HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_12_24' FOR YOU TWO MATERNITY Seasons Vu e i i.nL Greetings irfrierids at the DON'T DRINK d DRIVE: Remember the Phone i with the is -We're the Ones That Cm" 837-11-11 PICK -N -GO TAXI kJHL TC'tird r.,..... C LCC LIBRARY PZ c/t e r n ." Eclition ews Advellis r P cker ng 'S CU 111 m u n 1 C j' VVI. 31 No, 51 Prr­Nrtrn iA.000 TL'ESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1996 Durham agrees to hearing for methane plant at Brock_Vk PICKE.RING --Durham Santa's visit -- Coluninut Region ha, gncn .i co"' rr approval to go through the plJn I to reduce your Christmas rang process fi,r a nicthane ga Day waste - page Ali 5- power plant at tfic Brck He,I Landfill site in Pickering Top gun -- Reporter A public meeting lar been j scheduled for Jan 21 1, dual with the hip - page 81. an application M Easrern P„wer elSen Inc , under the FAUtptiall Page ......A6 name ri:irrtC Sopupor Blue Bos RCN, ling. Classifiled ........A17 to develor J waste recti;line and - conversion laeiht% at the dump T' Durham Council Noted IS -14 Lea %kcdnc dJ,. with Regional Ch.urmar Jnn ti'iuN ca,ting the HOW TO REACH US tic hrcak,n_ N„ tc. to all„w LPD General ......579-4400 to go through the planning JIM \10,1 VSTER pit s: e,] Pi;krr,ni Councillor, Doug A pit ti;c„ joss ionic lino, .Jkc luckcr. n ,ud Rick lohnv,n had price„ introx)uecd at the Ilei I x rector Pi;kering Ma, r �} •,c Arthur J meeting a notice of mot„n that would base refusal f'Pl)', synch- , ;,,urnen•d Pi; krnng ;,uncdlor cation with,u(all„w mg the titin the noted the Town ,pent a long um k1 CNCn gel lhr„Ugb the kL\, getting rte Bruck wont dome L •hedge s1JN,r and regi, rulPln e1.1NCd and d. ,Cin l wJnl An, uimI ;oO to r :h.rrrnan nnoKe garbage rucked their G % ( , „rr, ,,ed Chem I.Nn. (enc I PI) ortriics J ;•lane at Ba1 Dorf dx motion. v, iia f hrrfi un lar, penes whish ,-,nsrt, awtharx "pianr,ing rr:ccdure we Nwl,l pit ciao ed M ftarf+igc into r wen Iro ,ale to inion„ HNdn, Qn:hr nigh 77x-, t—, a, moxh It wane, ru [r, J.x e..f a f r'^ Client y am "Clic, t,er,un tU tit.) t& cTn„•..,r^ .•:trh:igc to nnctfwie. u,..�:., u,. , •an - the out .. ., ..ccd, u-t.l gin. kc,! •., the nghn tit tie applicant iDuntun' dump Mf \ ,gt Nowtd the comrrany planning dreoor Alex I Ciarg,c:' would ,nh use garbage Iron, says this is fulls within the c,m PuAcrng and wouldn't truck .n Icxt of the Planning A;i” waste from other munic: palmc, .Motorist flees from RIDE stop PICDKERING - A 21 -year- the car through a rewkrttal area old nun N rating Canada fans after the pursuit reached dmga- CMrges after a czar fled from a ous speeds. Soft Sergeant -RIDE spot check in Pickcitog Sandy Ryrncsad :Suri night- The vehicle was footed abem- Durharn Regional Police dated on a nearby, sweet a short Lad the tar sped off after being time later, he said. The suspect :nagged down by the RID[: wrttndered to 25 Division in '(Reduce Impaired Driving Pickering after bcmg contacted lEverywhere) unit set UP at by pollee. A Grenada mart is Liverpool and Gleranma n)aok, charged with dangerous opera - in about 9 p.m taxi of a motor vehicle and fail- Polrc:e called off a chase of ting to stop for police. I st dump He ,aid appro, ing the nn t r I„ bypass tie planning procedure and reject the ;onipam', applica- (iun would he "demur,! us the democratic pr cc- �„ u1 Ne never denied an one going through the democratic process -- The demonstration project would la t for 20 wr% and cost the compam between S'5 mil - !ion and SN) million Under n, arrangement with 'nlano HNdro, the protect has To At the Brock we,t Landfill. here FPD las a giant. Mr \,ogt ad V ih mecum: -n DLL 16• ' ckcr,ng C(iunc,' %oAal to relu,-- r.PD', application for a rcmning And otlicial plan intendment Chun Pucker,, n ud the deal EPI) reached with k1etn, Toronto, owner, of the hr,kk Wc,t Landfill. required the com- pam to get Pickering's aprroNal hof xe the dump ,tc rind he used 'It klctr� feels this is such a good molest. Ihcs :told haNc PUT the ,tic .0 the i 1„rtnerl Burr R„ad ,landfill ,r it kccic %allcv: ' .%ir f 1hckc—n said A)ax Cwno-oltrr Jim Nv take it, case to the Chita: o Munx:ipa! Board -1 dont uncle• nand ions chc, d go through a process when the door at the en,l of the pnx:c,, i, closed Pickcnrg is catcgort,all y opr, .,cd. w c : ntmntainmg a pr,xc„ lust b,, tar. ,akc of nuinWmng a pnec„ It , going to the O%I li am w a, , t, d k , I et', mune it alone N1: clurh:utu7c�}, tit I P Tonight's the night! "'Toad, the night belor, l '::...truL% and all through the house, nix a crcat.:l ., stirring, not even a mouse” All the hustle and bustle of the holiday, is coming to fruition a, we prepare to celebrate the hohd:n, with family and friend,. From the New%Advrrti,ur family to your,, we w i,h N ou a , ery nem holiday and a safe and happy New Year Durham school boards face tough math equation B1 LINDA N Hn-E AND CHRI1 : CHASE 1997, budget at the sante time it i, expecunLt nays Chairman 1011111 Old;!-;: 11 air kiPoan R, a two per cent increase in student enrol- "The Catholic hoard is one of the Last week', funding announcement merit faster -growing board,:' he say, "Our from the 11im,try of Educaton and ” 11', not The good news that people are growth was approximately five per cent Ian Training means the Durham Board of saying:' says hoard chairman Ruth Ann year. If transfer payincnb remain the same, Education will he able to once again build Schcdhch, we'll he five per cent behind before we new v:hkx,l, and additions It's not am better for Durham Region start” But. 11 must cut S; y million from its Roman Catholic Separate School Board. tier BOARDS Pai!e Al GAP: IiiSIDE BRIDGING THE Dealing with grief during the festive'" -- 1,'.d CN's challenge to row with Hwy. 401 oftlineihe, ,hare the,i pain,offer hope -- page Ate. B1 ALL>N BRIINLLL Ing their necks daily and wondering what was going to SPF( I',. 11 ) 11-11 NI w, ,I.:1 k1 I,I.x be done next. PICKERING — It nay not yuahfy a, one of the In order to complete the widening of the highway. Seven Wondcr, of the N„red. but the Construction of two embankments had to be feared out and new two Canadian Ni )nal raiiwa, hedge, owr the ncwl, hedges installed to support the trJek, This had to be widened HwN 4111 here :cnaini, had ;onunutcr, ;ran done a, act) -urdmaled effort between CN. the Ministry CN employee, and contractors managed to keep pace with the ongoing }Nidemng of Hwy. 401 in ieeent month, without mayor traffic interruptions. Tonnes of dirt were removed and concrete poured to make way for the new structure which carries freight trains over a busy stretch of highway. of Transportation of Ontario and several different con- Wrapping up after struction firms, and done w uh as little disruption of rail Santa's visit -- Coluninut service as possible. Isnrrairic Roulston offers tips "(The rail line across the bridges) is our main I to reduce your Christmas freight condor up t) our yard in Concord:" said Rick Day waste - page Ali 5- Tolkunow, project engineer for CN. "We were under pressure to get in, get it done and get it back in ser- " Top gun -- Reporter Vice. Any delays would have been costly to CN and its Stephen Shaw shoots from customers. the hip - page 81. To get it done without disrupting services for days or weeks at a time, the process had to be done in stages. FAUtptiall Page ......A6 ..Phase one was to put in temporary structures Classifiled ........A17 where the future collector lanes weregoing to be," said Lntettainnaent Bit Brian Thompson, project manager for Dominion Sports ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .B12 Bridge, the company that installed the bridges. Incredibly, rail service was only disrupted for 24 and 36 hours each to install the two temporary bridges. HOW TO REACH US This was finished last fall. General ......579-4400 In the spring, the earth had to be removed from Death 11]ptlices .683-3005 under the temporary structures and preparations made Auction 13ne . ,683-7545 for the installation of the permanent structures. The Sincerely Yours ...... excavation work under the two bridges was done by June but preparatory work carried on until August. .1-800-662-8423 The final stage was to install the permanent struc- Internet .......... . S CONSTRUCTION/Pa a AS www durh:unnews net ee g - A� ^ _ � ..:^ . � .... _. _. _ �. _. : x.r► aux-,i.� ,.. _ � ' F A.2 -111F NF%%S %0I FK I lsfK 11 F�MVVF( F%MFk 24.1996 U I" ' T." ;'. We've Got erything Santa I = Forgot... N � �:�� � fll SALEe Shop Us oxing Day A 7cl e )�berP26 gAm - 6 a RgED Pickering By MARIANNE'I'AKACS \IAtI RI HIR IIs PICKERING — 'lime "Iiown has dropped plans to hm automatic voec tah- ulahor, to count ballot, dunng municipal elections. But residents can still look h,rr ward to getting quicker results on elle non nights since Pickering has decided to lent llw machines Instead. Councillor, paused a hyfaw Monday aulhorvmg the use til optical Scanning nixes plan to purchase vote tahulaturs during cletvuns. and appruccyl the rental of the tabulators at a lust not to exceed $2.4)1) per unit for 1Q units. Town clerk Brix Taylor told councillor, he expects to he able tit rent the rnachmes at a signit1wantly lower rate. Tux tonal rental agreement will come back to Council for approval before any expenditure Is made. In recent elections fere it has taken up to four hours alter the polls have dosed Boards prepare for 1997 grants FROM PAGh:I He adds the erd A the Province's moratunum on neo school construcuun Is vital a, the hoard, especially ,n the Ajax area. While education transfer pay- ; runts lion, the Province will bac tn,/en. Ontario's scluul hard operating budgets will he reduced by $271 million, the mmstr% announcedsome of that will he redirected toward building new SA`E schu' ols once a em- - year moratorium imposed by the ?GA��VJ Prnvimc I, lifted ?L Tux exact amount of capital funding is to bac annuuncetl cart% in 1997 FLY E Durham's pub- - hl hoard ,s roll ed capital funding f r new pupil places I'�-- will bac reinsWed "Durham must II FSD%1 DE. continue to a dim- - the prolsic ns it w. ' asnorooks renily has meeting • ;ar rre the needs til us gr, nvmg sflxhem I ,art population:' says =Irma Plus Mrs 4toufhch 5,-,Iys It „ regret- .'-> 3nck uhk, however. that the reinstatement ftif the capital fund ing 1 mems that the scMvJ hwd opr aung grants will he lower 64 capital funding I, u—il, gncn in adJn,.n to - nae instead A - o pvt sung grants At the same • tonic. ,l ..It bac J01 cult t,. meet Faducarion %lin,,tcr John Inohcicn -s dcm—I I. no u• oro. rca a -s. she — "Ibis well bac very delle, ole Kc -lung a icru- pr :crit average : .If rate mcreasc xnss Durham -I] mean ; Wm ­l Cut..' note% Mrs I hcdl,ch Me towd has %tried its prchmr nan hu oto Jirus sons rr 194- -Roe P r o v I n e e 0 announcement means the Mord salt receive $7 mil -boo Ics, in transfer Payment, in 144' than 199h but duc to the arlru+all/jMM of wdcsprc:d .tits mule Last year, that amount has been reduced to $15 million Howcvcr, that', till a he to e a. Mr, Je:hcdhsh says Mr Ullman says he expccL, the Cvhlc hurl will p.iahls come in with a 1997 fidget ender $1 sit million to Pros tide cduca- tion tsr more than 2710) sfeaknt, in 1997 ..we'll have to cut milhM, of dol- : Ian from our hud- : get:' he says. adding areas Out- side the :Lb, an will be sal first. But he COM- : trends Mr. Snobelen fur mak- ing his announce - dehherations. Mr Oldman .an, that was the "want hudget pnee—" ,n his I I years on the Marl He adds that hoeh the Catholic and public hoards have had among fix lowest null rate increases in the pant few years. The Catholic board ,. the "must cust- efiwnc" school Ienrd In the Greater G rte rito Arca, he sets s IAL IN TODAY S Neve Advertiser C. _'4196 Ajax Pic. Ajax Pick Ajax Pick. Ajax Pick. Ajax Ick Apr Ajax Pick. x: "!t^Ib1x �Il ulseRs, mcfoll>le Q Omi pita. can k A 19dl flit ref df too, tit .i 6re prr'lam. } ' rm6tr IM drot.rn; . ,u' J�t1i511� Rion. Jl OLS NO;, 10 _ tilt: •� lila .•-, � . i mar now, allowing boards to continue with budget Processes that will be "meaningful." 416 44 Last year, the Province didn't announce funding : cuts until April. : several months into the year argl budget .10 P J1;! >a a 0 News Advertise Deliwq, Ser- ice true Aar! if, Perm% < \totixi i m. -v \10-1 enc," ,f ,d ng & rLrving game. \1'.. Duel wool yr a IIn_ 1, r i and .bun �nrloinrknts �� iv:._ A111111111111111111111, BURGER Kai rttr: vis \u\t.lernr_g tt r.+oaY. uel'r:�tnekza.lv+e-Pµ%e� vote tabulators, will rent instead it) tabulate results — smile dx ballots hive had to he counted manually -- and final result. have nut been known until after nudmght. According to a staff report. Pickering could have purchased the tahrlatur, at a cost of $128,601. Tito would only have pnwded half the numh,-r of machines necdcd. but the tither half would have h•en hom,wcd from an,ehcr mumapah- ly which h.Id -1y ought half the num - her It needed and wtere municipal elite (ions arc held in different years, hkcly ,n Bntuh Columbia or Alh><rta Between elections, each municipality would have retained its own sate tahulaimg equip- ment for other uses such as bvelectiors and opinion polls In the 1991 municipal election. the'116wn of Ajax used the F_S-20M1 .•.stem and had all its election result, tahulawd Ins than half an hour after the pills closed. According 10 the staff report. use of the tabulator, should save Pickering about S17.0X) ,n staff and supply costs. hased on I PI.I election figures and not taking int,, account the cost of renting the vote counting martins. Torn will he a d—riside to the new system for some residents, however. Fewer pdhng stations will he needed. see some cuter, will have: to travel farther to cast their hdlots. :.JP r ew•Y �vw� Bell Mobility service at Excell =5..uws.wn...�"A• Activate your • Bell Mobility service at Excell & get a pocket FREE car adapter phone for $o! FREE leather case FREE 360 calls ,, 01W. set000 FREE 'It's a Wonderful " V- �" r Life' VHS movie ie t tli9 PRESENT THIS AD TO REDEEM THIS SPECIAL OFFER. O•1 .EWXCELL 4c4cpwswwuiviu7"POWS FREE CLUB FOR YOUR CAR Activate on any rate plan starting at $19.95irmth and get a FREE CLUB vehicle anti theft device in addition to your $0 phone ! ,. Dca MIkM & Cearie fth"ag Tanga Comte Nosh 07-uu BeH bU ilay Cance Bell Mobdry Centre nm Mowley kXme a>a �..w.i.� •: VPhitby Mall 0&hawer Centre (oar Sacs) $43 King West Aon Cease Ina M1212 ms) rn-luu (vas) sr6 I2u (905) "I uu ....Bell Mobility � R 1 1 � � Whitb Oshawa Oshawa St.Catharines Toronto Pickering Y Toronto ....�,1�■ Dca MIkM & Cearie fth"ag Tanga Comte Nosh 07-uu BeH bU ilay Cance Bell Mobdry Centre nm Mowley kXme a>a �..w.i.� •: VPhitby Mall 0&hawer Centre (oar Sacs) $43 King West Aon Cease Ina M1212 ms) rn-luu (vas) sr6 I2u (905) "I uu ....Bell Mobility � •Burlington • HamiRon •Brampton •Mississauga • Kitchener • Windsor • Toronto • Guelph • Oshawa • Cambridge • Oakville • Ottawa • Bradford • St, Catharines Rkt 1 r 7111 RSDAY FRIDAY SMIRDAI' Sl \DAl' _ MONDAY TUESDAY u 31 0 Q•,,i.-g !�•'" ' ,O a•�'•_9 !�•'" 110— �•`" , ,4 �•'"• ,O -g �''"• ,O a•,,c.'3 !�••►� CANADA'S LARGEST MATTRESS & FURNITURE FACTORY DIRECT! 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M "06 w7jerwaing THE NE%%S %I It WrISER 1`1 FA11A1, DECEMBEk 24.1941.-PAGEA5 LL 9 ; Le ' • 1 1 1 AceR 44ASPIREr-2610 V11"UM 133NINz Pentium Processor133 MHZ muitiowdis coop~ offers PROCESS R A Complete Solution For Your Home Education & Productivity • Ideal for the A, I time buyer 0:1-74171TWIAM • 33.61(bs for speedy connectivity 4MLAUPUFAW • Loaded with most popular software • Ready to surf the net I A' • Stylish emerald green.01"i-- in C"soft with Co CI "" C MONITOR AM P-1 Jaw UK i 1pen • NO dewom i"ZI 0 BLAUFLffiffirT CD D -k With V.tdbW F— • 11A 1.) rr,T—T7fT-T-7 =- SAMM to Mgee —0. C., Kit vv� vi DEC 26TH 8M NOWT WSS IMF SALE 0 MAGNASONIC 25 C C 01 W"A.— a& Geta NC*GA 232 -jS m Contel Aff* faFREE UINEL . "' — ' Jor— Get a AOTOMO" to -�DPKC �650 FUP PHONE~ for F IRE E on kbility (mado and recent a 3 piece om kit far FREEI . . I.. 520 Steree Row 350 Ster" TWGVWM MWON •L•mod C06 W -W-- RCA ftne Ir - ' with 2411 Zoomi Sm in MW of ym arai MK&W *W* *A We" WW A VoWAK 24 41.1 Im pvlk WA* 0NEW WIN WNS i6* -#Abo :coir jc T •W ,.1i1IIWI rn too RCA 4 NeW Ni41 VCR • 11=010 co" • 181 don" tww -11 1"W1 YW MW UW&3 " 605 AJAX 40 Kingston Rd. E. 428-4450 at Harwood Ave. PAGE A6 -THE NEWS AIA F.R IlsFai I l USUAI, 14 CFAI N F.R '.a. 19% V Editorials and Letters PHONE: c,lt:.�;1 In FAX: 683-7163 ♦ Editorial Make giving a year-round goal for life The Inca that it is better to give than To receive Is never more appropriate than at Christmas time It's :til old slogan but a, tried and true today a, It Na, 1.996 scars ago. W'r'rc all eagerh amicipa(Ing e,'erNthmg we're gomg toget tomor"" but lust as exerting are the looks un the faces of thrive we gr,c• presents To Going out and getting gifts after painstakingly making a list and checking it tN Ice i, a labor of lose for most but the reaction of the receiver I, the PAN -ofi Gnmg Is needed more than ever these dans Yes. it's getting tougher out there even Near Week hs week It seems thego,crnment Is cutting :hts -r than, and Ne are getting less fur our tax dol- lars than ever before Th—c soh,, rely on �_,oxcrn- ment asistancc to stir,ne di,c­er there Isn't much to rel, on 'oh h,, can fill the gap' lou and 1, that who With The sash crunch hcmg felt M agencies who used t,, rcl, on government assistance. help from the public Is more :rmnal than ever It's not lu,t mune, that's required hN the nivriad groups Tion: I, also ..t the essence Can sou .Parc some time to stuff cn%clopcs' Can ,,,u attend a montIT, N meeting or sell a text lot tcry n,kc•r,' A-; Id v,u be able to go dor-to-d—r If needed It, ask I, -r donitwns for J %orthv cause' There sue mine agrnetc, in Durham R"nm which could use ,our hc•Ir, not lust at rhos time tat year but throughout the scar Wc7c• all pressed fur mrne with husN Ines that mvol,c work and farrin ;ommonient, But most M us, it we In. can find a little hit of ionic each week o help Voi s,mpl, have to decide that we %dl do I 11 m„rc tonic n An nnpt.ss.hiltty. the other option x, 10 -c rro ,n ".male I--ganvatwn, that base A P--' It., 1, --d of .oto mm"n, ser, ice Ne can all do something to nuke Durham Rexton .I better place to Inc We oItcn say we wish the spirit M C-hn,trnis would ijN all ,car-n,und It can. it we each take a little time each week to help those in need /.. —r—d ro flu, rdw-1 , all Inr..t,wrn r AT nH nrrun a nest 'tor o.td did ilii ♦You said it... In re-,Fx)n,,e to last Sllllday*,, editorial 'GST is not going awa``. but how about a tax rut?. our readers say : • Irwu, it , at,s,Jiuieh unreah%uc to keep expedmg taxuL, whcn .tic ha,c a int n airou, detx ton .wit hard%,till the delml Is. umung dawn at the federal Ie,e1 g'adualk. the Pro uisc of (truant t, awning down a link Nr iritic quickly But wc'vo fix a lone long May a, go Ix:hec we finer tart addressing the kht deli Ict's stop thinkine aMait tax cuts and keep h,cussing m mvc ang the money we !ww And rre ogrum that -nsump­ tRm I, not going to dnvc the ectxw.ny In the future ♦We asked... The question 4A:'Yill _sou he shoppin.,ti Boxing D"y Arthur Spittal Becky Hardie Jill Johatston says. "No 1 figure says. " Prubably says, "No. Family that's the day for not. but definitely is tow important. the family" the next day. It When the stores shouldn't be were closed it was mandatory for a forced rest. you people to work on had In stay Boxing Day" home" Pickering Edition NewsAdvertiser Publisher: Tim Whittaker A Metmland Community Newspaper published Tuesday. Wednesday. Friday. Sunday 130 Commcreial Ave.. Ajax. Ont. LIS 2H5 P Pickering Edition News Advertiser A Metmland C'ummumty Newspaper published "ruexlay. W ednesdaN. Friday. Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Aiax.Ont LIS 2H5 Publisher: Tim Whittaker • Letters to the editor () �� ���� , �ge,t we reall, J,, Kr,mg I� J money In,acid ,f resit Per- haps everyone should qult anyone a work Then we ;-told all get paid h.r doing ntahing' Aller ill, It we Truk are' a , icIN of free ride. equal nghts fur one and all. then wrel, we all de Kr%c this } -pportumt, Suggcc 1., us. sir. 1 -rev er,�. where we will get the mune, to pay I— v. nghtcuus An T.,the edm.n ambition What I suggest to , .. n..1 Rend I 1` r, m vuu is that Ihn , A .,.at GlenEagle , aim tncni, nut religious Issue and vuu Imly ping that worklarc a do no one any favor, with vour agatnc God and I -Iin,I misleading and Intiano tory Reath. sv. nn I this going A h�� - statements i.... Is, a�e w. :-JnN a, you ,- e.v....�a F. xt.,.wtr. 'lususr „tor hu mamty" No Pickering; love in a ,ocictN thatqunc rghtlulfv. take. pride In it, humanity - in treating elver, 1 \A,'hv ,me A, equal, We c,lw.u,c the are right, of rclign— and cthm, - tnrnoritie, Ne pooled the rights and demand cyuaht) cur regions .,,.men. the phy—ally and mcnialh .hallcngcLi. gay,he etc All these arc In and prop 1 n A.. cr thing, that Anv just and uptight person or statcty _ given short rchgwus u, ,ocular - ,howld A_- ,tnve las Promote and defend `t" BuI the proticgc to A Ircc h, shrift" mg forever' 1 am mil against ,octal a,astanee for thu,c who really To the editor: need II I think I Is our Re cin t 1,. onto and the, humanitarian duty to we that GTA all such people get the help In about a year, we will the, need have a new city of Toronto Nh,u I have never under suntounded by a hunch of old ,t,w,d n %hv invonc hthcve, region, Ic•rrN-rigged together It", their Gtwl-green right to by a GTA scr,iccs tot ird rhat receive money from ,oclely translates into 2 3 million pco- %ith—a that socicty wanting at Plc In a declining city while kasl some form of ,cif o,c ap a 2 t million In the growing sur partial repayment rounding regions get ,hurt N'lial is ,u Inhumane about shrift, expecting people to repay the Everyone seems to agree on help the% have rc. %cd. M the nerd 1,-r Improved econo- helping tout others in their own my by rcdu;lion tot govern community"' rent. Cutting back on Toronto If It Truly a better to goo government as their popula- ttan to reserve, should not tion declines is sensible. tho,c PetPlc on the receiving Why arc the 905 region, end %ant to reciprocate' being deterred in their evolu- Reverend Eagle d. as Now non'! The regions are to be given restructuring power in We love the new year. but that does not ensure capable managers to do letters it. The appointment of an old The .Yews Adtertrser at-repn ler- bureaucrat who ,pent the past I,,., to the rdnt.r All letter should eight years In retirement does he rv'ped -r neath hand-wrrttea. nothing to suggest compe- I5o words La,h letter mutt be tence. signed with u frit and lust name Since he I, from Oakville or tw'o metals and a lust .some. only suggests that the commu- Please in, u plume number for nities to the east of Toronto verification. The editor reserves will not be served. Since he the right to edit copy f„r stvle. last worked in the BOs, will we length and content. Opinions get old solutions for eurreol expressed in letters are those f the problems? writer and not necessarih those of We can't expect much. Why the News Advertiser is that'? JOANNE Bt RGHARDT, Fahtor-m-Chief STEVE HOUSTON. Maliaging Editor BRUCE DANFORD. Ad,ernsing Manager ALVIN BROUW ER, Retail Advenistng Manager FRED EISMONT, Clasa.fted Advettutng Manage+ MONIQUE LEA. Real Estate Advertising Manager ABE FAMOURIE. Nsin ixilwyn Manager BARBARA HARRISON. Pr.ducaim Manager JANICE O'NFn_.A-ssistant Producnon Manager CHERYL HAINES, Aaitanl Prdutaion M-Aw LILLIAN HOOK. Adnaustrauon Malinger i—Jr, IN IN `11111011 Nt. Letter writer says h Lew that the 911' regions arc hcmg `deferred In their evolution' by GTA rcftwm Ovct the recent vcw%, local politiciant and bureau; rat, have built operations to ,mall town, .,I under I I A 1.1 e x t pcop Ic to WIl clot, Inn tome, a, largeAt the vine Time we were vdflcd wl,h A rcg u,nal e: ,rrnonenl that Increased ,oc, for our rc,,Jcnts without :cel benehts the savings to us from rcon—al of excess government are .d equal importance to those In Toronto N& h% arc we getting ,hurt shrift' Doe Voung, Ajax Work is a privilege, not a punishment To the editor. Re: Workfare remember the times tefore my Immigration to Canada in 1952 and 1 now realize how wonderful and generous Canada has been step-by-step misled into astro- nomical debt. I'm for workfare. It is a wise decision and it should be introduced and supported by all of us. Work is a privilege and not a punishment. A! Rivett writes N our Turrsdav _1411011 of Frank Gregor, slagcohan11isu. To respond to this column Pickering call lnfosourre at 683-7040 and diad 5108. AL RIVETT Sports Stn%%' Writer The spirit moved me Christmas means many things to .. am people. For children, it signal, the return of that chubby told suul who %him - mics down chtmneN% on Christmas Fvc, leaving presents under the tree I'p early on Christmas day, parents and children it by the tree as wide- eyed youngsters rip open wrapping, Icar open Mrxcs to reveal train sets. came%. clothing, and. It they're real - l. fortunate this Christmas, a Tickle Me Elmo Jodi. Td, adults, it could amply mean .,:(ting together with fardN and "tends from near :Ind far it, enjoy I the gtwwl cheer and good f—d '.ne Christmas season brings Fur me. F%c elways been amazed at the ('hnstmas spirit and g,wwl%tll the Yule season hangs That elusive sptnt sometimes Iles dormant In Inc people during the rest til the or. but huhhlcs to the surface if nstmas time People are nicer. re patient, and more willing to - p their lellu% man at thi, time of Ii TIs the season whcn I think hack i Christmas when I Na, still In lege In Toronto that. of no,[ cur krdnc„ of a cringer and fart memtsers who, went to curaordi- r'v lengths, it could have been the ''clicsl Christmas on rccurd for me W'hire travelling by bus un (-hit st ma, F,c Ir,— T rontu to %trail -rd, cif r..... t- no, ta,n.lv's home In (:. wlerre h. the weather g.,1 r,rocres,l,cly %orsc a, %c approxhcd the %now lilt of Nwth- western (tenant, It hecame apparent upon my arrival In Stratford that the connect Ing bus for Gwlench would he delayed or perhaps cancelled t'powt Iea,Ing the hu, and entering the Aa- ron my worst lean were realized. had weather hid Itorccd In cancclla- nun I was stuck for Christmas Eve. and if the Neither didn't impro,c, 1 would he staving alone in a motel rtx,m Christmas day Rc,igncd to my late. 1 bwwsked a motel and called for A rah Getting Into the taxi at the bus station. 1 was ruined by a woman Nhu was also travelling home for Chnslmas I told her my uory of woe and as the cab arrived at the motel. she quickly ,crawled du%n her family's address and phone number on a Plecc of Paper She handed it us me, telling me to please come for Christmas dinner. She wouldn't take 'no' fur An answer. The next morning. Christmas morning. the %either was every bit as nasty. but my brother and arty cousin vet off from Godcrtch to release me from my weather - induced exile. Although they strayed from the beaten path several times as main highways were closed, they did manage to get me. In my haste to abandon my hotel room and get home for Christmas, 1 neglected to phone the woman to decline her gracious invitation. However, almost 15 years later, her act of kindness has still not been lost on me. And, 1 do think about that incident and how, through the kindness of others, I was able to enjoy Christmas that year. TO REACH US The New, Ad—I.— ., — or be Ma-mnd Pr -ting. Pabb:h..g Fd IN—twou t, 9,°W d —Woo ers. 71e New, Ad—ou— u a woember d Jr Ai" tpeaerah 693.51 10 A Rcknng Bond of Tide. OMarw, Common,, Ner,pW. Assoc . Caudian Clam- 683-0707 Commonly Newtpapn Assoc , Cmmkow Coculow— Audit Bond rd the 0 ._,. hers Cos icil The pvblu is ,ever es tie ngho to cu,Wy w edge coy Ob4iwian: 693-5110 d xnuemem. Cre6i for ndsernaem.r head to tP•de pace ensu oxayles AdminlCYtdOtd Fax: 693.7363 Camp.M., Fac: 579-9273 L -mail: n:wuotxoOdmhasmiews ret Mp'./Iwww.dtxhnmonvn.trn uwrtwnx �uat good wow P Finding The Christmas season is the hardest time of year for parents who have lost a child 531LINDA %k'HlfL _ ,1111 NI /r IHIIH Docoraung the ('hr,, ria, tree. hangmog upthe ,u ltkings and plan rung('hn,lmas Jlnncr arc Iruhtion, many fannhc, look forward In with much anticipation But it", those tradition, that make the +cion unbearable for sonic lams Inc,. who wonder how they're e,cr $I', ong h, make It through the holiday, amt wouhl 1,tk•n prefer I,, lust close the door on ccichration, They Te lamille, who've lust a child And while their grief will hur- den their heart, cscs day for the rest of thea hoc,, hohdas, an he a part,, ularl, d,tficuli time "lA her the Chnantas lights ,tan going up my wile gets sad. hut I get up igM and aner\." admin. Pl,kenng re"fril riJry ('oswell You we peo plc oi,hme ao,und ,hopping and II feel, like I— Ic Ric ,nh one who', up,cl and Ion, F," Hi, fi,c ,ser old daughter Kell, war, k,Il,d in June. Pill' atter lalh,, aul 1,1 .t ndlcr ,oaacr at a lun park %it Coswcll -11,d olt,n wh,l, grow Ing up In I'ngland Kcl'r, w,, soling between her mot}i,r .rid her eight year idyl brother while her lather ,load below h.ddme her Iwo rnonth ill, -brother ,.It 1.". ll hof hrrn a urcd the rid, was -le for hl, 1,111, rirl. * %= but It worm t until after her death that the park Inatal I'd ,eat In, It, and - mnp,s d a height rhlM tion tar the oak f, I I o w * flip demring tell .kit ( ,.ell Yl dung ,bar„ hl, Paul. as her 10year old daughter Sar., was k,llcd on I lam:,., ,ac anlln Ion II e to Ill,. 1'r)4 Is Stec ,tied he. the g" III ♦h, Ion I ng out, a SI[ pernlancntl, par►„I Ira, for Ir frail,I al a LhC IIF Shan n, nolle• go f ) kin hack I Susan Hcro!I ,k, a Y. flat of Vcw,.,,llc rest - dc n, est.knl the lost Chn,imi, wllh k, e•,,,• ... out hr,, du thic, Knst,na -1, a .-.. blur I don I c,cn lam. rcmcnil,ct rt. though I ccna. ly le cmbr de week, Icading up to d Kn,fina was killed „n I'.a,tcr Sunda, 1. 1441 rune da,s shun of her 15th * . blrthdav when her Mother I,,,I * .. control tit the car he was dnvulg She ,fled from ma„r,c brain injury a, a result of the a, rodent The three par- enl, have Ira, elled a difficult road but have come to terms with their lo„e, They met. - 'through support 'group meetings offered by y ;, B e r e a, c d Families If Ontario. Durham chapter, and now n her counsel ot rlwrwkrx r� parents. Even a, a bereaved parent. * �,.,�•,,..• 1 don't always �/ ►•.. �.a.r know what inlay when 1 talk to "another parent "who's lost a child." admits Mrs. Young. y --"You know the T journey they if Jove to take and T�y .you're speech- "less. You don't y „want anyone you T know to have to travel that road" Mr. Coswcll T I'""'I•"`'1 and his wife went lu support group y meetings after T ?'recognizing �( nearly on that we y couldn't rely un tet` LN ME CF -ors A1A FICFISF N II FADAi. IH.I'} NHP K 34. I WM-Y1GF: A7 the strength after a loss r 4`;t�i (:ARI (Y)SN I -1.I. Daughter kill,d „n rnidwas ride in I v4' each other I— people struggling to keep Ih„r heads ihooc water rant Ivan on cash other" Ht, bea therapy was having "pcu- PIc to,, it, h,len Mere was really nothing thcv could lav or do that helped .I, mush a, giving me the time to listen "' Still. the grief pournev n unique to each rwr,on:" note, %fr\ Hendr,,k,. who helped found the local chapter ,11 Bereaved Vapours and now ,e'r,c, a% n, lar ordinator 'Y1111 arc prole,ted at fiat b, this wondcrlul numbing ,hoick When that wear, .dfyou begin to feel your I— People want ere b, tell them n', going II, gel bene, F.,entually, it will get G111.Y(y1 \G St S1\ HE`DRWKS You know the Il,urncy other. have First Chrntnlo\ with, ant ,.1 I i^h.tcr to take following their loss was a blur hems, but it may get much wor,c first A1n Hcndnck, hchcse, it's impct.It.t lot vric me parent_, and sibling, t., talk n ad,an,c about what they want from (Christmas "pnr tic, it was had enough that Krl,nna died 1 wasn't )!iing_ t,1 let Ihmi the hn1. though I knew I would need to change some HJJnlon, It I ora, gong n, get through n " Her larmly, fpr evample. dill awav with Chndn,o, ,locking, and the gdl they houghs for the livid, ora, put chased and ,prncel earl Sh,. 1,. we acchmanled our ,cl,­ ih..ugh I ,fill fell ,ar-v em ply and dc,perately lonely It ha, been very important for us to ace maw ledge the presence of our daughter than Jay burn a candle in her memos and at grace before dinner, I mentum her and ,ay how thankful we arc for the time we did ha,c wuh her" The week, and Jays leading up to Christmas "arc --than the ,,tu.1 Jay." hehc,e, SIr (-„swell Hi, lam, 1) plate, J ,rad free it K.''. , gra,esitc each Chn,tina, }.,c acyl , adorned wltilde,orati, s roads hs her brother, the day t, devoted to Kclh." S1r Croswell says of the tradition which allows him to It— on h1, ,in, on C hrninla, Div A[ first. our „Idea wit didn I want talk about Kcll, that day because akin t want to ,cc us fall apart But .�•can now enjoy melnones and say, to you remember when Kelly did II,Is 1... When ntakmg plan.. It's Important I keep in mind the needs of all fa rtu �'. member -- parnsularly other chil - dren - reminds Mrs Young They yrcm their first I hristmas without `,,ra with lamtly in British ('olumhia "I fell the need to In',ulate myself Ir ,m the pain .d .pending that first t 'it,,[ ma a1 barn,, where (Sara, -"Auld have 11ecn runnmg down the fir, it, find pre,enis But I knew it Important to gl,e our other ! 1,ghter a Chn,nua,, though I didn I . e c o pro„de it _We incd n - take ,onccions for •r rc "but m , a, prrparanom, for the were hcing made. my hushand dl, tn't want r:1 lea,c. H, felt like he %a, leasing Sari hchind I was numb until ('hn,'ma, 1.,c, when the snot min ,J what we were dome hit me But Chn,tri, , D) turned ,'m n, he 0K. nil I hrc,nhcd a hit sigh til relic! Fath famlls ha, .it,,) emhraecd a new tradition and bilk part in the Bcrra,cd Famile, of t)urhan, , ,c,- . d annual Angcls Irce „1 Light, whKil ora, ht Wcdnc,da, I)— I I at 1 ;0 P in at the M"hael Starr Budding. it king and ( rnirc ,accts In ( ),haw, It you would Ick, ri rc information on 'u pp, rt gn•up. offered h, Betrayed Fanlihc,,all 4lis 1)!t-- Ih41 ur I fill, ai' 1K14l Ihcre arc coup, hard I Durham hr parent, '.. ho \e Io,t infant, and group, fpr rcnh who ,_ lost in older child ]k S}: )k lIC ]"C SK LIC SIC ]�[ 71r L�[ * llc al[ Lor * ]IC JIC JIII: 71C SIC arc ]I[ SIC 71C 71C 31[ 71C LK 31C �( ll[ ll[ air al[ SK SK aK at[ lK air aK 71C I f II AK Jnr *PICKERING 11 11 Town of Pickering (905) 420.2222 (905) 683.2760 aK • - ,•.•. ..•alvllwlvr ,.tr r7aw`k.lrw..r, ,s.'tw.a .Ir In4.n.-www ,rrrr...a ...r.�rl•rr .a W.W wrM -Crime Nvpycn Nenth Januar I•rr VU 1%1 RI\f: I'll.%IRF.K If 11 11}\l 1111-R 11 I\t: Ilf 11 111- .., 11. .., .., ..• s pin. a..•. moi., %-.% harp ••awl.. Iw .•11 \,clow. 4,w•,.un•I. ,. •..♦ e.�rWr rh.x r to .n.k`\r,•11car)!.<'=Qusall •. L\ umird rr.rl n9mi, 2a I II,n UI.n ossa n %doll n..... `,I�miw /Illl�nl.lm mr,n or."n I,prn i.11n a". I... 11-111.1-1111.11. Iw •inn,"a r1Igvn,- M� IkaW�4V�uk ,� 1'unl„ wna• Ian , , l�kl,n l'1 i• ' ryot,ce at OuDlic Mecti nq ro Co otr•a Lan Iawrown.Mr•dwd P,c,rewr,nq OTCW Plan }wrwawry O. 1997 aiw 7:30 won. •e.cwxw C1vc �....,rar. o... aro. e.p....e. Ir•.n..,.y Q.a-- n'tit ,i .apMxl,l „Mr.tpn .- aalt xnn,wrvM,) Pock.,-, OrIK.wI Plan 1..rwrry .: 1qy T'rbv avw usesx,rayw,] 10 at1 n 1 'n,•. .•.., �...: ..a. m. c..nn,.n» .nen +fir �n..,rn.nn marl r.,. .. ,,. ,an.+rr err, 1n»InQ •rM 1aM I,x .dopen,n M gin.. yI PMn M roan, l.otlnr. ii oro be so, ,n o b. 1oM1w1 M tow adWI1• M Tw nww Plclwnq • 1r PI. n,00.r 1•wst m. .ewtw.r ...Q..avl rn row.. �N.rk cit.•r,.>y. O.M tM Eplen.nan r'.1w,.,y -.o. L t I I G•'•,• n 4. p.e)1c b11dv !for hon • -M N nPP- or a i,:lsxv, n U P1ry.,nq ,n ,nal 1 tit tM n.- ')ff- r'I . . n mew •vat slabw.n.. x,i N a plow, mwwl.r,Q n. n,a.w rr,nwn Ta -n nQ pwb..e tM rrw PKlV.1nq w •nnvkea Inn , t..rx. ra,.n„Iw uo.rn ,.,,r ao.,1•> .II op't ai tipar. -1 Qu»tuna. .iota Ileo . nP, of rtM logon. 1. + arty MIM, doc.anenls .wl.Md n. IM rwcolr.rnw..dwd O.v c,v.act C pini Rn» 4 •105 420 4660 wrtwn>.In W •. 905, 6.3 2 W HOLIDAY MINI -CAMP! Mon(jcv Decombw 3fM1 - Fr,doy Januar/ 3rd. 1097 (4 (joys) 'CaicwiaC wlta aa' w' 4" ria I Jev' FULL DAY CAMP air 7:00 Orli to 6 15 pm or REGULAR CAMP lam., 9:00 om to 3 30 pm LOCATIC44 ;-n i «,n LUCK, �. v'c•..c .. m. '�,ck.• it •; grey Form Rd lust %v ? Y� 'rlansportonor of proved*l: :attic Fie 1,J a.I :asp 114.15 pmt $97 M • ,g. apea cap (0.3:30 pm) $70.00 Call kx F9gbk6on d61M-1 Cd 420-4621 ' TOWN OF PICKERINC PUBLIC NOTICE Push, a..e til I.ICMuw 10 pit. aM-la. la oop up. lose an.l w•II to tR n ablino­g opan of the Road Alk -an,, trtween 1—, 14 ail I, l ,vNY,,.w 7. hcicnng rah,%n a, ,m brain irlap blip wTICE 1, hcreM p,en pursuant lu the Muincipal Act. N S 0 14.1 the the C,-.1 t,1 The Corp, tatom of Ili Town of hckcnng ut on h y I, Ilrenng to be held M Inc PI,Lrnng Cpm Comple,. Our The w I.,pllk. hckcnng. O.u tano 7 ? m tib c p Februar, i. I4w, It, pia, a h) law 14 ,lop up, dna• and tIl 10 the ibiotui .worn fun of the nsd:dkwame between U., 14 and 1 S. C,ncessro. 7. Pickering The plQp.ae4 bylaw and plan will de npl.. A -ung thehaat ant'led may be veer_ la the onicr of Ib C'krk of the T a of Pmkrnng. :,I the above Tlioned nrcung. C' 1un,ll will bear in per>on or by hes or liar ,.%omen any person . N, .halm, nil or firr lands .dl b preludin.dl) altl•cicd by Ile by-la,l and who, applied to the Clerk to b hi An, I -- ,.,h Nr-. who .I,bc, to be bard i ,hou1J as ,tion a, p,„ohlc niakc `tet %nuen applicatmn t. It- J. Taylor; ACI', ('AIS err s•or• Town ClerkPickeriag / Glue Tit. Civic Caapks Fsplraic Pkkerbg, ONari. L1V 6k7 42a NI1 Household Hazardous Wmte still accepted at the Brock West Landfill Site Wednesday's alnd Saturday mornings until the end of March. 1947. 420-4630 or 683-2760 for more information. Illy(\fit pit til kl\1. 