HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_10_06i 10% Kingdon RoW E. The Fwidne MN, Ston Hour: Mon -Wed. 9:30 a.m -8 00 p m Thur, BFn. 9:30am-8 30pm Sat 930 am-500pm Qx0716 HOME IMPROVEMENTS WHY BY • IMPR50)VE Funpy Owned i OpanNd WITH For Surin Vbu Can 7hM '. "_0 /! VW OUR SHOWROOM . ; ; 906 Bfw* Road Som (Just aodh d e+yh, Piekaring) 420-4980 JHE T +uL . L� News Adver C s Le Sundav, Oct. 6, 1996 28 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 42,500 Vol. 115 No. 40 StudentsPic*rin k Ions eg rolling up their sleeves Hepatitis B vaccinations under wav Bl' CHRISTI' CHASE SPECIAL rU -1I11, S AIA I_K I'M R DURHAM — Students throughout Durham are rolling up their sleeves these days, but it's not in preparation for hard work. Through the Ontario Mlnistn of Health. Durham Revion's health department is providing free hepatitis B vaccine to all students from Grade 10 to OAC. says Marion Meeesi, supervisor of public health nursing tier Durham. Immuniiation clinics at high schools are under wa% on a rotating basis and will run for most of the year. The vaccine is injected in the upper arni . Some 25.(>t)0 students are eligible See DURHAM—Page 3 Inside In the news Editorial...............................6 Name Dropping ................... l 1 Sports.................................17 Classified ............................20 Phone lines General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 Sincerely Yours 1-800-662-8423 infoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 On the Internet at www.durhamnews.net 934t + Tt GST = $1 Turf war Three-year-old Christine Stockford gets set to retaliate against sister Stephanie during a grass fight outside their Ajax home while Mom was busy cleaning the yard recently. photo by Ron Pietroniro road gridlock means buses running late Bl' MARIANNE TAKACS _ SLX1" Rtl'tiRII R PICKFRING — Relief may soon be in sight for fratiled Pickering Transit riders missing GO train connections because local buses are running up to 10 minutes behind s.; hcdule. The problems started at the beginning of September when people went back to work and school. says Tow n executive director of operations Tom Quinn. They've been caused by drivers cutting through Pickering to avoid con- struction on Hwy. 301, and by the blockage of several parts of Kingston Road for resurfacing work. "Some mornings we actually come down to traffic gridlock." says Mr. Quinn, noting the snarl-ups have been worse on rainy days. Morning traffic "is very difficult. But we do see light at the end of the tunnel" Tom Quinn Things should improve when the resurfacing work is completed in about two weeks. he says, and when the centre lanes on Hwy. 101 open up again, like- ly in mid-November. "Once that happens it will speed traffic up through Pick- ering and people will get off Bayly Street and Kingston Road" Nearly all Pickering Transit's morning buses have been See LEAVE... Page 4 Enrolment roller -coaster at Durham schools DURHAM — Enrolment is up at Catholic schools but down at public schools this year. Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board reports it has 26,315 students in its elementary and secondary schools as of September, a 4.8 -per cent increase over the Wt school year. Education director Grant Andrews says some of the smaller schools had big increases in students this fall. St. Leo Catholic School in Brooklin led the way with a 19.3 -per cent jump. At Durham Board of Education, there are 2.5 per cent fewer students this year. Enrol- ment is 60,665 pupils, compared with just over 62,200 last year. The biggest drop was in elementary stu- dents, down by more than 1,100 children, mostly due to the elimination of junior kinder- garten. The board had started the program last September but dropped it this fall due to provincial funding cuts. See CATHOUC... Page 2 XCELL 4 CDM/Y,VN/CI.T/OMS Mall 2 y, Bell Mobility ..._...,. ,0w�ar.Awa,wwa�w�',.._..��,,�,w:ta:�arr:a..taKea: rt't.�s•�•:,,.+sr�t��,;�tt���aaMl,..«,.-�.;.ww�r;asa�,�ea,_� PAGE 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1996 Region's economic development boss named best in Canada DURHAM — Pat Olive is held in high regard by the Economic Developers Association of Canada. The commissioner of economic development for Durham, Mr. Olive was named the Economic Devel- oper of the Year for 1996 by the association at its recent annual meeting in Sherbrooke, Quebec. He was honored for his contribution to economic development at the local, provincial, national and international levels. "Winning an award of this stature is never the result of a single individual effort, but a result of a co-ordinated teamwork approach as practised by all economic develop- ment practitioners in Durham Region and, in particular, my staff. Also. none of this could take place without full and whole- hearted political support within the region;' Mr. Olive says. The award win- ner is picked based on their substantial and recognized contribution to the profession, efforts to educate the pub- lic on the role of economic develop- ment, creation of new economic development strategies, and media promotion of activities. The association notes Mr. Olive's work "provides a benchmark for other economic development offi- cers to emulate" Durham's economic development department tries to attract new business to the region, help exist- ing businesses expand or relocate in Durham and promotes the area as a tourist attraction. Membership in the association totals more than 400 economic development professionals. AMBERLEAMy DENTAL CENTRE WALK IN HOURS Daily 8am - 9pm Sat. 1Oam - 4pm EMERGENCIES SEEN IN 2 HRS. • •Nl• • • • 24 HR. EMERGENCY PAGER AMBERLEA SHOPPING CENTRE ON WHITES RD. PICKERING BETWEEN FINCH & HWY 401 • Extractions In Hospital •Chemiclave Sterilization •Collect From Insurances gentaQ and t"'antng �ieecztn+ent 011111111 Expect more from Sears CORRECTION NOTICE MEDIA 1021 on Sale Monday Oct. 7 - Sun., Oct. 13/96 Page 1 reads: Save 25-50% during our Great Family Outerwear event should have read: Save 25% on Men's and Women's Outerwear Save 25-50% on Children's Outerwear Choose from a wide selection of styles, colours and fabrics to suite your personal style. Sears regrets any inconvenience that this may have caused. BATH FITTER Wil had a new acrybc bathhib or searNew veal right over your old one () • in just 2 hours • A perfect made to measurefit • �i toodean and will not stain • Call now for info A F'REEein-home edhnat 20,000 SHIRTS ON SALE srrirr ftol From Canada's Premiere Shirt !faker t63 Great Variety of Sizes And Colours *PV 933! OPEN PICMRLNG HOME it I.ELSLH CLYM DAILY 1777 PICKERLNG PKWY. BROCK RD. & HRT. 401, PICKERLNG (905) 686-7419 Pat Olive Catholic school board hires 27 new teachers FROM PAGE 1 The Catholic board hired 27 new teachers this fall to accommodate the student increase, bringing the number to over 1,350. The public board has more than 3,400 teachers. Sev- enty-eight elementary teachers were to be laid off this fall due to the junior kindergarten cancellation and bud- get cuts. But, board communications officer Mary Brown said all have now been placed with the board, although some have occasional contracts or are permanent supply teachers. SPECIAL MOMENTS 40 - 70% OFF • BRIDAL GOWNS • BRIDES MAIDS • MOTHER OF THE BRIDE/GROOM • PROM DRESSES and more... "Limited Time Offer" 137 Byron St. N. Whitby (9o5) 666-8689 (Pearson Lanes) fy aassovid b deafer. Plus all freight and taxes. FOR RECONSTRUCTWE CREDrT CALL SIMON 1/OIJR NEIQNBOVRMOOD FORD STORE _ 1780 MARKHAM RD. SCARBOROUGH_ (.lust N40"lls oS Cwt h Mayr") :,293 Durham students get shots against deadly hepati"ti"s B FROM PAGE 1 for the shots, which provide life-long protection against the virus, which can cause liver damage and even death, Ms. Megesi says. The voluntary immunization pro- gram is available to high school stu- dents this year only. "It's a one-time catch-up for stu- dents who didn't get the vaccine since we started the Grade 7 program in 1994," Ms. Megesi says. "Parents have been asking us for protection for their older high school children. Now the Ministry of Health has granted us this opportunity" Normally, the ministry funds vac- cine for Grade 7 students and high-risk individuals only. Immunization starts Monday for 7,000 Grade 7 students. Each youngster gets three doses of the vaccine, with the second following one month after the first and the last dose six months later. The first set of clinics for students will end in early November at which time the second set will begin. The final clinics will begin in April. Consent forms have been sent home with all students but Grade 10 to OAC pupils don't need parental consent as they are old enough to provide their own, Ms. Megesi says. But she advises students to talk things over with their parents or guardians first. "It's a very effective, safe vaccine;" she says. Hepatitis B is the second leading cause of cancer in the world. Some people never know they have the virus while others are very ill with a fever, yellowish skin and eyes, vomiting and abdominal pain. There's no cure for the virus but it can be prevented with the vaccine which causes few major side effects. Students who have reactions should call their doctors and the health depart- ment. From 1993 to 1995, 50 cases of hepatitis B were reported in the region. Hepatitis B is spread through con- tact with blood and other body fluids of an infected person. The virus can be carried in the liver for life and passed to others through sexual contact, by shar- ing used needles, accidental needle pricks, or using dirty equipment for body or ear piercing or tattooing. The virus can also be passed from an infect- ed woman to her baby during birth. Hepatitis B cannot be spread by sneezing, coughing, hugging or using the same dishes or cutlery. For more information about the virus or the vaccine, call the health department at 723-8521 or 1800-841- 2729. - CORRECTION In this week's flyer the NINTENDO ULTRA 64 VIDEO GAME SYSTEM featured on page 17 is not available in all stores. See your local store for details. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Kmart Canada Limited I Kristie Harte, a student at Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School in Ajax, grimaces as Deborah Johnston, a registered nurse with Durham Region Health Department, gives her a hepatitis B vaccination. Nurse Tara Lutchmansingh holds Kristie's hand for comfort. The Health Department, through the province, is making hepatitis B vaccine avail- able free to Grade 10 to OAC students this year only. Clinics are being carried out at all high schools in Durham this fall. photo by A.J. Groen THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,1"&PAGE 3 YMCA offers kids' programs AJAX-PICKERING — licensed child care before The YMCA is accepting and after classes for chil- new registrations for its dren six to 12 years attend - school -age programs at ing the schools. Vaughan Vaughan Willard and Lin- Willard is in Pickering, coln Avenue Public Lincoln Avenue in Ajax. schools. For more information, The YMCA runs call 619-2407. REPAIRS (1 hr.) ' Relines ' Complete. Partial Dentures LOWER DENTURE STABILITY NEW PERMANENT. SOFT DENTURE LINER William Steil, DD, F.C.A,C.(A) 84 Old Kingston Rd. W. 1 r - PICKERING VILLAGE. AJAX 683-4294 ���- After hours 428-4801 ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. Coomar Kimpa, F.R.C.S. (C) MRCOG (U.K.) Obstetrician and Gynecologist Wishes to announce the relocation of his practice to 4190 Finch Avenue East, Suite 316 Scarborough, Ontario MIS 4T7 Effective October 1. 1996 TelephonelFa=.: (416) 609-1199 WHAT IS A PARASITE? 'init.' 1OCT1J hloatmg. chn>nx rittguc. • A parasite is any organism that lives in, with or off another coenttpatton.tleptre�cd unmune tunox)n. organism- diarrhea, ccuma. • Humans can play -host" to over 1 (N) kinds of parasites. cnlargrd h -mph glands. • Parasites can be transmitted by contact, in water and by air. cxccws c hunger. fever • Parasites can infect virtually evcry part of the human body tau symptoms. tat-•, includingAt the abdomen, blood. buttocks. chest. diaphragm, P Rm• grindinght.to the rata c night. tuvcs. ttTttahlc entire digestive tract, entire respiratory tract including to cl n tdrttme lungs, feet, genitals. hands. jaw. Ian=, liver, muscles, %kin. tmuhdrtv yaundcc.rrtnt and upper arms. and mtncic aches or • The World Health Organization estimates that one quarter pain.. nm )u-,ncss, r„hc, recktcncd cvcs. of the world's population suffers from chronic intestinal %Jeep d,414rhanccs. 132MSitlC infections. weight gam —eight I,ns RAND BINGO!! CRUISE ON HOLLAND AMERICA GRAND BINGO CRUISE SAILING JANUARY 11, 1997 Call 683-5110 with news tips. 00/0 FARES STARTING FROM $1518.00 PER PERSON INCLUDING AIR FROM TORONTO 17 O ■ R Join Ray Carr, the "Bingo King" for six days 3 6� of exciting bingo mania. Each day will b �� feature a different bingo theme. Enjoy the fun and try your luck at Pyjama Bingo witt continental breakfast, Beach Blanket Bingo, Midnight Bingo, Chocolate Bingo, Royal Dutch Bingo and last but not least, the $125,000 GRAND PRIZE JACI POT BINGO FINALE. Cruise Now, Pay Later -Ask us About Our Fulalicial ` prices are per person double occupancy and based on availability at the tithe of booking. taxes and port charges extra. sailing dates and activities are subgect to change. UMWnW. AjaxTravelattd Cftl'"eCentre %1f:4•I• • y rfwwr.•,,a r . , PAGE 4-T11E NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,1"6 P Test smoke alarms toprotectY ourself from fire AJAX-PICKERING — Area residents corner of Monarch Avenue and Centennial a.m. to 9 p.m. at all three of its southern sta- Dixie Road. Visitors will be able to tour the are encouraged to test your smoke alarms Road and on Westney Road just north of tions: on the north side of Bayly Street west stations and get information on fire safety. during Fire Prevention Wcck Oct. 6 to 12. Hwv. 2. of Brock Road; on the south side of Fire Prevention Week is held annually to The theme of the week this year is Let's The Pickering Fire Department is hold- Kingston Road cast of Rosebank Road; and commemorate the great Chicago fire of Hear it for Fire Safety: Test Your Smoke ing an open house Oct. 6 to Oct. 12 from 9 on the south side of Finch Avenue east of 1871. Alarms. "The 1996 theme allows our fire prevention staff to concen- trate on problems relating to home hazards and , encourages everyone to ensure their smoke alarms are . , ..,. functioning prop- ' erly.' Ajax Fire Chief Randv Wil-- - - son says. , " P l e a s eKJ • remember a com- plete fire -protec- tion program`'�. _ �• .f includes smoke = ♦`�-- "'� `� Ctalarms and a well • � � ff ",�, -.� --''' �?, �_� "+1•.,.,:�„jl.. - thought -outN Vescape plan: Mr. - - .c— ---'`� Wilson adds. NN Open houses ' , " arc being held at ross = �;,�-•=+k• both Ajax fire halls from 2 to 9 p.m. on Oct. 6 clearance and Oct. 12. and from 6 to 9 p.m. - o :- tnom Oct. 7 to 11. You can tour the �,r►�" ', r,r' , , . stations and pick 1 .r►�'' up tire -safety lit- �' 30 ' . ' I craturc.�ck AR YExP Ury •�• SE•�' '�. • •�,�' � > - � � Fire halls in .t Ajax are at the SPECIAL EDITION SPECIAL EDITION Rjrs : / • 1 ' "' - DYNASTY OR 0 GUARD ORTHO PEDIC Leave - SINGLE 259SWGLE 239SINGLE 99t 7 ' early Mk GESS MA—;ESS MA ?9ESS • _ ,rr, SET $424 SET $394 SET $314 ` i ,j - o miss DOUBLE.. 299 SET 469 DOUBLE....279 SET 439 QUEEN _329 SET 5o4 QUEEN ...... 309 SET ala DOUBLE .... 209 SET 374 tie-ups: KING ........509 SET 759 KING.... ..... 459 SET 709 QUEEN... _.239 SET 409 R , � ,� Quinn A -FRAME FOTO CAN Y BED BOO CASE BUNK CAPTAINS BED uiduWs xveret Dale FROM PAGE 1 mattress & tra re78 or - MffiL- affected by the 2 FREE CHOICE delays because M10 G.S.T. -NO P.S.T. all of them travel *SET OF SHEETS -BED FRAME at some point eMATTRESS COVER PILLOW WW alongthe major 4.raw ma•et� m.tarss s� 4 1 • • • • • an ge drawers . routes. ..The bus $ r + WOOD SPI MAVM CREW QUART DIVM DAYBED MATES BED can't go any 0.1mr- usnuu[am indudes20 BUN faster than the t' yeergq. car in front of it. .y at Wack sweps+� That's what peo- ^mss <,- _ pie forget." Pickering Transit is doing very sturdyWhite 2 drawers 89 all it can to avoid r"' delays, says Mr. Quinn, but that's • ,- • • not always possi- • • • ble. He suggests y Y' • I • the best way for BAYLY TAUNTON residents to cope until the situs-` m C .wa tion improves is a�% aj A •' • • • • • O . o . to adjust theirwAY own schedules.AAAZ "Leave earli- • ' N x Y/SA AINIAeIf (MOUES tt•...rra AWA er. That's what '' Am 1Oi • we're asking , t' SS%W*N x. people. Catch an s.&. 104 0.4 earlier bus.s . •is Avoid the traf- f 'sa f f c" ♦ • • • ♦ • ♦ • • • • • • • , • Celebrating small business DURHAM — It's a new economy. New Markets, New Challenges... New Econ- omy is this year's theme for Small Business Week, Oct. 20-26. For the past 16 years the Business Develop- ment Bank of Canada has organized Small Business Week activities. In 1993, there were 922,200 businesses oper- ating in Canada, 99 per cent of which had fewer than 100 employees and 93 per cent of which bad fewer than 20 employees. Small Business Week was born in British Columbia when the BDC's lower mainland branches pooled resources to hold small busi- ness management sessions. The movement grew and in 1981 Small Business Week was embraced by the Canadian Chamber of Com- merce. "Small business will continue to lead the way Networking tips offered to business people on Oct. 16 DURHAM — Business people wanting to improve their networking skills should keep Wednesday, Oct. 16 open. Julie Smith of Innovative Learning will help participants improve such skills as how to position themselves in a crowd and how to work a room successfully. Her presentation is part of the monthly meeting of the Durham Home and Small Business Associa- tion being held at the Harmony Creek Golf Club, 1000 Bloor St. E.. Oshawa, from 6:30 to 10 p.m. Cost is $10 for members and $15 for guests. Members who take a guest get in for $5 and the guest pays ST prior registration is requested. Call Carmen Kirschling at 905- 728-8599 or the association hotline at 905-728-2899 for more information or to register. Information session Thursday -teens :looking for :42 university W -4 PICKEMG Post-sec- Dndary education will be the Ventre of attention at an infor- r ation night Thursday, Oct. 16 at St. Mary Catholic Secondary 3SchooL All 18 Ontario universities ;and the Ontario College of Art will make presenations during the University Intortnation Pro- gram which starts at 7:30 p.m. The scrool is at 1918 Whites Rd. - and create the majority of net new jobs in the new economy because of their capacity to inno- vate, penetrate new markets and respond quick- ly to client needs," according to a BDC report. Local efforts for Small Business Week include seminars and a trade show. The second annual Small Business Week Trade Show will be held at the Pickering Recreation Complex, Thursday, Oct. 24, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Over 100 exhibitors are expected to attend, and there are spots still available. Seminars start at 9:15 a.m. and include: Busi- ness Planning for Success; Marketing on the Internet; Traditional and Alternative Financing; Business Information: Where to Get It; and Exporting: What You Need to Know. There's a $15 seminar fee for the day and anyone interested in registering should call the BDC at (905) 725-3366 or 1-800-563-7922. 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOMES FIVE APPLIANCES N 2 PARKING SPACES QLD A/, EUROPEAN J Jd IOTCHEN Fs j ltiv uUm Itun PROPERTY �CERAMJa mWuN.To nRawNoirt oowNtowN 1736SQ.FT. X129,900 Our Best Sellers For Men. Walking 00jij 7jr Whitby Mall 905-728-9141 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,1"6 -PAGE S 0 CASINO and BLACKJACK DEALER TRAINING • Night Courses start Oct. 16 • • Day Courses start Oct. 15 • In just a few weeks, have the skills to apply • • for casino employment. • • Durham College Skills Training Centre • • 905-721-3340 or 1-800-816-3615 • • 1 Course Code - CASI 2600 • 0 items of non-nrotit coming events to 683-7363. ' - --- -- _ - ._._._.........,... .. ..a.�.w..a.-,......o......., wiwewNae�e¢.aasw.rw 4 .0 rwN4110 i : -tj ',& t , #"..p PAGE 6 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,19% Editorialsan ♦ Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser A Metroland Community Newspaper published Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont.L IS 21-15 TP407HY J. WMnAKEIL Publisher JOANNE BURGHAIM. Editor-iit Chief BRUCE DANFORD, Advertising nwrager SIEVE HOUMN. Managing Editor ALVIN BROUWER, Retail advertising tnarWer ABE FAIQIOURIE, Damon rrtatiager General: (905) 683-5110 CIasi6ed: (905) 683-M07 ISrcvladm (905) 663-5117 FAX: (905) 683-736? EMad.