HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1997_01_31I STOREROOM L PERIODICA! News ickering Advertiser VOL 3.2 No. -4 S1 FRIDAY. JANUARY 31, 1997 Pressrun'12,500 36 Pages 101/6A 'inws r FIBERGLASS WINDOWS By LEATHERDAI.E Windows A Doors 601 Aspen Rd. 8 31-19$9 Pickering 12-t induHmr %r—kr A..kt­,.tl \tedium frc.h f– cat fritw, hamrnlatic %lad- Rra.. 4dft ,rr �t •_ w •'r s s:�c^^ •ecN-.e : rPEE EXP Not vane wth air other otter Feb 5. 97 Public board may revive junior kindergarten BY CIiRISTI' CHASE: The rebirth of the program for hination of both to pay for the pro- SIAti R111okil R four -vicar -old children is being given gram. The junior kindergarten program serious consideration by trustees in 1 certainly would like to see it re - killed in its infancy last \car b\ the the 1997 huJ,,ct. The} are lookin,I at implemented fir Scptemhm- board Durham Board of Education in order the possibility of using $1.5 million chairman and Pickering trustee Ruth to save money may he revived this tom the board's reserves or educa- Ann Schcdlich said at a budi-m com- year. tion development charges or a cum- mittec: meeting \k*cdncs(a\ nl_ht More unsafe rigs found 61&idurina inspection blitzt_1 B1 LI I),. «Viim: ,l AI f Rf Pe)kII R PIChERINC -- Sixty per cent of all (ruck, pullcJ off 1-1,6%. 401 in a sur- prisc safety blitz here ,csterda\ failed to measure up to standards. Of 7S trucks pulled o\er and inspected at the Nlictro Fast Trade Centre on Brock Road, 45 were detained for safety detects, report, Durham Rcgtunal Police Sergeant Rick Bates. INSIDE Passing the buck - I urhaun rip, 1liC I'lonlilt C fur IM.,.lny the WC -1 - fare buck - page 2. Teen knifed -A teenager is diargcd alici another youth Is knifed - page 5. Editorial Page .........6 Sports ..............15 Classified ............. Is HOW TO REACH US l General . . . . . . . . . . 083-5110 i Death Notices .683-3005 Auction line . . . . . . 083-7545 Sincerely Yours ......... - f .. ........ - ..1-1300-602-8-t 23 i Email ..............: NewsroomRdurhamnew%: S:net Internet .............. http:: ; w%\w.durhantn<\\ s.net Police charged 26 drivers and 36 owners and issued 56 cautions. Sgt. Bates believes safety inspec- tions play an important role in geuing unsafe trucks repaired or off the road, but maintains "more enforcement is tkeded. .M'o've been finding common defects that drivers should have dis- covcred, like brake, out of adjustment and bad tire,." he says of Thursday's inspection. But "nu)st truckers are pretty go ud.- maintains Syn. Bate,, who says a second in,pection blitz will be held again today. "For ever% truck out there withdefects, there arc two that are safe. %kc owe it to them to identik those which are unsafe.•' The blitz. was applauded by a num- ber of truck drivers. '•The\ ha%c to he done.- notes Jim A,_ncw, a trucker from Brampton. "You can't have wheels 11%inL off See FINES/ page 4 Durin- 19% budget discussions. trustees reluctantly voted to cancel the program which had just started in September 1995 in at\e)ut 50 sc:hoxds. 'llicy said there wasn't enough n)ono in the budget at a bine when the% were struggling to keep tax mew 0 r r t Nr YRP�/9d increatses to a minimum. But Mrs. Schcdlich said (tic hoard is facing ••a dillerem situation" this year. Board superintendent Ron la Hot wheels See P11 BLIC/ pave i r y f ` 1 photo by Ron Pietroniro Ajax firefighters douse the flames in a 1987 vehicle on the eastbound lanes just cast of Ford Tempo which sustained S1?00 damage Westney Road. Nobody was injured but traf- in a blaze on Hwy. 2 Wednesday afternoon. fic was snarled for a short time. The blaze An engine fire around 3:30 p.m. ignited the was extinguished quickly. Dad charged as tot badly hurt in Pickering shaking PICKERING —A 19 -year-old Ajax man has Jan. 23 after the child reportedly stopped breath- child has suffered veryserious injuries suspected been charged with aggravated asswit after his ing. The boy was taken to Ajax -Pickering as (being associated with) shaken baby syn - six -month-old son suffered brain injuries asso ci- General Hospital and later transferred to the drome," the staff sergeant said. ated with'shaken baby syndrome'. Hospital For Sick Children, where he remained It's believed the boy's injuries may be pennat- The father was taken into custody and arrest- in serious condition as of yesterday, Staff nent. "rite hospital can't say exactly what type of cd Wednesday by Durham Regional Police fol- Sergeant Sandy Ryrie said. injuries they are at this time, other than that they lowing a one-week investigation by Pickering The father was babysitting the boy at the arc very serious-" division detectives. mother's residence at the time of the call, he said. James Anthony Arnold, of Fern Crescent, was Police and ambulance responded to an apart- "As a result of an investigation by the hospi- scheduled to appear in provincial court in merit at 1210 Radom St., in Pickering, at I I p.m. tal and police, it has now been determined the Oshawa yesterday for a bail hearing. METRO EASTTRADE CENTRE Brock Rd. North of the 401 In Pickering Vendor Inquiries (905) 427-0754 rrcoupoN r esem f s; coupon and receive �4 off per couple or 12 off per single admission. Coupon not valid for Seniors on Special 112 price Salute To Seniors Friday COTTAGEFEST SHOW Metro East Trade Centre 4 Jan. 31 to Feb. 2197 Showtimes ' Fri. 1-9 p.m., Set. 10-6 p.m., Sun. 10-5 p.m. LEnter By New North Facing Entrance ■isfion'6" #W=l�lildrett 12 & oder FREE fl•iffillififfif PAGE: z • THF: NEAVS ADWRTISM FRIDAY. JAnvARV 31, 1"7 Region rips Province for passing the buck on welfare Bl' KI:I'IH GILLIGAN S IA 1 RLPORTT.R Durham Region is sending a "w.uning shut" to the Province against passing on s c C h rl n It h R n lc u d 0 v. at I' el L' tr w Ct N Sil C: M PI th Sa w, all Br IN S M tall %0 rc to sa Ix Pk Of Ic tv dt W, w Vz at decision can be made. Oshawa Councillor Jim logical, but there's no back-up mform;uion carr and homes for the aged'! Lct's get the Pottic.u} said.here. NN'hat I want to know Is what will he the infi,rnr.Uion and not scream the moon'. falling "E:ventualk I may suPlx►rt this ►notion. It',, cost to Durham Region, for day carr. huusln,, J�n�n. the ni �,in's falling down." Public board may re FROM PAGE I Trbovich noted that as of Jan. 1, 1'M- . the Province will take over all funding of education, apart From commercial and industrial taxes. The hoard can use money From its working reserves to pay f*or junior kindergarten from Scptemhcr to December this year and then the Province will he responsihle for the costs after that, he said. But some trustees qucs- tioned the use of reserves, cit- ing Bill I(9. the proposed education reform legislation. As of Jan. 13, the beard's vive iunio KATHI,F EN HOPPER Can't touch reserves. actions are restricted and sub- ject to approval from the Education Improvement Durham Blue Box program growing The Blue Box Program in Durham Region is expanding. As of Feb. 1, Durham resi- dents can add another two materials to the list of items accepted for recy- cling in the curb- side program. Aluminum pie plates and plastic containers that are coded with the numeral '1' are being added to the current list of recy- clable materials. The list already includes items such as newspa- pers, bottles and cardboard. Residents arc being asked to check the codes on containers hcl'ore putting them out in their Blue Box. The cute Is usually located on the N)Itorn or side of the containers inside the rccv- clin_r svmhol. Examples of acceptable items are colt drink, vegetable oil, juice, mouthwash, salad dressing and liquor contain- ers. .Aero n r U(munission which will over- -,Cc the transition to the new ,Ilvcrnancc system and .tpprovc all 1997 budgets, they said. 'I-hey'rc basically saying we can't touch them (reserves);' Kathleen Hopper of Oshawa said. "I'm very nervous about THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1"'1- PAGE 3 kindergarten this.- said Oshawa's Audrey $4 million from the $360-mil- Macl,can, adding there is only lion budget. one taxpayer, no matter which Mr. Trhovich said he's level of'government is paying. "confident" the commission She suggested reserves would approve use of working might he better used to "flat- reserves since they are nor - line" the tax rate. The first mally used by hoards to help draft of the 1997 budget indi- offset tax increases. catesa 1.9 -percent increase in Ajax trustee Colleen taxes unless the hoard chops Jordan said residential proper - Ab HAIR A.W- PROBLEMS Hard Water, Product Build -Up, ; s.. Styling Damage, r Moisture After`w Depletion, Protein Loss, `rIZZ Before & Split Ends 'mer,*_ , he 04r.1matF; Perm or Highlight Package Now $49 95 Package rc!jdes� No" nxx is perm or higt>Mghfs irlchxtes cut & style FREE ...� M10Z@ aMtll�1n "Cpa ,dlr°`'w FREE ID . Hair Fitness Present this offer to receive Special Package (905)619-8057 135 Harwood Ave., Ajax Durham Centre IMER RV/CE �r ftm X39' 959 IncludesW r C on 8 Cyl. plu and tabour to ioswl - vrn A MW Fad a $i * -L moi— 0 :AR MART PER CENTRE 0 •Iaryda r.. p—.� pol Ir sees and Lahwrr w gall 10tbw p u aad 6I,Iw\r cum if are�dedd 80 bill vwhh 10'X'""" ani ems" ty taxpayers in Ontario will he paying for all school boards' programs, which means Durham taxpayers will finance junior kindergarten programs at other boards. Durham is one of the few hoards in the Greater Toronto Area without a junior kinder- garten program. Nv CUauoux FUND Value investing. In a few select companies. The Ivy Canadian Fund portfolio is composed ,r elect companies -ho,en for value and safety atter an extensive research process -based n the premise that the managers are buying part of a business and not Iu,t a stock F x tnforrtuarton on a grassroots approach to money management that ha, been proven to work. call me today InceptionSince 25.20 20.3% 15.0% 13.70,/. R,a„'ni.99 'Includes computer check an12.91 labour to adjust 'Shims and pans extra if needed F& SW &MIM Fwd 101117 TIME SPECIAL 14!gFront or Rear Brakes Every Wednesday 5-8 P.M. (1st come first serve!) Hours: Mon., lues., Th urs., Fri. 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat 7:30-5p.m., Wed. 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m. Chartered Financial Planner Maximize your R.RSP Investments. Minimize your taxes payable. Find out why so many investors are switching over. Building Trust since 1975. 428-"1I 144 Old Kingston Rd. Pickering Village YL Y f►t ��tF�r IVY F U V VS Imtx,rtant mtormition Ax,. d in the +rmplalcd rro,pccu, Ime,ior, +hou,, ontxn AI op, from 'nr. r imr,trn.nt add: ,r and rad u,aretulh hrlorc in%c,tin; Rr len+.oPt,cmlx•r is:JJr are hnto Iji rnnwi a,mpoundrd (oral return, :rn:udmL : hangr, :n and +.Lur .Ind rc in r,t nent ul all dntnhutlort and do cot t.lkc nm, .L,nunt .uc, ;cdrmpnon or ,pnon.11 harzr, pjvable hs an mer+tor which would have rlu.ca return, hhen pur,ha,tn� mut::a 'und, tr%r,,.,r„hould he aware :iut - . u.J Lund me,cmrm, .ire not QU.Ir.Ifltrcd i cu:x+ ,n:::.. . mrnt rctu tale over time 14k Acl_.r 2> a�,'T thi, ad+cnt+cmen; NA&MME Building Fb=clal independence n Include.. afflame.v. Fawv,n W,� rncndly ' $1998* ' All fluids topped & battery checked floe FREE. ' Expires Feb. 28/97 I Omost cars and light trucks — — — — — — — — — — UNITED WAY OF AJAX-PICKERING KATHY NICKAY CONINIt,NITY SERVICE ANVARD Io/ United Way is looking for that special individual who has shown outstanding support to the communities of Ajax and Pickering through a volunteer ett'orl en behalf of United Wav and its agencies. Nomination forms are available in the United Way Offike located at 95 Bavly Street West Suite 407 in Ajax. Nominations MUST he received by Friday, February 28, 1997 .Aero n r U(munission which will over- -,Cc the transition to the new ,Ilvcrnancc system and .tpprovc all 1997 budgets, they said. 'I-hey'rc basically saying we can't touch them (reserves);' Kathleen Hopper of Oshawa said. "I'm very nervous about THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1"'1- PAGE 3 kindergarten this.- said Oshawa's Audrey $4 million from the $360-mil- Macl,can, adding there is only lion budget. one taxpayer, no matter which Mr. Trhovich said he's level of'government is paying. "confident" the commission She suggested reserves would approve use of working might he better used to "flat- reserves since they are nor - line" the tax rate. The first mally used by hoards to help draft of the 1997 budget indi- offset tax increases. catesa 1.9 -percent increase in Ajax trustee Colleen taxes unless the hoard chops Jordan said residential proper - Ab HAIR A.W- PROBLEMS Hard Water, Product Build -Up, ; s.. Styling Damage, r Moisture After`w Depletion, Protein Loss, `rIZZ Before & Split Ends 'mer,*_ , he 04r.1matF; Perm or Highlight Package Now $49 95 Package rc!jdes� No" nxx is perm or higt>Mghfs irlchxtes cut & style FREE ...� M10Z@ aMtll�1n "Cpa ,dlr°`'w FREE ID . Hair Fitness Present this offer to receive Special Package (905)619-8057 135 Harwood Ave., Ajax Durham Centre IMER RV/CE �r ftm X39' 959 IncludesW r C on 8 Cyl. plu and tabour to ioswl - vrn A MW Fad a $i * -L moi— 0 :AR MART PER CENTRE 0 •Iaryda r.. p—.� pol Ir sees and Lahwrr w gall 10tbw p u aad 6I,Iw\r cum if are�dedd 80 bill vwhh 10'X'""" ani ems" ty taxpayers in Ontario will he paying for all school boards' programs, which means Durham taxpayers will finance junior kindergarten programs at other boards. Durham is one of the few hoards in the Greater Toronto Area without a junior kinder- garten program. Nv CUauoux FUND Value investing. In a few select companies. The Ivy Canadian Fund portfolio is composed ,r elect companies -ho,en for value and safety atter an extensive research process -based n the premise that the managers are buying part of a business and not Iu,t a stock F x tnforrtuarton on a grassroots approach to money management that ha, been proven to work. call me today InceptionSince 25.20 20.3% 15.0% 13.70,/. R,a„'ni.99 'Includes computer check an12.91 labour to adjust 'Shims and pans extra if needed F& SW &MIM Fwd 101117 TIME SPECIAL 14!gFront or Rear Brakes Every Wednesday 5-8 P.M. (1st come first serve!) Hours: Mon., lues., Th urs., Fri. 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Sat 7:30-5p.m., Wed. 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m. Chartered Financial Planner Maximize your R.RSP Investments. Minimize your taxes payable. Find out why so many investors are switching over. Building Trust since 1975. 428-"1I 144 Old Kingston Rd. Pickering Village YL Y f►t ��tF�r IVY F U V VS Imtx,rtant mtormition Ax,. d in the +rmplalcd rro,pccu, Ime,ior, +hou,, ontxn AI op, from 'nr. r imr,trn.nt add: ,r and rad u,aretulh hrlorc in%c,tin; Rr len+.oPt,cmlx•r is:JJr are hnto Iji rnnwi a,mpoundrd (oral return, :rn:udmL : hangr, :n and +.Lur .Ind rc in r,t nent ul all dntnhutlort and do cot t.lkc nm, .L,nunt .uc, ;cdrmpnon or ,pnon.11 harzr, pjvable hs an mer+tor which would have rlu.ca return, hhen pur,ha,tn� mut::a 'und, tr%r,,.,r„hould he aware :iut - . u.J Lund me,cmrm, .ire not QU.Ir.Ifltrcd i cu:x+ ,n:::.. . mrnt rctu tale over time 14k Acl_.r 2> a�,'T thi, ad+cnt+cmen; NA&MME Building Fb=clal independence n Include.. afflame.v. Fawv,n W,� rncndly ' $1998* ' All fluids topped & battery checked floe FREE. ' Expires Feb. 28/97 I Omost cars and light trucks — — — — — — — — — — 1'-%t:F A -111F. NF.Ws ADVv.wnsvR FRID%Y,.IAtit'ARY 31.199-7 photo by Andrew Iwanowski Ministry of Transportation Inspector Brenda Johnston checks one of several trucks pulled over at the Metro East Trade Centre in Pickering Thursday during a two-day safety blitz. Fines insufficient, says victim's sister FROM PAGE I killing people." He belre%rs man} truck drivers are worried about the publicity generated in the wake of a recent acci- dent in which a mother and daughter were killed when a wheel which fell off a truck struck their %chicle on Hwy. 401 in Oshawa. Mr Agnew says he spends halt an hour impact- ing his truck before hitting the road. "If the wheels flew off my truck and killed someone, that's something 1 would have to live with for the rest of m} life." Meanwhile, fellow trucker Ted Jorias of Sarnia "firmly" believes "most of the junk is off the road" and feels it's time for the Province "to look at the shape of the roads... I'm car- rying 140.(XN) pounds hack there and I've gone over humps that can lift my whole unit off the road." He's critical o1 the wav police forced him off the road Thursday, saying he narrowly escaped getting in an accident when he was stopped quickly. "I'd like someone to put a camera on the hood of a truck for a week and see what we go through. I'm tired of being called a killer and everything else. People have been giving us the fin- ger for no reason when they drive by." But blitzes aren't enough, maintains Theresa Worona, whose sister Angela was killed two years ago today after a Flying truck wheel crashed through her windshield while she travelled on Hwy. 401 in Ajax. "I'm still fighting ... The same trucks will be back on the road tomorrow," she says, nodding her head at a line of rigs lined up to K.- inspected einspected at the Trade Centre parking lot. "These trucks are on the road 365 days a year. One - day (blitzes) aren't going to help." its. Worona says current fines aren't enough of a deterrent to truckers. "It's unbelievable that people's lies are worth just a couple of hundred dollars." She believes Transportation !Minister Al Palladini "has gi%cn us watered-down regulations. He's talked about licence suspensions, but I don't know what's happened with that. He keeps saying, 'We're looking at' different things. He's trying to calm the public's fears. but he's not affecting the behavior of truckers," Stiller fines could help. agrees Ministry of Transportation enforcement officer Mike Randall. If fines were tough enough, "it would be cheaper ( for com- panies) to maintain trucks than to go out and get caught." Mr. Randall believes most truckers like safety inspections because they're often ignored by the compa- nies they're working for when they bring up safety concerns. He also believes Provinces must work together to set tough regula- tions and fines to improve road safety across the coun- try. Ontario Riding MP Dan McTeague, who attended Thursday's inspection, says it's time for the federal gov- ernment to do something about truck safety. He has suggested a national safety code for trucks and improvements in the way truck accident statistics are gathered and compiled. r ti Public trustees jump start building of new schools The Durham Board of Education has picked an architectural firm to do preliminary work on two proposed schools in Ajax and Whitbv. On Monday night• trustees picked Grey -Noble and Grey -Noble Architecls to design the schools and prepare tender documents. One school is in the Hermitage North area of Ajax, the other in the Gore arca of Whitby. Oshawa trustee Mike Nicholson said the hoard wants to he ready to move on school construction quickly if the Province makes more announcements on capital funding for new schools. Late last year, the Province announced the board would get close to $1.3 million for capital projects, none of it f -or new schools, and that an announcement regarding a new funding formula is due in the spring. "We want to he in a ready mode whether they fund these or we have to fund them ourselves;" Mr. Nicholson said. The appointment of architects means designs for the new schools and documents containing all infor- mation for construction can be pre- pared and ready in case the board gets approval for the schools. GST "TirAl���0��ON40 �ro�r W�uxovrs .. INCREDIBLE PRE•SEASON SWING -SET SALE „:c.�„�,. 356 DEAN AVE. - OSHAWA 'J T••.' 723=5686'�,..: HUGE ” WE'LL YA' SAVINGS T�o THE GST MUSHROOM CLIMBER INICReDISLI SAVINGS AND TAXES AGES 2+ NO G.S.T. NO I.R.T. ON Tnggg ' INCLUDED STB! 2 FACTORY CLEAROUTS AVW �Q TAXES EXTRA TAXES CATER $d " INCL RIG PEDAL 7 AGES 3+ TAXES EXTRA Mon. -Fri, 9-6 Sat. 9-5 Closed Sun UNTIL ■ APRIL PAY OWEILL T8E PST REE ANCHOR SET WITH EVERY SWING SET WHERE REQUIRED FREE DELIVERY! DURHAM REGION ONLY KEEtE' I ST ,,EW MOVV (9) SPORT CLDAWR •Climbing Bars .s ?t I • Mastic SlCOMPAMide 77 • Plus lots monr77 •• at 6296M Plus Delivery All Incl. SUP= MUZIME 4 LEG swVMWQ SET •AY shoulle set UM Mill 1i1�!­4k,,77 .. 