3K S E X11.1 F.N V LK (4 ((N 1%IIX)1%N lw-day. Ilrcurn1 •r il- 1996 6 p.m. 1•I 4 p.m. F Free Family �/�Ctl V Icy Loc I,uhll, ,kaon_ 71[ cotfcc hi,l rh,it'llLur priTc, I)Ic p ak'kc, .1 hank Mayes SK JIC F,r no.,, o Pro 1 rant; kro rrelnr,n (.rmplrt tat � ,: IIIF 11IK1'r lK vl luso o,) � I H}. IDN\n} 1'la h}KI\1. K , r , t'AO. ,baplrr 1 Ia (I... I..w.ne..srwl.l v„caput. r.r Nuwn rp.l N,.r/, ,. brduk It )K \1111( E .fir MacnrM til a p ,•.. : y h,kannr In ;a, P- I m Naw Jilt \\\ _i_ ..A I m Nin ASK n ,• - ,.a.... , -n -I, .. ,, .,J a wlr .,I Ih., \otos .b '..11 an, .r,c,.ar, yryv.n al, BMJ I—1niclrl, h, ;, xnpll It. )K M 1M n,ad twAL tea. i. .colon ,.i plus! 11 ,o , I,r re4an-J a, pit, a he m. pal pool T ta-�. .•111 ,.9 •t.r �, Ib I••wn �r�a.rr \ •'1x1 M1rc 1rM .,t IN, i. -,1.w til r.,a! %h,,h 1N e,nc WJ „ t4' T ,1q, IerdnM t -,N 1-1n - 1- Nr 1 I,rnurnln 1, .1,. i..hk y II. Ileo •rry,rrvw .alb �! 1- T Inn. (Por k. ­.U..-- 11<pwrla•cM.dWMw P.kcrmg l 1•. t •.n,plr,. �J t �Lr lbr Ibr Ykkrrura, l l.•Inn.1. l It nk, ~wcr `rr W Al.wda, b►rlda,. 1. 4:10 p it, InI1•n•Krd r•n,n 1 I„• .J. ,. ,ileo �.y.S J I M I Incl I'%n 1„,c,: _11M, \- t pn,po-I %ohm in . akr%W1J..), �,I 1he der M IM, %­­ CoiniM, ,r.wW be v -n1 1 . It.• P-, J,t I'uMI. rc%Jaid InJI,. %ith Ib Lw t a., pcn�,n.pan, ­1rcy1.,I Ihao tb %finale, of 1lk. F.nanuuncm aril I•Jerg, twmp up Inc prop -.I ma ... Juil cm mwuraal a„e Icnt "Bcont,-up' "quco, ,ural R m ,%cd b) oft Slinkier al the a.klre„ blow %,thin kl , lcovd i U„ -l the ", tit Ill, \,Nl_ mibk err IK tM I:ns ir•meeelt a.d h:nrrlpy 14b Flex. 135.1k. ('laic Ayr.., West. Tarawa, / ku.rw. %14v IPS T If ,bre 1, no "hump up" w4ciell f : %ed h, F,-hruar, I - I w" It, 1.-n y IJl awnpk•c 1b rcurciw•nl .11 Ihi, s uon of Key,., I—a, l.,y>n,•J T NMlce i„ue11 y h,lcnng. chi, :Joh Ja, .11 Dr,',Illh,-I i •poli y °S TOWN OF PICKERING PUBLIC NOTICE Pubo v nut o oI mlcy su kI pan. a h, la% io,lisp p , lite J V\ Ili rout mown pal 01 bugle, Suecl.Plan isc tring Yap I on Ylan JIIK \\\. Yap til aeglry street. Plan All Ring Part, b. 7 and Son 411K Ibis- Pat, ,.I Hay street. Pian Ali, Rang Pan 4 on Nan 4011 IM57 and part tit H'I lode III,— Phis 155, Ring Pan hl.m Yuan 411K ',a„hwnon ,k,I.h M,n NOTICE . bn•hy gran pur,-rt, ,. tie VIuM,ipal Act K S o 4w1. Ihal It.- C­1 bCaul 1 of The Cog., it a I Ib Ta.n of h,k,nng lmnid,. it II, nrcung I" be held a1 the Pickering Cori. Complea. one Th, F,plma PI,lcl mt,. lnlano al' to pin I chruary I- 1447 Io pas a by ia. to ,top up. daw .,Ill ell b, tR abulnng ow neo the , , d alloll m kilo%n a, Pan , t Hcgley iucel. Bay Snell and Wlo.k Dn,c. Pfau ifa Thr ; r,w,l h, la% .rod pian and y deunpmn ,h. -mg the land, auto: tell may R wcn ,n IIIc- oui,c of IR Clark T Mutt. Town o1 hckcnng y At In, attic .mooned nrcung. C'oun,d .d: Ra-n--.., h, h,-, her T nsel an, person %ho ,lilt. 1,1, or her ImJ, - ,y by the M -law and %ho applied 1,1 the Clak Io R T heal An, ,u,'h penin .ho ..hes "'I'. Rad should a, ,non a, p,,,,hle ,nal, %Hurn WW apphcalolnl n, yy T. J.r 11- A "Task.. AIT, CALS. Tuw. ('kik Om Pickeria t Chic Coiapkt, w The Etpl l..k Pickcri.g. O.I.,io Lll 6K7 _ T u v' DATED at h,kcnng th. ?Joh day of Oc,cirbr. 14m y , T PAI:1 AN.IIIF \F\\\ %IA I MINFM II FSHD\. Ilhl I'NIN B 24, Irw. Construction was complex and expensive IR(Al11\til' I lure. \\,nk tkgan „n the north end bridge tial a, Ill, Na, the ca,icr of th, IN+� n, in.Ldl .he Irnirt rar\ hedge N,ruld haac to h renn,\ed. the lie, 11kI Irinne. I'5 h,ot long bridge lolled inn, r1J,.,• ala,\, the ,upp„rt,. .Ind then .imph I„Ncrrd im„ pla,c Simple it \ou 11.1%, I„m I Sl i tunnc lack, .Ill,l a N hole lot , I palien,c '\\r had n+ lack 'I , . I -I feel. three in, he, ata unic' and then ,n III,. \cn end on, ul,h .n a time. -0 \1 llannp,,,n, "A h.we rI"ughl N+,uIJ IV ah au a I' h,¢ii pn„i., I,,.,k ali n ,t y Will the r:ulwa\ lin, ,hill doNn I— nnl\ pie Narked .0 uml the J-1, „\el the la,l Lah+nu Da, \ „kind ,mJ ni,m aged 1, e'i a\enlhmo inmheJ „n uric And 11 had I, Then' N,I, a Ih,I[ N NIle laic: . rd \1, Ihri 11h• --l hnd_r­,r the . , t hound lane,. NJ. h, Lu it,, mor, ddl: cultd the re„ \ tru,.. the latter nr,•tal hn Thal n_ 'u_ unJ, that r-1 i, •n +q hridc,. _J, hunt inn, Ih,• ,upt—,, Nilh i11, -'1 fell ,,It Brc,una' „I a cone in the teak ­,r(hi, ,pan. the hndg, Na, mad, up of smaller „';o„m. hnk,d I,+gcth,r n, rn-, .i .i aliil 1,..n _11c 1, k, mem hr,m,c D) N,ek end Nc pulled 1,, pi, c, „t the r,nip, rat\ ,p— .nu Ihr„uch II,, n.,I and put the new r—li-til,- ,p,m, in said \li 'rtnnnp... n 'the WWII „ t nl, rern+ard w,lc replaced h\ eight lvi-manent .c,tl n, lx III, a anal length nl ah„u1 I'� lecl .After the piece. \s c,c all In pl uc. Ihc cool had Io b,' put I'll 'Alx trick\ p,nt w,l, putting in Ihc nad piece,.”.aid \it 11winp,,,n. .it mg the omihmatnm ,d a ,un': un e. Jolx• and rnr in the track, 'Ihc uniyuc ga,nietr\- cawed „nn, Ilcing:,,n„'rn, during m.Iallati,+n- In the end. e\en thing lit And once again the\ lini,hed up „n umc and :o aided pawing am [,en,du„ In tact. h\ meenne .dl the dead Ile/,,. and with a Mlle help lion \1,rherNa, able the lieNLinc. under Ihc tru,sed hedge thlec month. ahead ,d k hcdu le "1 think ,\cn haft im„I,cd did a pn Ic„ ,n.d Inb: vid \h [.,I kiln,+w ,d CS It Na, a .h.ilknging nd. h'cau,c „I the I,+, aU, ni ,md ,nine Jnti ,ult ev+,mrtr\ but n ::unc u,gcthrr well " But lu.i h,•N much did all Ihi,,.„t' A%c J,a+l have Ihc iigal .,,,I \ it .aid All ♦,,ileaasoma engines Nith \I rO ' I N„uld oilman Nr re 1n kin_• .0 hel-N Sh � and S- nn lh„n. whish i, Ic„ th.m yr ,+nein.d e'lin a(e of ar,wnd SS nulln,n .. "Ih,' ,,, hn,lg,. Jr, cxrvord a, J,I Jn,.her, li,nli ,111,E I(N) \car, 1 h mid the h,eh—, need, T,- he Niden„ t un NVI\TER Please C1,EARAN(;E recycle We.,,n me' R,y Ex?'•�Knq.;'dw, RIq^. d....y. e.,' sews ... q : r TRI'I�TEE IN BANKRUPTCY .n,l '„rY"r.,t. h..nkruplclr. \-„ h: 1 1371 rOFt, Il K(: h+nA ,i N t'_ 4-H \I•t11"n1 m.nr, A\AilAt�l. Chartered Financial Planner c F,t.1i, P:. nn, nM 1 ..nsull irryt h.f (,MP,MI(f Mfr iffnrrul ( all for J FREE (un ult cion i ( 1 1 IJJ x+41 h,vrr.tw. Ma, a,rn n,},a/l -.�'i 1041. )I,1'I ,M.i 04 .r I IM A,n. .. k .,! .\ I w 1'n kir„ ia• \.a-.: R1� ler} Enjoy two weeks of fun & fitness for just Two Dollars and help us inch towards a cure for Juvenile Diabetes. WOMEN IN MOTION H—Ath and I't—, Cla6, Pronedl go to the bAwAe Dia6e)et FurrAsion Meadowvole whaby "".8211.83" 905.430.5 t Fm Mills Apt, 9054766970 90"21.2500 •Ywl W N r�rrf w OIfMMM p,rf Ii • m11/0 ■r,f bilrOl p W/fal Visit the Largest t MW ---'Huge Savings Showroom of Solid (Solid 'Wood Wood Furniture, for every Room Sofa's & Chairs % in the House in Ontario roy)M,r OUR 107N BOXING WEE m -F7 M SALE Pugm l �OI.II) r)AK KF.I)KOU4 SUITE: '1`2,129 .IFAS ,/'If%I it.n I 699 _'I _5! .... ..... ,,.... w ,,,.I h ,,,,rn .�..,., ♦, r,1„r. � � _.......... •1.►.► „+rFSF:src 044 •169 '7 !1.4 .. _........._... .. ._ __.�., ,sill N\I'I.F1 rFH RED •tf3�1 %11 IH IF:I)i' HFHK1' HF:IIH(M)M , I t ►t• I.-•-• .. 1'I .I K S11( ll, ptl'('11 Ma,lf t"• MATTRESS SELL OUT4U %C ("11.,.E ARAN(:E SUPER WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM 1020 BROCK RD. S.. PICKERING 1-4 '�1 7;' .II tUr Pr Oe TPf tJni', EXTRA EXTRA EATON'S BOXING WEEK BLOWOUT 1/0Rim w OFF' PMn � Ids r t11 i1�i AMY mvae.sor.ryrwftrrrw. , oohs:au„�: :mil Un your nay YWI m 'Savings are off the reguls by store. •rH►: ♦t:w�.unr�rnste n t.�ua�. ur, t �in� s _i. i,",.r•�,.t w lop 1 J9 go is , . I i . -,,mm . Tf-� ALL CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS ptu& ALL CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS •MCOLOURING BOOKS • READING BOOKS • PLUSH ANIMALS ALL CHRISTMAS WRAP & CARDS P60a ALL CHRISTMAS �, • KITCHEN LINENS •DINNERWARE • GLASSWARE • CERAMICS !]Lj;%Music CDS OR CASSETTES All savings are on regular white ticket prices. HARWOOD PLACE (HARWOOD & BAYLY) AJAX PAGE 410-ftlilt. Nt:%%., k1)%Fk I 1'4k Tt VS0-%N. 11F( F %I OF.R 24. V" saxinrG DAY SHOP ,TILY A Packard Bell. PENTIUM 133 MHz MULTIMEDIA COMPUTER * 8 MB PAM - 1 2 G6 hard driveLEASE ASK ABOUT * 6x CD-ROM drive Ll FROM EXTENDED* 28 8 data/fax modem S7.S7/MO WARRANTIES • MB video memory, OK 36-11KO1 %in expandable to 2 MB • 16-bit SRS 3D stereo sound with speakers • Windows 95 prelooded is 9 • I year warranty (Details in-store) 9 ^5: 2't4� CP]-4EWLETT* lull PACKARD ��� ! /t DESKJET 400 COLOUR f PRINTER * SIorp 3pprn Jack printing - dudes 6o6 and CC)icxJf' cartridge t7269 [3-WnCW SERIAL WKXM 4599 - I rri Hold, CDs • Biue B06 o "ume a -MM 'AA' 11 MW 8 26038 . I I 0 Is EXECUTM =VCR $99- MYL]EX OAX FWMH .$69 DLSKTOP K MLRMMEDIA •MICROPHOW 63ed 6r Inwre, y VV IL 31312 'M - r110. n".0.7 = types and sizes. 31526/31A80/31A7A/31A78/31A8I/31476 I bum D*W 6° proW Vmw • WHITBY AJAX of dw (ON" sp" *W w 5 DUNDAS SI E S HARWOOD AVE, S WEBSITE h!p!WnbusEresdepol.a ', t HOAWAX SOFTWARE if A WNW DLSKTOP K MLRMMEDIA •MICROPHOW 63ed 6r Inwre, y VV IL 31312 'M - r110. n".0.7 = types and sizes. 31526/31A80/31A7A/31A78/31A8I/31476 I bum D*W 6° proW Vmw • WHITBY AJAX of dw (ON" sp" *W w 5 DUNDAS SI E S HARWOOD AVE, S WEBSITE h!p!WnbusEresdepol.a ', t '11 8P ♦r%%, sU%E e I 11E tl rIDAI. UEVEMSER:d.Pwe.P4"' 'RA RG�AI 'OU DROP! IN jW —. rE M :NSI J `�1• � dH rA T T M CS -800 MULTIMEDIA SPEAKERS • �- mac.. rally ShiejCW IYLEX wd-&� A Weyerhaeuse FIRST C,H01a PREMMM I 250-UMT PAM —�--- LASER PAPER Adverfised Boxing Day Bargains available one day only, December 26, 1996, while quantities last. Sorry, no rainchecks. Personal shopping only, not with phone-in/Fax-in orders. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Some items may not be exactly as shown. No substitutions. No delivery on Boxing Day Bargains. DOCUSM PORTAKS LAMINATOI Fr " L J --- 1997 DESK P*J CALEN W Ift CREDIT OPTIONS MUM IIOrRs DEC 26 E AM-/ PIN ® ® % © req DEC 27_31 RES "a f _ ' .°S. JM 1 CLOSED JAM 2 REG NRS ENTERPRISE and ENTERPRISE PLUS arc trade marls of The L mas fkpa Lid NUSMESS UPLI • Te 8,5 3,001 Ltd "Tee B&w Ueu,n d "WA fAr:t \1] Itit \FNs yI'x 14II,1k 111-'D yy. PF, F\un It ],. 1 -1 - .. . Poster for peace W-ciland, Centennial Public Sch ,;rack l .tu dent R,en Pcrsaud ,uhmuted a ,innmc entry for the Ileal lc,rl of the Lions International F'cecc Poster Contest and now mo, c. on to the next Ic,-cl of cornpcutlon the p.,,ter depicts the theme 'Buildin¢ 4 Pea.etul W ,rld- Hrlping R%an displao his suhmesston t, Ifront 10t school Pnncq,at crud, I)L-a,,,n. I. ion. Sccretan Jon Clarkc .ind I. ion, Prc,idcnt Bernie 1)odtc Beware Christmas con artists: Durham police •-I•his is the time of year i,\ here fraud i` alive and Sandy Ryrie B) Sit i,m tilt 4\\ "'k:I"',1\II 1'ohcr are Narmng 1)urhatn rc,ldent, to ,,ane of le'loc season Iteud artist, try in, I,h in on the Christmas lint 'Ila, t, the time of year where fraud Is ,c and Nell tit the region tit Durham,-. I)uth;un R --nal Police Stall, ee:.tin S;md, R,ne WWld hr ,i: ilm, have Inlonned police crit, ,if it least two,u,pccted ,ratio,. he x, In one exaniplc. a 7h -year-old U,ha%a nnan told ponce she was telephoned on I teslas h, ,I —roan Nho claimed she ,rkcd on hchall of the Red Cross and At,-Icd a !In.mcnll donation "A hen the —mean told the caller c —uldn I lvoc any. money ,he I, then asked ter her VIS, card m her.* St.11! Se•I R, t,, ,ay, fhr .0 r,00u, senior later —n New Years Eve Party at i Dagmar Resort Banquet Rall :70✓` yd.. y. and a ride home can ^ow !o reserve your ,&,.. table 649-5830_ ; -Wow — Commencing L BOXING DAY THURSDAY DECEMBER. 26, 1996 .10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. Great Savings for all ages �A Throughout the Mall 35 STORES & SERVICES Including Wal-Mart • Bi -Way • Shoppers Drug Mart • Food Basics 314 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax t Corner of Harwood & Bayly We�e I the ked I ...... wiu,h utlonnrd lice the org;uu iah,m doe, not seek donations in such lasheon Pcople at,• •d,o ash Led to he Nary of .„- called "Inslam Scratch and Nin" toile" tickets which ha%e been turning up in mail- boxes acro.. the region While the% appcar to hc• Iegllunate. there I, one ddtrrence between the delivered tickets and those sold at .tore, by the Uniano Lour" C—p-M-n (ULC). 1 lcr%one is a wmnee Nnh these.- -_ of w Th" think. Stall Sgt Rync sax, I'he ticket, l,nnni,r a time which can be I.nmed h, phomng a 1-900 telephone nunlfet, thi,h cons the caller out of ;my where Irunt $1 99 tier nunuic to in exec,. of 520 -%%e haven t had someone vet who has- n't , ,,I, I'eople are « relying them In the marl thinkin_ they are legitimate (ULC ticket,).- the .i.dl sergeant ,a,,. 11c11111, dont read the .mall pnnl slat- ing the ust of the call and '•people a'c gel- ling charged 1120 to b30 on their phone hill - The tickets. while deceptive. don't ,mo - late fraud laws. Stall Sgt. Ryric say,. so police can't go after the companies behind them Instead, he urges Nople to throw the card, in the garbage and. it they wish to go a step further, complain It, Bell Canada. Much lease, the 1 9INl line. While scam artist, operate year 'round. people-, holiday season generosity makes Christina, little a lucrative one. ..'Ac ha,c noticed :tit increase in frauds at the laver part of the year and It does appear that people take adsantage of oth- x'r,.•titatf Sgt k\rie,ax, Residents should always ask for ,I return phone number or Inlormanon materials when solicited by phone and never goc out a credn card nu nher. he ad, i,es. Peter' owes i The fritelltgert Place to Snap Appliances for OUAL,TY • SERVICE ' SELECTION We'll Holding Our �7 IRST EVER sass • • • 91;JW- ro 9:00 aM.2%TH - 9:00 A.M.ecember a M ro 6:00 PM. • friday, bee 28TH - 9:00 - Saturday, pecemf., • e . r �• • • o • eLEA • • RANCE . r Clio• Of All Your Favourite Brand Nome AppAonlces. : KITCHENAID e, WHIRLPOOL 1 111% IS I H I BOXI N, 1% 1-1-1, L\ L1 I I O • JU%-[- CAN'T AUIF )RD TO NiMS... H'•N� 401 and Brock i!oad. Pickering • 421, • • PETER'S KN9p0-23' 9274OWS APPLIANCES � � � • • AI tht, F' cna -9 Home & leisure Centre • . ................ Seniors serenaded Jennifer Ihonq+.on. left. and Lmd,a, Lurnm.+w ,hare a ,ung booklet while belling nut a tune during a I+crinrntanoe Thur,d:n by the tit Rlarguenle Kmrrenv, School ehrnr I- residents til the Village ketiretnent (',rite,• in Pickering Resolve reachable 'It dlye\n't hurt to ha -,c (_tjal\, but Ile reall,,tic': DistreSS ('entre Hr I 1\1)A W IIIA il—t rime :o hang up vour C. calctwlit and w nh n i Int of r-1.1 nn. You ve v„w,a n. icer Ihn rear But d there arc trnprown—1, to yonr Ido you'd U, marc. cnwrc lhcv rc rcilnti, .n tic, D"t"', Centre aI Ihuhatro Rc_,.a[ cxc:mn,- direct \in l mar,. n •'It Ile", 1 hurt to have g.al,, tut tt 11 rcalntk ears %I, Fin:arwm "And giro your -If permn,nm n, ,hr arise on a tel, 1h,- cneturaycs people &,I to he I- hugh „n themscl- olive. ponnung ,A womc rine wnh an ak. of+o4 o,r drug aha„• pro.h lem is an ex:uuple "\ mcone• may fare been three .,r sober fr three or fur i MIN. but have 1 hp ukl get down t un thcroscl vc, .v Your, human. you [make nn,- take, 1..•I thembe Just that -- ern takes Icli younclf. '-nut wa, close I Jan'[ w.mt to go lurk down [hat nal again and get hack „n [lack.. II you'd Ilk, to .,'I each goal, a, lo, ing wctgh[. don't hoe tilt more than you van,hcw "lake baby step, and Kl poi give goals so you don'[ feel like vou'r, in a d.nvn%wd spiral Set hownJancs. . "Dom'[ set out to lose 5(1 :Pounds_Resalvc ttate;d to change :your eating habits. Reduce the amount :of fall you eat or take smaller Portions.. the new year can also he a difficult ;turning Pont for people who didn't accomplish what they set out to the Pre- •viuus year. •'Souk People see that another year :has gone by and are disappointed :iMy're not further ahead. They may :even be further behind;' roues Ms. Zriarson. She encourages people to "look how ,Kar you've work, no how far you have P•b go. If you're in the carne PoSitimn, ' may he a god thing. Ito been a Highway feud A Whitby man faces assault charges :after a dispute between two highway 1imt0fisLs ended with a truck driver being afUckW with a broom handle. Durham Regional Police say the fes- tive season fracas happened Sunday wtler a transport truck carrying a load of V11 istas frees allegedly cut off a car .on Hwy. 401 in Ajax. Police try the driver of the car. :angered by what he felt was an unsale ;lane change. [os." an unknown object :at the traaspon, which den pulled back ren Jolli,uh — Ilk- new r ..n , an ilea, be JJ,u blt is Pr„isle w do ,I.,wn Iran Christmas p, -"Plc ,cr mdulr•c ,ser the IIh d,. with drinkme. eating. ,.,culvmg. ,making 1'hcrc nay h,- a hty let J.— der clq,sln..... r naMm aIh .+rM rt—alt,, fldh we rams uP 1—plc arc rein, rselul is th,v rch,c las c,pc,tata,n, „t th,• hnlda,” If vau've J..ne a lel .d wsulvmg ­er the M,hdav,. it , ( Ili [o .itmn ' ,ou ,us' ta.,nl Ice, up h, on,• [norc pal v" \cw lc.0 , I c "'faopl, an he Deer whclned wnh v-." ­ng " Roa "it th,- saber end .of the ,Pee tram. there :tic parr wow, cldI lase a \cw yo -:u', toe Party to Ira a.. M,Ie, \i, I —,,n "N,-'rc told that ,what `ew year', o, all iNiul and pe„pie s.nn,•M•w Irl Ilk, i failure he'—w the, Jan'[ have --thmg to go I. Y,dunlecr, an the Di,trn s Centrc -In, Rd oilers Jisapr—med `ew year\ h,c "that n n ..• one .Ln cut of the ycn. . I like Chn,ana,.' ears SI, narv+n"I7+o os,• a.ns Jan [ .�.e la he arty n,we ,peal -.n inr ,nher Jav til the rear ,u Jon't wane them to tic" She• ads, enc,wragc, �:u fro start the veru off the• right hart "l—u, n ytwr.clt and strc,, management tech - myue, 11 you're .•x haustcJ, get ,cane rest. Get ,.,me exercise. gal let a loug Milk _. whmc,cr if take, h+ make you feel relaxed ” Practisng ••posmoe selt-talk" ma, at.- help you achieve your goal, b, Pumping up your self-esteem. "Stand in front of th,• nurror before you eo to bed ,it fell yourxll as you're dnlung ,If to sleep. '1 am a good person. Sometimes I make nustakes, but that doesn't nuke me a had per,on "' Ilk, Distress Come is open seven Jar s a w'ee'k. 24 hours a Jay. "We Jor,'t roc advice. We don't have answer, Our rule is to try Io be suppornv e,' say, Ms. Emerson. ..Our volunteers we cert' uncritical and nonyudgmemal. It vow feel you are a Iallure or have le your lam[h down...and Aced it) vent, that's what we're hear br — to listen" If you teed someone to talk to, ca11 the Disvess Centre at at 433-1121. It that's a lung distance call for you, call collect. leads to fight Into its origin:] lane and tailed the mofonst to dk Shell gas station at Harwood Avenue. When high nen got out of their vchr clew and confronted one another, a fight broke out and the 25 -year-old truck dri- ver was struck several limes on the anti and once on the head with a plastic broom handle, said Inspector John Hamilton tit 24 Divisum. Neither man suffered serious Injury. 'Me Inspector was unable to provide the age of the accused. SEAM CORRECTION NOTICE Media '25' or -'ale De: 29 Jar '2 Warehouse sale. 'tern 028518 JVC compact stereo & item 028550 Sory Rack Stereo Page 17 Item no longer ivallable tar the promdnor Uodel 05 i^'^, page '4 media 125+ and ;age 12 site".ia ;•121 jpa•sinrc...?, ,tate' 'I" Sale prtre Should have read 7111 vUv i Hills. R. II h:1DA1. IJV( i.