HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_12_13Pickeri Edit1*0 Advert49 ise �t>l. 3 1 N(>. ;� 1 JINI WITTY FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1996 llr«.Srun 44,000 NOMI IMPROVIMINTS By Workfare coming to Durham 'It's cruel, inhuman, immoral': Reverend B)- Kl:rni GILLIGAN NI \Il R11N)RI1:R A*Orkfare is on Its wa,. to Durham Rcgion. Durham Council voted 20-'s Pickering dump trash move fears Wednesday to take pan in the first phase of Ontario Works. the provincial gov- ernmcnt's work -fur -benefits well'are plan. " I think we made the right decision regional Chairman Jim Witty said after the meeting. -l=int of all. it"s Loing to happen. If we didn"t ,kppn,\c this, wc'd lost start-up fundin,, unanswered: PACT B) %1ARJA\Nt: T>k-ic's SIAUT k1JRW11_R PI('fl, EKING — Metro Toronto is not responding adequately to questions abx)ut the transfer of anoth- UNSIDE GIA reform - i'he• Province is tti.,\►ilg tax, quickly ()n GT.A relOnn, says Pic kering s mayor IID perverts - Identifying sex predators is right. say's the po)licti chief - page 9. Editorial Page .........6 Sports ..............28 ClIassifred ............29 HOW TO RFACA US General . . . . . . . . . 683-5110 Death Notices . . . 683r 3006 Auction Line ......6133-7545 Sincerely Yours ......... i .. ... 1-800-662-8i23 Email ................. ,Newsr(x)nl®du rhanlnew,s. net Internet ................ i http://v.,N%,%v.dLirhanint-u,s.net er dump's wastc into the Brock West landfill in Pickering,, sa\s a local cm irunmcntal group. and It's up to Town Council to force 'Metro to do it. Representatives of Pickering - Ajax Citi/cm Ti)gether (PAUl'i for the E mtronmcnt appeared before Council's executive committee Monday to outline their concerns about the safety of the move. They said the\ have sent letters to Metro asking, for answers to specific ques- tions�ab out it, but sonic questions have not been answered and "ndicu- 1 us" responses have been given to (*her%. Metro plans to transfer about 120,(XX) tonnes of garbage from its Brock North landfill (cast of Brock Road near Fifth Concession Road) to its Brock West site (just west of Brock Road near Third Concession Road). The move is a condition of an cwt -of -court settlement reached in April between Metro and the Town. Pickering had sued Metro to force it to close Brock West, and it was shut down at the end of November. "We understand you're bound to not oppose the move:' said PACT technical committee chairman Dave See PACT/ page 7 The Province is promising to chip in additional money to buy computers and help train staff to run the program. Workfare has three comlx)nents — cmployment suppk)ns (training and skills upgrading). employment placc- ►nent I ha\ m� apn\ate agenev find µ)hs 1 and c0111MU u\ placeincnt Iworkin_ n r,n 1:1 a ,enc\ i �iclf,ir: recipients will have to take Part in one of the three compk)ncnis or have their ben- efits cut off, Noting that religious and union orga- niiations are currently oppc)sed to the coninlunuv placement cornlxment. 'Mr. «in\ predict, it "will ,art,\\ cscntualh. tic: �tORKI X R I * :,,t ,-,c photo by Andrew Iwanowski Puma on theprowl, Russell Christopher of the Pine Ridge Secondary Lake Ontario Secondary School Athletics midget School Pumas of Pickering .attempts to dribble boys basketball action at the Whitby school past an unidentified Henry Street High School Tuesday. Henry Street won 42-37. Hawk as Hawks' Grant Howe gives chase during METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE Brock Rd. North of the 401 in Pickering Vendor Inauiries (905)427-0754 Dec. 13-15 cownrr'FJI a HOME Oma sua Dec. 18 - 26 WiraTA WARFMOM SAIF •IVra • RAY SPORTS • RATA • MMEIFS WORM • TOY DFJK)'I' • SUNBEAM. MO1TUNFX ( SMA Appdance 081101) PAGE 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1996 Workfare approval raises ire of many FROM PAGE 1 ..Once they we it, they will think it's a great thing and not a Nweyman. During the debate, howr%rr, uycral people told regional councillors the pro- gram won't work. W'orktare is "baud on employability. What atx)ut the need.' We're losing our humanity." asked Rcyerend Glen Eagle. "Christ said you can t urge God and money. What we're doinz here is uryinz mond. B� cutting off a recipient's benefits for not taking part, the proNinial go`- ernmcnt "ckwld stanc a person back to work." Durham Regional Labour Council first %ice-presrdcnt Tim Eyc said. ..You people are being asked to do the dim work of the provincial go%- — — crnment. Its immoral, unethical and not reslxmsiblc ' b-, am stretch of- the fthe imagination. It's a form of slay- tilr. F: e Charged. Lim, O'Connor of CAS" Local „' in Oshawa said ti `� ti f studies about DIANIOND reforming the wel- fare system done b% previous provincial goycrnmcnLs never recommended work- fare. "tione of the repoxts talk atx)ut what appears to me as a U.S.-sv le workfare scheme Mr. O'Connor noted. " T?tey're asking you to sign on to a program and you dont know what the regulations arc he sard- N inistry of Community and Social Services spokesman Elizabeth Ros told regional council legislation bringing in worktarc will he introduced cart% in the new, year. Rey. Bruce Mutch, speaking on behalf of Canadian Pensioners Concerned. Ontario Division, said, "We're moving toward a new dark age and Ontario is leading the way. 'To forte labor on those in need is adding insult to injury. It's cruel, inhu- man and immoral." Oshawa Mayor Nancy Diamond voted against the program and assailed the staff report, calling it "an empire - building job at the Region. It won't do anything to lower our costs. "Ibis isn't a business plan but a letter to Santa," she said. "It's so internal - process oriented, it's a waste of money:' Coun. Diamond also called it a "cash grab for computers." The program will cost about $6.2 million in the fust year, with Durham's share about $670,000, while the Province will pay the rest. Durham's Family Services Director Ron Dancey says between 7,000 and 9,000 people will go through one of the three components each year, including about 1,400 in community placement. Of the 1,400, about 700 are already doing volunteer work, he said in an interview. , aaC4 J�� P, a#, Av� `74Gi u<ird�, &46e Mcd CUGI/LSe Menswear And Accessories Available At Access • Agnew • Akio - Arrow S Colours by Alexander AAA Athlete's World • Backstage Pass • Bach • Bentley leathers The Body Shop • Budget Shoe Warehouse • Buffalo Jeans Champs • Club Monaco • Cronings • Eaions Fine Gold Jewellery • Gentlemen's Chest • Jack Frafser Joggers • Kava Jewelers • King's Watch Co. • Kftmey • Kmart leather bound • le Chateau • Mappins • Marks A Spencer Moretti For Men • Nalt raliter • Nectar • Nodhwn Elernents IPantaarna • People's Jewellers • Pro knoge • Randy River iRoots • Seas • Signor Angelo • Sogo • Soft Moc • Sport Chek Suglass Hut • Tip Top • Transtlt • Tristan/Arnerica Tuxedo Royale, • tlhivenal Expedilion Peter is wearing clothing from Morretd For Men rand shoes from Soft MOX. d you haven't s A; a shopped us lately... P THE NEWS ADVERTISER !FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, I996 -PAGE- 3 Province `too quick"on GTA reform: Pickering mayor PICKERING — The Province is acting too hastily in trying to implement munic- ipal reform across the Greater Toronto Area in one year, says Pickering Mayor Wayne Arthurs. "It's too quick to do it responsibly:' says the mayor. "The timetable is far too aggressive" He believes Queen's Park could go ahead with amalga- mating municipalities within Metro Toronto in 1997, but that any plans for a GTA -wide government and the amalga- mation of munici- palities in the 905 areas should be implemented only in 2000, so that they can be given careful consideration and done properly. For the time being, says Mayor Arthurs, the WAYNE Province could public transit. He doesn't like the idea of elimi- nating the regional governments and creating a super - GTA government as Queen's Park seems intent on doing. But if there's going to be a GTA -wide "formalize" the ARTHURS administration, he existing GTA forum of municipal leaders, particularly in areas such as economic development and City of Durham not `in cards': Parish BY KEITH GILLIGAN STAFF REPORTER AJAX — Turning Durham into a single city is a "non-starter", says Ajax Mayor Steve Parish. 'A City of Durham just isn't in the cards as far as I'm concerned. It's a non- starter." He's responding to a published report Thursday saying Municipal Affairs Minister Al Leach will introduce legislation next week that will eliminate the municipalities in Metro and replace them with a megacity. The legislation may also turn the Greater Toronto Area regions of Durham, York, Halton and Peel into individual cities. "I think you should take a lot of the stuff the (Toronto) Star says with a fair grain of salt. They have an agenda and they're driving it:' Mr. Parish says. He notes he spoke with Community and Social Services Minister and Durham West MPP Janet Ecker Thursday morning about the article. "One person I spoke to was Janet Ecker and she said to her cabinet col- league 'I know I went to the bathroom. What did I miss""', Mr. Parish says. None of the reports on reforming municipal government in the GTA, including the Golden Report and the Crombie Who Does What panel, sug- gest the regions around Metro be merged into single cities, he notes. "Only in Metro is amalgamating (into a bigger entity) an option. Everywhere else it's amalgamating STEVE PARISH believes more than just a few months should be taken to design and imple- ment it. Nor does the mayor like Municipal Affairs Minister Al Leach's suggestion that Durham and the other Regions should each be turned into single cities. "I don't think they should be looking at Durham as a mega -community" The mayor is currently discussing with councillors the possibility of initiating a' merger between Pickering and Ajax. He believes the two towns should strut working on an amalgamation plan now, to be implemented by 2000. in n FUEERK DIREC71,D"�n` (formerly of West Hill) R�r� - � Family Owned and Operated A �' !� _ Call and Compare Before You Decide g Road Chapel. 1057 Brock Road PICKERING dust sown or 4011 RYA I J =ILY" k, k 1:4 011 Due to massive overstock. Singer Sewing Machine is offering for sale to the public a limited number of new special 1996 HEAVY DUTY Zig-Zag sewing machines which are industrial strength and sew on all fabrics. Levi's, canvas, upholstery, nylon, stretch, vinyl, silk. EVEN SEWS ON LEATHER. No attachments needed for button holes (any size). monograms, hems. sews, on buttons, satin overcasts, darns, appliques and more. 20 stitch functions. Just set dials and see the magic happen without old fashioned cams or programmers. These machines are suitable for home, professional or school room sewing, 25 year warranty. Your price with this ad 4299.00 - without this ad $529.95. Your cheque, cash or VISA. MASTERCARD A& AMERICAN EXPRESS, LAY -A -WAY. This is the machine your wile wanted' SINGER 11 SIMCOE ST., S. OSHAWA AFPaG,_- _`-._- 433-1140 OFFER EXPIRES DEC. 21 ----- down and eliminating the regions. , "It's a non-starter, especially in Cut your own I Durham where we have a region that's I so diverse. Metro is an urban munici- CHRISTMAS TREES pality. In Durham there are urban municipalities like Ajax and rural Fun For The Entire Family, municipalities like Brock, Uxbridge and I Scu As for Ajax and Pickering amalga- mating, Mr. Parish met with Pickering 1 1 Mayor Wayne Arthus on Monday at 1 Mr. Arthurs' request. 1 Following the release of Mr. 1 Crombie's recommendations on reforming municipal government, Mr. �, FARM Anhurs said Ajax 1c�1°g �1O1rd ' Enjoy .real tradition FRESH begin "agreed co disagree," Mr. Parish Hayrides Refreshments Over 30,000 Top Quality 1 Groomed 6'- 14Scotch Pine says. "Amalgamating Ajax and 1 •Free Tree Baling Pickerin isn't something I'm consider- • Craft Shop • Ample Parkin 'White Spruce • White Pine g 8 1 P P 9 •some fresh pre-cut Bal&w Fir mg, nor is my council considering it ac 19:00 a.m, 10 5:00 p.m. this time. In my opinion, Ajax is very viable, there are no savings in amalga- NEW THIS YEAR mating. There's a strong sense of coin- Visit the Gitt Shopstore munity identification in Ajax that we with lots ot handcrafted ideas on can't lose sight of." Weekends November 30th to December 22nd The mayor says, "If there's no loss of Rolling Meadows Tree Farm identity and there's money to be saved, amalgamation could make sense. But 1 662 Townline Rd.,1 mile N. of Ashbum Village there's a strong feeling there's no cost i Open Fri. Dec. 6, 13, 20. For more into savings. In fact, it would be worse" ` (905) 655-8939 Nord To Pon tarry c kR,Rcorr TREE FARM TwsYkre 487 Westney Road South AslleuRn (Malaza) A Unigrae Child m'. ti tr J� ftim a Foy 9tom -5- = P.. or. Ckk Cara 9481 Yyn" Road a eRootultl Tt Ilignw.y Mo. 7 To `arklrm i Pic" To wMEy a 401 I 1 1 -- • - - - - ---J... order to avoid being forced by the Province into an arrange- ment they don't like. Queen's Park is apparently set to appoint an implementa- tion commissioner whose job it will be to develop proposals by next April for the restruc- turing of GTA municipalities. The goal of initiating merger talks now, says the mayor, would be to have locally acceptable plans in place to present to the commissioner. WESTERN RANCH Manufacturers of Quality Handcrafted Western Boots Ike ??Ca.u��aetu>.rd S4,e V* 7, $106 OK: ' Western Boots Our 9th year cutting Kid]]na it a Tc" 14 Piing 487 Westney Road South at Clements, Ajaxpp (Malaza) A Unigrae Child m'. ti tr 172n Rd. ftim a Foy 9tom -5- = P.. or. Ckk Cara 9481 3r .- Glar n or. Wa ", a1 1W soft of ft sea Tt Sx V a horst boal.. arno". f"Vwk or IND chat/Tors o_5..: D'"faror.a bald" 90tt s)Mon.-Fri. Thurs.. at. Sun. 192St. E.10-6 open late 10-8 9-5 11-5 41190 WESTERN RANCH Manufacturers of Quality Handcrafted Western Boots Ike ??Ca.u��aetu>.rd S4,e V* 7, $106 OK: ' Western Boots • Leather Belts • Accessories 487 Westney Road South at Clements, Ajaxpp 428-1787 Sup" i[on, thru sat 9-6 FLM 9-8 r? -5 Mews et &v MLIVERY SERWE Blair Poyntz Fncbv ,� calmer ()I the %%L -,:k IS Blair NA-niz. Blair en) )ys hockey. haskethull and tennis. glair Nvill revs ive a dinner for -i and a TA-urt cY tnpll rienLs of Burger King. Copilgrandabova Mair, for being our Carrier of the Week. BUROM Kai Committed To ExceUence 1 2SO King.tun Rd. Pit-kcring 115 %IrKvnci.• %��-. Nlax PA004- IrPM NI"S ADVERTMM FAVIDAYADVICI BER /3.11x6 in News Advertiser more homes and more often 'We re on the The Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser grow again Wednesday edition pressrun is now With the launch of our Tuesday edition this week, our total pressrun figures have 44.000 copies. The News Advertiser is proud to he to serve you 42,500, up from 40,500, while our Friday better increased, allowing us to carry more com- information able to offer its readers and advertisers the most comprehensive community cov- edition is up to 14,000 from 42,500 and munity news and advertising Pickering. erage in Ajax and Pickering. Your community newspaper in Ajax our Sunday edition tops 44,000 copies, an to more doorsteps in Ajax and and Pickering is on the grow again! increase from 42.000. Our "Tuesday edition has a pressrun of tr �� Novelty Hat Slippers Canadian Made!,] Men's & Wc, i,Cr} s. Assorted Styles S.M L.XL 1 "riLi _emit 3 prs aer customer I Kru"h G41 G4* Ua&e — 094 at Tosbia! � 1 Can't Decide? — Tootsies Gift Certificates Available ,'� gamily lhne Sho rno . . Er erience -� i� PP P Ajax - Harwood Business Ctr. narwooC we d riwy. 2 ♦� t TOOTMES Man -Fri. f9.9 Sat 9-6. 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PAGE 6•71W NEWS AIDVERTISBR FRIDAY, WCEMat6R,13,1"6 P Pickering Edition— News Advertiser ditonalsar� A Metroland Community Newspaper etterS published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday PHONE: 683-5110 FAX: 683-7363 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 285 • Publisher: Tim Whittaker ♦ Editorial Perfect vision, after the fact Hindsight is almost always perfect. And sometimes, out of tragedy and hindsight, something good is realized. The Community Safety Act, legislation that will allow police to notify residents when high-risk offenders are released back into the community, is such an example. The Act, which amends thrix pieces of existing legislation, will give chiefs of police the discretion to warn the community when a convicted offender moves in next door. It's consistent with the recommendations of a 1993 inquest jury examining the tragedy of Christopher Stephenson. an I l -year-old Brampton boy murdered by a repeat child rapist. Tin Community Safety .Act doers not come without contro- versy. There is a school of thought that argues convicts. having paid their debt to society by serving their sentence, deserve a chance at rehabilitation and an opportunity to live peacefully within a community. Unfortunately, vigilantism is alive and well: any high-risk offender whose name and face appears in a community newspa- per is going to have a hard time walking the streets in peace, even though he or she may never lift a finger against another human being again. Any compassion we may feel for the beleaguered and embar- rassed convict, however, cannot outweigh society's responsibili- ty for what happened to Christopher Stephenson. Convicts are beina released back into the community, and many do commit cremes again. The Community Safety Act will go a little further toward ensunng another child does not rricet the same fate. Four times within the current police chief's tenure, Durham Regional Police have taken the necessan, steps to release the names and photos of high-risk offerxkrs in the commuruty. We support those decisions, made in the best interests of public safe- ty. We support the new legislation that will make those decisions ^asier to implement. When we knew the names and faces of the convicts among us, we can watch them, for our own prxection, without crossing the line of unnecessary harassment and cruelty. To respond to this editorial call Infosourre at nfO-O me 68:3-7040 and dial 5 1 ♦You said it... In response to last Friday's editorial `This idea should crash and burn', regarding user fees by fire departments for `out-of-town- ers' who get into car accidents within department boundaries: ♦ "The proposal is ludicrous. The whole purpose of the fire department is to be there to deall with emergency situations. Other than that, they sit around and draw their pays waiting for these incidents to happen. To charge people from out of town who are going through your town who are involved in an acci- dent is a ridiculous idea." Pickering Edition News Advertiser - .Publisher: Tim Whittaker A Metroland Community Newspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L IS 2H5 v Letters to the editor Development fees are a ripoff To the editor: Re: Mayor Arthurs' statement on development fees. 1 am a retired lithographer, not a builder. 1 have lived in Pickering close to 50 years, built a house, raised a family, paid my taxes and so on. My north Pickering land was expropriated for the so-called Seaton project in 1972. As I was uncertain as to how long I could live in my present home, I purchased other acreage in the northeast Pickering area. I have just finished having a barn erected on the property and am very upset with the ..pound of flesh" the municipality exacted from me to do so. To begin with, I checked my plans with the planning department, then presented my plan and survey to the engineering or permit department. The building was deemed acceptable. I was then required to pay a permit fee of $534, development fees: education $266 and Pickering Hydro fee of $1,910, which does not include hydro to the building! The people in the permits office say they realize it's unfair and explained that normally one would JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor -in -Chief STEVE HOUSTON, Managing Editor BRUCE DANFORD, Advertising Manager ALVIN BROUWER, Retail Advertising Manager FRED EISMONT, Classified Advertising Manager MONIQUE LEA, Real Estate Advertising Manager ABE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager BARBARA HARRISON, Production Manager JANICE O'NEIL, Assistant Production Manager CHERYL HAINES, Assistant Production Manager LILLIAN HOOK, Administration Manager build a house before a barn and in that .:ase they charge a S 14.538 develop- ment fee on the house only. In my instance 1 may be entitled to s slight reduction when and if I build a house on the property. As I drove away licking my wounds from this rip-off, I realized that in addition to :hese expenses, it would cost approxi- mately $20,000 for my well and septic tank (because the Town does not sup- ply water and sewage to my area), not to mention the cost of a building per- mit (at least S5W). When i finally start to build I can look forward to spending a minimum of $75/sq. foot for the actual house. So that brings us to a grand total of $37,748.22 before the cost of construction is even con- sidered. It is my understanding that Minister of Municipal Affairs Al Leach is trying to improve this situa- tion by doing away with development fees. However, Mayor Wayne Arthurs and his colleagues continue to commit what amounts to daylight robbery. Perhaps if the mayor would check into situations like mine he would realize that without compromise, for some of us, these development fees are very discouraging and grossly unfair. Robert G. Foxton, Pickering TO REACH US General: 683-5110 Classified: 683-0707 Distribution: 683-5110 Admin/Classified Fax: 683-7363 CanPOsing Fax: 579-9273 E-mail: newsroom@durharnnews.net KEITH GILLIGAN Ajax Staff Writer Workfare won't work Durham Region Council did the obvi- ous Wednesday and voted to take part in the provincial government's Ontario Works, or workfare, plan. It's not like the Region had a whole lot of choice, given that each municipality will eventually have to take part. It took lour hours before the decision was reached, but that's government. Workfare opponents critiriied Durham for taking part in the program, but a few did praise regional councillor, for the process they used to reach their decision. Since September, the Region has held five public meetings on workfare. giving anybody and evmNxly a chance to speak their mind. Now the question is, will the prognifu work.' I say it won't and it won't fi r a sitn- pie reason — their: aren't enough jobs. The aim of workfare is to help social assistance recipients find the shortest route to a job, through training, by haying a head hunter find work or by developing skills working with a community ageno, Getting welfare recipients off the Jole and hick to work is great. In tact, if voxu asked the: vast majority of those on w0arc. they'd say they want to work. But where.' According to Statistics Canada. the recession ended in 1992. So almost lige years ago, the economy started getting bci- ter. Think back to the recession in 19S I s Five years after that downturn ended. iho: Canadian Lc(xiomy was booming. The unemployment rate is now about 10 per cent, but that's the 'official' rate. It's generally conceded there are thou- sands who've given up looking for a job and still thousands more under -employed. If 10 per cent, or about one million Canadians, can't find a job, where are I . I million Ontarians on social assistance going to find work'? Taxpayers shouldn't hold their collative breaths thinking workfare will save money. The Region spent $197,000 last year on its Durham Employment Services, which helps social assistance recipients prepare for, find and keep a job. Next year. the service will be part of workfare and the Region (head the taxpayer) will fork out $670,000. The Province's share this year is about $1 million. Next year it will be $5.5 million. Keith Gilligan writes in our Friday rota- tion of staff columnists. To respond to this column call Infosowre at 683-7040 and dial 5108. The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc.. Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occupies. http://www.durhamnews.net 16i THF NEWS ADVER71SER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 19"5-P1rGE T p PACT not satisfied with Metro's `ridiculous' dump answers FROM PAGE 1 Strait, in reference to the out-of-court agree- ment But, he added, Council "is responsible for the health and well-being of the residents of this town" He mainmined residents could be subject to "serious chemical exposure„ if these matters are not addressed. Concerns PACT wishes Metro to respond to include: * Why measures are in place to disturb the garbage as little as possible when excavat- ing it from Brock North — in order to min- imize the release of pollution into the atmosphere — while there are apparently no such measures planned for the deposit- ing of the same waste at Brock West. Mr. Strain said the trucks amving at Brock West will be able to "simply lift the tailgate and drop the garbage", which will likely result in the pockets of gas in the waste simply exploding into the air. * Plans to only test the waste for vinyl chloride instead of a wider variety of nox- ious gases. "Fhere are scvcral chemicals which should be tested for," said Mr. Strain, sug- gesting monitoring should be done fere gases which studies have already found at other similar landfills instead of vinyl chlo- ride, which hasn't been found at similar dumps. . Landfill gas acLs in pockets;' said Mr. Strain. "We feel they're quite illogical in the way they're approaching it ' PA(T maintains averaging ignores severe spil:LN in concentration that can afko area rcsi- dents and schools. * Ouestionable figures in a consultant's report on methane gas conccntrations and pn surc in the Brack North landfill. PA( -F believes the consultant's findings regarding pressure are "illogical'. * INsc repancies in the same report regard- ing how the excavation site will be covered each day. PACY wants their concerns to be addressed before the transfer of waste CORRECTION NOTICE There was an error printed in the Michael Boyer Pontiac Buick GMC Limited advertisement published in Wheels, Tuesday, December 10, 1996. The advertisement should have read "4.75% fixed up to 6 months OAC. See dealer for details" 01MON Large selection, friendly service & great prices on Maternity Fashions. Nursing Wear, Breast Pumps... & wonderful gift ideas NO PST or GST with this ad! E*m OYt. X& Fw gR *F 9 Opti Y0G >as�w x.. I 0 nctEtn G llt6113t.Dlp T W D N rn.-rig. 10-9 Sat. 10-61 Sm. 12 - S begins, which could be any day now, according to Mr. Strain. "For them to give us a response which we think is ridiculous is not going to satisfy us" Mr. Strain noted the fact PACT is asking these questions doesn't change its opposition to the moving of the garbage in the first place, especially without an environmental hearing. your savings store Town executive director of operations Tom Wnn said he has been told by Metro a letter addressing PACT's questions would be sent out by the end of this week. LAST 3 DAYS on almost all regular priced, sale and clearance items. Ends this Sunday, December 15th. Plus 50 0Y0 Hurry in! We've gat a $4 million selection of plush, games, dolls and more. But only as long as quantities last. And better yet - satiI are on the cast ticketed PrWOa Ift mil deduct an amount equivalent to the GST. Excludes Cosrnebcs and Fragrances. Sunglass Hut. Royal velvet towels, Panasonic GADO TVs. clearance books, computers, watch straps, pre-recorded audio / video tapes and CDs. Gucci watches, all Calvin Klein and jockey underwear and hosiery. Liz Claiborne and Guess fashion accessories. Easy Spirit shoes. Small Electrics and Personal Care appliances, Eaton Gift Certificates. Restaurants, concessions and services. Not valid in con junction with other tax savings offers. Details in-store. "Selected toys only. Selection varies by store. With any purdyou Can get our adorable Dhrw 101 Dnirra"i s 71rtCk- TbV for Only SOM or our set of 3 Sekable Gift Banes for only x.96 (l Xtti Dec. 24th, or whie quantities last.) Eaton^s. We want to be your Visit our website at www.eatons.com store. "– . a'AGE &THE NEWS ADVER711SER FWDA7� DECEMBER 19r 1"6 r L de.ANTD3 A?4 el_ E ._+ AJAX 15 Westney Rd. N. Hwy. 2 & Westney Rd. Personal Shopping Only While Quantities Last (No Rainchecks) sF F vs �O E4 Winter Hours 1w, revir -Thurs. 8-8 MtffL Fri. 8-9 SaL 8.6 S Sun. 10.5 CASHWAY AC,,,,d;,,,Comm ,,,,,,,We,, Canadians. Saving you tlrouebout Ontario. c 1 MSE SHE�V IN MG`"A r,nled) MDF core knot P WHITE 350 - 90035 ' 1 - �_�J--- 12 X96"X 127X48"X34 WHITE 350900 t I SANTA SPECIAL'� SUN., DEC. 155 ONLY! SOLID BRASS Bath -Faucet c/w Pop Up, 2 Lever _ '� • 1 1 aosaoosa LIMB 2 1001120 3/8•' Cordless Driver -Drill Kit Model: 6012HDW • 2 -speed gear selection • 400 1000 RPM. 9.6V � C torgue settings for a variety of various size fastener • ''Nell balanced for easy handling _, • Complete with charger, Sse 13 4 l I Model:Miter 10 • Powerful 1 498-. 02,72 2.0 • Miters u A motor; 4.600 RPM p to 45 left and 57- right 9 positive stops 15:, left and 0 (W 221, 30`. 45 right or • Electric brake cuts) Extra Carbide r,o 1 Ped Blade s19700 i PLAat swsE 134 mil; .141LFT. tr FJ SASE 13101062.1 OILFT FJ CROWN i34oim .2J/LF 1. CO•ISatAT10d BASE 13403134 .20/LFT. FJ CRM 13401120.19/LF1. AI&4 13401310 4.00 EA. FJ CHAIR RML • 1340018s 4.00 FJ STEP SASE a 41/2 MAH. GROWN 13403167 .600/LFT. 9-931 — 11F5,ORE •ccourTwuw,� — r -0R WqR MIODUCT �C� , ® LOOK FOR US INTHE YELLOW 91 = wr-rc 3/8" Variable Speed Cordless Drill Model: 6093DW-X rake ✓e ,able 2 variable 498-70249 0 rorgue wrongs tor�den 0 400 and 0 1.100 RPM rivi Fasr stopprn action with Iectric g' 2 for drill+ng �cr'plete with 1 -hour tast charger, 9 6V battery and carrying case vALGE PACK Oce arver brt Ser — I 'S F, battery •' 3 Oce a? Intl be Ser 1 812 !*� ' 7-1/4" Circular Saw Model: 5820 4sa ' czac • 7.5 Amps - 14 000 RPM • Eiectric brake stops the blade when the switch is released • Lightweight at only 7.7 lbs. • Bevel cuts up to 45: • Easy sighting using notch on top of guide I 3✓8" Variable Speed Cord Model: 6221 D Drill • 6 torgue sacci 4W70389 ' Electric b�e�' 0-700 RPM • Complete with 96V�� qutckty ' �l,ger, and case battery, - .I$ 1 -� 00 ID Vakie fast spk Pack: Extra 9.6V J Pant dl y � t - *8.bw� 2ndSOLDOID ORE $ 99 V ORS ASST. SIZES 12 115 55059 SAT. ONLY reserves the right to limit auatltltles to the amoottt reasonable for ers and our regular contractor customers. ft is our Folia► to fun tfle rc efforturate advertising In the event of aro► error we 42 make every . effort to accommodate our customers. Details on ata Product 'S .Yo f.ni1�N.. t7BE NEMSADVEMMEItUNUVAr, DACEMSER f3, I996rPAGE 9 Identification of sex predators good for public safety: police chief BY STEPHEN SHAW DURHAM STAFF New provincial legislation which allows police to alert residents to sex predators and other "high-risk" offenders released from custody will enhance public safety, says Durham's top cop. The Community Safety Act, intro- duced by Solicitor General Bob Runciman, will close legal loopholes to allow justice officials to track convicted offenders and will give police authonza- tion to release the names and personal information of criminals deemed a danger to the community. Durham Regional Police Chief Trevor McCagherty says the law is "a positive step toward,, improving community safe- ty" and will help to eliminate public "confusion" when dangerous offend- �.--` crs are released _. . back into the com- munity. "It's con- k:erning to the com- inunity when par pie have informally TREVOR been given informa- WCAGHERTY tion about a poten- tial high-risk offender and the police are unable to confirm or deny it. So this will enable us to clear up the confu- sion;' the chief says. Under existing laws, police can release the names of high-risk offenders, but only following a lengthy bureaucratic process Chief McCagherty says. The legislation, Ix: says, will speed up the process on the. "rare occasions" police feel they must disclose the: identities of high-risk offenders returning to the com- munity. Advocates fox criminals oppose the legislation. Knowing about a dangerous offender living in their midst won't make residents any safer, and may in fact pose a greater risk, says Bill Fry, executive dircc- tor of the John Howard Society's Durham chapter. Shining a spotlight on sex predators and other dangerous convicts will drive offenders into hiding, forcing them to relocate to other communities, merely "transporting the probiem;' he reasons. ' 11x problem won't go away. It is going to create more of a problem. Instead of a person getting the help they need and treatment they require they will be driven underground in the hope of escaping recognition. "Your best control is to get them into treatment programs and under supervi- sion, not drive them underground" The legislation also makes the follow- ing changes: • Amends the Change of Name Act so the criminal record of convicted offenders who legally change their names is reflect- ed in their new identities. Currently there is no process to update criminal records to reflect name changes, allowing offenders to bury their past. • Amends the Ministry of Corrections Act so corrections officials can release _011, information about soon -to -be -released convicts to victims, children's agencies, "vulnerable adults" and the general public. The legislation follows the recommenda- tions of a 1993 coroner's inquest into the mur- der of Christopher Stephenson, an I I -year-old Brampton boy killed by paroled pedophile Joseph Fredericks. F /\I your savings store Minister Runciman said police chiefs must weigh the risk an individual poses and the best interests of the public when deciding whether to release information about an offender. Even more good reasons to come in for our No PSTI&GST all sterling silver jewellery all Women's Wallets 215% off all men's Dress Shoes and Winter Footwear ,r.. ,.*„ ­ P -•,v4" •x ah] -IN all flannel Sheets and Cases 10% off all Chocolates 10% off all discontinued and clearance VCRs '15% off all discontinued and clearance TVs 20% off all discontinued and clearance Cameras and Telephones up to 70% off all discontinued Video Games and Accessories 5 e Fuji Quicksnap camera - 27 exp. unci Dw- Za x ^*V 7i,e ftrt w! 25% off all accent tables Above offers off original ticketed pnces. Valid until Dec. 15, unless oth- erwise indicated. Excludes Factory Outlet and Warehouse Stores. And to make the deals even sweeter you'll ML M Ank Aft * still get storewide on almost all regular6priced, sale and clearance items until this Sunday; December 15th. `We will deduct an amount equivalent to the GST. Exckxles Cosmetics and Fragrances, Sunglass Hut, Royal Velvet towels, Panasonic GA00 IV% clearance Crooks, computers, watch straps, pre-recorded audio / video tapes and CDs, Gucci watches, aN Calvin Klein and Jockey underwear and hosiery, Liz Claiborne and Guess fashion accessories, Easy Spirit shoes, Small Electrics and Personal Care appliances, Eaton Gift Certificates, Restaurants, concessions and services. Not vaild in conjunction with other tax savings offers. Details in-store. Eaton's. We want to be your i , � store. Visit our website at www.eatons.com .U_ Lim PAI:E IU -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAV, DECEMBER 13.19% Help for bereaved at Ajax -Pickering hospital AJAX — A support group for with accepting death, coming to ment. Applications are available people who've experienced the emotional terms with death, cre- at the outpatient mental health death of a family member or ating a new identity while incor- department by calling 683-2320 friend in the last year will meet porating the loss, dealing with extension 3275, or by faxing 683 - for the first time in January at anniversaries and other issues of 8527. Ajax -Pickering General Hospital. interest to group members. McEachnie Funeral Home, The six-week grief support The first session will run from which is sponsoring the group group starts its meetings Jan. 21. 7 to 9 pm. while the remaining session, can tv reached to reserve The group is aimed at people ones will begin at 7:30 pm. and a spot at 428-8488. who've lost spouses, partners, last for one hour. "Ihe ses- parents. children or friends. cions will be held on the Members will explore grief third floor west wing, men - and bereavement and loam to deal tal health outpatient depart - 0 00 ; 4 1 o. 0 •'0� 0 0• O o E;n . 006000 ux.TnroUF Total Beauty Therapy and Hair Design Pickering Firefighters .association are urging you to drop off an unwrapped toy for a child in need.�!�� i With ever} toy dropped off you have an opportunity to enter our draw for a gift basket ��►�^ Liv rpot,)l Read I YOUR SOUICAEFOR CHMST" V 11 TV S �1G.U.C,C -------------------- ., Rcccl\ c lltctinic h)tttc.'r\- rci l.lcenicnts \\ ltll ail\ \\ atcll purcllascd at I'cct��lc�. I )( )Iht l -,.1\- "t 11 Nluy- 199',: i PB tht 1)I.\SII )\1) QTc )FBF. for Choice 150 Pickcrin' 1'()\\ n ( :cntrc S.i()--}-Fi YWr. Sc�URc:H: Fcni CHRISTA.US VAIXTS Receive lifetime battery replacements With any watch -purchased at Peoples: Don't Pay'fil May 1997t* . _ f'EOI'LFS . Thr D -,��IONU STORE r O..\.c:.. mi„i„ umt�owuircha,c`t_'ini. Pickcring] i)\\n (:entre 839-4475 ?7P�'//JTlj'?�Ild:•lf: l?r: el '. +!r7Jd •d1/:•>�••�•.r You're invited to a Lion of a dance Dec. 31 AJAX -- You can bring in the new year and help a service club raise money for com- munity projects at the same time. The Ajax Lions Club is holding a New Year's lave dance on Tues- day, Dec. 31 from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. in the HM S Ajax Room of the Ajax Com- munity Centre. The dance features a disc jockey, party favors and a buf- fet just after midnight. Proceeds from the event will go toward Lions club pro- jects, such as buying materials for visually - i in p a i r e d patrons of the Ajax Public Library, the Ajax -Pickering General Hospi- tal, sponsorships of youth teams and seniors' activities, and the Santa Claus parade. Tickets, at $25 per person, are available by calling Terry at 683-3216, Jim at 683-5368 or Len at 686-2130. Birthing Circle meets The Birthing Circle, a support group for preg- nancy and child- birth issues, meets Monday, Dec. 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 108 Bloor St. W., Oshawa. The topic is Caesarean Pre- vention and Vagi- nal B irth After Caesarean. Call 420-0223 for more infor- mation. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1 -3,1996 -PAGE II NEC READY PENTIUM 133MHz MI W -TOWER I COMPAQ PRESARIO PENTIUM 133MHz INTRODUCING THE COMPAQ PC COMPANION MULTIMEDIA GAMING SYSTEM MINI -TOWER MULTIMEDIA SYSTEM Put Compaq quality t1�rc in the palm of your hand. Product not 2Mb RAM. 4M ROM f: as shown • • 480 x 240 touch sensitive badc- �r- • • • • 1 right display with 4 shades of grey i 15. - MonitorAA alkaline batteries SII • • Extra • W' r Standard lithiumbattery back-up Y Seamless PC connectivity. z<: I ' ' ncludes synchronization cabie. +r. Aatures Mccrosoft Windows CE _ Monitor_ � rating environment with Extra Docket versions of Word. "•;:".:� lul� excel. Internet Explorer and Y f , , Information Manager. -Factory -rami;•. •• • , , � Calculator. World txne refurblshec!4/" - Jr,�que translation software re - 6X CD ROM drive 199, 8 16Mb RAM cognizes other software including 256K6 cache 199988 1.6Gb hard drive 9999 Lotus Organizer 97 Act' 3 0. 2Mb Alliance Video 4X CD-ROM drive Sidekick. AmiPro Wordpertect. 16 bit 30 wavetable surround sound - 16 bit CD quality audio - Spatializer surround sound �,�ase Lotus 1-2-3. and Quattro Pro 28.8Kbps tax/data/voice modem Plug 'n Play compatibility - 28.8 data/14.4 fax modern COIMA4Q Coming soon to a Compucentre near you. with DSVD Media Phot guide to phone and tax centres Infra red data transfer capability i Over 20 Software titles included COPIP tor': ' HP DESKJET 6800 COLOUR INKJET PRINTER Over 20 software gamesNEC Bek and colour printing - BkaicK 6k0 x 300 dpi i IBM APTNa9w _A PENTIUM 133MHz "C" SERIES HP PAVILION PENTIUM 133MHz Colour app x 300 dpi FREE MULTIMEDIA COMPUTER HPColorSrnartTechnology , , (.� f - MINI -TOWER , 1810hours - Resolafion Enhancement" Pn Co FREE MonitorU1111131 . - Truer scalable fontsmorwtor `s Extra an the IMe [ Extra • t/fie - C )imry1 .5 ppim - Black 5 pprtl - Mi•Md ; ` 512Kb built-in RAM { - 32Kb receiver buffer 1 yr i"ed warrantyV V �awy, '399 A4o ava,laeb t« Mac After $20 •nwror wit w,rh Desk 0, �er 69DC fAW VE o Video9 LEXMARK COLOUR 988 4X CD-ROM drve X88 J EE 310 watt stereo speakers 2%K second � � A••. $ly .l ETPR I NTER 2050 C Worksho 3D graphics 8X CD ROM ^�' St 00 (expandable to 512K) mink. Mo•r - CD A 1 Speakerphone, wake-up on rr ; ^°'F'^ r•d"�' _ 28 8Kbps fax data modern 16 b4- 3- D So eAi ver ur-inC 6� x 60C� dq m u d oiacric ntemet ready with 28 8 datalaxvolce mooern Acceierated 54brt PCI local bus video - MPEG 5 ppm (black) - 2 ppm (coiour) - Tele-answenng machine with multiple voicemad boxes,) - Telephone answering system and ft�N-dApiex speakerpF,a,e p� Sharp Over 40 software teles included �,,. Colour and new Su 1 .,.,. -, ,.. •.. , .. „..._ _ w. _.-.. , T Z -- 1 yr m -borne Aar arty - Over 30 software titles Waterproof black ink cartneiges 1 year Express warranty 'IBM APTIVA PENTIUM 166MHz S" SERIES i TOT PALMTOP ELECTRONIC MULTIMEDIA COMPUTER SYSTEM AGENDA/ORGANIZER An•rS10 This new electronic organizer offers a "x''62 n 'ln r•bale 379 LFAM. m -� one -touch electronic agendworgarnzer solution weft a record capacity of well CANON BJC-4100 BUBBLEJET f 180houm '' •$ t )ver 5000 records. Comes bundledffkCOLOUR INKJET PRINTER with a docking cradle and desktop M Interr organizer software for Windows Colour and blackBubble`Jet Features neva HotSync: technology Black 720 x 360 Ci wM srnootlitrig which allows you to simultaneously Colour 720 x 360 dp ►� * rNr�' synchronize your Pilot and computer 2 cartridge Systems 0 black. 1 tri-cobur) ` within a matter of seconds. - Built n auto -sheet feeder 1 t 00 pages) FREE Canon Creative CD-ROM software k•crM� 512K AIO 88 _2 yr to-yaoor wa►ranty _ 16Mb RAM 379okr AA•rart 2.5Gb hard drive AA•rsato �"'` � firm"r•ba*After S2029988UdfN/0 8X CD-ROM min roti• Tele-answerix mal boxes IBM Internet Connection Phone - 28.8 dataFaxMoioe modern One button Internet access - Over 40 software titles 3 yr limited Warranly • 33M x+.l .. .a++..a e.o.nra a rr.n..eo.rr •.,nr +�.e-r co-,�.-� ccmv q,+ 1W :....,,..0 IBM THINKPAD 100MHz Jyuift4 Colour Notebook Computer - 5% processor - 8cu11b RAM CD-ROM - 540Mb harts drive -10.4' dual scan passive matrix screen - 2 type II or 1 type Ill PC card slot -101 -key keyboard -1 year warranty 2499 rrraiFin r.N.r ." 14" DAYTEK MONITOR .28mm dot pitch - SVGA 1024 x 768 non -interface EnergyStar compliant Non-gl r are face �. 1198s ;Mt 001 PANASONIC PANASYMt' FN 15" MONTOR - 27mmdotpilch-1W4x-Ma179A4z - Flat -square screen for greater resolr'-MadWindow•soonipelble -3yrsinl Wwarrantypartsandlabaft 46941111111 MAXTOR 2.OGB HARD DRIVE Everything you need is included Enhanced IDE interface - Quick and easy rtstalabon - 2 yr manufacturers warranty W108 ..•379 fes. IOMEGA 100MB ZIP DRIVE Expand your bard drikre wilhokd IirriAs BackW your hard drive - set up is quick and easy - wfn SCSI or pard/el inlerfaos - AA•rntrrkdaetur•r'•1111111"1111111111111*22V_� o, MAT aphicsOX MYcE The Mairm Mystique graphics aamierallor duels a corlplele sohtiort for aooell ralirV Wndaws, Video, 3D Ilexhn maps and DM It %V - Ports up to 4Mb of %GRAM merrtoly at resolutions r'W.* qww.'.JF up to 1280 x 1024. After $10 inaterd rQW .-,k and $10 mail•ir nb•�• .7 \rA [ e •r• J- • Ad .nus, De p�'eee-Med +,llw, 'days Jl purrJ-ege 011a poor on ax tie. ae-ns in ,ns OP woauca a " s•n-e brand and rtgdM VW aro avalYde m spck hon any Dina tical au,ha w .ei— oke. does NOT apply W compe"o,s knwd w blv. on Io kid w dsrr-orwwkon u DICKERING TOWN CENTRE 420=9707. ---- �•.rw,..,�.4tw�-WYimira�+(•nfaKw'A:fkwi3ar-zit+,as.,,;.,ks�iivrkrtr+«Fol'datiR3Cl�:s,awu^�..:.�u.r:e�.:,a..<..sm•,_- - .... . . PAGE 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1996 Calling all Sears Club Alembers Between Thursdar. Dec. 5 and Sunday. Dec. 15, 1996. use .your .Sears Card for an y Retail. Catalgque or Clearance Centre Purchase. a» d ,het double .Sears Club points with almost even•thigyou hut•. * Sears Club is iflore rewarding Sears Club points can be redeemed for free rewards. I nlike some clubs. you're not restricted when cboosing your reward. Witb Sears Club. you can choose 9'our reward from almost anywhere in our Store. Catalogue or Clearance Centre - even if its on sale. Tbat means you can choose from over 50.000 pnducts and services. including fashions, furniture. appliances - even Sears Travel. You get more cboices - and more tnlue urtb Sears Club. a�Lillfl�►ZC IWO.1111 'I Double yourpoints at Shell }rut can earn double points at any Shell station when you ust,Your ,fears Card for fuel. onto repairs or snacks. That s on top of the points you're ulreadl' earning at Sears. , r Not a Sears Club • Alein ber? ive U �Y/a.r - if you have a valid • YO dears Card. we can s4m 1'ou up on the spot at any Sears store. For more injilrnlation about our Club. just call 1-800-26n-_Wi. DOUBLE i rhis- season, your Suars Club • Sears Card gives ou do le the if, value. 'Excludes: Licensed Departments, Gas from Sears, installed Services, Laborer, Delivery, custom orders, Alcohol and hasm +Applicable taxes not inchded. Berl' p"rc IN Fxpect mora front Sears- CHRISTMAS earsCHRISTMAS SHOPPING HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 10:00 am - 10:00 pm, Sat. 8:30 am - 9:30 pm, Sun. 11:00 a • m - 6.00 pm AL L RANGES A L L R[I`PIGIRATW ALL VA(UUMS... Ate WASHERS 8 ORYERS THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1996 -PAGE 13 U N D A Y- AT I A R S I AT no � ; USE YOU SEARS (AID AND crl0 N ?Ay T IC 1 1 AND 6ET--POUBIE I A R S '(1UB ?-01NT5 ON ALL MAJOR APPLIANCES, SEWING MACHINES, VACUUMS—, FURNITURE", SLEEP SETS, DECORATOR RUGS AND SELECTED HOME ELECTRONICS' ALL [ARG[ S(PHN TV'S*** ALL DINING ROOM SUITES AI I BEDROOM SUITES 8 MORE "Until Sunday, December 15, 19911, Sears Club Members can use their Sears Cord for osy Retail, Catalogue or Clearance Centre purchase, omd get double Sears Club points an almost everything they buy. Excludes licensed Departments, Gas from Sears, Installed Services, labour, Delivery, Custom Orders, Alcohol cad lottery purchases. Teat the GST. Sears will deduct an amount ertuiveleal to the GST from your total purchase price. Offer applies to merchandise in Sears Retell stores. Offer does ant apply to deferral fees, delivery, maintenance agreement or installation charges. Offer ends Sunday, December 15, 1996. tDon't Pay Until Jonvery 1991, an approved credit, with yaw Sears Card. S35 deferral fee a.d all aI 1i1i1e taxes end charges we payeble at the time of purchase. Offer ads Tuesday, DKwAsr 26, 19% axcopt Nene Electronics which voids Tensility, December 31, 1996. Scat the 6ST and Deferred offers exclude 1i1uidatien iNns is Clearance Canes ad Calaleg ie purchases. Ask fir details. 1/601 Furniture Shap; excludes baby and polio furniture. "'D/1120 Sewisg/Flaar Care Shop; aided" wet/dry mum •••SeMctd None Eloctrasics isclade TV's 12T and lager), Avdio, (ordless Phew, Fax Machines. Furniture sat avoifsble is d steres t N I S I S S E A R S T 0 D A Y 12307 wh1e tptveptia last Copyright 1996. Sears Canada Inc. S Expect morefrom Seers CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 10:00 am - 10:00 pm, Sat. 8:30 am - 9:30 pm, Sun. 11:00 am - 6:00 pm :�w .a PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADNTHTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBUR 13. 1996 • photo Uy tion r-ieuoniry Band aid for Pickering Members of the Pickering Concert Band are tooting their horns for Massey's Restaurant because of the establishments ongoing financial support. Massey's owner Don Argiro receives a plaque of appreciation from band members, from left, Steve Pettafor, Greg McCabe and Joanne Dies. Newcomers make you feel like an old friend The Pickering -Ajax ?vewcomers Club meets at It's for women living in the area less than three 8 p.m. Thursday. Dec. 12 at the Pickering Village years. Call Linda at 686-2537 for more informa- United Church, 300 Church St. N.. Ajax. tion. Ce,niffed Used Cars SSI OF J I I PICKERING z .Eon G> 3 0 i 1 �00 I� 03 s.. a� 3 a� Z U 1 Parent Finders meets to aid adoptees in Durham Region Adoptees seeking information on years, birth or adoptive parents, and their biological heritage can get aid other relatives (brother, sister, grand - and support from a Durham -based parent). Support and search guidance is pro - Parent Finders meets Thursday, Y group. vided b the organization. Call 4t14- [)cc. 12 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Luke's Pres- 9151 (Sandy), 723-4989 (Jan), 905- h�icrian Church, 333 Rossland Rd. W.. 986-0645 (Rick, Linda), or 416 -252 - Oshawa. It's for adoptees over 18 4784. Johnn Johnny Bower will be appearing Sat. Dec. 14, 96 —� 1:30 PM -3:30 PM w atb Nostalgic Collecti lest Pickering Town Centre (next to Radio Shack) 'nerm112 Price 0 Gi&b5co 8 sets - until Christmas �1 14 C3 L -� from HO'NoTOY Your HONDA and TOYOTA Auto Service Specialist For info: (905) 686-4991 S 48 Toy, Ave. #8, Pickering EN'S G 3ut ,*ruttish ' i3akrrg & ulutr4er • Specializing in Olde Country Favourites sing Traditional Family Recipes vm akW. • Steak Pies • Xmas Cake • Bread • Shortbread all Nour • Potato Scones • Meat Pies & all the Ne' yeard' y Buns! ° Don't forget about your Sausage and Black Pudding for Christmas Breakfast and of course "CLOOTIE DUMPLING" to top off your Turkey dinner 619 KINGSTON RD. Pickering ( Hwy. 2 West of Whites Rd.) (905) 420-6200 - •I .................... P Durham Catholic school board turns to staff for money -saving ideas Staff `closest to actual expenditures' can help out The Catholic school board in Durham is asking its employees to help it find new ways to save money. "In the belief that those closest to the actual expcn- ditures can well idcn!i!