77* iUL411111 rim An Ddimy MMA GR>:ATIa6i 7 -,�' a>r�rltriiitlt Ajax teen- charged after another youth knifed - AJAX — A 16 -year-old Ajax boy faces numer- ous weapons charges following a stabbing here Wednesday afternoon. According to Durham Regional Police, a 16 - year -old boy, also from Ajax, was stabbed with a knife around 2:45 p.m. and was taken to Ajax - Pickering General Hospital where he received 12 stitches and was released. Information about the type of- knife used wasn't available. The stabbing occurred at the home of a mutual friend of the victim and the accused. According to police, there has been a "long-standing dispute" between the victim and the accused. The accused was arrested a short distance from the scene and faces numerous charges, including aggravated assault and possession of dangerous weapons. ARE YOU FEELING STRESSED? Are the pressures of daily life getting to you? Wish that you could simply relax & enjoy life? F ' HELP IS AVAILABLE! Sports Medicine &Rehabilitation Clinic is pleased to offer a series of workshops designed to help you manage your stress and protect yourself against its negative effects • Reduce unwanted consequences of stress • Develop adaptive coping strategies • Modify unhealthy reaction to stressful live events When: 4 Consecutive Thursday Evenings beginning FEB. 13 at 7:30 p.m. ,4 Where: Bayly Medical Centre Cost: 120 per session or 175'11 for 4 sess Leader: Dr. Andrew Shaul Ph. D. SPORTS MEDICI\E and Bayly Medical Centre 1420 Bayty St, Unit 6 REMB11,11 TIO` CLINICS dgr"gas Call 683-5110 with your news tips IV Finauyt Over ZSrOOo square '- ect of pure gammg eritercain""Witt aria located Iu,t a quick drive from 4lcrro lortmto and pants Ealt. LVc're pleased and proud to introduce you to the Creat Blue f leron C hantable C a,trto and Birryo THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 199'7 -PAGE 5 SINGERSewing Machines • UNDELIVERED SCHOOL ORDER • Singer Sewing Machine Company ordered these machines in anticipation of LARGE SCHOOL SALES. Due to budget cuts, these sales are undelivered. These Deluxe Singer Machines must be sold. All Machines are heavy duty and sew on all fabrics, Levis, canvas, upholstery, nylon, vinyl and silk. These sewing machines are manufactured by Singer/Sewing Machine Company. Your choice while supply lasts. All merchandise subject to prior sale. These machines are suitable for home, professional or classroom. EVEN SEWS ON LEATHER! These Deluxe Singer Machines are new with a 25 year warranty. With these new Singer machines you just set the dial and see magic happen, straight sewing, zigzag, buttonholes (any size); invisible blind hem, monogram, satin stitch, embroidery, applique, sew on buttons. WE ACCEPT VISA, MASTERCARD, CASH 8t CHEQUES. WITH THIS AD $299 * 20 sftiteh functions * Heavy Duty - FREE ARM Without Ad: $529 * Front DROP IN BOBBIN SINGER *Other Machines at similar savings OFFER EXPIRES FEB. 8/97 Internet: www, 7 11 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA 433-1140 f% REGI�iERED'RAOEMARK ,i= - But wntcthinq that make, u, veryl special is our modern het) ,cat Kntgo arra. One look at our Bingo hall and we hope 1.'C'II become VOW tsVeklV stop' In Addition, we have +pedal h qh stake, full -tab+ The Fun Begins Today At 6 Pm. Fun is the name of the game at the Great Blue Heron Charitable Ca,trto and Bingo ()dds are the minute You walk d• � into our beautiful space you'll feel comfortable no what vour game. Speaking of •+ the Great Blue FiRrtow your choice of Blackjack, Pai Gow Poker, Roulette, Mini Baccarat, and Hold 'Em Poker. a real favourite Hungry' D The Creat Bin Q► N Heron has great food and drink. itt Roulettes Restaurant, Cr 1, M'CII As J [CTTtk snack area if you're in the n1p' for a quick bite. And we are jail' D i right size. 44'e're hoping to become van favourite weekly outing. You'll find u, just N.E. of - t•ttill Toronto, an easv drive from wr tt�ttttr almost anywhere' GREAT BLUE HERON CHAWABLE CASINO A BINGO .Where Fun is the Name of the Gaffe, LOCATED NEAR PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 1 -888 -29 -HERON OR 905-985-4888 t¢enxd wa ,q to ht.onduued b, the Haay.3m.4 ( ed y+ the 41-1.,tu¢t+ 01 'IC.- I+land h.+t '`uuon laury lean+any 4uiFwntr PAGE 6 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER b'R1DAY, JANUARY 31, 1997 P Pickering v d*Oials andetters News Advertise r A Metroland Community Newspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L 1 S 2H5 PHONE: 683-5110 FAX: 683-7363 Publisher: Tim Whittaker ♦ Editorial Welfare paid from same pocket Civic officials who didn't want to be part of the wel- fare solution now say they, have a problem, a big prob- lem. Greater Toronto Area Mayors and Regional Chairmen last week voted to "strongly condemn" the Province for downloading more welfare and other social service costs to municipalities. All of the 31 politicians at the meeting, except for Oshawa Mavor Nancy Diamond, endorsed a motion by Ajax Mayor Steve Parish urging the Province to follow the recommendation from David Crombie's Who Does What panel that the Province pick up the entire tab for w eIfare. And. on Wednesday. Durham Council voted 22-6 to oppose the downloading of 50 per cent of the welfare hill to municipalities. Council members also suggested the Province follow the recommendation of Mr. Crombie's panel and the Golden Report before it. Those are the same politicians who were slow to endorse the Rcgion's participation in the Progressive Conservatives' workfare program. They couldn't see that workfare is a long-oycrdue concept that will make social assistance recipients work for their benefits and eventu- ally remove many individuals from the welfare rolls for- ever, a concept that's embraced by most people. The Rcgion's politicians argue that the Province, with its larger tax base and therefore deeper pockets, should pay the entire cost of welfare. It seems they've forgotten that the Province has taken over responsibility for the full tab for education from property taxpayers. Durham Council members should stop whining about the Province downloading the cost of welfare to munici- palities. After all, the money that goes to social assis- tance recipients will come out of the same pocket – yours – no matter who appears to be picking up the tab. Local politicians could put their efforts to more con- structive use – by ensuring workfare succeeds in remov- ing social assistance recipients from the welfare rolls. To respond to this editorial call Infosource at �nfO o je 683-7040 and dial 5110 ♦You said it... In response to reporter Linda White's column `C' mon Ms. Ecker, help those in need' in last Tuesday's edition: ♦ "I think the Tories have made it quite clear they can't finance tax cuts to the wealthy and provide home care for the disabled. As sick as it may seem, I guess they feel the poor, elderly and dis- 'R'AFTERNOON SI'R' WEE HERE TO INFORM YOU THAT IT HAS BEEN DETERMINED NAT YOU WILL K RECEIVING - = - 6ECAUSEWERE IS - NO DANGER.• _ � — NEY WE'D W10Z 6a HERE EO! .c,,;,�i•, ,;,�,�\ .- 'llL, - It ♦ Letters to the editor Custodian takes exception to letter writer's claims To the editor: Re: Henning Raven's letter, Jan. 15 — contract out custodial work. I'm curious as to the level of "experience" Henning refers to in Metro schools. Is it from direct participation, a passing glance at an open door or simply rumor and innuendo'? I also take exception to the assumption that all custodial work- ers are the same as what was "experienced" in Metro. If, in fact, what was "experi- enced" is true, it is clearly unac- ceptable and has to be rectified. I'm a taxpayer as well, but I assure you in my many years of "experience" as a custodial worker in Durham, I've never had the priv- ilege of "waiting for something to happen" nor have I ever had the pleasure of "sitting around all day in a cozy office, reading, drinking coffee and watching TV" with all the amenities of home. However, the teachers lounges are so equipped, and we have to clean up after them. I live by the old adage, never judge someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. Whether you agree with Crombie's assessment or not is irrelevant when using Henning's "experience" as a criteria for deter- mining the fate of CUPS school workers, in this case I neither trust the motives nor believe the experi- ence. All we are trying to do is keep what we have and preserve our jobs. No one wins in a strike. However, in this case, it appears it's the only avenue left. J.D. Robinson, Ajax The News Advertiser accepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verification. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser JOANNE BURG-IARDT Editor in Chief Teachers make it all so real Block walls, a fireplace all aglow, pewter fixtures on the walls. School was never like this when I was a kid. I sound more like my grandmother every day. Truthis, the classroom hasn't changed so much as it has kept up with the times. I am constantly surprised. sometimes aghast, but usually very happy with the experiences my children, aged 6,9 and 12, enjoy at school. In September I visited Ati%on's Grade d classroom for 'Meet the Creature' night. I chose to forgive the teacher the kiddie cur- tains he had so proudly hung and gave him the benefit of the doubt. Seems like a nice guy I thought – she's in good hands. Two months later 1 returned to the classroom and entered a time warp. Hard work, and a couple of creative parent.%, had transformed it into a medieval castle com- plete with stone walls and a hearth (albeit an electric one, but no one's complaining). Alison has lived, breathed, eaten and acted the part of a medieval nun for weeks now and I'm convinced she has learned and retained much moxc than had she sim- ply read about it. And I hear the teacher makes a pretty fine-looking monk. We had theme classes when we were in school, but not nearly a% extravagant. Does anyone remember the astronaut program of the early 1970%? 1 was in Grade 7 or 4 and the Americans had made space travel almost commonplace. I don't remember all the details of the classroom work, but recall it had something to do with team building and science. We ate these really awful food sticks while pretending to fx aboard a spaceship. Probably would have more in had the teacher been wearing a bubble helmet. This school year my children's projects have included: creating a business plan complete with product idea, computer- generated floor plans, logos and invoices; learning to play a recorder (aargh) and a flute (better); explaining the Big Bang Theory; and speculating on the best place to grow bananas in South America based on terrain, weather and transportation pat- terns. Never a dull moment when there are kids in the house. Joanne Burghardt writes in our Friday rotation of stats colwnnists. To respond to abled don't provide as much economic growth as the wealthy" this column call Infosource at 683-7040 and dial 5108. Pickering News Advertiser Publisher: Tim Whittaker A Metroland Community Newspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L IS 2H5 ,JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor -in -Chief STEVE HOUSTON, Managing Editor BRUCE DANFORD. Advertising Manager ALVIN BROUWER, Retail Advertising Manager FRED EISMONT, Classified Advenising Manager MONIQUE LEA, Real Estate Advertising Manager ABE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager BARBARA HARRISON, Production Manager JAMCE O'NEIL, Assistant Production Manager CHERYL HAINES, Assistant Production Manager LILLIAN HOOK, Administration Manager TO REACH US Gweral: 683-5110 Classified: 683-0707 Distribution: 683-5110 AdminiClassifled Fax: 683-7363 Composing Fax: 579-9273 E-mail: newsroom@durharnnews.net The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the A* R Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advettisemeat. Credit for advertisement limited to space Price error occupies. http://www.durharnnews.nel taw" W ca .r h_ n,r s..rr.... THF NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 199'7 - PAGE I Trustee wants to stop 'Big Bad Wolf' Todes from ' ' g education on < 1997 budgets, amend budgets and approve Boards won't he able to hire or promote out the commission's approval, she said. Government pulling the monthly budgets through the end of the employees or enter into a contract that "Virtually we have no power to do any - wool over people's eyes' year. extends beyond the end of this year with- thing. It flies in the face of democracy." when it says reforms are for the heater- Colleen Jordan BY CHRISTY CHASE STAFF REPI)RTLR Silence is less than golden when it comes to new education legislation, says an Ajax trustee. Colleen Jordan has been urging her colleagues on the Durham Board of Education to prepare an official response to Bill 104, the Fewer School Boards Act, recently intro- duced at Queen's Park. The bill calls for the reduction in number of school boards and trustees and takes away school boards' authority to raise taxes. "My concern is we haven't responded," she said. "Some people may take that silence as approval ... and it isn't that" At a board meeting Monday night, she asked trustees to discuss the legis- lation and start on the board's official response to the Province. Trustees decided to leave the matter for next week's committee meeting but have voted to express the board's concerns about the hill and request a formal hearing with the Province. Oshawa trustee Audrey MacLean said the board needs time to discuss the legislation, adding some trustees might find sonic good in the hill. Under the legislation, the Durham hoard will retain its geographical jurisdiction although it will lose its French language students to a new French language public school board covering southern Ontario. The number of trustees on the Durham board is expected to be reduced to eight from 15 and their salaries will be capped at S5,0W. Employees of any school board and their spouses can't run as trustees on a board unless the employee takes a leave of absence and resigns if elect- ed. Ms. Jordan said she has serious concerns about the legislation, espe- cially its effects on students' educa- tions. She said the Conservative gov- ernment is masquerading as Little Red Riding Hood but is really the Big Bad Wolf. "I think the government is pretend- ing that this will improve education. 1 think it's a myth and they're deceiving the public;" she explained in an inter- view Tuesday. "They're pulling the wool over people's eyes" She also questions the Education Improvement Commission which will be appointed to oversee the transition from the current governance system to the new one. She said the commis- sion is to help boards prepare their • Creditor proposals • Personal and business bankruptcies 619-2515 EL"01D BWEF & ASSOCIATM LV4rfFM Trustee In Bankruptcy 539 KINGSTON RD. W., AJAX -t _L Fail" Cksmim up to 500yoo OFF selected fall & winter styles for Men, Women 8 Kids including Men's 8 Women's Designer Labels 8 Women's Outerwear Shw %w"d " 0 0 to *% 0 co, 0 selected styles for Men, Women & Kids ■ ■ inique w1us Only at Eaton's. 'Constant Companions' 8 -piece bonus yours FREE with any Clinique purchase of $19 or more. Also available: 7 Day Scrub Cream Rinse -Off Formula. 100 mL, $19 W get it SALE Our Home Living Event now on! No GST & interest-free instalments` on Furniture, Home Electronics, Mattresses, Major Appliances and Floor Coverings 'Just make any purchase of $300 or more owore taxes on your Eaton Card from our Furniture iexcfuding Infants'. Vacuums, Mayr Appiances. Horne Electronics. Mattresses or Floor Covenngs departments. You'll getinterest-tree payments and No GST For Fumdure. Mattresses or Floor Coverings. pay in 18 months. For Vacuums. Mayr Appliances and Home Electronics, pay in 12 months. S35 non •rehxXdable admKustraton charge and applicable taxes payable at time of purchase. OAC. For No GST offer, we wAd deduct an amount equivalent to the GST from the total pace of your purchase. Excludes Panasonic GAOO TVs. Cannot be combined with any other tax savings offer. 0 A.FF0 "Pop � all Men's Jockey It underwear and hosiery Feb.1 st to Mar. 2nd. 2 5 Yo 0 • ail Meyer COOKware • selected Bedding 100/0 0 selected Small Electrics from names like Braun, Philips, Black 8 Decker up to $1W OFF all Mattress Sets Plus get a bonus bed frame. All offers good until Feb. 16, 1997, unless otherwise specified, or while quantities last. Savings are off onginal ticketed prices. Selection may vary by store. Excludes Factory Outlets, Warehouse stores, and Clearance centres. 1 I 11 41311 ,J, .I I.. PAGE S -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1997do 1 Around Durham Region Insane man not guilty in stabbing deaths of daughter, mom BY STEPHEN SHAW DURHAM S"rAFT A Bowmanville man who slaughtered his elderly mother and six-year-old daughter, stab- bing the pair more than 100 times because he believed theN were "Satan." has been found not criminally responsible fur the murders. Ronald R'illiam England, who pleaded not guilty to two counts of second-degree murder. suffered from "a disease of the mind" at the time of the killings and theretOrc did not fully appreciate or foresee the consequences of his actions. said Mr. Justice Hugh McLean yester- day fi)flowing a 45 -minute trial held in Ontario Court, general division. in Whitby. A handcuffed Mr. England. appearing in a zombie -like state, showed neither facial expres- sion nor emotion. often bowing his head on the prisoner's dock as Crown Attorney Paul Bellefontaine read out an agreed statement of facts in the case. The 45 -year-old Vietnam war veteran, diag- nosed more than 20 vears ago as haying para- noia schvophrenia. used a kitchen knife to stab to death his 79 -year-old mother. Marian Johnston, and daughter Jennifer hateryna hllcal's'k�i England. at their I(X) Duke Si home April 2. 1990. court was told. Imn)cdiatch after, he called 911 to report the killings, then waited for the arrival of police. Autopcic, found Ms. Johnston was stabhed 34 times in the chest and hack and Jennifer at least 09 tine, in the Lhest and neck areas. Jennifer suffered so maim_ stab wounds - includine nine to the heart - "the numbcrN could not be accurately counted." Mr. Bellefontaine said. "Me stabbing was done s6 fiercely that the knife, on several occasions, entered her chest and exited her back penetrating the carpet and undertlooring beneath her," he said. Mr. England told police he woke up early in the morning and watched television for a short period before going into the kitchen and removing a knit- from the drawer, the court heard. He then went into his mother's bedrox)m and began to stab her, at which time Jennifer entered and pleaded for him to stop. "(Mr. England) then turned on the daughter and started to stab her. Jennifer told him she loved him in an attempt to get him to stop stab- bing her ... The accused staled to investiga- tors the daughter was the hardest of the two to kill," said Mr. Bellefimtaine. When pi)lice arrived at the home, they found the knife still embedded in the chest of the little girl and a trail of blood from the bedrox)m to the kitchen. court beard., Several months prior, Mr. England - described in court as. "bright and brilliant" - stopped tak- 14 ing medication prescribed to help PAY e MON control his illness. POST Leading up to the murders, Mr DATE CHEO Bellefontaine said Mr. England had • SHO become "increasingly angry" at his HOME mothLr and (beton who he hlamcd • °F' FOR A for his illness. He also feared he SZE would s(x)n lose Jennifer, who was FAMIL LEAS at the centre of an "emotional and TD 0 FRE embroiled" custody battle sink -CALL photo by Ron Pietroniro 40, Loonie launch The CIBC has launched a `Loonie' campaign in support of Ajax - Pickering General Hospital. .Branches are donating $1 to APGH for each pre -authorized payment or direct deposit service customers sign up for over the next three months. Shown here contributing the first loonies are, from left, CIBC branch managers Sue McQuaid (Rougemont), Gabe De Castro (Westney Heights), Dave Stavert (Harwood, Brock/Bayly) and Sharon Burdett (Bay Ridges, Claremont). birth. Jennifer, a Grade, I student at Central Public School in Bowmanville, was "a happy and hub- bly little girl who was very friendly and cheer`'," Mr. Bellefontaine said. Ms. Johnston was described as "a loving person" who devoted her lite to her son and granddaughter. Psychiatrist Dr. tan Jacques. of the W., Ridges mental health institute in Penetanguishene. testified Mr. England suf- fered from "highly charged" hallucinations, which included the belief he was as powerful as "Greek vo ds ... reaching the status of Jesus Christ." Mr. England "felt he somehow was resr )n - y THLY D UES P AT CE DERS LL iES SE WN EZER FOR Bible for ridding the world of evil," possessin! the powers to resolve world conflicts, he said His failure to stay on his medication con, pounded the stresses of his mother's failinf health, financial problems and the ongoing cus to dy haltle. Mr. England believed "good people an, friends" communicated to him through the tela vision and when his mother and daughter die not, he concluded they "must be evil individu als," Dr. Jacques said. At the time of the killings, Mr. Englanc believed his mother "might be Satan," and d+;u "the daughter herself had taken on the forn) u1 Satan or was Satan and that he must destroc her.' IS YOUR FREEZER RUNN�i THE FINEST MEATS 11 WITH , , � G0NEMF III uEGE1ABLES RICES, ETC. J 1 i ' I o ;PARE RIBS _ I.taPvAa �E Oa SAUSAGES r, SESTEA�SVP BUTTER BLACKFOREST aOp'EPr_E ^h= ® BACON O1N STEAKS B0NtLESS _ -.BONE STEAKS BREASTS FA"+ E PEAS CORN REG CHICKEN APPLE G CARROTS. S RLOIN T1P ROASTS APPLE GRAPE OCEAy PERCH CALIFORNIA MIX �OUNO ROASTS BREASTS LEMONADE. FRUIT HADDOCK ON GROUND BEEF LEGS. WINGS PUNCH ORIENTAL STIR FR ;AIME R!B ROASTS CHICKEN SOLE FRENCH FRIES WHOLE C� COD HASH BROWNS �gIME RIB STEAKS FINGERS 5HORT RIB ROASTS NUGGETS LOIN SOPS SALMON RIB EYE STEAKS BUTTERFLY FISH STICKS STEW BEEF i� a aS CHOPS k L tun MU collet. BEEF LIVER gcgp ( >14 ERS rs a urs . RIB STEAKS nsin a� to Ilr.v�. tIn w a call. 7 da. O lrr.h haling for an ,aur and . 