HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_04_26FIBERGLASS WINDOWS & DOOR! Factory Direct Prices ��� WINDOWS Windows & Doors 1 Aspen Rd. 831-1989 \o P%T AERIALS SKY HIGH Area gymnasts getting set to take on Ontario's best/Page 20 � Orien Rug lleCtlon hw. Special Sale •77M I•uarsr t u to Sekram &cam off Pickering Home & Leisure Centre 1755 Pickering Parkway (905) 427-6107 Mon -K' 10.6 7"hr. !'ri.IPf 41 10b tiw, 12-5 Ai News Advertiser Friday, April 26, 1996 52 pages A .Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 42,500 Vol. 115 No. 17 ChernobylAype disaster could hit Pickering,Greenpeace claim Environmental group's charges called 'grossly misleading, ludicrous' j 131' MARIANNE TAKA.CS t RUI-()xii.x PICKERING —A Chernobyl -type nuclear disaster could happen here, according to Greenpeace. The environmental group staged a demonstration at the Pickering Nuclear Gerurating Station Thursday afternoon to coincide with the IOth anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear accident in Ukraine. which released about 2200 times the radioactivit} unleashed by the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined. The Greenpeace campaigners car- ried signs calling for N„ more Chernobyl,,' and a banner demandinz 'End the nuclear age'. They brought a huge 'nuclear alarm clock' to count down the minutes to a possible nuclear nightmare and played a taped explosion• after which some of the demonstrators, dressed in white radi- ation suits, dropped to the :round. "This is ugly too and this is dan- gerous," said Greenpeace member Joanne Dufay in reference to the nuclear plant behind her. "This could be a Chernobyl." Ms. Dufay main- tained the Pickering station is too old and works with safety systems -that would in no way be acceptable today". She also noted it is located in an area 10 times more densely popu- lated than the one around the nuclear plant in Ukraine. Greenpeace also released a report listing nine safety flaws shared by the Pickering CANDU and the Chernobyl reactors. Pickering Councillors Maurice Brenner and Doug Dickerson also spoke at the event and announced they were launching a three-part plan: * to persuade the Town to make a See GREENPEACE... Page 4 Amazing Antique Fair Picker's Flea Market from 7 am • Antiques, china, porcelain, clocks, stamps, coins, dolls & more �S, �% T P, 10 IM 131 6� 1,� 4*46 I... 00 4 46 r Area residents Kim McMullin and Shawn coincide with the 10th anniversary of the Patterson joined Greenpeace members at deadly Chernobyl nuclear disaster in the a demonstration outside the Pickering Ukraine. Nuclear Generating Station Thursday to photo by A.J. Groen MAKEFUIJSUNDAY A D A1t�, 1. EVERY SUNDAY: •� a +: WIN 9:00 a.m.•5:00 P m c% Enter to '�-Shop Body Asti TI Gift Certificates OtT Fad �► �t s' tiie uiee�e�t�� cat &eo-e "Ilic Motor City Cat Club holds its annual Championship Cat Shoo Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Pickering Recreation Complex, 1807 Valley f=arm Rd. Cost is $3 for adults, y? for -mors and children five to Ih, . j and y,7 for families. For details, i call 723-7410. Saturday Windy, cool. cloudy, rain I to 9C Sunday Sunny early, cloudy later 3 to 12C Inside In the news Entertainment .................. 19 Sports ............................... 20 Classified ..........................22 Phone lines General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 j Sincerely Yours 1-900-451-3793 InfoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 On the Internet at www.durhamnews.net 934 + 74 GST = $1 I, AGF 2•THF NT%%S %D% F R I1�FK FRIDAN. %I'R11. 26. 