HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_11_08HOME /04 1=0 hl\\L IMPROVEMENTS BY Family Owned i Operated 9 For Serviu You Can Trost VISIT OUR SHOWROOM [ 906 Brock Read South (Just south of Bayly, Piekerin91 42a4,M Lest we forget... Fallen honored at community events. See page 4 r.� [',ndow� "J FIBERGLASS WINDOWS By LE n ERDAU Windows & Doors bot Aspen Rd. 831-1989 Pickering ;,. - THE Tom'',";''d CFst News F; �� ._ r,•.AdvertiS6_r i Fridav, Nov. 8, 1996 44 pages A Nletroland CommunityNewspaper Pressrun 42,500 Vol. 115 No. 45 Pickering�.- �. over hiring of CAO, other staff Doug Dickerson Bl' MARIANNE: TAKACS __Si\I! 101",k!!k PICKERING — Pickeriniz, council- lors got into a major dust-up NlondaN over a 'special' meeting held last Fri- dav and its recommendations on hinn-, consultants and new stall. should collectively he totaIIN ashamed of w hat w c'rc perpetrating on the people of Pickering_;' said \yard 2 Regional Councillor Doug Dlcker,,on of plans to hire a consulting firm !,, Workfare mandatory, says Ecker B1' KEITH GILLIG,�N � \1 I kl 14,k 11.k DURH: NI — Workfare oppoments may have won a short-lived victory Tuesday when Durham Council's health and social sen ices committee decided to make participation In one compoment of the program voluntan. "Ontano voters voted for a mandato- r} workfare scheme. It's my job to make that happen;' Communit} and Social Services Minister and Durham West MPP Janet Ecker says. The committee voted to let welfare recipients in Durham decide for them- selves if they want to accept a position with a community agency. Full regional council will vote on the matter at its meeting Nov. 20. "Council hasn't made its decision yet. It's too early to speculate what the ministry will do. I'll await council's decision," Ms. Ecker says. But, Mrs. Ecker notes once Durham submits its workfare program, ministry See WORKFARE... Page 3 f�^ help the Town find a new chiel adnlin- istratiye officer (CAO), to hire a lawyer to prepare an agreement with the consultant on how the CAO should he chosen and to bring in a new labor relations kill- icer on contract to deal with cinplo}ec relations. Councillors were told the outside la -,,.ser was needed to avoid a conflict of interest if am memher of the Town's legal .tall w;ts interested in .trrl\!r,,: I,,r the ('.\O I„h and that the new labor relations officer was required to deal with a backlog of emploNec relations issues. The consul- tant. Coopers and Lybrand, is expected to cost approximatch, S2 ,,(NN) while the labor relations oft icer could receive a salary and hcnetits of about S-4X,(XN) for one year. 'I he C,%O joh %%ould replace the vacant manager's posinon. which pass to See HIRING. Page 2 t _ Toe our kik to work At the controls The Pickering Nuclear Generating Station Checking out the Pickering'A'side simula- played host to several students during for at the Eastern Nuclear Training Centre Take Your Kids to Work Day Wednesday are, from left, Luc Chaisson, Julien when area companies were urged to Chester and Lindsay MacDonald. expose youngsters to a variety of jobs. photo by Ron Pietroniro METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE Brock Rd. North of the 401 In Pickering Vendor Inquiries (905) 427-0754 lee" the wee4�ra+.'� 7. art Gallery holds an Art Fair and Auction in support of the.Aja\-P1ck- erim, United \VX, Sundai, at the Pickering Recreation Complex, ISO" Valley Farm Rd. Featured artists include Rohcrt Balctnan, Trisha Romance, :X.J. Casson and Junes I.umhers. I.,)•al artists and artisans will also sell their work. Pre- \ lew is at n(x/n and the auction Irorn 1 to 5 p.m. Call (,Kt,-t"Y). Forecast Saturday f Shower or Hurry. E -1 to 5C E Sundae Cold. flurries -3 to I C j E Inside In the news I Entertainment .................. 15 Sports............................... 19 Classified ..........................20 Phone lines General 683-51 10 Fax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 Sincerely Yours 1-800-662-8423 InfoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 On the Internet at www.durhamnews.net 93t + 74t GST = $1 Mon: Sat. 10 a.m. SHARP Sunday 9 am. • BATA SHOES *ATHLETES WORLD • BLACK lE DECKER NATIONAL SHIRT SHOP: • BAY SPORTS • TIP TOP TAILORS -WILSON FURNITURE F..&AMZ-71HI3 NHWSArDVF.RTISKR FRIDAY,1W1VF.MB4R•tk 19!16 H iring row about personal agendas': Ryan FROM PAGE 1 $93.(x)0. "There's no need to spend $23.0(10 (for the consultant):' said Coun. Dick- erson. He added he had spoken about the CAO job to former Durham Region CAO Donald Evans. who he said was willing to do the job on a contract basis for up to two ),'cars. If Mr. Evans was good enough to handle the Region's $4(N) - million budget. noted the Councillor. he could handle the Town's affairs. Coun. Dickerson was also critical of the 'special' coun- cil meeting called last Frida\. which he refused to attend. Donn-, the meeting was not c\cn publicized, he main- tained the matters discussed should ha,e been dealt with at a regular Monday night Council meeting with the public and media present. He suggested '\tax or %Vii\ ne Arthurs was io blame for the meeting, and dela\ s in the Town's restructuring plans. "The leadership must start at the top. Cicark 1t does not." Howecr. Ward I local Councillor Dasc Rxan maintained some council- lors were onl\ upset hccawc the restructuring and hiring decisions weren't going the way the\ wanted. "hh,rC., more of p„hrl,, than prin- ciple going on here this evening. This is about vendettas. This is about per- sonal agendas.." He maintained all councillors knew about the Frida` meeting well in ad\ance and had agreed to come. and that Coun. Dickerson onIN decided not to attend when it became clear the positions might he filled in it wav he didn't like. "This is theatre:' Coun. R\ an told the audience in the Council chamber. "Enjoy iI." Other councillors noted .Al the recommendations From the Friday meeting were forwarded to Mon- dav's Council meeting for public discussion and it final decision. Nla\or Arthurs and coun- cillors Rxan. !Maurice Bren- ner and Shern Senis noted in fa\or of hiring, the consultant. law,,er and human relations officer. while the other councillors voted against it. Mai ur Arthurs said in an interview a new human resources director has not been hired \et because the candi- date recommended M the interview panel, which consisted of Councillors Dickerson. Rick J„hnson and Enrico PiNtrltt,,. was "n„t extended a Joh nlfcr** C„un,11 Dave Ryan 'This is about vendettas' P CAO to the fact some councillors didn't want one l)ll'kCrs()n's accusations ahout hill), except to sav, at first. "I.el 111111 d)z his own holy. Fin not going to Throw The nla`oi ch„sc n„l i,, cmimicrit ,m Coun more dill on I„p of it Agents "GOOD RESULTS” "GOOD RESPONSE" "GAINS PURCHASERS" "PLEASANTLY SURPRISED" "ATTRACTS FIRST-TIME BUYERS" This is what other agents have said about advertising their open houses with the Ajax Pickering News Advertiser MAXIMUM EXPOSURE=MAXIMUM RESULTS Friday's News Advertiser: 42,500 pressrun Saturday Best Homes: 7,500 pressrun For more information or to book space coU Comieia Mcilwain at (416) 798-7672 Purdue Frederick staff, from left, Colleen Dilauro, Gail Davidson and Connie Milnes cel- ebrate the increase in the Pickering firm's United Way contribu- tions. Employees increased donations from $4,700 last year to $8,000 this year. With matching dollars from the company and special events, Purdue Frederick increased its gift by 60 per cent over last year to more than $18,000. photo by A.J. Groen ®r Workfare `an abject failure', says Edwards FROM PAGE 1 staff will "ensure it meets all the regula- tions", one of which is mandatory partici- pation. There arc four compomcros to work- fare or Ontario Works — individual job searches, employment supports (educa- tion and skills upgrading), employment placements ( where a private agency would find a job for a welfare mcipicnt), and community placement I in which wel- fare recipients are placed with a commu- nity agency). "What Durham councillor% have to weigh is what to tell taxpayers next year (during the municipal election campaign in November);' Ms. Eckcr says. Health and social services committee chairman and Whitbv Mavor Tom Edwards points out the Torics ,are having trouble finding agencies that want to put welfare recipients to work. "There's a roadblock. It's not going anywhere in the province. Community placement is giv- ing them trouble. Right now, it's an abject failure;' says Mr. laiwards. That view isn't supported by Ms. Ecker, who points to nine communities, including Algoma, North Bay. Kent County and Muskoka, which have had their workfare plans approved by the Province. "They're making it work and some individuals seem to find it a prob- lem in Durham Region:' Mr. Edwards is "hoping" council will support the voluntary component. "I've expressed the opinion that the Region of Durham initiated a positive step other communities can pick up. Regional coun- cil, I hope, will support it and the provin- cial government will amend the program. ' There won't be unanimity" when councillors vote, he admits. Ms. Ecker says, "Durham Council will have to make their decision, and I can understand some council members are feeling quite pressured by a union leader- ship that is working very hard to under- mine a program which is going to get peo- ple off welfare. "Durham Region councillors were elected to make decisions that are the best for their residents. There are a number of factors to consider. One is the Ontario public did vote for mandatory workfare. 'rney want people to get off social assis- tance. That's the overwhelming response this government has been receiving" Another factor is the improving econ- omy and the decline in the number of peo- ple in Durham now on welfare. In 00o- ber, about 14,500 region residents received welfare, a drop of more than 1 I per cent from the October 1995 total of 16,343 recipients. Janet Ecker Tom Edwards Our 9th year cutting Kids Hair A Unique Children's Hair Salon & Toy Store - . Receive our Club Card Play in our ballroom at the Bottom of the Sea = Sit in a horse, boat„ dragon, firetruck or jeep chair : - Toys, party favours, birthday gifts. Mon. -Fri. Thurs.. ,5At. Sun. 10-6 open late 10-8 9-5 11-5 Pickering & Toronto (Mandarin Plaza) (Beaches) 1725 K -gston Rd. 1926 Queen St. E. 9C5 -»2 _ -3484 416-691-9190 1 Burial space (for 2) $850 = $20.24 monthly 1 Cremation (for 2) $525 = $12.50 monthly THE tVP.WS ADVERTISER FRfDAY, MNFMBER 9, 1"6 -PAGE 3 Help for cancer patients, kin AJAX-PICKERING -- and friends Monday at 7 The West Durham Unit of p.m. the Canadian Cancer Soci- It's at Ajax -Pickering ctv holds a Living With General Hospital, Harwood Cancer support group meet- Avenue and Emperor Street. ing for patients, their family Call 686-1516. IIIilllllllllllllllll11,1XI11,11111 I Looking for a unique Christmas Gift? =LAU4ZL_ t� Give your spec,a somec-e a g ft that mil stay with them for a lifetime' • rodelling courses • teen development courses • corporate imaging In addition to the regular class schedule. Christmas and March Break sessions are available. *" Gift Certificates "` (including a parcel to wrap and put under your tree) We do &"oay Partes toc' (905) 509-7315 PAGE 4 -THE NE%%S ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1"6 Ajoax Legion"holds two AJAX — You can remember those wfio gave their lives during war at Iwo memorial services in Ajax. On Sunda%, Nov. 10. veterans and cx-wr- %ice personnel will march from Royal Canadi- an Legion. Branch 3,22. Aja\ to St. P;tul', ['nit - Telling tales ed Church for it remembrance scr,icc. Zhl parade starts at I p.m. at the Legion at 111 Iaunt St., heads cast to Harwood Avenue, south to norms C'resccnt and east to the church. The "cry Inc i..I;ilc(l to begin al 1:45 p.m. Nn ollrn 11011sc V ill be held at the Lcgion school Sarah White of the Storymakers club for young writers shows plenty of enthusiasm at a special Storymakers program Saturday at the Coles book store in the Pickering Town Centre. The goal of the club is to stimulate creativity in children through word play and stories. photo by Andrew Iwanowsk Emergency plea for blood donations Ajax clinic to help build up criticaliv low Supply BY KEITH (ALLICAN, -_ s!',II hl F, — AJAX-PICKFRING — An appeal" for blood has been issued out to help replenish cnticall-, low Supplies. Sandra Tesolin of the Canadian Red Cross So,cl- etN's Toronto Bloxxl Centre sa%s blood orders by hospi- tals cant he filled so elective surgerics In some hospitals arc heing poostponed To help alleviate the situa- tion, a blood donor clinic is being held in Max-Tucsdw�. Nott` 12 from} I to 7:30 p.m. at St. Bernadette'." Church. OrganVcrs hupC to Lollcct 256 units of hloxtd. The Reil Cross is into the third %Deck of an "cmergcncy appeal for donors. It's a daily struggle to meet area hospital needs:' Ms. Tesolin says. "There are reports of elec- tive surgeries being delayed or postponed in some hospi- tals. Ajax -Pickering General Hospital public affairs co- ordinator Kim MacMurray reports the local institution hasn't had to postpone any surgeries. "We're restricting all hos- pitals' stock orders because we don't have enough;' Ms. Tesolin reports. "If a hospital asks for a certain blood group, they might get half of what they're asking for." The centre considers 11.101 units of hl,nxf on its shckcs to he 'I cnucal situa- tion. %I,, Tesolin Naos. and on Wcdncsdao., it had IJXX) units. About 71x) donations are needed CNet da,, just to meet the centre's requirement of supplN Ing hloxtd to 61 hos- pitals from Oakille to Napa - nee and north to Hunts%Illc. Eak h unit Is diNided into) four components — red cells. plasma. platelets and cr o - precipitate — so up to four people can he treated with each donation. For example, a woman with postpartum bleeding recently required 10 units of O po)sito c red cells and 20 units of platelets. and a child heart transplant recipient needed 10 units of O positive platelets and 10 units of group O croprecipitate. Croup C), the most com- mon blo oid t�pc. is "especial- ly low and needed. But. we do need all iNpcs.' Ms. Tesolin says. "Whenever pos- sible. we tri: and transfer blr.xxl in from any area with extra stock. We"re finding a lot of centres don't have any to spare. St. Bernadette's Church is at the corner of Harwood Avenue and Bayly Street in Ajax. Healthy people between 17 and 70 can give blood. All donors are required to pro- vide identification with a sig- nature or photograph. You must wait 56 days between donations and you can give blood up to six times a year. Call the Red Cross Soci- ety's Ajax -Pickering office at 420-3383 for more informa- tion. following the service. On Monday. Nov. 11, a memorial service will h , held at the cairn and anchor outside the Lcgion, beginning at I I a.m. People can lay wreaths in memory of a lost loved one. An ofxn house is held at the Legion each day until Nov. I I tom 11:30 a.m. to I a.m. Also, a '50s and '60s dance will be held at the Legion Saturday, Nov. 9 from 8 p.m. to a.m. Cost is $5 per person. Call the Legion at 683-7811 or 683-2927 for more information. Our Absolute Lowest 40 Price Guarantee... We will BEAT any price advcrtiscd by another Authorized Ucalcr... 4 • Kefure lou KuN... %Nc will heat Ihetr price hl ,I the dlllercnce r, t -va• • \five l use Ktn... It wii lend i lower price con arta ilcm Nou purchased from uN within ;11 da)s set purchase. wi will ichind 155'r o1 the tllftcictllc ion •w , looser, ling+ln a w1 will Irlund Ihr '101,1111-1 • I it.elime Price I'rttection... I or as long as Nim own It. Il Nou find a lower price on :u)N :\u,ho. %iJco. or %ppll.n)ce prlducl Noll purchased troll uN, we will refund the dillcrcncc Out Ah'Alitc Lowest I'mc Guar.tntrc aPphc% to :111N i1vin we earn when you present u, with proof ul the other .1010IIied dealers lower ad%cruwd price, prod NtdeIt IN lir the Idenrlcal Item we carrN and all dch%cn, shipping. ser rihcr applleihle charge, .ire included \I,eclal I Juia1111nal Nottw:irepreps, mall order ollrrn. manutacdrrer'N rchatcN. dlspl:r lncrdianJrNe. hnlited llu.itltllN Itertis and Item. nol aN'arlahll' for III1n IcJ atC po NNc NNton are c'xcllldcd. AUDICOM ERS FUTURE SHOPAPPLIA VIDECES Wafter Campbell is renowned for bis dry brush watercolour paintings featuring fine Victorian bomes, accented by famih, scenes or special occasion themes u•bicb bring the buildings to Life. Over the past 20 years, Halter Campbell bas created an impressive collection of brilliantly coloured and intricately detailed original paintings. Tbese distinctive images bave been made available to cogectors in the form of beautiful limited editions, posters, art cards, decorator prints and the Signature Series of prints. :Walter w MEET 111014117�.I. 117 ,N. 'TY 1:00PJL-3oPJL00 �r"jt :::FRAMED rn on the, p ART GALLERY Ar%s&-----�—�z UPPER LEVEL NEAR SEARS IFLUI�'�U�Ri� % ill %4.0S 1 'H01 1 Pip DISCOUNT SUPERCENTERS I i . .t. i, 1 tI .It. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1991b -PAGE 5 Hi, I'm )enn. At Future Shop we are always looking for ways to improve ► ►w your shopping experience. Please contact your local store manager, or =� c� myself by making a collect call to 1- 905-501-7330, ext. 224. STORE HOURS: MONDAY -FRIDAY 10 A.M.-9 P.M., SATURDAY 10 A.M.-6 P.M., SUNDAY 11 A.M.-5 P.M. ALL ACTIVATIONS ENTER TO WIN ONE OFTEN TRIPS FOR 2 -3 ON AIR CANADA LIBERTI ALL -IH ONE $35.95 per month 18 month term FREEPHONE: MOTOROLA FLIP 650 • Pre -payment for a year $299.00, A I save 130. • 350 calls a year, 20 min. per call. One #... can be changed approx. once a month. • $50 in-store credit on any product. N ! • 7�-e phone is free. • Free video "It's A Wonderful Life" ►-� • A..' activations enter to win one of W trips for 2 on Air Canada. FLEXTALK LIBERTI ALL -Ili ONE $24.95 per month $19.95 per month 12 month term 18 month term FREE PHONE: FREE PHONE: MOTOROLA FLIP 650 MOTOROLA FLIP 650 • Ore -payment nor a year S239.G(, • :1 -e -payment fa, a year S:99.0G, save 60. save 40. • )60 calls a year, 20 min. per tail. •',50 calls a year, 20 min. per call. One #... can be changed aporox. One #... can be changed approx. once a month. once a month. • $50 it -store credit on any •'-e phone is free. product. • F7 ee video "It's A Wonderful Life". • "",e phone is free. • =, activations entero win one of • F-oe video "It's A Wonderful Life". iQ trips for 2 on Air Canada. • H activations enter to win one of 10 tricis for 2 on Air Canada. 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Nominal administration fee payable at timeof purchase. Accrued interest iswaroed if puichaseamount is paid lnfullonoi before billing due date. Interest accrues from d.ae of purchase Pwrhase price issublectio GST Monthly interest is billed but will be waned if —mium monthly payments are made (where required) and the balance of the purchase is pard off by end of them interest period ."Adm�nrstratrie fee (S19%fol amonths. $44.9s for 12 months) when blended with interest will affect the annual perter Cage rate (APR) Wii, pie on l: months no interest outkrn(ni lulling tames) It minimum monthly payments totalling 5611.14 on $1.500 purchase or $814.85 on $2.000 putt hale are made and hrlance is paid off within 12 months. Interest is waived and $ 39 95 admin fee creates an APR of 1.67% (total ( 0sl of $1.0 39.95) on $LOW pure hase It you elet t to finance lot an addRi,, al 12 months and minimum monthly payments totalling Sl 1:9 3o un $1.500 purchase or $1,571.48 on $2.000 purchase are made and remaining balance of 5910 34 or $1213 79 is paid off at end of 24 months Interest charges c alc Mated from date of purchase plus admin fee are $6:9 65 notal cost a S., L`9 95) aril APR is 26 69% for $1, 5017 pun hale of 810 2: itotal cost $:.816 22) and 2t) 2' ,, APR to, $: ,-Ml purchase No mtere5l options not available on Business Revolving Credit. nems marked -SALE- are on sale Other items are at nun regular everyday low prices. Some items are nol available at all stores. Due to advertising deadlines, wine prKes may be lower in store PAGE 6 -THE NEWS ADN'ERTNS k Fk1bAY, WON'ENIIIIIIElk 9, 1996 ♦ Editorials and L ♦ Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser A %letnrland Comununtty NeNspaper pubhslxd wedwsda%. Fnda\. Sunda} 130-132 Commercial A\c.. Aiax. Ont.l-IS 2115 'rIN101111.1. Mit7'rAKER. I'uhhstxr JOANNE Bt RGHARDT. F�inor-m-Chtet BRI VE DANFORD. Advertising nunager SIE F: HOI :� ION.11;tnagm� Eitiku AIM\ BRot'N\'F:R. ket:ul ad%enising nruger ABF PLIKHOURIE, Ptstnhuhon manager Gcnt•ral: (905) mi-; I lu ('Iamirwd: iyo5) (ls;-(,'07 ('in-ulation: i905 0,0-'l 17 F\\: (,h15 rte:-' hi F:\lril:\e,a,�mu,,hrttamnrx.net /1ntM Intcrrxr:hnp! .w sdurham, neti. rie! 11te \e,k, Adwntser n a nxmtvr ,d the .\t.0 & PiAcrni Board ,d I rade, C anahan (',)mmuna \e«,parr ,\-Ak . Can;t cur C'treulan,uu \ttiln h,ntrd. Ontario 1'ress Corned and WOMR1 the puhli,her resenes the or refuse am ahcmx mens Credit for adwnt anent hmiwd to spar pnce error ,ccupies Work fair •I'ucsda\'s \ictor\ for organized labor against manda- tor\ workfare in Durharn Rcipion mar\ he short-lived. Durham Region's health and social services commit- tee softened Its stance on the mandator\ requirement for communit\ placcments and is recommending, that course of action to Durham Council. But blunt words from Nltnistcr of Communit\ and Social Sen ices and Durham \\"c•t MPP Janet Eckcr make it clear that the 'mandator\' in 'worktarc' is here to staff. "Ontario \eters \oted for a mandator\ \vorktarc scheme. It', rn\ loh to make that happen." the ministcr said \c,terda\. «ith those \\orris, the decision h\ the re_ional :mn- nimec likel\ won't he worth the paper ft's written on. Some hackLround. Orzanlied Labor in Durharn Rc_,ron threatened to ho\ct)tt an\ cornmunit\ Lroup which put welfare recipients to work for their�hencfits. This dcclslon h\ Durham's health and ,acral sen Ices committer which. Incidentalk. is chaired h\ seasoned unionist Tom Edwards. is pure pohUcs desi_ncd to avoid another storm of contro\ers\ o\cr the workfare Initia- tivc. while giving into the the sanctimonious boycott threats of labor groups. "rhe oh\lousl\ compelling question regarding this lat- est mo\c is whether am one on the committee bothered to determine it it could still take part In a plan It has tai- lored to suit Its own agenda. It*s important to note that this is just a committee recommendation and doesn't nc, cssaril\ mean it will be supported when it's brouLht before re_iunal council. But this decision still smack, of politics as usual and dues little to more the program toward implementation. The notion of \\orkfarc \rats put clearly before the \otcrs before the Prugressl\c Conser\ati\es were elected to office in June. 199'�. Unitarians elected this govcrn- ment in all good conscience and expect to see workfare in place as a measure to get people oil welfare b\ mak- ng some kind of meaningful :ontributiun. The committee's presumptuous attempts at tinkering with the initiati\c is sheer full\. Council must be prepared to make that statement on behalf of its Citi/err, No\. 20. y To respond to this editorial call lnfo.wuree at 683- - n� fosource 7040 and dial 5110 ♦You said it... In response to last Friday's editorial `Future is Rs' regarding waste reduction week, our read- ers said: ♦ "In the Ajax area I've phoned a few of the councillors as well as those in Durham Region. I'm trying to get a program like Scarborough and Toronto has where they pick up diapers and recycle them. This program has fallen on deaf ears and I haven't been able to get any response from anybody about it. Durham Region doesn't seem to care even though we have a population here with lots of young children. Myself, I have a child and we fill one -and -a -half to two garbage bags a week in diapers alone " rAQyNT ' �a ♦ Letters to the editor Men shouldn"t be barred from anti -violence walk To the editor: Rc Ian Hadden's letter of Oct. 23 on the anti-\ iolcnce walk. After reading k1r. Hadden's letter to the editor, I would like to offer my comments. I was disappointed that those men who wanted to Join in on the anti-\ iolence walk werc told the\ Couldn't because it was for women only. Yct studies show that there is more violence against men than women. A large portion of men \\ho are assaulted ne\er report it to police. A short. a push or vcrhal abuse are still consid- ered an assault. I dare wonder what would be the response of women if mcn were to form a walk similar to theirs and exclude wontcn. As Mr. Hadden states. women should have the right to walk e\cry night. ever\ da\. e\erywhere. But this must include men as well, not just one group of our society. It' I was to come upon an assault being committed against a woman, I would not ignore it because of some women's group not wanting men to get involved. I would intervene to assist that person no matter what gen- der they were. Andrew Cobean, Pickering More pay won't translate into honest politicians To the editor: In your paper of Nov. 3, you had a story with the following headline: 'Pickering must pay councillors more to attract 'good, honest' ones: Pistritto'. Mr. Pistritto is correct. This is an is,uc \\itch nc.d, ;,) he addressed. S,,. I would like to take a moment and do just that. I have never known pay to be the defining quality of someone who's honest. I ha\c seen dishonest people who are paid little and those \\ho are pard vcrN well also he dishonest. Honest\ is not something that comes with a dollar sign. %Ir Pistritto is my councillor, or maybe I should say, was. 1 will r.member not to rote fur him in 1997. Could Mr. Pistritto he telling Pickering residents he and the other member, could he more honest it the\ were paid more.' ;\u. residents of Pickering. better pay is not a must to attract good and honest politicians. 'rhe member,, of council may ha\e forgotten one thing; they are civil servants, stressing the servants. They are placed in office by the Pickering electorate. Unfortunately, they have the ability to rote thcrosel\es raises, while forgetting that those who toted them into office are their bosses. We should alio remember that these councillors can hold other positions which pa\ them an income. This type of consideration should be rr\ ,erred but not h\ council or by a company the politicians select. This type of re\iew must be conducted by a group of local citizens. Good and honest ones — even at such low pay. I will open my mouth and say vote Rowe in 1997. Wayne Rowe, Pickering Tax -cut windfall unlikely from feds To the editor: Most of us would like to win a lottery or receive a nice, big tax cut from Ottawa. Most federal finance ministers would like to balance at least one budget. Unfortunately, all of us will be disap- pointed. William E. Rae, Scarborough We asked: What does Remembrance Day mean to you? -- askcd at St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School. ,9t. Iloadlev's Cil-. 7 class CLAVD10 FIGUCCIO "It's all the freedom that we have because of what the soldiers dict in the war.' JOvtiN:% hONVAI.SKI "It", a da\ to ren)enthcr the ,oldicrs who died for Us. Thc\ made us a fret• country ' DIANNE PEREIRA "It means freedom and the right to choose. It made Canada a great place to live." PURI TELLO "I think of all the sol- diers who died for our freedom and how lucky we are." THE (YEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 19% -PAGE 7 Durham police send over 250 bullet- � -roof vests to forces overseas p By STEPHEN SHAW DURHAM STAFF DURHAM -- As a member of the Durham Regional Police 4976 1996 ' tactical assault unit, Constable Tim Knight knows first-hand the unknown danger . . . officers face every time they get into their cruiser. to have recently saved the fives of two police driver and another with a knife, Const. Knight Officers who receive the gifts must sign a officers, one who was stabbed with a screw- said, waiver absolving the donors of liability. But unlike his IBM APTIVA "S” SERIES NEC READY MULTIMEDIA SYSTEM counterparts over- assist 250 offs- r seas in the United Kingdom. he has a 8X CDROM Tele -answering machine 's _f: • small level of , security in the pro- r MHz leCtlye body armor Monitor . toO Extra l police in North America are- issued. -RAP I __ . ' -,i Now, thanks to � . > ' Const. Knight. at .- least 250 British Inthe two years policemen and F"ictory refurbished �� women will now 6X CDROM drive999 have that security. 