HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1997_01_07Pickering ews d'; J vepL V)I 1 \t>- I � I TtTSDAY, JANt*ARY 7. 1997 Pressrun +000 16 Pages photo by Andrew Iwanowski What al neighbors for? In this case, they're good neighbors if they help teach a youngster to skate. Such was the case for three-year-old Matthew Narahne, who was helped by Randy Cook while the pair were enjoying fun on the rink at the Ajax Community Centre. They enjoyed the les- son and the neighborly relations while out on Sunday. VCZJEPAVW GREAT SELECTIONS IN `97 SwPAI* an cd Whtt+W 2YYaI1 Maim 1050 BROCK RD. PICKERING S. 837-2906 f f 1PlJ�Ei1193E® CLEARANCE SALES NOW ONH Pickering Town Centre 420-9707 On the waterfront: z Pickering parkland won't be developed until 1998 0 B) M XRIANNf_ T.1KAC'S JIAI-I Kc-:P(,RII-.R PICKERIM; -- Residents will likcl% h.nc to Walt until 1998 fir a new park on the cast side of I rcnchman's Bay to be de -eloped, acunrding to N1 a,, or Wayne Arthurs. But thc%'II probably be able to use it simply as a green space as early as this spring. That's if the closing of the deal to purchase the land at a price not to exceed 51.15 million finally goes through after bring delayed from Ihc. 20 to 23 and then to Jan. "There were still a few small legal matters between the lawyers." says the mayor• adding he expects the deal to finally close Fridav- Mayor Arthurs says money has only been budgeted so, far to clean the property and seal it in 1997. In any case, what (ot-m the new park will take must be determined before any serious work begins. "Durini the winter and spring of 1997 we'll tx- doing the public consultation to which we're com- mitted on the uses, the park design• and those kinds of things. I would- n't want to prejudge what the com- munity feels it would like to have on its parkland. We're starting with, for all practical purlxrses, a blank page." Ma"or Arthurs' personal prefer - Please see CLOSING/page Durham Catholic board lauds tax pooling plan BY CHRISiY CHASE STAFF RFPORn.R A recommendation that industrial and commercial education taxes from across Ontario be pooled to provide educational equality is good news to the head of the local Catholic school board. "It's fair, it's about time," says Tom Oldman, chairman of the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board, which would benefit from the proposal from the so-called Who Does What panel headed by David Crombie. "I commend the proposal." In the last of a series of 19 letters on the delivery and funding of a van- ety of government services, Mr. Crombie recommends education continue to be funded by property taxpayers, a reversal of the panel's earlier suggestion that the Province pick up the cost. But he's also recommending all industrial and commercial taxes be Please see OLDMAN/page 2 'VYAVNE ARTHURS Public consultation in the spring. INSIDE Sight for the blind - Loral %vcnnan can xc•' again with help from Lie ms -- page 5• Editorial Page .........6 Sports ..............12 Classified ...........1 3 HOW TO RFACH US General ........ 683-511 u Death Notices ...683-3005 Auction Line ....683-7545 Sincerely Yours ........ .. .........1-800-662-8423 Email ................ Newsroom@dtirhaninews.net Internet .............. littp://www.dLirliaiiinews.net 1 PAGE 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1997 Closing on Pickering waterfront deal expected this week FROM PAGE 1 once would be for a primari h "passive" park with "a strong emphasis on water- front access". with some kind of trail along the shoreline "I'm not in favor of public boat launches directly into the hay." he notes, adding he would like to see motorized boat activity in the bay reduced to a minimum. He suggests a future public boat launch could he placed directly on the lakefront instead of the bay. However. says the mayor. if the consultation process indicates the public wants a boat launch in the new, park. there'll be one. Pickering Council gave its final approval recently to an agreement with the NICt- ropolitan Toronto and A Region Conservation Pickering Authontv under which the authority would buv the shoreline portion of the property for $250,(X)), for development of a water- front trail. Both the Town and MTRCA would he granted easements u-�cr the other's property so, for example. peo- ple using the Town's park would have access to the shoreline. The MTRCA purchase was condi- tional on approval from the Province. If the Province doesn't agree to the pur- chase, Pickering would be able to buy the proper on its own for $9(X).M). So far, there has been no approval from the Province. The land being purchased is 2.5 acres on the cast shore of Frenchman's Bay near the bottom of Front Road. It's the site of the nc?w-bankrupt Keen Kraft Marina, also known as Port Pick- cnn_ 'Marina. At the Council meeting where the agreement with the MTRCA was approved. Janice Frampton of the Taxpayers Coalition of Pickering and Aja\ urged the Town to back out ol' the entire deal for the land. "W'c bclie\e this kind of StiERRS SENAS bad deal for expenditure at this time is ill-advised." she said. main- taining residents don't want their taxes increased or scr- viccs reduced to pay for the new park. Howeycr. Manor Arthurs 'old her the purchase would- n't affect taxes or services because the money for it would come out of the capi- tal reserves set aside for parkland acquisition. Ward 2 local Councillor Sherry Scros continued to oppose the agreement with the NITRCA. charging it was "a had deal for Pickering taxpayers." She suggest- ed the agreement wa% too) "sweet" in favor cit the %1TRCA and should be rejected. leaving the Town to simply purchase the land for $9(X),(XX). Town solicitor Penin Wyger told councillors Pickering was obligated under the agreement it signed with the owners of the land "to act reasonably" in pursuing the sale to the MTRCA. "I believe it's too late at this point in time to turn hack," she said. Oldman commends plan FROM PAGE I collected and put into a pex)i, called the Ontario Education Oplx>rtunit% Fund, which would distribute the taxes and provincial grant.% to schcx)l boards using an allocation formula baa%W on student needs. Mr. Crombie says this will bring equi- ty to education in Ontario. This mo%e would see more money flowing to cash- strapped separate, rural and northern Ontario school boards and take more money from public boards in larger cities, such as Metro and even Durham. Ruth Ann Schedlich, chairman of the Durham Board of Education, says Mr. Crombie's earlier proposal concerning education funding and tax pooling would have meant a loss of $10 million for the board. While board staff haven't had a chance to investigate this latest sugges- tion, it might mean a similar loss, she says. '"Brat's a big cash grab," she says. "Where do you make up that shortfall?" Mr. Oldman says some boards in Toronto have 50 per cent more to spend on their students than his board does. In order to get education equity, the taxes have to be pooled, he says. While education would still be financed by local taxpayers, the Province would set the industrial and commercial tax rate and also that for residential tax- payers. Residential taxes would be col- lected by municipalities and sent directly to school boards which could also raise another five per cent from the property tax hase titrs Schcdhch says the fact that the Province would set the rate takes more control away from local trustees. Other new recommendations from the panel include: -- placing GO Transit under the direc- tion of the soon -to -k --created Greater Toronto Services Board. -- less emphasis on GO bus service, the privatization and contracting out of bus services by spring 1999 and more focus on GO rail service in terms of long- term planning and investment. -- Province to fully fund all mandato- ry public health programs, which are now funded 75 per cent by the Province and 25 per cent by municipAities. -- municipalities to take over full funding of local libraries with the power to institute user fees but not for the bor- rowing of reading materials. Quality Dry Cleaning for 30 years All cleaning done on the premises. See our weekly in-store specials! CATALOGUE MERCHANT 7 photo by Andrew Iwanowski They're poles apart Ski instructor Irin Joyce has a lot of pull at I-akeridge Ski Resort, as witnessed here in this successful attempt at pulling seven-year-old skier Brittany Jirnmo up the: hill. Bearable tem- peratures and snow on the ground combined to create the perfect conditions for skiers at the popular Durham ski resort. Quality Fmh Cd Alerts At Everyday Low I gs. Grade A✓AA✓AAA SAVE $200 . Boneless Sirloin $ 89 Steaks 3 lb. li Boneless sntt"41* Pork Chops 29 ft. Pork Tenderloin .virile w"ies Bad $ rb ill. t Prices: Fresh swvE si2OM� Meaty $b9' Pork Back Ribs 31b., MALT SIRD SPECIAL Avail. hs""y, Jan. 8 onW. Breakfast aeon SAVE $1"a. $ 99 lbe Pan -F" S-Kahpli'LljS 53 s9 r1dak ft= }�lamtdw rtw Boneless Pork Loin Roasts 29 1 4 f. Pork Sirloin Steaks 89 v 3 id. Snooked Steaks Ham SAVE'61" , $ 99 1 ib. Merits Rwy •a write Meat People" H; �� ,. 030,E .r. ----------------- --------- --________r - - - •- — THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1997 -PAGE 3 Young •ax momgranted S�oaE � FAaM wish loses battle with cancer Ajax and Pickering residents rallied to send woman and her daughter to Disney World AJAX -- A young Ajax woman. whose dying wish to take her daughter to Disnev World was granted by local residents. was buried Sunday. Nancy Ben,on. 27. died at home Friday after it one -and -a - hall -year battle with cervical cancer. ""The whole family was with her." ,ays her sister. Janet Ben sun of Oshawa, one of- Nancy's six siblings, the funeral was attended by family and Inends. includinL_> the nurse who'd cared for Nancy at horns and represcntauyc, from Honey Garlic restaurant which helped raise funds for the Florida trip, she says. Nancy's wish last fall was to take her daughter. four-year- old Akaysha, to Disney World while she could still travel and enjoy the trip. But she didn't hays enough money and couldn't get help from groups that fulfill wishes of terminally -ill chil- dren as she was an adult. In September. Nancy and Janet Benson appealed to Durham Region residents who responded quickly and :encr- ously after Nancy's ,tory appeared in the News Ad,ertiser. Ajax's Warren Sun. 13. Ontario Easter Seal Society's Timmy. donated two airline tickets he'd won at a goll tournament to Nancy and Akaysha. Local husinesscs, including Honey Gar- lic and the Royal Scot, held fund-raisers tier the cause. Thank, to eyeryonc's Lenerosity. Nancy and her daughter were able to vitt Disney World. There was even money lett over to start it trust fund for Akaysha's education. Janet ,ass "They had a great unit She and her dau_hter had their memones from that trip." she says, passing on the Iamily's gratitude for the community's help. Akaysha seems to be tine after her mother's death. her aunt says. "She's still young. F don't think it's hit her yet." Janet says. The young girl is no% living with "very go(xJ friends of the family ". Durham police get tough on domestic abuse BY STEPHEN Sw w 1 II(HAAI ti rAF-t- Durham Regional Police have adopted a new policy dealing with domestic vio- lence aimed at preventing victims of spousal abuse f rum "slipping through the cracks." The policy adopted in November recognizes in wnt- ing the need to combat "the serious and prevalent proh- lem of spousal assault and spousal incidents within our community." The new protocol requires officers to file a written police report after every domestic call - regardless of whether an arrest is made. Previously, reports were generally only written following an arrest. Under the policy, victims in all domestic incidents to which police are called (again, regardless of whether Charges are laid) receive a "follow-up call" within a week after the incident from the force's Victim of Crime Unit (VCU) or designated spousal support officers. In cases where there is an arrest, the call is made to inform the victim "what hap- pens next, whether their spouse has been released and to answer any questions about the court process," explains Sergeant Grant Arnold, VCU supervisor. the policy also obligates police to send victims a copy of the accused's release docu- ment, which lists the condi- tions of their release from custodv while awaitmL, trial. In domestic incidents in which no arrest is made, "we call to make sure everythine is all right, answer any ques- tions the victim may have and just to let them know we are there for support," Sgt. Arnold says. Non -arrest incidents are kept on file as police informa- tion so officers have access to the "address' history" in the event of future domestic calls, Sgt. Arnold says. Often in cases where no charges are laid, a victim is too afraid to speak with police at the time of the inci- dent. However, since the pol- icy has been in effect, several follow-up calls have led to victims "speaking up, open- ing up," leading to a spouse's arrest, Sgt. Arnold notes. "If we can prevent anoth- er assault from taking place as a result of this policy, then we've accomplished a lot. If a single call-back encourages a victim to move out of an abu- sive situation, then we've accomplished a lot," he says. "This will hopefully make it so people don't slip through the cracks in the future." Nand Bcnson, seen in a photo taken late last ,,car a i;h her daughter Akaysha, lost her battle with cancer last Friday. Communities around Durham Region rallied around the woman in her quest to take :okay sha to Dis- ney World before she became too ill. Ajax resident Warren Sun donate airline tickets he had won in a raf- Ile to the woman so she could tly to Florida. I JAMES R. VANCH N BANKRUPTC`. vtterinK ati in�oivency services including personal and corporate hankruptcies OSIfAWA 122 Albert tit 721 7506 AJA\ 50 Commercial Ace 619 1473 COBOURG 72 King St 14 37:' 4744 Saturday & Evenin'; Appointments available Due to an error on the part of the Ajax - Pickering News Advertiser the Ajax Bingo Association advertisement published Dec. 29 & 31 was incorrect. The advertisement phone number in the News Advertiser should have read 427-8572 and not 428-8572. The News Advertiser apologizes for any inconvenience this has caused the Ajax Bingo Association or its customers. DON'T BE A VICTIM! The Durham Regional Police Association will be publishing and distributing a COMMUNITY CRIME PREVENTION HANDBOOK • It will be available free of charge! A Telemarketing campaign is currently underway asking the community to support our program. The booklets are designed to raise public awareness on Community Crime Prevention issues. As always, we appreciate your generous help. ,DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE ASSOCIATION ;- If you have any questions concerning this drive, please do not hesitate to call 434-4583 -Farm Products ►Animal Fccds & ffcafth 50 Ili OILED SUNFLOWER SEEDS $ 16.99 SOFTWOOD SIfAVIN6,S i (; BI(1 $3 85 50 Ili. BA(' OF PEANI" .S Si i 99 -(i Itoxton tit .