HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_07_07M 1099 Kingston Road E. The Fumitue U. ftkerN(905L42F16 Store Hours: kl , .wed 9 30 a m B 00 p m 'urs&Fn 930am-630pm a' 930 am 500pm _— 2 HOME IMPROVEMENTS WHY &,44TO&BY • ' • F.ary Ow. 11011 For Sarrtel YOU can rtvst vw ow swwwott (no Bra* Rwd $with ,hat ootah of BaYN, PIC160") X. 420-4.FYO - -- .News Adve - rtiser Sunda', Jule 7, 1996 28 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 42,500 Vol. 115 No. 27 Pi*ckeri*ngschools sopen or ni*ght use BY CHRISTI CHASE "An agreement has in fact been worked will still he able to use four Pickering coming up with this creative solution" 11u. NL%kS \n\t.krra.k out between the staff," Pickering Councillor schools for night meetings without the board "I think it's meeting everybodv's needs of PICKERiNG — The Town and Durham Maurice Brenner announces. having to give up planned cost savings. trying to make sure facilities are being used:' Board of Education are pooling their That means school aquatic programs at "It's a win-win and I think that's what we says Brian Cain, board education/bu oness resources to keep kids in the swim and com- The town -owned pool at Dunbarton High were to okiny f0r.­ Coun. Brenner ,as See TOW N...?age 3 munity groups in schox)ls. School will continue and community groups reall\ 11,1\C tk, Ck)T11rhnl,rt ti(Iih '1; fl f''r Half of Pickering cabs unsafe, taken off road Several taxis found in 'deplorable condition' 131 CHRIS11" CHASE IU I111 \P -%S AU\ f itl ltii f: PICKERING — Half of the taxi cabs to Pickering were pulled oft the road last week after being declared unsafe in a two-dav check. Durham Reeional Police and the hlimstry of Transportation inspected 60 cabs on NVednesdav and Thursday in a safety lane set up behind the police force's ,55 Division detachment at Inside In Ow news Editorial ................................6 Name Droppings.... ............... l 1 Sports.................................20 Classified .............................21 Phmw lines General 683-51 10 Fax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 Sincerely Yours 1-800-662-8423 InfoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 On the Internet at www.durhamnews.net 93¢+74t GST =$1 Brock Road and Hwy. 2. "We did 00 taxis and took 29 out of service. reports Bob Machesney, transport ministry enforcement co- ordinator for Durham. "That's almost 50 per cent. We took half the taxis in Pickering off the road. I'm a little dismayed by that number." Defects on 1 i cabs were so had that the licence plates were taken off and held by ministry officials, he reports. Those taxis had to be towed away. Mr. Machesney says the checks revealed steering defects, holes in the floors, problems with tires and had windshields. He adds no cab company was worse than others and that all firms had cars pulled from the roads. "The cars were in deplorable condi- tion to he running as taxis;" Mr. Mach- esney says. A think we caught them all by surprise:' Durham Regional Police Inspector Bruce Pugh notes safety checks were set up after several officers expressed concerns over the condition of some cabs and the safety of passengers and drivers riding in them. '-They felt it was time we had a bet- ter look at them;' Insp. Pugh says. Arrangements for inspections were made with the ministry office in Oshawa and safety lanes set up at the police station. The cab companies were informed earlier in the week of the safety checks and all co-operated by attending, Insp. Pugh says. He adds that all repairs on the cabs See COPS ... Page 5 All's well that ends well Brenda Beyeler paints over graffiti on the in Ajax during a recent clean-up there. roof of the wishing well at Hermitage Park photo by Andrew Iwanowski PAGE'. 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. JULY 7. 1996 Frenchman's Bay hou Controversial project step closer to reality Bl• MARI.NNN : TAK.AWS _ __ _S14I I KI.I'I)kII k PICKFRING — The construction of a controversial ISI -unit apartment and town- house complex at the north end of French- man's BaN has come a step closer to reaho.. Pickering Council granted conditional site plan appri)\al for the project last week after receiving mostl\ favorable comments from a few area residents. The complex still needs final site plan approval and committee of adtustment approval — expected to tale a few months — before construction can proceed. The applicant is the Pickering Har- bour Compan%. which finall% settled out of court with the Town last fall after a 13-% car legal battle over owner- ship of land under and around French- man's Ba\. A number of changes ha%e been made since the proposal was presented to area residents at a Ma,. 9 public meeting. which was followed h\ a senes of meetings heteseen the de\,el- oper and an ad hoc committee of citi- zens. The number of townhouses to the complex has been reduced to 17, from ;1. while the apartment units are down to 164 from 168. The apartment build- ing at Begley and Bavly Streets is still to be 'stepped' from seven storeys on the street side to four on the side facing the bay. Surface parking has been reduced. the remaining townhouses have been moved further back from the buffer zone between the complex and the ha,*. and the de\eloper has agreed to contnbute to the cost of traffic liehts at the corner of BeQlex and Ba\ I\ should Durham Reglan appro%e their installation. A pubh: "s iew Ing _aJe- bxi•' has been eliminated. but M.V. ;k put haA at a different i,catlor. A handful of delegat::)ns praised uhe prole:', and urged C �u n.: -�- _ it Ad h ,c :t,mmirtee m,: ----ti-- re,ident Ja:que!.-nt S77 _7 lvr, the rneetir._ with the de -,elop- er hase been use - tui and progre" ha, been made In addressln« rest- �I dents :, �ncerns. " I still see that we ha.e work tt+ do. This Is not the final end tonight" Area resident Dave Steele Davc Steele. also a member of the ad hoc committee. said the consultation w ith residents has impro%ed the PHC proposal. though several issues remain to be addressed. "This is a good project for the Tow in of Pickering but we aren't quite there Net.— However. some members of the Pickering East Shore Community Association executive criticized the process the PHC proposal has gone through so far. PESCA president Roy 1 CORRECTION In this week's Kmart flyer the Mini Blinds featured on page 4 will not be available. These blinds may contain lead and so. due to health and safety concerns, we have decided to remove them from our shelves. Please note that new. lead-free mini blinds are due to arrive in our stores in the fall. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Kmart Canada Limited s i n ggets conditional OK Rubinson maintained the developer would have had to propose fewer unit, on the site if the Town had not extended — without a pub- lic process — the residential zoning on land the PHC already owned to a piece of' road allowance the Town agreed to transfer to the PHC under the out-of-court settlement between the two. Tom Mehr of PESCA ,ug_ested the PHC was %iolatinL the I S5' , federal charter zrant- ing it rights to Frenchman's Bas since. according to Mr. Mohr. that charter pn)hthlt1 the compam from engaging to banking or real estate acti%Lues. Mr. Mehr asked for an explanation of NEW 1995 'ORD; To 5-: is *FI'� M :w --,: aX.DJ"' 1C" 3^lpet how that charter provi- sion was dealt with in TCS the sculernent and was ' told by Mayor Wa} nc E . 3 4 --y"i n6C. Arthurs Council was VES prepared to re-enter J the legal discus - Rock & Pintion Sseenng ion around the char- TES ter•'. but that aurone Wayne ho wanted to pursue Arthurs that legal argument was free to do so. In granting con- ditional site plan approval. Council also noted ilk, ha%e the project come for final site To 5-: is *FI'� M :w --,: aX.DJ"' 1C" 3^lpet Get them Im plan approval to Council rather than to If,,: •liiwn director of planning as is usually the case. Councillors who supported that approach said it was the best way to deal with a project so important to Pickering and wasn't meant to undermine the authoritN n( the planning director. However. Mayor Arthurs and Ward 2 local Councillor Sherry Senis opposed the departure from the regular process. Coun. Senis maintained it was another example of councillors trying to take over staff func- tions, which she said was a problem identi- fied by the consultant recently hired by the Town to review its operations. 41 j_• P TO $2000 LASH BACK LIMITED TIME OFFERIMILN/ 1996 AEROSTAR 1996 WINDST,AR 1996 F-150 Y1 TO 1 so 0 cam MACK UPTOS 1000 CALM RACK Yr TO* 0 0 0 CALM 11ACK 1996 RANGER 1996 VILLAGER 1996 EXPLORER uP TOS 1 500 cAfM SACK uP TO s 1 000 SPECIAL REDUCED c"�"' LEASE RATES 'Sale prices reflect cash back assigned to dealer. Plus freight tax anal NC _d��--` _ `.=, � �� gra �� � � _ — � ''. - _��e-.r►ri, :: Rq ump, R E tt FORD SALES LIMITE .� �..ffeaW V FOR RECONSTRUCTIVE CREDIT CALL SNNON_ YOUR tMIGNBOURNOOD FORD STORE 0 (Just N tRh of Shed' SCARBOROUGH 4 ppatrd) ��293 3 77 61 TCS Dt. m Air B J TO E . 3 4 --y"i n6C. J VES Engine Block Heuser J TES Rock & Pintion Sseenng J TES Power Brokes M TES Halogen Lornps Get them Im plan approval to Council rather than to If,,: •liiwn director of planning as is usually the case. Councillors who supported that approach said it was the best way to deal with a project so important to Pickering and wasn't meant to undermine the authoritN n( the planning director. However. Mayor Arthurs and Ward 2 local Councillor Sherry Senis opposed the departure from the regular process. Coun. Senis maintained it was another example of councillors trying to take over staff func- tions, which she said was a problem identi- fied by the consultant recently hired by the Town to review its operations. 41 j_• P TO $2000 LASH BACK LIMITED TIME OFFERIMILN/ 1996 AEROSTAR 1996 WINDST,AR 1996 F-150 Y1 TO 1 so 0 cam MACK UPTOS 1000 CALM RACK Yr TO* 0 0 0 CALM 11ACK 1996 RANGER 1996 VILLAGER 1996 EXPLORER uP TOS 1 500 cAfM SACK uP TO s 1 000 SPECIAL REDUCED c"�"' LEASE RATES 'Sale prices reflect cash back assigned to dealer. Plus freight tax anal NC _d��--` _ `.=, � �� gra �� � � _ — � ''. - _��e-.r►ri, :: Rq ump, R E tt FORD SALES LIMITE .� �..ffeaW V FOR RECONSTRUCTIVE CREDIT CALL SNNON_ YOUR tMIGNBOURNOOD FORD STORE 0 (Just N tRh of Shed' SCARBOROUGH 4 ppatrd) ��293 3 77 61 P Town to run schools when classes finish FROM PAGE 1 superintendent. In order to cut costs in the next school year, the board decided to cancel its aquatic programs and end its agreement with Pickering concerning school use of Dunbarton pool. The board also planned to close some schools early, which would have left some community groups like Guides and Scouts without meeting places. The agreement worked out by staff calls for the hoard to continue using Dunharton pool during the day but with- out having to pay a maintenance and user fee to the Town as it has in the past. "The Town will practise what it preaches;' Mr. Brenner says. "We were charging the board for use of the pool. We're now saying we have to keep the pool open anyway:' Mr. Cain says the board will honor its current Pool agreement with the Town by paying its fees until the end of October. The fees will then end but the school will continue to use the pool for swimming lessons and swim teams and pay for lifeguards. "The Town wants to continue to have the school board utilizing the pool dur- ing the day:' Mr. Cain notes. He says Dunharton's principal will work during the summer and fall with other schools. both elementary and sec- ondary, and with community groups to find ways to make use of the pool and fund school aquatic programs. The other part of the agreement con- cerns Fairport Beach, E. B. Phin, Rosebank Road and Claremont Public Schools. A one-year com- munity -use -of -space agreement between the Town and school board will see the keys for the buildings handed over to the Town after school hours. says Mr. Brenner. "Our basic agreement is that we will give the recreation department access to these four schools and they will he responsible for them until 10 p.m.;" Mr. Cain says. "This will allow continued use as the community groups are used to:' The Town will take over Fair- port, E.B. Phin and Claremont schools at 8:30 p.m. and Rosebank at 6 p.m. Mr. Cain says one concern the board has relates to community groups' access to other areas of the schools other than meeting rooms. He notes the schools don't have general purpose rooms that can be isolated from the rest of the school. "We will be depending on the recreation department for supervision. They don't want peo- ple running all through the buildings either" Maurice Brenner Stolen trailer, bulldozer found in Pickering PICKERING — A 46 -year-old Nestleton man faces charges after police recovered a stolen trailer and bulldozer here Wednesday. Police found the stolen trailer, owned by a York Region construc- tion firm, in a parking lot on W o o d v i e w Avenue south of Finch Avenue, not far from where they recovered the bulldozer, owned by a North York company. Both were stolen in recent months, but police wouldn't speculate on whether it was the work of a theft ring. The accused was charged with two counts of possession of stolen property over $5,000. Recycle this newspaper Speoals raga TUESDAY, JULY 9 to fiat.. Job 13 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1"6 -PAGE 3 RONALD MARTINO & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS BROCK ROAD CHAPEL PROVIDING TRADITIONAL BURIAL 6 CREMATION SERVICES "THE DURHAM PLAN" IMMEDIATE BURIAL OR CREMATION SERVICES • Transportation of the Deceased • Family Consultation INCLUDES ' Documentation • Minimal Wooden Cremation or Bunal Container BROCK ROAD CHAPEL ENQUIRIES PLEASE CALL 11,1057 Brock Road (Just south of 401) PICKERING (905) 686-5589 Call Ajax reporter Keith Gilligan at 683-5110 with your Ajax news stories. Quality Fresh Cut Meats At Everyday Low Prices'. Marinaded Eye Round $� 99 SteaksUSDA ro. Hip Cube Steak 5 2 tho 99 QnaRty Fri CutMub At Everyday jAw prkmI J ' Boneless Sirloin Tip $ 69 Roasts S.,°� 2lb. Halenda's Own Great on the BBQ Smoked Ham New York 4a Striploin 7 Steaks.... l,. epi 9-h—khkebabs, $ 31b. Pork $399 Sovualaki,h. 1794 LiVWPOW r• Meats Pflellfisk Ph= P�QlI wbg 01.7961 &W4% sda;;;,,.�,., "The Meat People" •'• How Z3 locatioatas •aa O>tatario tawr 11218 W IIIINIdI�{ Z RAYLY Y PAGE 4 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7,19% Real nuclear plant troubles not been dealt withee DNA the station for at least 10 years. "That's lents identified did not involve any major something I don't think Ontario Hydro or threat to public safety. the Atomic Energy Control Board arc able At we're getting sloppy behavior in one to answer. I don't think it's just it people area we're almost certain to have sloppy problem. It's if technology problem." bchayior in another which might hayc Mr. Martin maintains one reason Pick- more serious safety implications:' ering is haying so much difficulty is The AECB has said the Pickering sia- because it's one of [tic oldest nuclear facil- tion must make significant improvements ities in the country, with reactors more in many areas by the fall or face not hay - prone to break down. ing its operating licence renewed, but Mr. "That's something 1 think is beyond Martin docs not believe there is much dan_ debate and which has not been adequately ger o1" the licence being withheld even answered. The question of aging and the without major improvement. implications of aging are not being given "I'nt not very optimistic that the AECB adequate attention." will get tough. They've been talking tough, Mr. Martin says the public should not but as usual when we sec the decision it he easily reassured by the AFCB report's will he a slight slap on the wrist, but no conclusion thal 1110 violations and proh- serious action." BY 11ARIANNE TAKACS _ S1:41FRIP()RHR PICKFRING — The measures being taken to remedN safety problems identified in a recent Atomic Energy Control Board report on the Pickering Nuclear Generat- ing Station will not solve them, according to a Citi/ens' lobby group on nuclear issues. "They're attributing a lot of these prob- lems to human error:' says Durham Nuclear Awareness spokesman Da -.e Mar- tin. noting a work -quality program is being implemented at the station to improve per- formance. "Oyer the last decade there hayc been a whole series of programs aimed at improv- ing human performance in the nuclear division at Ontario Hydro. They are evi- dently not working, at least not at Picker- ing." The AI -CB report — an annual assess- ment of the station done for 1995 — found a substantial increase in incidents there involving failure to comply with the sta- tion's operating licence, as well as a Sig- nificant rise in reportable events (occur- rences at the station which affected or could have affected safety, health, security or the em ironment ). There were 124 such e\'cnts at the sta- tion last year — 5S caused by hurnan per- tormance error and the rest mainly hy' component failures. "What's the problem?" says Mr. Martin. adding similar difficulties have plagued Pickering's Mr. Dressup named to Order of Canada PICKFRING — Erme Coomb, better known to millions of children and parents as 'fir. Dressup. has been named to the Order of Canada. The Pickering resident was one of 72 people named to the order in Ottawa Thursday. He was named a member of the order. Before his recent retirement. Mr. Coombs did 4.(ltlll shows for CBC -T V over more than 30 Nears. His last show was taped Feb. 14. Mr. Coxrmbs came to Canada from his native Pittsburgh in 1963 to work %k till puppeteer Fred Rogers, known to televi- sion audiences as Mr. Rogers. When Mr. Rogers returned to the States, Mr. Coombs remained to work on CBC's replacement show, Butternut Square. That was the birth of Mr. Dressup. In 1967. when Butter- nut Square wa-s to be tem- pooranl\ cancelled to make room for Expo '67 coyer- agc. the produc- ers proposed a w -budget Mr. I )ressup which cimtinued almost three decades. In an interview with the News Advcr• l,-cr last December, Mr. Coxxnbs said fx still enjoyed doing the show and would miss it once he retired. He will continue tour- ing and plans to lecture on children's television. He is also devoting more time to his hobbies which include golf; gardening, painting, travelling and restoring a 1932 Auburn. He couldn't tte reached Ernie Coombs for comment. learn cake decoratuin! METHOD W LT N AKE DE RATING A • Learn all the fundamentals of cake Cooling this ftB7 decorating, icing, colour, borders, stars, Chwohft MotMn9 Cwse k even the rose, in just four fun -filled kids HaIllo reelt Cake n9 2 -hour classes. • Laval 1 course - four weeks for $20.00 Enroll• • " y, call Mondays. 7:00 to 9:00 p m. starting July Rh (9 05) Sundays 2:3010 4:30 p m. starling July 7th for more• bulktN§rn*- Only at Ajax Durham Centre Store Harwood Ave. North & Hwy 2 �,!-rr: •,t'7- � .. 'rayl_-= r 'T�T 111 • ,j T P THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7,1996 -PAGE 5 Furor overlan'to contract out dumptrash transfer � PICKERING — Metro Toronto's plans says, may he problems with the bidding on the work if it does. Toronto" and not a concern of the Town. to contract out the transfer of trash from release of toxic contaminants Mr. Steele admits one "We want the job done right. The means the Brock North landfill to its Brock West into the air when the waste is dug reason he wants Metro to do the by which they achieve it is for them to dump here will likely mean more odor and un and with odors and spills dur- work in-house is that it will determine." contamination problems for Pickering res- idents, says the union representing Metro waste management employees. "I can see this clearly;" says Canadian Union of Public Finplovees (CUPF:) Local 43 representative Bill Steele. ..Thcy*re going to contract it out and whip this stuff over to Brock West. I don't think they should be going out to the private sector and saying 'who can do it the cheapest?"' But one private firm says the contract- ing out of' waste transl.cr will not compro- mise safety and efficiency. Bruce Mortensen, manager of munici- pal markets for Laidlaw Waste Systems Ltd., one of the largest waste management firms in North America, says "there is no possibility that things will he done incorrectly or improperly." The contents of the Brock North landfill, closed in the early 1970h due to leachate problems after one year of operation, will he moved to Brock West as part of the cwt -of -court settle- ment reached between Metro and Pickering in April for the closure of Brock Wcst at the end of' November. Pickcrine had launched a lawsuit against Metro over Brock West in October of 1994, claiming the dump was polluting adjacent lands and con- taminating West Duffins Creek. Questions have been raised by Pickering -Ajax Citizens Together (PACT) for the Environment about the possibly hazardous contents of Brock North, and the lawsuit settlement included provisions for future consul- tation involving Metro. Pickering, the Province and the public on transfer of the waste to Brock West. PACT and COPE have tried, without success, to obtain from Metro its records of what has gone into the Brock North landfill and what was found there during test- ing of the site last year. Mr. Steele (who is not related to PACT chairman Dave Steele) main- tains it will be harder to control and monitor the sensitive transfer if the job is contracted out. The result. he Cops vow MOIL e cab checks ing transportation. "It's a very unpredictable operation. Who knows what you have in there'? There are no real guidelines for excavating a land - 1 -11 11 mean jobs for his members. Metro has not vet made any final decision on whether it will 0 i contract out the Mr. Mortensen, however. says Wayne transfer. Mr. IRVING A. BURTON LIMITED Id Arthurs S I h t Metro and the Province wou tee a as sen explicitly define how the waste letters to Picker - was to be moved and private contractors ing Council members THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR INITIAL CONSULTATION would likely be required to post perfor- detailing his concerns. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT mance bonds. Mavor Wavne Arthurs DICKERING ��AWA Mr. Mortensen notes he has not heard says the possible contract- c : , .,. ON anything about Metro calling for tenders ing out of the transfer is "a 1W 0GSTONRD. tUl KENT ST. c c cc 40 KING ST. WEST on the transfer of Brock North waste, and matter of labor -manage- (SUITE 210) (SUrrE 207) that his company would be interested in ment relations in Metro 1 lLlq-R9�1 839-8981 83H981 71 JULY SALE Now is the time to book! Call or visit by July 31, 1996 and receive Uniglobe's Bonus Offer! 