HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_09_151 1• at Factor), Outlet Prices. C4.M�C Kitchens Plus 10% Kingston Road L The Furniture III. Pick_"C905) 4W16 Store Hours: mo,, Wed 93Cam-800pm ' "',urs 8 Fn 930 a m -8 30 p m L__��`rr-- �,a! 930 am-500pm HOME IMPROVEMENTS BY • • • • Fwniy Ow md i Opwatwl For Swvice You Can That VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 1 1 906 If110(:k Rwd iwth (Jura south do", Vktrvirlg) 42a4MO pleSr OOM GONTRAL BRANCH lt��I_ell[V New's AdV iser Sundae, Sept. 15, 1996 28 pales A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 42,500 Vol. 115 No. 37 Drugmcrazed t . Pickering man They're pulling for each other The strain of a tug-of-war shows on the faces of, Pickering, as they take part in a Grade 9 orientation from left, Stephanie Feil, Heather Thompson and day Wednesday. Afton Aube, students at Dunbarton High School in photo by A.J. Groen Pickering HIV victim welcomes new blood agency BY MARIANNE T.!-KACS _ ti -TMJ R -'AM--k _ DURHAM — The federal and provincial health ministers' decision to establish a new national blood agency for Canada is good news, say two local fam- ilies with kin infected by the HIV virus through blood transfusions. -I think it will probably be a welcome thing says Lynn Kampf of Pickering, a mother of three who was diagnosed in 1993 with HIV — the virus that leads to AIDS — which she contracted through a blood transfusion during surgery in 1982. "Knowing what we know from the testimony at the (Krever) inquiry there were a lot of bad decisions. I think (blood) donations are down because peo- ple are disgusted with the Red Cross. They have never apologized. Hopefully a new board with consumer input and input from experts in the blood field will go much further to make (the blood sup- ply) safe'. "I'm glad they're not going to have the control they have now;" says Bill Fry, executive director of the John Howard Society in Oshawa. Mr. Fry's wife, Suzanne, now 49, received HIV -tainted blood during emergency surgery in 1988. "Personally I'd like to see (the Red Cross) right out of it. As far as the blood situation is concerned it's been disas- trous. They have not been helpful, they have not responded, there has not been an apology. They've tried to hide every- thing." Mr. Fry and Mrs. Kampf also wel- come the decision by the provincial min- isters of health to extend eligibility for their compensation package for HIV vic- tims. Before, only those who waived the right to sue the Province and the Red See LOCAL -Pa" 4 slips into coma after standoff PICKERING — A man who relxtrtedly attacked two women with a knife while apparently high on crack Cocaine slipped into a drug- induccd coma following his arrest after a two-hour stand- off with cops here late Thurs- day, police say. Tactical Support Unit offi- cers used pepper spray to sub- due the suspect at a Howell Crescent home after two women were cut earlier with a 'knife, Durham Regional Police report. Officers were initially called to the residence around 5 a.m. after a man became violent and held a knife to the throats of both his mother and fiancee, police say. The victims told police the man, believed to be high at the Lime, was throwing items in the residence and threatened to kill them if they phoned cops, Staff Sergeant Sandy Ryrie says. He says the suspect fled from the home before police arrived, but returned around supper time and again assault- ed his mother. The TSU was called to the residence arour:d 8 p.m. and, using pepper spray to control him, took the suspect into cus- tody just after 10:30 p.m., Staff Sergeant Al Graham, of 25 Division, says. He says the suspect's mother was taken to Ajax - Pickering General Hospital aficr she suffered a nick on her neck from the knife. while his fiancee was cut on the hand. Thr suspect was charged with assault with a weapon, possession of a dangerous weapon, unlawful confinc- ment and threatening death. He was taken to Ajax hos- pital and later transferred to North York General Hospital, where he slipped into a coma late Thursday. Staff S_t. Gra- ham says. As of press time. his condi- tion had not changed, police say. - Inside In tho no" Editorial ....................6 Sports.....................12 Name Dropping....... 17 PIhom On" General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 Sincerely Yours 1-800-662-8423 InfoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 On the Internet at www.durhamnews.net 93¢+74GST=$1 PAGE 2 -THF NFN'S LIA ERTISFR SUNDAI'. SEPTENIRFR Ic_ low. �A Flower children Last spring. students at Wood- lands Centennial Public School in Pickering planted sunflower seeds. Now they are enjoying the giant flowers that grew over the summer. With one of the plants Coal 6S '�-5 110 xvith your news Items. are, in front from left, Leighton Parker. Alexandra Mattas and Raashida Latif and, in back, Alyhkan Waly and Curtis Parker. photo by Ron Pietroniro Pickering gas bar attendant bound, roughed up in her second heist PIC'Kf:RIN(1 --A female attendant at a Pick- ering pis bar ++as roughed up and tied up during an early murnine heist Thursdav, which %%as the victim's second holdup ordeal, police sad'. Durham Regional Police report the clerk at the Petro Canada SerN icc Station, at 555 Whites Rd.,+as taking the garbage out ,just before 4 a.m. ++hen two goons jumped her from behind and knocked her to the ground. Thc+ then forced her hack into the kiosk. tied her up with bungee cord and cleaned out the cash register. Staff Sergeant Sande RN ric say s. Attcr the robbers fled, the clerk, ++ho suffered scratches and bruises to MBERLEA Will DENTAL CENTRE WALK IN HOURS Daily 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. EMERGENCIES SEEN IN 2 HRS. KKK . . . . 24 HR. EMERGENCY PAGER AMBERLEA SHOPPING CENTRE ON WHITES RD. PICKERING 3ETWEEN FINCH & HWY. 401 • Chemiclave Sterilization • Cosmetic Bonding • Collect From Insurances qeat.Le aKd e ug -9 %ea4fte4e P her head, managed to free herself and call police. 'rhe woman told police it was the second timc she had been robbed at the gas bar. No descriptions of the bandits were availahlc, except that both wore gloves during the rohberv. IRVING A. BURTON LIMITED Trustee in Bankruptcy THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR INITIAL CONSULTATION CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT KKEPING y,nv 15K KiNGS'jN K. r. ' N • : � KENT ST R CNG ST. WEST �� ISUrrE ra, 839-8981 isurE 2n 839-8981 839-8981 NOW OWNED AND OPERATED BY A Division of Metrolond Printing, Publishing d. Distributing FEB. 7, 819/97 MM1111TIoN wacE TORONTO • Don't miss this opportunity to reach over 20,000 cottagers face to face! • Talk to us today about exciting sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities! • Reserve your space today for early bookings bonus! CALL THE COTTAGE SHOW 467 SPEERS ROAD, OAKVILLE, ONT. L6K 3S4 (905) 815-0017 1-800-387-7682 FAX: (905) 815-0511 Our top school board gives lessons to others BY CHRISTY CHASE SMOAl _lT)'rIlIE- NEWS ADVERTISER A DURHM — The Durham Board of Education has been asked to teach a thing or two to other school boards after being named the best education system in the world. Public school board officials, who picked up the prestigious Carl Bertelsmann Foundation Award in Gutersloh, Germany Thursday, have been invited to visit other countries to �,harc their successful approach to education. In a telephone interview from Ger- many Friday, hoard chairman Audrey MacLean said other boards from around the world are interested in exchanging Ideas. "There's no other system like this in i Germany or the other countries (among those nominated for the award):' she said. Representatives of other schtx)l boards gathered in Germany for the awards cere- mony were curious about the role of trustees since other countries don't have Audrey elected representatives of the community MacLean in charge of education, she said. Ms. MacLean, board education director Grant Yco, superin- tendent Doug Wilson, senior staff development co-ordinator Norm Green and Sinclair Secondary School principal Kaye Egan spent about a week in Germany, visiting schtx)ls and con- ferring with officials from Scotland, the Netherlands, Norway. Hungary. Switzerland and New Zealand — the other education systems nominated. "We look forward to maintaining long-lasting tics with each of them:' Ms. MacLean said in her acceptance speech. Meanwhile, the Durham representatives were to return home Sunday, with the award which brings with it close to to be put toward learning programs. "It's just so exciting;' Ms. Maclean said, adding news of the award has been prominently featured in the German media. "It's really amazing to see your picture in a German news- paper. It doesn't get much better than this" She added she was nervous when she accepted the award and made her speech. She said she didn't knew for sure Durham had won until just before the event although she had her suspi- cions. 'There were all sorts of rumors. Everyone else was saying we're the win- ners:' TI -K- award goes to the Durham board and a representative schcx)I, in this case Sinclair Secondary in Whitby. But Ms. Maclean said the award really reflects the excellence in education throughout Ontario and Canada. The board was the only North Amer- ica education system nominated for the award. During a telephone press conference Thursday, Mr. Yeo said the beard plans to take the: award to every municipality. He said he wants all staff, students, par - ems and members of the: community to Clarification DURHAM — A story in Wednesday's News Advertiser on workfare in Durham Region referred to able-bodied welfare recipients being plated in jobs or volunteer positions to earn their cheques. Durham's workfare plan would see welfare recipients who can't find regular jobs placed with com- munity non-profit agencies per- forming tasks normally done by volunteers. DISCOUNTS FOR AGE 50 New Home • Alarms • No Claims • Joxgs-DooiEY INSURANCE BROMMR Over 23 Yom MARSHA JONES DOOLEY AIIC "Pemonal Services Is our Diffenincei" share in the celebrations. Everyone will be able to view the videos of the board by the foundation and shown at last week's events in Germany. REPAIRS (1 hr.) ' Relines - Complete. Partial Dentures LOWER DENTURE STABILITY NEW PERMANENT, SOFT DENTURE LINER FREE CONSULTATION William Steil, DD, FC.A.CIa) 84 Old Kingston Rd. W. 4f 4- r P11 KERING VILLAGE, AJAX 683-4294 i. a. After hours 428-8801 LINDSAY CENTRAL EXHIBITION LINDSAY FAIRGROUNDS SEPTEMBER 18 - 22,1996 3� F04 EU U/11 O4 -Z! PRAIRIE OYSTER The Wolf presents wea,-esad, JEFF HEALEY Fr�,a; Corikllri Truck & Tractor Pull Midway Sat Set 2) Can rt De^_::.c,r THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,1996 -PAGE 3 Chartered Financial Planner James Schofield, B.A., C.P.P., Branch Mgr. 'Mutual Funds. GICs r; • Stocks, Bonds, RF.IT's PLANVEST - Life Imurancc Planning P\ANGU_ MR(INIPAD1%e Tax & Estate Planning • Professionally Directed RRSP Programs Consulting for Corporate Retirement Programs, Pensions & Group RRSP's Call for a FREE Consultation @ om 144 Old Kingston Rd. Suite 10 2nd FIr lntemel:.IANIF:SC'FI:SPI,VR.COh1 (Corner or Old Kingston Road & Flizabeth Street in Pickering village) D rS[ PL-P[_PrSrJ�t=Pr Pr _l�rJ�rJ�c PJ�i_P�PrJ��PrJ�cJ� l7 GREEK NIGHT � IN PICKERING 5 presented by The Hellenic Canadian Community of Ajax/Pickenng Sat. Sept. 2 i, 96 5 Live Bouzouki! ore,S Door Prizes. 2 at S �] Pickering Recreation Complex Cj 1267 Valleyfarm Rd. [rj C All proceeds to AjaxfPickering Hospital & Hellenic Heritage Language Program 2 Adults: S35 Cocktails: fi prnFor Tickets Call I Children 514 1 c Dinner: 8 pi 686under 12 years 7 �° rftftft211 EA LJJt_�rftf�Cf�L1�[ �Jt�LftftfCf�tf� E flARWOOD PLACE MALL "Your Community Shopping Mall" 314 HARWOOD AVE. S.. AJAX (905) 683-3442 �l ak! V Get everything you need to get your kids back to school in one convenient stop. You'll find the hottest fashions, coolest footwear and so much more. Save time and money by shopping where your dollars always go further. Shop with us., ENTER TO WIN Sho iP'� Sprees one of three -BadkTO 5 CH VALUE EA may used vjhein g►n atPtbl� stores. Greatsavings at 'FOOD BASICS' Your C1 recently opened 30,000 sq.— discount food store with over 4,000 products - at bottom prices zoa9s. Ft. =box tocate� Canada's Largest WILDLIFE MUSEUM Exhibit will be on display at the Mall TOES., SW 17 - SAT., SEPT. 21,1996 Featuring over 50 species of Taxidermy animals on display. • MOUNTikIN LION • MUSKOX • ROCKY MOUNTAIN ELK • ALASKA MOOSE • POLAR BEAR • GRIZZLY BEAR • WOLVERINE • ARCTIC WOLF, and more. This is a great learning opportunity for children and adults. Tours are available daily, phone 683-3442 PAGE 4 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 15.19% P Local HIV victims laud new federal blood agency FROM PAGE 1 who up until this point had lawsuits but just ical of the governments for their decision this Cross, among others. by March of 1994 could saw their lawsuits as a black hole eating their week to not provide compensation for people collect compensation of $22,000 upon signing savings, not knowing whether they were going who contracted hepatitis C from blood and up and $30,000 annually for the gest of their to live to see their day in court this will be a blood products because, the ministers said, lives, with death benefits available to their faro- great relief to them. They can have some peace there are good treatments available for it. Mr. ilies. Many were involved in lawsuits when the of mind and some income" Fry describes the decision as "uncon- compensation offer was made and were reluc- Mrs. Kampf says she is still quite healthy scionable". Mrs. Kampf notes hepatitis C is tant to give them up at such an early stage. herself and has not developed AIDS symp- "terribly debilitating" and maintains health Now, any HIV victim not involved in a lawsuit toms, but at 45 she has had to take early retire- ministers were given "lots of misinformation" will be eligible for the compensation package. ment from nursing to avoid the stress that about it. She says an estimated 12,000 Canadi- Mrs. Kampf is among about 45 people might help bring on the disease. The compen- ans became infected with the disease during a infected with HIV who will now be eligible for sation will help make up for some of the period when Canadian blood authorities chose compensation — along with the estates of income she has lost, and for people with symp- to do further study on a test for the virus about 50 deceased HIV victims. toms, it will help pay for medical costs, includ- already used in the U.S. The Provinces "saw in retrospect how ing some extremely expensive drugs not paid Mn. Kampf adds, however, that she and her unfair it was to have a deadline — sign or die, for by the Province. husband, members of the HIV support group basically." says Mrs. Kampf. "(For) people Both Mrs. Kampf and Mr. Fry are also crit- she belongs to and representatives of a group Not enough being done for tainted blood victims: MP AJAX-PICKERING — The federal and provm- takes already made in connection with HIV. tial governments have not done enough to deal with '"There are 12,000 or more people out there walk- blood-bome viruses such as HIV and hepatitis C, mg around with hepatitis C who may not know they. says Ontario Riding MP Dan McTeague. have the disease and who may pass it on to other In other countries like Japan and France, (offi- people. We have an unfolding tragedy of which the cials) are being thrown in jail for passing on tainted magnitude is probably greater than with AIDS and blood" says Mr. McTeague. we have made no attempt to redress or remedy it" He feels the derision last week by ministers of He will push his own Liberal govenunent to take health to create a new- federal blood agency is a step more constructive action on hepatitis C. in the right durc- t but ,>e is dis- pleased they won't rnrrnpernate people '" who got hepatins C * ' 7-9 p.m. through traansfu- Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 606 sioas. He is also • • 1555 Bayiy St., Pickering urnhappv neither - level of gcnefnment Call 683-8411 to reserve your place has imposed a roti- „ n piss -: Join us for an evening of fun and information. Worn p"* wix, Also find out more about Sunquesrs new destinadon... may have coma t- RENO r • y .. . ed hepatitis C. and have instead left the �` presewed by: nouficanon up to J VSungluc t Vacations Nino Montagrnese individual hospi- AJAX DURHAM CEKME tats. Ile believes DOOR PRIZES r__ _ REFRESHMENTS i authoriue� are .. :.. �...« . relxating the mv- for hepatitis C victims met with federal Health Minister David Dingwall after the announce- ment there would be no compensation, and he agreed to meet with the hepatitis group in October to discuss the situation further. The Red Cross wek xnes the ministers' announcement on the new blood agency. "The Red Cross believes that the new agency, if given a proper mandate under feder- al legislation, could fill a critical gap in the cur- rent system by providing a point of responsi- bility and accountability for policy decisions;' said Canadian Red Cross secretary general Douglas Lindores in a press release. "As requested by ministers, the Red Cross is pre- pared to co-operate fully to make this initiative a success" IF • TIME • QUALITY • GENTLE DENTAL CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU - WE ARE AVAILABLE TO SERVE YOU WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS WE VP PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 7-4 HOUR EMERGENC V SF.R'*7CF Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario (South of Ilan_ #_') 6 DR. JOSEPH A. MISKIN, DENTIST �W i� o0■ �, 3 �11 1101 Ll ri .J 061 MM10100 20,000 Quality .Shirts on Display from Canada's Premiere Shirt Maker Great variety of sizes and colours PRICES $ 33 START FROM OPEN DAILY PICKERING HOME & LEISURE CENTRE a BROCK RD. & HWY. 401, PICKERING 686=7 - 419 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,1996 -PAGE 5 United Wayneeds loo l hero s help 1 in neighbors a e to3 BY CHRISTY CHASE Arthurs and Ajax Mayor Steve and industries enjoyed a barbecue Industries Mason Windows include a kickoff dinner/dance wi SPECIAL To niE NEWS ADVERTISER AJAX-PICKERING — The United Way of Ajax -Pickering is offering you a chance to be a local hero. The organization kicked off its 1996 campaign Thursday night and is looking to Ajax and Pickering res- idents to help more than 39,(XX) of their neighbors in the next year. "The cIforts of the agency help one in three of our neighbors;" cam- paign chairman Sherry Robinson said at the kick-off at McLean Com- munity Centre in Ajax. "We fund 29 agencies. Without our help at the United Way, those agencies can't do their jobs" The United Way is hoping to raise $ 1.0130X) in this campaign to help people through organizations such as Distress Centre Durham, Unem- ployed Help Centre, Community Care, YMCA Durham Region, Big Sisters and Big Brothers. Ms. Robinson urges everyone to donate to the campaign. "Any amount is important to the United Wav" She added Ajax and Pickering residents who work in other mumci- p:Jities can direct pari or all of their contributions through payroll pro- grams to the United Way here. Pickering Mayor Wayne Arthurs said it's imlxMant for local residents to give to the United Way, especially when government funding for many programs is shrinking. '17he needs are ever increasing:' Ontario Riding MP Dan McTeague, who, along with Mr. Parish, took part in an Olympic torch run to start the kick-off, said the work of campaign volunteers and donations to the United Way are vital. "It goes without saying v. that volunteerism is more important than it ever has been in the patit" Government funding may be reduced "but that doesn't take away the hurt- ing or our ability to remove the hurting. I think what (the campaign) says is we're a very caring community:' Close to I(X) volun- teers put in an Olympic effort to get the cam- paign under way. Ten teams of eight people each took part in a vari- ety of games, including a tricycle race, shoe toss and a three-legged race, the latter with contes- tants dressed in fire- fighters' gear. "This is a great turnout:' Ms. Robinson said, adding Paintplati Inc. sponsored the atter the games and saw the United Way present awards to local firms for their employee campaigns last year. The award winners: AEG Sorting Systems; Ajax Magnethermic Canada; Automodular Assemblies Inc.; Bayly Communica- tions; Chart Indus- tries Ltd.; Chrysler Canada Ajax Trim Plant; Costco; Fas- son Canada Inc.: Holmes and Brakcl Ltd.: Hubbell Canada Inc.: Lear Corporation; Lcnhr04 Sherry Robinson event. The evening got under way with a torch run from Hw•v. 2 up Westney Road to the McLean Centre. Volunteers from police and fire services and local businesses Z_6itN HEATING & AIRCONDITIONING DURHAMR EGION SA L E SINCE 5970 CONVERSIONS ElectriC to Oil ElectriC to Gas Baseboard Conversions No o F— " * 9.5% Fw wm o.9M*E"MT 24 WL SON= OSMAWA Mm, "EMCWO k AM FREE ESTIMATES � nrw .ah00i icoonna Messier -Dowty; Morton Internation- al; Ontario Hydro Pickering Nuclear Generating Station; Paintplas Inc.; Pitney Bowes of Canada Ltd.; Pur- due Frederick; Tarxien Co. Ltd.: Town of Ajax employees; Town of Pickering employees, W.R. Grace and Co. Ltd. United Way fund-raising events wit a Hawaiian theme at the Ajax Commu- nity Centre on Sept. 28, an art fair and auction Nov. 10 at the Pickering Recreation Complex, Volunteer Appreciation Night Nov. 22 at the McLean Community Centre, and teen fashion show