% and determine effective reductions in cost, a cost reduction program has been established as part of the 1997 board budget process," says Grant Andrews, education direc- tor of the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board, in a memo outlining the program to staff. He says it's "impera- tive" for all employees to "support the maintenance -1 It %cry cost-efficient photo by Andrew Iwanowski Deck the tree Parents and students at St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Catholic School in Pickering trimmed the school Christmas tree with Victorian ornaments they made themselves. Finishing up the job here are (from left) Suzanne Lever, her son Stephen, 13, 10 -year-old Sandra Andreson, her nine-year-old brother Steven and their mom Janet. Sunday, December 15 is ... Family and Friend Day at New Life Christian Fellowship Please come and celebrate the Holidays with us! 10:30 a.m. Message: Mary Had A Little Lamb (alight lunch will be provided following the service) We wottld like to invite you to Visit us at New Life Christian :=ellowship during the Christmas season. Next week's message is: You Can Know the Christ of Christmas (Dec 22) Steele .� .amu k p«�ul e>E,.wye.wr e�fe L�e�� .. care &ad Ago «fie ue oFekeen . j .,o� s4vg"a 4eua ems• New Life Christian Fellowship meets at Eastshore Communis} Centre 31 910 LurfkxA RtgJ (Lkrpu,l ! Bay M1 (For more information. Call Tim GtOre) lPastor) at 905-831-4128) operation and co-operate with fellow employees in identifying areas where cost reductions may be made in our own schools, departments and work sites," The board is asking staff members to put for- ward suggestions for potential savings as indi- viduals, groups, schools or departments, based on reviews of expenditures and work methods. Employees are also encouraged to discuss their ideas with co-workers and supervisors before submit- ting them. The deadline for written proposals is Dec. 20, the last day of school before the two-week Christmas break. Posters and brochures outlining the program for employees were distrib- uted to all workplaces in November. THE NEt4'S ADVFRTISF.k FR1VAT,'DFCFMBEk 13, 1496 -PAGE P# ediator named M' contract Wki' mediator has been appointed in contract negotiations ween the Dt Irl Board of Education and its high school The Education Relations Commission has appointed ny Keith to act as mediator. He has acted as a neutral party for the commission in several fact finding and iation assignments since 1985. Nil; Keith also has a law tim in Toronto and works largely on civil litigation and resolution, ;;Meanwhile, a fact finder appointed to negotiations..k een the board and its secondary school teachers released s report to the two sines last week. The board and the teach - have another week to conduct further tally based on Prof. Swimmer's report. if no agreement has been reached y the end of that time, the report will be made public. The contr'actbet`t &-n the teachers and the board expired Aug. 30. Prof. Swimmer is also working on a report concerning the ''board and its elementary teachers whose contract also expired Aug. 30 Proctor Silex 21b. Full Feature Deluxe Breadmaker 80140 Hamilton Beach 16999 ' 12 Cup Proctor Silex Coffeemaker �- `-__--- — 47104 ��_` s Extra Wide Slot 342 c�c Slice Coolwall Toaster � T4300 2499 Hamilton Beach Hamilton Beach 12 Cup Digital 10 Speed Blender with 48oz Coffeemaker Glass Jar 47261 50220 9 ' 59 99 39 Hamilton Beach Toaster Oven Hamilton Beach Electronic - ToastA-i 5 Speed Hand Mixer - - - B1215 -Bakes Bowl Rest Feature�) 2499 62520 5 9 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE kmartMon.-Fri. 9:30-9:00, Sat. 8:00-9:00, Sun. 10:00-6:00 3PRODUCT DEMONSTRATIONS WILL BE HELD FRR DEC. 13-5 pm to 9 per, SAT. -MC. 14-116m.to i Vin, SUN. DEC. 15 . .'l AGE 16 -THE NEWS RTISER FRIDAY, vGood spellers from Ajax and Pickering sought for contest Communities all abuzz over annual spelling bee competition PICKERING -- Is there a good Speller buzzing around in your midst'? If so. you may want to encourage them to test their skill at the Spelling Lick's pitches in to help Lung Association Lung Associa- tion Durham Region is once again joining with Lick's Homcburgers and Ice Cream Restaurant in Pickering to pro- mote the 1996 Christmas Seals Campaign. Anita witty. Lung Association Christmas Seal chairman. will join local politi- cians to promote this year's theme Lick & Stick.by scooping free ice cream cones from noon to 2 p.m. Saturday. Dec. 14. Children will be treated to a visit by Santa. and Kim Parr. Ajax -Pickering General Hospi- tal's director of respiratory scr- vices, will offer free lung testing. A Christmas Seals donation box is available at Lick's throughout the campaign, which runs to Jan. 31. For every d o n a t i o n received, Lick's will contribute another 50 cents to the Lung Asso- cialion of Durham region. The Lung Association rais- es over a third of its funds through the Christmas Seals Campaign. The funds are used to help pre- vent lung disease and to assist those who have lung disease. For informa- tion or to make a donation, call e 'Adr— i AAA Bee of Canada's 8th Annual Spelling Bee Contest. The speeling bee features three age categories -- seven to nine. 10 to 12 and 13 to 15. Registration for the event will take place Jan. 6. 8 and 9 from 6 to 9:30 p.m. at the Pickering Recreation Complex, Valley Farm Road and Hwy. 2. Contest representatives will be on hand to answer your questions at the registration. Registration continues until Jan. 31 at the children's desk at the Pick- ering Central Library. One The Esplanade. Cost to register is $10. Area quar- ter -finals and semi-finals will be held throughout April. Finals will be held May 4. Volunteers are also needed to help organize and run the competition. For more information on the con-. test, or to find out how you can help. call 420-8908. 428-7271. 420-8231 or 686-4883. Fido and Santa say ,`cheese" in Durham Santa Claus is looking for a visit from some differ- ent friends — a group of animals. The Durham Animal Adoption agency is currently hosting its fourth annual Pet Pictures with Santa event and is looking for candidates to say cheese. Anyone interested in having their pet's picture taken with Santa can do so Saturday or Sunday from 12 to 4 p.m. at Pet Valu Discount Stores in Whitby, 1912 Dundas St. E., at Garrard Road. The cost for the snapshot is $5, with all proceeds going to help with Durham Animal Adoption pro- grams. Setting an appointment is encouraged, and further information is available by calling Laurie at 438-8411. THIS W EEKEND ONLY. • SAS DEt.14TN &SUN. DEC.ISTN IRE N ENT S'T 0 Y. WE WILL DEDUCT AN AMOUNT EQUIVAL.INT TO THE G.S.T. FROM YOUR TOTAL PURCHASE, EXCEPT TO JUST A FEW DEALS FROM THIS WEEK'S FLYER... OFF ow Dm PR 1 RJ • unws 4-/k. M, 2 -Mt. AAA, C or D or Simi* 9 -von. 40 2 - _ aroma t, �F ,hi / ; i/&U" FRIDAY IM. 13H FIIOM 9-11 PM OPEN WNEAIF PEnurt~TIED • PICKERING TOWN CENTRE • WES'TNEY HEIGHTS PLZ. HARWOOD PLACE MALL .............................................................__._._...._.................................._...._..; ....r.... ... T�ra M e 36 0-41 / , •, ' \\ _ 3,if ihaven't s o e. ou aven t s o a us ate ... ou Visits and Photos With Santa, as Well As Guest Services Are available Daily Until Dec. 24th EXTENDED CHRISTMAS HOURS ARE - NION.-FRI. 10 - 10 SAT. 9:30 - 9:30 SUN. 11 - 6 A. , "I PAGE 19 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY_ MVE11HE.R 11. 1996 Cadarackque concert The day-care students at Cadarackque Public School in Ajax give themselves a hand for their performance in a Christmas concert at the school on Dec. 4. Among the songs of the season the youngsters sang at the per- formance were Frosty the Snowman and Must be Santa. Christmas season is red and green, not blue BY LINDA VN'tir1E up as people move in search of jobs," of ourselves," advises !its. Einarson. "Get sr.xlf rt! rorrit x notes Ms. Einarson. "People are looking the: proper rest, exercise and diet. Turn on the radio and youll likely at the loss of traditions and the loss of that That could mean, for example, buying hear a song telling you to have a holly, person." home -baked goods from bazaars instead jolly Christmas. After all, it's the best It can be as difficult for some families of making everything yourself. "Do you time of the vear -- isn't it'? as a death. "Our message is to try to be remember from past (holidays) who For more and more people, it's far creative and go out of your way to be dif- baked what? It's not the food that makes from the best time of the Year. Instead, it's ferent so you don't face this hole where the day, but sharing the day." filled with tension, anger, frustration and that person should have been." And if you haven't left any time on the sometimes even abuse, report% Distress If you find .ourself alone this holiday, calendar for yourself, "postpone a get - Centre of Durham Region executive together. Make a phone call and director Nan Einarson. .49 Do something good for arrange to get together after Christ - 'This year has probably been the mass' worst to date," reports Ms. Einarson ourself. Buy yourself a For people who dread a particu- pointrng to calls beginning in late;� lar tradition, decide whether you want November -- several weeks earlier than speCial gift, get a movie, M. to take part. "If excessive drinking is usual -- from people dreading Christ- . e to visit ashut-in Or an issue' family violence may esca- "Avoid mas_ g late," says Ms. Einarson. going "Iite economic thing is taking its`' else who may be to a party if you think alcohol is going someone toll," explains Ms. Einarson. "Parents to be an issue. Spend more time at are beginning to realize they won't be ,e OI1C.'.�pend time writing (Alcoholics Anonymous) meetings." ' able to afford the things they wanted to - But keep on open mind if you're give their children" and as financial $ � poS1t1YeS 1lA avoiding a gathering just be ruse you stress mounts "people are becoming" :yUur expect to have a bad time. "It can be a � angry with one another more easily. ��s _ ` '?w a ;; self-fulfilling prophecy," Ms. Emarson What might previously have been aexplains. e "Maybe you want to avoid discussion ���into anN u'_r- ^ - `' seeing someone because they've hurt But "it's not the size of the gift that Your feelings in the past. counts, it's the idea behind it," Ms. 'Try to focus on the intent of people. Einarson advises casts -swapped par Everyone is under stress. We have ens. She wggests pests talk to their "do something good for yourself. Buy expectations of how people should children about the diffx uhies they're fac- Yourself a special gift, get a movie, behave, but they can't all live up to ing so kids dont wake up Christmas istmas arrange to visit ascot -in or someone else that...We cant control how other people morning expecting to find all the gifts who may be alone ... Spend time writing behave, but the control comes in how we they loped for out all the positives in your fife. Just react to their behavior." "Tell them there anent going to be a lot bwAtm You're alone for Chdstrnas does- Attending a religious service may also of gifts this year and that it's not because nt mean your whole life is negative." remind you of the true meaning of Christ - you dont love them You're setting your For families who have lost a loved one mas, suggests Ms. Emarson. Finally, if self up for failure and them for disap- through death, "prepare yourself," sug- it's possible, she recommends giving to pointment if you let them put together a gests Ms. Einarson. "ode what You those less fortunate. "What a wonderful wish list of 12 things when they'll only want to do that day" and if that includes model for our children to teach them that get one or none. remembering your loved one, light a can- not everyone is as lucky as they are. It 'Talk to your children about the dif- dle or buy a bouquet of flowers. teaches the next generation that we ference between wanting and needing," While she encourages families to shouldn't be selfish. It's probably the best continues Ms. Einarson. "Gifts are a part focus on positive memories of the gift we can give our children. Many of Christmas, but giving of yourself is an deceased, "don't feel guilty if you don't schools do a wonderful job of that." important gift." have a grin on your face all day." The Distress Centre is open seven _ Tough economic titres may also keep For others, the pressure of making a days a week, 24 hours a day. If you need people unable to toot the cost of travel- picture -perfect Christmas takes away someone to talk to, call 7234461. If the ling from their families for the first time. from their enjoyment of the holiday. "We call is long distance in your area, call col - "Families we more fly split must take time to make stere we take care lect. Twelve Days of Wishes in Durham It could be their last Christmas. While it may seem hope- less to us to make a difference to seriously ill children we all have the power to at least bring a smile to their faces. The Starlight Foundation's 12 Days of Wishes continues at Cullen Gardens in Whitby until Dec. 20. The foundation grants wishes to children between the ages of four and 18 who are chronically, criti- cally or terminally ill. Just over $20.000 has been raised to date and the fund- raiser runs until Dec. 20. Last year $125.000 was raised. "People have been leaving us cheques and there are donation boxes at each cash register," said Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village's Carol Pudl is. Having a wet December hasn't made things any easier says Ms. Pudlis who hopes 'Old Man Winter' will soon blanket the area with snow, bringing with it Christmas spirit. Ellen Campbell, executive director for Starlight Founda- tion. says a number of compa- nies have made wishes including Bausch X Lomb. MCA Canada and Cullcn Gardens. Tip Top Tailors is raising funds at 1(X) stores and the Emplovmcnt and Staffim) Services Association of Cana- da plans to donate $28,(Nx). Q-107 is a major sponsor for the event. Cullen Gardens' Winter Carnival starts this weekend. Saturday, Dec. 14 and it s expected to bring more visi- tors and hopefully more wish donations. The carnival features horse-drawn wagon rides (weather permitting) — Dc,:. 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29 and Jan 1 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Also on these dales a live Husk\ dog team will be on displa} Every night a cozy bonfire will be lit from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. to warm up guests who can also toast marshmallows and wieners. There will be outdoor games for children and a live reindeer display. On Nov. 11, over 5W Starlight Foundation families were treated to a day at Cullen Gardens and watched the lighting of the Tree of \k'v hcs. At the conclusion of the c�cnt the lights were turned off -and every time someone make, a wish donation by calling (416) 502 -WISH a stone of lights will he lit. Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village is located at 30O 'Taunton Rd. W., in \A'hit- bv (west of Hwy. 12). For more information on time and events call 005 � 66`s DR. KAREN FENWICK DDS DR. RHONDA HOFFMAN DDS DR. JACK WASSERMAN DDS are pleased to announce that Dr. Urusa Ansari DDS Has joined them in the practice of DENTISTRY at MORNINGSIDE MALL SUITE 348 Morningside and Kingston Rd (416) 282-1175 We speak94 Pblis�ry Spanish, Italian, (iwdrah Town of Pickering honors long-time staff for exem lar work exemplary PICKERING -- '['he Town will honor 23 ol' its exemplary employees at a special ceremony Monday night at 7 p.m. in the Council charnher at the Pickering Civic Complex. Both past and present members of stal"f will receive recognition for 25 years or more of service to the 'town of Pickering. They include Joan Allrcy. Glen Evans. Jack Dnnkw,ilcr, N I I c h a c I Laskowski. Rick Pearsall, Willard Pcddic, Phomas J. Quinn. Ronald Roherge, Charles Smith, William Towner, James Walls and Marie Walton. Menihers of the transit department will he hon- orcd with Safc Driving Awards I'rom the Ontario Safety Association. They are Clifford Long (20 years), John Smith (14 years) and Inge Marche ( 10 years). Exemplary Service Awards arc to he presented to members of* the Picker - in Firc Department. Receiving the medals in recognition of loyal and meritorious service to pub- lic security in Canada are fire inspector Grant Cor- nish, firel"iLhtcr William Catchpole, firelighter Ger- ald Pcdyvcll, volunteer firefighter Paul Carruthers and yoluntccr firefighter Raine Erickson. Durham Collecre taking registrations for contlnuincr education courses Durham College is helping area students get a jump m the new scar by takin,2 registrations for its winter c o n t i n u o u s learning courses starting Jan. O_ It you hayc not received a free course cal- endar from the school Net, call the college at 721-3052._ Continuous Learning is also hosting several Jrop-in, infor- mation and rcg- istration ses- sions: • WednesdaN. Jan 8. from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Durham C'ol- lege, 2000 Sinl- coc St. N. in Oshawa ( inside the main doors): • Tuesday, Jan. 14, from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p. Ill. at St. Mary's Catholic Secondary School, 1918 Whites Road in Pickering (in the cafeteria); - Friday, Jan. 17 and Satur- day, Jan. 18, during mall hours, at the Pickering Town Centre (lower level across from the Body Shop). If you have any questions about any con- tinuous learning courses, attend one of the ses- sions or call Durham Col- lege at 721- 3052. Thirty-year exemplary service bars will go to Pickering Fire Department members Captain lack Drinkwatcr, Capt. Michael Hockley, Capt. Willard Pcddic and Capt. Ronald Roberge. Thirty-year service bars from the Ontario Fire Mar- shal will he presented to Capt. Ja,k Drink"atcr. Capt. Michael Hockley and Capt. Willard Pcddic. Retired Chiel' Don Lync will receive a 35 -year ser- vice bar from the Ontario Fire Marshal. All the awards will he presented by the mayor. members of council, the Town's executive director of operations and the hire chief*. ONE `VEEK ONE WEEK CARIBBEAN GREEK ISLE CRUISE CRUISE ""1 1295 `"" 1395 I plus taxes plus [ayes Includes air from Toronto Includes air frrom I,,r,-nt­ THF; NEN;SADVEWrISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13 1996 -PAGE; 19 Dentures so natural... you'll never know the difference!' • New Soft -touch' materials for sensitive gums • Precision partial dentures • : ,,,ly, t9v2 Wolter Wimmer, DD. Denture Clinic PICKERING TOWN CENTRE (LOWER SLI (M) 420-5020 • Toll Free 1-800-661-5020 Ecervone shops the News Adver"ser ! - __-- -_- ,_-�. ..�____ -.- ---. ... .. .�...�..rr.rrr�rarrr��sr ss..r�rs.�.�....a..•s.��.-�.. �... ..� -... ..:�,�i �svrw. 4 PAGE 20-TIIE til•:WS.k0li F:RFINER FRID.AW. DECEMBER 1 i, 1996 photo by Ron Pietroniro All strung up These students from Applecroft Public School In Ajax are all wrapped up in their work at Techno Challenge 96 at Anderson Collegiate in'Whitbv. RN an PakN am (left), Stephen Brady and Am, MacMillan are using mate- rials such as string and cardboard in an attempt to build a platform that will support their Height. Teams of Grade 7 and 8 students from 50 <chools in Durham took part in the challenge. PUBLIC MPS has been sold! After 18 great years this R our last Christmas: Everything in the NOTICE. store has been reduced to sell fast- ups ast- UV TO 80** OFF - DON'T MISS THM ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! BUSINESS SOID • ©ca m �uNKWs v Iaebak FRI & SAT 10-9 SUN 10-6 MON 10-9 K Reece lulmil Otfiaal Licensed BOYS 12-24 Mths, MmI MMK OWN on S26 -0 UT S V�t_' vlaps W IV DRESSING KID: call 155 F Girls 99amp �9 2-6x Dresses9 US Cmpre at $25 - s36 12-21 Me. conpre s $30 Brls i It 094 Im 2.2 flormel P s hal I Twoira 9 4fu Ctttttl>are at S70 cm 9 MS31 Gals Girls From Hooded Polos S11:11111W 9 Fleece Ir SkNS 7.11xszs Tops BOYS Aviator Sherpa Pools lined Phu 12-24 I. Com"=PwR mSN oft W=mW • RPICKERING e;WT 401 IM SL 1755 PI MI. (985 Pickering library fines help aid United Way PICKERING -- If you have some library ply return their overdue books and other items in books you've neglected to take bark for some the usual way. nine, Saturday, Dec. 21 will be a good day to The library's computer will calculate the day's return them. fines and a cheque for that amount will be pre - On that day the Pickering Public Library will sented to the United Way. donate the overdue fines it collects to the Ajax- It's expected the donation will amount to about Pickering United Way. Library patrons may sim- $2(X). LIGHT UP YOUR Ems FOR Change your eye colour for holidays! 2 for 1 CONTAC �1 Purchase one pair of CIBA NEWVUES Colour Contact f f, lenses and receive a C FREE clear pairl v -�G �` 1 CrI, E AR ti 1140 .4 F_njor clear daily wear soft r contact lenses from Bausch & Lomb. Mix &!hatch your eyewear! �!�� Two pairs of contacts or two pairs of eyeglasses or one of each fi-om just 99.(_(% H 1 Ho! Ho! RAI SC C� �,w 811011 46 Choose froln the ►"�- J latest styles and = E NOS GEOFFM OEM or distance eyeglasses �t $99.00. .~ , at $129.00 i. RAYBAN w n ssT C., A A RTI1� DAMN SUNGLASSES FROM $59.,.,.,,..-... 1k Every~ an Y~ Gift List would LOVE a prtr& of these TREAT YOURSELF TOO! \ <- While supplies last. Wayfarer models starting at $59.00. `lerb»tasters starting at x89.00 _ _ » _ - UBLICVISIT THESE OPTICAL NEAREST LOCATIONS 1163 Kingston Rd. (Pickering) 905-420-0247 3478 Lawrence Ave. E. (at Markham) 416-431-0411 Agincourt Mall (inside Wal Mart) 416-754-8722 Royal Bank Plaza (Merchants Mall) 416464-1644 'Offers valid to January 31/97. No other discounts may apply. Offers cannot be combined. Offers cannot be shared. M eye exam may be required.AM eyeglass prices vary with frame selection and prescription. 1 HOUR GLASSES AND CONTACTS .•••moi O ■ . �., M s E R .�. M o THE !NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECE.IBER 13, 1"6 -PAGE 21 a "s. yij �� a ✓ i y �a T 'Y IN .rov 9 _ ■■::■■■, SMIS 4 SE ■■■� _ ,� � , , to ■�OUR LlICLE �■��w"d 18,9 'CRY ,�w"CIE ,mI. Syo" 13, �5 . 4149 .� �" ■� ►SIS p„ V,�., lot i •, ■' ice" — ■ ; �y fo araw T r.M)°2 rt 5e F hof b� j ISO NIM on. �y,rt. �7 •� � ,. z � � m ■ �tGED VOW wo AP s s 5, wN f�,p"Wow— _'�" V Ago in vvltsr.M" * pew+ go■■••• ■•■ �, . ♦ tv� cmc r.� �d ,.s ;� � � ltd. t.. SUED ,d 1M6 60% -sow Cat. oft , v.n s.kt tom° • o°° 1n,icN .of* �. L c 95 to"tt. l� d poor tu►M F . or' d NMtw fte4q ED Cal ve" Ir Oat SOW goo, 00 ;i* ago colew y d' twok °^. e�, , ° , yf° ire ° � ,9Cj �� ,.Yom"' s w oma" A % I qq Yt W >� y,wtk%Lww ►oma iWAVIed ,.o ,,,o,r•�.Von 0,,,,coo tfa o � o.e+r pr. NIMswp °"` SALE 0 99� aµ Goo rrw ot woo 0wii6hwgim",00&°"q$23W ewe W"1 ° 19� ' ~ ter+ 4 to CT jwA VOW ow Ito '40006 V23W p� 111111114 Aws to Ago OLE Up 200 V, IFIV S& v39W GO *11 t� GW 4000 ? �� vampiw;kfflo, 'vow nllVlaJ I VIV I'tu. (1+V i s rvni I L.a nU. L -Ai I I FI\,r\LLn111U. W1 i. L i v i rte 1T Bel}£R'S .4 RE (0_tLIll IT£U TO B('If DL.4 1IF£TL11£ R£NTlO.1 SHIP 111111 YOU YOUR TOTAL SATLSF4010 -tl£.- V R£S OUR St ( (ESS.Hum 1 soyer M51 8312693 OR 19051 686.5859 ■ .__ . _. _.. _-_._ ...__...w�..►..r.rwr.�..�.!nt�!_�.���n .. �..r w+lw ,�Rl�rr�.�.rrlwlw+�srarnoWdb _.. ... _ .. .:_... Mie wyas.a..rw�M.....�.r• ow ■ W cc W t' W lz W F■ RIGH` MERE! RIGHT HERE! RiGHT lv"ILLALiii 6n*FiT.`�LI:K "THINKING LIKE A CUSTOMER" SERVICE OPEN • ALL DAY SATURDAY AND EVERY NIGHT Special `mice, 905.683.5358 13 MI-EEMM 'No payments 'till March at 7.800 O.A.0 . . I . . 