HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_11_22FIBERGLASS NVINDOWS By LliLll 1W"LfU Windows & Doors 601 Aspen Rd. 831-1989 Pic kering r- '-- HOME IMPROVEMENTS BY • Family Owned 8 Operated For Service You Can Trust VISIT OUR SHOWROOM t : r 906 Brock Road South (Just south of Bayly, Pickering) �Za4��o News Advertiser— Friday. Nov. 22, 1996 44 pages A Nletroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 42,5(4) Vol. 115 No. 47 lRegion e a s workfare decision Bl h!-:I'I'H (:111.1.1(: ♦N 'file uncertaint\ stems from a speech Cont- nicht for each recipient:' \1s. Ecker said. `� III h r, till nnlnrt\ and So' cral Scnlccs Minister and But (tic nnnlstcr sass In an Intcryicw the uo�- — - I)t'RH.\\l - Conlusum ocer the mandaton Durham \Vest \11'1' Janet Ecker made \londav at ernmcnt Is "ahsolutely not- hacking, away Iron aspect of worktarc has caused I)urham Council a niccums of the thitano \Iunrclpal S(K:Ial Scr- mandaton workfare. �., to del:n until ncvt month a dccrslon on c+hether rices;\,sociation. "\\'c'rc atternpting to explain clearly, because the Rcclon should take part in the contro\crslal "No slnelc choice c, itlnr Ontario \Vorks is prograni mandaton. but ocer;Ill 11X-1, I:1,I110n is a require- See CONFUSION... Page 2 Ck-l� (#rasgoodl'�,s Amherlea Preshytenan Church. at I X20 Whites Rd.. Plckcrin ,, hosts a Spirit of Christmas Baiaar Sat- urday frorn y: 30 a.m. to 1: +U p ni. Featured are :ralts, haked goods. costume Iewclr\, hot lunch and while elephant.:\drins%ion is free For more mloml.iuon. call 89-:9. Forecast SaturdaN Sundae Wind\. i - MI\ of t gild i ,un, cloud t to 'C -4 to ?C Inside In the news E ntertainInent.................. 18 Sport s ...............................20 Classified ..........................22 Phone lines General 683-51 10 Fax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 Sincerely Yours 1-800-662-8423 InfoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 On the Internet at www.durhan2news.net 9340 + 740 GST = $1 Havin'a ball Andrea Henderson, 5, and other children and staff at Helping Hands Daycare Centre in Pickering were having a ball Wednesday after hearing the Whites Road facility was named the best of its kind in the province by the Association of Daycare Operators of Ontario. The Daycare of the Year Award brings with it $500 in prizes, such as books, toys and a VCR. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Murder attempt accused says I• Ajax woman 41 tthim aacked RY S'YEPHN:N SIIA%\ At one Point while the two !A hIL%\I s: uI fouoht for the knife the AJAX -- A -1() scar -old woman hcd when she told a dun she was stahhcd while sleeping, savagely heatcn and •aced by her two dors. tier accused assailant has testified. `rwcnty-one -car-old Jason PhilhPs, who testified at his attenipted murder .trial Vk'cdn"ay, told jurors Joan- na Hilts attacked <I>hini<l> with a kitchen knife in her Church Street North resi- dence Jan. 17, 1995. Mr. Phillips told Ontario Court general division, in Whitb), he tried to Protect himself when Ms. Hilts ..became angered and came toward me with the knife" ati he sat on a living room chair listening to his Walkman. Mr. Phillips said Ms. Hilts sliced his hand and three fin- gers as he tried disarming her and he then punched her three times in the head during a bloody struggle that ensued. accused testified "shc screamed a couple of times.'. He said he doesn't recall her heing stabbed. Photographs have been shown to the fury of two deep knife wounds to Ms. Hilts's breast and chest area and numerous cuts and bruises to her head.aris and neck. In addition to her injunes. Ms. Hilts required the removal of all her upper teeth and three lower teeth in the weeks following the incident. Mr. Phillips moved into the home Ms. Hilts was living at after the two mel two weeks earlier at an aninial control shelter where he had just lost his job. "Iii-- day of the incident, Ms. Hilts became angry after being returned the bloody, ripped cicxhes she had been wearing during a serious car See ACCUSED ... Page 3 HOME OF THE ORIGINAL BIGFOOT® r------------------- -------------1-----1 • • • ;Tax' EE 2 _ • - - I OKE I 1 20 piece 16 Piece I •SU1 eye I Bigfoot® Pizza411. $ 3 I with 3 items Large Pizza I ■ PIZZA ■ SUBS ■ WINGS 15. with 3 items AJAX 683-3333 i 88 of your choice Plus of your choice PIT , PICKERING 839-4411 i ONLY I I ONLY us �` 'fes' L _ _ LIMITED TIME OFFER J L -- _ _ LIMITED TIME OFFER J Free Delivery from 11:00 a.m. ON PIZZA ONLY CHICKEN WINGS AVAILABLE MILD. MEDIUM. HOT. HONEY GARLIC f PACE .-THF: NF%N'ti %DWRTISFR FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1'96 Confusion stalls Region decision on workfare FROM PAGE 1 here's so much nusinformation spread ,\ critics. it's hard for local representa- i\cs and staff to sort throu_•h the mis- ntomtation. -It's a mand.tior\ program. It's the and municipall- ties must partici- :,atc. just as they io in the current Acltare s\stem.'. %Is. Ecker "W's. Durham Council deferred the matter to the rte\t mcetin_, of health ;md ,tial scrxlces Janet Ecker 1f111'tter. Thcrr are hrcc compo- •Icnts of Ontario 1ti, r k s -nlplt1,nlcnt sup - ,r worts klils or ! p: r:Idin_ III pl(i\ incnt IaccnlrnI s NA herr prI\;Itr Jim Witty ''-enclrs \,ould find lobs for \,cl- arc recipients) and connrlunit\ placc- ncnts kin \,h1ch \\clfarc recipients ..ould %korh for social scr, Iccs agcn- Ics i \\,)rhfarc opponents and the health ,nd social scrxiccs conlinittec \ant ormnumt\ placcrncnt to be \oluntar\. Durham Chairman 11m Wito. sa\. is one paragraph In Ms. Ecker's pccrh is '"a little amhlguous". but the cst of her speech Is clear on mandato- . \,orkfarc "it Is ambiguous. that one para- ,raph. but the rest kit It 1s so clear. it s a w of a smoke screen and alt \\ c x c lune is dela\ the thing.- qtr. ),Vitt\ a\ s. "I \, ould ha\ c pre tarred Ac _ct ,n filth it. %k'c'rc paid to make dccl- ions. let's make the decision, and no\c on. We ha\c other thin_,s to deal kith. This thin« has been hanging .round tike a had srllell. Opponents of \,urki.tre arc reading he one paragraph "1n isolation kit ver\thing else'. Mr. \ltn charges. Ms. Ecker said in her speech. Ontario Works is a mandatory pro tram. Through the various components 1f Ontario Works, municipalities must ink welfare recipients to services that ead to self-sufficiency. For their part. veifare recipients must participate in hose services in order to remain eligi- )Ic for assistance.- Welland-Thorold ssistance.'Welland-Thorold MPP and New )emocratic Party poverty issues critic 'eter Kormos calls Ms. Ecker's speech 1n attempt at "damage control. "She doesn't write these speeches. ;pin doctors do and it's all about dam- Ige control and public relations. Her peech in this regard is an attempt to lbscure the realities of workfare and its langers." Mr. Kormos says. The health and social services com- nittee meets Tuesday. Dec. 3 at 10 1.m. in the executi\c !wardroom of the Yhithy Mental Health Centre on Gor- lon Street in south Whitby. Dennis Goulin • Sherry Robinson Executive Director 1996 Campaign United Way of Chair Ajax Pickering United Way of Ajax Pickering Addition -Elle • Agnew -Aldo a Alia ti Ardene • Arrow/Colours by Alexander Julian Bata • Beauty En Vogue a Bentley leathers Bianca Nygard • The Body Shop Braemar • Braemar Petites Budget Shoe Warehouse Caryl Baker Visage Claire's Boutique • Classic Boutique Cotton Ginny/Cotton Ginny Plus Creafive Cosmetics • Crossings -Cut Above Dalycarol Fashions • Reitmans Dynamite • Eatons • Esprit • Faces Fairweather • The Fashionable Fine Gold Jewellery Gentlemen's Quest • Jack Fraser Jacob • Joggs • Kavar Jewellers King's Watch Co. • Kinney • la Senna l'Attihides • leather Bound • Mappins Moretti For Men Naturaiizer • Nectar • Nit'ties People's Jewelers • Pkis Intknates Quattro • Reed's Flowers • Ricki's Sears • Signor Angelo •Win Satin - Smart Set Sogo • Status Stefi Lara • Thmo • Thyme • Tip Top Trade Secrets • Transit Tristan/America • Tuxedo Royale Yrlcent • Vivah Denr9s is dressed by tuxedo Royale and Sherry's eveningware is from ' s Classic Boutique^ .. C a F r you if haven't ppedho us lately... , y' 4 i. Y .3 +k{Ath US w _41, ,,,{ .. } 'P, J. �,w^A0.1 P'r MON'--i 1,10-7_91Z.30- k sr 0.6--° , . A Accused murder attempt p FROM PAGE 1 accident she was involved in several weeks earlier, Mr. Phillips said. Just prior to the knife attack, Mr. Phillips testified, he and Ms. Hilts shared a marijuana joint, then he went to sit in the living room while she washed dishes. "I was listening to my Walkman and I can faintly hear Joanne screaming or something. I took one of the (Walkman earphones) off and she was saying `you know I hate it when people don't listen or respond' and she had a knife in one hand:' Mr. Phillips recounted He said he told her to 'T ..off" and she advanced toward hum. with the blade of the knife pointed at hum. Mr. Phillips told jurors he was "begin- ning to get scared" and tried grabbing the knife from her hand, lie said when she pulled the knife away, the blade sliced his hand cutting him so deep he required surgery to repair tendon damage. Using a wooden replica of the knife during a re-enactment he and defence lawyer Elizabeth Nadeau presented to the Jury, Mr. Phillips admitted he struck Ms. Hilts with his fist three times in her tem- ple area, knocking her to the floor. NIL Phillips said he can't explain how Ms. Hilts suffered the two knife wounds. "I never had the knife in my possession.. .1 don't recall any major things happening to her... When asked by Ms. Nadeau if he stabbed Ms. Ililts in her sleep or if hc: cried to kill her. Mr. Phillips calmly replied both times, "I did not" After Ms. Hilts fell to the fk)or, Mr. Phillips testified, be thought she was knocked unconscious "and that it was safe for me to leave." His arms covered in Ajax man charged after racial slurs yelled at woman AJAX — A 37 -year-old Ajax man has been charged with ding a distur- bance after an Ajax woman says he screamed racial slurs at her. According to Durharn Regional Police, the woman says she inadvertent- ly cut the man off while driving on Bayly Street near Harwood Avenue one morning late Last month. She says the man cut beck in front of her and when she pulled alongside him to apologize, he began yelling obscem- ties at her. She then followed him into a gas station, where he continued yelling racial slurs in front of her and her daugh- ter. The woman gave police the man's licence plate two days after the incident occurred. Police interviewed the man and laid the charge. The man has been summoned to appear in court Dec. 4. 4 Harwood Ave. (Corner of Harwood & Hwy. #2) A. blood and hand bleeding heavily, Mr. Phillips was arrested by Metro Police after taking Ms. Hilts car and driving to a Toronto hostel where he formerly lived. Mr. Phillips said he feared Ms. Hilts "wouldn't regain consciousness" and that he could face criminal charges. In her version of the events, Ms. Hilts testified she was taking a nap on the liv- ing room couch when she suddenly woke up with an "amazing stinging pain" in her left chest and shoulder. She said Mr. Phillips was standing over her and began to viciously punch her and kick her in the face and head. Her two dogs, lop Dog and Six -Pack, heard her cries for help and "came to my rescue and attacked Jason, knocking the knife from his hands," she testified. "fhe trial continues. THE N F'WS ADVERTISER MDAY,NaVEMBF.R 22.1996 -PAGE 3 , Call 683-5110 with news items. ,oast 'down fall Festiva.1.1- IIIIIIIIIIIIJOIN US FDR L..UNCFI OR DINNER ON + MONDAYSI TUESDAYS $ WEDNESDAYS ROAST BEEF $ 00 SANDWICHES MENTION THIS AD WHEN YOU BUY ANY ROAST BEEF SANDWICH AT THE REGULAR PRICE AND GET A SECOND SANDWICH OF EOUAL OR LESSER VALUE FOR ONLY 51.00 Offer valid oil day Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays for a limited time only., oOFFS' o 4 r DOLT KI . EAR If we take off R„ any more :X 41 'here won't ce anything left to Ell! 1 SNOWBOARD PACKAGES ADULT JUNIOR NOWBOARDS SNOWBOARDS COMPLETE COMPLETE SKI SKI PACKAGES PACKAGES COMPLETE 1/2 BACK! 575 THORNTON (AT ROSSLAND) c CLEARANCE CENTRE SCOTTIES TOO - 370 TAUNTON RD. EAST (NEVER ENOUGH WIND) OSHAWA 432-6935 Call 683-5110 with news items. ,oast 'down fall Festiva.1.1- IIIIIIIIIIIIJOIN US FDR L..UNCFI OR DINNER ON + MONDAYSI TUESDAYS $ WEDNESDAYS ROAST BEEF $ 00 SANDWICHES MENTION THIS AD WHEN YOU BUY ANY ROAST BEEF SANDWICH AT THE REGULAR PRICE AND GET A SECOND SANDWICH OF EOUAL OR LESSER VALUE FOR ONLY 51.00 Offer valid oil day Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays for a limited time only., PAGE: 4 -THE \EV1'S .ND ERTISE R FKIDNt'. NOVENIBE R 22. 1946 Hospital help just a phone call away Employees at Nok a in Ajax put their fund-raising efforts to work recently and came up with more than $2.000 for the Ajax -Picker- ing Hospital. Here. employees gather for the official cheque pre- sentation. The funds were rased at a garage sale organized and run by Nck,a staff with all the proceeds being forwarded to the local hosprta . photo by Andrew Iwanowsk ,,JEWISH FAMILIES OF DURHAM INVITATION TO A CHANNUKAH PARTY ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, FROM 4: 0 0 TO 6: 0 0 COME AND JOIN IN THE FUN PLEASE R. S. V. P. BY CALLING 8 31- 6 5 0 8 NO LATER THAN NOV. 2 5 Games • • • ' • • Menorah Lighting 111111111111191-MIK1101 1111 Oil The Chan nukah Story Crafts Prizes Songs Snacks Loot Bags Potato Latkes With All The Fixings Special Holiday —i Donuts JFOD :s a social ar-u: >: Durham. JFOD :s nor �sith am rel gieus crganizatior.. :r: addition to our pur,•:.• :social s, :e offer m.m.._ r families events relating to Jewish Hoiida ,_ y. i:; -.,pith us in shari::cr cur rich heritage. t:e creneresit}• of The Action Committee for Jewish Continuity of the Jewish Federation of Greater Toronto _:. Durham. Membership in JFOD is only $25.00 per family JFOD : To find out why this man is jollier than normal read on... WILSON FURNITURE CDAYS presents its' - 050 & BETTER" ,CUSTOMER APPRECIATION Y -y SALE:-, 3 NEED A RIDE Wilson's salutes all TO WILSON'S SHOWROOM? people 50 years old JUST CALL FOR and better with: COMPLIMENTARY TRANSPORTATION • A SPECIAL DISCOUNT 723-2255 • FREE DELIVERY z • A FREE GIFT WITH AW ANY PURCHASE :� F SAVE ON ALL FURNITURE ., &ACCESSORIES! -� :� OPEN THIS SUNDAY IFELUI iE ITLUI R DISCOUNT • 1 1 1 , -, , c 1 - i 1 1 4 1 1 r , 2 i l l 4 ., THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1996 -PAGE _` SUPERCENTERS A q"E 133.11Iz 12C11tlLlm N, larOccss(w Basc•d S stcm In Stylish (.'harcOal .\1ini-'Iira.'cr ✓ ' s (1) ROM drlrt• ✓ f 111 h It (> I11:n'h:lck ✓ I I)it S,uintI Gird virli <1 Ntt•rr().,)utid PRIM ITR & \IO\IT( )R 1.6 Bx 33-6K 133MH: I\(.1.1 I&D .�..�. 2599' Inf�A 19" Colour Television • C ock, sleep timer • R.indom access remote control • C osed caption decoder 04101:16 2T' Stereo Television PROSCAIV T 2%' Stereo • . rture In Picture 7 • F_ ly universal remote control • :io!d plated lack panels for extreme clarity • F-1•,tastic value for you money • -1,i -id crafted for tine quality No • Closed caption capability • Digital remote control • Alarm & sleep timers • On screen clock 01601240 r22240wT 47999 r Iris@ • 15x zoom •Hifi stereo sound • Programmed auto exposure • Built-in tiller • Remote Control "4" •Digital signal processing M19901126 E5200 STAND OP TION•L AM/FM CD Boombok ""J1 ...10. • Top loading CD player • AM/FM stereo tuner • Auto stop cassette deck • Head phone jack 10999 RCA _ At. ial•c•••n A0d24 w A" ft i•itoffiftI=DES See a l Ir- SfAtTER Irr1f See all that $TM VALY you're shooing s■ 1161111118BSOMB 26.1iK 1itK„�r PRIM I I:R S fit( )NI 1'( )R IN( LI DIA) 133.11Iz 12C11tlLlm N, larOccss(w Basc•d S stcm In Stylish (.'harcOal .\1ini-'Iira.'cr ✓ ' s (1) ROM drlrt• ✓ f 111 h It (> I11:n'h:lck ✓ I I)it S,uintI Gird virli <1 Ntt•rr().,)utid PRIM ITR & \IO\IT( )R 1.6 Bx 33-6K 133MH: I\(.1.1 I&D .�..�. 2599' Inf�A 19" Colour Television • C ock, sleep timer • R.indom access remote control • C osed caption decoder 04101:16 2T' Stereo Television PROSCAIV T 2%' Stereo • . rture In Picture 7 • F_ ly universal remote control • :io!d plated lack panels for extreme clarity • F-1•,tastic value for you money • -1,i -id crafted for tine quality No • Closed caption capability • Digital remote control • Alarm & sleep timers • On screen clock 01601240 r22240wT 47999 r Iris@ • 15x zoom •Hifi stereo sound • Programmed auto exposure • Built-in tiller • Remote Control "4" •Digital signal processing M19901126 E5200 STAND OP TION•L AM/FM CD Boombok ""J1 ...10. • Top loading CD player • AM/FM stereo tuner • Auto stop cassette deck • Head phone jack 10999 RCA _ At. ial•c•••n A0d24 w A" ft i•itoffiftI=DES See a l Ir- SfAtTER Irr1f See all that $TM VALY you're shooing ✓ i ::pay' ilii• nlhnl.ut• mulhnit•(I❑ Ix n, n(c w dh :l Stale• ul ill(- .in s\ IIx I'+I (:U R( )\I ✓ - :14-r Lott Intt•rn(•r c(,nnr, to in tail .1 2,1, sK ! 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Only one bonus or free offer pe 'On approved credit Minimum monthly payments Feguired Nominal administration fee payable at hmeof plat h- Intere5ta((IUlr trUni Jatr Olpurthase Monthiymterest-stilled but edl tr•wanrd it mm6num monthly payments are made (when required and the baWnc a of the ptuchase is paid (,ff by end of the no inteirst prmnl ">,Imnushabvr leei5:99S tin hmooths,l,.49S for l:nnv,thsl when blerided ..In interest willaffect the annual percentage lair tAN)Wro tar on):months no interest option )including taxes) if minnnum monthb pa. mrnK hrtalling $61114on$1,500 purchase or $814 85on V,0u0 pur(haseaw made and balarkeis pard orf ­111MVnwnlh, urteirstswaned andS i99s admm fee i ieatrsao APR ,a2n,', nolal,Ost of$2,0399S)in$2:000 Purchase. Ifynu elect tohnarke for an aMihonai l: months anal minimum monthly raymrnts koWtlmg$t 1%9 Its on SI.1,W pcul hase of$1."1248 on $2.000 purchase are madeand lemalning balarkeof$910l4o,$1:11;9spaiJarf.it eo,lof`4 nl�mlhs lot rrrslihargt`},.fl, ulated h,im dale of pura hair pills admin fee are$h29 hs(10laic, tis$:I;99,lJnd APRi,;nh9"o f01$I.sthl Mrrlh.i)r,tt�;h :; (tt`tal i.+St $;,:i:h :;+.lr,d:h •1l'R rUt$:..SUpur(ha,e Nointeresi optam not available on Business Revotvmg(Fell,[ Items marked"SAIL"air an sae Unwi,[rms.ur al ow irgwai rvrryJ,iv pew pint, 5omritenis air n,u avadahir at ali slams [tilt to aJvrrtromg deadlmrs, s,nnr D+nr5nlav [x•lowerm store PAGtt•: 6 -THE NIEWS ADVF.RTISFR FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 22, t9% v Editorials and L Ajax-Pickerin y News Advertiser A \tetn;land Cowmuntty \c%i,p iIvr puhhslkd'Acdnesda,i. Freda.. Sunday 130-132 (commercial Ave.. Aja\, 011ITIS -'ltd M144MIN .I. WHITRKER. 111hllshei JOANNE BURGHARDT. F Idor-in-C hici BRUCE DANFORD. Advertising m;mager F'IT TF: 110tNTON \lanaeing FAfih)r AININ BROt11'ER. Retail .idvoismg manago ABB FAICHOURIE. Pistnhuuon nurtagci Gvmral: iW05i 6ti:-110 C'lac,iritd: ')Os, !ti -n'0' Circulation: (1)(6) 117 F+\: r.'t�` •*s:.':6.� F:\tail:\rte,snyorrx-durhanux.�..ne1 On the Interni: hrtp./%HwNdurt;,un ne,u net Ilx \*, ,, \dren:�•r is a memttr of the Ata1 .0 Pi, V,rnn-, llwni sof 'rni&. C'amki an C'ommumty \r �.palrr:\coq <' . C anadinn C'rrculatim, Atha Board. OnLino 1'nr. s CouncdxAO\IMRI Mepuhh<hcrresenrsthe nihth•:lassifNorrefuse;m,;VJ%ertr,emcnl Credit fix advenucment 11n1nead to spacc price error rwcupcx Safe on the buses �.ach day in Durham Region. thousands of children file into \ello++ sch(x)l buses of van 111:1 sizes. read\ for a new day at school. - Thev find their seats. perhaps \+ ith a favorite friend, and pai, little attention to the fact that there are no seat-hc'Its for them to strap on. It's completer contrar\ to what we've been teaching our children for +cars: Scat -belts sa\ c lives. Canada Safct\ Council spokesman Ra\ nald Murtha nd sa\ s there are no areas in Canada using school bus seat- belts, nor art\ recommendations tOr them to he installed. VVIlat our buses do have are passt\e restraint :\stems - paddim; on the hack of each seat. so the\ cushion and ahsorh ener,,\ in the e\ent Of a bus ,iccident. I'assi\e restraint .