Nov. 29 at a place to be determined. For information on these events call 686-0606. I 1111ill11s 1 At Seminars On Separation, caring professionals empowering networks Smile agar at caretuov addressletting go, law, esteem, sexuality. trust, c�;,se, e�e­s FREE_PREVIEW ntimacy relaf,.onships. Coping is easier as you hear eveNnos S .5 :' jj, A - Vii Nomen g men deal with situations gust like yours in refundable -,ar, C -a (905 338-9879 PACE 6 -THE NEVI'S ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15.1996 v Editorials and L ♦ Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser A Metmland Cornmu iN Newspaper published Wednesday. FndaN. Sundae 130-132 Commercial Ave.. Ajax. Ont.L IS 2H5 TIn1O'lIn J. WHITTAKER. Publisher JOANNE: Bt'R(;t ARt)T. &inor-to-Civet BRUCE DANFORD. Advenismg manager S'IF\F HOtlti'TON. klanaging Ediicx ALVIN BROU"FR. Roatl advertising manager 413E FAKHOURIE:. Dt%znhun(n managet General: (U()5) 693-5110 C'latisified: iu(K) M;-0707 Circ-ulatkm iW;) 681-5117 FAX: M5 MK? -7363 EAtail:\ewsnK,m(, durhamrir%s net On the Internet: hnpJ/%vwu.durham- wAs.net The %t%s Advertiser is a memttr of the .Alai PickLring Nxintd of Trade. Canadian Ccxnmunth \ew spaper Asscx . Canadian Orrulanixis Audit M-ard. ( ontano Press Cournil and ONIMRI Tle puhlislxr reserves the right it, clacaf5 (x refuseam advernsement Credit fix atiNrnisemcrit limited to space pncY emir cxcupies The cream rises Creme de la creme de la creme. It sounds delicious, doesn't it'! That's the illustrious label our very own public school board earned from the prestigious Carl Bertelsmann Foundation of Germany this past week. The Durham Board of Education won the overall award for excellence from the foundation; it stood out from a group of the ver` best school systems in the world. The Durham board has a lot to be pleased about. It has developed a system that is now recognized as THE best in the world. But in our rush to congratulate the board. let's not for - ret the reservoir for all this excellence — the schools — and the most important beneficiaries — the student_. Sinclair Secondary in Whitbv was chosen as the region's representative school. That is. its educauonal programs and methods were examined up clone and personal by the founda- tion and then assessed for their effectiveness. an actual film crew came to the region to document the day-to-day goings-on at the school. The crew also dropped in at another exemplary Durham school. South Simcoe Public School in Oshawa, to take some heritage. Whit the foundation found at Sinclair Secondary and South Simcoe Public School was a strong part- nership between the school and the community: parents. com- munitv organizations and local businesses. They also found a couple of schox)ls that have genuine faith in their students' abil- ities. Part of the reason these schools are such tine educational examples is because their board has allowed them the freedom ovithin certain guidelines) to blossom and grow. But it is the schools themselves that arc realizing their great potential. The Durham Board of Education deserves a big pat on the back, but the ,,-h(x)is also deserve a hefty helping of credit for the outstanding quality of education in this region and a job well done — every school day. To respond to this editorial call Infosource at �rifosource 683-7040 and dial 5111 ♦You said it... In response to last Sunday's editorial on day care, our readers said: ♦ " I have a day care in Pickering. There's some information in here that's completely untrue pertaining to the salary of day care workers in a commercial centre as opposed to a non-profit centre. Right now, they are unequal because non-profit centres are granted more money from the government which makes the centres unequal in that they have exactly the same amount of qualified people in both centres and yet the government is centering out the ran -profit centres and giving them directly more grant money. The proposal by Janet Ecker is going to put us back on equal terms which is much fairer to everybody." ♦ " I would like to comment on the inadequate number of day rare spaces available. If more people would live up to their responsibilities of having the children and have one patent stay at home with them, at least during the pre-school years, there would be more than enough spaces available in day care for those single pariahs who have no other option but to work. Many would argue that a family can't survive without two incomes. I stay at home with two small children, we're debt - free except for two-thirds of our mortgage owing and we man- age on little more than $30,000. How is it possible? We live simply and our family, our children are our priority.,, * "My goodness, the first editorial in the News Advertiser for years that is unbiased and displays some intelligence. I think your common sense is leaning to the left this time. Can it be you recognize the mean spirit in the government at Queen's Park when it hits you closer to home? Inlay start paying for the News Advertiser again. Cn EE FLACS , ,,Ci•�E , - 1 oNycN� v Letters to the editor Letters a sad commentary on current politics To the editor: I read with great satisfaction your recent published letters by D.G. Young: "Gav rights and other fox)lishncss" and another letter by Mamee Stern concern- ing the questionable attitude: of MP Dan McTcague. Both letters are a sad review of our Canadian political landscape today. To me. a German immigrant, now a Canadian citi- zen who loves this country and is very grateful to it. these letters are an alarming reminder of the tragic destruction of the German Republic of Weimar. I thank you for bringing this political development to the attention of your readers. Other leading Canadian newspa- pers, respond accordingly. F.X. Gregor, Pickering Rain doesn't wash out great day of softball To the editor: Last week, playing in the wind and rain of the diminishing tropical storm Fran, the four teams of the Ajax Girls Mites Softball Division finished their inaugural year: Ahhough it was not the nicest day for Dying baseball, the girls, coaches and parents showed a determination to play the game which makes softball the great game it is in Ajax. The improvement shown in all four teams since the beginning of the year was a pleasure to watch. Congratulations to the team sponsored by the Ajax Men's Slo-Pitch Association and their coaches Brenda !Mulhall. Kelly Pierson, Kclly Dccoste and their players for winning their first year of -competition. Congratulations to all the people responsible for organizing and sponsor- ing this division and to all the players and parents for a great year. A special nod to Scott Crawford for making an appearance in the rain to con- gratulate and hand out the trophies to each and every player. Glenn Tve, Ajax Let criminals work for keep To the editor: It costs taxpayers $70,000 per year to house each criminal. Let the criminals work for their keep. It's time to get real and stop the idiocy. The majority want to reinstate capital punishment for premeditated murder. The Liberal bleeding hearts in Ottawa have no regard for justice. Clifford Olson is finishing studying law at tax- payers'expense. Fortner Prime Ministers Trudeau, Mulroney, and now Jean Chretien and Justice Minister Allan Rock, all so-called lawyers, must be hiding something from us. What is the problem here? They give criminals the best free legal representa- tion from the best criminal lawyers. These lawyers would otherwise not get paid. Is it to keep this insanity going at the taxpayers' and victims' expense? What is going on here? Cons can clean up polluted water- ways, cut grass beside roadways, and grow vegetables for their food and to replenish food banks. The less fortunate would love to eat what criminals eat. I say keep criminals busy as idleness breeds more violence and discontent A tolling stone gathers no moss. Hello out there! Is anybody listening? Herman Van DerVeen, Oshawa Steve Houston Opinion MP'LA Crass and Canadian I can think of no other occasion where I have disagreed so com- pletely, so vehemently, with Ajax Mavor Steve Parish. Mr. Parish, as a councillor and, later, as mayor, has always been perfectly articulate, his views always balanced, his words chosen carefully. Therefore, I was shocked this week at statements he made at Durham Regional Council over a suggestion that Durham endorse the idea of an oath of allegiance to Canada's flag. Mr. Parish suggests such an oath smacks of ..cra,,s Amer'canism" and that loyalty to flag and country is "a personal matter" Indeed, loyalty is subjective and -- in certain contexts -- intensely personal. But loyalty and belief to your country'' I Where else but the institutions which symbolize our collective belief in democracy should we pledge our support and hope for our nation? It was encouraging to see Mayor Parish taken to task by political colleagues for his state- ments (democracy in action!), and I must applaud Ajax Councillor Roger Anderson for his retort: "Call it rallying around the flag. but it may be the only thing that unites this country" If embracing the maple leaf -- and all that it symbolizes -- is crass Americanism then I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy. For too long, Canadians have mutely accepted their heritage, while failing to take on the terrific responsibility of actively shaping their collective future. I never felt more `Canadian' than I did last fall when this news- paper covered a local contingent of rowdy rally -goers as they traipsed through Montreal pledging support for a united Canada prior to Quebec's referendum on sover- eignty. That feeling, in spite of the irony nipping at it, moved me more than any Team Canada hockey vic- tory. I don't mind waving the flag. I'll tell anyone who asks that I'm Canadian and proud of it. The flag? I believe in it as a uni- fying symbol of our common future more than I believe in the vision of too many of our federa- tion's `leaders'. Call me crass. Call me foolish. Call me CanaJian. - To comment our AW cohmn ,'Tnosmw a calllsjorowcc at 683-7040 and dial 5108 YOUR CUMPtI --� n pnw�Q • PACKARD BELL Force 484( -DW System • Inte1ll75 MHz Pen*ii irrTM orn(-o«nr • 1.2 GB Enhanced IDE • 3.5", 1.44 MB • Quad speed, 600 kbps transfer rate - 8 MB Ram, upgrade • MPEG1: Full motion video playback of CD movies & games 1 M B video memory, upgradeable to 2MB • 164t SRS* 3-D amphitheater stereo sound with amplified Sound Blaster TM compatible • 28,8001bps fax/modem install answering system and full -duplex speakerphone • PBTV television & FM radio cards installed • Keyboard with Fast MediaT"^ Access, 2 button mouse & Fast remote control • Desktop 2000: 4 expansion slots and 5 device bays • 1 PCI, 2 ISA and 1 shared (PCl/ISA) • 150 V • Includes Packard Bell NavigatorT"", Windows 95, America On CompuServe", Packard Bell Internet Access, Microsoft," Works, Action, Microsoft* Design Pack, Faxworks', Workspaces"", Micr EncartaTM 95 Multimedia Encyclopedia, MindscaoeR Complete Reference LibraryT"', Guinness Multimedia Disc of RecordSTM, c !11ustratedO 1995 Multimedia AlmanaCTM, Microsoft°° Entertainment Pack, Readers Digest"MUltimedia Crosswords, The Journeyman Project TurboT"", Silent SteelT^", Mayo Clinic" Family Health Books"", Hometime'° Weekend Home Projects, Better Homes and Gardens", Healthy CookingT^", My First Encyclopedia T", Spiderman" Cartc Tunelandr", KidspaceT", Milly Fitzwllly's Mouse Catcher, The F THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,11996 -PAGE 7 MEMORY UPGRADES 1 MB 30pin BP parity ........... $12 95 4 MB 30pin BP parity ........... $4 595 4 MB 72pin non-parity..............$3895 8 MB 72pin non-parity..............$6395 Lifetime Warranty! LIMITED QUANTITIES INSTALLATION S10.00 Microsoft Encarta '97 It's Here! Brand new version of the best selling multimedia encyclopedia. Now you can get updates from the Internet. -Now -9 .59 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST P�IIIS � . �h`�ObOt1CS Tie -iteiligenl Choice n Information Access 14.4 EXTERNA or INTERNAL FAX MODEM LIMITED QUANTITIES 995 • Plug 'n Play $ 95 Chosen by millions for small business, home 114 office and personal use. 'Microsoft. Home Essentials Upgrade for Word processors & Works users • Microsoft Word • Microsoft Bookshelf 14 Microsoft Money • Microsoft Works 195 ALL IN ONE PACKAGE Limited Time Offer! iD is 1550 Kingston Rd. �PICKER11 ti 420 9830. man i 11,MS..14?, VJ4&. Thud's.. FrL I" CANADIAN _ -.. II_ c KINGSTON RD. SAI m ENE J MEMORY UPGRADES 1 MB 30pin BP parity ........... $12 95 4 MB 30pin BP parity ........... $4 595 4 MB 72pin non-parity..............$3895 8 MB 72pin non-parity..............$6395 Lifetime Warranty! LIMITED QUANTITIES INSTALLATION S10.00 Microsoft Encarta '97 It's Here! Brand new version of the best selling multimedia encyclopedia. Now you can get updates from the Internet. -Now -9 .59 WHILE SUPPLIES LAST P�IIIS � . �h`�ObOt1CS Tie -iteiligenl Choice n Information Access 14.4 EXTERNA or INTERNAL FAX MODEM LIMITED QUANTITIES 995 • Plug 'n Play $ 95 Chosen by millions for small business, home 114 office and personal use. 'Microsoft. Home Essentials Upgrade for Word processors & Works users • Microsoft Word • Microsoft Bookshelf 14 Microsoft Money • Microsoft Works 195 ALL IN ONE PACKAGE Limited Time Offer! iD is 1550 Kingston Rd. �PICKER11 ti 420 9830. man i 11,MS..14?, VJ4&. Thud's.. FrL I" CANADIAN _ -.. APlus ■ c Q c KINGSTON RD. m J I) PAGE 8 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1996 Search and rescue an O.V.E.R.T. mission BY STEPHEN SHAW Dl R11ANt STAH DURHAM -- 5 a.m. - Shane Harbinson bolts out of bed after beins wakened by a bed- side pager and alerted bN lx)licc. 5:45 a.m. - He and six volunteer unit lead- ers arrive almost in unison at Durham Regional Police headquarters in Oshawa for bnefinL,: An eight-year-old Oshawa Ix -)v who disap- peared from his parents' home 16 hours earli- er has still not been Ionated and police fear for his safety. 7 a.m. - After beinG contacted by the unit heads. a team of 20 hielik-trained men and women put their evervdav lives and jot- on hold and swing into action, searching fields, parks. ravines and road\a%s in cast Oshawa in the hope of finding the boy. 9 a.m. - A%'ith a small army of 35 volun- teers and three tracking dogs now having reported for duty, the search for the txn broadens througixut the city. That slice of real-life drama is typical in the double Ines of 80 Durham residents, who come from Pickering to Clarington to moon- light without financial reward for the Ontario Volunteer Search and Rescue Team t OVERT). While professional emergency wol-kers such as police and firefighters account for 25 per cent of OVERTs volunteers, the vast majority are average citizens with ordinary jobs "who just want to give something back to their community." says OVERT founder and co-ordinator Shane Harbinson, a full-time first-aid instructor who began laying the Groundwork for the aeencv in 1990. "You narre it and we've got 'em. School custodians. executives, security guards, Gen- eral Motors workers, carsalesmen, retail store managers, husband -and -wife teams. People from just about all walks of life are with us." The seeds for the community-based ser- vice were planted in the wake of the painstak- ing search for Julie Ann Stanton — the mur- dered Pickering teen who went missing six years ago and whose remains were only found this summer near Pontypool. Mr. Harbinson, then 21, had just arrived home from a two-year military stint in the Ontario Regiment infantry, stationed at the Canadian Forces Base in Gagetown, New Brunswick. Following his participation in the Stanton search, he approached local law authorities with the concept of a volunteer organization to provide additional assistance to police in missing person searches in Durham Region. While cautious initially, police greeted the idea with interest. After "6,000 hours of researching" organi- zations scrods North America, and having enlisted several interested parties along the way, Mr. Harbinson in 1994 developed a traiiniing plan to meet recognized Level One search and rescue standards. That same year, OVERT was incorporated as a non-profit agency and a recruitment blitz was launched. .When we initially started it up, we got a kt of input from emergency services in the region, like police, fire departments and ambulance services. We wanted to set it up Shane Harbinson leads a volunteer squad of highly trained search and rescue members who are put to work regularly in Durham Region. The Durham branch of the Ontario Volunteer Search and Rescue Team provides much-needed exper- tise and assistance to agencies such as Durham Regional Police. The seeds for the Durham OVERT squad were sown with the disappearance and extensive search in 1990 for Pickering teen Julie Ann Stanton. Her remains were found this year. exactly as they would if they were doing it," Mr. Harbinson says. By 1994, through word of mouth and media exposure, about 30 volunteers were accepted after passing a screening process and training course. This year, after more than a half decade of preparations, the now 80 -member search and rescue team was finally thrown into action. OVERT has been deployed by Durham police in five missing person searches so far in 1996. The volunteers' first mission, a wintertime search for a Pickering man who left his home and never returned, offered a cold dose of reality for those who joined the agency think- ing it was a "social club". Temperatures that blustery January day dipped to minus 30, "minus 40 with the wind chill," Mr. Harbinson recalls with a descrip- tive shiver. "Il he biggest concem was fatigue and hypothermia, but even in weather like that, the people gave it their all." The missing man's body was eventually found in Duffins Creek in the spring. Extreme weather conditions again provid- ed a test in OVERTs fourth search in June for a motorcyclist who had mysteriously van- ished after skidding out of control near the General Motors south Oshawa plant. OVERTs six commanders, who head up four specialized units, were called out to a swamp area in south Oshawa just after 3 am. to search for the biker, last seen stumbling off into the bushes. (He had in fact wandered off to a nearby friend's house and appeared later that morning at police headquarters.) "It was hot, the mosquitoes were the size of a hand, you pretty much needed air traffic controllers out there, it was raining all day and there was no breeze at all. "We've gone from one extreme to anoth- er," says Mr. Harbinson. OVERT was also involved in the May search for a 64 -year-old Oshawa man (whose body was found in a wooded area by a unit of volunteers about one mile from his home); Canada Day searches for missing children at ()shawa's waterfront; as well as the search wu weeks ago for an eight-year-old Oshawa ',0\, who was eventually located at a family ;ncmfxr's residence, where he had spent the ni ght. Durham police heap praise on the volun- teers and say OVERT has saved the force anmeasurable costs. "They are able to have 30 trained searchers and rescue personnel out u ]thin one hour of a call. For us to muster up +0 ofliccrs is very, very difficult. It allows us not to drain our resources," Staff Sergeant Sandy Ryne explains. "These people put aside their jobs for us at a moment's notice. NA'c can't put 30 police officers out there for a .carch, so you can't even begin to calculate the costs they save the community." Unlike police officers, OVERT members undergo specialized search training, Staff Sgt. Kyrie adds. All OVERT volunteers are put through an intensive training program established using ,:moria set by a U.S. search and rescue go%- crnim' body (no such regulatory body exists in Canada). The 20 -hour course, broken down into ri`,oht hours of field training and 12 hours in the classroom, teaches volunteers search tech- niques and missing person behavioral pat- terns, used to help determine, based on one's age. the most probable areas to target for a .Larch. "We are always straight with people from the start that this isn't a picnic. A lot of hard work goes into the organization. Searching is eery methodical and very repetitive, tedious work. It's not the most exciting thing in life," says Mr. Harbinson. Volunteers, who must first go through a screening process (up to half are rejected) and then pass a final test at the course's end, are also required to learn the strict protocol to be followed when a missing person is found, dead or alive, or possible evidence is recov- ered. "We approach everything as a crime scene; we don't want to contaminate anything," Mr. Harbinson explains. "It's not always pretty work and heaven forbid when we find some- one deceased, we have to be careful. That's when the adrenalin starts to pump and the heartbeat picks up. It can be very emotional, so you have to know the protocol and be able to just react on the spot." Fran Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa, Clarington and Port Perry, OVERT volunteers come from wide-ranging backgrounds. But they all share one common thread. "Everyone is in this to give something back to their community," Mr. Harbinson says. "Most of these people have lived in Durham Region all their lives and they want to do something they feel is worthwhile to help their community. "What's really phenomenal is that not only do these people give up their time, but they are willing to miss a day's work and give up their pay." For now, what is said to be the only recog- nized search and rescue agency in the Greater Toronto