%IHER U. PMN,-PA(J Ati ff; ARTS BOXING DAY 10:00 A.M. pIku Car Speaker NW1040 17900 0 SOUND_Fier -d IWPOPPF Amplifier SA8o 22900 �; 0J I Kington Rd. t+ & 1;4 I)I NwItPlataPitkertne =83'4639 PAGE AW. 111E m %%1 xhx 1R I I,1 k It I,,,y ,I or %I I, % a I—,. Pickering support group can help you find Serenity PIl ki RIN1. -- II , n ha,ln• 1,,,,011e Ili, $[lout, I;nap mccl, legularl, I I I'I,.A.nn_` rhe gn,up meets e,cn• Fnd.f, I• „ !h ..n par rnculath people lust like \„c In .Alan and Plekrnne and ,tells, wrth addlcllon, til all npe,. nor rile tc,uu' Chn,,na, ,e,non - , Thr gmul, h„ Id, a I , Aep ry os rf� mcludul_, cn depcndanc, (-all Jun at 4", V ,n pport •,roup nlaa too: able pro. meeting Fnda}. Dec '7 at 1, 1, no at (tic Y4 31 til Ihr [,ening, Int Intl,rrnanun un the h „illi help and hope lia,L,r llapusl Church. X17 Klrlg,ton NJ . local g -up photo by A J Graphic work: The •cork ,d \lax rr,ldc-nt and Ihohan, ( -Ilccc ,tu dentK„her \.Merlin has hrcn rn ^•rhea Hr r,ccntl-,r,.--,:d the\'1 u' R"hell \1;1.ui,lihn Geller, award tc,r acadeni, : a, ell, n,c of iraph, &%ten and n seen here wnh ,nnle .,r h:• .m.lyd wlnnmv work Nk'hat's closed in Ajax \,1\\ Ih hall.las .,It's I,r r,--ula, 1.... n ,ea,. `• :,1 ,. NI% w -r I k -e _ 's ,n%1 4I, stn , I• ,s•J rw.,,kit'l M the L— L alhcrc .ill he, da,, h•fw,'en on I h, Chn,tmr, ala, -hl \, w garhagc .-1 81-& a —11c, Ncat . ILo non,n Ne, 1, Los,. Ik','- \,.n Ilamll will h'rm ,N Ian I I`aJ, at%I r t , nl,h h„tit w , .,n I k-, '1 ,lahlo, h. -11, plcknlup at p n,.-1 assist.11,:,%1, ,104 .1 .• ..,11 1.. P+,Iw'r..l N � 411. f.. Ile -a, ,. al A , ,,. reeds, eJ Ik-, 's .In.l Ian 31 le}ui.0 will, pock up on o[s'u, �umLr\ vnlcc ,m Ik, 2” Jan Clui neb tree• ,silk. .Ito! rc_ul-u wcck,L,, T,%c 11— will h -em Jan Ire ,n all ,4h -r U,, For tt%n- Jrald he I,U,J al 'he ,ort• Inl,ntutlon., all Ala, Iransrt wdh the t+un end punting at 4'- 17lf, Ili \lea I.—! It. , rl \II Irtu C—mmrn, Ccntic %ill J— Iticnt, lilt.! pla,tn, hag, ,t• akl at 4 p no De, '4. renin. ,hut he —n—ed d hest De, '� aril'".ah— Inrn 4 1— 11-1ml„rnlarurl Irl tulip no on lk, 31. hut,y%-n garhatc. Blue B.,a ,N ucc sof tnrn h n, y p n, hr tit' New kca u,n. .all theI jx,au.,ns )car , t xc tan part, and .kprrtnicni at M'1t` i el.,s , I Jan I t M all ,4hoe, All f,tan—pal „I h, c, will d— file centra' vests h •Ten h ,I„svl Irons 1h, -- 1„'' u, n, rnul liar. Ric \1f4gc aI%t Ian 1 The AI•II :'Uhl% (onlnal ["Crttrc -d tic I Ihran n1aln and \1, Lean ,k—d IJa-, -nit ar%1 Jan I. ['.rnnwm I\ Centre Ir— f" Met „pen .d! ,rhe ,la„ w111 Iles nn lam.11 ' Ili' %I, I ;.m l „nununm, p no her lain Jut , •: I k-, Ccnnc It- !ern Josd Lr and -e, ,gfrn rcguLu ',--,•n nlamt,nar- ,levee I3a', I S. De - a” 'x J.— De, tow will tc„prn „ Inc, _ 21l ,1” 1 6 r regLLLU I. `,,ors n , ls le ,,nt,, w III ,tow at 4 p In. rk•, ,1„x at' pm ,rn „nIk, -I rcnwnd,,.cd, Ik, ' L ekfs• Jan I alltl Jan I .0%t rc,I cn I on _' ('all rcwmc I,mnl t%an,nJan the park, nrcatiun [127 th 2 e \dlage hr'aneh will h J, twin%'ill .n XS 11 :Durham's Unsung Heroes being sought ' l�,l u: :,I. n saw IhcJ :,.,n •I'I: Ihc, Common tV A,,, s: Iauon would ha' Inspired [his per WCA lurnlcrh H—Icl sort nla) e,ruc from an} walk Scrvccsl I, seeking monma- of lite .r cconomr strata... tion, for of, UI14ll c ""I adds WJr ( rater/ It „a wlald it 111C ( .rrocr,lt does ,t lAlf like' I, trinanaic an Indl,%1- Cowrina 11, award ual. 1.,rn, are a\allahla' at mics •'contribution, w lac.. CCA. 133 Sitnclr til S In In tr etrrlmltrw) who, pit, u Oshawa sat the ,orner of we rarch we. se), Ld Sunc,rand J.)hn,trcrts, (iol CrA cxciutl,e dire, Rae &&dune for nonuna- Itr Rte award 11 earmarked tion, I, Fe h. 13 "lire nununa kr people nnohVeal m Ili tions will tic re,leveed hN a W,Ull 0l s%'sal luetic. w1%, ,e'le'ction Cwnmmlcc and the rlenaaT,lram a cummnrncnt winner will he announced In 4, caluallIN in,dl relatiun,htrl, \tnr,h Fur more Inlunua and prurmdic ,,,cial tolerance. tion. ,all 4,,-024;-4 "it , not Just the hoose,. It', the unsung pan:' he ,ads. adding the nuof unsung !ntin wrote, 'Ihel fit% I, tire ,clile"lle,,. ” \tart% ,f the award, presented to out ,Inrnunc) are Ctllurcd In thus whit arc protmnenl 0r lu,r a high rm. file. Ihl, award I, Otr Ileee's,ank for diose individual,. '.)our fitdumce mai nos I rler- cel,cd a, a pillar of our conlnwnm huI it ,liters knew or ELDON LIGHTING- Open Boxing Day Thurs., Dec. 26 "Ali"P M to We have always offered what we feel are the lowest prices on quality lighting fixtures... AND NOW WE ARE OFFERIN::< -t - for We offer a discount equivalent to the taxes These are just a few examples of the fantastic savings'. Door Crasher' POT Uk HT KITCHEN .i'wy {,'� ... r�.,f d' ,,. N ulacl, •.t11 wr„tr• • t. hfi 1, .•..yr..w1 il�� 1 R.q 5179.95 I1 )..• 'y '•,.file w _ 109'J� .. R.q. 5369 95 � Re9 539.95 I3n,,,,a�... . ... ;t A t� o~ay _ te/// '. EA Warehouse Prices on Entire Stock! deal time ELDON LIGHTING ",,•�.',�.;"' Thls is the ideal y icingr: e„may .1i ,5. _ ._. y x •, . a,a ' a ars b s yaDur fiouse Ir-"Ise. 133 TAUNTON RD. W. OSHAWA 432-3268 69th r 376! Sold 9366 Sul •. 4 Mon 9 t6a run 3 304. Clow" jar, r—tI� THE L© DEALERS CHOUIDAY-RATE-BREAK Cet 3.9% Ulm Financing on All '96 and '91 CM vehicles in stock. Y (:hc\'rolcl (:3calicrSc.lan Pontiac Sunfire Coupe _ -- ` $20.000 $3,391.36 _ _$2S,000 $4,239.20 C $30,000 $5,097.04 FINA/1ItAl C S1.63244 $2.040.90 40 [nos- $2.199.,0 40 mos. $2,637.60 Hurry, this Holiday Rate Break won't last Sou Should knoll Mls. 'This emnea tome offer nay -t de —nit ed or tlse l *& other oilers Offer applies M resod del—nes of 1996 and 1997 new or oemonsl,al, , mooels purchased Irom dealer Irny6dtory Financing on approved GMAC credit only E,ample 1 520.006 at 3 9°.. APP `ne monthly payment IS 5450 66 for 46 n,dnms Cosl 01 dor -ng ,s SI 632 64 [oral ObI.W,pn Is 421.63.• , E.a•,.pe 2. 525.000 at 3.9”, APR. the monthly payment is 556335 or 46 months Coll or bnnorol -504 52.0 vel Total o06gatoole n to $27,040.80 Eltar 3. 530.000 a1 3 9•.. APR. the monthly payment is S6, b 03 for 48 rnona, Gust, uarownlg a $2.449 44 Total ool,gatlon ,s S32 u9 u ..N' $ dealer to, wridadons and deldas Down yaymenl Iney be reg -ed ouamd,e311mded –The average con -inter oai dank lending ,ale as of Dec 1 19% J Think green, think blue when The wrap, cards. ribbons and even the food you share can be reused or recycled for future use to benefit your community A, we begin iu think ,d the task ahead pUlling away ofne III the Christmas D,l clutter think 3R, green our Reuse and blue ter RCL%Llc•r het -c hastily --ping it ell Into a garhagr hag. Card, and ::Jendars can he reused for next year\ iag,. or Fi,cn a. 'churls for Lrat F,. 1 -he ,Iltl paper .ilio makes w0.• boxes which .ire easy and fun to Lente Here , how ( )pcn rhe Lard and cut it in hall M-1, e Lugc X Inrn corner io—iner Iwnh a light remit to ruh it "LitI un hath anile piece, Fold m each edge to the "toddle of X in ,cure the side, of }nut box T, told up the ends. cut ;Jong the Iwo ,cured Ione. al each end w Ithe hegnnnig ,�I the r,,her lulled nc about I I Y.d(f up end, and put tali, inside The rectangular sve nl the card will fisc a hit to told over use mpc it riecc,sar, lie picture frun) the card tormng file top is usually centred. and the imide message n)ay look eiiod a, well Paper and nhhons can he foldcJ I'm next ,car A- h—wit or white paper shop- ping hag, can he decorated to make an anram,c giti hag All unusable wrapping II scrunch n up lea" n 11 1) can he recycled ;Jong with unlucky loner} ticket,. „cher paper type,, maga nnc,.:nd ",-,paper, 13oxhoard hon) a11 the gilt, can he rccs Jed Ncnncc plastic huhble,. elantiL. and .r,rple,. Paulen boxes hclurc rccyehng B—h.,ard is placed hcsntc the Mix, B— with corruemcd card hoard. egg canon,, and brown paper ha Y, `Pickering resident, can rcicr tr, WoW The ChM! Remote Car Starters °m$179 V� 837=6767 t •. ♦ret. I tar v..wt.. 1080 Brock Rd. x5 Pickerina ------------------------------ t Itimatc Sci-fi W%unture j 1 t •��% 1 S 00 II r, , �rl !!..•n N .J.t�si r OFFS' I r ;USER QUEST��_''�°�;° Dec 1NLG ALL NIGNTFw 75- menree-• Il • n oma T,11 You Drop' •a0- m•rnp•rsI Cdr .. Intel pill.. pOQ � UnlamtW fun' ,u�Lv L+',r � I L43 BOND ST_E_. OSHAWA ---- 404-9737 J X1(11 T ;sass RMUS PACKAGEmm I. OEM 0, tar mor Rod �• rte........ w -s • ter. A. M r• a•• air Iw 1 1 ► • fatR fr•rra nw ti mem" ±WWal`ltr on cbk ,ter' Bolla. ala: _E — :. M00E1 T COMPrTEM til Broth Sheet foul, Mbi*y (1051430 -SL 15 TIIt. \F„s WxtNIN6R It F,IrxV. Ut.r-h,BtN 2J. 1996-YA/a. X15 cleaning up this Christmas LARRAINI; RoLTST ON •c- Repoi-t their now lY0 %A,r,tc \1.ni.u•cmLm Calendar for :dlrc..,,Iahle, file cad cedarsw were inOuded with the tirw. Adcrrtr,cr a lea week, AJd,hom.d rale elan arL ,nallahle at the '1-„wn i,I Pic kerr nes (entre it the F,planade Scrling in fchrniary plasm, with the h gni a IlounI rn,nlr the r,, cling log -m Ihr h,m,. ,, d the hot Ilei can go 1111" our Bluc Box I anuarc is Ihr nnarth ❑, s,oc Ihosc ,-nit, liquor hordes .end .III Mlle, al phisuL hr recyclow 11'hen it come, time to compost . sur Ircc. to ne ,c all decoration, n.nls. wire hrr,el enol .6u1J VI-L, ut Ior —Ilc,tnm inu r —r rcguLn Jay lunng the wick .I lur"la%. Jan and lucsda,. Jan 11 I)u not put the Ircc In,rdr a plu,rre hag. Plastic hn,.anu.nnr n.uc the lin fished comp -1 .All Jran plan, film hag, can he taken iu the Bulk Barn or sor— ,upcni..rko, lin rr..,li_ n• Br reel ice Willi ,ill lig„I Ichncer, to,Ir.rn h•rnr, r in,Lni.r _m lies choppol ani l .uLk f I nut!:n. . ri-1 Nj -Te 107 !IR'Af • LINEN • FUTONS • CRIBS • ETC. MEW O � S�� r-1— c .,, __..MY purchase over 1100, sa ss. qu)ck heads hclurc h,ikoi, Or make cr.mherry orange relish by L-ndmg uh lour ,ups ul cran her nes .uul one oranFe wnh rt, rind. Add Iwo cup, ..I sugar Chill two Jac, hctorc using Illth Bruch Nest closed we are Jwopme ori or neighbors in Yarm haw II each (it us n:duce,. reuse,. I`CLSLIe,. and cnmpi�s;, there', not much lett we ere all getting better at source separ.aim, n, sa,c natural resournes The Jiallenge is to Jo c,en better in I,)"- • l... min. K„ul.ram . .ulu.nn rlpl.onnK Nvdn—bo m rho , 1pn ('r, k—,,v id—m— J }' _ I7 pr Ile: c♦ Duty an Mite pre"J and L Bag) 'XCt Prl■)f ( hair s� Nat ) Iji-� v� P�1' In,n,?9 �� C I BEDFR -6,t King Kod OPEN ' 13034 DAY WITH ANY MATTRESS SET TIC11 i.X_j 11 Iy `•Y WITH ANY REDRO OM SET MAI -1141 »I1. I I RN111 Rl S ISI Its 1I)K 111 KlO\t' lunar . Vfto400 9nlrlock Flatna " Poalkoe Odun MaW as (liar Extra) .. taw wlltTir PICKEItINGDoom M - tics skews” , 7 'a1a�-I ie.s1 1755PhkMnp *Awn SM•SiIM-LI M•FUTIM-C iBS•ETC. � ,�-” '0 '' tiurteklyAr,stlila•CMACAOSA-spiltd -AV4917 ._.- PAGE AIG -THE NE.w'S AUYERI ISER'rl'ESDA1. UE('EMPER 24. 19" Durham GM fabrication plant employees assured of investment by new owners 131 BRIM\ LFGRIb upetalton at each rhuu to %uppom the Be company. which employs nruu%%III%it replacement market and acquire ctmi 5.(Wat ns four plam%. anticipate. OSHAN'A - ITte new owner, of panic% that fit Into its growth %Uategy .ale, ,,I $l hilhon next year. Oshawa\ fahn.:mon plant say they'll invest money to expand mold and paint capacity when they take oxer the operation from General Soc„rs on Jan I However, the chairman and chief executive officer of Percgnne Inc ha% pmt ruled om a reduction m the u,h force at the a vmparty's new fac:hties in Oshawa. tAind%or. Flint. Sli:h and Lrvuma..'%och At a new. conference in Tkvou Thursday. Ed Gulda told reporter, "wc du torewc production employnicnl being reduced %.onicwhat oyer the next few %cars as our OF. 'original equir- mcnu business tcntporanly declme%" But 1), on Whalen. Canadian Auto Worker, I"aI _ plant chalman. sa%% the moh, of un it tab plant w(wker% are protected" Rllh 2 -(XX) empluvre%. the tab plant is the large%t of the tour facilities purchased by Peregrine from General Motors Mr Gulch was in Oshawa wedne%dav and addressed tab plant worrier, in mecungs at the plant and at Civic Audrton um The CAN ha, met with Peregrine official% for the past few weeks. Mr IA'halen "1 feel a lot beucr for the people• in he fah plant and south plant after hese ncgimatir,n,.* he sa%% 'Thing% have reall% come together At the clew%conference. Mfr (;ulda said PereE. 1tie will alio pursue hu%I tic,,wuh .Ill %chicle manut-tnrers. develop and expand a service parts THE PLANNING acr IP TOWN OF PICKERING Take notice that an applicatwn to amend the Zoning Order filed as Ontario Regulation 102-2 has been received by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The applrcahon is. Applicant Theodora Dellaportas Fib No, 1BZO-0299504 Proposal To permit a severance which would create two resldertlal lots with a minimum of area of .3 hectares and 65 hectares respectively. in Part o1 Lot 11. Concession 5. Town of Pickering. All submtssons to support of, or in opposition to. the application described above. and received by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. 14th Flo . 777 Bay Street. Toronto. ON MSG 2E5. on or before the 7m day of January 1997. will be fully considered before a final decision is made Please reter to the file nlxriber indicated above In addition. under Section 47110) of the Planning Act. R S 0 1990, any interested person may request a nearing by the Ontario Municipal Board on an application for arnerdnlent to a Zornng Order Minister of Municipal Alfas ,, and Housing O Ontario Plan ahead if you'll be taking a cab New Ycarms Eve FA, You-%c made %t r Plans t..r Xcw Ycar % F%c. are hsicmnif t,, warm tie% nut to drink and drive anal arc plan g niin lea, mg %our car hchmd So h„w are sou pomg to get home h'% s rricthmg you sht,uld think ahout in advance, man% 1-1 taxi ut mpanics warn And it you rc nut a patient person. mayty ♦ou sh.wld add ncea "' wan Ion A ndc Durham {lapid Taxi. a cb sar orci anon. suggests peopic wanting a We lu < lion A W, All when they %tut thinking shout Icaung .'The rro,hicm with ado,ar c hit -1, ng% i% that people tic never ready when you IM,w up and unless they're at a h,v%c Partyv,v re never gumg d, boil them in a restaurant or wherever ey tharc-- explain% m naecr rim Saunders (.1) Tau also, advises pc„plc want Ing a ride Its call shout uric -halt hour to one hour before thc_y want to lu%c for A party oe m go h•mw A number of smaller ,per, roilsrc,tmirnend hook ng early In -#,\=Ti, I1_ WWI Dec 27-31 Only! It's the end of the year which means , ,nventory time. We don't want to count it so j all demos and '96 inventory must be sold! Hurry in to take advantage of .Peat urlcbs on Beam central vacuums roil accessories ... while supplies last, NBEAK CANADA'S FAVOURITE BUILT-IN VACUUM! 1271 Kingston Rd. 831-2326 - «w- y :grip rc :lib the day %K eyed With gas prices so high the day hel„rc "1 rccummctNl Mii, icl in maybe you should consider ad%ancc.* says !N ie hael Banc. "A °afJ1ng a car that doesn't use gas. M:vhacl's Tau "Kc stat getting hu%% around 4 Ip in i. when peo- ple start going Wt” One compare. Call A Cab, was pretty well hookedfor the night sc,cral day% before Christmas "I've already done mint tit m% bookings... reports Brian Craig. who runs a one -cab opera- tion Still. "people Should he a little bit flexible." he warns. "Everyone wants to go home at the same time. 111 be there as Starts Close to when you E fF mnnoducmng tr> vokswogen Possot TD' diesel it gets 1.33111t11onia10e Isar taWlir. want. hut 115 the busiest night of E yen o wtrsut wIIC n.T .Godo be proud of aldose numbers But the TDI a a true and substontd' dw year." Germon rood i.O W th req. 5 00wnger comfort So d delivers the Peff0hTC rice and hor%ittlg that Meanwhile. W4 make all those miles 1u•. ;rices maxed See you voks,.00?en dealer D&N4 Wa)i. \~l Ajax Transit will operate buses from Laces 8 Eyelet Trims A FEW 96's STILL the GO Tram the on Trims HURRYICLEAROUT Wool Blends 45•' U.S. AVAILABLE AT Road as trains trains arrive on Jogging Prints & PRICES the hour until the last one arrives. In Pickering, however, buses cm will meet GO 4y trains until 7 p.m. and will not offer "N service after that. ..1 .lI0D km *An r 'I Care and CAA award writer scree 1972 • Sales, service meaw q. body slop a0 makes • Rentals n Canada. USA & Europe TOP DOLLAR FOR YOuP TRADE' 1425 DUNDAS ST E_ WHITBY (906) 686-6410 14800-263-2676 1 SOFAS ■ LOVESEATS ■ CHAIRS DINING ■ BEDROOMS LEATHER & ACCENT PIECES SAVE UP TO vs 0 % .I We're online at www.durhamnews.net ITHE LACE PLACE Our Year End Sale Starts Boxing Day 10-6 p.m. 54' Drapery Xmas Fabrics Fabrics & Bridal Trimmings Laces 8 Eyelet Trims Children's Trims Prints Wool Blends 45•' U.S. T -Shirting & Cotton Jogging Prints & Panels O F F Fleece A 905-831-5223 416-755-4281 �J 100111 FRI. 9 3040 MON.-WED 10:00400 SAT 9,304 00 i THURS FRI 10 004 00 SUN moor -S.00 SAT 1000400 Buy one week, get ie 2nd free Call us for details AMI b Aft For I • I • �- CLASSIFIED 1 INTERNET ADDRESS: Http:l/www.durhamnews.ne' Email us at : J bec567 a durhamnews.net GARAGE SALE Careers I I Careers I I Careers M7I Careers - 'J Career & Training Marketplace. Providing Solutions For A Changing World!! If you're looking for a career change, would like to earn extra income, want to upgrade you present skills... then this special pull-out section is for you!! The advertisers in this section will provide an opportunity to open a new door for your future!! PUBLISHING: SUNDAY. JAN. 12th PRESSRUN: 100,800 Oshawa - Wbitby w Clarington w Port Perm THIS WEEK. Call 576-9335 today for more information ICae+1wN .•runs•.: �,11.1p euraT ,v1r..r ra --..••a.p 1011 t„ •' v • �i baavLa+ :. �•�r ra« ,crrwn� pMewru 'AI. ..mtawa 9nrY .urtrrrt nrDn ltawerrcw ,•a.9.ry Ao T • . _:wan... , Y1tr Yr�er M• O.ntwa Ore •N 1L6 Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday 1 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday or fax your ad , (905) 579-2238 - BIRTH NOTICES Announce your baby s arrival and receive a 9M cemhcate 49 entitling you to $25 worth TNS of quaLry baby products. AmoFor SiI I I For $ale Daycare Articles Articles e I W-11 MIT I For Sale I For Sale r HOW ARE WE ]DOING' . YYr'.OY ,on,r Hew• - ""F 1.FY.aEW 1(VST/S-.:_:�5:'iSrlr-Hl ■ r. •• .0,t rbn.pwb ■ .,:1'T'03l.t CrMS'T:'ll ':$r'@$ni'tF 7E9 u•-1 Ura pa e+r• ■ JhbE 3HvrY 11e MJ;t36f$'/3f :ftp •-» +'N us sae; ■ T�Drr9e. !e 1E'a'rE. -r3fw ■ E Ava 1 Die ■ Nes your call stswred prompllyi ■ FY .,. ,fir •w ■ ■ . • ■ 2 Ind ale Soles %W -en mrve over trlerldly, ■ «« -« •• n ■ Courteous servla2 ■ ■ I Frr.rpod ■ ■ ■ 3 Are you Sahsfit0 KTth the ■ response t0 yov (Al1«W crHEw�f; p... , su99E,tIDn1 D. coml+lems. irr ,... ■ ■ nq b �.e,.ou� ■ ■ 2 � seer �r,� ■ �� ■ c rap SArw•vmr. ,:., ■If group --r refe■ ■ -" ''°"" ■ please contact Fred Ersmonr ■ at 575-9335or5g3-C7 r sr.... .. .. ■ eo+ +•9 • rt' � ■ 7r hll out this coupon n+[.000 --- ■ and mad t0 ■ CLassifSed Departaaeret ■ -, ■ P.O. Moir 481 6 ,e .moo w: —T ■ 065 Faurewell St. ■ s Oshawa, Ontario ■ ■ Dr.•r, ;;z'e.""�,. �,:.' ■ LIH 715 w,. -y „ �..�..