3 -Night BAHAMAS NORDIC EMPRESS from 329 USD 7 -Night EASTERN CARIBBEAN SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS from 699USD 3 -Night BAJA MEXICO VIKING SERENADE from 79USD 7 -Night SOUTHERN CARIBBEAN MONARCH OF THE SEAS from 799USD One low price includes: Incredible Dining • First Class Entertainment - Daily Activities e Full Casino and Much Much More!!! AJAX TRAVEL a,•d &""CEN E676 Monarch Ave., Unit 8, Ajax TRE � 683-4800 Terms and CoedkWrw: *Savings based on brochure rates. "Prices based on category N Breakthrough Rates for select sailings only. Prices are per person, double occupancy, cruise only. Port charges, taxes and gratuities are additional. Rates subject to availability. Prices in U.S. dollars. tUpgrades are valid on new individual business from inside to inside or outside to outside cabin on new individual reservations booked between July 1 and July 31, 1996. Upgrades not valid inside to outside cabin. Categories N -F only. New bookings only. 01996 RCCL Ships of Nmlegiari and Liberian Registry. PAGE 6 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7,19% • TEditorials and Letters V Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser A Metroland Community Newspaper published Wednesday. Friday, Sunday 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont.LiS 2H5 TIMOTM J. WH ITAKER- Publisher JOANNE BURGHARDT. Editor -in -Chief BRUCE DANFORD. Advertising manager SIEVE HOUSPON. Managing Editor ALVIN BROUWER Retail advertising manager ABE FAKHOURIE. D siribitim) manager General: (905) 693-5110 Classified: (905) 693-0707 Circulation: (905) 683-5117 FAX: 1905) 693.7363 ENal:tiewsrtxxnC&durhamnews.net On the Interne!: httpl/www.dtuttam- news.net The tiesys Advemser is a memher of rhe Ajax-Rckiznng Rcvard of Trade. Canadian Community !newspaper Assoc . Canadian Circulations Audit Bcnrd. Ontano Press Council and OMMRI The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advernsement limited to space price error cxrupies Stop the insanity A kitten cooked on a barbecue. Dogs with broken jaws and legs. A cat with a chunk of its leg ripped off. These are just some of the 661 horrific animal abuse cases the Oshawa and District Humane Society (ODHS) has dealt with during the first six months of this year. In 1995, the ODHS dealt with I,1 1 1 abuse cases. The statistics sav animals are abused, on average. at least three times a day in this arta — and those are just the reported cases. Animal abuse is on the rise and Humane Society offi- cials are legitimately concerned. It's a friehtening trend that has to stop. While we can feel sorry for the helpless animals and work to mend their physical injuries. we have nothing but contempt for the perpetrators of these outrageous. sicken- ing, inhumane acts. Sadly. most of these senseless. cowardl), deeds go unpunished. In the past eight months. onl,, four abuse cases have been successfully prosecuted and nine charges are still out- standing. despite the hest efforts of the ODHS. A lack of witnesses is cited as the major stumbling block to a greater number of con ictio ns. Kim Nelson of the ODHS saes the organisation has revealed the alarming abuse statistics because it "wanLs people to know this happens." Now that we know, we can't stick our heads in the sand. It's up to us as a community to act responsibly and work on behalf of the animals, whose cries for help have gone unanswered far too long. If you witness animal abuse, contact the ODHS at 433-2022 or call police, and ensure these culprits face charges for their inexcusable actions. There's no justification for looking the other way or pretending the problem will disappear on its own. For the animals' sake, lets stop the insanity. To respond to this editorial caU Injosource at kritfowurre 683-7040 and dial 5111 You said it... In response to last Sunday's editorial on celebrating Canada Day, our readers said: ♦ "Canada Day is always special in my family. We came to this country 15 years ago and, even during the rough times, we are thankful every day for the opportunities we've had since coming here. You say in your article Canada provides a bounty of things for others. It's true. I only hope this great country isn't torn apart by what's going on in Quebec" ♦ "I love Canada, but I hate the way it is being ruined by Quebec separation and high taxes. This is a different coun- try today than it was when I was growing up:' ♦ "I love Canada too. If you drive by my house, you'll see a Canadian flag up all year `round. It's too bad that Canadians really only celebrate their heritage one day of the year. I celebrate it every day when I come home and proudly see the Maple Leaf flying" ♦ Letters to the editor A win-win conclusion To the editor. I should like to comment on your article of Friday. June 14 regarding the CampbelLfMcPherson house in Lynn Heights Park. In Particular, I refer to the comments made by Councillor Enrico Pistritto. To summarize briefly: - The house has been sitting in our neighborhood park since the area was developed approximately 10 years ago. - It has been allowed to deteriorate to the point where it is a danger to our children. The building has also been infested with wild animals and insects over the years. - Discussions were raised years ago to determine a use for the structure which would be compatible to all con- cerned. However, this was not pursued because of financial constraints. - A motion was subsequently made in 1995, without consultation with the neighborhood, to declare the structure historic for use as commercial or resi- dential property in Lynn Heights Park. - As this would eliminate a large part of the park, which is the only park with- in the immediate area, surveys were cir- culated and in each case the community opted overwhelmingly against the motion and suggested instead that the structure be moved to another more appropriate site suitable for residential or commercial use. - Councillor Rick Johnson's efforts in bringing forth a solution to everyone's problem by introducing a contractor who could remove the structure and rebuild it at another more suitable site should be commended. - A decision was subsequently trached by council that the structure be removed and preserved at another site. This decision leaves the neighborhood park unrestricted, and the cost of doing so is minimal to the town. This is a win-win situation for all involved. The Lynn Heights community expressed their wishes loud and dear in three different surveys and it would seem that Councillor Pistritto wasn't lis- tening on any of these occasions. It is difficult to understand his statements on the "selfishness of the neiehhonc(xxf". Is he working for the people of our community or against them? Mark F Gilding;, Pickering; I was lucky? To the editor: Jim McLean asks: "What if we didn't pay school taxes'?" Well, we would not be bothered with redundant school trustees and their pala- tial office building in Oshawa. But the issue is not whether we, the taxpayers, want to refuse to support our education system, but the issue is whether we want to be made to pay more for a lousy, inefficient system that gets rid of teachers without getting rid of trustees. For every 100 teachers, get rid of one trustee. Your statistics about what an average family of four spends on alcohol, videos, cigarettes and lottery tickets in comparison to their property taxes is, in my humble opinion, arrogant and out of touch. Here are my statistics. School tax last year. $2,000. Now: $2,086. Income Tax: $2,600. Fuel and licence tax: $1,000. GST and PST: $3,000. Municipal taxes: $1,500. Actual taxes: $10,100. As a senior living in Ajax, the last time I was obliged to use the education system was in 1970. Now I am obliged to pay for tutoring because of our excel- lent and very expensive education sys- tem. At the Ajax municipal office watch me pay my taxes, minus $86. Actually, the increase should have been $87.88 but according to the stats at the tax office when I asked, they told me I was lucky! Have a good summer. John Eckert, Ajax Blake Purdy Opinion 01MEJ A living hell The family of Julie Stanton has endured a living hell that few of us could imagine in our worst night- mares, a living hell that even fewer of us could survive. Parents John and Pat, brother Tony and sister Keny have suffered the pain of Julie's death not once, but several times. Their living hell began April 16, 1990, the last day they saw their Julie, the clever, bubbly 14 -year-old who, a family friend says, would have bcx;n a success in any career she chose. The Dunharton High School honors stu- dent left her Maury Crescent home in Pickering to pick up her work schedule for the following week. Instead of catching a bus, Julie got into a car. After all, she could get a free ride from a man she trusted, a man who was once a neighbor of the Stanton, a man whose daughter was her best friend, a man who wanted to speak to Julie about problems he was having with his daughter. A man who would kill her and dump her in a place where he figured she couldn't be found after the wild animals got to her Kid -v. You can imagine what the Stanton must have gone through. When Julie failed to return home on time that Easter Monday, they no doubt won- dered where she went, why she was late. As the hours passed, that wonder turned into worry. Days went by, nightmares set in, along with the real- ization that Julie probably wouldn't be coming home. Searches were organized in an attempt to locate Julie. The Stanton must have hoped a trace of her where- abouts would be discovered and at the same time prayed that no evidence of her death would turn up. The Stanton knew two days after Julie disappeared that Peter Stark abducted her. They confronted him several times before police built a good enough case to arrest him in February, 1992. One can imagine how the Stantons felt when investigators showed up at their door to inform them of the arrest for first-degree murder. Confirmation that Julie must be dead. That reality was pounded home again -- like a stake through the heart — when a jury found Peter Stark guilty of mur- der Dec. 1, 1994. Julie must be dead But, the Stanton always held a shred of hope that she might be alive. That hope was lost last weekend when police confirmed the human remains found in a field east of here days earli- er were Julie's. She can finally be laid to rest, after medical experts examine her remains. An examination that Peter Stark hopes will disconnect him from Julie's death so he can appeal his conviction. You see, Peter Stark plan to put the Stantons through living hell again. To continent on this column krifosiource calllnjosource at 683-7040 and dial 5107 W Paralympics torch run comes to Pickering PICKERING — Ever dream of carry- ing the torch for your cotmtry in the Olympics? You have a chance to come pretty close to that dream by entering the Cana- dian WhyNot Marathon for the Para- lympics coming through here July 13. The public is invited to raise money for a `legacy fund' to support athletes and other physically disabled Canadians by entering the marathon, and everyone who registers by Monday, July 8 for the Pickering leg of the event will automati- cally be eligible to be chosen as one of 22 torch carriers here. Each will carry the torch one kilometre. Participants may walk, nm, rollerblade, use a wheelchair. They may also raise money by getting sponsors for the event. "We still don't have enough people to carry the torch,,, says Kathryn Parish of Royal LePage Real Estate, one of the main local sponsors of the event along with the Rotary Club of Pickering. Royal LePage and Rotary Clubs of Canada are sponsoring the WhyNot Marathon nationwide. Two torches for the marathon were lit in Toronto (the site of the fust Paralympic Games in 1976) on May 27 and flown simultaneously to Victoria. B.C., and St. John's, New- foundland, from where they began their journeys back to Toronto, carried by thousands am s the country. One of the torches is scheduled to reach Pickering Village around 3 pm. Saturday, July 13 and be carried to the Pickering Town Centre for ceremonies around 3:15 p.m. The event will then pause for a week to wait for the torch from the west to arrive, and then both torches will be relayed to a ceremony July 24 at Toronto City Hall. There the two flames will be merged into one before being flown to Atlanta, the site of the 1996 Paralympic Games beginning Aug. 15. It costs $10 to enter the marathon. Registration forms are available from the Royal LePage Real Estate office at Brock and Kingston Roads, in the horne elec- tronics department at Eatons in the Pick- ering Town Centre, and at the north cen- tral entrance inside the Pickering Town Centre (by Laura Secord) on Saturday, July 6 from 9 am. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, July 7 from noon to 5 p.m. Rotary Club and Royal LePage representatives will also be selling T-shirts and other WhyNot Marathon merchandise at the Pickering Town Centre this weekend, with pro- ceeds going to the legacy fund. As well, you can support the Para- lympics by attending festivities at the Pickering Royal LePage office July 13 to cheer on the marathon participants. A barbecue will begin there at 1 pm., with proceeds going to the Paralympics. 1i>is:1i B0 1111MINOR 111111 PERFORMANCE WITHOUT COMPROMISE BARGAIN TIRE HAS THE RIGHT TIRE FOR YOU!!! SAYE ON OUR ALREADY EVEITDAY LOW PRICES! i BARMN TIRE DELIVERS PERFORMANCE AND VALUE ON ALL YOUR 11E NEEDS. NO DOUMPAYMENTS NO INTEREST NO PAYMENTS NOR 9•• MALve• d=MMM11 r« r Ci W".. 401 Wcow H N AtR t—Nwu•T– _ I _ 264 FAIRALL 5T. Ta, (ti) 619-1222 • AM 0 i1Q10 • BRA= • (M CNARM • AIJ0101111M 0 Ul Z4M & STRM I g VU W" � �• ON MENS � i�A� iEE M� LW. BECAUSE SO WCM M 11D" ON mull nMr THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7, 19% -PAGE 7 tre AV ase;Exp d Alowng CANNONBALL BED SHOPPE has to vacate their Pickering location. As a result we are offering all stock at incredible savings. Enjoy value and comfort with classic Canadian Design at prices you've only dreamed of. REG. NOW I Em y,, =t~, WV ; BED SOLID PINE $475 $199 WO I= W11 KD SOLID PINE $695 $469 TRIPLE DRESSER SOLID PINE $105 $445 5 DRAWER CHEST SOLID PINE $695 $395 'BOOKCASE SOLID PINE $210 $159 5 PC. KITCHEN SET SOLID OAK $1535 $1195' 7 PC. DINING SET SOLID OAK $2795 $1195 SALE HELD ONLYAT THIS LOCATION ! N vE MUST SELL YOU muST SAVE All mattresses at 50% off We have purchased a number of (super high quality) high quality sofas, and loveseats. • Huge Selection of quality Ree. value S 1900 • $2900 NOW framed pictures at 1/2 price ONLY 1795.00. We h.a�e limited } -, • a.il Lim at 1/2 � price quannnos first come first served. • A] corntor ors 1;'- price MOFFR"°s tsog)420--83 -2-2 SAT 10.5 t MIRA WS it S 0 omm MIAAE—a— WMM4M tUCtti WUzWA4=1 sm 10-5 "" 1 099 KRNOgaT'ON Rahn— MN/YZ / O9,31LUM I Shop the News Advertiser for the best bargains. I MVV, O-aaaa.,. O••O,'a v. a. w aaoa.aa oa..w •yv..•1, ..•. Our Olympic Hopefuls Sally aims for archer bulls -eye PICKERiNG -- Pickering's Devin Sally hopes poise, youth and pin -point accuracy will make up for a lack of experience at the upcoming Olympic Games. Sally. 21. has enjoyed a meteoric rise to the pinnacle of archery in Canada in only four ears of competitive shorting. Two weeks ago in Montreal, the Richmond Hill natiyc heat three other top Canadian archers at the Olympic Trials, tying a Canadian record in the process. to earn this countn's sole berth in the spurt in the Summer Olympics. Now, with Atlanta looming on the horizon. Sall is shootimL, six days a week at a Don Mills archery range with training; partner Rob Rusno\ of Richmond Hill. The Ryerson Pulvtechnic University electrical engineering student won't be satisfied with just competing at the Olympics. He's gunning for a top -16 finish in the world, a pretty lofty goal for a nation not noted for its archery prowess. "I'm going to trn to make it a great experi- ence. It may be m� onl chance, so I'm going to make it a great experience. I'm not going to go there just to sav i went to the Olympics. i want to have a gcxxd showing and represent M\ countn the hast that I can. "I plan to get myself to the point where 1 have a day where I'm on -- to get past the first two rounds for a top -16 finish. It's a relative- ly high goal. I want to set a high goal for myself: something to work toward." Prior to earning the Olympic berth. Sally was part of the bronze -medal -winning Cana- dian team at the Pan -Am Games in Mar Del Plata, Argentina last year. He also competed at the World Archer\ Championships last year in Jacquarda. Indonesia. emerging as the top Canadian marksman and 78th best in the world. While archery is not a big sport in Canada. it is an emergim- one, notes Sallv. He and other top Canadian archers -- Rusnoy, Jeannot Robitaille of Montreal and J.P. St. - Arnaud of Sherbnrke. Quebec -- are on the leading edge of a resurgence in the sport. 'Canada is not known for its archers, but we're trying to change all that." says Sally. \k ho started in archery at Thornhill Secondan School. under the guidance of Joan McDon- ald who still serves as his coach. "W'e're lead- ing the way, but there's a lot of people behind us who are trying to beat us." Sally will leave for Atlanta on July 17 and begin competition at the Olympics July 28. Pickering's Kevin Sally earned a spot on the Canadian team last month by tying a national archery record. Davies sets sail for Olympic medal Rod Davies battled back from a debilitating back injury to represent his nation as the Ione Canadian in the laser sailing class. PICKERiNG -- Pickering's Rod Da%ics hopes to experience a case of deja vu when the Olympics roll around later this month. The 26-x ear -old long-time member of Frenchman's Bav Yacht Club won the 1994 Pre - Olympic Regatta in laser sailing in Savannah, Georgia, the site of the sailing events at the '96 Sum- mer Games. He's aiming for a repeat performance. "I like the course because I've won there. I tend to like places where I've won before. It's very challenging sailing and very tough sailing because you can easily go from first to last," Davies says in a recent interview at the yacht club. "Winning there in '94 doesn't necessarily mean IT win in '96, but I hope I will.- Davies will represent Canada as the lone sailor in the layer, a single -mast, one-man vessel. at the Olympics. He qualified to represent Canada after a gru- elling week of sailing at the trials in Kingston in early June, defeat- ing 40 other top Canadians in the process. He's currently training in Atlanta along with training part- ner and brother Ray Davies, to bm-ome better acclimatized with the Savannah area. Davies says being familiar with the waters and the weather conditions are key to doing well when the races begin. "It's very important to get used to the currents and it's important to get to know the course area. Everyone will know it by the time the Games begin. if you don't know it, you've already lost." he says. The stop of Rod Davies and his ascent to the Olympics is one of courage and a never -say -die attitude. A debilitating hack injury suffered in August of 1994 put his sailing career in jeopardy and kept him out of the boat for the next nine months. However, hard work, intensive physiothera- py and an unwavering belief in himself brought him back to the top of his spout. "It was a tight just to get hack to being a normal person again," he recalls. "it taught me a lot about hard work and patience. I wouldn't want to go back and do it again, but I learned a lot of lessons. It taught me to work like never before and to never give up Ajax boxer waits for the bell AJAX -- As the Olympics approach. Nicholas Farrell gets more excited each dayabout stepping into the ring in Atlanta. the 20 -year-old Ajax Boxing Club member is Canada's hope in the light mid- dleweight category for fighters at 71 kilo- grams (156 pc)unds) at the '96 Summer Olympic Games later this month. "I feel really good," Farnell proclaims from Hamilton where he trains with coach Vinnv Ryan at McCrory's Boxing Club. "T2te more days go by. the more hyper i get. It makes me want to do more training." Farrell has con- tinued to undergo full-day workouts under the watchful eve of Ryan. In the mornings, he per- forms a full regimen of exercises includ- ing jogging, push- ups and sit-ups, Nick along with some Farrell shadow Nixing. The afternoons are reserved for two hours in the gym with a sparring partner, followed by another workout to end the day. A brxer fi>r the past I I years, he and his brother [an Farrell were introduced to the sport by their father, Boyle. He won his first match and hasn't Iorked hack. Farrell points out his best ring attributes are his fast feet and hands which often keep opponents ofd --balance. As well, at 6'2". he's taller than most of his foes. which also gives him an advantage in the ring. Farrell notes Ryan has helped him develop his combinations, to keep his hands up at all times, and to understand the nuances of the Olympic scoring system. "I'm not taking anyone lightly, but I'm going down there to win every fight. I'm going to take it one step at a time." Flood ready to dive into swim competition PICKERING -- Lisa Flood is rested, relaxed and raring to get into the pool. The Pickering resident's ready to compete for Canada in her second Olympic Games in Atlanta this month. She represented the country at the Olympics in 1992 in Barcelona. "I think I'm in the best physical shape I've ever been in," Flood tells the News Advertiser shortly before she joined the Canadian swim team in Gainesville, Florida for a final training camp. "This entire year has been gnat for me to focus totally on swimming and not have to worry about school. It's kind of nice to feel this way, knowing that there is really nothing that I can see that I could have done more." The 24 -year-old will com- pete in the 100 -metre breast- stroke against such world- class swimmers as Australia's Helen Denman and current world -record holder Saman- tha Riley, South African Penny Heyns and Canadian teammate Guylaine Cloutier. The event is set for the sec- ond day of Olympic competi- tion on July 21. She hopes a good performance in the indi- vidual event will win her a spot on the Canada medley relay, whose members will be chosen by the Canadian coaches. "I would love to be the breaststroker on that relay team. T'hey'II see how we do and choose the (medley relay) team from there." Having taken in the Olympic experience four Pickering resident Lisa Flood is set to compete in her second consecutive Olympic Games in the breaststroke. years ago in Barcelona, this time around. Flood is well aware of the "I know a little bit more excitement and pressures about what to expect. I've inherent with the Games. been in the (Olympic) village However, she feels she's bet- and I learned how to deal ter prepared to deal with it with the noise and how to sleep. The Olympics is a little less awesome when you've been there before. You can enjoy it for what it is instead of being awestruck. It's defi- nitely to my advantage." Flood has been training full-time for the Olympics, along with fellow Canadian Nancy Sweetnam from Lind- say, for the past year in Fort Lauderdale, Florida under the tutelage of Lois Daignault of Montreal and Flood's former coach at the Pickering Dol- phins Swim Club, Nick Baker. Baker concurs Flood is ready for the Olympics. "She's more prepared than she's ever been and she's swimming faster than she ever has. She's never been stronger physically or men- tally and I'm really excited about that. "Lois and I believe she'll do a lifetime mark at Atlanta and we think she'll be a final- ist. Anything can happen from there." Having won medals in World Cup swimming events, at the Pan Am and Commonwealth Games and starring on the Villanova Uni- versity Wildcats women's swim team with several colle- giate records to her credit, Flood says nothing approach- es the honor of getting a sec- ond chance to swim at the Olympics. "This time will be even more special to me because I know a few more people this year. It wasn't so much of a surprise for me to make the (Olympic) team this time, so it's an honor and very special in that respect." . ... .... .. .