1996 Cavalcade of Cubs The First Dunbarton Cubs appear to be in high spirits as they show their pack's flag in the Multiple Sclerosis Super Cites Walk held Sunday in Pickering. Leading the group are, from left. Kevin Benedick. Marc Dirosa and Mark Gonsalves. photo by A.J. Groen The Chippie Remove 99% of chlorine central vacuums o�. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK o Bring this ad to receive Q c Reg. order of ^ Fish & Chips 1 Off Water Filters! (2 pieces fish & chips)s 977 Westney Rd. (at Harwood) - , 683-1644 .--;. Jo_Milm EX N 0 WARRANTY SPECIAL Purchase selected Beam Central Vacuum models before May 31 st and receive our Warranty Extensions at no charge! Complete Beam Remove 99% of chlorine central vacuums content in your drinking hom only water with 449 NBEAM Clean Carbon Water Filters! . eeam of Pickering .1271 Kingston Rd. X831-2326 Car thief eludes police in chase PICKERING — A drier of a stolen car mho led police on it chase tront Pickering to Scarhorough clud- ed capture ThursdaN morning. The pursuit began around 3 a.m. %x lien Durham Rceional Police attempted to stop a 14X0 Mustang in the Oklahoma DriN e and Nest Shure RoulcN and arca. The dri\cr of the car raced of heading north on Whites Road to N\%\. 401. %\herr the chase contin- ued k\cst to Port Union Road. Ahcr exiting the highxay. the Pickering man busted in gas bar heist PK'KFRING — A 20 -near -old Pickcrimu, man has been charged %cith arincd rohb n_ in connection \kith :t recent hold-up at a Petro -Can gas har. Rohhcrx unit detectives arrc,tcd the man at his home \Vcdncsdan lollop\imL a �%cA-hitt_ imestigation. 'Ihc rohhcn occurred April IS %khen a man entered the ga, station at 555 `Xhitcs Rd. and demanded the %koman attendant hand over cash. "llic handit threatened hr tins armed. although no \% capon soon. 'Ihc man �\ars to appeal m an U,ha\%:r court fora hail hCarin1 "11u11,da\. P dri\cr tnanalgrd to lose police in the Military 'frail area of Scarhorough. Speeds during the pursuit did not rxcced 120 kilometres per hour. police .1 'tic car �+ , rcL�i1ICI LI tc� Toronto (mncr 4 P Pickering tax hike of $30 wouldp revent cutbacks `ripping apart' school system BY STEPHEN SHAW _ 11A11 RLM)RILR _ DURHAM -- Ratepayers across the region won't mind "a modest tax increase" to avoid deeper education cuts which would "rip this system apart," the majority o1 Durham Board of Education trustees have agreed. .Fhe hoard's budget committee approved another $2.2 million in spending reductions at Wednesday night's meeting to bring budget cuts to S17 million so far. But most trusters said they aren't prepared to go deeper in order to achieve a tax Ireeic. As it stands today, property owners in Durham will cough up an average two per cent more in taxes this year. The projected tax increase per house - hl the school maintenance budget. "When your constituents phone you with problems at schools, don't cal I the plant department. Look after it your- selves," he told colleagues. "If' students get hurl we're going to be liable...[f a wall caves in because we didn't fix it we're liable. And I know a lot of* our schools are falling apart." Ajax Wards I and 2 trustee Colleen Jordan added. "We're kidding our- selves if we think we can keep putting oft maintenance and not have it come hack to haunt us." Budi-,rt deliberations are expected to wrap up Monday night and trustees are expected to approve the final draft budget May h at a special hoard meet- ing. o d would amount to about S3h In Ajax, $3() in Pickering, $18 in Whithy, $2x in Uxbridge, 51 1 in Oshawa, $32�� in Scugog and $44 in Brock. those figures could climb /yHowever, WESTERNRANCE aper cent or two: Trustees may change 'A � � � ar u oc,,.rers of Qudt . � arccra`ted Neste their minds next :Monday night whenOF they , reconsider proposed spending cuts to special nerds, outdoor cduca- tion, lunchroom supervision, school counsellors and classroom computers. "I don't think iero (budget ' Western Boots increase) is possible and I'm not pre- Leather Belts pared to rip this system apart to ' Accessories achieve that," said Pickering Ward I PAY NO GST trustee Ruth Ann Schedlich. 