20 watt stereo speakers The constable 16 bit 3D stereo surround sour; has spearheaded Full motion video. MPEG video playback 64 bit graphics MAXTOR 2.013B HARD DRIVE Merlin Video Wizard set-up guide the Durham Intergrated speakerphone with echo cancellation and forces participa- microphone - Over 20 software titles iricluded - 1 yr warranty tion in a continent- LNEC ., wide 'programs in Safety' program in IBM APTIVA MINI -TOWER I 108 I&- PRICE GUARANTi��C� Showa you pi n:luit a at Cenpwoentr• arra nrid H10 idarrdCal tram aAwwtlmd sow Was at any of our toast eoerpaueora, w •AN rotund tris �Horonml •rM muN a pft"r"d saMii 7 dsrs d pv=O••its nw m uu sod COMPAQ PRESARIO MINI -TOWER Monitor MULTIMEDIA SYSTEM J Extra PENTIUM 16MB RAMF 1.6GB HD t... 4X CD-ROM drive 19998& 16 bit CD quality audio Spatiallzer surround sound Plug 'n Play compatibility - 28.8 data/fax modem Media Pilot guide to phone and fax centres / 2/w�ay speakerphone - Over 20 software Dries included cupsar-TRI. HP PAVILION MULTIMEDIA COMPUTER. which bullet-prcx)t Mondor Extra *+^ C/A, - ` Monitor I vests are tieing % • FREE Extra i shipped as gift` to =15Z ,a, f�t� M �� police in Eng!and, "°i°ded _ - Ireland. Scotland and Wales. L -As a police Factory -= - �v, ^w OffrCCr. 1 know MPEG Total Image Video 9988 refurbished �,•,^„ - what it feels like to MWAVE audio card with 4X CDROM drive 88 put yourself in I 30 watt stereo speakers � - 256K second level cache 3D graphics - w e- ROM r ? (expandable to 512K1 harm's �' Speakerphone, wake-up on ring 28 8Kbps fax, data modem - 16 bit 3kz 0 Soanaer sound it's hard to lrrmat - Internet ready with 28 8 datarfaxvoice modern ■ Accelerated 64bit PCI local bus video MPEG -Tele-answenng machine with multiple voice mal boxes ine having to do Over 40 software titles includedx, f Telephone answering system and full -duplex speakerphone khat without body "'•.• -1^— �„ w„Ay'.�wy_ 1 yr in-home warranty - Over 30 software titles �1 armor. It means a lot IBM APTIVA "S” SERIES to potentially MULTIMEDIA COMP'U'TER assist 250 offs- - HP CobrSmart Technology cers,' said C OnSL 8X CDROM Tele -answering machine 's Knight, who coot- with multiple voice mail dinated the local IBM Internet donation after Connection Phone 28.8 daWaxJv ice modem coming acres the One button Internet access program on the --surf the 'Net with intelnel Netscape Navigator 2,0 as part of the pro- 40 software titles Inthe two years r limited 3 yWarranty ssincedie programOver 15,4199 ' was launched, rawgaiwnrewrwirattinseelBrt.a$1 W. 3,000 vests have 332W �" 4 . - °-°� -' °' °^~• ,�- been sent to police MAXTOR 2.013B HARD DRIVE in the UK, while Everything you need is included 5,000 olficers ale Enhanced IDE interface - Chick and easy on waiting lists to installation - 2 yr manufacturers warranty receiveone. 41 r%..46_, hi 108 �.�. IBM THINKPAD 10OMHZ Colour Notebook Computer Built-in Quad Speed 586 processor - 8Mb RAM 540Mb hard drive 10.4" dual scan passive matrix screen - 101 -key keyboard 2 type II or 1 type III PC card slot - 1 year warranty -01.111d 180 flours oi�^E 28998 • carnet • s s pi - X111111111 -- men, — the force 28.8 SPORTSTER MODEMS recently p tchased �� From PCs to Ptormiss 10 iucs_. newer, lighter With full voice capabilities including di 'tar simultaneous voice and data 14" DAYTEK MONITOR . , - SVGA 1024 x 768 non -interlace - EnergyStar compliant - Non -glare face p 88 299 ms's and 11iiermore PANASONIC PANASYNC E15 halve no we f7 1J « the � donated 319 11 �1 15" MONITOR �/ •vests�� t�� t� �1• - the t� dopa -SOUS EPSON ZIP DRIVE tion by y Cana- � One 100Mb carbW irtoluded than police forme. Transfer speed up to 125Mb per second UK police - 32K buffer - task shelf W 10 yrs aren't issued bul_ - - 194 , y` `"�`' " warranty iet-proof Vests and •r EPSON After mail -in rebate oy356015 officers must pur- SM&M 00 chase their own. 27mm dot pita 1024 x 768 at 750iz Flat -square screen for greater itawkilon -MwAW dom nmpalbie -3yrsirrtiledwarrarttyfurlsand labour 988 i1 399989 44 -__ SsrV ft 0alnac6ans sillllce 1976 Now Callsbl**V Ow 20th Am*iersarY But at a frost tx - Black and colour printing -600x300 dpi - Black 600 x 300 dpi - Colour 300 x 300��O"Core/ almost one month salary, few can - HP CobrSmart Technology �n> rw CD' - Resokwtion Enhancement • Wooimnte Comm • Terewft Earlou Car y ' thew canaria - Colour 1.5 ppm - Black 5 ppm afford to. : pee • llwtviBe camm awswistes M" +' t4 b= Drorleatne - 32Kb receiver buffer y'�� Vests sent over • p'IB Tawe CC�rr • TIMe Praraarotie +�St-[.trwe.e Slop. computer within a matter of seconds. as part of the pro- @I • Sbwwrty Get &= . oakwft pAm gam are believed • IVorlt Yadc, l�tniiew lllrrp ��� ... Mel l�oortta0e ttilrfae cow ZZ"Mm rawgaiwnrewrwirattinseelBrt.a$1 W. HP DESKJET 6800 COLOUR INKJET P=FRE - Black and colour printing -600x300 dpi - Black 600 x 300 dpi - Colour 300 x 300��O"Core/ - HP CobrSmart Technology �n> rw CD' - Resokwtion Enhancement TrueType scalable fonts r - 2 year warranty - 9 lbs - Colour 1.5 ppm - Black 5 ppm IFz`r.►RK . 20988 - 512Kb built-in RAM - 32Kb receiver buffer y'�� - 1 yr limited warranty computer within a matter of seconds. Also available trx Mac 1 512K MODEL erNirprxrlerlt with DeskWrrix 6800 � .. r " Mivi LEXMARK COLOUR JETPRINTER 1020 FREE Corel Draw 3.0 -600x300 dpi CD - 6.7 million colours •• This new electronic organizer otters a one -touch - 2 ppm (black letter quality) electronic agenda/organizer solution with a 2 to 4 mpp (colour) record capacity of well over 5000 records. - 2 year warranty - 9 lbs Comes bundled with a docking cradle and IFz`r.►RK . 20988 desktop organizer software for Windows. Features new HotSync technology which allows CANON BJC-4100 BUBBLEJET COLOUR INKJET PRINTER Colour and �'IaCK BUG01e..el Buck 720 x 360 co with smoothing Colour 720 x 360 dpi` - 2 cartndge systems i I black. 1 tri -colour) Built-in auto -sheet feeder (100 pages) - FREE Canon Creative CD-ROM software 2 yr to -your -door replacement warranty iAMI'n 33988 w EPSON STYLUS 500 COLOUR INKJET PRINTER `i 720 x 72C xx cokwr printing now on pian paper 720 x 720 dpi laser quality black text 4ppm -I pprn colour Built -.n parallel and sena) interfaces allow simultaneous connection to both PC 8 Mac 2 year limited warranty EPSON 399 ""j 8X CD-ROM DRIVE lazing 185ms access time ata transfer rates of up 120oKBi s - 128KB buffer - 8X Navigator software I -�W. _ 15988 I _u5105 MATROX MYSTIQUE A Graphics Accelerator The Matrox Mystique graphics accel- erator offers a complete solution for accelerating Windows, Video, 31D texture maps and DOS. It supports up t - to 4Mb of SGRAM memory at solutions up to 1280 x 1024. 117010 PILOT PALMTOP ELECTRONIC • AGENDAIORGANIZER This new electronic organizer otters a one -touch electronic agenda/organizer solution with a record capacity of well over 5000 records. Comes bundled with a docking cradle and desktop organizer software for Windows. Features new HotSync technology which allows you to simultaneously synchronize your Pilot and computer within a matter of seconds. 512K MODEL 47'4§f§.,-,. � .. PAGE &THE NEWS ARVERTiSER FRIDAY,;40V"WER $,19% Around a ion Captured at last No. Ward 1 Regional Councillor Maurice Brenner wasn't caught doing something wrong at Pickering's Town Hall Saturday. Rather, he was taking part in a ceremo- nial 'kidnapping of Town councillors by members of the K.G. Old Severin German Canadian Club of Pickering, held in connection with their Mardi Gras celebrations at the West Shore Community Centre. Handling the handcuffs was club -guard" Heather Griffiths. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Oshawa boy injured in fall from apartment window BY STEPHEN SHAW Irl RH:\\t s[.\I I OSH:1WA -- For the second time in three months a child has fallen from the same north Osha"a apartment building. A neither awoke to her five -vicar -old ho%'s screams momrnts before he fell out of his second floor hedruon) wind()v% at 1140 Mar\ St. N. and landed on a cement curb Wedncsda\ afternoon. according to Durham ReLlonal Police. The ho\ was rushed to Oshawa General Hospital at about 31:20 p.n). with "hat \\as thought to he a skull fracture and numer- ous bruises and cuts, police said. Hospital spokesman Eleanor NIcha% said x-rays determined the ho% did not suf- fer a skull fracture. He required stitches to close a gash on his chin and remained in hospital yestcrdav "a hit sore, but alert and doing fine." :Marie Huiar, owner of the nine -:tore\ buildin_, said new screens were installed in the apartment prior to the family rno%- ing in a couple months ago. She said screws which prevent the sliding "Indo"s from opening more than four inches had been installed Police said the screen had been removed from the window. ..This should have never happened," Ntr. Huzar said. Staff Sergeant 'Rini Cameron said the hay's mother fell asleep in the living noun) while watching television, suddenly heard her son's screams, "ran into his bedroom and saw hin) falling out the window." Its believed the boy climbed up to the window from two mattresses below. The screen. %%Iicn examined by police, \vas torn. Uctccti%es with the major crime unit and officials with the Children's Aid Soci- ety are Investigating the fall. "'I'hcre are some concerns about the circurnstances." Staff Sgt. Cameron said. Earlier In the day, police were called to a Nonquon Road store after the boy wan- dcrcd in barefoot wearing only a T-shirt and track pants. He was returned to his Parents. Policc and CAS are "looking at the aspect of this possibly being a child in need of protection. There is obviousl% some question about the supervision oC the child." Staff Sot. Cameron said. Both Incidents. he said. "beg the ques- tion. "here was the mother on both occa- sions''" A two -}car -old boy suffered a broken jaw \\hcn he tell out of his second lloor bedroom window at the same buildinL Aui-,. 19. Oshawa's marine rescue unit needs money to stay afloat ❑ More than $100,000 needed to keep rescuers on the water Bl' BRIAN LEGREE ; L ki-J.\\1 �IJal I-- 0SIL%, A -- The Cit% of Oshawa Marine Rescuc Association continues to na\igate through turbulent "aters in its cft-orts to hu} a ne vv boat. Although the Cit} has set aside $108.0)0 toward the purchase of a boat and COMRA's volunteers ha\e raised more than $5.(X)0, more than $10),000 is still needed to bu% a new vessel. Mike Johns, COMRA %ice -commander, asked members of Oshawa's Fire Protection and General Purpose Committee recently if the Cit} would consider increasing its fund- ing for a new boat, adding he organization is looking_ for one major sponsor to help with funding. Committee members say budget cuts won't allow Oshawa to commit any addi- tional funds toward the $225.000 cost of, a new boat. CO%lRA is investigating other fund-rais- ing opportunities, including teaming up with a charity casino operator, says fir. Johns. The volunteers who man the COMRA boat provide rescue operations on Lake Ontario from, Clarington to Whithy. The organization recei\cs 525.000 from Oshawa. S-t.(HX) from Whitby and 52.5(H) from Clar- ington for their operating hud,,ci. But COMRX25-\car-old heat desper- atel\ needs replacing, sa\s Mr. Johns. noting the engine caught lire Aurin- a call to Whit - b} in late October. Clanngton and Whith% ha%en-t indicated a wilhngnees to contribute additional funds toward a new boat, says Mr. Johns. Committee members suggested boater should he funding COMRA, not taxpayers. "lt seems logical to Inc that those who need the service should pay tier it:' sa\s \hard 10 Regional Councillor Ir,, Harrell - hc\ "ant ;I tree ride on the hacks of tax - pay ers.' CO%IRA officials agreed with Cour. Harrell, suggesting the organization's goal I. to eliminate the need for l'unding front ta\- pa%crs within live years. `Gorilla bandit' charged in Halloween holdupg 0S1IAN%':1 -- A 21 -„ear -old demanded monc%. Oshawa man has been charged When the 55 -%ear -old owner in connection with a Hal- refused, the rubber smashed loween day holdup in which a him in the face and shoulders gorilla -disguised bandit beat repeatedly with a sawed-off up a downtown merchant. firearm, Durham Rceional In the robbery, a man wear- Police said. The bandit broke a ing a mask burst into the Hon- case containing Nc%ada est Way, on Simcoc Street scratch -and -win tickets, bolted South, just after I p.m. and from the store and sped off in a Fl*ndyour BY CINDY UPSHALL DURHAM STAFF DURHAM -- Finding an Internet e-mail or web site address will soon be as easy as look- ing up a phone number. Bell Canada has announced it will start list- ing Internet addresses in its local phone books. "People have been saying 'we want the addresses in there',” says Marilyn Koen, spokesperson for Bell Canada. "They say 'it's one more way people can get in touch with me. ,„ Since Bell announced its intentions on its website, the company has received several requests for the new service, says Ms. Koen. One person who's glad to hear the news is This Week's website designer John Duarte. "I think it's a great idea. People are depend- ing on e-mail, as much as their phones in some car driven by another suspect. The shop owner refused medical attention after the rob - be r%. A suspect ",Is arrested with- out incident Tucsda% h% rub - her% unit detectives in the Oshawa Centre shopping mall. Police also recovered a shotgun believed to have been used in the heist. An Flliott Street man is charged \kith robber}, using a tircarn) while committine ;in ol'f'ence, wearing a dis�.zutsc while committing an offence. weapons dangerous, posses- sion of a prohibited weapon and possession of a weapon while prohibited. Internet friendi*n the phone book cases, so it seems reasonable that their e-mail address should be in (the phone book) as well as a phone number," he says. While he believes anyone who has e-mail would want to have their addresses listed in the phone book, Mr. Duarte says, "For a business it's even more vital because e-mail addresses and web sites are on their way to replacing fax machines." Addresses will only be listed in the phone book and will not be available through directory assis- tance. Ms. Koen explains because they contain symbols the addresses would be difficult to communicate verbally. Bob Bell, an information systems instructor at Durham College, says the service will be helpful for people on the Internet. However,the number of people who have Internet service locally is small, so the service likely won't be used widely in Durham, he says. "It's a useful thing and it will become more useful as the years go by," he says, adding Internet and e-mail use is "still in its infan- t'„ 1 ilr.�Vl*ffll . The cost to have an address listed is $1.65; it's slightly higher l'or business listings in the Toronto book. Billing will start the day the new books are distributed. E-mail and Internet addresses will be included in the Durham 1997-1998 phone book. The deadline to have addresses included in book is July 29, 1997. Entrepreneurs can make connections 'a Pickering Rotary networking event PICKERING -- A special session with Canadian 'networking guru' Donna Messer is being held by the Rotary Club of Picker- ing Tuesday, Nov. 12. The session runs from 5 to 9 p.m. at the Waterfront Din- ing and Bistro Bar, 590 Liver- pool Rd. S., Pickering. It's a fund-raising event sponsored by the club, and is open to Rotar- ians and any companies and individuals in Pickering inter- PCfPlf in invrPac- THE NEWS ADVERTISER PRMAY, NOVEMBER 8,1996-PAdk 9 Art auction at castle helps needy loin YMCA programs DLJRIIAM You can add to or start your an col- lection at a Durham Region YMCA auction Friday. Nov. 22. The Y holds its 16th annual art auction, in co- operation with t 1ptown Gallery, at Trafalgar Castle School, 401 Reynolds St., Whitby. Works by many well-known artists will be available at 60 per cent below retail value. A silent auc- tion begins at 6:30 pm. followed by " an art preview from 6:30 to 7:30 and the auction at 7:30. This year's door prize is a Robert Bateman print. Refreshments will be served Twi= are $15 in advance and $20 at the dos. Proceeds from the event go to the Durham Region YMCA Commu- nity Fund which subsidizes needy families wanting to take part in Y programs. For more information or tickets, call the Y at 668-6868. ing their business through effective network- ing. Ms. Messer facilitates training programs, workshops and business -to -business net- Only2999 WOMEN'S JESSIE'"A SWEATERS Only 1377 Sol INFANTS' AND TODDLERS' LICENSED FLEECE SETS works throughout Ontario and Canada through her company, ConnectLJs in Missis- sauga. The meeting is to begin promptly at 5 EEK A T S p.m. Pre -registration is $15, and tickets are also available at the door. For more information call Mila Dulatas at 939-5327 or Daniel Fry at 416-590-7648. EARS Only $35 more TRESOR 3 -PIECE SET THAT'S EXCLUSIVE TO SEARS 14 With any purchase from Sears, you may buy this set for only S35 more. Includes 15 ml Eau de Parfum Spray, 60 mL Perfumed Body Lotion and 60 mL Perfumed Bath and Shower Gel. One set per customer please. = = _ OF _ = _ IN _ IN _ _ = In _ = _ = = = _ _ = _ _ _ - - _ _ _ = = _ = _ MEN'S YARN-DYED FLANNEL SPORTSHIRTS while quantities last SEAM Copynght 1996. Sears Canada Inc t' PLUM W92N': tV w"DWRTiSBR MRAIVIN((V.r:NOW @.11996 Fast-food chain McRescues elementary s 0 Kids who eat at McDonald's on Sports Nights help fund athletic programs C BI" CHRISTI• CHASE DURHAM -- Athletes at Durham's clementary schools Loot a hiv at:[3rcak this week. ` [ he Durham Elementary Athletics Association ! DEA:A , and 12 local al: Donald's Restaurants announced they'\c learned up to support ,e\en coinpctiuye regional sports in the Durham Beard of t.ducati(in's 94 puhlic Schools. "Welcomc to our ale Happ\ Da\ at the hoard.- hoard adnimistniti\e officer Jim Hunter said at a'f'ucsd.i\ press con- fercncc to announce the partnership. a1: Donald's in Ajax. Pi: kering. Whith\. Osha\\a and Uxbridge \%ill holJ four fund raising Sports NI,_hts throuL,hout the school }car, with a lx)r- tion of the pnkeeds going to the DFI'AA for spurts evcnts. The first Sports Night was held Wcdnesdav with others scheduled Ior Jan. 22. atar:h '� and ata\ 2,1% On Spurts N,Lht. elrmcntan, school students dine at at,Donald's Restau- rants between 4 and , p.ni. after fuming in cards pro\ ided to them earl icr..A plir- lion of proceeds of Spurts \ i,'ht meals ,)ur:hascd \\tth those cards _ocs to DE A.A Tea:hers and hoard stall, in:ludin, hoard cdu:atiun director Grant Yet). will %%ork in the restaurants thusc ni�hts. al: Donald's also ga\c the a s s u c t a t I o n $5.0(X) outright. i`t� f! '•, representing one- fifth of DEAA's budget. 'loin Thomp- son, yicc-princi- pal of Ajax's Southwood Pub- lic School and head of DEA:A. : said with educa- tion funding Canada Pos being cut, the association's the delivery $23.500 budget +, mail (AD MA has been frozen. At the same time, Diane Marle the number ofstu- for the post dents is growing; As Durham there are now more than 40,000 and largest youngsters eligi- kvould be h ble to take pan in eapabilides DEAA activities. ct,l+t The associa- to seryt ' tion's members -- teachers who vol- unteer to coach competitive teams . f e -- realized they needed to look x elsewhere for l funding to main- �� lain quality school athletics, he said. After one year of searching for partners and six months of" • talks with p ftool sports McDonald's. the partnership was formed, Mr. 'I-hompslm said. 11 initiative will help DE"A:A tremendous]% with its efforts to preserve the organization and help it meet the needs of" a growin_� number of students. The direct beneficiaries are the stu- dents." he said. ""phis is one of those partnerships that can truly benefit both of us," said Dow-, Mcha\. owner of the Aja\ McDonald's. 'Al, Donald's and kids are synony- mous: \ye'\r always heen yery acme in kid,' prourarns. Durham has a �_rcai cdu:atron progranl Thcy arc leaders and I think this is another arca where the\ are leadln�u, the wa\., N1r Yco I;urded the partnership. which has no unpa,t on curriculum. lie expects to sec more partnerships like this dcyelop as pro\incial furldlni� dccrcasc,. ""Ilierc \.%as a time when partnership, like tilts were considered niceties. \o\\ the,, are necessities," Each \car, more than I2.INNI stu- dents omirvic at the DI'AA reLional lc\cl in \oIle\ hall. crus -county\ run- ninL, %krestlin,'. _\mnastics. track and field. ha.ketF•all and folk dancin_. The nione\ raised will help pa\ for referees. priics and award.. equipment and rental space, such as Oshaw;i's Ci\ is Eiclds fur the annual regional track and field finals. alcUunald's will he recognued as a splmsor for \:mous events, likely with its name included in e\cnt programs RNADA---- _" POS -"=-"n` ter "i RS has w s been ordered to exit + t h of economy unaddressed IL) as soon as possible by au, the minister responsible office. Region's most experienced distributor of circulars, we appy to present our delivery for your market- 11 arketl 683-6ly0 r , 1 r-mgnirements In memory of Dr. Ho Yuen Officials at Ajax -Pickering Hospitai dedicated a revamped and enlarged trauma operating room in the memory of Dr. Roland Ho Yeun last week to honor their colleague. In the front row for the ceremony were family members (from left) wife Patricia, son Gregory and son Vernon. At right in the front row is Dr. Magdi Gaid. OPRIN(5 E3 R 1 L EVENT Ajax & PickerinO Largest Bridal Event! Sunday Feb. 16, 1997 Pickering Recreation Complex ` 1867 Valleyfairm Rd. Pickering Comprehensive Pre -Show , 4 it -Supplement Sunday Feb. 9, 1997 Circulation 42,500 Deadline Tuesday Feb. 4, 1997 Extensive Advertising Campaign Throughout Durham Region, TO RESERVE YOUR BOOTH & AD SPACE CALL 683-5110 BROUGHT TO YOU BY & p;de-04.f News Advertiser -i[0 E11 photo by A.J. Groen Men' Wear " r�yR# 60 takeait y� skYatviM ,a Of other un , y did we'd M ,nay �ow5110. Do0 na .a 'THF: NEWS AWF:IMSER FRIHDAV, NOVEMBER 9 199&PAGE 11 Ajax trustee back on school board to swingback at To `sled ehamme.r' rY g BY CHRIM CHASE STAFF RFI'OKrFR AJAX -- Once a trustee, always a trustee. Duncan Read represented north Ajax on the Durham Board of Education from 1985 to 1994 before making an unsuccessful run for regional council in 1994. Today, Mr. Read finds himself back on the board, representing the south half of Ajax this time. And it's all because of Mike Harris's provincial govemrrleriL he says. Even when he was no longer a trustee, he kept track of education and became more and more concerned about statements by Educa- tion Minister John Snobelen about our "bro- ken" School system and possible ways to fix it. Mr. Snobelen has suggested eliminating or substantially reducing school boards. revamp- ing education funding and reviewing teacher - school board negotiations. Mr. Read couldn't just stand back without leaking comments or taking action when Mr. Snobelen and the provincial government were "taking a sledgehammer to a School system that seems to be working really well." says the trustee who was appointed to the Ajax position in St-IxLrnbLT. "While being an ordinary eiwen and with the Province doing what it's doing to the edu- cation system. I had to get involved," he says. "I invested a kit of time in the I)urttam board to try and rnalce it work better. I didn't want it to disappear without doing screeching about it. I felt I could make a bettcr contribu- tion by hcing track on the board than by hcinz an ordirt�u}' citizen wtto)se only ncourk is writing letter to nt,`u•spapers. Ats luck 'would have it. an Ajax _.X,,"1 CJS _-ase -ee +� �,....�... 11400 sq. ft. • Lrg. Windows • FIREPLACE F•ench Doors • F• Ige. stove aisnwasher %c-wly eno. • Sec. Entrance • Vrole Floors - ng Room {{ �< ► y • 3 ice. bath }• P' vate Yard J ONLY 90 month 60 uth. CALL EDD'E P41 (905) 619-0359 trustee's position became vacant after Sherrill Willard resigned Aug. 30 to move with her family to the United States. 11te board advertised for a replace- ment and Mr. Read applied along with more than 70 other people. "I was impressed that there were that many people who wanted to come forward and try for the posi- tion. I was impressed with their qualifications," says Mr. Read, the married father of two children. The response tells him there arc many people in the community who are cornered aixut public educa- tion. After two days of interviews, the board picked Mr. Read to represent Wards 3 and 4 until the next municipal election a year fmm now. "I felt honored to be back. It's nice to be hack." It's also a challenge at a time when funds are shrinking and the number of students growing. 'Ilwn there's the knowledge that schools boards could he wiped out or changed drtsfically by this time next vicar. Mr. Read, who manages profes- sionalasscxiations, is concerned about the possibility school boards could be eliminated or reduced by the Province in its efforts to cut education costs. "So lar it sctims like just a sim- plistic money grab," Mr. Read says. The Province won't save much money by eliminating trustees since the average honorarium paid to them is $7,000, he says. In Durham, the 15 trustees receive $12,920 a year. "You don't do what trustees do for monetary gain. You don't do it for great gkry because there is none. You do it because you feel it's impor- tant to do something for your com- munity. You do it because you care. "I believe school hoards and local government in general to he impor- tant because if it works properly it's the level of government you have eaSlest Wc:ess to. "I low do you change local govemment by 6CEAR69 CORRECTION For our 40 page Sears Today flyer (Sale dates: Nov. 4-11. 1996). On page 3 The illustration is incorrect for the Fuji film 2 roll pack + 1 roll bonus. It should have been a 3 pack. Also. only S6.99 your choice: video or audio tapes. the copy should have read: 2 pack VHS video tapes. 2 pack audio tapes or one 8mm camcorder tape. We sincerely regre' any..-.;, r."en.gnGe:n:s may have caused our customers Sears Carada inr 51NGEH 5F—WING MACHINE CO. HEGEIVEU A SHIPMENT OF SEWING MACHINES THAT WERE DESTINED FOR CONSUMERS DISTRIBUTING. AS THE PUBLIC IS AWARE, CONSUMERS HAS BEEN PLACED IN RECEIVERSHIP FORCING US TO STOP SHIPMENTS TO THEIR STORES. WE HAVE ARRANGED TO MAKE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC OUR FEATURED SINGER DELUXE ZIG-ZAG FREE ARM SEWING MACHINE WITH AUTOMATIC BUTTONHOLER, 20 STITCH FUNCTIONS THAT WILL SEW ALL TYPES OF MATERIAL EVEN LEATHER. THESE C1 MACHINES ARE SUITABLE FOR HOME, PROFESSIONAL OR SCHOOL ROOM SEWING, 25 YEAR WARRANTY. Your price with this ad SINGER 11 SIMCOE ST. S. '29900 � OSHAWA 433-1140 1 CENTRE OFFER EXPIRES ti0%.9N6 L -------------=---------------•J CELEBRATE THE GRRNO OPENING OF the* OSHAWA — OVRHAM REG1isON OPFFCE RSP WEALTH = CREATION SEMINARS Sat., nov. 9, 1996 at I p.m. Hear Brian Explain: Le Gala Banquet Contra •hipadofU.S. Eledimonyour nvesfinents 65 Sunrag Street • Capitalize m 1996 RSP rules & duse IN Dent RSP investments (Thietson $d. 6 Consumers Rd.) dos, •Forecasts for interest rates,stobondsandrealestate COIIFIAIII YOUR ATTEIIDAIICE •How to slash your 1996 income tax bill Seating is limited. • Crucial year-end tax planning strategies 24 hour • Unhappy with RSP or Financial Advisor? (taw to receive no cost assessment) reservations • How to get money out of RSP tax free 1-800-890-4483' ' • How to create your own personal tax shelter FREE SEmInaH TfiE Andg Silverman Finaneiai PIannitnE Group and Darren Smith cutting out people's involvement? Durham's education system is one to be proud of, he adds, pointing to an international prize awarded to the region's public school board and many national prizes won by schools, including Exeter High in Ajax. Mr. Read realizes many people don't have a lot of time left once work and family concerns are looked after. fie also; believes many people feel they can't change things, that they won't have on impact on government. But, they are wrong, he says. "If you don't believe you have some kind of impact, what kind of world are you allowing yourself.' It's only by being involved that you can do something. People have to pitch in. Ik'o pie have to be involved." The Intelligent Place to Shop appliances for QUALITY • SERVICE • SELECTION ifeel gooavr , FACTOIRY i _ Mo.— I .m.-- IT" I epPLIANCES Iry i e REBATES AVAILABLE FOR A L1M17ED TIME' ON ALLO) SELF CLEAN CONVECTION RANGE • 2' cu. ft • Halogen & • Full length Radiant handles elements • Exterior ice White on white REBATE and water GRCR3950 SM TPX21BRX ♦ t L WASHER '� ��+ • Variable water levels • 12 cycles �----- • GentlePower Agitator • Bleach dispenser `f O DRYER • Electronic drying system • 4 temperature selections • 9 cycles i. i WASHER AND DRYER Largest capacity you can buy! RE@pTE WPSQ3120T UPSO495E1 WE KNOW GE APPLIANCES BONUS OFFER! Buy any Combination of 3... Refrigerator, Range, Cooktop, Dishwasher, Wall Oven or Over -the -Range Microwave and Recieve an additional $75 Bonus 401 & Brock Road, Pickering 1755 Pickering Parkway, Unit 12.905-428-6333 or 1-800-231-9274 Scarborough 6069 Kingston Road 416-282-0185 At the Pickering Horne & Leisure Centre or Scarborough Location .i`.1, '-.6U ..-.yA•4 r... ...1, t$.•.