(.larcnnm( 7i 19-2122 (liru(k Rd N - Ir(t un uIJ nn��k KJ C North to tinxton) PICKERING I APPLIANCES' Parts & Service Ili `IiVe Have Moved!,'l Authorized service centre for �------Irl BRAun I L_, 1 -7. = • products IIlli 'mew ac"dress 601 Kingston Rd. West. Southwest corner Church St. & Hwy #2 (Pickering Villa e) 428-5590 ; Everyone reads the News Advertiser! SALE L IN TODAY'S News AdverthSer Tuesday, Jan. 7/97 ' Pharma Plus Aja& t k *Shoppers Drug wart Nufflick ' Zellers AWRick Ot eRdW"hw&0 a $AS6. Xw k rte &d Id lit rl dW KW jar bloc bel Regck "'lIK FffrW011lnbaaf ja[ 9�1' 81ffS, LLY -' p,Jv�tux` BItOUM mew` 60511y ''► �� PAGE 4 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, IM Big Brother took over: Pickering residents BY MARIANNE TAKACS STAhF R1'.Pe)RTF.R PICKERING -- About 38 years ago, when Jocelyn Bancx-r and man of her neighbors purchased their properties near Finch Avenue and Roschank Road. it %%as a rural area without a suburban subdivision in sight and hard- ly a vehicle driving by most days. Now. suburbia is rapidly encroaching and the residents sav a succession of govern- ment development plans over the Nears have turned their initially idvllic rural existence .nto an Orwellian nightmare. The fne-acre parcel Mrs. Barber and her husband pur- _hased in 1959 on Finch just nest of Rosebank. including a house built in 1,1,47, was zoned rural residential at the time. Though the% were voum-, then. the Barbers con- sidered that when the-, hit retirement are and if there was a need. theN could sever their propem into three or tour lots and sell some of it, as the zonms then allowed. But it was not to be. First. the hv_ deo condor south of their property was expanded when the Pickering Nuclear Generation Station was built and again when the Darhnston nuclear plant uas brought on line. O%er the years, a pipeline which now carries natural gas was also brought into the neighbor- hood. a-, ucll as the York - Durham trunk sewer, a fibre optics cable under the exist- ing rail line and a water tower. In 1972 the Pro%rnce came alone and wanted to expropn- ate the Barber land fur a city Waiting may be over soon, says councillor PiCKERING — NVard 3 Regional Councillor Rick Johnson, who represents the residents of the Rosebank Road/Finch Avenue area, says he is "sympathetic" to their concerns about being trapped by planning desig- nations. And, he is opti- mistic many of their prob- lems will be solved in the near future. "We'd definitely like to resolve the situation that's been imposed by previous planners," he says "Because the Official Plan is a living document, change is evolution. I foresee that (wildlife) corridor being removed and those proper- ties being put back into the control of the property own- ers... Solutions for the neigh- borhood's problems have been such a long time corn- ing, says the councillor, because the normal plan- ining process had to be PIlowed to take its course. to serve the new Pickering airport the federal govern- ment was supposed to build a bit farther north. There was no expropriation in the end and the airport still hasn't been built, but the area was to No- kept undeveloped in case it was needed for the airport. In 1974 it was rezoned "open space system", so that 25 acres would be needed for a new lot to build a house on. Since then, provincial maps have continued to show Mrs. Barber's and others' properties in the area as being provincially -owned even though the expropriation process %vas never completed. That is one reason. Mrs. Bar - her bclic%cs. the area has become a kind of dumping ground for utilities, roads and other community facilities. She has tried. without suc- cess. to get the maps changed. In 1976 Durham Region decided the neighborhood would he the right place to run an extension of Rossland Road to Finch Avenue through and pencilled it into the plans. The new- connec- tion would run right over where the Barber house sits. Even though both the Pro%ince and Pickering nor.% officially oppose the Ross - land extension. notes Mrs. Barber, it remains in the Regional Official Plan. hhey'%e still got Finch Avenue going through my dicing nx)m.' The residents thought their situation would get at least somewhat beater in the early 1990% when both the Region and the Town moved toward designating the area urban residential again. But now the Town of Pickering has come along with a new• draft OtT- cial Plan and de%ignated the newhborho od, including all of the Bart -"--r land. as pan of a 'Rouge-Duffins Wildlife Comdor'. at the same time as much of it has been zoned urban residential. The wildlife corridor des- ignation would require an environmental study before any significant development could take place. The residents don't under- stand how urban residential zoning and a wildlife corridor can exist in the same place. Nor do they understand why an area full of pipelines and hydro lines would be desig- nated as a wildlife corridor in the first place when there are lots of provincially -owned and still -rural lands to the north that could serve as a link for wildlife between the Rouge and Duffins Creek areas. What they do know, how- ever, is that their properties have been practically impos- sible to sell for many years because no one wants to risk putting money into land with such an uncertain future. That includes the residents them- selves, who are reluctant to spend money upgrading their homes and properties because they fear it will be money thrown out the window. The residents also resent the fact they haven't been consulted on the various things that have been done to their neighborhood over the years. "We look at (the corridor) as just another way of putting us into limbo for another 20 years," says Mrs. Barber, not- ing no study has ever shown it would he a feasible route for wildlife. Iris Holmes, who lives on Rosebank Road just north of Finch, has the Region's road and Town's wildlife corridor going through her property as well. She bought her place 30 years ago and has been through most of what Mrs. Barber has. " i don't know why they don't use the land they own instead of coming over ours," she says of the latest plans for a wildlife corridor. Mrs. Barber planned to take her case: and that of her neighbors before Pickering Council on Monday night, as the Town was preparing to finalize its nc%% Official Plan. P photo by Andrew Iwanowski Some Pickering residents who feel they've been held hostage by a series of provincial, regional and municipal planning deci- sions over the Nears include (left to right) iris Holmes (feeding her pony. Cricket). Hector Barber, Jocelyn Barber. Dominik Cuk and Dawn Barber, holding three-year-old Evelyn. THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1997 -PAGE 5 `Sight' given back with technology photo by Ron Pietroniro Ajax resident Ruth Skinner (right) can once again -njoy a magazine article or a short story with the help of a high-tech computer in her home:. Mrs. Skinner was aided financially by the Ajax Lions Club to pur- chase the computer and local Lions chapter President Al Brennan dropped in for a visit to see how the device works. Pickering kids get ` reading ready' at libraries PICKERING — Set your preschooler on the road to reading readiness through programs for children six months to five years old this month at the Pickering Public Library. Babytalk for babies aged six to 24 months and their caregiver teaches songs and activities that can be used at home, and provides informa- tion on how the library can help with books and cas- settes. Babytalk is available at the Central Library on Thurs- days at 10:45 a.m. from Janu- ary 16 to February 20. Tales for Twos offers pic- ture books and lots of fun for :toddlers aged 24 to 36 months and their caregivers. It's offered at the Central _.library Tuesdays at 10:45 +am. and Wednesdays or -�_Thrusdays at 10:05 am. start- .:ing the week of Jan. 13 and ending the week of March 3; at the Bay Ridges Branch on Fridays at 10:30 am. from .;: Jan. 17 to March 7; and at the ..Rouge Hill Branch Wednes- days at 10:15 am. or Thurs- days at 10:30 am. starting Jan. 15 or 16 and ending March 5 or 6. Storytime for children aged three to five is offered at the Central Library Tuesdays at 10:45 a.m. and 2 p.m.. Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:45 a.m. or Thursdays at 7 p.m, starting the week of Jan. 13 and ending the week of March 3: at the Bay Ridges Branch Fridays at II a.m. from Jan. 17 to March 7: and at the Rouge Hill Branch Wednesdays at 10:45 a.m. and 2 p.m. or Thursdays at 1 1 a.m. and 2 p.m. starting Jan. 15 or 16 and ending March 5 or 6. All the reading programs are very popular. Participants are asked to register their children for only one pro- gram at one branch and to bring their library cards when registering. Registration starts Satur- day, Jan. I 1 at 9 am. at the Central Branch, Friday, Jan. 10 at 10 am. at the Bay Ridges Branch; and Wednes- day, Jan. 8 at 10 am. at the Rouge Hill Branch. The Central Library is located at One The Esplanade; the Bay Ridges Branch is at 910 Liverpool Road, south of Bayly St. in the East Shore Community Centre; and the Rouge Hill Branch is at 1340 Rougemont Dr., south of Kingston Road. Lions Club helps Ajax woman BY KEITH GILLIGAN STAFF kF.POKrEk AJAX -- A rare eye disease took away Ruth Skinner's sight, but a comput- er bought with financial help from the Ajax Lions Club is giving some of it back. Mrs. Skinner has Mooren's eye dis- ease, which is an ulceration of' the cornea. "The only thing I can compare it to is when someone gets rheumatoid arthritis. the lining of the Joints is eaten away by the body. The body turns on itself. It's the same with Mooren's. The boozy turns on itself, eating away the tissue. Why. they don't know," Mrs. Skinner says. "1'm the only person in Canada with it." She has "light appreciation", meaning she knows when there's light in a room, such as when it comes through a win- dow. While Mrs. Skinner can't see, the printed word is again part of her life thanks to the new computer she received on Dec. 4. Among the features that came with the computer is software that 'reads' printed material and hardware that says it. A scanner inputs the material. Job Access With Speech software reads it and the DECtalk Express voice synthc- sizer sans it. The price for the computer came in at almost $11.2()(), with the Ajax Lions Club picking up about S -3.22(x). The remainder was paid through the federal government's Assistive Devices Pro- gram. "The computer is giving me access to written material I didn't have b(,fore. That one aspect is a boom to me. A lot of material comes in to the house and peo- ple can't read it all to me." Mrs. Skinner notes. "It's enabling me to access a num- ber of people. There are 50 to fit) people over the years I've kept fairly regular cor- respondence with. I'm heavily involved in my church and it helps me correspond with people I need to." Another way she's used the computer is to help her seven-year-old daughter learn reading. "It's opened up a new world, a world taken away and it's gradually given back.' Mr. Skinner says. "I can read books. It wouldn't he easy to read a long b(x)k on it. I have read magazine articles and it's very gooxi on it. I'm trying to keep up on the world of music and there's a magazine on that. There's also a magazine for my church." A did read a sho„ ;tory boxtk and it went well." She can also get recipes through the computer. Mrs. Skinner has spoken to the Ajax Lions Club since getting the computer and says. '" vty favexite word is over- whelmed. fm overwhelmed by their generosity and how much it's done for rete... Lions club member Bob Rowland .says of Mrs. Skinner's request for fund- ing help. "We. as Lions, really took this on. We really wanted to help and we did. I'm really touched by this." Her "story touched all our hearts in the Lions Club. This is one of the things we're pretty strong in and that's the blind, right from Helen Keller," Mr. Rowland adds. -Me money came from road tolls the club holds each March, a carnival it hosts in the spring and from its weekly bingo. Her family physician. Dr. Carmen Price, suggested she approach the Lions club for help in buying the computer. She wrote a letter to the Lions in Sep- tember and the computer was delivered in December. Prior to contracting Mooren's in April of 1993. Mrs. Skinner hadn't had a prob- lem with her eyes. Her right eye was affected first and by November of 1995, she'd lost her sight. The disease has also "changed the actual physical look of the eyes. There's a thinning of the eye wall. I don't see and I have to be careful I don't bump my eyes. You don't realize how often the eye is humped," she says. People often ask her if a cornea trans- plant could be done, but Mrs. Skinner says such an operation "requires a strong eve wall and I don't have that. At this time, there's nothing that can he done. unfortunately." Since losing her sight. lis Skinner has had "extensive rehabilitalmn at the Durham centre for the CtiIB Canadian ,National Institute for the Blind) I had mobility instruction, how to use a cane to get around. I can get to the store and to the girls schoxil. I can do all the things a mom does." �_ 711 1981 MOAXtRCH , F996 KIT xF. is k y� coRv� CLASSIC FOR THE SAME PRICE AS LAMINATE COUNTERTOPS! With purchase of kitchen rlhinets You can have genuine DUPONT CORIAN'a in your kitchen for the same price as a laminate countertop. By using our colour offering for your countertops, a simple edge treatment and a standard backsplash, your Dream Kitchen will come to life with CORIAN®. -No other material in your kitchen is easier to live with - CORIAN® survives chips, nicks, cuts, stains and scratches. Plus, CORIAN® adds more lasting value to your home. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM TODAY Created For Life: 1020 Brock Rd. S. Pickering (905) 686-2001 4W , , mato-- ,c •.o•, .a, eve .:r, l -- • � � 7►'t 1t• ••,. r�lt' ftRtn� r /`!'' r'< t, 11�Jeete�,ttth'e•±'riltj, .. ,.. .rr,rr,ttt,etttt,r,:,• .t PALG : 6 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER JAN AR1 7, 1997 P Pickering L'cditial2 News Advertiser 7ditorials andetters Metroland Community Newspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday. Friday, Sunday PHOT.: 6S�-i 1 10 H.�\' 65�-7 �(,; 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. [.IS 2H5 • Publisher: Tim Whittaker ♦ Editorial Gettin cy tout h on domestic violence Durham Kr_ional Police ha, c a new p%dic} it, Jeal %%ith %ic- tims of donicstic ahu c. "Ile Rei -non's lx,hce ser, ice. rather than dealing solch with Criminal Coxdc infractions, is directing officers to file written repx'rts each and e%cr, time the\ respond to a call m%oking a domestic dispute. As well. officers are beta_ instructed to con- tact victims with a follow-up call within a week nl the incident. In the past, officers would onh file %ntien reports in cases where a charge. or charges. were laid. In cases \%filch Jo Ic.td to char,,cs, detailed ti)llow -ups w ill he made infornun_ %tennis "what happens next. whether their spouse has been released and to answer am questions about the court process.' accordim-, to Scr, cant Grant Arnold. This new p she% -- froni front to hack - will serve all women who Ii%c to ahusi%e relationships well. Police of7icials dc_r-,c recognition for their ctlorts in dealing heal -on with domcsttc violence and abuse. The issue of domestic violence - one of the best -kept secrets in >ox:tct% for generations - is now _cttim_ the pe,licc attention it desCr\ cs B-, aai%rh appniaching, supporting and encouraging vic- Uins. Ivtliec also become more efirctt%c in cnnw prc%cntion. A close avid n,Kiccahlc fx,hce presence ma\ well senc to encour- age %learn. to speak more trech. 6khtic makin_ abusers av ire that their actions are hero_' Jul\ noted and recorded. Tho: addition of s% -called "address history" files also, allows officers access and vital information that can help detentnne the wa% indn idual cases we handled. This new polio% is a winner tar all those invoked. palicc. victims of domestic ciulence and the court %%stem. As ti,t Arnold notes: "if we can prn%ent another assault from taking place as a result of this Ix)[m. then wc'%e accomplished a lot. - Truer words have never been spokt.n. �r T, re.