\stcllls h\ thcroscl\es mai, \yell t> ettectivc, but \+ hen bus dm ers are cam ing .Lich pre.: ious Cain•() -- our children -- additional safet\ restnunts such IN shoulder or lap t.•Its \+oulJ pro\ ided an added and \+el - come measure of satet\ The record cle;tri+ reflects safe dri, in_, hahits among Durham Regions bus dn\ers, so no one is su,LLesting the intrtkluction of seat -belts as a consequence of poor dn- \ ing•. It i1 simpl\ a measure of prc•\ention designed to pro- \ idc the maximum ,aict\ f0T' children should the\ be imoked in an accident. 13ecatase even one crash. the potential for even one \oum, life to be lost, is more than enou,"h to 'ustit,. the cost of implementing a seat-beltprogram in Ontario's school buses. If the old adage about an ounce of prevention beim_ worth a pound of cure is indeed true, the notion of safe .ids in sate surrounding, is the perfect example. Kecp them safe. Keep them seated. Keep them buckled up. To re\pund to thi.s editorial call Infosource at 6A -?- 7 040 and dial 51I11 ♦You said it... In response to last Friday's editorial `Your money for your life' regarding a Durham Region Health department study which indicates a higher -than -average rate of some forms of cancer and Down's syndrome in Durham, our readers said: ♦ - I think it's highly inflammatory; 1 think it's poorly researched and I think you should read the rebuttal by Ken "Talbot of Ontario Hydro, Pickering Nuclear Division, in the Toronto Star, Nov. 15. It's apparent that he read the study; and most of you, including the mayor of Ajax, haven't read the study because they wouldn't be so alarmist and they would get their farts straight. 1 highly object to this, especially the first paragraph which is just horrible. You people are not sci- entists. I know. you write editorials, but get your facts straight first." $ WELL WE COULD 5E#1 IF IT WEREN'T FOR PADI(AL GOODY-- ; GOODIES LIKE You UITIN' PEOPLE TO QUIT N�� 11. V. r 'IL a lam ", Ilk v�/��NAN. v Letters to the editor NV ork are doesn * t N-orl: To the editor: I rcccnd,. inoderated a panel discussion on %korktare at Kings%iew t'mted Church in Osha.+a. AN'Llt SO people came to hear fi\c panelists — a mother with first-hand knowledge of social ,assistance. a provincial and a regional politician. an academic and a ►ninister. I heard «lith\ MJ%or'Foni Edwards, chairinan of -the Re_ion's health and social sen ices committee. express great concern not on1% about the ethics of conlputsor\ labov. but also o\er the added costs of implementation. I listened \. title James Struthers, a pro- fessor of Canadian Studies Irom Trent Uni\crsiU, spt)kc t,t the histt)r\ of tasted labor. It never succeeded in bnni ing pt)si- u\e results. He supgesied it Ac'rc going to hire people we should pa} them a fair wage. He questioned w by a government claiming to be Ieadinc us into the ? 1 st cen- tury is inlplernenting ]x)licies from the IS(l()s and he fore. I listened to Da.+n Henderson. a mother on axial assistance. Due to a separation while pregnant, she needed to rely on assis- tance. I heard her pain at being stereotyped as a burden. I heard her struggle of trying to continue her education despite govern- ment cuts. I heard her fear of being further stigmatized after she finishes school by being forced to perform a job someone else has chosen for her. I heard Rev. Susan Eagle, a United Church minister and chairman of the CCOC, a province -wide church committee on social issues, describe the religious and moral repugnance of forced labor. She reminded us of how our faith calls us to treat others equally, as partners. And, I listened to Durham East MPP John O'Toole defend the ethics and the economics of a policy of his party. I watched as he grappled with the statement "I am not responsible for anyone's life!" I thought how sad it was, sitting in a church built on the basis of caring for each other, to hear the government does not feel responsible for its people. Does workfare work'? It depends on the definition of working. If the dclinition is 1)utll1w rilorc nwnc. in the hands of ,w, - crnment and big business at the expense of those who can least afford it then. \cs. it works. So did slavery and apartheid. But, if the definition of workinoo is makin_ a better sociev, for all people, then atter lis- tening to the experts from both sides. ;and reading pages of documents. I'm cominccd it doxsn't work and shouldn't he a pan of our world. Durham's health and social sin ices cornmtuec has alrcadv voted to renewc the nlamLilor\ aspect of Ontario) Work,, be,ausc the poluetans did their homework and found the plan lacking. I hope the rest of council hears thein and hears the puhlic outer\ ;and votes no to forced lairs in Durham. Rev. Glen W.,I. Fagle, . Claremont Shame on college To the editor: On Remembrance Day at I I a.m., I stopped walking, bowed my head, and ga\e my thanks and offered my prayers to those who gave their lives for the Freedom we now enjoy in Canada. After the minute of silence was over, I lifted my head, wiped the tears from my cheeks, swallowed the lump in my throat and continued on my way. That being said, I was appalled to learn Humber College didn't observe a minute of silence on the Rexdale cam- pus. Shame on Mr. Robert Gordon, the president, the board of directors and the administration for failing to recog- nize the brave men and women who gave their lives for Canada. If we had lost those wars, Humber College just may be teaching only the Hitler Youth of today. Humber College receives huge amounts of money in grants from the Province. These grants are made up with and include my tax dollars. Maybe Mike Harris can divert my money and give it to the remaining veterans of this country. Andy Cobean, Pickering We asked: Should Durham Region lay off police officers or raise taxes next year? -- asked at the Ajax Plaza BILL NIATTLESS "I \would say raise taxes. Ilic police are here to protect us.' N11•:RRILL RI•All) "I hate to raise taxes, but you have to have police. - HARRY DOWTON "I think we should keep the police.. We have to have protection" ROBERT SMITH "We shouldn't lay off police officers for safety reasons. The poulation is growing fast." .Tories `know' they can win in AJAX-PICKERINci — Local Progressive school advisory committee and volunteer for Conservatives have chosen their candidate for the Canadian Cancer Society. She has also the f -A-11 electron g MPEG Total Image Video expected to be held MWAVE audio card with �� in 1997. Leanne Lewis • • 1976 will represent tlx: Speakerphone. wake-up or nrq mail -in rebase Tories in the feder- j - Internet ready with 28 8 data fax voice, mode al riding of Mcker- machine with multiple voice mail boxes ing-Ajax- 40 software Mles included .o 'see [Jxbtidge. one of . . . . the two electoral j IBM APTIVA PENTIUM 166MHz "S" SERIES districts the exist- MULTIMEDIA COMPUTER SYSTEM in Chita Ri ' - . - 16Mb RAM - 2 5Go HD 180 hours o drug will be divided into NEC READY PENTIUM 133MHz MINI -TOWER j for the next elec- MULTIMEDIA GAMING SYSTEM tion. Ms. Lewis won the candidaLN � I Picture not by acclamation at a ,s shown nomination meet- ing Tuesday night = Monitor at Gallantry's ban- i r Extra quet hall in MckLr- ing. "I know we can win in Pickering- Ajax-Ilxbridge." ►. ' Ms. Lewis. "Our teturb,shed -21 9 ' 88 party knows we 6X CD-ROM drive can win in Picker- 256KB cache i n g- A j a r 12Mb Alliance V deb 16 bit 3D wavetable surrouna Uxbridge" 28.BKbps fax dala/vo ce modem She maintained with DSVD the P(, platform for Infra -red data transfer capability the election will Over 20 software games NEC -- reflect "Canadian IBM APTIVA PENTIUM 133MHz MINI -TOWER values of hard „¢ Monitor E,ara work. individual 180 hours opportunity (and) FREE sl� K on the Internet personal respoinisi- &W bilin :STs. Lewis •auaed also took aun at the ruling Liberals, stating they have In ot In'ell up to their MPEG Total Image Video election promises MWAVE audio card with �� and have fallen 30 watt stereo speaker-, 3D graphics - BX CD -HC Aver Sion drastically short in Speakerphone. wake-up or nrq mail -in rebase areas such a.%--ele-answering j - Internet ready with 28 8 data fax voice, mode e After $10 martin rebate 3 8 988 ' machine with multiple voice mail boxes national unity acrdOver 40 software Mles included .o 'see job crY3tion. �� .,� « • ,•,,' Tbe 1&yee- j IBM APTIVA PENTIUM 166MHz "S" SERIES old has been MULTIMEDIA COMPUTER SYSTEM employed in cus- - . - 16Mb RAM - 2 5Go HD 180 hours Mer rclatioif s and 8X CD-ROM FREE executive assistant Tele-answenng machine on the intemet capa6bes and l.'ur- wM multiple voice mad boxes ready tti'oeks as a IBM Irtemet homezrlaker. In the Connection Phone 28.8 datafaxvotce modem eight years she has One button Internet access lived in Durham, Over 40 software titles 1 Ms. Lewis pati 3 yr limited Warranty t as served a, president &-tSidt 96 , - A�S1� 3999$8 of residents' asso- -int -.a rebate . incwdea ciatio ns Sunday THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22,19% -PAGE 7 new federal riding: candidate been an active member of the local provincial of the federal association until she decided to and federal PC associations, and was president run for the nomination. t• 1. COMPAQ PRESARIO PENTIUM 133MHz MINI -TOWER MULTIMEDIA SYSTEM ................ PENTIUM 16MB RAM HD Monitor Extra 8X CD-ROM drive 88 -16 bit CD quality aud2499 - Spattaltzer surround sour,- Plug'n Play corrtoatrblYty - 33.6 data, 14 4 fax modem Media Pilot guide to phone and fax centres 2 way speaKerphate - Over 20 software titles included COMPA(Z u. , ;S7 GUARA�rFeD COMPUEEFffff Should you purchase at Compucontre and find _tfu identical Item adverUmd for teas at any of our tocat competitors, _ we wltl rehund the dWwenee.• HP DESKJET 6800 COLOUR INKJET PRINTER Black ano Co our printing Fq� EE Black 600 x 300 dpi - Colour 300 x 300 dpi Ji HP ColorSi-^art Technology Core/ �p�nthorwuse Resoloutior Enhancement co WIN 95 Truer ype scalable fonts - Colour 1.5 ppm - Black 5 ppm e After $10 martin rebate 3 8 988 ' - 512Kb Dolt -in RAM 32Kb receiver buffer EPSON >'j' 1 yr limned warrarty 8X CD-ROM DRIVE itrY. 7v-Iii-fCw 'pr '.1nr- � 9NPmail-in er^nronrrwnt Hrt� Dosk'Nrtw 5A ,M.ate B az ng 185r^s access :.me Data LEXMARK COLOUR �eE JETPRINTER 2050 !)workshop 600 x eZC Dpi � Cc cur 6 aac- - CD 5 ppm black, - 2 ppm 1ccicur, 5988 Colour and new Super Sharp Watemroof black ink ,artndges 1 year Express warrarry 3 y 3591%alsi�naperS'LF�tN"\Kh r>COate 5-f+•52 HP PAVILION PENTIUM 12OMHz -- MULTIMEDIA COMPUTER CANON BJC-4100 BUBBLEJET Monitor COLOUR INKJET PRINTER Extra icy Colour arG ;,+a 560G6„et u Blade '20 x 360 7p '.vitt' ;mroothtng Colour 720 x 360 dp 2 cartridge systems f 1 black. 1 in-coiourl «.. Bush -in auto -Sheet feeder -_X. Rages FREE anon CreativeCD-ROrv1 sotrware Factory - 2 to-' wr-door r warranty refurbished��,. - .yr e'1efR - Art� sza 4X CD-ROM dm a 899111ansa-ir rebate 29988256K secondlevel cache (expandable to 512K 28 8Kbps taxdata muciem 3-D Scin.1► Accelerated 64bit PCI local bus video- MPEG EPSON STYLUS 500 Telephone answering system and full -duplex speakerpnone - COLOUR INKJET PRINTER 1 yr to -home warranty - Over 30 software :Ties -, IBM THINKPAD 100MHz Colour Notebook Computer 586 processor - 8Mb RAM 540Mb hard drive 10.4" dual scan passive matrix screen 101 -key keyboard 2 type 11 or 1 type III PC card slot 1 year warranty 249988-After ! school teacher. MAXTOR 2.OGB HARD DRIVE .,5 church warden, Everything you need is included 14" DAYTEK MONITOR president of a Enhanced IDE interface - Ouick and easy - SVGA MATROX MYSTIQUE j installation - 2 yr manufacturers warranty 1024 x 768 non -interlace A Graphics Accelerator - EnergyStar compliant The Matrox Mystique graphics acceierat 37988or �has'oe Non -glare face offers a complete solution for 33.6 SPORTSTER MODEMS88 accelerating Windows. Video. 9 3D texture m and DOS. It From PCs to Portables to Macs... : • AtW $10 Sup arty Nith full voice capabilities including aseoes — ^ '^iebports up to 4Mb of SDRAMale r1)en)Ory at solutions Lip to $10 $100 digital simultaneous voice and data.3 _ PANASONIC PANASYNC E15 1280 x 1024 177010 After manufacturer's m -14488 27488 m 10,1215" MONITOR mad -in resale to 27mm dot pitch 1024 x 766 at 75KiAl•fz IOMEGA 100MB ZIP DRIVE Flat -square screen for greater Expand your hard drive will limit resolution -MariWndowsoornpetiloile Backup your hard drive ? 3yrs; Whited warranty parts and labour - Set up is quilt and easy 88 a With SCSI or8 parallel interface 229 Aflarinenufaetu s"988 matNn rebate �ao2oa2ot away Pill HTM® Serving Canadians since 1976 Now Celebrating Our 20th Anniversary Toronto Area In Newmarketsin Ottaym Ip Ow ep Sound • Yo*dale Centre • Branlalea City Ctr • UpperCataads Mat • Carii ftwood Mall • Heritage Place • Woodbine Centre • Torar" Eaton Ctr •Rideau Centre • Stuam one ► Maakvite Centre • Barfingtetn Mall • Place W10rdeons An Kipfzston • Pkbnft Town Cir ► The Promenade lin Oakvite • S14mate It Sbgl, Ctr • SatboraaO Town 0tr * Sberway Gardens . Oakvtt#e PlaceLandon In Hamilton • Ai®rk Y•lk, IFyirview Mat In Guelph ; • Masoavl�e Maim • Slow Rows Mat '• Elation Centre 7AE its .ep•MMd saewrwk of fwfoo Erd*MF ea Im. PILOT PALMTOP ELECTRONIC AGENDA/ORGANIZER This new electronic organizer offers a one -touch electronic agenda/organizer solution with a record capacity of well over 5000 records. Comes bundled with a docking cradle and desktop organizer software for Windows. Features new HotSync technology which allows you to simultaneously synchronize your Pilot and computer within a matter of seconds. 512K918 88 MODEL 37 A, all mai4in rebates .xd r.,ust b +.neon - J. ; t :-P,— mer q- 0 ter+ ler ,tie tv ur.x>,n-ts of floe blend arxl .a1AeH t1W are araA� . u• St 11--, AN I ix.f .r� r:,•r: e,"n )"., ape, 140- My onx,eutors ,.n,tea q—Mtn —1- w ria o, canon ,W— is - 720 x 'NJ 7C ase: Duality Clack .ex. Built-in floor- - 1:)C-, XloLr l ' Bus -m parailei and sena rterlaces allow II kid Speed �_ 7 simultaneous connector to both PC d Mac I 'D -ROM 2 year' mired warranty e After $10 martin rebate 3 8 988 ' EPSON >'j' 8X CD-ROM DRIVE B az ng 185r^s access :.me Data - transfer rates of up to 120OKB s- 128KB ouffer " ■ 8X Nav ga,cr software 5988 school teacher. MAXTOR 2.OGB HARD DRIVE .,5 church warden, Everything you need is included 14" DAYTEK MONITOR president of a Enhanced IDE interface - Ouick and easy - SVGA MATROX MYSTIQUE j installation - 2 yr manufacturers warranty 1024 x 768 non -interlace A Graphics Accelerator - EnergyStar compliant The Matrox Mystique graphics acceierat 37988or �has'oe Non -glare face offers a complete solution for 33.6 SPORTSTER MODEMS88 accelerating Windows. Video. 9 3D texture m and DOS. It From PCs to Portables to Macs... : • AtW $10 Sup arty Nith full voice capabilities including aseoes — ^ '^iebports up to 4Mb of SDRAMale r1)en)Ory at solutions Lip to $10 $100 digital simultaneous voice and data.3 _ PANASONIC PANASYNC E15 1280 x 1024 177010 After manufacturer's m -14488 27488 m 10,1215" MONITOR mad -in resale to 27mm dot pitch 1024 x 766 at 75KiAl•fz IOMEGA 100MB ZIP DRIVE Flat -square screen for greater Expand your hard drive will limit resolution -MariWndowsoornpetiloile Backup your hard drive ? 3yrs; Whited warranty parts and labour - Set up is quilt and easy 88 a With SCSI or8 parallel interface 229 Aflarinenufaetu s"988 matNn rebate �ao2oa2ot away Pill HTM® Serving Canadians since 1976 Now Celebrating Our 20th Anniversary Toronto Area In Newmarketsin Ottaym Ip Ow ep Sound • Yo*dale Centre • Branlalea City Ctr • UpperCataads Mat • Carii ftwood Mall • Heritage Place • Woodbine Centre • Torar" Eaton Ctr •Rideau Centre • Stuam one ► Maakvite Centre • Barfingtetn Mall • Place W10rdeons An Kipfzston • Pkbnft Town Cir ► The Promenade lin Oakvite • S14mate It Sbgl, Ctr • SatboraaO Town 0tr * Sberway Gardens . Oakvtt#e PlaceLandon In Hamilton • Ai®rk Y•lk, IFyirview Mat In Guelph ; • Masoavl�e Maim • Slow Rows Mat '• Elation Centre 7AE its .ep•MMd saewrwk of fwfoo Erd*MF ea Im. PILOT PALMTOP ELECTRONIC AGENDA/ORGANIZER This new electronic organizer offers a one -touch electronic agenda/organizer solution with a record capacity of well over 5000 records. Comes bundled with a docking cradle and desktop organizer software for Windows. Features new HotSync technology which allows you to simultaneously synchronize your Pilot and computer within a matter of seconds. 512K918 88 MODEL 37 A, all mai4in rebates .xd r.,ust b +.neon - J. ; t :-P,— mer q- 0 ter+ ler ,tie tv ur.x>,n-ts of floe blend arxl .a1AeH t1W are araA� . u• St 11--, AN I ix.f .r� r:,•r: e,"n )"., ape, 140- My onx,eutors ,.n,tea q—Mtn —1- w ria o, canon ,W— is PAGE K-THF:NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. NON'E'MRF:R 22. 1"6 Cramped Ajax, PickeringRC students need new schools 0 Cuts mean little relief in sight for several years BY CHRISTY CHASE STAFF REPORTER _ AJAX-PICKERING -- Catholic students in Ajax are in desperate need of two new schools but provincial freeze on capital spending: means they probable won't get them before the turn of the century. A new high school and elemen- tary school for Ajax are the top two priorities of the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board. says education director Grant Andrews. " «'e need a hi, -,h school in Ajax as quickly as possible:' he says. "In September. we had enough students to open a new high school" Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic high School in Ajax and St. Mary Catholic Sccondary School in PickcrinL, are both operating well past capacity now, he says. Denis O'Conner has 1.457 stu- dents now and is expected to have 1.000 next September while St. )`Mary bas more than 1.500 student. this year and should have 1.700 in 101)7. The normal operating capaci- ties are 925 for the Ajax schlxol and 1.100 for the Pickcrin,_ facility. -XVc'rc very o%crcrowdcd. " says Mr. Andrews. who notes there are 1-3 Ix)rtahles at the two schools. Slcanwhilc. :'Ajax needs a new elementary school in the north end of town to relieve overcrowding at St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School, built for about 5N) students and with 7.39 enrolled this vear. Mr. Andrews says. About 900 arc expected next September. But there's no hope of new schools for several years. Last March. the provincial _government announced a year's freeze on capital grants to school boards for new con- struction while alternative wavy to pa} for new buildings are reviewed. Even if that freeic is lifted in the spring. there's still a len,!thv approval and planning pro css to go throu�,h. fir. Andrews notes. And high schools take at least a year to construct. If e,crvthing went smcxxhh. and that's a big assumption. it would be September, 1999 before the high school would be ready. he says. The elementary school could be taking students by September, 1998 at the earliest if all went well. "But that is really pushing it;' Mr. Andrews says. Meanwhile, the number of stu- dents increases and so does the num- ber of portables on site. "And those are just two of our needs. We are one of the fastest growing boards in the province. We're growing by five per cent (or 1,000 students) each year. We're always overcrowded" The board's proposed capital expenditure forecast for 1998 to 2001 includes nine new schools and five additions, including two for yet - to -be -built schools already on a pre- vious needs list. Of those, six are in Whitby, four in Ajax and two in Pickering. The public school board is also in need of new schools, especially in west Durham. It's produced its own interim capital needs list which shows 31 new elementary schools, 14 additions and four new high schools, although the high schools aren't needed until after 2000. 