-'.':'.. -.1. '., r,, t. PAGE 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1996 Speed limit near Picke'ringschool reduced aspart ofpilot PICKERING -- The ;peed limit in 1ront of, St. Isaac Jogues Catholic School on Finch A+cnuc will be reduced for a portion of'school hours. As a pilot project by Durham Region. the speed limit near St. Isaac Jogues and South Courtice Public School in Clarington ++ill be lowered to 50 kilometres an hour during school arrival and departure times. At all other times, the speed limit in front of both schools will he 60 km/h. The Speed limit near H.W. Knight Public School in Cannington ++ill be reduced to 60 km/h from 80 during school hours. Canadian flans placed on Qraves of war veterans AJAX -- The families of war vet- erans buried in an Ajax cemetcr+ can honor their their loved ones as a Remembrance Da% tribute. At the request of families, Pine Ridgc ?Memorial Gardens. at Taunton Road and Church Street, will place Canadian tlai-s on the grznc sites of the brave men and women who put their lives on the line for democracy and freedom. Relative, of veterans just have to call 427-5.116 b+ No+. 1 I. There's no charge tier the tribute ser, ice. Correction Information Contained in the Ne++s :'Advertiser in our editorial of Wcdnesda�.. No,- 6, regarding police sciiure of a Ku Klux Klan hood gave the wrong date. Racist materials were Seized by police earlier this year, and arrests of two Courticc men Here made Fri- day. No+. 1 to connection with the seizure. The Ajax -Pickering Ncws Adycr- tiser regrets the error. Car Buyin painBelief r11/�alryrlu� UIW-COST CAR BUYM ® 1996 Auto -By -Tel Corporation For Dealer Inquiries Please Call (905) 276-2686 Region works commissioner Vic Sil- gailis told Durham Council reccntly the pilot project will last until the end of the school year. Signs posting the lower speed limits will he installed about 150 metres groin each school. When amber lights attached to the signs our VO yo r savings store project are flashing, the lower speed limit will be in cl'fcct. 'fhe signs should he up by the end of this month or in early November. )ur collectior .f themed ornaments Noma Agonquin' trees. Small aiDr)lian( Offer good until "' Dec. 24, 1996, or while last. One per c ustonw. Includes selected favourite brands. Moulinex. Black & Decker. Braun. Sunbeam. Not valid r cwtxiation with weekend tax s"-gs oft. Up to 1() C el V"% hairs d Recliners Eaton's. We want to be Santa parades AJAX-PICKERING -- A bit of history will be added this year to the Santa Claus parades in Pickering and Ajax. • Pickering Museum Village will be repre- THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1996 -PAGE 13 in Ajax and Picker net a Iittle ioneer s frit ggp p sented in both parades by a restored circa - 1850 mule -pulled buckboard spruced up for Christmas and accompanied by costumed volunteers. Buckboards were the most pop- ular means of local transportation in the era portrayed by the museum village. The Pickering parade, sponsored by the Pickering Kinsmen, takes place Saturday, Getting ready for Chrh*nas? Have a look at our 96 -page Gift Book, Its full of great gift ideas. And to coincide with the new Disney release of 101 DalrnaAans, we're giving you 101 reasOns to Christmas gift shop under our little roof. Good reason #11' Our Eaton Guarantee — 'Goods satlsf,- — - y or money refurided.' And the rest? Good reasons that include deals on the gifts you really want to gWe. Savings on toys. Or on the ckdtms you need to party In. Fragrances wrapped for free. And our Dhwwy s 101 Dalmatians trlllcic-array PupM. Come see the magic. ® At a Theatre ':Near You And to make the best deals better 25;%ew Van Hdusen for men Friday, Nov 8 to Monda% Nov I I swk m cos r"M, tra Wanoes, ar W". Gatlin loan underwear end hosiery, ftuwrrc CLAW TV% Royal Melvet towel% pre-reoorrw videos, CDs and tapes, aeerarae cooks, U% &mom FIM "" straps, personal care and smar electrics, Eaton Girt Ge"Cate% restauranls, canoessi m and services and Gucci wet&m- Tax sarirg aftm carrot to oo vxw. PercerftW gogs off regular-prioed items only. your store. Includes `Editions' & `Career Casuals'. Only at Eaton's. Excludes Factory Outlet. ;rayola Craft GU Leao Selectedonly. Our 96 -page Gift Book comes I • • toy section full of magical • cool deals. ° 245dff Nds' holiday wear Nov. 16 beginning at 10 a.m. at Vaughan Willard Public School at Dixie and Glenan- na Roads. It travels from there along Gle- nanna Road to the Pickering Town Centre. In Ajax, the parade is sponsored by the Lions Club and takes place Satur- day, Nov. 23 begin- ning at noon at Station Street. and Mills Road. It l travels east on Station to , O H a r w o o d Avenue, where it heads south and then turns into the Ajax Plaza at Kings Crescent. After travelling along the front of the plaza the parade turns back out to Harwood at the Pharma Plus Drug Mart and then into the Harwcxxi Place :Nall, finally dispersing at the %'al -Mart store. Swap outgrown winter clothes at exchange days PICKI=RING -- Dunbarton-Fairport United Church in Pickering hosts Win- ter Clothing Exchange CO -op Satur- days from 9:30 a.m. to noxm through- out November. You re invited to exchange winter clothing your family no longer needs in return for more suitable items. If you don't have clothing to ,wap, you can donate your time in exchange for needed items. If you can't donate either clothin-or time. you're Mill im iicd to pick up items at no charge. The church is at 10+ 6 Dunbarton Rd. Call K 1Q 2? 1 for more informa- tion. RICHARD TODHUNTER R.M.T. & LINDA COX: Certified Aromatherapist & Reflexologist (formerly of St. Annes, Grafton) are now practicing inside The Natural Advantage 15 Westney Rd. (at Hwy. #2) Deep Tissue Massage or Relaxation Extended Health Coverage *Complimentary 1/2 Hour Certificate with one hour treatment (905) 619-2639 PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER B, 1996 Local agencies need a few good men and women AJAX-PICKERING -- Countless people in your community need a helping hand. If you have firm to spare and are able to make a contri- bution, there am several local agencies waiting for you to call and offer that helping hand to one of your needy neighbors. Information ajar -Pick- ering: Are you interested in discovering more about your community' Vol - un rwp`tt f.cx)od d interper- sonal nce r- sonal skills are required to direct clients to appropri- ate community agen- cies. Call Noreen at 686-2661 for details. Ajax -Pickering Commu- nity Care Home Support Program: Volunteers etre needs d to drive seniors and physically disabled adults to their medical appointments. A gasoline compensation is provided. Call Sall_ Longo at tiR6-3331. Ajax -Pickering Red Crrncs: Join the Red Cross learn'. Cl)aIlenging po,,itions exist with many programs and services. Call Carol Giggey at 420--3383. Arthritis Society Of Durham Region: Volunteers are sought to help with special e v e n t s throughout the year. fund-raising and office work- or orkor to serve oil the chapter's executive committee. Call I-uc'v" Peri at 434-7221 or 1-888-765-0005. Ajax -Pickering Women's. Resource Centre: Women volunteers are needed to sup - poll and provide information on community resource's to abused women at a vulnerable time in their lives. You will be required to work at least two hours per week. he willing to learn new skills and share your wisdom and concern. Fox an application or inforlmi- tion. call Jackie or loan at 6.1+6- 2661. Bid; Brothers Association of Ajax -Pickering: VAiormn and men are needed for tlx: new in -school mentoring pro- gram one hour a week. Big Brothers and other volunteers arc also needed. Share the fun ' I 1 ') )\ f\� I KI ITKI t I I! )\� kit EI\ EI) l kt)\I 11 1RK\1 \\ KR \F I 1\1 \� , i FF. I\ KA\KKl 11T(') 1\11 %(;F:\ r FOK \ svct kt:l) ("KEI)ITOK. IAF NF lit\F. REF:\ U rltl)KIzEI) TO snPl'I.F:\1F:\r \DI 1 1, Rl I't RI IC I.1Ql It)trlO\ \ V.F.. THF: 1\\ E♦'fOKl OF a 1M. -TM O I -1 sl\1l l►F 1I. \..l►SH \\\ \. O\ 1. O Z(1 1\(. LLI) L: LAkGL 70 %ti: i 1 1 f \t F STER\ OFF SI)t-H) FOOTWEAR ANI) CLOTHfyG REL.T Rt*CKLES. = "9 (()LLE("1l1iLES. K\I' ES .a\D'It Cii. W RF St ITUME\ I J1L S'l %Kttl\ U); [.urge quantrh )d leather) .`IOKE.H!)tKS: A1(t\I>AI TOTHt'RS1)-%N 1))-OOA\l TO i'V! FKIDAI 10 (HI A %1 TO h 1w P\t SAT IU.IN)I (K)P\1 S1''\ !2(m)A\t To400PM 'IF K\1s; t"ASW CERTIFIED Ft \DS \ ISA OR I DIRI I10\S: ilwl' 401 E TO Sl'%I0 )E \T \) )RTII WILSONNON M. AUCTIONEERS LIQUIDATORS INVENTORIESAPPRAISERS - am, OnL ' • ESTABLISHED SINCE 1959 and support the moms and boys from father -absent homes in our communities. Call 686-2871. Block Parents: Being a Block Parent is easy and rewarding. Display the Block Parent sign only when it is convenient to answer your door. Your onl\' responsibility is to connect the person in need of assistance with the proper authorities. 1W more information about the Ajax Block Parent program, call llenry Zaczek at 427-2054. For (dctails on the Pickering Block Parent program, phone Kathv Greensides at 509- )234. Big Sisters Association of Ajax -Pickering: Big Sisters are recruiting women who can offer it supportive. caring friendship to a girl six to 16, a bov six to 10 or to a prc_nant teen or young mother with the one -too -one matching pro- grams. Volunteer are also nee(k d for office help. special events. fund-raising and the board of directors. Call 428 - Sill. Breast Cancer S4K'iet\ of Canada -Durham Rri:i4m Chapter: The chapter raises money for Canadian breast cancer research and heightens breast cancer awareness. Vol- unteers who can donate two to three hours per month am needed to assist in the daily operations of the chapter, to help organize fund-raising events, for public speaking engagements, etc. Full train- ing is provided. Call 686- 7993 or 6664561 for further information. Meals -On -Wheels -- Ajax-Pickering Red Crosti: Volunteer drivers and packers are urgently needed to help deliver this vital service five days a week. If you can spare one to one -and -a -half hours once a week, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.. call Carole or Betty at 420-3383. Ontario March of Dimes: 'Ihe annual fun d-raic- ing campaign is is urgent need of co-cxdinatoxs, cap- tains, telemarketers and can- \assers. Have fun with other volunteers who are makine a difference. Volunteers arc:; L110 required to assist with special evcnt,, and Bine() :%]I \vlun- t�:cr, yct cxccllcni trunin_. work flexible hours and enjoy the rewards of helping adults who are physically disabled. For more information, contact Denise Harding at 9054.34- 5280. 05-4345280. Pickering Reading Cir- cle: Tile circle is looking for volunteers to rid to or lis- ten to chilt!a - dren 4 to 12 read in Eng- lish or French Im Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Call 839- 3037. Salvation Army Ajax - Pickering: Volunteers are needed at the Family Services Centre to assist in the food bank, to prepare Christmas hampers and to seek dona- tions. Also needed are volun- teers to work with the Red Shield Appeal in organizing, kit preparation, canvassing, bank help and telephone com- mittee. Call Rhonda Nar- raway at 837-7769 to get involved. Stewart Group Homes: Spare a few hours to help with special needs children. Sim- ply pushing a wheelchair- bound child around the block can give a youngster pleasure. Call 686-3111. Introducing: Dr. Jason Ritchie Dr. Michelle Schmidt Dr. Linda Voisin 417� NJ Dispensing of all Types of Frames and Contacts ' 56: 3-enanna Road, Scute 212 ;Me. -g Ontario. L1 V 6R6 : - �-5303. 683-1175 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1"&PAGE 15 Entertainment Call us at 683-5110 with your entertainment news B ckbeat Happenings AJAX-PICKERING -- Area nightclubs are serving up good entertainment and great eats this weekend. Whether you like to paint the town red or just want a quiet evening out, there's a club in Ajax or Pickering that's just right for vou. Clubs that want to be listed in this fea- ture should call Andrea at the Ajax -Picker- ing ",dews Advertiser at 683-5110 Or, send a fax to 683-7363 `Attention Backbeat Hap- penings'. The line-up for the upcoming weekend includes: Alumni Sports Bar: 325 %%estney Rd. S. Ajax, 619-0938. Monday: two-for-one appetizers, NFL. Tuesday: Tallboy Tues- days, jackpot karaoke. %N'ednesdav: Loonie Night. Thursday: 10 -cent wings. Friday: DJ and dancing. Saturday: Hockey, win prizes. Nov. 9: Fun to Eat. Annandale Golf & Country Club: Church St., Ajax, 683-3210. Available for private functions. Chameleon Cafe: 110 Dowty Rd., Ajax, 683-3587. Live poetry readings, spoken word, pool tables, piano, bongos and gui- tar ready for your use. Saturday: trip hop electronic. Celebrity's: 1527 Bayly St., Ajax, 420- 0063. Monday: dart league. Tuesday: Wing night and karaoke featuring The Enter- tainers. Wednesday: karaoke. Thursdav- Saturday: live entertainment. Courtyard Pub: 109 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax, 683-9353. The Fox Goes Free Pub: 339 Kingston Rd., Pickering, 509-6464. Comfortable, cozy British country pub, no TV, quiet music, great company, new fireplace. Cor- rection to coupon in Friday, Nov. 1 adver- tisement: Coupon expires Dec. 4, 1996. The Fox & Flowerpot Pub: Hwy. 2 & Randall Dr., Ajax, 428-2162. Sunday: NFL Football Kelsey's: 100 Westney Rd. S., Ajax, 427- 4000. Tuesday: Dancing to DJ, prizes. Sun- day - Wednesday: 10 wings $3.99. Every day: Appeteasers $2.99 all day. Kerry Inn: %7 Westney Rd. S., Ajax, 428-8790. Live entertainment Friday and Satur- day. Call for line-up. Melanie Pringles: 705 Kingston Rd., Pickering, 420-1956. Monday: burger spe- cial. Tuesday: half-price appetizers. Wednesday: Blue Plate special. Thursday: 35 -cent wings. Sunday: kids eat free. Mix it Up: 1735 Bayly St., Pickering, 831-9866. Friday - Sunday: karaoke. Country nights, comedy nights. Entertain- ment seven days a week. Mount Everest Restaurant & Bar: 100 Westney Rd. S., Ajax, 686-9879. Monday - Wednesday: 25 -cent wings. two-for-one specials. Free veggie samosa with dinner entree, large screed TV, pool table. Mudhen's: 1211 Kingston Rd., Picker- ing, 839-5570. Sunday & Monday: foot- -'-' - - - .' _ ................... . ball. Tuesday: 19 -cent wings. 'Nednesdav: Canadian Rocks '60s, '70s, '80s music. Fri- day: ladies' night. Papps: 1709 Kingston Rd. %N'., Picker- ing, 427-3403. Private parties, Christmas parties, small weddings, sports functions. Power of Q Billiards: 1225 Bavly St. W., Pickering, 839-2225..Nlonday: pool tourna- ment 7:30 p.m. Tuesday: ladies' night (women play free). Wednesday: half-price Wednesdays. Sunday: Toonie day, $2 pool per hour per person. Uaily lunch specials 1 to 3 p.m. Rack 'Em t p: 20-250 Bayly St., Ajax, 619-9881. Nlondav: Canadian Tire Money Night. Tuesdav: 20 -cent wings. % ednes- day: free wings. Thursday: Couples' Night, women free. Friday and Saturday: Li,.e entertainment. Sunday: half-price pool. The Ranch: 89 Commercial Ave., Ajax, 619-2138. Tuesdav: 15 -cent wings. «ednesday: karaoke, $2,000 jackpot. Lunch and dinner specials. Banquet facili- ties available. Glasgow Rangers soccer, call for game times. Noy. 9: Jenny and Josie. Noy. 15 and 16: Jimmy Fraser. Rix Place: 1.110 Bayly tit. ['nit 2, Picker- ing, 837-1358. All -day breakfast, roti, steak and pasta. Robin Hood Inn: 1999 Altona Rd., Pick- ering, 509-5123. pool tables, 6' -by -8' TV, full menu. The Roval Scot: 44 Hunt St. Ajax, 683-6657. Sunday: karaoke. %Iondav: NFL. Tuesday: laser karaoke. Wednesday: pool tournament, DJ Mike. Thursday: DJ %like rock alternative night. Friday: retro '80s or live band. Nov. 8: Xntrik Nov. 9: Nothing Fancy. Nov. 15: DJ Stephan. Nov. 16: Hwy 61. Second Storey Bar: Harwood & 401, Ajax, 683-2940. Tudor Arms Pub: 1822 Whites Rd., Pick- ering, 839-8387. Wednesday and Sunday: 20 -cent wings. Saturday: euchre 2 p.m. Sunday: house league darts 1 p.m. Tudor Rose: 700 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, 428-1815. Wednesday: euchre. Saturday: karaoke. The Treehouse: 172 Hunt St., Ajax, 619-3299. Tuesday: 20 -cent wings. Wednesday: karaoke. Winchester Arms: 1400 Bayly St., Unit 3, Pickering, 837-2366. Wednesday: wing night. Thursday: rib night. Sunday: prime rib dinner $9.95. WEST HILL/SCARBOROUGH Koulay's: 1625 Military Trail, West Hill, 416-283-4600. Thursday - Saturday: live bands. DJ Mark Devine and DJ Fernando. All sports coverage. Private Eyes: 255 Old Kingston Rd., West Hill, 416-282-8581. Own the bar for a night for a stag or stagette, up to 200 peo- ple. Gatwick & Giles Pub: 6091 Kingston Rd., Scarborough, 416-281-3680. best of British fare. Pickering orchestra silent this season ❑ But organizers hope to revive philharmonic next vear AJAX-PICKERING -- The Picker- ing Philharmonic Orchestra has fallen silent. Its hoard of directors announced this week then have decided to suspend the orchestra's ()perations for the 1996- 97 season. The Pickermg Philharmonic was lilrmcd in 1992 with the intention of bringing classical music to the Ajax/Pickering community. and pro% id- ing a musical outlet for arca musicians. ,While the hoard is proud of the orchestra's accomplishments." said the board in a news release. "there ha%c been a number of obstacles which have been difficult to ocerco mc. The untimely passing of our president. Allen Litherland. and fund-raising chairman. Ron Palace. has had an ad%er.c effect on th:: on,_ iim-, opera- ttons... The hoard will consider the Never S«vinl Alone at Dunbarton PICKERING - A three-person comedy will he presented by stu- dents at Dunhar- ton Hl, -,h Sch(x)l Thursdav and Fri- dav, Nov 1.3 and 15- The play. Never Swim Alone. tells the story of three men competing for the affections of one woman. Curtain time both nights is 7:30 p.m. Tickets. at $4 for adults and $3 for stu- dents, are avail- able by calling 839-1125. available ()ver the forthcoming year and decide if the orc:hcstra can he revived for the 1907-98 c()nccri season. Full refunds have been mailed to suh- scrihcrs. "rhe hoard commended the efforts of the orchestra's musical director. William Mc:',1111an. in kecpin_, the group going over the last -,car. It als() expressed its appreciation to the volun- teers who worked for orchestra. Anyone queries may he directed to the hoard at 509-1968. • Bu.inc%% J • u rddinR unchcom l %lC,7 Rrccpuons • nrpontc 1��i�.� • Pr��lc i vnclion% Partin, w'e're• .Now Offrrixig ONE. tiro>P SEIOPPIN(, for BRIDE_~ Call Lisa fora FREE ( ONSI ru rlON C.V.1. 619-9sis (,O WILNI)AI.1 1)R.. AJAX DUNDAS STREET DENTAL CENTRE 304 Dundas Street W. Whitby 668-5411 It is with great pleasure that Dr. Jack Gilmour, Dr. Mark Miller, Dr. Carole Wilson and Dr. Don Mclean announce that DR. GARTH THOMS has joined them in their practice of dentistry EVENING and SATURDAY HOURS AVAILABLE BY APP'T. e/ r• f l i i i l l l l � l l/ 1 1/ 1 1/ 1 1 1 1 1 1 f� 1 1•+.,�,, NEW PATIENTS WELCOME PAGE. 16 -THF: NEN S ADVERTISER FRIUAV, NOVEMBER 8,19% --- ------------. ---- -- ,-r1 71, i r-. . . .. . i�. • l' It's Always A Good Time To Save on All Your Favourite Brands PYREX VNM,v REVFJW®R CORNINGWARE" M LIMGWARE 04 Quality, Friendly Service & Great Savings Tyler and tulips - - - : - - - Tyler Hafiz gets his s;novel going while planting tulip bulbs at St. Catherine of .z(Kingston Rd, Hours Siena School in north Ajax on Wednesday. Tyler, his senior kindergarten class- Pick Metro East Mon - Wed 10-6 mates and other students at the school will see how green their thumbs are Pk"" ce"teZ Thur - Fri 10-8 come the spring. II _ Hoe. a —�eswe Centre D Saturday 10-6 I photo by Ron Pietroniro I - 401 Sunday 12-5 VISA/Mastercard/Debit Cards Accepted • KITCHENS WINDOWS GARAGE5 A T�i VIVA BUILDING CENTRES Schlage Lever Lock Set $99 ,. Chrome Finish 49831W&94 Passage or Privacy AJAX 15 Westney Rd. N. Hwy. 2 & Westney Rd Pemonal Shopping only While Quantities Last (No Raindwcks) 'MINIMUM =500' NET PURCHASE CASHWAYNIM# ���°." Sun. 10.5 A Candi Canwaw mumW by Gnsdisns. Savo you *WAWA oahm - il�l�ll M.D.F. SHELVING 12"x96" 16"x96" $5�35`090M $8"7(Accessories.) Sat. Nov. 9 to Sat. Nov. 16 I CE yx'00 h anCOMPewor.s 9Mce �t �� n 7�'iwr�'cai - s our �► STEEL DOORS € Fast st Fit. Select 9%rmftd Mahogany Doo obb Wood �L F1110 i ��� 28 or 30"x 80 1/2"x4"x6' !L�! ; hi ; PRICING $2'*FANLIGHT ; I+ TOO HOT 039VMI 110 0 1 /2"x6"x6' & VENTED(not shown)b �� I, i PRINT! - $492 21690058//60005 „s,a 21690061/8?J6al64 -039/00669 - " o„ Calow ruaves the R1t to unit v moles to me amo mt reasomble tar LOOK FOR homeowners and our ruaw contractor custatners, tt u our Paler to dm the Is US N THE Muthtul, wxurste idYlrfisb , In the event of ads► error, we wd Rake way ,�. YELLOW mU00 tbk effort to accommodate our automers, Details on am Product PAGM warronfies we svailsbk of the stare. all Ajax students sin the g board'spraises A choir, made up of students from 12 Ajax schools, sang O Canada at an Ajax Zamily of Schools Bertelsmann Prize Celebration held recently at Ajax High School. The celebration honors students and staff after the Bertelsmann Foun- dation in Germany deemed the Durham Board of Education to be the best school board in the world. photo by A.J. Groen f1(F: NEWS %DVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER R, 1996-PM.F. 17 IT,■ yI- �ai 5 speed, air conditioning. AP,+VFfA cassette, 6C'40 sF h( ;h'cr ti•^:h> = jjf air folding rear seats. nia•7 txa ~s -.: ,cl'ec or. raciorr warram. 5 speed, Vo, Xtra cab. ca;,, 1 •::• • nn• r, w 11 • r. ole% � $13.97? SALE X13.1 ol!"MM11:{111I`\ 1 Aulon)atic, air condiCiorrirrg, AIWFY cassette, 60140 VV rear se 37 000 km AuOomefic. AA4lF1A cassette. Power steering and brakes. 19) o AQNITI Z:M SALES/LEASING%PARTS%SERVICE i.. 4 LARGE.SELKM0N OF QUAUTY USED CARS =$�x i 2 Y t sFREE SHUTRE SERVIC1792'."E zL w4rc: Pima ST. w. In- s •CKERING ' �' s reARnoo.000 IUI wARRANTV a N s«..>` a 2� HOUR ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE Y ' �� ter. ~' ■ \ , 1 - Yr.Md/s: • bck-0u1 renin • lowg servla � ?s _. _ _ _.._.. _ ...., • �� y . NO�,.HO, PAYMENTS AYMEH TL APRL'97 . . .. - ;;e _ _ TL APRIL 117 f1(F: NEWS %DVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER R, 1996-PM.F. 17 IT,■ yI- �ai 5 speed, air conditioning. AP,+VFfA cassette, 6C'40 sF h( ;h'cr ti•^:h> = jjf air folding rear seats. nia•7 txa ~s -.: ,cl'ec or. raciorr warram. 5 speed, Vo, Xtra cab. ca;,, 1 •::• • nn• r, w 11 • r. ole% � $13.97? SALE X13.1 ol!"MM11:{111I`\ 1 Aulon)atic, air condiCiorrirrg, AIWFY cassette, 60140 VV rear se 37 000 km AuOomefic. AA4lF1A cassette. Power steering and brakes. 19) o AQNITI Z:M SALES/LEASING%PARTS%SERVICE i.. 4 LARGE.SELKM0N OF QUAUTY USED CARS =$�x i 2 Y t sFREE SHUTRE SERVIC1792'."E zL w4rc: Pima ST. w. In- s •CKERING ' �' s reARnoo.000 IUI wARRANTV a N s«..>` a 2� HOUR ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE Y ' �� ter. ~' ■ \ , 1 - Yr.Md/s: • bck-0u1 renin • lowg servla � ?s _. _ _ _.._.. _ ...., • �� y . PAGE 19 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8. 196 ■ S��Q�yBAVAS COQ ■ ■ �P � PP�y ■ EWELLERS & MANUFACTLTRERS : FACTORY DIRECT TO YOU , : BIRTHSTONE s: • RINGS Genuine Stones *I OK Your • ■ WITH THIS �- • ■ AD Choice ■ Valid until Nov. 15 19964 oo 9 �"�''� ■ r r .,.�i ■ ■ WITH THIS aD ■ LIMIT ONE ■ NO PST/GST PER CUSTOMER ■ ■ PICKERING TOWN CENTRE � Lc�Kcr l.c�cl t:atc�n. E:ntrancc ■ ■ A A■ r9c "_m� *_'Z�visa■ • -' 0 -/20- 5_ ,>>� , ��.�. '■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ : ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ THE MISADVENTURES OF CRAWFORD AND SONS SPECIALTY PRODUCT APPLICATORS FOR CONCRETE ( Over 20 years experience and more than 5,000 homes repaired ) Injection specialists ( polyurethane / epoxy ) for LEAKING BASEMENTS foundation cracks Waterproofing /sump pumps /drainage systems concrete repair and restoration FIX POTENTIAL LEAKS BEFORE WINTER RENOVATIONS our expert trouble shooting offers you the optimum repair at the best prices with a 10 year full guarantee. FREE Spa Seminar What do I do now? You are cordially invited to an Educational Morning at DIPLOMAT POOLS DATE: Saturday, November 16, 1996 TIME: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Refreshments R.S.V.P. (905) 839-8399 Learn easy steps on spa chemistry and learn about new technology now available for simpler maintenance. BRING A FRIEND 635 Kingston Rd. Pickering L1 V 3N7 • (next to National Sports at Whites Road, Open Saturday 10:00 to 2:00 p.m. gbGmd P ... •. - - ... _ ...... Pickering peewees ride the F erris PICKERING —The Pickering Panthers period. Newmarket quickly scored two Golden Griddle peewee 'AA' rep hockey more goals while Pickering managed one team made it to the final four of the West in the first minute of the second stanza to Ferris Tournament in North Bay this past give the Redmen a 3-1 lead. Pickering weekend. scored one more in the second, but could - Playing in their second tournament of n't pot the equalizer in the final frame as the season, the Panthers started out near Newmarket won 3-2. perfect with three shutout victories in the Scoring for the Panthers -in the semi - preliminary rounds. In the semi-final game final against Newmarket were Andrew against Newmarket, the Panthers gave up a Hopkins and Ryan Pelan, with assists to goal as the buzzer sounded to end the first Evan Gcorgievski and Rnckv Ruta. DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE vV/HO DESERVES TO BE OUR ATHLETE OF THE WEEK? CALL US �r`1 Fif:'V�'�1'ti :�fi� I:If Tlfif k H16DAT. MA411Bt<'k A: yjr/(,-P4(:F# 111 wheel to tourney semi-final The defence of Kevin Rogers, Adam Pickering won 4-0 over the North Bav Moyer, Brandon Saker, Aaron Calder. "Zellers 'AAA' minor peewees. Scutt Trevor Small and :Michael Dawson held the Billing, Dawson, Ruta and Scott Valley opposition to three goals in four snatches. scored. Mark Rogers assisted on two, In the first game against the Gloucester while Caldcr and Rogers had one helper Rangers, the Panthers outshot the opposi- apiece. tion 16-4, but filled to score. The game Franz registered his second shutout of ended in it scoreless tic, with goalie Chris the tourney with a 3-0 win over North Ba,, Franz recording the shutout. Farquhar Chrysler. Brandon Black, Billing The second shutout of the tournament and Mark Ro_ers scored. Setting up the was earned by Luke Gregoire when goals were Caldcr. ['clan and Mark Rot(,ers. AT 683-5110 ` Al Rivett sports reporter 683-51 10, ext. 2_50, Fax 683-7363 Ne%vs Advertiser sports is no%v on the Internet vvww.durhamnews.net Cheetahs mite girls take first, second, third at cross-country meet DURHAM — The Durham Ali::a Ka-: ,as >i\th and Le,li 5:, it "` • '" Cheetahs cru..-cuunir\ team ran ;t\\aN Isth. from the culllpetiuun at the recent 21 t --- . annual ['n,\In:ial Cross-Cuuntr` SLOlZI-:i�O:SRI) ('hampr(,n,hlps In N� ln"han], Ont. _ I he Chrctahs — '.\ ah runners Irt,m -- — ---- — 1!,,\ :Ind Pickcg wo k, -.r! — n three t1tthe ' - � RES,.. s ` .. .-. •• «rr� L � team title, and alsl` captured ,c: UNDER SEVEN DIVISION °:r R z+. •ar' Bee' Portac 3 .� .: - ..' .. - . -.: Sa-eror. ,'nd pl,Wc In the Xoms _irls' :atc_or\ Var.a.r C^arid' .s a c trg image 2' . r Ja••e,, Antncry and third in the a(Unl b(ri, dl\I�1(`(L Sacoler V'+Ps Js:r Jamet armor.., S,;twcer Saroers . M.c s L,saS HbaUOCa:e DtK" ner'der-o .S The mite girls put un the strunLc,t u ,�,,�� ,,r, , p Lone Star 2 Car-xron r show. First to the finish line was 41 "i,1r;510 s :!ak V Frare- J:u.e.r.ocx< M':� Now, V�Farare ;:rare +S Pww Carley Dart, who's gone undctcatcd in ;aerzo Hasa ;,earn, Pr.rn, track club races this, Near. Second place UNDER -NINE DIVISION Prxe•rg 2 `Dear B._ " ­r , ,•tr ; • ,,ges 2 VaUlee went to Katie Ilett and K.ilcigh Jasperk 6,tx gasvakr,ee3 Pat•c�er2 Sraur+aae,a .s Lcne a 4 uv"Star ' Andrew Ma -a, Bo•r Boyer P.ac 2 Eric Ewres Massae.. was third . xwWows, vs A -MAZE •+G 2 Asrey Roorques 's The t\ke girl. also won cold. not UNDER -1t DIVISION surprising Sporrg images ' P `..earx ; v..rsar +s Fator, itncc the\ Ne also gone , Ma^."eSS Cha;i^, TXme 'JG ' LN coc,e K& E—dy +s Casnway undefeated as a team this year. Chantel i,Ma*, yen! e Poke,rg Sio-Soons Amwcta Cassey ���� ki'm � k s �ITlllfl was third. Kristen �';Irle\ tlttl], \e J'a°=u � ^ E='-'vsPoe,VtS4ON;LansCwc: Jilhan Godfrey sixth. Alicia Julian se\- UNDER -13 Spur. 91mages : iV. , Detb+e Vasur 5-,rar K.: ^ar vs enth. Sarah til:Lau- hIin eighth. P*H^er T•cpry 3 Maanzw Cra.Sson. Bran %, r.,,awa 1.Rebecca VacRae. M' +P s FDn Far Rebecca VacRae_ Eric Schoenfield, left, demonstrates a roundhouse kick against sparring partner Devon Jessica Ilott 15th. Heidi Sche11 20th. Picxern9 Soo Sports ; ,VVP Eyse Campbell vs Optimists 3 Kim Ascott 21 st and Carol Ine (Lance Poore 2. &ad Kr'• - VVP Lance Poo*, SupeCertres Tannahill during the grand opening of Martial Arts Canada in Ajax Saturday. 