-Newuuom@durttanurws.net On the lnterueuee http://www.dtatwn- news.net The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax -Pickering Board of Trade, Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Cautilations Audit Board, Ontatio Press Council and O N51R1. The publisher reservrs the right to classify or refuse any advertisement Credit for advemserrrnt limned to space price error occupies. MPP cuts welcome news A little over 18 months ago Mike Harris promised to trim his government. He said the Progressive Conservative party would be leaner and save the Ontario taxpayer money. The axe took aim on 27 MPPs Tuesday. The premier lived up to his word with the promise to cut 27 MPPs from the Queen's Park payroll when the next election is called. The reduction from 130 to 103 is welcome news across the province as it should save $11 million, according to Mr. Harris. Along with the pitched politicians, their employees will also be out of work — not great for them, but cold- hearted Ontario taxpayers will likely shed few tears. When Mr. Harris kicked off his campaigning two summers ago he had 27 empty chairs carted away on a flatbed trailer to illustrate his intentions. A similar trail- er completed the deal on Tuesday. It will force Ontarians to pay close attention when the next provincial election rolls around. Chances are local voters could be casting ballots in a new riding. Actually, it will probably look a lot like your revised federal riding, so it shouldn't be too con- fusing. It only makes sense for the new Ontario ridings to mirror the federal boundaries. The new divisions will make it easier to draw up election maps and voter lists v Letters to the editor Get on with job of providing quality, low-cost education actually studied the overpriced oper- ation of this board. The award seems to have been assessed from a videotape of Sinclair Secondary School next to the mammoth board headquarters on Taunton Road in Whitby and the grandeur of the prize seems to be only in the inter- pretation of the five cronies on the board's payroll. while cutting down on duplication. In Durham there is To the editor: Why is the Durham Board of to be a fourth federal riding added, meaning none of the We should all be proud the Education getting all the accolades Durham Board of Education won when for years the Durham Region local MPPs will lose ground. the Carl Bertelsmann Award. But Roman Catholic Separate School The revised boundaries were established by a federal before we slap anyone on the back, Board has provided what many con - commission and as such are rooted in representation by perhaps we might find out what it sider a superior education for the population and not by which patty will benefit most, as ;means. Who is Carl Bertelsmann students at a significantly lower cost critics would suggest. and does he know anything about for each? It's time for the Durham It will mean a vote in northern Ontario will mean what constitutes good education? Board of Education to get off its just as much as one cast in Oshawa. Was the free trip to Germany for self-aggrandizement campaign and Audrey, Grant, Kay, Norm and We can only hope these cuts will indeed save $11 Doug really free or will the taxpayer get on to providing the best quality education at the most reasonable million; if they don't, then the Tories should track down be on the hook for that also? price. The taxpayers deserve it, and that truck. Consider these five are playing with so do the students. T residents' tax money. Without it, To respond to this editorial call Infosource of they would not be considered for Don Young, knfoso� 683-7040 and dial 5111 any award. But the reality is nobody Ajax .You said it. attacking each other lately. Every one of them is entitled to his or hero inions. I just In response to last Sunday's . wish people would learn to disagree agree- editorial, Be Optimistic, regard - In response to last Sunday's ably.' "As ing the problems with the youth column Two Solitudes by ♦ a member of the Reform Party, I thought your comments about the Two of A'ax and Pickering, our Managing Editor Steve Solitudes were very timely. Obviously, readers said: Houston, our readers said: Marne knows that Dan will jump to atten- tion every time she yanks his chain and she "I ♦ "Way to go, Steve. I think that's the best has ample material to work with. Dan's � am also a teen and I was going to go to the meeting on that night, but I had to work article I've ever seen. It was very, very unbi- super sensitive to any form of criticism, so I I'm agreeing with whoever wrote the article ased. It was good what you said to Marnee agree, let's leave it to the people to 100 per cent. I think an 1 Il p.m. curfew is and it was good what you said to Dan. And, decide ... It's time these two individuals move unrealistic They have to think this through. if they do indeed read it, maybe they'll on to other items rather than go head to They have to realize that a small percentage pe sage of smarten up and act like adults for a change. •� ♦ "I fail to see how you can accuse Dan head in a 15 -round contest." "I have to agree with Mr. Houston's col- the youth are giving us all a bad name." McTeague of not allowing readers to voice umn. I think this whole thing has become +1 want to know why the police and the community groups are worried and getting their opinions because he occasionally feels very tiresome. It's literally a poor catfight" "I involved with the problems with the youth. compelled to defend himself when he's ♦ think it's about time we got this petty This is not the community's problem. Where being attacked rather viciously. feud between these two individuals put into are their pmts? 'They're the ones who should As I see it, he was only setting the record the right perspective. I think you did the be accountable Why are kids out at tight, straight. As a senior, I've been dismayed at right thing. I wanted to say congratulations, after. I 1 p.m., if not to snake mischief?" the nasty way your letter writers have been well done and good job." Blake Purdy Opinion Tickets, who needs tickets? I'm in a tug-of-war that I'm, quite frankly, afraid I'll lose. I can feel the rope slipping out of my hands. I don't think I can hold on much longer. i It's a tug-of-war over tickets. I'm at one end, my sweetie's the referee and someone she actually likes is about to yank the rope out of m� hands. Since.l don't have much to offer my sweetie, I make up for my short- comings by buying her things. Like tickets to a concert this Thursday fea- turing two musicians whose record- ings I have in my extensive CD and album collection total zero, zip, zilch. My interest in seeing them is even less. Sharing the stage that night are Jose Feliciano (he of that popular Christmas ditty Fleas Gnaw the Dogs) and Don McLean (Bye, bye. Miss American Pie, bought the tick- ets to the concert and I wonder why). They are among three musicians whose works I feel belong on a tape that lack Kevorkian ought to carry with him. My sweetie is not among the legion of groupies who flock to Mr. Feliciano's every concert. (Guess she's not familiar with the tune he penned as the title song for that smash TV hit, Chico and the Man.) But, she's absolutely smitten b} Mr. McLean. (His discography takes up considerable shelf space on her CD rack.) She's delighted to be going to the concert. But, I've informed her, I may have to work late that night. (Actually, Friday's scheduled as my late night, but I've made the boss aware of my flexibility in this regard.) So, knowing I may have to work on the night of the big show in order to put food on the table, my sweetie's told me her long-dme best friend, who's just returned from a two- month vacation in her native Greece, is also a big fan of Don McLean. (Understandable if you've ever heard the melancholy music they play at Greek weddings.) My sweetie's friend looks poised to win the tug-of-war for the tickets. I'm losing my grip. I can't hold on much longer. I'm at the end of my rope. There it goes... "So, bye, bye, my sweetie pie, take your old friend to the concert, I vow I will not cry, have a good time with your buddy singin' American Pie because if I hear it again I will die." 7b continent on this column nfosourice calllnfosource at 683-7040 and dial 5108 r7i Workfare proceeding, MPP Ecker contends 0 Provincial government is `committed' to program DURHAM -- Progress on the Ontario gov- ernment's controversial workfare program may be slow, but the Tories are committed to its success, Community and Social Services Min- ister Janet Ecker says. "We made a deliberate decision between doing it fast and doing it right; we wanted to do it right," the Durham West MPP says. "We owe it to the people on social assistance and taxpayers who support the system." Officially called Ontario Works, the first phase of workfare will require single employ- able welfare recipients to work for their social assistance. A weekend report s that the government has "stumbled" with the pro- gram isn't correct, Ms. Ecker says. She also denies the government has set a goal for the number of welfare recipients it hopes to have in work- Janet fare placements. Ecker "The only goal is to get it up and running by 1998 across the Province. "It's being phased in. It's not a numbers game and we never set goals. These are peo- ple's lives we're talking about." Durham Region was one of 20 municipali- ties picked in June to be part of the first phase, which was to be running by September. But, the Province only has workfare agree- ments signed with Algoma District, Kent County and Peel Region, while deals with the 17 other communities are "in the process of being finalized," Ms. Ecker notes. "Make no mistake, this government is com- mitted to workfare and welfare reform. It's what we're doing and we will continue to do it. It takes time to change the system. That's what THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,1996 -PAGE 7 TREND SETTERS HAIR DESIGN October Specials* Perms Short Hair $35 * Long Hair $45 > Highlights With Cut $45 _ Long Hair $55 Womens Cut / Blow Dry $18 Men's Cut $10 Children Under 8 $8 Colour S25 WITH THIS 1 rt - N your Sofa & Chair for $99 1450 Valley Farm Rd. 839-3049 *excluding Saturdays (Extra charge for cotton and ]loose cushions) I Book before people on the system have told us It's what tax- payers have told us. Even (former NDP Pre- -------------------------- j 66THANKSGIVING 1S UPON US99 I mier) Bob Rae said 'paying people to stay at home isn't smart'." In Durham, deal ` UTLER regional council won't with { the workfare plan put together by its social ser -CE CARPET CLEANING SERVICES i 86 vices department until late November. Ron Dancey, Durham director family ser- I (Entire) WHOLE HOUSE vices, says the Region has a targetet of placing 1 • about 1,000 of approximately 7,000 single, Get any 5 rooms of Carpet employable people eligible to be part of they 71 Steam Cleaned Phis ,, s first phase. Of that total, about 850 are already doing rt - N your Sofa & Chair for $99 volunteer work, such as coaching their child's (Extra charge for cotton and ]loose cushions) I Book before hockey team, helping at a school or leading a Scout Guide i ;d m �.s (905) 686-9160 1 or group. "That's where the vast majority (of place- I Must Prevent coupon offer expires 1 Lupo. cle_ing FREE PICKUPAND DEUVERYONAREA RUGS Oct 18. 19% ments) will occur," Mr. Dancey says. --- — --- — ----- — — — — — — —_ —_ --_J Durham will help the remaining 150 find r placements. r r in cvbers ce at. NISlt The Region sent out "a bunch of letters" to W1 ��-- organizations it met with but only received 37 `7`77` responses. .durhamnews.net "I thought it would be a lot higher." But, "there may be more than one job" with each placement, he says. The low response rate may have to do with the program being new, he speculates. "They just introduced the concept. It's brand new." Laurraine Martin -Phelan of the Durham Region Coalition for Social Justice isn't sur- prised the Region is having difficulty finding workfare placements. "Agencies are strapped trying to service World's best school board praised by Ontario teachers DURHAM — A provincial teachers federa- tion marked World Teachers' Day Saturday by honoring the Durham Board of Education. Earl Manners, president of the Ontario Sec- ondary School Teachers Federation (OSSTF), presented board chairman Audrey MacLean and Durham OSSTF president Pat Jermey a plaque to congratulate the board for winning the Carl Bertelsmann Foundation Award last month as the best public school system in the world. "All members of the OSSTF are proud of their Durham colleagues," said Mr. Manners. "Ontario has a great education system and Durham is a shining example. "No one can take away the pride all of Ontario feels at this international recognition of excellence:' The small ceremony at the meeting of the provincial council of the federation in Toronto was held on World Teachers' Day. Others present were Kaye Egan prncipal of Whitby's Sinclair Secondary School, chosen by the Germany -based Bertelsmann Foundation as the board's representative school; Claude Lavoie, past chairman of the school's parent association; Thom Jones, prime minister of the school's student council; Durham Centre MPP Jim Flaherty; Agincourt MPP Gerry Phillips, Liberal education critic; and Algoma MPP Bud Wildman, NDP education critic. The Durham board won the prestigious award in a competition with boards from Nor- way,' Scotland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Hungary and New Zealand. It was the only board from North America nominated for the award. CALL TODAY OSIVERS44 H V.A�y � S Solutions: • FREE top quality Carrier High Efficiency Gas Furnace (if you own a MID efficiency side wall vented Carrier Furnace) • Up to S1500.00 off from regular prices for other makes from a proud Carrier dealer: UNIVERSAL H.V.A.C. SYSTEMS 520 WESTNEY RD. S. UNIT tt6, AJAX AJAX-PICKERING-WHITBY (905) 686-0017 OSHAWA AND VICINITY (905) 404-6166 1-800-270-4144 The Health & Social Services Committee of the Region of Durham invites YOU to a Public Meeting re: Ontario Works and `Workfare' 7:00-9:00 p.m. 16 Oct., 1996 Cafeteria Henry St. High School 614 Henry St. Whitby Mayor T. Edwards) Chair ■ A !.- WPI. ,I ., . 1, ,: 0 , , �:-1 .r --,:, , . 0 , PAGE &TTW NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,19% Billboard SUNDAY, OCT. 6 SPEAKER: The Bishop of Mozambique, east Africa, speaks about his work at 9:15 and 1 1 a.m. at St. Paul's on -the -Hill Anglican Church, 882 Kingston Rd., Pickering. 839-7909. MONDAY, OCT. 7 POETRY: The Writers' Cir- cle of Durham Region holds an Oshawa Poets' Night from 7 to 9 p.m. at Fazio's Restau- rant and Bar, 33 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Poets wishing to read and songwriters wish- ing to perform call 432-2536 (Steven Laird). SECRETARIES: Profes- sional Secretaries Interna- tional holds its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. in the boardroom of the Durham Region Planning Depart- ment, fourth floor of the Lang Tower in the Whitby Mall, corner of Hw,v. 2 and Thickson Rd. The topic is entreprenueurship and changing careers. Meetings are the first Monday of each month. 427-5932 (Karen Cook). CANCER: The Living With Cancer Support Group for adults, friends and family members meets from 7 to 9 n.m. at Ajax and Pickering General Hospital, 580 Har- wood Avenue (at Clements Rd.), room GO 13. Enter the new, wing and take the eleva- tor down one floor to G level. 686-1516. TUESDAY, OCT. 8 HORTICULTURE: The Pickering Horticultural Soci- ety meets at 8 p.m. at St. I Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 35 Church St. N. in Pickering Village, Ajax. Larry Sherk, a horticultural- ist from Sheridan Nurseries, discusses putting your gar- den to bed for the winter and fall rose care. Visitors wel- come, no charge. Meetings usually include a flower show. 839-7600. SEPARATION SEMI- NARS: A series of weekly seminars on separation and divorce is held by Separated Anonymous from 7 to 10 p.m. at Peace Lutheran Church, 928 Liverpool Rd., Pickering. 338-9879. MEN'S GROUP: A men's support group gathers week- ly at 8:30 a.m. for a breakfast meeting at Mr. Souvlaki, Bay Ridges Plaza, Bayly St. west of Liverpool Rd. Men who are unemployed, divorced, depressed or in need of encouragement are invited. 839-3295 (Bill). CAPIC DINtiER: The Canadian Association for Production and Inventory Control, Durham Chapter, hosts a dinner meeting at Celebrity's, 1527 Bayly St., Pickering. Cash bar 6 p.m.; dinner 7 p.m.; presentation 8 p.m. Guest speaker Jeffrey Sparling discusses New Focus on Inventory Perfor- mance and Bottom -Line Results. Members $20; Non- members $25.; Registered students $15. 666-2071. EQUITY: The Durham Region Equity Network and Durham Region's Network for Human Resource Profes- ITTY WELLS FAMILY M SHOW • 23 #1 Records • Country Music Hall Of Fame 01991 Grammy Award for Lifetime Achievement BOTH DAYS AT 11:30AM & 3:15PM sionals hold a free workshop from 8:45 to 10:15 a.m. in the boardroom of the Catholic Education Centre, 650 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa. Judith Davidson - Palmer of EEO Associates will speak on Managing a Diverse Workplace: The Importance of Working Together. 436-5663 (Cathy Lloyd), 576-6707, ext. 158 (Andrea Williams). READING: The William Peak Co-operative Homes Reading Circle for children four to 12 holds registration from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the middle building where the day care is located at 1990 Whites Rd. (at Finch Ave.), Pickering. Volunteer regis- tration also. The circle meets Tuesdays from Oct. 15 to April 29. 428-0573. THURSDAY, OCT. 10 NEWCOMERS: The Pick- ering -Ajax Newcomers Club meets at 8 p.m. the second Thursday of each month at Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St. N., Ajax. It's for women living in the area less than three years. 686-2537 (Linda). NURSING: The Durham - Northumberland chapter of the Registered Nurses Asso- ciation of Ontario meets at 7 p.m. in the second floor din- ing room at Whitby General Hospital. Doris Grinspun, RN, M ScN, executive direc- tor RNAO, will speak on the role of the registered nurse in a restructured health care system. 623-9313, 668-6831 (Kathy Bruce). FRIDAY, OCT. 11 ADDICTION RECOV- ERY: The Serenity Group holds a 12 -step recovery meeting at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd. Pickering. Special open meeting, all welcome. 428-943 1 (Jim, evenings). SATURDAY, OCT. 12 READING CIRCLE: Pick- ering Reading Circle, a read- ing program for children, meets weekly from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. at Orchard Villa, 1955 Valley Farm Rd., Pick- ering. French-speaking adult One Year In Pickering on November 1, 2, 3rd We Celebrate! Watch For Details 111111iR21111,111 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22ND Cr WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23RD • 10:00AM TO 5:OOPM • METRO CONVENTION CENTRE - 255 FRONT S1 It SPONSORED BY SNOWBIRD HOTLINE: (,.- 1-800-265-3200 BE SURE TO VISIT THE COMMUNICATIONS AREA BROUGHT TO YOU BY -GMn.wian.aNrlt�.,nwr...tN,y!- 9 rl, f0QC The cast from the musical comedy spoof of the movies will perform TUESDAY AT 1:00PM Jum UUKEP Enter your name to win an all inclusive vacation! Courtesy of The Last Minute Club and Sunquest Vacations ANTpOE APPRAISAL CLEC Be sure to bring your col- lectibles; porcelain, glass, silver, jewellery, paintings (or a photo- graph) and we will give you a tree appraisal! We will buy and sell single items or entire collec- tions at the show. Courtesy of Plum's Emporium F� SNOW EACH DAY AT 2:00PM Check out the latest fashions from VALLAIRD'S OTHER HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Don't miss Free Shuffle • The humour of GORDIE TAPP CANADA'S UNITY Bus from • A tribute to KENNY ROGERS from LEGENDS BUS and a ZENAIR Union Station AIRPLANE both on Courtesy of • Financial seminars by BRIAN COSTELLO - each day at 12:30 display at the-rrrrl • Over 100 exhibits, including TRAVEL VIDEO THEATRE and SNOWBIRD VILLAGE show! UZI]'r volunteers needed. 839- 3037. WRITERS CLUB: The Writers and Editors Break- fast Club of the Writers' Cir- cle of Durham Region meets P Oct. 6 to Oct. 12 from 9 to I1 a.m. at Jack- son's Touch of Class, 104 Consumers Dr., Whitby. Members $8, non-members $10. Reservations only. 686- 2085 (Marjorie Green). DIONNE'S HAIR CARE Multi -textured Hair Stylist SPECIALS Relaxer $30a' V.,p'-Perm S30` 0 Oil -1-reatment $500 • SPACE FOR RENT • • Sandy 13each S(Iuare • 1477 F3ayly St. (905) 420-8189 IRVING A. BURTON LIMITED Trustee in Bankruptcy THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR INITIAL CONSULTATION CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT MERING 81 1550 KINGSTON RD. 107 KENT ST 40 KN ST WEST (SUITE 210) 9-8981 (SUITE 207) 839.8981 839-8981 IF DR. JOSEPH A. • TIME MISKIN, DENTIST • QUALITY..... :::::::::::::::::::::::: GENTLE DENTAL CARE `?>` ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU Stained Glass •Dolls 99uiffs • Reproduction Fe WE ARE AV.-II.ABLE TO SERVE YOU •Pottery IV Gourmet Delights WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS ADMISSION •a.00 Seniom $3.00 WE I* PEOPLE OF ALL AGES Undw 10 _ 1A Children 0 1W ]ft. . 