-. •�..� ... ..•... ...... __.♦1•,•,a..,�►1•��1�a......ww��.�A1aa.-.a��.►�.I a.��.aas .._..r..+-� V CRIMESTOPPERS Cops need help to nab gunman in Pickering variety store heist PICKERING -- Crimestop- pers and Durham Regional Police are looking for the pub- lic's help to capture a robber who held up a Pickering vari- ety store at gunpoint. The lone bandit, who wore a scarf over part his face, entered the Mike's Milk and Variety Store at 926 Kingston Rd. around 5:30 p.m. on April 20 of this year, approached the counter and pointed a handgun at the store clerk demanding cash. The thief removed a hand- ful of cash from the store's regis- ter and then fled on foot. =�I. blue scarf covering the lower part of his face. The handgun was a dark colored, semi-automatic with brown hand grips. Crimestoppers pays a cash reward of up to $1,000 for information leading to an arrest. Callers don't have to give their name or testi- fy in court. If you have any information about this robbery or any other serious offence, call The suspect is CLARKE HENNING INC. arl described as 16 TPUSTEES & INSOLVENCY CONSULTANTS 11W to 18, clean "Free ConRdcntial Consultation - shaven with OFF HOURS BY APPOINTMENT medium com- ,II VA plexion and dark "' 41*1N `DE NIALL scre.weuw (alb) 2H3 x140 -i0-9610 curly hair. \RBOROI Y;H i4w a C,v (116) He was wear- Ro.%7O,,,x.msr, uam (-i16116}-4111 11j', ,%IFTO% W oft" 'o4swp" X)i) Ai;-i-oi ing blue jeans, a 7 CATlIFRINES ft)0516,mKi1Kl colored, hooded sweatshirt and a Durham Regional Crimestop- pers locally at 436-8477 or long distance at 1 -800 -978 - TIPS. Crimestoppers does not subscribe to call display. HOME & LEISURE CENTRE The Stores Of The Centre Would Like To Welcome... A Special Place 428-6317 4280(10'1 *SALES MANAGEMENT* 686.81ffi The CoastI SUN LIFE OF CANADA The Crailer's Ma ktegAwe 6860714 SPECTRUM UNITED 428.6383 428-6686 De Boers MUTUAL FUNDS INC.* Home L.esure Upgrades 428-9767 SUN LIFE TRUST 427.4332 K"m Court We require 2 Sales Managers tlet Mos6w Beilltaom 4Z7 -204r7 with proven recruiting track 427-WM oriental. Rag Cai on, %m records in our industry. —0 -6 1 Point ow 686.5639 Location 42'8.6333 Pier 1 Imports MARIiHAM RD. & HWY 401 Mw Radon Ga lk" 014. 6 Please FAX your resume to: 428.8790 Spmt u t Dieter Davies CLU B.A. The Th Sboppe 683400 9 Manager 6) 298-6226 e licensing is regained. L HOME & LEISURE CENTRE The Stores Of The Centre Would Like To Welcome... A Special Place 428-6317 4280(10'1 Asbbrooks Block & Drapes 686.81ffi The CoastI 427-3043 The Crailer's Ma ktegAwe 6860714 Dakota Bob's L Durham t igttt atm 428.6383 428-6686 De Boers 683.9660 Home L.esure Upgrades 428-9767 It 1 The Idea Place 427.4332 K"m Court 6190999 tlet Mos6w Beilltaom 4Z7 -204r7 hfi&o l's 427-WM oriental. Rag Cai on, %m —0 -6 1 Point ow 686.5639 Pfer's A�ppliowa 42'8.6333 Pier 1 Imports 428.6462 Mw Radon Ga lk" 014. 6 %a%=w Desigw In Sft 428.8790 Spmt u t 619.3600 The Th Sboppe 683400 9 Pickering Home & Leisure Centre 1755 Pickering Pkwy. L IV 6K5 Call us at: (905) 4274332 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JCI,Y 7.'1996 -PAGE 9 at ir THE VICTORIAN in Old Pickering w GARDENS Village LOTS OF' GREAT VENDORS & DOOR PRIZES! TICKETS $4.00 ADNANCE or $5.00 at the Door. July 10th, 1996 The Victorian Garden Banquet Hall Doors Open 60 Randall Drive S -10 p.m. - Pickering Village, Ajax Fashion Show (Corner of Hwy. #2 & Randall Drive) 8:00 P.M. 619-988 Soar with us in cyberspace at www.durhamnews.net Gentle Dentishy for Adults, Kids, and Gre_ To help you feel at ease: - ✓ Ultrasonic ...,_ -, cleanings /:'''��` s -1 ✓ Soothing i nitrous oxide & general i anesthesia ✓ Virtual Vision glasses & stereo headphones to help you relax ` ✓ Autoclave sterilization ✓ Amazing intraoral camera ✓ Complete preventive, restorative & cosmetic dentistry B 0 0 ig ie. Convenient care with you in mind: ✓ New patients welcome ✓ We file & accept direct insurance payments (you pay only portion not covered by plan) ✓ 5Ce discount for senior citizens ✓ Same-day appointments for emergencies ✓ White fillings for back teeth ✓ Impacted wisdom teeth treatment ✓ Saturday appointments Call for your free cosmetic consultation! • Learn ho%-,- tooth �%hitening. porcelain veneers. and other cosmetic procedures can make your smile look brighter. Dr. Steven Nadel, DD.S. Former Editor of the newsletter for dentists, THE DENTALETTER CALL NOW 683-1432 172 Harwood Ave. South, Suite 101, Ajax highway #2 (Kingston Rd.) Pick. Metro East m Pkwy . Centre a m — Pickering Home M & Leisure Centre a a 1 Pickering Home & Leisure Centre 1755 Pickering Pkwy. L IV 6K5 Call us at: (905) 4274332 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JCI,Y 7.'1996 -PAGE 9 at ir THE VICTORIAN in Old Pickering w GARDENS Village LOTS OF' GREAT VENDORS & DOOR PRIZES! TICKETS $4.00 ADNANCE or $5.00 at the Door. July 10th, 1996 The Victorian Garden Banquet Hall Doors Open 60 Randall Drive S -10 p.m. - Pickering Village, Ajax Fashion Show (Corner of Hwy. #2 & Randall Drive) 8:00 P.M. 619-988 Soar with us in cyberspace at www.durhamnews.net Gentle Dentishy for Adults, Kids, and Gre_ To help you feel at ease: - ✓ Ultrasonic ...,_ -, cleanings /:'''��` s -1 ✓ Soothing i nitrous oxide & general i anesthesia ✓ Virtual Vision glasses & stereo headphones to help you relax ` ✓ Autoclave sterilization ✓ Amazing intraoral camera ✓ Complete preventive, restorative & cosmetic dentistry B 0 0 ig ie. Convenient care with you in mind: ✓ New patients welcome ✓ We file & accept direct insurance payments (you pay only portion not covered by plan) ✓ 5Ce discount for senior citizens ✓ Same-day appointments for emergencies ✓ White fillings for back teeth ✓ Impacted wisdom teeth treatment ✓ Saturday appointments Call for your free cosmetic consultation! • Learn ho%-,- tooth �%hitening. porcelain veneers. and other cosmetic procedures can make your smile look brighter. Dr. Steven Nadel, DD.S. Former Editor of the newsletter for dentists, THE DENTALETTER CALL NOW 683-1432 172 Harwood Ave. South, Suite 101, Ajax PAGE] 0 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SITNDAV. JULY 7,19% Come To The Experts Here's What Our Customers Say About DQ Soft Serve Sundae, 1iith the purchase of a SUPER NALLt MEAL n t ` � r "...I've tried every soft -serve on the market—nothing, but nothing beats Dairy Queen." Bill M. "...those mounds of soft -serve covered with hot fudge makes Dairy Queen sundaes the best I've ever tasted". Janis B. `•...I can't believe DQ soft serve is 9517c fat free and still tastes so good ... even better than ice cream!" Joe N. "...for me it's the Dairy Queen Blizzard ... I usually have a Skor Blizzard with fudge and spanish nuts.... sometimes I think I've died and gone to heaven... really! " Grandmother "...mv favorite is the Misty Freeze served with DQ soft - serve ... it's such a smooth cooler on a hot summer day." Carol L." P �Picnic Tables Seating 50 � 4000 Sq Foot Restaurant � Fast Drive-Thru � Eat In Or Take-out � Kids Meals Start At $2.99 Private Area For Kids Birthday Parties 1099 Kingston Rd (Across from Moviplex 9) WeTreat * You Right THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1996 -PAGE I1 Name Dro pp g J in in A' ax and Pickerin : by "Uh gilligan �• -;,� ,. _ ,:. _... ^��„fir ,k, r,.,, ,.�,,.,� �: x rla-s,. �, y�;s �,�, .,, ,,,.y� � ,.-�< Birthday Birthday Birthday 67th Anniversary Meghan Nicholas Tulk turns A d r i a n nine on July Richard Ven- 11. en- 11. Her fam- trella turns one ily wishes on July H. A her it very party with fam- haPPY ,. birth ily and lots of =. t day and balloons is hopes she planned. "You t . has fun cele- bring us so ' brating the ` much joy, big day. Lotst you're a won of love and Y curious derfull /c Tiffani Arscott will he sweet 16 on ! hugs from • boy. You till us with laughter every I Eleanor and John Broomhead reached another mile - July 10. "We're very proud of you. All I Mom, Dad, day. God truly has blessed us with stone together on July 6. ccichraung their 67th wedding our love,” from : torn, Dad, Jeffrev, 'Michael and � you in every way." Love from Mom anniversary. Best wishes for health and happiness from MacGvver, Winston and Bailev. Sarah. and Dad. I their family. Birthday Engagement �xr y Birthday Birthday B r i t n e v 7,-• Happy scv- J a c q u i R a c i o o oyce and Melvin Porter enth birthday VV illi s turned seen Pm �f Ajax are pleased to greetings are turns 10 on June 19 and nounce the forthcoming going Jake July 7. wishing her all iage of their son Larry Bradley's way,;,. �� I NV i s h i n g the best with lots Tammy, the daughter of i on July 7. - I her a very of love were0.1 J ally and Wayne McCar- Wishing the ! h a p p y Mom, Dad, of Whitby. The couple big guy all the b i r t h d a y Samantha, wed July 13 in a candle- best are Mom, with lots of z Andrea and all r ight ceremony at Holiday Dad and sister I love are the Gardiner , Gardens in Brooklin. Tammy Laine. "Hope Mom and and Racioppo and Larry will reside in Clar- you have a %V a v n e clans. great day. Dad an - J a c q --- ueline - _- - Birthday Birthday, �- A I Ai n t k sends out birthday wish- Loos. who Christening "Congratulations go to ! �s "for our big turned one on ` I _ Karrie Hope, Amanda eirl who is six". June Iii. Wh,.. i Fletcher, Dawn Hunting- Lvndsav Fischer it was Cristo - ton and Camille Matthews celebrated her pher Robert- of the 56th Pickering �- hirthday on June Thorns. Happy i► 1 Guides. They have complet- -17 and had a hirthda% love rd their Guide program and mini -putt party and kisses are on their way to with friends and from �Tommv arty Pathfinders. Good luck girls .mother P' and Uaddv. later with famih•. from Guiders Sandv, Lori - - and Kim." "Lex% of love and kisses on your birth- -- - day" from Mommy and Dadd}. Birthday __ -- -- _--- -.-_ - _- -- _-------- I 'dark MacMillan turned when Wedding Birthday n June "Pretty as :I picture in a gown of ivory silk, beautiful June _ his Mom and bride Christina Trovato" married Nelson Colman in "Happy first Dad w [shed him Lucy and G�ic`aare Oshawa on June 15. Barbara and Jack birthday on July a very happy pleased to announncece the christening Trovato of Ajax would like to welcome 5 to Eric MDores birthday w ith of their sun Lucas Andrew �ictial- Nelson into their family. Best wishes for from the whole hugs and kisses. ly on June 2� at Huly Redeemer �- . < Roman Catholic Church in Picker - a long and healthy life come from Mom, family. You have "you are becom- Dad brother Ken, grandparents June made us all so ing. A reception was held at Re,_alis grandpare �; � ing a big buy." i Restaurant with both Grandmas. and Dave Ross from Pickering, Nonno happy. We love ,, ' Love always Coneetto Trovato of Scarborough, you Pumpkin. from Granny, 1 his aunts, uncles and cousins. "God bless you Lucas." Aunt Judy and Larry Griffiths of Mommy and Aunt Debbie, Auntie Bev and j Uxbridge, and Aunt Lina and Bbl Trovato of Markham. Daddy." Tara. Birthday • Birthday Wedding and birthdays July 4 was r Birthday y � big day for "Jul 6 was a red '� Cassidy Kaarto celebrated her It's been an exciting few _ C h r i s t i n a y weeks for Tamm and Mallia because 1 letter day in the first birthday on lune 26. Wishing y RanuV household, her a happy Wayne Munroe. The couple I she turned five as Scotty turned 65 birthday with wed on May 25 in a ceremo- years old. and, with his wifelove were Mom, ny at St. Andrew's Commu- Wishing her a Betty, was on his'Y Dad, sister nity Centre on Exeter Road beautiful happy way to the Snoopy Courtney, her in Ajax. They also turned 30 birthday with Senior Hockey Tournament in Santa grandparents, within days of each other -- lots of love, reat- rand ar- Tammy on June 8 and Wayne on June 14. Married and hugs and kisses+ Rosa, California "Wishing him love and g g P g ents, aunts, turning 30 in the span of three weeks. And, their son were Mom and best wishes were Betty, son Rob and Wendy, son �_ uncles and Timothy will be one on Aug. 29 and another 'Baby Dad cousins. Munroe' will arrive in October. children Amy, Paul and Terry. •. 1794 Liverpool Road Birthday? Anniversary? Graduation? ..,Send to: RO Pickering 831-5431 Let us know. We'll publish your Name Dropping, iTHIS WEEK S CAKE W'IKKFRS ARE C/o Keith Gilligan, t Cr Vis, � special occasion in an easy -to -read 130 Commercial Ave., 3• J,*`N-Ad`' j Winners mry go directly to Ra.km K.�hhm. t�� rctehi. and easy -to -clip format... Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 their FREE take. IPIr;I+c prcnrde idennhtitnml .. 'PRI2F*VAun IN -tit SAT T11N' I3 ' 1r))6 . ' - PAGE 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7, t9% Pickeringman alarmed as Durhampolice char a `optional' fees for security systems g BY STEPHEN SHAW cruiser and two officers out — but why charge what bum% me up about this. It's extortion "What if there's a domestic dispute between DURHAM STArf _ the annual fee when they don't even know if money. They're blackmailing me," tie says. a husband and wife and a wife sounds the alarm Dt1RHAM - Durham merchanLs and resi- you'll have a false alarm?" says Crory Arnold, a At least 95 per cent of alarms police respond in a panic and the police respond, but end up dents with alarm systems will have to pay 33 -year-old operations supervisor for Amen- to are false, says Mr. Witty. not writing up a report or arresting anyone? police for the added protection as of September. can Express. If police only respond to alamrs in which a Does that mean they are soon going to charge a The Durham Regional Police Services "It's like racketeering. They're saying 'We'll break-in or damage has been confirmed, Mr. user fee for that because their time was wast - Board will charge alarm companies — which protect you if you pay us up-fmnt', and that's Arnold wonders "what's the next step' ed''" in turn have passed on the cost to consumers — lT . • • • . e . • • • • • �.. annual rem S50 `JPF) tion fees of S50 — and $100 for resi- `' i� _ - - dential and com-,Ts mercial security n �. systems. While the fee is "optional". - police won't - xrK respond to an alarm unless a ureal: -in or dam- • ' II = - age has been con- firmed at the premises. Alarm owners° �• will also be hit 1001c Canadian Owned y•;- y - "` _ with a S150 fine F ' .;�_ • I_ r� -'l and 30-dav sus- _,.;. �5 xwy 1. pension for a third`: _ Use alarm within a one-year period _ _ : • • : . • (or an owner can accept a one-year t' . suspension in '' • • • • • • • place of the fire). •` �r, 1. + Policesenices : board Chairman J 20 - 25 25 Witty " YEAR YEAR YEAR Jim itty iays the 1 TWIN •_�f 1 GT Y . — GTV • GTV • •- new � ac SPECIAL EDITION SPECIAL EDITION SPECIAL EDITION am recoP ye>~ plan" — - -_ DYNASTY ORTHOPEDIC ORTHOGUARD �`h i�'� an DOUBLE administration fee Z . for police Officer `' _ - - - - - , ,�, SINGLE �� SINGLE $199 9 pay duty as well ^•{.' + ,/= SINGLE MATTRESS 9 MATTRESS $25 as charges for _ ,. ' MATTRESS $ $ SET 394 SET 424 funerall escOrts _ QUEEN '" - �"'' �e implementedin •' SET $314 DOUBLE 2 , DOUBLE 299 the spring- The pringy - The new fees i j _ DOUBLE 209 SET 439 SET 469 •.' . 374 QUEEN are expected to '' • ��+'` .. SET 309 QUEEN 329 genre ��� KING SET 474 SET SrJ4 al annual revenue QUEEN 239 KING 459 KING 509 of S250.000. SET 409 SET 709 SET 759 "If somebody is using servicesDIVAN DAY BED "REE LONDON which go over and - -- PAYMENT above the regular _ r m n they • CHOICES on should pay the INTEREST - NO PST • NO GST w z SHEETS • 1'1` W cost of [hose ser- kite EruM+.l Finish � BED MA�� FOR 1 YEAR vices," says Mr. FRAME COVER OAC. Great Starter Bed Witty. who is also' ' • WrM PURCHASE OF ANY ORE FOR DETAIIS • - • chairman Of • • • - • MATCHING MATTRESS SET $ ST . .. - . Durham Region FUTON BED CAPTAIN'S ECONO B ADJUSTA-MAGIC° WINDSOR BUNK FUTON BUNK - Council. Frain• and 4 Large ELECTRIC ADJUSTABLE 80 People who Mathes Storage Drawers kwkW*, 20 fall t0 pay the :; `' ' !' '' Complete LOWEST NEW PRICE annual fees won't" be left without be � _ __,9 ed F�� A Maple Finish Guars teIp�t ry�i 11 99 there is an emer- • - • - p Extra _ JUST A 8fD ' • • OKI gency or a break- .. - . .. - . ..:. . in in progress, obviously police _ • are going to • • • respond still any- ' " ' • way," Mr. Witty • • • I says. BAYLY , TAUNTON But, the annual CLEMENTS x t . w17 registration `' �. charge has at least ' ca • • ' • . • , . one Pickering res- t+Y S x x ident sounding• • o� °� S FINANCING PERSONAL Off. x AVAILABLE CHEQUEMWL44L ,, N • � � • . Im willing to •• tom, •� pay for the false alarms — diarge •';'o�• 10.0 • • me whatever it rhe ndiOs costs to send a f THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7,1996 -PAGE 13 Tourism dollars add up to $300 million in Durham BY BRIAN LEGREE DURHAM -- Durham Region tourism -- an oxy- moron? The numbers suggest otherwise. Nearly $1 million is spent each day by tourists in Durham Region. A tourism impact study conducted by the Region in 1993 indicates the tourism industry attracts about two million visitors and injects $300 million into the econo- my annually. "It's a hidden industry, I guess," says Norm Leigh, the Region's manager of business development. "Everybody keys on the auto industry, but tourism is important to the region." Despite the huge economic benefit provided by tourism, Durham residents tend to downplay the opportunities in their own backyard. "Durham is one of the best kept secrets in Durham," says Ken Cavanagh, president of the Tourist Association of Durham Region. "Local people have to learn what they have in their orcin area, we have so many good things that people just don't know about." The region's tourist fare doesn't feature one singularly blockbuster attraction, but instead offers several solid and unique opportunities for day-trippers -- places like Cullen Gardens, Bowmanville Zoo, Parkwo od Estate and Family Kartways. As popular as those places are, attracting thousands of people to the region annually, it's our waterways which pro- duce the greatest tourism rev- enue. The sport fishing industry generates $70 million in busi- ness each year. says Mr. Leigh. A don't think people give enough credit to that indus- try," concedes Peter Lebel, Whitby's director of market- ing and economic develop- ment. While sport fishing domi- nates tourism, Mr. Lebel says people are also gravitating toward water in increasing numbers for other reasons. "People think of typical services linked to the tourism trade — attractions, restaurants and other retail trade IMME — but it extends beyond that," he says. "Eco -tourism the harbor, Waterfront Trail, Lynde Shores places which we: may take for grant- ed are becoming tourist attractions ' in their own right. People are looking Open for lunch 11:30 a.m. for new expert- Blue's lunchtime favorites ences.' Individual municipalities, along with the regional govern- ment and private" sector, try ISAIb6h �- Fishing opportunities in Durham Region reel in thousands of tourists each year. One study indicates the industry generates $70 million in business anually. tourists -- and their dollars -- to Durham by promoting this area in other parts of the province, throughout Canada and in some parts of the Unit- ed States. Oshawa. Whitby and Clarington al I offer tourist information centres, which collectively field more than 80.(X10 inquiries annually. Figures aren't available, but most officials agree day- trippers -- people who live within a few hours of the region -- make up the majori- ty of tourists. Efforts to broaden the region's appeal -- especially to American tourists -- are made through a variety of sources. About 100,0(X) copies of the Durham Region Tourist Guidetxx>k are distributed to tourism offices throughout Ontario, especially at border crossing points. says Mr. Leigh. In addition, the: region has representation at about 15 tourism shows throughout Ontario, Quebec, New York and Michigan annually. The Region is also heavily involved with private -public partnerships to promote Durham. The Region, along with several local tourist attractions, recently spent $15,000 on a full-page ad in the Great Lakes Tour Maga- zine, which is used by tour WOOOSS S;�wvvef Operators. "It creates a great impres- sion when people see a full- page ad." says Mr. Leigh. "We're trying to become a destination market, where people specifically come here to see Durham Region, not so much of an opportunity mar- ket... The total amount spent by the public sector in Durham Region to spread the word about the area is difficult to peg -- most governments lump tourism (aril accompa- nving budgets) in with eco- nomic development. But the private sector does- n't rely on partnerships with government to promote their attractions. For example. Whitby's Cullen Gardens spend.