HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_11_17--- HOME IMPROVEMENTS BY &Ww& F.milr o.T.a i ap.r.na Far Swiu You Can ThW / VW OUR SHONIR" "11 woofs neaa lona 1d somm of �., �,,. Pkkw 420-4890 sY of Ajar ,o More `c4A heroes welcome 1996 Goal: $1,013,000 To date: $592,500 An eye on safety See page 8 1099 09M Aad E, The Fw*W tWt Stors Hoare: Mon Wed 9:30 a m -8'00 p m Thurs 6 Fn 9 30 a m -8:30 p rn Sal 930 a m -5 00 p m. 420-0116 Newplcl�F,_ell/l�' • s Advertiser Sundae. Nov. 17, 1996 32 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 42,000 Vol. 115 No. 46 -- i Ecker on hot Everyonei'*nto the pool'. A group of happy swimmers join hands and jump in to cele- mer at the facility since it opened in Ajax two years ago. The brate a milestone at the McLean Community Centre pool in lucky winner gets a choice of three prizes, including a free Ajax. The Town is holding a contest to find the 200,000th swim- three-month swim membership. photo by Sal Sacco Atomic Energy stir Staff still recommend six-month operation period for troubled station BY MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER ks to its guns on Pickering nuclear licence PICKERING -- Ontario.Hydro has failed to change the minds of Atomic Energy Control Board Staff regarding their recommendation for a six-month renewal of the operating licence for the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. On Sept. 12 AECB staff presented the AECB with a report recommending the six- month licence instead of the two-year permit requested by Ontario Hydro. The report stated insufficient progress had been made in improvements at the station to warrant a longer licence. The board will only make its final decision on the relicensing following its Nov. 28 meeting in Oshawa, after receiving a follow-up report from its staff, so Ontario Hydro has had about two months to make enough additional progress to persuade staff to recommend a longer licence. However, the AECB staff report issued this week reconfirms the previous recommendation for a six-month permit, "in consideration of the performance of the station during the current licensing period and the need to monitor and assess the improvements in operational safety and maintenance committed to by Ontario Hydro." The report notes Ontario Hydro has contin- ued to make progress on short-term improve- ments to the operational safety of the station. But, it adds, "the longer-term action plans for improvement in operational safety are being, or remain to be, developed and imple- mented. "It is still too early for AECB staff to judge the effectiveness of many of the actions taken by Ontario Hydro." According to the repot, there has also been progress on maintenance practices at the sta- tion, but "significant improvement" is required and "sustained improvement remains to be seen". Please see HEARING ... page 2 seat for Tory funding cuts BY KEITH GII.LI(;Ati _ 1;I \I1 R114)R11:K _ _ AJAX- PIC KI:RING -- Community and Social Services Minister Janet Ecker was on the hot scat Tucsday. but she wasn't grilled over or child-care reform. Inslead, the Durham West h1PP was under fire tier close to two hours at a Town hall meeting on topics like changes to legisla- tion dealing with firefighters and how Janet parents are to care Ecker for disabled adult children. Several of the 75 people at the Pick- ering Recreation Complex were Ajax and Pickering firefighters concerned Please see ANGRY... page 2 Inside In the news Editorial................................6 Name Dropping...................10 Sports.................................22 Classified ............................. 23 Phone lines General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 Sincerely Yours 1-800-662-8423 InfoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Une 683-7545 4n the Internet at www.durhamnews.net 93* + 7t GST = $1 Pk*s g Town Cenhe 11317-12112 Osttawa C6fft (near Set]ts� M4212 aa3Ift SL, w, Osl,cN,�Ra41, 1r2 ZZ �x, -; 7M 21122 Bell Mobilit PAGE: 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 19915 Ecker defends `clear mandate about reducing spending' s din ' g FROM PAGE 1 about changes in Bill 84. which reymscs the Fire Departments Act. Pickering Professional Firefighters Association president Gerry Pedvyell said. "There's no require- ment tiref10iters he full -litre in Bill 84. They could hire casua!�or pemianent part-time firefighters. Hoxy %%ill public safch be enhanced with these changes "' AI Urbas, treasurer of the Pickering association, said the Province is trying to privati/c fire depaii- rnents. T1s. Eckcr responded. "We're not privatizing fire service. The txxtoni line is safety and who can pro- idc the service the most cost ett'cctiyely for inunic- ipalitics." Jovcc Schnegg expressed concern about the future of her disabled 33 -year-old son no -w that the Pro\ trice has cut funding to the Spccial Scryices at Home Prourain v, hich7 assists her farm!`. He's sevcrcl\ brain damaged, blind and suflers set/ures. and the family care-, for him at home. ' 11\ life is v<indmL, down. Where is he _oing, to go''" she asked. "it looks to me like our children are the scum of Canada." %ts. Ecker said, 'Alan parents in the province have made man_ sacrifices. personal and financial, to bock after their children. i agree we should have an ansurr for you. «'e rc trying to reorgani/c the Ministry of Community and Social Services. I don't have an ansHer torr sou. We should. but vtc dont." A report on restructuring the mmisiry could be released by next month, she said. One man tore a strip off the Torics' approach. saying Premier Mike Harris is "corning from a very punitive position". pointing to the government's stances against doctors, educators. firefighters, the disabled, elderly and young ottenders. "I can't help but think that's where he's corninL, from. I support budget cuts to a certain extent, but we need more consultation." he added. Doug Grey of Pickering told tits. Fcker. "What I'm hearing as you go around the norm about gov- ernment cuts is they agree with you but not how you're doing it." i e,,crihinlo himself as a trade unionist. Mr. Grey said. "Mike Harris didn't lust burn I3m11 40 (the Ncw Democratic Part, �guycrnment's labor leuislation). He went hevond that. He went trot far I sec the social fahric being attacked.' Nis Ecker said the Tones spent hyo years prior to the provincial election putting together their labor policy. '"What I'm hearing is 'don't cut me, cut him.' We have a clear mandate about reducing spending. YOu all said that tunm_•ht. The question is where do we cut and how much'' One man "on the management side" said. " We knov\ how difficult a job Mike Harris has and he has the supper of business and will continue to get it. But. you nerd to be a little better tircused. There are going to be cuts made. We need to take care of peo- ple in the provmnce who really need it." Santa's Castle at Centre Court Hearing Nov._ 28 on Pickering nuclear licence FROM PAGE 1 The Pickering station's existing two-year licence expires at (tie end of Deccmhcr. The Thursday. Nov. -18 AECB meeting in Oshawa is open to the public and begins at the Holiday inn at 1 101 Bloor St. E. at 9:30a.m. On WCLInesday, Nov. 27, the public is invited to aninformal reception being held by the AECB at the Holiday Inn from 7 to 9 p.m. Those who attend will have the chance to nice[ board members and staff for infonnal discussions over cof- fee. The AECB may be contacted for more information at 613-995-5086, i0y o (01.t? r./] l -r- z- TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNACE OR HEATING SYSTEM AND RECEIVE UP TO • • - T 00 - OO Au(hayiZtd Drakr e • • •' OR For 21 years DON'T PAY UNTIL APRIL 1997!0"A"C" tv III WHEN YOU . • Olt PURCHASE A LENNOX • • Energy -Efficient ar• wt+- GAS FURNACE LEN�� CALL FOR A FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATE AJAX/ Oshawa/Whitby PICKERING Bowmanville 428-0333(905) HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 436-3212 ! TAME WILD ROADS WITHOUT WEARING YOURSELF OUT OF 1isT-111 With our exclusive DuraShield construction, Uniroyal tires guarantee you long tread life, durability and superior puncture resistance. �IA/UN/ROYAL/ DRIVING DEPENDAd1UTY HOME: r t� - [ All -Season Tire. Guaranteed 115,000km. • • • • v All -Season Light Truck Tire. All Weather Performance. W1NTM COOLING SYSTEM CAR CARE PACKAGE FLUSH & FII. ureides lube. oil charge &tiller, topping up Flush & til vehicle's coo&g system. Iristall of all fki&, belt vnspection, 4Avheel rotation, up to 6 litres of antifreeze/coolant, pressure litre inspection. air pressure ent. test system Inspect radiator, inspect bens Inspect battery. cable, hoses & belts. lights and hoses. Available for most 4, 6 & 8 & windshield wipers Inspect brakes cylinder Check� strength. 34.95 �19.95 p 9 CURS k lltiir 1 Dec 14/96 es Dec 14.196 B�ADWS&AF r,21 d ,ti VY. 401 �N�.•rr��v�i-co�aa W 264 FAIRALL ST. 3 • f�IRAII 5T. TEL. (905) 619-122= -- - THE VERTISER OVEMBER AGE 3 Pickering considers high-tech voting machines BY MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER _ PICKERING -- Resi- dents may no longer have to Stay up into the wee hours on election nights to find out who their municipal coun- cillors will be if the Town decides to go ahead with the purchase of new automatic vote tabulators. The tabulators, at a cost of $128,603, have been rec- ommended by Town staff but councillors deferred a decision on their purchase Monday night to allow fur- ther investigation into less expensive alternatives. An American company, Global Election Systems Inc., is the manufacturer of the recommended ES -2000 optical scan voting machines. To reduce the cost of the new system Pickering would purchase only half of the machines it requires and borrow the rest from another municipality which has only bought half the number it needs, likely in British Columbia or Alberta where municipal elections are held in different years. Between elections, each municipality would retain its own vote tabulating equipment for other uses such as byelec- tions and opinion polls. Voters would continue to mark paper ballots the same Teens hit the runway in support of D Fashion show aims to raise money for annual campaign PICKERING -- Teen stvles will he the focus of an upcoming fashion show to benefit the United Way. The show features fash- ions from Lc Chateau, Randy River, Silk & Satin, Esprit, Buffalo Jeans, Tuxedo Royale and Shkank. Recording artist Angel will per- form. The show will be held Fri- dav, Nov. 29 at 23:30 p.m. at St. Mary Catholic Secondary School, 1918 United Way Whites Rd., Pickering. Tickets are $5 and are -ivajlablc by calling the United Way of Ajax-Pick- cring at 686-0606. Models in the show will also be selling tickets, which will be available at the dour. MBERLEA DENTAL CENTRE WALK IN HOURS Daily 8am - 9pm Sat- 1Oam - 4pm EMERGENCIES SEEN IN 2 HR& • • • • 10 • 24 HR. EMERGENCY PAGER AMBERLEA SHOPPING CENTRE ON WHITES RD. PICKERING BETWEEN FINCH & HWY 401 •Extractions In Hospital •Chemiclave Sterilization *Collect From Insurances gewtaQ axd Caittxg �iteab.eewt Your Community Pharmacy would like to invite you, your family & friends to our Pharmacy Care Day on CHOLESTEROL MON. NOV. 18,19% 3pm-7pm A registered nurse will assist your pharmacist to offer Cholesterol Testing and Counselling MAIM DRUG MART I= GUMANNA ROAD PICKERING, ONTARIO L1V GR6 way as before. The ballots would then be fed immedi- ately into a tabulator at the polling station. Once the polls were closed, results from each station would he transmitted by modern over a stan- dard telephone line to an election cen- tral computer. In the 1994 municipal election. the Town of Ajax used the ES - 2000 system and ing councillors noted that in recent elections here it's taken up to four hours after etre polls closed to tabulate final results, since Dave Ryan had all its electron results tabulated less than half an hour after the polls closed. A staff report to Picker - the hallots have had to be counted man- ually. According to Town clerk Bruce Taylor the tabulators would save Picker- ing money in the long run through a reduction in elec- tion staffing and supply needs. Because of these savings, the cost of the machines would probably be recov- ered over the next two or WANTED!!! If you sell a product or service that would be of interest to cottage owners then one of the best places to be in 1997 is exhibiting at the huge Cottagefest event. Call today for a FREE brochure. Early bird booking discount expires December 1/96. Cottagefest Show January 31, February 1 & 2, 1997 Metro East Trade Centre, Pickering 1-800-465-1073 LOWER DENTURE STABILITY NEW PERMANENT, SOFT DENTURE LINER JRhamySO, DD, F.C. A.C.(a ) 84 CId Kingston Rd. W. PICKERING VILLAGE, AJAX 683-4294 After hours 428-8801 WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 20.1996 AT THE LIVERPOOL HOUSE RESTAURANT Ilirernolltddl/f�irrL1 7.00 PM Guest Speer: KEN SHAW, CFM NEWS THE CANADIAN PROGRESS CLUB IS A NATIONAL ORGANIZATION WITH APPROXIMATELY 900 MEMBERS, IN 50 CLUBS ACROSS THE COUNTRY. WE ARE CURRENTLY SEEKING ENTHUSIASTIC MEN AND WOMEN, WHO ARE INTERESTED IN WORKING WITHIN THE COMMUNITY, AND SUPPORTING VARIOUS PROJECTS. EF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN MAKING NEW FRIENDS, AND SHARING YOUR SKILLS, THE PROGRESS CLUB NEEDS YOU!! JOIN US, AND FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN BE A PART OF THESE VERY -PROGRESSIVE CLUBS". FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: SHARON MILTON, AT 427-9595 OR BILL SORNBERGER AT 837-0711. Light refreshments will be served ` THr- 'CANADIAN PROGRESS CLUB, CELEBRATING 75 YEARS OF SERVICE" three elections. Mr. Taylor said the ES - 20(X) has been recommend- ed because it's been "wildly successful wherever it's been used" and rnunicipali- ties have encountered prob- lems with other automated systems. The staff report notes there will he a downside to the new system for some residents, since fewer polling stations would be needed and some voters would have to travel farther to cast their ballots. In addition to Ajax, the City of' BurlinLyton also uses the ES -2000 system, and Oshawa, Whitby and Welland are in the process of'purchasing it for 1997. The motion to defer the purchase came from Ward 1 local Councillor Dave Ryan, who suggested Pickering should consider simply bor- rowing or renting the tabula- tors at election time frorn other municipalities which have them. "I think we could reap the benefit at a much lesser cost." he said. Staff is expected to report hack on the issue within a few- weeks. �.. Blaisdale 4 MONTESSORI Schools Ages 16 months - 12 years OPEN HOUSE 16 .Months - 6 Years VWnesday ,Vovember 27th - 7:00 p.m. 54; Kingston Rd. East Ajax (E. of HA -v. 2 & Church) (905) 509-5005 Head Office SASE I■7CIAL� 18ARGN � DAY•g News Advett1Se+r SUN., NOV. 17, 1996 News Advertiser •Au Aja: gay Rbft- IDA Met Mnck VAGAd Ammo 'Camdim Tim McL 9leaitk RMB IDA Ajar Home Dep« Aju/nck. -I" AOX/Mck. Ajl� %AWOS AAVrck. •tokla a Imides Rtpat AAX/P" *NNW Mesa Ap:/Mck. 'Yichaeh AAX/Mck- Teim Chopper Aja:/Mck. 'Sare-A-Cease AJWMck. ,sexes ApWMck. Skop w Sa.e Ajaa/Mck. maids Repose AAWML Ryakamt Aja:/McL 1*ff6"W&kh0 Remember, 9� ow.w"'6 dmM FWpar, cm bt I'e yew Wa tit alto of you wWM*ywbht buP'= For W r1Mllim a dtiw* ymff Ildr BIS all ALVIIV BROUWER tat �-..+ tLfftCtt� r � Andrew Lelacbaer Sunci'ay's Carrier cif the Vi - k is Ancim-w• Letichaer. Andrew enjoys Ixx:key, golf and sailing. Arxlm-w will retititive a dtnru,-r for 4 and a TAun complmxiits of Burger King. CANWWOdatiow Andrew for being ixir Sunday Carrier of the Acek. Committed To Excellence 1280 Kingston Rd., Pickerinf 345 McKenzie A% c.. Ajax PAGE 4 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,196 Car thief _ away. An 18 -year- Old Scarborough ADMISSION: S3.DGMERSON h man is charged LOCATION: BLUE DANUBE CLUB with p1686 Ellesmere Road ` (»seccion of �# (YcCowan/E!lesmerej� - 1 stolen property Scarborough. Ontario 0 v� Over S`000 and (416) 290-6186 - theft owr S`,C9)0 '149CAW sstfw! ._Wier a #EW �t E _. a', P NOT EXACTLY AS STIOYVN` _ x NIASTIC WAREHOUSESALE. fOVPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR A M ITED TIME ONL Y. SHOP R THE BEST SEL EC TINSS IS MICROWAVES, HOW 61 YEN, TELEPHONES, BREr� EPHtt itE A MWERIM /�If 1M, HRME SEC0HT , .- r y' T R-0 N I C- S F� z: _ , v P Join your local newspaper online! We're at www.durhamnews.net I i I - i Compostingin Winter .. Cool Ideal. • _ The process doesn't stop it just slows down. Im Winter Composting Preparation rips -� Harvest the finished Compost Use it on your lawn or garden -*- Save your Fall Leaves Add a handful of leaves each time you add your kitchen wastes. -w Remember the 3 "Us" . Location, Location, Location Place your composter in a sunny location, close to the house for those quick, easy trips. Backyard Composting diverts Waste from Landfill, saving money and recovering valuable resources! I B Sx0fteL 1.,7 . nabbed in Pickering ON—Farm Products woo. -Animal Feeds ON -Fertilizer a.. -Animal Health PICKERING - woo -Hardware Grass seed and tnore!�f An eagle-eyed Soth. BAC: (_)F PF -ANI TTS $ 3.1.99 police constable 1' i a I loxton tit.. Claremont c (Brock Rd N - left on old Brock Rd & North to Hoxton) captured one of two suspects seen in a stolen car fol- lowing a foot chase through the grounds of a local high school Tues- day afternoon. D u r h a m Regional Police '996 Constable Rob Moore spotted the NAAQW vehicle, reported stolen in Toronto on Monday. being�, �.P an -I Enjoy driven dangerously '�� . OVER 60 EXHIBITS ON DISPLAY u Lr after Il Road just after p.m., DELICIOUS DANUBE SWABIAN FOOD says Staff Sergeant _-__ Sandy R}rie. One suspect was cap- FRIDAY, N'OVENIBER 22.19% 16:00 P.M. -10:00 PAL tured near the SATURDAY. NOVENIBER 2-1,19% 110:00 P.M.) school while the second suspect got .x.11.-9:00 SUNDAY. NOVENIBER 24,19% 110:00. 11.-5:00 P.M.) away. An 18 -year- Old Scarborough ADMISSION: S3.DGMERSON h man is charged LOCATION: BLUE DANUBE CLUB with p1686 Ellesmere Road ` (»seccion of �# (YcCowan/E!lesmerej� - 1 stolen property Scarborough. Ontario 0 v� Over S`000 and (416) 290-6186 - theft owr S`,C9)0 '149CAW sstfw! ._Wier a #EW �t E _. a', P NOT EXACTLY AS STIOYVN` _ x NIASTIC WAREHOUSESALE. fOVPEN TO THE PUBLIC FOR A M ITED TIME ONL Y. SHOP R THE BEST SEL EC TINSS IS MICROWAVES, HOW 61 YEN, TELEPHONES, BREr� EPHtt itE A MWERIM /�If 1M, HRME SEC0HT , .- r y' T R-0 N I C- S F� z: _ , v P Join your local newspaper online! We're at www.durhamnews.net I i I - i Compostingin Winter .. Cool Ideal. • _ The process doesn't stop it just slows down. Im Winter Composting Preparation rips -� Harvest the finished Compost Use it on your lawn or garden -*- Save your Fall Leaves Add a handful of leaves each time you add your kitchen wastes. -w Remember the 3 "Us" . Location, Location, Location Place your composter in a sunny location, close to the house for those quick, easy trips. Backyard Composting diverts Waste from Landfill, saving money and recovering valuable resources! I B Teen charged with truck theft in Ajax AJAX -- A 13 -year-old teen was arrested Tuesday night after a pick-up truck stolen in Ajax crashed into a police cruiser in Oshawa. Durham Regional Police said the owner of the pick-up, a Courtice man, was in the area of 1100 Oxford St. when he spotted the vehicle, which had been stolen earlier from the Admiral Road area in Ajax. Two suspects started to drive off in the stolen pick-up but as police pulled up the pair bailed out while the vehicle was still moving. The pick-up rolled into the police cruiser, causing damage estimated at $800. Pizza shop employee facesgun in holdup 0 Worker terrorized in one of two unrelated robberies Wednesday PICKERING -- A pizza shop employee had a gun put to his head and a woman was mugged by a knife -wielding cyclist in two robberies here Wednesday night. DurhamRegional Police said two men, one disguising his face with a towel and the other with a scarf, burst into the Square Boy pizza at 1261 Bayly St. just before midnight. One of the robbers put a hand- gun to the head of an employee, forced him over to the cash regis- ter and demanded money, police said. After cleaning out the till, the bandits left the store. Staff Sergeant Sandy Ryrie said a Metro Toron- to Police canine unit nearby at the time was called into action and tracked the sus- pects across a ravine before losing their scent. Police believe the bandits fled in an awaiting getaway vehicle. Both suspects are described as black and in their late -teens. One is about 57" while the other 54". In an earlier robbery, a 49 - year -old woman was walking to her car when a thug on a bicycle rode up behind her and tried snatching her purse, Stats Sgt. Ryrie said. As the woman struggled with her attacker, she opened her car door and began sounding the horn and screaming for help, at which point the purse -snatcher fled. The would-be purse-snatcber made off with the victim's day - planner, Staff Sgt. Ryrie said - The suspect is described as white, 18-22, five -feet, seven - inches, medium build. Police say he was wearing dark clothing. One suspect was ' nabbed after a brief foot chase while the other got away, police said. An Oshawa youth is charged with posses- sion of stolen property over $5,000, theft over $5,000, breach of probation and breach of rec- ognizance. Guaranteed to keep y our feet warm & dry. Woniens 1 A ALr A N \Vh1th\1 [all s905-7 8-9141 4aring a season o� (miles �l Includes 18 Holiday Cards Introducing... a whale new way to get portraits -Your Ways b&dW— �-W pritips eam Pose nstantly ceaediiott rr. ra HAS wd&.ke Per Only a H. sessrort lee per atkrntised special pyabk when portrads are taken. t.rA one hi)WW cokKtion per Pamir pktase. You choose baclt9munds and appwe Path pose as it is taken. Additional pose taktr, for opoonal portrait eolectron with rho oblgation ro purchase. Portrait sixes approatmae. WALT ....�.. Portrait Studlo - -., call tor-frae t-ars41o"122 for the studb nemeo you- auto tk..nd t.Im • retia• AJAX (Harwood Ave., South) Mon. -Sat. 9 a.m.-ti p.m.. • Sun. 9 a.m.-13 p.m. THE NEWS ADVE MER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1"6 -PAGE S ADVERTISING CORRECTION In our Gifts Only at Eaton's insert. appearing in this newspaper this week. Please note the following Page 23 -Nikko "Christmastime" dinnerware collection will he available November 30. In our Get Ready for Christmas insert from last week. page 13-Lidt Lindor chocolates are incorrectly described. Copy should read: Lindt Lmdor 229g. 59.99 Page JO -Toy Story video copy is incomplete. should read: "Introductory Offer. After November 16. 1996 our Regular price will he $17,99 - Inadvertently. the errors listed appeared in our advertising. We sincerely regret any inconvenience ur confusion to our customers EATON'S DISCOUNTS FOR AGE 50 • New Home • Alarms • No Claims . ,�... •�-• A. • JoNgs-DooiEY INSURANCE BROKER Over 23 Years MARSHA JONES DOOLEY AIIC "Personal Service is our Difference" Morni*ng Noon &. Nl*ght Our Matinee prizeboard Pays up to $5500 plus super jackpot! (12-15 pm to 2:45 pm) ENVIRONMENTALLY CONTROLLED SMOKE-FREE AREA NOW AVAILABLE! N -)Cis MOO 388 i :,ONSUME RS DR • HJGHWA40, The Mikasa Don't miss it! Featuring selected discontinued and surplus lines of Mikasa dinnerware, crystal, giftware and flatware. Choose from hundreds of items - all at fantastic savings! • No dealers please • Cash, Visa, MasterCard, ;nterac (No cheques) •All Sales Final • No zfunds or exchanges ML M_JIWR� Warehouse Sale SAVE up 80% to off Suggested Retail Prices Wed., Nov 20 11 ann: 8:30 pm Thurs., Nov 21 11 am -8:30 pm Fri., Nov 22 11 ani -8:30 pm Sat., Nov 23 10 am=4:00 pm Sun., Nov 24 11 am -5:00 pm One location only 161 McPherson Sr., Markham, ON tl OWL �- aIMIw A,•tu" >M e4�...�. tM A t One location only 161 McPherson Sr., Markham, ON PAGE 6 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1996 VEditori*a s anLetters ♦ Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser A Metroland Community Newspaper published Wednesday. Friday. Sunday 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont .LI S 2H5 TL'►4OTM' J. WHrITAKF.R. Publisher JOANNE BURGHARDT. Editor-in-Chiet BRIVE DA.NFORD. Advertising nmrLager :STEVE HOU,STDN. Managing Editor ALVW BROUWER, Retail advertising nunaga ABE FAKHOl?RIE, Distributim manager General: )905) 633-5110 Classified: (905) 633-0707 Circulation: (0)5) 633-5117 FAX: (005) (,O-7 i63 EM ail: Ncwsroom(d durhan r=%%s net On the Internet: hrrpJ/www.durham- rims.net The Ness Adsrruser is a member of the Ajax -Pickering &wn1 of Trade. Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc- Canadian Curulati ms Audit Board. Ontario Press Council and OMMRI The publisher nerves the right it, classify or refuse any adwrtisement. Credit for advertisement limned to spaLe p nLr error occupies. Show the s Christmas. It rolls around every year, ready or not. And while we're all busy planning our holiday events and chores, the perfect opportunity to get involved in the community pre- sents itself. While we should be thinking of others all year round. no other time lends itself to showing go o dill. humanity and kindness as much as Christm s does. This year is no different than any that have come before. We all have neighbors struggling to make ends meet- there are children who face the disappointment and confusion of discovering that Santa didn't pay a visit on Christmas Eve. There are people without warm winter clothing, people who can't afford groceries, toys or treats for their loved ones. Can you give just one item this year:' NViII you take responsibility for setting up a donation box in your office" '.Making a donation to a toy or food drive at Christmas is the very least we can do to give something back to our com- munities. Remember, every food and tov drive has organiz- ers, and those volunteers are giving of their time and physical efforts to help make the holidays brighter for less fortunate Durham Region families. Giving something, even if all we can afford is one small donation or the gift of time in co-ordinating a drive in our own workplace, will ensure their efforts are not in vain. There are countless volunteers who are busy right now - launching holiday drives, and you can keep up-to-date on who needs what by checking the News Advertiser every Sunday, when we publish a list of local drives. As expected, the list keeps growing as the holidays draw closer. Consider: The Ajax -Pickering Salvation Army is appealing for dona- tions of toys and food for up to 5W needy families. Coldwell Banker First Toronto East Rt:alty is holding a food drive on behalf of St. Paul's on -the -Hill Food Bank, which serves residents of both Ajax and Pickering. The com- pany is accepting donations at its offices at 1450 Kingston Rd., Pickering. And again this year, Durham Regional Police are hosting a toy and food drive, and will take donations at any fire hall or police station in the Region. Let's make this Christmas the best ever for our neighbors who need our help. There, but for the grace of God, go all of us. 4iTo respond to this editorial call Injosource at '�osource 683-7040 and dial 5111 •You said it... In response to last Sunday's editorial End duplication, regarding the amalgamation of municipalities in Durham Region, our readers said: ♦ "Your editorial is right on, hitting the nail on the head. I think it's amazing that local and regional councillors and may- ors, together with the school board trustees, still don't get it. People have had it up to their necks with constant property tax increases every year. Let's see some reductions by reducing many of the top -paying positions in the local municipalities and school board offices:' ♦ "(Wheat talking) about duplication of services, you mention the provincial police in our area. They only deal with the 401 Highway and Highway 2. They have nothing to do with municipal policing. Secondly, you refer to services like garbage collection which are, in most cases, already being done by contract. The biggest thing you didn't mention was recreation., Ane you a4io of the recreation people?" r v Letters to the editor Pro -lifers saddened by reporting To the editor: Many people were saddened by your paper as you labeled the quiet protest of those who stood against abortion on Sunday. Oct. 6. as a -Chain gang". The implication of a criminal ele- ment of those who had the courage of their conviction to stand in respect for all human life lessens the fairness and balance of your reporting. In Canada alone there have been in the past 25 years 1.6 million deaths due to this frightening act of injustice. This slaughter is an unspeakable evil. It is not difficult to see why we must speak up not only for their sake, but for God as well. Eleven churches of all denomina- tions in the Durham Region and stu- dents from various high schools took their stand for life. I would hope that your paper would retract and apologize for this callous reporting. I trust you will have the courage to print this letter. Susan McGuire-Duloy, Ajax Trustees don't represent parents To the editor-. This open letter is to voice my displeasure at the trustees of the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board. At your last meeting, a pilot pro- ject to sell hot lunches at an Ajax R ,school was presented and rejected by you with the Insane reasoning that it might create a two-tiered level in the schools. Were your trustees not listening at this meet- ing' One -hundred parents were con- tacted and all (including the princi- pal of this school) had unanimously endorsed this project. Are trustees not elected to represent the parents" Instead, what I saw was your own personal agenda being satisfied instead of the wishes of these par- ents. I, personally, will not forget! Terri Howerday, Pickering Majority didn't vote for Conservatives To the editor: In your Nov. 8 article "Workfare mandatory, says Ecker" Ms. Ecker is quoted as saying "Ontario voters voted for a mandatory workfare scheme. It's my job to make that happen". What Ms. Ecker and a few edi- torial writers, as well as some writ- ers of letters to the editor who share her sentiment, seem to forget is that only 45 per cent of voters marked their ballot in favor of the Ontario Progressive Conservative Party. Hardly a majority! As long as we do not elect our provincial and federal govern- rnents on the basis of "representa- tion by population", it is indeed .possible for a minority of voters to elect a majority government. Under such circumstances, any government must tread gingerly when implementing its platform, lest it is called arrogant. Guy Colin, Steve Houston Opinion til♦ Pushy Joumalists! It was every newsroom eniplovee's nightmare. Rather than asking probing quc,- tions, I struggled to answer them. Rather than being the one scribbling notes in a pad, I watched nervously ids my responses were recorded. At one point, I actually began to sweat. The rection: 111kc Our Kids to'Xork Day. Here at the News Advertiser, we were visited recently by two bright, energetic students who sal in on a typi- cal day at the newspaper and received a taste of what we do. As part of their experience, they conducted- little interviews of their sponsors' to record the day. Our visiting students were Dwain Dickson of- Pinc Ridge Secondar} Scho of in Pickering and Virginia Lucente of Archbishop Dens O'Connor Catholic High School In Ajax. ']ire day started with a quick tour of the newspaper office, a brief dcscription of what each of our departments are responsible for, and a look at our news- papers. It went well. Quite simple, real- ly. Then, they cornered me. "I have to ask you a few questions;" Dwain said innocently. "Questions'? What questions.' Will you be writing them down?" I shot back, perhaps a little too defensively. His response: A shrug. A smirk. A let's -get -this -done kind of look. He knew he had me, and the inter- view hadn't yet begun. To his credit (and I must say Miss Lucente was equally adamant that her questions would be answered too) he showed the determination any reporter requires. He would get his story. Period. So I sweated through a half-hour interview and he took notcs with an air of perfect detachment. The interview with Virginia wasn't much better. She peppered me with questions, confusing me, causing me to drop my guard. She too ended up with the information she needed for her assignment and no, I couldn't look at the story before it was in print. But I learned something during Take Our Kids to Work Day. I learned that Grade 9 students cannot be taken for granted. They ask bright questions. They are aware of the importance of education, as well as the vital need in today's world to make the most of it. They may have come in as students, but they left as journalists. I learned another, perhaps more important, thing during Take Our Kids to Work day: I hate reporters. Especially the Grade 9 ones. (61 To comment on this column nfosouncre calllnfosource at 683-7040 an"l 5108 Mau* uQau va Nov. 20 from 4:30 to9pmLai the community centre on Cen. tenial Road. Free activities include basket- ball, aerobics, weight training, xda and golf. 11mwe will also * a pizza din. Iter available fa il. Call The Muth rentrn W W& outdoors are coming to F • Burlington • Hamilton • Brampton • Mississauga • Kitchener • Windsc Toronto • Guelph • Oshawa • ep �t � � / � .,•- '-its 4N/c HqR�� F GES'' -� "'. or 1 O se ear 'a k store t Or w e its 11M:1 C13 t� • ti,�,' ' ■ Q q LAI% c s5es SFS Ce ev - O ROLI CL 0 0 � 0 1 L �• �; Tt_ . a ! * N 3 �z a, !k MAT co F" Vf �A \ / • 4 N 0 Vf C/ tsr�; �; sf •,• • `tv CL E c AJAX FLYER SALE FINAL DAyS • • • • • / V" SAVE 70°°0 LI .