15EE — 41 '044 449" AD� PRIM � A A _ K, a Ibuba- _ 'reo.*ourger and F, Ve a l u OZ JI Ioke �y Si a Buy a 16 oz Blizzord6 and receive a second of same s¢e for $2,00. �i Buy any size Fries and receive a Single Cheeseburger for $1.00 Buy anysize soft drink rec ' and receive a regular 01rc0derrKvk of American Dolry Queen Cap. Hot Dog for $1.W DBnlbuted by IDQ Condo Inc. Printed In Condo ing They're in- the money e e e Pickering resident This number's lucky finds big bucks for print winner under the 'B' Who says 13 is unlucky? ng A Pickering woman says she "felt Ll`- faint" when she scratched her Ontario Lottery Corporation Instant Bingo ticket nd and discovered she had won $25,000. lc- Gail Harrison, 52, purchased the ticket lid at Sak's variety store in Ajax. lu- Mrs. Harrison and her husband, Phillip, plan to pay bills with their wind- nd fall. t,u Her previous largest lottery win was int $100 playing I,ottario. It certainly wasn't for Joan Segal of Whitby, who purchased the 13th ticket in a draw sponsored by Our Home Organisation, which supports multiple -handicapped youth within Durham Region. Ms. Segal won a limited -edition framed print, valued at $830. The raffle raised about $1,500, which will he used to aid expansion of the organi- zation's Pickering and Oshawa residences. Anyone seeking more informatlo�n on Our Home or people interested in volunteer- ing can call Jaki MacKinnon at 579- CANAAN Chinese Buffet Restaurant - ;J % 831-281 1 _ 1 450 Kingston Rd., Pickering (at Valley Farm_ Rd.) ©� *"ESE NEW WAIM I DINNER SPECIAL ; . ' BUY 1 Regular Price Buffet ' •& Receive 2"d Buffet for P,a 1/2 PRICE! 7 days a week . Expires _Feb. 281997 • --- I MR71TIZIME: wife] III Tom TAK14M 96 SPECIAL FAMILY I W FOR 4 SAL, * 4 Egg Rolls 4 egg Roils, BBQ Wings, * Sweet & Sour Diced Beef with PICK-UP ORDER Chicken Balls Vegetables & Almonds, .20% OFF I *Breaded Shrimp l Sweet & Sour Chicken * Cantonese Chow with Pineapple Chicken Mein Chow Mein, Chicken DELIVERY ORDER i * BBQ CtkMn wings Fried Rice * Chicken Fried Rice 10% OFFi Pick-up $2399 i Now Pick :2299 Pidr up and dal= order' a ' pickup $2299 ; 0 t� oowi Delivery 2699, Now Delivery 2599 Not va%i n"doart awn .' ' Reg 535& l any orNr t o1Yr, One coupon per table. Not valid in ( One coupon per table. Not valid in combination with any other special combination with any other special ot*$ or disco.+. Expres r-sa 2&W atlers or discount Exp=res Feb. Zara: t\a t.1ew Too .-a 3° Z 3 O �0 ool AMA Q\ THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY M, 1997 - PAGE S Grand Opening Celebration � Open House February 6 - 8th Internet $. Multimedia Training Hands -o^ yrs' _ctor leaf Powe- p1_ ;- Ird-s+-y s+ordord-I,]+^-ed c cutnor'ng -0015. GrOor c --es:qn, Ci_9'c ed''+i^g or scunc, v cec, ord o^c'0g-ct%^ c ^eyes. z_ -<eve's -om -Iev ce 1c aCvcnceC. ?Ii1.kCR0�iF:DIA —ec ^^e{ d-0wsers. F- We-- :yes fir. - Business Services CC//Ti Com/ The Centre for Internet & Multimedia Development International Inc. 1480 BaylyStreet, Pickering 905-831-8848 www.cimdi.com 905-831-3923 Se IS, eA. 'Se .a. e -A. fte .a. 44L. .a. eae eaa ALY'S PROFESSIONAL PET GROOMING � w GRAND OPENING FEB. 01 `97 All grooming 1/2 Price the first week! (Book your appointment now) SO 63• tit is* till ------------------------------- I Grooming for all breeds of cats & dogs. I I� IW Pick-up and delivery service available. I IW All competitors grooming coupons I I accepted. I w Aly's will match all competitors I '� I grooming prices. I I I L------ ------------------------ Alys � � Kingston Rd. Professional s Pet Grooming 401 G(� �f �f #1637 Kingston Rd., Pickering (90k5,11 42U• G J G! Inside Petschoice Warehouse PAGE 10 - 7'HE"t VW% AU�'ERii", l' FRIDAI', JANIIARI'� 31, 1997 Get tough with drunk drivers,: mom who lost family Bl- CHRISTI' CHASE S1 AFF RIJ OR I FR Eleven years ago. it deadly accident in Pickerine robbed Jude Gerrard -Simmons of her familN. On Wednesday. the Unionville woman watched as the than responsible for the deaths of her husband Tom Gerrard and their 15- car -old daughter Sheri-I.yn. friend Renata Grunert and her daughter Rena. was sentenced for a separate dri%ing offence to 60 da%s in jail for impaired driving (the maximum allowed) in a Tillsonburg court and his licence taken away for three years. The licence suspension is his sec- ond. Ms. Gerrard -Simmons made the trip to watch the sen- tencing but was not allowed to make a Victim impact state- ment since the fatal accident was 11 years ago. She also feared that the 39-N car -old Tilhonbure man's con ictions for dangerous drn ing causing death and tx xl i l % harm and failing to provide a breath sample from the Jan. 18. 1996 accident would no( be a Idctor in sentencing for the more recent impaired driving charge but the man was gi%en Inc maxi- mum sentence. Howc%er. Ms. Gerrard -Simmons. a passionate crusad- er for Mothers Against Drunk Dm mg 1 \IADD f is furious our laws and penalties for drunk driving aren't stronger and don't keep impaired dri- ycrs off the roads. "Do you know what this makes me feel like'."' she said in an interview from her home. "They can tell me all they want but I don't know why I sat in a ctunrcx,m II years ago." she said. "It was all for nothing. I had really hoped and prayed he'd he a better per- son. It's very painful to know that (the deaths of four peo- ple) was no big deal. It's been my whole life but he's say ing no big deal." On Jan. 18, 1986, the Gerrards and the Grunerts were heading home after a swim meet in Pickering. At Brock Road and Finch Avenue, their mini- van was hit by a truck driven by a Mississauga man. Witnesses say he ran a stop sign and swerved into oncoming traffic before the accident. Although police smelled alcohol on file photo by Kevin Hann Judy Garrard -Simmons lost her hus- ing death and bodily harm and failing to hand, daucyhter and two friends Jan. 1 S. provide a breath sample. Ms. Gerrard - 1986 when it truck slammed into their Simmons was in court %1v'ednesday when mini -van in Pickering. The trucker was the man was sentenced for drunk driving found guilty of dangerous dri%ing taus- in a separate offence. the driver and had evidence of erratic driving, it couldn't he pro%en in court that he was impaired behind the w heel. The driver was sentenced to two %ears less a day (he sened six months) and had his licence suspended Ior three years. Then he was hack on the road, even after he was charged with impaired last year. itis. Gerrard -Simmons said. He wasn't stopped from denim- until he went to renew his licence in December and it was discovered he had unpaid parkin_ tickets. His licence was pulled then. she said. In the years since the death of her husband and daughter. 'airs. Gerrard- S i rnmon N. who has remarried. has trin gilled the province to speak out against drinking and driving. But hearing of the new charge against this driver has discour- aged her. "tiofxody's listening We're just not getting these people off the roads. There's no excuse for it because they're highly educated (about the dangers of drink n,! and dri- ving. )" She wants our politicians to toughen up driN ing laws. She'd like to see past drip ing conviction" count In sentenc- innv no matter how many years ago they happened. An NIP who narrowly lost his prnalc member's hill to put a seven-year minimum sentence on drunk driving is bringing the hill hack again. 'ifs. Gerrard-Sinurtons said. «'hilt she's not sure seven cars is appropriate. she dies want to see a minimum sen- wricc set. "We have to have some- thing. We need at Icast a min- imum sentence. II' not, it will happen again. It's worth our lives to get than oli' the roaxt." She added that il'this driver d„esn't change his ways and hanns someone else on the roads, she believes the Crown attorney and judge should he sued. She feels legal action seems to he the only thing to get the attention of the law- makers. OPEN MALL HOURS DENTAL OFFICE FLOISS(UPPER LEVEL) • FAMILY DENTISTRY USH -SPECIALISTS CARE QZMILE • DENTURE THERAPY .ORTHODONTISTS • COSMETIC DENTISTRY `-` "f`` `�•` °�" "°` • FRIENDLY SERVICE • MODERN FACILITIES • ALL DENTAL INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED • EMERGENCIES AND NEW PATIENTS WELCOME z .�_ _ .».. ... .evs s•.lti+e!n.�'v"H'-.aKt.. .•w-s�.r•:'a... s». .. - - --'- _ ..�.e�m:.. -—r-aar- _=��•- sr-- �- THF: NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1947 -PAGE , , gLei FEIA nR, . gei the ON A HUGE SELECTION OF FURNITURE, MMOR APPLIANCES*, LARGE SCREEN N'S** AND STEREOS Sears will deduct an amount equivalent to the GST from your total purchase price. Offer does not apply to deferral fees4 delivery, maintenance agreement or instollation charges. liquidation items in Clearance Centres and Catalogue purchases are not included in this offer. Offer ends Sunday, February 9, 1997. 'Eacirdes Kennwre• SpecW Edition models. "large :croon TV's 30' and larger. Furnilrre is no longer available in our Kitchener (Fairview MoR) or Oshawa (Oshawa CenMe) RMoil :Ions. Shop our Kitchener or Whitby Whole Home* Furniture store for thew great volws WWII 48selmn 69. selecii" M" wry by sten Expert ntow frrvm Sean 02101 Copyright 1997. Sears Canada Inc. PAGE 12 -,mt. NEWS ADVEKTISFR FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1997 Finance Minister at Rotary Easter Seals lunch PICKERING -- Provincial Finance Minister Ernie Eyes will he the guest speaker at the 10th annual Pickering Rotary Club Business Leaders' Luncheon Tuesday, Feb. 25 at the Rcgalis Restaurant, 1305 Pickering parkway. The event will run from 1 1:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., with proceeds going to the Easter Seal Societe. Also in attendance will he Pickering's own 'Timmy' for this year, la -year-old Gille Belanger. Tickets are $35 and everyone is welcome to attend. Each year the Rotar% Club of Pickering, together with the commu- nity, raises funds to help Easter Seal Skills Challenge gives high school students career, life direction. Teachers and students in high schools throughout Durham are preparing for this year's Durham Skills Challenge. A part of secondary school lechnol- oev studies. the challenge sees stu- dents from the Durham Board of Education and the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board enter into friendly competitions in 22 categories• including architec- ture and leadership skills. Trustees with the public hoard were informed of this year's program at their meeting Monda% nigh(. Spread over two months• the chal- lenge• in its ninth year, will begin Feb. 25 with indi-vidual events taking place in eight schools. Bob Porter, teacher at Pon Perry Htt_h Schtx)l, reported the challenge tartcd a,, a one -da-, cent but expanded due to its popularity. Peter Jaruczik won the gold medal in the 1996 Canadian Skills Challenge. He competed in the archi- tecture category. The graduate of Anderson Collegiate in Whitbv is now, studying architecture at Ryerson University in Toronto and said the Skills Challenge influenced his career choice. "These competitions led the way to my future." he told trustees. Bethany Reeves won a bronze medal for fob interview skills at the national competition last )car when she was a student at Exeter High School in Ajax. Now at Anderson, she explained that her work in the compe- tition has boosted her self-confidence and helped her at school, in her life and wall assist her in her career. QPIV&PVTERS CP)IL children in the Pickering area. This year the club is celebrating its 501h year of continued involvement with Easter Scals. The fund-raising chal- lenge, as always, will he difticull and the community's support is needed. For more information call Tom Russell at 1-800-263-8009, ext. 7400. TM WWCHFAM ARMS February 8 Beach Party -Live band -Win a trip to Florida -merchandise to be won Monday Free Pool Wednesday Wing Niht Thursday Rib Night Sat & Sun British Break -fast 1 Oani - 3 pm Feb 14th - Special Valentines Menu - call for details 1400 Bayly St. Pickering 837-2366 Aw aces d/PIOY 3x _ay a4-:�ntt+f Aa acq su0pC11C cMge wn•.u.f 'KPK.e lat rq!•rt me n9M �:. •esnw Ouaree1•s G.irtneS w rrMeO Maw, .s a lrapertran r S: •nm D•n'! A�� �rn�Yr,na'at arN neer namq re u.N t0 Am1A war �!5 „unurlq M mins ir0 �.me5 or rtie• aWucts All IraOilteAs Ya Inp :n0{aftY al mer wrys SMr•na 0•eri K ab Son! N fly.' assuc W etl Slaq are Mf e0 Ir. y Y arr rvo•u appy o antsy ara^_ Sher+aces mar cr nalpa fa,e a• es Sr.nr fw.,.t Yrc .w nn ce n.lp rewar,o,,. b � ar.e t.. ^ann eu,rt„acrr w Cot;, 9 Canae,1vet l °t c`So°n as Y""- °n5ibie the ApM A) the m,ntstet tesp d mail l MaIlean, e%?evience pia tike Q°st oRe1O� s m o4 cit U, W e to, ps �nrhe m dtst�ibntO ascot °nC delive and laibe happy to ma1ket- ot 10 ould tit Call 683-5 110 for all of our I'll-ddo'Or or_' ta,,do circular requirements 1 tt nueztsrs• SM ® •,% a 360 as . s, z. ns er M FMCu got aves .'w C, VL i .,.. + ' • 2 Yew t0 Your DOW 10, Uyb"d '299 -_ • 7 M/bs Yi.e i.� r.• 3X' • IiE T•wr Lmpxt Care --� 27 P-100- 6779" P-133 '169" t+ Fill", 11". TIT111 17M •Cebu &" pYMw r • atiD >t 713M � 't4 10 a oe�n pr taitttle 3M NO 02 Ob .M30 1 11 M1 �_2111 ft%4i Al •tM11r�eMD •e .a� Or Ml1►�i6i �!�!�►" News Advertiser rtsor Iffelffe Newsroom 683-5110 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1997. PAGE 13 44e 54*e4 4 zkoe OAea4V ';Fetf. 97 dJ a�Euc 7d4" a ami 74.a- fa.w e ' ..La," • hoz c BrsTRo 420-2020 FAX: 683-7/736.3 IP E a 3 _ cl b !cea a enin S { AJAX -PICKER 4G - It's frigid outside 839-5570. Tuesday: 19 -cent wings. Gayly St., Unit 3, Pickering, 837-2366. sports coverage. but it's hot inside area nightclubs. Wednesday: Canadian Rocks `60s, '705, '80s Monday: free pool. Wednesday: wing night. Gatwick & Giles Pub: 6091 Kingston To find a spot that's right for you, read this music. Friday: ladies' night. Free pool Thursday: rib night. Saturday and Sunday: Rd., Scarborough, 416-281-3680. Best of guide of the local club scene. Monday to Friday I 1 am. to 6 p.m. British breakfast- Sunday: prime rib dinner British fare. Weekend entertainment. Feb. 1: Clubs that want to be listed in this feature Papps Backdoor Pub: 1709 Kingston $9.95. Al Matthews should call Andrea at 683-5110. Rd. W., Pickering, 427-3403. Private parties, Pandora's Sports Bar & Night Club: Alumni Club: 325 Westney Rd. S., Ajax, small weddings, sports functions. Every West Hilsl'Scarboroush 371 Old Kingston Rd. Scarborough, 416- 619-0938. Tuesday: jackpot karaoke. Thursday: TWo For the Show. Every Friday: Xoulay's: 1625 Military Trail, West Hill, 282-6347. Monday: karaoke. Thursday. Wednesday: Depression Night. Thursday: 15 Third Degree. Free room with your Saturday 416-283-4600. Thursday -Saturday: live. Friday and Saturday: DJ, dancing. Superb cent wings. Friday: DJ and dancing. party booking. Buffalo wings 29 cents night- bands. DJ Mark Devine and DJ Fernando. All lighting and sound. Saturday: live bands. Wo large screen tele- ly. visions, 14 small -screen TVs. Pbwer of Q Bilha' rds: 1225 Annandale Golf & Country Club: Bayly St. W., Pickering, 839-2225. Church St., Ajax, 683-3210. Available for pri- Monday: Canadian Tire money at vate functions. par. Tuesday: ladies' night (women The Bar. 110 Dundas St., Whitby, 666- play free). Wednesday: V.I.P. night. 3121. Durham's number -ore gay bar. Friday: Sunday: join house league pool. ciONY SfOR high-energy dance until 3 am. Sunday: diva Daily lunch specials 1 to 3 p.m. show. Free pool with Q points. Saylys: 1235 Bayly St., Pickering, 420- Rack `Em Up: 20-250 Bayly fVESENIN 5412. Saturday: karaoke.St., Ajax, 619-9881. Monday: Brewsters: 1050 Brock Rd. (on Plummer), Canadian Tire Money Night. 839-6317. Darts and pool tables. Fridays and Tuesday: 20 -cent wings. / Saturdays: karaoke. Wednesday: free wings. Thursday: Chameleon Cafe: 110 Dowry Rd., Ajax, Couples' Night, women free. 683-3587. Pool tables, piano, bongos and gui- The Reach: 89 Commercial Sony �tar ready for your use. Thursday: jazz night. Ave., Ajax, 619-2138. ` Celebrity's: 1527 Bayly St., Ajax, 420- Wednesday: karaoke, $2,000 jack- 0063. Monday: darts. Tuesday: wing night_ pot. TTursday: acoustic jam. Feb. '[ u��l���lL Wednesday: karaoloe. Mursday: DJ. Monday 8: one night only, Goddo reunion to Saturday 4 p.m.- 8 p.m. free pool and 20 $8 in advance, S 10 at the door. cent wings. Rix P1sce: 1410 Bayly St. Unit Courtyard Pub: 109 Old Kingston Rd., 2, Pickering, 837-1358. Allay Ajax, 683-9353. breakfast, roti, steak and pasta. The Eartbgeake: 520 Westney Rd. S., Saturday and Sunday: Caribbean Ajax, 416-376-9525. Friday and Saturday: all brunch. Daily Caribbean specials. ages. Pyros and go-go darncers. Robin Flood llaa: 1999 Alton ��� Dw Fant & Flowerpot Pub: Hwy. 2 do Rd., Pickering, 509-5123. Pool Randall Dr., Ajax, 428-2162. tables, 6' -by -8' TV, full menu. The Fox Goes Free Pub: 339 Kingston 'IU Royal Soot: 44 Hunt St. ABOUT uOM�i' ME Rd., Pickering, 509-6164. Comfortable, cozy Ajax, 683-6657. Sunday: jam v j H Brutish country pub, no TV, quiet music, great aught with Fun to Eat Tuesday: fireplace- laser . karaoix. Wednesday: pool THEAnE p do Tltieldfe Pub: 282 Monarch Ave., touraanruerrt, DI Mike. Thursday: rsday: s u, 428-0943. Darts and pool. Wednesday: DJ Mike rock alternative night. 15�eat wrings. Fdx 4 and 28: quiz atuights, $20 Friday: retro `80s a live band ,Come- talk to the experts %=L S1QO;Feb.priae. IS: pub Ili$ $10. Sweind Stoney Bar: Harwood p Bare 21585 Alcon dt401,Ajaor, 0.3-"40. Friday rad - 472-3085. Ro-4peataFeb: 14 Sabxft: $50 door prizes. Sunday: hxraoke, $100 jochpot. Wesomy Rai. & Aom, 427- 'ibcrdsy: Join our pool la1&tra : Appe s 5'299 aH day. slowd Haowiut Fir RdL S., Aim 428- `11whareant: 369 Baily St. W., lod SmdW. 9 aAL-t pnn, Ajax, 427.1666. Fin dWiW PAL -It PAL win$ R** to Rvc t3ipsy R -I: Jvlta-Fermi - rataiic. Sunds3r. b about state of the art tena►s J" ) ' KUM ,,'_dJ- 2 pea. Or Bre: 100 Sra*ty: b(aase ba9ft 1 pea. mooky- ., PAGE 14 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1997 Concerto for TV and orchestra performed Saturday BY MICHELE YOUNG DURHAM tir4tT This Saturday evening, you are invited to the celebration of a vener- able, and precious, local cultural institution — and it will be happen- ing in your own home. The talented musicians of the Oshawa -Durham Symphony Orchestra, and its esteemed new conductor, Marco Parisotto, are the reason for the big 'do: and you can attend by simply turning on your television set. The occasion is the second annu- al ODSO telethon, which is spon- sored by our sister paoper Oshawa- WWhitby-Clarington This Week. along with Rogers Community 10 - Pineridge, and Classical 96 and 103 FM. The telethon is promising to be a very entertaining event, with a mountain of prizes to be won and many audio and visual g(x)dies. For example, Durham residents who tune in will be treated to a fun and unusual event... Maestro Parisotto will be descending from the podium to play violin in a chamber music ensemble, along with musicians drawn from the ODSO string sec- tion. *This happens very rarely — I have so little time: ' said Parisotto, in an interview from his home in Montreal. The Ran Bar & Grip with 0107 and Molson Canadian Rocks presents the original GODDO 89 Commercial Ave, Ajax (next to Beer store) 619-2138 The televised event will also include a live interview with the ODSO conductor. As Maestro Parisotto points out, the telethon wants to accomplish much more than raising funds — as important as that goal is. "It seems a lot of people in Oshawa don't even realize they have an orchestra:' says Parisotto. "So we have to get 'out there' as much as possible to build up the orches- tra's image, and I think the telethon is a really good way to do that" That's why the telethon's high- light will be taped excerpts from this season's first two ODSO con- certs, giving many Durham resi- dents their first opportunity to see and hear their very own superb orchestra. Parisotto inherited the ODSO conductor's b, ton last fall and has lead the orchestra through two suc- cessful concerts so far this season. So, how does he like us so far? "It has been going very, very well. We have some new musicians and a very good sense of together- ness and communication. Everyone's been very friendly and getting a long well. And I think these arc all good indications for the future" The Montreal -born conductor has great plans for the Durham MARCO PARISOTTO Conducts Oshawa -Durham Symphony Orchestra orchestra, including raising its pro- file and building on the quality of musicianship that is already there. "I am working hard. I am going to try and create something the communi- ty can be very proud of." The telethon runs this Saturday. Feb. 1, from 7 to 1 I p.m. on Rogers Community 10 - Pine Ridge. Prizes worth a total of over $4,000 will be drawn throughout the evening, with one very good incentive; those phoning in pledges will have one chance at a draw for every $10 of their pledged amount. In other words, the more you give, the better your chance of winning. Prizes include: Seiko watches, valuable paintings, Rustcheck car rustproofing, gift certificates from Wilson and Lee Music Store, a trav- el prize, certificates for use at the Painted Table and Amadeus restau- rants, Oshawa Little Theatre tickets, Durham College extension courses, free lessons for piano and voice, among many others. Program hosts will he John Green and Judith Edmondson of Oshawa Little Theatre. The organizer of this big event is Jim Kirkconnell, who says: "I feel the orchestra renders a most valu- able service in providing fine music for Durham residents. In this critical time of limited funding, public sup- port for the orchestra is greatly *needed :' Alice Sheffield, ODSO board chair sums up the project. "We have a wonderful orchestra which is pre- senting marvelous music, but still relatively small audiences. would love it if more of the peo of our community would come experience what a great contribut the orchestra is making to the c tural aspect of life in Durham. ' had many people travel fri Toronto for our most recent cone — the word is spreading" If you tune in to this import event, you're sure to be entertain and you may even win an impr sive surprise for pledging so financial support for your orchesi Do you know about some Entertainment News? We'd like to here about it. Give us a call at 683-5110 4v We tie size of the '96 show! T � E � �X 1� COttU9e! a !LACE furl W Fm jr Host VINa GKITFANN -The Week W etttertaitn Guyer-ptoride forgoing w with WW g The New vlrs DAVE M(33, We ii %v ks' SUE WARDEN and Go&" Expert ART WWW ►FREE sawan & SABO, tIEIIfWO M6, Gff M M,1`151111116 d VWR SAFELY! r WBI,.,LOAiR16VKME by CAW NIR surewt+G MW GM Iton It 11 ■a It>�AaM155g1t Ad�Ms S MIxft� St 1011111-10� �� sr�rwrr. . ,� sM.10� • � lire • fIAICAIE 'SA$ vE 1.ao OFF REisvLAR co " ORIGINAL ' ADULT ADMISSION One coupon per person, cannot be used in con- jurtc6on with any other promotion. Good for 0 ' one admission only. No cash value. o February 7, 8 or 9,1997 only. S HOW.