5(X) portables at the board's schools, despite the freeze to press home the need Durham Board of Education chairman Both boards intend to submit their cap- for capital funding. Final lists will be Audrey Macl-can says there are more than ital expenditures forecasts to the Province approved at the end of this year. your ��l'-�-/f�i/1� savings store 3 Days Only., on almost all regulatipriced items stor+ewide including fashions, furniture, Factory Outlet & more N GST on r"ulariiiii mai jor applwwxxWh mums hone P, bics and small eleconics 'We will deduct an amount equivalent to either the GST and PST, or to the GST, as indicated. Excludes Panasonic GAoo TVs, Sunglass Mut, Royal Velvet towels. gold & fine pre-recorded tapes and Cts, fewellerY, watches from Gucci, Movado, Swiss Army, Citizen, Esquire, Giorgio, Rotary, rera Sector, Zodiac, Wtttnauer, CarBulova and Luger, watch straps. Gift Certificates. cosmetics and fragrances, Easy Spirit, all Calvin Klein and Jockey underwear and hosiery, clearance gooks, restaurants, concessions and Not vaild on sale or clearance offers, or with other tax savings offers. Details in store. services. Ends this Su---m--- IMLL vember 24th All Toronto area stores are now open Sundays from IOAM to 6PM 411011 atolls. )Ve want to be your � i(l /h 0Store. Visit our website at www.eatons.com 8:30-10:30 AM SATURDAY ONLY Save 245yo on all regular -priced men's, women's, and children's family fashions, outerwear, footwear and accessories Offer excludes all items advertised in any current Sears flyers, to Chateau, Joe Boxer, Calvin Klein, Jockey' and Jim underwear and women's body fashions, sleepwear and robes. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1996 -PAGE 9 IWO OAY Plus everyday good values his Saturday and Sunday _gyp -cat dcal,, 1111-011q110111 f/«, is/orc I � ltrrl %11/)0/- 6estsclectioll Leat the GSTWo * PLUS, USE YOUR SEARS CARD AND Don'tpay 't iI May 19971 ON ALL MAJOR APPLIANCES, FURNITURE-. SLEEP SETS, DECORATOR RUGS, VACUUMS AND SEWING MACHINES 'Sears will deduct an amount equ,volent to the GST from your total purchase price Offer includes all in stock merchandise in Sears Retail stores Offer does not apply to deferral fees delivery maintenance agreement or installation charges liquidation Mems in Clearance Cenlres and Catalogue purchases Offer ends Sunday Noy 24 1996 Tan t pay until May 1991 on approved credit with your Sears Card S35 deferral fee and all applicable taxes and charges are payable at time of purchase Offer ends Sunday Nov 24 1996 Liquidation items in Clearance Cent, es and Catalogue purchases are not included in this offer. Ask for details. "0/601 furniture Shop excludes baby and patio furniture 0/620 Sewing/Floor Care Shop excludes wet/dry vocuums T N I S I S S E A R S 1 0 D A Y while quantities lost. Selection may vary by store 14 - 11400 Copyright 1996. Sears Canada Inc PAGE 10.4HE NEW); ADVERTI3BR FRIDAY, N()vEMBER 21, 199 ♦ COMMUNITY You'd better watch out: Santa's in Ajax Saturday ❑ Annual Lions parade starts at noon AJAX -- Santa (Taus is still looking_ for company when he parades through Ajax Satur- day. Floats and hands can join the 31st Ajax Lions Club's Santa Claus parade at no charge by calling Dave Cawthorne at 428-7450. Parade marshalling starts at 11 a.m. on Mills Road. At noon. Santa and hisentourage travel cast along Station Street to Harwood Avenue, south on Harwood to Kings Crescent. turn into and proceed along_ the front of the Non-profit day care group needs volunteer directors DURHAM -- Schoolhousc Plav- care. a non-protit child care organi- sation, is looking for volunteers for its hoard of directors. People with hack, rounds in child care. tinancc. marketing and human resources are needed as board mcrn- hers. I)utic,� include attending monthly board and committee meetings and other work. .uch as research and reports as needed. for a minimum of enc: year. Applicants must he 18 � ears or older and have demonstrated leader- ship and team building skills. The positions are not open to School- house Playcare employees, their rcl- atiyes or relatives of current board members. Schoolhouse Playcare operates 14 centres in leased space in Durham Board of Education schools and is an independently -financed organiza- tion. Anyone interested should send a resume to Schoolhouse Playcare Centre, 400 Taunton Rd. E., RR 2, Whitby, Ont. LIN 5R5. Pickering church hosts bazaar Saturday PICKERING -- You can get a jump on this season's Christmas shopping this weekend at a fund-raising bazaar at Amber - lea Presbyterian Church. The Spirit of Christmas bazaar runs Saturday, Nov 23 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. It features crafts, baked goods, costume jewelry, a hot lunch and more. Admission to the event is free. Amberlea Presbyterian Church is located at 1820 Whites Rd. in Pickering. Call 839-8949 for more infor- mation. Ajax Plaza, back out on to Harwood by Phar- ma Plus Drugmart, south to the Harwo(A Place Mall and disperse by Wal-Mart. Letters for St. Nick will he collected along the route. Children's letters should be addressed to Santa Claus. North Pole, H011 0110. -Non-perishable food items will be collected and given to the Salvation Army for distribu- tion during its annual Christmas appeal cam- paign. After the parade. Santa and some of his elves will be in the Harwood Place Mall from 2 to 4 p.m. to meet some of his fans. Mall ten- ants will provide free hot chocolate to all parade participants. 'WESTERN RANCH` Manufacturers of Quality Handcrafted Western Boots aLL(� [/CTe-CLQ ;;ZLAHL %lie �%%la.ru�actce ,4,cd $ave Zfe %a $100 0.e: Western Boots Leather Belts Accessories 487 Westney Road South at Clements, Ajax 428-1787 _ Von. thea Sat 9-6 Tn. 9-8 CIAL BARG�'�NS aD.ERTrS+rraG rrLYERS IN TODAY'S News Advertiser FRI., NOV. 22,1996 News Advertiser :.anadian Tire Ajax, Pick 'Kid's Toc Pick. ' h Nut tjaz Pick ' Nincom Emily Tut A ax ?i& *.Nn- Homes Pick 'Pickering Aerials A00a ' Piandle Ajax .SM Ajax/Pick. 'Super Centre Pick. 'T he Bay Pick. Delivered to selected bas&16 oal Remember, all inseiUi inducting those on glossy paper, can be reevded Frith the rest otyour newspaper tbrough your Woe box Readng program. For information on delivering Your advediing Byers, call ALVIN BROUWER u�t �`Nd�� at 50. ` 683�S11U, �� i The Mikasa Don't miss it! Featuring selected discontinued and surplus lines of Mikasa dinnerware, crystal, giftware and flatware. Choose from hundreds of items -all at fantastic savings! • No dealers picase • (,i.h, Visa, %1,i�terC'ard, lnterac (Ni) cheques) • .ill Sale, 1:1T1,11 • \o refund, rr e\changcs c : 1 &=4 1 LOIN 1►."1= AL Warehouse Sale upSAVE 80% to Off Suggested Retail Prices Fri., Nov. 22 Sat., Nov. 23 Sun., Nov. 24 11 am -8:30 pm 10 am -4:00 pm 11 am -5:00 pm One location only 161 McPherson St., 'Markham, ON Just In Time for Christmas Do It Yourself and Save HARDWOOD FLOORING NAIL DOWN DEMONSTRATION Sponsored by BRUCE HARDWOOD FLOORING Demonstration by Andy Bound HARDWOOD FLOORING 99 SPECIALS i��` ■ sq. ft. SAT. NOV. 23rd 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. DEMO AJAX STORE ONLY •.—fit � t • = i V tu►nr sr 8 . . . . ..... .. . ....... . . ...................... , ...... 'A- N 7 x a+ MCG..r.on S+. Ma.. An EY+ N jt i One location only 161 McPherson St., 'Markham, ON Just In Time for Christmas Do It Yourself and Save HARDWOOD FLOORING NAIL DOWN DEMONSTRATION Sponsored by BRUCE HARDWOOD FLOORING Demonstration by Andy Bound HARDWOOD FLOORING 99 SPECIALS i��` ■ sq. ft. SAT. NOV. 23rd 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. DEMO AJAX STORE ONLY •.—fit � t • = i V tu►nr sr 8 . . . . ..... .. . ....... . . ...................... , ...... 'A- Culinary delights at food show 0 Put your senses to work at upcoming Pickering event PICKERING -- Exotic coffee, candies, chocolates, sausages, Caribbean specialties and seafood are among the items you can sample at an upcoming food show. Over 100 exhibitors will sell, sam- ple and promote their products at the First Metro Fast Food Show & Mar- ketplace. 'there'll be demonstrations by a celebrity guest chef, as well as herbal and vegetarian cookbook authors. The show will he held Friday, Dec. 6 from noon to 9 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 7 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 8 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. It's at the Metro East Trade Cen- tre, Brock Road and Pickering Park- way. Admission is S5 for adults and $4 for seniors and students. There's no chan-,e for children 12 and under. For more information call Brian MacLean at 905-274-0888. $42 .22 FOR AS LOW AS Mo.** Travel Now No Money Down . Low Monthly Payments! VVIERTO PLAYA $897 - Flamenco Beach Resort - All -Inclusive Mon. Dec. 2, 7 Nights Exclusive one of a kind quality and value on a great beach! Save $104 per couple. WAN471 A14ILL0 $997 Hotel Sierra - All-inclusive Fri. Dec. 6, 7 Nights A lovely beachfront resort on a secluded bay. Save $ 144 per couple a Save $100 per couple on any Sunquest holiday package or cniise booked at brocilu" rate. AJAX TRAVEL and CRUISE CENTRE 683-4800 *Add D.R. dcparturc tax of $10 U5 paid h,cally. Pnctix are per permm, double occupancy. from Toronto I ranya,rtanon t.,xc% arc extra. Flight via Skyurvice Duta,h are subject lu avadabo hty and change without mAtee. &mut offer expires March 11. 19Y7 and not applicable with any other reduced rales tw pronation. Soma restnctnm% may apply. Sec Sunquc.t'% bnrhurc for terms and conditions. Sunque sit hctnxe M)4028111b. ^Fimmo:mg provided by 717 Hank'% Grecnlogbl Frnancul Scrvtwc Prtc'cs arc per pcno n. baud un equal monthly inualmcni% amortitcd over '-J month,. no money down, 12 and 31, month arm,rt,tatumx also awdahlc. Subject to credit approval. Minimum loan amount S5UI11N1. R41c wblect to change IV7M hcenxed trademarks of UNIGt.011E.Travel fInternational).Inc. INDEPENDENTLY OWNED mcan+heucr_j"t lservice. TifF. TgrWS AnVF.R'I7tiER FitIhAY,'NOVt:MBF.R 22; 1996 -Pa(:!!' ll Ail Payments Quoted Are loves "Based on 30 month lease with 52,300 downpayment or equivalent trade plus height 6 all applicable taxes. 'Based on 48 month lease with SUM downpayment or cash or equivalent trade plus all applicable taxes. PACE 12 -THF, NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOWMBE R 22.19% Durham studentsut math skills to the p test Q Up to 150 students challenged in upcoming competition DURHAM -- You're invited to see area stu- dents put their math. science and technology skills to the test. The Durham Industry Education Council for the Advancement of Science and Technology (DIECAST) is hosting Techno-challenge '96. Its being held Wednesday, Dec. 4 from 9 a.m. to.3 p.m. at Anderson Collegiate and Vocational Institute, 400 Anderson St., Whitby. Business and education partners will chal- lenge 150 Grades 7 and 8 students from public and separate schools to solve problems and build supportive structures. The event will focus on teamwork, problem solving and the use of recycled materials. For more information, call Audrey Cartile at the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board at 576-6150 or 686-1541 or James Garland at R.V. Anderson Associates Ltd. at 416-497-8600. Sellers Market! Real Estate is Red Hot! The Real Estate Market has made a sudden, yet dramatic shift. After I -ears and years of a Bu.vers market, we are presently experiencing a Sellers market. There is only 2.8.5 months supply of homes on the Toronto Real Estate Board based on current sale and active listings. There is a definite shortage of nice homes for agents to brink their clients to see. Nom is the time to sell. If %ou had been thinking about moping. do not wait. This hot market mal not last. Interest rates are at 30 %ear Imis.'Take ad%antage of this opportunity. ('all Ste%e Fearon" RE. NI 1N (Quality One Ltd (683-2992) for a Free copy of The 9 Alost 1)ead1y Allstakes )'uu ('an .hake ll"hen Selling )*our Hunte. Also ask for a free cope of Ajax/Pickering Real Estate Trend and (,,et the full storN. Tire + Automotive Centre HOT WINTER SPECIALS ------------------------------ HOT WINTER BRRKE SPECIAL I REAR DRUM BRAKES FRONT DISC BRAKES r) $7!)95 95 rr i IP t` I Includes: Semi-metallic pads, machine rotors (if required), clean and repack I I bearings (if required). Parts and labour extra. Most cars and light trucks. I L&"er sn ,•'_� a c_ yyCi. r Ji_: v600 V_c-any_�`riFr re?Late_�r coupons _J r -----------------------------------i MRINTENRNCE I l ,HOT WINTER TUNE—UP 4 CYL. 6 CYL. 8 CYL.f D $6495$7495 95 I I 1 Install spark plugs, factory adjustments available. Inspect distributor cap, rotor, I I wires, and battery. I L_er mores December 15_1996 _got valid with � other rebates or c ouoom 1 - P155/80R13' It ONLY $39" 15SM13' ONLY $42M EACH EACH Don'r► pay forgo days (O.A.C) 'More sizes mailable It's wrapping up.' 5= 10 Year EXI@rKiBd V�ar Other BEAM Systems from ' $449 BEAM'S 20th Anniversary Bash is winding down. Its been a slice -- but it's time to get ready for Christmas! Our special offer of a FREE` Accessory with selected system purchase and a BONUS 10 Year Extended Warranty' is almost over. Hurry in - sale ends November 30! Offers apply with the purchase of selected popular models only. E M CANADA'S FAVOURITE BUILT-IN VACUUM SYSTEM- . �j�i ++. 1271 Kingston Rd.""--� 831-2326 n M Roam of Canada Inc 11,% We're online at www.durhalmnews.net TON'N OF AJAX COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS The Council of the Corlx)ration of the Town of .-kjax will be considering dpNintments to the following committees: Committee Board Term AIax U*aterfront ?sear IS fxlsitiom) Race Relations 1-3 year (15 1x)sitions) Information re2ardin_, the above - noted Committee, can be ohtamed by calling the Clerk's Department at 6n3-45SO during normal business hours. If you wish to be considered for appointment to the aboNe. application forms for appointments are available from the Clerk's Department, :Municipal Office, application forms must be received by the Clerk by 4:30 p.m. on or before November 30,1996. 1 M. de Rond Town Clerk ON -STREET PARKING PROHIBITED Effective November 1 st to March 31 overnight on -street parking will be strictly enforced. On -street parking on all municipal streets between the hours of 3 a.m. and 6 am. is not permitted. The fine for doing so is $30.00. For more information please call 683-4550 ext. 344 during regular office hours. M. de Rond Town Clerk 1410_f --- - - 427-8811 P.A. Day Getaway *#. - 6-12 years Friday, November 22 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Pre -registration required Early Moming $ 4.00lchild Program r - , $15.00/Child After Hours $ 4.OQlchild M.A.P. Reminder... On January 1st, the Town of Ajax implements/enforces a Municipal Alcohol Policy, which concerns all residents/groups renting a municipal facility and serving alcohol. Pick up a copy of the policy at Ajax or McLean C.C. I 00�O -+10 -01-1UT .-K, y ALIL 0 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1996 -PAGE 13 CUSTOMERS UR , (ANNIVERSARY ELEBRATIONS �. 6'1Ail CHRISTMAS TREE ItoCENTRE Door Crasher T r oH�r19,gg ALE PRICES IN EFFECT MON., NOV. 25 - SUN., DEC, 1 VV 0 Im:, ��- �_ of 20 ..., 6X `(� 8" Plushy Energizer =��� ��= Bunnies SAV E 111\r' Draw Up To Moo Off every hour fnergizer Tues. Nov. 26BatteriesI Coupon in store W/ =a 1 jk\ ft& of a r; 76L STORAGE TOTE r customer �Limlt 4 p� �MEN'SPREVIOUSLY �JVC 120XR �MRGE''t '�'GLYCERIN FLANNEL SHIRTS VIEWED MOVIES VIDEOTAPE PANTRY SOAP Reg. 8.97 Reg. 3.99 97 Reg. 99.99 97 assorted 50 bmit 4 r colours and pe , I iter 12 595/8 "X 11 5/4 "59W scents 7 Custom67 M&MIS C HILDREN'S KID --..:. ANIMAL MINIS !49 .SCARF 00 1 lReg. 19.99 13 39N 2 for -j . t ,Limit 10 p2r customer 0 Ze#Ws would like to extend a special thanks S*' i to the. following suppliers: k- • t Ro H( A ANOWL Sat, 811 he Low rice CL B �; 's t h 6 an le while quan'titie-i0i4s;V1 i FMCh" C ff X REE F &E solo dW 2" 1 SE AE IN eai� . In 0 110 C= FRO sw --n! Cbeftbft FRMAV i -Store Specials Thurs. 9:30 a.me,1��Q� ,�, 9 ma A; Dal Sun, 11:00 aX A . - in, WOOD AVE. AND HWY.2 M Jj L�Tm I'a(:F 14 -THF: NEIVS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVENIBER 22,19% Durham diabetes centre hurt by bingo fees BY BRIAN LEGREE Council also agreed that should bingos could generate an additional $174,000 in lost by a single vote. DURHAM STAFF lose money they'll only have to pay the tra- revenue for the municipality annually. "It's a direct hit on the charities of DURHAM -- A diabetes centre which ditional S62 fee. Although council heard from a variety Oshawa," said Mark Sheriff, president of helps 200 kids throughout Durham Region The changes are to be reviewed after a of charitable organizations which raise the Red Barn Charities Association, which will have to find new sources of revenue six-month trial period. funds through bingos and bingo hall oiler- represents 22 of the 81 charities which because of increased licence fees for char- A City report says increasing bingo fees ators, the decision to reconsider the issue operate bingos in Oshawa. ity bingos in Oshawa. • M a r l e n e ..Vic Grass, nursing :.... director of the " � Ti , /" • • � Charles H. Best ; / - ♦� �, . ; E. Diabetes Centre. 901 tiimcoe St. •-s — - - , yam' � N. in Oshawa, \ aia� • �.�. �Y+,r`'; says the facility goo° r"anana• _ ��,' �� raises about - A s' '• ' - S60.000 annual- - '�► SPECIAL OFFER ly throu` li a - = • ' bingo it operates �`�. '�' • ' ' WITH ANY SET at the Jubilee Pavilion. The �i 1 t hike in licensing 5 FREv fees will cost the + . t I C T S charity 1.a r $2.00(1 about G ` ' ! '►� 'NO 6ST'NO PST dwindling bingo � t � � ,rr_ FREE MATTRESS PROTECTOR attendance couldFREE PILLOWS compound that i problem, says w' , ,iz ,� 'FREE DISPOSAL �� Not Applicable With Financing �"`� Grass._ORTHO RACTIC f After City council voted -- -1 2 • '' z agYearainst reconsid- ening its decision � 1` to increase - Wty RkNAOW CHRISTINA JULIA NATALIE licensing fees at Was 1.1455 Was `241 XM7^ Was `36'9 � Was'3P9 its meeting Mon- 1 1 day. Nis. Grass stud the diabetes j + ! x 1' ' �J� r centre "will have k to work harder to 21 raise moneyl Any Size Any Size Any Size Any Sire through alterna- _ .. SETS S379-7.19 S $ S $ Live avenues. It 99 99 gg 99 will be pretty I' stressful withORTHOPEDI Wit pure ase of attres se imit u ntit this loss of rev- enue." _ ��`�°r" ," -;. TUBULAR BUNK TWIN OVER DOUBLE BUNK FUTON BUNK The centre 25 Was _ _ was "M Was W9 provides ongo--� Year ince support. g ; dietary and insulin educa- - til' �.'1-�" , �i1�Ila Lion for children and youth with - Sleeps 3 Sleeps 3 diabetes. c 1 City council - 219 X239 $349 agreed to rETS S39T769'�., • increase lottery DAYBED DAYBED ADJUSTABLE BED licensingfees to . V , ORTHOGUARD was .t>s9 was 9 the maximum � , -.. _ � Was t1w_ 20 Year Warranty allowable by the '��osr �' ; ++J On Mattress! Ministry of Con- sumer and Com- , ► ► ,r .,� 1 • '1+ Y mercial Rela- ' •' 30 ' • tions at a meet- Year ) ` ing Nov. 4, but '; Wty J Ward 1 Regional ` it _ MME "'"" S 99 JUST ABED. Councillor Brian C ^" _. 