, fill your arik and Ajax LOW COmnliSSlOrr, 9103 Lwr,M. $900, 850 592nd. earn a great intone Now aij fir $550. 600 W main company launched Jan. payment next day. min nA house for tint• $500. 250 sq main $350. 1997 Looking IW busarM PIANO LESSONS Royal Sales every Tues. mem noon with bAwlwnl. 6� 2nd Ili $500. 1.200 517 builders NetwWk market- Cwhamtory a Music at- Thurs. and Sat el 6 living 2 kecnens. 2 n. 2nd IlOor Cell 43/-2447 trig wp4nance an asw[. 1. aletl Oaro IeaCter 91 I., 9 00th,, 2 lull Dams. 0655-1132 BBB -5733589. lessons For more into= p.m. Antique turni- p. backyard. $1200/ Don eau Susan (4/6) 199- ture, appliances Month Ist/last Call 725- 0173 etc. QNTIBf and 8911 days. wenn op- kwds 668.016 erator OSHAWA- 4 e.drown Office a ORke • • ' Personals MYLES KING [13 e. punt narghbolbod. I • I Retail Spate I • Rowl Space AUCTIONS 10 sdlod5 and Amen s950 DWs ut,was. CHEATING W1VES - ON. 3, Hall St. oa'pWtCY p9 furnace RETAIL AND OFFICE TARIO PHONE NUMBERS. Df 511-0,5/5. 19M 1515566 lel. 253 ��r ERNG . Owbartav SPACE FOR LEASE $349fmdn touch tone. to EIUIbNah•dfn FNrw Charming 2 Elevator, air conditioning, plenty of p0. 1960 store hetus. aro wt. EVANLY RAYS Poise7255751 ow bedpan.. $1200. parking. various locations, stet us RAW n in Cana. March lot Rear- Available immediately °a Low. Money. Ca'•"• s. i4t61441-54,6 y' Lucky to Achiever Suc- Call725-9991 _5 1299nnolut• 18, 1- 9004514055 THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED., FEDRUARY 19, 1997.PAC;E 15-A goI Personals Persolital Prayer To The Holy Spirit says 9 times "Our Father and Hail Mary" for 9 days. Make 3 wishes. First concerning business, 2 other wishes for the Impossible. Publish this on the 9th day, and your wishes will be realized. Even if you don't believe, it's unbelievable but true. N. P. News Adeetfssr D, tsient b *very Monday to Friday ssoo a.m. to can 683-0707 to piam your ad or fax ft 683-7363 ANNt"LWe•'k • i I Aan«RamRd$ • i IM...0 • i Ilithississonts Still Time to Register for the following Continuous Learning courses Course/Code Start Date Time Price Ancient Shsrertr,'IFil 1w,, 'Feh 11 9Oil-4(x) 4H, Acverhevmvsf T.unrng (.15177'x1, 'Feh 11 9 00-4 1x) 48, Reae'raK,' Te, hmd„g1 ,fcF'17 1 i5N, tial 5 G txLx ,10 144 - Creanrv'Shrrlu(/; nk ,r,Fl mIs, 'Feb 11 900-41117 i" r.'nn,het Rug Pup,,, SFW 1/77, 'Alar 11 971x1-4 1x1 41' Embnr len /nr It Rinne, ,SFW /9.51 •tlar.q 9 6y) q rx7 37" FxquLSae I) • ,r 8o�t „i- re-RF7 1944, •Aja Hi 9 00-4 00 4x'. Fv¢enrA•IAi a JuAJ 1P,,V4 ,rXFT.// Vla,N 900-4I/() tis, FG/rat Amow, m,•vf. -e url taxi, Afar 1' G- FO X i0 1(x, ' Fiau[Amarq�Ynt+m U7+G/»y{. ,rJd7l'aN, '.tfur 11 9.00-4 110 123 CA,trtng I1uhh,h, 1 ' ARrl' f'x/(, '.slur 11 9(X7-4 1x/ W- 1/"me 'If" "R ,77„K7. Ileal/ Alar _'r, (5 (x) -ii ;,) 81, 1V7.�T' ITh, n,%,,r /': xw// F.-1 9(xl-5 tx/ 65- PtIou g; F (Ar(1me' f,,Tw 7h,,, 10 orf 1975/ 'Liar 1 9 ()(I-4 00 74 "- Qralt Our,, P, 4 ... 1 Qr,atr'; ,,FW 1911, 'tour 1 9 00 111.Y, it = Quilt Ruud n, hn+-dam ,1FW 19.x/ .$lar x 9 00-i Ix, 65 Refvemrm/ 1"remnng-,re,sq twx„ Alar 1- s (X)- to Ilei 54, -%eu'tng /1 •li'a _lea/, ,Afar 15 r 00-1006 96 •. 5m- lv lel! 1tah1 x,rn nrfr, 5Eu /•,.,,, T7pr !'1 91x) -4(x) ix' The Fm,•r1;.'N( F,•m,nm ,1F7s I•,11/, 'blur 11 900-i iy) .11" Tmrrljf /, rv'a 'r. FI IVI,. llur : '/,x/.11 Awl fllmarrrueri lay; I) nnan g,r.xF7"144x, ',Lar 15 90r1 -41x1 -tx" • Ow day N'rrrkx)jw4" Register totlayl To reraiva is few cons• eoi War fte r- by Piled• -.A Plan -cede er , -owei chis, cord 721-3000 or caurw :,No toll 1.500.4614260. 721-3052. Educating You for the Real Vi,/ortd. • I Personals •,E AVf N'7 �n^ ar orf.^CC.:00 reed., 1... P- 1a . 1.90045• wy AVEN'Y ►$YCHK en. LIVEI-011s ' - $now, ..,451 ST: La 363 SIri . 