Area, is a Durham -only service. However, there are imminent plans to expand OVERTs territory. T, • • THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1996 -PAGE 9 Reflexology ... The Natural Healing Art The ancient practice of The technique is to apply gentle zones which run through the length of Reflexology has helped many people pressure to the feet with specific the body from head to toes. discover relaxation and improvement thumb, finger and hand techniques Reflexology opens these blocked in their circulation, all the while without the use of oils, lotions, tools energy pathways. All areas in the feet promoting and maintaining good or machines. This serves to relax correspond to all major organs, glands health. pressure sensors on the feet (foot and body parts. These areas on the Reflexology, by definition, is a stress) to interrupt stress patterns feet are more sensitive and receptive natural healing art based on the between body parts (reflex stress) and and are a part of the body's overall principle that there are reflexes in the to trigger a relaxation response response to stress. Feet represent the head, feet and hands that relate to all throughout the body (body stress). whole body (mini -map). parts of the body, i.e. the lungs, liver Karen Anderson, a part-time A certified Reflexologist can and head. certified Reflexologist who runs a become aware of the stress the body In ancient times. the Chinese, clinic out of her home, says is adapting to by observable cues such Japanese, the Indians, Russians and reflexology works well with children as puffiness, soreness or hardness in Egyptians all worked on their feet to as it serves to promote relaxation, as the feet. By applying gentle pressure promote good health. The same well as for older adults with to these areas produces relaxation, techniques are used today, but it has circulation problems. The soothing increased circulation and an been developed into a scientific qualities of the ancient an do tend to interruption of the stressed areas. method of improving circulation, put some clients to sleep from time to Certified Reflexologists do not relaxation and helping to normalize a time. diagnose, prescribe or treat for body condition. "Some people do fall asleep when specific medical conditions They Reflexology is a gentle, safe, non- they're having a treatment done:' says promote natural healing by natural invasive and effective treatment based Ms. Anderson who's operated her means. on the evaluation of the individual clinic for the past two years. and his or her needs. In Reflexology, there are 10 energy 01 Massage of Reflexes I in feet that relate to all partes of 1 the AJAX body 8[ PICKERING Reflexology for illi Women Come relax and feel the benefits of Reflexology Call for an appointment Karen 686.8458 Andcrac>n , A mini -map of the whole body "Were you embarrassed to show your legs this summer because of varicose veins?" Dr. Liliana Katz VEIN TREATMENT CLINIC Non-surgical solutions for varicose and spider veins AJAX MEDICAL ARTS TORRANCE BUILDING MEDICAL & 601 Harwood Ave. S., VEIN CLINIC Suite 208 2930 Eglinton Ave. E., Ajax Scarborough (905) 686-4439 (416) 438-8000 yt Get well soon At Health Recovery Clinic Scarborough, our team of highly -skilled physiotherapists, massage therapists, psychologists and sports medicine physicians offers effective treatment and rehabilitation services for the following conditions: Faspetiti re Strain Injury • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Headache • Low Back or Neck Pain • Fibromyalgia Stress Conditions • Work4telated or Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries We're close by, open six days a week and early evenings. Call for a free consultation. Health Recovery Group SCARBOROUGH CLINIC 10 Milner Business Court, Suite 200 (416) 754-8459 EXPERTS IN PAIN MANAGEMENT SINCE 1981 THE cry OF THE MARATHON WARRIOR Oh, my aching back ., o activities lead to aches and pain ? If you hurt - or want to avoid pain - see the leader in physical rehabilitation I n' Whites Road Physiotherapy II & Sports Injury Clinic (MI THE NIFI)ICAI, CENTRE - - 721) Sheppard Venue I, nit K 9051421)-0647 Pickrnnt:.Ontario1.1N 1(:4 G " 1'efirement Residence MORE THAN JUST A HELPING LAND In your lifetime you have cooked enough meals to feed an army, washed a sea of dishes, swept miles of floors, mowed the equivalent of SD golf courses, and raked the leaves of a thousand trees. Why spend your retirement years cooking, washing, sweeping, mowing, and raking? For More Information Call (905) 831-2641 Better still, drop by. We would love to show you our home. Ask for Debbie Casquenette, administrator if &,4vexa,00�W 7114"Alez a TM 1955 Valley Farm Road, Pickering, Ontario L IV 1 X6 Find us in the Yellow Pages"', listed under "Retirement Homes". 4 Whitb Hearin Centre �,o 8Pv(Y 9 CERTIFIED AUDIOLOGISTS FtEGISTERj`O DISPENSERS OVER 15 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE • REPAIRS • BATTERIES • SWIM PLUGS C_I_C_ HEARING AIDS (VIRTUALLY INVISIBLE) U'I'FST • RE1L EAR ME.4SCRE.NE.�'7S 1'ECHl�lOLO('.Y . V7DE0 07Y1COPY Ajax/Pickering Audiology Whitby Hearing Contra 1885 Glenanna Rd. Suite 104 1032 Brock St. S Unit 4 831-8311 666-7726 ALjcfioIooR11111`443 _Ta4E3_T!S Get well soon At Health Recovery Clinic Scarborough, our team of highly -skilled physiotherapists, massage therapists, psychologists and sports medicine physicians offers effective treatment and rehabilitation services for the following conditions: Faspetiti re Strain Injury • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Headache • Low Back or Neck Pain • Fibromyalgia Stress Conditions • Work4telated or Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries We're close by, open six days a week and early evenings. Call for a free consultation. Health Recovery Group SCARBOROUGH CLINIC 10 Milner Business Court, Suite 200 (416) 754-8459 EXPERTS IN PAIN MANAGEMENT SINCE 1981 THE cry OF THE MARATHON WARRIOR Oh, my aching back ., o activities lead to aches and pain ? If you hurt - or want to avoid pain - see the leader in physical rehabilitation I n' Whites Road Physiotherapy II & Sports Injury Clinic (MI THE NIFI)ICAI, CENTRE - - 721) Sheppard Venue I, nit K 9051421)-0647 Pickrnnt:.Ontario1.1N 1(:4 G " 1'efirement Residence MORE THAN JUST A HELPING LAND In your lifetime you have cooked enough meals to feed an army, washed a sea of dishes, swept miles of floors, mowed the equivalent of SD golf courses, and raked the leaves of a thousand trees. Why spend your retirement years cooking, washing, sweeping, mowing, and raking? For More Information Call (905) 831-2641 Better still, drop by. We would love to show you our home. Ask for Debbie Casquenette, administrator if &,4vexa,00�W 7114"Alez a TM 1955 Valley Farm Road, Pickering, Ontario L IV 1 X6 Find us in the Yellow Pages"', listed under "Retirement Homes". PAGE 10 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, M6 SHOP BY BASKET & SAVE! PROOUC— OF CANADA PREv10USe_r cR�OZENN CM� ^P7S � 3'3 K¢ LR 1.52 kg PROOUC'OF CANADA CQPRE V IIO{ill�lIff U SSL �"!F RO�IKSZE N QS 2 18 Ka "THE FOOD TERMINAL" "1 X -)G " � A EX -PA P 1,@) -,4[9), P P U U C T OF v 'I p obloili 14IL11, Aff— THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. SWIMMER 15,1"6 -PAGE 11 I�r APPLES GRAPEFRUIT/ 9 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO - CANADA GRADE 0 •lk 0 i 94 Dili 11 A c rl l:I 0-,Z N T A R i C 0 U CIS)v I P Pblll NJ PRCDuC T CF CANAL 4 GRADE DE -l"'. r-1 ltzf-C3 P Dr. D4 I 575 a BOX PRICES EFFECTIVE FROM SLK SEPT. 15196 M SAT. SEPT. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT M Uk9T PAGE 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,19% P SPORTS Call Al Rivett with sports 683-5110. Fax 683-7363 Pickering Power under 11 boys just miss soccer tourney final PICKERING — The Pickering Power Deabreu both scored hat tricks while Joel recorded the shutout Absent for the toumey were Philippe Dabo, Vallillee Digital Scanning under -11 rep boys' Gopaul had a single. Ryan Vallillee, Johnny Pickering won its third game 9-0 over Maxi Lucero, Chris Mansell, Matthew Sinclair, soccer team posted two wins and one loss at the Koukidis, Emmanuel Emojong and guest play- Maunee Express Challenge. Gopaul and Jonkc Aaron Racioppa, Cody Purchase and Jamie Bay Challenge Tournament in Ohio on the ers Kayo Emojong and Mathew Wicks Lon- netted hat tricks with singles to forwards Brent Peters. Labor Dav weekend. mulled the midfield Strong defensive play by Small, Vallillee and Deabreu. The team is coached by Dave Innes, Shawn Unfortunately, Pickering just misstA quali- Trevor Innes, Chris Wilkinson and Deabreu Pickering scored 17 goals in the tourna- Vallillee and Andy Wilkinson and managed by Eying for the championship final. supported goalkeeper Adam Whitehead who ment, while allowing just two. Jo -Anne Jonke and Susan Vallillee. Pickering Power's goal was guest scored byrn l a e h �f �■ �� I l�a faced the Fairfield GREEN FEES D" Unrestricted. S625+ WT WEEKDAYS Firefirst rds in the first game. drop- , ' $19. 17 • s12 , � r�Hs, Air 15thall Im �n e� ss a ria.l $ ORS (restricted m wbera)..... 220+ GST ,�w x22 , :1 gso • $14 ar orioes:xiide G.S.T. L iLi�ltt ping a disappoint- ing 2-1 division. Power's goal was guest scored byrn l a e h �f �■ �� I l�a ly p y r C h r t s t o p h e r Deabreu. �Y * Note N date change for the Annual MeetingT TRW, In the second game. Pickering N , TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER, � �tAber It 1991- clabbered the F r e m o n t I t t ' Emeralds 7-0. FWer to your ASUBA Handbook for John Jonke and i I II or colt Y coach dt1°s Correction, clarification i A J A X PICKERING — A soccer player %vas incorrectly identified in a I Sept 1 l News i Advertiser photo of the Central Soccer League under - l2 division j playoff game in Ajax last Saanday. Brandon Gurley of the Ajax " Warriors Epson/MCA under -12 boys' rep was pic- tured in a gone against the Oshawa Kicks. The News Advertiser regrets the error. A sports story in the Sept. 11 edition reported Ajax's Nigel Wilson was three home runs short of tying the BuI`& Bisons' team record for home nos in a season. However, we've since learned that prior a being called up so The Cleveland lndia(as, Wilson did indeed tie that made by blasting his 30Th home rum Of The season for the Bisons of the American Association league. He also finished with 95 RBIs. - Il.a&W* OW 111 Ur% Q* A.11kab We 21 &A OWL se ah at V*1 hays a 'malll& for wroft formsfor file W st> m.Nmqim� ASMSA INFO L IM - Saa-a7na Everything priced to clear! $15.00 for a bag load. You choose, your stuff. You must be able to close the z: bag. rI Last Chance For Fantastic Savings & Selection! ONLY 2 WEEKS LEFT TO STOCK UP FOR ALL YOUR BOOK DEEDS - MMI COFFEE TABLE BOOKS AND GIFT BOOKS - A TERRH''iC SF1T(TM OF CHHDAM BOOKS FROM TODDU3 TO TEEN! - HARDCOVER NOVES FOR jESS THAN PAPE MAM - CRAFT, COOKM HEALTH, RELIGION, AND[AIS, AI(,TI M AND MUCH MORE Come in now for best selection! Giant Book Sale 190 Harwood Ave., Ajax (in the old Pharma Plus location) 428-3373 Event also happening at our DANFORTH location 3003 Danforth Ave. 416-699-9576 ,_MEMBERSHIPS GREEN FEES D" Unrestricted. S625+ WT WEEKDAYS D" before t p.m. �. S 550' GST , ' $19. 17 • s12 , �ex�.ss�.� .s465+ Day after 1 p.m. =.WEEKENDS e� ss a ria.l $ ORS (restricted m wbera)..... 220+ GST ,�w x22 , :1 gso • $14 ar orioes:xiide G.S.T. Call for more details of tee off times 1-800-346-5361 or 1-905-885-6481 82 Victoria Street South - Port H MONDAY SEPTE 1 44 1z I MBER 16th is assorted varieties 145 g OMIT 6 7 go FOR ALL THOSE 6-5 AND BETTER! 12 pack OMIT 4 Golfers sought for tourney in memory of accident victim ❑ Local golfers head to Annandale Sept. 21 AJAX-PICKERING - Area duf- fers are needed for the Peter Clark Memorial Golf Tournament at the Annandale Golf and Country Club Saturday, Sept. 21. The golf tourney is being held in memory of Peter Clark, who was killed in a car accident in February. All proceeds from the event will be donated to the Canadian Cancer Society. The first tee - off is scheduled for 8 a.m. For more information on the tournament, call Phil Broadbent at 427-5462. "'omputer & General Interest Courses PINE RLID41SECOND,ARY SCHOOL NIGkTSN00 COU4,SES • Tuesday & We ` • Classes start Tuek Sept. 24 & Wednesday Sept. 25 For registration & more information` / Call (9050&3211 or EGISTER Toll Free 1-80040&9619 NOW Local sports on the Internet at www.durhamnews.net THE FARM STORE LAWN & GARDEN ANf) MnRF V) 1 a CLEARANCE Q PRODUCT REG. SALE PRODUCT REG. SALE VM STARTER FERI1lBER 9 KG. 16-2412 $14.99 $9.00 18 KG 53.99 52.59 91GIR0 MECTLQER 9 KG. 12-6-3 $21.99 $14.19 BEAUTY STONE SMALL WHITE MILOGRANITE FERTILIZER $29.99 $18.99 18 KG $3.99 52.59 PLANTERS BENCH $64.99 $44.99 CRUSHED RED TILE 18 KG $3.99 $2.59 LAWN EDGING 59.99 $7.19 CO-OP PREMIUM POTTING SOIL PLASTIC URN PLANTER 55.99 $3.99 30 L $5.99 $3.49 PLASTIC BEAR PLANTER $10.99 $7.99 SHEEP MANURE 18 KG $1.99 $1.99 PLASTIC STRAWBERRY COW MANURE 18 KG 62.99 $1.99 PLANTER $10.99 $1.99 PROFESSIONAL ROSE PLANTING PLASTIC STRAWBERRY MIX 35L S5_59 53.49 PLANTER $1099 $7.99 PROFESSIONAL BEDDING PLANT COCO SHELL MULCH 2 CU. FT. $7.49 $4.79 MIX 35L 55.59 $3.49 CEDAR BARK MULCH 2 CU. FT. $499 62.69 TRIPLE MIX 30L 52.68 $199 TURFGREEN WEED 8 FEED WHITE RESIN PATIO CHAIRS 16.64 FERT 10 KG $1199 $699 10 FOR $45.00 $699 $4.99 LIMESTONE SCREENING 18 KG S2.99 50.99 SPIRAL TOMATO STAKES BEAUTY STONE LARGE WHITE 6 FT. METAL 6599 53.80 1734 Horton St. N., CL.AREMONT 905 649 2112 N. of 4 Comers • N. on Brock in Pickering Sak in effid eats ' rna., SePL 17 to Sat., Sept. u Quality Fresh Cut Meats At Everyday Low Prices! rT-Boned Steaks Com A/AA/A" $ 99 �_ 4,b. J Sausage $189 Potato Salad 5199 Porterhouse Steaks $&W 19 The Com. wIAAIA" Prime Rib Roasts CAn MM/MA $A 29 Boneless Sirloin $ Steaks 3�Selftlt � ORDER YOU inq LkvwpBB1 rdL Pkkide Pima PlIdtailing 831-7961 reaft to -6 Mftw .yY1bW"W••7 1mW The $eef Braisims Ribs $ 49 1� lb. �) 9YW�10w� � Natural Kobassa $99 �__3 n1%) sweet In sour, Side Ribs $29 �, 2 M, ' Poft Side Spare Ribs $99 L I ft 5 49 1.14•a . 16 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,19% -PAGE 13 Get MORE than joust basics,,, Get some free milk, too', LOEB E El LOEB Baywood ,,- - z 1 a Q - � i 5 a LOEB Glendalo Markotplacs 475 WESTMWY RD. NORTH, AJAX 105 BAYLY STREET WEST, AJAX ISM 1XXIE ROAD, PICKERING Tice full advantage of everydhing we have to offer: J -_ QUALITY Lf FRESHNESS SERVICE 1111 VARIETY UTDI • w if you spend as little as just ton VW on groceries at Loeb this week, you can trade the attached coupon MoY T,60 for a FREE 4-Ifte Wolpu 0 ,,,_ bag of milk. r ------------------------------i f I FREE MILK AT LOEB I 1 1 LOM Mr,rNr BAYLY $T �a > = U G O O O 475 WESTMWY RD. NORTH, AJAX 105 BAYLY STREET WEST, AJAX ISM 1XXIE ROAD, PICKERING Tice full advantage of everydhing we have to offer: J -_ QUALITY Lf FRESHNESS SERVICE 1111 VARIETY UTDI • w if you spend as little as just ton VW on groceries at Loeb this week, you can trade the attached coupon MoY T,60 for a FREE 4-Ifte Wolpu 0 ,,,_ bag of milk. r ------------------------------i f I FREE MILK AT LOEB I 1 1 LOM Mr,rNr BAYLY $T �a > = U G O O O Q I 1 1 471501=11=1► Ba oor1111 &%X los MrLY SIVA" w"' IV "w"' "" .19= o wwwnc4crfallo 1 I 1 LITRES You FREE Present this coupon at the cash register and get a 4 -LITRE BAG OF MILK FREE 1 Offer valll ecck+sirell at • LOEB Ajar Market Plan, 475 Was" N. Norfn, Ajax • LOEB bywood, 105 144 1 RW that, Na • LOEB Glenlals Norkol Moco,1906 Dttie Mal, Pickering Irma Salal, Septeoller 15 to I Sadolal, Sq t Ww 21, 1996. $50 olNloum grocery pordm Io"imd, euloling all tobacco pnducts. 1 1 DNI original coupons will M acaptal in 0olocopiosj. Limit ooe b6 of milk per 11 --ad NW. %lo" -41.4 a.a L ------------------------------J i ig THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONE) r y,,� int S.I 11 JJJ S %CLAIME z M -Li ta#t ant A ® R ®' [ ° QCG Ixw,c r..� RING_ Covered MADE King Kad Lifetime ,ARMCAPS N warranty on framed construction 1r_ ` SOFA & CHAIR y o 0 o _- ' L*%UW A IEpJI�I Att - N F 901T COME. itRST SERVED } �� � °,� • I I i""�, deck IN CANADA Softedge , • / � f ,� �✓ � ��•t� � � � i /` �'\ Ki FREE - � I. •,j -� } -dl cc MFRIGIDAIRE _- '�„ `- - f • ADJUSTABLE i►�'ePI . _ FREEZER SHELF • gyp' EASY CLEAN - ' • TWO FREEZER BFCTROW t. - - � DOOR SHELVES � ���--=ty ``, DELAY COOK TMER r • ICE CUBE TRAYS �; L °�' • TWO FULL WIDTHTOP ' • LFT l� ADJUSTABLE -�� Y• ' Lwp TS^ I� GLASS SHELVES — RENENTS row.t • DELI DRAWER -�'�/� aUMPROFILE =� ►' =� • 3 DOOR SHELVES i._ -�� tf�IFACE LIGHT • DAIRY I COMPARTMENT Lys/ I VILON ELEMENTS `' I • 2 VEGETABLE ML ON HOME 1- CRISPERS MICLUOED i MFRIGIDAIRE - 10 YR. PARTS 6 LABOUR JJMFRIGIDAIREI�2 ON SEALED SYSTEM INCLUDED FROM i 0 ■o 0 1 0 lie WAM- Ell • HEAVY DUTY 2 SPEED MOTOR • 9 -WASH PROGRAMS • 3 -WATER LEVEL SELECTIONS ► • TRACTION WASH SYSTEM EXTRA LARGE CAPACITY WASHER FROM e-mee� --- :— . . C41 1 h7 �3 • ,it-CHAWOEL TUNING CAPACITY • MASTER TOUCH REMOTE • DIGITAL AUTO TRACKNG 4 Nw� RCn• ON-SCREEN YCR •SET-UP MENU • ELAPSED TOE COUNT I-� ImIVAo EFRIGIDAIRE 11 r,.IV COL,OIU`R TRA / Q—d=i0 • MASTER TOUCH REMOTE • i PACK VIDEO MONITOR CONMFRCAL i9bu mil BESTIt w" 30 days from x -+' you tmd Ow identical CHCI�ICE and n se a ter is and the same terms and co ,s less money at any other i�oa�oAsstE. retail outlet, Best N T MW OF Choice guarantees to beat the price or your F. ATMKWW Purr Hasa is k -- NO NJTE R PIAN OAC. •ODES NOTAPPLY TO PREVIOUS PURCHASE • MOAM PIAiN FE OF 5600 SEE STORE FOR DETAILS � SOME II TION Fff APPLES . TALES WST BE PAD AT TIME OF PURCHASE SOME ITHISS NOT EXACiIY • DOES NOTAPPLY M ADVERTISED ITEMS AS SHOYYN•CASH • OACNrITES UYTED . C. AM Aak wUMrs UOTU NO®���� - SATMY UOTLL 62 r - o R • 7 PROGRAM DRYER • VARIABLE TEMPERATURE SETTINGS • 4 -WAY VENTING • HEAVY DUTY EFRIGIDAIRE 11 r,.IV COL,OIU`R TRA / Q—d=i0 • MASTER TOUCH REMOTE • i PACK VIDEO MONITOR CONMFRCAL i9bu mil BESTIt w" 30 days from x -+' you tmd Ow identical CHCI�ICE and n se a ter is and the same terms and co ,s less money at any other i�oa�oAsstE. retail outlet, Best N T MW OF Choice guarantees to beat the price or your F. ATMKWW Purr Hasa is k -- NO NJTE R PIAN OAC. •ODES NOTAPPLY TO PREVIOUS PURCHASE • MOAM PIAiN FE OF 5600 SEE STORE FOR DETAILS � SOME II TION Fff APPLES . TALES WST BE PAD AT TIME OF PURCHASE SOME ITHISS NOT EXACiIY • DOES NOTAPPLY M ADVERTISED ITEMS AS SHOYYN•CASH • OACNrITES UYTED . C. AM Aak wUMrs UOTU NO®���� - SATMY UOTLL 62 Workshops take CARE in preparing you for work PICKERING -- Career Assistance Resources for Employment (CARE) and the Human Resources Develop- ment Council (HRDC) present a :cries of free workshops in Pickering this month. Rcsumc Preparation will he dis- cus,,cd Tuesday. Sept. 17 at 1:30 p.m.: Developing Joh Leads Tues- day, Sept. 24 at 1:30 p.m.: and Main- taining Self -Esteem Monday, Sept. 10 at 1:30 p.m. Other workshops to be scheduled include Investigating Training Options and True Color. CARE also offers introductory computer courses in WordPerfect ..1, NIS Word and Windows 3.1. Courses are $10 for a morning or afternoon session. Classes are designed for people ith little or no computer experi- ence. All workshops and courses are at the CARE office at 1400 Bayly St., ['nit 12. Pickering. For more information, call CARE: at 120-4010. County Town singers want you! DURHAM - The County Town Singers are looking for new members and will hold auditions next week for new people inter- ested in joining. The audition is set for Wednes- day, Sept. 18 at 7:30 p.m. at the Whitby Seniors Centre, 801 Brock St. The group is looking for all voice ranges, especially tenors and basses. For more information, call .Joanne at 427-0201. Aeff 4-MEMEJOWIS CORRECTION NOTICE In our Media 0931 on Sale Sept 9th to Sun. Sept 15th flyer, on Page 14 the Deluxe Sleeper Stroller, Item #66528 is "Not as Illustrated:' Sears regrets any inconvenience this may have caused. KINSMEN CLUB OF AJAX'S PHONE NUMBER FOR THE HERITAGE CENTRE IS 683-6222 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1996 -PACE. 15 From all the great casual style you want to all the school, work and weekend gear ,you need. Come get the best of it all now at Oshawa Centre. FALL FASHION SHOW Thursday & Friday - 7:00 p.m. Centre Court Clothing from Churchills Crossings, Fairweather, Jack Fraser, Jacob, Jacob Jr., Marks & Spencer and Northern Getaway. Shoes from Agnew WAWA .............. OVER 200 STORES AND WVICES INCLUDING THE BAY, EATON'S, SEARS & ZELLERS. OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10 AM Td 9 PM, SATURDAY 9:30 AM TO 6 PM AND SUNDAY 12 NOON TO 5 PM. STEVENSON ROAD & KING STREET WEST (905) 728-6231 jaw PAGE: 16 -THF: NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER B.19% Blizzards 1.9 9 (16 oz.) • All day, every day, September 9 - 22/96 ». Ul I tL I oar -j _A. � You Know Where To Go! (1099 Kingston Rd., Pickering) P :Name e 9 Dao ��� ��THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. SEP99TEMBER 15,16 -PAGE 17 ppingand Pickering y keith gill gan Upcoming wedding On Sept. 14, Michelle John- ston and Brian Arnold cele- brated the first anniversary of their engage- ment. They'll be married on March 1, 1997 at St. Bernadette's Church. Con- gratulations from Jim and Jaci Johnston of Ajax, Mike and Paddee Jo Arnold of Pickering, and their many rel- atives and friends. Birthday Birthday greet- - -� ings to Jason Scantlebury who'll turn six on Sept. 22. Wishing the big guy all the best are mom, dad, big brother Jamaal and all his relatives. Jason will celebrate his special day with a party at home with family and friends. His family says. "Love you. Jason". Graduation I Sarah Squire graduated from Trent University in the spring with a Bachelor of Science degree. Sarah is now enrolled in teacher's college at Nipissing University in North Bay. Congratulations and best wish- es from Mom, Dad and siblings Christine, Fred and Garett. Birthday Brittany White - horn cele- brates her first birth- day on Sept. 21. Attending her will Abe great- grandpar- e n t s , grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. Mom and Dad say, "Princess, mommy and daddy wish you a very happy fust birthday filled with lots of hugs and kisses. We love you!" Big brodtier Kyle and Gram - ma and Grampa Syvret wish their little cutie a very happy birthday. Collin and Michael also send along birthday kisses. ......... Wedding Birthday Patricia Robin Benns, daughter of Eric and Diane Benns of Port Perry, and r' " Michael William Heggie, son of Don and Shirley .r. Heggie of Picker- ing, were united ;*— in marriage in a F candlelight ser- vice at the Scugog Community Cen- tre Aug. 10. A total of 200 guests attended the wed- ding and the reception, also held at the Scugog ce n tre. Birthday R o b e r t Coghlan reach- es double digits on Sept. 23. Happy 10th birthday wishes from mom, dad, Carolyn and William.. Birthday Wedding Congratulations to Shel- ley -Lynn Firlotte and Paul Peterson who will exchange wedding vows aboard The Northern Spir- it on Toronto's Harborfront Saturday, Sept. 21. Shelley is the only daughter of Angela and Sheldon F ir- lotte of Pickering Village and Paul is the youngest son of Lidjia and Rudi Peterson of Toronto. Their families wish them joy and happiness and lot of sunshine on their wed- ding day. Birthday Look out world, E r i n Giraudy becomes a teenager on Sept. 16. Happy 1 3 t h birthday f r o In in o m , A a n , Nana, arat Pat and Lou. P.S. Go and look behind your dresser Birthday Barney says. -Have a super -dee -duper sec- ond birthday on Sept. 17, Kelsey!" Also wishing Kelsev James a happy birth- dav are mommy and daddy. Anniversary Birthday A family l�l w r i t e s: l "Happy birth- day to our lit- tle princess, Laura Anne Pagniello, who's cele- brating her first birthday on Sept. 12. With lots and lots of hugs and kiss- es, all our love always, mommy and daddy, and a great big kiss from Tasha, fit„ NPIC"RINGWLOCATED 1450 KINGSTON RD. d E o (west of Brockleast of Liverpool) a Pickering Square Medical Centre >' Kingston R. 837=2020 E> ONE HOUR SERVICE am Gord and Carol Jones of Ajax celebrate their first anniversary on Sept. 23. Best wishes from nephews Robert and William and niece Carolyn. it 1794 Liverpool Road Pickering 831-5431 THIS WEEK'S CkU.. u71KER.i ARE. )I..Jasea kusdebury 2 Kebey Japes 3. laura Anne ragnieuo inners may go dirmily to Baskin RohNns to rei&nve their FREE rake. (Please provide identifiranonj PRIZE VALID LTTIL SAT. SEPT 21. 