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario (South of Hwy. #f2) o a < > p ■ N W S 3 r -My. 401 s C C a C s r A• A r A• A• 7 APV ,� Ll CDurham's largest Craft Show featuring over one hundred and forty talented' exhibitors with their unique and outstanding Southwestern, Victorian, and C ha C, untry ndcrafted collectibles for your decorating and gift needs. •Flord Designs 10 Potpourri "`M_� Paper Tole •Jewelry Stenciling ♦Bears + FolkArt • Wooden Collectibles •Ceramics •Noturd Art Stained Glass •Dolls 99uiffs • Reproduction Fe •Pottery IV Gourmet Delights TIME sTANDs snLL -5A ADMISSION •a.00 Seniom $3.00 A 4r - r . Undw 10 _ 1A Children 0 1W ]ft. . DURHAM COLLEGE ALUMNI 30 years and 17, 000 grads later, the alumni of Durham College continue to hold it dear BY CHRISTY CHASE Durham Staff en years ago, graduates of Durham College got together to help celebrate the institution's 20th anniversary. Out of that birthday party grew the Durham College Alumni Association which today has close to 10,000 mem- bers and is active on behalf of graduates, the college and today's students. "(The anniversary) was really the rea- son the group of people got together in the first place," says Darrell Sewell, president of the Alumni Association. "That group of people formed the first informal alumni board of directors" The Alumni Association is now a for- mal, official organization which adopted its first strategic plan in 1993-94, tracked down more than 10,000 of the 17,000 people who have graduated from Durham College and has adopted a logo and motto — Keeping You in Touch. "Trying to keep the database (of grad- uates) up to date is probably one of the most difficult challenges," says Mr. Sewell. The Association is hard at work try- ing to find some of the 7,000 "lost" graduates to add to the membership list. "It's not only that we've "lost" them;' says Ann Weir, the college's alumni offi- cer and a Durham graduate herself. "But they don't know we exist yet, especially if they're from the earlier years." For those graduates who've been found, the Association offers many dif- ferent services. A regular magazine, Reflections, is mailed out to alumni, keeping them in touch with college sports, fellow graduates and college activities. It's so good at its job that it's TOE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,1996 -PAGE 9 won a provincial award as the best col- lege alumni publication for the last two years running. Graduates get access to the college library and computer facilities and Career Resource Centre job listings, dis- counts on membership at the Athletic Complex, early registration on continu- ous learning programs, invitations to the latest reunions and discounts at some local businesses. The Association also puts forward up to four Alumni of Distinction each year as well as nomi- nees for the Premier's Award. But the college and current students benefit from the Alumni Association, too. A new program starting up is designed to put graduates in touch with students who are looking for advice and information about job markets or indus- try developments, says Ms. Weir. Members of the Alumni Association sit on several advisory panels at the col- lege, offering their expertise on a variety of subjects. And graduates have responded enthu- siastically to fund-raising campaigns for college equipment in recent years, Ms. Weir and Mr. Sewell say. The Alumni Association is being asked to help the college conduct a $12 - million campaign to raise funds for tech- nological upgrades at the college, the new Durham University Centre and a $1 -million trust fund for students in financial need. "Up until March of 1997, any money we raise that goes into the trust fund is matched dollar for dollar by the Ontario government;" says Ted Fauteux, cam- paign director. With student loans harder to get, some people are finding a college educa- tion out of their reach financially. The college, which has a policy of not refus- ing anyone due to financial hardship, wants to set up a bursary, using interest from the trust fund, to provide needy students with funds to get them through school. College president Gary Polonsky explains that if the college raises $ I mil- lion and gets another $ I million from the province and then invested that $2 mil - Durham College alumni are making a difference in Durham Region. Pictured recently at Durham College are (from left) Bruce Bunker, director of technology at Durham; Ron Backwell, a Durham College alumnus and the quality assurance manager at Andrew Canada Inc., who is also chairman of the mechanical technology advisory committee at Durham; Gord England is a teacher at Durham; and '.Mike Freeman a third year mechanical technology student. lion at eight per cent interest, the college would have an extra $160,000 annually. "We can help lots of people with that kind of money," he says. "That's 160 extra folks who can get in. That's mean- ingful." Mr. Fauteux said the college cam- paign is now focused on the college fam- ily — staff, students, board of governors and alumni. In early 1997, the campaign, headed by Mr. Polonsky, Peter Bagnall, general director of customer support ser- vices at General 'Motors of Canada, and Jim Woodward, former chairman of Durham Regional Labour Council, will go to the public. Alumni Association and college offi- cials are expecting the usual good response from alumni members. Mr. Polonsky says the Alumni Association, which has an 11 -person volunteer board, is very active and much appreciated by the college. If you want more information on the Alumni Association contact Ann Weir at 721-2000. Durham Grads ... where are they now? ......... Page 10 Full-time students each year: 4,350. Graduates since the college opened: 17,700. Percentage of graduates who live and work in Durham: 70% Percentage of graduates who live and work in Ontario: 90% Career -oriented programs offered by Durham: over 60. Students who graduated in 1995:1,06& Students who found work within six months of graduating last year: 75% Students working in jobs related to their field: 63.1% Students who need financial assistance: 50% Volunteers needed: The Alumni Association its members' assistance with Durham College's fund-raiser. We need grads who can spend an evening on the telephone contacting other alumni. If you can spare a couple of hours to help Durham College please call: Ann Weir at the alumni office,721-2000: or Joanne Burghardt, vice -chair of the Family Campaign, at 579-4400 ext. 2247. Want to know more about the campaign? Please attend an information night Oct. 10 at 7 p.m., Room 1110 at Durham College's main campus. As for the future... students can count on marketable skills If you're wondering what lies in Durham College's future, just take a look at its successful past. "I'm feeling kind of excited about the future and where we're heading;' says college President Bary Polonsky. "Ilse best way to predict a person's future is to observe objectively what they've done in the past. Talk is cheap but doing counts." In its history, Durham College has done a great deal. "We are fortunate to be able to build on what is already a strong base. Durham CoUege is already (one of) the fastest-growing college in Ontario;' Mr. Polonsky says. "We are solvent financially. We are working with a balanced budget, no accumulated debt. We are one of the few colleges that can say that." Durham guarantees its students' skills to employers, the only college to do that, and has a high percentage 0 right now but in pre -recession days, it rose as high as 95 per cent. The college also works closely with local businesses, industries and unions m developing pro- gram and "retooling" the current workforce. "Last year we sold over $6 million of con- tract training and educa- tion directly to clients without any government grants,' he said "I'd like to see that grow to $8 mil- lion or $10 million although even $6 million is a whopping amount." Earlier this month, the college, in conjunction with York and Trent uni- versities, opened Durham University Centre, offering the first full-time, daytime university classes at the college. The centre is one of the keys to f Job placement — 73 per cent the future of Durham, Mr. Polonsky worlds,Mr. Polonsky says. says. He wants to see the university - college partnership develop "in a way that we can truly promote our- selves as being Ontario's only truly integrated college -uni- versity facility." Students would have three choices: attend college at Durham; attend univer- sity at Durham: take both college and umi- versity courses and end up with a college diplo- ma and university The college courses would remain geared towards practical training for the workplace while the university program would provide students with research wid scholarship. ""They'll have the best of both " Gary Polonsky Durham President "When we complete the negotia- tions around that, it'll be a glorious day for not just the college but for the province." Another major area for college expansion is new programs geared to the new economy, he says. Examples are information technolo- gy, telecommunications and com- munity-based health care. The edu- cation provided to students has to be current to allow them to compete successfully in the job market. The college also has to fast-track its conversion to a "state-of-the-art networked campus;' Mr. Polonsky says. Technology has to be available to all students and staff at the col- lege, at their homes or offices, he says. "It's a vision that is intended to keep the industry that is already here thriving and to attract new industry" New programs, new technology and new students will mean new employees in the future. "One of my favorite tasks is hir- ing," Mr. Polonsky says. "I love hir- ing people. If we can help to create some wealth for individuals and their families, I don't apologize." Finally, the college needs to have a stronger presence in certain areas of Durham Region, he believes. One of the most obvious locations is Ajax ane Pickering. "The people and the industry in Ajax -Pickering deserve a signifi- cant campus. That is part of our vision. This is something I'd per- sonally like to do for that communi- ty' As to when this will happen, he's not sure although he'd like to see it come about shortly after the turn of the century. "But in 1996 in Ontario, it's hard to know exactly when, because we do need government assistance for that" I ' i , i :. : i. r , PAGE 10 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,19% Durham Alums: "ere are they now? KEVIN AMBEAULT Year of graduation: 1979 Program: Electronic Engineering Technology Career position: Value added busi- ness channel marketing manager for Hewlett Packard; has won several awards from his peers and his compa- ny. Volunteer positions: District Com- missioner for Scouting in Milton. STEPHEN FLARO Year of graduation: 1975 Program: Business Administration - accounting Career position: Certified General Accountant with Oshawa General Hospital and Cot- tage Hospital in Uxbridge. Volunteer posi- tions: United Wa}. Information Oshawa, Oshawa and District Association for Commu- nity Living and others. SHELLE)' .10NES )'ear of graduation: 1985 Program: Legal .Administration Career position: Paralegal manager and litigation law clerk at Smart and Biggar, Barristers a n d Solici- t o r s , Ottawa, with expertise In computer- ized litigation support sys- tems. Volunteer positions: Organizing Ottawa branch of Durham College Alumni Association. 01 FRED UPSHAW Year of graduation: 1975 Program: Nursing Career position: Reg- istered nurse at Whitby Mental Health Centre; member of board of direc- tors of Ontario Public Service Employees Union, formerly president of OPSEU, president of OPSEU Local 331, vice president of National Union of Public and Gen- eral Employees and vice president of Ontario Fed - enation of Labour. Alumni info: If you want more information on the Alumni Association contactAnnWeir at 7T 1-r � i//��//•. . ! 6 a I_♦ a .. w .. A .. .. . . . I 1 participate in a formula study. a Formula will be provided and kprogress will bf closely monitored by a pediatrician. For further information please contact Dr. Mehra or Judy at 434-3600 ext. 366. Everyone reads and shops The News Advertiser PARENTS: Give us 30 Days and we'll increase your child's concentration and self-confidence - guaranteed! FREE Parents tell us time and time again, TRIAL what a positive difference Martial Arts LESSON Canada has made in their child's life. Because Martial Arts Canada teaches • more than just responsible street - A proofing - it teaches your child the powers of concentration, along with developing higher levels of confidence, • esteem and personal discipline. Give us You'll see a poahw change in conuntreoon and .. 30 days to show you how we can bring n-confedence n your cho d m nra «+. monm, or your money beck! out the best in your child - guaranteed! 1 , URTM ARTS CENTRES FAMILIES GROWING STRONG TOGETHER ?A;v (905)839-5000 • & 2 StMq ! Iff" til• are.. Left w..Y. f AdW c ! 23 WIMt Ma 11mNrb to 10"': ►Farm Products No—Animal Feeds sow -Fertilizer Animal Health now -Hardware woo -Grass seed and moWeL f 1734 Houton St., Claremont (Brock M.N.- left on old Brock Rd. & North to Hoxton) PICKERING KINSMEN CSanta Parade NOW ACCEPTING ENTRIES Corporate and Community Entries Welcome PARADE DATE: SAT. NOV. 16, 1996 UHrAl tJ I NttL) H%1 id av .i'�emories THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,1996 -PAGE 11 Na -me Dropping 111 Ajax and Pickeringby keith gilligan Wedding Birthday Birthday Birthday Oct. 6 is a day Angie Mahon and: B e t t y --"_-� Lindsay Van Mark Brand- Klink turned t" it � Sumner stetter willcel brated three on Oct 1"� always remember her 94th s with lots of love as the couple birthday on from Mommy, married in a Gere I Daddy, Papa Aug. 28 mony at Cullen A when an and Grama Gardens. The couple reside in , open house Carey, Opa and was hosted Grams Van Calgary. Best; by her chit- Klink. and Rile wishes from fain- dren. Spe- PUPPY Y w, ily and friends in Pickering. , sial guests included all her grand- . 2 children, her two great-grand- i$lrthda daughters and many long-time Birthday Katy Boissoneau turns 12 on friends and neighbors. "Happy `y " Congratula- Oct. 8. Happy birthday from Mom, birthday Mom." 'fine of the euties in the ` tions o out to Glen, Emily, Hammy the hamster g ` Tari home turned one on Oct ;.:::::::::.:: . :.:,..,..:. Robert Moira. >'>4. Kelsie celebrated her first and Sammy the dog. who turns nine !:birthday at a k Birthday •� Party attended ' 4M , on Oct. 7. ?by family and friends. - Wedding Stephen Happy birthday wishes and love _Dtrterb ,i I :"HaPPY first birthday Iielsie. -'�,.- Henshall is i M.You have biecsed us with so �� : Aug. 17 officially a from Mom and ' �"� first-year memorieswas a day to ;teenager as he } Dad. J We love you. Mommy, remember for s turned 13 on and big sister Kiana " Shirley and Oct. 2. Wishing Derek Johan - him a hap PY Birthday G Hessen, as ,. ; birthday with Oct. 4 was a Birthday Birthday they married :love were very special day in Pickering. Mom, Dad,: for Kaitlyn Happy seventh hirt11d:1v Dannv Cox turned 13 on The newly- - Nikki, Spud, - Hunter, as she greetings went out to Oct. S. "We're sure this is weds now live ` Oma, Opa, Tante PatandBrittanv. wined two years Thomas Palmer on Sr going to be a in Ajax and `` old. Vb55hing 29. It very goxxi would like to thank family and their little "sweet �' g� fcx• both fast when Y friends for sharing their special day Birthdav - Danny and with them. _ P� very `{''aJ •, you ' re the Toronto J 1 - - birttxlay wistles - with cts of love having Map I e I and kisses, were f u n i Leafs. We Birthday < H a P P Y 'think fYanm• 1,. Mommy, Daddy ;ind hi,_ brothers birthday is the great- Jordon Mat- --� ". ;Steven and Dw, id. r.� and love est. Happy 13th birthday j tison is a big guy#a I `� "IO. to the ( Dan." say Mom, Dad, who turned three �►' . �� Birthday 'Tom Man' from Mom, Shannon, Bob and Jinx. on OCL 2. He cel- ,. 7 "Our dolh " Dad, Eric and Mitchie. and especially Nana. ebrated with fain- ilv and friends on Chris Sutton turned 25 on Oct. i Brittany Irvine celebrated her Birthday Birthday tea- 29' Jordon's 1. Wishing him a happy 25th were sixth birthday on y y Mom and Dad Mom and Bill. brothers Mike and "A special little t>ny Sept 13 was a 1licky (Lty wished him lots j Mark, and nieces Jessica and Niki- I Sept. '� with a turned three on C)ct. 4." for Jessica Pry7Aial, as she of love and kisses ta. And. happy 22nd birthday wish- teddy bear tea Grant Rourke, who) loves turned _ on hitt special es went to Clark on Sept. 28 from all ! P� Happy-- birthday wishes and love from trains all I one _ ' day. the Lam-,.kindd s "Jessica, mNfomv, Daddv and sister Kelsie. . � especially you've Gordon the �' brought Birthday Birthday M i g h t y .-� „ a lot of -, Matthew Steven McAdam awned Engine, j love and A big u with a big one on Oct 5 and his family says, "It smile is one. Kvle celebrated joy intoat lives was a day we will always remember Anderson celebrated olds. Ham-elp- ago d because it changed our lives forever. We his birthday on Sept. 27 love you very much and could not anag- with a party attended by yrs" ing him we're so lucky to have you. OX life withoutou." Love from Mall, celebrate were sister Hugs, kisses and love Y family and friends. Raquel, Man, Dad and always from Mama, Papa, �' Grandma Barnard, Grardt»ri Happy fust birthday our fart( and �� " and Grandpa McAdam Aunt Nand Aunt Debbie, Unck wishes and love from some special ffiends. Y Y Boyde and cousin Robbie. Matthew wishes Robbie a happy Mommy, Y , Dadd and 10th birthday on Oct 6 and a happy first birthday to '!'amaze Birthday buddies' Dana, Christine and Samantha:' Natalie. Happy birthday cashes to Birthday 1794 Liverpool Road Milchael >�tt who tamed seven y _ y � : _ . Pickering s31-6431 on Oct 5. Lots of love to "a special boy" from brother J.D., Matan� Our little Drew s wining two. l nils WEEic•s C%M WINNERS ARE: Alies Gail std Happy second birthday wishes go 4► 3 r. wilcbad cousins Luber and David, Grand- out to Buddy' on Oct. 6 from Man 7- tkim"r hVise mm Lucite Grandpa and Grand- 1 and Dad, Grandma, Grandpa and - - - W¢tnets may go ddueamiy ttoto.n Robbins to n�C ma. T j" Y� day" - J pro his aunts old Uncles. ��_ ___ � they FREE rake. (Please v,de iden[d'icktron) PRIZE BAUD UNM SAT. OCT. 12, 19% ow LoCATED IN PI 1450 KINGSTON RD. Q E a (west of Bmck/east of Liverpool) Pickering Square Medical Centre KmWm1W. 837=2020 • • • E> ONE HOUR SERVICE CM EYE EXAMINATIONS PAGE 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1996 Cards anyone? PickeringLegion y DURHAM -- Calling all euchre players! The Royal Canadian Legion's Ontario branches host The Royal Euchre Challenge, starting OCL 26. This event is being held in over 60 local branches across Ontario, including Pickering, Oshawa Whitby, Clarington and Pert Perry. A The tournament will take place over a period of several weeks, and the winners will take home prizes totalling $15.000, with fust -place winners receiving S5.000 plus a trip for two to Lac Vegas (three nights/four days). The official kick-off is being held Oct. 2.6-27. This is anacipatted to be the Legion's second largest fund- raising event organized for the Poppy Fund ,Never before has there been an event held like this as a major fund- raiser on behalf of the Royal Canadi- an Legion," said Dick Comeau, tow- natnent chairman. "It is hoped that the inaugural Royal Euchre Chal- lenge will attract over 15,000 euchre players to as many Legions as possi- ble before kick-off." Mr. Comeau has invited a large number of Legions to participate as well as members of the Metropolitan Police Asso- ciation. AFor every partici- pant. $1 will be donated to the Poppy Fund, with a final cheque being awarded at the tournament finals. During the first round.. players will be competing at their local br'anche's for crash prizes of $300. $150 and S 100 for fust. second and r Durham residents can make Christmas merry in Davis Inlet 0 Boxes need filling before being sent to needv in Labrador DURHAM -- It's not too early to spread some Christmas joy to the less fortunate. Area residents are being asked to open their hearts once again to poverty-stricken Innu families of Davis Inlet. Labrador. One hundred and thirty empty Christmas boxes are lined up at the offices of North American Van Lines on Champlain Drive in Whitby. Each must be filled and ready for shipping by Thanksgiving weekend to the dis- tant village on the Atlantic coastline in time for Christmas. "When it carnes to keeping all of them properly dressed and well-fed. Innu mothers are fighting a losing battle," says Mary Wood, volunteer executive director for Innushare Charitable Trust. "Incomes are grossly inadequate. "The village has a supermarket which sells only basic food items and almost no clothing." Most Innu families are large, with six or seven children including those from families which have broken down due to alcoholism, she says. Items needed, not gift -wrapped and not necessarily new, include; sturdy toys for children of all ages, Christmas decorations, candy and Christmas cakes, children's sweat tops and bottoms, work socks of all sizes, warm socks for children, tea towels and dish cloths, blankets and bed linen, towels, cutlery, mugs, cur- tains for windows (four by six feel wide), dress lengths in small prints for female elders and warm sweaters. Drop-offs can be made anytime at 239 Wellington St. (north of Dundas Street, one block west of Cochrane Street) in Whitby, or between 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays at North Amer- ican Van Lines, 850 Champlain Ave. For more information call Innushare at 427-9974 or Mary and launches euchre challenge third places respectively. The top 25 per cent of players from each round will advance. The top 160 players (winners advancing) will have the opportunity to win the grand prize. Participants must be 19 years of age or older to participate. The money raised for the Poppy Fund is placed in a public trust fund. The funds are used to improve life for people in communities f across Ontario including: assistance to needy ex -ser- May vice members and their again families; purchasing red- child ical equipment and appli- relati ances for community they health facilities: medical still t research and training; building affordable hous- Dr. ing for veterans and pr. seniors. bursary programs Court for needy students: support ezte LEARN TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR ASTHMA t� Whitby General Hospital October 17 a OCMN 24. For more information or to Pre-Registraboon call: THE "' kS,"tom „4364046 Chartered Financial Planner James schoriehl, B.1.. C.F.P.. Branch 1t�. _ • Nilittial Funds, GIC's • ,tc�c�ks, Bonds. REITs PLANVEST • Life Insurance Planning • "Ijx �ti Fstatc Planning • l'rofc•sstonalh" Directed RR.SP Programs Consulting for Corporate Retirement Programs, Pensions d: Group RRSP's Call for a FREE ConstdWon 144 Old Kingston Rd. Suite 10 2nd FIr Internet: JA.% E_SCd FI\PLN R.com I Corner of OldKingston Road & Elizabeth Street in Pickering Village) services to senior citizens (i.e. Meals -on -Wheels, drop-in centres etc.) In Picketing, the Royal Euchre Challenge will begin Saturday, Oct. 26 at Royal Canadian Legion Branch 606,1555 Bayly St. Registration is at moon and play starts at 1 p.m. Players be they are your own children. Then n maybe they are other peoples' ren. They might even be children of a ve or neighbour. They may be infants or may be grown up But the question is he same - Why are children so hard to listen to? Rod Wilson, B.Sc., M.A., M.T.S., Ph.D.' Wilson has a Ph.D. in Clinical- " selling Psychology and has done. ns work with adults, teen and children in counselling and consultation. Friday, November 1, 1996 8:00 to 10:0C p m. includes presentation. drama, question and answer time and refreshments) Absolutely Free' Forest Brook Bible Chapel 1999 Fairport Road at Finch Avenue, Pickering, Ontario L1 V 4W Please register by October 27th in one of two ways . M s will help us plan seating and refreshments) 1 Leave a message on the answering machine at the church (905) 831-0745 with your name, telephone number and number of people - coming. 2 Drop a rate to us at the church: Forest Brook Bible Chapel 1999 Fairport Road at Finch Avenue, Pickenng, Ontario L1V 4M2 with your name telephone number and number of peocle coming Kvn in - Commune Interest can pre -register by calling the branch at 839-9144. The tournament is open to anyone 19 and over. For more information on the tour- nament, contact your local legion branch or Royal Euchre Challenge Inc. at (905) 839-9713 or (905) 839- 8972. To Chi,ldren?