%p(md to tho edctoriui cull InJo.rource at nfOsourx:e L,)83-;1)44 and ,Tial S 112 ♦You said it... In response to the editorial `School board must find way to deal with less' in the Saturday, Dec. 28 edition: ♦ "if you seriously want to save some education resources I("- at school -level administration. The Durham board has 112 schools with 112 principals and about the same number of vice -principals. Almost none of these: trained teachers teach even one class anymore. Do the taxpayers and fed -up teachers a good deed by placing every one of these self-styled chief executive officers in the classroom half of each and every school day., ♦ 111W problem as I see it is the existence of the separate school board. Taxpayers should only fund one public system which accepts all children of all different races and religions. As you drive through a neighborhood and see two schools, one public and one separate, often only a stones throw apart, it is easy to understand there is a serious problem of duplica- tion" Pickering Edition News Advertiser Publisher: Tim Whittaker A Metroland Community Newspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L i S 2H5 v Letters to the editor Darts and `E•act Finder urges Durham teachers to take pay frecie". The teachcrs arc upset that the gu%ernment wants to free,e their wages for one year. laurels for 1996 It makes me angry that they cannot To the editor. U ht •n th a telt. like \rr%txxdv Ise After much thought, I would like to offer your readers my annual "Darts and Laurels" for 1996. M% dart goes to Durham Regional Council for hypocrisy and ins n%itivi- t} in voting for workfare and against the unfortunate among u% just a week before the celebration of the birth of our most sacred symbol of gooxdness and mercy. My laurel, and a most deserved one, goes to Warren Sun, a kcal boy who gave free airline tickets to the woman dying of cancer so she could fulfill her wish to take her young daughter to Disney World. Jim McLean, Ajax Teachers can tighten their belts too To the editor: I'm responding to the article (News Advertiser, Sunday, Dec. 22) titled JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor -in -Chief STEVE HOUSTON, Managing Editor BRUCE DANFORD, Advertising Manager ALVIN BROUWER, Retail Advertising Manager FRED EISMONT, Classified Advertising Manager MONIQUE LEA, Real Estate Advertising Manager ABE FAKHOURIE. Distribution Manager BARBARA HARRISON, Production Manager JANICE O'NEIL, Assistant Pnxduction Manager CHERYL HAINES, Assistant Pnxduction Manager LILLIAN HOOK, Administration Manager 1'vc worked as a nurse for the past 22 years. i have not had a pay raise since 1989 and for all my }cars of working, my salary is the same as a nine-year nurse. I still make signifi- cantly less than a top -salaried teacher. I also work shifts, weekends and have to work either Christmas Or New Year's Day. TO top it off; the govern- ment wants to roll our salaries back by 18 per cent and take away our right to strike. It's really hard to muster any sym- pathy for the teachers. If you go on strike, I will go to the picket lines and oppose your action. (Debbie Sera, Ajax The News Advertiser accepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neat- /• (rand -written, 150 words. Each letter must, be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verification. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. • TO REACH US General: 683-5110 Classitied: 683-0707 Distribution: 683-5110 Admin/Classified Fax: 683-7363 Composing Fax: 579-9273 E-mail: newsroom@durharimcws.net LINDA i WHITE V Stuff Writer Go ahead, make my headline A week into the new year and I'm looking at the shiny pages of my new cal- endar with eager anticipation. What headlines will we sec this vear and will I be the ncwshound to break It-": story'' After getting my hand on top-secret doc- uments and surfing the Internet for weeks. I'm prepared to predict THE store of 1997: In a hid to end vears of confusion, Ajax and Pickering agree to merge. And if we follow \ta Bell's lead in naming the new and impro%cd town. it will finally make sense to l(x)k under Atax in tht; phone bxxtk to find out the numbers of friends, fanul\ and businesses -in Pickering. Residents of Pickering Village wal have an added bxinus, as they will no longer have to put up with all those raised c%cbrow% when then give directions to Out-of-town visitors that yes, Pickering Village does sit on the Pickering border but it's actually part of Ajax. Nor will they have to put up with all those snickers from around the globe when dignitaries come to visit to figure out why the Durham Board of Fducation was named best in thx: world when it can't get the geography straight and has named one of its learning institutions Pickering High Schoen even though it, tori, is pan of Ajax. Picking a new name for the: merged towns will be a difficult task, and though Wayne's World and Parish Place have been suggested, you're more likely to sce some sort of contest, with the winning resident given permission to break one municipal bylaw per month for a whole year without risk of a fine. In what is now known as Ajax, that includes parking overnight on any street and parking over those yellow lines at Ajax Plaza In the current boundaries of Pickering, it includes doing whatever you want on Frenchman's Bay — who really knows what the bylaws are there for, anyway? So get your thinking caps on and your municipal bylaw book out and you, too, may fund yourself making headlines this year. Linda While writes in our Friday rotation of staff columnists. To respond to this col- umn call Infosourre at 683-7040 and did 5108. The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax A Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space Price e4Tor occupies. hup://www olurhanrnews.net /ml, _ . 0� 1996--THEYEAR IN RWIEW_ Top 10 1ccomprishments Of the ChrWen Government_ v Letters to the editor Darts and `E•act Finder urges Durham teachers to take pay frecie". The teachcrs arc upset that the gu%ernment wants to free,e their wages for one year. laurels for 1996 It makes me angry that they cannot To the editor. U ht •n th a telt. like \rr%txxdv Ise After much thought, I would like to offer your readers my annual "Darts and Laurels" for 1996. M% dart goes to Durham Regional Council for hypocrisy and ins n%itivi- t} in voting for workfare and against the unfortunate among u% just a week before the celebration of the birth of our most sacred symbol of gooxdness and mercy. My laurel, and a most deserved one, goes to Warren Sun, a kcal boy who gave free airline tickets to the woman dying of cancer so she could fulfill her wish to take her young daughter to Disney World. Jim McLean, Ajax Teachers can tighten their belts too To the editor: I'm responding to the article (News Advertiser, Sunday, Dec. 22) titled JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor -in -Chief STEVE HOUSTON, Managing Editor BRUCE DANFORD, Advertising Manager ALVIN BROUWER, Retail Advertising Manager FRED EISMONT, Classified Advertising Manager MONIQUE LEA, Real Estate Advertising Manager ABE FAKHOURIE. Distribution Manager BARBARA HARRISON, Production Manager JANICE O'NEIL, Assistant Pnxduction Manager CHERYL HAINES, Assistant Pnxduction Manager LILLIAN HOOK, Administration Manager 1'vc worked as a nurse for the past 22 years. i have not had a pay raise since 1989 and for all my }cars of working, my salary is the same as a nine-year nurse. I still make signifi- cantly less than a top -salaried teacher. I also work shifts, weekends and have to work either Christmas Or New Year's Day. TO top it off; the govern- ment wants to roll our salaries back by 18 per cent and take away our right to strike. It's really hard to muster any sym- pathy for the teachers. If you go on strike, I will go to the picket lines and oppose your action. (Debbie Sera, Ajax The News Advertiser accepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neat- /• (rand -written, 150 words. Each letter must, be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please include a phone number for verification. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for style, length and content. Opinions expressed in letters are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. • TO REACH US General: 683-5110 Classitied: 683-0707 Distribution: 683-5110 Admin/Classified Fax: 683-7363 Composing Fax: 579-9273 E-mail: newsroom@durharimcws.net LINDA i WHITE V Stuff Writer Go ahead, make my headline A week into the new year and I'm looking at the shiny pages of my new cal- endar with eager anticipation. What headlines will we sec this vear and will I be the ncwshound to break It-": story'' After getting my hand on top-secret doc- uments and surfing the Internet for weeks. I'm prepared to predict THE store of 1997: In a hid to end vears of confusion, Ajax and Pickering agree to merge. And if we follow \ta Bell's lead in naming the new and impro%cd town. it will finally make sense to l(x)k under Atax in tht; phone bxxtk to find out the numbers of friends, fanul\ and businesses -in Pickering. Residents of Pickering Village wal have an added bxinus, as they will no longer have to put up with all those raised c%cbrow% when then give directions to Out-of-town visitors that yes, Pickering Village does sit on the Pickering border but it's actually part of Ajax. Nor will they have to put up with all those snickers from around the globe when dignitaries come to visit to figure out why the Durham Board of Fducation was named best in thx: world when it can't get the geography straight and has named one of its learning institutions Pickering High Schoen even though it, tori, is pan of Ajax. Picking a new name for the: merged towns will be a difficult task, and though Wayne's World and Parish Place have been suggested, you're more likely to sce some sort of contest, with the winning resident given permission to break one municipal bylaw per month for a whole year without risk of a fine. In what is now known as Ajax, that includes parking overnight on any street and parking over those yellow lines at Ajax Plaza In the current boundaries of Pickering, it includes doing whatever you want on Frenchman's Bay — who really knows what the bylaws are there for, anyway? So get your thinking caps on and your municipal bylaw book out and you, too, may fund yourself making headlines this year. Linda While writes in our Friday rotation of staff columnists. To respond to this col- umn call Infosourre at 683-7040 and did 5108. The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax A Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space Price e4Tor occupies. hup://www olurhanrnews.net /ml, _ . 0� THE NEWS ADVEIrMWR TUESDAY, JANUARY 7,1"7 -PAGE 7 Tues., Janus/ 711997 Pressrun 4 News Advertiser aPlAgm dw $96,000 4 BEDROOMS Spacious 4 bedroom hom with garage and finishe, rec room. Big brigt kitchen. Steps to schools parks and shopping. Grea value! CALL STEVE FEARON*, (905) 683-2992 RVMPK QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. "POWER OF SALE" $89,900 • 3 bdrm. detached - Central air • 50x110' lot • Enclosed front porch • Huge eat -in kitchen • Garage,shed Hurry - Won't last! CALL JIM KELLY*, (905) 683-2992 MK OUALfTY ONE LTD. RLTR. 0 = rCLUSIVE EAST �DUGE LAKE AREA 9 - , Executive home, quiet treed. rypr mature area. Multi-level with _ great layout. Huge family room, fo.. hardwood firs., cook's kit.. breakfast nook, pantry and w/o to garden, adjacent den, king size master. step-up tub. Sprinkler system. CAC. CALL LUCY BATESON" (905) 619-9500 r� I�/R7G 11G/ILI t1Rr. ` ' TREED LOT' .Sys+, • .; <� —� �` �� . ,t r A must see in this upgraded f ' ° ' • ,� �,, custom raised bungalow offering �z `,•: new roof, furnace, air cleaner, fabulous new kitchen with buih- inm in appriances, skylights, hot tub, UG pool, on a beautiful seclude lot in Greenwood. $359,999. JACQUELYNN TANNER Sales Representative HERBAGE REALTY INC. $125,000 4 BEDROOMS? BUNGALOW? Surprised?... How about a finished basement. 2 bathrooms. cold storeroom. new furnace. possible in-law potential. 162 ft. deep lot all in good location! Don't be surprised! Call me! JAMES F. TRACY' ' (905) 683-1861 *Saps ReprssenlatlYe **AssoCiab Broker ***8rok4w/Owner PACE 8 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1997 on Home ottices are catching 61 l_tNOA SYRO)N Experts haN c estimated that as nnrm as two million Canadians per- form some or all of their paid work from home, and the number is grow- ing. More and more people are se►trng up home-hased businesses after being ..restructured" or "right -sized" out of their corporate jobs. Other workers ha%c become telecornmuters. still employed hN it large company but 'looked up to the office h% computer. In a 1995 sur -.e% of home workers funded by Canada Alortgagc and Housing Corporation, it srgmticant 27 per cent of respondents indicated they had considered moN ing because of a need f'or more space or more separa- tion between home and work acti%i- tres. or because their house did not match their business image. A nwjority of respondents had ren- ovated their homes to accommodate work space. Thirty per cent renovated or finished existing rooms. 24 per cent added a new room, and 23, per cent erected doors or walls to better dctrnc their work area. Despite the modifications. however, many of those surycycd still complained about a lack of adequate storage space and it too -.mall, unsuitable layout for working. In response to the trend towards home-hased work. today's home - builders are turning their attention to the business needs of purchasers. while remaining committed to pro- xiding li%ahle fantilN spaces. For- ward -thinking builders arc either including a designated home office space in the design of their latest homes or are making it easier to con- vert an extra bedroom or basement space into a Aorkin,, environment. Some builders are moving- away from the concept of the combined li%- in, and dinm- room in favor of a great room at the hack of the house. encompassing kitchen, dining and entertainment areas. This frees up the front parlor for use as a private office. Because this room is situated so close to the front door, the scl-up works well for those entrepreneurs or etrrplo%ces who need to meet with clients or deal y; with couriers. Tciccom- It pays to pay your News Advertiser carrier Just ask Dan Coombs of Pickering who was the grand -prize winner of a television in the Ajax -Picker- ing News Advertiser's recent collection period draw. To be entered tc win a great prize, dust pay your carri- er the volunteer collection charge during the next col- lection period munrcatrons and ergonomics arc also addressed in many new com- munrtics being built these days. 