�� Qwfity "d Savings! Make Ya�r Own Wine ti Ieb Spe CbabYjs or R� 79 30 Bottles 1p% L'verpod Rd. (across from L.CX.o.) 905 83134# 44 Community 10 - Pine Ridge. Prizes worth a total of over $4,000 will be drawn throughout the evening, with one very good incentive; those phoning in pledges will have one chance at a draw for every $10 of their pledged amount. In other words, the more you give, the better your chance of winning. Prizes include: Seiko watches, valuable paintings, Rustcheck car rustproofing, gift certificates from Wilson and Lee Music Store, a trav- el prize, certificates for use at the Painted Table and Amadeus restau- rants, Oshawa Little Theatre tickets, Durham College extension courses, free lessons for piano and voice, among many others. Program hosts will he John Green and Judith Edmondson of Oshawa Little Theatre. The organizer of this big event is Jim Kirkconnell, who says: "I feel the orchestra renders a most valu- able service in providing fine music for Durham residents. In this critical time of limited funding, public sup- port for the orchestra is greatly *needed :' Alice Sheffield, ODSO board chair sums up the project. "We have a wonderful orchestra which is pre- senting marvelous music, but still relatively small audiences. would love it if more of the peo of our community would come experience what a great contribut the orchestra is making to the c tural aspect of life in Durham. ' had many people travel fri Toronto for our most recent cone — the word is spreading" If you tune in to this import event, you're sure to be entertain and you may even win an impr sive surprise for pledging so financial support for your orchesi Do you know about some Entertainment News? We'd like to here about it. Give us a call at 683-5110 4v We tie size of the '96 show! T � E � �X 1� COttU9e! a !LACE furl W Fm jr Host VINa GKITFANN -The Week W etttertaitn Guyer-ptoride forgoing w with WW g The New vlrs DAVE M(33, We ii %v ks' SUE WARDEN and Go&" Expert ART WWW ►FREE sawan & SABO, tIEIIfWO M6, Gff M M,1`151111116 d VWR SAFELY! r WBI,.,LOAiR16VKME by CAW NIR surewt+G MW GM Iton It 11 ■a It>�AaM155g1t Ad�Ms S MIxft� St 1011111-10� �� sr�rwrr. . ,� sM.10� • � lire • fIAICAIE 'SA$ vE 1.ao OFF REisvLAR co " ORIGINAL ' ADULT ADMISSION One coupon per person, cannot be used in con- jurtc6on with any other promotion. Good for 0 ' one admission only. No cash value. o February 7, 8 or 9,1997 only. S HOW.�� • 0 ic kerin Rivett, sports writer 683-5110 Fax: 683-7363 _ Pickering Aerials ying high at provincial qualifying gym meet PICKERING — ,ring Aerials % rnnastics Club mem- •r, turned in excellent - Ilormances at the cni first provincial ;tllfier at the rn.tonette Gymnastic ­tciation in n:,mville when 15 out 17 placed in the top ,,Ill in their respective tcc,,ories. I he 17 Aerials gym - •1.1. who attended the r,I of three provincial t:.111fying meets was the _ est total ever from club. Aerials also k home medals in of the nine caie- .as. firookelynn Primrose t minatcd the level 2 alcgory in the 12-and- Vear-old bracket to ul the gold medal, She ia,cd first on floor and "and on vault, bars Ili heam. Flyse Mthkelson was •, ttnd overall in the cl 1 category in the II -)ear -old divi- ittn. She won told on vault, cd for first on ars and placed •cttnd on beam nd floor. In the 'line category, trials' Brittany loyd was sev- -nth with a first- Aace tie on vault, third on bars, sixth on lour and ninth )n beam. Vanessa Zobinson was ;ccond overall in he level 3 nine - rear -old category vith second- flace efforts on fault, bars and team and a third In floor. Alana Weston ,laced third for he Aerials in the evel one 14 - ear -and -over allegory. She vas second on ault, third on ars, fourth on loor and seventh n beam. i in b e r I y •laherty finished lose behind in fourth position. She was first on vault, second on bars, sixth on floor and ninth on beam. Catherine Janes earned a bronze medal for the Aerials in the level I I I -year-old cate- gory. She placed third on floor, third on bars, fourth on ream and sixth on vault. Kaitlin Grandy finished fourth with a first on vault, tied for second on bars, was fourth on floor and fifth on beam. Joy Cretney placed fifth with a sec- ond -place tie on bars, third on vault, fourth on floor and eighth on beam. Arran Black was sixth overall with a third on team, fourth on floor, sixth on bars and ninth on vault. Bricann Cassidy was eighth with a fourth on vault, fifth on floor, sixth on bars and seventh on beam. Kate .'Newton finished fourth for Pickering in the level 2 I -3 -and -15 age bracket. Newton was first on vault, fourth on bars and beam and sixth on floor. Julie -Ann Passy placed fourth overall in the level 2 1 1 -year-old division. She was sec- ond on floor, third on beam and vault and fifth on bars. Amanda Paterson fin- ished in a fifth -place overall tic in the level 1 12 -and -13 age group. She placed first on bars, second on vault, fourth on beam and IOth on floor. Lindsay MacDonald was sixth in the same division, fin- ishing fourth on vault, fifth on bars and beam and sixth on floor. After the final provincial qualifier, a team of six members In each age group will rep- resent the Metro East region at the Ontario championships. The final teams of six will he decided ontNlarch 21. THP NEWS ADVVRTISOR FkiDAY, JANUARY 31, 1997 - PACE 15- S r P 0- ts News Advertiser JEWISH FAMILIES OF DURROM SABBATH MILLENNIA RESENTS THROUGH THE PRESENTS THROU(aH THE A JEWISH HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE SUSAN JACKSON OUR GUEST SPEAKER WILL TAKE A LIGHT, YET EDUCATIONAL, APPROACH TO THE TOPIC JEWISH ADULTS ARE INVITED TO JOIN US FOR THIS FREE OF CHARGE TALK & DISCUSSION SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, FROM 6:30 TO 8:00, LIGHT REFRESHMENTS WILL BE SERVED AND SUPERVISION OF CHILDREN WILL BE AVAILABLE. PLEASE R $,V -P. BY CALLING 831-6508 HO LATER AIt_FEBRIIARY 4 1997 JFOD is a social group comprised of Jewish Families in Durham. JFOD is not aligned with any religious organization. In addition, to our Purely social events, we offer our member families events relating to Jewish Holidays. Join with us in sharing our rich heritage. The generosity of The Action Committee for Jewish Continuity of the Jewish ■ederation of creator Toronto allows this SHAHHAT program to be free of cost for the Jewish community in Durham. Neabership in J10D is only $15.00 per family To join you may call JlOD at 905-831-6508 Read the News Advertiser four times each `week , 5ears i Tvmve,_1 THE GREEK ISLANDS %{I;hls Aissaki Ifote l lbttrs..tkr1 /. (,k -t. -i/9- Include. Roundtrip Airt-arc• Toronto/Athens. lYi% t suis• to 1lvkonos.6 Nights in %I%konos. 1 dight in Athens Book Early. Save $400 i.•r , .tv.•• 1299 F-Ztra week in AIrkonos is on1v $250 per person in .Ila),! MEDITERRANEAN DREAM CRUISE _ % {Qhrs .11.1 1unl)re am .Sep -its/9- isiting the Italian Riviera. the Frent;h Riviera :enol Spain s Costa Brava. Includes Roundtnp Airfare•. meals. tips and more' Book Early. Save $600, ,•r ,,,,,,.k , $1749 Depart jrrm Barcelona or Rome! /k jxjrttrre.% front luruutu. (,'nrr.rpnir rr%rn to (.ijhtrt (.iet. 5. Prtics refkt7 rurll fxx)kiu,4 !x ltie.a .. Rowultripl igbi: wi Jkttse•nwe•s uide-btg1vAirhrrs.3.10. • IAxtk %% all fix tNtann of .I k-wc•N rxirc gnurttvtr' • Scar. Irtwl Gmtrantee nxarr %,x,11 rx•acr Ix• .IranLictl • �Rc• h,nt• taken dx• gtjc %%ork otii tel c ioo..tng • \JILI.thlc %v.tr, Cloth ReH.trd, it. hen %ott Iwn-k %%tth %otir tacaut n vMir Scar. card • \r- /ec rcl;ular Arsenio, F_xrrt�s Trncller s Chetlut. Stttnhodc�rtn • Vtc ca dw l }tee �-tree Ixt.ax>n rh- tts• t Protect your vacation with travel insurance from Voyageur Insurance Company - We highly recommend it! MINES 000NEVU I ru le 10m, Pickering Town Centre 420-7600 Open Swtdave For more great offers hap://www sean.ca/travel 'swt* Sc.trs Trat d lot wrnx..uxl tondittt-rr Prit c•. arc <_ui.talun doll,trn. Ix•r person. doulhlc o,,. uhanr�. suhtc•at u- arailandrty. ,lo n, 4 induJe :u1% .]pill ltathle Ia�e...ur, lwr} c•�. I,t-rt ch trge. or msuruu a unto„ ollicm L c• stated 1:or .pet tic mclu.,n r.,, tenris :uxl coxlxihte-ns. rle.ue refer In Suntµrc•st s 191•X). 9' hnx'hure at.ulabic .0 sears 'rraccl Scntct• 0199' ~cars e:attatL Inc. Scars t an:ttLt Inc d h a ~wars T m%cI tier%oce Ont Rc} -231rt 1 11 PAGE 16 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1997 •�� �:: -fir -.�..•� a enri's batsb's in Ajax 0 n s Tbasike ,Wdl action AX '" Glenn's the night, :Bank of uto Service ran over Montreal downed Tudor rst-place Dakota 'Arms 50-41, The two Bob's in Ajax Ladies' Loris led the way for the cc re a t i on al A bankers, . as Lori Basketball League A Fleming sank I7 points pJay ,.. lastand Lori Lomberg I1.g -Wednesday. ► a, Julie Hughes scored Glenn's Auto � ►1 15 f5oints for Tudor won 56-42, ted•�•�•t Arms while Rose Eby ,,.tonne �+! Adam had t0. IWhitehead's 19 la+afl League games :points and are played on '!,Zabree McIntosh's 16. `�7Wednesday nights at Joanna Reardon netted Highbush Public School points for Dakota in Pickering. .-Bob's and Debi Bonar Players in the league ,added 10. reside in both Ajax and ,,,._In the second game of Pickering. Baseball, Bible on the menu at Sunday breakfast meeting Religious testimonials and baseball will be on the menu at a breakfast Sunday. Tickets can be bought locally for Athletes In Action's Best Ever Baseball Breakfast in Etobicokc. It's being held from 7:30 to 8:45 a.m. at the Regal Constellation Hotel. 900 Dixon Rd.. Etobicokc. Featured speakers will be Toronto Blue Jays broadcaster Jerry Howarth and Baltimore Orioles assistant general manager Kevin Malone. From 8:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., a baseball skills training session will be led by instruc- tors Central A I a b a m a Community College coach L a r r y Scuba club offers course AJAX -- The Ajax Scuba Club's next train- ing course is set for next month at the Ajax Community Centre pool. The eight- week session, for both begin- ner and advanced divers, begins Feb. 16 and continues each Sunday evening. The all-inclu- sive course fee is $250. For more information, call Mike at 619- 2159 or Marc at ,655-5937. Giangrosso, University of Kentucky coach Keith Madison, Universitv of Kansas coach Bobby Randall and Georgia Southern University coach Jack Stallings. Tickets are $25 each or $250 for a table of 10. For more information or tickets, call Bob Johnston at 839-8811 or Sam Dempster at 666- 4298. Raiders' novices win, lose and draw in league action The Ajax -Pickering Raiders minor novice 'AAA' rep hockey team posted a win, a loss and a draw in recent OMHA Eastern Ontario league action. The novice Raiders, sponsored by the Ajax Axemen junior hockey club, posted a decisive 8-2 victory over Peterborough in their most recent league game on Jan. 19. L u c a Labelle and R o b c r t Bentley led the charge for the Raiders with two goals apiece. Jason Dale, Chris Chappell, Kyle Neadles and Andrew Wilkins each scored once. Assisting were Labelle and William Mitchell with two each. Paul Galea, Wilkins, Lee Morris, Ryan Dawe, Bentley and Michael Broaderip with one apiece. The Ajax Axemen minor novices were nipped by Whitby 4-3 in a league contest Jan. 17. Chappell. Dawe and Bentley scored for the Raiders. with assists to Dale and Morris. Ajax -Pickering also played to a 3-3 tic with Peterborough on Jan. 9. D a w e , Chappell and Kvle Sveers scored for JAAA� RRID ETS Sports Medicine and I h c Raiders. A d d I n g assists were Dale and Broaderip. Goaltender Colin Dobson capably handled the workload between the pipes in the three con- tests. Other members of the Ajax -Pickering minor novice Raiders are Brandon Crummey, Greg Leydon and Daniel Prebble Rehabilitation Clinics SPORTS MEDICINE and REHABILITATION CLINICS most recent 'Health Information Seminar' Dr. John Clark . Sc., B.C. E DUT CHES Tylenol and other medications are not a cure for headaches. They merely dull the pain after the headache has started and they do nothing to prevent future attacks of headache. A headache is a signal from your body that there is something wrong. They should always be investigated. There is no such thing as "normal headaches". Most headaches are caused by restricted motion of the joints and muscles of the neck. That includes migraine headache. When the upper spine is not functioning properly the sensitive nerves from the area, that travel into the head, become irritated. This irritation sends or refers pain into the temples. forehead etc. Most people don't realize that chiropractic has an 6096 success rate treating the cause, preventing recurrences, and eliminating the creed for potentially harmful analgesics. It is time to get rid of your headaches! Ask Dr. Clark for more details about how chiropractic treatment can eliminate your headaches and improve your overall health Call (91115) 42944 PICKERING SOCCER CLUB +oeed v. 1997 SUMMER REGISTRATIO. PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX 1. UPPER LEVEL :711.9 A.M. TO 3 RA SAT., FEBRUARY SAT., MARCH nrACES ARE LIMITED!! Registration open to all girls and boys bo 1992 or earlier. Ontario Health Card and proof of age must 1 show at registration. Anyone wishing to try out for a competitive team, please contact the appropriate coach below: BOYS REP COACHES PHONE i GIRLS REP COACHES PHONE t 9 Steve 6111 A19-1219 ('11 81!i Black .420-SI'_6 1'12 I)ave Gearing 1-'0-'--171 1_' 10 Chris Jades 919-0619 •1 1 Bnh Tanner 420-601 A L' I I A res Emolon g 420-21W l' i S 17 PFJ Frampton Dave Jones A 11 -2547 509-1540 L 12 I)avc Innis A11 rxt 17 H ns tr,msal 509-1s4r1 I'!1 Joe KcFer S19I TIER i L. Machell 831-9803 1111 M. INNunno 420-7194 L Mukare 427-SA34 L ! ; A. Sacco 686-7896 l4 1. Cawley 839-0866 1 s W. Ferrels 831-9803 #It. l l h T Gariba 831.9803 A I t• d�,2 1'!4 Dan C•asstdv x191'(J 1 J hn Flrmme 420112 1 I6 Keith Nt iller 42()l' L'16 Andre human 619L -- - - 1'Ir.»c• cc•c•yc�lr this ��c•wa>alx�r _ Adve^oral ALTS PROFESSIONAL PET GROOMIN( What is best for your pet comes first at a new grooming salon in Pidterin Owner Alison Ayton of Aly's Professional Pet Grooming, invites pet owners drop off their dog or cat for a luxurious treatment. Appointments are books throughout the day which means when your pet is finished, Alison will gill yt to pick up your pet or she offers a drive home service. Alison is fully trained and opened the business because of her love f animals which flourished when she was a dWd. I treat animals with a great deal of respect and love.' She's owned a hop. and has two dogs and two cats which are "treated like my children.' SI rescues strays off the street and is "looking into foster care" and a "doggie d care', where pet owners can be rest assured that their pet will be walked al cared for throughout their owners woddng day. At Aly's "'what is best for the animal comes first,' as well as the customE Alison will accept and or match competitor grooming coupons and prices, ai for her Grand Opening week, she is offering half-price on grooming. She grooms ferrets and guinea pigs and offers creative styling too, such dying or pastel chalking dogs for a competition or special occasion. She h; turned a poodle into a pumpkin for Hallowe'en and dyed dogs to match tl colour scheme of a client's wedding. Whether irs a trim for your pet I something special, Alison provides the ideal environment for your pet, and cal with every move of her dippers. Aly's Professional pet Grooming is located at 637 Kingston Rd., Pickedr (Just West of Whites Rd.), inside the Petschoice Warehouse. Pick-up ar delivery service is available. To gook an appointment call (905) 420-5922. L 2 2 i'..i3�.✓.'i4�z- .-, ! J.►^- 1..,...?^Lt ."iYl. 't ».... w. -.nye pya.:.4wyl�:,. ..f Mw.c ... -_ . . .... FA W ►1 porn t be 1E 01 1171 'FflE YEWS AU%'Ek'fISEk FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1997 -PAGE 17 f ,s44, 1996 NEON GRAND CARAVAN 4 3.o L.. V6. , p.d.l., WC crwse, as cored., 7 pass . DR. H ca AM/FM cess.s.,, ABS. p. mirrors & more. 124993. ° 2.0 L., auto.. p.s.. p.b.. air Gond., AM,FM cas.. NO FREIGHT NO AIR TAX cloth buckets. console. P4863. ONE • p WEEK ONLY 1996 CHRYSLER INTREPID 199 r<. 3.3 L.. V6. auto., p.s., p4l.. p.w., p. 2.4 L., 4 cyf., auto., p.s.. p.b., cloth " airrors. Litt. cruise, AMIFM cass.. air buckets, air cond., AM/FM cars., tilt, coed., anti lock brakes 3 more. cruise d more. P4891. P4828. w c1C�" ONE WEEK ONLY SALE ONLY •.. . aft Almp4w per mo. mo. 97w $ 660* 6 BREEZE u.RYSLER LHS SEBRING CONVERTIBLE 3.5 L., auto., p.w., p.d.l., p.seats, tilt, Auto., p.s.. p.b., p.w, cruise. tint. cruise, auto temp air. alum. wheals, alum. wheels, touring suspension. AIWFM loss. leather sem, p. doth buckets. console. MAIM cess., "` ■ mirrors, ASS 8 mora. P4865. air pond. 6 more. S1 103. - "'.`._ SALE _ 26 /r tt �';m 7a _-- _ TED Komi Lm ; TED � �gm r AAAMMw am �1 NDON � Adm- � PICKMW WOODCOCK A WIT19I0I D1! ll1.15lei: f 501K -1: [NIN n MAGE * 0 PLWA" Hwy. Not 8 CHRYSLER 43 X TORONTO = OSHAWA PAGE I8 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1997 Buy one week, get the 2nd free! Call us for detai 1 0 0 LA _-D i I I r,441 -W -1111W 31 Qp b 905) Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ri R!1(17 (17Monday to Friday TORONTO . 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday g ��Nor fax your ad k;A Applies to Articles For 798-7672 (905) 579-2238 Sao and Vehicles For Sale only. GARAGE SALES BIRTH NOTICES Announce your baby's arrival S +GST Y� and receive a gift certificate $ +GST Only 35 entitling you to pro worth 49 of quality baby products. Career Career General General General Sales Help/ Sales Help/ Daycare Bargain Training Training Help Help I Help Agent Agent • Available Corner FMI For full or Part time Career Male and Female ages 5 and up. Call "Laurel Personal Development + Modelling Centre Inc:" 905-509-7315 For Free C-onsulationl CareerCareer Training l Training IV CANADIAN TIRE AJAX Requires full time SERVICE ADVISOR Automotive and keyboarding knowledge an asset. Please drop or mail resume to Automotive Centre 260 Kingston Rd. W. Ajax, L1 T 1 P5 No phone calls please. RETAIL MANAGER SALES ASSOCIATES Major nabonal jewellery chain requires Store Manager for their Pickering illation. Responsibilities include: store operations, ensure proper merchandise mix and uikentorn levels, train and superrne staff Position requires related experience and strong lead- ership skills. Salary 27-30 plus bonus and commis- sion. Pickering and Kingston locations. Sales Associates arc responsible to achieve set sales objectives, prepare store for spacial events arul assist len merchandise changes. Positions in Scarborough, Pickering, Kingston and Cornwall. 1-2 years related experience Fax resume to; 416493-8475 D1?Af X INTERNA T/ONAI_TM LOVING jayca,e avadabie MATCHING SJia $150, in my home. 6 months and dove seat $100 Glass top up Receipts. Hwy 21Dixie table and end tables $75 area 839-4228 WANTED ..