2i .Crstne Slevnar AC, N MVP Mat. ew Gentile vs Bickerton I si. Scyw 5 ,Asnwy Kzry 3 Sarar Dur -fore 2 VVP David Strezon Rounding out the L'uld har%cNt %%as UNDER -16 DIVISION photo by Andrew Iwanowski Dana Cda Inc 4 ,;,;ra;^ a.grove 2 Ardrew Vs::onbI the I\ ke bl,\ i' le:llll,`led b\ a ilf()n�' Sieves M,IK ! M`.'P s Jora:ncn L grove. Mash Ga rer. vs Ka.cr-. ,Evar A1„�rer-C: a• °. M'�P s Lcran Carrs. Evan finish from Willie Maca\elia who 5 Mwler-Cheng;. Bnrs Ktc-ens t .David Brns. MVP s Davc Novice Raiders capture silver at tournament placed Second. Rounding• out the lield Brns. Lasa Laney: vs Jccnsor, Ccrtraas • Jason Harder were: Matt Menear fourth, Daniel "I s umtesn Mistry• Anthony Trentatlue). Lore Star Cale 6 [Andrew Lowles 5, La Papadopouios 1 MVP Adam Carvana; AJAX-PICKERING — The Ajax Axemen Bentley. Assists went to Wilkins and Chappell Naccarato seventh, Jamie Bruce ninth, vs Team not known I,BenHunter MVP Lori-AweUden). Raiders minor novice 'AAA' rep hockey team with two each, Bentley, Greg Leyden and Morris Kyle O'Brien 12th, Andrew Faric PICKERINGMENS BASKETBALL LEAC.M Results from Oct. 28 won the silver medal of the recent Stoney Creek with one apiece. 22nd, Andrew Dyment 23rd, Scott NON-MASTERSDIVISION - GAME ONE Tournament. Ajax -Pickering finished round-robin action Hunt 26th and Kyler Carson 35th. Ase Caterers 75 vs. Gallantry Eatery 71 TOP SCORERS The Ajax -Pickering -based squad met with a perfect 3-0 record after edging The mite boys' had solid placings ASG William Daniel l9. Nea; Tyreil 76. Philip Guthrie 11. Markham in the final of the I6 -team tournament Chinguacousy 2-1. Chappell scored both with Ben Sawyer finishing fifth and Gallantry's: Roy Cousns 27. Scott Wgnt 17 Clem Foro9 after going undefeated through the first four Raiders' goals on assists to Bentley and Morris. Dustin Eldridge seventh. vs E4 Roo g g r Penny s Awo Service 80 vs EJ Rod Hogrx}s 59 contests. The Raiders dropped a 3-0 decision to In recent league action, the Raiders dropped The atom girls finished second. TOP SCORERS claim the silver. Penny's: Orn Taylor 19. Jcnn Mikhal 13. Don Ougley 12. three straight games to Markham, Peterborough Individually, Heather Mann was sev- TM Leucs 10 In the semi-final contest, Ajax -Pickering and Barrie. enth, Courtney Lumsden I Ith and GAME THREE defeated the Central Ontario Wolves 4-1. Robert The Raiders suffered a 5-4 defeat to Holly Kell}' 25th. Mums Ihsura�PCo RS Bentley scored twice, with one goal each to Markham. Wilkins scored twice, with one each The atom boys were in the race M� ns ��r in B `own ads eerie le 6 ion Andrew Wilkins and Ryan Dawe, who also to Dawe and Chappell. Neadles had three with a close third-place finish. Derek McPfierson. added two assists. Wilkins and Kyle Spears had assists, Dawe two and Wilkins, Bentley and Bolingbroke led the way with a fourth- MASTER'S DIVISION - GAME ONE the other helpers. y P Melanie Pringles 47 vs Club Link 39 Jason Dale one each. place finish. Keil Labelle was 15th, TOP SCORERS The minor novice Raiders started the tourney The Ajax -Pickering novices lost 5-4 to Brendan Bowes 16th, Mark Duffield Melan1e Pringles. Kevin Walker 12. Barry Wood 9• Roger Bos with a 7-5 win over Whitby. Bentley notched a Peterborough. Chappell scored two markers 19th, Blake Freeman 27th and Bradley Club Link. Mike Curley 13, Roger Young 11, Frank Gallo 5 hat trick while Dawe added a pair of markers. while Wilkins and Lucas Labelle notched one Dyinent 422nd. Muetts37vs Van Kempen e32 Brandon Crummey and Lee Morris also dented apiece. Bentley set up three goals, and Spears, Two first-year senior boys placed TOP SCORERS the twine. Michael Broaderip chipped in with an Crummey and Morris each added one assist. well in a field of 41 runners. Andrew Mudhai Reca`e Ray Foyc 10. Steve p ss 11, Luke 9,, BraadHew1, 7 KempenVan assist. The novice Raiders also lost 5-2 to Barrie. Bruce was 241h and Drew Hansen GAME7HREE In the second game, Ajax -Pickering bounced Labelle and Dawe scored while Daniel Prebble 217th. Elcyda Corp 48 vs Dakcta Bdos 16 The club's first -Near senior y TOP SCORERS Welland 5- I . Dawe scored twice, with one had an assist. iris E cda Corp: John Esposito 12 Br„ee Braid 12. Raney apiece to Chris Chappell, Kyle Neadles and Colin Dobson handled the goaltending chores alio ran well In it field of 48 runners. Dakota sobs Rcx Jones' Jim Wilkinson 5 1 " J w A .• / IJ LI I I I / I ♦ I I J / • /J J 1 1 I ♦ ! ! I t -Lit ! t� t t • • ► r • t . , , • • • • • a . ♦ ♦ . • . • . - - - - - •. .. a - - ... a . _ ..... r. r , 0 r. , y 11, 1. l'lf. 'y 1 1 . { I' . / Jr .6, , -PAGE 29 -THE NW -WS ADVERTISERFWDAY. NOVBMBKR k ta96 - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - . - _ - - - - Buy one week, get the 2nd free! Call us for details Applies to Articles For Sale and Vehicles For is.w -�•i— ...a sem- r - 1...-..-` .; •S-. .., ...--rY 77`i -y 1 �go5) TORONTO . LINE 798-7672 683 Sale only. GARAGE SALES only $3 5♦GST Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday or fax your ad (905) 579-2238 BIRTH NOTICES Announce your baby's arrival and receive a gift certificate ��}\i1/a entitling you to $25 wort h of quality baby products. MT ' Careers ' 1 Careers Ill Careers Im General General General Office Office ales Help/ _ Help 1 Help M Help 1 Help IM, Help 17 Agent School of Business Helping YOU Build a Better Life 2 NEW COURSES STARTING NOV. 18 AT THE OSHAWA CAMPUS OSHAWA CENTRE Accounting and C:oa+aPattrs Business Adtlsainisttration Qaasfllsess i Computer Applications COMPUrERS Consptutttr SupOoet specialist N11.71#177 -77M M. etwork conwaurdcatiorks i M.G.S.A CottnputK Applications Executive Secretary Legal Adtasin Assistant Medical Office These two courses are not governed by the Private Vocational Schools Act. Phone today to find out if you qualify. Assistant tNOtl1 dile Rastautrant Operations Sar and Bowe age MansOantiasat TlravN and Tflwtlissw Dente' ChekW°- Assistaild 723-1163 Dtllwhl RaaatlotNst General 11 carvers 1 Help COMPUTER TRAINING. pri- CARPENTER HEIFER for wbdivision work, wags vara Itssorrs in Windows, MS based on experience. stnors welcome. Flexible trouts. 427266 General 1 Help BANKING TELLER, cus- tomer service oriented. Re- quired irmlltdiatey. Fax re- slxne to (905) 433-116 Celt OBice, Wad. Extal, Louts. 420-2913. 2. OAR STAFF tut time, pan time required. Fax resume (905) 433-1162 1 General P CARPET CLEANERS, nettled part time. Must have own tgriprttam Mast be experienced. 686-9160. Actors for all ages needed immedi- ately for TV commercials, TV series, feature films and music videos (No Extras). Children 2+, Men/Women 18-65 yrs. Call (416) 221-3829 a C—�LTLfLf IC�TC1t�Ll-t�TI�C�� a AZ F/T Positions 5 o�n •company thatpr•s scout n• 0nwn We cumntly hav p•rman•nt positions available • 29c - 30Gmde -Paid Weekly •.'300 -3000 miles/week -Safety bonuses rj •P rt to pin -Benefits •L re Release a1 U.S. borcer Also City Work Available Mus` Have' -t 1 2 years experience •:�--e clearance clean abstract -u S qualification I'J Please Calf Direct Driver Personnel !� 905-571-2795 F2] sr�u�u��LrLr���u�L.r-LI Ashbrooks Retail Leader in bed, bath and more Requires Part Time •CASHIER +STOCK MERCHANDISER Subm!t resume to Customer Service 1755 Plpkering Parkway Pickering, Ontario, Please NO PHONE CALLS. ADULT CARRIERS Needed to deliver papers door to door, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Must have own car. CALL 683-5117 BROTHER'S RESTAU- DRIVER needed A,az RANT, W*rtby .waver wa, delivery. 3 dayslweek, mini tress tuft part time work pr full-size van Approx 3 evadable Great earning Hours Call 905 728 1243 ;DOlentyl. Applicants must leave message 'ave experience, good EARN $67.00 day people skills. 668-3600, Per „nns73ii12-fpm Iron' roue processing mad. Ignt assembly com- CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser requests that advertisers check Vretr ad upon publication as News Advertiser will not be responsible for more than One x1CORBCI NI5Crti0rt and Utere shall be no liability for non—insertion of any adver- tISQfllerll. Liability for ef- res in ads is smiled to the atttotnt paid for the space occupying the arra. AI txrpy is subject to the ap- proval of managetnertt all News Advertiser. Duters. (4t6)8t2-891 earn $J 1 OO per week •6orn hortre! compete" book: tv surveys ,416)812-6892 code 6 EXPERIENCED Cleaning person. required !Or re5i- Bence once per week. Own transportation necessary, ref- erences required Call 686- 2670 (Mon. -Fir. 9 am-10.am. or leave message) EXPERIENCED wai- tresses/waiters wanted. Please appy in person at 212 King SL E., Oshawa or cat 723-4169 HAIR Stylist wanted for established downtown Whitby salon. 3 yeas ax- peritrlce wklt cferrtele, sal- aryicortrniss is rs. l(nowl- edgt of Goldwell cactus an asset. 905.430.998. HOUSEKEEPER needed for Ajax and Pickering area. Must have own car. 683-5117 krr0. 4 dsys/wttk, 3 Tidies ptr day: racking. laundry etc. Pidwirq Village area Rearerlces required. 905- 619-2828 eller 9 p.m. LEARN 1401M to optsralt, a mini office outlet from your home and earn a great second ma - irrcOrtte. Awe- some benefits. Training provided, call (416) 284- 4493. NAIL TECHNICIANS. aethet- c.an and great office space 'rr rent for RMT Call 579- 6520 days. atter 6Dm and weekends 432-0547 MOVIE PEOPLE. Toronto's fastest growing agency seeks @M25 for film and TV work. al' types, no exp 'eq. Earn 57- 522 80/hr. Work guaranteed. We dace people on movie cats every day Call Jonathan 41 6) 96t-2226 REED'S FLORIST requires toil 8 part time Floral design- er. must be experienced Serio resume to Ms A titdk,co 206 Harwood Ave S Ajax LIS 2H6-484 SNOWPLOW owner opera- r^its needed, nouns and flat -Jtes available Call 133 - TELEMARKETING OPPORTUNITY it 25 hourly pias !:Onuses. part time Mon - Thurs. 5-9 p.m. from our Alex location Exp. preferred) Ca11428-8400 TUPPERWARE Nave tun 'eking se•,ou5 -coney' FT. F IT positions No experience n1CYSS3ry. Will train Call S hinie (1276297), Barbara a28-6877) WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS- �,:udo S K O We're looking ler malern, up-to- date hairstylists for Chia rentals. Please app" in per- son 108 Ountlas St. W. Whitby or cart 4 30-9397 WANTED 64 people to lose up '� 3C lbs by New Years Doctor recommended Ask Howl Toil Free t-900-881- 6782 1 Off ice Help OFFICE PERSONNEL requited Local construction rental firm seeks organized, sed motivated individual to corer for maternity leave. This is a fun time position for a period of approx. 8 months, and may lead to tun time employment. Du- ties include accounts re- ceivables, the processing of credit information, as well as accents payable. Indi- vidual roust be able to work with little supervision in a casual environment. Com- puter literacy is a must while aoglwitrrce in a rental envirorrrtrant is a definite asset Must be able to start imnrediatty. Please for- ward tssrrtres to: Bobbie's Equipment Rentals, 463 Taunton Rd. E., Oshawa, Ontario, IJH 7K5. All: Valer- ie Ackerm an AOIaN ASSISTANT- Rt- gtrired. Fax tesurrw to (905) 433-1162 OFFICE MANAGER required irrxtrediately. Detailed, orga sized. Fax resume to (905) 433-1162. A leading dlstnbutor of valves and fittings, to the plumbing, heating, and rndustnal markets, requires an addition to their administration team. The suc- cessful candidate will posses the following skills. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WINDOWS 95 MS WORD 8 EXCEL POWERPOINT COREL &ACCESS Interested applicants may forward their 'resumes to: 252 Hunt Street. P.O. Box 308 Ajax. Ontario. LIS 3C5 We thank all who apply,but only those who are se- lededfor an interv iew will be contacted. PICKERING BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. (FRENCH /ENGLISH) 2-3 yrs- prev,cus custcrrter sernce experience, ability to work well in d fast paced ernuortrtteM. some translation work accurate keyboarding skil !S f4p+wpm ) TOP NOTCH SALARY Please call Geri Graham at (90531-7359 ECCO STAFFING SERVICES IF y ­ are ^'arned. single sngle parent, separated or :ivorced you may quality for F trendy Assistance DIPI CERT programs avadade: Quirk, Illustrator, Photo Strop, Director, Premier, Access. Accpac. Autocad, C+.. Visual Banc. Unix. Novell Engineer, Windows N T Small Talk Power Pent. Word. Excel. Durham Busy Hess Gomprta College. 127- 3070. WE'RE LOOKING FOR ornce Help, a position mat criers the successful ap- plicant a cnallanryng and vanery-fined fob. TMs per. son win gwrkty become a Hero in our office when they look ader Our customers in a rr ends manner, and solve all our computer Problems on programs such as WordPerfect (or Word). Lotus AmiPraAp• proacn. Dbase, and desk- top publishing Must nave a car for small errands, and be totally fluent in English The best candidate will also haV@ knowledge Of bookkeeping and AccPac Part time hours from 10 a.m. - 3 p m. Mon Fn. to starsales t. Please send your re- sume to JMT, BO Nashdene Rd. Unit e59, Scarborough. Ont. MIV SE4 1 gyp/ BELL CANADA / CLEARNET distribution Penner- Looking for an ex- perienced business sales consultant. unlimited mar- ket potential. tax resumes to (905) 683-6105. NATIONAL CHAL- LENGE sales rep. (out- side) required irrxrredately. Motivated self starmadw ter to waste dispoliet recycling equipment. vi- dus exp. berwbatl but Ind essential. Must have prov- en sales skills. Rewar ding base salary. car allowance and attractive commission package. Fax resumes. no phone calls please, l0 905- 837-1773. e[a119*7Egna1 TtOflfYltint Vacation 6 corporate travel; Minimum experience: t year Competitive salary with incentives. Fax resume to: (90s1576-3245 RETAIL SALES reD b. needed Fa.,, esum@ 10 (905) 433-1 !6--- OUTBOUND TELESALES REPRESENTATIVES immediate openings n tern our Telesales Teant to support our F."aria 500 client �ase We are seeking en:husiastic represen- !a' yes who possess at -imam one year of sales experience Ap- cl�ants must possess soy d PC skills (Wmd- �hs environment) and �e flexible (some shift nc'k may be involved ) ?ngualism jasset. En,lish) is a'e $8- 5experiencFax resume at (116) 282 - call (416) 2Im Skilled Help EXPERIENCED UP. HOLSTERER for custom s'op Good wages. full or part time Telephone 128- ':90 CHEF required for new Italian Restaurant opening soon in Oshawa Expe, erica necessary Fax it wme to 905-4042500 The K. TV and Appliance service department requires experienced technicians skilled in the service of consumer electronics products (video/television). Positions available: FIELD SERVICE (based out of the $CafbOf011gl,lOSf18711ra alae) We offer an opporttuldy for qualified career minded individuals to become part of a successful, dynamic and rapidly grolwiflg company that offals a full range of benefits, exceptional working carKlitions and'an excel46 lent future. Please drop Skilled Skilled Help Help off testifies at: . THE BRICK 1165 Kennedy Road Scarborough, Ontario. - 1510 Dundas Street E. Whitby, Ontario Check Out Our Flyer Delivery Service. We are by far The 01 Distributor or flyers in au arra Have your � delivered � & Pd - Just �"� any Wednesdayr Friday or Sunday with The Newspaper that everybody needs, �( Aand ask for advertising. " ' News Advertiser a Ashbrooks Retail Leader in bed, bath and more Requires Part Time •CASHIER +STOCK MERCHANDISER Subm!t resume to Customer Service 1755 Plpkering Parkway Pickering, Ontario, Please NO PHONE CALLS. ADULT CARRIERS Needed to deliver papers door to door, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Must have own car. CALL 683-5117 BROTHER'S RESTAU- DRIVER needed A,az RANT, W*rtby .waver wa, delivery. 3 dayslweek, mini tress tuft part time work pr full-size van Approx 3 evadable Great earning Hours Call 905 728 1243 ;DOlentyl. Applicants must leave message 'ave experience, good EARN $67.00 day people skills. 668-3600, Per „nns73ii12-fpm Iron' roue processing mad. Ignt assembly com- CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser requests that advertisers check Vretr ad upon publication as News Advertiser will not be responsible for more than One x1CORBCI NI5Crti0rt and Utere shall be no liability for non—insertion of any adver- tISQfllerll. Liability for ef- res in ads is smiled to the atttotnt paid for the space occupying the arra. AI txrpy is subject to the ap- proval of managetnertt all News Advertiser. Duters. (4t6)8t2-891 earn $J 1 OO per week •6orn hortre! compete" book: tv surveys ,416)812-6892 code 6 EXPERIENCED Cleaning person. required !Or re5i- Bence once per week. Own transportation necessary, ref- erences required Call 686- 2670 (Mon. -Fir. 9 am-10.am. or leave message) EXPERIENCED wai- tresses/waiters wanted. Please appy in person at 212 King SL E., Oshawa or cat 723-4169 HAIR Stylist wanted for established downtown Whitby salon. 3 yeas ax- peritrlce wklt cferrtele, sal- aryicortrniss is rs. l(nowl- edgt of Goldwell cactus an asset. 905.430.998. HOUSEKEEPER needed for Ajax and Pickering area. Must have own car. 683-5117 krr0. 4 dsys/wttk, 3 Tidies ptr day: racking. laundry etc. Pidwirq Village area Rearerlces required. 905- 619-2828 eller 9 p.m. LEARN 1401M to optsralt, a mini office outlet from your home and earn a great second ma - irrcOrtte. Awe- some benefits. Training provided, call (416) 284- 4493. NAIL TECHNICIANS. aethet- c.an and great office space 'rr rent for RMT Call 579- 6520 days. atter 6Dm and weekends 432-0547 MOVIE PEOPLE. Toronto's fastest growing agency seeks @M25 for film and TV work. al' types, no exp 'eq. Earn 57- 522 80/hr. Work guaranteed. We dace people on movie cats every day Call Jonathan 41 6) 96t-2226 REED'S FLORIST requires toil 8 part time Floral design- er. must be experienced Serio resume to Ms A titdk,co 206 Harwood Ave S Ajax LIS 2H6-484 SNOWPLOW owner opera- r^its needed, nouns and flat -Jtes available Call 133 - TELEMARKETING OPPORTUNITY it 25 hourly pias !:Onuses. part time Mon - Thurs. 5-9 p.m. from our Alex location Exp. preferred) Ca11428-8400 TUPPERWARE Nave tun 'eking se•,ou5 -coney' FT. F IT positions No experience n1CYSS3ry. Will train Call S hinie (1276297), Barbara a28-6877) WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS- �,:udo S K O We're looking ler malern, up-to- date hairstylists for Chia rentals. Please app" in per- son 108 Ountlas St. W. Whitby or cart 4 30-9397 WANTED 64 people to lose up '� 3C lbs by New Years Doctor recommended Ask Howl Toil Free t-900-881- 6782 1 Off ice Help OFFICE PERSONNEL requited Local construction rental firm seeks organized, sed motivated individual to corer for maternity leave. This is a fun time position for a period of approx. 8 months, and may lead to tun time employment. Du- ties include accounts re- ceivables, the processing of credit information, as well as accents payable. Indi- vidual roust be able to work with little supervision in a casual environment. Com- puter literacy is a must while aoglwitrrce in a rental envirorrrtrant is a definite asset Must be able to start imnrediatty. Please for- ward tssrrtres to: Bobbie's Equipment Rentals, 463 Taunton Rd. E., Oshawa, Ontario, IJH 7K5. All: Valer- ie Ackerm an AOIaN ASSISTANT- Rt- gtrired. Fax tesurrw to (905) 433-1162 OFFICE MANAGER required irrxtrediately. Detailed, orga sized. Fax resume to (905) 433-1162. A leading dlstnbutor of valves and fittings, to the plumbing, heating, and rndustnal markets, requires an addition to their administration team. The suc- cessful candidate will posses the following skills. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE WINDOWS 95 MS WORD 8 EXCEL POWERPOINT COREL &ACCESS Interested applicants may forward their 'resumes to: 252 Hunt Street. P.O. Box 308 Ajax. Ontario. LIS 3C5 We thank all who apply,but only those who are se- lededfor an interv iew will be contacted. PICKERING BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. (FRENCH /ENGLISH) 2-3 yrs- prev,cus custcrrter sernce experience, ability to work well in d fast paced ernuortrtteM. some translation work accurate keyboarding skil !S f4p+wpm ) TOP NOTCH SALARY Please call Geri Graham at (90531-7359 ECCO STAFFING SERVICES IF y ­ are ^'arned. single sngle parent, separated or :ivorced you may quality for F trendy Assistance DIPI CERT programs avadade: Quirk, Illustrator, Photo Strop, Director, Premier, Access. Accpac. Autocad, C+.. Visual Banc. Unix. Novell Engineer, Windows N T Small Talk Power Pent. Word. Excel. Durham Busy Hess Gomprta College. 127- 3070. WE'RE LOOKING FOR ornce Help, a position mat criers the successful ap- plicant a cnallanryng and vanery-fined fob. TMs per. son win gwrkty become a Hero in our office when they look ader Our customers in a rr ends manner, and solve all our computer Problems on programs such as WordPerfect (or Word). Lotus AmiPraAp• proacn. Dbase, and desk- top publishing Must nave a car for small errands, and be totally fluent in English The best candidate will also haV@ knowledge Of bookkeeping and AccPac Part time hours from 10 a.m. - 3 p m. Mon Fn. to starsales t. Please send your re- sume to JMT, BO Nashdene Rd. Unit e59, Scarborough. Ont. MIV SE4 1 gyp/ BELL CANADA / CLEARNET distribution Penner- Looking for an ex- perienced business sales consultant. unlimited mar- ket potential. tax resumes to (905) 683-6105. NATIONAL CHAL- LENGE sales rep. (out- side) required irrxrredately. Motivated self starmadw ter to waste dispoliet recycling equipment. vi- dus exp. berwbatl but Ind essential. Must have prov- en sales skills. Rewar ding base salary. car allowance and attractive commission package. Fax resumes. no phone calls please, l0 905- 837-1773. e[a119*7Egna1 TtOflfYltint Vacation 6 corporate travel; Minimum experience: t year Competitive salary with incentives. Fax resume to: (90s1576-3245 RETAIL SALES reD b. needed Fa.,, esum@ 10 (905) 433-1 !6--- OUTBOUND TELESALES REPRESENTATIVES immediate openings n tern our Telesales Teant to support our F."aria 500 client �ase We are seeking en:husiastic represen- !a' yes who possess at -imam one year of sales experience Ap- cl�ants must possess soy d PC skills (Wmd- �hs environment) and �e flexible (some shift nc'k may be involved ) ?ngualism jasset. En,lish) is a'e $8- 5experiencFax resume at (116) 282 - call (416) 2Im Skilled Help EXPERIENCED UP. HOLSTERER for custom s'op Good wages. full or part time Telephone 128- ':90 CHEF required for new Italian Restaurant opening soon in Oshawa Expe, erica necessary Fax it wme to 905-4042500 The K. TV and Appliance service department requires experienced technicians skilled in the service of consumer electronics products (video/television). Positions available: FIELD SERVICE (based out of the $CafbOf011gl,lOSf18711ra alae) We offer an opporttuldy for qualified career minded individuals to become part of a successful, dynamic and rapidly grolwiflg company that offals a full range of benefits, exceptional working carKlitions and'an excel46 lent future. Please drop Skilled Skilled Help Help off testifies at: . THE BRICK 1165 Kennedy Road Scarborough, Ontario. - 1510 Dundas Street E. Whitby, Ontario Check Out Our Flyer Delivery Service. We are by far The 01 Distributor or flyers in au arra Have your � delivered � & Pd - Just �"� any Wednesdayr Friday or Sunday with The Newspaper that everybody needs, �( Aand ask for advertising. " ' News Advertiser SkilledTHE NEWS ADVERTISER (FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1996 -PAGE 21 Help ' DaycareM:Fi:rewood FArticles ArticlesArticles Articles Articles For Sale For Sale For Sale For SaleMIT For Sale NORTH AMERICAN NANNY live in or out, Ajax, MATURE daycare provider SKIDS steel equipment company Ltd ni o a retype Westney Rd. and Hwy 2, prefer Phil2 speaking. With many years expen- once. Offers b Pallets for fire- wood, hardwood b soft- x� = M M = a - - ■ , Mehands-on hh I chit to care for 2 chiWren,ages 4 loving day- care, for ages new born to wood m xed, pre cut or bio- ■ HOW ARE E WE DOwn/� nolsterd with arge carved EngineBlring graduate to in their manufacturing ^9 and 2, (10 a.m. - 8 p.m.) 5 years. Meals b receipts. Brock ken, delivery available, large b small loads Limited {Zj� ^rj ajw• ■ work plant In Whitby, Ontario. Ilexbile, weekends off. 686-1800 b Hwy, 02 427- 9767 Y time offer call (905)430 r�,�,�.,�,,y ■ TheThsVkditMSA Arl9aCbS*d�'�},�■rxa x ■ Experience in AutoCad is ED. Tired of rocker with ottoman $49. 9013 is=Tr111Ed10PUAd gotrQ Scrinerswilhtle bed ATLAS essential. Those interested layouts, Metal Fabri- NANNY• - NAN - NANNY REQUIRED, to live in or out. to care for 1 WILSON'S FIREWOOD - by ■ I � � ndd COPCO. 50 HP ;'a / screw air compres- CAD Equipment and Plant (Liv Jan 2)Iorr 8 1 newborn Sons the bush cord or face cord Cut, ■ response10 11e TSbelow , wbng should replyouse rail resume and covering month old. ECE preferred. References required. Pick- . housekeeping cooking- call 619-1718 some spilt and delrv. 05 432 Hardwood mixed e905-432-7741, ■ 1. Was your call answered promptly? ■ wOi�h letter to: Ron Wilson, North Steel Equipment enng (Brock/Major Oaks) Call (905) 428-3415 DUALITY HOME DAY- CARE as.$700 call 1965 7 PIECE DARK ■ American Co. Ltd.. 300 Hopkins NON-SMOKING r Educational, stimu- lating. Nursery, large play- Bargain ' Corner ■ ■ Street. Whitby, Ontario. LIN ferred), Nanny required o room/fenced yard 11 yrs 4. Suggestions or comments: .-Ted at 55000 a5k,rg ■ 289 PLUMBER AND THIRD lice. Monre for a childrenCour- in ildren30 experience Non-smokmg Nutritious meals. Ref b Re. COKE ■ 2. Did the Sales Representative offer friendly ■ OR 4TH YEAR APPREN- a.m. - 6:30 p m. Masi also do ceipts. All ages welcome Westne Rd MACHINE, takes bottles approx 1968 runs ■ courteous service? S"i5 2 black leather chars CHERRYWOOD french provincial dining room table. 6 chairs. (2 captain) with leaves and 2 end ta- bles $600 or best offer 434-6742 CLARINGTON COM- PUTER CLEARANCE CENTER Two great ,aloe packages loaded systems. systems include 14' 28 Nr monitor, voice/fax modem. CD rom drive. sound cards. speakers. Dos. and wind- ows color printer 486-50 mz 160 drive, complete System $395 Same system pentium 100 S1 995 85 do Out the or prices. all 'ax f go . omputer Clearance Center 697- 3059 164 Baseline Rd Bowmanv:lie CRIB, maT:ress eir pals and accessories. racy change table. stroller. all '.,xe new. �bougrt 'c Gran:: arents home asks ,ng st.;,rur, call- '905; 837- 5055 TICE. Must be experienced some housekeeping. 4438 Y N 905-683- asking $495 OBO, call ■ ■ FALL / WINTER CLOTH- ANTIQUE: Walnut dining es included Also lots o in commercial. Fax resume Please call Tracy 436- Christina evenings 509- ING at rock bottom prices room set Excellent condi used systems .n stock. from to: 905.420-0879. 0375. 5907 ■ Snowboard aria ski;ackets non 6 chairs .nclud,ng 1 $149 ncluding m;r for Employment C w n• r c ��•'- "'""' AISO IOcal runs, able. Call Jule 579-7373. work and long hours I have ■ ■ pants. gloves and accesso- captains chair Newly up- RITSON b TAUNTON Wanted DININGROOM table and DINING PCOM Hall batt, es, at up to 80% OFF reg- nolsterd with arge carved area, part hale non 2593 4 chairs $99. DIU" sola and ■ 3. Are you satisfied with the response to ■ ' our naiad paces butter Asking 52250 Carl caregiverdays.irequired. EMPLOYMENT WANT- lcvli:e, $99. wooden your email brand labels SKI s SKI ■ 905-983-9595 fleingxible flexlWe evenmgs b days. m ED. Tired of rocker with ottoman $49. ■advertisement? -EARANCE CENTRE 377 •.untor ATLAS our home. Maybe some employees who don't give their 837-5624 MARINE A Aquarium. 100 gal Road Easy. Gsha- ■ COPCO. 50 HP ;'a / screw air compres- Saturda s. 3 children - 7,4. Y 1 you best Try m r Honest, BURGLAR ALARMS a1 - ■ a Dust east of 5 Points •, sor, cad Rotten, 905-619- b 2 1/2 yrs old) Must be en- l male his 20's HEAVY duty G E. electric dryef ■ all) 905-725.3468 ■ 2542 willing to be involved with desperthusiasately i desperately seeking work I good condition, $175 as.$700 call 1965 7 PIECE DARK system. $400 fish extra $200 call 905-686-4580 the children. References have medical background o.b o. Steel driver/cargo ■ ■ �a'ru' bedroom suite BED cne5tedielC 8 chair r new �, �. est ieloS80C.een J"/ needed 54.00/hr negoh- and am not afraid of hard partition with window, fits 4. Suggestions or comments: .-Ted at 55000 a5k,rg ��•'- "'""' AISO IOcal runs, able. Call Jule 579-7373. work and long hours I have full-sized vans. $99 427- ■ _ ■ 5:'300 coo 2 drawer an- size ed. excellent .ion. $'50 Cad 905-E83- DINING PCOM Hall batt, load lots. aporox 200 per recently returned to Ontario 2593 FULL TIME babysitter r•- ,460 evenings and wee g ■ "Sue Vclonan dresser rntn 3877 tan. 905 434-5110 Daycare with family Call ■ ■ video_ All ages welcome. at 58.250 Papers avail - trot $425 4 ;rawer --iustache 6104 = a";e e•s teeing `ranch door door ■ • Steve Steve at 579-2998 29 MARINE A Aquarium. 100 gal Carpet Mill Disrbtx,tors, ab,e Sacrtice at $3 700 , nacdles� dress- BURGLAR ALARMS a1 - tate ,a. RAW MATERIAL planner. Available 2 PC COUCH De,ge to -ew plus 3 Pc 'ones tank. with complete filter ■ firewood at b spirt. ^rade. ' _- $450 L Shaped sedior 5425 �c,,i, e.,es '�me - cuum cleaner. en!arlair ment desk. purcnasinglnventory/ven- as.