'A'ork-at-homers nrav spend eight or 10 hours sit- ting in front of their computer screens, so it's important that the lighting in the room he appropriately glare -free and eye -friendly. Even goad -looking track lighting'would traditionally nut he thought of as an option for it parlor or spare bedroom, but it certainly ensures the room can do double duty as an office if need he. And lots of extra electrical outlets arc usually included to ensure that appropriate task -specific lighting needs can he mct. To accommodate all the equipment used by home-hased workers, such as personal computers, scanners, print- ers, modems and fax machines, extra phonclines in new homes are do rigueur. Fibre optic and co -axial cable lines arc also being run into some homes in anticipation of future applications. One particular commu- nity in Newmarket even offers pur- chasers Internet access, interactive television, information sharing between computer and audio -video systems, and video -conferencing capabilities. If you think you might be- working from home full-time one dav, or if you just like to gel paperwork out of the way in the evenings. it might make sense to consider buying a house with home office potential. Home-based work looks like it could be the wave of the future, and you don't want to he ]eft behind! Linda Svron is a communications officer Kith the Toronto branch of the Canada .Mortgage and Housing Corporation. starts reach two-, fzyear'high in'`November` ational housing starts rose 17 per cent in Novem- ber to a seasonally adjusted annual rate (SAAR) of ti j38,200 units from an October'rawof,118,100 wcotrd- ing to Canada Mortgage rand• Housing Corporation In urban centres, single -detached dwelling starts rose 12.4 per cent to 61,700 units. Multiple unit con- struction moved up to 34.7 per cent from the previous 'month, to 51,600 units. a: "The November housing starts level is the highests `since November 1994. It coincides with higher activity yin the existing home market, which rose 13 per sent to a record 347,000 sales in October," said Michel Lau- ence, senior economist at CMHC's Market Analysis Centre. "Full-time employment is still higher than at ttte 1989 peak, That, along with lower mortgage rates, ais producing gains in the new and existing markets". In Ontario, urban starts increased 3.8 per cent in November, to 41,100 units. Gains in the single - ,..detached segment offset a drop in multiples. Condo- ytninium starts rose but rental starts declined. Activity Tawas lower in Toronto. British Columbia urban starts reached 26,900 units 'In November, a 47 per cent increase over the previous kmonth. Single starts were up, but most of the increase was in multiples. This segment benefited from greater construction in both condominiums and rental units. Urban starts in Quebec rose 26.1 per cent to 20,300 units in November, Both single -detached and multiple markets improved. Multiples were much more active as condominium starts picked up across the province and rental starts increased in the Montreal area. Starts in the Prairies increased 32.6 per cent to 18,300 units in November. Higher starts were recorded in all provinces but a greater number of rental starts lifted the Alberta total. In the Atlantic region, starts rose by 24.1 per cent to :`16,700 units in November. Gains in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were offset by losses in Newfound- land and Prince Edward Island. Activity in the latter ptwo provinces remains ahead of last year's pace. RF/,MW FIRST Realty Ltd. Rltr. 831=3300 or 686=3300 THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUA997 RY 7,1997 -PAGE 9 housing'Further in Strong sales of existing homes and an increase in construction gave most local hous- ing markets a significant boost in 1996. according to Canadian Housing Markets, released today by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The forecast lirr next year is encouraging as. well. ..With employment growing in mai Canadian cities, more consumers are fey ing confident about buying a hom Record -low mortgage rates are providii further encouragement for them buy said Bruno Duhamel, market analyst Cti1HC's Market Analysis Centre. "Wi more and more people able to sell tht homes. higher levels of repeat buying a expected over the next year." The CMHC forecast says that resale will rise by 23 per cent this year and by further 3 per cent next year. New hon construction will be up in 21 of 27 may centres in 1996, for a rise of nine p, cent, and should increase in 21 Citi( again in 1997. The analysis also points out that with strong housing market both this year ar next. Calgary will take its place anion the three most active markets in Canad tollowing Toronto and Vancouver. Tot, housing starts in Calgary arc expected i hit a 15 -year high in 1997. In another article, Canadian Housin Markets discusses the economic benctii Builders collaborate on video The Greater Toronto Home Builder Association ((;THBA), in partnershll with the Ontario Honk Builder's Associ atwn iOHBA) have collaborated t.. pro lured a new %idco on the prc-dcliycn insprcuon ( PDI ) process. Called "From our Hands to Yours.' the 20Lnlinuie video is designed for ttx new home buyer to help case the transi- tion front new home purchaser to new home owner. "Tice new home -buying experience i> full of unfamiliar processes. particularly fix first- time home buyers," notes Davic Hirsh. G,-THBA First Vice -President. "M purpose ol' the video is to demonstrate td new home buyers what they can expec during the PDI so that the proccss can he a, productive and rewarding as possible." The video highlights the purpose of the PDI, preparation for the inspection and the roles and responsibilities of the home buyer and builder during the PD1. "The PDI walk-through provides the ideal time for builders and homeowners to develop a good foundation for an ongoing, constructive association," says Aubrey LeBlanc, President and Registrar of ONHWP. "A clear understanding of each other's role and responsibilities will help manage expectations and provide for good communication for their sales/service relationship." The video takes the new home buyer on a walk-through a typical new home, floor by floc. Akmg the way, operating features, maintenance tips and items coveted by the new home warranty are highliighted. The video concludes with a review of the paper- work dirt marks the beginning of warmly protection and the turnover from the builder's construction department to the after-sales service depatunent. The video project was conceived by the After -Sales Service Committee of the GTHBA and steered by a joint GTHBA/ONHWP sub -committee. Funding was provided by ONHWP, the GTHBA and several individual builders active in the GTA. The video will be distributed by the GTHBA across Ontario and net proceeds from the sale will be donated to Touch- stone Youth Centre, which provides emergency shelter for young people escaping from abusive families. of the Next Home, an innovative design devel- oped at McGill University to respond to high housing costs and changing household demo- graphics in Canada. The home can be built as a detached or semi-detached structure or in a row of similar houses. The project boasts a range of adaptable features that make the home more affordable then conventional styles and especially attractive to older and smaller households with modest incomes. Canadian Housing Markets also highlights Important rescarc•h findinvc in rw,, r,.,•...,, P Iin CEIM NEW CHOICE ITD_LTY MEMBER BROKER FOR A FREE MARKET EVALUATION, CALL CMHC reports. One examines the factors that contributed to the significant increase in resi- dential property values in Vancouver between 1981 and 1991. The second analyses the sig- nificance for housing of a growing and Chang- . .. t.. THE 1 1.17.111 Tl-.( OAUU.' ' ' le, r/ 2,200 ,y If apt at thr Kale, n/ GuildK mn1 '2 jut,h , r /rrnjt C, Kith /uhuluu., pwwrann< cera.. • Cd/ Ron Argue*, 837-1054. �[ P RB QLALITY THROUGHOUT Ib"laturing solid txlk circular staircase - marble flours & upgraded appliances. Like to viert• it' Gite me a call. * Call Ron Argue*, 837-1054. Corner detached 3 bdriins. + 1, fenced double drive, separate power in garage, appliances, Oshawa area. Raul Casino*. 837-1054. NO QC A LIF 1TVG A SSC ME .UTGF-. t, y ■ ROGER \DIANE ANDERSON BROMLEY —- Broker Ovmer Sales Representative DEBORAH DAVID ARMSTRONG BEATON Sates Representative Sales Represetblive MARG JUDY BEATTY DENBY L Sa+es Representative Sales Representative H SHARON BARB CHISHOLM EDWARDS Sa es =P:rese-'a' . Sa es Peoresertat . e QUALITY F: 000 or. r ,r L - E POO • I I yx 11 Ll t �-IS7•. ONE Realty Ltd. Realtor ; 1 DON MIKE DENNIS HOGAN is e5-czz•cse-'a' a Saes Represerta:r.e e!f%.+.� - -''��Y`' r• i r i'to STEVE JOHN --- ;EAP,SN KENNEDY ,off 11 STAM NOW 2 bemoan luyr deb deed home het sSS in tenowbortt. aie Eal-in whiten w1h upgraded kkhen 7.r cabkft 3 remip mom on upper level Shows very wel. $129,5W. " fo �f � Ah 14 l MIKE BRIAN McCULLOCH KONDO Sa;es;.ecrese,tay.,e SatesRepresentatr.e a STEVEN WALLY LEBEL MAGEE Sales Representative . Saks Representative HEATHER r RANDY mAZURK MILLER Saes Representat.ve Sala Represenmw a S ANNE -MARIE PAUL NIELSEN RAYMENT t.ssocateBrcker SalesReprese-tat.e j ''I w A i l BRANDY JOAN E EKS ROGERS Sa es=ec'ese-tat ,e s ItArm A� JULIE EK TREB!LCOCK 15 LOUISE REID "THE ONLY RE/MAX VNITH OFFICES IN AJAX & PICKERING99 WHY USE OUT OF TOWN COMPANIES, CALL! -!ilF'-.'tI�. i."�r.�. r� , 1,, 't" tt {,.tt.'t�1'�d'a*'a .'a'1iTt'tvA,l'llSYeo:.ri?►'ti{ai..1'tSs'io•N1fS`tr,'iie�}'4'�fsl�'�tfer'�rrts�fv- td:h;,tiv?rrei•e,it ..stse:tsrs��+ .:c� , -. s....i l�>aeif♦ �f �t t�•+.#:ssr ♦..s:.e•i-+: ♦ ., •... ..t♦ ♦a,..F� r e2. , . . , r i t " 1 i � � t r � •i -: 1 1 1 -. s � � t , i - . J . , 9 . � ,�t . ,'d, I J , I'r t , . � .�t,} t 1: F s i' •. � i i 1 "^' t �. s "? \", , i . , , ? ,,�, . . r , !l r.i ill;t3l�t 1 ?�i ) l }yi i ` r ; - f a . s • ., . . . .,r . . , . . , - . t � THF; NEWS AD% F:R'r1SER 'rt'ESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1997-NA(;E: I 1 R" CT T ,.or photo by Andrew Iwanowsk? Like father, like son Noel Francisco and his three-year-old son Adrian enjo) a dip in the pool during public swimming at the Donevan Recreation Complex in Oshawa recently. Peregrine takes flight i*n Oshawa New, owner of GM fabrication plant took over Jan. 1 Bti' BRI, -\N LLGRF1: 1A RH %\t S t \I F OSHAWA -- it's the end of an era .And -he hcginn?ng of another. The new year is bringing with it major changes to Oshawa',, auto industr%. The sale of the General 'Motors fabrication plant in the Ritson Road -Adelaide Avenue arca of- Oshawa fOshawa ofiiciall% took place Jan. I. with o,wner- ship of the plant transferring to Peregrine incorpo- rated, a tilrchit,an-haled compam which has pur- chased tour plants from GM For the plant's 1.•`+1X1 emplo %ccs, it's a time of uncertainty a-,. the% tri to ascertain c -cacti . how the recently ratified three -}car contract between Gcn- cral :`tutors and the Canadian Auto \korkers affects their status with PCiegrinc. One worker. who asked not to be identified. told'Ihis Wick he hasn't rccei%rd any olficral doc- umentation about the company changc. The employees reported to work for their first da% with the new compam this past Thursday. Mcanwhile, Don Whalen, Canadian Auto Bill Lawler was `down-to-earth' public servant WHITBY — Bill Lawler, an eleven - }'car Whitby Hydro Electric commis- ,ioner, passed awav at Oshawa General Hospital Dec. 27 at the age of 79. First elected to the position in 1995, .qtr. Lawler continually served until his Correction JA story which ran in the Saturday, Dec. 28 edition of the News Advertiser erroneously referred to William Drank Hayball, founder of the William Frank Hayball Foundation, as the "Tats" Mr. Z7`rC I Aoi�E1 dSer nsints tI1C enw and any ramillssltntt it my have recent passing following a short-term illness. He was admitted to hospital about one month ago. "He was a down-to-earth, common sense. type of person," say% Tont \lay. Whitby Hydro general manager. "He was well -liked by staff and follow com- missioners." His battle with diabetes didn't stop him from fulfilling his role on the com- mission, his peers recall. "He's missed a couple of meetings because of illness and attended a couple he shouldn't have," Mr. May says. Mayor Tom Edwards also recalls Mr. Lawler's strong spirit. "i remember in September he came out to a meeting I felt he was in no shape to attend. He was there trim, to carr% out the duties he was clected to do. It was typical of Bill" Fellow commissioner Ralph Blank sa%s his peer 'will he well -missed. "He was a straight shooting t%pe of guy and a hard worker A lot of people could rcall} learn somcthin , tram him." Mr. Lawlcr's great grandfather was the first ma%or of W'hith% and Mr Lawler was %cry active in the Bo% Scout movement and with his local church. "He was also a %er% good gardener." Mavor Edwards says. He grew the ! Isti- est rhubarb in Whitby." Mr. Lawler had been recently re- elected as vice-chairman of the commis- sion. Workers Local 222 plant chairman, says the dohs of unionized fah plant workers -arc pro,tected." Under the tcnm of the contract. GNI has agreed in provide L` IS retirement incenh%es t�, its Oshawa- hased employees. Howc%cr, Peregrine has Indicated there will bt layoff, at its plants until its business stahiliics and new proera„rs go Into pro ductio n. -111c CAW has nict with Peregrine officials and with tab plant emplovec% for the past tew weeks, says Mr Whalen. !_hero are visible changes at the plant. Work crew, ha%c hecn husv removing GM .i',ns and installing Pcrcgnne's falcon logo in Its piace. Perc,nne I. optimistic It can hulld Its new husl- ncss, whin h also includes the Windsor "trim plant and v.%o tacilitics in Michigan. "W'c need t:i hroaden our :usl o er hase around the world and position oursel%cs to suppl% cus- tomers whcrc\cr their operations arc located." sa%s t -..i (!Ulna. Pcrc,_nnc's :hainiian and .:hict crccuU%e otliccr "Were staring our husiness as a SI hrllit,n compam with I(X) per cent of our :ales in North America. rnosrl% to one original cquipmcnr ,u,- iorncr -- (;M --wrrh hrnrted prulitahtht%. Within fi%c %cars, we want to hc- a ht_'hl% rrotitahlc. multi-hilhon dollar compam suprl%mg a hroad. glohal customer base of original equipment cus- iomcrs, and w ith a pretty health% sen. icc parts and components husm, cs, ,, %well Dunng a news ;onicrcncc in Nh,.hiLan last month. Mr Gulda suggested Pcrcgrincs enlrlm,- ceswill need time to adJwt to (tic new operation. "Once were all workin-, together. a hettcr sense of trust will de%clop. %%e II become a team and we'll ect where we need to go." he says. For GNI retirees, who knew the north plant when it was part of (;\1 - %chicle asscmhl% operations. the sale of the tab plant is a "tra,,ic thing," Na*,,, Bill Clark. 72, who worked for the automaker for ;;i %cars. "A lot of people have worked at GNI for quite awhile and all of a sudden thc%'re told the%'re not GM emplo%ces -- you don't work for Gil. It's something %ou can't picture." he sa%s. Still, Mr. Clark acknowledges the sale of the fabrication plant to Percvrin_ is merely a sign of the times. "It's a strange thing, but it's not just cars -- IBM is doing the same thing -- they're all downsizing. It's just part of the Innes." f It Marathon swimmer Citizens Centre at 576-6712. The cost of the Special ceremony marks seminar is $5. will give speech golden anniversary of Man armed with WHITBY -- Marathon swimmer Vicki Keith Canadian citizenship Munro is the keynote speaker at the first of a screwdriver robs Whitby series of health and wellness seminars being pre- OSHAWA — Oh Canada! drug store sented by seniors centres in neighboring Oshawa A special ceremony will be held in Oshawa Fri - and Whitby. day to mark the 50th anniversary of Canadian Citi- - She'll speak on the topic of "Follow Your WHITBY — A man anted with a screwdriver zenship. Twenty-five people from throughout Dreams" as part of the seminar on Monday, Jan. robbed a Whitby drug store early on New Years Durham Region will take their Oath of Canadian 13, which deals with "How Perceptions and Atti- Eve, Durham Regional Police report. citizenship and receive their certificates from Judge tudes Affect Health." Police say the man, brandishing a screwdriver, Walter Borosa. Two other workshops will be offered, includ- demanded drugs from a 32 -year-old male clerk at The ceremony will be held at Vincent Massey ing "How to Live to Be 100" by Anne Balaban 'the Shoppers Drug Mart at 1801 Dundas St. E. Public School, 211 Harmony Rd. N., beginning at and "Getting Soaked in the Fountain of Youth" around 2 a.m. Tuesday. 