•�� � �� AT, ..a tom. `�� `�'',. � .- -'_m�� .i ({��; ���-i . •..-. �:.=.'�� _ 1;�. . ll• �ti i — . Llassage Unit ' r IFLSAVE 20'= l t C` c> , � L TIT -tffOSHAWA � a FACTORY OUTLET the FACTORY OUTLET tm �­ Slee p Factory = PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTEDHOURS SET UP - AVAILABLE m e OPEN r �1 k FREE 6 Mo. • SUN. LAY -AWAY WE MAKE ANY DISPOSAL SIZE MATTRESS OF OLD SET AVAILABLE CANADA'S LARGEST CHAIN OF FACTORY DIRECT MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS SINCE 1978 OPEN SUN. 11-4 9 • PAGE 9 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1996 Safe at Block Parents provide a welcome haven for youngsters in trouble home BY KEITH GILLIGAN' _ SiAll- K[TQRIFK AJAX -- It was, an easy progr-ani to start and iindin_� volunteers wasn't too difficult. On April 14, 1976, about 80 people showed up at Harvvoxxd Secondary Sch:x>l i now Exeter High School) for the first-ever :Njax Block Parents meeting. The Ajax Javicettes started the program hen and Lvnne Cummings %%-as the first president. "it wasn't a difficult thing to get started, because there %% as so much interest in it. Ajax was, and is, a bedroom community. People worked in Toronto or in Oshawa. The program was a means of giving kids or .adults -- they could get lost -- a place to go. I? you got lost, there was someone to help ou there." Ntrs. Cummings says. "It blos- xomcd from that." At the first meeting, then Ajax May or Clark Mauro praised the Javicettes for start- ing the program. "When you sit back and rely on council to get something done, it gets done, but not so fast or not as well as by ,omething done by volunteers," he said at the 11 me. Mrs. Cummings learned of the program through a newspaper article announcing a meeting being held in Oshawa in March 1976. After attending. she "pitched (the pro- gram) to the Javicettes and said I'd take it on." Mrs. Cummings recalls. "I felt yery proud getting that started." she notes. "It was a fabulous learning experience. dealing with the mayor and the police. It was great doing all that. It's something you won't not get Town support for. There's nothing bad about the program." The program had the support of Durham Regional Police. Police have conducted backtzround checks on all prospective Bleck Parents since the program's inception. At that first meeting, Detective John Kay said he'd never heard of a Block Parent being refused. "The type of people who would he turned down just don't apply." he said. "It was great to walk up and down in Ajax and see the red and white signs in windows," Ctrs. Cummings :admits. "Ajax grew, quickly and spread to Pickering; Village. It was a big area. What does a Block parent do? a: w, ,A Block Parent offers their home as a place of safety when someone is in a dangerous or frightening situation, such as when a child is being bullied; a person is lost, hurt or ill, caught in severe weather, or when frightened by a stranger. If a person needs assistance, a Block Parent helps by calling the appropriate emer- gency number, such as police, fine or ambulance, when necessary. What a Block Parent doesn't do:.: or provide food, drink, toilet facilities'or trans- portation +' administer fust aid° aw leave their home to break up"a fight w -open their door to anyone if they feel uneasy about the situation. S=W coa� asked questions: Cavil; be a Block Parent if I work all day? ":Yes. Displaying the window sign for only a feet+°hvut A week will help -Block Parents am dw, 7,l00� -= a1 Weekends;"ate schoot, dur . . ttrg td iiay and in the evening. Det "W open my door to-strangei s? If. you feel uneasy,, ask for information the locked door. The individual can stay you call the police or other neces- Your safety, is,the-most avottautt enotlgh? Block Palents;tdy ". need to be sevl"" B%dr Pia: D a parent? w care about the safety �f your coria=' arc ova theAge 4,11#i you could be The association held recruiting campaigns, "but it wasn't something you had to sell. People wanted to be part of it," she says. '"limey didn't stop being Block Parents because they didn't want to te. 11 was primarily because they moved." One of the initiatives started by the association was checking on children absent from school. "It was done during attendance. If a child didn't show up by attendance time, and there were no calls or letters from home, we had volunteer parents phone home and check," Mrs. Cummings notes. "It felt good to be involved in a pro- gram like that," says Mrs. Cummings, who was president for two years. "It ended up becoming a full-time voluntary job." Mrs. Cummings involvement with the Ajax program ended in 1978 when her family moved to Kitchener. Also, „any group needs new people to move in. We moved out, but it was also time for someone else to run it," she says. "Has it been 20 years? It doesn't seem it could be that long ago." "I'm pleased to know the program is still there," Mrs. Cummings says from her home in Phoenix, Arizona, where her family has lived for the past three yam• Carol Davis was the second presi- dent and was involved with the program from 1978 to the mid-1980s. "I ran the school program," recalls Ms. Davis. "We'd go into individual schools and put on a presentation to the students. We introduced it in Ajax. We went in and talked with students on safe- ty issues, to make them street wise." Finding volunteers wasn't as hard then because "more women were at home," says Ms. Davis. "We lived on Banner Crescent and all of our neighbors were at home. None of us worked. Now what's a birthday without a cake? The Ajax Block Parent program is marking its 20th year and celebrates with a cake to thank Durham Regional Police for its assistance. St. James Catholic School kindergarten students, from left, Chantelle Moniz, Laura Lazell and Amanda Long get some help from Block Parent Natalie MacDonald in cutting the cake, while constables Andy Ho and Brad Durst look on. photo by Andrew Iwanowski on an average street, all the women are working." .Pat Fowler served as president in 1985 and '86 and left when her sun was born. "In some areas we made a difference. We'd go into schools and talk to tdw children. We'd go into schools in September to get them ready for Halloween. "lien we'd go back in April and get them ready for the summer," Mrs. Fowler says. And it was a lot of work. "Ajax is now even a lot bigger. It watt a lot of schools and we didn't want to not cover someone," she notes. Association spokesman Natalie MacDon- ald says the group started having problems finding Block Parents in the mid-1980s. She notes articles began appearing in newspapers about the problem with recruiting new peo- ple. Mrs. Fowler recalls the difficulty in find- ing volunteers. "When we were recruiting, people said they left home at six in the morning and did- n't get home until six at night. The kids would be home by then," Mrs. Fowler says. Some people feared if the sign wasn't up, criminals would figure the house was empty and burglarize it. During her time as president, there were about 500 Block Parents, Mrs. Fowler says. 'The Population is greater, but there aren't as many people at home (now). Ajax is a bedroom community, but people aren't at home as much," Mrs. Fowler speculates. Despite the hardships of finding volun- teers, Mrs. Fowler enjoyed her time as presi- dent. She says the group "made a difference getting into schools, making the kids aware of what Block Parents are. "I got to know a lot of people," she adds. "I got to know Ajax like the back of my hand by delivering signs." She also learned some safety tips, such as not having a child's name on their jacket. She remembers a teacher at St. Bernadette Catholic School who took a course in which convicted child molesters were asked how they convinced children to go with them. '"Iitey said, 'You make it so easy by putting their names on their coats or hats."' The: children have been taught "not every- one is bad. But, if approached, use caution. Keep an arm's length distance, so if there is a problem, you can run." These days, the Ajax association has 1,000 names on its list of Block Parents, but Mrs. MacDonald estimates just 600 to W) members display their signs. Tl c- school program is also suffering. There's just one representative for each of the 20 elementary schools in Ajax. "One of our mandates is to educate children and obvious- ly we're not fulfilling our mandate," Mrs. MacDonald adds. School reps are to go into schools in the fall and spring to" "explain the dos and don'ts" and what the Block Parent program is about. Over the years, "we've had some really good yam, good times and bad tithes. In ret- rospective of the 20 years, we have made a difference in Ajax," Mrs. MacDonald believes. The Ajax association has also picked up its share of awards. In 1993, it beat out all provincial programs and collected the best promotional campaign award. This past spring, Mrs. MacDonald also received an appreciation award from the provincial asso- ciation for her efforts. "We've done well. We've been recognized by the police and the provincial association for our efforts." Now, the organization is "striving for a small group of core volunteers to help with the Program. That will set everything in Place. We have the support of the police, the school boards, the Town, some businesses in the Town." She wants to thank everyone who has helped the program, including Block Parent volunteers, Durharn Regional Police, the Town, service clubs, businesses that have "rw THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1996 -PAGE 9 MP McTeague coy about election future BY LINDA WHITE ____STAFF REPORTER__ AJAX-PICKERING — If Ontario Riding MP Dan McTeague knows where he'll seek re-election next year, he's not tipping his hand. "[ don't want people 1:0 say I no longer care for them;' he says, referring to the upcoming redistri- bution of ridings. As MP of Ontario Riding, Mr. McTeague rep- resents residents in Pickering, Ajax and part of Whitby. But as a result of the redistribution of rid- ings announced earlier this year by Elections Canada, Ontario Riding will not exist in the next federal election. Instead. residents in Pickering and Uxbridge and those in Ajax north of Hwy. 2 will have one it's final meeting at Pickering High School in Pickering Vil- lage on Nov. 12. The meeting was held to complete out- standing business issues for Ontario Riding and to found the Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge Liberal Association. The executive of the new riding association was elected. Ontario Riding Associ- ation President David Crawford will lead the new association as president, while the executive vice-president is Eric Passat. The treasurer is Webster James, the membership secretary is Shirley Gawman and Sandy Sullivan is secretary. Ontario Riding has existed since Confederation in IR67. representative, and constituents in Ajax and Whit- Dan And though Mr. McTcaguc was by another. McTeague hesitant to see the Town of Ajax Admittedl-v, Mr. McTcague feels torn, as he resides in Pickering but has strong family ties in Whitby, where he spent part of his childhood. "I'm not favoring one side or another;" he says. "If I announced one riding over the other, people might feel I'm putting my resources in the riding where I plan to run...Right until the election, I represent them all and will light for them all. ' Meanwhile, the Ontario Riding Liberal Association held split in half., he believes the redistribution of ridings "will give Durham a much stronger voice in Ottawa" because it will have one addi- tional MP. Ontario Riding now has a population of about 235,0(X) — a much higher population than the average riding of 100,(0X). Each of the new ridings will Public input sought on quality -of -life issues DURHAM — The Durham Region District Health Council (DHC) is holding a community meeting in Pickering Thursday, Nov. 21 to •eccive public input for its Health Promotion Plan. The meeting will run from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at the Pickering Central Library, One the esplanade. Improving the quality of life in Durham Rcgion communities is the goal of the plan. A fundamental part of ; it involves community conversations to discuss the most important issues lac- ' ing residents. Those issues include liv- The DHC Health Promotion Plan will he suh- mitted to the provincial Ministry of Health for approval, so the council is depending on public participation to submit a plan that accurately reflects the priorities of Durham Rcgion Com- munities. If you have questions or would like more information call the DHC at 411-4262. ing conditions, working conditions and IRVING A. BURTON LIMITED Social support, since those are known to be the strongest influences on Trustee in Bankruptcy health. THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR INITIAL CONSULTATION The DHC wants to hear citizens' CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT views on the issues facing their com- munities in regard to living and work PICI(ERING �� ing conditions and social support. 1550 PM RD. 107 KENT ST. 10 IONf ST WEST (SLITS 2101 207) 839 981 (S(MM• A�4A4R1 839.8981 CIARKE HENNING INC. ..t TRUSTEES & INSOLVENCY CONSULTANTS t9/ -Free Confidential Consultation - OFF HOURS BY APPOINTMENT OSHAWA IDo- w, (wri) -2+-9-iu+ SION\1\G,IDF.:I,U.Llsmolwenwn (�1612t43-KI��� sCARBOROUGHpoiorDvrl W6i-iOAXi2o TORONTO abo sn on- (4161 36i -i -r21 BRAMPTON(ynbwftyio&%ww 06)-65-i'lli ST CATHERINF_ti 0A) NW -31141 SAmam- EAM Media 1141 on sale Monday Nov. 16 - Sunday Nov 24/96. Page 30, reads: Save 25% springs flannel sheet separates. Sears reg. $15.99 - $24.99 ea. Sale: $11.99 - $17.99. Should have read: Sears reg. $15.99 - $35.99 ea. Sale: $11.99 - $26.99. Page 52, reads: Only $12.99 ea. router bit blitz, contains 11 Carbide Tipped, 1/4' shank bits. Should have read: Contains a choice of 11 Carbid Tipped, 114" shank bits. Media 1142, on sale Saturday, Nov. 23 - Sunday Nov. 24/96. Back page (8), reads: Save $90, 12.2v cordless drill, each $159.99. Should have read: Save $100, 12.Ov cordless drill, each $149.99. Sam regrets any wwworliwce met tw may have carr ad. GED credentials which are granted by many jurisdictions in Canada and the United States are recognized in these areas as equivalent to a high school diploma for education, employment, and training purposes. The Province of Ontario now recognizes the GED certificate. Information Sessions will be held ,at 240 Simcoe Street, South .on Wednesday. November 27, 1996 at 7 P.M. Or call, Lex Stewart at 436-3211 for further information. No Obligation. AN'EDUN The Adult & Continuing Education Centre Durham Board of RoCOWFw1v' Education have a population of about 1200X), according to Mr. McTeague. Mr. McTeague says he doesn't know when the next fed- eral election will be held, but guesses if it's not held in Ma,: or June. it will he held in September or October. "PLAN FOR YOUR FUTURE -91 INVEST MONEY FOR YOURSELF OR YOUR CHILDREN IN MUTUAL FUNDS Free consultation and Free information kit We sell hundreds of mutual funds. RRSPs. RRII=s. RESPs. and GICs. Amongo.ur current recommendations are: Business conducted at a time and location of your choice in the greater Toronto area or by mail. Open 7 days a week, 24 hrs a day. Discount service available. RRSP loans. group RRSP` & monthly contribution plans can be arranged. ;nipw1ant rnfnrmarrrrn uhr,ur rhe%e murua( JundN a r nr'uinrd in lhrrr vmplrjird pruvprnu,. hhn-h tua -- Valenti Financial Services Inc. ,. ,ruru,rd to read careful! hre e rrnevtrn� Cnprev are ,r. ailable firms the nnr,rmrnr rrer u/rve liwed ah,,ve nr David Pugh, B.A .( Honours) 'n'm the mutual fund rermranrry rhemselvev Unit vuluev a,,d investment return well r7urtume The rndnutrd rutty Investment Executive "'turn Jn the fumy <rrr the Muunral annual ;.mp,r v in a rural sworn. r rnf evi ?1, 7)f a rn< rr.drny (905) 294-4310 (metro area) r•r: n.,rc in oust culurs and rrrnvrument of u!! --thurum, Return are nr�f all fres and ryerrsev 1888 -517 -PLAN (toll free) P- +urrrurn, a data rr rr%ent yr rrturnv and arr nut - ` Does Your Furniture Need A Facelift9 P01" Specializing in Custom Upholstery and Furniture Repair and Restoration CAN YOU ANSNVER YES TO THE 1FOLLONVING QUESTIONS' -Is your fabric upped, tom or worn . -Have your cushions gone flat'' -Is your furniture outdated'' Christmas is coming' Company is Coming' Why not give your furniture a ..Christmas Facelift"". CALL THE "DR. OF FURNITURE" AT GRAND UPHOLSTERY & DESIGN 403 Beech St. Whitby 668-4468. Make bad report cards a thing of the past at Sylvan. Sylvan's unique teaching method has produced measurable results for over a million students in North America. Our diagnostic assessment uncovers your child's skill gaps and indicates where the learning process can be improved. Then Sylvan's p" certified teachers develop a personalized ` program that is the key to better grades and increased motivation for your child. Take the first step toward better grades. To learn more, call Sylvan today. Kendalw*W Park Plan 881 Brock Rd. S., Pickering 1801 Dundas St. E., Whitby (Brock & Bayly) Telephone (905) 404-1818 Tel. (905) 839-9637 f,,4eSYLVAN LEARNING CENTRE® Better Qrades are -rust the beainnina.s' PAGE 10 -THE NEWS ADNERI ISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,19% Name Dro. :gin Nax and, P skein. ani t . . ........ . .. .. ...... 50th anniversary Birthdays Birthday Birthday Anika and Omari Jarrett will Morgan "Our Precious little girl" Brarmen both be 'sweet 16' G e r r i e Fly Cooper turned one on OCL 27. on Nov. 21. That turns seven She's gone from a 'small little bundle to means there'll' on Nov. 20. .. :,. soon be two new v., ; H a P P Y a curious active drivers and dou x'. birthday SPY toddler. Wish - _ti in her lots of love, ble the requests tax wishes and ' _�` g s for the car keys V love from `� ""' hugs and kisses were 00 Wishing the MommyVZ , Mommy, Daddy, brother and sister Daddy and Nana, Poppa, Gran, { l _ — Grandad, Uncles Helen and Sid Fenton celebrat- VAJ tandem a happy Matthew. birthday with love are Mom Audrey, Scott and Ryan, Aunt Michelle, and ed their 50th wedding anniversary Dad Delrov, Auntie Judith, family and friends. firm' pals Mme, Kasi and Best. Nov. 16. Congratulations and best 30th anniversary �7�,ys wishes from son Jim and thens BirthUiL Hearfamily. Wedding r There - -- B• Victoria and t irthdays Thomas Knowlton r celebration _ C, announce the forth- in the Dar- i - "Happy birthday to Debbie- comingmarTia a of Debbie -Debbie (Monaco) on g Toch home ` their Mom Bev to on Nov. 7. Nov. 6, and to 'D' (Deanna Grant VGintle. The , ,.►. � i ri� Big Daddy Monaco) on Nov. 21. You're both couple will wed onJim turned very special to all of us. Love f April 1997 where �` ' . � � � � � + 31 and little Nicole, Michael, Danielle, Vicki they met at Rack- and John." 'Em Up Pool and Pub in Ajax. Nov. 19 is a special day for Flo- sweetheart rence and Ted BuchowskL as they'll celebrate their 30th wedding anniver- celebrated her fast birthday. Lots of Birthday BirthdayBirthday sary. Best wishes from Mom, Dad, hugs and kisses for both from sister Mary Ann and Al Pope, broth- Mommy Sue, Stephanie and Sarah. Big guy er John and Kathy. brother Steve and Mommy says she wasn't going to top Rvan Arrge- Brenda. niece: Laurie. great-niece year's birthday surprise. to turnedAllisha, niece Annalise, nephews four on Nov. '� !" i Joshua, Jesse, Kyle and Corv, and Birthday I 12. Love the Buchowski famil-,. and best Nov. 14 { ti wishes fora was a special happy birth--' Blhdlly , I day for "our r' day came Christopher little Pump - owl _ f r o m kin" Andrew H M o in m V, `` y Russell turns 12on Nov. 19. Pennell as he Daddv and _ Happy birthday ccicbrated his `t J Karlee. , Happy 10th birthday wishes come - first birthday. Ryan cele- wishes go out to "our beau- from Mom, , Wishing him Jesse Gunn turned brated with tiful" Giselle Samantha pad, Tiffany `' good health, , eight on Nov. 16. Sending his Grand- Jairarn on Nov. 19. Love, Ca"yn, Dave, love and hap- s along happy birthday ma, Pa, hugs and kisses from Mom Sandi. Gary and Michael. "We are all piness were ` wishes and lots of love Nana, aunts Loretta, Dad Dennis, her sending our wishes for a happy, May, Daddy, Granny, Grand - were Mom, Oma, Opa, and uncle, and of course his favorite aunts and uncles. "We love healthy and interesting year before pa and Andrew's little companion i Nancy, Craig and Katja. cousin Brittnev. "We love you." you dearly." entiering your teens. - Birthday Birthday Birthday y y y Birthday Birthdays The big fella � ; -. -- _ __ _ _- --i . in the Goodwin October saw several cel - home is one. '� + ebrations in the Nash Carter celehrat- household. Nana Terry, ed his birthday on {Daddy Richard and ooe- Nov. 7 with best '_ year-old Matthew all had. = wishes and lots of X. : birthdays last month. Best t love from Mam, wishes from sister Rebecca, Dad d W inky the dog. w anho is two -and -a -half, L ��, Birthday greetings ` Mommy Elizabeth and Bidhtday S/erea 13bt e0 Nov. 13 w:s a won- #Grandma and Grandpa on Nov 16, derful date in the° x 00ur log boy" the day he armed faun. Tob6W house as 'our ::4\ Mark Best wishes loom Mom Nov. 16 was a big day for little • Egim ds armed one on Down, Bob, sister Brit- Jumd Scaoeehur3► as he twined four She cele- R�4 1794E Liverpool Road Nov. 10. "You may, cousins Ryan, alraod eight and aelebralod braled wide family and : Pickerin 831-5431 have bmught us Druidle and We Lake with a birthday pent'. Vlirsh- f rids. -Happy birth- l TM VMS CM wMAM ARE much jq► and hap. Nast, Uncle Harry mg JaDlM a happy bn6day day sweetie" with bve r. mown c per- Happy bhtWlay ftm Naas, Aunt Denise, were his Mom, Did, brother and lasses from _ ` y Maatna% Daddy, Grand na and Graodps Jason Sod all his family and blemeny, Daddy, lei% `_ _- $�tc.rot�. Dab and the fammily.- Baba, Nu. and GG Stowe. friends. lave you iamaal." Nana and Twha. _ W � � � a� R `� ^�vCl peov;Je iderKificauon) PRIM VALID !Fill. SAT. NOV. 23,19% a Birthday? send your special occas/on to vs for Publication In our weeldy Name Dropping feature. Anniversary? Mall to; 130 Commercial Avenue,, Wedding? ate, on:, ass 2H5 c% Keith Gilligan Organizers aim for Sun-sational fund-raiser 0 Ontario Riding MP Dan McTeague heads group planning to raise money for Ajax teen with large heart' AJAX-PICKE.RING — A fund-raiser is being held next month to replace two airline tickets an Ajax teenager gave to a dying mother and her child. Warren Sum, the Ontario Easter Seal Society Timmy, donated the tickets to Nancy Benson of Ajax and her daughter Akaysha, 4, so they could visit Disney World, which they did in early October. Ms. Benson has cervical cancer that can't be treated medically and before she dies, she wanted to take her daughter to Disney World. Ms. Bensons sister Janet Benson of Oshawa appealed for public donations in September, which Warren read about in the News Advertiser. Warren, 13, received the tickets at a golf tourna- ment and was planning to use the tickets to visit Switzerland or Sweden to watch some hockey games. The find -raiser is being held Tues- day, Dec. 10 between 6 and 9 pm. at Honey Gar- lic Restaurant, at the comer of Bayly Street and MacKenzie Avenue in Ajax. It's being orga- nized by Ontario Riding MP Dan McTeague and Aiax businessman Joe Dickson. "Warren Sun's large heart should serve as an example to all Canadians while showing us that good deeds spread much-needed hope and opti- mism," Mr. McTeague says. "Despite having earned the opportunity to travel to any location he desired, Warren chose to Ming joy to a dying mother and her four-year-old daughter. He may not have expected anything in return for this sacrifice, but I feel that, as a community, we should show our appreciation by allowing him to take his much deserved trip," Mr. McTeague adds. Tickets are S25 each and include a buffet dinner. The master of ceremonies will be Ken Shaw of CFPO News. All proceeds will go towards buying two plane tickets to the location of Warren's choice. For more information, call Mr. McTeague's con- stituency office at 905-427-6203, Mr. Dickson at 905-683-7940 or Roxanne at Honey Garlic at 905- 686-8231. THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,19WPAGE 11 Planning to start college in January or September? Now is the time to start thinking about college in January or September, so you won't want to miss Durham College's "College Days `96". College Days '96 will give you the opportunity to see why Durham College is right for you. With an almost eighty percent placement rate, state -of -the -an facilities, Ontario's only employer guarantee and a learning environment that's student -focused, friendly, fun and caring, you'll want to attend. Come out and see for yourself why Durham College is the right choice, on Thursday, November 21 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm and Friday, November 22 from 9.00 am to 2:00 pm at the Durham College Oshawa Campus. For more information call 1-800-461-0549. College Days '96 -- Coll today for more Oshawa Campus information at 1-80x461-0549. Educating You for the Real World. The Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser Welcomes you to REGISTER YOUR KIDS FOR SUMMER ral 4 Day March Break Registration Show • Dance • Baseball • Gymnastics � • Soccer • Football • Drama • Music � • Tae Kwon Do/Karate • Adult & Children Educational Services Private Schools and moi _... See Our Supplement Sun., Mar. 9/97 for Schedule of Show times. If interested in a booth in the show or for general information :- � : Call Chris 683=511.0. THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, The small world of Mitchell Marengeur D 'Typical little boy' born with dwarfism will never grow past the size of a child BY CHRISTY CHASE STAFF REPORTER AJAX -- Mitchell Marengeur is a typi- cal toddler -- energetic, inquisitive and quick with a smile. But, the Ajax youngster is shorter than your average 18 -month-old. His parents, Janette and Scott Marengeur, quip that he's vertically challenged. "He's just a typical little boy except his arms and legs are just too damn short." says Mom as Mitchell plays in their Queen Street It was home. The good-natured boy :hong ti has achondroplasia or dwarfism, the most com Pefore mon of 80 birth defects and one that causes bones to `any co grow disproportionately. "over h One in 36,000 children will be born with achondropla- All his :Mitchell's arms and legs ,ykills are too short for his body, .1 : and his head is too big, fea- -been s tures that earn him many devel0 second glances and even stares from people. So, his average -sized �.. parents want to tell his story in hopes people will come to know him and accept him as a part of the community. They even welcome questions from people when they're out in public. "Don't be shy, just ask me," Dad says. Mr. and Mrs. Marengeur, who have an average -sized daughter Mcghan, aged two -and -a -half, knew Mitchell would be different even before he was born. A routine ultra- sound at 30 weeks of her pregnancy set off "all the bells and whistles," Mom says. "M), doctor said there was a sig- nificant problem with the growth of 1 The six -pound, six -ounce infant spent one night under observation in the inten- sive care unit before coming home two days later. Now 16 pounds. Mitchell has regular appointments with doctors, physiothera- pists and a regional infant development worker to keep track of his various physi- cai difficulties. He'll never grow past the size of a child. His development is slower than nor- mal. He didn't walk until 17 months because he hadn't been strong enough to hold up his head before that. (That's still about a year ahead of usual for a child with achondroplasia.) "It was a long, long time before he had anv control over his head," Mom says. "All his motor skills have a long, been slow in developing." "He was like a newborn me baby up to nine months of :age." Dad says. he had In fact, his immobility frustrated him, Dad ntrol reports. 1S head. "His body wouldn't do what he wanted. He want - motor ed to be mobile but phvsi- �` call), he couldn't do it." have Now that he's walking, Mitchell is much happier. low In To help them along the way, the Marengeurs have ping... turned for advice to Little Janette People of Ontario, a group made up of people with wren eur achondroplasia and their 9 ; families. Fearful of any hurtful behavior he might encounter at school, the Marengeurs hope to eventually involve him in a variety of community programs, such as Boy Scouts, "so he develops his own group of friends the long bones in his arms and legs Faeiliiittfie and in the growth of the chest cir- from cumference." SO -=So The diagnosis of dwarfism was confirmed at Women's College Hos- pital in Toronto after a two-week wait that seemed endless. "We were basket cases," Dad admits. Some of the unborn baby's long bones were "significantly" shorter than they should have been, they were told in Toronto. "But their major concern wasn't the growth of the long bones, it was more his chest circumference," recalls Dad. A smaller chest circumference meant less room for his heart and lungs to develop properly. Mitchell was given a special ultrasound to check his heart and lungs at the Hos- pital for Sick Children but everything appeared fine. They were delighted when he was born breathing on his own on May 1, 1995. "He came out screaming blue tpurder," Dad says. "They had us so psyched up for disaster, of him being in full respira- tory arrest, with a full neonatal team on hand," Mom says. "They had a couple of emergencies and he was almost born in the hallway on the way to the delivery room." R 0 4S�IN � o4 0 1� sS I"'re inom • Eighteen -month-old Mitchell Marengeur plays with his sister Meghan in the living room of their Queen Street home. Mitchell was born with achondroplasia or dwarfism which means his arms and legs are too short in proportion to his body. The pair are the children of Janette and Scott Marengeur. photo by Ron Pietroniro very young, so he can maintain his self- But that's still a few years away. esteem," Mom says. Right now their worries are more along "I hope we can give him that confi- the lines of finding shoes and winter boots dence in himself, that strength in himself that will fit his short, wide feet and how to that he can just slough (teasing) off. Most add rungs to the ladder so Mitchell can use of the kids in the group arc like that." the backyard slide with his sister. OPEN N HOUSE TOURS DAII.T i• &40.410.. 01/ PC Progressive Conservative Party of Canada Parti progressiste-cort"rvateur du Canada Members of the Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge PC Association cordially invite all citizens to a breakfast town hall with The Hon. Jean Charest, leader of the Progessive Conservative Party of Canada on Wednesday, November 20th at 7:45 a.m. at Just Desserts in Pickering, located in the Lick's Plaza on the south side of Hwy. 2 between Whites Road and Liverpool. Mr. Charest as part of his Partnership Canada tour will be answering questions and soliciting opinions residents of Pickering -Ajax -Uxbridge as he fine tunes a platform that will represent the views of all Canadians. All are welcome. Complimentary coffee and muffins will be served. For more information contact: Michael Hills at (905) 420-7400. from the s, ri OUMNDING VALUE FLY/CRUISE HOLIDAYS ■ Fascination, a floating 1 resort with an informal atmosphere ■ Thrilling Vegas style enttrtainment j A • Fine dining • Much more ■ Includes round-trip airfare 1. . ■ Optional land packages also available. '�► X1111 prfprs damo w m am oesiiaca4Wd* *4 Oftsm sxoaaomkA dMolw dh and ail. Air ad PW C wip »s Shkh apart.. t,r - Cxa6r HdAiA h apawi d Facirlin &0111111W is s ROOM ImMak d C98ft � lr WoNdA=LK��oad69wd r AJAX TRAVEL U vm��liwli AND CRUISE CENTRE THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1996 -PAGE 13 V FIRE $150,000 damage to Chatfield Drive home AJAX -- A Chatfield Drive family have been forced out of their house following a fire Tues- day which caused about $150,00) damage. The fire began about 6:05 p.m. and was contained in the basement, says Ajax Fire Depart- ment spokesman Thom Evered. "It was around the drver and the cause is undetermined;' he adds. Two adults and a child were at home at the time and all three got out of the house safely. There were no injuries to family mem- hers or to firefighters, Mr. Evered notes. The family has been staying at a hotel since the blare, as the house is uninhabitable until repairs are done, which should take about a month, Mr. Evered adds. The Intelligent Place to Shop appliances for QUALITY • SERVICE • SELECTION We' 11 Be Staying Up Late For A i••iiiii•iiiiiiiiAiiii••ii••iiii•iiii•ii i • imonq'....ter • • d mo n ay • i i • M , • ne • • • AAL IL IS • 0 MONDAY November 18th • Evening Only! 0:00 P.M. TO 10:00 P.M. • * ALL Your Favourite Brands _ At Clearance Prices ... Plus: Scratch and Dent Specials ' Floor Models at Rock Bottom Prices! • KITCHENAW • WHIRLPOOL • JENN-AIR • GAGGENAU • BOSCH • MIELE • WOOD • THERMADOR • SUBZERO • HOT POINT • MAYTAG • GE • AMANA • AND MUCH MUCH MORE! • All This And More At Your Peter's Store! ; SOME WHEN IT'S DARK AND SAVE AT... - Hwy. 401 and Brock Road, 0 x 0 _ Pickering, wi 1755 Pickering Parkway, • ;PETER'S KNOWS APPLIANCES Ur* 12' 905 -ata —�� or 1-800-231-9274 ® � Il� • F��■...