~ more than S I (X).000 annually on advertising. the majority on television and radio commercials in Toronto. Oshawa and Buffalo. " Nk-e also do extensive dis- tribution of our brochures throughout Ontario and upper U.S. states." says Carol Pudlis, marketing manager at Cullen Gardens. The advertising works, she says. Although Cullen Gardens doesn't release attendance fig - Chartered Financial Planner MEMBER OF TPA INVESTMENT PLANNING INC. "A professional you can trust with a reputation for the highest quality personal service and integrity- • Mutual Funds • Highest Rate G.I.C.'s • Life Insurance Planning • Tax & Estate Planning James Schofield Lots ot • Come experience+st "Kelsey's Hospitality" ms's 100 Westney Rd. S. Ajax. 427-4000. 3 eayq st :What time Niagara Falls gets switched on and the answer to other questions What time do they turn the falls on at Niagara? That's just one of the offbeat questions that have been asked by tourists who have contacted the Whitby Infor- mation Centre. "They're all true, we don't make them up," says Patricia Yackisom supervisor of the centre, which fields about 60,000 inquiries annually. Some of the more unusual questions asked by tourists include: • I will! be travelling across Canada. Do you have a list of the babysitters in each province? • What sound does a pelican make'. • Is there a dinner cruise through Niagara Falls? • How far is Ontario from Whitby? • Does the Canadian flag come in different colors'. • Why does everyone keep their car tights on during the day? Is there some sort of protest going on? - Do you have any brochures on the whales swimming in the river at Kingston? • Is there a bridge at the bottom of Brock Street that goes across Lake Ontario to Buffalo? - "hem are the fields of marigolds in Whitby? This is the home of the marigold, isn't it? ures. about 70 per cent of its visitors are from outside Durham Region. says Mrs. Pudlis. Cullen Gardens wants to be "aggressive" in pursuing tourists, she says. "If we're not aggressi-e. we might as well close the door. If .uu sit still, it won't come to vou. You have to work hard to gel the customer, because they have >,o man% choices these days." REPAIRS :� r r ` ' Rehnes ' CcmpieTe. nor -jai �e� yes LOWER DENTURE STABILITY NEW PERMANENT, SOFT DENTURE LINER GREE CONSULTATION %Mam Steil, DD, R. A.C.1 A i 54 Oid K ngston RC W PICKERING VILLAGE. AAX 683-4294 r After hours 428 8801 Ahma Camp with a Difference! A full day Theatre Arts Camp at Pickering Museum Village. Step back in time to a beautiful 19th century rural village spread over a serene, tranquil. grassy 27 acres site. In these idyllic surroundings where: + Creativity + Initiative + Social Skills + Team Work + Self -Confidence are taught, encouraged and A highly qualified staff will teach: + Acting + Scene Study _ + Script work + Voice + Movement + Improv and much, much more. This will be an exciting and memorable camp for each participant. Students will also have an opportunity to audition for an original script to be performed in August. Limited space still available July 15,28, Aug. 12. eA,rr,A*rs O'Leary's School of Drama 1122,1550 Ba* Street Pickering, Ontario L1W 3W1 �N pF (905) 420-8129 ,e:,,Jt *tkt vA(egular_drama classes. PAGE 14 -THE NEVI'S ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7,19% � BEST CHOICE (Q GENERAL ELECTRICENERAL 18 Me no RM FREE REFRIGERATOR GE V EASY CLEAN RANGE --- - • Adjustible cabinet V - shelves _ • Meat pan _ z� �' I • Vegetabletfruit pan W __ - - • Dairy compartments J• On Castors W - '` • Win Rack --- J = • 2 freezer door Q _ ' shelves - • 2 ice trays W AV Z • OVEN LIGHT • ELECTRONIC DELAY COOK CLOCK BLACK GLASS DOOR W F FAIR ALSO AVAILABLE SEPARATELY INCLUDES 5 YEARS PARTS & LABOUR ON COOLING SYSTEM / 10 YEARS ON COMPRESSOR PARTS DECOR -REST SOFA CHAIR C1 PALLISER, :4 as • OVAL TABLE PLUS. PAODEO CMM FOR EASY SrrrnG ALL SPIECES r • SOFA & CHAIR SLUR WIRIC A II� You Won't Find A Befter Price. GVARANIEE It! - GENERAL ELECTRIC r— � i j WAMM • 2 AUTOMATIC CYCLES - NORMAL & i PERMANENT PRESS CAPACITY • FAMILY SIZE . 3 PRESET j 11 HEAVY DUTY TEMPERATURES • • 5 PROGRAMS . I • 2 WATER LEVELS Panasonic, HQ VHS VCR 0 1 WITH MANY FEATURES 229 *LOVESEAT �* CANADIAN MADE ALL 3 PIECES SOFA CHAIR & UNBELIEVABLE LOVESEAT VALUE! ®• �` O a r. - r A • -t• -: u witliin 30 days I • ya. data of pare you the i n er _ iln all respect and the same termm and cord6ons for f54011111111ASSTE money at any ome retail outlet. Bast Bee 01M CM OF Choice pawlaes t or TIII�(SOM IIQ ATDIN�S,wr beat price a tree. Cpl ►q QST p • DOES NOT APPLY TO PREVIOUS PUFM WJST as SOLD 'MINIM RIRXSE OF NOD • SEE STORE FOR DETAILS =- AS3K. .ANEWOFEEM • TAXES MUST BEPNOATTIME OFPUR WE -SOMeMMNDTMYAS "m 'DDESNOTAPPLYTOADVERTISED ITEMS - M MBLUB -CASH • OR M TAMM W 9.0 0 E„ � nXL • Find inner peace at Ajax lectures AJAX -- Inner peace lecturer Mrie Hanson is coming to Ajax Tuesday, Julv 9 for two public presentations at the Annandale Golf and Curling Club at the corner of Church and Bayly Streets. Born and educated in Canada, Ms. Manson has lectured for the past 20 years throughout North America, the I -nited Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, tie« lcaland and the Caribbean on topics related to inner peace and self-under- ,tandin-. She is associated with t the Inner Peace .r 4lovement founded in 4 ; 1963 by Dr. Francisco Coll. Her presen- tations usually include discus- Doris sion of matters Hanson such as stress and anxiety-, life purpose and general direction: extrasensory perception (ESP): the human aura: instant relaxation: follow- ing intuition, hunches and premoni- tions: and fulfilling untold potential. Ms. Hanson will hold two sessions at the Annandale club, at 1 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Each will begin with a half- hour free lecture, followed by a one - and -a -half hour lecture at a charge of 55.35. For more information, call 416- 595-0188. Arthritis society seeks volunteers to fight Canada's top chronic disease PICKERING' -- The Arthritis Society needs door-to-door can- vassers and team captains for its September fund-raising campaign here. Volunteers are asked to spare as little as two to three hours of their time to help canvass SIPtheir neighbor- hoods. Arthritis is Canada's number - one chronic disease and strikes people of all ages, including chil- dren. There are over 100 forms of the disease, including lupus. In Ontario, 67 per cent of all funds raised for the society goes to research, which is making great strides in the treatment of arthritis. If you can help out, call Lucy or Nancy at 434-7221. THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7,1996 -PAGE 15 The Great Bear Sale Bear bottom prices and beary, beary special events throughout the mall. The Teddy Bear Hospital Thursday to Saturday — Lower Level The Teddy Bear Auction Friday, 7 p.m. — Centre Court The Teddy Bear's Picnic Saturday, 9:30 a.m. -10.30 a.m. — City Diner Food (:ourt THE GREAT BEAR SALE Tuesday to Sunday M7I OVER 200 STORES AND SERVILtS �LUDIING THE BAY, EATON'S, SEARS & ZELLERS. OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10 AM TO 9 PIA, SATURDAY 9:30 AM TO 6 PIN AND SUNDAY 12 NOON TO S PM. STEVENSON ROAD & KING STREET WEST (905) 728-6231 r I- PACE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER StINDAY, WIN 7,19% To list your non-profit group's upcoming events, information must be submitted by 5 p.m. the Wednesday preceding Sunday publication. To have your events promoted in Billboard, fax 683- 7363 or write to the Ajar -Picker- ing News Advertiser, 130 Com- mercial Ave- Ajar, Ontario, LIS 2H5. MONDAY, JULY 8 CANCER: 111c living With Cancer sub port group for adult cancer patients and their families meets at 7 pm. in Room 6013 of Ajax and Pickering General Hospital. Enter through the Centennial Rd- lobby. A support group for youths seven to 17 dealing with cancer personally. or who have a family member or friend with cancer, meet: at the Holy Trini- ty Ant_lic:an Church, 91 Kings Cres.. Ajar. 686-1516. «T;D'N SDAY, JULY 10 NN -BITERS: The Writers Circle of Durham Region holds a workshop for beginning adult writers. Novice Writer 101: Pollywogs. from 7 to 9 pm. at the Toron- Trent the second of three to School of Busi- pre -pregnancy work- ness, 1454 Limited Edition Kingston Rd., Limited Supply Picd:Lri ng. S10 for for a healthy pregnan- circle members. cy. changes in preg- naI1Cy and )pU()nC for S15 for non- members. 686- latex and birth. 723- 2085• 7373• Registration deadlines: GRA`tiDPAR- Serenity Group holds 't E,N-rs: The 12 -step mctn•ery tnc:et- • August 13 roc art -time _ K n -- GR.A N.D. Soci- For information or a br(x hure call: Baptist Church, 817 ety (Grandparents Kingston Rd., Picker- ule invite you to visit our %Nvb site Requesting http>'wwv%.trentu.e.t/admin/jbc Access and Dig- nity) holds a pot- _ luck supper at 6 pm. followed by a meeting at 7 . , Shp. 2Ltuts/ pm. at Settlement , Jual front air Houk. 387 Sim- • Front tog lights �t►e St. s.. Oshawa. The society promotes L aCCLISS to grand- children, emo- IF tional support education and prevention. It's free. but thou: a3lending are asked to bring a 111r— 1E can of food in support of the food bank. 666- 1831,985-0066. ,171URSDAY, JULY 11 ADOPTEES: Parerit Finders, a volunteer group helping reunite adoptees with birth relatives, meets at 7:30 p.m. at St Luke's Pres- byterian Church, 333 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa. Take two copies of your information. 986-0645 (Rik or Linda), 404-9151 (Sandy). COMPUTERS: The Durbaul PC Users' Club meets the second Thurs- day of every month from 7 to 10 p.m. at the CAW Lcx:al 222 hall at 1425 Phillip Mur- ray Ave., Oshawa. Free. All wel- come. Today's meeting includes a presentation by Marg Rempel of Bexworld -- CD ROM Software. 1- 905-623-1313 (Allan Hewitt) or 1- 905-623-2787 0.inda Netten). : T, with addictions of all types, includ- ing co-dependency. All welcome. 428-9431 (Jim, evenings). ENVIRONMENTAL ARTS: 711e En ironmen4il Youth Cotes presents a Waves on the Waterfront environ- mental arts and crafts pro( from 10 am. to 2:30 p.m. at Beachfwnt Park at the foot of Liver- FRIDAY—JULY 12 LAMAZE: The Lamaze Association of Durtkam Region holds Trent the second of three pre -pregnancy work- University shops. Topics include baby development. tips at Durham College for a healthy pregnan- Fall -Winter Session cy. changes in preg- naI1Cy and )pU()nC for M„re than 1 , e uursc•� air unered �%eekdav afternoon, anti evenings latex and birth. 723- or Saturdav morning. 7373• Registration deadlines: ADDICTION: The Serenity Group holds 't •lulu 15 roc tut/ ttnu 12 -step mctn•ery tnc:et- • August 13 roc art -time _ K n -- in€ at 8 p.m. at Bayfair For information or a br(x hure call: Baptist Church, 817 4905) 723-9747 r,r (905) 721-3003 Kingston Rd., Picker- ule invite you to visit our %Nvb site ing. 'Ibc group meet% http>'wwv%.trentu.e.t/admin/jbc even week :incl de -at, WHAT A DEAL! .& L rated Edition -Limited Supply S17v995 PLUS FRT & PD, Sport Features • Trek mountain bike Value/ t'. • Roof rack i mucin more Gll us for details 996 VW JETTA TREK nlected a cyl • 6e uxe wheel covers Along with 2 year free maintenance bag • Arte -theft alarm system and Bumper to Bumper warranty • Power central locking $309' 2 year lease or 3 9°0 fn. oiler • And much more Call for full details OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC. wkmy mv�_ ow„sco 0 Ar -1 CARE" anc CAA aware w.rne• 1425 Dundas St. E., a Sales. serviceeasng. nosy Shop. al! ^lakes Whitby ao Rentals in Canada USA & Eirope ove,seas de+cvery 686-6410 1-800-263-2676 pool Rd. in Pickering. Please bring cereal boxes ami milk cartons for crafts. All welcome. 427-3300, ext. 222. SATURDAY, JULY 13 WRITERS: The Writers' Circle of Durham Rcgion holds the regular Y.7 to July 13 monthly meeting of the Durham Writers and Editors Breakfast Club from 9 to 1 l am. at Jackson's Touch of Clad Catering, 104 Consumers Dr., Whitby. Success trainer Dave Clark will be the guest speaker. $8 for members. $10 non-members. ResoNabons needed. 686-2085. IT'S MARTIAL ARTS SEASON FOR EVERYONE! NOT JUST A "SELECT FEW"'. A1'hile baseball develops team spirit. martial ars work on individual skills that your child needs to succeed. Martial arts training will, of course, help performance in other sports. Balance. Flexibilit-,. strength. stamina, and co-ordination go a long %4 ay in most sports.:1t I lariial :Arts Canada voce child will develop them all. plus aR lot of things you will Imd Cye71 more important. Attributes such as increased concentration. self-discipline, self-confidence. and intuit%. umnu Mme cAuu 4 - q9SPECIAL PROGRAM INCLUDES tlhlr0W, i DA FAMILY CENTRMM Families Growing Stronger Together CALL NOW! wf_,Wl�y 839-5000 FALL 1996 4 DAY REGISTRATION SHOW Wed., Aug. 7 thru Sat., Aug. 10, 1996 (Set up before 10 a.m.) (Break down after 6 p.m.) The Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser is pleased to announce their first annual Fall Registration Show at the; • This show includes an advertisement in a special section distributed to 42,500 homes & businesses in the Ajax & Pickering News Advertiser on August 7, 1996. The 10 x 10 booth provided includes a table, 2 chairs, a table cloth & skirt. Each exhibitor will have the opportunity to have a 20 minute demonstration on stage at Centre court, included in the advertised schedule of events. Professional sound system to be provided on stage. ■ J a=161 m liil Ballots in the paper must be brought to the show to win a family trip to Wonderland. Pickering Town Centre will promote the show in their advertising prior to the show. The News Advertiser will promote the show in the paper commencing June 23, 1996 and running weekly until the show. Any business who purchasgs a full page ad & booth will receive sponsorship recognition in all News Advertiser promotions commencing June 23, 1996 running until the show. Booth + Full Page Ad (1011/4"04") 14") $1 ,68000 Booth + 1/2 Page Ad (101.4" x 7") or =$I 910000 00 (71/8" x 14") Booth + 1/4 Page Ad (51/8" x 7") $70000 All other ad size & ads only $1.0011ine Call Chris 683=5110 ecli*ne n sales oesn I t 4 orry M DURHAM -- General Motors of ;anada officials are optimistic tspite a decline in car and truck kles in June. L Dealers delivered 39,126 new Chicles last month, compared to 1.450 in June of 1995, a decrease of .8 per cent. Car sales dipped 8.5 per cent to 3.718, compared to 25,922 in June f last year, while truck sales were Dwn 1.3 per cent at 15,408, com- t+rcd with 15.618 last June. Sales for 1996 model year vehi- les are down 3.4 per cent, to 84.434 from 294, 390. "We are going into the second half f 1996 in a mood of optimism." Iys Tom Mason, GM of Canada's ice -president of marketing. "The governor of the Bank of Itnada says that Canada is display - g a stronger economic foundation an it has for 20 years, gross domes- : product is up a bit and the weath- ' is improving, encouraging people � get out and shop for big-ticket pins. Those are all promising Sales of Oshawa -built vehicles re strong last month, says Mr. Sales of the Chevrolet Lumina re up 61.4 per cent last month npared to June of last year, while ick Regal sales were up 55.5 per acation ay Camp Ajax ffers lots of ummer fun AJAX -- The Christian Life Cen- is running a fun -filled Vacation y Camp for children aged four to from Aug. 13 to 17. Games, crafts, drama presenta- ns and visits from various rescue vices are included in the camp The summer camp will run from W a.m. to noon Tuesday through turday at the centre, at the corner Ravenscroft and Rossland Roads Ajax. It will wind up on Aug. 18 with a rnival day for the family from :30 a.m. to 4 p.m. You must register for the free Tip before Aug. 2 by calling 686- 11. THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7,1996 -PAGE 17 'i GOING ...GOING. .. GONE THE TEDDY BEAR AUCTION Friday — 7 p.m. Join us for The Teddv Bear Auction. Come in and bid on your Favourites. Advanced bids accepted at participating stores. Be there, Fridav evening, when the gavel comes down. All proceeds to The Canadian Arthritis Societv. soaT� THE GREAT BEAR SALE - TUESDAY To SUNDAY OVER 200 STORES AND SEI OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 10 AM TO 9 STEVENSON F 19CLUDING THE BAY, EATON'S, SEARS & ZELLERS. SATURDAY 9:30 AM TO 6 PM AND SUNDAY 12 NOON TO S PM. & KING STREET WEST (905) 728-6231 -..i..J rJ,♦ra.1.b.I 0i.6.64r4•........7 a r - �r :blca•6y.iY16'Ja9""""7rg.. -, ... ,. . e-.'�I�a .. , rs e. � • .-e�.-e• . ..�.-..... . _ PAGE 18 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1996 RNNIV(RSRRV "THE TERMINAL Nwr b+ MO"Rs OEw NOYRi g NOYR: NOY�lS � MOYR� IY NOY�li NWT MOYRi NWYz NOY�tti 8 M:O VAr i vn+EeusN w Q SATwT M� 6� M 001111111- !� ; SAT !^ l�AT IO�E TA B SAT 8 NWT .OtMOW - •mow - - a - ■ - a Nw - ./iKEYQRF g✓J �� - 7'� NST VOLSON ST w= GERRMn ST IIWY X01 X01 1 A, �T��� CARUW AYE @� - p/� GERMAN) E WNE&.SH RD - DIXIE VA UE MN, iMI/AI D - D E W � a� - wpm rAa T�I� I.I�15 DIS d ,� - � 2V D�Ms A W LAKSOOWK AVET T� 222CHERRY ST �aI/I o� M ,m - OPM NMTM j= j� HWY 1 _ T DTZ w11 oI �` - � SIYCOEu RITSON Thi ISM '� � al '"'r p, T blap. iA v �T�AT T� _ �m BROOK RD11,11 T � � ,D TN w v ATT�T Spin 4 LEVER BROTHERS• • • SALE RF LARGE 12 L CAS BOX • SNU_ _ VIM CREAMLUX NLIGHT WISH CONCENTRATED 90FILL 3 L JU�O mL BAR DISH G G1F,AN�i �1 BOX EA. ALL N 1010X90 RS 2*479V;ff 01Fj gID 1,35LJUG CJ THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. IITI V 7 1QQ&Par:s 19 ALL VARIETIES o smYY_ „-- _: in � WWG SPIUN E OF 24 1511 mL F]TI-S 1711 B3AGA • SUPIER.IOR • THOMPSON SE DIYSS 11 S -N GRME FILL YOUR OWN RAG 1.52 kg Em LEMONS �. ,I k ANTCAWES L_AR ,E SIZE '60s 39 EA MEDIUM SIZE -16s HUNT'S SAUCES • H ,'K&�,i�wcfa •�i�IIJ. 725 I. TIN • 1lJllit M PASM 369 mI. TIN 9ALANW1lf �t.H 398 mL TIN MIX OR MAIY'H 1I;AAkEE1 SALTED STI.'Y BUM 2 y69 �. , ' 1L- A 699 SILAN MO CIIEMS� 340 9 CHUB M THE TROPICS LLO WRAPPED COQ == _ARGE S,ZE 3%bvl LC�AS TT )OL WHIP FROZEN FIPESIDE , ING 1999 M M3r)r IPKrMWS WI LTUB3K g aKG • MEDIUM SIZE FII.I. YOUR OWN BAG 152 kg [.1ORRIS0N LA1.IONTE �A\, ARIN / DIRECT FROM ONTARIO FARV.1S PRODUCT OF U S A -CANADA aI GRADE Doi D! 1 ' Mf 1 : 1 1 •. 1 1 I .1 1 1 1.1 CAIS+ FRCZF �,���PTEC` � PFR DUCT OF CHILE PRODUCT OF U S A OR Ot,TARn� GRADE I I�;ti r l 1 . -7i Di 1i -1 1 ;�w_i FRil P.1 THE - PIC s C 1 -' C. •;ADE L X Z j D4 41 01,all• 1 PRODUCT C)F _-,()L-ITH AFRICA vRhDUCT )F (I a • ONTARIO • CA'IADA = • C;RADE - . , • 1 • C t r t M ' r • - ' � � \� \7� I+11 � � � � 1.11 !! • I, �j(• ,�Jf�^. Irls Ilk '•i u�,t cri)d). % vallic wheel twit xItf)p al K11ob Hill 1- elr•Ills " 1 ��.-r.,-F r.a'a =aNG' `.ADELIMES �i, • "ESA1v� -APAI . � � LACk� rG =s [.1ORRIS0N LA1.IONTE �A\, ARIN / DIRECT FROM ONTARIO FARV.1S PRODUCT OF U S A -CANADA aI GRADE Doi D! 1 ' Mf 1 : 1 1 •. 1 1 I .1 1 1 1.1 CAIS+ FRCZF �,���PTEC` � PFR DUCT OF CHILE PRODUCT OF U S A OR Ot,TARn� GRADE I I�;ti r l 1 . -7i Di 1i -1 1 ;�w_i FRil P.1 THE - PIC s C 1 -' C. •;ADE L X Z j D4 41 01,all• 1 PRODUCT C)F _-,()L-ITH AFRICA vRhDUCT )F (I a • ONTARIO • CA'IADA = • C;RADE - . , • 1 • C t r t M ' r • - ' � � \� \7� I+11 � � � � 1.11 !! • I, �j(• ,�Jf�^. Irls Ilk '•i u�,t cri)d). % vallic wheel twit xItf)p al K11ob Hill 1- elr•Ills " 1 PAGE: 20 -THE NENN'S ADVERTISER SUNDAY. WIN 7,19% Boxing card! Canada's Olympic boxing team comes to Ajax Tuesday! Call 683-3210 or 683-5605 for information. SP. ORTS Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. _... _ ._ M ' _ r - News Advertiser Sports now on the Internet ' www.durhamnews.net Red Sox midgets giants in Indiana 104ru"mys ❑ Local midgets capture four of rive matches in Wooden Bat Classic PICKERING — The Pickering Red Sox midget rep baseball team celebrated the Canada Dav weekend in style in the United States. The Red Sox captured the Wooden Bat Classic Tournament in Kokomo, Indiana by taking four of five games to win the trophy• which is now on display at the Pickering Recreation Complex. The tourney was played at the Russiaville Stadium from June 24 to 30. Package Policies -'200' Deductible DURHAM AREA WITH PROTECTION DISCOUNTS DISCOUNTS FOR AGE 50 • New Home - Alarms - No Claims JONES-DOOLEY INSILILSONCE BROKER Over 23 Years Solid, two -hit pitching by Ryan Mellor paced the Red Sox to a 9-1 win over Leaside in the first game. Among the offensive highlights: Justin Clayton smacking a 35040ot double to right field, J.P. Vittorio reaching base three times and scor- ing twice, and Rvan Johnston hitting a triple and single before leaving with an injury. Facing Crystal Lake. Illinois next. Pickering won 7-6. Matt Mitchell and Lee Delfino turned in the defensive gem with a double play in the fourth inning to get the team out of a jam. Al Stephens belted a 350 -foot home run in the seventh and Jon Horning knocked in the winning run. Mt. Greenwood then doubled the Red IF • TIME - QUALITY • GENTLE DENTAL CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU WE ARE AVAILABLE TO SERVE YOt' WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS VGE ff PEOPLE OF ALL AGES Sox 4-2, despite seven solid innings of pitching by Matt Horning. Blake Harper chipped in with two singles and one run batted in. Delfino used his fastball to calm the bats of the Wilmington. Illinois Blue Storm as Pickering cruised to a 14-6 win. Matt Horning came in to pitch relief. Jason Grexton was the offensive star with three hits and four RBI. In the finals against The Bullpen from Russiaville. Indiana, the Red Sox scored early and often on their way to an 11-1 win. Mellor picked up the pitching win, while Drew Roberts provided leadership as catcher. Justin Recon used his speed to score three times and Jon Horning crossed the plate twice. 