487 Watney Road Soak Ken Ridge, Oshawa truster for at aMmts. Ajax Wards 5 and h, added his constituents 428-1787 would prefer a "modest tax increase rather than reducing expenditures to �;':' Fn o-6 = rock bottom... Further reductions would harm the quality of education," he said. •Ihe e board approved the elimination tJ. m— of one superintendent position by cut- CIAL ting its community services depart- mens. halving the budget Iirr its S , , research department and cutting main- BARGAIN tenance spending by another $45(),()(X) ER SANG to bring reductions in that arca to $2.5 A million. S Board bureaucrats again took FLYER TODAY'S another hit with a five -per cent reduc- IN tion in administration. The board has NeWS WettSer now slashed its administrative comple ment by 15 per cent, resulting in the loss of about 50 full-time jobs. Oshawa Wards 3 and 4 trustee \like Fri., April 26, 1996 Nicholson suggested further adminis- trative fat could he trimmed. A know there are a hunch of (employees) who News Advertiser report to three different managers and t •Canadian Tire Ajax Pick. don't know why that is," he said. • It's Your Health Ajax/Pick. Mr. Nicholson went on to warn of • K mart Ajax/Pick. Dan Price repercussions from the board's cuts to • Master Print Pick. Fr)dav Carrico— 4)t the M Do You Or Someone You Love Have Bad Breath? We Can Successfully Diagnose and Treat Breath Disorders. Call and Schedule A Confidential Consultation. DURHAM' Fresh Breath -�-�-- C E N T R F, --- 1550 __-1550 KINGSTON RD. (Red Lobster Plass) Pickering 1-49051839-8255 . .. .... . . .. . . . .... . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4 . . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . THF. NE%%S ADVER11SER FRIDAY, APRII. 26.11996 -FACE t „r f Nntt'^� roveetnts• r, ` fi I •ROOFING SIDING 420-4800 CARROLL HOME IMPROVEMENTS''i Call Marianne Takao at 6831-5110 %vith news stories about Pickering �i all OFF Regular Prices 30DUCING UUh /LINE OF DFNIA SALE ENDS APRIL 28 TICLIO PICKERING TOVy CENTRE t TI'T'ER LEVEL (905) 839-1273 OTHER LOCATIONS Manulife Centre Hudson Bay Centre Yonge & Eglinton Centre Chesswood Square (416) 975-2611 (416) 965-2833 (416) 491-5160 (416) 633-9607 PDGF: t•TIIF NF,%%s %V% VWFISER FRIDAY %PRII 26. 1096 P Greenpeace claims 'gmisleading': Hydro FROM PAGE 1 - suhmission hc1orc the Atomic Encrgx Pickering Control Board when it considers the nuclear renewal of the Pickcring stations licence "Thr enruts that happened in this tall: I Plant * to haN c the To,.cn demand compensation"` should be POSTUU CAM shut down in about two seconds, and that trom Ontario H\Liro for the business and a V 1 \'0 e re dealing with two differc-11 s.. techs and processes. He noted there was no containment buildings in deNclopmcnt it has lost due to concerns shut down.' about the Plant: station. . ,,- * to help residents lining near the station ! -- Maurice appeal their prc,pert*% taxes in recognition Brenner described G;reenpeace's demonstration its of the low cr resale prices their homes now ----- "grossly rnislcading. ha% e. Gordon Brooks of the Canadian Coun. Brenner called for the closure of Nuclear Association nimilt uned the station. Grecnpr.cec \;a, n►.Ikin, "a I,ilsc c I,um. "N1'e helicvc this plant has outlivcd its wcfulncss. Vie hchc\c it should he — - _ _-I protection systcrtt.