19% PAGE 18 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,1996 ri 0 0 • F( . To Pi ace 7 Registration At Naw 1Iqe of Canada Ajax-Plckcring branch REGISTRATIONS FOR NAVY LEAGUE CADETS & SEA CADETS NAVY LEAGUE - AGE 10-13 - SEPT. 17 - 6:30 P.M. SEA CADETS - AGE 13-19 - SEPT. 18 - 6:30 P.M. COME OUT AND EXPLORE ADVENTURES OF SEAMANSHIP PLAN TO MEET AT 1915 CLEMENTS RD. UNIT # 1, PICKERING, ONT. FOR FURTHER INFO. CONTACT JOHN RENDA 427-3959 HOME 427-0482 SHIP NCCii fM11C g1�CC1' ��IIA? OBC m ice. Ausembg - Ssskm AiabMwisa "" c s i a symm opmw R AA@d@. srsr'se Assiwat -Sen mi-) Mud Seaa- Mud Asim - FmmKT Tedasion► Medal Oda Assistant - Meiad LAL Ae wt MeiaFOise A' ' ' - -sr - Hn Sewn Wahw Chid & Yast)t Auiwt - Amd Cee Adie Used Cams%- Tend= 0Il11 t) Law Oak - Law ad Sa" - Leyd Oda Ankho ad mmy awe._ tt�ia. lw.sw�t1� pr iK.ii OdCi *� � • awr e+�Y► ratil� r 1Z s�i rilrl fes► =OBC 1e 576-9175. . WANT TO JOIN A FUN SKI CLUB? . NORTHSTAR SKI CLUB NORTHSTAR SKI CLUB FOR KIDS • ADULT DAY & WEEKEND TRIPS • • SKI PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN AGED 9-18 • • ADULT MIDWEEK GETAWAYS • • SKI SOME OF THE FINEST RESORTS IN ONTARIO AS WELL AS QUEBEC AND NE UNITED STATES • • SOCIAL EVENTS • OPEN HOUSE AND INFORMATION NIGHT WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18",19% 7:30 PAL -9:30 P.M. WHITBY CIVIC CENTRE RECREATION COMPLEX LOWER LEVEL SSS ROSSLAND ROAD EAST FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT JOHN MARTIN AT (905) 430.8878 (. D-1 North Star Ski School 889 Westney Rd. S. (at Monarch) 2nd Floor, Unit 205, Ajax • Jazz Dance Fitness That's Fun! • Exceptional Customer Service • Flexible "Pay As You Go" Passes • Kids (Jr. Jazzercise) Programs • Morning & Evening Classes with Childcare IST RAT To Pi ace 7 Registration At Naw 1Iqe of Canada Ajax-Plckcring branch REGISTRATIONS FOR NAVY LEAGUE CADETS & SEA CADETS NAVY LEAGUE - AGE 10-13 - SEPT. 17 - 6:30 P.M. SEA CADETS - AGE 13-19 - SEPT. 18 - 6:30 P.M. COME OUT AND EXPLORE ADVENTURES OF SEAMANSHIP PLAN TO MEET AT 1915 CLEMENTS RD. UNIT # 1, PICKERING, ONT. FOR FURTHER INFO. CONTACT JOHN RENDA 427-3959 HOME 427-0482 SHIP NCCii fM11C g1�CC1' ��IIA? OBC m ice. Ausembg - Ssskm AiabMwisa "" c s i a symm opmw R AA@d@. srsr'se Assiwat -Sen mi-) Mud Seaa- Mud Asim - FmmKT Tedasion► Medal Oda Assistant - Meiad LAL Ae wt MeiaFOise A' ' ' - -sr - Hn Sewn Wahw Chid & Yast)t Auiwt - Amd Cee Adie Used Cams%- Tend= 0Il11 t) Law Oak - Law ad Sa" - Leyd Oda Ankho ad mmy awe._ tt�ia. lw.sw�t1� pr iK.ii OdCi *� � • awr e+�Y► ratil� r 1Z s�i rilrl fes► =OBC 1e 576-9175. . WANT TO JOIN A FUN SKI CLUB? . NORTHSTAR SKI CLUB NORTHSTAR SKI CLUB FOR KIDS • ADULT DAY & WEEKEND TRIPS • • SKI PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN AGED 9-18 • • ADULT MIDWEEK GETAWAYS • • SKI SOME OF THE FINEST RESORTS IN ONTARIO AS WELL AS QUEBEC AND NE UNITED STATES • • SOCIAL EVENTS • OPEN HOUSE AND INFORMATION NIGHT WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18",19% 7:30 PAL -9:30 P.M. WHITBY CIVIC CENTRE RECREATION COMPLEX LOWER LEVEL SSS ROSSLAND ROAD EAST FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT JOHN MARTIN AT (905) 430.8878 (. D-1 North Star Ski School 889 Westney Rd. S. (at Monarch) 2nd Floor, Unit 205, Ajax • Jazz Dance Fitness That's Fun! • Exceptional Customer Service • Flexible "Pay As You Go" Passes • Kids (Jr. Jazzercise) Programs • Morning & Evening Classes with Childcare BMy one 7 V I 1 101 CLASSIFIED i4 INTERNET ADDRESS: • Http /ivnvw.durhamnews net ' E-mail us at : bec557 a durhamnekvs net '07 Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. the 2nd free. Call us for TORONTO Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday details 798-7672 "NE or fax your ad - ApprN. to ArUcl— Fa Fje- Silo w d Vhkbm Fw(905) 579-2238 - GARAGE SALES BIRTH NOTICES rAnnounce your baby's arrival �� only*35 l y�1�1 �� and receive a gift certificate` T entitling you to $25 worth of quality baby products. Careersjj�careers Careers " , 1 ' , ' General General Im General Careers Careers Careers Help , Help p We also have the following courses for Serious Students: •Accounting and Business Administration •MlcroComputior Business Applications • Programming • Legal/Medical Office Administration • Hotel & Restaurant Operations • Bar Management • Travel and Tourism • Dental Chairside Assisting (Some courm oft in Osham rnh) Froxial Assatarm may be available. Computer Support Specialist (CSS) The rapid increase of PC neMorks in offices, factories and retail outlets has led to a demand for personnel with the expertise to administer these installations. The Computer Support Specialist will have the technical skills required to set up and maintain users on 'stand -allose' computers or on PC networks. Emphasis is placed on the admin strabon of Novell & Windows NT networks. Microcomputer FundanNntals Electronic Spreadsheets - Word Processing . Windows Applications Database ManagerTlent System support Fundamentafs Network Administration The unit Operating system Client /Server Computing and Job Search Workshop Network and Communications Technician (NCT) The aim of the NCT program is to produce computer technicians capable of fulfilling a hardware support role in a variety of situations. Students receive hands-on experience working with microcomputers: Troubleshooting equipment: installing and 1rautlleshooting Novell and Wbndows NT software. Computer Fundamentals Application Fundamentals Introductory Electronics Computer Service aL Support Conuinunfications Network Administration Installation i Contigluration Pre -Employment Readiness and .lob search workshop Oshawa -Campus Pickering Campus TORONTO Oshawa Centre 1450 Kingston RdSchool 723-1163 420-1344 Y aA-Mat r& OW WO 800M WIi Co Requires TOURISM D HOSPITRLITY INSTRUCTOR Successful applicant will possess post -secondary diploma in this field as well as a minimum of 2 years related work experience. Please contact: THERESR SCOTT, DERN (995) 576-9175 A LARGE North American financial services company is looking for unique ir4- viduals with leadership ability. we are aria of the fastest growing companies in the fastest growing in- dustry, in the world. Train" Provided. No experience necessary. Opportunity for advancement, excellent in- come Pow". only those with integrity and a good work delle reed apply. cal Patti (905) ON -1314 11394 brappou*nw* .olr�...11l�]Jll�lJllil]�'lllh... Ne are Caracd : r' ,,., . .r . -c ecrk: -ea-e j -rare wine rlol!o. aUC' _ .1: ;:>,>-: ::rCL:e : .:r'ri:niallors arc -ala acouances Level of entry O wads on your gtWdication. All F/I positions Include a h:u Comprehensive benefills pacage. Your positive attitude and determ motion to succeed mean more to us hien your Weriena I you ane a cner-o ienled individual. please torward your resume quoting Ref IPA 21/07 to. N.R.. 611• Carl" Roar, IlliftsissaW. ON 1.5R 31M5 or Fax (9N) 58141M Only neer wird for an -00ve r "I be wnww FUTURE SIiVF' me DISCOUNT SUPERCt P(TERS 11 careers 1 lIm G°' neral Fantastic opportunity due to rapid expansion. 10 new offices in just 18 months MANAGEMENT TRAINEES needed by a large Australian based or- ganization to be trained in all aspects of our fast paced business. You must be well presented, enthusiastic and willing to loam. The successful applic- ants must be ready for rapid promotion based on results and have a chance to train at our Australian head office. Graduates are welcome to apply. Please phone Darryl at 905 -420 -NN for a personal interview 1 GonerM Help A Na'6 Iaporler 6 distributor of grocery Pro- ducts requires a bright highly motivated S organ- ized individual to manage our Durham Region 8 North Territories. The ideal candidate will live in the area and have 2 to 3 years of related selling expen- ence. Salary a commission. Fax resume in confidence to 1-800.363-9933. APPOWT11ENT bookers wanted, no selling in- votved, lull and pan time available. No experience necessary. Full training provided. Hourly wages plus bonuses. Positive and enthusiastic individuals only. For Interview. Call Cheryl at 4282010. MARKETING ASSISTANT Excellent opportunity available for a hard-work- ing. !Night and creative individual This position Includes coordination of trade slaw activity, writing and distribution of product and literature releases, compiling sales statistics. data entry. maintaining promotional item inven- tory, and assisting with company publications Join the Canadian head office Marketing Depart- ment of an Internationally successful company. Requirements include: • Bachelor's Degree in Marketing. Communica- tions or related field • Minimum of 2 years related experience • Excellent written and verbal skulls • High level of enthusiasm • French would be a definite asset If your background matches what we're lookxmg for, please send your resume to: STON NARp LTD. 95 Sunray SL Whitby, ON L1 N 9C9 Attn: Vktoris Greene, tt Monageir "'—.w"`7 Pleam note drat only diose q alilyirg for idler views wig be confacted. 1 Help IMI General requires 30 CLASS AZ DRIVERS 2 yrs. exp.; I.C.C. Medical, Police Clearance, Clean abstract, FuillPiart time Call Randy 430-2204 FIBERGLASS LAMINATORS REQUI11=111 Whitby based fabricator requires experienced laminators (1 year minimum). Applications available at - 1605 Mciwn Draw/ Whitby. Ontario LIN 7L4 AZ DRIVERS Required for Durahm Region local transportation company. Must have minimum 2 years experience. Clean driver abstract, police clearance & be U.S. qualified • Top rates • RRSP Program • Weekly pay • Direct Deposit • Comprehensive benefits package Please Contact; WILMA ERASER leilli 'A m . 905-579-2911 P E R S O N N E L Fax 905-579-b050 up t,, $12.01/hour Work From Home evenings available. flexible hours ' Represent Canada'.N Icaduig Protc.,iunal and Educational Publishers. If -vou are Motivated. enthusiastic, well- spoken and have excellent people skills we are ujlljng to train you as an inside sales representative. Bilingualism a plus. Call Jane Landers 905404-2081 Fax: 905433-1541 Direct 4 Publishing Record Tools Inc, a leader In the field of quality hand and power tools, currently off- ers thee following employment opportunity: CUSTOMER SERVICE / TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE Responsibilities Include processing cus- tomer orders by telephone, fax and mall, advising customer of pricing, ship dates and other information, processing credit notes and invoicing. Duties also include handling technical troubleshooting calls on our expanding line of power tools. Candi- dates must possess previous order desk expenence in a computenzed environment along with excellent customer service skills and a professional telephone manner. In- side sales experience with an industrial dis- tributor would be an asset. Applicants are asked to submit a resume in confidence along with expected renumeration to: RECORD TOOLS INC. 1920 Clem Rd. Pickering, Ontario L1 W 3V6 Fax;. 905428-7555 WE THANK ALL CANDIDATES FOR THEIR IN- TEREST BUT ADVISE THAT ONLY THOSE UN- DER CONSIDERATION YWU BE CONTACTED. NO TELEPHONE INQUIRIES PLEASE. AUTO AVIATION MARINE s12445lhour. immediate local work. IkAVW time, no experience needed. Cal (905)761-5941. des (day -trips) paykV .29 -.30 US Teams (5 on12 off) paying .35 -.40 steady work new equipmeril We offer benefits, pmWshariV pad weekly Must have 2yrs. Clean a police clearance Call Jeff at Canstaff 905433-3867 AZ DRIVERS required Full-time. Qualifications: US Experience. Flatbed Experience. Clean Ab- stract. ICC qualified. Top rates. weekly pay. benefit package. Please cal! TRUST TRANSPORT LTD.. Pontypool, Ontario 1-800- 263-3719. AZ ORIVERS, CDNIUSA transport company. 2 yrs axp., clean abstract. RCMP clearance. 1-800-724- 5917. AZ FUEL Drivers. Part Time/ Full Time required. Clean abstract. Call Donna (905) 619-0581 after spm or fax resume (905) 619- 1287. BEAUTY SALON re- quires part -tame Licensed Styl st for and Ajax/Osha- wa Salary/Commission. Call Rita 619.8839. BROKER DELIVERY DRIVERS Must have own vefx- Cie. (4 cyl. small car i Cash paid dady. Immediate positions available tulll Part itme shift. Commitment a MUSL Celt 11 -46 - SERVICES Dont leave your home Resumes- Reports As- sionments- Fle�troruc Fd - _ms, LerLers F)ygts, Presentabons. We pick-up and rGOA w yea Your deadlines are outsl kleal for home. smal- tx,se+ess, students. Call 420-1593 and try us! CERTIFIED GyuNiAs TICS Coaches needed in Ajax. call 427.0036 CUSTOMER SERVICE - News Adverbs& requests that adventisers check thm ad upon puditation as News Advertiser will not be responsible for more than one incorrect irsertion and there shall be no liability for non -insertion ol any advef- Usemenl. Liability for ef- rors in ads is kmded to the amount paid for the spice occupying the error. All copy is subject to the ap- proval of management of News Advertiser. PACE 20 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,19% I, Careers I I Careers 031 Careers Rini Careers le G The practical real wprld experience of instructors is a key strength of CDI They gave me hands-on practi- cal expenence with the rechnology instead of lust theory Glen Taylor Get Started! %neaaIf • Programmer Analyst • Network Specialist • Lan S,,stems Technology • Computer Maintenance Technology • Computerized Accounting • Office Administration Helping You Succeed • Carter Consultation • Day or evening Classes • Financial Assistance for these who qualify • Targeted Joh Search Assistance • Practical hands-on adult learning environment • Classes starting soon Call Today Be ready for a new career in less than a year Oshawa Campus 434-8585 560 King Street West 1-800-993-9993 10 General IM, General Help h ons. recrooms, bathrooms. Help BUSY ADVERTISING EXPERIENCED Super - CO. needs help fast 11 you ntenoert „o,.pie required a,e 1-terestec in a career for low rise apartnh•nt dealing wrtr, the best building Please tax •a. narrws n The Sports and surne to 905-83172% Entertanment Industry. We MISTER POST HOLE nava a place for you in our EXPERIENCED hairshii. business Applicants must is: and ria, technician apply :r person to 391 wanted for new Salon in Marw000 or Unit 09 '2.4 Dump Centre. A(ax Good pm Sept 16.2020 Posi- wages Cy1905-619-8057 tions available first come call Tom 579-3760 Nave first served NO calls EXPERIENCED talemar- Please keters wanted Options in- magic for children's parties clude hourly and /or corn - insured. Free estimates. missions Phone 579-2837 tAMPUTERS Ask for Kan Sal between 9- iffy own magician Call Er - 2pm General General Help I Help HOMEMAKERS. Mature HELP WANTED Experienced servers. Apply in person to; Celebrity's 1527 Bayly St. Pickering M IXATE OPENINGS! Data entry, - Word Pro- cessing - Bodkkeeprng Help urgently needed. Great Income. work own Students. parr-timeree rnarketng pos,I avrii able S, 00 per Hour Tram- ing provided Call 619- 6991 between 1 and 9 p m PART-TIME Waitress W Cil 7 0 ;��:Uli�,'l�Dl�l� 4miti' Fax News Advertiser 707 683.7363 Invindvementts I I Improvements I Painting Decorating BASELINE Renovations KC a B MASONRY Quality Interior Renova- Special¢ing in brick. block h ons. recrooms, bathrooms. and chimneys All general drywall, plaster, carpentry, repairs All workmanship electrical. plumbing, 20 yrs Guaranteed, photos. refer - experience. Call Andy antes. upon request. Free 905)433-0143 Estimates (905)579-3811 BRICKS.Block work. Free estimates. 0 a N Crimnev epa rs, concrete MISTER POST HOLE steps. Basement leaks" augured post holes. setting Cheapest prices around of posts in concrete. Sona Free est 721-2044 Bill. tubes installed, all work special. starting at $99 and guaranteed (905) 665 - BUDGET HOME V411"ROVEXENTS Basement Apts Rec-rooms. plumbing. Additions, electrical. drywall decks. ceramic filing d countertops 15 yrs. Exp. cal Mano (905) 619-4663. cel. (416)560-4663 C a R Va ^• -a-ce e - .,i g•epai,s and renovations ­c:tr.cal. plumbing, ce- -3- criles carpentry From ,_all repairs to major ran- -'ations Fully guaranteed '•-e estimates !905)432 - DON'S CARPENTRY Frarn:ng. `:n.sned tnm. decks rec rooms, additions and renovations. 22 yrs. exp. 905-985-1010 D00RS •R• US GARAGE DOORS. OPENERS. (We Install) FIX BROKEN SPRINGS. CABLES, ROLLERS Sales Service a Repairs 905-837-0949 3400 RENOVATIONS INC. quahrr home renovations since 1975 NO PROJECT TOO SMALL <'cneru • Basements • Windows • Doors • ?athrooms • Etc 905-686.5211 RENOVATIONS BY W.LEAVER Addlt1_-s. sec, s'� s. finished bsmis . bam- roorns, decks. !lie a wood PAINT YOUR WORLD Experienced Professional quality Workmanship Prompt Reliable Service Reasonable Prices John tel a (905)435-0895 ceNa fo05)718-9580: Guy tel e (905)665-8W cell rf(di n Me I Flooring, party 0 • Carpeting Sevices CARPET Installations - 25 MAGICIAN, clown friends, years experience. re- ready to entertain for any stretching, our speciality, age, any occasion. Birth. Free estimates. 0 a N days, promotions, open - Duncan. 9871799 or 987- ings. fund raisers Magic 1800 T.E. Home Improvements shows are fun' Lettuce Specializing in roohng. Sid. special. starting at $99 and -elp. 839-7057 or 728- ��Cleainin window 6 doors Please 8334 or 683-1171 call Tom 579-3760 Nave PART TIME home busi- RABBITwants work doing 25 NO seting —A"'red. RQ- Superior Sa1BS abii- magic for children's parties call 905-430.3156 insured. Free estimates. and all occassions. Have well colour. 905-430- liable vehicle rhecassary. iffy own magician Call Er - TMS PAINTING dt DECOR Intend 3 Exterior European Workmanship Fast, dean. reliable service 420-0081 floors. doors a windows. dscanb Free estimates guaranteed and reliable • Moving 8 call Warier • Storage (905)428-21as Shia salon. Must have pro- walls and steps. Interlock SIGON Cons::_.:..i,,. L:d AJAX Moving Systems - tug serving Durham Region for services, moves. applance 19 yrs Additions. sundaois and piano specialists Flat Patio doors, wnndows. red ate or hourly We now 'OomS, flagstone free est, have heated storage units ^lues 905-576-5760 Now offering free boxes T.E. Home Improvements with move Park and load Specializing in roohng. Sid. special. starting at $99 and ng, soffit *awes trough up Call for information. window 6 doors Please 725-0005 or 427-0005 call Tom 579-3760 Nave PART TIME home busi- message re'Wlandyman MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We will ^,ove arr.n ng Commercial anywhere residential Packagng storage and boxes SINGLE MAID SERVICE � .xnplrti• .