24 HOL-R EMERGENCY SERVICE 3 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax, Ontario (South of Hay. *2) DR. JOSEPH A. MISKIN, DENTIST t rW o r C W* 8 � a 3rh1�i Cedarcroft Places. The Premie You step into the foyer of this attractive building, and for a moment. you are convinced that you are in the lobby ofa. luxury hotel. This. however, is Cedarcroft Place, `where gracious retirement living is offered in customized comfort and individualized surroundings, and where quality is a way of life. Located in Oshawa at 649 King St. E., Cedarcroft Place is an ideal retirement home, close to all amenities. Situated on one of the city's main thoroughfares, this impressive five -storey residence is within close proximity to all amenities - across the street. a shopping plaza, medical facilities next door, transportation, banking and churches are also nearby. On the other hand, you can enjoy Cedarcroft's scenic setting, or take a daily stroll through a nearby public park. Designed for comfort and nim Yew ooEh" Is otr ooaowtt Tr convenience, there is a choice of single or double standard occupancy in guest rooms, which boast private en suites. The centre's motto is 'Your comfort is our concern'. This care is reflected in the gracious, warm atmosphere, starting in the pleasant dining room, continuing through to the inviting lounge and cosy recreation room. The soft warm color schemes are achieved through the use of decorator coordinated drapes and broadloom. However, a more personalized environment can be developed by adding one's own furnishings. Cedarcroft's commitment to comfort and safety is reflected in the fully air conditioned rooms, each featuring individual climate control. The built-in emergency call system ri for round-the-clock protection Is further enhanced by the supervisor's 24-hour schedule. The establishment emphasizes activity and companionship. These are achieved through planned exercise programs, arts and crafts, games, and social events. Cedarcroft pays close attention to every need of the resident. Even personal laundry service is built in. Appetizing meals are prepared in the centre's efficient kitchen. Refreshments are also offered between meals. For personal grooming and healthcare, there is an in-house barber, hairdresser, and podiatrist. The doctor visits the residence once or twice a week to provide private consultations; however, round-the-clock visits are available. Although most residents maintain their independence, special supplementary nursing is available. Rates for Cedarcroft are reasonable, and depend on the level of care required. As in all its centres, the dedicated Oshawa staff offers customized service in an affordable, yet luxurious setting, with individual comfort being a primary concern. ONLY A $4.95 SESSION FEE S17, -- - ` 40 / " g-. . yAll r FQYOKIte Sires: w Yew Ow len A/rertiW Giuriw x 1-IOx13.34x10sp5-5x7s 644x5s - 25 We&! - 04 I sapivi a _ A whale Now Way To Got Portraits-Y_w WEY C1100S! backgrounds and props See & Approve each pose insfon* A* -A your optional collection No awry. For Addtkwxd Subjects. 'only .. $4='5 ;ess�of. -ee m 0,1'e'. sec spec c xv:e-e --e- _,e aken No limit on tf%e numbe, of odverbsea calections per family, bo only one odverhwd coon per _bled please You approve bmkgrounds and oWove each pose as d n taken Additional poses taken irx ophonal ponra.t collitoon -* nc ob6gohor +c purchase Portion s,m opprox male Now Open Every Day! WAL-MARi Portrait Studio Call Toll Free (868) 232-6434 For The Studio Nearest You. AJAX (Harwood Ave., South) Mon. -Fri. 10 a.m.-7 p.m. • Sat. 9 a.m.-8 p.m - Sun. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. COLOUR QUALITY GUARANTEE t-L�' n Retirement Living... 649 King St. E. Oshawa For A Personal . , Guided Tour Or _ Further Information Call 723-9490 MARJORIE BEATTIE (administrator) P (905) TORONTO LINE 798-7672 THE (YEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY'), 1996 -PAGE 21 QO CLASSIFIED ADDRESS:INTERNET E-mail us a bgc567 • durhamnews. net Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday =' . 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday or fax your ad 07O7 (905) 579-2238 Etl',,n TH NOTICES V� your baby's arrival — / a gift certificate $ AST u to S25 worth 4� aby products Start NOW in Pickering (Next start July 22) Modules included in this Program: Anatomy and Histology Microbiology and Sterilization Pharmacology and Nutrition Radiology (The Radiology Curriculum of this Diploma Program is HARP Approved. In accordance with the Healing Arts Radiation Protection Act, 1980.) Principles of Dental Assisting Dental Materials Operative Dentistry Preventive Dentistry Medical Emergencies Dental Office Procedures Clinical Work Weeks Pre -Employment Readiness and Job Search Toronto School of Business 1450 Kingston Road PICKERING 420-1344 A MATURE PERSON required by Chartered Ac- countants office. located in Durham Region, must be experienced in file prepa- ration and personal tax re- turns. Knowledge of ac- counting related computer programs is essential. Please send resume and salary requirernents to File 0 9653, Oshawa This weak P.O. Box 181, Osha- wa Ontario, L1H 71-5. ' , Careers ' 1 �areersWIT_�G�ee__reral Help Get Started! • LAN Systems Technology-P-:grarnr^ A„a . -Computerized Accounting -Network Specialiste -Computer Maintenance •Ctflce Administration Technology -Word Processing Financial assistance available to those who quality Scarborough Oshawa (416) 291-6662 1-800-993-9993 325 Milner Avenue 560 King Street West �.:CDI COLLEGE R.acA loll 1/onr rvtvr• OF BUSr;JESS & 'ECH.Aio:QG1, General fileneral General ' Help Effor Help i Help Mart lmmealately $400 per week $20,000 annually plus bonuses - Payday every Saturday - No experience necessary - No layoffs or strikes - Must be able to lift 35 lbs. Ajax Distribution company of consumer products needs 6 people to work in distribution department. Individuals must possess a positive attitude to work in entry level positions up to management. Call 427-6926 Monday only COMPUTER USERS WANTED. Guaranteed steady wont. (Word pro- cessingdale entry, etc. ) Great incorne!!I Call 1.800- 337-8020 ANTHONY'S HAIR stu- dio requires esthetician. nail lac nician 8 hall stylist. For busy Whtby salon. Re- sume required. Apply in person 1200 Rossland Rd. E. (At Anderson) AVAILABLE immediately part-time tours, fug -tine pay up to S560iiweek work- ing 5:30-10:30 Monday - Thursday. 1/2 day Satur- day. Must be over 18. ener- getic. Car required. Call Now (905)401-0103. BICYCLE SHOP re- quires Managers, Sales Staff and Mecharxcs. Apply with resume 19 Simcoe St. S. at Kung. DENTAL RECEPTIONIST 1 ASSISTANT Required for busy Pickering office. Must have computer experience. PIs. leave message for Phyllis at. (416) 665-9288 BROKER DELIVERY DRIVERS Must have own vehicle. 11 cyl small car 1 Cash paid daily. Immediate positions available Commitment a must Call 23 Orn Only 905-686.3232 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser requests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Advertiser will not be responsible for more than one mtonect insertion and there seal be no kab bly for non -insertion of any adver- lisement. UabiMy for er- rors m ads is limited to lire wow paid fa the space occupying the error. Al copy is staged lo the ap- proval of manapment of News Advertiser. DICKIE DEE, Cash paid daily. Ice cream vending routes available in Ajax & Pickering. Students to seniors. 428-7380 EARN $627/WEEK '•om home' L grt assembly aer- cal. Call 24 nrs 'tot line 416t635-270' code 6. ALSO ear^ S100rbook o, Y. some' ,/+6 1635-2791 EARN UP TO $570. A WEEK we need people to make tewery (necklace. bracelet. eamng) Job available, toast to coast from your home No experience needed. Send a sell-ad- oressed stamped envelope to: Kevenchris Corp., 991 Matheson Blvd E. Unit #5., ref. #502, mississ-up Ont L4W 2V3 assernm our proaucts. Easy work. No experience necessary. For FREE details send S.A.S.E.to Fru Star Enowpritas 184 Li erpod Rd.. Stgiff 21 PickarkS OnL, LlV SM Requires Cleaners, days and evenings drivers license an asset. 683-4134 'g7uired toll N­rrby salon. training 3Deno clientele r, :an 666-3805 HOST A FRENCH STUDENT This August'or 2 weeks ooide they study English In Pick- ering Students attend school every day Fa - mikes rem u*rated S901week 'or infw- mation call GaMenne at ;905442 007 OCAL ADVERTISING -o . ar wer,aa .:'v leads peop,e 'mine_ :a•ery n areas of sales -d•ver ng, C-usto-el serv- :ampa'gn co-oro,na. r rail Brandt 728C1'5 •dents over 18 welcome MASSEY'S-equ'res r - :,Cie •7 wOrk 3115. 'es 1,grns wM, —as etc . m several yea -S e.pen- -nCe P•ot aency m Engl,sr -'ices. ary apply 'n parson. r.,!strrne "en'W 774 Liv �'Pooi Rd S P,cxe^ ,; OWNER/MANAGER -un s et&, doming store ,rated ir Bowmanvme. '7rnanc Must nave at least re years exDw-erce ease tax es,✓.,* to 4'6,947.902C PROGRAMMER. ANALYST alio enhance human resource management sys- tems to the unque needs of our Fortune 500 cirerts Candidates must have at 'east t year of oernonstrated Powerbudder experlenCe. constderatron wig be giver 'of 2 years of Visual Brie exce- 'ence This povion reau,res excellent communcauon and Siong motivational skills and s availave toll tug -time or song term contract em- ployment Please torwaro your resume to Lisa Pte- balgs Organization Met ncsPO Box 550 Bro'*'.n ON LOB ICO SALES Closers wanted Must be positive 8 entru- s,astic Direct n -home sales expenence preferred but not essential Excellent COlnmrss,On structure All leads & training provided Reeable car a must. For in- terview tax resume to 905- rwaAnr rcwr No expenenced. All ages. Modeling. T V commercial. Film. No classes! No photo shoots! Real Agents! Real Work! Interviews this weep. (116) 362-9966 I DRIVERS IFULL 6 PARTI TRAVEL AGENCY requires Independent OUTSIDE SALES REPRESENTA- TIVES. Receive high commissions. 9OS4834M •.e.* a.t.r :• JSa*. f -•.a. a. e.e. 1.1 . `Vt.:.* 0 0 a 0 4 0 a r , , '.! 1 8 0 raa • r r ..r;Y''S.4 1-8 a4.1.a a .--,.x.a.a .411.a 8 a".a 1 . _. e.t.a 1.a . .r -.a.... - . .. A.A.6-a...a .. ell r e- --.-...- --I- ... -- -...-ti...._...... • PAGE 22 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7,19% Sales Help/ Sobs Help/ SalsaHelp/ 1 Agent 1 Agent 1 Agent Salsa Help/ 1 Agent Sales Helpl Agent Skilled Help Skilled Help Daycare • Available • Avvailable Wanted: Self Starting, Experienced, Creative Newspaper Sales Rep. Who Likes A Little Excitement In Their Life ...for the Durham's growing entertainment authority, Backbeat. Backbeat is published by Metroland newspapers who also publish the News Advertiser and Oshawa/Whitby This Week. It provides Durham with it's own entertainment voice . This unique opportunity provides more than a foot in the door of one of the most respected publishing firms. It offers competetive commissions, base salary. and potential limited only by the desires and ambitions of the successful candidate Send Resume to: BACKSEAT Adverdsing Supervisor 130 Commercial Ave, Ajax, Ont. L IS 2H5 or fax: (905) 619-9068 CAREER OPPORTUNrlY Required Immediately EXPERIENCED ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE Minimum 2 years experience. Telephone Directory Sales and layout experience an asset. If you are outgoing, highly motivated, and have a positive attitude and are dedicated to overall customer satisfaction, we would like you to join our winning team. Existing and new accounts, training, commissions and base pay. Mail or fax resume to Ajax / Pickering News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax Ontario, L1 S 21-15 Fax. #1619-9068 Skilled Daycare Help a Available PROFESSIONAL PAINTER DAYCARE �" our home FMIGeneralIM, Office Sales Help/ mnrmum 5 yrs exp Also Whites Rd Snake and pet Help Help i Agent PREP PERSON. for busy 3 free Clean. safe. toys. eXP busy crafts and educational WANTED Pil with PART TIME ocoxkeeoe• TWO SAIF REPRESENTA body shop Call Guy for api games Call 420-1602 clear d, ­,g record and positron approx 20 hrs TIVES Ground floor opporl 666-9479 Dino and Sons. Some welding experience, week) available imine- rvties exist with an •stab- 3625 Brock St N. Whitby SOUTH AJAX, excellent to W physical labour Call diateiy m smart local Con. kSh&d . new n the dayWre 17 years expen- 725-5813 stnution ohne Computer Durham marketplace We have a proven product with Day Care once Fishable. of ordsbw and manual bookkeeping nlematonal acceptance It U • ' Wanted HapPY environment Huge Office skins requinld Accpec Phis you were to describe yourself daygra+W A kis more 6 ' Help knowledge, a must Send as bright, quick. fresh and months and up. Win pro. resume to Med-Til Devel- career-onented with Me LIVE-IN NANNY HOUSE- vide receipt References opments RRe5. Oshawa desire to sam n excess of KEEPER for Counice homy. Upon request 686.8719. F you are marned. single Ohm L 1 H 8L 7 550.000 per year. then can 2 toys. 3 b 1 1/2, start Aug single parent separated W Jen Peters at 1-800 268- 12 a34 2672 drvorceo you many quail $iilS '&X ext 608-530C Fax f Firewood for Financial Assistance •sums to 905-420-1ka21 DIP'CERT programs avail- On HNP i AgLMlts a Daycare able Quark musnator. Skilled Available Photo Shop. Director. Help FIREW00D - Apps. Oak. Premier, Access. Accpac. SALES F M reps la horn@ DAYCARE avaxabw n ron- ,+tape. Beech Low P— Autocad food Cpm Autocad. C.. Vnual Bass. 9 pang smoking enr,ronment, new- Free Delivery Serving Unix. Novell Engineer Prefer expenar+t! but will AUTO BODY PERSON, g train Car required Call bpm tc 4yrs old Ned yard Oshawa g. Alii- Whitby and WSntlCws h T. Small Talk i�wn 905-438-1540 Pref boDetai' Person re - t�yy�ps. f�� y� pyfawa DURHAM FIRE- =-P IRE- Power Pant. Word. ExoM gmxred busy body shop. wrplaygrouno references WOOD 427-4741 Durham Busm/ss Comput- E,�ervnce and tools nec- available. Coss to 401 M College 42' 3010 teary Call Maaco. Pie call 686-0969 (905)579-4000 Gerdau Courtice Steel Inc. has an immediate opening for a licensed: MACHIMST The successful candidate will have a minimum of 5 years of practical experience on CNC lathes, preferably in a heavy machining environment. Preference will be given to applicants having Tracer lathe experience. Along with a competitive benefits package, the position earns an hourly rate of $23.23. Please submit your resume to: Gerdau Courtice Steel Inc. 160 Orion Place Cambridge, Ontario N1R 7G8 Att'n: Recruitment Co-ordinator POSITIONS AVAILABLE Licensed Machinists (3) for Scarborough Company. Fax your resume to Ingrid MacDougall (905)837-0627 1111111 lint:-rom. P E R S O N N E L illill 1 R E C T O R Y . r. .. . . . . .. Ana peopleThey're'� Fax News Advertiser ?0? 683-7363 1 1 it 1po "Mftla : 11 : 11 : 1 re.Me UM Gardetng a mLwwwapirig cardeniftga House Plulrlbing gM painting i D��g Latldecoping • Cleaning 'WSTER CHEAP Home DUCTWO1 metalled, enprwenynts. res roorns.n moved, relocated F_xa - t law apartments. additions. rases Free echnatss Ekic- fences. decks. etc Li- trostatic it cleaners, hu- cens•d for over 20 yam. nuditNrs. Big. Small fobs all work guaranteed. for Cal Paul 4260M Free estimate can Erns EUROPEAN We rrpeaal- 906 404-8170 at. will renovates your bath- . o kitchen wises. as WDCETr )•ONCE well as floor tiles. Good rel- MMO emnces and aatisfaetion INFANTS -12 YEARS OLD In caring, safe, fun home envirorlrnent. Licensed try M.C.S.S. Reasons le rates Receipts, flexible (lours. Call DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAYCARE 509-1207 Firewood Flea 1 1 Market SKIDS b Pallets for fire- CHESTERFIELD and two wood, hardwood a soft- chairs for sale. Recovered 1 wood mixed, pre cut or bro- year ago. Excellent condi- ken, delivery available. tion. $375. 686-1453 large b small bads. Limited WASHER, dryer (Inglis, time offer. call (905)430- almond, large capacity) 9013 Great condition. $450 o.b.o. Call 683-9373. Flea Mo Market Articles for Sale CHAIRS, 1 new forest green rocker, asking $150 LIKE new sofa (off while) OBO. Rose recliner, aask- $650. Antique wall tele - ng $100 OBO. 2 -6x9 area phone (converted) $495: cage. $31 each 686-3328 Antique cart (great coffee table) $175: Dishwasher (almost new) $425. Other items (905) 666-5308 Articles Articles M For Sale For Sale 050 Brock Rd. S. Unit 25 PickeringIR( (Just South o 401, W. side) �7! * Tel: (905) 837-1281 * * 50.75% off * * Elecfroaics - Housewares *• Hardwares it Sporting goods • SnlaflAppilimes • Novelties *• Cbmrgrng ha'esfory * NEw, OVERSTOCKED A RETUIO= * * rilir 7ViiN *��r �t C i R Manlonanee Build- ' arnd terlWatiow WE DO WINDOWS as well ALUM/ SAMEDAY as the wfow house. nmsi I PLUMOMIG licensed and out, nAq reasonable plumber no cab too small, rates. 416299.1289 or no )ob too bog. Complete 416739-5551. Rerwvation. Free soh. mat", great prices. leguar- MO- DOUG ened boas. 905-725- 2507 ar t-800 0068340 CLARK PLURW oUAun r C!! r ale aro � Licensed aro in - o rs and altem- WE'LL dean ala. and ET4REEM7ANUENANCE b REMOVA holm•$ ^�ona"st rate$. Also ZrN alum removal. ?,dot,•.refterano ` ovl. p 416739-5551 or 416299- capirg "Free Estimates" '�- an Dare 831-7055 • • Lana Mp�ose*�r • • •'7 NOWMoving i • House • Storage • Cleaning LAwmwwERs - Turo•- mn+�...�.,.. - •• easTER POST HOLE. ••••• '+^ y u0m. new oarvoorrw aro up, oil change. sharpen mow pall D. Dykstra 725-- auguned pat holes. so" staMd from $1195. Free renovppne. pump $des u,..,a.... TEN with large truck will blade. only SM. + pats. 4913 of posts cat ooncmN.Sona eaorrmalas. No matey down. and sauce h•e ••ern$ n. • -^-v-•7s & do household mows, tai- (Pick_ tubes knstaeed ale work leharncmum0 waitable. Cale 686-5172 24 hrs • $lpra� drnfid, commercial. AN 9owerrwi• ex Ohar 0400. 295-0705. (floe) ems- z � 7e< a 1•800- types a,nowe. call can or f`�' I1oRr • � .kerne 427-2e58. pos/s oo knob fnolas • • esAJAX filming �appiirtci houses, IG MOVING - X27 ►B�xM�E 5110P poeft, al concrete tree • 1 rile h«k'p lists. hoed hares ap.ra,.ra$ o6aa. mmtNA•mno.a alit Direr'•• plied . Sono k,b.e irmstaaed, S STAR tsairt&V a Deco- haw fnealed image nits. datiab. Senior and mid- • p Bobcat Services. available. roma O1ef � •mere$- Now aferirg free boxes 'WNW m discounts. Lic•ryad a Services once Interior a Exlerior Inksured Free estimates Cedes a pressure treated lumber. AN work guar- W*wd. Sar" Dufwm for 12 yeas. Asea code 404- electrical. pmxmmbi^9 ce J.S. ARIISTROI/G 90351wat for the dot tone. ramie Was. urparntry. Fran DEV. INC. Spedali:irg Dial (905) 3x9.3638 areal b in cuslom hones, additions, -%parrs mmla)W re, renovations. rec rooms and ovations. embvemard +P�le Rea Flay free guaranleed, file estimes. (905)432- idenlid and eonwrmereial. / Serving Duhan Region for over 15 yrs. Free consufti Coon RRaus tion. Call Jeff 905-42&- 5706. GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We instal), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service a Repairs 905437-0949 small rtnovirg cabs. i -- CaM Vk 428-8907 i ' • Plumbing AAA -LICENSED PLUMBER available. All SIGON Construction Ltd., your plumbing ^fields serving Duman Region for Complete renovations 19 yrs Additions, sundecks. Guaranteed lowest prices! polio doors, windows. rec- No cab too -small!! Senior rooms, flagstone, free esti- Miscount. (905) 432-2913. mates 905-5765760. walm mow. Park and Iced Stucco a O"W repairs, tisavior. p cell. a'" M N•. ala Encollero Call 436- ceilings. �Y up. Call for infoo naborn 7795- YAGICIAII, clown friends, work at very —habl a 725-0008 or 427-000.5. prices. tree estimates. Phase call (905)434-1051 PAMITING a PAPER- MMWAN HANGING. Quality work- YOUNG SYSTEMS manship at reasonable we Will mow -Ifty, rates. Interior A Exterior. CtrN" Ye . Serving Oshawa area afor 25 years. Cale 725-4881 PwkWS and bottle; Saw a�6 mid inoft d,cam4s Free sunt es. [InterkWexlew o Muller Ptrltws 571-0755 since 1966 1-88$-491-6600 w" as astV no obligation esomales relertlnces at request (90614-9630 • Flowing, HARRY-O-TNE•MOVERS - • 1 Carpeting Move by or small, we price Mem allf Free estimates, CARPET lnstgUtions . 25 seniors discount, short notice years experience, 'a - moves APDka^ce$ ^moved. stretching, our speciality. also storage apace wail- Free estimates. D b N able. Comparable rates. Duncan. 967-1799 or 907 - Cal 432-2850. low ready 10 anlerlain for any age, a,y motions,.pe n- daya, promotions, open- ings. fund misers. Magic J a N PERFECTIDNIS7'S. shows as funk Lerouc• help. 839-7057 or 728- We d@m from Up to bot. 8W4. tan. n•aaormw room 8 P.M. Reliable and band- RAa6Rwwnts work doing Me. Call 436.2965. magic for children s parties sERWCE Complete & quality household cleaning weekly, bi-weekly, occasionally 101% off for Seniors Insured rY Bonded 9108.61 Saw* service available and all occassioms. flaw my own magician. Cal Er- nie 66B-4932. Gerdau Courtice Steel Inc. has an immediate opening for a licensed: MACHIMST The successful candidate will have a minimum of 5 years of practical experience on CNC lathes, preferably in a heavy machining environment. Preference will be given to applicants having Tracer lathe experience. Along with a competitive benefits package, the position earns an hourly rate of $23.23. Please submit your resume to: Gerdau Courtice Steel Inc. 160 Orion Place Cambridge, Ontario N1R 7G8 Att'n: Recruitment Co-ordinator POSITIONS AVAILABLE Licensed Machinists (3) for Scarborough Company. Fax your resume to Ingrid MacDougall (905)837-0627 1111111 lint:-rom. P E R S O N N E L illill 1 R E C T O R Y . r. .. . . . . .. Ana peopleThey're'� Fax News Advertiser ?0? 683-7363 1 1 it 1po "Mftla : 11 : 11 : 1 re.Me UM Gardetng a mLwwwapirig cardeniftga House Plulrlbing gM painting i D��g Latldecoping • Cleaning 'WSTER CHEAP Home DUCTWO1 metalled, enprwenynts. res roorns.n moved, relocated F_xa - t law apartments. additions. rases Free echnatss Ekic- fences. decks. etc Li- trostatic it cleaners, hu- cens•d for over 20 yam. nuditNrs. Big. Small fobs all work guaranteed. for Cal Paul 4260M Free estimate can Erns EUROPEAN We rrpeaal- 906 404-8170 at. will renovates your bath- . o kitchen wises. as WDCETr )•ONCE well as floor tiles. Good rel- MMO emnces and aatisfaetion INFANTS -12 YEARS OLD In caring, safe, fun home envirorlrnent. Licensed try M.C.S.S. Reasons le rates Receipts, flexible (lours. Call DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAYCARE 509-1207 Firewood Flea 1 1 Market SKIDS b Pallets for fire- CHESTERFIELD and two wood, hardwood a soft- chairs for sale. Recovered 1 wood mixed, pre cut or bro- year ago. Excellent condi- ken, delivery available. tion. $375. 686-1453 large b small bads. Limited WASHER, dryer (Inglis, time offer. call (905)430- almond, large capacity) 9013 Great condition. $450 o.b.o. Call 683-9373. Flea Mo Market Articles for Sale CHAIRS, 1 new forest green rocker, asking $150 LIKE new sofa (off while) OBO. Rose recliner, aask- $650. Antique wall tele - ng $100 OBO. 2 -6x9 area phone (converted) $495: cage. $31 each 686-3328 Antique cart (great coffee table) $175: Dishwasher (almost new) $425. Other items (905) 666-5308 Articles Articles M For Sale For Sale 050 Brock Rd. S. Unit 25 PickeringIR( (Just South o 401, W. side) �7! * Tel: (905) 837-1281 * * 50.75% off * * Elecfroaics - Housewares *• Hardwares it Sporting goods • SnlaflAppilimes • Novelties *• Cbmrgrng ha'esfory * NEw, OVERSTOCKED A RETUIO= * * rilir 7ViiN *��r �t C i R Manlonanee Build- ' arnd terlWatiow WE DO WINDOWS as well ALUM/ SAMEDAY as the wfow house. nmsi I PLUMOMIG licensed and out, nAq reasonable plumber no cab too small, rates. 416299.1289 or no )ob too bog. Complete 416739-5551. Rerwvation. Free soh. mat", great prices. leguar- MO- DOUG ened boas. 905-725- 2507 ar t-800 0068340 CLARK PLURW oUAun r C!! r ale aro � Licensed aro in - o rs and altem- WE'LL dean ala. and ET4REEM7ANUENANCE b REMOVA holm•$ ^�ona"st rate$. Also ZrN alum removal. ?,dot,•.refterano ` ovl. p 416739-5551 or 416299- capirg "Free Estimates" '�- an Dare 831-7055 • • Lana Mp�ose*�r • • •'7 NOWMoving i • House • Storage • Cleaning LAwmwwERs - Turo•- mn+�...