■to,&w.Af the Piekeriag Horn• r&alisure Centre • PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1996 Getting whileivin g g Deanna and Valerie Bartlett took advantage of some of the sweets offered to blood donors this week during a clinic held in Ajax. The young Barlietts accompanied their mother and filled up while she gave blood. photo by A.J. G roen PAREM TS: GIVE US 30 DAYS AND WE'LL INCREASE YOUR CHILD'S CONCENTRATION AMD SELF-CONFIDENCE.. ... GUARANTEED! Pray en M ttm .od am.pR ..er a pounve dr lwa M.m& Asn Oare& hs m.ae m 6. W.T. hfe s.Mae Mr" Atu CM" tells mnc Okras ,spa.ek.um-wmEna -t rads vorr duld *e po mm of 000e0l00M%. .lam .n& dndot.t>E he" Ile"" of 0a6&1ro_ Ma rad pma al &=*= Cave r 30 drn to d o ym ' - t ho- -e on hots at the bw m ym add - �rr�a� ��`..nae� a yorr • • d m ae salt a MARTIAL ART'S CANADA FANNY CENTRES" CALL AJAX (905) 686-8866 / PIWRING (905) 839-5000 W h 9S Don_. Cherry 3 Your East End Corvette Specialist • High Performance -Engine rebuilding • Interiors • Small block Chevy 837-2593 955A Alliance Rd. Pickering, Ontario ARMOREDS111ELD AUTO GLASS AND PLATE GLASS Replacement Centre 24 Hour Emergency Service Owner Brent YuIW 619-9936 1 MARKHAM INDUSTRIAL & TRADE SUPPLIES gym. Ba* st. 420-2448 of Brock Road CONSUMER CAR MART • AUTO SERVICE SUPER CENTRE • - s sir , TNs COST OIC PRL-WINTtR Mw/NTENIminAr Includes antifreeze. Environmentally friendly R„".99 •Includes computer check and labour to adjust *Shims and parts extra if needed %9 Chicago Black Hawks GM Bob And speaking of the Hawks, it's hard Pulford really was between a rock and to believe, but Denis Savard could be a hard place after he was forced to offer their number one centre this year if then Winnipeg Jets' Keith Tkachuk a Zhamnov goes down for any length of $6 million deal. The offer, forced by time. Remember, Bernie Nicholls is Savard. The Kabs said the was9W Hawks owner Bill Wirtz because he gone to San Jose and Roenick is someone like Beliveau, but didn't gel was mad the Jets backed out of deal for sunning himself in Phoenix. Imagine, him. Can you imagine how great he Tkachuk, set off a chain reaction which they were thinking of offering Savard a would have been in Montreal! left Chicago star Jeremy Roenick front office job!; ' ticked off. He's still got the wheels and, with a Bob was told to get him at any price little time off, I'm sure he'll have a verybut, WINMELD! in the end, he wound up with productive season. - Alexei Zhamnov. Craig Mills and a TRIVIA: Who did the Montreal WE TOWAP- YOUR r number one draft pick for his rights to Canadiens give up to get the number PAY1 00. DEDUCTIBLE Roenick. However, Zhamnov decided one pick in the 1980 draft from the plus you WIPER OIL s to hold out for Roenick numbers, about Colorado Rockies. get BLADES + CHANGE $4 million a year. heck, he only had 24 last Answer: Sean Shanahan and Ron Call 837-7819 goals year! Pulford told him to stay Andruff - if you can believe it. today in Russia and rightfully so. Eventually !Montreal chose Doug Wickenheiser INTERPROVINCIAL he did sign, but that initial offer to instead of a Quebecer who grew up in AUTO GLASS Tkachuk sure caused a lot of problems. Montreal - no one other than Denis "1 Brock R' Your East End Corvette Specialist • High Performance -Engine rebuilding • Interiors • Small block Chevy 837-2593 955A Alliance Rd. Pickering, Ontario ARMOREDS111ELD AUTO GLASS AND PLATE GLASS Replacement Centre 24 Hour Emergency Service Owner Brent YuIW 619-9936 1 MARKHAM INDUSTRIAL & TRADE SUPPLIES gym. Ba* st. 420-2448 of Brock Road CONSUMER CAR MART • AUTO SERVICE SUPER CENTRE • - s sir , TNs COST OIC PRL-WINTtR Mw/NTENIminAr Includes antifreeze. Environmentally friendly R„".99 •Includes computer check and labour to adjust *Shims and parts extra if needed %9 Expiry N -v. 3"6 (just south of the 401) in Pickerine ss�q Ff0 •ovT� taclodes Dew wa pah Includes new AIC Delco or Champion Ei111 •otb to i0 pI sand labour to install - Vans &parts and labour extra if Deeded tgtr K...3V% ex I truc $20 ex WE'LL BEAT ANY COMPETITORS ADVERTISED FEATURE OR WRITTEN GUARANTEE! 0. • • BLAUPUNKT Austin AM/FM Cassette 10 $189°0 SAVE '110. �UCMSOUND N IER 34 Hunt St., Ajax 4 cyL '� ow 8 pww sawm taa.rn.mnw".ut . FrA-dty I War. -.l (just south of the 401) V-49jac r: LIM- I; R X149► �►.'�� Fai -?:,�o t� • �,, _ - 7:36am - Wed - 9:36 am - m om►.¢. Mpa., TYtes, Tltwi Fri -7:30 am Car_ _ 7,an _ �....: �a%_ 41 .:. t V EDUCATION Spanish Community ofDurham Region hostsfirst DURHAM — A new cultural, rccrcational and educational group is saying " hola" to prospective mcm- bcrs. The Spanish Community of Durham Region is holding its inau- *ural meeting on Saturday. Nov. 30 rom 2 to 5 p.m. at St. Isaac logues Catholic Church, 1148 Liverpool Rd., Pickering. The group estimates there arc sonic 600 Spanish-speaking resi- dents in Durham. It aims to identity CORRECTION NOTICE We wish to draw your attention tc the following in our current 'Give Like Santa Save Like Scrooge' flyer. Page 8.5 in 1 playdesk, 50-3169. Copy reads: After 53.00 mail -in rebate on pkg. This product does not come with mail -in rebate We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you. Cella You step into the foyer of this attractive building, and for a moment, you are convinced that you are in the lobby of a luxury hotel. This, however, is Cedarcroft Place, where gracious retirement living is offered in customized comfort and individualized surroundings, and where quality is a way of life. Located in Oshawa at 649 King St. E., Cedarcroft Place is an ideal retirement home, close to all amenities. Situated on one of the city's main thoroughfares, this impressive five -storey residence is within close proximity to all amenities - across the street, a shopping plaza, medical facilities next door, transportation, banking and churches are also nearby. On the other hand, you can enjoy Cedarcroft's scenic setting, or take a daily stroll through a nearby public park. Designed for comfort and the needs of the Spanish community, organize activities that will enrich individual and family growth, and to increase awareness of community resources and services. For more information. call Gloria Galvez at 696-2661. IV . I CORRECTION NOTICE We wish to draw your attention tc the following in our current 'Give Like Santa Save L,ke Scrooge flyer Page 8. 5 in 1 playdesk, 50-3169. Copy reads: After $3.00 mail -in rebate on pkg. This product does not come with mail -in rebate. Page 22. 2 -way speaker system, 35-4113-6. Copy reads 15.99 pair, should read 15.99 each _ We wish to draw following in our current 'Great Gifts Great paces' flyer. Page 17. Item 2, prosolve carpet deodorizer, 53-0826-0. flyer reads 500ML, should read 500G. We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you. cnote347-96z0(0nt) THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1996 -PAGE 15 Entrepreneurship. I for nurses PICKERING —The Ontario Association of Nurs- es in Independent Practice hosts an information and networking session for registered nurses Wednesday, Nov. 27 from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at Durham Regional Police building at the corner of Brock Road and Hwy. 2 in Pickering. Author Carol Hamilton will discuss her book, Nurse Entrepreneurship — Seizing the Challenge and Running the Race. As well, OANIP president Gillian Fletcher of Fletcher and Associates will speak on the benefits of entrepreneurship as a health professional. F --()r more information call Eileen Higdon at $39- 8809. n I've lost 2" in my hips and thighs, I " from my waist, I'm toning and firming the muscles in my arms 1 and legs rr dealing with stress better, IT have confidence: I've nc-ver had before, and I'm having a great ;me and I'm learning to defend Boleti MARTIAL ARTS CANAM FAMILY CENTRES CALL: AJAX (905) 686-8866 I PICKERING (905) 839-5000 rcroft Place: The Premier where your comfort is our concern convenience, there is a choice of single or double standard occupancy in guest rooms, which boast private en suites. The centre's motto is 'Your comfort is our concern'. This care is reflected in the gracious, warm atmosphere, starting in the pleasant dining room, continuing through to the inviting lounge and cosy recreation room. The soft warm color schemes are achieved through the use of decorator coordinated drapes and broadloom. However, a more personalized environment can be developed by adding one's own furnishings. Cedarcroft's commitment to comfort and safety is reflected in the fully air conditioned rooms, each featuring individual climate control. The built-in emergency call system for round-the-clock t Or..µ 800146 0031; ;911$1 S64 6268 READ THE News Advertiser THREE TIMES Choice in Retirement protection is further enhanced by the supervisor's 24-hour schedule. 649 The establishment emphasizes activity and companionship. These are achieved through planned exercise programs. arts and crafts, games, and social events. Cedarcroft pays close attention to every need of the resident. Even personal laundry service is built in. Appetizing meals are prepared in the centre's efficient kitchen. Refreshments are also offered between meals. ic1 A WEEK Living... King St. E. Oshawa or persona goon, ng and For A Personal Guided healthcare, there is an in-house barber, hairdresser, and podiatrist. Tour Or Further The doctor visits the residence Information once or twice a week to provide private consultations; however, Call / r� 23-9490 round-the-clock visits are available. Although most residents maintain their independence, special supplementary nursing is available. Rates for Cedarcroft are reasonable, and depend on the level of care required. As in all its centres, the dedicated Oshawa staff offers customized service in an affordable, yet luxurious setting, with individual comfort being a primaryconcern. , 71t;:_ MARJORIE BEATTIE (administrator) t__,_`sToFEk: onium I&lr^nlp oru A mp t% A %lff■mm% v0%1 1 mm^lkm %,Fom -- - - - -- - f lz �I K N(J�VEMBE�R 17 �� SUNDAY, I rWz NPFc1Ac - • 79-9PURCHASE - - -- PRICE — - SOUTHWEST' EXQUISITE CONTEMPORARY " UTE -3 PIECE COFFE�* • SOFA LOVESEAT - • - -- -. - & END TABLES A" CRP liftio=0M. Eve UNBE.LiE4ABLE l.ALEI= y s 2711 STER `` -COLOR SON COLOR TY I 4 HEAD 11=F1 V'C R VALUE'r SAVE % �is200 __ LEATHER CHAIR OTTOMAN fi I F. RE E BARBECUE & PRIZES nday, November 17, Noon=5 pm._CALL` Only at BEST CHOICEw )ISPLAY til y -amigo Leisure Plus 1�7 95 F Includes: - ®•Free Caller 1D for 1 -year THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1996 -PAGE 17 1 '- I ;-J A r S'"` IMM: N KIA 232 a • 500 minutes of local evening and weekend calling b. a. _ I • Additional local evening and -Rr Ir+ �'t-F weekend minutes 10e / minute • Only 65o/ minute for local daytime w CAN y Eris sson DH315 D19 W phone NOW'---4&'�• FRE 'OFFICE � OR � HOME DELIVER'Y� PAGE 18 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,19% Buy a brick to help y our town 0 Personalized bricks can be purchased to become a part of pathway at Esplanade Park in Pickering PICKERING -- Want to help pave the wav to making Pickering a better communit% :' You can do your part by purchas- ing an engraved brick in the pathway to the new gazebo in Esplanade Park beside the Civic Complex. The Canadian Progress Club. Pick& ng/Ajax Women �is holding a Buy a Brick campaign to raise money for its various community projects, including the Special Olympics, the purchase of a new vehicle for St. John Ambulance and further deyclopment of' Esplanade Park. Thr club has already contributed 5.15.D00 to the cost of the new gaze- hu..,,th the Town footing the other half of the hill. Bricks, engraved with your choice of wording, ma% be pur- chased for 550 each and will become part of the pathway. Purchasers may have them engra\cd with names, including those of their grandchildren. other LOEB Serves up United 'WaN brunch AJAX-PICK- ERING -- You can enlov a Sun- day morning brunch and help the United Wa, out at the same time. The $2 brunch will he scryed by LOEB grocery stores in Ajax and Pickering on Sun- day. No%. 17 from 1 I a.m. to 2 p.m. It includes an egg, cheese and ham sandwich on an English muf- fin, a break- fast 10 bar, a piece of fresh fruity juice and coffee. All proceeds go to the local United Way fund- raising campaign. Ia Ajax, LOEB is located at Ajax Market- place, 475 West- ney Rd. N. and at Baywood Centre, 105 Bayly St. W. In Pickering, it's at Glendale Mar - Sale et3ective Tees., Nov. Iq to Sat, Ater. z3 relatives, beloved friends, or even a pet. There is a limit, however, of two lines of'copti at 12 spaces per line on each brick. The bricks will he installed in the spring. There is no deadline for their pur- chase. Anyone ,vho wishes to buy one should phone Stephanie Dougan at IF • TIME • QUALITY • GENTLE DENTAL CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU V►'E ARF AVAILABLE TO SERV7E YOt' NVE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS Nrr'E ff PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 428-9896 or Karen Balsdon at 839- 5885. The gazebo is scheduled to offi- cially open Dec. 3 as part of the Town of Pickering's annual tree - lighting ceremony in Esplanade Park from 7 to 8 p.m. It is being offered to the commu- nity as a place for concerts, theatre and other performances over the summer. 24 HOt"R EMERGENCY SFRY7CE 3 Harw(x)d Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario (South of Hati'. #r2) 11 LA DR. JOSEPH A. MISKIN, DENTIST W o > o � F N i t o 3 3r��i ole"&& LEARN TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR ASTHMA At Ajax Pickering Hose W, November 19 and November 26 For more information or for Pre -Registration gall: THE LUNG ASS D ftm %qi n436-1046 g,VGROWING SPURTS Children's Resale Shop Specializing in new and gently used children's and maternity fashions, along with childhood toys, books and equipment. Receive a 5 % discount when you make a contribution of non-perishable baby food, formula, diapers or related items to our Christmas donation hamper. The Villages of Abbey Lane 91 Rvlander Bled., Scarborough 281-2537 (416) r i%hm 1Wed930 - 6 pm Thurs. - Fri. 9:30 - 9 pm Sat. 9:30 - 6 pm Sun. 10 - 4 pm r Everyone reads and shops the News Advertiser' Quality Fresh Cut Meats At Everyday Low Prices! , o , Q GBeef round $� 69 The "Fromm t¢6e Deb" Cooped Okko LMM 99 30. New York Striploia Steaks usnA Select $ 49ibe !; $300 8AVE kv- 'Breaded WckmCWeb $ 49 14Ib. ketplace, 1900 17% Linerpssl fid. Dixie Rd. 1kkfaDr P= For more Pidwift 631.7161 information, call .4 iK the United Way at'i tttttwaan a n.nasf � 1FA&Y 686-0606. 9A saarraa, K ,t b r. - Fresh Bonairi Chwalcu Bram $29 .21be in ;Fer=27chFries3,;49 >tr. las Ittan" Meat Balls �,_399 lb. � Smoked Pork alops $31b*9' � MtS1tS Nwy. •s - o AwT• Ml IF] R "The Meat People" o a : Now i3 loexatlaulill In Outario �° I11AJi1Z41'8� 11'4 `:,. Mft N7 The 60 Best Tax - Strategies That Will Change Your Life FREE SEMINAR Mon., Nov 18 7:30 p.m. Annandale Golf & Country Club Church St. S., Ajax LIMITED SEATING 905-427.7333 Ext. 301 (24 hrs.) Few rciN =put, sutlhor, broaden% and Ntt A— edMor flor CFRB Rada and Global Tikvitrion. Off: INWO will share principlss wfih you ow s • 20 Income splitting strategies to reduce _;your taxes by up to hath • 20 Irmstment strategies to enhance your _,. eturns & reduce taxes { • 15 Employee benefits you cin receive tax free • 5 Estate plaruhing strategies for middle _ income earners • 90 minutes of {pure tax saving advice o TOTALLY NEW -TOTALLY INNOVATIVE ARIES P THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1996 -PAGE 19 To list your non-profit group's upcoming events, infor- mation must be submitted by 5 p.m. the Wednesday preceding Sunday publication. To have your events promoted in Billboard, fax 683-7363 or write to the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Commer- cial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2115. SUNDAY, NOV. 17 MUSIC: The Picker- ing chapter of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers Asso- ciation holds a fund- raising music recital from 2 to 4 p.m. at St. Andrew's Pres- byterian Church, 35 Church St. N., Pickering Village. The recital is in celebration of Canada Music Week. Admission $5 for adults, $3 for students. Tick- ets are available by calling 683- 9493 or at the door. RAILROAD: The Pine Ridge Railroaders holds its model train show from 10 a.m. to 3:30 pm. at Father Leo J. Austin Catholic Sec- ondary School, 1020 Dryden Blvd., Whitby. $4 for adults, $2 for children under 14, free for children under five. Displays and sales tables. 434-6831. MONDAY, NOV. 18 PARENTS: The Birthing Circle for parents and expectant parents meets at 7:30 p.m. at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 108 Bloor St. W., Oshawa. 420-0223. TUESDAY, NOV. 19 SENIORS: The Tuesday Morning Discussion Group holds its week - ling meeting at 9:30 a.m. at the Ajax Seniors' Friendship Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. Alf Williams discusses Scouting. 619-0315 (Betty). BREAST-FEEDING: The Ajax La Leckie League meets at 7:45 p.m. It offers information and sup- port on breast-feeding. Topic is Baby Arrives: The Family and the Breast-feeding Baby. A new video on breast-feeding by the La Leche League will be reviewed. All women and babies welcome. Call 683-7547 for location. CAPIC: The Durham Chapter of the Canadian Association for Pro- duction and Inventory Control holds a diaper meeting at C klxi- ty's. 1527 Bayly St., Pickering. Speaker Kai Mabrouk discusses quality decision making through the use of simulation. Cash bar 6 to 7 p.m., dinner 7 to 8 p.m., presen- tation 8 to 9 p.m. Costs, including GST, $20 members, $25 others, $15 registered students. 666-2071. PARENT SUPPORT: A support group for parents of children involved in drug or alcohol abuse, running away, dropping out of school, crimes or parent abuse meets at 7:15 p.m. weekly. Call 1- 800-488-5666 forlocation. DOWN SYNDROME: The Durham Down Syndrome Associa- tion meets at 7:30 p.m. at Whitby Baptist Church, 411 Gilbert St. E., Whitby. The theme is Christmas Shopping, with gifts available to purchase. A Social Night is also planned. Babysitting is available. Refreshments. 579-0187. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 20 WOMEN'S CLUB: The Picker- ing Christian Women's Club invites you to its Fall Fair and Silent Auction on Nov. 28 from 9:30 to 11:15 am. at the Pickering Town Centre. Gallantry's banquet room, lower level. Call before Tuesday, Nov. 26th for reserva- tions. 427-5445 (Karen). Cost $5, $2.50 for first -timers. Free babysitting available. OSTOMY: The Oshawa and Dis- trict Ostomy Association meets the third Wednesday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in Room 1002F of the Oshawa General Hospital at Sim- coe and Alma Sts. 427-5512 (Can- dice), 571-3670 (Ron), 728-7207 (Alma). EUCHRE: The ladies auxiliary of Royal Canadian Legion Bay Ridges Branch 606 holds a euchre night the third Wednesday of every month at 8 p.m. from Oct. to June at the. A legion hall, 1555 Bayly Street, Pick- j ering. All wel- come. Seniors over 1 A' 65 $1.50, adults $3. Refreshments served. Prizes awarded 839-2990 or 427-8831. RUNNING CLUB: The Pickering Running/logging Club meets Wednesdays at 5 pm. at the Rouge Hill Library on Rougemount Drive for a half-hour, five -kilometre run. The club also runs Sundays and Mondays. Call 509-2518 for times and locations. BUSINESS: The Durham Hoene and Small Business Association DEN encourages residents to celebrate ag reen Christmas UNICEF gifts, objects crafted from recycled y"Wrials, envi- ronmentally -safe cleaning prod- ucts, massage and aromatheia- Py 1roducts• organic foods, crafted doth top and reflexol- ogy services - The doors open at 6:30 pm. to allow visitors to browse before the speakers begin at 7:30. Admission is free. For more information call Gail at (905)509-3156, Lynn at (905)723-7733 or Janet at (905)985-3225. meets from 6:30 to 10 p.m. at the Harmony Creek Golf Club, 1000 Bloor St. E., Oshawa. Topic is cre- ating an efficient work space. $10 for members, $15 for others. Prior registration necessary. Call 728-8599 (Carmen Kirschling) or 728-2899 (associa- tion hotline). HEAD INJURY: The Head Injury Association of Durham Region meets at 7:30 p.m. at 459 Bond St. E., Oshawa. Survivors meet on main Floor, family and caregivers upstairs. 723-2732. SCHOOL BUDGET: The Durham Board of Education holds a budget community input session at 7 p.m. at Dunbarton High School, 655 Sheppard Ave., Pick- ering. All welcome. BAZAAR: Fairview Lodge, 632 Dundas St. W., Whitby, holds a Christmas bazaar and tea from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. and from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Hand -made crafts, ceram- ics, woodworking items, baked goods. All welcome. 686-5851. BOARD OF TRADE: The Ajax - Pickering Board of Trade presents Establishing Safe & Healthy Com- munities in Ontario with Industrial Accident Prevention Association district manager Michael Abromeit at 7:30 pm. at the Regalis restau- rant, 1305 Pickering Parkway (in the Clearnet Building). Members $15, non-members $20.837-6638. DISTRESS CENTRE: Distress Centre Durham holds an informa- tion day for anyone interested in being a volunteer. It's in the program room of the Whitby Public Library, Hwy. 2 and Henry St. Sessions are at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. 7234461. TABLE TENNIS: Pick- ering seniors 55 years and older can play table ten- nis every Wednesday from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the East Shore Community Centre, Liverpool Rd. south of Bayly St., Pick- ering. 428-3048, 839- 5293. "THURSDAY, NOV. 21 BREAST-FEEDING: La Leche League Picker- ing invites pregnant women and breast-feed- ing mothers to its month- ly meeting at 7:30 p.m. for information and sup- port Babies are always ❑ Alternative 5 in Port Perry at the Scugog gifts Centre, 1655 Reach St. (beside and tips on a the: arroa). s , green Sea.SOID Guest speakers David and ,; Elizabeth Morley, authors of the Offered at book Under The Tree -- Cre- upeoming event ative Alternatives to a Con - sumer Christmas, will discuss DURHAM — Find out about ung the Christmas monster' how to have an environmental- and vying to return the season ly-conscious Christmas this to its original meaning. Year at the 'Let's Have a Greets As well, 15 exhibitors will Christmas' event being held by be selling a variety of Wterm- the Durham Environmental tive Christmas gifts. .L Et )'l>iursdey,-Dec. . Items avaf101e will inchlde welcome. For location, call (416)282-6462, (905)127-8063, or (905)831-2017. INFERTILITY.- Infertility Infor- mation in Durham meets at 6:45 p.m. at the Whitby Public Library, corner of Hwy. 2 and Henry St. It's for those having difficulties getting pregnant, undergoing infertility treatment, involved in adoption process or in resolution. Couples and individuals wel- come. Call 432-6086 (Annette, in the evening) for information. HEALTH COUNCIL: The Durham Region District Health Council holds a public meeting for community input for its Health Promotion Plan from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at the Picker- ing Central Library, One The Esplanade. The Council is interested in your views on living, working and social support issues facing the community. Call 433-4262 for information. FRIDAY, NOV. 22 ADDICTION: The Serenity Group holds a 12 -step addiction recovery meeting at 8 p.m. at Bay - fair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Pickering. The group meets weekly and deals with addictions of all types including co-dependancy. 428- 9431 evenings (Jim)_ MARRIAGE: "Ibe Durham Chris- tian Fellowship holds a Marriage That Works seminar on Nov. 22 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. and Nov. 23 ,ikN of p/C, �o from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Picker- ing Village Community Centre, corner of Linton Ave. and Sher- wood Rd., Ajax. Peter and Joy Wyns will lead the seminar. Cost is $15 per couple, $10 for singles and free for single parents. Call 839-5458 (Pastor Dennis Pen- ner) for information or to register. SATURDAY, NOV. 23 BAZAAR: Amberlea Presbyterian Church, 1820 Whites Rd., Picker- ing, hosts a Spirit of Christmas Bazaar from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Crafts, baked goods, costunte jew- elry, hot lunch, white elephant. Free admission. Call 839-8949 for information on the event. BAZAAR: The annual Deck Your Halls Christmas Bazaar & Craft Show is held from 10 a.m_ to 3 p.m. at Dunbarton-Fair- port United Church, 1066 Dunbarton Rd. (north of Hwy. 2 between Dixie and Fairport Rds.) Christmas crafts, hand -made decorations, baked goods and preserves, knitted goods and clothing, antiques and col- lectibles. 'children only' room, homemade lunch and more. Admission to the bazaar is free. Call 839-7271 for information. CRAFTS: The Christian Life Centrc, corner of Rossland and Ravenscroft Rds., Ajax, holds a craft and bake sale from 9:30 ant. to 2 p.m. Call 686-1411 for infor- mation. ALL RESIDENTS OF WARD 3 ARE INVITED TO ATTEND A PUBLIC MEETING to provide you with an opportunity to be heard and discuss any issues or items of interest to the residents of Ward 3 Chaired by your local Councillor Enrico Pistritto Wednesday, November 20, 1996 and Tuesday, December 10, 1996 from 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm U. - �inthe � � 1 Council Chambers of the Pickering Civic Complex One Esplanade a Pickering, Ont L1 V 61<7 Please call (905) 420-4605 for more information NESTLE CANADA • NESCAFE • ENCORE AULT FOODS • SEALTEST PARLOUR r BEST FOODS • ST. LAWRENCE • MAZOLA SSC AF' t ■ , ' 0, R 1.• . PRODUCT FUSAA • FLORIDA ISM ' •U W-10111 LIN ' , • • ' I 11 t1 i • BANNER SPECIAL ALORO FOODS • DELI , SPECIALS START . _ _pipsm,SUNDAY 11 m eMect f— Sunduv. Nov. 17 • •. �...rt c7li �� to Saturday Nov. 23.19% PRODUCT OF CANADA • CUT FROM CANADA "A" AA GRADES BEEF �. PRODUCT OF CANADA • FRESH NEVER FROZEN .• �.,�� 1 i 1 �, r Iti ■ ..� 1 1 11 iLIPI� PRODUCT OF CANADA • PREVIOUSLY FROZEN CLOUSTON FOODS • FRESHWATER FROZEN McCAIN FOODS • FROZEN CONCENTRATED 1DION M, , , A DI 7 •• • /I 1 1 •I • 1 i 11 11 RIC � 1. 1 1 ' 1It I1 y, 1�. Owl FROMONTARID PACKERS •CUT FROM CANADA A AA GRADES BEEF GAY LEA FOODS OXFORD FARMS GENERAL MILLS • SUNLIKE 04 �� I�1••• Imo•of w b/ �1 VI i1 �•� i SWIM ism_ 7,610 oil PRODUCT OF ONTARIO FRESH NEVER FROZEN BURNS SLICED COOKED MEATS ALBERTO CULVER V05 ULTRA . , , I !/,t�i�•?�` _ (fit �,; 1.1 1 1 v' '1 1 tl II 1 I�' '���:'+� �'• /�' �� �Ir101' ��%��I �� '•fir• , `'� • '� • :01 VA DZVIIIIIIIIIII1 FROt.1 ONTARIO PACKERS • FRES, 14EvF R ' ROIE': OLYt.1EL CADET BRAND AT THE DEL! COUt,TFR CHESEBROUGH PONDS • ASEL INE ri Imo • I 1 1 .•H y 001 .4 D1 NJ 10,1 1 Do 1 1 •I I • � SHOPSY S — D4A :0� 1W DO mtTfl 01 1 Dig I D' Q I I �� ��qC MI.: 11 ,•���_. UUA-LITY PACKERS • ru r� �u `_ r� "r. a �O�•.5�.•. �-A•FF=EE •,� ., .. r k R 0101:1 ✓1 V1 \� 1 !, i,l \I ✓I �` V1 I I I Q1 _\ ••.. • ►/�_. a QUA_ '• FACKER� C.. -t. -P. t,tAt.,CR �F r-•i�;.';�v �-'FAtvG SHOPSY S CUSTOM SLICED AT THE DE t I (_I)UrITER Klb'✓I CANADA E NDUST 1Q., . awl T—IMITtl Is Dal ru 1 Lim �: a � • •� _ �.--ta --� � -ger--�I�� CAMBRIDGE'[E� k V✓ATEF;L0�7 P_il°i`;I�SAIIC.A++ �„f..` CENIIIAI UUWNOA IOWri F71V1.ft;•1 .{.F_+1.1�,' `.11 i UI1FiF1A M' 1 1)UFi►iA11M 2 L BOTTLE 55 PACE BRAND WISA L UT 6a2 ML JAR TELE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,196 -PAGE 21 I.AR�GE 10kgr ��;o.�� > BAG iarnT s C UNTRY AKE RJB WiILETT PITTED EA. 650 TUB 2,99 Des .59 375 BLOCK ALL VARIETIES - -A in jLLS•CA DRY VARIE TEES A COLA -6 �9 CASE OF 24x 355 mL TINS mt. BO TILE EA.0 3 CASE-. r �. MAPLE LEAF SARA LEE FROZEN � lEi K CAKE 180 lBL7AGT�t�"♦UL7MIT �� 13 .1 PKG EAao'P RFJ .FtT OW ♦.•♦. - •r. .••rid PA•••♦, •• rI•i��A••�e-tfr •M r�i1{�,'t.:l.l��•�A.'.` �>��•• ♦•�••• -r PAGE 22 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,19% St. Mary Monarchs midget girls advance to hoops semi-finals AJAX-PICKERING — Pickering's St. Mary Catholic Secondary School Monarchs midget girls' basketball team moved on to the playoff semi-finals after downing Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School Chargers in regional high school action in Pickering Thursday Got a score? Pass it along! Give us a call at 683-5110. Fax 683-7363 afternoon. pm. Their opponent wasn't known Jackie Durant both rebounded well for St. In a close game throughout, St. at our press deadline. Mary, while the ball handling skills of Mary emerged with a 41-35 victo-AIII, Sabrina Williams was the top guards Meghan Noonan and Michelle ry over DO'C in Lake Ontario&,rshooter for the Monarchs, deposit- Bautista were also big factors in the win. Secondary School Athletics play- 14ing a game -high 19 points in the Scoring for DO'C were Candace off action. The Monarchs will host winning cause. Cherry Aranzanso Chapman with 16 points and Melissa a semi-final game on Monday at 3:45 netted eight. Sarah McConnell and Nunes with eight. Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110, ext. 250, Fax 683-7363 News Advertiser sports is now on the Internet W=�LeN P Panthers back on winningtrack after victor over Oshawa Y By AL RIVETT Panthers' head coach John Blackburn says Legionaires by taking a commanding 6-3 league's annual Metro Junior 'A Classic sPOM RSR some untimely Pickering penalties combined lead after two periods. Oshawa owned the Tournament at the Aurora Community PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers with a hot Oshawa power play which balance of play in the third period. but Centre Nov. 28 to Dec. 1. The Panthers are in got back on the winning track against the accounted for all four of ils goalsstill only managed to score once a pool which includes the still -unbeaten Oshawa Legionaires in Oshawa Tuesday almost resulted in another loss ElR more. Aurora Magna Tigers the Thornhill night after losing their first game of the sea- home Thornhill last Saturday. for the Panthers. -We ��' �� �,,�� �' - �� Brendan Charters, Paul son at to didn't play real well in Bank/Rogers Cable major atom Howes, Shane Terry, Dan Cioff-r, While it wasn't pretty, the Panthers did break losing the third period. But, when+ -�S �'T1fE Jeremy Schott and Chris Hunter all manage to their one -game skid you're on a roll good things seem played a solid game between the scored for tte Panthers. George with a 6-4 victory over the Legionarres at the [o happen, says Blackburn. '"The kids' Oshawa Civ7c Auditorium. The win confidence level right novv is high. But, improves the Panthers record to 13-1-2 in there's still room for improvement. We took Metro Junior 'A' Hockey League regular -sea- a couple of undisciplined penalties, especial - son action. ly when their power play was clicking the The Panthers played the Quinte Hawks in way it was - Deseronto Friday night. The results weren't The Panthers took a 2-1 first -period lead available at our press deadline. and turned up the heat a notch on the Trifon had three assists, with Hunter adding one. The Panthers are at home against the Quinte ' Hawks at the Pickering Recreation Complex tonight, Sunday, Nov. IT Game time is 7:30 pm. PANTHERS POSTSCRIPT: The Panthers have a tough draw at the Metro Major atom Raiders post win, loss and tie, remain in first place in Eastern Ontario league standings AJAX-PICKERING — The Goaltender Sean O'Sullivan Markew and McConnachie each Ajax -Pickering Raiders TD stopped 28 shots to help his team added a pair. Greg Garrett, Andrew Bank/Rogers Cable major atom earn the well-deserved Sawyer and Wilkins each had single 'AAA' rep hockey team is now on point. helpers. Goaltender Gordie Brettell top of the west division in the The Raiders also post- played a solid game between the Eastern Ontario league after posting ed a come -from -behind pipes. a win, loss and tie in recent action. 