HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_08_28PICK -N- GO TAXI sa Novw lol�w� �. cats .�, otttwrs In ■ hurry... Lata for the GO ThWn or appL ...call - we worth R! New4. Wednesday, Aug. 28, 1996 48 pages t3A Ad • PERIODICALi ;�l verti .- A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 40,000 Vol. 115 No. 3 Man killed by train in Pickering Christopher Procunier BY KEITH GILLIGAN sTNt1 REN(►RTF:R AJ.A_X-PIC KE RING — A 23-vear-old Ajax man killed when he was hit by a train early Sunda% morninL, in Pickering was -full of' life.- says his hest friend. Christopher Procunier may have fallen asleep heJ\A een the rails of the track before he was hit b% an eastKiund CNN freight train at 4:05 a m. under the o%erp&us at Brock Road Durham Rcgumal Police Detecti%c ti,:r_rant Dou;• h:r _ rep,,rt, the en,•mrer the train in time. Foul play has been ruled out, Det. Burns says. "It could have been accidental, given his alcohol content Mr. Procunier was -drunk. That's basically from testimony of friends who were with him:' The lack of a suicide note leads Ixilice to discount that possibility. Glenn Cooper describes his pal as "full of life. He had a lot of friends in the com- munit\ " Glenn See TRAIN... Page 3 Cooper Dump truck makes unscheduled drop Emergency services workers assist the driver of a dump truck which overturned while avoiding a car on Lakendge Road at the Ninth Concession around 4 p.m. Monday. Durham Regional Police say the driver, who sufered minor injuries, was southbound on the Pickering -Whitby border when the light turned red. An eastbound car started across the intersection and the truck swerved to avoid hitting it and turned over, spilling its load, police say. Damage to the truck is esti- mated at $20,000. The accident is still under investi- gation. In North York the same day, an out -0f -control gravel truck plowed into a townhouse, kdfing a woman in the home. photo by Celia Bronkhorst Move of Pickering dUMPwaste safe' ! consultant BY MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF M1011UTA KERING — Residents have very little to worry pabout regarding the possible uncovering or transports- "tion of toxic waste from the Brock North landfill, '.:;according to the consulting fiat which has investigat- =od the contents of the site. "Iden: are no guarantees but there's a very low like- lihood;" says Craig Hebert, an engineer with Conesto- ga -Rovers & Associates (CRA). "We do, however, -have protocols and contingency plans in case there are ,, isome surprises." CRA was hired by Metre Tommi,, which owns both the Brock North site and the Brock West landfill in Pickering. The contents of Brock North are to be trans-ferred to Brock West under an out-of-court settlement j reached in April between Metro and the Town of Pick- ering. Pickering had sued Metro to forte it to close Brock West, which is now scheduled to stop taking all but the waste from Brock North after Nov. 30. Brock North was only in operation from October 1978 to April 1979 and took about 120,000 tonnes of i household and industrial waste f -orn Metro. According i to Metro officials, the site was closed as a budget mea- sure. Pickering -Ajax Citizens Together (PACT) for the >Emhomnent says it was shut down because of leachate Vwbkxns. Metro has had to conbrim to had leachaee I&+om etre site sWmit wts closed. at a cost of about _ ..IPaOts a A; Inside Editorial...................6 Sports .................... 31 Entertainment ....... 29 Classified...............40 General 683-5110 Pax 683-7363 ClassiSed 683-0707 1nfoSource 683-7040 Sincerely Yours 1-800-662-8423 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 :Vn the Internet at www.dntrhamaewa.net 93t + 7e GST = $1 PAG£ 2 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED.. AUGUST 28. 196 -- 1. Nd Ar a. a..; V. aydi A Mix of pre SOU thside, K .. , : ... • tion ss Business Wear and nWing _ �� and 111 Juni Casuals For Women. U Per �eVel d Casual wear For w°men. pure Dressy and rje. _ .. u�. sin►, . , �:�+os SUNDAY Nop" MONDAY TO FRIDAY 1a9 _�� ' _ SA , _ v Train victim's loved ones `in a state of shock' FROM PAGE 1 Mr. Co oPLr was told of the death Sun- day afternoon when Mr. Proc:unier's mother Janis came to his house with the bad news. The PrOCunic,'rs and the Cox>p- CTS have lived a couple of do cars apart on Clements Road West since 1984. "I'm numb. Chris had a big group of frierxls. We're all in a state of shock. It's unreal. We can't believe it. fie was so young. We're all the same age and we've been hanging around for years. I was so close to Chris for a kat of your~ " Mr. Pro cunier had spent the evening at a wedding recep- tion at bcx)k published himself. Ile was looking into those avenues. I Ic wrote poetry aril short stories:' Mr. Ctx)per says. "Ile was a big reader and a movie buff. Ile was really into music — some old and a lot of ncwv stuff. Rock 'n' roll. Ile was a huge Ihx►rs fan" Mr. Pro unier is resting at the Accet- tone Funeral Home, 384 Finley Ave.. Ajax. Visitation is today from 1 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. -fhe funeral scr,iec will be held Thurso -Lay at 1 p.m. at I Ioly Trin- ity Anglican Church at 91 Kings Cres.. Ajax. d restaur[1 a g in the Pickering COMPLETE Town Centre for LANDSCAPE friend Jason Sabourin and SERVICES Tammy Butt. the • Interlock Walks. daughter of Ajax- • Patios and Driveways Pickering Salva- ' drat stone a Rockery lion Army Captain • Decks & Custom Carpentry Doug Butt. •Custom Planting • Ponds & Water Gardens Jason "doesn't ' Lam d Garden Maintenance know about this. I Ic's on his honcv- moxm in the Bahamas. Wc'rc under a ,tact order from Jascm's father that we're no( to contact him. nix CONCEPTS that we were going Call Now for Fall Booking to. We don * t want Sr n ions� � tt� _ � O � � � Yc, ar to cut his hcmcw'- Discounts )T"arranty sh ' me nl ort. Mr. Cooper ,aN.s. Mr. I'rtxunier was last Seen het ween 1: 30aikl2 r SALE a.m. when he and Cl w .some friend, wort H getting a Lmi a[ the ESSO Station at 8 An`jA11vJ l.iverptxil Road TiSiIrIIC and Pickering AT7I Parkway. Mr. W L, Y E R S Qwper says one minute Mr. Procu- IN -TODAY'S nier was with his Adveraser and then he News News was gone. Mr.my chier was ton: cxalchild ld WED.. AUGUST ?8,19% of Janis and Larry News Advertiser Procunier. He attended Ajax High . Ashbrooks Ajax'Pick. • School and Arch- Battery Plus Ajax/Pick. • Eaton Ajax Pick. bishop Denis ' Guardian Drug Pick. O'Connor Cathie ' Vale Ceasar's Ajax High School, •Plume Plus Ajax/PicL where he i�t_ ' Pimvilk Ajax ed. ' San -Back to School Ajax/Pick. He worked at Sears -Sears Today Pick ' Play It Again we Bo • The Brick Ajax Sports in the Bay- ' Towyn of Pickering L wood Centre at ' Toys A US Bayly Street and ' White Inose Pick. Monarch Avenue YMCA Ajax/Pick. for past 18 TbffldboShc Wmo "He was involved in the community, in dw oa 0M pier, tin be minor hockey and reeytied 04 the rest of your inline pody. He neyourbice was a bigg, big RX)CIS and hockey box Rmy* pingram. fan. He loved For idformatiou on delveriog hockey and golf," Says Mt: Cooper. your advertising flyers, "He was really Cal ALVIN into writing. He BROUWFR G� was looking into uytyews p,3veM1t..y' pursuing it (as a �'' cancer). He had a 6$3.5110.'� �� r JEFF WILCOX W'drklkL) , caner (4 tlw cvvek t, Jcf} )X,,ILo x I& c•nK»s c:uxu•s. hcrlkcy. rtAlerl-6cling K ,piking Ica} will rcrc•ivc a dinner k>r t and a T-tittirt ctttiy>brnt�x, c>f lk,,Wr Kirig Ic•tf for being our (timer ()f thc• ulY•k. SURM Kai Cosnmined To ExceUence 1280 Kingston tool . Pu kcrnlg 345 Ntc'Keniic• A%c . Ai.0 r TH9 NET'S ADVERTISn t Wedge$day, August 28- 19%•p4(;E CANADIAN TIRE PICKERING 1300 Kingston Rd. at Liverpool 839-8017 Mon. - Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sun. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m, Heavyweight,--,,.,, VALUES Sale ends Sun., Sept. 1/96 ` Keep fit andhave fun! _ r• T%• 44 8. Portable step machine. Reg.69 99 84-0729-8 Compact size ... ...... 49.99 -4 6 6. Power Flex bench With lat. bar, leg curl extension. 84-0091-2 - Elastic bands provide resistance levels ....... Reg 179 99 o� 9999 • 5. Ouality stepper. • Multi -function computer • Dual -hydraulic cylinders • Wide-angle handlebar. 84-0093-8 ......... Reg. 149.99 24999 Reg 299 99 40°a more muscle activity in hips and 100°; T,,e in the thighs than I -.-- - I 1. Fast Track exerciser ... get on the right track to fitness! Natural curved track -No adjustments, no assembly required -it's ready to use right out of the box • Computer displays speed, distance and calories burned • Low Impact design places li"les stress on your joints 7 r'2;__ . 84-0009-2 Back- To-Schoo/ • • •,; • MAINTENANCE CHECK'�� • "0 �y no.nl rna over applies to all No partstip rnsta P mg For 90Dyyx, and Auto Centre w� klerea For 90 Daysi tud ng tires) over S t DO only 99 .� to y Canadian Tire Card four i Reps DAY FREEDOM RIDE credit. on no nter s, fur car or gp da no 90 DAY most Cars d, your Canadian Ys' available o payment FREEDGM a * 24 light trucks Customer Sef1 �e for Card, Ask at RIDE tPlete details 4 � •Lube, oil t3 filter -Brand name motor oil •Rotate tires •Check exhaust 'Check brakes *Check belts/hoses -Check all lamps -Check shocks 8 CV boots *Too up fluid -4 litre jug of washer fluid CANADIAN TIRE PICKERING ONLY s 1300 KINGSTON ROAD AT LIVERPOOL 839-8124 SERVICE HOURS: Mon. -Fri. 7:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. \ Saturday 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Sunday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. :F. 4 ... rt1F. •E�,.:.1►� F:K I IsF:K. •� Et/., >l't:t*S 12N. 1446 ort � • •U'sItIn co�c ern res1 entS e at1t1S s AJAX-PICKFRINO — A Pickering merit of claim, meanwhile. was filed on Ot the 7z contirmCd r:t•r". I�) air Irurn Ir)`1(, :rt ,'ari„u� �linrrbos. whir, operated in pickc wcrwillbe in 't NN'hith: court \N'ednesdav Aug. 15 h. 'luruntu law\en f:d Hver and Durham. sass Ihirhant's associate nicdical :� 1d N1pukh.tr ni' Scarborough, North York ck ng cerUtication to proceed with a class Michael McGowan on behalf of l'tckenn�� officer of health I)r. Linda f anar Dr. Nk'ilson ; law}cr, Mary Thomson. cn- u, n la\+quit against a Scarborough doctor resident Deborah l:ischer. seeking `� 0 niil About 1 �.t1Ot) {'r„� c It'ul cl)Itr��tn�1 1 couldn't he reached for comment. io operated six clinics alle�,,edly linked to lion. cephalograms (1:1:(;) between outbreak of -i:,uUs B. l a w y e r is hael Head is in esenting Pick- residents ick residents SCHOOL BUS olert and Anne n Jerson in a ' t-tnilhon suit. ' aevcr. the Intal n aunt .'at thi, it e cant posse s I\ m know r.... - • i • tr Head sa\ �`� • �� nr I • �■� IL 15 Year i �. �• r Guarantee --`, t_._ c� .�---/ IF • • Robert - Single Anderson ` `� 9 A.,. Mismatched _ Pickering man Mattresses Sets 'RE {�, 2 Choices. suinq doctor S is one of ea Single Set L9 "O •NO G.S.T. -NO P.S.T. 19 Durham Double Set 159 •SET OF SHEETS -BEDFRAME s -' •MATTRESS COVER -PILLOW residents Who ' w, h any matching mattress se purchased ry' � t a acted r ;, fill A MM hepatitis B after undergoing EEGs at MD's clinics in - Toronto area Certification is needed for a clasp .icuon suit to pro- ceed. Ntr Head .,a.,s on 1). one - class action suit can he certified h,, the courts. It ht. suit n certified. "the others can tecome part of the class or opt out and continue with their own litiga- tion. Mr. Head filed the suit in lune in Ontario Court. general division. in Whitby. The Anderson suit is one of three class actions filed against neurolo- gist Dr. Ronald H. Wilson. The third suit was filed Wednesday by Toronto lawyer Pau{ Harte on behalf of a Toron- to man. Mr. Harte is also represent- ing a Port Perr}' woman who became infected with the hepatitis B %'irus. Mr. Harte's statement of claim seeks $60 million. Another state - 30LUXSUPPORT URY SPECIAL EDITION ORTHO GUARD S259:-asp SET $424 DCJBLE 299 SET 469 Q-EEN .329 SE- KiNG .509 SE- -_9 A -FRAME FUTON ^,ar,•ess 6'"��e SPACESAVER BUNK 2' iron avadaae ;n x ArfaH rNOfS258 SPECIAL EDITION ORTHO PEDIC $239 vs ',ESS SET $394 DCUBLE 279 SE7 439 E,. 309 SE- 4-4 K.". 459 SE- ^9 DELUXE FUTON rck4es :overed HERITAGE Very emnom at ;;"i98 Great styling BAYLY C CLEMENTS � A o N j F SUP 4 1W FIRM SUPPORT l,,® rU.f y I . DYNASTY ­.r-11 Vs--;ES5 SET $314 DOUBLE 209 SE- 3-4 QUEEN 239 SET 409 FUTON SOFA BED man.cu 6 !rar,e 1 � 4 +:_7 / WOOD SPACESAVER BUNK = Steeps 3 Very sturdy COMFORT SLEEP 7 9 SET $284 -CJBLE 189 SE7324 QUEEN 219 SE- 354 MATES BED in 2 Drawers mate finish i � Avail .r Assorted Colors Tne Sleep Factor) PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED HOUF bst•r �=Mlw WE MAKE AM SIZE MATTRESS t r -MAIN OF FACTORY DIRECT MATTE ORTHO PEDI V,.kxE 1139 SET $224 1� DOUBLE 169 SET 284 QUEEN 199 SET 334 WINDSOR BUNK SLUMBER REST ,E $99ua __a SS SET $184 DOUBLE ...139 SET 234 QUEEN ..169 SET 314 If "Eff Mwm M(_T..v ROLLAWAY COT compete with 4' mattreSS f- D • O ffj 111. , . 11 ,; ," - to ro° o: 'k'', .M"xS %aty r+e5r'' 'S'Y3 �.:'�.i�' 'xa.�,. ia'ii: iti 2A'.'a, fir, ..�:: � THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., AUGUST 28,1996 -PAGE 5-A Tootsies - Families Serving Families Tootsies Factory Shoe Market located at 18 Harwood Ave. South 8 Hwy 2 in Ajax is celebrating their 15- Anniversary Event! Tootsies Factory Shoe Market has become well known for their value pricing and large selection, as well as their involvement with the community. As families begin shopping for back -to -school items, Tootsies has a great offer for its customers. As of Monday August 26 they are giving away Brooks knapsacks with every pair of Brooks Shoe sold, while quantities last. The Ajax location featuring 6500 sq feet of floor space is the culmination of a dream that started with the company founders, Greg Taylor and Claude Bohemier. Since the two men began their first store four years ago, there business has grown into a seven -store chain throughout Ontario in addition to the Ajax store and the Brantford flagship store, the company has branches in Hamilton, Guelph, St. Jacobs. Cambridge and Ottawa Besides being conveniently located. each store stocks an average of 25.000 pairs of shoes in order to provide customers with the best selection possible in a reasonable price range And that's something to remember when so many of us are going back to school - or going back to the office - and want to get off on the right foot. "We are the true concept z of a family shoe store," says Greg Taylor. "We cover a broad range and we have footwear - for all age groups and needs." "Sixty per cent of our stock is by Tender. Tootsies." Mr. , •�`� Bohemier explains. "The rest is other well-known name brands." The range of product lines is impressive: The chains the world's largest distributor of a/ Tender Tootsies women's shoes and Clinic footwear for seniors. Mr. Bohemier adds proudly. In addition they carry Buster Brown, L.A. Gear, Wildcats. Savage and Weather Guard for children. - Women's lines include Pina Colada, Santana, Thinsulate, Wolverine and Pier 39 For men there are Deer — - Stags, Wolverine, Brooks, Cedar Trail and others. Both men and women can find Prospector boots and the CTOR r 1= work boot line features products by Terra and H.H. Brown under the name of J.B. Goodhue. Brooks shoes are he -iRi star athletic footwear, and Ripzone looks to be the new leader in skateboarding shoes. The stores stock sizes in select lines up to 13 for women and 15 — ,,,,� j. for men, so customers should find what they need to feel comfortable. The Tootsies Factory Shoe Market concept of large selection and customer service MAR, in a low-key decor is the brainchild of Taylor and Bohemier, who have known each other for 26 years and worked together for 20 years, most of that time in marketing for Agnew and for Maher. When the Maher company went bankrupt, the two men found themselves unemployed. "We decided eventually ~` we'd start up our own company, but we'd do things differently." says Mr. Bohemier. His partner agrees. "We saw a lot of things in the business that we '1< didn't like: for example, the way customers and staff were treated." says Mr. Taylor The two men set out to build their business in a less structured T manner, and took many of their ideas from the way stores are run in Europe. rather than American examples 'In the U.S , they tend to do volume sales. in self -serve stores, with low-end product," Mr. Taylor says. "But we concentrate on quality footwear, and one of our mottos is "Value. Quality, Service and Selection," We keep our prices well below normal retail, always." 'We're also a full -seance shoe store. We greet our customers when they come in the door, and we treat them with kindness and attention," he adds. 'It's very important to strive to constantly improve ourselves," Mr Bohemier says, 'so that „y , our customers will continue to stay with us.'y r 5 Both men agree that a company's employees are the key element in ensuring customer satisfaction, once management has set standards that will promote such an outcome "Meat of our empioyees get the idea without much prompting.- Mr Taylor says. Another important factor is dealing with any customer complaints or requests. Mr. Bohemier adds. "Our mandate is, d people have problems. we want to know how we can help them Thar s why Ne have a reasonably liberal returns policy We don't have a whole set of rules. Our objective is simply to satisfy it* customers' needs.- the two founders are both Brantford residents, and they opened their first store ir that town. luring a time :f economic depression 'We did it because Ne 'r+e here." Mr. Bohemier says. 'And we figured that if we could make a go of I in an economically challenged area, we could do it elsewhere Not only did it succeed. out we created more lobs.' Their desire to give back the community is the drmng force behind the partners commitment to set aside two percent of the the company's profits to bereft AIDS research. breast cancer research 'hey do ,t, they say because "We genuinely care". 'My father was very poor,' recaps Mr. Taylor, 'and he relied on the Salvation Army at Christmas. To this day I stiA give to the Salvation Army as well --e,, r ctiantable oolicy just evolved as their business grew, the men say. and they are committed to continuing the effort Besides charities, each store strives to support local sports teams. Selling shoes may be hard work. but that doesn't mean the staff can't have fun. Every year the stores pick a day and close down early so the personnel an have a picnic or a party to unwind Customers aren't forgotten, either. The compar>y celebrates Canada Day by handing out little flags and birthday cake. On Mother's Day they give out flowers And every company anniversary trey ~and out jugs of windshield Hasher fluid to their customers, encouraging a donatan to the local food bank- Why washer fluidl 'Because most people drive, and it's something they can use." The two owners pride themselves on taking a family approach to their business- Each has tree children who now work for the firm, and they encourage fnendly. informal atmosphere for their staff It's the onty way to run a store that esters to families they feel. Although getting their stores to this level of success hasn't been easy, both men are optimistic about their company's prospects. "We were both unemployed when we started.- Mr 3oremier recalls "Now this company employs more than 100 people. It was hard initially; we couldn't get much financing, and we could have lost everything 6 9 hadn't worked out. But hard work and a team of dedicated employees has heiped .t pay off "'he company has succeeded because of their commitment to providing top-quality products and service to their customers, and they'll continue to use that winning formula. 'We now have seven stores.' he says. "and we hope to 7ouble 'hat number in the next five years 0 L 01 - 0 MEN'S, WOMEN'S, BOY'S RIPZONE Sizes 3-12 A+ PRICE o $ 996 J A�wAYs ✓ Buster Brown.. FOR KIDS All Leather Girls Sizes 11-3 Boys Sizes 12-6 A+ VALUE 96 ALWAYS r .� ROOKS - . 0-11' O , f MEN'S "VAPOUR" Sizes 7-15 A+ SIZZLES FOR o 9 96 A�wAYs ✓ C1 0 Thinsulate 3 LEATHER CASUALS BOYS WOMEN'S Sizes 3-6 Sizes 5-10 "fo $399 0 F] 0 AROOKS "VAPOUR" INFANTS BOYS, GIRLS 5-12 13-6 A+ PRICE 9 96 ALWAYS 0 NO PST ✓ C: C LEATHER STI I/P MEN'S, WOMEN'S, BOY'S Women's Sizes 6-11, Boys 4-9, Men's 8-13 MEN'S$4996 A� i 0AL_ AYs NO PST BOY'S,, WOMEN'S S/ S/'cull/ - — .Twigs Is proud to donate 2% of annual net profit to: The Canadian Cancer Society for Breast Cancer Research -The Canadian Foundation for Aids Research PRICES WELL , , Sbo� Shopping ... Erptritnce jai Harwo"id"A 4od Business Ctr. K _ Hwwood Ave. & Hwy. 2 PT BELOW".4 6 Mon - Fri 9-9, Sat 9., Sun 11-5 MT /i�r(905)427-6044 ORMAL RETAIL` _ Also In Brantford, Hamilton, ' Jacobs, Cambridge, Guelph & Ottawa ALWAYSI� dt, `E,ES STAGS•„ ,. i �oG!�c6ttd Btwkir Brown®� M4.;,e DEER STAGS • i�OICSe, - . Bdater- -7- r, Il t t'lr C ir, ofw n.1 11 t) ]it rrtt I) PAGE 6 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER WED., AUGUST 23, IM anLetters♦ Ito raIs 1 ♦ Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser A Metroland CommuniN Newspaper published w'ednesda%. FndaN. Sunda 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont.LIS 21-15 TINHY117il' J. N'HITI:AKF k lkihhsher JOANNE Rt'RCH.ARDT. IAhh)r-mlluet BRI'l'E DANTORD. Adcenismg nunager ,IVN'F HOUS-111- N. ytainagmg Ethics ALIVIN RROt'WER. Retail adwrtising ti=Ilty ARE EAKHOURIE. I)istnhunon nwug-cv (:mtr�l: ieN751 Ms 7.51111 ('Iaccifkd: (eN)" t,.s:-il'D7 ('invlation: iWTKi Ni) -5117 Eyx: F %I; il:\cw.n,,mw durhamne w, ret On the Internet: hitt, //u,% durham netiss net. Ilk' 'se", \d%cnue-r u a memR-r .,i the Alan-MAcnnc Board ,,f Irick-. Camkfiain Cornmumty \ewgiairr ys.4ic . Canadian Clrrulamms Atkin R ird. Drilano fres. (',+until and O%I%IRI the- puhh.tier re enes the right it, cfassik or retuse an, ad%erti%Tiwrit Credit Gin rdcrnisrrtxnt limited to cpacc price erns ,a,vries Teach them' well NN'hen the school hell tolls Tuesday for most arca stu- dents returning to class and a fe%k days later for the �kct: ones entenng lsinder�garten, it shouldn't put fear and loathing into their hearts. Instead, it should si_m*nal the resumption or hei-,inning of the hest years of their lives, years that are nch and rewarding. YounoNten who attend school properlt, prepared and with the n, -,ht attitude are children w ho w ill makC e120(XI students. meet lots of new friends. enjoy great exlcn- ences, learn about the world they live in, and he tolerant of their varied newhhors in the ;-lohal illage. The% will be qualified for the intcrestin,L, and excittmt careers of the future and. more inirx)rtauttlx. the\ will leaxr school as intcilwent. understanding and contnhut- ing adults. Those who excel will become the leaders of tomor- row, the people xy 1[h answers to society's ills. the scicn- tists and doctors who cure previously untreatable dis- eases. Those who simply do well will be equallt, important contributors to society -- running the husinesses and stalling the firms that kccp the world turning. paying the taxes for necessary programs, services and facilities. raisiniz the next generation of leaders and lesser -know ns. Its up to this generation of parents to ensure their :hildren get a good education. People w ith kindergarten -age children can ensure the llrst day of sc:h(x)I isn't remembered as a traumatic expe- rience. Visit the school with your youngster before the first day, show them the plat, ground. take there inside to get a pack at the classroom. More importantly, establish a routine before school begins that secs them get to hed early, wake up at the same time every day and have lunch at a regular time. Most imporiantl}, if you show respect for teachers and education. that will shape your child's positive attitude toward school. That applies for youngsters of any age. Teach them to respect authority, and to question authority as well: that way, they'll be able to think on their own. Make sure they do their homework, encourage them to get invoNed in extra -curricular activities. If }our child's having prob- lems at school, talk to their teacher. Give your youngster a pat on the back when they've done well. A child who enjoys school is a student who will do well -- from the opening bell of the first day to their entry into adulthood on graduation day. To respond to this editorial call Infosource at 683-7040 nfvsoure and dial 5109 on your touch-tone phone le'love letters . u -Pickering News Advertiser accepts let tie editor. EVl letters should be typed or Pool -written, 250 words. Each letter most Vdth a first and last name or two initials Please iudude a phone number for ell<itA�' reserves the right to edit MW content. Opinions the writer and not Overheard.., "I'm really happy it's hap- pening. We can't wait to get down there and see them. I'm really, really pleased." -- Ajax ,}r resident Julie It ilkinson whose triplet~, Mackenzie, I'v and Devon, are finally being) moved to Tiwonto's KoMen's College Hospital front Kingston General Ilo.cpilal. v Letters to the editor Reader not satisfied with MP's reply to capital punishment question To the editor: Ire. facts don't stand in way of po)ItI- ical opinion MI' Dan Mc league may believe 1 have a flair for the hypothetical. but the fact Is I have a penchant for the truth. In his letter dated August 1-1, he refers to a conversation we had last September on a radio show. In his con- Smituents' interest. this is how that con- tersation went: I :asked Mr. McTeague that if IM per cent of his Ontario Riding constituents wanted to return the option of capital punishment to judges and juries in this country, would he represent their wishes in the House of Commons! Mr. McTeague responded by saying that his anti -capital punishment stand was well known prior to the last election and that with this stand he won the election. I responded by saying that to assume that he won because he's anti -capital punishment was a false assumption. He went on to say that he, with his anti -capital punishment stand, defeated the pro -capital punishment Reform Party and Conservative candidates. When asked the question for the sec- ond time, he countered by saying that while I may be pro -capital punishment, he wasn't. I then explained that, quite frankly as a constituent, I wasn't inter- ested in his position but that he was paid to care and represent his constituents' position, especially 100 per cent of his constituents. I then repeated the question for the third time. Mr. McTeague, at this point, ;arc ,i 111',101x Ldnurnd t3urkc. the British MI'. who 1s Knox%n for his staitcnlcnl that an %I f' has ;,it ohh�_a lion to %ote his own cons.:icncc. not that of his consutucnis. I restxindcd by sa}- Ing that I was Nell aware of Mr Burke', remarks and the tact that fn was docat- cd in the %cry next election that followed his now famous declaration. It was apparent that Mr. %I Aaguc was more than unwilling to answer the question directly. It Is %ital for the yowN in this nding M to know that r. Mc1c.:�,uc will stand up to his government when it suits his fancy or purpose but should I(X) ter cent of constitucnts take a stand he disagrees w ith, such as capital punishment. Mr Mcicaguc will nut represent them in the House of Commons. Once a_•ain. I put this burning qucs- tion to Mr. Mcleague: "If I(l(1 per cent of your constituent, were to direct vuu to return the option of capital punish- ment to the judges and juries in this country will you or will you nut repre- sent them in the House of Conunons:'" If vuu will not, then you are morally obligated to resign and make room) fur someone who will. Marnee Stern, Pickering A matter of misspent dollars and common sense To the editor: Re: Pickering Town Hall shake-up urged Aug. 21, 1996 Well here we go again, more money thrown after bad, $29,(x)0 to have Bradford & Associates International take text hooks from Urban Geography 101 and ISO 90(x) series Quality Assurance standards and photocopy applicable sections' Ilir lust rcconunrnd,-tiun to ha�c t1,,; town operitc like ;t compcill1w husl- ncss is such a rcyclatiun I almost Icll out of my chair reading it. It only Lets better... developing ,t strategic plan to hridgc forecasted gaps between higher community expectations and ayailahlc scryiccs' Hey what planet arc you on am wax ' It's human nature to always want more; you'll ncycr be able to meet hunian expectations. Hhuw about achieving something close to a inim- mum standard? Marc Insight..."establish neighhor- hoOd walks, phase out duplicate processes. streamlining operations, empowering employees, dcveloping codes ol' ethics, setting benchmarks. Measuring performance etc., ctc.-etc. V1ow' , more revelation,; hese concepts have been around since the guru Deming came hack from Japan in the early 70s and rc%o- lutionized the North American car industrv. All good concepts that any local business consulting group could hayc told us for a fraction of the -cost. The business community here has been on this road for years now. Change the word Pickering in this report and put in the name of any dysfunctional or bankrupt business and it would also apply. What's missing is the long-term commitment by our leaders (elected or bureaucratic). To make any one of these proposed systemic improve- ments and behavioral changes, we need the person at the top to be total- ly and unequivocally committed and accountable, and that can only be done by a candidate in the next may- oralty race to use it as their election platform. Then the community must give the mandate the endorsement or it won't work. By the way, Ontario has the local expertise to take us down this road: lets save the exchange rate right off the top. It's not rocket science, it's common sense. Let's get smart. Marc Belanger Pickering k1A P THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., AUGUST 28,1996 -PAGE 7 �oy�N pick P I C F-ji 1K —RING * Town of Pickering (905)420.2222 905 683.2760 Aug. 28 Committee of Adjustment Sept.. 9 Executive Committee Meeting Sept. I I Site Plan Advisors Committee Sept. 16 Council Meeting Sept. I7 Public Information Mtg. Sept. 17 Race Relations & Equity Committee Sept. 18 Committee of Adjustment Sept. 19 Statutory Public Information Mtg. TOWN OF PICKERING HOLIDAY OPERATING HOURS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1996 CIVIC COMPLEX (TOWN HALL) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 11EET1NG CARMCE, RECYCLING & YARD 11ASTE PICKERING TRANSIT ALL PUBLIC LIBRARIES PICKERING NIUSEU.%I VILLAGE RECREATION COMPLEX RECREATION COMPLEX POOL DUNBARTON POOL EMERGENCY SERVICES \111TlhL-r 1,, 1905) 683-4319 RE(;L'LAR OPERATIN(; HOURS (8:30 A.N1. TO 4:30 RNI.) AN 't) SERV'IC'ES RESUME ON T`UESI)AI', SE111-EMBER 3, 1996 Tender For Stonn Sewer Installation, W'alennam Replacement, And Road Recunstructiunun Glendale Road T-6-96 Scaled tenders will he received by the undersigned department for the above no later than 2:(X) p.m. Friday, September 20, 1996 The work consists of supply and installation of storm sewers, waiennain replacenknl, excavation required to the existing road baso: in preparation for concrete curbs, placement of granular base course materials, concrete curbs and sidewalks, asphalt paving. grading and sodding of the boulevards on Glendale Road in accordance with terms, plans and specifications prepared by the Town of Pickering and the Region of Durham. Tender forms and specifications will be available after 8:30 a.m. Friday, August 30, 1996, and may be obtained by contacting the Ikpanment of Supply and Services upon a nun -refundable payment of $50.(X0 per set by cash or cheque made payable to the 'Town of Pickering. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. The Corporation of the Town of Pickering IX -par anent of Supply and Services One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L I V 6K7 (905)420-4616 Vera A. Felgemacher Jeffrey, CPPD, C.PP., CMM Manager of Supply and Services HISTORY IN ACTION 35th AXNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS o Pancake Breakfast e /Oxen Pullui Wnyon Rides e L -Ws & Steam 6n9lneS 0 Cider Pressing & Rinw"npot e Old Fasision Corn Roasf • Tlaresking De-mans+rca+ions • Blac cs—ifising Demons+rafions PICKERING MUSFUM VILLAGE Sun. Sept. 8 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 P.M. 3km east of Brock ltd. on Hwv. 7 (905)683-8401 or (905) 420-4620 '. • Cltiidren's Ac+ivities , Candle. Dipping, Stenciling, Cwr.ses ♦ En4er+ainment Jncluding TkC Ballad Project, Aj "sic Jry Tlw- CU ze6o, and 'Dickie Bird" Clvildrer's Performance Perfor—ance By Lnr.-Y O'Leary's Sckvol of D.n.na ♦ Jnterpretatio►✓Der so.estrations :Wood Sloop, Wea%nng, Baking • C.b f+ J1�tarke+ TOWN OF PICKERING Ontario Hydra - Pickering Nuclear Division Notice of Public Information Meeting `— Proposed Pickering Official Plan When: September 17, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. Iticl cnn� Where: Council Chambers I h+text Ilan Pickering Civic Complex R` ""-" One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario The Town of Pickering is nearing completion of its new Official Plan - a plan that will guide the entire Towns growth for the next 20 years The Proposed Pickering Official Plan will be discussed at a special Public Information Meeting held at the date. time and location listed above You are encouraged to attend this meeting and discuss the Plan with Planning staff Written comments on the Proposed Plan should be submitted to Catherine Rose, Manager of Policy. Pickering Planning Department by September 30, 1996 Staff will consider all comments in the preparation of a Recommended Official Plan which will be presented to the Executive Committee of Council on November 7, 1996 Copes of the Proposed Pickering Official Plan are available for review at the Pickering Civic Complex and all Town libraries, or they can be purchased for 510 80 at the Planning Department. If you have any questions, please contact Catherine Rose at (905) 420-4660 extension 2038, or (905) 683-2760. Note: If you wish to be notified of the adoption of the new Pickering Official Plan, you must make a written request to: Town Clerk, Town of Pickering, One the Esplanade, Pickering Ontario, L1V 6K7. If a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision of the Town of Pickering in respect of the new Pickering Official Plan does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Town of Pickering before the new Pickering Official Plan is adopted, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING HEIGHT AND LOCATION OF ACCESSORY STRUCTURES and PARKING STALL SIZE On September 19, 196, a Public Information Meeting will Ix held to discuss the height and location of accessory structures and parking stall size. Planning lkpariment staff will present Intormation Reports in which the height and location of accessory structures and the size of parking stall are discussed. The meeting will convene at 7:(x).Ph1 in the Council Chambers of the Pickering Civic Complex. You are invited to attend this informal meeting and discuss your views on this matter. Comments on the Information Report will be considered in preparing a recommendation Report for Town Council's consideration. Copies of the Information Report will tx available at the nmeeting, and the office of the Town Clerk on or after September 12, 1996. If you have any questions please contact the Planning Ihpartmenl at (905) 420- 4660, Lynda Taylor at extension 2035, or Barbara Stronach at extension 2029. Fall Youth Programs Sports and Drop -In Activities ages 13 to 19 years St. Mary Catholic High School Friday's from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm East Shore Community Centre Wednesday's from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm Thursdays ftrorn 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm Friday's from 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm Pine Ridge Secondary School Tuesday's from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm { Brougham Community Centre Tuesdays from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm Watch for Information on Dances and Special Events as well as the development of a new a Youth Council for Youth Issues- s Call 420-6588 or 683-6582 for up-to-date into P - PAGE S -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., AUGUST 28,19% �E' PACT wantspublic hearingon move of dun trash FROM PAGE 1 his group will respond fully ter the transfer plan "PACT has always stated there should be a tants still don't really know what's in Brock $1500X) a year. next week, after it has been reviewed hN full public hearing on this matter;' saes Mr. North. ""!hat's why they said they will look at A CRA imestigation of the Brock North site P.AC"r's technical committee. Steele, noting it appears Metro and the consul- cvcrl thing Very carefully as they take it apart" w � c 1, tit 10 Pa rc,.ealed no significant toric or haiardous substances, according to Mr. Hctrcrt. The imcstigation included a test cxcavauion and the installation of \atrious monitoring devices to obtain intOrmation ahout the type. depth and current condition of the waste. leachate Ic\els. and the presence and levels of landfill gas. Mr. Hebert saes it's also unlikcly am - thing dangerous will ter hound while the waste is hying excavated because it all came through Metro transfer stations where haiardous materials weren't accepted. " Thcm's nothing in there you would not expect to he in a normal landfill" Air quality ,round the site wifl he monitored during the excavation. satxs Mr. Hctrcrt. and under protocols dcvcl- oped in c0 -operation with the T0%%n. the Durham Region Mcdlcal Officer of Health is to trc notified immediately if anN prohlcm arises. The consultant's study included an analysis of the tratiic impact of the trans- fer. Its expected 72 truckloads of waste per da} will he removed frorn Brock North and transpovied down Br(nek Road to the Brock «'est site. About 275.