�.,.. - •• easTER POST HOLE. ••••• '+^ y u0m. new oarvoorrw aro up, oil change. sharpen mow pall D. Dykstra 725-- auguned pat holes. so" staMd from $1195. Free renovppne. pump $des u,..,a.... TEN with large truck will blade. only SM. + pats. 4913 of posts cat ooncmN.Sona eaorrmalas. No matey down. and sauce h•e ••ern$ n. • -^-v-•7s & do household mows, tai- (Pick_ tubes knstaeed ale work leharncmum0 waitable. Cale 686-5172 24 hrs • $lpra� drnfid, commercial. AN 9owerrwi• ex Ohar 0400. 295-0705. (floe) ems- z � 7e< a 1•800- types a,nowe. call can or f`�' I1oRr • � .kerne 427-2e58. pos/s oo knob fnolas • • esAJAX filming �appiirtci houses, IG MOVING - X27 ►B�xM�E 5110P poeft, al concrete tree • 1 rile h«k'p lists. hoed hares ap.ra,.ra$ o6aa. mmtNA•mno.a alit Direr'•• plied . Sono k,b.e irmstaaed, S STAR tsairt&V a Deco- haw fnealed image nits. datiab. Senior and mid- • p Bobcat Services. available. roma O1ef � •mere$- Now aferirg free boxes 'WNW m discounts. Lic•ryad a Services once Interior a Exlerior Inksured Free estimates Cedes a pressure treated lumber. AN work guar- W*wd. Sar" Dufwm for 12 yeas. Asea code 404- electrical. pmxmmbi^9 ce J.S. ARIISTROI/G 90351wat for the dot tone. ramie Was. urparntry. Fran DEV. INC. Spedali:irg Dial (905) 3x9.3638 areal b in cuslom hones, additions, -%parrs mmla)W re, renovations. rec rooms and ovations. embvemard +P�le Rea Flay free guaranleed, file estimes. (905)432- idenlid and eonwrmereial. / Serving Duhan Region for over 15 yrs. Free consufti Coon RRaus tion. Call Jeff 905-42&- 5706. GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We instal), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service a Repairs 905437-0949 small rtnovirg cabs. i -- CaM Vk 428-8907 i ' • Plumbing AAA -LICENSED PLUMBER available. All SIGON Construction Ltd., your plumbing ^fields serving Duman Region for Complete renovations 19 yrs Additions, sundecks. Guaranteed lowest prices! polio doors, windows. rec- No cab too -small!! Senior rooms, flagstone, free esti- Miscount. (905) 432-2913. mates 905-5765760. walm mow. Park and Iced Stucco a O"W repairs, tisavior. p cell. a'" M N•. ala Encollero Call 436- ceilings. �Y up. Call for infoo naborn 7795- YAGICIAII, clown friends, work at very —habl a 725-0008 or 427-000.5. prices. tree estimates. Phase call (905)434-1051 PAMITING a PAPER- MMWAN HANGING. Quality work- YOUNG SYSTEMS manship at reasonable we Will mow -Ifty, rates. Interior A Exterior. CtrN" Ye . Serving Oshawa area afor 25 years. Cale 725-4881 PwkWS and bottle; Saw a�6 mid inoft d,cam4s Free sunt es. [InterkWexlew o Muller Ptrltws 571-0755 since 1966 1-88$-491-6600 w" as astV no obligation esomales relertlnces at request (90614-9630 • Flowing, HARRY-O-TNE•MOVERS - • 1 Carpeting Move by or small, we price Mem allf Free estimates, CARPET lnstgUtions . 25 seniors discount, short notice years experience, 'a - moves APDka^ce$ ^moved. stretching, our speciality. also storage apace wail- Free estimates. D b N able. Comparable rates. Duncan. 967-1799 or 907 - Cal 432-2850. low ready 10 anlerlain for any age, a,y motions,.pe n- daya, promotions, open- ings. fund misers. Magic J a N PERFECTIDNIS7'S. shows as funk Lerouc• help. 839-7057 or 728- We d@m from Up to bot. 8W4. tan. n•aaormw room 8 P.M. Reliable and band- RAa6Rwwnts work doing Me. Call 436.2965. magic for children s parties sERWCE Complete & quality household cleaning weekly, bi-weekly, occasionally 101% off for Seniors Insured rY Bonded 9108.61 Saw* service available and all occassioms. flaw my own magician. Cal Er- nie 66B-4932. WE'LL dean ala. and ET4REEM7ANUENANCE b REMOVA holm•$ ^�ona"st rate$. Also ZrN alum removal. ?,dot,•.refterano ` ovl. p 416739-5551 or 416299- capirg "Free Estimates" '�- an Dare 831-7055 • • Lana Mp�ose*�r • • •'7 NOWMoving i • House • Storage • Cleaning LAwmwwERs - Turo•- mn+�...�.,.. - •• easTER POST HOLE. ••••• '+^ y u0m. new oarvoorrw aro up, oil change. sharpen mow pall D. Dykstra 725-- auguned pat holes. so" staMd from $1195. Free renovppne. pump $des u,..,a.... TEN with large truck will blade. only SM. + pats. 4913 of posts cat ooncmN.Sona eaorrmalas. No matey down. and sauce h•e ••ern$ n. • -^-v-•7s & do household mows, tai- (Pick_ tubes knstaeed ale work leharncmum0 waitable. Cale 686-5172 24 hrs • $lpra� drnfid, commercial. AN 9owerrwi• ex Ohar 0400. 295-0705. (floe) ems- z � 7e< a 1•800- types a,nowe. call can or f`�' I1oRr • � .kerne 427-2e58. pos/s oo knob fnolas • • esAJAX filming �appiirtci houses, IG MOVING - X27 ►B�xM�E 5110P poeft, al concrete tree • 1 rile h«k'p lists. hoed hares ap.ra,.ra$ o6aa. mmtNA•mno.a alit Direr'•• plied . Sono k,b.e irmstaaed, S STAR tsairt&V a Deco- haw fnealed image nits. datiab. Senior and mid- • p Bobcat Services. available. roma O1ef � •mere$- Now aferirg free boxes 'WNW m discounts. Lic•ryad a Services once Interior a Exlerior Inksured Free estimates Cedes a pressure treated lumber. AN work guar- W*wd. Sar" Dufwm for 12 yeas. Asea code 404- electrical. pmxmmbi^9 ce J.S. ARIISTROI/G 90351wat for the dot tone. ramie Was. urparntry. Fran DEV. INC. Spedali:irg Dial (905) 3x9.3638 areal b in cuslom hones, additions, -%parrs mmla)W re, renovations. rec rooms and ovations. embvemard +P�le Rea Flay free guaranleed, file estimes. (905)432- idenlid and eonwrmereial. / Serving Duhan Region for over 15 yrs. Free consufti Coon RRaus tion. Call Jeff 905-42&- 5706. GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We instal), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service a Repairs 905437-0949 small rtnovirg cabs. i -- CaM Vk 428-8907 i ' • Plumbing AAA -LICENSED PLUMBER available. All SIGON Construction Ltd., your plumbing ^fields serving Duman Region for Complete renovations 19 yrs Additions, sundecks. Guaranteed lowest prices! polio doors, windows. rec- No cab too -small!! Senior rooms, flagstone, free esti- Miscount. (905) 432-2913. mates 905-5765760. walm mow. Park and Iced Stucco a O"W repairs, tisavior. p cell. a'" M N•. ala Encollero Call 436- ceilings. �Y up. Call for infoo naborn 7795- YAGICIAII, clown friends, work at very —habl a 725-0008 or 427-000.5. prices. tree estimates. Phase call (905)434-1051 PAMITING a PAPER- MMWAN HANGING. Quality work- YOUNG SYSTEMS manship at reasonable we Will mow -Ifty, rates. Interior A Exterior. CtrN" Ye . Serving Oshawa area afor 25 years. Cale 725-4881 PwkWS and bottle; Saw a�6 mid inoft d,cam4s Free sunt es. [InterkWexlew o Muller Ptrltws 571-0755 since 1966 1-88$-491-6600 w" as astV no obligation esomales relertlnces at request (90614-9630 • Flowing, HARRY-O-TNE•MOVERS - • 1 Carpeting Move by or small, we price Mem allf Free estimates, CARPET lnstgUtions . 25 seniors discount, short notice years experience, 'a - moves APDka^ce$ ^moved. stretching, our speciality. also storage apace wail- Free estimates. D b N able. Comparable rates. Duncan. 967-1799 or 907 - Cal 432-2850. low ready 10 anlerlain for any age, a,y motions,.pe n- daya, promotions, open- ings. fund misers. Magic J a N PERFECTIDNIS7'S. shows as funk Lerouc• help. 839-7057 or 728- We d@m from Up to bot. 8W4. tan. n•aaormw room 8 P.M. Reliable and band- RAa6Rwwnts work doing Me. Call 436.2965. magic for children s parties sERWCE Complete & quality household cleaning weekly, bi-weekly, occasionally 101% off for Seniors Insured rY Bonded 9108.61 Saw* service available and all occassioms. flaw my own magician. Cal Er- nie 66B-4932. Cedes a pressure treated lumber. AN work guar- W*wd. Sar" Dufwm for 12 yeas. Asea code 404- electrical. pmxmmbi^9 ce J.S. ARIISTROI/G 90351wat for the dot tone. ramie Was. urparntry. Fran DEV. INC. Spedali:irg Dial (905) 3x9.3638 areal b in cuslom hones, additions, -%parrs mmla)W re, renovations. rec rooms and ovations. embvemard +P�le Rea Flay free guaranleed, file estimes. (905)432- idenlid and eonwrmereial. / Serving Duhan Region for over 15 yrs. Free consufti Coon RRaus tion. Call Jeff 905-42&- 5706. GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We instal), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales Service a Repairs 905437-0949 small rtnovirg cabs. i -- CaM Vk 428-8907 i ' • Plumbing AAA -LICENSED PLUMBER available. All SIGON Construction Ltd., your plumbing ^fields serving Duman Region for Complete renovations 19 yrs Additions, sundecks. Guaranteed lowest prices! polio doors, windows. rec- No cab too -small!! Senior rooms, flagstone, free esti- Miscount. (905) 432-2913. mates 905-5765760. walm mow. Park and Iced Stucco a O"W repairs, tisavior. p cell. a'" M N•. ala Encollero Call 436- ceilings. �Y up. Call for infoo naborn 7795- YAGICIAII, clown friends, work at very —habl a 725-0008 or 427-000.5. prices. tree estimates. Phase call (905)434-1051 PAMITING a PAPER- MMWAN HANGING. Quality work- YOUNG SYSTEMS manship at reasonable we Will mow -Ifty, rates. Interior A Exterior. CtrN" Ye . Serving Oshawa area afor 25 years. Cale 725-4881 PwkWS and bottle; Saw a�6 mid inoft d,cam4s Free sunt es. [InterkWexlew o Muller Ptrltws 571-0755 since 1966 1-88$-491-6600 w" as astV no obligation esomales relertlnces at request (90614-9630 • Flowing, HARRY-O-TNE•MOVERS - • 1 Carpeting Move by or small, we price Mem allf Free estimates, CARPET lnstgUtions . 25 seniors discount, short notice years experience, 'a - moves APDka^ce$ ^moved. stretching, our speciality. also storage apace wail- Free estimates. D b N able. Comparable rates. Duncan. 967-1799 or 907 - Cal 432-2850. low ready 10 anlerlain for any age, a,y motions,.pe n- daya, promotions, open- ings. fund misers. Magic J a N PERFECTIDNIS7'S. shows as funk Lerouc• help. 839-7057 or 728- We d@m from Up to bot. 8W4. tan. n•aaormw room 8 P.M. Reliable and band- RAa6Rwwnts work doing Me. Call 436.2965. magic for children s parties sERWCE Complete & quality household cleaning weekly, bi-weekly, occasionally 101% off for Seniors Insured rY Bonded 9108.61 Saw* service available and all occassioms. flaw my own magician. Cal Er- nie 66B-4932. w" as astV no obligation esomales relertlnces at request (90614-9630 • Flowing, HARRY-O-TNE•MOVERS - • 1 Carpeting Move by or small, we price Mem allf Free estimates, CARPET lnstgUtions . 25 seniors discount, short notice years experience, 'a - moves APDka^ce$ ^moved. stretching, our speciality. also storage apace wail- Free estimates. D b N able. Comparable rates. Duncan. 967-1799 or 907 - Cal 432-2850. low ready 10 anlerlain for any age, a,y motions,.pe n- daya, promotions, open- ings. fund misers. Magic J a N PERFECTIDNIS7'S. shows as funk Lerouc• help. 839-7057 or 728- We d@m from Up to bot. 8W4. tan. n•aaormw room 8 P.M. Reliable and band- RAa6Rwwnts work doing Me. Call 436.2965. magic for children s parties sERWCE Complete & quality household cleaning weekly, bi-weekly, occasionally 101% off for Seniors Insured rY Bonded 9108.61 Saw* service available and all occassioms. flaw my own magician. Cal Er- nie 66B-4932. A ArtieNs Articles Articles Garagal -_ For Sale For S� For Sale01 For Salle Yard Yard S lid 411 0 0 0 0 0 fat tel n m m m m CONTENT SALE: Sofa 8 ■ HOW W DOING? loveseat $499. Pine bar w/ a^oPy $120. York 2001 ■ $99. Rowing TheTt15VI&EIftwAdveftCh3*d 11131 machine $60. Dmnette suite $225. Dresser ■ fscMYT edbPUY gotjrOJM nelsWlhte bW w/mirror $45. 23- TV. W. , 905-683-7931 or 905-683- ■ PoSd* SWAMMyyQab�8,,jr�,��8�f>l yal(H� 5852. the t6b�y- r ■ �Mb � COMPUTERS NOTE- ■ ?05426-6907 caN a 1. tWas;your answered promptly? New DX 2/66 $1.65 , 's9 new . pentium NB's 75's 16 MB we can save you time. trouble and ram, 800 MB hard dines hllndredS of dollars. We ywff tea you DSTN color $2,750 Lots of ■ differences choices. Used ■ from $195. 386 Desk tops ■ 2. Did floe Saks Representative Offer friendly from $135, New 486 sys- 1 ■ w tams with color mondars ■ courteous service? from $899. PCM CIA CE ■ ■ rorn drives for notebooks ■ from $255. Upgrade any ■ purchase. non portable 8 ■ MB at $95 Computer ■ Clearance Center, Bow. ■ 3. Are YOU satisfied with the response to your ■ manvdle (905) 697.3059. Fax your price inquires to ■ advertisement? ■ r905) 697-1817 ■ CONTENTS bachelor ■ apt. sale Lamps, chairs, ■ stools. dressers, sideboard. ■ organette. tables, dressers, ■ loveseats. secretary, bed - 4. Suggestions Or Comments: table, sofabed. reasonable ■ 576-1680 ■ Customers end Their Fnerhda.- ■ COUCH & chair, Sears ■ whole home selection, ev. ■ ergreen, burgundy beige ■ stripe $550. Upright freezer. ■ ■ We would like to hear from you. Kenmore 17 cuh textured x450 ■ ■ white Electronic 3/4 Hb V,tamaster treadmill, ■ 71inputer displays $350. All If p ■ If refer, excellent, like new con - ■ dlbon 430-0218 ■ please contact Fred Eismont FAIRFAX Vacuum, 2 years ■ at 576-9335, or 683-0707 bid' with complete a - ■ or fill out this coupon meets. $800 of best otter 263-6771 ■ and mail to: ■ FOR SALE Norman Knott ■ original painting, entitled ■ Dreamscape. 16' x 20' Classified ■ 2,797 f fame. V.000 ■ Box P.O.Box 481 ■ HOUSEHOLD ■ Articles 865 Farewell St. ■ room bedrooms. Inn Upright ■ 1- ii ��ningroom, etc. Upright -4 ■ Oshawa, Ontario ■ rn ="alto. tOno detc. lawnmower ■ LIH 7L5 Many sate. etc. Many arncles. Call 725-2955 or . ■ ; 225-&169 for more mforri 'Your sabsWition is die /►ICasure of Our SilcceSS ■ KING. queen bed. dress- ■ - a ars tables. desks 7 pc sectwnai, love sears. sofa 6 1 DOOR .,l. 111096, 30- APT. SIZE washeodryvi charsCall (905)66&-6707 write stove. washer, May- stacking, mint condition. KITCHEN cupboards, 8 It, 'ag washer 8 dryer. apt $550 opo_ G E_ auto wash- long upper and lowers + 2 ,ize dryer. 15 d 22 cu h. or. $100: 427-3717 '-eezers. 2 sman portable cabinetsfor lanc- over and black d white TVs. 2 kero- BE COOL! Auto. window as. $225 After 5 p m 725- sene heaters, console ster- 6 central air condtionmg 7120 eo kitchen set/Mili cab- service. Best pmt's. Fast, MOTORCYCLE / GUI - ^et. round glass table, 4 reliable service 905-725- TARS 1979. 1100 Spe- swivel chairs, pedestal 8708 :able 4 chairs. b ass/9133s cai 2 seats. hornets. $1200 offee d end tables. wood BUSINESS REDUC- rnn Tackare Acoustic - Elec- glass coffee table, wicker TION SALE, tree planter Inc cutaway $500 - 438 - much chair 8 coffee tads. sectional couch. creaft $600. wood spliter $1500. 03,13 OA OAK/PINE FURNITURE - URNITprices? couch, secretary desk' Brillion seeder $300. mig :haw, :haw, 6 drawer dresser, welder. $400, 2 chain ho- Whypay retail One Dresser deskAutch a 1 ists $100 such. 2 air condi- or ri it oldest and lar• -fight tads) set. hang glad- boners $100 each. 81 Ford t rtkaio's 9� r is now rr best offer. Call 438- 526 5 ton dumptruck 52.500 selling direct to the pudic Eg. solid oak 7 pc drwg- Round pen $1.000. West- 1993 Yamaha Clavnova em saddles d badals so- room or 6 PC solid pine . 82 key keyboard model $1.000. Cas Ran CYT 20/rnl bedroom, your choice S1995. many star choices new $3300, (705) 786-3411 asking $1500. 5 PC. dresser Tradtonal Woodworking Set black,gold trim $250x: 5 pc. dark walnut dif ug set, twtteu hutch $250; large white wicker rocker/ Dad. new $179, asking $90; 25d diamond duster ring, appraised value $1200, asking $400. as A-1. best fifer. 571-1401 2 PIZZA Ovens (electric) make us an offer, Good condition. 905-966-1067 home: 905-263-8383 shop. 314 ton Fad van, needs body work $500 as is. White Kenmore washer $150. 'Sols we kik, set $50. 3 orange kittens free. 697-0327 after 7 week- days. 4 ALMOND Inglis ap- pliances, $2300. 20eu.f1. Indge. Sem-Cleaning oven, super capacity waster Meavy duly dryer• Call 906- x IW DOG KENNEL 0. obo. Dating room fct- halogen. opts and *. modem. Best ollw. tact 723-7924. - PIONEER LV., co- lred, new. never used, 1697-1761. COOL window air con - Our sale: great selsc- 1. 5000 BTU at 5150. 30 BTU at $175. 8000 U at sm. 10.000 BTU 5250. to 5300. Trade in :epted. 90 day guaran- Stereo speakers at io. Cal ROCK BOTTOM ALS 10am-6pm Mon.. 905-436.1320 We Buy M almost Anygrngl I Conditioner. $150. khsman 10- table saw h laserline lance, 5580. shlon Noor, $60. 1980 Iwasaki a� 440 $2000. Ye. h. 905.576-0132. after CARPET 3 roams. $299. price includes 30 yards of carpet, premum pad . and installation Sal 905132- 2750 Carpet ar'obar, 100%, Nylon 9tict, plush. stain for salient carpel. For 3 rooms, only $369.00. Price in - dudes 30 Sq. yds carpil deluxe pad and installation in your horse. Free quola- ban . in your done. No in- terest, no payment for one full Year. Daniel, 1-800- 217-0104. CARPET OKL DIS- TRIaUTORS. 12 months No payments. No interest. (OAC) 3 rooms (30sq.yds.) installed with daklxs pad from ofly 5399. Specials on KagA, Grarnic and Hardwood Fbonng. Free Shop At Harte. 148463- 6046. CARPETS - hila Of carpel, 100% nykln, now Stan re - Ma rarpats on hand. I will torfI . 3 roan SM. Price includes carpet, premium Pod slaert kMdmb-. fag daYvery. free es`rrosis (30 yards). Norman 686.2314. Coe! opsraMd pod table, 44 with bents and ares. One juke Dox NSM with records. Both on site and good con6tion. Great busi- ness opportunity. 52500. 432-2281. COMPLETE D.J. system, priced to sell. asking 5600. Call 905.786-2807 for de- tails. 905-985-8774 PIANOS - GRANDFA- THER CLOCKS Please excuse the mass, we're renovating! New end used pianos. Not sure? Rent to Own. aptsize. upright, grand. digital, keyboards. AN 19% merchandise to- duad! Telep Piano Woks. 433.1491. SCUBA EQUIPMENT New and used regulators, BCD's, talks, we suits, dry suits. snorkeling equipment and accessories. Also, O.U.C. approved air station, VIP's and equipment sen i ice. Dive Source Scuba (905) 668.6566 Sears Kenmore stove, gold. $100. Sean Ken- more washer a dryer, white, $400 pair Couch d Match- ing chair, country style, Poo. (906)571-6963 alter 5m. SHEDUM - Quaky barn style shod kill 6' X 8', SPE- CIAL ONLY 5295 plus tax. Maty otter saes and styles available. Also garages wW decks. 761 McKay Rd Unit 3. Pickering. For more into. cal 90"19-2093. SIERRA AIR CONDITION- ER. 8000 BTU, (top of the One), brand new. asking $550. Width 22-, height 15 1/4' or will ft larger. 404- 9573. KENWOOD 200 watt complete home stereo sys- ism. 5 Disc CO. dual Ces- sette, tower speakers. Rent to own by phone from $7.50/week. Call today (905) 571.1413. RCA 18- SATELLITE DISH, digital sowW/picturs. remote, over 175 dervw" to dnooee from. RENT TO OWN BY PHONE. Only Se.aWastek. Cal 905.571- 1413. TOSHIBA 27- stereo I". vision. Bonus 6 yr, parts and labour warranty. No money down. Rent to own by phone for as little as $6.00/week. Call (905) 571.1413. WANTED: 29 people to lose up to 30 pounds by Labour Day. All natural, doctor recommended. Ask howl Call toll free 1-800- 881-6782. WASHERS, dryers, fridge, stove.new and recond- boned, $225 and up for re_ Conditioned washer, $175 and up for reconditioned dryers $175 and up for re- conditioned fridges and stoves. Also coin operated washer and dryers. Ste- phenson's Furniture and Appliances. 227 Court St.. Oshawa 576-7448 R' AWrticles anted ANTIQUES Absolutely. Purchasing furniture or an- ything ad Scientific instru- ments, cluna. silver, adver- tising. toys. decoys. dohs. milk bottles, collections or estates Call Robert Bowen Antiques (905) 655-8049. Brool CANOE WANTED (used) Must Moat. No leaks Call Geary 686.0096 NEEDED: 4 or a Hort Voice Data System. Call Fred at 576-9335 NEEDED: 4 or 8 port Voice Data System Cali -so at 576-9335 UNWANTED Scrap metal picked up, fndges, stoves, washers. dryers. cars, trucks, etc Call (905)430- 9013 WANTED 2 pizza pro - pare ovens 2 fryers. shok- ,ng, alarm systems. wet CO2 unit (fire extinguisher system) 905-986-1087 tome. 905-263-6383 shop Arts, ICrr'aslfts_ too's o1 Ceramic moles for sale 60% off lost price Cindy or Rob 427-7099 Computer IM, Anternet NEW MUSIC a -zine Y hMp ;/www dumamhnews/ -etc 238/index him Pools, M Spa HOT DEALS AVAIL- ABLE - 16' x 24' rectang- ular Kayak pool includes decks 8 fencing 54.995 Meats local oy-laws. 25yr warranty 1-800-668-7564 P,ckennyAjax, phone 416- 798-7509 lum SALE SIGNS Please be sure to take down your signs after your yard sale to help keep the environment clean f f THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7, 1"&PAGE 23 A rifferft YIIaltled j j AFor jM11 �Forrrt AUTOMOBILES and trucks wanted for scrap Any condition, any age, free removal In the Dwharn Region. cash paid. Also needed. 75 to 17 Chev or GMC pickup for parts. Call anytime, Oshawa 431- 0407. CARS FOR CASH! We buy used vehicles Vehi- cles must be to running condition Call 427-2415 or Come to 479 Bayy St East. Alax at MURAD AUTO SALES 1 Computer Computer EL CAMINO wanted Video MEVideo So's 705-786-2759 T k AVAILABLE Home and web page creation Hyper link and server storage. Call John Duarte at 579-4400 ' rue s for Sale 1990 Dodge Ram pick up. V8. 318 110.000 km Cap. transmission coder. cruise. new tiresfuel injected. summer/winter weather i•)nts, excellent conddlon. S9500 certified obo 983- 9353 eve or weekends 0 ' 8oardlig 1991 BLAZER 4,4, load Cmy lime omputeraid b 1 ed wirr, options. 26.000km Like new con. Tuition, problem resoWtion, upgrades in oitidn 1 owner Must sell �erti ied. $13.500. make an your home. How to get more computer for offer 438-1641 anytime less money. Highly competitive rates. out. S590C certified fling purebred lnasa-apso 86 CHEV WRANGLER. 112 Duppes. 6 weeks. vat- :1 selling for S1500 or Automobiles best offer as is call V,c ' ' Automobiles ?05426-6907 ' ' For Sale For Sale dutch, brakes exhaust JpR jprpJAtj�R Vans, ' 4 wtleel Drive we can save you time. trouble and 263-2478 hllndredS of dollars. We ywff tea you 1988 ASTRO an, load- what IEfa hat used VCle is really W 24' XjOkr^ dark red ) worth. Plus, well give ym vatuable gold. 7 -passenger. $520C cent -ea Bowmanvole 697- -IfISIdG" Taps on how to get Ute 0275 best OCa1 Yrr61 the lid boubl! 1969 ASTRO van. 8 -pas. $249 per, sengel 43L 5 cylinder. h I lxere� til 31, itnnelR, �` bided. excellent Condition, always welcome Call 153.000km Certifiedp.��lC 1990 3_ :. _a:are ;., , e..ww,,,,NPlie'si 'Dr, Duner dr. $7900 Call 305.432-1773 0 ' 8oardlig wen since new. '92.000 hwy kms. Cal (905)666--3538. grey vii mtenor, air. p w p I I. arrOm Cassette. CUTE ..r:,.pa;.t. cuoay Tire wnsels. vary clean jr, --ort ailergen,c non -shed- out. S590C certified fling purebred lnasa-apso (905,436-0441 Duppes. 6 weeks. vat- 11991 CAVALIER 224 checked. both parents penect contlinrx Spee, Present. $400 905-432- 7565 air. 103.000 km.s new auto. good condition. Call dutch, brakes exhaust HELP GIVE A HOME Melaikc blue $9500 905- . ESS PET A SECOND 263-2478 ;.HANCE Healthy kittens. 