-Mr. Brooks pointed Meeting out the cntcrgcncv shutdown system at �E AR c.v "Thr enruts that happened in Chcrnohyl took l � to IS seconds to work needed on while Pickering's reactors are designed to losses POSTUU CAM shut down in about two seconds, and that a V 1 \'0 e re dealing with two differc-11 s.. techs and processes. He noted there was no containment buildings in created by Pickering has better ,atet,, s% .,tern,s Chernobyl as there are here. station. . ,,- M A^R ESS Ontario H\dru spokesman 'berry Young ~ required to create the situation that described G;reenpeace's demonstration its -- Doug led to the Chcrnohn I disaster. "grossly rnislcading. Gordon Brooks of the Canadian "They talk about similarities. What the\ Dickerson don't talk about are differences and the y --- ditfcrcnccs are as long as your arrn. No, 'The reactors are \ern different in Most we don't hclie�e that an accident like rcLirds. partr.•ularl" in terms of the satct\ Chcrnoh-1 could happen at Pickrrin_ ". shut down permancntl\ •• Coun. Dickerson maintained the -� Pnocincc. Ontario H\,dro and local !WIPP Janet Ecker should meet with = ` the Town and Pickering residents to deal with the difficulties and losses ?!s created h\, the presence of the station. He said in a later intern iew he was not u- nccessanl\ demandin, the facility he cic sett. MATTRESS Also on hand and rnakinl_ them - � sclncs anailahle to the media to dis- puteGreenpeace',, message were rep- rescntar►ncs of the Canadian Nuclear _a \V(irkers Council. the Canadian Nu�'car :association an inoustrc r ■ group) and Ontario Hndro. � J'Al-&-A • � titatron cnlplovcc and arca resident Peter Falconer described lA Grccnpeacc's demonstration as 10 ..ahsolutcln ludicrous. �E AR c.v "Thr enruts that happened in Chernoh% l hx e no hearing w hatsoc, - POSTUU CAM er on the operation in Pickering. \'0 e re dealing with two differc-11 s.. techs and processes. He noted $ Pickering has better ,atet,, s% .,tern,s SINGLE and a dillcrent .lcsrzn, and that viola- M A^R ESS tion of station procedures would be SET '224 required to create the situation that led to the Chcrnohn I disaster. =: Gordon Brooks of the Canadian z ; 1: LANDSCAPING .>>^: ^C • ntenoc• `Pia �:OM,['A *E AKE PRIDE IN r,.q o -4 a z:�cs R �t/C "V�RKM4NStiID 3 YEAR aroma Call (905) 427-4143 Package Policies -1200" Deductible DURHAM AREA WITH PROTECTION DISCOUNTS DISCOUNTS FOR AGE 50 • New Home • Alarms • No Claims • JoNES-DooLEY INSURANCE BROKER Over 23 fears April Specials chateau ,,e0 du Pape or $79 $79 30 Bottles t" S31 -3Z44 White enamel finish BAYLY '9S 25 25 .7V • - ORTHO PEDIC SINGLE 2 MATTRESS SET `394 IXIOUBLE.-.. y SET •139 QUEEN..... i(Ik) SET •f^y KIN(......... I59 SET -09 Nil_ L1 �� 5, ry COMFORT SLEEP $179 SINGLE MATTRESS SET '284 IX )t 61-I-... 1 �,,4v %Fr 12•4 QI,EFV..... _11O %I:r 3x-4 ORTHO ELEGANCE SINGLE $289 MATTRESS SET '479 IX)t'BLF.... ,:y %F.rS(,9 QUEEN ..... ' () SET Ss-) KING........ .: O 2large storage drawers Maple :j: [11 • 20 P D ED-Z"T " SPECIAL EDITION DYN ASIT SINGLE sit v I MATTRESS SET '314 DOE ILLI.... .. I ", AEr i--. 25 VEAF ORTHO SURM SINGLEJj MATTRESS ti SET '554 rX)UBLF.... - SET 5,)4 QUEEN..... ` ) SET 62.4 KING ......... . s SET 934 ' Futon & Mattress Extra p� FINANCING PERSONAL AslsX e AVAILABLE CHEQUES -w-d- � 111110111,411,16 --- T[m■a-FA. 10-9 1.16 . Mata =1-3 sw.t.ersSundoys „Sun , t Im 13 SET UP WAILAR FREE 6 M AV_AUV, 20 YEAF ORTHO PRACTIC 2 SINGLE MATTRESS SET '374 IX)l BLE.....i SET -1 I-* QUEEN ..... _'St) SE -1 iSy KIN( ......... 