$700 call ' FireWOod system. $400 fish extra $200 call 905-686-4580 ■ We woui0 like to near from you. ■ j solaced Sclar .-,fa $325 Office chairs hone KEEP THEM OUT' unit. drapes queen bed, call 725-9554 dor negotiation experience. A C./C-A.PI.C. certifi- DAYCARE available in HOMEMADE siowmco,le delrver. y Afax. Pickering, ■ 5:5 'eacn. Apt washer Custom built steel security 4 Precl, Lres, mag wneeis PM worn. Fax resume to: In- my home. flexible hours. Whitby 683-0709 REBA MCINTYRE Tick ■ ■ S"i5 2 black leather chars window bars for as little as $2500 per window a��lows DRYER $100. Kenmore rd MacDougall, Interim 9 g nutritious meals and 1 TEAK els Cops Colosseum, Sun- ■ If �, 5'85 Fridge S'75 2 single peace of mind even with Waster $2:C ,.aria •e!ng Personnel. (905) 837-0627 snacks provide. large APPLEWOOD. aged 1.2 9 day. November tOtn 1 par, you prefer, Sar electric). $45C 434 -ds (new) 5200 b $'35 from $55 windows open For a free orator 5500 24' new !edge fenced in yard. Backup ba- years old. bust,, cord. $210. 3rd row (stands). center ■ please contact Fred Eismont -,ti to S12C estimate call ',905 )428 $500 Call 905-728-9759 or Hospital P bysittrng available White's 113 bush cord, $80 Delrv- stage Asking $100 683 ■ able and chairs 5'25 2 �"atchmg 8429 >05-985-4202 liedcal Dental Iff Rd. and Finch area. 420- ere 1905-987-4563 7863 ■ at 576-9335, or 683-0707 antique parlor ens 5350 Odd chars ELECTRIC caseboard 5259 Phone collect RUG, never ■ Or fill OUt this coupon ■ 5 ;0 ' eacn Entertamment Carpet Broker 10C',. _ Nykr !r,crik , ,. sten re- neater ;malox. 3 yrs E.C.E. MOM, offering FIREWOOD - Qual,ty sea- used, off-white w.th $300 p -`'I 595 S'3 truck Sao srstant carte' For 3 rooms. old. I d '.0 wans. 240 ,ou 51600 2 a 500 CHIROPRACTIC Health! 9 a Bond 16' spat naMwood underpaid. D ■ and mail to: 5' 35 Mary ether errs only 5369 00 Price in - watts. 24 Massage Therapy assistant warm caring environment starting at S185,'Cord Call Washer/dryer, Inglis, home ■ -.411 905-69% 3532 dudes 30 Sa yrs carpet. volt each S'2 240 wanted lull time mdudes �n bus clinic. ShmuWting, fun activities first aid, and C.PR. call eve. 705-9448801, 7 p.m - heavy-duty. n like new. $200/ S250 Call 4284790 ■ M L'iaSslfle43 Department 19% GM Asn , lar. ally deluxe pad and .rstauancn 39 -ren vat &ermosla; 839 ' 357 evenings 9 Y Someone wrtn a get -wee Chnsbna 509-5907 11 p m ■ ■ �' eels. new tires. 'n your norne Free quota- GORGEOUS HEART SHAPED 51 ring. attitude Experience only USED RAILWAY 'es. fair P O BQX 81 � -'SX75R15. 5500 br set of bon m your r•omI No ,n- • . t of 0 83 carets of S 1 danry b c Holding group interview Monday November 11th at 8 30pm Sharpe Pleas• bring resume to 335 Bayly St W, Ajax in the Fortune Financial Building, Lower Level Meeting Room. NURSES e1 Company. +! '-come 5 part-time, 5 'wl-r,me. Work from honor. Cal 905-571-5063. Daycare FIREWOOD For Sale no Cut. SPW to good Cord;!,Cr'. truck ■ • • _ Aiso S,0 org b sncr -•-x !luck lap. S17t ;25- e� payrnert or ,ne full year. Daniel. 1-8GC- KI colour. with, yamonds and delivered $50 a face cord Call Jerry load lots. aporox 200 per ■ 865 Farewell St. FULL TIME babysitter r•- ,460 evenings and wee g 217.0104 on the shoulder Appraised matching recliners S15C, load. S4 50 each I seasoned, cut and split ■ •tends video_ All ages welcome. at 58.250 Papers avail - (905) 683-%39 6104 ences and must be reliable ■ Oshawa, Ontario Fire. frame $100 Solid oak desK Carpet Mill Disrbtx,tors, ab,e Sacrtice at $3 700 FIREWOOD Seasoned ArtiCICS ■ UH 7Ls 2 PC COUCH De,ge to -ew plus 3 Pc 'ones -.,r•^s ".. payments No ,merest. OAC, 3 roams 000 Cad Len at 905 7126 atter 6 30pm firewood at b spirt. ^rade. ' ' as.$700 call �, 300sq't , :mstalld wit- oak. beet& Same day tree for Sale ■ 4bles 420--1593 HOMEMADE siowmco,le delrver. y Afax. Pickering, Tour $aCSI'adri7n Is the measure cf our success' ■ 4 Precl, Lres, mag wneeis deluxe pad !•om only 5399 Specials on 'J.ny. CerarrIc ;'a....- a -e --a career tail 2 ^r Whitby 683-0709 ■ gas 'inks as+5600 ail 1 TEAK hdvG ROAM se al f• al 0 n = M rM M I♦ M �, sx,r•g 5300 Hammorof air. and Hardwood Flooring offers ccrs.cerec 905 FIREW set. Steric nav,an style. Sar electric). $45C 434 Free Shop At Hone 1 -BCC- 666-1375 after 6 p rn OO D• hardwood 7pc excellent condition logs 12 Bush cord. Will de- $750 Toshiba colour TV liver call (613) 338-28% 575 M It edr Wanted EXPERIENCED daycare U im a 386-50. computer ameg am. _ n my smoke free home. FIREWOOD. Excellent 540mb HO. modern. mon,- megs tar-•. 256 Cacne 8X DC rom. SVGA '4- mcn :arge fenced yard- with quality hardwood. Guar- tor, software $750 Two FULL TIME babysitter r•- playground. Crafts. break- antes, extra long Tully matching recliners S15C, cuird ,r. our WMtby honks. fast, lunch and snacks pro- seasoned, cut and split ea Rowmg machine $100. Must have own car, refer- video_ All ages welcome. Honest measurement Free Futon reclmer-bed with oak ences and must be reliable Flexible hours D,xa/Fmch delivery Kozy Heat Fire. frame $100 Solid oak desK 723-6656 after 6 p.m. Kim 420-2458 wood 905-753 2246 $125 Call 905-433-0958 257 663-ov4o HOUSE CONTENTS 586 CYRIX ;CMHZ, 8 CARPETS oft d carpet " �e seen 7''5 = -" ` megs tar-•. 256 Cacne 8X DC rom. SVGA '4- mcn 'x°• "r' r new scan re- JIG -SAW. 24- ;,eta, r speakers 2yr Paris and .a- lease carpets or -arc. I press 8' :;aria -loot move, bour way, anty S'300 Call nnll carpet 3 rooms. 5349 Table saw Z� x 29' ')ooh 905-665 729C Price incudes carpet. pre- 'ma1M 8' -40 eeenas to ALUMINUM •u.a, Zap. lits m,um Pad. expert installa- 20- x 48' ^,rcr, 'erce steel :oppeo table 24' x 48' 'rise D_ ge Zu.cta Long box non. 'as: del,very. 'nee esti. 6' 668--ss23 $30C coo Cad 905.831- "Tates ',30 yards; Norman 686-2314 " Itrtprotterrterfts • Improvements Roofing • patnbng b • Moving dr • Flooring, • Snow •Me Driving • Health, i , 1661110 �Decorating • Storage • Carpeting • Removal •Schools • • Beauty C Ii R Mainienence Budding repairs and reno- vations electrical pitmlb 4, ceramic files, carpen- try. From sma/ repairs b major renovations. Filly guaranteed, free este mates. (905)432.6931 SPECIALIST Will renovate your batt~ roan, of kitchen walls, as well as hoof files Good references and satisfac- tion guarainflaid For free es"altq ca D. DAM 725-4913 DEV. INC, Speaaizing in custom hones, additions. reno- vabons, rad rooms and basement Residentialandcom- mercial. Serving Durham Region for over 15 yrs. Free consuftation. Call Jeff 905.426.5706 GENERAL CARPENTRY, free estimates. (louse a"' tons. basements, decks, trim work• door installation, base- boards. sheds, roof repairs, (905) 619.2930 Bill Jr. RENOVATIONS BY XLEAVER Additions, second stories, finished bsmts., bath- rooms, decks, isle I t wood floors, doors E windows. guararnteed and retable calf WttllMr (9105)428-2145 ENTERPRISES tenant Contractors ul Cite of services at,; lie for the tionte owner. Renovaiotw Ei M•daNcal eel (ON) 420.9514 - 24 hm Free quotes It Fnamting avaiable Construction Ltd. serving Durham Region for 19 yrs. Additions, slxtdecks, patio doors, Windows• rec-rooms, flagstone, free esti- mates. 905576.5760 A & C ROOFING, shin- gling, all types of roots, new and old, Workmanship Guaranteed. Free esti- mates. Call Andrew at (905) 428-8704. • Electrical' • • MASTER 25 yrs., exper. new wking, renovatons, service up. Fades, fuses to break- ers,certfied security, fire R 985683-5650 MIg SUPREME WALLPAPERING AND PAINTING Free estimates, resi- dential, no job too small, excellent rates. Serving Durham b region for 10 years. Seniors dis- counts. Cal John 725-6764 TMS PAINTING dr DECOR Interior 3 Exterior European Workmanship Fast, dean, reliable service. 420-0081 • Moving & • Storage AJAX Moving Systems full services, moves. ap- pliance and pia spm dL Flat rate or firing We now have heated silage units. Now offering free butes with nave. Park and load spectral, starting at 599. and up. Cal for infor- mation, 725-0005 or 427.0005. HARRY-O•THE• MOVERS Move big a small, we price them all! Free estimates, seniors discount, short no- tice moves. Appliances moved, also storage space available. Comparable rates. Call 432-2650. ltr1EW w>trlra (LARGE TRUCK Will do household moves, residential, commercial. At types of moves. can Cad or isleee 427-2856. MICHALSKI MO. - Houses. Apartments, 01- fices. Appliances and Piano Specilaksts. Senor and Mid -Month Dis- counts. licensed, in- sured. Free Fsuntales. Exc*Uont service. Cath 436.7795. Experienced Cross Movers Bargain rates, homes, offices, apt., etc. Piano moving. Packing available. 423-0239.119)) CARPET INSTALLATIONS 25 years experience, restmdmg, our specially. Free estimates. 0 3 N Dtrnan, 967-1799 or 987.1800 • House • Cleaning ELM PERSONALIZED CLEANING SERVICE - sat- istacbon guaranteed. Call Beth at 6834564. Honest reliable per- son with 17 yrs ex- perience. Cleaning by the day; every other Friday avail- able. Rates, 545.465. 576-9865 leave message HOUSE CLEANING by Lorie Special Rates for Weekly / Biweekly from $45. 416-703-3027 SNOWPLOWING - Res,- dent,al b commercial For FREE ESTIMATES can 579-1506 • Party • Party MAGICIAN, down friends, ready to en- tertain to any age, arty occasion. Birttdays, pro- motions. opernirgsi fund raisers. Magic shows are tun' Lettuce help. 839- 7057 or 728.8334 or 683-1171 RAlliM -- WA1Y'i'S WORK Doing Magic For Cttidren's Partes And AN Occasions. Have My Own Magician. Cali Elsie �-4932• • Privale • • TutDm'Schools NEED HELP with ac- counting, finance, or man- agement courses? Call Joe at 905-619-3082. SCHOOL Approved by D.S.A .O '4 lessons and test $105. •10 Lessons $150 -Full Course $259 Free pick -up and drop oft (416) 287-3060 • • Business • Services ALTERNATIVE LEGAL SERVICES We specialize n provid- ing top quality medlabort and legal advisors. Services include family, landlord and tenant, wits and estates, personal injury, termination of employment, immigra- ton, and business. P i R consulting Services (416)265-8603 619-2231 F Don't Forget Oshawa/WWthy This Week Classified DepL is open for your convenience every Sat 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 576-9335 PAGE 22 -THE NEVUS A1DV1ERT WR FRIDAY, NOV'LMSMR g, 1196 GwaW Gal Yard Soles 1 Yard des • Christmaslftil*rConnection CONTEM'S OF CONDO fiat. Nov. 9, at 9:30 -4:30. 44 Falby Court, Apt. 505 Ajax. Entire contents of 2 bedroom condo. beak twee iks-smee Fa This aeferewe H Swedes Beerof all NrWs Raw sesta MaIii plow CaaAT SMXJW TON AND InUCsa! MOVING SALE - Sat. Nov. 9 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 1704 Bovingdon Place. Claremont. Indoor and patio furn., bbq, tools, contents and more. KARAOKE EQUIPMENT. SHARP 25' TV, VCR om- 12' colour TV, used for bina%ons. High resolution singer-mondor. 1 Pioneer picture tube. front AV CLD 1080 player. 1 Jacks auto programming, Pioneer MA -9. MIC mixer. 1 un,versa remote control Pioneer UNI DIREC remote Rent to own from $7.5Wwk mix. 1 AH voice monitor. 30 Call 905.571.1412 Pioneer karaoke discs (1- USED BLIND hemmer. 2830. 1 country STAG) 2 sewing macrame, m exec - custom cases (audio-har- lent working condition exc moray mc) 10 karaoke $1500 Can 436-%78 after song -books 8 mic 8 stand. 1 amphher. MP -8 channel mixer 55500 416-330- 2526 AB new equipment. KEEP YOUR 8 mm d Su. pe- 8 film sate on high quality v-deo.Tnple R Video Transfer offers the best Price with music added no extra Charge call 905-725- 1001 MASSEY FERGUSON, 356 - 2 whoei Or pay load- er. 4cyi gas new head. walert7ump. rad. machine In good condihortilts. ap- prox 12 1`1 high, asking $3200 OBD. Can 433-0656 MOFFAT '•edge and stove. kumonC Viking heavy duty washer arc dryer. 831- Mortreai Canadians , Tor. Onto Maple Leafs. 2 tK.xets No, 23. game Oniy meeting this Season .n Tor- onto call 905-753-2246 NFLD SHUTTLEBUS Lea,,, from' Toronto !d NevrfwnkyanC. rouno trips. or one-way Call now to book reservation 905-430- 10% WNtby We also de- liver parcos"'orghl OAKIPINE FURNITURE Why pay feta,' prices" One of Oriario's oldest and lar- gest manufacturers is now sailing direct to bre public Eg soled Oak 7 pc dwuhg- room or 6 pc solid pine bedroom. your choice $79% many stair u,oices Trad.onal Woodworking 905.985-8774 PIANOS - GRANDFA- THER CLOCKS Back to Scsoo specials New and used pianos Not Rent, to own, apt size. upright. grana, digital. key- boards Clearance on all 1995 stock' Thep Piano Works. 433-1491 RESTAURANT SUP- PLIES stainless steel uten- sils. staniess steel square containers (various sizes). 2h strainer, 2 pomade double heating lamps. 5 - head portable pop dis- penser: Nola meat slicer, 12mn blade. usetl, selling for 5350 Meat Slicer. Nems. But, blade. nae. So" for $350. Cambro portable waitress station: Cambro Portable outdoor bar, 5ft. Wig.416-330.2526. SHEDMAN - Quality barn style shed kit X X 8'. SPE- CIAL ONLY 5295 plus tax. Many ahw sizes and styles available. Also garages and decks. 761 McKay Rd. Unit 3. Pickering. For more info. call 905-619-2093. WASHERS dryers, fridge, stove new and recons, tionee. 5225 and up for re- conditioned washer. $175 and up for reconditioned dryers $175 and up for re- conditioned tndges and stoves Also coon operated washer and dryers- Ste- phenson's Furniture and Appliances. 227 Court St.. Oshawa 576-7448 ' Articles Wanted ANTIQUES Aosoiutety, Purcras,ng fu niture or an- ything ad Scientific ulstru- monts. china. s,IWr. adver- &ng. toys decoys. dills. milk bottles, collections or estates Cad Hobart Bowen Antiques (905, 6558049. Brookhn FREE REMOVAL of un- war!eC scrap meta,. stoves. washers, cars. trucks or on- ytn,ng metal cad 905 571- 6714 WANTED Diningroom S.ute $oi,c wood. Cherry or mahogany prefer tradition- al or antique, tale wdh minimum 6 chairs butte! and hutch, to be ,n great condition. reawnabiy pric- es Call 655-5w-, WANTED CAMERAS - oid n,na and glass le", tory. microscopes. te.e- scopes binoculars andre- lead rtamt Clocks watch - as. furniture, anything aid 432-1678 Computer Anternet COMPUTER HELP: 1- 900-451.2994 s 99 mm , 24 hours DOS. Windows 3 x. Win95. Internet appl.- ation No hassles, no hold, last, easy 18. Call today! NEW MUSIC a -zine • http, rwwwdu rnarn- news net, -ayc23&in- Oex him • Lost 3 • Found FOUND - ginger cat. de - Clawed, Brock Rd. N./Ross- land area. Owner may con- tact 427-9900 ft's Chfbtnnl Will again arc MPM's CMFlYBS tore born Immg ther mWw w fall s'id this scum to bring you the most hUMM aid taiga gift) rare it From the wtimnid to the • mtfid, thm's wrinchn for n'm w on you list. Got an lila you'd Idlc to n)itlt7 sWphm havt nrnlhing you rKed. Malec thio a Chmtmu to rcmcInkr. Christmas •Connection CRAFT Its Christmas ttru a>;.nn �.ur rcy;i��n s tR.\Pl1i [iS have he Icttkng their Imagination run a rld this Ica -In to bring you the most beautiful anti unique Krhw-are rvrr' From the whimsical to the comical, there s sumrthmg for rven- tic on your list Got an idra you'd Irkr G. ti -0 Arca suppliers have rv-rnlhing you oce-ti %lake this a Chnstmas to rcmcmhrr This Special Crafter '• Soctise is If you'd like to intended at showcase our region's talent. as well as the suppliers who provide then materials a'UBLICATION: Every other Wednesday t,egmrung Nor. Eta 4 isaerbowel. 1 r LAKESIDE'S CRAFT SHOW Over 85 vendors. crafts. trades, and a cafe! Lakeside P.S. 4 Parkes Dr.. Ajax (Finley/Parks) Saturday, November 9, 1996 10 a.m. - 4 p.m_ & GIFT SALE Sundav Nov 10th 10am- 4p11 Forrnaly Held at 1519 Silver Spruce Dr., at new permanent location; lower level, hi Oti"_ty Studio 109 Old Kingston Rd. W., Pickering Village. aefreshrnerlts served. CHRISTNUS CRAFT SHOW \,1t '> V 11) 10:00 - 4: it 1 Port Ilerrp Iligh S I 1(;.)! 160 Rosa St. COUNTRY CRAFT SALE SAT., NOV. 9 9aIT, -3pm 2380 Altona Rd., North of Finch �;hnstmas crafts potpourri, Candles, folk art. shadow boxes. gift baskets I Admission S1.00 Jo school Fun) .r".r'jA119`rXJ11_t Children Under 13 Free" ImoWtFf , 1 Sat./Sun. Nov. 9 , 10 . 10 - 4 Computer Computer 35 Love Cres. (Ajax) Videogo Video Wreaths. morin hard sewn & led :roche AM (Reasonable Prices) INTERNET SERVICE AVAILABLE Home and Web page creation Hyper link and server storage. Call John Duarte at 579-4400 after Automobiles For Sale • ' Pews+ppliow Bow" ROTTWEILER pupp•es Availablegifts w(clusivety, at R white t ' CK,' Reg ai, shots. tle- 1983 CHEV. Celebrity 4 wormed, tails 8 dowciaws Or auto V6. 2 8 interior d done 5 wilts t morale 3 to- body .n ex coed Oruy males 404-0884. 571- 93.000 orignal ams, new 7662 rebultt engine th March '96 LHASA APSO PUPS for (7000 kms) $1200 as ,s sale Non shedding nor, 905-404-9035 allergic. health guarantee, FREE KITTENS, Bom IW noodled House tram- 1963 Cadillac Eldorado. ,ng started r'armery terms a 1 lore. loaded. $2500 as available (705) 786-3124 is or 53000 certified Trade DALMATIANS, Jack Rus- considered Call Au 725 - see torners. Lhasa - apsos 9378 or leave message SCOtrie-pocs. choodles. PURE BRED Golden Re- schnoodles, himmayans, 1983 Olds Cutlass. 305 hedgehogs, degus, and engine 4 BBL. Good Ores. more at Tent Pots Oshawa Makes Good winter car. Center, 436-3724 $750 Cad 433-1672 GERMAN SHEPHERD 19$3 TOYOTA SUPRA - PUPPIES Purebred. black tan. Veterinary - good condition. needs a bit- t h co chocked.1st shots Males its TLC to certify. will make and to and females. Beautiful, allowance on ice W Sug- healthy, well socialized. pasted retail $3.650. Try an 5200. 2 year old adult off-. Kathy 905-571.6633 530 shepnwd M. to larmg pm. LOST - Nov 1 - gild wed- home. Can 905 263 1066. ding band with small Dia EXCLUSIVE, original art- ( ­ mond centre, 77 hell- work. T-shirts. swam shirts, (705) 657-131377. RE- night shirts, tae bags. mugs. hats, note cardsand P"Suwed-. "bilking the finest • ,PPS lin• of canine apparel arca 1964 Camaro. engine and body in mnt condition, electronic dash, stereo. must sell. $2195 obo. ars- fwd. 655-4023 or 683- 7301. 1964 FIREarRD. 6 cylin- der. auto with PS. PB. now bald" starter and many new parts $OD 060 As is. Alter bpm 7261385. 1964 HONDA CIVIC 1500, 4 dr., auto.. many new parts. Alpine stereo, front - will" drive. $8%. 340,000 km., 416-703-1050 days; 905.427-1479 eve. 1985 OLDS CIERA swgr 52495. 1986 PONTIAC 600 Vwgn $1995. 1986 Choy Celebrity s,wgr $2995. 1985 BUICK Park Ave. 4 Or 52895. 1986 OLDSDelta 88 4 Or S2895. 1985 PONTIAC 600 I.E. $2995. 1987 MER- CURY Topaz $2795. 1985 MERCURY COUGAR. 2 dr $2495. 1986 CHEV Ca- price. 2 or 52995. 1988 EAGLE Vista $2995. 1987 ESCORT E X P. 2 or $2995,1986 FORD Escort $2095- 1991 HYUNDAI Scoupe. 2 Or $4395. 1991 OLDS Caws. $6995: 1990 CHEV Cavalier, 2 kir 55495. 1990 DODGE shadow $4395. 1989 CHEV Ceioil $4995. 1988 CUTLASS Supreme, 2 Or $4995, 1985 GMC Satan 5 pass. $2995. 1986 GMC Satan 7 pass. cow. $4795, 1989 FORD Aero - star 7 pass $5495. 1991 DODGE Caravan 7 pass $7895. 1988 FORD E-150 StarcraFt conv $9995. 1990 JEEP Cherokee Lm- ited $9995 All vehicles certified OPEN FRI. i SAT. 9 A. M. - 6 P.M.; SUN. 11-4 P.M. DALE'S AUTO CENTRE 723.7767. 444 TALI TON RD. E. OSHAWA 198S TOPAZ, 4 or. all power, auto, good body. excellent for second car 139.000 km. $1200 obo. 728-696,5 1986 ARIES STATION WAGON: Excellent condi- bon. great wintw car. Auto., 103 kms. $11100. certified. Call NS -668.6150 even- ings. Memoir at 905-571- 1729 days. 1966 CNEVETTE 5 speed, 137,000 kms, now dutch and now rad. And Moretti! $950. Call 905.665- 1603. 19N CNEVETTE auto, rebuilt motor (1994) many now parts $1000. obo. Call Oshawa 905-718-1779. 1996 FORD Tempo, Good condition. Auto, load- ed $1400 certified. Call 668-1741. 1996 PONTIAC 6000 LE wagon. 148,000 km., 2AL, V6, loaded, 52800 obo. 725-9919 1907 Cavalier, 2 dr. auto., $1500 obo as is. 579-6285. 1967 MERCURY Topaz, 4-tyl, 5-spe•rd $1495 c•rti- liied. 1904 Cilds Cutlass, V-6 automatic, all power, $1295 certified o.b.o. 1986 Che- vne, 4-cyl, automatic. $650 o.b.o. as is. 905 4049759. 1989 Oils Cutlass Cera. 4 dr . aic. stereo, cert. 200.000 km Excellent con- dition, 54500. 427-9575 Bran 1988 NISSAN PULSAR, standard, 5 speed, arrOm, certified. $1.800 432-3290 1988 SPRINT 4 -door, ai.!o S270C 1989 Sprint. 5 -speed. 52900 88 Optima 4 -door. auto. 52800 All certified Call 905-434- 8553 1990 CAVALIER RS. V6. auto A/C. ArnFm Cassette. Sun roof.) owner. 175.000 km Asking $4000 Call (905) 668-5447 1990 CHEV Cavalier. AIC. 127,270 kms 55250 Certified, oba Call 905- 430.3618 1990 DODGE SPIRIT ES. 3 0 L. power seat, locks, 253.000 km, cruise. 52.500 or best offer as is. 576- 2678 1990 FORD Probe, lady owned 8 driven since new. New brakes, bras. exhaust. 54500 certified. Cas Na- dine 668-9969 1990 HONDA EXR, 2 - door Sport Coupe: 133.000 tun. 59,950 or nearest off- er -420-3984, 1990 MAZDA 323 Hatch. While, 106,000 kms.. one owner, excellent gas mile- age, new brakes, auto. $4.995. Certified. Cam 905- 723-4758 1661 CAVALIER - 4 dr, 4 cyl. alfrlflm casseft. A/C. A- 1 condition, wilt dM11y. 24,000 kms, $111i obo. Cam weskertds or week- days after 4:30 pm. 905- 728-718S. 1961 CAVALIER RS. 4 dr. MC. AMVFM cassette, 183,000 kms, Hwy drivers. $4000. obo, Call 905-721- 1 1991 lobim Stylus. Char- coal grey, MC, auto, sun roof, bra, new alternator, battery 6 brakes. 130,000k, $4500 Can. Cao At 725- 0816. 1991 PONTIAC 6000 SE. 4 door. automatic. bucket seats, sit power including seat. Air. ground effects, from factory, mint condition. Asking $7500 Cert. No Gst. Private. Cal 579.5749. 1991 PONTIAC SUNBIRD LE. 60,000 kms., certified, 4 door, automatic, air, atom cassette, tilt, split rear seats. p/s, pilo. $7495 obo. (905)723-7507 Automobiles For Sale 1992 BUICK REGAL $10,590 or best offer. 130, kms. Loaded wilt, options. New tires, brakes, alternator. Certified, shiny and ready to go. 905-428.1365 after 6 pm 1992 HONDA CIVIC I.S. 4 or auto , new tires, radio cass.. 137,000 km., superb condi- tion. $8500 obo. Call 576- 9419. 1995 FORD TAURUS WAGON. 8 -passenger, low kms. Lots of warranty Un- believable price $17,488 Call now, ask for Sand. FRASER FORD 576-1800 1995 Nissan Quest, 18K, fully loaded. $23.000, payments available Call evenings 436- 8658 199S Olds Cutlass Supreme. 4 dr loaded. less than 9000 km., aqua blue. 524,000 as is 576-2638 1995 SATURN SE. low kms. lady orven, 4 or. 512,000 ,�00, Call 725.9181 19% ESCORT LX. 5 or. air, auto gas miser, only 19.000 km Factory warranty FRAS- ER FORD. 576-1800 Ask for 6,11 Only $14.495 87 PLYMOUTH SUN - DANCE. 5 Speed TRANS excellent condition. 51850 as IS 68 Volkswagen Dune Buggy. $1250 obo (905) 683- 7239 after 7 pm 88 GMC. pick up, V6, 4 sod. standard. excellent cond6on. In and out. 54895. OBD, can 723-6684 leave message. 89 ESCORT Lx, auto. cert. $1950 88 Tempo, air, `_speed. cert. 52250 87 -rovette. standard. Carl. S1250 84 Volvo, standard. .ert. $1450 Private. 905- 619-2351 A SATURN SL 1, P/W. P' air, loaded, green. 45.000 kms asking S72 500 call 72B-9796 HALLELUJAH! LET THE SUN SHINE IN! over 3S certified recon- ditioned vehicles on sate. Eg Four 30 O•ds 98's Buick LeSabres from $6.995 Five GMC Astros '88 and UP from $3.995 '91 Voyager loaded. black and saver. A-1, $9.595 '91 Fes- tiva Auto, commuter special 53.995 '89 escort Auto. GLX, loaded, fantastic at $3.695 '89 Grand Prix SE. wh,te. loaded mint $7.995 '89 Cutlass Supreme load- ed. sharp. now $7.595 '89 Bonneville. must see. A O K $5.695 '91 Tempo. an. auto. super sale 53.695 1987 Oldsmobile. white. A- 1. $3.395 1988 Tempo. one lady owner, low Kil fantastic. 52.695.. 1987 Sundance, great car. $3.395 1989 Celebrity Eurc, black beauty, loaded, sale $5.595. Seniors se- lection. 1990 Acclaim auto. air, was $5.995, now sale $5.295 1992 Honda Civic. we. $8.500 1986 Anes, nice car, steal it $2.295 CerUcw Auto Canter, 155 King St. W., at Midtown Mall. Oshawa, 579-2886 Open Sunday. CREDIT PROBLEMS? On the spot financing Down payments from $500. Monthly payments from $150 O A C. Cars, trucks. vans 1981 to 1996 Alandy Auto Sales Ltd. 146 Brock St. N. Whitby 905-666- 3382 DON'T MISS OUT -1995 Escort LX Spon. Air, auto. 16.000 kin Great on gas (46 rtpg). Factory warranty Call Caries at FRASER FORD 576-1800. Only $14,995. LOW KMS., 1986 Pontiac 6,000 L.E. Waded, Original paint. good condi- bor,S2600 certified. 436- 0791. LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR PLUS FREE WARRANTY. OVER 33 CERTIFIED RECONCI- TIONED VEHICLES ON SALE AT CERTICAR EG. 1991 Caravan SE, burgundy, A-1. $8,8118. 19119 Colebriy, Euro, blade beau1967yOldsoaA . fantastic, now $3.395. 1989 Cutlass supreme. Waded. sharp, sale $6,995. 1989 Grand Prix SE, loaded, mint. $7,995., 1991 Tan", air, auto. wow $3,695. 1988 Tempo, one lady owner, low kms, $2,695. 1989 Bonneville 3800 V46. A.O.K. 55,695., 1989 Es- cort, 5 door, tial L. loaded, burgundy, auto, now $3.695. 1993 Sunbird SE, V6, auto, air, teal, wow $7,777. 1990 ads 88, loaded. white, mint, 92,000 kms, now $9,995. 1990 Buick LeSabre, loaded, mint, sale $6,990. 1989 Ford F-150, Lariat, Waded, low kms, auto. V-8, sale $7,777. 1986 Aries, auto, A- 1 sled it $2295. C•rlfcw 1S5 King St W-, at Midtown Mall, Odhwwk S79.26N Open Sun- day. •' Snowmobiles ONSnowrtlobil" SALE as PHAZER 3AOWW0Rl1 ] winder is Pietas Dependable, excellent cond., new seat, toe bar, hand warmers, runs. Beauty $2,195 o.b.o., 5,600 km. 1-705-328-0402 Automobiles Em For Sale ""�'�7 an the today 362 French Street. AlmondES dr hatchback, am71m cass.. Availablegifts w(clusivety, at R white t ' FREE TO GOOD home, 3 Farcy Pet Foods. 376 Kingston Rd. pw kgmg 5250 d up. Wastters $150 male rabbits. evenings (905) 509-3417 6 up. Dryers,cher 8 up. $175649-3458. Ask for ' AUtOmObIIES Portable dishwashers, Erica. $2.250 546 Annandale St. II a up. Chest freezers, Oshawa 905-436-6570. Automobilles $175 b up. White stoves, FREE KITTENS, Bom , ' f" sale ' 5200 6 up. Apt -size wash- Sept- 18, assorted colours, able 683-7301 or 428- ers, $250 6 up. Upright house trained. ready to go. $3.695 Must sell $395 freezer. $250.6 month war- call 831-4073. NEED A VEHICLE? rany.905-432-7167. PURE BRED Golden Re- Poor credit? No credit? 18' Digital Satellite 70 traver puppies. Vet Bankrupt? Call Tracie at Free channels for 1 year. checked, tat shots, ready 905-576-1800 or 1 -888 - Rent to own for only $8.25 mid. November. For more 259.3673.1 can heilpl weekly. Cal 905-571.1412 info. cam 905-723-1725 anytime HITACHI 35' stereo tele- S month did female Neo. 1973 DODGE CHARG- vision. Ultra black picture Mastiff, needs a good ER, (Muscle Car), good I". Pic -in -Pic, High reso- home, loves other dogs ii body. A-1 engine, new bras lution. Rent -co-own from children. Blue/gray in co- etc., Will trade for runabout $15.80 weekly.Call 905- lour with blue eyes. $600. with trailer. 965-2191. 571-1412 905.432.7688• Jeff or Tami. 1981 GMC, Rally STX KENWOOD 200 watt HIMALAYAN KITTENS - window van, 350 auto. As Tower of Pourer 5 Disk CD, adorable bundles of love, is Pose track differential, double cassette, tower Seat and Blue Points. 1969 Nova SS Hood and "isel rs, Rent -W -own from Home raised, C.C.A. Reg- 400 Turbo Hydranatic $7.25 weekly. Call 905- istered, $thou. 905-985- Transmission. Cal after 571-U/12 8021. 6:30 pm. (705) 953-2085. r.............................4.44..........0. 1964 Camaro. engine and body in mnt condition, electronic dash, stereo. must sell. $2195 obo. ars- fwd. 655-4023 or 683- 7301. 1964 FIREarRD. 6 cylin- der. auto with PS. PB. now bald" starter and many new parts $OD 060 As is. Alter bpm 7261385. 1964 HONDA CIVIC 1500, 4 dr., auto.. many new parts. Alpine stereo, front - will" drive. $8%. 340,000 km., 416-703-1050 days; 905.427-1479 eve. 1985 OLDS CIERA swgr 52495. 1986 PONTIAC 600 Vwgn $1995. 1986 Choy Celebrity s,wgr $2995. 1985 BUICK Park Ave. 4 Or 52895. 1986 OLDSDelta 88 4 Or S2895. 1985 PONTIAC 600 I.E. $2995. 1987 MER- CURY Topaz $2795. 1985 MERCURY COUGAR. 2 dr $2495. 1986 CHEV Ca- price. 2 or 52995. 1988 EAGLE Vista $2995. 1987 ESCORT E X P. 2 or $2995,1986 FORD Escort $2095- 1991 HYUNDAI Scoupe. 2 Or $4395. 1991 OLDS Caws. $6995: 1990 CHEV Cavalier, 2 kir 55495. 1990 DODGE shadow $4395. 1989 CHEV Ceioil $4995. 1988 CUTLASS Supreme, 2 Or $4995, 1985 GMC Satan 5 pass. $2995. 1986 GMC Satan 7 pass. cow. $4795, 1989 FORD Aero - star 7 pass $5495. 1991 DODGE Caravan 7 pass $7895. 1988 FORD E-150 StarcraFt conv $9995. 1990 JEEP Cherokee Lm- ited $9995 All vehicles certified OPEN FRI. i SAT. 9 A. M. - 6 P.M.; SUN. 11-4 P.M. DALE'S AUTO CENTRE 723.7767. 444 TALI TON RD. E. OSHAWA 198S TOPAZ, 4 or. all power, auto, good body. excellent for second car 139.000 km. $1200 obo. 728-696,5 1986 ARIES STATION WAGON: Excellent condi- bon. great wintw car. Auto., 103 kms. $11100. certified. Call NS -668.6150 even- ings. Memoir at 905-571- 1729 days. 1966 CNEVETTE 5 speed, 137,000 kms, now dutch and now rad. And Moretti! $950. Call 905.665- 1603. 19N CNEVETTE auto, rebuilt motor (1994) many now parts $1000. obo. Call Oshawa 905-718-1779. 1996 FORD Tempo, Good condition. Auto, load- ed $1400 certified. Call 668-1741. 