-npin,er. .-.• CONSULTING AS A CA- call ••c -Cerations Black REEa -^e wee• course Jack Course starts Feb 4ee starts Feb 3 Frinto Duma-. College. 905 721 - sessions every Wed F, 3333 or 1.800-816-3615 nanaal assistance avail stove and 18 cu it fridge able Duman" College. 3300 each. 42' solid pine 905-721-3333 or 1.800, General 816-3615 Help DURHAMCOLLEGE $150 . dehumidifier $100. Iaur•c•,e, ,,,• n time co- 3 PART TIME •elemarke• puler ,n»ra 4"o learning en 'arc S' :. ^ • your Ow- on screen . exper- 7with �nstruCtor. classroom fackl,- enced Preferred 686 - tato,. S a m 10 B p m Grand 2445 Opening Mor Feb 10, EARN SSS4.00 per week VYnitpy Sk,ds Tran�r+4 Can- F,rN {or fro^ ^c^•e ci.,ppkng cell tie hist Hour 5 7 week Gari 905 72' -3328 �s Light assembly den - 0, 1-800-816 3615 cal 1416) 812-6891 Earn roach over 60.000.000 reading books „m FIRE -FIGHTING - Career home, hone $too per tt• Tra,mrg irf-oa.c! on. Part (4 1 6 18 12 -6992 code 6 time evenings. at Durham -- -- _ -- College Whaley 721-3329 EXPERIENCED Customer Uxbridge 8527848 some Se' ce Rep Pan time and sells shill available full time Apply in person ment•Reta,isales help - MMM Enterprises, 50 Com- JWP DISTRIBUTION mwckal Ave Suite 204 several Positions • Internet Ajax General Help I General Help IV CANADIAN TIRE AJAX Requires full time SERVICE ADVISOR Automotive and keyboarding knowledge an asset. Please drop or mail resume to Automotive Centre 260 Kingston Rd. W. Ajax, L1 T 1 P5 No phone calls please. RETAIL MANAGER SALES ASSOCIATES Major nabonal jewellery chain requires Store Manager for their Pickering illation. Responsibilities include: store operations, ensure proper merchandise mix and uikentorn levels, train and superrne staff Position requires related experience and strong lead- ership skills. Salary 27-30 plus bonus and commis- sion. Pickering and Kingston locations. Sales Associates arc responsible to achieve set sales objectives, prepare store for spacial events arul assist len merchandise changes. Positions in Scarborough, Pickering, Kingston and Cornwall. 1-2 years related experience Fax resume to; 416493-8475 D1?Af X INTERNA T/ONAI_TM LOVING jayca,e avadabie MATCHING SJia $150, in my home. 6 months and dove seat $100 Glass top up Receipts. Hwy 21Dixie table and end tables $75 area 839-4228 Enfertair~t tmn $50 Call NANNY REQUIRED, to live M'cnelle at 434-7521 inor out to care for 1 MOVING SALE White 5yr old d 1 newborn. bedroom set. $499, al - housekeeping b some mond vilong self clean cooking call 619-1718 stove and 18 cu it fridge SOUTH AJAX, excellent 3300 each. 42' solid pine daycare 17 years expen- kitchen table and 4 chairs. ence Reliable. affordable $350 18 cu. It Ireezer. Happy environment. Huge $150 . dehumidifier $100. playground 8 lots more 6 plus gardening and oxer. months and up Will pro- cise equipment (905) 427-9176 BOOKKEEPER/AC- LICENCED TRUCK OR v,do receipts References ABSOLUTELY THE BEST COUNTANT needed • Heavy Equipment Me- upon request 686-8719 REFRIGERATOR, Sears H e. Software Sales manic required Must have Soho. 6 speakers Own by white 18 5cu tr Coldspot. Position Entry posdion •Entry level pro- minimum 3 years e.pem • BUSIneSS f0 excellent condition, $185 or gramme needed -Dara ence. own tools and cap- l a Business best filer Triple dresser, 550 sips. coffw table set. Entry.'Acimm . full time able of working mdspen- achwvmg entrepreneurial - Sr5 Call 837-0M inxned • Aoi Asst req'd - d" Apply to File #9743 and Oshawa Call DURHAM FIREWOOD 6- PC bedroom $550. an- MS Word . organized Oshawa This Week Po INCREASE Profits. Adver- R.D. M.S. REGISTERED Booker - good phone skids Box 481 Qshawa Ontario rise on the Internet and Articles - days only •Tramedrech LIH 7L5 roach over 60.000.000 ' for Sale support. highly motivated. Inonds. People FREE into Call -- _ _ _ _ - good interpersonal skills. -- -- _ -- 905-434 21 70 Opt TW - snowblower 5400. 1988 Caprice Classic. $5.000 fast Paced environ- l 2401 OWN by phone - 25'. 27'. ment•Reta,isales help - �Dental JWP DISTRIBUTION 31 • TVs Free del ,set-up several Positions • Internet my, Whitby home. (2 ckild- Sharp. Toshiba. Hitachi, Marketing Consultant. sales MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST bi Firewood starting from $6 25/we•k background. full training heeded for 'amply practice de established and ex- CoA 905-571-7412 provided The Canadian ,n Bowmanlvdle Computer anloed. extra long fully KENWOOD Prolog,c star. THE MUTUAL GROUP mploment Network y(Re- Esilks preferred Rpy, ro ABSOLUTELY THE BEST ec Dsk CD. Dual cas- 5 1'eii5 a sen mobvaletl ,rid, fume Referral Service.) File 49744, Oshawa Whatley top quality hardwood at Soho. 6 speakers Own by -I" with excellent people Fax your resume to: 131 This Weak PO Boa 461 low Prices Free delivery phone starting from S8 Ory .•,ills and an interest in 1162 educational toys. games, Oshawa, L I H 71-5 Serving Piokermg. Alex. week 905-5711412 achwvmg entrepreneurial - EARN EXTRA INCOMEWhitby ULTRA SONOCRATHER and Oshawa Call DURHAM FIREWOOD 6- PC bedroom $550. an- »pendence Complete selling pantyhose and R.D. M.S. REGISTERED 4274741 tiquo 4- Oct bedroom '•annglDenehtsrtxfancing baby's clothing toyour needed topermanent part sales expenence/Dapc- 3250. trench pprovincial 3- c r p•oorams available Mint Inonds. tanxdv and co- -- _ _ _ _ - __-- -- _ _ - - - -- -- _ -- JOCUS r^..: cat :,ra. revs d "kaki 2 years fu# time work workers. call t-800-263- '--' ___._ _. -r ......_r Clinic Resumes send to Busn, lace cords kindling armcnan 530• many other _"ds -no Ividuats n your 'ng experience rogukredand a University degree re- 1432 Sat* 201. 220 Dundes St quality, seasoned fview•ood items. 6236332 area Jocus carries 300• gwste0 Fax resume t0 SALES HELP WANTED, W. Whi Ontario LIN please phone mos- 8 educational toys. games, Pearson Lanes. 129 Byron Ashteci Computer Systems 81,17 Attention Fat -8797 sage) 905-655-8797 Hwy HP. ARIENS SNOW - puzzles. crafts fi5•. are St N. Whit On LIN needs a tue Anne salasper- po isnice. references, own Spencer's Road, turn BLOWER, $700 . vo a under $15 Jan us and 4kA81,0,, .--2,41 son Must haw excellent Daycare north on Ashburn Road. ' r stroller. $60. Exerpse supple vont your fainly in- motive Sales. We require sales expenence/Dapc- • ' Wanted 200 yards. $SOrtace cord. equipment, Gibson 5 hp come I-800-361.4587 ext 9363' Office ground in the computer sales with extensive kno•il- 6530 mixed. picked up snowblower 5400. 1988 Caprice Classic. $5.000 Help edge d software and hard- CAREGIVER- part tune. FIREW000, Excellent 623-5342.435-6229 JWP DISTRIBUTION ware Contact Mr Ali my, Whitby home. (2 ckild- SERVICES Inc a reputa- G Khan cat person with re- ren. 9 months and 3 112 quality hardwood. Guar ANTIOUE. 9 PC Mahogany de established and ex- IMMEDIATE OPENING some at unit #q 140. 1235 yrs) 2 days week Non. anloed. extra long fully Dining room set, includes panting Pickering based Property Manage- gayly Sir". Pickering Tel sm oker. retkabie/ energetic seasoned. cut and spit table. 6 chain. hush 8 But- cour,er company. is lodung '*l co ba mont.knowiedgLand- e d lord Tenant Act Extesive n 905-839-1075 or Fax 905- References/experience as Honest measurement Free let. 32 -OW call 420-5199 for Dreher cirri-- Lotus knowledge a must. 839.1431 sontcal 430-3593 delivery Kozy host Fire - BEAUMARK STOVE, en with sma'I can andfor lay P F gold y Or erect ax resume l 1 vans A strong g•ograpni- to 905-668-4569 Skilled Cal knowledge of Metro RM Help Toronto is beneficial Intev ested parties call Lise or Vali at (905) 420.6705 LARGE RETAIL company (Tupperware) needs more t/t. P/1 sales Iowans filled to service growing custom- er base Paid weel no special experience neces- sary Wig provide full train- ing Applications now being accepted Call Barbara (05) 428-6877 or Shirho (905) 427-6297 or (416)293 - AZ DRIVERS- tan a caring team at Big Rig Express. requires 2 yrs driving exp with cross border expen- ence. Hoole some wee- kends 905-986-4691. 8 At m 5 p m weekdays, ask for Chris or Rota. BOAT Builder/custom wood 905-753-2246 in colour. excellent condi FIREWOOD Roka Lum- wort Oewg room sat with 6 bar 8 Firewood Centre chairs, oak finish, good 4'.8'x12'. $60. 4'.8'06', condition 668-3510. $65 Established1963 as required. 905.428.3388. Days 705.277.3381. Even- BOAT 78 262 Formula, ings 905-434-6665 Free twin Z50's, camper top. delivery to Cishewe area. Iona I cover, remote spo- GAS 6rplace Wison. dot. swim platform, alt and rug satin. (/4r brtrsthing an Imo tabs. depth kinder. New � compi jackals. ropes Kln and more. $17.500. no GST asset.) Please call Teresa 905-427.7745. wood -worker required for LIVE aYLIVE OUT Nanny BEAUTIFUL PASTEL Mink BURGLAR ALARIMS allow custom boat work in WAt- required ler our 3 dlWdnn Dinner Jacket. Waist- . Fax resume to: 905- (10 months. 3 3 4 121 yrs.). hill collar/Culls. phiahrws fatfe n Your Aon#•. 430.8088. Ful day school lex 2 eldest. length• KEEP THEM OUT# Cwlan Non-snoker.Own transpor- "Stunning"; must be seen. buts steel security widow Co. Miling operngs treated diatey to fig various areas Experience preferred. pro0ucaont i dtoo mad an LIVE-MrADUT NANNY RE- inion. Cusken blinds by promotions. Compeb- of Oshawa Company Must Growing dealership. Great asset. stat Of tax your re- also available at lowest tiveness will get you ahead. be hardworking and ambi- worlung atmosphere. For sumo• quoting salary ex- QUIREO 2 - 3 days per FOR SALE - Purebred interview call Rick Lan. Pectations to: McGraw-Hill week in my hhdme, weekend Poodle PupPies MIF, Agri- Pit Sal 905 432-2750. No experience needed. just Vous. We will tram. Call 906.686.2300. Ryerson, AI: H. &eon, 3l>0 work 14 month old baby. cols and chocolate. NO Ps- CARPET ambrhon Call Hope. 721- Ashley for personal inter. tei9rhe. Relererhees,ROKER, Water St.. Whitby. Ont. LIN legal Winson. Pont -Pan. Ready to go. $300. 100X. Nylon thrid#, plush. 0299. view. 721-1111 986. Fax (905) 43D-5044 to start Feb. Ist. (905) 683- 905.723-0461. slain t - -- *rpol. For 3 Ndraeworker. Urgently 14W after 4 p.m. Needed up to $8200/wk y PART Three y Floral Design- DINING ROOM TABLE: rooms' arty q. yd 0. Pod* er Three years experience f1Afp4Y, Live in a txA, er- irKihdas 30 Sq. yds carpet Easy work." "No expert- large, be. 6 chews, glass a must. Fax resume t0: pBtlBrhGed non smoker. �- dalutte � and ehslepathdrl ence required" For free erences, for 3 children, t toP table. 6 chews, bass in details send a SASE to (905) 683.5218. ' oii1C! oiflC! housekeeping, start Apirrd and black lacquer (tubular n h°me. Free quota Skykte Enterprises. 150 lie , steel), very sturdy; put -bon your hone. No in - Clark Blvd. Sudo 247, ROUGE HILL: Adult cawn Help 28. 2271. Nlrtl wage, Ajax. dulled 1990 ler $1200 and toted no paymert ler one Brampton l]r1t. L6T 4Y8 ors wanted' Must have °sun 128-2171 full year Daniel 1 -800 - vehicle for delivery door to HOMEWORKERS: EARN door. Every Friday by 6 p.m. $1500/week! Free details. Send S.A.S.E. to: Akre En- terprTO ises, 701 Rossland BOSS? Scudo S.K.O. Road E . Suite#319. Whit- Were lookingfor modern, by. Ontario. LIN 9K3 up-to-date hairstylists for IT PAYS to lose weight! chair rentals. Please appy 1bu look good. Feet great in person 1D8 Dundas and earn extra income. Calk St. W. Whitby or call 430- 5715063. 9397 stored 4 years. $400. 217-0104 pay�B (905)725-!1861. MOM AvBllable KINDLING, dried 6 clean CARPET for sok - for bee pine sticu in large bags. shop M hone service call $3.50/each. Call 420-6643 and we will show you the STRUCTURED DAY- difference. We also do cus- CARE, with lots of TLC. Ttlirrw. tom Installations, repairs outings, activities, crafts. LIGHT GRAY patterned and restrotching. Seniors meals Non smoking. couch 6 chair. $275. Corn- Discounts. Cap Mike 9115- fencsil yard. playroom. pular desk $75.426-1161 431-4040. nearyHwy Harwoods2. cap 619-0686. CARPET/TILE Helper te- labon. Ajax arae. Refererl �9 $499 010. Call: bars allows afbndwo for LOOKING ler Nail TeMni• $>>kf penance an asset, own ve- as required. 905.428.3388. 427-67W Alex. pea* of mind own with Nil tan• dans for I ' We. call 430-8520 LIVE OUT NANNY - for 2 GAS 6rplace Wison. rive wirWows open. For a rug satin. (/4r brtrsthing an GRAPHIC DESIGIIER yr. okV 6 month old. Ex- 22.000 B.T.U.'s. braes fin- tree estifaato tap Secwe asset.) Please call Teresa excellent po isnice. references, own ish, crr fan. gas adaptor Detigre (905)428.8429. 906665-7176. ROYAL WOODS LIN- COLN MERCURY Auto- Aft,MAC erg-- zMeOren* with Quark. Phaco- car P#ebrrad Light kaepitp Mors. - Fri. 7:30 - hose. %K Pipe ler chimney, CARPET 3 rooms, 5299. OVERLOAD OF WORK. motive Sales. We require shop w Ilfustpr�� . 6:30.��aro only used 2 ym, mei Carl. clition. Milting $450.; 906 Wks MAO" 30 yardis t 20 people needed imine- two sales representative. edge 6530 428.9494 (intro f) pow out Pad a Co. Miling operngs treated diatey to fig various areas Experience preferred. pro0ucaont i dtoo mad an LIVE-MrADUT NANNY RE- inion. Cusken blinds by promotions. Compeb- of Oshawa Company Must Growing dealership. Great asset. stat Of tax your re- also available at lowest tiveness will get you ahead. be hardworking and ambi- worlung atmosphere. For sumo• quoting salary ex- QUIREO 2 - 3 days per FOR SALE - Purebred interview call Rick Lan. Pectations to: McGraw-Hill week in my hhdme, weekend Poodle PupPies MIF, Agri- Pit Sal 905 432-2750. No experience needed. just Vous. We will tram. Call 906.686.2300. Ryerson, AI: H. &eon, 3l>0 work 14 month old baby. cols and chocolate. NO Ps- CARPET ambrhon Call Hope. 721- Ashley for personal inter. tei9rhe. Relererhees,ROKER, Water St.. Whitby. Ont. LIN legal Winson. Pont -Pan. Ready to go. $300. 100X. Nylon thrid#, plush. 0299. view. 721-1111 986. Fax (905) 43D-5044 to start Feb. Ist. (905) 683- 905.723-0461. slain t - -- *rpol. For 3 Ndraeworker. Urgently 14W after 4 p.m. Needed up to $8200/wk y PART Three y Floral Design- DINING ROOM TABLE: rooms' arty q. yd 0. Pod* er Three years experience f1Afp4Y, Live in a txA, er- irKihdas 30 Sq. yds carpet Easy work." "No expert- large, be. 6 chews, glass a must. Fax resume t0: pBtlBrhGed non smoker. �- dalutte � and ehslepathdrl ence required" For free erences, for 3 children, t toP table. 6 chews, bass in details send a SASE to (905) 683.5218. ' oii1C! oiflC! housekeeping, start Apirrd and black lacquer (tubular n h°me. Free quota Skykte Enterprises. 150 lie , steel), very sturdy; put -bon your hone. No in - Clark Blvd. Sudo 247, ROUGE HILL: Adult cawn Help 28. 2271. Nlrtl wage, Ajax. dulled 1990 ler $1200 and toted no paymert ler one Brampton l]r1t. L6T 4Y8 ors wanted' Must have °sun 128-2171 full year Daniel 1 -800 - vehicle for delivery door to HOMEWORKERS: EARN door. Every Friday by 6 p.m. $1500/week! Free details. Send S.A.S.E. to: Akre En- terprTO ises, 701 Rossland BOSS? Scudo S.K.O. Road E . Suite#319. Whit- Were lookingfor modern, by. Ontario. LIN 9K3 up-to-date hairstylists for IT PAYS to lose weight! chair rentals. Please appy 1bu look good. Feet great in person 1D8 Dundas and earn extra income. Calk St. W. Whitby or call 430- 5715063. 9397 stored 4 years. $400. 217-0104 pay�B (905)725-!1861. MOM AvBllable KINDLING, dried 6 clean CARPET for sok - for bee pine sticu in large bags. shop M hone service call $3.50/each. Call 420-6643 and we will show you the STRUCTURED DAY- difference. We also do cus- CARE, with lots of TLC. Ttlirrw. tom Installations, repairs outings, activities, crafts. LIGHT GRAY patterned and restrotching. Seniors meals Non smoking. couch 6 chair. $275. Corn- Discounts. Cap Mike 9115- fencsil yard. playroom. pular desk $75.426-1161 431-4040. nearyHwy Harwoods2. cap 619-0686. Articles Articles Articles Articles Articles Articles For Sale For Sale , For Sale M For Sale 0 For Sale Wanted �so0Of Its ' HOW ARE WE DOING'; ■ The ThsWeekft%%A&eMwClassiedDeparVT61 ■ ■ saarrT>dedbplvridrlgatfabtxrlBrswihhe gest ■ g POSSI) a serene. VtAe vhot/d apprtaoale yotJr carl(id g response b f 1e questions bebw. ■ 1. Was your call answered promptly? ■ ■ ■ ' 2. Did the Sales Representative offer friendly, ■ courteous service? ■ ■ 3. Are you satisfied with the response to your ' advertisement? ■ 4. Suggestions or comments: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Nie would like to hear from you. ■ If you prefer, ' please contact Fred Eismont ■ at 576-9335, or 683-0707 ' ■ or fill out this coupon ' ■ and mail to: ' ■ ' Classified Department ■ 1 P.O. Box 481 ■ 5 865 Farewell St. ■ Oshawa, Ontario ' ■ L111 71.5 ' -Your satisfaction is ft measure of our success' ■ • sa 81 ti ti se es • at. Carpet Mill Dlsrllbuiors, 12 months No payments. No Interest, (QAC) 3 rooms (300sq It I Installed with deluxe pad from only 5399 Specials on Vinyl. Ceramic and Hardwood Flooring Free Shop At Home 1.800- 663-6046 CARPET MILL Disrhbu tors, 12 months No pay ments. No Interest. (OAC) 3 rooms (300sq It ) Installed with deluxe pad from only S399 Specials on Vinyl. Ceramic and Hardwood Flooring. Free Shop At Home. 1-800-663-6046 CARPETS lots of carpet. 100°., nylon. new stain re- lease carpets on hand, I will carpel 3 rooms. 5349 Price includes carpet. pie. mium pad. expert installa. non, last delivery, tree esti mates (30 yards) Norman 686-2314 COMPUTER REPAIRS & UPGRADES I can help re- solve your computer con- n,cts bring your system up to speed with multimedia •^odems. RAM. etc Spe- :•.at 33 6 mt voiceitax mo- 7em. $149 In-home service available Consult -A -Tech '�05-404-8306 CLARINGTON COMPUT- ER CLEARANCE CEN- TER Two great value 'aCkages, loaded systems. ,,stems include 14'28 NI ondor. voice/tax modem. ';D rom drive. sound cards. peckers. Dos. and wind- ,ws. color printer Pentium ' X) 51,999 Out the door •icesall taxes included i ^ey're Here now"' Lots of .sed 486's from 5499 Multi ".Iedia systems from 5675 ':�mplete and guaranteed All a color printer 5125 anngton Computer earance Center 697- ')59 164 Baseline Rd K 7wmar*vdle HACK SQUAT LEG press. ;vr• 80C lbs free -eightbrand new. $2,000 ' )86 Firebtrd $700 19% •1Jli $1.000 (905) 263- 29 HOT DOG Cart, used 3 months, bought for $2500, selling for $1500 Lifecycle exercise bike $3500 new mint condition asking $1600 Can days 430- 0979, evenings 623-0283. INDUSTRIAL shelving for sale $1,900 or best offer For more Information (905) 649-1960 LADIES DIAMOND and sapphire anniversary ring. appraised value $3.200 Best offer (905) 619-6599 LIFESTYLE -Malibu' Hot tub. 4 lets seat 3 4 De- luxe cedar Skin, extra inSu. lahon. paid $3000 Asking $1.200. 4 yrs old. 723- 7464 MEMORY UPGRADE One 16 MB 6ONS Gold Lead 72 -Pin Simm $125 Call (905)723-9986. MINK COAT, full length. while with black l,pped. matching hat m perfect condition, size 12/14. $4.000 value asking $2 000 (905)432-7255 MOVING SALE - Washer 53:0 Dryer $200. facie and chairs $75. bedroom sure $300. sofa $100. plus much more 434-7616 SPECIAL --rand new stack- ing chars. 'ram only $2099 and upglass showcase and display cabinets, ne. gotiable Filing cabinets - New and used filing cabi- nets from only S69 99 while quantities last Lateral cabinets also available Quality new and used chairs from only $1999 and up. Used desks from $75 00 and up. Overread projector tar sale/rent Speedy Business Centre. 668-0800 Whitby PA SYSTEM, rock•. r,N Pulse. 153 speaxers Ross 12 channel mixer.Dignech signal processor. Shure wireless microphone. S2.250 00. will price s•pa- rar•ty Leo after 6 prm 665- 9247 PIANOS -GRANDFATHER CLOCKS - Surprise your Valentine" Timeless treas- ures for your loved one. New and used pianos Not sures Rent to own, apt size, upright, grand, digital. keyboards Clock - grand- father, mantle. wall and Cuckoo Telep Plano Works. 433-1491 SCOOTER. Flyer, new condition. $1250. Power wheel chair, Heavy duty $950 Betterback. back rest $50 Tub handle. $5 00. 623-1096 STEF'S & HANK'S AP. PLIANCES, SALES 6 SERVICE: Showroom ,s full of recor,di ,orred appllanc- es- Must sell' best prices In town' We carry the best warranty, Builtinhlsh- washer. $250 Stoves. $150 & up- an colours/siz. es Washers 5200 & upan makes/models Dryers. $175 & up, all makesirnod. els. Fridges Frost 1,.es. $200& up Side-by-side. almond with hack glass doors. 5800 Apt-s,ze dry. ers. 5200 & up Apt size washers. $300 Stackab.e washer.'dryer. apt -size $650 5.7 cu ft chest freez. ers. $200 & up Upright freezer. $250 6 month's warranty 432-7167 Stet's & Hank's Appliances. 362 Frencn St. Oshawa OAKIPINE FURNITURE Trac• orae Woodworkmg One of Ontario's largest manufacturers of Said Wood Furniture announces our New for 1997 finish I yourself line of Solid Oak & Pine Furniture Eg Car nor'INII Bed 5349 00 Solid Oak Pedestal Table & 4 chairs $695 00. 905-985. 8774 WASHERS7URYERS full sizeact s ze Ow' by Phone starting from $825, week 905-571.1412 WALNUT ming room sal. w,I- ^„tc, ouflM. 