209 Nicholson 1' pushed council to re-examine the issue. r t S Under new provincial regu- lations, the City • - to • is allowed to • • increase lottery • TAUNTON , licence fees to BAYLY 0 three per cent of CLE NITS the total prize COY ,d•'��a W value -- usually . Y � g • • • • • about $105 for _ bingos. Bingos �''` ` N have been pay- • ' o N V� AVAIUBIF CHEQUES � . E ing two per cent 1 ..,,•. +� •� rL of the total prize value for • 0.0 tt1,•s • • • licences -- about . - • • • $62 -- for the past 20 years. • • • - • L— DQE ,it I Ir' rr 5 THF NEWS ADVF.R,risF.R FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 22. 1996 -PAGE 15 ASHA Y OUN ID ftwftnft� CASING COLONIAL BASE Lag _ ■ w CROWN COLONIAL BASE STOP MAHOGANY PLAfN BASE 7/lg x 3.1/4 CASING STEP BASE 1o3076 Fr. CCq R E URLAP BASEBOARDS CROWN CINE LE r 3/4x3-118 13402128 CHAIR RAIL BASEBOARDS =TIf e �9 AJAX 15 Westney Rd. N. Hwy. 2 & Westney Rd. Personal Shoeing Only While Ouanfities Last (No Rainchecks) C PRICE MATCH • 1 1 -� we will match any competitor's I lower price that can be verified on any in -stock identical Item... That means Their Ad is our Ad!! �jp 1 .6 •� 4vMr,C " PRICE MATCH • 1 1 -� we will match any competitor's I lower price that can be verified on any in -stock identical Item... That means Their Ad is our Ad!! Vj - I -- - - - A-- _.•� SSE ABOUT OUR I Enter Our NAME 6 MONTHS I Draw for a ADDRESS CASH/FREE Ioo CITY POSTAL CODE NO PAYMENT I PHONE I Gift DROP IN OUR BALLOT I NO INTEREST I CertificateBOX IN STORE *OAC - min. $5W net purchase ` — — — — — — — NO PURCHASE NECESSARY IN-STORE ACCOUNT AVAILABLE MI 4_27-993_1 OR kwOR PROD" PURCHASES Cashway reserves the right to limit quantities to the amount reasonable CASHWAY � as?� g°° �t� LOOK FOR for yrs and our regular contractor customers. It is our Policy �i1�llal ® us IN THE to run truthful. accurate advertising. In the event of any error, we will C Canadian Serving You thrmanaged ho VISA U , YELLOW make �y reasonable effort to accommodate our customers. Details Canadians. Serving you fhralghout Ontario. �+*�� PAGES on any product warranties are available at the store. •� 4vMr,C " Vj - I -- - - - A-- _.•� SSE ABOUT OUR I Enter Our NAME 6 MONTHS I Draw for a ADDRESS CASH/FREE Ioo CITY POSTAL CODE NO PAYMENT I PHONE I Gift DROP IN OUR BALLOT I NO INTEREST I CertificateBOX IN STORE *OAC - min. $5W net purchase ` — — — — — — — NO PURCHASE NECESSARY IN-STORE ACCOUNT AVAILABLE MI 4_27-993_1 OR kwOR PROD" PURCHASES Cashway reserves the right to limit quantities to the amount reasonable CASHWAY � as?� g°° �t� LOOK FOR for yrs and our regular contractor customers. It is our Policy �i1�llal ® us IN THE to run truthful. accurate advertising. In the event of any error, we will C Canadian Serving You thrmanaged ho VISA U , YELLOW make �y reasonable effort to accommodate our customers. Details Canadians. Serving you fhralghout Ontario. �+*�� PAGES on any product warranties are available at the store. PAGE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, W)VF.MBFA 22,19% PYREX vsm. cookware Dinnerware by Corning N"IS:X' Nl1 Lstercard Debit Car& :accepted North Fork -1150 Sheppard W. (416) 633-5636 Pickering - Home & Leisure Centre (905) 428-9530 S ® • ti'I'C)K1i llOI'K.S -Mon - Wed_ 10am - 6pm Thurs - Fri 10arn - 8pm 1 Saturday 1 Oam - 6pm :Sunday 1 2p - 5pm ----------------- COMPLETE CENTRALVACUUM SYSTEMS 40�k FROM $49 • Self Cleaning Canister • 30 Ft. Hose • On/Off Switch • Tool Caddy • 4 Attachments • Do -It -Yourself 3 Inlet Kit AJAX 29 HARWOOD AVE, S. Vacuums For .Gess (Batwaan Hwy. 2 and 401) 428-1659 MOBILE s `2� VACUU 1 New Location - Unionville, 940-6538 = t" PICKERING 375 KINGSTON RD. fOn Hwy. 2 at Rougemount) 509-3622 KIM M, x \4411, • — • AW '• � �IVIFIY PAY MORE? BUY DIRECT AND SAVE WE MAKE ANY SIZE MATTRESS ( t 0 FOUNDATION v fITTAT TIMI VAT 1TV? COMFORT! I nA I 'a wr7A I rAV T VFKT MATTFiE55 DREAM DIMENSIONS Double Set ` Pocket Coil Damask Cover $9z 00 Pillow Top 660 Coil ■ CONTINENTAL CHOICE Queen Set 7. Quilted Damask Cover $= O n 00 F z z J z Pillow Top 336 Coil V V r ■ SLEEP MAKER 3 Pc. King Set i Quilted Cover Edqe Guards Icd n 00 1 :KiE1Y1:f: 1• N e�wtE y s Flexnet & Flexolalor 336 Coil V ■ CHIRO SUPPORT Doub1eSet $ s Quilted Cover 379■00 312 Coil a MAGIC SLEEPERSingle Set Quilted Poly Cover $ 00 2390 s Edge Guards 312 Coil s a Single Mattress Double Mattress DELUXE $ 00 $ 00 ECONOMY $g, 11 9. o FOAM MATTRESSES, ROLL -A -WAY COTS AND SOFA BEDS AVAILABLE :KiE1Y1:f: 1• N e�wtE y s THE NEWS ADVPRTISER FRIDAY, NI 0VF,MIIFk 22, I"f,-PV;*: 17 Durham pitches for lights, camera andaction... on... 0 Region compiles handbook to lure film industry DURHAM -- The Region is putting out a casting call to the movie industry to bring lights, camera, action to Hollywood North- east. Durham's economic development department and six municipalities in the region are compiling a handbook of busi- nesses which can serve the film, television, commercial and music video indus- try. Filming in Durham ]landbook will be a one-stop guide to services avail- able within the region. Durham busi- ness development manager Norm Leigh says. Once the handbook's complete. it will be distributed to location man- agers, production companies and the Ontario film Development Corpora- tion in an effort to encouratze film companies to shoot in Durham and use local services while they're here. Mr. Lcigh says. "Che film industry pumped about 5500 million into the Ontario econo- my last year, most of it in the GTA, he notes. The Region hasn't broken down how much was spent in Durham. but Mr. Lcigh notes that Parkwood Fstates in Oshawa made S 1(x).(X)o in location fees in 1995 and one film crew spent S150,000 here during 12 days of filming in Scugog. "The beauty is there's no infra- structure costs. There's no sewers or roads or water rnain� that h:o,c to he built. They lust cone anal u." NIr Leigh says. Last year, 25 productions were shot in the region, including films Mrs. Winter- bourne, Long Kiss Goodnight, and TV shows Wind At My Back and Road to Avonlea. Among businesses to be included in the handbook are hotels/motels, lumber yards, electrical suppliers, sound studios, video production firms and facilities, editing companies, caterers, fast food outlets, a11- ni,ht pharmacies, vehicle rental agencies, crane and Mxim rental firms, equipment rental hw incsses, security services, hard- ware stores, costume rental outlets and portable washroom suppliers. "Before asking to he included in the handbook, business owners must ask them- selves if they're willing to respond, for instance, to a call at 2 a.m. in the middle of the winter for service on a dark country road," Mr. Leigh says. As well, anyone with a unique home, building or property which they would be willing to make available for filming can % S&Te 7aA'u 5" Sat. Nov. 30 10:00 till 4:00 ZUe Nab tk 7aze:, ?u Slue 15% Free Alterations }'()irr Wardrobe is Worth the be included in the handbook. There's no charge to be listed in the handbook, which will he updated on a reg- ular basis. Companies and individuals wanting to be listed in the handhook should call the Region's economic development depart- ment at 723-0023 or 1-800-706-9857. Uxbridge and Brock Townships decided not to join the committee compiling the handbook. OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun. 1-4 p.m., 1644 Heathside Cres., Pickering C ,aiiy aes gn, Gw t come on a iam;v tnena y street. AsK r - 5204.900. Ask us about our trade-in piar. We'll build your customized dream home on one of our other lots or on your lot. Bring you plans & ideas for a quote. Call Chris Karkas at 839-5588 444M 1*4 Its 1•5■ 't From left to right: Derek Dutka, Hazen Henderson Planvest Securities, 187 King Street Fast, Suite 2 Oshawa ON L 1 H 1 C2 Tel (905) 579-7777, Fax (905) 597-9418 9 ... are pleased to announce the addition of this new dynamic team to Plaitvest Operating directly from their Oshawa, Ontario Branch, 187 King Street East, Oshawa ON L1H 1C2, these individuals have been providing financial expertise to Durham residents for over a decade. For a complimentary financial planning consultation, please call (905) 579-7777 or fax (905) 579-9418 The Planvest Group of Companies provides financial and insurance services to individual, institutional and corporate clients on an international level. With roots dating back to 1907 and over $2 billion in assets under administration, Planvest can provide their clientele with outstanding investment plannig se: -vices. * C. Af Oliver & C'onnpanv Ltd. incorporated in 190'. Planvest Pacific Financial Corporation (carrying on business in Ontario as Planvest Securities) has ruots dating back to 1982. .1 [[ ..�..' na_ ww�r �1► n Qe n A �r is ie �iai cgs r OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun. 1-4 p.m., 1644 Heathside Cres., Pickering C ,aiiy aes gn, Gw t come on a iam;v tnena y street. AsK r - 5204.900. Ask us about our trade-in piar. We'll build your customized dream home on one of our other lots or on your lot. Bring you plans & ideas for a quote. Call Chris Karkas at 839-5588 444M 1*4 Its 1•5■ 't From left to right: Derek Dutka, Hazen Henderson Planvest Securities, 187 King Street Fast, Suite 2 Oshawa ON L 1 H 1 C2 Tel (905) 579-7777, Fax (905) 597-9418 9 ... are pleased to announce the addition of this new dynamic team to Plaitvest Operating directly from their Oshawa, Ontario Branch, 187 King Street East, Oshawa ON L1H 1C2, these individuals have been providing financial expertise to Durham residents for over a decade. For a complimentary financial planning consultation, please call (905) 579-7777 or fax (905) 579-9418 The Planvest Group of Companies provides financial and insurance services to individual, institutional and corporate clients on an international level. With roots dating back to 1907 and over $2 billion in assets under administration, Planvest can provide their clientele with outstanding investment plannig se: -vices. * C. Af Oliver & C'onnpanv Ltd. incorporated in 190'. Planvest Pacific Financial Corporation (carrying on business in Ontario as Planvest Securities) has ruots dating back to 1982. ?d PACE I8-THk, NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDkY, NOVEMBER 22, 19516 ntertalnment Nov. 22, 1996 Baekbeat Happenings i' Theatre Durham about to close cottage On Golden Pond AJAX-I"ICKERING -- If you've shopped till vou'rc about to drop. there are several area Clubs ,A here \ ou can stop. Clubs that want to he listed in this feature should call Andrea at 653-51 , I 10. Alumni Sports Bar: 125 NVestney Rd. S. A,iax, 619-0918. Monday two-for-one appetizers. NI:I_. Tuesday jackpot karaoke. Wednesday Loonle Night. Thursday 10 -cent v\ Ings. Friday: DJ and dancing. Saturda,,: Hocke\. �%in prizes. Nov. 23: Demented. Nov 30: Northern Storm. No cover. Book \our private ChristinzLs pari, ' �r. Chameleon Cafe: 110 Dowty Rd.. Aiav 683- I-I\C jXVLn readings. spoken word. Pool table,,, piano. N)nLos and guitar rcad\ for \01.ir use, Saturchi\: trip hop electronic. Celebrih's: I*;-` Baxlx St.. A ax. 420-(X)63. Monda\: dart icaoue. Tuesda": \tino night and karaokc fealurin,-, 'I'lic 1-1-niertai tiers. NVednesda\: karaokc. 'Iliursda\ -Saturday li\c entcriairitilcrit. Court%ard Pub: 109 Old Kingston Rd.. 683 93,53. The Earthquake: 520 \Vcstney Rd. S_ _lax. lml­lja\. All aLes. SJUirdav dress c0dc. licensed lounyc. Pros and -,k) ego dancers. Me For Gov, Free Pub: 339 Kingston Rd., PI,:kcrIII_g- 5,09-(464 Corill0ilable. o)/N British rouritr\ pub, no TV quiet lIiuNi-.:. -,real coniparl'., nc,.% fireplace. The U*o\ & Vlo,,%crpot Pub: ii\,%\. _2 & Randall SLinJa\ NIT toothall. i(Oi %Vc,,Inc, Rd. S , Ajax, 427-4(-ml(l lo Dj. prizes. SLITldi\ AVedtlel­ day 10 %k ings 53.99. E:\rn J.I,,: Appcteascr,, all Jay. Kern Inn: 967 \Vcslnc\ Rd. S . Ajax. S -90 I -r -c entertainment 1:rida\ and S.IlLird,1V C.111 for line-up. Mix it I*p: 171"; Bayle tit_ Pickering, rid.r.-Sundav karaokc. Countr\ nights. cOrllcd\. nights. Entertainment ,e,.cn days a \veck. ou nt 1'%vrt--%t Restaurant & Bar: nc\ Rd. S , Ajax, Monda\-\Vcdnc.-,da%: 25-:C111. T%ko-lor-onc specials. I-rce \cggle samosa \A,I th dinner entree. l.x,-,c screen 11'. pool table. Mudhen's: 12 1 1 Kin, -!stun Rd.. i)i,:kerini!. 539-55-O. 39-55-(). Sunda,, A, Monday to,otball. Tuc.,,da\: 19 -cent wings. M.'edricsday Canadian Rocks 00s. '70s. 'S(),, music. 1-nday ladies night. Free rxx)l Monda\ to I-rida,. I I a.in. to 0 P.111. Power of Q Billiards: 1225 Bayly St. NV. Pick- ering. . S39-2225. Tucsday ladies' night ivollicli play frec). Sunda\:Toonie da,,. $2 pool lVr hour per person. Daily lunch specials I to p.m. Rack 'Em lip: 20-250 13a\IN St., Ajax, 019-9581. klonda\: Canadian Tire Money Night. Tuesdav: 20 -cent winis. NVednesdav: tree "In,_,s. 71"IlUrsday: Couples' Night. \voinen free. I`nday and SatUrda\': Live entertainment. SLIFIdJ\: half-price Pool. The Ranch: 'S9 Commercial A\c., Ala\, 619-213,S. Iucsda\: 15 fent %king-s. \VCdIICsdZI\: karaokc. 52.(XX),Iackpot. I.uncliand dinner special,,. Banquetfacilities a\allah1c. Glasgo,.\ Rangers soc- ccr. call for game unics. All request 'Iliursda\ \% ith DJ. Nov. 23: Tint lie,,% ic. Rix Place: 1410 Bi\l\ St LTIjIt 2. Pickering. 837-1 , ',58. All -day breakfast. roti. steak and pasta. Saturda\ and Sunda,,: Caiihfvan brunch. The Ro\al Scot: 4-1 Hunt S( Alax. 083 4)65 SLInda\.jaiil T11LIll \\Illl I:LIII to [:Ill. Monda\: NFI.. TLIC1,dJ\: laser karaokc. \Vednesda\: I)kx)] tourna- ment. DJ dike. llursda\: DJ \like rock alternallW n1u,fit. Frida\: retro 'S(k or li\c hand. Nov Sionclia\cn. No _ 23: 'I'vo Timers. No,,. 21): DJ Stephan plays dance. Nm.. 30: Si,ict Kaos. Second Stf)rc% Bar: Ilar-%%okki & 1M. A -III\. 683-21)-:(). Sze -ed Illun,nirian Restaurant: ',f),S Ba\l\ St, \V D.iri,:ing ni-litl\ to ll,,c GNPN'. Illusic, Tudor.Arnns Pub: IL's" \Vliilcs Rd.. I'i,:kcnn,_,, \\,:dncsJa\ and SLITId,11,: 20-k:Crit \%111_S. S.tiurda,,: euchre 2 p.m. SLI[IJ,I\: 110W ICa1_1UC darts p. IT I Tudor Rt^e: -(X) S . Ala\. 422- 1515 2S - S'15 QUIet and :XU1II- \VCdIIC,da% , Ck.h.-Ilk:. S.OLII - da\: karaokc Me Trvchousc: 172 Hunt Si . \jav 019-1299, Tucsd,,\: () :crit \%liw's. \Vedricsda\: k.iraokc- \\incht.­stcr :Arms: 14(X) Ba\k St., L'nit 3, Pickering. 817-2360. AnnI%cr,,ar\ week. specials all \,%cck long.Not. 22: MardiGras night. No\ 23: niurdcrniNstcr-\. No\ 24: 50 -per cent off specials. NVEST [11ILLISCARBORot (JI (;atv6ick & Giles Nil): Rd., ScarhorougIl. Bcst of British tare. Weekend entertainment. N,)\. 23: karaokc. No\ 24: trom - 1-6. Trackside Dixicland Ja// Band. Dc,:. 7-: Royal Blot)d Coined\ Troupe. Letus entertain you! We offer: pasta, Caribbean Brunch Speck-, roti & 10:00 a.m. Sat. & Sun. J 7 OFFICIAL N -N, Steak OPENING , Triri i J'i,l Ct, Ice and many NOV 23RD, 12:15 p.m. other Rihtx)n cutting ('crcmony mouth with Otv Officia'Is. We offer: pasta, Caribbean Brunch Speck-, roti & 10:00 a.m. Sat. & Sun. CLIM', Sunday Nov. 24, 3-6 N -N, Steak I Prime rib Triri i J'i,l Ct, Ice and many Breakfast Special other mouth bacon, 2 eggs, toast 18-11 watering all week .9 dishes Special FREE for kids under 8 1410 Bayly St. Unit -v2 Picl�cring 837-1358 Farnih, Restaurant Next to the (10 Station DAILY MATINEES. TUES. EVENINGS fwd 1095 KINGSTON RD.. PICK ACROSS FROM DAIRY QUEEN 1:35,4:00, 7:10, 9:30 DTS VAM VOW! ASUMV �Jl -:0 J� ,9:35 DTS LFJ ROMEO dUILIIIET 9.95 DTS MPG IRROR HAS 2 FACES 7:00. 9:25 ca HIGNtli �H_L_H_IlQH 1:40,4:05,7:10,9:35 PG FIRST WIVES CLUB GHOST AND THE DARKNESS-- ILL4A 7:05 MPG THINNER 4:00, 9:3AA5 MIGHTY DUCKS 3 1:30 4:00 7-05. PG1 MICHAEL COLLINS 1:30.3:55.7:00.9:25 I'lCKI:RIN(; -- 111ls weekend's your last chance to take in 'llicati-c 1XII'llaill's production of the a%kard-\\irinlng Oil Goldcri I'ond at the Pillage Retirement Centre in llickenw-,. The last Iwo pel-1,01-Ilialiccs of the Ilulit/.er Ilo\CI h\ 1:1-licst Illompson and 111 ACadcin\ A\kard-k%lii- 11IM-T IIIM IC arc toril."Ilt. VrIday, N(i\. 22 and SIt(II_da\. No\. 23. Curtain little is 8 P.111, I-R)t1l Despite _,00d rc%Ic\Ns for On 601(101 fond, ticket SaICS 11a\e I-)CCII Sllj,,LiSll throughout the three-%%cckcnd rLIII of IIIC 111,1\. SI\" Theall-C I )LII-11alil'S John F001C. The plat. directed h\ Thc- 01V ,ItI . C I)Lll-lllllll 110%- 0 comer 1:\ kc. Is a Incl - good lo\e sl()r\, lurl't )LIIId I n i -T Ft I ic I I'll, Banquet owl.111 and NFacilities 111. 1,, c r Jr , Ind from 1, (hell -L] I I 1111crs it 50-150 the 1;111111\ people FlI'_'I,IIId Oil Golden fond C\;Illllllc, rvi'llwil- ship". as ',%Cll v, rc"ol III Ion bclk%ccn the diar- af4:rs. Tuesday is wing night U ot T 0 I I I "T, I - '. . 11� It. -.1 1 1 Gary Kill,-, plays Ille lead role of . Nor- man or - man \,,-title Anna Janssen portrays his wile I'diel. Chelsea Is played by Jean Perrier. while Chadic. the mailman who k\,Is one of Clickca's past stillilliclililic "\'k colicarts. Is by Doll N0,111T). Nl0lacl Coll\cr\ is fill] Rav, Chelsea's lILI',f%ITld (0 -IV. k\llllc 13111,, Ra%. Rae's Sol] h\ his first lllarrla�c. is played by Chris Park. Tickets are 12 for adult,, and S9 1")T- ',tLRICIIIS and seniors. 'llic %'111a,,c Retirement Ccntic is at 1955 VallcN Farin Rd. For filorc infortli'l(lon. Call 'llicati-c D1.11-Ilain', ho\ offiec at 4-17-5150, S14ING So rvooi Rd. South P. L\' .5S US you're In th Icicepi •0 yo 00 e t "It ej, I, OPEN N HOUSE TOURS DAILY 10 a.m.-Noon 4 p.m. -6 p.m, 81STRO BAR - so sto 4 61LO 4O-2 reservations for the Check U, I The Finest Ingredients IIV Conditioned Wt,, Superior S11111fion Clean Environment Quality Wine At 113 the Price Expert Assistance and Service 905 831-32 What's Coming Up Saturday Nov. 23, Karaoke. Sunday Nov. 24, 3-6 TRACKSIDE Dixieland Jazz Band December 7, SATJRDAY S 00 Check U, I The Finest Ingredients IIV Conditioned Wt,, Superior S11111fion Clean Environment Quality Wine At 113 the Price Expert Assistance and Service 905 831-32 A Special bus takes Ajax students to Pickering High School AJAX -- A bus designated solely for Pickering be re-evaluated. high School students will begin operating Mon- "Several parents (from south Ajax) told us day on a trial basis. their children were getting to school about 20 The bus will leave the Ajax GO train station on minutes before class started, which they felt was Westney Road South promptly at 8:50 a.m., too early," explains transit supervisor Elly van der reports Ajax Transit. It is introducing the bus in Made. an attempt to meet the needs of swdents after the school changed in September the time of its first class from 8:50 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. The bus will load at the designated Pickering Village platform at the GO station and will be identified by the yel- low sign "Special", which will be placed in the front window. This special bus is not to be confused with the regularly -scheduled service to Pickering Village, which leaves the (iO station at 9 am., Ajax Transit advises. The special school service runs until the end of December, when its need will WANTED!!: If you sell a product or service that would be of interest to cottage owners then one of the best places to be in 1997 is exhibiting at the huge Cottagefest event. Call today for a FREE brochure. Early bird booking discount expires December 1/96. Cottagefest Show January 31, February 1 & 2, 1997 Metro East Trade Centre, Pickering 1-800-465-1073 ur. Absolute Lowest iala #C!Nwill ice Guarantee... BEAT any price .W` adN,crt1scd by another Authorized Ucalcr... • Kerore It ou KuN... will heat their price by 55`i .,I the JII(rrrnce • \rter } tru Ktn_ ... II %im find a lower price on am Item you purchaved In,m u. withm 40 dais „t pur, h.ic•. we will refund I55`i „r the dlttercncc l,.n .,.w_r F,❑nc Y-$, prat, ., . .1 "1.. 