= Orientation & Testing for tuition free Small Engine/ Turf Equipment Training. Under the sponsorship of C.A.R.S. (Canadian Automotive Repair and Service Network), Durham College Skills Training Centre is pleased to announce a new Tuition -free program beginning in October This new 32 -week in -class training program is designed to specifically meet the training needs of young adults (aged 19 - 26, with grade 12 or equivalent) wanting to enter the workforce. Training consists of two intakes, one 20 -week and one 12 -week block, separated by a 30 -week work placement. Durham College will be hosting an Oriest a im and restiig Session on October 7 and 8 at the Whitby Campus, 1610 Champlain Avenue. Come out and find out more information on this unique opportunity. CwMaNNAL. .:-- an Call today for moruti October 7 i a, on . inkrtfnaion Whitby Campus. . . at 721-3344. Educating You For the Real World. Reading Circle rounds ❑ Program for children aged 4 to 12 still needs volunteers to read for kids PICKERING -- Registration is Tuesday for the fourth year of the William Peak Co-opera- tive Homes Reading Circle which begins soon. The program for children aged four to 12 up again in Pickering years is offered from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays from Oct. 15 to April 29. Volunteers are also being sought to read to children. Registration for children and volunteers is being held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the William Peak homes at 1990 Whites Rd. (at Finch Avenue), in Pickering. Call co-ordinator Debbie McMullen at 428- 0573 for more information. Showing the colors Michael Messina, a student at Lord Elgin Public School, proudly carries in the colors of the school's Blue House, topped by an inflated rubber glove, during Spirit Day. A series of fun events followed the school's Terry Fox Run. photo by A.J. Groen Annual meeting of group helping special -needs kids in Durham DURHAM -- The ninth annual meeting of Resources for Exceptional Children Durham Region will be held Tuesday, Oct. 22. - The Ajax -based organi- zation provides consultation services to families in Durham, focus- ing on the Inte- gration of spe- cial -needs chil- +dren into the community. The �Fn agency is funded o by the Ministry of Community and Social Ser- vices and its ser- vices are avail - children and families in the region. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. at the agency's .office, 865 Westney Rd. S., Ajax. For more information on the meeting or agency call 427-8862. CI.ARKE 1EENN NG INC. -ori; TRusTE s a WSOLVENCY COWAXTANTs 119/ OSHAWA rang. --(905) 728-949 MOR\I\GSIDE MALI (saLww —016) 283-8140 SCARBOROUGH po1wMv (416)7W9620 TORONTOa.snu+n (416) 364-4421 BRAMPTON (w bw fty io d ""'s--(05) 455-5'05 able f�t�t�,•! fi'G GtiTi a s u V THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,1996 -PAGE 13 DISCOUNTS FOR AGE 50 • New Home • Alarms • No Claims • JoNgs-Door. INSURANCE BROKER Over 23 Years MARSHA JONES DOOLEY AIIC "Personal Service is our Difference" Thanks Black Forest' Ham 9 lb. J Boneless Sirloin SteaUs USDA Select $ 41 lb. k%rijmg Feast Smoked Bone -In Hams Whole or Halves $ 99 1 The Lean round] Fresh Grade 'A' Turkeys Under 17 lbs- Over 17 lbs $89$ 99 lb. lb!J Ham $ bq (:Kiobassa �. 17" Impel R& rwkf fir Plass Pkltesillt 101119 l - "2%e Meat People" P%Vw s3 locsetlioaws in Ontario FALL CHECK-UP High value packne, Using genuine VAswagen parts. Covered by twelve months/10,000 lin. service warranty II.IIIIrrao tear oFM -solei: 111MU 1xTTiA Cwehft ebeckIanalyze engine _, 13 EWcUonically .test and Iubkai K 95 . 13 O Owama heater valise and adjust ca* caul. AdWst ergine idle and ItW mature OINr ands U QMession test ergrle and give 0 Calais► of coots pressure feat �adialoCW OW COOW r -199 oee. 29196 you wron resits (gas** O Distr�blAor cap, rotor and spark ftwires 0"11111" P aftzf % �• .= O All fluid levels - -� 0 Tension and r9w won of V -bels � operation d rear window defogger (wheea wE wL1GNE Yi10UR YIDLKSEAG@I A ; .t] Check radiator cool A Weno wplic , B heeler) (wtlere aipplcablej a"° h ► cables A cables ( ) M ulterior and exieriorlighls ysca and` bM � d brake pads, 04 spark p 17A� fiRerOOil finer =<� Dram dwsel fuel Eet E34 litres of Autobahn Motor Oil C3CaS of al s ores and WOproper air quality ,,13 g Lubricate doges and hood WM E3Set of points (where applicable) • VGe ® OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC. WNM M 2 KERING VOLKSWAGEN INC. p p p � •.1.1. MMM. Y.II� I.� �Mp. M rY• • IMnYY M O�L.t IM 1 fraA orrAfCO . "Tiry the now TOP DOLLAR FORyOURTRAMtAw 503 Kingston Rd., Pickering 1425 DUNDAS sT .E , w4MTBr AM 1111111011--"11 _- ,(905) 420-9700 �...�... ...o.. • 7�- - e e s 77, .a --Up EFt, _ - WE PIE, A -i IS] TUC CITf%nE VU AT 0 AINITO vwl l ■a^lklwlg A Lo-. 1111T M f:CMCQAI Cl CrTQIP 1111T ftw. IMMCC1AI Cl Cf'_TDII% ev WWI r go M V V f 1 1 lio1m L:ikL K��//j N-L� OFA & V a' b FMCCAT ; �� • L 0VESE i CAMCORDERS i ICA GENERAL, EL.ECTI ICI At1T0 - 1 ■me,& w■•mw lft- ++' OW VC.`ems s PIECE- 001-F a. hMwbkATI- OPEN SUNDAY'S 1 Comingt Coming Events • Events A Career in Natural Nutrition 7 -he Canadian School of Natural - Nutrition (CSNN) was founded in answer for formal instruction in the field of natural nutrition. The organization has developed a centre for learning with a strong practical and clinical approach to natural nutrition. CSNN's objective is to train students to provide future clients with support and guidance towards optimal, health, taking into consideration the whole health aspect :oming Events' I Anromoso * �7 oJ the body. Dol ofNa� If you would like mind, and spirit connection. 41 to receive more - information The open �� about .� g. house is 3(X) this exciting new at s o career Steelcase Road U D oppimunity call Fast, Suite 3 the Canadian i Victona Park School of and Steeles). Natural Nutrition at CSNN (905) 474-0094, BINGO COUNTRY 0 MONDAY:OCTOBER 7TH 00 5 POINTS Taunton, Oshawa MALL *436 -9404 Ritson c i THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,1996 -PAGE 15 • ' Personals • ' Personals rem, Personals Personal Prayer To The Blessed Virgin Prayer to the Blessed Virgin (never known to fail). All most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful wine, splendour of heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the sea, help me and show me here, you are my mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God. Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart, to secure me in my necessity (make request). There are none that can withstand your power. Oh, Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3 times) Holy Mary, I place this rause in your hands. (3 times) Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and then you must publish It will be granted to you. T.B. ARE YOU PLANNING A WEDDING N 1997 OR 1998? r .Z �LCOME AGON:= BRIDAL -' HOWCASE Sunday, Oct. 27 i AJAX OMMUNITY CENTRE For FREE Invitation Bndes-ic_re til. . Ajax: Aludrey 725.8141 Y°�r Pickering Duna at 619.1866 New Exhibitors tail 758141 •rte Soorsored 5y 3unrys --00C Seance ;:d J & S Mahe-.pAr1s'�; aM FM &' -1 Sounds D.J. Service. Investor's Groups (Marilyn Romeo) Tuxedo Royale+ I Pickering Town Centre). Turner Time Video. Cake Topper Adrienne's i`:bwers & Gifts. 'vai's BndakWedc ng Wim Elegance. Magic Moments 'notography. Remax First Realty, (Marl Roy) Panykte Gifts. Pryse & ✓S Assoaates. Howards Travel Bureau Ltd Tupperware 7 : Door Prizes • Fashion Show • Gift bag for every Bride 6.• 3-0 THIS THA-NKSGIYIN G C IO COLD TURKEY! Rich layers of frozen vanilla and frozen chocolate Dairy Queen soft serve with delicious dark fudge an; crisp chocolate cookie crunch in between. Thats a Dairy Queen Frozen Cake Choose from our display. Or phone a day in advance for your special Thanksgiving ®I order. t .. v $' 99 IRW I . o Is> v AJAX PICKERING 250 Bayly St. West 1099 Kingston Rd (McKenzie Plaza) (next to Movieplex 9) 619;-0662 831-2665 PAGE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1996 R = so 11• . RIGHT HERE! L > RIGHT HERE: AS LD I 2106 1 H1pE IN .r VALVE RIGHT HERE! v - VILLAOrZIS B 131wow.ouor EELING & DEAR &ORUCK!RY JUST A FEW EXAMPLES OF OUR FINE INVENTORY AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC 1995 NEON One owner. Auto., p.s., p.b., plus much morSALE $9.988* WOW 1996 BREEZES & STRATUS AS LOW AS =299 PER M0.* 8 ONLY LEFT. FIRST COIF FIRST SERVED. 1 1994 INTREPID Loaded. Ulm new. Stk. f11984A. ONLY' :139888* 1996 VOYAGER SE RALLY Loaded, only 7,800 miles, p.w., V6, p.w., air, 7 pass., plus lots PRICED TO more. No FRT., No AirTav T17SOA SELL 1996 JEEP CHEROKEES LORADOS K LTD s. 4 LEFT. LARGE SAVINGS 1994 CHEROKEE SPORTS 4x4 Wiry is coming. One owner. Low WL W M175A. j1 In 1996 CHRYSLER LHS LOADED, 3 TO CHOOSE FROM SAVE THOUSANDS 1990 DYNASTY LE 1 owner, only 4,400 miles, lots of enjoyable miles 8 888* in this one. V4894 SALE$ 1993 INTREPID Loaded One owner. Low km. Stk. i1RIMA. PRICED TO SELL A :J=1•l_ t 1996 NEON HIGHLINES Auto., p.s., p.b., air cond. Plus much more. 7 ONLY LEFT. HURRY NOW 1992 CHEROKEE LTD. Ready for those ski trips. N1 OM. PRICED TO SELL TODAY 1995 TOWN S COUNTRY AWD Luxury at its finest Low km. Loaded. Top of the line. Sk #T1078A. PRICED TO SELL on C 1 j --AA � M 111111 – — -AiL 1111�711 --" 14 0 "77 1 J-1 VILLAGE CHRYSLER • AJAX . "I-IIINKINCT LIKI: A '(:t IS FIC) IEIZ" SERVICE OPEN 19 HARWOOD AVE. DAY (North of 401) 905n683m5358 ALL ND EVERY N GHTY tile. 1. ii , on C 1 P Got a score? Call the News Advertiser at 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. THE NEWS ADVF;KTISFK SUNDAY, OC-TOBER 6, 1996-PA(;F, 17 SPORTS Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. Ajax and Picken*nghockevs tars make an immet o By AL RIVETT SPORTS REPORTER AJAX-PICKERING — The Ontario Hockey League season has begun for several local play- ers who are back with their respective major junior clubs this After a spectacular rookie sea - on with the expansion Barrie 'olts last year, Ajax's Chris -hompson is back in the net as ie club's number -one goal- ,nder. Thompson started the first two arrie games of the season, both inning efforts against the ►shawa Generals and the Owen ound Platers. However, hompson didn't get the start for ne third game of the season mint Kingston at Barrie last unday night. Rookie Phil ergeron lasted all of 23 minutes the cage, allowing three goals i five shots. Thompson entered e game in the second period and as beaten for three goals on l 1 ors in the losing cause. r s �n the OHL at the end of the season. After replacing veter- an goalie Mike Menard in the first game. Chris Thompson Thompson went on to Dave Duerden News Advertiser Sports now on -�-� the Internet' :_Z_ www.durhamnews.net n OHL teams Harris says Doyle wasn't happy with his playing time with the Greyhounds. Doyle registered one assist in five games. The Kitchener Rangers are extremely happy with the play of rookie left winger Rvan Milanovic, an Ajax minor hockey product. Although he's yet to get The young a point at the OHI- level. his hockey section hasn't physical play has turned heads in been as kind to the league. Pickering resident and -He's working out well." says Boston Bruins' draftee Rangers' assistant coach Brian Michael Tilson Jay Doyle. "I7he centre- Hayton. "He plays a real robust man was returned to st le and , start 28 consecutive contests. He a 26-24-7 been named an assistant captain the OHL's Sault Ste. Marie Thompson currently has a 3.00 goals -against average for Barrie. Duerden has been asst gned to in four of the first five Last year, Thompson, who the Petes' top forward line with centre Scott Barney and ular eason games. However,rthe played his last year of minor right winger '.Matt Lahey. fie's also stay-at-home blueliner has yet to record a point so far this season. hockey with the Ajax- owned by the Florida Panthers, Soo, he abruptly quit the team Pickering Raiders `AAA' minder. He posted a 3.73 goals- has one goal and two assists for Tilson played major bantams, practical- against average. Meanwhile, Dave Duerden, of three points. He's also a plus -two. The Petes are currently 3-1 with the Pickering ly carried the Colts with Ajax, a left winger with the to start the OHL season. Panthers before being his standout goaltending, Memorial Cup finalist Peterborough Petes, has Michael Tilson, of Pickering, a drafted by the which earned him first- already asserted himself on that club. ." Frontenacs two years team ail -rookie hon - Ajax gained the wn7dcard spot and :�Anlmw Hopkit>s, David Hughes, Kevin would eventually win the wwkey. r s �n the OHL at the end of the season. After replacing veter- an goalie Mike Menard in the first game. Chris Thompson Thompson went on to Dave Duerden News Advertiser Sports now on -�-� the Internet' :_Z_ www.durhamnews.net n OHL teams Harris says Doyle wasn't happy with his playing time with the Greyhounds. Doyle registered one assist in five games. The Kitchener Rangers are extremely happy with the play of rookie left winger Rvan Milanovic, an Ajax minor hockey product. Although he's yet to get The young a point at the OHI- level. his hockey section hasn't physical play has turned heads in been as kind to the league. Pickering resident and -He's working out well." says Boston Bruins' draftee Rangers' assistant coach Brian Michael Tilson Jay Doyle. "I7he centre- Hayton. "He plays a real robust man was returned to st le and , start 28 consecutive contests. He a 26-24-7 been named an assistant captain the OHL's Sault Ste. Marie y we re ery pleased with him. He'll be a good hockey play - posted record while playing in 61 of 66 games and with the club. In four Grevhounds this season by the er in this league. It's been an toiling in the nets for 3,423 min- games this season. Duerden, whose NHI. rights are NHL team. However, after play- ing the first five games with the adjustment for him, but we can't utes, the most of any OHL net- owned by the Florida Panthers, Soo, he abruptly quit the team say enough good things about him" minder. He posted a 3.73 goals- has one goal and two assists for and has asked to be traded. Milanovic was drafted in the against average. Meanwhile, Dave Duerden, of three points. He's also a plus -two. The Petes are currently 3-1 "Our general manager. David Mayville, second round by the Rangers in Ajax, a left winger with the to start the OHL season. is looking at all options right now," says Dave Harris, the the OHL_ midget draft this pas[ Memorial Cup finalist Peterborough Petes, has Michael Tilson, of Pickering, a Greyhounds' director of publicity summer. Kitchener has a 2-3 record in already asserted himself on that club. second -year defenceman with the Kingston Frontenacs, has played and marketing. -He wants to see what's happening in the league" the early going of regular -season play unbarton Spartans down Pine id a Pum... * football cla igss c "1 don't think it's as big as Pickering- Dunharton, but its getting there. There's defi- nitely bragging rights involved as a lot of the staff at Dunbarton moved to Pirie Ridge when it opened. And, the kids all know each other." Pine Ridge head coach Andy Carnovale was disappointed with the loss which dropped his club to 2-1. He had lots of praise for his players and gave credit to the Dunbarton squad for a good display of football. "We're two evenly matched teams and 1 hope the opportunity is there for us to play again this yam." Carnovale concurred with Kaiser that a good rivalry is shaping up between Dunbarton and Pine Ridge this year. "Because we're such a young school it's taken some time to evolve our program. The rivalry is beginning to materialize,rn " says Caovale. The Spartans got two touchdowns from Rory Ellis and single majors by Andrew Ghandour, Ian Meredith, Jason Connell and Paul Serra, who also added four converts. Meanwhile, Gomez supplied the Pumas with two touchdowns, with single majors to Ryan Sutherland, Jamie Bruce and Hussain Adams. Cam Fielding kicked two converts while Mike Romanski booted one. The Pumas also had a two-point safety touch. By AL RIVF,'TT PICKERING — A rivalry is simmering ,tween two Pickering schools in the hunt for urham Region football supremacy this season. The Dunbarton High School Spartans and the ne Ridge Secondary School Pumas senior foot - 11 teams met for the first time under the lights Beverley Morgan Park on a crisp fall Thursday A large crowd of more than 400 braved the d climes to cheer on their gridiron warriors in rattle for first place in the early stages of the ke Ontario Secondary School Athletics sea - The Spartans and Pumas left it all on the field a classic clash of two well -coached football ". In the end, Dunbarton prevailed over jjrrdd-charging Pine Ridge 40-35. Pine Ridge rallied late in the game after a long ck-off return by Jason Gomez went for a touch- ►wn to bring the Pumas to within five points. 3wever, an on -side kick-off attempt by the was failed and the Spartans ran out the clock rthe vktory. It was a big win for the Spartans who were set by the Uxbridge Tigers last week. 'Lending LOSSA champion Dunbarton proves its league record to 3-1. "It was a good football game. We 't kqx Plugging away. I don't think: ;'re the favorites anymore. I think ne age was favored to win this ne. But, it was whoever had the ball t that won the game," says Spartans' td coach Peter Kaiser. Kaiser notes the Dunbarton-Pine Ige rivalry is definitely emerging as Pumas are an up-and-coming force Durham Region senior football. Wever, as has been the case in past Vaigns, the Pickering High School vans are still the team the Spartans e to idalt�'.;., . :: J a s s YOUTH WINTER HOCKEY LEAGUE • 4 NHL RINKS AT THE STATE OF THE ART • TYKE TO BANTAM • 3 x 20 min. PERIODS • PRACTICES •AWARDS • MINI CAMPS & MORE • ALSO AVAILABLE "KID SKATE" A imm to skab program for boys i ob Sao ym or ap (equov * SWI 40 Pickering =AA'peewees lose OT heartbreaker in tourney semi-final PICKERING — The Pickering tending of Chris Franz and the persistent `Panthers Golden Griddle Pleewee 'AA' defensive wait of Michael Dawrson. hockey team dropped a disappoint Aaron Calder. Kevin Rogers, and Small Mg overtime decision to host Peterborough at the Peterborough held the opposition to only fire shots on goal. Kern Rogers scored the unassW- S. 0mmetviile Cup recently. ed game wiener. Alter starting out strong with throe The second shutout of the tourney ,..wins in the pr ry rounds, the was earned by Lute Gregoire in a 3-0 s+erni-final game against, Peterborough victory over the Whitby Wildcats. Nationals saw the two teams tied 2-2 Scoring for the Panthers were Adam '_?after regulation play. The tie was broken Moya Rocky Ruta and Hopkins with Jn the seventh ace -minute overtire shift assists to Brandon Saker, Scar Vahey, when Aemborough pulled its goalie and Georgwvski and Ruta. 'vetted the winner atter Panthers' goalie Pickering and Ajax Knights went :...Luke Cregoue had stopped five over- head-to-head with the two teams tied 2 - Mine bwakawaYs .. :2 atter two penods. Fwk ing came out ::;......Evan (3eorgievski and Made Rogers Wong in the third for a &2 victory_ 'lathed for Pickering wilt assists b Ajax gained the wn7dcard spot and :�Anlmw Hopkit>s, David Hughes, Kevin would eventually win the wwkey. Rogers and Trevor Small. Scoring for the Panthers against Ajax COP018 Scott Billing was out- whit Ryan Plelan with a gall and two 8 the lottrl:ament,pptyttet tnatloers. Matt Rogers with in the first gattne- agaitnst the tvao, and liaQl W will die odier. Setting Riclimood WA Sues, the Patttthers rune up lie 80013 were G'e�orgwvski. Small, shy N4 at h#} vscilow. 7be solid gpd- Nwz)e mad Ala& Rose , Girls Softball Registration Time: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. -' Oct. 12, 1996 -Ajax Comm. Cen. jr Oct. 13, 1996 - McLean Comm. Cen. Fee: $75.00 After Nov. 1, 1996 - $85.00 For Info. Call Rick @ 619-8036 I J A. RAGE 119 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OC ToBER 6,19% 70orHAYHO "THE FOOD TERMINAL" ,4 E MILLS • ALL F%JRP(36E 14 lk wi ,jImM5.. LL��i0w-; mi fis a IEM�FC)''- THANKSGIVING pAY • •111, _ RETAIL VALUE 3.79 SHOP BY BASKET 8 SAVE! S2 DEPOSIT • LARGER BAG i t --A(. l_urtrr M• o E —T.—._ 7 �4 49 I PRODUCT OF AUSTRALIA mL BOTTLE ALL VARIETIES CASE OF 24 x 355 mL' TINS ONL? GENUINE YOM • WHOLE OR HALF SPRMo D'S •GOA•PEPSI • .7.Up. kg 1S •a=-•-^C0.cGAw Y..SHOPS �M�.CAF��ON� ALL VARIETIES •7 -LT •SCHWEPPES Ls. $99 IMIT EA CASE • AT TW E4_=M F DE. COvN'Ea ,--q E°•�a-�A»BAT"�' EA.RA LEE �aOIEN 9 ��F1El�fB� �gi� WeM,J MATS JUICE A r - F -A2 •BEANS •CO > -MW-r_- zr kg RA( AV LE A �.f.• 1S•1 q PKC A AA low 0 PRODUC' OF ON'ARIO w AM QUAILS PACKAGE OF 9 Aro d�' i 'HCJU4Jr- �F ;'._API(_ *R NAxi TTA-i�•,A I.IL� '­ EX`RA _ARGE SIZE .. ... �.,.••,,,r,,;;Kowa THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, M&PAGE 19 1 1 s• FROZECOLD UFAIiMs OVEI�READY UrU TY GRADE • 6.16 LB. AVG. • 1 BIRD IjM T • HONG COLE FROEv YOUNG OVEN READY UTELM GRADE • 4-5 LB. AVG. • 2 BIRD lMWr B4 B s•W�w — u AMAMn 74 Kn .6 WINTOSH APPLES LARGE 10 LB. POLY BAG BAG PRODIJC' nF ONT4R10 GgDDI)("'JF '- 1r cI�A _ o 9 LIIV ; 5/.$ F �.F _YJ - �. B• S�ZF ',r} :SEA • MAZOLA • ST. LA COIRN4 L o 3L JUG -a I.IMI'i' Ott. 1 m ED S% H.PUMPKIN •PIE FILL NG 540 rrIL TIN EA HOSIN � 1 TENDERFLAKEFROZEN ? *PIE -TART synT.T S ASSORTED SIZES EA ••. • C YUM -SWERFMME IARGE 1.5 L JAR. EA. AMPBELL 1.49 •CAESARS RS CHOICE 950 mL BTL. FA I PLJNCHE 341 mL TIN LX •A -16•'T LB 2.18 kg I� RWLE N SPRAY C,ELMRY SAUCE id 02 TIN EA 1•tl ' -- S:PIrA GRAPMM 5/-$ � •MILli •MEDIUM _o0I • MOZZARELLA • LARGE 907 g BAR A M71M PUDCC4C. CUPS L&_7 228 iA9Xoz. /TIIN� VVPKG:. nF 2 147 g PKG. 0 FIi L YOUR 'OW? ;. 218 kg MIX OR APPLES AVOCADOS $ `f 3 LARGE SIZE �-.b. • COOJUNG ONIONS `l0 LS. FAMILY SIVE BAG. C WASHED • �pl� FUL n�1 T OF� �FROM THE TROPICSAj�� CELLO WRAPPED \■I M v • ■ PRODUCT OF COSTA RICA PRODUCT OF U S A • a: GRADE CA_IFORNIA 1:781Z! VA 1 1 0►: 17V/ 0191,191 02: TgM-; PRODU12T OF Ll OCE ANSPRAr PRODUCT OF ONTARIO ' V1 • 94 I V1 Dl 1 1 2k 4 _ 11 I p mblo'Al a . -` a• • • . 