� .I.:.ilirr h„usehold rlraning weekh. hi -weekly. lex otsamall, Partial c leantn}; rvicr now available insured & RoruJed 9105-619-8082 •AI CEDAR trees for hedging, wholesale: prices, fresh dug 8 delivered Call 1-(613) alter needed DUCTWORK installed, avaiubis Sonia 8 mic "Win 472-3896 9644 aper 1030 am moved relocated Excellent PHOTOCOPYING Assts- rates Free estimates Elec- tart required Mon -Fri trostabic air cleaners, hu - 11 DO -2 00 Sat 9.00-4:00 midifi•rs. Big- Small )obs. May be required to work Call Paul 428-0295. extra hours as needed. EUROPEAN ale special - Must be flexible, depend- st, will renovate your badh- able, able to perform more room, or kitchen wails. as than one task at a time. No well as floor tiles Good ref - phone calls will be accept- erences and satisfaction assemble o r rod Ct ed Please tax resume to guaranteed. For free esti- Hie 668-4932 E•2•r1'Business Services DO YOU have a small ousiness') Let Amberlea Business Services handle your bookkeeping and word processing needs We _ •ov,de quick and efficient .,),vice for both computer - _ed and manual systems x11905-831-1642 Don't Forget Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept. is open for your con- venience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call Free estimates, seniors discount, short notice moves Appliances moved, • I Galdltng 6 en • , Gardening & alsoU p u s. hours (FT/PT) Modem plates call D Dykstra 725- able. storaCom�parablee rates • Landscaping Larndseapfn9 pl Easy work. NoW5-43req 4913 Chimney req d. Call Call 432-2850. 216 6332,'of experience necessary. • For FREE details send 1 a0d8316962 GARAGE Door/Opener re- • 1 6 Syms MEN with large truck will TREE MAINTENANCE dr REMOVA CIVISS.A.S.E. to RETA L pairs broken springs• ca- do hauehold moves. rm- Also tree stump removal. HOUSEKEEPER I NAN- NA R Wes. rollers. openers in- dential. commercial. Al Landscaping -Frear EEstimatias- FIVe Star Ell: NY required. Live out. Car stalled $49. New doors/ AJAX CHIMNEY SWEEPS types d moves. Call Cart or Illi LIMrp001 Rd StiM213 - ch Fashion 1 41s 336-0073 earl aav 831 a must. Pickering area 0rwpe-70sS PeYlrlrf9 01C Liv SM dscanb Free estimates INTERLOCK, walkways. opener, QUALITY DOOR SERVIC- 571-0755 patios, driveways• retaining work, all types, no strip. req- Shia salon. Must have pro- walls and steps. Interlock or 416 327-5387 dye. 1-Sgg_491.6600 repairs and calling Call ing installed. only $25. NO IIICHALSKI MOVING houses, aPartintents, onxxm Brickscape for a tree as - HARRY -0 -THE- timate 668-2742 MOVERS - Move big or GENERAL CARPEN- TRY. free estimates, house small, we price mem all! appliances and piano spa- Senior Hie 668-4932 E•2•r1'Business Services DO YOU have a small ousiness') Let Amberlea Business Services handle your bookkeeping and word processing needs We _ •ov,de quick and efficient .,),vice for both computer - _ed and manual systems x11905-831-1642 Don't Forget Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept. is open for your con- venience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call Free estimates, seniors discount, short notice moves Appliances moved, • I Galdltng 6 en • , Gardening & alsoU p u s. hours (FT/PT) Modem plates call D Dykstra 725- able. storaCom�parablee rates • Landscaping Larndseapfn9 pl Easy work. NoW5-43req 4913 Chimney req d. Call Call 432-2850. 216 6332,'of experience necessary. • For FREE details send 1 a0d8316962 GARAGE Door/Opener re- • 1 6 Syms MEN with large truck will TREE MAINTENANCE dr REMOVA CIVISS.A.S.E. to RETA L pairs broken springs• ca- do hauehold moves. rm- Also tree stump removal. HOUSEKEEPER I NAN- NA R Wes. rollers. openers in- dential. commercial. Al Landscaping -Frear EEstimatias- FIVe Star Ell: NY required. Live out. Car stalled $49. New doors/ AJAX CHIMNEY SWEEPS types d moves. Call Cart or Illi LIMrp001 Rd StiM213 - ch Fashion 1 41s 336-0073 earl aav 831 a must. Pickering area 0rwpe-70sS PeYlrlrf9 01C Liv SM (905)420-4390 evenings (905)420-4390 denim wearCutin opener, QUALITY DOOR SERVIC- Scial chimney cleanup as k1w as $59 . Pest screw- Jane 127-2856. work, all types, no strip. req- Shia salon. Must have pro- HAMStyliwanted for es- or 416 327-5387 dye. seeks a sales-dfiverl ES. ing installed. only $25. NO IIICHALSKI MOVING houses, aPartintents, onxxm guaranteed. We place peo- tablished downtown Whitby salon. Experienced IIIA -LEE ENTERPRISES 3 Store Manager for GENERAL CARPEN- TRY. free estimates, house MUSS. NO FUSS GUAR- ANTEED. 'Free Estimates appliances and piano spa- Senior • P001 • . PO•i • w,ith clientele, salary + cWnmS_ people to be fired by Sept. our Oshawa store. additions, basements. 696-7741. clalists. and mid- month discouril Licensed. quick learners . AN appliac- PART TIME home busi- cions. Knowledge of Gold- 25 NO seting —A"'red. RQ- Superior Sa1BS abii- decks. trim work, door in- call 905-430.3156 insured. Free estimates. at entry levet. cal Marsha well colour. 905-430- liable vehicle rhecassary. and stallatia,. baseboards, . Roo 1 Excellent service. cal 436'FALL SPECIAL 6996. Excelent opportunity for shads, rod repairs. (905) • 7795. mate at home while kids sltils eswitial. Muni- 6,9.4930 Bit Jr. POOL CLOSING HAIRSTYLIST required fill ti Clientele at school. ria interview calf Gord 721-9679 mum 3 years man- J.S.ARMSTRONG — A i C ROOFING, shin- $185 DUIINAM area Of part me. a NIC. Sp•aalaing gf1flfl al types d mots. new &APWPWM +GST expen- required. Phone. Strands ' in custom homes, additions, enc• warehouse worker OFFICE PERSON need- benefits. Call 416• and obi Workmanship renovations,m ret rooms and Cron lI•V•r• (mMemal.ale) S7.00/hour. ed lex approxi 20 hr apartments. Res - per 498-6601 ext. 360 basement Guaranteed, Free esti- Bargain rates, homes, INCLUDES: SaM1y anws. must read a HAKUNA-YATATA week. Flexile Hours. Pick- or tax 416-494- idennal and commercial. mates. call Andrew at offices, am., Etc. CHEMICALS (SHOCK AND ALGICIDE) writ engfth. APPfY u per- Problem free, debt free. Bring south area. Fax re- Serving Durham Region lex (965) 428-8704. Piano moving. LIGHT VACUUMING son orgy Saps. 16. 17. 18. guaranteed cash, Call - some to 416286.5217. 8467. over 15 yrs. Free carsulta- Padring available. LOWER WATER LEVEL 9am -spm. 40 ora kingaton Opportunities 905-434. tion. Call Jeff 905-42•- • • Plumbing 423-0239 WINTERIZE LINES Rid. Style 228• yVax- 2106. Toll free 1.888-877- MOVIE PEOPLE, Torch. STYLIST, Experienced 5706• • 1 g 2x6-5513 DRAIN PUMP 1161 to's fastest growing agency male m or female, motivated , FILTER AND HEATER EARN Sa27.06/WEEK seeks extras for film and TV stylist required bar progres- from homN Light assemblY, HARD WORKING, sports work, all types, no strip. req- Shia salon. Must have pro- clerical and sewing minded people needed im- Earn E7-S22.80fhr. Work klssionalism, creativity, and (416)812-6891. Earn S500r medoey for Fall a Winter guaranteed. We place peo- a committed attitude. We week from home complet- line up of clientele for east ple on movie sets every offer incentve packages, Ing book surveys for Pub- end advertising company day. Call Jonathan (416) upgrading education and lishrs. (416) 812.6882 Advancement available for 961.2226. pr Isonal friendly at - code 6. quick learners . AN appliac- PART TIME home busi- mosphere bar your clientele ants must be w&V to start ness. Choose your own call 905-430.3156 call now 434.3976. at entry levet. cal Marsha hours and Income Call to- BOS.839.7285. day (905) 436-0852 REMOVE LADDER AND BOARD ALVIN SAMEDAY Flooring,plumber; COVER POOL PLUMBING licensed no job too small. EM Carpeting To BOOK YOUR DATE CALL: job '°° big. JIM AT (905) 665-9006 R a esti- Renovation. Free esti- CARPET 8 VINYL SALES mates, great prices. guar- anteed lowest. 905-725- and/or Installations. Re - 2507 or 1-WO.340-0058 stretches and repairs. For 10 ' ' the most affordable rates I I call now 434.3976. I GeneralGeneral Help 1 Help DURHAM LOCATION Highly motivated, well organized person responsible for complete set of books. Must have solid background,in all phases of Accounting. Computer proficiency required Submit comprehensive resume in confidence to. Jane MacGregor, Accounting Co -Ordinator Shoppers Drug Mart 225 Yorkland Blvd.Willowdale,Ont. M2J 4Y7 Fax: (416) 490.2895 No phone calls please. preference will be given to 3rd or 4th level C.G A or C.M.A. Applicants. THE PICKERING SWIM CLUB Requires a Coach for its non-competeive swim program. Requirements: Lifeguard qualifications, Teaching Experience, Good people skills, Level 1 coaching Certificate an asset. Sept. Start date. Contact Wayne Allen: 905-686-0441 TORONTO STAR Pe,uires enthusiastic, outgoing ADULTS ntroduce our special offer dlscourt :n D. -nam. ;r commitment of 12 hrs. per wk +SSS$. Pie provide exclusive territories. TRAIN- ING GUARANTEE clus bonus. monthly ac-ievement Incentives. •Good communication skills required .Door to door sales experience an asset *transportation required If you're a "CLOSER" Call 686-2292 WANTED: Retail pmtessional for tuli-time employment with 3-5 years retail experience. Background to cosmetics a definite asset. Compensation based on experience. We are a compam that cares about our employees, our customers, our community and the environment. Apply in person with a resume to 13• Id &13-0 P A&,. ar N. r. r I..�. .r,.., Thr Pickering Town Centre TEACHERS- Cernhed -^•a' c Malt a Saente eachers required for -A- file Extra Hefp-Tutonng Service $15/hr Fax re- sume to 668-3365 WAITRESSES and bar - 'enders wanted Experi- ence xpertence preferred Radk'em Up Billiards. Ajax 619 - WI PART TOE short order cook required for busy res- taurant. Call for interview 72t'-8665 WANTED imrnediatNy, 10 �e experience rtee- essant. hal fele tours. own vehicle required. Cant 905- 665-'9034 Mori -Fri. WANTED: 19 people to Iola tie to 30 pounds by Hallowelan. AN natural. dolor recarrnWKind. Ask how! Cap too fry 1-800- 881.6782. 1 office Help 'EXPERIENCED recep- b0nisUboogyper, for snap aAtex nla1Ca, fompulsr tilar- 0 42474 oW 4pn only r nmW to 95 Chambers Dr 05, Aim LIZ t E2.' RECORD COMMNY Seeks Jr. Sales Rep. o service accounts in the Greater Toronto area Du- ties also include tefernar- keting Immediate opening Sales and music ba(* - ground an asset. Fax rs. sumo to (905) 666-9205 ENTAL tPTIM T For txarkham. Pah prey. aft and everting hours, or interview please Call ) 294-8383 Office 1 Help IF you are roamed, single single parent. separated or divorced you may quality for Financial Assistance DIP/CERT programs avail- able. Quark. Illustrator, Photo Shop, Director. Premier, Access. Accpac, Autocad, C++, Visual Basic, Unix, Novell Engineer, Windows N.T.. Small Talk, Power Pant, Word, Excel, Durham Business Cornp t- er College, 427-3010 SaleSaksHelp/ Saks Help/ Daycare Agent Agent 1 Agent Available SALES REPRESENTATIVE required for our new sports product. Position available 3 days/week. Also able to handle print sales and dis- tribution 2 days/week. Previous sales experience a definite asset but not essential Aggressive & self - motivating are qualities you will need to succeed in this position. Reply with resume to: Retail Advertising Manager Oshawa Whitby This Week 865 Farewell St. Oshawa, Ont. L1 H 711_5 Aft: Sales Position We offer a smoke-free equal -opportunity environment PART TIME TELEMARKETER required to promote retail sales features Previous sales experience a definite asset. Reply with resume to: Retail Advertising Manager Oshawa Whitby This Week 865 Farewell St. Oshawa, Ont. L1 H 71_5 Aft: Telemarketing Position We offer a smoke-free equal -opportunity environment REQUIRED IMMEDIATEL-T 2 positions open. Advertising Sales Rep. 1 entry level 1 experienced (min. 2 yrs) Telephone Directory Sales ana layout experience an asset. If you are outgoing, highly motivated, and have a positive attitude and are dedicated to overall customer satisfaction, we would like you to join our winning team. Existing and new accounts, training. commissions and base pay. Mail or fax resume to Ajax / Pickering News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Ontario, L1 S 2H5 Fax. # 619-9068 ' Sales Helpi Agent AVO n Fabulous products In store for you!!! Seil now for Christmas Earn extra SSCASHSS CALL TODAY PAULINE NAULLS 427-4689 aTSaks Help) Skilled Agent Im Help Daycare SHEET METAL ME 8 ' wanted NEEDED Highly motivated Sales Person for Durham Region. Experience in office equipment sales an asset. Fax. Resume (905) 427-1339 MEMO C11911111113 ��watm Morkham based insurance firm. Fklent French and Engish ski■Ist PC aki■s and experience in health claims ad- justing a must Salary to 32K and ex- fJeNeflt be�n�efa,tis�. Fax Jackie at 4164HO-1824. Sdolim Sk■eld [of Hfllp 1 AyNMN Help 10 - 15 MATURE motiltfi ed peo* needled for can - Van" sales pror otions. Pickering - Oshawa arse. Vehicle required. 905-666- 1047 or t-600.575.8399. ClImifled IkpL open every Ikon. to hi. 8.i0 a.m. - 8:10 p.fa. Sak 9-30 - 3.41 Call 6834717 BRAKE OPERATOR, Re- quired for small Fabrication Shop wordrg in skurnnum and stainless steel. Mini- mum 5 years experience. Must be able to do setup. bend allowances and work with mnnwm supervision. Block fid. / Hwy. 401 area of Pickering- Wages nego- plible.ph. 905-4241044 or Fax 905- 4241925 Atten- tion Max. INSTALLER required for local Heating and Air Con- ditioning Co. Minimum 5 ys. exp. No apprentices. 905- 686-0017. L.n ";Y - Cxprnrnce 'etroht for local heating and WC company Minimum 5 yrs exp No apprentices 686-0017 LIVE-IN / OUT nanny housekeepe for strong willed ' 1 years old and 6 month baby Must be Iov. ng. outgoing, conscien- tious. non smoker October 1st P,dtenng 416-282. 2521 Complete daycare program ,n sate. happy, non-smoking home Fenced yard. playroom. outings, crafts. wholesome mealy snacks. school transportation Receipts ALSO French-speaking Call Michele 619-0686/ KIDDIE :-A I F',F ,Hit-DCAPE - Our 3 yr -, ds are learning to read Soon they'll be reading '^e,r parents a bedtime S+ory. it yourin Small p" atedaycare situated in ex - large home. educanona -: mputer games. library .sits dress -up- lots Of 4,r and learning We even in. 'Jude body painting Cun- ius'? Call Pauline at 433 '.71 • Affordable full rime :Iacemon, and p,Ck ip wadable QUALITYne 'Jaycare . •- , 3^ educanona m-Iowng environment ..arge fenced yard play. -ooms and lots of toys 11 /ears e.pe, erre, •esp,)n. sable mcll-r non-smoker =ill time daycare prd'".ng 'eCeipts and •efefend es S75 and up Westney. 'tossiand 905-6834438 LOVING ..1�me 1a'; :a'a avail- -- . ECE educatlon- -, ther of one per - s : realized preschool cicurllim, 427.4725 YEARS -rncr .:A ,a•e prov,oer and tssrstant with E C E Whnes 90 3 ShepoaM ^rr Invoker CPR. medical �ackgr-­nd, any age we, :one -etwences. 'ecill :alt 931-8087 RIP Firewood ABSOLUTELY : rtj, 3E �' Apple Vapie Oak 3eech Low prices Free rel,very serving Pick., 1iax. vY^,tty. Os-a.va DURHAM FIREWOOD 427- 474 - FIREWOOD sea .:tee•, 'S- so, 1 narw.00d gaiting at SIBS.Cord Ca -1 wve 705-944 880' 7 p m '• pm FIREWOOD, Exceuent .ua, "! ^a-dwood ,"xt,ar anteed. extra Ong fully seasoned. cut and spit Honest meas,.,mmerif Free Jekvery K;,z, Heat Fre- wood 9C5 7532246 SKIDS a pa -e•s . wov:-a'dwood d soft- wood mixed pre cut or pro - ker. delivery avauable iarge a small loads Limited time offer cat, ;905,430- 9013 Skilled JESkilled IM Skilled :: Help Help Help INDEPENDENT LEARNING SYSTEMS INC. specializes in the research, design, develop- ment, delivery A evaluation of technical training programs. ILS requires a DESIGNER/DEVELOPER for a one year contrpict position. QUALIFICATIONS required include certification as an automotive technician with two years ex- perience in training design and development. RESPONSIBILITIES include development of in- dividualized competency based training pro- grams given objectives and manufacturers ma- terials. CANDIDATE will have excellent writing, commu- nication, research and presentation skills. Com- puter experience/knowledge with Lotus Suites is required. Send resume to ILS by Fax 613-836-3508 or email ilsOmagi.com. Deadline September 27/ 96 0 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1996 -PAGE 21 Bargain in, Comer Articles Articles 1 For Sale 1 For Sale ALASKAN Malamute. 2 W 0Ile 0 0 00 0= 0 0 0 0 0, years old. Free to home House 8 supplies , HOW ARE WE DOING, ppood ■ included Call Dan 683- 3907 ■ TheThisvW/fv�,�,;W..s�A kew Dor~ ■ BRAND NEW never used ■ 6�Yiwdtopaov+your Ol5tmers'Mhft best NBA portable basketball ■ •r 99vm Ville y„p� •r�4•pm& � �� �^�� ■ .nit Elevator pole. water . '.,led base.sell in stores for ■ remonselD ft %EsIlortsbebw. 5300 + before taxes $250 , 501 ■ 1. Was your call answered promptly? Burgundy Velvet couch ■ 3 live seat S500 Love seat ■ 3 wing chair (cream bur- ■ g,ndv 8 green print $300 ■ A green print 'dye seat a Both 5350 ■ 2 Did the Sales Representative offer friend) p y. �nav recline Call (905) 839-2428 ■ courteous service? ■ ■ FITNESS MEMBERSHIP ■ Ir ' /ear at Premier ■ Health Club in Ajax $290 ■ obo 905-831-674' ■ ■ FREEZER i cu If good ■ S-10 obo 839 1113. Are you satisfied with the response to your 59;z ■ advertisement? ■ QUEEN sze box spring w; fra^e Fx cond In plastic ■ ■ As. ^g 565 686.8329 ■ STORM DOOR white ■ f'a-e � .e; or• •;r dltior 'deal tr)r (Use. pa,cony or ■ 4. Suggestions or comments: ■ cottage Includes al, i,x ■ ■ tures $75 Call 583 7935 ■ WASHER DRYERRri E ■ ', !ea-; .d excelent con. ■ ■ d,tifr 5450.427-0987 n ■ tie Ar-ic i,Ke 'v near irjrr 'f(jV. ■ Articles ■ for Sale ■ ■ If you prefer. ■ 1.42 •a -at diamond rng of r wide ■ please Contact Fred E sr -ort ■ yellow, gr,,d 'rank appraised aIN ■ at 576-9335. or 683-'; 7': .11.9,r -rust sell. ask r, 5.45X, o 434 7225 lio Call ■ or fill out this Couper ■ ROCK BOTTOM DEALS ' ■ and mall to. ■ 'owave star,:: j5,. TVs '1 ■ ■ -or^ $25C C P 5 « •em to from 5129 Gu,tar S2 5C Classified Depanment ■ Jean snaoed diamond ring ■ S3'500 Apt sized wasrer P.O. Box 481 ■ dryer !tom S40C Fridge, ■ Stove sot s50c S+Z 865 Farewell St. ■ wee n(( ryyer x1 $3rY Mi $3 ■ -rp$50 We buy Cno ■ Oshawa, Ontario ■ sell and ell aimdstany erg Shoo Cry phone Delivery avaiiable. most Mems guar LIH 7L5 ■ anteed. ,ay -away -,-gram ■ .2 Simco• S: Oshawa -)05.4 ■ 36 ' 320 'Y_-,,,, Sarts/aic iort S fy'e • L -3S -T -':Lr SUCe55 - ■ ■ 2 PIECESn.ar Pepplar ti m• as as M a a t a a fat -'a.- VI.11,-0ldured CAPPE-S _ � .'EP _E;% oas;e. ;teen a Berk •ose r new stair !- .- .. PI Desi eenc 6 r•o^!ns ^ew ' fask rg S12X ooc ease a(pe)s cr ^and. non al, araC^^efts aa�d 623 3' :,- w,.l :ar•Jef 3 rooms. 5349 S2_'00 As.,g S JCC , P-ce relines :arper pre ties: ,ffer 725-395E am o S HORSEPOWER pu; 'nium pad expert r'stada- Dim �r' >>..^,y j' JC ?,ori. last delivery --ee esti- FOR SALE Pqo, Pirelli rtes, slag wheelie toes mates 3C yards %C -an 4x9t• i �..--series $SOC 500 686 23'4 ask.ng $30C ox Maytag ' 363 32, ✓ ago 52000 dryer $25C 000 905 434 COMPUT - A SAVE _ Ca' ' C. 4= - 293C 625•' -an. ware- s,,. a GAMES FOR RENT 7 PC sola Birds- Eyenw- p,e nellobm Suite Cost 5-000 r '965 one or a Mira' 53500 coo, oax an- tique tape and 5 oar's ouf1w excellent condition S'50o obo professional dratt,ng table $350 3 yr >d Ingia waster S2'5 g,asstop table 4 chars S'50 said pine !able4 benches S2'5. 3 coffee ta- bes S25 - S, 5. wainut war- drobe ardrobe 5235. 2 solid wood dressers, mirror $155 earn dryer and apt stove $95 each. R V propane Iridge 5130 wall unit $110. 5 PC bedroom supe $250 arm chairs $35 each many other items 697-3532 APT. CONTENTS many antiques Everything must go Out of country move 905-665-8262. 8 i W DARKROOM for sale. Omega 0-22 wilarger. numerous trays, tater temp control pump, asking $.500. Pius other accessories. 434-5098. CARPET 3 roams, $299. price includes 30 yards at carpel pnan"unn pad . and Installation. Custom blinds also available at tow" prices. Sat. 905-432-2750. Carpet BrOIfM. 100%. Nylon tiled. plush sten re- sistant cwpat For 3 rooms, orgy $369.00. Price in - eludes 330 Sq• yds carpel delis pad and mon in your home. Free q}rota- borl . in your home. No in- terest, no payment for one full year. Daniel, 1-800- 217-01D4. Carpet M Disrbbutors, 12 months No payments, No interest (OAC) 3 rooms (300sq.1it.) installed with deluxe ped from only 5399. SW. on V-.Ceramc and Hardwood Flowng Free Shop At Home. 1 B00 663.6046. For Sul Full sure washer 8 dryer. Gently used, works like newl 5500. or best offer. :all Steve 0 639.6414 m•n' -.r d,hon as• -_ 'DIA -r ;ale 'AD, .: $dam': Te eph0ne ;_ -able Cnexx 83'-634' 42' ;'24 B�00'. HCCkey A,- Hock ey S,01 Car cwt We 7e COMPUTERS COM- PUTERS Comc,,;e• C eaa-_e Centers new hours Mor 3 30 5 OC Tues 9 3c 6 0c Wed F - 930- 8 D. Sat 930 5 00. Sun '? 301 30 Just arrived new 486's 8 mb 'am. $585 Pentium 75's 5895 386's from 5165. 2865 from $25 laptops 5355 ur VGA monitors !tom S45 -C Lets of new SamtUCK factory built penti- ums with software " S200 -$80C less than most super store 'specials' Bring your quotes - ads - Save on superior products. t9O5) 697-3059 or 164 Baseline Rd. E. Botrman- vdie. CONSIGNMENT Store for sale. 5 years estab- lished'd' same location in Good od cMnWe 8 rep- utabon. Call after 4pm 905- 683--4563. CONTENTS Liv/rm, div rm. bedroom set, TVs, fridge, entertanmen unit, pictures. lamps. tables, etc. 1459 Nash Rd., Counties. 905-721-9588 Sat & Sun 1-5. Convection piton, Maytag side-by-side fndge, there- peul+c message chair. wing chair, coffee/end tables, entertainment unit, RCA T.Y. console 6 stereo con- sole. (905)683-1023. EXERCISE equipment E. Force Trainer $200. obo. Coffee table, matching end tables, $425 o.b.o. S.C. typewriter/process 5199.. Mita copier zoom and find- er features 5400. Large toaster oven (Deforght) salt deeding, $45.721-9155 ELEGANT 9 pc. Peppier dining room suite, oak, but- ler li hutch. 6 chars. 2 leaf table, asking $2500. In ex- cellent condition like new call 905.263-8563. ,ver Tournament 305-619 3700 JACUZZI ^,I tub 5 Per- s:.^ ax„e �ent condition. Upgrades 2 back-assag- er lets Lounge and plower includes ad accessories. 