1 J.' • I.ireTinle Price Protection... I,Ir av lung Js you own if. it you lend J lower price on Jn% AJdlo. Video. or %pplwncc pn,duct wu purchased Irom us. we will rotund the dillercn�c- lhfr Ahsolutc I Qwest Price Guaranies applies to am Item we carry when you present u. with posit of the other authonied deJlers lower JdNcrti.ed price, pro�idcd It n for the Identical ileni we LJrrr and JII dcli%cn..Mppinr. or it her applicable ehJrgc� are inkludell. SIKIIJI FkIUl Jt11/f1JI soltwire Itrilcl. mill ofdcr I'llers, nlaflil laAire' ', rchaic'. display merchJrKli%e. Itmited yuanhrs nem. and item, not nailjhle for InlntedlJte prnscssa,n Jry culuded AUDIO VIDEO COM U ERS FUTURE SHOPAPPLIANCES -caMpusER =STOP ;spSCTACULAR -INTEL PENTIUM 100 PROCESSOR TRITON CHIPSET 256 K CACHE 16 MB FAST RAM, MINI TOWER CASE 1.44 FDD, 1.3 GB EIDE HARD DISK 1 MB PCI VIDEO CARD 8X CD ROM DRIVE & 16 BIT FOUND CARD - AMPLIFIED SPEAKERS MOUSE PAD THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22,1996 -PAGE 19 GRAND OPENING S A L 4E NOW /N PICKERING 104 ENHANCED WIN 95 KEYBOARS 14 SVGA .28 DPI NI MONITOR Sb OR 55.82 PER MTH MS WINDOWS 95 WITH DISK MS WORKS & MS MONEY MS ENCARTA 96 ENCYCLOPEDIA SOLAR SYSTEM AND MORE UPGRADES. P 120 Mhz 35 Coche TO 512 K 25 P133 Mhz -110 32 MB RAM 110 P166 Mhz 310 15 ' MONITOR 110 SB 16 S/C 55 SB 32 S/C 125 NOT EXACTLY AS SKWN TCOMPUTER i :ri F SPECTACULAR - PENTIUM '06 INTEL PROCESSOR -TRITON VX CHIPSET MOTHERBOARD - 250 K PIPELINE BURST CACHE - MID TOWER CASE 230 WATTS PS s2211 - 32 MB EDO 60 NS RAM 79.33 - 2.0 GB FAST EIDE HARD DISK PER MTH - 1.44 FLOPPY DISK DRIVE - ATI 3D EXPRESSION FULL MPEG VIDEO CARD - 15' NI .28 DPI DIGITAL MONITOR SVGA - 104 WIN 95 KEYBAORD & MOUSE/PAD - l OX CDROM DRIVE & AMPLIFIED SPEAKERS - SOUND BLASTER 16 PNP SOUND CARD - 33.6 INTERNAL VOICE FAX MODEM - MS WINDOWS 95 WITH DISK & MANUAL e Q Quality persona/ computers As 1,"CES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AND 3.5 X CASH DISCOUNTED. 335 Admiral Blvd 0 Tel.:905.795.8333 Fax:905.795.8147 NIUNIM 40 FARM RD 114 Tel.:905.631.0831 Fax:905-031-0832 ON198 1100 WEBER ST E Td.:5190MA Fa:519496.9946 8011EM 10 r01Af TMIYEIM RD S Te1.:905877.1856 Fa 111115.877.8142 I MIM I ET 130 DAVIS DR 168 Tel.:905.953.9606 Fax:905.953.9608 NEW PICKERING 1235 W* St #140 Tel.: 905.839.1 075 Fax: 905.839.1431 ti 01 NOW PAGE 20 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22,19% A SPORTS' Novice Raiders pile up the goals in recent action AJAX-PICKERING — The Ajax Axemen Raiders minor contests. novice 'AAA' rep hockey team has been on a scoring binge Other team members are Michael Broaderip, Paul Galea, in chalking up two lopsided wins in recent Eastern Ontario William Mitchell and Kyle Neadles. league action. Tic Ajax -Pickering -based Raiders doubled the Central Ontario Wolves 6-3 in a good all-round effort on Nov. 10. Lee Morris was the lop sniper for the Raiders with a hat trick. Kyle Speers, Robert Bentley and Jason Dale all count- ed single goals. Adding assists were Chris Chappell and Brandon Crummey, each with two, while Ryan Dawe, Greg Leyden, Daniel Prebble, Bentley and Lucas Labelle all had singles. The Ajax -Pickering novices also made short work of Oshawa registering a 9-3 thumping on Nov. 7. Chappell led the scoring parade with a three -goal night, with singles to Dale, Dawe, Bentley. Andrew Wilkins, Labelle and Crummey. Assisting were Wilkins with three. Crummcy, Labelle, Speers, Bentley and Morris all with two and Chappell and Dawe with one apiece. Colin Dobson recorded the win in net for both league Stellar roaltendin r. late-crame heroics lift bantam Raiders to comeback 5-3 victory AJAX -PI CKERING — The Ajax -Pickering Raiders Bobby Baun llocke% Club minor bantam 'AAA' rep hockey team recorded its fourth win of the season 5-3 over North Central in Gra-enhurst last Sundav night. I railing 3-1 entering the third period, the Raiders scored four unanswered goals for the vic- tor•. B r a n d o n McMillan led the charge with a pair of goals. Bryce If to I d g a t e, Geoffrey Stewart and Aaron Wilson counted single markers. Adding assists were Jamie Follett and Stew—an with two Swimmer misidentified AJAX — Information accompanying a photo of a swimmer w h i c h appeared in the News Advertiser Wednesday, Nov. 20 was incorrect. The Ajax Aquatic Club swimmer in the photo on the Sports page was Samantha Rosen. The News Advertiser regrets the error. each and Allan Maclsaac with one. Ctoaltender Brett Lemon turned in an outstanding performance to record the victor•. 7T SPORTS MEDICINE and REHABILITATION CLINICS are pleased to announce health seminars presented by our physical rehabilitation professionals, including MD', podiatrists & therapists. HEALTH INFORMATION TALKS Stress Management &_Counselling Dr. Andrew Shaul, Phd. Thursday, December 5, 1996 7:00 p.m" Complimentary Ret'eshrnents Space limited Please call to reserve. Upcoming Health Talks r M�Ir>ess it, the i0 s � Sport nary 7ea11aertt 6,7<erer>hon • Acupuncturelchiropractic t Your rights after a motor vehicle accident .00 SPORTS MEDICINE and REILaBILITkTION CLINICS Bay y Mealca' Centre 1420 Bayiy St., Unit 420-6285 CERAMIC TILE sZ 6" X 6,. -; Wall Tiles."". -..from 25¢ ea 0 13" x 13" v Floor Tiles ..... from 1.39 Sq h 18" x 18" o 1.99 sq ft floor tiles ....... fr m LARGE SELECTION! 6 } ` we carry everything you need to do ity ourself and save. _.. CERAMIC TILES Sales 8 Installation _ Mon- Fri H , 10-6 < O Sat. 10-4 3 SIT Y 7725 Birchmount Rd. #24, Markham (at 14th Ave) (905) 940-2165 1 I Apple,wood Kitchen Design Pr . C s�t,mas Sale W ite K:itc�he'n ChoiceeRI 3 diffei�rrent_d`oor finishes J Big.,Savifinf En;tertainmenit Wall Units CALL FOR A FREE ESTATE 90:5 683-0678 , Showrooml�061), alk Rd. Unit 121 Pic #e ing ' R�tM­ Cutting a7 the Sy'.a, Lea7,mg Cenlre on Bruck Rd to Ptckenng LIOR-Lon Sol(olow. Melanie Martin. Brad Dobson, Clare Young. Mayor Wayne Arthurs. Kathy Lantz. Ro, Good. Knstt Duncan Sylvan has the right answer to your child's education. R n'0, , ,-r . J ! , glnrJ Krrerrals nerd, rl'medl.lti,+. or I\ an a\erage \til- -('in thcs gt\l' y . parent reler- denl. the search I- supplemental edu ral,' Cat.". can he c,mlu,tng Buyer %tontalional Program beware Y-, get what )',+U pay t,- -D., Ihel tWr h., ­ II ,\` what When ,hopping an+und :,milder system and how d,v, ,t -,k' the toll—mg Parental Involvement Wh.n kind ,d parent int: rac ion Qualir" Tearhr- there' •11— oticn do sou m a parent •Are the\ •: Education gel updated on your child's progrcs,' ccn,lrcd Ie her,' -IN, thev currently -D, -u a, a parent have n. oversee teach for the ,ch -1 M,ard-' ,,rk hc,ng sent home"' -1\ homcw„rk Guaranlerd Progrann part I the pn,gram II ,o, huw much' -Are the pmgum, f•uarar.t,•rJ" Reputat--t •K hat n the guaramae' -How I,,n•, ha, ,cnire M-cn own' tkagn .1w testing -%i-hat I, th, hac kg—und' II W, a Ira. - h— u,r .tindi'd."d test- ch— huw many \,Hues docs n have' mg" •I, the ,undardvcd testing rccog_ Syl\an Learning Centres hasc meed hs th< %lirn,trs A F wauon' -It tKlped mdlnms of children Iur over ZO not. how d„ they place ,tud,nt, at a wars pr—iding up to date program\ Mnlahlc 1-cl ' -H„w d„ thcs rne—rc that are pr,,vcn to get results thc,r pit+gross and h, do they gwran A, the leaders In wpplemental We pn,gn-„' education. Sylvan Learning Centro St"h,-,I Imes{ -t— w'„uid It, happv w an%%cr any qws •[y.+ Ih:., u. -r thn, ' -II s , It I-- ynos u might havc and prtdc you In per,on and how ultcn' •Is the with a aduti,m sc bird lamdur with the hvmmg a•n For more mt,trmanon call Sylvan uc' -U„ IhL, c molt with your child\ to W hohv IS0J- 1, I s .,r Rcktnne lex her ' I K 14 ,M 17, Brock West Landfill Site Closes November 30, 1996. After November 30, residents and companies who once brought their waste directly to this site must dispose of all garbage, household hazardous waste* and recyclables at other sites in the Durham and Metro regions. Clean fill (soil) will continue to be accepted at Brock West for final landfill cover. During the next six months, the Brock West Landfill site will be used by Metro Works to accept waste transferred as part of the Brock North Landfill Site Renewal Project. *HousebW bazardous waste wiQ be accepted uwtil December 19 1996 on Wednesdays, 1&00 a-nL to &00p.m and Saturdays, 7-00 a -m• to 1230 p.nil To locate a new site nearest to you, can: _ 6 In Durham: (905) 668-7721 In Metro: (416) 392-8285/TDD (416) 397-0831 �urA>+t L1 11i'13L t � Ue I — i I K1 ena�t� ARRA, Al C 111Hii ECURITI hy, e 'gym 41 �itti,p,tley. .. '4* A.q fQ J L1 11i'13L t � Ue I — i I K1 ena�t� ARRA, Al C 111Hii ECURITI Oki�R Ac" CbT Al 0 K1" Oki�R Ac" YSTE fQ CbT Al 0 K1" Ac" C NEWS ADVE14TISER Fltll► Y, w>N F:%IBElt 21 NNW ..en C IMPLI r r BRAND NEW 1!!7 BRAND NEW 1!!7 BRANR NEW 1!!4 EuNE MEW My LNNINA 4 OR VENTNRE FILL -SITE FICNNP MsSIDE UM EU Pmver wimdows & frok spit front Dud an bogs, anti-lock Was, tinted Frost bead) doth seat, 4300 SH V6, 4 1300 GM, 3.42 rear axle ratio, 350 bench seat with stomge compartment glass, air, dud remote mirrors, 15"x16" spd, electronic automatic overdrive V8, 4 spd., arta arerd&e trans., AM/FM armrest, aK cruise, AM/FM stereo steel wheels, AM/FM stereo, ) passm" bans., wheel trim rings, AM/FM stereo, stereo with dodgy, LT225WSR 16" tires, cassette, aubmatic overdrive. lk delay wipes & mudh mom rear step bumpef, P235/1SR 15' tires. fixed rear door glass. $ ./5 $ 7 $3417 /m>k Froah /10th. is FFER EXPIRES SATURDAY AT 6PM BRAND NEW 1997 DELTA U 4 DOOR 55/45 divided front seat, 3500 V6 eagine, Largo net, air awl, 4 spd. outo overdrive tram, AM/FM stereo cm, mh4odk bmlms, dud air bogs & much more. $ off 403/106. ONLY AT THESE CHEV DEALERSHIPS PARKWOOD (HEV OLDS -� BOB MYERS CHEW OLDS 2400 Yonge Street, Toronto �� 425 flayly Street, Ajax 416-488-2400 Oldsr-no— le 905=427=25001 Lease based on 36 mths. with $3500 down. 1st & security deposit required. Freight, taxes & licensing extra. 60,000 km allowance. Be per additional km. OAC. *Available on leases only! NO 50— W1111,11 PAGE 22 -THE NEVI'S ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22,19% Buy one lassified week, get the 2nd free! X905) Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday Call us for TORONTO . 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday details ��"E683 or fax your ad I#, Apphcs to Anrcles For 798-7672 707 (905) 579-2238 Sale and vehicles For Sale only. GARAGE SALES BIRTH NOTICES V� (Ian nnounce your baby's arrival only $'' S +GST �— d receive a gift certificatetGST ntitling you to 525 worth �� quality baby products. IECareers ' I Careers ' ' Careers ' I Careers ' General Sales Help/ Sales Help/ Sales Help/ Daycare Help Agent Agent I Agent Available • � r r Computer Support Network and Specialist (CSSJ Communications ufacturers Inc Call (416)eqie���ucaoal Technician (NCT) 'ores a eta o e's as ec, t:; a aemarc for program. Pan Time(Full Time, sc^ e 'A'' .;:e expo Lyse'3 aC ^'" Sie, ,-es;- tec0noans azacle Cf a nardhare s, pOR a at o's = �uDC_ . a la _: role ir1 a va,,eiy Cs sii..a: ors e the tec^nia, s. s 'relies . - _ : ar, 3taden.ts -e:�eive riare r ex n r Dere ce we k ra wit~ a. cz- - a Ire OriC .L - " �� r^�CrJ COr^DU',2'S ,..les^JC' eC'.; c-er; ^ ins'at'ric 3-, _.:,'ccrC . ^ '�Dvel arc y"v ^C7x5 _ Foundation. Microcomputer Fundamentals Computer Fundamentals Electronic Spreadsheets - Application Fundamentals Word Processing. Introductory Electronics Windows Applications Computer Service & Support Database Management Communications System Support Fundamentals Network Administration Network Administration Installation & Configuration The Unix Operating System Pre -Employment Readiness and Job Client Server Computing Search Workshop Pre -Employment Readiness and Job Search Workshop Financial Assistance may be available 10 School of Business Helping YOU guild a Better Life Pickering Campus 1450 hinuyston Rd 420-1344 unGeneral General General Help Im Help ' Help OFFICE POSITION PERMANENT PARTTIME Ajax ; Pickering Contractor requires experienced . positive self starter as a second person for a computerized operation. Hours 22-37 Rate $12.00/hr. Please submit resume to: Oshawa This Week File #9720 P.O.Box 481 Oshawa, Ont. L1 H 7L5 ZIMUG INAAar. Pickering Town Centre Requires Postal Cler�C Apply with resume in person to Sandy or Cindy. CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Aave't:se' reoues*s Tat a]verlist,s Check their as u00n publication as News A7ve^.Se' M,C 'lot be resporsole for more than one mcorect irlsenlr and Mete shall De no liamli y for non-irlsenior of any acNer- "Sement. :,aakry for er- rors in ads is limited to the amount paid for the space oCcupyi!Ig the error All COpy is sutifect to the ap- proval of management of News Advertiser. COSMETICIAN RE - t � WORK FROM HOME, i YOUR OWN HOURS wowRi� '. uu�ow� �•cr � w wirrcr l «�ssuwr • nrts CALL NOW 21 NOUnS (416) 208-3167 EXPERIENCED"EU - F RK .v 3� r: tc be re. )ns,ble 1cr front man. ,gement W busy butcher '�nop Must have 5 yrs exp ,eta rood sales and --erchand'srng Send re. lme to Haiend3's Fine )ods. 915 Nelson St shawa OM L 1 H 5N7 EXPERIENCED Tele- - d-kete'S warred by home --1i)-vemer! company - Glary tt commission Call -)5-571-7379 FULL TIME POSITION )9C aI custome' service I asset Seek,-; mature :kvdual Fax res,me to 15-436-26M GENERAL LABOUR :;`el' * ire '-- .;r-a-,fac!x j Please drop on resume r Provmoal's . 375 Frank im SI Ajax No phone .ills pleas► HAIRSTYLIST %Qwled . . ;,,a i-e"t Ajax unr ,rx salon. salary 601. -mmission Call 683- or everongs 725- HAVE A CLIENTELE? .., . 'lost oist if you- • .�me away .n commissions, Try w,)rking for yourself Space rent great ocatior nice rm environment for Es. "el Car R M T 6 Nat,; 1 chr r cia s 905-519 - :20 ' General HOLIDAYS ARE HERE Help J- 1- seasor for extra •-oney M you coukl use d. _ we could use your help • F._II time only Call Mrs FROM HOME IMMEDIATELY v Aosc-'eiyNc Exoenence Requ•ed No Selling involved and -Like sure lou'a.. a pen and sheet parr record all inkdmatio- MOVIE PEOPLE. Toron- to's fastest growing agency seeks extras for film and TV work, all types. no exp req. Earn S7-S22.80/hr Work guaranteed We place peo- ple on movie sets every day. Call Jonathan (416) 961-2226. QUIRED, full and part time . available for Whitby Mall ENROLLMENT OFFICERS Store CMI Cosmetic Man- required market ufacturers Inc Call (416)eqie���ucaoal h 221-4444 program. Pan Time(Full Time, 52.000 - $4.000 commission DISHWASHER Required monthly Car required. Apply in person Massey's Tanning and leads provided. Restaurant. 774 Liverpool Paul. 1-800.280-4533, Rd.. Pickering Heritage Scholarship Trust Foundation. EASY WORK, EXCEL- LENT pay/ Assemble pro- ESTHETICIAN, Part time, for ducts at home (905) 455- professional full service skin 5726 Ext 112. care kurus, call 576-5982 Caus at 905-721 14 11 Hkxnerorkers Urgently '.races up to 58200 wk " Easy work '• "Free Sup- p,,es-' For tree Freta❑s a SASE to Skylee Enterpns- es 150 Clark Blvd Suite 247 Brampton Ont L6T 4Y8 Homeworkers Urgently Needed up to 58200/wk Easy work " "Free Sup. plies". For free details a SASE to Skylite Enterpris- es 150 Clark Blvd Suite 247. Brampton Ont L6T eva JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! National Charity is hinng in the Durham Region- for irs door-to-door canvassing. Paid darty! For appokgment call (905)721-0476 PART TIME - Marketing Dept. S800 salarylmo. guaranteed. No experience necessary. Car necessary. Please call Mr. Lavers 666- 2122 REQUIRED - DRIVERS for snowplowing, experi- ence preferred. Also re- quire brokers with 4 x 4 trucks and plows Tele- phone(905) 427-7355 No future with Canada Post? We would like to talk urgently and immediately with AD MAIL SALES AGENTS Who are currently serving AJAX - PICKERING • WHITBY • OSHAWA • CLARINGTON - PORT PERRY • PETERBOROUGH • LINDSAY • COBOURG • PORT HOPE - TRENTON • BELLEVILLE Metroland newspapers serving towns and cities in Durham Region, Victoria, Peterborough, and Northumberland Counties, would like to talk to Ad Mail Sales Agents about immediate opportuni- ties for you in our highly successful distribution sales departments. Please call for a confidential interview (905) 579-4400 Bruce Danford General ' Office Im Help Help SEEKING 50 oeop,e Cr -a' --as Season Cali Mandy at 721 - 1411 to set upntervrew TELEMARKETER 2 regtlirec for our Referral Department Ir Pickering. Must be able to worts evenings and Saturday No seting or cold calling Salary + Bonus Please phone Mane after 4pIn 905-420-9980 THE MUTUAL GROUP seeks a selt-motivated indi- vidual with excellent people skills and an interest in achieving entrepreneurial independence Complete training ' benefits : hnanong programs available Mine mum 2 years full time work - ng experience required. Alsowith is University de- gree) requested Fax re- sume to Pearson Lanes. 129 Byron St. N. Whitby. On LIN 418 (905) 668- 2141 Fax. WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS? Studio S K.O We're looking for modem, up-to-date hairstylists for chair rentals. Please apply in person 108 Dundas St.W.. Wh'thy or call 430- 9397. WANTED: Band for Whit- by pub. Please call or drop off tape to Michelle after 6pm 905-666-0590, 101 Mary St. W., Whitby INSTRUCTOR required to teach course .n Lagar Orrice Administration during ma 'ernity leave 3-5 yrs work andlor teaching expen ence Fax resume Barbara 905i 4338962 Skilled 1061 Help TWO CLASS AZ Tractor Tracie, Divers to run Bern sated auto parts between Oshawa and Lockport NY Minimum 1 yr exp Clean abstract Clean Criminal record Must be able to Pass U S D O T drug and alcohol test Apply :c per son Big Rig Mecnan cal at 800 Farewell Si Oshawa Previous applicants need not re -appy SKILLED PAINTER re- quired for sign manufactur- ng Please drop off resume at Provincial Signs, 375 Frankcom St.. Ajax. No phone calls please. WELDER required for aluminum structural sig - nags Please drop off re- sume at: Provincial Signs. 375 Frankcom St., Ajax. No phone calls please. Me MO&W Dentilill FULL TIME CHIRO- PRACTIC and massage therapy receptionist need- ed experience preferred, Positive adaptable person with a get well attitude. Please drop off your re- sume at 5% Kingston Rd. W., Ajax, Ontario. Resumes only 'Hospital) MedlcaVDental FULL T -• -^,arta, A.•: s fait equired Experience pretened Cali 420-921 MASSAGE THERA- PIST, space available r med,ca, clinic for a few hours week y For details •ax resume to (905) 420- 446 7 NURSES 41 Company Income 5 part-time. 5 full-time Work !rom home Call 905-571 5063 ' Daycare ON Wanted BABYSITTER wanted for two year old boy, must love children. CPR, non smoker, long term position. one or two nights a week. plus New Years Eve. Ideal tot college student who would use time to study, pay negotiable References required White's and Hwy 2 (905) 420-8458 LIVE -OUT Caregiver required for 2 boys, ages 2 8 3 Must love dogs. Light housekeeping. Experience/ references required. Mon.- Thurs. 8am-6pm. South Ajax. 428-8823 NANNY LIVE OUT, to provide loving and educa- tional envlrnoment, for 7 month old boy Start Jan. Finch/Brock Call (905) 619-1862 REQUIRED: NANNY for 4 children, ages 9. 