1996 PONTIAC 6000 LE wagon. 148,000 km., 2AL, V6, loaded, 52800 obo. 725-9919 1907 Cavalier, 2 dr. auto., $1500 obo as is. 579-6285. 1967 MERCURY Topaz, 4-tyl, 5-spe•rd $1495 c•rti- liied. 1904 Cilds Cutlass, V-6 automatic, all power, $1295 certified o.b.o. 1986 Che- vne, 4-cyl, automatic. $650 o.b.o. as is. 905 4049759. 1989 Oils Cutlass Cera. 4 dr . aic. stereo, cert. 200.000 km Excellent con- dition, 54500. 427-9575 Bran 1988 NISSAN PULSAR, standard, 5 speed, arrOm, certified. $1.800 432-3290 1988 SPRINT 4 -door, ai.!o S270C 1989 Sprint. 5 -speed. 52900 88 Optima 4 -door. auto. 52800 All certified Call 905-434- 8553 1990 CAVALIER RS. V6. auto A/C. ArnFm Cassette. Sun roof.) owner. 175.000 km Asking $4000 Call (905) 668-5447 1990 CHEV Cavalier. AIC. 127,270 kms 55250 Certified, oba Call 905- 430.3618 1990 DODGE SPIRIT ES. 3 0 L. power seat, locks, 253.000 km, cruise. 52.500 or best offer as is. 576- 2678 1990 FORD Probe, lady owned 8 driven since new. New brakes, bras. exhaust. 54500 certified. Cas Na- dine 668-9969 1990 HONDA EXR, 2 - door Sport Coupe: 133.000 tun. 59,950 or nearest off- er -420-3984, 1990 MAZDA 323 Hatch. While, 106,000 kms.. one owner, excellent gas mile- age, new brakes, auto. $4.995. Certified. Cam 905- 723-4758 1661 CAVALIER - 4 dr, 4 cyl. alfrlflm casseft. A/C. A- 1 condition, wilt dM11y. 24,000 kms, $111i obo. Cam weskertds or week- days after 4:30 pm. 905- 728-718S. 1961 CAVALIER RS. 4 dr. MC. AMVFM cassette, 183,000 kms, Hwy drivers. $4000. obo, Call 905-721- 1 1991 lobim Stylus. Char- coal grey, MC, auto, sun roof, bra, new alternator, battery 6 brakes. 130,000k, $4500 Can. Cao At 725- 0816. 1991 PONTIAC 6000 SE. 4 door. automatic. bucket seats, sit power including seat. Air. ground effects, from factory, mint condition. Asking $7500 Cert. No Gst. Private. Cal 579.5749. 1991 PONTIAC SUNBIRD LE. 60,000 kms., certified, 4 door, automatic, air, atom cassette, tilt, split rear seats. p/s, pilo. $7495 obo. (905)723-7507 Automobiles For Sale 1992 BUICK REGAL $10,590 or best offer. 130, kms. Loaded wilt, options. New tires, brakes, alternator. Certified, shiny and ready to go. 905-428.1365 after 6 pm 1992 HONDA CIVIC I.S. 4 or auto , new tires, radio cass.. 137,000 km., superb condi- tion. $8500 obo. Call 576- 9419. 1995 FORD TAURUS WAGON. 8 -passenger, low kms. Lots of warranty Un- believable price $17,488 Call now, ask for Sand. FRASER FORD 576-1800 1995 Nissan Quest, 18K, fully loaded. $23.000, payments available Call evenings 436- 8658 199S Olds Cutlass Supreme. 4 dr loaded. less than 9000 km., aqua blue. 524,000 as is 576-2638 1995 SATURN SE. low kms. lady orven, 4 or. 512,000 ,�00, Call 725.9181 19% ESCORT LX. 5 or. air, auto gas miser, only 19.000 km Factory warranty FRAS- ER FORD. 576-1800 Ask for 6,11 Only $14.495 87 PLYMOUTH SUN - DANCE. 5 Speed TRANS excellent condition. 51850 as IS 68 Volkswagen Dune Buggy. $1250 obo (905) 683- 7239 after 7 pm 88 GMC. pick up, V6, 4 sod. standard. excellent cond6on. In and out. 54895. OBD, can 723-6684 leave message. 89 ESCORT Lx, auto. cert. $1950 88 Tempo, air, `_speed. cert. 52250 87 -rovette. standard. Carl. S1250 84 Volvo, standard. .ert. $1450 Private. 905- 619-2351 A SATURN SL 1, P/W. P' air, loaded, green. 45.000 kms asking S72 500 call 72B-9796 HALLELUJAH! LET THE SUN SHINE IN! over 3S certified recon- ditioned vehicles on sate. Eg Four 30 O•ds 98's Buick LeSabres from $6.995 Five GMC Astros '88 and UP from $3.995 '91 Voyager loaded. black and saver. A-1, $9.595 '91 Fes- tiva Auto, commuter special 53.995 '89 escort Auto. GLX, loaded, fantastic at $3.695 '89 Grand Prix SE. wh,te. loaded mint $7.995 '89 Cutlass Supreme load- ed. sharp. now $7.595 '89 Bonneville. must see. A O K $5.695 '91 Tempo. an. auto. super sale 53.695 1987 Oldsmobile. white. A- 1. $3.395 1988 Tempo. one lady owner, low Kil fantastic. 52.695.. 1987 Sundance, great car. $3.395 1989 Celebrity Eurc, black beauty, loaded, sale $5.595. Seniors se- lection. 1990 Acclaim auto. air, was $5.995, now sale $5.295 1992 Honda Civic. we. $8.500 1986 Anes, nice car, steal it $2.295 CerUcw Auto Canter, 155 King St. W., at Midtown Mall. Oshawa, 579-2886 Open Sunday. CREDIT PROBLEMS? On the spot financing Down payments from $500. Monthly payments from $150 O A C. Cars, trucks. vans 1981 to 1996 Alandy Auto Sales Ltd. 146 Brock St. N. Whitby 905-666- 3382 DON'T MISS OUT -1995 Escort LX Spon. Air, auto. 16.000 kin Great on gas (46 rtpg). Factory warranty Call Caries at FRASER FORD 576-1800. Only $14,995. LOW KMS., 1986 Pontiac 6,000 L.E. Waded, Original paint. good condi- bor,S2600 certified. 436- 0791. LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR PLUS FREE WARRANTY. OVER 33 CERTIFIED RECONCI- TIONED VEHICLES ON SALE AT CERTICAR EG. 1991 Caravan SE, burgundy, A-1. $8,8118. 19119 Colebriy, Euro, blade beau1967yOldsoaA . fantastic, now $3.395. 1989 Cutlass supreme. Waded. sharp, sale $6,995. 1989 Grand Prix SE, loaded, mint. $7,995., 1991 Tan", air, auto. wow $3,695. 1988 Tempo, one lady owner, low kms, $2,695. 1989 Bonneville 3800 V46. A.O.K. 55,695., 1989 Es- cort, 5 door, tial L. loaded, burgundy, auto, now $3.695. 1993 Sunbird SE, V6, auto, air, teal, wow $7,777. 1990 ads 88, loaded. white, mint, 92,000 kms, now $9,995. 1990 Buick LeSabre, loaded, mint, sale $6,990. 1989 Ford F-150, Lariat, Waded, low kms, auto. V-8, sale $7,777. 1986 Aries, auto, A- 1 sled it $2295. C•rlfcw 1S5 King St W-, at Midtown Mall, Odhwwk S79.26N Open Sun- day. •' Snowmobiles ONSnowrtlobil" SALE as PHAZER 3AOWW0Rl1 ] winder is Pietas Dependable, excellent cond., new seat, toe bar, hand warmers, runs. Beauty $2,195 o.b.o., 5,600 km. 1-705-328-0402 Automobiles Em For Sale , Trailers 1993 Ford Festiva. auto 2 dr hatchback, am71m cass.. 1976 RAMBLER Model 62.000 km , must sell, type 'Peanut• Ver yP y good $3900 434-2775 condition Sleeps 2 in. cludes cooking facilities. refrigerator, portable toilet. ' AUtOmObIIES storage space Asking Wanted $2.250 546 Annandale St. Oshawa 905-436-6570. SSS TOP DOLLARS CAMPING MEMBER. paid for scrap cars. 7 days SHIP Lifetime. Camp from per week. Used parts avail- coast to coast. Us/Canada able 683-7301 or 428- $400 per night. Paid 1879 after 6 pm $3.695 Must sell $395 U.S Dollars 1-800-236- A 6 A TOWING. P 550 0327 $5000 cash for used S scrap cars 8 trucks 24 hrs. TRAILER: All steel. 7 days Call 905-686-5003 10'lonq. 6'w.de. 5'high, or 905-706-5234. 30 min great for hauling wood, etc service $1000 firm (705)799-1352 after bpm or (905)725-8166 84 -86 Tercell or Corolla. in anytime good condition, certified ask for Jim. 905-839-0822 • ' owmobiles ff; A & K TOWING Cash On the Spot Pay S50 - S5.000 for used and scrap cars and trucks, any condi- tion Call anytime. 24 hrs 7 days. Fast 30 mar service. No Darts Call Ken (905)509-5584 (416) 328-8081 AUTOMOBILES a-: t1JCks waned W, scrap Any condition, any age, tree removal .n fru Dur= Region, cash paitl Also needed. 75 to '87 Chev or GMC p.chup for parts Cam anytime. Oshawa 905-431- 0407 CARS FOR CASH! We buy used vehicles Vehi- cles must be in running condition. Call 4272415 or come to 479 Bayty St East. Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES t Trucks for Sale 1986 Ford 250 Cargo Van. A-1 mecharucat. good body, low rules. Asking 52500.723-7055. 1987 GMC S15, 5 speed, 25, cap, good scrape. 52,800 or best offer certified Cam 434-5975 1986 FORD BRONCO 4X4. Eddy Bauer Edition, good condition, salting $3500 as is. 723-9319 1990 Jimmy S Series. 4X4, 32,000 km. on rebuilt motor 4.3. New paint. Loaded. as .s 56800. 905- 985-2306 Jim (Pon Perry) 1991 SONOMA SL, ex - landed cab, 116K, good condition, asking $9,000. Call 416330-2526. 1913 CHEVY Blazer 4x4, lrailw-Hitch. 4 -door. hilly - equipped. Oil condi- tion, $16,900. Certified. Cal 905-9860712. 1986 FORD EXPLORER XL, 04. Balance of Factory Warranty. FRASER FORD, 5761800, ask for Steve. Only 525.975. 1968 FORD EXPLORER XLT 4X4, 6 cyl., fully Wed. ed. Factory warranty. Only 529.995. Pick a colour. Cale Doug at FRASER FORD 7561600. W11 41111heel vDrive 1986 Astro Cargo Van, with bench seats, 2 -tone blue.. new tires, starter, ex- haust. No rust. asking $3495 cert. oho. 669-6441; or 1011 free Pager 1.416 551-9540. 1992 CARAVAN. Cherry black, 3.0 litre,P/S, P/B, cruise, bit, 97,000 kms. Asking $9,000. Call 905- 579-7148. 1991 POLARIS Indy Lite 340cc $2.100 '381 Jeep .J. 6 cylinder, soh top. 52.000 (905)666-1340 1995 INDY 500. Fuel .n- :ected. I.quie .rooied. elec. -.c start. hand war- -Wers.thumb warmers. car - runners. studded track excellent condition asking S4800 OBO (905)623- -726 ENCLOSED TRAILER '4 X8 Xl high, 18over- all Surge brakes. ramp roor. side man door 53800. 905-985-2306 Jim ' ' Apartments For Rent $400 MONTHLY tour rooms fully t4mished and carpeted basement apart- ment Private entrance Close to South G M and Hwy 401 and shopping Intersection Park Rd and Door SL W Parking in - Ciudad Phone 905728- 0079 1 BEDROOM apt, fridge 8 stove, utilities included. close to all amenities. sop. ent, $475 lint 6 last re- quired avail Dec I call 432-2821. 1 BEDRDOM APT. Osha- wa. Avail. Nov 1, ground floor of house, laundry, backyard, $600 per month including utilities, first is last., cam collect. (519) 927-3062. OSHAWA (Bloor SL) Large 1, 2 b 3 bedroom apartments in clean low rise baildirg. Close to 401 b GO. Parking. Available immediately. From $6001 month. Phone 905-576- 4255. 2 BEDROOM apt., on 345 Adelaide St. W., Avail- able ,NOVA. $725 month, first 6 last. no, pets. 728- 9584 1 i 2 BEDROOM apttrt- Monts. Available arsytime. 309 Cordova Rd., Oshawa No pets allowed. 906-579- 203 bedroom apartments. 8 story building, dose to schools. library. South GM plant Avaiable immediate- ly 428-6328 1.7 pm for appointment. AJAX - one bedroom basement apt., fridge, stove, microwave. parking, share laundry. Non smoker . no pets. $60olmo. inclu- sive. Firstflast. Call 427- 7916. AJAX Oxford Towgim Spacious apartments. quiet building, dose to shopping, 401, GO. Pool, sauna. 3 bedroom Jan ISt. 683-8571 until 7:30 p.m. AJAX, Harwood and Hwy 2 newly renovated clean one bedroom basement apartment, central air ache vac. separate entrance, on bus route, non smoker, ref- erences. available Dec. Ist $580 inclusive. (905) 420- Apartmen statHousesMZ5�"For Rent For Rent For Rent ForRent t ' Townhouses Townhouses For Rent ' I RSM 33 FALBY COURT 2 & 3 bedroom apartments in family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and underground park- ing included. From $743-$843. 686-0841 weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. AJAX, basement apt. Tul- LARGE basement apart - loch Or . S600 incuding uti- ment. Rossland/Anderson. Mites, call 686-2778. $675 all inclusive. avail- able immediately. Must be AJAX, PICKERING VILLAGE 3 bedroom upper floor. Separate entrance, central air, free parking, $800. Call 683-4294 AJAX -DEC. 1ST: 1-bed- rprm walkout basement apartment. 4 -piece wash- room, 2 appliances. newly painted. Durham Centre area. $5957month-utilities/ cable/parking included. No pets Firs0ast (905)427- 7405 ALL Utilities included. S,50 monthly Clean 2 bedroom condo. carpeted. carkmg, close to amenities B south GM Call 905-725- 4524 AVAILABLE IMME- DIATELY, In Whitby Apt bu„d,ng.. spaciouscarpet. ed. newly painted. with bal- cony, close to bus, shop- ping, all utilities included. first ' last required, no pets. 3 bedroom 5850. 2 bed- room. $750 call 430-0134 BACHELOR APT Oshawa, includes heathydro, cable. park.rg. First & Last Ava.a,De now. $450 (905) 986 1163 BASEMENT APART - VE'.' '.:r rant $70C per mo R;ke-,..) immediate occu- par c, 931-0153 Mary GAYLY / LIVERPOOL. P:,e•,.g 2 bedroom basement apt Sep en- trance $650. /month . 40% util Jan 1st '97 Can And or Reena at 905-420-8993 CENTRAL OSHAWA. Smgie 1 bedroom, avail immedfenny, proleSsional budding above offices No - pets, IstAast $540 inclu- sive 905-432-2705 CENTRAL Oshawa- one bedroom all Inclusive apt., 5550 Mature person pre- ferred F,rsWastirelerences a must. Available Jan 1. 579-1938 CHURCH StJHwy 2 area. 3 -bedroom apartment available Call (416) 444- 7391 COURTICE, beautiful dean, bright one bedroom ground floor apartment, with fireplace. private en- trance. backs onto park. 5 minutes to 401, $595 per mo. Available Dec. ist. non smokers 434-5422 FOR RENT - 1 and 2 bed- room apartments in very quiet. well -kept building, dose to all arterubas. Bus stop at floor: Park Rd N., Oshawa. $732 b $895 re- spectively. Phone: 579. 9016. HWY n / FAIRIPORT: F/ P. single bdrm bsml. sop. entrance. kitchen. batt. No smokers or pets- Ouiet home abstainers, SAg1e. mature or senior pffib d. Dec. 1st. $650. inclusive. 905-831-3548. HWYiypOTMERGLM lar 2•bod oom b"firnwtt apartment, separate a h. trance, 4 -appliances, no smokiniypeu. Available immediataly/pecomber 1st. $790 inclusive. 6rstI&M. 428-1428. LARGE 3 BDFK APT&, From $7691mth. + hydro. AIC, carpet, 4 appl. and paddN ind.Wak to Pidre" Town Centre. Close to GO Transit and Hwy 40,. 905.420'6305 1480 Pidtefing pifrkway, employed. References re- quired Call 905-668-7145 LIVERPOOUBAYLY, ex- ecutive 2 -bedroom base- ment, parking, cable. ce- ramics. pool, fireplace, wet bar, $799 Quiet non. smoker. Nov. Ist ISUlast Call 905-837-1304 NEWER Budding 2 bed- room apartment, 408 Bloor St. E , utilities and parking included, carpeted,laundry facilities. firstlasl. $675/ month. Available Dec 1st Call 905-571-4834 NORTH EAST mature quiet building. arge 2 bed- room, living room with walkout to balcony, neutral decor, all inclusive. $775 Dec Ist. 728-4250 NORTH Oshawa, main floor of mouse 5899 all in clusive 2 bedroom base- ment apt. $715 all inclusive Available Dec 1st. Call 723 2111 TWO BEDROOM apt L,vingroorvdm,ng , V nen. bathparking, laundry. 5605 Includes util ,45 Col- burn St.W no pets, first & last, ref 723-1641. 579- 6989 ONE BEDROOM aoart- men!. near Csnawa Knob Hill, tndge. stove. hydro. parking. backyard Easy access 401 Dec t First/ last $495 579-8933 ONE BEDROOM apart- ment. S1510. -morin mciuldes heat, lights, water & cable TV Corn laundry & parking Available Immediately Call 905-723-7183 ONE BEDROOM quiet street park.rg, ia..�ary. 5 minutes to 401, close to shopping_ 5550 per mo all utclustva 571-5320 LARGE one bedroom top floor of nome, seoorate ontranc.e fridge, stove. $550 per mo. all inclusive Isblast required. Agnes and Mary St. Oshawa. Avad- able Dec Ist 436-0278 OSHAWA 888 . 900 Glen St, 2 bedroom apts from $675- $710. close to shopping. schools. GM and Go Utilities included F,rsV last required. Call 728- 4993 OSHAWA - close to Osha- wa Center Large spotless, 2 bedroom. main floor, bal- cary, in small quiet 6 plex. $795 inclusive. Available Dec. t Please call (905)576-7434. OSHAWA - SIMCOE/ MILL ST area, large 2 and 1 bed. apts., avail. Nov. 15/ Dec. 1st; from $585. Util and periling included 725- 6434 OSHAWA 2 bedroom apt. freshly decorated, new car- pet, dean, bright, quiet building. Utilities, parking included. Laundry facilities. Good location. Avail. from Now. 15th, tstrlast. $6851 mo. Cab D & D 905-576- 8572. CLEAN FAMILY BUILD- ING. North Oshawa, 1, 2 d 3 bdrms. Irickrsive. Pay ca- ble, parking & laundry fact. 723-2094. OSHAWA, Dean 1 bed- room basement apt., own entrance, fridge '/ Stove, washer / dryer, yard, dose to downtown, no pets, quiet single welcome, $500 month including utilities. 435-0110. _ NORTH OSHAWA- 3. bdrm avail.Dec..lst.or Jan.lst. $755. Clean 3 quiet budding, Incl. heat, hydro, app. & parking. 579-9600.725-9656. OSHAWA: 2-bodroom apartment in quiet triplex. Laundry facilities, 1 parking space, no pets. $650/month +hydro. Call: 432-0016 (leave message)• $1 - lA Absolute Affordable' WHO SAYS YOU CANNOT AFFOILD TO BUY A HOUSL7 WHY RENT? OWN YOUR HOME!! Mortgage payments 3 -Bedroom Semi $679/month 3 -Bedroom bungalow $789/month 3 -Bedroom Jr Exec $969/month No down payment? Bad Credit? Bankrupt? Call Me! (905)571-6275 or 1-800-840-6275 MARK STAPLEY Sales Rep Sutton Group Excel Ill Inc � ' ' Apartments For Rent PICKERING L verpool and Bayly spacious 1 bed- room basement apt- Park. ing, a/c, dose to everything Ava,:able ,mmedaitely. $625 (905)831-2855 PICKERING LUXURY 2 - bedroom basemert apart- ment with fireplace/ap- pliances Available imme. diately $799imth, Whites/ Sheppard Call 7-1 Opm (905)839-0453 PICKERING off Major Oaks new arge one bed room basement apt New appliances, laundry lac . bus to Go. S625/,o in- cludes uld First'last/refer- latices .428-8593 eve PICKERING, 2 bedroom basement, prvate en- trance. laundry. close to transit IS, snapping. asking 5685 inclusive Available immediatley 831-7707 or 416-543 4281 PICKERING. VERY large 0e1r;rrr, casement apt Central air, laundry, private entrance, parking, steps to GO. Non Smoker. 5625 In- clusive Avail Dec 1 905. 420-2104 PICKERING Bright. clean 1 -Cad' m. walkout. sepa- rate entrancelull bat^, kitchen, park ^g yard laundry, cable Available mid-November S65c.,nciu- SIVO (905o686-5777 mas- sage) SOUTH OSHAWA 275 Wentworth St JV arge 1 bedroom 5500. 2 oed- rooms. $600 b $620. 3 bedrooms $678, close to buses, shopping. available imenedtalely, Indge, stove, heat. hydro, park:ry^ 1st : last required, no pets 721-9722 SOUTH OSHAWA.Ce tacned brick ounga.<w 3 bedrooms, hn,shed base- ment with apartment, deal for large family or rent yourself, $950 plus 436- 9944 SPACIOUS two bedroom. basement apt for rent Westney 1 Hwyr2 Non srnoka, welcome $750 per mcrth, Available Nov Ist 905-428-7004 WHITBY - 107 Weilington SI . I bedroom immediate- ly. & 2 bedroom apt Jan Kt. includes Indge, stove, heat, water, parking 905- 831-5132 or 9056861533. Mary WHITBY. 2 BEDROOM APT near GO. lots of park- ing, appliances included. laundry facilities. $825 per month. 433.7637 WHITBY. Hwy e2 IS, Coch- rane, 3 bedroom, second Boor of duplex, yard, air. newly decorated. No dogs. available Nov. 15. $750 plus utilities. 509-2375- 666-4550. WHITBY, GOOD AREA 1 bedroom large basement apartment. Single or cou- pe. Fireplace, air, laundry, utilities included, sop. en- trance, non-smokers, 1st/ IASL $550i'month. 905.430- 7340 WHY rent when you can own your own home for less Man you think?!! Call Dave Ilaylook Sales Rep. RelMax Summit Realty, (1991) Ltd. (905) 668-30W or(905)666-3211. Houses For Rent 181 Y REI17 f 0,111111111111111 YOUR NOW Payments troth $50mo. No DowrVayment? Call Me. s»-4275 �-aoo-aro-ss�s MarkStBiptfly► Sales Rep. Sutton Group Excel Realty 1-1/2 STOREY Ue'a tied -Oshawa 3 bedrooms. eat - m -Itchen, Irvingroom/W- ningroom combination, res room. older garage S795+ utilities Call Patricia Mao- blebeck, M V A Broker (905)723-6918 A RENTERS DREAM! No ^oney dcw^ Own your Own home. oke '^e'w fndge. stove. $795 ^r; all out phone 3 bedroom ask.ng 565.900 Min req gross ,r - come 526.000 /year Call Ker Collis. Coldwell Bank w 728-9414 1 ST CHME AFFORDABLE HOMES: WHY RENT*) BUY' No down payment. No problem' Let me snow you now Mort Pay $70C 0 A C Call Thomas C. Pike Sakes Rep. Remax Accord Realty Ltd. 5'6-3111 3.1 bedroom curgaiow in Northwest Oshawa Fin- rshed basement Fireplace. 2 bathrooms, Bright kitchen with walkout Hardwood floors $1150,morl 511. 3223, 436-6991 Ask for Monique 3 -BEDROOM nouse. close , ,use Isla plaza. buses, schools. Quiet court, ac Prefer business couple. no pets, references re- qu.red $750,month.utih- ties 725-8829. 728-4640 Immediate occupancy AJAX -Newly decorarted 3 bedroom semi main Boor, parting, apphartces. fenced yard, no pets, available im- mediately $950 inclusive. Ist/Last. tolerances. (905) 584-1581. AJAX - Westney Rd., 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths, 4 app.. famiyroom. dean. $1050 plus utd. Avail. Jan. 1J97. 416-283.6606: 416- 724-5597. BAYLY / LIVERPOOL, Pickering. Main boor , semi detached house, 3 bed- room, appliances, avai- able, Jan.1,1997. $945 month plus 60% utilities, call Anil or Reena at 905- 420-8993. COURTICE - 3 bedroom bungalow, newly renovat- ed, available unme Hatay, one acre. $900 pus ulbl. Call Mine 905-427.6277. COURTICE: 3 BED- ROOM. 3 balks, control air, large hinced yard, double driveway, flexible occupan- cy. $1050. pus utilities, per month. 416-267-0143 or 905-435-0178. COURTICE: Bright and clean 2 bedroom burial low. Main boon only. Walk- out to yard, quiet area. $950. all inclusive. 435- 4778. MAL18URTON / Gbder- ham area 3 bedroom, ga- rage, brickilvinyl, oil, rever- ences, $550. month. 705- 447.2039. AVAILABLE MID NOVEMBER FAMILY COMMUNITY MONARCH MEWS 2h3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES RENTS RANGING FROM '841 TO'874 PER MO. PLUS UTILITIES 1&3 BED. WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE AVAIL. MID. DEC MEDICAL DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED NO SUBSIDIES AVAILABLE CLOSE TO SCHOOLS. SHOPPING AND TRANSIT PLEASE CALL MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. (905)9269 AJA7-M"Nlr:IPAL-^'_ • .ORPORAfir=r-1 affHouses For Rent HARWOOD/BAYLY 3 bedroo'r c•,se cool. laundry, parking, close to all amenities Available im. med.atety $900 plus Shared utilities Cali 416- 493-4964 HOUSES FOR RENT: One 4 bedroom sem,-de- !ached. $600 plus utilities. one !-bedroom sem, de - !ached. 54G0 plus utilities Parkfenced yard 571. 0698 aher 10 a m MAIN FLOOR ,t nouse n a,ax. 3 Derr icmS. bath- •oom, e.tcl living and Joining area. use of ,tolfay, roam. all in very good con- dition, walk my distance 10 np,tal. rta" antl schools Dec Ist - Call !9051 509- 4985 N.OSHAWA Beau Valley area Srac ,s Deaubtui exee:utive 4-bdrm detached house F. P'setnar, fenced yard. D garage. 3 - bath Dec 1 st Ref rap 9C5 576-G418 alter 4 30pm. 905-263-4549 NORTH Oshawa 2 tied - newer raised bunga- ..rw ear •n kAcmen. central air, 4 appliances. garage. fenced yard, quiet court. avail Jan 1 5925 Inst 723-2183 OSHAWA mmaculate 3 cecr;,�r sem, OC area 1 -2 baths. fenced yard, long :caved drive. available im- '-wdatety. $900 Pius utit 34-9753 OSHAWA CENTER, ci- vic area, oe: s! 3 nod, room semi 5850. barn r apartment down $500 in- cludes utilities park. g Laundry Istilast, 432-2705 OSHAWA. 5 bedrooms. 2 baths. new rugs, walk to hospital or downtown. avail Immed . very clean. $900 Pius utilities. 655- 4919 OSHAWA/ November's Free A:'e^:.on good ten- ants. this one is for you. Beautifully renovated 3 bedroom house, wall to wall broadloom. 2 -car park ing, bus stops at door, nice backyard, 5875 plus First, last References. 2 yr lease Can 9-5 p m 905- 278-5075 PICKERING - Lakefront lower Rouge. 3 bedroom brick and alurrkntrn bunga- low, hardwood ficors. 2 fireplaces, eat -in kitchen, $925/mo. plus util. 416- 661-6600 ext. 335. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mon. - Fn. PICKERING - Three bed- room 2 storey town hone, bright. dean. Wigs lutdlen. appliances, available Dec. Ist 5975 plus . Dag Taybi, Braker, Rertex First Realty Ltd., (905) 831-3'100 PICKERING - bright, dean, 2 bedroom, 4 ap- pliances. large private yard. deck off set-in kitchen, heated garage, $995/mo. 905-686.7959 or 416.298- 5048 leave message. PICKERING VILLAGE 4 bedroom house on King- ston Rd.. $1,100 per mo. plus utilities Ist. 4asL available immediately. 6666858 REASONABLE TO re- sponsible, rebredlbusiness adult. Enfield. 1.2 family country hone. Spacious grounds, appliances, and commutable to all points. 509-2029. WHITBY - 3 bedroom od- er Sam, dean. Tenant pays of util. $750 monthly. hrsV last required. Available now/or. Call Norris Corn- wall Sutton Group Execu- bye Realty (1993) Inc. 436- 0618. Houses For Rent WHITBY. ,.ae to schr,s 8 sr ;car g. 3 bedroom plus ,n Law apt_ 7 applianc- es Call after 5 pm. 427- 4493 or 655-8935. WHITBY, main floor bunga- low, 2 bedrooms, plus den. appliances. iaundry.sto,. age, park,^g, safety compu- ant Close ',s GO parks. Lake SSW riclus,ve first 8 last references. 683-8840 WHITBY:;e,acnec Ncrh --a, S.-ools 8 years old Trees. Fenced 3 bed. room Deck Available Jan 8 51 090 monthly 2 year no -art increase 655- 4682. evenings Townhouses Im For Rent SOUTH OSHAWA 3 bedroom Icw aose to schools and Snoppirg $950.mo as inclusive First !ast Available Dec 'si 905-579-9956 days 1 3 -BEDROOM own - house. Z -se 3. amen ties. North Oshawa oca hon. avai;able Dec 'st. fridge, stove 5850 ,nclu sive Call 905-728 7452 CLEAN. ­_rth end 2 S ' beCr�C^ lcwnnousv New carpet, nardw000 floors. fresh paint. pool Avail imrned $900 pus hydro 436714 DUFFIN'S CREEK and- ing Bea„ t tui 2 : v:room townhouse for rent in North Alai location S89C W rto plus utilities To view Call Les at (905. 619.2287 NEWER WHITBY 2 bec room IOwr-.use 2 ap- pliances. 5877 00 taus UN- itle , Availaole now. call 668-5660 NORTH OSHAWA, 3 bedroom . casement taft"01.1ses .n wti. main tamed family complex Freshly decorated w•'^ Frig stove. c cse a : amenities Stamm,, at $738,monin Or s.!e +, Office Call 9f;5 728-;--- A , fRooms or Rent AJAX, FURlaSHED room for rent, in quiet home. own entrance. shared bath & kitchen. Non- smoker. First. pus deposit. cab 686-7260. BRAND New house in Pickering Village. Unfur- rusted large room win at- tached full bath. Kitchen facilities. $400rmonth + last. Non-smoker. Female pre- ferred. Call Rose (905) 420-6280. DUDE AND FINCH. parking, laundry, use of whole Mouse, $400 per mo. Available Dec. Ist. (905) B37-1774 LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, in private home. now bus / shopping / laun- dry. Colour TVA"phone. Non smoker, share bath / lutchen facilities $80 week- ly 723-9655 THE NEWS ADV ERTIS,F:R IfIRIPAY,1NOV1f1MBER 8, 1996 -PAGE Zi rim, RoomsOffil;e 8 Private Homes For Rent M Retail Space e , For Sale LARGE FURNISHED OSHAWA 4 Months Free EXECUTIVE HOME in room, own bathroom, faun- Rent !!!- 3000 sq Lwr Ivl prestige area of Whitby dry/ kitchen access. parking. $900. 850 sq 2nd fir S550, 2,650 sq h 4 bedrooms. 3 close to all amenities: non- 600 sq. main $500, 250 sq. , bathrooms central vac and smoker, no pets. 5450/ main 5350. 600 2nd Or 5500 central air, an cleaner. month, first/last 905 837- t ) 1 200 sq. ft 2nd floor Call 434-2447 or 655-4132 Heated m ground pool, tire - re - 6773 6773 7 30-9 30pm we place, fully lanced and days. anytime weekends AJAX OFFICE SPACE 220 landscaped backyard Ask- LIVERPOOL-Unturnished sgare feet private entrance. mg $256.900 Call 430 - room in House Parking. $325.'month Also ware- 0548 to arrange a viewing laundry, kitchen facilities. ho use. 640 square feet 5360/month H&H .n -eluded Serious offers only. No bathroom, phone. cable. !,both) (905,427-8093 agents. Mature Female welcomed FANTASTICCourt Loca- Available Immed S425i OFFICE space for lease. !ion' Spaaous 4 bedroom month Call (905) 839-3181 overlooks ousy HvI family home located on as- NEWLY -DECORATED hanocap access. au con , plenty of park,rg Call 905- tabliShed !fee -fined court in ',;rmshed room for clean. t Coo 725-9991 Bowmanville. Close to schools and all amenities quia person Ing, nea bus, close to Durham Col. lege. $225 and up monthly Call '905;728-4845. (905) 728-0484 PICKERING Single room loth .acre .se of c!chen facilities, walk to P.Cka• 1 Generating Station ;G PTC $340 per month 5170 Biweekly Cad 420-4318 SOUTH AJAX: Large 'lore. 15e ;f --'Os! ,f this ,,lendly home Great meals. laundry. cable AC. parking included 905-428-8924 Shared Accomodation 1.8EDROOM n [-beo- roc^' ,x„ry 7.rd0 million dollar rec fac"'"s. under ground park.nq own ba!hrocm AIC non - Smoker available Dec 1 Jar. ' S550:mcFemale Preferred Plckenng 837- 2565 AJAX. 3eaul.!ui 2 bed room ap! to share Malele- male Must De seer, 5415, month includes ase of ail facdibes Close to GO ous 401 plaza Call Maur ce o,83-0970 CLOSE T: ,s-awa Cen- tre Brgrr room urge fnenciy snared home, with 3 others C;cse to public transi carie. aurdry Must like cnildrer nion snik;Mer $2'5 376-3816 PICKERING : people to sear.. :w -Luse . everyy. thing included. arse To GO must line an -mats smokers welcome S40C S35C -,a,: 905 42C -C7,' ' SHARE e■ecut,ve home. 3 sed - carr %replace ac. park ^; ,--able, aundry. storage yard Negot:abie Year Go Ata t Professional only 686-2417 WHITBY. Huge room .n exec-':ve non smoK,rg, nome Laundry. asnwasr- a C.A & ac references required S45,0 - month tau 668-!394 ondortur4unK For Rent CONDO 2 t»drooms Ti ' Xii '` • 'erl 1300 sq fit. view of Lane warm system. Doo, gym acii Call 905-428 7811 or 416.450- 4583 TRIDEL 2 bedr_.�m condo H_,!: ,.^ = app+,ances Dal- ceny. parking !ocKar. S': ✓J Also 3 bed de- '3c^ed home. S'200 Can -0nr Mon.i. 831 33CC Re. -'ax F.rst TWO BEDROOM Athol, May Osnawa 5950 plus ^yd:c a $925 ,ncitawe 5 appliances. secure Zlid- rg. avd,laDle .mmed,ately .utast 436-0278 e I Auctions r OFFICE SPACE for lease in Whitby. 