1 L)L,uC• R(i ClU'• /�— _ PL'IJCT i;F 1ri .;F ^Il A PRODUCT OF C ArJADA .F?ADE FMJ DI. �. gape 1 1 1 1 F D SA11TH • SICN4TURE r•+RS SMITH S FROZEh1 M TTi: i; ti PFM WECTM FROM SM OCT. #inro SAL M 12111 • • .: wE 1rrle�sr+�•na�� .. • . . PAGE 20 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,19% 0 4 CLASSIFIE 8 Buy one week, getCall 8 a.m. to 8 P.M. the 2nd frees (905) Monday to Friday Call us for TORONTO 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday details LINE or fax your ad wvi.ii.. w M,faN. Fp 798-76726830707 (905) 579-2238 ei .n0 w/�Nlal•• Fa GARAGE SALES BIRTH NOTICES I Announce your baby's arrival 49 �! Only a��,�(;ST �l and receive a gift certificate ♦'rte.7T -� entitling you to $25 worth of quality bab products. Im Careers 1 1 Careers 1' Careers Im Careers gin, Careers 1 1 Careers On, Careers u1n, Careers Irl17'Careers TORONTO Helping NaEkn'ld a Hetber Life Accounthg and Computers Business Adminlab tion Business i Computer Computer Support specialist Netwoo a Communications Computer Programming Computer Bushsess Executive Secretary Legal Adminbtratiive Assistant McWeal oRiee Assistant Hotel and Restaurant operations Bar and Beverage Management Travel and Tourism Dental Chairslde Assistant 420-1344 Dental Receptionist SOME COURSES OFFERED W OSHA WA OA& v Learn to prepare income taxes from H&R Block, the nation's No. 1 income tax return preparation firm. Work on your own taxes or start a rewarding career. You can increase your tax knowledge and mitimt?e your liability. ■ Flexible classes ■ Comprehensive, step-by-step program ■ Computerized instruction Call 686=1395 HM U 40 THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS Get a start on your career in firefighting. Durham College in Whitby is offering the Introduction to the ire Service, Tuesdays and Thursdays, October 15 - December 15 from 7 - 9 p.m. Tuition cost is 1295. Limited seats are still available. To register call 721-3000. Durham College Continuous Learning Opportunities Course Start Date Time Price A.D.D and Education Not'. 23 ' 900 - 4:00 '37.¢' Aromatherapy Note. 14 • 630-9:30 137.' - Aseptic Procedures for RAV Nor. 12 600 - 10:00 '157. u Bahr Massage Oct 19 ' 1.00-4:00 '37 ` Basic Arrhythmia Interpret /trot •. 23 ' 9.-00 - 4:00 '43.1' Bebaru)ur.'1-fgmt - Young Child Oct. 19 ' 9-00 - 4 00 137. - CPR Basic Rescuer Not•. 21 630-10:00 '62." CPR Basic Rescuer Recent Oct. 21 700 - 10.00 143.' Cardior ascular Pharmacok)gy Oct. 21 ' 600-10-00 '37. " Confined Space Entry Oct 21 600-900 '48- Ene? K -irked Healing (Ajax) Oct. 15 630-10:00 '76 " Feral Alcohol Syndrome Oct. 19, 9:00 - 400 137. - Good Food Good :Nootl Abu 23 r 9-00-4,00 40,18- 48"'Group GroupDynamics 11 Nor 16 800-2-00 '113."' Progrum Logic Controllers I Abu 7 600-10:00 1242." Self-F-_ctvem Development Oct. 9 • 6:00 - 1o:00 '37." SP it 1) 6 lltrwuage En icbmf tit r%'of!. 2.3 • 900 - 4 00 S.M Stup 16 -Yo Dieting Oct. 19 ' 9.00-4,00 Ji'm The IV)rld of A D D Oct 19 r 900 - 4 00 53 7 " Wellness for Large Women Oct. 19 ' 8-30-530 '48. R7LVIS 1Vor. 4 600 - 9:00 '48 "' • one day woritsbops l,m m" br fryutmd r„ punhav a trvr/.. k u additwmal cue UgWisirftdcryl 10 naive s free course col.rwdar d filar by phots wilt plus adidrional upcenrilg emus cord 721-3000 or course irde al 1-200-614260. nlaos2. 4=0 Educating You For the Red World. m�+^�+ M11 � 11 �* 11 � CAREER aCNOOL OF FLORAL OESIGN 26 wk Fbrigry A Business Wo- pnm: .12 wk irwlsrwsiwe 3. phase pm"m: -3 wk Pro �. �:. :n� Pmgnst. Part-Mnelhus We courses avisdable. A school where all yout training becomes worthwhile. F'iniviciial e- sigrroa maybe ant 11 905438.7746. INTERNET - espeesrrs.a Required for Pickering office. The ide- al applicant will be capable of working with minimum supervision, have knowledge of computerized account- ing , various office soft wares, busi- ness machines, enjoy dealing with cli- ents and have a positive career atti- tude . Experience in consumer loans is an asset. For confidential interview contact: Mr. Ross 905-509-7269 The Progressive Group � I if i!i 1 1"Tas;. I i In less than a year, you can have the skills being sought in the workplace: • Nohvwk Specialist • CompolNized Aaonnkg • LAN Adlninit calla • Office Admilli trstlon • Ce P-11Br Plopawntlslr • 08ice Anistaat • Programmer Analyst • word Protas:iag • Financial assistance available for those who qualify • Individualized, hands-on adult teaming environment • Targeted job search assistance OSHAWA CAMPUS 434-8585 (1-800-993-9993) Large GM Dealership in Durham Region seeking experienced BUSINESS MANAGER Must have excellent organization- al skills, communication skills, and be highly motivated. Previ- ous sales experience an asset. We offer high volume sales, company vehicle and benefits plan. Please fax resume in confidence to: (905)430-1938 By Thursday, October 10, 1996 GeneralGeneral ' Help Help ACTORS/ACTRESSES / MODELS 1996 Chnstmas filming has begun. TMxeo / Mor. treat production is egikx - ing. Scouting row people. (no evenence needed) with different looks , shapes. sizes. (newbom to senior) for Commercials. TV Shows, Movies. Cats• logs. The Model and TW M Bureau will be holding audF Rory in your area, Thies. Oct 10th. i3y appoint - MOM only. Audition fee of $34.50 is rekmdable it you don't quakfy. To schedule an audition. phone 1.519- 3524999 between 10-6. 7 days a week No" and Tabor Burow Not a School or Agency AN11M JOBS! Now Iwi v! $10.$25. Der hour. All positions, slated and un -skied. Excellent pay berlelAS. Cal 1(504) 421`9229 Ext. 479A40,24 hra. AVAILABLE immodialgy pan -We hours, hWw. Pay up t 368dwegc work- ing 5:30.10:30 Monday. Thursday. 112 day SMur- dey Some kd am an&- able. Must be suer 18, u- ergaic. Car ngmwdd. Call Now (9050040403. AZ DRIVERS, CONILM transport compenit 2 yrs sips, dent attract RCMP clearance. 14100.724- 5917 BEAUTY SALON re- quire part -worn Hamed Styip for Ajax. Salary/ C mmioaion. Call Rko 619- a639. BOYS i GIRLS 1101E MAKERS NETFAES door-to*w, Oshawa only. Once or twice a month Oshawa r234 T6 4 2M CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser requests that advertisers chedi mer ad upon publicallon as News Advertiser will no( be resportsible for more than one incorrect insertion and Owe shah be no liabikty br non -insertion of any adw- tiserrwertt. Liability for er- rors in ads is IN m the amount paid for the space occupying the error. All copy is subject to the ap- proval of management of News Advertiser. SWD1ATE Data entry - Word Pro- cessing - BOkkit PN. Help urgently needed. Great income. work own hours. (FT/PT) Modem req'd. Cal 1-OG0314M OURNA1l AREA. Ewpen- once warehouse/assembly worbrs nW"od. (maleNs- mete) $7.0WXxw. Saift sloes m.d.. meq nod a writ E 91 1 Apply in per - 7m. =le 5`pm. dO�Oldr ;, ensu Rd. Suit 228. I" SSOWW"k from s4m�&ok ser- 1 Earn s127A1/ we* ham homial ww Msiong '6)d 812- 1 EARN MM hiss Men A womrn twilh ars, rude or sun ere b do - 6M books IMipope2 bta0 Mu g be 18 years able to work daV hours A haw car si deducti�orws.�Plwe all 905-571-3799 9am-4pm Mon -Fri Plem do not ant the telephone compawy. assernm our Easy work. No rREEEE data dy SA.S.E. to p Fl SW Rid,� mcla ft ant, L 4* — " Careers IM, Careen ' t Careers ' General General General Help Help Help THE DURHAN1 _11 , BE— Request for Instructor Resumes Durham College Continuous Learning is now accepting instructor resumes for lotus Notes. Interested individuals can send resumes to the Administrative Officer, Continuous Learning, P.O. Nix 385, Oshawa. Ontario, LIH 71.7. Thank you for your interest. Only those candidates heing .onsidered for an interview will he contacted DURHAM Educating You for the Real World. General General General Help Help MG:Help FULL TIME Management has forced us to expand for our ski & hockey season. 15 positions available immediately in all areas. Pay varies with position and NEW MANAGEMENT requ-res full and part time Car required. 571-4294. 1 lam to Spm only ONTARIO Duct Cleaning. Hard working person for p/ T d F/T shift work Must be HtuE The A"�; or 'Z Great Blue Heron lea. fr• -•:''_-- (hdtlCd�:!' �dS:GS b t..j„ :kw,dxtby, ,r �s Entertalment Centre Awkd.%+•i-a s mTter:p acct q a�::,at:cis for tie is:icw.m dos:!:ors. ClariranlP fasiro �= * Pit Bosses (experience required) * Bingo Event Mangers Floorpersons (experience required) * Bingo Callers ' Dealers (expenence required or completion * Bingo Runners of a recognized dealers training course) * Nevada Ticket Salespersons ' Cashier Supervisors ' Cage Employees * Security & Surveillance Employees 1'-c successful applicants will be enthusiastic'Team Players" who enjoy working with the �)t,"c in a fast paced envuunmcnt and who are, or Man be, i,censed with the Ontario Gaming ,r'rol Commission. F knots experience in the gaming industry or working with inventory and/or cash would be aset, but nix essential (unless specifically indicated). Working hours include days. . outs, evcntngs and weekenas We ret er professional ' riming and competitive r;xnsation. Rcs,:mcs will be accepted no later than FRIDAY OC'rOBFR Nth, 1996 +.I -IS. State )oo applying for. (TREAT BLUE HERON CHARIT:IBLE CASINO & BINGO 21351 ISLAND RD., POR7- PERRY, ON"1'ARIO, 1,31. 166 ,.._ne ileal 81 ue ilei- u an equal oppirrwn,ty empioyer We _liana au apps►oris for xleri 7nwe rC t. Of1IY l},n.[ Kie�tcd fM .� -Yrv,er w.;; IX COetallCt;. THE NEWS ADWKMER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,1996 -PAGE 21 ' Ge Helpral I Help General��AgeHelp/ • picking & packing parts, unpacking & restocking by location • computerized inventory exper. & ability work with minimal supervision required • Safety Shoes needed • car an asset DZ LICENCE PICKER/PACKER • Pick/Pack orders and drive 5 -ton truck • Experience with computerized parts imlentory helpful Pickering Area - Noon - 8pm Long Term Contracts Apply: Global Human Resource Centre 777 Warden Ave., #217 'Scarborough, Ontario (below Eglinton) NEW HOMES Sales Per- son required for Bowman- ville area. Preferred can- didate with new homes sales experience Knowl- edge of mortgage hnanc- Ing Must be enthusiastic, outgoing and results or- ented Call Tony at 416. 633-7333. SALES PEOPLE RE- OUIRED . We have scores of Qualified leads that need to be covered Commission earnings of $3.000 . S4,000 monthly, very attainable Out going and dependable people with a sales back. ground preferred- Full training provided Car a must. Sears Authorized Duct Cleaning. call Mo. at 905-428-2022 WORK FROM HOME: P OSHAWA'S Newest Bar Eatery 3 Eater 'Jack Rabbit's ,L� O n T or FT g+000 ro 55000 RMT licensed Office LL 11 V .er month Call for free �ooklet 905-434-2144 IMI Help Fabulous 11 bons. good wage Call INVESTMENT c,aM products In 1 Office JSHAWA Pececuon,st re Store for y0U!!! tenor Decorating. and Chair p{el P 9uried a s a p Computer sKdis an asset Good com. Sell now for BUILDING SECRETARY -un canon skins desired Fax resume 'c 905) 723- Christmas -egwreci or highnse rest. 565+ No calls please Earn extra -ter."al in Durham Region. PART-TIME Clean -Up Person for bus SSCASHSS •nowledge or condom.m. .ms essential Resumes LEASING AGENT RE - QUIRED Part time for res,- Receive your with references d salary dental complex Fax S45 luxury expectations to File *%99 ,>shawaMm,fby This Week resumes to 905-%8-2470 pack free ! PO Box 481 Oshawa. ON 1H 7L5 RECEPTIONIST RE- CALL TODAY PART-TIME �•.5-a�C PART-TIME Sa,especre OUIRED "'tr^rn responsibility. No experience ? No ^'*p"a^'ply '^ni^� good TORS WANTED to roach raowred 'or door-to-door problem. We are willingto train the customer relations m Own General Interest Courses to promotions m Durham. Can vehicle, frgradee ,2 minimum Older Adults We are par. 5 3opm-8 30pr,. $10/hr . right applicants. ee t -4t6-554- bcularfy, looking for individ- bonus. min 12 hrs/week Call MS- SCOn 7511 905-72I-02gq sols to teacc L,niadanca. transportation required Social Ballroom and th Cru Homeworkers Needed To assemble Our products. Free Supplies. Start m- medatley. Free details. Send S.A.S.E.to 0 E. 117-n 1057 Steeles Ave. W. North York, Ont. M2R 3x 1 HOUSEKEEPER NANNv sh OSHAWA'S Newest Bar Eatery 3 Eater 'Jack Rabbit's o or types of lance i Geo4r�Y --686-2292 RMT licensed required for 3 hours a day, Slims' needs scan All at. Crates. Vegetarian Cooking as well � Cookie With g ;r masseuse ex^-eugn' working cond 4 days per week. P,ckenng Sas Must be dynamic Ap- Herbs. Natural and ,c bons. good wage Call area. 905-420.6380. evervng5_ plyMon-Wed2.5pm 643 Nutrition, Dressmaking -n- (905)619-8267 9252 King St.W . !former Don tenor Decorating. and Chair Additions, electrir�al, MATURE superintendent Cnerry's) Caning As well, if you SUPERINTENDENT couple required to assist John Street West. Oshawa. teach a sbmulahng course COUPLE to, 180-ur,t high - budding manager to com- mance Nov Ist Receive PART-TIME Clean -Up Person for bus not mentioned above, we wou;d be inter t rise Resumes including references s sal gari- CLERICAL POSITION. za' .ray SK,Ils andorword PAULINE avail -led. 'or atter paned a must Basic boo. NAULLS sales service Capt. for keeping would be an asset 421-4689 tome builder Must have Pan time inm 'uIf time po- excellent computer and tenbal Please Submit re- -tprng skins Knowlenge surae to File it 977 '_ HOBASS. ar asset Fax e- -a Th,s week P'D Box Skilled sumo to '905) 697.1365 481 Oshawa. Dn'a-+o UH Help IF you are maimed. single 71_5 singie parent. separated or avorced you may 7ualiy AUTO BOGY Wanted. 'or Financial Assistance e-ver'enced coat, persons rnPiCERT programs avail- ' Hdp i Agents Must have owr 'ops Appy able Quark, Illustrator, 'c Dan 579-.40pr) Photo Shop, Director. DURHAM'S 'asce grow - body rereduction Drop off re- y op in A!ax Include drivers I,C-a a ss ed in hearing from you' Please Pry *"C'SHIRT loti ons to Guardian Proper P•esser ca.. Premier. Access. Accpac. Autocad. C•.. Visual Basic. E (4000 WEEKLY' For sales Crctessionals train- ng _anors :a,m wme at 100 Taunton Rd. on resume. tax to 905127- send resume to Oshawa y Management Services. morning hours. expen- W$CW Call 905-509-9385 Unix_ Novell Engineer, Ing 6 support, free audio 8 pony, Comas Commun,ca- "ons Services. E_ U-61, Oshawa, Ontario 9252 Senior Cmzens Centres. 43 206-339 Werstney Rd S. Additions, electrir�al, Windows N T. Small Talk brochure 435-0076 $1800 is now n ­ Only those considered for Ot1ALITY DOOR SERVIC- John Street West. Oshawa. Ajax. ON LIS 7J6 DIET Loss up to 30 lbs - Power Point, Word. Excel investment Serious Ing experenced Data Ir - 'or an interview will tis con- ( 6194663 Ontario LIH III Attention COL (416) 5604M 30 Day programs start at Durham Business Comput- calls Stallers Ethernet Net - tatted. rical, plumbing, ce- Frio 04397 c tiles, carpentry. From $30 MAGIC 1-800-881- W College. 4273010 please work Systems Cali Kerte Taylor at 905-472-9680 baesrfwrK apartmoxi s. Ree - estimates. (905)432- identiW and commercial. 1 6782 over 15 yrs. Frsa consulta- sus�nes5 � PROFESSIO News Advertiser 707 c i jM11� MIWMff"ft ' Natur�ic� MDecorating Painting 3 BRICK S,Blodc work, Cr mney repairs, EUROPEAN toe special - concrete steps. Basement leaks? W. will renovate your bath - room, or kitchen walls, as Cheapest prices around. Free est. 721-2044 well as floor ties. Good ref - Bin. erences and satisfaction Free estimates, seniors guaranteed. For free esti- nt1DGn NOIR moos call D. Dykstra 725- IM>rROV b. Call Carol ei Baserrlerl( GARAGE Door/Opentor to- Rec-rooms a�gr P«ts broken springs, ca- !or dtikrrtn's parry, free de- bees, rollers, openers in - Additions, electrir�al, staNd $49. New doors/ "all, deft. openers. 416-336-0073. C@famlc � 6 Ot1ALITY DOOR SERVIC- courder tops 15 ES. GENERAL CARPEN- yrs. Exp. TRY, tree asanates, house call Mario additions, teserrents, ( 6194663 decks. trim work, door in - COL (416) 5604M shods, root mptors, (9W05 i R Mointenaroe Build- 619.2930 Bill Jr. repairs and renovations J.S. ARMSTRONG rical, plumbing, ce- DEV. INC. Specializing c tiles, carpentry. From in custom tomes. additions, repairs Io Miller fpl. ranowbole, ►ac rooms and ations. Fully guaranteed, baesrfwrK apartmoxi s. Ree - estimates. (905)432- identiW and commercial. 1 Slowing Durham Region for over 15 yrs. Frsa consulta- RENOVATIONS INC. Qua* home re omboru sinm 1/76 NO PROJECT TOO SMALL K ildtens • Basements Whitim • Doors Baltwooms • Etc. 11 BY W.LEAVER Additions, second stones, finished fumes., bath- rooms, decks, Ne it wood floors. doors 6 windows, palinitied and CON a� JIM'S HEATING. SpoloaliZ- mg ,n clean out of gas tur- naces. gas fireplaces. Bat- tey checks, serving all models. Available most evenings and weekends. 905-430-2699 • � andyrrlan FAJI �— FMX 3-7363 : WA Painting & e ' Flooring, • House • Business Decorating • Carpeting • Cleaning • • Services CARPET Installations 25 years experience, re- stretch,ng, our speciality Free estimates. D 8 N Duncan. 987-1799 or 987- 1800 • House • Cleaning BURGLAR ALARMS a,. low thieves time in your tome. KEEP THEM OUT, Custom built steel security window bars for as lime 525 00 per window allow Peace of mind even with windows open. For a free estimate call (905 )428- 8029. CARPENTRY, household nw•wsr- Vnc- WOC9t1ti---- .- maintenance. painting, yard work, no job too small - I do q all Call Ride at 905- 427-99% miminey •1• AJAX CHIMNEY SWEEPS Special - dei w cleanwg MOVERS - Move big or TREVOR'S Home Decor - e per, res- 6.015.1 Lo - small. we price them ant city 525. NO mg int, S. No • �• •7 S�IIm nus 123, Microsoft Works, Free estimates, seniors "lore Processing Cilf Flexible, hard working and discount. short notice trades, drawings available. b. Call Carol ei moves' Appliances moved' LITTLE TYKE toot bags 432-3675 432-3675 also storage space avail- able. Cornparwo rates' !or dtikrrtn's parry, free de- OUTSOURCE YOUR AD - Can 432-2850. livery available. Reason- MIN. NEEDS! Fully Hourly rate, loaded, rotor- Ings, fund raisers. Magic able prices. Kids win lova equipped home office MEN with large truck WIH them. Ask for Helen. 68f>- linked for high speed data do household moves, resi- 83" transmission, competent. dential corrwnercial AI tans, new bathrooms and expenenced administrator as low all $59. Pest TREVOR'S Home Decor - I types d moves Can Carf « MAGICIAN, clown mends, available f« data ant ry� city 525. NO mg int, S. No Custom parotin en Jane 427-2856. r to entertain f« "lore Processing Cilf MUSS, 140 FUSS GUAR- tot•^« r, lic exterior, licensed ed trades, drawings available. MATURE woman will age, any occasion. Bit 05-725etc. Jenne A . ' 'Free Estimates a r. insured. F« hoe esti- IIICNALSp MOVING - come in to dean home. days. promotions, open- ING, Licensed and in- 7.741. 686-7741. mates call Rich 905.686- bases, apartments offices, Hourly rate, loaded, rotor- Ings, fund raisers. Magic , r appkanoea and Pito sPe. ences. 905.104-0721 shows are fun! Lettuce �w tion. Call Jane ti05�12a- (905}42•-2145 2286. 416.614-5611 DOORS PRN U% ST•• datats. Senior and mid- RELIABLE Cleaning help. 839-7057 or 728 - GARAGE DOORS, ROGER CONSTRUC : ' • Plumbing a Moy�g month discamts. Licensed Lady- Exporier+ced, with Baas «683-1171. ins aUj FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service & Repairs 905-837-0949 UCTWORK installed, oved. relocated. Excellent TION -Carpentry. resider- dal renovations and new MISTER POST HOLE, augured post holes, setting • Storage insured. Free estimates. references. Reasonable RABBITwants work doing construction, licensed TENANCE at RE OVA TRELLa Also tree stump remove!, Excellent service. Cal 436- rates. 905-655-3673, ask for Joanne. magic f« children's parties trades, drawings available. DOUG CLARK PLUMB- 77%. "Free and all oecassions. Have Call 839.7968 ING, Licensed and in- AJAX Moving System - fullmy "'a"SIGON own magician. !call Er- Construction Ltd.. sured, repairs and share. services, moves, appliance call To 579-3760, leave all Dave $3i-'�Oss rue 666.4932. serving Durham Region for tans, new bathrooms and and piano specialists. Flatrj ic•d19 yrs. Adtldions, sundeccs, doors, windows, rec- rooms, flagstone, free esti- renovations, pump sales and service free estimates, 686-5172 24 his. rate or hourly, We nowerspath) have heated storage units.homes, Now offering free boxes, etc. • / Gardening i • Landscaping • Caard•nirlg & • 1 Landscaping mates. 905-576-5760. with move. Park and load19.special. starting at $99. andailable les. Free estimates. Elec- ostatic air cleaners, hu- MISTER POST HOLE, augured post holes, setting T.E. Home Improvements. Specializing in roofing, sid up. Colt for information. 4 725.0005 or 427-0005. 423-0239 286-5513 TENANCE at RE OVA TRELLa Also tree stump remove!, idihers. Big, Small jobs. of posts in concrete. Sona Ing soNn, eaves trough, "Free 11 Paul 428-0295, tubes installed, window d doors. Please a 683-0707 scapingEstimates" all work guaranteed. (905) 665- call To 579-3760, leave all Dave $3i-'�Oss PAGE 22 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1996 Office Office JMSSWS Help/JMI sales Heal pfl, sales Help/ Articles MR OnArticles Em Articles Help Help Agent Agent Agent For Sal For Sale For Sale SECRETARY Contract Position Markham Rd./Steeles (Scarborough) Minimum 2-3 years secretarial experience: MS Word/Excel. $10-12 per hour. Send resume by fax to: Global Human Resource Centre Attn: Judy (416) 285-9193 Sales Help/ Agent SALES CONSULTANT POSITIONS AVAILABLE We, at Saturn, are committed to being one of the worlds' most successful car companies by adhering to the following values: • COMMITMENT TO CUSTOMER ENTHUSIASM • COMMITMENT TO EXCEL • TEAMWORK • TRUST AND RESPECT FOR THE INDIVIDUAL • CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT If you are the type of person who could succeed within these expectations in a commissioned sales environment, the we would like to meet you. We will be accepting resumes on Wednesday October 9th from 10:00 a.m.