(XX) cubic marcs of garhave and co\er Null will ter transferred over a pcntkl of about sir months hrgtnnmg this Cktohcr or No,ember. Scaled trucks will he used to transport %crx wct waste to a\ old Icaka-,c on the road. Atter the waste is remoxrd the site will he restored it) match the surrounding terrain. but monitunn,1 and t►1c rcnuox-al of :cachatc will continue. Nass the consul- tant's report, ..until such time as monitor- ing results indicate that groundwater yu:ilits nncctN tine applicable ,_rniundwatcr yualits obfccti\cs­ fir Hebert csuinated that would take ".I tcw \cars" the transtcr tit Batik North i, expect - cd to oust Metro about S I million, includ- ing staff and consultants costs. Ward 3 Rc_ional Councillor Risk Johnson was o inernher of the ad htic conuniltcc i,t I -k n. Mctro. Durham RcLion. PT, in_ t Ontario and C'R:X :cprescntatil�cs �y i•' �%ho met torseycral weeks !o work out fire plans and proto- :oIs ttir the wai_stc transfer. He sat\ s he f is "satuticd" with the results of the s commiticc s work and helic�cs the Rick Johnson 'lirwn ohtaincd the best result ptrssihlc by I'Orcing Metro to hire an outside con- Sultant fire the job and having its ow n out- side expert at the table. " I have much more confidence now than I had in the past that this will be done in the best interests of the community at large;' says Coun. Johnson. "We made sure that everyone's concerns were addressed." He adds he would like PACT to respond in an unbiased manner to the transfer plan. "I hope they're not using this issue as a vehicle for someone's political expedience;' says the councillor. not- ing PACT usually runs a "series of candidates" in municipal clee- tions. PACT chairman Dave Steele Dave Steele says Sur iirlse ETON'S M 0 One Day Only Thursday, August 29th. IP TO OY OFF selected items storewide Plus, Special One -Day Offers Extra 30% off 25% off 25% off previously reduced Fashions - all Men's Dress Shirts All Gold Jeweilery Men's, Women's and Kids' and Ties (Not in all stores) We'll pay Double the GST on all clearance Furniture, Major Appliances, Home Electronics and Floor Coverings. Eaxc '-s .-- ato.rt Ira t kk..alw of w..n. t'w GST bp,. •ra intai to r.. -.• ,CG 1 p,.rCrtise trotE1 0k, a ' g .. q 4UIfGt,C+1 ✓Pith Jtner tali Sawl9 OMCrs 25% Off 25% Off* 25% Off 25% Off all Vanity Fair All Fashion Bras and All Infants' All Men's, Women's, Kids' Pantyhose and Tights co-ordinating Panties. Underwear and Infants' Sleepwear 25% off Plus and Petite Women's Fashions (excludes desgner collections) 500 off All Resin Stacking Chairs 40% off Discontinued Cookware 25% off Tablecloths Al savings are on regular prices. Excludes -2 for" offers. Factory Outlets and Warehouse Stores. *Excludes boxed bras and panties. Personal shopping only. JUSt for Kids! Lots of Back -To -School deals buy6item ar,d EATON (Until Sept 8) 0 J- THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., AUGUST 28,1996 -PAGE 9-A FINAL 5 OAYS QT SEARS KENMORE SIARS-O-PEDIE KITCHENAID� SKIARp BER KL IN E- PAILISER I R I G 10 A I R [ HOOVER EUREKA WHIRLP001 SIMMONS CAPRI AMANA PANASONIC G[�- R A N BISSEL GOIDSTAR SHARP J I N N A I R ®R 'San will /educt ea aeowt epiwlert h Ilia GST free yaw p f&m price. Offer applies to in -stock eterchoWise Only ie Seers Retail stores. Offer dies ON apply a dehrrel hes, delivery, eaieteeerce gresueeet Or iesfeIe- charges. Offer ends Seeley, Septeeber 1, 1116. liquidatiee itees ie (learexe t atres end Cahloga purcbases NO 00 iecleled ie thea offers. '6tchd s baby sed patio furniture T H I S I S S E A R S T 0 D A Y 09110 while quantities last SEAM EvIva mora from Sour ti Copyright IQ%. Sears Canada Inc. ;E 4 p; PAGE. 10 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED.. At'(;t*S'I' 28.19% Have a say on school board budget AJAX TICKI `R IN( I — Parents incl for Oshxwii and Whitby in the hoilyd's ctxpayers will have their chance io coin- kluc lion ('entre in Whitbv, -ind Nos. 27 ment on the 191>7 Durtu n Board of I:du- at Pon Penn High School lir Scu;'pog. cation budget before it's approved. t ►rbridge and Bro' k residents. At Monday night's meeting of the By November• the txxtrd will Mve board, trustees approved a budget issued preliminary budget guidelines to timetable which includes two separate its ccxnmittees and suf[will have stilud "community input" sessions. to cornpile the budget. I)unh,tnon Iligh School in Pickering A fust draft will be prepared by the will be the scene of the Ajar-Pickerint,, end of ktnwn• and two other public area public meeting on Nov. 20 at which mectitr_s will he Held I eh. h :u1d 12 at the trustees mid stall will gather to hear pro- Education ('entre. plc's comments atvut the budget. Board approv d of a finial budget is Other meetings «,ill be hekt Nov. 10 scheduled for April 14. FWA z.4 1 le1 k «WE ,VE (IONE MADS, PREFINISHED BRUCE OAK 3/4 x 2 1/499 5459 sq it. BEECH 3/4 x 3 1/499 SA t sq. ft. PREFINISHED PARQUET sl 69 Sq. ft. (NATURAL ONLY) COME VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 1550 Bayly St., Unit 17, Pickering (905) 420-3285 Ali J HWY 401 Q O a.1 N i■ w v Z oc Y w a O > y t -J ' BAY LY J Q cc ; m Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a -m- 3:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. L11 1 [01 Ll V� .J !.`i MM [tel 00 20,000 Quality Shirts on Display from Canada's Premiere Shirt Maker Great variety of sizes and colours PRICES$ 33 START FROM OPEN DAILY PICKERING HOME & LEISURE CENTRE VISABROCK RD. & HWY. 401, PICKERING ��IAI!► 686=7419 SnRS S € S Sale ends Sunday'. Sept 1, 1996, while quantities lost Silverguard Espritc starting from 4499 =uch P 755% 80� ' _i Sears reg Sy 9Y A mud and snow -rated tire featuring ❑ omputer assisted all season tread design for excellent traction on wet, dry and snow covered surfaces Polyester steel construction provides durability and a smooth comfortable ride 06n(Hr) ser•«,•, Y BUY 11RES At SEARS WH • : �re<lrp �t ��.',p,anN ren most brei . ...,e •�r...otan•_,r every 1� 00 p km „.t, �unrture repna e on "'i", (ie Asysrcinc 1/2 price ReetlMmdlx nwde for Sears by Bridgestone Th -s all _e _ .c r. • . , r,i . ea des p, oi'ers er: r• .ent traction on Wer eve- snow covereo siria.-e ond,rons u . `+.. —, r•. 1 Use raw Sears cam "w 09120 DON'T PAY UNTIL MARCN 1997 NO minimum purchase required No down payment required NO 3rd party credit application Deferred offer applies to all automor;ve products and services, on approved credit, with your Sears Card. $35 deferral fee applies. offer ends Sunday, Sept. 29, 1996. Liquidation items in Clearance Centres and Catalogue purchases are not included in this offer. Ask for details. Copyright 1996. Sears Canada Inc l_1/x•rt utruc-_%rout 1i•cus SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open: Mon. -Fri. 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Sat. 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Sun. 12-00 noon -5:00 P.m. "r a 420.8000, Ext 227 or 299 THE: NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., AUGUST 28, 1996 -PAGE 11-A T E a R s 50 N IT Ay 111 MA I I fi ON ALL HOME ELECTRONICS WHEN YOU USE YOUR SEARS CARD Only 799'° 27" TRWITRON COLOUR TELEVISION Has deep Black o W Trinitron u� picture ; tube t1YVY.401 and comb — - -filter. ='4434431 Only 699'° 27" COLOUR TELEVISION Has .. UltraBlack high- contrast tube and MTS stereo. =14396 �* Only.49999 25" COLOUR TV WITH STEREO DECODER Also has ZDG dark glass high contrast picture tube for improved picture depth. =14316 Only 39999 20 -WATT MINI STEREO SYSTE,,' Has S -disc, r- , CD changer, dbl. cassette and 2 -way bass reflex speakers. Only 29999 Only 39999 Only 7999 Only 69999 DA 4 HEAD -p 4 HEAD t-tt _ SHOCK NA.. STEPEO TC 30 HIGH PO'f•=- _ = SYSTEM Has Gold- Has new Has AM,/FM Has 100 W plated Tri -logic tuner, auto per channel, front A/V circuitry reverse 25 -disc inputs, which playback file type advanced greatly and stereo CD changer auto -clock improves headphones. and dual ' set-up. the picture •10741 cassette. =30416 quality. • �� o =19033 +►307 S0 'DON T PAY UNTIL MARCH 1997 On approved credit with your Sears Card S35 deferral fee applies Offer ends Sunday. September 1 1996 and does not apply to liquidation items in Clearance (entres and Catalogue purchases Ask for details Our defer,ad payment offer may not be combined with any other offers -Prior-c Watch* Guarantee -r•ur.s firrrnrl Ceiiiirrrl Trill ruuti-h run_ rompr•titurs todrerrised prim jo►r up to 30 dtov.. on idrnlirul rrtome brunrl nuerrlurrrdise. .simpli brine: the current or,fpr#*rpetit#pr'N tool to our soles people rrnrl Setors will honour the prier. Sr►nue restrir-tiorrs nppi.. Full details in store. THE BRANDS YOU WANT AT THE STORE YOU TRUST* T H I S I S "SEARS Brand S E A R S while quantities Inst We xert-ice what we sell Iry or out r,f ircirrrurity. Sears %en•iee orRarrizutir►rr ror•ers l:rrnuda from roust to roast. .Satisfaction Guaranteed Ao ifx. ands or buts... err pntarrrntrr your rorrrplete, te►tul sati lfirrtian. T O 4 A Y SE EARS 1 1996. Sears Canada Inc. Expect more from Sears SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open: Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Sun. 12:00 noon - 5:00 p.m. 09,34 o Q o W * t1YVY.401 THE BRANDS YOU WANT AT THE STORE YOU TRUST* T H I S I S "SEARS Brand S E A R S while quantities Inst We xert-ice what we sell Iry or out r,f ircirrrurity. Sears %en•iee orRarrizutir►rr ror•ers l:rrnuda from roust to roast. .Satisfaction Guaranteed Ao ifx. ands or buts... err pntarrrntrr your rorrrplete, te►tul sati lfirrtian. T O 4 A Y SE EARS 1 1996. Sears Canada Inc. Expect more from Sears SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open: Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Sun. 12:00 noon - 5:00 p.m. 09,34 d t PAGE 12 -A -THE NEWS ADA'ERTISER, WED., AUGUST 28,19% A Around Durham Region --------- Teens charged i*n Oshawa plaza arson Osna>ya ` re ,yrters batt e a Sl -minion biaze n ght. Tnree teens have in a strip plaza in the city*s north end Sunday arson. L i been charged with photo by Bill Thorne Mental health centre boy found DURHAM -- A 13 -%car -old ho\ who went missin,_ best \trnda\ from the NVhith\ Mental Health Centre was located h\ police fi\c days later at a north Oshawa shopping mall. Wessley Ford of Tornlnto was reunited with his mother, Lisa Ford. Frida\ night after Durham Regional Police responded to a call from a stureowncr at Fi\c Points Mall un Taunton Road. Mrs. Ford praised the efforts of Durham and Metro police, -to whom Fin \cry grateful tier their help.- and said she intends to 1,01low up - with the centre her concerns about how Wessley yeas allowed to y Icac the lacility. A top official at the Whith\ Mcntal Health Centre said an internal in%estieation is icing conducted into how and wh\ the emotionally troubled teen, who sutlers from an innpulsiye hcha\ for disorder, was allowed to ndr utto frm the faciht\ on hic\cle Friday e\ening. His disappearance wasn't reported to police until almost two hours later. "A%c're yer\, ver\ pleased and relieved he's hcen found:' said Acting Administrator Mar- earet Ku,hnnak. She said the imestigation into "procedures and the degree to which stati' followed proce- dures" was ongoing and would likely continue throughout the week. "Xessley's parents placed him at the centre "to keep hien in a safe em ironrnent" until he was to enter a specialized children's treatment pro- gram in Toronto, which he has started this week, Mrs. Ford said. Several businesses destroyed in $1 -million blaze RV STEPHEN tiH:\%% M HFI\\l sl%Fr OSHAIVi -- 'three teens were barged \cstcrda\ in a rash of recent tarn., annong thein a ,*,'I million Maze hi,h ripped through a north Oshawa step playa and dcNtro\cd sc\eral busi- ncsses Sunday night. Thr trio. one 13 and two 15 \cars of ac. were arrcaed by Durham Rr,,ion- 1 Pohce late Mondla\ night and face cparate charges in a string of fires in the cit\'s north end. including an uhf).000 lire at Peacock Lumber on Kitson Ruad North July 1 1. More than 40 firelighter. hauled Sunday nights blaze at 1060 Simcoc Rd. N. for sr\ hours offer it broke out lull after x:.10 p nr. Hot spots were still hang hosed downo earl\ 'Mndy a morning. Fifteen off-dut\ firelighters were rushed into dut\. \\hili the assist:mcc of the Wpith\ fare Dcpartincnt was required to prnlyide hack -up in the c\rnt of other Oshawa lire calls. (Marc Snoddon, ot- the Oshawa lire Depart- nicnt said. ('lanngton Fire Department was also placed on standh\, he added. Fire Marshal Office imcstigahw, siting through the scene %I,)riLla\ morning determined the fire on;-inated in a metal storage shod stuffed w nth cardboard hchmd the plaza. From there the flames spread up to the plaza's second ll(x)r offices. imesthm- tors said. The fire gutted the building's sec- ond flour, which housed an insurance adjuster. the otlicc of Oshawa-Whithv BIL, Brothers and the business office for a Drury Queen hc!ow. Firellightcrs contained the flannes to the top floor, but four ground-Ir\rl stores — a health food store, the Dairy Queen and two hairst\lc salons — all had extcnsiye water and smoke dam- age. Structural damage to the plaza was pegged at 5750.0(X), howe\er the value of contents destroyed in the tire was not available. Christa Tocher, owner of' Sunlluwer Health and Beauty Foods. located at the plaza for 24 years, looked on in shock as she surveyed the remains of the plaza Monday morning. ante, was remanded in custdxJy, where she has remained since being arrested at her Hwy. 2 residence Nov. 2, 1995. Ms. Alexander faces a long list of charges, among them attempted murder, use of a firearm in the commission of an offence, criminal harassment, assault and pointing a weapon. Pre-trial date set in vicious sexual attack on teen OSHAWA -- A 20 -year-old man charged in a vicious sex attack on a 14 -year-old Oshawa teen appeared briefly in provincial court yester- day to set a date for his pre-trial. Michael Kohylanski, of Killarney Court, "I just carne Kaci: from my cottage and I was so surprised. I don't think I can go hack into this location any- nnrre. The whale huilding will proha- bly hayc to come down.- said the (ry year old. Mrs. Tocher expressed concern about the future of tier employee,, -one who I'm very worried about, especially because she just bought a home and depended on the job for nnuncy. "The sad part is that it was prohahk arson. I don't know why whocycr diol this would dor such a thing... Concerns about the stability of the building's roof Horded firefighters to tight the blaze from ground Icvcl, an aerial truck and from the rooftop of -an abutting nuns -plaza, which houses a hank and shelving store. The ahumnL, plaza also received minor dannagc from flames and smoke. "Ilse fire was contained to the roof but it was a very stubborn fire to put out. \'1'c Acre afraid the roof could col- lapse.- said :qtr. Snoddon. The flanres lravcllcd from the dumpstcr to the building's top tloor attic space and -'just roared across the top.- added fire prevention ol'ficer ('la\ Sha, cr. I'hc plaza's second floor \\ ell require reconstruction but the ground Ic\cl is salvaecahlc, he said. Area resident NI.indv Thompson said she was un her way w Io a croded Dairy Queen for a cool treat when she spotted IU-hxwt high flames shooum-, out Irony the storage shed. She -ran over to the fire hail and rang the hell- at Beatrice and Mai\ streets to alert firetighters. "It had spread dramatically by the tinic I gut hack... I grew up in the ncighhorhoo d and I knew there %, crc gas lines in behind the huilding, so I was pretty scared.- Ms 'rhompwn said. A 1 ;-year-old faces two counts of arson in connection with Sunda\'s blaze and a separate incident in which a shopping cart was set on lire at the carne plaza Aug. 12. Two 15 -year-olds are charged with both the plaza and Peacock Lumber hlazes, while one also facies an addi- tional charge in connection with the shopping cart tire. The accused young offenders, all of north Oshawa, were to appear in youth court yesterday morning. Michael Kobylanski about was charged July 16 with aggravated sexual assault and aggravated assault two days after the teen was found badly beaten and barely -conscious in a grassy field near Centre and Hall Streets. The victim, who remained in a coma follow- ing the attack, was found 12 hours after being report- ed missing by her family early that Sunday morning. She had last been seen at 30 a.m. by her brother in the downtown area. Police said she had been sexually assaulted and suffered serious head injuries. 'She is out of the coma and is starting to make some improvements," said Detective Tom Whiteway. "We're guarded with optimism" Woman accused in shooting opts for trial by jury CLARINGTON -- A Bowmanville woman accused of shooting her husband in the face pl; with a .22 calibre rifle has chosen to stand trial before a jury. A handcuffed Christine Alexander, 46, appeared in Ontario General Division court in Whitby Monday where she indicated to a judge she would "go with a jury" for her attempted murder trial. A three to five day trial has been scheduled for Dec. 2. 10 A tearful and emotional Ms. Alexander, twitching nervously during her brief appear - Several businesses destroyed in $1 -million blaze RV STEPHEN tiH:\%% M HFI\\l sl%Fr OSHAIVi -- 'three teens were barged \cstcrda\ in a rash of recent tarn., annong thein a ,*,'I million Maze hi,h ripped through a north Oshawa step playa and dcNtro\cd sc\eral busi- ncsses Sunday night. Thr trio. one 13 and two 15 \cars of ac. were arrcaed by Durham Rr,,ion- 1 Pohce late Mondla\ night and face cparate charges in a string of fires in the cit\'s north end. including an uhf).000 lire at Peacock Lumber on Kitson Ruad North July 1 1. More than 40 firelighter. hauled Sunday nights blaze at 1060 Simcoc Rd. N. for sr\ hours offer it broke out lull after x:.10 p nr. Hot spots were still hang hosed downo earl\ 'Mndy a morning. Fifteen off-dut\ firelighters were rushed into dut\. \\hili the assist:mcc of the Wpith\ fare Dcpartincnt was required to prnlyide hack -up in the c\rnt of other Oshawa lire calls. (Marc Snoddon, ot- the Oshawa lire Depart- nicnt said. ('lanngton Fire Department was also placed on standh\, he added. Fire Marshal Office imcstigahw, siting through the scene %I,)riLla\ morning determined the fire on;-inated in a metal storage shod stuffed w nth cardboard hchmd the plaza. From there the flames spread up to the plaza's second ll(x)r offices. imesthm- tors said. The fire gutted the building's sec- ond flour, which housed an insurance adjuster. the otlicc of Oshawa-Whithv BIL, Brothers and the business office for a Drury Queen hc!ow. Firellightcrs contained the flannes to the top floor, but four ground-Ir\rl stores — a health food store, the Dairy Queen and two hairst\lc salons — all had extcnsiye water and smoke dam- age. Structural damage to the plaza was pegged at 5750.0(X), howe\er the value of contents destroyed in the tire was not available. Christa Tocher, owner of' Sunlluwer Health and Beauty Foods. located at the plaza for 24 years, looked on in shock as she surveyed the remains of the plaza Monday morning. ante, was remanded in custdxJy, where she has remained since being arrested at her Hwy. 2 residence Nov. 2, 1995. Ms. Alexander faces a long list of charges, among them attempted murder, use of a firearm in the commission of an offence, criminal harassment, assault and pointing a weapon. Pre-trial date set in vicious sexual attack on teen OSHAWA -- A 20 -year-old man charged in a vicious sex attack on a 14 -year-old Oshawa teen appeared briefly in provincial court yester- day to set a date for his pre-trial. Michael Kohylanski, of Killarney Court, "I just carne Kaci: from my cottage and I was so surprised. I don't think I can go hack into this location any- nnrre. The whale huilding will proha- bly hayc to come down.- said the (ry year old. Mrs. Tocher expressed concern about the future of tier employee,, -one who I'm very worried about, especially because she just bought a home and depended on the job for nnuncy. "The sad part is that it was prohahk arson. I don't know why whocycr diol this would dor such a thing... Concerns about the stability of the building's roof Horded firefighters to tight the blaze from ground Icvcl, an aerial truck and from the rooftop of -an abutting nuns -plaza, which houses a hank and shelving store. The ahumnL, plaza also received minor dannagc from flames and smoke. "Ilse fire was contained to the roof but it was a very stubborn fire to put out. \'1'c Acre afraid the roof could col- lapse.- said :qtr. Snoddon. The flanres lravcllcd from the dumpstcr to the building's top tloor attic space and -'just roared across the top.- added fire prevention ol'ficer ('la\ Sha, cr. I'hc plaza's second floor \\ ell require reconstruction but the ground Ic\cl is salvaecahlc, he said. Area resident NI.indv Thompson said she was un her way w Io a croded Dairy Queen for a cool treat when she spotted IU-hxwt high flames shooum-, out Irony the storage shed. She -ran over to the fire hail and rang the hell- at Beatrice and Mai\ streets to alert firetighters. "It had spread dramatically by the tinic I gut hack... I grew up in the ncighhorhoo d and I knew there %, crc gas lines in behind the huilding, so I was pretty scared.- Ms 'rhompwn said. A 1 ;-year-old faces two counts of arson in connection with Sunda\'s blaze and a separate incident in which a shopping cart was set on lire at the carne plaza Aug. 12. Two 15 -year-olds are charged with both the plaza and Peacock Lumber hlazes, while one also facies an addi- tional charge in connection with the shopping cart tire. The accused young offenders, all of north Oshawa, were to appear in youth court yesterday morning. Michael Kobylanski about was charged July 16 with aggravated sexual assault and aggravated assault two days after the teen was found badly beaten and barely -conscious in a grassy field near Centre and Hall Streets. The victim, who remained in a coma follow- ing the attack, was found 12 hours after being report- ed missing by her family early that Sunday morning. She had last been seen at 30 a.m. by her brother in the downtown area. Police said she had been sexually assaulted and suffered serious head injuries. 'She is out of the coma and is starting to make some improvements," said Detective Tom Whiteway. "We're guarded with optimism" People sought to teach children 4110 perils of smoking DURHAM — our young people People who know healthy today and that smoking's to the years to not good could corns is to help have a role In them avoid the teaching young- temptation of stern that lungs lighting up that arc fur life. first cigarette. The Durham lungs Are For Rcgion Lung Life shows stu- Association dents thcy will he needs volunteers happier and who can spare a healthicr if they few hours a arc smoke-free;' month to teach its says lung associ- Lungs Arc For ation community Life program to services co-ordi- students from nater Cathy kindergarten to Sakata. Grade 12. While The prograrn it's not necessary, is oflcred in 150 the association schools across prefers volun- the region. tccrs have a Voluntecrin_ health or cduca- would he an tion hack`_ruund. invaluable cxpc- 'l'he prugrarn ricncc for teach - aims to show stu- ern, nurses, respi- dents that most ratory therapists people don't or those prepar- snnrke and that ing for teachers' not srnokin!_ will college. Ms. lead to a healthier sakata says. life. Instruction " We know the and teaching aids hest wa} to keep will he provided KNOB HILL FARMS THE troop TMMMAL. Don't Miss Sunday's paper for Money Saving Specials! o'I 0 CHllrers 011SCYs ; A5�rl pvotr O Wood SAVE O Gas UP Electric TO Corn Pellet 75 Everything Reduced By At Least 10% 0M DAY OI&Y Starts atnoonThws,, Aug 29th G- Fireplaces vooa�.K DROP IN AIS PREVIEW "Regency, Vermont Castings, Instaflame, Heritage" by the lung asso- ciation. Financial donations arc also being sought to help expand Lungs Arc For Life to schools that aren't part of the program. Call the lung association at 436-1041,. ATTENTION RATE SHOPPERS: HWh QualiiN, baendihle Chartered Bank Bond. 6 1/2 % 1 st Year 6 3/4% 2nd Year Price $ I (X).(X) Minimum 525,(XX).00 Call for more details: Th(imas J. fhmcshcr 416-512-7621 EVERGREEN Investment Services : • tial�tntK�. Inc i . whrJlsy �•1 ate T:, .. �, - :t . . 1('111 '..nkmnrk •t Qw T•.,, „lhm� ..n Henk. 11) �.. Iw ... '•K..,.f 'n � Rnrak gray atto tv n ti�w.. rrmkti � , m .•. i� ,• ••.. _�. r �: a' dIr m:: �n .1 �hc nwn ('�,n,.,n rale Cut from Canada 'A", 'AA" or 'AAA" Grades Beef Ribs j, I. h./'GOA x THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WEU., AUGUST 28,1996 -PAGE 13-A Everybody reads and shops the pages of the News Advertiser r_4 Ab j RIB STEAK 880 /kg >� K Assorted Varieties 3x250 mL DEL MONTE JUICES OR DRINKS 114 ea.;° Product of Canada f s x Assorted Peanut Butter –1 kg z Canada No. 1 Assorted Jam – 500 mL� w ,3 L Basket ., .r. •. n ��• • � �I � � •� �. ' ONTARIOh�♦� KRAFT r ty r FREESTONE _. f JAM OR -' 'PEACHES ".r < " ea.' PEANUT B TIER...ea.�r w PEPSI, COKE, 7 -UP or SPRITE ���Flak � – 525 g White or Brown Sugar Mini Wheats -475 g`" SOFT DRINKS CW Raisin Bran- 475 g r ar Assorted Varieties Assorted Varieties' ,750 mL St. X124 x 355 ml. Cans F 3r 11 e n00 mL Pus Deposit .Oe J100 ml '" * r �• ' t ' ',/°CEREAL rf, .� - ea. .. �y k- pyg,,�[ S�:v,x f:-.:. k �.uyi �•:� 1. .„� \.l Ykb' cut VarietiesOriginal —12 L or Ulltra - b L VIMw 'TIDE POWDERED �� VI i OEB LAUNDRY eaN.r. . kms= ETERGENT Prices effective until Saturday, August 31, 1996. x We reserve the right to limit quantities; 6- ,3� _ �_. _ a<9:: i'„, _.... _ , ._.._ .._ . -.:t _ a :.. ._ _ M:a�. � ,' . a. . 'a.: . � .8 o.a�z.: .e... v L. ,....wr '"aaat��.eFF3.t 't,rt�y'✓�a^.e.�. 1r,� %i E PAGE 14 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED.. Al'G11ST 28, 1996 w StClmr the paint and paper people o WEATHER SUPREME 1006 ACRYLIC YHYET FLAT Q El(TBiIOR PANT •msh w , 23'/ OFF OFF* •c"w""`L 73cam MM REGULAR LOW PRICE OVER 2,000 iaoe COLOURS 3.78 i FA=b a aa.a pews • yr .d 1St.+a on ova LAN Isue WOKIa Me WIM iIIEIYE 111% ACM i13111 -Qui 99 1»L hoar er. ad W, s �. F6r. 21, F2114 07) 20 o STAINMASTER DECK STAIN � � r •••••. a beGak Q ark z."r�►*'u Off* ddw .r@NO lir 00L ad �. Mrd dal 178 L -- .�rtnw s"` N _% PCs VAN RULE OIL SM woON" =!dr to BOMA � r Old at MwMav00rever.7j11 Wdlr=vqrrnw dddraodrarawIrun LAiE1I P go B)firr, W" hili Ir testy rSWL 11vjW* PON *1111A ww or poli. Krli.rhic. stijvr •iscd duty c.rre .rt .r Mimi in your nt:ighhoUrhood � 1'<,.�,�,•..•.ib't' r . 'Ornrr,�r. • IJhlr° OC.7b.lCn .;p rCr PrOvrd�'r • �^pO prplr. �,U.,.1 P (y dr ,` • mp�r'!r' 117[ur.],)CO COverd(7v • -Ur"� • 1. �, rr�t ovrl; �uppd;PO and. we welcome full or part -lime care for children from 6 weeks of age! vitt match, Prnae Hum Dir, Care , , A I core. -O Aqw , I 161tEW im AA Your Own Great Taste I y 006m Iii: L W Oi �•_�— SUNDAY, SEPT. 8 NOON - 3 PM NOON - 1:00 INTRO TO WINE with Erica Lumsden - Froese BSc. C.O. "Tips on Tasting" "Matching Wine With Food" 1:00, 1:30, 2:00 COOKING WITH WINE "Experience the Taste" Q & A with guest chef 282 MONARCH AVE. - • AJAX (North corner of Bayly & Monarch) 619-0633 AJAX PICKERING SCARBOROUGH 040" Bay Centre Pkkeriq Torn Coolie A" lent Shopping Cede $71 Wow" Ra/ Nighuy i a Liverpool 91 Rylonder Blvd. the paint and paper people 428.1608 839.2252 124.0181 Krli.rhic. stijvr •iscd duty c.rre .rt .r Mimi in your nt:ighhoUrhood � 1'<,.�,�,•..•.ib't' r . 'Ornrr,�r. • IJhlr° OC.7b.lCn .;p rCr PrOvrd�'r • �^pO prplr. �,U.,.1 P (y dr ,` • mp�r'!r' 117[ur.],)CO COverd(7v • -Ur"� • 1. �, rr�t ovrl; �uppd;PO and. we welcome full or part -lime care for children from 6 weeks of age! vitt match, Prnae Hum Dir, Care , , A I core. -O Aqw , I 161tEW im AA Your Own Great Taste I y 006m Iii: L W Oi �•_�— SUNDAY, SEPT. 8 NOON - 3 PM NOON - 1:00 INTRO TO WINE with Erica Lumsden - Froese BSc. C.O. "Tips on Tasting" "Matching Wine With Food" 1:00, 1:30, 2:00 COOKING WITH WINE "Experience the Taste" Q & A with guest chef 282 MONARCH AVE. - • AJAX (North corner of Bayly & Monarch) 619-0633 1 v 4 s -- Krli.rhic. stijvr •iscd duty c.rre .rt .r Mimi in your nt:ighhoUrhood � 1'<,.�,�,•..•.ib't' r . 'Ornrr,�r. • IJhlr° OC.7b.lCn .;p rCr PrOvrd�'r • �^pO prplr. �,U.,.1 P (y dr ,` • mp�r'!r' 117[ur.],)CO COverd(7v • -Ur"� • 1. �, rr�t ovrl; �uppd;PO and. we welcome full or part -lime care for children from 6 weeks of age! vitt match, Prnae Hum Dir, Care , , A I core. -O Aqw , I 161tEW im AA Your Own Great Taste I y 006m Iii: L W Oi �•_�— SUNDAY, SEPT. 8 NOON - 3 PM NOON - 1:00 INTRO TO WINE with Erica Lumsden - Froese BSc. C.O. "Tips on Tasting" "Matching Wine With Food" 1:00, 1:30, 2:00 COOKING WITH WINE "Experience the Taste" Q & A with guest chef 282 MONARCH AVE. - • AJAX (North corner of Bayly & Monarch) 619-0633 Ajax, Pickering Terry'Fox Runs to fight cancer set for Sept. 22 AJAX-PICKFRING — The Terry Fox legacy con- tinues here Sunday, Sept. 22. The 16th annual "Terry Fox Run is being held in Ajax, Pickering and the rest of the country to continue the battle against cancer. About 625,000 partici- pants in 4.000 communities across Canada will take part in the fund-raising event. All funds raised support innova- tive cancer research and arc distributed by the National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC). 'Me Ajax event starts and finishes at Roiary Park on Lake I hivcwav West. with registration at 10 a.m. and the run from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ajax event organizers hope to attract 250 partici- pants and raise about $15,500, says co-ordinator Tracy McMurray. the Pickering run hegins and ends at the Pickering Recreation Complex on V,,d- ley Farm Road south of Ilwy. 2, with registration at q a.m. and the run from 10 a.m. to noon. The goal in Pickering is 275 participants raising about S20.W0. says co-ordinator Karen Balsdon. Last vear, almost S14.(NN) was raised in Ajax and atxut $17,000 in Pickering. A record S4.3 million was col- lected in Ontario in 1995 by 3(X).(xx) p.trticipanis. Since it hcLan in 1981. the "ferry Fox Run has raised more than S168 million worldwide. There were 287 runs last year in 52 countncs, includ- ing Bangladesh, Czech Republic, Ireland. Singa- pore, "Taiwan and the United States. About S11 million was raised worldwide. Palicipants seek pledges and then can walk, jog, rollerblade. bike or wheel- chair from one to 10 kilome- tres. Pledge forms will be available at parks and recre- ation department offices and facilities in both co mmuni- ties, at liquor stores, Scotia - hank branches and several businesses. The NCI' is independent of the Canadian Cancer Society. C<dl Ms. McMurray at 427-8811 for more informa- tion about the Ajax run. In Pickering. call 1%1s. Balsdon at X19-5885 or Dianne Thompson at 428- 2438. FANTASY!'' THk:,NF,WS AVVERTWCK, WEI),AUG)Uu T;a, IJMIPA(%k 15.A FLAT R Long Distance FROMMMu., raw 299/mo Two Wry f:—ky. wfr c'rs Crll i n f'''`.°"'t M'rw n t 11 B •I.r... Arfrrra- N..Mn... Say c en rdda un.d 2f:';, un Ywr CROIr, Ib, 6.ww-I llfr all your nrh. r Inng Ji.lan....�11. xAorel..rtt• rKlpn..e �r,...Tvllh. �rrr.r.ville 7 Mxnhrll. 1 m.— ilk. expanded service to: Whitby, U+ta`va, Kowmani-ille, Newca,41- 1 Port Perry & lilackstnck :ora, �. (Ardi •o Aj. P—efI g e. _ 9+3[s �' Telehopo (416)406-3977 Thursday & Friday August 29 & 30 PALMOLIVE DISH DETERGENT $1 49 950 m I. -64 LIMIT 2 PALMOLIVE (Auto) Dishwasher Detergent 1 L gel NOW Reg. $2.98 r 77 ag _ ■ LW2v 0 HELL • BUYS! Kmart COLA 69 t, 2L LIMIT 4 a., I 24 FLEECY c Fabric Softener �� 49 � i P E PAWS 16 -A -THE NEWS ADVIUMSER. WED., AUGUST 28,1996 TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY Learn to prepare income taxes from H&R Block. the nation's No- 1 income tax return preparation firm Work on your own taxes or start a rewarding career. You can increase your tax knowledge and minimize your liability ■ Flexible classes ■ Comprehensive, step-by-step program ■ Computerized instruction Call 686-1395 H&R • LEARN TO MAIC TAXES PAY v �, � -ll gai, e A50 %OFF Summer Clothing 50. Dresse, T Ask About Our I+ Fall Fashion Show! (416) 281-9966 366 Old Kingston Rd., Highland Creek Village (West Hill just w. of Port Union) Your Rardrobe is Worth the 71r1ip! [] MYL.EX WORKSTATION WITH HUTCH • Keyboard poli out and printer stand 99 • 53" W. x 42" d • Bieached Oak finish • -":Sy to assemble 99 2Q42 elm E M S MBI— NATION � co �O PADLOCK study tempered steel LAI rx v o. T1s .2 SF pIE ;_0 30 wn V 00 1 4 ,►_ __ s__- N - Bella. COLOURED MARKER SET • Set of 30 • Non-toxic SET 18454 jNS'ITRU�AlEN75 TI -30X SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR' • 10 -digit display • Trigonometry/stats function • Hard case included 19299 ACCO 3 -RING BINDER • 1 " spine • Heavy-duty board • Assorted colours fftlad FIE•,gkR sv• SO -PAGE COIL I NOTEBOOK • 8-1 i2 x T 1 • Ruled pages 69 BINDERS • Ensemble or zippered style • Choice of 4 colours 14YOUR CHOICE :0239 20240 -sit LIMIT: 3PAGKS PER FAMILY %O SANPORM LAURENTIEN PENCIL CRAYCMIS • Pock of 20 brilliant colours 21665 WHITBY I AMAX Wo _ , • �,i 1615DIlI�SSTIE 16NAi�W00DAYElS �? �,., �:,.��,.�, -� _ u��rtamrrs�aru�umrra�er ENTERPRISE and EMERPRISE PWS "'•'""~ 0 f~f0ip01 `°" 1 .AW ae tade monks d The Business Depot ld. STORE HOURS MON - M UM -WPM SATURDAY 9AM-" (9AM-9PM N WHITBY) SUNDAY I IAM -SPM WESS DEPOT'b The Business W 5osse iMM"not b• =* as THE NEWS ADVERTISER, W®:, AUGUST 28,1996 -PAG E 17-A D I� AIt's almost ........ never have to wait for a sale. Which means the . . . for you as we can, every day. So like the ones featured here. And, that's .tomorrow... the that, instead of going up, our prices a lot to feel good about. Every Timex F_xpedition day after that. actually go down - day. Ladies' Fruit -Of 'Watches The LoonsG-Pk. We operate as efficiently just Kith Columbiann (jrr I>ccaf: ISII } ?SII g,. Nescafe Instant CoffeeTide � s Crew Socks _97 .�„8 12 L4l 7 83 _ 46 6pa Each WAS: 48Each Every Day Each 6.97 WAS: 29.88 Every Day Noxema Bount 1llulti_Pc,c-ket ... Ladies,y PUMP Paper Bac.kpac.k Fruit -Of The Lcdlt) Brit �.,11�,,, Rric,/97 �iUt)InL 56 _ Each ►o lk 27 6Each 97 Each --��,�, 46 , Pack Every Day Every Day Every Day _--{' Every Day 1 ' Allan s Wizard BacIliker Backpack flccnes tier R, -ie Fnift 49 Air FreshenersCott„n 3 Pack :: 97; 961 Snacks Each 497 Each �`i $ Each � Pack Every Day Every Day Every Day Every Day "BiKabuna” Z v 6 -Pack !' Kleenex K * Tissues 2 Draw Ladies' Pen»,a" s 6-M.Sc,c-ks • Assorted Ice Teas58 �;ii Filing Cabinet 46 -08I11L Cans Each iNi 4?Pa! Lcttc�r 47 ",lig' Each 28Every " .� Pack Every Day Eve Da - Every Y Day `` , Every Day Pop�� � l`otex Ligbtda-vs 1' Liners Fsso.Votor Oil 1 L. Alm) available: Ladies' Penman sPant 12-Pack.Soc'ks 'Twin Pack ,.kinrtl i>Ix•. arltl si/cs ;� ;i i.1.5- 1,,u ;,, . 