5' 200 576-6446 LAWN Mower C earance Toro a Lawn Boy 15% off LIST W,lde Sales Call 655-8010 LIKE NEW 7 toilet stau Partitions, T toilets. 4 sinks Make me an offer Call Rick at 905-683-9042 9 MAYTAG DRYER 3 yrs old, just like new, $300 905134.6257 NEW armoire for sale. $900 Also Ltd. Edibon Wd. lits Print. 666.4171 OAK/PBIE FURNITURE - Why Par retail Pers? One Of Ontano's oldest and lar- gest manufacturers is (tote so" direct to the public. Eg, solid oak 7 pc. dining - room or 6 pc. solid pine bedroom, your choice $1995; many stain choices. Tradional Woodworking 905-985-8774 PIANO - Kimball, apart - mom size. beatrtAW oak hn# ish, hull keys 8 bench. Like new $2990. Call 723- 6690. PUINOS - GRANDFA- THER CLOCKS Back to school specials. New and used pianos Not sure? Rent to own. apt. size• upright. grand. digital, key- boards. Clearance on all 1995 stock! Telep Piano Works. 433.1491. SHEDMAN - Quality barn style shed dt 8' x 8'. SPE- CIAL ONLY 5295 plus tax. Many other sues and styles available. Also garages and decks. 761 McKay Rd. Unit 3. Pickenng For more info. call 905-619-2093. Washer b dryer $600 or best otter. Like new. Call (905)420-9328. PAGE 22 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,19% MArticles Articles FMI PetMipplie$l ALd7w biles Trucks For Apartments Apartments A artments Apartments o For Sale Wanted Boarding For Sale Sale For Rentflon, For Rent pFor Rent For Rent 18' Digital Satellite 70 $SS GOOD WORKING MALE GERMAN 1988 CELEBRITY 25L. 1986 GMC JIMMY, 4 x Free channels for 1 year order - years or newer SHEPHERD. 2 yrs old. free 4-cynnder. automatic. p/s. 4, 2 8 litre v-6, auto tilt. air. Rent to own for only Sl- 25 Apartment size washers 8 to roam. asking for good p'b 179.000km (highway). cd player, as is. $2.600. weekly Call 905.571.1412 dryers. and fridges & owners to take dog for excellent condition, eco- 723-1366 after 5 p m TWO BEDROOM 2 storey stoves Full size washers & keeps 728.4199 nomical, must be seen. clean and quiet. Good ap- HITACHI 35- stereo tele- dryers Musical insnuments OSHAWA OBEDIENCE $2800 certified obo Won't 1994 FORD RANGER. vision U'ra black Acture Apartment size freezers ' ' Monday night last 905-683-8623 sono box. 2 Are. 5 tube, Pic -in -Pic. High resp- TVs & V C R s Portable Oct 7 Oct novice, Tuesday 1988 Dodge Anes K -Car, speed, power steering. lutlon Rent -to -own from dishwashers Couch a Oct. S. Banc Register now aulc 4 dr. am'fm Cass. brakes, bed liner, imrnacu- S' 5 80 weekly Call 905- chair sets Diamonds and Call Bev 435.0868 102.000 km ext condi- late $I' 500 obo Cert . x71 14'2 Gold Call ROCK BOTTOM companionship o' a boxer tion $3300 cert otic, Call (905) 4388056 (9051 KENWOOD 200 war! DEALS 905-436-'3<^C UNWANTED Scrap metal BARN for ren; or Individual horse stables (stalls). local 905728-7794 . 434-2346 Town ^' Power 5 Disk CC r,ckec up ' dges stoves ed near Laker d8e. Taun 1988 HONDA CRX, SI. 2 GREAT BUYS 1989 double cassette. !ower washers. dryers. cars. ton Rd Whitby 905-427 6660 rec slit rack vont snow GMC Wra^gj ew ' 2 ton pick - speakers Reii ow, from r rucks etc Can ;9051430- 4th -1743K ties mus! sou. $4.000 or ties! cher (905)619-6862 new clean truck. coni $725 weeli Cale 905- 9013 SIBERIAN Husk Husky pups.. !oi sling rpys. tie nail 59400 1996 GMC Sa- 571.1412 WANTEDx lease tC CKC Req s'er«d. Both par- 1988 HONDA PRE- sari SLE van. fully loaded, COZY 1 bedroom. Close to ., a. res wqh water tot veg en,, on premises Ready to LUDE SI. rea 5 speed 7000 km. 525.500. 434- NICE and clean 1 and 2 S. OSHAWA - one bed - bedroom. quiet area in room spacious lower level good Oshawa neighbour- of home. Private patio. 4 hood Newer budding appliances, c/vac, fireplace. Available Oct 1stand utilities pard 5700 first/lasV Nov 1st 263-4753 references Available Oct NORTH WHITBY, avail- 1.721-1392 able Oct 1st. new basement 90 FRHT. 1SALE OR bachelor. 4 -pc bath. kech- SOUTH OSHAWA 2.75 enette. - Includes parking, Wentworth 51 W. large 1, laundry, utilities, suit quiet, 2, bedrooms, close to bus non-smoking worker $450/ es, shopping, available im- month Call 668-4063 mediately. $500. $600 & TWO BEDROOM 2 storey up tndge. stove, heat. by apt will 'oft very •+paclous. dro. parking 1st /last re- clean and quiet. Good ap- quired, no pets 723-6637 pllances. New ceramic erts on premises. CKC bath, carpet throughout. SOUTH Oshawa, large 1 - backyard and verandah bedroom rased basement SHARP 25' Til. VCR com- etabies and pasture No go 535C Shots. de 13CC ck?0 kit 4 wheel steer- 8033 available with parking apt. Laundry facilities. 2 car bra' : -s iresoluho cnemcals usetl 72' 1527 wormed Sue (9051986- Ing, sunroof, alarm, excel ria: K•r• iuiiy loaded excel lent condition Must sell. picture tube frons A'V us- seUSlmcoe Bright clean 2 0340 lent drains car Cert 90 FRHT. 1SALE OR Jacks auto programming. ways welcome Please call GERMAN Shepherd pups $5.500 Carey, (905) 987- LEASE $1499 mo with unive-a remote Control Computer /Internet jnzue c„ c black German 4563 down payment Also Rent !C own from $7 50110,11,1 $600. non Stni no & Czech blood -n -es par- 1989 DODGE Omni, ex- 48'x'02' air -ride flatbeds & an 905.57' 1412 aid- quiet 12-plex Hard- qui erts on premises. CKC ee e^' condrPor Asking 48' detachable double ANTIOUES NEW MUSIC ii lit registered. list shots $450 $2.400 Call 905666- drop 1-600-724-5917 DINING ROOM 'able 4 http 'www, durham 0411 905.983-9069 2706 9 11am 7989 after 5 30 p m cha rs Et^a^ A entwo news net,-a1c23EL BOXER PUPPIES e^fich 1990 LUMINA EURO. Dana! extra leafs with under pads. ilex htm you, n'e will !^e cyaey and tiny loaded 9 k '- hwy ms- , 4 Wheel Drive wall snit for TV matching I've discipline sma11 class- companionship o' a boxer ex Gond 54300 obo con included Laundry facilities China cabinet Call 905! • Lost $ Bred for superior temper- 1986 Chevette no rust. parking. storage, home ser 619-2592 Make reason- • Fd Found Trent and intelligence $850 obo. as is 655-3449. 1987 GMC Safari, p/s. p/ able otter ONE bedroom basement C K � reg steed Call Pro- Brook ^ b a �)d condition Boxer s Reg'd Kennels 1991 AUDI 47 000 ongi- 53700 as is Call 906-404- FOUNO 7553028 0856 NORTH OSHAWA R AVAILABLE IMM. 5800 all inclusive Avail parking, private entrance. able Oct 1. 434-9373 $575 all Inclusive Avail - Oshawa able Nov.t Mature working single or couple No pets '405579-1869 SPACIOUS basement apt in Courtrce. $800/mo. ncludes parking. laundry. utilities and storage area Available Oct Call 905- 434-7103 or 519-243-3685 TOP floor of house 2 bdrm I rsblast Appliances includ I ' Ala. III Iles Wanted ^1 ,nom •ak - Tont 'ea, the new Dndge 'WE LOVE PUPPIES' ria: K•r• iuiiy loaded excel lent condition Must sell. 1992 CHEV LUMINA APV us- seUSlmcoe Bright clean 2 DI AT LY, in Whitby Apt Y C PICKERING. ed Clean quiet peop e yhding Ave. Oshawa PMI Yard Sales Yard Sales ways welcome Please call ilii the beach hanging or a JUN;OR SENIOR PUPPY buying new car $17.000 or Var' 'cuy loaded. power bedroom .n newly ren low ramp._ spacious. carpet 'an�es $630 Available Sept 1 !er5 509-2893 $600. non Stni no log. one '^, Ka"a! gold heart PROGRAMS -Beginner best otter 905-433086 locks CD stereo, front and aid- quiet 12-plex Hard- qui ed. newt' Daznted, with baL air. 4 appliances centraapartl DP a cos, central au. fireplace, parking, $650 in- Own outside entrance 571 ANTIOUES Absolutely ring on a back rove w!n classes our approach STORM, 2 ear A C, builbin air com- wood floors. heat hot wa Cony. Close to bus. shop- clusive No pets. Istrlast, 7989 after 5 30 p m an F✓ a<:^ 'c ^m re or an- two °trier 'leets !n,s emphasizes gentle. pose- id, c- ;r - dr nolo^ pressor. 7 Passenger Ask- ter parking and cable s prig, all utilities included. 1 839-0263 4993 Ymin o+tl+ Scientific instill 9 sounds laminar my son y I've discipline sma11 class- aS8. w a 65.000 Se.50C ins $12000 705-277 included Laundry facilities fist :last requ red, no pets. ochods. library. South GM TWO BEDROOM north OSHAWA Dean and 1% parking. storage, home ser would very much Ike to es- Stan October 3. 4,8. 1905r 2528 No dogs $686 - hydro 1 bedroom $650. 2 bed ONE bedroom basement Oshawa res !" plex ne Hants silver. abler glue �! to Me owner For nfo Fairview Dog Training 4th -1743K 3 -BEDROOM deluxe (averages $10 to $12 per room. $750 call 430-0134 mmery,auey $550. Near mat. cable, arkin to !oi sling rpys. decoys dolls pease calx Muer at 427- (905839 3407 994 navy Geo Metro. 2 C 1994 GMC 4 WHEEL month) 905-576-2982 COZY 1 bedroom. Close to Oshawa Centre Owe[ parkin g'' stove. Ist /last. Nov Ist mak bcrnes Car conecnons er Robert Bower 342- HOMES URGENTLY Goer low mileage S76N _, drive 35:: v 8 fully 2 BEDROOM apartment for 401 & downtown Suitable crescent Large bathroom $597 Eat -in kitchen small estates Ann ties :905 655 8049 Antiques q FOUND Female black NEEDED 'r many hc^r �r best offer Call ondi- loaded. immaculate Conch- hon- dealer serviced. rent. $650/mth . utdnies. for working person Clean, private entrance White bedrooms. 985-9016 atter SALES. month. 905 43fi SiytS a^d b --w^ Tabby white e's pars Adult cats. 1905 90 6F,G t5C7 1st and Inst r d No pets newly decorated No pets 91o" clean No pets 579 5 Brook - face white stomach 3 $19000 certi ieo or test Cournce Call 436-2429 5525 all inclusive 432- 2945 vnee legs 5 6 mo old spayed or neutered and fully vaconated Kirtens. vet Modb^ area. Picker ng checked wan 1st booster 905 839--7233 Many •^.edium to targe 2 BEDROOM APT Pr,OSHAWA heed -jogs available Pet Garage/' Garage/ upo es and donations ai- PMI Yard Sales Yard Sales ways welcome Please call DELUXE LARGE 2 bed- DURHAM ANIMAL ADOP ment bachelorette, Itecr, n ""Jfi, 90 438-84" YARD SALE SIGNS A'TENTION fogey Dwr I to nppl Per .'ter 723-1895 CAN T FIND A VAN' 5981 plant AvaiiaDie immediate- (Garden/Ross 1994 Pont Transport SE. 2 BEDROOM APT Pr,OSHAWA ,A 49 uD 1c 150 It W. 888 . 300 and rice and dean. base van, 91Km loaded, Ce vate entrance •'ear 5 P's DELUXE LARGE 2 bed- Glen 5 2 bedroom apts ment bachelorette, Itecr, n must sell, cert $'4.990 At- Mall , utilities included. room apr A-,- ex upper from $675 $710 3 bed- bath. Sep ent patio Sues !er5 509-2893 $600. non Stni no floor, in Oshawa. S740 room apt $720, dose to , I non-smoker Ref req. 1st FAIRPORT g FINCH. :els available Secl ' S to month plus hydro available shopping schools. GM and last 5465 'mo inclusive `:reens Approx 8'x'2' D5-576-8829 immediately. call a3C 78'6 Gc Utilities included First 905 430 3563 ' Trailers and ready to go start- or 434-4563, ask for John last required Call 728- apt. sop aril carie air. OSHAWA • bedroom in r«^ovate, oak ,abinets • 9 days wee. 'n9 at S4.99S ' 99' c -.•d - WHITBY bright attractive rbc 2nd floor unit util inci 213 bedroom apartments. EXECUTIVE -2 bedroom 4993 �a",« 2 bedroom basemen! .-v a,ac. air plus - s';ry bwldmg dose to ap' - rent. ap t pets, 5650. 1416 254- apt Laundry. fireplace. 1979 uONAL L425 -aro ochods. library. South GM pllances, laundry. Rouge OSHAWA Dean and 1% parking. storage, home ser .,as,e Systems sanin9 at = CAN T FIND A VAN' - ':c ',a «' -- w. a. s -•ve. plant AvaiiaDie immediate- area Private entrance. son !.«vroom, eat . in ring. quiet area. near Iran ,A 49 uD 1c 150 It W. Thais because we `M� 3 way '•'dgeireezer. ly 428-6328 1 7 pm for bath $1200/month 509- +:!then. 5685 per mo in sitSchools. and downtown >g Lfe Jacket,, starting at ``.'532" F •e "Ydran! m have them all' GII. .rtloue clear stand add -a appointment 1320 -'.ties ufillies park:-, ISL . Oct I $750 inclusive crout000r BEST Balt 4- Chrysler Ford from 'atom Tinted -noows and a^o battery Kenwooc sten- FAIRPORT g FINCH. Last, available imme.natety 66&8815 ?' 6- 1C' Lifetime Gar 1966 to 1994 Certified `:reens Approx 8'x'2' 269 CORDOVA 2 bdrm Large ' tiro,...,,- easement 725-6684 723-4705 WHITBY Uedrodm newly fee Star!mg at S•C99 and ready to go start- -erY roomy 5'.600 obo apt Park 8 &wr $70d apt. sop aril carie air. OSHAWA • bedroom in r«^ovate, oak ,abinets • 9 days wee. 'n9 at S4.99S ' 99' c -.•d - 905 435-0339 rbc 2nd floor unit util inci laundry. no smok ^g no tnprx ower level. near and Noor. ;,.r washer. 05 723 5a! 3 Fax '2, .-v a,ac. air plus saap cars a trucks. 24 firs. 7 days. Call 905-686-5003 'sL1i5t Parking For more t pets, 5650. 1416 254- Oshawa Centre Util6es laundry. private porch. Answers to Geo. $e 965 1995 Geo me -'o. Parts '+f0 call 57628'7 or 623- 6184 and appliances included rim Cls 8.5640.668-7634 25 OOC Km. Dal ance a lac- 'Auto & Repairs 3706 atter 3 pm FOR RENT ! and 2 bed Laundry facilities Avail Oct _n 'J` ' ' Automobiles '^' warranty I 995 1990 kbnnac FireDuo. loaded CARS FOR CASH! We buy used vehicles. Yeti- 3 -BEDROOM deluxe do^ apt ^ a very quiet 1st S600:month 905728 0537 WHITBY apartmfor ent rent becroom $550. 2 - for Sale black w!h T -tops and on 1967 MUSTANG parts and well kept building, bedroom $65C. first & .as! only apar!men• -vw duplex close tc all amenities, bus required hone Arts & Arts a 95 Com{ Km S8395. 1990 to, ,,a.e' Excr r-, condi Eatinklichen. spotless, stop at coot, Park Rd N CLEAN FAMILY BUILD- eQ D days "25- Otds Cutlass Supreme SL. tion Doors. tenders. etc must be seer AvedaDle Oshawa Phone 579-9C'F ING tions Oshawa. 1. 2 8 0911 evenings 6 wee • Crafts •' Krafts 1979 TRANS AM 433 kends668-4Gt6 booed, 90 000 km 58995 Call Rod 905 5 7 1-6940 now Central Oshawa, 3 Dorms Inclusive Pay ca- «ngine 4 BE `xaCk _ tan interior Ttops CHEV MA IB Wit -O-t - - powersun-rod,- USED Engine transrrus- et aoz}mullPlus "it iso- pV, PS, PS Good shape inao wnrte 58.995 1990-92 -92 sicrs ^loon & domestic, 5902 -'- s very wen S28M Call Cavahers - 5 to choose 'nsraitatior available Free 401, GO. Pool, sauna. 2 a olxns 3 bedravailable: ble: Oc- y-5 723-8'09 George Mom starting at S449,5 towing Wheby.Oshawa AJAX TWO bedroom 1981 CAMARO. 4 4 litre These and my other area 30 day guarantee basement apartment. newly -ew gas rant exhaust quality preowned vehe- Cad 905.728-0817 decorated, fireplace. Laun a^o battery Kenwooc sten- clef available now at 905-837-1304. dry, parking, private on. ec runs well as s. SL2f)0 Cortical Auto Centre, oarmobiles 1 rance. 5750 inclusive Tr epnone ,905 432- 155 King St. W.. Oshe- • 686-3201 or 1905,644-3734 wall at Midtown UNI SKI BOAT- 1976 14 IRR floor of would sun 1981 Drive. 'When custom - Last seen Tuesday Sept 10th in the 4917 or 416667-2700 ext. Die parking & laundry fac WHITBY luxury 2 bed -23-2094 room apartment near GO lots of parking, appliances included. laundry facilities OSHAWA nose to GM. 1, w,o to patio SW5/montn 2. 3 bedroom apartments. 430-8608 or 433- 7637 $600. $725 d 5835 respec WHITBY- Available Nov nvetyCall 905-4285740 1st Bright t bedroom in Vlctonan style 4 plex $585 OSHAWA. Lakeview Park. includes utilities. fridge. 2bedreum main floor of stove & parking 1st & Last ' (903) 837-0649 L U ors send Meir Intends' 1995 XLT Triple. gas AJAX sunny spotless one OSHAWA LARGE 3 Ded house. big backyard. $795 No pets Call 725 1268 Ngr a.'c VE good (9Q5) 579.2886 shocks Sk. Sk:nS all utilities included No ., rn cOnd . Dopy m lair very 9�d bedroom w�0 private yard. room apartment war, lire- WHITBY: DUPLEX. 3 ^9 s Available Oct 1st co -d must sell $1650 CHEAP CARS UNDER co 55200 985- large ceramic kitchen. AD- place. 6 appliances m- bedroom stop floor) . spa -,pc Call 905-686-1632 or S3000 8- - 9C Cavaliers, 3561 pliances a'c Seeking re- cluding laundry 2 full 905-435-2433 cious. carpeted. parking, Computer ' Computer sponsible tenant. $650 p 416 346-1040 Sunb�rd5. Grand Firms, LIMITED EDITION Indy baths 1400 sq ft air con- carport, laundry, appllanc Video References Legal Immo PARK/ADELAIDE one iilde0 983 Buick Regale 2 door, Corscas. Nissan Mora. 60G immaculate condition. *ate No smokinis *hornng intercom. parking bedroom apt Fre �• backyard. 58 c InGu- fuu �oarled Nissan Muni van (2 -wheat fronded, not to go Apes. �� Close to take $975,montn �• srve. Avail Oct.t cab 668- Y good con*- & 4-whee' drives) Ford new speed track $3300 (905)686-1832 . unleies Avail Nov Ist. stove, water parking In- 8967 or 668-8667 Tt�T SZ1RVTC.T'. cion. $2650 Cale Taurus All vehicles caro- 985-3561 C 1 905 7 duded Laundry available (905)728-9593 fed or as is 905-728- AVA I"I E 1986 FORD Tempo auto 0817 air, p1, anVfm cassette. (Marine Home and web page creation Hyper 166000km, $1500 or best mor clean cargo ywBli • link and server storage. often Catt 905-571-5219 maintained easily certnied can John Dttt�tte atter bpm Why pay more•/ $2.500 as ATTENTION FISHER 1948 CELEBRITY 4 Cys, is 1416)693-5320 PERSONS!rr! 1995 17.5 loft s'j¢�00 auto, John - Dodge S1,495. 4 ce� autos 1990 Pontiac Sunbrd. Hydra son, 2 fish finders.130 . trolling $1.995 can. low kms. 905- 80,000 km, a/c, auto. 4 or. motor. 3 batteries. kvewell. Lost 8 404-9759 $5350 obo. 434-2775.. Banwell. rod holders. star - al to view - 25-9991 $525/mo firSVIast Call 723 WHY rent when you can or 905-432-6977 0309 own your own home for less than you think7!I Call LARGE BASEMENT PICKERING t bedroom. Dave Haylodk Sales Rep bedroom will private bath. air conditioned basement Re/Max Summit Realty Shared kitchen- laundry A/ apt.. Glenanna ntwy n. , (1991) Ltd. (905) 668.3800 C. parking, big back yard, separate entrance a laun- or (905) 666-3211. no smoking or pets. Avail. dry. Padung. lots Of stor- how. lstAast. $425./mo in- age$600.00/monthindu Houses clusive. Central Park Blvd. sae. Cal (905) 509-1651EAIFor Reil N / Adelaide, 579-1726. PICKERING, several 3 • • LOBI dt eo, $77.000 OBO call 623 AJAX Oxford Towns bedroom opts-, man Boors. is • 1 Found • Found 1996 Mustang GL 4 -1 4- 11VERPOOUBAnr, claw and attractive with a tfied, good condition. Call Apartrnents Large, dean, quiet, bright MAIN FLOOR of bunga- Please Call (905) 668-1584 � � . speedExcellent running. ' AytOmO� tNaRlLid 9107 /945 Pilaris 650 Water- Spacious apartments, quiet bulk>wg• idose to sfwppxgg, hu 2 -bedroom base- mart, parking. cede, ce- Landlord who cares, no pets please, all t4lNies in - �es Must sell. $1000 obo. 905- 42&1337. trucks wanted for scrap. craft, excellent condition. Only 30 hours use. Great 401, GO. Pool, sauna. 2 a olxns 3 bedravailable: ble: Oc- rarnics, pool, fireplace, wet 40 bar, $8. Ouiet non- duded form $1050.905- 770-7222 or 416-494-3765 ' ' 1996 TRANS AM. T -roots, SM. to $7500... Cash on running machine. Asking tober 1st. 905-683-8571 smokers, infornediate. Call Pickets W 1 bdrm bsmt For Sale arrv'fm cassette, black wdh the spot for scrap cars a $4800. obo. or will trade for until 7:30 p.m. 905-837-1304. apt. Near GO. $550 In - VCrW'IAIII Stt� gold. d. Never winter driven. VB auto., ps, pb, air. cruse. trucks. Anytime. Can 905- 706-5740. snowmobile. Phone 905• 985-3566. AJAX Country setting, top UPPER •p. d duplex• 4 dudes laundry a utilities. tem_le Black Tan female, tin, all extras. New tires. obo. Call 905.9135- rleeded. '75 to '87 Chev or SKI BOAT- 1976 14 IRR floor of would sun bedrooms, lodge, stove, Sep. 1st. Non smoker no pats. Available now. Last seen Tuesday Sept 10th in the 4917 or 416667-2700 ext. A a A TOWr4G. Pay S50• $5000 cash for used a Thunder Crain with 85 HP moor, trailer. � non son, Central air $650 plus washer. dryer. 5725/plus cable and tale- (9f�)f!39 4537. Anderson /Dryden area. 3328, 8:30 - 4:30 p.m. 1997 BUICK Somerset. saap cars a trucks. 24 firs. 7 days. Call 905-686-5003 dwnplete alKft excellent snaps. $3000 o.b.o. (905)831 874 heat a tydro. Avail. irttrrle- tfialely-. 428 -SOB . phoshydro. phone. Oct. let. Jarvis/ Lauder/Oshawa. 905-579 _ "S Answers to Geo. 2 -door, 4 -cylinder, auto. or 905-706-5234: 30 min. Call 905.576.6724. per mo. 686-1991 3342' A ' FHO anVtm cassette. $2995 car- service. AJAX Harwood a Hwy 2. ant., 2 parking, utilties in - _n 'J` tfied, good condition. Call Apartrnents Large, dean, quiet, bright MAIN FLOOR of bunga- Please Call (905) 668-1584 � � 905.723-1994, AUTOMOBILES and Relit walk out basement apt. low -$800, utilities included. �es 1997 Grand Am. 2 dr. V6, trucks wanted for scrap. Available imnlediani First and last; no pets 401/ ' ' ' ' very clean, new tires, very My condition, any age, OSHAWA 1 a 2 bedroom, 905.619.0003. Ritson area. Phone 263- $ For Sale dean. $3200 certified. 579- tree removal n the Durtlam 2535 after Spm. 0804 Region. cash paid. Also Located at 350 Malaga and AJAX spacious and dean rleeded. '75 to '87 Chev or 946 Masson Street. Avail- two bedroom basement MAJOR OAK / Finch. 2 1987 GRAND Am, 4 -door, GMC pickup for parts. Call ode immediately 5600 a apartment, close to lake large bdrm, large family 4-cynnder, auto. amMm cos- anytime, Oshawa 905-431- $700 all inclusive. No pets. and bus. all included. $700 room bsmi apt. Air, quiet Bette, good condition, 0407. Call 905.576.6724. per mo. 686-1991 court, lots of storage, sop. $2995 certified. Call 905- ant., 2 parking, utilties in - _n 'J` s 723'1994. 1999 ACURA L d LX, e9en CARS FOR CASH! We buy used vehicles. Yeti- 1 -BEDROOM basement apartment, new! Clean, AVAILABLE IMME- DIATELY. Oshawa, Sim - cluded. $B00./mo. Oct 1. ISO". 905-686-8904. o �i O '� loaded w/features too nu- cles must be In running carpeted. Private entrance. coo, S. Freshly painted, 3 NEAR OSHAWA CENTRE. E merous to mention here. condition. Call 427.2415 or parking, utilities a ap- min from 401, 1 a 1.1/2 Clean 2 bedroom apt. in F! = V se-' (3 = t- 1$ Excellent condition. 168K. come to 479 early St. East pliances included. No pets. parking bedrooms, W indud- quiet 5 unit building. Free r. A � $ Cenihed vi/warrenbes. Ask- alp �r ulraen cairn King/Townline area $5407 ad, $450 a 5475 plus hy- laundry fadtnies. Awed. Nov NNNIII ing $7886. Call 905-263- PA" SALES. month. 