1 1 Billboard FRIDAY, DEC. 13 ADDICTION: The Serenity Group holds a 12 -step addiction recovery meeting at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Picker- ing. The group meets weekly and deals with addictions of all types, including co-dependency. Call 428- 9431 (Jim) in the evening for infor- mation. SATURDAY, DEC. 14 READING CIRCLE: The Picker- ing Reading Circle and William Creek Co-op Reading Circle host a Christmas party for volunteers, chil- dren and parents at the Amberlea Prebyterian Church, 1820 Whites Rd., Pickering, from I to 4 p.m. 839- 3037 (Raii), 428-0573 (Debbie). DESTINY MANOR: Destiny Manor, a drug and alcohol treatment centre for Durham women, hosts a fund-raising Clean and Sober alumni Christmas dance from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at St. Phillip's Catholic Church, 1314 Oxford St. S., Oshawa. The Rick Craven Band entertains. Door prizes, snacks. Everyone wel- come. Tickets are $6 for person, and $10 per couple. Call 837-0766 (Robyn) for information. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: The PTA of the Montessori Learning Centre, 401 Kingston Rd. at Rougemount Dr. in Pickering, holds a Christmas bazaar from 2 to 4 p.m. Admission's free. Proceeds help buy gymnastics equipment and pay for buses for stu- dents' field trips. 837-2286 (Annette). SUNDAY, DEC. 15 NATIVITY: Mount Zion United Church stages a Living Nativity at 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. Church is on Salem Rd. (Sideline 6), between 7th and 8th Concessions, Pickering. Bleacher seating. 649-2859 (Ian Robb), 649-1337 (church). CANTATA: The Bayfair Baptist Church choir performs its Christmas Cantata, Make His Praise Glorious, at 6:30 p.m. at the church, Kingston Rd. east of Whites Rd., Pickering. Free admission. Call 839-4621 for more informa- tion. CONCERT: The choirs of St. Rose of Lima Church, 3216 Lawrence Ave. E., Scarborough, present their annual Christmas Rose Concert at 3 p.m. Three choirs, soloists, instru- mentalists and carol singing. Free admission. (416) 282-6140 Christian women in Pickering meet for Yule ideas PICKERING -- A festive assort- ment of Christmas decorating, wrap- ping and celebrating ideas will be featured at a meeting of the Ajax - Pickering Christian Women's Club next week. The group meets Thursday, Dec. 19 from 9:30 to 11:15 a.m. at Gal- lantry's Banquet Room in the lower level of the Pickering Town Centre. There will also be music and a guest speaker. Admission is $5 and half-price for first -timers. Free babysitting is available, Call Karen at 427-5445 by Tues- day, Dec. 17 for reservations at the event. Ll B'ONI�GIIZ,All PAY on Beam Central Vacuum Systems and Accessories PLUS Beam Clean Water Filter Systems. EycR, Christmas list should have a Beam Central Vacuum rIs incl accessories. Beam products are Santa -approved for quality and reliability you can count on'. Offer ends Dec. 24, 1996 BEAM start at lust Systems Don't miss out! $449 M M E M*1 CANADA'S FAVOURITE BUILT-IN VACUUM! -� 1271 Kingston Rd. t' . 831=2326 'Discounts equivalent to GST will be given. oe Bea"a canade tic u199 We're online at www.durhamnews.net The Intelligent No(e to Shop Appliances for DUAM a SERVICE a SELETION Whirlof .*of -..c.. I .,� e` .4! 1 r usu Purchase any WHIRLPOOL Refrigerator, Range, Dishwasher, Washer or Dryer, THIS WEEKEND ONLY! AND WE'LL PAY THE GST.k _ 101 8 Brock Road. Scarborough s Pickering 6069 Kingston Road 1755 Pickering Parkway. 416-282-0185 Unit 12.8.6333 or �W APPLIANCES 1-800-231-92741-92741-9274 WE KNOWl�l x At the Pickering Home 9 leisure Centre or Scarborough location 7tZ NEWS ADVER'T'ISER A DAY, DECEM9E1t 13. 1"6 -PAGE 23 Dr. Jason Ritchie Dr. Michelle Schmidt Dr. Linda Voisin Dispensing of all Types of Frames and Contacts 1885 Glenanna Road, Suite 212 Pickenng Ontario, UV 6R6 839-5303. 683-1175 r- — — — — — - — — — — — 1 FIDS oy') 1?nd le%el Scar, %vim-, 01- Formal & casual kidswear AM I, (up to size 14) Babycare, i toddler tovs &, Compare our low prices 831-1024 I CAS_H CCS '�RTERS Cocoa the CocKatoo cnecKs out some of the oeautitui rings and jewelry at CASH CONVERTERS 18C Harwcod Ave S. n Ajax. Co-owners Danny N gns and Tammy Gibson sell quai y second hand merchandise K? musical instruments. nousehold appliances. jewe:r, �_-- ect,_n,cs 8 much more E q0 r V ri. • I r. �9y.w Duffer'� BumpT, Po wl Gage Room ria• �..' Store vauge The 46—VI MW 4• �. a.w r.r r.m IN= 4, lata of ! 4.M � IY mrt..rw rrn Y..... Y.M Yx—k%�A&�,kM-.W.A— y n.e..C.G&d brw Ware I. era �.d.n �.dr--M e.,., o.& --„s . e i. i. Yro. a�r. , Family Dart Special "tet-rImial,will mrn W ..pc. Y,_ T -kw W� ft— Efi.s dm 1. - NlrillK MUS. (905) 420-6113 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE .---------------------------------- - _.. .. -- - �.....�....,..,,... M' PAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. DECEMBER 13, 19% Ne-wsroom 683-7110 News Advertiser I L�&��tai�HreArt FAX: 683-7363 Backbeat Happenings Did you forget to plan the office Christmas party'? Don't fret as there are plenty of area clubs that can ensure you'l l have a great Yule gathering, even if you've left it this late. Clubs that want to be listed in this feature should call Andrea at 683-5110. Alumni Sports Bar: 325 Westney Rd. S., Ajax, 619-0938. Monday: two- for-one appetizers, NFL. Tuesday: jackpot karaoke. Wednesday: Loonie Night. Thursday: 10 -cent wings. Fri- day: D1 and dancing. Saturday: hockey, win prizes. Book your private Christ- mas party. Annandale Golf & Country Club: Church St.. Ajax, 683-3210. Available for private functions. The Bar: 110 Dundas St., Whitby, 666-3121. Durham's number -one gay bar. Friday: high-energy dance until 3 a.m. Sunday: diva show. Brewsters: 1050 Brock Rd. (on Plummer). Darts and pool tables. Fri- days and Saturdays: karaoke. Book now for the karaoke NLA Year's Eve pay. Celebrity's: 1527 Bayly St., Ajax, 4200063. Monday: dart league. Tues- day: wing night and karaoke featuring The Entertainers. Wednesday: karaoke. Thursday -Saturday: live entertainment. Courtyard Pub: 109 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax, 663-9353. The Earthquake: 520 Westney Rd. S., Ajax, 416-376-9525. Friday: All ages. Saturday: dress code:, licensed lounge. Pyros and go-go dancers. The Fox Goes Free Pub: 339 Kingston Rd., Pickering, 509-6464. Comfortable, cozy British country pub, no TV, quiet music, great company, fireplace. Harp & Thistle Pub: 282 Monarch Ave., Ajax, 428-0943. Darts and pool. Wednesday: 15 -cent wings. Dec. 14: sports day $5 starts at 2 p.m. The Fox & Flowerpot Pub: Hwy. 2 & Randall Dr., Ajax, 428-2162. Sun- day: NFL football. Twelve Days of Christmas countdown, something spe- ,cial each day. Kelsey's: 100 Westney Rd S., Ajax, 427-4000. Every day: Appeteasetsc $2.99 all day. New Year's Eve party DJ and dancing. Kerry Lou: 967 Westney Rd. S., Ajax, 428-8790. Dec. 12,13 and 14: Darlene Watters. Saturday and Sun- day: 9 am. to 1 pm. breakfast. Tues- day: 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. wing night. Mix it Up: 1735 Bayly St., Picker- ing, 831-9866. Friday -Sunday: karaoke. Country nights, comedy nights. Entertainment seven days a week. Mount Everest Restaurant & Bar: 100 Westney Rd. S., Ajax, 686- 9879. Monday -Wednesday: 25 -cent '80s music. Friday: ladies' night. Free pool Monday to Friday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Papps: 1709 Kingston Rd. W., Pickering, 427-3403. Private parties, Christmas parties, small weddings, sports functions. Power of Q Billiards: 1225 Bayly St. W., Pickering, 839-2225. Monday: Canadian Tire money at par. Tuesday: ladies' night (women play free). Wednesday: V.I.P. night. Sunday: join house: league pool. Daily lunch specials 1 to 3 p.m. Free pool with Q points. Rack 'Em Up: 20-250 Bayly St., Ajax, 619-9881. Monday: Canadian Tire Money Night. Tuesday: 20 -cent wings. Wednesday: free wings. Thurs- day: Couples' Night, women free. Fri- day and Saturday: Live entertainment. Sunday: half-price pool. The Ranch: 89 Commercial Ave.. Ajax, 619-2135. Wednesday: karaoke. $2,000 jackpot. Thursday: acoustic jam. New Year's Eve: '50s and '60s style with .Dight Train. Rix Place: 1410 Bayly St. Unit 2. Pickering, 837-1358. All -day break- fast, roti, steak and pasta. Saturday and Sunday: Caribbean brunch. Robin Hood Inn: 1999 Altona Rd., Pickering, 509-5123. Pool tables. 6' - by -8' TV, full menu. The Royal Scot: 44 Hunt St., Ajax, 683-6657. Sunday: jam night with Fun to Eat. Monday: NFL. Tuesday: laser karaoke. Wednesday: pool tournament, D1 Mike. "Thursday: DJ Mike rock alternative night. Friday: retro '80s or live band. Dec. 13: The Resistance. Second Storey Bar- Harwood & 401, Ajax, 663-2940. Friday and Sat- urday: $50 door prizes. Sunday: karaoke, $100 jackpot. Tuesday: join pool league. Szeged Hungarian Restaurant: 368 Bayly St. W., Ajax, 427-1666. Fine dining. Dancing nightly to live Gypsy music. Tee to Pin Indoor Golf Centre: 570 Westney Rd. S., Ajax. 619-2200. Licensed under LLBO. Pool table, darts, golf lessons, gift certificates, full menu. Tudor Arms Pub: 1822 Whites Rd., Pickering, 839-8387. Wednesday and Sunday: 20 -cent wings. Saturday: euchre 2 p.m. Sunday: house league darts 1 p.m. Tador Rose: 700 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, 428-1815. Quiet and casual. Wednesday: euchre. Saturday: karaoke. The Treehouse: 172 Hunt St., Ajax, 619-3299. Tuesday: 20 -cent wings. Wednesday: karaoke. Wmcbestter Arms: 1400 Bayly St., Unit 3, Pickering, 837-2366. Wednes- day: wing night. Thursday: rib night. Sunday: prime rib dinner $9.95. wings. Two-for-one specials. Free veg- gie samosa with dinner entree. Large- 'WEST HIMACARBOROUGH screen TV, pool table. Gatwick & Giles Pub: 6091 Mudhen's: 1211 Kingston Rd., Kingston Rd., Scarborough, 416 -281 - Pickering, 839-5570. Sunday & Mon- 3680. Best of British fare. Weekend day: football. Tuesday: 19 -cent wings. entertainment. Dec. 14: amazing men - 'Wednesday: Canadian Rocks'60s,'70s, talist Norm Barlow. I * 0 % 4t10t'1+0a#4t►:6a#66##a6*40Pa4&#*a#. N A6%&I#00-►ti00J6460 Community events in Ajax and Pickering mark the festive season Join carollers in the park AJAX --You're invited to pull out your Christ- mas song sheet and mittens and take part in an old-fashioned night of carolling. The Hermitage Community Association is holding its 6th Annual Carolling in the Park Wednesday, Dec. 18 at 7:30 p.m. at Hermitage Park• at the Griffiths Dri�cAVickens Crescent entrance. Traditional Christmas carols will be sung and there will be a surprise visit from Santa Claus. For more information call Carolyn Bartlett at 427-7798. Christmas party next Saturday The Congress of Black Women. " Karaoke New Yeats Eve H ~ *full course rhea]*DJ* Dancing H *karaoke with Jan & Dave ~ N ►~ih�rry Fr,Ja%-Karaoi:e with Pip N NFvery Sal urday-l►araoke with Jan & DaveH Durham Chapter•is holding a Christmas Party Saturday, Dec. 21 from 7 to I 1 p.m. All arc welcome to enjoy the festivities• enter- tainment and food. ,1 -he party will tx: held on the main floor of the Sarah McDonald Building at 1467 Whites Rd. (north of Hwy. 2). Pickering. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for children 12 and under. For more information call Lyn (686-7491)• Susan (420-5196)• Miriam (831-7307) or Lvril (436-986-,)- Partye Potpourri r_,� Formal - (;asual - House ,A West on 401 from Whites Rd. -Exit to Kingston Rd. • , a Right at first exit (Lawson Rd.) Turn left at light. Here we aref lL't��ll�,7 �taalalirty •'4R' •ttu.inc%% in IAW Rcacption% '6 Luncheon. 1 unction. • Show cr% dk NF W YF..4R.S F- VF F_XTR41,4G.4,%'L4! $CCOO (:hampas;ne at Midnight17 JJ 1>c•luxc Ur�a.•rl �I•:chlc• Parte Favcxin ,� l:ntrrt:unmc•nt 60 Randall Dr., Ajax rQ7 2 \ I:.ind.ill I)i Gl =$100000 DOOR TO BE WON AT OUR PRIZE NEW YEARS EVE PARTY Dinner includes: Prime Rib, Salad, Dessert, Champagne, Party Favors & more. TICKETS STILLf AVAILABLE For Diners & non Diners. Phone today for ticket information ►, 1050 H ►moi BROCK RD ii ►~i PICKERING N 839-6317 N " Karaoke New Yeats Eve H ~ *full course rhea]*DJ* Dancing H *karaoke with Jan & Dave ~ N ►~ih�rry Fr,Ja%-Karaoi:e with Pip N NFvery Sal urday-l►araoke with Jan & DaveH Durham Chapter•is holding a Christmas Party Saturday, Dec. 21 from 7 to I 1 p.m. All arc welcome to enjoy the festivities• enter- tainment and food. ,1 -he party will tx: held on the main floor of the Sarah McDonald Building at 1467 Whites Rd. (north of Hwy. 2). Pickering. Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for children 12 and under. For more information call Lyn (686-7491)• Susan (420-5196)• Miriam (831-7307) or Lvril (436-986-,)- Partye Potpourri r_,� Formal - (;asual - House ,A West on 401 from Whites Rd. -Exit to Kingston Rd. • , a Right at first exit (Lawson Rd.) Turn left at light. Here we aref lL't��ll�,7 �taalalirty •'4R' •ttu.inc%% in IAW Rcacption% '6 Luncheon. 1 unction. • Show cr% dk NF W YF..4R.S F- VF F_XTR41,4G.4,%'L4! $CCOO (:hampas;ne at Midnight17 JJ 1>c•luxc Ur�a.•rl �I•:chlc• Parte Favcxin ,� l:ntrrt:unmc•nt 60 Randall Dr., Ajax rQ7 2 \ I:.ind.ill I)i Gl =$100000 DOOR TO BE WON AT OUR PRIZE NEW YEARS EVE PARTY Dinner includes: Prime Rib, Salad, Dessert, Champagne, Party Favors & more. TICKETS STILLf AVAILABLE For Diners & non Diners. Phone today for ticket information unQ��N Total vRHealth o GAME rs a Traditional & complimentary rehabilitative approaches • Medical Doctors Specializing In Physical Rehabilitation • Physiotherapy • Acupuncture • Chiropractic • Chiropodist/Podiatrist Moot specialist) • Athletic Therapy • Individualized Fitness Training • Kinesiology • Reiki Therapy • Massage Therapy • Relaxation & Stress Management • Cardiac Prevention & Rehab. • E.A.P. /Counselling WCB MOTOROff Orthotics VEHICLE '/10 with this ad INJURY PARTIAL OH. SPE%IALIST SPORTS MEDICINE ON E and REHABILITATION CLINICS 1W 111k, I i l l :1 Ill OLLEUP TO L OK'`!►AA AAAA •►T� • Too Hard to buy for We've GIFT SALE ENDS DEC. 2611996 WHOURS: Mon. -Sat -8 p.m., Sun. 12-5 p.m. W. Bayly St. W, AJAX (SW comer of Bayly 6 Westney) - (905) 683.0087 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13,19% -PAGE 25 i PAGE 26 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13,19% COMPUTER SPECTA Ouality Personal Computers IT TA MkA Intel Pentium 100 MHz processor ' 16 MB RAM. 256-K Pipeline Cache 1.44 3 1/2 floppy disk drive 1.2 GBEIDE Hdd 11 598 8x CD-ROM drive 16 bit sound card 1 MB PCI video card or $56/mth Minitower case w/ 230 watts p. supply 14- svga .28 colour monitor 1024x768 Mouse/pad 33.6 voice tax modem Microphone. Windows 95 keyboard UPGRADES Windows 95 w To 120 Sfhz S35 CD 8 manual. MS Scenes To /33 A1hZ $115 MS Works 8 MS Money To lfm mu K310 MS Encarta Encyclopedia To 32UR KAM $110 Dangerous Creatures To 15** monitor $115 • P .. Intel P- 166 Processor Gigabyte motherboard with G30 vx C/S 512 K Pipeline cache. 32 MB RAM 2.0 GB hard drive ATI Mach 64 2Mb "1� 3 12 disk drive 12x CD-ROM S8 16 sound card 60 watt speakers or $79_56/mth 4 104 Win.95 keyboard I 15- svgs 1280x1024 monitor -' R! QPC - 200 PRO Intel P-200 Processor ASUS Motherboard with 430 vx C/S 512 K Pipeline cache. 32 MB RAM 2.5 GB hard drive. ATI 3D Expression 2 MB video card. 3 1/2 disk drive. 12x CD-ROM. Soundblaster 32 sound card. 80 watt speakers. 104 Keytronic keyboard. Microsoft Mouse/pad. 15"1280x1024 monitor 33.6 fax/data/voice modem. Win .95 disks & manuals 5 Year Labour, 2 Years Parts Warrantry on all new computers 33.6 faxvoTce'data modem 8 r7ouse N=f i Y"lIndows �� h Ya- S } Kxi• 4 :�a-hboard 95 73rel Wordpertect 7 Core4 Oualro Pro 7 morel Presentation 7 Corel Flow 7 8 T Word Net Service Netscape Navigator -ivoy 7 viewer 150 Fonts s t OK Chparl PICKERING 1235 Bayly St. #140 Tel: 905-839-1075 Fax: 905-839-1431 z Pi;l.t:nn_ Eiour. Mon - Sat. l0ani -Spnl AVC Ob o.: f. 5 � S T I W my- MISSISSAUGA 335 AdmTra Blw: st22 KrrCHENER BURLNGTON NEWMARKET GEORGETOWN t40G VVeoer St East 4060 Fairwm St 014 30 Days Drve 968 10 Mourtairroew Rd S Tel: 905-795-8333 Tel 519-8W99" Tel 905-0831 Tel 905-9539606 Tel. 905-877-1856 Fax: 905-795-8147 Fax 519-896-8142 Fax 905-631-0632 Fax 905-9539608 Fax: 9o5-877-8142 MASSIVE � SELECTION OF NEW AND USED � • CD'S 100°1° Gv� TO PLAY LIKE NEW • Rock • Pop • Alternative • Hip Hop • R A B to Country • Dance •Soundtracks Classical • Imports A Special Orders We Pay top dollar for your unwanted 'Cd'S Visit our other locations at OSHAWA 438-0458 OR RICHMOND HELL 884-5345 BAYLY QD � V rav wyffik'W • • Merry ChIrneuvas to all & to all a Gw-E-mr3w, Deal T�ofng Corolla 0000 SHOWROOM HOURS Mon - Thurs 9-9 Friday M Saturday 9-5 Closlzd Dec. 25 6 26 LEASE FROM ONLY 'I : eAutonutic *Air Conditioning sCassette * per month or... $229 • 'Plus tax. Based on 48 months. Due on delivery- down payment $1.000, freight, pdi & taxes. 1 finanimid over 48 mos =C.O.B. 41821 1. .A . �•� • ."NY. t Owen ST. YY.) _ 1025 Dundas St. West WHITBY (905) 1668-4792 Tor. (905) 686-2228 r-, ••-•------ G T3r�tI:_IC ..T1LPr�1LPC_T3Lf 3LPLPCj-LfL.fC_T3Lf 3Lf 1Cf 1L PC�r�LPL�C�Cf 1C�3LPLPCJ� o S � 5 2 5 5 . - 5 5 j HOLIDAY HOURS 5 }= OPEN S • ' CHRISTMAS EVE • L'nt it 9. (X) P. m. (Closed Christmas Day,) OPEN 5 BOOK YOUR NEW YEAR'S EVE NEW S CHRIST.NLAS Dec..ilst) RF_GVL4R A1F_.%T' S S P.TY Until 10.•(X1 p. "I- OPEN 5 5 aAeQ- NEW YEAR'S DAY S Ge1� 1 ?:00 NOON - 10:00 p.m. O t nt�rJ�rJ�cJ�t�t l�t�tJ�cl�l�t fit 1�tJ�t��tJ��c J�t�t�rJ�iJ�� ! �c3J rav wyffik'W • • Merry ChIrneuvas to all & to all a Gw-E-mr3w, Deal T�ofng Corolla 0000 SHOWROOM HOURS Mon - Thurs 9-9 Friday M Saturday 9-5 Closlzd Dec. 25 6 26 LEASE FROM ONLY 'I : eAutonutic *Air Conditioning sCassette * per month or... $229 • 'Plus tax. Based on 48 months. Due on delivery- down payment $1.000, freight, pdi & taxes. 1 finanimid over 48 mos =C.O.B. 41821 1. .A . �•� • ."NY. t Owen ST. YY.) _ 1025 Dundas St. West WHITBY (905) 1668-4792 Tor. (905) 686-2228 r-, ••-•------ DIPLOMAT POOL & SPA �5 K1111V,1 Ulv KU. PIGKERING (905) 839-8399 ATTENTION POOL &SPA OWNERS WE'RE NOW OPEN EVERY SATURDAY 10 A.M. TO 2 P.M. jhj1j,_ WE HAVE: ffl"W"k TONS OF POOL TOYS NO P.S.T SPA CHEMICALS POOL CHEMICALS WATER BAGS GREAT CHRISTMAS IDEAS NEW U CARTRIDGE FIL TER CLEANING JI'ST BRING IN WWR I)IR-FY CARTRII)(;E FI[TER ANI) 1,'E WILL: ('HE:\I1('A1_I_ " /)E6RF_.I S/:" S 1 495 0 00 SUPER CLEAN Y(WR ('ARTRII)(,E FI[:I ER TAKES ONLY 3 Fi LI_ [)AAS"' Bio Guard " Aferry Christmas to all our ('iu\iot vers �KAVNR � 1 1 r 1 JEWELLERS & MANUFACTURERS 1 1 UNI(jt F: I)ES14;N'S • St PERIOR CRAFTSMANSHIP 1 1 GEMSTONE RINGS I)IAMONI) CLUSTERS 1 1 1 OK + GENUINE DIAMOND 1 OK + GENUINE DIAMOND 1 1 Reg $360 Reg $299 and up 1 WITH THIS AD LIMIT ONE PER AD 1= Your F Choice, 1 1 1 �. OO 1 WITH THIS AD While Quantities last A 1 _ I A� 1 1 A A 1 1 �' w.a �- 7-c� KziY ���• 1wMHJ� 1 1 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE Lower Level Eaton's Entrance 905-420-9527 1 ♦ . • • . . . . .. . . . . . . THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1"6 -PAGE 27 o c • I • • ouActuahe Pla The }` Approx. 30 Minutes Unforgettable 1 r 1 (;ift-I:IY a planer • for 0 r j i (`(;ift Certificates �,` • ' Available for �� •: t- Christmas • - � � Phone Orders � � . � - • accepted with y Visa or NI/C • 0 G� ••s.l1••al�•aa./•a.!>alaa aa.aallaaf!l.1....f .. fo.►!�1la.saiJ a' b I-AG191&TIiEPickerin NEtq+fitA0Y1<s�TIEEIR'110D:�:1)O�CLMIB�It 1�, !Ni l • i� Al Rivett, sports \,\-riter 683-5110 Fax: 683-7363 photo by Andrew Iwanowski Floored Pine Ridge Secondary School Pumas' Sean Grieve, left, joins Henry Street High School Hawks' Grant Howe on the hardwood in an attempt to gain posses- sion of the ball during Lake Ontario Secondary School Athletics midget boys' basketball action in Whitby Tuesday. The Hawks won 42-37. Bantam Raiders have tough time in Beantown The Ajax -Pickering Raiders minor bantam 'AAA' rep hockey team posted a Ione win against three losses at a tournament in Boston last weekend. The Raiders dropped a close 2-1 decision to Lowell, Massachusetts in the opener. Mike Mitchell scored the lone Ajax -Pickering goal, assisted by Mike Moorcroft. Matt McMullen turned aside 19 shots on net. In the second game, Springfield, Massachusetts defeated the Raiders 3-1. Brandon McMillan connected for the Ione goal, assisted by Mitchell and Allan MacIsaac. Brett Lemmon had a strong showing in the Ajax -Pickering net, making 35 saves. The sole Ajax -Pickering win came against Long Island 3-2. Shawn Cooper, Mitchell and Matt Pett scored, with assists to McMillan, Bryce Holdgate, Jamie Follett and Roy MacLeod. McMullen was solid in net to record the victory. The Raiders closed out the tournament with a close 5- 4 loss to New Jersey. McMillan led the way with two goals and an assist. Geoff Stewart and Maclsaac scored one goal apiece. Matt Peneycad registered two assists, and Aaron Wilson one. McMullen and Lemmon shared the netminding duties against new Jersey. P ST)Orts 1 � JL News Advertiser Top junior basketball teams in News Advertiser tourney BY' AL RIVET -r SPORTS REPORTER PICKERING - The Ajax - Pickering News Advertiser/Royal Bank Financial Group at the Ridge junior boys' basketball tournament is about to take flight. Eight of the top junior boys' high school basketball teams in the Toronto area will take to the court for the two- day event hosted by Pine Ridge Secondary School Friday and Saturday. Teams competing are host Pine Ridge Pumas, and Dunbarton High School Spartans from Pickering; Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic Secondary School Chargers and Exeter High School Falcons from Ajax; the G.L. Roberts Lakers from Oshawa; Stephen Leacock Lions and the Churchill Collegiate Bulldogs from Scarborough; and Westwood Secondary from Peel Region. Pine Ridge junior coach Jody Hirschfeld says the tournament will feature the cream of the basketball crop in the junior category. "Definitely, the top teams in Toronto are here. Dunbarton, Leacock. Churchill, Pine Ridge and Westwood are among the top five or six teams around.- says Hirschfeld. The tournament, says Hirschfeld, should give the Durham Region teams an early -season taste of some of the best basketball programs in Scarborough as well as from Westwood which won the tourney championship title last season. "Definitely, it gives everyone the chance to see some high-calibre ball. Traditionally, the teams from Scarborough are strong, so it's defi- nitely a good test." Action gets under way on Friday af'tcrnoon with the Dunbarton Spartans playing the Stephen Leacock Lions at 2 p.m.: Pine Ridge Pumas against the G. L. Roberts Lakcrs at 3:30 p.m.: Exeter Falcons taking on the Churchill Bulldogs at 5 p.m.; and rhe Denis O'Connor Chargers versus Westwood at 6:30 p.m. Consolation and championship semi-final and final action goes at Pine Ridge on Saturday. Spectators are welcome. Pine Ridge Secondary is at 2155 Liverpool Rd. N. -W ho s ''Who in hoops showdown s = 49m*s the rrndown of banet ow ptarg n ft Meas Gtx"m (F, 30). Von Briscoe (F. 311 Mire York (GF. 331 Lyrrdt (F 25). Fawn Reid (G, 30). Adam AY (a 32). Pat rlrtieOrAAoyr Bank Financial Coup as to Ridge Wes r David S.Kuey (GAF 34). Tobn (C. 33). Sharia Hussain (F.34). Matthew Lewin (a 35). t baskstaa tournpnent Coach: Emanuel Moura Jason DrOiveira (F. 42). NeW Sampson (G. 55i. Owe" V1101 rairrne F PW �E ngl Aword 1-0 "gue Seaton (G. 45). Paul Bere►Mca (F, 50). Pad+ard VMabm oe (F StrenWbc BV won, diode snorting, balanced attack 52). scat Sponse (C, 54). Jason Benyah (F 44). err rrtaroaygrry V400wiessw haratsrsnoa. Yat to got as a Pram Comae Steve C4AW Xlaaort LOSSA Coach says 1 haven't had a look at the draw. but we7 be Rtoor(± 3-2 "gue; 7-3 okwall ars: Soot Baker i% Greg Brady T). Steve Buddoo oampae4kro. Ks a c wise for w to compere ouroNes to Strengths: vary anhistic team, gWdatesa, good dato Brain James (G). Wei Mun Lacing (GL Adam MtsYrbn fraena outside of Scarborough' play Jason Mossisy (F). Devon Malw Wierrca (F). Mon LEACOCK (S6ft crt tgh) VVaalu+essae: tnoW erroe. Lack d tie tone ran (G), We Ham (F). Jason Went (F). Adrian VVtytr LEACOCK (Scarborough) Crich says '1 timk we can play with asnosi any team ouTeam manw. t , r tit Jody ► F� Colas VVttp b4,e VW% But. I'm suns t�Sarborw �abeams will error,¢. Md 13 Yg» =: Associebm SSSAA Tern name: Falcons new Quickness Players Stwnka BasawrtIn rt (40). Jean Paul Barran (20). idiom: Bleck Wi<eMal itrtaetat Team Waft artrparrrtoe Jit Cotterel (22). Damn Dawson (13). ChWW Glover (33). Association: LOSSA ch says: 'Charcnil Dunbarann. DOC and t aadodc -Apgar tt,arra (12). Harry Kon (45k AAS I antbert (41 Physrs: Damien Augustin (G. 211 Mica Bald M14). 