97 2Every 193147 946 Each Day . Pack Every Day Each Every Day Pack Every Day tPack "Secal Propane 30 Penman's ks Kitt Litter" Cylinders Han ersg96 z9 10 kg. Each ��.4oZ.3746 2Each 5Each Pack bag Every Day Every Day Every Day Every Day Sugar Twin � � � Men's Value Denim Jeans 100 Pack kid 79 Each Every Da Pair Every Day HARWOOD PLACE (HARWOOD & BAYLY) AJAX i PAGE 19 -A -THF. NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., AUGUST 2R, 1996 Y & R hunk in the house Shemar Moore, who plays Malcomb Win- made an appearance at the Pickering ters on the popular day -time show Young & Town Centre Saturday. Restless, had fans in a tizzy when he photo by A.J. Groen Pickering Town Centre in hunt for models P1CKI:R1\G — If modelling has been %our dream, there's a chance to strut your stutt on the Prckcnne Tow n Centres Cashion runtia% in the second annual Hair RcNolunon dent Sept 13 and 1.3 MI,dcl. of :ill a,•c, and hair t,.pe, :uc being sought. Complete hair styling, makc- up and all clothing will be pro%ided h) the PTC. For more details \ isit Nt� Icne at Trade Sc rcts in the :Sc,ir,, %tin,-, ki\xcr le\cl tudas ur Ihur.Ja% hciucen n ird s t m. Ajax woman gets top Kinette, Kinsmen pc AJAX — An Ajax woman has been Ms. Jettcry is a part-time regish appointed a national director of the nurse at Ajax -Pickering General He Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Canada. tal. Iran Jel'tcn, a member of the Kinsmen and Kinetic Clubs Kinette Club of Ajax, was appointed at Canada are the largest all -Canadian the recent annual convention of the \ice organization with 12,(NX) rnern association in Medicine Hat, Alberta. in nearly c)W clubs. Teachers go back to school to learn how to turn their students into a class act BY CHRISTY CHASE _WRIAL TO THE NEWS ADVERTISER DURHAM — More than IW teachers turned into stu- dents recently as they pre- pared to lace another school year. A total of 140 teachers with the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board were attending Positive Classroom Disci- pline (PCD) training sessions for three days at Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School in Ajax and Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic High School in Oshawa. They were learning how to maintain order in their class- rooms without nagging, shouting or headaches, says Jean-Paul Patcnaudc. super- intendent of Catholic schools in Ajax and Pickering. "It's common sense:" he says. "It's very comprehen- sive and extremely rftecti%c." Started by Dr. Fred Junes of California. the program teaches teachers the an of using an incentive systcrn to eliminate class disruptions and misbehavior. PCD makes the students responsible fur their own actions and lets them fx)lice each other, says Mr. Patc- naudc, who brought the pro - grain to the Catholic hoard. A teacher lets the students knowwhat the guidelines are fur behavior in class. 'When the guidelines arc met, [tic class gets Ixmus points. When they aren't, there's no honus. Build up enough Points and the class gets a Ixnus period. a time tier fun — and educa- lional — classroom activities. Getting to class on bene might br worth a bonus point, he says. Bringing pens and the right hooks would mean another point as would wear- ing the school uniform prop- crly, Mr. Patcnaudc says. Bonus points can't br taken away, just added to, he says. "Thr teacher is not seen as one who punishes. It's the kids who have the reslxnsi- hility to do their thing. If they don't, they don't get that bonus:' If someone doesn't I611ow the guidelines, there arc no arguments. no demerits. noth- ing said by the teacher. he says. But there arc also no txnus porints. tic adds. "F;vrntually the message gets through" E:vcn classroom bullies have been brought to heel by the rest of the students who want to get those bonus IX)ints, he says. leachers who've used the program. including his wile Mane, have found it works. There are fewer disruptions in class. fewer headaches and lower stress levels fur teach- ers. Another bonus is improved marks for students. "llic effect on the kids is they come In and they know they're conumz In to learn:' he says. Teachers have to barn, too. Mr. Patcnaudc says. Thry must ill%, up the fxrwcr and authority theN,'Nc held in classro o)ms to allow the sys- tem to work, he says. "I think It's a good educa- tional tool fur rverv'one :" The system is etlective at both elementary and sec- Dr. Elaine Chang is now associated with Dr. Kevin Tyber OPTOMETRIST • Dispensing of Contact tenses and glasses • Complete Family W, Eye Care EXTENDED HOURS EVERY SATURDAY 1 � ,S S. 427-4144 wh.,mair (6etweeo"1011 "":n Accessible •.•�• Chartered Financial Planner James Schofield, B.A., C.F.P., Branch Mgr. • Mutual Funds, GIC'S' ��_ • Stocks, Bonds, REIT'S PLANVEST • Life Insurance Planning FINANCIAL CO•PORAT101 • Tax & Estate Planning • Professionally Directed RRSP Programs Consulting for Corporate Retirement Programs, Pensions & Group RRSP'S Call for Free Consultation @ � 1 1 144 Old Kingston Rd, Suite 10 2nd Fir Internet: JA!%IES(aFIhPLtiR.00NI (Corner of Old Kingston Road & Elizabeth Street in Pickering Village) ondary school levels and can be followed up with a Posi- live Classroom Instruction course. Mr. Patcnaudc has run hoFth in Durham separate schools. training teachers to train other teachers. He hopes to run both programs next summer. Hc'd eventually like to sec whole scho>(ds being operated on this system. THF: NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., AUGUST 28, 1996 -PAGE 19-A ?parate ;hoot o a r d achers ;a True, t, and a r i m i t h , a r n b o u t ass - )m dis- line. hoto by Ron E?troniro M 4 PAGE 211-A= THF: NEWS ADVERTISER. WED.. AtTil;UST 28.19% Candidates wanted for 1996 Waste Reduction Awards a c t ('an you offer a nomination for Durham's 1996 Waste Reduction Awards? Over the past six yews. Durham Region has been proud to present 15 recipi- ents its Award of larraine Merit to organiza- tions or individuals making significant contributions in the field of waste reduc- tion. The Outstanding Industrial/Commer- cial Initiative Award recognizes a busi- ness in Durham Th(Region which hasachieved superior Remresults in reducingits waste. Consider- ations may includeEmployee edm, -etion/awareness ab out waste reduc- tion * Scope of waste reduction efforts (i.e. procurement policies. material reused and recycled * Cost savings (i.e. disposal. pur- chasing) Innovation ioulston lection and han- dlingComplexity of waste streams and size of facility The Outstand- ing Individual Award recognizes aperson whose efforts and dedica- tion have had a measurable impact resulting in ler'S advancement of waste minimization initiatives in the 0)+} workplace. the l ll�� communitv or in government. Interested can- didates/nominator-, for the awards are invited to make a sub- mission outlining the necessary details. You may nominate your own company or yourself. This year. the awards will he presented at a special event to be held in the fall. Mail or fax the complete submission to the Region of Durham. Works Department. 105 Consumers Dr.. Whitby. iAN 6A3 or fax 905-668-2051 no later than Sept. 211. For more informa- tion, call 1-800-172-1103. There is a new and improved waste reduction service for industries and busi- nesses in Durham Region. The Region's works department has just received and down- loaded into its computers a database with more than 3.000 waste reduc- tion and recycling market contacts. This database was developed and is presently maintained h% BROKEN WINDSHIELD?UPSAVE TO 170.00 No Overchar e to Insurance Co. _maedtimeorny-Picherny _ucatur,, _J1 r r r + WIPER + - + EE - BLADES ; ,:K • Bas&C or. Jr;s_ xa ce Pr ;,es • All •.ork Guaranteed • Call for aeta,is on Car clean -UPS.' 860 Brock Rd. S. 837-7819 Unit #1 Pickering. Ont. Gentle Denfistry for Adults, Kids, and Great Big Babies. To help you feel at ease: cleaning= .'.• ✓ S(m)thing nitrous oxide K . general anesthesia !" ✓ Virtual Vision glasses K- Stereo - heaciphones to help you relax ✓ Autoclave sterilization ✓ Amazing intraoral camera ✓ Complete preventive, restorative K cosmetic dentistry ✓ Saturday. appointments Call for your free cosmetic consultation! • I.carn hit\\ tooth \011cnfng. porcelain encers. and other cosmetic procedures can make \ Our smile look bri(,hter. Dr. Steven Nadel, D.D.S. Former Fditor of the newsletter for dentists. THE D NTALETTEH CALL NOW 683-1432 (moi 172 Harwood Ave. South, Suite 101, Ajax the Ontario Waste Exchange. It Will he updated regularly to assist the industrial. commercial and institutional sectors in diverting materials from disposal. With this new database. the Region is able to provide businesses with cur- rent waste reduction information. OFFICE GREEN TIN: I orm a waste reduction committee or a 'Green "team' and conduct it waste audit. Coming events: Oct. 21 to 24. Winnipeg, 18th annual Waste Management Conference, 'Sus- tainability — The Evolution of Waste Management to Pollution Prevention and Resource Recov- ery'. For further details, contact 613-723-3525. Ottawa. Nov. 13 and 14, Toronto, Envi- ronment and Energy Conference of Ontario, 'Fast Forward 2000'. Contact Roger Scott at 416-327- 8073. Aum• �-st Specials r�r yinfa��� $79 �pou 30 Bottles Lets Get Huge Selection! ETTERtHAN BACK TO SEINING! Cnoose from Spec ai Selections of: BROADCLOTH 115cm wide, 65°o polyester. 35 cotton. Our Reg 3.98 m NOW 2.66 m PRINTED KNIT ENDS 150cm wide. Our Reg. 7.98 m NOW 3.99 m GABARDINE ENDS Crafters' Ends 150cm wide. 100°o polyester, in 1-3 m lengths. ONLY 1.99 m Quitters' &Crafters' QUARTERS 100°o cotton print packs consisting of 8 colour coordinated pieces, 22' X 18" (equivalent to 2 yds.). Our Reg. 12.98 pk_ NOW 8.99 pk. POLYESTER PRINTS 115cm wide, 100% polyester, Including crepes and failles. Our Reg. 10.98 m NOW 1/2 Our Reg. Price PRINTED FUJIETTE 115cm wide, 100% rayon. Our Reg. 12.98 m NOW 1/2 Our Reg. Price FELT 90cm wide. wool/rayon blend. Our Reg. 6.98 m NOW 1/2 Our Reg. Price CHRISTMAS PRINTS 90-115cm wide. Our Reg. 4.98-6.98 m NOW 1/2 Our Reg. Price Special Selection: WOOL BLEND SUITING 150cm wide Our Reg. 18.98 m NOW 8.99 m j BETTER THAN HALF PRICE! Special Selection! PRINTED CORDUROY 115cm wide, 100% cotton. Our Reg. 14.98 m NOW SAW in BETTER TNAN NW PRICE! Special Selection! POLYESTER SOUDS 115cm wide, 100% polyester. Our Reg. 7.98 in NOW 3.49 m BETTER THU HALF PRICE! Special Selection! CNALUS PRINTS 115cm wide, 100% rayon. Our Reg. 8.98 m BOY%.G"a1211M. BETTER THAN Uff PRICE! Entire In -Store Stock! Vogue/BUMRICK Patinas, Bary 1 at Y.S.R. Price, 6811 2 FREE! (equal value or less, same brand) Offer valid Aug -28 - Sept. 14, 1996. Not valid with any ofher discounts. 355 Kingston Rd. ` . . , , Pickering Town 10, Centre 839-5990 The Best in Selection and Price Anvwhere Convenient care u with you in mind: ✓ Nt,"A patients k, elconie ✓ We fila K accept direct insurance • '. P;Jvnlents r (\"()u pa} „nl\- p„rtto,ri r ` ni)t covered i,y plan ✓ 5", discount for st senior citizens ✓ Same-day f appointments for >w SV l emergencies I ✓ White fillings for back teeth i ✓ Im acted wisdom teeth treatment ✓ Saturday. appointments Call for your free cosmetic consultation! • I.carn hit\\ tooth \011cnfng. porcelain encers. and other cosmetic procedures can make \ Our smile look bri(,hter. Dr. Steven Nadel, D.D.S. Former Fditor of the newsletter for dentists. THE D NTALETTEH CALL NOW 683-1432 (moi 172 Harwood Ave. South, Suite 101, Ajax the Ontario Waste Exchange. It Will he updated regularly to assist the industrial. commercial and institutional sectors in diverting materials from disposal. With this new database. the Region is able to provide businesses with cur- rent waste reduction information. OFFICE GREEN TIN: I orm a waste reduction committee or a 'Green "team' and conduct it waste audit. Coming events: Oct. 21 to 24. Winnipeg, 18th annual Waste Management Conference, 'Sus- tainability — The Evolution of Waste Management to Pollution Prevention and Resource Recov- ery'. For further details, contact 613-723-3525. Ottawa. Nov. 13 and 14, Toronto, Envi- ronment and Energy Conference of Ontario, 'Fast Forward 2000'. Contact Roger Scott at 416-327- 8073. Aum• �-st Specials r�r yinfa��� $79 �pou 30 Bottles Lets Get Huge Selection! ETTERtHAN BACK TO SEINING! Cnoose from Spec ai Selections of: BROADCLOTH 115cm wide, 65°o polyester. 35 cotton. Our Reg 3.98 m NOW 2.66 m PRINTED KNIT ENDS 150cm wide. Our Reg. 7.98 m NOW 3.99 m GABARDINE ENDS Crafters' Ends 150cm wide. 100°o polyester, in 1-3 m lengths. ONLY 1.99 m Quitters' &Crafters' QUARTERS 100°o cotton print packs consisting of 8 colour coordinated pieces, 22' X 18" (equivalent to 2 yds.). Our Reg. 12.98 pk_ NOW 8.99 pk. POLYESTER PRINTS 115cm wide, 100% polyester, Including crepes and failles. Our Reg. 10.98 m NOW 1/2 Our Reg. Price PRINTED FUJIETTE 115cm wide, 100% rayon. Our Reg. 12.98 m NOW 1/2 Our Reg. Price FELT 90cm wide. wool/rayon blend. Our Reg. 6.98 m NOW 1/2 Our Reg. Price CHRISTMAS PRINTS 90-115cm wide. Our Reg. 4.98-6.98 m NOW 1/2 Our Reg. Price Special Selection: WOOL BLEND SUITING 150cm wide Our Reg. 18.98 m NOW 8.99 m j BETTER THAN HALF PRICE! Special Selection! PRINTED CORDUROY 115cm wide, 100% cotton. Our Reg. 14.98 m NOW SAW in BETTER TNAN NW PRICE! Special Selection! POLYESTER SOUDS 115cm wide, 100% polyester. Our Reg. 7.98 in NOW 3.49 m BETTER THU HALF PRICE! Special Selection! CNALUS PRINTS 115cm wide, 100% rayon. Our Reg. 8.98 m BOY%.G"a1211M. BETTER THAN Uff PRICE! Entire In -Store Stock! Vogue/BUMRICK Patinas, Bary 1 at Y.S.R. Price, 6811 2 FREE! (equal value or less, same brand) Offer valid Aug -28 - Sept. 14, 1996. Not valid with any ofher discounts. 355 Kingston Rd. ` . . , , Pickering Town 10, Centre 839-5990 The Best in Selection and Price Anvwhere P THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WEU., AUGUST 28,1996 -PAGE 21-A r y ���Qn�iu -800-662 rot ��n corQ 8423 - "Call 1 =900=451-� ) P3339 $2.49/min. to respond to these ads. 24h/day t�tutie 4.tu�o << TouchTone or Rotary phones. You must be 18 or older. 100% Ct,,Cltl�lllt� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OCAL ADS S ing. Looking for a non smoking, honest. caring,working male. 35 to 45 with a ' ISEEK ING more w1h this 39 year old male who also I young wh to woman 11 to 28. with career easy going, seise of humor enjoys differ I sense of humor, who also loves lite and , loves children I am 56" and '55 pounds direction in Ido cnendship possible lerr acrvaies. cubngs, and evenings .r.. children. Single fathers welcome.. BOX with brown hair Give me a call, life is too tionship BOX 23305 Seek„o slim attract ve ally who s 23243 short BOX !6482 NEW TO THE AREA Adventurous great 1 TAKE A CHANCE Disabled female. 48. MUSIC AND GOOD TIMES Single male. 5 sense of humor Like cars. quiet rights respers ate, easy go•nq. car ^g and ^c^• est to share mea-mll ,ng •erm •e,a. ust staying it watching -;ries. Give me a :all BOX 3'55. NON SMOKING LADY, 32 year old. single i LOOKING FOR YOU? Single mom. 34, looking for an older man for companion- and 130 pounds with blond ham and shooting pool Would oke +o me-, some- horsll A ep,ies a'Swell BOX :'594 HANDSOME. SUCCESSFUL Attractive non smoker 5'7 and 190 pounds. Enjoy enjoys golf, long walks sports cars. dancing. Looking for male, 34 who ship. cull evenings at home land possi- brown eyes. Love animals, musk. roman one 25 to 35. Spontal a oonus Mus; bly long HEART OF SOLD you^q :: S-5 5 . '45. -ale 5 3" physically '" costive outgo- goMing. squash, traveling, reading and movies. Seeking a husky, non smoking plus. enjoys the same Single dads welcome a term relationship BOX 23274 tic e+erings and good times Locking !or be open minded. BOX 31704 INVOLVED HAPPILY' I am 59 36 good a tall. single and attractive woman age 25- HANDSOME /DUNG DAD Single sandy ware cro'ess o^a w t^ sc^ , carrg. ,ov- rg. trill rhe oCaocrs. specs. Tusk, line ding and k ds. Wo.:a reel ar mak, age 30-35 who has a good job and a BOX 23297 SINGLE MOM Single mom, 30, shape good looking The beach is nice j 30 who enjoys the same and has a sense blonde hair hazel blue eyes. 6 180 lbs I g. s:-cere arc a"i cra'e e,;oys out• coy ac'iv:t,es. ong wa ler„ u,et s ,ses ^ .ike', a ve. attraOrr. 30 scmefMmg, nor sma- great sense of humor. BOX 10718 NICE RELATIONSHIP, 34 year old, white social drinker non smoker looking fora man. 30 this time of year Le +s talk discretion of humor BOX 18330 very +d' Chef !raining in college comfort- advised BOX 31679 EASY GOING GUY Mak 510and 165 able ,n blue leans to formal attire Seeking mes a' noire. more. s •ing family vat- les. ^orsmoker occassonal 11'"ll rig lady. who :s rrdeDederl omanl c. post we natured arc car ng. BOX divorced female. Fresh from Germany to 38 who enjoys quiet evenings, has a LOVE TO LAUGH. Single mar 6 and 150 pounds with dark na,r brown eyes and a attractive fit single female 20s to mid actve, ht. euro+ raly and ',nano a 'y good 2328' with blue eyes and weigh 120 pounds. sense of numor. Must like children and pounds with blond hair and brown eyes medium build Lilie me quieter things ,n 30 s. Must like kids and kids are welcome secure. Look ng '", at!ractrve serstive THE GOOD UF-- Attract we and 1140. 5 9 . Seeking someone who enjoys music. isdt into head games. 8 this sounds like Love animals music romantic evenings lite like movies walks and hiking Durham Friendship: possible relatonsnip BCX slim lady 40'o 5G. whc s also emonana,- 160ibs.. part -,me aad. enjoys cutdow romantic diners, outdoor activities and you. give me a call. Single fathers wel- and good limes. Looking for a tall. single region of Oshawa Seeking a lady for 31701y arc'•raril secure Seek -q a^ ^0^. spors. 'music. cycling. fitness. good -or- or•more. more 'BOX 10783 FRIENDS tamed, BOX 232% STILL SEARCHING_ Seeking companion and attractive woman, age 25-30 who friendship and possible lora term Tela- SPUNKY SPONTANEOUS. 34 5 10` to the est, sill'org !ern eialiorsr:c BOX +efsalcr, weekerd getaways arc omar- FIRST. Looking for an honest enjoys same. BOX 10781 tionship BOX 19233 clean cut. in romantic honest. sincere 3'59' c evenings. 'Nowa like': -fee' arractve. and respectable man. I m separated and who is honest. sincere. with good sense INDEPENDENT MAN. Hard working and FIANCEE WANTED Handsome gentle- and easy going single father would like tc CITY SMART ^ourtry swel lf that s you war•^ easy going wont ^g womar. arc looking for a friendship that could of hums who likes dining, dancing and mature, 23 yr old, 6T' man. Looking for a j man. 6 165 pounds. young 40 s brown- meet an attractive woman 30 to 35, with and you re 'emaie 30 pis. `• and active lees •, snare soeca, 'Imes and lfe became orae BOX 11721 going for drives in the country. Early 50 s. woman who enjoys tun and open to new +sh blonde hair healthy nonsmoker. same qualdies and a heart of gold BOX I m looking or you I m a single white r a meaningful eiationsmp. BCX 23288 SEEKING FRIENDSHIP, 49 year old female BOX 31692 STARTING OVER. Will take a chance experiences. Have a variety of interests enjoys boMmg and walking, biking and 31702 male 42. 5 " 170lbs. Wtin ^+orals and a ]INNER ENGAGEMENT' Hards-le die would like to meet a 50 year old mak for you so give me a call. BOX 10784 skating. Hoping to meet girl. around 30. MATURE Single college student. 18, look- consoence I ave kids al na%,e Well company of in a"•ac! we 'emaie friendship. BOX 11723 QUIET NIGHTS. 18 female look- I on a 33 year old. hard waking. consider- ate, intelligent. fit, single father with many SEEK HEAVY WOMEN Attractive single for serous relationship BOX 29829 ing 'or adventurous caring. honest I white male. Weigh 115 with FIANCE WANTED Handsome 18 to for• and music I m a great 'stener give me a !or a ^,qrc on ne lowr 'urner er;age- year old Ing for a young mak who enjoys kids, interest and good qualities. Seeking sin- pounds gentleman, woman. 25 Looking a re4fa blonde tad Looking for a full figured 6 1651bs. young 40 year old brownish ship BOX 23300 call. BCX 3.689 AT'RAC'IVE I SINGLE. Caring wh,!e mem oohcnai' t m aper •^ rded. sec,re advernumus and a car s•^^.icer wore .eads outdoor activities, good times and quiet 9k woman. 29 to 35. with similar quad- woman. If Out is you .give me a cap' BOX bland hat healthy non smoker l enjoy STAP'ING OVER Will fall take a chance I male 3G'. smoker ^!e,ngem. very very a very active ,fe You a :orhoe^t a^a nights. BOX 11927 ties, with of without children, to begin life 10785 boating, walking, biking and skating. on a hardworking. considerate intelligent compassionate ane unde stand,rg A secul arc nave elect:c 'asses. BOX LOVE TO LAUGH. Attractive. run amok. anew.I would appreciate and look la- FR AND FUN. 25 year old while mak. 5'8".I tope to meet girl, around 30. for serious in single rafter. 33. with many interests romantic at hear, very noness aria Small 31615 ing and employed young 48 year old ward to your call. BOX 23295 175 pounds. muscular and attractive. relationship BCX 31709 and good qualities' Seell a single with a good sense Of rumor setle,n, •mat COUNTRY ;ENT' EMAN 5 ' 59. univers,- female. Looking for honest and caring HL 20 year alk] single female looking for Enjoy karate. athletics and weight Iffig. NORTH OF PE7ERBORO Tall sin 40 S. woman. 29 to 35. we similar cuaidies Sael aCy r my fe ki a, w4 dap ec:. !y graduate. ' : arc weserl 'v,rg white mak, age 45 to 55 to share family fun. friends, dimers, kids i friendship and tun. Single males. 19 to 25. BOX 23294 Looking for casual and discreet encoun- established, rkl sensitive, caring, aftel we or without ctnddrer!a begin ',de anew ters with females or couples, age 18-10 tionate. romantic. +cry active with many I would appreciate and forward !a ate ,.airty arc -esDec! r a •eiat orsrip, alone r a ^esu :,ur!,y evate come Seeki^q quiet moves, and dogs etc. BOX 13296 LOVELY YOUNG LADY. 21 year old single look who are fit and attractive Bol 10794 interests. Love country lite Seeking an you call BCX 23299 wr•c s sincere and serous about a ong !ern commitment. Prefer smoke, BOX slim. rrac1 ve. yourger write woman wnc s educated- liable Tree and ROCKIN' I ROLLN. Sink white female• white termale with brown naw and green SOMEONE SPECIAL. 34 year old single attractive. slim female 30 to 45 with snf ARE YOU THE ONE' Erty JOTS. protes- 31690 Secure and ay w•sr •o share my ;festye. 36, mother of tiro, Big. bokL beautiful and eyes. Enjoy cuddling at the moves. camping, swimming and country music. father male with short brown hair lowriterests and 7iaairl for sharing. kov- small, lather or two kids 113 and 17, 1 ; Rol ic, honest, friendly, 147 OUTDOOR -Yat WAIL Good ook,^g Please -c c%qs. smoke :ars. debts. AIDS on the dominant side. See" someone easy going. ng, meanrgtui. lasting relationshct BOX brown skin. 5" lbs. enjoys music singe «mite maw woo er,oys ail, outdoor aaggage BCX 23287 who Wes to rock-cl between ages 30- See" an amrachri mak. 21 to 25 fa sincere and fern fife. Enjoy giving amen• 31710 movies walking. etc Seek honest aamles espec:auy srowi ng arc SINGLE WHIT_ MALE. 20 year old. Sell 40. Kids are wtkome. BOX 13331 friendship Please cal me as soon as tion and affection to Cat special sane- SERIOUS INOUMIES Employed. divorced ramarlil non smoking female 30 to 40 ' corl am 5 '30ibs w'^ a ;real a srge car^e 't^aK. 'S !0 24 tinars SHY BUT SWEET, 25 year old temafe, shy, possible. BOX 232N ane. Also enjoy dancing, movies and tam- ' white mak. 38 5 250ts. brown liar !a a serious long teen relationship I serse ,1 numcr am seenng •ate sum. :amo.% must ane rornal evenings. 5'3". Like long walks. swimming and NO HEAD GAMES. Medium budt female. 26• brown hu and eyes, very compas-witwit brwn eyes sticker and occasional • ?V moms wtllicl 30X 316%. 1 single Nil 2^ : 3C. w•'^ ,r wehcut. '-•erdsmo m 59 . cry Wort har, seeking inion- quiet evenings. Looking for a man, age 2.-3z. BOX 15766 sionate Enjoy chickenlin � joy aspan . g Deng famity trends. 'lace our automated attendant ad b callln �• Y g kids lir ,r pcss.bry •eiaron- ship. 30X 3'585 sh,o 301 23292 :OUN'aY,iV1NG. Sol dr^r:rq-ur..';. FUN LOVING. Sink. 30 yew old mother walks and with and 1 GOOD LOOK NG 314Y Greer eyed. 24. imrg n the ::.nlry. ,or smoke, .es gar - of two with a great seine of humor. Looking for caring. compassionate man. 26 to 32. Single Dads are okay BOX i -800-662-U23 mature. 5 2 . w!, ".l swill la,,. Jemn c marks. ll ,lee': g i 'n9'c' ar9 Attrach ie and hall figured. Looking for a el wcrkrg c .. •:demam^q -. meet a single r .ndcivec w^ to act 5G srngk wade mak, age 28 to 38 was is 31672 ROMANTIC LADY White female yang t 24 hrs./day - Have your ad ready when you call • !am bile rq am a socai act^leer w^0 ria, ', '. ^cr snide• socia• .1r-Ke,^c deoen- dents can, s ' ^ancaPy 30X Nso financially ,rid emomonatly secure Must be fun loving. neflectually stlmulat- non smoker social drinker only • ' • To place your Sincerely Yours ad with a live operator, call 1-800-360.1483. erleys 2arnq a spta:L w, ire arid'lowers. Very •a -ar• : rood cal >e - e. 23285 Ing and appreciate children. BOX 1837 Enjoy treater. dining out, doming. Son, travel, playing cards and quiet evenings To place your Sincerely Yours ad wtth an Automated Attendant, call 1-800-662-8423. Be ;hy. and new ^ !0w^ BCX 2325: :RE E]OM Goce CUTE S CUDDLY Sinq!e write ace. 5'C T 3C. 0rg a ,w^ act owe eyes SEEKING YOU' 44 year alb female work- ng pat time. Enjoy moves, din out at home Seeking established. honest ready to wnte down your mailbox number and access code when you Call r. :o..ng. easy going. 1a, s cock.^q Hale 53, 5 9 '65 as. ereC cute L lee puoc,es w t^ scars. watr and quiet evenings at home. Mother of i caring white male rr his early 60 s, non It's all automated and Simple. You don't have to Speak to anyone. One phone call sets up • star:^,rg :r an Mores;. •cmanic Sdm mbar. org wales. oei^c at ^e aeacn three. Waring to hear from you... BOX smoker with a sense of hump and simr your voice greeting and your printed ad. Your ad wtU appear for at least 4 weeks white 'e :are w^c ,lees '•.^ aro aughta. :ar^p,rg. work,,, :a. '•ave, ng ane si 9140 lar interests. BOX 31667 Your ad will appear in 5-8 days. n marks aaicrg. a.^:r Nant same- a 9 v S gr1 Tar^, '-•• as we as curet n, s at "a-* 42 YEARS YOUNG who is energetic. WANT MORE HEAT Pre brunette � � 1 search for Cine b she did more `^9 g You may place an ad in one of oil dating categories. � ,melt sere •etnme^! rears «•- w•^'ens ",w ;',r a tint sngie!erue. 24 3G. Mux ^attest, divorced arld a mother of a 15 year old. Enjoy variety in Me, as well n quiet guy tat flirtwith at Cine famous players fte- j When recording your greeting, remember to give a complete description of yourself and • n a mars :1.^l 3Cx 3'582 _Oci FOR :,.N Single write mile !0 x lona dna arug- fm. will a great sense of humc• 3CX moments like drivers, movies, etc. A ater n Oshawa cents. cad. Please BOX the type of person and relationship you seek. A ttwrough, honest greeting will produce 3C. 6. '45,bs, seeding car s..-ok.rq 212:5 sensaine, compassionate, sensual and 31660 the best results. . erne. 25 !0 35. wnc -vel tint outdoors HONEST ANO CONFIDENT S.ri white hopeless romantic boll for an open INDEPENDENT Profasanal, set Ica. You can retrieve your messages by calling the 900 number, There is a charge of $2 49 s easy going, and ,lets', have "un. For note. 43. crotessiol seeking ar aft ve and hiavat rcl>tionshp tl nlinesaed. employed. attractive. blonde bit* to r minute. !ne Bonneville area. 30X ;'583 teniae 21 !c 30 wnc s sincere. lues Please call. BOX 31680 eyes. petite. sin lady. Seeking rah = g »,rtao . v ACTIVITY PARTNER A..ve attractive. movies and wore. dna loves songs ay SLIM. INTELLIGENT. Very attractive, charming, outgDng, great personalityy smoking gentleman, 40 to 60, who would like to share same interests. LN s elk . :ommrtment m edea s r g e wnrte +l e. 3C. nor smoker atMee! c aw,C. Enjoy dun• Says !o Yen 30% 232" SENIOR PIROF MALE F rancully secure. sense of humor, con smoker, 19, well dependents Enjoy BOX 23284 CANCER YALE WANTED Nan smoker. Respond to ads by calling: 1 -900 -451 -Mg ^ 000r activities and .let limes. Seek g ''un• petite, cute lady who nas t !ogetner Brio Y s :ads 'healer 'ave+. Seeks on ^ small arracive acy. 60 b 65. of com- established, no music, drhtin, camping, trier wings n clean, sense of humor. dance, employed, no young children. Must have lots of time$2.49/min., , . 18 or older to call ':_ ]on t ;et I,te pass you p snare a roma • Y Y ,ream BOX 2329' pan,0nshi must ore ',nancud secure P Y You ve in none: I ,n mile. BOX 222'5 Mc, the great outdoors, many otmer rite- gists_ BOX 11108 � to spend together. I m 52". 130 Itis, a 43, Check a BOX • After listening to the simple instrtxxions enter the mailbox number of the ads you want to • c i HARD WORKING FATHER S,ri father. your SINGLE SCORPIO 33 year aic. 6 '85 SHY AT FIRST. Sink while i young employed. out. 23279 access or browse all greetings randomly. 33 MY o ant es are ,may wore ani. pound white ionic. manes and wive can a es. 57". i30bs, Donde tui, frown eyes. looking for someone rho is attractive ARE YOU HONEST? A romantic gentle- m • You'll hear a greeting with the SkxerelyYours ad and ft person behind stye greeting. � numrntaimng my name. I enjoy biSeWu, :ydnq and Northern getaways My goal i with aio'ash,oned values dna a positive :crook or ,le. Enjoy the outdoors. oulgoirg, likes kids, is honest, trail, man and relationship orgented4l tl so, this m Voice greetings are added to the system every 24 hours. So you can browse through the • s to meet a lady who will 'it into pnonry moves. and quiet times at home will a and tmrhhorout, mol rib Arad gams, and attractive professional lady would like to m new advertiser greetings before the Sincerely Yours anis appear In the rlewspapel. one. Single moms welcome. BOX 31673 Special 'ady. Locking for an attractive knows what he waft in Nle. BOX 23307 hear from you. I'm in my early 40's, love music doting moria. desire and king • . Listen to greetings of people that interest you. it you like, leave your response. That per- GENEROUS EXEC GENT. 48. 51 . mild temak, 25 !o 35. !a enjoy 'fe wall al tor DUAN p AND k, ST. Attractive, in" 9�• Pte, 5'/', 39, blonde, Wile wait. No one vto head games need soft will [teat your message when they Cad in. mannered and son spoken seeking a stun. p open minded and discreet b who 'anY oc dY ano snare Somali i ties wit-,+ a ong term •elaoasnio BOX 232'6 eyes, love music, Do• apply. Box 31655 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kes !a ale m u anrestaurantsMand Ing pool and ranov cam g% MATCH THIS. Confident, caring. fay pret- enjoy stopping,D Y tY d and honor, who Mnorrs Pam 4�Y ' h Wattle, 37, P ba l amPbY�• ro ' seeks tap, muscular, ih afins. BOX 10815 stinker. with depandents. I am searching FIRST TIME AD. Sirgk while mak. 52. exotic trips. BOX 31674 ROMANTIC. HONEST Young 40, 5 8 how b rein and let NM fhr^gt haPPem• "tgmtt p man, with savvy, o LIKE THE OUTDOORS? tarried couple for a white female. 28 to 38 �n9k P 6 3", 195Ds, dark haw. enjoys fine dm pY n9 ge white mak. Like long drives, walks. � SAFE AND CLEAN. Single til mak. straight Looks and not n BOX 23J02 35 to 45. tlyou're m xm�Y. �• Y looking for a sngk female, age 21.30, to for a serious relationship ship a more. BOX dancing gardening, and auctions. Seeks art. writing snort stones and patty, thea I acting, 35. 56 and 125 pounds with a COINITRI WOMAN Early 40's 5'10", match we're a bonfire BOX 31642 , go old and have a good time. Must be and like the oadoors. BOX 11694 31705 WARM HEARTED SINCERE. Christian single while female, 45 to 55, with similar interests- Would like to meet a lady win aindeponded markets and drag racing. I dons smoke, small build. Seeking a gay, feminine male � b� �. Nkes wNERE ARE roil . Damm to cath altnc• five tui ligand kmah, 35, seeking kind NO STRINGS ATTACHED, 32 year old coo mal 35, k seeking a young lady 23 b good sense of rumor, looks not important. dunk do drugs or go to Cnurcn. Seeking i female. 20 to 38, for ,on term relation• 9 with a small build, age 30 to 40 who .s your looking for discreet evening 9 9 9 arniruk and outdoor Ye. Enjoy long walks, romantic dimers, movies and acting ranaffic, attire gefkman, 35 to lege student While, attractive 67" and 190 with brown hair and Pis 9 3,, for friendship; leading W possible relationship. BOX 31706 BOX 31699 SPOILER Wanted: ladies that just want to ship. Sing* Moms welcome. BOX 31676 encounters Must be safe and clean BOX quiet evenings t home. BOX 233W q, nonsmoker with no dependents, for thedshhpand possiblerebWn!dW. I like es, djKyK(casial ehcomrttfersf LOOKING FOR YOU. $ink mak, 22, be treated like ladies and like to be pati- IN WHITBY. Very good looking profession- al male, 32 clean. Seeking a unite female 19228 LOOKING FOR LOVE. Two attractive many activities, including tennis, 99, bill. w� fo name �y � �' brown hair and eyes, S9", seeking pered, call and leave phone number and 1 for meetings: discretion assured. Please hmales 18 seeking two guys, l8 b 21, who luau how b have kin and teat a 9d ig dahting ttlwet dirrkrs art and al and intellectial pursuits, A map rtdationshp with no strings attached. female, 22 to 21, who has dreams and 9wh• I � is YW D� leave a rhes• will get back to you shortly. BOX 23298 LOST IN THE NET. Single whore took, pro- leave a message. 9 do not have a voice 8 right. Double dale art a Pte• how. I this intaests you, please have a message. BOX 31643 Mothers d children preferred. BOX 11742 sage. BOX 31707 lessional in Houston, Texas who is lost in greeting n my mailbox!. BOX 31668 NEW IN TOWN. 30 years old. 5 8... 160 NO STRINGS ATTACHED. Attractive BOX 23301 KURT Cblond WANTED. Strident look• FIRST TIE AD. Attractive, non smoking TAKE A CHANCE Mak, 5'10",165 lis, n g� shape and tatted. Enjoys VERY LONELY. White male, S9, 5'10", rib ower, rhos smoke, serial drinker tuikH the World Wide Web, seeks single wade female, 25 to 39, to oto restaurants. 9 pounds, healthy and fit. English back- straight couple seeking another clean fa blade hal, blue ' 9�9Y Lau laaanthc, professional lady' S. W hg hrataclhed gMtkman, /9 to 62, wla ��Y and camping. Looking and retired, likes outdoors, f 9 zhn9 movies, theatre, coni clubs, and to round loves children, enjoys outdoor 9P activities and travel. looking for 26 to 35 attractive coil ie for a discreet encounter. BOX 12922 Ku's Coban look akke. Enjoy 9om9 b shaessameinterestsnjamdancingand who for saneaht who waifs b love tin and and camping. Cackling la honest, sin• trnN. Will repry to all who respond BOX year old. attractive. slim female: color not CURIOUS. Unexperienced, attractive, 21 M adliub� parties ve musk. M b alkrnative music. Mlrst be outgoing, travel antl bra the oUdors. BOX 23280 Bpd 13303 maybechancea rDAD, iit7 year LOVELY SINGLE DAD, 47 year old single art, slain, jointed ip and busk woman, 55 to 62, to hiodship and possible rely CASUAL FUN TIMES. Single white male. CASUAL important, to share special times. BOX year old while female, 53 . blonde hair, enjoy spending tine alone and be non MALE WANTED. Single while lemak, veg diction, 28' looking for a* father. 5'9 1R" and 250 pounds with tbnship. BOX 23306 37, fit, attractive, seeking slim female. 20 to 31670 1 LEAVE ME A MESSAGE. White male in my blue eyes. Seeking Bi a Bi curious white temaie, for discreet encounters. addetic. Smokers , I have thwlde with a great sense of humor and caring tar a LOOKIIG FOR YOU, 21 old s' 35, for casual, intimate afternoon or mid 30 s. 6' and 190 pounds. Looking for Cleanliness and discretion a must. BOX Wo W* !air ad sm gnsgy, 5'6" altftrde' oust *' Enjoshouy c kkillh Enjoy cooking gardening, sports, Cao- white mak, very bulli, org brown hair• evening encounters. Female coupes most discreet afternoon encounters with a 31671 and 103 ponds with ytdowish brow ' 'nib Wide r of hobbies are fon 9 vesalian and movies. someone Seeking blue 5'9", easy to with, �• Y 9c along welcome, satisfaction guaranteed. Please 9 female. BOX 23289 eyes. BOX 31228 smoke! and occasional drinker. I this is kid, considerate, understand and very setae with myself and open mind call now' BOX 31695 ALONE AND LONELY. Overweight plain LETS BE HAPPY. Enjoy having someone You, please respond BON 23278 who k too" far a mer self. q ed. Looking for a female, 20 to 30, to live NAME YOUR PLEASURE. Dinner, movies Jae• low self esteem, mad 40 s reale would b Nsldn, ting, dance, watic, kugh taNe, LOVES LIFE. Slim, attractive, employed, BOX 13332 and cherish with a0 m y Leri Racedoes- camping, golf, dancing and more, with you strings attached like to meet f rig nett* nib �� m � fid' � din- single mother of two boys, 35, likes din- c GOALS I DREAMS, 22 yea old male, !T' n't hatter. Must be secure with ourself Y male, 39, who also loves children. I am relationship for friendship and romance. e s `TART NEW LIFE. Widowed. 63.510'. 160, I you're failing b give, can you receive, so aft these are an open desire to feel Ing, dancing, traveling, and cottaging. with brown eyes and blond hair. E Enjoy sports, movies and dining out. Looking as well. BOX 23304 LOOKING FOR LOYALTY. Single white 5'6", 155 pounds, with brown hair. 0 you are 20 to 35, romantic and caring, call me. Discretion assured and expected. Marital smoker, would Isle to meet slim lady. 52 to good! Let's tai, BOX 31697 L to a non , honest, cal ookt o . � ing, waking mak, 35 ro 45, with a sense fa an attractive fernale, age 22-27 for a teak, 5'S",1801bs, robust build, 26, with BOX 31693 status unimportant. BOX 31664 P BEST FRIENDS FIRST. 33, 511 , 180 IDs, 63 for a Ion lasting relationship. M inter - 9 9 P Y ests are dancing, long walks, gardening, LOVES LIFE. Slim, atracive, employed, tingle rtwtlna of two boys: I am 35 years of humor, who also byes lie and chi! serous relationship. Must have drams and goals. Kids ore okay. BOX 13336 Patel eyes and dock fur. On professbrr, al tech user path; wilderness beer, irw GENTLEMAN, 3, youthful, attractive. 5'10 . 1751bs, non smoker who is intelligent, blonde, blue eyes looking to meet some- camping, and many more. Serious replies old, like dancing, dining out and travel• gym• BON 23273 NAME YOUR PLEASURE. Dimer in or many interests to list. Seeking attractive, respecting, responsible, honest, caring, one who wants to get ahead. Enjoy camp- only please: Oshawa. BOX 31684 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OM, movim4&w4 go, 4moirtg•atd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ing, swimming, walks along the beach of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I%b Week assumes no 111"ty, for the contents of, or replies to any personal advertisements; and such liability rests exclusively with the advertiser of, or respwdent to, such advertisements hews Advertiser may, in its sole discretion, change, reject or delete all person. adrnfisnaaNs *linin it demurs hopprop wits. Aft aadverfisers must firwordi a voice;rebid` to accompany their ad. Ads withal voice Iteetiti say, not appear in Sincerely Yours. When you respond to a Sincerely Yours ad, your pbone NO will refect a charge of $2.49 Admoi i.MktMnM- 3iiialloo teal eorMt $7A7. wine ear pasoaai deserkdiom of advartiws dad are able to leave a voice asail mm oogL � t � 1 t•,. t �t Mw���� '-��i'°a + �� ! ���rM�t�. .'♦ � t .(�i ri t�k` _ t } �`. ;� '. .•f aNMMV111�r,ffflir�ti �.. , •r�� PAGt'. _,� _ A THE !VF)R'S Ai>� FkTISER. �� EU.. Al'GI'S"r _e, 19N6 Kuwaitprofessors at College N C t RY CHRiSTY CHASE SPECIAL To Ti IF NF_wsAw}.nrr1SF.R _ I)IrRIIAM In Ku%vmt. Dr. Ilyat Al- Mejadi is a professor at tier country's Collcec of i'Aucation. But hen at Durh:un Colleec this surnmer. the holder of a M.D. has tx-cn it student. She and 17 other professors from various Kuwait collc2es spent seven weeks learning skills that will help them change the way students in their country are taught. On V1-edncstLrv. the visiting pmfcs- sors were presented certificates to mark the end of their curriculum development program at the college. "hhe program ww, very helpful. not just in terms of academic pure(xsc:' Dr. Al-Mcja(b ::toil. "We veined some useful skills: ' She expl:tined the protessors are working to revise and develop curncu- tum for Kuw.ut collcres. Ibe Kuwait 11uhlic Authont, of Applied Education and Training is changing its curriculum development proccss to meet the needs of employ crs and ;zi%c students up-to-tiatc compcliuw .' job skills. The cumculum development heirs studied is similar to the system used at I)irh:un Collcvc The Ku\.(;u( profess(xs. led by Dr. l-ahad A1-Ruwwshed. also) of the (allege of I-.ducation. toured l hlrtLim Rc-ion industries including Gcncrd Motors. Chrysler Ca.11.11(L•e I Lilco Building Com - p(xncnis. Aldcrhnw)k Industries. ticm.do 7 p Compi-ites inc.. Ostnawa (rcncral Ii(r- prt.al .Usd MCI Kiri old s resLiur:ons. to ,gct ID hands-on expcnence to complement rea their trunin,r -I know the trairung will he of use to S your vocation:dly-oriented students: ­ Le college Nmrd of Lovennors ch:urman req i )uL Manuel told the professors. Colkrge president (kin, , Isolonsk , said it was humbling that prof ss(xs front :r1 area that h.Ls ,given so much to the rest of the world — includitng the first states. code of Ltw. lihr ncs :and schools -- Kuwait visitors thank Canadians for support in war against Iraq DMIAM — In 1(1(11. Canadians went to war to help liberate Kuwait from its Iraqi invaders. Today, our help is still needed. said one of 18 Kuwait professors who attend- ed workshops at lXuliarn College this summer. Dr Hyat Al-Mejadi said there are still Kuwait prisoners of war being held in �9• '•Their families are still suffering," she said. adding Canadians can help end this by supWrting the Red Cross which is working to free the prisoners. 'With the help of the Red Cross. they (Iraq) released to Kuwait one prisoner before we came Gere: ' she said. Dr. Al-Mejadi added she was touched by corrunents about the Gulf War made by Durham College president Gary Polonsky during graduation ceremonies for the Kuwait professors Wednesday. Mr. Pokxtsky said young Canadians had never experienced war until the Gulf War which followed Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in mid-1990. Canadians were among .the Allied forces that fought against Iraq in the 43 -day war. "'That was with you and for you to make stere justice and peace prevailed in Kuwait," Mr. Polonsky told the Kuwait p ilessm- would come to Purhani to learn. "I1ne Kuw;ut professors' visit was such a suc- cess that the participants are talking ahout a for- mal cxch:mge pro`gr ni. Clair Roxburgh. presi- dent of' the colle•ge's student assoriatiexn. and Mr. Polo nskv N)th said thev're interested in the idea. In thanking the college for its hospit;dity. Khalid Ali Al-Rurnuh said. "We hope wr can 996 LUMINA APV return the favor some day when you visit us in Kuwait.- ()t- uwait - Of course. Uric professors' time in Oshawa wasn't all spent in the classroom. " 1 don't think there's a mall within 75 kilo- metres of here that hasn't been visited by this group:' said lkxrg Tripp. one of firm training consf3lt.tnts who worked with the professors. The protessors and their families cnjoved a variety of* outings and social activities inch in!, a trip to the Canadian National Exhibiti, whcru I r. Al-Mejadi says she learned m, atxiut ( Yrcck culture than during her visit (;rercc. She sirid she hopes to return to Can.•i L-1. „•Ibc people here are very friendly. '11 love to assist foreigners. We love that. we j had a wonderful time:' 1996 CAVALIER 2 DOOR COU YI:CII SaWleaw pnces available while quantities W -1 Hung .n and ensure your selection -1 ^!tier payment programmes and terms available asset er 4^ SF. a lgine 4 speeo aj!:^ a!ic trar:s:7.ss.c:n ail iti.ur:. mss" _'erti s .x[2 b- ! Tota Kara v -fort s�" x:{ •-s wrt� -- leaktss VALUE PACKED 2 2 l engine. 5 -speed manual irar�sm�slon• rear spoiler. 4-wf condrtionmg, removable modular bucket seating, rear heater. 4 -wheel anti ABS dual air ® hoot seat, tr(rilc release Largest �a n As d bole braking system driver side air bag, composite polymer body panels - = Rea sae v>s:a ie .: _�: r. e se .rz �/Y . rust, deep tinted glass amlm stereo, front & rear intermittent wipers. 3 �crls' .�r' n� standard saletp features in its dose safety cage cor>strlicpori side aM r window defoQger protection, rear seat diild molder beits, .carry free 24-rwur roedside ass M pas4oa thendererrorl system, flattery run-down protection. Si price 520,798 plus 5745 freight and tate 1 ease prices179 or s0 downs269 or :13,731 snaMti lar X nnarela, &—'L— per :lona for plus irsight $1, Lea point: S268 per morih plus tai. based on 36 months. Castorade ' prs,dornpgl�,lrefi2Masr 36ONXI% srclsa►O�wM uirements: 53.0116. freight S-45. first payment. security depos;t. tare wfyr"pMtt»saeseiptage ` 1 ill0d 4Sl1 gummy !1t 19 t.."M V6. &AD. Ale 0* MAN 110:. NNanrlllda CM06 i A moat an Lo�dad Pi4ri SdL,1933M Am ;ao dlir.. tffiofr !1,. ,/'. . 1 A 1• .: . " .. a A. J . t (r 1 t , G 73; cc 0 IS 5es-Sob MVI 1 essel N�. Ab h ""Iff go �0��2 ,, - LAKE AREA - w S. BACKSPLIT $169,900m A perfect mature neighborhood to .;� raise your family ...min. from community park & lakefront ^� surroundings, this delightful spacious backspht feat. hrdwd. flroors with w/o from cosy fam. rm. to large pie -shaped property!! All appt. must be scheduled through... HELEN MASON* Your Personal Realtor consultant ..For Life! e 905 -MI -3300 _ - or Fi RST ReaLid.lty mss -x-3330 DETACHED BUNGALOW $135,000 3 bedroom bungalow with finished rec room and _ central air conditioning. New roof and new 2 car garage. Estate sale - great value. >� CALL STEVE FEARON*, 683-2992 AS SEEN ON HOMES PLUS R TV Channel 16 - AJAX QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR BASEMENT APARTMENT'. G SZ $219,900 Great Pickering location Super lot Approximately 2.700 sq. ft. Q Main floor den & family room in bsmt. • -,�. , . a bdrms. plus 2 the apt. PGS • Family size kitcfien Central vacuum 4 appliances PLEASE CALL ,- .. BARRIE COX* 839-7449 RVlym A& ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. � �...,.,...yy,�mC'�* Nf4,.^.uw piPNlL:,u4. 3rA!!•PN,k-A"'��� •eTe Ott .r� I ME , .. iu�waraw:•. 1 SOUTH AJAX - $151,500 Live near the lake in your 3 bedroom detached home with special features. Central air to stay cool this summer. Two lovely brick fireplaces to stay warm & cosy this winter. King-size master bedroom with en suite and walk-in closet, Sliding glass doors from bring room to fully fenced yard. AVAILABLE NOW. DONT MISS R. CALL LUCY BATESON*• Associate Broker (905) 619-9500 -e 1 HERITAGE REALTY INC. JUST LISTED 0 Usait"KA ski T T* ONLY $$,500 DOWN PAYaENT AMU" NOMMI YEYYIyORTGAGS Wall * * * 1Pq Pit pq �r Clean and welt mailttaired 3 bedroom detached all brick home with finished basement and private tieltuxd yard!! won't kat. call MOVW nD LEE or I TACK CHOLA CY Sol" a•__ _ at 905-4284MM or RVM�W AND LOTH 60 X 150' gorgeous lot backi'ig on to parkette. Fully fenced, - fantasbc 3 bedroom home with too marry features to list. Shows a "10". Hrdwd. fur., fam. rm. with fp. b w/o. Eat -in kiL Perfect home, price and locale. Call today, won't last. ANGELA HOFFMANN* (905 683-1088. 1' ��ata -ftw NsplasRU" ~Aaaa • 0 I W $169,900 3 bdrm., 2 bath H*; • Renovated kit. 6 baths • Upgraded brdlm. • Newer windows t t • Pressure treated deck "r `s • Quiet court NW Oshawa. JACQUELYNN TANNER* 619-9500 HERITAGE REALTY INC. JUST LISTED - $132,500 Huge master bedroom with sitting area ' Sparkling pool Finished basement with rec y room & 2 -pc. bath Interlock front walkway Upgraded broadloom & windows Sack yard storage shed ventral air .i Shows a 10! A lot of house for the SSS! Call BRIAN KONDO*, f (905) 683-2992 /"AM Ilk QUALITY ONE LTD RLTR Durum Region's TEOR ., Century : Z A Offices ,e ,�9•- - x ... tt AE 0.0 - - , � .� v . `... , t, � � ,. 1 �♦ r 7♦ t i t f i t' i; l t A f a` �r��° ike 7Za.ttr!ce a eaic w7 coat 96c ,' e4t Fzt4&M 839-2121 428-2121 4 + 3 BEDROOM FAMILY HOME Large detached bungalow, total of 7 bedrooms. lovely 50x150 ft. lot with pool, 5 appliances, cent. air. cent. vac. 3 baths, sep. entrance for potential !n -law suite. Super street. convenient. Asking $169.500. Call Judy Shaw' at 839-2121. .r w LYNN BLANCHARD* DRASTICALLY REDUCED 1 t�� Honey Harbour Estates ' y, rew castor^ .wit "Rick Rondeau" magnificent iwc tam;ly estate 6.700 sq ft.. part ally fin. bsrmt 6 bdrms 2 K *dens 1 91 acre lot. 4 car garage. absoiutery SZ.,ming ove',00K ria the lake Offered at $599900 Call Lynn Blanchard' 428-2121 'A ACRE ESTATE LOT Otters country living In the city approx. 4.500 sq. ft. w%4 bdrms.. 3 tps.. 4 baths. main floor office,llbrary & private nanny s quarters or in-law suite. plus a 3 car garage, extensive landscaping, Interlocking walk This home has it all. Call Bill Chapman' at 428-2121. rt RICK BRISCOE' EXCELLENT LOCATION In Hermitage area of Ajax. 2.340 sq. ft.. main floor family rm., large eat -In kit. with wio to yard. 4 bdrms., master 2 4 -piece en suite & w/i closet. Ceramic floor entry. Beautiful landscaping front & back complete this perfect family home. $216,900. Call Rick Briscoe' at 839-2121. BUSINESSES AVAILABLE 4 Paulmac Pet Food Retail Outlet in Picketing, $70,000 plus stock. Dry Cleaning Depot in Pickering, $35,800. ML Small Coin Laundry near Broadview and O'Connor, $48,000. Ticketmaster Outlet selling vintage & collectable CDs, $45,000. Pizza and Chicken Food business in Pickering, $70,000 plus stock. Deli/Catering business in Ajax, $18,000. 3T Tm TrFu IE uNDA CLARKE' POWER OF SALE $118,000. Townhouse with large kitchen, dining room overlooks living room. Finished basement with w/o to enclosed patio. Move right in before school starts. Ask for Linda Clarke' at 839-2121. FIRST-TIME BUYER 3 bedroom semi with finished basement with open brick fireplace. large yard. fridge. stove. immaculate semi in Oshawa. Dont wait call Richard Maclean' now. Priced at 5121.900. 428-212' UPGRADES GALORE! 2.200 sq. ft. home with 208 sq. ft. solarium. Eat -In kitchen, circular stairs, in-law apt. with 4 -piece & Jacuzzi, built-in vanity. pocket door, concrete drive and more. Priced at 5229.000. Call Anne Briscoe— at 839-2121. "WORTH A LOOK" For sale or for lease, all brick, 4 bdrm., 3 baths, large family size kit., cosy family rm. w4p. Main fir. laundry w/entry to garage & exit to yard. Good size lot 50x112 ft. Approx. 2,800 sq. It. Close to all amenities. $224,900. Call Alasdair Mclean' at 428-2121. SHAHLA ASHTARI' Briscoe Estates Ltd. DONT MISS THIS ONE IN WHITBY Spacious 2 storey executive "Senator Home". Neutral decor, main fir. library & family rm. w/fireplace. Combined liv. rm./din. rm., kitchen w/pantry & breakfast area. 4 Ige. bdrms., master w/4 -pc. en suite. W/o bsmt. w/direct access to garage. $215.000. Call Shahla Ashtan' at 428-2121. w LINNIE BROWN' SERENE SETTING Offered at $245.000, this gorgeous Guildwood bungalow features 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, huge rec room, central air, central vacuum and more. Call Linnie Brown' to Inspect today at 839-2121. 7► Oct � a DICK _ VICTORIAN REPRODUCTION, ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!! $449,900 2 yrs. new, completely finished lower level with 4 -piece bath, kit., games rm., gas fp., office. hobby room, upgrades throughout, ceramics, hrdwd. & custom trim, 6 ft. whildpool, completely fenced yard. Must be seen. Call Dick Briscoe— at 839-2121. 7 CAROL E. K TWO EXECUTIVE HOMES WANTED Fox Hollow, Lookout Point, Amberlea, Maple►idge, South Rosebank, 2,000 sq. ft. plus in excellent condition with double car garage and good lot. Put my 23 years of solid sales and service to work for you. Call Card E. Kudla, Associate Broker, 905-420-7913. JUST MOVE W Lovely well maintained home in Pickering Village. Double garage, main floor family room with fireplace. Main floor laundry. Features five appliances, central air, central vac. Only $187,500. Call Michele Jones', 428-2121. 1 il, __?,: Lifestyle of the rich & famous! Cudom4xAt bungalow backs on to 22 acre private lake. Finest materials & design. Cathedral ceilings, marble, hardwood, ceramics, nanny suite, indoor pod, sauna, spa, pond wtwatedd, fps. & much much more. $1,299,000. Call Rick Briscoe' at 428-2121. !! L 1 RICHARD F MACLEAN �+; FIRST-TIME BUYER 3 bedroom semi with finished basement with open brick fireplace. large yard. fridge. stove. immaculate semi in Oshawa. Dont wait call Richard Maclean' now. Priced at 5121.900. 428-212' UPGRADES GALORE! 2.200 sq. ft. home with 208 sq. ft. solarium. Eat -In kitchen, circular stairs, in-law apt. with 4 -piece & Jacuzzi, built-in vanity. pocket door, concrete drive and more. Priced at 5229.000. Call Anne Briscoe— at 839-2121. "WORTH A LOOK" For sale or for lease, all brick, 4 bdrm., 3 baths, large family size kit., cosy family rm. w4p. Main fir. laundry w/entry to garage & exit to yard. Good size lot 50x112 ft. Approx. 2,800 sq. It. Close to all amenities. $224,900. Call Alasdair Mclean' at 428-2121. SHAHLA ASHTARI' Briscoe Estates Ltd. DONT MISS THIS ONE IN WHITBY Spacious 2 storey executive "Senator Home". Neutral decor, main fir. library & family rm. w/fireplace. Combined liv. rm./din. rm., kitchen w/pantry & breakfast area. 4 Ige. bdrms., master w/4 -pc. en suite. W/o bsmt. w/direct access to garage. $215.000. Call Shahla Ashtan' at 428-2121. w LINNIE BROWN' SERENE SETTING Offered at $245.000, this gorgeous Guildwood bungalow features 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, huge rec room, central air, central vacuum and more. Call Linnie Brown' to Inspect today at 839-2121. 7► Oct � a DICK _ VICTORIAN REPRODUCTION, ABSOLUTELY STUNNING!! $449,900 2 yrs. new, completely finished lower level with 4 -piece bath, kit., games rm., gas fp., office. hobby room, upgrades throughout, ceramics, hrdwd. & custom trim, 6 ft. whildpool, completely fenced yard. Must be seen. Call Dick Briscoe— at 839-2121. 7 CAROL E. K TWO EXECUTIVE HOMES WANTED Fox Hollow, Lookout Point, Amberlea, Maple►idge, South Rosebank, 2,000 sq. ft. plus in excellent condition with double car garage and good lot. Put my 23 years of solid sales and service to work for you. Call Card E. Kudla, Associate Broker, 905-420-7913. JUST MOVE W Lovely well maintained home in Pickering Village. Double garage, main floor family room with fireplace. Main floor laundry. Features five appliances, central air, central vac. Only $187,500. Call Michele Jones', 428-2121. 1 il, __?,: Lifestyle of the rich & famous! Cudom4xAt bungalow backs on to 22 acre private lake. Finest materials & design. Cathedral ceilings, marble, hardwood, ceramics, nanny suite, indoor pod, sauna, spa, pond wtwatedd, fps. & much much more. $1,299,000. Call Rick Briscoe' at 428-2121. SENATOR BUILT EXECUTIVE S!Ur,ing 4 car- a i bncx let cca'ed demand Whitby location Features incl. oversized tam kit w'huge pantry, mine rack 8 chef's desk Mn fir library, fam rm wisp 8 laundry "n */side entrance. Master bdrm. with sitting area 8 5 -pc. 1NGELO oatn All of this 8 more or a premium PUCCI' lot. Tc v,ew call Angeio•. 619.9500. 15 / 900 ��g9 • �..� � `'_ Sgt I MFW i JUST EAST OF THE ROUGE! _ Um p e-snapeI ;01 —maculate executive home' 4 cedrooms' En suite with step-up tub 3 separate shower' Greenhouse .' ;hen with pantry' Main floor family ::m 8 laundry' Gas fireplace' --�amics 8 more' Call now for your tEV acoomtment to view' Bev HISON' "tdchison. 831-9500 or 619-9500. THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED- AUGUST 28, 1"6 -PAGE 25-A .rn ROBERT SIXSMITH' Jot LOVE GLAMOUR & DRAMA?? A CUT ABOVE THE ORDINARY! athtaking dear 'hroughcut' ,rpe ! Oe,l and faux finishing .s exquisde bleached oak 3 •-aole floors bring elegant yet easy -g' Sparkling clean. 3.035 sq 1. a pool -sized lot' Upgrade$ ;more' Hurry' To view :all CATHY " - « MCGILL. 519-9546. ONLY ;236,900!!! Approx. 2,450 sq. ft. Huge greenhouse kitchen, 4 bedrooms, family room, fireplace, en suite bath, walk-in closet. Prime Amberlea neighborhood. MIKE Call Mike Lynch, 831-9500. AJAX 6 1 9-9500 PICKERING 83 1.9500 v K�a.a N6,IM laro,�:w inding a home is a trying experience, whether you're buying your first or fifth home. And it's This Week especially hard if you're looking for something different or unusual— a starter with character, for instance.That takes something extra.lt takes dedication—to sift through ' j... -� \eµs Ad%ertiser all the details and small work.lt takes patience—to persevere and to prevailAt's that extra small push that makes the difference between finding a home that's all right, and one that's just right. A Best Homes diamond sparkling out of the rough. And we're committed to making the difference for you. Count 5 194404 on us for your real estate needs. ' s Repre iw � Associate Broker . BrOW/Owrw MOVE -IN CONDITION! $159,999 HORSE LOVERS PARADISE?n Beautiful 3 bdrm. home with Only minutes north of Ajax, this thousands in upgrades! 2 bathrooms, finished basement, 2,800 sq. ft. home on 15 rolling large lot, new CAC, ceramics acres of land with 2 ponds, a barn throughout kil., hall, upgraded and a 3 car ara e. All this at g g brdlm. Large driveway. Call Rob or $339,000. Call today and make this Ron to view! 831.9500 P.S Buy or dream a realityl Vendor may hold RON sell through us and receive a mortgage at great rate' Call Rob or nA'Y2Au: "FREE" move' Ron to view. !905 831-9500. / 900 ��g9 • �..� � `'_ Sgt I MFW i JUST EAST OF THE ROUGE! _ Um p e-snapeI ;01 —maculate executive home' 4 cedrooms' En suite with step-up tub 3 separate shower' Greenhouse .' ;hen with pantry' Main floor family ::m 8 laundry' Gas fireplace' --�amics 8 more' Call now for your tEV acoomtment to view' Bev HISON' "tdchison. 831-9500 or 619-9500. THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED- AUGUST 28, 1"6 -PAGE 25-A .rn ROBERT SIXSMITH' Jot LOVE GLAMOUR & DRAMA?? A CUT ABOVE THE ORDINARY! athtaking dear 'hroughcut' ,rpe ! Oe,l and faux finishing .s exquisde bleached oak 3 •-aole floors bring elegant yet easy -g' Sparkling clean. 3.035 sq 1. a pool -sized lot' Upgrade$ ;more' Hurry' To view :all CATHY " - « MCGILL. 519-9546. ONLY ;236,900!!! Approx. 2,450 sq. ft. Huge greenhouse kitchen, 4 bedrooms, family room, fireplace, en suite bath, walk-in closet. Prime Amberlea neighborhood. MIKE Call Mike Lynch, 831-9500. AJAX 6 1 9-9500 PICKERING 83 1.9500 v K�a.a N6,IM laro,�:w inding a home is a trying experience, whether you're buying your first or fifth home. And it's This Week especially hard if you're looking for something different or unusual— a starter with character, for instance.That takes something extra.lt takes dedication—to sift through ' j... -� \eµs Ad%ertiser all the details and small work.lt takes patience—to persevere and to prevailAt's that extra small push that makes the difference between finding a home that's all right, and one that's just right. A Best Homes diamond sparkling out of the rough. And we're committed to making the difference for you. Count 5 194404 on us for your real estate needs. ' s Repre iw � Associate Broker . BrOW/Owrw PAGE 26 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., AUGUST 29,1996 R F/A/M W c t i I 1 i l I I .t r 1 t 1 QUALITY ONE LTD. 3-1861 JAM _z r;._ _ - - �..,.A_, w • _,- _ . .. - ar=aye ! ca— a-.,�, Dee C • 8 Country Club just minutes to every+hmg 3 bdrrs 4 bac rr—: - _ !�• a. living room Sep or ^^ , tam room. 3 hrepiaces Ma Ha • Huge rec room, eat -,r K.tc_,her overll rano & trees Just h >^ exr,as & tea%ures to ist Cali for you, ovate view!^r _ M - �� a ,Y, .i eciace 2 -her neck I`' +.. at S1 59,500 3, Huge greenhouse kitchen with centre island. Full en suite in master. Gas fireplace in living room. Landscaped and fenced. Quiet court. Must be seen. ' s t s 1� Seaut+:., :•eenhouse k *cher with w c to deck. man floor aurle^y 3 P, suite bat ,S Apprcx 2.448 sa ft Shows well' • t s 1 s t Backing on to the golf course this exquisite bungalow is one you'll be proud to call "home". Every attention to detail has been included to cater to the most discriminating buyer. For your own special viewing, call today. 3 bedrooms, 1,560 sq. ft., 2 4 -pc. baths, 3 balconies, west view, 2 parking & locker, 5 appliances. professional decor. ' x 3 bedrooms x Jacuzz, style x New deck X New carpet 1 st floor x Fridge & stove x Washer & dryer x Call now - it won't last!! .j id�: _ n � � it ..l.!••. � _ Ni Spectacu.ar 5ungalow w C lower leve.. 6 seater spa. s_� ^,TE cn 2 acres Ct lancsca^ed property. It P tY••, 1 1'2 storey. basement. soiic ssngle garage. deep back yard. 2 person Jacuzz. 24 karat gold taps in master en eat, es sK, --Is hot tub sauna. walKouts, very open extensively renovated. WOW' Potential income to help pay the suite. beaut,tul a',j..r^ n!les ^c^.h ` HA,y 2. lake ccncec nava• s » car garage" Lots of trees & interlock mortgage Appliances. Everything for hist bine buyer or Investor. ^t oacK and K Steps to sk -'.':'IK & cc'fjng "'z 2—s ease ca,. 583-2992. Just won't last. Make an offer today J 4W :411111), MW 4. Located in sought-after Pickering Village this home boasts_.. X One of the largest units X Western exposure End unit townhome with 3 bedrooms & finished Main floor library, laundry & family rooms. Large en suite off X Overlooks the ravine X Fridge, stove basement. Eat -in kitchen, deck, central air & master bdrrnroom with Roman tub & sep. shower stall, 4 bdrms.. 4 washroomX Price $106,900 X Forced air gas vac, new broadloom. Lots of extras. s 8 more:' Only 5249.900. Call now! This 3 bedroom townhome has all the luxuries, 3 w/os, 5 appliances, indoor pool, saunas & Jacuzzis. A must see! • 3 bedroom bungalow with finished rec room and central air conditioning. New roof and new 2 car garage. Estate sale - great value. Why rent when you could own this OwractAate 2 bdrrn., 2 washroom condo? Great location and a great view. This gem shows pride of ownership. •0 1„ Building lot. Big enough for 2 lots. Build the home you've always wanted. Dream a little & make it happen. Pickering - close to 401, schools & all amenities. Must sell. Try an offer. Asking $39,000. Move -in condition. Finished basement, private drive & garage, end unit, good size back yard with privacy fence, large living & dining rooms. $79&mo. w in. down payment. Stable maintenance fees. .,,. i 683,14. ..... - -----99:... W”" OP 3 bedrooms, 1,560 sq. ft., 2 4 -pc. baths, 3 balconies, west view, 2 parking & locker, 5 appliances. professional decor. ' x 3 bedrooms x Jacuzz, style x New deck X New carpet 1 st floor x Fridge & stove x Washer & dryer x Call now - it won't last!! .j id�: _ n � � it ..l.!••. � _ Ni Spectacu.ar 5ungalow w C lower leve.. 6 seater spa. s_� ^,TE cn 2 acres Ct lancsca^ed property. It P tY••, 1 1'2 storey. basement. soiic ssngle garage. deep back yard. 2 person Jacuzz. 24 karat gold taps in master en eat, es sK, --Is hot tub sauna. walKouts, very open extensively renovated. WOW' Potential income to help pay the suite. beaut,tul a',j..r^ n!les ^c^.h ` HA,y 2. lake ccncec nava• s » car garage" Lots of trees & interlock mortgage Appliances. Everything for hist bine buyer or Investor. ^t oacK and K Steps to sk -'.':'IK & cc'fjng "'z 2—s ease ca,. 583-2992. Just won't last. Make an offer today J 4W :411111), MW 4. Located in sought-after Pickering Village this home boasts_.. X One of the largest units X Western exposure End unit townhome with 3 bedrooms & finished Main floor library, laundry & family rooms. Large en suite off X Overlooks the ravine X Fridge, stove basement. Eat -in kitchen, deck, central air & master bdrrnroom with Roman tub & sep. shower stall, 4 bdrms.. 4 washroomX Price $106,900 X Forced air gas vac, new broadloom. Lots of extras. s 8 more:' Only 5249.900. Call now! This 3 bedroom townhome has all the luxuries, 3 w/os, 5 appliances, indoor pool, saunas & Jacuzzis. A must see! • 3 bedroom bungalow with finished rec room and central air conditioning. New roof and new 2 car garage. Estate sale - great value. Why rent when you could own this OwractAate 2 bdrrn., 2 washroom condo? Great location and a great view. This gem shows pride of ownership. •0 1„ Building lot. Big enough for 2 lots. Build the home you've always wanted. Dream a little & make it happen. Pickering - close to 401, schools & all amenities. Must sell. Try an offer. Asking $39,000. Move -in condition. Finished basement, private drive & garage, end unit, good size back yard with privacy fence, large living & dining rooms. $79&mo. w in. down payment. Stable maintenance fees. .,,. i 683,14. ..... - -----99:... W”" SAW IfUL HOME IN DESIRABLE AREA ­1'rec'hold ' stl'!e•• lounrbome, close fu Rour;e M t'alle). ' 1 1/1 }'ears old. ,i uersbnu,nts Ntcell• hedmem, eeerutne•, ner i I hedror,!!t an landscaped / ?,wx) sy. It Sretrle•rt (1'Hans ; basement. Ott turd. fenced a[ rear curt he tours tutrc�sr SA�(1,�'lu tt'ruP- hell olds Ceramic with less fhu,t sl{,UINI dlltL7L un,un,i �rre•nhnute kit, g C'AC' Cell ln' fnl - R'h dPL nth l -/, r. V CallTEJSINGH* .Sun rnr. flim C'a(IRon*jordetailf Chlne.C! Call % Ke Max Rouge River 837-1054. i7-/OSJ. Realty Ltd 9o5-8 )-7449 TEJ SINGW -*aws HepreMb ive "Associate Broker '''Broker/Owner THF: VFWS ADVFRTMER_ WFIL_ A11(.vvr 2R_ 199(wPA(.F. 27_A t .'.'.'.'.'. _ _ . r 't PAGE 28 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED, AUGUST 28.1996 RIGHT HERE! 0 a 0 • a FACTORY AUTHORIZED SALE Come Prepared To Purchase! * Sale starts Wednesday, Aug. 28th, till Labor Day. * $500 deposit at time of purchase. * Delivery within 1 week. * First come -first served -no rain checks. * Dealers welcome. * One location only! * One dealer only. * Low financing available. * No money down O.A.C. * No phone call orders. EVERY CAR & TRUCK IN STOCK WILL 6E MARKED DOWN TA 96 O0ON; M psi�.911 PO CW ov SP W 40 oQS. NES A ���JO�LQCTHOUSANDS! ?,�J �Ntq 25 TO CHOOSE FROM ;1Y5L E R • AJAX LIKE A CUSTOMER" SERVICE OPEN :)f 401)gog,6g2ogag ALL AND AY SATN DA • eR/ eqF, VILLAGE PLYMOUTH OSHAWA~ II V • 9 Entertainment THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., AUGUST 28, 196 -PAGE 29-A Wednesday, Aug. 28, 1996 ]DurhamShoestring Performers need actors DURHAM — Right after Labor Day, There is no membership charge, and people These plays contain material suitable for To borrow a script or for further informa- Durham Shoestring Performers launch a are most welcome to apply for backstage a mature audience. Reading prior to an audi- tion, call artistic director Carolyn Wilson at 23rd season of providing the region with roles as well. tion is recommended. 725-9256. innovative and challenging community theatre. Three plays will be produced this year. representing contemporary play- wrights from Britain, the United States and Canada. And DSP is looking for people to audition for the first two pro- ductions. First up will be Cloud Nine by Caryl Churchill, who takes us to Africa just as Britain is colonizing, with a Victorian emphasis on propriety. Act one is a parody of rigid Victorian atti- tudes, especially toward sex. The sec- ond act shifts to London in 1980, but for the characters only 25 years have passed, and their sexual repression has evaporated along with the Empire. Director Arlene Stinchcombe says Cloud Nine is a hilarious look at our century's struggle to come to grips with changing sexual standards while maintaining family values. 'Ire production will Ik staged Nov. 1, 2. 7. 8, 9. AUDITION: Four men and three women are needed, from age 25-45. Each actor will be required to play more than one character, and strong language is part of the script. The audi- tion will be held Wednesday, Sept. 4 at 7:30 p.m. 0JJ Following his acclaimed D.S.P. debut last season with Assassins, Tim Southwell brings another intimate musical to the Arts Resource Centre. Falsettos, by William Finn and James Iapine, won the 1992 'cony Awards for Best Book auxl Best Original Score. It traces the story of Marvin. who leaves his wife and young son to live with his male lover. IN,; ex-wife mar- ries his psychiatrist and Marvin cntLs up alone. In act two, two years later, Marvin is reunited with his lover on the eve of his son's bar mitzvah, just as AIDS has begun to spread. Ikspite the unlikely mix of charac- ters and issues, Falsettos is really about forging a tightly -knit family in difficult times. This musical is entirely sung through, presenting a wonderful challenge to singers. Falsettos will be presented Jan. 24, 25, 30, 31, Feb. 1, 6, 7, 8, 1997. AUDITION: Required are two high baritones (25-40), one tenor (30- 45), three mezzo-sopranos (2540) and one boy (11-13) with an unchanged voice. The boy's role could be played by an alto girl (11-16). The audition will take place Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 7:30 pm. Singers should prepare one song that shows their vocal range and Physical expressiveness. ■■■1 The season closes with Quebec writer Michel Tremblay's The House Among the Stars, a lyrical piece about three generations of a large family try- ing to reconcile their differences. To be directed by Carolyn Wilson. This play will be cast in January. ■ ■ ■ All D.S.P. auditions are held at the Arts Resource Centre and are open to any members of the community who feel they may suit the parts being cast. CAVALIER COUPE • 2.2 litre engine • speed transmissruil • rear spoiler • 4 evneel ABS • cft.al air bags • easy entry front seat • trunk release >,V,1,71 jrurlr•w p-• m,run :6 mu,rrs iw.+. down V+vn>rm M 52.1113 ,r eQ+rr,ra4nr lead•, -My dqµ t nt 1300 and h—JN 1595 are regured I SA vlir(le +hoyn CUTLASS SUPREM- • dual air bags • 4 -wheel ABS • 3.1 litre engine • 4 sl automatic transmission • remote keyless entry • pow windows • power locks • cruise control • air conditio O : sweepv per month: i6 O nx,rub, pkn . down part, mem of 13.000 a eqw ak ni track, .8c rAy depom of O 1350 and tlekplt 1760 are rmwed. T ss retrde shoMe.. LUMINA VAN ABS • ; 4 .-nyrne • .Need :..•matw transnuv.#on • ted gwss • ,wen passengff seating • AM: FM stereo • -,-ar window defcKlger I ^--r /( (•:; .1 •+r Ln•ne•tt of 6 a •Or..d T W aaa..nc�w.ey drp+"lnas u �I S 1215 .d nyr `ROCKPORT BLAZER • driver's side air bag • 41 -wheel ABS • 4.3 litre V6 engine • 4 speed automatic transmission • push button 4 -wheel drive • power windows/nurrorsldoor locks • air conditioning • high bade reclining front bucket seats No-chargeboards,.. embroidered ., - s.•Iew,s per n+orHh,• >: OUR L D&W 5 36 mori ta• p" a dw n LEASE OFFER T>� a415 aw t." depmrt d fia rs arrt tre.gnc FSC OF THE YEAR 1610 xe regurred. yk Don't forget to use your GM card earnings P75" plan Smart customers use toward the purchase or lease down payment of your next new GM vehicle.SsrAnrLrA,t, a custom-designed lease ' plan to ht your specific needs. You can D GRADUATE ,.,.r ,,,.r�•..,..r Mara pay zero down, lower your monthly What's your card done for you lately? payments or use your trade -In. W..r .Irar•M hews tlrb: toa d un a 16 month Irate Inr vehx x•s egulpped a+ de—bed Fre,yht. IKerlle, rnsuran,r arld taxe% are not Included Offer apptres to 1996 •yew or drm.untrator mod ,•1+ Dealer Ir,N1r nwv br Orrw 0 Dealer may -11ttse for 1—Offer vpire, to cl".l ed retail ,ustomrr+ onben only L—led e oiler ;­isb er s nut be ,ummet or —cl wdh ee you oMer otter, Sr Deakr her drta�l, 'TD and l.M are be em„7 u,rr+ol Mark, '•The b14—ot will rr<rrvr 1300 worth of Sunoco Ultra 94 you, hen which n apprnxinsateh 500 Irtres :olal. pruwdc•,11111ra 94 ,+ wrr !h- ,0, pr, hbe (..,ohne vuu, her, ,an be reKJ-r W Eur ars. Suno+o IWI Offer appire, to new lma6e, 1996 modrh and l,rmoa AN 1996 model, Th,, offer , spurs 5rplember 14 19-t, M e t ri r> � . r 1 r. .• �1 I- -. r i PAGE -WA-THE NEVI'S ADVERTISER, WED., AUGUST 29.19% - a �. .4a Royz rolls through Ajax Five-year-old Michael Lum- Walker and his six -month- old boxer Sambuca were among those taking in a Music In the Park concert hosted by the Ajax parks and recreation department at Rotary Park on Lake Dri- veway West on Sunday. At right. Heather Roy of The i Royz Band belts out a tune. The band performs a varl- J ety of music, ranging from j jazz and Latin numbers to top -40 and rock tunes. photos by Andrew Iwanowski Teens urged to express themselves creatively AJAX-PICKI:RI.NG — Original creati%c tiork. h� tecrrs arc being sought for a sho%k at the end of Septem- ber. The Youth Centre present. its Expressions of"Youth art exhibit during Communw, Health Week Sept. 28 tel Oct. 4. Its fur youth. from 13 to 19 years h%ing in Ajax or Pickering. While it's called an art exhibit, all forms of expression can he submitted, including po►etrv, paintings (including graffiti), drawings. short stories, jewelry making, crafts, cartoons. photography. sculpture, music and computer art. Entries don't have to be related to Com- munity Health Week. Deadline for submissions is Mon- day, Sept. 23. The exhibit isn't a contest, but all participants will be eligible for a draw. An unveiling ceremony will be held at The Youth Centre Saturday, Sept. 28 from I I a.m. to 4 p.m. There'll also be a free barbecue, outdoor entertainment and tours of the centre. The Youth Centre is a community - health facility with services and pro- grams for young people and their fami- lies, including general medical services. counselling and a drop-in program. It's at 360 Bayly St. W., on the north side between Finley Avenue and West- ney Road. Ajax. . Call 428-1212 for more information. INTRODUCING YOUR FORD &MERCURY DEALERS G dm Uy t ' 96 Clearance Event! GET A LOW YEAR-END PRICE ON THE TRUCK, MINIVAN OR CAR YOU REALLY WANT! 1500 CASHBACK Get'% Aerosport "XLT" now only S17,997" $750 SHBACK Mus, get the luxury of Quad Captain's Chairs wben you purchase '!6 Windstar -Special Edition". Windstar GL rated 'Best Buy' by Car Guide Magazine! PLUS CET CREAT YEAREND CASHBACKS ON THESE MODELS: C�so CASHBACK • � � Safe, Sporty and Luxurious! '$750K OFFER EXCLUDES CREW CAB Plus 53,600 in Extras when you purchase '% F -Series "XLS". F -Series is Canada's #1 Selling Truck! w f, $1250 CASHBACK Canada's #i1 Selling Compact Pickup! t 1996 Explorer mXLSM 399 24 MONTH LEASE ON '0The Plonv $3,405 Downpayment Plus get Power Windows, Locks &Mirrors! mocC TVUK VN IAR10 FORD ,AND MERCURY DEALERS NOW! kt 1 .-1' P t P 6J.A end So I A .• P., I.n Oft,, r Iudr, t— ht 118751 I„ rn . rtnurenrr ..d e I <ablr testi Uralrr r a ,rll 1... leu t n,non. w , ,�,Pu•d h.0 1 t. dwlrr ava lahlr .m nrw 1996 Ar.o,Purt App-- nr' qr 4 PV n y N— 1996I.Pl....•. x; S wdh P t P 686A. mrnnhly Ira,r p•rynn•nt of 5199 hnu•d .n. 14 n .,nrh Iraw from ford (r 1 t t., puahl.rd rr1ed Irxrr,, r nprr d . rrdo So— rondrt.un, end 18.000 4m Per Vre m.lre.lr rr,t r.It.nn nP1.IV S 1.405 do.,+ey n.r nl ..•.1.....•d t .... ...... th , {,ey mrnt nnrf w� ur�ty drp: ,�t nl„ rrd...r.1 C. l.,dr, frrght f378G l.. r•. n,u nr. , enA n{, t,h• nhlr'nn.r. Drnle•. n n, Ir•n,r tnr Ir„ l mdrA tirnr .,ril, C).,nnt.tr�.•. nrr hm.trA Srr d.•nlr� r ,r ,f.•I nil. Ont,u V MITA. P 0 8.,. 1000. Oe4 vdlrf Onlnr.., 161514 P THE NEWS ADVERTISER WED., AUGUST 28,1996 -PAGE 31-A SPORTS Call Al Rivett with sports results, 683-5114. Fax 683-7363. Football Dolph*against •ins take twoof four Oshawa AJAX-PICKERING — The Ajax- ed by Jason Collins and recovered by Sean the Ilawkeyes 19-7. Points were scored by Docxlnauth. Pickering Dolphins football teams cap- Bennett was another highlight of the game running back Jason Gomes, wide receiver The Dolphins are on the road to tured two of four games from the Oshawa for the fish. Adam Fordc, middle linebacker Adam Brampton next weekend to take on the Ilawkeyes in the opener of ('entral The Dolphins' banlams triumphed over Swartz and wide receiver Ajay Bulldogs in COMFI, regular -season play. Ontario Minor Football Association play ai Kinsmen Park on the week- end. 71 i'he Dolphins' tykes downed the ' ' • I1lwkcvcs 52-0 Halfback Dan West ;(nd wide receiver Eric Glavic scored two touchdowns each to lead the IN 50 !ish. Left tackle Craig Wilson, who ,CHANCES .cored his first career major. fullback Paul Gemin and running back Ryan Rouleau each chipped in with a TO WIN touchdown. West kicked a field goal and Dan Gaz-arek added a single point. Other scorers weren't submit- ted. IXfensivc linemen Zack Vivian. Glcn Brown and Robbie Budwa% dominated the line of scrimmage. Dan (iazarck recovered it fumble. Ken Silva got the nod as the Dolphins' player of the game on defence, making numerous tackles as well as intercepting a pass. Meanwhile, the Dolphins' atoms dropped a 35-12 decision to Oshawa. Running back Ryan McMillan scored two touchdowns for the fish. Each of the majors came on N) -yard L1allops into the end zone - Paul Dugal was the Dolphins' player of the game on defence. while McMillan was the offensive stand- out. The peewees were defeated by the Ilawkeyes 22-6. Marlon Wong, scored the lone Dolphins' touchdmvn cin a double reverse. A fumble creat - Pickering mite girls' softball team fourth at weekend tourney PICKERING — The Pickering Ian :Martin Ltd. mite girls' select softball team finished fourth at the Brampton tournament on the weekend. The Pickering selects advanced to the `A' division final only to lose to Topham Park 17-9. Pickering then played Brampton in the third-place game, which Brampton won 17-12. To get to the `A' final, the local mites defeated West Rouge 13-4. Pickering started the tourney with a 17-8 win over Richmond Bill, followed by an 11-5 loss to 7bpham Park. Home -run hitters for Pickering in the tournament were Jennifer Cranston and Dana Loughlin with two each, Kristy Balsdon, Lauren Gibb and Kelly Schad with one apiece. Pickering got excellent pitching from Loughlin, Jaime Lee Rolland and Dawn Snyder. Other members of the team are Mykala Abel, Krystal Alexopholvas, Michelle LeClair, Deanne McKeigue and Jaime Lee Rolland. I D �) r��,o The I Communities of York Region L •s,q'1'b>Putis� EARLV BIRD DRAW $50,000 ,LtLS`' DPA' 1'S HELD ON OCOBE� ' . 1996 1-71'C.<E URC'-ASED ON OR BEFORE OC'�BEP 955 1ST PREM! $200;000 F!NAL DR. a^V !S NOVEMBER 30, 996 ON -C<E­-� FliRCHASED ON OR BEFOPE NOVEMBE° 25. 19% 2,462 SO c', VODEL HOME 107 4t 43 BLUEBE-.- DR., MAFKHANi. ON -AR',0 4 AUTOMOBILES �' \KI_',\1 .���•-- 5 HOLIDAY r ------------ TICKET REQUEST - OFFICIAL TICKET WILL FOLLOW TRIPS M71CKM $100 EACH 4 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES ONLY 25,000 -TICKM WILL BE SOLD 344 PERSONAL & SPORT PRIZES I PLEASE SEND ME TICKETS. 95 HOME ELECTRONICS PRIZES' MAKE CHEQUE PAYABLE TO: YORK REGION HOSPITAL LOTTERY ' (PLEASE NO POST DATED CHEQUES) 60 BBQ's, KITCHEN & COOKWARE PRIZES ORDER NOW (905) 471030 TOLL FREE FM y ;Ill 1 1 The net proceeds from this lottery will support programs that significantly impact the communities we serve — programs like Children's Services, Cardiac Care, Emergency Services and more. Lottery License #P964857 NAME ADDRESS CITY/TOWN ----- PROVINCE METHOD OF PAYMENT: �, CHEQUE L_ MONEY ORDER POSTAL CODE V15A MASTERCARD L] AMEX VISA CARD NUMBER 03 Dgrts): j MASTERCARD (15): AMEX (16): IEXIVY DATE MAIL TO: YORK REGION HOSPITAL LOTTERY P.O. BOX 31221, STATION BRM. B TORONTO, ONTARIO M7Y SMI TO OBTAIN A LIST OF WINNERS, FULL RULES AND LIST OF RESTRICTIONS, SEND A STAMPED, SELF-ADDRESSED ENVELOPE TO: LOTTERY, 381 CHURCH ST., P.O. BOX 1800, MARKHAM, ONTARIO L3P 7P3. PAGE 32-A-T1FW J1&WS r[MMMSER. WED.. AUGUST 2a 19% RugbyWanderers women's ❑ Local players to take part in upcoming national and international tournaments AJAX —The Ajax Wanderers Rugby Club's women's teams won their respective league crowns with victories over Guclph and North Halton Saturday. The women's first team blanked the Guelph Satyrs 17- 0 in the Ontario Rugby Union's women's league final at Fletcher's Field in Markham. Claudine Tyrell led the way with it pair of tries, followed by Natascha Wesch with one try and Annette I)arby with it convert. Meanwhile, the women's second squad wrested a 19- 15 victory from the North Balton Ilighlandcrs in the Toronto Rugby Union 'A' Division final at Ilctcher's Field. Julie Parker, Lisa Page and Justine Butryn scored one my apiece, while Lisa Teillet added two converts. The men's first tram dropped a close 7-6 decision to the Ottawa Irish in Ontario Rugby Union play at the Wanderers club Saturday. Chris Duffy b(x)ted two penal- ty kicks to account for the Ajax scoring. The Wanderers' mcn-s second team defeated the Peterborough Pa,_ens first team 35-26 in Toronto Rugby Union Second Division league play at the Ajax club Saturday. Gavin Damstra, Ivan Ghandour, Craig Douglas open 7 Days A Week. Also AzaWle: ftvate Rooms for C'h7istem'n� s, tWeddif g Receptions or Any Special Event a Everydx Specials r • i 29 SMAS THE 50S i 6W INCLUDING MATILDA CATCNA FALLING STAN AND HEART AND SOUL EATERY OPEN EVERY DAY 9:00 am. Save 50°o with our Back -To -School special. Buy one regular priced adult ticket and bring a child along for FREE to the smash hit musical FOREVER PLAID! Limited offer, Aug. 31 - Sept. 12, 1996. Closing at the New Yorker Theatre in Toronto on September 21, 1996. YOU CAN EAT FOR AS LITTLE AS YOU CAN AT HOME Breakfast Special (Daily) $279 Luncheon Specials Daily $595 TWO CAN DINE FOR $ (Every Day of The Week) 1349 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT99 (Everything on our menu (after 5:00 p.m.) or less TWO BEAUTIFUL BANQUET HALLS ALL INCLUSIVE $59w ETr person Pickering Town Centre 839-2507 teams win league titles and Martin ].cc all scared single tries for Ajax. Ivan Iamb kicked three converts and three penalty kicks. The Wanderers' men's third squad lost to the Toronto Saracens second team 34-5 at the club Saturday. Gavin 1)amstra scored the lone Wanderers' try. Meanwhile, the Wanderers' men's over -35 squad beat the Brantford Harlequins 20-10 at the club Sunday after- noon. Charlie Gunthardt and Mike Walters each scored two tries apiece while Pctcr McKeown had a single try. Pat Byrne kicked two converts. Also on Sunday, the Ontario under -23 men's squad downed the Niagara Rugby Union 48-24. \Vandcrcrs' Chuck Butler played at the fullback position for Ontario and scored two tries in the contest. The Ontario men's provincial team will play two games in Newport, Rhode Island over the long weekend against the Mid -Atlantic U.S.A. and the Eastern U.S.A. rugby squads. Seven Wanderers will suit up for Ontario in the contest — Kevin Morgan, Brendan Trainor, Glenn Miller, Ky.c Nichols, Adam Marshall, Brian McCarthy and Jeremy Stewart. The Ontario provincial women's rugby team will leave Thursday to compete at the National Women's Rugby Championships in Regina. Saskatchewan over the long weekend. Twelve Wanderers players are on the Ontario side — Helen Kalra, Sandra Muller, Missy Ptiel, Sue Asprey, Lee Fairclough, Sarah Hall, Natascha Wcsch, Annette Darby, Charlotte Mathic, Gina Minutillo, Janet Burrell and Anne Marie Ficrnrning. The Canadian national women's teaun, coached by Wanderers' coach Kevin Jones, will play in the Rugby Canada Cup in I:dmonton. starting Sept. 7. Wanderers Muller, Fairclough, W'esch, Darby, Minutillo, Kalra and Burrell will play for the national team in games against the national teams of Francc, the IJ.S. and New Zealand. Wanderers players reside in both Ajax and Pickering. nnandale .1 .T f ow 77111 (♦ 1 ! 96 GRAND CARMAN s: 3.3 lilr^ 1M,4 sad., auto dual doors, c-ist alti,ninut tt, r ar it• at and air. All porrsr cquipnl: nt, !•> tit.) ala ir Pidi int rid, fully Ioarl:d, including, „r , t I ; I! trt.d rjl I.lst;r'1 a ..a ...+ `)t) �tlt10;":: t 011 P. '—\ o.1s1, I:,�•; 'rpt, ; CARAVAN pass. AWFM WSS., Ids. bug guard. 66,000 595.5A Cheap van DGE SHADOW IV. ! cyl., auto.. ak Balance of Iacwq od". SWA U94-- OGE RAIZ DISI➢- . - - - 9' MERCURY TRACER 87 DODGE ARIES a dr., auto. Nit. AMS16casa., nip car. a CY1, aNa excellent conaaon. You 90 TOYOTA TERCEL Only won't find one lie n at a bargain N 2 tk_ auto. ae =KL. AWP*cW_ loll dam Seat Seal ISG clMrl tat inside aid Sul $69995 $39995 $7,995 90 CHEV CAVAUER Z24 92 CHEV CAVALIER RS 91 OLDS CUTLAS INTERNATIONAL lYct aa1M pe- pd- Uffmiaa. 4 dr. 7.1. V6, auto. u, tit. pd, Fully loaded indut iris per a" AMPtiaa fats nw itt" A IRirvq cr. AW111ka s, balk. d GM taciory *unroof A Mather inferior ondy. 7tK a 01, bumper to bumper warrarfy. Wry low W. beautiful car. $6,995 $9,995 $12,995 •b ANNANDALE DODGE CHRYSLER MWIM CHURCH & BAYLY ST., PICKERING(am1d, SERVICE PARTS LEASING BODYSHOP 683-9511683-1258 683-5722 683-6488RR Off-track betting a hit in Durham DI!RIIAM — Local teletheatre wager- ing on horse races has proved to be a hit in Durham Region. Norm Picov, of Picov Downs Inc. who operates the quarter horse race track in Ajax, reports off-track wagering at the Picov Champions Teletheatres has sur- passed the $50 -million mark in the two years of operation. The Ontario government's share of this is in excess of $4 million. Picov Champions. in conjunction with the Ontario Jockey Club. operate teletheatres at Wire to Wire in Pickering, hioodies in Ajax and Spurs in Whitby where patrons can bet on thor- oughbrcd and standard - bred horse races at various tracks in Canada and the U.S. The teletheatres arc open every afternoon and evening at all three loca- tions. 1 he Ajax quarter horse track receives a share of the proceeds from the teletheatre operations. The moncy is used to increase r:lce purses and to main- tain and upgrade track facilities. fhc live quarter horse pro r:r:un at Picov Downs on tiundays starts at 1:30 P.m. with post times every 30 minutes. Picov Downs is on the north side of Ilwy. 2 one mile east of Harwood Avenue. Wagering on Woodbine and Fort Erie races starts at 1 p.m. For more information, call 905-686- 0948. No JEROME GIBLON Orthodontist Is pleased to announce that in response to the requests for Orthodontic Services at 1450 Kingston Road in the Pickering Square Plaza (at Valley Farm Rd.) Please Call (416) 439-6222 For Appointments No Charge for Initial Examinations of Children or Adults See the most explosnre outdoor show with fireworks and lasers! Set to some of Hollywood's most memorable music! Nightly at 10pm, weather permitting. CL rL MIX99.94. ob mmmw. Toronto's Most r1reworics! - -;.'\ L14,� -t."J . '-� '__1_71 tSviGHT oNLY!N1Gw OANyLy Watch the night sky= "Plode with a spectacular,�' P� �n -= PM -1. fireworks display set to musk! Fireworks Start at approx 1030 pm. Weather :wrm rn THE NEWS ADVFJMSEIL WED., AUGUST 2& 1"% -PAGE 33- But hurry, this offer ends Sunday, Sept. 2, 1996 Amigo 30 Cantel 50 • Free 30 min./mth. weekday usage • Free 30 min. mth. weekday usage • Unlimited weekends • Jnlimited weekends • S .55/min. 95 S .50rmin. $34 95 weekday usage weekday usage 3 4 • No activation fee per rontn • No activation fee per �•�, CAI qEl:' 01 # I independent • COMMUNICATIONS INC. agent in Canada To fordmor Moe (06) 9534454Parisa(06) 451.0409 Absolutely the Best V Entertainment Value Around. 48 Harwood Ave., Ajax 686-1219 Italian Celebration Saturday, Sunday 8 Monday Sip a cappuccino and take in the music, fashion, food and more including top performers direct from Italy! 20 AcresMof Water Fun! • Whitewater Bay . Canadas largest outdoor heated iva�e poc!' wa • Blade Hole ..the water sfic e ' S you ride in the dark' • Pumphouse an interaca,.e water play area just for kds. FREE with your park Passport PAGE _34 -A -TRE NEWS ADVERTISER, H'M AUGUST 28.19% Pickering Panthers' training camp has hockey team full of optimism By AL RiVETT 4ORTS RFP0RTFR PICKERING - The Metro Junior 'A' Hockey League Pickering Panthers' current training camp is spirited, com- petitive and one of the most tal- ent -laden the team's had in main- occurs. So says Panthers' chief scout and assistant general manager Cliff Long. The camp, which opened last Monday and contin- ues this week, features a health).- mix ealthymix of returning veterans and rookies all vying for it spot on the roster for the 1996-97 season which opens in mid-September. "This iN probably the hest camp w'e're ever had." says Long. "NVe'vc got a good nucle- us of boys. There's a lot of speed " The Panthers currently have approximately 40 wann, bes in camp. Of that number, there's it core group of veterans who will give the Panthers it sound foun- dation to build on, notes long. Amon_ the veterans hack in camp are defencemen Brandon Charters and Richard Spooner. right-wineers Chris Lewis and Jason Wilson and left-winger Graham ilomc. Lone notes three other former Pickering Panthers could he hack with the club again this year. pending the outcome of Ontario Hockev League trv- outs. Defcnceman John Cartile and right-winger Stu Vandergecst are currently attending try -outs with the WEST PICKERNG LADIES SLO-PITCH LEAGUE LEAGUE STANDINGS (As of Aug. 24) TEAM GP W L T RF RA PTS 1 Petro Partne, 6 '3 3 0 305 1!9 26 Whoops 17 12 5 C 30C 183 24 Lear 606 - 1C 7 C 346 2.2 21 Ma,tx ^c 7 8 8 1 25C 194 17 pakc•a Bcbs '7 8 E 1 278 24C I - Sur S,ace '- 8 9 0 2.3 253 16 Rowces 16 4 12 D 188 3.9 E Two e.a^s 4 13 0 179 38C F PICKERING SOCCER CLUB FIVE YEAR-OLDS' DIVISION Juiv Y_ Strkrs P Ke^r vs. K c.s P 're-'-agca,N 4. _ust.^ W -�da•czv. Le -a Wa!•erso M'JPs Mara- Ste'!Cn, Lena Wahersor . Bcb JonnsorChe, 6 Marc evesque S. Scor, .chnsior. MVP M,c^ae, S•^vtne vs 8 arsdale Montessori 4 _oi­ Px. Brandon CSnea..egn Seel, Ar.tnony Vale' _, MVPs Le,gn Se,e^, Nicole Bootle , So - Sports 6 De -e. Jac.sc- 3. A'scr Smit,,. Curis S!uriev. MVPs A.soc S^u!�. Va-ssa S -r^. vs. K c 2 W.odarczy. .. MVPs M,cnae. 'A •^a.. Mark Manning, Jury 22Batnroom Remode!rnc Jared Courlev 2. Nuc oliette Evan vs C.,- M,,r,e, M.cnar Smith 2, Trevor V': Ps M,cnae. S,rnen, _ �shua N,cke,son;, K c.s 4 'Just- 'lvbdarczyk 3. other scorer unreadabe vs Investors Group 4 Scott Bassett, Brendar Weier.ng_ Tyler Jackson, Thomas Learner. MVPs Brenda^ Wete,ing. Krystal Lee July 29'. Strikers 5•,Kyle Sawyer 5. M'JP'orn Vkd,rs vs. OJ Muller 0 MVPs oshua Nickerson. Mrcnael S-tn Bathroom Remodelling 2 (MVPs .aced Cowlev. Memel Evans, MVPs Jared Cowiey. MKnafi Evans vs. Bizoarcue C MVPs Nicholas Beurling, Shawna Biake SEVEN AND UNDER BOYS"A' DIVISION Aug 6: Canada Harowood-•ocring 4 Mrcne Cruczak 3, Jose .urs Gomez. My=s Jonathan C .avtor, ,ose Lurs Gomez vs. Port A Vva . 2 Gregory Mrtchei, 2. M. Ps Steven Adams, Evan pale K rkpatr.ck-. Woos Gundy 6'Stever. Shanks 4, Michae. PDrlener.'yer. Ougard vs OJ Muller 1 (David Pierio. MVPs Franc Granata. David Florio . Blizzard 2 Danny Viliagra, M,cnael Kavaratz.s. MVPs Adam Priam -Hung, Eric Pham -Hung! vs Shandor Assoc LTD 0, Chargers 4 Stephen Henry, Aaron Karamath, Michael Carey. MVPs Stephen Henry, Mcnae. Carey'• vs. PCCCA 0 (MVPs Matthew Wilson, Zachary Lamacraft� SEVEN AND UNDER BOYS"B' DIVISION Aug.6Shc3ung Stars 3 Jason Jacobs 2. Bryant Lyons, MVPs Brandon Bonnett. Jase^ Jacobs! vs. Brodak Group 1 (Dakota Martyr, MVPs Callum Tech, Tyler Nastrch); Teddy's Terrors 4 {Shaun Vadera 2. Shane Vadera, MVP Jar Lakhani) vs. Breezewood 1 (Evan Bassett); Boyer Pontiac 10 (Robert Barron 3. Kevin Patrick 3. Jamie Robinson 2. Kyle Bateman, Mathew Cerrato) vs. J.E. Hanna 0; Whole Tooth Team 3 (Drew Stark 3. MVPs Drew Stark, Andrew Rhoades; vs. Marshall Homes 1 (David Aird, MVPs Kent Williams. Cole Bartxari). July 30: Shooting Stars (Bryant Lyons 2, Johnathan Chiasson, Anthony Sotoaden, MVPs Anthony Francis, Anthony Soloaden) vs. Boyers 4 (Adam Burke, Robert Barron -3 MVP Mike Gilbert); Teddy's Terrors 1 (MVPs Ryan King, Brian Senith) vs. JE Hanna 0; Breezewood 3 (Kurds Barrett - 3, MVP Jacques Murphy) vs. Marshall Homes 0 (MVPs Bobby Taylor, Nigel Lawrence) SEVEN AND UNDER BOYS"C' DIVISION Aug. 5: Ultramar 4 (Steven Koufis 2, Christopher Prato 2, MVP Matthew Keenan) vs. Hawks 2 (Ian Smook 2); BMR Marketing 7 (Malcolm Stanley, Jordan Bonnie 3, Jason Robathan 2, Spencer Yarnell, MVPs Malcolm Stanley, Spencer Yarnell) vs. Chargers 0 (MVP Shane Sidworth); Spotless Auto Glass 12 (Alex Deacitis 2. Tom Kouridis 5, Greg Badalian 2, Chris Wright 3, MVP Liam Walker) vs. Vision Canada Vipers 1 (Alex Hamilton, MVPs Alex Hamilton, Michael Winkle); Kicks B (David Harding, James Jarvis 3, Christopher Savarino 5, Jeffrey Bruno, Bryan Kaon) vs. Lone Star Cafe 3 (James Jarvis 3, MVPs James Jarvis. Lucas Whalen) NINE AND UNDER 'A' DIVISION July 31: Sporting Images 5 (Lyndon Rainford 3, Joshua Horlodt, Devon Munch, MVP Mason Woodley) vs, Maxell 1 (Calvin Burrlows, MVP Michael Vitale); Hill -Rom 4 (Ryan Bede 2, Leland Street, Chad Gaudet, MVP Kevin Campbell) vs. McMillan d Saunders Volvo 3 (MVP Jordan Robinson); Bank of Montreal 3 (Zack Gibson 2, Cody Pollard, MVPs Zach Gibson, Alm Greenbury). NINE AND UNDER BorS''B' DIVISION Home Office Computing 3 (Amr Karim, Alexander Stavrou, Joseph Amerlta, MVPs Christopher Skeates, Amr Karim) vs. Chargers 2 (Kelvin Vadera 2, MVPs Mark Owen Sound Platers. while defenceman Chris Hunter is at the Ottawa 67s ccunp. Pickering Hockcv Association products Tim McCarthy and Derek McMunara, as well as former Ajax Axemcn junior placer Matt Jenkins are also gunning for spots on the roster. As well, clentrernan George -Triton of StouflVille. Mike McCormick of Peterborough and David Cornacchia, of Toronto, a dcfenceman and brother of high -scoring left- winger Anthony Cornacchia, arc making good impressions at the camp. notes Long. The club also boasts a strong competition for the goaltendin_' tandem which will open the sea- ..,. . v . - ..a. , - I . .v - (Graerie Painc. 4. Patrick Cjrien 3. Jacob McMaster. MVPs Alexa^cer A^.a,-C^ •^ Helm, vs. P,7.r ; y., Spp.•g r Tyson Baker, MVPs Scott Averv. Ada- VclPea; Lil Weasels 3 Scot! -_,,or „D•dar Lanza. R.cr, Gardiner, M': Ps -ye- Bail. Rick. ,ardmer vs. Dasa ` Ma,. Gent.:e 2, MVP re'! - Gu --e• July 30- .\ P'-oe^v Services : Graer-ve Murpny-2. MVP Danny C !arr, vs. "c -e Dhce Computers 2 .A. exa^^.e' Stavro L, Josep^ Ame^.!a, MVPs Kv,e' Carso E•c DrC•. -a•y , Pick^a Sic -Spores 4 Bawer -2, Chrisicc^r Ne, i. Kerv­ Campbell. MVPs Cn- s•cpne• Neory. Tyson Ba.e' .s Pactory Mattress 4 „orin P, ey. Mar. : ^v. C pne, Trorr e-. Armory park ^s. MVPs A^•--ny Part, -s. Ryan K.r.par.ck Cna-x-s 2 Broome _dz.a. 2. M':P B•odre :..a.. B, ar Mos.z vs idea segs • .orda^ Lonza. MVPs James A -5e.. jerlery Armes-. W^ore -ootn 2 N,ge Fle^' 9 2. MVP Nage Fie -,ng. vs. Broca. 4 Ca.^ta Ma••,^ 3 N,cno.as .onnston. MVPs Dakota Ma,!, E c Ewn UNDER -10 BOYS' DIVISION Aug 5 Ca":hwa, _ Andrew Peters:.^ 1 , a lemon, Mattnew White 2. MVP Greq, ry Buraw,- vs. V S Motor Comic; Novak 9,Came! Aire,,. Jong ': s!e''a^.c. P,a^ L.ndsev. Cnrs A!tard 4. !an Mai^ eson 2 vs AAA Aaner 3 �E,JC„ re.alev 2. -a­e, S•t.•'e" ,-„a !y -,-e _. - .Cra,c :reDa^.. K, a Deebank 3. Mcrae Gu.uza^ ,s SABA -,ave Givers 2 Arsaan Sn,az. Mathew Za-it, 12 -AND -UNDER BOYS' DIVISION Aug 8 Port Foya V c 3 Ky a .ie,,ge Tourlos, MVPs Matthew Fe'bc^ -nnstopne, Fu Zsa vs. Chargers 2 .Amad Ste:t,e, 2. MVPs Chas Boy J. Pabic Suarez, Sporting !mages 7,Patnck Motcny, Sean McAteer 3. Peter Ng. Josh Lynch 2, MVPs Iii NonChen, Jamie Bu7ack vs. Johnson Contro's 1 (Jonathan Mederos, Wi(Ps Alex Akon, Kevin Graham. Maas Shooting Stars 10 Adam MOPIPsr 4, Kerr. Marshal! 2. Ke- Williams. Marine. Concordia 3. MVPs Trevor Vanacek, Pedro Hove vs Cearnet 0 MVP Andrew D-mosk.. vonarhor, Mee: Kicks 4 Matthew Mann 3. Brae Mdntosrl. MVPs Jonatnar Kaye, Brad Mc.n!osn vs. Compucen!re 4 Derek Po,owv. 2. Damon Paterson, Kennet" Tam, MVPs Briar Starting. Camon Paterson,. UNDER -14 BOYS' DIVISION Aug 5: Ka.o^ 1C KaCar Awaken God 4. Snawn Page 2. Rya- Clarke 2. Roger Esciev..oe Caruso, MVP Ashley Mulvey. vs. Blizzard 2 ,Jenrev Gopaul, Ryan C Hare!; Snooting Stars 6 Jamie Fry 2, Kris Noller, Liam Ritchie. Peter Assenza, Jamie Spindler. MVPs Liam rilchre, Jamie Frye vs. Thunder 2 Matl Pietrangeio. Mark Muicare ' Kicks 5 .;Matthew Lewis 2, Kareem Henry, Evan Muller -Cheng, Joe Stephan, MVP Matthew Lewis, vs. Advantage Car 8 Truck 2 -Nigel Furgusr; Strikers 7 Steven Mdls 2. Andrew V scont, 2, Dane Okraska 2, David Skrepnek, vs Chargers 0; Strikers 7 (Daniel Forrester 4, Steven Mills 2, lain Marlow; vs. Shooting Stars 4 (Peter Assenza 2, Jason Seeney, Jame Fry). 16 AND UNDER BOYS' DIVISION Aug. B: Binns 2 .,ka, Ly, Jonathan Angrove. MVPs Kar Ly, Jonathan 'I ngrove) vs. Kicks 1 (Chris .angford). UNDER -13 BOYS' REP DIVISION Aug. 10: Pickering Power 83 3 (David Ufford 2, Jonathan Carter, MVP Aaron Chinn) vs. West Rouge 0. SEVEN AND LWADER GIRLS DIVISION Aug. 7: Maple Ridge Mechanical 3 (Heather Dougall 2, Michelle Bradley, MVP Michelle Bradley) vs. Wittamore Farms 1 (Cheyenne Debren); Shelley's Sharks 1 (Morgan Killham, MVP Morgan Kitlham) vs. Shooting Stars 1 (Kern Ford): Butn' Ben 2 (Cassandra Murphy, Roseanna Presutti, MVPs Adele Dugal , Katherine Mueller Cassandra Murphy) vs. Strikers 2 (Samantha Switzer, MVP Sydney Francis); Artist Topsoil 5 (Kristina Mauchan, Stephanie Papaconstanfinou, Samantha Arnst, MVP Ariana Van Laren;, vs. Novak Contracting 1 (Kate Walker); Sharks 3 (Larissa Eyitene 2, Jessica Simons, MVPs Larissa Eptene, Jessica Simons) vs. Sporting Image 0 (MVP Nicole Renout). UNDER404E GIRLS" DIVMON Aug.8: Massey's 1 (Courtney Baumgartner, MVP Courtney Baumgartner) vs. Kumon 0; TCB Motor Sports 4 (Jennifer Michalicka 2, Danica Kotsopoulos, Lisa Henein) vs. Kicks 3 (Melanie Campbell, Alyssa Bos 2); Investor's Group 4 (Jennifer Watson 3, Stephanie Akienon, MVP Stephanie Alderton) vs. Lady Bugs 2 (Jennifer Scott, Krystal Dickson, MVP Christine Romugualo, Jennifer Scott); Bizarbecue 1 (Breanna Gooding, MVP Heather Hayhow) vs. Royal Woods Homes 0 (MVP Lisa Barbera); Kelsey's Pickering 5 (Carmela Assenza 2, Kristina Bandzoski, Janine Arnott, Meagan Pearce 2, MVPs Meagan Pearce, Amanda Sheppard) vs. Image Video (Jenna Probert, Janine Arnott); Re/Max 2 (Katie Rda Macma, Ashley Rodriguez) vs. Pickering Slo- Sports 1 (Samantha Perry). son with the Panthers. live net - minders are still in the hunt after one week of training camp - Dustin Cunningham of Innisfil: Daniel Jacques of Montreal. who played last season with the Junior 'C' Erin Shamrocks: Mark Sheridan of Whithy: Jamie Bruno. who played with the Wexford mufgels last season: and Kirk Gaskell of Peterborough. The Panthers open the exhibi- tion season against the Wexford Raiders on Friday. Sept. 6 at the Scarborough Arena at 7:30 p.m. The Panthers are slated to play a home game at the Pickering Recreation Complex on \Vcdncsday. Sept. i i at 7:30 p.m., but the opponent has yet to he confirmed. The Panthers are P also at home at the complex Friday, Sept. 13 at 7:30 p.m. for a return match with Wexford. The Panthers are on the road to Port Hope for an exhibition tilt against the upstart Buzzards on Saturday, Sept. 14 at K p.m. The Panthers open the Metro Junior 'A' league regular -season schedule in West Seneca, New York against the Niagara Scenics on "Tuesday. Sept. 17. They play their annual College Weekend game at the York 1 ?niversity Ice Gardens against new league entry, tluinte Hawks, on Saturday. Sept. 28 at t) p.m. The Panthers' league home opener is Sunday, Sept. 29 at the complex against the Niagara Scenics. Gagne time is 7:30 p.m. Bantam Dragons cap perfect season with Kollo Cup inline hockey championship victory Dt'Rll:1.\l - 'Ihc Durham Drtigons ban- tam inline hocks\ team completed a perfect 21-0 season last weekend with the 1-1 nal yiclo- nes coming in the Kollo Cup tournament for southern Ontario inline supremacy'. The Dragons went undefeated en route to the championship gamc against Kitchener. With the contest tied 5-S rnidwaV through the second period, the Devils exploded for four unanswered ,goals to put the ,game out of reach and claim the title hV a t) -h score. Joel Ward led the way with I -our 'goals, fill- lowcd by Jeff Milroy with three and Kyle Whitfield with it pair. Andre Darlow con- trihuted three assists, and Steve Darlow had a strong ,game, killing off numerous penalties. Matt hunter got the start in goal and provided steady netminding for the win. The inline bantams started the event with an case 12-3 victory over the Bowmanville-based Durham Outlaw S. Brandon Oldfield led the wav with four goals. Scott Oldfield pot - led three, while Milroy recorded a pair. Singles went to Ward, Steve Gonsalves and Toza Crnilovic. Eric Brown made several key saves early in the game. Playing Brampton in the second game, the Dragons prevailed by a 4- 1 Score. Goaltending was the key in the contest as Ryan Kelleway turned in a stellar performance. Gonsalves, Milroy, Mike Ryan and Whitfield scored for the Dragons. The Dragons received a bye into the semi-final ,game and proceeded to crush the cross-town Durham Devils 10-I. M11rov continued his goal scoring spree with a flour -,goal effort. Scott Oldfield and Ryan scored two each, while singles went to Whitfield and Brandon Oldfield. Matt Hunter had to make an emcri_,cncy start in ,goal as both regular nctmindcrs were unayailahlc to play. In addition to the Kollo Cup- the Dragons also won the Inline llockcti Association ban- tam championship as well as the CiRSA provincial tournament in June. .• GRAND OPENING September 7,19% @ 12ptn ?L'££ X07 VV fS .4W 1D 9 COLIN JAMES SCHOOL OF TAE KWON DO 'WHERE CHAMPIONS ARE CREATED' NEW LOCATION OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • orgy screw In Durham Rogim recoWUW by this Often* Tae Kwon Do Association • Patriot 91 school in DuAnm ream on the oonpetdw orcuit • 1 l to 5 Ontario Ham mall dial • AN iru4trlors , l irisd in Fist Aid aid CPR z• • Head nstr uiax maintains 16 yrs experience T� SELF CONFIDENCE EXECUTIVE CLASS OFFERED -DISCIPLINE FOR THOSE 40+ -RESPECT -FITNESS TYKE CLASS OFFERED FOR -WEIGHT LOSS THOSE 6 AND UNDER REGISTER NOW AND RECEIVE A FREE UNIFORM HWY 401 :a, Z'a Smock' 5.31;Ax0 r a Cr 1050 BROCK RD S, UNIT 18 PlurmnerS(O (905) 837-0655 RN m Ba I St HOCKEY TEAM REQUIRED (Sunday Evenings) D.M.H.L. (Durham Men's Hockey League) Contact Raymond 723-4105 before Fri., Sept. 6th/96 Age 19 yrs. old and over the semi-final ,game and proceeded to crush the cross-town Durham Devils 10-I. M11rov continued his goal scoring spree with a flour -,goal effort. Scott Oldfield and Ryan scored two each, while singles went to Whitfield and Brandon Oldfield. Matt Hunter had to make an emcri_,cncy start in ,goal as both regular nctmindcrs were unayailahlc to play. In addition to the Kollo Cup- the Dragons also won the Inline llockcti Association ban- tam championship as well as the CiRSA provincial tournament in June. .• GRAND OPENING September 7,19% @ 12ptn ?L'££ X07 VV fS .4W 1D 9 COLIN JAMES SCHOOL OF TAE KWON DO 'WHERE CHAMPIONS ARE CREATED' NEW LOCATION OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • orgy screw In Durham Rogim recoWUW by this Often* Tae Kwon Do Association • Patriot 91 school in DuAnm ream on the oonpetdw orcuit • 1 l to 5 Ontario Ham mall dial • AN iru4trlors , l irisd in Fist Aid aid CPR z• • Head nstr uiax maintains 16 yrs experience T� SELF CONFIDENCE EXECUTIVE CLASS OFFERED -DISCIPLINE FOR THOSE 40+ -RESPECT -FITNESS TYKE CLASS OFFERED FOR -WEIGHT LOSS THOSE 6 AND UNDER REGISTER NOW AND RECEIVE A FREE UNIFORM HWY 401 :a, Z'a Smock' 5.31;Ax0 r a Cr 1050 BROCK RD S, UNIT 18 PlurmnerS(O (905) 837-0655 RN m Ba I St THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., AUGUST 29,1996 -PAGE 35-A E Gly, WaTFUkTION j L AJAX Town of Ajax �3-R Ringette Association FALL REGISTRATION Wed., Sept, 4, 7 p.m. - 9 P.M. at Ajax Community Centre OPEN TO GIRLS OF ALL AGES * Minor Bunny $12500 * Major Bunny and all other age levels $20000 * Family Maximum $40000 For More Information Contact Lorretta Smith 686-9798 DURHAM MUSIC CENTRE V 250 IIAYLY ,TRE1:T Wla'1' A U AJAX 1�1 905-428-6266 905-428-8-92 C� MUSIC LESSON REUSTRATIOI'V Qf .�LIFIEU PRIV: TE 1WRI (.11',A I.N. PIANO ' GCTTAR " VOCAL ` DRi NIS ` FLUTE ` SAX ` CI.ARI\ET ` THEORY BASS & CUSSICAL ('A ITAR ` VIOLI\ OVER 40 QUALIFIED MUSIC TEACHERS ON STAFF AT OUR NEW MODERN FACILITY PREPARATION FOR ROYAL CONSERVATORY EXAMINATIONS THOUS,4NDS OF MUS 1 (2 BOOKS �^ * SALES ** RENTALS ** REPAIRS '4,n- Creative 'n Creative Dance' B.AI1LF'T • JAZZ • �• T_W • A For( R( ) Tiny Tots Director. R.A.D., C.D.M.A, STRETCH & STRENGTI I ADt -LTS, PA)Y S & GIRLS 386 Kington Rd (Rougem)unt Plaza \.E. Corner of Hati-. 2 ) Pickering. Onurio. LIN" 2K4 (905) 509-5902 ' Royal Academe of Dancing Ballet exams Teenage Development & make up classes Special classes for Teenagers & adults ' Reereational and Competitive classes. ' Competition. in Canada & l S. annual Show .Air conditioned studio with sprung floor. Returning Student; Aug. 26-28 - 6-9 p.m. New Student, Aug. 29 - 6-8 p. m. Sept. 3, -t. 5 or by Phone ' EASTSIDE HARMONY INVITES YOU TO... 11SCOVER! A unique style of musical performance Weekly rehearsal Thursday 7:30 P.M. 6 WEEK ORIENTATION BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 5,7:30 P.M. WEST ROUGE COMMUNITY CENTRE FOR INFO (ROUGE HILLS DR.) off Island Road (905) 839-2030 Maureen yI I PAGE, 36-A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED.. AUG tIST 28.19% 11FAL,L, �.o...�,,REGI TRATION ecreational-Competitive levels • Ages 3 -adult A "( rtified and dedicateq staff spacious, air ned + %with s ' r Annual R Summer F` , Optional isse yrs. tie h �•,,. .lA � 4 '-� ` � of ', - q/��. ^y m ill a pt ed .J : i; .°• 't • r J :1 .: trot 'f, ,A a Place F V \ 845 Westney Road SoU Unit #1, Ajax U J•J� J AJAX-PICKERIMC ALVI KARATE CLUB K i.r -1--, l ........unit, l antro..) Ka. hard. I w %iw ♦lunla�.on Lrrruuq; C-1ra•. 4111 Kg,tun Fid. x111 t l.rl�l art: IF() �'vldrer andAcult Ciass.-, �C/�/ ScIi prograrr 'or 485 year olds SPECIAL ' Serc-Detence d Physcai F tness ONE MONTH MEWE RW Blacx Be!, lnstvctoes ONLY $9.95 :onnnuot s Year -Round OFFER EXPIRES Pr gram OCT. 30196 1:3mdy Rates RE'GWER NOW - L.IIITED EeAOLLMM Fiexibie Me^tbershps 4300 ,721 Devew Co-ordmat,on V"f and Flexiolo DEMONSTRATION Increase Sell-Contloence 8 Sen -Esteem SAT. SEPT.711:00 AM instill Dtsopl ne. Moovaiur AT PICKERING LOCATION and Pnde MONTESSORI LEARNING CENTRE Promotes ar -I CAN DO IT- 401 Rd. aritude EVERYONE WELCOME Locations to serve v% better . - -M AJAX CLUB PICKERING CLUB LEARN A LANGUAGE through Continuous Learning Tltc• Durham (:ollegv Continuous Learning; division is offering langUag,e certificates in American Sign Language (ASL), F'rencb Proficiency, and Spanisb. Classes are also being; offered in German, ltaUan and Japanese. (;lntinuous Learning of -f rs lxfst-seconday, vocational, skills and general interest courses geared to suit a wide range of needs. Give us a call at 7721-3052 011 find out what we can offer you. Register hodajd To receive a ft" Itegister by Phage with course calendar credit cord 721-3000 or call 721-3052. 1-800-461.3260. Educating You for the Real YVorlcl. ESL Need to learn English? Durham College programs offer the skills and knowledge that today's employers want, backed by a guarantee that they can rely on -- that's the Durham Advantage., Englisb As a Second Language is a program designed to train individuals in the English Language at a Newcomers, intermediate or advanced level. The program includes computer skills, language laboratory activities and job search preparation. An English assessment is required prior to registration. The L.INC program starts September 9, Intermediate and Advanced begins late September. Give us a call and we can help place you at a level comfortable for you. " a :tort on your Call lodny for mon English bpui - information at prolp mon bilin soon. 721-3300 Educating You For the Real World. Denise Lester Dance Academy 1550 Bayley St. Unit 24 & 25/1134 Kingston Rd. (905) 839-3041 3 year Olds to Advanced Ballet $ Pre -Ballet' Combination Class $ Tap' Jazz * Acro # Adult Jazz $ A& Modern scrving Pickering for 2.1 yrs with Studcnts dancing; on Broadway, at A onderland. in commercial) and operating studios of their own. - (.lasses f rr ; years to advanced Year end Recital, u,e work to keel) recital BROADWAY costumes inexpensive. PIZAZZ -Competitive Groups BABIES - All classes suitable for Gold Medal Winners Gold Medal Winners males or females Denise Lester MBATD. Ballet,Tap, Modern Cindy Willems MBATD-Tap, Modern, 7 time Choreographer Associate Ballet Award Winner Ryerson Dance Suzie Cunliffe MBATD.Tap, Modern, Graduate Associate Ballet Julian Soler Associate Ballet,Tap, Wonderland Modern Choreographer Christine Tavares Associate Ballet,Tap Wendy Matos MBATD. Tap, Modern, Modern Associate Ballet * Visit our studio Aug. 28th, & 29th at 5:00 P.M. to 7:30 p.m. * By phone 839-3041 N PICKERING CLUB LEARN A LANGUAGE through Continuous Learning Tltc• Durham (:ollegv Continuous Learning; division is offering langUag,e certificates in American Sign Language (ASL), F'rencb Proficiency, and Spanisb. Classes are also being; offered in German, ltaUan and Japanese. (;lntinuous Learning of -f rs lxfst-seconday, vocational, skills and general interest courses geared to suit a wide range of needs. Give us a call at 7721-3052 011 find out what we can offer you. Register hodajd To receive a ft" Itegister by Phage with course calendar credit cord 721-3000 or call 721-3052. 1-800-461.3260. Educating You for the Real YVorlcl. ESL Need to learn English? Durham College programs offer the skills and knowledge that today's employers want, backed by a guarantee that they can rely on -- that's the Durham Advantage., Englisb As a Second Language is a program designed to train individuals in the English Language at a Newcomers, intermediate or advanced level. The program includes computer skills, language laboratory activities and job search preparation. An English assessment is required prior to registration. The L.INC program starts September 9, Intermediate and Advanced begins late September. Give us a call and we can help place you at a level comfortable for you. " a :tort on your Call lodny for mon English bpui - information at prolp mon bilin soon. 721-3300 Educating You For the Real World. Denise Lester Dance Academy 1550 Bayley St. Unit 24 & 25/1134 Kingston Rd. (905) 839-3041 3 year Olds to Advanced Ballet $ Pre -Ballet' Combination Class $ Tap' Jazz * Acro # Adult Jazz $ A& Modern scrving Pickering for 2.1 yrs with Studcnts dancing; on Broadway, at A onderland. in commercial) and operating studios of their own. - (.lasses f rr ; years to advanced Year end Recital, u,e work to keel) recital BROADWAY costumes inexpensive. PIZAZZ -Competitive Groups BABIES - All classes suitable for Gold Medal Winners Gold Medal Winners males or females Denise Lester MBATD. Ballet,Tap, Modern Cindy Willems MBATD-Tap, Modern, 7 time Choreographer Associate Ballet Award Winner Ryerson Dance Suzie Cunliffe MBATD.Tap, Modern, Graduate Associate Ballet Julian Soler Associate Ballet,Tap, Wonderland Modern Choreographer Christine Tavares Associate Ballet,Tap Wendy Matos MBATD. Tap, Modern, Modern Associate Ballet * Visit our studio Aug. 28th, & 29th at 5:00 P.M. to 7:30 p.m. * By phone 839-3041 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., AUGUST 28,1996 -PAGE 37-A c wALL 41 r R. G1 TRA M: PICKERING � I \ nitt 11J101 I �c:u hfITI many changes for audent� 1c"cla.Scs. nc" Inends anti tic" c" nen•-cs. By enrolling at 1\ an Ihis lull• yt)ur t_hdd can -,o hack It, t;htx)I "nh the kill, and cuntidcncc xdcd Io succeed in the upcoming .car �,.trl the nc%% sch(x)I .car with cunlidcnrc Call SSvit-an today iz� SYI.%AN LEARNING CI' N"I'RI•, 9,hl 1)I-, kering, Ont. - Wading ' I,% riting • Math • titudy Skill% • llonnie%ork Support J//IIIIIIllllllllllllllllllll� 1. RRAINE SPIF.RS 1� 0 BIANCHET % HIGHLAND 00 DANCING \t,rtt. \rrwrn(,u) LESSONS ��� 1t 1<Irit(,It rtl1 B.A.T.D. r Fit •y;u a It •rte vv'<'Ic ur nt • Ages 3 & up \tot)r c hllti'�, Classes ��� •t ,r to c •c t,-ur,hrl.!toni available r Tues., Wed. ►�1 rThurs. �M ,0i (Hwy.2/Dixie) ►�, r 905-420-7641 1 Jacqueline School of Dance I/),, (,l 997713 Ont. Lid.) 13'Anniversary Jau Tap Ballet Pointe Registration Returning Studil Aug. 7 -Aug. 10 Tues., Aug. 27 PRECISION SKATING TEAM TRYOUTS it All Ages $5.00/Tryout Tues., Sept. 3 7:15-8:30 O'Brien Rink Fri., Sept. 6 6:00-7:00 Delaney Rink Mon., Sept. 9 6:00-7:00 Delaney Rink Tues., Sept. 10 7:15-8:30 O'Brien Rink Adult Team Tryout Thurs., Sept. 5, 9:00-10:00 p.m. Delaney Rink Call Now for information ` ! Debbie Spencer. 420-6268 r- t Pickering Figure Skating Club -' Limited enrollment ti eg• + '' available ... Int. Adv. 1 Mev ,r , O'Learv's School of Drama offenng the fine,t training in 1heatri al I rn. theatre and f dm for age) 5 to Adults. Y.'- - )5511 Rash St.. Pickering. 0N. 1.111 311 I All rl.nx..uc n week nt Irn h .ut,l aur ,m ,„nc thr„u.h„ut the yrar S,"Wri, writhe .,er4 n( \,1,f, nJwr vth. o, tahYr _ 1,t and 1)e, , -er 'nd. NW) S Ill a1,te,e't lotoot h,tsed toot B1111,11Acs,a tatl,rlr 01 Icia here e,/!hunting t B :1 0)) SI uahu,t. Age's 1 1/:c. 11) tidult. Spet tul tern and adult rlac.rec. Qar sh I Gold, 2 Silver .Medals c Call today for appt. or info. 420-7399 1360 Kingston Rd. The Hub Plena (mcl)onalds) Unit 13 & 15 (office corridor) We Offer • Competitions • Examinations under B.A.T.D. Syllabus • Field trips to the National Ballet • Spring Recital • Work shops Summer Performing Arcs Programs Registration New Students Thurs.. Aug. 29 5-8 p.m. Tues. Sept. 3 5-8 p.m. Thurs., Sept. 5 5-8 p.m. ;h, A9e3.,°q3 "�_"4 FALL CLASSES NEW ADVENTURES in computer learning for ages 6-12 Computertime kids: will be making T -Shirts, by designing their own pictures or signs for print out on a special iron -on transfer. We supply paper & blank T -Shirts. Other craft activities include: paper toys, fridge magnets, custom- made stickers, door knob hangers, buttons. special greeting cards and a whole lot more. OTHER CLASSES AVAILABLE: Pre -School Computer Fun - Ages 3-5 Kids Can Program - Ages 9-14 Rhythm of the Keyboard - Ages 6-14 Call for class times & further details 905-619-1014 570 Westney Road South, Ajax �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL hiallGcd [cat her \dcanccd Iraming fur funior hrndcreancn agrd chddrun ? J t4 i %cars; -.. I;1ngll:IgC. malls. art. rmlrl)ntnrntal '-' tudics Integrated into a chdd-crntrcd :arning program ­iIh morning ur aftrrnt)4)n program �n)m Ix -un the wcc� of �rptrmtxr < I /`N) _ _ t.allltrii)hx t,tlt) LINUA 0,06,xtl )via-I.ARI)I. =_ ?I II I[IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII[IIIA Lige ZPe _PW8 9 Plug Sckeae,rr NOW ACCEPTING ENROLLMENT 8 mths to 2 y's - S'45 per vv ­ :• 2 V,s !o 6 yrs - S14C per week Visitors always welcome! 428-9909 33 Falby Ct., Ajax Highland Dancing Lessons SYMINGTON HIGHLAND DANCERS LORKAINE SYMINGTON Fellow B.A.T.D. Judge S.O.B.H.D. Exams, shows and competitions 3 YRS. AND UP CALL 686-3456 pq u05an C0505nler SCHOOL of DANCE M.B.A.T.D. Tap • Ballet • Jazz • Pointe `Ages 3 yrs. to Adult "Famous Adult Tap/Jazz" Registration: New: Thum., Aug. 29, 5-8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 30.5-8 p.m. 43 STATION ST., AJAX 686-0141 ..1,.. aY_;_ Wadc irtera:!y ^•.ears The V1ay cf Peace. At Ajax -Pickering Wado-Kai Karate Club we cater very much to a family-oriented atmosphere. We offer 2 programs for children: 6-10 years old and 4-5 years old. Kids learn not only how to defend themselves. but also how to follow directions, pay attention, work in groups, become more co-ordinated, to focus and concentrate, become more physically fit and they have a lot of fun in the process. We use a very'GAME-ORIENTED' approach to learning which the kids respond well to. Periodic discussions are held about bullies and gangs and any problems the children are having in this area along with solutions. We also stress that what they learn in the dojo (training Hall) is not to be practiced outside the dojo (especially in the school yard). Self-confidence comes from being able to defend yourself and knowing that you do not have to fight as a result. All this and more is taught in the adult class which starts at the age of 11. Following the success of the Ajax club which opened 3 years ago, a new location is opening in Pickering on Sept. 11/96 at the Montessori Learning Centre, 401 Kingston Road. A grand opening special of $9.95 for a one month membership is being offered until Oct. 30/96. Your first class is always FREE. We are also holding a demonstration at the Montessori learning Centre on Saturday, Sept. 7 at 11:00 a.m., everyone welcome. For further information please call. 1 1� (rc)lrA�.1-c.1.1�.I111(li_t)i 1 t\I )I I ZONA HISI I, I )ANCI\( I .: . \t,rtt. \rrwrn(,u) ��� 1t 1<Irit(,It rtl1 (fit Fit •y;u a It •rte vv'<'Ic ur nt • t \tot)r c hllti'�, ��� •t ,r to c •c t,-ur,hrl.!toni �M ►�1 l I, t��c ti t l(.1d i �M 'u hent,; ►�, .. . ,, „Ili r, it r it, Oat It ;. ,, 1 M 1 tc - i- ri:d lii�rr it1,or • 4 1�4 \r It it fit, i n, t ,1 to .t Int 1�I 1 t 1 { t , ,M 141 lje�;t.tert -t 1 \1t r. It x r t )t �p `. I ( , )If i!i,,ntrn Lt' 1{utt I �p ;04 it•I.It I I.I Ire •L it I 1� t, I ),11 14 t' lett rit r� �« 1 .a„ i,Itit)n t4 c ,tn,it1.1 �+ 04 Ariic•n( .t 04 14 f=t)r Itirthc-r nll()rrn,itterrl �« ' 1-111)) 2 t ) 7 1cli. '14<I\ , III, It )it' It or `A It �r►L����— — — — — ---���Jr Wadc irtera:!y ^•.ears The V1ay cf Peace. At Ajax -Pickering Wado-Kai Karate Club we cater very much to a family-oriented atmosphere. We offer 2 programs for children: 6-10 years old and 4-5 years old. Kids learn not only how to defend themselves. but also how to follow directions, pay attention, work in groups, become more co-ordinated, to focus and concentrate, become more physically fit and they have a lot of fun in the process. We use a very'GAME-ORIENTED' approach to learning which the kids respond well to. Periodic discussions are held about bullies and gangs and any problems the children are having in this area along with solutions. We also stress that what they learn in the dojo (training Hall) is not to be practiced outside the dojo (especially in the school yard). Self-confidence comes from being able to defend yourself and knowing that you do not have to fight as a result. All this and more is taught in the adult class which starts at the age of 11. Following the success of the Ajax club which opened 3 years ago, a new location is opening in Pickering on Sept. 11/96 at the Montessori Learning Centre, 401 Kingston Road. A grand opening special of $9.95 for a one month membership is being offered until Oct. 30/96. Your first class is always FREE. We are also holding a demonstration at the Montessori learning Centre on Saturday, Sept. 7 at 11:00 a.m., everyone welcome. For further information please call. 1 I PAGE I&A -THE NEVI'S ADVERTISER, WED., AUGUST 28.1996 FALL REGISTRATION Barry Clark ,� Music Studio �4 o'ess onai pe�crmar,ce 8 educaUonr!— • Private lessons for piano. organ. guitar & theory. Preparation for -7 conservatory exams. Jazz & Pop. 7 Beginners to advanced. 144 Old Kingston Rd. 619-2990 .Dense Lester Dance Academy bfa-, s:.J its .a.e :or tnu� A- s.= -s% -c :c3."e5 & no,eogw"-?._ _'-e'�'.a.e'oSXEC Jr 3' ivJnwa-r.. it me _3S::':eiev5,or g were :.e7- - =-ss.a -IS ;.ds' rear we w^,r '-an,, -iea'S S -xr*S 3 wap nvRed it t1a:e. s :a, :araje S G -+awa; f e:arae:ed ms _un :r:' ~aboral ;iras'or fiance =-e, ca ne ^ r 2wIr3c --iorr1a At ,ever 'Jutnes place: vt, - V,xi, �-tamO.Ors c • 2nC ; twe - CtIrC. 2 - 5r. ' . 5r ,. tis .e^, ex-lbng': Jur sr Je' s w^Or^'ave=Omoiete: w exams rrs svng - -ane Soler Be!, 3.aer -,nrsbne %'a,as 'anva V,-av A1w PewxK (-s,, Srmors Monica ,r -3,;5'. Goran- +Jung -este 3reencaur- 5 "ren M �xad V )s: Jt resp s'jo-ts 3 others :OC. stanec ;ancm^y w1r ..s a' 5 : Irs ad Gancng'as veer '�- tar me K,w 3s we, as forme ease's wnc:augrf mer- _.er ',ac "*e not wr all nose -.eras they sac woulC ^ave earneC dlsapllr* 'MOrSO11r4 & a eeung Of worgrig Canc:rng streng:'tens 'nore ra, lis* the Dov :a- nec a -,x devem sen nnhoence 8 sec awareness 'he ~ enesr>os mace a' me stuo c :ome about rro ,gtr espect for Jne ar others -and work & glen; 8 are swemnes ute,onc (+.e aKe youngsters at 3 8 hopefully see mer, throug^:: :oieg,ate :x into aoout our passes in UIe:, ap azz acre. 8 adur a:z :al: M3041 THE CLUB DRAMA PROGRAMS AGES 5 TO 18 "ACT NOW" RESERVE YOUR Now in two locations Whitby & Clarington "A PLACE WHERE KIDS CAN ACT UP" 42V MUSIC LESSONS Piano - Recorder - Theory - Preparation for RCM exams - Home instruction available - Reasonable rates Call: Albert Verheij, B.A. AILC.T. 839-7374 South Pickering MONTESSORI LEARNING CENTRE OF AJAX PRINCIPAL: Dorothy Graziani A.M.I. 4 RANI)AIA, I)RIVE. AJAX (In St. Georges Anglican Church Hall) Please look us up when you are searching for the best school for your child- Even Montessori Schools differ in offering (e.g. Drama. French, lunches. skating. swimming and cost. We take children from 2 1/2 years to 10 yrs. for full days, half days and some other options. (Atter hours supervision 7:30 a.m. and until 6:00 p.m.) OPEC IfOt`SE AUG. 219 10 a.m. - 12 noon r1 presents r4 i t► A SPECIAL PROGRAM FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILD! enccurages early iearnmg and creatw!y ir cnndren 18 months to 6 years of age K -de, -,s -, s a gently structured. `ex;t e curriculum that allows the chid to learr and deve op at n;s or her cwn pace Each class gathers once a weeK for s;ngrng. moverg l sten ng and playing sump e instruments Gasses begin the week ,' Sunday Sept 15 199c (classes also avacab a Wednesdays ane Thursdays) Contact directly Traci Scheepstra (416) 498-8493. ASK about anend,ng a FREE demonstrat,cr Gass A, c:asses held at O Learys School of Drama 1550 Bayly Street Unit 22 Pickering Ontano L1 W 3W1 1•'x.0"'... �tvtiet+opill," uf.o�it�.r.� a444e :.f%c. • professional model training for ages 5 to 95 • personal development courses • fashion & event production (905)509-7315 ROUGEMOUNT CENTRE 376 KINGSTON RD. (PICKERING) Continuous Learning presents On-site program INFORMATION & REGISTRATION O n c (x t anti rc•c c ivc I)urh.lm (:nllvgc• C(mtinuctus Lc•:rrning pr(1gr:tm into rnl:Iti(m and rc ni lc•r hi(r t()ur ( ho c•n c(nlry .III in ()nc c tc rlirt;�. -rhurs(Lrs-, ticptcmlx-r 5. 106 (r:(N) to 8:30 pill M. Mary (.atholit ticcontLln 4hool (cafeteria) 1918 % hitch Road. Pickering (all (905)-21 40i' for more information. Educating You for the Real World. 1 OPTN IIOt-SI: - RFGISTRA`FI0\ SEPTEMBER 3 to (:lasses, Seminars in Folk Art, Basketry, (-.alligraphy, Fabric )Xood, Brushes, Paints, .Books, Packets and much more. -The Courtyard - 109 Old Kingston Rd. W. Unit #1, Ajax 41. r4 it u111 u m l 1114. Business hours: Now Open :Mondays Mon. -Sat. 10:00-5:00 Mon.-Thurs. 7:00-9:00 905-683-6109 m _ sill(* F)ti.l � FAI Ll I * I'( I's I t_ � (-.y �'�.��.mgil li 411. mr-h.•�.t=. JAZZ *(TAP * Al C1'k0 /F`AT1(',S `"IOSSQS Available for Children 1 V1 years to Adull All (rnlrudc)m are fully qualified wililin Illeir area d exlwrin't, Mclr-lie T/glt.r (,.().i.A. - h,,Oi Mi,(amF,iwll G.P.T.A. - Maria LaFl,,. R.A.D. (.arulyn Frown C:.D.T.A. FIGISTPATIGN DATES ILIt�S. AL ) "V c uIM. PNONf /N RfBISTRATMAl AYAIIABIfI f90iJ 421-9906 • linghl Clean Studu, - Viewing Wmduws OIG Kng4non Nd in a e U Hwy 2 Z Hwy 401 • Exam Preparauun Available -The Courtyard - 109 Old Kingston Rd. W. Unit #1, Ajax 41. r4 it u111 u m l 1114. Business hours: Now Open :Mondays Mon. -Sat. 10:00-5:00 Mon.-Thurs. 7:00-9:00 905-683-6109 m _ sill(* F)ti.l � FAI Ll I * I'( I's I t_ � (-.y �'�.��.mgil li 411. mr-h.•�.t=. JAZZ *(TAP * Al C1'k0 /F`AT1(',S `"IOSSQS Available for Children 1 V1 years to Adull All (rnlrudc)m are fully qualified wililin Illeir area d exlwrin't, Mclr-lie T/glt.r (,.().i.A. - h,,Oi Mi,(amF,iwll G.P.T.A. - Maria LaFl,,. R.A.D. (.arulyn Frown C:.D.T.A. FIGISTPATIGN DATES ILIt�S. AL ) "V c uIM. PNONf /N RfBISTRATMAl AYAIIABIfI f90iJ 421-9906 • linghl Clean Studu, - Viewing Wmduws • Sprung FI -r • RCereAmwval w C,, npeutive Level • Special Family Rates I111ttiG• w Rhys Dank -l' al 50% aft N'r Ill I.1 • Exam Preparauun Available Junwu Sm.,ll Gr- p • Yearend Recital w All uuknu receive a Year-end Rerxw4 and Cerl4f4care ul Paruapau.wl CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION: (905) 428-9906 2200 Brock Rd., Pickering (north of Finch at Dellbrook) 1 THE NFWSADYFRTISFR, WFD.,AF'!:lis-r 2!(, 199(1 -PAGE 39-A REGISTRATION Toadvervol-CAV iri 1, this section call 683-0707 QL 7,7:s? sus Scrninarn t,,r the OSHA\&,\ .\Rf:A ('ERI IEIED HE V:rll t':\RF: \11)F: R \\t hod rH1 RSI)AY. eF:t'rF \1Hf:R I'1yiSai EX rE\UI(' ILRE \1 RSI`(: FIOSIF. +_ Park R, 'Id \„rih_ rr.tia'Aa P!an No ;mend .mc ut the („lluca me +crninar, Scrnrnar, \, 1_2(X)nuun n Scunar , H C S Iii) p int Ino rc•scr%an,m rcyuircd h,r +cnunar) `F k% SKIT LS \O(' IL7I0.%\1. H04 )I I Plca+c Jin nut call F.ctcndrearc i (If AER\\1f \1 \VI'RO\Ll) PR(XiR:\\I GINGERBREAD CO-OPERATIVE NURSERY SCHOOL "Success for over 20 years ­ Child /* \ 4 Teacher 'Parent "I Love the Parent Involvement - 2 1 2 - 5 yrs. nvolvement"212-5yrs. S75'month - 2 morning program S95,'month - 3 morning program 831-9246 *,(onBayly between Liverpool & Whites Rd.) Pickering The Dance Experience: Quality Training Elizabeth Ryan Bronze Medal Winner In A Caring Environment * 0NETeadter: Terri Robbille BYA Dance (hoes) * Sprung floor for safety * Best Prices on classes, costumes, recital, etc. * Competitive program available * Small lasses (max 10 students) * Family discounts Creative Dance I JDance Beginners Jazz Ballet ages 2 1/2 - 5 ages 5-7 ages 6 & up ages 6 dE up Stimulates the chills Introduces the child to Funky Hip -Hop is An appreciation and natural love for all types the grace of Ballet, the combined with traditional understanding of music of movement & music enthusiasm of Jazz and Jazz techniques class w in this are developed along with while developing the joys of Creative FUN dans which strength, emuscle gra tone, imagination, co-ordination Dance. develops rhythm, co balance 8 grace. & myth ordination, fitness and �r'9'I s�at10R confidence RETURNING STUDENTS: AUG. 28 6-8 RM, 4 _ NEW STUDENTS: AUG. 29 SEPT. 4, 5, 6-8 P.M. 96 Old Kingston Rd. Pickering Village 683-5767 AUDLEY ROAD STABLES FOR RIDING PROGRAMS Children 8 yrs. & up and Adults 686-4641 Ajax Call for info. & tour appts. Q:SS,A.'vD I I1C 11:i Ist. tlll,r; .>\\ 1111 ( ]UI) I:+ celchratu)g, it, '()Ih Anuncrs.in this ir \\c art- proud of .111 of our Hast .I present suinrrlcr, inducing Lisa ! od participant cn Elie• 199' And I')'X) sunn icr Ohniprc Damps 1 hc• Pickcnn); sec int Cluh And its sister ,:h. The Pic kering I undanicnials sarin (:Itch. oftc•r iornpctitnc And -danu•ntal sw irnining I,) i hddre•n of ahilitc lc%cls the ( luh inters pin tc..ioiii l coat ping a great tcAm slant, hard work that m.ikcs %ou ICCI "'d, tun. and ntam high cahlx•r sw int nu•cIs I he Pickering \w un (:luh w ill he huldrng A dcmonstr.iuonitrcuuti rcgistrutTo) 11 111ght un IhursdJ�. scptcnihc•r I1). front i-- p in , At Elie Pickering rc•crc•atu)n (:omplc•x Fur turthc•r utturniatiun. PICJsc• Call Kathleen K.nc, Joanne• Miscncr-Allc•n. 080-0-1-+ 1 c[runmrnt t4)r dance .Irv+ ini. .i sitnc experience t„r cccrc r,c olccd Frnnt thc• tour %car old irstuii with c•xcitc•nic•nt )%(-r ilio• Cita! to [fit, cdnipcLiticc• danic•r. c•acli c•ni.nirA�;c•d with prarc .cru1 posr',nc- anrnc•nt% lc-rri Rohrt.irllc Uirc'ch)r of ':IC sch)N)Ithat dArtccrs «ill Huish onlc it the c enloN their isscs Ruhitaillc•. butut) tracnc(I At ::u• I)cnisc• Lester DJncC AoJdcntri .Enol ,raduatc•d lnrni Ilio• DArtcc 1)cparnnc•nt At fork I nicc•rNiIN brings hc•r sch,x)1 A wealth of icacluni; c\pc•nc•ncc utcludint; Elie \lotto separate Sch)N)I Nmrd.ni%ursit% And sc•neia G)llc•);c• Sonic opening fhc Dance Experict)cc• shi has cnµ)� cd much success. with cnndinicnt inure than tripling occ•r thc• Past tour %Cars. And a rc•cc•nt nto%c• to a bright new studio. Shc• welcomes hack all her nc•w And rctUrning students 3711 %estne- Rd. S. -12_ �- Vr DANCE STUDIO INC. (905) 6865797 Discovery tray Plaza L+� • Baflet-Jazz-Tap 3 years and up • Fully qualified staff (no student teachers) • Special adult classes • All staff qualified in child infant emergency • Competitive classes. plus life saver program. • Spacious fully equipped teaching facility with - Annual recitals, local performances. separate office and waiting area. - Yearly student photos. • Main level enhances with lots of well lit - Easy payment plan available. parking. • Reasonable rental recital costumes. REGISTRATION AUG. 27, 28 & 29 SEPT. 3.4.510 A.M: 12 NOON 7 P.M_ -810 P M �5 DANCE DOLLARS COUPON VALUE ANY COMBINATION So BALLET — JAZZ — TAP CLASS ALSO REDEEMABLE FOR (TWINKLE TOES CLASS) COUPON EXPIRES NOV 1/96 NO CASN VALUE • REDEEMABLE FOR DANCE CLASS ONLY PAGE 40 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED„ AUGUST 28,19% 0"O CLASSIFIEDS Buy one (CJ41 week, getCall 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. the 2nd free! (905)Monday to Friday Call us for TORONTO 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday details `INE or fax your ad Appl"t, to AAfci�• For 798-76726830707 (905) 579-2238 EW Intl Veli ic"� For �'"�"'Y GARAGE SALES BIRTH NOTICES Announce your baby's arrival ��� S tGST Y� � /' and receive a gift certificate ttaST only 3� entitling you to $25 worth 01 quality baby Vroducts. Careers , ' Careers ' 1 Careers ' ' Careers ' ' Careers ' -Careers IffGeneral General General Help am Help Help We also have the folio wing courses for Serious Students: •Accounting and Business Administration •MicroComputir Business Applications • Programming •Lega1/Maidical Office Administration • Hotel & Restaurant Operations • Bar Management •Travel and Tourism • Dental Chairsidel Assisting (Some causes offered I .. Osrawa xry; Financia Assatarm may ne avaiiwie Computer Support Specialist (CSS The rapid increase of PC networks in Aoes, factories and retail outlets has led to a demand for personnel with the expertise to administer these installations. The Computer Support Specialist will have the technical skills required to set up and maintain users on 'stand-alone' computers or on PC networks. Emphasis is placed on the administration of Novell til Windows NT networks. MicroComputer Fundaioentals Eloctronic spreadsheets - Word Processing. Windows Applications Database Management System Support Fundamentals Network Administration The Unix Operating System Client /Server Computing Pre -Employment Readiness and Job Search Workshop Network and Communications Technician (NCT) The aim of the NCT program is to produce omWer technicians capable of fulfilling a hardware support role in a variety of situations. Students receive hands-on experience working with miaocornputers: Troubleshooting equipment; installing and troulUeshootirlg Novell and Windows NT software. Computer Fundamental* Application Fundamentals Introductory Electronics Computer Service a support Communications Network Administration installation a Configuration Pre -Employment Readiness and Job Search Workshop Os- haw—a- Campus Picker ng.Ca-mpus TORONTO Oshaxva Centre 723-1163 Are you thinking about a fresh start? Train for a rewarding new career in as little as 5 months. Learn computer and business skulls on up -t( -date software and equipment with experienced instructors and smaller classes. Call today. ..rA� Start Fresh With The Very DIAMOND INSTITUTE of Business and Computer Technology (905) 427-1922 ss Bsy,�, St. W. sunt 4W, Ajax ' Finaiiiaal Assistarm May be Available Days It EvMwgsl ' Genal'' Genera 1 P P CERTIFIED NAL TECHIN CIAN Required far Max salon. Must be able to do fr Wom and aa* mails, air brustling expw aloe an asset. (tips) 616-4144 15 AZ DRIVERS (rely, . PdmN Clear abstract 2 years experience Drug testing S14/hour Tanker training provided IMransk Personnel (416)265-4933 1450 Kingston Rd 420-1344 206 Harwood Ave. S. Suite 9206 (Harwood Plaza) Ajax Ont. L1S 2H6 • ANBRAM • PM • DANGEROUS GOODS • RIEO'D. • LOO BOOK a BONDER CrIOSSIN0 Helping YO Build a Better LHe w. General • ' Help EXPERIENCED CARPET 905428-9475 a-rr ;ed with or 1 (Boo) 34741803 » 'host equipment Apply ,n �e•so� at 50 Commercial 905-428-3659 (Fax) I A— unit 204 Ajax DEE1� SOCIAL MEW CWNQL AJAX -DICKERING is accepting applications for the position of part-time Anti -Racism Coordinator ( 18 hours a week) for a 10 month contract period. Previous anti -racism training, awareness of' race relations issues. excellent organizational skills and computer knowledge required. Suhinit resumes with cover letter by 3:30 p.m. September 12, 1996 to: Fairing Committee Social Development Council of Ajax- Pickering 132A Commercial Avenue, Ajax IAS 2115 SDC thanks all applicants but only those selected for an interview will [v contacted. Canadian Tire Pickering has positions available at its tlaa� Automotive Parts Centre. Must be flexible - able to work nights, days weekend shifts Experience with automobiles an asset Comprehensive wage package to qualified candidates. No phone calls please. Leave resume at front desk. Previous applicants need not apply. CUSTOMER Ser��ceOr .er Entry Representative required Experience in the computer supply 8 acces- sory industry preferred Please marl or drop off re- sume to Ontario Data Sup- plies Ltd. 1915 Clements Rd . Unit r5. Pickering. oN L 1 W 3V1 No phone calls please Only applicants be- ing considered for the posi- tion will be contacted for an interview DUE to upcoming expan stun to the U S an east end advertising company re- quires people to start Im- mediately Full training is provided for all areas being fined Experience market mg is a definite asset Op portunities for management available for the right peo pie call Mrs Park for inter. view 72&-0115 EARN S827.D61WEEK from --el Light assembly clencal and sewing (416)812 6891 Earn $500, week 1.0m home complet Ing quessonnaires for pub ushers i416r 812-6892 code 6 ESTHETICIAN required tVr mew Qs"awa salon Full-time. no Clientele re- quired The most friendly dace to work' mull 1 800- 209-4555 ExPExE!M_ED ia,-inry workers ^eederf Imme ately' Temporary assign. — ents available now' Call Jan Parks at Interim Per - sonnei. .905, 837.6060 for appt HAIRSTYLISTS •egwred .or Iticederl benefitsand training pro- gram For advanced hair cut1mg and coloring Recent grads welcome no clien- tele requred Call Valent ,c s 666- 1HG5 • TAX 11116DUCTIM • NO tMT I M *241w/T0An1tSK. Career Training 91P Career Training Career Training Career Training 1 � = = PUTTING YOUR CAREER IN MOTION ,+„ General General General Help Help IM, Help FULL & PART TIME DAY JOBS AVAILABLE Mon - Free Only • Counter Help • Kitchen Help Drop resunws off at The Pickering Dairy Queen ?first come first serve 1099 Kingston ltd. fat Ducie) • BROKER DELIVERY DRIVERS Must have own vehi- cle, (4 M small car) Cash paid daily, btwrt9diate F, 'kin availabletulY Part ion III commiawtt a must Cal 114 paL aft CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News A&MOsen requests that advertisers check 11*0 ad upon publication as News Advertiser ws ria be responsible kK more Irian one wxorted insertion and there shall be no lab" for nar•insertion of any adver- tisement Uabiiy tot er- rors in ads is Yn od m Cie afnDlxlt paid Ior the space occupying the error. M copy s slb)ed to olio ape proal oil managenim of News AAierlisM. 0 " Careers " Careers " Careers ' Careers THF: NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., ACCOST 28, 1996 -PAGE 41-A " Careers EM Careers ' 1 Careers" Careers Im General F�, THE DURHAM A D V A U T T, Pl 0 1 1P Want to be ready for college? Durham College prep programs will help. Durham College programs offer the skills and knowledge that to(l. s CInP1Oycrs want, hacked h} I guarantee that they can rely on - that the Durhurn Adrarttut;e' You can Prepare to attend college in 1 to 6 months with (Alil Preparation programs 'shill programs will equip students with ncceasan' skills to meet the prerequisites of a pf ,st secon(kiry prr,gram. C011ege Preparation program,,, are offered in Pre-Terh7rrrdir*,, Pre-Herdlh and Pile -Business; Arts the lice -business, Arts program nim for 15 weeks ;incl will enable students to (inter Business programs in lanuan ( :exec to Durharn 0 4lege and prepare for } c t it pr at scion<1 I rt edtu-atit m. Please can For more information Got a hood start on your at 1-900-461-0549 or education. courses 905-721-3046, start September 9. DURHAM Educating You for the Real World. 0=1111, ■ R E C T < <'•I graduated from CDl well prepared for the job market. I went to interviews with confidence In my ability to succeed. � � Andrea Jones Get Started! _IiT:PlTO' Careers With a Future • Programmer Analyst • Nctwork Specialist • Lan Systems Technology • C,,mputcr'ylalntenance 7cchnology • Computcriicd Accounting • Office Administration Helping You Succeed • Carecr Consuitauon • l)av or c�eninz Classes • f-inancial Assistance tier those who qualify • T.Irgctcd Joh Search Assistance • Practical hands-on adult Icarnini environment • Classes starting soon Call Today Be ready for a new career in less than a year Scarborough Oshawa (416) 291-6662 1-800-993-9993 325 Milner Avenue 560 King Street West 0]Lfr1, FINANCIAL APPLICANT will be enrolled In 2nd/ 3rd year CMXCGA program or equivalent Possess excellent ac- courding and PC skills as you will be responsi- ble for preparing monthly financial state- ments Window 95 IS the environment you will be working In Fax resu•••e to (905)478-1598 HAIRSTYLIST '. Par!' -e G�enteie 'eq(l Phone. strands �i65-0550 HIGH SCHOOL STUD- ENTS. 'he ',r;ri, Star Mar--; �Tudil aged 14 19 •o nffoduce our 50'•. dis ount in Du•ham EARN 91G BUCKS 'Ne pOv'de "ansportahr;r , ark from ,our home Training Guar ,fee . Bonus . Ircenhves parents au our students -ere supervsed ,n site 'hey will ce requ"ed t0 A -011i 3 r,gnrs !10m approx "at-, S 30 9 X p Ash 7c,r parents tie Mre cailing cave your name address. .none 4 As. ',r Mr Mil ' 852292 LANDSCAPING compa :i, -'•a^ die ,on has --7snon for properly mare. •mance or ,nstaillahp- on A .Icants must be fama,dr .Ind ate to operate all re- ared equipment P'ev.Ous �xpeviiil and lean dery -+r acst•av essential Fax es.,r+e 10 905 428 2185 LICENSED BINGE, ,Ae - E ❑ Mst Oe ate 'o •crk "eil na.n Exper -ce a Jil le assetAril c B -1g, CC'ul 285 -al Rc E Oshawa iG3V2 LOCAL .ar :uaoing :,mea^r .ee...-: par• •,r -+a ,u -time .it. 'ease ,r^d esume and dr,ver s ac •-.ire •. D0 B.C. Dion MAINTENANCE SU- PERVISOR ..rse •.,, aJ ;chin Pe•s_r-w IC` '37 Oil . • laysis till 707 - FaINC ��News Aclv�rtiscr 683-7363 " Improvements Pon, Improvements " Improvements " Improvements ' • Plumbing M°ving & • Moving & . House • ' Gardening & Storage • Storage • Cleaning • Landscapinq ARIES KC & B MASONRY CONTRACTING :,k, retaining e Is is design, :'ural stone & all 3sonry repairs. Call Todd 728-3689 4SELINE Renovations. Of Renova- . 'ooms. bathrooms, Piaster car 1 SP<c;ai: -: r b• _K -I( CK and chimneys All ;e^eras 'epa,rs An work-arsh,p Guararteec photos 'efer- ences upon request Free Estimates Call 7 clays week.905.`79-3811 PLUMBING ce^se7 �e,. yrs ^'oves appnance Experienced plun�br' . c too Sisals and piano spec aLsiS Flat / Cross Movers , tic lob too big Complete rate or ncl We row , pa..a ^ -3• 25 , Renovation F.ee esti have 'seated storage _nits � mates great prces guar. Now o'ter�n rr , -Vies apt. etc. g g ea boxes planc'roving ' anteetl lowest 9C5 725- wit, '^clue Park aril load , P3`k r, dra,iaG2 2507 ort 900-3s0-0058 special starting at S)9 and 423-0239+�2r 0. up Call or •r!crmaucn j/ '25-0005 ar 427 0005 286-5513 MISTER POST HOLE I (905)4211-2145 I augured post Holes. setting of posts in concrete Sona SIGON Corstr cnon Ltd • ' Painting & tubes installed, all work serving Durnam Region for • Decorating guaranteed (905) 665- t9 yrs Additions sondedcs, pen ry, Grumb�ng. 20 yrs. EUROPEAN hie special- 0400. Jays.promotions. patio doors. windows rec- DRYWALL and painting, Call Andy 'St. will renovate your bath- Magic Shows rooms, flagstone. free esti- boarding taping, texturing. C'43 room, or kitchen walls, as POST holes I fence mates 905.576-5760 renovations and repairs 'e.-li'l i and renovations well as floor tiles. Good ref- Posts set) Post holes rs. carpentry From lu 'Pa;rs Small lobs. 15 years ex- gUDG Nom erences and satisfaction drilled, all concrete sup- T.E. Home Improvements. perience Free estimates. IMPROV guaranteed. For free est,- plied . Sono tubes installed. Specializing In rooting. sed- Serving Durham and out of BasementApts., mates call D. Dykstra 725- All work guaranteed mg, soil eaves trough, town area. Ken 434-4500 4913 PHPS serving Durham window & doors Please CEDAR • w. nrc,esa,e ;;noes fresh rdug 3�el,verec Call 1 6'3, 4-2-3896 • Party • Services MAGICIAN, „sown tnenos 'early 'o el or any W' Flooring, Carpieting CARPET Installations - 25 years experience. re - stretching, our speciality Free estimates D & N Duncan. 987-1799 or 987- 1800 F== -'sums. Plumbing, for 12 years 728-1800 , call Tom 579-3760. leave , y ,�..w.� HARRY -O -THE- • House GARAGE Door/Opener re- Oshawa. message - MOVERS - Move big or • ons electrical Cleanin age any occasion B,rr- Jays.promotions. counter tops open ngs. Lund raisers Magic Shows are tun' Lettuce help 839-7057 or 728. 8334 & R rtar,tenance Budd- decks, trim work, door in- RA881Twants work doing magic for Children's parties and all occasslons Have my own magician Call Er. nie 668-4932 0 pairs broken springs, ca- ► f 4 small. we price them all g TOO busy to do It yourseur B -wall decks. bles, rollers, openers m- :eramlc tiling & stalled 349. New doors/ counter tops openers, 416-336-0073. 15 yrs Exp. QUALITY DOOR SERVIC- call Mario ES. (,9051619-4663, GENERAL CARPEN- cel. (416) 560-4663 TRY, free estimates, house additions, basements, & R rtar,tenance Budd- decks, trim work, door in- 'e.-li'l i and renovations stallatlon, baseboards. Plumbin Plumbing. ce- sheds, root repairs, (905) rs. carpentry From lu 'Pa;rs 619.2930 Bill Jr to major ren. guaranteed, J.S. ARMSTRONG e "�'mafes 3, (9051432- DEV. INC. Specializing in custom homes, additions. ICTWORK renovations. rec rooms and basement rtments Res - 0 • uSlrless • • ►4 Free estimates. seniors ARE you having problems Experienced, rebate • $erVlCes 4 • ' • Electrical , PR S I 1, discount, short notice finding time to clean your woman to do hwsekeepng ► PAINTING moves Appliances moved. home? For Professional & household chores Refer - 20 ears at trade. ► Y � also storage space avail- Home cleaning. Colt Heb ences available Call ACCOUNTANT - Can do Lowest price. Jot ► able Comparable rates en's Home Services today (905)420-0868 1 Installed, aPa '"`caIed Excellent ldential and commercial. F'ee estimates Elec. Serving Durham Region for cleaners, hu- over 15 yrs. Free consults- FAX YOUR ADS 683-0707 • ' ' H g Small lobs bon. Call Jeff 905-426 F'.'.. 428 0295 5706. ► 4 Satlsfacnon Free ► ► Esbmate.lnt'Ext. 1 Summer discounts to ► 4 4 401. Ext. windows I, 0, 4 washed 'no charge'. ► 4 Ill TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service 420-0081 t all!' CMA - Computer Ines Call 432-2850 42%-4385 ate 'Hands -On' full tin MEN with large truck will • HOUSe • House pkg Budgetingi'costingi d0 household moves. rest- • Cleaning • Cleaning analysis. Please call (905) dentldl, commercial All 686-1514 types of moves Call Carl or Jane 427 2856 GAILLIND J�'1 MICHALSKI MOVING - News Advertiser houses. apartments, offices. MAID SERVICES Classified Dept. appliances and pane spe- thsSPRING SPECIAL open every month senior and tliscounts licenssed,ed, FREE Cleaning with bookings of weekly & Moa. to Fri. m Insured Free estimatesbi-weekly services. Inquire for details. Excellent service Call 436- Caring for your home with personalized a'�' g''m' 7795 and professional service for over a decade. Sat. 9:30. 3:00 (Fully bonded and insured) Call 683-0707 1 61 Lh_ 683-7515 a PACE 42 -A -THE NE%%'S ADI'ERTISER, V1'ED., AUGUST. 28.19% Skilled Skilled 'un (905,420-3276 �; s•-;.- wrvey ova• me ;.none S12 5C a hour on Im Help Help LUNCH 8 atter scrod care avadaNe to, school aged gnGeneralIM Help General Help Office Office Help Help Daycare • Wanted Firewood ALARM INSTALLERS given 8 reterences avail General Help Experience required. - Articles For SaleFM Articles For Sale Part Time - 3 Days per week Customer Service and Maintenance Person A small Pickering engineering and property man- agement company has a pan time position available May evolve to full time We require an enthusiastic. self motivated well groomed. people - orientated individual with excel- lent communication. organizational, problem solving and writing skills Responsibilities Include maintaining and assembling of vanous Industnai machinery tools and equipment. plant operations such as shipping and receiving in- ventory control all basic aspects of building main- tenance. including painting electrical . carpentry. plumbing and air conditioning Some after - hours field duties should be expected This position requires a valid drivers License and a current drivers abstract Own tools It this position is of Interest. please submit resume to the address below or fax to 905-831-7401 DLA P.O. Box 221 Pickering . Ont. L1V 2R4 HOME IMPROVEMENT RECHECK REPRESENTATIVE We are seer, a zeta..e;. ;,r,e, ted in- dividual who Is experienced In Resl- dentiai Constr,,Ctic^ Applicants must have window and door measuring experience. Good interpersonal skins essential. Vehicle a must We offer flexible hours and good remuneration Call (905) 420-4880 ext- 600 P0Si7!3NS A`,.A'LAB_E 'DELI 'BUTCHER EXPERIENCE REQUIRED FAX RESUME 905-430-077 1 IELESRLES REPS McCowan Steeles. Expan- sion has created the oppor- tunity for 28 perm posi- tions in this exciting co. Let us help you earn top SSS by selling designated products to established corporate clients. Monday - Friday from 9:68 a.m. - 3:99 p.m. R min. of 2 yrs. telesales exper. and accurate data entry is req d. Come ,join this fun, exciting team of professionals. Tara at Quantum Tel. (416) 292-2282 Falill6) 292-8947 It STORE MANAGER We are one of Canada's largest jeans retailers and are currently looking for a store manager for our Oshawa Centre location. If you are sales orientated, self moti- vated, eager for a challenge, and have retail management experience; Please fall resume to (410786-1562. VVEE KEPID SUPERVISORS AUTOMOTIVE COMPANY Ajax/Pickering - Temp to Perm • FRI • SAT • SUN Day shift 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. or Aftemoon shift 7 p.m. - 7 a.m. • Must have an automotnr background • Previous supervisory experience and JIT background an asset • Starting Salary between S26-527 AX) NORRELL SERVICES 1-800-711-6999 or fax resume to (905)949-5056 MODELS NEEDED Female Ages 7-26 EARN EXTRA INCOME Travel to exciting cities New York Pans. Milan Call for FREE consultation 430-5715 MOVIE Pe Jnl E I L , 'aslesl growing agency seeks ex -,as !or film and TV work altypes no exp req Ear- S7S2280 hr Work guaranteed We place peo. :ve on -0 ,e sets every day Call JC,athan :4161 ck61 2226 HOMEMAKERS. Mature Students. : a•• • ^ .•-� P r.-a,kW ,..: avail. able. S7 OC per Bou, T,am ,ng p,ov deo Cal, 619. 6991 between ' and 9 p m PEOPLE ^eedec for se, u; 5 ]spay small' home appliance vocal area. ti300.weex •-.,st have ca, ,:an 905 5'• 4•'_11 FESTERS TRUCKING t-ookintr fur S prnfetsiunal V 1)RIVE R.S $13-5 1 h,'hour 29c -32o nils 434-5110 -Ax DR'VERS 'a", time —us' be Over 25 =ontac! Bev 'Oa m arm Voday F -.day 571-'33' _• avp�v t_ '9C Wa•e,00 Unit ' A upstairs �s^awa TRAVEL a;en! requ ed emp,W men: -!- Ar s:•ong T�u,s 2 3 yeas exile, ence necessary Sate xprrence air arse, Ono _sr w '•ave age^cy - xpe•ence need appy :,ease Mone Barb Aush^ •J5-433 81' 9 I L 111'LK"AM ant, dc,peratrly rr•tx d in tht. area' Silxl %,m -kit 'I, vible hours man i,:rmrnt "Prortuni- Call Michelle 614-47.4 WANTED r .; 30 pounds by 'a^xsgw ng A.. ra! aI :xtor •ecomrnenai As. Dw� Car roll 1,ee 6JJ- -?' t'82 TEMPORARY & LONG-TERM POSITIONS Accoantin Clerks (A/R, A/P or Payrij- C:and,dates mus: have ACCFAC: 6 0%6.1. E-mail, Windows and MS Excel 5 0 skills Ex;ellent customer service along valth 2 - yrs' experience Analytical Bookkeeper - Must havc : - y:5 cxpericn:e and have a demonstrated knowledge using .ACCESS. Simply A., ounnng, MS Excel s0S:MSWord 60 Reccrion/O f fide Admin. - C.irtd:cia;c5 mus' have _ y- rccep- tlon, switchboard experience handling up to 10 - I; Incoming calls with 20 - extensions on Meridian Northstar systems knowledge of ,%IS Word, 6 0 and MS Excel ;-0 Is required Must be able totvpe60wpm Flease call us (905) 434-5424 or .ax your resume to (905) 434-1965 KE"orary Smit s Com ::..::. :.. ::......::.a:a Equity ' Sales Help/' Sales Help/ Agent Agent CAREER OPPORTUNITY EXPERIENCED ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE I,AI-.m, L year, exNer,e �Ce. Telephone Directory Sales and layout experience an asset. It you are outgoing, highly motivated. and have a positive attitude and are dedicated to overall customer satisfaction, we would like you to join our winning team. Existing and new accounts, training, commissions and base pay. Mail -or fax resume to Ajax / Pickering News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Ontario, L1 S 2H5 Fax. # 619-9068 Nonni "kini baht �Ittrr nredrd lull ttmc tor S month old and hart tu11c tor tic„ 101,101 a ;rd , hlldron Rch•rcncex retlulnvi Ilnti k Rd ; I lw, 02 683-3751 BABYSITTER for my home to, 2 children. 6 months and 2 yrs Sh. twork involved Glenanna Hwy2 References Cau 1905)831-2330 FULL-TIME Nanny re. qurred ,r• r home, South Ajax. for 2 preschoolers Call 686-1620 CHILD CARE REQUIRED For 1 8 3 year old. Whites/401 area. Playmates a must. Hourly preferred but flexible Start lmmed. Call 420-3398 Daycare Im Available BABYSITTING ava..aoie ,--. smoke, gots of ILC, t' yeas ex penance Liverpool 8 F,nch area,42c-5975 anytime CHILD CARE AVAILABLE In m, _nllas sale %orh Alax home Experienced care giver references, receipts Start Sept 59G week 686-1868 .. :. .. '4 1 AWE , ,v •'y uaycarr in my none. experienced educational a+s,s:ant. non smok.ny er. vuonmen! nutritious _,ch e> shacks _rafts and urge sate backyard 619-3610 AFFORDABLE DAY CARE ova a: „. 'or - to'' 4yrs cid Referent es 8 •ece,j ava,-able Harwood 8 4J1 area Please call 686 -?959 FUN -FILLED educat.ona a.a v'" sate home day - ,:are. mother w.I. Family Studies degree crnidcare experience and CPR Westney,Hwy 2 Heather 428-4,208 HIGHLY Recommended ✓.e '.rs space for 2 children m 'ray home. Brock 'F mer specializing m new Borns fulupart time Cali Helen 428-7453 LOVING daycare .n my home Dixie 8 Glenanna Monier of 2 Nutritious sraCks d meals Indoor: -utdocr actwroes lots of WORK = ROM HOME do- Skilled Skilled 'un (905,420-3276 �; s•-;.- wrvey ova• me ;.none S12 5C a hour on Im Help Help LUNCH 8 atter scrod care avadaNe to, school aged tie tar, ! •-,e apply n per' children Southwood Park ,Dr 5- A.e School area Receipts nit 204 A,ax ALARM INSTALLERS given 8 reterences avail Experience required. - able 427-)680 Office Must have valid drivers license REGISTRATION NOW Help be accepted for full and part and be bondable. time Ages 18 mos- 6 yrs Fax to old Quaht,ed staff For IF you are nar,,ea single resume more information call Kids s ngle parent seoaratec 3r n,..n ter,.,-- ..,. ,,, 905- 723-3219 __. •R• u5 (9054 831 2140 DIPiCERT programs avail able Quark Illustrator. Photo Shop. Director. Premier. Access. Accpac, Autocad, C.. Visual Basic. Unix. Novell Engineer, Windows NT. Small Talk, Power Point. Word. Excel, Durham Business Comput- er College, 427-3010 Sdu HF / A9en8 PART-TIME/FULL-TIME sales -oriented person to call on commercial Cu., ers Car required Send re- sume to File e9669 _ _ - wa/Whrtby This Week PO Box 481 Oshawa. ON L1H 71-5 Skilled EM Help CHEMICAL EN- GINEERS - 'second lan- guage Japanese, Span- ish. German or Portuguese Please fax resumes to In. grid MacDougall Interim Personnel (9051 837 0627 MACHINIST - LATHE/11MILL Oshawa Area • Part time/occasional • $16 - S20Jhr. • Work from blue prints • Own Setups without supervision • Own tools OLDER INDIVIDUAL, RETIRED OR WESTNEY/Rossland re- liable babysitter avadable with 10 yrs exp CCS day- care diploma Hot lunch, snacks. fenced yard, dose to Lester B. Pearson PS . references, receipts, rea- sonable rates. 427-4937 Employment Wanted SEMIRETIRED PREFERRED ACCOUNTANT - Can do Fax resumes to it ail! CMA - Computer kter- (905e4-(409 ate. 'Hands -On' full fin. M7Skilled Help HEATING & AIR CONUF TONING requires person for dud work, furnaces, fire- places. air conditioning Experience, neat ap- pearance, ability to com- municate with customers an asset Phone 433-1962 MANUFACTURING EN- GINEER - 'Licensed in dustrial/mechanical, auto cad 12' Please tax resumes to Ingrid MacDou- gall, Interim Personnel. (905) 837-0627 pkg. Budgetingicosting/ analysis. Please call (905) 686-1514 lilted l DOW Firewood INTAKE CO-ORDINATOR lir a private re-hab clinic n ABSOLUTELY THE Oshawa Fax resume to BEST 905-669-3832 - Apple. Maple, Oak, Beech L F RECEPTIONIST required full time to work n Pt io- therapy Clinic in Pickering. Knowledge d Modalities an asset Fax resume to 905• 420-6965 REGISTERED PHYSIO- THERAPIST required for private rehab clinic in Oshawa Fax resume (905) 669-3832 ow prices ree delivery Serving Picketing, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa DURHAM FIREWOOD 427- 4741 FIREWOOD, Excellent quality hardwood. Guar- anteed. extra long fully seasoned. cut and spit Honest measurement Free delivery Kozy Heat Fire- wood 905.753-2246 SKIDS 8 Pallets for file w,.ud , hardwood 8 soft wood mixed pre cut or bro- ken detrvery available. large 8 g iall loads Limited time elle• call (905)4.40 9013 Bargain Corner 42' ROUND Kitchen table with .pal 8 4 upholstered sw,vel chairs. asking $125 Call 837-5492 CRAFTSMAN 10' radial saw 5350. nr best offer. 15- Delta scroll saw. $70. 81`1 folding parry Labe $25. 2 exernse bikes S25, each 905,420-5925 KENMORE 15cu If freez- e' 7' �0,dtidn. 5175 C=811 427-3509 PIANO .,pright, no bench 51?? 41� Cali 905 420 '685 after 6om Articles Rul for Sale 10 maw J., Set. 2 arm. table with 'eat and server 4 door but 'et g ^utCh. Lke new c 17o,' 000 665-84 ra ROCK BOTTOM DEALS A BTU $150 TV stereo stand S'999 Golf clubs S75 Apartment size stove 5150 , un size washe, S250 Apartment size dyer $50 Apartment aize washer d dryer $450 Apartment size ."age S150 Fun size washer S dryer $54999 Fudge 56or; M._rowave oven S59 Colour T V s t,om S299 Stereo rece,v e's from S115 C D sayers from 5119 Tape Oe4[k', '•.,m $99 Electric gu,ta• 5300 Dishwasher 5150 Co, iess phone 585 La,ge seiec . on of lewel,v Sega sys- tems from 5o9 Disney movies from S15 C D's $6 Mnv es 58 De,.very avail able most de -s gua, anteed, layaway program 22 Simcoe S! N Oshawa 905-436 1320 tit- D,grtai Satellite 70 l' ev 'hannels for 1 year Rent to ow- for only S8 25 wee• y Call 1 800-685- 992: 1982 CHEVY Scottsdale P' -: $1000 obo Rol larrs electronic keyboard 5500 Engine 19"u307. $150 obo Chrome and black • ms 15' with tires P20S.'OR15 5200. Call 5766181 9 PC DINING ROOM Su ITE 4 sewe, chesterrieid. end tables. coffee table. bar Sloo1S all in good condi tion, OBO 668-9726 ANTIQUE 14 FT cedar strip ca, ,X?. narrow ribs. good condition. asking $900 666-3603 APARTMENT contents. ^C a,ge app,,ances all Off. ars considered overseas move Must Sell' Please call (905;721-9155 APARTMENT s,ze wash- er 8 pryer 5250 Oak d, ningrocm table, 4 cra rs 5450 Couch. Iuveseat ,:hair. ottoman $1000 Can (905)435-0572 BACK TO SCHOOL clothing for men, teens and boys (size 8 - Mans XXXLG) Hundreds of items to choose from with more arriving weekly from leans to tuxedos. Rugged Re- plays in Whitby has it all. Prices start jeans $9; ca- sual pants $8, shirts $4, shoes $12. sweaters $10: fall jackets $14, sport jack- ets $29, suits $45; pus plus plus Sound too good to be Cruel Come to Rugged Re- plays, Durham's largest upscale resale clothing store for men, teens and boys Take 401 to Thlckson Rd, go north (3 lights) to Burns St. tum right. we're in the Burns St. Plaza on your left Hours. Mon - Wed 10-6. Thurs/Fn. 10-9; Sat. 10-5, Call 404-2063 for into BAKE Shop li house in cottage country Collection of occupied Japan 11 - piece setting + serving dishes (circa 1900) 613. 339-1350 BED chesterfield 8 chair, colonial style, good condi. tion, new cushions on seats. $400 obo Lowery Organ with chair and mu- sic Like new $700 (905)723-9818 7 n m 0 0 m 0 n a 0 a 0 0■ ■ HOW ARE WE DOING? ■ ■ The Ths WleekNeinfs Admrbser Classified Depar6•Tler1 ■ ■ is tzommillled to provd-q our oustorrm wits the best ■ ■ poa bee savice. We Would appfl3 k* ym cartdd ■ ■ rt>; aw b the go*ors below ■ 1. Was your call answered promptly? ■ ■ ■ 2. Did the Sales Representative offer friendly, ■ ■ courteous service? ■ ■ ■ 3. Are you satisfied with the response to your ■ ■ advertisement? ■ ■ ■ 4. Suggestions or comments: ■ ■ ■ wive would like tc near from you. ■ ■ ■ ■ 'f you prefer, ■ ■ please contact Fred Eismont ■ ■ at 576-9335, or 683-0707 ■ ■ or fill OLt this coupon ■ ■ and mail to: ■ Classified Department ■ ■ P.O. Box 481 ■ ■ 865 Farewell St. ■ ■ Oshawa, Ontario ■ ■ UH 7L5 ■ "You, saPstaction i5 Ane measure of Jur success ■ BURGLAR ALARMS ORGAN w raw :h,eve, - ur PA,.; j. -.r. selI $1500 A:. home KEEP THEM OUT' like new 905 r,66-2455 Custom butt steel sec urfy window bars for as little as DOOR , h patio sliding 2500 per w.noow ailuws door. excellent condition Peace of mind even with S300 683-8368 windows open For a tree estimate call 1905 1428 DOUBLE bed 5 pcs 8429 $2r waterbed 5290- s,n CARPET 3 rooms. 5299 9le bed 3 pcs S260 din b pr c.• ^nudes 30 yards of nv,ngroom 12 pcs 5690 carpet premium pad . and dryer $280 self clean over installation Custom blinds $500. . more 905 619 also available at lowest 1693 prices Sal 905-432 2750 Carpet Broker, 1001. G.E Fridge 6 crave. 2 Nylor slain re Years old, like 'few, S800 sistanl carpet For 3 rooms. Set obo 0i-, we can only $36900 Price rn- nonbarl bed ,- d pine ex- cludes 30 Sq yds carpet. cellent condition, box deluxe pad and installation spring R mattress included in your home Free quota $800 u b c 436-7129 tion ,n your home No .n terest, no payment for one GIBBARO Mahog bed - full year, Daniel, 1800 coon. K,'•r-,an bleached 2170104 Oak bedroorrl, bleached Carpet Mill DistLth,tors, oak dinette wrath press back 12 months Nc, payments. chairs. mirrors. Maytag dry - No interest. (OAC 3 rooms er and odds n ends Call 1300sq If 1 installed w,th (905)697-2666 deluxe pad from only $399 Specials on Vinyl Ceramic GOING OUT OF BUSK and Hardwood Flooring NESS Complete Lock Free Shop At Home 1.800- smith and Hardware Stock 6636046 and equipment Reason - CARPETS - lots of carpet. able prices. an in good 100•x• nylon, new stain re- condition For more inti lease carpets on hand. I Calf 7D5-8764498 will carpet 3 rooms. 5349 Price includes carpet. pre- HITACHI 35' stereo teie- mium pad, expert installa. vision Ultra black picture tion, fast delivery, free esti- tube, Pic-in-PiC, High reso- mates (30 yards) Norman lution Rent -to -own from 686-2314 $1580 weekly. Call 1 -800 - CD Jukeboxes, like new. 68.5-9922 NSM 50 CDs included. HOOKED on phonics- ex - $3395 Rock-ola, holds 'Do cellent system ihelp CDs, $2995 Rec room or business use 905-579- children and adults with 4538 reading comprehension b COMPUTERS - USED, spelling Cost $260 U.S. 486's From $555. Used best offer 905-837-1856. multimedia systems $895 KEN1l1lOOD 200 watt Color monitors $95 and up. Tower of Power 5 Disk CD, used pentium systems with double cassette, tower 14' colcr monitors from speakers. Rent -to -own from good used products. New We buy quantities of $7 25 weekly. Call 1- 8o0 -Pentium 100 bundles w/14' 6B5-9922. monitors and lots of soft- KEYBOARD YAMAHA 697.3 ware. ( under $1.850 PSR -400 61 keys, like new (9050 697.3054 Fax (905) , �' 697.1817 $425; Also large wrought COMPUTERS USED, iron table with glass top 486's complete with monr $145; 721-0601 tors $785 w Gd roms $895, KING SIZE bed, with new CD changers (4 speed brass headboard, 6 trio. 4 cc's) nec $139, lots of o used color monitors from Id. excellent mattress, ex. $95 , Pentium 100's under celient condition $950 $1200 We buy good used (905) 509-U47 products Call for quotes (905) 697.3059 lax 697- 1817 03 Articles For Sale LAPTOP colour 486DX4/ 16 ram. 340 HD, 28,8 ,•lodem, sound. SCSI loaded. $2600 Call 905- n -2821 MOVING DOWNUNDERI j .,Irytning Must Go, Furn,- •,,re. Housewares. '90 Pon - dc Sunblyd. '93 Mazda I,,rjiup, Free Cat (fixed and clawed) 905-6558282 MOVING SALE. Viking with extended :.arrancy Fridge & stove. ,ir'I Point S4001pau All ,n ..,y good condition 576- ,.65 Or 4."12 2377 leave -essage MOVING Sale 1 Krr)Iher . earn ,nk I pedestal ink grey gel of Jack '.ckl:ws ronsrwoods golf lobi ' n . K Irhen display irewrwd New True Spoke r,11 ne wheels. 14.8_ 14 •115 434-6158 MUST SELL Moving 12 -yid- 51 oo Maytag :ny duly 'fryer 5250, I oda lawnmower 5 yrs d $300 434.5257 OAK PINE FURNITURE - i I Grrr.ti-. ,lip I U ar, s oldest and lac- es anufactu ers is now r, direct the public ­wj oar pc dining- . -r 5 solid pine your choice c any stain choices ^a, Woodw,,king - fA A774 _%TAWO FINEST Gov nspected. cut IS dt C e'1 !,eezer beef and 17"i ihS�' PIANO Modern apt size. .I. - oench included .sea by senior 51800 Oshawa 171 4! • 3 PIANOS - GRANDFA HER CLOCKS H,, ew arC N 1 Sure' Iw opt size ., r • g-ar,! d'gity. "ey a •'1'. S earance on all ,,- loc• 'ele0 Plano ry„r, 411 , RESTAURANT Equip - '. -dmburger r vu,r 'kyr, 2 name H3 ki- ,,ice, stan rss steel 'able & ether , •23- 8154 SHARP TV VCR Com •1,;, 'eS Utlof -Iola `..De I,ont A.V :ac•, dine programming ,a. remote control Henle:u own •'om S75ol CJ,i 1 HU' :.85 9922 SHEDMAN O..anty barn H x H' SPE �l AL UNI r 5295 pus tax al.try -MI,i sizes and styles J.J. ace Also garages ,ind oecx, 'h1 McKay Rd .1nit 3 P�r­ ore nfc call 905 0' , 2093 WALNUT DOUBLE at Wall „lid $55 'V Arm -liars, $40 'ach love seat $95 mage Y sI, ve. 5300 Sota :r"• 5.50 2 dressers iES each Table and Sb5 4 beds S35 act Microwave $85 olfee table $55 Many -'item Tile, ?s 697 -3532 YORK 2001 equipment -- '•'.I "envy duty 'cline(] Dench press S50 ectric furnace S50 Can Hope 432 1863 ' Articles Wanted ANTIQUES Absolutely. U •'- d•,'9 furniture or an - 'Ing old Scientific instru- "-ants China .sIVer. adVef- ;.,Ing. toys decays. dolls, k Octiles. collections or ¢slates Call Robert Bowen Antiques 1905) 655-8049. B' ick;in $SS Apartment size wash- ers 8 tlryers, and fridges & stoves Full size washers & (]rye's Musical mstruments. Apartment size freezers. TV 's 8 V C R 's Portable dishwashers Couch & chair sets Diamonds and Gcid Can ROCK BOTTOM LE ALS 505436-1320. SSSFAST CASHSSS We 5••v anylnmg Antiques. - lec!ar'les. lurndure, ,iousrnold contents. Call YUS 464-2708 APPLIANCES WANTED It` 'rd Workingor not, wr''te ut almonfridge. wasFrr tlryiir $eriv,ce s 535 8 up Paul 905- 1' 8183 UNWANTED Scrap metal lee,: P trldges, ,Lks stoves, K,13 ` S dryers. cars, ut.ks elc Call (905)430- WANTED PEARL JAM ,ter Turonto concert. or 430.6429 ' Articles Articles Wanted Wanted NOW IN OSHAWA y In mint condition. electronic/ "Ontario's Cash Source” digital dash stereo recti fled. asking $2495 obo Top Dollar paid for... Call 683 73p, 426 ,8/9 oder Spm Stereo's, VCR's G,Af VOLKSWAGEN .{ , CD's, TV's G,,p •; '1"101 5 speed origi Sporting nal owner. $I Col5J1- p g Goods, Tools, Gold & F1A3 Diamond Jewellery1's FIERO d 1,2000 Video lents 4 speed. stanrlary. ' 'ever winter driver Games, Small Appliances, silver PP win wing new tires & clutch, g3.80O 623-1287 Movies, Computers, Rolex 1986 ¢vett? 2 door. dot ,rrdl"; $1COO certified Watches, quality toys and more. ° Call 728-0490 1986 HYUNDAI -,TFL Get a fair deal at... LAT'`"'`'' ellen? rpndi•,,,n 52 y%C 19051555.1655 1986 'AERCIJRy TOP -7 ' W •,.. 1.,^: d dr ,,ht bile. w nOpws J ,ckS ask,nq dole 258 '112 8 ex ,575 1987 CELEBRITY. Fu. Ll ;, , 'Ily 1124 Simcoe St. N. 571 -HOCK 'dad new w r. ex ^t ccrd,,,r;r darer, , Garage/ 395 d w bill Yard Sales 1 Garage/ ry 415 55a DAE1 Yard Sales - tee '�,r" Aa 1987 ,'diel A nye ad- YARD SALE SIGNS ` d 34 r kA -, re I �` 23 1492 ,Please be sure to take 1A8 FORA 1 74K down your signs1'er, r S;Id CIV after your yard sale X88 FORD rAU H1!5 to help keep the err Ir environment clean !! 5 558 2460 '989 ;lir ac I` rebiry Automobiles THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED., AUGUST 28,1996 -PAGE 43-A t' IMEZ:or biles Trucks For Apartments For Sale Sale 1 Sale I ' ' Apartments I ' ' Apartments For Rent / � � For Rent For Rent 19x4 CAMARO Special CERTICAR AUTO CEN- WHAT A DEAL 1982 Edition, engine & boil k•ns automa• - ' Computer Computer c "ew Video Video es .ped"pr r;e'• rd p b 0 435 ' Arts 8i- • Crafts FOLK ART CLASSES Regi'-- •82 Interme dkate Starting Sr't 10 0, 12;96 W'il accommodate shift workers Open House Sept 7 & p, 11am.4pm al 251 Huron S; Oshawa For further information call 576. 3947 ' Computer /Internet NEW MUSIC a zine a htip 'www durham- news net - ajc238 in ilex ^tm FMPOOLS, Spa FREE WSTALLATION excellent used 20 It 'ec tangular Kayak pools, In- cluding decking & fencing 15 year balance of new pool warranty New liner In box- 54.995 1 800 668 7564 . Pickering , Alax 416- 798-7509 • ' LOS? 8i- • Found LOST all black long-haired male cat. Bandit, since Au- gust 5. Twin Rivers Dr. near Wdodvlew. Reward, please call 509-2536 FOUND- friendly grey do- mestic short haired male cat. Noake Cres. White paws & nose. needs a lov- ing home!! Please call 428-6232. Boartfing •' COLLIE for sale - 4 month old female. CKC registered. shots and eyes checked. 705-277-2528. BARN for rent or individual horse stables (stalls). locat- ed near Lakeridge, Taun- ton Rd. Whitby 905-427- 6660. HORSE BOARDING: 6 large box stalls, dally turn- out on clean friendly farm, lunge ring, feed. $150./ month. Bowmanvllle area. 905-697.2693 a ' Pe!s'Supphes Boarding AMERICAN - SP4`.IF 1 . .. .. ••5. Deo lul black .,v,,gfy home raced Mase and tema,e E.cerent temperament CK Registered Snots 305 985 8021 •WE LOVE PUPPIES' JtINIGR SE 'Il 'R PUPPY -'ROGRAMS- our ap -'oath emprasizes gentle ?Osilne d.Sc.D.-P S^ -a.1 asses Start September t0 Fairview Dog Training ;905)839-3407 AVAILABLE FOR STUD. Rai-Js,me 'ver, J•ge' B,tisn Columbian Husk, Timber Wolf Wor- ded„ temperament great with children and other :els. beau titul mark-;c For more into call 905 4;18 8312 START OUT on the right paw with our tun and easy dog training at our spa nous facility experienced traners otterng the newest methods for all ages Start. Ing at 10 we old Call K 9 Klubhouse at 905683- 7852 P M11 Automobiles for Sale 1981 FIREBIRD. 4 4L. p/ s. p/b. 1 -tops. needs work 5800 or best offer Sold as is, uncertified Call 905- ZEI-8300 after bpm. 1982 Z28, mechanically good, body good, many new parts S1200 as Is, obo (905)571-4788 1983 Buick Regal. 2 dr coupe. good project car, In good condition, many new parts and extras to go with vehicle $1500 Auto meter, monster tach, and gauges and grant steering wheel 4 - 1978 Trans Am, alum honey comb rims $100 Call 432-9155 for more Into after 6 p m weekdays, anytime weekends 1983 FIREBIRD $1200 obo For more info call 905.728.2413 wive message 190 ri,:ck .dsdD'e — ..k'e „ 'oily Cern J 58500 492 190 CHEVEROLET CORSICA LT „ ..- .. ..^'J red J' Jut,, stet case^ .• , , ask . 991 'OYOTA TERCEL TER - 'LET'S GET BACK TO WORK AND SCHOOL SALE' Over 40 reconddlonerl certified ve- hicles on sale Eq 1993 Transport. $3800 loaded 514.500, 1995 Geo. like new 58850 8 mini vans from $4995 $12 995 8 Cavalier's from 52.995 to 57 995 1993 Sunhre 69K $9810 now $8950 1988 Cors,ca loaded 15.000 km J6 mint. 55595 1991 Fo,d F150. auto. au V8. 170 000 km 38885 1985 Nissan Mul,• 4X4 spd perfect 51995 '9R7 SuD aru 4X4 wagrn 5 spd. 125 000 ,m A' $3995 1990 Oldsmr,b,le rurlass Supreme loaded j8 515 '991 Ppnria- Grand AM 57415 99; F,rebir. IGaced T trvS j7 )1`. '990 t �mm;k '0?len• lad- ed S/',1, .1'10 -,,ar Prx TE 'laded SA Jeep yJ Sahara j5 1137 ti scar K mar S4 .i'+5 .,197 Pr'.r. SrFr, '.aded S'i 9'15 1'181 124 34 215 Gid Sneac er cars 1'0m S2 215 Certr car Auto Center. 155 King St West- at Mitl- 'own Mall 579-2885 Open Sun 1990 P; • ac S,nc rd `l '-r- + r .0 arc 4 d 55 350 x� 1 :4 WHOLESALE' T^e . Dea'ers Viedse HEP A,•;mppiieS DI i- 7! Hii-, GrarC A,- �E -;ailed S' 3 4°', • 9'12 r;rard P^" SE ;ailed 5:950 1uy 0 ds Royale Brougram rad -1 j74,r ac :GC :F 9rw„• $4`.5•; 1981 .'IN E ^r' 558`•9 '_(,V. '.. Ira E 41 • w, s6399 9u' P•y dance rw 53499 \'a. e% rCludea ,H, .'d Te,cei 5 sold 52H8C •ax• nctudM • 9y2 : ;'sca S5 "i9 • 9A • r ler: 2M4 Blow,.,.• 52994 '9'12 F a �r V "a spd 544 It •axe•. -err l}ipd M,'” d Ywa!'drry ^ -luded PER AI; TOM' BIL rrriaes ,r rverllpry - '„r fu,ck .d 111 Ford 150XL. 1/2 ton, w/ cap This truck runs great' $1000 0b0 579-6836 Vans) 4 Wheel Drive 1985 GMC Wheelchair van Rally VB automatic D s p b am/fm stereo 'ear neater R,con electric wheelrhaa ]if?. to downs 1 9wne1 well maintained SSOpO 721-1800 1993 1/2 SAFARI VAN I'-ade't ext Iery low ,m5 Cert very sharp Must sell $15 500 obo 905 1945 ' Trailers FAMLLV RESORT. "all Iris availabl T r• Hv er p l flea e -'ea' or and more : ,3rr 255.884• otorcycles 1971 •-ONDA „v iw. �r ' . grad• resto'a S55- , Marine AriENT,ON FISHER PERSONS"" '99 HP Johr son isr ,er5 .'pilin; mr�t f 1 DJt•er e, .vewe Bditwell -'Jif Hold¢•; s'e' ec S'' O UBO ':a o2"3 - a• , 1995 - ar s 5`„ 0V,'••• Only 3"r ^ urs ,se -',•eat ., n^.ng ma:.^ ,,., ASK • . $I _'; obi, Pn°ne 9 185 3566 25 FT WINNER -„ F'(I .• urC .i ..i-5 ..'III 54 v.•, ,'ler n Rya^ _r"•- 4' - )779 PROPEL. ER and ,. 'Js: Seer - a v sere -tido of rit»•r �, ass supe 4 „ . 1. , 1.. - , Gies Oshawa ass F bre -'DductS LIC 34' Di,mam ter rim s:ere0icassene one ' Au*zmoc ;es '1 Oshawa 91.5 5'9 woe' 170 000 k 'wy 14.33 ,eage cen'riaar a,Kn- Wanted 55195 Telephone 571• 4481 550 S -3c CdSn Cn ' Recreational 1"3 CAVALIER wa; , Jut- J r •ustpmoteC roles I— ^ew S6800 mutt Safi'. Ir•,•- diatry 435-0273 729 'C5 1994 Dodge Caravan 85 OOOk-s cruise air l.lt Power ---Is. Powe• steer Ing Power brakes '✓E $13500 - -,thea Cail 571-2878 .r 1995 B- o• -Sac, L!C to ;,..D:-•': still i.nder warrdrry no wirter driving Ask rig S24 5,;C Call .,:shawa 90`. 436--24- 85 HONDA CRX ' : grey ex•e• . r ..,. , •r, qr 5 So. Pioneer -C J arm No rust, runs great S2500 obo 905434.6909 86 P.:;ntiac Parisienne 8 Seale' runs well air power brakes windows & s:eer Ing Cruise askirg $1600 655-5062 92 PLYMOUTH 4,^claim 'C000 kms S800C I 282 4074 Auto Insurance, Having a problem get- ting a competitive rate? Call Jones- Dooley Insurance In Ajax for a quotation. 427-3595 BANKRUPT or OTHERS 2nd Chance Financing to Discharged or not and others Easy terms' Reasonable Rates' New Used Vehicles Trustee Approved 16 years Exp No co-signers required Call Gary Wood QUICK LEASE 420.9979 1020 Brock Rd Ste 1001, Pickenng 1.804792-5587 t'n ..pit 'o, scrap cars & Vehicles 'rucks Aryt me Cait 905 106 `-.4_ A & A TOWING -' Iv S50 S, ,eIl S scrap cars & •'..,;les 24 hrs 7 days Ca:' It-, 58E 5003 or 905 706.5234 3C min service A 8 K TOWING Cash On the Spot p3', Z -"c - .'� 'cr se ant scrap -ars treks any condi- Cali anytime 21 11,s 7 days Fast 30 fnlr service Nc parrs available Call Ken (905)509-5584 (416) 452-7767 AUTOMOBILES aro tr„cks wanted nor scrap Any condition any age. free removal ,n the Durham Region. cash paid Also needed. '75 to '87 Chev or GMC pickup for parts Call anytime. Oshawa 431- 0407 CARS FOR CASH! We buy used vehicles. Vehi- cles must be in running condition Call 427.2415 or cane to 479 Bayly St East. Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES ' Trucks for Sale 1985 Ford F150 propane powered, cap included, $1100 as is Call (905)721-8367 1987 Ford Ranger 5 speed. 218.000 kms. bed liner, very good condition. must be seen 52.500 O B 0 435-0178 1992 Ford Explorer XLT green. tan leather interior loaded. 98.000 km $15.900 certified 905 727 2857 1985 POLARIS ATV 2` '' I Ei •'ansm SS,on •rDwit er ;,ne new '•')nt lines new -nail & BOC Te,eprore 25-5041 _ 4 ' t Apartments For Rent OSHAWA s - oecircom Ma.aga and 4E Masso Street Akan ID,e mmedkerty SbJC i :TDO all inclusive Nc Gets all 905 5'6-6724 I BEDROOM casement apt New' 't 'aunt C,y park ng~ 5ngnf and _'ean S60C '•'C Hyarc and :able nc'uded 9C5 368- 50,92. Whitby 2 bedroom apt S65C nciu- s,re 'vice quiet Oshawa area Available Oct 1 Ap pilances ncivaed Near amenities 9C5-263-84•' 2 bedroom flat•:iv ing room, d,n,ngroem large Patio . trk7ge. stove. Picker Ing, available Sept 15 839-8520 or 831 1022 2/3 bedroom apartments. 8 story building close to schools. library. South GM Plant Available immediate- ly One month free rent 428-0328 1-7 pm for ap- pointment 3 -BEDROOM deluxe apartment, In new duplex Eat -m kitchen. Spotless, must be seen Central Oshawa. S825,month plus Call 728-5902 AJAX, Country setting, top Moor of duplex would suit single non smoking per- son. Central air $675 plus neat 8 Hydro Avail Imme- dlately . 428-8086 AJAX. WESTNEY Hwy 2 one bedroom basement apartment, 5550 inclusive No smoking, no pets, 19051 427-7537 AJAX. 2 bedroom, br,ghf, walkout. separate entrance. parking, 4 pce bash large rooms, ample storage Sep[ 1 (905)683-1136 AJAX - CLIPPER APTS. 2 & 3 bedrooms, broadloom, 2 applianic es, underground parking. 55 FALBY CRT. MON - THURS. 9 A.M. - 8 P.M. FRI. 9 A.M. -5 P.M. (905) 683-6021 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED AVAILABLE '-meC'aic.y ? 'r•Y;*r act Clean nice area south ;f Park Pd Oshawa rMtdct 575 %jF,d2 01 583 4;35' bus "ours AVAILABLE IMME. DIATELY. - N!•itby at• :arpet -•d newly pamtec,, with flat ^ony c se 'o Gus snpD r'q as uNlhes included 1st :1st requi'ed nn per-, .door• SF 2 b, - room 'Sc rail 4_r`, s • 34 BACHELOR ,-' n e JS `,., ",5 npud .0 Sep er'rance refer rxs "ell,— je[t •5, 'stlast Nr, Gees Fill,— ter appy 579.308• BEAUTIFUL ^-din 'leer '-,r LMr,Cm ercroser,Bay, de k a ^; :able 'J,sit ds- 57;, Inc!,Slue_ :.3 f ... _ 15 5 BRIGHT red•--. ••• a"k , aG 4 _. )atn q .'�S y r A,3_10.. me.•ale 'y •", Ge's .m, '.. SC ase P•,k a--� Rl" 4''. BRIGHT -•-•- wa+ a. aV :a- aund y ) ^r us, Ve -e's Ara ode 's-, 'as, P •:x CENTRAL OSHAWA Du _J. ,, . '5 73 F apply at aG, 305 33 rVi- r, Rri isrJ wa COURTICE Ode-• Dsmt I-! s:nrye nor sin.^r. c. rY;e S;pve r rate ".Trot 'st last •'E quire.? S52':.montr After Spm 41 2 DOWNTOWN Osnawa ncurs,ve ..-^vCr; Own !,arc, • OC', r-vate Aval. able SPDC Cal, '2S HARWOOD .'EMPEROR. --ase-"t secarate en -arce aunary ^C pets F mC•-' SE 5C 4'S 44• - .EE LARGE Ded,00rn Dase act Avai mined $65C • Is! !1 ase ,chines included Ca -:v- °9''. ;r 83' 5426 LARGE 3 BORM. APTS. From c-- • -ti- . hvdro 'i'_' _-arpet 4 apps ar, park:r; incl Walk'_ 'ICkenr3 TCyyr` Certre Close 'O GC 'ransrt and -n', 4C' 905-42x6305 1480 Pickering Parkway. LI V ER POOUK ROSNO ?L'^ SneC DaSernen• apa ^ler! suit quiet emp,oyed aduil no pets separate en. trance S50C month Can 839-'779 LUXURY bedroom basement apartment. avail. able Oct 1St or Oct 14 Near GO. shopping Fully self. contained Parking 5600 Inclusive Non-smoker no Pets 905-420-9187 N.W. Oshawa luxury 1 - bedroom plus a den. with fireplace. ca, c. -v, f.s. Ill must be non-smoker, one vehicle only, no pets S725 inclusive 432-7553 TWO BEDROOM 2 storey apt with loft very spacious. clean and quiet Good ap- pliances New ceramic bath. Carpet throughout. backyard and verandah available with parking 434-9373 Oshawa ONE bedroom apartment, Central Oshawa 5560 mo Rent includes heat, Wires. parking, laundry facilites on site. no pets. avail Sept 1, 1905, 623-3018 OSHAWA 888 « 900 Glen St. 2 bedroom acts from S6 5 $710 3 bed room apt 5720. nose to S hopping, schools, GM and Go Utilities included First last required Can 728- 4993 OSHAWA bed,',c.r^ r rriplex %wo. level near Oshawa Centre Uhlr,es and app'Iances included. laundry facilites Avail Oct 'SI j500 month 905728- 0537 COZY - bedr011 Dase mer* ,.artmeri Osrawa Cer^e area secarate r •rarre parkin, 5595 per mp all nclusve stlast 'o ere es Sept , 519 l,ri5 CLEAN :AM,L7 HVILD ,r .• G nawa 2 3 3 Dar • s inclusive P,r, ca ble cork .-,; g 'aurdry, fac 723-2;94 OSHAWA Ise apar•mec s SF.r S,25 & j'"` 'este, • r� r �d,l ',r,'5 4 !? ,229 PICK FPI NG bedres^ pa f- jepa'afe 'r- aurid„y .ti• e5 re s'no' ^a e e Ili 4 PICKERING $6257 month ."','.,tear , ,I.-- — b5ntt act sec ,• ,.replace aunC'7 a. c pets Pa,k - avai'able '--••'e,1 •S' of -al '-K"5 83 2, 76 PICK E PING IV. le, c grI new'v 'enr;vateC e' Odrm, Dase'••9rt vVa,+ •av,re Sepdrate er„a...,, &C 10 pr•ssm0"�- Suits ' s55C 9 5 H37 PICKFa'", , BrccK Md .- Oak, d'ge De. Dass Separate - •'ance a,.n Cry & ;1a"�, A rc:.sve S;, AVA Sect 'u 3.05.683- 97C8 PICKERING. a•ge - bed acitiii laundry ac •,es _'Pse ._ all arnen,tes $695 nctuOes utmhes, avaoat- Sept Call Steve 5-is-5'Cy Pat 1339 PICKERING urge 3 vC• .. - Co. 4 a,; pl,Jrcrs close 10 Gc snooping schools aval k -,e tic, s•1Ccmc,-tr rstIas! 'egw•ed 9105-686-7438 at -,e, EDm Jays 4•: '134-8OC' PICKERING Pcuge ✓ai ry - •r _ Deck - ;race �poe' c'vei x none Sep enc S'4:ic nclus,ve } e• a -ea 9C5 1_,? • 320 Pickering °Cr• -1 bsmt X! Sita• 60 S550 In .:woes aundry & :les ^eel 'st •Von S,,c.Ker 10 Gets Available now 1905 839-453' PICKERING 2 bedroom basement apartmert Call Nick 416 498-7 393 after 4pm PICKERING- Brock & Finch Large 2. DormbsmI apt Sep entrance. laundry and parking $800 month all inclusive Available Sept 1st Call '905'619- 24951eave message SHEPPARD /ALTONA.2 bedroom basement apt . separate entrance. spa- cious $775 Available Sept 1, call 416-266-4066 OSHAWA NORTH SIM- COE.on Russet . bright Clean 2 bedroom. ,n newly renovated 12 Alex. hard. wood floors, heat hot water, parking, cable Incl Laun- dry facilities. no dogs 5686 Aval Sept 1 or Oct 1 905- 576-2982 SOUTH OSHAWA, 275 Wentworth St W large 1 2. -bedrooms, close to bus- es. Shopping, available Im- med'ately. $500. $600 & up tndge, stove, heat. hy- dro. parking 1st last re- quired, no pets 4345183 New I bedr(k1m base- ment apt , cep alit , parking, avail Immed Cable and utilities In- cluded 365() per month Ist/last �ultes single ur couple Luh lit storage 839-9515 SPACIOUS apt �r owel area of Whitby Parking and laundry 'acct ties 5525 , hydro 655 8181 TOP 'lour pf house 2 odrm 5550 ' !s toast Appliances included Clear ;vier pep. P49 Whiling Are Available Sept ! Own '-aside en. trance 571-791,'• after S 30 P m. TOWNLINEJBLOOR. ”' -i,ppm apar ent ;e stove D' late enrra self con `•'filled ^eat _a'+ ^ aur dr7 evadable tic' S6Cr includes Jtilft.es tirsC'la,' 658-'345 TWIN RIVERS large apt Own l,an.es "..aun'Jry pa' ", and 'WheS Clud 5092562 Ca ^905 TWO •edrporn basemen• Plus '2 Jhlnws Ara,iade i-, 11 Rckenn :d ' 4.5-42. 33nc ex! 44; n4- •^essage Ja'1 f:5 42 ' 95` 2 BEDROOM )-fore, pe' durAi ' ,,awa Hpsp, to a'ea P•Ia•e entrance S7 m0nm includes Jul kycr Smp...- Call 9i-, 412 '308 VIEW OF ::-lir cnmar s Nay ... , ,')_ Das, Arai• —, •ineviace w :dr r ,round pr;r� rca'ate on!'arce S65C. 905 83' 2735 N,; De•s WHITBY :,ear 3 Dad .- apt large ta” Fercea bacilli"; Close to all anter I— 51:5 ^+pntr. all mer F •sc'ast Ara, able SrG 'er^oe, 's: 9:5 43C •25 - WHITBY 1 bkx1.-,r_r- a: r -- avai,ab,e Sept 1 5575 month ncJudes heat & :a'k ^; *or 1 car Can 431: NHI'BV Dedroom mar rico, apt r 5 pike, ;r• GC d,snwas^e' a,--iry rale Jet"'k -.k•dw, ley •+pots 5641 568 '- ,4 WHY w^en lou an w' , .Ur pwr "Orae ter YSs •^an you •rink-" Call Dave Hayiock -J,es Rep Re Max -umm.! Realty "i"" : . Sict 668 3800 or 905 566 32 „ 'Houses For Rent 3•SEDROOM semi, deck overlooks ravine. Creek, w. o basement, quiet court, new flooring, freshly paint. ed. close to Shopping & schools, bike paths 723- 5744, Joseph Moss Limit- ed. Broker 3 -BEDROOM, 1.1'2 stor. Ly detached. RilsoniElloor area, new broadloom 1996, 5850 monthly plus utiklkeS Available Now Call Bill 433-7949 or 433-7985. AJAX - large 3 bedroom semi, 2 -storey upper level. 2 I'2 baths. appliances. 51200 inclusive No pets. Sept 1 905-686-8863 or 416-497-9620 BOWMANVILLE - 2 bed- room waterfront cozy bun galow, preferably couple, quiet neighbourhood, 'enced yard, l sVlast. avail able Sept 1 5750 905 839-5746 COUNTRY Bungalow, Oshawa, 3+1;bedroom. $1000rmonth +heat & ny- Oro, lsblast Immediate pOsSes!don Cdll Theresa 905-723-3192 ' PACE 44 -A -THF: NEWS ADVERTISER, R•ED., AtlCttST 28.19% Houses Houses Rooms 1 For Rent 1 For Rent1 For Rent �I l:N :Nbsiilutc :Nthiniahle' WHO SAYS YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY A HOUSE' W111 RFNT' OWN rill HiliNFn %lortgage pas•ments Bednk,m Semi tih-U month 1-11ednklm bungaLr4v ;-S'4 month '-Bednv'm Ir I\c: yur,u month No down payment? Bad Credit) Bankrupt? Call Me' (905)571-6275 or 1-800-840-6275 MARK tiT.41'I.EY Sales Rct, ,u,,,•n t ir-il• 1 ,--1 Kc.iln In, IST CHOICE AFFORDABLE HOMES WHY RENT' BUY' No down payment, No problem' Let me show you how Mortgage Payment 5700 per mth oat Call Thomas C. Pike Sales Rep, Remax Accord Realty Ltd. (905) 576-3III HOUSE- Ma,^ floor. bet ' bat 5'000 SC utilities Close t: GO. non - smoke• Ava�ao,e Sect (905 83' 4-s? HOUSES + apo 'me^ts ava,lab,e .-mediately good 'ocafion dose to transpertat,or schools ai, amenities Cal 905 728- 736' LARGE _ bdrm ser^- Oshawa Path-omstalc room re^ted void civ able Oct 's' Si . un Istias: 705 43' 3613 a- le, ll NORTH AJAX spacious a bed•Dom 3 bath. nose 1^ schools and shopping area Bus stop at door Ara,iat?e Serif - S' 40C Ca, 42- 6660 OSHAWA - Taunton Rd WN..v..-. - . w. �DDP •':J .a,ge oil Imrq room Gose r eve- rything S -9C mon uA, incl 1 sttas' Sept 1 st N, pets 683-299' OSHAWA 3.' Ded'Dom bungaaw •-nshed base milt garage Cenral Lr gas furnace 'encel yard close to 4. • S OC first d last ava .al Oct 1st 51100+url,1,es ,4.6 487- 6319 OSHAW A/C OURTICE Dolce . '.f Z. -,- ,l balcony newel house walk everything. garage lel bacKva•d great n@igribomood S895 rnclu sive Days 416 - 6'7 3283 PICKERING -:, bedroom mal •. ava•.dble Oct 1 9E 585,rmc Pius utilities 5 appliances air con eat ,n ItRche^ harawood floors no Dots Cal 905.831- 0561 PICKERING av,ne 2 acr es a-ge ^ome 5.6 bed- rooms. 5500. sq it $2500 month Calf 905 509--6379 SOUTH OSHAWA 3 bed room sioil lit close to a: antendres. available now $850 plus utilities first'las! call 433-3834 NORTH AJAX spacious executive 4 bort, 3 ball close to scnool and shil ping area, bus stop at door avail Sept Ist Cal, 427 6660 WHITBY newer well -kept family home. good an lords. 3 -bedroom 2.1'2 baths, fireplace double ga- rage, $1270 plus utilities Oct, 1 Cal (416)694-7601 WILSOMMSSLAND 3 bdrm semi with garage Backs onto ravine with Deck IVC, dishwasher only 5900./m0 + utilities Sept 1 9D5-828.6209 Housing Wanted PROFESSIONAL fill a_ -k -ng a sing -e. detached` house �n Wh?by area preferably vl six bedrooms or po- tewal for six Rent to -ow^ or rent Cali 668 1052 T:wn!louses For Rent 3 -BEDROOM •o.^� use tnr e^• ter w; .a•'1 Jose to schools shopping ' - shed rec room_ ava,lao,e Or 1s; 579C.u1,,ones 1300 Ox•ord S; 0-awa 9.315 432-242' AVAIL )CT • Olive VI - 3- 1 Oshawa 3 bid townrouse -11. schools arc bus route s75C . .,hl Call 905 432 378 - KING 5...r i TOWNLINE Large 31a 3 bil townnouses neutral deco, a app. 1 12 hams basement 6 garage $895 + it-, Phone 721- 8:'3 Evening and writ tend appointments ava, able bad and uoly Financing for NORTH OSHAWA. 3 _�.:. iT . �3sr_..nt townhouses ,n wil mar taleC family complex F.eshly decorated weir Frig stove nose to a amen,t-as Starting at $738 month On site Mg-; once Can 905 728-3717 SPACIOUS .2 i 3 ydr d(vnr7w^npu5i'S it well martainea family ,onpiex Includes all unlit lies 4 appiances paIl ,ng, close to schools anc ai. amextles Avail Sept 122 Colborne St. E Oshawa For appL 434-3972 WHITBY. WATSON ST 3 Oe(Iroom townhouse 2 1.2 baths 5 apol,ances. eat If, Kitchen large fenced yard. qu,et area. anal Sept 1 5995 416:486-.:189 Rooms 1 for Rent 2 ROOMS in Ajax. liberal atmosphere. full use of house Private location, parking. al laundry. cable phone included. relit mega bade 686-9051 leave message AJAX, Clean carpeted room in quiet adult home Use of kitchen • bathroom. laundry facilitiescable, non smoker $80 per week tur n,shed. 905 686-3201 AJAX female wanted to share 3 bedroom house. close to all smoking per matedno pets parking availableprice negotiahle 9075-428385 EAMe Retail a 1 1 PnYatt�Saleffm THomes o L� d • 1 Oppp'twifies • 1 Personals OSHAWA 4 Months Free Rent !!!- 3000 sq Lwr M $90o 850 sq 2nd fir $550. 600 sq main $500. 250 sq main $350. 600 2nd hr $500 Call 434 2447 or 6554132 EXCELLENT Office space for rent. 450sq h very rea sonable Call 576-6999 Steve r ­,iV ,u, rem. AJAX. unfurnished large 157-0so If 20C, ampserv- �ngle •,?:t , shared faciii- Ice. S350'month.hydro es. separate entrance first Call (6041 762-5653 after 5 ast.683-5088 2pm Cl-F.AN, BRIGHT it Ul hl'. llh i,lhilRl.l & IN hitt, lxd, ll for rent. monthl% }{yciTo .tact tvekome 420-00.12 LARGE .-shec - +-•^ _a"ie Plus private 5 bath, in executive home 'ctional second bedroom, -1n-smoker $400monih `SNast 420-2196 NEWLY -DECORATED • s^ed __ -an. quiet person ^Cooking near bus close to Dul Co, lege 5225 and up monthly Can 905 728-4845 PICKERING One 'a-ge base-,-* 'rm nicely fur n,SheC at S40C One srnyl- 'Dom at 535^ Quiet .iear home Mature ger_ .mer preferred Avau -PT 1 905-839-0257 PICKERING unfurnished .n� .-a•e K'chen_ bath use of laundry VV^ res Rd $300 month ll smoke, prefenttd Call 42•:x5311 ROOM a.adable for non - s^7 _,el family horse in Aa. Private bath cable use of Kitchen. laundry, faanoes On bus 'out@ Bail Harwood area 4.6- 331 -226 leave message WHITBY room shared .. ouse a, ,re place laundry TV d s;e•eo room park ^g backya•d Next to W^ 1r Oa. act buatl,ng Werk ng pe'sdn preferred S40C 305 666- 5213 leave message Shared 1 ACcorrodabon AJAX s, ­,are large newer ^:^e _w- batt- I,v .ng room Dark r n garage Snare kitche^ 8 aunary Sept 1 9051683 "M CLEAN 1.500 sq h -ome -enl,& au dish washerpool spa and ;,arid use of house Ow^ be Don' and 4 PC bath 5100 weekly sil Fe- ^lales weicOmeC No pets. 427-2336 COURTK:E AREA. ,arge one bedroom quiet work ng non smoking female welcomed S50C inclusive '905'571--6524 OSHAWA Adelaide S Harmony Female to share townhouse wrtr same Use of all facilities Non smoker S375'mcin Ist'last 434- 9791 PICKERING Hume to share. Includes 6 appliances pN►ially ffxrrstled. $365 or UN inclu- sive. Suit single Non- smokers. Call Ken (905) 420-7347 WESTNEYMWY 2. 3- Townhouses Townhouses m d- bedroohouse. own be 1 For Rent room 6 bath• share rest d For Rent house. Phone, a/c• ap- pliances. cable. S40W K"FAIENCE FAMILY LIVING iq7S MEMORY LANE, PICKERING Oversized 3 bedroom, 11/2 bath townhouses with 2 appliances, gas heating, parquet floors, fenced in backyards. Close to schools, transit, parks & shopping. UMCHAM I SOPERTM (41r) 321-"4b month Sept. 1st. 905-428- 7878. BRM"IINIIIaaS for R=aft PICKERING, Trldel. 1 bedrm with solarium. 5 ape.. parking, locker, se- cunty gate house, fabulous recreation facilities. Avail now! 5980 Call 416.226. 5323 OFFICE Space 300 soft �•lduscra unit in Ajax $350 month incl util Call 6839905 OFFICE space for lease cver1CKs busy Hvi ^.andicap access air con Dlenty or park Cal' -25-999' ImIndustrial Units NEAR Oshawa Center - Ind,is'•a unit Includes overhead doors, high ce, mgs parking. utilities. washrooms and air Com pressor Month by Montt,. 5550 month Also parking for truck with hydro avail able 576 2982 • I Florida Vac. Rentals ATTENTION �nowD,rDS GORGEOU, S bedroom 3 bath-ooms townncuse condo. Gose to ramous Clearwater Mach, pool. la- cuzz BBQ private yard. available now For info and to view photos 6% 9846 or 579 3788 Private Hordes For Sat S139.90G xuyanJ Mand sd r home- 4 bed rooms 2 baths detached garage 12 acre lot big rooms many possibilities (905 965-9203 =149.000 '-- 2 storey bit -1 some 3 bQrrrts Gas fireplace large k %�^en fin sihed rec room w we• tar 3 mored oerJ tc poo ;a -age hot tub LandsUDed and rater -loo.-; onck A,' nicely decorate': 3^0 near Close •D schools and shopping 4„ appliances 905728 - PRETTY 2 -STOREY le - lc".,; -.,,r..r New broadloom In Irving dining. 3 bedrooms New I oonng rn both bathrooms en . trance eat -,n k.', nen Bay linndows slydng doors to deck double garage beau,�I�Ily landscaped fenced large 'o Shows like a model horn@ S157.9X 20 Horseshoe Dr oh Th,cksor below, Hwy 2; Oper House Sun Aug 25 12 4 p m 905-4332966 3 bedroom brick bunaiow, 1.2 acre lit Rent to own JaneNdle Cail !905)579- 0&45 after bpm 3 POOLTON Cres 3 - bedroom freenold town- house beautifully decl ed Gorgeous backyard cedar deck perennial gar dens oa security system Move -:n conation' Open House Sunday Sept 1 1- 4p m S117.000 (905)404- 1835 ATTENTION PROFES- SIONALS, executive cus- tom buin (Glens Oshawa( Whitby) 3000 sq ft + 4 boll +1. Close to scrods. buses. etc:. 5236.700.00. For detail (905)579-9783 BOWMANVILLE- 3 + 1 bdrm. 2 storey semi de- tached finished basement. Immediate possewon. Vender anxious. Asking $97.900 Cad (905)623- 9508. BROCK RD b 2• Great fancily location, 3+1 bed- room, 4 baths• walkout basement. newly broad - loomed 8 decorated. $158.500 Call (905)294- 8461 or (905)473-3268 FOUR BEDROOM two storey brick home. 40 Mil Laughlin. (North Oshawa), gas heat, 2 baths, $139.000. For more infor- mation Call 571-1049 HANDY MAN Special in Port Perry. 2 bedroom, pie shaped lot. 50x160. as" 5110.000. call 905-625- 1347 INCOME PROPERTY. 3 bedroom, with main level apt large lot. S Oshawa. Zoned C-1• Carry for less than rent. Details 905-852 6785 INGROUND POOL 4 bedroom 2 storey, double garage. family room vi lre- dace, paved drive. circular stair, cIii walkout to deck' pool $174.900 36 Lillian Cres. Newcastle (905)987-3700 OSHAWA bargain S110.000 Brick bungalow. 2 bedrooms garage. 36X I OC' lot 2 bedroom ,m law suite Cal! 90551 2883 OWNER ANXIOUS A" 51 no „n,: Legal duplex nice Oshawa area Appliances included In come monthly S140C 905- 263-841 7 PRIVATE SALE FEN[ LON IVIn ba-, lay Stem 4 season home Front 80 If Cameron Lake Back 105 if Burnt River 3 bedrooms 1 12 baths fieldstone fire- place wpm airtight Two car garage plus Paved drive way large boat slip. phone 705887-3813 UNIQUE newly decorated E oedrocm 1900 sq h home. huge lot. desirable rea 400 s4 h famdyroom air, Hardwood floors. ,deal 'or large tamely -,n -law S' 59.900 905.5 79-4868 .VHITBY detached above grc DrMoorns 4 pc 2 Dc roc room wet bar cen tra, ar. garage '47 it deep rav'ne lot. $138 500 Ask for Lr11ar North 668 3800 Res 6687479 Atil Summa Realty WHITBY immaculate bunga,^w at 112 Elizabeth res Soum on Urge lot 90' A 168' 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms call room vvrn bar and fireplace Attached car garage Ask -9 S209000 For more deraiis and 'o view mus private sale calf 905 655 4840 WHITBY. $99 300 11 3- bed•-oms lrvmg,drr,ng Comprnaton, walkou! to patio 6 fenced yard ga- rage Witr 5., down w0 carry for S'Samo including Taxes Call Ted Houghton Suror Group Classic 430- 900C nvestment an Property 8 UN,T apatment bu.ang .31 sae Centrally located 4332504 after lip m Lots for Sale SPACIOUS RAVINE LOT ,n Orono. approx 66x172. dev"Ped area. Cal even- ngs belore 9 pm 905-623- 9456 Vacation Properties 531500 full priced. Seclud- ed wooded Trader lot, ad- jacent to huge county for- est, good road. sandy beach. fishing. Cobourg area l416431-1555 POWER OF SALE - re- creation lot 75 x 100, par tially treed 12 kms Ne Campbellford, on Crow River Septic, water, power 18 It travel trailer included Reasonable condition. S9o00 firm Cal John 905- 432-1345 1 Cottages For Sale SPECTACULAR sunset view up Crystal lake, pri- vate pad was treed lit. new 3 bedroom cottage, extra lot, prices from, $75.239. Make oMer. Call June, (705) 488-2258, or (705) 488- 2752. Fax or phone. w.w. Long Real Com. Camper 1 Trailer Silfa RED SETTER RESORT - family campground and cottage resort on the Trent. Large spacious sites. Full hook-up from $825. 2 and 3 bedroom collages from $350rweek. Roc hall, store. pool lakefront swimming, boamtg. good fisting. 905- 436-0807.705-778-110%. 08TAINING A LOAN IS NOT GUAR- ANTEED.SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES,OTHERS DO NOT. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS. SMALL profitable pizza franchise for sale ,n Bow - Manville Call (905)728 7888 leave message • 1 Registrations DRUM FLF.AStw Gn" Meet our dream girls. Discretion assured. Call 571-7480 Don't Foret Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept. is open for your convenience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad AN �,ppurtunny to own ' , Cards Of Cards Of your or.n REGLAZING FM Thanks I Thanks business (bath tubs. sinks C'••"•aT W" ceramic tile. counter fops etc I Save customers up to 75% of replacement cost No selling All work sup- plied Over $1.000 per week Full training Small investment required F. nanc,ng available Can to- day' 1 800-749.3449 HEALTH Food buying grout seeks licensees for OShawa;Vil stores Generale mid 6 figure sates from your investment 1 416.606-8354 OSHAWA Fully equlppeC ' 3C seats licenced restau- rant Good loation. ample parking For details Bruno Posteraro 9055-986-9658 RESTAURANT' f I,sneC ',Vh0cy Dur B festal 'ant Open 1989. closed Aug t 1996 Tu In key op- eration. man street. posse ble direct transfer of I.quor license Can landlord (905168"442 or (905,668 5011 ost attractive ladles Reliable. discreet. out calls only N w hill tamalac 19. 404-8761 A fl home smoknuj cessation program Is available through tha Toronto Hospital In connectlor with a research study. If yoti are 18 /rs. or alder. PLEASE CALL 416-204-1765 EVANLY RAYS Police use -, Rated ill Solutions on Career. Relahonsn,ps. -1428h. Love $2 99vminute d . 1 900-451 4055 HEAVENLY PSYCHIC answr•� serving over 53 nWilon readers Only S299 per inn 24 hits 18 yrs plus 1 900-45' 3793 CARD OF THANKS BOWER - E. JEAN We would like to express our gratitude and thanks to Jeans friends and business colleagues for the loving support you save during her illness and recent death. For phone call, cards, visits, flowers and memorial donations- many thanks. Thank you to Dr. H. Weber and the Home Care Program. Jean couldn't have stayed at home without your care and support. Special thanks to Bonnie and Esther for the many trips with Jean to Princess Margaret Hospi- tal; to Vicky for her loving sup- port and friendship; and to Jean's very dear and special friends Karen and Kathryn, a bis thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Todd, Troy & Lori Ann & Family Jean's parents, sisters and brothers. • I • • 1 ArrtounmTents • • 1 Arnouncentents • I AnnounC"n"'l • • 1 Anloitilli 0 Selling Something.) If -e 2 EASY WAYS -HERE'S HOVE IT WORKS - 1. Yll 19 word ad is published ti)r 3 consecutive clays 2. The rate is based on the highest priced item in the all. $00 -$99 . ..........................$5 + GST $100 -$199 . .................. .. $9 + GST $200 -$299 . ........................$19 + GST $300 -$399 . ........................ $29 + GST $400 -$499 ........................ $39 + GST 77icye etch- etre not rtf iindahle and addttioual words arejust 50C each 3. To give you an idea, check this example RANGE & refrigerator only 2 years old, 30" self clean $200. 20.6 cu.ft frost free $325. 000-0000. The price -for this ad would he $29 + GST fused on the price of 15-325for the refrigerator. AI) WILL RUN IN 10 REGIONAL EINT GINS. PAY FOR l WEEK & RECEIVE. I WF -FK FREE! APPLIES TO ARTICLES & AUTOMOISILFti FOR SALE. ONLY $S3 + GST ova & p1b,&h1*0 News Advert iser 683-0707 1 Amw&:, The alxtve offeraplslitrs to non-e-omrnercial advi•rti�c•rs telly LESSONS TWO classy ladies. one e Mortgages, Private lessons extraordinary massage • I Insurance available , rea- 37 sonable rates. MORTGAGES Good, Call ompa tions bad and uoly Financing for 428-2000 any purpose rates from 595° All applications ac EASTSIDE CONNEC tooted Community Finan TIONS DATELINE - Free to tial Services 668-6805 Me, Personals call to place your ad. no Charges for ladies. n0 • IBusiness pportunities phone bill charges. 905- 430.7060 Don't Foret Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept. is open for your convenience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad AN �,ppurtunny to own ' , Cards Of Cards Of your or.n REGLAZING FM Thanks I Thanks business (bath tubs. sinks C'••"•aT W" ceramic tile. counter fops etc I Save customers up to 75% of replacement cost No selling All work sup- plied Over $1.000 per week Full training Small investment required F. nanc,ng available Can to- day' 1 800-749.3449 HEALTH Food buying grout seeks licensees for OShawa;Vil stores Generale mid 6 figure sates from your investment 1 416.606-8354 OSHAWA Fully equlppeC ' 3C seats licenced restau- rant Good loation. ample parking For details Bruno Posteraro 9055-986-9658 RESTAURANT' f I,sneC ',Vh0cy Dur B festal 'ant Open 1989. closed Aug t 1996 Tu In key op- eration. man street. posse ble direct transfer of I.quor license Can landlord (905168"442 or (905,668 5011 ost attractive ladles Reliable. discreet. out calls only N w hill tamalac 19. 404-8761 A fl home smoknuj cessation program Is available through tha Toronto Hospital In connectlor with a research study. If yoti are 18 /rs. or alder. PLEASE CALL 416-204-1765 EVANLY RAYS Police use -, Rated ill Solutions on Career. Relahonsn,ps. -1428h. Love $2 99vminute d . 1 900-451 4055 HEAVENLY PSYCHIC answr•� serving over 53 nWilon readers Only S299 per inn 24 hits 18 yrs plus 1 900-45' 3793 CARD OF THANKS BOWER - E. JEAN We would like to express our gratitude and thanks to Jeans friends and business colleagues for the loving support you save during her illness and recent death. For phone call, cards, visits, flowers and memorial donations- many thanks. Thank you to Dr. H. Weber and the Home Care Program. Jean couldn't have stayed at home without your care and support. Special thanks to Bonnie and Esther for the many trips with Jean to Princess Margaret Hospi- tal; to Vicky for her loving sup- port and friendship; and to Jean's very dear and special friends Karen and Kathryn, a bis thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Todd, Troy & Lori Ann & Family Jean's parents, sisters and brothers. • I • • 1 ArrtounmTents • • 1 Arnouncentents • I AnnounC"n"'l • • 1 Anloitilli 0 Selling Something.) If -e 2 EASY WAYS -HERE'S HOVE IT WORKS - 1. Yll 19 word ad is published ti)r 3 consecutive clays 2. The rate is based on the highest priced item in the all. $00 -$99 . ..........................$5 + GST $100 -$199 . .................. .. $9 + GST $200 -$299 . ........................$19 + GST $300 -$399 . ........................ $29 + GST $400 -$499 ........................ $39 + GST 77icye etch- etre not rtf iindahle and addttioual words arejust 50C each 3. To give you an idea, check this example RANGE & refrigerator only 2 years old, 30" self clean $200. 20.6 cu.ft frost free $325. 000-0000. The price -for this ad would he $29 + GST fused on the price of 15-325for the refrigerator. AI) WILL RUN IN 10 REGIONAL EINT GINS. PAY FOR l WEEK & RECEIVE. I WF -FK FREE! APPLIES TO ARTICLES & AUTOMOISILFti FOR SALE. ONLY $S3 + GST ova & p1b,&h1*0 News Advert iser 683-0707 1 Amw&:, The alxtve offeraplslitrs to non-e-omrnercial advi•rti�c•rs telly ( CALL • 683.7545 tot up-ic-late • auction list rgs n b Port Perry residents Im call 4042615 a ;uneni and upcoming auctions baled in soutnem p1e35e call the abOve number. Auctions AUCTION JAr-c AEI UR DAY, a10N. SEPT. 2. , A M. PETHICK A;; ;TION EARN. :98 CONC. RD- E 8 �WMANVILLE HAYDON) Labour Day have to be urge variety of & modern fur - collectable y china & cont - hunting lodge home. nclud- ���br furniture s,rre,al bird 7s. Paul Bur- �r:. '_id Edition •ar,ed water co- %ative art. -ted animal s. fish. hides. Caney Prints. �vsk D11S. 9 PC chesterfield su- ne tables. wind - frames. desks. games table. 45' colour N . elite systems. di- , tom suites. parlour tables. stand. cherry & dressers. bed - suites, dish sets. cffice equip- the cabinets ,•v other interest- & unusual items. irge sale, Viewing 10 am Someth- tor everyone ns are Cash, Visa )r Debit Card For into call (905) 263-4252. Sale managed and sold by Garry K. Powell Auctions, Apprai- sals & Liquidations- _ 4 +'11 sr' east -oronto, North 8 .•s turn right on Stn ession of Clar- ;• n SUN. SEPT. 1ST, 11 A.M. 1 -Gregor's Auction Bowmanville. �aae 401 to Waverly North to +02. East Scugog St. & North 4 mile. This Sunday 1eat.,res a varied se- eaion o1 articles, an- t,Ques. collectables & household contents, i'c ,ding antique hall stand. tables, dress ers boxes & trunks, washstand, glass & china. old bottles_ Deas compressor r Something for one all Call for all yi auction needs. MacGregor Auctions 905-987-5002 905-987-3664 FAX YOUR ADS 683.0707 EQUIPMENT AUCTION BERRY BANK FARMS, ORONO, HOLIDAY MON., SEPT. 2ND 10 A.M. Selling a tu!I Line of farm equipment. Tractors, machinery vehicles, hardware, to is, etc. RRn2 Taunton Rd.. Orono, 1 1 2 miles west of Hwy, i 15. Fordson Major tractor. Case vac trac- tor Ac 5040 (3 cyl ) tractor. MF -1135 Doe - se! w/cab (120 h.p ), JD -1120 Diesel w%cab 120 In p ) David Br )wn 3800 gas trac- rc, 30 ft. Tandem bale rack. NH 469 Haybme. JD 450 by- " "i push manure ;c, mcler. JD 780 Hy- dra push tandem ma- nure spreader. MF 721 single axle spreader. Massey 7.5 swather w 12' U2 :raper head. Massey 1., pull type combine. ;D 4 furrow plow. K':ernland 3 furrow p) cw. set of leveling ^a •'ows. 24 ft vibra shank cultivator. cutti- oarJr 3 pth . disk loth. Y" 33 seed dri : JD C 4 7,)w corn ,,,inter Int 4 row corn i; anter. Papac Silage +raver. Paatz suo un- ­i ler (12' - 16 sib) C, r-kshutl grain grin- fe• WHFO 3 pth alter. NH30 Whir- ateed silage blower. 1000 rpm), new rid- ing lawn mowers. new 10 hp snowblowers. 5 hp air compressor. commercial foley saw filer, Robert Bell port- able saw moil ( 40 IT carnage, 50 in insert- ed tooth,) 20 inch Cowan jointer planer. horizontal Shingle mill. power washer, Honda 3 5 hp water pump. riding mower 3 pth snowblower, 50 gal weed sprayer, lawn roller, lawn seeder. 25 bus. rotary flog feed- er, 3 stainless farrow- ing crates, motorized lawn sweeper, push mowers round bale feeder, 15 ton hy- draulic press, new new lathe side san- 3 stage compres- head, 36 in. metal 1. 3 pth scoop, ier, Vehicles 1983 1 Bronco 4 x 4 rr cube van. 1981 1 ton dual wheel e, double skidoo x, box trailer, List ect to additions deletions. For in- lation and to Ion- to this auction. tact the Auction - JOHN D. BERRY RR$2 OiAW (906) 90-M7 FRANK G. STAPLETOK NEWTONVILLE (90) 7462244 AUCTION BARN Friday August 30 at 5:30 p.m. 3 miles East of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 The properly of Mary Kennedy of Bobcay- geon Plus others. oak double bow front chi- na cabinet, refinished Jam cupboard, ma- hogany curved glass corner china cabinet, walnut parlour tables, washstand, refinished oval gate leg table with barley twist legs. spinning wheel. qty co -oil lamps, single box spring & mattress. milk cans, walnut book .ase, 5 pc an - parlour set, oak wardrobe. occasional eha,rs. GE Automatic washer, G E Apart- ment size dryer, oak buffet. Axminister ru11'>, antique settee, butter bowl. Ladel & p—ts. walnut book- case, treadle sewing machine. walnut cof- fee & end tables. 12 tt 'cedar strip canoe in ;,,A condition. new H'; ,and 845 baler. r •s a qty china. ;ass. household & iectible items Don d Greg Corneil Auctioneers RR 01 Little Britain (705)786-2183 ESTATE A'JCT10N GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTER NEWTONVILLE. AUG. 30 - FRI.. 6 PM. S. ng a soca, %ate. Kenmore al - id fridge and 30 in cleaning stove. t" rnore microwave Stand. 5 pc -olc- k tcnen suite, Hi - %J it yr !v (rem - occasional ta- :JivS, swivel and plat - n rockers match- - , bentwood rocker anrt tables. 3 PC tut', - e,1 chesterfield and ove seat suite. (Blue -ea ), metal desk and .hags. cabinet. pine book shelves. ki1G^- erware small ap- c ances, linens. 3pc bedroom suite, co-op turf trac riding mower i10 hp 34 in I MTD 5 hp n1ler, master craft 8 hp snowblower, gas ^tower. McCulloch and pioneer chain saws. air conditioner. shop vac, mechanics tool chests, power tools. hand tools, gar- den tools, aluminum ladder, wheelbarrow. mist. hardware, 10 speed bike etc The estate vehicle will also be sold. 1989 Old Ciera, air, tilt, cruise, (as is) . Terms Cash, approved cheque. visa, rtvc interact Auctioneer Frank G. Stapleton, CA], ICCA (905) 7862214, 1-800 N&9888, Fu 7863591 Estate specialist for over 25 yarn. Classified Dept. open every Mon. to Fri. 8:00 LM. - 8:00 p.m. Sal. 9:30 - 3:00 Call 683-0707 GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTER, NEWTONVILLE. SEPT. 12TH, THURS. 6 P.M. Selling a variety of shotguns, rifles, long arms and related equipment from vari- ous sources and es - fates To consign to this auction and for further information contact the Auction - Frank G. Stapleton (905) 786-2244 1-800.263-9886 Fax (905) 786-3591 MONDAY. SEPT 6. 6 30 ), we w, Spit ,. ° a. -s: a• No—s Repay, a^o Wa<• 5' S Fe^er,, App,, • 7,a Ileal '0, 3'.'0 a^" •erdi• uses s saoiem •oke^,n p.openY ,e Shin , •- ss '^ s % n"E. sad V:Lea, A.:*,:,s 2 71 ,RVAL ANG 13ARR+ A•, AJC"!i''.EFR< ".U;Ii AJ-, 2- 5 P.M. =r: kite^.,,,, cup- ,i"1s appliances. -• lure, antiques. a.s china. at Orval '.� _pan Auction Cen- - Lindsay. selling uery, of Mary Ella r id of Toronto. giv- up housekeeping ' other local es - ''a'. 5 Excellent ap- a ices. modern dm- 'wrn suites, ches- eld suites bed - furniture. Victor - i1 carved side -na rs. riental area rugs, ashed upright pra- okt cutting board. .,frai fancy lamp rat - pmts. antique red bottles. silver ge dinnerware ,s and saucers. v,ley etc corn- wer glass china. ',-s Iood gas lawn we, 5 full size via- )amei selling a sec . ' creditor _a, )e G:a-•ity of new R"en upboards a. white, etc upper ars: lowers Partial Ist consign estates. 'u house or apart- menttuls or list your sae on site or at our a tion center call McLean Auctions 324-2783 Lindsay. or 14WO-461-6499 to list your sale. Orval and Barry McLean. Auctioroilwn. Don't Forget Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept. is open for your convenience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call News Advertises Ciassined Department is open every Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p-nL can 683-0707 to place your ad or fax it 683'7363 AUCTION SALE SAT. AUG. 31 - 10 A.M. EXTRAORDINARY Auction of Antiques, Col- lectibles & Household for EVELYN SPENCE ct Beaverton and RUBY REESER of Markham. held at the Phoenix Sales Arena (formerly WIL- SONS ) in Uxbridge. 2 miles north on main St to Davis Dr ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD; Pine flat to wall cupboard. (EX). ant pine corner cabinet (T high. EX). butternut table . (EX) ant benches, blanket boxes. Ig modern oak china cabinet. For Prov table & 6 chairs sideboard, ant clocks walnut tea wagon sofa bed, loveseat ant high chair, qty ant chairs, apt size piano, ant spool bed. bedroom Ste . dressers. Ig. qty old wicker, ant hand painted hanging lamp. TVs. VCR linens. bedding, appliances, qty hand tools. Martin house , snowblower. riding mower, Ig qty an- tique glass & china crystal 8 pee setting Royal Albert, 10 rifles (FAC req d) pias much more TERMS: ;ash. Visa Interac. M C or good known Cheque NOTE. "Ars Spence & Mrs Reeser are moving i='":e5er is 94 yrs old & has been a lifetime Markham resident STUDENTS don't miss an ,Jpportunihy to furnish your university apts VIEWING: 9 AM SALE DAY Fall auctions will be held every Saturday at this location Over 1.000 lots. two auctioneers Thanks for your faithful patronage! GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Div. of 1081454 Ontario Inc. ) Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 Toll Free 1-800-654-4647 AUCTION SALE LABOUR DAY - SEPT. 2-10:010AM. _arge F.- .. "" , .a..^ ,'k,a _" l & Art ; .,, or ::rands Hreshkevich at 4640 aunton Rd Whit- cy. West of-liekSor East of Anderson) Take -Ivey 4401 to Hwy 412 exit qo north to Taunton Nath for signs ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD' :iat to wail cup- bca 1 t panes glass EX , oak s,,,1ebcar! ant walnut sideboard iheavity carved EX' ')ak side oy side tdrop front. beaufrort china. bev glass. EX oak dining table & 6 ':hairs. iron bed parlor & -000 .rc ies. ant churr, pa 1. Sweden cream sep- irav r Ad maWines, cod calenders oil lamps int Mass collectibles plus more FARM. _' furrow 3 pth plow ant corn chopper. '), 1 ars. ant Mvers wo,,den pump sprayer. walking plow & 5•:.-ttler wooden wheel trailer ant ^ay ?lowers a^1 engines double flywheel sta- :ionary engine M - 'tit & -,ss stat engine !pts cnhy) . MH horse drawn -cwe• 6' draw type disc . q qty art .and tools ga,den tools. Yamaha 200 E 3 wheeler ATV crus much more NOTE Ar Extracrdmary Holiday Auction from s -�,.g.r;al ncmestead, taking us back - time with ^tarty treasures being Auctimed TERMS --ash or good known cheque a m sale day Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for any mishaps, accidents or osses occurring to the to the public GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Div. of 1081454 Ontario Inc. } Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 Toll Free 1-800-654-4647 MON. SEPT. 2 AT 10 A.M Antiques and collectibles _ •he estate of Mrs Diane Henderson -' Ma'Ikham. held at the Goodwood Community Centre Hwy 47 in Goodwood Viet ash sJeocard, pine linen press. Arts and Crafts matching dresser and wash- stand, oak Morris chair. Vict post office unit 72 pigeon home. secretary desk w Claw feet, oak school desk early barber chair, chicken coop and harp back chairs, pine blanket boxes. double back settee. 8 ft pine bench. oak mantle, dress- ers. dkningroom table. floor and table lamps. steamer trunks. ant. glass and china, cranberry epergne, Roseville vase. signed Fenton bowl, pair Ouimper candle holders. Meakin chi- na and much more. Vict. bronze birds. Vict. frame wimolher of pearl, Vict jug wicherubs, old silver tea service, old Zither. Jello coin collection. Sweet Caporal adv. sign, Coka Cola stand, many other adv. collectables, carpenters tool box, 10 gal. crock, old tools and primitives, Sports Calls a0 mint - Gretzky Rookie card, baseball insert box $2500.00 value, 4000 prospects 1st round $900.00 value, Beckett first issues 111,2,3, Gretzky, Huff, Yzerman etc. Very interesting sale packed full of quality and selection from start to finish, over 500 lots. Terms: Cash or good cheque only. No reserve. Lunch counter. Preview 8:30 a.m. CLARKSON AUCTIONS 905.640.6411 In In Memoriams EM, Memoriams To a loving father who passed away 2 years ago today, Aug. 27/94 HAROLD ALFRED MARKLE In loving memory of a wonderful father and grandfather (Papa). We miss you dearly Love your children, Susan, Derek, Jeff, Gabe, Krista, Michael, Nicole and Connor -riu, N*E�%'S ADVERTISER, I'l iD., AUGUST 28, 1996 -PAGE 45-A ' Deaths SMI Deaths f JONES, Gordon -- At Centenary Health Centre Scarborough on Monday. August 26. 1996 Gord Jones will be sadly missed by his Immediate family and grandchildren sisters and brothers, and many nieces and nephews A special thank you to Dad's sisters. Doreen and Minnie. niece Charmaine and daughter Marney, who never left his side. Love you and thank you Mr Jones will rest at Ronald Martino & Son. Funeral Directors Brock Road Chapel 1057 Brock Rd Pickering (dust south of the 401 east sldel 905.686-5589 after 5 00 pm Thursday Fu- neral services and committal in the chapel Thursday 8.30 pm Cremation In Gord s memory donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated WALDRIFF. '_,Mian - peacefully c^ 'tifednesday Au- gu,,1 2' ' 995 at the Wellesley Hospital Lillian be- loved wife of Oliver Loving mother of Beth Bever- ley. Robert Jim. Judy. David Gordon and prede- ceased by Steven Dearest Nanny to `ter grandchil- dren and great grandchildren WIII be sadly missed by her sons-in-law. daughters -In-law and many tnends The family will receive fnends at Mr_Eachnip_ F'ureral Home. 28 ')ld Kingston Rd Ajax Pickering `Alagel 905-428-8488 `rom 2-4 p m and 7 9 p m Friday Funeral Sernce in the chapel on Satur- day August 24 1996 at 1' X a m ntem,ert Ers- •re erretery If desired dorations to the chanty Sf your choice would be appreciated by the family WESTECOTT. -' ce ^st;cre ,asses awa, peacwuil; ,r august 23 '995 at age 26 Beloved son of Marne Adams Nestecott and a^be^ and Linda hestecott Dear brother of Mirl-aei Fondly ,errerricered by his grandparents Marguente and Bill Miller and predeceased by his grandfather Card Adams Sadly missed by his aunts ;odes and cousins A nemonal sernce for pober will be veld on Tuesday August 27 199E r. the Cr,apel of *hp Gordon A Mork :.neral Home o Heler Street. Bob- caygeor at 2 36 p m Intermert at Veruam Ce- metery Memonal donations c Fnends of Scnizo- phrenia would be appreciated b-y'he 'amdy i c.T In In 1 o Memoriams EiTmernortams In loving memory of Son and Brcther Michael Joseph Battle who passed away Ai,gust 2' '995. at the age of 22 Your end was very sudden. No time to say good-bye, lou were gone before we realized. And only God -ows why. The things we telt so deeply. Are the hardest things to say, But we. your family loved you In a very special way Only those who have lost, Are able to tell. The pain in our hearts. At not saying farewell. A goiden heart stopped beating Two busy hands at rest. God broke our hearts to prove to us. He only takes the best. If tears could build a stairway. And heartaches make a lane, We'd walk a path to Heaven. And bring you home again, Our family chain is broken. And nothing is the same, But as God calls us one by one. The chain will link again. Too dearty loved too ever be forgotten, Love Mom, Brothers Steven, Kenny, Shane and Tammy and Nana Battle. Sadly missed by Family and Friends, Shane, Jay, Mendeth, Bemie, Terry, Mike, Lenny, Dwayne, Peppy, Paul, West, An- gie, Nicole, Derek, Michelle, Andrew, Caro- lyn, Laura, Bill Boston, Pam, Lester and Chris Post, Pat and Family, and loving dog Jessie. v v-RIORDAN-'-V`t In loving memory of a dear husband, fa- ther, grandfather & great grandfather who passed away Aug. 28th, 1994. Wonderful memories ttrmen in gold, This is the picture we tenderly hold. Deep in our hearts your menory is kept, To love ,cherish and never forget. GOD BLESS YOU Sadly missed by wife Jean, sons; Kevin & family, Bruce & family and John & family, daughters; Donna 8: family and Jane & family. P PAGE 46-A-TH1FN`EAV%- AlbN•1`RWSER.14b.. A[IG'1'%4 iE, 194 ' Brought toyou Week and the 683m7O4O HOW TOUSE INFOSOUR CE 26 . 23 _ 1 Call 683 7040, or from Clarington and Port Perry call 404- 26231 04- 0 (Clarington & Port Perry) 2623, using a touch-tone phone or push button phone that emits tones. It's a free call from Oshawa, Whitby, Clarington, Ajax, Pickering and Port Perry. 2 When prompted enter the 4 - digit code of your choice from the directory provided. so rce FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF BOXES 5040. 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User's Club ..6032 FUN • • THE,. �This Week Max dnoge Caub ........ovCw F "re ;,f ,ne Day .........5J o Oddfeflows/Rebekahs ....6001" Bit 'Parents Tots Quote of the Day ......5017 Oshawa Legion .........6002 " n Letters to the Editor ......9001 Trivia Cut-- Mllestones .............9002 5018 Scoreboard 9003 REGULAR MEETINGS 1 St. Mark's United Church ..6033 ' ' : ' ' ' � - - Simcoe United Church General News ........9004 ..-6034 Bulletin Board ...........9005 InfoSource .. . ....... . . .9006 i Support Croups ,Rummage sales ENTE f , Parents of Teens DEATH NOTICE LISTINGS • AI -Anon. AI-Ateen ........6004 Alcoholics Anonymous ....6005 For ;ill JUdierO .s n of .tll cum nt Oshawa Centre Cinemas 7022 Women's support group of o I r f eniors� ' Whitby Cinemas .........7023 Durham Community Care .6006 KZft= c1r;Itl1 notice rrc�•i�c cl fi>r huhlic;t- M:: Ajax Pickering Cinemas ...7024 S.O.S. ... . ....... tion in "f'lli.s \Vcck. call 404-6591. Pickering Moviplex 9 .....7025 .....6007 (Smokers Overcoming Smoking) Clarington Walking Program 1_0r11ll1irllcntar,,,' cl". K'v prct- Oshawa Little Theatre ....7026 COPE (Depression) ......6008 6036 X-RIL-S dctailcd inf-orin.ition 1'()I - 'Whitby Little Theatre .7027 Canadian Calorie Counters 6009 Clarington Older Adults ...6037 Durham Shoestnng Performers 7028 Oshawa Senior Citizen's Club nrtti« Ill;tc'e cl in [lle Week( Video One Parent Families .....6010 ' Y " . ....... •7029 Parents Without Partners ..6011 Saturday dances ........6038 cl•t} r R TheaDurham.rs unity 10 ....77003 0 Living with Cancer Support Group Brought to you by the following (Durham East) ..........6012funeral homes: McIntosh -Anderson, FINANCIAL SEMYCES Living with Cancer Support Group @its Armstrong, W.C. 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New and Improved, only $2.49 per minute. FA !Z! DID THE NEWS ADVERTISER- WED., AUGUST 28,1996 -PAGE 47-A 01 L Vid our vows, you take V! balloon, a hot 871f s other jungles Or it you unusuWe'd v to d t id love 11 oonna a wnovv. Ca 683-5iio' Im- 14 ='SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 15 Al(& PICKEAIHCS LARGEST BRIDAL EVENT /BEING HELD AT THE �,PICKERING HOME ND LEISURE CENTRE 755 PICREAING PARKWAY HIGHWAY 401 AND BROCK ROAD NORTH COMPREHENSIVE PRE SHOW SUPPLEMENT SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 8 �I' CIRCULATION 42,500 DEADLINE TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 3, NOON TO RESERVE YOUR BOOTH & AD SPACE \ALL'683.5110 AD,,COSTS 1/4 PAGE $SSO.�;:....:..e�cumEs BOOTH SHOW 1/2 PAGE ��O,,00� ,,. m1NATCLUDttBOOTH FULL PAGE:1705 �,.,ATSW N,pw 1NCLUDES BOOT H AT SHOW AND - 1/2 PAGE EDMORIAN i P, k PAGE 49 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., AUGUST 28. 1996 �1 VILIAr - • I YY11 F ()RD 1 F NI I'O 19Y3 t,K %\D VIRI \ sv 199 ( I II.AS.s SI PKFNIF. s1 1991 "IFN I" ('A% %1L11 --k 1991 S['\RIKll LE ('O.\�. 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Most cars, lighAmst • • • WCICS 6'C Vat1S-lw,:luJes nn car rarranty k cowrtpkte,wl change wM up u> SL „f pn`mtum 111W:MI,K SW3u,Hl, full Ilukh ,1t & wppwg of all *Includes computerchcck and F•O•D�' uu labour to adjust • *Shims and parts extra if needed149 r<� w.ytr.a �trsc B:PM7 A•R•at J1AK Tum regular ,ill mtu Syntec Ay aldrne �� Ultra S eme Engine TrcAunent kx ,xtl Most cars, light trucks and vans ■ *Other Parts And Labour Extra If Needed LuPilrY ANXW 3Inrs t 1016 Brock Rd. 1698 Bayly St. (just south of the 401) (just south of 401, �`- in Pickering west of Brock) • •�. : • • How= Mow, lues, TMra, Fri -7:30 Am - 6Pmr Salt. - 7:30am - 2pm, Wed. - 7:30 am • 8tHo Must cars d(c light trucks * ' aQQ $39 4 co Most cars, !gilt Y� J trucks and Vans 6 cyl. *Includes new A/C Delco or9 *Includes new premium pads' ' Champion plugs and labour to J;an I abour to install install - Vans &trucks $20 extra s�� an parts and labour extra Is A. t MI_ if needed No Payment No Interest FOR 6 MONTHS Parts/Labour (excluding tires) Your Car Repair Bill