8, 3 b 2. Non-smoking environment (Dixie/Finch area), Refer- ences required. Call - (905)839 -6085. Check Out Our Flyer Deliuery Seruice. BABYSITTING provided .. '^y home. cnild ren al! - ages welcome Days or ghts Dutie,Glenanna 31-4003 DAYCARE available in 1.1)i ho -e 18 years exper - "Icelots of TLC non �-noker. babes welcome CKereg Village 428- 128 DAYCAREnmy home. fher of 3 meals mcud- =d. finished basement. ckeing Vdlage. please .nil after 3 p m 619-9273 LOVING warm home en. -onmerr 10 yrs exp da - outings. nutnuous food, 'enced play yard. non- -'nok:ngreferences pro - Jed Whitesi401 831- - .,OS TWOEXPERIENCED 3•eq,vers -y me `-inkedyaro. playroom. -,E J CPR. Close to parks -aches snacks 'ors 0 C Whites Rd S area tr 420--6676 K1191 Firewood ABSOLUTELY THE `iE �,' "C' '„army hard- w>od at low pnces Free del -very Serving Pickering, Ajax. Whrtoy and Oshawa Call DURHAM FIREWOOD :?7-47at APPLEWOOO aged 1-2 yeas oio ousr cord. 5210. 1.3 bush cad. $81) Delir ered 1-905.987-4563 Phone collect BROOKLIN FIREWOOD Busr'a-e cords krd'ng quality seasoned hrewocd Please phone :leave mes- sage) 905.655-8797 Hwy 12 to Spencer's Road. turn north on Ashburn Road, 200 yards S5011ace cord, mixed. picked ..p FIREWOOD - Oualdy sea. soned '6* split hardwood starting at S185.'Cord. Call eve 705-944 88C i 7 p m - IIpm FIREWOOD For Safe Cut. Spl,t and delivered $50 a face cord Can Jerry (905) 683-9639 FIREWOOD. Excellent quality hardwood, Guar. anteed. extra long fully seasoned, cut and split Honest measurement Free delivery. Kozy Heat Fire. wood 905-753-2246 FIREWOOD Roka Lum- ber 8 Firewood Centre - 4'x8'x 12'. $60: 4'x8'x 16•, $65 Established 1963. Days 705.277-3381, Even- ings 905-434-6665. Free deffivery to Oshawa area. WILSON'S FIREWOOD - by the tush cord or face cord. Cut, split and deliv- ered. Hardwood mixed. 905-432.7741. Hardwood kindling available. ' Elwgaifn Comer 1 DAY ONLYI Saturday, November 23rd: Over 3010 movies for sate. All ages! $3 99-39.99. Conant Video, 168 Conant Street. 579- 9252. We are b far The #1 Distributor off 1 do P�•f Y lyers m our area. Have your flyers delivered _"' � � >F • : ya" any Wednesday, Friday or Sunday with The Newspapm that everybody needs. e e 10 . e News Advertiser Bargain Corner l1. ATERBED: King Size i dark wood frame 8 •.,aboard New bladder •1 iter Excellent condi- seldom used (guest bed) Comes with dressliner and 3 sets of i' s. $300 OBO Call s 434.6329. CAR REPAIR books for !1 Stang, Corvau, Camaro. 1 •eb,rd, T -bird. Edsel. Vol. Mercedes, etc. $2 00. is 2786 EXERCISE CROFF el aerobiclstrength ,• ng, padded seat. .'est complete with .zut traung manual Moffatt dryer $45 •-2270 =pR SALE. Sofa bed. Ct'&•. $20 Kitchen r e 8 2 chairs. S30 As - ed household items. i nher 420-9100. v DGE stove freezer each 686-7967 KTCHEN TABLE SET .. 42• diameter), with hairs Good condition 905 579-6374 -TTLE FOLKS white crib ^•afc^'ng change table 75 Misc items all under Or Twc c'ibs, stroller, n chair swing. car seat. •nervus infant toys 686- K '.'1PINE FISH.S100. 100 lank aouanam, with err, •dle, system ask" :5350 can 686-4580 MATCHING Sofa 5150! . N ,,v S 1 D0 Glass top ,e and end tables $75 erlainment unit $50 Call -ell? at 4347521 HENS small black leather .a Paid $289 Ask ng "-air 905.579.6374 CTAGON KITCHEN ay - ;.,b $5, 1");! S35 Gins skates. size 1 S'52 Dr x country skis cr rs. S80 683.9736 -)P I :he line crib. $199. safety standards. in ..M condition, white. an,, bagy clothes and ac - .•:s all under S25 905 -4+ ,,y3 Articles ' Articles For Sale For Sale Damm itinummumm HOW ARE WE DOING' The N WeEIIINews Advertser Classilied rye," iS =Mssibe b I �tl Qel$ WM te � ` ■ "T'MKW youo id ■ ■ MSP01i b the QJeshons bebw. ■ ■ 1. Was your call answered promptly? ■ of ,ock bOnom prices Prices Sal 905-432 2 750 Snowboard and ski jackets, CARPET BROKER, ■ 2. Did the Sales Representative offer friendly, t00"-, Nylon thicx. blush ■ courteous service? ■ . at retail prices Quality carpel 3 brand labels SKI rOOms. Only 53F90C Price LEA CLEARANCE CENTRE 377 Includes 30 SO yds carpet. ■ 3. Are you satisfied with the response to your ■ ■ advertisement? ■ ■ ■ FOR SALE: A Dproxmaie 'erest, no payment for one full ■ 4. Suggestions or comments: ■ .. as Trees 6 •: 8' tan G"ol. .,no area Phone 905- CARPET MILL Dismbu J�4 738' aher 6 pit' 1;1,. '2 •riper. No pay. message ■ We would ;ike to near from lou. ■ 'OQf1s '300sq h i installed - -- - incl'mini ■ If you prefer, ■ ■ please contact Fred Eismont ■ 0 at 576-9335, or 683-0707 ■ ■ or fill out this coupon ■ ■ and mail to: ■ ■ Classified Department ■ ■ P.O. Box 481 ■ ■ 865 Farewell St. ■ ■ Oshawa, Ontario ■ ■ LSH 7L5 ■ "'ice �rc_rlps ca,pp! G e. :... ,, coa'7. ^.. eda- 'Your sateact�on is the measure of our success' II ■ 0 • a n a m m 0 a a a n E6 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY,' OVENfH ;R 22, 1996 -PAGE 23 ER1 Articles' Articles Articles Articles Articles Articles For Sale For Sale For Sale W11For Sale01 For Sale01 For Sale ANTIQUES, USED FURNITURE HOUSE ITEMS, Tuesdays to Saturdays:10:30 - 5:00 p.m. Corner of Barr & Westney Rd. S. Ajax, 1-10 PC Oak dining CARPET 3 rooms. $299 rvom Set 52500 Two oc cession.) chairs $25 each, price includes 30 yards of Two old HIFIs Ladies carpet, premium pad and downhill skis. 697-0372installation Custom blends FALL LL / WINTER r LOTH also ...,table at lowest of ,ock bOnom prices Prices Sal 905-432 2 750 Snowboard and ski jackets, CARPET BROKER, cants, gloves and accesso- "es, t00"-, Nylon thicx. blush at up to 80°•, OFF reg- stain resistant For . at retail prices Quality carpel 3 brand labels SKI rOOms. Only 53F90C Price LEA CLEARANCE CENTRE 377 Includes 30 SO yds carpet. Taunlon Road East. Osha- deluxe pad and wstallabon Na 'just east of 5 Points 'n you' home Free quota- ` -31h 905 725.3468 !'on in your home No in. FOR SALE: A Dproxmaie 'erest, no payment for one full 5rr 5.:;'^' Pine Ch•:sI- year Darie:. 1-800- 217-0104 .. as Trees 6 •: 8' tan G"ol. .,no area Phone 905- CARPET MILL Dismbu J�4 738' aher 6 pit' 1;1,. '2 •riper. No pay. message ments. No irte,est 'OAC, 3 ANNOUNCING new low 'OQf1s '300sq h i installed - -- - incl'mini with ,leluxp Dad lrom only ^ sit~ satellite ! v 40 than- 5399 Sr-- a on V rye, ds. Orly 529 00 monmly Cera c and Hardwood •)5,655-366' Flocrtrq F,ee Shop At Homp , 800-663-6r46 ARIENS. 5 no srowbiow- -ew ^^nor, duai stage CARPETS ors ,t carpe,. star! excellent cor- ., -ew start , _.1 . ire ask�ri 555r can lease Carpels - -and 8-3953 will carrel 3 rooms. 5349 BARN DEMOLITION. "'ice �rc_rlps ca,pp! G e. :... ,, coa'7. ^.. eda- -^.'um padex ns'a,a 1115 Spruce also hard- hon last derive , '•oe est,_ ,+','M beams. different siz- '^•ate5 3- ya,OS ,, n•ar and le,"hs Alsc nsae 686-23'4 nage available job 305;987'303 CLEARANCE SALE. BRAND -ew Bee • Car L'JMBEP "x4' ' 1'xr- . -, aDprcx 3 it high Cedar Pine yCr,-e Herr- Omes with. am.,m dua lock Maria ficor,ng. Oar kssene CD olaye, epual- Basswood S Poo,ar ' 705 .ler and wireless speakers 48821 Ea,-, ng 'sk -; S700 Can 436 nope 6 eve^�ngs BURGLAR ALARMS a ;me KEEP THEM OUT' ustom % steep sec..r�ry rdowba,s for as �,"e as S?5OG Der window a!lows . •lac. 01 mend even wry •-,dows open For a tree timate ca -1 9C5 428 129 COMPAQ PRESARIO 425 4�, ,X33 2_C HD SVGA !a. -,,e - !our printer S•;jr )bo Call 905 66E 2509 COMPUTER SPECIAL. S49,. cis. e� Dx .8,; I mo Ram color mo -or, Or 5699 *'In model^ 3 CD Rom 905,655-366' CLARINGTON COM- PUTER CLEARANCE CENTER Two Brea! value packages, loaded systems. systems include 14' 28 Ni monitor, vore'fax modem. CD rom drive sound cards speakers. Dos. and wind- ows, color printer Pentium 100 $1.999 Out the door prices, all taxes included Resale 486-50 mz 160 drive, complete system $395 Also Icts of used Sys- tems m stock I,om 5149 ncluding monit0, Claring. '.bin Computer Clearance Center 697-3059 1b4 Baseline Rd BOwmanwile CONTENTS SALE: Lw- ^grcn :of'ee 'able An- t'Oue bedroomset Lamps 'JCR Baby crab Teak Lea room set Many oche' -e-s 905428 2774 after F:: - COUNTRY STYLE, .,-i` ace N•^g cra.' r exce"enc cordis ,n Blue Neth •uhled ski,' and !prow �ushiors. ASk;rg S65n Call 427-1348 DINING ROOM s.. to 'Ar- 'i7u�' -a, iia^, nine piece Duncan Pyle) Lyre back :'airs. ask ^g $1750 C 'awa 1 4'b 55C 0309 leave ^ame number EQUIPMENT : -,R SALE Law- & ' �- Bus.ress Clos r; van P', 14 ^D 'awn ••act,, 42- cut S'SCG Law- Boy 4 ro 2" iawr- mowe' $400 Home re Grass T^mme, S20C Ma, fana Leaftwower BACK Pack S67. ,-••,..n •rOrp Phone 555-3868 FOR SALE 4, gas' •,n we,g"s : _ cars. O�mb- Le4s oe^cnes. Plus 0,'k 20C' Call 9,54'4-'=x Dining room ;.,:e ,^a.. r a w ^ ea, 212' . "6- 4 dvrn Gu••r•• 3 -r.-a -abkne! ex _e :cndit:or .2,, HEAVY DUTY s!ew site , r . c a " -, : , sort Central Bus'^ess L :,, as 10rS (705 74' 5.65 HOME SECURITY SYS TEM raid over 5600 'oust sen. only $99 m eludes 5 contacts. one mo- tion, one slept cabinet. One keypad battery, siren transformer must assume contract for monitoring Rick 416.2825680 KEEP YOUR a mm 8 su Per 8 1Inn safe on nigh quality video.Trip+e R Video Transfe• offers 'he best Price with mush, added no extra charge call 905725- 1001 LARGE COMPUTERlRe- Ce:•n G^ desk '4 months old) cash B9.Ster'hat keeps track of inventory, beauty salon contents. vinyl windows and doors 430-8787 LARGE PLAY PEN. S20 Ba•t-e Hese ': 3a D'es 8 accessories $59 gins ska'o5 size 12 S15. r^ H-qn's Toys 7 IanOUS 54es Crit ^fatness $5 rO.Laa�es ' 2 speed o,ke $35 00 arhm;e couch g crai, S50 432'2143 MOVING SALE Black „ea a-- 2 'abies black mu crod glass enter talnmpr• -I!, s'e,eo Co Gayer 'amps. pictures ap- pliances etc 7259'91 ar- rhme,leave-essage MOVING SALE Doo, ends :nor., �anr,,l yras!Cai�'1 educed 445 S mcce 5' Oshawa 433.2323 OAK,PINE FURNITURE Vv" :a, 'e'an : - . c' rta^c s oldest and at O gest manufaQWers 's ^ow ;ening direct 'O the public Eg s,i d :ax Dc dire^g. root^ or F +,ol" G ra De,7ro13m yon,, :^o,ca S-3'9. ^•ary star :ho•ces OVERSIZED :us 11. , , -.'.5...• ,00r's wear down Inerlds, ready to en- ^ Canada OS -aa ea occasion. einndays, pro- MASSAGE in the comfort of i4 - 4 your home. $50 persorvhour 4249 OR 585 couple. t hour each PIANO Nass, Gin certificates available Call 839.7057 or 728-8334 hor As. S' 8G: CA, 905-668 2 9 �- PIANOS - GRANDFA. THER CLOCKS Back !o srec�als New and used pianos Not surelt Rentt' own apt size upright. grand. digital key- boards Clearance on ail 1995 stock' Tpleri Piano Works 433-1491 PLAYCLOTHES for 'overs Th,c s vs, lun stuff for you and your honey Or XTC leathers for the more serous Send cheque cr money prder for Just For Fur S5 00 or XTC S1000 catalogues to Pauline's Special Gifts, PO Box 58007, 500 Rossland Rd 7/ Oshawa, Ontario LIJ 81-6 ROSEWOOD DINING ,Or... 64' 'able DI'.,s 'wo �' eaves 6 ^ha,s. 6' outfet vit"n, nutcr Excellent cordaior As. -'S'80C 91* Couch sit ,ail. ✓;5. 697-r312 SANTA WILL CALL' 'la',,w c'oadas'e' G,ear,anges 5 min 'e -a,t ., four S995 Send --,hedge :- moray -fame and crime •`,.moe, 10 R LeEl ar- Ent 27 ' 300 K,ng S1 E Surte •'-" Oshawa Orta^, L'H ? .r ; SHEDMAN 7..a Sty a w: X e' SPE CIAL _'NLr 5295 --us -ax '•lar, .t"e, s-zes and s^p es avadaD,e As: ga'a,es and deck- - 4te✓a'. Pd 3,:5.5' � 2r93 SHOP SMITH , , _ - - Excel- er' .rr­S-rX Cali 3r5- 5 79-53'a SNOWBLOWER a ,las STEF"S APPLIANCES i w^•. ages s•...ees: P"'ao-a dis1)was^e•5 52:. i .. Cites+ ••eeze's. S' ,; K ._ N^ •a stoves. 32003 Apt size was^ els $: ` . S _ B 1 14^wast e, 5='S. 6 '- wa••a^'f 18- Digital Sa,pli fe 7; Free channels for 1 year Rent M own for only $825 weekly Call 905 571.1412 HITACHI 35' stereo tele- ,�s:on Ultra black G,cture tube Pepin-Rc. HigheSo- luhon Rent -to -own irom 515 80 weekly Cal 905. 571-1412 KENWOOD 20r wait Tower �,' Powe, 5 Disk CD double cassetty •,woo speakers Rent-10.6wr, from $725 weer iy Cal' 905- 571.1412 SHARP 25- TV. `JCP cpm lb -a1 -^s High '950'��ien Pictu,e tube. frOrlt A,`! Jacks auto D„grammng unwp'sa' remote Rer' to own r,om 57 5rrwk Call 905"57" '4'2 THREE PIECE Ma,qu,s 568C E.. design Lar wl' •w, -ars 5•.. two Teary amts 2;' B•sro des,gr 5F , Kerm,w self clear rg 5':ve N^ •e win black •' m ex -e er, ed wa••arry '.;m Se5r 434-39'5 WASHERS fe•s 'edge . ...� -.,N ann e,orw, rioned 5225 arc .c or a -o-? ore, was^ ,, S'75 and D p rdr Orad d^IersJ $' aria .G :Cndipore; nje` r'and stoves A;SC :; r ,Ge'a e waS^o air .,yo•s e Gee^so^. s 'F, ^ ..•e aria 7 Acv,ar-es 22Cour• 51 CSrawa `.'5 744? WEDDING OR ANNI. VERSARY .g a-,- ­de wide band :an,•;r^,s as---, S6r: As; cc :neer ce^.',v,^ s. •e . ,awe, dresse, ^-a'_^ ^ 3 -fink - «'!Nate • 7•..3'2 • 7"+d:e - S e ry i ee & Business crsSchools zs<n�cls a7rz s�h�l, SS l� __-__._Phone (905) 683-0707 - Di rector �•� - - y - -- Fax (905) 579-2238 Improvernents O ' ' Improvements Moving & Pme Phone Repair • House Party Storage & Services • Cleaning • Sevices C 8 R Maintenance buiciN -rtpar8 and 'eno- latlOns electrical. phunb- g. ceramic files, carper - From small repairs to major renovations Fully ,_aranteed. tree esti- '-.ares 1905)432.8931 EUROPEAN TILE SPECIALIST :rl renc'vate your bath. i or kitchen walls. as as floor tiles. Good 'erences and satisfac. ' -r' guaranteed. For free estimates call D. Dykstra 725-4913 J.S. ARMSTRONG DEV. INC. Specializing in custom 'fomes additions. reno- vations, rec rooms and basement apartments. Residential and com. mercial Serving Durham Region for over 15 yrs. Free consultation. Call Jeff 905.428-5706 BY W.LEAVER Additions, second storm, finished bsmt4,, bath- rooms, decks, ble d wood floors, doors d vlirldlym guaranteed and reliable call wafter, (905)428-2145 SIGON Construction Ltd serving Durham Region lot 19 yrs. Additions, sundecks, patio doors, windows, rec-rooms, flagstone, free esti- mates. 905-576.5760 ,.c. tlomk: ,m�; ovuments �a Peakzk+g in roofing Sid- ing. Soffit. eaves trough. win- dow b doors Please call Tem 579-3760 leave message Electrical 91119J6 ELECTRICIAN licensed 30 yrs ex- perience, all work guaranteed, dis- count to seniors FREE Estimates call Sam 905-683-3719 ' • Plumbing ALVIN SAMEDAY PLUM- BING licensed plumber; no job too small, no job too big. Complete Renovation. Free estimates. great prices, guar- anteed lowest. 905-725- 2507 or 1 -800-340-0058 DOUG CLARK PLUMBING, Licensed and insured, repairs and anera-tions, new bath- rooms and renovations. pump sales and service free esti- mates, 686-5172, 24 his. Me Painting 3 • , Decorating THIS PAINTING bit DECOR Interior it. Exterior European Workmanship Fast, dean, reliable service. 420-0081 NATIONAL MOVING SYS- TEMS, big o small, flat or hourly rates. Senior and mid- month discounts. Residential or commercial. Comparable rates. Free estimates 905- 723-7479. Watch for our ads every last 2 weeks of the monthl!I 4. A,+ M�r.rx; jv5,wms full services. moves. ap- pliance and piano special Ists Flat rate or hourly We low have heated storage units rl offering tree boxes +fir move Park and -ad special, starting a! S99 and up Call 'or Infor. enation. 725-0005 or 4270005 HARRY-O.THE- MOVERS Move big or small we price them all' Free estimates, seniors discount. short no- tice moves. Appliances moved, also storage space available Comparable rates. Call 432-2850, IIIIEN tltlfll7'H LARGE TRUCK Will do household moves, residential, commercial. AI types of moves. can Call ee Jatae 427-2856. MICHALSKI MOVING Houses. Apartments, Of- fices, Appliances and Piano Specialists. Senior and Mid -Month Dis- counts. Licensed, in- sured. Free Estimates. Excellent service. Call 436-7795. Cross Movers Bargain rates, homes, offices, apt., etc. Piano moving. Packing available. 423-023S.919)? COMPARE US TO BELL PRICES phc^e .0, .�. . c ial and small bust- -- ss. tacks nstaued '^Cued. re0a,,n, FREE ESTIMATES A 8 G SERVICES (9051839.6339 "PLUS" Jependabie d SK. led ') yrs expe, _ _ =REE Estimates Please leave message 831-6049 RABBIT WAI4T3 WORK Chudrers rd �s Have Vv Jwr MNIC.a^ Call Emit 6"-4932• ■ • Snow Driving • Flooring, • Removal • • Schools • � Carpeting CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years expenence. rest etching, our speciality. Free estimates 0 6 N Duncan, 967.1799 or 987-1800 House MCleaning Honest reliable per- son with 20 yrs ex- perience. Cleaning by the day. Rates, 545.465. 576-9865 leave message HOUSE CLEANING by Lorie Special Rates for Weekly if Biweekly from $45. 416-703-3027 MERRY CHRISTMAS DAD. Res! you, cacK !hs year wth Top urowtr resident -al scow clearing Nc plows Surprisingly aexrer- sive Free estimates Pay as you go Cancel anytime 68&-1 4W We do no w• a pow on YM k4i0ra"! -clear walkwl driveways and nwn mal walks. RERSBNRBLE RHIES 4040602 for a free estimate Party mServices ALL SAFE PRO DRIVING SCHOOL CHRISTMAS 6 NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL 4 Cay Dr,,,,ng C:,u Se $279 Dec 21- 24 ar 2 - 5 Also regular courses offered. 428-1717 Courses approved by tfTOlOSUCPDEA SCHOOL Approved by D.S.A .O 4 lessons and test $1D5. •10 Lessons $150 *Full Course S259 Free pick -up and drop off (416) 287-3060 Tutortime Learning Centres 1)rc%% PctTdc'r ,a%, "1 hank, \1()n1 Urcw :earn, hc•.t w ill) ht. %c-ry ivv n tutor Iuttlrtinics Ontarnl ( crtitic'd Tivachc'r, -pccialitc in hc1ping vuur child with I'hunir;, RLading 'L raring, Mathematic, .ind '`luau skill, In :Xiax/Pick-cring call. - In \Vkith%-/O.ha%%-a Call: -2;-1-„ • • • Tax. Financial . • Tax. Financial . • . Tax. Financial • • Directory • • Directory • • Directory Y40 ,ANDY SILVER M & DARKEN S. PRESENT BRIAN COSTELLO t�a■tie's Fae�o•t Freaciel E" aW E•r■tier ai111R Finaecisl ll•Itui■8 fto■r SATURDAY, NOVEIIIBER 23, 1996, 1:00 p.m. NORTHU%IBERLAND !HALL - PINER1Di R00411 I I I Elgin Street west Hear Brian Explain: • Why every Canadian should ou n a Srli-Directed RRSP!RRIF • Hov, Seniors can protect their estate against Rekenue Canada • Hf1u to slash your 14% Income tax hill • Cnkial year-end tax planning strategies • How tr, capitalize on 1446 RSP rules & choose ilk- his! RSP Investments • How to get money out of %our RSP tax tree' • Forewts for Interest Rates. Si,vks. Bonds & Real Estate • Tav Sat ings & Wealth Creation tips 24 Hour Reservation Line (905) 377-2055 Seating is Limited TME ` FMtwMlal 'Ialmeing Ckrump Inw,Ung in your Future ti moored Bit Andv Sihcmlan will DArTon Smith • � Health MAGICIAN, • Beauty down Inerlds, ready to en- tertain for any age, any PROFESSIONAL SWEDISH occasion. einndays, pro- MASSAGE in the comfort of molibns openings, fund your home. $50 persorvhour raisers. Magic shows are OR 585 couple. t hour each fun) Lettuce help. Gin certificates available Call 839.7057 or 728-8334 Phillip at 905-723-6031 Tutortime Learning Centres 1)rc%% PctTdc'r ,a%, "1 hank, \1()n1 Urcw :earn, hc•.t w ill) ht. %c-ry ivv n tutor Iuttlrtinics Ontarnl ( crtitic'd Tivachc'r, -pccialitc in hc1ping vuur child with I'hunir;, RLading 'L raring, Mathematic, .ind '`luau skill, In :Xiax/Pick-cring call. - In \Vkith%-/O.ha%%-a Call: -2;-1-„ • • • Tax. Financial . • Tax. Financial . • . Tax. Financial • • Directory • • Directory • • Directory Y40 ,ANDY SILVER M & DARKEN S. PRESENT BRIAN COSTELLO t�a■tie's Fae�o•t Freaciel E" aW E•r■tier ai111R Finaecisl ll•Itui■8 fto■r SATURDAY, NOVEIIIBER 23, 1996, 1:00 p.m. NORTHU%IBERLAND !HALL - PINER1Di R00411 I I I Elgin Street west Hear Brian Explain: • Why every Canadian should ou n a Srli-Directed RRSP!RRIF • Hov, Seniors can protect their estate against Rekenue Canada • Hf1u to slash your 14% Income tax hill • Cnkial year-end tax planning strategies • How tr, capitalize on 1446 RSP rules & choose ilk- his! RSP Investments • How to get money out of %our RSP tax tree' • Forewts for Interest Rates. Si,vks. Bonds & Real Estate • Tav Sat ings & Wealth Creation tips 24 Hour Reservation Line (905) 377-2055 Seating is Limited TME ` FMtwMlal 'Ialmeing Ckrump Inw,Ung in your Future ti moored Bit Andv Sihcmlan will DArTon Smith G AUDI RALIAR 1993, LUMINA Euro. 34, AUTOMOBILES and SHEPHERDS. Lhasas. V6. red. P/W P,S.P'L, auto. trucks wanted for scrap Miniature Daschunds. Jack rear spoiler. ABS. Air cell Any condition, any age. Russell Terriers, Schnoo phone $10.500. 