6. Pl cyl CO W21 r6a 1410 MDOM.IGNT ESCORT SERVICE nrgri ;saps Wlef•mW Esinns b, al OCCM- M 4110019 rolls 24 en , does 4=-146ng its" yarecons WORKING '«_oris w coma ag. 26 25 ' :o snare : Dedroor^w apt fully fum•rr.d sa-a lWs anmels an 3464 r no ■newer 721 0068 torso -nassag. fsuslnMe • fa•rsorrals INTERNET ADVERTISING WOMM11 Ge, vn-, Du„ nes, on me Wound *,da W.b to, Mrou, $2 day, FREE into Call 905.434 2170 Dow TW- „02 • panlons A 0000 LOOKING Sn C-0. shy Guy naafi, a Val•nora Gal A._ be EASTSIM CONNEC- TIONS DATELINE - Free to cap to plata your ad. nor charges for apses, no phprie bill citing". 905- 430-7060 • eMlcatooft PSYCHIC 8"' Rl a sil kwY will be appear" M ten Oshawa Psyauc For KaartanCho. FeD.2t. 22, 23. GM (116)926-6942 b, nlanlAaon 6 pw-w legs ? SellingSomething 2 EASY WAYS0110 1 1 1 1 1 I HERE'S HOW IT WORKS - I. our ORKS- `our 19 cord Fill LS %17116 etl for) Lun,riUUtr kUt, ate rate i:< ha: on the highesl priced item in the ad. 500 _$9911 ..... . ..................SIO -GST 5100 - 5199N .........................S1S+ GST S200 -S299 .... ......................S?j + GST S300 -S399 ..........................S35 + GST 'H,�." $400-S499 . . .......................S45 + GST aL'L7 ads arc nut re'f miunw all ja j 1p,Ik11 u ur li arris'+l �)i wcr 3. To glee t ou ,in idea. check thi, example R.ALNGE & refrigerr)r onlr ' ceark old. 30 -.self clean J'l ll- X0.6 0A frost free r.' r of UUuI' Tbeprice forth. i cul uy)uly be 535+ G�7ba.sed rfn the pace of S315forthe rejJi AD WILL RLN LN 10 REG10\AL ED170!l PAI' FOR 1 WEEK i RECEDE 1 WEEK FREE APPUE� TO.V1,10 0 & .AL70NIOBIO FOR SALE. ONLY $89+ Gff dim &P News Advertiser =0 E F-68-3-0707 The 2hovr offer ipph to nontanmerc:Jl Jd1'r bsrrs only !r11+E7 am life app0lbmty n pif mvr ks)K11S Lora FT At 116D 1tel ilii?r:,rar'xa^. nam I lelened les pN[mn r. Ile 4+s U:^ni v its Seek, 111 V}yNi r elaf9l IOInp1n S Br ?-, rose -a ,'2I0u> IID alts Jrld oar ivrv7r 31:+Kd Ise 3rei16t s+wk1 bt IN hi11.T,r •n" 1 r,. klnemS:Inra;.+r. Wrn Ivr, r1�L!rx 4.1MsitlRklan. Ms1K t:R.'r f 2;4, i "ism Deaths I Demos In loving memory of Ronnie, who passed away suddenly February 20 1996. We think t f Tou silence. We often think your name. But all He have are memories. And Four picture in a frame. Thet say memories are golden, Nell rna%be that is true. But he newr Hunted nremories Ronnie. 4e only' Hunted you. There Hill alH'ay.c he a heartache. And rTien a silent tear, But alHay.1 the precious memories, Of the dues when you Here hen. We hold you close to our hearts. And there you Hill remum, Iii walk Huh us through our hve.T. Until we meet again. Sadly missed and 1'e,rcvcr loved Your Family. III I AMAM TACE 16 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 11, 1117 Durham College president leaves meeting bearing gifts Visit to Catholic school board trustees results in donation for integrated university program Durham College president Gan Pulonsky got more than he bargained for when he pitched the college's integrated university program to Catholic trustees Monday night. In fact, he gut $400 more than expected Four trustees. led by Oshawa's Mon Simmons, each pledged $100 to the college's $12 - million fund-raising campaign. Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board chairman Tum Oldman• Nice -chairman Todd McCarthy and Pickering's Kevin Ashe also chipped in. Mr Pulunskv had told trustees he Pickering tops Ajax in Waste Reduction Challenge Pickering residents can hoia incir garbage bags high Thcv'rc the winners in the third annual Wastc Redu:tion Challenge hctwren the Towns of Ajax and Pickering. It', the first time Pickering has won the challenizc in three Nears of competition with its neighbor This near, the contest ran for the month of \member. coinciding with Waste Reuucuon Week Garbage truck, from each of the towns were weighed before entering landfill sites to determine which lowncollected the most garbage - That total was divided by the num- ber I residents in each municipality to determine the winner. The contest "scrves both our communities well and promotes an awarencs of a world problem. We hold the future of the world in our hands;' Ajax. repre,cntalivc Bob Bailcv told Pickering councillors Monday He presented a trophy made from items that would othcrw ise go to a landfill site that was created by Trin- ity Teens, a group of students from an Ajax church "It', the env ironment. in the end. that's the winner." noted Wastc Reduction Challenge co-ordinator and Pickering V1'astc Reduction Committee chairman E.arrame Roul- stun, Kinsmen, Kinettes recognized PICKERING — The Town of Pickering has circled tomorrow's date to recognim the activities of Kinsmen and Kinettes. Kinsmen and Kinetic Clubs of Canada will celebrate their 771h anniversary Thursday. Feb. 20. The Town of Pickering has declared the day Kinsmen Day and has also proclaimed the week of Feb. 16 to 22 as Kinsmen/Kinette Week, The Kinsmen and Kinetic clubs in Pickering have been active in the com- munity 31 years. Both clubs have supported local youth groups, sports teams and chari- ties. They have raised money for Cystic Fibrosis research and have contributed financially to numerous town projects, including Kinsmen Park. the Picker- ing Recreation Complex and Picker- ing Museum Village. The clubs have also supported annual Canada Day celebrations. Community resource book hot off the press The Ajax -Pickering Community Resource Handbook is now avail- able. The handbook contains more than 800 entries of local programs and services provided by govern- ments, social and community groups. The book is $25 plus postage and handling, To order, call Information Ajax -Pickering at 686-2661. Information Ajax -Pickering maintains a database of more than 1,000 entries and has information counsellors who can refer people to appropriate services wasn't asking for money from them but instead wanted their approval to allow any interested board employ- ees to give to the campaign through'a payroll deduction plan. He also asked for the board's moral suppon. Education director Grant Andrew said the college will explain its earn paign to board employee representa- tives later this month. Last week. Durham Board of Edu- cation trustees approved the use of an employee deduction plan for its employees who want to contribute to the college. The college hopes to be able to offer students a unique educational opportunity in Canada, giving them the chance to take both a college and university education in one location. By spending one extra year, students could get double credentials: A col- r 4- 'eature Car 36 -1995 MON 17 CARLO Z34 lege diploma and university degree. They could also take just college courses or university programs. Negotiations are under way with Ontario universities and the college hopes to have an announcement on this and funding by the spring. The college, through its Universi- ty Centre, already offers university degrees in a limited number of cours- es,including business and science, in conjunction with Trent and York uni- versities. A full university program would give students access to degrees in all programs. The $12 million will go for tech- nological upgrades, the university and a trust fund for students in finan- cial need. Mr. Pulonsky said close tc $1 million has already been raised in the campaign. 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I rraaw ' 6xplres Feb. 26H7 TIME SPECIAL Front or Rear a morMs e no pa. 14!gBrakes no Bonn' psynl�rlt Every Wednesday 5-8 p.m. 1st come first serve! mt/� ( sy�p, ,,l3 a (] • llJ»I.!3 Z7.•JC:/tIJJ VJ a f �U Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat. 7:30.5p.m., Wed. 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m. a�myjyj