0* o>trsd Westwood s ria d ending crw. pa neo Wkyne Lord (U). Smoh+y Sayd+w+g (33). OWO Scarno0r Clayton Bran (F4, 151 Andrew Buono (G. 53), Doyne Owwd bib %%0 as wan' (00), Craig Thomas M51. Jd" 1M (21) CorMN (F)C. 22). Dan Danson (G. 20). Ryan Inhg (F. 24). DEN IS O'CONNiR (Ajax) C.cadt Ken Mulgrew im Logan (F). shown f optiaO (G. 13). JuWn Pearce (F, a owns[ charipos s iie00rtk 32 Orr awtort x ; 31). Shane S614os (G. 41). Kevin Wo (F, 10). r.Oram t - wz She 0 c Ot# bre, mea ball vnM °;. tioadr. Bwd VNtlO " Iddon: L SA , MAMawsaaa Said won. ria much tw idn strergm RaoorC 23 Isague (won an tourno nerx last wrebrd) we Mdtoey Myon (C, taenDar 24 PsW Byre Am Ki Coal+ ws 'VMf tom. res. pMrs raarrtlg from Ytat yaaL f4eWgft Strong v0. 9-0 prneaaln9 port, g, gate Chsou (C. 25). Jason D'Rodr (F. 111 Dodd Sova etnonud Dt in M midW d the pada t oma win a grits Nhaluneom Inoperiance. tram play 0@11(Q. in %w Durnrr" (G. 141 Dann Fat ft (G. to would be gees Coach says: vote st+ouid t>o"top won. They're a very Stwat Grine, (G. 241 Firman Jol. im (F. 521 Ride (a L. ROOMS (06hem) sororg sctt� ban (F 2M. AW kbnq fs (G, 30. kbdm Meftan IF Tmn now Lamm WEST%_40W (P"Q Roratla Olean (C, 51 Cagy &Aholarrd (F, 1% gyre Colors; eka, what r 4; Tarn name WIkk ats Wer (F. 451L Amaiaeiort LOSSA Color. Double blueCk 4 cot �1 rapt `ErE (5). im coons M Booby its son ((4). Mid Play- Denno (10), Ryan Balm (13), Chad AM " %#W Oindwass. lxessun d*nce < Curzon (541 Pout 411110 (24). J -x W Cuspid M. Laver (04), Kevin Gordon► (151 DmWia Barbed (221. Brian Smith l mow RabmrKft sm d am Amro {44 Joey Hawes (tot JSN Graham (151 (241 £itavrtt Mortal 01 Jayson Raid (30). Suresh df stare To a i1M woniad about No own lim candt Rabo Jadcaon Raaetsred,l Asf. Nrmatrt Mowat 0341 Chris Strait+ (/OJ, fbtsott Ot11lbaalott is riarq seed PYr Rift* aw has- Rsoatt 4-1 sl PINF l a r Kevin VIRa1tb Nit. JortMlwt otlMst.' bd SI of *04*04aerostart ii-mll > Cwdt Joraitlart Graham Fkrw+paai t!s41 Lade: d alas , a ;" Racbrd I! t oven! ttafiMMa &~. tit t1 tome nb iota ttow..7 da a wt at spend on Stioq ne Enmio otd vete vftn +para %P, i was mutt" tflsltlla oma aoauRbpt� rktitrysotai,taadstahpltutabuRpwtta�tatbnaaicdeMno- » S /fMiMtb tfltt in? Pita RidIr lotangr,dfsaps. d!1Mtcl t'aat Region Pickering juvenfl*es drop OT heartbreaker in tournament final DICKERING - The Pickering finished sec- game. Leading the attack MacDonell, Kearn and , Pickering Panthers juvenile and in its division, and had was defenceman Mike Drew Kevin Hall provided the `AA' rep hockey team lost a to defeat Sarnia to qualify who scored twice and added scoring punch. Drew regis- heartbreaking overtime decision to Markham in the for the championship final. The Panthers fell behind an assist. Jeff Kearn and Brent Lalonde rounded out tered three assists, with one each to Brian Park, Kivisto, • • final of the recent Pickering early 3-1, but fought back to the scoring. Zack Pike had Bert Booker, Pike and Tournament at Don Beer tie the game, with the equal- two assists with single Mitchell. Mike Craig earned Register on Dec 1 Arena. izer coming with seven sec- helpers to Kearn and Ryan the shutout, stopping 27 The Panthers and onds remaining in regula- Mitchell. Lanny Caldwell Newmarket shots. for to Markham were tied 3-3 at tion time. Slilowitz scored turned aside 21 shots for the . Pickering fought hard, a Chance win the end of regulation time, the tying goal and notched shutout. but ended up on the losing Skates &wheels but Markham scored in the the winner in overtime to In the second game, end of a 7-4 score to first minute of overtime to give Pickering a 4-3 victory. Pickering exacted some Markham. The forward line you Q;25.00 capture the championship MacDonell and Kearn revenge against Newmarket of Park, Hall and Mitchell need only `►' deposit trophy. Ryan Mitchell, Dave scored, with Peter Casey, for an early -season thrash- combined for nine points, as and a post dated she Kivisto and Sean Kevin O'Hanley, Brendan ing in league play. This each tallied once and added ue MacDonell scored for O'Hanley, MacDonell and time, Pickering completely two assists. Keam rounded Register Pickering, with assists to Hall adding assists. dominated the contest, win- out the scoring, with other Jason Booker, MacDonell Pickering breezed by ning 6-0. Jeff MacFarlane, assists going to Boyer and and Jason Boyer. Cobourg 4-0 in the first Pike, Paul Slilowitz, Kivisto. . 1; ' rel NEWS *VVZf!'rOM J RIDAX -it'r #"&PAGJK i! a'+ D 1 4 n 11 T1 (Oii�l il (P cc Buy one WIMMSOW week, get , Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. '� the 2nd free. �905� TORONTO Call us for Monday to Friday LINE 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday details 798E61130707 or fax your ad Applies to Atcles Fp (905) 579-2238 "- Salo and Vehicles For Sale only. GARAGE SLES Centitling TH NOTICES IMBIBBBIBB3Sts your baby's arrival T �-a gift Certificate $�T onlyu to 525 worth�� aby products. Lill ' Careers ' ' Careers ' ' Careers 1 ' Careers RT General General Daycare BargainF Bargain Help Help • 1 Wanted Corner Corner Career & Training Marketplace. Providing Solutions For A Changing World!! k This section is a great opportunity to advertise your business or school. Many of this section's readers are looking for a career change, would like to earn extra income or upgrade their present skills. =ya Oshawa • Whitby • Ciarington • Port Perry J, THIS WEEK Call 576-9335 today for more information U U1 C*' CHelp Helpeverww Help ani kwre, M yeiw M ac• eee ceeveeleees • Full-Y.r� PWI-alae wore CALL 24 nelefluMa (416) 208-3167 30 PEOPLE ,needed to loam and progress In the advertising dept. of our Oshawa ON". Campaign eontrd, assistant managers And managers needed for the kdure Professional and ambiears People need only appy. CAN Connie 721- 0299. ATTEMIOfk - it you have the same km brie job for 81 least a year or more. but dies just rat enough. No exp. necessary. No investment. just a We of your the and a reliable vehicle. 5400- $100Wffto. tot 610 hrs.1 week. Must be Seriously Woking for pan bnle work in order to qualify. 6662122. AND SERVERS Wanted for Harwood Blues Coffee House. Ap* FI person 7 HAW*= AYE AJAX c HRISTMAS ExPAN ' -.mg Company Needs Ic 'solace people berm prG- Toted to other cries Entry �,el througn to Manage- -ent avalabie M.,st be :cAe to start Immediately r SII training provided to all ,'eas Call MIc^eine 721 - CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE 'yews - .. - '"at advernsers +heck "leer ad Upon pudcaboll as 'News Advertt5er well riot be 'e50onSeble for more_ Nan one nonfat mse^;rn aril 'fere Shall De no kdCudy frr non-ensli D, any adver- trsement-.aakty for or rors in ads 4 limited ;o the amount paid for Tie space occipyeng ?+e error All :API 6 sioled to the ap- proval of management of 'News Advertiser D J S «• _ ..b exp Dance and Rock format Weekend work We supply nxrsic 623-70G' leave message PAY CASHDOMINO S PIZZA ^ow ring dr",s immediately Must have own car Apply in person at any o our Durham loca- tions (905 434.2777 430 0030, 6839993. 831 x30 434.2555 n:AMlr 34111 pe per week Irom ^ome clipping cow - pons Light assembly den- tal (416) 812-6891 Earn money, readingbooks Iron+ home $100 per !.If* 1416)812.6892 code 6 FULLIPART time posr- bons available for wad staff Apply in person to Kerry Inn. 967 Westney Rd S . Ajax or Call Victor 428- 8790 IT PAYS to lose weight' You look good Feel great and earn extra income Can 571 5063 WANTED - 38 people to lose up to 20 Iles ler the New Year Doctor pro- ouced. Ask How!. Too Free 1-800-881.6782 SUBWAY SANDWICH- ES Ajax location, have hit time posibons open for evening and night shifts apply in person Monday Dec. 16. 9 am. - 11 a.m. or 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. 6 Harwood lice. Ajax SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE required for OT- TAWA apt. building. This position requires a couple with strong administralive skills, good housekeeping practices, knowledge in maimerwice and repairs. Must be motivated and possess good public relo- tion skills. Exp. an asset. Salary, apt. and benefit package. Cal Janet at 905- 666-2450. WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BO55I Studio S K Were loolvng for mod-' up -to -:ate haersyttsts for char rentals Please apply it, Dersor 108 Dundas St W Whr.by or _al 430. 9397 'Sales Help Agents ADVERTISING SALES air:_'• .p •o;�r•ative I;r estabiisned vDumam edibor of Toroth pubiicatiGr Car 'ff uireo Great opportunity .,if, great earning pole, ';at' Fax resume 416,665 3822 MEDICAL SALES 'ro- .a'...:'e1e- market 'o not p-ta-s and medcai umics urioue op- portunity to build a higr an ^vat Income for exclusive accounts Full training prb- v,oerl Fax resume 905- 786- 3192 SALES REPRESENTA- TIVE I-• sur 'a ,r s..,ppies Base salary. commissior 6 =ar auuw. ante Please appy In per , xe to Marion Carruthers 0o UNDERW000'S. 4f01 FmyV Ave Al". Ontario InT-Skilled Help AUTO BODY Person re - or busy 'estoratwn shop Capable of perform. Ing mots fabrication and prop b paint work Call 905-666-4446 PRODUCTION MA- CHINERY Ma:nterlarce Mecharic for steel fabnca- non snop.Wcabd in PI ung Trade certificate •e gkared Mvlimurn this years experience In related field I& hydraulics. electrical, pneumatics IS reQU;red Good wages and benefits Interested personnel are invited to tax resume to 905-639-1717 REPLACEMENT WINO - OW Installer. minimum 10 yrs experience Good pay Own brake and transporta- tion Cal 433-76% 1ff11_WdC_:= DENTAL CERAMIST minimum 5 years experi- ence. xpertence. Part here I Fut time. Oshawa. 1-(800) 263- 7748 caref M• 1 WWeerfiNd LOVING, MATURE Nan- ny required. live-in or but. ler 3 children, ages 12. 8 6 6 months; excellent refer. ences required, non- smoker. (905)509.6287. NANNY/L grit nousekeev- e^, fed for our 2 sons. 13 yrs 8 ' ' months) Mon Tues Wed -n our Tauntor. Brock N-Itby home Refer. antes -e,ab4e trarspo,•a tior and updated ter re- qufre" Can for aper even rigs only 655-5807 WANTED PATIENT e,-r.•9'7n'J we r 'air^, ^.enb;e weekend hours picker rg area Call Mrs �'Grar 905, 93'3-5095 Daycare • Available BROCK AND HWY 2 Gpenings for It'll time Ref er•rces avadabie Theresa 686-97*. DUALITY DAYCARE EE prof, der dairy out Ings, crafts. lots of TLC `.- pots Reasonable rates axle Finn area Call 8�1 838 • ' Business to • Business ESTABLISHED BUSI- NESS sa,v ' (X--ar^ Regio' Brew onprsmise .N,ne maks; esta imr -rent Owref must sell $20000 Call l 322 048 MFirewood ABSOLUTELY THE BE;- •-.c :w14y nerd. .00ci at low prices Free deirvery Serving Prckerng. Ajax. Vemltby, and Oshawa Can DURHAM FIREWOOD 4-27-474' APPLEWOOD aged t-2 rears ac a.sn caro $210 1 3 bush cord. $80 Deuv- ered 1-905-987-4563 BROOKLIN FIREWOOD Bust Lace soros *�,,Cl ng duality seasoned flrthili Please phone !leave mes- sage) 905-6558797 tfwy 12 to Spencers Road, turn north on Ashtx,rn Road. 200 yards $50,tace cord. nixedticked up FIREWOOD - Quality sea- soned 16• split hardwood stamng it SlBSCord. Can eve. 705-944-8801. 7 pm - 11 p.m. FIREWOOD For Sale. Cut. Split and delivered. S50 a tape cord. Cal Jerry (905) 683-9639. FIREWOOD, Excellent quality hardwood. Guar- anteed. extra long fully seasoned, cut and split. Honest measurement. Free delivery. KoiY Heat Fire- wood 905-753-2246. FIREWOOD: Roka Lum- ber 8 Firewood Centre. 4'x8k12'. $60; 4k81xl6•. $65. Estabkshed 1963. Days 705-277-3381, Even- ings 905-434-6665. Free delivery to Oshawa area. INDUSTRIAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE eaaing naruracture, of paciraging ,ocuc:s rec'.,:res ar an a^ cus vales -epreserta:ive !or :ne Peter;,crough, fc ears exrerence I ^custria: es. -ne successful carc tate vv." be ':s:,Crslble for s2^!'St g a -S exp and_ C -.':c­case St ze a se:` •, 1a'e� 'eSOUr _ C`eSs,ora W'1t� :GCS U I Sf, s arc ',ecr �a" Ca. aC:...,ce -%e offer ar ex;,e',er: re- ,rera,,cr Z--CKagc 'Air. l 'nc.,�ces a oompeiltlJe --,ary zee -ante rcent:ves ca^y vehicle and an ex'ers!ve _ . refits prograrr. case ep,y oy res_,ne :,e`c,e Dec 2C Box 2982 The Mississauga r+ews 3145 Wolfedale Rd. Mississauga. Ontario L5C 3A9 Fax: ,905,` 279-3037 L PERSON Full time for medium expanding company. Must be computer liter- ate. Must be totally familiar with all current payroll regulations. Excellent salary and benefits. Fax resume to Iris at (905) 420-7342 ' Firewood WILSON'S FIREWOOD by the bush cord or face cord Cut. split and deliv- ered Hardwood mixed 905-432-7741 Hardwood kindling availablo. ;W Bargain GLASS TOP DIINCr room table with 6 chairs. brass and black lacquer, 5400. Car seat (20-40lbs). SM. (905)725-8861. FREE Killam to a good home. 2 fertlales, and 1 male. 3 months old. Call (905) 839-2119. FREE TO GOOD home for 11 mo, old female Rot- weiter, good temperament. very playful, a joy to any tanliy. (905)427-8431. Check Out Our Flyer Delivery Service. Weare by for The 01 Distributor of flyers in our ares. Hsve your flyers delivered any Wednesday, Friday or SwWsy with The Newspaper that everybody 9 gain ' BCorner MATCHING Sofa $1501 Love seat $100 Glass top tattle and end tables S75. Entertainment unit S50. CAN Michelle at 434.7521.... NEW S2' cooling tan. black lacquer. 4 lights. Paid $165. Asking $110. 579- 6374. NEW WALT Disney cies. sic movies for sale. $50 to $100. (416) 282--6527 PROFESSIONAL Ham- mer DnU, ►illi -TE 10, plus quick driver. Marty bits and carrying case. 5360. 080. Call 905-728.7252. WASHER A DRYER: GE heavy -fluty washer. $175; mads" while dryer. M. Call (9D5)428-2530 after 6:30 pm. WEIGHT BENCH with leg extenlsion. 160 pound steel weights. 5200. 579- 6374. News Advertiser _.,r....,_,.. ..._ .... - - - -•• ..,,,,_..-_..kir,... .. F: ter- . _ ,aasx�.kaalaarsa:: ..x� I� PAGE -*AWE 4EftVA+kkj R MbW, 6it J41B[F1i'11. 11946 PKIIArticles ArticlesFMI Articles Articles Christmas Christmas Automobiles Automobiles Vans/4 For SaleJ�MFor Sale For Sate I For Sale Trees Trees For Sak � � For Sale Wheel Drive m m m m m m m w w w m m CLARINGTUN CUM- ■ M P1ANU. upright WOrmwrth. ? PUTER. CLEARANCE Prices legs. �O� DOING? � e CENTE ■ CENTER Two great value 40 all 905- Price swing, $40 Call 905- { ` packages. loaded systems. 404_9349 TheTttyys Depa ■ systems include 14' 28 N 404-9759 l monitor, voice/tax modem. PIANOS GRANDFA- fs0(XITt�dlopusfidnglourcu TTIrsil 1k le best CD tom drive. sound cards. THER CLOCKS - Christ , os*lO ,� SEWd�,�e WpflB.X� ' ■ speakers. Dos, and wind mas Specials on nowt New 1 F^'�/yalCc ows. color pnnter Pentium ■ and used pianos. Not sure? k ■ fapof to tie qjasllonsbelow 100 $1.999 Out the door Rent to own, apt size. 438--0419 prices, all taxes included ■ upright. grand. digital, key 1. Was your call answered promptly? They're here nowt'' Lots of boards Some 1995 stock excellent condition Load- used 486's from 5499 Multi ■ available at reduced prices ed black grey leather in- Media systems from 5675 Telep Piano Works. 433 terror 130 kms $12.500 Complete and guaranteed - ■ Add a color printer $125 1491 1991 CHEV Lumina Z34. ■ Clarmglon Computer PICTURE FRAME ■ Clearance Center 697- egwpment and supplies. 2. Did the Sales R resentative offer friend! y' 3059 16 4 Baseline Rd ■ Morsoe chopper. and CNH at $750 call 686- Boolsornanvilie mat cutter Muer louring courteous service? ■ DAIRY QUEEN Used re. vice and some supply Call 111!9 MI:MUHY IUPAL. 4 CREDIT PRUBLEMST 1900 h•UND AtHUblIAN dr. auto. ps, pt). amfm Cass., On the spot financing. van, $2,995 certified. 1967 4 new tires. new paint, ask- Down payments from $500. S-10 short box. 4cyl. 5 Ing $3000 obo 728-0597 Monthly payments from speed, $1,995 certified. after 6 pm., weekend any- $150 O.A.0 Cars, trucks, 404-9759 time vans 1981 to 1996. Alandy 1989 DODGE CARA- 1990 PLYMOUTH Sun- Auto Sales Ltd. 146 Brock VAN SE, 4 cyl turbo. pow - dance. am -fm radio. auto. 4 St N . Whitby 905 -666 - at steering, power brakes. dr, power steering, power 3382 air, am-Im radio. black brakes, asking 54.500 GREAT XMAS present cherry, second owner, 145 438--0419 1987 4 dr Sundance. 4 K, all service records, very 1991 Cadillac Brougham, ry1 . needs work on 2 cyl good condition. non excellent condition Load- great body. running condi- smoker, $6,200 or best oe- ed black grey leather in- tion $1,500 as is OBD. er Telephone 666-3888 terror 130 kms $12.500 (905)623-9215 1990 DODGE Caravan Rick. evenings 666-4670. LOW KMS., 1986 Pontiac SE V6. cruise control, 7 1991 CHEV Lumina Z34. 6.000 L E loaded. original passenger. 236K. $5800 owner. new battery & al- paint. good condi- certified (905)686-7879 t M her hon.$2600 certified 436- 1994 AENOSTAR 'All ■ s!'a,. eouiQment. Vulcan a36-0503 leave mss _Qr-p e!e w., „ . den ternator. sun roo. is in Call 905- 0791 dove' Safety in wan- ■ ■ eledrrc fryers indoor oub door seating. 2 exhaust ■ 'gods. a SN SNOW TIRES for BMW Garage/ Garage/ I Yard Sales fires, 58300 o bo. 404-8715 1990 Plymouth Acclaim, V6, air cars. 4 dr. $4250 wheel ter and lots of room for the kids. Loaded and only ■ bathroom fixtures. 535 1 Suce• TS Yard Sales 1991 HONDA CIVIC OX and mall to: Merry T�kry otters me best a "ep on freezer Inpwrete ■ contact ■ c ^atchback so , only obo. Call Dave 576-6130 49.000 km Christ ■ 3. Are you satisfied with the response to your 411 stere 7267259 94T M&S trims. Your satsfa(.'rl(Mi ' '$ ire measui a of Our $ui eSs' +a.000 kms 57soo oso -1 Cedar sk ••.•ig cove, rhos $17 ERASER ■ - ■ : ININGROOM SUITE steel wheel atedi rims, wheel covers GARAGE/INOVING SALE r .ail 905.47' 3239 Automobiles for FORD Ask for Carlee. 576- ■ advertisement? ..,rchaseC from local J" gid condnron 8700 Call SAT. DEC. 14th 7 12 n Arstrr^ ,--w I Wanted 1800 a tic. all makesmooNs ExCPllen! COnd•Dcn. ■ 2600 faro - 3pm 1991 TOYOTA TERCEL 1995 LUMINA APV. 3 1 ■ at $750 call 686- 432-7167 StM's Apptiaric- 452 a1ROADGREEN ST., PICKERING , L X 1 poor speed. cart 905-619-pc9: 1986 DODGE RAM, 3'8 .'Knifice 7 PC 5HERtDAN STYLE hot" -f Wh ids a"1 1^clow sgr' 4.000 k,l $6.250 Tele bsmg. toys. decoys does V, ABS. AC atereC Cas -)92 VP ,ewe ,ieenng y;we, bedroom suite wai `55500 Freezer, bar fridge, 837-0727 $50. to $7500 Cash on Bette. 7 passenger modus -FOR mink homes. corrections or SALE. one Napo- nut. valued over t spinning wheel, toys. :none the spot for scrap cars b lar seating. rear vent, ■ 4. Suggestions or comments: ■ o•- wxa "wring stove. own '^_lodes all piping. $1995 OBO Solid walnut odds 8 ends 1993 LINCOLN MARK "' trucks Anytime Call 905- $14.500 certified. 75.000 Tec,, -se^ M ne 26' g ■ wardrobe $235 Sofa & hptie;,we' _!or mo- Its a oeau!y with 706-5740 kms. can (905$ 668-1287 ■ -'ainies5 steel chimney. ,d flagstone hearth Ex 9s cnair $250 Other odd 10. Ny,or mwk -, • alher and moonrool One b A TOWING. Pay $50 CUBE VAN: Ford ■ ■ -fnent condition Ask ^d chairs 530 each 3 dress- AftS $ Arts $ awn e+ loaded, $21995 r 5500. cast ter used & $ b- F350 330 V8 Cab -Van en- lent Condtton 5600 OBO - ■ 5 'SC 19051427-6483 ors 555 each Dryer 595 3 anbaue dressers. 3 I I • Crafts a Crafts Merry Christmas FRASER FORD Call Steve 576- scrap cars b trucks 24 his n gone Excellent $2250 Gall ■ LOG SPLITTER. 5 for antique .hairs New Single Dox WANTED: Stack ave 1800 7 days Call 905-686-5003 905-623.5783 ■ �/e rv�-;Z ,eke I.: -,,ex l,3m you ■ _Qr-p e!e w., „ . den L s. I Articles ■ If you prefer. ■ ■ please contact Fred Eismont ■ ■ at 576-9335. or 683-0707 ■ ■ or fill out this Coupon ■ ■ and mall to: ■ T�kry otters me best a ■ as BEACHCOMBER ■ Classified Department ■ ■ P.O. Sox 481 ■ pang and mattress $135 Many other Mems 697 3532 SOFA BED. $100.. sofa and --a • 5'6C dressers from S5995 single beds from $5995 and much more 'Not your average second-hand store' New Life Furniture, 250 Bayty St W Afax 686-6332 STEEL TRAILER or 905 706 5234 30 min 1994 ;avaher_ 2 Or, white service I'!, a, anvtm Cass. Ce, I Trailers 'ted $9950 CallPhyllis $ b A TOWING. Pay 5500 'J5 852 7086 evenings scrap cast 'c• used b and weekends scrap dors l trucks905-2a firs 7 days Cao 905-686.5003 1990 HOMESTEADER 1994 :eo Metro Hatch- or 905 706 5234. 30 min 12 x 38 It mobile home 10 a(r, au'o. a c, new tires. service x 20 flonda room Main tm.fm cassetteexcellent trader fully furnished One indifion. $6100 certified •Bust be seer Nancy 723 115 (days). 6973382 we) erg. 6wcle 5''g" 1994 GRAND PRIX SE. gr" for hawing wood. etc S1000 firm 905 725 8861 9n, Computer PI Computer �w P1 v 5 P "" cru's anytime. .705;-99 1352 at Video Video "n. AmFm cassette. secur- `c ,n,r60" ty system 79 000 km gA.A- F 11 St ■ i+OT TUB SPA �..,' . STEFF' APP IANCE 514 500 Can 683-3020 ■ Presse wa a .r Seniors Dos ;or,^: Visa MC outstanci est, 'ng s«onion fl,by _Qr-p e!e w., „ . den L s. I Articles 8 I P'tluppixm ■ ' and e• cover 9w,rf SALES a SERVICE ■ Oshawa, Ontario vides Triple quality of Voll 0C Call 666-3688 Sr.•w•.or' , •_ -.r -eccr ■ LiH 7L5 ■ JUST ams tri Cnnst Must se4l' C appliances in sell' Best pates in town' pars available Mike 725 T�kry otters me best a ■ as BEACHCOMBER We carry tete best warrany ■ •few $5700 obo 705876 ;A, a mai green. 2 vs Dishwashers. $150 a �r price call. music added no ice w Boo• ^ovr Your satsfa(.'rl(Mi ' '$ ire measui a of Our $ui eSs' ■ -1 Cedar sk ••.•ig cove, built ins & portables ■ - - • . - - - - - a : Com chemical supplies. Stoves. S, 50 & up all Co- 5300 10cu n chest freezer P' ''+ "` : 1,,-dure or an Purrb•ed no pap.r•s vat ..,rchaseC from local J" Wurssizes Washers. $150 7 12 n Arstrr^ ,--w P, '- - � :'•s 30 Yarm or eat Sufir• a tic. all makesmooNs 3 TENORS 2 tickers CARPET Serving Ostia Call 98 9 7 41 0 -vers. 5175 6 up LI 1994 GRAND PRIX. V6. S ata p' ,. pfr„r,i, ,-curhy system. 4 door, al: •Ox. 79000 highway kris 514.500 Like new ire -caner 905 683 3020 1994 PONTIAC Grand :YArcom. 4 pc bath, true '.R size. propane stove and ,ven Electric hot water. 1 -ick 10 x 16. shed. new '.-f on Florida room, new ',wpet Located at Nestle •• Park on Hwy 36 bet- -4w Lindsay and BoOcay- Ik+on, on water Brand new 135.000 Asking $30.000 or .tsi offer Leave message «fore 4 pm or call after 5 m to 9 D m Park tees ne- ;, Itiable Ask 1(,r Denise 105) 579-3791 A, SF white CARS FOR CASH' :, R'.,'�Uwmotanes w grey nterror. V6, auto. air buV ,.,ed vahic,r, Vehi tit! s ob. 0/w. bit. cruise, abs, des must be in runntng i uminum wheels arn7m condition Call 427 2415 or 1995 Polaris XLT Sp at Jar 4 rCtor 83y 3020 wa a .r Seniors Dos ;or,^: Visa MC outstanci est, 'ng s«onion fl,by KEEP YOUR rxn a fou y T a•e r makes models Frages Fros! t-ees. S20C t G I Articles 8 I P'tluppixm rsserte. 80.000 highway .ms $/2.500 905 579- cone to 479 Bayty St East. -96 Iodates. 1100 miles Aia■ at MURAD AUTO Stored inside Excellent 5 PC ,ec,,Ona $602 3 Mates Irstsaetl W us Re- u vides Triple quality of Voll Side -by Side ice maker a. Wanted BOarding 2983 SALES shape Hand warmers Like .boa:^ea ant lass book g pars available Mike 725 T�kry otters me best a mond. black ,a:rs. a ars Ye 1945 FORD ESCORT •few $5700 obo 705876 cases 5 e bedroom set has 5600 3 blaachea s U price call. music added no ice w Boo• ^ovr clef 5800 Apt Size dryer. 5250 Apt sze warner, ANTIQUES Absdutaty BEAGLE PUPPIES GT Mint con0 rosy ioadsd I Trucks bles S35,: 668 99-7 CARPET "� rooms. 5299 extra cna+ge before Christmas Ca, 905 5300 10cu n chest freezer P' ''+ "` : 1,,-dure or an Purrb•ed no pap.r•s vat dark ties teen. 1 a L 16 9 for Sale Apartments 7 12 n Arstrr^ ,--w P, '- - � :'•s 30 Yarm or 725-1301 S?SC 6 month -s warranty ym'^g uikl Scientific nstru- cMcked first snots. Call 1f 1e ABS. e■tended wart Puss 28.000k•-• $12 995 Eon, For Rent pow •� ..rev b DDoge =ape; premium pad and LANDSCAPING Trader 432-7167 StM's Apptiaric- ments. china. srhrer, abler. Darer 416 281 1889 or cart 905-619-pc9: 1986 DODGE RAM, 3'8 5 • J'_ Snowb'owe n instal' 'on custom blinds S• : Office es. 362 French St Ossa bsmg. toys. decoys does Laurie 7056532703 VP ,ewe ,ieenng y;we, Joni Dee+ 595. C inlet- also availabie at losses : a", des. SS Craigs car rims wa mink homes. corrections or OSHAWA OBEDIENCE 1995 TAURUS GL. a NORTH OSHAWA brake, new battery. new ' r4abana $75C Gtsor B hp prices Sa; 905432275C 350 •-+otor w,tr transmits. TABLE SAW 1 •2 evarev Cin Robert Bower ASSOC M>r --. n• day J Door air _•�,x tin ps pl Dedr'iom .r newly •rrrn,at- starts• box l6rr flint $675 Tec,, -se^ M ne 26' g CARPET BROKER von Honda SJC ort lei a hptie;,we' _!or mo- Antiques 19051 655-8049 Brooklet P„p� and Bask Tues 33.000 Factory Fords Finest 905 169 7 2466 � 12-blex Hardwood Boors. caDl! tour s snowvowe+ 542. 433 10. Ny,or mwk -, 'rime front.1)aa +vhee tor. cog Rett Qrrven Excel and Novice 135-0868 war warranty cis Merry Mer Christmas FRASER corking 1591 CHEV S-10 DU- dr facilities �n,yuOea No Y 0656 stain resk5tan! carpi! For 3 parts Cam 905 42t.. - _ -3 lent Condtton 5600 OBO t:tarbnq soon FORD. 576-1800 Ask ', extended dogs $686 no 905-576- A GREAT DEAL 9oB roon's only S3690C Pnce LOG SPLITTER. 