6-4 victory over York- The TD Bank/Rogers Cable The Raiders' major atoms now Simcoe. Pernerowski, atoms were handed only their sec - sport arecord of viz wins, two loss- Markew, Ncel and loss of the season by the es and two ties. Coultice, Michael Quinte Red Devils by a 6-1 score. Ajax -Pickering played a fine Alexiou, Brett McConnachie scored the lone game against the powerful McConnachie AAA goal for the Ajax -Pickering Peterborough Petes to salvage a 3-3 and Matt Fettes atoms, with assists to Coultice tie. Raiders' goals were scored by scored the MWEI& and Alexiou. Brian Wilkins, Matt Pernerowski g o a I s The team is now preparing and Derek Lynden. Adam Markew C o u 1 t i c e for' an upcoming three-day and Michael Kostka added assists. chipped in with four assists, while tournament in North Bay. SCOREBOARD ft" By Paid By Paaid Mer Mf101BALL LaAQW Pomw Eknan UdAm 117.O.rvin Chow lk Raaubfcarn Nmt t t Tarn tsps a. Orlt%U or a a1AGTM OilIUIOp "A atonic Comm Dante K Bob Mra<1p �-- O aw 14 ftrim ebarla 13, Vmccs war 11. Bgdn cap, sora lilad Hm&47 eNE rom 10� stnoeus Gdarary! a E1FFiod Molle A0. ' Bgdoc Gad dams 11. Rrdy F&add 10. 70/ 911: 111111 IBr Jorrov a Gdwityl Clem Faada 13.Onan Crier 13. Mud a In Sod T80w 1106 We Lara Immm 1Mncs i#rdiron 1$ Roy Comair 11. 106 a m1 Soar 106 Ell -Rad lioldilgo JoM Clalaranan 10. GAM11" Jrlms Lodar 13. Aw" CYylon d Van Ktutyss Irm sones 5e va Clap U* 41L wci®mw soocel daiB - lOI>t001101a hldoorswor bam Nor. 1Q Van 14010m: Dave Buda 14. Roy Fac 12 uoeFls a1MOp Chcb Lids Bab NdMdmd 13. RogrNl q 12. Dans Croda 5 O wallra Aogp m Mrk Fs" tido k GwA*K Alm Gragr, 911110111111111111116 Anbwr aA�71N� Ylmo* vs, aqr Ponca Q Bisu lawma Ddmb Ballo 42 va Mdmis Pcidaa 24 1 (Roft Sidtati MMP Mdoa Kcalmo va TOPSC 0016 Law Star Cob 0 !AV c"" Nucaft Dalda AIs Maly Jarms K Al Salah 7. J,,r cwwale 1 (9ow BMW% MVP 9Mn Leafy Q 91 plrn F%04 vaKdon 1 (Cdn Ca vmm% - ihlnMaPtlrgYs"WoodE.PAWBosh. WPP&A V"". Jan'arlirs S 1BOW13 0FOO 1M IIaM1Af16N pr M SuaperCentre 3 6%WW Wba1, .hub G MO01E Mweslomol i. M W ab Slophr4 MVP inwunnaa Pa rab O va ASG Calors MIB. ChrOm Slaphra va 9b9pocts 1 ILnaa 10/100RBM Eadnmw% MVP Lwa EaWnw)• Oprmiat Auto Glass a Islanders, which hold down first place in the league's Central Division. and the Quinte Hawks, which currently reside in fourth place in the Eastern Division. However, Blackburn is actually happy the Panthers drew against such tough opponents. -I'd sooner see us playing against stronger teams, for sure. Mavbe (the tournament organizers) are saying Pickering's a good team, so let's put them up against better teams" The Panthers begin tourney action against Quinte on Thursday, Nov. 28 at 3:30 p.m. PREMIERE AUTO SALONS Ic Z�6arla.. d4" 9 RUST ONO$5 9 OQ NLY ;PROOFING SALE DEC,WTMTHIS AD PAINT on PROTECTION x$99 INTERIOR only OUALmWORK -REASONABLE RATES SMMPOO $59 831-4290 1010 Brock Rd. a DETAIL (behr,(j PIONEER GAS Unit 3 r FREE STATION) Pickering r r WINDOWS , I HAND WASH ' I TINTING I I With Any PurchaseEWMS- r li s LO%°! of _1S"_J I PREMIERE EC.15''96 SALONS v +OLIVER'S NEST 1997 Membership Offers Inn mn a Phrrofx her WAr 14. Cftn Ciab 3 (Brad Kart 3. WPs Brad Kew. Patrick �^ MoPlsrson 1Z, Mtie ffiatrir 11. Rut Bat, Pboiy - spm" MrP 0 (MIP W-* R -/ Full Membership S 325 S 375 $ 400 11. AnmW. Pranhr Ikft 3 «idlcwr Chbum Ask about our monthlyt plan. ASG Calms wrinn DrMd 2Z Nal W z Bryn P1 -1 WPs 'lryn Badman, 10. lwoa.Aadow 1s. JrM Dhow" is Lim crab 3 0" O L I V E R' S NEST �E Lealed m b"r #7 tiAa wm DeGrad 2. Lr1ws MurK MVP Janrlar e l w n i PMtrN &a Srdoa M va Mud Mr1167. Aquila. l f i 1-888-953-N EST S OM Ne" IN tom, lttu cul d oal„� country c 1 s F111 la (705) 953-2093 - Fax: (705) 953-9076 DEE ft" By Paid By Paaid Mer nsoe.dw Lt Maee6 MStlt Msaer» L OUrar's Nest "1N^ Clnb s lig s 1N0 $ 1060 - Unlimited Playing Privileges - Unlimited Range Use G.aro.My 3 aro s ssa s goo B- NEW wediday Membeirskip i 700 S Soo s 075 - Unlimited Golf and Range Use Goff Ody 9 ams $ 725 S 77s UI. NER; Junior Golf Perham s 299 i 250 s 250 -Get into Golf- Membership - all ages Inn mn a Phrrofx her WAr 14. Cftn Ciab 3 (Brad Kart 3. WPs Brad Kew. Patrick �^ MoPlsrson 1Z, Mtie ffiatrir 11. Rut Bat, Pboiy - spm" MrP 0 (MIP W-* R -/ Full Membership S 325 S 375 $ 400 11. AnmW. Pranhr Ikft 3 «idlcwr Chbum Ask about our monthlyt plan. ASG Calms wrinn DrMd 2Z Nal W z Bryn P1 -1 WPs 'lryn Badman, 10. lwoa.Aadow 1s. JrM Dhow" is Lim crab 3 0" O L I V E R' S NEST �E Lealed m b"r #7 tiAa wm DeGrad 2. Lr1ws MurK MVP Janrlar e l w n i PMtrN &a Srdoa M va Mud Mr1167. Aquila. l f i 1-888-953-N EST S OM Ne" IN tom, lttu cul d oal„� country c 1 s F111 la (705) 953-2093 - Fax: (705) 953-9076 DEE THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,19 6 -PAGE 23 OO CLASSIFIED .aa- ESSi _ Ir I Ti rv�,k =uy on•j% - O week, get th4p Znd free= (905) Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 5� Call us for TORONTO Monday to Friday detalle 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday _ ..,.,k.w...– 798-7672 or fax your ad .pp. - ..r. �� •.. (9ta51 579-2238 - 3 0707 GARAGE SALE only m,3S+GIST ff 1 Careers In 1 Careers Careers —10 1 Careers " Careers " Careers ' e Careers T ' CareersMrITGeneral Help School of Business Hdpatg>LBufld a settber Life Pickering Campus 1450 Kino ston Rd 420-1344 Learn to prepare income taxes from H&R Block, the nation's No. 1 income tax return preparation firm. Work on your own taxes or start a rewarding career. You can increase your tax knowledge and minimize your liability. ■ Flexible classes ■ Comprehensive, step-by-step program ■ Computerized instruction Call 686-1395 -- HiR BLACK• THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS SERVIMS TOR n efed for a Huwilk0 Homo cloaca in BIa Osrlt we olid sunarodkV arae. Ratable wtkida a nasi. Saq mum lo FN 41e715 Octan s This weak, Bets Feane St. P.O. Boa 4e1, ONOW OK LIN X& Classified Dept. open every Mon. to 1}i. 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 - 3:60 Call 683-0707 Hubbell Canada Inc., an ISO -9002 registered company, is a leading manufacturer of quality electrical and electronic products for commercial, industrial, utility and telecommunications markets. A pioneer in the development of new products and technologies, we have succeeded in becoming an integral pan of the electrical industry. Accelerate our growth in the following high-profile position: BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Reporting to the Customer Service Manager, you will provide timely response to customer requests on product availability, process orders and expedite and resolve non -conformances. A genuine team player who can be counted on in a crunch. you are confident building solid rapport with customers, co-workers and sales staff Excellent written and verbal French and English communication skills are essential, as is a professional and engaging telephone manner. Complementing your post -secondary education in Business Administration are several years' expen- ence in Customer Service, ideally in the electrical industry Qualified candidates should forward their resume, quoting File BCSR 96-11 tc Human Resources, Hubbell Canada Inc., 870 Brock Road South, Pickering, ON L1W US or Fax: 1905)839-0138 General Help I =ffid General In less than a year, you can have the skills being sought in Im Help the workplace: • Network Specialist • Computerized Accountin 4 AZ DRIVERS a Regained +« toast end LAN Administration • Office Administration company liable • Computer Programmer • Office Assistant 3 experience •Programmer Analyst •Word Processing dean abstract & Police clearance. - Financial assistance available for those who qualify tanker experience. - Individualized, hands-on adult leaming environment $1 4Jhr. Please call for • Targeted job search assistance appointmenL 416 OSHAWA CAMPUS O .434-8585 (1-800-993-9993) AVAILABLE omw- IXATELY. up to $14.87 per hr. Local comp*W now riving erwegalic � Must be 18 yr. and over and have GOLLEGE own car. Cal 404-04M BROTHER'S RESTAU- RAHi, 110 Lupin Dr. Whit- by ,w~ w.itr.ss k.lpul Mina work available. Gnat a.nwty pa tial. Deed- Gerseral Caerseral Csesseral M» for Yon. 1 HBIp 1 awn, 1 help Nov. 1181111 Apply in parson q Chrisu9i 2.4pna. Yon. - BUSY EpBLIBH /!IB RL sada Sabred The positron GiiSIM rs Ynre. IYlwrrtrrr 20CASH SM Ages 12-18 Earn alta SM Dong door b door slues. Ammlda 7MU27 dbr a FaL Nes mnnw Computer Su port Network and Specialist (6.45) Communications 7�e rapid Increase of PC networks in offices. Technician (NCT) 'actones and retail outlets has led to a demand for Tre aim. of the NCT program .s '0 proauce ,)mputer yersonnel with the expertise to administer these technicians capable of fulfilling a hardware support ,s:illations The Computer Support Specialist will role in a variety of situations. -ave the technical skills required to set up and Students receive hands-on experience working with Ta ntain users on stand-alone' computers or on PC micro -computers Troubleshooting equipment. • �*Norks Emphasis is placed on the administration installing and troubleshooting Novell and Windows -.- 'iovell 8'1Vindows NT networks NT software MicroComputer Fundamentals Computer Fundamentals Electronic Spreadsheets - ,Application Fundamentals Word Processing . Introductory Electronics Windows Applications Computer Service & Support Database Management Communications System Support Fundamentals Network Administration Network Administration Installation & Configuration The Unix Operating System Pre -Employment Readiness and Job Client,'Server Computing Search Workshop Pre -Employment Readiness and Job Search Workshop Financial Assistance may be available School of Business Hdpatg>LBufld a settber Life Pickering Campus 1450 Kino ston Rd 420-1344 Learn to prepare income taxes from H&R Block, the nation's No. 1 income tax return preparation firm. Work on your own taxes or start a rewarding career. You can increase your tax knowledge and minimize your liability. ■ Flexible classes ■ Comprehensive, step-by-step program ■ Computerized instruction Call 686-1395 -- HiR BLACK• THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS SERVIMS TOR n efed for a Huwilk0 Homo cloaca in BIa Osrlt we olid sunarodkV arae. Ratable wtkida a nasi. Saq mum lo FN 41e715 Octan s This weak, Bets Feane St. P.O. Boa 4e1, ONOW OK LIN X& Classified Dept. open every Mon. to 1}i. 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 - 3:60 Call 683-0707 Hubbell Canada Inc., an ISO -9002 registered company, is a leading manufacturer of quality electrical and electronic products for commercial, industrial, utility and telecommunications markets. A pioneer in the development of new products and technologies, we have succeeded in becoming an integral pan of the electrical industry. Accelerate our growth in the following high-profile position: BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Reporting to the Customer Service Manager, you will provide timely response to customer requests on product availability, process orders and expedite and resolve non -conformances. A genuine team player who can be counted on in a crunch. you are confident building solid rapport with customers, co-workers and sales staff Excellent written and verbal French and English communication skills are essential, as is a professional and engaging telephone manner. Complementing your post -secondary education in Business Administration are several years' expen- ence in Customer Service, ideally in the electrical industry Qualified candidates should forward their resume, quoting File BCSR 96-11 tc Human Resources, Hubbell Canada Inc., 870 Brock Road South, Pickering, ON L1W US or Fax: 1905)839-0138 General Help I =ffid General In less than a year, you can have the skills being sought in Im Help the workplace: • Network Specialist • Computerized Accountin 4 AZ DRIVERS a Regained +« toast end LAN Administration • Office Administration company liable • Computer Programmer • Office Assistant 3 experience •Programmer Analyst •Word Processing dean abstract & Police clearance. - Financial assistance available for those who qualify tanker experience. - Individualized, hands-on adult leaming environment $1 4Jhr. Please call for • Targeted job search assistance appointmenL 416 OSHAWA CAMPUS O .434-8585 (1-800-993-9993) AVAILABLE omw- IXATELY. up to $14.87 per hr. Local comp*W now riving erwegalic � Must be 18 yr. and over and have GOLLEGE own car. Cal 404-04M BROTHER'S RESTAU- RAHi, 110 Lupin Dr. Whit- by ,w~ w.itr.ss k.lpul Mina work available. Gnat a.nwty pa tial. Deed- Gerseral Caerseral Csesseral M» for Yon. 1 HBIp 1 awn, 1 help Nov. 1181111 Apply in parson q Chrisu9i 2.4pna. Yon. - BUSY EpBLIBH /!IB RL sada Sabred The positron GiiSIM rs Ynre. IYlwrrtrrr 20CASH SM Ages 12-18 Earn alta SM Dong door b door slues. Ammlda 7MU27 dbr a FaL Nes mnnw Ajax Distribution Company bolon9 for 6-8 people O in various departrnerrts. • SBrVIL�e Cusce tomer Relations Great opportunity for advancement. Fluent in English and car a must. $1600/mth.+ Interviews on Mon. & Tues. all 427-6926 DN horrslweek ft seek a hard works wO a kbrldtyy per"naft Previous •s- pariwxa an asset. Please as your renin or leer of k*odkxbm to (9 05- 3880. Only Musa being cwtsidend for all ilMafNaw Id to oateacsat, CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser requests that advertisers 4 check thea ad upon publication as News Advertiser will not be responsible for more than one incorrect r>sertion and there shat be no li&ily for non -insertion of any adver- tisement Lab" for er- rors in ads is smiled to ft amount paid for the space occupying the error. All cwy 6 RAW to fire ap- proval of management of News Advertiser. EARN $67.00 per :ay from home, processng mail. tight assembly com- puters. (416)812.6891 sam pe $500. r week morn .home' corr4,W4y bookrtv surveys (416)812$892 cods 6. EASY WORK. EXCEL LENT pay/ Assemble pro- ducts at rl0rtle- (905) 455- 5726 Ext. 112 ENROLLMENT OFFIC- ERS reQuireC : rnarket a govemment u - approval sd caOonal program. Part TirWFull Time. $2.000 - $4.000 conrrvssral -onth- y. Car repured Trammg and leads provided Pial. 1.800-280-4533. Hentage Sdtokarshp Trust Fkxmda- 11001. Required for Durham Region local transportation company. Must have minimum 2 years experience. Clean driver abstract, police abstract, police clearance & be U.S. qualified • Top rates • Highway • RRSP Program • Weeldy Pay . Dkw Deposft • Comprehensive benefits package Please Contact; WILMA FRASER 905-579-2911 Fax 9056796050 Ima :-ZIM P E R S O N N E L - HARWOOD / 401 Ajax Distribution Company looking for 6-8 people in various departments. Ser elivee ry Customer Relations Great opportunity for advancement. Fluent in English and car a must. $1600/mth.+ Interviews on Mon. & Tues. fall 427-6926 Check Out Our Flyer Deliuery Seruice. NM we by far The #1 Milillbulor of Ayers in our ane. Have your Agars Ien I any wednee ft Friday or Sunday atlh 111e Ne " F of a AIM everybody needs. y,&Pa-lif News Advertiser 9 Ajax Distribution Company bolon9 for 6-8 people O in various departrnerrts. • SBrVIL�e Cusce tomer Relations Great opportunity for advancement. Fluent in English and car a must. $1600/mth.+ Interviews on Mon. & Tues. all 427-6926 DN horrslweek ft seek a hard works wO a kbrldtyy per"naft Previous •s- pariwxa an asset. Please as your renin or leer of k*odkxbm to (9 05- 3880. Only Musa being cwtsidend for all ilMafNaw Id to oateacsat, CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser requests that advertisers 4 check thea ad upon publication as News Advertiser will not be responsible for more than one incorrect r>sertion and there shat be no li&ily for non -insertion of any adver- tisement Lab" for er- rors in ads is smiled to ft amount paid for the space occupying the error. All cwy 6 RAW to fire ap- proval of management of News Advertiser. EARN $67.00 per :ay from home, processng mail. tight assembly com- puters. (416)812.6891 sam pe $500. r week morn .home' corr4,W4y bookrtv surveys (416)812$892 cods 6. EASY WORK. EXCEL LENT pay/ Assemble pro- ducts at rl0rtle- (905) 455- 5726 Ext. 112 ENROLLMENT OFFIC- ERS reQuireC : rnarket a govemment u - approval sd caOonal program. Part TirWFull Time. $2.000 - $4.000 conrrvssral -onth- y. Car repured Trammg and leads provided Pial. 1.800-280-4533. Hentage Sdtokarshp Trust Fkxmda- 11001. Required for Durham Region local transportation company. Must have minimum 2 years experience. Clean driver abstract, police abstract, police clearance & be U.S. qualified • Top rates • Highway • RRSP Program • Weeldy Pay . Dkw Deposft • Comprehensive benefits package Please Contact; WILMA FRASER 905-579-2911 Fax 9056796050 Ima :-ZIM P E R S O N N E L - HARWOOD / 401 Ajax Distribution Company looking for 6-8 people in various departments. Ser elivee ry Customer Relations Great opportunity for advancement. Fluent in English and car a must. $1600/mth.+ Interviews on Mon. & Tues. fall 427-6926 Check Out Our Flyer Deliuery Seruice. NM we by far The #1 Milillbulor of Ayers in our ane. Have your Agars Ien I any wednee ft Friday or Sunday atlh 111e Ne " F of a AIM everybody needs. y,&Pa-lif News Advertiser PAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,19% t Careere IM, General ' General Iml General JM General ' Ge H r elp' General ' alHelp Help Gordon Food Service is a primary player In the North American food products market. As a result of significant growth opportunities, we require a resourceful indivkkW In the OSHAWA area as a ... Service Delivery Driver Your proven sales/customer-oriented skills, combined with the ability to interact easily with others, will enable you to deal with clients in a professional manner and to meet all their needs and requirements. A superb communicator, you have a clean current abstract, an AZ licence, and exceptional driving -capabilities. We offer an excellent compensation package that includes competitive benefits, salary, and training. Please apply in writing, to: GFS Gordon Resources Food Service 2999 James Snow Parkway son tseaar+e�rrlore Mitton, Ontario L9T 5G4 Fax: (906) 876-4744 We thank all applicants, however, only candidates to be interviewed will be contacted. No future with Canada Post! We would like to talk urgently and Immediately with Who are currently serving AJAX •DICKERING, • WEEMY • OSHAWA • CLARMOTON • PORT PERRY •PETERBOROUGH • LINWAY • COBOURG • PORT HOPE • TRENTON • BELLEVIQ,LE Metroland newspapers serving towns and cities in Durham Region, Victoria, Peterborough, and Northumberland Counties, would like to talk to Ad Mail Sales Agents about Immediate opportuni- ties for you in our highly successful distribution sales departments. Please call for a confidential interview (1oS) 579.4400 Bruce Danford EXPERIENCED UELi CLERK wanted to be re- sponsible for front man- agement of busy butcher shop. Must have 5 yrs. exp. in retail food sales and merchandising. Send re- sume to Halenda's Fine Foods. 915 Nelson St. Oshawa Ont L 1 H 5M HAVE A CLIENTELE? Giving most of your income away in commissions? Try worlung for yourself. Space for rent great location, nice work environment for Es- thebcian. R T 8 Nail Technicians. 905-579- 4520, HOLIDAYS ARE HERE Just the season for extra money. It you could use it. we could use your help. Full time only. Call Mrs. Claus at 905-721-1411. Homeworkers Needed To assemble our prtdttoxs. Free Supplies. Start im- medatley. Free details. Send S.A.S.E. to Q.S.E. 117 -T7 1057 Steeles Ave. W. North York, Ont. M2R 3X1 Homeworkers Urgently Needed up to $82001wk Easy work .. "Free Sup- plies". For free details a SASE to Skyhte EnterpnS. es. 150 Clark Blvd Suite 247• Brampton On! 1_6T 4Y8 JAPAN CAMERA Osha- wa Centre. Part tune posi- tion available for experi- enced printer. Please fax resume only (905) 571- 7737. MASSAGE ATTENDANT - for Ajax Pickering area. IN out. 24 hr. info. 416-724- 3352. MOVIE PEOPLE, Toron. to's fastest growing agency seeks extras for film and TV work, all types, no exp. rep. Earn $7-$22.80/hr. Work guaranteed. We place peo- ple on movie sets every day. Call Jonathan (416) 961-m6. OUTRAGEOUS TELE - MARKETERS . required to Orn our team. 7 positions available. To start imme- :iately in our professional ;nice. hourly plus commis - "ail. days or evenings. Positive individuals, with or «nth out experience, invited .o drop by 1255 Terwillegar Rd or ca11721.0021. PART TIME - Marketing 'dept $800 salary!mo anted. . uareNo experience ecessary Car necessary. "lease call Mr Lawrence _46-2122 PLOWING Brokers wanted with 4z4 pick-up trucks with plows. 427.6237 THE MUTUAL GROUP seeks a set -motivated indi- vidual with ezceNerlt people skips and an interest in achieving entrepreneurial independence. Complete train inglbenef itsRinanang programs available. Mini- mum 2 years fug time work- ing experience required. Also, with (a University de- gree) requested. Fax re- sume to: Pearson Lanes. 129 Byron St. N., Whitby, On. ON 4M8 (905) 668- 2141. Fax. EXPERIENCED uphol- sterer's helper 8 experi- enced sewer required. Call: 428-7280. WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS? Studio S.K.O We're looking for modern, up-to-date hairstylists for chair rentals. Please apply in person 108 Dundas St.W., Whitby or call 430- 9397. WANTED - 64 people to lose up to 30 lbs. by New Years Doctor recommend- ed. Ask Howl Toll Free 1- 800-881-6782. HIRING NOW. 8 - 10 people for driving positions. No experience necessary. 'lexible hours. own vehicle required. Cad (905) 665- 9034 Monday - Friday i ' 1 Irrlpraveenerlts RUDGST HOII11Z ]!lQROV113 EN" Basement Apts Rec-r0onts, p u r oing, Additions, eleuncal, dri,iiiiia. decks Ceramic filing 8 counter lops 15 yrs Exp. tell Mano (905) 619.1663. all. (416) 560.4M C i R Mardww n Building repass and Mrto- vayorts electrical, Pk -d> - Ing, orrine; ties, carpen- try. From small repairs to ntapr renovations. Full/ guaranteed, tree esti- (905) 432 -still DOORS Elks US GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We MW), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, G�OOITERS. Sates Service & Repairs 905437-0949 EUROPEAN T9.E SPECLUIST VO renovate your !tall. roorlt,` or When sells, as well as 9oex On. Good rei•ran ces and sabstatti 9m guamr9eed Far bass"" 0. oyrMm (GARAGE Door "VMS, flickers fillt. cables. ra9ers, openers installed 849. New dooraldpern•rs Ous ty Plus Doors 416 - MS -0074. • 1 1 Impromnem GENERAL CARPEN- TRY• tree estimates. house addittions. basements. decks. trim work. door in- stallation, baseboards, sheds. rod repairs. (905) 619.2930 Big Jr J.S. ARMSTRONG DEV. INC. Specish mg rn custom homeadditions. rerno- vabons. rec rooms and basement apartments Rssaemul and com- mNrcwW Serving Durham Region for over 15 yrs. Free consultation Call Jeff 905-428-5706 RENOVATIONS BY W.LEAVER Additions, second stories, finished bsrnts., bath- rooms, decks. We 3 wood floors, doors d windows, guaranteed and retable cod wanar (111OW211--21145 SraON Cor4mvedw Ltd serving Durham Region for 19 yrs. Additions, stndecks, patio doors, windows. rec-rooms, flagstone, free esti- males. 905.576.5760 T.E. Honor Improvenier . Sp•cisiang in roofing, sib ing. soft •avee tratgrt. window i doors. Pleas• CIA Tom 579-3760, I•ave Monaga. ' Roofing A 8 C ROOFOG, shin- gling. •1 types of roots, now and old. Wakntanahip Guaranteed. Free esti- mates. Call Andrew at (905) 429-6704. 96P7Plumbing DOUG CLARK PLUMB- ING, Licensed and in- sured. repairs and altera- tions, new bathrooms and renovations. pump sales and servos free esbmat•s. 686-5172.24 hrs M• Pain tirt9 6 • 1 Decorating Pairmng, Wallpapering, New Stucco. Repainting old stucco, wainscotting, moulding,Wal boarding, minor house- hold repairs. Also Faux PairttN. (905)686'2890 TO PAINTING Olt DECOR Inferior b Exterior Faropean Workmanship Fast, dean, reliable service. 420.)061 • Moving III• Storage AmMWing till services. moves, ape pfantce and pure special• now have healed storage table. Now oleo" free bare• eft move. Pak and bad flpordal, star" at $99. and up. Cal for infiox- Ingloon. 72SOM or 427-M • Moving 3 M:Flooring, Snow • • Business Storage rpeting • AM Removal • Services MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS Wit will req,! any4ur5. .tea Caiwwow a residential PaOraprq scrag• she torr svaratiM $ww b mq mp,e, dacoNiR Fw awrwas 571-0755 1-888-491.8600 HARRY-OTHE-- - MOVERS Mae big or smal, we price them alit Free estimates, senors discount• short no- tice moves. Appliances moved, also storage space available Comparable rates. Cal 432-2150. lt9>EN Wa1ra LAA" TRUM Will do household mom, residential, commercial. Al types of rrloves. !Cion Cacti W jI 427-211%. UK*U LS10 MOVING Houses, Aper limenes, Oil-, p�� Swim PWW S and AW -Montt Dis- courft Licensed, in- sured Free Eslirrwes. Excellent Service. CaM 4WTM. Etilarligicul Cees M1aMa wpin mics, homes, o� apt., dr. Padfftg available. CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years experience, reoetdrtg, our speclahty. Free olsartntes. D i N Duncan, 997-1799 or 9117-1100 • House • Cleaning BONDED CLEANING LADY seeks work cleaning; houses, apartments and offices. Call after 6pm 905-619-0602 MAID SERVICE Maids fully bonded k insured Quality cleaning at reasonable rates 619-3282 Compileoe k quality weekly, bi-weekly, occasional) 10% off for Seniors Insured k Banded 000.01f41M A UM W* do not use a plow an rur drivwayI char aaivar. er+va+•Ys W4 nxxuppal wafts RFASOMBELE RATES 40ea *w for a free estimate • Residential corrintercial For reliable service Cal(W5) 6864194 • Party • Services Ml►c4clAN, down fiends, Ieady to Ni- totrlart for any age, Ery ooxami. BiAhtdap, pro- motions, ,1, 1 gc l nd mum Magic ms I aft le 7067 or 72683M or 6831171 ■ANSW WAN 111 WORK Doing Mai For Children's Paries And Al Occasions. Have My Own MaptiarL Can Ettwie 666•4932- Clauihed Det. epee every Aloe. to Fri. &H Lu. - &11 pm. SaL 1.31- 3..11 Call 683.1717 COST INCORPORATIONS $199. BAY ST. FIRM (416) 361-OOM • • Health, • Beauty PROFESSIONAL SWEDISH MASSAGE in the comfort of your home. $50 persorVhour OR $85 couple. 1 hour each Gin certificates bl availae Call Phillip al 905-723-031 SELL IT NOW "CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 . • • Tax, Financial MT& x, Financial e • e Tax, Financial Directory Directory • • Diredory GLENN)a _ ' . PICKERING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER A 1"f,10:00 A.M. TIRE GALLANTRY RESTAURANT - BANQUET ROOM Pickering Town Cesare 1355 Kingston Rd. Hear Brian Explain: • Why every Caoadin should own a Sof-Directed RRSP/RRIF • How Semon cao protect their estate against Revenue Canada • How to slash your 19% income tax bill • Crucial yar ced in plami•S straieges • How to capitalize on 19% RSP rules A choose the best RSP' • Hew to Set money out of your RSP tax Gee! • falxasts for merest Rales, Stocks, Bonds A Real Estate • Tu SaviesF f Wealdt Crain tilts 24 hour reservation Line 1-800-890-4483 Seating is Limited''` THE & PMr�elal . Isvrjeiag is your Future B : Gran Alka 1Z-1 TAILW1Z-W&'Mwill 1•1+-110L +�1131 m moms, xel 4N 9 0 1 MLT i ' 1 Irrlpraveenerlts RUDGST HOII11Z ]!lQROV113 EN" Basement Apts Rec-r0onts, p u r oing, Additions, eleuncal, dri,iiiiia. decks Ceramic filing 8 counter lops 15 yrs Exp. tell Mano (905) 619.1663. all. (416) 560.4M C i R Mardww n Building repass and Mrto- vayorts electrical, Pk -d> - Ing, orrine; ties, carpen- try. From small repairs to ntapr renovations. Full/ guaranteed, tree esti- (905) 432 -still DOORS Elks US GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We MW), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, G�OOITERS. Sates Service & Repairs 905437-0949 EUROPEAN T9.E SPECLUIST VO renovate your !tall. roorlt,` or When sells, as well as 9oex On. Good rei•ran ces and sabstatti 9m guamr9eed Far bass"" 0. oyrMm (GARAGE Door "VMS, flickers fillt. cables. ra9ers, openers installed 849. New dooraldpern•rs Ous ty Plus Doors 416 - MS -0074. • 1 1 Impromnem GENERAL CARPEN- TRY• tree estimates. house addittions. basements. decks. trim work. door in- stallation, baseboards, sheds. rod repairs. (905) 619.2930 Big Jr J.S. ARMSTRONG DEV. INC. Specish mg rn custom homeadditions. rerno- vabons. rec rooms and basement apartments Rssaemul and com- mNrcwW Serving Durham Region for over 15 yrs. Free consultation Call Jeff 905-428-5706 RENOVATIONS BY W.LEAVER Additions, second stories, finished bsrnts., bath- rooms, decks. We 3 wood floors, doors d windows, guaranteed and retable cod wanar (111OW211--21145 SraON Cor4mvedw Ltd serving Durham Region for 19 yrs. Additions, stndecks, patio doors, windows. rec-rooms, flagstone, free esti- males. 905.576.5760 T.E. Honor Improvenier . Sp•cisiang in roofing, sib ing. soft •avee tratgrt. window i doors. Pleas• CIA Tom 579-3760, I•ave Monaga. ' Roofing A 8 C ROOFOG, shin- gling. •1 types of roots, now and old. Wakntanahip Guaranteed. Free esti- mates. Call Andrew at (905) 429-6704. 96P7Plumbing DOUG CLARK PLUMB- ING, Licensed and in- sured. repairs and altera- tions, new bathrooms and renovations. pump sales and servos free esbmat•s. 686-5172.24 hrs M• Pain tirt9 6 • 1 Decorating Pairmng, Wallpapering, New Stucco. Repainting old stucco, wainscotting, moulding,Wal boarding, minor house- hold repairs. Also Faux PairttN. (905)686'2890 TO PAINTING Olt DECOR Inferior b Exterior Faropean Workmanship Fast, dean, reliable service. 420.)061 • Moving III• Storage AmMWing till services. moves, ape pfantce and pure special• now have healed storage table. Now oleo" free bare• eft move. Pak and bad flpordal, star" at $99. and up. Cal for infiox- Ingloon. 72SOM or 427-M • Moving 3 M:Flooring, Snow • • Business Storage rpeting • AM Removal • Services MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS Wit will req,! any4ur5. .tea Caiwwow a residential PaOraprq scrag• she torr svaratiM $ww b mq mp,e, dacoNiR Fw awrwas 571-0755 1-888-491.8600 HARRY-OTHE-- - MOVERS Mae big or smal, we price them alit Free estimates, senors discount• short no- tice moves. Appliances moved, also storage space available Comparable rates. Cal 432-2150. lt9>EN Wa1ra LAA" TRUM Will do household mom, residential, commercial. Al types of rrloves. !Cion Cacti W jI 427-211%. UK*U LS10 MOVING Houses, Aper limenes, Oil-, p�� Swim PWW S and AW -Montt Dis- courft Licensed, in- sured Free Eslirrwes. Excellent Service. CaM 4WTM. Etilarligicul Cees M1aMa wpin mics, homes, o� apt., dr. Padfftg available. CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years experience, reoetdrtg, our speclahty. Free olsartntes. D i N Duncan, 997-1799 or 9117-1100 • House • Cleaning BONDED CLEANING LADY seeks work cleaning; houses, apartments and offices. Call after 6pm 905-619-0602 MAID SERVICE Maids fully bonded k insured Quality cleaning at reasonable rates 619-3282 Compileoe k quality weekly, bi-weekly, occasional) 10% off for Seniors Insured k Banded 000.01f41M A UM W* do not use a plow an rur drivwayI char aaivar. er+va+•Ys W4 nxxuppal wafts RFASOMBELE RATES 40ea *w for a free estimate • Residential corrintercial For reliable service Cal(W5) 6864194 • Party • Services Ml►c4clAN, down fiends, Ieady to Ni- totrlart for any age, Ery ooxami. BiAhtdap, pro- motions, ,1, 1 gc l nd mum Magic ms I aft le 7067 or 72683M or 6831171 ■ANSW WAN 111 WORK Doing Mai For Children's Paries And Al Occasions. Have My Own MaptiarL Can Ettwie 666•4932- Clauihed Det. epee every Aloe. to Fri. &H Lu. - &11 pm. SaL 1.31- 3..11 Call 683.1717 COST INCORPORATIONS $199. BAY ST. FIRM (416) 361-OOM • • Health, • Beauty PROFESSIONAL SWEDISH MASSAGE in the comfort of your home. $50 persorVhour OR $85 couple. 1 hour each Gin certificates bl availae Call Phillip al 905-723-031 SELL IT NOW "CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 . • • Tax, Financial MT& x, Financial e • e Tax, Financial Directory Directory • • Diredory GLENN)a _ ' . PICKERING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER A 1"f,10:00 A.M. TIRE GALLANTRY RESTAURANT - BANQUET ROOM Pickering Town Cesare 1355 Kingston Rd. Hear Brian Explain: • Why every Caoadin should own a Sof-Directed RRSP/RRIF • How Semon cao protect their estate against Revenue Canada • How to slash your 19% income tax bill • Crucial yar ced in plami•S straieges • How to capitalize on 19% RSP rules A choose the best RSP' • Hew to Set money out of your RSP tax Gee! • falxasts for merest Rales, Stocks, Bonds A Real Estate • Tu SaviesF f Wealdt Crain tilts 24 hour reservation Line 1-800-890-4483 Seating is Limited''` THE & PMr�elal . Isvrjeiag is your Future B : Gran Alka THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1996 -PAGE 25 AN75 -i Skilled Skilled Daycare Bargain Articles Articles;M1 FArticlesor Sale 1 FoArrlilSealle Help Help • Available 1 CornerM11 For Sale 1T For Sale Cortrr"I ion solos peo- ple should be seffHnoll- vawd a have a desire to earn money dt" door - 104w sales for a news- paper (1 day delivery only). Expeiwrce pre- ferred but not required - Vehicle essential. For m me Wfd q6 905.721-2601 on weekends only between 446prn, or 14600-994.9295 (416-431-7744, SCarb.) Mon -Fri. 2.6pm, ask for Cheryl or Tracy. Also Kids over 12yrs. Eam Extra Cash. door-to-door canvassing. Can I-sw994-9295. Office 1 Help 19a9 JEEP CHEROKEE Laredo. 