1:30 p.m. by Alastair Dickie. The man was given an unknown quantity of nar- The Canadian Citizenship Act came into effect The seminar runs from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. and cotics and fled in a blue minivan, last seen headed Jan. I, 1947 and at that point Canadians were final - is held at the Whitby Seniors Activity Centre, toward Highway 401. ly, officially Canadian. Until 1947, all Canadians 801 Brock St. S. Two customers in the 24-hour store were were British subjects with Canadian domicile. Lunch is available for $4. unhanned.Police say the suspect is a white, male, The push to establish Canadian citizenship For registration information, call the Whitby about 30 to 40 yeah old, 5 -foot -5, 140 pounds with came from former Secretary of State, the Hun. Paul senior centre at 668-1424 or the Oshawa Senior a moustache. Martin Sr. f It PAGE 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1997 Pickering. Al Rivett, spurts writer 683-7110 Fix: 683--303 photo by Andrew Iwanowski Teaching board basics Snowboard instructor Matt Youmans gives hill at the Ski Lakeridge resort, near tips to student Kevin Lee on the beginners' Pickering, recently. Lightning strikes The Durham West Lightning peewee 'A' girls' rep hockey team won both ends of a home -and -home exhibition series with the Toronto Red Wings major peewee 'A' squad on the weekend of Dec. 28 and 29. In the first game, played in Toronto, the Lightning struck for a 4-1 victory. Toronto in exhibition hockey tilts Natalie Babony and Diana Jenna Clements and Babony Cholokov scored two goals each with two goals. Meikle apiece. Assists went to scored the other marker. Melissa Gaudet, Melissa Assists went to Jessie Ford Meikle and Cholokov with with three, Stephanie Mourao one each. with two, Heather Clayton, In the second game, Gaudet, Chelsey Emslie and Durham West blanked the Red Meikle all with one. Wings 5-0 in the contest Superb goaltending was played in Pickering. provided by Sarah Long and Leading the way were Danielle Taylor. Scoreboard MIMIF MIG YEN'S BASKETBALL LEAGUE Results from Dec. 16 MASTERS DIVISION GAME ONE Melanie Pringles 60 vs. Van Kempen Insurance 29, TOP SCORERS Melanie Pringles: Joan Lanniste 18. Chris Sheldon S. Don MacDonald 7. Van Kempen: Ray Fox 10. Roy Christiansen 8. Deve Burda 6. GAYETWO Dakota Bob's 47 vs. Mud Hen's 31 10 TOP SCORERS Dakota Bob's: Pat Roach 10, Jim Wilkinson 11, Rick Jones 7. Mud Hen's: Ton Recalis 8, Paul Vorvis 7, Bill Boston 6. GAME THREE Club Link 56 vs. Elcyda Corp. 47 TOP SCORERS Club Link: Reuben DeFranee 12, Roger Young 11, Don Leahy 10, Ron Feragher 7. Elcyda: Randy Filinski 16, Bruce Briard 13, Greg Cassidy G. Mike Jovanov 6. NON -PASTERS DIVISION GAME ONE ASG Caterers 86 vs. Mud Hen's 75. TOP SCORERS ASG Caarors: Neel Tyrou 22, Trovw Redhead 21, William Daniel 21. Mud Hen's: Conrad Davis 30, Bob Herding 16. Karl Hutchinson 14. GAMETWO Gallantry's Eatery 53 vs. Penny's Auto Service 38. TOP SCORERS Gallantry's Eatery: Roy Cousins 15, Oren Officer 10, Reynolds Watkis 9. Penny's Auto Service: Don Quigley 16, Elman McLean 14. P Shorts News Advertiser Atom Raiders drop triple overtime heartbreaker in Markham tourney final The Ajax -Pickering Raiders T.D. Bank/Rogers Cable atom 'AAA' rep hockey team dropped a hard-fought 5-4 hair -raiser in triple overtime to the Halton Hurricanes in the final of the Markham Waxer Classic Tournament over the Christmas hol- idays. The winning goal was scored with both teams playing three -a -side with four minutes remaining in the third overtime frame. For the a Raiders, Adam Markew opened the scoring one minute into AAA\`�v assisted a by RAIDERS D c r e k Lynden. Matt Fettes gave the Raiders a 2-1 lead after tipping in a blast from the point by Michael Kostka. After Halton scored two unanswered goals, Brian Wilkins scored the equalizer on a nice feed from Noel Coultice. Call-up Scan Coultice provided a much-needed spark, scoring seven seconds after Halton took a 4-3 lead five minutes into the third period. Goaltender Sean O'Sullivan made several big saves in overtime to deny Halton shooters. In the semi-final match, Ajax - Pickering defeated the previously unbeaten Kingston Frontenacs 4-3. Andrew Sawyer and Lynden provid- ed all the scoring for their team, each scoring twice with an assist. Linemate Markew chipped in with two helpers. Kostka was named the game's most valuable player with his heavy workload on the blueline. Goalie Gord Brettell was sensation- al, with his biggest save coming on a breakaway late in the game to pre- serve the win. The Raiders opened the tourney losing 3-2 to Halton. Markew cap- tured MVP honors by scoring a goal set up by Kyle Martiniuk and Kostka. Lynden also scored, assisted by Brett McConnachie. In the second game, Ajax - Pickering edged the York-Simcoe Express 2-1. McConnachie scored the game winner, assisted by Michael Alexiou. Wilkins opened the scoring, assisted by Sawyer and Noel Coultice. Defenceman Greg Garrett had a strong game on the blueline and was rewarded with the MVP award. . The TD Bank atoms defeated arch -rival Whitby 2-1, chasing them from the tourney. Sawyer was named as the game's MVP by scoring the winner on an outstanding rush, beat- ing two Whitby defenders, then chipping the puck over the Whitby goalie. Justin Hall played a big game on the point, picking up a goal and an assist. Markew and Fettes chipped in with assists. The Raiders gained a berth in the .icmi-finals after skating past Waterloo 6- 1. scoring four unan- swered goals in the third period to break open an otherwise close con- test. MVP Lynden scored two goals and added an assist. Alexiou con- tributed a goal and an assist. Other scorers were Sawyer, Scan Coultice and Fettes. Assisting were Kostka with two, Wilkins. Martiniuk and McConnachie with one apiece. Tickenng ,....-tweens beat ame in gold- edal match :F BICKERING — The Pickering Innovative Awards tween 'B' Tingette squad rebounded from,a Mow start to strike gold at the Markham Ringette Tournament over the Christmas break. ,:n the championship match, the Pickering tweens doubled Barrie 4-2. ..,,The Innovative Awards tweens were sluggish in the first game, dropping a 4-3 decision to Sunderland. Pickering rebounded - in the second contest to defeat Ajax 3-1. The Pickering [ween then met host Markham and scored three goals in the final one minute aW 39 seconds to salvage a 4-4 Jhctie. �.. _. ... k+esg also played to a'3-3 with Barrie. The Pickering team finished in a deadioek, with Ajax in the race FCctl'plsyoii berth. Both teams ted round-robin play with four ,0400001�..,Puckering advai cod to 00!� 10 C I 41'� O ❑ne 42 ) week, get (g 05) the 2nd free. Call us for TORONTO details 798-76726830707 LINE N Applies to Articles For Sale and Vehicles '-- - r'"only. GARAGE SALES _ tinny X35+GST v� THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 7,1!17 -PAGE 13 ie� Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday or fax your ad (905) 579-2238 ' BIRTH NOTICES Announce your baby's arrival and receive a gift certificate �� ^M entitling you to $25 worth of quality baby products. r r Careers r r Careers r r Careers r General General General Office Office Daycare Help r Help r Help r Help r Help e I Wanted The Sylvan Learning Centre in both Whitby and Pickerin are now hiring teachers. Candidates must have a B.E( We are looking for teachers who are experienced an comfortable teaching high school math and science an junior/intermediate levels. The job is part time and th hours are on evenings and Saturdays. Please send or drop off your resume to: I ff M11 r Careers r General General Help r Help CAREER SCHOOL OF FLORAL DESIGN 26 wk Flonstry 8 Business Pro- gram, 12 wk u,tenw" 3- phase program. 3 wk. Pro- fession al course, .In-home video. Beginners Program Put-irmer7ull time courses available Aschool where all your training becomes worthwhile Financial as- s+stance may be available 905-4367746 INTERNET - www durhammall com/flor- alschool. •-mel - schoolof fbraidesgn 0 speealli ca r General Help NEEDED We are looking for 20 AZ drivers, to work FR R7, and weekends in the Durham Region. (Pin to Pin) Must have 2 yrs. exp., wkly pay, direct deposit. CALL DIRECT OMER PERSONNEL (905) 571-2795 CHRISTIAN Ruirrum and bass players wereed lar sot tablished rock bend- Musa be betwlsen 30 111, 40 and dedicated. Pickering aria. Cal Bob 619.9866 DEPENDABLE energetic and hard working with dean driven record and own trulsportekon to work on mod" service truck, servicing commercial door systems. OverfNW door system or locksmith erp. an asset, but we will dein. $8- $10/hr, to start depending on experience- Fur time days. 2634394 noon to 8 Rin.. Ed or Catherine. DRIVERS FOR WHEELCHAIR VANS., WILL TRAIN, CALL Pager, 416-426-1473. EXPERIENCED CASH- IERS Il Grocery Clerks needed Fax resumes to 905-4340771 EXPERIENCED Del: '-.!erns 8 Meat Cu-ers needed Fax resumes to 905-430-0771 EXPERIENCED line and prep cook Responsible and mature attitude neces- sary. Apply in person Mal sey's Restaurant 774 Liver- pool Rd S Pickering FILTER OUEEN Oshawa. under new management. Sales Managers needed Excellent dealer base. Call 905.721-9413 Financial Services compa- ny is looking to expand Enthusiastic. sell -reliant in- dvWuals needed to open offices in the area. No ex- perience necessary. t905430-0054 HAIR STYLIST wanted in busy salon for man 8 wom- en. Excellent salary + com- mission. Orn cliental an assn. Call Cindy 728- 6753. HAMIBTYLIST i MAIL Techrrdan. Be your ern boss in 97, enjoy waking in A Irieridy WOM eatabkued Nath Oshara Salon, Chir rentals available. OMy $100 per week. 725 4321. HEARTY PRA- needed KA fill and part turns kdch- on and counter help. Drop reetanes off at 244 Brock St. S. whitby. (No phone cw is pones). Needed up to S8200AWL " Easy work.- -Free Sup- plies". For free details a SASE to skylih EMwpns- es. 150 Clark Blvd. Suite 247, Brampton Ont. LST 4Y8. Sales/Service/ Dispatchers/ Par'ts/War'e- housePerson Experience an asset but attitude is everything. Call 434-5541 or 686-0571 Ramnor Heating EXPERIENCED short igen Cook needed part tirel non smoker Please drop off T sume off at J T Bean Cof- fee Market, Whitby Mall. Ontario NEW YEAR, NEW CA- REER . up to Stgrph Hard working career minded in- dlv,duals for management trainee positrons Ade to start immediately. Car re- quired For interviews call 10 a.m. - 4 p m only 404- 0403 Mr. Watson. PART-TIME Receptionist required Real Estate ex- perience preferred. Call Helen 905-837-0325 PART-TIME Warehouse help required. Small elec- tronic manufacturer needs o ---net part-time worker to assist In warehouse d light assembly work. Very flexible hours. Individual needs to loam simple tasks quickly. Send resume: Tush International Inc., 91 Station St., Unit et, Ajax SPORTS PROMOTERS deeded for upbeat, local advertising company. No 1ayoNs. no downso ng; lou opportunities to advance! Areas in rnarlagerne nt also aiaileble. Car Stacey: 721- 0299. Vr7r•EM Wanted FULL & PART TIAL 831-2160 lourncy c End, I anada's Icadilig I."Igmg i_m sirhrrp.ury, s curic•nily Kcktnc a GtIC%I %CT%1L:C kcprescntausr Ior our " (lmdon Inn" I„calcd nn Vit:ki itny Uotano Candidatcs should lune a nhintrnVnn presnou 1 2 years expcncncc, a pmlcssu,nal manner. possess excellent conununicaLion skkllc (hihncual is an asset). excellent inicipc•nonal Skill, and crip,y dealing with Ihc- puhliL Rcsponsihilttles tucludc handling of guest rclalions. have goral accounting skills, sennhg computer skills nsatlahihly fr,r shift work, and night .Sudo hat kgn,und arc an ascot We offer a progicssivc work cmironincnl :omprch,-nstvc hcnclits. and compeltUlr wages :nicresicd applicants should apply wtth a recline in ncrson by January I tth, 1997, at our frons desk ho%cen JOAN) a.m. and 2:101) p.m. at the ('onifort Inn Pickering, 533 Kingston Rd., Pic kering,t)ntario1.1\ IN7 or fax U, 905-10144)25. JWIr•aii FN,d it ax equal opporiUN%l►• PIpkii)'er New Year, New Career If you are hard working and ambitious, we have a proven management train- ing program in the advertising field. Dealing with the sports & entrainment industry. Candidates must be willing to start immediately in an entry level. Call,Jasmine 721-1411. 1 ' 1 Help WA"PESSES / WA(TER for buy establishment in CREATIVE Girl Friday/ Pickering. Full time poli- Receptionist required by tions only Appy in person irxhova&n data -recovery to 947 Dillirigham Rd., company in Markham. Must Pickering 905.420-25%. have reliable transporta- tion. Please tax resume: •05.4791515. VILLAGE CHRYSLER, DURHAM'S LARGEST CHRYSLER DEALERSHIP IS SEEKING AN EXPERIENCED SALES REPRESENTATIVE. PLEASE CONTACT TED WILLIAMSON OR KERRY PICKARD AT 6a3-5358 [ET' les Help/ Agent BEL: CANADA CLEARNET ,sr c�•.on "rine, 4e _ ' es crofes- ",onal Cus-ass commun,- .at,ons consatart Full ' anmg and support Cr '.eyed untapped ,market coWfial Also require ag- ;Mssive htlemarketws for a ;non term proety Fax re- - Mme .905) 683-6' 05 DIRECT sales of comin er - al bloc- systems. repair and security Acp,+cant ^ust be reliable. weal or ;anted and bondage war i ;tear diners record Mm - mum 5 yrs. sales history Exp in commheroat secumy, 3n asset. 'Jul we will train High Commission rate. full . me Days Company vehi- - esupplied 2638394 Hospltafl r liMedicaYD"I HEALTHCARE Requires Home Support Workers HCAs car an asset. Also certified Occupational Health Nurse. Call Gina (905) 436-3332 —ion to 6 p m . Ed or Catherine Daycare • 1 Wanted Skilled EM Help CHILDCARE required in T.Y. NCR /COMPUTER technician wanted asap Ehmenenced. profit sharing, comfortable stress tree work environmert Flexible 1 Saks hours Good opportunity. tApft (905)655-3661 1 Comp AccouNT EXECUTIVE� 93 -year-old media comp ny is hiring 2 account exec- utives to work out of it's WOodtiridge office. Also hiring positions province - wide. Responsibilities will include marketing to tour- ism -oriented businesses in the Greater Toronto Area which will include face -to - taco calls, attending indus- try association meetings. group representation, etc. Car allowance, expenses. commission, salary -total Package appoxirna"y $38,500. Please send re- sume to: Canadian TODS Ltd., 120 Whitmore Road, Unit 0108, Woodbridge, Ontario. LK 6A3. COMPUTER Progra sumer regaled on demand basis. must have experience in Visual Basic. Fax resume to: 905-579.5162 or e-mail depetersonOmsn.com by Jan.17/97. :SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 our home for 2 boys. 4 'special needs) and 10 months Nor -smoker Exp. and FFrst A.d preferred 623-9456 after 5.30 p m. DAYCARE WANTED. Nanny needed for our children 12, 9 and 4. live in or out. references •equ.red. Please call after 6 p m. Ask tar Kathy EXPERIENCED Live -out Nanny required for our 1 year old son in our Whit" Hwy 2. Pickering home: full-time. Man -Fri. Refer- ences required. Call 905- 420-3702, EXPERIENCED Nanny re- quired for 2 boys, 3 years 6 6 months. full-time. non- smoker, references. Call 416.8161237. Experienced babysitter re- quired for a /4 month old in Bayy west shore area. Weekdays only. Referenc- es requin3d. Call 839- 5177. Check Out Our Flyer Deliuery Seruice. We Bis by far nw f1 DiBtrib "of tfm In aur arm lfan your tlyBrs ds! -w algin wlsdl, &I Rift W StlndBy wilt 1n• III - liffertflflR ansrybody mads FLEXIBLE 'uu •T - ^anny •egu:redfor ore ^dd Some housekeeping. .-ok:ny. Pickering area jl.5- 427.3731 MOTHERS HELPER. Lave .. 3efrre air] a"er school :.are for three, plus nouse- -ep,ng and cooking ,rammer Non smoker =,p References Legal : erpoci S Hwy 2 Call =romp at 905831.3606 -416-592-2624 WHITBY - ve out nanny %r^e r:C 'Jur home .,. in - F.. l am •o b pm -v required NON - 'Ji Leave message + SCS 47C -9•C! ext Daycare U -SP Available MOTHER . V , rc ;a .led samrng v,ronmert nut`rious cher. snacks Non. -ow r Rece.crs avail- iCe Hd^wOOd Bay'y area :aa 427-0525 PLAY:aycare ^ow Cper :. -. "_5 •nears ors Jf 'ur wl.Harwood A,ax Ale : :es ark befo•e a-@, loci Flex,pie lours �28-'464 SING MM—Wanted mployment RESIDENTIALJCOM- MERCIAL s'e�__enn- '�r'ver't w+t' • 7 yrs. expen- ance avilable immed.ate- Piease :all 905.433- :768 — r Firewood ABSOLUTELY THE BEST 3c wai,ry hard- wood at low, prices Free Cekvery. Serving Pickenng, Ajax. Whitby, and Oshawa. Call DURHAM FIREWOOD 427.4741 BROOKLIN FIREWOOD. Bush,face cords, kindling quality seasoned firewood. Please phone Heave mes- sage) 905-655.5135 Hwy 12 to Spencers Road. turn north on Ashtxun Road, 200 yards. S50/face cord. mixed. picked up, Conner - AMBER Bin AMBER is a great cat who loves people and needs a good home. Amber's mas- ter passed array 8 yr. old healthy female, dedawed on front. Cal (905) 420- 4157 FULL LENGTH coyote fur cost with sitver fox trm, ex- ostient shape, sine 9 - 10, negotiable. 623 -WHO atter 5 pan. DI MIO ROOM TABLE: large, bevsled-edge. 9"s8 top table. 6 chairs, brass and black lacquer (tubular stei very sturdy: pu- clnased 1990 Noor $1200 and stored 4 years. $400. (905)725.8861. &Pew News Advertiser Sylvan Learning Centre Attn: Lori Sokolow 1801 Dundas St. E. Whitby, ON f.mo/# S)-I.%rAN Lt N 7C5 LEARNING CENTRE" Better grades are just the beginning. I ff M11 r Careers r General General Help r Help CAREER SCHOOL OF FLORAL DESIGN 26 wk Flonstry 8 Business Pro- gram, 12 wk u,tenw" 3- phase program. 