5 for Pius extras Call 905 728- WANTED: Stack ave LHASA APSO puppies Sand $14.995 oxce er. blue exce:ierl condrtron, due 2982 a', - - Pius ndk.des 3C 57 vds carpe' Osiuxe ;.ad and irtstylatar Heavy d,.^, >:+'e: pump. 7252 mese a n Idtl down 9 style with clop gate (SirrWa ,bah- tri,• OCt 21, ist 1996 FIREBIRD convert exlenor/interfOr. 4 3 litre. OSHAWA 'Bias St) Large Daps balls •etnevers Call c Sic.. ^ome Free Quota 13' ares 1 VS diameter 16' Digital Satellite 70 to Canada Fist Stell Cag coma Kt served a puppies. Mtfst�l able a,t,. full loaded. Dox liner, 56,500 or best 1. a ? bedroom apart - Lary Oshawa 905 436 b«, n your Home Nc rr trader n4cn. S? 40C Wt,eri for year o til Mus! De 40' x 32' x 34' �' yGreat �s w� ,ntenor. p windows, dNr Cad (9051 728- 910 its �r clean low rise 133L teres! no payrner! for one days 8 5 57E 1' 7o Reli,ee ow, f Rent !c O•vr ler yry $825 0, longer Can Chins (705 905 987-5758 9 P locks CD player mint 19% CHEV BLAZER. bukiding Close to 401 a ADELAIDE I PARK u 7 tui year Dante 1 -full y 800 MINK nays fur coat. weekly Cad 905 571-1412 7493383 during businsss candhwn 6000 km askrg Rocky Mountain Edition. GO Parking Avadade int oeciroo mens $67to 00 . erectri 217-01a CARPET 'u, sate - for free caoakLd•ie m S40C 728-4968 g HITACHI 3 stereo tate- v s'c' J''•a black picture hours Womobiles ' I 530.000683-887- 19% FORD CROWN low mileage, excellent con- mediately From 5600; dt,on. tail 6682972 month Phone 905 576 - Includes heal not water sh;; a• •;,me service or MOVING SALE while tube Pic -m -Pic Mgr resp- omputer for Sale VIC oadec only 23.000 19% EXPLORER. 4 -door 4255 cave television park. ng Available Jar Call and we will show soli, !: -: ,r ,;, 1e -:,,wave lutton Rent -to -own from;wAnternet $1580 wesil Call 905 Km Lots of warranty Com. 4X4 XLT 32 000 km. lots of 2 bed. 5665 and 3 bed- Laundromat the difference We also do pus stand green living. 571 1412 NEED A VEHICLE? pare to new at only warranty fully loaded, room $745 all inclusive ! 888-8390033 custom installations e- room suite coffee tabsoeno Poor credit? No credill $22.995 Merry Christmas. 528 995 Merry Christmas, apartments for rent Avail - ALMOST NEW Dedroom pairs and resiretc!ung Cyr tables single Deo and KENWOOD 20C wan NEW MUSIC •-zine 9 Bankrupt'+ Cad Tracie at FRASER FORD. Ask tor Bill. FRASER FORD Cam Doug able Feb 1/97 poet dean ,e! nctuang 2 n,gr! tables Mike 9C5-431 404C more CasmCarry 668- Towler of Power 5 Disk CD. httP wwwdurham- 905 576 1800 or 1-688 576 1800 576-1800 budding Norm Oshawa ineadooard. ladies dresser Carpet Moll D srtibutOrs, 1463 Double cassette lower newsnet,-a1C2311in dex htm 2593673 I can ftelp , CERTK AR's CHRIST- 579-9600 & mirror and mens armdre 12 mcnms ti, payments. MOVING SALE House- speakers Rent -to -own from S7 25 Cad 1913 Cadillac Eldorado. MAS STOCKING PRIG- Wan$l 2 BEDROOM apt near Back a marble Wok oueen s ze $750 Call 905-434- No merest (OAC 3 rooms ,300sa h ) installed with nota appliances tools. lug. gage TV Christmas tree weekly 905- 571 1412 • I Lost at ps pb, pw pi, der. cruise. arrlrtm Cass. 8 -way seats, ES- 84 Pontiac Pannier tie. loaded, low kms, mint 4 WMhed Drive Oshawa Centre and 401 - Parking. 4-undry, storage 2372 deluxe pad from only 5399 etc 728-3062 SHARP 25' TV, VCR Com- 8 Found mobile phone. $1250 as is $2.995 87 Olds Firenza - 4 Available Jan 1 Non ANNOUNCR4G new low- Specials on Vinyl, Ceram c b nations. High resolution 725-9376 Cyt . auto. ince car, 52,795 1967 ASTRO VAN, 4.3 litre Smokers Preferred. 5602' ter ice on 18 inch mint and Hardwood Flooring��x SALE: Fridge, picture tube, front AN 88 Yolks Jona Slalom _ par en engine. 8 -pass.. 253.tXX) TO pia hydro 579-0246. *Sri salefine tv. 40 than- Free Shop At Home 1.800- stove washer/d er. mi- y Jacks. auto programming. FOUND a t co- gwvw 19M PONTIAC ACADIAN, fact runner. 53,895. 88 Ism. air con., raised roof, 2 BEDROOM refs. Only $2800 monthly 663-6046 crowave. waterbed crib. universal remote control loured cat with white collar, original owner. 4 now ores Jeep Wrangler yJ, Cyl 'two apa burg'grey. n - as" $6000. ;905) 655-3661 diningroom hutch a cabs. Rent to own from $7 50/wk. Lmton/Hwy 2 area. Call last year, Standard trans. 4. tops. low kms. Red. 4 x 4 w of 668-9297 evenings merits. Available anytin. 1 CARPET MRLL Disrbbu- net $900 ler the tit Every- Call 905,571-1412 683--9035. d, only 114.000 km Well $7,995 69 Celebrity Eu- Plea. 319 Coroova Rd., Osharaa ANTIQUE walnut dime 8 tors, 12 months No pay- thin Must Got 420-1922 g FOUND GREY and cared for. Rim like a top loaded and low No pots allowed. 905-579- 19U room slate. tablel6 Chairs. meats. No interest, (OAC) 3 MOVING SALE: Fn �/ To floor model 26' Elex- brown cat. male, not nee- Asking 51000 dao. 436 - KnIs. , kms, black. $5.495. 89 Es -l Grand Cara -2387. van I.E. batted. $3500. as china CabxneU bullet $800 Washstand 5150, pot -Helly rOOrtns (3005q.f1..) installed watt deluxe pact from only stove. washer/dyer, mi- trOhOme with remote. ex- Cellent Condhton, beautiful tered. with black stripe, 0503. Cort 4 Or. "0. ell driver is. Call for into. 839-9193 woodstove $300. antifRee 5399 Specials on Vinyl, crowave, waterbed, crib, colour, asking $350. 434- white on face and paws. 1985 NISSAN SENTRA, 4 53.395.. 89 Gran Prix lawnmower w/steel wheels Ceramist; and Hardwood diningroom hutch & cabs- 7069 white Ilea collar, In Mon- d., auto, power sA b, am/ Sports CPE. low kms and $75 Hooked On Phonics, Floor Free Shop At n9 oD net. $900 ler the tit. Every- arch aGements area, lin. al orgnal •riot hat, 1 Waded, white $7,195. 89 S225 433-3811 tong Must Go' 420-19x22 WASHERIDRYER. $300/ Whittington Court 427- owner. 95,000 kms.. be- Sidekick 4 x 4, hardtop. Home. ,-ti00�63 6046 set. Stn box -spring a g 8310 have It certilred, $2795. divers great 55,595. 89 M.1 SrgwR10b11e5 ■' SIIOw1�Ob11la APPLIANCES, 2 side by CARPETS - las of carpet. NEW MARM4 Bobcat trial rrlanress. 5700 Oak table a Brook to Sakes, Brock Ford Lanat 8 cyl. auto. Bile tri 5400 2 100% nylon, new stain re- bike. $700, 'Pure Gold' chairs, $175. Sega Gene- FOUND- 1 black a white Rd a Taunton. Pickering, Waded. low kms. $7,395. stoves. S225 each, washer lease carpets on hand. I �9 Copy 9ch clubs S400 sis with games, 590 905- male dog. Blue cdlar 1 427 6110 89 Astro 8 pass. boded, 5200. dryer $175. 2 9a5 ry will carpet 3 rooms. 5349 with Elan GS Slits. 43317 58 leave message. shepherdicdtie mix male. just balk from Florida. built in dishwashers $150 Price includes Carpet. pre- with Salomon bindings. Both fbertdy, Little Bnaan. 1988 PLYMOUTH Reliant, 56,295., 90 Royale Bim., 1 each. all almond. many at- pad. expert $100. Turn of the Century WASHERS. dyers. fudge, Call (705) 786-3802. 4 d., auto. good condition. low krrK and boded' mint, lists prints . 427-0374 eve., ee ilU• ton.misu bon. fast drtivery. free esti- pre desk $1.000 photo- stove.record• 52225 and LOST - small grey and $995 1982 Chev. Mamfw while. 59.295., 90 PymouRl 427-2856 days mates 130 aids) Norman Y caper Itke new, (2,000 call up ler re white female cat. Strouds Classic. V6 auto.. 92.000 Acclaim, loaded. 6 cyl, It AUDIOPHILE stereo s s- Y 686-2314. Patrick. conditioned washer, $175 and up ler recorldtioned Lane/Whites Rd. area kms, mint condition, $2000. blue, $4.995.. 90 Tempo tem - Acoustat power amp . COLLECTOR PLATES - dryers. $175 and up for re Please 831-1287 655-3045 CL, 4 d., auto, loaded, low .R, Acoustat electro/static 50 pates. current value. JUKE BOX, coin operat- fridges conditioned fr and LOST DOG, 14 month dd 1988 BLUE TAURUS, kms. burg., $7,695., 92 Geo speakers Teac 4 track $6 � two glass show- ed, excellent income stoves. Also can operated female Doberman, un air con, power steenn g' Tratlter, soft t low kms. K. �' sound -on -sound reel -to- cases. stands. boxes incl 1950's Wurlitzer Bubbler washer and dryers. Ste- ry cropped oPPed ears' ywOt fiuore9 cruise control, tape deck, blue, $6,695. 93 Sunbird g reel and DBX matching unit. Akar CO linear Wein over $7,000 Sen for Juke Box, handcrafted. phenson's Furniture and cent green collar, lost on excellent interior. 118 km, SE, 4 d., 6uto, load - CO.,� f` .phase pre -amp Sony cassette 53500. 905-433-7647 holds up to 100 CD's APW,ances �7 Court St , Marksbury Rd a Oklahoma S3.350.certified' () 697- �' $7,495. 92 Taurus deck; tuner Incredible $7,000 or best offer. Call Oshawa 576-7448 Dr. Please help she needs 0'30 stw., loaded, teal, mint. e - sound - over $8000. Bye QAK/PINE FURNITURE- (905) 576-5737 , her medication and sadly 19M DODGE Shadow: $8.695 35 Vehicles in S2500 416-7031050 9-6 Why pay retail One l prices? O of Ontario*s oldest and lar- PERSONALIZED Photo Articles missed by 4 year old little automatic, lady driven (1 stock, most with six (6) month hall power train FOR SALE 85 YAMAHA PHAZER V m , After 8 p m . 427- c.Wend calenders by Memory Lane;01 girl. If you have seen her owner), well cared ler, new Y tg79 gest manufacturers is now direct to the ors feature colour Wanted please call Mary 831-6072 tires, transmission aam ararrawty. Our t we tM Great shape only 5600 km, new seat, BURGLAR ALARMS al. selling public enlargements of 12 or brakes Good condition. our adan- ]fi thieves time in Der Eg solid oak 7 pc dining- mare. d your favorite pho- $1200 (905)404-1654. tieing Cg A°1O handWarmers, tow bar, carbides, very kola home KEEP THEM UT, room or 6 pc solid pine bedroom. your choice los Only $25, or less. Call APPLIANCES WANT- 19a9 MAZDA MX6, LX, St. Center, King St. W. at Midtown No (905) reliable, 80-85 mph $1 i Custom built steel security window bars allows afford- $1995 many stain choices 723.7253 to locate your nearest distributor Dead- ED, Working or not Service cams to house $39. FAX ■ ' a extra clean, 5 speed, sun- 579.2886. Open 7 705-328-0402 Janetville area. able peace of mind even Tractional Woodworking line for Christmas orders a up used washer pans for • ' s roof, power brakes, steer- drys. i with the windows open For 905.985-8774 Tuesday Dec 17th sale and washers Hwy m2 a ing. windows, one owner, a free estimate call Secure Designs 1-905-438-8183 $3.600. (905) 619-0656 (905)428•8429 THE NEWS ADVFrR,1.4ER i'RIDAV, DECFMS=13,1"6-PAGE 3A I` For 1 Flo R NM!!For7R:t I F • I ^tents I Houses I Houses Townhouses Toalrllwu•a For Rent For Rent For Rent I F w Rent 1 1 For Rent MUST SEE, 1 -bedroom OSHA11krA Professionally renovated basement apartment Osha- 2 bedroom apt, all inclusive, heal WHITBY, spacious two withapartment in wa, separate entrance. dro. cable, C/A, private ern- trance b fgrne fireplace and in parking• all appliances drivewa 5600 Y first & last, ground pool Washer. dry - Nan-smoker• no pets no Deis. 571- 3866 er, fridge and stove mctud- Jan 1st/97 $550/month in- Jan.15V97. Call 905-728- ed $695 plus 1/2 utilities clusive First/last 571_ OSHAWA, large one bed - 5583 4362. room basement apt. with 668-4469 NEAR OSHAWA Centre. walk out. Jan 1st. non WHY rent when you can 2 bedroom apt . In clean smoking. $60000 inclu- sive. 571-0050 own your own home for quiet 5 unit building, free .ntral Oshawa. Available less than you thmk7" Call laundry lactates. avail PICKERING - 1 bedroom Dave Haylock Sales Rep Jan 1, $620 plus hydro. call walkout basement apt Sin- Re/Max Summit Realty 839--4659 gle working person wel- (1991) Ltd (905) 668-3800 PICKERING LARGE - come $525 lstAast Avail or (9051 666-3211 NORTH OSHAWA extra Feb 1st 839-7661 �� �•.1r 2 twrjroom apt large 2 bedroom com apt sntable for single per fudge, stove. at, unuties. iMl� 1011 SMCOE STREET NORTH 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units. Utilities included Stove & Refrigerator. Parquay floors throughout. Parking included. Playground Area. Close to schools and shopping. From $846.00. Call 905-721-0980 3 bed} t h Houses -room own Ouse in I if:JV d.11l. - 9.JV F1.rT1. pletely redecorated. in well- PICKERING one bed- I , 3 BEDROOM BACKSPUT OSHAWA: EXECUTIVE well maintained family Shared maintained quiet budding, r' casemert apt Uhl,. For Rent finished rec room. 3 ap- 3 bedroorn or ravine .,,1. 2 complex Freshly decorat- / ' ACCORIOdit10f1 large balconies. utilities. ties. seperate entrance p.'irances. jacuzzi., in ground bathrooms. attached ga- ed. includes 4 appliances. 213 BEDROOM apart- CENTRAL Oshawa, cable included, available laundry 5540 inclusive ! tor' building main floor g finished b Ja t Suitable for one A F'>o ar.decoratetl nice. rage }edge/stove. perfect all utilities Parking, close to y se to schools. library ,. ase- ment of house. separate n St. 572265 Call 573- 5584 vaiable Jan 1 686-8562 uth GM plant Available entrance. garage. $695 ONE & TWO tPtlroom PICKERING Whines/401 - mediately 428-6328 or 1st/last required Available agar mens •mad Clea'- , ri c. '1 walkout 1 -1 4608 1.7 pm for ap- Jan.15V97. Call 905-728- ate POs. bdrm bsmt apt AC F!$ ntment 5583 session, prefer couple. North Oshawa. includes cable. laundry, parting i BEDROOM APT in CLEAN. LARGE 2 bed- hydro fridge, store carpet.utilities included Single . x ';'.pips At appliances. room main tiry�r of house. freshly painted. shopping working female welcome .ntral Oshawa. Available $750 inclusive Isb'last re- plaza. bus stop. laundry NO sr"�""g pets lsVlast ,Gary Ist 905-728-5902 quired Available Jan ist facilities. Reasonable 725- $'50 Jan ist 420-4093 - Fridge. stove Agnes St . 2642 after 5 pin PICKERING LARGE - 40ELIADE 8 Wil Oshawa Call 436 0278 ONE tedroom easement CPd•:�._ casemP aG' �� �•.1r 2 twrjroom apt EXCEPTIONAL NEW apt sntable for single per fudge, stove. at, unuties. triplex, new hardwood BUILDING 'Oshawa son, $400 inclusive Avail park,rg_ S700. negotiable lir throughout new quiet Gear 'ndderrl larr•e Jan t Fr til Avail Jan 1 83! -TAA 1 X1.000 plus utilities. Avail f m for retirees. maintenance. schools. all amenities Jan NORTH OSHAWA: Jan t 765 King St tree. February 1st SilOry or Feb occupancy 122 Nomar teacher) ro snare E Oshawa can for appoint- mth includes utilities Colborne St E Oshawa rlean. 2 -bedroom apart -enc 434-1385 !705778-2430 Appt 434.3972 merit with non-smoking 'e - AVAILABLE FEB 1/97, 3 RITSOWHILLCROFT 3- 3 bedrocm townhouse. 5 male Laundry. park:rg. no -, ad'c^^ D,^galow Taun- Dedreom sem. ' a g 4 air appliances included. great pets. fenced yard 3171m- `,ni7rulls area. appliances. Dliances. central vac. hot West Lynde location, fm clusive Fnstlast. Jan 1 arge yard. 2 car garage. tubapooi Gose to schools. :shed basement. $975 plus Feb 1 Can 430-6906 '3025/mo plus unl Days available Jan 1sV97. $9%- utd Available Jan Call VICTORIAN Home to 3')5723-0821. Eve after 6, utilities Ist/last 905-4r,4- 668-1463 snare q•,�P, professional `. 11 1554 8683 AVAILABLE NOW AND Pool fireplace. parking, ca. BEAUTIFUL 3 -Bedroom SMALL 3 bedroom house. •AN _a ;e -i ss?.r om ble, dishwasher, walk :n - ^• re FAG 4 aC :ow^'?w^ Whitby Avail townhouse. neutral decor 4 closet. walk to •jowntown. ' : lances! 4 -piece bath. 2 2- immediately $715/mo plus appi 1.2 baths. base- 64 6 K ^^ minute to Dus Suit female n ka• -41 ;n d amt in ,achen, freshly y 1 & 2 bedroom acts All .r : s as requ"e' 723-8580 PICKERING WALK OUT BOWMAN'J!LLE -ace hams. pro essomally '}shed basement St000. utdd'es 905-668-333 en garage 8 T9wn°tie area $89` or smo - �'m0 Avail Jar ' 97 Call Mary rated. $71 , "rst d last. clusive from 5625 per ONE apt P/e•.•.�•-•e g,r 'p. Wrenn Blvd 3 Oe7. utilities tsttast. references. WHITBY Detacred ,tri Phone 905 7264 92.3 905-432 1501 ,3•x rg no pets. 655- month. 905-428-7677 BEDROOM rase- - , ern t.bedroom avauable 'ims ,-a• 7. ,tve. fir. 1year lease '4t5R98 R',s s aril Anderson New 239-2752 Jar 'si '< Feb 1st From $895 50/mo Phone 579 available immediately est inert L:verpor;i ,-•, crit„ Jan!: 97 shed basement deck, 0759 Sc Beautiful trees NORTH OSHAWA. 3 sive 420-4035 " FINCH / WHITES RD, area. induces 2 barking includes cable. fenced .y and 4 avciiances JCWt bui:d Fenced 3 bedroom Dock ce^-• - •,rim Saye• -ant � COr1dOrTNRIU(T1S �JAX 2 bdrm basement Bright clean ca5emP^t apt spaces. separate entrance utilities. Cork ^^ laundry y gas neat. . ut:•:es CALL BOWMANVILLE. 4 ped- Available Jan Ist 5t" tow^ncuses �m we:: ma.r. For Rent - . '!1ve home, all m- k:tcrenette. 4 piece bath, laundry. cable. air cond Suitable for s:r')•y working NOW !o v,ew 905-571- r -:m a, able Feb !SI S'O5. 2 year mo rent .n- tamed family complex iSt 705-437 3613 atter 9 usiveV aondry. Sep em suitable for one 'Walk , - to hum,ddier. electric fire adult First'last. ref Leave 0625 message ^acn,ne fridge stove washer. dryer, :reale 655-458,2 even. Fresny decorated wit^ ante Avail Jan tst $750 ravine Non smoker SF :O alarm, hlycrO. gas. available message 9175 42G-3897 IaSt requned Can 728- and certral Tac. &, DOG plu �ngs LARGE 3 BEDROOM Fr:g stove close , all WESTNEY 2 Dedroom Q smok ^g pets 683- mo Utilties included Call Jan ist No pets no smrx OSHAWA - NORTH Ox •'A 905837-0218 ing. $550 per mo Please fa^. ' R ',1,- AJAX Oxford Towers. FOR RENT 2 bedroom call Mary anytme. (9051 i Near Station 4r' Park,rg my a.. 11-enrs quiet apar'^er's ^ very quiet 420 5975 -'dogs bS630natd close to shopping. weltkept building, close to ONE BEDROOM .ondo. S73C Jan GO Pool. sauna an amenities Bus stop at 5 acv, inces :;,. sauna. 1st '905;721 2232 416 bedrooms. immediate- door. Park Rd N. Oshawa gym Hwy 2 and WeStngy 239-2752 Jar 'si '< Feb 1st From $895 50/mo Phone 579 available immediately est r, --s soar , ^ fndge stove. 309 683-' '22 683-8571 9016 last required S83C mclu- SOUTH AJAX 2 beordom -1" 7 30C m LARGE BRIGHT bed- sive 420-4035 tale -e^! apt S7')C per .PARTMENTS FOR 'o''r-' oasP'-e'-• apt n ONE. 'oro and three bed- mo^m 'ncluswe, first 3 alt JCWt bui:d ;curt" Laundry facilities rcr,m aCls �r most beautiful regured. acvad Jai' ti9r 'cr Dec and Jan a Darkirg S675•month in adult building Available 2338 .,fillies Ist1ast 'eawred cl„sive Avail Jan ist Ret amarines Starting at :a•^, -:r , ile laundry. =eferences Before 6 697 WHITBY OLDER 2 Ded- 5738 mGr4r, On Site Vgntf all appliances. utilities. 0854 after 6 435-8924 c - :e aened r,aldw :fhce Cad 91',5 728-377,- non smo-e'-• references. SOUTH OSHAWA -75 ler responsible tenant Full _wr 985•-8265 avail Ar, t sl Io0rmo HAMPTON.a,a-'able :m- basement. gas. prorate OSHAWA TOWN- 33._221; mec,*�, s bedreorn 10 drive, fenced eveWhirg HOUSE '. : rs one -e^ LARGE bedroom Ostia acres. S95C per month plus nearby F,rstlast.$ 75G. unl '^x r^s 5890 per mO plus WHITBY. ;ns t>edrdpn adrties, first 6 -ast 6064 ties Available now or no, gas nearing 5 appliances r, --s soar , ^ fndge stove. 762-5653 after 3 pm gonane 668.8933 ever 2 parking Jar Ist 5•-6- washer, dryer. pool_ exer please ings 8038 cse room %ssiand and va yam'- bitn.00ms. •et 'garden area S775 Avarl- HORSE FARM a bed- WOODVIEW PARK fie- By D.•,•-yyrts •1 m n(pr ,;re Jar 583-9035 .' •-. 2 bath modern ra-^ 1 ^,�., r ,- ;m ' Rooms a ' TOWnho uses nouse. s9% monthly 1 hardwr;od 6 -aural !nm for Rent Lakeview. 4 appliances, rww stall free 1 4 track aril tnrougnout. new gas run- A ' Office & ' cl„sive Avail Jan ist Ret anytime Stevenson, Ross 1�ftTAK Zwl �1•lis+-7110L � Ni�1OZ-1Mgo] r -lir- eic'a POSSibie •P •e mace tuuy forcer; deck • Retail Space ear Hosptal. on bus stop arenas required Call 433- :and. Oshawa Call 723- SOUTH OSHAWA -75 _wr 985•-8265 and more' $89c•m ntr. c BROCK RDIRNCH. an '2P.a955 0739 Wer w rr >t r, . Deo LARGE bedroom Ostia ur.lines '905 5 76-26C' - ;r rhiorlar,e rooms. $60C 8 5620 close fished •Dom. snare Dam, ONE MONTH FREE - AJAILABLE PAPAE- LUXURY CONDO. WHIT OSHAWA 888 900 to buses. shoop,nr avail- va yam'- bitn.00ms. •et t cook^; '�aundr tae gn Y 450 ,; ^ .,e • - -t^• L14TE LY ^ Whitby 4C� By D.•,•-yyrts •1 m n(pr Glen 'i' ." CedrOOm opts ' able immediately. 1,,oge. • t• ^Om lanced yard. rill ' a ' TOWnho uses Nor.^; -,-t we,C'Jme •"%"'; !wc .cruciate wI . ', ; spacious. carpet Lakeview. 4 appliances, from $61t, $710 dose to --rb 58'5 Crus uhl F^st For Rent ^on �---sue• 5375 586- cor'tputer •7pm wase rOp^ ; newly painted. With Dal- parking security. 3001 gym. opDmg. scnods. GM and stove near rrydro pari,;rg iSt 705-437 3613 atter 9 1t 1 Miring room eft $45C v, - nal tole to taus shop- nonsmokers S1300 Avail G Go Utilities nckuded F:rsV aqui pets Ist last required no • , • d T cludes everytrnng C•�me ,.ng all ublines included. Fe0 655--t'oa IaSt requned Can 728- 7219722 • ' •• LARGE 3 BEDROOM SOUTH OSHAWA - LIVERPOOL untur ocatia avaiaw rrrr� :rsl ast required, no pets. MCLAUGHLIN 4993 SU VARY ST E WHITBY • - « • • •..m 5„ur^ ^wawa : -.. -ed_ •- •,w-' .•:� ,rose ^s^e: ,.'^ House. •:'cftor 'ac batrroom. d,atefy, S«*+Coe ti 576- ? pedroom. 5750 call 430- SQUARE '.Js^awa 2 tied- OSHAWA are 2Ded- g arc 2 bedroom wiles ., , • -• i rr .. scnoas and sropD,n4. scnoois ane Shopping 9 $8t •Av an mdusrM First a Y phone, mature 6999 uk'•-' neve ,1-y4 r pc.^ tar -Jai room P{prM ronin e.:ars•-.ant at B7' available m we main- iiOC Dlus utdd:es 72'_ illi Available now iCS. ,x w:'x ^ � iemaie wast ;me west view. 1 1 th floor Avail Simcoe St N, new carpet. tamed and quiet 'nature I .. 40 aper 5 D m 579.9956 days Nc pits Jan 5425 •list,n7l '10r1da :ENTRAL AJAX. rase immediattey 5900, Parking convenient location Avail bwlWng Ubl,ties, park ^, BLOORlGRANOVIEW (RANO I past 83�r318! cat. RMUIS oear bright 4 6 utilities :nciud•d Pool 8 able Januaryl. 5650.hy laundry tat and sen.•.ty Nov. 3- '•tsnry 3 bedroom '.;w^ c_,e P -;wr SIMCOE NORTH Osha- reDliances.seperat• •n- m F;$ Enwite laundry �' ry' aro 430-7816 or 5764 41 71 cameraS On site - 2 COUNTRY HOMES 2 decorated Park.ng. no near cI ^ ; Cen. t 'oom ,ante Avail Jan 1 $500 hook-up For more into can CLEAN FAMILY BUILD- meet For appt to view call bed,oc, ar ; ? tui m p•tssmoiung available im. ire. S90C Gws util Avail- ova .4• a Dr1 m 7 9n "ouse. -mon CLEAR WATER AREA. ;ius utilities. call 683-8768 905 728 3050 ING 'vcr!^ Oshawa. t. 2 d 666-2150 ,, Proi•ss,ony coupe. Cure- medutN -eat tars. plana Y � mmeyat ,416 2644-6878 a5. 'c' AAax _or •rtcren vs9C. ...,,... pe0r.•r .•_v ;,�,r„ 860 3 bdrms Inclusive Pay Ca- .tont aria (905)649-2436 s''oo mo utirbes incluo- room %on smo+eC private yard. aakfas now F or 10 ano bio, parking a laundry tac ed '905, 436}6621 .sell Available mm*- to eeww proloslot 579. 723-20964 Oateti ;C5 436-'660 3788 • 1 ' • • g • Moving & • Moving do • Flooring, • Snow . Party • • Driving • • ' Plumbin • Storage • Storage • Carpeting • I Removal • Sotwices • • Schools EUROPEAN TILE SPECIALIST 1Yi11 renovate your bath - 'XIII, Or kitchen walls. a5 der as floor tiles. Good -eterences and salislae- ' ort guaranteed. For tree esehaain Iia D. DOWS 725-4913 By WIFAVER Aaal.lons, second stories, finished bsmts•, bath - Moms, decks. file & wood ticors, doors 8 windows, guaranteed and reAable call Wahw (905)428-2145 SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 DOUG CLARK PLUMBING, Ucertsed ,nnstired, repairs& alterations, new bathrooms and tenovabons, pump saleS,serAm free estimates. W-5172,24 his. • ' Paint" 8 • Defewabng TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Worknlarlship Fast, dears, reliable Service. 420-0081 III Moving Systems full services, moves, ap- pliance and para specal- ists. Flat rate or hourly. We low have heated storage units. Now offering free boxes wO move. Park and load special, starting at $99. and up. Call for mors f1kvm, 725-0006 or 427-M HAHRY-0.THE- MOWAS Move tog or small, we price Mem all! Free estimates, serools discount. shat to- hice moves. Appliances moved, also storage space available. Comparable rates. Call 432-21 & NM Was (LARGE TRUCK Will do household moves, residential, commercial. All types of moves. Cap Carl or Jame 427-2856. WCHALSKI LOVING Houses. Apartments. Of- fices. Appliances and Piano Specialists. Senior and Mid -Month Dis- counts. Licensed. in- sured Free Estimates. EXCOUm t swvice. CaN 436.7795. Experisticed Cron Movers BaW sash. , Pias rooting. packing available. IT -no Flooring, Carpeting CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years experience, restrelchng, our specakty. Free estimates D i N Dumcan, 987-1799 a 9!7.1!00 carom Orman Special: S rislaw t lir a 13 steins $72.95 Car Its, cow spewk: 420-4583 • House • Cleaning r Party services MERRY CHRISTMAS DAD. Rest your back this year with Top Growth residential snow Clearing No plows Surprisingly Inexpen- sAre. Free estimates. Pav as you go Cancel anytime. 686-1436 CLEANING By Angel. Christmas & Senior's rates. 686-1231 HOUSE CLEANING by Lorie Special Rates for Weekly / Biweekly from $45. 