6 chars. large table Ask,rg SI.500 Telephone 4327' 1 ANTIQUES Absolutely. Purchasing furniture or an- ything old Scientific instru- ments. china. silver, adver- tising, toys, decoys, dolls. milk bottles, collections or estates Call Robert Bowen Antiques (905) 655-8049. Brooklin THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1997 -PAGE 19 Antiques Computer ' Computer • Video Video ANTIQUE CHINA TEA cup collection. Limoge. Royal Doulton. plus more Call (905)519-6599 Garage/ Garage/ Yard Sales � Yard Sales WHITBY LARGEST INDOOR GARAGE SALE 10,000 SQ. Fr. OF BARGAiNS 1'ilentlne s .ards and Kilts, lr+s ihtm wh(,Irwle hi- nrxulars S20. clocks $5. Lnmputcr games S5. I(X)A0U other reins. dirt cheap"' 401 to Thicksmi Whnhy North In Dundas SI 2 tights eau to 1910 Every Sat and Sun Vendors 666-5110) Arts & Arts & • Crafts 99n, Crafts I1.r. XR XNr E s %I+ St-N..IAN 26 & St N. FEB, 2 IU A.I. - 4 P.I. Crafrh. 9111 nen1,, crap supplies Greatly reduced tluwers, filler.nhtk>n. haskcl� etc SOPHIA's BEAT N sTI DtO. • 109 OLD ICINGS-roN RD. PICK, KING N iLLAGE Beh►een EI:/ahold and Chur,h Streets LOOK FOR PINK SIGNS CERAMIC WAREHOUSE We ^ave "e --.est -olds and the snarpest detail at Me Dest puce' Looking for wedding favors? Try 'The Warehouse- We We sell top quality_ ready 10 deco rate, ceramic bisque Tues day to SaturOay 111-3 1333 Boundary Rd (Jnr 2 Osha- wa 905.7256709 IIWEB DESIGN SERVICE Home and web page creation Hyper link and server storage. Call John Duarte at 579.4400 NEW MUSIC a -zine 43 Automobiles http ,/www dumam- ' ' news neV-alc2381m- For Sale dex him lodate shift workers For P7,, =•ed "No .•n^.•t° 1984 CHEVETTE. 2 dr Bank -,c''1 Car Ta" at OBO certl- tied F• ' PeIS/$ 726900 259-3673 1 an irl 1984 GRAND PRIX. T -top. CAMRY jaded,run $1306 minimal repairs. POODLE cross puppies, $1300 1972 Chev 3/4 ton Jack Russell Terrier cross $900 with parts. olio 723- oups and Rotweiier 8083 Shepherd cross pups for 1984 OLDS V-8 wagon, sale Call Laurie 416-281. 1978 Olds 98 350 •ocket. 889 $395 each 5600 both. YORKI-PODS. Cocks 1982 Audi 5,000 S750 coos Dalmatians Cocker Private 9051576 7697 Oshawa aiels. Australian 5pn Shepherds. Rottweiler- 1985 PONTIAC Parisienne shepherd crossesand only 1;2 YD0km air. excel. -ore at TRENT PET Osha- lent conciliar ,,any rew ria Centre 905436-3724 parts. centfied. 52800 c b o Call Bruce 905.576-2235 *FAIRVIEW DOG TRAIN' ING' - ofler'rg small class 1986 Chew Celebnry Eu- - . positive motivaM1On. IUn rOS po r' 4 dI V6, auto V. .• junior/senior puppyta pw, cruise. tin, very '-liable Classes start Tues Askng $1800 certified = -b 11 In 'Reg 839- 6553491 -07 1966 PONTIAC SUNBIRD: BABY AFRICAN GREYS 4 loor golf exier'cr 'ar .•arge N,ng Amazo^ arl ^ienOr 4 CyI automatic. fifer-G'9sted Coaa�oos 78 000 ems no rust AIAFM °,aSlterballl. bowfin '•eat 9 Cassette Excellent condi non S3. X00 certified Call - ii bird-slthng, ---oomm Iu aria with 905 438 8312 9 9 --.use 576-6045 gin Autof o Sles FOLK -ART CLASSES Improvements ' • Plumbin • Painting& • • • I g • 1 Decorating • or a e Beg­e­, '&2 Sta•',ng February 6th W 11 accom- NEED A VEHICLE? lodate shift workers For P7,, =•ed "No .•n^.•t° 'ur'tmer iniormafror Call 576 Bank -,c''1 Car Ta" at 3947 905-`.'6 •90C Or 1888- 259-3673 1 an irl I IT9.4 CAMRY jaded,run r - mum wheels. -e cs t l . xme won% eat far parts. i•i00 Jr o -s' offer 404 - 1986 Tran%Am. 1,11y,oad. ad c ocks n c •runk 36,:,." alltO "Da' 'OOf, 15' tear venter driven New paint. 'lies. !razes Mint -O"hon '.o reaso,, Ve offer re - •,sed 434.7226 after 5 P m a 43244 84lays 1967 PLYMOUTH Reliant. 4 Cv aulor^al,c. $1295 cerhried '987 Dodge van 51700 as s 1984 Cho. wer2 war or 4 cy, au tomahc. 51/95 certified 1984 Datsun SX 200 S"85 :enih•d 19et Ford Grenada. 6-cyl aoomahc. $995 ceri,fi•d More ars as is 905-409759 • I Improvements le.Me Improvements ' • Plumbin • Painting& • • • I g • 1 Decorating • Party Services House . Cleaning • • Phone Repair • • Sernces • Moving & Storage • • R_ L%0'%'AT10NS I X IES YOl'R HOUSE NEED A LIFT' lou nano it. we'll Lit) it. Bathrtkmis. kitchens, windows. etc. Fully licensed. In.urcd and tx)nded. 665-8185 0 -1•a-- 1Mindow ONnd• sumly a boomenel•a FREE Esc !muff (4161409-4143 FINISHING A BASEMENT? Book with is and pay -96- rates. *1t1t1t lr Rating workmanship. 905-576.6341 CARPENM free esinates. house additions, basements, decks, thm work, door kt- sta labon. baseboards, sheds, rod repairs. (906) 619-29M Bill Jr. Pl UNIB11G & TILE WORK 12 }'can exlxrience 3athratm renova- tonv. file shower Ireas. the fltxx, full ilwnhing service 24 hrs.) General dh unlin9 repairs. affects and toilets. 3uaranteed lowest ,rices. Discounts ser seniors CALL TODD (905) 619-6806 or Pager (416)330-1201 BY W.LEIIVER Adducins,second stones, finished =is., bath- room, docks. the & wood Rom, doors & windows. guaranteed and reliable Call walim lM�•-�45 CARFSPrrRT M CONTRACTM For all your needs in the home intluling-additions. bsrtils, decks, fencing, cabinats, porch en- closures, tilitlg, drywall. to ev. painlSng, shelving urns, bars. kitchens & baths Etc. Terry kir estimate: 432411[5 ALUMINUM INSTALLATIONS eplacement doors. Indows, porch en- losures, soffit. fasl- a etc. workmanship uaranteed. Reason- ble rates, free esti- fates. Call 509- hr. service. CARPET~ les, service install n, residential. cot trcial - ; t+cdrncln yds. S294. also I carpel. $25 install :hiding pad. (965) 619-2249 or (905)706.3206 PLUMPING RENOVATIONS New insulations. ce- ramic tiles. basement washrooms and basement apartments 686-1781 DOUG CLARK PLUMBING, Licensed ,insured, repairs& alterations, new bathrooms and renovations, pump re- pairs, tree estimates. 686-5172, 24 firs. • t Paitttirt9 i • Decorabrlg •' Electrical licensed 30 yrs• ex- perience, all work guaranteed, dis- count to seniors FREE Estimates call Sam 905.683-3719 K&V - CONTRACTING Free estimates on all types of electrical service & insulation. Also phone repairs. call Ken 686-0773 Licensed Electrician. Dryral and pair+m boarding• tapng• teldun% renovations and repairs. Small jobs. 15 years emperience. Free estntales, Serving Dudlam and ata 01 town areas. CDM Ken A 434.4500 PAINTER 30 years ex - trice painting, JI taping, CALL HARRY 428-2679 JW PAINTING IntJExL Paper hanging, Sponging & Ragging. Serving Durham Region since 1983 Free Estimates 683 -SIM TMS PAINTING cit DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmansttip Fast dean, reliable service. 420-0081 • Moving & • Storage AJAX Mlltrirlg Systems ful services, moves, ap- o nee and Pura Special- ". Flat rate or hourly We now have healed storage units. Now offering free boles with moire. Park and bad special, starOrig at $99. and up. cal for kaor- W atl0n, 725-M or 427-0006 MOVERS Move big or sinal, we price them all! Free estimates, seniors disWlra, sham no - Lice moves. Appliances moved also storage space availa0le. Comparable rales. Cal432-2160. MEN WIT11 LARGETRUCK Will do household moves. residential. Commercial Al types of moves Call Cart or Jame 427-2856. MICHALSKI MOVING Houses, Apartments. Of- fices. Appliances and Plano Specialists Senior and Mid -Month Cris - counts .Licensed, in. sured Free Estlmates.ic Excellent serve. Call 436.7795. ERWiviced (5oss MOwr: Bargan rales. homes. offices, apt., etc. Piano movng. Packrg available__ COMPARE US TO BELL PRICES --epnc^e wv;ng. -es. 7e -tial and small sus,- ness. lacks Installed. moved. repaired FREE ESTIMATES A i G SERVICES (WS) 839-6339 • Flooring, • Carpeting CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years experience. restrelchng, our speciality. Free estimates. D t N Duncan, 917-1799 or 967-1100 House • House CLEANING LADY available. Quality service at excellent rates. Call Lisa 655-5074 EUROPEAN WOMAN will dean your house sparkling Clean. Best results guaranteed. Call me at 686-6609. QUALITY HOUSE- CLEANING Privately by 2 ladies. 11 yrs. experience, guar- anteed safisfarntxh. very good references. Duties include Inside fridges & stoves. floors & base- boards washed with no mops used and many afore. very tow rates cat 571-3864 I mmrrWORKWANTS WOR ✓owq Magic ;or Cla xken s Parties And All Occasions Have My own Magician Cal Erak 6r8.493t- • • Driving • • Schools SCHOOL Approved by D.SA .O r4 lessons and test 5105. -10 Lessons $150 -Full Course $259 Free pick -up and drop one (416) 287,3060 SNOT ,FAX 683-7363 • Cleorting • Cleaning IXT vs CLEAN for you. Professional house cleaning service WEEKLY' BI -WEEKLY OCCASIONALLY Phone (905) 683-9719 Belem Party . Parti► Sevioes • Sevices 1 on 1 Tutoring Using the Montessori Method of Education. We teach the basic Wrath & language skills to place your child on the road to success. Learning can be Natural & Fulfil Call Today (905) 428-1285 PAGE: 20 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARI(M. 1997 Automobiles Automobiles Apartments I M11 Apartments Apartments Houses Houses Townhouses Rooms I I For Sale RT For Sale I I For Rent For Rent I I For Rent I I For Rent I I For Rent I For Rent I For Rent 1961 MUSTANG 5 etre. 1992 Corsica. au. V6. am standard Maroon with grey fm cass , air bag. $7300 in;enor Good condition. obo. 1991 Buick Century Only 90.000 kms Asking Ltd loaded Black with grey $5000 Firm Call Troy 905 interior, front bench seat. 579-8146 $6200 obo. 434.2775 19611 Suzuki Samarai JX, 4X4. $1900 certified 905- I Automobiles 6313075 or 905-431-2621 Wanted alter 6 1992certdred Lumina, 76.000 km, Idke new. one owner, fully loaded. $12.000 Call 436.2671 after 8 p m 1992 Geo Tracker 4X4 black with soft lop am/fm cassette 5 -speed Only 66.000 km, highway driven Asking $9000 certmed Call 723-1689 1992 PONTIAC SUNBIRD LE E■cel,er! conGton 86.000 kms non-smoker lady driven. P S_ P/B Pl. auto. am.rfm cassette $5800.as is Call 905571 OSHAWA - NORTH Ox ford 1 d 3 bdrm Near GO station. 401 Parking. hy- dro. balcony!palio $630 and $837 Available imme- duately (905) 721.2232 (416) 239-2752. SOUTH OSHAWA. 275 Wentworth St W 1 Bed- room $500. 2 bedrooms, 5600 & $620, close to bus- es. shopping, available im- mediately. Indge. stove, heal. hydro. parking 1st / last required. no pets 721-9722 or 7236637 NORTH OSHAWA. 3 AJAX - HARWOOD West - bedroom . basement ney Hwy 2, large Newly townhouses in well main- renovated master bedroom, tared family complex 4 pC en suite, walk in clos- Freshly decorated with et ac cable paring, use Frig /stove, close to all of kitchen , laundry, bus to - amenities Starting at Life, non smoker , relerenc- $738./month. On site Mgm1 s professional working es" office Call 905-728-3777 individual $460 per mo. OSHAWA - 1300 Oxford weekly can be arranged. St. Large 2 bedroom town- 428-4559 house. newly renovated, PICKERING- Single room fndge. stove Available with cable. use of kitchen March Ist Ist/last $800 all facilities, walk to Pickering inclusive Telephone 436- 0278 Generating Station. G0. ' ts:3U a.m. - 4:.30 p.m. ' SOUTH OSHAWA. 275 OSHAWA. near tr M 3 bedroom rased basement PTC $340 per month. $170 rices. (416) 741-5418 Feb 1st $950 plus hydro 428-8927 (work) Wentworth St W 1 Bed- bedroom, on same street as e PICKERING S & Liverpool Poo Biweekly Call 420-4318 apartment on lower floor of laundry facilities. parking. P W P L P_ P M c""'e. room $500. 2 bedrooms. schools. daycare . fridge & Rd 3 bedroom townhouse. must be in runningcondi 1 & 2 Bedroom opts and FULLY FINISHED, 2 beo $600 & S620. 3 bedroom stove, in-law apt asking close to go, schools & Shared Bachelor apt (5495) in room (basement` large $678. close to buses. , R 8905 per month first & last shopping. $901 plus uhh- , I Accomodation Oshawa and BOwmanvdle kitchen. fireplace. central PJ shopping. available imme- Avail Mar 1, 728-7137 ties. First & last avail Mar inclusive Non smoker no Starling at S600/month. V. parking, laundry facia- diately, fridge, stove. heat. r r Down.a Call 6836092 ed passenger & driver seat A i A TOWING. Pay $50 f•,dge & stove included. ties, cable no pets non hydro, parking 1st /last re- brand PICKERING Dumbarton/ detached 1 905.839 9446 AJAX, SHARE 3 bedroom with laundry facilities No smokers $725 inclusive. Lease optional 905576- new plotted. no pets 721-9722 1753 Fartpnrl Charming 2 WHITBY - 3 bedroom excellent location, cable. ;I- ls Call (905) 434.2407 905436 -Baal Avail or 723-6637 r story stone house. large lit, townhouse kedge. stove, laundry. good people. $375 N. OSHAWA �Russet'S,m� Marchi AJAX- furnished room r • SOUTH Oshawa. large 1� ? r one bedrooms Is. $Refer +Imes March Ist Refer single car r available garage. inclusive Dave or Dana 0493 ask for Mike CASH FOR CARS' 0,• -'e'. 2 bel ­ o, apart- LUXURY i bedroom base- bedroom rased basement 't rices. (416) 741-5418 Feb 1st $950 plus hydro 428-8927 (work) 1"2buy SAAB 9000 CS.. Eu- usea ven.,es Ve,,ces rnent, newly renovated 12- ment apartment. available apartment on lower floor of laundry facilities. parking. P W P L P_ P M c""'e. (905)839-2887 AJAX,West M • ^ho wY 2 rope ." 3L 4Cvi must be in runningcondi plex Hardwood boors- ca Feb t5 or March t Near semi . with laundry. 2 -car 289 CORDOVA . bdrm PICKERING - gorgeous 3 ^15-427--6226 area Large Home to share. 16 valve, e, Di 16 valve. Direct ignition ABS. Cruise control. power tion Call 427.2415 d come to 479 Bayly St East. Ajax tile. parking 5686'month- includes everything except GO. Shopping Fully Sell- contained Parking $625 Parking, private entrance. S575 all inclusive Avail -stlast Parking For more bed•oom 2- "tor double Storey. garage, c a,r, appliances. ROOTS Ej MI for Rent Close 10 GO & Transit 5375/monthly All inclusive root doors. windows, neat at MURAD AUTO SALES hydro. (approx $10/month ' inclusive Non smoker no able Mar t st Mature work S S f f S S f S S s f S S S S S f S 51 t SO plus old Rob ate- smoke,. no pets. 5425. Ist Call 6836092 ed passenger & driver seat A i A TOWING. Pay $50 . laundry facilities No dogs pets. 905-420-9187 ing sin le,cou a No pets S 1ST CHOICE S 0210. au messa es g rushed �)5-686-3201 - Color ChamDa tie Metallic 55n0^ -ash sed & Lease optional 905576- Nice two bedroom near 905579-18694 f AFFORDABLE HOMES' f promptly returned I $nowmoblles HE OSHAWA � Share large 9 9 86k low mileage) A 1 con- scrap cars & trucks 24 hr, 2982 ditior $42 000 new asking 7 days Call 905 686 5003 2 BEDROOM North $15.009 905-6835801 or 905706.5234. 30 mm Oshawa in 8 :sex 'nage & pager 416-4069723 service stove balcony. blinds. 1994 GRAND PRIX SE. included Quiet home, ma. laundry facilities. parking. P W P L P_ P M c""'e. Tr UCks $650 plus hydro. available Tilt. ArtFm cassette, secur- ' for Sale mmedatelg 723-1912 ,ly, system 79 000 km eb is' (905) 5714776 5 289 CORDOVA . bdrm 514.500 Can 6833020 ^15-427--6226 ipf Pan & BIGG• $710 1994 GRAND PRIX. V6. 19% - ' 'C„es. 414 mo 2nd floor ,,nit utd Inc! SPACIOUS one bedroom 3- "- -- :)n rebuilt mot.- -stlast Parking For more tc re,t separate entrance. a 3 Nev, paint Loaded as into can 576 2877 or 623 security system. 4 door, ap- s 5680C 9C5 985 2306 37 1 - LARGE. dean t -bedroom f WHY RENT? BUY! f OSHAWA small one I BASEMENT Room at $350 & 1 a1 S i75 close to Mme with clean, em - ployed nonsmoking cou ; .)semen, apartment with -wets cable Oshawa f S NO down payment. bear Dom ~case, clean. 5600 plus utilities Onlyg PTC & GO. parkin permit pie Lar room. own bath - en 'dNeS. cable, laundry. $ f NO problem' responsible people need included Quiet home, ma. aurid / room, T V use, ry ; irking n luded $500 f S f Let me show you how' d required apply 905) lure gentleman welcome g kitchen Avadade imine- Var •st Non smoker Can S ( Mtge Pay $700 0.A C S eb is' (905) 5714776 5 839-0257 dialely $390,month. 1 sV last (905)571 2720 (roes ^15-427--6226 $ CALL THOMAS PIKE f TWO BEDROOM ^ouse AJAX. FURNISHED room sage) SPACIOUS one bedroom s ACCORD REALTY LTD. S with CackyarJ %o !i, Alax. tc re,t separate entrance. PICKERING - A MUST TO .u,a••^iem. available March $ 576-3111 $ 5650 per mo plus uhlmes cable. Shared facilities, non SEE R'-rk Ry aM Hwy 2 't S600 Month all ,nclu - cccccccccccccccccc Available Feb 15tH. no Pets. smoke,. no pets. 5425. Ist Well maueamed home in - re lsttast No Pets Non- 2 -BEDROOM bungalow. Telephone (416) 7677089 last. (905) 683-5480 cludes cable. phone, close � 10kmg Can 721-1356 a,ge 01 oasement. rushed �)5-686-3201 g Rema a welcomer persor to all amenities. ac, central bpm prox 79000 nignway kms Jim(FortPerry) or 435-09 - atter 3 NEWLY Decorated .. , i e park�r.g. $800 'mo .uu1�- I Housing AJAX dean carpeted alarm tmsned basement. 514 SOC Like new one 'gym 2 storey condo, inch Drn� me^' in . avea, TWO AND ONE cedroom hes March Ist References Wanted r' - )wet home. use of call anytime, s, at 1416 owner 90568 � 3020 1991 FORD RANGER AJAX Oxford Towers. .kith h adult building. mea• nospi_ aca-rme"ts 573°, a^J $510 Meaoowvaie & Sheppard er, 3 3 titre. Y-6 maroon, ` �tcnen. bathroom, laundry 464-1767 after 9 905 1995 GRAND AM 4 Jr XLT extended cap ., 1 Spa, s a: ar•--,ems ;u ! 'a1 255 S,mcoe St N '905 respectively. an ,rclus'- 905 509 8872 or 905 771. ckudeS util Near Oshawa 'acilc,es, cable. non 4280210 nkser't 1991 Ford Festiva. 4 cyl automatic $2.995 e: one owner exce,ient building. dose to snoppng. 728-4966 parking and laundry facia- 8448 HOUSE NEEDED ju renj smoke' $65/week fur FEMALE "'skin work,nr g �ws o7 K rerhnea war -e condition. sac^f,. 995 GO Pool. sauna AJAX - NEWLY •e-twatek hes Close to hospital WHITBY 3 bedroom - Rent 1- Ow^ in North Oshawa N Oshawa rushed �)5-686-3201 g Rema a welcomer persor $a 995 1995 Pontiac Fire- lb Certified or reasonaae on Th, Tnrer• Lwdrooms. Marcn Nice two bedroom near Nervy Painted and pipet- apt 2 paring. woodstove. or or I $nowmoblles apartment spacwws. one Dedroom. Irving, dining tarty 5114"" 1995 Fora er (905) 728-7242 or (905) Ist f- , �' 5883 683532_ w':a'ate •'�'-ancN 2 -bed ed 576.7540 Heave mss- �sD,' - des„abta West city limits Rent & occu AJAX- furnished room or student to share clean. 3- Taurus Wagon. certd,ed. 242-4222 until 730Dm room_ basement. washer, �9e, Lynde Eat -,n k•itc"en. d,- panty negotiable 905-438 Avauabie Imrrwdately Full bedroom home. in North warranty. q; 995 1990 dryer. ?ridge, stove mt $1.1A Absolute mngroomunv,ngroom large 8312Vvn1" use of ret room, laundry Must be neat, non- Mercu •y Topaz. S3 995 cernf�ed Express A,;tcFMI Yens AJAX ,.-.,m � dean 3 txtra ---a r floc in "situ apt crowave, security system. ca. c V. 1 parking spot. TWO bedroom apt oval- alike ^l 9*21ely in small recroom "Fireplace der? c. air_ avail March 1 St200 Townhouses loom. kitchenette w.nndge. Dark rQ available 585.' Smoker, tike cats 5400, morin inclusive. 666- Leas,ng 427-'044 3 yytleei Drive ^ungalow. 5875 1 2 rung close to GO bus Stop. itdr quiet building. Bloor'Wrlson plus utd Mike 6835000 I ' FOR ��p 9494 1996 PLYMOUTH Voyag avallabie April 1st Call ties included 1200 sq h area Laundry on premises 3 bedroom main floor of For Rent week nA;i-5951 OSHAWA. 2 rooms in faro er : '. abs case BS PLYMOUTH Voyager +-i5-696-1494 5925month. hrStAast rp All inclusive $704 Call 721.1178 novae for rent. North Whit AITONA RD / 5th Sheppard House -.able. IM 'phone 7 -passenger. zebardl. weir ei pa��er-;"• ::e"'ger' t AJAX. Ha -wood & Hwy 2 quired irrxnedalely,416� by $950 dos 2'3 utilities 3 j:eJrwn� ;,rwnn.iuse ,n B, r- ._year turn,yhed rr .. Uundry. 2 washrooms. maintained 518 500 o t c Ioaded S 1 nib o C 0 Gai %. a•ge. clean. quiet 2986984 TWO t edroom apt" ,ear Also 2 bedroom basement wet! maintained famil Y n quiet adult home tot ma- share kitchen. $375 incfu- Ca1905-666-4015 697-2405 bright walk out basement NICE party lurnished all ar--,en,ties $851 all ,n apt 5550 plus 13 utldws complex Freshly decorat- lure employed nonsmoker siva ISL1asl 4362719 any 93 SUNSIRD 56K and '94 Mit Available rhmedately bacheier apartment for rent, ciusne No subsidy aval 905723-3474 ed. includes 4 appliances. Share separate time SUNBIR; 'vr A., verso elecln: locks `,D player I Traller5 - 5-619-0803 - AVAILABLE Feb 1st ja•ge Oshawa Centre area. S400;montn Isttasf re- able Beatrice/Simco' Oshawa 721-1553 3 -BEDROOM >.rm, de- tamed •.ret ace walk Gut an utilities Parking dose 10 schools, all amenities Feb bath(S) with two others Ret 1 1 t sL as $100 per week SHARED ACCOMMO- DATIONS. South Alar 3 sumoot cerldied Tele- 2 oerwr" apa,tment ,n quire0 Cal 9057137 726 SU MARY $T E WHITBY to deck lance" back yard or Ma, occupancy 122 190515092459. evenings h-x;m non' dose to al Phone (905) 432.7253. ;,,,Of building. $545, OLIVE AND WILSON. 2 bedroom aavailable ,n pt double driveway, twat OC Colborn' S! E Oshawa amenities, $400 per mo all 579-8815 728-4917 19W HOAIESTEAOER •-•x,th.riydro Please call large lin;^• ' be;-com well ma,nlaned and quiet Available March 1 $950• Appi 434-3972 AVAILABLE Feb 1st. room inclusive 19051 686-7012 CER7ICAR - The Mabng• h mb'�r 3P o ' - •- Debbie or Judy 905-434 laundry. parkin650 g 5plus mature building Utrktes. utilities Call Garry Bolen at AVAILABLE MAR 1. for ,er• ,n :arge rww home, leave message in a we reedy to lad rate x� 2C rlonda room Main � 572 hydro Avadao,e March Ist parking laundry lac and 905-436-0990 1 a'ge 3 bedroom town Ajax -Pickering Village area. SINGLE ROOMS with I We have rrrd vans, ••,,Ie, tuily turn,sned Ona AVAILABLE Ifl1.MED111- (5)436.9448 or (416) security cameras On site OSHAWA Beautiful clean bout'. nhtra decor. 4 use of kitchen & laundry shared tacrines Females Claw. GMC Chrysler andit" `"Xi`oom. 4 Pc bath, midge ty P„ke,mg spacious 6908194 management For appt to ser large se2.t bedrooms. 