905 43fi SiytS dro. !105 725 0699 1st. $610. r hydro. Plane ons.Aao-iso Houses � I For Rent ' Townhouses For Rent 15 min north of Port Perry. Secluded 4 bedroom coun- cry home. 3 baths, 2 family- •. .ms. 2 walkouts, 2 fire- I;leces, double garage. pmol. sauna. S13501mo qr• 1 .416-482-1165 SOUTH OSHAWA - 3 bedroom townhouse close to schools and shopping $950/moall inclusive First/ last Available Oct 1st 905-579-9956 days. ANY CONTRACTS. BOWMANVILLE Bea h 1 ST CHOICE AFFORDABLE HOMES! WHY RENT? BUY! Nr down payment, No problem' Let me show YOU how' Mort Pay $700 O.A.C. Call Thomas C. Pike Sales Rep, Remax Accord Realty Ltd. 576.3111 3 BEDROOM. 2 storey .von 5 apo arces 8 A.'C •tvailade Oct 1st or earlier -arre• Cri Close to GO. ichools 8 shopping Rent >i x00/month Call between -bpm Can (905) 839 'tt3 AJAX DETACHED 2 Dungalow nice close to shopping and CO $790 mo . uhfties u - ful 3 bedrooms. 2 1/2 baths. garage, partially fenced yard $900 'mo + uhltiea 1 stAast. Avail Oct 1 905-813-8962 NORTH OSHAWA. 3 bedroom + basement townhouses in well In tamed family complex. Freshly decorated with Frig /stove. close to all amenities Starting at $7381month On site Mgmt office Call 905-728-3777 OSHAWA : 2 8 3 bed- rooms. first 8 last. Available immediately. Oct 8 Nov (905) 721-1518 SPACIOUS ,2 b 3 0-droomtownhouses. r hell maintained family, romplex- Includes all uldl- !s. 4 appliances. park - 7,,1. close to schools and a amenities Avail Sept 122 Colborne St. E. Oshawa For appt, 4343972 OSHAWA 2-bedrsm 2 full -baths. fin- ished basement. $950.' month all inclusive, 1sviast. available Oct 1 st Call toil free 0-519-725 5772 after tone press 9009 Condominiums fill For Rent 1 -BEDROOM Condo for rent. Oct 1st, S650Mydro. fridge, stove, dishwasher washeddryer included. 1st/ last required Athol/Mary St. Oshawa Call 905.436 0278 to view AJAX- Near Beach; 1 bdrm, patio. 5 apps, indoor Pool. 1 prkg, $790/mth util. 1st 8 last. Nov 1st 427- 0569 • ' Office & Retail Space OSHAWA 4 Months Free Rent "i- 3000 so Lwr Ivo $900. 850 sq 2nd fir $550. 600 sq main $500. 250 sq main $350. 600 2nd fir $500 Call 434- 2447 or 655-4132 EXCELLENT Office space for rent 450sq h very rea. sonable Call 576-6999 Steve OFFICE space for lease. . Overlooks busy Hwyx2, landicap accessair con . plenty of pa A, g Call '25-9991 WHITBY - prestigious of - :e space 2 offices with oeautiful picture window in crolessional budding. 2nd ' oor $750 /month all inclu- 've Call Ralph Roberto ,05-728-1069 ext 222 Garage & • Storage Space OUTSIDE STORAGE Cars Boats - Etc 'mice Sales 655 80' 0 0n, pn Mantles Money For Sale ffm To Lend COUNTRY IN THE CITY: Two unique homes m Maxwell Village. North Oshawa First home. raised bungalow style over look- ing Oshawa with 4 be. rooms. 94'x•40' of hying area 4000 sq 11. in ground Pool Second home, Swiss type Chalet 3 bedrooms. m ground pool, living area shy of 3000 sq. ft Call days 416-535.2131, evenings 905.723-8477 NO AGENTS OBTAINING A LOAN 1S NOT GUAR- ANTEED.SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES, OTHERS DO NOT. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE 0 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 1996 -PAGE 23 rjV • � •,kwojcmwb Companions • • • • EASTSIDE CONNEC- TIONS DATELINE Free to call to place your ad. no charges for ladies. no 6 ��11A-Dt�RHAY phone bill charges 905 430.7060 THOROUGHLY LOokrvg for Love In all the BEFORE SIGHING wroingplaces? ANY CONTRACTS. Change your kick Call MATCH V MATES for screened rompatible infr�("""`s We Can help $157.900 Call PoI Mortgages. Insurance q_g399 COUNTRY LIVING Free ConisullatKx+ 5129.700 4 bedroom spit level. 100 x 320 fenced lot. 2 walkout s to patio. wood burning (replace. eat on kitchen, separate dining root^, tons of parking, call Dale Anderson Broker. Options Realty Ltd . 433- 4623 EXECUTIVE HOME in a, ­.,y.. a, :•a ,j. _y oy 2.650 sq ft. 4 bedrooms. 3 bathroomscentral vac and central air, an cleaner heated in ground pod, fire- place. fully fenced and landscaped backyard Ask Ing $256.900 Call 430 0548 to arrange a vievnng MORTGAGES Serious offers only No tad a- •gi./ Financ^n g for agents 9 any purpose -ales from ourtice. 5 95'., All applications ac NEW 5128 900 Ccepted Comni Finan - 3 Dedr-yms. garage. 7 for cal Ser•nces 668-6805 ouilder warranty, rated ex :anent. call far info. pactBUSIne54 age 432 6465 • pportunities OSHAWA'S BEST BUY. 700. ;^ooumoM 3 CREDIT LINE MORTGAGE LOAN -:^': king '�,r ^.F•• :. -0-'=5 7 N"9d money fast? Tu rind down? Creditors Calling? Call for a FREE : ,nsultahon JOHNSTON IIIOK •ne F ar- a ar's 905-428-1232 !sclast 905683-306 7 oecroorn pncx Dungalow. AJAx 3 bedroom, main / I ROOTS stn garage. urge tenon. for Rent I Industrial plus furnished left con level House . bright. on quiet • Units !aned basement apt 16 ap- Street Oct 1. $900 rnclu' prances) mal your pay. sive. belb jMe AJAX ^e -y •enovated 3- n. ...r-- -a,- floor. laun. .ry, garage. 5825. 2 -bed •cam basement apartment park^^ $625• Available s Oct 's Ha wood,Bav'v Call :K 428-9774 AJAX Harwood C -.,.-... main floor of house. 2 bedroom. large 'rvng room, modern Inion en. garage Large .of Laundry Oct 1st. NO smo• ^, $850.1.2 utilities 305.6x1.; 4703 ASKING $1200.uhldies A,ax ' •„II bath. 1 1/2 bath 3 -bedrooms. garage. fm - shed basement, fenced backyard Available imme- diateIy Call (416) 635- 7791 BOWMANVILLE - 2 bed- galow. preferably couple. quiet neight»whooi fenced yard. 1 sMast. aval- able Sept 1 $750 905- 839-5746 CAESAREA 10 awn East of Port Perry. 1 172 bedroom house, ideal for couple $675 plus hydro/ month (416) 760-0206 BAY RIDGES, Main floor 3 bed. 1 bate, fireplace hardwood floors, 4 appl., $975 .50.1, ubleies. Close to GO. non-smoker. Avail- able Sept. 1st/last (905) 831-4753 N OSHAWA. 3 bedroom available for rent / sale. Rent $895 a gas, Available AJAX. FURNISHED •:',r ,-. rent -r„ e• Home own entrance, pain d kitchen Non-smoker First. plus deposit call 686- 7260 CLL:%, BRIGHT hili llf.iahoma Whill Rd rooms for rent, lti'eeklt, 'monthly lfivdna staff welcome 420-0012 FURNISHED ROOM Prwate K.tcner 1. batt ca 0-e a hydro included Laundry available Student welcome Non smoker $100/week '2337u PICKERING One large basement room, nicely tur- nlrShhed at $400 One Small- er room at 5350 outet ideas horse Mature gal tlemen preferred Imme- diate possession 839- 0257 AMAC'Comod16011 AJAX, Westney/Hwy 2. 1 Large basement w/bath- room. wet bar. fudge. al parking, laundry to share with owner, very clean, must be employed. $475/ month. 427-8297. RENT TO OWN. •000 -ants oral 5595 with 56`S s, ..or erc,al condos very attractive rates. excellent purchase Il call Ken Thompson 1-800-465 7742 Cottages MITfor Rent Dant•-au-Banl cottage or Georgrar Bay . sleep- ing cabin, road access. avail immediately $400/ week Phone 905-434- 5847 after 50 m � Florida I �. Rentals Y $9 000 clow^ or less) Maybe car, boat ect as down payment no quality mg, Owner will finance Only S139.000 Move rt in October 725-1171 OSHAWA. T--piex. 2 bed 1001- ,n t d n A SERIOUS oa'l or full •.'-,e ^,..,..A No risk Tra,r,ng Can 1-800-809 9994 24rr recorded rnes sage BUSINESS FOR SALE pe"ea1-,:,Co•!.Jrity 10 be your own Doss 25 yrs •r busmess Excellent profit margins New and usea appliances Appliance and barbecue parts Hank's Ap- d'ances. 5' S.00o 7 28- p . i . goo i 4043 come property. well main - tamed, assumable mort- gage. asking S145000 call 905-683-6880 9-6 PICKERING ower Glen dale -_^ 3 plus 1 bedroom, 1 - 4 pc . 2 2pc . sunker Irv- ing room, c/air, fireplace. 'mashed basement, newly decorated. 6 appliances plus lots more $156 900 ATTENTION Snowbirds 934-$543 GORGEOUS 3 bedroom 3 bathrooms townhouse condo. close to famous Clearwater beach. pod. la cuzzi, 880, private yard. available now, For rib and to view photos 686.9846 or 579-3788 ATTENTION Snowbirds. Port Charlotte Ronda. on- vate home (built 1993). pool, air condrnonng. sea- sonal, long term, non- smoker preferred Ingw- nes/vtew ng. Call (910576-3246 RAVINE Lot, 1600sgft home on quiet court in 8owmanv,lle Asking $157.900 Call 905-697- 2436 Oct 1st. Cale 728-4416. Or SIDE SPLIT, brick home on 6acres. 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms. finished family room, double attached ga- rage North of Beaverton. open for otters (an 1 438-3963 UNBEIJEVABLE VALUE. $137.900 Counties. 3 -bed. room, 2 1/2 -bath, air/vac, CLEARWATER, 3 bed- finished basement w/tire- room mobile (permanent dace, wi to deck, 5yrs. homes) healed pods, hot Open Sat 6 Sun 905 -721 - tub, minutes to beaches. 9588 1459 Nash Rd. blue Jay baseball, NHL Oct 1.19% for further de- Hockey. NFL Football 8 WHITBY, $113.90011 Gor- tads call 723.9911.r•i..ia- N. OSHAWA. 3 bedroom, dean d bright, large yard d Parking, 5 appkane", $780 plus uBYaes, evaiabl• Oct 1. 721-0122 NEAR OSHAWA CENTRE 4 bedroom sami in nig Gond. Walk out to dodo. 4 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE- LY, luxury fumished homed apt. prefer Christian single ladl student prdessioral a inbred b share te/vrcrk- ing lady in wiet neighbor- hood. Non-smoker/no pails. For viewing (905)433- 0871res/(905)404-7318pgr appliances, ret room in e, basement fon quiet stniUW OSHAWA, Share house est. $900. a $M wo career person, 1 bad - ties 905-839-4659. . room and otong room, PICKERa1G - 2 bedroom SSW inclusive, Available bungalow, 04ra large lot. Oct 1st. Cale 728-4416. Or walk to PTC - GO available 416 297-3133 Oct. Ist. $1,025. plus 420. 1524. SOUTH OShaaa 3+1- bedroom hn- ished basiM engt, 4 9o- diarlces, large %need yard, patio, shed, no POS. $985. utilities. 1sMast, r•latencali available Nov. Isit. go5- 725-7677. TWO bedroom house wall garage, dose to Shopping Centre and bus, no Call anypme 72& 3148 pets WHY RENT? No money down. Own your own home; like new, thole, glove $695 incl. bedroom $795 ind. 3 bedruom. all but cable & phone. Min. req. groes in- come $25,000. Call Ken Collis. Coldwell Banker 728-9414. PICKERING Private room with all facilities. in lug• bunigabw. CIO" to Go and Trans,,. $400 W ma (905) 831-226D. RDOUMTE WANTED Non smoking employed ki- mak ts prekrably looking for •ame to share a small 3 b•tlroom home in Cooties. Immrediate occupancy available. $550 inclusive. Please cal 427.6277. WESTNEY/HWY 2, 3 - bedroom house. own bed- room 6 bath, share rest of house. Phone, a/c, ap- pliances, cable. $375/ month. 905-428.7878. CHILDREN8 HOME CLOTHING COMPANY for sale Inventory, garment Doge racks Olhee equip- Formen• nduded details tall Lon 683-6033 Open for Offers ESCAPE 'HE RAT RACE BE you: Tivn toss in your own home-based business with Watkins' Excellent in- come potertial. no experi- ence necessary, Flexible hours Start for less than $50 00, no door-to-door Bening Free information package with as details Do a today before the rats start wmnng. Also it you would kke to see Anthony Robbins n person let us know till tor• Sept 21/96. 1905) 436-0852 HAD ENOUGH7 Start your own home based business! Your the toi fun or pan time Can for more into. 905-576-1207 MONEY BACK GUAR- ANTEED - 4 Gourmet po- tato chip routes. only $15.000.. wont last! for Information can (416) 287- 5394 ran welcome , $275 - Y• room' garage, fenced Yard- POTENTIAL TO EARN (9051683-5503. central air, 5% down. car- nes $863 including taxes. �� to 55000. per month p&SW IIDI••s Ted Houghton. Sutton Part bate within 12 months; 1 Fpr Sok Group Gassic 43D-9000. wonting with urnq wi com- pany distributing ng d or - Con Cl" ganic products. Free cas- PRETTY 2 -STOREY de settle. 905-987-1037 or 1- ' fOr Sale 888-EAT-LGEA tacked home, Wh4bY New broadlodrn in living. dining. 3 -bedrooms. New flooring in both bathrooms. an- trante. coat -in kitchen. Bay windows. sliding doors to debit, doodle garage. beau0tusy landscaped, kneed large lot. Shows like a model home. $157,900. 20 Horseshoe Dr. con Thick-, below Hwy 2) Open House Sun. Sept. 15 1.4 pm. 905-433-2966. WWt11AWALLE- 3 + 1 bdrm, 2 storey semi de tached finished basement. New gas furnace. krwne- diale possession. Vender anidous. Asking $102,00). Cap(905)623-9508. BROCK RD 8 2, Great family location, 3+1 bed- room. 4 baths, walkout basement, newly broad - loomed d decorated, $158,500. Call (905)294- Will or (905)473-3268 PICKERING. Tridel con- RED HOT Canadian op - on froitkmiry.HighlightedSame do, 1 -bedroom, solarium, t horst page of Gae Exam - o parking, deluxe too taclli- tour August 12th. Un- pes. available Dec.lst. Call am touched in the Durham 905-837-2259 everangs. area. Great business op - Vacation Call (905) 939- EM 42porn"I` 36 Personals NMI $SSB• Upriced. Sedl ad wooded Trailer got- i jacevht to huge copy for- DANIELLE KAVANGH est, good road, sandy (born 1976. daughter of beach. fishing. Cobourg Gari' A Donna) or any," area. (416)431.1555 knowing her whereabouts. MECOiiages Please contact Momny Marb).416-744-9406. For Sale Rem Business Personals 99 BURK ST., OSHAWA: 2 bedroom home, newly renovated, new insulation, gas furnace, flooring, kitch- FUNDRAISING PROF - en and washroom. Asking ITS. Pads of cookie and $109,000.905-725-9700. muffin dough. no additives or preservatives. Free brochure. (905) 8761731 News ;%fi ertiser Classified Dept. open everT Mon. to Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 P.M. Sat. 9:30 - 3:00 Call 683-070', RAFFLE WINNERS! 1-cenca NM366884 Or Saturday, September 71h, the following winning tickets were drawn in the Oshawa Eaton s Store 33.000 00 -Shop 'd yru Drop' #'3P* - P Wilson. Oshawa - $3.000 Eaton s Got Certificates 92233 - M Kittle. Oshawa - tickets for two to all 10, '397 ODSO concerts. Congratulations to our winners and !hanks to all who ,nased atfle tickets A special thank y,u 10 im Lang. Manager of 'te Osnawa Eatsr s Store !or his =r!' JslashC support : l would lIKe'o receive Infonnatlor oy Tull :oncemlng the Os^awa•Duttarr Symphory C,:resins :-�rn.rg -or-e^ season. please Send your rarre and address 'o ODQSO. p0 Ecx 444 Oshawa. Ortanc _t� -� or ;all 9C` 579"J'" SELLING YOUR CAR OR TRUCK? Showcase it across Durham Region. Call Classifieds at 683-070? or fax 683-'363 • • Announ ements Announmts Announcements • • I Anrouncements Selling Something? 2 EASY WAYSW714 Mki, a - I tell] i -HERE'S HOW IT WORKS - Your 19 n ord ad iiti puh(ished f'or contiticcutive daytit The rate i� hased on the highest priced item in 'ht• ad. $ 00 - S99"90000000400000 ............. $ f + GST $100 - $199`x ......................... S 9 + GST $200 - $199" ......................... $19 + GST $300 - $399 99 .........................$29 + GST $400 - $499"00000400000000*00000000ss$39 + GST Tbil a& tire not reftuiduhle and atditiwull to urcl; etre jtut 5i�c each To give you an idea. check this example RANGE & refrigerator only 2 years old. 30" self clean S200. 20.6 cu.ft frost free S325. 000-0000. r price for this ad would he S39 + GST teased on the price of 5 for the refrigerator, AD WILL RUN IN 10 REGIONAL EDITIONS. PAY FOR 1 WEEK & RECEIVE 1 WEEK FREE! APPLIES TO ARTICLES & AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. ONLY $83 + Gff News Advertiser The above offer apply to non-commercial advertisers only. "PAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,19% CALLfl683-75" I• • for up.1 -daauchon Clarington & Port Perry residents can 404-2615 SEEM For an audio version of all c -rent and upcoming auctions located in southern and eastern Ontano please call the above number e ' Auctions SALE Mon. Sept. 16 5:30 p.m. 870 Taunton Rd. E. Whitby pc diner 8 ^a rsl, side by side oge. (w Ice -maker). ,,e,zer. washer drv- e•dishwasher. 5 new s-'i� sets. 386 - 486 1 _"puters. 7 pc diner -ew price 52500'. 6 hunter green bed - I., -,,n suite. wingback -ra,rs 9 pc oak diner. :.ass top table ? _ E -Is (Casson. Jam - etc . 4 post k'ng P room suite new �a.tresses. old buffet. :fix -2 black desk w,rh a'chmg board'oo-i ,-e 8 �.'ialrs. grey -e station (U- �aoei. Welder home 10C gallcn a:�.arium 8 stand. _—puler tables. =,e•head projector, c a^c 2 dr lateral S. Honda genera- • pressback chairs. -nd oak tabies. Plus Ta^y smalls New drill ass Microtlsr. table �a^ Mil,.? saw. gr, n- scroi. saw band sa- etc NOTE TIME PM VIEWING p m An abso- ..'e excellent sale' nclpal owners have •^cued to the States :,.an To Attend' McLean Auction & Liquidabons 5767550 6'36-3291 News Advertiser Classified Department is open every Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pem. Call 683-0707 to place your ad or fax it 683-7363 - •�mil I.♦ Irl i�J.n n Ilr' ti+. ,.IY�n.V� • nu,'��•"im.` 1., Jin. �I.i. num'• .a.k�l ' 1 . .v JV.. r. v Ym.irnr '� • H. I w I.N LEE Clara- Peacetully at the Centenary Meant Centre Scarborough on Thursday September 12 1996 Clara Lee Beloved wife of the Raymond Lov- ing mother of Donna Lee Survived by her brothers and sisters A complete funeral service to be held In the chapel of the McEachnle Funeral Home 28 Old Kingston Road flax (Pickenng Village 905-426- 6488 on Saturday September 14 1996 at 6 pm Visitors will be received from 5 to 6 pm pnor to the seance In lieu of flowers donations may be made to the Centenary Heahh Centre would be appreciated In In M Memoriams � � Memoriams In Lo,tng Memory, of Frances Elizabeth Rooney who passed away September 15. 1995 This month roues back with sad regret, It brings back a day we wiu never forget, You fill asleep without good-bye, But our memories of you will never die, We miss you more than anyone knows, As each day passes the emptiness grows, M learn we shed we can wipe away, But the ache in our hearts will always stay, No one knows the grief we bear, When the family meets and you're not there, You left ars suddenly, Your thoughts unknown, ,But you left us memories we are proud to own. Rachel & F;,naly O01�tOND SN1,V cue uvrNc r v rt Neo DIAMOND SHINE 221 WMn" d s.. unit A Ajax I9o5) 619-2899 1 Complete Interior vacuum, shampoo and Deodorizing Carpets 8 Mats Washed and Shampooed Complete Dashboard Cleaning and Dressing Seatbeft Cleaning Door Jams Cleaned and Degreased TireWhite Wall Cleaning and Dressing Exterior Hand Wash and Chamois Dried Detailed Exterior Interior Window Cleaning Complete Trunk Vacuuming 1 Etc. Etc. Etc 9 95- r jtjta m 11110 WIN ON m 1.� IL 1 PE 1 ' 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED. 1 WARRANTY APPROVED 1 SUMMER SAVINGS 1 Sere �'e 1 $5800 1 offer ANY OIL B FILTER CHANQIE 1 wITH TtIIs coupon 1 E)WI SSPL 30/96 $1000 OFF 1 ANY AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CHANGE. EXPIRES Sept. 30f96 1 CANNOT COMBINE COUPON WITH ANY OTHER OIL CHANGE OFFER. RECOMMENDED EVERY 3 MONTHS OR 5.000 KM. OPER/ 7 DAYS A IYFFK 195 WESTNEY RD. (South of 44CC1 aa� APOAV W7471a6 m THREE BEARS AUTO BOEXY °GME OF AJAX'S — LARGEST AM BODY o A COLLISION SHOPS "Sewing The Durham Region" Free Estimates Complete Collision Specialist & Refinishing To Cars & Trucks Frame Straightening • Rust Repairs • Insurance Claims plat I � 1a� a ,' � ANNNER'SI�t1Y 5, z20% OFF h i CorTiete Body Taint Work ` � 0� a�ir�SeQt �3N98 UNIT #208, 202 MONARCH AYE., AJAX 19051619-2327 Call Top Auto Glass for top quality windshield replacement and repair Top Auto Glass owner Chris Krysik specializes in glass replacement for all makes and models of cars and trucks and custom work such as sunroof"installation. Your windshield can go through a Illt of punishment over the years. I-Npecially from flying stones that can hop away at the safety glass. Eventually your going to have to r. pair or replace the glass and Top Auto Glass is the company that many people call when they need this Important service. Owner Chris Krvsik has owned his business for the past four years and Ncr%ices customers in Toronto. Ajax and Pickering. Prior to that he worked three years for a major company in 'horonto. A replace and repair glass on all car and truck windows and offers a mobile service. ­ says Chris. "1 also pay most deductibles." He will come right to your home or place of work and repair your %chicle. making it very convenient for you. Chris explains that the windshield is quite different from the other glass in your car. -the windows on the side and hack crumble into small pieces when they experience a major impact. But the windshield is made up of two pieces of glass with a thin layer of plastic in between. When broken, it forms a star shaped chip or a crack. Chris says cracks and chipping will weaken the glass and lower its safety value so it should he replaced or repaired. Many chips can he fixed if larger than the size of a quarter and all chips are supposed to he fixed if within 6 inches of the centre field of your vision. Chips can be fixed with the injection of a special glue and will look like new again. Chris offers a lifetime warranty for leaks. except for those caused by rust. It you need your windshield replaced it•s your choice who fixes your car. Regardless of what company your insurance company recommends. you can go anywhere You want. "I offer same day service and have very competitive prices:' says Chris. "I complete every job to the satisfaction of my customers and I am always available if" there's any problems." For more information about Top Auto Glass call (4 16) 200-2991. i AtitOnl01«1/e tNlgoS#IIELD, BACK GLASS, SIDE GLASS RRPLACOMINIT Gtilsss WE PAY MOST DEDUCTIBLES FREE GLASS CLEANER (9os) 683-1801 WIE:,NILL TAKE CARE OF ell Al TOP AUTO GLASS YOUR NSURANCE NEEIM Pirmian.'k-n.i You THRIE-I'Y MECHANIC SHOP w.. S 695 Finley Ave. Apm one. Honesty Is The Best Policy! "Honesty, Perfection Customer Satisfaction" Reasofaable Prices OIL ri:a a 11 LUBE IS lance) FILTER Wheels I Most cars. Vans &tracks extra. I IMag wheals extra. This special offer Wm and ' good till Sept. 301" duty trucks extra. I]m SEPI.3096 Owner Michel Saikali would like to thank all his Valued Customers d friends for their patronage. �ome<;4; mprovement DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS (905) 579-2222 Complete Selection of Vinyl Windows & Doors CASEMENT DOUBLE 1iE'dilWl�fId20Ci7 HUNG TILT -ACTION • Picture Windows • Bay & Bow Windows • Insurance Clams • Patio Doors • Storm e. Doors •New Construction Windows •Glass & Screen SAW -DA -C- Repairs MOBILE SHOWROOM FREE ESTIMATES WAYNE HUTCHINSON 696 KING ST W SALES SERVICE & OSHAWA, ONTARIO INSTALLATION L1J 211_3 TecklW d20CC (905) 579-2222 MOBILE -JOB SITE MIXED CONCRETE • AVAILABLE -MONDAY -SATURDAY -CEMENT -SAND & GRAVEL -CONCRETE & UNSHRINKABLE FILL -COLOURED CONCRETE -CONCRETE RESTORATION & REPAIR PRODUCTS -STONE SLINGER SERVICE 905-683-6501 1-800-473-7385 2890 BROCK RD. N. PICKERING (BROCK RD. N & TAUNTON RD.) HOME IMPROVEMENTS Additions • 2nd floors • Bathrooms • Plumbing • DedUfences Wiring • Tiling • Drywall WE SUPPLY PERMITS & PLANS REFERENCES & PICTURES AVAILABLE FULL INSURED • ALL WORK GUARANTEED 97 Church St, 905-428-8785 Alex 1.888-845-442 THE NTFWC ADVF'RTLCFR-QTTNDAV QFPTII MRRR tQ 10114 nA�8r­ aAQDQMQG3G3� Over 20 years experience STALES • SERVICE • PARTS RENOVATIONS & REMODELING 24 HOUR PLUMBING SERVICE MITH NO CHARGE FOR OVERTIME} .e One of the largest plumbing parts department in the great Toronto area 1050 BROCK RD. - UNIT 7 PICKERING Romarc Renovations Ltd "Over 40 Yes" Erperlenre" *YOUR HOME IMPROVESIII EXPERTS* * Drywall And Fine Carpentry * Ceramic and Vinvl Floor Tiles * Wood Deck and µVor►d Fences * Drywall Textured Ceiling * Replacement Windows & Doors * Carport Balcony and Porch * Shingled Roofing * Computer Design Drawings * Building Permit ,application We Do It All. Foundation To Rrx►f Pictures and References Available UI Work Guaranteed Call Bob 19051 420-3044 Durham Windows and Doors brings showroom to your 1 :rl 579-2222 `Y Left, Wayne Hutchinson will home. At right, inside you'll Windows. Wayne Hutchinson brings to the replacement window and door business a new and long overdue features. It's a Mobile Showroom which just may be the only one in Can -The day is gone wl' you carried somt brochures and a low bring his Mobile showroom to your find his display of Top Quality Vinyl sample window to a customer's home," explains Wayne. "So I obtained a retired North York Mobile Library truck ani installed interior w along with all of my Vi aa._vv samples" When you call Durham Windows and Doors for a free estimate, Wayne will show up at your door with his Mobile Showroom which you'll enter by way of a sliding patio door. Inside, displayed on the walls, are the Tech Weld 2000 series of vinyl windows which you're free to operate and you'll discover the many special features including how they can be cleaned without going outside. "After being in this business for 18 years, I can honestly say these are the finest windows on the market." saN I Wayne. -They're triple sealed to reduce air leaka«e and come �%lth heavy duty hard%vare.' ou desire, you can ,)ose the Low -E Glass khich filters out the ultra violet ray, keeping your home cooler in the summer and eliminate the fading of your curtains, drapes and imiture. 11 of the windows .pith a lifetime warranty and a 10 year guarantee on the installation. Wayne would also like his customers to know that he does all of the estimates personally, eliminating the cost of a salesperson. Durham Window and Doors do all their own installations, which ensures that every customers gets a high quality job done at the best possible price." Durham Windows and Doors is located at 696 King St. W. in Oshawa or phone (905) 579-2222. TwhN�e�d ���C �IF ka SILVER CARPET & RUGS INCREDIBLE PRICES INCREDIBLE SAVINGS V1S1T OUP SHG+'J�GGV FOR FLEET SHOP AT HOME SERVICE OR ESTIMATE CALL UNIT 3 -487 Wes,rey -qc S 683-4292 AJAX TREE REMOVAL • TREE PRUNING • RESIZING HOWARD'S LANDSCAPING 8c CONTRACTING • _awr Care _awn Maintenance •-terocx :rveways • :�•er_ast ;�etammg Wars • CJs1,m Fences d Decks • °es sent al • .�;mmerc4 • -istnal None Guarantees Phone 905-839-0282 Numlxrs: 4-16-412-7922 L,aridscaW OntmHo I Over 20 Years Experience I NORMO ENTERPRISES • WINDOWS SENIORS DOORS 44 • • PATIO DOORS • DECKS Samples.. In -Home or Showroom References Available (905) 839-2255 ENERGY EFFICIENT PRODUCTS FOR YOUR HOME wwm=ERGY HOME IMPROV MENTS • WINDOWS 410 &Iu • SOFFIT, FASCIA YEAFS 5. '� •EAVES TROUGHS *INSULATED SIDING • HVAC • INSURED 8c LICENCED FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL MIKE (905) 831-0556 IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE ON THIS FEATURE CALL 1-416-798-7672 EX: 2304 PAC 26 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,110% Ll an To list your non-profit group's upcoming events, information must be submitted by 5 pm. the Wednes- day preceding Sunday publication. To have your events promoted in Billboard. fax 683-7363 or write to the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave.. Ajax. Ontario, L IS 2115. SUNDAY, SEPT. 15 TAI CHI: The Taoist Tai Chi Society holds an open house from 3 to 5 p.m. at 114 Atho1 SL, Whitby. Dtmonstrations, refreshments. Everyone welcome. 668-6-W. MENTAL HEALTH: An open house runs from 1 to 8 pm. for the new Whitby Mental Health Centre, 700 Gordon St_. Whitby. Everyone welcome. 668-5881. PET PHOTOS: A Pet Portrait Day is held from 10 am. to 4 pm. at Loblaw•s at Harwood Ave. and Hwy. 2. Get a photo of your pet. 5x7, for only 55_ Barbecue and prizes. Pro- ceeds to Oshawa and Dismct Humane Societv. (905)333-2022 (Humane Society). FLOWER SHOW: The Picker- ing Horticultural Society holds its Annual Fall Show from 11 am. to 3:45 p.m. at the Pickering Town Centre. downstairs around the foun- tain area Auction of flowers and produce at 3:45 pm. 839-7600 (Bar- bara Twiner). MONDAY. SEPT. 16 REGISTRATION: The Christ- ian Life Centre. corner of Rossland and Ravenscroft Rds., Ajax, holds registration from 9 am. to noon for three fall programs. Adult art classes run eight weeks on Mondays from 9:15 to 11:15 am. starting Sept. 23 and the cost is $50. Ladies' aerobics classes run 10 weeks on Mondays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. starting Sept. 23. S25 and $15 for seniors. One-dav chocolate workshop on SepL 23 from 9 to 11 am. and the cost is $25. Art and aer- obics classes at the life centre. chocolate workshop at Duffrns Creel: Community Centre on Marsh Lane. Free child cane for all prt} grams. 686-1411. ADOPTION: The Post Reunion Adoption Support Cmoup meets from 7 to 9 p.m. at the main branch of the Ajax Public Library. comer of Har- wood Ave. and Kings Cres.. next to the Town hall. Adoptee& birth and adoptive parents, and families wel- come.428-9322. AEROBICS: A one-hour aerobics class is held e -wry Mayday at 8 pm. at SL Paul's Unit- ed Church, 65 Kings Cres.. Ajax. Refreshments, social time follow. $3 per night- Proceeds go to the church. 686-W-58 (Catharine). TUESDAY, SEPT. 17 BREAST FEEDING: The La Lekfie league of Ajax meets the third Tuesday of every month at 7:45 pm. Information available on breast- feeding. Nursing mothers, babies and pregnant women welcome. 683- 7547 or 666-2775 for information and location. SENIORS: The Tuesday Mom- ing Discussion Group meets at 9:30 am. at the Ajax Senior%' Friendship Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. A repre- sentative of Bell Canada will speak. The group meets every Tuesday morning. 619-0315 (Betty). AEROBICS: The Tuesday Morning Ladies Club meets every Tuesday at 9:15 am. at the Ajax Community Centre for one hour of aerobics, followed by refreshments, crafts or speakers. $3 per week. All welcome. 68tr0258 (Catharine). MEN'S GROUP: A men's sup- port group meets weekly at 8:30 am. for a breakfast meeting at Mr Sou- vlaki, Bayridges Plaza. Liverpool Road and Bayly Street. Men who are unemployed, divorced, depressed and in need of encouragement are in%ited. 839-3295 (Bill). WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 18 LUNACY BINGO The AIDS Committee of Dunham holds "lura•• cy" bingo every second Wednesday from 10 to 11:45 am. at Hideaway Bingo Hall. Sunray Street. Whitby. Each bingo card ousts a bone ($1). Proceeds will support the commit- tee's programs and services in Durham. 665-0051. BREAST-FEEDING: The La Leche League. of Pickering meets at 7:45 pm. with information available on breast-feeding. Nursing mothers, babies and pregnant women wel- come. 427-8063, 831-2017 or 416- 282-6462 for location. OSTOMY: The Oshawa and 683=7040 n fosour°ce District Ostomy Association meets at 7:30 pm. in Room 1002F of the Oshawa General Hospital at Simcoe and Alma Sts. The group meets the third Wednesday of every month. 427-5512 (Candice), 571-3670 (Ron), 728-7207 (Alma). HEAD INJURY: Support groups of the Head Injury Associa- tion of Durham Region meets at 7:30 p.m. at 459 Bond S. E., Oshawa. Survivors group meets on the main floor, family and caregivers upstairs. 723-2732. SEA CADETS: RCSCC Har- wood Sea Cadets holds registration from 6:15 to 9 p.m. at 1915 Clements Rd. (at Sandy Beach Rd.), Pickering. Sea Cadets is for youths 12 to 18. While having fun they learn things such as seamanship, drill, band leadership and marksmarWiip. 327-0482. WRITERS: The writers' group Trilogy meets from 7 to 9 pm. at the Pickering Central Library branch. One The Esplanade. The group is attempting to form again. Members read and critique each other's work. The afternoon writers' group Volume 2 meets every other Tuesday at the library from 2 to 4 p.m. 686-2085 or 416-284-5416 (Dick Ferrier). THURSDAY, SEPT. 19 CANADIAN CLUB: The Cana- dian Club of Durharn Region meets at 6:30 p.m. at Holiday Inn, 1011 Bloor SL E., Oshawa. Guest speaker D'Arcy Jewish, joumahst and author of Money to Bum, will discuss 1 Trudeau, Mulroney and the bank- ruptcy of Canada. Dinner $23 for members, $25 for non- members/guests. All welcome. 668- 2484, 723-9074, 655-4530 or 576- 5101 (Holiday Inn). FRIDAY, SEPT. 20 ADDICTION: The Serenity Group holds a 12 -step recovery meeting at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Picker- ing. This group meets every week and deals with addictions of all types, including co-dependency. All welcome. 428-9431 (Jim, in the evening). CARDS: The Ajax Seniors Friendship Club plays the card game Solo every Friday from l to 3:30 pm. at 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. All seniors welcome. Instruction provid- ed. 683-8538 (Phil Heller). SATURDAY, SEPT. 21 READING CIRCLE: Pickering Reading Circle, a reading program for children, meets weekly from 9:30 to 10:30 am. at Orchard Villa, 1955 Valley Farm Rd.. Pickering. Join the program at any time. There's no charge. French-speaking adult volunteers are needed. 839- 3037. YARD SALE: Ballycliffe Lodge, 70 Station St.. Ajax, holds its annual yard sale from 10 am. to 2 pm. Donated items would be appre- ciated and 50 per cunt of profits will go to the Terry Fox Foundation. 683- 7321. 4jaxjPickeMg Soccer .......5143 Association ...............6019 Clarington Older Adults ......6037 ' Aox4lickering Soltbalf .......5144 Caesarean Prevention .......6020 Oshawa Seniors Club dances ... 6038 6021 ' Today' s Birthday ...........5020 Oshawa Centre Cinemas . . . .7022 Reach to Recove �, Aries ....................5021 ITaurus Whitby Cinemas ...........7023 Ajax/Pickering Cinemas (Breast Cancer) ............6022 ...................5022 ......7024 Learning Disabilities Association Sweet Adelines......6039 Gemini ...................5023 Pickering Moviplex 9 ........7025 Ajax Bridge Club .........:.6000 (Dudiam West) ............6023 Durham Writers/Editors Cancer ...................5024 Leo ......................5025 Oshawa Little Theatre .......7026 Whitby Little Theatre ........7027 Oddi ....... 6001 ............ Oshawa Legion 6002 ft ��9� E►ice.......... ...6040 Homepreneur Group .....6041 ' Virgo ....................5026 Durtwn Shoestring Perfomiers7028 • . . . . . . 6024 Ajax Block Parents .......6042 'Libra .....................5027 Weekly Video ..............7029 F�iDefY Sk' Olt -Home Busirmiss Assoaia6w Scorpio ..................5028 Rogers Community 10 .......7030 Epilepsy Parents Support ....6026 ..6043 Take Pounds Sensibly ..60" 1 ftgittarius ................5029 Theatre Durham ........................ 7031 Osteaporosis Support .......6027 Parent 1=traders t F Capricorn .................5030 ' 5031 Parents d Teens ...........6003 (**ed Surwv m ........... 6051 ..........0a4 Business Networking Group of Pisces .. Ao oholi AI -Arae% ......6004 Whitt .... ........ . Ablco..................5032 cs Anonymous us ......6005 Poets in the Pub Major League Baseball 5033 Women's support group of Durham qty Care Parents Support Group.............6052 .........6046 Ajax -Pickering United Way 6050 Toronto Maple -eafs ........5034 NBA .........5035 ...........6006 S.O.S. ...................6007 Oshawa Revenue Toestmasters6028 Sydenham Museum ........ .....8188 649 wmwW Or T.wnP is ) 5001 ........... , Pro Sports Update ..........5036 (Smokers Overcoming Smoking) Oshawa Toastmasters .......6029 Homeless Cardagemen.......6056 ' Pick 3 ....................5002 OshawaNVhitby Update ......5037 COPE (Depression) .........6008 Macintosh Users East .......6030 First Oshawa ITC Club Super 7 ..................5003 Local Lacrosse ............5038 Canadian Cakxie Counters ...6009 ......6031 Lottario ...................5004 Local Baseball .............5039 One Parent Families ........6010 Durham P.C. User's Club ....6032 From Fear.........................6053 NHL ..................... Proline 5041 Parents Without Partners .... 6011 Support Group Free Whitby Jaycees ......................... 6054 1 ...................5042 Oshawa Generals Living with Cancer Alp Toastrnasters .....................6055 Execu-Care Home Office 8100 1 ..........5043 NFL .....................5044 (Durham East) .............6012 Care -Givers ............8101 Jbkke of the Day ............5016 Blue Jays .................5045 CFL Living with Cancer Support Group (Durham West) ............6013 Anscot Contracting .......8102 Quote of the Day ...........5017 .....................5046 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Youth of Erotica Video ...........8103 M Trivia Quiz .................5018 Local Hockey ..............5047 Durham 6014 ars St. Mk'United Church .....6033 Vallillee Products Ltd. 8106 Durham College ............5051 Ajax/Pickering Update .......5137 Emotions Anonymous .......6015 Simcoe United Church .......6034 AVE Entertainment ......8107 ax/Pickerin Hocks g y . . . . . . 5138 AIDS committee of Durham ...6016 Emergency Plus "CPR" ...8111 Raiders AAA' Hockey .......5139tY • • • • Multiple Sclerosis Society 6017 Once Upon A Child ......8118 GIC -RSP Hotline ........................8247 Ajax/Pickering Dolphins ......5140 Ontario Friends of Schizophrenics Call for Less ............8003 ' Ajax/Pickering Ringetle .....5141 (Durham Chapter ...........6018 Clan Walking Program ..6 36 Heart Savers CPR .......8017 �ax—/Pick=ring Baseball Oshawa District Ostomy t r� � �. � ... �..,.� � �. �.. �,. � .... �,..... �... ,.., ............,... 7 HE ]YEWS ADVtXlrlSER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1996-PAG*3 27 Durham cops get hi -tech helpIn trackin serial criminals nals 0 violent Crime Linkage Analysis System keeps files for law enforcement across Canada BY STEPHEN SHAW DITRHAM STAFF DURHAM -- More than 40 violent crimes in Durham have been fed into a high- tech national computer sys- wm designed to track ser- ial predators cror country. In fact, the Durham Regional Police Service adopted a policy in 1994 making it mandatory for all violent crimes meeting the pro gram's criteria to be entered into the Violent Crime Linkage Analysis System (ViCLAS). In his recently -released report on the botched Paul Bernardo investigation, Mr. Justice Archie Campbell recommended legislation be passed requiring all police forces submit solved and unsolved predatory crimes into the system. ViCLAS is designed to break down the unique details of homicides, sexual assaults or missing person cases and, using its data bank, cross-match and pin- point similarities to aid investigators. While ViCLAS hasn't led to any breakthroughs in unsolved crimes in Durham, "It's only a matter of time before we get a link in one of ours," says Staff Sergeant Dave Kimmerly, an ex - homicide detective who co- ordinates the system for Durham. Such crimes recently fed into the system include the sexual assault and severe beating of a 14 -year-old Oshawa girl and two sexual assaults in the Ajax -Pick- ing- area last year, the latter which remain unsolved. In terms of police work. Staff Sgt. Kim- merly compares ViCLAS with the scientific break- hrough in recent years in DNA. "I think more and more ViCLAS will become a technological tool that will be invaluable for investigations." Metro police have said a ViCLAS case -link found in western Canada played a key factor in the recent arrest in the 10 -year-old slaying of Toronto's Allium Parrot. There are 22 ViCLAS terminaLs hooked up nation- wide, and Ontario regional forces must submit a detailed 36 -page question- naire outlining all aspect% of a crime to Orillia Ontario Provincial Police, which Herbs on Ajax Garden Club agenda AJAX -- A guest speaker will Shed some light on herbs at the Ajax Garden Club's monthly meeting at the Ajax Royal Cana- dian Legion on Monday, Sept. 16 at 8 p.m. Marjorie Davies of Beaver- ton will give an informative talk on "Herbs -- Pats - ley, Sage, Rose- mary and Thyme". Refreshments are available. The club will also hold a contest and Lavender will also be on sale. The Ajax Legion is on Hunt Street. For more information, call 683-4674 or 683- 4734. overseas ViCLAS in the province. (Because of the volume of cases it handles, the Metro police sexual assault unit has its own ter- minal.) Nationally, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police supervises the system, which may one day be con- nected to law enforcement agencies internationally. Mr. Justice Campbell's report notes that schoolgirl killer Paul Bernardo — later found to also have been responsible for dozens of unsolved Scarborough rapes — likely "would have been apprehended much sooner had ViCLAS been in place at the time and fully opera- tional through centrally mandated reporting require - 71 0 AVT z iT $1%�QW T`� sr� 1 CLEA � DEPENDABLE NAITRAL –7 GA S r-- Hith effrcienev I 17as furnaces or air conditioning Q p YORK' Heating and Air C.onditoning "PETE IT O —1 OU K GA! BILI."' r- o�Not av until April '9 or cash rebate. 4�zee ��.. e A L r. yuWa vrs A JaPW+ P u +p -mala ^ J b aa nee.• -.on. vOr d W�s %, _ _ ,w . :q-Mv ft :rr� nc and •aw werc r0 4 ;onO.o"q i.r.cy.sy row arvf �r'A 4f o s .n..r, aw oos.. J FOOD OUTLET Grand Opening Classic Touch Grifo Brand X Virgin TOILET9!9 O LIVE !9!9PAPER O 24 rolls4 with Pomace Litre la Ground ESPRESSO 300 Assorted SARDO BEANS 19 oz. tin ments." Staff Sgt. Kimmerly believes the system may help identify "future Paul Bernardos before they reach that stage. "The Paul Bernardos don't start off with homi- cide. They start off with stalking and minor sex Fresh. Style. assaults, and a lot of thou are going on out here in Durham Region. "We have to look at where he was 10 or 15 years ago, and let's try to get thou types of behaviors on (ViCLAS) at the early stages instead of at the trag- ic end." Perfect''.' Comfort. w t Shoes to we to D_' AN ' Wh10)v Mall 905-7-8-9141 Wed., Sept. 11 Tues., Sept. 24/96 Product of Italy PARMEGGIANO 899 PADANO 8+ Ib. PARMEGGIANO 119 REGGIANO tb. Fabianelli est Marco ITAUANft PASTA 5 XT9 Paesano Whole QLUN TOMATOES 28 oz. 69tin Product of Califomia Product of California Product of California SHELLED9!D DELUXE111b. !D9 JUMBO 9!9 ALMONDS MIX PISTACCHIO 31b. NUTS Red 8 Natural Ib. Aero Chocolate Assorted Brand Name Nestea Lemon BARS F00 DRINKS F 00 ICE gg o TEA R Gins I R 1 - 24X341 ml 7case 61 Commercial Ave. 619-6906 J `°' W STATION (at rear of building across from The Beer Store) aI Ic • Monday thru' Friday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. 3 Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Sun. 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. FUE 28 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1{, 1996 e_ GY,qFw=wT(47 1 s7l f�llllr� die wand so are fh he prices ai` T. t By F-1Be�-� s 0 r Best L 1 U ease -' "Sale Prices expire Sept. 21 st, 1996 at 6 p. r M. IL 4r 'BRAND NEW 1996 PROBE SE BRAND NEW 1996 MUSTANG 2 DR. COUPE BRAND NEW 1997 FiSO STYLIESIDE 81 BOX 2.OL 4 cyl. autornat;c. overdrive, air conditioning, 15* &8L V6, automatic, air conditioning, power windows &-c 4,2L V6, XL trim, 5chro e -ear step bumper, sliding aluminum wheels, tilt sftering., speed control, power k)cks, tilt steering, speed control, 15" cast aluminur- rear window AM/FM/Cassette. rn sette.s*cck #VM127 windows and locks. Remote entry, AM/FWCD Player, rear wheels, remote keyless entry, spoiler, CD Player. Stock Per =J spoiler. Stock #TD103 :.!#rCl33 Ian or 04 plan 4 81988 p of it '259247s 24 rriw� armor 20,488 'for't $355'*'7'0' $ plan it for 09488 for $368 24 16 Z A 4- 4a GRAND NEW I ESCORT GL 41DIR 2 NEW 1996 CONTOUR GL BRAND NEW 1996 TAURUS GL 4DR 2_0L 4 cyl, 5 spd, du power steering and i, automatic, air conditioning, A 3.OL, 6 cyl, automatic, air concft ing, AWFMICassette. power brakes, AM/FM stereo. St and WirKIOWS,sport instr e rolr windows and locks, tit wheK !#� control, ABS brakes, dual w 15* y wheels, tilt steering, rol, air bags, power seat, akmv*vA*,* eels. Stock #TG 186 24 =L or "I PK Wj -.131945 29 pffmj'491 �..0 1 r 24 nm #TL1 W, �EW 199618 automatic, air pnvacy glass, =eZIM ;tock Mn7. .-A Main's and dual as Pam =J 13=L