416-703-3027 MAGICIAK dolor friends, ready, to en- term rf tertain for arty, age, any occasion- BirthdaYs. pro - millions. kind raisers. Magic shows are tun' Lethlce help. 839.7057 or 728-8334 WANTS WORK Doing Magic For Children's Parties And All Occasions Have My Own Maglaan. Cs11 Efr>.ie 66"932- • • Driving SCHOOL Approved by D.S.A .O 4 lessons and test $105. •10 Lessons $150 •Full Course $259 Free pick -up and drop off (416) 287-3060 • • schools • � Health • s eaurty ACUTE CONSTIPA- TION sufferers can get sound help and advice on adkevmg regu:anry Before the rest of you laugh un- derstand this... Regularity is 3 - 7 brines daily. H you think once a day is regular you stir believe in fairy tales. Cons -platin leads to more fatal diseases including cancer than all other caus- es combined. What is you health worth? The call cost 52.00 per inn. The first 2 minutes are free. Call Jon- • . • dY Personal Interiors. at 1905)831-2439 SELLING YOUR CAR OR TRUCK? Showcase it TMTMacnm Durhiilll Region CA Claris-MCds at 683-0707 or fax 683-7363 1�ftTAK Zwl �1•lis+-7110L � Ni�1OZ-1Mgo] r • 1 ' • • g • Moving & • Moving do • Flooring, • Snow . Party • • Driving • • ' Plumbin • Storage • Storage • Carpeting • I Removal • Sotwices • • Schools EUROPEAN TILE SPECIALIST 1Yi11 renovate your bath - 'XIII, Or kitchen walls. a5 der as floor tiles. Good -eterences and salislae- ' ort guaranteed. For tree esehaain Iia D. DOWS 725-4913 By WIFAVER Aaal.lons, second stories, finished bsmts•, bath - Moms, decks. file & wood ticors, doors 8 windows, guaranteed and reAable call Wahw (905)428-2145 SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 DOUG CLARK PLUMBING, Ucertsed ,nnstired, repairs& alterations, new bathrooms and tenovabons, pump saleS,serAm free estimates. W-5172,24 his. • ' Paint" 8 • Defewabng TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Worknlarlship Fast, dears, reliable Service. 420-0081 III Moving Systems full services, moves, ap- pliance and para specal- ists. Flat rate or hourly. We low have heated storage units. Now offering free boxes wO move. Park and load special, starting at $99. and up. Call for mors f1kvm, 725-0006 or 427-M HAHRY-0.THE- MOWAS Move tog or small, we price Mem all! Free estimates, serools discount. shat to- hice moves. Appliances moved, also storage space available. Comparable rates. Call 432-21 & NM Was (LARGE TRUCK Will do household moves, residential, commercial. All types of moves. Cap Carl or Jame 427-2856. WCHALSKI LOVING Houses. Apartments. Of- fices. Appliances and Piano Specialists. Senior and Mid -Month Dis- counts. Licensed. in- sured Free Estimates. EXCOUm t swvice. CaN 436.7795. Experisticed Cron Movers BaW sash. , Pias rooting. packing available. IT -no Flooring, Carpeting CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years experience, restrelchng, our specakty. Free estimates D i N Dumcan, 987-1799 a 9!7.1!00 carom Orman Special: S rislaw t lir a 13 steins $72.95 Car Its, cow spewk: 420-4583 • House • Cleaning r Party services MERRY CHRISTMAS DAD. Rest your back this year with Top Growth residential snow Clearing No plows Surprisingly Inexpen- sAre. Free estimates. Pav as you go Cancel anytime. 686-1436 CLEANING By Angel. Christmas & Senior's rates. 686-1231 HOUSE CLEANING by Lorie Special Rates for Weekly / Biweekly from $45. 416-703-3027 MAGICIAK dolor friends, ready, to en- term rf tertain for arty, age, any occasion- BirthdaYs. pro - millions. kind raisers. Magic shows are tun' Lethlce help. 839.7057 or 728-8334 WANTS WORK Doing Magic For Children's Parties And All Occasions Have My Own Maglaan. Cs11 Efr>.ie 66"932- • • Driving SCHOOL Approved by D.S.A .O 4 lessons and test $105. •10 Lessons $150 •Full Course $259 Free pick -up and drop off (416) 287-3060 • • schools • � Health • s eaurty ACUTE CONSTIPA- TION sufferers can get sound help and advice on adkevmg regu:anry Before the rest of you laugh un- derstand this... Regularity is 3 - 7 brines daily. H you think once a day is regular you stir believe in fairy tales. Cons -platin leads to more fatal diseases including cancer than all other caus- es combined. What is you health worth? The call cost 52.00 per inn. The first 2 minutes are free. Call Jon- • . • dY Personal Interiors. at 1905)831-2439 SELLING YOUR CAR OR TRUCK? Showcase it TMTMacnm Durhiilll Region CA Claris-MCds at 683-0707 or fax 683-7363 T PAGE 32 -Tiles NtEN'S AD�►111�1iY,+tIfLCEMEER i 1�6 S11and 1 AcooelodNion Money To A CLEARWATER, 3 bed- room mobile (permanent homes) heated pools, hot tub, nxnutes to beaches, blue Jay baseball, NHL Hockey. NFL Football 8 horse b dog tracks Child- ren welcome photos I shown in you' home j: (905)683-5503 CUBAN Accommoda- • ons -"wale rooms. hot water air con $15 dads OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT GUAR- ANTEED. SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES.OTHERS DO NOT. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS. ^.ad 905-571-4064 for more details• Mortgages, Private On, Sale • 1 Insurance MORTGAGES Good, baa and ugfy Financing for EXECUTIVE HOME in any purposerates from presto^,e area of W^'py 595% All applications ac - 2.650 scl n . 4 bedrooms. 3 cepted Community Finan. bathrooms. centra vac and C,al Services 668-6805 central air. air cleaner. heated ,n ground pool. fire- place fully fenced and ' Personals Landscaped backyard Ask- ing S256.900 Call 43C 0548 to arrange a viewnng Serous offers only No agents FIRST TIME BUYERS FROM HOME Oshawa ;lea- bedroom IMMEDIATELY 1300 so ft home in great - ne,ghboumood Palo. ga- �Csoiu1ey No rage shed Immediate oc- =. Kper)enCe Meq pred cupancy 9C5-728-8456 �•c Sellmq involved LARGE 4 pedroom back sc . se— Landscape, yard. finished basement aro sheet Wipe• to Laundry 6 work ooms. 2 sky ,ghts Immediate ctos- 1 my 5'4 Grentell St Osha- wa Call 905.723-7329 BORED ONTARIO 5'2-000 H,2,SEvvIvES ^a_- S Ni AJAX Detached 3 pry ate prone numbers. ' bedrx— back' '.2 baths. 900-45'3638 ext 704 -'vac. fireplace garage s3 29+mm_ must be 18 T. large fenced yard Pine fir, tone fished basement. neutral CHEATING WIVES - decor S'5390C 686-2507 ONTAQ,;' PHONE PRIVATE. PICKERING NUMBERS 1.900 451 - ll _.stem an' r.ec. 5566 ext 253 S3491,- 349mmtar tar,4 IeOroorr noir•. ' 2 touch „vie '@ Plus AC. Fnch: A)tona ASking EVANLY RAYS Police OC $312 DNo ager'ts use -s Rated •. Sdutrorts Pease 905 839868` on Career Relanonsh,ps Hearty, Love S2 99mrrfute 1 Townhouses '8 • 1900-4514055 for Sale IMPROVE YOUR LIFE r 41 - �..r sr,o. " w,... the OWN FROM 6623- /MO .mann, 'Harmony Stone' PS: F-gr•S: a. -.a - w'o'ks -ti- your owr .no bedroom. fndgeslave .,ower Send $14 95 Inc d,shwashrr washer dryer S&H ash Cheque money Drama' c onmgroom over- orae• to Tranquility lis loo,•ry great room win I?. Products300 T . OTaunntoton E Sate 158 ' 15 Oshawa be., r. Eat -.n •':•ytr 4 pc Ontario. LIG 7T4 bath• powde• '^om Fm shed basement C A Imme fiat• occcrup ncy SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BONUS Gose before Ic of year and reoeve Ire r upgrade' CALL TO VIEW (905 721229' Rhonda Brewster Vacation 9APProperties CLEARWATER 2-b rd- rro- z' r'a 'y park, OrnpanlOrts heated pools not tub. MIA9minutes to peaches sleeps 6 Mose nfc—a' o- a,a,i- EASTSIDE t,UNNEG ableS:"5 wee. , 9C5 TIONS DATELINE Free to a34 --E14 ca,! to place your ad no charges for ladies no pnone du charges 905 430-7060 GENTLEMAN WISHING to meet Lady 38-52 for comparnonsh,p Sense of humor a must, Discretion assured ()I necessary) Serious calls only Dave (905)576-1122 3p m -8p m Fe 1 1 Not • 1 Notices OTHERS ESTATE OF HOWARD ELM PHNAJPS Persons hawV clairm agjainst this e of HOWARD ELVW PHILLJI B of Ajax, Ontano, who died on or ab 126th day of July, 1996 are required t proof of same with the undersigr rsonal representative on or before i th day of January, 1997 after wh le the estate will be distributed with rd only to the claims of which the and ned shall then have notice and the I migned will not be liable to any pens whose claim he shall not then have I ED at Ajax this 11th day of Dec6 1996 William Alfred Phillips Estate Trus Without a Will POLAK, MCKAY 6 HAWKSHI 467 Westney Road South Unit Ajax, OnU us 6 r DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS Caseffient (905) 579-2222 °„U GE Complete Selection of TRT -ACTION Vinyl Windows 8 Doors • PICTURE WINDOWS • BAY 8 BOW WINDOWS • INSURANCE CLAIMS • PATIO DOORS •STORM DOORS • NEW CONSTRUCTION WINDOWS Ta MOBI.� c-�V�=ltd WAYNE HUTCHINSONSAIN1 . rRs Iso., 579-2222 2tmdd4 - 3 .Sket-, arta Dine (lilt% Experience The Jo% and Glad Tidings of the llolidav Season with (;ift Baskets S7 I 9,z and up DELIVERY ACROSS NORTH AMERICA FAA • 939--u1 1 DUCT CLEANING $19.95 Main + S6 per vent • Snake System.200PsI CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CUSTOMISED PACKAGES From 5399' • Work guaranteed • Insured 6 Bonded • Serving the cleaning industry since 1986 Residential % Commercial (416) 321-1974 = 4a o. ■RIGHT THE BRIGHT IDEA HOMEIMPROVEMENTS rDEw SPECIALIZING IN: • 100°/6 vinyl & aluminum windows • roofing and repairs • soffit, fascia & eavestrough • hard wood flooring • basement rec rooms or apartments CALL BILL WArrf 905 4200 1 ON 249-7111 'SPEMV 100% VINYL WINDOWS FREE LOW 1:' AND ARGON AND NO GST UNTIL 31, DEC. 96 - D 1 CLMING & CH HEY aSWEEP_ irlell119sallMoohilpspe s- " , Neale ttkrd 6lwrallleed Stn* tIelflod •200 IS CIIMINEY SWEEPNG ONLY $59.95 RESIDENTIALICOMMERCIAL Snake nwthod used (416)282-3292 rtiSin eatur The Focus is on you and your Business Advertising works. If it didn't you wouldn't be reading this article. Fyery Friday, Focus on Business arrives on the doorstep of more ;hen x.000 households. For 10 % eeks your ad-vertisement is seen hv people that need your product or service. But that's not all. They ,llso yet to know more than just our address and phone number. When you become part of- this lone runnimir feature vou will receive an editorial so you can share with our readers an up -close look at what makes your business unique. You can meet with our writer Peter HutThes at a time convenient to vou. During_ vour meeting, vou can discuss with him what messai.ye vou want to send to vour customers. You can talk about the history of your business, why vou started it, what customer need vou wanted to satisfy with your product or service. A Focus on Business feature can introduce you to your customers. When people read about you and your business, they feel they already know you when they make that first call or come for that first visit. The advertorial can also answer many of their questions before they visit your business. That saves time for you and time is money. Your article can promote a special event or promotion. You can list prices for your products or ? A :-7 AM iF ,1st, 2nd &3 Mortgages i k -Open Privileges •� • Same day services i;ALI PAM H )P INIM L'IAI L 1 ON services. Focus on Business is a general feature open to any type of business which you can see from the advertisements surrounding this article. Businesses such as The Mortgage Factory(above) and Durham Windows and Doors(below) have been featured for many years because they value their participation. That's because it's worked for them again and again - Accompanying your article will also be a photograph. It can be of You in your work environment. It can show off your storefront or feature a photo of a project that you have completed for one of your customers. Once the article is written you will have the opportunity to examine it before it is published and make any last minute changes so it appears exactly the way you want it. Call today for more information about this very popular feature. You can reach Janice at (905) 683-0707. Why Advertise In Focus On Business Durham businesses wanting to increase their Profile and sales volume find that being a part of the Focus on Business advertising feature definitely has its advantage. Over the last few years a great many businesses -- of all sizes — have found that investment in the Ajax/Pickcring News Advertiser's and Oshawa/Whitby This Week's Focus on Business feature have generated extra phone Calls that likely would not have otherwise occurred. How do you get involved! When a company makes a commitment to advertise for 10 weeks on the page, it also receives a full feature story, complete with pictures. The story reinforces the advertisement, enabling the business to explain in depth its product and/or service, philosophy, goals, special promotions and even a historical overview. Unless the business chooses otherwise, everything is done by the newspaper's staff, the ad design, story interview and writing, plus the taking of the photographs. All the business deeds to do is prepare for the increased sales volume. For more information call Janice at 683-0707. THE NEW§ +PYA tSFK Y, 4 ,>w R ��,1PWW,$E 43, Check Out Our Flyer Beliuery,*seruice, We are by far The 11 Distributor of flyers in our area, Have your flyers d6ered 1 °` any Wednesday, Friday a Sunday with The NewsPape r that ouooody needs. News Advertiser ii Pickering Standard 1 Church (Mi ct,cxl;�ci Brock Rd. / Hwy. #7 Sunday: 10:15 - Sunday School 11.00 a.m. - Worship Service 7:00 Evening Fellowship Wednesday: 7:30 Bible Study Bible Club for Children & Youth Worship With Us Every Sunday 428-6102 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN 35 CHURCH ST. N. PICKERING VILLAGE FAMILY WORSHIP 11:00 a.m. Supervised Nursery REV. KEN ROWLAND "White Gift Sunday" Children's Christmas Pageant 683-7311 EVERYONE WELCOME a W.-Foll 11 I SH=%I 1 mfl) �-- CrHuRCH "The Family Church" 1820 Whites Rd. N. Children's Christmas Pageant Sunday 11:00 a.m. 03 :��,v. G' M-'4' y M.Icle,� 839-1383 Sunday 5"Ces 6 scri001 II a.m. (:tit'K(:!t OI: f:11R1ti7' -K .11; l>AR tir -.. JAX. 6N3 .' t--- 1 street north of 401 - west of Harwood SUNDAY - BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 WORSHIP - 1 1:00 A.M. b 7:00 P.M - WEDNESDAY - 7:00 P.M. WaTtch "Key to the Kingdom- hurs. morning, 8:30 a.m- Vision T.V. Cable 24 Free Bib/e Study Course 121 Durham Christian Fellowship - People are Important Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Supernlxd Nur+cr} & SUnd.l) School Village Community Centre Shemoo f Rd. & l-intun A%c.. Pi�:krrine Villagc. A.1a\. Ont. Pastor: Dennis Penner (905) 839-5358 SunCay. December 15 -.=v. Chddrer 6 var^ ,r PPC resern ^e -U&Cai It's The Truth Ruth! Saturday. Decemper 21 _ oM 6 Surxlal December 22 �J'� -.:PM PPC Char preseris me ansr-as �� �j eCiI/[P L www Christmas Eve Cardel gr: 0Jr-e%r,cr Se me 7XPM ---------------- New Years Eve Serv,ce X PM %60"g'rI --------------- Everyone s re cone ar PP= Pentecostal Assembly 416 Taunton Road W, Oshawa 433-2964 Four Time Dove Award Winner SUE DODGE Sunday, DEC. 15th at 6:30 p.m. - Free Seating - Nursery & Kids Church (up to 5 yrs) muait.cu ». "A Season of Love' Piicker ng �geC � ., Hwy #2 & Randall Drive Dill \ Publish ecember 20 V mon aye Hymn Sing Organ Recital featuring STEPHEN P. HOLLOWAY our new organist & Choir Master at 7:00 PM x followed by Wine & Cheese Reception _ r I-+-1 p.m. Ajax x Sun. Dec. 15 - 6 p.m. M�= SUNDAY. Deoe7in�ber,s.1996 Free Admission ' The Third Sunday of Advent ® 9:00 AM - Holy Eucharist with hymns 55 Emperor St., Ajax 10:30 - Sung Eucharist, Sunday School & Nursery s (at Burcher Rd.) followed by Coffee Hour 905-428-1985 SPECIAL CHORAL EVENSONG accordin to the Book of Com Pr r Dill \ Publish ecember 20 V mon aye Hymn Sing Organ Recital featuring STEPHEN P. HOLLOWAY our new organist & Choir Master at 7:00 PM x followed by Wine & Cheese Reception _ r li h PAGE 34-THENIEWSADVEKMWR ntMAY,DECEMBER 13,19" ' Births 1 Births ' Births ' Births WYATT Bill & Carolyn are thrilled to announce the arriml of their son BRADLEY GERALD ALLAN Born December 7th, 1996 Weighing 8 lbs. 4 oz. Amanda & Ashley are happy to welcome home their nein little brother. Proud grandparents are Allan & Ina Wyatt of Ajax & Pauline McDonald. A special welcome is extended from friends Brian & Cindy. Correction Notice Re: Dairy Queen (Pickering) ad of November 10/96 The movie & value meal promotion should have read "On Monday & Wednesday.. " not -Every Monday 8 Wednesday..." The promotion was for one week only and has expired. We regret any Inconvenience this may have caused. ST. JACQUES Three Little Angels Kathy, Mitch & big brother Daniel are thnlled at the arrival of triplets"'. • Nicholas Henry w w Kathryn Marie v v Jason Michael v Born tion. 30th 199h at 11:07 pm. Proud Grandparents are Ham' & Kav Bustard, Maria St. Jacques and Joe St. Jacques. Big thanks to Dr. M. Virro. Spe- cial thanks to all the great staff at Women's Collage Hospital and Toronto Sick Children's Hospital and Markham . tout h-ille Hospital. Mari thanks to our tamily & friends for their love and sup- port. Don't Forget Ajax Pickering !Sea's AdvertLSer Classified Dept. LS open for your conve- nience ever - Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 683-0-T. s T 6, ; wo W, s o 04 /�,X gQ� Sah S �� Chi;sk�n0` is a Cook; I ' Auctions AUCTION SALE SAT.. DEC. 14 AT 6 P.M. MYLES KING AUCTION HALL 33 HALL ST- OSHAWA. Modern and antique 'urniture. two 2 pce. chesterfield suites. .Pallister, new). occa- sional chairs. 4 pce bedroom suite, coffee a,C end tables. an- ',Gue buffet. china -abinet. maple dress - e, matching chest of ^.awers. rocking ^air, antique center lao,es. color t v . cra- ao stereo wit, snow - b:: wer (good condi- '--! large quantity of d shes, silver. China. loos, bedding. etc .s! not complete All .i signments wel- c ,^.e MYLES KING AUCTIONEER n5-5751 Sana Works /n Mysterious Ways: Call Sincerely Yours 11=800=662=8423 24 hours a day, 7 days a week You'll Gem • FREE 30 -word personal print ad • FREE voice greeting • FREE message retrieval (once per week) ...or look in the Classified Section and call the ads that interest you. Designed for both Rotary and TouchTone` Phones IN MEMORIAM This Christmas, remember your loved ones with a Christmas In Memoriam Tribute TRIBUTES WILL BE PUBLISHED SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1996 To ensure your tribute is included, call us by noon on Thursday December 19 Call Classifieds 576-9335 or 683-0707 Selling Something? 2 EASY WAYS M ORR MOR 101wel 16,A01 FIR -HERE'S HOW I`I' WORKS - I. Your 19 %word ad is published for -f consecutive days 2. The rate is based on the highest priced item in the ad. $00 - $99"00 .... 0.00.0000-0-0000.0.$10 + GST $100 - $199"-oo-0000000*-00000--oo... $15 + GST $200 — $299 '.000...0000-0000..000000.$25 + GST $300 - $399"......-000-oo--o-oo-eewo.$35 + GST $400 - $499" .........................$45 + GST These ads are not refundable and additional words are just 50¢ each 3. To give you an idea, check this example RANGE & refrigerator only 2 years old, 30" self clean $200. 20.6 cu.ft frost free $325. 000-0000. The price for this ad would be $35 + GST based on the price of , $325for the refrigerator. AD WILL RUN IN 13 REGIONAL EDITIONS. PAY FOR 1 WEEK & RECEIVE 1 WEEK FREE! APPLIES TO ARTICLES & AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ONLY $89 + GST • & P;NP/NJ{/N if News Advertiser r�683-070 '7 'ills. alxrvc offer iiPP�Y. to n5>•n ;cc���rlicUfriel :►cJvcrSitivr; or�ly. .... • • • � _ • 4I m - Call 1-900-451-37 $2.49 per min. ARE YOU OUT THERE? a Cordrdent. honest, .,.y going gel with a good ....y of humor, who enjoys ..-1 carlmunrcationo I'm a ,g 47 57 sum, attractive. -donate, enjoy dining, -:,ng. the outdoors, movies .^ : quiet times at home BOX +58 OSHAWA RESIDENT „- .,it, brJwn hair me eye., Enjoy playing have tunand a social ,-r See„ A mak. 18-21. whit s fit and kites to i.., on BOX 12793 STARTING OVER • ,1 prolessional ,,ed whde female and - 5'8with brown hair narel eyes Seek a m,ale er j,rys A nine bd or ,very. - I, golfing, entertaining and .I times at hon* as well • '. 5`.N4 SEEK SPECIAL MALE - ... . ,,, •car "Yes ,is wseei'11,nest 45 50. 5.11; or Will • '-,ajt who is a non .•, on briny,roman- ,orneone to treat me We- ' -t, talk BOX 20248 LET'S LAUGH 8 HAVE .,i.i., while w Il. ,s run figured. with w•• mar and eyes. noepe - P'^ and honest Enjoy indoom quiet awnings v)vr' arsenals Seek a white ., with snuiar Interests. A r -a rnxrur and loves lo ,L,, , do' BOX 20288 SEEK CARIBBEAN MAN than :anad,an ..'..ea, 58-r t4o Ws. gentle I nappy Lookng lex a Tan - non smoking mule. 40 to who ,s affectionate for rdisrdp and a possible tea- ' ship Enjoy traveling. quiet •nrngs. and more BOX •95 '4UE ROMANTIC • ,..;Ie white temga. e eves and donde haw. 36. . no dependents. enjoy f 'age :ouotry. sentmentai stufled arwnals Lookrny A man veno rias Sal •rests. honest and canny A ' 7e56 RANT HONEST GUY ., .c lir. fwmuw srekug a u. With shaved head, qga �J,- bue eyes. 24 to 3U '110y cam r�+q Outdoors 3 and cit more BOT( 17938 0000 QUALITIES Arab • Angio. r.f.an seely an honest and Sincere npavon with a sense of . nor who tikes dancmq, uht"9. and quality tree at 'ire Late 30s to mid-40s X , )1,305 KATHY LEE LOOK-ALIKE nun vnoke,. ,elf p Owd, All, LOokung for a professioal, Mite. anrAc gentleman. BOX 20310 WANTED: ONE GOOD MAN IT. m od white lemak. 5L6- 1 140 pounds. Looking for .' .it specal man to spoil, pam- and er4Oy life S pleasures. ...,knig for a man. 40 to 45. hs up honest and srcere. ' oy dining out. dancing, ..an,ght walks. and more, t,: X 13480 NEW IN TOWN 'A year old single whole '-male who enjoys sponS, • -:key. and ndre I'm mere to the area and I'm looking for someone to stow me around- YOu re interested, please eave me a message. BOD( 15319 GUY WITH GOATEE 24 year old lerrafe seeking attractive male with staved mead. due of green eyes and gaalee between 25 and 30. .oyes outdoor aciivipes, Sports. good sense of hlrnor. ''!ease reply BOX 17937 COBOURG AREA Full figured, proNSsi" female, 28, finarieiaMy and emotionally Secure. Enjoy foul. doors, movies and UNIDO g. Su g fu ethers make. 25 to 40. Welcome. BOX 23286 BIG ON LIFE Attractive. black, mid 20's. Sin- gle mother who is Seg assured and loves life. Seeks a tar, humorous, maitre while male for friendship and possibb passion BOX 21389 FRIENDS FIRST Tea and attractive Ianake look- ing for a professional reale. 30 Ic 35, who IS Seeking a no ,hangs attached reabonlship. Nb head games! BOX 12761 SEEK A SPECIAL MAN hnraclive. 47 year old ad �4. 115 Pounds. Enl. Enjoy travel - ,n9. movies, dancing and quiet limes Looking for a man, Soto "•6. with sinfilar Inteests, for a t"19 term relationship. BOX rrrl'::`Fit•�.�nt��:Rr�stl�-�'�amaY'nr~���rRl:k'r; 1Q4�s'.P.�tcE3S Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser Brings You... "To place your FREE ad, call 1-800-662-8423. 0 :Anytime, day or night. .,., 6 urs respond to an ad, call 1-900-4551-3793. ''REE Personal Ad FREE Voice Greeting S2.0 per minute. 10u must be 18 or older. RnIF, nmiiln•r. %,,'k y.rth 7nurhTnnr"' and Rulary lillnurr. PASSIONATE WOMAN 27 year old. S9 1,2- vngle black mother with a shin to medium build I'm self assured, adventurous. pretty. and vivacious Looking for a tall, humorous. attractive while male for friendship and poSsi- dy more. BOX 20242 SERIOUS CALLERS ONLY 31 yr old, %,ngle whit- mother of one. Seeking a "a"31 to 40, for a long term relanon- Ship Must be considerate. kind, affectionate. employed and love kids BOX 70256 DEAR SANTA - 4 11 ANTA:4-1177 ,1 ^.Id. angle wide femaje with a heart of gold Am I wart for Christmas 5 a single while male 25 to 35. who enjoys camping. bowing. treat Ing a Lady with respect and l ndel%land,ny BOX 20276 SEEK SOMEONE SPECIAL 5 'mill, ••... +ng for ..�r•. parmon 25 to 38. In, a discreet relationship, veno enjoys the outdoors, quiet nights at home. dining out, naml and more Swge• tamers *el come, smok,•r and sa_N, drmu" an, honest, have a gfea' s.•'ne of horror. nce per% ai no head games BOX 13284 FRIENDS FIRST An w.':v !rmul seek",; pro- fesSonal male J(} 35 wnc i, caring and outgoing Friendship first No head games BOX 12762 SOMEONE SPECIAL 56 ,..,•a., ,..,ioy, 'dui-cnq and rnU-h more Seekny spec,al male. 25 to 35 fa Iremishkp Sncia dinky are fine BOX 17'63 SINGLE MOM ­lt IT— lancing and quiet evenings ar home Seekm,i somtcne spec- Want vxmeore 2535. smoky.; antl ,Octal dtnkrY !IOX 177" LOVE THE OUTDOORS Femu­ wrk.•..ave kho a hones) and srce-re Enjov the o ldoors, boating, etc Wants sonnemn! who tike, the same BOX 15285 GIVE A CALL 21 -1, nn '..Twi Lkr, ' J one -A Seek,.; ,_cries. • ..t- bonsfirp G,w a :all BOX 1529? NO DEPENDENTS All— -lir.• vry a Wilde h9riale. 36, 5'6- Lift,r f.ud:rrig, muse outdoors, s1,,Iled animals Seekrg honest. Cavi ahlec- bonale maw who wants a long-term relationship BOX 17583 LIKE TO BE NEEDED Fer,r r '- ib%. ,ee4nq black maw, 43 to 56. 