-12 noon and 1:00 p.m. -3:00 p.m. Please apply in person as we will not be accepting appointments or phone calls. Previous Saturn or import sales experience an asset but not essential for appropriate candidate. We look forward to meeting you. MOTOiRCITY ♦ . SATLRN 1520 DUNDAS ST. E. • WHITBY Sales Help/ AgentSkilled 10 Skilled ® Help Help 2 positions open. Advertising Sales Rep. 1 entry level 1 experienced (min. 2 yrs) Telephone Directory Sales and layout experience an asset. If you are outgoing, highly motivated, and have a positive attitude and are dedicated to overall customer satisfaction, we would like you to loin our winning team. Existing and new accounts, training, commissions and base pay. Mail or tax resume to Ajax / Pickering News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Ontario, L1 S 2H5 Fax. • 619-9068 Sales Marketing Professional $35,500. Potential Up For the right individual, our company opportunity is rated second to none in the areas of Product line, customer satisfaction, rapid management and strong financial returns. Desire three years business experience or college. For confidential interview, phone F. Flaxman 905-272-6738 FFdk&* S needed top wages, sub contract work ahrOaable and hourly work. Cal (905) 897-0079 Neer 6 p.m. IgULDYAKER e�eri- lanced in Plastic Iniection Mesad. Qualified cwA- datas cal M. Valenti (905) 426-M7 or tax resume (905) 428-7919. TOOL & Die Maker and machinist required lir Oslimm sternpng Thant. Mwrnwm 5 years ownI- enca. Of ening top wages a EM benefits. Send resume ropy ID File 19701 Osha- walylhably This Week P.O. Boot 481 Oshawa, ON LIIH 71.5. IMMO"DOW FULL TIME Dental Assis- tant - Receptionist required for Orthodontic office. Ciiftuter experience re- quired. Drop hand written resume to 1050 Swncoe St. N., suite 112, Oshawa. an, 0 W -k= - OPTICIAN - Mau" nd- vidual required 3 -4 days a mors', to fit industrial cus- tomers. Compiabb" salary, cal (905) 420-6257 owcwe ISM, WWwftd AJAX family needs (wing fun time nanny immediately, car prelemed, live out. 2 boys ages 4 and 6 months. (416)716-0696 NANNY WANTED for two children ages 2 12 years and 9 months in ivy Whitby homa; starting December Mature, responsibleand non-smoker required. Call 668-3875. NANIYMOUSEKEEP- ER required. Live out. Ma- ple Ridge area. ECE, first aid, CPR preferred. Must be creative, energetic, loving and responsible, Must have own transportation. Non smokers only. Call 831- 2838. 2 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS FOR 2 - 3 Ill CONTRACT UP TO S14/HR. Large manufacturing company in Picker- ing is presently recruiting for a recent college grad In the electronic or engi- neering field. Must have computer skills and be able to read blueprints. 6 inum - 1 yr exper. an asset. For an appointment call QUANTUM TEL: (416) 292-2282 'Ke are seeking a JR. SALES ENGINEER for a supplier of high temperature insulation material. Along with your degree in Mechanical or Electrical Engineering, you should also Possess excellent communication skills, a flair for marketing and dedication to customer service. Excellent potential for advancement. Qualified candidates, Please fax resume to: Karen Maher (905) 579-6050 IN& =AN P E R S O N N E L "WE'RE CIIANGNIG THE WAY CANADA HF& rr careDaycere • Available • Available INFANTS -12 YEARS OLD In cwki% safe, fin horns onvi onmeirit. Lrcartsed by M.C.S.S. Raasonabb rales Receipts, flaxible hours. Cal DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAYCARE care • Available CHILD CHILD CARE AVAILABLE in my North Ajar Mille. Experiericed care giver. references, reoso. $90 + week. 686-1868 EDUCATIONAL, nurtur- ing. no mooki gg home with big -s yard, playroom- Very reli- abte and affordable. Re- ceipts! Bikngue aussil Michele 619 -OW. EXPERIENCED CARE GIVER (Westney, N. of 401) Nears schools & park. Hot nutritious meals. TLC. Fenced yard, com- fortable environment. 428.0097 no Daycare Available MAT UR E'E xp­enced :aregiver otters exceptional daycare in her home, non smoker no pets. low child - von rathc. maxnklrn 5 child- -en. references Dixie/Gle- nanna Laura. 4243091 K1161 Firewood ROKA LUMBER 3 FIREWOOD CENTRE 4'X8112 560 00 4'X8116' $65.00 ESTABLISHED 1963 Days 705-277-3381 Evenings 905434.6665 Free Delivery To 40 Oshawa Area 39 ABSOLUTELYTHE BEST - Apple. Maps, Oak, Beech Low prices Free delivery Serving Pickering, Ajax. Wh.". Oshawa DURHAM FIREWOOD 427- 4741 FIREWOOD Quality sea- soned 16- Split hardwood starting at $185/Cord. Can eve 705-944-8801, 7 p.m - 1,1 pm FIREWOOD Seasoned firewood cut s spit, maple. oak, beech. Same day tree delivery Ajax. Pickering. W►hi1Dy. 683-0709. FIREWOOD, dry sea- soned, hardwood logs. Wel deliver. cal (613) 338 - FIREWOOD, Excellent qualify hardwood,- Guar- anteed. extra ling fully seasoned, cut and spit. Honest measurement. Free delivery. Kozy Hest Fins - wood 905.753.2246. SKIDS i POssts for fire- wood. hardwood & soft- wood mused, pre aA or bn> kiln, delivery aval", Isrga i small Milds. Limited .rine offer cel MN)4w 9013. owgWn Carrier AMR HOCKEY table. Irul size, 6 mo. old, peri con► dition, make great Christ- mas gin. As" :296.00. Please cal 126.7026. FREE to a good lame, large 2 yr. oil male coon hou ndfrottwedef. 631-853b QUEEN SIZE BED, with frame a shelf 8 drawer headboard. Also matching armoire. Off white, with gold trim. in excellent condition, $499. cel 644-7183. SKATES, Bauer Supreme 150.2E, $75. Supreme 200-3 12E, $75. 011ier boys' 8 mans' skates, out- grown, etc. Call evenings, weekends 839-4115 Antique Furniture Sale Sun. Oct. 611 a.m.- 4 p.m. We have • 5 dining room sets • hoosier cupboard hall stand • buffets • occasional tables • chairs church pews • desks • dressers • bonnett chests trunks & much much more including a great selection of china , glass & collectables. "Our Prices are similar or better than most local auctions' COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION Antique Discoveries 905 683-8243 78 Old Kingston RdJPickering Village Bargain Comer SOFA & LOVESEAT 5450 Sectional sofa $400 Stove $300 Kitchen table w 6 chairs 5275. Can 68& 8441 after 6 pm. SOFA BED- Good condi- tion, be ge/brown fabric, double bed, $199 Call 509.5189 (Pickering) Articles Pul for Sale FALL / WINTER CLOTH- ING at rock bottom prices. Snowboardand skijackets. oants. gloves and accesso- ,im at up to 80% OFF reg- ,dar retail prices. Quality named brand labels SKI CLEARANCE CENTRE 377 Taunton Road East. Osha- wa Oust east of 5 Points Mall) 905-725-3468 ROCKBOTTOM DEALS Apt s z e washer E dryer $399 Full size wisher and dryer $299 Full size washer $169 3 door fridge $399 Portable dishwasher $149 14- TV's from $109 20. 8 up TV's from $250 Heart shaped diamond ring $3.500 Fender guitar $599 We buy and sea almost an- ything Delivery available. most items guaranteed. ley - ti -way pro¢irth 22 Sencos St. N haws Shop by phone 905-4361320 2 months ofd Brother Lax- er tax. $625, wooden desk/ credenza $275. oak rtrew- er/rtxmor $375. matching dresser/night table $200: executive chair S80. (416) 426-6649 Ajax Pager 4 Rreah Tues, mag wheels. asking $300: Harmtond or - (electric). $450 434- 6257 s PC. SOLID WALNUT bedroom suite, (Sheraton style) excellent condition, 52.500 6 pce. bedroom suite $1.100, solid oak ar- moire (from 19ars), excel - Will condition. $575 Single box spring and mattress. new $165. Queen sae box spring and mattress $225, drafting table twde:s«hal) $295. sold pme table and 4 benches $250., 3 yr old fridge and stove (almond) SSW. freezer 5225, sofa $275.. 4 dresses $45 - $150. walnut wardrobe $195, entertainment unit 595, glass top table and 4 chairs $145.. odd chairs and many other 'tens. 697-3532 ANTIQUE celery cabinet. $125. Mat&" sofa. chair a loveseat. 5350. Enter- tainment contra. $125. Freezer, apt -size. $150. Solid maple table. $100. 25-0 fish tank & fish. $100. Dresses. 11011t. rlbre- gMS3 boat, $75. 905-263- 2191. ANTIQUES: Serpentine draasel cdlee tablewash stand cedar cast. 4 No balk mahogany lairs, do" dressers. oak harrtad mirrors, has Chair, 432-1823 CARPET 3 roams, 5299, Vice includes 30 yds d carpet. ppm pad . and instasatiort. Custom blinds also available at lowest prices. Set. 9M-432-2750. CNPGI Bro4a, 100%, Now Nridt, plush, stairs w sistam carpet For 3 rooms, only M.W. Price in- cludes 30 Sq. yds Carpel dNuas pfd and instalakon in you (tome. Free quota - bon . in you (tome. No in- terest, no payment for one full year. Dania, 1-wo- 217-0104. CARPETS - Ids of Carpet, 100% nylon. new stain re - lone carpets on hand, I will carpel 3 rooms, $349. Price includes carpet, pre- mium pad, expert installs - bon. fast delivoty, free esti- mates (30 yards). Norman 686-2314. CHESTERFIELD, Chairs. coffee table. and tables. large stereo TV. round oak dining table, 3 chairs, sin- gle bedroom suite, double bed. 725-0416 COMPUTERS COM- PUTERS - Computer Clearance Centers new hours Mon9:30 - 5 00 Tues.. 9:30 - 600.. Wed - Fn - 9 30- 8 00 Sat., 9 30 - 5:00.. Sun. 12.30-4.30 Just arrived 386's complete $495 Pentiums from $795 386'5 from $165.. 286s from $25 Laptops $95 up VGA monitors from $45 up. Lots of new Samtuck factory Win pentiums with sofhvaro pkgs $2004800 less than most super store -specials-. Bring your quotes - ads - Save on superior products (905) 6973059 or 164 Baseline Rd E, Bowman - wile. CONTENTS SALE - wed- ding gowr. computer. dressers, mensnady's mink. 1984 Buick LeSabre. 1988 Firebird, 8 It truck camper. engine hoist, etc. (Negoti- able Prices") 427-1677 CONTENTS SALE. trdge. stove. almond $60C. deskslottrce 8 kids) bed(kmg size) kitchen set. marry other Mems. (905) 668-3.504 CRAFTMATIC total mas- sage. head -foot Idt. double bed, airnost new. excellent condition, $1800new. last sea $550 (905)697-3508 DISHWASHER. white tridge 8 stove. almond fridge 8 stove, 16cu tt freezer, tables a chairs. gray dresser. deskbook cafe. right table. desk, ar conditioner. York 2600 & other weight equipment., 76 Corvette: 18' boat, motor & hailer Call 905-438- 0526, FLORIDA TIME SHARE. $1500. Zenith VCR. 4 -head with remote. $100. Bricks - approx 1700 - $300/load Grand piano. $8000 723- 4003 FOR SALE , 16 hp. nd- ng lawn mower. with bag- ge, 3 years old. excellent conation. ask.yy $1.500 Telephone (905) 649- 1828 FURNITURE SALE Louis 16th Reproduction swan chair. Parson char, loveseat, drapery. and more 868 Corbett Rd. Oshawa. Sun. 1-4. 434- 6655 HOUSE CONTENTS. Everything mast go, moving out of torah. 905728-2704. HUNTERS, Cdtag-. Farmers. 4000 wan indus- trial grade generator with auto -demand. . Asking $1050. Also available; SW OAKJPINE FURNITURE - Why pay retail prices? One of Ontario's oldest and lar- gest manufacturers is now selling direct to the pudic. Eg. solid oak 7 pc. dining - room or 6 pc solid pine bedroom, your choice $1995; many stain choices. Tradional Woodworking 905-985-8774 PEDESTAL oak round table with claw feet. 2 press -back chairs. & 2 press -back arm chairs, $995. Electric stove. $100. 905-683-1407 PIANO- Beautifully refin- shed/rebuilt antiquegrand. original ivory keys, hand carved ornamentation - must be seen. Must selll $8000. 723-4003 PIANO- Upright: 5650 - negotable. Organ. new; $850 - negotioable. Private sale Call: (905)839- 5853. PIANOS - GRANDFA- THER CLOCKS Back to school specials New and used pianos. Not sure? Rent to own, apt size. upright, grand. digital, key- boards. Clearance on all 1995 stock' Telep Piano Works. 433-1491. RESTAURANT bar fur- nishings and captain's chars. wooden tables, oak- front bar. 40' brass railing, coder, glasswasher, bar sinks, miscellaneous. 432- 7733 ROLAND KRl00 with stand digital keyboard. like new, paid $2900. asking $1300; Maerkhn train set. HO. complete. like new Call 728-68134 SAMSUNG SP -2417 printer, includes lack and colour ribbon, paper and manual, excellent condi- tion. $100 obo. 434-8924 SEARS colonial cnb with mattress and mint green bumper peels $100; Queen size waterbed with heater and sheets $100. Gras sae 12m. snowsuit 515, skates. girls sae '-8r boys size 10. mens sae 10. 510 each . 2 dressers $10 each. baby swing. $10 obo 434-3976. SHEDMAN Quality barn We shed kit 8' x 8. SPE- CIAL ONLY $295 pka tax Marry other saes and styles "table Also garages and docks. 761 Md(ay Rd Unit 3. Pickering For more into call 905-619-2093. SNOWSLADE for Sears Craftsman riding lawn- mower 6125 905 -985 - awl SOLID -OAK Pedestal table. claw feet, tour solid -oak bow back chars. $895 o.b.o New kerosene heater $175 couch/chair. floral belga. $725 619.1986 TEAK DININGROOM Suite- 71/7 table including 2 keaves, 6 chars. nakdral upholstry wall-unht/hutCh: excellent condition. $1400. Call: (905)420-6515 (Pick- ering) 18' Digital Satellite 70 Free chamois lir 1 year Rent to awn for only $8.25 w&Wy. Cal 905-571.1412 HITACHI 35- steno tole - vision. Ultra black picture It", Pic -in -ft, High reso- lution. Rant -lo -own from $15.80 weekly. Cel 905- 571-1412 9~ siw tan askirl $100. Small props ro- frigerata $100. Call 905- 434.4699. Me, � watch & clock rMlacr=. Gallralth Jewellers & 0341tware 132 Harwood Ave.S,Ajax 683.Oh107 YALE MNNATURE Sici- lian donkey, 2 yarn old in good hoash, 5300. 1068- 60SB MOYMSG OUT OF COUNTRY, seeing as household contents, ap- prox 1 year old, plis P.S1, computer, with Espon Sy- lus SW pnnter a other small items. 905.721- 9762. ANTIQUE wardrobe, $475; organ, $300; deven- port/sofabed $125, o.b.o. Cas 905-576-4597. r s taea Soft Gently ua dos rival 5500 of of CON Siem •ata -6414 Articles For Sal KENWOOD 200 watt Tower of Power 5 Disk CD, double cassette, tower speakers. Rent -to -own from $7.25 weekly Call 905- 571-1412 SHARP 25' TV. VCR com- binations, High resolution picture tube, front AN Jacks, auto programming, universal remote control. Rent to own from $7.50/wk. Call 905-571-1412 WHITFIELD WP2 model, pellet firing wood stove, used only one season, paid $2.200. Asking $1,500 576-3843 WOODSTOVE Vermont Castings, Defiant Encore. classic blade 2000 sq. h. 2 warming shelves, oval to round adaptor Seldom used. Ex. Gond. $2000. Days 905-435-9960. even- ing 905-435-4901 Articles Wanted ANTIQUES Absolutely. Purchasing furniture or an- ything old. Scientific instru- ments. china, silver. adver- tishng, toys. decoys, dons. milk bottles, collections or estates Cal Robert Bowen Antiques (905) 655-8049. Brookkn UNWANTED Scrap metal picked up. fridges. stoves. washers. dryers. cars, trucks. etc. Call (905)430- 9013. WANTED TO BUY: Old or used miniature tldl houses. Call Heather at (905) 693-1428 Computer Antemet NEW MUSIC a -zine O http.//www durham- news net/-a4c23ain- du htm Lost A woo 1 Found Female short hared grey and brown calico cat. Six years old- Large white tummy Cut drags on the ground. White paws. with tad Cut fiends up over her Din* when she walks. Small face. Named Missy Please cal 428-8961 FOUND - Dark calico type female cat. declawed. ex- tremety affectionate and lovable Found Brock and Mator oaks area in Picker- ing. Cal 428-9282 FOUND black a while bob -tailed cat. Asmale. de - clawed. very friendly. Bay Ridges area on August 31st. Call 839-4616. FOUND CAT, Female. ginger coloured, in the Westney Heights area. call 428-7173 FOUND: Set of keys. Squares Beech Road. Mon- day. Sept. 30th. For more ioil CON 68&2099. LOST IN Is 2 si3O'a Warehouse, bland MON or on Nassau St, on Tuesday October 1st. Diamond -ring. marquis. 9 -diamonds: sen- timental value: reward. Phase call 723.7080. •1 Craft Pre -Xmas Market Place Pickering Retereation Complex November 16,19% All Vendors Welcome Art/crafts, fashion, health, cosmetics, etc. Call: Rose Mwinyi 905-509-7535 ' Cone;M1Comps I1�ITERNET SERVICE AVAILABLE Home and web page creation Hyper link and server storage. CUM Jolbp Dual't! at 579.4400 am Automobiles _ THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,1996 -PAGE 23 FM__`F0au'n'd � � F000rSale Wanted Marine M�7ForRefrjjt lflents Apartments '' Apartments ' Houses M Houses � � For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent LOST, 'n re fax Gies Inhile coin HONDA CIVIC DX, A & A TOYING- pay $50- 1968 SUNBIRD WIFA gu black bag. with track suite & pe, i e new, 43.000 kms, balance of warranty, $5000 cash for used 6 Cruiser. Fully loaded. AST accessories, Reward. call $13,000, certified, 905- scrap cars 8 trucks. 24 Mrs cabin, trim taps. VHF 427-3122 686-1385. 7 days. Call 905-686-5003 weather band. WC water, F/ adorable bundles of love. 19M GRAND AM, white, or 905-706-5234; 30 min service. S. 3 Piece washroom, 350 OMC, low hours, good con - B ' � 4 door, CD, key -less entry, WNY RENT? dition $19,500. 705-749- Home raised. C C.A. Reg- istered, shots 905-985- power roof, air, aluminum AUTOMOBILES and 6353 days. 705-877-1209 Sint 16' wheels, excellent!! 905- trucks wanted for scrap weekends BALENESE kittens. Blue to home. 571-6275. 1996 JETTA TD, a/c, D/ Any condition, an a y am free removal In the Durham Recreational Dint, ready go $120 (905) 509-2566 sun-rool, 23K, extras. mint Region, cash paid. Also ' Vehicles sale Non shedding, non allergic. health guarantee, 9 condition. $18.800 obo needed. 75 to '87 Chev or 1. & 2 Bedroom apes in FREE TO a good home, Call 905-571-6790, 905- GMC Pickup for parts Call O Oshawa and Bowmanvdle e Starting 5600/month. female cat. 2 yrs. old, all 706-5961. anytime, Oshawa 905-431- CAMPING MEMBER - shots up to date, spayed, ARLIE SALES LTD. 480 L S 0407. SHIP, lifetime, camp at 839-2979. Taunton Tauntond E.. Oshawa \ over 500 RV resorts, us/ ROTTWEILER PUPS 75. YJ Jeep.CARS FOR CASH! We Canada, $400 per night, Adorable bundles of love, $8700. 90 Tracker, auto, buy used vehicles Vehi- only $395. us dollars 1- nome raised. Excellent 56995. 1990 Buick 9fallnri Iles must be in running 800-236-0327 temperaments. uDu. cillo- Wagon with 3rd seat. fully- GVrlO111011 Call 427-2415 or town �Bowmanviile� �com- 985-8021 loaded, $6995. 1991 Pont come to 479 Baylq St. East. Apartments HIMALAYAN KITTENS - Gran Prix STE, $10,965 Ajax at MURAD AUTO 1 ' FOr Rent adorable bundles of love. 1992 Buick Regal Gran SALES j' 'A ADS^l6'1? A"r,Jaric Seal and Blue Points. Sport, $11.965 1993 Ford 1/2 ton, 4x4 WNY RENT? '-DDIy References rPfWW d Home raised. C C.A. Reg- istered, shots 905-985- Berretta, fully -loaded, black Trucks MIfor street, rear Oshawa Cen- Sint on black. $7.995. 1988 Sale ter. Newly renovated, s ;etaCned use. 3 -baths -use, VOIkS. Jetta, auto with air, NO Downpayment, mins to 401 5495 inclusive. LHASA APSO PUPS for $5,495 1989 Dodge Lanc- onveway. attached garage a apoliarl central a,, Call 571-5320 sale Non shedding, non allergic. health guarantee, 9 er, excellent runnin g' 53,995. 1988 1990 FORD AEROSTAR EXT Loaded, mint, red, all 1. & 2 Bedroom apes in 9 vet needled. House tram- Dodge van, $3.995 1991 Honda Ac- power, roof rack, $7,900 O Oshawa and Bowmanvdle e Starting 5600/month. ing started Payment terms cord, $10,665. 1988certified or best offer (905) at fudge 8 available (705) 786-3124. van, $3,895 ARLIE SALES 831-8729 stove included. with laundry facilities GERMAN SHEPHERD located at 480 Taunton \ 44 -No Pets Call (9051 aid -2d407 PICKERING CLEAN, bright. spacious, broad. loomed. 2 bedroom base- ment apartment, applianc- es, separate entrance, no smoking, no pets $735 + $50 utilities (905) 831- 8777 PICKERING large 2 bed- room apartment Broad loomed, full bathroom, eat in kitchen, parking, garden, own entrance, appliances $795 !month includes util- ties Available immedienny 905 509-0077 or 905 509- 2577 $1 - lA Absolute Affordable' WHO SATs YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUT A HOUSB7 WHY REM'? OWN YOUR HOME!! Mortgage payments 3 -Bedroom Semi 5679/month I -Bedroom bungalow $789/month 3 -Bedroom Jr Fxec. $969/ month No down paymertt? Bad Credit? Bankrupt? Call Me! (905)571-6275 or 1-800-840-6275 MARK STAPLEY Sales Rep Sutton Group Excel Realty Inc PICKERING NICE BIG COUNTRY L v+^g within basement ana••ment S7nn 14nuenc ndus,ve Nov Ist No pets. J � �1� For Rent town �Bowmanviile� �com- non smoker 619-2765 Yid TYLER -s a 2 year old ;letely edecorated. 2 bed - eve and weekends. Must n e^ $500kmonth all c . room dwelling 1st/lasr see large neutered rat, black 8 5750 + jm hes Only clear PICKERING. Rouge- j' 'A ADS^l6'1? A"r,Jaric •espor S1bie parties need -.,ci,ri-Dysor clean t.bied- WNY RENT? '-DDIy References rPfWW d oro basement apartment, OWN YOUR =all 835 'Sal 'ill kitchen, laundry, sepa- NOME: COURTICE 3 -bedroom •ate ent•ance. parking, utile- ' es included. $60(3/month a'Iknent5 `'^r^ SS0 ;etaCned use. 3 -baths -use, '. m -soker. no pets. esti NO Downpayment, arge fenced yard. double ,IFIyt References 905-509- Call Me onveway. attached garage a apoliarl central a,, '63after 60m, 571-6275 51100/north 905-435 PICKERING whites Rd- 1-800-840-8275 178 - 4'5-257-0143 I ^cr %ewry.f,rished large Mark Stapley HOUSE FOR RENT Rd E.. between Ritson g 90 FRHT. (SALE OR LARGE 1 BEDROOM OSHAWA a'^,e - 3 27 " ) basement apartment. Sales el; S.,»or, ;color ,ale 2 Cedrormg wawa PUPPIES Bondern Pur- -align Se eras entrance, ebred with wonderful tam- Wilson 404-8175 LEASE) $1498 /mo. with 2 - LEVEL APT. Rent basement apartmerr park bedreorr' opts roc rent n ' p ExCr� Realty, a•ea. appliances �ncWded down m in laundry S7r$,,--,nm Non-smoker. r peraments. well -socialized. Payment Also whole t '• 9 ry and more, small I 5.. per 'lid yus utrin Inoculated $275 2 year old also available. Call 905-263-2415 LARGE BARN FOR RENT 60 x80 North Whitby Call 655-5193 ap oom/bsmt 2 - - Quiet out din Wilson - es 48'x102' air -ride flatbeds b bdrms S ant . S6501month including utih d Bloor area Rest, no pets Call 905839- enc w r option ro pun. Sep apple ran g hydro. 1 48' detachable double doublebilllaundry. parking Near ties Wilson/Adelaide 579- fudge6850 ST CHOICE --^ase Ava,,able Nov_ stove included ' drop 1-800.724-5917 bus, shopping�,e, 905- 0170. Laundry on premises Car- SOUTHAJAX- BRIGHT- '?3-311 AFFORDABLE HOMES ' 836-8989 Det throughout No dogs baseme^• Darni apart- M:4 l Vans/ Drive 2 BEDROOM ARTS. Avail Oct !. 3Cg Cordova Rd Oshawa No -pets 90- 1984 Chev Blazer 4X4 579-2387 fully loaded, Tahoe Pack bC 2 BEDROOM, Oshawa. 52500 o Great For Storage! and CAN'T FIND A VAN? .3075 o all 905- upper . , 2 'looks if duplex, TYLER -s a 2 year old That's because we n e^ $500kmonth all c . Nr, problem' clean. parol laundry. large neutered rat, black 8 have them all! GM, 1965 Jeep CJ, 4X4, black quiet lie-,,libomood. white S/H. very playful Chrysler. Ford from 4 2 litre in line 6, 3 sod S65000 inclusive. Ist and Many other spayed or neu• 199 to 1993- From auto. 2- spring re -arch, iast 905-668-0034 tered cats also waking for S4,995.1991 Lumina Z34. Rancho. RS5000 shocks. ern bachelor apt unfur. responsible homes Kittens h 1st boast loaded_ $9995 A-1, pristine white, 1989 Celebn hard top, full doors. 2f3 bedroom apartments. 8 story buddn close Piease call 721.1178 any- client suitable for single fe- WHY RENT? BUY' LOVELY. 3 ;:me make. full 4 -Dc bath. iurcr. "fr xw-=ay^?r! cedroom near Lai,,, z Ajax ^evwr OSHAWA - 'ire n e^ $500kmonth all c . Nr, problem' ava,laae `iov • S"iC perdu upper cooler apt Sep air- Sep sive Available Nov Ist -et me Show you now' In moth Plus :tillties. all ap- trance. parking, eat in kit m. Call d27-0'132 Mort pay S7^�(i 0 A.0 pounces available. 585 - en. freshly painted, new SMALL :-acheior apt fur- Call Thomas C. Pike 8132 broadloom. on bus route. ^'gree± avadabke now Sales NEAR OSHAWA CENTRE close to GM North Plant $450 monthly Also moa Rep. RCKrtax Accord a ce -cm se ^i r nice $55C inclusive. first/last ern bachelor apt unfur. Realty Ltd. 5'f-3111 =oro Walk 'r-• :c deck a Available immediately misned avaiuble Oct 30. 