575 sq ft. near downtown. would suit med- ,Cal or professional needs Plenty Of park. ­g own washroom utilities ^c'•Jd- ad Ava.iable Dec 1st For information please call 905- 666-3833 Industrial Im Units NEAR Oshawa Center overhead doors. nigh cel ^g5. parking, utilities. ,washrooms and air com- Oressor Mcr!i% cy month 5550,month. Smaller ,,nit 'Gr workshop. S45G,mo Also parksg !or !ruck with hydro avadabfe Outside enclosed storage container 430 sq f! 5200 per mo 905-576-2962 ' ' private Homes For Sale BEAUTIFUL :ountrj bun- -a.:. -"-res !O Oshawa G. Kerdei) Spaaous open concec, F n,sned oase- rnent I+ acres 5950 rant, or for saile Cali 905-436-:475 qr 905-686-7525 Main floor familyroom features brick !replace and wale -,u! to arge private fenced of with new deck Gas healing, finished rec room attached garage A must see' Nc agents please Ase ng S169.Wr 623-6533 UNBELIEVABLE DEAL _LADED Prime NE ishawa. 853 Anersley Or Callrow 432-2036, tarty $142 300 No Agents Pease OSHAWA - 3 bedroom home las rearing. walks-' from living room to !arge ferced yard. Rossiand/W,l son area. S124 30'C Call :1_0l 5 71-6685 ROSSLANO AND T,1,PNT,1. 3 bedroom. 10 years ;id 2 caths dou- OIQ driveway. arge patio. 'anted yard Location plus S141 000 Call 905728 3456 SOUTH AJAX--ttacned 2 s'cre7 :v 24:05^, it nome 4 bed'S 5 2' 2 tains. F,P �ertral air. 50' T7 A.'C Mair 'torr Laundry `n sned osr^t Reduced, S21 5 000 905-683.2309 COUNTRY LIVING 85 acre esia'e cer:rms. garage • hour from Osha , Auctions wa S!?9 3CC 34 acres 3 oedrooms and 2 - from psnawa S'27.7C0 Opt.ors Rea,!y L leo 433-44523 COURTICE --sire cu,,t Irdiv :.a..r :as,gned 3 bedrooms 2 12 baths hm fished base"-ent ;ots Of closets -air !lodr iaundrr, room. .arge eat In K:tcnen. circular driveway !irep,ace close to schools and shops $IS7.900 Call 4C4.2683 COURTICE Oper House S,.r Nov 'C 24 pm !3 Mud Cres. Asl $1,9850C 22:0 sq n, 3 Dedroom.. 2 1.2 baths. Kas- singer ndrne or, quiet oras cent Greenhouse Kit mai• floor Laundry b family room .out 10 30C),fenced CAC 3 VAC 905-436-2784 CUSTOM BUILT PANCH Bungalow 4 c acres N Oshawa 3 -Dorm. F P eat in K*.-- formal di- rungroom rouble garage mature trees 905 728- 5936 EXECUTIVE 2 storey Jr c.), s, - quiet rl e nefgrooumcoeeat- r kitchen !anWyroom. ?'re- place !ivingroom dining - room. 2 wIc :0 16X34 deC% laundry •oom. 2.:ar ga- rage 4 ;arge bedrooms. masteranswie 3 baths ca, cv. gas, air purifier, assn - washer. window coverings. 16X26 poo,ad access FencedYYare '050 Ridge Valley. Osnawa i35-434- 7143 OPEN HOUSE !-4 PM SAT & SUN on, Auctions ES -A-E: --S i.ONStGNMENT AUCTION. SAT. NOV 9. 6 P M. MYLES KING AUCTION HALL 33 HALL ST OSHAWA :ice arnCue .rung m suite. mcder.n, -,, stertiekl suite. love - . glass top coffee v end tables, lazy chair 1930 Do - on upright piano. ,+ keys good con- ,..,-n. on- .,:n, _1eSK iCve Seat. _^est of drawers. Y�•55er5, rockng 'a r, hammond vr- jarbed chestil arge quantity of Ded- rg, dishes. linen. 1 2 .a!al ladies diamond "'; with appraisal, 1-3 Citation GMC ass C 23 1/2 ft mo - home. with 400 engine. excellent z3rdition. 15 n. Cal - glass fiberglass boat, with 55 Evinrude electric start motor. ;arge sale, plan to at- tend, sales every Tues. Thurs. Sat at 6 P.m. MYLES KING AUCTIONEER 725-5751 tinct 744ft i �'iuctri~ Atiflar e-1 4 Z ART GALLERY in support of United Way of Ajax -Pickering 12 d a m4 PulA... 1 o Wee4E Stoat L!AW 4ad me Featuring Works by 467 ow4woe ew&4seu Today's Popular Artists 4 &W4 Robert Bateman antlata a«d d4wa4ra Trisha Romance A.J. Pickering Recreational Complex Casson 1867 Valley Farm Road .lames Lumbers ...Plus Many More For more information call t: x 837-0144 An � p w . ►-� light Refreshments PAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOV1E'MNER 6, 7996 ' gin, PIII, abFor S* milleowations • ' Registrations I WHITBY. $107.500 Beautlul 3 bedrooms, rec room, ceramic foyer, ga- rage. w/o to fenced yard 5% down. Cannes $758 in- cluding taxes Ted Hough- ton Sutton Classic 430- 9000 9nTownhouses for Sale OWN FROM$623.00' / MO. P g I' Bright spa- ao,rs. 3 bedroom , tndge, stove, d w, w.'d Dramatic dining room overlooking great room with 12' ceiling Eat in kitchen. 4 pc bath. plus powder rm Finished basement. garage, central air. Immediate occupancy. CALL TO VIEW. (905)721- '291 Rhonda Brewster, OUIET COURT, PRI- VATE YARD. Spacaous bngh! 3 bar- ".FW import- ed ceramic tyle in 'oyer. ,!,-hen. powder rm. bath root NEW high efficiency gas furnace. Central air. NEW broadloom kr.nen with mDortea ce- ra' IC file backspiash Fridge, stove. dew -d Dramatic dmmg room overtook ng Great Room with 12' ceding and walk out to pnvate vard Powoer room and 4 PC bath Fn - shed basement. garage AI this for only $102.990 To view call Rhonda 8•ew- ster 905.721.2291 PPLots for Sale TAKE OVER 20 acres in prpspe•ous West Texas USA, 59.995.5100 per mo for more information call 1 800-875-6568 WHITBY BARGAIN- serv- iced lot on Hunter St 154 x 65 '! Aswng $74 900 Cau .tier 7pm -25--0122 Vacation Properties FLORIDALARGO C ear- wate' a•ea Or'e bedroom moo.,e home. $75. montn Dec April Florida •pOrl Car port Cal 905 434-8025 ROLLER HOCKEY Tuesdays Starting Oct. 29 at 10:30 p.m. till 12. am Location : Soccer City 100 Sunray St. Whitby, Ont. $6.00 p.p. two goalies guaranteed (905) 683-7303 Days, (416)568-6090 Evenings. Ask for John Burns. • ' Mortgages, i personals • Insurance • MORTGAGES G000, EXOTIC ISIAV^ BEAUTY Cao and ugf} Financing for mme for -5285, anytime' Call at 666-5285, anytime any purpose. rates from 5 95% All applications ac- RIDE WANTED - to Tor. cepted Commundy Finan- onto. (Baywew and Egling- dal Services 668-6805 ton Sunnybrook Hospital) on daily bass from Ajax BUTimes flexible to suit your SIne55 • ' schedule Will pay weekly pportunities Please Can (416) 484- 0025 LEARN H,. tc make e :, mcne4 - Four spa- • _ anywhere' 4'6 26� 4 24 n� recz­Je,. -e«1- PINE LOFT. - i ac_esso•y store. estab I,shed 20 yrs. inventory. 90k. proven operator proht aaK:ng $114.900 tax ;705) 749 3.50 WANT TO MaKe more M, -e,' Ca. 1 800-820- 69'5 It you kKe what you hear. cal. , 905 623 3545 rein, Personals BORED ONTARIO HOUSEWIVES - names 6 private phone numbers. 1. "- -451-3638 ext 704, 5-- mmr, must be 18 T- •,ne EVANLY RAYS Police ..se ..s Rated #1 Sduaans Career. Reiaaonsh,Ps. +dattn. Love S2 99imu1ute _ . 900-45'-4J 5 WHY WONDER about to- morrow when• yon can call for answers today' Speak w th our ^sychic. Irve 24 ^•s 1900-4513555 ext $3 99 per min must !8 yrs Procan Co (602) 54 742 Q Business • Personals "[RED OF LIVING _ or 3 Cay cheques 1en.nd7?7 .:all a listen to Our IrvaVe Set Out of Dept' plan Total ost Flat Rate S21 39 No dden cha•ges Have pen and paper ready Call Debt Master how' 1.900-677- 6529 [sip ompanions EASTSIDE %"JNNtt - 'IJ%S Z;ATELINE - Free to ca,, %; place your ad. no charges for Iad,es. no :-wne bill charges. 905- : f0 -'36C �t,'\Cir I111�� Illi' Ul)I)vnll lllt� to 11.1V A, ill( IC'�1)Clt� .1 L;.1{Il Fur an audio version of all of the current death noticcs received for publication in the News Advertiser or This tVicek, call 683-3005 or 404-6591 (Clarington K Port Perry resident o. You may also access death notice information received after press -time by calling this number. Brought to you by the fullo%ving funeral homes: McIntosh -Anderson. Armstrong. NV.C. 1'o%% -n. McEachnic, Martino _& Sons, Morris, Northcutt -Elliott. Accetione CUIIfIIIl1104i Stuart - On Wednesday. November 6, 1996 at the Vf p Retirerrterit Centre, Pickering. Sadly missed by his loving wile Louise. Dear father of Susan Cumirim s; and Cathy and her husband Gary Mclennan. Proud grandfather of Cory, Ty, Stephen, Dean, Erin, and great granddw7d Jamie. Survived by brother Bruce and his wtie Grace, and sistamn-law Lena Baker. Predeceased by brother Doug and granddaughter Jade. The family will receive friends at the Mdalc nie Funeral Home, 28 Old Kingston Road, Ajax (Pickering Village) 905-428-8488 from 7 to 9 pm Friday and 12 noon to 1 pm Saturday. A complete funeral service ID be held in the chapel an Saturday November 9, 1996 at 1 pm. In lieu of flow- ers, donations may be made to The Arms of Jesus Children's Mission. IFAULKNER, Russell, James. Dear husband of Mar- garet McLeod Wilcox, at the Whitby General Hospi- tal on October 22, 1996, in his 82 year. Dear fattier of Wama De Paoli of Montreal, Son Garry Faulkner of Toronto. Step daughter Gwenna Tzambasts and Ruby Carter of Oshawa. Step son John Wilcox, Port Hope, Don Wilcox Bailieboro, Dear brother of Aillen Wa7*r of Peterborough, Rac belle Mead of Delta B.C. Predeceased by sister Mildred Kimmerly of Oshawa, Patrica Hauger, San Antonio, Texas. 15 Grandchildren and many great grandchildren. l`J X H E W Q LU Z Y/ Q W0 0y Q N 3y W W ZM Q Q W •x. LL CO) J 0 0 60813,31105 To place your dt erS0I1�IllZetl t ,251 n Memoriam, call i 76-9335 and; let one leaf our Professional MCFAM AND, Kelly E.laina (Walker) - After a W gaty Illness at her residence in Welland, on Satur- day November 2, 1996 Kelly McFarland in her 31st year. Beloved wife of Ken. Loving mother of Cody. Cherished daughter of Karen Walker of Pickering, Keith and Judy Walker of Toronto, and sister to Ke- vin Walker and Kim Walker of Toronto. At Kelys request cremation and Interment has taken place at Pleasantview Cemetery. A service of Remembrance will be held on Saturday November 9, 1996 at 2 p.m. from the Dixon Funeral Home, 1292 Pelham Street, Fonthill (905-892-5762). In lieu of flowers dopa- tions to Cody's trust fund would be appreciated by the family through the Dixon Funeral Home. Selling Something? E IE2 EASY WAYSa a E -HERE'S HOW IT 1WO1UKS- 1. Y(Alf• 19 % Orc1 ad IS huhljshecl 1'Or 3 co rnsectiti-ve clays 2. The rate is based on the highest pl-Ice(.l item in the ld. $ 00 - $ 99" ........................... $ 5 + GST $100 - $19999 ......................... $9 + GST $ 200 - $199`') ......................... $19 + GST $300-$399 9"j` ......................... $ 29 + GST $400 - $4999' .........................$39 + GST 1.1.7(2-8, cul; cure not rcyiincicrhle curd culc111iuncrl 11'()r-c1s euze just 50C eti( h 3. TO ojve y01.lan idea, check this example RANGE �'�, reh-locrat(>r ()I-1it• 2 years ()Id, 30" self clean 5200. 20.6 CLIft frost tree $ 325. 000-0000. 7lre pric c• fi,r this Ciel u'uIII(/ f)c, 29 + GS7' /�«sc•cl u1t flier p�'icc� ()f S32 5 Jur the reel-i,,er�ttur. NU WILL I:1 \ 1\ lu RL(;l(_)\Al. LDI I II-I'A'i I UE, 1 \X LEK \X•F.E:K FRI:E! :1PITIE S TO ARTR:LES &A AI 'T0,'1* MILES 1:0iN S/\L1:•. ONLY $83+ GST & Pldcr%Ki Nevus Advertiser VISA �IIE.683-0707 l� f li, .l6u %L r,tict .rltltl� I­nc>n rutnntil�r.rl .r.l.�tttnir� <>nl� ._._._____._____----___...-.---•----•- -- - THE NIKWN.AUV6RT1SEItFRIDAY,NOVEMBER 9,1l96•PA(;JF 25 GM choir refor'Christmas.., vs u p show in Durham DURHAM -- About 23 years ago, the ncInhcrs of the GM Choir decided to do ")Inething special for GM employees and Illcir families at Christmas time. I -hat's how the annual Christmas concerts IIut on in Oshawa and St. Catharines) were h� ern. The choir is always a real audience pleas - r, keeping its repertoire light by including I.I,Iadway numbers, golden oldies, patriotic 'n ls, popular and jazz tunes, and religious nLs. Christmas concerts also include ,1LI; appropriate to the season. 1Vhilc these concerts arc free, each year •talion boxes arc placed at the door, with :itrihurions going to the Durham Lung ..;ociation. Due to the support of GM, the choir is able to donate all money collected to the local Lung Association. GM Choir members have become good- will ambassadors for GM Canada. Fully sponsored by GM Canada, the choir has per- formed for many charitable organizations since it was formcd in 1962. Throughout the year the choir travels the province, performing concerts for various group. Within the last year they have traveled as far cast as Stirling, and west to Rodney, near London. ']'he GM Choir operated as a male chorus for its fir,,t M years. In 1072 it expanded to include female voices. Any GM (or its subsidiaries) employee, retiree, or any family members are eligihle to join the choir. Since May of 1095, Kelly King has been the director, and Sharon Perkins the accom- panist. On Nov. 16 at 7:30 p.m., the choir per- forins at Kedron United Church just north of" Oshawa. Tickets for the Kedron event may be obtained from choir members and cost $5. ,Fhe GMChoir's Christmas concerts will he held Nov. 30 at 7:30 p.m. and Dec. I at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. at G.L. Roberts, 399 Chaleur Ave. in Oshawa. "Rickets arc available beginning Noy 18 at the following locations: North Fabrication Plant, Gate 7 (on Division Street); GM Canada headquarters, 1908 Col. Sam Drive; Car Plant, Gate 5 security desk (Park Road South); "truck Plant, Gate K security desk (Park Road South); Roy Nichols Motors Limited, Courtice; Motor City Saturn -Saab - Isuzu. Whitby. 'I'he choir will also perform a mini con- cert for GM employees on Wednesday, Dec. I 1 in the concourse level of the GM Canada headquarters building. 'Rhe choir practices in the North Fahrica- tion Plant every M,)nday evening at 7:30 p.m. II' you are interested in becoming a member of the choir or having the choir per- form, please contact Ralph Shaw at 725- 1969. Barb's Dolls SSAdvertising celey' FO%...Ous ON BUSNE STUDIO Now Accepting Registration Porcelain Doll Making Taught by a Certified Artisan. Classes Commence U'eek of Sept. 30 427-7422 - Y _ 4 Ba.•keL, and 'fine if Its Unique Gift Baskets • Personal • Corporate Seasonal • Promotional DELIVERY ACROSS NORTH AMERICA FAX• B o Ino 40 834.7421 • X Anne Marie Predko Lawyer • Wills & Estates • Real Estate Law • Family Law • Boards & Commissions *Young Offenders 905 619-0222 Com' r" BRIGHT TME BRIGHT IDEA IDFA HOME IMPROVEMENTS SPECIALIZING IN: - • 1000/6 vinyl & aluminum windows • roofing and repairs • soffit, fascia & eavestrough • hard wood flooring • basement rec rooms or apartments CALL BILL WAITE 905 420.4820 1 800 249-7111 'SPECIAL* 1000/6 VINYL WINDOWS FREE LOW 'E' AND ARGON AND NO GST UNTIL 31, DEC. 96 Durham Windows and Doors brings showroom to your door 1 DURHAM r—` 579-2222 I� -110SU S40WRWLI t Left, Wayne Hutchinson will bring his Mobile showroom to your home. At right, inside you'll find his display of Top Quality Vinyl Windows. Wavne Hutchinson brings to the replacement window, and door business a new, and lone overdue features. It's a Mobile Showroom which just may be the only one in Canada. "The day is ,one when you carried some brochures and a sample window to a home," explains Way "So I obtained retired North York Mobile Library truck and installed interior walls along with all of my window samples" When you call Durham Windows and Doors for a fre estimate, Wayne will s up at your door with his Mobile Showroom which you'll enter by way of a sliding patio door. Inside, displayed on the walls, are the Tech Weld 2000 series of vinyl windows which you're free to operate and you'll discover the many special features including how they can be cleaned without going outside. "After being in this business for 18 years, I can honestly say these are the TechRW finest windows on the market;" saes Wayne. "They're triple sealed to reduce air leakaue and come with heavy duty hardware." If you desire• you can choose the Low -E Glass which filters out the ultra violet rays keeping your home �r in the summer and minate the fading of your curtains, drapes and furniture. All of the windows come with a lifetime warranty and a 10 year guarantee on the installation. Wayne would also like his customers to iow that he does all of estimates personally, eliminating the cost of a salesperson. Durham Window and Doors do all their own installations, which ensures that every customers gets a high quality job done at the best possible price." Durham Windows and Doors is located at 696 King St. W. in Oshawa or phone (905) 579-2222. 11 ka [,�uv DURHAM %N INDOIN'S & DOORS Casement (905) 579-2222 �UHGE -'17 ACTION Vmy!'n na"s 3 Di )rs �11CTURE WINDOWS 3A f 3 BOW WINDOWS NSURANCE CLAIMS NATIO DOORS STORM DOORS %E N CONSTRUCTION �r:•.�OWS WAYNE HUTCHINSON Er zsrr� 579-2222 GUNTHER ! IVENS o CONTRACTING Act iticns p Sec.rd Stcrevs Basement ANartments 'i Viny! Reriacemerr Windows Liq'_ ALL INTERIORIEXTERIOR RENOVATIONS Call Gunther: a839-0681 Cap Serving the Durham' Region for over 25 yrs. " November Specials " Facials Reg. 040 - special 02901 Pedicures Reg. 15 - Special 1200 Manicures, Waxing, Eyelash Tinting Gift Certificates Available For Appointment call! 831-1657 . z-� . . .-r t s t t a ► s c r : . a . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. . 1AGE 26-THE NFIWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5,19% ROYAL ROYAL �DRDA,. CANADIAN 3 months�E at T ?'; LEGION RO SEBANK VILLA , �D•vAt� CANADIAN Rl TIREM l:T RESIDEHfE f ye LEGION G BRANCH #322 !9!9 .. A Time to 4 BRANCH AJAX *Enrollment remember our #606 PERSONAUZZED WEIGHT MANAGEMENT not included. Veterans.PICKERING 'Wishes to thank the Business sector and the citizens of A 'lax WHITBY OSHAWA PICKERING/AJAX * Product 534 Rodd Ave., Due to government for helpin�o us raise the grand t t total of k 1 K.0 �8.9� durin�a 223 r-14 55551® 1550 KINGSTON not included. Pickering cutbacks our veterans the IATMARYI (INK-MART PLAZA) (JUSTWOFBROCKAD.) Ex./Dec./31/96 (905) 509-2582 1996 Poppe Campaign. As of will be relying more October Ist -, e have dispensed heavily on the over $I7.(HK)-()() to Veterans andWHEREcontributions received their Dependents in need. by the poppy Campaign. Thank you Ajax YOUR POPPY "Please Lend Your Doug Brad, Poppe Chairman DONATIONS Support" SERVICES ON ARE SPENT November 11 th Service at November 11th at 11:00 a.m. Cenotaph at at ANCHOR in Money donated during The Royal Canadian City Hall front of Legion. Lec71on's annual Poppy-Remembrance Campaign 10:50 a.m. LEST WE FORGET Is placed in public trust funds. Some of the mangy ways this money is used to to improve life fot �. L people in your community include: MOBILE-JOB SITE pl "i__ providing assistance to needy ex-service -�„e-y MIXED CONCRETE -AVAILABLE-MONDAY-SATURDAY members and their families •CEMENT SAND & GRAVEL 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE 4, purchasing medical equipment and CONCRETE3UNSHRINKABLEFILL NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED, appliances for community health facilities-,DNCRETECOHATIONdREPA1RPRODUCTS WARRANTY APPROVED STONE SLINGER SERVICE WINTER SAVINGS "- Paying for medical research and training 905-683-6501 building affordable housing for veterans and 1-800-473-7385 �ve OIL AL FILTJ,%2890 BROCK RD. N. PICKERING CHANGE senior citizens (BROCKRD.NBTAUNTONRD.) .paying for bursaries for needy students e, proving support services to senior citiren� KERING sw30 or 10�SQLIARE �PENNZD{meals-on-wheels, drop-in centres, etc...),�"`"ww"s''°ROUGEMOUNT For more information about RADIATOR FLUSH $49.95 poppy trust funds, contact the SQUARE SPECIAL E,•L•44 nearest branch of The Royal FIRST PICKERING OFFER EXPIRES Nov. 70% ►. tj Q CIa�I► AiitlatAlee � >_ Canadian Legion. PLACE CANNOT COMBINE COUPON WITH ANY OTHER ; OIL CHANGE OFFER RECOMMENDED EVERY j 3 MONTHS OR 5.000 KM • • O.EN 7 DAYS A IYtEK • ' , , , 839=0000 195 WESTNEY RD. Sa �. a a (905) 427-6796 ��� TO TIME Remembrance Day Service at CIBC TG Cenotaph 11:00 a.m. Serving the Durham Remembrance Day Parade: WINTER Region for over 30 Years We see what you see.- REMEMBER 1:00 p.m. Sunday Church Service: SPECIAL 104 Harwood Ave., Henry Nelson St. Paul's United Church Joe Dickson ' 1:45 p.m. LYSE Kn.�R�cK Ajax Tony Stour PICKERING OIL & CONSTRUCTION Scoff McMurray FILTER •,M U • Westney Heights Plaza y RememtNanoe Day service at t� Basemen Home Joe Atkinson Cenotaph 11:00 a.m. • Four WNW Tire Rotation t' Renovations Day Parade: • 21 pt Inspection. • 376 Kingston Rd. & AJAX DOWNTOWN Rte'" 10:20 a.m. a.m. 1895 Clements Rel. Unit 5159 (BathrOOms, etc.) Rougemount, Pickering Business Improvement Area Sunday 905 427.0276 A= rued • Bayridges Plaza, I Pickering Mayor and Council of the `°UCAS DONT PAY FOR 90 DAYS -Brock & Bayly, Town of Ajax YovRUCAs "PLY N o�c. PickeringHOME IMPROVEMENTS « Remember them and AdclOm •2nd floors •Saftoom • I Plumbing • Deck/fm= f W" ng D"O Remembering honour them on 1 rc REFERENCES PERMITS E UITS&PLANRES ApS Those We November 11th ABLE n�a FALL INSURED •All WORK GUARANTEED 1 97 Church St., 9o"28- M Our Love �, everyday" Ajax I AM AA^A ��<C1cILI Q i�r F +Qy SPONTANEOUS LADY. 27 year old female. •-, Dbunds. blonde hair, hazel eyes, recved, enjoy horse back riding. dining out. for a sngte while man, spomanepus ; a !unto be with BOX 20075 LIFELONG LOVE Ar'ac!ve sngie while mom - -y rc 40 s Lxung Icr that very special. old -coed male !or a gong term relationship - nus Inquines only BOX 14998 v0 HEAD GAMES 43 year cd ;,olessional ^ P 'era e. `.5 'SJ Cs non smoker. down an^, rarest and sincere, at Enjoy dining !ravelxg. We theatre. long walks. dancing, and quiel !roes Seek a while mare meat. non smoun professorial and at :east !a a mbogarrous relatonshp BOX '3426 ,ARO CLEAVER TYPE, 30 Year od attractive 15• «-^ a s:s build I'm honest and g ria a g hear Enjoy sports. moves. -.:c readng. ong walks, and more Looking .r an active. honest, melt,". and down to -ale wrtr agood sense f humor 5 qie "?,s wecle No smokers please BOX ' 4%5 RACIDUS LADY. Detre blonde female enjoys ,. •rave,"g. Jrmg, romantc evenings. r ••ire :oorti , for a :al gentleman. 49 rc wY rc BOX 17315 BIG IS BEAUTIFUL Single ' own. 26. seeking e mac ; er eat A. with. klse ff* oudcors. >c arra eves to dance. iron Smbrer Sage •a"ome BOX 17321 :UST BEING MYSELF coeme 'ady. early, 50's. • •.� :arcing. souring and many m es's. "Crest Sincere. trushwcrthy a. gertlert wit^ slmisr nterevs -,tsy and !rust a must Social drnrer or?' 'c^ s^c«e, BOX 23211 .: c;NG SPECIAL MALE between 43 and S3. :anng. Pai,oi .^•c giro Serio 01 ">^qr and wants tot" ...:eC :^Cats PJu try 'OC. 'lux .Pawing_ i0ri. afore 've r uClebrGG• Yea' me u'c I: sea of we are 00troalibW Sob Of mar DIC :coy ter ■dud •you peau « _r,- 'oa .'pare number cd ria sex 23198 =.. ; IS BEAUTIFUL :c lea old s" ictnar S :. - ; . a, r ; it'd trotting We to fhe _7C,..'; fir a Sngp. nnri0g,mh0ui thio ,r,, >, s - w :Meresx Singe tailors ■ri 90X !3441 1;iENDSH1P FIRST A -:acne 39 yew lad nal Enjoy muse. moves and reraxg at xxnoj or an a!trac!ve, singe wire :5 who .s a non SrG,er w,M sir -.:la.• Mme,. o,!re C:Vc Box 15897 .ET 5 TALIL •. c 7cw• ! -ae^. ;yet. uvw. «aa- ror s -c.. female. 24, s st:r•„a:rg conversation wa.N.. ;arcing, sc 'eaang..'ets and organfza•i0r 5adNs !c car^ rtewgera. tang. crng were e :4 to 31 lar, s.r lar nteresis BOX 0 : CREET ENCOUNTERS Ne are a satire ;.c r 1,• 3_S other rave Capws for drSCreet erlcour!ers AY s etu mac BOX 198C7 veLY LAD, }r » e'emale. 'ate 30s. •re cnJd, likes Jutdoa .!es r ma s. ^J cars and antques 'wcr'y cva., a1' sincere Fnern inop his:, st area ",c BOX 71765 ,NE SEXY LADY ye,' cc s:ngia tamale crg `i.r _rung for a man we roe rb As lever then martial. between rQ 45 who s Cal oke and loves Ne E yoy •les. waterSkang, soe.ahzxg and more .'er men *no are tnancfaay stacle sxn as =fors. lawyers pnalTac,s:s or executives want to experience a Parfet breed 0! per - clay BOX 12257 DOMINANT FEMALE Attractive 27 donirMep ;!z -ave :odrng la a srgle wfute male. 30 35 Ch4drer are weeome, If Crus nrerests please leave a message. BOX 14746 EASY GOBNG MOV. Skin. Attractive single of Iwo. 37 Enjoy dancing, dining ouL -uwies And more. Looking for a honest. t:amg• ^-0byed and MraCLwa male. 34 D 40, with a seise d haca who also lovas We and ehtltren. S,ngle!athdo reltorne_ BOX 14771 PETITE BRUNETTE Udder haled, French free - site in CODourg wall Rile snalpe. Possesses ;real persoreay, Joe De Ywrs with uwque, ;,,alines. Looking bit f^groldi P worth a Yon smok,ng• wl*-wdtaww white mala, 45 b 55. 511', aStaDkShed wait mask Not a conscience. It you're kicky. you care +meas me, a gem at a person. scall - g with rag value. BOX 23124 CALL SOOK GUYS. Single, "female. 21, enjoys gm•h9 Putbr walks• ail b movies. Pleat ng Banes, randlelyd dinars yid going out b Bingo. Saelatg an atDalt m male. 21 to 25, who enjoys the syr, Wwalt as me. if that k You. cal ire ASAP. BOX 23151 FRO ME AmacYve, 27 yew old, dorrrilewng emale. LOD" for a srlgh " male 30 to 35 BOX 14744 SINGLE SELF EMPLOYED. Red haFed. green eyed w/wnart biles dtOwrd danc:% NMAft SeeNFiD AA C-00 Pte• 3810 46 BOX 27153 ad nodal d two. Enjoy • 5'8'.115, *0 female mals and more. Lookffor a native male. 28 b 35, fa hiwdshq And a possbd relygnshp. BOX 12201 HEARTFUL FEMALE. 27 ywotd Weale. /'11• and 180 Pounds with sandy Palade hair. Enjoy "u"Ing. lahng And mare. laaokrg for a car• ng. horst, sincere and gerttle man who can aspect a woman. BOX 14773 SHORT BUT SWEET. Beautiti t9 year old, . Ibis Week astwaa no bei4iliLy %r riga cad oM9fc k da writ f Tilrf; Airi•(•Xrriti It VRlr);*,y; ^t()*F%'1iFk 8, 1rNM-PA(;F.27 9A/axlPic4 k k➢i . ore stir ti � Calle .1 wg00w45'1 ■3339 ($2.49Imin.) to respond to these TouchTone or R aty phones. You must be 18 or older. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5'8'temate with blonde haw arta blue eyes Enjoy pool. swimming and other sports ooiung for a 130lbs, blonde haw, Drown eyes. balling for someone cared. open minded 'lows to ea& tang. "'. 1-800-662- k `y 23 man who shares similar interests BOX 14729g. wht is amrac!ve outgoing, ewes urs g r IS and scan I Is.�4hrs rare wxh slmda• merests f,rr smcxe s ;cease -., . •: y SEEKS CARIBBEAN MAN nanacn 1. on 1 04% ........... OCAL AD 5'8'temate with blonde haw arta blue eyes Enjoy pool. swimming and other sports ooiung for a 130lbs, blonde haw, Drown eyes. balling for someone cared. open minded 'lows to ea& tang. "'. pendent war an, 20 to 25, wrc s honest and son- ROMANTIC AND FUN 21 rear old ookrg for femme man who shares similar interests BOX 14729g. wht is amrac!ve outgoing, ewes urs g r IS and scan I and ai oriented country g copy xhnt must reading. rare wxh slmda• merests f,rr smcxe s ;cease '9 r 3 Oust we oulorrors 'roves :)ons aro No SEEKS CARIBBEAN MAN nanacn 1. on mos. a. d kno atn"' us. rot IMO games, and know w^at ne wants r we BOX ^ooll.ng w,r4i'g Tut.:armpng. I!tNirrg dM mdrG, 'cr a •.chest female f9 BOX 18'08 Disney �'re b lain S a must 'm a Nrme fe "YY' ort a -tsaliar Plaid b -ares smoke. 39 to SC aaeCtonate. Interested In 2307 _oak, c 35 wnc s TWO SUPER DAD'S lou are twt sngie. into+ emu ■r the 7diswapss d Eeyae a rr N -°°lung ;ter' r friendship possble relationship with an unci LOOKING FOR LOVE 'w: !amities. an.a,:;v,a,'ucated. and goal or�en+ed BOX 11%7 le^ �� r -a'^w.n:r,. '.n rang. ;^'acrNe $ir+- Nle, and e"er',1' �! �9W '-=4' BOI23t't they, "Sof 2'%s b ysvest 90X'5881 'OGE'HER t ed. nand ,nae a .German Canadian. ly dY 5'B". 14pbs, a^.lilt;rve te. veN rfg !w, ;,ys. '?•; 2! wM ,hownOw'; SEEK A COMPANION :anng Mnest sin de gp ,°mown vc, ge rrc sI ,e xsekgem ^all mrg , H S. 1. A SPORT t an a msrrm .oke 3C LETS GET ool�vvy a ring arrl,2 'eab0rs^c +c a^qrg 9i nap arau,ox s"' gentle and nappy Enjoys ons "9s quiet evenings and flexible rtenests BOX 27151 n nd •r r have u a ea a gm rgr; wb a Jates aro g dad - ,:r; •^,r ; ; • ; e 'o-., o r ^er 30's to wo a, olarrr•. atnvllc nor; , goo cya- ,ower Ws 3C and 33 -no are ock n ., c-_ 1r a ec eC and em dr7ceC . c 2 OCS O ode mar aid aw oold'eor fr w asualN m airier, cS b 3v jv -ace _ -loo, oaasb w q itis INCOBOURG AREA. 25 55' 231CDOurlc s:,.e a preference BOX 23301 KURT COBAIN WANTED St,dera mid 4,s 'a '•,endsmp Singe mo:he s wa. elal or,stes BOX 71779 %4sr.ow art std mfd,e■ row re utl oR ev 7rieoel Alrr, "t's'c ?t Be •2777 `l MOW" d two ;mea• ,ds honest. Canng with a bo,:hg for oionde hair. Ow« eyr.^• ;r.rgy Run Ccbar rook come BOX 19985 SOFT HEARTED GUY Wrae'nale. nor WARM HEARTED SINCERE ^roan mate - •::. apply Box 2169 HAVING SOW NN ;. ye r a•e see rq a 3, -4. •� =ee' •e-'� a�s -s oar a;x good sense of %mor L00king'cr a smgle. IuM. ser srt ve and honest alike Enjoy gong to parses. am omrscuas y sror. er. rate 30s gaud p0iun^,. ^een;m cwr,. 53' 3`. s ;,e,.r ; a r,...^; acr :: _00ktm to rrenosne eaCi^g w a'eiaf�rnsrp BOX 31m LE -S GC GUT" : `.- :� Pou+C «rule -ac _oar, b a aC b 9✓ Places .r. ^was :rows am; •: i 1216+ man 25 to 40 who enjoys minx. theses and oket!Imes a! acme and ,e ;o lister to arta cine mux Must De f 8:ts. stun. aavn hair wrtr aawr eyes. In LETS GET OUT. ' , ^zv dr•ver 25 a,.'; arc more See" somecre .r a wase of tin w ARE vOU THE ,asE' -Jnr; a Jr•'eae ? � : Occasiochildren.nal Occasomit! Onnke 5 and smokers aro !;tie BOX wtgang, en" spuehCmr !.me aia,e and be nit+ athletc Srrorers guar. oaascnal vrAa Froulf BCX 8VICE rc s rgr 'ea ^. vrt :oar ar a ,ar, - 27118 o.ay ,ave shadder oength Pool. camping. etc �Oourlg s wn� elalr'e erm reatro se0 ardFynstry -eadr; ',o ar WANT AA GIPL' liol osabive w e x �'a " c • is a° c 3 rows a «e :=x'975? HOPE TO HEAR FROM U Sweet and k M and Dbnde max arc am rr;rr� . 5 Ij and t Yl v/ Pounds skin b medium build. wr^ same meres•s w^c s 'age a Y,caes:eC ;ease :ae BOX 31774 ,, X 31774 ;eau , a :i.arr 'enlace. f. b 2`. �:e=✓r+f7p�e I YUC" -; ;ccEa _cr,nx. A'Ya:;ve mar -ae -< E^.joy .eacrg with yeabwsn o own eyes BOX 11228 LOVES LIFE. 5+m a n s rake BOX 16107 -M PROFESSIONAL YALE 46. do, a ;'r, an a swan arc Ma Y. xa 9: X J,..