4 door. 4 X 4, load- ed, $7,600 433-1871 RECEPTIONIST RE- QUIRED For small office in Ajax. Accounting experi- ence and professional ad- ditude a must. Resumes to File 89718 Oshawa This Week. PO. Box 481, 865 Farewell St. Oshawa. On- tano L 1 H 71-5. Sales 10 Help / Agents DRAPERY SALES Per- son required to work in store 2-3 Saturdays per month, plus in home sales. You must by fully experi- enced in all aspects of window coverings. Call Charlie at 905-428-0937. DURHAM REGION, !up- time Travel Consultant. corporate & leisure. "i- leo -trained, nvrumum 2-3 years experience, enthu- siastic & professional. Tele- phone 905-831-5132, fax 905420-9889 FMSkilled Help DESIGNEMOOLMAK- ER. Tool Designer re- quired for metal stamping plant in Oshawa. Fluent with Auto Cad 12 on pro- gressive dies, Ap a fix- tures. Also required is a Tod and Die Maker for mid size progressive toots. Please send resume to File 09701 Oshawa Whitby This Week, P O. Box 481 Oshawa L1H 71-5. FIRST CLASS Cabinet maker. Min 10 years ex- perience. Can (905) 430- 0690. FRAMERS NEEDED. Pickering area. Expen- enced only Top wages paid. Call after bpm 95- 697-0079. CREATIVE MAC ARTIST ImF iate ong For experi- enced graphic artist. Must have 3 yrs. mini- mum experience in creative full color design, with photo shop, quark and page maker. Ability to meet EnerpFreta- tion linesrate of Client in - 0: FILE 9 9716 OSHAWA THIS WEEK, P -O. BOX 481, OSHAWA,ONT. L1H 71_5 MACHINIST • Able to work on your own • Troubleshoot production related problems • Understand programming • Operating & Setup of machines essential • Minimum 5 years experience. Please forward resume to : ANWER TECH INC. 1410 Bayly St. Unit #15 Pickering, Ontario or Fax to (905) 839-6023 PICKERING TECHNICAL WRITER 4 months • MechanicaVElectrical background • Able to read drawings • Knowledge of MS Word • Capable of writing maintenance manuals FAX RESUME TO (905) 831-4922 ECCOA ECCO STAFFING SERVICES STAFFING SERVICES PERSON required for piashes injection moulding company located in Bowmalvkle Attemoon shift (3-11 pm) Please submit resume to: File 9717 oshawafWhithy This Week PO Box 481 Oshawa, ON. LiH 71-5 R. A. FESTERS TRUCKING Looking for 10 professional AZ Drivers 5500-$600/week Teams & Singles (905I 434-5110 SERVICE PLUMBER, or 3rd or 4th yew apprentice required. Knowledge of high rise buildings and must Have valid gas kens- as. Please fax resume to 905_420-1077. SHF MACIEUM OPERA"RS Cier• aeMes tN ed be Fill bounty late 1k0 �a suet)) •BOMB6 ili�at be e14>Melwe.ri. Ceti Clr (100 430.0704 Eglupment Manufacturing mplany requires WELDERS a "11111 Grh7 til at least five a heavy steel istry. Must le to read bl bits and w )p rates, ben( I package. Fi Isurre to (905) 721-1204 or call (905) 721-1200 CINDY'S DAYCARE - loving mother d 2 COUCH AND CHAIR 7 = M • M • M M an as an an an ■ CONTENTS SALE: Liv- SHEDMAN - Quality barn offers expaw'-Ced daycare in my $125, desk and chair $50, dishwasher S25, 3 bicycles ill/'� HOW AVE ��V1 Ingroom coffee table. An- style shed Wt 8' X 9. SPE- home, Maple Ridge. First $25 each. or best offers ■ JUEN tique bedroom set. Lamps. CIAL ONLY $295 plus tax. Many Aid/CPR Certified. Non- smoker, no Discount���F�•■rte■ (y05) 839-5912 cy:683-6870. f�.,,,r W1 VCR. Baby crib. Teak bed other sizes and styles available. Also pets. rate. 837-2042 DAYCARE in my home, ■ ■ room set. Many other items. garages docks, 761 M Rd. McKay mother of 3, meals indud- EXERCISE STEPPER, ■ 6fX(rYii11P.1bpVAJUo raZbTie! AMfhe bed 905-428-2774 alter bpm. and 509-5778 Voyageur ST. 600, with brae counter and heart ■ rv,���,I� ■ N� S(SVIOfi Wew0 d y0L1tW �d COUNTRY STYLE, Unit 3. Pickering. For more info. cap 905-619-2093. DAYCARE AV AILABLE in my home. Loving moaler monitor. Extxepent condition n,� ■ ItfOf�vF"'y ■ couch and wing chair. In excellent condition. Blue d two provides healthy meals/snacks; receipts h used. $150 O.B.O. �-� ■ 1. Was yourr call answered promptly? ■ with ruffled skirt and throw available. Rollo/Pickering FREE TO GOOD HOME. Firewood OFFICE DESK natural Rip ■ cushions, Asking $650, cal Beach Rd, area. Nan- FULL TIME CHIRO wood. 54'x36". $99. ■ ■ 427-1348 cy:683-6870. 2 adult cats. female, both ■ CRIB, mattress. bumper DAYCARE in my home, spaded, one declawed. black. grey & white, due to ■ pads and accessories, mother of 3, meals indud- child's allergies. (905) ■ ■ baby change table, stroller. ed, finished basement, 509-5778 2. Did the Sales Re sentative offer friend) � Yr ■ all tike new. (bought for Grandparents home.) Pickering Village. please s Iger -monitor. t Pioneer ■ never used. $15./each. Can ask - Call after 3 p.m. 619-9273 KEROSENE SALAMAN- Courteous Senfice? APPLEWOOD. 1-2 Ing $1.000 call- (905) 837 - DER type heater 35.000 ■ = MNI9D 5055 LOVING CARE in smoke BTU. Excellent condition oneer AEC renhote, home. children all Comes with 5 gallon can ■ ■ ELECTRIC baseboard heater. Chromalox. ages, hot lunches. play- kerosene. Asking $125. Ex - skates. size 13. $15 Boys ■ as 3 yrs. room, Indoor outdoor activ- ties, cellent for heating garage ■ ■ o.d. 1 t3 750 watts. 2tt wit beside Elizabeth Se- 905-579.6374. ; 1 country 2 :' 6.00 . 2 c 500 watts, 20- ton School. 839-0430 ■ 3. Are you satisfied with the response to your ■:,,t, each S12 Nortron. 240 MATURFJExperienced KING SIZE wA- TERBED: ■ , ,'t thermostat 639-1357. caregiver offers exceptional Sold dark wood frame a headboard. ■ advertisement? EQUIPMENT FOR SALE - dayeare in her home. non smoker, New bladder and Inner Ex- ■ ■ _awn & Garden Business - no pets. bio child- ren ratio. references Dixie/ cellent condition, seldom ■ ..,osing - Yard Pro 14 hp. tractor. 42' $1500: Glenanna. Laura. 420- used. Comes with mattress ■ awn cut 3091 kner and 3 sets d sheets. ■ , awn 4 rip 2,. Lawn - $350 Call 905-434-6329 ,over $400, Homeln tfwv rz4. Suggestions or comments: ■ 'Vass Trimmer 5200: Mar- WESTNEY KITCHEN TABLE with 4 ■ lana Leafblower (Back Daycare available m my home chairs Glass and Chrome. ■ Pack) $600; much more. from responsible and caring Grey seats and chrome ■ alone 655-3868 elementary teacher Two frame $tap obo. 905-579- ■ Dining room Suite. 6 years or older. full or part 6,374 ■ :rarrs. 2 arm. ;able wtth leaf time. (905) 683-6366 MARINE FISH.$10o. 100■ ■ We would like to hear from you. �'-' x 7'6". 4 door butter & ,- _ - gat tank aquanam, with na caornet excellent OUALITY DAYCARE superior filter system ask-■ ■ :,ndrtkon. $1700 ob.o. Transportation to Lester B. ung $350. call 686-4580. ■ --1-0601 Pearson available Educa- MATCHING Sofa $t50/ ■ If OU refer, Y P bonal; playrooms fenced Leve seat S100 Glass top ■ GARAGE Doors. new yard. 11 yrs. expenence.. Non-smoking- table and tables S75 in lease contact Fred Eismont P ,ors 'rim $399 installed Nutritious meals. Flexible hours. Re- end Entertainment ■ iso 100'5 of used parts. unit call ■ at 576-9335, or 683-0707 =-a; y Plus Doors 416- cerpts. Al ages welcome N Michelle at 434-7521 at 3 1 ■ -i5-0073 estney N 905-683- MENS small black leather Hospital u38 ■ or fill out this coupon ■ TOP or the line crib. $199. jacket Pard $289 ASkin g Im Medcal Dental ■ and mail to: • HOMEMADE snowmobile $149 Call 905-579-6374 P.O. BOX 4HI ■ 'a�•er ,:;are 1:-e. (artier log Firewood OFFICE DESK natural Rip ■ FIREWOOD For Sale - asking�� $ all FULL TIME CHIRO wood. 54'x36". $99. M �11 Classified iDenartment ■ 'tens cc -s dared 305, PRACTIC and massage therapy receptionist need- ed experience preferred, positive adaptable person with a get well attitude. Please drop off your re- surne at 5,945 Kingston Rd. W. Ajax, Ontario. Resumes only. DENTAL RECEPTIONIST experienced. hardworking, outgoing, mature person required for fast paced. Abel Computerized. Picker- ing practice. Some even- ings & Saturdays. Fax to- surne 905-4204056 NURSES e1 Company, 81 Intone. 5 part-time. 5 full-timework from home. Call 9D5-571-5063 Daycare • 1 Wanted LIVE -OUT Caregiver required for 2 boys, ages 2 a 3. Must love dogs. Light housekeeping. Experience/ references required Mon.- Thurs. Sam -bpm. South Ajax. 428-8823 EXPERIENCED, mature live -out nanny required, re- liable. non-smoking, in our Whitby harts (Hwy. 2/ Mc- Quay): 2 children. 2-102 and 8 months. References required. 668-3875. NANNY UVE OUT, to provide loving and educa- tional envimonlenl, for 7 month old boy. Start Jai. Finchl&odk. Call (905) 619-1862 NANNY Live -out required for 4 dnildwn, ages 7. 3 1/2. a 2 yew ofd twirls. relar- ences required. DixialMa- psgas area Call 905- 837-1721. NANNY WANTED, for pat time in hams care of drlilg four year old boy in Pickering. (North at VNitss and Finch). WhdrnosdOys 3.'00 pan. to 8.'00 pmL tterF ing in January. Must be lov ing, ern- rNiable. a good cook and Iwo rlrntxN- Iwtt rohwwnas. PIN" aft Bi at (905) 420-9791 NON-SMOKING (pre - ler a f), Nanny required to are for 3 dddna in Cour- tic•. Mon. - Fri. 7:30 aril - 6:30 pm. Must also do some housekeeping. Please call Tracy 436- 0375. Dayclare • Ava labile 9 YEARS Experience. Red Cross. C.P.R., struc- tured routine, back-up, pfo- vided, non-smoker. no pen, roarences. Ids of TLC. 4211`852& LIQUIDATIONS Household 40 - 75% OFF CASHLESS 1080 BROCK RD. S. UNIT #1 PICKERING (905) 837-1281 Public Welcome stom cases audio-har- ' Ony inc) 10 karao Ke song -books & mrc & stank 1 amplifier MP -8 channel mixer $5500 416-330- 2526 All new equipment KEEP guipme nt KEEP YOUR 8 mm & su- pe' 3 !:irn sate on high quality video.Tnple R Video Transfer otters mo best pnce with music added no extra charge cap 905 -7,25 - FIREWOOD Seasoned _,_, firewood cut a split, maple, r oak. beech. Sane free 1 Articles OAK.'PINE FURNITURE - delivery Ajax. Pickering, for Sale ER `"z�' �„ c retail prices' One •: )f ontand o's oest and Liu - jest manufacturers is now FIREWOOD, Excellent quality hardwood,. Guar- anteed, extra long fully seasoned, cut and split. Honest measurement. Free delivery. Kozy Hot Fire- wood 905-753-2246. FIREWOOD: Roka Lum- ber a Firewood Centre. 4'x8'x12', $60, 4'xVxt6'. $65. Established 1963 Days 705-277-3381, Even- ings 905_434-6665. Free delivery to Oshawa area SKIDS a Panes for fire- wood, hardwood a soft- wood in , pre cut or bro- ken. delivery availabN. large a small Wads. United time offer. call (905K30- 9013. WILSONS FIREWOOD - by Mw lush Cad or baa cord Cut, spit and deiv- ored. Hardwood mixed 905-432-7741. HWdwood Minding waileble. 1 GET OUT OF DEBT IU Lot Debt Maete ON you how in 7 nilInIMS. No" to buy or Soft. No hidden dlrgss, Iota) cost bet res, $19.95 + GST. Hoe Pon A pOPr ready. 1-900.677- 8529. 1987 CHEVETTE, 4 dr. auto. $350 or boat die. 683-1329 5 N.P. Snowblower for sale asking $200.00, also IBM PSMt Connpuer with colour monitor $140. Call 905-831-5864. CAR REPAIR and shop rranuals,Ford.dev. dodge. import, meteor, triumph, bonds, skylark, $2. Call 434-2786. FALL / WINTER CLOTH- ING at rock bottom prices. Snowboard and ski jadkats. pants. gloves and accesso- nes; at up to 9D% OFF reg- ular retail prices. O"ity reamed brand labets. SKI CLEARANCE CENTRE 377 Taunton Road East. Osha- wa Oust east of 5 Points Map). 905-725-3468. FOR SALE: Approximate- ly 500 Scotch Pine Christ- mas Trees. 6' to 8' tall. Col- borne aro. Phone 905- 344-7381 after 6 pm, or leave message. 2 PC- COUCH, beige. Most new, plus 3 pc. cohm tables, asking $700. can 420-1593 SU CYRIX IODMHZ, 8 mops ram, 256 Cactm BX. CD ROM, SVGA 14' mon, speakers, 2yr parts and Is- bour $1300. Cal ANTIQUE: Woln ut d r*V robin set ExceRM condi- tion. 6 Chays irlcMxirg 1 captains flair. Newly up- lnolsksro - wi6n large Carved buffet. Asking $2250. Call 905-9839696. APPUANC PAW 443"183 Sorv- co abs $35 a kP wash- ers, drys, stores , Wiles. Low eros. Also new style LOW spplirnaa, lot saw ARE YOU LOOKING FOR drosses, desks, tattles. chairs, bods, books, sofa bods and mot07 Large se- lection of used fumiturel We're not your average second hand store. New Lis Furrintift 250 Bayfy SL W. Aian. (905) 6864332. ARIENS, 5 hp. snowblow- a, new motor, dual stage, electric am excellent con- dition, asking, $650. cal 668-6953 "CHILDRENS CLOTHING Solo on Consjgnrnent GIrIS and Boys' Newocm !o Size 16 i7 Now Accepting 'Winter Wear -BARGAINS GALORE" �A! 835 Finley Ave South. Ajax Between Westrley & Lake Driveway i r enA.-sb tacu, ung sae, uAnrcla - rots or carpet mapstic style. absolutely 100% nylon, new sten to - gorgeous, aunt Condition, lease carpets on hand. I original price 52.500. (I will carpet 3 rooms. $349. have big) Asking $1,800. Price incudes carpel, pre- Bowmanwille (905) 697- miuun pad, expert installs - 0888 tan. Iasi deWery free esti- BURGLAR ALARMS lu- mates (30 yards). Norman low thieves terra in your 68&2314. hone. KEEP THEM OUP. CLEARANCE SALE, Custom built steel security LUMBER, 1'X4' 7 1'X5'- wirWow bars for as Mme as Ceder. Pine, Spruce. Hen - $25.00 per window allows flowing. Ma pe peace of mind wen with lock.owing, Oak. widows open. For a free Basswood a Poplar. 1 -705 - estimate Can (905 )428- 488.2979 Early morning. 8429. roan a warirgs. CARPET 3 rooms, 5299. Itriole includes 30 yids of arD4>. prwmtun pad . and irstolistim. Custom blinds also available at lowest prigs SOL 905.432-2750. Carpet NNOIksr, 100%. Nylon Brick. plush. star re- aislarrt taq*L For 3 rooms, tinily $369.00. Price kl- cludes 30 Sq- yds carpetr, deluxe pad and iri ta8O0on in your Rorie. Free quota- tion . in your home. No in- lwesL no paymwK for one hull you. Daniel. 1-900- 217-0104. Carpot WI Darbbutom 12 months No payments, No i forest. (OAC) 3 goons (300sq.ft..) installed with delve pad from only $398. Special on Vinyl. Ceramic end Hardwood Flooring. Free Shop At Horne. 1.800- 663-6046. COMPAQ PRESARIO 425, 486 SX33. 200 meg HD. SVGA fax modem co- las prime, $1000, obo. Call 905.666.2509. CLAPA NGTON COM- PUTER CLEARANCE CENTER Two grey voke packages, Waded systems. Systems; include 14'28 Ni monitor. voiceftit modem. CD ram drive, soured Cads, speakers, Dos, and W4Kt- ows. color prima. Pentium 100 $1,999. Out the door prices. all taxes included Resale 488540 mz. 160 drive. complete system $396. Also lots d used sys- tems in stock, from $149. including monitor. Claing- ton Computer Clearance Center 697-9059. 164 Basefke Rd. Bowmarwille soiling direct to tie public. Eg. solid oak 7 pc dining - room or 6 pc solid one bedroom, your choice 579%. many stain choices. Tractional Woodworking 905-985-8774 PIANOS - GRANDFA- THER CLOCKS Back to school speaals. New and used pianos. Not sure? Rent to own. apt. size, upright. grand. diytal. key- boards. Clearance on an 1995 stock! Telep Piano Works. 433-1491. RENOVATING, 11 yr. old white. melmine kitchen, Uppers, lowers a pantry cabinets ciw moulded countertops $390. Double Sits sink 7 tatcat set $75. Admiral 15 cu.tL soft dor frosting bidge $300. Inglis dishwasher $225. 427- 1018 or 683.8299. RESTAURANT SUP- PLIES: stainless Saw usn- ads; stainless steal square containers (various sim); 2n. strainer; 2 portable double hea0ng lamps; S- head portable pop dis- penser; Nona moat slicer, 12in. blade. used, selling for $350. Meat sow, Nolen Bin. Wats, newso" for $350. Cambia portable waitress station; Cambro portable outdoor bar, 514 long. 416-330-25M ROSEWOOD DINING room suite. 64' table plus two 18' leaves. 6 chairs, 6' buffet with hutch. Excel" condition. Asking $1800. 91' Couch $150. Can 905- 697.0312. SHOP SMITH style multi - shop (5 tools in 1). Excel- lent condition $1600 Can 905-579-6374. SNOWBLOWER: 4 years old, seldom used. Asking 5850 OBO Call 905-576- 7693 SOFA a CHAIR, $150, 3 dressers S55. TV $100. 2 leather chairs S95 each. 6 pc. Sheridan style bedroom suite. (solid walnut)$1950. . dryer $95. 3 antique dress- ers. 3 antique chairs. table & chairs $120, entertam- men! unit $95. ,Rice chairs S30 each. many other items 697-3532 STEPS APPLIANCES 362 French Street Almor,c & white fridges. frost -frees. S250 & up Washers. $150 & up Dryers. $175 & up Portable dishwashers. 5200 & up Chest !geezers. 5175 & up Wh;te stoves. $200 & up Apt. -size wash- ers. $250 & up Built -m dishwasher 5275 6 north warranty 305-432-7167. 18' Digital Satellite 70 Free channels for 1 year Rent to owr for only S8 25 weekly Call 9C5-571-1412 HITACHI 35" stereo tele- rsien --3 olacx picture !ube. PiOin-PSC. High reso- lution Rent -to -own from $15 80 week's Call 905- 571.1412 KENWOOD 270 war, Tower cl Power 5 DisK CC. Jouble cassette. tower speakers Rent -to -own !rom S-21 weeitty Cali 905- 57. '412 SHARP 25' T': VCR com- bwratior-S. Higr resolution picture tube. 'runt A,'V .lacksauto programming, universal remote contra Rent !o own from $7 50iwk Call 905 5 7• -'472 WEDDING OR ANNI- VERSARY eares st-r n,ng mat_rr.g. never used. wide rand, 7 diamonds. a" ng 5600 A;so 5 pc queen oedfCQrn suite. 9 drawer dresser. matching men's wakcrobe all brass mirrored asking $550 905 -623 -006, - Articles I Wanted ANTIQUES ADSOlutety, Purcrau.ry !,_ niture or an- ything Old Scientific ulstr_ -rents. chma, silver, edver- %sng. toys, decoys. dour, milk ocmes. collections c, estates Call Robert Bower Antiques ;905) 655-8049. Brookjm Arts & • 1 Crafts CERAMIC WAREHOUSE has a new store. We have the best selection at unique ready -lo -decorate bisque in Durham Region Beautiful Christrnas pieces and new stock always am" week - y. Great bisque at great prices and now new hours!!. Tues. to Sat. 10 arts to 3 p.m. 1333 Bound- ary Rd. Unit 2 Oshawa. 905-725.6709. re in West hill openings for one with gifts, or, crafts or lue products. do all the sell - and you reap all rewards. The �ect shopping (416) 284-0972 SOME VENDER TA- BLES sip available for No- vember 30th Craft Bazaar at Dennis O'Connor High School. Call Debbie at 683-6004 for infomation. matdnng swivel Chau. $45 ■ TOP or the line crib. $199. coned 16" split hardwood .4&-1 375 after 6 p.m. ABSOLUTELY T HL Desk. solid '•'oil igpod for ■ P.O. BOX 4HI ■ HOUSE CONTENTS BEST - top quality hard- student). 36'x19" $75 Leather FIREWOOD For Sale ■ .-.ust oe seen 7259' 3' wood at low prices- Fre. ,nkhe skates. size ■ 865 Farewell St. bad. $4 50 each. 686- delivery Sernng Pickering 5. $25 Koho hockey nel- KARAOKE EQUIPMENT. Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa. met. $25 Micron hockey ■ Oshawa, Ontario ■ '- =ciov TV. used for Can DURHAM FIREWOOD skates. size 6. S20. Lancs, ■ s Iger -monitor. t Pioneer 427.4741 never used. $15./each. Can ■LIH'? _-D 1060 player. 1 APPLEWOOD. 1-2 1222 �i ■ = MNI9D aged years old. tush cord. $210. TABLE TABLE 48'X40-'. 540. ■ oneer AEC renhote, 113 busts cord. $80 Dejn- Crib $50 Stroller S35 Girts 'Your satsfaC@on is the measure of our SUCteSS' ■ -ix. 1 AM vola rrfonrtor, 30 ". 1 ere& 1-905.987-.4563 skates. size 13. $15 Boys ■ as as as tM 0 as 0 as 0 as on � on karaoke asks (1 - discs Phare collect. skates. jr. size 5. $25 683- ; 1 country 2 LIQUIDATIONS Household 40 - 75% OFF CASHLESS 1080 BROCK RD. S. UNIT #1 PICKERING (905) 837-1281 Public Welcome stom cases audio-har- ' Ony inc) 10 karao Ke song -books & mrc & stank 1 amplifier MP -8 channel mixer $5500 416-330- 2526 All new equipment KEEP guipme nt KEEP YOUR 8 mm & su- pe' 3 !:irn sate on high quality video.Tnple R Video Transfer otters mo best pnce with music added no extra charge cap 905 -7,25 - FIREWOOD Seasoned _,_, firewood cut a split, maple, r oak. beech. Sane free 1 Articles OAK.'PINE FURNITURE - delivery Ajax. Pickering, for Sale ER `"z�' �„ c retail prices' One •: )f ontand o's oest and Liu - jest manufacturers is now FIREWOOD, Excellent quality hardwood,. Guar- anteed, extra long fully seasoned, cut and split. Honest measurement. Free delivery. Kozy Hot Fire- wood 905-753-2246. FIREWOOD: Roka Lum- ber a Firewood Centre. 4'x8'x12', $60, 4'xVxt6'. $65. Established 1963 Days 705-277-3381, Even- ings 905_434-6665. Free delivery to Oshawa area SKIDS a Panes for fire- wood, hardwood a soft- wood in , pre cut or bro- ken. delivery availabN. large a small Wads. United time offer. call (905K30- 9013. WILSONS FIREWOOD - by Mw lush Cad or baa cord Cut, spit and deiv- ored. Hardwood mixed 905-432-7741. HWdwood Minding waileble. 1 GET OUT OF DEBT IU Lot Debt Maete ON you how in 7 nilInIMS. No" to buy or Soft. No hidden dlrgss, Iota) cost bet res, $19.95 + GST. Hoe Pon A pOPr ready. 1-900.677- 8529. 1987 CHEVETTE, 4 dr. auto. $350 or boat die. 683-1329 5 N.P. Snowblower for sale asking $200.00, also IBM PSMt Connpuer with colour monitor $140. Call 905-831-5864. CAR REPAIR and shop rranuals,Ford.dev. dodge. import, meteor, triumph, bonds, skylark, $2. Call 434-2786. FALL / WINTER CLOTH- ING at rock bottom prices. Snowboard and ski jadkats. pants. gloves and accesso- nes; at up to 9D% OFF reg- ular retail prices. O"ity reamed brand labets. SKI CLEARANCE CENTRE 377 Taunton Road East. Osha- wa Oust east of 5 Points Map). 905-725-3468. FOR SALE: Approximate- ly 500 Scotch Pine Christ- mas Trees. 6' to 8' tall. Col- borne aro. Phone 905- 344-7381 after 6 pm, or leave message. 2 PC- COUCH, beige. Most new, plus 3 pc. cohm tables, asking $700. can 420-1593 SU CYRIX IODMHZ, 8 mops ram, 256 Cactm BX. CD ROM, SVGA 14' mon, speakers, 2yr parts and Is- bour $1300. Cal ANTIQUE: Woln ut d r*V robin set ExceRM condi- tion. 6 Chays irlcMxirg 1 captains flair. Newly up- lnolsksro - wi6n large Carved buffet. Asking $2250. Call 905-9839696. APPUANC PAW 443"183 Sorv- co abs $35 a kP wash- ers, drys, stores , Wiles. Low eros. Also new style LOW spplirnaa, lot saw ARE YOU LOOKING FOR drosses, desks, tattles. chairs, bods, books, sofa bods and mot07 Large se- lection of used fumiturel We're not your average second hand store. New Lis Furrintift 250 Bayfy SL W. Aian. (905) 6864332. ARIENS, 5 hp. snowblow- a, new motor, dual stage, electric am excellent con- dition, asking, $650. cal 668-6953 "CHILDRENS CLOTHING Solo on Consjgnrnent GIrIS and Boys' Newocm !o Size 16 i7 Now Accepting 'Winter Wear -BARGAINS GALORE" �A! 835 Finley Ave South. Ajax Between Westrley & Lake Driveway i r enA.-sb tacu, ung sae, uAnrcla - rots or carpet mapstic style. absolutely 100% nylon, new sten to - gorgeous, aunt Condition, lease carpets on hand. I original price 52.500. (I will carpet 3 rooms. $349. have big) Asking $1,800. Price incudes carpel, pre- Bowmanwille (905) 697- miuun pad, expert installs - 0888 tan. Iasi deWery free esti- BURGLAR ALARMS lu- mates (30 yards). Norman low thieves terra in your 68&2314. hone. KEEP THEM OUP. CLEARANCE SALE, Custom built steel security LUMBER, 1'X4' 7 1'X5'- wirWow bars for as Mme as Ceder. Pine, Spruce. Hen - $25.00 per window allows flowing. Ma pe peace of mind wen with lock.owing, Oak. widows open. For a free Basswood a Poplar. 1 -705 - estimate Can (905 )428- 488.2979 Early morning. 8429. roan a warirgs. CARPET 3 rooms, 5299. Itriole includes 30 yids of arD4>. prwmtun pad . and irstolistim. Custom blinds also available at lowest prigs SOL 905.432-2750. Carpet NNOIksr, 100%. Nylon Brick. plush. star re- aislarrt taq*L For 3 rooms, tinily $369.00. Price kl- cludes 30 Sq- yds carpetr, deluxe pad and iri ta8O0on in your Rorie. Free quota- tion . in your home. No in- lwesL no paymwK for one hull you. Daniel. 1-900- 217-0104. Carpot WI Darbbutom 12 months No payments, No i forest. (OAC) 3 goons (300sq.ft..) installed with delve pad from only $398. Special on Vinyl. Ceramic end Hardwood Flooring. Free Shop At Horne. 1.800- 663-6046. COMPAQ PRESARIO 425, 486 SX33. 200 meg HD. SVGA fax modem co- las prime, $1000, obo. Call 905.666.2509. CLAPA NGTON COM- PUTER CLEARANCE CENTER Two grey voke packages, Waded systems. Systems; include 14'28 Ni monitor. voiceftit modem. CD ram drive, soured Cads, speakers, Dos, and W4Kt- ows. color prima. Pentium 100 $1,999. Out the door prices. all taxes included Resale 488540 mz. 160 drive. complete system $396. Also lots d used sys- tems in stock, from $149. including monitor. Claing- ton Computer Clearance Center 697-9059. 164 Basefke Rd. Bowmarwille soiling direct to tie public. Eg. solid oak 7 pc dining - room or 6 pc solid one bedroom, your choice 579%. many stain choices. Tractional Woodworking 905-985-8774 PIANOS - GRANDFA- THER CLOCKS Back to school speaals. New and used pianos. Not sure? Rent to own. apt. size, upright. grand. diytal. key- boards. Clearance on an 1995 stock! Telep Piano Works. 433-1491. RENOVATING, 11 yr. old white. melmine kitchen, Uppers, lowers a pantry cabinets ciw moulded countertops $390. Double Sits sink 7 tatcat set $75. Admiral 15 cu.tL soft dor frosting bidge $300. Inglis dishwasher $225. 427- 1018 or 683.8299. RESTAURANT SUP- PLIES: stainless Saw usn- ads; stainless steal square containers (various sim); 2n. strainer; 2 portable double hea0ng lamps; S- head portable pop dis- penser; Nona moat slicer, 12in. blade. used, selling for $350. Meat sow, Nolen Bin. Wats, newso" for $350. Cambia portable waitress station; Cambro portable outdoor bar, 514 long. 416-330-25M ROSEWOOD DINING room suite. 64' table plus two 18' leaves. 6 chairs, 6' buffet with hutch. Excel" condition. Asking $1800. 91' Couch $150. Can 905- 697.0312. SHOP SMITH style multi - shop (5 tools in 1). Excel- lent condition $1600 Can 905-579-6374. SNOWBLOWER: 4 years old, seldom used. Asking 5850 OBO Call 905-576- 7693 SOFA a CHAIR, $150, 3 dressers S55. TV $100. 2 leather chairs S95 each. 6 pc. Sheridan style bedroom suite. (solid walnut)$1950. . dryer $95. 3 antique dress- ers. 3 antique chairs. table & chairs $120, entertam- men! unit $95. ,Rice chairs S30 each. many other items 697-3532 STEPS APPLIANCES 362 French Street Almor,c & white fridges. frost -frees. S250 & up Washers. $150 & up Dryers. $175 & up Portable dishwashers. 5200 & up Chest !geezers. 5175 & up Wh;te stoves. $200 & up Apt. -size wash- ers. $250 & up Built -m dishwasher 5275 6 north warranty 305-432-7167. 18' Digital Satellite 70 Free channels for 1 year Rent to owr for only S8 25 weekly Call 9C5-571-1412 HITACHI 35" stereo tele- rsien --3 olacx picture !ube. PiOin-PSC. High reso- lution Rent -to -own from $15 80 week's Call 905- 571.1412 KENWOOD 270 war, Tower cl Power 5 DisK CC. Jouble cassette. tower speakers Rent -to -own !rom S-21 weeitty Cali 905- 57. '412 SHARP 25' T': VCR com- bwratior-S. Higr resolution picture tube. 'runt A,'V .lacksauto programming, universal remote contra Rent !o own from $7 50iwk Call 905 5 7• -'472 WEDDING OR ANNI- VERSARY eares st-r n,ng mat_rr.g. never used. wide rand, 7 diamonds. a" ng 5600 A;so 5 pc queen oedfCQrn suite. 9 drawer dresser. matching men's wakcrobe all brass mirrored asking $550 905 -623 -006, - Articles I Wanted ANTIQUES ADSOlutety, Purcrau.ry !,_ niture or an- ything Old Scientific ulstr_ -rents. chma, silver, edver- %sng. toys, decoys. dour, milk ocmes. collections c, estates Call Robert Bower Antiques ;905) 655-8049. Brookjm Arts & • 1 Crafts CERAMIC WAREHOUSE has a new store. We have the best selection at unique ready -lo -decorate bisque in Durham Region Beautiful Christrnas pieces and new stock always am" week - y. Great bisque at great prices and now new hours!!. Tues. to Sat. 10 arts to 3 p.m. 1333 Bound- ary Rd. Unit 2 Oshawa. 905-725.6709. re in West hill openings for one with gifts, or, crafts or lue products. do all the sell - and you reap all rewards. The �ect shopping (416) 284-0972 SOME VENDER TA- BLES sip available for No- vember 30th Craft Bazaar at Dennis O'Connor High School. Call Debbie at 683-6004 for infomation. 9736 FIREWOOD - Qualitysea- TOP or the line crib. $199. coned 16" split hardwood ,,,eest safety standards :n starting at $185/Cord. Call good condition. white. eve. 705-944-8801. 7 p.m - many baby Coehes and ac - 11 p.m. lies all under $25 905- 649-3283 FIREWOOD For Sale Cut, Split and delivered. USED RAILWAY ties. fair $50 a face Cdrd. Cap Jerry to good condition. truck (905) 683-9639- load lots. approx. 200 per bad. $4 50 each. 686- 6104 LIQUIDATIONS Household 40 - 75% OFF CASHLESS 1080 BROCK RD. S. UNIT #1 PICKERING (905) 837-1281 Public Welcome stom cases audio-har- ' Ony inc) 10 karao Ke song -books & mrc & stank 1 amplifier MP -8 channel mixer $5500 416-330- 2526 All new equipment KEEP guipme nt KEEP YOUR 8 mm & su- pe' 3 !:irn sate on high quality video.Tnple R Video Transfer otters mo best pnce with music added no extra charge cap 905 -7,25 - FIREWOOD Seasoned _,_, firewood cut a split, maple, r oak. beech. Sane free 1 Articles OAK.'PINE FURNITURE - delivery Ajax. Pickering, for Sale ER `"z�' �„ c retail prices' One •: )f ontand o's oest and Liu - jest manufacturers is now FIREWOOD, Excellent quality hardwood,. Guar- anteed, extra long fully seasoned, cut and split. Honest measurement. Free delivery. Kozy Hot Fire- wood 905-753-2246. FIREWOOD: Roka Lum- ber a Firewood Centre. 4'x8'x12', $60, 4'xVxt6'. $65. Established 1963 Days 705-277-3381, Even- ings 905_434-6665. Free delivery to Oshawa area SKIDS a Panes for fire- wood, hardwood a soft- wood in , pre cut or bro- ken. delivery availabN. large a small Wads. United time offer. call (905K30- 9013. WILSONS FIREWOOD - by Mw lush Cad or baa cord Cut, spit and deiv- ored. Hardwood mixed 905-432-7741. HWdwood Minding waileble. 1 GET OUT OF DEBT IU Lot Debt Maete ON you how in 7 nilInIMS. No" to buy or Soft. No hidden dlrgss, Iota) cost bet res, $19.95 + GST. Hoe Pon A pOPr ready. 1-900.677- 8529. 1987 CHEVETTE, 4 dr. auto. $350 or boat die. 683-1329 5 N.P. Snowblower for sale asking $200.00, also IBM PSMt Connpuer with colour monitor $140. Call 905-831-5864. CAR REPAIR and shop rranuals,Ford.dev. dodge. import, meteor, triumph, bonds, skylark, $2. Call 434-2786. FALL / WINTER CLOTH- ING at rock bottom prices. Snowboard and ski jadkats. pants. gloves and accesso- nes; at up to 9D% OFF reg- ular retail prices. O"ity reamed brand labets. SKI CLEARANCE CENTRE 377 Taunton Road East. Osha- wa Oust east of 5 Points Map). 905-725-3468. FOR SALE: Approximate- ly 500 Scotch Pine Christ- mas Trees. 6' to 8' tall. Col- borne aro. Phone 905- 344-7381 after 6 pm, or leave message. 2 PC- COUCH, beige. Most new, plus 3 pc. cohm tables, asking $700. can 420-1593 SU CYRIX IODMHZ, 8 mops ram, 256 Cactm BX. CD ROM, SVGA 14' mon, speakers, 2yr parts and Is- bour $1300. Cal ANTIQUE: Woln ut d r*V robin set ExceRM condi- tion. 6 Chays irlcMxirg 1 captains flair. Newly up- lnolsksro - wi6n large Carved buffet. Asking $2250. Call 905-9839696. APPUANC PAW 443"183 Sorv- co abs $35 a kP wash- ers, drys, stores , Wiles. Low eros. Also new style LOW spplirnaa, lot saw ARE YOU LOOKING FOR drosses, desks, tattles. chairs, bods, books, sofa bods and mot07 Large se- lection of used fumiturel We're not your average second hand store. New Lis Furrintift 250 Bayfy SL W. Aian. (905) 6864332. ARIENS, 5 hp. snowblow- a, new motor, dual stage, electric am excellent con- dition, asking, $650. cal 668-6953 "CHILDRENS CLOTHING Solo on Consjgnrnent GIrIS and Boys' Newocm !o Size 16 i7 Now Accepting 'Winter Wear -BARGAINS GALORE" �A! 835 Finley Ave South. Ajax Between Westrley & Lake Driveway i r enA.-sb tacu, ung sae, uAnrcla - rots or carpet mapstic style. absolutely 100% nylon, new sten to - gorgeous, aunt Condition, lease carpets on hand. I original price 52.500. (I will carpet 3 rooms. $349. have big) Asking $1,800. Price incudes carpel, pre- Bowmanwille (905) 697- miuun pad, expert installs - 0888 tan. Iasi deWery free esti- BURGLAR ALARMS lu- mates (30 yards). Norman low thieves terra in your 68&2314. hone. KEEP THEM OUP. CLEARANCE SALE, Custom built steel security LUMBER, 1'X4' 7 1'X5'- wirWow bars for as Mme as Ceder. Pine, Spruce. Hen - $25.00 per window allows flowing. Ma pe peace of mind wen with lock.owing, Oak. widows open. For a free Basswood a Poplar. 1 -705 - estimate Can (905 )428- 488.2979 Early morning. 8429. roan a warirgs. CARPET 3 rooms, 5299. Itriole includes 30 yids of arD4>. prwmtun pad . and irstolistim. Custom blinds also available at lowest prigs SOL 905.432-2750. Carpet NNOIksr, 100%. Nylon Brick. plush. star re- aislarrt taq*L For 3 rooms, tinily $369.00. Price kl- cludes 30 Sq- yds carpetr, deluxe pad and iri ta8O0on in your Rorie. Free quota- tion . in your home. No in- lwesL no paymwK for one hull you. Daniel. 1-900- 217-0104. Carpot WI Darbbutom 12 months No payments, No i forest. (OAC) 3 goons (300sq.ft..) installed with delve pad from only $398. Special on Vinyl. Ceramic end Hardwood Flooring. Free Shop At Horne. 1.800- 663-6046. COMPAQ PRESARIO 425, 486 SX33. 200 meg HD. SVGA fax modem co- las prime, $1000, obo. Call 905.666.2509. CLAPA NGTON COM- PUTER CLEARANCE CENTER Two grey voke packages, Waded systems. Systems; include 14'28 Ni monitor. voiceftit modem. CD ram drive, soured Cads, speakers, Dos, and W4Kt- ows. color prima. Pentium 100 $1,999. Out the door prices. all taxes included Resale 488540 mz. 160 drive. complete system $396. Also lots d used sys- tems in stock, from $149. including monitor. Claing- ton Computer Clearance Center 697-9059. 