19W Lunnina Euro. loaded vet Checked with shots 11991 Sunbrtd LE. 4 door. Adult Cats. most spayed or V6, a/c, autanabc. certified. neutered, fully vaccinated trailer hitch. 66.000 kms Many malum to larger $7000 Call 504-5813 breed dogs also available 1997 SATURN SC 1. Pet supplies and donations auto a_. jr-Li- -assene, always welcome Call aquamarine with grey in - DURHAM ANIMAL ADOP- tenor, 66.000km $11.250 TION at 905-263-8915 Call 305-433-2322 ATTENTION: Dog Own. ers Doggie Dooley Pet Waste Syslems starting at $54 99 up to 150 Ib wt Dog Life Jackets snrtng at S25. 32- Fire Hydrant in- doorfoutdoor BEST Ball. 4- 172. 6', 10' Lifetime Guar- antee. Starting at Sl0 99 9-9. 7 daysJweek (905)723-5413. Fax 723- 1994 VW GOLF CL. Match- baDk. 42.000 kms Arc. ster- oe. trailer hitch. 1 owner. $11.499 89 LEBARON CONVERT- IBLE. new roof, now brakes, stored winters, automatic. no rust. air conCtionng. $.5200. Cal after Spm 905- 668-61 f13. a ' ( 1991 Chev Sprint con- ' ' vertitte. auto . arMm Cass A for $11! obo Dave 576-6130 tifflorit06"es 67.000 km coniffied 55500 oL.wr,w LAD puppy. pur- ebred, no papers First shots. Asking 5250. Call 434-53038 anytime. SADDLE for sale, black, Keiffer, good condition. $900 negotiable. Call 655-4030 COLLIE PUPS for sale CKC registered. WE Sablelimahogany plus white, ready in 2 - 3 weeks. $425. each. 705.786-1517. COLLIE pups for sale. CKC-registered, eyes ducked. first shots, ferriake/ male. ready to go now. Call (705) 277-2526. BARN for reel. Suitable for Moises etc. with pasture. Located clear Lakeritlge/ Taunton Rd. Whitby. 905- 427.6660. OSHAWA OBEDIENCE ASSOC. Monday night - Puppy and Attention. Tues- day - Pre-TrIOWNice and Basic. Register now. Cal Bev 435.00N SIAMESE kittens, first shots, vel checked. blue, li- lac, chocolate point, litter trained, eating, nursing. home -raised. parents on premises. (613) 473-5126. Lhasa Apso pups for safe. Non shedding. non allergic. health guarantee, vet nee- dled. House training Start- ed. Payment terms avail- able.(705)786-3124. WOLFS BIRTHDAY SALE 1977 MG8 Convertible. OF SALES - Over 40 re - British racing green. In ex- Conditioned and certified cellent condition. $6995 vehicles at tantabulous Cal (905)666--3538. prices eg 1990 Aero Star Sport van, loaded $10.995. 1902 BUICK SKYLARK. 4 1990 Solart. write, loaded dr., 21111. ergine. Good con- $9496. 1991 Voyageur, air, dation, $1200 obo 436- burgundy. rant. now 6244. $10.595, 1987 Nissan King Cab. auto. 135 kms $5295. 1902 Monte Carlo. 2 dr. 19W Cavelier. wr, auto. auto. good condition. Call 53695; 1988 Pontiac 6000 7253729. LE. air. auto. 126.ODO km., 1903 PONTIAC Acadian mint $5295: 1993 Plymouth Cott new style, $4995; 4 door auto, $1450. certi- 19W Lunnina Euro. loaded fied.905-728-0490 s7995; 1987 Subaruwag 1994 Dodge 600 EFI con- on, perfect 4X4 53995 1990 Grand Prix LE load- vertible, 2.2, beiga/brown, ad, white $7995: 1998 cruise Control. power top, 2 Buick Regal. Arizona car. new ares. al new brakes, 90.000 km., loaded. Was. as - at al new ml-- qty new tic $6995; 1995 Finely, parts. Good running car. lease for $149.601nw. buy WA car*$1000obo. 905- �: 1990 Mazda 626. ^ �- 6000 km., air, auto, perfect 1906 Ford Crown victoria, now $9495: 1991 Cavalier rebuim moor Dec. 95, body R S., 3.1 V6. Ioadad. cou- good CArWieon,best offer. W Fie dazzi Pon - Cal (905)6503 68& spolass. now $2695: 1� 19011 DODGE ARIES, 4 dr. Tempo, -to-owner. auto.. auto.. very good Conon. $1946: 1990 Sprint, 85,000 Certified. $1900. Call 430- km 5 -speed. spacial $3195. Corm to Canicar 3602. Aub Centra, 155 krill St. 1000 Lincoln Town Car, WW el Midtown Mol. 579 - dark blue in 6 outorigimw 2686 Open everyday. -Where paint now Ores. brakes. ex- Customers end Their Fnerhda.- haust, $6900 caroled. 905- 6665300. ' A ala 1988 Mercury Topaz, 4 door, 27,000 kms.. p.s., p.b., console, automatic. &mlfm cassette. Excellent A i A TOWING. Pay $50 - condition. $3500 o.b.o. Cal (9D5M5-8W 65000 cash for used a scrap can s trucks. 24 fns. 1990 Bonneville LE. 7 days. Call 905-686.5003 93,000 kms.. 3800 engine. or 9D5-706-5234: 30 min very clean. cerkked, $7900. Service. Cal 723-2600. 1990 Astro PS :ar 'ully loaded Ds. Dbpw. P d I , a'c. ASS asking $9500 o b o Call 43C - 026C 11093 GMC Satan XT van. 8 passenger, Pb. 0 s air. am.1n cassette. running Doards dutch door 71.0001 $16.500 Call (905)723-9302. !91 2464 , Trailers 15-18 Bnrtisn caravan trader Large windows. stove. fnlge. immaculate sleeps 4 $3000 Also Matbed snowmoboWnrofor cycle trailer 905-728-7230 1913 Coleman camping trailer rept new 'Evolution' canvas and add on screened room, sleeps 6. asking 52000 Call 905- 571-3812 40 FT Falcon trailer. oou- ble pull-out. air Con, new awning. 24 ft x 8 M Jack in 5Star park Asking S'6 000 Can De moved Call Jack 905-723-0208 W5,1110torcycles 1970 Honda 750 Four, original Condition. needs work Last ran in 1985. Comes with whole extra 750 motor. As is. groat for restoration. $800 obo. 985- 3183. 1902 750 HONDA Night - Hawk. Only 10,000 kms. come with faring and crash bars. Excellent condition. Must sea. $1850. Cam Terry 906-839-5049. 1991 Kawasaki 250 cc, 6 speed, liquid Coded. Mill certify. Great shape. 52896. 728-2044. HARL.EY '96 Sportster low Lon.. forward controls. King tank deluxe Seat, lots of chrome b more. 59.700 o.b.o. Call 576-4688 alter 6prn. e Mile IF ALUMINUM BOAT. Six (6) horse power Even - rude motor; and trailer. $1500. fine. 905-576-3542. 2S FT. SAIL BOAT, Tenzer 7.5. Fully equipped. In ex- t condition. Marty ex - firm. $12.000. Cam 905- 666-3538. 05666-3539. SALBOAT 20 ff. F.O., A-1 condition. 2 sets of sacs, 2 traders, $1000. 693-8431 33 FALBY COURT 2 811 3 bedroom apartments in family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and underground park- ing included. From $743-$843. 686-0841 weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. AJAX - CLIPPER APTS. 2 & 3 bedrooms, broadloom, 2 applianc- es, underground parking. 55 FALBY CRT. MON - FRI. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. (905) 683-6021 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED CASH FAST For your used boat. We buy and sell ocats For pickup and 'ielrvery Call Bill or Brian at 14000 133-3434 Recreational Vehicles 1975 :-orsair 23n. 454 GMC sleeps 8 gen air cruise, awning etc 58000 Will cons,cer Doat trade Oshawa '25-5957 EA M1, I Apartments For Rent 1. a 2 Bedroom aC;a .n 05rawa an,: BO wr^d^villa Starting at $600 month, Ina" 8 stove included, with laundry facilities No Dem Call 1905 434 240- 1-13DRM APT. OC area. dear apt r '1u,e1 building, avail imtned panting 8 auri first and Inst 1905 263 tpg3 or 728-2537 2 -BEDROOM apartment in low-nse Duihrg, north of 401 close to S,mcoe. $532 -5. month plus hydro. i ndudeS . panting spot Leave message Cali (905:5 71 ♦ 720 23 bedroom apartments. 8 story building, close to schools. kbrary. Scan GM plant Avafaable ,mneaate- y and Nov 428-6328 . 7pm lor appotrtenent 3 BEDROOM 3 entrance:. 2 revels. 5 appliances Garden. pariung, K,ng'Wit- son area $865+mo nth 1 sv ast required Call 576- 8391 A professionw building. downtown Oshawa. single 1 -bedroom with parking, above offices $540month inclusive No pets. Mature adult WS -432-2705. AJAX - Available immhe- diatey. larye clean walkout basement apt.. $650 per monon smoker Close to lake Call 905-427-9057, leave message. AJAX newly renovated 2 bedroom bsmt apt. A/C. Sep. ent.. 4 appliances. $8001no all indusnie. No DetsNmokers. avail. arrived. 683.9480. AJAX,110 TULLOCH. 3 - bedroom main floor of bungalow. Available Aug.tst. $950innonth. Call (905) 686-2778. ON THE LAKE in Ajax with park Setbrng A brand new 1200 Sq. ft 2 bedroom executive apartment in lovely home. Bright and spaaous rooms, ceramic kitchen. 2 washrooms. kv- ing room with wait bar and fireplace. Private entrance with side yard. Executive non-smoking couple wel- come. 5995. + unities. 905- 427-1677. AJAX, Westray 8 Ritchie 3 -bedroom detached. cen- tral air, 2 car garage, 5 ap- pliances, $1100(month plus ubhties, first/last. avalkabie JJuulyy 14. Call (416)281- 32. AVAILABLE Iaa1IE- DIATELY, in Whitby Apt. budding,. spacious, carpet- ed, newly panted. with bel - cony, close to bus, shop- ping, all utildes included. list I last requredr no pelt. 1 bedroom $650, 2 bed- room, $750. CON 430-0134. AVAILABLE NOW 1 Cairn :;amt. 4 pce bath. kitchen. .eddies, sable. laundry. carking Non smoker no pets hrsulast Brock Rd: .wy 2 $600/mon 9r 51428 6288 BACHELOR apartment for -enr s5oc per 'Mnth first and lastCable included 76-0371 Available Au. gust lst S E Oshawa BACHELOR apartment in :user 5-ciex. near Oshawa .,entre. S470r,onth, firSL' ast required no pets. a -VO immediately Cal atter 5 30pm 683-5578 BACHELOR apt . triage. ST,>e -ea: ^ydro, parking ociudad Laundry fac . available immediately $4c4 ^'C q,vow.ison area 263.8369 or eve 253-2522 ADELAIDEAVILSON ARIGHT - acan lower unit m triplex parv:ng. tic Deis. $69arnY- dr0 'SVIaSt. references Call 905-655-472' CENTRAL JSHAWA. very Sonar ' ar] 2 bedroom aots ,n newer ouiidng Ava,l iminlotwooy 3 Aug 'st Call 905 263-4753 CLEAN 2 -iedroor- -ase 'dery apr '..) pets Laundry 'nioudect fine parking em- ployed welcome Non - smo.e. References first last 5,r;5; 4.34 2558 434- 69- "a a message DIXIEIFINCH flea ' bedre>Jm =ase^ant apart- ment. wing room, fireplace. Laundry. arc. no pari. $65a month Parkin^y. available Aug 1st Call 905-837- 2576 PICKERING Fmch/ White s RC 2 -bedroom basement, separate en- trance. 1 tar parting. i". Cry. uhlme5 non-smoker no -pets. avail August I. $750 -Imo inclusive 1 SV Last 1905) 619-1509 FOR RENT - 1 and 2 bed- room apt in the Georgian Mansions. starting at $716. Just north of Extendicare Phone 579.9016 FOR RENT, Oshawa (Fkt- son 8 Bloc area) tufty ren- ovated 2 -bedroom base- ment apartment, available now Contact 5711399 or 668-9986 first/last, $650 enckusne. OSHAWA LARGE 3 bed- room apartment, with fire- place. 6 appliances n- cuding laundry. 2 ' rul bamts. 1400 sq ft. air co nl boning. Intercom, parking. Close to lake. s975hnonth + uhhues. Avail. imrne- "Wly. Cal 10 view 725- 9991 or 432.6977. OSHAWA gorgeous bright one bed. main floor apt. fridge. stove. washer. dryer. peen deck, yard. own still close to downtown, quiet single welcomed. No pets. $595. + utilities. 435-0110. TWO bedroom - Oshawa. $650 per month. Par". hest. water included. Avai- able now. 655-4076 leave message. NEED A QUIET apt. =liar Oshawa Centre? 3 ted - room top floor In a 3 unit building. I/s, parking, laun- dry fac.. cloths line. no pus. 1stAast. Aug 1st. 579-0658. NEW ground level large 1 bdrm basement apt. in Whitby. 4 appliances. $639/month inclusive Available Immiedial". Cal 905-427-2499. 'f�i+]rt'4. exi}7 �'t�t!1...,: y�+y6 , e:Areii'� ..a , .. F s• s. - e,ia. p.. .. PACE 24 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7,19% Apartments Apartments Houses Townhouses Townhouses Townhouses EM,Rooms shared Candolrrnitatts For Rent � 1 For Rent , For RentEA , For Rent For Rent EAM, For Rent For Rent Accomodi lion For Rent ONE bedroom apt. Osha- wa WdsorvAdelaide area, private entrance. pato. parking. laundry 5485 util- ities included Aug 1 Call 725-1750 OSHAWA. newly renovat- to one & two bedroom. in- cludes heat. hydroparking ano laundry available No pets. non-smokers. starting 15550 (9051831-8030 (905)839-1984 OSHAWA - JOHN CEN- TER st-eet one bedroom apa-tment available imme- diatey. S655/mo prkg and utd included laundry faclh fres available Call (905) 432-8914(905)435-7130 OSHAWA one bedroom Fudge stove heat and hy- dro included S592rmonth Frrstlast 434-6311 OSUAI WA 1 -bedroom apa,"est available Aug 1st. includes fridge. stove. $449 monthly -S12 utilities lst/last required No pets please Call 986- OSHAWA 2 -bedroom au.e' neighbourhood newer duplex Fridge. stove Laundry private entrance. 2 car parking available Aug 1 $650+ hydro 623- 7858 CLEAN FAMILY BUILD- ING ti's" Oshawa. 1. 2 & 3 bdrms Ircuswe Pay ca ble. park;-., & laundry fac 723-2094 OSHAWA - Dse to GM ,ewe, bu d,^g 1 2. 3 bedroom apartments 905 438-0229 Prckenng ' bedroom air corn - ;neo baesment apt G+enanna :Hwy s2 sopa rare entrance & Laundry parking lots of storage 5650 Ja month inclusive Call (905) 509-1651 PICKERING Rouge Val- ley '-bedroom apartment in house. fireplace. pmrate entrance. private bath. parkmg laundry. SWO-112 .Mires Non-smokers No pets Aug 'st 905509-- 1320 PRETTY 1 -bedroom basemen' apartment m Nortr End Oshawa park ing. yardincludes utim" available August 1. 5697 month Call (905 7116-2335 SOUTH AJAX .arge quiet ba Cne,cr apt ',id 4 pc bath. a kitchen Utilities. cable A parx,,g included $50o month PartaRy fun niShed Avail July 15 Or Aug 1 Can 427-0232 OSHAWA NORTH Still COE.o^ Russet bngn' dear 2 bedroom. in newly renovated 12-p4ex hard wood floors Mat not water parking cabte incl Laun- dry -aCdnies no dogs $686. hydro Ava,, Sept 1 576-2962 SOUTH Ajax spotless cvers-zed 1 -bedroom basement apartment, sep. arateentrance non- smokers no pets $700 rn- clusiwe. 1sU13St, references reourred- Cal 68119 SOUTH OSHAWA. 275 Wentworth St W. large 1 2. 'beorol close to bus- es, shopping, available xn- medrately. S550. 5650 a up . fridge. stove. neat. hy- Oro, pang 1st hast to- quired. no pets. 434.5183 SOUTH PICKERING - bactielor apt.. cli ent.. very dean and Quiet area. no -pets, non-smokers wel- come. $550. all Inclusive. Auw immedfatey. 509• o992. TWO - 2 bedrooms. central Oshawa. Indge, stove. laundry facilities, parking. Aug 1st $643.40. Sept 1st $655 . 1 strait, ref. req. 905- 985-9106 TWO BEDROOM, near Oshiwa Centre and 401. Parking, laundry. storage. available immediately. Non Smoker $590 plus hydro. 723-5084 VERY CLEAN basement bachelor apt. available Aug 1 Harmony and Olive area $385 plus 1/3 util. Calf 404-0133 leave mes- sage. WESTSHORE/BAYLY - 1 bedroom walkout base- ment apt. Blight. clean. newly renovated. Aug. 1. Includes cable, parking. laundry. Female preferred. Non-smoker. No pets. Leave message . 905-420- 3897. WHITBY - 3-tledroom apanment in triplex, large wing room. applfw-. bbl backyard, parking. $750+ hydro- No dogs. Call 905- 723-2547, WHITBY - Extremely large 2 bedroom apartment in well kept budding. large kitchen with dishwasher, separate dining room, walkout to patio. parking, laundry facilities, walk Ic go walk lc beach, ava l able now $950 inclusive (905)619-0366 0366 WHITBY One bedroom basemem apt near Go. available immediately $550'me Utilities included No smokingno pets please 665-1061 WHITBY 1 -bedroom luxu- ry, ccndc building available Sept 1. parking. full ameni- ties Dave (905)430-8333 days. or Joan 14161321- 1996 evenings/weekends WHITBY, 2 bdrm apt above store stove. fudge. parking. 5600 -month First & last No pets. Available immediately. Call 905-668- 2248 WHITBY spacious 2-1bed- room excellent budding. patio. near GO. 5825 rnclu- Srve Sept 1st. Call (416) 699-5287 WHITBY- small one and two bedroom basement apt Suitable for mature person. Available immediately Call 1.905-509-9913 WHY -ehl when you can cw^ -Jr.own home for less than you trnnk7" Call Dave HaVIOCk Sales Rep Re'Max Sun,- Realty (1991' Ltd (905' 668-380C or (905 6663211 Houses Ann, For Rent $1 AC»uiuia AtiviOaO,e Why Rent" Own your Home trom $799 month (utilities ncfuded, No Down pay - rrentn Call Me" Mark Sta- pley Sales Rep Sutton Group Exce Realty 571- 6275 or 1-800-640-6275 WHO SAYS YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUT A HOUSE? ^ 5ami, 5679'iriet e- a+r'9+p" S'89'lntr E,- r Exec S9691-41' No doer peyerant'' Bad Credit' Sanlvuor Cal W' 571-6275 1-600s40-"75 MARK STAPLEY Ex�i l R,:Jry In. 1 ST CHOICE AFFORDABLE HOMES! WHY RENT) BUY! NC dowry payment No problems Let me Show you now ' Mor' Pay $700 0 A C Call Thomas C. Pike Sales Rep, Rema Accord Rea11y Ltd. 5763111 2 Bedroom home near Oshawa Hospital Huge yard, appliances, finished basement. $895 plus Available Aug. 1 Pett al- lowed 432-6813 AJAX - 3 BEDROOM. farruy room,wdh fireplace. 2 112 baths, fenced yard. 5 appliances Walk to Shop- ping- parks. school. and community center. $1,200 plus uOWes 427-7206. AJAX, dean 3 -bedroom home dear schools. shops. GO-trains. broadloom. stove, Indge, fenced yard, garage. available imme- diatey. $1050+. Call 416- 292-8140, AVAILABLE Sept. 1St. Northeast Oshawa sem, 3+ 1 -bedroom. 1 1/2 -baths. central air, garage, refer- ences, 1st/last. 5920+uhli- ties Phone evenings 905- 725-7632. CENTRAL OSHAWA. 5 bdrm. house, dose to Hos- pital and bus routes. 2 ap- pkances, References, S950Y mo. + utilities, call 723- 6291 or 576-4534. Avail. July 15, N.E. OSHAWA. small 3 bedroom detached. fenced yard & garage, close to O.0 and all schools $875 pus utilities. avail. immed call 433-0216 NORTH AJAX, Large 2 story, 5 bedroom horse. on 10 acres. Avail. July 15th. $1295. month. plus Utilities. First /last. references. Gary Peds, The Prudential Admievers Really. 831.7677 OLDER home in Pon Per. ry. 3 bedrooms. 2.4 pc bathrooms. hvingrooml dr nrrlgroom, small den Large fenced backyard. available Aug 1 $960 plus utilities First-lasi 420-2078 PICKERING immaculate main floor 3 bedroom bun- galow Custom kitchen, ap- pliances. laundry Near school GO $995 + $100 utilities Non-smokers. nc pets 686 7919 PICKERING T,wn Centre area 4 bed-oom sem available Call 416.444 7391 WHITBY. detached 3- bedrx^ finished base- ment. double garage fenced. available Septem ber t $1145/month Call (905)666-2694 Townhouses For Rent 3 -BEDROOM Yownhouse. Westnev Rd Hwy 2. end unit with garage. S11oo, month plus utilities. first, last. references. non-smok ing, no pets, available im mediately (905)428-3238 AJAX - THREE BED- ROOM. baths 1 rug dining and family washer, dryertnoge and stove Available Aug 1. 51100 per me call 579-5625 AVAILABLE STARTING MID JULY FAMILY COMMUNITIES MONARCH MEWS 3 Bedroom Townhouses, rent $850 & $864 plus utilities POST HILL 2 bedroom 2 Storey apartment & 3 bedroom townhouse, rents range from $880.00 to $993.00 month plus hydro NO SUBSIDIES AVAILABLE Close to schools. shopping and transit PLEASE CALL MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9A M.TO5RM (905) 683-9269 7 119�, - - - AJAX MUNICIPAL +10USING CORPORATION AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE Ly 3 bedroom townhouse. quiet south end area. $950 month all inclusive. 435- 1088 BAYLY LIVERPOOL. Clean . well maintained. 3 bedroom townhouse. 4 ap- chances, air underground parking $1100 plusavail- able mmediately 839- 7696 a1 1 ■ BEAUTIFUL townhouse Whites Rd South Prckenng, available Aug. 1 3 bed- rooms, finished reC room. with walkout to patio. 2 -car underground parking, steps to Go, shoppingschools. conservation park. Lake Ontario Non smokers no pets Call or leave mes- sage tot appt 905-839- 3020 COURTICE - 3 bedroom new townhouse. 1 112 baths. 4 appliances. avail- able Aug 1. $930 plus utili- ties (416)282-5586 NORTH OSHAWA, 3 bedroom + basement townhouses in well main- tained familycomplex Freshly decorated with Frig 'stove. close to all amenities Starting at $718 ,month On site Mgmt office Call 905-728-377, WHITBY, Blue Grass Vil- lage. 3 bedroom. 3 112 baths. family room, garage. appliances. CA. CV, gas heated, no pets. 51150(im cludes water etc 1 + utilities. 7211-5497 Rooms for Rent AJAX. Room for rent, bright & clean. fumished $350 mo Please leave message. 427-6106 AJAX- furnished room Available Immediately Full use of rec room, laundry room, kitchenette w'fndge. use of BBO, a/c. parking available $80 -week 683 5951 WORKING woman,'child or older woman Stove. fridge. shared bathroom, parking. storage Olive/Simcoe area $75 weekly Call 728-1773 a r 1111111""x r AJAX- Westmy / HWY 2. responsible working person for 1 bedroom with private bath in newly -decorated home $330 Non-smoker No pets. references. 905- 686-2067 Furnished comodations WHITBY one bedroom furnished apt including dishes.linen. telephone. cable etc $1500/mo all in- clusive 1 905-852.5128 Shared Accomodalion AJAX. room for rent in basementshare facilities. all inclusive. first & last. ref- erences, available imme- diately, parking. 428-8282 AJAX Westney'Hwy 2 area Large home to share. Close to GO & Transit $375/monthly All inclusive Call 683-6092 COURTICE shared 3 bedroom home Full use of house 5 appliances plus B80 Friendly roommates Must like dogs Non-smok mg professional $350 /mc inclusive Available imme- diently Michelle 905-438- 1719 Dr. Mark McKenzie discovered Hair and Faces International was great for him and his patients Dr. Mark McKenzie started his medical career as a replaced in the hair loss area. family doctor. He says while successful growth was achieved, the He enjoyed his work. He saw his patients start look of the hair resembled the growth pattern you families and saw their children grow. might see on the head of a plastic doll, spaced in But fate has a way of changing the direction of all of uniform rows, too far apart. our lives and Dr. McKenzie was no exception. Today, the procedure is done literally one hair at a Born In Scotland, he graduated from the University time and looks very natural. Dr. McKenzie as you can of Edinburgh Medical School in 1985. Shortly after he see below has had the treatment done and it he looks came to Canada and in 1987 joined the staff at the great. newly opened Scarborough Grace Hospital. Today the procedure is done with very little While at Grace he served as President of the discomfort. Patients are given medication to relax and Medical Staff and was a member of the hospital's their scalp is administered with a local anesthetic. The board of directors while running his family practice. procedure takes about three hours and during that But his life changed in 1993 when he started seeing time you are awake. If you like you can watch a something different about some of his patients. movie, listen to music or bring a friend along to keep "I noticed that some of my male patients had you company. undergone hair transplants and you couldn't tell it The procedure is also more affordable than you wasn't natural," Dr. McKenzie explains. -As a young think and financing is available. man experiencing hair loss, I became intrigued with Other treatments available at HFI include their this procedure." Laser Skin Resurfacing that can remove wrinkles, This is when he discovered that his patients had scars, port wine stains, tattoos and small veins on the been receiving treatments at Hair and Faces face. International. He soon decided that this would be a Dr, McKenzie has been featured on many radio and valuable service he could offer his patients. television spots including hosting a show on Buffalo's HFI was started by Dr. Lawrence Freemont who WGR Radio and has been featured in newspaper established his first clinic in the early 1980s in Toronto. articles including one in theToronto Star. Today, there are locations all over the world. Dr. McKenzie says that hair transplants have gone So visit HFI, at 2100 Ellesmere Rd, Ste 106 in beyond their crude beginnings when large plugs of Scarborough for a free consultation or for more hair were removed from one part of your scalp and information call 416-439-3560 FURNISHED home w/all amenities to share w/fe- male only Immediately. $385/month + 1/3 utd 1st/ Iasl1refrequired. (905)839-3280 or leave message OWN bathroom. bedroom and solarium, share kitchen & laundry room, swimming pool, sauna etc. Available August 1 S450/month Call 683-5402 PICKERING Major Oaks, renovated fur- nished 'large room, private bathroom, in quiet. clean home. Includes parking, air, laundry no pets Ist/last ref- erences, to share with non. smoking professional im- mediately.