1976 FULL Size Jim cry +ppltances 'ec •ocm - 434�353 $550 ,orthly 574 Cartier 57¢19 agement cit quiet street OSHAWA small base- Ave 728-7794 and only95,000 km, $7.595. 1987 Nissan auto king Cab. $4.995 . 1989 Avail Nov *St 59ru0 + 'td- ment apt weal for student. SOUTH OSHAWA, 2 bed- Will out above ground. fireplace 4rge windows self nes Phone 905-839-4659 $360i,o plus main- 'air I 1 room Aper Moor of sem,. Uurd f I- \ OLIVE/HARMONY 2 wrt K Dogs fY N various sizes also avail- Euro, black. loaded. A-1, 155.000 km, new starter. g' 'b stXkobls. library. South GM OSHAWA LARGE ? De%- ,alio ncudes parking F,nt/last required, avail. ry act les. 2 car parking, pirvale entrance. M \ t)edr;Or• _a.,. - :• S75C able Pet supplies and dD- $5.995 1991 Tem Tempo, air. reboil Carlo asking 55200 plant Available nvnedata Dom acar•,ert inch lire- aide vnrt sd ately 905- $675 all .npusrve.mature • Dedman' ,ower evei nations welcome Call auto. now only $3.695 obo as is Call Ian 905- ly 428-6328 1-7 pm for place. 6 ap;+IcanCal in- in 931 1490 working single or couple. auto, air and more 53300- wood stove. Sol ndudeg gory' "ave 2 DURHAM ANIMAL ADOP- 1990 Pontiac Firebird. 985-3757 aODonbTwt cuding laundry 2 bens. 1400 sq. ft air con- OSHAWA COURTICE no pets- available Nov 1 I 1 1 I '! "long car parkin 9 Nov st TION 905-438-8411 loaded. black with T -tops 1976 FULL Size Jim cry AVAILABLE Immediately. , dinorn intercom, g' Dan'm`g towni,re �droom apt 57¢19 1 1 � -89'd w•6� 754-89'9 AUlomobdes On, and only95,000 km, $7.595. 1987 Nissan auto king Cab. $4.995 . 1989 4x4 Excellent running ve- hide Hunters or snow- 1 APPLIANCES: Clean 1 bedroom around -nook apartment. Quiet court. pn- Gose a lake it Nov Ist utilities Avail Nov lot. Call Will out above ground. fireplace 4rge windows self SOUTH OSHAWA 275 Wentwiy!h St W .arge 2 bedroom. dose ' 11 1 , 1 PICKERING _.verpooi Ad >' =+air arrachve tOf Sale Ford F150 LXT Lanai, load- Plowing operators. have a smoker, no pets. $550 al to view 905-725-9991 contained. $550 nciu- to twses ham 23 (Lakeridgs Rd.) 3 eo,o ms_ inclusive. /st/lest inquired. ed. 111,000 led., $7,995 look S1950 080 Can 728- vate entrance. driveway, LARGE modem 2 bed- sve 571-0514 shopping. available imme- r r will yi00, n s ey b ^ad 1993 HYUNDAI , 1989 Tracker, auto, low 0705 fenced circ Mature. non- y room apt .n 4 -pin L arge OSHAWA 2 bedroom epi oattov, $600 6 up f edge, sac: fridge/stove, central corn fenced yard, super NEED A VEHICLE? kms. $6.995, 1986 Aries, �, Repairs smoker Available Nov 1st. balcony, laundry. parkin g freshly decorated, new car stove. heat. hydro. parkin g vac, fir fireplace. $t15o/mnm. (905)420-3241. me Dots. no Iris Utiirteg Poor credit No creWt 7 auto, 52,595 1990-92 1988 ASTRO MINI van, S650^+tr ist/last 576- All utilities included No Per. Clean. bright, quiet Ist nasi required, no oats 3 bedrooms wash Ancil S1CSC X5 7,_ 905-576-1 Call Tracie at . Cavaliers - 5 from $3,995 spent over $2 500 .n new 3830 pets. F,rsVlast. $750 mo txiddirg Utilities. parking 723-6637 rooms. garage -anted ot. 7222 n6 -a94 3765 905- 00 /-888- 4 Oldsmobile 88's and Darts and ropers 350 V-8 534 MARY ST E. WHITBY King/GraSWcew area. ncltided. Laundry faalittes SPACIOUS blight clean soac,ous eat n kitchen. SOUTH AJAX. ^.atx••eC 673 1 259-3673 1 can Mlpl el Butcit LeSabre's from engine needs paint, asking Nov or Dec 1 - Large 2 Avail Nov 1 576-8675 ('rood location Avail from bachelor apartment. upper asoung S950 negotiable Z storey 3 Dedr finished MERC Zephyr std- $6.995 Over 35 certl- $4.900 as is. or best offer apt bedroom in mature 2 BEDROOM, basement Oct 15 1stlast $685;,0 floor dose to all amenities. Plus unities Trulls Rd basement garage no pets tior wagon, orgirowner. fled reconditioned ve- Cali for more nfo 434.3976 building Broadloom large 1 1/2 bedroom base- Cal D & D 905.576-8572 utilities nduded, separate Hwy 2 905-673-8509 m^medkaie. Si.25u^ yus unk must see. runs w43 $1100 Miles now at Cortical throughout, 2 balconies, apl new carpet. separate entrance. app'iances, cion- OSHAWA avail ,mined entrance 5425;month AJAX 3 nes dt6+264 8866 Doo. Call 905-430-8930 Auto Centre, 155 King 1989 DODGE Caravan appluutcss, utilities, parking dry facilities. 57in loco- Luxury turnmried so $685, ry Oshawa 905. oedroorns, at;, - WHITBY CENTRAL after after Spm. SL W., Oshawa at Mid- SE. 7 passenger air. 9 included In- suits storage. P sive, near Pocketing Town mo. CnnsnNo single lady, 831-98lgin. 831_9888 air, new alablerosit 3 tee•:e•- 1982 OLDSMOBILE town hall Drive- 'When cruse, fitt, raw ares. rebuff security �f�1eru Centre available imme- DreferrW No smoxer pet TWO BE 2 eve' deck deo-. parking, available ,� S925 cad s;, 5375 plus blit.es Waterront ,Omega• 4 -door, good bras. Customer send motor $480(3 certified 080 666.2450 Oatety, 905-839-2194 For viewing 433-88-1. $795 n0usive Also one --o plus -til Call l 800d75-3949 Lac S ugog North Shore new block heater Best on- their frienM' (905) S79-28" Sun Open As is. 905-433-0775 Osha- ADELAIDE 6 MARY l3vERPOOUBAYLY, pager 404 73-8 leave de- bedroom $650 inclusive executive 4 bedroom home or 834-5762 PYA wa. Oshawa. bright 1 bedroom huge 2 -bedroom base. tailed rnss5ag! NovIst AJAX Harwood Gayly. 3 S105C plus ub'mes '905 1983 MAZDA RX7. Im-$600. lenge 2 +1 bedroom ment. parking. cable. Ce- OSHAWA immaculate (416) 699-52287 bedroom house ,,peer lev. 668--698C (905- 655- maculate,Calitmta car, LAKERIDGE WHOLE- 1995 GMCSatah teal 5900 includes heat and rarrxcs• Pool nrePlecal wet large and bight 2 bedroom TWO BEDROOM aoart N, paimil iaundry. Istlast 4107 summer driven only, Drgi- SALE 905-427-1777 'CL' due metallic. only 32.000 water can 723-6493, even- bar 5825 Quiet non- bill apt in raised bungs- meat fir 'el IOC sq h . Nov ist $1.025 inclusive WHITBY exeC7tive 4 nal pant, 88,000 mules. P/ 1990 Cheer Astro Van led fill. cruise, cassette and Ings smokers. immediate Can low Nice and quiet area near 0C. non smoker Call (905, 576-4178 leave Dedr„or• roma. S'300,mc M AM/FM, cassette, 52,600 8 passenger 6 cyl auto, air, more Asking 517.995 or AJAX - large one bedroom 905-837-1304 No -Dots. no smokers Avail guier.Istlast, 72&6754 message Pku utilities Available Dec 080. will Cerdly. 579-'1496 fully loaded $5900: 1991 Chev. Splint. 4 dr hatch- best offer (905) 831-9388 basement, separate en- Nov t $695 Call 725- WESTNEv HEIGHTS. 1 430-3745 1965 CELEBRITY , V6, car- hied excellent condition back, 3 cyl. 5 spoi krw kms, u�• 1991 Mercury 'GS' Trailers IM trance, laundry, air. newly renovated. 5650 reclusive Available Nov Ist No SQUARE 2 bedroom + family room North west 9989 CLEAN FAMILY BUILD- Basement bachelor 800 so tt.. central vac 6 air, AJAX South lokre'y de- tamed - 4 bedrooms 4blas WHITBY Bun ilow Dun g S! W 2�beorooms+ E2?95 00 Call 728-9348, Sable wagon, 3.8 litre view. 11th roof Avail lDe- ING North Oshawa, 1 2 6 separate entrance 6 Park. baths. finished walkout. den arge 60'x'40"ct. g 128 Park Rd. S. 6 cyl auto, air third seat and smoknrypets. Phone (905) comber 1st Parking It utile- 3 bdmts. Inclusive Pay ca- ing. 5550 an inclusive, can avail Nov t $120Cmc $85C-.T,hl Available fully loaded $6700; 1991 428-1639 nes included FIS Ensuite ble• parking & laundry fac. be furnished 683-4245 firstlasVreterences 905- mmeaate,y Call 905-430- 1986 HONDA In stor- Suzuki Sidekick 4X4 1981 TERRY 35 n. house AJAX Oxford Tower. laundry hook-up. For more 723-2094 eve.. 725-6027 days 832-0791 7816 age. Stags. tuned stalabrL hosed kMPVel .. 4 cyl. '-1 in.- tbe trailer 2 tip -outs awning Spacious apartments quiet into Cal 905-728-3050 extra rues, 52,000, cerlAisd.o,,,y„ 434-7771. Cavalier 4 f 4 d M. auto, -loaded, storm wind- fully -loaded. y bkxlding blow to shoDD'ng• NEWER Budding 2 bed 0699AWA• dose to Gil, 1, WHOLESALE 905-427- Air, am/fm Cass. low kms ows. furnace, suitable year• 401, GO Pod. sauna. One room apartment. 406 B1oor 2. 3 -bedroom apartments. 1986 HYUNDAI PONY, $650, 1988tang round Irving, asking bedroom November Ist, 3 St, E.. uukbes and parking 5600. $750 & $850 re - 4 door. AM/FM cassette, ZX' 2 dr, hatchback 4 ry( S10.000. Cal 905-263- brooms limn-katey and included. carpeted. laundry spectivWY Call 905-428- 05.42&good goodfor winter car. $600. auto, air and more 53300- 4575. Deesrti5er let. 683-8421 or facilities, firWast. $675/ 5740. Call John at 905-579.8296 ciliac 5:30 a^Y of tie above wit 7lesale tiny certaied range, air conditioning, 683-8571 until 7:30 p. m. month. Available Nov.lst. PARK & BLOOR, 2 Ixea �. with parertrain warranty. 1996 COMMODORE AVAILABLE Immediately. Can 905-438-0851. room . laundry laalities, 1968 FORD MUSTANG Also in stock 10 as is spa- Summerside, 12x40, Bal• Spacious 1 bedroom apt. NOVEMBER Ist. One bed- fenced yard, no pets, first & GT Cobra, 5 spaad, erica- ciao $250. to $2900. S/ sem Lake Trailer Park & Laundry, Parking, non- room, heat waw last. parking for 2. SeW lent condition. averYlhug comer Baseline and Dur- Marine, waterfront site on smoker, no pets. $550 al Da►� fridge, stove, faun- month nclusive. 723-1241 new. S6.50o - Cal .ort ham 23 (Lakeridgs Rd.) Trent Water Sustain- sell inclusive. /st/lest inquired. lir les a..� vuvc rk leave 01essage (905) 509.-bons LAKERI1 G due to illness. (705)374- Call Card at 666.5545- (965) 686-7870 Eve. Days. 5095 eve.. or (905) 825- WHOLESALE 905-427- 5043 or 705-730.7199. AVAILABLE AMIE- (905) 831-5132 Mary. 7754 days. 1968 LeBaron Coups. 2.5 1777. '83- A MUST SEEM 1984 DIATELY, In Whitby Apt. NOW AVAILABLE east 3 bedroom house, 159Km, boded. 111 LEASE to own ars, BS, �Yqe NOua, Terry Taurl 24' race too- ad newly painted. with bel- 1 112 b 1 1/2 baths. W. room, now brakes claw • Credit check. 570034 On- OSHAWA - 888 + 900 sWdiWs Plus ll b a� aied terio Ltd Barr 7428 bath, size ridge3and ping, all included, ties 668-8213. Another Ill $3200 certH�obo. Glen St., 2 bedroom apts. range, air conditioning, first / last required, no pats. availabb Nov. W. 579-9219 11 rd Crown Igo Chev. Cavalier, 65 000 fill 4•dr., air, sub., awning. Huntsville area. Asking $WW. Call 906- 1 bedroom $650, 2 bed - room. $750. al 430-0134. One bedroom and two Victoria, air con 351 mrM*n ass., green fn co- 721-1778 after 4 pm, or BRIGHT 2 bedroom bedrooms opts. from $450 wnr l6T 1-Dedrcionl apartment, available imme- Chattel $575/month in - dudes heat & pill" for iac Cal 430-0959 1 WHITBY DUPLEX, up- per floor. 3 beldroom, large kitdlen with appliances, Pill". $750 pin utilities. first & last., Cal 668-5788 AJAX. 'Westney He,ghil WHITBY, arge Deal 4 Beautiful 3 bedroom de- bedroom, with • Ded•.rom Cached home, very clean in -law -suite, 4 baths fenced yard, double ga. with finished basement with rage. Avail Nov ! NON 3 Pc bath, all appliances, SMOKER. $1250 plus utitr- $1150 per month. Call to- ties, 723-5084 day, Gerry Thatcher. Re - max First 696--3330 R ' Townhouses For Rent 3 BEDROOM townhouse (end unit) available rmRked in North Oshawa. Quiet complex. 1st & last re- quired. S850mth 723- 6708. 3 -BEDROOM: Close to 401, park, school; 4 ap- pliances, working couple Preferred. Available Noy- 1 WHITBY, large bright BOWIIANVILLE 3 bed- $850/month, utilities in - a. len.. pis. Pill Wer, 220,000 km, eernrted liver $7900. 576-6130 aim & Townline ata, and up pin utddree. 725 67 IN PICKERG - large 2 dean 1 bedroom base -room semi, available Dec eluded. FirsVlast required. $3800 obo, 725-4BB5 dose to amenrues, school bedroom basement. sow- menti, kitchen, livingroom, 1, $700 per month, plus 579.1173. 91 HONDA WHY PAY MORE? 1986 FOR SALE Terry Taurus & pa*, $670 month ilclu- OSHAWA - 888 + 900 ate entrance, parking, 4 pc. bath, paring, laundry ubkoes. Cal 430-2276 COURTICE 3 -bedroom CIVIC 5- Speed DX, Dodge Aries, red sedan, 4 trailer, 1979, oxcelill con- slue. first & last required. Glen St., 2 bedroom apts. laundry, S700 plus utillies. fadkGes, quiet residential townhouse. 1 1/2 -bath, nice 143 kms, while with blue Interior, All dr-, new motor, transmis- dition, sleeps 5-6 people, Avail. Nov. 1. 728-395 from $675- $710. 3 bed- $720; dose 3rd room 12 x 18 office / storage negotiable. home. Mins• to bus & GO. BOWYANVILLE- Cozy, location, access to schools, se- curity, Sion low iin"age good lots of extras, Cal 906.666- BROCK / HWY 2: One room apt. to (905) 509-5039 sep. el 5595 inclusive. 3 -bedroom detached church, public transit. avad- well-maintained. Askin g $5950 cert. 905- tbntition, very fie' bedroom basement t.home, aP y1p�g,schools, GM and Go. Utilities included. Ffrst/ 666-5786 garage entrance, aide Nov.15t. No pets. Call 687 2200- asking $2200. obo. Call Laundry and utlbes Indud- last required. Call 728 �r PICKETING -2 bedroom WHITBY- SPACIOUS good sins at end of cul-de- 905-420-1037 after 7 1993 HYUNDAI Ted 623 2481. Auto IPetrts � ' ad. Female 427- preferred. 4993 basemen[ apt., sap. en• trance, S850/mo. hydro basement apart- fumished/unfur- sac: fridge/stove, central KING & TOWov Sonata GLS, Wwr• PA. dd, now liras, new exhaust. Call 905-911M Automobile! �, Repairs 9643. CLEAN BASEMENT OSHAWA • 2 bedroom top floor of triplex, Oct. 15 poll M and gas included, available immediately. Call 416-421- might,bachelor menL niched: bright, quiet. C/A, no pets/smoking; separate vac, fir fireplace. $t15o/mnm. (905)420-3241. AREA avai,able Nov 1 1 Large 3 bdrm townh 623-8821. BODY WORK, rust repair, APT. avail. in Oshawa. Use of Unities and a- fir' session � • �0 plus lights, or 3300 ext. 442 Mon. -Fri. 8- entrance, parking. $530/ COUNTRY HOME in neutral decor, 4e appl., 1 tit baths, basement 8 garage. 1993 Talon Eagle, white, tloor repair, welding. frame included. 5500./mo. lar one bedroom our- nished 1 apt. ��' / p.m. or 905-427-9552 evarweekends. moth. tstlast., al -inclusive. Available immediately. Hampton, 4 bedrooms. 2 $895 + util. Phone 721- ABS, alai auto, fully loaded, � TOP DOLLARS r ePal repair, trailer repair &wheel 90 905.668-0931 plus lights. Leave message Y 666-2149' bans. IsVlast months rent. 8213. Evening and wee- 511,500- "6190469 or paid kr scrap cars, 7 days per week- Used parts avail- bearings. 1801 Wentworth, HWY r2, ROTHERGLEN, 576-8381 or 433-5550. PICKERING 2 -bedroom basement, separate en- WHY rent when can available November Ist 5900 Per mo. plus utilities. kend a ointments avail - PP aide. 1994 CHEV Astro Van, able. 663-7301 or 428- Unit 12, Just east d Thick- son beside Coffee Express. Immaculate, t modem, OSHAWA - immaculate trance, fenced yard, park- you own your okvn home for Phone (604) 762-5653 cif• NEWER PICKERING: 3 8 Pass.. extended cab load 1879 abler 6 pm. Call905-721.2540. large 2 bedroom- separate entrance, 4 appliances, rno large 1 1/2 bedroom base- ing. dose to all amenities, less than you trunk?!! Cal ter 3 p.m. bedroom townhouse 5956 ek1. dutch doors, $17,500. plus (905) $S0. to $7500... Cash on Ilia spot for scrap cars n smoking/pets. available im- rtwnt No Non. apt pints• smoker, unldies, cable and $695/month. I pus utinkes Oct. availability, Call 831- Dave Haylodk Sales Rep. Re/Max Summit Realty plus 2 bedroom seniors apt. $6se 65s -487o trucks. Anytime. Call 905- mediately. $780. first a last. utilities included. 428-1428. Included. First/la0. 9730. (1991) Ltd. 6683800 inclusive , bed - room seniors apt $725. 706.5740. Available Available Nov. 1. $650. or (905) 666.3211. 3211 elusive. Call 9055-837--29201n 404-9194 PAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,1996 MTo" 07mho uses Space Rooms I I CoRdOF�or Ga ap + I I For11For Rent For RentEAW For Rent I For Rent AVAILABLE STARTING MID OCTOBER FAMILY COMMUrT=S MONARCH MEWS / POST HILL / RIVER BREEZE 2.3 & 4 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES RENTS RANGING FROM '785 TO '970 PER MO. PLUS UTILITIES NO SUBSIDIES AVAILABLE CLOSE TO SCHOOLS. SHOPPING AND TRANSIT PLEASE CALL MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. (905)) 6�83-►9269 T AJAX•MUNICIPAL•-_- ,S'v=•"1r;D^�4- _ NORTH OSHAWA. 3 bedroom a basement townhouSes In well main- tained family complex Freshly decorated with Frig !stove. close to all amenities Starting at $738'month On site Mgmt office Call 905-728-3777 li cauO DuPont Canada Canada's Leading Supplier of Automotive Finishes 408 Fairall St., o Ajax, Ont. STEVE SMITH CARPENTRY, LTD. Contracting Est- 1979 Complete home and office remodelling. General improvements and additions. Ouality workmanship at reasonable prices. REMEMBER, YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR GUARANTEE 427-7400 Ashland Drew Chemical Limited 525 FINLEY AVE. AJAX, ONT. 683-01 50 NEWLY -DECORATED Room for lease in busy Oshawa Hair Salon Lunch room facility available. Looking for nail technician/ esthetician to occupy. Available immediately. S400/month all Inclusive Phone 905-728-2401 after 7pm Rooms for Rent AJAX - Furnished room for rent, non smoker, $400 per mo immediately. Tele. phone 427-4973 AJAX, clean , quiet room with own 2 pcbath use of kitchen & laundry. Working non smokers preferred 5375 Inclusive 619-0792 PICKERING GAYLY/ WESTSHORE furmsheo - ^ . Shared bath $400 facilities Including park- : laundry. separate en - a hole. 839-4643 SOUTH PICKERING 1-e large basemen room. . ely furnished at 5400 D,e smaller room at $350 ], at clean home Mature P Ilemen preferred Im - scute 839-0257 CLEAN, BRIGHT House. Oklahoma & Whites Rd. Room, for rent, monthly. Hvdro staff welcome! 420-0042 SIMCOE i ROSSLAND area Finished rooms for clean quiet person. Cook- ing Near bus & Durham College. Private entrance $250 8 up monthly Call 905-728-4845 SOUTH Ajax Pleasant bedsitting room, fnendly adult home. own 2 -piece bath, pose to bus. Share all facilities. non-smoker S85/ week 427-0394, after 6 pm Rooms Wanted COMMUTING business - mar working shifts needs pnvate room with bath close to Picker -g Town Centre Must be quiet ac- commodations, smoke, Please can (7051741-3623 APARTMENT to share in luxury home, all amenities, fireplace. A must see! Pro- tessionals or students wel- come. Non-smokers. $400/ month. 905.436-3505 A MUST TO SEE Brock Rd /Hwy 2 - well main- tained home to shareall facilities. Phone. cable TV, central alarm, central air, bus at door. $400. Days (416) 464-1767 or eve. af- ter 9 p m (905) 428-0210 NEAT and tidy person to share quiet home, fur- nished room. non smoker, Ist/last. $375 per mo call 725-$459 GENTLEMAN has com- pletely lurmshed 2 -bed- room apartment to share. 1stAast a must! Call 905- '28-7305 LOW RENT in exchange for sitting 9 year old boy. short hours each week. $150/month, no last re- quired, available imme- diately 905-571-4788 leave message SOUTH AJAX townhouse to share Parking, cable, rec-room included Use of bath, kitchen, laundry Leave message 427-5295 WHITES RD. a 401: Two rooms with private bath. Second Moor of quiet non-smoking home Shared facilities. Suits working people or students. 905-420-1909. � COIId01nIf111111R For Rent AJAX CONDO on the lake for rent. F/S, dish- washer, fireplace. 1 bed- room, available ASAP $775./mo. Call Roseanne (905)883--0319 leave mes- sage. AJAX- Near 9each; 1 bdrm. patio. 5 app.. Indoor pool, 1 prkg, $790/mth a util. 1st & last. Nov.tst. 427- 0569. AVAILABLE immediently Parkwood Village. Courtice. Comfortable 1725 sq. ft . 2nd & 3rd levels. Solarium. 2 bdrm . loft. Fireplace & 5 apple included. Car wash. tennis courts 51100./mo Phone 905-436-5397 after bpm or 905-885-2009 PICKERING. Trials' con- do. ' -bedroom. solanum, 1 parking deluxe rec facili- ties available Dec 1st Call 905-837-2259 evenings TOWNHOUSE, 3 bed- room condo, full basement, available immediately, $950 month includes all utilities. First and last months. Call Jean Lafoy R.E. 436-6484 EXECU-SURE: one bedroom furnished suite, including dishes, linen, tel- ephone cable at all in - RV STORAGE. Complete year-round large secured gravel compound, fenced & locked. Located behind Metro East Trade Centre. Brock Rd/401 Pickering. 905-655-1168. lndti$bW E e Units clusive Whitby. Long terrn/ short term. 1-905.852- 5128 INDUSTRIAL Units. Thoroton-TervriNegar, 968.5 sq. ft. $3.25 sq. ft net e I Office b Retail Space + MIT, 579-5077 or after Spm 571-3281. Florkb rj e I Vac, Rentals OSHAWA 4 Months Free Rent M- 3000 sq. Wednesday, October 9th - 6:00 pm. to 9:00 p.m. Lwr Nl. $900. 850 sq.2nd. Mr. $550. 600 sq. main $500. 250 sq. main $350. 600 2nd Mr $500. Call 434- 2447 or 655-4132 NEWLY RENOVATED, office space for rent. on Simi St N Oshawa 450 sq ft. compete with com- puter room . lunch room and much more. very rea- sonable. Available now Call 576-6999 Steve Let's "Hear It" for CLEARWATER, 3 bed- room mobile (permanent homes) heated pools. hot tub. minutes to beaches. blue Jay baseball. NHL Hockey, NFL Football & horse &dog tracks Child- ren welcome, $275 weekly, (905)683-5503. MOBILE Home for Sale Bradenton. Florida. 35x1011. furnace, fridge, new stove. 4 -piece bath. all furnish - ,rigs. 52.000 Cdn Call 905- 655-4792 Fire Prevention Week - October 6 - 129 1996 OPEN HOUSE AT AJAX FIRE STATIONS The Ajax Fire Department will be holding station tours plus // providing fire safety education literature to the general public / *e during Fire Prevention Week. Ajax fire stations, located at 40 Westney Road North (Station #1) and 435 Monarch Avenue (Station #2), will be open for tours on the following dates and times. r -J] 1'-r Sunday, October 611it - 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 P.M. Test Monday, October 7th - 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 P.M. Your Tuesday, October 8th -6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 9th - 6:00 pm. to 9:00 p.m. Smoke Thursday, Oafs 10th - 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Alarms Friday, October 11th - 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Saturday, October 12th - 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. BROCK RD 8 2, Great family location, 3+1 bed- room, 4 baths, walkout basement, newly broad - loomed & decorated, $158,500. Call (905)294- 8461 or(905)473-3268 COUNTRY IN THE CRY: Two unique homes in Maxwell Village, North Oshawa. First home; raised bungalow style over look- ing Oshawa with 4 bed- rooms, 94'X140' lot, living area 4000 sq. ft., in ground pool. Second home: Swiss type Chalet, 3 bedrooms, In ground pod, living area shy of 3000 sq. ft. Call days 416-535-2131, evenings 905.723-8477. NO AGENTS. OPEN HOUSE Sunday Oct 6th 2-4pm 13 Mull Cres. Courtice 2200 sq. ft. Kassinger built. 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 baths. main floor fam- ily room w/ walkout to deck. Fenced, partially finished bsmt. 5 app., CAC & VAC. 905-436-2784 WHITBY; Garden SI Townhouse - condo. 