164 Basefke Rd. Bowmarwille soiling direct to tie public. Eg. solid oak 7 pc dining - room or 6 pc solid one bedroom, your choice 579%. many stain choices. Tractional Woodworking 905-985-8774 PIANOS - GRANDFA- THER CLOCKS Back to school speaals. New and used pianos. Not sure? Rent to own. apt. size, upright. grand. diytal. key- boards. Clearance on an 1995 stock! Telep Piano Works. 433-1491. RENOVATING, 11 yr. old white. melmine kitchen, Uppers, lowers a pantry cabinets ciw moulded countertops $390. Double Sits sink 7 tatcat set $75. Admiral 15 cu.tL soft dor frosting bidge $300. Inglis dishwasher $225. 427- 1018 or 683.8299. RESTAURANT SUP- PLIES: stainless Saw usn- ads; stainless steal square containers (various sim); 2n. strainer; 2 portable double hea0ng lamps; S- head portable pop dis- penser; Nona moat slicer, 12in. blade. used, selling for $350. Meat sow, Nolen Bin. Wats, newso" for $350. Cambia portable waitress station; Cambro portable outdoor bar, 514 long. 416-330-25M ROSEWOOD DINING room suite. 64' table plus two 18' leaves. 6 chairs, 6' buffet with hutch. Excel" condition. Asking $1800. 91' Couch $150. Can 905- 697.0312. SHOP SMITH style multi - shop (5 tools in 1). Excel- lent condition $1600 Can 905-579-6374. SNOWBLOWER: 4 years old, seldom used. Asking 5850 OBO Call 905-576- 7693 SOFA a CHAIR, $150, 3 dressers S55. TV $100. 2 leather chairs S95 each. 6 pc. Sheridan style bedroom suite. (solid walnut)$1950. . dryer $95. 3 antique dress- ers. 3 antique chairs. table & chairs $120, entertam- men! unit $95. ,Rice chairs S30 each. many other items 697-3532 STEPS APPLIANCES 362 French Street Almor,c & white fridges. frost -frees. S250 & up Washers. $150 & up Dryers. $175 & up Portable dishwashers. 5200 & up Chest !geezers. 5175 & up Wh;te stoves. $200 & up Apt. -size wash- ers. $250 & up Built -m dishwasher 5275 6 north warranty 305-432-7167. 18' Digital Satellite 70 Free channels for 1 year Rent to owr for only S8 25 weekly Call 9C5-571-1412 HITACHI 35" stereo tele- rsien --3 olacx picture !ube. PiOin-PSC. High reso- lution Rent -to -own from $15 80 week's Call 905- 571.1412 KENWOOD 270 war, Tower cl Power 5 DisK CC. Jouble cassette. tower speakers Rent -to -own !rom S-21 weeitty Cali 905- 57. '412 SHARP 25' T': VCR com- bwratior-S. Higr resolution picture tube. 'runt A,'V .lacksauto programming, universal remote contra Rent !o own from $7 50iwk Call 905 5 7• -'472 WEDDING OR ANNI- VERSARY eares st-r n,ng mat_rr.g. never used. wide rand, 7 diamonds. a" ng 5600 A;so 5 pc queen oedfCQrn suite. 9 drawer dresser. matching men's wakcrobe all brass mirrored asking $550 905 -623 -006, - Articles I Wanted ANTIQUES ADSOlutety, Purcrau.ry !,_ niture or an- ything Old Scientific ulstr_ -rents. chma, silver, edver- %sng. toys, decoys. dour, milk ocmes. collections c, estates Call Robert Bower Antiques ;905) 655-8049. Brookjm Arts & • 1 Crafts CERAMIC WAREHOUSE has a new store. We have the best selection at unique ready -lo -decorate bisque in Durham Region Beautiful Christrnas pieces and new stock always am" week - y. Great bisque at great prices and now new hours!!. Tues. to Sat. 10 arts to 3 p.m. 1333 Bound- ary Rd. Unit 2 Oshawa. 905-725.6709. re in West hill openings for one with gifts, or, crafts or lue products. do all the sell - and you reap all rewards. The �ect shopping (416) 284-0972 SOME VENDER TA- BLES sip available for No- vember 30th Craft Bazaar at Dennis O'Connor High School. Call Debbie at 683-6004 for infomation. PAGE 26 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,19% Video1 11 ""° ForSale Mk*obil .; INt CAVALIER. Mutt LOWEST PRICES OF Sett aubemsbc, ak, 22L, 2- THE YEAR PLUS FREE door, blue, pis. pAl WARRANTY. OVER 30 126.0(10011am, new tires, ex- CERTIFIED RECONDI- haw & brakes 56200. Cal TIONED VEHICLES ON 905.404.-1326, SALE AT CERTICAR K9 CONNECTIONS EG. 1990 Grand Caravan, 1991 CAVALIER RS. 4 3.3 V-6, loaded, A-1, dr, AIC. AM/FM cassette, $8,495. 19M - 1993 Astros 183,000 Irma, Hwy driven. from $3.985 loaded. 1987 $4000 olio Call 905 721Olds, auto, fantastic now Suite, sold wood, cherry or 1981 Gen LeMarts. oil mahogany. prefer tradition- y al or antique, table with 130.000 On" miles. runs minimum 6 chairs, buffet great. Needs brakes, only. and hutch, to be in great $400.723-2921 condition, reasonably pric- es. Call 655-5807 1983 CHEV. Celebrity. 4 tr auto t/6 2 8 interior & WANTED CAMERAS . old chna and glass. Iewel- wY, microscopes, tele- scopes. binoculars and re- lated =taunts. Clocks, watch - ".furniture. anything aid 432-16.78. HEComputer Antemet NEW MUSIC e-zrne O httpl/www-dumam, news-neV-afc23Bln- dex him Ron, Lost & e , Found FOUND - lunate beagle, Sat Nov 9. K,pling Crs_ -akednveway. Ajax Owner may contact 686--844 75 Ron,,,� B ' BOW" body in ex- cord. Only 93.000 ongnal kms, new rebuilt "no in March VC (7000 kms) $1200 as is. 905-404-9035. 1914 HONDA CIVIC 1500, 4 or auto, many new Parts_ Alpie stereo. front- v,tne61 dive.5895 340.000 km.. 416-703-1050 days. 93 5 7-1479 eve 19$S GOLF 157.000 kit , 5 soevd. excellent me - Chancel, some rust. best offer over $1.500. (905) ?25-1007 1x5 OLDS 98. 4 or. 3.8 1993, LUMINA Euro. 3.4, V6, red. P.'W.PvS.P L. auto. rear spoiler, ABS. Air cog phone $10.500, 905-430- 1103 1994 Chev Cavalier. 2 or.. mint condition, auto., air. SnV1m cassette, white exte- nor. Certified $10.995. Cal Phyfks days 905-294-2200 or evion gs 905-852.7086 1995 Nissan Quest, bias. 18,000 km., tuft loaded. tired windows. tabic war- ranty. Payment plan avail- able. Certified, asking 523.000. 4368658. 1995 SATURN SE. low kms.. lady driven. 4 dr.. $12.000 obo. Cal 725- 9181 FI P seats P windows. p ticks psi Pb, light brown 199S TAURUS WAGON ext.. tan velour int good loaded. 43.000 kms. silver. body. clean nt. $2000 obo. $16.5()0 905- 905--,2S-9815. 434-3975.P v *safe 1986 ARIES STATION WAGON Excellent cordi- tion. grew winter car Aub.. 103 kms 51800. certified. Call 90568-6150 even- +aqs Nancy at 905-571- 729 days. PERSIAN purebred cats A lar.ons. snots & vet Chocked Cap 576-4103 FOR SALE: Untbr"a Cockatoos, proven breed - $2 200 AM scc*"On*s $o tial 19K CHEVETTE 5 speed. 137.000 Kms. raw dutch and new rad. And More"! 5950 Cap 905465- 1603. 1807 MERCURY Topaz 4ty1 s-sp.ed $14% core CHOW; purebred male. 7 8208. $3,385 1989 Grand Prix e' p�i�,. D 1peb&WP"888 tth low 5200 a best offer. loaded, Blazer 1 t4 $7,850. Bonding 1991 PONTIAC 6000 SE. x perfect. oho. as rs- 905.404--9759 4 coo. automatic, bucket nowBlaze firm. 1989 Es - K9 CONNECTIONS seats, all power including tint GL, auto, air, very prel- y. $3,685. 1991 Tempo. Dog Obedience seat. Air, ground effects, front factory, mint tx 16-- auto. great only $3,6 85. CLASSES ALL LEVELS Asking $7500 Cert. No Gst. 1989 Ford F-150, Lariat, loaded, low kms, sale Starting immediately Private. Call 579-5749. $7,700 1993 Sunbird SE. Call John or Dianne at: 1991 PONTIAC SUNBIRD air, auto, teal. WOW $7,500. 19,0 Olds 88 Loaded (905) 438-1711 E. 60.000 kms., certified. d 92.000 kms, now $9.925. Ceeent disposition. $700.Grow Christos Cal door. automabc, air, arrVlm 1989 Celebrity Eu -o black DEVILLE, 166,000 kms, cassette, tilt, split rear beauty, loaded, $5.500 Articles A ItOntobiles Bbl• as. pb. $7495 obo. 1966 Aries auto. A-1. steel Em Wanted ' t For Sale ;90723-7507 it S2.225. 1990 Buick Le - WbMhod since 1982- (905) IRO CAVALIER RS, t/6, Sabre Ltd., loaded, now LOOKrr4G for used aP- 1981 CHEVY MONTE 1992 HONDA CIVIC LS. 4 $6,695. Certicar ISS phances working order or CARLO. runs well. little dr. auto. new liras, radio King SL W., at Midtown not working Pick up at no dtarge. CaIT 432-71E7. needed to Asking case.. 137.000 km. , superb Mall, Oshawa, 579- or best otter 665 best of condition. $8500 obo Call 291116 OWn Sunday WANTED Dngngroorn 0949 576-9419. 1992 Chev. Cavalier, red, Suite, sold wood, cherry or 1981 Gen LeMarts. oil mahogany. prefer tradition- y al or antique, table with 130.000 On" miles. runs minimum 6 chairs, buffet great. Needs brakes, only. and hutch, to be in great $400.723-2921 condition, reasonably pric- es. Call 655-5807 1983 CHEV. Celebrity. 4 tr auto t/6 2 8 interior & WANTED CAMERAS . old chna and glass. Iewel- wY, microscopes, tele- scopes. binoculars and re- lated =taunts. Clocks, watch - ".furniture. anything aid 432-16.78. HEComputer Antemet NEW MUSIC e-zrne O httpl/www-dumam, news-neV-afc23Bln- dex him Ron, Lost & e , Found FOUND - lunate beagle, Sat Nov 9. K,pling Crs_ -akednveway. Ajax Owner may contact 686--844 75 Ron,,,� B ' BOW" body in ex- cord. Only 93.000 ongnal kms, new rebuilt "no in March VC (7000 kms) $1200 as is. 905-404-9035. 1914 HONDA CIVIC 1500, 4 or auto, many new Parts_ Alpie stereo. front- v,tne61 dive.5895 340.000 km.. 416-703-1050 days. 93 5 7-1479 eve 19$S GOLF 157.000 kit , 5 soevd. excellent me - Chancel, some rust. best offer over $1.500. (905) ?25-1007 1x5 OLDS 98. 4 or. 3.8 1993, LUMINA Euro. 3.4, V6, red. P.'W.PvS.P L. auto. rear spoiler, ABS. Air cog phone $10.500, 905-430- 1103 1994 Chev Cavalier. 2 or.. mint condition, auto., air. SnV1m cassette, white exte- nor. Certified $10.995. Cal Phyfks days 905-294-2200 or evion gs 905-852.7086 1995 Nissan Quest, bias. 18,000 km., tuft loaded. tired windows. tabic war- ranty. Payment plan avail- able. Certified, asking 523.000. 4368658. 1995 SATURN SE. low kms.. lady driven. 4 dr.. $12.000 obo. Cal 725- 9181 FI P seats P windows. p ticks psi Pb, light brown 199S TAURUS WAGON ext.. tan velour int good loaded. 43.000 kms. silver. body. clean nt. $2000 obo. $16.5()0 905- 905--,2S-9815. 434-3975.P v *safe 1986 ARIES STATION WAGON Excellent cordi- tion. grew winter car Aub.. 103 kms 51800. certified. Call 90568-6150 even- +aqs Nancy at 905-571- 729 days. PERSIAN purebred cats A lar.ons. snots & vet Chocked Cap 576-4103 FOR SALE: Untbr"a Cockatoos, proven breed - $2 200 AM scc*"On*s $o tial 19K CHEVETTE 5 speed. 137.000 Kms. raw dutch and new rad. And More"! 5950 Cap 905465- 1603. 1807 MERCURY Topaz 4ty1 s-sp.ed $14% core CHOW; purebred male. 7 fled 14 Olds 98cuuan. V6 mantis old. raised worm a1J10f11�• at power. $1295 tth low 5200 a best offer. certified o.b.o. 1986 CM - Call 905-579-9964 refs. 4-cyl. autorneat. $650 tial SONOMA SL, sa- oho. as rs- 905.404--9759 ENGLISH springer span- 1807 Plymouth Relent LE. ova. happy and out gonq auto. (•90 Shadow 22 en - Pup. t t vreeb, male. rtg'd shpts, $450 436-5047 Pros). or. Ps. pb, raw ionto COndtiorn air.. 0 $9.0010. brakes. original starless ENGLISH BULL Tamers. anal amaust. Recce pant, CKC registered Whilewktlt $1100 as Caymanxyta markings Ready to go n abo. Cal 436-0196. Decemtber 905-99&1030. /9N NEW YORKER 124. NW"TURE HORSE 000 km. Goaded. 6 cyl. COLT - 5 months ad, ex- 54800 tartilied. 571-0225 Ceeent disposition. $700.Grow Christos Cal 1990 CADILLAC (705) 742-961a (705) DEVILLE, 166,000 kms, gray n colour, loaded. HORSESHOEWG - Tam $10,500. form. oMtlied. Ex - Connally now in in oslwd condition. Cal 905- aaw xs 0, �F 2632101. WbMhod since 1982- (905) IRO CAVALIER RS, t/6, 4735693. ado, AIC. ArtJFm Cassebe. ROTIINEILE 5 Sun weeks aid. � rpt Asking $3900. Call tend. shaft and vel (905) 666-541,117- 1996. SUNFIRE, con- vwtrblo. black with black top. grey doth ntenor 4 speed automatic. 2.4 titre mar«. kleda4 Only 12.000 kms Balance of Warranty ap 905-7262685 ARLIE SALES LTD 480 Taunton Rd E. Oshawa 404-8175 Howe Reduced the blowing vehicles to make room lir now stock. 1989 Buick Leeabre. load - ad. $5595. 2 -door Buick Regall GS. $11,965 1990 Buck Station Wagon ward SOW. $6.995. 1991 Chm Caprice. loaded. $11,965. 1991 Chev, Lurona, $7,695. 1992 Chew Lumina Z34. low 1711. $10,965 1908 Pont. BonievJle, $4895. 1988 Pont- Grand Prix, 55.995 1992 Saturn, $9.650. 1993 Ford 1/2 ton truck, 4x4, $15,965 1991 Chov Blazer, 4 -door. $11.965. 1993 Pont Sun - bird, $6,995. 1990 Chov Tracker. $6.995. 1989 Co- dlpac, 58,995. 1993 Pont. Asuna. $10,465. 1989 Lancer 4 -door, 53.995. AN Above Sold Cornified. AR. AE SALES LTD. 490 Taunton Rd.E. IketwMn Well A New 404.8175. 2 dr. air, auto., am rn cass.. $6750. or best reasonable offer 434-2775 ' Automobiles Wanted SSS TOP DOLLARS pard for scrap cars. 7 days per week. Used parts evad- able. 683-7301 or 428- 1879 after 6 pm. S50. to $7500 Cash on the spot for scrap can & trucks. Anytrme. Cal 905- 706-5740 A & A TOWING. Pay $50- $5000 cash lir used & scrap tars & trucks. 24 hn. 7 days Cal 905!86-5003 or 905-7065234: 30 min service AUTOMOBILES and trucks wanted for scrap. Any condition. any age. tree removal in the Durham Region, cash pod. Also needed, 75 io 117 Chair or GMC pickup for parts. Cap anytime. Oshawa 905-431- 0407. CARS FOR CASH! We buy used vehicles. Von, des must be in running conation. Cap 427-2415 or care to 479 Baty St Eau. Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES RMI Trucks for Sale 1905 Black Silvwado. Wry dean, kept in condo on $3500 as i� c $4000 cart. Ted 905-263- 4493. leave massage. 1N6 CHEV BLAZER, 5 speed, 4 x 4. exceauht con- dition. many now pots. Ta- hoe package. Pioneer star. eo.con:hod 53.800. 696- 2946 1980 Chow. S10 short box, 2.8 V6, auto.. d4 custom paint. Bel lack drop spn- d as and docks, custom file etc. As R $3500 ODo- Phoe Blain MeeO«Wd 416282-4351. ION FORD BRONCO 4X4, Eddy Bwer Edition, good condition. so" $3500 as is.723-9319 5 M91 snDHrRloble9 ,1 sI19wRIllble5 11 A M11Apwbnw For ,t 11 A tit:nR SA'�-E as r� lRAAlffeAA?i 1e Dependable, excellent cond., new seat, toe bar, hand warmers, runs. Beauty $1,195 o.b.o., 5,600 km. 1-708-328-0402 Apartment For Rnts Jain,Apartments rt Rent 33 FALBY COURT 2 & 3 bedroom apartments in family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and underground park- ing included. From $785-$867. 686-0841 weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. AJAX - CLIPPER APTS. 2 & 3 bedrooms, broadloom, 2 applianc- es, underground parking, 55 FALBY CRT. MON - THURS. 9 A.M. - 8 P.M. FRI. 9 A.M. -5 P.M. SAT. &SUN. 12-5 (905) 683-6021 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED 1 i 2 laboola apo etld Bachelor apt. in OaMwa and Bowm irwiM. Starling at $600/month, fridge d stove included. with Imm- (dry )kc7ities. No pets. Cal 1 -BEDROOM basement apaatment, Ajax. Largo kitcfen, separate entrance, parking, bus route, avail- able Dec. 1. $575 all indu- sive. 1 sO-t- 666.0903. OSHAWA (Blocr St.) Large 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apartments in dean low rise building. Close to 401 & GO. Parking. Available immediately. From $600./ month. Phone 905.576- 4255. 2 -LEVEL, SPACIOUS, 2 -bedroom 2-3 to share, or family; separate entrance, appliances, laundry, park- ing. Bus, shopping. (905)436-8989 (evenings/ weekends) -leave mes- sage. 2 bad basement apt. Fire place. Indge, stove, laun- dry, parking, walk to bus. FmsVlasVreferences. $600. Oshawa Avail. mmed. 571-0287 2 BEDROOM apt., on 345 Adelaide St W. Avail- able Nov.1. $725 month. first & last, no pets. 728- 9584 2/3 bedroom apartments, 8 story building, close to schools, librbra�ryry South GM plant Avadade immediate. y 428-0328 1-7 pm for appmvTww- ADELAIDE/Simcoe area. targe one bedroom, third door. quiet triplex- $50(Ymo. includes heal, water, park - ng. Cap 579-6182. AJAX Oxford Towers. Spacious apartments, quiet ou'ldinz close to snapping. 401, UO Pool, sauna. 3 bedroom Joh tet. Two bed- room Jan. list. also. 683- 5322 . 683.8571 until 730 P m. AJAX, separate entrance, kuaury, Large. open concept Houses Houses basement.4mroo.m°OMn,a For Rent For Rent iutchen. Sm. boat, Isundry tacd-bes, no poWsmolung. $700/month. Biu Toronto S1 - 14 Ahc h an (416)209-9753. vw esM eiwas ■w ewrenvr wrlMau AJAX.HWY 02 & Church, TO BUY A HOUSE? 1 bedroom basement WHY RENT? OWN YOUR HOME/1 separate, entrance.' park- ng.avail. Mortgage Payments Nov is. owmaim. call 3-BednxomSetn1 $679 /month 427-9601 :-Bedroom bungalow $7891 month AJAX - 1 bdrm targe 3-Bedroorm jr. Exec S%9/ -month basement apartment. uta go doom payment? Bad Credr Banitrupt? Call Met No included, st r g far 1. pets, 1stAast required. (905)571-6275 or 1-800-840-6275 1$60/omJahth. vai 259 oc MARK STAPLEY Sal"Rep. Sarson Group Excel Realty Inc. AJAX: SPACIOUS, brand-new. 1 -bedroom basement apalmaent. fire- place. now could, nen GO, separate entrance. 4- zST CMICE piece kWh; 5696 all-inclu- sive. "RDAdtIX ISON= . sive. 683 98?2. ART RENT. WT. No dBtfHfa poymmt, No )dead 1,et face SNOW YOU bl tilate�aso: paymmt 11117N Mor waft else Can TboB C. row Sales Rep, R Acc a 1�3�d. Lt d.('11105) 1 wMlillel Drill o B" Parts 1 i RifBpairs sign Amry s Sates, IM CHEV Quakily Con- tIM7 Cavafiar, 2 dr. oxo., ALL NEW lenge 2 bed- room apt.. 4 pc loam, cable. close to all amerkees. 3 car Parking, no pas- $800. n- ckasrve-905-728-1145. SMaly d potless one bedroom) apartment. prof. lirmished basement. eto- failed, town laundry, puk- ing and rprage. Avai- Jan M Wast. $750. (906) 05.4132 axe. 32.000 int an rabhra Wonham vim. bed, low -box. $lsoo oboe is. 5764M. APAmMENrs FOR claeciced. friendly and oht- $400. Cal 728 1800 CHEV Cavalier. AIC, 127,274 kms. $52`.+0. 9. oeroseA 06M Cal 905- 6 monh old Wnala Nee tflasllf, novas a good home. low afdmer ddOge & clhidarh Blisel'" in oro- � with blueayes i$00 JeA Pit Tai LHASA APSO PUPS W sale. Non trlmeddrg nom aI ni % health glut ranee. wet needs& House train- ng carted.1arr►w avdabk (706) 124. Aullomobiles AWED A VEHICLE? (Poor crock? No crock? Dentrupk? Cal Trade at 005.576-IDW or 14Nb fZ5B,7679 1 an help 11!78 DODGE CNARG- Wt. PA -M Car). good bodx A-1 engin, new wu INC., Wil fade for new6m 00 toner. 985-2191. Int MONTE CARLO landau, 0aftifiod. 142.000 o igirmel kt, 305 V-9, W" earl 1" - . many tubae, no nmwonwo alar rottued. .579 -IM 430.3818. 19N DODGE SPWOT ES, 3.0 L. power sesL lacks. 2+3,000 fee. Cruise. 52,500 or beet COW as is. 576- 267& 100 HONDA E7111t, 2 - door Sport Coo 133,000 km. $0,950 at rheenM df- er.420.3x04. IM MAZDA 323 Hardt Will a 106.000 krro., one carverart0eiwf go mile - ago, now brakes, auto $4.9x6. armed Cal 906 723-4750 1991 CADILLAC BROUGHAM EXc. Condition. Loaded, black/ grey leather interior. 130 kms. $14,000. Ride - Evenings 666-4670 Ado Y1e1Banat, geltig as cm"Wi e rale? Cal JOIMi - Dooky kowarOe, Ajax for a 4iidetion. MW 42T,i6lS On the spa fnrmcirg- Down pgnwfS taom $500. Mont ft from $150. OAC�Cam trudka. vats. !gel to 19x& Akndy AMB Saks Lld. 146 Brock SL N., 1Mftyl� 906.866- 3392 LOW KML. 1966 Pontiac 6.000 LE loaded, «igind pail, good camd- 0W.S2W0 cert6W. 436 0791. mobw 4.3. New point Lorded. as is $6800. 1106- tulneArlt air, rod rack 2 hi-0oa bucketa. RENT in adult building. for 905.2306 ,Fm (Pon Pero 165.000knt $1,000 aA. IOI ydn Itont and Dec Now iiaD� IU, m lir Mop. Cat W tial SONOMA SL, sa- Rao Trailer. 2 wfineM cus- Medi terhded tab, 114K 9000 splen � " i� "-E COndtiorn air.. 0 $9.0010. fualwmd loo/ bldeg i69 CM NO MA. 19M, AVAEABIE Doe-IoL Call 416-33111-2526 sides for clay, Wwgll- lat yew edtial Needs edge 2-bad00m &W - Hee CHEVY Blazer 4x4. 5400 o b 0. Plmorme days work, 5550. or bit aft meet. 554Wma th+tlydro. N W4*Ch. 4do«. duet'- 905.728-8323• gleanings;905 579 9x84. Please al DOW@ a ,Astly dgmkippebw _d, altcwtnt 1,13,11111- 16.900. 4 905-579-724& 005.434-7572 Ca1905-906-071��a 2 IM ASTRID a van. A i WWRIO�BB AYASMLE INE INS FORD EXPLORER spot over 5z 500 in new P� and ntpairs 350 t/8 Dilafty, in Whitby Apt XLT 4X4. 6 cyl.. Loy ofd Fr�Y wf�llr. Qniy, LIWO r�wou W�r>� WW to IM POLNBS Indy timi bAldng_ specious, CWPtlt- ad, nwgr Pointed. with boll - 529Ax6. Pick a Cofer. Cal Z, AN. 0009 atFRASER FORD ywjm Must set. Cal W 340 310oc $2,100. 19$1 ,Rep p CJ. 6 cylrwtso loll Iopu a^% one to bus, Shop- more into 434•3878 VJ W- (005)868-1340 *1% al uWda i ak dad, IE 1987 Fa. ENCLOSED fret / let twBiroQ no pets, 74ixat Dort calromie slyie C wnilk- 1 TraYBfs 1 7AXW if Over- 3 loedt- $850. 2 bed- cep, sidr window. V0. S all Suir9e braise, ramp r0aam. 5750. d1r 430-0134. du«, side mat door $3000. O01 Lne 905405-2300 Jin. BASEMENT apt. Picker- artliett 539 -45583x¢- Vad Int RAMBLEHt Model type � Ykv c"wKWW Map 2.9V 1 1 " - mer G0. Large 2 bed. moms. alk. appieneM M dudes 0eoag teditilm flmared laundry. Sm on 41111ul Dille -,room-. P«Mbb k ftt UB. Anel. Dae. 1. 416204- SI&W apme• Asking I Btldleofl basement apt 4010. 1977. BLAZER 4X4. 38 - �' 548 ke1ar M^ deo Dan. Appla,mces, utant p iffaia" oshmna 906.43$-8670. �fedimmiel BEAUTIFUL. 2 bedroom M& river. Rlandro B and side entrance. w40!-. rise* ►wawM0. set attacks. 0". rolbsr, re- TRARER: Aft tMeel, Utilities ineMhded. 58251 in Michell. 4CIC. balk. osn- roof. $3.000. 1010% OVAdek 5WO. monk 1q and WL Csil Dal Air i vac., Shared boa- 905-721-1867. Peat for heling !rood Mc ) yard & ImRWry, Cal Phil - 9x- SIDDO firm. (705)79x-1352416-215-5379 (0). 905- alk- Bpm « (906)725-8166 8865243 (N) DOWEAW41LLE - Victor- ian era, 2-2 bedroom opert- mail . New pain, gas fire- places. new Cron. non- erwirorxnen. Avail. Dgwunt 1. Firstilast. $600 and $650- plus util. 623.2053. CENTRAL OSMAWA- ur"uts 2 bedroom on main floor of legal dupes- Newly renovated. Laundry fac., parking. backyard cable, kmmed. pass. 57o0/mo. 905-721.0944. COURTICE- Beautiful 1 bedroom raised bungalow bsmt. 5 windows, separate entrance, Central air, partly w mished.non-smoker.$550 inclusive. References. Call 434-2723. DOWNTOWN Whitby, in 2 -bedroom apartment, parking, laundry, available Dec. 1st $765/month, in- clusive. tirstast. Huge 3 bedroom, Jan is" balcony $865/mo. own lights. Call (905)669-4009 HWYe?/ROTHERGLEN: Immaculate, bnght. modern, I" 2 -bedroom basement apartment, separate en- trance. 4 -appliances, no smoking/pets, Available imn-edately/December 1st. $780 inclusive. firsblast. 428-1428. LARGE 3 BDRM. APTS. From $7691rritti. + hydro. A/C, Carpet, 4 apW- and pang ind.Wa& to Pickering Town Centre. Close to GO Transit and Hwy 401. 905.420-M 1480 Pickrig Pwtway. Iwo RFnnOOY - sous apartment available Dec. IN. trrinaaalate newer building acrnrtngdating quakyty tenant only. in bet - w Oshavra neighborhood $705. (905) 242-6133 or 7269886 NORTH EAST Oshawa. quiet mature budding. large 2 bedroom. ovirg room with walkout to bloomy, neutral decor. available Dec. let. $775 nckasne 728-4250 NORTH OSHAWA dean 1 bedroom ground Door apt, in house. Duret court, private entrance. dri- veway. bus route Wash- u.dryer, fenced yard. Ma- ture non-smoker 5650 in- duyve 1stAlest 5763830 NORTH Oshawa, main floor of house. $899 am n- duskw. 2 bedroom baso - mot apt. $715 al nclaarve. Available Dec list. Call 905- 723-2111, NORTH WEST OSHAWA Now 1 bedroom basement WL, Laxity. parting C/A CIV. $675. at ihckrave. 1st/ I05L 905-728.2234. ONE BEDROOM apart- mont lir rent, central man floor $475 pin parking. mi - dudes Indge. stow, first, last. month repaired. Tels- pnons 728.1747 ONE bedroom apt., coon- tauadry Fac. avail able. SM lust and last plus hydro. Avail. Dec- 1/ Jan. 1st. Central Whitby. 665-9049 1 BEDROOM CONDO, north end Oshawa Quiet building. fridge, slave, bal- cony. parking. ktAasL ON. Motion. Dec lot 578-90.12 k renovat- old one &Iwo n le OW and Wmdry anwilable.No ion-smoloors. Cal (SROM) 8311 -SM or (905) M1904. OSHAWA - Cenral face. lion. 2 bod00ms, newly painted. cleank single ma- life sell« weloaad. 6 unit 015 - ma iraMleiwe. Dora let 576 -See . aM 871 N, new arPM, cOrwallien ktalorh. Aral. Dae 1. SM + hydro. 430.71116. OSHAWA Nr y bedroom baft apt-. fepwata wl- fbCEdW parking. Rohr kndlCwtral Pwk. Non tlmOkr, no Pak, 559SAvic hu*Amwa. Rekreraes. 1W last required. Must aNl 905.439-04M CLEAN FAMILY BUILD- ING. North Oshawa. 1, 2 a 3 bdrms, Mhdueiwe. Roy a- ble. patdng & Laundry mc. 723-2094. OSHAWA, Bond E., "n- ment over stop. Indge, stove, trtaities included. no pets. $625, 1 sVtw;L Call 723-2004. PARK/BLOOR area Dec.1 sl or 15th. 4 -bedroom apartr I. $875. 1sout. No pals. Parking, faun kcflitiss available. (416 487-1637 Karl. PICKERING -2 bedroom basement apt-, sep. en- trance, $700/mo. plus 1/2 utilities. Available imme- diately. Call 416-421-3300 ext 442 Mon. - Fri. Sam -4 pm. or 905-427.9552 eve/ weekends. PICKERING Whites/401, clean bright / bedroom basement apt., full kitchen, air, laundry. seP. ant-, park- ing, utilities included. Non smoker. IWiest. $650. Available Jan.lst(97. Call 837 0227. PICKERING, VERY large 1 bedroom basement apt. Central air, laundry, private entrance, parking, steps to GO. Non smoker, $625 in- clusive. Avail Dec.1 ,905- 420-2104 PICKERING large 1 -bed. room basement. quiet home. Many extras, first/ last. references, no pets, $625 inclusive. Single working adult welcome 420-4349. PICKERING: Whites/ Finch Clean, quiet, Wight, nowty renovated 1 tdrm bsmt apt. Walkout to revive Sep. entrance. AIC, no Pets/smoking. Suites one. $6251 n clusive. 905-837- 0218- - 05.837- 0218. SOUTH AJAX. main level of private house on Hills Rd. 3 bedroom, It. dr, 4 pce bath, cal in kitchen. slum, fridge. share laundry. two care parking. $900 plus 50% utilities. Now avail- able. Ajax Really Ltd. 683- 1811 SOUTH AJAX, New 2 - bedroom basement apart- ment, eat -n kitchen, big Irv- ing room,avadable Dec.lsl, $600 ndusive, no pets/ smoking. 905-60" 179. SOUTH OSHAWA. 275 Wentworth St. W. large 1 bedroom S5W. 2 bed- rooms. $600 & $620. 3 bedrooms 5678. dose to buses. shopping, i vaitable innaWeteiy. hidge. solve. heat. hydro, parking. 1st last required, no pets 721.9722. SPACIOUS one bedroom basement apartment, Norm West Oshawa. gas fire- place. broadloom. non smoker, $550 plus heat. Joh. Ist. 725-1091 TOP FLOOR of house 2 bedroom. appkances; first/ last. Clean quiet people. Whatirg Ave. Oshawa. $630. Available Dec. 1 on outside entrance. 571- 7969 shot 5:30p m TWO BEDROOM open. most, east Oshowe, private entrance. $675 per mho. heat and hydro included. Available Dec.1 st. (905)723-4012 WHITBY - 107 SL. 1 -bedroom unnedease- & 2 bedroom apo Jut sl includes t►idgo, slave. heat. walla-, parking. � x31.6132 « 905 1533, Mary. WIITBY - fangs one bed- room bssemarqpmrala entrance. Mrhmaadate, room, Iwchan, laundry, parking. Sus Inclusive. flee -401$ WIITBY 2 BEDROOM aparfwerht avaiabte irrrrne daWy. New go. iota at ilarkiq SPPIWWM iakod- 44 bwi*y 1ac11fmc Sets monft 433-7637 or 433 $aw- WHITBY. bachelor apwt- own!. privaM Mldhen and beM4 Hilo ori person, NAWNMS Dee IBL Cable Italic all U"n ialuded Sm so$- w WHY rax dem you an own your own name W mi Cd Dare Heyick Sakn Rea RNMex Strmfl Resly (1991) Ltd. (905) Neo= or ow 6"11. WR11AWREARY - 1 Bed. basemen $500 al inclu- sive: 1 Bed ground floor 5600 pa hydro: 2 Bed SOW pita hydro. FMaHaet. In Ooh 00aupar y, 721- 2661. EMHouses For Rent a&FHroRm- 1 T F°"r a°pR 1 TowFnhoro•1 ROW ft WHY nimm Owls YOI1R Payments from S56Mm. No DOwrlpaymerV Call Me. 571-4273 148004340-4273 NW* atalpl•r Sales Rep. Sutton Group Excel Realty 3 Bedroom house, 2 !laths. lutchen with fridgal stow. weak -out to large deck. Large fared back- yard. parking. Central Oshawa. $WWrnoraA, in- cluding heat a hydra, Cal 433-7869. 3% MORTGAGE: Buy or rent executive hone. 60'x200' privacy IoL North- west Oshawa. $1325+ utili- ties Cam: 9857900. 3 -BEDROOM house. dose to Lake Vista plaza, Owes. schools, quiet court arc Preter business Couple. no pets, refereram re- quired. $750/monM+utili- Ill n5-6829, 728-4640 le+vneofat0 ocaupen y 4 DEDF400M house in Jshawe. 2 car Parking. Laundry, deck, now shop - PN a schools. S850Anonth 2/3 ubli0es. Call 571- 5320. 4 -BEDROOM. 2 -storey. single car garage. gas fur - nap. finished basement. now Wtutby GO. $1015/ MOM C41905 -723-89M. AJAX wastney, "eighte. 3 bdrm, 2 storey, 2 Jul ballh, 5 WO.. Nniehed berm., W rage. 51150. + ud. Avail. vnmed. AJAX 4pplecroft Village. 4 bdrm., 2 1/2 balls. execub" hone. doublegarage. weakout tsnx., flecks to raii s. tam - 4y room w/FP. eat -in kitch- en w/pentry, maul floor laundry, door from garage, new CarpWPWIL bong in kit./bath. Avi it- imaned $1400. + LIM. 905 -SM 0478 or 418.587.5889. COURTICE - 3 bedroom bungalow. newly renovat- ed, available irnnadetNy, one akin. 5800 plus Will. CAN when 905.427$277. COURTICEN81, apr,C- lve lamWouae all gewR 3 bedroome, 1 1.2 ba8n $Bo0/mo. + Montes. Refer"Icas- f 838-3= w" IsL COURna: Bright and dean 2 bedroom bleiga cut to yard qulet rota 5950. UKWN hreklded. 905.435.4778. DEC. 1eL POSSESSION, N. Picketing, 3 bedroom master badman enmuiM +rid WO&MR to twit Dir► bei >ZDD�CIA Balrtia Darin, 905.691-950(k Her8 V" FLOM d 3 bed, room &Qow^ SM per M 00 UWAIL 4157'bla Noir. 4806) 263 - NEWCASTLE: Clog. b 401 De&a,�,,,w6ha' tX1ly �, 2 ba8rooan, Ir,Q - M ad blot vitt a 905 9 ,7111. OiMAWA - 3 bedroom brick aeon!, rhemAy ranpeal- ed, atrafabb lartadlalal% No plielf, SM � phle R18L __A - Lovely 3 bed- room semi. overlooks lake, Private drive, available Jan. Ist $895 pkm utilities. (705)878-9294 OSHAWA/ November's Free, Attention good ten- anrs. this one is for you. Bexrtitull renovated 3 bedroom house, wall to wall broadloom. 2 -car park- ing, bus stops at door, nice backyard, $875 plus. First/ last. References, 2 yr. lease. Can 9.5 p.m. 905- 278-5075. PICKERING - 3 bedroom detached, new broadloom, appliances. 3 washrooms, garage. $1,050 per mo. plus utilities Available Dec. Ist. 683--9629 RITSOWHILLCROFT 3 - bedroom semi, gas heat, 4 appliances, central vac, hot lub+pool, dose 10 schools, available Jan.l sV97, $1 100+utilities. 1 stilast. 905404-8683. WHITBY - 3 bedroom old- er semi, clean. Tenant pays as fill. $750 monthly, first/ last required. Available now/or. Call Norris Corn- wall Sutton Group Execu- tive Realty (1993) Inc. 436- 0618. WHITBY: OLDER 2 -bed- room, detalched bungalow t01 responsible Wwt. Full - basement, gas, private drive. fenced: everything nearby. Firstilastf750+uh1- fbes. Mailable immiediate- l. 668 8933. 1 Townhouses For Rent SOUTH OSHAWA - 3 bedroom townhouse close to schools and shopping. $950/ma all inclusive. First/ last. Available Dec. 1st. 9D5-579-9956 days. 3 bedroom townhouse in well nhahn..d family complex. Freshly dwmrat- ad. includes 4 appliances, Be uli nies. Pwkmg dose to schools, all amervEea. 122 Colborne St. E. Oshawa. Apps. - ZxiI72. AVAILABLE NOW a Dec. 1. Large 3 bedroom town- house, neutral decor, 4 ap il.. 1 1/2 beft, bese- ment a garage. King a Towntine area. 5895. + uM Phone 905-721-8213. CLEAN, north and 2 bed- room townhouse, finished basement. New carpet hardwood floors. fresh paint, pool. Mail. immed. $850 plus hydra 436-4714 COU11TICE:3-bedroan townhouse, 1 -1/2 -baths. location, nice loon, access to schools. church, pudic harml: available imme- tia" or Dec. 1 st. No pets. WS -426-1037 after 7pm NORTH OSHAWA. 3 bedroom + beiemenI townhouses n WON main- tained family complex. Freshly decorated with FrigdMove. Clare to as am irmbes. Starting at V38.AnonCt On site Mgmt cdk* Cal 905-728-3777. PICKERING, 3 -bedroom Iow n house with oppik nc- es, !lar Itself, Tec room ga- rage. available DecAsk $1070+. Cal MN Knight 831-2273. STILL RENTING, No many down, int to own, -2 a 3 bedroom home From 5750. Per WHIN all irickl- siva mfnimxmn yearly in - conn $25A00. Aharefa Ra - serail. 7MM14 at 201. AVAILABLE MID NOVEMBER FAMMY COMMUNITY MONARCH MEWS 2814 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES RENTS RANGING MON 1841 TO 536 PER MO. PLUS UTILITIES 1110 SUBSIDIES AVAU ABLE CLOSE TO SCHOOLS, SHOPPING AND TRANSIT PLEASE CALL MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. (soa) s_ssss FOR RENT 1011 SIMCOE STREET NORTH 3 -Bedroom Townhouse Units. Utilities included Stove & Refrigerator. Parquay floors throughout. Parking included. Playground Area. Close to schools and shopping. From 5846.00. Call 905-721-0980 Rooms 1 S'nred 1 For Rent pctortgdation PICKERING ROOM !or rent with large Liverpool/Glenanna fenced yard. Mailable Dec. Room for Rent 1st. Forst and last 5300 re. Shared accomrnoda- Wired Shared accommo- bon5, non -Smoker, I dabone.723-8083. available kni ned"i - SU5Jmonth 420-2673 ROOMS from W. in home. Near bus/shopowv laundry a Duman h College. ran -smokers. males wel- come. batWkRchen tacilk- bes parking a cable n - dude 1. 434-6491. SWCOE NORTH (Osha- wa) Large. bright room in house. common kitchen taa4ties, laundry, dc, kung room. Non-smoker. $701 week. Mailable i mne- cfatMy 905436-1660. EA1 Sh61ed AccomoQ1b011 CLOSE to Oshawe Cen- tre, bright room in large, hhendy shared home. wneh 3 olthers. Gose to pudic transit. cable. laundry. Mot like cludren. non smoker. $350.576-3816 DIXIE / FINCH: furnished room for rent, share house; parking, laundry. 54001 month. Available Decem- ber.Isu (905) 837-1774. 1 BEDROOM with private living room and shared kitchen. RaNrericn, em- ployee Single person pre- lemed. $450. all inclusive. Cal Eric at 905-404-1324. OSHAWA ROOM avow- able: Siwe home in quiet residential arae, Harmony/ Beatrice. non-smoker, 4 - mads lxelterred. $400/nMh imckusive. 