3 wk. Pro- fession al course, .In-home video. Beginners Program Put-irmer7ull time courses available Aschool where all your training becomes worthwhile Financial as- s+stance may be available 905-4367746 INTERNET - www durhammall com/flor- alschool. •-mel - schoolof fbraidesgn 0 speealli ca r General Help NEEDED We are looking for 20 AZ drivers, to work FR R7, and weekends in the Durham Region. (Pin to Pin) Must have 2 yrs. exp., wkly pay, direct deposit. CALL DIRECT OMER PERSONNEL (905) 571-2795 CHRISTIAN Ruirrum and bass players wereed lar sot tablished rock bend- Musa be betwlsen 30 111, 40 and dedicated. Pickering aria. Cal Bob 619.9866 DEPENDABLE energetic and hard working with dean driven record and own trulsportekon to work on mod" service truck, servicing commercial door systems. OverfNW door system or locksmith erp. an asset, but we will dein. $8- $10/hr, to start depending on experience- Fur time days. 2634394 noon to 8 Rin.. Ed or Catherine. DRIVERS FOR WHEELCHAIR VANS., WILL TRAIN, CALL Pager, 416-426-1473. EXPERIENCED CASH- IERS Il Grocery Clerks needed Fax resumes to 905-4340771 EXPERIENCED Del: '-.!erns 8 Meat Cu-ers needed Fax resumes to 905-430-0771 EXPERIENCED line and prep cook Responsible and mature attitude neces- sary. Apply in person Mal sey's Restaurant 774 Liver- pool Rd S Pickering FILTER OUEEN Oshawa. under new management. Sales Managers needed Excellent dealer base. Call 905.721-9413 Financial Services compa- ny is looking to expand Enthusiastic. sell -reliant in- dvWuals needed to open offices in the area. No ex- perience necessary. t905430-0054 HAIR STYLIST wanted in busy salon for man 8 wom- en. Excellent salary + com- mission. Orn cliental an assn. Call Cindy 728- 6753. HAMIBTYLIST i MAIL Techrrdan. Be your ern boss in 97, enjoy waking in A Irieridy WOM eatabkued Nath Oshara Salon, Chir rentals available. OMy $100 per week. 725 4321. HEARTY PRA- needed KA fill and part turns kdch- on and counter help. Drop reetanes off at 244 Brock St. S. whitby. (No phone cw is pones). Needed up to S8200AWL " Easy work.- -Free Sup- plies". For free details a SASE to skylih EMwpns- es. 150 Clark Blvd. Suite 247, Brampton Ont. LST 4Y8. Sales/Service/ Dispatchers/ Par'ts/War'e- housePerson Experience an asset but attitude is everything. Call 434-5541 or 686-0571 Ramnor Heating EXPERIENCED short igen Cook needed part tirel non smoker Please drop off T sume off at J T Bean Cof- fee Market, Whitby Mall. Ontario NEW YEAR, NEW CA- REER . up to Stgrph Hard working career minded in- dlv,duals for management trainee positrons Ade to start immediately. Car re- quired For interviews call 10 a.m. - 4 p m only 404- 0403 Mr. Watson. PART-TIME Receptionist required Real Estate ex- perience preferred. Call Helen 905-837-0325 PART-TIME Warehouse help required. Small elec- tronic manufacturer needs o ---net part-time worker to assist In warehouse d light assembly work. Very flexible hours. Individual needs to loam simple tasks quickly. Send resume: Tush International Inc., 91 Station St., Unit et, Ajax SPORTS PROMOTERS deeded for upbeat, local advertising company. No 1ayoNs. no downso ng; lou opportunities to advance! Areas in rnarlagerne nt also aiaileble. Car Stacey: 721- 0299. Vr7r•EM Wanted FULL & PART TIAL 831-2160 lourncy c End, I anada's Icadilig I."Igmg i_m sirhrrp.ury, s curic•nily Kcktnc a GtIC%I %CT%1L:C kcprescntausr Ior our " (lmdon Inn" I„calcd nn Vit:ki itny Uotano Candidatcs should lune a nhintrnVnn presnou 1 2 years expcncncc, a pmlcssu,nal manner. possess excellent conununicaLion skkllc (hihncual is an asset). excellent inicipc•nonal Skill, and crip,y dealing with Ihc- puhliL Rcsponsihilttles tucludc handling of guest rclalions. have goral accounting skills, sennhg computer skills nsatlahihly fr,r shift work, and night .Sudo hat kgn,und arc an ascot We offer a progicssivc work cmironincnl :omprch,-nstvc hcnclits. and compeltUlr wages :nicresicd applicants should apply wtth a recline in ncrson by January I tth, 1997, at our frons desk ho%cen JOAN) a.m. and 2:101) p.m. at the ('onifort Inn Pickering, 533 Kingston Rd., Pic kering,t)ntario1.1\ IN7 or fax U, 905-10144)25. JWIr•aii FN,d it ax equal opporiUN%l►• PIpkii)'er New Year, New Career If you are hard working and ambitious, we have a proven management train- ing program in the advertising field. Dealing with the sports & entrainment industry. Candidates must be willing to start immediately in an entry level. Call,Jasmine 721-1411. 1 ' 1 Help WA"PESSES / WA(TER for buy establishment in CREATIVE Girl Friday/ Pickering. Full time poli- Receptionist required by tions only Appy in person irxhova&n data -recovery to 947 Dillirigham Rd., company in Markham. Must Pickering 905.420-25%. have reliable transporta- tion. Please tax resume: •05.4791515. VILLAGE CHRYSLER, DURHAM'S LARGEST CHRYSLER DEALERSHIP IS SEEKING AN EXPERIENCED SALES REPRESENTATIVE. PLEASE CONTACT TED WILLIAMSON OR KERRY PICKARD AT 6a3-5358 [ET' les Help/ Agent BEL: CANADA CLEARNET ,sr c�•.on "rine, 4e _ ' es crofes- ",onal Cus-ass commun,- .at,ons consatart Full ' anmg and support Cr '.eyed untapped ,market coWfial Also require ag- ;Mssive htlemarketws for a ;non term proety Fax re- - Mme .905) 683-6' 05 DIRECT sales of comin er - al bloc- systems. repair and security Acp,+cant ^ust be reliable. weal or ;anted and bondage war i ;tear diners record Mm - mum 5 yrs. sales history Exp in commheroat secumy, 3n asset. 'Jul we will train High Commission rate. full . me Days Company vehi- - esupplied 2638394 Hospltafl r liMedicaYD"I HEALTHCARE Requires Home Support Workers HCAs car an asset. Also certified Occupational Health Nurse. Call Gina (905) 436-3332 —ion to 6 p m . Ed or Catherine Daycare • 1 Wanted Skilled EM Help CHILDCARE required in T.Y. NCR /COMPUTER technician wanted asap Ehmenenced. profit sharing, comfortable stress tree work environmert Flexible 1 Saks hours Good opportunity. tApft (905)655-3661 1 Comp AccouNT EXECUTIVE� 93 -year-old media comp ny is hiring 2 account exec- utives to work out of it's WOodtiridge office. Also hiring positions province - wide. Responsibilities will include marketing to tour- ism -oriented businesses in the Greater Toronto Area which will include face -to - taco calls, attending indus- try association meetings. group representation, etc. Car allowance, expenses. commission, salary -total Package appoxirna"y $38,500. Please send re- sume to: Canadian TODS Ltd., 120 Whitmore Road, Unit 0108, Woodbridge, Ontario. LK 6A3. COMPUTER Progra sumer regaled on demand basis. must have experience in Visual Basic. Fax resume to: 905-579.5162 or e-mail depetersonOmsn.com by Jan.17/97. :SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 our home for 2 boys. 4 'special needs) and 10 months Nor -smoker Exp. and FFrst A.d preferred 623-9456 after 5.30 p m. DAYCARE WANTED. Nanny needed for our children 12, 9 and 4. live in or out. references •equ.red. Please call after 6 p m. Ask tar Kathy EXPERIENCED Live -out Nanny required for our 1 year old son in our Whit" Hwy 2. Pickering home: full-time. Man -Fri. Refer- ences required. Call 905- 420-3702, EXPERIENCED Nanny re- quired for 2 boys, 3 years 6 6 months. full-time. non- smoker, references. Call 416.8161237. Experienced babysitter re- quired for a /4 month old in Bayy west shore area. Weekdays only. Referenc- es requin3d. Call 839- 5177. Check Out Our Flyer Deliuery Seruice. We Bis by far nw f1 DiBtrib "of tfm In aur arm lfan your tlyBrs ds! -w algin wlsdl, &I Rift W StlndBy wilt 1n• III - liffertflflR ansrybody mads FLEXIBLE 'uu •T - ^anny •egu:redfor ore ^dd Some housekeeping. .-ok:ny. Pickering area jl.5- 427.3731 MOTHERS HELPER. Lave .. 3efrre air] a"er school :.are for three, plus nouse- -ep,ng and cooking ,rammer Non smoker =,p References Legal : erpoci S Hwy 2 Call =romp at 905831.3606 -416-592-2624 WHITBY - ve out nanny %r^e r:C 'Jur home .,. in - F.. l am •o b pm -v required NON - 'Ji Leave message + SCS 47C -9•C! ext Daycare U -SP Available MOTHER . V , rc ;a .led samrng v,ronmert nut`rious cher. snacks Non. -ow r Rece.crs avail- iCe Hd^wOOd Bay'y area :aa 427-0525 PLAY:aycare ^ow Cper :. -. "_5 •nears ors Jf 'ur wl.Harwood A,ax Ale : :es ark befo•e a-@, loci Flex,pie lours �28-'464 SING MM—Wanted mployment RESIDENTIALJCOM- MERCIAL s'e�__enn- '�r'ver't w+t' • 7 yrs. expen- ance avilable immed.ate- Piease :all 905.433- :768 — r Firewood ABSOLUTELY THE BEST 3c wai,ry hard- wood at low, prices Free Cekvery. Serving Pickenng, Ajax. Whitby, and Oshawa. Call DURHAM FIREWOOD 427.4741 BROOKLIN FIREWOOD. Bush,face cords, kindling quality seasoned firewood. Please phone Heave mes- sage) 905-655.5135 Hwy 12 to Spencers Road. turn north on Ashtxun Road, 200 yards. S50/face cord. mixed. picked up, Conner - AMBER Bin AMBER is a great cat who loves people and needs a good home. Amber's mas- ter passed array 8 yr. old healthy female, dedawed on front. Cal (905) 420- 4157 FULL LENGTH coyote fur cost with sitver fox trm, ex- ostient shape, sine 9 - 10, negotiable. 623 -WHO atter 5 pan. DI MIO ROOM TABLE: large, bevsled-edge. 9"s8 top table. 6 chairs, brass and black lacquer (tubular stei very sturdy: pu- clnased 1990 Noor $1200 and stored 4 years. $400. (905)725.8861. &Pew News Advertiser PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1997 RN Four Sale W11For Sale • Snowmobiles • ' Snowmobiles • , SltowmOW*$ / "clies For Rent / " F a „ toor Rent For Plent I ForRent Tues. Jan. 7th to Sat. Jan. 10th 20% OFF EVERYTHING IN THE STORE We have mahogany dining set. 2 oak washstands. 8 dressers. occasional tables, blanket Nixes. china cabinets. ,hairs h much more 20% TO 50C•r OFF A LARGE N'ARIF.Ti' OF (-Oi-LE('TIRLF.S CONIF EARLY FOR REST SELF.(-"FION Antique Discoveries 78 Old Kingston Rd.. Pickering N illage r.n n n,.. K w.rk oill 68;-82.1; Bargain Corner MONEY -MAKING not, money-maK^, repots Free bonus -F: reports SASE s S500 Dep! 1711700 AltianceRd . PK:Kenng L1W3X7 OMEGA sew og machine, E L*>Mmg 3 attachments 7 years old Has carry,ng case Askin^ S'50 or best one, 428-2:4 ONE WAY : cke' !o Caig- ary ea, ­g January 12th, 199- a! 'G45 am from Terminal 3. Arovng in Calgary at 1250 Induces connec ,ng Night to Fort Mc Mu -ray S120 negotiable (4161266-8372 SOLID DARK PINE. dinng table. 6 Mars 52'x40- Ex- tened 68-x4:'- seats 6-110. excellent coraition $299 080 683-0525 TICKLE ME ELMO, For Sale 8a^er`es 3 nst-uc- bons nc'vdeo Best Offer Call 438-8509 YEAR old. sokd maple 1-• t tea• table 2 charm. 40'.36rw:me6 nded 20x1 IddeC acwate "or 1. tion �OsI $400, bargain $195 683-0525 Articles FRol for Sale 1948tiec- eo^ c ---gain mode+ SX U60. full features walnut finish parlor we 8 bench Excellent conWtior new Bos• over 56000 asK.ng $1995 FULLY eleciromc hospital cod. SC1.O-Tech• Cat a 954••20 with Gran! Dyna Care Penpteral cr culatory assist New value over 53000 asking 5950. 5785325 Articles For Sale FRIDGE STOVE. was•.e• Ker,,c•re. beige ' yrs old Bes; offer Call 576-0823 or 668-4834 8 Pets/Supplies' Boarding PEMBROKE wels' gis F-,, -sob. Lhasa Ab- Sos. Schnoodles. Englsr Setters. Hedgehogs ano more at Trent Pei. Oshawa Centre. 436-3724 We 89 FORMULR iIlX '91 SRFRRi LCE 470 Liquids. gauges SKI SKIMS Hand Warmers Double Bed Trailer $4500 O.B.O. Will sep. ____Jim 705-3213-1613_ G.E. 30 ' RANGE. -nedal- hon 85C rot-sserle coli cleaning oven. 4 Solid burners. almond. hardly ever useC Asking 5325 or bey offer (905)509-50P' HOUSE CONTENTS Cu. n . ^fade nq•co^ and dningroom furniture. futonssofas. wall unit. beds. dressers. etc Cal! !905)683-5342 and leave message LAZY BOY soba and love - seat c:otree and end tables. entertainment unit. All 2 yrs old 668-4248 CARPET - New Trackless Scol-"guard easy !o ---a- far, free estimates on ail your carpet Fast Delivery, premium pad. Installation guaranteed Mike 725- 3877 NINTENDO 64. brand used 5600 obo Ca, wanes 4345070 PIANO 'OFi SALL Apam mer•. ..ze S165C 080 905 436-62W LHASA APSO PUPS of sa,e Nor sheading non allergic heaftc guarantee. vet needled House train - ng started Payment terms available (705) 7823124 TOY POODLE Pups for sale I ill male. 1 cream female Ready Dec 27196 CKC-Registered, health guarantee Cal! (705) 639- '733 ' ' Automobiles for Sale NEED A VEHICLE? 5`- credi•^ Nc Credit, Bank- p•' Cal, T•acie at 905 5 7 F, 1800 or 1 -age 259-3671 1 can help - 111145 CHEVETTE 4 I SINGER 211 ndusrna. 54 y. au•'1"ia'I- '9000." Ill macn,ne excellent $1495 19M Ford Aerostar work -ng condition $900 cargo van. 6-y auto with .705 799-6946 Overorfve. 52995 Certified SAPPLIANCES, 1987 S-10 Short -box 4 SALES LES 4 SERVICE- y5-s peed, 5.d $2295 certi- SnS d 'etas- fled 1984 Pontiac 60Oo. $650 as ,s. iii CertAy 905 obononed ed appliaa nces Must 404-9759 still Bost prices n towns of We carry the test war-anty` 1985 OLOSM0131LE 8•ud1 , dishwasher. $150 SALON Auto. PS PB Stoves. 5150 6 up. all co- Cruise. airfill steering. 2 lours/saes Washers. $2oc door Excellent cond`hon 8 up. all makes/modefs Certified 53000 OBO Call Dryers. $175 8 up all 905 75-5321 rn makes. Fndgas 1967 OLDS 98 Regency. Frost -trees 5200 l ups 'u"v equipped asking Side Dy -side ice mail al- t PMondCE. BEDROOM 5.25 orid bllill dears. 4 reap .500 (9051263-8044 cnestert:eic $55 'e,,,me, old. 5600 and up Apt-sze 1987 SUNBIRD foo many $45 oods mares $25 or-' S250 Stackab,e new parts •c merfion, ask ores", S35 exercise bilks wasnemaryer_ act.s,ze ng S25W 43,}1810 $75. Omer items 623. $650 7 our crest treezw. 6332 5200 Bar #,,age. $200 6 DRESSERS 545%sad month s war,arty, 432- 7167 Stef's Appliances. Sots d cr.a:• $150 Love- 362 French St. Oshawa seat. $125 bedroom+ tvurte giw•d, rho pMs 721-9722. lask S' 300 Kitchen lade. 4 OAK( FURNITURE OAK/MNE FURNITURE Mars $,aG Come tables ria' 9 TaJ,IOne $35 each Rocking chair of Ontario s air Ons, f Ont largest $50 Same antk7Ws. par. of list kst 905-697-3532 Wood Furniture announces livingroom,kitchen, 3 our New for 1997 finish a 7 1R ft. Western snow- yourself Irne of Sold Oak 6 pow. las Chev 6 Dodge Pine Furniture Eg Can. $1100 Snowblower 7 h nonball Bed $34900 Solid John Deer 5950 6 fl Inter- Oak Pedestal Table b 4 national $750. Gilson 8 hp chars 5695 00, 905.985 Tecumseh engine 26' 87,74 snowblower $425. 433- 0656 carpet. Located at Nestle - A Fridge. $200 Stove.' Wanted $150 Both n good work - DIATELYbuilding, , � Whilloy - ng condition Chain-link inaParkon n Lindsey and Boticay, gem' on WOW Brand naw dog pan. 4x4x14. $200 LOOKING for used ap- 905-509-6209 pkances. working order or ANTIQUE DN WG room. riot working Especially full sell. good shape. best wMla stoves Pkat up at no aIK.t28-7730 Charge. Cal 432-7167 BINIGLAR ALARMS al- W~'1TD - POwEAED tow thieves trite in your Sub woofer to complete a home. KEEP THEM OUT! soul system. 434-57W Custom built ste•I security (905) 579.3791. teirndpw bars aI, alllord- C1DNIptuter able peace of mind even ' Antefrlet with the windows open. For Steel trader, 101164'. very a tiles eswnfa pal Seo" IM SATURN SLI, bluer 0009M (905)428-8429. FOR SALE - Apple Mac - CARPET for sale - free Intosh LCII, 40 Mb hard Hop at hone service call drive, 4kAb RAM. and hep - Works law we wit show Ya the and CA ply, ly ting sprinter SrrtDly ddkrence. lfle also do cus- clownAccou and StylowMen 11 printer. tom I atagWons, repairs Only $750. (906) 837-0167 and restrelchirg. Sa ecrs BOWMMAPMLLE: 2 -bed. . Cal like 905- Discounts. (705)799.1352 (Lindsay- room apartment, excellent • Lost A Carpo Mel DKttibUhlrs, a Found 12 months No payments, No rAeresl (OAC) 3 room FOUND - CAT, male. (300sq.1111 instilled with oraga and white, domestic deluxe plod horn only SM. shot haired with markings Spaplift on Vim• cwartrc over mouth Walnut Lane and Hardwood Floarri and Fol" area Tele - Free Shop At Home. 1-000- 663-0046. phone 831-4069 CUSTOMIZEDkittdnen, 9 fl. It 10 1L xx 1212 h wltln perrn- • 1 suis. Weil include appkrnc BRIGHT 1 bedroom tumt. es. Best offer. Call 905-837- I LK -ART CLASSES. '0734 aha 7 p. n. DOG TRAINING CLASSES SNDWSOARD for "is starting Anuary 8th and JSWO) bMW Mdrtg $310 9th. Nov" obedience. W 725.9212 W" mMesage Durham Dog Training. mate shift -workers. For Barb Soot 576-5635. IUrflner enlam$W call 576- rhrh7yr, r, i. 1988 BUICK LeSaore Ltd cemif,ea Good corl bon Fully loaded Light blue 53.000 Can 905 9e5--4813 19" CAVALIER Z24: Rec 5 speed a.' cruse original owner. 