� ` aur yns••adrrr . ■ Dwrtc nOOr rAsf{ CAwP a. .. .n. .. .., , .,•... ..� .__..,.. r.« wr err.. ,...r-.- .� r.. .�r„D,,,r ria �• :, '.: r..ar •. aO1 .' LOG �rr.aw .. N. t•roa rr �' _ _ ,,,,, .. nw«n Mc CMn' Moat• rP«a :..•••u . ... w t w". w b«run •' rer•.ra_r F ••rrrrrr.•-••• ...rE6a s.w i"•- roof Ta �a L Vie^ -.ter e•. •• Dun w ... '.'• w-- Mal„ rE tiro' . 9rM+.-A. ar. tri_. fr.,`��.i.•ev u • u 4 • .•.. .... .� ,wr••on OAIPrNE wy aunt carr IArta.. >^N Stw •. ..r +turn y+e wr.,,,f Da •'4 N.w « YMrMarwr"rrrr { Dr, e~i pMe Y awry. • 4pp. rwM "'eMe� ,a.n 'ya rM.nq CAwrEI rLLL J•.rtrra Hr%JD a'9r5 lv w va,v �r NaP.r Der sC• 0.4m k1nr.0 ,:AC 1 owOAN...LBwNr M":a rrrn ( on,a�)aDe. n, •,elan i.f0a: w,.a sm S,w ,e.t.a. a. veno mor. 9 s>e ��", C«.nrc alre.roM r1ArpS cwANOFa- 1 TENOwS .s.rt w+rp Enc SDDD M T " CLOCKS .r Jr . ,rr,n 470 rM. 6000{3.pr r 4w jpx,a CA11rETs w • :...,, v wn •rlfaE B.ruam w ,a' rap wn run- 'ar'Pr"roJN"a �� f& •: a Deyartm «r P, ,+rDr 3 — S. St50 E• Peva nor.pr :rpa a• PM.. ••.,r atm >.r. maN Per .ren• M. ..B• « SSO Marr poen .sir W a.wrY rti era YWe2M1'f2 BOB n;]r /rsi Namrr YAE .n D.,n 'err• - ,wu. L D9•wrw E DRESSERS S.,_ ttARrlGrow cow"111 Diner +:ria .f mr —1 L .ru.r St50 Lori was G1eMArrC! pMnot Mw •tlOt >„qv,r S'15 N. St•a5 2 CErrEs Tao a21m Lr.r Ed,n rn uroom a.r for r. vtr ..Ar 4.tlr�n.r�,.a s, .tom w s�Don..a1 w.Doo plrt9r watt •ra+.rn. D•q.. mrOeonr w. aY9larrM +wrr.0t t u N Sm 9055,+ uy SOY', oD0 $ant for rarcrla. nwarn fra. saws feast_C,ran ern.. rand urs STV'S ArrL1AN- )3>? Ou N rnM1 SrLEs • SEIN.ccICE. 1 ld R r'talrn °'� mlal PNMT PrMrn Srw.rpom s nu a •tcm pion Ona C1rtr • Does tae s,., =uric nor Oepr9r purer over s,rm sno.po.r 1 i awn{ W brMt frl tis wrw i JYrr'. Dr 5960 6 a lrsr- TnaNt r,an min ler a YM any r. oar wrra^N' ara,r sra C..rn e ro r..a aPe'• ltrn ua9 w D.n.taMus,5c a m Lwm.r Mer. 2r fttae ar9lni. tmm $675 Dw•-m { DauDrs rraaerD..r EESS. 411 Garrrir.e rt errr/Mrt Sbnr. StSp a W You oP'r`6 App .cam pr«a.r Stu burL.iea fllatl,9r9. f,50 F+B00E, er0a rs. Y C4i Can,p•r a a0. r imine t sa00 V. a4 d.er•riet Crw 69)- DrY•rt, S,>S S t 5226 OM b•r. 3055 M awry Rt mrYMN'moers frrpn Poo Jr tong mM.nar a --ft Fro t— SM e W nunFto• arPrw, tam CWICN • CMA l Iw SrawW'sis as nrrr. r- WnY YMr Willits 027- Sr, t liter aM As t Arb mrb. era mors. pia a+Ya t1Pri Prue Arp Map up 1. $1 A,.— pYtr. EYOIOrwE +.r.o srs. rrw. Mr Jwr e0wre. sm AM- A-- M—Amur ••t.r Oro. cru ane nrugr,tsua Soo ,— barrr 9M6•pN1ap CY 1759tOt atNMrt rb s250 6 b's rY iDtatr+ T . tran wmr.ape, 412-1161 SW's AppN ro,rMron-toub ntrb- s. 362 Fwrynr S1 Owe. OA•r OAIEEII, U.p .r {nd sax mraMq �rtw1 .pMMMM. >AN M. Mir Co . pbr Orr 9rmM eYys. e,aoa TAI” T K. arMn et yr, «.rb Sap erftrr s.rr, an0 zrgan .ryrr, Nun ties,« lrwwaDr ol•3Dr r.ry 2 .ar.rr �1LrayM run amr- arad - err seem «r rose{ ttwaom nw,rr na.,a.a 3500 416&703,'050 94 {Mpa.b••M � ea,0eoe 9SM W 1. AOw e p m , .21. d a+.il 12672511 1637 4n EWTSOMC D.+Ko_ u' OgNr saris 70 ntalr. Cnbmau. 3 Yrs Fire cnannt• br , year tlr. a 750 w.s. No F1nr a own run o^r1' a 25 .Ma 162 • 300 9•rN. 2p ... Cr 90SS1r.,at2 + .ax. t•m $12 Natnn. 200 tpx a.m,arw 1136,351 Articles Computer Computer yAfrllESfl� W4'hH 1 1 CaP«Pa 1 General General 1 r .AsaF wow.cw irr - ^-NEv ttslp a9,. ,pN n u°w cAwEEw xlrooL� cusroew Sf RGE HP CLAS�IEF�It� Ha "•W"'P OOMmw•,2p6nt2m5111 . pRK DE51Gr. M HESEN1ATrVE ,a trarwy •.ow1.Y a 6.r•rw. Pro nae m •.9,er.p Cir wear �rsAa�� CitIS1V1•Grl rtrnr ro eE roup OwN BOSS' Sx.ro SaO yarn_ 12 w 7—,3 DW Dawn ,... ';� Oroframw^ ararMra Mier [tN SERVICE YY.'n 'oo•vw a awry, +D-te-a.r nr9rYr.r 4 Mw r vrtn ",KKK, Pte. P .m Wit AdMrr rrrps ma. rarer Puaee .ePN na9r9Dn •� error nrrAlron Y.a Prw plea•. Kroa penia par rr {15 R.,�lo^ Yr ry 1ioW P'rr''S # �^�e�y� La "'> fMrf' :W 1lP �om� •.'r' N1w Ad.~ runt bt -- urrar� u Aa+wrriFT^wib MTEw.ET row. mwvey to lrtreBn N[P—m b man M mmNa Pr«rw. Orta an .mr•D rtr•m anb +reYnrmMe am M+,.Y lenoaa Eyrrarn . a mrr tawirp•aMarae.0 F..r Mafos.xsa,m err. aRF of ro YabPrr Wr ror..ftrtOn of" Ai N•r earn si w. ar•mrr't Lsbry 10 w M.. m Derr nun. m oeOaM i, re�'w,•• rens n r r atw b Or cwt pea M M sr Era o" st25 Yeti Cr slid -128i Cr lost i • I Founo 000./19 ff. rry,M •tmtfrllbla nttllY FAX• �' more sWpbMV w L'e110 r .D .. Feld NM Adi~ ••ld 683-0707 CVSTOr1E11 SER1110E GOAT eMwreaom aB n Pratrnp. Tent' p �n ert.r rMPr M Prm. ,Y.e.sra era raY �br ri loan tri rerun pry Fr inure. 4' 906-A3p 1r aalnpn7. wrvun 3 am C.aTN1 Lvalear 1 Yera CSR .rmerrwt CARPENTER. Rr•ur• .b TraYrbp TrtYnbg my aKll ib rW� run C" W o,,KKm. •sr.n PrSsr,* (9m) Y1A1. NP•a W PON Fr 0374060 r.run. b 905-Q03410D - FYLL-ice Fl M rr -'Traaus Ca•ada Track Driver ebwr.Nr Apply aM W • 1 yyyw - •r�� Th. Cie. Cr.ar ••n'4 t7aE oq Doc private A7JDL DrngercwLs Goods s•pa 706 KlgMm Ra. Paarm9 14207027, serUes pesos RE. t711111Ep b pp,w,yMiy PD.I C Log I�Yok hxda.Alr bialie. i1ss�N 'r11 1127' a. loft Mtee F•i by - Co—Lal tt chwgrn Cal.. avMtn. Pw as 19051 Jfv br kc adjwri un • Tax daducuAk, 50641112 - No GST/PST 24 M n days pa week t -'FNsin,tal Assisi— may Ib avalablc 765.425-9475 Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday 1 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday or fax your ad , (905) 579-2238 - BIRTH NOTICES Announce your baby s arrival and receive a 9M cemhcate 49 entitling you to $25 worth TNS of quaLry baby products. AmoFor SiI I I For $ale Daycare Articles Articles e I W-11 MIT I For Sale I For Sale r HOW ARE WE ]DOING' . YYr'.OY ,on,r Hew• - ""F 1.FY.aEW 1(VST/S-.:_:�5:'iSrlr-Hl ■ r. •• .0,t rbn.pwb ■ .,:1'T'03l.t CrMS'T:'ll ':$r'@$ni'tF 7E9 u•-1 Ura pa e+r• ■ JhbE 3HvrY 11e MJ;t36f$'/3f :ftp •-» +'N us sae; ■ T�Drr9e. !e 1E'a'rE. -r3fw ■ E Ava 1 Die ■ Nes your call stswred prompllyi ■ FY .,. ,fir •w ■ ■ . • ■ 2 Ind ale Soles %W -en mrve over trlerldly, ■ «« -« •• n ■ Courteous servla2 ■ ■ I Frr.rpod ■ ■ ■ 3 Are you Sahsfit0 KTth the ■ response t0 yov (Al1«W crHEw�f; p... , su99E,tIDn1 D. coml+lems. irr ,... ■ ■ nq b �.e,.ou� ■ ■ 2 � seer �r,� ■ �� ■ c rap SArw•vmr. ,:., ■If group --r refe■ ■ -" ''°"" ■ please contact Fred Ersmonr ■ at 575-9335or5g3-C7 r sr.... .. .. ■ eo+ +•9 • rt' � ■ 7r hll out this coupon n+[.000 --- ■ and mad t0 ■ CLassifSed Departaaeret ■ -, ■ P.O. Moir 481 6 ,e .moo w: —T ■ 065 Faurewell St. ■ s Oshawa, Ontario ■ ■ Dr.•r, ;;z'e.""�,. �,:.' ■ LIH 715 w,. -y „ �..�..� ` aur yns••adrrr . ■ Dwrtc nOOr rAsf{ CAwP a. .. .n. .. .., , .,•... ..� .__..,.. r.« wr err.. ,...r-.- .� r.. .�r„D,,,r ria �• :, '.: r..ar •. aO1 .' LOG �rr.aw .. N. t•roa rr �' _ _ ,,,,, .. nw«n Mc CMn' Moat• rP«a :..•••u . ... w t w". w b«run •' rer•.ra_r F ••rrrrrr.•-••• ...rE6a s.w i"•- roof Ta �a L Vie^ -.ter e•. •• Dun w ... '.'• w-- Mal„ rE tiro' . 9rM+.-A. ar. tri_. fr.,`��.i.•ev u • u 4 • .•.. .... .� ,wr••on OAIPrNE wy aunt carr IArta.. >^N Stw •. ..r +turn y+e wr.,,,f Da •'4 N.w « YMrMarwr"rrrr { Dr, e~i pMe Y awry. • 4pp. rwM "'eMe� ,a.n 'ya rM.nq CAwrEI rLLL J•.rtrra Hr%JD a'9r5 lv w va,v �r NaP.r Der sC• 0.4m k1nr.0 ,:AC 1 owOAN...LBwNr M":a rrrn ( on,a�)aDe. n, •,elan i.f0a: w,.a sm S,w ,e.t.a. a. veno mor. 9 s>e ��", C«.nrc alre.roM r1ArpS cwANOFa- 1 TENOwS .s.rt w+rp Enc SDDD M T " CLOCKS .r Jr . ,rr,n 470 rM. 6000{3.pr r 4w jpx,a CA11rETs w • :...,, v wn •rlfaE B.ruam w ,a' rap wn run- 'ar'Pr"roJN"a �� f& •: a Deyartm «r P, ,+rDr 3 — S. St50 E• Peva nor.pr :rpa a• PM.. ••.,r atm >.r. maN Per .ren• M. ..B• « SSO Marr poen .sir W a.wrY rti era YWe2M1'f2 BOB n;]r /rsi Namrr YAE .n D.,n 'err• - ,wu. L D9•wrw E DRESSERS S.,_ ttARrlGrow cow"111 Diner +:ria .f mr —1 L .ru.r St50 Lori was G1eMArrC! pMnot Mw •tlOt >„qv,r S'15 N. St•a5 2 CErrEs Tao a21m Lr.r Ed,n rn uroom a.r for r. vtr ..Ar 4.tlr�n.r�,.a s, .tom w s�Don..a1 w.Doo plrt9r watt •ra+.rn. D•q.. mrOeonr w. aY9larrM +wrr.0t t u N Sm 9055,+ uy SOY', oD0 $ant for rarcrla. nwarn fra. saws feast_C,ran ern.. rand urs STV'S ArrL1AN- )3>? Ou N rnM1 SrLEs • SEIN.ccICE. 1 ld R r'talrn °'� mlal PNMT PrMrn Srw.rpom s nu a •tcm pion Ona C1rtr • Does tae s,., =uric nor Oepr9r purer over s,rm sno.po.r 1 i awn{ W brMt frl tis wrw i JYrr'. Dr 5960 6 a lrsr- TnaNt r,an min ler a YM any r. oar wrra^N' ara,r sra C..rn e ro r..a aPe'• ltrn ua9 w D.n.taMus,5c a m Lwm.r Mer. 2r fttae ar9lni. tmm $675 Dw•-m { DauDrs rraaerD..r EESS. 411 Garrrir.e rt errr/Mrt Sbnr. StSp a W You oP'r`6 App .cam pr«a.r Stu burL.iea fllatl,9r9. f,50 F+B00E, er0a rs. Y C4i Can,p•r a a0. r imine t sa00 V. a4 d.er•riet Crw 69)- DrY•rt, S,>S S t 5226 OM b•r. 3055 M awry Rt mrYMN'moers frrpn Poo Jr tong mM.nar a --ft Fro t— SM e W nunFto• arPrw, tam CWICN • CMA l Iw SrawW'sis as nrrr. r- WnY YMr Willits 027- Sr, t liter aM As t Arb mrb. era mors. pia a+Ya t1Pri Prue Arp Map up 1. $1 A,.— pYtr. EYOIOrwE +.r.o srs. rrw. Mr Jwr e0wre. sm AM- A-- M—Amur ••t.r Oro. cru ane nrugr,tsua Soo ,— barrr 9M6•pN1ap CY 1759tOt atNMrt rb s250 6 b's rY iDtatr+ T . tran wmr.ape, 412-1161 SW's AppN ro,rMron-toub ntrb- s. 362 Fwrynr S1 Owe. OA•r OAIEEII, U.p .r {nd sax mraMq �rtw1 .pMMMM. >AN M. Mir Co . pbr Orr 9rmM eYys. e,aoa TAI” T K. arMn et yr, «.rb Sap erftrr s.rr, an0 zrgan .ryrr, Nun ties,« lrwwaDr ol•3Dr r.ry 2 .ar.rr �1LrayM run amr- arad - err seem «r rose{ ttwaom nw,rr na.,a.a 3500 416&703,'050 94 {Mpa.b••M � ea,0eoe 9SM W 1. AOw e p m , .21. d a+.il 12672511 1637 4n EWTSOMC D.+Ko_ u' OgNr saris 70 ntalr. Cnbmau. 3 Yrs Fire cnannt• br , year tlr. a 750 w.s. No F1nr a own run o^r1' a 25 .Ma 162 • 300 9•rN. 2p ... Cr 90SS1r.,at2 + .ax. t•m $12 Natnn. 200 tpx a.m,arw 1136,351 Articles Computer Computer For S91e I Yideo I Video _ ,' ■ECWIRICS 1 -s- .AsaF wow.cw irr - ^-NEv INTERNET SERVICE AVAILABLE •• N,me and Nc..-•Pa!rr -typer rFNw000 'f.. link a— serve. slorage Call Jona Duarte at 57T4400 =�AwP � 'i r•�P » Y nvr..n I I DoH AutOrroDrlry .. .•a ftp .NANO T- + rr uD as,[ rc �.r, .,n�•.o �e•vm. •..'s�evi '..• -- _S7. 1. X1;1 a.o.a sin -. .n rrc"rrID - 1a nlE Y[ F r) — .a yn ..rN• s': sac ..� Mr•vY '•.Dr % ape a .•,, s +r•... _ ,' ■ECWIRICS 1 -s- .AsaF wow.cw irr - ^-NEv E, •• t's. •rte n w'�-a Lr--zJ - -j-,7 .. .•a ftp .NANO T- + • .ru -w , T rrc"rrID - 1a •.titles 1 Named ��;; ,' ■ECWIRICS 1 -s- E, Lr--zJ r-.w.p baC[ E xl pt • .ru llttf lu:.v. ,.rw,4, sr,.•-wv w �r.e �ye� `1n °Yfe oeOaM i, re�'w,•• lost i • I Founo w�rrr 'en r A,V _ pry S aiP.e srr••dY.�� t9r )w - ryW Mir.. W w L'e110 r .D .. nN0 o..Pr,. y era 1 e•rely S.m 4- 26 �EMOLE rYMES parr .x826, '6B9 r Laves `7}6sa:Tw osNAEM owtow"ICE 890: NwrLa CW.r - tnn9 too^ al`r0a68 LAer•W CYTE AOD CUDear Paw 14,Y1 619 YNp, PMA IEngrnl. Etcet9a YtPrwrmanl. v.pM 3'4• s ,32N ,s Pur ,rrM Pony 2yrf PPG's. yMr .eN ars .eca9.n, ftaY� noon, stOm W.at Do b post nam es9 M.11— 2+ br. irrw Gaol cmaD�m 21m 263-4156 9a9n NEED A VEYECLET Poor engin No .rlr t4rn.rCr Trap. r 905-516,1100 a 1403. w3673, -WI EM CHEVETTE, p bn,aec. daKp, viii uwaq ca,0ean g,0m 1. a+wnp fsoo m 666-855 der, ldsenixr 1'Ia65tfifd 1kµ. ear■ inter, n M Fn SVI a.•. MNy m. %X 536 177 ball "243-1 • 1 seD.moara • .. 1..rc . rpt ; AS. w"K ..anC 3cr.a :ar .at rsrR,M 24 ' pieta No piers Cil t•, 9051 5065594 41 biN Vrlw 4 y U I.« 'to, wv •a« � Yn l N,� jrN• •a • — fwoo Cr' .ar,ye •,• Seem r •w ow .[insTww • i^ a' ` •t M arri.er .O..M�9 ;w OooGe rcarw.n r1�V �ew't.aoc vpyrfn br9 tun LuawA Ah .•., a 9q 'Ml CWE vaN c� n.. a+.1,r Y i`1sa Cr 95 Polaris XLT Special, 96 updates,1100 miles, stored inside, excellent shape• cover, hand warmers, like new, $5,700. (705) 878-4998 89 F0910U1B D1I '91 SSFBBI LCE 470 Liquids, gouges SKI SKIDS Hand Warmers Double Bed Trailer $4500 O.B.O. Will sap. Jim 705-32B-1fi13 Check Out Our Flyer Deliuery Seruice. Ora N M far no n DW&ftMe of ■vers in t ares, Now yaw Mees tiaY•wed any Wa0Ree l I Friday a StatNYy two The III It sli sial everybody reeds. h-& P -4-t News Advertiser PAGE AIII-THE tiEWS AI)% FRITNF:R 'I'IE5D• I. I)FA F: St BVR 24. 1~ ApMments Houses INWatFa �' Ctmtpanlom NewB ��� Cls 1bin 1000 m � 11 F s I I for R•m / I I Fo�A t I For Rent I I Sab • I Audlons • can 68"707 MV•DetlOn ., operties Iqr:«. A -fl GRIST MILL MAR MpMa ." a; AUCTION EAryfS DFIEI hF'. j1F wE Iv to plain yew t)•Y or E1x ft Money I.Lend ',_-,,., 33 FALBY COURT STILL RENTING?' � ),, ., . tray, 0u" REMINDEAR I ar w b haw683-7363 •,y inti '. Reaas Accord Realty Ltd. 2 & 3 bedroom apartments In µD1 No I ()1N\ A n sy a • ANIA E of law Bu. ny par Au , Macer S AOcIUI u on•r9. No w^ pwnn0u1P5 NC�1l1 a FOr R!M 4 I F9r Renl WTEED SOOE cOYMNIFS :NARGE ul"` D BEES 01.IENS W NOT ITS wt w Pyo sl •ars rN•we N W Hall E>oWmarh�lle �' Bu. pay, Tours p PIT 1bin 1000 m u s ws6 IV -N A W) Aucaun f. M . ,ealon.5 cel, •�r•,•.rwn jos Uonn L,Ilenrg CI a MV•DetlOn ., operties Iqr:«. A -fl GRIST MILL fill .A Srr'w»w rave AracNon Swy.. a.t••wnfl SUGGESTEDTHAT ADn, rrUm P..r YOU MFESTIWTE troll u« r�V�l I Travers C LE ARWTFR rr 9059575407 90523 7w9 IST C1 [OICE u SALE ^V w� r h AFFORDABLE HOMES ' ,' w•.g v;s. f. M . NAT RENT.' iU7: •�r•,•.rwn jos BOEING DAY AUCTION No dawn ysyaaent. No yrobleaa' .. ,.u. GRIST MILL LetsK •how you h.-Auc .A Srr'w»w rave CENTRE M_,C.V Payaeent Money I.Lend NEwTTH.N URS DEC. 26TH. T 570• Iwr wt ti 61`10 can Tharaasl C. Pike Sale- Rev. R.,... . , •,y inti '. Reaas Accord Realty Ltd. oelurm•G A LOAN ^9r (p5)j7�)IlE SNOT GUAR. ... Mr5 Nav'1.•"y w^ pwnn0u1P5 NC�1l1 a FOr R!M 4 I F9r Renl WTEED SOOE cOYMNIFS :NARGE ul"` D BEES 01.IENS W NOT ITS Ballimnre alnl <raem«r M'r^f5 R-1 •ic;Mr• -^�.anp a.t••wnfl SUGGESTEDTHAT ADn, rrUm P..r YOU MFESTIWTE troll u« r�V�l I Travers 4 I I Fo• Rend AM'CON PACrS OM ._ u SALE ^V w� r h p M. W f. M . '•OS s b rvr•; >75ert Osna.n '- ONE- 1y05�9• ..nJ x•. �rmrlrvr prrr« euV.xY Dow •Jldns .A Srr'w»w rave M' • I CwmObllea -J,^wt«wn.n,-Fbst Wbel.1 r o Dear moew d Gary and hs aa• GaW Darcy d now.. x ti r.on vow» u iHppUGRly BEGORE S1GNY(' V - S. CfleStl '� AM'CON PACrS pale N• vine Pmp:'r 4^�9age5. ^V w� r h • I ^. ante D ry Ar.•A•r to _ Jr ' fATG cA» r,yoa ur an GDIV N$I r.. t„rnlare. . - M.�, h,l' ,.,rrraye ,. �rmrlrvr prrr« } LS". Y Dow •Jldns .A Srr'w»w rave U r.�tNe -•TCRae0r6 AL«NIrM)wr,.5. Wbel.1 r o Dear moew d Gary and hs aa• GaW Darcy d H"n ,4nr rres, eDc ,ea, Beloved wrh a twA Kruo LOvag Bw O wMV r1ea04ATED r.on vow» u 5. a .. 1..rr•1 'w.,an •t`^� "' c.: �.rev'•r R OSHAWA AuodM .r.. 1• ..,. �n•,.rT. A-. FOR RENT mint Goan.no 1011 SIMCOE STREET NORTH S^aHrTer,N k .ate lessons _ x _ liable ea- wr.r„ 0. RMI -,,.gyp a...w ll IwmL�r $,<,w• a R •r,•Ju,a,c• ')able rates nwwtl« txnrw _ _ Raror.n nrx.P„lu,wv,,,r rn 432 5,'55 ... D.,,{^ ...a. Arr• .tF 'roC30Cn . m - Cl- SBK-00 •.t•a,w•- p.« a+b twe,x«• ,no, few _,•, s.l�•. sit ., Call 90S-721-0980 V_ M ..bM r 1 I Pn.tOM,S 'rwr, wrb oe" OM1 ores ..' I ,Tyra w n: •rpdaapl Y -WO wn .,• ,�,MH,a .., mesa. r. vin �_r c ,.. w ,. •... _ - ~..•orwas n,.er {=:... IIIb ..,;• ... .. ti n,..r..ar,a n. i. '�r.vrA ,_runt �r w.. a. rICAFn.r,. COW*tCe ,. 1.wMlr.. r b+f •M•wrd! z-•wroar• __...Ow.. .. o •- IIIb-,w.�s..: a -arr.n ,n. ^, ... , •ti CRl AiwaG vFS t`w wn res ^°'' ... - '. tT •aa... ,I,�,: n.,r.r rr.ws Fwr„ry �v foram ••�. „•x Y r..•� •out1 Foa At, y, urWav aNwl Nr •rr ..- .. .. N 'n TIN s!D•OOa }, w,.,.n r.. .a^ ay„a E AMl r.� IaY r. w. r, ..VAL Aa t r•. -v..... ores " w Span (at res••' •uA•{r� :ar. �•.rw. w„Air .�..,.HA,a - ,_ nCTOwIAw ..ores,. , r L'w••+wr. CMI,STMAf". wrrwrr •:w wY'A .. •, r' ... ••. ... ores, ••,' xr:. �.... .. ;IIIb n.- _ _ _ _ __ •. _ aou•H oawra• _ «mdr. .w .•-w.•-w r.,. IIIb. ...«k .a laavewt. nrctRc _ .„... ,. .. a •t Dw00" De. oaf F•..••� fes F. a Y• r«w •.,r 'r •'t' • ~ +� •• ^`r .. •. vi • Au[TIONEER AI' +. „ wrr^L ores` ... `r••.. '� ' FRANA G STYLE TON. . .. r rwR•• vA•r«; I �.� tires •...r S•••r .,•. •.••.. •1 CY CCA �wr+.a y, t•••• . t we M '1471" L ' _m lm w w" fY r{•r' k .»r1• I TCf& • I A,. Ct•On• AIAA•talw•iw. Ala • ''-n'•SOK! .... ores res r.n rrMy .vv ,. � -� ..�. r... r...•o•v r.w ,w..._• x .....�. ..�.� r. n.. ar,nrw• -_IIIb - ~ k G h AT 10 A „ :� r. •w ..-.. � w. ..,esti. ..,x.. .�. . ,• .. ane wrl.$).w. M An C um.l _ w• .. . "_ _ s- sn., w•rvnrTy Cwmn pa!• +aArw - F J„a tn=. ♦ H •r S': r +.Mn,• 7•arr . �• Fm • L.... wrn a0 »••lvOual omar" t wlaf .. r.'_ ' +e. rrn•Or y,_,,,w• •. b7•' v W' .91aAA r0AnAt• ••C wnr 1•.• • ,. m ��r•wrTE w. �„w +1 "w nartrlFl .•a - ^ • - Rvnw..tlw rPH.. ,nwv Na ^y .r3,. -..•r fan n.,,.,r v. • llra0 NI .� .rpsoW + ^. v .� ores «r••rr, p«� •. araww ..r War' w va+ Ipw1w DawaaA nrar r 4aa '.: F•r• ores„ yes•.... �..,.... h'. �'• •_w!'YL ..r' .. ..n,,.} w Old $IwR aaOr•.v ores! o•.a 1 Yarm t'1'. -.M •U .. • , • . CIaM .MGI w •.,.. w'^ fV„w. .•.. nrr0ur *.f+Vrrr• x .rtr oar r. v.. 'w.. •• "'� {�`•_ wr. •�' w)n•''p .w Wn•. • . a ., n• +nvr '4 raw V ' � i v ..••IIIb u,wa •yrr. .•.. w� .,•w .r.. ata •y res/•a •rArrw• wr' ,.w, vC r,ww )I]C i'T! r•...r , w w1I'• _ S:AlAOr ..byes tr[ r V n.. .. arf ^ ... a'•aY meA9r». a - a,a'tray VY mC. Oarw•w±��`A �• ,+ 100 r»A C•' w_ n :•w) we.•u ^L ARa KSON 50N aUl- -N4 w;�b10.l4" NOITTH wp{waaA �� IaCFA•IONA. Ka ouses• .•. '�'•".•• • 4 • ✓ oawG ••• 4 I F o. Rent "'Or .r I Htat RwThra rNCH� •nHTlt ap �7 Rqr 4 • I IOr R•nI �... POa 1laaaniTw^ y, wrirraa0rw Ines WAr nu, •rr. ♦ r .,, rAr.• `••., .n,ow.• frac Say ...__- Ira S71-•37! ttrraa PDR "N" 1 -000 -aa Ts time"�" ,• •"•r •rrti a•aWr '_ u •kt.r; N.Rwns I.t :: ,,'•vt ••oa! •m r.r. anO .. p Pn OWw 7 ar..,.v- w a.,r,n. :wo••y + I .� • • _ _ _.' • sE0wO0aN -r ••• ••_ fres a... w .,�• uY _., Nya"~r+ r+Mh M1n,n 1, , r i' M12 , doves Rrw •• - ,..res -,.I-'-- x. Ir m rncoa .► :. S1IA LOG I DasOla I -aI osmoles I -aI DIITRtSAC ASM K'Mllewr jud0wniv d hn 'rtv -aI -aaaM : s.r M Ar.•A•r to _ Jr ' fATG cA» r,yoa ur _- uAa wr.wwa Nwrs. W-1 DECORATE. ��„r.,;r. w c '•Fr'0• • ....r .,. bar• aHY `•' POPE, Gordon Dayd a to Ala Ramer" HOPI- , • 'Lys Arvw RF! a uN Annrd JJn :0dionm aw a Satu,day Lima "arrsa: n rvrc AWP. .a, D rr � At !ne ••e)e wya TI n Ewwna .r DA '956 rtny '�-'•sL ;•..• .•.••pw... y,,,i°. .�. ,'r ,'� �, �,`,. I.sTorac )«s W on Salwavy Doc•rriber 21 1996 Gordon DaWd Wbel.1 r o Dear moew d Gary and hs aa• GaW Darcy d H"n ,4nr rres, eDc ,ea, Beloved wrh a twA Kruo LOvag Bw O wMV r1ea04ATED r.on vow» u a Y ". x+: w -.+' n R.,... . , Pope n nes S)St yW Bebvld 'WSDYW d $lame AW I'kalcy Ter Bang Jim,Gra 01 nrpltlh area and tw rA6 Mond) N44 ^9r r t'ra w Y+i ,. {•o,A R.wc w_ :3 u••s a •w•,.c. P. Lovlrq tNw Of JaSOr. Mark and $hafYWn rn Clamour &oaYw and Mww and CYDba a VNaDy Gino r id and ver Auoand Ban MaMm H•O and Iw hs W w w �:•r ". ,,oyes w r +Hes aJ+,ww. GAF •a`•vae a 51•x10 I AOGan9alaorE 'r•. v µ7.r» w. .�• Lytes Son d ill uN AIbe^ arW Jesse R.W Son n Mw DI Marprr and Samuel Hayle D•r 11rDamer of M to Lw Am Swrym 9*bY Tracy Dank Jr JON Nes be sad,, mas•d W res band Rod Woods and Jane and rw NAD" Dar Dor Ja•r 9rald0rwmer GI Leta alonat Tanury 9aw•n9 EWO,mor•m 9.5 .r�YAECN FOrt[�T aandrp, Or �¢•qAa� QWbs Y)O IM and AWyer, -JV *rMIMbw" jffjam 4ri0 wlu Mr., �, wild ma105 Mrs ,ouvea, •Y0 -A a MN and MAW- SO OI 4MY AM Mill time ►tl-a'i� �„�...'