5 10- and up Non smoker Someone Ior arthc with good sense of humor. Who likes to be need- ed BOK 20116 SEEK ATTRACTIVE GUY 31 year ..tri ,n vpc while -- Soothing AMactive L -a male 3t, 10 38. Oho n employed. honest and Affectionate BOX 20257 COUNTRY WALKS 23. 5 u- '.,n ',yued. browrdbnown. Single mother, erjpy country music, dining out and long walk, Seek"g a man 30 to 35. tall. good look ng and romantic BOX 15265 RENAISSANCE MAN Professional sing* mother of two with a good sense of will 1 have a passion for kle aro an adventurous streak I'm ready o explore a reationship with a Renaissance man, 37 to 50, who is grounded. spwdual, and equipped 10 tackle kte s Chal- lenges. BOX 21334 LOOKING TO DANCE Tall, 46 year old. divorced ler ale looking lot a tar. male friend to go to parties and dances wdh. I enjoy cards. board games, N, crafts. read- ing and walla g. BOX 21333 PETITE BRUNETTE U ndarraked French treasure in Cobaxg. w h ate shape POS- sesses great personality. unique quakbes. Looking IN friendsXp with non smoking. single or endowed while ,tale. 45 to 55, 511', established, with musts and a conscience. BOK 23281 ENERGETIC FEMALE 31 year old single female. 52' wit a meditrn build. Enjoy sports, volleyball aro more. Looliig lir an attractive single male With srtrfar interests, for kwdship firs. BOX 15078 ARE YOU MR. RIGHT? Are you 45 to 55, ha &Artkn, outgoing, good sense of humor, personality, good dancer, like country western music, rho dependents. esal fished, charrtirg. and a good build? Then you must be him! What you'l get is a good pack- age. BOX 31799 SLIM i INTELLIGENT Very attrawve, charmrg, oul- goirg. great perspalM. Sense 0 humor ran srnol e, yo(rg 49, wee established, no depen- dents. Enjoys music. dancing. camping, the good lite. great op oulds, many other Interests, BOX 31800 SAME INTERESTS Atlra,,I v 74 year old female. 54' and PtryScally ht Enjoy outd000rs. danung. cuddling and "pre Seeking Someone with similar rote/e515 BOX 15150 WARM HEARTED Wan,,, hearted Sir.: ,.re Si whde female Seekin� Christian male, must ha• oul- goeng and enjoy sports. fainly and pets. Seeking friendship. possible more BOX 201st WANT TO SHARE LIFE female. 5'5- .,in brow!' eyes Enjoy my famrty sportsbingo, quiet ewnngs at home and going out Sw k,,q a male with the San* ,,'1,,e,ts Ion a long term relahonsh,p BOX 17022 COULD YOU BE HIM' S.,...., , • a..: 11 , ,M music_. -,Purls NA,, AR, moloroycles. dinners for two etc I am a tall beautiful beide d,vorce, BOX 17430 RECENTLY SEPARATED mother of one 75. 57- 1•{: Its Would like Ip reset a man. who ­ry, "",orng. hshrg, nip , 1-1 g, 4 nights at hiXHe (ruler ,omw•rx,. 25 In 35 BOX 1"+•'h ENJOYING LIFE 3' I • ,' s.ny,r K ,r morfer. 510 ht and attract— Seeking male toshare life with Have good sense of humor, enjoy outdoors and spot is Ne •rrAd Games BOX 17437 SOMEONE SPECIAL •, • "'i, I•are 50 or v—r ire; I•. antic hoirate, wvabM ins and Luse, k.n,I .f woman. ", Ve found hes am m ed,wn Sited and entry fele. laughter, and puce times with someone spe- CNl BOX .1 1263 NEW IN THE AREA Brow,, eyes blown hall new, to area EnfnY cooking kids And long Walk, Seek,,oj -,one to Sall ore with "OX 11533 SMIPLE TANGS 4l " i.: Wr-,crier -string make with y".j ,W -. of hu-, who !,joys int outdoors. purer dery rws Arid hit in gene•fal BOX 17442 HERE I AM' Attractive .,n;14. employed lemale. 36. snrt bionde naw leen eyes. S9'. adventurous. :)pen And Honest I ejoy kids. working oul. dancing ying. Poor, travel spotis, just about alyierlg So Please. anracttve Single males. leave message in my, box Sudbury area BOX 23258 SPONTANEOUS LADY 2' year .,,n !.•more ` • ' 0 pounds. donde fair hazel eyes. employed. enjoy horse back ,ding, driving out Looking lir a single white mar,. spontaneous and fun to the With BOX 20035 LIFELONG LOVE Att ire vncpe white mom in my mid 4U a LoukIN; lx that wry special. did '.ashwned male lir a long Ierm relabon- ship Serious wquries only BOX 14998 NO HEAD GAMES 43 year old. professional whde, female. 5 6'. 150 IDs. non smoker, down to earth, honest and sincere. etc. Enjoy dining out, traveling. Uwe theatre. long walks. danc- ing. talks and quiet tunes Seek a while male, nteligent non smoking, professional and at least 510' for a monogamous relationship BOX 18426 WARD CLEAVER TYPE 30 year old attractive lenale. S'5' with a sem build I'm horl- esl and caring with a big heart. Enjoy sports. movies, music, reading. long Wallis. and more. Lookup lir an active. honest. ntelligent, and down to earth male with a good sense of humor. Single fathers wel- come. No smokers please. BOX 14965 GRACIOUS LADY Petite donde female enjoys dancing, traveling, dining, romantic evenings, and more. Looking for a fall gentleman. 49 to 53. for friendship. BOX 17315 BIG IS BEAUTIFUL Single mom, 26. seeping sin- gle male to enjoy life with, like the outdoors• music and loves to dance, non smoker. Single fathers welcome. BOX 17321 JUST BEING MYSELF Petite MOW. early 50's, enjoys biking, hiking. dancing, skiing and many other interests: honest. sincere, trustworthy. Seeking gentleman ,with sem- lar interests. Honesty and trust a must. Social crnkef only and non smoker BOX 23211 SEEKING SPECIAL MALE B ,.•rwr-e r, and honest, nonsmoker. canrg, patient, romantic, has good sense of humor and wants to I,' needed Enjoys country rock music, dancing. outdoors. nature I five in Colebrook Meet me over lunch to see d we are compatible. Bob of 46. With 15 year old daughter would you please phone back', Your phone Hump -r dKf no r-o,d BOX 231M BIG IS BEAUTIFUL 25 year nod ­ ; • nether enjoys dar.:ing, walkng and enjoying life to the fullest Look,, j 1,,, a single.-onoga- MOUS -'ale no shares Similar interests Single fanw-S wet cores BOX 13441 FRIENDSHIP FIRST Am• -' ! r', ,,.Ar i" ••,ale 54- win, blonde hart Enpl muv:. lam.!;, Rte ',utjoas Mies .1.1 ea-; at npmfe Loos. ,,j to, An anr.i, •vee urge, whde 'ir, to 45 who R a X1 s,m Yn,krr N1- aar ,nW,ests for fr,en.•.. t. BOX 15897 LET'S TALK K-1 I—. •!arm. Tiret. r !,pinrlual, pleasant non vrok r.; ienNle24 .,inlays shm,A',rg •-on—nAton .Alk, :,,ting, muso reaA- nq , w, and ,rganizat,on Su e-1 11 r '•, earth. inteNr- 9-1 '_a„ng ofrnq Sincere maw. 24 to 31 With vnMar me -11% BOX 232'7 CALL SOON. GUYS wh•,. 21. wjoy, going out kir .4111 ,. to movies. piayng gar -r, candlelight d,rxers and ';." out to Bingo Seed,n,; an aftrachvt male, 21 to 25 wrho enjoys the same interests As m. If mal n yid,. .all cry; ASAP BOX 23157 SINGLE SELF EW'LOYED P.. ,.y1-,; woman loves outdoors. dare Ing. theatre S". -i Singes male. 38 ro 46 HCX , ' • 53 EARLY X -MAS PRESENT and happiness. lin- Why wail until Chnstrnas" Single m -r 35. empinyed hxe,t- •wvr• tic. I%al, noxi n,; rp, Mr Night. 35 to 45 ,(.loved. ' , romnantic good sense or humor BOX 73147 SEEKING SOULMATE E•-,(. '-4l. whde lemime. it'. Tong tiiat-k ria„ SUM Looking to an ndepen dent. sni tam, %hm. desk Hawed maw. 23 to 30, WH„ wants a loving, :o -mined relationship BOX 23142 ENJOYS SIMPLE LIFE tier;,. -,.i `. ..•rr .ehtt. young al rWrt. enjoys out doors. country Arid 50'1 music: dining grid dancing, socuai ng, with good sense of humor Looting for sincere relabon, shK: No head games BOX 23139 BOWLING ANYONEn LWk:ny'i,r wf,it,-.-.... k) and 45 Must -ave �r..Wre,i_ enjoy meetng other people. IS Car. ing easy gong and honest and also love to bowl I 4th 56'. 125tbs. short blonde na.,. hazel eyes BOX 23134 LOVING CARING NATURE h5 War Jia ,Pirl-1 ,1 while tenn.ve cOnsdered attrackve and trustwa my Seeey "un - est and kind whle dower with a posfhw outlook. good sense of humor, a warm Smile and who Is friendly but not a felt Reply it you have the same nterests BOX 23135 TRUE ROMANTIC Independent, easygoing, down to earth. full figured woman, 36, looking for a husky senseeve. non smoking male with a good sense Of humor My many interests Include romantic evenings at hone, animals. minc and art. Friendship first. relationship possible. Box 23130 BEDROOM EYES Not Cindy Crawford but close, 33, mother of poor_n. enjoys working Jut. walks, cooking, music. camping, mops wood and baits took, tired of bar scene, outrageous lair Seeking a single man. 30- esh, lir possible relationship, who dares to enjoy. BOX 23314 P- ---R HI\ 11.Eh1\lit N1111t:\ K v YOU ARE CURIOUS Early 305 tar male. athfetic and adventurous. Looking lir a dorninal single Br lemale to fulfil: both our fantasies. Discretion and cleanliness a must. Will answer all. BOX 23298 MYSTIFyNGLY UNIOUE Health conscious. powerfully WAIL. 45, independent. finan- cially secure, clean and selec- tive male, On occasion, deswes to generously pauper a lady of quality and sell respect. You may be the one. Let's talk. BOX 23294 SLEEPLESS IN COBOURG 41 lean old lather ',f p•Ik; Enjoy nock,, walking. movies, cook,,,,; •1Krsic. Duret evenings, ro-an"and humor Looking for a female With similar ntwe", BOX 2329 SEEKS COMPANIONSHIP Perfr. ,'..•ince-'A aira•:•v,i caring, mid 40 s. 5 1 1 179Ibs. while Pmtess.onal, very 4t cleananached and negl.x:P ed Enjoys strong, outdoes and Indoor spats ntellertual aro artiste: aclmtes Seek, A'.uai discreet relaton5h with charming. atter:!ior,aw. M Woman BOX 7?797 KIND 6 SINCERE MAN 5 11w,Ir, prawn rias and eyes I in tn,srwor:hy and poi Luing a care- -n law enfory- eM Seek , -hit sPw,.AI Same )ire w•• rannr;. non - est arM rrxnar,n+. BOX SOFT SPOKEN MALE I - And ,vr.r~ na„r"", mo ­n, o and brown eves ; am iooki ; to a single «mile I-nait. ' 8 - : 20 who s si" and energetic BOX .7c'S EROTIC TIMES ria, ; . 'o-ferning ne"an seek, attract, e adventurous :adv lir 'on 1,m*s BOX :'4,.8 WAITING FOR ADOPTION vw, minded mar in my tate 30 s. 6" hos,,, ::-id, light blown man. b. ., •.y.s 4r 1 shat beard . x>„ng to An arhai and caning ady who enjoys dant; tor,. ming, As a coww Box LONG TERM LOVE Single na. .uUk:- ", A tong W, relal,onghkp wan -n head games or lies Enjoy, long walk, •',r•fanbc dInners. tour, • y -1 n :,nq. and more it ya,'e ntwested, please 'save -. A ^usage BOX 10444 YOUNG AT HEART F ; r' , . n , r • ,igie male C rjuy'ft uutikXxs, SOS mK.sc socral"'.4. and more Look,nr, '.,r A serous relabon- ship ,k: -ad games BOX 15304 SIMILAR INTERESTSs 5 ' ..1 ,i w.pe thaw seeker. i Wrr,an who ,s in shape ' -toys 'he outdoes:. skint'. ;he aqua e, And mare It 00ure nterested. Pease leave me A message BOX 15314 LET'S HAVE FUN'" 36 year ,.it ­- 511-. and I SO pounds E njoy danc. ng. long Walk, •Howes. work rq lout- swwmdnq and more Lookiny'i.r an dtra-hve '"tile lemae : ' to 35. with a sem to medium orb, to, run And more BOX 15324 ,A SPECIAL MAN I,.i•i ,m,. .i".•.rite 6"5'. 185 pow- wgw nun Eppy moves, dvwg out. traveling, Animal and more Loper.; lir a spec- lady. 25 to 4 with a sense of humor who. jokes tc cook and knows now 10 ',real her man BOX 153?6 OUIET AND SHY MALE 2d year aid r, vngle whde ,rale seeking a apeoAl woman Enpv pool, cards. reading. romance and more It you re nferested. please leave mile a message BOX 153?9 TIME TO SHARE 3L year od mae. 6- 185 Its Seeking someone under 30 years of age and less than 135 pounds for companion and lover BOX 15332 R'S PARTYTNK 61' single male with blonde hair and hazel eyes. Looking lir a female. 19 to 21. Who enjoys spats. dance clubs. and having fun It This is you. gree me a call BOX 15431 FRIENDS FIRST 49 year old male. 5'8-. 160 lose Likes to work out and roe motor cycles. See kng friend- ship that can lead to relation- ship Gwe me a car, and lets see It we are Compatible. BOX 15436 LET'S SHARE PARADISE old year omale,. 511', 190 pounds with down haw and due eyes. Seeking a lady between 25 to 32 to stare Ile. I jive in the country. Have hors- es and dogs and lots of peace and quiet. BOX 17584 SHARE SAME INTERESTS 30 year old white male 511', 150 Ibs, shoulder length brown halt, smoker, lies to dance, rrov*s, and swim- mng. Looking for attractive lem Ale between 27-35, sem to medium Weld, who share same interests BOX 20296 SEMI PROFESSIONAL Single white 40 year did with aspirations who leads a very time managed life. Enjoys reading, outdoors. co.tage lite and all seasons. Looking for 21.34 year old single while, female with no dependents. BOIL 23291 THE PARTY TYPE Went.• ,•+ale 'a ,ij Ire While female. 18 to 20- for 'on times going out having tunpartying, and curdling BOX 23292 A GOOD LISTENER K, I v ,yie wh,h: ^ a,e enjoys readmy, filing. ,amnpinq, talk ing. long walks and more LOckj !,r a young ady. 19 to 25. w,rr ; miler nterests b this .s you. feel free to leave m* a message Non smoker and d,mkw F30X 3'7;16 KIND HEARTED GUY n '"' real ar oid soy'. lo,vg 50 s 5 5-. and 150 Pourvls Loving, caring. and sncwe Enjoy outdoors. long walk, ';.rel times and cruises Str,rg family values. non smo.- xCaS„nal drinker fit 'rarr,,aw, Look ,; for A 1.1, aRra:tr�e. Skin w ,rte Cady. 4() to NJ. who is also financially sec,Xe. ror an honest. serious long 'win relationship BOX i LETS TALK 4' ..• "g discrete comrpdri,ur,vnpwth female why, may be rmvnq SOmfe- thing ir hes life i)n ,ebOrn a mu,t PDX 23288 NEED ATTENTION I tan cry rl.snnew, anrarhw more why; ,•Opel "nal And -Ing :n please' Thw' mrs 41!, :neo male 39. Woofd like to mwt you Prefer Attachedlem+aee. 35 o Sri. but sewer single okay Discretion assured r3Cx 1'789 INTELLIGENT EUROPEAN S1•"I.. . lb% }i- - ; r. .Jun,. earth comrpa, ':r 25 tr, a , physicality ares Tst,ntaltv hI rove tM draper T-,%, in life. e g quarltum nwchanc%. and also enjoy Ry great outdoors And kridocir orname Am J.bt tree and have a good Krb BOX 2328' STILL A SPORT Tc did 1 a, ,Tee, -still A Sport . A treat -A- , wine one MO s not ^.X,.,1 ainti- -ental or sincere. The host quakbes of a Iadv •eelf a Lady BCX 23 h9 DISCREET TIMES We Orr.• , - an COu- P* A,, k) 'he >.v s. setk-k; other altrar h- couples .- discreet w cournfers. All '.ANSi returned BOX . ' 784 NO PRESSURE GENT 4 „r ;ent. ,00-q '0 nett.., A no pres- sure ­ stings Attached W. ',ng- A wit. non srr*k,ng hon- est. :ing lady lir xcavonal dainces, dw 'Ter etc I in, 5 B - 18f, Ib, brown ,.ryes. outgoing crag BOX 21 388 LONELY GUY Mar 2' .,•,k.ny +.r a lemake. 19, tO 14. lor posvbie relation, Ship Intere%f, wafer Cross country siu`q and mwtacy- des Box 2.1283 YOUR DREAM DATE hart. due eyes, b • w abs who is seeking a nkce Yourg Jhck Who is , i, during, jarill movies. iS Very cute an" artracbve Please, with no hes- dab". make me your 'beam date I am tfe m ore at you have been OInil aooW all along BOX 23285, PHYSICAL FITNESS 27 -a. ,K -•,ace Ike, wats- works Jut temake who aiw likes sports and pfrySical Mness. BOX : '49 SINGLE wnITE MALE 30 year od vngie white mak. ham brine employmnent Like Jut - doors and sports 511- 160 Its Seeking attractive srgie white female 25 to 30, to seine down -In. Want someone who .s honest. Carl did a non-smoker BOX 15267 LET'S ENJOY LIFE Single mak seeking a donde terra* with buil eyes to enjoy lite with Enjoy sports and Ruch more. It youre efterest- ed. please call. BOX 15275 ATTRACTIVE FEMALE Male seeking a very attractive female, 18 to 20, who likes music and sports. Non wTx*- er.BOX 15276 LETS TRAVEL Professional male seeking Professional female who Nies to travel. It you enjoy Ons, give me a call. BOX 15278 MUST BE EDUCATED Male, age 24, new to area. See" lens* 23 to 27, edu- cak:d. Who works in business environment. and tikes 10 trav- el BOX 15280 SEEKS MATURE WOMAN Make, age 31, seeking mature woman lir dsaeel encounter. Bim( 15281 GET N TOUCH 24 year old Christian male seeking Intelligent Christian lemafe lir a possible reaton- shhp. GIN in touch. BOX 15290 FRIENDSHIP FIRST 52 year old. 5'8' dnorced male with a medium, WAId. Enjoy dancing. dining out, country music, and more Looking or a temafe, 45 to 50, lir friendship and a possible relationship. EM 17543 18 NEW Ads! FULL -FIGURED FEMALE Single white '-,ale See. r,.• 111 figured female for d,xreet casual encounters BOX 17609 HONESTY IS IMPORTANT 35 ,ear -„•; why.• -•,.A... •leer, little, of three. 'wive' to area. 160 lbs.Xty- term r"abonshipsr,me- one why is taring. vrcwe. honest and •espectt:.l BOX 20251 LET STALK MX,e ; . , •vest relatior,. y'ic iY e, ler-NI9, ,t -Atr1' Origin if 'firs 'S sou. elS !Alk BOX 27254 CHRISTIAN MALE 35 ,..A. •nameo. res depende,:s .1opr,q to meet ChriSl,an --nae w.m no depe,ow- iN :o,hare in cove aro .1fe BOX 2. 164 SERIOUS IN LOVE ,. 65 ib 2'1Orr•. ;coo gook' .•. ,le w,.,i•.."male _Jai,; a sN•0119 adv ht,,!•nPr y. did with r *Pendwlt, . 0','e.e n '7rlacce- Pnel" and ran Da-ssion BOX ','•.22 NO BAGGAGE r.• t7 27. binrde,biut great shape. enjoy nuf cc, ,ports. *n.rg out and hon Seychnq for An arfrr:t,vt vim rid in great shape' !o 21 len'aie Io- la eail • BOX : 5233 WHERE ARE YOU .., ...1 wrote rices. •38.• 6 14`5. browm,'ur',wn smlokr' •:Ce ,Ion.rr r rel „-ret i• ,; sx a female J8 •'. Jt p11„ kX a tre os.hp and poS "y more BOX "i`,9 LONELY NOT DESPERATE lbs non smncKer AM emp"ifid Seek,.; a ,Peo,a, lady to enjoy aC',wti , logerh w Singer mothers vine riot rib ON scene hor-%N r AN hrl es pea- BOX 2' W) ONE NIGHT STANDS Ma,. ,4 ,uo ; -' "'gle lemale. 19 to '. I for, ante moon or ewers -9 discreet encwilers . am the One to talk To Please ieawe came and •dumber, and i If get bAck to you As upon as Possde BOX I I -i;g CALL ANYTIME' Single ,while emae, for creel enCuunterl Nope to hear •nom you soon BOx 17559 HEART OF GOLD es . ea 'ukf. 5 n . ' pound sngw 'vie .,it 0-1 IIA. and eyes Enjoy quiet hmel at home 'ntuyc. work, ,. the park and more.wk' to ,. a ngle lemaite 25 r+:; with snwai interests BOX "' i5 EMPLOYED MALE I p - u, -yr blue eyes, prys.c40y IT. jinn ally secure. good seise of hurtor Singe dad likes kids-artlping. 90M.9' frstling boiling. etc Seek:ng ternale no % Inan- caay sec ae with %amt Iden esti BOX . " 324 SOFT HEARTED GUY ,,,now. white 'rW,e. 4,� DW looks younger inedum budt. 59' '65 Ds, non smoker Like watch" moves. Dayng Pool. fishing, etc Looking or a non smoking. single white female. 25 to 40, sem to medium buil, with same Interests BOX 23276 SINGLE WHITE MALE 54 years young with no Oepen- dents. Enjoy boalng. hstwg, amp lig. dining out. dancing end quiet times- Non smoker and non driN(er. Seeking female. medium build, employed and healthy with same Interests, 45 to 55. BOX 23278 LETS HAVE FUN Sports minded 33 year old. 6 miaie seeking a female. 29 to 35. for dscreet meetings. If you re Interested. please leave me a message. All cams feturned. BOX 12469 NEIN TO THE AREA 23 Year old single wh l male. 5'8', and 185 pounds. Looking IDr a swgle white or black female. 19 to 25. who enjoys sports, quiet everving at home, navies, and fine drwng. It you "tight be interested. leave me a message. BOX 12649 STARTING OVER Enjoy sports, mortes, theatre. auto ring, and mote. tin seg employed, have tour grown children and own my own home ,n the country. Looi(wog lir a woman to share my inter- ests with and to be a Mend. If you think you Can tit the Wd give me a can. BOX 15871 TALL. PERSONABLE Seri's N A W Alk✓ A! Don Jon,sons ay,. , welcome meel,nq youthfo,. adventurous, warm fe- rine lady BOX 23271 Call 1 900-451-3793 $2 49 per min A 90'5 MAN Ma,•: ' , yet a #, , mar see• , i ',•ma1F years OR] r -, orrpa roc 'a Sodra lun irons and w.-. I'll ROx 1 286 CREATIVELY PLAYFUL .whore• ^Nin ,e r hv.• seer. dr Jlrw• VARIED INTERESTS to ,w1. "air ..far. snay." ^Nes loo*, x so,nro,w! SOe' )fC. wmlw r—rlinr;, 1,,"Prtw, r•. BCA 51 JUST FOR FUN ''+ ,., io - . . nd B. lat p, ^Aie ,- other Bi nr -" male la I Orr, And 'rrendshkp BC)( -•,3 DAYTIME FUN Fm.r . ..... , anomer th- , 'sir i Ir. 35- th hen -1 ,rndsrvp BOX 17565 JUST FOR FUN 5 •r;r ' ".. N mule kooks q kx .u.. TO nave jun r,r I you are nter-i ed LAN' '1CX "549 TALL GENTLEMAN C. e , to int same • ' dncn.•.' Adventurous erd.'„urterN bkjA 3'80 t 81 MALE WANTED Cu.( 4 . , , "At. for uIi r t ten ;,learlkress and .l'-'el,on A must BCX 175.4 LETS CWT CHAT 25 : mule S f -d ; vXHeore 'tial enjoys walk,,,. ..mvysatgr AHC the LETS CONNECT Ma .: ,; • - -found b. Ale sewk' g reamer lir mare IS 45 SCA •'4 a; SEEKING MR SNCERITY T•.i• ..- ,.,,,., .. male siefil lj 'he Sunt 35 to `S Seek,,,; II ong Iw•n .:om- mkned 1111np wdh no head gal cls .'j.,y ,w•r 11,;. hot'. wet � ,-antic evenng, a!'ome nhere%led- BOx ;' "vJ WEEK ENDS 34 w•„te -a*. 56- 3 td poundS Look,, i; •,,r OmL" men arol.nd my v N,,- Oshawaiarea BOX CALL SOON 8, white '.un- cpounds and 58- :,, ,vr.le viae. look ,;'or a b, Owic. '^.Aleany nye Cleanliness a mist and ocdrig discreet Oshawa Area BOJ( 20005 INTERESTING MALE Fd attra,a.e b,, w^ na,r Drown eves. M, good iooK,ny Looking for a man, good ,Jck ng, interesting. under 35 and over 25 Durham region BOX 20014 MYSTERIOUS Tam. clean cut Sing* whde male Looking to another nate tp fun and adventure BOX 15006 WARM TIMES 45 year did male, 62". 195 pounds. lookki for someone cr for discreet get togelhers BOX 14914 SUGAR AND SPICE Handsome, openminded, 61-, 220. non smoker Looking for people to ad some spice and tun.. BOX 17378 JUST FOR FUN 29 year old single & white male. Looking for other males lot discreet encounters. BOX 10875 MUTUAL PLEASURE Attractive 29 year old W male with a muscular build Looking or other W makes, in Meer mid 20 s, for discreet get togeth- ers. BOX 15887 111- MR "0111 \ SEFhI\1. N I►�If \ INTERRACIAL COUPLE Attractive, refined, interracial couple. early 40s. See" a similar open minded female or tun. BOX 19944 LOOKING FOR A FRIEND 35 re,.,....Au -`""browny ha" anC green Teyes Enjoy mo,,,es. dinners. :lobs, queel nights at home and more for a single lemale. 27 : 35 wh, is tem• nine tikes ';o,,g 'milt as w-�I as star•'; at Home BOX 5434 90YS ON THE SIDE o1-lemaw. •n sear^n of open - mndwl dreamboat It ,•,., found iMeresfej. gr— me A :all Wr )l SEDUCTION park,- ,re S c} • K ou,. r Den mnded and a lime srt'I BOX 153'7 BLUE-EYED BLONDE somw:nt urn,; w , NEW TO THE SCENE. ler, 1 'nou are ntw ✓-,led ,n tau. w.•^ ,s ;.air BOX r.� LOOKING FOR A FRIEND wrv.e erm 7c . , moviesdailies/ grid ^ion. BC 2 .246 BARRELS OF FUN Ml,_ ,...•..f 1... "- ..arch ng res anoint, -, lir jet "ill-% ;1 , are interest ed call, BOX ','`•AS LEAVE YOUR NUMBER' J• c ora, -r-.. 4. '-J.a., ien- L"ir,k. 'or ,orm►„ne r Ter Durra ,Igron BCX LOOKING FOR YOU BIM-. . •M 1UmwpOn.:, , nu . ,• the 'tnvies And , tun !O knr with Box • :,, .I., A SPECIAL FRIEND lir ;sumr.✓e wan moa. nwests En1ov wc.aiir,n ,. ,Roves and r,O,e lees, n; A spw:,AI *more lir !hw1,N„p rd T,Vtw '+wee BOX ' ' i rN ACTIVE PEOPLE A . - ' .'.' .:.Slop. ng for other::Dupes, Cwanuness -J yurett a mu -.1 BOX • V 4 A FEW TATTOOS good pe,swwly. someone 25 to 35 who , ••- rine and ca'. .r ;el akJnq with Iicx '9911 SEEK A PARTNER 4 4 and ,.'itch Jn.J 'ry,Rd-r ';1 one ISO gay writ.'erlWe lir Irendshp And a :,oss,0le reg ton%rkp Enjoy poo. b* ­1 waking ,cut, moves And rtp,e BOX ' :426 I Call 1-900-451-3793 $2.49 per min. SEEKING FRIENDS 3' yed, Jd. 5 :. , , found Single mare Seek,n9 '-vies Or coupes who want •o get together and have !w, BOX 15279 LET'S PLAY 510- physically ht male. Looking for someone who wants to be a part of athletic sports Friendship is also a poss.bdrfy BOX 12523 AUTUMNFLIN Large single make wishes to meet wlh full figured females lir daytime get fogethers and chats. BOX 23137 FINE PAINT To place your ad wiah a "live' attendant call 1- 800-366-1483 The oper- ators of Oshawa This Week reserve the right to: edit all ads for content and assume no Aabipty for ads or responses: reject or revise ads which are deemed inappropn- ate; print ads based on space availability Advanced Telecom Services. Inc are the program operators and can be reached at 1-800- 928-5699 Mon -Fn 9am to 5pm You may also change or renew your ad by calling this number rF PAGE 36 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13,19% CHOiICE FQR CHRISTMAS GIVING • v H NEW Fp�E••• • SAME GREAT PL "Top of the Line System Everything for the High End User"--� • Ientlum 230 -.LZ • �2 MB RAM �"" �`� • 7 0 Gi hard rinxin EXTRA '2x CD-ROM o0 • %WE 32 sound card •`;PC BACK-UPS 450 • .vindows 95 3299 0 pentium Monitor Not Included System not exactly as illustrated Upgrade your system to a Pentium 100 $ 95#� r FRS V aa�.e gigabyte motnerboard with 512K pkpeltne cache Price may vary according tc machine type History of theTormto Maple leafs eer ence for Leafs Fans IeraCtive t'iv.a game ats 3n eve"v _eafs ptayer ,-ic every Leafs team )mplete biographies of d ptavers who ever played or the Leafs • .eractkve nistory by : ;Cking on events ' Over 1.300 videos and photos $ • ,iso ava; able for other 5' 3 995 / �r ma: 6' teams rbie Fashion Designer CD ROM Makes up to 8 real Barbie outfits! 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