100.000 miles Good cordrtion 53200 o b o Cerblred 1905;r2634479 evenings 1988 Mercury Sable S290C ALSO 1984 Cadil- IaC DRl lots of new Paris, S2500 Both excel lent condition. certified Call (905)571-1963 1987 SHADOW 2.2 178kms. excellent can*. bon 52300 certified 571- 0225 0 Automobiles For Sale CERTICAR S G.N. MINI VAN SALE. ALL LOADED. 89 As— now $5 695 92 Satan ext 59.600 9< Safari sharp S10 500 93 Salan SLX SII.950 93 As. fro Ext Dutch doors 513.500 Also 9O Grand Voyage, loaded 33 V-6 wow S7500 92 Ford Taurus Wagon, loaded. leve$ teal sale 58.500 90 Tempo GL loaded 103.000 km mint $4.995. 91 Buick LeSabre Ltd Fantastic loaded $7950 90 Sable wagon LS, loaded, low k.ms. only $6.695 88 Jeep Wrangler. absolutely per too S7,395 88 Jetta Slalom 5 speed A-1 $3.695 91 Ford Festiva Auto. super economy, new $3.695 91 Cavalier RS loaded 90.000 kms 31 V6. S7 500 89 Celebrity Euro. loaded black. perfect low kms $5.295 Certicar has over 30 reconditioned certified cars on tale at 155 King St W at Mid- low n Man 579.2880. Open Sunday. CREDIT PROBLEMS' Or spc! h^.arcs g Dow, payments that, 5500 Monthly payments from $'50 OAC Cars, trucks. vans 19@1 to 19% A:anoy Auto Sales Ltd 146 Brock St N Whaby 905-666- 3382 1967 4 Or Sundance. 4 Cyt 'feeds work on 2 cyl great body, running coed. tion $1.000 as is 080 (905 623-9215 Automobiles Wanted A i A TOWING. Pry i54:i- $500C casr for ,,sed 6 scrap cars 6 trucks 24 hrs 7 days Cat 905686-5003 or 905706-5234 3C mn service Trucks HE for Sale 1985 GMC 3/4 ton, new brakes and exhaust, 350 standard, certdied asking $3.200 Telephone (905) 839-7764 Ask for Bill 1990 POLARIS INDY 500, liquidcooled. new fresh motor, handle d thumb warmers. ski skins, car- bides, studs, excellent con- dition Ready for snow 53200 obo. 905-985-8039 Stewart. after 6 p.m Apartments EA 1 For Rent 1 BEDROOM act for rent For 1 person 5550 per nlonin 07 and Westney Road 905.649-1656, NORTH OSHAWA: 2 nedroon- in newly renovat- ed 12-p!ex Hardwood floors cable, parking. laun- dry facilities included No :1cgs $686 8 $695 Monthly 905-576-2982 OSHAWA Bloor St) Large 2 5 I oedroom apart. ments in dean low rise budding Close to 401 6 GO Parking Available - -mediately From S600! month Phone 905-576- 4255 2 BEDROOM aparl- ments. Available anytime 309 Cordova Rd.. Oshawa No vets allowed 905-579- 2387 OSHAWA. large 2 -bed- room, utilities E parking in- cluded. $750/monm, Ist/ Lal references required. No pets Call 905 -728 - Available imme- dtately, 2 BEDROOM, duplex, yard. ''aundry, on quiet Cul-de sac. 1 year new near OC. GO and Schools $750 Pius hydro 686-8368 2/3 BEDROOM apart- ments. 9 story budding, dose to schools library. South GM dant Mailable ,mmediate!y 428-6328 or 57, 460e pm for ap- porr tn"m 3 BEDROOM -nam floor bungalow Oshawa Broadloom 6 appliances air. imriedistar possession $950 xidus." first d Last 404-8695 or 5 79- 24 70 AJAX Westney Heights WHY RENT? cietac---d 2 barn, . 1 bdrm basement apartment, central all. garage. landscaped NO DOWN PAYMENT Carries S895Smo. 905-686-6639 AJAX. ' bedroom rase -*'e^t apt. Walk out. ap- ri snow. $600 -nonm first 6 last. avall immied . 1 car parking 686-7987 AJAX separate entrance, luxury. Large. open concept 950sa it air-conditiored basement. modern tuff k;tchen. 5pc bath, laundry facilities. no pets/smoling. Bill Toronto 427.3909 AJAX,1 BEDROOM basement with private en. trance. fireplace 8 central air. non- smoker. no pets. available Inimled . $600 first' last, an utilities includ- 1990 GMC SAFARI Cargo ad 905-428-8875 leave Van 137,000 km Excellent rhis•sage 683-99DO condition Well maintained WHITBY -AVAILABLE im- S4900 7237055. me"". 1 -bedroom apt.: $550 Inclusive. 2 -bedroom 1909 TOYOTA CAMRV. 5600 A $620. 3 bedroom apt. $600.$700 hydro. white. Certified. Call (905) ' Trailers Parking. latxdry Non - 665 -9761 hydra parlag. tat Asst to - smokers. No pets. Call 905- giw•d, rho pMs 721-9722. his included. Available 666-5545. 1091 4 -door Cavalier. BOK, $6,500 ob.o. Also 1098 HOMESTEADER 12 x 38 IL mobile hair., 10 Win_ 1984 S-10 Pick-up. new pant, 5 -star rine. $3.500. x 20 ftode room. Main rawµ ar O.C. ice 80.I bed - Call 905-831-8729 or 416- trader fully tumehed. One livingroom,kitchen, 3 287-3644. beclicion. 4 pc. bell. kedge Pic.Mq kA size, Propane Stove and ukkkes. Suitable fail $legis 1981 C xWw Brougham, oven. Electric hot water. mature person. Rob 430• excellent condition. Load- deck 10 x 16, shed. new 4193. rd, blacu/grey leather in- roof on Florida room. now tenor. 130 kms. $12,500 carpet. Located at Nestle - AVAIlASLE IMrME- Ride, everrrgs 666.4670. Hwy 36 bat- DIATELYbuilding, , � Whilloy - 1981 CAVALIER 64.800. inaParkon n Lindsey and Boticay, gem' on WOW Brand naw ed, newly painesd, with hot - auto, 2 -door. $45.000. Asking $30,000 or may, dose to bus, shop - white. white. 1401ms. Call 905- 683 02117. bast after. Leave message ping. all ubk tws included. before 4 p.m. or call after 5 � ed•� PoeL 1991 CHEW CAVALI- p.m. to 9 p.m. Park tees no. edroom � ER, RS, 4 door. darey, le g wit able. Ask fpr Denise 0134. 3.1 v4; loaded. $5.60) car- (905) 579.3791. BACHELOR apt. in quiet tirisd. Call 432-7253 even- TRAILER FOR SALE: hone. $475, uukties irlClld- " Steel trader, 101164'. very ad. Sep, entrance, rater - IM SATURN SLI, bluer sturdy with sl the bels 8 ones required. Imme- green, 74.000 km, 5 spd. whlsdes. Can be enclosed. Chattily. 1SILUM. No pHs. air. am/1m sass.. certified by Great for hauling wood, fur- Phonef1. 3 p.m. - 9 Saturn. $6800. Call Harry rkturs, etc.: S1odo firm. Call: p.m. at 697-1403 725-8861 (Oshawa) or BOWMMAPMLLE: 2 -bed. 1891 FIREFLY,2 dr. (705)799.1352 (Lindsay- room apartment, excellent hatchback, 5 speed• 99.000 Bobcageoll, location. close to down. hwy. kdl., raw brakes and town. FrKfge/stove, no pets; bras. certdted, $4.900. 080 All 6 $700 utilities included. 1st, Telephone (905) 427-9240. • 1 Craft Available hin nediately. 623-5178 623-5178 evenngs, 1994 GRAND PV6. RIX, pis. able. pill..p/w., p/Irunk. BRIGHT 1 bedroom tumt. sotcurMy, system. 4 -door. sp I LK -ART CLASSES. apt. Freshly painted and prox. 79.000 �waY kis. Beginners 182, Starting wallpapered. Mature work - $14,500. Like new. one Jexuay '51h- We accent- ing non-snlokirlg make Wel. owner. 905-683-3020. mate shift -workers. For come. Jan 1. $550./mo. IUrflner enlam$W call 576- 420.0910. 3947. BRIGHT LARGE one bedroom basement apart- ment, with gas fireplace. suit one quiet mature life- style person, non smoker, no pets. $600 per mo. Cen- tral air heat, hydro, laundry, parking cable Included. IsV last (905) 579-2302 1 BEDROOM BRIGHT Newly renovated base - apartment. non smoker laundry, cable, Ist) last $550/month Inclusive. 4040192 leave message (Oshawa) CENTRE STREET north, Wh�tbv Superior 3 bed room Upper floor triplex Broodloomed, newly deco- ratedlaundry facilities. ga- rage. no -pets $879 416- 486-0189 ONE BEDROOM above ground separate -Lance. and facilities. non smoker Liverpool/Hwyx2 $500 plus Also one bedroom, share accommodations. negobabke. Female we/ come. (905) 839-0609 OSHAWA DOWNTOWN: 2 large. 2 -bedroom apart ments. available imme diatey 8 Feb Ist IsV1as,. no pets 5495/month plus hydro (905)7258710 AN EXCEPTIONAL NEW BUILDING .Osha wa). quiet, clean modem, large. 1 8 2 bedroom apts. AS inclusive from SF -25 per month. 905-428-7677 GATEWAY COMMUNI- TY HOMES - 1 bedroom apt in family section, bal- Cony, hardwood floors. freshly decorated. $670 n- cludes all utihtres. flexible occupancy at 120 Colborne St W. Oshawa Beautiful view directly facing onto Oshawa park Very dean and quiet modern secure txaod new, P01 flee build - ng 5710887 9 430 p m Mon Fn HARWOOD/BAYLY one bedroom- basement. no petsysmioker separate en. trance. laundry, 5650 Istl Last (905)4287860 LIVERPOOL AND KROS- NOS, 1'0C sq " one bed I,- plus can. Large Or. vate laundry. fully private entrance, parking. new windows. avaliable Feb Ist $700 all Inclusive Can 837- 6667 6 pm. 10 pm Mon- day Saturday SPECIAL Huge apartments, bright kitchens, dose to amenities. Only a few left. Cam Now (9051$71-4608 AJAX - NEWLY renovat- ed - separate entrance. 2. bedroom. basement. wash er. dryer. hedge, stove. mi uowave, socunty system, da, dv. 1 parlung spot• dose to GO bus stop. udI- ties included 1200 sq. it 5925/month, firstAest re- quired Feb 1/97 (416) 298-6984 NEWLY-RENOvATEDi - ONE BEDROOM base- ment available immediate- ly. $550. Near Oshawa Center. Quiet crescent Large bathroom , private entrance. White glove Clean. No pets. 579-2945 ONE bedroom newer basement apt., laundry, ca- ble. parking Included. Near Go Train.' transit Partially fumished. $400 Also room available. $300 728--2903 ONE, two and three bed- room apts. In most beautiful adult building Available anytime. Stevenson/Ross land, Oshawa Call 723 1009 OSHAWA 88° r 900 Glen S1, 2 bedroom apts from 5675- $710 close to shopping, schools. GM and Go Utilities Included First! last required Call 728- 4993 OSHAWA near 401. GO, nice 2 bedroom, balcony. appliances. Willies. parking $700 Call 725 6434 OSHAWA one bedroom second level apartment. newly painted. 4 applianc. es parking. close to down- town 5500 inclusive. Call 905.432-2950 OSHAWA: Gliddon Ave' Rnson Road area 3 -bed- room, upper floor apart- ment, separate entrance $690 ;month. utilities In cluded. 1st/last Immediate or Feb.1 (9051721-8430 OSHAWA: EXTRA -large. 2 -bedroom lower duplex completely renovated. 4 new apokances. large yard $675 utilities Available February 1. 1997 571. 2757 PICKERING 2 BE0. ROOM, r a.rporVKingston Rd . walkout basement. 4 appliances 2 car parking. quiet street, non smoker no pets. IStAaat $760 nclu sive Feb 1si/March 1St 1997 Call (905N20-1180 PICKERING BROCK AND FINCH. 2 -bedroom baser, l close to anw, nes, laundry, washroom and kitchen, Avaiable Feb ist or aher 5750 indusrve Call (9051839 -IMM or 19051683.3553 PICKERING - Finch Whites Ra Bright dean basement apt Kitchenette, suitable for one. nom mrioher Wry privateWalk ',tit !C ravine S595'nclu sive 905-839.1438 or 905- 837 0218 PICKERING 1.Bedroorn basement apartment by Rouge Valley Laundry. air tight for single non-smoker $500/monm inclusive Available now 905-509- 3116 PICKERING. Newly reno- vated. spacious 2 bedroom basement, with separate entrance.no pHs or smokers. W 683-5283 or 416-930 2511. SHEPPARDIWHITES- ex act*" large. 2 bd"" baserrMrtt apartment wall to -wall fireplace Separate entrance, Cade. security, laundry, no smokl .- pets 5825 inclusive. (905)420-0157 bedroom apartment. Sim SOUTH AJAX, one bed - coWHwy2. includes utilities. room new basement apart. CIO" to downtown. (buses) meet. laundry, !ridge, stove. Call Wee 416-694-1557 or gas fireplar:e, cable, palk- Vbre90S771-1411. ing. Near bus, Lake, park NORTH OSHAWA: Extra• and shopping. No poll large 3 -bedroom, 2 baths, smoking. Istllest. Feb. lat. eonlplelely redecorated, $675 fndush•. MM) Gel weM-maw aned, quiet 1043 h"n. large baicornos. SOUTH OSHAWA, 275 uliYEas/cable included Wentworth St W 1 Bed - Available Feb Ist SB50/ room $500 2 bedrooms mlh. (905479-5584. 5600 A $620. 3 bedroom NOIITH OSHAWA: Extra- $678.: close to buses. large 2 -bedroom coin- Dlelely rrtOaCoraled wso- shopp'�sva r ihable arnme- 6issally, htdps. straw, haat, quW buildingli, hydra parlag. tat Asst to - Large bakarres. utikoes/aa- giw•d, rho pMs 721-9722. his included. Available SPACIOUS APARTMENT, Feb. 1st. $722.65hMh. south siax. one bedroom, (905)579-5584. self contained kitchen, and NORTH WEST Whitby. access to in wound pod. one bedroom basement sauns, and Iehlr40d. Alblr apartment two hydro in- 7.427-0587 WHITBY - BRIGHT, at- Iractive, large, 2 bedroom basement apartment. laun- dry, fireplace, parking, stor- age. home setting, quiet area near transit. schools and downtown. Feb Ist. $750 Inclusive. 668-6815 WHITBY one bedroom apt , very clean, quiet and private, near bus route. S595/mo all inclusive Available Immediately 668-7303 WHITBY 3-bdrm main floor in older duplex Very spacious, backyard. 2 car parking, walk to GO. 5650./ me .util Avail now or Feb 1.666-4850.420-9477 WHITBY Bachelor,one bedroom In well main- tained buildings 4 Sevens Really Ltd 668.-7777 WHITBY, large 1 bdrm bsmt, laundry. fireplace. sep entrance Ist 8 last $700/month Inclusive Available immediately. Call 905-668-0034 WHITBY• spacious two bedroom- apartment in home. with fireplace and in ground pout Washer. dryer. fridge and stove included 5695 plus 1:2 utilities Available Feb Ist (905)668-4469 Apartments a Wanted PROFESSIONAL work ng in Ajax needs unfur nlshed bachelor unit. Would also house -set and pay rent 905.469-9695 Houses For Rent WHY RENT? OWN YOUR HOME FOR $4185/yT1Nt! NC Jowrpay^ rt.^^ DSchargeo BartirrupYho Call Me" (903) 371-6273 1-800-840-627$ Malik Stapley Sales Pep Su"nn Groin Excel Really A RENTERS DREAM! No money down Own your own home. like new, fridge. stove. 5795 rid , all but phone 3 bedroom askng 565.900 Mn reqgross o cone 526.000 /year Call Ken Coats. Coldwel Bank er 728-9414 BOW. WRENN BLVD. avail nowri 3 bdrms, snit exec , tin bamt, deck, fenced yard. 4 app , gas Pleat . mill CALL NOW 905- 571-0625 mess CARPENTRY free estim ales. house alti9orts, basements, decks, bila work, door it- stata9on, baseboards, sheds, root repass, ($os) 61 boo Bin if. dus". Private ennartpe, $34 MARY ST. E. WHITBY Parking. ran smoker, let/ - 1 and 2 bedworn elatesROM Moving a last, 5575.66&-6961 available in well main- a Stora" ONE and two bedroom f°ir1Bd and ql apts. Feb.lst. LivktgroomV building. UYMes' pwld^g dining kitchen, bath, park- M undry loc. and security ting, law cameras' On wblImCHALSKI irtckudes utll 2�edmoorn it,.- For app- tat view call dudes till. Near Oshawa 666-2450. Centre. 7231647 or 579- 6989. ONE bedroom $568. heal water included. Two bed- rooms 5830. heat. water in- cluded. Nesr Ot ewe Cen- tre/Midbwn Mall and al amenities in apt. building. 905-436.6042. WHITBY , 3 bedroom apt., ground floor , raw arpsl 3 decoralkg, hidge 8 0"_ sato irnCkKlirhg utikties, reel 6 1861 905-723-6321. ,s MIOVNrG Appliances and Pinto SpediNsa. Sura and Mid4lAMO Cle- counts. licensed, in- swad. Fres, Estimable. EXoeNertt Sol vfo9. Call 436-7IES, 1ST CHOICE AFFORDABLE HOMES I WHY RENT1 BUY! No down payment, No problem' Let me show you how Mort. Pay. $700 O A C. Call Thomas C. Pike Sales Rep, Remax Accord Realty Ltd. 576.3111 3 BEDROOM back sp:a. large fenced yard in excel- lent area. Oshawa. rewly decorated. price negoh able Available immediate- ly. 432-5472 AJAX. DETACHED 2 storey. 3.1 b�droilms. 4 appliances 2 bathrooms. Feb 1, possession. $1.050 plus utilities. 905.686- 0095 AJAX. Harwood at 401• 2 bed,,)nm upper level. dean, bright. fridge, stove. laundry room. ac, cable. large yard available Mar 1st S795wtildies Call Andy 905276-8808 ASKING $1200.utllbes. Apt, I fuli bath 1 112 bath, 3 bedrooms, garage, fin- ished basement, fenced backyard Available imme. dull Call (416) 635- 7791 BOW MANV I L L E: 3-bed- 'oom semi Wah app/ances. ,gas neat, fenced yard Minutes from 401 No pets 5800/month . utilities Available immediately 430--2276 CLEAN urge semi, oft Cherrydown 2 . 1 bed- room. hvingroom, dining. room, Sal Kitchen, private drive. fenced Yara. no pets S9W plus util 263--8856 COURTICE 3 bedrooms : apphan�es. 1 - 4 pce bath and 3 2 PC* baths. gas '..eat. Ist'lest required Ret. .-rakes $975 plus utdibes Avadable immediately 416)296- -0759 GORGEOUS 4 bedroom +600 sq It freshly parlled -`Orta. 5 naw appliances. :uiet street. MY amenities evadable. $1495/plus util x05 576.6599 LOVELY 2 BEDROOM basement apartmien! r 7luding all appliances, available nvnediately Harwood and Bayty Call 905) 427 3130 N.W. OSHAWA 4bed- room house web garage, fenced yard. 2-0 athrooms. close to all amenities $950.utihtxes. ftrsVL"I Available February 1 725- 6012 NEW 3 BEDROOM tire. place backyard, garage. dishwasher. SI.000 pus Mi ubes 2 bedroom bunga- low . Courbov. one acre lex. garage. 