�"` ayes l,pr •..,,nayhW13110 Rx n.. by his nom and neatleas ne twhy all race" K$W as Mina Formal Horne 26 DM Nopw Road tafty wA recove )Term at the McEarme Fuwal kdarw OMIAw Fnr. Irwau'.9 AdMonE. OWCO . aoms. "tlrt. M & a000 CEscre eFlaws Hm 2a0id y� (PId1Mrg V41a9•I 905-42844M from2 to Mire 28 DM KOVO n Road Alam �Rldmenn9 V4' W9a 2rwarua*. :our rAororaaa .av .,yr„ar • A:. rpw:�v .., _r. R• r > �.wva s•Gc s+s:. Fn•a _„•,'Tr.w a war •'u'� Fir w.r. atOn Proal Alia IPrdlarrg 111a9e1 9`6NM 4 30 and 6 to 7 30 P m Mlday, Furwal Service n la9O- 905-426.8488 from 2 to 4 and ' to 9 Fn . i wO a«a wary hon. Rnawry a«rwa .,,•,l•Ow cw,wr vR«u..rr Fwwr v ,Y r,•c .no R•+aFr ^.ac.c Mn 2 W 4 uW 7 b 9 Monday Fuaral Swwm n as Cyd on Monday DacarlDer 23 1996 at 7 30 day' Fwwa S -ex, n ma mapN on Saturday Dr types Irakarwa .A+r•aau •a coo s+.sc sun». •esus 'anal z men /e)' -try -.s.a1a w9ataerw a ,,r..• 9., ' •„ M Glade' on Tuesday Dererroar 24 at 10W im. D m A ,•cePtloe a• ce Ilald n 0me F1Mrat Home I nnlbsr 28 at 200 D m Cremation n Mau d Soaas ea a.draa Jan a Einem+, 19GSL5'a a.w rrraa9. a vr6+.t0 VN w,+r0{ »A.. ar.v L,ralwO M.! 0a cu mLv. nla,r,a nMrlrnerd Mwrrol Gardens DolMaorM Prof. M Salvador Army be Bte ChW*V toloRag the »rsvice PMa1e linty Edamwn or dalaDorlS rtmey be made to me PsWbwOugh Chic vnoli FoWldatlOn One 65N M am N� LARGE TRUCK MO1'a : Olerat g : CMNnfnY don cora ' vos :25 res> may made or d your liana. oa ba, 24. 1996 at R•saredlon C MavV Whd' to hospdat Drive . Number oudh Ort N5a Me l 11 : 11 1 oae«aNhg SilOray StOfe�6 a 1 MAeNlotral : s.r M :: ALL SAM PRO steam HENOVATIM TO PAINTING symar. NAMv4T11E• MICHALSIM CARFT irH wuNSI" DWYMc 9Claol; RIMMO�LM By TY.LEAYBI i L)ECOR '^ rtal0e aro Orar. so". MDYERs Mae D9 or anal we lice MOVING Ilwxs Apw,nara. ok .RYUAn01K 25 yan Overall NO. Rea war ora ryes CHNST A9 a New: Bralw• Apes., Ad0laru. s•Oard sones' •leer & EEtenor rA Fla Map nolrM We mem alp heti WLnal¢5. c.a •:.anrrca res aandrp, Or war wn Tao GrawO ivu TEALS EIEGIIL PAC -100,b, VMl'�Y• lawtrd hams lWln boopearyroes love retied Ib49e ser•om rl•murt. 5ren rb sae.•amL Swan u fP4Dtls'( nadrwN a,raA 06AW 4Day OrRnq Cease AdMonE. OWCO . aoms. "tlrt. M & a000 9n16 Now dlMrg 12e irce ores Apµances x a r <eruM. n. Fm YOnass �-wv No R1pirf S"'R' Com. gaoy,�any 5219 dyrar, dyl6. 1kr5. doors a a.Oows.Fag bares Am more Pan ad moved. ales storage state ,_•nes F Ea ft. Oak Immai Mac Csoenh Slow Whae Dec 21 24 Jan 2 5. www lir9 & LWler 10P5 W&Vftd am masde all WYr reliable sery oe 420.0081 Icaa 'penal stamlg at S99 and 0 Cal 1w rel arIDuble Comparale yeses Cas q2 -2x60. EacNMrlt aervle•. Cao 434TNI&. Iq-iiia a fEl-ta10 Par "w„ 9e Co.w mytm- PauMIDs. Yry Movse ora B gs Face PaFag W9c � m?� �+'w . obraO 421717 15 VN. Ems. cog MOM (M76) 614KQ•RZ-=0 laaal�rl& IASt«a" maborl. 725,M O 427 0005 am N� LARGE TRUCK MO1'a : Olerat g : CMNnfnY GM -14M Woe, RvW Lm Ien9 Sao - 5331 1rt0lDSUVOFA . al (116) 5i0 -Mali b MOWAGSYSTESS movesre408nbal � al � ofGAILLIND Don't A RABNTSELL N� mom VWALgory .;aas Cd'.wnH u �.aaaaa nwves 1 wM News AdPMiw DO+g tl&gc Fawilmaw CiAt l you, Lad, a yes„ tles m es � 5 tri mamrF CVM Gel w! Jana 127.2656. De�wom iS ClAw, Palls Aro M Dmatmem 6834FM? m ataeaN n dotes. sol nc a•mwn E. YA as HOLIDAY SPEC IAt open for your tole tore W Dan tAlpoan --..1 ' till evli%r )nu r- liu.si le.%c n). srrl'it c llrrr (till (!(E."'i%ieds (r/ hrti',i-(/-(/- op,l u.l t13 it/ (nti.i .i(>.i `Happy, BY MAkIA\M; "I'nh \4 S NI\II Mil"Rilll 'Rete plans may sound pretty dull to anyone who dire Nn'i know them. but Chnstmas Is going to be pretty special for the Hunan Lundy of Pickering '\kcic IuNI going to get am together ulth l& and enjoy the people .utound us- the fact that were here. the small things m hlc.' sats, dad IJ.r.e Burton ..%000c dont need rs, rte mem We had plcnly it than Markin„ this ,,it h� hdn healthy' wile Nadia and kids Sot -al. I I. and Damel. 11, is the last they 11 he together A year ago,. they were facing what thev were afraid night he their last f •hnstnta% with Daniel It was spent In the Hospital for Sick Clohlren in Ton quo,. where Danwl %as struggling ter r oi%cr Irnm a hi -no: nrlrnrw franydam and brain Inprn Daniel hal heen m a h:ude I, r hr, lit,- -Inst Lrnn.ir. '+vim uh.n r :•..I- b.uro; h it 7 Hi, sl6w s AU\"EI1 I,,, K r, 6sI1A1. vv, isl x i...:.i. I rest VA/: i. A 19 Daniel Burton home for Christmas plant Near file end of Apt 1. bla..Mtllan Centre In Toronto kid% his own age a lot of the Daniel , life. They hu%en I been when no suitable inarruu demur during the week sit he could time He's still able ti, em— told her name but knuu she's had been Lound. Daniel's par hace intensive rehanditation favunte activtue% such as nkat from the west coast of the lf.S ents Issued a public plea asknlg therapy mg and playing street hi rckes and hace heen allow cd to people to get tested to sec II But now life Is pretty cline to and Is Iookmg tiaward to frying exchange a few letters with her their marrow could sacc normal for Danlcl. The Isolation out the Nnowt,oard tic got last anomoi,u,N Mr Bunion says Daniel's life has ended. the nurnher tit pills Christmas she and Damel arc "ankwu, to In late July of last year. just decreased, and he has been ahle The Burtons are opumutic meet each ether". but the rules after learning Daniel had u, Inc at home full tune since Daniel will he able to make it don't all— it until two year, rc•lajned (gain atter a sit Inrmth mid August full recovery, though it rmghl after rhe transplant rcv-sr.m and was unlikci, hr "He s healthy and happy and like some time rhes must wan In rhe mcanume. the Burtons sunny. the Burhrn, %ere i -,H a back ;n Nch-1 and has nn sign a nother year hebrre they can are happy Just bo, have Darnel � �1a1 had been bound and tib the disease:' says Mr Hunan. feel confident the leukemia will with them tier the holidays and !„_ •r, -,.q., u:H resumed He 'He, still rex quite the ban he nut return and anrr(her four the regular rimes, sit the, can • nnan.n fur i erne was but there '+ been gradual scars before Damcl -.m he coon cnprs the things tither mrrmal •-."' :.�!: Irlrnl ,! beton• Impnrvernent ' .idcrc'd ter he r)ut art the -,0% farn1w, en),,) •t -,.,plant ( ri,entrawn.. -ordination "He', a very happy Nov. an :Mter what %eve been hed.11ed I (ht and h.dance are still a problem affectionate child:' says Mr through for the last tixir-and-a- . I," i�n .nhtseJ tort Darnel but he's returned to Bunton half scars with Daniel. what we further hcule Catholtque Notre Dame- -Phe family is aha 1—king want is stability. predictability :ailment but dela Jcunesse In Afar in a spy- hxward to meeting the Mme and 1-rcdnm We want sane- mi.'I ua,n i tial program. integrated with marrow donor u -hit sa%cd tics% rd'. ..or up d her 1,1'r.ahe'ra- /_— ..rbc• �enns,urn it itIt p.rsl -. - / s• .4 f Y� Us �J # y a i•r per •.ecJ / illi the Ike I Implant Ihr pit ter Ire wars I Mn Daniel .ut - rcdavvrcIn r h—pual which h into with brain unagc D.worr, H them n ws e result til .JI the und, of Kmleberaps .md dlanon thoaps haat undergone nkr to Ming I.k inn, N hen _tit nhumr to I .ir ..I haddtbh� . ,(e kit,' and rnennann_' .aid ,. r iv&nanun —paired At horn. there I, three nn nth, —lama rn mca res to pr Wert his a k , d ununc ...tem. annpamcd by a ,ercl, restncted rt peel more pills get down than nMrds wuulal Young I)aniel Runon is berme for the hohdays after pending last int ru,wallr nym ., Ilte,lme titer, Christmas recovering from a Mane marc r transplant That please, dad Daniel had to live I—or. ,,,Ier %.,V and r1k,m Naid . Msl printed al 1131 I41•,..,vrew Don't drink and drive �t?I sur A holiday season reminder from your friends at the Ajax - Pickering News Advertiser Get hooked up to the Net us a call at 683- 5110 THE FACTS1111111111111111111111(i), Nracon G"etin,g s & Thank ibu for all your support. Ja,.gwlstin tanner 4 roP_.r w.lto. (:.nary - H.nr.rr. It -11, 1. 619-951+) BCTIVE GBEEU 6 ROSS --• S'ad'.s �ue� 686-2182 1 Westnev Road M"y MedChichm -MDTKWM ELSE COMMS CLOW- porkye b► OPEII 7 DRYS 8 WEEK 831-2383 1256 KINGSTON RD. Is CANADIAN AUTOMOBILE STATS Cars in Annually Daily Every 4ccidents 1.2 mil. 3,500 27 sec. DON'T DRINK DRIVE The staff and management mint a.ergazeargana a Safe 6 Happq tlam Year. Wishing all 434-1143 of you a 1550 Kingston Rd., Pickarinq very "safe' HEAD INJURY and ASSOCIATION 'Happy 41-14-A . ' MIN Holiday” 459 BOND SINCE Z�N G //,, o L It Jg L 1971 9. � `�Q` �` 6At qy y_ hats been H� 3��i C'� ..n. nlatde possible 166 A16•rice rid.. 1-8W%3-3686 by our Unit 14. Pickering (905)420-3686 community j minded We repair Products VIA n SNOW TIRES SNOW TIRES SNOW TIRES PACE. AN 1111 %I N. %M 1 N I Int k 11 r.0 A\. Uk ( EAM R 14. 1' i . i 1IFi=l NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED!! SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION11 Panasonic. Panasonic. Panasonic. 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N(tpM Vsao RS15 Pz WAY a ,. s :. •.. + o; E • AS -1 • 13W aminote wi,L�es VStOo tome reset e' A • . ).v awwr ro . - ;h. power !i ng dl K THS12C o5z t s 10" 0Gvv powered sub plus critically E )Ow 50 v..: VS 1203 ne theave n•p•ea :uD 3 WAY r2•• acclaimed model 731 2 way salel.res � R. - � ..,<,� �� :: ,iter s�q 11Wt3 SNS S $ $ $ IN-STORE SPECIALS �1" 9 478 98 �� ERS 298 $7" $599 ��Panasonic. Ranasonic. A ® . P ASOY I O N R DEH425 CDX5100 KFH1400 SONY R • ;�• ^ face • Full featured CDX2100 T A 'ash CD • in daash s.: ed AN./FM/ • H. powered In A'.1i FM/ RXDS22 .� eRXDT770 CASS RXDT530 • Portable CD p°^ U CD r, �,:m e disc ..G' 6 UNITS -D etach face CD • Fri able CD stereo • Diaital with remote and iemoe con rol IO ONLY! $99 -;�� E • Detach speakers W $229 o $ $?2'$ $ � WAS 348 39818 248 YOUR CHOICE 198 7128 S ND CENTER 34 HUNT ST., AJAX • • Sorry No Phone Quotes • All Sales Final • 90 Dave Interes Free On Sonv Products Only, 4 11 O.A.C. Limited Availability on Some Items. 401 N g Z W+E HUNT 3 IS = BAYLY O.A.C. Limited Availability on Some Items. I -A IkjIN Is 1 1 UrJiJAZ, "nit-MmDr m Z% IL"D 1 u rages News Advertiser police reporter shoots from the hip Sicpllcii ShaA talc, .liiii A, ilio Untario Provincial Police headquarters in Onlha as part of a recent media visit to learn more about firearms and their use in law enforcement. A classroom drawing board placed at the front of the mvpm reads in bold, bliwk letters jour fundamental rules: L .U.I. Gt'\S %RE A1.N%.%YS LOADED. Z NEVER LET THE MUZZLE COVER AtiYTHI`G YOU ARE NOT WILLING TO DESTROY. 3. KEEP FINGER OFF THF; TRIGGER UNTIL SIGHTS ON TARGET AND RE.%DY TO SHOOT. 4. AI.%N SYS BE SURE. OF TAR - G E t. And so hezins a 15 -minute crash cour%L in the hascinent instructional room at the new 1% -built, state-of-the-art Ontario Pro%incial Policc general headquarters in Orillia. As one of 14 media outlet repre- sentativesto he invited to participate in the OPP's .Media Firearms Day:' I accepted with excitement and apprehen- sion the opportunity to learn to fire the OPP's new semi-automatic .40 calibre Sig -Sauer P220 pistol, to put myself in the shoes of a police officer through a sophisticated training simulator and, in the words of OPP Sergeant Tom Blace, "learn a hit about 1x+hcc work and dispel some myths.. Of the 10 in attendance, only one of us has ever fired ars actual gun, leaving instructor Scnior Constahle Rich Deux+ with the loth challenge of condensing the "how tos" of holding, loading, un.+uding. Ix+srtioning, aiming and firing a weapon into a quarter-hour lesson. During the opening discussion on Firearm safety. I'm surprised to learn there is no safety lock feature on the gun — in the line of fire the additional second it takes to remove could rust an officer's life, wc'rc told. "Your trigger finger is the safety lock:' stresses Const. Denx>, in his no -non- u nse, yet lighthearted tone during the instruction. As 1 open the gree case assigned to my cksk and remove my pokes-issw:d pistol, holding a firearm for the first time in my 27 years of existence, adrenaline overflows ever} artery of my trembling ho of y Following a hricf orientation on truly See SHOOTING/Page 4 PA(:F: R2_THF nrcwc sn�•i•vrr�r.v Trrr.•cnsv nr•rcn�va•v �s tooR 8;Q99, Folding AS Master. �14orkout video included. St,.rca., s -t_- �7.st�uction. Easy to assemble. Foias +or convenient storage a4 -o-68-4 AM Save on selected in-store Sparkomatic car audio. Selection may vary by store locator, ,:.0616x. Reg 79.99-149.99 Ea 47.99-89.99 Venturer portable stereo with dual - cassette cecK Coranuous playback and high-speed dubbing. 44 159()-4 26 so Our staff can enjOY the holidays vvfth #16ir jamilies. 7' Canadian Pine tree. Hinged branches for natural look. Easy to assemble. Tree stand include. Lights extra - • 4519-2 Z 6 700Y �OFFOUR REGULAR PRICES CHRISTMAS TREES, WRAP DECORATIONS Carnation W Hot Chocolate Rich or Light. 99-0981-0/1486-4 z Proctor -Silex food processor. Features pulse and single -speed action. Shredder and slicer blade. 43-1998 5 -speed drill press. f" chuck and key, 6f x 6f" table tilts for angle drilling. Uses standard bits (extra). 2.2A. 55-5908-2 MEJW ...:. Rubbermaid storage box. Roomy trans- parent box with tight -fitting lid keeps contents (extra) protected. Abt 34 x 14 x 6%". 99-3o64-6 39AM BTU barbecue. 390 sq in cooking V cordless drill. 0-600 variable i surface. Porcelainized 11. Fold' rpm �eY ��- Bauer Supreme Jr 8 piggy 9terrnostait � oversized buttcxts for n9 9d mg speed, reverse. Keyless chuck. With 7.2V Supreme 3000 Sr; Koho MVP Jr & Sr. easy terrP 1ertLs. WlaWe for heeRrg and front shelf. C=1 tank incl. e5 -1/10-o charger and carrying case. 54-2821-6 LH or RH. e3-4145w419tx. Ea 9.49-11.49 cooling system Non -programmable. 52-m" EVERYDAY UanauilanTire Pick ennq LOW PRICES 1300 Kingston Rd. at Liverpool Rd., 839-801 MADE RETAIL STORE HOURS: Mon. -Fri. 8:30 am - 9:00 pm, Sat. 8:30 am - 6:00pm, BETTER Sun. 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, CLOSED WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 1, 1997 THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1996-PA(;E B3 Pickering turns down joint venture bid for performing arts centre Community theatre facility would be built in Ajax with costs shared between two Towns and local church PICKERING -- Town Coun- cil ha,, turned down an invitation to participate in the construction of a new performing arts facility to he shared by the Pickering and Ajax communities and a local church. The proposal for the shared facility came from the Steeple Hill Community Bible Church which is current- ly choosing a design for their new church off Bayly Street cast of Harwood Avenue in Ajax. Plans for the church include an auditorium with theatre -style seating for 5(X) to 800 and a stage equipped for per- formances. The Steeple Hill board is interest- ed in designing an auditorium suitable for use by the church and community performing arts groups. Construction would be completed in 1999. "We have an opportunity to partner, with capital costs being picked up primarily in the private sector," said Ward I Regional Councillor Maurice Brenner in urging his Council colleagues last week to support a motion under which the Town would agree to discuss the joint venture with the church and the Town of Ajax. He n�)tcd Pickrrin • has plans for a perl()rmin- art, BoXaANk n9 centre in its five-year capital forecast. Now' 111. $ 9 * All Goal Parts 1 a % O f f However, Ward I local Coun- cillor Dave Ryan spoke against the motion. C;�7 "What this is talking Now %49.99 * ChriEart Shins about is taxpayers' see money going to building Non' 481 * Shenlood Ebow 706 a church hall," he said. . "2,e&,329 99 He maintained Pickering Now 4U.91 * Cooper Shoulder700 needs facilities such as a performing arts centre if Nowt Wil." * CCM Custom R Kerbr Tacks Now 471.88 * All PlayedGoal Accessories 15% OFF it "is ever to become KORO Qpyd HOLY REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH Christmas Eve Masses December 24th 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 11:00 pm Christmas Day Mass December 25th' L� 10.30 am `1 ualtli- Ury ("leaning /-,)r "if/ years All cleaning done on the premises. .See our weekly In -Store Specials 69CEIA in? s more than the bedroom commu- nity that it has been", and that the town would never have one of its own if it cooperated in the proposed joint facility. Mayor Wayne Arthur., sug- gested the proposed site was too far away from Pickcring. Council rejected the motion by a 4-3 vote. ROKEN WINDSHIELMUPSAVE TO 110,0 No ick Overcharge to Insurance Co. Pne°n'� � Picker, n Location i WIPER BLADES y + A FREE box of assorted truffles from Sweetheart Truffles • (?ASF: ;r ^g. •arrg ?•;�c5 . r" N;'R �.a'dr'e@^. • �d c,. �F'3 S ��' .:: -,GSA Z 860 Brock R1. S. Unit x, 837m781 9.�� Pickering. Ont. Q WJarJjd! BOXING WEEK DOOR CRASHER S NOW 11 e * Vaught Coacher 3500 Reg. $399.99 Now %39.99 * Vic 550 Gloves Now' 111. $ 9 * All Goal Parts 1 a % O f f GRAF 501 Strong moulcling 2129 DANFORTH AVE. TORONTO, ONTARIO system C;�7 * Vaughn Goal Mask Reg. 5329.99 Now %49.99 * ChriEart Shins Reg. 599.99 Now iii 8,18 * VcNespeler Goal Sticks `24,09 see * Vic Chest a Arm :. -.. X*Rhioo Non' 481 * Shenlood Ebow 706 Reg. 539.99 Now $24.88 * All Tackla Pants 10% OFF . "2,e&,329 99 Goal Mask Reg. $219,99 Now 4U.91 * Cooper Shoulder700 Reg. $149.99 Now 1118a80 *Vic/tiespelerPlayer Sticks 9 for*U,00 * Boner 1000 Goal gab Nowt Wil." * CCM Custom R Kerbr Tacks Now 471.88 * All PlayedGoal Accessories 15% OFF Vaughn Vision 3500 Goal Pads KORO Qpyd via Mama. tMs Heat" Piro Sift Chest a Arm 10 FREE SKATE •ANCW 0 Pads MOW �4� _: Plmnii*Wn attd Pam Vim 149V Now '63 SHARPENINGS WITH • Built in Adjushbk Thigh toad PA19.,IM.01044.« PA4 SIM -s7040' ,� , Reg. x649" ", : v«glikw 35" Chest t Aran THE PURCHASE OF • Tobe citrin have for $36' down • Take dem home for $36" tdOwll -w s�.N qs�gg- a4� �.H NEW SKATES MET 09S GRAF CENTREs9:' GRAF SUPRA 707 • Custom heat :3 GRAF GRAF 0 'SUPRA 705 1 SUPRA 703 Rapid mound Strong d GRAF 501 Strong moulcling 2129 DANFORTH AVE. TORONTO, ONTARIO system Lightweight • R side 1 tlloara a tAloomttr Ft Nylon reinforced 64W (1111011111111(1111011111111Affordable . y _ ' stitch boot ` • Plastic toe 499.99 cap _ Reg. 449.99 outers : ' t3yatsnl - Porth Atlieticar► � � • t .uslom ltRat `•••.... talE Reg 419.99 • tnotttld e . "2,e&,329 99 (905 420 -PLAY (416) 690-3565 ALL OTHER IN-STORE ITEMS ON SALE NOW!'! " ....... 1ts"tSt �� t,`.'���;�i►s�• ���►".��q'a�4�1YT ��.-�: ���.� � �•.•w ���• r .• .� .a�s.A,.? .Y�riL• Kliopto PA Serie No= Dec. 204an. 5 1211 KINGS ON RD S PICKERING, OI RlO _ � > toalamAv& 2129 DANFORTH AVE. TORONTO, ONTARIO Mon. -Fri. Sat Sun. Xam Eve Now Yews Eve 10.9 10-6 11-5 las 1 1 tlloara a tAloomttr (905 420 -PLAY (416) 690-3565 ALL OTHER IN-STORE ITEMS ON SALE NOW!'! " ....... 1ts"tSt �� t,`.'���;�i►s�• ���►".��q'a�4�1YT ��.-�: ���.� � �•.•w ���• r .• .� .a�s.A,.? .Y�riL• Serie No= Dec. 204an. 5 1211 KINGS ON RD S PICKERING, OI RlO _ � > toalamAv& 2129 DANFORTH AVE. TORONTO, ONTARIO Mon. -Fri. Sat Sun. Xam Eve Now Yews Eve 10.9 10-6 11-5 las 1 1 tlloara a tAloomttr (905 420 -PLAY (416) 690-3565 ALL OTHER IN-STORE ITEMS ON SALE NOW!'! " ....... 1ts"tSt �� t,`.'���;�i►s�• ���►".��q'a�4�1YT ��.-�: ���.� � �•.•w ���• r .• .� .a�s.A,.? .Y�riL• PAGE 84 -THE NEVI'S ADVERTISER TUESDAY. DECEMBER 24.19% Shooting straight in a high-risk `arrest' FROM PAGE: I graded, will be required to unholster his stance, hand grip, target siting and trigger >' h t th•w, -t pulling, its oil' to the firing range for more instruction. "In here is where we smile and joke, when we get in (the t:' range) we don'cautions Const. Dcroo, his tone now turnimu, deadh serious. Hands pulsating. I grip. rather clench. the handle of the �eun and stare down the sight -guider aiming at a cardboard sil- houctte in the shape of a human. Slowly pulling hack the trigger, the ly weapon jerks hack suddenand unex- pectedh. and in a flash ol' a millisecond. a hole rips through the upper chest area of my target. Bullseye! It1\� baptism to battle is complete. I fire 3() shots at the target at increasing dis- tances. finishing with a score of 38 out of -50. eood fir runner-up in a competition against m% peer~. A tnp into the high-tech Firearms Training Simulator is an enlightening experience for a police reporter interested in grasping the real-life situations police- men face daily. Assigned to arrest one fic- titious AnthonyJones on charges of assault causing btxfilti harm. i enter the basement of his mother's home with my pistol holstered aril hand on m,, pepper spray. 11w accused offender. on a ytdeo screen, may surrender peacefully or instead, without warning. attack me with am number of wea;xms he has access to: 1 shotgun in a case beside the couch. an empty beer bottle on the coffee table, a telephone or a sword hanging from a wall.. i manage to talk him into surrender. but the situation could have unfolded into anc of hundreds of possibilities — most of them imoh ing %iolence — deter- mined b\ a simulator operator. In ")me instances. the officer. wht>k judgem nt aril handling of the situation is � r er warm, in c c rti discharge it. *1t is a level of force we care not to use but one that is forced on us at times:' says Const. 17eroo. HOLY REDEEMER CATHOLIC CHURCH Christmas Eve Masses December 24th 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 11:00 pm Christmas Day Mass `moo December 25th 10:30 am #�g rlfemS O lot Of Oil er /7s* /N this Seas.. Bltrlt tti/s /8 Oe B/g Owe him�_ nd QaE�~ THE ORIGRNAL S HOW.;,,� f For Sponsorship an.- The neThe Cottage Shin. 467 Speers Roan Oamv!le 905-815-0017 FAX: 905-815-0511 1-800-387-7682 r Air Dri Packagi l' i Z . J, Executi Packa�i For big homes vv cleart- c . E _i GSTlnduded 'DiscOunl eQUP,31erf SS 'giver d' lime Di Sale AJAX PICKERING 29 HARWOOD AVE. S. VACUUMS FOR LESSH / 375 KINGSTON RD. (909w04n Mwv 2 and 40 1) V (On Miry. 2 at Rouges cunt) 428-1659 MOBILE 509-3622 VACUUM g t o -4— 2 LOCATIONS w ail SIX DAYS ONLY! Dec. 27, 28, 30, 3 1, Jan. 2, 3 J UP TO 60 MONTHS COMPANY DEMO C ALRx"CE : IN -STOCK TGO f•l ��� 2w8% , 2m8%'. . 2s'8� 401 L_3_Z3k_ Ouahty D aler 9O.5—Akn -1—!;,4oc ' 'E`HE NEN'8 ADVLR7ISElt TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1d f96-PAG'E'BS Durham group offers tips on tracing family roots via the Internet OSHAWA -- You can trace your family The Whitby -Oshawa (Region of Queen St., Oshawa. The meetings are free, and everyone is roots with a little help from a Durham Durham) Branch of the Ontario Genealog- Dan Robert of the Scugog Shores Muse- welcome to attend. Call 683-2476 (Mari - Region group dedicated to all things ical Society meets Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 7:30 um will speak on Putting Genealogy on the on), or 723-7460 (Bessie) for more infor- genealogical. p.m. at the Arts Resources Centre, 45 Internet. mation. f3��L4.,:t-»i�(.ffi_n t.,. . a��:e�..w'.:ae"iiii�r e'+c�'nQ•-::.r:?'�✓�,�,.- .+.. .-;.�. -.^��,, ,:... ,�_�F;w,,•... HUNDREDS OF ITEMS AT OR MORE! ■ PIC O -- 11 TO �r EK { n J n LTJ J 1 I 7 w ALL JR &ADULT SKIWEAR i -L tL . �t� Moose from ONE/ L , ' 1. IL c ,s�o * � 4lurnbria %% t I t"t }: �1 F3tR4 1 —AV Performance Poly Fil Jacket Reg price 159.99 [] % Sole price 95.99 C)IJ Ricabok SAMPLE SHOES ���� Reg. pace up to 109.99 AMOICIMM!, II■■ AM (a mrfav sizes h) ALL DwAi le ac BLIZZARD SKIS Reg.price up to 599.9.99 e / e Air StreEt Express Men's cross trcr,ners Regular price 1 29 99 /i q-'e � �L MC MOT CHILLI i ALOHA �w rd 1136,143,118,153) Bindings Pockoge price 2TP Mdiscounts off regular price. """ER BAYER H3 In-line skates e. Women's & gi Freestyle Figure s , _ , , :, t4 . - I .. 4 .4 PAGE 86 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY. DECEMBER 24.19% Ajax student to re resent p peers at RCMP Ottawa conference B) CHRISTI' CHASE S"IAH RtPORITR AJAX -- Tennille Davis is an honors student. a peer tutor. a faashion consultant a -►d haskcthall pla%rr but in February she'll take on another job -- as messenger. The Grade I I student at Archhishop Ihnis O'Connor Catholic JXYC i High School has been chosen `to attend Encounters WiIh Canada, the Ro\ al Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) commissioner's Youth Adyi- uOn Committee conference in Ottawa Feb. _' to S. The articulate, intelligent f, year old saes she intends to take her fellow students' concern.,, and questions to pass on to the RCMP and bnng hack with her c%ery- thtng she leams tram the Ix)hce and students from across Canada. "It's almost like I'm a mes_sencer." she sass. "Ifs an amaimg responsibility I'll have to take "n tits. Davis will represent her s�h(x)l. Durham Rccwn Roman Catholic Separate Sch,w)l Board and Ontano students at the conference. which brings together stu- dents front acnes Canada and RCMP itiicials to dis- cuss \, outh Issues Ent repro nc ursh l p. leader- ship. \u)Icncc. science and technokog-,. economics and social issues such as welfare are some of the topics at the week-long conterence. Ms. Day is sa} s. Some concerns she believes are imfxwunt to stu- dcnts at her school include violence In schox)ls and the community. young people's treatment by the justice sys- tem, interaction with peers and applying existing skills and talents to their future and the community. Respect for young people by society is another important topic, she Says. She thinks there will be more than 100 young people at the event and is looking forward to talking to them and learning from them. "That will be an amazing opportunity for me," she says. "I've never travelled outside Ontario in Canada. III be able to tap into their stream of knowledge and hear what the issues are in their arras." Ms. Davis says she's looking forward to talking to RCMP officers (she's only met one Mountie, the con- stable who interviewed her for the conference) about issues involving teens today. So far she's impressed with the police force and the con- ference. "The RCMP is very Ajax Archbishop Iknts O'Connor Grade 11 student Tennille Davis has been chosen to represent area teens at an Ottawa conference sponsored b} the Royal Cana- dian Mounted Police. She'll meet with teens from across the country to discuss issues affecting them. imolved with young kids t(xiav to find out what they want, what problems they have and how they can help with those problems. They're asking our opinions. "Iitcy're not approQching us with an authoritative attitude. It's RCMP teaching kids and kids teaching the RCMP." she says. The RC%1P is also impressed with Nis. Davis, picking her to attend the conference out of many stu- dents Interviewed through- out the province. It's not hard to see why or why principal Brian Hughes chose her as one of two DO'C students to he put for- ward as candidates for the conference. Ms. Davis is a peer tutor at DO'C, working with a girl in Grade 9 to help her along socially and aca- demically. Ms. Davis is also a member of the Honour Society, a group of 25 to 30 students who are not only aca- demically suc- cessful but are also active in the school and com- munity. She also acts as a tutor for elementary school students. S h e ' s involved in sports at school, although she's taking a break this semester. She plays haskelball on a community women's league and helps coach basketball for children in an Ontano Basketball Association pro - grant gram In Oshawa. A have two Jobs and I try to maintain my '�K)% awr- age." she adds. She says she's proud and honored just to be- nominat- ed for the conference and was excited to learn she will be attending the event. Already, she's putting together ideas to take for dis- cussion. She'd like to see the pun- ishment fit the crime for youth convicted under the Young Offenders Act and will put forward the idea of boot camp to help discipline offenders. CLAM CLASSIC 4 MAN ROCKWATER TENTS ON SALE WAVESPORT 860 REG. 49995 3 9 9`9 ADULT LIFE VEST REG. 46" 10" RECONDITIONED e) vv RED TAIL PADDLES ICE AUGER REG. 389" � � � ASSORTED REG. 4995 BUOY 0 BOY 61 S1 SELECTED FLOATER SUIT REG. 26995 219" 9 " �vv FOOTWARE FRABILL 2 MAN ICE(� vv 209 COLEMAN 2 BURNER HUT REG. 299" 9 " GAS STOVE REG. 99" ECONOMY BOAT SEATQ vv 39 QUICKSILVER REG. 21995 WITH SWIVEL SEAT REG. 49" X199 `T GUIDE III 3 MAN TENT ALL DOWN RIGGERS AND , /� % ALL OUTBOUND ACCESSORIES (FINAL SALE) SAYE 0 PACKS ON SALE L C ✓ i. mak: Mfeer An ozeio t1r�nt� viola of tl. z. THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1996 -PAGE B7 add ice! Ice Fishing Blowout! 3 999 ROCKWATER TENTS ON SALE SAVE 0 ALL REMAINING HUNTING STOCK 70 OFF 2499 BEST SWEDISH FISHING JIGS REG. 4°9 99 RAGG WOOL TOUQUE REG. 7" 499 �0 UP TO 5 0% MOTOROLA 2 WAY SPORT RADIO REG. 299"E, 18 9 BELACLAVAS 3 COLOURS REG. 5" 399 �99 994 MITCHELL LL I 99 24 24 TUFF GRIP FINGERLESS ICE FISHING GLOVE REG. 6 X199 `T 49" 17 999 EVERLITE ROD SAYE 2 5 % P OAS PREEGG. 6LE 49" CASTS9" SAVE 2 5 % li R :DDS & IRE-- CODET PINACLE � ,{7 94 NO T.� JA= REG 46.5 UIDE TROLLING 10%SALE MOUNTAIN" 69" MO?'MOTO�S � VEST REG aC-110N EAR WOODS 3/4 HOODED 7999 �iEADSET FOR 99 JACKET REG. 119"' i-iUNTIRS REG 1691179 STANFIELDS SPORTS NtkSTER TURTLE NECK 799 REG 19", / BOSS 3 PCE RAINSUIT 9 4 9q REG 17", 1 BOSS NEOPRENE ICE1 99 F SHING GLOVES REG. _ 1'S 1 z COLEMAN PERSONAL 1 195 f ' b QT COOLER REG "'' 1 L COLEMAN FISHING -TACK, QT COOLER REG 79' 5 999 BOXING WEEK HOURS: ;:! .l.. Dec 26 9-5 9-9 Dec 28 8-5 AP17ec 29 t1-5 WE WILL GLADLY ACCEPT REFUNDS AND EXCHANGES FROM DECEMBER 28 ON m� ?4 6"a0m. mN . 423 BLOOR ST. W. (PARK ROAD EXIT) OSHAWA 436-0644 PAGE BS -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, Tt1ESDAV, DECEMBER 24,19% Give less fortunate some ofprecious our time Y If' you have extra time on your hands, area agencies need you to help out neigh- bors in your community. Several organization are seeking volun- teers to put their time and talents to work for people who need a helping hand: Kinark Child and Family Services: Share your parenting skills and experi- ences with other parents needing support. Training and supervision will be pro- yided to assist Nou to making the differ- ence for a famdl . Or spend some leisure time with a spe- cial needs child and develop hobbies and interests the t\tio of you can share. Call \'Fend\ S" inden at 433-0386 ext. 308. deals -on -Wheels Ajax -Pickering Red Cross: \oluntccr direr,, and pickcrs are urgently needed to help deltycr this \ ital service five days a CORRECTION this w" � nmdn oyer eneuove i nursday. = ember 25 the `oiiowmg errors have occurred = :E K: MAGNA "JK 5 DISC C -D PLAYER FEATURED V_ NC' BE AVAILABLE E K; GE 10 CHANNE, CORDLESS PHONE FEATURED IS NOT :S ILLUSTRATED ;E M;_ HEAD & SHOULDERS CORRECT ADVERTISED PRICE IS 21' X -417, S7 x AS STATED a�oniog,re for any Inconvenience this may have Canada Limited p,-QSeason's - reetings ;from' all the taaf at� e ' S M1. t ve er week. If you can spare one -and -a -half hours once a week, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., call Carole or Betty at 420-3383. Ontario March of Dimes: The annual fund-raising campaign is in urgent need of co-ordinators, captains, telemarketers and canvassers. Have fun with other volunteers who are making a difference. Volunteers are also required to assist with special events and Bingo. All volunteers get excellent training. work flexible hours and have an opportu- nity to help adults who arc physically dis- abled. Call Denise Harding at 905-5280. Stewart Group Homes: Sparc a l'cw hours to help specr,il needs children. Sirn- plu pushing a wheelchair-bound child around the block can give the youngster pleasure. Call 686-31 1 1. Sunrise Recreational Youth Group for Developmentally Handicapped: Vol- unteers assist with recreational and social activities for special needs adolescents. Call 666-9503. United Way of Ajax -Pickering: Vol- unteers assist with special events during the fund-raising campaign now under way. Support your community and help the United Way. Call 686-0606. Victorian Order of ��Nurses -- Durham s Branch: The friendly visi- tor program of' the 'Victori- an Order of Nurses' BOXING WEEK BLOWOUT DECEMBER 27 - 31ST 75-.....-EIUANCING UNLIMITED � 1997 ACCENT Winner of Car Guide's Car of the Year Award ALL MODELS AT CLEAR -OUT PRICES! Durham Region branch needs you. Share a special friendship with a senior, ill or dis- abled person or work from home as a phone volunteer. Call 686-8604. Whitby Jail: Volunteers provide tutor- ing to offenders taking correspondence courses, basic literacy classes or educa- tional upgrading. Interested people over 18 can call Judy Skinner at 668-7791. Rtics�s3a�r 2t� BOXING -rs r DAY SPECIALS Kids Space Crib Mobiles' from $29" reg. S44" Safetv 1st products, 50'x. off clearance in store items, 2 pck IW%., cotton receiving blankets _W1. off clearance S5" pck Pram Stroller from $569" Includes carrycot ,3 ao Rama Crib Solid .J t beechwood Awarded best stroner $159�.t1W9 in E'surape/96• I� Crib 5 c. linen sets, PEREGO $ clearance from 119" Elegante Assorted fabrics including eyelit Stroller Little Folks Clearance from $359 Aiders from $?W rib 01213 Italian fioop =2W reg S -W reg. $449'" Caltary r_ Deluxe baby higqh chair 5159" Buri ;i�'; j1��1� i reg,. $189- Amico stroller 5219" reg- $379"' bed Solid pine • Milano stroller from $379" rez.W9" 289 Floor Model Clearance Sale reg. $399% "Nadeau" Bunkbed pearl/ powder blue 9W reg. $11 Amisco Single Bed 3 drawer dresser, white =1H` reg 2-'r with posture board, white or d drawer dresser w/chnLtop, ma le black, 2 styles to choose reg 531 $159" reg. $249"" I 149 BRCWK ST. N. WHITBY 'Prices in drect Dec. 26196 - Jan. 19/97. AM sales items are cash & carry only while supplies last. No Rainchecks. Kids Space 666-3767 Ajax hosts New Year's Eve party AJAX -- Your family can cele- brate together on New Year's Eve. The Ajax narks and recre- ation department is hosting a New Ycar's Family Party at the Ajax Community Cen- tre on Tuesday, Dec. 31 from 6 to 9 p.m. Among the features are public skating, face painting, a parent and tod- dler activity area, hay rides, hot drinks and party favors. The cost is $2.50 for adults, including seniors, S1.50 for children, and free fur youngsters three years and under. Tickets must be bought prior to the party. The communi- tv centre is on Centennial Road. Call the parks and recreation department at 427-8811 for more informa- tion. Closed December 26/96 & January 1, 1997 yr - DRIVEWAY & SIDEWALK Salt 99 10 Kg ONLY 1:60910 20 Kg ONLY 34600920 40 Kg ONLY 499 260940 Aspen Snow Shovel 18" Blade ONLY 94ua9t Hockey Timberland Snow Pusher club 22- Bode w/9alvanixed steel Lwow sfl * hosts tel• 15.99 13" e New Year's bash too snoWfrft 2 YEAR WINVANTY The Ajax- Pickering major Snow bantam AAA hockey club Thrower f holds a New Years dance at 8 _ 4 Cycle Eltgill@ p.m. at the East 5 FprWard Speeds Shore Communi- ty Centre, Liver- pool Rd. south of "Sl10 HW Tif@S Bayly St., Picker- 24" Cleaing ing. Cost is $W per person and includes door faeg.799.99 prizes, buffet and SM champagne at midnight. Cash bar. Call 839- 5854 (Pat Roga). 699 st4sn Augwdnd While Qualdillift Lcat v 8madr THE NEWS ADVERT LSER TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1 "6 -PAGE B9 Ultrafiame Logs 31b. Reg. 1.49 SALE 99C430001 ROR Log Stacker The new way to stock *ewood! 51b. Reg. 1.99 SALE 15439 02 • Stocks up to 1 face cord of wood using 2x4 boards . Organizes porch, deck, garage or basement • adiustable we. 649 Reg. 8.99 SALE40000 6 Outlet Strip With surge protection, lighted switch & breaker Rey. 8.49 99 SALE 5 66666 , WtAe Quantities Last 3M Sanding Accessories 25% OFF lock De -Icer 30 ml o - ONLY5 _ f0c 56128 Windshield cood to -40' Washer Fluid 41 129 422035 Brass Flooi Registers 3" x 10" 4" x 3 49 Tmn 1 i T70221 Q Grade Real Wood Panelling IA6" x 31/2". Package covers 14 sq. ft. Beaded Pine. 5 45 62531 Pine Wainscott Panelling 32" Beaded 699 62551 spruce lumber 2"x4"x8' Econo Stud 139 2-x3"x8' COnS*udion 139 Finger Joint Pine Moulding Color>W casing colonial Baseband W x 2K- 29'9Fr. %.- x 3K- 42" no 26= Cala>liol Baseboard x 4K- 79" lam colonial casing %"x 2%"654m >h000 PRICES IN EFFECT FROM DECEMBER 27 TO DECEMBER 29/96 A Canadian Company - Family Owned & Operated Making You Feel At Horne For 46 Years 1279 Shyme St. N. 19A Notion Rd. Oshawa, Ont. LIG 4X1 Pickering, Ont. LIS 6K7 (905) 728-6291 {905) 683-6771 Fox(905)728-8589 Fox (905) 683-6941 WNW - MM 7-9 M. SAIJ MN i-8 P.M„ SLOON 10 - 5 PAt PAGE 810:.1.*;ENEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAV. r)FCFM8f.'R 24, 1996 , 40 ON SELECTED FURNITURE* .arm F.3 w w tA N Ron ]BEST CHOICE is having their SUPER SAVINGS CLEARO UT, great savings on bedrooms, dining rooms, living room, dinettes, occasional chairs, living room table PLUSMUCHMORE! LA.Z.Boy- PALLISER R _ - - -, _-_ .-- -- - DECOR-RFTl WVVhdO&VA&StkMh0us. INEMMREI MIGIDAIRE I Admiral ar�i' ® t:tilVliitAl. HommIr RCA FANTASTIC SAVINOS ON ALL APPLIANCES, HOME ENTERTAINMENT, VCR's,, TELEVISIONS AND STEREOS Lpk "-I 01A4 SINGER FURNITURE COMPANY Technics. = ^ C3 C3 NMNWhh- J, I Fig- - W -A7- -3f' r; IT 1 r data of purchaso 4A firbct tftdlb IcAlanuicame .0 In MOO rampopcts and ft4b mama mr%cl =CbnCjI1tI40ra� tJ.4btrrn for lass jam r"'0t.=,y at C,3ftcifcmm jQ4A4Nrmr%tdbftft t,. r, k3,�4nt t"40 or 4m4w C3,r your cy)m Ai outlet. Bait t�cwa tluvel uJer - News Advertiser rts &Ite�tai��re�t �'e..,r.