571.2463 4eew Rwmmaw PROFESSIONAL person to share3 bed ifmDetu y furnished modern home. Largo master bedroaNen- suite. walk-in closet. dawl vat:, 6 appliances, main floor la ndryraam, parM4 Clean quiet hale- No drupe or alcohol. Rwon- able mckusim rsnL, Avail- able inniedialely. Ajax. 905427.0635. SHARE Country Estate. with 3 odhers. use of facili- hes, tennis courts, pool, mrrxxes to 401. GO, smoker preferred. $5=rnonth. !reef hydro nck+ded. aval- abN Dec. 1St. 837-7575. SHARE 001100" horse. 3 bed. 3 lath, fireplace. alc. Parking. cable. laundry, storage. yard. Negobabiw Now Go Ajax. Prolecshatal or*.696-2417 TEACHER, looking for Prolesswnal to sham 3 bedroom detached home. ceMraffy located, comfort- able and affordable. 5500 Plus 1/2 utilities. (905) 683-9904 � �OndD11l1r1a1M For Rant WHITBY CONDO, 2 lev- ees. 2 bedrooms. 1 1/2 baths. quiet well kept Wild - n9. Avail. Dec 1. S850 n- dusne.905-436.2770. '•IR SPM OSHAWA 4 Month Free Relit III- 3WO sot Lwr.M. SOW, 850 sq.2nd. fir. 5550. 600 s¢ main 5500, 250 sq. own $350. OW 2nd M 5500. 12W 9% R 2nd floor Call 434-2447 or 655-4132. OFFICE FOR RENT, in prolessiorw buildirhg 288 sq. R includes use of desk wAh reeaR 3 dwls and W ng cabinet. Just hook up your phone and you're in business. $350 mo. all in- clusive. Randolph Lergau- er. Sales Rep.. Sutton Group Stan Really Inc. 4360860 AM, Room MM��OI��Fw PMIf89 � Cr011d0■fflf85 For AL1ogA ROrilla/pM& Cos% NanttNlad room for -------• --- ---• •-- -----• in dlaMgriet, adult hams Parldnp baa, share sept. - We ollhara). Rnat 1 $9W weals (9D5)509.2458.- Ewoepr. BEAUTIFUL PICKERING hada Law room in ciew goal hams M BiodtlFbdt Baa let door, oval. now IN matters non-anwlw. $400J man61 905866.7526. Platinum Rowe Valley 11753 Sheppard Ave. E. 2 b/r., 2 bath, 6 appliances. Excellent rec. facilities, close to shopping, .TTC and Park land. Reasonable rent Call Kim at 416-724-0404 OFFICE SPACE approx. 1425 sq. It includes 4 offic- es and reception/clerical area. Lots of windows, ex- cellent location, parking Move in condition. $1070 month net net. Up to 2.850 sq. ft. available. Cal for de- tails. Randolph Lengauer, Sales Rep. Sutton Group Status Realty Inc. 436- 0990. OFFICE SPACE for lease in Whitby, 575 sq.fl. near downtown. would suit med- ical or professional needs. Plenty of parking, own washroom, utilities includ- ed. Available Dec.1 st. For information please cal 905- 666-3833. -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1996 -PAGE 27 1 1 �rh►m Homes hkatftil For Sale � • Urlib 3% MORTGAGE• Rm or NEAR Oshawa Center - Industrial unit. Includes overhead doors, high ceil- ings, parking, utilities. washrooms and air com- pressor $550/month. Smaller unit for workshop, S4501mo Also parking 'or truck, with hydro available. I.ompletely sealed weatherized storage con- kaner 430 soft Call 905- 576-2982 rent executive home. 60'x200' privacy lot North- west Oshawa. 52,000. util- ities. Cal: 985-7930. AJAX, A REAL STEALI, Clean 3+1 bedroom semi - bungalow. Newer furnace, roof, broadloom, windows a bath. Large W. a din , low down payment. Only $123.990' 905.663-8661 EXECUTIVE HOME in Prestige area of Whitby. 2,650 sq. ft.. 4 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms. central vac and central air, air cleaner, heated in ground pod. fine- place. neplace, full fenced and landscaped backyard. Ask- ing $256,900. Call 430- 0548 to arrange a viewing Serious offers only. No agents. walkout to targe private fenced lot with new deck. Gas heating, finished rec room, attached garage. A must seat No agents please. Asking $169,900 623-6533. HOUSE FOR SALE by Owner 1 1/2 storey. 3 bed- room home near Con- naught Park. 70 ' x 100', private lot. Double paved driveway. Detached ga- rage. Large deck. Gas fur- nace. Self contained base ment Interested parties leave a ^es -,age at (705) 277 9150 Is a family owned & operated business OWNER -ANWAR YEHIA SAYS • He can give you a great deal on your carpet project at everyday low Silver Carpet &Rugs prices. •Anwar says professional installation on your carpet can save you lots. *Canadian made carpet at incredible prices. •We are proud of our service so check us out. You won't regret the trip to Silver Carpet & Rugs says Anwar • For free estimates call Silver Carpet & Rugs located at 487 Westney Road South, Ajax" -Your One Stop Carpet Shop ... (905) 683-4292 SALE SALE SALE HM 401 BAYLY , MFMENTS WE ARE PROUD TO CARRY CANADIAN PRODUCTS 'CANADIANS TODAY ARE TRYING TO SAVE A DOLLAR THAT'S WHY I'M PASSING THESE SAVING ON TO THEMO SAYS ANWAR IndustrialUnits 1 1 P iva Hi:llaei; L: T •Gmp � • For S& 11 For Sole LARGE storage area, 12 x CLEARWATER AREA, 3 BRICK BUNGALOW: FANTASTIC Court Local - 27 or smaller. S125/month bedroom, townhouse, pool, Central air, 2-bdrms up. 1- tionl Spacious 4 bedroom or less. Storage only Can (905)623 -5180. jacuzzi, M. private yard. bdrm apartment down. Sep- family horns located on as - available now. For into and arate entrance. Legal du- tablished tree -fined court in STORAGE available. In- to view Photos 686.9846 or plex. Oshawa. Immaculate. Bowmanville. Close to side or outside. Year round. 579.3788. $129,900. Exce"M invest- schools and all amenities. N. Whitby area. Call 655- ment.905-728.6145. Main floor famityroom 5193 features brick fireplace and 1 1 �rh►m Homes hkatftil For Sale � • Urlib 3% MORTGAGE• Rm or NEAR Oshawa Center - Industrial unit. Includes overhead doors, high ceil- ings, parking, utilities. washrooms and air com- pressor $550/month. Smaller unit for workshop, S4501mo Also parking 'or truck, with hydro available. I.ompletely sealed weatherized storage con- kaner 430 soft Call 905- 576-2982 rent executive home. 60'x200' privacy lot North- west Oshawa. 52,000. util- ities. Cal: 985-7930. AJAX, A REAL STEALI, Clean 3+1 bedroom semi - bungalow. Newer furnace, roof, broadloom, windows a bath. Large W. a din , low down payment. Only $123.990' 905.663-8661 EXECUTIVE HOME in Prestige area of Whitby. 2,650 sq. ft.. 4 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms. central vac and central air, air cleaner, heated in ground pod. fine- place. neplace, full fenced and landscaped backyard. Ask- ing $256,900. Call 430- 0548 to arrange a viewing Serious offers only. No agents. walkout to targe private fenced lot with new deck. Gas heating, finished rec room, attached garage. A must seat No agents please. Asking $169,900 623-6533. HOUSE FOR SALE by Owner 1 1/2 storey. 3 bed- room home near Con- naught Park. 70 ' x 100', private lot. Double paved driveway. Detached ga- rage. Large deck. Gas fur- nace. Self contained base ment Interested parties leave a ^es -,age at (705) 277 9150 Is a family owned & operated business OWNER -ANWAR YEHIA SAYS • He can give you a great deal on your carpet project at everyday low Silver Carpet &Rugs prices. •Anwar says professional installation on your carpet can save you lots. *Canadian made carpet at incredible prices. •We are proud of our service so check us out. You won't regret the trip to Silver Carpet & Rugs says Anwar • For free estimates call Silver Carpet & Rugs located at 487 Westney Road South, Ajax" -Your One Stop Carpet Shop ... (905) 683-4292 SALE SALE SALE HM 401 BAYLY , MFMENTS WE ARE PROUD TO CARRY CANADIAN PRODUCTS 'CANADIANS TODAY ARE TRYING TO SAVE A DOLLAR THAT'S WHY I'M PASSING THESE SAVING ON TO THEMO SAYS ANWAR PAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,19% Condos Sol* For OSHAWA - 3 bedroom hom, on A•YYw. walkout from living room to large kinced yard, Ro=WrdlVW *- hon ane, $124,900. Call (905) 571-6W5 PICKERING, Lawson St., over 2000sq.fL, 4 -bedroom 2-sloray with kAs ad, a upgrades. 2-4pe. beth:, 1- 2pc, jacum tub in ensuite. Gas fireplace, da, dv, more. A must Seel $234.900.905-509-4415. ROSSLAND I Thornton: 3 -bedroom, ,0 yearsdd, 2 baths, double driveway, large patio. fenced yard. Location plusl $141,000. Call: 905-728-8456. SOUTH AJAX: detached 2 -storey brick. 2400sq.ti. home, 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. F/P central air. W. TV. AIC. Main floor laundry, finished bsmt. Reduced: $215.000.905-683.2309 VVHITBV.-- senior execu- five. over 3000 sq. tt., 4 large bedrooms. 25 baths. California eat in kitchen. spiral staircase, open basement. Double garage. cerarnafrench doors. broadloom. Deal of a fife time $239.999. or rant. 905-666-2513, massage WHITBY. $107.500. Beauhtul 3 bedrooms. rec room, ceramic toyer, ga- rage, w/o to fenced yard. 5% down. carries $758 in- duang taxes. Ted Hough- ton Sutton Ctass+c 430- 9000 Condos 1 for Sate PICKERING CONDO: Vow hsbN 3 -bedrooms. 2 - bathrooms. security. clean. berganll $92.500 Call M. Zaheer. Century 21 Area Realty (416)281-4900(w) (905)427-0426 (h). Money 9B to Lend 06TARANG A LOAN IS NOT GUAR- ANTEED. SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES. OTHERS DO NOT. R Is SUGGESTED THAT VOU DWESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS. 1 Insurance ti MGAGES Good. Deo and ugly. Fuunang for any purpose. rates from 5.95%. As applications ac' :Wed Community Finan - call! Services 668-6806 Business a 1 pptBLWra •0% PROFTT11 Few buse passes make such prorA oarbUnny. OURS doeal V*Qissale and raid in rhe prestigious inn. financial eq"a jA+st Itre KS, « aquevali7R EducatiaW program soft itseMt. Earn waft you feel Cal br il,- a Bis- (416) 724-3410. 24 holes, aMMfTMAs epportlrtly IrI11 pol rd al . No omr- head. No start up 008L dick Bah Need Ludt and IN landscape etailw 1405- 7274710. [FASTsltoMltf4G Chaslair Filled tea V*w Fns, VA I Mal , no oollrt01 --,rl, tam 416.741,2142 M6rH1ACTNE DNMV- NUTI 1t How you an be yaw an baa i arca any- "herea Yom part-turnat in- aorne 111, an absorrla toe wtoo good true? N doemT am any *v b dtaclt M at1. Cal a W" nuaimpa (416)7902306. WANT TO Make mon Man•y'tf Call 1400.820- ae75. It you so MtM you .hfNK d 14054233545. ' CAR i4 for era x0'6. Ca 1-400- 1112(11-01 7 Alan Io record - ad alaaapa. Om d Mn AmMI (M)432 -63X fn- denonde tl Distrbulor lir tF�alioM�t Mlrrt.xorlal. O4plAOND S$� DMMONifD SHAME 19os1619-2 019 m Mawr, NL a, UMI A. Ayr •Complete Interior Vacuum, Shampoo and Deodorining -Carpets & Mats Washed and Shampooed •Complete Dashboard Clearing and Dressing • Seatbelt Cleaning • Complete Engine Shampoo and Degreasing • Door Jams Cleaned and Degreased • Tirei'Wtile Wall Cleaning and Dressing • Exterior Hand Wash and Chamois Dried • Detailed ExtenorAntenor Window Cleaning • Complete Trunk Vacutmieg ^� FAIRE ABOUT OUR ■ W -W FALL I WKTEA to..ol.rar.a RUSTPROOFNG Lon heel SPECIALS 1 IL 1 � � 1 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE 1 NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED, WARRANTY APPROVED II ti 1 Elite owner and licensed technician Brian Chin repairs 1 all makes and models but specializes in Nissans. • over 9 years In Business -- Has Relocated 998 011linvh�� Rdsbeside Bay Sports) LUBE Includes: Tire Rotation,, , OIL A 16.95 Brake kwpeotion a Check Nous: FILTER S L OIo6 over for the winter 1 mon,-Fri,1 a m.-6 p.m, 839-9250 DEFER EXPIRES floe. 3196 J Sat„ tt a.m.•12 noon Elite Automotive: Honest Service Guaranteed I 1 I WINTER SAVINGS 1 r 1 a,. II 69cft dl Ftl.TEFt 1 CHA 4M s1 6X99 1., RADIATOR I FLUSH 49 .95 1 SPECIAL OFFER EXPIRES Nov. 3W.16 CANNOT COMBINE COUPON WITH ANY OTHER OIL CHANGE OFFER. RECOWAMEO EVERY 1 3 MONTHS OR 5A00 KM. OPEN 7 DAYS A T)6fflFaTK 1 196 WESTWY RD. (South of 401) sal 9021 427-6796 as THREE BEARS AUTO BOGY "WOFA,I n LANGW A(Jin 1100Y A COLLIE W SHOPS WSW ft TIN affh Et11 fiegAna Free Estimates Complete Collision Specialist cat Refinishing To Cars cat Trucks Frarne Straightening • Rust Repairs • Irtstuance claims With winter just around the corner, it's time to be thinking about preparing your car or truck before what promises to be a repeat of last year. With that in mind, you're going to need a repair shop that aims to please all of its customers. Brian Chin worked several years for Nissan dealerships and recently opened his own shop. He brings with him not only expertise when it comes to Nissans, but also the skill to fix all makes and models of cars. Located at 1895 Clements Rd., Unit 159 in Pickering, Elite Automotive opened last month and already word of mouth is spreading about his quality work at very reasonable prices. He can do all nature of repairs including brakes, tune ups, suspensions, exhaust, fuel injection, transmission servicing such as fluid and filter changes and he can also repair your electrical system and change your timing belt. " I enjoy my work because of the personal satisfaction I get from doing the job right and making my customer happy," says Brian. "To do that I give them honest, quality service at very competitive prices. That's especially true for Nissan owners because I can repair their PhAa a Sane for S vehicles far less expensive than at a dealer." Brian has three "Get Ready For Winter" specials available right now and with every service you will receive a free 4L bottle of washer fluid. The "Fall Maintenance Package" for $19.95 includes lube, oil and filter, four wheel tire rotation and 21 - point inspection. The "Fall Tune Up" includes spark plugs, timing adjustment, setting up the carburetor where applicable, inspecting plug wires, cap, rotor, air filter, gas filter, belts hoses and PCV valve. The prices are $49.95 for 4- cyl; $79.95 for 6 cyl; $99.95 for 8 cyl. Also important for winter "The Cooling System Flush and Service" for $49.95 includes flushing the cooling system, checking the thermostat, inspecting the rad cap, radiator and tightening the hoses. "When I do work for a customer I tell them exactly what needs to be done and show them," says Brian. " I don't want them to be confused when they get their bill. I want them to be confident they received the best quality work for the money they spceE., For more information about Elite Automotive call (905) 427-0276. irtmilturm AffEC3HLAfQC� wic. "Honesty, Perfection Customer (Satisfaction" 696 FINAW Ave- lteaawafNe !'rias Alain. OWL LUBE, OIL, FILTER 01IT tfM slat OOIIAIICII AME, p" IMI e19 -x17 Tire Rolation, brake inspection, top up fluids, adjust sire pressure, check belts, lights, windshield wipers, coolant strength, cables dl hoses. Most cars $19.95. Vans a 14M trucks extra.Expkn Nm 3M � To receive tiese t)r V in Ibis coupon LfAMR"rap rAw HONEST I SERVICE SPEC• Ulm LUBE 95 OIL [,Four 191 FILTER NM.3M Wheel Tire Rotation • 21 pt. Inspection. 1895 Clements Rd. Unit 11159 Pickering 1905) 427-0276 ' DURHAM MOTORS LTWN Reoatditioned Trucks, Jeeps and Cars Sales & Service 88 JEEP YJ LARA00 04 7,900 cert. 90 BLAZER 4X4 5 spd 87,995 cert. 87 BLAZER Auto 4X4 55,700 cert. 89 TRACKER 4X4 5 spd 14,795 COIL 91 JUH 4X2 Loaded 17,900 COIL 89 CICROKEE 4X4 Aub 15,900 COIL 89 BLAZER 4X4 15,995 Cert. 84 BLAZER 4X4 5 spd '3,995 Cert. (30 CMM MMM TO MM FROM) 221 WESTNEY RD. s., AJAX ,(SOUTH OF THE 401) )683-7550 etlNKi N THIS C=M FOR A SAFETY MiDAlios CERTIFICATE FOR ONLY sM 221 Westney Rd. S., Max PHONE 683-7830 �ome mprovement DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS (9os) 579-2222 Complete Selection of Vinyl Windows & Doors CASEMENT DOUBLE Tb• WW'?000 HUNG L TILT -ACTION L • Picture Windows • Bay & Bow Windows a • Insurance Claims • Patio Doors • Storm Doors • New Construction Windows • Glass & Screen SAW� Repairs MOBILE SHOWROOM FREE ESTIMATES WAYNE HUTCHINSON 696 KING ST. W. SALES, SERVICE & OSHAWA, ONTARIO INSTALLATION L1J 21_3 TechNlield2000 (905) 579-2222 3 MOBILE -JOB SITE MIXED CONCRETE -AVAILABLE-MONDAY-SATURDAY -CEMENT -SAND & GRAVEL -CONCRETE & UNSHRINKABLE FILL -COLOURED CONCRETE -CONCRETE RESTORATION & REPAIR PRODUCTS -STONE SLINGER SERVICE 905-683-6501 1-800-473-7385 2890 BROCK RD. N. PICKERING (BROCK RD. N & TAUNTON RD.) ,. _t N / , Mi' •'� n rl ow explicit to" "" cow aphimn r"* at ft bed with a 10 yew quwadw 905-686-6880 Over 20 years experience STALES • SERVICE • PARTS RENOVATIONS & REMODELLING 24 HOUR PLUMBING SERVICE (WrTH NO CHARGE FOR OVERTIME) One of the largest plumbing parts department in the great Toronto area. 1050 BROCK RD. - THE HEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17,1996 -PAGE 29 f& Serving the Durham Region for over KILPATIUCK 30 Years CONSTRUCTION Basement, Home Renovations (Bathrooms, etc.) DON'T PAY FOR 90 DAYS YOU CAN APPLY rr TO YOUR GAS BILL ON O.A.C. HOME IMPROVEMENTS Addftions • 2nd floors • Bathrooms - Plumbing • Deck,fences Wiring • Tiling - Drywall WE SUPPLY PERMITS & PLANS REFERENCES & PICTURES AVAILABLE FULL INSURED • ALL WORK GUARANTEED 97 Church St., 905-428-8785 .Ajax 1-888-845-4424 Customer service is a top priority at V Care Cleaning Services N / , n rl 4 Serving the Durham Region for over KILPATIUCK 30 Years CONSTRUCTION Basement, Home Renovations (Bathrooms, etc.) DON'T PAY FOR 90 DAYS YOU CAN APPLY rr TO YOUR GAS BILL ON O.A.C. HOME IMPROVEMENTS Addftions • 2nd floors • Bathrooms - Plumbing • Deck,fences Wiring • Tiling - Drywall WE SUPPLY PERMITS & PLANS REFERENCES & PICTURES AVAILABLE FULL INSURED • ALL WORK GUARANTEED 97 Church St., 905-428-8785 .Ajax 1-888-845-4424 Customer service is a top priority at V Care Cleaning Services The cleaning technicians from V Care Inc. are all skillfully trained and all of their work is fully guaranteed. V Care Inc. is a quality cleaning company specializing in residential and commercial carpet cleaning, air duct and upholstery cleaning. Established in 1986, owner Savio Vaz says they recognize that customers are the life blood to any service based business and that's why they're so focused on customer service. "We are very sensitive to the needs of our customers," explains Savio. "That's why, if for any reason we don't hit the mark of excellence, we will provide a free re - servicing" The cleaning technicians from V Care Inc. are all skillfully trained and all of the work is fully guaranteed. As part of their devotion to customer service, after a job is completed, a follow-up phone call is made to ensure that their clients were serviced satisfactorily. There are many benefits to using V Care Inc. One very important one is that their cleaning process doesn't leave any residue or shampoos in the carpet due to the use of high traffic detergents applied externally throughout the carpeted areas. "By not leaving residue in the carpet they won't attract dust," says Savio. "Therefore the carpet stays cleaner for a longer period of time." You can get a free estimate over the phone or Savio can pay you a personal visit to explain the many benefits of his service. Of course, nothing speaks louder about the success of V Care than the testimonials of its customers. The Burns Family of Durham Regions says "we have used V Care Cleaning Services for many years and have always been very satisfied with their service. We would certainly be delighted to recommend them to anyone". Ms. Mackenzie of Pickering says "I have used V Care Cleaning Services for over 5 years and have found them very professional in servicing as well as in customer service. I am pleased to recommend them to anybody seeking a high quality cleaning service at reasonable prices. Ms Azis of Pickering says "I have used the services of V Care over the years and have always been pleased with their service. Besides providing a high quality service, they're fast and efficient. Also, their after service follow-up exemplifies their commitment to customer satisfaction". V Care Cleaning Services is dedicated to making its customers happy and go that extra mile to make sure they have the cleanest carpets and air ducts at a very reasonable price. For more information call today at (416)321-1974. SILVER CARPET & RUGS INCREDIBLE PRICES INCREDIBLE SAVINGS VISIT OUR SHOWROOM DON'T MISS THIS SALES EVENT FOR FREE! SHOP AT HOME SEFWCE OR ESTIMATE CALL UNIT 3 -487 Westney Rd. S. 683-4292 AJAX DUCT CLEANING $19.95 Main + $6 per vent • Snake System.20OPsr CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CUSTOMISED PACKAGES From $3995 • Work guaranteed - ;nsured & Bonded - Serving the cleaning industry since 1986 Residential.' Commercial (416) 321-1974 = m sto NORJO ENTERPRISES - WINDOWS . - • DOORS • PATIO DOORS - DECKS Samples.. In -Home or Showroom References Available (905) 839-2255 ENERGY EFFICIENT PRODUCTS FOR YOUR HOME wiWommERGY Imm I11eRUYeselt'S,. • WIIIVDOWS Sam •SOFFIT, FASCIA r> -W •EAVES TROUGHS •INSUI(ATED SIDING *UiSVRW Q 110ENSM FOR FREE MI"M CAU 11 M (905) 831-0556 GARDINER'S DUCT CLEANING, CHIMNEY SWOEP Dryer Duct cleaning only $20.00 with purchase of Duct Cleaning Hook-up $39.95 - $5 per vent CHIMNEY SWEEPING ONLY 149.95 RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL snake method used (416) 282-3292 N / , n 4 The cleaning technicians from V Care Inc. are all skillfully trained and all of their work is fully guaranteed. V Care Inc. is a quality cleaning company specializing in residential and commercial carpet cleaning, air duct and upholstery cleaning. Established in 1986, owner Savio Vaz says they recognize that customers are the life blood to any service based business and that's why they're so focused on customer service. "We are very sensitive to the needs of our customers," explains Savio. "That's why, if for any reason we don't hit the mark of excellence, we will provide a free re - servicing" The cleaning technicians from V Care Inc. are all skillfully trained and all of the work is fully guaranteed. As part of their devotion to customer service, after a job is completed, a follow-up phone call is made to ensure that their clients were serviced satisfactorily. There are many benefits to using V Care Inc. One very important one is that their cleaning process doesn't leave any residue or shampoos in the carpet due to the use of high traffic detergents applied externally throughout the carpeted areas. "By not leaving residue in the carpet they won't attract dust," says Savio. "Therefore the carpet stays cleaner for a longer period of time." You can get a free estimate over the phone or Savio can pay you a personal visit to explain the many benefits of his service. Of course, nothing speaks louder about the success of V Care than the testimonials of its customers. The Burns Family of Durham Regions says "we have used V Care Cleaning Services for many years and have always been very satisfied with their service. We would certainly be delighted to recommend them to anyone". Ms. Mackenzie of Pickering says "I have used V Care Cleaning Services for over 5 years and have found them very professional in servicing as well as in customer service. I am pleased to recommend them to anybody seeking a high quality cleaning service at reasonable prices. Ms Azis of Pickering says "I have used the services of V Care over the years and have always been pleased with their service. Besides providing a high quality service, they're fast and efficient. Also, their after service follow-up exemplifies their commitment to customer satisfaction". V Care Cleaning Services is dedicated to making its customers happy and go that extra mile to make sure they have the cleanest carpets and air ducts at a very reasonable price. For more information call today at (416)321-1974. SILVER CARPET & RUGS INCREDIBLE PRICES INCREDIBLE SAVINGS VISIT OUR SHOWROOM DON'T MISS THIS SALES EVENT FOR FREE! SHOP AT HOME SEFWCE OR ESTIMATE CALL UNIT 3 -487 Westney Rd. S. 683-4292 AJAX DUCT CLEANING $19.95 Main + $6 per vent • Snake System.20OPsr CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CUSTOMISED PACKAGES From $3995 • Work guaranteed - ;nsured & Bonded - Serving the cleaning industry since 1986 Residential.' Commercial (416) 321-1974 = m sto NORJO ENTERPRISES - WINDOWS . - • DOORS • PATIO DOORS - DECKS Samples.. In -Home or Showroom References Available (905) 839-2255 ENERGY EFFICIENT PRODUCTS FOR YOUR HOME wiWommERGY Imm I11eRUYeselt'S,. • WIIIVDOWS Sam •SOFFIT, FASCIA r> -W •EAVES TROUGHS •INSUI(ATED SIDING *UiSVRW Q 110ENSM FOR FREE MI"M CAU 11 M (905) 831-0556 GARDINER'S DUCT CLEANING, CHIMNEY SWOEP Dryer Duct cleaning only $20.00 with purchase of Duct Cleaning Hook-up $39.95 - $5 per vent CHIMNEY SWEEPING ONLY 149.95 RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL snake method used (416) 282-3292 PAGE 30 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17.19% am NoU�I • I Personals I I 30 DAYS after Nov. 17, 1996 Safe and Sound Self Storage Inc. will sell by public auction the conterlls of storage lodrar of the Id - towing delinquent accounts to cover the cost of rent and expenses: Wayne Dawson Pickering, Randy Yee - Plckering, Charles Spataro Pickering, David Stoakes Pickering. Any of the above tenants may pay the QUESTIONS about life, mount owing by cash. visa relationship. career, money, or master card, and redeem love. Talk to a Psychic live, their merchandise remov- 24.7. 1.900-451-3555, ext. ing everything prior to the 4970. 53.99-min.18+.Pro- auction. call Co. 602-954-7520. WHY WONDER about to - morrow when can call • 1 t�CrSOnals for answers t I Speak with our psychic, live 24 BORED ONTARIO HOUSEWIVES - names b private phone numbers. 1. 900-451-3638 ext 704, 53.29/rrun. must be 18. T - tone BORED ONTARIO HOUSEWIVES - names 8 private phone numbers, 1- 900-451-3638 -900-451.3638 ext 704. $3.29/nrn, must be 18. T - tone. CHEATING WIVES - ONTARIO PHONE NUMBERS 1-900 451- 5566 ext 253 $3 49/min touch fore. 18 plus. EVANLY RAYS... Police use us Rated +1. Salmons on Career, Relationships. Health. Love. 52 9s/mnute. 18 . 1-900.451-4055 hrs. 1-900.451.3555. ext. 4910 $3 99 per rm. must be 18 yrs. Procall Co. (602) 954.7420. Lmompanions EASTSIDE CONNEC- TIONS DATELINE - Free to call to place your ad. no charges for ladies. no Phone bill charges. 905- 430.7060 Match dates can introduce you to: onsuttation DREAM Single wilding lot nestled in pines. 350 ft. from waters edge. Unrestricted view. Call 905- 683.2548 'dews Adtertiser Classified Dept. open every Mon. to Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 - 3:00 Call 683-070, 1 Auctions e 1 Auctions MU Auctions ■ PUBLIC AUCTION SALE ■ bUbQ UNiPi iLR'AA i'i-, A.Ni l k ikc'l.O, LL\^i iKi. ) JF4'FI I FRY' L\.NPS . Col%% • %1IRR0RS Thur%. Eve. Nov. 21 at 7 00 p.m. (PREVIEW 6 00 PJA I HELD AT LVIV PAVILION 38 JACKSON AVE. OSHAWA �comw of Jaclisot A Altenr. Partial Ilfting only: r.- lure- - oe _rima Cab,rets 2 seat bent- 'ea .�: -es ural -ofs wnhng desk corsoles d mirrors. screen dwdws. pedestals. .eSeat. COCkta tdDes. smokers stand. partners desk. Oriental cabinets. grand er mirrors.'OCkirg "chart. Cneva '. mirror. etc n Chippendale. Lours XV Oueer A -re 19th 6 2nt 0111 Ceury styles Hand carved) Quantity of one of a k,no ^ane • +7e decor 6accent items book tables. keepsake books teatr+er trunk, Ne holders ,Ockng horse 0011 buggy. min mahogany accents, carved rbc• ^as. Barbra figurines. Coo Cola items. Haney Davidson. Chensned teodres •ler fine arts collection of rare L wildlife sculptures. Spode Fine China 6 :elan dinner* re b collector plates. natrys D ty sets. Robert Raikeears. gu-. •. word repkcas. Christmas Mems, Doulton. Star Trek collection, Santas. Fitz 8 C. Precious moments. afghans. santas. Disney Collectibles. Collector plates Mnze lamps in Titfany styles. Crystal bowls. vases. cake stands etc Selection • -nusual oriental arts & crafts. Satsuma porcelain. rosewood_ marble. and "e Sports Memorabilia L E pmts signed by sports ceiebnty. unusual -.Xto Maple Leaf signed gams. DW -toren. puck sets, framed jersey. , rarbocks rare one of a kind items Ladies 6 genus leve " including gold. c a -,tons b genune stone rings, earrings, rope than. designer walzr,es, pocket —1 -hers. pears, necklaces. lockets, marcasite rings 8 more Con 6 Dank note rfction from estates with proof sets. dble dollars 22 23 let gold olio notes. C.ER 200 LIMITED EDITION PRINTS decors. ongetals panels canvas, st..�jc prints. rare issues Dy Group of Seven. Christine Marshall, Romance. Bwoman. Loates, A Y Jackson, L Tait, Campbell, Lumbers. Sandara Kuck J L_ -biers. K Danby. J Tanton Branders, W Fleury. P Josteen. Private A J Casson collection wth a one of a kid Oble signed Who (very rare). also Selection of Casson's Casson a1 d e2. Ontario series 6 more Most custom 'ar^ed in museum frames to conservation standards (Must be seer 1 TERMS Cash. Visa. Mc. InuKac as per posted 6 arnounced at sale Additions b deletions 10'. Buyers Prem urn in efecT w tin Proceeds to St George's Cnurch in Oshawa REGWINIT0 A7 t ao o a . w•rD SEAIK A 2AL, Sur PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS 1 -1118114410 -SALE 416.226-IMNTERIErAUCTION AT WWW .VALUEISETWORK.COWPROAUCT PROFESSIONAL AL'c- lo-,I-I_k, , 1 -888 -PRO -SALE Don't *9 Forget Alan Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept.isopm for your con- *nience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. TO Place Your Classified Ad Please Call � Q� W3-0707 Selling Something? 2 EASY WAYSBARGAIN CORNER —HERE'S HOST I IL" �TORKS- 1. Your 19 word ad is published for 3 consecutive days 2. The rate is based on the highest priced item in the ad. $00 - $9999....... .....................$5 + GST $100 - $19999 ............. 0.0.00 ...... $9 + GST $200- $19999 ........................ *$19 + GST $3O0 - $39999 .........................$29 + GST 400 $49999 .........................$39 + GST These ads are itot refundable aiul additiorzal words are just 500 each 3. To give you an idea, check this example RANGE & refrigerator only 2 years old, 30" self clean $200. 20.6 cu.ft frost free $325. 000-0000. The price for this ad zvould be $29 + GST based on the price of 1325for the refri��erator. .AIS VG'ILL RI'N IN 10 IZFC',I()NAI, E13ITI(_)NS. P.N�, I C)IR I WEEK & RI.(;EIVI: I WEEK FREE! APPLIES "I.O ARTICLES cit AU"I.OMOIULFS FC3R SALE. ONLY $ 83 + GST & Pie,&-eizry' News Advertiser v b183-070 i— 1"}I atx>vc litter unt>Iv Ili ncni-�k.AItflA�rcl:Al :Acivr rtist r� only. 1 Birth: 1 Births V0111 Birthdays I I Birthdays BABY 13EVAN HA5 ARRIVEDe1�e n --van of 50wrranville (and long time Vetroland Cnlpipycc5), On the i7imh of -.air first cla�ghter, Grace Lindsay 5--var, on Vonday vcvember 4, 1996 a � e:25 a.m. =a;y Grace weightcI In at 71b5. b'/. oz. '-:,la grandparents arc Ivor 8k Jean -a of Q chmord Hi1I: Dianne and the s :ari Howarth, of 5owmanville. All Are Recovering Nicety! CONGRATULATIONS From All Your FriendsYll HAPPY BERTEMAY LINDA METCALF YOU ARE ONLY AS OLD AS YOU FEELI SO. HOW ARE YOU FEEL- EKG EELING THESE DAYS? LOVE FROM THE EASTNERS, RICH, CAROL, NICOLE, AND ERISM 1= 000 eW-. • e►wr . Clan-rw �,7 'THIS WEEK News Advertiser Northumberland NEMS AUCTION GOERS.1.1 Durham Region residents can row get up-to-date AUCTION LISTINGS via our new dedicated phone lines. All auction notices that are published in one of our publications will automatically be listed on this phone line. uslingica 683m7545 cla;npn %idaft 0-4-2615 - � .. .r_ .°. . _ . .�.�.�.t.,�a • a a _ .. .. .. a .�+ . ,. Y..t.. a i iii a.4: a~sjerti r • .. x .'c ¢M a' .. . • i . • a . . .. . k • •'s'" ',a _ - 0,000 �F t� •••4'.c idea C a�OAVV COULD YOU BE HW Seelo g a mak who ergots mast, sports. NASCAR. 1111100oreycles. din- ners for two. etc. I am a W. beaudul Horde )nptee. BOX 17430 RECENTLY SEPARATED. Recently separated, 3nraove moner of One. 25. 57, 190 bs. Would eve to meet a man who "joys Camping. fishing. :none and Wm ragfas at hare. Prefer someone ?5 to 35. BOX 23156 ENJOYING LIFE. 31 yr old w* *Ate mother, ht and attractive. So*% male to alere We .T.. Have good sense of husor. a" oudoors 31C sports. No Had Games. BOX 17437 SOMEONE SPECIAL is bduq la you. M you are ;< y over looking W alteamate, lovable, hags 3nc kisses kind Of woman. You VQ bund her I m meoun axed anti a" We. IaagMw. and yam ;mer wnh someone speoal. BOX 23M NEW N THE AREA hair new to area. Enjoy 000k- .rg. kds and ag waks Seeking someone to sun over wile. BOX 12533 SIMPLE THINGS. 40 yin dd temale Seeking male MT. good sense of rima Who, linjoys Me out- im. %* draws art kfen general. BOX 17442 HERE I AY! Altmove. single. employed femme. 30, srom bon0a W. green ryes. 5'9". aawnr- XA. Ops and 1pon*st I wpy kids. M" out -win dirwg, pad. TOW. spats: just about serf ;h g. So mss•• attractive sive maks. leers -+essage n my list BOX 23256 SPONTANEOUS LADY, 27 year ofd Iwree. ST. ,)C Xeres. Minds for. hazel Ms. w3pbYed- e'wy Horse Dack n*S diking 0A Looking W a ;orae .ewe man, spownsous and hr, o be at BOX 20075 ,IFELONG LOVE Attractive wge rw !rom in -y -1C C's _001tng for mat Very WK1111. W Wl- onsf mak b a on er mosorsty Sanas ncama ray BOX 14M 7D HEAD GAMES 43 year dd, prolasaad .dile. amw. S6. !So Ds. non nnoker. down to earl honest ad snore. It Espy Mag at r>rw't M two . klrq wiles, dou take 31C quiet limes. Seek a rhe mw, nbagwK rem ..moria} ;rtlesp. , NO a1 leaf 5'10' for a - a+opmosMaontM BOX lux WARD CLEAVER TYPE 30 year old aaracike 'rak. 5 5' tom a *n Mit rm limp and Ca- -g at a bq heat Enjoy sports. movies, msc. 'salg. ON walks. and mon Loolug for an "n e. oaks:. 01011"x, IN down t0 arm nae .