5850 plus utilities Renata 623.2311 : House Cleaning SIMNE (MAID SZRVKZ Quality home a office cleaning. Single or T service available. Insured 3 Bolded ROM Parte • Seryjcys RAZ WAN= we= Dong Mtge For Chilaelt's PafYB6 And All Occaeions- Hale w Own Wyitian con arok :•1 PIANO LE prol With sionala and motivated 41 THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1"7-IAGE 15 ooms 1 oro Rent 1 For R R•t,t • 1kalm J9M1 • 1 'in • 1 rem, Auctions M.1 Auctions • 1 Auctions OLIVE/HARMONY '2 bedroom lower level of semi backsplit, 2 parking, woodstove, $695./mo. in- cluding utilities. Available Immediately. (416) 754- 8918 ONE BEDROOM apart- ment, near Oshawa Center, nice apartment in beautiful 4 plexi colonial tnm, euro kitchen, available Feb. Ist. Call 623-4594 OSHAWA. close to GM, semi. 3-betlroom, 3 ap- phances. $900. Referenc- es. Available Feb. 1st. Call 905-434-7797. OSHAWA, East. 3 -bed- room main floor, 6 ap- pliances, parking. gas heat. non-smokers. no pets $875+60% utilities. 1st/last Can 905- 728-8711. OSHAWA Bright, spa- cious 3 -bedroom semi, available immediately, large fenced backyard Close toschools, shopping. hospital $950/rnonth+utilr hes. Call 905-430-8800 PICKERING. Bungalow. 3 - bedrooms 1 1/2 -baths, whirlpool, finished base merit, garage, central air. fenced yard. $1200. Fed Mar occupancy Call (416) 504-3781 SOUTH AJAX Detached. 2 storey 3 bedroom, fn- Ished basement. garage. no pets Inxnedrate $1250 plus ubl (416) 284-8886 WHITBY I beautifully decorated 3 bedroom. deck, laundry room off kitchen Fully fenced yard Convenient location Avail able immediately $990 905-655-4662 WHITBY deluched 3 -bed- room bungalow. separate entrance to finished base- ment apartment. 4 ap- pliances. garage. Ids Of parking, available Feb 1st/ 97 $1.000morhth+uhlrthes Mana 905-471-0190 Townhouses AMI For Rent SOUTH OSHAWA - s bedroom townhouse dose to schools and shopping $950rmoall rnciusive First/ Last Available now 905- 579.9956 days. STILL RENTING. No mon- ey down. rant to oven, 2 & 3 bedroom honor. From $700 per month all inclusive minimum yearly income $25.000. Aurelia Retoo . 7269414 ext 201 WHITBY 3 bedroom plus garage, available Jan t. 5966 Plus heat and hydro. Finished basement. To vow 726.25M WHITBY - 3 bedroom plus garage. available Jan 1. $966 plus heat and hydro. Finished basement 10 view 728-25M Rooms 1 for Rent AJAX, clean quiet home for responsible tenant. Bus. GO, 401. 5400/month. 1 sU last regared. Call Pat 427- 7113. BON VOYAGE MOTEL - rooms available at low weedy rates. Comfortable quill surroundings, 10 min. north of WfiAby on Hwy. 12 In Brookin. Call (905) 655- 5308. BROCK RDJFINCH, large unhanished room. flee bath. wok in closet, cam owl cookai laundry fisc. $450. 1stAast. non Smoking work - ng gendornan wekxlre fish -0744 FUFASSNEO roan. use of kitchen. $400/month. Soulh Pickering- Cast 831- 2395. NON-S110KN/G room for rent. Grandriewleloor areo, suitable for single fomole student. $100JwAk. Call shorty or Mike 579-8339 ParYaMy Flwlislted: 2 roorns,l large (2 -piece bath). 1 smoler, 5 minutes from Pickering Town Cen- tre, foundry-cable-utilities- kilchen-parkkg: 1 sulfa l Mxonhftttes okay. Rem negotiable. (905)891 -5733 - Pi -bM PICKERING- single room with cable, use of itachan facilities, walk to Pickering Generating station, GO, PTC. 5340 per nl0rllh. $170 Biweekly. Cal 420,4318. PICKERING, Rougemont/ Hwy 2. bright, comfortable room for rent. share bath, kitchen, laundry. Suitable for older person or student. Non-smoker, non -alcohol. $350/month 905-509- 9849. SOUTH AJAX - clean bright accommodation, full use of house, including kitchen and laundry. $350/ mo or 585/week. Call Ken 905-428-3225 Slotied 1 Accomodation AJAX ROOM FOR RENT Shared bathroom with one. Laundry, bus. SBO. fireplace. cable. $350 un -- meshed or $400 furnished with TV Utilties included 619-1978 BOWMANVILLE:3-bed- room house .o share on Quiet street in newer subdi- vision Full use of house. backyard, parking and laundry. 5400/month inclu- sive 697 -0685 -leave mes sage HOUSE TO SHARE Nooh,Central Whitby 5 bedrooms. 2 baths, 2 kitch- ens, pod. parking: A.S.A P or when convenient $350+ share utilities 1 905 -430- 2461 -Wayne NORTH OSHAWA+ Woman teacher) to share dean. 2 -bedroom apart. orient with non-smoking le - male. Laundry, parking, no pets. fenced yard $3751in- clusive FirstAast, Feb 1 Call 430--6906 PICKERING. large bed- room for rent, in 3 bedroom townhouse All inclusive. bus at door. 5400 month. first 6 Last. available Feb 1. call after 6 . 428-8282 l.Ond0llenKlns For Rent AJAX CONDO. 2-oed- rooms, 1 12 foams. bafoo- ny, newly -decorated. well- maintalned building. avail able immediafey. $950/ ^iOMh all ndusrv0 Call Linda days 416-966-4559. ewnings/weekenas 905. 770.0149 AJAX. I bedroom, 5 ap- pliances wood -burning fireplacebalcony. under- ground parking, storage. txrldng has indoor pool/ sauna Available imme- diately, $800+utd,bes Call 416-480-9203 WHITBY 2 bedroom. 2 baths k,xury cordo. 5 ap- pliances. Waldorf plaza, Feb Iso. $1.000 per mo Phone days (905) 666- 0831 Nancy Pion Eve. (416) 449-0939_ Office & • 1 Retail Space QUAINT STORE/OF- FICE for rent. excellent ex- psoure on Hwy 12 & 7 dowtown brooklin.. Newly decorated. lust move in. (905)655-3661 � • lklks INDUSTRIAL UNITS - 1280 Terwillegar. 1,937 & 968 sq. ft. office warNaus- ing. 53.25 sq h. not. Call 905-579-5077. after 5 pin 905-436-9481. • 1 Wa R1r - , CLEAR WATER AREA, 3 bod►oom, townhouse. pied, )scu-, BBo. presale yard. aveilabla now. For iib and 10 view photos .905 - 579- 3788. FOR SALE OR RENT - 35 ft, trailer, steeps 6, with Flortdo room, located in private pork 55 + over. 2 swims" pools, 2 leun- drornats, 9 -hole go cease, 723-8898 11" S* 3 -BEDROOM home in excellent Oshma location. poll double driveway. shed, wale -out from living room to pr -ft yard & gor- don. 906-728-84% ABSOLUTELY No co1MM•sloNs - I need detained and semis fro in- vestors. Any condition. No commission's to sellers. Call Any at Room s78 3111. V OiC',ELI�IJ'G ✓ OPEN HOUSE - REGISTRATION January 0, - 1 1 (:lasses, Scnliiiaus in Folk Art, Ba4vii* y, Calligi-al►hy, FaLrif•, Wood, BI-ushes. faints. 13uf►ks. Packets and much inure. ci OLD UCST011 AD f: Transportation You Can Rely On Four out of five mice agree o Q 2c W u right coach -and -six for the HWY02HWY x It 401 godmother. Trust the Bilisine--s 11t111r':: N40w (hod -11 Mondays 114►n. -Sal . 10:01111-5:4110 !114ove. 41 11 7 rs. :11(1-X1:1111 "rl'h4 (:r►ur11 aril-- -- 905-683-6109 109 (1111 Kingclf►n KJ. NV. � �� I�illt #1, Aiax v� M ' ' Private Homes For Sale AJAX 'H' Argy,, Dnve 3 bedroom hn,shed base- ment. comer lot, looks good. $157.500 905.428- 0956 BOW1tANVILLE- 3+1 bed- room raised bungalow send- 2 be". finished low- er level, forced air gas.cen- tral or. close to schools d Go TransiV401 Cluck dos - ng $119.900 623-6071 CHEAP! CHEAP! 2 - 3 bedroom detached alumi- num siding, S89900 Call Andy at Remail 571-3111 COURTICE- 2 storey. 3 bedroom, professionally decorated, Ua. fin. base- ment. laixdhy. Roman tub. cerandc *w. deck. imer- kock cinve/wa kway Asking 5142.900 432-0955 for apps OPEN HOUSE. Sat Jan 11 1 -4pm 1420 Cal- mar Ave . Rckerng Asking $145.900. Detached bun galow Lot 50x1001. 3- bedrooms. separate ga- rage Ouiet mature area 905-631-7296 No Agsmsi FAST CLOSINGS AVAILABLE on vacant properl4s Can Andy at Re- mail 576-3111 HANDYMAN'S SPE- CIAL'S duplex's. triplex's Make money in real estate this year Call Andy at Re- mo 5763111 Privalle Homes gin, For Sale OSHAWA GREAT oca hon 3 oedrooms with ga- rage. 3 bathroorn, finished basement with fireplace. air, 3 walkouts to large clock. $149.900 436-3699 PICKERING VILLAGE bungalow renovated throughout New separate garage, in ground pod. Over 12 acre yard. views Duthn's Creek Conserva- bon Land and Golf Coupe. Can (905) 683-7431 POOL LOVERS. S-Pidk- ering. bfspiit, large Jg pod. 3 -bedroom, 1 -bath. 5-ap- pkances. a/c, hardwood - floors. recroom. fireplace. sunroom Vendors having WOW" 905-639-4149 No agents until Jan 24 $169.000 WHITBY dose b schools, 4 bedroom semi. nictaly, decorated. lots of extras Private lanced yard. Asking $149.900 Call 905-430- 6104 for dote" • 'Business pportunibes EASY WORK. EXCEL LENT pay Assemble pro- ducts at horse (905) 455- 5726 Ext 112 PM4E LOFT, turrMure & accessory Ston, eat. 20iom --*cry. 90K. proven op- erator profit of 40-60K passed 3yrs. Will train $114.900 Fax 705) 749- 3150 Legal• ' Personals rein, Notices 30 days. after January 6, 1997 Ajax Mini Storage will sell by public auction, the fol- lowing accounts which are delin- quent to cover the cost of rent and expenses: Chns Triggs Dan Bosse Diane Hazlett Ronald Ireland Michael McClure June Tulbck Jay McCafferty Jodie Demary Irene Mains Any of the above tenants may pay amount owing in Cash and redeem their merchandise. at any time prior to the auction. p W~1LF11�1D 1C TALE ca A Find Transportation You Can Rely On Four out of five mice agree that the classified ads are the right place to find just the right coach -and -six for the job, at a price that won't have you looking for a fairy godmother. Trust the classified ads for your so car shopping needs. 00 Because being stranded at midnight can be an unsettling experience. CALL de CLASSIFIED 6N a e 683-0707 FAx: 579-2238 ti e OR TOR. uNE 788-7672 News Advertise .t. / ,.iii► 4 ESCORT AVAILABLE 666-8045 LONELY? Lackng con- fidence' Looking for friends? Find friends who will support you and make you feel corddent in all that you do Gel the easy to read boor. -HOW TO FIND FRIENDS BY BEING A FRIEND' Write JE.B. Su - 4s 154, 125 Harwood Ave N Alex. Ontano LIZ IE6 PLAYCLOTHES FOR LOVERS Just fun stuff for you and your honey or XTC leathers lex t» more sen- ous. Send cheque or mon- ey order for Fun Stuff $5 00 of XTC $1000 catalogues to Pauling s Special Crfts. Po Box 56007 500 Rose- land Rd. W. Oshawa On- ion LU 81.6 Business ROM Personals START YOUR OWN :>,s, - mess 'rom some ar ; profit. $1500 per week or more is possible 665- 9653 rNBcompanions A very nip gentleman is .00krng for a slim female approx 20-30 for fun tines. Leis be friends first 905- ,723.90C' Jon Truckload of mixed merdtandise, including the balance goods of bankrupt stock of Consumers D istribtrting will be sold at this sale. Partial list: Sanyo. Scott, Emerson, Electronics, etc. Cordless Phones, 25" Colour TVs, 4 head VCRs, Answering Machines, TVNCR Combo, Compact Disk, Radios & Home Stereos, Houseware, Giftware, Collectibles. Porcelain Dolls up to 40", Small Appliances. Exercise Machines, Gym Bikes, Steppers. Ski Machines, Ab Rollers, etc. Tools, Screwdrivers. Drill Press, Socket Sets, Drill Bits, Pliers. File Sets, Punch & Chisel Sets, Porcelain Vases. Small Pool Tables, Some Toys, 14K Jewellery, 30 Diamond Rings. Michiko Pearl. Canadian Coins, Authentic Coins dates to 17 to 18th Century etc. Heater, Some Furniture, Tiffany Lamps, Power Vacuums. Attache Cases, Luggage, Steel Tramontira & Other Cookware Sets, 45 pcs. Dinnerware Sets, Die Cast Cars, Baby Stroilers. Carnage Strollers. Jewellery Boxes. Armoire. Brass Vanity Set. Cork Pictures. Kitchenware. Bath Scales. Alarm Clocks with Radios & Phones. Cal( Displayers, Computer Tables & Organizer Table. TV/'VCR Stands. Lots of gift Items Too many to list. Subject to addition & deletions. Terms Cash Visa MIC Only JAN. 11197. 5:00 P.Y. PETHK:K AUCTION BARN. 2496 CONC. RD. 98. BOWMANVLLE (HAYDON) This week Ne have the contents of a lo - al estate to be sold. inr_!uding antique & modern furniture. ap- pliances, collectable glass 8 china. Rem- ington bronze figur- res, walnut framed se•tee. Eastlake side chairs, balloor back chairs. Duncan Ptlyte droo leaf table & chairs. cNna Cabrrlef. occasional chairs & cedes, oak pump or- gan, church pew, wash stands 1/4 cut oak bed. oak slant top desk, walnut side board, rcx-irers. parlor hurricane lamp, table - .Op gramaphlone. bedroom suite. violin. sets of dtshes. srlver- piate. lots of antique glass 7 china. Snap - on tool box, air & hand tools, gas mow- er. gas cut saw. Ar- cade machines. fridge, stove. freez- ers. & many other in- teresting & unusual items. Large sale Viewing from 4 p m Terms are Cash. V-sa. MC or Debit Card. For more into call (9105) 263-4252. be Garry K Its a Liqui- Clean con - Is welcome. note - Sale time of 5:00 SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 CORNEIL 5 AUCTION BARN Saturday, Jan. 11 at 11: DO am 3 mikes east of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 The Estate of the !ate Roy & Slella Seeley. rhe contents of their L the Britain home + their summer resi- derce. Round oak pe,lestal table. 6 oak pack :airs with needlepoint seats. WCK.er what not Stand, oak corder China cabinet. oval wicker table, oak but- fPt qty Mocker chairs. Lake table, bridge lamps, walnut china cabinet: square oak .ir,ng table, blanket b,_x washstand spool bed: oak colo- ra. bookcase. large .edar chest. single N.cxer bed. 4pc modern bedroom su- te press back rock- er 5 mafchrrlg wood- en kitchen chairs. walrut magazine rack, wicker fern stand, 6 oak t -back cna rs. parlour Chairs: horse weathervane. Gour- lay upright piano & bench: cranberry hall light. Boston rockers. walnut fern stand, bonnet chest: treadle sewing machines. partour tables, walnut ha!I table. antique dressers. table & floor lamps: hand- made quilts. co-od lamps, copper boder; qty cups & saucers. linens: qty. china. glass including Cran- berry, Depression. Shelly. Moorecroft, Nipon. etc.. qty. sll- verware. Northtrail box trailer, plus a qty. of household & col- lectable items. Open for viewing on Friday, Jan.10 between 9am- 3pm & Saturday 9am to sale time. Don i Greg Cornell Atletioeaars Rf#1 Little Britain (705) 7.6-21.3 AUCTION SALE, JANUARY 11, AT 10 A.II At the Ballantrae Community Centre, 1 km. east of Hwy. 48 via the Aurora Sd. Rd. in BaMantrae. Our first auction of the New Year is a large sale of conlients; from the dosing of an antique store and modern furmMi gs Vic. walnut MR stand w/mirror (ex.); early one piece pine open cupboard: dress- er commode: Eastlake cottage dresser; 9 piece walnut dining set: large Tiffany type table lamp: oak wall phone: drop from table desk (or1g.): 4 ref. gun stalk chairs; ref. baker's cupboard; raised panel pine cupboard; 8 day Ingram steel dock; large Indian rug runner; pine cupboard w/6 panel door: ref. ships carpenters box (ex); leather 3 seater ctesterrreld (ex); Superb large blue Willow cal *, old blue Dell pilcher; Roseville vase; flow WA Palo; qty of god dep• gam• Bell dye Porcelain sign. Lionel steamer train 1935: Gordis Howe Tal Boy series hockey card. (vg); old iron gale Wlsmtll section of fence (ex); Approx. 6 hr. sate. Terms: casts, cheque, Visa, I OIC. CLARKSON AUCTIONS •06••x•411 ESTATE AUCTION GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTER NEWTONVILLE JAN. IOTH FRIDAY 6 P.M. Selling ire estate of Mary Hayes, Harmo- ny Rd.. Oshawa. 9 pc oak depression dining suite (1927), occa- sional tables and :hairs. remote colour t.v. . chesterfield set. recliner, single beds. single hospital bed (power lift), dressers, chests of drawers. bedding. linens, sew- ing chest, mirror. trldge. stove. mi- crowave, freezer. dry- er. hoover vac. 5 IOC kitchen set, glass, chi- na. kitchenware. household goods. Da- ta furniture. 12 hp mastercratt riding mower 138 in) MTD roloilller. gas push mower wheel barrel. garden tools, alumi- num ext ladder, tools. etc. Preview Friday at- 'errloon 2 p m Terms Cash, approved cheque, visa. M/C. In- terac AUCTIONEER FRANK G.STAPLETON CAl . ICCA. CAPPA (905) 7862244 11-111010-263-91111111116 AUCTION Estates. Antiques, Households, Bank- ruptcies, Liquidations. Sold on location or at our Bowmanville Auction Hall, Pack- ing, Pick-up & Stor- age available. Call for free confidential con - MacGregor Auction Services 905-967-5402 905-623-7949 AUCT10N S, Consign- HouseWid, An - rations, Sold location or an. Pacfan9, Piot-t p Storage available. as for free conficlen- N consultation. 905.9.7-5402 905- 9.7ti'16W Burlington • Hamilton • Brampton • Mississauga • Kitchener • Windsor • Toronto • Guelph • Oshawa • ..� 0: