HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_08_23Financial Planning and Investment Services Oluestions?jQ01111 us No Cost or ObIlkjotion Unit 16 "THE COURTYARIr 428-8613 Denis or Chris A h NMI M—ILT M -i 'Personol Financial In a ... By Design' l _-L HONE IMPROVEMENTS • a 6 BY e4m&.. Faaehr Ornaa a opiate For fence You Can hwi VISIT OUR SHOWW= (,hqi wtln d srrir. PkMringl 42a48�o P/Ci�E�/�(/� • ST --- ORFRp A4 1 News Adverti i L Friday, Aug. 23, 1996 32 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 42,500 Vol. 115 No. 34 1 I&A40'" : /t s t/ze weele,,rall t7ol, sir �wl fl rg The Pickering Muscum Village Chapel hosts an old-fashioned hymn sing Sunday. Soloist~, chotrs and instrumentalists are invited to join in the non -denominational event from 1 to 4 p.m. Call Dave or Sharon at 693-9401. Admission to the hvmn sing is $4 for adult,, sensor% and stu- dents, $2.50 tier children and 51' for famthes.71te museum village is on Hwv. 7 howcen Brock Road and Westncv Road. --- --- --- - -- ---- Forecast Saturda% Sunda SunnN Mostl% i and warm sunm 12 to 24C 16 to 25C Inside In the news Entertainment ....................9 Sports...............................10 Classified ..........................17 Phone lines General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 Sincerely Yours 1-800-662-8423 1nfoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 On the Internet at www.durhamnews.net 93«+7tGST =$1 r Ajax firefighters battle a blaze on a tractor Road on-ramp, snarled traffic in both direc- trailer carrying scrap cars on the east- tions from shortly after noon till around 5 bound lanes of Hwy. 401 Thursday after- p.m. noon. The fire, just east of the Westney photo by Ron Pietroniro Ajax truck firesnarls 401 AJAX —A fire in a container on the back of a tractor trailer here snarled eastbound Hwy. 401 traffic for several hours Thursday after- noon. The fire in the truck carrying a container of crushed cars reduced traffic to a single lane and forced the closure of the Westney Road on- ramp until around 5 p.m. The Ontario Provincial Police reported around 4 p.m. eastbound traffic was backed up See FIREFIGHTERS ... Page 4 Rowdy teens, vandalism plague south Pickering Bl' MARLANN : TAKA( :S SI.V1 Killt)Ril,K PICKI:RING — -Ihev moved here because of the peaceful surroundings, but now some residents of the Douglas Park area by Frenchman's Bay keep baseball bats at the ready to protect their homes and loved ones. The neighborhood. say area residents, has turned into a suburban nightmare in recent years, with young people walking around casing homes ripe for break-ins during the day and having wild parties in the local park at night. ""rney smoke their dope. drink their beer, play doctor, and after that they go and vandalize things;' says area resident Steve Kinsman. " 1'n] afraid to go away. L.:tst Labour Day weekend I had planned to go up to Muskoka. 1 couldn't go because my sister went away and so>me- txxfy had to watch the house" Some recent incidents: LJ Vandals caused $2,9(X) damage to Mr. Kinsman's sister's car by throwing a two -by -six piece of lumber from a trallic barrier at it, breaking the: back window and damaging the trunk and dashboard. 0 About a month ago an arca resident had her car doused with a flammable liq- uid and torched, according to her neigh- bors. A few days later her home was bro- ken into, and about two weeks ago when she got her car back it was vandalized again — this time the paint was scratched off. DA former next -doxy neighbor of Mr. Kinsman, an elderly woman who is now deceased, had her house broken into three times, he says. "Once the kid held a shovel over his head as if to kill her. He rode off on a 10 - speed with a bunch of jewelry" See MEETING. -page 5 HOME OF THE ORIGINAL BIGFOOT® r___----------------'� r----------------------1 1 ORIGINAL BIGFOOT- MEDIUM WINC; COM130 I The Original 20 piece Bigfoorpizza 12 piece Medium Square pizza with cheese lye I with cheese 1 1 plus 1 topping I �ZZA a SV 1 e 3 items I lif 1/2 Ib. chicken [AJAX 1� 4 Coke` 1 witanto wed I s f 83-3333 111 p° 1 ICKERING 839-441 1 11 - 9 9 • PIS I 1 ... . 1 W-11 tax Free Delivery from 11:00 a.m. �tAORW6Y�_J LJ 0 f'AG£ 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAI', At(GL'ST 21,19% r ► ! - p Hospital remo ens sixbybeds closed in patients AJAX-PICKERING — A closure was part of the hospi- she notes. employees were not affected. ray. The beds are usually capacity, to leave room for Lick of patients this past week tal's plans to cut cost% by The beds were cloned Sat- The beds were open again by operated at about 90 -per cent emergency needs. ledto the temporary closure of six beds at Ajax -Pickering General Hospital. Hospital spokesperson Kim MacMurrav says the opening and closing beds according to community need. "Our patient census is always down in the summer," urday when patients from three of the hospital's units were transferred into two. Some part-time staff shifts were cancelled but full-time Wednesday afternoon. APGH normally has 116 beds open and can make 120 available if necessary, according to Ms. MacMur- Pickering gas bar clerk stabbed in botched heist PICKERING — A masked bandit armed with a knife left Pennv-less after stabbing a gas bar clerk in a botched rob- ben- Tuesday night_ A 25 -year-old Penm Gas Bar atten- dant retluired 16 stitches to his arm after a struggle with the robber during the 10 pm. holdup. He was taken to Ajax -Pick- ering General Hospital and later released. Durharn Regional Police say a lone roan wearing; yellow pants and a ski -style mask over his face entered the kiosk at the 701 Krosno Blvd. station, gr WA the clerk from behind and denutrkicd cash. The clerk, a Valley Farm Road man, refused and a struggle took place during which he aas knifed in the right arm, police say. The mhbcr then fled from the gas bar empty handed. The suspect is described as white, 5'5" with a heavy build. AAH.. AAH., AAH C 001* 55 Sneezing, congestion, runny none and eves ... ALLERGIES- Mother N-iturc's cruelest joke! Now you can keep your home >,lk: from allerp' causing pollen, dust mhos. pet hair and dander with a Be -ani Centr.tl Vicuum Stistem . A Beam system reniov s dust, 1 s dirt \- allcrgcns from your living area, instead of ret m ulating theni like most lxlrtahle vacuums. -�-; fora cleaner. healthier home environment. Complete Beam Do -It -Yourself Systems from only 449 SAVE $50! Hum in and save on the professior installation of your Beam "-stem - of good until Saturday Sept. 7th! --move 990% of chlorine content in sur drinking water with FJ B EAM lean Carbon ,'.'Vier Filters! MBE M CANADA'S FAVOURITE BUILT-IN VACUUM! 1271 Kingston Rd. 831.2326 PINE RIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL INFORMATION FOR PARENTS AND STUDENTS NEW REGISTRATIONS -Tuesday, Aug. 27th and Wed. Aug. 28th 9.2 0Op m Appo nt rent necessary! Please call 905420-1885 or 905420-8820 GRADE 9 ORIENTATION-Thurs Aug. 29th 10-12:00 NOON TIMETABLE CHANGES -COMPULSORY COURSES ONLY Thurs Aug 29th 9-2.00p m. - The School Year starts on Tues. Sept. 3rd, 1996 Homerooms will open at 8 40h. New School Hours &55-3.05p m All periods will be 75 minutes -here will be two lunch pends in effect. Lunch o i -1' 45.12 25 Lunch o2- ' S ' 45p m. BRIDAL e E� 4 SOW 96 Sm" SEPTEMBER 15 A1AtIl`./ICIE�10'f LAROIiT Mal!!!BI .:�. !•p maAT-TIE ' AIiD, ' 173l� MCI Y. � � . wr�l►r'Mr Ari hetlnr . £ i .:SUPPLEIR MWAY 3 � t'�ICIAATION � , B AO[>1111111111 1gummy lY1[till 3. NW, t TO I IpE a VA AAO IPM CALL, M110 A° cookk 114 PPA $550.00 112 PAOAow :970 "..... ::.00lrt p, �•;; ' PAL Pw $1'_. 705 P2mmay,,�, L ATN0.�MW �� .. U! THE (YEWS ADVERTISER t'RIDAV, AUGUST 23, 19% -PAGE 3 ntar lO*o.. ��- . to improve performance at Pickering nuclear plant G BY MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF RITORILR PICKERING — Changes are in store for the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station as Ontario Hydro reorvanires its nuclear division to improve per- formance and prepare for a future of competition with pri- vate sector electricity gencra- turs. "We need to he at peak per- formance if we're going to compete and that is what this program is designed to do," says Ontario Hydro spokesman Terry Young, explaining the utility is anticipating the provincial government will eventually open up the electric- ity market to some private -sec- tor competition. Under the new management structure announced this week. the buck will stop with Picker- ing station director Ken "Talbot in matters relating to operations at the local plant. Ontario Hydro has eliminated the posi- tion of general manager of all its nuclear facilities. Now each nuclear station director will report directly to the same per- son who oversees the rest of Hydro's power -generating operations. The new structure "makes it very clear who is responsible", says Ontario Hydro spokesman Mr. Young, "and in Pickering that's Ken Talbot". 'fhc utility is also embarking on it strategic plan to irnpro�c the nuclear divisions perfor- mance, explains Mr. Young, through increasing productivi- ty, improving safety and decreasing costs. In terms of productivity, the goal is to boost nuclear electricity pro- duction by 15 per cent within three years, rnainly by eliminat- ing the kind of unexpected equipment and system proh- lems which have shut down Pickering reactors on several recent occasions. That will he achieved, says Mr. Young, through measures such as impros ing maintenance, reduc- ing human performance errors and enhancing mana.Lemcnt and leadership. On the issue of safety, Mr. Young notes improvements there will relate mostly to worker safety and reducing the need for safety-related shut- downs. "'A'c're not saying the plants aren't safe because they are safe. But that doesn't mean you cant manage nuclear safety better." Ontario Hydro has also hired an independent nuclear advisor. Gregory Kane. former general manager of Virginia Powers highly -rated North Anna Nuclear Plant. "He's going to he advising us on the programs we have in place to improve performance." says Mr. Young. "He's done this job for a number of utilities. He has a fair amount of experience and expertise we feel we could benefit from." However, Dave Martin of Durham Nu:lear Awareness, a ciuicns' group calling for the phasing out of nuclear stations, doesn't believe the measures being taken alone will do much to improve the performance of Ontario Hydro's nuclear sector. particularly the Pickering plant. "-I'hey'rc simply playing at a rather old and tired Lame here. pretending that better manage- ment can turn the prohlerrn around. It's not wing to work because these reactors are sim- ply getting older." Mr. Martin maintains the goals of improving perfor- mance and safety and cutting costs are inconsistent with each other. Real impro.,:mcnt. he says, will cost the utility and the public rm,ney. "Ontario Hydro ratepayers are in a no-win situation here. If more money is spent on main- taining and improving the per- formance and safety of nuclear plants we all pay more. But it that money isn't spent we have to adept poor performance and high risk of accident." s s NOW SERVING ANo pic�eE,eiiv� CALL NOW AND ASK FOR LIMITED TIME SPECIALS. EACH DISH COOKED TO ORDER CALL... "ib* '�'Q�► (416) GREAT CHINESE FOOD DELIVERED FAST AND FRESH!!! U n I I � J �� L_.J LJ 44 ti �W MON. - F Am E, IPA(iE 4 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 2.i, 1996 Firerighters-' battle ea FROM PAGE 1 to Scarborouoh. .And. "rub- ber -necking (westhound motorists) has hacked it up to Lakertdgc Road:' OPP Sergeant Bruce Markle said at the scene. A crane was called in from Oshawa by the OPP to remo%e eight of the scrap cars from the container one b% one. "We couldn't get in so we called in a crane:' Ajax Fire Chief Randy Wil- son reported. The blaze began shortl\ after 12:10 p.m. and contin- ued to smoulder and smoke until 4:10 p.m. The trucker stopped on the south shoulder of the highwa\ just west of the on- ramp at Nl'cstncv Road after another rig dn\er "called me and told me he saw smoke coming out:' the distraught hauler reported. " Who knows what happened:''. He was hauling the sera; cars from 111ssissauea to the Co -Steel Ree \ - cling Cedarciale Di\ rslon to Oe,haw a. Battlingthe blaze wasn't the only heat fire- fichters had to contend with. as high temperatures and heavy gear affected them. Mr. Wilson noted. "One of the problems we're battling is rehabing for the guys. NA'e're really strug- gling and we just ha\c to keep rotatint, them." Also hampering firefight- ers, were minor explosions inside the container, caused b\ ,hock absorber cylinders popping. Traffic was hca\y on arterial roads in Ajax and Pickering as motorists got off' the 401 to avoid the dela}. A passing motorist with a cellular phone notified the Ajax Fire Department of the blaze. A dozen Ajax firefighters fought the inferno with the help of a tanker truck and two men from Pickering. No injuries were report- ed. The cause of the fire and the damage total weren't a%allahle at press time. Mutual Fund.. • II ighc.t Ratc c..Lc . . • Life In.urancc Planning - Tax & Faatc Planning; Firefighters work to douse a fire aboard a tractor trail- er carrying crushed cars on the Hwy. 401 eastbound lanes at Westney Road Thursday afternoon. The cause of the fire wasn't known at press time. photo by Ron Pietroniro r to Door computer se . e Systems Upgrades A.M. to 8 P.M. service days a week service 416 291 2001 PI ring. Ajax, Scarboro Computers Pentium Speed .'/e will convert your OLD 286.386.486 to a 586 P75mhz 5299 P90mhz '350 IBM Power�l P120 s425 P150 $475 vra{:eo ano setup to go Parts & Labour Included Fcomputers, School upgrades. ice Jnternet Upgrade Kit we will install in your system 14.4 or 28.8 modem Netscape software Internet Direct wed service setup & training with 14.4 modem S 1130 with 28.8 modem S 199 ""RO !"LOD WAR 77NO & SON FUNERAL DIREO'fl'ORO BROCK ROAD CHAPEL, 1057 Brock Road PICKERING (Jum south o1 wt) 686-5589 y Our Family Centre has been carefully designed to ens,ire comfort for all your special needs. Our Family Centre is a place to meet with family and friends alter the service. Catering can be arranged or you may provide your own. �00n a e Sh° ptGea N` 01601 ►NSW#qi ROUGE RIVER ,GOLF CENTRE Practice with purpose on our simulated true course conditions. I'I(.1(51A1f:'OF IHEART Featuring: • Two sculptured "fairways" • Seven laser measured target greens • Chipping green & bunkers • Putting green • Merchandise, custom clubfitting • Corporate & group enquiries welcome Our CPGA Professionals will tailor a lesson program to suit your game. 8800 Sheppard Ave. E. (east of Morningside) Open 9am - 10pm Weekdays: 7am - 10pm Weekends (416) 724 -GOLF Redeem this ad and receive Z large baskets of balls for the price ot'one O CORN ROAST FESTIVA O 4. • ` ALL western Belts • 25% OFF Wrangler Jeans • 15% OFF` Fir' All Summer Shirts • 60% OFF AND MUCH MORE! J .y. •,;e:,� �'� y 25 f.11N FROLI TORONTO TORONTO It ILI 9 1 1�ff 'L,'• r`uGniicc Vici rnrIc Western Boots Ladies & Mens from L $ !111 99 Douglas Park area residents, from left, Alicia Ruiz -St. Onge, Andrew Neuman, Steve Kinsman and Mad Neuman in the neighborhood play- ground often littered with broken beer bottles after teen parties in the park. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1"6 -PAGE 5 P Pickering tries to eliminate teen park parties PICKERING — Youths partying in parks and vandalizing surrounding neigh- bo)rhoods are a problem all over town though teen vandalism and break-ins may he worse than average in the Douglas Park area. "It's mostly parks and natural areas;' explains Pickering parks and facilities director Everett Buntsma. "These are common occurrences in urban areas where kids are looking to get away. We try to do what we can to discourage them. Young people often like to congregate in particular locations such as behind a big fallen tree or on a large rock in a park, and the Town does its best to minimize such attractions. "In some cases we've buried those rocks or tried to get them out;' says Mr. Buntsma, but it isn't always possible. Sometimes there is nothing that can be done to make the parks less inviting to teen revellers, short of cutting down the trees, and he notes he's "not about to do that". The Town has sent the Durham Regional Police Service a letter listing some of the neighborhoods Pickering is particularly concemed about, including Silverthome Square/Forestbrook Park; Ridgewood Court/Lydia Crescent; and Thealen Court/Hollyhedge Drive/Denby Drive in the Major Oaks area. Police have responded with hike patrols in the parks, and Mr. Buntsma notes it "seems to have resolved the problem in some area~'. Parks and facilities employees know where the parties usually occur and take care to make sure the beer bottles and other garbage are cleaned up afterward, according to Mr. Buntsma. Damage to the parks themselves is not much of a problem because playground equipment is "fairly indestructible Police struggle to keep up with park complaints PICKERItiG — Police are doing their utmost to deal with teens partying at night in Town parks and vandalizing surrounding neighborhoods, says Inspector Bruce Pugh, who heads the Durham Regional Police Service's 25 Division here. "The parks are patrolled the best we can but we can't be in the parks all the time. We have other calls that are more important than kids loitering in the park. If we get a complaint we try to attend and deal with it. It's an ongoing problem, particularly in the summer months " Nonetheless, he will he more than happy to meet with residents having problems with the youths. "We're quite willing to work with the community to deal with these situations." Teens congregate at the parks to meet their peers and he able to smoke and drink without their parents hexing aware, he notes. And they go 'just to get away from adults in many cases." Insp. Pugh says he's not sure having more police available to deal with the situation would have much of' an impact because the problem is so wide- spread. Still, he advises residents the hest thing to do when the youths are causing trouble in a neighhorhoo,d is to call police. "I don't think it's wise for them (res- idents) to be going out and start con- fronting these teena«ers" It would be nice. notes the inspector, if the trouhlemakmg teens would stop and think about what they're doing. ,*'I'hesc kids have to he responsible and realize they're only hurting their community." --nuc. sa gas • AUGn sa 1 0w HOME VIEWING ATITIS BEST! ..r.,.e,n. o,...a.....,.... +r DlGffUnMMsrsreMs e. Entertainment plus receive FREE Progmmming for 1 year - 40 channels plus 30 music channelsi �., D OPENING SPECIAL" `V FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY 18" RCA DSS ;TIME CAM A CAFW Y ,r+wnw 1 S" wide ar: w 6bw AC !9!9 Iralr..s M. a.M..: �l.a�. PRICE INCLUDES 7 ANY WV/.Y YOU PR,(AE COMPLETE SYSTEM IT...YCU GET VALUE! MiI�NM 15% DEPOSIT STALLATWON IRED �... �. t ST lug Wu IL FoInt- z-..yA z: ti.} .e. '- yam,+t•.-enrffrr S omes ttages 'ENTERTAX ENT 9W-- 254 RV.19 SYS "S -x 5 .''4'�''� r'fi1�r c+�►,--��a3�a -� :.., u-s_�:..c.... a� �r'1M��r��. v. d,` IML4 An OR �►�C��l�.:a photo by A.J. Groen 1 Mee-ting'Sept. '24 ion vandalism in' Pickering_ .arks,p FROM PAGE 1 hide and get away with a ❑ In another incident, W of stuff They hide is the bushes because an apparently drunken they•re so thick. That's teen came on to Mr. Kins- where they drink their man's property and beet" threatened him with NNhen residents corn - death. plain about the parties to D Area resident Alicia police, says Mr. Kinsman, Ruiz -SL Onge has had a oakers often cane and rock thrown through the tell the kids to leave. They window of her van, eggs do leave, but return when thrown at her husband's the police are g�- car, her brake stolen, and The tbree neighbors Christmas decorations believe one reason the taken from her lawn., teens are earning so much .`I�' ripped my treetrouble is because they out of the ground," says think there will be few Mrs. Ruiz -SL Onge. consequences even if dw7 "n* swing On my bees do get caulgirti and break them. Tbey " bey, kava, they can't SaTetize the dog. It's get- be touched became of the dogwwwrYoung Offenders Act ," Am residents aro sap Mc Kbitainno. -11ey r e just gaiog to � a slap oo the wrists bottles often felt alba' the y'u RRadSSt ori Rrk, - hood d en play dmr- hvgb tea am itg the day. end up taking n atteex "E.ery Suodoy when I k to thdr awn hands. take dee dog out I'm pick- I don't to be a ing up beerboWesr mr Dirty H=m3' vh0mde way. Uacie Com, wbo baa but Okw we Wks b bier lawn ori. mmO come to a bead some Tito flan the newft do4r +areae. daoa't know why now, bmmvmthe W&ARM so destructive are Ipiaauiag to Xo.< wonder w>tat diown the sifaafim *6 an Oak- ,you weutkr why . aasd Pte- A spedd co- p�+atNs au+eli't mita.- e�y to talk �ILQ�"y about shym.r perobkmt . .-+.�.^'- U�i•,the witb pnoel Vandal- aeiar wogtMs Come to dm* im tbroo0out the town Laeittood to bwgout las bwo wpaind by became at the Ply ears clod wig be pmvided by the Pte+ bad ' W=lay, Sept. 24 at wWcb bail sattne very 7 p.m. in the Connell bm yatra & at Town hag. 'No one can we them Meeobera at the pttaieiic in the prig:' DOW Mex. wN bays a cbtueoe to '120Y spmkatThe nwim, THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1"6 -PAGE 5 P Pickering tries to eliminate teen park parties PICKERING — Youths partying in parks and vandalizing surrounding neigh- bo)rhoods are a problem all over town though teen vandalism and break-ins may he worse than average in the Douglas Park area. "It's mostly parks and natural areas;' explains Pickering parks and facilities director Everett Buntsma. "These are common occurrences in urban areas where kids are looking to get away. We try to do what we can to discourage them. Young people often like to congregate in particular locations such as behind a big fallen tree or on a large rock in a park, and the Town does its best to minimize such attractions. "In some cases we've buried those rocks or tried to get them out;' says Mr. Buntsma, but it isn't always possible. Sometimes there is nothing that can be done to make the parks less inviting to teen revellers, short of cutting down the trees, and he notes he's "not about to do that". The Town has sent the Durham Regional Police Service a letter listing some of the neighborhoods Pickering is particularly concemed about, including Silverthome Square/Forestbrook Park; Ridgewood Court/Lydia Crescent; and Thealen Court/Hollyhedge Drive/Denby Drive in the Major Oaks area. Police have responded with hike patrols in the parks, and Mr. Buntsma notes it "seems to have resolved the problem in some area~'. Parks and facilities employees know where the parties usually occur and take care to make sure the beer bottles and other garbage are cleaned up afterward, according to Mr. Buntsma. Damage to the parks themselves is not much of a problem because playground equipment is "fairly indestructible Police struggle to keep up with park complaints PICKERItiG — Police are doing their utmost to deal with teens partying at night in Town parks and vandalizing surrounding neighborhoods, says Inspector Bruce Pugh, who heads the Durham Regional Police Service's 25 Division here. "The parks are patrolled the best we can but we can't be in the parks all the time. We have other calls that are more important than kids loitering in the park. If we get a complaint we try to attend and deal with it. It's an ongoing problem, particularly in the summer months " Nonetheless, he will he more than happy to meet with residents having problems with the youths. "We're quite willing to work with the community to deal with these situations." Teens congregate at the parks to meet their peers and he able to smoke and drink without their parents hexing aware, he notes. And they go 'just to get away from adults in many cases." Insp. Pugh says he's not sure having more police available to deal with the situation would have much of' an impact because the problem is so wide- spread. Still, he advises residents the hest thing to do when the youths are causing trouble in a neighhorhoo,d is to call police. "I don't think it's wise for them (res- idents) to be going out and start con- fronting these teena«ers" It would be nice. notes the inspector, if the trouhlemakmg teens would stop and think about what they're doing. ,*'I'hesc kids have to he responsible and realize they're only hurting their community." --nuc. sa gas • AUGn sa 1 0w HOME VIEWING ATITIS BEST! ..r.,.e,n. o,...a.....,.... +r DlGffUnMMsrsreMs e. Entertainment plus receive FREE Progmmming for 1 year - 40 channels plus 30 music channelsi �., D OPENING SPECIAL" `V FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY 18" RCA DSS ;TIME CAM A CAFW Y ,r+wnw 1 S" wide ar: w 6bw AC !9!9 Iralr..s M. a.M..: �l.a�. PRICE INCLUDES 7 ANY WV/.Y YOU PR,(AE COMPLETE SYSTEM IT...YCU GET VALUE! MiI�NM 15% DEPOSIT STALLATWON IRED �... �. t ST lug Wu IL FoInt- z-..yA z: ti.} .e. '- yam,+t•.-enrffrr S omes ttages 'ENTERTAX ENT 9W-- 254 RV.19 SYS "S -x 5 .''4'�''� r'fi1�r c+�►,--��a3�a -� :.., u-s_�:..c.... a� �r'1M��r��. v. d,` IML4 An OR �►�C��l�.:a PACE°6-TRP NEWS ADVERTISIER FRIDAY. AUGUST 23.1996 v Editorials and L ♦ Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser A Metmland Ommumts !Newspaper puMtst>ld wednesdaN. Fnday. Sunday 130-132 Commercial A% c.. Aiax. Oni.LIS 2H5 TINKY1111 J. N111TI:AKER- Publisher JOANNE RURGHARDT. hhor-m-O wl BRUCE DANFORD, Athemstng manager SM'AT: HOl'tiTON. Managing Editt,r A1.N1N BROttiAER. Retarl adsentsmg margo ARE FAKHOI•RIE. Dir mhunon im=gcr Gerwml: M,,t -SI 10 Cla%%iricd: i !1151 6,,,t-0707 0rrulalitm: 1v 151 MA -5117 FAX: Iy1K tNiiliiF.%lail:\cw.r,k•mtodurharnnesssrotOntaw•tnivimet:http/,Hwudurh.ml wAs net 'rax• \,� , Ad,miwr n a nx•mtx•r A the At.n & N kcnnc &cud of frdc. C'anadlan Comniunrts \eu%rxil •r V,tx . Canadian Cuculaiions Audra R rird. Ontano Press C,xiwil :owl OMMR1 1Tx• puhli.hcr resrrws Ilio ncht to dasslh .K refuse any adscnrsement Urmlu for adwmr . rrx•nt limn.d w sp:w:c pnce crux xwp,es Power play. Ontario H-,dro has a new strategic plan. \Vhilc it'. Jearh designed as a move of self-preser-,ation of the utilit-,. it can onl-, he hoped it also result,, in increased ,at''t\ for the people who wort, at and hvc near the Piekcrin-, Nuclear Generatine Station. Residents h\ in,-, in the shadows of H\dro's nuclear po,wcr plants Clcarl\ aren't the main concern of the strategic plan made public this work Rathcr. it's intended to impro%c the utilit}',, performance to order to prepare it for a future of Competition with pmatc sector po,wcr suppliers. I:\cn H\dro's gigantic public relations machine cant dis- guise the real reason for the strategic plan and the reorganiza- tion of the utilit).',, nuclear division announced at the same time. The press release sent out to the messengers in the media makes it all toxo clear where the utilit%" Interests he -- in co -wring Its backside. It talk,, of "a new mana>'ement structure". realienment of nuclear operations and "ncw accountabilities". Durham Nuclear Awareness Isn't buying it. The citizens' group -- which It must be noted wants nuclear plants phased out -- isn't Com inced the measures being taken by Hydro will improve the performance of power stations, particularly the problem -plagued Pickering plant. Spokesman Da -,c Manin says. "Ilkv'rc simply playing at a rather old and tired _same here. pretending that better man- agement can turn the problem around. It's not going to work because these reactors are simply getting older." The-, need to he replaced, he sass• and that would cont the utili[y arid the public momey. "Ontario Hydro ratepayers are in a no-win situation here. If more money is spent on maintam- ing and improving the performance and safety of nuclear plants we all pay more. But if that mono-, isn't spent we have to accept poor performance and high risk of accident" Hvdro counters that it can Improve safety and cut costs at the same time. In fact, the utilit} says, it will improve produc- tivity, vowing to boost nuclear power by 15 per cent within ihrec years. An obvious attempt to dissuade the pnvatc sector 'from try IIng to cut into Hvdro's business. Utility chief executive officer Allan Kupcis says. -Improving safety, production and Cost of our nuclear opera- tions mutt to a priority if Ontario Hydro is going to be suc- cessful in an open, competitive North American electricity market." While Hydro's strategic plan may be motivated by money, the public, particularly people living near the Pickering nuclear plant, will measure its success on whether it delivers on its promise of improved safety. That must be Hydro's number -one priority. tly To respond to this editorial caU Infosource rat nfOSourCe 683-7040 and dial SIIO vYou said it... In response to last Friday's editorial on urging the Town of Pickering to open the books to its taxpayers, our readers said: ♦ "If we are to aspire to be the progressive, growing town where industry and individuals like to live and do business then we have to be accountable. (Councillor) Maurice Brenner has led the way with his leadership and insight. We can be assured that the Town of Pickering taxpayers will have a say in the Town's fiscal management process" ♦ Letters to the editor $2.5 million not lost to Pickering taxpayers To the editor: So Pickering should house a Fiscal Bloopers and Blunders Hall of Shame. according to one of your editors. %Yhs not a Hall of Shame for journalists and other professions:' All professions have their share of individuals who make faux pas and could provide lists of inductees. I recognize the opinion was written "tongue in cheek- but I must admit it raised my ire while reading it. Don't get me wrong. I am a taxpayer as well as a councillor and I do not want to see taxpayers' money foolishly squan- dered, but it's about time someone told it like it is. The plain facts are $2.'. million in taxpayers money was not all lost. The provincial cutback of $939,000 to our municipality was left out of budget negotiations as an oversight, by a mem- ber of staff who normally doesn't prepare budgets. There was no loss to taxpayers, just another round of negotiations by council to account for the reduction. The $1 million investment in Confederation Life was rated Triple A and no one could have foreseen the loss. Other municipalities very close to home lost millions in investments (e.g. Olympia & York), but you don't see headlines advertising that fact. What about the excellent return on investment in Pickering over the last 22 years, in spite of the loss? In fact, in 1995 our investment income totalled 2.6 million which was higher than both Ajax and Whitby. Good news headlines don't sell papers. Even the overpayment to a contractor does not appear to shake out at the amount publicized but because we are now heading into litigation (more cost to taxpayers) it can't be commented on. Some fine tuning was in order to make our Town run more smoothly and the improved checks and balances are being addressed and implemented by your council. Lack of communication throughout the organization is still kc-, and must be corrected to avoid future pit- falls. Nk'hen an indis idual runs amok the courts do not send the entire family to jail for restitution. 'Me same applies here. Staff at our municipal offices are of the highest calibre fir the most part and have the Town's test interest at heart. The spin put on all of this by certain individuals whether for political gain or hidden agen- das is unconscionable. Pickcring doesn't deserve the bad publicity and these indi- viduals should use the old carpenter's rule "measure tw ice, cut once" before attempting to confuse the public rather than properly infirm them and offer up fodder for your newspaper. Sherry Senis Councillor Ward 2 Pickering Pickering resident `disappointed' by public officials To the editor-. Re: Pickering moves to avoid repeat of errors. You have to admire them for that because they could have just let things go and nobody would have known about it." (News Advertiser, Aug. 9) Why? I believed that public officials were elected to serve with loyalty. And to tell the truth. One of the objectives of the audit com- mittee is to detect eventual financial mis- management and make the public aware of them. By ignoring and "letting things go" they are just as irresponsible as the person(s) responsible for the two "major" financial management errors. I am disappointed. Luigi Gaggio, Pickering We asked: Are you concerned by the high number of unsafe trucks still on our highways? TIM MORRISON "R. Yes„ more could be done, like more frequent checks .. ('AFF BROWN "E%crybo dshould be concerned. I think they're doing that they can with what they have." GEORGE DOCHERTY "Yes, I think trucks should be stopped more frequently for checks" ROBERT TRUPPE "Yes, I see a lot of trucks speeding on the highways and that con- cerns me." Run to the Herongate theatre to catch uproarious comedy ❑ Run for Your Wife fall seasonMODELS Iopener WAN!ED.1,,,1 PICKERING __ If modeling has been your Theatre buffs are sure dream, here's your chance to to be running for the strut your stuff on Pickering Herongate Barn Din- Town Centre's fashion runway 71, ner Theatre to catch in our second annual "Hair the uproarious comedy Ri of' he fall season evolution" event on opener Run for Your September 13th and 14th. wife. Complete hair, makeup and Fhe play, written by all clothing will be provided Ray Cooney, was a by the Pickering Town smash hit in London's Centre. We are looking for west end and will be on the Herongate stage models of all ages and hair for an eight-week run, types. from Sept. 6 to Nov. For more details, please 2. visit Mylene at The unforgettable TRADE SECRETS �omcdy follows the aijinks of a man who tries to keep two wives located in Pickering Town without ]using his san- Centre's Sears Wing, Lower •.. ity. Level, on Hcrongatc is just AUGUST 27,28 129 seven -and -a -half miles north of Hwy. 2 on Altona Road in Picker- between the hours of ung. 12 NOON 18 P1 Prices start at S�2.y5 per person. including all taxes. .� Fur ti or more information, call 372- 'IV IV W NE �' �� � ' � ► � Ory EK [. Vr UP to 0 r OFF during our Renovation & Clearance Sale We are renovating our showroom & must sell all in -stock & clearance items! DRAPES, BLINDS, SHADES, SHUTTERS, DISPLAYS ERIC REIIAN LEVELOR MINI BLINDS CALIFORNIA SHUTTERS Plains s5/YD. In -stock White & Alabaster Odd sizes Prints *1O/YD. S"`" " O%oFF 75%oFF LIMITED QUANTITIES. BRING YOUR SIZES. FINAL SALE. CaMorril Strutters (vil lt) White 41 x 581: Reg. 5448 s109 CaMornia Shutters `v` ft) White 32 x 58 Reg. $299 $ 94 Bapoon Valance (Print) Blade & Rose 88 x 27 Reg. $423 $199 Cate Curtain & Valance (Linen Sheer) Plum 48 x 48/20 Reg. $400 $ 99 Silhouette (Hunter ) 1 61 x 66'A Reg. $920 $499 Vertical Printed PV ) Green 48 x 84 Reg. $375 $ 69 Mlcro Blinds Hunter Douglas) Rosewood 49'/. x 65% Reg. $323 $ 59 Swag & Eishops (Print Rose & Green 54 x 84 Re .$5N $199 custom-►Naafi &55 1 rMEF;rCALS SHR 3113o%�FF HONEYCOMB 5O RIZONTALS o� FABRICS SHADES -Your Window Ikcorating Centre'. CASH B CARRY ONLY! r No shop at Homo at oft pry. 428-0937 a 88 Old Kingston Rd. = BLINDS 8 DRAPERY Ajax (Pickering Village) SHOWROOM HOURS: Mon. -Wed. 10-5, rhurs. A Fri 10-6. Sat. 10-5 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1996.PAGE 7 BACK TO �61 TTRESS SALE Ali Mill�,�°'��ii�, l OFF WITH THIS AD All OR M , tip • : , GST fi s -OR- FREli _ ��_ • BED FRAME • PILLOW • MATTRESS COVER CHOICE OF 2 FREE ITEMS MATCHING FH ANY ING SET 1• : • DELUXE •• • Firm r- ' SCROLL • • • • _ QUILT • 1 0-14 — 1 ti1111it��_ 0 NIl)RF. BF.I)s \IORF BI O\I D - Tl) ( HOOSE FROM TO ( II001%F FRr. -+ FACTORY MATTRESS RD 1698 BaylySt. 837-0288 PHONE ORDERS PickeringACCEPTED A Jill h10N.-WED. 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Q THURS.-FRI. 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. VI' ► ► SATURDAY 10:30 a.m.-6:00 P.M. SUNDAY 12:00 p.m. -4:00 p.m. ►e•r� �,�� rAGE s-'l'M. NFWS ADN-F:RTISFR FRID.W. AV(W%T 2;. F996 �I Join local Tories for feast and fun next Thursday 'DURHAM -- Arca Progressive Conservatives %kill gather next week for their annual barbecue and cern roast. ,1 -he Ontario Riding Progressive Conservative Association hosts the event at the Petticoat Creek Conservation Area. at the south end of Whites Read, in Pickering Thursday. Aug. 29 from 5 to 8 p.m. rain or shine. Everybody's welcome. There will he activities for children, free food. refreshments and entertaintnew. But, people attending will have to pay adinis- sion to the conservation arca. Admission is $2.50 for adults. $1.75 for seniors. $1.25 for children between five and 12 years, and free for young- sters four and under. There is also a $1.25 per per- son charge for people five and up to use the pool. Call 649-5705 or 683-7071 for more informa- tion. Musket love 'Rebel soldier� Gary Jones was among the history aficionados who par- ticipated in the Musket. Fifes & Drums military re-enactment at Picker- ing Museum Village last weekend. Here, Mr. Jones carefully reloads his musket as he does battle against the Loyalist troops. photo by Ron Pietroniro Volunteers sought for Durham program to aid teenparents DURHAM -- Volunteers arc teens. Call Sandy at 905-432-3622 sought to aid a day program for preg- Monday to Wednesday for more nant and parenting teenagers. information on the volunteer posi- The Rose of Durham needs some- one to handle clerical duties on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers are also sought to pro- vide on-site day care for infants and toddlers while their parents are involved in programs. The day-care volunteers needed at the beginning of September must commit to three hours once a week. People are needed to solicit dona- tions of day-to-day items, such as kitchen and cleaning supplies or items included in a starter kit for new mothers, such as toiletries for an infant. This position would suit someone who is organized and enjoys contact with people. Volunteers for this position won't be required to raise money. The Oshawa -based Rose of Durham has a caseload of about 210 "A professional you can trust with a reputation for the highest quality personal service and integrity" tions. .Lease Expired -moving CANNI O N13ALL I3EI)i SHOI'I'E h:is to vacate their Pickering l"Cationl. A, :i rc.ult vvc arc o)ttcririg all sto)o. k at mcrcoliblc savings. Enjoy value :+ncl Const')rt 1with Classic a0ftEL'anadian 01esign at (J)rices you'xw only dreamed of. REG. NOW SIN LE BED SOLIDPINE $475 $199 .4. i QUIB FOUR POSTER BED SOLID PINE 5695 $469 s , TRIPLE DRESSER SOLID PINE $705 5445 5 DRAWER CHEST SOLID PINE $695 $395 1 n-_ 4' BOOKCASE SOLID PINE $210 $159 5 PC. KITCHEN SET SOLID OAK 31535 $1195 7 PC. DINING SET SOLID OAK $2795 $1195 SALE HELD ONLYAT THIS LOCATION :WE MUST SELL YOU MUST SAVE .All mntrr ,<,%, t 50 ,ff .: ``'�- We have furchascd a number of ver hia, yu+l�t� j�M, �� ,x". hr,h au tltty v)hrs, and love, •:tar KIca ion otyualit� �,; 1V' iuune,l pictures ar 1/'_ prier t 'r Ree. value $1900 - $2900 NOW � ONLY'795-00. A',,;;.r�� limited • o.:: lamrs ,ir 1/2 prier Ti " • '�.:. ��NTIR�fA'f� )/� pC7ir � .1; r- gU,1n[;nc� nr>r c11mc ilr,,t ser e MON-FM SAT >ro-s %t�URNRTttJtRE MAILL /P CKEIRRNa SUN 10-5 7 095 KaNtiST'Qtttllf RD. MWYZ / IO�X�tt� THE NEWS ADVEWMER NUDAV AUGUST 23, "W?AGfE Entertainment111 k 11. . I Aug.zs 1996 The mystery ofTom Thomsen... Death of famous Canadian painter an accident, says Durham historian BY JACQUIE MCINNFS _ SMCIA . "10 "1111. N1RkS 4U\'I Kil'if-R DURHAM -- Tom "Thomson and the mysterious circum- stances surrounding his death have become hot news again, more than 90 years after the Group of Seven painter's body was discovered in Algonquin Park. But researchers who've offered to re-examine Thom - son's death will find it was indeed an accident, predicts Joan Murray, director of Oshawa's Robert McLaughlin Art Gallery and Canada's fore- most art historian on Thom- son." It was definitely an acci- dent. Even the new theory shows that it was manslaughter, not murder," she says. But as to exactly how Thom- son met his fate, she adds, "that may never he revealed." Renewed public interest in the mystery is prompted by an offer to examine Thomson's Ixxly by Kathy Gruspier, a con- sultant to Ontario's chief coro- ncr's office and David Chias- son, the chief forensic patholo- gist. "I've had an interest in Tom Thomson for a long time," explains Ms. Gruspier. "and so has David. We kind of talked about it and decided we'd offer our services free of charge for the sake of interest. An exhumation has to be done with the permission of the family. The family is talking about it and we're just waiting to see what happens." Mrs. Murray reflects on the renewed interest in the painter. "It's funny. I've had years pass when no one was interested in him. I've worked on him since 1970 and then I moved on into contemporary art; suddenly everyone's interest- ed in him again." Mr. Thomson died under myste- rious circum- stances on July 8, recognition they felt it deserved. Still, through the years there has been speculation that foul play or suicide may have had a hand in his death, which has taken on myth -like proportions. In her 1994 book on Thom- son, entitled The Last Spring, Mrs. Murray chronicles the tes- timony of Daphne Crombie, who claims that a friend, Annie Fraser, confessed to her that she assisted her husband. Shannon Fraser, in putting Thomson's body into the canoe after he was accidentally killed by Mr. Shan- non in a drunken argument. Mrs. Murray says she is hopeful that the family will allow the ho dy to be exhumed for examina- tion. She believes there is the possibility that the examiners might d1sc0v- er a new piece in the Thomson puzzle. Recently, while researching her forth- coming book. Design For a Canadian Hero, Mrs. Murray did some research in Seattle and made a discovery of her own. "I wouldn't have thought after 26 years of working on Tom Thom- son I could learn any- thing new and I did. So, if I could do that, maybe they can tow." Mrs. Murrav's dis- covery, in a Seattle paper, was the first pub- lished artwork of Thom- son. "I felt like Thomas Edison discovering the ADVERTISING CORRECTION Eaton's Denim Event insert, appearing in this newspaper, Wednesday, August 21,1996. Please note the following: Page 10 - Blue Age stretch jeans are not available in brown colour only, other colours available as advertised. Page 25 -Merrell men's Helium hiking shoe $109.99 will not be available. Page 28 -Girl's denim jacket $49.99 will be m stores August 26, also Jean shirt shown with zip -front vest on page 29 will be in stores August 29. inadvertently, the error listed appeared in our advertising. We sincerely regret any inconvenience or confusion to our customers. r A —rn k I I e"*" 1917 on Canoe Lake in Algonquin IT Park. He was • HOME found dead in his INSURANCE RATES canoe with an up 65% SAVETO unexplained bruise on his right temple. � " At the time he was DURHM AREA PROTECTION DISCOUNTS quickly buried and DtscouNTs FOR AGE 50 the incident was • New Hone • Alarms • No Claims deemed an acci- JONES-DooLEY dent by his promi- INSURANCE BROKER nent family and Over 23Yesrs friends, who wereappointment.. anxious to see his r'97_'1RQrt work gain the i, lightbulb," she says jubilantly. "The whole pot is being stirred by this show (of Thom - son's work) we started, that has now gone to the Glen Bow Museum in Calgary," says Mrs. Murray. "Would that this had happened a year ago when the show was in Oshawa," she muses. Ironically, she notes the cross-country tour that began in Oshawa "never raised the inter- est his pour bones have raised." Mrs. Murray is also the author of The Best Contempo- rary Canadian Art, The Best of the Group (4 Sc%en and The Bc,t o lUnl Tli(miuorl �0 �l'�r i�CDID' Compliments of Dr Leant, Cit the PICKERING SQUARE DENTAL OFFICCE 420-1777 In an effort to stimulate dental awareness in children and to provide a relaxing, comfortable environment in our office. Dr. Lean's office continues its Dr. "Loo's Express Adopt -A -Pet program at the practice. Every three months we will give away a large, cuddly stuffed animal (and other great surprises) to the child who enters the hest name for the critter. The winner of our 1 Ith contest. Mi„ Alka Kumar. ,,ot to take home -Bull" the Bulldog, and a complimentary dinner for her family at Canaan. the Chinese food restaurant next door to our practice at 1451) Kingston Rd. (at Valleyfarm Rd_) (We're confident that Alka is keeping both her teeth and Bull', in topnotch shape throw*h regular brushing.) \_.1 1\.J \2 \\-) \2 \tel �. Read the News Advertiser three times a week PAI[:ESA+'FtE�£1f1�1VSAD'V>�R�iS'FF�lti'Rix�Y.Ai1(�iSTzi.if�6c P SPORTS -Pax' your sports `results to Al 'Rivett at 683-7363 Pickeringy akingpin at Canadian S Olympics PICKERING — A Pickering res- but to earn the highest number of also displaying good sportsmirtship. each other on, but, more importantly, put forward by other bowlers from ident rolled his way to the medal points won by any other squad at the ' They were contmually cheering they were also applauding the efforts other teams;' notes Dunlop. po dium at the National 5 -Pin championships. Bowling_ Championships of the In the playoff game:, Canadian Special Olympics in St- The Rowdy Bunch was John's. Newfoundland fast weekend. pitted against another Cord PidsLcn, a member of the Ontario team, and Team Ontario contingent, helpcd The earned six out of eight Rowdy Bunch to the team gold points to take the gold met and won an individual silver. medal. A total of 26 learns came from Pidean also won across C anaofit to compete, including the individual silver keL,lers from Ontario. British medal with a +159 in C(;Iumbia. Saskatchewan. Manitoba the pins over average Ncw Brunswick. Prince Edward caiei,cm. lle•s a mem- Island and \ewfoundland. The corn- ber of the Durham petition was broken up into two divi- High Rollers Bowling cions, based on each team's average. League which resumes PidgLon and fellow team mem- play in September on hers lawn Simpson of Bancroft_ Fridays at 7 p.m. at Rosemary Marshall of Consccon. Ajax Bo %vl. Rob Rosche- of lnvden and Michel 'Ieam akwh Joycc Kr-N-sman of Peterborough. out- Dunlop. also of rolled 11 other squads to place fust in Pickering. says she was the Mount Pearl Di%isio n. Out of a extrc:mch• pn)ud of the: possible -1,K points. the team accumu- ho%vlcn who turned in lated 41.5 to nor only win its diNisio n. their best etl'onl while Durham Dracrons breathe fire to take inline hockey tourney DURHtV%1 — The titro n. with Dalllda). Durham Dragons atcrn inline Brcx)kinis and Bosak win - ho kc, team proved to be the class of the inaugural Southern Ontario Kof to Cup iournamcnt at Prckering•s Tnn Berg Arena aunt yihitbv's Iroquois 1'wk Arena last weekend. The tcxrnaunent featured scams from across southern Ch1-_; . ' 1 ori ning o ut' The Kollo Cup ended a successful season for the Dragons who compiled an ovcrrll nand of IS -6. OPENING SPECIAL 3035 SQ -F1- FOR $2599900 509,60'+ LARGER PREMIUM LOTS AVAILABLE STEPS TO THE LAKE 2462 SQ.Ff, TO 3035 SQ.FL + LARGER CUSTOM HOMES AVAILABLf PRICES FROM 52499900 CHOOSE ONE OF 7 NEW HOME DESIGNS CARVED OUT OF OUR FOREST IN PICKERING. OFFICE HOURS M0% & THLRS 1.7P4 FRI, SAT & SL% 11AM•5PM - OR BY APPOINTMENT 96566373GARTH'"'OOD HOMES SALES & MARKETING BY: COUNTRYWIDE SILVERSTARR REALITY INC. o. me u n: h1idland Chatham. urth c•nIcrtaInIII cnI Kithenr. c e ce technology growing at sorb a JAC B O W a n Y i e, rapid pace and prier. it seems Whithy. as well as impossible to own an tbe host Dragons. ENTERTAINMENT cffordable. high-quality horns• The atom entertainment system Until Dragons posted a SYSTEMS nom. Racing ahead of time. AC record of two wins Entc•rtarnrncnt Systems has and a loss in pool lOund the way to capture an economical. movie -theatre• experience in the play to ad% -"c to comfort of vour ()%%-n living rox)m "Fc)cusrng on the newest technology", the championship AC Entertainment offers the ultimate entertainment syae•nt through the game against the llsc• of unohtrcrsivc•, 18" satellite dishes. These brand -panic dishes entitie Midland Bullfrogs. the viewer to cnloy more than to television channels and �O music In the final, the channels %vrth a -?-honer on-screen guide at a cost of only 51.00 a clay. Dragons emerged .1,tnpty put. rf ycxa rent rwc� ponies a week anti pa'. for cable each nu�nth with an 8-3 victory. yc)u ran afford flit- system The Dragons started the event .1nyc,nc can afford our product. We are the lowest price in USS with a 16-0 rout of Our main locus is home theatre," says AC Entertainment the Durham president Andre Lahaic, in business with brother Jacques lahaic (Vice Outlaws from president). \ew to the entertainment business, Andre's taken "a complete Bowtnanville. TTLey career moyc and is "here to stay". Bringing along his expertise from the were downed by automotive dealership business and owning a travel agency, he insists Midland 6-4 in the that service is just as important as value. second gam, but Andres versatility has moved him from his original office in Ottawa to bounced back in the areas west and finally to Durham Region, to open, incredibly, his fourth third contest to whip the Whitby store in only six months. An "overwhelming response" to the product and Vipers 12-5. service initiated the location opening at King and Mary Streets in As well, the downtown Oshawa. atom Dragons "We're opening a chain of franchises across Ontario.- Andre explains. entered the trio Of Vice President Jacques' territory covers the eastern part of Ontario, from Brent Daniday, Kingston to Montreal."If a customer moves, we follow them and will be Jason Brookings able to service them across Ontario," Andre explains. and goalie Ryan Bosak m the skills The family-oriented business will also offer complete televisions (60 to competition. The 200 inches. front projection). VCRs and will soon be the only company to event saw the play- offer satellites for boats and RVs, Andre notes. ers compete in a Being ahead of technology and the leaders in price and service make pylon coarse, a 10- AC Entertainment systems the only place you need to satisfy your Shot rJd-fire con- entertainment needs. Call Jay Oleson, our Western Division General test and a three -shot Manager based in Oshawa at 905-725-4742 or toll-free 1-888-264-8878 for breakaway compe- a free, in-home demonstration. C USE PORT UNION EXIT i ail p MODELS AT 550 OAKWOOD DRIVE L11 1101 Ll r1i ;J ON : [tel 00 20,000 Quality Shirts on Display from Canada's Premiere Shirt Maker Great variety of sizes and colours PRICES $ 33 START FROM OPEN DAILY PICKERING HOME & LEISURE CENTRE BROCK RD. & HWY. 401, PICKERING 686=74119 THE NEWS ADVEKMER FRIEPAY, AUGUST 23, if &POW1111• p EOBA �enam - " ion Pickerin bantams eye Ontario ball title p g y PICKERING — The Dave Walders pitched a com- single and two RBI and Couto Ajax Spartans, the Sox prevailed 1 deficit in the final inning to tie Pickering Red Sox Delfour Corp. plete seven -inning game, giving singled for an RBI. Johnson and 7-6. the score. With two out, minor bantam rep baseball team up only one walk, while striking call-up Jeff Tobin both singled. Pickering came from behind Obergfell brought in the tying will now turn its attention to out eight batters. Robbie Catcher McMillan threw out a to win it in the bottom of the sev- run. After three extra innings, winning the provincial champi- Johnson had a triple, single and base runner at second and pitch- enth with Cowie driving in two Oshawa scored the winning run. onship after capturing the three runs scored; Craig Megill ers Johnson and Ogborne com- runs. McMillan cashed two runs Offensively, Obergfell had a Eastern Ontario Baseball tripled, singled twice and drove bined to strike out 10 batters giv- with two singles while Couto and double, single and three RBI; Association playdowns recently. in three runs; Brandon McMillan ing up no walks. McElroy both singled to drive in Ogbome cracked a double and The Red Sox will meet doubled, singled and scored a In game two, the Red Sox runs. Johnson and Walders also two singles for two RBI; Matt Markham in a best -of -three run; and Justin Couto, Brandon thrashed Oshawa 10-2. singled. Starting pitcher Johnson Strong tripled, singled and series to determine which team Cowie, Walders and Gerohn Walders smacked three sin- pitched well, handing over the scored a run; McMillan had a goes to the provincials. Lanns all singled. gles for two RBI, McMillan's game to closer Ogborne who single, double and an RBI; Markham won the national The Red Sox won game one of two singles cashed in three runs, worked three innings allowing Cowie smacked two singles for championship in `95, however the EOBA playdowns 11-4 over Johnson had two singles and an no hits. two RBI; Lanns singled for an the Red Sox defeated Markham Clarington. RBI and Cowie added a single The Red Sox remained the RBI; Couto and Johnson had two earlier this season to win the McMillan slammed a three- and an RBI. Catcher McMillan only undefeated team going into singles and Walders one. Scarborough tournament title. run homer, a one -run triple and threw out a runner attempting to game four of the playdowns. Pitchers McElroy, Strong and In the final game of the two singles. Nat Ogborne had steal second. McElroy worked a However, that string ended with Ogborne handed over the game Eastern Ontario playoffs, three singles and an RBI, Chris complete -game seven -hitter for a 10-9 extra -inning loss to to closer Walders who recorded Pickering soundly defeated Obergfell tripled for three RBI, the win. Oshawa. nine strikeouts in four innings, Oshawa 7-1. Mike McElroy connected for a In an intense contest with the The Sox roared back from a 9- allowing only three hits. SCOREBOARD WEST SHORE LAXED SLOfITCH LEAGUE Bob Johnson Motors 22 vs Mercer Comsui+ants ! Accord PICKERING SOCCER CLUB Pa cK .amanna. Cav d Java a. a M•1 s. Andrew LEAGUE STANDINGS (Find) Craft 13 (MVP Colin Akroyd) vs. Premier Trophy 12 (MVP UNDER -14 BOYS' DIVISION Maxwell, MVP David uttorc; vs NCCS KicKers G. TEAM GP W L T PTS Aaron Glyn -Williams); Minute Muffler 18 vs. Bank of Montreal July 30' Chargers 7 ;Paul Ruta 3. Kevin Rogers 2, Matthew Aug. 1 Pickering Power Bell Canada t (David U11ford. MVP =8 15 12 3 0 24 6. Cooke, Rocky Ruta, MVPs Keith Sellers, Paul Ruta; vs. Aaron Chinn) vs. Malvern 1. Widwood Ford 15 10 5 0 20 July 25: Discovery Place C.C. 16 (MVP Michael Berg) vs. Blizzard 2 (Craig Jacques -Can, Adam Caruana): Kicks 8 ,Joe Brewsters II 15 10 5 0 20 Mercer Consultants B !MVP Allan Clark), Stephan 2, Stephen Connelly 2, Adam Borg, Kareen Henry, UNDER -14 GIRLS' DIVISION ccr Goes Free 15 9 5 1 19 July 29: Minute Muffler 15 (MVP Peter Shsver! vs. MVP John Mansfield. Chris Mar'ow, MVPs John Mansfield) vs. July 31: Shoting Stas 3'Lra'voolis, anne vamieson, Becky Ai -Com Mechanical15 9 6 0 18 Trading 14 (MVP Andrew Grieve); Hamilton Rooting 14 (MVP Thunder 0; Kaon 3 (David Moffat, Kadar Awaleh-God. Ashley Lockett, MVP Marg P•ior) vs. Boyer I (Melanie Dupuis. MVP Cavanagh Electric 15 8 7 0 16 David McElroy) vs. Archer Electric 12 (MVP Jett Skelton): Mulvey. MVPs Ryan Clarke, Jonathan Ng) vs. Advantage Car Melanie Dupursi'Dams Inc. 3 ;Judo Lopez, Nicle Aspinall. ly's Bay15 8 7 0 16 Loyd's Landscaping 22 (MVP Eton Thompson; vs. Carpet 8 Truck 0 (MVP Pat Lupa) Jenniter Polito. MVPs Kane Bassett, Chrystal Grace. vs. Griffin Jandorial 15 7 7 1 15 Towne 9 (MVP Graham Vailancourt); Accord Craft 20 vs. Bank Blizzard 1 ;Jennifer Graham, MVP Jennifer Graham); Kicks 4 Sutton Group 15 7 B 0 14 of Montreal 18: Sun Life 13 vs. Mercer Consulting 10; Premier UNDER -14 BOYS' DIVISION (Natalia DaS,Na, Nicole Skelton. Amber Lewis. MVPs Natalia lb Management 15 7 8 0 14 Trophy 9 (MVP Trevor Reid) vs. Cherrywood Roofing 3 (MVP July 25: Binns 5 Ky Lai 3, Daniel Rooney 2, MVPs David Da$dve, Natalie Anderson. vs. Thunder 1 Ushley Trotter, 1131ac Angus 15 6 8 1 13 Ryan Chow Lee); Aboveboard Construction 13 (MVP Michael Binns, Daniel Rooney; vs. Whitby Rid 3, K,cKs 10 Paul MVPs Brittany Boudreau. Heather Clayton Nor -Line Plumbeiq 15 6 9 0 12 Reid) vs. Erlmar Plumbing 11 (MVP Matthew Tung; Berehulka 3. Karl McQuillan 3. Chris Langford 2. Neil Graves Lock 15 6 9 0 12 July 31: BMI Construction 21 (MVP Steven Douglas) vs. Bank MetcalN, Michael Graham. vs. Binns 3 (Daniel Rooney 2. UNDER -t5 GIRLS' DIVISION Smi ty's Roofing 15 5 9 1 11 of Montreal 7; Premier Trophy 14 its. Carpet Towne 13 (MVP Gregory Lee. MVPs Gregory Lee. Adam Haiket July 29: Pickering TC BanK 1 Natalie Saccc. MVPs Sarah Cal Sayers Electric 15 5 9 1 11 Andrew Phillips); Minute Muffler 18 (MVP Darcy L'Hereux) vs. BOYS' UNDER -13 REP DIVISION Suginomon. Natalie Sacco; vs. 'eam Not Known 0 Brewsters I 15 2 12 1 5 Mercer Consulting 9 (MVP Bobby Clarke): Cherrywood Juty 30: Picker ng Power Beal Canada Dave Jfford 3, Rooting 13 (MVP Phillip Mathieu) vs. Lloyd's PICKERING SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Landscaping 10 (MVP Michael Euenzwicg.. Bob MITE BOYS' STANDINGS Johnson Chev-Olds 21 vs. Archer Electric 10 A'DIVfS10N (MVP Bradley Beckett): Accord Craft 16 vs. Final Discovery Place C C. 0- c-' gggff++//��_11 Meats - TEAM GP W L T PTS Aug 7: Hamilton Roofing 18 MVP Shawn We ♦ ��� Accord Craft 17 !6 0 1 33 Donnelly) vs. Cherrywood Rooting 13 (MVP lirkrte Muffler 17 14 0 3 31 Ryan Lowe-Choa-Lee); Accord Craft 26 vs. Saturt Bob Johnson Motors 17 13 3 1 27 Erlmar Plumbing 2: Minute Muffler 12 (MVP *- Premer Trophy 17 11 5 1 23 Darcy L'Hereux) vs. SMI Construction 8: Bank Hamilton Rodfing 17 11 6 0 22 of Montreal 14 (MVP Andrew Harper) vs. Utech Hall Chwrywood Rooting 17 10 6 121 Electronics 12 (MVP Chris Faraday); Discovery • Erin L►rrrM iD17 8 B 1 1Place C.C. 12 (MVP Brad Vanderstarravs. Quality Fresh Cut Meats At Everyday W Prices! ErPlunvig 17 S 11 1 111 A Aboveboard Construction B (MVP Adam Bank of Montreal 17 3 13 1 7 Brown); Mercer Consulting 16 vs. Carpet Towne DIVISION 8 (MVP Daniel Keith); Premver Trophy 12 (MVP Final Aaron Glyn -Williams) vs. MVP Trading 12 TEAM GP W L T Rs (MVPs Adam Engle, Michael Cannon). 1311 Constructon16 11 4 1 23 Aug. 9: Accord Craft 18 vs. Lloyd's Landscaping Discovery Place Chid C.,7 10 6 1 21 S. MVP Trading 17 10 7 0 20 Aug. 12: Hamilton Rooting 16 (MVP Marcus Lloyd'sL-,A-NPkig 17 7 10 0 14 Wong) vs. MVP Trading 14 (MVPs Masood Mercer Consultants 17 4 12 1 9 Bashir, Eric Pennington); Bluff Construction 22 Aboveboard Construction 17 3 12 2 6 (MVP Sean Cowie) vs. Premier Trophy 15 (MVP �L1Mch Electronic 17 3 13 1 7 Vincent Carbone); Erlmar Plumbing 15 (MVP Archer Electric 17 3 14 0 6 the team) vs. Bob Johnson Chev-Olds 11; Carpet Town 16 2 14 0 4 Aboveboard Construction 16 vs. Utech Electronics 8 (MVP Jonathan Kok). OMS10N RESULTS Aug. 13: SMI Construction 19 vs. Aboveboard July 15: Minute Muffler 16 vs. Aboveboard Construction 16 Construction 13. ranro n.ni.l K-1- I Irwd•s I andscaoino 13 (MVP Scott Lloyd) Aud. 14: Mercer Construction 1B (MVP Nicholas VS. Mercer Consultants 12 (MVP Matt Kotcnl*): MVP'Iraoing rranz) vs. Lnecn uec[ronics 14; —Pwi lawn. 19 (MVP Daniel Kraeling) vs. Bank of Montreal 13 (MVP 18 vs. Aboveboard Construction 17; Premier Bobby Edwards); Dicovery Place C.C. 24 (MVP Matthew Trophy 16 (MVP Jason Little) vs. Lloyd's Thompson) vs. Erk,nar Plumbing 7 (MVP Brian Davy); Utech Landscaping 11; MVP Trading 15 (MVPs Electronics 7 (MVP Chris Paterson) vs. Cherrywood Rooting Matthew Evans. Josh Pemiers) vs, Sun Life 14 7 (MVP Jason Megit). (MVP Brady Doyle); Bob Johnson Chew -Olds 23 July 17: Ulech EloW ies 14 (MVP Frank Carpignano) vs. vs. Bank of Montreal S (MVP Lanes Easter). Discovery Piece C.C. 12 (MVP Andrew GoldsmiM); Lloyd's Landscaping 16 (MVP Drew Soloman) vs. Archer Electric 19; Cherrywood Roofing 15 (MVP Philp Matthew) vs. Sun Lie 10 (MVP William Gaauvin); Bank of Montreal 19 vs. Carpet Towne 11; MVP Trading 23 (MVP Dave Mortimer) vs. Mercer Consultants 20 (MVP Matthew McMulkin); Bob Johnson Motors 10 (MVP the team) vs. Hamition Roofing 6 (MVP Jeff Crabb). July 19: Perrier Trophy 14 (MVP Vince Carbone) vs. Archer Electric 10; Hamilton Roofing 17 (MVP Travis MacDonald) vs. Aboveboard Construction 14. July 22: MVP Trading 12 (MVP Bryan Mons l) vs. Erlmlar Plumbing 11 (MVP • . David Dougai); Cherrywood Rooting 17 (MVP Rob Larabes) vs. Carpet Towne 13 MIP the team); BMI Construction 24 (MVP Sean Doyle) vs. Archer Electric 4 (MVP Jean- Claude Bouvier); Bob Johnson Motors 15 vs. Discovery Bay C.C. 9• Lloyd's Landscaping 25 (MVP Kyle Evans) vs. Utech Electronics 18 (MVP Danny Cameron); Accord Craft 30 vs. Mercer Consultants 12; WALTlrR AROIpM~ CENTRAL SOCCER LEAGUE Recent scores involving Pickering teems L"OER-11 PREMIER DIVISION Aug- 20: Pickering 5 vs. NY Hearts 2. CINDER -14 •E' DIVISION Aug. 20: Epiphany 7 vs. Pickering 3. UNDER -17'A' DIVISION Aug- 20: Pickering 4 vs. Cabbegetown 0. • Sun LIro 17 on ASIOd a &ober OPEN HOUSE Aboveboard Construction SUNDAY, AUG. 25, 1-6 P.M, 15; Premier Trophy 15 vs. 831.3300 Hamilton Roofing 12. 1106 MAPLEGATE ORES., PICKERING July 24: Lloyd's GROWING FAMILY? TWE Tri MOVE UP Landscaping 15 vs. ZWO 4 IL Of CO *d t8atllrin9 p8L'Ihaw It with Ob b Aboveboard Constructionheated nyw d pool, VawA tri. & chrm., fam. room wilh 12; Discovery Place C.C. R~p. 6 R/I Main ft. b" wAreneh doors, Cita& Oak wale 19 (MVP GrelCon Donahue) Redly ()pen 1D bemt-, maSlBr bilins. walk -0 fd" d Ja=, vs. BMl thew Bahins 7 FIRST prop. wi,6 ape4 ( (MVP Matthew Bahinskl); Ltd. fn. reC tin., (EM. Sir, C81N. vac, Illarl E. himift. N Ave &own FEW First Realer Ltd, 8313300. $4 99 no. -.1.4 Boneless $ 491 sfflom Steaks Th. USDA Select $1169 'Mrma $99 vie ft Fry &hgitZe�S $3 49 m _0 r-Flifth Mom or I GA h le KmkwuM hA $114 $I 99 $ 1b. 89 is caw >tow" Min Meats � fi!!k > 737 OW �✓ rri•.s tr:i aw.e+n tliile "The Mest People" ` rTc~ Z3 locsatsollt>,Is am 4MIM*A ltl0 PAGE 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. AUGUST 23, 1996 IT'S ABOUT GETTING A DEAL ON THE THINGS YOU WANT NOW. • �~ Deni• Save on women's & men's Levi's®, Manager, Ikeda, silverTab®; Women's Attitude: Men's Retreat Blues, Levi's Signature®, Buffalo; Kids' Levi's, Little Levi's, Bugle Boy, Attitude, Retreat Blues, Eaton Kids, OshKosh, UFO. offer ends September s. 1996. Not all brands and styles in all stores. Excludes Tommy Hiffiger, Lu Wear. Jones New York Sport and women's designer fashions. Excludes Factory Outlet. Complete details in-store. plus MEN'S AND WOMEN'S LEVI 9SO 5010 AND BOYS' 535'' IN -STOCK GUARANTEE If we don't have a regular size of *Boys' Levi's* 535• Eurofit blue stonewash jeans, Men's Red Tab 501 • blue stonewash or stonebleach jeans or Women's Red Tab 501 • blue stonewash jeans in your Eaton's store we'll give you a pair absolutely free. List of available sizes in store. L" one per customer. Excludes Factory Outlet and Warehouse stores. Panasonic Powerplay 20 -watt music system Features: 5 -CD, double cassette, 20 -preset AM/FM tuner, remote. Model SC-CH34. $399m99 Event ends octotw 6, 1996. YOU CHOOSE THE DEAL! Major Appliances, Furniture', Mattresses, Home Electronics, Vacuums, and Floorcoverings Don't 18 pay lit Monthly August No Payments, or `97 or GST** Interest- - on things Free NO interest, for your home no for nudetA r .x,et false XVPUOWaee **111O g SM Or mss seas Iiiiiii" and chom >wn am of as Easy Vilmis b F* M p on' eP aes p at tie ��t«' card pt�t,�s wawee. owc. oftm errd a,a,et 25, t N& •Exckoes lora' Frsrdw -Fawn% wi d" the eq&wjwa tyre M frau the ectal pim Enaides Pwmwft C14M xTvs. Tax a �• q+d savtrge afters arrest be oanblrrd. i 11 i, 1 250Y(o OFF Boys' & G *I rts' Converse Save on kids' Converse tops, bottoms and shoes. With any purchase of Converse clothing, you can purchase a basketball for boys or a friendship necklace for girls. Also, with any Converse shoe purchase, receive a free T-shirt. Offer ends September 8, 1996. 25% OFF KIDS' ATHLETIC SHOES From Nike, Reebok, Brooks, Adidas, Converse Children's Wear Department. Selection may vary by store. Offer ends September 8, 1996. plus In Kids' Clothes, Shoes, Toys & Books Mufti -packs are considered as one item. Until September 8, 1996, this offer is available to all Eaton's Customers. i THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIUAV, AUGUST 23,1996 -PAGE 13 250Y(o 0- FF hockey for men, women & girls. ,..' Underwear, T-shirts & socks Offer ends September 15, 1996. Excludes Factory Outlet. E ATOet l EMWAM" • `elvet pnce- LV 70. s 7 September 2, 1996. Eaton's. We want to be your store. PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 23.19% • • • J 0 a a • uuu\1�uu u r—, r--, r--� r--1 r--, r--, '11LID 95 CHRYSLER TOWN A COUNTRY WAGON 3.8 L V6. auto. p/w., p/dt., plsents, leather seats, quad seats, tilt, cruise, sunscreen glass. AWFM CD., air cond., rear heat/air, akin. wheels, plmirrors, ekect dash i more. Only $12,76- per day. r 93 CARAVAN.. ES WAGON 3.3 L V6. auto, p/w., p/dL, p/wat tilt cruise. 7 pass. seating, air Gond, sunscreen glass, overhead console, tow tarok, AWFM ass., alum. wheels, fog sights i more. 1 owner only 53,000 miles Only *9m50* per day. F 92 VOYAGER SE WAGON 3.0 L V6, auto, pis, p/b. 7 pass seats, quad seats, p/mirrors, air cond., privacy glass, AWFM ass., running boards 3 more. 1 Owner Sale $12,888' 4 • ■ 5 ■ . ■ 96 VOYAGER WAGON SPORTS EDITION 3.0 L V6, auW p1s-, Wb, AWFII, 7 Paw aaafing, floor stats, air CwKL, privacy glaaa, sport adnlion striping, bug deflector, Wow pad, roof rack, dual air bags, i more. � BRAND NEW Sale :209478* `cc " MEET THE VILLAGE PEOPLE! W r� , _• m VILLAGE CHRYSLER AJAX r "THINKING LIKE A C] 1STOMER" SERVICE OPEN " 19 HARWOOD AVE. (North of 401) AND EVERY NIGHT TY 905683.5358. ... ._ f�NWA►'; AEi(:USF 33s 19516�Y/1L'.IE fib - 1 Tbl":Run'Tour'., Fall .. Registration rogram CaU ., Advertising At""' 683w�0�clk 40 �GGZkQ 46 In the r' convenience � r of your own ' Am _ u home. Popular and i R.C.M. method. 10 yrs. experience. Private teacher in PickeringlAox. R.C.M. affiliated. Ages 6 to Adult Call Peter Sliva 686-9016 Before and After School Program For Kids PPC Kidz Klub begins another year of childcare Sept 3 for ages 6-12 I ►. For m -ore info. cell • 1-302 �� `"'�-"� Denise Lester Dance Academy 1550 Bayley St. Unit 24 & 35/1134 Kingston Rd. (905) 839-3041 3 year Olds to Advanced Ballet Pre -Ballet Combination Class $ Tap' Jazz $ Acro t adult 1azz $ A& Modem Scr-sing Pickcnrg for 21 r% w uh �studcros �. dancing on Broadwa% . at << / f ^ Wondrrland, in f commercials and operating audios eras", of their own. ClassesJirr-; ►curs to adranced Year end Recital, we PRIDE work to keep recital costumes inexpe,uire. DICKERING Destiny RECISION :�I ` SKATING TEAM performers males or females -� TRYOUTS Associate Ballet Modern Winners All Ages $5.00/Tryout Tues., Sept. 3 7:15-8:30 O'Brien Rink Wendy Matos MBATD.Tap, Modern, Fri., Sept 6 6:00-7:00 Delaney Rink Associate Ballet Moe., Sept 9 6:00-7-M Delaney Rink Tues., Sept 10 7:15-8:30 O'Brien Rink Two Ways to Register Adult Team Tryout * Visit our studio Aug. 28th, & 29th at 5:00 p. m. to 7:30 p -M- Thurs., sept. S, 9:00-10:00 P.M. Delaney Rink k` x, Call Now for information Debbie Spencer, 420-6268 ® Pickering Figure Skating Club • •i Will ii 139EM3= 40 �GGZkQ 46 In the r' convenience � r of your own ' Am _ u home. Popular and i R.C.M. method. 10 yrs. experience. Private teacher in PickeringlAox. R.C.M. affiliated. Ages 6 to Adult Call Peter Sliva 686-9016 Before and After School Program For Kids PPC Kidz Klub begins another year of childcare Sept 3 for ages 6-12 I ►. For m -ore info. cell • 1-302 �� `"'�-"� Denise Lester Dance Academy 1550 Bayley St. Unit 24 & 35/1134 Kingston Rd. (905) 839-3041 3 year Olds to Advanced Ballet Pre -Ballet Combination Class $ Tap' Jazz $ Acro t adult 1azz $ A& Modem Scr-sing Pickcnrg for 21 r% w uh �studcros �. dancing on Broadwa% . at << / f ^ Wondrrland, in f commercials and operating audios eras", of their own. ClassesJirr-; ►curs to adranced Year end Recital, we PRIDE work to keep recital costumes inexpe,uire. MBATD.Tap, Modem, Destiny CNE Rising Star -Competitire Groups - All classes suitable for M silver Medal performers males or females Winners Silver Medal Associate Ballet Modern Winners Associate Ballet,Tap Fully Qualified Teaching Staff Denise Wagner MBATD. Ballet,Tap, Cindy Williams MBATD.Tap, Modem, Modern Associate Ballet 7 time Choreographer Ryerson Dance Award Winner Graduate Suzie Cunliffe MBATD.Tap, Modern, Juliano Soler Associate Ballet,Tap, Associate Ballet Modern Wonderland Christine Tavares Choreographer Associate Ballet,Tap Modern Wendy Matos MBATD.Tap, Modern, Associate Ballet Two Ways to Register * Visit our studio Aug. 28th, & 29th at 5:00 p. m. to 7:30 p -M- * By phone 839-3041 PAGE 16 -THE. NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAV,AUGUS'T 23,19% ,. 4 r. ( 1. trnl 1. rill I till.„ it TA stn.. I P-) (I 1, t.ltill. f , IV'\1 tel til 1. 1. r ( lul Ir. n ) .1 til. tri 1. A 1.11 \l I In.lru. h —1 lolly 1u rlrlw 1 v..11un 11.,r tr. j, 1 .xl • A- �1rr,.. 1,r,l.r( .I .L'L-Ir„l.�b..,m,I,II( .1 .j.'�.-�t.r..I,t6,mE.•1.1 . /NONE IN RE61STRA'ION AVAILARLE' r9051 I?d 9906 • k .. U�rw: r. 4r: ,•II .1 r.d R:.nil ♦ \. .tuk-n:. r;.crvc . 1':�r,nJ R: �m yM! ('.-rulw,y: of P,.nr..p.anm ('ALI. FOR \10RE INFORMATION: 19051 325-4906 22011 Brock Rd.. Pickering (north of Finch at Ihllbr.wlikl The Dance Experience: Quality Training Elizabeth Ryan Bronze Medal Winner In A Caring Environment * ONE Tfucher: Terri %bit * B.FA Dance (hors) * Sprung floor for safety * Best Prices on Gasses, costumes, recital, etc. * Competitive program available * SmaA Gasses (max 10 stiidads) * Family discounts Creative Dance Dance Beginners Jazz Ballet ages 21/2 - 5 11 ages 5-7 ages 6 & up IFages 6 & up Stimulates the childs Introduces the child to Funky Htp-Hop is An appreciation and u natural love for all types the grace of Ballet, the combined with traditionalnderstanding of music of movement b music enthusiasm of Jazz and Jazz techniques in this are developed along with while developing the joys of Creative FUN class which strength, muscle tone, imagination, co-ordination Dance. develops rhythm. co- balance b grace. 6 rhythm.ordinate � and �tio Res RETURNING STUDENTS: AUG. 26,27,286-8 P.M, to NEW STUDENTS: AUG. n SEPT. 4, 5, 6-8 P.M. 96 Old Kingston Rd. Pickering Village 683-5767 J.K. LEARNING • Qualified teacher • Advanced learning for junior Kindergarten aged children (i.9 to l years) • language, math. art, environmental studies integrated into a child -centred learning program • Way morning or afternoon program �cssion%tx-gin the acek of Scptcmher 3. 1`1'X) (all (905)083 )419 -LINDA (905) 831 9399 - CAROL :'ate Before and After School Program For Kids PPC Kidz Klub begins another year of childcare Sea. 3 for ages 612 ilk 4 ir 0011. F6 For more' info. call I xot`m+^ 1.302 7iw tet DURHAM MUSIC CENTRE V tr� 250 BAYI.Y STREE 1- \VES -I- J V � AJAX t� Cl� 905-428-6266 905-428-8-92 U� MUSIC LESSON REGISTRATION OIAUREI) PR VkR I.WRI (.-noN IN. PLANO ' GtTTAR ' FOCAL ' DRL:NIS ' FLtTE ' SA.Y ' CLARINET ' THEORY BASS & CLASSICAL GtTTAR ' VIOUN OVER 40 QUALIFIED MUSIC TEACHERS ON STAFF AT OUR NEW MODERN FACILITY PREPARATION FOR ROYAL CONSERVATORY EXAMINATIONS 7-H0US4NDS OF MUSIC BOOKS in * SALES ** RENTALS ** REPAIRS IIDANCE AEROBIC • GAMBA Big Star Gym Slippers Pickering Village Square 60 Randall Dr. Ajax, Ont. (905) 427-0443 You Don't need to make that 30 minute drive anymore! COME IN & SEE OUR FULL SELECTION OF BRAND NAME PRODUCTS AT COMPETITIVE PRICES. &NSKIJY10% OFF TO ALL DANCERS & TEACHERS N NVYW� E 3 401 Our Store Is Ideally 30caLltil in Pklhexing VUbge (corner of Ilwy. *2 Rendall Dr.) R�6 FIle C I L 0 A nil a r o Business Hours: • Monday, Tuesday a Vitednesday 10..0•s •6Mpa. •Tdtesday : 1M0 t1.< . 7N R.a • FrWy: INYia, •7,.r... • Saardsy : Ism as . SM Ra, (905) 427.0443 =40ML 05) Buy one week, get (905) ,ve 2nd free! Call us for TORONTO details/��(LINE IN ApOi" to Articles 798-76726830707 For ■ 9 V - ■7 6 r 2 SaMand vahkNe F7;; SALES$W only. only X35+GST C�1= rC ► CLASSIFIED INTERNET ADDRESS: Http://www.durhamnews.. et E-mail us at : bec567 @ d urhamnews. Http://www.durhamnews..�nlet 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday or fax your ad (905) 579-2238 BIRTH NOTICES Announce your baby's arrival and receive a gift certificate ��+GST entitling you to $25 worth of quality baby products. / ' ' Careers ' ' Careers ' ' Careers ' General General General General General General Help Help HelpIM Help Help Im Help Need some career direction? Get where yes wast to So, fut with OBC's ,eslkp cxii-Ir trsieiK. GnWeate in 12 mends or ktw! 00 John 1 _ OBC (Midtown Md1) wAr 5 76- 9175 ;,,,�-1NM COUZGE , 206 Harwood Ave. S. Suite #206 (Harwood Plan) Ajax Ont. LIS 2H6 �;w • ANWRJE • POIC e DAnawto11f 00006 • IEa'D. • LOO DOOK • SOIIDiR CRO:i6q 905428-9475 1 (800) 347-9803 905-428-3659(Fax) e TAX 06DUCTOL[ e No OXT /PST e24M/TDiAT"i/OIL -V.,' X 40 PUTTING YOUR CAREER IN MOTION Illi am General I General HelpIm General Help P Part Time - 3 Days per week Customer SerVlCe and Maintenance Pere -on A small Pickering engineering and property man- agement company has a part time position available . May evolve to hull time. We require an enthusiastic, self motivated, well groaned, people - orientated individual with excel- lent ccimmurlicalion, organizational, problem solving and writing skills. Responsibilities include maintaining and assernbiog of various IndlJstnal Inachnery, 110018 and eWpinert, plant operations such as shipping and receivirg, in- vertory cattrol, all basic aspects of building main- tenance, inqudi% painting, electrical , carpentry, plumbing and air conditioning, some atter - hours field duties should be expected. This position requires a valid dnvers License and a current drivers abstract. Own tools. n this position is of interest, please submit resume to the address below or fax to 905.831-7401 DLA P.O. Box 221 Pidtedil , ant. L1 V 2R4 ADVERTISING CCIMPA- NY, dealing with blue chip clientele Is expanding to Florida. and needs to re- place individuals leaving Canada immediately, Fiat training lir all areas is pro. vided. Dual citizens wel- come. Call Trudy at 728- 4897. BARTENDER AND WAl- TRESS'WAITER, full or pall time. Experienced pre. forced. Apply in person to Marwood Restaurant, 350 Wentworth St. Oshawa. BOOK REPS - Calling on schools, libraries and busi- nesses. 53004700. week - y. No exp. necessary. Ve- hicle required. Call Gold 721.9679. CARPET CLEANERS. needed part time Must have own equipmOril Must be experienced. 686-9160 CLEANERS. for part time days. (3 or 4 days a week) Energetic, able to work wain a team. Transportation pro- vided in Ajax Pickering area. Castle Cleaning Ltd. 428-9765 CROSSINGS gentlemen apparel MANAGEMENT Crossings Is looking!c., an a-,c,,a a.e:aye s;c':—a-ager for our Plcka_rmg nation. The Ideal candidate should have a minimum of 2 years Retail Yanagemew Experience. preferably In the Fashion Industry We are a Lifestyle Mens Fashion Store carrying brand names such as mmy Hilfiger. Calvin Klein. Fila. Savile Row and Uthmo Uomo The successful candidate should be a team motivator be results oriented and possess strong organizational skills Experience In Visual Merchandlzing and client Development would be an asset Competitive Remuneration Package including employee discount and ­e'lefit package is available to the suc:essful candidate Candidates should forward their resume to Crossings Pickering Town Centre Pickering, Ontario L1V-168 905-420-2999 Attention: Mr. Bob Frackleton District Manager `!NT" " t e 4C1 Self Starting, Experienced, Creative Who Likes A Little Excitement In Their Life ...for the Durham's gruwlnt: entertainment authurlt,�. Backbeat. Backheat is published be %letroland newspapers who also publish the News Ad%ertlser and 0shavra/V4'hitbN This %%'eek. It pro% Ides Durham u ith It's uu n entertainment \'nice . This unique oppurtunit` pro- ides more than a foot in the door of tine of the most respected publishing firms. It offers competeti%e commissions. base salary, and potential limited only by the desires and ambitions of the successful candidate Send Resume to: INJIMM Advertising Supervisor 130 Commercial Ave, Ajax, Ont. L 1 S 2H5 or fax: (905) 619-9068 HOPE IMPROVEMENT RECMCK REPRESENTATIVE We are seeking a detailed oriented in- dividual who is experienced in Resi- dential Construction. Applicants must have window and door measuring experience. Good interpersonal skills essential. Vehicle a must,. We offer flexible hours and good remuneration. Call (905) 420.4880 ext- 600 CAREER MINDED? HEALTH COUNSELLOR position available at local weight management centre. Must be motivating and eager for a challenge. Sales experience an asset. Please call 905-420-4220 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advemser requests Mat advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Advertiser will not be responsible to more than one incorrect insertion and Illere stall be no liability for rhorl-insert on of any adver- Itsement. Liability tor er- rors In ads is kwed to the amourt paid for Cue space occupying the error. AN copy is subject to Cie ap- proval of management of News Advertiser. LEARN HOW to operate. a mini office outlet from your home. and earn a great sec- ond income Awesome bene - "Is Training provided. call (416)284 4493. MAINTENANCE SU- PERVISOR - Please fax resumes to Ingrid MacDou- gall, Interim Personnel, (!051837-0627 15 AZ DRIV,,EE�R,S,, Immediately p , ' '...w'"y Clear abstract 2 years experience Drug testing S 14/hour Tanker training provided kltransit Pe+Ronnel (416)265-4933 CUSTOMER Service/Or- der Entry Representative required. Experience in the co rlputer supply 8 acces- sory industry preferred. Please nail or drop off re- surne to Ontario Data Sup- plies Ltd. 1915 Clements Rd.. Unit e15. Pickenrg, ON L1W 3V1 No phone calls please. Only applic- ants being considered for the position will be con- tacted lir an interview KITCHEN HELP wanted P/T Mon -Fri. Prep work b serving. See motivated. Ex- perience an asset. 905- 837-7752 DRAPERIES 6 BLINDS "etaile' -e-'s a • -je sales 'ecept,on per - r ro work T,esday •o aturday Cpm ,,canons outgomg personality - experience n the -,,w fasniOn 'field are -'isennai Must oe a self *arler Call 9,5.428:57' PICKERING arca -, requires Dr,wers and class A Mecnan,c or equivalent Immediately Full i part time 686--0467 EARN 5472 061WEEK . ^ lssempy /sortmg mad :16,8'2 6E:+' Earp $5001 -,ek '•cm -re co -pet ' :y.«sna+nires 'pr pup- ners 4'6 0' 2 0892 X* 6 ESTHETICIAN required 0 -i -time. "O 7.ier'eie !e- ffed Great place io wcrk' all..BG,O.209-x555 EXPERIENCED CARPET .r0 -^r' .�«-«,• yy.t^ r .nmoul epwpment Appry n :'e'sorl at 50 COmmerual Ave Unit 204 Ala, EXPERIENCED HAIP STYLIST warted full or part ^me Permanent ocsi6on .:all 728-0530 '301'Cat,01 shop wr•ker ernca and nor!zcr'a 0-w �mng ^ork expr ante aha genera, JuneS Apply Dyke .;Manaqutatymg 95 fid c o" st osnawa 3C5 579--t"5a HAIRSTYLIST 'equired .. :31• .- - -- C�.ent" pu rued Phone Stranas 666-055C HIGHSCHOOL STUD- ENTS. -^e rtc Sia• .a-5 5-. Cents aged 74 • 9 :o introduce our 501. cis :punt in Dumam EARN BIG BUCKS We provide transportanor :o and from your nome Training Guar- antee .Bonus . incentives Parents - all our students are supe,rsed on site They w ' De required io work 3 nignts from approx mately 5 30 - 3 GC p Ask your parents before calling. Leave your name. aciaress. phone a Ask for Mr Iii i 686-2292 LANDSCAPING compa- ny in Durham Region has position for property main- tenance or installation Ap- plicants must be familiar and able to operate all re- lated equipment Previous expenence and clean cinv- er abstract essential- Fax resume to 905-428.2185. NORTH American steel is seeking a hands-on Pro- ductron Scheduling Assis- tant The applicant must have a mnumurn of 3 years experience and good Com- puter skills. Send resume to: Karen Kemp 300 Hop- kins Street Whitby, ON. LIN 2B9 Fax: (905)668- 5477_ MOVIE PEOPLE. Toron. to's fastest growing agency seeks extras For film and TV work, all types, no exp. req. Earn $7-$22 80/hr. Work guaranteed. We place peo- ple on movie sets every day. Call Jonathan (416) 9612226 PART TIME Telemarket ng positions available. $7 00 per hour Training provided Call 619-6991 between 1 and 9 p m PEOPLE ^eeded for set- a 71,sc�ay s -an nome appiia-ce Ocal area. $,300,week -^-fist have .ar Call 9C5 17, 4294 PROGRAMMER years a4rererce 'e:nnlcal COBOL 16 Win 9r,!NT Fax resume 1905)427-4218 R.A. FESTERS TRUCKING L,mllking for 8 profevional %Z DRIVERS $13-S 1 tvhuur 29e- 2ornile 434-5110 SUBWAY . - ;"' - .:user s -•,y0-1k2rts Appy ,n cws.:,r 465 Bayle St at West-ey Rd :r al 6 Harwood Ave at K.r,s:on Ra TAXI DRIVERS ar: .a^ d, +e's `.>e,e^, lull if part lime must ce wer 25. contact Bev 0a m .3c m Vol :av-Fr cav5 7'-133' or appy tc '9CWaterloo Urnt 1A PSwn. Oshawa WANTED Cake decorator 'Muffin baker 'Counter help Must nave experience S Ce acle to wcrk a:l shills incl weeker:s Could cemop rtc a full time position Tim Hortons 1 Marwood Awe. S. Ajax, 683-6497 WANTED: 28 oecp* :o lose �p io 3C pounds Dy Thanksgiving Ad natural. cli 'ecomme "lea Ask now Cad ton free 8GG- 881-6782 WEEK -END Residennal Care ;r•ke' work .vin auusnc -i, gals "es - '1Pr1!al semri Gr '. ,ay PM rr Monday AM Salary ,,oder !ev�ew Some exper,ence social services preferred -lesume Dy Seriemt'>e' 3rd .tort's Place Bo■ 'lesceton Orr L00'L: WORK W M HOME dr. S.r,ey ver the :none $'2 S, ar re hal+ •'-e appy n per Dn 5; . �mmerc a Ave Olt 204 Aiax ' Office Help IF rrn. are -w,. ; a•fnye .ngie parent separated or ;.Voiced you -a', ^.uaofy ,)r Finar Oat As"tance 'JPCERT programs avaii ,Die 7.a''+ '[Wralc' - •noto _ - ,L Director :. 'e—e, access ACCpac. -L.tocaa. C.. v.suai Bass c rx Novels Engmee' :l rdows N - Small Talk ,wen Pert 'vVor: Exce Uu-am Busyness Comput- er College 427 3010 'Saks ielp Agents PART -TIMET ULL-TIME $4 «s :r.-.: pe-, , tali or comme'_:a Cwlom- ers Car 'egwrel Sena re sumo •c Fife Ossa. w&Whitpv This 4d* israwa ON .' H Skilled 14 Help CHEMICAL EN- GINEERS -second lar ;"-:e ",p ,Lse Soar- s". 'german or Portuguese Please tax resumes to Ir. 'yid MacDougall interim Personnel 905; 837 0627 ELECTRO -STATIC spray :air:e,s 'cr P cker-ng co leaded,mrnediateN Plater2 5 yrs exp Sena resume tc 305 837 062' Agent ' Sal` Agent I SalesHelpi CAREER OPPORTUNITY Required Immediately EXPERIENCED ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE Minimum 2 years experience. Telephone Directory Sales and layout experience an asset. If you are outgoing, highly motivated, and have a positive attitude and are dedicated to overall customer satisfaction, we would like you to join our winning team. Existing and new accounts, training, commissions and base pay. Mail or fax resume to Ajax / Pickering News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Ontario, LIS 2H5 Fax. 4 619-9068 OBC can help. Accounting - Business Administration 25 Computerised Bookkeeping ICP N Computer Software a Systems Operator Admuustranve Assutant - Secretary Dental Assuun6 • Pharmacy Technician Medial Office Assistant - Medial Lab. Assutaw Medial Office Administrator - Human Service Worker Child & Youth Assistant - Animal Care Aide Travel Couinselamg - Tounsus A Hospitality Law Clerk - Law and Secunry ' Ujal Office s t and many more... Get where yes wast to So, fut with OBC's ,eslkp cxii-Ir trsieiK. GnWeate in 12 mends or ktw! 00 John 1 _ OBC (Midtown Md1) wAr 5 76- 9175 ;,,,�-1NM COUZGE , 206 Harwood Ave. S. Suite #206 (Harwood Plan) Ajax Ont. LIS 2H6 �;w • ANWRJE • POIC e DAnawto11f 00006 • IEa'D. • LOO DOOK • SOIIDiR CRO:i6q 905428-9475 1 (800) 347-9803 905-428-3659(Fax) e TAX 06DUCTOL[ e No OXT /PST e24M/TDiAT"i/OIL -V.,' X 40 PUTTING YOUR CAREER IN MOTION Illi am General I General HelpIm General Help P Part Time - 3 Days per week Customer SerVlCe and Maintenance Pere -on A small Pickering engineering and property man- agement company has a part time position available . May evolve to hull time. We require an enthusiastic, self motivated, well groaned, people - orientated individual with excel- lent ccimmurlicalion, organizational, problem solving and writing skills. Responsibilities include maintaining and assernbiog of various IndlJstnal Inachnery, 110018 and eWpinert, plant operations such as shipping and receivirg, in- vertory cattrol, all basic aspects of building main- tenance, inqudi% painting, electrical , carpentry, plumbing and air conditioning, some atter - hours field duties should be expected. This position requires a valid dnvers License and a current drivers abstract. Own tools. n this position is of interest, please submit resume to the address below or fax to 905.831-7401 DLA P.O. Box 221 Pidtedil , ant. L1 V 2R4 ADVERTISING CCIMPA- NY, dealing with blue chip clientele Is expanding to Florida. and needs to re- place individuals leaving Canada immediately, Fiat training lir all areas is pro. vided. Dual citizens wel- come. Call Trudy at 728- 4897. BARTENDER AND WAl- TRESS'WAITER, full or pall time. Experienced pre. forced. Apply in person to Marwood Restaurant, 350 Wentworth St. Oshawa. BOOK REPS - Calling on schools, libraries and busi- nesses. 53004700. week - y. No exp. necessary. Ve- hicle required. Call Gold 721.9679. CARPET CLEANERS. needed part time Must have own equipmOril Must be experienced. 686-9160 CLEANERS. for part time days. (3 or 4 days a week) Energetic, able to work wain a team. Transportation pro- vided in Ajax Pickering area. Castle Cleaning Ltd. 428-9765 CROSSINGS gentlemen apparel MANAGEMENT Crossings Is looking!c., an a-,c,,a a.e:aye s;c':—a-ager for our Plcka_rmg nation. The Ideal candidate should have a minimum of 2 years Retail Yanagemew Experience. preferably In the Fashion Industry We are a Lifestyle Mens Fashion Store carrying brand names such as mmy Hilfiger. Calvin Klein. Fila. Savile Row and Uthmo Uomo The successful candidate should be a team motivator be results oriented and possess strong organizational skills Experience In Visual Merchandlzing and client Development would be an asset Competitive Remuneration Package including employee discount and ­e'lefit package is available to the suc:essful candidate Candidates should forward their resume to Crossings Pickering Town Centre Pickering, Ontario L1V-168 905-420-2999 Attention: Mr. Bob Frackleton District Manager `!NT" " t e 4C1 Self Starting, Experienced, Creative Who Likes A Little Excitement In Their Life ...for the Durham's gruwlnt: entertainment authurlt,�. Backbeat. Backheat is published be %letroland newspapers who also publish the News Ad%ertlser and 0shavra/V4'hitbN This %%'eek. It pro% Ides Durham u ith It's uu n entertainment \'nice . This unique oppurtunit` pro- ides more than a foot in the door of tine of the most respected publishing firms. It offers competeti%e commissions. base salary, and potential limited only by the desires and ambitions of the successful candidate Send Resume to: INJIMM Advertising Supervisor 130 Commercial Ave, Ajax, Ont. L 1 S 2H5 or fax: (905) 619-9068 HOPE IMPROVEMENT RECMCK REPRESENTATIVE We are seeking a detailed oriented in- dividual who is experienced in Resi- dential Construction. Applicants must have window and door measuring experience. Good interpersonal skills essential. Vehicle a must,. We offer flexible hours and good remuneration. Call (905) 420.4880 ext- 600 CAREER MINDED? HEALTH COUNSELLOR position available at local weight management centre. Must be motivating and eager for a challenge. Sales experience an asset. Please call 905-420-4220 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advemser requests Mat advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Advertiser will not be responsible to more than one incorrect insertion and Illere stall be no liability for rhorl-insert on of any adver- Itsement. Liability tor er- rors In ads is kwed to the amourt paid for Cue space occupying the error. AN copy is subject to Cie ap- proval of management of News Advertiser. LEARN HOW to operate. a mini office outlet from your home. and earn a great sec- ond income Awesome bene - "Is Training provided. call (416)284 4493. MAINTENANCE SU- PERVISOR - Please fax resumes to Ingrid MacDou- gall, Interim Personnel, (!051837-0627 15 AZ DRIV,,EE�R,S,, Immediately p , ' '...w'"y Clear abstract 2 years experience Drug testing S 14/hour Tanker training provided kltransit Pe+Ronnel (416)265-4933 CUSTOMER Service/Or- der Entry Representative required. Experience in the co rlputer supply 8 acces- sory industry preferred. Please nail or drop off re- surne to Ontario Data Sup- plies Ltd. 1915 Clements Rd.. Unit e15. Pickenrg, ON L1W 3V1 No phone calls please. Only applic- ants being considered for the position will be con- tacted lir an interview KITCHEN HELP wanted P/T Mon -Fri. Prep work b serving. See motivated. Ex- perience an asset. 905- 837-7752 DRAPERIES 6 BLINDS "etaile' -e-'s a • -je sales 'ecept,on per - r ro work T,esday •o aturday Cpm ,,canons outgomg personality - experience n the -,,w fasniOn 'field are -'isennai Must oe a self *arler Call 9,5.428:57' PICKERING arca -, requires Dr,wers and class A Mecnan,c or equivalent Immediately Full i part time 686--0467 EARN 5472 061WEEK . ^ lssempy /sortmg mad :16,8'2 6E:+' Earp $5001 -,ek '•cm -re co -pet ' :y.«sna+nires 'pr pup- ners 4'6 0' 2 0892 X* 6 ESTHETICIAN required 0 -i -time. "O 7.ier'eie !e- ffed Great place io wcrk' all..BG,O.209-x555 EXPERIENCED CARPET .r0 -^r' .�«-«,• yy.t^ r .nmoul epwpment Appry n :'e'sorl at 50 COmmerual Ave Unit 204 Ala, EXPERIENCED HAIP STYLIST warted full or part ^me Permanent ocsi6on .:all 728-0530 '301'Cat,01 shop wr•ker ernca and nor!zcr'a 0-w �mng ^ork expr ante aha genera, JuneS Apply Dyke .;Manaqutatymg 95 fid c o" st osnawa 3C5 579--t"5a HAIRSTYLIST 'equired .. :31• .- - -- C�.ent" pu rued Phone Stranas 666-055C HIGHSCHOOL STUD- ENTS. -^e rtc Sia• .a-5 5-. Cents aged 74 • 9 :o introduce our 501. cis :punt in Dumam EARN BIG BUCKS We provide transportanor :o and from your nome Training Guar- antee .Bonus . incentives Parents - all our students are supe,rsed on site They w ' De required io work 3 nignts from approx mately 5 30 - 3 GC p Ask your parents before calling. Leave your name. aciaress. phone a Ask for Mr Iii i 686-2292 LANDSCAPING compa- ny in Durham Region has position for property main- tenance or installation Ap- plicants must be familiar and able to operate all re- lated equipment Previous expenence and clean cinv- er abstract essential- Fax resume to 905-428.2185. NORTH American steel is seeking a hands-on Pro- ductron Scheduling Assis- tant The applicant must have a mnumurn of 3 years experience and good Com- puter skills. Send resume to: Karen Kemp 300 Hop- kins Street Whitby, ON. LIN 2B9 Fax: (905)668- 5477_ MOVIE PEOPLE. Toron. to's fastest growing agency seeks extras For film and TV work, all types, no exp. req. Earn $7-$22 80/hr. Work guaranteed. We place peo- ple on movie sets every day. Call Jonathan (416) 9612226 PART TIME Telemarket ng positions available. $7 00 per hour Training provided Call 619-6991 between 1 and 9 p m PEOPLE ^eeded for set- a 71,sc�ay s -an nome appiia-ce Ocal area. $,300,week -^-fist have .ar Call 9C5 17, 4294 PROGRAMMER years a4rererce 'e:nnlcal COBOL 16 Win 9r,!NT Fax resume 1905)427-4218 R.A. FESTERS TRUCKING L,mllking for 8 profevional %Z DRIVERS $13-S 1 tvhuur 29e- 2ornile 434-5110 SUBWAY . - ;"' - .:user s -•,y0-1k2rts Appy ,n cws.:,r 465 Bayle St at West-ey Rd :r al 6 Harwood Ave at K.r,s:on Ra TAXI DRIVERS ar: .a^ d, +e's `.>e,e^, lull if part lime must ce wer 25. contact Bev 0a m .3c m Vol :av-Fr cav5 7'-133' or appy tc '9CWaterloo Urnt 1A PSwn. Oshawa WANTED Cake decorator 'Muffin baker 'Counter help Must nave experience S Ce acle to wcrk a:l shills incl weeker:s Could cemop rtc a full time position Tim Hortons 1 Marwood Awe. S. Ajax, 683-6497 WANTED: 28 oecp* :o lose �p io 3C pounds Dy Thanksgiving Ad natural. cli 'ecomme "lea Ask now Cad ton free 8GG- 881-6782 WEEK -END Residennal Care ;r•ke' work .vin auusnc -i, gals "es - '1Pr1!al semri Gr '. ,ay PM rr Monday AM Salary ,,oder !ev�ew Some exper,ence social services preferred -lesume Dy Seriemt'>e' 3rd .tort's Place Bo■ 'lesceton Orr L00'L: WORK W M HOME dr. S.r,ey ver the :none $'2 S, ar re hal+ •'-e appy n per Dn 5; . �mmerc a Ave Olt 204 Aiax ' Office Help IF rrn. are -w,. ; a•fnye .ngie parent separated or ;.Voiced you -a', ^.uaofy ,)r Finar Oat As"tance 'JPCERT programs avaii ,Die 7.a''+ '[Wralc' - •noto _ - ,L Director :. 'e—e, access ACCpac. -L.tocaa. C.. v.suai Bass c rx Novels Engmee' :l rdows N - Small Talk ,wen Pert 'vVor: Exce Uu-am Busyness Comput- er College 427 3010 'Saks ielp Agents PART -TIMET ULL-TIME $4 «s :r.-.: pe-, , tali or comme'_:a Cwlom- ers Car 'egwrel Sena re sumo •c Fife Ossa. w&Whitpv This 4d* israwa ON .' H Skilled 14 Help CHEMICAL EN- GINEERS -second lar ;"-:e ",p ,Lse Soar- s". 'german or Portuguese Please tax resumes to Ir. 'yid MacDougall interim Personnel 905; 837 0627 ELECTRO -STATIC spray :air:e,s 'cr P cker-ng co leaded,mrnediateN Plater2 5 yrs exp Sena resume tc 305 837 062' Agent ' Sal` Agent I SalesHelpi CAREER OPPORTUNITY Required Immediately EXPERIENCED ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE Minimum 2 years experience. Telephone Directory Sales and layout experience an asset. If you are outgoing, highly motivated, and have a positive attitude and are dedicated to overall customer satisfaction, we would like you to join our winning team. Existing and new accounts, training, commissions and base pay. Mail or fax resume to Ajax / Pickering News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Ontario, LIS 2H5 Fax. 4 619-9068 SALES REP WANTED For Electrical supplier in Ajax/Pickenng area, would suit someone with electrical or automation sales experience either inside or out. Paid salarn plus bonus. Vehicle supplied. Fax resume to: Torbram Electric Supple (905)839-3531 att'n Dave. WEGU Canada Inc., a progressive Canadian manufacturer of custom moulded rubber and plastic products, is currently seeking a qualified INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE to service the automotive and industrial markets. The ideal candidate will have a minimum 3 years experience in Sales/Engineer- ing in the rubber or plastic industry. Customer driven and service oriented you are an energetic self-starting en- gineer or community college technician graduate. Computer skills essential. Responsibilities Include co-ordinating customer Inquiries, liaison between sales group and engineering and order expediting. This is a growth position with a Compa- ny dedicated to exceeding our custom- er expectations. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Resumes only should be sent to: WEGU Canada Inc. Attention: Human Resources Department P.O. BOX 567 Whitby, Ontario L1 N 5V3 Only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted 07Skilled Skilled Help Help -- ALARM INSTALLERS REGISTERED PHYSIO- THERAPIST required for DAYCARE AVAILABLE. Six years experience Non- YOUNG ENERGETIC E C E d Maher with Infant /Articles BED chesterfield 6 chair, colonial style, good condi- Experience PAGE 19 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AMUST 23,19% SalesFletplIMI Helps Skilled W Agent Agent Help _It Skilled Daycare Help • , Wanted • .Daycare Employment' Available Wanted Articles 1 FArti� For Sale SALES REP WANTED For Electrical supplier in Ajax/Pickenng area, would suit someone with electrical or automation sales experience either inside or out. Paid salarn plus bonus. Vehicle supplied. Fax resume to: Torbram Electric Supple (905)839-3531 att'n Dave. WEGU Canada Inc., a progressive Canadian manufacturer of custom moulded rubber and plastic products, is currently seeking a qualified INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE to service the automotive and industrial markets. The ideal candidate will have a minimum 3 years experience in Sales/Engineer- ing in the rubber or plastic industry. Customer driven and service oriented you are an energetic self-starting en- gineer or community college technician graduate. Computer skills essential. Responsibilities Include co-ordinating customer Inquiries, liaison between sales group and engineering and order expediting. This is a growth position with a Compa- ny dedicated to exceeding our custom- er expectations. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Resumes only should be sent to: WEGU Canada Inc. Attention: Human Resources Department P.O. BOX 567 Whitby, Ontario L1 N 5V3 Only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted 07Skilled Skilled Help Help -- ALARM INSTALLERS REGISTERED PHYSIO- THERAPIST required for DAYCARE AVAILABLE. Six years experience Non- YOUNG ENERGETIC E C E d Maher with Infant /Articles BED chesterfield 6 chair, colonial style, good condi- Experience private rehab clinic in smoking environment Any child CPR. home care ex- • for Sale tion, new cushions on required. Oshawa Fax resume (905) age References available penence, wishes to care tor seats, $400 o.b.o. Lowery Must have valid drivers license 669-3832 Whites Rd 3 Slrouds area your children Close to GO Organ with chair and mu - Ajax. BABYSITTER wanted to Ask for Kathy 831.1796 Tanya 905.837.7752 ROCK BOTTOM DEALS sic. Like new $700 and be bondable. care for 3 girls, ages 6. 4 d Large selection of jewelry ACCOUNTANT - Can do Air conditioners from $150 (905)723-9816 1 1/2 in our home Mon - Fax resurne to Thurs Call 427-0215 905-723-3219 BABYSITTER for my home, for 2 children. 6 months and 2 yrs Shittwork involved GlenannWH 2 References CII (905)831-2330 NANNY required ASAP New ad 428-2614 it allil CMA - Computer liter- TV/stereo stand $79.99 BURGLAR ALARMS sl- ate 'Hands -On' full fin Golf dubs $75 Apartment low thieves time in your pkg Budgeting/costing/ size stove $150. Full size home. KEEP THEM OUTI analysis Please call (905) washer $250 Apartment Custom built steel wearily 686-1514 size dryer $50 Apartment window bars for el little as size washer 8 dryer $350. Apartment size freezer from $25 00 per window allows glop Firewood $175 Fndge $600 M,- peace of mind even with crowave oven $59 Colour windows open For a free TV's from $299 Stereo re- estimate call (905 )426 - ABSOLUTELY THE ceivers from $115 C D 8429 NANNY wanted. full-time EXPERIENCED daycare BEST Apple. Maple. Oak, players from $119 Tape CARPET 3 rooms. $299. in house Mon through ;. in my smoke free home. Beech Low prices Free decks from $139 Electric price includes 30 yards of 9 30am -5 30pm Please large fenced yard. with delivery Serving Pickering, guitar5Cordless Dishwasher nmC call 428-9465 playground. Crafts. break Ajax. Whitby. Oshawa delivery Kozy Heat Fire- nstalatiot. Custium om blinds in your home Free quota - last. lunch and snacks pro- DURHAM FIREWOOD 427- Large selection of jewelry also available at lowest Daycare vided All ages welcome 4741 SKIDS d Pallets for fire- Sega systems from $69. prices Sal 905-432-2750 • Available Flexible hours Dixie/Finch wood hardwood 8 soh- $500 Engine 1970. 307, Disney movies from $15 Carpet Broker, 100%, LOVING daycare in my wood mixed, pre cut or bro- FIREWOOD, Excellent C D's $6 Movies $8 De- experienced and reliable Kim 42o--2458 - N Ion thick plush stain re - LICENSED =, .^ec MANUFACTURING EN- quaLiy Hardwood. Guar- livery available. most items corner AFFORDABLE 8 Lovm FUN -FILLED educational anleed. extra long fully guaranteed. lay -a -way pro- sistant carpet For 3 rooms. only $369 t Price m- aycare n non-smoking activities in sate home day- seasoned, cut and spit gram 22 Simcce St N dudes 30 S q carpet. environment Around cern care, mother with Family Studies Honest measurement Free Oshawa 905-436-1320. yds deluxe pad and installation from Gle PS on degree, childcare experience CPR delivery Kozy Heat Fire- 1982 CHEVY Scottsdale in your home Free quota - 6l Full i,enview Rd Full 6 part- me Receipts Mother and Westney/Hwy 2 Heather wood 905-753-2246 pick-up $1000 obo. Rol tan in your home. No in - of •,,,o 839-7237 428--0208 SKIDS d Pallets for fire- lards electronic keyboard teres), no payment for one -e Ut e !c905 837 0627 ;all, Interim Personnel, wood hardwood 8 soh- $500 Engine 1970. 307, full year. Daniel. 1-800- ALTONA/TWIN RIVERS: LOVING daycare in my wood mixed, pre cut or bro- $150 obo. Chrome and 217-0104 experienced and reliable home Dixie 8 Glenanna ken. delivery available. black rims 15' with tires TRUCK 'aycare provided Includes Mother of 2 Nutritious large 8 small loads Limited P205;70R15 $200. Call Carpet Milt Disrhbutors, ^ot lunches. snacks Will snacks d meals Indoor time otter call (905)430- 576-6181 12 months No payments, -ov,de receipts and refer outdoor activities Lots of 9013 etc Serious replies to File etc No interest. (OAC) 3 roams ences 509-7450 fun (9051420-3276 piece setting , serving 2 FRIDGES, stove. wash (300sq h ) installed with Manufactur ng Ltd 185 a 9684 Oshawa Whitby Knowiedge of Modalities an er b dryer Cab -net Grand deluxe pad from only $399 BABYSITTING available MISS DOUBTFIRE Bargain Piano Prices negaabae S I V I C LICENSED =, .^ec MANUFACTURING EN- - �,y "o` -'e. ^on smoker. Available Loving. young_ corner All �n excellent condition pecia s on my, . eramic and Hardwood Flooring c,e •eau-reo with expert. GINEER 'licensed .r 1A of TLC. 11 years ex energetic. first aid/CPR in. NSM 5C CDs ncfucied. Call (905)839-7153 Free Shop At Home 1-800- ence. possn)ie shiNwork. on due!- a. mechanical. auto penence. Liverpool 8 Fina' structorigymnastic Coach Chest of drawers $100 strip canoe, narrow ribs. 663-6046 weekends. with possibilit y cad 12• Please tax area. 420-5975, anytime lookingto nam r 42' ROUND Kitchen rade 4 SEAT SWING SET RANO Jprignt ,o bench ^' ful: Time weekends Fax resumes to Ingrid Macoou- BABYSITTING available d joys Nutrition back with leaf 8 4 upholstered 12 • pipen . 8 h'gr 10 x12 CARPETS lots of carpet. -e Ut e !c905 837 0627 ;all, Interim Personnel, in my home. Major Oaks ground Crafts, approved swivel chairs, asking $125 wooden sited wits loft. 5 it 100°, nylon. new slain re - (�IIEHEAVY AVTr DUTY 837-062' and Brock. 428 9325rtsh outings.other kids Week Call 837-5492 x 322 tt vinyl mesh fencing, lease carpets on hand. 1 TRUCK i ' c011a a count Collection g rY reports Can pick uD drop DRESSER (youth) with Sturdy wooden climber with will carpet 3 rooms. $349 p HospiW Mi Medical Dental DENTAL RECEPTION- IST par' t,me evenings must De experienced and C D A call 905-42 7 7127. 11 00am 1 00 pm PART TIME 8 'ull time C'Receptionist needed Must be assertive y friendly, have a good hkid for detail and a PCs - D" Cal 686--3269 dual slides. ---I 391 rice includes carpet. pre - minor 2 night tables, solid mium pad, expert instatla- oak $125 Yamaha r n 9 PC DINING ROOM SU tion fast dekve freet- o ga . excellent shape. $275 Call ITE. 4 seater chesterfield, ry. es i mates (30 yards) Norman 427-7439 between 5-7pn and tables, coffee tale. bar 686-2314 MICROWAVE $200 stools.all in good condi- CD Jukeboxes. 'eke new. Dishwasher S25C Wasner, tion. OBO 668-9726 NSM 5C CDs ncfucied. 5200 Dryer. 5200 Sofa. experience. references $3395 Rock Ola holds 100 $200 Sofa 8 chair$250 ANTIQUE 14 FT cedar CDs, $2995 Rec room or Chest of drawers $100 strip canoe, narrow ribs. business use 905-579- Prices negotiabie 683- good condition, asking S90C 666-3603 4538 5697 $95. Perdum 100's under COMPUTERS - USED, RANO Jprignt ,o bench APARTMENT s,ze wash- 486's compete with mons - _ _ lore 5785 w ad toms 5895 ILL Dr^vi0ed a •e�D,_,�l - .._ __ _ - - - ---- - - new CD changers 11 10 aIAN I 426 in OsyCare inmy a nom $ie speed D I R E C T O R Y News Advertiser �7Q7 •IaSTER CHEAP -.Home EUROPEAN We spasm". artpovrtnrMs, r•c rooms,n will ranovaM your bedwoom. low apa nnients. additions. or krtctran wells. as was as Mmes, decks. etc. Li- floor Wos. Good references cursed for over 20 years and sobstoMm guaranteed. M work gui rantsed, for For free ecarnttes cal D. Free estimate call Erre Dykstra 725-4913 905.404.8170 FERAL CARPENTRY, tree S$bvwles, house addi- = eons. 1, 1, decks. trim work, door nsiaNalicn, bese- sesse boards, shreds, rod repairs, Irlt@rk)dr, retak*rig (905) 6162930 Bir Jr. J.S. ARMSTRONG DEV. INC. Speciakang in autom homes, additions. renova- bonns, tee rooms and bow- man apartments. Resideraial and commarcial. Serviniy Durham Region lot over 15 Free catsunation Coe C A R Marrerwla Buil- � g06.�.5706. M4- 'AE ca -•^e' to, seer Thurs. Aug2 or Mont- g experienced educational de. •ekada mom 20 years .685 atter bpm nmgroom tale. a chairs 4 cc's) nee $139. lots of HEATING a AIH l.V LATHE Hand Machinist err' pcyriem. home main- gust 1 3 pm only a assistant. non srrktknl en- experience. references DUCTWORK installed, ;45C Couch. lovessat used color monitors from TIG'v'vG •kola"es peso, so, Minimum 8 ' = exec•. lenanee and renovations eau 686 -71St Fr 23 9 Aug vironnynt. nutrTous Iunk71- Baulks weicorr+e Flexible for 12 for 12 years. 28.1800 , na,r, ottoman $1000 Call $95. Perdum 100's under and ale ooussiorrs. have yrs Solvent and twndade between 4 and 6 p m only, as. snacks. craft and large hours. Valley FarmiMator i • . ' JOSit35-0572 51200 We pay good used lot dud work. lumabes bre- ante Must have over tows. Business minded Ezp saleDackyard 619-3610 Oaks 1905)686-7954 Move � or suras. we price them all! Free estimates, BAKE Sinop b House n products Call for quotes places air condrtionnq ode to ntrt tame with •C it wim concrete. carpentry. RECEPTIONIST iequired Small jobs 15 years ex. moves. Appliances moved, i ' c011a a count Collection g rY ( ) 697-3059 fax 6971817 Experience net ap centers some radia: moll- plumbing, electric. tlrywali full time tc wen �- Physio. AFFORDABLE DAY- CARE ava,iaae for TWO EXPERIENCED -e -our 01 occupied Japan 11- DINING Room suite. 9 - Ieuance ability to con, .ng won Appy to Pyke etc Serious replies to File etc therapy Genic x, Pickering new ppm t;; oars oto Relennc- ca vers in m y fenced piece setting , serving pace oak. paid $3500. soil Mr,,cate ant- custorne s Manufactur ng Ltd 185 a 9684 Oshawa Whitby Knowiedge of Modalities an es 8 receipts available room, r ECE CPR dose w • dishes (circa 1900) 613- $1600 Quasar convection an asset Phone 433-1962 Hiacroh St Oshawa 905 This Week. PC Box 48. asset Fax resurtte to 905- Harwood d 401 area luncnei (snacks Lots of . 339.1350 microwave. $100 Organ. 2 579"4058 865 Farswe, St . Oshawa 420-6965 Please Call 686--0959 TLC Whites Rd S area yea rs r1ew, paid $3500. tall 11.11H 715 • $1500 All tike new 905- 420-8676 666-2455 D I R E C T O R Y News Advertiser �7Q7 •IaSTER CHEAP -.Home EUROPEAN We spasm". artpovrtnrMs, r•c rooms,n will ranovaM your bedwoom. low apa nnients. additions. or krtctran wells. as was as Mmes, decks. etc. Li- floor Wos. Good references cursed for over 20 years and sobstoMm guaranteed. M work gui rantsed, for For free ecarnttes cal D. Free estimate call Erre Dykstra 725-4913 905.404.8170 FERAL CARPENTRY, tree S$bvwles, house addi- = eons. 1, 1, decks. trim work, door nsiaNalicn, bese- sesse boards, shreds, rod repairs, Irlt@rk)dr, retak*rig (905) 6162930 Bir Jr. J.S. ARMSTRONG DEV. INC. Speciakang in autom homes, additions. renova- bonns, tee rooms and bow- man apartments. Resideraial and commarcial. Serviniy Durham Region lot over 15 Free catsunation Coe C A R Marrerwla Buil- � g06.�.5706. a9 repairs and rsrnovatidns electrical, plumbing, ce MISTER POST HOLE. ramic Wes. carpentry. From augured post holes, setting d VFW rope" to manor ren- posts in concrete.Sona tubes ovations. Fully guaranteed. installed. all work guaranteed. - tree estimates. (9175)432- (905) 66$-0400. 031 POST holes / forme DUCTWORK installed, Posts all) Post holes moved, ralocated. Excellent drilled, all concrete sup - rales. Free sa0nlates Elec• piled . Sono tubes installed. trosLtim air cleaners, hu- Ail work guaranteed serving Durham midihers. . Small obs. Big j for 12 for 12 years. 28.1800 , Cale Pau1429.0295. Oshawa. sloe• 1915 NO PROJECT TOO SMALL • 10ichen; • easem6rMs • tfVSKIotes • Doors • Baitrooms • Elc. 90S6tl6.5211 BY XLEAVER AddiUats, second stories, finished bsmts., bath- rooms, decks, Ole b wood floors, doors d windows, guaranteed and reliable call Wake► (905)426-2145 SIC -ON Construction Ltd., serving Durham Region for 19 yrs. Addiflons, surldecks, patio doors, windows, r c - Moms, flagstone, free esti- mates. 905-5765760. T.E. Home Improvem ants. Specializing in rooMg, sid- ing, soft. •eves vitt• dow b doors. Please poi Tom 579-3760, )ani• message. Fax 683-7363 Pain ing i . Moving tit Decorating • Storage hAWT1WG do Nwith housNroldnwvs, rest iG/kl9p dential, camm•raal. AN GVWve7 Iypss d moves. Cal Carl or 6 Exterior Jan• 427-2856. MICHALSKI --n"- houses, ouses, sper•rt•rrs avow spp antl pian spe- cialists. S•rror and mid- month discounts. LKwneed, insured. Free sstirmse s. ExoaNarr service. Call 436 • Me Pl 7795. Flooring, cwpotin9 • Party tlo • • Driving • Sevices • • Schools MAGICIAN, clown friends. ALL SAFE PRO DRIVING ready to •nl•rtair for any SCHOOL offers Bedt to age. any occasion. Birth- school drivirg course We - days. promob", open- all APPROVED COURSE wigs, fund ravers. Magic M.T.O. $279. (Aug. 26. 27, shows we furl Lemma 28 .29) Also regular cows - help. 839-7057 or 728- os all .4261717. 8334. Now offering free boxes with move. Park andload RAaaRwanb work id" • Business nfaw for chridrans perN•s • swvkp and ale ooussiorrs. have Painting i DWAfgdg UE try own magician. Cale Er- ' 6881932 ACCOIl11TANT -Can Moving tore it atm CMA - computer tilar- • • �9• E1FMi111t d • (+ House • • Driven ale. -Hands-on- fun en. ALM SAMEDAY Crap'In 0 i • • g pkg. Budgeting/ PLUMBING licensed AJAX Moving Systems - ho Bargain rales, homes, SfChools Please Call (905) plumber" no job too small services, moves appliance ARE you h•virg pit hi._ no job 'too trig Complete Renovation.F_ and pias sp•daksts. FW tlPii78s, apt. arc �b finding time to clam your esti- rate or hourly. We now Pacarg V 1@ home? For Professional prices. anteed lowest. 905-725- have heated Worag• units. Home cleaning. Can Hel- 2507 or 1.800.340-0058 Now offering free boxes with move. Park andload 423-0't3e 286-Ss1� en's Horns Services today. 427-4385. special. starting at $99. and Painting i DWAfgdg UE up. can for information, 725-0005 or 427-0006. mn, Flooring, • . ' i 1 evHARRY-O-THE-MOVERS - Carpeting DRYWALL and Titin , g Move � or suras. we price them all! Free estimates, CEDAR trees for hedging, boardin t tepainti p' ng' renovations and repairs. seniors discount, short rno0cw CARPET Installations - 25 wholesshe prices, fresh dug Small jobs 15 years ex. moves. Appliances moved, years isfigientanc•• rest- a delivered. Call 1-(613) perience, Free estimates, also storage space avail- -9• our speciality. Free esti- mates. D a N Duncan, 967 - 472-3896. Serving Dumam and out of able. Comparable rates. lawn area Ken 434.4500. Call 432.2650. 1799 or 967.1800 SCHOOL Approved by D.SA .O -4 lessons and test $105. •10 Lessons $150 -Full Course $259 Free pick -up and drop on (416) 2674060 Articles For Sale . . • . . Articles Articles Computer Computer 1 For Sale EM For Sale 1 Video ffig Video .. • M m . ■ HOW ARE WE DOING? 1985 Nassar 200Sx, 52300. (Finch/Bowler) TheThsWte*t4smAdaimChsaledDq)atnertl • s=nniledbplwidrtgarcustmeisvi the best ■ pod* seltljoe.Nlewouldappfed&ytxrcar-dd 7 I I jep win file �Sfortsbebw. ■ 1. Was your call answered promptly? fum china. picturescraft supplies. toys. clothing trained, eating 576-8332 ■ "- •taurant e7ulprner'. arge 3 srrall -of,, rAJ apGianres. ■ COLLIE for sale - 4 month 1985. FIERO GT. 142.000 D. fquipnert.:otfnes..4os 3 eras ■ 2. Did the Sales Representative offer friendly, ■ ■ courteous Service? ■ shots and eyes :hacked with wing. new ares 8Saturd ay Aug lath Ram Date Sunday 25th. Lots of Bargains! Everything must go! ■ 1113. Are you satisfied with the response to your ■ advertisement? ■ Sofa bel %aterbpd & much ■ e. 2 door. 7ulo 66 Gregory Road., Ajax 4. Suggestions or comments: ■ tic.CliSl automanc. 51500 certified (Hanti , C.over Ridge) ■ ■ obo Call 726-CA90 Patio furniture and household items. + 6 Ville would like to hear from you. attention, Klaumar Kennels ■ ■ ■ If you prefer, ■ ■ please contact Fred Eismont ■ ■ at 576-9335, or 683-0707 ■ ■ or fill out this coupon ■ ■ and mail to: ■ or Lisa (905)697-01jia8 i■ Classified Department It P.O. Box 481 ■ 865 Farewell St. ■ Oshawa, Ontario ■ ■ UH 7L5 ■ ■ ■ 'Your satistacttan is Mfe measure of our success' ■ aso w t1 m m m m m o o m m FLEA MARKET Robin I luk/d Inn, Altana Rd., Finch Saturdays & SundaN-s, Collector's items Venders Welcome (416) 491-7692 DOUBLE bed. 5 pcs S:7J waterbed 5290, sin - pe bed 3 pcs $260: din & ,vngroom 12 acs $690. fryer 5280. self -clean ova S500. . more 905 -619 - FLOOR MODEL 28' co- " Tv Excellent condi- ',on $300 obo ALSO 12' :dour TV, great for cot age or bedroom S50 obo 905-438-8312 FUNITURE FOR SALE, ningroom set (buffet. -itch, 6 chaostable) ketch- -n set (6 chairs). couch wi -atchng loveseat. 905)686-0653 (416)635- i281 GIBBARO Mahog. bed- 'com, Koffman bleached :.ak bedroom, bleached oak dinette with press back chairs. mrrois. Maytag dry- er and odds n ends. Call ;905)697-2666, G0414G OUT OF BUSI- NESS Complete Lock- srrth and Hardware stock and equipment. Reason- able prices. all in good condition. For more rilo. Call 705.878.1496. HOOKED on Phonics- ex- cellent system to help children and adults with reading comprations n a speuing best offs. Cost905-837-18526056. U.S. KENMORE washer and dryer team , vicelent corl- dltan. well mauls'dip prox. 7 yrs. did, 5350., Ken- more buiN in dishwasher, approx. 5 yrs. old. $150: Homephone 416-444- 8232 after 6 P.m MATCHING gold left hand bathtub, toilet a 2 sinks complete with Bois, keg vanity Cal 905433-7637. MOVING Sale. 2 Krolhw Porcelain sinks, 1 stove- top. electric. 1 pedestal sink. grey. Set of Jack Nicklaus irons/woods golf clubs. Kitchen cabinets. 1 bedroom set. Firewood. New True Spoke chrome wheels, 14-8, 14-7s. 905 434-6158. MUST SELL - moving out. Seats Snowblower, 12 Krs. old. $100. e duty dryer''° Old $3Syn. OAKIPINE FURNITURE Why pay retail prices? One of Ontario's oldest and lar- gest manufacturers is now selling direct to the pudic Eg sold oak 7 pc dining - room or 6 pc solid pine bedroom. your choice 51995. many stain Choices Tractional Woodworking 905-985-8774 ONTARIO FINEST. Gov- ernment inspected. cut & wrapped, freezer beef and Iamb 433-0656 PIANOS - GRANDFA- THER CLOCKS Back to school specials New and used pianos. Not sure.) Rent to own, apt size. upright. grand, di9tal, key- boards. Clearance on a8 1995 stock! Telep Piano Works, 433-1491. SNEDMAN - Quality barn style shed cut e' x 8•, SPE- CIAL ONLY $295 plus tax. Mary other sizes and styles available. Also garages and decks. 761 McKay Rd Und 3, Pickering. For more Oft call 906.619.2093. USED BLIND hemmer, sewwing machine. in excel- lent working condition. $1500. Cath 436-9678 after 5 p.m. WALNUT DOUBLE war- drobe 5235. Wal unit $55. T.V. $100. Arm chairs. $40 each. Love seat $95. Fridge A stove, $300. Sola and chair $150. 2 dressers $65 each. Tads and chairs $65. 4 beds $35 each. Microwave $85. Callao table $55. Many odrer darns. 69732 WASHERS. dryers, indigo. stove, new and recond- tidled. $225 and up lir re- conditioned washer, $175 and up lir reconditioned dryers. $175 and up for re- conditioned fridges and stoves. Also coin operated washer and dryers. Ste- phenson's Furniture and Appliances, 227 Court St., Oshawa. 576-7448 WEDDING DRESS Never worn' Must be seen' European design. Thai silk, indescent sequins & pearls, mutton sleeves, full skirt w/ scalloped hemline & handsewn Aus. trian crystals for good luck. Would fit 10-12, absolutely gorgeous. 905-725-7999 YAMAHA PSR 40o key. board, ready to play $425 Wrought iron table with glass top $145.721-0601 YORK Bench 0213 in- cludes 7ecline/leg curl and arm curt bench Less than ',ne year old Asking 5100 ',all 4348090 or 435-9085 ogr F' Articles Wanted SSS ADartmeni >4ze wasr- `­, 3 dryers and fridges 8 'oves Full size washers 8 :•yers Musical mstru --encsApartment size " aezers TV 's & V C R 's F• xtable dishwashers Dna- ords and Gold Call ;'DCK BOTTOM DEALS �)5-43�- 20 SS$FAST ;ASHSSS We .v a^,,h,ng Arnque5 )Ilectables. furniture. - )usehoid contents Call r)5-404-2708 ANTIQUES Absolutely. as rg ',,-,tore or an. ,•nmg ola Scientific instru- ... ants. china, silvi adirer- ...,ng. toys- decoys. dolls. ^' Ile bcirles collections or tares Cali Robert Bower �nNques 1905) 6558049 r ooh r UNWANTED Scrap metal 'Fen .0 'rages, stoves, hsners dryers. cars. icks, etc Call 1905)430- . t3 WANTED PEARL JAM Kers lcr Toronto concert �,,S 1052 or 430-6429 Barter Exchange �RAFTSMAN 10- rad,a, saw. $400, 15* Delta scroll saw. $70 Bit folding party :aoie $25 2 exercise tikes S25. each (905)420. - Arts a • Crafts CERAMIC WARE- HOUSE- We're ave Tues to Sal. 10 3 until Sept New pieces arriving weekly Start Christmas gifts and protects now For the best in quality bisque at prices you won't believe. shop THE WAREHOUSE. 1333 Boundary Rd. Unit 3 Oshawa 905-725-6709 1 Computer Antemet NEW MUSIC a -zine O hmp.//www durham-news. net /-afc23&vkJex.htm TECHNOLOGY leaving you behind? Computers mocking you? Need Help? Cal' Ray lir private one-on- one tutoring. (905) 428- 8541. Pools, M spa EXCELLENT used 20 ft. rectangular Kayak pods. ncluding decking a lancing 15 year balance of new pool warranty New kner in box- $4,995. Bonus - Free installation. 1-800-668- 7564 , Pickering / Ajax 416- 798.7509. Lost & RN FOnd FOUND: Black and white female DSH cal. Valley Farm / Finch area. 837- 2472. LOST- friendly grey do- mestic short haired male cat. Noake Cres. White paws a nose. needs a lov- ing homell Please call 428-232. LOST- lovada gray mad. haired reale cat. Spires Cres., lyax. Please call 686-0438. INTERNET SERVICE AVAILABLE Home and web page creation Hyper link and server storage. Call John Duarte at 579-"00 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 23,1996 -PAGE 19 M- .t• _ i I i, i .: K I I a h i i': K � ���� il.#�1���I� • ' Pets/Supp"Automobiles Boarding 1 YARD SALE w 1519 ! 1520 Silver Spruce Dr. For Sale www FREE TO GOOD HOME, 7 1985 Nassar 200Sx, 52300. (Finch/Bowler) Sat. Aug. s24ill 9„= week old kittens. 2 males. low kms. lady dr,. toys, clothes, housewares &more'! 7 I I one female Litter box ver, back to school, must Aug. 24, 9a.m.-4p.m. fum china. picturescraft supplies. toys. clothing trained, eating 576-8332 sell. Call !9051666-5490 "- •taurant e7ulprner'. arge 3 srrall -of,, rAJ apGianres. anteed Parents 7r1 premis- COLLIE for sale - 4 month 1985. FIERO GT. 142.000 D. fquipnert.:otfnes..4os 3 eras es excellent mousers old femaleCwinter. CKregistered. kms 4 speed sit standard never winter driver.er. saver MOVING SALE MOVING SALE shots and eyes :hacked with wing. new ares 8Saturd ay Aug lath Ram Date Sunday 25th. Lots of Bargains! Everything must go! 705.277.2528 clutch, $3.800 623-1297 woodworkwg orders for Ctlrisilmals. Sofa bel %aterbpd & much DOG e. 2 door. 7ulo 66 Gregory Road., Ajax SAT. AUG. 24th Stam • 3pm TRAINING CLASS E-- staring Aug 27 SmaO tic.CliSl automanc. 51500 certified (Hanti , C.over Ridge) SUN. AUG. 25th gate - spm classes Ipr more individual obo Call 726-CA90 Patio furniture and household items. + S20 BROADGREEN ST., PICKERING attention, Klaumar Kennels 1986 Corvette. 98 000 436-2493. BrOokhn. 655-4?,71 l Kms Feather. load MOVING SALE HUGE GARAGE SALE AMERICAN COCKER ed, lots ed. lots ;f extrasr . seous inquiries only Ask 'cr Mike Aug. 24th. 9-2pm. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE SPANIEL o.up es. beau? or Lisa (905)697-01jia8 10 Redmond Dr., Ajax Babies to Seniors full NaCK lovingly home 1986 MERCURY TOPAZ. (Westney Rd N Ritchie St. East & follow signs) raised Male and female 5'ardard 4 Jr light blue. weigr' oer:" ; «e.7r,s •e^zds eeC'-cap r,.e; «•e, Aug. 24 & 25, 7-1 Excellent temperament p windows p locks ask, ' Diucts & switches. play per, etc 75 Meekings Dr. Ajax. CKC Registered Shots $1500 negotiable -.8rr S350 905.985.7621 268-9128 ext 1,575 SIAMESE KITTENS 1986 0175 Cutlass Mint COMIC BOOK DRIVEWAY SALE lac - a: e. Cora'''or' 305_ rd Ps Sat. & Sun Aug 23 & 24. 9am .. ._-- sonai,ry plus. first shots. vet D b D w Miche#,r :res. 108 Rollo Dr Ajax cheaed health guar- certified 51906 Serious in- qu,r,es .n y Call "- •taurant e7ulprner'. arge 3 srrall -of,, rAJ apGianres. anteed Parents 7r1 premis- r905i723-9199 toll toll Iree.1905i 888-9055 D. fquipnert.:otfnes..4os 3 eras es excellent mousers 1887 Dodge Omiv, genu - with children and other Ready to 1613 473- 1987 CELEBRITY. E u - radio etc New brakes 5126 n - rosC^" v 6 4 ',Ily COMIC BOOK DRIVEWAY SALE 6033 after 6 Caded, new paint, excel. AVAILABLE FOR ent Condition decent K - STUD-. -a^dsome %e• � 53.595 certified vil wa• carie' British Columbian B '4161 558-0861 Husky Timber Wolf Won. toll toll Iree.1905i 888-9055 derl.� •e, peramer.t, great 1887 Dodge Omiv, genu - with children and other 'ne 73.000 kms sunroof pets. beautiful mark rg; radio etc New brakes For more into call 905438 good clean car $2006 r;a.. (905 43G-0617 after 4p m GIANT GARAGEIMOVING SALE 29 MILNER CRES., AJAX AUG. 24 AND 25 9 A.M. - 3 P.M. **HUGE STREET SRLE!** MULTI FRMILIES Longstaff Dr., Ajax Sat., Aug. 24th from 9-2p.m. furniture. T V . monitors. & more'' GARAGE SALE SAT AUG 24 cin a.rr. - 2 p m Rain or shine. Rock bottom orlces. 83'2 1201 Madonna Crt. Pickering 1917 ?ark Avenue load- g START OUT on the right ed E.cellent Cond,Non. GARAGE SALE(Enclaves of Maple Ridge) f Pa. +nth our 'un and easy certified. SA90C Must be dog training at our spa- seen 9C5'23-1492 Sat. A yG5( c-. �•. - 2pn1 sous facility - experienced 65 MEEKINGS DR AJAX framers offering the newest methods for all ages start an at 10 weeks old Call 1967 Park Avenue, load- ed • 53 300 - Very clean Certified As..,ng $545C 723-1492 K-9 K;uohouse at 905683 7752 1987 VW Golf_ 5 speed, always well-maintained At ATTENTION: Dog Own condition n & out 183 30o ens Dogg,e Dooley Pet waste Systems rri Systes stang at $54 99 up to 15C Ib wt Dog Life Jackets starting at $25. 32- Fre Hydrant in- door outdoor BEST Ball, 4- 1,2' 6'. t0' Lifetime Guar antee. Starting at $10 99 i-9. 7 days. week 1905)723.5413. Fax 723 1466 girlAtrtornobiles for Sale MCMILLAN a WIFE Auto Sales -Clearance Sate all stock '*lust go- 1965 4x4 Toyota going cheap cheap. at $3595 certified 1980 4x4 Datsun going cheap, cheap. at $2000 certified 1988 Eagle Prem- ie. excellent condition. only $3495 certified 1987 82000 Pickup standard shift. $3395 certified 1985 K-5 Blazer 4x4 priced at $3995 certified 1989 Cavalierlow km, new paint. etc 03995 certified 1987 Nissan Sentra, new engine only. 53495 cent - tied. 1987 Pontiac 6000 race car, only 53395 certi- fied. 1989 F150 Pickup. custom. 55295 certified. 1989 Grand Am, space] Price, must go $4995 certh fied. 1986 F/50 4x4 with cap. $4495 certified. 1988 Tempest, $4495 certified. Mary cats to choose from uncenif ied a certified. 'All Stock Must Go'. McMillan a Wile Ado Sales 200 Dun- das SL W. Wh4by. We also install trailer hitches a rust check centre. 666 -Ml - I= Z28, mechanically good, body good, many new parts. $1200 as is. o.b.o. (905)571.4788 1983 Buick Century V6 automatic, air & Wt. $1295 certified. Also parts for 1986 Cavalier a 1986 Sky- hawk.404-9759 1983 Buick Regal. 2 dr. coupe, good project car. in good condition. many how parts and extras to go weft vehicle. $1500. Auto meter. monster tech, and gauges Wild grant steering wheal. 4 1978 Trams Am. alum.. honey comb rums $100. Call 432-9155 for more into. atter 6 p.m. we~. anytime weekends kms. S2500ioha Call r905i668-4248 19" Ford Mercury gar tt.lty loaded. automatic. 6 cylinder excellent condr- b0h. no rust 158 300 kms certified 52.980 1988 Che- vy Van, excellent Condition fully loaned. good for camping. business travel ng. $6900 1985 Nissan 2Jp SX, 5 speed new pant, new clutch & brake excellent :ondilkxi , er•,ified S225C Cail days 434 •856 or evervgs 436-185' 1968 FORD Taurus. 4 - door silver. air. V6. 174K decent Sar S2750 certified or B O Must be sold Call 905-728-0705 19" Pontiac Tempest 31 rebuilt motor. $4100 obo 1987 Merc Topaz. 5900 as is obo 1985 GMC 1.21 ton. Casio organ. ;'r' s Ded[Cir'r^. Se,. bar GARAGE SALE Stools. television & much mor e ' `ant & loddb ,, C. - _ . .n ;e 5, coffee tabie & much more SAT., AUG. 24, 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. SUN. AUG. 25. 11 A.M. - 4 P.M. THIS WEEKEND WE ARE CLEARING THE CONTENTS OF 3 NEW ESTATES THAT IN- CLUDE DRESSERS BUFFETS TABLES. DESKS. CHAIRS. HOOSIER HALL STAND. "HURCH PEWS, CHINA GLASS. SILVER. COLLECTIBLES. AND OVER 100 CUPS AND SAUCERS MANY ITEMS SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS SALE 'Our prices are comparable or better than marry local auctions" ANTIQUE DISCOVERIES 78 OLD KINGSTON RD. PICKERING VILLAGE (905) 683-8243 4s Therncroft Cres., S. Ajax Sat. Aug. 241h, starting Sa.m. GARAGE SALE In parking lot: 9 am to 3 pm Saturday August Z41th Rain Date: Sunday 25th. "Tbe Courtyard" log Old Kingst4►e IlA Pielcering VUI&90- YARD SALE SIGNS Please be sure to take down your signs after your yard sale to help keep the environ hent clean !S SIT EGAI R GARAGE SALE 136.000 km $2500 obo 723.8880 before 6. 668- Aullorillables lei Ate: RDS „C COMIC BOOK DRIVEWAY SALE 6033 after 6 certified. )trJfm cassette. SAT. AUG. 14ft ear - 1)/r Looks and dines very well. Private collection of DC and Marvel. PC's, printers, fu,n;ture, housla rism, ret 191111 TOYOTA Camry, 4- Saturday, August 24th. 9 am to 4 pm a sports equip., building supplies, & mon inoculate condition. fuly 1266 Canborough Cres., Pickering. Ron Daft: Sun. Aug- 25th ticior.ar1,m�oauer'nes' muni shape. 185K, 54990 obo. (Finch / Liver") 5712878. cenahed. Call 905-839- Auto ktSUr1111", CORSICA LT. 1 owner, 1924. excellent condition, weU 100'$ of new and gently used baby clothes, maintarhed, air, auto, star- $2 $5 SAII.0 SO to $10. Housewares, turn., toys, custom 19e9 Pontiac Firebird, white. second owner, E $ C C6MesiSeulcAt woodworkwg orders for Ctlrisilmals. 116,000 Ill automatic. Bali Ridges Plaza Sat. and Sun. 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. p.l., p.w., p.s.. p.b., new golly i Liverpool, piCkMjng 82 Hewitt Crs. Ajax tires, excellent condition. SaL Aug. 24,10.2pnl. (Pickering Beach RdJBayl) 428-1227 $4250 certified o.b.o. 436 immediately 435.0273 or no winter driving. Asking 9622. feel message. Aullorillables 1989 Pontiac Suribird, 4 door, 113K only, no rust, 1 1 For Sak certified. )trJfm cassette. Looks and dines very well. 1998 Dodge Caravan. $3499 Cal (905)8314729 85.000Itms. cruise. air, fill. 1990 Buick Latsabre, wn- [lower minors, Powe► SN -- inoculate condition. fuly ng, power brakes. V6. boded, 144.000 km. Cora. $13.500 certified. Can tied, $SSW. 9057231492. 5712878. 1990 CHEVEROLET Auto ktSUr1111", CORSICA LT. 1 owner, Having a problem get excellent condition, weU tiN maintarhed, air, auto, star- a eo cassett, cer06ed, asking COmp811bVe rale? CM $4.395.00. 665-0878 i orw - DOOley 1991 SUBARU Legaq, (nSYfanim In one owner. exc~1 con- AIax for a QUOtabOn. dition, leaving country must SON, $10,000. 655-8970 or 6868108. 427-595 1993 CAVALIER wagon. 1, Buick Losable Ltd., hilfy euro, air, rustproded. looks like row. $7200. must sea oQu Opoi SW under wemanty, immediately 435.0273 or no winter driving. Asking 728.0705. $24.500. Call Oshawa (905) 436-2493. 1 1 All%t�r SSies ale 06 Pontiac Parisienne, 8 seater. nils well. air. power bralkes, windows a steering. Cruise, asking $1600. 655-5062. 92 PLYMOUTH Acclaim, 70,000 kms, $8000. 1-416- 282-4074. 4162824074. 1991 Chew. Sprint con- vertible, auto., arnAm class., 67,000 km. certified $5500 obo. Dal 576.6130. 1 Auto Wanted A a A TOWING, Pay $50- $5000 5P$5000 cash to used a scrap cars a trucks. 24 hrs. 7 days. Can 905-686-5003 or 905-706-5234; 30 thin. service. 1 Wiles 1 Auto W111111 to mobiles Crib On the Spot fly $50 • $5,000 1 ed and scrap ca d buds, any Con n. Call anylime, s. 7 days. Fast n. service. No pa Call Ken (905)509-5564 (416) 452-7n7 AUTOMOBILES and trucks wanted for scrap. Any tondtbon, any age, free removal in the Durham Region, cash paid. Also needed. 75 to '87 Chair or GMC pickup lir parts. Can anytime. Oshawa 431- 0407. CARS FOR CASHI We buy used veMcles. Vehi- cles must be in running condition. Call 427.2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Alax at MURAD AUTO SALES. OLDSMOBILE 9e Re- geney. 1982-1984. or Buick Park Avenue 1982-1984, Good shape, 576-7049, leewe message. PAGE 216IME NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 23.19% Autonwbiles / Apartments/ partments / Apartments On, Apartments Houses Hoses Wanted 1 For Rena 1 1 For Rent 1 For Rent amFor For Rent Rent / For Rent WILL CLEAN up your property of old cars, scrap metals etc. Cash paid. Same day service Also good running cars and trucks wanted Pager 416- 339-7395 or call 905-427- 3110 Trucks for Sale 1987 Ford Ranger 5 speed 218.000 kms bed inert very good condition. must be seen $2 700 O B O 435.0178 1989 Nissan Pickup 2x2. regwai cox. 4 speed OD. 70.000 kmsimmaculate nght through $5500 cert, fled Can 725-9989 1989 510 Pickup to- ^OCkm standard transmission 1 owner, ex cellent condition Cali 905 436-1680 after 51l 1992 Ford Explorer XLT gree" 'an leather interior loaded 98 000 k- 5'5 900 - S'5-900 certified 905727 2857 WHAT A DEAL '982 F.:rc ' 5CXL ion. w cap This truck -s great' S1 WC obo 579-6836 4 Wheel VDriivve 1985 GMC Wneetcna. ver Ra;ly V8 automatic. p s p b ar Om stereo, rear heater Recon a-ectnc wheeicnair lift tie -downs 1 owner liver maintained 55000 72'-1800 1993 12 SAFARI VAN Loaded ee very flow k-5 cert very snare Mus' sell S' 6 590 obo 905.721 'a4E ' Trailers FAMILY RESORT et, er, •-, tae 2= , 35 tt Lots a.akaow On Trent Rry of POO, bear* recreation and more 1 600265-884' TRAILER 27 Prow e, sieeps 6 AC furnaze awriry separate batt sh Owe• tub BOAT 1' Johnson motor AMT cassette 4 1110 lockets ' Set water s..es Asxtny^ $6 SOC feta Ch v sate -wing out of Prori 901' 114' 914$otorcycles 1971 -10NDA 350two^ cyi-^de• great tot restora- bon throne in excellent coni $550 ODIC 905- 985-3183 M9 Marine 1968 Thundercrah Sun - bkrd ' 7 't bownder. 4 3 Li- tre. 175 Hp. -. X firs Easy load tracer $10 500 Cal Uxbridge (905852-6302 ATTENTION FISHER PERSONS!'!! 1995 17 5 Hydra Sport.130 HP John- son. 2 fish Mders. trolling motor. 3 batleries. livseed Banwell rod holders. stem 6o. $17,000 080 all 623- 9107 1995 Pblans 650 Water- craft, excellent condition Only 30 fours use Great running machine Asking $5000 obo. Phone 905- 985.3566. 25 FT. WINNER. 80. cud- dy. 351 V8. pump out head. F/G, sound hull. runs wed. $4800/oher. Ryan (905)427-9779 COMPLETE New ,Materi- als to build 100 Auxrtinu m Canoes. Including 250 sail lots. 1.613-541-0147 after 9p.m. or before 8:30 a.m. PROPELLER and Skog Repairs• fast service, large selection. of fiberglass sup- plies. Oshawa Glass -Fibre Products Ltd. 341 Durham C rt .. Oshawa. 905 - 5 79- 1433. SUNRAY 85. new interior. lop. ii slidspeed boat. 4 - seat, 86/60hp. Inert Poi onnm trailer, $4500 obo 905-576-6317 evemngs Aprbmrft tIr Rent OSHAWA 1 a 2 bedroom, louxted at 350 Malaga and 946 Masson Street Avail- able immedieMh $600 a $700 80 inclusive No Pets CM 905-576-6724, LARGE PRIVATE bachelor / bachelorette basement apt Close to Durham College. bus routes and all amenities. Suitable for one Clean, quiet, newly renovated. in a good neighbourhood In. cludes laundry. cable pri- vate bathroom, storage space A/C heat Is hydro included Must like Dogs 5450 inclusive Please call 905431 12 1300 sq ft one bedroom basement apt in Whitby c an con . fireplace parking Private entrance. laundry All inclusive S700 Oct 1 436 9122 2 LARGE basement apt for rent fireplace students welcome Picke^ g Village Ajax Suits 3 people. 5900 inclusive Phone Maggie or Roger 905-686 7486 available Sept ' 213 brdroon- apartments. P slow building, close to schools. library South GM plant Available Immediate- ly One month free ren' 428-6328 1 7 pm for ap- pointment 238 R,!sor Ra one bed room apartment. S45C plus flytlre Avail imrned 1 -416 533-91 07 AJAX sunny spotless one Dedr02^- wo private yard .arge ceramic kitchen. Ap -antes ac Seeking re saonsibie tenam 5650 References Legal Imme- diate �905f686-1832 AJAX Svac-ous bright 2 bed separate en- trance. parking 4 appli es No pets 'sttast $755 all inc!usive available ;m. mediately, Call scot' (4' 6 '^8 558C AJAX ::ountry setting top t - - Oupue■ w0u C suit "Idle or s-ok "q per .On Central air Se' plus 'leaf 6 hvi Ava ime- matery 428-8086 AJAX. ava.aDw i nhe- d a-, Spacous basement Roartmen, at amen -ties S600.u1•I ties References 'sties! no Deis Call 619- 1792 AVAILABLE m-ediately 2 t: Ca _ _ an- Clean nice area Bout^ of Parik RC Oshawa Conlan 576 8642 Or 683485' bus hours AVAILABLE IYME- DIATELYr Whrpy A; bu ^ -; spaaous carpet ad newly pointed wfi- ba,- -Ony dose to bus shop - :,ng all uti-aes .nuude0 first last required no pats 1 t»droom S65: 2 oed • om, $750 cal; 430-0134 BACHELOR style base -e^' acrartrnent 500 sq it of living area fireplace. parking separate entrance. Hwy 2 Liverpool Rtl Pick ervlg Call -4161269-2078 BEAUTIFUL 1 -bedroom -ase-er'1 apartment own .aundry room parking or !•ance Harwood betweer 401 8 Hwy 2 Available Oct 1 No smoking or pets (905619-8065 BEAUTIFUL 7001 stu- dio apartment In large country home. sky -lights sunken Irving area baico- ny. separate entrance. very private. $680 inclusive Non-smoking single work. ing person preferred 905- 985-1520 BEAUTIFUL main floor of large house, on Bay 1 - bedroom. enclosed porch. deck. parking. cable. dish- washer. $700 inclusive Cap 905120-9556 301 Cordova Rd Oshawa Large 1 bedroom apt. fresh- ly painted, spacious. very clean. $550 includes park- ing. Call (9135)840-6712 or pager(416)501-1687 BRIGHT 2 bedroom walk- out basement apt. 4 pc. bath. c/ar, laundry All in- clusive $750/mo Available Sept. 1. Pickering 686- 4718 CENTRALLY located, large clean one bedroom main floor apt, parking, laundry fat., $535 inclusive Firstlast. available Sept. 1 723-6035. CLOSE to Durham Col- lege, must be seen 2 bdrm $675/mon incl apps a 1 lsVlasl a rel required No pets Lynn 436-6886 COURTICE professionally finished, dean. 2 bedroom basement apt. 4pc bath. Vs. laundry, sep ent , non smoker, ref 1st/last. 5690 4351778 COURTICE- 1 bdrm Ill set Employed, single. non smoker Fridge. stove, pri- vate entrance tst.last re- quired $520rmonth After Spm 432-7600 COURTICE- beautiful bright 2 bedroom main floor of house Living room b din- ing room laundry Large kitchen, walkout to deck Backs onto park Ou-et neighborhood 5 apphanc- es, arc. $750 + 112 utilities Sept 1st Nonsmoker 434-5422 FOR RENT, Oshawa (RIt- son 8 Door area) fully ren- ovated 2 -bedroom base- ment apartment. available now Contact 571 4399 firstrlast. $650 inclusive LARGE 3 BDRM. APTS. From S769 mth + hydro AC Carpet. 4 apps and parking incl Walk to Pickering Town Centre Close to GO Transit and Hwy 401 905-420-6305 1480 Rckering Parkway. LARGE a apa•'-e-! !Or one person. separate entrance parking. cable 8 storage. close to TTC 6 Go tram $650 month Call i905)837-0344 LUXURY 1 -bedroom basemen' apartment. avail- able Oct 1 St or Oct 14 Near GO shopping Fully self contained Parking $600 inclusive Norsmoke-no pets 905-420`9187 LUXURY '.bedroom r coir^ r ,s'ale F replace. Pool. all appliances. utilmes included scenic view. 5 mins from Kirby Sk Nil $940. month Call -25- 999' NEW BUILDING, HosslandRoson Oshawa appliances laundry se_..- ity Oct 1 S750 inclusive Please call 57'-4875 NORTH Osnawa large m >de•^ bedroom apart men! ' 6-plex ground floorhydro drapes park 'ng included $555 -onm IstIasi Cal9o5 728- 39'8 NORTHEAST OSHAWA to, ravine Pool hottub s. if work ; person Close to eve r!^ ng $650 inaus,ve Reference Sept 1 N -gnu 434.2-30 Days 723-7479 ONE 3190 bedroom fur n, S'eC base-.ent apt s600mo Ava-Ia0le Oct 1 Prefer single Separate en trance cable A-tona Sheppard area No pets 509-249• OSHAWA B88 . 90C G -en S• 2 Dedroom apts from $675 $710 3 boa room apt $720 close t0 Shopping, schools. GM and Go 1J14ities Included First last required Call 728- 4993 COZY ' bedroom base. then' apartment. Oshawa Centre arta. separate en- trance parking $595 per mIC all inclusive Istlast ret. 4,r- Sept 1 5797095 CLEAN FAMILY BUILD. ING North Oshawa 1 2 a 3 bdrms Inclusive Pay ca. bill parking 8 laundry tac 723-2094 OSHAWA dose to GM 1. 2 3 -bedroom apartments. 5600 $725 a $835 respec. lively Call 905-438-0229 OSHAWA- New 1 bdrm bsmu apt S525/month, 1st! last Non smoker. laundry, parking, a util included. separate entrance. Call 404-9442 PICKERING - clean, one bedroom basement apt. Large lot, kv, ml, bathroom, laundry, sep entrance. Non-smoker/'s, no pets Close to Go and Lake, S6001rrv1th. + 12 util Sept 1 905-831-3250 PICKERING - Whites Rd/ 401 • bright 2 bedroom basement apt., air, laundry. parking. private entrance. $700 mo includes utilities No pets. 905-509-2685 PICKERING $625/ month, Dixie/Finch area, freshly panted, very dean. 1-bedrm bsmt apt. sepent. fireplace, laundry, a/c, no pets. Parking, available emmed lst/last Call 905- 837-2576 PICKERING one bedroom furnished basement apart- ment. dose to lake and GO Cable private entrance. all Inclusive $500 per mo Ist last 831-2429 PICKERING Village, 1 bdrm bsml, large open concept. separate entrance. parking. available Sept 1st No Pets $575 util incl. 831- 2941 PICKERING Whites/ Finch, Clean, quiet, bright, newly renovated I berm basement Wallvout ravine Separate entrance ac, no pets•smokers Sults 1 $660 'Inclusive 905837 0218 PICKERING, brand new bsml apt on the Bay Sun 1 working retired , nature lover no smok ^g pets $700 month Incius.ve 1905? P31 0162 PICKERING. Brock. Major Oaks. large 2 bedroom base-ent Separate en- trance. laundry 6 parking All inclusive 5750r men t" Avail Sept 1st 905-683- 9106 PICKERING a,qe I bed- 'oom Lase -en! apartment. Hwy 2,101rock R, No pets, separate enrance In dudes stove. fridgeaC. hydro. TV cable Working Person S650;month ($310- ^ weeks l 1sUlast 686- 6231 PICKERING. Large 3- pliancesclose to Go. Shopping schools, avael- aNe Nov 1 51000/montr hrStlast required (905)686-7438 after 6pm. days (4161784 800' PICKERING. Liverpool Rd ,ec; om main floor large d attractive white kitchen drapes ac, grey broadloom, close to GO $1075 inclusive 905.770 7222.416-494 3765 PICKERING- 8r0ck a F^c, -a•, 2 Sort is t apt sep entrancelaundry and park ng S80C more all nc,us,ve Avai,ade Sept ' Call • 91 2495 leave message PICKERING -ew arge 1 Dec' - : a,ti apt. 4 Piece barr,. full kit -her air condmonng poo, Sept rate entrance parking 5800 inclusive Can 905 420 5" SHEPPARD /ALTONA separate entrance spa nous S'75 Available Sept 1 tail 416 266-4066 OSHAWA NORTH SIM- COE._- A sse D'g­ dear 2 bedroom In newly renovated 12 pier hard wood floors. heat hot water Parking cable Ind Laun dry taclubes no dogs 5686 �va-I Sept t or Oct 1 905 5 76-29192 SOUTH OSHAWA 275 Wentworth St Warge 1. 2. -bedrooms. dose to bus- es shopping. available m- mediafety. $500 $600 a up tr4ge. Store, heat. My Oro panxxig 1st /last re- quirel no pets 4345183 TOP hoor of house 2 bdrm 5650 hrsVilast Appliances included Clean quiet peo- pie Whiting Ave Available Sept 1 Own outside en trance 571-7989 after 5 30 pm TOWNUNEJBLOOR, beautiful clean 1 -bedroom apartment. fudge, stove. private entrance. sep-con- trolled heat. parking. Laun. dry. available Oct 1 $600 includes utilities, krstAasl. 668-1946 TWO BEDROOM baw ment apartment, central Pickering, dose to Glen - grove School, parking available. Non smoker, no dogs $700 plus 4ox: ubk- ties (gas) Sept 10th (905) 831-8284 2 BEDROOM, October 1 st. Bright a spacious up- per duplex. Oshawe Hosp- tat area. Private entrance. $7501month includes util Non smoker. Cap (905) 432-7308 TWO bedrooms available. balconies, laundry on premeses. all inclusive. Vii sorvEloor aree.721-1178. WHITBY 1 -bedroom apartment. available Sept 1. $575/month includes heat a parking for 1 car Call 430-0959 WHITBY apartment for rent, /- bedroom 5550. 2 - bedroom $650, first a last required phone days 725- 8911 evenings is wee- kends 668-4016 WHITBY. Irg 1 bdrm bsmf . laundry, fireplace. sep entrance, 1st a last $700/month. inclusive. Cap 905-668.0034 WHITBY, WATSON ST, bedroom, 2 112 baths, appliances, eat in kitchen large fenced yard, quie' area, avail Sept 1. $995 (416)486-0189 WHITES RDA HWY. If2, 1 12 bed- room,bsmt .utilities. sep ent.. 4 piece bath, fridge / stove. Sept. I I. $500, non smoker 420-3048. WHY rent caner 10`131 own your own home 'or less than you think?" Call Dave Haylock Sales Rep ReWax Summit Realty (19911 Ltd (905) 668-3800 or (905) 666-3211 'Houses For Rent $1 - ADsoiuteAttordabler Why Rent" Own your Home from S799,month (utilitees mcluoedl No Down pay ment? Cali Mei' Mark Sta- pley Sales Rep Sutton Group Excel Realty 571. 6275 or 1 .800-840-6275 WHO SAYS YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY A HOUSE' Sern�, f6'9•rxr ' 6. txngaww $-89"'e J, Exec $*96-11, NO down I>aymenit-Y Bail Chili Barwn01 can me - 571 -6275 N5'71-6275 1-a00�0-6275 \11FFk �11f'I11 k. ; .. tuf IST CHOICE AFFORDABLE HOMES! WHY REM? sur. No down payment, No problem: Let me show you how! Mortgage Payment $700 per 4wth ese Call Thomas C. Pike Sales Rep, Renta3x Accord Realty Ltd. (905) 576.3111 / Housing Wanted PROFESSIONAL two - income family seeking a single. detached house in Whitby area. •preferably cath six bedrooms (or Do- t 1 1 t ) R / ROOms OY For Rent SOUTH Ajax large un!ur n,shed room in clean house Parking cable. laundry, share kitchen and bath Available immediate- ly $350/mo 683-5823 en .a or six ent to- _ • rent Call 668 1052 SOUTH Ajaxlarge unfur 427-2336 fished room In clean Townhouses house. parking, cable. ri ' ,aundry, share kitchen and For Rent bath. non-smoker available ,.lined family complex m me d is tel I 5350 'mon t h 2 a 3 -BEDROOM L_wr 427-45932 housec for ren! available WHITBY room, shared Sept SOct tsulast Call most of house. air, fire - 905 -721-1518 place. laundry, TV 8 stereo 3 -BEDROOM lownhouse room. parking, backyard ,• rent tencerr r - ya d. close Next to White Oak apt schools. shopping, fin- building Working person shed ret room, available preferred $400 905-666- 70t 1st 5790.uhlrt,es 13170 5213 leave message _)xtord St . Oshawa 905- room *-basement fridge, 432-2421 Shared EIT11 BOWMANVILLE: Beaute- ACcomodabon ^edrooms 2 v2 includes hydro. water baths. garage partially AJAX, Beautiful 2 bed- 'enced yard $900'mo • room apt to share Must be ,tittles lst'last Avail Oct 1 seen' S415,'month incudes 305-623.7963 use of an facilities Close to KING a TOWNLINE GO bus. 401 and plaza A'ea avai ib.? Oc, I Cap Maurice 683-0970 . arge 3 bath townhouses. CLEAN 1.500 sq it eutral decor 4 apps 1 1.2 tomeair. dish . ams. basement 8 garage washer pool. spa and _895 . util Phone 721 Parking use of douse Own -213 Evening and wee- bedroom and 4 pc bath kerd aP"ntments avail S100 weekly istlast Fe. able males weicorned No pets. 3-0EDROOM sem. dock Overlooks 'av lie creek w O basement quiet CO3,: new flooring. freshly paint- ed close to shopping b schools. bike paths 723- 5744 Joseph Moss Lnrkt- ad, Broker AJAX large 3 bedroom semi 2 -storey upper level 2 1,2 baths. appliances. $1200 inclusive No pets Sept 1 905-686-8863 or 416497-9620 AJAX, 3 -bedroom detached hull`• on court, excellent location, air conditioning, 1-1/2 baths, 5 appliances, available Oct $1125/ month plus utilities. Call 693-7079. AVAILABLE Oct 1, $16501 . WNtby. execu• [rife 2400 sq ft., one year lease murkmum. Credit check, hrstrast. call Angela and leave If. 905.434- 1060 COURTICE 3 bedroom main Moor home. 5 appl., garage. avail. Nov 1. $870 plus hydro and water OR $980 includes everything. 436-3102. E. OSHAWA, 3 bedroom back split sen, 2 baths, at- tacked garage. $899 + ub- ppes, avail+ warned. ref.Jen Trudeau, ReMax Summit, 666-3800. OSHAWA/COURTICE border. 2 bedroom with balcony, newer house• walk to everything, garage• fenced backyard, great neighborhood $895 inclu- sive Days (416) 617-3283. PICKERING - 3 bedroom main floor, available Oct t/ 96, $850/mo. plus utilities 5 appliances, air con.. eat lin kitchen. hardwood 'loors. no pets Call 905-831- 0561 PICKERING, Valley Farm Rd./Kingston Rd 2 bed- room bungalow• gas heal- ing, finished basement, large lot, garage. Avail Sept 1 $975/month Call 839-0000 SPACIOUS 2 a 3 Oedroomlownhouses it wen maintained family cor 1ptex Indtdes an ubk- bes. 4 appliances, park- ing, dose to schools and all arnerahes Avail Sept. 122 Colborne St- E. Oshawa For appt. 434-3972 LARGE ROOM ir a clear 'Viiy '„rn,Srled house Every convenience available for Your use, plus parking b yard $80 weekly now avallable . 721-0122 OSHAWA working to. male to share quiet home Includes all facilities No pets. buds smoking Oct 1 $500 mckibrve except phone and cable 579- 7 STILL RENTING, No mon NORTH OSHAWA. 3 427-2336 SOUTH AJAX. Clean bedroom home From $725 bright accommodation. full \ ' wwnnouses in wei' mem- LARGE PRIVATE kitchen and laundry. 5350 ,.lined family complex Cas"e''-' bac"e.ore.le WHITSY,great aea 3 Bed- resnly decorated waw basement apt Close to I rig 'stove. dose to ai Durham College, bus 1 jl 1 • Jmreria.es Starting at routes and all amenities • 1 1 1 I 5718 month On site full Suitable for one Clean. ROOTS / 1 - n-ce Call 905.728-3777 quiet, newly renovatl in a awewiet wap nit NORTH Oshawa 3 -bed- good no-ghbourhood In - UNROUE newly decorated room *-basement fridge, dudes laundrycable. pr -- relovences 427.0056. stow near shopping, 5895 ware bathroom, storage house. Private location, includes hydro. water space 0.C. heat a r•ydro ' 2 acre tit Rent to own maintenance, available included Must like Dogs Janetvklle Call (905579- Oct 1st Phone 905728- $450 inclusive Please tall 0645 atter 6pm 9901 905-438-8312 3-0EDROOM sem. dock Overlooks 'av lie creek w O basement quiet CO3,: new flooring. freshly paint- ed close to shopping b schools. bike paths 723- 5744 Joseph Moss Lnrkt- ad, Broker AJAX large 3 bedroom semi 2 -storey upper level 2 1,2 baths. appliances. $1200 inclusive No pets Sept 1 905-686-8863 or 416497-9620 AJAX, 3 -bedroom detached hull`• on court, excellent location, air conditioning, 1-1/2 baths, 5 appliances, available Oct $1125/ month plus utilities. Call 693-7079. AVAILABLE Oct 1, $16501 . WNtby. execu• [rife 2400 sq ft., one year lease murkmum. Credit check, hrstrast. call Angela and leave If. 905.434- 1060 COURTICE 3 bedroom main Moor home. 5 appl., garage. avail. Nov 1. $870 plus hydro and water OR $980 includes everything. 436-3102. E. OSHAWA, 3 bedroom back split sen, 2 baths, at- tacked garage. $899 + ub- ppes, avail+ warned. ref.Jen Trudeau, ReMax Summit, 666-3800. OSHAWA/COURTICE border. 2 bedroom with balcony, newer house• walk to everything, garage• fenced backyard, great neighborhood $895 inclu- sive Days (416) 617-3283. PICKERING - 3 bedroom main floor, available Oct t/ 96, $850/mo. plus utilities 5 appliances, air con.. eat lin kitchen. hardwood 'loors. no pets Call 905-831- 0561 PICKERING, Valley Farm Rd./Kingston Rd 2 bed- room bungalow• gas heal- ing, finished basement, large lot, garage. Avail Sept 1 $975/month Call 839-0000 SPACIOUS 2 a 3 Oedroomlownhouses it wen maintained family cor 1ptex Indtdes an ubk- bes. 4 appliances, park- ing, dose to schools and all arnerahes Avail Sept. 122 Colborne St- E. Oshawa For appt. 434-3972 LARGE ROOM ir a clear 'Viiy '„rn,Srled house Every convenience available for Your use, plus parking b yard $80 weekly now avallable . 721-0122 OSHAWA working to. male to share quiet home Includes all facilities No pets. buds smoking Oct 1 $500 mckibrve except phone and cable 579- 7 STILL RENTING, No mon 161 ey down, rent to own. 2 a 3 SOUTH AJAX. Clean bedroom home From $725 bright accommodation. full per month all incus -re Au- use of house including rella Rasanu 728-9414 ext kitchen and laundry. 5350 201 per month or 585 per weak WHITSY,great aea 3 Bed- Joan/John. 905-W3-5951 room in Blue Grass Mead- 0 1 Rgil ows. 4 appal Cos.poa -n / IIdOaMrlNli complex $1.000 per month. For Rad call Clint Belbn, 579.7339 FOLK ART Pawning class- ------.g arranged. Call AJAX 2 bedrm condo w/ ROOTS / 1 Milivii Clean for Rent awewiet wap nit app_ close to GO / PTC. UNROUE newly decorated Avail Nov 1 5900. 1 st/last, 2 ROOMS in Alan, liberal relovences 427.0056. atmosphere, lug use of Reach, Love. $2.99/minkAe. house. Private location, COURTICE- 2 bedroom Parking, a/c, laundry. cable ground floor luxury apt. Phone included, rent sego- fireplace. 5 appktnces. liable. 686-9051 leave $775 + Liddo es. Call message. (905)432-7259. AJAX. CLEAN. QUIET. non smoker, own lath a flitch- on, shared laundry, 1 Office i IM park- ing. $350 month. first a last Retai SPM .cap 428-6449. AJAX, Clean carpeted OSHAWA 4 NW is room in quiet a" horse. Fr•• PAWA 111- 3000 sq. Use dkAdwn , bathroom. Lver.M. 1900. 850 sq.2nd. laundry fetuses, cable. non flr. $550, 600 sq. main smoker, $BO per week fu- $500. 250 sq. main $350. nisned. 905.686-3201. 600 2nd fir M. Can 434. OSHAWA- Olive St. 2447 or 655.4132. Room in shared house. OFFICE Space 300 sq.ft. Close to bis and slopping industrial unit in Ajax. Available now. Call 728- $350/month incl. u1tl. Call 2330 683.9905. PICKERING, 1 room OFFICE space lir lease, , share kitchen and bath with overlooks busy Hwyd2, 1 adult female Free laun- handicap access, air con., dry facilities. Next to transit plenty of parking Call stop $300/month plus 1/2 725-9991. cable a phone. Call Jea- nette (416)971.5039 9 -Spm or (905)839-7279 after / :IdUSiflil m 7pm IMI, ROOM available for non- smoker, quiet fanly home in Ajax Private bath, cable, INDUSTRIAL Units. use of kitchen, laundry Thornton - Tenvdlegar, 968.5 facilities On bus route sq ft $325 sq If net Bayly/Harwood area. 416- + MIT, 579-5077 or after 331.7226 leave message Spm 571-3281 Industrial / Units NEAR Oshawa Center - Industnal unit. Includes overhead doors, high ceil- ings, park,i utilities, washrooms and air com- pressor Month -by month $550 month Also parking for truck, with hydro avail- able 5762982 1 vnY,le Far S* WHITBY, $99,9000 !!! 3 - bedrooms, living/dining combination. walkout to pa- tio a fenced yard. garage With 5% down will carry for $780/mo including Taxes. Call Ted Houghton Sutton Group Classic 430-9000 Lots for / Florida ► Sale � � Vac. Rentals ATTENTION Snowbirds GORGEOUS 3 bedroom 3 bathrooms townhouse condo, close to famous Clearwater beach. pool. ja- cuzzi. 680. private yard. available now For into and to view photos 686-9846 or 5793788 Private Homes For Sale $149.000 1.112 storey brick home 3 bdrms Gas fireplace large kitchen, fin- ,shed in,shed rec room w/wet bar 3 tiered deck to pool. garage. hot tub Landscaped and mler-locking bndk All nicety decorated and clean Close to schools and shopping All appliances (905)728- 1241 PRETTY 2 -STOREY de- tached home. Whitby New broadloom in living, dining. 3 -bedrooms New flooring both bathrooms. en- trance. satin kitchen Bay windows. sliding doors to deckdouble garage. beautifully landscaped. fenced large tit Shows like a model home $15790C 20 Horseshoe Dr (off Thickson, below Hwy 2) Open House Sun Aug 25 124 p m 905433 2966 313 BALDWIN ST 3 bedroom pack Durgaiow new gas furnace and wind- ows Detached garage second kitchen and bath room. early closing $129.900 r905-%28-5696 SOWMANVILLE 3 . 1 Dar•^. -, s,,r" sem, de ;ached finished basement Immediate possession Vender anxious Asking $3'.900 Ca.' (905673- 9506 BROCK RD 8 2. Great family -W01 3.1 bed- room. 4 barns, wa4c„' basement. newty broad loomed a Oecorated. $158,500 Cal: (905)294� 6461 or (905473-3268 FOUR BEDROOM 'wo Storey bray, home. 4� Mc Laighkn (North Oshawa;. gas cleat 2 Dams. 5139.000 For more infor- mation call 571.1()49 INCOME PROPERTY, 3 bedroom with main level apt. large kN, S Oshawa. Zoned C Carry for less than rent. Details 905-852. 6785 OPEN HOUSE 1.4, Sun Aug 25 - Flirt Darlington 2 bedroom bungalow over. Looking marsh and marina Bright newly decorated Full we famoyroom, gas and wood Double garage, garden, $110.000 114 West Beach Rd. Bowman. vice, 623.4760 OSHAWA bargain $110.000 Brick bungalow, 2 bedrooms, garage. 36X100' lot 2 bedroom in- law suite. Call 905-571- 2883 SPACIOUS RAVINE LOT in Orono. approx 66072 developed area. call even Ings before 9 pm 905-623 9456 MVacation / Properties $3500 full priced. Seclud- ed wooded Trailer lot, ad- jacent to huge county for- est. good road. sandy beach. fishing, Cobourg area (4169311555 Camper Trailer Sites RED SETTER RESORT - tamily campground and collage resort on the Trent Large spacious sites Full hook-up from $825 2 and 3 bedroom cottages from $350/week Rec hall, store. pool, laketront swimming. boating, g000 fishing 905 4360807, 705-778 3096 ffp Money to Lend OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT GUAR- ANTEED SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES.OTHERS DO NOT IT IS SUGGESTEDTHAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS Mortgages. • Insurance MORTGAGES Good, bac and ..qr, F ,nancrng for any purposerates from 5 95°. All applications ac cepted Community Finan Clef Services 668-6805 s iBusiness pportunities EXCLUSIVE business opporlun-ry available from Canada's Leader in Energy Cost Reduchdn Programs Pro.. territory of Dur ham Region Excellent re- turn on investment of 20- 50K Call 1-800-616-5512 HEALTH Food buying 99rouD Seeks IrcMsees for Oshawa,wh.tbyr stores Generate nud 6 figure sales from your investment. 1 416606-8354 OSHAWA Futility eW ppcd 130 Seats licenced restau- ram. .�Good baton, For details: Bnro Posteraro 905.9/6-969 PRIVATE SALE FENE- TO RECEIVE a free cas- LON TWP Trent system, 4 sine tape about good season home. Front 8o ft. health and a -dance for Cameron Lake. Back 105 h, financial freedom. lust call Burnt River. 3 bedrooms..1 Mara Louise Messenger. 1/2 baths• fieldstone lire- 905-686.4125 (102286). Place with airtight. Two ear garage plus. Paved drive- way. large boat slip, phone 0 1 Rgil (705)887-3813 REPOSSESSED Homes low down payments, fi- FOLK ART Pawning class- ------.g arranged. Call es, Begimirtg Sept. 9, Mon. 4331623, Options Realty Eve.. 8:00 - 10:00. Oshown Ltd. - 723 -SM EVANLY RAYS... Police UNROUE newly decorated use us. Rated a1. Solutions 6 bedroom, 1900 sq. ft. on Caner. Relationships, home, huge lot. desirable Reach, Love. $2.99/minkAe. area 400 sq. ft. tamrlyroom. 18+.1-900.451-4055. r'Jair. hardwood floors, ideal lir large fannilyln-law, $159.900. 905-579-48M WHITBY - detached above ground 3 bedrooms. 4 pc. 2 PIC. rec room, wet bar. cen- tral air, garage. 147 ft. deep ravine M. $138.500. Ask for Lilian North 668-3800. Res. 668-7479. ReMax Summit Realty. WHITBY - immaculate bungalow at 112 Ekzabeth Cres. South on large lot 90' X 168' 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms• rec room with bar and fireplace. Attached 2 car garage Asking $2139.000. For more details and to view this private sale call 906-655-4840. PSYCHIC Palm &Tarot. Call Terry (905)831-4368. Business go Personals Auctions MON. AUG. 26TH, 5:30 p.m. 870 Taunton Rd. E. Whitby. We are selling an es- tate from Toronto plus others including an- tiques, glass & china, new furn., new tools, drill press, table saw, bench grinder, scroll saw, radial arm saw, new oak table 8 chairs, old corner cabinet, new green oedroom suite, plus many other articles. Vote details in Sun. Jay paper. McLean Auction 686-3291 432-2836 e ' Personals Durham's sexiest most attractive ladies. Reliable, discreet, out calls only Now 404918761' Business ffem Personals SEARCHING FOR MEANING IN YOUR LIFE? Do you feel lost? Give yourself or a friend the greatest gift of all Discover What your purpose Is In life Why you were brought here (your personal learning essons) Learn your per- sonal gift to humanity and mother earth (given to you ^afore birth) Discover how 10 get rad of your health Problems . 1000's of satls- ' ed customers. 99°% accu- ,acy For a personalized cassette tape Send your complete date of birth (D/M/ Yl For a price and mailing address Can Life Purpose iIC 905-666-7795. Whtby I, In 1 6, - ,n ASII JIli, ,urn rx ,kjith nxx r. reu'nrJ hx I,ul,lx nxm m IM� Ww. �J,rnw�r �r i nu. 14-1, ,ill 683 Wi a 4046"1 I t:hnngl m & I',M h- re,i,k-nv nu,'N. ♦,, C.. ,kvlh nx... W, nnulxn nxencJ dlrr pec... pmr In , "I ng IM. nnmlrr 14 n,ghl I, ,. rI In Ih'. 1, 41, m mg Inrx•nl M n,r. 4 bx�,.h trek rvm \miMn nig. q i 1„wn tl.I"hnx- WALDRIFF, Lillian - peacefully on Wednesday Au- gust 21 1996 at the Wellesley Hospital Lillian be. loved wife of Oliver. Loving mother of Beth. Bever. ley, Robert, Jim, Judy, David, Gordon and prede- ceased by Steven Dearest Nanny to her grandchil- dren and great grandchildren Will be sadly missed by her sons-in-law, daughters -in-law and many friends. The family will receive friends at McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Old Kingston Rd. Ajax (Pickering Village) 905.428-8488 from 2-4 p m and 7-9 p m Friday. Funeral Service in the chapel on Satur- day. August 24. 1996 at 11 A a.m. Interment, Ers- kine Cemetery If desired. donations to the charity of your choice would be appreciated by the family mpanions EASTSIDE CONNEC- TIONS DATELINE Free to call to place your ad, no charges for ladies. no phone bill charges. 905 430.7060 t0 place your In Mismorlarni 00 576-9335 and let One of ori professional advisors help you. Moving Out! There are a lot of things that you probably won't want to take with you, but they're still useable. You don't want to just dump them. Have a Garage Sale before you leave. Call 683-0707 and list it in our LASSIFIEDS ITHE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY- AIXA IST 23- 11996 PAr.W 21 Selling Something 2 EASY WAYS -HERE'S HOW IIr WORKS - I. Your 19 word act is Published f()r 3 consecutive dayS 2. The rate is haled on the highest priced item in the ad. $00 - $9999 .......................... $5 + GST $100 - $199`'`' ........................ $9 + GST $200-$299 . ........................ $19 + GST $ 300 - $ 399`'9 ........................ $ 29 + GST $400-$499 . ........................ $39 + GST Ibil cids ure ?lot rt.limcluhle urid ctcdlittowil crit- just 5()C ll 3. To gi\-e you an idea, check this example RANGE &- refrigerator only 2 years old, 30” self clean S2O(). 20.6 cu.ft frost free 5325. 000-0000. The price,l(in- this ucl woulcl be S29 + G.ST husect on the pli ")J' $-_)'25 fi)r the rtfrilf4erator. \1) WILL Rl'\ I` 10 R1•:GI0\A1. 1:1)1T1O\ti. PAI" 1:OR 1 \t f,EK & R1:(:1�:1\T I 'AT 1:K 1:R1•:P APP1.1PS "FO AR"I 1, 1: �\ \1 -"1'O%1( �1111L1:ti FOR �NAI.F. O LY $83 + GST 0SH:U1.1 • «'111T131' • CLARIMITON • PORT PERRY THIS WEEK 576-9335 T[ atwvI.- utter ifit )Iif.. to nun-rIli uit-rt r.kl .4 cha•rtI.rr. , nil % COME AND WORSHIP Pickering TStandard Church (Methodist) Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. 837-0126 Worship with us Every Sunday A�iEA IP:�SBY110MN Cfi#�iC11 1820 Whites Rd. N. SUMMER SERVICES July 7- Aug. 25 �i 10 a.m. a ,n 839-1383 To Advertise Your Church Services r x Call Janice 683-0707 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN 35 CHURCH ST. N. PICKERING VILLAGE Joint Summer Services at Pikwing v1aW unibd aftzat 10 a.m. Rev. K. Rowland ®683-7311 EVERYONE WELCOME � < CHURCH OF CHRIST CEDAR ST., AJAX 1 street north of 401 - west of Harwood SUNDAY - BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 ` WORSHIP - 11:00 A.M. at 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY - 7:30 BIBLE STUDY THE BIBLE IS GOD'S WORD JESUS IS LORD. IS -2477 7 PAGE 22 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 196 vvwr rw.rn� • r. r r1G JI7V w SUPPLEMENT l ; UNDAY SEPTEMBER 8;" tCULATM 42,500 1 i 1 DEADUNECTUESDAY SEPT'EMM 3, MOON 1TO RESERVE YOUR BOOTH A A SPAS 1 CALL _683 5110 AD COSTS /4 PAGE:550.00,......- iKLuoE9 Hoorn RM 0/2 PAGE $970.00-" Mm, IIIpOT11' FULL PAGE $1,705.00_ A.� T Lwo soonl �kJAJT RM AM • PIOCEI{ a1Cc ALOE ExTFJRNE AorerftsuG CAWAIM ThwolrGlW IxitUlAr IIEGIO111. Focus �o BUS4��vEs Customers trust their vehicles � Autoboyz to keep running smooth Owners Nino Baggieri and Sam Assenza are licensed mechanics and along with their two apprentices do even -thing from engine and transmission repairs to front end work and heating, air conditioning and electrical repairs. It's all a matter of trust where you take your car or truck to be fixed. You just wont take it an," here. It's that important to vou. Nino Ba,_gieri and Sam Assenza have been working on cars since the were old enough to reach into the engine compartment. Together their over 25 .ears of experience has meant a long list of .atisfied customers. Their business "Autoboyz", located at I ().:1 Brock Rd. S., features a laree ?QUO ,quare foot shop with all of the latest equipment to work on any make and mcxiel of car or truck. The\ ha.e three: hoists including a 6 ton unit capable of lifting large trucks. There is alNo an FMC -1 wheel computer alignment machine and a new computer diagnostic spanner for engine analysis. "Today people have very sophisticated computer systems in their cars so the} want a shop that is up to date," says Nino. "it helps to find the exact problem and repair it as soon as possible:" Nino and Sam are licensed mechanics and have two apprentices working with them. They do everything from engine and transmission repairs to front end work and heating, air conditioning and electrical repairs. What all four mechanics have in common is the goal of giving their customers only the best in service and quality parts. "When possible, we use all original parts and keep a large inventory in stock," says Sam. "This cuts down on work time because we don't have to order many things." From Scarborough to Oshawa, car owners make the drive to Autoboyz. Even those who have moved away keep coming back because once you find a good mechanic you don't want to look around for aurone else. "Once our customers come to us and are satisfied with our work they stick with us and tell their family and friends" sags Nino. "That's the only way to be successful" When }ou come to their shop you will be given a free estimate before any work is done and when you're car is repaired you can see what was done even if it means coming into the shop. "We don't want to give our customers any surprises;' says Sam. "We want them to know exactly what we are doing and how much it will cost" Autoboyz has an ongoing special for $18.95 which includes an oil change, filter and lube as well as a 30 point inspection. They are open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Friday and 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays. They offer s shuttle service for local residents and accept Interac, Visa and Mastercard. For more information call 686-8330. AUT080YZ Service Centre Why Advertise in Focus on Business Durham businesses wanting to increase their profile and sales volume find that being part of Focus on business advertising feature definitely has its advantage. Over the last few years a great many businesses - of all sizes - have found that investment in the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser's and Oshawa/Whitby This Week's Focus on Business feature have generated extra phone calls that likely would not have otherwise occurred. How do you get involved? When a company make a commitment to advertise for 10 weeks on the page, it also receives a full feature story, complete with pictures. The story reinforces the advertisement, enabling the business to explain in depth its product and/or service, philosophy, goals, special promotions and even a historical overview. Unless the business chooses otherwise, everything is done by the newspaper's staff: the ad design, story interview and writing, plus the taking of the photographs. All the business needs to do is prepare for the increased sales volume. For more information call Janice at 683-0707. Avertisinj Feature.. DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS ci(905) 579-2222 D.04E Complete Selection of TILT -ACTION Vinyl Windows 8 Doors • PICTURE WINDOWS • BAY 8 BOW WINDOWS • iNSURANCE CLAIMS • PATIO DOORS • STORM DOORS • NEW CONSTRUCTION WINDOWS AreitlN1lY2000 MOBILE SHOWROOM WAYNE HUTCHINSON SAL r5 SERVICER usHww. .NI1HN> INSTALLATION , , Loaf '579-2222 Gunther Ivens Contracting Additions, Second Storeys, Basement Apartments, Decks, Vinyl Replacement Windows, All Interior Renovations. "FREE LOW E" Limited Time Only Call Gunther 839-0681. SerAN Durham Region for over 25 years. GARDINER'S DUCT CLEANING, CHIMNEY SWEEP Dryer Duct cleaning only $20.00 with purchase of Duct Cleaning Hook-up 539.95 - $5 per vent r,HIM%EY SWEEPING ONLY 149.95 RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL Snake method used (416) 282-3292 PET SITTERS ETC. I'rt, I'I.Int .Irn1 H. :::�• � _Ire• SERVING DURHAM SINCE 1986 PROFESSIONAL CARE OF PETS PLANTS 6 HOMES BONDED & INSURED WE CARE FOR YOUR PETS IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME M A 0R 111Ci cls September openings: 7th.14d.214E.20h October uof a I�dds�s: 5th. t21h.121h. 261n per camp - Register tttM �..ad:es N■" Thursday nights 6-9 pm. Ladles pay only $15 Coma lin and have fun while INrniog woodworking Is for everyonel Wooclwo Wff10 Stroll saw workshops: Sept. 21 st, 264th Wood Carving Course. sept. stn LkWhid Effoft +M. AwRsgistndon R gWred 7 he CArit, mats %axle 1885 Clements Rd. - DONT MISS our ON Is ExKoswE HOME0 IMIN0PMRrTUNMNmr! . It's never been easier to own your own home, Just put down $1,000, then move into a k -dui appointed condominium. It's that ezA! During the first vear in our new home, a port your 1.100 monthly pawnent «-ill go toward; doNin pawnent. By V'eaar s end, vou'� have bui the equity you need 'to experience the pride of home ownership. flurW This incredible opportunir - to wn a home that carnes Re rent is almost over. Less than 10% of the suites are available. Thee «ill all be cone b\- September loth! THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AMUS'T 23,1"6 -PAGE 23 Yuit The Village at the Pages and start the easiest way to Iwme ownership today and say good-bye to rent forever! SM MM NOWS: SM COME w Ll �l C PPP- All M wo -w4q MUM & 2 BUHt00K MR SEE OLM SPKMM RWREM DESIGNER Std 1*1 C .g o x � INf Ff h6�V(ER CT ES O •`E"TSE p�RK`N �� X01 R� SM MM NOWS: SM COME w Ll �l C PPP- All M wo -w4q MUM & 2 BUHt00K MR SEE OLM SPKMM RWREM DESIGNER Std 1*1 C PAGE ?A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1996 S. ,_ . - 't l 7 , BACK TO SCHOOL EXTRAVAGANZA. -- • PENTIUM 120 WITH 256K PIPELINE CACHE • 16 MB EDO RAM With Lifetime Guarantee • Western Digital 1.08 gig hard drive • ATI Mach 64 (Chip Set) 2MB Video Card with N • NEC 4x4 CD ROM (4 CD's x 4 speed) Internal IC • Sound Blaster 16 IDE sound card • Jazz J-340 speakers • Panasonic 1.44 floppy drive • 104 Enhanced Keyboard • Mini tower case • Microsoft ergonomic serial mouse • GVC 28.8 Internal fax and data modem • Windows 95, MS Works, MS Money, MS Golf, MS Dangerous Creatures, MS Encarta 96, MS Entertainment Pack • Full Internet Access for 1 month (390 hours) by • 2 years parts and labour wa,ranty i c owm Srtr.-- 0 BOOK SALE • All computer Books on sale! 15O/% TO 50°'° OFF IN-STORE BOOKS ONLY SOFTWARE 95 DORLING KINDERILEY, • --onsidered by many the leader in multimedia education software 0CR w I�l�ttll� �If d4.4-"E'tV_ OFF i tt,�i�f1 ALL DORLING KINDERSLEY PRODUCTS • Encyclopedia of Space and The universe • Encyclopedia of science • History of the World • Cartopedia World Atlas • My First World Explorer • Ultimate Human Body & Many More! LIMITED OUANTITIES NEC 4x4 CD-ROM "'hike Box" 4 • Tired of having to .+ keep loading CD's? NEC HAS THE SOLUTION • Allows 4 CD's to be loaded at one time & operates like $ 95 a juke box 127 'inhctnn 9P AM* - ■ AjaxPickeringNewsAclvertiserOshawaWhitbyClaringtonThisWeek YourBusainess photo h} Ron Pictroniro Bagels and bucks HEALTHY DONATION': Bake«'orks in Ajax put some- as part of a local marketing promotion. On hand for the thing hack into the community last week with a 5500 handouts were Ilrom lord owner Tom Percv. Leanne donation to the Durham chapter of the Canadian Cancer Lewis of the Cancer Society and Abigail Slater from the Society. As well, the store handed over 'bagels for a year' BakcNVOrks support office. ScotiaMcLeod at dw Consrllium Sound Financial Advice Call Doth Wright (41.6) 296-RRSP UZO 296-7777 a The K OUP Financial Services 1.1 66e-9669 EDWARD W. ROMANIUK. B.A. BRANCH MANAGER Pearson Lanes - 129 Byron St. N., Whitby Duff does Durham CI'V political commentator Mike Duff'v will be the guest speaker at the Durham Region Real Estate Board's annual trade show and dinner Sept. 1 1 in Pick- crmg. Mr. Duffy is the award-winning host of, CTV's Sundae Edition. The trade show, held in celebration of Ontario Home Wcck, will start at 2 p.m. and feature local businesses pro- nurimg their goods and services. Thcre will be a charity casino frorn 2 to 6 p.m. with all proceeds going to the United Wad. Milch. I'hc dinner will be held at 6:30 p.m. Dt'FEl' The trade show and dinner will be In Pickering held at the Pickering Recreation Com- Sept. 11 plcx. Am'onc interested in attending should call the real estate hoard at 723-91,S4. Car sales for you? Find out if you're destined fir a career in automobile: sales at a free intirrmahon session at the Uxbridge campus of Durham College on Sept. 4. The educational session will outline the automotive sales course. a 175 -hour program that covers every- thing needed to sell autos, including a w'orkplacc component in a dealer's it show roortt. The information session will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. at 2 Campbell Dr., second floor. Reserve a scat by calling 721-33(X). The course code is SALE: 16(x). Course looks at Housin,astabs Climb 111 business beyond 2000 Oshawa area Get readv for the business world in the new millennium by checking out a business leadership program at Durham Management Centre. A free information session about the business leadership program will inform current and future business leaders about its goals, objectives and benefits. The program prepares people to work effectively with diverse groups of individuals and help leaders achieve orga- nizational and employee goals in the ever-changing work- place. The information session will be held Aug. 28 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the centre at Durham College's Whitby Skills Training Centre, 1610 Champlain Ave. Preregistration is advised. Call 721-3300 and refer to course code BLPO 1600 Canada Mortgage and Housing delayed, meaning there was a hack- but the 1996 starts are I 1 per cent Corporation (CMHC) reports there log of new starts in the spring. ahead of 1995, says Willard Dun - Acre 165 housing starts in July in the This has kept builders working at ning. senior market analyst at Oshawa census metropolitan arca. capacity this summer in the Oshawa CMHC. That's up by 25 units from June, a arca. Mr. Genier says. , There were 19.5(X) housing starts l7 -per cent increase. , Multiple housing units jumped ! in July compared to 20,100 in June. "The sustained period of low from 26 starts in June to 44 in July During all of 1995, there were only inrates has improved afford- while single units rose from 116 to 16,235 starts. ability, enabling many to enter the 121. Oshawa had 64 starts, including j Nationally, starts dropped to housing market;' says Rob Genier, 34 multiples, Clarington had 52 and 1 129,300, a 4.5 -per cent decrease market analyst with CMHC Toronto Whitby 49. ! from June but up 32 per cent from branch. Starts in the Toronto census met- July 1995. And due to a bricklayers' strike ropolitan area, including Ajax and Ontario starts decreased by 3.4 per earlier in the year, construction was Pickering, were a bit lower than June cent to 39,700 in July. Financial int 9 genre & Personal Portfolio Management • Portfolio StrAegies • Self -Directed RRSPs and RRIFs • Retirement Planning • Financial Advisory Services • Tax Reduction • Personal Financial Strategies • Estate Planning • Independent Investinmt Reseafch ,,Aontreal•Toronto•Vancower National presence talb o, frees across Canada rT` 6 ATTENTION LONG-TERM INVESTORS FAa. Higber Risk associated wab Equities does trot abuays equal Higber Returss* Canadian Equities 11.3% for Bond index (slat) (Government T -Bills 8.8% for 91 -day Tras"Bills $Canadian Bonds 8.3% for Toronto Stock index (TsE Soo) Need a Portfolio Strategy for the Next 10 Years? f Book Appohdneut Now no -yaw emptorAnnodrW= aoat Ji, r»s Serving Durham Region since 1989 Fax (905) 576-2552 PAGE 2 YOUR BUSINESS, Wednesday, Aug. 21,1996 Who's Who in Durham Business ................................................. New businesses, grand openings, expansions, etc., etc. -------- -- - --- Twelve local entrepreneurs p1w1k, hN Rim Picironuo Snaring new clients DRUMMING UP BUSINESS: Drum instructor Rob Brown plans fall class- es fur budding musi;ians in Durham. The Ajax resident plans to teach as he learned -- icy ear -- and refers to the classes as 'drum training. Classes are scheduled to star Sept. 3. Call 905-427-9499 for information. Whitby business woman to chair Durham chapter of Breast Cancer Society Carol O'Neil -Clarke combines fashion With fund-raising Whitby businesswoman Carol O'Neil -Clarke has been named chairman of the Durham Region Chapter of the Breast Cancer Society of Canada. The owner -operator of Prime Time fashions in Whitby, Mrs. O'Neil -Clarke is a director and founding member of Whitby Business in Action. She also serves on the town's Henry Street High School Business Council. She will oversee the daily oper- ations of the chapter and ensure its mandate is fulfilled. The chapter's goals are to increase awareness about breast cancer in the region, increase awareness of the society and raise money for breast cancer research. Since its formation in 1991 in Sarnia, the society has raised more than $600,000 for research into breast cancer which kills an average of 15 Canadians every day. Employer resource centre to open in Oshawa A new employer resource centre will open soon in Oshawa. The Human Resources Pro- fessionals Association of Durham Employer Resource Centre is a joint project of the Human Resources Profession- als Association of Durham and Human Resources Develop- ment Canada. The grand opening of the centre will be held Sept. 19 at 8:30 a.m. The centre will pro- vide labor market trends, wage rates, information from Statis- tics Canada and public access to the Internet. The centre will be located at Human Rf;sources Development Cana- da offices, 78 Richmond St. W., Oshawa. nominated for business excellence awards Twelve local business people are vying for the customer service and community contributions. Oshawa/Clarington Chamber of Commerce 1996 The finalists for the Business Person of the Year business awards. , are: Paula Lishman. Paula Lishman Ltd.. Michael The finalists were chosen from more than 40 Patrick, Bowmanvillc Foundry: and David Fors, nominations received by the chamber and Consolidated Graphics Canada. reviewed by a nine -man committee over the last six Finalists for Young Entrepreneur of the Year months. are: John Davis, Canadian Flight Academy, Kris- " If it's quality, state-of-the-art business you're tine Guylas, Tribal Voices: and D. Jeremy Smith, looking for, you need look no further than Durham Driftwoxxl Theatre Group. In the Business of the Region.- says Jets' Burns, of Oshawa, who headed Year (one to 19 employees) category, the finalists the evaluation committee. 1 are Canadian Flight Academy: Pelican Party Time: "The evaluation process has been an eye -open- and East Oshawa Animal Hospital. ing experience for all of us. I don't think anyone on Finalists for Business of the Year (20 and more the committee realized how many succcssl*ul, top- employees) arc Paula Lishman Ltd.: En -Pro Asso- notch businesses and business people there are in ciates, and Millwork Home Centre. our community" The award winners will be announced Sept. 25 Nominees were judged on level of success in at the Chamber's First Annual Business Awards areas such as product innovation, technical Gala. Tickets arc now on sale and can be: purchased achievement, employee relations, ,ales growth, by calling 729-1693. Business fair in Ajax The Durham Home-prencur Group will holds its fall trade fair on Sept. I I at Annandale Golf and Country Club, Ajax. The business networking fair will showcase 120 small and home-based businesses to each other and the general public from 3 to 8 p.m. Registration forms can be picked up at Mailboxcs Etc. in Pickering, Whitby and Oshawa. For more infor- mation call Anne Rice at 429-2(X)4 extension 343.3. Durham m. J oble get ss connected Oshawa Human Resource Centre has launched a homepage and training database on the World Wide Web for job seekers and Durham Region businesses. The site will help people make decisions about career options and training and pro- vide information on local labor market conditions, services and programs. "I hope the launch of this site will estab- lish us as a contributing partner in the com- munity and allow us to share and build on ;;expertise that exists here," says Pat Wal- cott, director of the centre. The training resourcet;> provides detailed course descriptions, prerequisites and availability in Durham and the vicinity. More than 40 training providers and consul- tants have put their courses onto the centre's Internet site. Centre Internet - co-ordinator Mary ' CrescenA says there's no magic formula to Ohelp individuals fund long-term employ - ,"It takes various mediums and varied wcess points to keep cbmts and the com- munity inib med " on labor mea. condi- data," site says- `"Iitis Internet site pro- vides yet another access point for individu- ds in ElWham Regia:' 1Uite can be "found of httpJ/ecnct.brdc.dwimm.wL For people who don't have access to the Internet, the Oshawa Human Resources Centre, 79 Richmond St. W., Oshawa, will soon make available a public access Interna computer kiosk for businesses and job seekem MM"'ILe cost for traiaing dntabase.drielo -< ment was just over $10000. YOUR BUSINESS, Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1996 PAGE 3 i usmess . Clearnet 'h' they can see clearly now.. . By Jacquie McInnes Special to Your Business Clearnet isn't exactly a household name,except maybe to shoppers of the Pickering Town Centrc. If you're in the arca, Clearnet's name stands out like a beacon on the top of the nearby office building where they reside. But, for the most part, Joe Public has never heard of Clearnet... yet. The supplier of radio communications systems to the dispatch and delivery busi- ness. Clearnet is set to launch a service that will go head to head with the cellular network duopoly of giants BCF Commu- nications (Bell Mobility) and Rogers Can- tel Communications Inc. Not had for a company which, two years ago when they first announced their intentions, had just over 100 employees and $19 million in revenues. This compared to the combined bil- lion -dollar revenues of BCE and Cantel. If you think this is a David and the two Goliaths story, you'd only be partly right. Clearnet has used the last two years to [-ring onside some heavyweights of its own and raise capital to the tune of $ I . 1 billion. "We're up against some real power- houses," admits President George A. Cope. "But, our sponsorship's really long and deep. Were ready to compete.­ Clearnet began hack in 1984 signing on subscribers to their dispatch services. Ambulances, taxis and other fleet vehicle owners were representative of their cus- tomer profile. As their subscriber base grew, so did their accumulation of chan- nels issued by Industry Canada, the feder- al regulatory body governing the air. In March 1991. 10 years after they began, Clearnet shucked the telecommu- nications world by announcing they would parlay these "dispatch" channels I'NI LISTENING: George Cope. president of Pickering -based Clearnet Communica- tions Inc., is optimistic about his firm's ven- lure in the personal communications market in the next year. The upstart company is set to take on BCE Communications and Can- tel with $1.1 billion in capital from other players, including Motorola. into a national wireless communications system that would bring Clearnct into the mainstream cellular market. The savvy business person knows when to get help. Clearnet had outfoxed the competition by collecting the channels needed to get into the game• but they still needed the technology to make their plan work. Enter the leader in wireless technology, Motorola Inc., which now has a 23 per cent stuck investment in Clearnet. Motorola developed a digital mobile net - Royal Bank boosts small business The Royal Bank is making it easier for small businesses to apply for loans. The bank has announced that small business owners can now apply for business equipment loans of up to $200,000 by mailing in a two - .page application form. The form is similar to a credit card application and .takes about 10 minutes to complete, bank officials say. The form, along with your company's financial state- ment, can be mailed or dropped off at the nearest Royal Bank branch. ' This simple two-page application is ideal for today's busy entrepreneurs;' says Anne Sutherland, vice-presi- dent of small and medium enterprises for the bank. "The convenience of a mail -in application will appeal to a lot of business owners strapped for time, people who want to do their banking within their own schedules, not their bank's schedule'" She says the new loan process will appeal to busi- ness owners running their companies out of their homes and companies with basic financing needs. The loans are available to sole proprietors, partnerships, incorporated companies, joint ventures and not-for-profit organizations, which are either starting a business or expanding one, Ms. Suther- land says. Loan forms are available at Royal Bank branches and business banking centres or by calling 1 -800 -ROYAL -70. ,xork system capable of providing dis- patch, cellular, messaving and wireless data services all in one handset, on a sin - .!Ie network. Finally, all mobile communications ,.gill he in one compact unit that knows no range limit. Not only is Clearnct ready to lake on the giants, the Motorola technolo- gives them the tools. "The technology of linking dispatch .ind cellular is so complex we would .:xpect it to he at least three }ears hefore they (the competition) can compete:' pre- ,hcts Mr. Cope. "Depending how badly Are hurt them, they may want to du sumc- ,hing bctorc then. But, every user ut their phone service would have to turn in their handset for them to do that. It's _•oin_, to i)c much more painful than most people 'uspect." fallow ung the link -up with M(,torola :amc another partnership. This tirn•, with Nextel. which provides the services in the U.S. that Clearnct is aiming_ to bring to the Canadian market. "Our relationship with Ncxtel provides a North American ruammg capahiiity:" explains 'qtr Cope. In addition to this important customer service feature. Nc\- lel also added much-needed capital fund ing to the .:ompany. a contribution that bought Nc�tel a _47 per cent share of Clearnet. The final piece of the puiilc came together when Clearnct was awarded one of only two new PCS t personal communi- cation system) licences from the Canadian government and signed a 5475 -million vendor financing deal wtth Lucent Tech- nologies (formerly part of AT&T). What Motorola will provide for the business customer. Clearnct expects Lucent to do for the consumer market. Lucent will supply the PCS technolog} and hardware that Clearnet will bring on- line in July. 1997. Y0111"'Business TaNO1W J. WHMAKM Publisher ,1100M BURGHARDT. Editor -in -Chef SIEVE HOUSTON. Managing Editor BRUCE DANFORD. Dur wr of Advertising WENDY WEBER Advertising Qrorduntor A Metrolaod Community Newspaper published twice monthly by Oshawa-Whitby-Claringion This Week and the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser. General: This Week (905) 5794400 News Advertiser (905) 683-5110 Classified: (905) 576-9335 Circulation: This Week (905) 579-4407 News Advertiser (905) 683-5117 Toronto: (416) 798-7672 FAX: This Week (905) 579-2238 News Adver- tiser (905) 683-7363 EMail:News- roomtbdurhamnews.net On the Internet: http://www.durhanuwws.net. A member of the Oshawa & District Chamber of Com- merce, the Whitby Chamber of Commerce, the Ajax -Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circulations Audit Board, Ontario Press Courr:il and OMMRI. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occupies. S 41 FACTS: ♦ THE COMPANY: Clearnet Communications Inc. THE BUSINESS: Largest Canadian operator of Specialized Mobile Radio providing analog and digital dispatch services to taxi, ambulance and other fleet operators. Currently setting up to compete in Business Communications Market with infra- structure equipment which inte- grates dispatch. paging and cellular capabilities in one handset, on one network. Anticipates moving into Personal Communications Systems market in the next year. EMPLOYEES: In two years the company has grown from lust over 100 to more than 550 employees. Head office is in Pickering. 1-catures will include paging/cell phone capabilities. four- to tivc-day hat- tcry power las compared to the :urrcni one -day standard), fax stora_o: and mler- net communication capabilities. Over the next year the public is likely to he hearine the name Clearnet a lot more often. The launch begins in the next few weeks with an introduction to business users in the Quebec City -to -Windsor cor- ridor. Over the next two years, all major Canadian cities are scheduled to follow. There are few things guaranteed when a newcomer takes on two inants like Bell and Cantel. But, one thing is sure: Win or lose. Clearnet will no longer he familiar only to Pickering shoppers on their way to the mall. Attend a special presentation of vital irtitirest to your financial affairs: "How to Minimize the Taxes on Your Severance Package" Topics will include: • Tau s' ellering ab or part d your severance pu alge; nC&NNow imited! ■ Gailwtg C A lrel and securing your accutnualed ptttttaion; a 24 Hr.How the swmp habits of •te I�tby-boomers wd Abd your line:51Where interest raft are headed 4565 ■ How rJece" l people invest their money 9 you have recently received or are about to receive a severance package from your employer, you cannot afford to miss this presentation! Location: Holiday Inn Oshawa PRESENTED BY: Date: Wed., Aug. 28,7:30 p.m. Paul Gawne, Marilyn Goodhand A INVESTMENT ADVISORS FORTUNE ,A TIZI ViARiC' F I N A N C I A L � di' MUTUAL FUNDS Mir manage. To owgier�rw. PAGE 4YOUR BUSINESS, Wednesday, Aug. 21,1996 m >us dessln ser am Canadian Employment Network PV Job hunting ghigh-techoes By Jacquie McInnes ' Special to Your Business r The recession is supposed to he c over. f But the unemployed, from highly- , -killed univcrsity g,raduates to labor- 1 ers. are still finding the window of t opportunity smaller than it was 10 v years ago. Ironically. at the same time. I companies often find it costly and s time-consuming, to meet their perwn- t nel needs. A sea Oshawa -haled franchise of a 1 national chain. The Canadian Ernpluy- c ment Nctwork. hopes to simplify the process, connecting_ job searchers with s companies b\ matching skills with 1 needs, through their contputenicd I databank. "There are oyer I,h(X) main cate- s goncs. ­ says John Rock. ,general man- ager and co -broker of the compam n that opened a newly renovated office Ir on Bond Street in Oshawa on Jule 9. i ..The% coyer eyervthing from labor er to brain surgeon." y Co -brokers Paul Gulliver. Christine t and tirgcl Mas_ ne and Mr Rack (who also k»crsces the operation) hold the n local franchise rights from Nax to Oshawa among them. As part of the p national network • • • • of franchisees. they can provide • companies using TR their sen icc with A potential candy- 0 dates from across • the counts in addition to local recruits. And for job • seekers using, the seryicc. it can • mean opportuni ties in markets • the+ never even knew existed. 1 • The key to the system's success • is its simplicity, . . 1 says Mr. Rock. - "It can be accessed with a 0 touchtone phone. The employer - keys in a category and the computer - records the choic- es and faxes up to • • Full Internet 20 resumes that Access would fit that cat- • • Flexible Rates • Full T-1 Access eg°ry• Business The resumes • peduves have no names, addresses or other I • Navigating cyte personal informa- face". The kind tion on them, only • when you have a an identification the best value in number. • also appreciate "This system I DURHAMNEW reduces discrimi- 40 expi nation;' points out Mr. Rock. "I • know when I was i in the market, I • got really tired of • receiving letters that said I was • • • - overqualified, which really +vas a polite way of* sav- ng I +vas over the hill." If an employer is interested in any tI' the candidates +v hose resumes Here orwarded to hien. he can then call the network to set up an intcrvic+v. It is onl,. at this point that the poten- ial cntployer would he billed for scr- ice. Fur each candidate the employer elects for intcr%iew, he pays a one- imc S'_l) fee, or S.O if he accessed the national database, a cost runsidcrabl+ ower than traditional placement agcn- ics charge. Unlike other agencies though, the crn ice a not free to clients searching or dohs. "Ilicre is a S1-1.95 registration cc and .50/day maintenance charge. The compare% also offers a resume cn ice. " Therc arc still a lot of people in the tarkctplace that are including things ke age, marital status and their social FACTS: ♦ THE COMPANY: Canadian Employment Net- work, Durham franchise, estab- lished July 9. 1996 in Oshawa. THE BUSINESS: To bring together businesses and potential employees through a computerized databank accessed by touchtone phone. PRINCIPALS: John Rock, General Manager and Oshawa co- broker. Christine and Nigel Mayne, Oshawa co -brokers and Paul Gulliver, Ajax -Whitby broker. nsurance number on their resumes. Nfr Rock "I thought it would take Thcy haven't written a resume in O couple of months heforc we would ears. We to to do the resume to suit begin to get placements." he field thcy*rc in and we rctrcw it For the unemployed hoping to meet with them. «'c trn to get them in as that special personnel manager, The tam catc�_oncs as possible. Canadian Empluvment Network just In three weeks wc'vc alrcadv may be the dating service of the '90s. laced six people in the city;' marxels • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • VEL THE INTERNET; ITH SOMEONE • .YOU KNOW N 95 Q ■ T • d>orha�e�a C,s...`....1•, CI Ni41111 „s. t N[IIIMG � IH5 •EkM NE •M1 NIVf R15ER • • .FSE customer service J • ISDN • • Personal E -Mail Address • rspace can at times be a daunting task. So it's nice to go with "a familiar • of friend you can call up anytime of the day or night seven days a week problem or question. Not to mention the kind of friend who offers perhaps • cyberspace, 90 hours for only $29.95. Of course, being a newspaper we • the importance of seeing things from a local perspective. That's why the S tries to help you stay in touch with your "hometown" works even as you ore the world of possibilities that await you on the Internet. • I I. 11 MO. n e A CALL 68q 1 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Port Perry This Week Delivering your message to our market Publishing Twice Weekly Wednesday and Sunday Pressrun 104Goo For further Information & Rates Call a Retail Rep at 579.4400 ,f 4 If you've been thinking about joining a private golf course, or about switching from your present course, think about joining the Oshawa Golf Club. There are several reasons why you should consider Oshawa: • a beautiful, challenging 18 hole, mature, manicured golf course • outstanding clubhouse facilities • sumptuous dining • friendly, helpful members and a warm, caring staff • curling facilities • the lowest cost membership and golfing fees, for a private club, anywhere in the Toronto - cast area Now there is another reason to consider joining Oshawa for a one month period (August 15 -September 15), the Oshawa Golf Club will offer the opportunity for area golfers to join their foursome for a total entrance fee of $18,000, and the remainder of this season's annual dues (valued at approximately $1,100) will be waived. We also have an offer for two couples to join our full and restricted golf categories for a $10,000 entrance fee, with no annual dues for the balance of the current season. Of course if a single applicant would like to take advantage and join our full golf section, it is possible for a cost of a $5,000 entrance fee. This represents a $1,500 savings, and we will waive the annual dues for the rest of the current golf season. New memberships are limited, so call 723-4681 today, to take advantage of this special offer. The Oshawa Golf Club is a gender equity club. t- T 11, ' tHomeinDurhamy Personal Finance YOUR BUSINESS, Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1996 PAGE 5 A move to bank by bytes photo by AJ. Groen ON THE LINE AND GOING ON-LINE: The transformation of personal -banking continues with a new generation of automation. Along with automatic tellers and bankbook updaters found in most major hanks, Canada Trust has intro- duced CT Connect. Canada's first national personal computer hanking system. CT Connect provides customers with Internet access to their accounts for hill payments, statement updates, account fund transfers, cheque printing as well as loan, credit line, credit card, mortgage and investment information. Cana- da Trust's Chris Howell (above) says interest has been "quadruple what we antic ipatcd." A new `eneration of' hank consumers can use a personal computer in the comfort of their own home to do everything from paying hill~ to ordering cheques and transferring funds By Jacquie McInnes Special to Your Business n the future, you'll never have to leave your home to shop, arrange for services or do your Nankin._. It's a prophecy that's been talked shout over the last 20 ),cars as the computer ,wc carne Into its own. Now, part of the prophecy has been rcaliccd. Canada's major hank, offer extensive tcle- N,ulkin_, where a friendly customer service rcprescntati%c — live or automated — will flog you a nurnhcr of service,, from loan .irnccations to hill paving, all from the com- Ik)ri of your home or husincss phone. '['his past Ma%. Canada Trust pushed home ,cryicc a little further with the introduction A CT Connect. Canada's first national personal computer hankim, system. It _ices customers Internet access to their accounts fur hill pa}- ments, statement updates, account fund trans- fers, cheque printing as well as loan, credit line, credit card. mortgage and investment information. "These are all things that we do in the branch anvway hut, it's just the case of it;' explains Chris Howell. rnana,_cr of customer sales and scryice in the Oshawa downtown branch, who says the response has been --ahout quadruple what we anticipated". "It's for people w'ho're on the PC all day. They don't have the time to get into the branch or the inclination to come;" he suggests. Mr. Howell says commuting customers who find it difficult -etting into the branch during re.,ular hankin,y hours might find it ideal. CT Connect software comes in either CD - Rom or diskette format and is compatible with many other financial programs such as Quick- en, Microsoft Moncy and AccPac for those who want to amalgamate their Canada Trust records with the rest of their financial portfo- ho. C'urrcntly, there is no other national hankin , institution in Canada offering Internet transac- tion ,c:\ ice, howc),cr. all the major hank,, say they hayc their own ),crsion in the dcyclopnlcnt stage. Most of the hank. Ju ha -c Internet "ch site, where client, can a::ccss certain inforina- liun. 7'wo draw'hack, to the Canada Trust version of PC hankrn_ are ),uu can't transfer funds to other hank, or use the program from outside Canada. These limitations may chanuc. thow,h, as the PC market opens up and other hanks �_,ct on-line. In the meantime, note, Mr Howell. "For a new s),stcin, it', ama/ing how much the} arc allowing customers to d07 One important con- 'For a new sideration fur PC user, I, the cost of banking system, it's via the Internet. Cur- rently. Canada Trust amazing offer, personal hankers a monthly how much plan at '57.95 for 10 they are connect, and Sl for additional cunncctic'ns allowing above the initial 10. (You can do as rnanv customers transactions a, ),ou like within each con- to do... ncct.) Business cus- tomers get a package •- Chris at S19.95 fur 20 con- nect,. Howell Though you pay for the connection,. Mr. Howell point, out that some transactions may actually he les, expensive to perform on the Internet such as hill payment, if you consider 1 the related costs of cheque, and postage. SUIT, he's quick to point out that this is just -'alter- nate distribution" — another way to deliver scr%ice for a specific clientele — that docs not replace the tellers or customer service reprc- sentatives at the local branch. At least for the r foreseeable future, the choice between service through your computer terminal or from a "live person" is still yours to make. ,Ontario gover` nment changes land transfer tax rebate program Condominium agreements had to be entered into on or before March 31, 1997 entered into on or before March 31, 1997, but the deadline for occupancy (or closing interim occupancy had to occur before July in the case of freehold) has been extended 31, 1997 and closing had to take place by to Dec. 31, 1997. Dec. 31, 1997. The deadline for final closingtregistra- Under the revised program, all agree- tion of title on condominiums has been ments of purchase and sale must still be extended to Dec. 31, 1998. The provincial government has approved dome changes to its land transfer tax rebate rrogram- KOriginally, freehold agreements of pur- ase and sale had to be entered into on or :;before March 31, 1997 and close by June 10, 1997. Tom INSURANCE & FINANCIAL SERVICES .1iPRINTI .LIFE * DISABILPTY * HOME * AUTO * MARINE * RRSPs * RRIFs * GICs * FUNDS DID YOU KNOW ... that you can qualify for a house insurance discount if you're mortgage free! Call us for details at (905) 571-1042 HEINZ HENNINGER INSURANCE BROKER, 342 King Street W., Oshawa PAGE 6 VOW BUSINESS, Wodnea try, Aug. 21. 996 Y• k,M Personal Finance Use your own skills and talents to create wealth in Durham By Christy Chase employed in 1994. Special to Your Business That's more than '_ 1.000 peo- Unable to find traditional jobs, more people arc w ork i n g for themselves, especially in Durham Region. A Statistics Canada report released in mid-July shows that 2.2 million Canadians made at least part of their li%ing from self-employment in 199.1, up six per cent from 1993. But in Oshawa. the number of people sell -employed was up 10.5 per ccn; ,­-cr the same period. JUST DO IT: Rory Sheehan says Durham is the place to be if you're looking for a way to bring home extra money. Self-employ- ment opportunities can he found in all of Durham's municipalities. "I was surprised at that, pleasantly surprised," says Norm Leigh, of the region's economic development office. "I know there are a lot of small business start-ups." "New businesses have been on the upswing in Durham Region," says Cathy Twaites, of the Human Resources Develop- ment Canada (HRDC) branch of Oshawa's Canada Employment Centre. . "If you're thinking of being an entrepreneur, Durham is the place to be," says Rory Shee- han, director of entrepreneurial education for Tutortime Learn- ing Centres in Pickering. "Durham is number one In Canada for self-employment according to Statistics Canada" StatsCan's report states that about 10.5 per cent of the com- bined labor force in Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering and j Bowmanville was self - plc. !slam of them are turning to self-employment to provide themsclyes with a joh. 'There seems to be right now a growing appreciation for sell' - employment. more out of neces- sity than anNthing else." Mr. Sheehan Says. `People are forced to take early retirement or forced out through downsic- IM! ..Out of desperation people are looking to self-employment. Desperation is a far greater motivator than inspiration." Ms. Twaites says a self- cmployment assis- tance program administered by HRDC has helped more than 2(N) uncm- ployed people start up their own busi- nesses in the last two ,.ears. adding to that "significant' 10.5 per cent increase StatsCan found. Co-ordinated by .Newport Training Group Inc., a small business dcyelop- ment firm, the 52- week program com- bines four weeks of classroom learning with hands-on expe- rience, one-on-onc coaching from local business advisors and networking among participants. "The result has been to accelerate the performance of those entering their own business and has armed the entrepre- neurs with the skills to survive and grow in this challenging economy;" Ms. Twaites says. There's been much interest from the growing commu- nities of Ajax and Pickering which are developing their own identities and needs rather than remaining as bedroom satellites of Toronto, she says. "A lot of people lose their jobs and aren't prepared to go back into the city;" she says. Mr. Sheehan says he finds many people coming to his business to help them get started in their own business just can't find tradi- tional jobs. He says there aren't a lot of options right now, espe- cially for people aged 40 and over. So they turn to skills they I alrcadv have, finding ways to use them to provide a service or product in their communities. Health care and computers are two fields that are big right now with clients, he says. He points out there's a ready- made market in baby boomers. He says people start looking at finances, retirement funds. hob- hics and health once they hit age 50. Baht/ boomers have money and arc willing to spend it but want service and quality. "If you're able to provide the service and quality. you have a ready-made market:' Mr. Shee- han says. He advises people who want to start their own businesses to be realistic and aim at replacing income they've lost, instead of trying to get rich quick. He says people need to deter- mine what skills thev have and how to use them, adding they should have at least twoyears experience in the field they pick. IA Buy yourself a good job! Profitable business 'Uet.:..i,liq Aplln `,..nnII,,m HNA. 4111 a. Ca.deton. then Li,l I(KI many.. 1 800 -„?6 --?'06 us at www.durhamnews.net Women In -Business President -1996 . G 1�e17 to g((` e.Swezt rnan ` 23al-tilt e, =&0rie 0-L. = ota-ty t 340 BYRON ST. S., 666-8166.! f INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT RETIREMENT TAXASTATF PLANNING STI ATEGIES CALL TODAI for roar- -FREE- rr k.00” CONSCLTATN)% FORTUNE FINANCIAL (905)433-1246So" Gaile 335 9a1►ht SL W. Ajax i Concerned about flhe environment but wwd cleaning, lattnd y and personal care products that really work? Moll,e have the solution! Call Diane Ploss� Crystal (905) 430-6207 Alison Crary has been a Secretary, assisting eveyone WrFUWIN�L since 1991 LTDA -. member of our 43 since 30 J ` Generabon Family owned Debra J. Sweetman Debbie Sweetman is one very husy person. Not only docs she practice law from her Whithy office, but is also the President of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce and teaches at Durham College. Debbie has a Bachelor of Applied Science Degree from Guelph University and graduated with her law degree from University of Western Ontario in 1986. She was called to the Bar of Ontario in the spring of 1988. She opened her office at 340 Byron St. S., in 1990 and her practice includes; real estate; corporate%ommercial; wills/ estates; and uncontested family law matters. Outside of her practice, Debbie has been a director of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce from 1989 to 1993 and is currently the President. She is also a member of numerous genealogical societies and teaches business law courses at Durham as well as a real property law course for the Ontario Real Estate Association Debbie is opening a second office in Oshawa to better serve her clients in the eastern parts of Durham Region. It is located at I VA Preside M. W W,by Cbswber or Cawta e III SimCOe St. N. and is commencing operations in October 1996. Her work with the Chamber has brought her many new challenges and opportunities to help her business grow. "I love meeting new people and helping the business community in Whitby," says Debbie. "It's been a wonderful experience and has created different challenges from those I've experienced in my law practice:' She enjoys her time away from work too and is well travelled, visiting places such as Morocco, Sierra Leone, and South and Central America. For more information call (905) 666-8166 or (905) 428- 6944. YOUR BUSINESS, WedrAmday, Aug. 21,1996 PAIGE 7 (90,51 Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday TORONTO N 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday LINE 5830707or fax your ad 798-7672 (905) 579-2238 =VI-S"A � RMMEM CareerIm 0M General General General GeneraMl General General General Training Help Help Help , Help I Help HelpffnHelp COMPUTER EDUCATION Corporate or Personal (905) 436-7305 General Help AUMIN6 TRAiIVE , oEG- RETARY Seeking a bright. mature :ndrv,dual with a legal background Prefer- ence given to experience with non-protit association try taws Must have excel lent secretarial as well as written and verbal skills and be proficient in M Word Knowledge of desktop publ,shing an as- set Tt1s is a 4 day week contract position Resumes to Durham Re- gion Real Estate Board. 50 Richmond St E 0;4 Oshawa, On LIG 7C7, fax (905) 723-7531, no phone calls. please ASSEMBLE Light Products at home Earn 5400 . week ty Pleasant work Call RE CORDED message 24 hrs (416) 631-4808 era RM18 AZ DRIVER. U S experi- ence required for dedicated work, benefits available. BOOK REPS Calli„g on schools. libraries and bus, nesses $300.5700 week iy No exp necessary Ve re 11 Cie requd Call Gold 21 9679 CARPET CLEANERS ,eeded part time Must have own equipment Must De experienced 686-9160 COURT REPORTERS expe 'fenced. willing [o :ravel Must nave car Please send resume to File #9679 Oshawa'Wh,tby This Week PO Box 481. Oshawa. ON L 1 7L5 CRUISE SHIP .CBS Earn 53001900 weekly Year round po- sitions Hiring both men/women Free roonv board Will train Call 7 days 1-504-641-7n8 Ext 010OC33 DOES your future ex- •e your W^e-e do you want to be 5 years from -row"' How are you gang to get mere? Build your own bus,ress wofk.ng from your home Part rime or full-time. flex, Ole hours to suit family needs Socially and envi- ronmentaily responsible company with 40 year proven track record Send resume Freedom Ldestyles, 8 Midtown Of Suite 171, Oshawa. Ontario LIJ8L2 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE This Week ' , ,BS'S 31 advertisers check their ad upon publication as This Week will not toe responsi- ble for more than one m- " .orreCt Insertion and there Shall be no liability for noin- insertion of any advertise- ment Liability for errors In ads is limited to the amount paid for the space occupying the error All COPY Is subtfect to the ap- proval of management of This Week DURHAM a,oa rid ence warerouse worxers rma.e/lemaier $7 00lhcu• Safety shoes, must read 6 write engltsh Calls only ac �epted MonFridaygam Spm. 686-9691 DRAPERIES i BLINDS retailer heeds a ',,, -•me r Side sales , reception per. son to work %esday to Saturday Communwrattons skills outgoing personality and expenence in the window fashion field are essential Must t» a soft starter Cal 905-428-0937 ESTHETICIAN required for new Oshawa salon Full-time, no clientele re- qu,red Great place to work' Call 1-800-209-4555 Ex:ellent Income op- portunity Earn S200 - S500 weekly, no ex- penence necessary. Flexible hours Can to- day(504)429-9227 Ext 479H33, 24 hours/? days _XPERIENCED 0^� room stat- R oanquet help. Part time. evenings, wee- kends Apply in person to Thunderbird Golf Course EXPERIENCED HAIR- STYLIST •equ-red b• lamely lairs^sling centre .n Bowmarville Mail Please =all Mary or Lena at 728- 4623 FT/ PTI ON CALL wee- kend heip I- power wash- er '.r Whitby. Oshawa Will -rain Own transportation ,equrred S10:Tr Please 0311 between 9 am and 2 p m 9x)5-660.7 262 GAILLIND Requires Cleaners. days and evenings drivers license an asset. 683-4134 IMMEDIATE ' I,gr. : ;,,,:-a, vry Lua,to a must. PickerhjAlaxx Wh�tby'Oshawa wea We will be interviewing at the Canada Employment Con ••e Thursday. August 22nd :?tween gam 2 30om See receptionist LICENCED BINGO CALLER Must be able to work flexible hdurs Fxpen- ence a definite asset Appy in person at Top Rank Bn- go 1735 Bays St. Picker NOW HIRING Classy Females needed for New PROGRAMMER '-2 years xpe'lence '—finical COBOL VB. Win 95,NT Fax resume (907)427-4218 Secretary. ^+.n 5 yrs of/ice exper- -ence Mus! nave !luent English anguage sk its Good orgamzafirna; and interpersonal skills a must W P 5 1. MS Office 8 Windows requred Fax re. sume to 4 16-28 7 2 338 No Later than Aug 20th SHORT ORDER COOK - qu,ed app,ox 2025 ^,s wee" 4pply 'c Rosedale Res'au•ant 2080 Wert worth St Whitby Or :all 434 8510 STUDENT HELP -eguirea 'or janitorial work. Part time only. TALENT TEST M„F ng TV •nerc,ai l' -'m NO , a -,es' N, onoto ,-ts' Real Agents' I Walk' irte^dews •• Neek (416) 362.9966 THE CORRAL -.. tak^g aGG a' :^. IOr cr per a^'ed Cock •a Way tnerldly aggressive i neat ,n appearance P•evc us applicants need rot apciy Pl ease apply in person to The Corral 433 S,mcoe St_ S Wednesday Friday m 12p9pm THE TORONTO star has rassers �r r the crshawa 'Whitby area. exile, ence s -)t a necessity lrdividua.4 •mould be at (east 14 years of age Training and 'rars- pOr1at,on W,11 be provided For turther information call 728-5119 ask ':r Mr Sco- tia Escort A n WANTED 9e oY Evenings. ow^ sie o� will' FULL TIME coerrrett- Call Call 579-62! 7 Clan, ler ass ;rug s';re �n country sa47n 1G min E dunes include buying. .r 571-7480 .f Oshawa Call Hair ventory contrano . soling Ex- STUDENTS 7ae 905 436 ; 740 perience essential Fax re I A -as a, school -as ett us short weir# to 905.3729126 %; :: '.^..r:._..r. :e: v:Wy .tatted and we hoed to re. HAIRSTYLIST wanfed. EARN $472.061WEEK -om an dl place m ' em mmeyat All car' "^'e x• , avant; Hair COMPUTER �e•sv .e �., •- inventory +ldr sales Knowledge rt '•'iCrosott Access an Irte, et requred P,Ckenng "ea Own transporlatior. ecessary 686-8529 EXPERIENCED Lmga e•a-r Ow snaa iw firm Windows Word rid PCLaw .r;wiedge ,e- qu.red Rep'., N— ,a'a,y exOectatip+5 File -967' Oshawa T^•s Wee« PO Box 48' Osrawa O", L1H 71.5 IF you are married single smg,e parent. separated or divorced you 'nay quality for Financial Assistance DIP CERT programs availbl able Ctuark Illustrator Prato Sroc Director. Premier. Access Accpac Autocad C•• Visual Basic. Urix Novell Engmeer Windows V T Small Taik, P^iwer Ppiht 'Word Excel Duman• B .., Comput er College 427 30.7 REAL ESTATE �7RP0 HAT- ECPE'ARy .e r� reJ for busy law practice downtown Wr�tby Shouldyr have 3 4 s exp gGod inter personal skills Woe to start a sap Please reply to File #968' Oshawa Whitby This Week P O Box 48. Oshawa L'H 7L5 Sales Help/ Agent AGGRESSIVE aiesce o• Coocurg •,eating store experience're �equd. excellent opportunity growth Fax resume 'c 905-668-3225 R7_Skilled Help ELECTRO -STATIC spray painters 'p P -.u. ^; CO eded neimmediately Prefer n 2-5 yrs exp Se'esume •0 9;5937 0627 HEAVY DUTY TRUCK DEALER requires . I , . .: chanics or 4-5 or ap- prenticeship in parts personnel Comoii five wages 8 5enehts Ptease send esumes to File #9682 OshdwawhRTr ,.r PO Box 481 Oshawa, ON L 1 H 71_5 .oURNEYMAN Er.. car 'c, ,N w " 3 hew nstatlatiOn M.st nave 'Ooh b ',a'Wort Fax G -- $Lone ' 9C5 549-5534 P caCall305-649 2723 al,- bpm JUNIOR AUTOCAD is ap' y ex cricin#, Trp-; !ci, ms rMy ti,^ scr N'•^-a-_.li ;-, •y rp' i rr-, s SELL R NOW C.Indn in this area It u areas are open including Design 1330 Rilson N 728 fun assembly. sortvlg mail 9 you 9 999 also Smarr manutacturing (11618126891 Earn SSOOr' CALL des'ra a dynamic career customer service sales. BILINGUAL customer ra.bt;,cund -eti week from home Complet- with excellent income p0- Campaign COOrdnatior and G„v-„e•e„Mrar::a 'e ''e'rr- n questionnaires for 576-9335 tenhal :Al: Heather 697- managen+ent call Trudy for FAX YOUR ADS pO837 0 Fax -e 9 pub- 7uved Fax resume 10 in- srx*re 905 83I J62. clean abstract. 1-800-663- kshers 1416, 812.6892 OR 798-7672 314'697-1394 an interview -2s-.es- gro_MacDouga;; 405 837 579-2238 9918 Code 6 ')62 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • : Oshawa • Whitby • Clarington • Port Perry presents : THIS WEEK 0 L40VING or .1 -4 0 • .1 • Career opportunities for people returning to the FORVVARD workforce or seeking a better job opportunity! Thursday, Sept. 12T” 10 a. m m - 9 P.M. Friday, Sept. 13T” 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 14TH 1 O a.m. - 6 P.M, at 5 POINTS MALL, Oshawa SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION TO APPEAR SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 8T" in THIS WEEK • • v To reserve our booth call classified at 576=19335 • PAGE 8 YOUR BUSINESS, Wednesday, Aug. 21, 1996 ,Aub 'tomotiveNewsiriDumam A new lease on Izife... Durham motorists take new automotive route in the market for a new car'' If' Nou're like a growing number of con- >unlers. \our scarrch ma\ sec sou dri\c away in a \chicle that alread\ has a few kilometres on it. :Ike used car market has al\a\ s heen gocxr. but it's stronger than it has c\er hcen sans Jim P\ettc. sales manager at Ontario Motor Salcs In Oshawa. "O\cr the next two to three \can. I expect it to _et stronger ,nll...lt's happening all oNcr N,,rth`America... A,-cordim, Ir a report I oni the Royal Bank of Canada. Canadian arc holdinL on to their car, longer than c),cr before. and when the% hug. they are more Irkcl\ to choose used \chi- cles. Last \car. 6-4 per cent of all Nchicics pur- charscd were used. whllc the renlatnin_ 36 per cent N\cre ncw. Canadian dn\crs ,ur\c\cd plan to keep their ,chicles on axeralc 71) \carr,, In total. OI those planning to bu\ or leas a car or light truck in the next \car. 5 1 ler cent intend to get a used \chicle. -i-: per cent c\reci to get it new one and the remaining fivc per cent were not sure. 11an\ motorists who replace their \chicle sox,ncr than the a, cra_c "arc now hu\ In,-, a one- or tw'(> \e r old car c\en three or lour year. according to Mr IN cite. who says sales of both new and used %chicles is up o\cr this s;unc time rvriod last \car. At the same bene. roam people who "oni- pl can't afford to hu\ a new car" arc chox)sini; instead to Icase a \,chicle for one or it%u scars "K. -cause the inonthh pa1'rncni is much more of ordahle." notes Mi iNctle. (Of all the cars un the road ttxki\. dust -i 4 per cent are currcntl\ berm_ leased. the Royal Bank reports. Howc\cr. of all \chicles acquired in the past \ ear. I I per cent are leased. confirmmng the growing 1x)pularit� of personal retail auto leasing ) When the lease expires. dri\crs havc the option of purchasing the \chicle or leasing a new model — pa\ing the wa\ for an c\cn newer trend of leasinul used \chicles. movement now is definitch fur used - car leasing:' according to Ld Rancicr general manager of Durham Dodge Chrysler. also in Oshawa. While the sale of new cars there con- tinues to surpass that of used cars. "Chrysler Pre -owned, Pre -owned. owner-dri\en, just like new. Whatever you want to call there, used cars are hut. And leading this car -buying trend are thrifty baby-N)orriers, who arc more likely to he driving old reli- ables than the latest showroom model, according to a report from the Royal Bank of Canada. The report, based on interviews with 2,500 drivers in Canada, was photo b} Jason Lichrcgts NU'%% N HEELS: ( iar% Dionnc of Ontario Motor Sales in Oshawa Ieans on a new model in III,- shownooln. Jim i)%cttc. ,ales manager at OMS. sa)s sales activity is brisk for bx)th new, and used cars. but the resale market is currcntl "stron_cr than it's ever been." Thr used car market is expected to strengthen. is is the rno\c to leased \chicles, which make for lower pan in nts. Just started a (used -car leasing) program a few months ago" to meet new demands. Admittedly, leasing Nehicics is nothing new fur dealerships. "Ihc recent trend is unique. how'c%cr, because ol' who is doing the leasing. "Before. the onl people who leased were in business. 'Ihat's no longer the case," explains Mr. Andrew's. Tixl;1. anvonc in the market for purchasing i a new car nla,* Opt Instead to lease. "A lot of people do change their mind (atxwt hu%ing a new vehicle) according to Mr. Rancicr..'A lot ha%cn't leased tefire but are inquisiU\e because thc�'\c heard of sic Imam people choosing to do sic. Thc\' want to know why." The bottom line, of course, is cost. Mr. Rancier points to new car hugcrs who conl- nxmty finance their purchase with a fivc-year ken. If they want to trade that vehicle in after three years. "most of the time then owe more on the car than it's worth." Bich M�crs Chc\rolet Gco Oldsmobile in Ajax has also noticed a trend in purchasing used vehicles. "% c havc seen more people buying used cars in the last two or three months:' notes used car manager Charlie Andrews. " 1 couldn't ha%c said that was true at the beginning of the year. But some analysts and pollsters point to a change in attitudes and spending priorities among Canadians. T(day's consumers arc pre -driven, used...it prepared by DesRosicrs Automotive * Of all the cars r Consultants. Among its findings: , today, only 4.4 per cent * 64 per cent of all vehicles pur- being leased. But of chased last year were used, 36 per acquired in the past 12 cent were new. per cent are leased. * Canadian drivers plan to keep Thirty per cent of th( their vehicles on average 7.9 years. to lease did so largely * 23 per cent of respondents plan low monthly payments to buy or lease a vehicle in the next additional 16 per cent c year. Of those, 80 per cent plan to sons as the main factor buy and 12 per cent expect to lease. j to lease. more likely to make big ticket purchases, like cars. based on reason and value than status. A Royal Bank sunr� last )car showed that hug ii , a car ranked sixth on a list of II) his ticket purchases. Vacations, [ionic renovation and saving for retirement ranked ahead. Joh securit\ is also a factor, hehc\cs Mr. A rid rews. "Maus' people arc still trying to cut hack here they can. Ninct) per cent of people who uc honing used cars arc financing their pur- hasc... It's hard for merry buyers to justif} 'hcnding $23.(XN) on a new, car when they can ,i k up the sank model a year later for I'i.(1(N) or $2().(X X). ­ I ikc others in the business, Mr. Andrews �che\cs "we will be leasing= more used cars in he near Iuturc." l he nlo\c 111:1' be a prudent one fllr people .%ho can't afford to buy ncw. "People ccrtainl .rc keeping their cars longer:' explain Mi Andrew., Though he maintains cars arc better built tixfa), he still believes keeping a \chicle an :i\cra,,c of 7.9 .cars is -tot) long.. because "Ike car has no \clue at the end. All vou'rc doing Is disrxismg of it:' Still, there arc those consumers "who conic shopping for a new, car and \vant a new car. 'I11cv don't buy used, whether it's a car, a fridge or a warshcr and dryer:' says Mr. INcttc. Likcw'ise, there remain a segment of the market which still demands those extras. "A person who's going to buy a luxury car is going to huy a luxury car regardless of the hclic\cs air INcitc. But many of those pcoplc opting to buy new "arc buying a little less car than they used to,"notes Mr. Rancier. "Mani' still want air conditioning but are giving up all the hells and whistles likes tilt (steering), cruise (control) and power windows." "t:\cryonc is trying to stretch their budget and get the most out of their purchases:' agrees Alberta Ccfis, the Royal Bank's vice-president of personal credit services. "Sante thing with cars. Canadians scent less concerned with impressing their ncighht)rs and the stigma atx)ut used cars is gone. You could sae} driving a used car is a foml of reverse snob appeal or a sign of a smart shopper." all adds up to sales activity m the road * Of those ch(x)sing to purchase, * Women, older drivers and peo- are currently 31 per cent did so b, -Lau,, they pie who currently own foreign vehi- all vehicles believed leasing was more expensive cies are most Iikely to choose new months, I I than buying. A further 25 per cent the next time they're in the market. wanted to own their own vehicle. * Women and older drivers expert to lse choosing * Of those planning to buy or keep their current vehicles longest. because of lease a car or light truck in the next * Drivers in central Canada were , while an I year, 51 per cent intend to get a used more likely to drive a new vehicle, ited tax rea- I vehicle, 44 per cent plan to buy a while those in eastern and western in choosing new one and the remaining five per Canada were more likely to drive a cent aren't sure. used one. Tlfr�fr#W&M EASTBOUND OR WESTBOUND "WE'RE ON YOUR WAY UV r ALL UNDER ONE ROOF" g a "'"�`"` a ""'"r "�" FAST, FRIENDLY AND CONVENIENT!!! a • .: I x N Pk dN�C CHECK OUT OUR ATRIUM SEATING AREA 401 W E 41utO A TIM HORTONS/WENDrS DRIVE THRUS �� s NQS' NE` YMK FRIES. ADAr�C 0117"MMr w ARn /+nu�ff iAA�e .%9%ffU � mow , --_ —..�,.npuF..o-,v,. uv. .�.� 'i.141M�6tl ".!•':. `. �1"b �`3'nq'i-U'7�.• ie..Y'i.1p'i '.' `T:., �ta'.•iV.r, • of ,. —.. _._-..-.—.. .