3 bdrm end unit w/ garage and walkout. Gas on site. Newly renovated $97,707 905-665-8215 ICTORY SIRE EQUIPMENT INC. TOTAL FIRE PROTECTION • Fire extinguishes sales a service .<1 • Smoke detectors AFTER HOURS CALL 831-8849 1730 McPHERSON CT. VICTORY FIRE EQUIPMENT INC. 831-2343 News Advertiser SUPPORTS 0 "FIRE PREVENTION WEEK" To advertise in our monthly community pages Call Janet 905-579-4400 ext. 2303 FIRE EXTINGUISHER ""01114, SALES - SERVICE - INSPECTIONS CONSULTING SERVICE FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALISTS Serving Durham Region Malcolm Wadsworth (905) 431-1804 15-75 Bayly St. W. Suite 248, Ajax L1 S 7K7 AJAX FIRE DEPARTMENT 435 MONARCH AVENUE, rl�l_ E 683-7791 Be Fire Chief for a Day Name:Age: • ' Address: DISCOUNTS FOR AGE 50 • New Home • Alarms • No Claims City: col Code: • JONES -DOOM S, Phone W RA C y Parent's MARSHA JONES DOOM AMC 00 Signatwe "Penes al Service Is our Difference" w by 12 The Ajsx Fire Deprtmentr Wal-Mart and 427-3595 McDonald's Reftmft of Ajax 6 OPPtxtunilies EXECUTIVE HOME in prestige area of Whitby. 2.650 sq. ft.. 4 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms, central vac and central air, air cleaner, heated in ground POOL fire- place, fully fenced and landscaped backyard. Ask- ing $256,900. Call 430- 0548 to arrange a viewing. Senous offers only. No agents. IMMACULATE BEAUTI- FULLY decorated 4 level back split, close to schools, 3 bedrooms, living dining room, eat in kitchen, den, main floor laundry and family room with walkout. gas fireplace, gas heat, central air, new roof, wind- ows, 2 washrooms, partially finished basement, pod, double garage OPEN HOUSE. Sunday Oct.6. 1-4 pm. 270 Blue Heron Drive. Oshawa (Harmony/Ade- la,de area). or Call for appt (905) 728-2079. Asking $176.000 OSHAWA - 3 bedroom home. gas heating. walkout from living room to large fenced yard, Attersley / CobbleMll area. $128,000 Call (905) 571-6685 PICKERING - quiet Glen- dale Cr/ end Cluster 3 plus I bedroom. 1 - 4 pc.: 2- 2pc . sunken Irving room. C/ au. fireplace. finished bbasement, newly decorat- ed. 6 appliances Plus lots more $156.900 839543 PRIVATE RAVINE and basement apartment Three pus one bedroom bunga- low. 2 kitchen, totally reno- vated. hardwood floors, ce- remcs. galore, separate side entrance to basernent apartmentwith walkout basement. new oak kitchen, aa. high efficiency gas N. impeccable home. Call Frank, Sutton Group. 430- 9000 $159,000. SOUTH AJAX: detached 2 storey 2400sq it. tome. 4 bedrooms. 3 -baths, FIR 10 man spa. 60' TV AIC Man floor laundry. finished berm 5232.900 905-683-2309 nvestment Property COMMERCIAL PROPER - Tv !or rent High traffic area. $1000/month. C1 Z"'ng Call Jean Lafoy R E 436-6484 1 Condos for Sale EAST HAMPTONS Atax - 2 oedrooms. 2 bathrooms. 3rd floor Condo writ, balco- ny. 5 appliances, window dressings. avadade now. $96 000 683-4000 'Out -Of -Town pmpwdn NATURE'S Own wanking, swimming privacy. 100 wooded acres, newer 4 Seasons. 2000sq.ft. HOME. Hwy frontage, 1 12 hours north. $138,500. Private sale 905.985-3263. P.E.I. - OCEAN VIEW LOTS on Cape Sharpe, Gaspereaux P.E.I., just moments from Pamure Is- land Beach. 100 x 200. $7000 each. 905.434- 6311 Wvacatkm $9500 full priced, Seektd- ed wooded Trailer lot, ad- ladent to huge county for- est. good road, sandy beach, fishing. Col ouly area. (416)431-1555 ME:t0=4:LW�:W VtlTM A LOAN M ANTEED..SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES, OTHERS 00 NOT. IT is SUGGESTS THAT YOU INVESTIGATE UGH BEFORRE SMNMa ANY CONTRACTS, with $80,000 to earn 11% per annum plus $15,000 bonus for 24 months fully secured by property, experienced principals for confidential due diligence package, with no obligation call (905) 721-2594 rem, Tenders M :T:e:nders 1996-97 WINTER MAINTENANCE TENDER Will be available for pickup on MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1996 at 11:00 a.m. Tender closing date Wed. Oct. 1S, 1996 - 3 p.m. Tenders may be picked up at the D.R.R.C.S.S.B. PLANT DEPARTMENT 652 Rossland Rd. West, Oshawa in the ground floor meeting room. There will be a brief one hour information session at this time. Inquires welcome. Call (905) 576-6707, Ext. 243 Katharina Kortekaas, Supervisor of Purchasing Services • Mortgages, Insurance CREDIT LINE MORTGAGE LOAN Looting for better rates 7 Need motley lash Turned down' Creditors calling? Call for a FREE consultation JOHNSTON i COOK The FirhanoW Experts 905-428-1232 MORTGAGESGood. bad and ugly Finan,% br acy purpose, rates from 5 95%, A11 applications ac- c•pted. Community Finen- CNW Services 668-6805 e ' Business �rtunitves IF YOU ARE a hairstylist with some clientele and wish to haw your own stop, there is an opporturu- ty hare for you. Two chairs in established hair salon in Oshawa, for sale or rent. Ask for Lina or Mary 728- 4623 MONEY MACIMNES- 30 bun( candy vending me- chine3 on location. Great cash businessf t-888-872- 2575 NET $1000 WEEKLY! Home-based business, training d support, free au- dio iii brochure. 435-0076 24 hours. Serious calls Pillai••• PINE LOFT. furniture 8 atxesr-cri store. estab- lished 19 yrs. Wwantory, Kk, prow - opera- profitutu.. n $129.000. fax (905) 853-5%7. RENTAL Busirnas located on Hwy 2. sales still in- crem". Priem location. Sunounding aha dsvloP- inp. $75,000. contact CLga Cardona W. Frank Reel Estate 905.435-5375 or fax 905435-5383. . 1 Personals Duthem's saltiest most ett,tltdve lades. RON", discreet, out Cab only X1 14tim 1 Personals BORED ONTARIO HOUSEWIVES - names d privatephone numbers. I- 900-45 1 -36M -900-451-3638 ext 704. S3.29/mn, must be 18 T. tone EVANLY RAYS Police use us Rated 01 Solutions on Career, Relationships. Health. Lova S2 99/mnute 18- 1 .900 -4511055 GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS' Talk to them now!" One-on- one!! 24 flours a day 1. 900-451-5302 ext 3312 S3 99 per min. Must be 16 Yrs Procan Co. (602) 954- 7420. e mpanions EASTSIDE CONNEC- TIONS DATELINE - Free to call to place your ad, no charges for lades. no Phone bill charges. 905- 430-7060 Looking for Lova in al f Ch;;:Mor g Plias? ytxr ludt Call M/1TCrM� MATES irtrOdULlbrme We can hal. .acts -03" Birthdays = Y11111:D1113 Judy Soomre - You are hereby sentenced to 50 yrs. of Birthday Wishes" to be Carried out happily & healthy with family and friends. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Vy10ND SH! p DIAMOND SHINE MM 619-2899 221 W-ftM Rd. S.. Unit A. Atm. We are Specialists - Interior vacuum & shampoo - Carpets & mats are washed & shampooed and much, much more. Call for full details on advertised specials. QUIRE ABOUT 01 FALL 8 WINTER RUSTPROOFING It- � tt- II- int- It- tt-I P 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED, WARRANTY APPROVED WINTER SAVINGS LUBE, OIL, FILTERS $16`9 y� I OW40 1 PE![MOIL 'O!t•M11 �fi OCT. ?1Hi � 1 1 RADIATOR $49.95 SPECIAL 1 O ^ OFFER EXPIRES Oct 71/96 1 CANNOT COMBINE COUPON WITH ANY OTHER OIL CHANGE OFFER. RECOMMENDED EVERY 1 3 MONTHS OR s,000 KY. CMWN 7 DAYS A M►a EK 195 WESTNEY RD. (South of 401) 1905) 427-6796 THREE BEARS AUTO BOGY OF AJM LAROWAMOWY ANA � xServing Va/ia�VA The Dllrhals ••.5....• Free Estimates Complete Collision Specialist 8 Refinishing To Cars & Trucks Frame Straightening e Rust Repairs e Insurance Claims THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,1996 -PAGE 25 10 `of over 9 years in Business -- Has Relocated &b 998 Dillinigl'ltam Rd beside Bay Sports) 4 LUBE Includes: Tire Rotation, , OIL dt 6.95 Brake Inspection & Check I Haus: FILTER165 L d w over for the winter I Iron. -Fri. 7 a.m.-6 p.m.EXPIRES OCT 311% 839-9250 � Sat.,Ba.m..12now Prepare your car for winter with a visit to Diamond Shine Diamond Shine had a great summer this year thanks to the many new and returning customers that used their top quality detailing service. "We hope to see them again soon;" says Joanne Elawar. -Because even though winter is coming, you should still keep your car clean in order to prolong its live and maintain Its value" Diamond Shine offers a variety of car cleaning and detailing packages to suit your particular needs and also does undercoating and rust proofing. For as little as S 14.95. you can have your vehicle hand washed and dried and the interior cleaned and acuumed. Also, ask about their pre - winter storage service for your boats, cars and custom vehicles. Diamond Shine has a preferred customer coupon available. If you have the S24.95 service done 1 I time,, you get the 12th one free. The service includes an interior vacuuming, interior window cleaning, tire dressing. exterior wash and chamois dry. They have weekly specials available all the time. This week, take advantage of the engine shampoo, exterior wash and chamois dry for 534.95. The regular price is 549.95. This family business, located at 221 Westney Rd. S.. in Ajax, includes Joanne along with brother Nach and dad Jamil. Joanne says the business has been growing because they know, that without the support of their customers, they wouldn't be succeeding in the car cleaning and detailing business. " V`'e have always strived to give our customers the best quality work possible." say, Joanne. 'We also treat them the way we would want to hv- treated." For more information about Diamond Shine call 619-2899. -- -W il'w %x W a/ -- DIAMOND SHINE Yue 'I'!FilREF"Iry S 6943 FinAL-y Ave. Ajax, Ont. Honesty Is The Best Policy! 619-2899 "Honesty, Perfection Customer Satisfaction" Reaaowtble Prices 0L "Outs & I LUBE lance FILM`'ly►eels l tea. I "Ch aft Itwaa• I—s,ies I ExPNESOCt>V!i ` A UNT 1208, 212 YONWN AYE, AW (9051619-2327 omwr Medial SaikaN would like to drank ail his VWwd Customers a friends for thin piefton"p- j PAGE 26 -THE NEWS ADVERTLSER SUNDAY. ()('TnRER 6- 1996 am im A F7 Impro ome DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS (905) 579-2222 Complete Selection of Vinyl Windows & Doors CASEMENT DOUBLE TachRbid20050 HUNG TILT -ACTION' J • picture { Windows • Bay & Bow _ Windows •'nsurance Maims • patio Doors • Storm Doors • New onstruction Windows • Mass & Screen Repairs MOBILE SHOWROOM FREE ESTIMATES WAYNE HUTCHINSON 696 KING ST W SALES SERVICE 8 OSHAWA. ONTARIO INSTALLATION L1J 21-3 Te&I"2006"(905) 579-2222 vement MOBILE -JOB SITE MIXED CONCRETE • AVAILABLE -MONDAY -SATURDAY -CEMENT -SAND & GRAVEL -CONCRETE & UNSHRINKABLE FILL -COLOURED CONCRETE -CONCRETE RESTORATION & REPAIR PRODUCTS -STONE SLINGER SERVICE 905-683-6501 1-800-473-7385 2890 BROCK RD. N. PiCKERNG (BROCK RD. N & TAUNTON RD.) Serving the Durham Region for over 30 Years K ILPATRICK CONSTRUCTION Basement, Home Renovations (Bathrooms, etc.) Andwrized Conhadar CONSWAER5 GAS DON'T PAY FOR " DAYS YOU CAN APPLY ff TO YOUR GAS BILL ON O -A -C. HOME IMPROVEMENT'S Additions - 2nd floors • Batltrooms - Phx d)N - DecWferces Wiring e Tiding • Drywall WE SUPPLY PERMITS & PLANS REFERENCES & PICTURES AVAILABLE FULL INSURED e ALL WORK GUARANTEED 97 Church St, 905-428-8785 Ajax ,-s88-845-44 Over 20 years experience SALES • SERVICE • PARTS RENOVATIONS & REMODELING 24 HOUR PLUMBING SERVICE (WITH NO CHARGE FOR OVERTIME) Romarc Renovations Ltd " Over 40 Yean Emrfewe" *YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENT EXPERTS* * Drvwall And Fine Carpentry * Ceramic and Vinyl Floor Tiles * Wood Deck and Wood Fences * Drvwall Textured Ceiling * Replacement Windows & Doors * Carport Balcony and Porch * Shingled Roofing * Computer Design Drawings One of the largest plumbing parts *Building Permit Application department in the greatToronto area. We Do It All. Foundation To Roof Pictures and References Available All Work Guaranteed Call Bob (905)420 3044 1050 BROCK RD. -UNIT 7 PICKERING 4r ,„, *„ W,.s I.;sc .e:..:-,�.; .n3 _ . ,C rt Gardiner's Duct Cleaning tackles dust to make breathing easier :oij Aft NER yd ` .I, w f . X16 �8�'•3292 � . __. �_ The truck mounted unit is excellent for cleaning ducts in commercial, residential and industrial properties. The FALL SALE includes a hook-up for $39.95 plus $5 per vent (minimum 12 vents) and a chimney sweeping service for 549.95. 1-800-421-1349 Toll Free. Dust can be more than just an annoyance if you don't do something about it. Not only can it be a constant source of work come cleaning time, but it can also irritate your eyes, throat and cause breathing problems. That's why more and more residential, industrial and commercial customers are calling Gardiner's Duct Cleaning to tackle this problem head on. Sam and his son Scott have been cleaning, heating and air conditioning Pr ducts for over five years and they advise anyone who has not had them cleaned for a long time to get it done as soon as possible. Its a procedure that takes very little time compared to the amount of time you'll enjoy Mean dust -free air in your home and it is further beneficial in that it reduces heating • and roofing costs. The large truck -mounted, 181-1P vacuum unit shown in the photo above, packs more power for those tough jobs they encounter. The procedure for both is simple. Sam fist closes off your vents and makes an opening in the main duct Then, while the vacuum unit sucks air into a holding chamber, a hose is put into the upstairs vents, one at a time, and bk)ws the dust and dirt into the downstairs unit. They Also use the air snake method which ensures ducts are completely rid of dust and debris. The air snake method consists of a device being inserted into the ductwork while a mobile head reaches into every inch of duct work to aisWp dust and debris. "Dust will not only affect your health but ruin furniture and draperies," says Sam. "Having your ducts cleaned cuts down on cleaning and adds life to your furniture, carpets and drapes." Sam also provides chimney sweeping at competitive prices with service that is always friendly and courteous. Caps and screens are available to keep out unwanted pets. Presently, Ganfiner's Duct ` Cleaning is offering a FALL SPECIAL featuring a hook-up for $39.95 plus $5 per vent and a chimney sweeping for $49.95. There is also 2 RES new services available: • (1) Dryer -Duct cleaning with the purchase of duct cleaning for only $20. and (2) bride and stone fireplaces cleaned. Ask about free estimates. So, •If you're sick and tired of your home being buried in dust, give Gardiner's Duct Cleaning a call at 1-800-421-1349. Appointments are available seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. You'll find us in the yel ow pages. Customers from Markham to Scarborough to Oshawa have relied on their service and are now enjoying a healthy home environment. Isn't it time you did too? Call (416) 282-3292. y fbn°r SILVER CARPET & RUGS INCREDIBLE PRICES INCREDIBLE SAVINGS VISIT OUR SHOWROOM NOW ON SALE x„0o,1 stw a sex macv+a DON'T MISS THIS SALES EVENT FOR FREE! SHOP AT HOME SERV!CE OR ESTIMATE CALL - UNIT 3 -487 Westney Rd. S. 683-4292 AJAX TREE REMOVAL • TREE PRUNING • RESIZING HOWARD'S LANDSCAPING 8c CONTRACTING Service Supplied • Lawn Care • Lawn Maw !mance • Interlock Driveways • Precast Retaining Walls • Custom Fences & Decks • Residential • Commercial • Industrial Work Guaranteed Phono 905-839-0282 Numb— ,4,.166-41.2-7922 I®aornrcu— ill• neont%w Over 20 Years Experience NORJO ENTERPRISES • WINDOWS • - • DOORS • • PATIO DOORS • DECKS Samples.. In -Home or Showroom References Available (905) 839-2255 ENERGY EFFICIENT PRODUCTS FOR YOUR HOME safism wW"mERGY HOME IAI!'ROVBMFIYfS •w>QVDows NO •SOFFIT, FA.SOA > 'a •EAVES TROUGHS •INSUUWM SIDING *HVAC •U4SURED & 1JCMC® FM FREE FSTO&C IES CAU Il (905) 831-0556 GARDINER'S DUCT CLEANING, CHIMNEY SWEEP Dryer Duct cleaning only $20.00 with purchase of Duct Cleaning Hook-up $39.95 - $5 per vent ctumNEY SWEEPING (*&X 149.95 RESIDENTIAUCOMMERCIAL Srwk• nm thW u"d (416) 282-3292 7 A THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6,1996 -PAGE 27 A f 11 0 ow�up to anyone who used to shop at Consumers Distributing EATON'S Our c efforts ff rt nY president,sko�rge Eaton We're skin recently omers that the want demonstrate to Consumers j us wrote about the YOU that we're here to � �I, store. I Distributing our partners to Prove and we're continuing to rind g to work with If you've got a Cons umers and needs repair from one of the that's still under warranty here, x•11 replace m manufacturers that identical from or repair it- Y°U see equal value. ' We'll find (If W don't carry this ) We've worked hard you a comparable item up- Because it with our of moans a lot less Partners to set And as hassle for you. �'� • Eaton wrote if credit card, we've made You've got a Cons ments in our stores. arrangements to yrs Distributing accept your account pay_ At Eaton's we believe in Why we creat 9ivin in -stock item ed stir Vice -Match gaYou value I for your money. That ' s in-st em adve match that advert- fora 1 You find an °� hone Price. * And of coursewer Price anywhere else, identical o cow n back guarantee: everything we sell to Eaton' "Goods satisfactory is covered b You exceptional products a hogrew w ices. working hardermoney togae•nY Sincerely Raymond Picard General Market Manager P.S. We're valid 1 ext _ major credit a great offer: Br' ng in right away, and you, d� rocelOgc off ss Your Eaton d applicatConsumers ion and a ton Cala ion Darcba,8** tbat day . * * Km`s'""as+ CITIZEN _ •�.�... Dorf- � ft SONY eRRun A, 9w+was lot sk Got a Consumers product that's still under warranty and needs repair? If it's one of the brands listed in this ad, and you've got proof of purchase, we'll replace it or repair it. (If we don't carry that identical item, well find you a comparable item of equal value.) We reserve the riot to have any om repa*W or replaced by the numdacww; no refunds. Offer m& Jaimm y 31,1997. Eaton's. We want to be your store. .Any questions? Call 1-800-267-3286. *Excludes special buys and 'no tax" offers. Details in store. **ftsterCard, VISh or AMEX. Discount offer good for new Eaton Card custooers only. Regular -price purchases only; a not valid in conjunction with any other offer. Offer excludes Panasonic GADO TVs, furs, watch straps, Royal Velvet towels, cosmetics i fragrances, restaurants, Eaton Gift Certificates, concessions or services. Offer ends October 31, 1997. PAGE 28 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, SUN., OCTOBER 6,19% 1993 TON -()TA 4-14I'\tiF;R ►A. A%IT'll -L" _ alurtunum v,heel, 1994 VOLKSNNAGON GOLF GTl ,Lr Only ' 3:1 l/month' 1993 %1lA/.1)A NIX3 GS 1990 OL►)NMOH11.17, (1"114:hs .. . I t 2, — 1992 BERE"FrA. GT/. 1993 CHRVSLER DY%ASTV 1991 CARAVAN LE 1995 HONDA CIVIC LX Only '-164/month-Only X347/month• n u n u Interior ,tom Shampoo Includes Free Inspection CERTIFIED SPECIALS 1994 Ford Tempo 1993 Mazda Protege 1993 Dodge Shadow 1992 Plymouth Laser 1992 Lumina Eurosport 1992 Eagle Vista 1991 Dodge Caravan 1991 Toyota Camry 1991 Ford Taurus 1991 Volkswagon Jetta 1991 Chevv Cavalier 1991 Ford Tempo 1990 Dodge Caravan 1990 Crown Victoria 1990 Jeep YJ 1990 Toyoto 4 -runner 1989 Cadillac Deville 1988 Jaguar XJ6 1988 Dodge Caravan 1987 Dodge Dakota P/U 1985 Town & Country Wagon AND MORE 55K 95K 1995 Es('OR,r I.\ Only 247/month' 72K 6( 1993 NIAZD% \II \1'% Onk '32Z/month' ;29K 71 1995 TOVOTA ('UROLLA ()nly 5189/month• 1989ITN('01.11 (I)\l'1\FATAL 19941110\1)%( 1\It l \ A,- Onhv ' 2,8,S/month' 1991 ('HF.% Y ('%% V IFR Onh � 190/month' 1994 MERCURV SABLE Only 1328/month- 1993 NISSAN 300ZX Only 5599/month- VTO SERVICE SUPER CENTRE Cars, vans. light trucks SLASH THE COST op Your CAR nzPA/RS ' FRONT OR REAR BRAKES Most cars. light trucks and vias Fromw1t1cmico" Most cars •Includes new premium pads • Includes ChamQPion an Labour to install plugs and labour to install - Vans & 19U*-0CL 31M *Other parts and labot.r extra if needed r..rtrr, OWL ]IAI n � a�Most cars, light trucks & vans *Includes computer check and$ labour to adjust 119 'Shims and parts extra if needed Expiry 4b t. 11 IAM 1698 Bayly St. (just south of 401, west of Brock) • 1:19I9 No Payment No Interest FOR 6 MONTHS Parts/Labour (excluding tires) 4 cyl. 6 cyl. $39 $59 _ 8 cyl. *Includes new car warranty & awnpktc oil chmgc with up to 5L of premium I0W30 tw 5W311.4*1, full insiltion & topping of all fluids FSA19-98 )*t..VYri!r S 3V% ��O Turn regular oil into Syntcch g Ultra Supreme Ervine Treatment ftw onlv..__._.._ (just south of the 401) in Pickerin Hours: Mon, Maes, Thurs, Fri -7:30 am - (ipnit, .. m- W -7. 7 VV"/o k dumper 1993 TON -()TA 4-14I'\tiF;R ►A. A%IT'll -L" _ alurtunum v,heel, 1994 VOLKSNNAGON GOLF GTl ,Lr Only ' 3:1 l/month' 1993 %1lA/.1)A NIX3 GS 1990 OL►)NMOH11.17, (1"114:hs .. . I t 2, — 1992 BERE"FrA. GT/. 1993 CHRVSLER DY%ASTV 1991 CARAVAN LE 1995 HONDA CIVIC LX Only '-164/month-Only X347/month• n u n u Interior ,tom Shampoo Includes Free Inspection CERTIFIED SPECIALS 1994 Ford Tempo 1993 Mazda Protege 1993 Dodge Shadow 1992 Plymouth Laser 1992 Lumina Eurosport 1992 Eagle Vista 1991 Dodge Caravan 1991 Toyota Camry 1991 Ford Taurus 1991 Volkswagon Jetta 1991 Chevv Cavalier 1991 Ford Tempo 1990 Dodge Caravan 1990 Crown Victoria 1990 Jeep YJ 1990 Toyoto 4 -runner 1989 Cadillac Deville 1988 Jaguar XJ6 1988 Dodge Caravan 1987 Dodge Dakota P/U 1985 Town & Country Wagon AND MORE 55K 95K 1995 Es('OR,r I.\ Only 247/month' 72K 6( 1993 NIAZD% \II \1'% Onk '32Z/month' ;29K 71 1995 TOVOTA ('UROLLA ()nly 5189/month• 1989ITN('01.11 (I)\l'1\FATAL 19941110\1)%( 1\It l \ A,- Onhv ' 2,8,S/month' 1991 ('HF.% Y ('%% V IFR Onh � 190/month' 1994 MERCURV SABLE Only 1328/month- 1993 NISSAN 300ZX Only 5599/month- VTO SERVICE SUPER CENTRE Cars, vans. light trucks SLASH THE COST op Your CAR nzPA/RS ' FRONT OR REAR BRAKES Most cars. light trucks and vias Fromw1t1cmico" Most cars •Includes new premium pads • Includes ChamQPion an Labour to install plugs and labour to install - Vans & 19U*-0CL 31M *Other parts and labot.r extra if needed r..rtrr, OWL ]IAI n � a�Most cars, light trucks & vans *Includes computer check and$ labour to adjust 119 'Shims and parts extra if needed Expiry 4b t. 11 IAM 1698 Bayly St. (just south of 401, west of Brock) • 1:19I9 No Payment No Interest FOR 6 MONTHS Parts/Labour (excluding tires) 4 cyl. 6 cyl. $39 $59 _ 8 cyl. *Includes new car warranty & awnpktc oil chmgc with up to 5L of premium I0W30 tw 5W311.4*1, full insiltion & topping of all fluids FSA19-98 )*t..VYri!r S 3V% ��O Turn regular oil into Syntcch g Ultra Supreme Ervine Treatment ftw onlv..__._.._ (just south of the 401) in Pickerin Hours: Mon, Maes, Thurs, Fri -7:30 am - (ipnit, .. m- W -7.