000 1 1i2 baths, garage 51Mweek Galt 905-686- welcome Non smoker no Fad. 1969 to 1993 start- uX sure. propane stove and Electric not condo. newt' carpeled and ONE A Two bedroom view calf 666-2450 Irving room, dirnng room, Kir & Townline area g tri 3366 leave es e or pets rNerences. avalado Ing at 55.000- E samples 9 oven water. (leek 1C x 16, shed. new Darned 3 bedrooms. all apartment �mmed,ate pos- VERY CLEAN, new r ty en- eat- in w:tcnen Grandview $895 . utd Phone 905 9056190938 mmedent h Rant from 1993 GMC Safari SLX, rod on Florida room. now uhl ncuded F,rsi last re- session. prefer couple, ovatea 2 2 bedroom 2 area, forced yard, no pets T2t-4213 $375 Call (905) 420--0249 auto air. black and shiny, carpet Located at Nestle - qumed No pets. non- North Oshawa, includes level upper apartments. $925 Istilast plus utilities anytime after 7pm on will, 100.00 km 510.995 In Park on Hwy 36 bet- smoker $1200 839-4601 hydro. fridge. stove. carpet, each 5725 inclusive Ist, Marcn Ist (905) 263-8856 weekdays 1993 Ford Aerostar XL sport, highway kms, looks ween Lindsay and Bobcat' gem+ a1 water Brand two 545.000 Asking SM or AVAILABLE MMEDIATE- freshly-pamled. shopping para. laundry facilities last. close 10 Oshawa. hoe - Pital and downtown Feb GRENFELL/ KING ST O C area 2 bed smau old I I TOwnhoUses�IFor houses I Caldorrinitrro and runs like now sten -000 best otter Leave mors Cage LY. �� Whaby Apt bund- Near bus Reasonable Ist and March Ist (905) of bungalow large drive- For Rent Rent Far Rent t al 57 995 1993 Astro Cl DNde 4 p m a call char S ,ng spacious, carpeted. 725-2642 cher 5 pm 113-0316 way lanced aril 5675 extended. absolutelyload- p m to 9 p m Park fees ne- inwi newly Pated, With bako- ONE and two bedroom WHITBY Large 3 bed- y ' Plus utd Heating lorced-arr- ad indudng alloy wheels gotaable Ask tot Dents' ^Y close to bus, shopping. opts Feb 1st l,v,ngtoomi 'gym 2 storey condo, inch oil 728-8868 and dutch doors S12 996 19051 579-3791 all utilities included. first , dining loam. park- balcony. m clean, quiet 1-800-640-6275h 19W Plymouth Gr Voyag STEEL TRAILERS •0' 6' last required no Oels. 2 unary1tChen mg. laundry 1 -bedroom budding. evaded' March a HARMONY i Am, er, 3 3 titre. Y-6 maroon, x x 5 very st„1. with all the � o bedroom, $750 Also 3 ndudos uhf 2 -bedroom in. Apra $975 rndusrve (905) 2 21 2 story a bedroom. 2 21'2 loaded. 57.495 Need a s gas balls & w^saes Can be bedroom $815 call 430- ckudeS util Near Oshawa 665-0821 Darts, double garage. 5 nkser't 1991 Ford Festiva. 4 cyl automatic $2.995 enGosOe Great for hauling 0134 Centre 723.1647 or 579 WHITBY 3-bdrm man floor appliances. $1,000 . 2;3 Immediate. 905 279-W 36 1993 Ford Festiva. 4 cyl wood furniture. etc . $1000 BROCKMWY 2. new[ 6989 ,n older duplex. electric OLIVEMARMONY 2 OLIVEbedroom automatic. wane and cute firm Call (705)878-5586 (Lindsay aper bpm rerovaleo available imme- OSHAWA - March Ise heat Very spacious. badk- 2 level basemen) $a 995 1995 Pontiac Fire- diately Walkout basement Nice two bedroom near yard. 2 -car parking, walk to apt 2 paring. woodstove. ty 5 sod. with only 27.000 kms $, 995 Tired of spm I $nowmoblles apartment spacwws. one Dedroom. Irving, dining 401 �' �� uhkties. & parking included 725- 6434 GO, ow 06 Feb 50 o -utli A ail 420-9477 $695 :mo including utill- des Available Immediately Jing your wheels? • kitchen, ac. appliances, FOR RENT Clean Family No Pets (416)754-8918 er 6 Jeep YJ a x a wrangler 6 I 5 d bon SATURDAY NIGHT FEB. IST utilities (:able included OSHAWA - 888 . 900 WHITBY, Bachelor, one Building Not Oshawa. 1. 3 bedroom condo, Ajax waterfront including fndge. stove, washer, dryer, dSh washer Pool & tennis courts available Call Homehnd its Plus for do- ll905-728-7902 AJAX /PICKERING by the lake, one bedroom it condo, indoor pod, htub. tennis, fireplace, balcony, appliances, parking 416. 445-7218 ty spas t tops. in at C kms. A tea bargain bargain at 56 995 1988 Jeep Ch'ick's Ltd Bur 1969 POLARIS lyd 500 Y New Uutcn. springs 7 "docks Good condition $690 per mo (9051 683- 1206 Gler St 2 bedroom Opts from 5675 $710 also t and 3 bedrooms avail bedroom, in well main' rained build s 0 Sevens ^9 Realty Ltd 668-7777 ' Auet10f1B 1 I • AUICtions I Auction r*TJIT-AuCtions • Pudic Iran transportation stops . funky loaded. automatic. S2500 Call 905 435 0793 CENTRAL WHITBY Su- dose to shopping, schools, WHY rent when you can table, 4 chairs, Crocker mixers, food processors, toaster ovens, kitchen mates, deep fryers, coffee 5740. 1-800-640-6275h drives lice a dream. 4 x 4 1990 POLARIS INDY 500. pend, 3 bedroom Upper floor triplex BrooWoomed, GM and Go Utilities in- cluded Firstilast required own your own home for lass ono ubhty $7.995 Geo Tracker. 5 hgwtl cooled. new Iresn newly decorated. laundry Call 728-1993 less Man you think?" Call Dave Haylock Sales Rep. ESTATE AND PUBLIC spee "peek. good kms, motor. Hankie 8 ?numb warmers. ski skins, Car- facilities, garage. no -pets OSHAWA - Central Ioca. Re!Max Summit Realty CONSKNIMENT unbind$5.995 Cavaliers and sunbuds from 1988 to t99a staring wife", studs, excellent con• oibon Ready for 4164860169 tion, 2 bedrooms, ver Y clean in 6 unit budding (1991) Ltd (905) 668-38M or (905) 666-3211. AUCTIDN SAL FEB. IST 6PJL BOWMANVILLE LIONS CLUB at $4.295 Specials' 1989 snow S3000 obo 905.985-8039 COURTICE RD 2 bed- room apartment, in farm, $645 per mo inclusive ATMYLESKNG 26 BEECH ST., BOWMANVILLE Chev Celebnty Euro. load- ed. black beauty $4,995 Stewart. after 6 p m house. appliances, avail- Avadade immediately 576-5887. I Houses AUCTION HALL LIBERTY ST. NORTH OFF CONCESSION ST., WEST Grand Am SE. 4 door, 1996 X00000. 2.000 rri 521)0. Call 905- able March Ist $952 per FOR RENT Clean Family For Rent b HALL ST, OSMWA Chesterfield and love SATURDAY NIGHT FEB. IST whitknit e. like new 57.995. Trade -tits welcome, cashCal 435-0793 mo. inclusive. Harmony Rd. 725-9x91 Building Not Oshawa. 1. seat, coffee and end VIEW 5:30 P.M. SALES 6:30 P.M. yO1f ca` Open StatialliaYt z il 3 bemis. Irickrhaw Pay sive.for fade. parA laundry $1.1A Absolute tables, swivel chair, for yoCar us at (WS) 579-206• wap ttaote cies- Snowinobiles • I I S11owt11obik6 lac. 723-2094.94. 1�1f � Ow11 YOUR HOw ash single bed (box spring and mattress) TRUCK LOAD OF MIXED MERCHANDISE INCLUDING THE BALANCvoweowveniattca. BANKRUPT STOCK OF CONSUMERS DISTRIBUTING WILL BE SOLD ATTHIS gtaaMy / OSHAWA. dose antique dresser, SALE. fled vehitlas at CMhcar, to GM, t bed t $600 2 FOR ��p quaker small rock) Partial Iasi. Sanyo, Scott, Emerson, Memorex, IVC, electronics, camcorders. 155 tidy SL Waat at Melia- town ItFtown Maa Whom Cua- toraam nand "Mir CREDIT PROBLEMS? On the spot financing Down payments from $500. Monthly payments from $150. O.A C Cars. trucks. vans 1981 to 1996 Alandy Auto Sales Ltd 146 Brock St N . Whitby 905.666- 3382 JEFF WELLS AUTO SALES - 1989 Olds Calais. 2 Or 4 cyl. $2900 cert. 1987 Pontiac 6000 wag. V6. $2500 cert, 1986 Chev Celebrity 4 dr 4 cyl $1695 cert, All very clean inex- pensive cars Hwy 12. 1 km north of Brooklm 571. 547 or 655-5911 89 FORMULR MX '91 SRFRRI LCE 470 Liquids, gauges SKI SK111S Hand Warmers Double Bed Trailer $4500 O.B.O. Will sap. Jim 705-328-1613 th Deo $750 al Inclusive, available Dor 71 chair, pine wall cab- cordless ones, 2.5" colour TVs, 4 head VCRs, answering machines, TVNCR g Feb. 1, M twist building. ^9 DNo gallkngt7� net with mirror' China combo, compact disk radios & home stereos, housewares, giftware, collectibles Pudic Iran transportation stops Cal Me!! fi t' 10105 t.v., oak porcelain dolls up to 40", small appliances, Sunbeam &Proctor Silex Reny at door. Call 905- 42& (10' 571-1273 table, 4 chairs, Crocker mixers, food processors, toaster ovens, kitchen mates, deep fryers, coffee 5740. 1-800-640-6275h � machines, exercise machines, gym bikes, steppers, ski machines etc., tools, PICKERING. Kingston/Liv- erpool, 2 -bedroom main floor of bungalow, quiet. large lot. parking, walk to everything, $875 inclusive IsTAast References, There- sa (416) 267-7482 Mark titapl6q Sales Rep. Sutton Group Excel Realty umpba trunk, mi- crowave oven, 3 la- dies gold and dia- mond rings, 4 poster bed, lamps, 1987 Ply- mouth (K -car) fully loaded, certified, new fires, 39,000 kil., origi- nal mileage, dishes, bedding, tools, etc, good sale, plan to at- tend, all consign- ments welcome. MYLES KING AIICTICNEER 725-5751 screwdrivers, drill press, socket sets, drill bits, pliers, file sets, punch & chisel, porcelain vases, small pool tables, toys, 14K jewellery, diamond rings, Michiko pearl, Canadian coins, furniture, Tiffany lamps, canister vacuums, attache cases, luggage, steel Tramontina & Meyer cookware sets, dinnerware, die cast cars, baby carriage strollers, jewellery boxes, cork pictures, kitchenware, bath scales, bath robes & towels sets, alarm with radios & phones, shortwave radios, call displayers, computer tables & organizer table, TV, VCR stands, entertainment unit, coffee table set, golf umbrellas. shoe racks, cedar chest, knife sets, scales, body massagers, vanity set. Too many to list. Subject to addition & deletions, Terms cash, Visa MIC only bed ENT BUILDING Oshawa. 18 suites 8 years ,ndry. $995 Inclusive. old, fully tenanted, excel TI1E!% ':%VS ADVERT1SFR FRIDAY. J.►NUARI 31,1997 -PACE 21 Condominiums I For Rent APARTM Investment property • Personals • 1 Personals• ' Personals • i 1 MnolrKemmts 140148111 Annowamerds •M-01Anflouncemems OR AnnowaimerRs LIVERPOOLJ401. 3 • .,,n, 1200 sq it, shortAong ENT BUILDING Oshawa. 18 suites 8 years ,ndry. $995 Inclusive. old, fully tenanted, excel a5 600-1400 leave lent income Doug Band. ,,,,me , phone number Really Executives 686- ffice 6 MeRetall Space 643 ' Condos for Sale TWO MONTHS FREE able $275 weekly 905- REFIT - 450 sq ftoffice for PLAZA 700/900- Oshavi went. divided ;n two. Com- most prestigious condo- ondo- , vte with computer room• III miniums offer a secure, v.ashroom. wading room carefree Ice style ,n a vane. etc $450 includes every- ty of floor plans from ung High traffic area $179.900 Viewed by ap. Prime location - available pointment through R;stow 8 ,,mediately Simcoe N Fleming Limited, Realtor. 476-6999, ask for Steve. 576-2548. Cottages Vacation PM / for Rent �Properties BURKSFALLS: Luxury 3- CLEARWATER 2 -bed- . edreom winterized cob room mobile (family park). ,ge on Loon Lake. sleeps heated pools. hot tub. - all amenities. Close to minutes to beaches, sleeps -ails. excellent fishing. Call 6. More information avail - ave (905)430-8658. able $275 weekly 905- MORTGAGES Good. 434-7184 ffj,'ff Resorts TIME SHARE tar sale. any purpose. rates from Kissimmee Orange Lake 5 95°. All applications &C- Country Club Christmas cabled Community Finan- week (week 52) PLUS 3 THIS SUMMER visit the accumulated weeks Fully Trent valley (Campbellford) I r cod fishing fun furnished bungalow, sleeps 6 2 bed rf h Personal Prayer To The Holy Spirit Thou make me see everything and show me the way to reach my ideal. You who give the divine gift to forgive and forget the wrong that is done to me and who are In all instances of my life with me I, in this short dialogue, want to thank You for everything and confirm once more that I never want to be separated form you no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with You and my loved ones in Your perpetual glory. Amen. Person must pray this 3 consecutive days without stating one's wish. After the 3rd day your wish will be granted no matter how difficult It may be. Promise to publish this as soon as your favor has been granted. : 1'AGF 22-1'11t: NENVS %1)'t F 114115 :R FRII)AN..IANUARN' 31, 1997 A Place With All The Extras Looking fora nen+ paa' Fina iour ne\: dip to the classified ads From basic housing to luxurious accommodations. you can find It ai;, right In your newspaper. It's the up-to-da:c real estate rc�ource, and It's coming your way, even• day. CALL CLASSIFIED 683-0707 FAX 579-2238 ORTOR. LINE 798-7672 .4 News Advertiser Dance To A New Drumbeat Thinking; about learning to play a new instrument' The classified ads are a great source our !nrapenstve, quality used instruments In tact, you can find great bargain on all kmo, oN thing.--Imm autom,+Ile, to tool to adkcttble, It's all waiting for you to the classlti ds, e%en day. CALL CLASWVD 1683-0707 FAx:579-2238 OR TOR. LINE 798-7672 & F,1-1 11-aws Advertiser 1 ]FOC. US ON BUS]MSS feature 9 DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS Casement (905) 579-2222 DHUNGE Complete Select!on of TILT -ACTION Vinyl Windows 8 Doors • PICTURE WINDOWS • BAY 8 BOW WINDOWS • INSURANCE CLAIMS • PATIO DOORS • STORM DOORS • NEW CONSTRUCTION WINDOWS T0s1111Ni111111t12JJC MOBILE S,OW930Y WAYNE HUTCHINSON LA.C� SEU,':_CA 'GIAWA N lAll i. swwDAC. NSTALLADON hoer 579-2222 0110 .,t an.t.la . hrctnlcr I.IIC Insurance aocncics, recently moved it) Ajax. Art Robson. President, welcomes inquires tno►n Broker-, and Consumers interested in Lite Insurancc.RRSP"s and Tax Sheltered in%cs;Imcnt.. Phone (905) 428 -So 1", 1.,I\ (9047" )426- 1 —,,.; DUCT CLEANING a CHIMNEY SWEEP Includes all hook-ups & no hidden extras. Work Guaranteed. Snake Method - 200 PSI Per Standard Home Hook-up $39.95 - $5 per vent s� t� CHIMNEY SWEEPING ONLY `59.95 RESIDENTIAUCOMMERCIAL snake method wed (416) 282-3292 The C•wrperrter s 49uwee Shop Stsio Applieatios & hsishing Techniques March 13th & 20th Kids Woodworkiog Catallp March & Apnl openings Woodrora i y Intro - March 151h & Advanced - March 29th Bsild a elooket Box Begins March 121h Introdnatioo to Woodwerkins Begins March 241h Call for Details 905-683-6003 1885 Ckments Road - Pickering Durham Windows and Doors brings showroom to your door ..•..:453- . Y: I1zn nURS i ti i O � 79-2222 I MDB -E SN.DN'ROOM Left, Wayne Hutchinson will bring his Mobile showroom to your home. At right, inside you'll find his display of Top Quality Vinyl Windows. Wavne Hutchinson brings to the Icplacement window and ,f()()r business a new .Ind long overdue I:atures. It's a Mobile Showroom which just may be the only one in Canada. -The day is gone when you carried some brochures and a sample window to a customer's home," explains Wayne. "So I obtained a retired North York Mobile Library truck and installed interior walls along with all of my window samples. • When you call Durham Windows and Doors for a free estimate, Wayne will show up at your door with his Mobile Showroom which you'll enter by way of a sliding patio door. Inside, displayed on the walls, are the Tech Weld 2000 series of vinyl windows which you're free to operate and you'll discover the many special features including how they can be cleaned without going outside. "After being in this business for 18 years, I can honestly say these are the finest windows on the market," s a v s Wavne. "They're triple sealed to reduce air leakage and come with heavy duty hardware" If you desire, you can choose the •Low -E Glass which filters out the ultra violet rays keeping your home cooler in the summer and eliminate the fading of your curtains, drapes and furniture. All of the windows come with a lifetime warranty and a 10 year guarantee on the installation. Wayne would also like his customers to know that he does all of the estimates personally, eliminating the cost of a salesperson. Durham Window and Doors do all their own installations, which ensures that every customers gets a high quality job done at the best possible price" Durham Windows and Doors is located at 696 King St. W. in Oshawa or phone (905) 579-2222. Check Out Our Flyer Delivery Service. We are by far The #1 Distributor of flyers in our area. Have your flyers delivered I dr PSI any Wednesday, friday or Sunday with The Wwspaper W everybody needs. _ I News Advertiser. and ask for • • VIC I MI Call 1-900-451-3793 $2.49 per min. SINGLE MOM! •';wed s ng'.e mom. •king a tall while male - leen 3038 who 's C looking and is drug for relationship. -awa area BOX 13590 DO U KEEP PROMISES? J female , G' I,,,, Grown hair and eyes Seeking -,nous. down to no head es type of I enjoy art ; anything lin Do •.r':w how to ' • a ady° BOX wy I; SEEK A k PFRFECT MAN t meeting a male •r;e group who is a gentleman enjoy .. dancing. Country ^ music, cooking I, home too BOX SEEK LAUGHTERIFUN 8 . _• :d ,ng.., 'emaie, mother, '.r Donde hair and blue Vhrkng on career in software Enjoy • = evenings. country x home as well as •.;,, a male. 3540. .. �•at'--ty. not Insecure controlling Box -AKE ME AS I AM' o , ng,e '...I''er Seek a male. honest and sin- a^d who will I— me interested call' NTERESTED? -,h widowed white e enjoys dancing. :.? •'g, the outdoors. V -g and more 'k.ng a ,hale with smilar -'est, to share a IAe BOX 16024 STOP RIGHT HERE! ile , ilessainal mom, good values. Seeking employed, honest and lig male. 3645, who I I communicate and .. fun with BOX 10678 ACCEPT ME AS I AM! n -al, Ad mother of two .ing for Someone" ., who ,s honest" sin - who likes me for me, 40 Enjoy sports, coun. music and more. BOX n21 ENJOYS FINER THINGS -� spirited open minded good sense o1 humor o adventurous. Enjoy ,lel, walks on the teach. 'mg and dining. Looking meet a well established . mess man to enjoy -se things BOX 18165 ENJOYABLE TIMES! year old single female i joy watching hockey. -.,-ketball, long walks and are Looking for that sper- at someone to spend !,,)e with BOX 11016 SINGEL RED HEADI Ell year old red head, 5'11' Looking to meet an _,:}going gentleman. Enjoy walking, dancing and . uunlry music. BOX 13129 WINTER BLAHS? well, maybe together ey won't seem so bad. 'vVen established, attrac- •t: professional woman, If 40s, petite. Looking for ,31refone in the same age g'oup. Enjoy country 'music. dancing and good times with friends and tam - y BOX 13513 JUST SPOIL ME! 45 yr old, educated, good i Umored, attractive :.lunette likes the country. tarts. animals. nature, coking, eating out, IAe, -'�. Seeking a vintage gen. :It -man who has his head �fI straight without bil Sage BOX 10646 HAVE A GOOD HEART? 1old 30 lbs 1Seeking a male 25 11 35. who is good 'mmol BOX 10968 WANT FRIENDSHIP I am a mom of two search - 119 for someone for friend- -11iP h gets kind of lonely :, 11-letimes... BOX 13491 WICCAN GODDESS.. •> "ll mg g'r7l-n romance Ti,} y attractive. 20 yr oW fema, e. seeking someone who will treat mc• well Like tall, thin men with long dark hair, who appre Crates the darker side of lite BOX 13498 GROW OLD TOGETHER Single M 'll !er•idie. 33. likes dancing. movies and quiet nights at home I've raised my children the best I could, but now I need more than motherhood Mr right is what Ph'Itj 1141 nlfnrfrf• Ad trityl fire f�rflr ,ti �-� see k :an you make my lea If get weak BOX 15376 LET'S CHAT 5 �' '-11- - „1ek.rg a black. Italian Or III male It this sounds like y ;u give me a call somet and we can talk' BOX '-i ;42 DOUBLE TROUBLE Il '. •';.c. '.N' , -one has ball seek .ngwo tSim Ole white male,- sdgoing. mghtlde, spontaneous. not loo old We are 5'4'. dirty blonde hal, blue Pyes. slim, and 'eke to lance Don'1 be shy give us a call BOX 31983 SEEKING SPECIAL MAN Astra. • ., .: 1,, : ' enjoys going out to movies. traveling. swimming, Sitting by the tire. having candle light dinners Seeking an attractive male 22 to 25. that enjoys the same things as me Please call as soon as possible BOX 31981 SOUL MATE WANTED Lady sea'::' n; •,x ;e„tle- man. ,n young 50 s. who is honest and sincere Must have a good sense of humor. be down to earth. enjoy dancing, drives in country, romance and just having fun Must have good morals Prefer !•iend - shiphrst BOX ?3'35 BEAUTIFUL IN AND OUT S,l ,,other 33, eiim, attractive. long brown hair, Nue eyes Wants to share IAe to the fullest with some one special Seeking ert tonally. financially secure male, 31 to 40. who enjoys children and agrees that laughter is the best medi- cine BOX 23136 SKIING ANYONE? Blonde. blue eyes. 5'3'. 38. independent mother of three Need a break. love skiing and all sporting activities, have a great sense of humor and would enjoy similar company BOX 31979 ARE YOU A CHALLENGE? I am a 34 year young, slim, brunette, career oriented. mother of two. confident and enjoy new challenges, very spontaneous -Looking to meet someone. 30 to 40, with a sense Of humor Enjoys dancing and music BOX 31980 LOOKING FOR FRIEND Divorced female seeking friendship, possibly more later on. I am family orient- ed Enjoy dancing, movies, walks and quiet evenings at home. BOX 12903 YOUNG IN ALL WAYS! 57, full figured, separat- ed. lonely single female. 48 Love country music and dancing. Require alot of attention and hate silence. Need someone to hold me, talk to me and take me dancing Are you the one? BOX 17864 FUN, OUTGOING, KIND Black hal, blue eyed beau- ty, 22, loves muscle cars. rock and roll, and hockey I am a romantic artist desir- ing a wonderful man, 20 to 26, who loves similar inter- ests 1 want to make a dif- ference in someone's lite BOX 21486 Ajax/1'ic•kering 1(.jH's Advertiser Brings You... 7 fiP: \1-105;111� t.lt'l ul•.f( 1•ktU:\1, J:��l :\k1 sl, 1997-i'r�t.l-. _� f y 7 r TO place your FREE ad, Ball 1-800-662-842:3. 1nlirtinw. day or niii #NGPICERELyo ursr1u respond to an ad, call 1-900-451-3793. FREE Personal Ad F KI'.E'Voice, (meeting S2. 