� a good sena at terror Single riders .w :ser No smokers Psaee. BOX 14665 GRACIOUS :ADI'. Pale blonde lenae ankirp U -coq. rpdn Eng. c-10 V -W% and note Loo" M a N gentleman, 49 to 53. for v -O tsp BOX 17315 BiG S BEAUTIFUL Singe man. 26. a"" ser ase c W" We •rl We M 0ul loci mwO ,TC toes o dance. non smdw Slope War% Overcome BOX 17321 JUST N34G MYSELF Poo lady. oral 50s, e'vas mug. hkag- Ovang, slum Wal mry �, er tUeratS, 1101196L *ban, vueo 4y 'eekn9 94nwm we Semler aabwss. howly Ix .rust a mast Social trainer pro will awn s mak- e` BOX 23211 SEEKING SPECIAL MALE Beton 43 And 53 vele. hoes. nvsmDker, cw% pwssriL rmw. s: Ma good sena of hmor sed at b law "ended. EWIS oounh inti come. ftCO ou- bas, rstim. I live in Cdd)*i Meet me am uvla b see l we w compliable Bob at 46. town 3 year - daapslir wood You pea pipe Dora- You pore mow dti nal record. BOX 231M BIG 5 BEAUTIFW 26 year ad sage maw erpys *019. we6ag And! arid" Be o Me 'Jost Looking kM a singe, rmaopmow male 00 shwa KrAhr nbwsts Saps Weis all. come. 901 13441 FRENMWFIRST. A6t *m 39 year ort Mab. 54• ham bonda 1sT. Er" maws, dwng, b dildoe:. MMO NO waning at Nana L oolwg kx an arrive slope rRNA 35 b 45. Ifo is a 1077 wrlO1 sem sa ft asaw{14 M hnstldalap. Box Isla LETS TALK KW, down to seam, Wilk iaMM6sdta- &L 110% eanoblig WNK 24. W4* AID- comreisYoik Wft drruq, imem % Pals ad drgrk41lwk Seals down to eark MOP K Mo berg siaMaw oak N b 31, wry alit rbli fz BOX 73X11 DOM, 91000NTIM We ate a alone ad cl n =0 a Mr 30's. Seats* 4tlna &s o* canpfeaYdeoMFe =90s. Mcalls WANE& BOX im LOVEIY LADY. W* mina baja, bM 37s, W. p11 6-1y IL NO ors diad. 11= amdaor Aaala, AWAK art aR ad milute. T -i Mft bA aro sn'w FiMi - I t Est 1100111111 pWW70VopMtXMNW=Wkndmg a Bi ab ar a twat siolion we Bat b paw a too Yd BOM "774 LET'S TALK 3D year dd kwa teeliq 4kacrlY arpaelahelip a46t a mNw Sb Tey h „acwihing a dib eaniMge. Of iiasBom a ewt BOX ONE SEXY LADY. 23 yeardal spa kwM na46i weal by hsi. ladwg br a am wrA mi ba11lge alio ht rlefl bar Waria4 bfhefem 35 ad 455 /io'sC*i*aid lounk E10 Mair,swM- Sift sodlOitq ad Kmae PieLM Mw Ma eM mMai er01 sa dim ado V"p etpeiwre MT a MINIMN .. Alhaikrl dont- ' Chbw am oft, g Gia, - you. 0- W- a asoliage. BOX 1046 EASY GONG MOIL Sin, adm*m wro mole d tep, 37. EJIpy dre% Ing out movies and prom. Lookkq lot a honest cati g, enpbyed and Miaow male, 34 to 40, win a sass d hxalar • . . . THE NEWS ADvi[•:R,nsER SUNDAY', IOVEMBER 17,1996 -PAGE 31 u r d✓i.r�r�4r. � 1-80 _ M Y ^Nil Its , b�r�fi ��N/r i lye 0..662 Fr , 23 y ct ,ate - x�CB�f13 1..49hrtins-.;>rr,yw,g ri4, yv-. 4%]/ ($ ) to respond tothew acts. s ��;, � , `u J ( Y hones. You must be 18 or older. 100% TouchTone or ti 6 �.... �otary p y who also buss We and Children, Single fahars all - come. BOX 14771 PETRE BRUNETTE. Under rated, French treasure in C00ourg with ode shape. Possesses great per. s0naiy, Joke Oe Vlore all usque Ruakbes. Looking for tnedshp with a non smoking. s,ngle. widower whsle mak. 45 to 55, 5'11•, esladsheC wlh morals aid a conscience. n you re IUCky, You Cane acture me. a gem of a person, someTag with real value. BOX 23124 CALL SOON, GUYS. Single write ferrate, 21, arms gong Out for walks. "A b mimes. playinggames. cardelght timers and gang our to Se*rq an awacbve male. 21 o 25. who enp the same nfBnst as me It that is you. cat me ASAP. BOX 23157 FIND ME. Attractive, 27 year old. domineering fermilooking be a wlgle dile make BOX 14744 SINGLE SELF EMPLOYED. Red haired, green eyed woman 'toes outam. dancing, moire. Seelu g single male. 38 to 46 BOX 23153 HEED A COMPANION. ST :•5 panel ergo female aro moew of V0 Er" reading. mores. annals and more Looking for a naive male. 28 to 35. for h*KWsp and a pvwe r llio sIV BOX 12281 HEARTFUL FEMALE, Z7 year old hamam. 4'11' and 180 pounds we. sandy uti de hat Enjoy call'. " and move -Doing !a a oneq honesL stere and gentle ran who can respect a woman. BOX 14711 SHORT BUT SWEET. Beautiful 19 year old. 58" NrtWe all Dlonde hat and Dkw eyes Enjoy pod, swrimi g And oder sports. Looking to, a man who stomas wialar ntemnits BOX ICC SEEKS CARIBBEAN MAN ,nal ed non smoker 39 to 50a9ecuwate rieresbf n lend - OV xsvw M *rtshp at ar wefad*. hwdy toile lady. Germw, Canadian. 5T I4t1bs. gwde ad happy Enjoys outiv. 'LW evenings; am uvut r*emm BOX 23151 N COBOURG AREA, 25 leer yd. 5'1' 230 pond WOO mom d Iwo Brea! ids Finest. CNN tom a good Stows of hums L0*91 V a ergo. 'ufd sensitive ad hanst man. 25 0 40. wro erpys Children. MUSC, M DVka art ae*1 entre w home. Ocasord diwnera and smokers as irk. BOX 2314 SEEK CARIBBEAN MAN _frneaded nor wrbkei, 3810 50. affectionate, rwersed n Tlendow.. pos. $oak Monm so u+aad+*d. '^odY wtw ledy Willson. German Canadian. ST. 140 in, gran I* aro appy enoys gangs. we twerngs. ad Barbie morem BOX 23146 EARLY XMAS PRESENT .I you sill bdm in in* ore and nappeness. fun *hy wale unfit Chnetrms, Singe mom. 35, employed. norpest. Annanfic, iyal. looking br Mr Pogo, 35 0 45. errploW. Into Aman,. good saw d !env. BOX 23147 SEEKING SOULMATE Employed. siege while +amass. 25. big baa as. sir. Looking 1a n ndeperdis snow. W, sin. dark hand mins. 23 to 30. ri one a bwng, mniff" moor - ft. BOX 23142 ALIVE AND FUN. 18 year ort hemae. ST. IM kaobrg low `x woks to stare so Me spear s om"is LA U oral Va in. saadpq 90in0 Our o ce n a rue n hew* some kn Appearance not i porwt BOX 23148 ENJOYS SIMPLE LIFE Sngt. 515'. eery, poo. ywv At holm. enprs a4000m mumiy anti so's ftar. Mag ad Dano% WOUNg. tom Poll stow d Amor Looking la *naw rWbmsm No had prnaa BOX 23139 BOWLING ANYONE? Loping for aft mW, 40 ad 45 Must love dwawt a" Marg orw People is tang, say Bong and Noneg and Am low No bon. I m STs'. 125Cs wort caw her. hum eras. BOX 23134 LOVING CARING NATURE 65 year dal uuF ceded wh" movie. Considered artracm's and onrdwwy Seeking ionat ad fend ra wmwen tom a post" outlook good saw of Iflow, a arm Will and who s friendly lou not a Net Reply l you haw f■ Same eaewm BOX 23135 TRUE ROMAMM kfdewdem olslpv. a- t with i/ 5ped woman. 36. "M for a heasky. sersars, min OTC" mw tom a good swe d lama. MY airy swats heads MWAC everrgs at home. arnnaN. inns, and art. FaWdshq isb Meaanalip pill". BOX 71130 BEDROOM EYES Nor Cady Craned tae coa. 33. Mohr d poodk agoyt ►4kt" QUL sola co*% music. urp lig, dopa woad ad baa hook oral d lose YMK 7t i peas Ialr. SseMg a supe mil 30• calk be posble isbaoral p do tales b enjoy Box MU CowIM011 wAMTED. Dihecea oft WWSK 36, wrh dii' Udup b rad nit campram 36 b 42, for PWA iI Shaval sad fawry a Mast non hiker. oo-vial dlria atswpa4 L3ot LJia411-pWMWtMAndyMCW Isti, l hwbq is not r am BOX 2318 210TKAMtt MAawdaespaailRaab, 34. b V. mlkx* m* disk Main Kit berm gKSy. WgK LsdagbrshadlsoWak 321o42. aro Sser las m head gnats, WAI► tie, byal l bre put tow mpm era*, tags nft as M mu k aarir Box 8112 StO0ACI IN I LOl10E Spa dirt bola, 33. fMt Taippc WAter d 1 aria, ow a"'% med d Teadd one. HMM sock, b !pk Ittle 30A 10 eaair idnw, b -ship tle Iaaae SW AT � Sao aloe Wdk 3a 57. 13ObM, hoods tit bwww Iyea, lo0kig Y Sari aMariaaaadas.ouporl¢ stea�ool, shwrsl am COM with hswmmmLooxnhistonst, rd at MMw LOOM FOR LOVE Two a0acon bmwes.18. eduq oro Built, 18 to 21, sh Wow her b how kin Ndkida9W4A DW A MsawaPr411" 4rca. BOX 73301 LOVES LIFE. SIM MUM. -ODY4 adipo IloOnofbebors iam35Years OKIbdnd% our dawWg. LOOWg aN 35 o 45, all a 779, hwreel coag wolktrg sere d rima. In also lows Me sad alliin. Single bras aebdne.. BOX 23243 . . . . . . . R EE YOUR M 32 year dd single Ira male. 67. wd 185 pounds. Ladrg M a dean to earth plate bode Ids e44 a not aimed b spurn her mrd Box 17446 BgEllii It MALE HMrdbra alieac 30 year dd Stripe rite Ode, Sit-. ad 175 ;Oona spu a ow Siwe d taimm Enio l slots. g* b M tifism and arra Ladsq Y am ame hassle aim so& moan& BOX 17411 GOOD IWIXIIED MALE 30 year old, 67 ape Weird be Laftl Ior a *0 WObink V b 33, r10 a dors b 00 ad easy poop BOX 31111 S" WEIVISM 44 yr dal vitri aak ST. bom haK lobe qw Ef" ft a"- Sod" Y sampan rim air kaaieaI MUM SEMM ABA1101lwlwr. 41 pr dal m-0 oohed, Maccf", 9 aid 1066a Evy SpM tiiYw90 bmak � ow 6- SNW4 so 40. waipt popwi mita b �d wOiLB�OX� PoeabM lSYlydig Mw AFO FOKVW HMlida, wrr ja iMl 35 year old. 511 Irl afth ear WAWI alpa moa. ft,K 09 Yid, pmmw aladarb. brr L4I lenrrlie www a good some d hmot E*y rtMisa, *Ag in at out, outloor Nal OM rd -mw. LodigYabdrYswawntift bkwe iPnbOdomorD an Rpm sox 12M VERY CAR M' GLM. SM0wasale,51T.130 liokmk in poo ofeilrL Latin ler a *0 Nie mrmio deo MA MM b be sept of of hit fast. BOX i844 QUIET GLM Male 35, kaola g M a tkicreM rda- iw"hp went a feate. BOX 12514 OUTDOOR GLM, 34 yeses old. ST. 180 pounds. tadwr hair and huW via Looirq fa a special Matey. � 0�8, o haw a jw Inn �wl� I howe a dal Lodugfor awofamel nher Vsbmd 40's. ka Msmrdalip Sage nrolas awlODnb NIX IMM YOUR XMAS PSESBfr. One good man who hall 44wMt" you Am looking ifir--Wy 47s, *0 Chi dwn, anwdMed InndeoliM sa OW 000i 1 I emaily am MKS* rodeo Woald W b ae1 boy Wo is p'ealt avo ed, sed Owidlr in d aMPm d her Ma BOX sm 3PECJAI soma oft ale, 31, boYq Y Orspadaleaawr10*AN &I& IW Wit- iY CaeI %W npea all Arae. Spa as m wekwaa. I her wa tdit ll. BOX app ADYBIIINOIM SMT, SL 57, VW bop IL taearws, wap moo til; easy /w/ mor w4Yt��i � OoaY aId irdetliq. Sir b lslmrr sal eaek arise Yds BOX 11111 :OFT IEAR1IM OW No ask inn row. a ba Nie good W ft oaduat hid 57, 1fMa, aAwtYas Y'r'aiM Okoas aya4 iirprl oaaw" dbYat Eq" sbaial, 1M41ii/ Peal. ra Oft dr W" b Iia Yaw, Sir 10 asdaaa hid, alta Owe :arab, da is a ar Harr 808116; SITE 601'5. Two spa Iia MIINL aawaw, trdpMYrq � �,� 4Potk wpsrrads. alioli; 30 ad 3I Lapin Y MD =0 di bMalea, nMSsprrl Mad kin bwg WX UW 0000 TBE, G. 33 year ort aW, 225 pwardt hmelevile �g % ur tri 21 X andel IL BO 17468 TOI®8 N SHAPE MuadiAar ad tna43N yw Plc min, FIT, 235 pwft wpr obg and kf*% In 1 1K UC" 11114 lam" hooft a pby4d. will a grind head m her shoulders. 1 B to 35, no depndwLs. Oshawa of Duman area.. BOX 13423 NANDYMML Ilan soltrg a spawl 10.rmn- nigb tAe 41r�Yw111aaj Yr, a; � sorb. 6'. 170 pends so Drown her anal eyes. E-yq basebi, shrmne , ++4g eking 1" tasacn and crldskpf draws Looking M a tal n0epws do wsernk 20 0 25. % o is hones And -row wen sawair invests Non isinam pew. BOX IMM TIO $10 WIND'S, ft art Ira supe. sedr worn tAMtingll le, i IIS L Asedeont• Oft30 W A /a a bdi g br aalllaMAps IDX 317" w IEMBYSUK CM" oak 35, s *sap a"" boy23b35. U09Ila teaE also bating all a waMdip BOX 31777 LET'S 47ET Oar. thug art rMwt 25, bolsq b Spa dw bell w0 m bda Ya by an well I. i and po lift leadrq o ar-age. I MNOK please cal BOX 3In4 PSOFESDUk MALE Vey atlMon 46 Year Old, ST. 165 pound womelt Low Wenalmos Napa in K offewity wages, b aadoow. W* amd Meads Looilq for as sl ram arbairoa. erteploYed loner Y a w1 - a ft. 80131773 OLDBL BUT VI D. Single die mW. 57.1160 Pmds 40 shat Wort heel and bas eyes. Looting bra ape OWMeab, o"r 45, bra lag MMr lealvi lop. No head Bow 80131770 SPwQY, OEPBOAIIE Iirgelos aroseeC And w aslWlet! in sty nays. Sedug a spa IMa UmML own 45, M a long fesel wYlaielhµ Espy MiWe ss. 31721rd era an header and n LONELY N DO MA Vey handsma aaa mWe III, i pioea4 s>bperf and kin Lodi" br or an Arae and affectionate lrsale in to Oshawa ash If you a knarabd plass ori and leave your name aid pefone nrmber. BOX 12381 TIRED OF GOING ALONE. Slops Mab. early 30s. mpe admid tb, suo0 a4vergseebepts Ne Nwem in oras, th"M, travel. ec. S*skrg Si it ah soave, sin say. ka Casperhonsiap YOU bv* In Yaw Vista And I in nark. Paler MMI - Go in Cahn}, Fyn Hope awe BOX 2318 NEW N SlDs11111. Paolaaaw, spa 34, hand - Pan 0 wicaly and amamaq Babb. Wang for M right emnart BLS 27121 STARING OVER. Ws you eke a dark' an a AeiOroeMg 000adesle. -iiWK M on* fafat 33. vim many nweab oral good psMea? 5" a 60 warasek 8 b 35, dr SWAIr paflea, s/n or winos fi , b bar Me arta I Tadd appreaSS sed boa lorwad o your aL 801?1X11 VERY LOIBT. *ha ala, 59. SIT. WdMK inn weaker, sooel orsek bifpd and -fared, biee waoors. Win and ampng LOakYq to haws, SICeM, silt. pmts to in"A Dari woniak 55 a G2 far whdtrp ad possab ima- aasthp BOX 2786 LOOINIC FOR YOU. 21, sigh dib male, very but keg Won hast tlue e'ya S9". way to ger aorg wok vary $am do myself and Open minded. Lodug or a lamb. 20 to X b Was and dlaid with ori my heart. Race dowl ff * wlist be scan win Yourself as vol. BOX 23314 LOOK M' FOR LOYALTY. Sopa www Plak ST. 180. obuel Mold. 26, urs must "as ad dark ha[ On pnoMssorlel Mor caner Pro[ worms lover, to rtaoy Aeras to WL So" atrackve. Tong ill * wank 24 to 26. with carer &ecbon in w. Fondsfp. PPsbb rebacindw BOX 2785 SPOKERL fared bdia ma just rant o be trwaled Ma Was ad Be to be Pampena, d and Malty "" umber and I err ger bade to you sfonlyr BOX 232M Its AdYeffiliow flog'. is lb aeic Emoy podng . tain. mor" aTrona L ad Iva BOX 1318 Gen SERIOUS NKNIES oa, n iandY. staaaW hath fern me, 5'P anti 120 ponds. '.�oewg fora Eh aeras iron* bin UCIM WXG aM GaftMS sell *crew a man BOX 16924 SOMTIMIG RM FLA yang couple, solo g eMW a n a Iearra" emale o pn paroe advsesras ar careers._ Max 1!756 MY FNST THE, 43 fir did. my Bi arcus Mea* saeMifp a 6 peons bwrk Otrnwf art deal res asued. BOX 17M F1RST TIE AD Cum bode n my mei 20'a Lo* q br a single fwrab M furs at M tegr. Nan CbsS reWilltfsaseon are assura BOX 16716 OAIDEIBTNME 26yearda5'9'mele Loo" lar a gd rainfall n sing dancing sed wan r (11111110L Box 11752 SERIOUS NWANS. Gay atW inrR 5'4', 125, brown ayes, fed hall, terrine. 24. Mofar d one. Solagp Wsaele.20 o a 30, fInandosw IampAba.fta Wing ajussi"Na X Nis NEW TO THE AREA, 32, male lodlag for a Mode Y kMdel ip Error wood wortorS Horst" Mo - MI, de catnPg q out ad ern. Rax ism a LEAF FAiL 34 year aid Mak lie the Toronto Me* tads Seelurg a lemake tan o go and see ter gni:. M you as 25 o 32- lei s tai soar. Tel MM who your favorite Leat d and what ye• =49rea ran von ftstariy cup- wor ep- Also m someor i Ito gal m bps with me. Rax 1484 dYceltlaalt e> e, -pd rr dekfe say powsa - �S LOOKING FOR YOU? Smo nim, 34 W"S 0 fling woks. spore ars tlarwxq LDOkrq br mere. CM _ So ct dien are okY BOX 12511 HARPY GO LUCKY GUY Single *dile lamer. 22. k. pasvorate and discreet. BOX 14937 NO BAR SCENES Er" Be we me 34 tear di em llwi; ane own my otos rises anti ba call. Seewg a female .M a sense r rprrir taP 34 pus, who enjoys the same Srgk dads ** smoker and wool draikerenjoy amtalscarrpng mae. tall. M wgie and ready i settle *own. 700 BOX inn Came BOX 23297 SINGLE MOM Sugk mom. 30, dnti ane the Ol40= Seefery an honks. cartg and rmanet BOX 15031 ng Trough lee evenence. Interested n meeting a EASYGOING TYPE hove. nardsame. w 9k social e . non smoker W ng for a man. 3010 38. rnp enjoys rleaashp. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE 3rvomed ,ewe male ". sem. 25 to 3S. ron smoke, realmy nt�Mgerr art kr to re at, BOX 14960 ahwe ore se, -,e pnolessronai, 51 5. 1956:. afllebC Ovid.W"S 0u11100r xwbes, very toman- 7seel evenrgs. has a Sww Of Asir Musl like Ciften and sn19%head games it Mss sands 40, open mrtied. 53' 185 nerdsvery open rtrde0 and nlinaM, dinner. ROMANTIC TIME..:R, sande as. 39. srsye -ate "'I" ac. resowuhlekes chWen Seeks a:owirre Bee you gine ink a Cal. Sege Weis wekomped. y,iker and somal espy C4^p•9 and cav+g and ravel. Seeing a owe a*um Auld Seeim ar attar eve and Interesting .dear !p speaal ^res. 80X wMe !ernak. 35 to 45at w-dar r:eres's. to share means gHJ Maborft 'or*ard b WEEK ENDS. 34 racer ori di -a* 50 :;a ;diems I" :Ter mcr a'a,nc Tel' sizeBOX 232% K. ortq 3C b 40, single fernafe BOX 14M -ook tw cal. BOX 31737 _YA. , tromp :rsnawa area. BOX 15019 1731 FRIEND AND FAIEND � m a 40 year old male 6 PLEASE CALL ME SOON! 29 se0ov; sincere. CALL SOON. Ek owe -ae '>; x..r,% and ST PRIVATE TIMES Blonde naeblue eyes. 39 6. !351tis sW head )4 WK!e W 3Kw eyes Seekrg nest ferrate 29 -c 29. 'a to x:vv;. 'y'9 good 3 wine ale mung'cv a a aa7e -'ae any age 185 pow as _xA , tc• a Iacv. 25 to 45 BOX a !nand age and ace are rot rfoonam. oowwg'p mks igelher ,et s latil sour BOX 12376 .reannress a .-ust ane Derq Isc", ,:rows 20011 somekn BOX 14983 HOLO ON TIGHT 33 tr A 57. !85 b. or area BOX20m5 MOVE OVER Perfect cordeon ed wren. 5'10.125 A WONDERFUL WORLD E alar kid ergo mak srriorg, single ;Afessan ak eke keeprng INTERESTING MALE =t atraceve. Dmf err DISCRETION ASSURED". Single while male. 29. Am , btlag for a Sim woman. I want i Meet) you o1 kw BOX 20033 and latfw ­*Krg bin 3 *Oman !0 epi We's 'vin, atiw Seebng my sou nate. Want a lernaie to Doctor, eyes. hi ;;Px 'fig _o*N for a -ar 511', 199 66 Loolkig fp a lemale for a disaeet your DEVOTED TO YOU. Sig* mai*. 35. rim, fit advantwes- Enjoy 7-w mks a! musK Ir ng. anal Mae BOX 1 S pace ner hard n -we. weak me Me'Lium weere our Meers can De snared and -ab on light s0 good -oc"n. rWes:ug. wider M and over 2`_ Cum*- regir BOX 20014 Miaborslhp BOX 12575 LIKE THE OHTTDOOR$? 3W0 OOldg vers mie. Bern. rends". employed, no dependents. never been named E oulsda eaV les and Svwsr SEEK SPUR FEMALE 'aA. secarated mak n OZ Is, herd each of Dur nolns cr, 4 as" BOX 19M va✓g MYSTERIOUS. 'a1 :ear a:t stge wive mine 'ora 32. ST. Jr. win decere pwwwty I m honest, pal fed inso I am radgem. very sincere, h mW ry hf i a :sinew or No and a Dossole rsataaviii; BOX 17344 BRITISH GENTLEMAN r any 13505 Seeks row src.,n;. srie" a0rach" JOk g iTer ak b din arc aCvemyre BOX 15001 aayorg. emObyed and spornukovu. Seeking tamed" 25 and alactdnam Seeking a srrJe lan!ale. sin. fit LET'S TALK d b Sege daokrr, br a lacy n 30'sto torte !ernak or `rIstricaxnpanio srW and WARM T1IMES. SS year 0ti male. 62' ' 35. bowg specvl to 35 Smoker art soave droner So* moms -dame BOX 12SM &Nwm. TOO wants to De apor"ral Ip more than her me C'S am easy Borg.: T 'TMJ Dards and woe ^.r enjoy good boo aaagme' ^vac, tp s. ire ::Scow 7e!!ogeTen BOX 14914 r�a SERIOUS NOIARIES Employed 6'1' 245 t Deaury. aro"wsres n De owed. BOX 31600 awry: o0kw:g'Of to ergs b JO . BOX 19M •-. '47 dar,org and waloor Be BOX 31761 SUGAR AND SPICE-a-dsre xen -wnec shwa N 7aaw al drug, divorced *Me we LET'S COOK Are you lonely and need a fnend+ ARE YOU THE ONE? 57. is F" -kink -cues waeaq ex Sent roes[ Aman ENJOY LET'S LIFE.: 13, tear W. x?e:tar at Ser' x .^ -ar ^ad wOhr.;, •quest, un- 5'•' 221 -or ;-,star _xwrg :. ;rope o ac some sate and M BOX 17371 38: have dep11114" Seeking a famae 28 to 3e Vary mann and ovig 62' ! 7C las :role. t;. Ores a, nor, W-car5 temae 30 b C Sir 3r open and xre 4 '-.e Assoc _xe.', ':r arracaveJUST FOR FUN. 29 x9e Er wrra -orDd e _wS plus. for iMerpdtltD. BblontV+q or more Race to cook and Dew' Looking br sage wine term, heist nor onshp So* moms womme. BOX •nw7 ie. 23'0 3E. w 3 sear r.aca .r ore aro I 'p =*•-aaes'v )tscBM W=,r+e`s BOX 10175 wrporan. BOX 173% I'. LETS CHAT SOON Seeing a supe whore JO o ee. ser a heal m Dun. br "rtisM ormw bud Don' Dass or vas ad. you all De www 31691 FREPDSHi' FIRST 19 ad wge ware mak avers, a yys. br a xssbe elaoorswo BOX 12364-Ita MUTUAL PLEASURE Aracave 23 year Dal 3 -k.sa:ar c ferrae. 27 o 32. who .s wcere. doer i amt. BOX 31M year - 1oy'-eY •9-'51'4 �'r bow. -dekgm `A, CALL ME' 3Lw. aie. 5' sow N xmp*rvan :, aoK. , , )Ter 3 ;reit. r Two -a i 20 S. 'n 3sc ee. ;e, rredkrs sin. atraave. a nor vroer aro dNdess. ' m a OPEN WIOED MALE am a youg open _" ners and mire -own, !p a urge aMe'emae. Teres c xxaae -ealcrshc ;acv x*7' BOX 15181 S'6 165 b. sooty 49 y' old mels .ro weft tare. 24, oo erg b op'+ mrd*d Iama" IV ds- 19 to 25 BOX 133M maakr -xereved r ;hors -kaki BOX 12365 LETS GET TOGETHER _)kiwis ;ora err, apry � sortlepe Very "Cull to spend tine at BOX sew arnewnuirs r Io 3shaaa area. BCX 31736 LET'S TALI( SOON =: awed sib=" 3! yor old A LITTLE EXTRA' vxrg. aitracNe. sacro :a. *Wwsrt -Cl anct+er 3 ^ace an, a 4C r Dad 17476 ATTRACTIVE MALE 32. 59', sam. bderq for DISCREET ENCOUNTERS Mace 34 xs r-, fa p"9M x and :emaks ' 9 0 33 la mom -dile ,ae 5'7 or Drwr nor ati Dew erg a nasi Sk 3 Orae i ' 51!' 'S5 C Civil lr a" E^cal Bawer rar4 sem. urge wile'ema* 25 4 35, for dance¢ r r al ionow. Or �will - ar, ourimm a you re sky eyes EThat arn0eYg4 frwpers rda,g sag ?w Dnct, :1,loi.,ire ,x. arBOX 13466 t o more sin oinks. in*ndsrap. xssiy more BOX t4M52 s TNRO PARTY BENEFITS i+ge . :a4 r. diAa. Dase0ae7. antsy ^sac. ac BOX 12377 HAYING SM I HAYSOME F'!4.:aDe r a,.' 4:0 2^. S S" movies. art Arwec era. W horse BOX ad feeig Dew. ^m the 7:Y b ale to D'*es* over HEART OF GOLD v-Csime w r one : ak 5.7 ' -: 3oroe -au " ;Bar ey*s _3arwg rS a 3 -ince or fscraer rva.nem Met 3e 31741 name 'rnor,''ow sop b you worm to get revys 30. ? ani .35 :aids .poking or r Atacrr b cona*s rn ,ke t oe .atC'ed BOX 17115 :ww .. BOX 12361 FAITHFUL WILE. 37 year kid, 67 urrge •es 93NI BOX 317119 sego ahM Ina1*, 20 b 3C. ri keas Te hoe NEED ONE 5000 WOMAN ata ,alar 3C aw 5 ARE YOU THE ONE- _X" tr canvass 19 0 mase at sbm Dfolde mar and takes eyes Enjoy THE SILVER YEARS 3000 ko". 'palmy. fns n ak E," mono, 5neON Oaks rc am 20C xv-,r, ds Ea,re-, -xm ' sing. 7rwg ouLnks mi, and mor* Look k; b a tp wOc 53 year kid -ore Enjoyr, 7 Niteiu% 'aaer wwwgs194BOX 1i alasen w:moa _a0.r+g tr a WoOo pepnar 5�0 &Deo mare .nal .pts 3,t 2 3 mks anew lmace b merdshp k st BOX 12537 Iauvmer oxwoom reeding. Mower. yr*wwg, LIFETIME OF LOPE 5T wge nee mind* * M my roe tv a Xss0ce woorsh'L Arae and We BC 19M LOOKING FOR A FRIEND. 24 yew X. 5''0 top- ding )kit ad Qrci g Looking br a 10 .0 bin a wra, of rues o wadi* De tate ore I we i. pvrx+ BCX 1917 MUCH TO OFFER r+omanec. attruwa. Dern q* rhe 'vie -oo1efg kx a $pscnl '*mak 0 arra worsts. ro -aV arc Se -Ing Sala, and otic _adu,g b a ON lamp 41411111101 *1 ROMAN',C AMO FUN. r tis: oro iokrg V ra* :2. pnreiak -, wwCy siva J4 ,dug and luna:hc aro TOM Enjoy $Pon, w*,g ad mom. BOX 12" BOX 10'1 1 SEEX A :OMPAW-M a•rg nal wast BOX isms LOOKING WP .OV% IS war 3t singe rr4 trace i C ` W.5 .4 XXOD's. -arks Mors. and AW ]srky _are t augr s a 'ha:. icon, r s rvi 31 a sefaS -wogiril.S. fin ramanirp all, Sam*. 25 t 4C _ars enjoy W . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' rr. a wYw n* Skor ;D"*lop at r* ;atom•• ogwfw :ori sop BO% 317114 • • Place your automated attendant ad by calling. -as oEeYon. Cart-, Y �. anC wwy d '99, `V BOX 23!, JUST CALL ME' K n x -ore ''ore norm � vrkka mint T^S -,tet :0 -onn Tw " l,wv Y'' STILL A SPORT r ar a :xsmicow ry w SC's r 6: s 1 you Am ra dive: yeses T*'k • r �, ¢ y a • 1-800-662-8423 3C. Uy er "W. are sank drvomed.. :ACs. Dade ar aro awe dwarf ,D.e :asauay a at :rap BOX t 2317 OLRE7. AMD DISCREEP 2C x. 5 '. ' S5 t,o. • :� :¢ * " 24 hrs./day Have :rtw. a^ Very X ww red, W A J3.^': W. i�*��axh BOX 23169 p -4w seeu,y ! jY 'aa* me, r, rC s u :,e BOX 14116 - your ad ready when you'call ;. �• :HRhS"AN MA__ x'ge ves:r� •sear'. ma" ALONE tri :SHAWA kLat x w'r'S •c 7w• • To place your Sincerely Your3 ad with a live operator, Call 1-800-360-1483. "` 4�V -. 1-d a.r rg 30"-N a sing* a,, sw -_ -r : 7e>, 5C s ac 5C S nScr*em • To place your Sincerely Yours ad With an Aldomated Attendant, 0811 1-800.662-8423. Be ' NW.:ar rake who -sons T* W-. nae s BOX ! a35JSC. +CK, nor' Y 2sappoerted 9C 31763 FUN FOP -4PEE to write down your mailbox number and access code whan you call.• rwvwAr,- 23160 _OYAL AMC :AMG. i<ge 2-e, 4• 6 nuw. =rou a -*c :ate r Ax I acs A*- .- i- : v tre ae ar 'u 3C S. w ,ready • • ICs all aullornated and simple. You don't have to speak to anyone. one phone call sets up • '"190'" -"•n`" "'P- =N ""ea w" I Uaw V- *= 'a'rs BGX 3. 9 • ;yourr voice greeting and your printed ad. Your ad w 1i appear for at least 4 weeks. inCniy " w. !ergs. 771; .^V*e. a." orw nor awn Nemrgs at p . 11171111 v*Gtt'S _M:+r, -• 3 -a^ L Meed Orr :.. -qts .r - rr 'r anlpaa :4 • Your ad Wal) appear in 5-8 days i• • h' *Ow g a x ng. ins: antero[ inter i -*a ra 'e raasaC BCX !=79 • • You may place an ad In one of our dating categcrles. ' f hence 45 i a pc:s.D4 On'9 !*rn '*nborsmap WX 23156 • • When recording your greeting, remember to, give a oompiete description of yourself and " 11111111E 'C uvE AGAIN age .n:e-we.. ST • type of person atTd r�iorMho you Seel, A #Wough. honest greeting will produce • i -w � 45 cards. ;.n «pal acts s.� . ��t`he • Nli best rewits. . any DUtoor r,d node aW S li w -g a • • • You can Ireil'l" your mega by � � number. There (S 8 dtarge of 52 49 , Cur craw , n 3e wi s r ane as srnla r * U 44s BOX 23155 BARRELS OF woo-FLIt La f ;sl oc ori ,are you Am r'9 'r a�odw•.a-ar tr 7w bgeek4..t alae n • �, .. ° ,^,x . .00KKNG FOR FUf 'o asaDasreC -sea. M, coking c was ' c BC% II149 r4ererled :ore' BOX 72515 LEAVE VOUh NUMBER' 57 •C "" 'ka ,s. ws..s k .,. '. _ • .: A7ENTION ANGELA. .ery xVow. 'rale ■ .r. . _� • � � ��� ! C� • • • • ;' it -,,:,rOers =e. rc "eau �aM ry cuJ BOX 23150 t. a.'�.-raC. D. :.sae _Donn; br ern• m r• r ?*:kramom 80X'5!27 .. a.:. • ~ HORSESrsORSES..aCRSES -arearc =L a LOOKING FDR Y% 9Naa *,-,ac ,ac cing Io w • ..- 4 - . iV N', ju3 • �« : -=9, la" " eyw -c .e'-ws .kr:W -W a Aron ri WAS WIG a *Omar and nor )DOC � sensory Ta a %west. Ws -0 -mks MCI$ twr b D* kr BOX ! 5122 .. .. • a 49fm `16 OC t?IE�er to ,CIH x • mea .akws m toy aaa*aC Demo" n hoed evel'le. Tawe Den W -,or -W. Its.:asp- . sREau FInoD svgs DkeCk roma* i0a g qr Sa-'W* or anwu fame i Elm soc■u _ • i.:.�:, �eN�..{ �,,. • • er •'view•" 7i to Otho SBTTlpIB JOi[11CdOM WW tt11 AVM1b0 6l11,NlIb1 d the awls you YAM to • 4Y mac Unclog, sornlzng s Wear qmy wry urx v mporonYnours ary vnianers yvy eg -sows. ane -a* Sa*ur, 4 W-b'er s, Or kdnp pwaro mays ma* BOX I IM - .- se or browall! grsedntB mndDn*. . .. ... •.. • -we ]tSSC rot I= owe a )Doo Sam o :row ACTIVE PEOPLE 13 aro 25 loos_, •u Xe, a,- • • YWI how si' *1h.#'i Ybum ad and (t18 bfitlird tt18 a ��� �^"• •' S lox 23131 -Tec yes aanaust am 3saw a -as: BOX 17324 1 • vhr� ■ • %tics .also" Y" amad" b ft vmy 24 (101 & SO Yost x113 bWWU the • CLASSY LADIES WANTED Y xe g law re Tc ri' .at ^* !rea: I- era w erg.:1 A FEW TATTOOS. 3' war x -0t rr, -w-k ns )odd pe x4wre oawg v someone 25 o 35 writ • • sdlte M *M1W `irlgt� before t Sinottndj► ltbws BFiS 8Q�198f IIBtM eE a *ant b Dt Yaw and 3n*C enc rowed vies a s toren" arc easy c •ev avg w"' BOX 19139 . y�,1�� a - .say •;. • L+91♦1s 1�� i11 4W pw 1fyw ft, teBMe r . 7b1d p6F. low aCv. ear* vr* 3M uncw enc Igo cep i ya, as soap as ^rouy-assage BOX 23141 aRERRAC.AL COUPLE .-.acDve. rervkC rater aka ;cep" easy C s Sfty g ::rrwa ow w ■ p blw p13jBB ft# tstAeR ti>6y RI. SUGAR AND SPICE ;rrtwa Tai ware to Do ma o*a seers" b an BOX 19944 "ri a sat f '4. r ♦- •..•,.'w.. •"'r •. -r x'•• r`^• `r`- • -ri r • •...w ,. • • • • • ' • �'•' • i • • • • • • w la r n*d ad tra m Will a0es Fp smirking app, -K to and posvdy, more. BOX 23132 SEEK A MM" 9 .NS* ramie -4 5*' am 120 poi and in" at ane :Svnab iaY SB10R WILE. Saha make. fiw claly swore. blow M bwdwlC ant: a xsseQa re.%vistkp R EE YOUR M 32 year dd single Ira male. 67. wd 185 pounds. Ladrg M a dean to earth plate bode Ids e44 a not aimed b spurn her mrd Box 17446 BgEllii It MALE HMrdbra alieac 30 year dd Stripe rite Ode, Sit-. ad 175 ;Oona spu a ow Siwe d taimm Enio l slots. g* b M tifism and arra Ladsq Y am ame hassle aim so& moan& BOX 17411 GOOD IWIXIIED MALE 30 year old, 67 ape Weird be Laftl Ior a *0 WObink V b 33, r10 a dors b 00 ad easy poop BOX 31111 S" WEIVISM 44 yr dal vitri aak ST. bom haK lobe qw Ef" ft a"- Sod" Y sampan rim air kaaieaI MUM SEMM ABA1101lwlwr. 41 pr dal m-0 oohed, Maccf", 9 aid 1066a Evy SpM tiiYw90 bmak � ow 6- SNW4 so 40. waipt popwi mita b �d wOiLB�OX� PoeabM lSYlydig Mw AFO FOKVW HMlida, wrr ja iMl 35 year old. 511 Irl afth ear WAWI alpa moa. ft,K 09 Yid, pmmw aladarb. brr L4I lenrrlie www a good some d hmot E*y rtMisa, *Ag in at out, outloor Nal OM rd -mw. LodigYabdrYswawntift bkwe iPnbOdomorD an Rpm sox 12M VERY CAR M' GLM. SM0wasale,51T.130 liokmk in poo ofeilrL Latin ler a *0 Nie mrmio deo MA MM b be sept of of hit fast. BOX i844 QUIET GLM Male 35, kaola g M a tkicreM rda- iw"hp went a feate. BOX 12514 OUTDOOR GLM, 34 yeses old. ST. 180 pounds. tadwr hair and huW via Looirq fa a special Matey. � 0�8, o haw a jw Inn �wl� I howe a dal Lodugfor awofamel nher Vsbmd 40's. ka Msmrdalip Sage nrolas awlODnb NIX IMM YOUR XMAS PSESBfr. One good man who hall 44wMt" you Am looking ifir--Wy 47s, *0 Chi dwn, anwdMed InndeoliM sa OW 000i 1 I emaily am MKS* rodeo Woald W b ae1 boy Wo is p'ealt avo ed, sed Owidlr in d aMPm d her Ma BOX sm 3PECJAI soma oft ale, 31, boYq Y Orspadaleaawr10*AN &I& IW Wit- iY CaeI %W npea all Arae. Spa as m wekwaa. I her wa tdit ll. BOX app ADYBIIINOIM SMT, SL 57, VW bop IL taearws, wap moo til; easy /w/ mor w4Yt��i � OoaY aId irdetliq. Sir b lslmrr sal eaek arise Yds BOX 11111 :OFT IEAR1IM OW No ask inn row. a ba Nie good W ft oaduat hid 57, 1fMa, aAwtYas Y'r'aiM Okoas aya4 iirprl oaaw" dbYat Eq" sbaial, 1M41ii/ Peal. ra Oft dr W" b Iia Yaw, Sir 10 asdaaa hid, alta Owe :arab, da is a ar Harr 808116; SITE 601'5. Two spa Iia MIINL aawaw, trdpMYrq � �,� 4Potk wpsrrads. alioli; 30 ad 3I Lapin Y MD =0 di bMalea, nMSsprrl Mad kin bwg WX UW 0000 TBE, G. 33 year ort aW, 225 pwardt hmelevile �g % ur tri 21 X andel IL BO 17468 TOI®8 N SHAPE MuadiAar ad tna43N yw Plc min, FIT, 235 pwft wpr obg and kf*% In 1 1K UC" 11114 lam" hooft a pby4d. will a grind head m her shoulders. 1 B to 35, no depndwLs. Oshawa of Duman area.. BOX 13423 NANDYMML Ilan soltrg a spawl 10.rmn- nigb tAe 41r�Yw111aaj Yr, a; � sorb. 6'. 170 pends so Drown her anal eyes. E-yq basebi, shrmne , ++4g eking 1" tasacn and crldskpf draws Looking M a tal n0epws do wsernk 20 0 25. % o is hones And -row wen sawair invests Non isinam pew. BOX IMM TIO $10 WIND'S, ft art Ira supe. sedr worn tAMtingll le, i IIS L Asedeont• Oft30 W A /a a bdi g br aalllaMAps IDX 317" w IEMBYSUK CM" oak 35, s *sap a"" boy23b35. U09Ila teaE also bating all a waMdip BOX 31777 LET'S 47ET Oar. thug art rMwt 25, bolsq b Spa dw bell w0 m bda Ya by an well I. i and po lift leadrq o ar-age. I MNOK please cal BOX 3In4 PSOFESDUk MALE Vey atlMon 46 Year Old, ST. 165 pound womelt Low Wenalmos Napa in K offewity wages, b aadoow. W* amd Meads Looilq for as sl ram arbairoa. erteploYed loner Y a w1 - a ft. 80131773 OLDBL BUT VI D. Single die mW. 57.1160 Pmds 40 shat Wort heel and bas eyes. Looting bra ape OWMeab, o"r 45, bra lag MMr lealvi lop. No head Bow 80131770 SPwQY, OEPBOAIIE Iirgelos aroseeC And w aslWlet! in sty nays. Sedug a spa IMa UmML own 45, M a long fesel wYlaielhµ Espy MiWe ss. 31721rd era an header and n LONELY N DO MA Vey handsma aaa mWe III, i pioea4 s>bperf and kin Lodi" br or an Arae and affectionate lrsale in to Oshawa ash If you a knarabd plass ori and leave your name aid pefone nrmber. BOX 12381 TIRED OF GOING ALONE. Slops Mab. early 30s. mpe admid tb, suo0 a4vergseebepts Ne Nwem in oras, th"M, travel. ec. S*skrg Si it ah soave, sin say. ka Casperhonsiap YOU bv* In Yaw Vista And I in nark. Paler MMI - Go in Cahn}, Fyn Hope awe BOX 2318 NEW N SlDs11111. Paolaaaw, spa 34, hand - Pan 0 wicaly and amamaq Babb. Wang for M right emnart BLS 27121 STARING OVER. Ws you eke a dark' an a AeiOroeMg 000adesle. -iiWK M on* fafat 33. vim many nweab oral good psMea? 5" a 60 warasek 8 b 35, dr SWAIr paflea, s/n or winos fi , b bar Me arta I Tadd appreaSS sed boa lorwad o your aL 801?1X11 VERY LOIBT. *ha ala, 59. SIT. WdMK inn weaker, sooel orsek bifpd and -fared, biee waoors. Win and ampng LOakYq to haws, SICeM, silt. pmts to in"A Dari woniak 55 a G2 far whdtrp ad possab ima- aasthp BOX 2786 LOOINIC FOR YOU. 21, sigh dib male, very but keg Won hast tlue e'ya S9". way to ger aorg wok vary $am do myself and Open minded. Lodug or a lamb. 20 to X b Was and dlaid with ori my heart. Race dowl ff * wlist be scan win Yourself as vol. BOX 23314 LOOK M' FOR LOYALTY. Sopa www Plak ST. 180. obuel Mold. 26, urs must "as ad dark ha[ On pnoMssorlel Mor caner Pro[ worms lover, to rtaoy Aeras to WL So" atrackve. Tong ill * wank 24 to 26. with carer &ecbon in w. Fondsfp. PPsbb rebacindw BOX 2785 SPOKERL fared bdia ma just rant o be trwaled Ma Was ad Be to be Pampena, d and Malty "" umber and I err ger bade to you sfonlyr BOX 232M Its AdYeffiliow flog'. is lb aeic Emoy podng . tain. mor" aTrona L ad Iva BOX 1318 Gen SERIOUS NKNIES oa, n iandY. staaaW hath fern me, 5'P anti 120 ponds. '.�oewg fora Eh aeras iron* bin UCIM WXG aM GaftMS sell *crew a man BOX 16924 SOMTIMIG RM FLA yang couple, solo g eMW a n a Iearra" emale o pn paroe advsesras ar careers._ Max 1!756 MY FNST THE, 43 fir did. my Bi arcus Mea* saeMifp a 6 peons bwrk Otrnwf art deal res asued. BOX 17M F1RST TIE AD Cum bode n my mei 20'a Lo* q br a single fwrab M furs at M tegr. Nan CbsS reWilltfsaseon are assura BOX 16716 OAIDEIBTNME 26yearda5'9'mele Loo" lar a gd rainfall n sing dancing sed wan r (11111110L Box 11752 SERIOUS NWANS. Gay atW inrR 5'4', 125, brown ayes, fed hall, terrine. 24. Mofar d one. Solagp Wsaele.20 o a 30, fInandosw IampAba.fta Wing ajussi"Na X Nis NEW TO THE AREA, 32, male lodlag for a Mode Y kMdel ip Error wood wortorS Horst" Mo - MI, de catnPg q out ad ern. Rax ism a LEAF FAiL 34 year aid Mak lie the Toronto Me* tads Seelurg a lemake tan o go and see ter gni:. M you as 25 o 32- lei s tai soar. Tel MM who your favorite Leat d and what ye• =49rea ran von ftstariy cup- wor ep- Also m someor i Ito gal m bps with me. Rax 1484 dYceltlaalt e> e, -pd rr dekfe say powsa - 'jb°