905 430 free removal in the Durham J r r r J 1 4 •( I . , 1103 Region, cash paid Also prices. at Trent Pet Oshawa 9:30 a.m. - 1 :30 p.m needed. '75 to '87 Chev or (. , - S ADYERTItiER FRIDAY•, NOVEMBER 22,19% 1994 Chev Cavalier 2 dr, ..... .. ----_-�,---. .... .. -»...111 Y'♦,Y - JI II/• ♦1-♦♦•. Garage/ Garage/ • Pets/SupplMV Yard Sales � Yard Sales Boarding Automobiles For Sale Automobiles Wanted Me, Snowmobiles • ' Snowmobiles Apartments ' For Rent Apartments For Rent G AUDI RALIAR 1993, LUMINA Euro. 34, AUTOMOBILES and SHEPHERDS. Lhasas. V6. red. P/W P,S.P'L, auto. trucks wanted for scrap Miniature Daschunds. Jack rear spoiler. ABS. Air cell Any condition, any age. Russell Terriers, Schnoo phone $10.500. 905 430 free removal in the Durham dies Guaranteed lowest 1103 Region, cash paid Also prices. at Trent Pet Oshawa 9:30 a.m. - 1 :30 p.m needed. '75 to '87 Chev or Center, 436-3724 1994 Chev Cavalier 2 dr, GMC pickup for parts Call JUSTIN TIME JUST IN TIME for Christ mint condition. auto, air. anytime. Oshawa 905 -431 - pups. male masnor arrOm cassette. white exte- 0407 and female. 7 weeks old Certified 995 Call CARS FOR CASH We ) Championship Wood Imes. Phyllis days 905.294-2200 05 used vehicles V hi- Shots Ist shots and registered. or even 905-852.7086 9s cle ing des must be in running 190 5) 728-9460 or (905) 1995 COUGAR, 136.000 condition Call 4272415 or 435-0290 a0 come to 479 Ba h, St E t LARGE $ BDRM. PICKERING: Whites/ Finch Clean, quiet, bright, APTS. newly renovated 1 bdrm From $769./mth. + bsmt apt. Walkout to ravine hydro. AIC, Carpet, 4 Sep entrance. A/C, no pets/smoking. Suites one. appl. and parking $625 Inclusive 905-837- incl.Walk to Pickering 0216 Town Centre. Close to ROSSLAND / RITSON GO Transit and (Oshawa). 2 bedroom in ow rose budding Clean, Hwy 401, quiet, laundry, security De - 905420.6305 cember 1 si $735 inclusive 1480 Pickering Parkway. Please call 905-571-4875 LTWIN RIVERS: 1 large IVERPOOL/BAYLY, ex furnished basement apt ecutave 2 -bedroom base- Own entrances, laundry, mento parking, cable, ce- parking and utilities includ- ramics, pool. fireplace, wet ed S6501mo Available Proceeds to •r s toy ria Beaore and Cubs Books IMS and more WHITE ELEPHANT SALE ki , original. certified, new Y as . brakes. excellent conddon. Alai at MURAD AUTO 1985 Black Silverado Ve,y clean. kepi m good AMBERLEA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Automobiles must sell. $3.100 Tele- SALES Dec Ist Call 905-509 2662 BAZAARM11 for Sale phone 420-0144 anytime @19-0692 (White's Rd N at Stroucis) TfUCI(S 1995 FORD ESCORTUP MAJOR OAKS. BROCK. Sat.. Nov. 23 GT, mint condition. full for Sale NEED A VEHICLE? Y 1973 DODGE CHARG- 9:30 a.m. - 1 :30 p.m Poo, c, d-!" N , d t' oaded dark alio/green, LARGE $ BDRM. PICKERING: Whites/ Finch Clean, quiet, bright, APTS. newly renovated 1 bdrm From $769./mth. + bsmt apt. Walkout to ravine hydro. AIC, Carpet, 4 Sep entrance. A/C, no pets/smoking. Suites one. appl. and parking $625 Inclusive 905-837- incl.Walk to Pickering 0216 Town Centre. Close to ROSSLAND / RITSON GO Transit and (Oshawa). 2 bedroom in ow rose budding Clean, Hwy 401, quiet, laundry, security De - 905420.6305 cember 1 si $735 inclusive 1480 Pickering Parkway. Please call 905-571-4875 LTWIN RIVERS: 1 large IVERPOOL/BAYLY, ex furnished basement apt ecutave 2 -bedroom base- Own entrances, laundry, mento parking, cable, ce- parking and utilities includ- ramics, pool. fireplace, wet ed S6501mo Available Proceeds to •r s toy ria Beaore and Cubs Books IMS and more e c e a Bankrupt'% Call Tracie at a, s 7 -5 , 6-1800 or t-888 1 B L 16 valve. ABS. ex- , tended wart. auto. 8.000 len' $13200 cert ;9051 1985 Black Silverado Ve,y clean. kepi m good Apartments P IM Apartments !)M11For Rent bar. 5799 Ouaet non- smoker immediate Istflast Call 905 837-1304 Dec Ist Call 905-509 2662 WHITBY- ONE bedroom : c3 3673 1 can help' @19-0692 conomon $3500 as is or $4000 cert Ted 905-263- For Rent MAJOR OAKS. BROCK. ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments 1rr reit. Simcce it.ftS 8r AftS 8( 1973 DODGE CHARG- 1995 Hasa^ Quest blue 4493 leave message ^'ent apt Full laundry. set)- w 1 bear•,or^ dasemNr,+ and Gibb area. starting at R-4111 Crafts � Crafts ER. M�,c � � a• _; -:.7 hon•, > • n in •' g e new !-es , v � �., km fully loaded. 1986 CHEV BLAZER 5 t HEUHI)OM apartment. .tale. a:c. no pets smokers WHITBY- ONE bedroom etc .5'20C 080 as is 985- tinted wallows. fabric war- speer 4 . 4 Nxeeiaei•• con- a,aaabie Dec 1. Upper ley automatic. motor loaded only 12.000 8 Parti m, for 1 car. C@II 2191 ranty Payment plan avail dation, many new parts. Ti- el of house Central loca ^'ent apt Full laundry. set)- WHITBY. 3 -bedroom in able Certified. ask -g hoe package Pioneer ster- lion first 8 last. 434 8054 yo DECK YOUR HALLS! a° 1978 MONTE CARLO a --au 14: �_. 523.000 436 8658 eo, $3 000 686-2946 or 438-0771 ,a 0 taa e- c•igmai k,i. 305 v9 1995 TAURUS WAGON 1988 Chev 510 short box. , Bedroom casement apt p 47 bets 428 7905 $ 5 No 1 x _.)![f .11117/IcJ/ ,,eat -ondanor many extras no IoadeC 4; 7 kms silver. 28 Vr auto, o•d. custom with tJen Appliances. a0 00 CHRISTMAS BAZAAR d0 seasonable offer •efused spotless. S/6.500 905 434 3975 Pr,ate paint Bell teck drop spin- shared laundry facilities Back and side HA -CRAFTS HAEiING 0 s. 000 or bes' otter 665- `79-1869 sale dies and blocks custom entrance NEWLY -RENOVATED and 1980 Volvo 242 GT. for 1996. SUNFIRE. con rims etc As is 53500 obo Phone Biai, MacDonald Ubiaties included $625' 1st 00 OO pa•'s ��nly Best otter ALSO vel* b e bia,k - black 416 282 4351 month and last Call 1905 453-6993 I irge 3vingrydining. kitchen, $450 plus hydro Available .-,ep ent parking In:-ud'^g immediately 571-3229 i I utilities (new, laundry, 1 BEDROOM nicely .tale. a:c. no pets smokers WHITBY- ONE bedroom wail immed . 905 427 apartment. available Dec 1, ,.008 S575'month includes heat automatic. motor loaded only 12.000 8 Parti m, for 1 car. C@II NEW BIG BRIGHT open 905-430-�959 •n-Nc' 1, bed•.;,,r^ Case WHITBY, bachelor a arl- pand ^'ent apt Full laundry. set)- WHITBY. 3 -bedroom in .{-ate entrance Non duplex. S875 including uhl- .-noke, $680 inclusive rues. laundry Available im- ;..all •'-405 428-9140 mediately No pets Call In- '� d� CR.AFT SHOW 00 �p separate Volvo manual ransmasion 4 top- grey don ntenor 4 speed 2 4 litre 1990 BLAZER 4x4. 1 BEDROOM nicely APARTMENTS r icy- NEWLY I,nahed bachelor grid 905-728-1600 0 4 tl SAT., NOV. 23, 1"6 10 °� • �� sod w o "34 5098 automatic. motor loaded only 12.000 $'SJ0 91 J-, 4x2. decora:e•1 Cache r• apt RF NT •' ,ior,h building, for Nov and Dec Near HOSP basNn, _ a p1, WHITBY, bachelor a arl- pand 1987 OLDS Cutlass x^s Balance of Warranty $7500 89 Che, 1500. 4x4 Near Lake Ontario Wes tail on bus slop Call 728 parkin for Furnished g ment private kitchen d�. 0 �'7'l'l'.'i(r�11115.\lrlll.r 1981 CHEVY MON =a, X35-7282685 $9600 89 Jeep Cherokee C Shore, Rckenng Inciudes 4%6 47 bets 428 7905 $ 5 No ban. suits one person, a3 '905,619-2675 after 6 4� - d Oo ^ CARLO. we .ee.ec ^erli'• Ask A7 AUCTION J.>nic'es. 2 Ltd 57500 89 Jeep Cher okee. $5400 88 Jeep YJ. heat. hydro �aundry faCih : n Avail Dec or t5 - available Dec 1st Cable and all utilities included a HA -CRAFTS HAEiING 0 s. 000 or bes' otter 665- >>- C^e. a 1001 axa. 57300 89 Jeep Y1 ties $495 Suitable to, one Dec Ist. Adelaade;Mary NEWLY -RENOVATED 5450 665-0949 if0 COUNTRY STORE fy0 '949 avers. $6295 89 Ford F 150 Close to schools. public near ti,gpnal 5 aciouS. p s.a_",u, : ApartmentsMnFro:,Ren1 ents TEFF: 1F,WSAUVF;KTISF'R FRIUAY, YO�'F,N1RER 22. 19tH -PAGE. 25 For Rent � � ForRent ' At cotrl datrree�n s ' RO VacationRCondos — For Sale o Auctions M Auctions s ' Auctions 33 FALBY COURT WHITBY.Henry/BUrns , BEDR 2 & 3 bedroom apartments in family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and underground park- ing included. From $785-$867. 686-0841 weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. detached 3.1 bungalow In quiet area close to schools, shopping. Go 2 baths. 4 appliances. large yard.parking.a/c. avail Dec 15. $1200/mo plus utilities. FirSVlast req , references & credit check Call Barb. (416) 266-7398 1), 831 2972 WHITBY, DETACHED. North central Srh, ,Is 6eaut,ful trees Fenced three bedrooms Two haths Deck Available Jan ' 8th $1050 monthly Two year no rent Increase 655- 4682 evenings fAffHouses ' FoOu t ' Townhouses For Rent For Rent 1$;WHO SAYS YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY A HOUSE' WHY RI \I' O1\'\ 'Ir uLR HO\1F!1 \lortgage payments cdnxim kmi 5h710 "mlmth dnktmbungalow tvimfmth •dnw,m Ir Exec $w,v'munth No down payment? Bad Credit? Bankrupt? Call Me! 19051571-6275 ort -800-840-6275 MARK STAPLEY Salt, Rip Nullvn (w,up I..,cl kraltn Int Townhouses ' Townhouses For Rent For Rent AVAILABLE DECEMBER 1ST FAMILY COMMliNITY MONARCH MEWS 1.Q t BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES RENTS RANGCVG FROM 'N I I TO "I'll; PER MO PLUS UTILITIES NO SUBSIDIES AVAILABLE ("1_il ro scilOOI-s SIIOI'1'IN(; AND rRNNsrr PLEASE CALL MONDAY TO FRIDAY 1) A M TO 5 1'.51. (905 )9269 " PAL- FOR AL FOR RENT 1011 SFMCOE STREET NORTH �•, Jr,)nrn To,Avt a.,ti., �rii:y Utilities Included Stove & Refrigerator Parquay floors throughout Parking included Playground Area Close to schools and shopping. From 5846.00. Call 905-721-0980 ' Houses Houses For Rent For Rent AJAX WESTNEY Iwo storey apprx 2 500 sq M , 4 bedrooms. 2 1 2 baths main floor family room with fireplace Large eat in kitchen. with walkout to deck fabulous new, available Feb. Ist SI.000 Der mo plus utlhbes Call 427 3820 AJAX, 2 plus one bedroom --use includes utilities. 4 appliances. parking, yard, amend es Flexible posses- sion S925 monthly (905) 839-4941 AVAILABLE DEC. 1ST. bedroom bungalow, excellent location, close to shopping and schools, ridge. stove included. Huge ravine lot. First & last, 51200 ,mo. inclusive, or 5950 + utilities. 728-2553 COUNTRY LIVING _ In the hills lust north of Co - Ill Ranch style bunga- .ow 3 bedrooms. den with rirePlace, huge family room with woodstove. Nice size lot backs oRlo woods. Pub_ ''c school steps away, Available Dec. 1st. $850. + rtuties Call after Spm. 9%. 142-2654. COURT1 E - 3 bedroom bungalow. newly renovat. Ed. available Immediately, .me acre Call Mina 905- 427-6277. FURNISHED fully de_ ""'led Near lake and GO "air 2 bedroom plus study. F''us weekly cleaning. No cels Preferred careful rung or adult couple January 1st through A.)nl. 55'00 all inclusive. 1i05- k6 5552 LARGE 3 BEDROOM semi, South Oshawa close to schools and shopping, $850 plus utilities 721- 2140 after 5 p m OSHAWA - 3 bedroom brick semi, newly renovat. ed, available Immediately No pets. $775 per mo plus utilities. References. 1 st, last required 723-7932 OSHAWA - 5 Bedrooms. 2 baths. new carpets, walk to hospital or downtown. Available immediately Very clean, $900 plus utilities 655-4019 PICKERING - 3 bedroom detached, new broadloom, appliances, 3 washrooms, garage, $1,025 per mo, plus utilities Available Dec. Ist 683-9629 PICKERING VILLAGE 4 bedroom house on King- ston Rd., $1,000 per mo. plus utilities 1st. Aast, avail- able immediately. 666- 6858 SEMI DETACHED 2 bed- room house for rent. $725 plus utilities. call 905-434- 2407. SOUTH Ajax, beautiful 3 - bedroom house in great area, air, appliances, deck. walk -out, & more. $1150+ utilities, available Imme- diately. Call 905-686-0429. VILLAGE OF LAKEFIELD: 6 month rental available. B year old side split Very clean. View of Trent Sys- tem $1100./monthly non smokers, Call Blair Bucha- nan 905-436-1800. SOUTH OSHAWA - 3 �roor.. ••;wc. arose 'cr Dols an7 >r opping . 'S(I no all .n1lusivP First, .1 Available Der- 1St 5579-9956 days AVAILABLE NOW & Dec La,7„ Deyr x�r" •.,wn use. ne„!rai decor. 4 -:: PI . 1 12 bath-,. base - 'int& garage r(^g g wnline aea $895 Phone 905 7218213 CENTRAL WHITBY- hnished walkou! >ement. garage fenced . -d. 4 appliances Avail sae Decer^ber 1st StfN)Or rho^th utilities Ka•en 905,576 '685 NORTH OSHAWA. 3 :ownnuuses in iii r^,arn 'ained family complex Freshly decorated w,1h Frig stove close to ah amenities Star mg at S738 month Aa Jan i, and after On 're "'In, of - 'ice Call905 728-377 WHITBY, 3 bedroom,in w-' -,),..,arced faily complex Finished base mer! Laos- to all amemhes including 3 schools,. 5 ap. pl,ances. garage. 5950 in- cludes wale, jnla:es extra 'st & 'ast Available Jar !st Can W5 668 1463 leave message ' Rooms for Rent AJAX. FURNISHED ... ter! ...-. 'tome ow' entrance.cable S Sundry facilities, shared a•h d „!chen Nom -Tinker call 686 7260 ALTONA RD/Sheppard: ature,employed poison cleanu'quet adult home -ark r bus. share sepal .Ito c^en bathrooms (2 .hers) Refe,erces $95. r. eek 1905)509-2459 den "j, ROOM FOR RENT..,. •.noke• F'a •, r ,• .,tea i, !ci laundry lacdihe5 J:a able Ava,iable rmme drately $80 weekly cable included Call 436-0505 ardor 432 6916 LARGE FURNISHED Room r. pnvate home. near buSShopping, laundry Co- lour TV, telephone Nom smoker share bath, kitchen facilities S80 weekly 9C5 723-9655 OOM with pnvate living room and shared kitchen References. em- ployee single person pre- lerred $450 all inclusive Call Eric at 9054G4 1324 MARY✓ROSSLANO area share 3 bedroom house. Washer dryer, exercise equipment, S400imo Fe- male preferred 579"4975 ROOM for rent with large lenced yard Available Dec 1st First and last 5300 re- quired Shared accommo daltons 723-8083 ROOMMATE WANTED male 'u- prahurably oo. rq for same to share a sma ' bedroom Home m Courice Immediate occupancy available $550 incI,I t'lease call 427 6277 SHARE Country Estate. w.... ,;r^.r-•s. use If Iar,:r Iles . tennis ^curls ;r minutes to 401,Go rrr Okun preferreJ. s5,0 mons^. heat. hydro •ncluded aval able Dec 1st 8-i7 1575 WANTED lemale IO 5'a,:. .. ,.. 'ioor of 3 bed- room hruse 5400 'Incl ca. ble. Par, •-; ^ea' uses great for s•, -lents Ill son Call Cindy 579-3228 WHITEY, rage roc,^ Ham, 'on smok'; home Laundry d,shwasr er. CSA & ,ac. refe,ences ,equred 545X ^ion`" tau 668-1394 WHITBY 'nom, shared r . , , . - ase a.. I"e place. .a..n Jry T/ 3 •:. , room park V ba-: r buiidir� W'• Cal. `. W,rkrg eru,r. prefli S45G 905-566- 5213 leave message Condo"'nuns For Rent AJAX - ONE ned•oorr •--place park ^ , 5 appiiarces. 575( ,s utrhhes Avail ableimmediately Te'e Phone (9016!9-1966 CLEAN. r!r• Oshawa 2 D",1• condo t' ­ )Use ground Coor F r hed basement new =ars xt n.arawoOd 'loers 'rest -)int Po,;, Ave,' mme- ately S80f) 436 6714 NEW CONDO In desu ! _anon new aPpiianceS, pool gym on derground pdrk.ng and se curity Call 668-5635 after 530om Office & Retail Space OSHAWA 4 Months Free Rent '. .,' Lw• I, S+O,- 850 so gra Mr $550. 600 sq Tam 5500 250 sq main S350. 600 2nd It $500 ' 200 sq It 2nd Moor Call 434 244' or 6554132 OFFICE SPACE b, lease it Wn :Dy 5 5 SQ 't near blow^tJwr. *0,Io 5wf 'ed- ,ca- 5, professional needs Plenty of park ^g own washroom. utilities inClud- ed Available Dec Ist For information please call 905 666-3833 SPACE FOR LEASE. 4500 s'i !t oMice, 4500 sq r shop. Great for carpet. ' Shared kdchen or similar business 420-4880 ext 228 1 -BEDROOM. In 2-bed.$b e8 room luxury condo, million OR dollar rec-facilites, under- ground parking, own bathroom, A/C, non- smoker, available Dec. 1 , Jan 1, $550/mo Female preferred. Pickering 837- 2565 3 -BEDROOM house to share. utilities Included, close to downtown Osha- wa, bus routes, clean & well -kept, $335/month. Call 905-438-8643. AJAX; Beautiful 2 -bed- room apt. to share Male/fe- male. Must be seen! S415i month includes use of all facilities. Close to GO bus, 401, plaza. Available Dec. 1. Call Maurice 683-0970 AJAX - Beautiful furnished condo. to share with fe- male, 60 plus welcomed. Share facilities. cable, parking, bus route Ist/last. 686-9226 AJAX - 3 bedroom home room for rent, run of house, 5300, per month Negoti- able 428-6385 CLOSE to Oshawa Cen- tre. bright room in large. friendly shared home. with 3 others Close to public transit. cable. laundry Must like children, non smoker, $350 5763816 STORAGE available In side or outside Year round N Whitby area Call 655 5193 Industrial 5 Units 2 INDUST RIALJRETAIL Units for rent, approx 2000sq-If each, prime Oshawa location, close to 401, 12x12 overhead doors, $3.75/sq ft (+ TM I ) Call 905-579-5909 nights, 905.433-4161 days. INDUSTRIAL UNITS - Thornton & Terw,llegar 1937 & 968 sq It office warehousing S325 sq. it net Call 905-579-5077, af- ter 5 pm 905-436-9481 NEAR Oshawa Center - Industrial unit Includes overhead doors, high ceil- ings, parking, utilities, washrooms and air Com' pressor $550,month Smaller unit for workshop, $45&mo Also parking for truck, with hydro available. Completely sealed weatherized storage con- tainer. 430 sq h Call 905- 5762982 CLEARWATER AREA, 3 bedroom townhousp. pool, lacuzn, BBO, private yard. available now For into and to view photos 6869846 or 5793788 CLEARWATER, 3 bed- room mcb,le !pefmaneni homes) heated pools. not tubminutes to beaches. blue Jay baseball. NHL Hockey NFL Football & horse &dog tracks Child ren welcome, photos shown 5275 weekly r905683-5503 CLEARWATER FLORIDA 2 bed,,;- ,_ •-, la home, available Dec �thru April Call 905 5 I6-1291 CUBAN Accommcda- .. waler- at can 515 daq Cal, 905-571 4064 for more detals PICKERING CONDO. New listing 3bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, security, clean bargamrl $92.500 Call M Zaheer, Century 2/ Area Realty (416)281 49004w) (90514270428 Ili) Money to Lend OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT GUAR- ANTEED SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES. OTHERS DO NOT. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS F�PniateHomes , ' Mortgages. W11For 3'. MORTGAGE 60k200'_p�va�y: x - Nest r)shawa 52 Dol "es ;all 9y5 :330 4 BEDROOM 2 "2 barns ^ed 5asemeri "a,d. w00d 'Io Ors are all amen res For sale Dy ;w^ ef call 1905,47x•,-,04; AJAX. A REAL STEAL' Dungaiow Newer ^ace 'Ool br,adi::r^ -eXtl Large by S N 10-1 Layrrert •,^ly St29.900 9C5 ^.83 SFj. ATHABASCA FOREST Or^ 2 Dains fi'sheid vac oro. tamely room, double paved driveway atlacned mage ^ `eon yor nen House Nov 23-2t 2- 4 Dm 190 Lac,ado, D, -,e Oshawa 5'9-93" EXECUTIVE 2 storey Jr quiet n.e negnbou•nood eat -,n x':r en fam.l vroom, tire. hvmg,;pm dining. •noir 2 w o !r 6X34 deck laundry •com 2 car garage 4 large ',edrWms. masle,. ensure oat^s cacv. gas air pur,t.er. J snwashe window _cvenngs. '1X26 pool a -I access Fenced yard 1050 Ridge `✓alley Oshawa 901,434 7.43 OPEN HOUSE. -4 PM SAT & ti C". S' 92 X00 EXECUTIVE HOME ..',,• ansa -i , . 2 650 so M 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms. central vac and central air air cleave, ^Bated .r. ground pod. •:re .�dce, rely lenced and Jndscapea bacxru-: As. •r.9 S256.9C0 :,e 43, 0548 to arrange a v,ew,ng Serious Cti crly No awls HOUSE FOR SALE cy O'Nre • ' 2 . - ;moo, loan home near Con- naught Park 7:) ' x •l0' private lot Diable paved driveway Detached ga" rage Large deck Gas fur lace Self conta,red base- ment Interested parties leave a message at ;705 277-9150 NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED. Detac^eJ 3 Ded,ocm garage frnisned ,ec-room, great Whuby lo- cation call Paul Bird Re max S-mmit Realty. 