11) per minute. }flu mutt be IH or f►Idli It -oh Inrml,• warp with T"ll, 131 trru•"' :rill 14'.1ii f.h.mt-^. 50 SOMETHING FEMALE Seeking a n,,n ,mok:ng active. caring, mature male 60 to 65 Attractive lady. slim. secure and humor- ous BOX 20479 TWO FOR TWO Two •,'"gle Bi- h, females seeking two single while males. 18 to 21 If you enjoy music. arts. good conve,sation and more cant Wan, someone mature. sweet, good look ill and romantic a1 heart BOX 10436 I'M WORTH IT! 7-_ 128 Ib 7 attractive, single mother 01 1W0 Look nq for good look r.g rnalQ.a 30 to 35. m, 6'. 180 to 210 lbs. with good morals and beliefs leek a man who is parent lo, a serious relationship BOX 10579 DO YOU EXIST??? Atlra•.' ,,. 9 ',.male seek ng a good humored goon looking III III someone wnc has ^.5 head on his shoulders BOX 'j026 WANT SERIOUS CALLERS Seek • •; !-..ndshp, poss, ble ,elat'orshlp wrr a sin Cell honest ger, eman I am a petite w, to female. 35 BOX '3r'29 OUTDOOR ADVENTURES. 1-1 •^• ;" athac- twe feale mrebs, S. rg baseballgoif, hpc,i. .. , Seek '^'; a good doitl tall r,ae 19 to 22 Mu,: have a job and be child less BOX ' 1335 SAME INTERESTS? S•.• •,. rig- it til male 4p IG50. wet) SKII merest, I am a single wh4e lemae. 44 5 5', slim Enjoy gourmet rook rg seasonal; Sports. reading etc BOX 17895 DOWNTO EARTH! Seeks,; a employed 5'10' Plus emplrryern male 33 to 45. who encounters lite with a sense of humor 1 am a single white mother of two. smoker, rt'd, sincere. open minded and have a positive attitude BOX 17896 R U THE GUY FOR 11i 18 yr Did. 56' slim- s.rg e while female seeking a good locking single while mate 18 1 20 It you are the guy for me. who won t play games. lags having tun and wants a serious ,elationsh,p. :.all BOX 17900 AROUND THE SAME AGE? 5.; y• old. Smoking, social drinking, medium built. recently separated mother of two teenagers Seeking a Christian male kit friend - ship BOX 17908 HOPE TO FIND YOU! Sincere and atfac:'ve 59' medium Olin female seek - ng a handsome, good humored male Want someone who likes danc- ing and has a secure job. BOX 18059 SOMETHING PERMANENT! Interesting, enthusiastic. career oriented and active Seeking permanent mate for peaceful home lite, 30 to 50 BOX 18484 FIT THE BILL? 28 yr old. 5'3' shy female Looking for a white gentle. man. 30 to 38. with no dependents, who is tall. attractive, reliable, trust- worthy, successful• and funny BOX 15695 LET'S GET TOGETHER 23 year old black female, 5'10', medium build. Looking for a white male. 26.39, for a discrete evening BOX 20489 MARRIAGE MINDED? 32 yr old, queen sized. female enjoys scuba div- ing. hiking, art, walking my dog. etc. Seeking a male lot a serious rela- tonsil Tend to like tall, blonde, blue eyes BOX 20473 TIME TOGETHER S''m �ro1ex'cra�. single mom. 29 enjoys laughing. dancing, quiet times. and good conversation Looking for a tall, non shi n-, Orofess:onal man Il rlerested in spend- ing time together Replies troll Northumberland Coum r )nly BOX 23299 SEEK A COMPANION 54 y• 4' • tv ,n female with no depen dents I'm financially secure and a non smoker Enjoy country music. dant ing, dogs and hugs Looking '.;. a N•S Single male. 55 to 65 wan a sense of humor. for Com paniorship BOX 23310 TIRED OF WATCHING TV 36 y,i iq. weal Nl er mornof In fee seek ng understanding good humored male who loves lite Like pets evenings at nome r^ cottage c,, try BOX -Ay, CANCER MALE WANTED young female ­`1)0'0- ithcrown hair Loo. •`r .- a non 51-not'l Nr le male who's honest and caring Enjoy dancing movies. and On, ing out BOX 21476 SENSITIVE.. a" d "'w'%'"Y Seeking a black m,a,e 35 'o 40 w^-. Is young at heart and mature I am a young ioor irig. single while temair• 46 Enjoy darc:ll gwet _waning, at home etc BOX '0455 DOUBLE DATING Twc -•;,. w...,, ,,.rales enjoy dining, dancing. play, ,rg pool and having 'un Seoul two seg;« white mates -0 3C s to early 4',', BOX 20' 79 YOU'RE MY HERO Y.;.,• Ii'e . r .ilia-.-.- and like 1n pamper this Lady of SC old fashioned. enthus, III and ambitious Companion. friends. Offers we have 4 all' 80X 25933 LIKE ANIMALS 48 v a wh,te female 5 7-. fuel Iigured Seeking a king term rela- t'onSnip ..In a tali. Sol" While gentleman 48 to 55 Smote• .Ind social drirkyr BOX - '854 LETS MEET A¢rac!,. •' young at lea•: Dionde. now To the area Seek -r; some0ile to meet tot a d•.rk and share a good time E` icy working gut. camping, movies and more 11 you are good bili wig. honest. sincere. 30 to 45 can' BOX 20457 LOOKING FOR LOVE 22 yr ,a _g - 110 Ib moth- er of One, old fashioned Seeking a male 22 to 29. who is el,,, ployed. tau nice y bull. likes romance. dancing, cudc',rg, movies. quality time having tun and more, for a serious relationship, possible mar riage BOX 20710 JUST BEING MYSELF Petrie lady, early 50s. enjoys biking, hiking dant trig, skiing and many other interests, honest. sincere trustworthy Seeking gen- tleman with similar inter ests Honesty and trust a must Social drinker only and non smoker BOX 23211 SEEK SOMEONE SPECIAL Single mom looking for companion. 25 to 38. for a discreet relationship.who enjoys the outdoors, quiet nights at home, dining Out. dancing, and more Single fathers welcome, smoker and social drinker. I am honest, have a great sense of humor, nice personality, no head games BOX 23284 COBOURG AREA Full figured, protess'onal female, 28, financially and emotionally secure Enjoy outdoors. movies and laughing Seeking single male, 25 to 40 Single fathers welcome BOX 23286 WANT BIGGER WOMAN Jeek.ng a redvy set female of any race for friendship I am a 6.1- mar rill black r^ale BOX 20879 PETITE BRUNETTE 11''7'-•-"-' F.....,. •.pa. sure in C000u,g. war cure shape possesses great per5oma:ifs. unique 7ual ties Lcok.n g'or friendship with on .> ,king S ^gle ,r widowed while rale 45 " 55. 511' estao,,snfl wrth morals and a conscience BOX > ;281 I 1 I) Call 1.900-451-3793 $2.49 per min. LET'S GET TOGETHER single o out, (emaie mus• Ce clean and its creel If nte'ested ca, BOX ' • 063 SINGLE FATHER father. smoker and sola drinker I ove al, fnats and enjoy car -ping and :iUidoof activities Seek , g an hon est and caring •e a• onsh,p No head ga-1 «s BOX 11971 SECRET FUN 3` e ! --a- ` b,,: - hair and eyes Seek ^g 1^ open minded temae ' Some trustworthy and herr es! encounters yiscrehor car oe giver, BOX 13"7 FRIENDSHIP S rg •.. I . -- lie educat- ed. r1s. 6' 240 lbs fit Enjoy having f„r cooking al,, andwo,k -r ovt e«i Seng a. fit I s white female tot friendship or more BOX '0627 WHAT A KICK' male who 's ho�sebrot", With a great sense h urrlor' Seek a •.'.im ht n•s. attractive. intelligent •emale with a great person - Will I am a handsome devilish, fun adventurous man who promises trend - ship. romance, adventure and magic' BOX I D658 SEEK IDEAL LADY Single III -d, 31, a good listener, caring and honest Seek a single }emaie 30-40. Ili s goal Oriented with sill quak- ties and interests BOX 11057 SEEK A CUTIE' Curr;,.., wr 't- .--,r a 35 is coking for open minded b, female cuoe for mscreet afternoon encounters and fun BOX 13555 LOOKING FOR A LADY Fit ano errpi7,ec7 4; s• D d singe, pad c' three young girls Looking for an a,ilac- five lady who enjoys dren and a variety of other interests BOX +3571 ACTIVE LIFESTYLE 39 yea ad 6 ctofess oral male dial hair and eyes Enjoy sk ing, sailing, canoeing, squash and dancing Seekng a tit and attractive female. race unimportant, wrth similar interests Single moms are welcome BOX 16010 ON THE LOOK OUT! Bisexual male living :n North Oshawa seeking couples :n then 4C s to 50 s for discreet tun and friend- ship BOX 16026 A JEWEL OF A GUY 33 year old ht and attractive white male 5'10' 180 lbs Seek a female for friend ship and maybe more Enjoy candlelight. soft music and wine, cuddi and pampering I am non- est/caring and seeking the same ...call! BOX 16061 FUN TIMES 35 yr old male seeking couples for discreet encounters. It interested. please call! BOX 13177 GREAT ADVENTURES 21 year old. 62'. 185 Ill black male Seeking fun loving ladies. 19-25, to have a great relationship with BOX 15608 HEY LADIES! dttfdr:tive - l,•-1' healthy Write reale. 31• Looking t, meet an open minded Ncmar who 's all slim and aura,' ` 35-45 Discretion assured Race url,mponari BOX '."i JUST IN TIME TO . Star, 7-� .o. r. :_` _,3 yr old '^a e no depenr7,.r•s IS look •; ' ; meet a fema.e who - 'nte,ested r head games looli-, a^ead to a liture. las a ras5for for the water onlcys camp- ing and relaxing around the h,ise warch:ng a move BOX 10521 ALL AROUND GOOD GUY d--.,'.e riling emp'oyed vorced male and father of ono son 1t attractive. , 3' an" 190 lbs Enjoy sports reading movies. shoot),,9 camping etc Seek a single female 38-43 who shares same interests aril :ekes kids give me a call, BOX 10629 SECURE AND DISCRETE 1, 3, Did a'!acrwi ma,e. seed a secure and J's --e reahonsh,p rein a Si,m and a!1ac!11e re• -'a e 32 5C BOX '56;1 EASY GOING .i:,,ac:,ve. non- e,' n:e,er;crit. ^o deten denr5. 'inancfai'y sec•.re. nor smoker A ^,e shy at his' Erov *Ork•ngout T. cycmg travel and „e Loo-rrq Mir an mdepen dent 4ngie 'emaie *stn Sim iar values and Iter ests. !or friendship and posSieie retahonship BOX 21466 A NEW BEGINNING wh 4e mate 55 yrs young. ,;real personality and sense of humor seeking attractive ou!gomg }emaie wh:.; knows ^ow to have fur u.e, sports- !ravel wine. - ripanionst"o and Jimmy Burnet BOX 23750 LUCKY FOR YOU Sure --V».,n ,rill« for Second bell but w^y would you want to 7^s attractive single *mile maks 19 56'. '60 lbs. dirty oiond hair Oil eyes. phys'cauy, tit. clean cut is looking for female 18 r 30. slim build. honesty, an asset Please calf BOX 31984 ONE SEXY GUY 'AI'' •« ;ofio cok- Ing. t, , X 180 it romantic antl zann9 Enjoy dancngi sports and more Looks; kir artracsve single 'adv 25-40 for friendship and poss,De long rerrn relation- Sh:p BOX '0640 GIVE ME A CALL' 34 v' _.d r -a e a m owjd Lock.ng for an aggressive open minded woman BOX 13113 LONELY MALE! 3' y' o, _ essiona! mate. btl Enjoys sports. dining, dancing and more Looking for a spontane"s . outgoing, honest female who is fun to De with BOX 18519 ONE NIGHT STANDS Male. 34. looking for single female. 19 to 33to, atter noon or evening discreet encounters I am the one to talk to Please leave name and number. and III get back to you as soon as possible BOX 31769 SELF-EMPLOYED MALE White male. 34. looking for single white female 28 to 40who likes the DUIdO0rs, sportsanimals and chil- dren BOX 31965 ONE SEXY GUY 41 yr old. good looking. 510' 180 Ib, single white male enjoys dancing. sports and more Seeking a nice lookng female, 25 to 40, tot friendship first, pos- sible long term relation. ship Single moms web come BOX 10639 ANYBODY OUT THERE? KAY wile and 1 are seeking another couples We are 40 yrs old and want 8' tell llonships BOX 10867 JUST CALL SOMETIME 20 NEW Ads! who 5 ar"' - 'a ­ age age as myself if you think you would like 10 jet ,-- k- -N Defier give me a tai a^d Ne can tai.' PDX 10950 SPEND TIME WITH 23 y. ; ,. :. " el r: o male seekmg smeone t; spend time with Not ;u51 romar!icalty but cOmpEl - lively too' BOX ',967 SERIOUS CALLERS ONLY 41 ,• Christian male seek ; someone to, a ,Ong Erm •elal'orsr:p eading to marriage ever ruany I an, . d- artll ate. ronest a -d consider are BOX ' �97S SOMETHING LONG TERM S.ng,e r. -malie 38 6'1' 180 lbs L,ke r:hig walks children _'7oo,s 'am,iy de. gc a fele maor .3 rg e anor sr,c 80X �• 14 ARE YOU GOOD HUMORED 4' . 'd5 'b -ale .es •nov'es anima s -.r rig s.t and duet -irises at ^ ;me See+ rg a !e -ale 25 to 45 no :ekes :;• king BOX '3412 FUN AND EASY GOING Tac. a'• ^a• it c ., . mate in my Sus seitili ana'fectionate lerraie r me Oshawa ilea Wait a find someone 'cr encoum tern BOX 159,111 GIVE ME A BUZZ' Y a slim attractive temate to 21 If this sounds like you and you wo..,d ',like 'a meet call, BOX '51480 dama Call 1-900-451-3793 $2.49 per min. GIVE ME A CALL ' •. ••, .i,rawd male, I brown nal and lark b;,e eyes with football player ".oSeei an honest person vi does not play mind games I enjoy music. partying, and clubs BOX 13580 SEEK COMPATIBILITY Seek a Ta « z :5 W^.: enjoys sports, cards etc for an intimate and very discreet relahOnShip Preferably wrne BOX 16013 CAN WE MEET? 3 -1- - "5 Ins ma -e Look rg for a Ctrs creel ,e,at.cr rip with men or couples during !,,e day Call and Well talk ,;ver cot tee BOX , JM+.a STARTING OVER AGAIN jerking a B, or Gay ma e for along term relationship I am a 62'. 185 Io. 35 yr old, very st,aigl'i iOOK,rg and acting male BOX 13083 SOMEONE SPECIAL Recently separated bi guy. 5'7' 155lbs. light brown hair. 37 average build. considered good look ng. Looking for In, or gay -aie Oshawa area BOX 23744 VERY CURIOUS! 38 year old bi-curious clean while male, seeks the same to daytime encounters en.y BOX 13118 DO LIKE WHAT YOU.... Just Read? 21, 57. 175 lbs and looking for open minded. down to earth guy who doesn't play head games. Enjoy the peach. relaxing at home and watching movies, conver- sations, horsebactk riding, etc BOX 18102 NEW TO SCENE Bi male looking for of male. 20 to 35. Must be clean and discreet BOX 21507 VERY PARTICULAR There are even more ads. >* See Meeting Place on the Internet at htto://www.wobfrionds.com f _ _ guys who ale "rd5!'chne not 'ern n ne ;X,od look 1 am atrac ti.,ro w -- a ,-od body 6' ti,e eyes B'�,X ' 7745 ANYONE IN UNIFORM r rg -"e male ?:es 6' loo• ":'dr guys .r ,, f,,. whc a,: ;cod goo• - g !cry disc,ee! BOX • 7,': ' NEW TO THE AREA ' , - '.I y r a -afIa a ea '• eros p I -^ a 27 yr n ^ar;som.e male w'^ clue eyes BOX '5907 SOMETHING NEW .. - r - ,.,, .. a e enjoys moves •^,.s c and 'd'• ^ On !re chore Se- -g a spot '' erg tc talk ` and ^ave dis-eel. lay''m - get ;ge'rerS BOX DAYTIME MEETINGS Y Cs leek - , s:;ecia. •:gemers BGx SNEAKING AROUND -ale seeks,; arot^el, -a,- eo B •^a e i r a e,al ce disc -et and :oil, d_x •'�43 JUST DO IT, 2' r• . •-a e sewing a ;rr-vrgenral e *tic s .Near• a non sr ;k e, and about 6 •' It .-,. are the ,ight one c.e a,« .a l and wo .' 'lave it BOX :.453 MEETINGS WANTED \•..: � .' a .. ^a� See• ^; All Al enC .- 1% L',P :r ir:Wr town' Osnawa BOX NO MIND GAMES SI_ os uo..rg to 1 operV honest iong term .rlarcrsn:p BOX ' '50o MY FIRST TIME (,- : I.. - a,* 26 6 l,' '8 - Is Seek r.J another 8, mate ,n 1^e Osnawa area BOX COULD BE FUN 42 .«a• i w• •.- mala 5'11' 20 Vb a ... J�!tie from Oshawa Loomis 'or cCvl _ea,, and ^earthy BOX 2:420 ARE WE A MATCHI l,3- 1 - : w• •e ._ale 155 ,os O 4th4C1've t,ue eyed and very hypef roi- VKlua' Seek.ng a w^!e or biaa --a e tit NS a -ac live - eanlfness. are all a must It you nave 'honey enjoy playing and are III You are my match' Box 1;610 DISCREET FRIENDSHIP Ta :ea,, ,:,,7e coy Sri :OOk.rg a5 yr o,a indite LOC. rg tot other males for d,sc,eet encounters Downt-wn Oshawa area BOX •29.17 SECRET FUN 5 10' b1 -ate seeking CIj creel meetings with anoth- er gay or bi male I' you re interested please give me a call BOX 20414 JUST HAVING FUN!!! 38 Y, old mar, edmale seeking another maned male. to, discreet encoun- ters I am 62' and in good shape BOX 20417 A Sil MAN Male In his 50 s. yet a 90 s man seeks a male up to 35 years old as a compan- ion for social functions and week ends BOX 20296 Call 1.900-451-3793 $2.49 per min. FIRST TIMER! Single white bi curious female. 28. 5'4'. attractive and easy going Looking for an attractive female to share my !est time BOX 13512 PLAY POKER Young couple. 21, looking for another couple for tun games. cards and other activities BOX 17686 INTIMATE ENCOUNTERS We are a secure. fun loving couple or Elf . , fs Nni•e teniae Warr durfa•tasies fun•IIQd BOX 18;57 HEY. GIRL' Ma•--! n^fe female 21, nto sperls '^:sic. and movies Seeks 'emaie piaymale w tr s•m•a• rill ests BOY 2'`•38 BI COUPLE :,,,.;r 3', s y'uo.irg 'o, :cl. females and Se'ecmores d,sc•eet ever rg P :a 'S returnedBOX 21501 LET S GET TOGETHER' At-, i,- - ,� ear', CJs Seek.r a Bi 'rind a r• a - o ,• t;gerrors Mus' ne .ar a^d dsc,eet BOX • "'4 LETS FIND ADVENTURE c.s _.'..pie ;r arotrer �Qlc.e «^ a•e 'ery clean and :sciei'l BOX '2985 LET'S PLAY CARDS A'• -,r, - lema'« xk r � •. I • .. ...any _•^«• •^,rgs M-st c9 iis::•eet BOA - 3-' Call 1-900-451 3793 $2 49 per min. I LIKE TO BE HAPPY' y, . „ I . Pr'joy'Ong waiks dail. a, 'I -,r '•ends Se e• a c Ce q to genie .+• BOX '6068 NEW TO AREA Inmate 3• _"'i N' r ore -0^ hired, 'of cofree - a^d other things BOX .3.,., NEW TO CLARINGTON female 31. -otne• Cl one si:m all,achve S6' and good humored Seek ^g ',,ends only. stra.gr! -nen ;r women. to, :arch dinner --,;free. dancing et,; Mus: olio to augh and keel active BOX 11635 81 COUPLE C ear b ---..pie. in their 4l• s Oof rg for same D,sc•etior a ,rust BOX 23728 AUTUMN FUN loge single mile wishes to meet with full hgured females for daytime get togethers and chats BOX 2313.' iii I ail LLb]F- I� Call 1-900-451-3793 $2.49 per min. JOYFULL TIMES! 50 yr Cld. 6. 190 Ib. divorced Bern Agair Christian male seeking a Christian lady to ,rend - ship I am a father of three Like cinema. Wa:ks. Con Certs MUSIC. Outdoor sports. etc BOX 18493 FINE PRINT To place your ad with a -live' artenuart cal' 7 600-360.7463 The oper- ators of Oshawa TnS week reserve one right to edit all ads'i content and assume no !;ability for ads or responses. resect or revise ads wnron are deemed rnappro- pnateprint ads based on space avalabday Advanced Telecom Services, Inc are the program operators and :-an be reached at 1 800- 928.5699 Mon-Frf gam to Spm You may also change or renew your ad by calling this number ......... • PAGE 24•TtiE NEWS AI)VFRTISFR FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, 1"7 S Z i FRESH NEW FACE... coME GREAT PACE. rOuality Solution at Economy Price • Intel Pentium 133 MHz processor • 32 MB EDO Memory • , 275 MB hard drive • 1 MB video ram • Fx CD -Rom • Soundblaster 16 soundcard • : S Robotics 33.6 modem with fa • ". indows 95 INCLUDES THESE SOFTWARE TITLES ^ Y • -orel Worciperrect 7 • ::)rel Quattro Pro l • Sorel Flow ro, • S dekick ` • 'ashboard 95 System not exactly as mustrated pentium • _ uickview Plus • ' _ 0 Fonts 95 • ' x,000 Clipart images • - �mpton's Encyclopedia1699 • nternet Direct Starter Kit Monitor Not Included / Inferno The Odyssey 'ontinues hn eplt fught Sn- you are nurr.an .yes greatest space paot commander of the most paten* craft m tie in verse you defenc your solar system against aper race o` ui maginaole evil 9.5 Plev olrVy sora 44 9{ .�,'-.. Packard Bell,. $Q95 1, v • It W EDOW. Upp. M* 1.12196 I7GOEMu. IDE Hrd D•1 Dm. • 1X SprM GD -ROM H.100 bps SmYR— Fax Wdt b0 Jo1m r— Rope Tabo'• Sd m S1ad Demo IAaosd•En tWW Mata CYtt•Fainly Heats Elooa Homeane. Weekend Ione P,olaF". Benv Homes and Grde,e• HeWO, /J�� $3495 a us k W sc Cara, CaA g. C—p-,* P.O.— lorry GuA sA M6': W EDO or non Dgity 12496 c Ws 71 PIn EDD or non -Dam $4995 Ws '_ Dr EDC or nw- Dam, 199 M.rr.Kdspre The W."WhA W..jM1Wash.nd Mayo FCtway % Mouse Cathy ka,n Prkrd go • 119995 WB EDO or non.oxrtr ­.ceve M.Posn119 Emnheanela Ready s pgesd! Previous Sale Price IMITED QUANTITIES INSTALLATION S10 00 Inferno The Odyssey 'ontinues hn eplt fught Sn- you are nurr.an .yes greatest space paot commander of the most paten* craft m tie in verse you defenc your solar system against aper race o` ui maginaole evil 9.5 Plev olrVy sora 44 9{ .�,'-.. Packard Bell,. VALUE SERIES C115 . 120 WU I,&* P. Ow n0 ptowssor Gasswad Nutks Im putt4 vrsml. The ..y, :xy • It W EDOW. Upp. M* 1.12196 I7GOEMu. IDE Hrd D•1 Dm. • 1X SprM GD -ROM H.100 bps SmYR— Fax Wdt b0 Jo1m r— Rope Tabo'• Sd m S1ad Demo IAaosd•En tWW Mata CYtt•Fainly Heats Elooa Homeane. Weekend Ione P,olaF". Benv Homes and Grde,e• HeWO, - Lo.bd wa .11 CaA g. C—p-,* P.O.— lorry GuA sA „ $ ;yc'- 4...-... MK,osadR W MowtONs 1'aa.rd Bar h.vq.lw'• Mupnedr Dec o1 Records Spa" IMunwfll Mausdo w, , M.a­4. Ae_. Mc,osdKlL•.gn MAned. A1-- You Yee• TaOSInp'• Pati SI.. cps Uwe Mn o0VAo Owdw SE My Fu ks PaduN 2M UM k*aw A cm Fey E,e .y. Tve+.nd'• Cram P.6gl6 k—K. Gra.e• C*10nr • - M.rr.Kdspre The W."WhA W..jM1Wash.nd Mayo FCtway % Mouse Cathy ka,n Prkrd go • SAN9 MPEG Deudr F.1 Meda '. pen.%# l Z' ­.ceve M.Posn119 Emnheanela Ready s pgesd! Previous Sale Price $149995 LIMITED QUANTITIES $1789m / Western Digital Caviar 21000 2.1 MB $37995 Har Drive $39995 installed Railroad Tycoon Classic former Computer Gaming World "Game of the Year" award game. , 95 Packard Bell MONITORS 14" 1599 00 $450 00315 RegPrice Reg. Price 399.95 559.95 LIMITED QUANTITIES / X-10 Activehome • The easiest way in the work 40,os.s.wa to control everything in your •a"'�' home theatre, inside and outside lights, appliances, TV, - stereo, VCR and more $11 95 Reg Price 139 95 Liteon 12x CD -Rom Drive OQ$18219495 Price . 1 '1101(111�ricmJ• King's 'guest VI r ��`•'�`9 7velp Mother Goose :Space Quest IV u h Moth rSierra s all time best �,g e Roger Wilco and the seller, now at anQNr Goose Land with this time rippers. Jewel case incredible price. --• 40 classic Sierra game for = version (no hard copy Original Price 59.95 995 children ages 3 and up. mannual) Last Sale Price 19.95 Original Price 44.95 $995 $495 9� Last Sale Price 19.95 Last Sale Price 19.95 ILUS MANY MORE UNADVERTIS'ED SPECIALS! YOUR PERSONAL COMPUTER ST ORE ,1550 Kingston Rd. ■ W PICKS RING 1(1gCSTON Ro. �42Qm983Q 11