��m Gns-sato - -- — FAX: 683-7363 THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24,1996 -PAGE, 811 Seasons Greetings froom A Fine Dining Restaurant ,£I Km sun Rd. a �� 1305 PickeringQ Pkwy tat Lnerpool) A'f�l 7� Moviegnide forpeople for Yule film fun BY STEVEN R. COLE lem; so is everyone else, very well, and Howard does they even spoof other popular Mission: Impossible is a who the real traitor is an SPECtAt. roTHE NEWS ADVEMSER Arnold is the type of father an excellent job combining movies from time to time. revamping of the old televi- the re I Ii t f Star Trek: First Contact starring Patrick Stewart and Jonathan Frakes directed by Jonathan Frakes Jonathan Frakes takes the helm in the eighth Star Trek movie and brings in his own sense of humor, music and style along with it. In the 24th century, the infamous Borg have lead an attack on a Deep Space station and arc now heading towards Earth. The new Enterprise (the previous one was destroyed in the last movie) is ordered to patrol the neutral zone, but Picard defies these orders and joins in the fight. They arrive just in time to defeat the Borg, but not soon enough to stop them from sending a probe back in time. The Enterprise travels back along with it to discover that the Borg have assimilated all of Earth. Their new mission: to correct whatever it is that the Borg have done. The entire cast of the Next Generation series returned for this movie, along with some new faces in the Star Trek uni- verse. James Cromwell (Bahr) plays Cochrane, the scientist who invented the wart` drive which allows ships to travel faster than the speed ()flight and gave humankind their tint contact with an alien race. This movie is not only car- ried by the story of the horri- fying Borg, but by the great musical score as well. As the Star Trek series enters a more Sri-Fi/Action genre, it will definitely continue on to the next century. Jingle AA The Way starring Arnold SchwwmenMer and &Wad rated Psi Arnold returns to comedies this holiday season as the father in search of the hard -to - find Turbo Man doll for his son, but has one major prob- who always seems to be too busy for the rest of his family. He makes promises but is never there to stick to them. So, to make it up to everyone, he promises to get the Turbo Man doll and be back home in time for the holiday parade. Along the way, he meets up with Sinhad, a mailman who is out to prove to his son that he is not a screw up by getting him a Turbo Man doll as well. While they race each other across town for the few remaining dolls, Phil Hartman is trying to win over Arnold's wife, played by Rita Wilson. This movie may not he an instant holiday classic, but is a good film for the entire fami- ly. Kids will enjoy the slap- stick humour and parent,; will be able to laugh at the hidden Jokes. Ransom starring Mel Gibson, Rene Russo and Gary Sinise directed by Ron Howard rated 14A This is Gibson's first film since his very successful Braveheart and he. along with the rest of the cast, make this thriller very entertaining. Ransom is the story of Tom Mullen (Gibson), a self- made millionaire who made his money through his person- al airline. When his son is kid- napped, he is forced to pay a $2 million ransom for his return. In the process of solv- ing the kidnapping, Mullen turns up a few suspects. but mostly dead end leads. The only progress is made when Mullen tunas the tables on the kidnappers and makes the ran- som a reward for their capture. This film has two distinct elements to it. It has the excit- ing chase scene when Mullen is attempting to get his son back by paying the $2 million, and the scenes where Mullen and his wife (Russo) argue over what steps they should take next. Both carry along ga%m C��'eed fled � 1 . Invites you to Celebrate J1(ew Year's � e :3 Sittitwx I • 5 pone. to 7 txni., / 7::3h %ne. to J::30 p.m., 'K)::311 p.nt. io ant 'l ire f'nhrlainnu-lil 0d/l Nino fr,r ipHtr iki-i -n•at&ut (905) 686-7000,.f'� the two. Another of the film's high- lights was a newcomer to the screen, Donnie Wahlberg. The ex -New Kid On The Block did surprisingly well portray- ing a sympathetic kidnapper. As mentioned earlier, this film was very entertaining, but after a while it did seem to get a little long. Space Jam starring Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny directed by Jive Pvtka rated 14.1 .Michael Jordan's motion picture debut is a film that appear, to be aimed a: kids, but turns out to he an enter- taining film for all. The plot of the film is sim- ple. Jordan has retired from basketball to fulfill his dream of playing professional base- ball. Then, aliens come from outer space to enslave the Lx>ney Tunes: but there is a catch. According to 'tcxn rules, Bugs and his gang get a chance to tight for their free- dom. So, they challenge them to a game of basketball. Since bad guys are had, the aliens steal the talent of the NBA players. The: only thing lett fix Bugs to do now is to find help in other places, like Michael Jordan. This film was a treat to watch, especially when Wayne Knight & Bill Murray, who appears unbilled, are on screen. There are jokes aimed at both kids and parents, and Daylight starring Sylvester .Stallone directed by Rob Cohen rated PG Stallone throws his usual emotionless action hero aside for his latest adventure film about a disaster in an under- water tunnel in an attempt to prove that he can save the daN with the use of two heavy machine Buns. Daylight is like all of the other disaster films. A group of people who have never met are thrown into a horrible predicament. This time, an explosion the size of a nuclear blast has sealed New York commuter inside a tunnel. Just when it seems it can't get am worse, it does. The struc- ture starts to collapse and the water starts to pour in. Enter Stallone, the only penin will- ing to take the chance of entering the tunnel to save the people trapped inside. The only problem is that he has already been fired from the emergency rescue team for taking tow nam chances that ended badly. Although the stet~ isn't the most original in theatres toxUa , Daylight was still very enjoyable. Best of all, it didn't rel% on guns to carr the story along• just excitement. IN VIDEO STORES— Mission: Impossible starring Tom Cruise and Jon YYoight directed by Brian De Palma rated PG Sion series. Hollvwcxxd style. It's given some big names• big explosions and big story twists. Tom Cruise's entire team is killed in a mission to recover a list of all the top agents in the world. Since he is the only one to survive, he is believed to he a tranor. So, to pro -,c his inn„cence he rnust find ut J get a rs o secret agents. While doing this, he must avoid the police and all other forms of law enforcement. His mission seems impossi- ble. This summer blockbuster was a highly anticipated film. Unfixtunately, it is a little dis- app,intin`z. The story can he a little contusing. but is covered h% the xcrtin action ,cenc, IS100000 DOOR PRIZE TO BE WON AT OUR -�r YEARS EVE )ARTY Dinner includes- Pr Dessert, Champagne. more. %omETS STILL ime Rib. Salad, Party Favors & AVAILABLE For Diners & non Diners. Phone today for ticket information The Waterfront Dining Bistro and Bar �gA invites you to lr�.ep-� CELEBRATE '' "'"" `! THE NEIN YEAR EATERY in Durhami Newest Restaurant OPEN QJ OverloaEing the... Seal s EVERY DAY 200 &A it At the Shores of Liverpool Road, YOU CAN EAT POR AS LITTLE AS M CAN AT NOTE Pickering. OPEN NEW YEAR'S EVE • One sitting only - 9. 00p. until am1l • Full Course Prime Rib Dinner TILL 9.00 RM. • All Inclusive Drinks with Dinner Funfair EVERYTHING ON OUR MENU g99 or less ALL DAY LONG Pickering Town Centre 83,-2507 • Midnight Champagne Party • Fruit Table and Desserts • Special Music ' • • Round Table Seating of 8 Persons ' • Limited Reservations Only FOR MORE INFOR- MATION AND RESERVATIONS CALL -- (905) 420-2020 PAGE 812 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1996 Pickerin Sports Area martial artists shine at Ontario team trials event AJAX Martial artists at the Colin James School of Tae Kwon -Do 'performed well at the recent 1996 Ontario Classic -Humber Ontario ''Team Trials. Damien Pavlida_s won gold in pat- . aerns and sparring; Peter Pavlidas, ".Xold in patterns and silver in spar- ring; 717lcr Leon. gold in patterns and --sparring; Calvin Leon, gold in pat - 'terns and sparring; Leron Baptiste, silver in patterns and bronze in spar- ling; Heather Vermuelen, gold in pat- : -erns and sparring; Jennifer Kang, sil- ver in patterns and sparring; Nadia Kang. gold in sparring and silver in patterns; Jermain James, bronze in sparring; Lisa Madden, gold in pat- terns and sparring; Rosanne P., gold in patterns and sparring; Chris Madden, silver in sparring and bronze in patterns; Jerome Cabanatan, silver in patterns and sparring; Michelle Wiltshire, gold in sparring and silver in patterns; Sam Felicien. gold in sparring; Maria Brown, silver in sparring; and Rommel Cabanatan, gold in sparring. AJAX BINGO co"flij 610 MONARCH AVE., AJAX (905) 427-8572 BACK TO BACK MINI MONSTERS WITH TWO $ 1 FULL CARDS AND FINAL JACKPOT OF 11500 AT 12:30 PM & 4:00 PM. (Sponsored by: RIDE FOR SITE & AJAX LEGION, BRANCH 43) $4.00 PER STRIP MIN. 2 STRIP PURCHASE SUPERJACKPOT $2000 (DESIGNATED NUMBERS) An Ain gymrtst fared well at a recent, miatal qualifft event at the Bu -con BGs Gymnastics Club. Bernhardt Mattes, 10, competed acga ist some lop young gymnasts, finishing eighth overall. Fie was thud on vault, fourth on floor exer- cises and sixth on parallel bars. Mattes is a member of the Durham Whiz Kids Gymnastics Club in Oshawa_ P 8emhardt Mattes W � W Cr W tt Y 3 = g H" n f'��'r y���.ir N�il P'Lt�ir, �Mr1 heir Wfli, 111' 11,1(15 siclP, bluo Heron Chdul'tablu Casino Binge Is right now, Licensed gaming to be conducted by the Beegwahting Community Aissociation in accordance with a license granted by the Mississaugas of 5cugog Island First Nation Lottery Licensing Authority. P P ickerin Al Rivett, sports writer 683-5110 Fax: 683-7363 THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 19% -PAGE B13 S -Ports News Advertiser PickeringPanthers win two lealue tilts on weekend BY AL RwFTT SPORTS RLPORTER PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers gave them- selves a couple of early Christmas gifts in the form of home ice wins over Metro Junior 'A' Hockey League division rivals last weekend. On Sunday night, the Panthers skated past the Wellington Dukes 5-1 at the Pickering Recreation Complex. That followed a 4- 3 victory over the Quinte Hawks, who trail first -place T, Pickering Pickering in the , µ -� East Division stand- ings. at the complex �p- Friday night. The victories lift the Panthers to a 10 -point lead over second - place Quinte. Pickering has an enviable record of 21-3-3 for 45 points. Panthers' head coach John Blackburn says his team has played about as well as a squad could through the first half of the regular season. "When you play Wellington and Quinte in divisional games on back-to-back weekends and to come out with eight out of a possible eight points, how can y ou ask for more? Wc'rr 10 Points up on Quinte with a game in hand, so we're going into the Christmas break in real good shape." Blackburn admits he had to resort to bribery to get the learl's focus away from Christmas and on the task at hand a g a i n s t A'cIIington Sunday. He prormsed a day �1= off from practice on Monday night if the team defeated the Dukes. The Panthers delivered in spades and never let the visitors get any flow to their game. "We played a full 60 minutes and we never let Wellington get on track. We played really well." Chris Hunter scored two goals, including a powerplay marker, to lead the way for Pickering against Wellington. M i k e �McCormick. C Richard Spooner and g, Cory Hass had s i n g l e s Jeremy Schott, David Cornacchia and Paul Howes con- tributed two assists apiece. Friday's win over Quinte was the Panthers' third over the Hawks this sea- son, with only one more game against Quante in the last halt of the regular season. The Panthrrs own a 1- 1 - 1 mark If you spot news in the making, please call us at 683-5110. INI[1l► l i(s HockeymWorld BOXING WEEK DOOR CRASHERS START NOWT In the Hockey World ad Dec. 20/96 the wrong price was advertised. For the item below the correct price is Vaughn Catcher 3500 NOW Reg. $399.99 $33999 against the Hawks. The Panthers relied on goal - tender Daniel Jacques to make the big saves to preserve the win. "It was a sign of a good team when you don't quite play up to your full potential, but you still find a way to win," Blackburn says. McCormick scored a pair of goals for Pickering, one short- handed. Hass and Shane Terry tallied once each. Spooner recorded two assists. The Panthers return to action on Friday. Dec. 27 in Wellington against the Dukes. The Panthers are home to meet the Markham Waxers on Saturday. Dec. 28 at the Pickering Recreation Complex. Game time is 8:30 p.m. PANTHER POSTSCRIPT The Panthers goaltending tan- dem of Daniel Jacques and Kevin Boyle continue to lead the league in goals against. The Pickering duo has allowed a stingy 66 goals in 26 games. �1�1f T'W.J f1dr) IliaSn f Sf�j P,(] ye -13 Great Blue Heron Charitable Casino & Bingo OPENING SOON NEAR PORT PERRY (Just Northeast of Toronto) ries 5EAT BI\GC) - BL aC KI LC K - ROLILETTE - il1\1 BACC SAT - PA[ GC)kt POKER HOLI),FM POKER -HI("H -;TAKE') "ILL -T -\B-) ,Where Fun is the Name of the Ga0e, Licensed gaminq to be conducted by the Beegwahting Community Association in accordance with a license granted by the Mississaugas of 5wgoq Island First Nation Lottery Licensing Authority. PAGE 814 -THE NEW~ ADVERTISER TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1996 :14 I 'J 71'J W, HF130 unl Durhams Largest selection 3,000 square ft. Burning dis I A Fri. 271h10_., Sat 2r 10-5 Mon. -30"' 10-6` Tues. 311h10-6 HFS40 2-4 Old lGngston Rd., Pickering Village K vGsTOti ac �A" 2 , (Corner of Church St. & Hwy. 2) cc 1-800-563-6032 686-3666 0 J = © HA"V lot PORT PERRY ,I ,AJAX 0�- rJ :' Visit our Internet website at: �Aurhamnews.net SPORTS MEDICINE *41and REHABILITATION CLINICS Manage Stress in a Positive Way At some point in our lives, stress is an obstacle we will all encounter, says psychologist Andrew Shaul.Whether it's triggered by work overload, problems in a personal relationship or simply a hectic lifestyle, we can learn to handle stress effectively. The first step in coping with stress is recognizing it is a normal part of our lives, accord- ing to Ur. Shaul, who offered advice at a recent forum on stress. one of man-.- free health talks hosted by professionals at the Sports Mcclicinc and Rehabilitation Clinic in Pickering. One of the key factors of his lecture was to acknowl- edge stress and sock proper treatment. "Stress can be managed well or lxx>rly," says Dr. Shaul. It's important to learn how to manage it properly or we may %Lifter from a number of both physical and emotional side effects. Stress may lead to frustration and anger and can hinder our resistance to dealing with problems. It inter- feres with cognitive processes and can affect all areas of our lives - professional, personal and sexual relationships. An accumulation of stress can cause ph%sical illnesses such as, high blood pressure, stomach ulcers and heart disease• But. stress can be dealt with properly. Dr. Shaul offers the following tips: -Scck help. Strc%s is not something to be ashamed of or embarrassed +txmt. •.a% oid use of nicotine. alcohol and other drugs as a means of dealing w ith stress -Avoid overeating. • Maintain a hcalttty dict. •Fxcrcisc• It helps alleviate the strc%s -(,rt plcnt} of sleep - NX hen feeling down, fix -us on the Ix)%iti%c aspects of your life. not the negative Highlight your strong lwinrs, talents and accomplishmcnts Dr. Shaul is a rcgistcrcd psychologist in Ontario and plans to host other health talks in the new vcar Po%sihlc topics include overeating, acidic tions and depression For more information call the Pickering ~port% Medicine- and Rehabilitation Clinic at 4 20-02K�; the Season - � special tunity 1. Opp°r We are offering you a eery special opportunity to receive a consultation. examination report of findings and your first adjustment at no cost above OHIP (Valued at $50-200/person, non -redeemable for cash). Why? We are offering this special opportunity to you, your friends, family -and co-workers so that as many people as possible can learn about and experience the benefits of chiropractic care and other natural methods. JUST IMAGINE HOW GREAT YOU COULD FEEL FOR A FRESH NEW START - LET 1997 BE THE YEAR TO DISCOVER GOOD HEALTH NATURALLY - CALL NOW AND HELP OTHERS (905) 683-7'735 Call before Jan. 4/997 to take advantage of this special opportunity. Present this ad to schedule up to 50 people. P I N E R I D G E DR. MARYANN FRANKO NATURAL HEALTH DC BABPE Donations accepted for a local Women's Shelter. 1 .2— lm�vva t1l/vvJ%A larft I UrJVAI, "r,%-nr IKBK L4, 19% -PAGE 515 AJAX FACTORY OUTLET ISOTONER FACTORY OUTLET How Would You Like To Buy A $ Winter Parka By MiS1 Y MO UNTAIN v v ith: - Plaid Flannel Lining - Insulated with Thinsulate by 3M - Detachable Insulated Hood - - Nylon Outer Shell - Water Repellent - Wind Proof This is just one of 50 new items that will be featured at absolutely RIDICULOUS PRICES on our BOXING DAY SPECIALS starting 9;00 a.m. on DECEMBER 261hJ 00 I BOXING DAY SPECIALS G+ NEVER BEEN SEEN Tl'EMS! NEW 1TEM5 HAVE ARRIVED .ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES! STARTING DEC. 26t" - 9:00 A.M. Limited Quantities ppENm.L yFAR RouND 250 UYLY ST. W., HOURS: MON. - FRI. 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. AJAX SAT. & SUN. - 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. ALWAYS GREAT QUALITY AT GREAT PRICES CASH _ :I �S'.'1� ... • r -. .-r • s . .-.-r r • w-.-.-.- r •-.-.-.-.- r s .-. .-: -- � _•_•_ . -._ _ _ _._ • . ... .• i ♦ • � • .•� • 1 ♦ • . � . v•I f J •. �•J , � • �.t •• r • � ... .• c ftlftsLwlx ALWAYS GREAT QUALITY AT GREAT PRICES CASH _ :I �S'.'1� ... • r -. .-r • s . .-.-r r • w-.-.-.- r •-.-.-.-.- r s .-. .-: -- � _•_•_ . -._ _ _ _._ • . ... .• i ♦ • � • .•� • 1 ♦ • . � . v•I f J •. �•J , � • �.t •• r • � ... .• PAGE B16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY. DECEMBER 24,19% 819111111111, 1W FACf'.. Mono Business"W7111 .1 V Card Sheets • 250 cards REG. $9.99 $99 BOXING WEEK J Office Blox • ,.^iindows 95 Utilities $ 95 RLG $3995 BOXING WEEK J rJetfighter'���L F W -A III New version of one of the most $ �� amazing flight 64 combat simulators Designer. -k. Mouse Pads - REG. $12.95 $195 Dozens of SVYLWa re ritles REG. 12.95- $19.95 BOXING WEEK .). P"ArWa Works in Windows 3.1 (41VIB Ram) or in Windows 95 (8MB Ram) Create greeting cards, signs, iF banners, stationery, calendars Over 6,500 graphi 95 100 fonts, 1100 layouts REG. $54.95 BOXING WEEK Canon BJC•240C Colour Bubble Jet Printer pMM9 7"T, QUO piaCk and white Output Compact - S "C' lwudes Canon Creative D R^M anrctnalizes Print hear Certrfures and ;rames Get into mKcuei &V _-unouS George & print $ your adventure Create van ^von Coffun StiCkers LaDet a-�l more World Cup Golf Last case of boxes" REG. $54 95 €.IMITED$ 95 CUANTITY Word Attack The vocabulary builder that's -- Perfect for we yore REG. $29.95 95 BOXING WEEK Dozens of software rities 500REG. $19.95' $39.95 ) `( BOXING WEEK Diskettes • Box of 25 REG. $9.95 BOXING WEEK $7 95 E=rta 97 8"dopeilki Wi-m LESS 54.95 MAIL -IN REBATE $10 $4 95 BOTT! E OF PEPSI PECCUCTS Wooden 1 CD Holders �..r Includes 20 jewel as cases REG. $19.95 $12 95 BOXING WEEK Spell It 3 - The cYrOiete S"n9 Vo am �for 95 REG. $29.95 ,BOXING WEEK More S1111111111g.."- - WLWare Titles REG. $39.95 I AND UP .BOXING WEEK �— - -laposm W.