668- 3800 OSHAWA 3 bedroom home to, sale or rent , gas heating. walkout to large fenced yard. RosslanaWd- son area. 5119.900 Call (905?571-6685 WHITBY: Detached, 2 - storey. 1,4 acre lot 2300sq ft.. 4 -bedrooms, 2.1'2 baths. nfain-floor laundry. tamllyroom (fireplace). Oak kitchen, large 2 -bedroom basement apartment. 4- piece- bath, laundry. Private entrance 5219.000 (905)728-7546 ' Townhouses for Sale QUIET COURT, PRI- VATE YARD, Spacious. bright 3 bdrm NEW Import ed ceramic tele in toyer. kitchen powder rm. bath. room NEW high efficiency gas furnace, Central air. NEW broadloom Eat In kitchen with Imported ce- ram,c file backsplash Fridge, stove, dw, w d Dramatic dining room overlooking Great Room with 12' ceiling and walk out to private yard Powder room and 4 pc bath Fin- ished basement, garage All this for only $102.990 To view call Rhonda Brew ster (905)7212291 MORTGAGES any 'pose 'wes 'r - 59S, .59S All apdicators ac- r,i Comm,r!y F-an- oal Services a 'Business cocrtunitie5 f xPF RIF NCI '1FnnIRF 0 - Nn SFLliNO iNV Til rip • MnRx A: rii;P '1WN PACF ANO CnNVFNiFNcF GALL NOW 24 NOLIAS 1-900-451-1700 A FLAT RATE 13111.CALL LAUNDROMAT pry c.—. -.. sale n Oshawa great ocaton F^f 'Wore can 9C5 - 43C --X34 .r tax w -5.43r Cls SMALL _ :'facie Drzra sale n 8, manvine Cai'.305 '29 %88Y. rave message 1 Personals BANKRUPTCY _ NUt F=.E_,gHr embar- rassing interview Ge! vour- sen out of acct Just sten and laxe -ores Flat are S 1939 Calf Deer 4tas!ef anytime 1 900-677 25F-.. WORK FROM HOME - • 1 ;:.._ -, 1 BORED ONTARIO HOU-L.vr✓ES - ra'e, s pnvate prcre ^umbers. 1- 900-451 3638 ext 704 S329— -ust De 18 T tone BORED ONTARIO HOUSEWIVES - ra,-es & prvate prone numbers. 1 900-451. 3638 11 704, $3 29 mit must De 'S T !one CHEATING WIVES - ONTARIO PHONE NUMBERS 1-900 45' 5566 ext 253 S3 49 m n touch tone, 18 pus We have the most classy, female escorts in the Durham area. Competitive rates, out calls only. Discretion assured. Gl PSYCHIC Palm &Tarot. Call Terry (905)831-4368 QUESTIONS about life. relationship, career. money. love Talk to a Psychic live. 24.7 1 -90C -4--i-3555. ext 4970. S3 99 min 18. Pro" call Cc 602"954-7520 Sunday, November 24th at 1 p.m. PICKERING RECREATION CENTRE 1867 Valley Farm Rd. (1/2 mile north of Hwy. 401, between Liverpool & Brock Rd.) WE ARE CI,I-ARING RE."IrIAINI Y j.Nvt-.NTORIES FROM ALL OF OUR XXAREHOt-SE•S. Fine dining & hedr0(ym suite•.. anti(ll Persian carpets. oak & pine furniture•, sofa% & ,%ing chairs, artworks & linirrors, collc•ctihlcs - t hippendalc•. Oriental. L()tiis r%'. Duncan Phvfc• IK (.ontcmporar% sty"Ics. Preview Noton Sunda} ih•li--Vr% Available Visa 1cccpted 5 F3uxcis Premium ' Auction! _,-A`_ i RESTAURANT AUCTION Sat Nov 23rd a• ' 0 a.m 3'. Taurtor Ad, E. Whitby ars. • c - t e. rod A 0.,na Oda s_ enduring r pc t '11ne Duncan rl ner 'nodern room suite. 54' 'op des,, :ak r: '.,lnrnert Y�,x we,ght set units Jresser qF- 1.able 8 -halts ., '3 F• �r�v I & :"a r tables . ":Js _ lots -,t ,IIs RES7AL,- " EC �MENT are sr- ,g the Vents of a Donut J plus others r- nng Foster 4 dr or 3 electric '^v- s s double sink range 400 place ,,.'*Ing of china, 2 Lill microwaves t- microwaves :rases of glass 1C If ^ table 2 deli ,:our - showcases s S. Hotdog roller 2 con• ,.ection ovens sub table. plus etc 386 & 48E computers 1988 Cavalier NOTE TIME some good equ!p- ment & 'urnfture. Plan to atteno Mewing Fri- day Iron) 1 p m to 6 p m Terms Visa. M C. Cash. I nterac McLean Auction & Liquidation 905-686-3291 or 905-432-2636 •'BRIT -I-,1\- AU(: I -IONS•- 'I N1),I iE I FRN(>O\ N(M.1NIRI-R _11 11'N1.: FRO )N I is IRE -.F. F WE%) f HAS I IN(,,,. Eif )[�iFHOI I) CO\i1(.N�1F\ I i 1\ ,':\i \.'.i':'E\ Ellhj „:-:v:1i \:'\k ki;>i:i: i..i( :_1R(,E ( t):'E:R i A\ TN( \t.31 iEm 'RF :-.\HI ES ',!'!N v.isEi i1Rl'F.R �; k: :it).ik:) [I\ (, III Nr; , `! i L IION k )E (;:_\N•, l l):' : fAi 5 \lf.A! kfNl)E RN sE R\ IN(, 1'L_\! 11 RN Bk_ -\NN :IPAN (ilil[>N�tIN;.ill'KE.\\"i(:E�ER I I'1_ -\N i i K:l I'L._\Nt F f:; R. R01', -\L. :(!\!L)N '( 1HN-17 I i...\I'c)1 PL --\i E�, FGG 'I's ( ( )E : Ll: 110N 01 PRrNsE1) (;I_ ,�N R\ 1\(, !'CN OL ( � i'iFr) 1.AI'.-\\ A y O1 I El :!ON tri \\'\1 KIN(, (,AN; N I L'N MA\1 \10:; [ !N' E R1 �, 1"1N( , A0 L.%4HI):;)iI1\is TFR\1N ( _\NH \INA \Il . OR B:\Nh IN FF:R U \l) RFSFR\"F. "BRITTANS AUCTIONS" HAS I•INGs ,Oi-696-2I96- (10BOI R(. 9W; -3-3--255-k k 1-800-4i0-84 0 ('S1LNox ru Bt1OK)L)L RAL C•TION ' Personals go Personals MOIT—Personals Personal Prayer To The Blessed Vi►giin Prayer to the Blessed Virgin (never known to fail). All most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel. fruitful wine, splendour of heaven. Blessed Mother of the Son of God. Immaculate Virgin, assist me In my necessity. On Star of the sea. help me and show me here. you are my mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart, to secure me In my necessity (make request). There are none that can withstand your power. Oh. Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee, t3 times) Holy Mary, I place this cause in your hands. t3 times). Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and then you must publish. It will begranted to you. G.B. ail i PAGE 26 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRID4V, NUYE:fil 2Z, 1996. mmPersonals In In Memoriams UMemoriams TAKE HOLD OF YOUR LIFE Cal a I.ve psychic' 1 900451 3555 ext 4440 $399 per minute Must De 18 years Procall company 602.954-'420 Bsiness ffORPersonals s ompanions EASTSIDE coN%EC TIONS PATELAE F-ee to can !c pace yDc, ae, no charges for �ad,es no phone bJh charges 905- 430-7060 IN MEMORIAM C;4"Kiu ?ZAC&4 This Christmas. remember your loved ones with a Christmas In Memoriam Tribute TRIBUTES WILL BE PUBLISHED SUNDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1996 To ensure your tribute is included. tali us by noon on Thursday December 19 Call Classifieds 579-9335 or 683-0707 vijFi tuitill l\; 1L1� livu1 ll�lillt� .1 dill. Fx an audio version of all of the tura-,t death notices rec6-ed for publication in the Neliiii-s Adk-ertiscr or This %X -eek. call 683-3005 - 4O4-6591 4arinUti�n & Pig:? Pcm ~esidentsl. mav also accc- ?eath notice intomlation receil-ed at pret� -time by callings this numher. I Brouhr to you the follo�Il``in� funeral homes: t r, lnto�i -.�nUt rel l� ..� n��irl 1n� �1 Il 1 ' (( '.C.rT n -n.++ 1cEachn c. SellingSomething.) 2 EASY AY I 0 *A W1411 10"43 1,1401 1 ' -HERE'S HC3W IT WO1FtKS- 1. )1'01.jr lx) %torsi aci is puhli..Shed for 3 (011SCcutl%c LIJ ., Tltc r.ac is ha.sc d on dic highs st priccd itcm in the ad. $00 - $999`' ...........................$5 + GST $100 - $19999 ......................... $ 9 + GST $200-$199 . ......................... $19 + GST $300- $39999 .........................$29 + GST $400-$499 . .........................$39 + GST Thele aels are )tut r(f(iruckihle card additional uzurds are /rrst 500 ecich 3. To gi%'e }'ou an idea. check this example RANGE tx refrigerator only 2 years old. 30" self clean 5200. 20.6 cu.ft frost free 5325. 000-0000. 717e price fur this ad trould be $29 + (;S7' basad on the price of $-325 fur the rcf rrA;c 1-atur. • A , AI) FILL RUN IN 10 REGIONAL EDITIONS. PAL' FOR 1 WEEK &- RE(TIVE 1 WEEK FREE! APPLIES '1'0 AR77Cl.1:S S. At'7'0MOBILES FOR SALI:. ONLY $ 83 + GST & Pd wixp News Advertiser ,nwI �= 1 683-0707 TIn ahcnc rtffcrahl>Ictitnim-ccnnnaru.tl.uhc•rltsa•r+cmh Pickering TiStandard Church lylethodist) Brock Rd. / Hwy. #7 Sunday November 17 Guest Speaker Tim Rigby 11:00 a.m. Sunday. November 24 Wednesday: 7:30 Bible Study Bible Club for Children & Youth Worship With Us Every Sunday 428-6102 _ cfILWICH "The Family Church" 1820 Whites Rd. N. "Tlae Spirit of Chr'istanas" Bazaar Sat Nov -23, 9:30 wh - 1:30 pan Rev. Dr. Morley Mitchell 839-1383 Sunday Services School 11 a.rry Durham Christian Fellowship • People are Important - Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Super%iced Nursery & Sunday Schcx)l Village Community Centre Sherwood Rd. & Linton Ave., Pickering Village, Ajax, Ont. Pastor: Dennis Penner (905) 839-5458 Your Cave Is Your Castle Lucking for a home? Make Sure you're considering all your options. The classified ads are ,I great tool for getting the lutvdoxvil on the latest real estate offerings. Whether it's VOLJI- first 1101-1142 Or VOLlr fiftieth, the classified ads keel, you in touch With the market, VVL-I-v Steh (It the "',IV. CALL CLASSIFIED 07 FAx:579-2238 R. LINE 798-7672 R,LrR� ews Advertiser r ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN 35 CHURCH ST. N. PICKERING VILLAGE FAMILY WORSHIP 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Supervised Nursery Family Fellowship 9:30 a.m. REV. KEN ROWLAND 683-7311 EVERYONE WELCOME (:IItTR(:II OF C:EIRItiT C:11:111)AR MAX, 6243-2-67-7 1 street north of 401 - west of Harwood SUNDAY - BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 WORSHIP - 11:00 A.M- & 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY - 7:00 P.M. Watch -Key to the Kingdom- Thurs. morning, 8:30 a.m. Vision T.V- Cable 24 Free Bible Study Course Christmas Worship Special Page will run December 20. To get your special services advertised, call Janice at 683-0707 HOLY GHOST MEETINGS with Rev. Jay dr Debbie Eberly ` Cane and near them rrl inner on Faith. Healing and see God confirm His Word with signs blowing. Rev Jay Eberly and his wife Debbie are both graduates of Kenneth Hagin's Rhema Bible Training School and have served at Kenneth Hagn's Prayer and Heating Centre for six years They travel extensively tluoughotd North America ministering the Power of God in Word and ANuic. n Rev Jay Eberly is an anointed teacher of God s Word ministering on Faith and Healing. Because of the HEALING ANOINTING that accompanies Brdher Efxrys mrustry many have come aril received healing of all kinds of sickness and disease Debbie has a special place in her heart for women Her desire Is to help every woman find out who she Is in Christ Jesus. She has an r; anointed music muwslry and i a tremendous teacher of God's Word. Come and pin us and experience power of God's love in your own life MEETING TIMES Friday Nov 22 at 7.30 p.m., Sunday Nov. 24 at 10:30 a m 8 6 30 p m Q Spatial ladies Only Muting - Saturday Nov 23 at 9:00 an (continental breakfast mll be served) Special Men Only Meeting - Saturday Nov 23 at 7A0 p.m. CHRISTIAN FAITH OUTREACH CENTRE . The Family Church Pastor Larry Hunter a 75 Chambers Dr. Unit 112. Ajax. Ont 905-619.1109 (n commercial buWa oomolexl • TFit: Yf,W.S ADVERTISER FRIDAY, \'OVI AIBER 11, 1996 -PAGE 27 H--,,,hway rangers set sights on uninsured drivers. p s eedsters 0 Enforcement team Cantel to catch people driving without About 90 per cent of insurance compa $5,000 fine for the first offence. insurance. nies are taking part in this enforcement The Rangers were also out catching Includes police, )ensurers, OPP Sergeant Ted Lintner says _ campaign. cellular phone company his officers have been stopping dri speeders on Hwy. 401 by Thickson Road vers at various Hwy."In November we've found about last Friday. DURHAM -- The Ontario Provincial to the last few days. 401 on ramps t 25 to 35 per cent of the people we "We were out there for about one hour - stop don't have insurance." and a half and we Police Highway Rangers have been target- With the use of Cantel phones, ' Actual statistics for Durham dri- said Sgt. Lintner. gave out 30 tickets." rng non-insured Durham drivers, officers call the insurance compa 'r. l verswon't he available until the "The highest speed recorded was 153 The highway enforcement team from nics to find out if insurance slips are end of the month. the OPP has co-ordinated efforts with valid' km -h." Driving without insurance carries a FdCUS ON BUSMS� Advertising'Feature Learn Woodworking: It's easy & (an Anyone can do tt Intm to WmAworking Gane %Ionday nights. 6:30-9:30 Starts Jan. 20th. 8 weeks Furniture Making Course 1.;esday nights. 6.30-9. ;0 Starts Jan. 7th, 15 week Kids WmAworking Camp Jan. & Feb. ,) ening: Limit nt 6 kids per camp Scroll saw Workshop Ladi, S;Zht �,t Dcc I-lth 9.30am-I2:30pm -A"- Tr. ..!,. , 7he Carpenter's 5quare DNI-VOWW a Nwr�fiw� tiM• ISE, a;n e ,.Basket, and ' "n i Jt/t, Unique Gift Baskets • Personal • Corporate • Seasonal • Promotional DELIVERY ACROSS NORTH AMERICA AX . -fill DUCT 7" CLEANING S19.95 Main + $6 per vent • Snake System.200Psi CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CUSTOMISED PACKAGES 1 From 63995 • Work guaranteed • Insured & Bonded I • Serving the cleaning industry since 1986 ! Residential / Commercial 1(416) 321-1974 x M Anne Marie Predko Lawyer • Wills & Estates • Real Estate Law • Family Law • Boards & Commissions "Young Offenders J905) 619-0222 IML BRT THE BRIGHT IDEA IDEA HOME IMPROVEMENTS SPECIALIZING IN: • 100% vinyl & aluminum windows • roofing and repairs • soffit, fascia & eavestrough • hard wood flooring • basement rec rooms or apartments CALL BILL WAITE 905 420-4820 1800 'SPECIAL' 1000/6 VINYL WINDOWS49-7111 FREE LOW 'E' AND ARGON AND NO GST UNTIL 31, DEC. '96 Durham Windows and Doors brings showroom to your door ilN X S 1;79-2222 MMLE 9-CWRCOh7 Left, Wayne Hutchinson will bring his Mobile showroom to your home. At right, inside you'll find his display of Top Quality Vinyl Windows. Wayne Hutchinson brings to the replacement %yindo%y and door business a ne%% and lone overdue features. It's a Mohile Showroom %N hich just coati he the only one in Canada. "The day is gone when you carried sonic brochures and a sample window to a customer's home;" explains 'A'a%ne. "so I obtained a rr-1 retired North Fork :Mobile Library truck and installed interior walls along with all of my SHO window samples." When you calllixIR011 Durham Windows and Doors for a free estimate, Wayne will show up at your door with his Mobile Showroom which you'll enter by way of a sliding patio door. Inside, displayed on the walls, are the Tech Weld 2000 series of vinyl windows which you're free to operate and you'll discover the many special features including how they can be cleaned without going outside. "After being in this business for 18 years, I can honestly say these are the finest windovvs on the market;' sa%s Wayne. "They're triple scaled to reduce air leakage and come %%ith heavy duty hardware." It you desire, you can choose the Low -E Glass which filters out the ultra violet rays keeping your home cooler in the summer and eliminate the fading of your curtains drapes anti furniture. All of the \,kindo%is ILEcome %%ith a lifetime '`arrant\ and a 10 year guarantee on the installation. Wayne would also like his customers to know that he does all of the estimates personally, eliminating the cost of a salesperson. Durham Window and Doors do all their own installations, which ensures that every customers gets a high quality job done at the best possible price" Durham Windows and Doors is located at 696 King St. W. in Oshawa or phone (905) 579-2222. T"b"L LILILI IF SAw.v. ka StOMIG AND WMWW DEALERS ASSWAT M Of CANADA DL; RH NI "'INDO"'S & DOORS Casement (9o5) 579-2222 DCUBLE HUK Gur,pkte Ge c ,- 'tT-ACTION Vnryl WmJows D1CTURE WINDOWS 9A/ 9, BOW W!r,DOWS %SURANCE CLAIMS �A710 DOOR-, NORM DOORS NEW CONSTRUCT;ON .'r!^GOWS - WAYNE HUTCHINSONrr �iiA`ar Iwsl579-2222 GUNTHER IVENS CONTRACTING 'p Sect; I S`,, e.s .� e Vlry! Rec.!acemF* Wirec�Os I ALL INTER 10RIEXTERIOR RENOVATIONS Call Gunther: 839-0681 Serving the Durham Region for over 25 yrs J Why Advertise In Focus On Business Durham businesses wanting to increa-,c their profile and sales Nulume find that being a part of the Focus on Business advertising feature definitely has its advantage. Over the last few years a great many. businesses -- of all sties -- have found that investment in the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser's and Oshawa/Whitby This Week's Focus un Business feature have generated extra phone calls that likely would not have otherwise occurred. How do you get involved! When a company makes a commitment to advertise for 10 weeks on the page, it also receives a full feature story, complete with pictures. The story reinforces the advertisement, enabling the business to explain in depth its product and/or service, philosophy goals, special promotions and even a historical overview. Unless the business chooses otherwise. everything is done by the newspaper's siatf, the ad design, story interview and writing, plus the taking of the photographs. All the business needs ro do is prepare for the increased sales volurrx Fur more information call Janice at 683- 0707. w i i'AGE 28 -THF: KEN'S AIWERTISER F'Rll)AY.:YOVENIBER 22. 1996 YOUR COMPLETE COJN�PUTER SOURCE Sale ends December 1, 'I�9G � K..A E I'NX. oming soonommDecember 1196 We're changing our name to reflect our increased offerings in Software, Hardware and Service. Our new name will be... AFRESH NEW FACE ... SAME GREAT PLACE" Packard Bellq c • • r `'��"�"� r2l8 Orchestra $32895 VALUE SERIES C115 tq��F SVGA 120 Mhz Inter Pentium@ Processor • !^'els. T••c^ PC se• • 16 MB EDO RAM. Upgradable to 128MB- 5 CTX 28 SVGA CES- S;-Kr'�$4899 1.2 GB Enhanced IDE Hard Disk Drive • 8X Speed CD-ROM. �: K,os Transfer Raie �• ""Pc.n su Yx:_ dual v, standard, 17" CTX 28 SVGA JS Loo : ^4-6' PCI G'avn Cs Con:'olle• 41P v dec memo n le ?; $� �95 '� U,.C'a,.ab 1C 2 h 6 ' Ug 8 PIdY -~wa•e-based MPEG-' Decode' / knc�u iso %cz ouahry standards • ZE 5 )loos H o�, Soeed Moderr ,sta ied • 28.800 bps Send/Receive Fax Installed ! 20" CTX 28 SVGA $ 95 • F„ -D„Plex Scea.er.none • Te _,-%. A-cw-. 899 • ' ;,-Bi! SP -M. 3D A-. !neater ate ? Sound A Po S FaKe c Mount to Packa'd Bel Monitors r' c n _ uual tv Standards • Sc nc 6 as er'" C-- a't e • dJ -Dews 95 K� noa o ac, h"Jose •E M c oehone •Loaded with software - F 14" c dD d gital 15" 't1'C'�SCw' W'nJcw4=4?5. Packa'J Be, %aviga•-•-u Wc'ks. Ma-,--ed'a AJi'cr' p, �;;}_� .�� Packard Bell_ $95 $55995 4, oras Des c^ P3_K S' ck ..s ,'teO h" crosol' 4a J^ey. QJCKe^ SE �pTd \ ' - -' = = 399 ".+y FSp lernanC Ca' oon MaRe K _s -a -e T^a P!rate Monitor Not Included �Ihc '4-J1^! Was~ ano Mav: F'zw llys Mouse Cache- ^^T Pa"ka•- Bell'" Interact've I System not exactly as illustrated m c-osJ'tS' E^'erta nment Pack P -ager s DgestC; C•osswcrd Puzz es pentium LAST WEEK! LIMITED QUANTITIES! six CJZZe veBrOn. 7^•= JJUr^.el'rrdr` Prplpc* jli?nt Seel Der-:' ' . M s.."C E":a-a�� "ddvo Clini-C Far^i y H a Book. Horne5r'� Weekend Hc—e Projects 00 BASIC nSIC -site Service ISO Se_ o H:—es 3^J .ria'JensC Healthy COCK ^ '^yete Refc'ence Liv,a•y. Gji^ ss', Mjl* ^meola BA .. 0 c q ----",s Soo's I I„5','a'9d= L"JI'r^.eC'.a A' a^a- VJ.Je ViewC c�" TaiKS'o. Faxwo'k5. NEW 5ti'Stem pur,hased at %. Pius Soft:vare plus dem,nstr r O •- ;a -Ka'. Be D'eC I^t9 ne' A,-ess Prodi A -e" -a G neC CJrnoaSe^ver in Dvr hQn>.­ PRICE178 BASIC + INTERNET 1200 Fnr •, 't. r...,J.Jed BASK service plus install iDvect starter k - :• p„. • ba•_jc internvr tramino �� n t;.• r._n.._ BASIC a MS WORKS/MONEY 1200 -- F- 2,r . •,.t r. ::';R• mutEEI mcluded Basic wrv..- ., ciernpnstration on MS woRr p n n; mgraE n ritt: q�qq"�� PREMIUM 1250 �q "C F- -d sisterns with lOuect and MS:.OPx ;and MS mrn�"r Baso i r•u5IDIPFCT installation d•-imcm tration on r,"', ;.QPv; and ]r"ndnStr at; On MS b1'NE, VALUE PRO • yaoti2e motnerboard with ?�6 pipeline cache ._- MB a '�� Blaster Discovery CD 8x Kit • 7 E, Viae -e pard drive • r�nB vlaeo Far•• _-.....: - • - < speed CD ;-_nn - = Duna Blaster S? PnP Oeo• tuSDO rd Blaster 'r- sourcicarC r��"� ?vault mod a ties 8 5 Audio atles 'e arTlpllf led Speak: 5 Fu„ ' .rottIt Star Wars Darts l', _es Special Edition. 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