�:: ti » !-. -rrri,ar'las ar,, dining out wnh good qual4es are mach attractive empbyr ;,r.gle mOtra SURER GUYS sxrp wore ales. an:x- 'Ivo 5 3. '.:; illi s•;.e'a� _;vow :de a'd'rosf (7289 sear^ 9 il sardly ^r ea'xr,svp ';al Seek: a sncere ate 3C $!O mod 4: s 'rale. -no "9 of two clays I am 35 ears 0o I Y ice d 'or ca, ^; ^arC loner'• me 'dr; ,. srfXrS. s ^ t ?sp°cal cCra;es •^e ..'loo's. ltY^:, ry r BLUE -EYE) .,U'h ;ood ooxr, xia0iarseC nae 'rs r j >W6.i <: Y K _ e rci ,fe �rgefer :7Y 9, I d boo can oke mo goal aril bap times *0h!hs special in9. ening oar and :rovokwg Letdr , ,Pin a hon weer :ads atne;c }C aro ??-xaing'a!vvc 'amvr it'd "errs _ro•sr ; :r air a'ra�ve ,ale carr s' ; : > - Ls '<• rx ,eat p^e; � BOX s 3tin smounq, nonest caring. working mage 35 to 45. single ,,rte •entitles. Me:ge^t. !a arc fur ry I amec!crae emcbyeC'er a.e •;r a'eia•r�sr •c "xstn see•rg a olr,'w^'eiaxrsrvc rr r :,tea �- =A._ YE � 'tic nae yr •lien^ ,s^ir LET'S LIVE! 'oma 3' wrtr a seise r who also cues rife and rg BOX 12449 BOX 71773 a1 down Yng a3 ,cru -as yr •JUST 7"x ; -a..x� c err :ex };: e ^ng boldo r,a. +20 Its 5 � :r�c•en 5,'•:c!atr>ers weccme BOX 27213 GOOD TIME . ?? war Cc male 225 poll:r; HANKY PANKY >a Year oq single mare oa.r ; tsrslg arC ••ore 9:='2291 '% are mw -,u,, cense ire me a Ui W 9:x . am calgong. Crar^ng, w -'^y and, g. l LOOKING FOR YOU' S'hgle ^ram is ?^Ir,,ys 'cr a .er.; , ..,a , sn4 «r,' i'?^ar,rc s :; ;r ;r ;.v ,.,- e.. ? •c 34 'a Cr anc:.' CHAS -AN YA;4 r:p -ae "'ria ,a"P? '27'3 spontaneous Loc,,, -q man rw« a f Slm.�l r gwmses and byes to ,rue IAe to !tie !.lies; BOX ;CA. F; w, kc. spGr'S :arS. ddrbmg ',;okng 'rr gDwfg ,rOerS:dMrg. 2' '^ :, a'Y: 'rt BOX � rani 7eOL? podia eaw..r�p Spers -ended - .l'SJar aC5 YC :a."a, "'e•i'i 3 --''ie ."rcJdr ': d4 OUE' Ak: ;tSC2EE.. ". ,' ac "" .;; b r 12131 maw 3a Pi,s. «r.c er cys foe same Sorge 12156 -ante arra ^_rel-esfage arc «.r •ori ry ric ?rrcvs Te .arra =,ce s "Hoor'Y, BCI j ace ;iter.•, , ;ar r r'a,e rbc rt s ><aw• ARE YOU OUT THERE' ' 3 rear OID !cma.e. ,ads roCa'Ie BOX 27297 -_ -, SINGLE MOM - Social :^r.er TONED 6 IN SHAPE v:>:•,lar , c ,neC 34 :c -a• ( au as ;Icr as 7Cssce ;tsc:etcr ?,°oral: 27.50 ! 3Cx'N'6 ALONE h :$WAWA uae < oath, �c ^as blonde noir aril b.e eros ;-?' '35 Cs See nig no' -. < ; 'or a lar 3C c 38 «v Lear ...:r,:nCs -' ., ra:k.n; and "Peprg r s^a a _x,., ' r a 'er-a a s and 355'.9'! BOX 31769 OLDER BUT WILE ; a • 'e -ase. 5 16C. CHRIS-APOMM . ,via male Dow, r•'ee' a :rpe :vsar rate •., xxwe ; f : sss owa T,e i � e r •o" :. 1-4 6' man who enjoys piaymg poo!. swrm,^.rg =says , omen spOr'S ' am a enprs ..,•n ever.�ngs has a se^se of ^nmol neaa'-, ?^p.;voC • ' a •eat :r -a 'gv,c r^ .• - _ Fcrg'r' f .-,e srctir'e BCx 7..97 i rna. r,r' owe yazaiec Be ,.•57 srt,rxer and dC ,Ct a.e :-.. Oren BOX 14639 Mus! .'Re c^�r,•er a.r. sr! Mo read iia.^es sroure's '? ::: 'y :ecer^.er+s :s'awa 1 ove, ae,os a sr'�c r -o 'er'a,e 7vw 4: ':r a o^; •e'- a;MAN'C MAL_ rip •rne -are i' :7 ' T cUh c;a .act .✓ns-r•v: .'i.Cre r u%'. WANT TO SHARE LIFE "rear oil fulfigured r.s souncs �,e r• ,vow mea cad 5'r,e 'a!fwrs :n,ra- a'ea 80X '7427 IHANDYMAN SPUNKY ^r. ga^•es BOX 7!T'7 >•• •ar ,.,r. z, airy trot a' ;ee•: a- a`ar..e rim -ace r -c iCs y x,. xw era e : 7 w..^ a•: w^ >Yes En IOY Try !ally wet^^�.; BOX 272% HI - " l'eM- v,-;.-.--,sp•r: a'acv .. ' '4977 SPUNKY CEPENDABIE �y s.. __;•-a^•r NOA Y111i4 , lore �-rua::rvfilrja yup; arc rare .n'q anc-•:'1N58.x'...`•3 hKr' i 'e sports bingo qu e ever rgs at home and gc'r; ..^, yea, e -� t « . ;r ; a d 7r; > ales "r BOX 3 s . _ r' t'> a^C ;rsc'eet BOX NO BAA SCENES -cry no w^^ -, - •r' ... ,,• wars r w ; a .r � tr a ,xr . C rc :ryS 0e ae yrs ti tie c l: ._.30 ,ao:: 1 3 x :y'v: Cry; our r•^-. r ' •J: ;' -.. repiace out Seeking a -'ale rrr •re soma me•es:s b a .`. r•a• .+f?9a .c -aye a I- ; a anC'exy r se!t.e ;Own ;w to . 1, ae tie' :` as rors'4 E^a)y aum'rg. «a,.-, ,tic --ccs x and oastfh mite 9:x DCUB.E DA'E , - '' re - boners '`, lie ra'r'e �k+esfe,' 9. A '12% 'or,; tem• :e,a:!nshoc BOX 17022 SEEK CARIBBEAN VAN. .-a-ac-d: ^Cr :•7w ; " >e eiperence r•ereS•a; ' -eel, a ace sr :: •c 35 ,or s -r w :rx'es arc r'c ass 90X 7'7'1 I LONELY IN OSHAWA -arrsc re cin a 'r rr'rr .� ranuyrC anr; wr •3's' l ?'SC%E'3 Y ! ,ear i:: rt> - -ar. 'r: 1 :.ane ve.rc a• L35 rc s ,omni aRane SfyiOy.. 38 '� 5:: 3�e'r;'a'- rieres:e, r 1 eaodyv rrewgem anC I„r x 7e «;' BOX ., , a aac. ^ae -• •ed �'•-,-:> rteii are ",r ';em BCx v ,C A, Amp :A;•�hG ;•+ge'aee +' S 'wry r Lal arc year b as.�ier ?,errr;S 7r wee, �. frienCsr4. pessibe rwatbrsnp wrt^. ,ria-xtrC. frie friendly white �d0y wM sen CRr-dr ,dradan. 1 •960 aOMANttC TIME. bride '+air 39 Srgy! l _oil ^; ✓ ar a-•ac1,a arc a!tec•crau'e'^.aK •'y2 .Srdrd Y aur Icr: V -r; r•oweC :zing a•rh .a'.es �,�, 3^I'213 )UPHAM =_" ;N Y ,ter tic ileac:.ii y:rasaua '40 Cs game ars ^appy. Hares dutr^gs NOW AND FOREVER' trJsOme _.aver ^tar q . -a - - : _r :.Id 5ae,,.r- a^� r dr•a lure "e'nSAC peasd :al ononava r -.r 're aro ;r �a ,moan I E'rCv rrr, •xr. Y''rIS• .w,s T•,e: ',les :r¢ crud err ?wry; a',ore ;,e.rr, a -orng -mr: -W :T ` rx YQ 1 -'•writ :-•: quiet evenings. and !foible :mereiti BOX '4d :` re e' i ' . ^. nOr' s .,wr^ S: a•'•x'^ria and rrela$11 � w-r^d' 'Gr spatia BOi 12786 9mameC her'ak J'mwds 4;: C i;Crtlr orS wr- :pr4 i.•- r'ea• ".- � a':aaw 7"> . ria i 27116 ye -ase 'V via:. ova rhe. Oasscrate a'•o res BOX '19'7 TIRED OF GOING ALONE :.r;Ie -a,a eary •wamuc ail:3'54 mascalne ,-. , s _ a' ;xv rrya rr tion PRESENT EARLY XMAS PRESENT '' ice, sell SNleve m Ito tomato !art!rui 'Crarnc ar a 7ood sans, a I 1 at FRIEND FRIEND AND FRIEND a- a 4:, ysar;c via i -a ,x?Yes EN A ' }:.. a,-p,cr� :r -r .- •c,.w. or•sc-a 4 ^YF': _'rE aGA,h :.pa .r■e -ale ;' the cue a^•: wry rat ntll rumor Eppy, ov es 3r r, out ns@ c 'r a via I Sita a'emaa.r d sr z r puma :vl' t: ix s *e soon are 4"c" -.n w � rK :LOK aC r,!hr9mai' Snr�4 -C m. 35, empC rdC ,ores:, V. spor!s aril ':+,ria _JOk:r; 'ria a �sCy 'a a Sear; a''•rM ago wv'xe are ria ,'100r!]M 901 "979 .. tiddDor a"C laic Y:•:IPS Taal --r, a er'aa .r -: -Cs oil:: ; -r'es -9.:: ;.tov frog tow T, rOwranllC. bya. bOwlrg br Mr agm, 35 10 45 rmCkMd. 'rue •Omar!C ',DOC SerLS2 a humor •. . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . • • • 36 .rC s :+^ ane •as ulna rwarrsS BCI :3'. cUh •r, i a aJ 3_I "i67 i SEEIL'hG `^.U. it rW 'xC 'Tor T'S[aa'r " g'c Box 27"' 7 CHARt11NG SINGLE N - 30s of • • Place your automated attendant ad by calling: • .CCK.hG'-R rsctplamer.'aes ., oil m 7„ ? = = n'+a JW. 5:6 "" ` '" -' �'" ``Y` dr !weC '•r_ ..: 'e-' ;r-. e 1 ;r' -en on bars Na 'e alt aubv^ ria reC .b ca;M rgepyder••_ • J /� A�}A(L�i AA • -800-�� % • 6^E.r {h 4hGE.A a•:•50 y Y x+ 3.:I :3'R P •_ SE5 ": a$C5 •:a5C5 '�:"fS.Y and :'S: � � a +-..•ax. -ae ;c•r oil I Sers,.dr. bey0no '^R Head ,Oaf ;I agL mann • V L� V�_1� ` • >rrx :rw e, a': z dra'Y� •YZC •all a 3C b, .w„^,.,Y as d yob uC Your !mends we adaa!ed ,e:�-, pais�n,:e „Ye is -ie „,�md, • 24 his./day -Have your ad ready when you call .rs •', ,� :w'g il rya- -a'. wC rola •a i 1 ^;,.Med 'rets !a • .es ,- .s. r'•rx ;rx;are r ^,role r•:ra -a. 1 we .rteres!S me•ar ]situ: , , To place your 9ncereiy Yours ad with a live operator, cad • 1-80Q-360-1483. • :1r T: yr •,. as :OrlTy -i 5c :mprS •,-: no spa••s • we ,:.d aa,e<a•a ' '� CcrYe:sa:on Box 71751 . T- place your Sincerely Yours ad with an Automat@d Attendant, calf 1-801)-662-8423. Be ' .JCao:'.g iY..x, r'.7a'drf •..r•: x,r': •:r �;� I ATTRACTIVE YALE 3: `.3' sir^ .dr.,,"y'cr '!:. , ready to write down your mallbOz number and access COO@ when you call. • ,:•.ar. ,•s .7w:asu^cr ,., a>>� .••Sit 9CI27'71 DCa.Nc __; _ :aa 'crit•' .kr,;.' ..re " ":. ' "`;dw"r'--',.•:: :C ':r :lYi -" �rCv,s ^onto eox • • it's all automated and simple. You don't have to speak to anyone. One phone call sets u • p :.AJS•_A.jIE_wi\':: -r'r[y Saila .e "'� 7M Via' .'Y�'.' .eS �Ir r. a''C '. r': 7t •- a:I'SC� e:^r,r-a-:.: <.e^: a: 7,748 � • ,u.r.; _, �, - ,� ,,., . ,_� „_. SNARE YOUR LAUGHTER S.r; .: • _ , your voice greening and your printed ad. Your ad 'Nnu appear for at teas! 4 weeks c:w •r•[ ter: rat tea :<+a a ea ap ria.. 4.^_A. •"'4N„ >no. :wr r -"a °''.': v 'crit.+ 43 : ' _!^ .^'.;,2' ry 2, < r; • , •Y DUr ad will appeal in 5-8 days. • c:'^ • '-2' -_".. ..,.> : -: mplrs with bwte ti long •.mr 'rends :r�J ia S .a.�'^i and wastem 61adcors saeung k., You may place an ad in one or our dating categories. - • Ka •:, 'ySSage 9. I :3'J' iUGA= AC ;J'ce .,�, rr .,-• .:..-r: � -r -- 3:><' ;99 ma.d SP^52 a,pr S.mdyfa'a wcYac When recording your greeting, remember ro g3Y@ a complete description of yourselt and � >�•� .: r -ate •� cars -; ,yrs e,,�wr-•� i k- rE °`-;�_E .�.a ,.�r ��,:� Y <a ^t i .ursrng wt^ !'e'dSr4 .d SnJr! J : d' Y -s. ! dC �ICS 43 :: 53 ria 'a! war ••ora • t the type of person and relationship ecru seek. A thorough, Honest greeting will produce � f a-�:. -..:1. 'Iia. ?: a :'.':: -fir -fie: cr.rY•.•. ,'C :5: '!er il _ a plus yon Dvrdm_ c:aiiy dCV r3"^g BOX 71750 • the !]QSt feSUttS. ;Erica corn - 5s r � r :a.• at ire.:•, ;.•ivy, _ ! a =5 w '3-'; ,$ - ,ear 7C u •anr !rare (.k.. SEEKING SOULMATE . ^torr• >. ;Iv rrra G OULMAT • • '...,_ You can retrieve your messages by calGttg the 900 number. There is a charge of $2.x9 • acre r x ,r :JrtiYus't '-. r•« r rat via -. ,v. .x^ear.: � �� r•:.:n ar •c 9.''9535 •arae -.a • win x -';'om en ndependem snore !d i vin, mit a el'-ya pert minute. - ase a'+C r .^a ^e'. �•rr••,re r ,Jtu; -! •alien lea 3 'Y I'v <mc M A. 23 :J 3C. win ria^.s a wog. cormmeo'eu . . �• � xEw v 2-:•z;;.a'a srge ;; •a^: tor•sr.v; BOX 27111 � 0000 0 0 � � � � �� � • se a a : rcuraa, .Poco nal; ,'e finite o r 9Ct ' g9u ALIVE AND FUN. .. .?a- old emaie. 55 • "°' A: rj7 •ora aCl b'7' SEEK4-: 4 r'e ria : ;Vic'.': '�.¢s t ; ... '-es to s as wrtr .lar r ,Ig Mir • Respond to ads by calling: 1-900-451-3339 • i 4'rG YEi h..x Wt "cute r 1"a;, - -c' �� ac -e--^a . rti r, a ,nae or �",' cdx..:r aaant -In stu >„ aoeca SOmeu: ei idol s•rlv'g gang Out once n • . 'O '.Ova SC a !:r. Appearance�na thin;-: BOX 27110 . • .-..$2.49/min., 18 or older to • call Yr. -'y r�.:,rthe ryrgvr rqk arw L n- -.W,. w4rresa atY 9�y:Jaf � •� , r .-� �•:�.x .-..r I � •, ane ENJOYS SIMPLE LIFE �' ; r '.: .dry .. - ':. ... --'- -. ,. N yaCa : xf 'e d -e» r t f:v�a:e ,ti Pottle Ya,., of year JWOOriri Cwray • After listening to the simple lnstr'ctions enter the maut7CX number of the ads you want to • » J,a: t ,� a e^x =,% �.s>, N -w �S-.JrYc:: lY aria a c 5 S musC rig Inc 73ntrg. SOCJk ng • access or browse all greetings randomly. IE=• _yE., ;, a _co . :': �� ri a6r 7 k5 9 I'SSih. :�, wrtr goltd sense d humor .;,ok:r;'cr sincere 'vc Boz �� • You'll hear a greehng with the Sincerely Yours ad and the • person behind the greeting. -Ow .:,:a ::.a xyv arc r�ec +es a.I tsYg -,��. Soo, -M, .r ,dlr,g � hpm•e r r arrar.e'aruw t crax,r r �-.d. nea:ors^c naaa gales 27179 ' xolz „� :a.'•rrr;-x,,,,. �, BOWLING ANYONE? _x,.^g 'Jr «"e 'a.e Voice greetings are added to the stem eve 24 hours. So you can browse through the g g sat rat Y g ee Wt.. Pane t'kab,- Ail' rr: .- = � '.r ; a5 -'y_ ' d •c*•dw 1 arc :: 1,f -s'. ae :r,e•r dnIJY mooing 4: 'loy ds new advertiser greetings before the Sincerely Yours ads appear tf newListena . in the newspaper. *a+astrC row pcssbce �aawrs'v; 9.x ::3C6 .c .a. arc..: :ey i : _.:.rx__ .-ye :ns,:eew d •::,u�'h: Omar people S Cdrng. ase gJng dnC raM51 love 56' • • • to greetings people that interest you If you !pave your response. That per- _DCK.hG'DP vCU :' i+y! r•:e _.kc 'a'• 71.1 agD,.•.r ^ar 7„eews 55 acs. x,tanng.sc i , z aao !c bow: , am iron . • •e r urs .are `:s F'IpLN 4:-a?e oktrldd mita, nazH z'as BOX 23174 • SOn Will hear our messyrrp vdhen Thier/ Call In. Y 7" �J � •env solo: a e•r ^tinea anc ;per -'vita _Jo..', fa wr lir OOe.'l; 'T i i.',�a Vmile '7 3f NC 'a':LSr ' LOVNG CARING NATURE. 05 rear 7c unaF • :rima, :: t 3C t PIYC:i+I:.r;. -ti'■a' hi tacnao wnne reraK cl:rsiderrJ a¢raarve ono ' ' • . • . • • . . • ■ ■ ■ • • . • • • . • • ■ • • . • . . . • • • . l I 'vu duan • ma0er vis be skcde .r .:,user a: COea^.^r:; a -c Oo: elm are usvec BC re 9' mar CA{E K'- YE trustworthy Sew; k ,est and kind *note r4 •ea 9Cx 73701 .ear _ ; b ower wan a tDasr.•.e Ju1bOr, sensed One do One rera!arhSmp n me Oshawa y b0•rn9 for son, fun. BOX 11983 EAS"GONG TYPE Ace ,anesJale u-,;*, .se L7CIUNG FOR ..YA,'T •rip -ar = � ><'s• a ;+ r ;ryng oa',c.'rg a^c rY� x- ,arS B'i't 52 humor, a warm Smile gone whc is !ridrMly out not Dur^am lagan BOX 12700 A WONDERFUL WORLD. 38 Year oil a sr, male stat JDpSsrar'b.:! 5 !a51ts 3:,c:c ].b • K _": •�' ' •r "':w eyes uC ;» "a t :r SERlCUS it'n;UIFi.ES 5t :Ya a tkrt. Reply it you have the same Imeresps BOX GUY . VERY CARING GUYS r ,nae map. St T. �' !c : rule 3rd tgnar _xu,g !u a Tama^ !c appy enws a;boa xa�6es. ver, r0rmana 'esarJeu S. W, P,feswa W. dile pa' .rawness bra a � °'Par z,n .R -dr rtinxhe :l -t;^e' xfv 27175 13C pounds. n common Lobate to res aahrrrtures En pat A :mils ante res slam Sias w wee `, t i5 nu', rNdress r at attarve r.;a Jae•rrS �v .• Sar• s h amar .. c ,s for vs a ID TRUE ROMANTIC. Indeperident easygoing. down b earn. tui fluted woman. 35. bocng la single wnne fear who wood ire o be swept Ott d mer teat. BOX 12114 muse. dancing, am more BOX 15880 r'9 SEEK SMLLAR FEMALE. Tag. sapuated map with slliwa interests b snap +Ie Ea6a5np Y'n9n+' 1JolI brrmC b ear y BOX 7tn7 ■owl -a•. :3 :c :9 ■� clear xecom r .:E ^rcenasrt assoce'tiaoasrrp faOl 71705 or Be � alts 1de a'� ;wry ti s sctyrhg r BCx :"5C JUST FOR COMPANY ;a, rode rwraie arc a husky, sensitive, non smoking mare with a QUIET GUY. Yale 35. baung for a discreet reia- n my and 40's. Looking to a female for trierfd� PLEASE CALL ME Soom 29 selling a swice'e !bre SPOILER ft W ides that just xmr b De Ir— I 35 ihY:lrJir -Y rC green evs Searrhg �a, .lute good SefIse d hiatal. eAY maty imefe5!s onckid2 wan a female BOX snip And a posS BOX t 7$14 iteral 28 b N. b denag lining are gooc °ills we odes ad rw b a pwrpered nil an ear,- I red are rwrrrre incc wYq s gag Ju x xna romans evenings at hone, animals. music and s of OUTDOOR GUY. 34 yews oil. 5'S. 160 OUTDOOR clacnsnp LET'S TALK. Sage dal Iopulg for a add n 6gear ills oil sant BOIL t271i 09 P11wfe nrroa m � a gw ick b you snail BOX oyes YC sang art FrleridI ft first: relationship possible BOX pounds. brawn hair and hazel eyes Lodug for 30's to mrd 40s. I am easy gang. 5'9. 17D VOID ON TIGHT. 33 yr ofd. 5" 185 D. hon vows 23296 sri4 BOX 11607 23130 a specialYcty 30 o 38. b !eve a rear foie 9 poly ds end gays l okng br fun thi gs b do wow prdssonal map. m e LDW9 acne Sting ASSURED e wvde f7EDN00Y EYES. Not tardy Crawford but htlh. i have a child ..so clxdren are BCIX 111q •y sal amp. Was ] kgrer b P!se tMr nand n mine. ; , +� N . :. IA Its cave mita! a hon sin u, Ow close. 33. mother d pooch. enjoys working ail BOX 12511 gof!Y ARE YOU THE ONE? E 40's. pmWssael, wall rb b Mare race oily yawns nil De "ad AJ1 D1g -r4ed a seas A a-:ybls wrap xr ds,:at :as, walks, 000krg, muse. camping• crops wood KAM GO LUCKY GUY Single while lyher. father d two kids 113 and 171. 57, 147 lis, and hold on eft so ago at our hearts can De as oriel a arc" WS b 'meet .rI ^p arc ^y 'mage 3CX And bits hook bred of oar scene. ouDagaa.' 22. smoker and social om4er, a" anorak, enjoy music. moves. wail %etc. Seek honest. Box 19118 t 7032 Ilan. Seeing a single man. 30- IsR for Possible n, 30- td n an c„yp,Yi9 and me arA000rs Saelwfg an honest. romantic, ria+ smoking tamale. 30 040. br an H BN115N GENTLEMAN Young. it 53 6 Young. 6, failing. WEEK ENDS 34 rear JiC arflp map 6 !!2 WEEK a relAWrahp, who dares b espy. BOX 23711 calling and romans reata+slhq. BOX 15031 open,torMst reletdrahp. single moms rriaF t95Es Seca hon sm6trg sgrwe amore lira porhos Loowrg b Jmw m?r aJuha'y s:d hCJT CWIPANON WANTED while female. ANYTHING is POSSIBLE DiN while corns BOX 71611 BmalI trhadsfe srrp p oho s oak I a ea BOX 15019 r , 38, with dripren. Looking to meet mule tom- mule. 40 °Pelf minded. 59•, 1ft wry open Ftp RM 19 you old single white •req 9dad boil !x9Mef must, °cony and otAooa CALL SOOII & rnp mite 195 Faulds aro of a paean 38 to 42, for possible relationship rtundel and romantic. smoker and sauAt male. Eppy naked. witrgfa Mwfg, bd0al. can we 80I71161 rata mai xorxy b a a lou rime. am age Sincerity and honesty a must non smoker. coca- d'okw. ef+pY camping and arhoerhg and Uav@L dlekgbl diners and mite. Looking to a single LETS ENJOY LIFE Fa 35. single Ww at Man xavriess a mus! and Iwry bower Zis'uwa area THE AREA 32 year did mile bong b a sional drrJw accepted. Elot Laxe area Pre Seeking a very romantic. tithing 30 b /0. single white tamale, 19 b 25 BOX 13391 brow law Hard • ifl ng Wag snare and a the BOX 211005 Ji rimae b Who p Eppy, wont .°BOX hoIseDad fwred but not necessary. 1 tray a not an � lemale. BOX 17283 LET'S TALI' SOON FA Aro attractive 31 year notrotMt Lodag b an awaare amale 29 b 35 win INTERESTING MALE FA amuve. brown lar groin pro.. "dig array, cry out and rine BOX tSB� Issue. BOX 27128 PRIVATE Blonde mar, blue eys. 39.5. old go wide male. 5'10- wab May hag And a s velar a" on Mead WAK glade. b a jim. "a, it good lookio Ldoling b a man good kokrg. 11 LEAF FAN. 34 year ad mat We rr Torowb Maps 210 TIME AROLNO. AttracDve single wnne 1 B5 pounds Lookrg la A Wily. 25 b 45. BOX s. Loo blue eyes. Eppy candlelight dinners. walking DY MLdwrg q BOX tt344 traveling raw 35 and 0vw ZS lrnam'egon BOX Lana Seeking a While tan b go Aho see tier ga ria femge, 34• bre. nartrgly curly. dark brown hair. 20011 along the Reach. children and more. BOX 13466 CAI' Id! 91x! rtule St. seekrfg a mmpenor; 20011 t ria me 6 032 ets at win Tel me rib Your brawn eyes, 5'9', singer Looking for attractive MOVE OVER. Perfect cadfoafed man. 5'10', HEART OF GOLD Hands". sryle whiae rwroshpo d . Piol relalottshp Cana duan' mal MYSTERIOUS. Tall. clean al surge .Me male fro* La is and enc yea fie 1st alp they ran re wheat mak. 32 to 42. anng• sensitive, no head 125 Pounds. looking for a shm woman. I wan to *fele. 30. 6 and 185 prints Lookup for an Inewsld n sports am matt BOX 12365 anng b V-Dtrr male b kin and a0,wwe BOX salary no Oso ran soman to go an rp or me games. mmantic, loyal. I love quiet evenings at sweep you o0 your teat BOX 20033 attractive. single white female 20 to 30. who A LITTLE EXTRA Youni attractive. secure mm 15001 BOX 11111 lane. W% walks on OM bomb, must BOX DEVOTED TO YOU gle Sinmale. 35, stn, ft. Yes trio finer tlwgs n We Enjoy romantic din- seeking a stop 9 a B aloha lemale b stare ares ill" TIMES. 45 yew oldmate. 67. 195 pars. AUTUMN FUN Urge mega won b mew Iwo 23172 dean, hen no depwtdefis. mer. king walks and quria wen BOX 15846 •'9s krrtaft. PssI* wale BOX 14152 bokn9 b swwe la dearer get togem BOX n - kd figured knWes b mem get togetrs ad Miles 0 BODApOUS BIWNOE Single white female. rMwh been mantel Eppy otAsde ACDMMs, mom d Enjoy L1FE111E Of LOVE, 53" 54hgle venae male THIRD PARTY BENEFITS Single rip mite 22. StC• 1491/ 9Cx 23131r a 33. rid Two". mother of 1 canoe. enjoys camp• y„wy� room. Ian sin- gsrfgto bang for a woman wfo likes b cuddle. be And 170 pa nds w0 Wwde ivy ad geen ayes SUGAR AND SPICE fa dsa a oprh marched a"1' LET'S TALK. 3J krry a asset btirpakon •g• , swurmm�g. wall, music, and dant cera, honest affectionate taken are d and loved. Looking br a long term Looaay b caps rho he b to watched! BOX 17185 220. non 9=0 Ladling b people b all some slice os stay rrT n ode .!d ay m nasv g samgMg n ti s :oe Tossing ng. Tired d the bar scene. Have addictive female. skm. M. attractive, who wants tie be refattaahp BOX 15161 NEED ONE GOOD WOMAN. 42 year od mak. 5 And and kn BOX 17371 nu age Dweam a mst BOX 31761 IAugK am spontaneous and easygoing Saitung appreciated Lown more than fir Dowty. aro truly LOOKING FOR LOVE. 25. single white mak. 200 ponds Enjoy ,z " mac. moocfm and JUST FOR FULL 29 year lad sngle 13 runt mite SOUND GOOD TO YOU? Mat, couple seeking a B single guy, 3o-Ish, with solar Interests.la cos wa1Mb o be loved BOX 31600 ba 170 pounds with brown hair and eyes Enjoy mite Looting ns a good won, b be hat mat Swempo la a 106755 b cother mils b CIsGew roar acs BOX mind am 40 Yard swrrwr rho ayes c vary done sae t ahp. BOX 27315 SPONTANEOUS MALE Handsome 26 year swimming. walking gag the pexin po reaawilNO Age and lire we aarporta l 10875 have kin' Box 19114 SHY =T FIRST. Single= Me lemale. 30: S'2=. AT FI and can, old. 5'''. 195 b Toronto Ire t!pht! rm ft, ed�. and carr6akgl t anr ars Looking br a fail. rdo- x I1 BOx 1.711. . . . YUTUAL PLEASURE AWacave 29 reit oo or, W= . . toaten" iia or replica to any persanetl advadeadda i MW web McWdy ran efidusively twitb the 4ad v a beefs ata or rnpolldad t0, suc6 advenbco wilt Non Mratioer way, CW ILL ink dbctvtid,,aa,,,e�ump, rejector delete away ay persat- AWYt a700ad • `ICCOI�payf She l r ht Ade Irltbalal vela Amid am fa�rr ' y -M Wb- Pat it Pana to a � Sels rb-•.'- bw MIDI aldleti a Atapat Ott $149 ,it g PAGE 28 -THF: NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 8. 1996 Coming oonmm. ecember We're changing our name to reflect our increased offerings in Software, Hardware and Service. Our new name will be "FRESH NEW FACE ... SAME CREAT PLACE" '.' Packard Bell VALUE SERIES C115 • 120 Mhz !ntelO Pentlurre Processor • InteO Tnton PClset • 8 MB EDO RAM. Upgradable to 128MB ' • CELP Socket Supports 256 KB L2 Cache Memory • '• 2 u8 Enhanced IDE Hard Disk Drive • 5X Speed CD-ROM. 900 Kbps Transfer Rate • 3 5". 1 44 MB Floppy Disk Dnve • 2 PCI Local Bus IDE Interfaces • C ,rus Logic 64 -Bit PCI Graphics Con,roller • 1 MB Video Memory. Upgradable to 2 MB • Software -based MPEG-1 Decoder !/� _r • 28 800bos High Speed Modem Installed • 28.800 bps Send Rece ve Fax Installed *" • ull-Duplex Speakerphone • —elephone Answering Svstem with Voice Mad • '6 -Bit SRSC 3D Amphitheate• Stereo Sound • Amplified Speakers Mount to Packard Bell Monitors Sound Blaster'"" Compatible • Windows 95 Keyboard • 2 -Button Mouse •Boom Microphone €y M crosofliC WindowsO95. Packard Bell Navigatorr". M crosoftC Works. Macromedia Action ".' crosoflC Design Pack Slick Lne(s Mic-csottC Money. Quicker SE, In -a� "`' Vy First Encyclopedia.-Lineland-"". SpidermanC Cartoon Make K dspace. The Pirate Monitor Not Included Nhe Wouldn't Wash and Mavc Fltzwdly s Mouse Catcher from Packard Bell " Interactive pentiurrl System not exactly as illustrated ".� crosottC Entertainment PacK Reader s D�ges1C Crossword Puzzles six puzzle version). `he Journeyman Project Turbo- Silent Steel Demc V crosoK Encarta(F9E. Mayo ClincC Family Health Book. Hometlme , Weekend Home Projects. Better Homes and GaroensC Healthy Cooking. Complete Reference Library. Guinness® Multimedia 95 C sc of Records. Sports IllustratedC Multimedia Almanac. Voice VIew(F TalkSnopTM. Faxworks. ackard Bed Direct Internet Access. ProdigyC, America DnlineC. CompuServe"s. "peg MPEG Decoder. Fas; Media 1 849 Y 96 VALUE SYSTEM • "lei Penuurn IIJl1 • ,gabyte motherboard with 256 pipeline cache • '15 MB RAM • 08 gigabyte hard drive • MB Video RAM • ?X speed CD ROM • 7,-)und Blaster 16 soundcard • -''e•amplified speakers .-. • :.1Indows 95 keyboard • : anasonlc 1.44 floppy drive • : inclows 95 • %l crosoft Works 95 • V;crosoft Money 95 • : omptons 96 Encyclopedia • 2 years parts and warranty System not exactly as illustrated Vonrior Not Included ST ' Y -lerW �ro,u , Inlor"W,0n A ,M SPORTSTER MODEMS 33.6 Internal or External • Fast internet and on-line connections • Send and receive E-mail and faxes • Plug 'n play • Upgradeable to 56K X2 technology • $25 mail -in rebate LIMITED QUANTITIES s2 495 LESS 01 00 MAIL -IN REBATE 2S MM $19995 LESS $21411 MAIL -IN REBATE $25 INTERNAL $189 MYOB New! Version 7 Import data directly from Quicken, project tracking, easy set-up, data verification before backup plus 15 other new features. $ 9 09 SOFTWARE Vbur Persona/ Software Sto�+e Sale ends November 17,1996 14" Orchestra $32891 .28 SVGA 15" CTX .28 SVGA 1280 x 1024, Digital Controls, Plug & Play, MPRII, ISO 9002 Quality $48995 Standards 17" CTX .28 SVGA .�. 4a..... xr�?eor-�,�.:.,Y� ^s z`"'P � f ^sP:•y .�, ,�,�„ � ,N,w,,. YOUR COMPLETE COMPLTER SOU- RCE T a.:f , ` 3' 95 $875 MPRII, ISO 9002 Quality Standards MM & TUM 10-7. wed, Thus.. fit. las 20" CTX .28 SVGA 0 m lc_-:; x 123_-, Digital Controls, Plug & Play, $18991, MPRII. ISO 9002 Quality ..,n�..3va..,.: �:: .�...:.. .,�.,.., �.�.,..5„n,�'.:�'...-.S`.,...�..,:.....,..._....s....,,,..y,�..w,,.�,,,o....,.. .............,�...�.�n..�.....r....�..,.,..,�o.m.nam. . Standards Coming oonmm. ecember We're changing our name to reflect our increased offerings in Software, Hardware and Service. Our new name will be "FRESH NEW FACE ... SAME CREAT PLACE" '.' Packard Bell VALUE SERIES C115 • 120 Mhz !ntelO Pentlurre Processor • InteO Tnton PClset • 8 MB EDO RAM. Upgradable to 128MB ' • CELP Socket Supports 256 KB L2 Cache Memory • '• 2 u8 Enhanced IDE Hard Disk Drive • 5X Speed CD-ROM. 900 Kbps Transfer Rate • 3 5". 1 44 MB Floppy Disk Dnve • 2 PCI Local Bus IDE Interfaces • C ,rus Logic 64 -Bit PCI Graphics Con,roller • 1 MB Video Memory. Upgradable to 2 MB • Software -based MPEG-1 Decoder !/� _r • 28 800bos High Speed Modem Installed • 28.800 bps Send Rece ve Fax Installed *" • ull-Duplex Speakerphone • —elephone Answering Svstem with Voice Mad • '6 -Bit SRSC 3D Amphitheate• Stereo Sound • Amplified Speakers Mount to Packard Bell Monitors Sound Blaster'"" Compatible • Windows 95 Keyboard • 2 -Button Mouse •Boom Microphone €y M crosofliC WindowsO95. Packard Bell Navigatorr". M crosoftC Works. Macromedia Action ".' crosoflC Design Pack Slick Lne(s Mic-csottC Money. Quicker SE, In -a� "`' Vy First Encyclopedia.-Lineland-"". SpidermanC Cartoon Make K dspace. The Pirate Monitor Not Included Nhe Wouldn't Wash and Mavc Fltzwdly s Mouse Catcher from Packard Bell " Interactive pentiurrl System not exactly as illustrated ".� crosottC Entertainment PacK Reader s D�ges1C Crossword Puzzles six puzzle version). `he Journeyman Project Turbo- Silent Steel Demc V crosoK Encarta(F9E. Mayo ClincC Family Health Book. Hometlme , Weekend Home Projects. Better Homes and GaroensC Healthy Cooking. Complete Reference Library. Guinness® Multimedia 95 C sc of Records. Sports IllustratedC Multimedia Almanac. Voice VIew(F TalkSnopTM. Faxworks. ackard Bed Direct Internet Access. ProdigyC, America DnlineC. CompuServe"s. "peg MPEG Decoder. Fas; Media 1 849 Y 96 VALUE SYSTEM • "lei Penuurn IIJl1 • ,gabyte motherboard with 256 pipeline cache • '15 MB RAM • 08 gigabyte hard drive • MB Video RAM • ?X speed CD ROM • 7,-)und Blaster 16 soundcard • -''e•amplified speakers .-. • :.1Indows 95 keyboard • : anasonlc 1.44 floppy drive • : inclows 95 • %l crosoft Works 95 • V;crosoft Money 95 • : omptons 96 Encyclopedia • 2 years parts and warranty System not exactly as illustrated Vonrior Not Included ST ' Y -lerW �ro,u , Inlor"W,0n A ,M SPORTSTER MODEMS 33.6 Internal or External • Fast internet and on-line connections • Send and receive E-mail and faxes • Plug 'n play • Upgradeable to 56K X2 technology • $25 mail -in rebate LIMITED QUANTITIES s2 495 LESS 01 00 MAIL -IN REBATE 2S MM $19995 LESS $21411 MAIL -IN REBATE $25 INTERNAL $189 MYOB New! Version 7 Import data directly from Quicken, project tracking, easy set-up, data verification before backup plus 15 other new features. $ 9 09 SOFTWARE Vbur Persona/ Software Sto�+e Sale ends November 17,1996 14" Orchestra $32891 .28 SVGA 15" CTX .28 SVGA 1280 x 1024, Digital Controls, Plug & Play, MPRII, ISO 9002 Quality $48995 Standards 17" CTX .28 SVGA APius o 1280 X ' X24, Digital Controls, Plug & Play, 95 $875 MPRII, ISO 9002 Quality Standards MM & TUM 10-7. wed, Thus.. fit. las 20" CTX .28 SVGA 0 m lc_-:; x 123_-, Digital Controls, Plug & Play, $18991, MPRII. ISO 9002 Quality . Standards 'On-site Service -IN In .• - _ 3_ _--ware BASIC $150 Install complete system purchased at A Plus Software. plus demonstration on Windows 95 In Your hnmP_, BASIC + INTEREST $200 For systems with IDirect Included Basic service plus Install (Direct starter kit & give basic Internet training in your homy BASIC + MS WORKS/MONEY 5200 For systems purchased with MS 'WGRKS/MONEY included Basic service plus demonstration on MS WORKS & 'IS MCNEY. PREMIUM $250 For purchases of systems with (Direct and MSb"JORKS and MS Money Basic service plus iDIRECT Installation, training & demonstration on MS WORKS and demonstration on MS MONEY � MEMORY UPGM 1 MB 30pin BP $ 95 parity .............. 10 4 MB 30pin BP $ 95 parity .............. 52 4 MB 72pin $ 95 non -panty........... 9 8 MB 72pin $ 95 non -parity ............ 5 9 Lifetime Warranty., LIMITED QUANTITIES INSTALLATION $10.00 1550 Kingston Rd. APius o PICKERINGAXADM Q 420-9830...... MM & TUM 10-7. wed, Thus.. fit. las F 0 m 9 APius o Q KINGSTON RD. ��$cc z J 0 m