$440 686-0298 ROOM -MATE needed for 2 bedroom apt in house Fenced yard, fresh paint, convenient location $375 Ind Call 432-8045 Avail. able immediately or Aug t SHARE Courtice. town- house 5 appliances. laun- dry. parking. Single parent welcome 5400 + share util- hes (negotiable) Refer- ences First last 905404- 2189 AJAX CONDO on the lake for rent, F/S, dish- washer, fireplace, t bed- room, available ASAP $775 /mo. Call Roseanne (905)883-0319 leave mes- sage Office & EmRetail Space OSHAWA 4 Months Free Rent !!!- 600 sq main $500. 3500 sq Lwr hit. $1000. 250 Sq. main, $350. 850 sq.2nd. fir $600. 1050 sq main, $1.000 1600 sq.main $1300. Call 434-2447 or 655-4132. AVAILABLE space from too to 1500 sq ft.. second floor. suitable for office or music/dance/karate studio or similar. Please call (905)683-7111. OFFICE space lot lease. 2nd floor of Courtrce plaza. overlooks busy Hwylt2. air con , plenty of parking Available immediately. 755 8 sq ft. & 779 sq h Call 725-9991 OSHAWA. professional building. on second floor. 6.000 sq ft, 5000 sq. h in basement, free parking. downtown, for information call(416)782-1288 a NEW GYM NEW EQUIPMENT NEW You "And You Don't Have To Be In Shape To Train Here:" Irs Most for -4 FLE IT Health 6 Fitness Club JUST CALL 837-0737 1735 BAYLY ST. UNrr 10, PICKERING WEIGHT LOSS CLINICS Ig Lose approximately up to 3 pounds per week. M A real food diet that's low-fat and low -cholesterol. You'll enjoy foods from all the major food groups. M Behavior guidance and one- to-one counselling for safe and easy weight loss. HAIR 1 LOSS? . Before you do anything, tall to The Doctor First Discover how you can repiace your baking with your own growing stair. Call Dr. Mark McKenzie of Hair & Fakes International at (416)-439-35W for a free consultation u • ndtrial Ius Units Rn Lots gas furnace. Businless gle car, prolessionally For Sale Askin Opportunfties RENT TO OWN, 1000 - waterfront community DO YOU DREAM OF BE - 5000 sq it commercial In port perry. Two scr- ING YOUR OWN BOSS? condos, very attractive excellent purchase es lots starting at $120,000. For into call Achieve financial indepen. rates. terms, call Ken Thompson. (905) 427-0390 or (905) dente, freedom, challenge & prestige earth an exciting 1 800-465-7742 round." he says. "And all it takes is 10 career Work flexible hours Cottages , Out -0f -Town to suit your needs Work from your home. Extensive flr for Rent Properties training provided Send re- n Sunda)s, there's no I���� yealLA CVe.iI&WIN SWPS sume to Freedom Lifestyles _• ,cuse to neglect your car of course the "Best Value Package of 8 Midtown Dr Suite 171 GREAT fishing and family holiday on Rice Lake. 1 hour from Oshawa. Modern & 3 bedroom cottages, sandy beach, playground. children's program, boat & -rotor. Low family prices. Sunnymead Cottages R R. 03, Hastings. Ont. KOL 1Y0 705)6962601 Florida • Vac. Rentals ATTENTION Snowbirds GORGEOUS 3 bedroom 3 bathroomstownhouse rondo. close to famous Clearwater beach, pool, la- .uzn. BBO. private yard. .evadable now For info and o view photos 686-9846 or 179-3788 CLEARWATER, 3 bed - •ppm 'ully furnished and air ;ond:honed mobile (per - ,anent) homes heated cools. hot tub, close to leaches & major attrac- nons. children welcome, 5275 weekly. photos shown n your home (905)683- 5503 PETERBOROUGH / KA- WARTHAS Two - 2 storey cottages Rice Lake $87,000. and $119,00o Executive home bungalow 2400 sq if 5.5 ac $159.900. Pigeon Lake waterfront home $178.500 Lots Pigeon Lake $23.900 and $16,500 (10 ac). 50 acres inside Ganaraska Forest $64,000 These and more.call me for listings and free property cata- logue. John Wood. Sales Rep. Bowes & Cocks 705- 742-4234 � Vacation Properties 53500 full pnced, Seclud- ed wooded Trader lot, ad- jacent to huge county for- est, good road. sandy beach, fishing, Cobourg area (416)431.1555 POWER OF Sale recrea- tion lot •75 x100 ' Partially treed, 12 kms NE Camp- bellford. Water access. -Crow River, septic. water, Power Included 18 h travel trailer -reasonable condi non $9.000 firm call John 0!_ invatHomes 905-432-1345 Money $145.900 Custom Null 3 to Lend large bedroom bungalow Spotless, very well kept New windows. new root, new furnace. air con., huge eal-:n kitchen. completely finished basement. huge lot, quiet court South Oshawa Immediate occu- pancy 905-725-5241 3 bedroom bnck bungalow on 2 acres in Oshawa New shingles, windows, doors. fumace. 200 amp service A;so sep ned garage conve to bath apt. 16x32 a.g. OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT GUAR- ANTEED. SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES, OTHERS DO NOT. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING Oshawa,L1J 81_2 Kootenay Computer Clean now expanding to Ontario! We have openings lot a limited number of people to train In the computer cleaning field. Earn $50 per hr While enjoying the freedom of self- employment 53000 Investment required to cover cost of training and equipment Jeanne 1.888. 615.0555 e ' Personals BIANCA PSYCHIC, 45 years exp Love, marr,age business Guaranteed $10.00 off 4886152. 3328A Yonge St. (North of Lawrence) Toronto BORED ONTARIO HOUSEWIVES - names & pnvate phone numbers, 1- 900-451 3638 ext 704. $3 29imm. must be 18 T - lone EVANLY RAYS Police use n Rated a1 Solutions on Career. Relationships. Health, Love. $2.9Wminute. 18 . 1.904451 4055 HEAVENLY PSYCHIC answers serving over 53 "Mon readers Only $2.99 per rrun 24 firs 18 yrs. plus 1.900.451-3783 VEDIC. ASTROLOGY. Discover the key tl your destiny through "wS ancient silencer Natal horoscopes. compatibility charts. one year forecasts Cao Susan McNaughton 655-3933 pool and 2 fireplaces ompanions 1, 69.90c Can Randy, 655- a Mortgages, • , Insurance CAMP GROUND & trader Park 15 wooded acres. Stream, rec hall, slore, swimming pool. Plus 3 bedroom home priced to sell at $335.000 Will con - $der your Mme as pan of purchase price. Make an offer. owner retiring. Bnghton,Tranton area. Terms, into phone 905- 623-3194 Val Lauesen Re - ably COUNTRY CLUB style adult community Sale. rent or exchange Excellent choice to choose Mom. At least $15.000. under Priced Enjoy goring, swim- ming. lawn bowl shuttle board. hot tub, sauna, bl- kards, etc 2 bedroom homes, many extras. Call Val Lauesen Reality 905- 623-3194 for info. COURTICE. 3 -bedroom, •ec room w/4th bedroom, gas furnace. 2 -storey, sin- gle car, prolessionally andscaped. Askin $149.000- Call 905-4328 7339. 3 MONTHS OR 5.000 KM, OSHAWA Athabasca For- est 3 bedroom brick bun- galow, walkout to back yard, finished basement, gas heat' potential in-kil $142.900. 905-571.6685. PORT PERRY - $139,900.- 3 bedroom, convenience Plus - walk to all amenities. Large tit for garden. First rime buyers drern or retire here. Cal Caeherirp Ayolte, Remax (905) 985-4427, 24 hr. Pager POWER of Sale!! ie9`i.000 2 storey detached, gas heat, Glair, 2 car garage, 5% down will carry br $739 including taxi,, Ted Houghton, Sutton Group Classic 430-9000, WESTNEY HEIGHTS area. 3 -bedroom detached home, central air, finished basement, separate living/ dining, 501rontage, $189.900. Call Jim or Pau- line 905-427-2482. Condos for Sale PICKERING, Tridel, 1 bedroom with solarium, 5 appliances. Parking, locker, securiy gatehouse, fabu- lous recreational facilities, reduced for quick sale, no agents please. $117900. call Jackie 427-5286. , CREDIT LINE MORTGAGE LOAN Looking for better rates Need money last? Tumed doarrll' Creditors calling? Call for a FREE consultation JOHNSTON & COOK The Financial Experts 905-428-1232 MORTGAGES - Good. bad and ugly. Financing for any purpose, rates from 5,95%. All applications ac- cepted Community Finan - del Services 668-6805 � Business pportunides $9995 Sacrifice! Estab- fished baking/Ice Cream Store. must sen. leaving country. Car 725-0997. COMPUTER USERS WANTED. Guaranteed steady work. (Word pro- cessing. date entry. etc. ) Great incomenl Call 1-800- 337-8020 LAU14DROMAT business, depot & vend - Ing rootfie in Oshawa mall, Qreat potential. For addi- borhal information fax 905- 4360035. EASTSIDE CONNEC- TIONS DATELINE - Free to =all to Place your ad, no :narges for ladies, no phone bill charges, 905- 430-7060 Tired of bell alone? WANT Sincere. Compatible We can help. Call 434-8399 STUDENTS EIGHT WEEKS UNTIL LABOUR DAY; DO TOU HAVE A JOB TET' • Gain valuable experience • No door 10 door telemarketing • $1125 to start • Flexible hours • Scholarships awarded regularly -Fun working atmosphere CALL "260 �,Xpy(OND Siffty r7 t C1*wlvrnG a ttrtta 01* DUMOND SHINE 221 11ii Rd. S., unit A, Apx c9ost 619-2899 We Also Specialize In: • HIGH PERFORMANCE CARS • HIGH SPEED BUFFING •SCOTCHGUARDING RUSTPROORNG THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7, 199&PAft 25 FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTIVE REQUIREMENTS CALL THE AUTOMOTIVE PROFESSIONALS Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change Centre now open seven days a week 1 1 1 1 Owner Chris Rogers All packagc, Ill,, ii IC d �'I-point inspection, changing the oil filter, adding I That means maintaining proper fluid up to 5 litres of oil and the labour !evens, checking the ores, flushing your The inspection Includes checking all r,ld, making sure air can still get through the air filter. fluid levels. belts. tires, wiper blades headlights and more. I The professionals at Pennzoil 10 The Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change Minute Oil Change Centre are trained to Centre offers an automatic transmission :insure that your car lives a full and seryice which includes a filter chane and ,,roductive life. fluid. Located at 195 W'e%tney Rd. South, !,st south of Hwv 401, Pennzoil is the S Iia OFF I 1 0 Summer is here and ANY AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CHANGE. EXPIRES I t,,wn and a welcome sight for people on now you can keep your - �• .ehicle running smooth technicians. cveryday of the week when rotor Owner -O Ile Chris Rogers opened 3 MONTHS OR 5.000 KM, sou visit Pennzoil IU `�- r 11111110 Its m I m till• Minute Oil Change Centre r ffers customers a complete range of _ + ,n Ajax. THREE BEARS car and truck running smoothly all year Now open Monday to round." he says. "And all it takes is 10 I L �ENN�I 15 tturday from K a.m. to 6 *W OF AJAX'S a m ^ . and I I a.m. to 3 p.m. Pru a O n Sunda)s, there's no I���� yealLA CVe.iI&WIN SWPS You have a choice of oils including _• ,cuse to neglect your car of course the "Best Value Package of 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE CENTRE I it truck Complete Collision NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED,Your vehicle deserves I State and Valvoline. There's also synthetic WARRANTY APPROVED full inspection of all the SUMMER SAVINGS cas I 'itrention.a` need special 1 1 1 1 Owner Chris Rogers All packagc, Ill,, ii IC d �'I-point inspection, changing the oil filter, adding I That means maintaining proper fluid up to 5 litres of oil and the labour !evens, checking the ores, flushing your The inspection Includes checking all r,ld, making sure air can still get through the air filter. fluid levels. belts. tires, wiper blades headlights and more. I The professionals at Pennzoil 10 The Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change Minute Oil Change Centre are trained to Centre offers an automatic transmission :insure that your car lives a full and seryice which includes a filter chane and ,,roductive life. fluid. Located at 195 W'e%tney Rd. South, !,st south of Hwv 401, Pennzoil is the S Iia OFF I 1 0 ,inly drive through maintenance centre In ANY AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CHANGE. EXPIRES I t,,wn and a welcome sight for people on Aug- 31196 ,he Ko and for those who prefer to (cave ' i �c�[ NICam X the fob of car maintenance to qualified technicians. CANNOT COMBINE COUPON WiTH ANY OTHER OIL CHANGE OFFER. RECOMMENDED EVERY I rotor Owner -O Ile Chris Rogers opened 3 MONTHS OR 5.000 KM, ills fully equipped tacillty in DiecennI OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK I ��•;' 195 WESTNEY RD. Sot,,.n i _ease have a full service shop that Wq2) d77i-,67 i�'1i /ice r ffers customers a complete range of _ + maintenance scntces that will keep their THREE BEARS car and truck running smoothly all year AUTO 1180"Y round." he says. "And all it takes is 10 minutes of your time.' *W OF AJAX'S 7'hch. do oil changes, lubrications and — LARGESTAUMWDY filter installations on most makes of cars a O and trucks I���� yealLA CVe.iI&WIN SWPS You have a choice of oils including -Semng The DtlfMM Region" of course the "Best Value Package of Free Estimates Pennzoil to the "Specialty Oil Change Complete Collision Package: which includes Castrol, Quaker Specialist & Refinishing State and Valvoline. There's also synthetic To Cars & Trucks oils available. Frame Straightening • Rust Repairs • Insurance Claims cars axw� i x� xxx- i ESPECIAL 10% OFF, i' co nplete Body �x st A- � Pnint Work S I. '.' t)tieretgoitNrJtlitJrStsll9s UMT 11206, 262 MONARCH AVE, AJAX 905 619-2327 MAR'S AUTO REPAIR LTD. • PRICE $62,900 AJAX Fully turn key garage repair. Must sell, health problem. Great opportunity, established operating business with clientele. Excellent location with easy access to 401. Top line of equipment, heating and air conditioning office. For more information please call Hanna Shmordok (416)247-7884 MECIAANIC SHOP rK f I S 6915 Finley Ave. Ajax- Ont. Honesty Is The Best Policy! .P I x� It you don't maintain .our Car. especially the oil, then increased friction from oil breakdown will wear out internal parts and increase the temperature inane your engine which can Samaze .out cooling system,' says Chris. It an inexpensi.c way to get long lite from your ear. Chris keeps his customers maintcncace records on his Computer database and sends out reminders w hen Its time for an oil change A would also like to remind people that they should ha.c their .chicle thoroughly checked before they _o on vacation", he explain.s. "That's not the time you want something to go wrung with your %chicle.' Competitors coupons are always honoured at Pennzoil. \o appointments are necessary and for more Information about the Pennzoil 10 Minute Oil Change Centre call 427- 6796. "Honesty, Perfection Customer Satisfaction" Rea onatae Priers -ji OLi,Rotate &I I ; Lt 11Balance FU R'I Wheels't Most cam. Vans dr trucks extra- i l [ 90 "Itia all "Maw 0al e Oewtsr No" Sam would we to thank au his Vakwd Custo,Itars & kiwws for "Mill F , 1 - IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE CALL BILLY (416) 798-7672 EX. 2304 ` .�......w...y.IN1raC�.'�_��'7�s't.,.alal�� �._-—'-=t�W►Y�.: .::,,,.::,..aP;s._;:.. PACE 26 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 7.19% no �ome- M p r o DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS (905) 579-2222 Complete Selection of Vinyl Windows & Doors CASE NIENT I)()l-BLE TechweN20v H U N G TIFIF-ACTION • Picture Vdindows • Bay & Bow 'llndows • insurance laims • Patio Doors Storm Doors • "yew onstruction Ilndows • Mass & Screen Repairs MOBILE SHOWROOM FREE ESTIMATES WAYNE HUTCHINSON oab KING ST W SALE; SERVICE d OSHAWA. ONTARIO INSTALLATION LIJ 20 rethAW2030,0(905) 579-2222 vement The T i l e s"W Pickering Home & Design Centre 1755 Pickering Parkway Unit #52 683-0079 __Free Estimates & instaiiations (COMPLETE BATHROOM — — — NOVATION SPECIAL • New Tub WE • New Faucet SPECIALIZE 1 \ • New Tiles ton wan) o,ti. rrrc Grarliki; 1 • New Tiles noon E 10. Marek. $1,7' ��, �, Also 1 Drop in to our show a'n1001" accessarie� l room for more details. • hardwood Roots L — — — — — — — — ——ktstsuabon& Ex. Serving the Durham Region for over 30 Years KILPATRICK CONSTRUCTION Basement, Home Renovations (Bathrooms, etc.) Authorized Contractor6 CONSlJ11AERS GAS _ DON'T PAY FOR 90 DAYS YOU CAN APPLY IT TO YOUR GAS BILL ON O.A.C. HOME IMPROVEMENTS e Additions • 2nd floors • Bathrooms • Plumbing • Deckifences Wiring • Tiling • Drywall WE SUPPLY PERMITS & PLANS REFERENCES & PICTURES AVAILABLE FULL INSURED • ALL WORK GUARANTEED 97 Church St, Ajax 428-8785 R ' ✓ FL(X)R COWERING SOIA TIONS�— O,er 23 dears e%perience JOE KNOWS (_CARRY CARPET.r WE JOE KNOWS I TOP OF THE VINYL! I LINE I JOE KNOWS I CARPET I CUSTOMER I & VINYL SATISFACTION! L FOR YOUR 11-1,00RINC NlF:h:DS NIA KE THF: �•R1c117-•• ('I11010E ('AI.1. JOE FOR S110P AT H01*11-: til•:R%'I('E AJAX 428-7455 434-0268 _LF ]AQDQMQGDa� STOP BEING BURNED 13c•to rc )"ou Rcnev% vo ur present Furnace mainti•nance ;) , Agreement - Rc me mhcr I h(Narc :111 - �%M6 in liusinvss to SELL. coni F.nc•rg; . SSR us ahonu our maintenance prolgr:nn. From huntc• o wncis. Business or CoInnWrCG11 our rates plans voll s:n e Voll nxmev noir and in the years to comae. Ire"tiew, Over 26 ],eisrs F..r/iev-ient,e 3465 Brock Rd., RR#1 Brougham (905) 619-9062 Testimonial from a satisfied KILPATRICK CONSTRUCTION customer Kilpatrick Construction works hard to maintain its reputation. This is a reputation that is reflected by the people who have had Gord and his sons Scott and Troy work on their homes. Ed and Theresa Arathoon of Pickering are typical satisfied customers. With three young children, a playroom was needed in their home. They decided an addition was needed. Ed considered estimates from 10 companies but selected Kilpatrick Construction. "We're very happy we chose Gord and his sons because they did an excellent job", says Ed "Gord also said the job would be done in two months and it was f ' h d h examine all of hitt work to ensure it was done the way Ed wanted it. "Gard and hitt sons were great. They have great people skills and are very friendly and professional;' says Ed. "l would recommend them to anyone. "Kilpatrick Construction, offering over 40 years of experience in the industry, leads the way in product design, quality workmanship and superior finishings at competitive prices within Durham Region. Custom home planning with Kilpatrick Construction enables your dreams and ideas to materialize so that you will be happy with your choices for to come C Basement, Home Renovations (Bathrooms, etc.) Andwrized ColnV actor CONSIJINERs GAS Inls a to t e day. "Ed says that Gord also protected the rest of the home so it remained clean during construction. He was also impressed at how organized he was and that he took care of all the permits and other red tape involved with having an addition put on. "He also worked within our budget and followed the desired plans we had for the addition," Ed explains. "And when it was completed it looked like it was always part of the house. "Customer satisfaction is extremely important to Gord so he had Ed The Kilpatrick family has a genuine commitment to excellence -- to give the customer the highest level of service at the best possible price. "We make sure the value is there," says Gord. "We concentrate on quality time. We do the job right the first by building each new addition or renovation project as if it were our own." As an authorized contractor for Consumers Gas, Gord specializes in any aspect of basement renovations with no payment due for 90 days. Call Kilpatrick Construction today at (905) 428-8785 for a free consultation. SILVER CARPET & RUGS INCREDIBLE PRICES INCREDIBLE SAVINGS VISIT OUR SHOWROOM FOR FREE! SHOP Ar HOME SERVICE OR ESTIMATE CALL UNIT 3 -487 Westney Rd. S 683-4292 AJAX FULLY LICENSED &INSURED INSTALLATION SALES a SEV O imm ALL MAKES AIR CONDMOMNG, HEATING L REFRIGERATION ■ OW COMMERCIAL R INDUSTRIAL - AUTH(M12ED We wil not .. KATURAL GAS DEALER e knoZgly • un idourt Visit Us Sunday - PickeFka Market across from Foo ■ I CLASSIC AIR SYSTEMS oiJ Over 20 years experience SALES • SERVICE • PARTS RENOVATIONS A REMOI EUNG 24 HOUR PLUMBING SERVICE (WITH NO CHARGE FOR OVERTIME) mg, One of the largest plumbing parts department in the great Toronto area. • 1050 BROCK RD. - UNIT 5 PK:KERING 20 to • ■ .. ON IF=! R1 BUY A CAR IN 10 MINUTES', THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNI)AY, JULY 7,1996 -PACE 27 • J ■ A.a - ` 1 w 1 —M as TRUCK BLOWOUT Just a few examples 314 Ton Club Cab Diesel 314 Ton 4x4 Vio Club Cab 112 Ton Club Cab Sport 112 Ton Club Cab 4x4 1 Ton Club Cab Diesel 1 993 DODGE 230 LE 4X4 DIESEL Aub. PS.P8. Powv wwdows. P lock P "Kron. LE Decor Pkg-. till rhsai, crus. con". Monewr C. oow only. 32.000 millsr warraty TIMA Sale s21 JM 1993 FORD RANGER CLUB CAB XLT 4x4 wow only 15.600 neias. ort owrw. V6. Powv Jack, due ek uuua. eor btr, g.ls tact. Yrf wm mw T, 070A Sale $1 64M No • • LRJUhat o _ 1 . j I. • NONE 'i ST P480 r' RGIff MENNIN OR per day 1994 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER 1996 JEEP CHEROKEE LTD. 1995 GRAND CNEROKEE LAREDO 1992 DUSTER • 3 iL Linc. Pw. Pa. pwa, Pawras..rb YaiP air SZL rto- AaFWM. Wood mfa, aaiw row Porch - saurify al■a� traction nmol, awMad Pw•. P. Pico& Prom port ft wr0, hr■ Aube Ps-. P.D.. air, twekeb, Cont04 plw t3L arAa. Pi. PO- w cord. datk Euckfrs. WrR AWN coma. apualiafr, akaa wfrak i .cock � tar frac lock oaunroal. aoddw nrrwrq wlwar. port fyoiW. corroM. AAYRI CO a nwa oMy Daarar, Am wlwla umcrasn on Pffts narcfl more. B.wm of factory .■panty. No owy3a3ao = vrao EXECUTIVE DEMO a■pDt no $nohrNta: mduAaaair.1500E EXECUTIVE DEMO �y 10.12 � PRICED TO SELL �r 14.00 � day PRICED TO SELL 1194 SUNDMCE 2 DR. 1993 StNOANCE 4 OL GREEN 1995 INTREPID 4 DR. 19�941NTREPID 4 DR. dio 2x mb. P+, Pb, aw tone, AYIF71, coos., 13 L, auto., a+s Pb. PM. PA. tale alm' . • M aab., P.{.. Pb, ori toed, AWFY, foldoam Ialdoan nw out, dom twdMsls. calsok iuft 3]L. r■ aro Pa PdL, w rlr- air card. P port seat, doN bkbm cor■obo. T966A won. 0* 1.9.606 ff&L V462Y ww asses., maa�spe�anI PML t� womob a�.tr.. ** w*& RMA °ucYM! Sale *9j995 only =4.79' Perday Only •9.00' PK day Only "A2' per day TD DWAYNE To AMI DON ANN INSRAK HAZEN KERRY LEN JERRY TOM PAUL PICKARD WLLUIMSON WELROY HARDING PIC WOODCOCK DRA BRASSOR R RT A N VILLAGE * c I PLYMOUTH HWY. #01 CHRYSLFEL 40 �1 • a a soe TORONTO = OSHAWA NFw%; ADVF.U-rl%-.F.R SUINDAY. -ItILY 7.1996