1 i`) SI r ex a ,GTY ORTHO LUXURY SINGLE $4 MATTRESS SET '614 tX)L:BI.E........ 40') SET 6-4 QUEEN...........139 SET -2-1 KIN(:.............G94 SET 103a s26? w/o Canopy "339 with Canopy I I__ TAUNTON t >r THF: \EWSADVERTISER F'RIDAV..APR11.16. JIM -PAGE: Hospital proceeds with layoffs despite growth funding BY MARIANNE TAKAcs 19 hospitals in high-growth communities. with if budgetary need, don't turn out exactly As for next year, he hopes the Ministry of _ srAFT tEpoKMx. _ Getting more than APGIJ was counting on as planned. Health will come up with a funding, formula AJAX-PICKERING — 'Iite $1.35 million will allow the expansion of mental health ser- "We don't have to operate quite so close to that recognizes the improvements in ofliciency in growth funding Ajax -Pickering General vices and the computer expenditure, as well as the line," ' says Mr. CGIIT. "It gives us a bit of AlIGI I has made, and it, special need, a, a hos- Hospital received Tuesday doesn't mean the leaving the hospital with a little extra to work breathing space." pital serving a growing population. facility will be able to cancel layoffs and cutbacks it's already made, says APGll president Bruce Cliff. But it doe., pre- vent further cutEato - backs and allows the hospital to expand some services. "We're going to be putting more into the mental health program in the corn- ing year," says Mr. Cliff, explaining there i, a need in the community for more mental health ser- vices, especially in the wake of cut- txick, at the Whitby Mental I lcalth Centre, formerly known as Whitby Psychiatric Ilospital. APC iI I will now tx- able to pro%ide 20 full-time beds for mental health patient~ instead of between 15 and 20 as before. The growth furxiing will also go to capital coat, such as implementing a shard service com- puter system to link APC;II with other Durham hospitals for transfer of patient record,. Perhaps more importantly, the funding will save ; the hospital from having to make t more service cut, this year. - ..We're not kink- ing at any further layoffs a downsiz- ing,'• says Mr. Cliff. APISH recently eliminated 23 full- time and 10 part- 1"rio al d inal Canada Sale days'. 1100 'na l 0-pce. Logostina Classic Super stainless steel cookware set. (39 1) timtan Our reg. 369.99 Sale $269.99 e c support staff posi- tions and closed 30% off Logoshna Classic Super eight beds to c Open ( ) with a cut of seven Our reg. 44.99 to 999.99 percent, or $1.9 mil- Sak $31.49 to $139.99 110n, in its provincial funding in February. The hospital boar 30% off 3 patterns from Westpoint Stevens and BIBB. Includes: percale sheet set, comforter, sham(s), skirt. Twin to king. (455) Twin size, Our reg. 129.99, Sale $89.99 Introductory offer. After Apr. 28th, our reg. price will be as shown. 50% off all Revlon nd Ultima II Cosmetics 1 7 CHA $17.97 Your favourite bras Top 10 styles from WonderBro, Warner's and Vogue (214) Our reg. 19.99. We'll have our top 10 bras in your size or we'll get you one – free. Guaranteed. Ask your Eaton's Sales Associate for details. bg � get with a00 Don't pay until May 197 deficit in antkipa- d of receiving at No Payments. No Interest. For one full year. least that arnount in growth funding. If Just make an Eaton Card purchase of $300 or more (before taxes) in our major appliance, the funding had not home entertainment, furniture, mattress, BBQ and summer patio furniture departments. came through, more Offer good until April 28, 1996. Cuts would have $25 administration charge and applicable taxes been required to payable at time of purdme. On appaved as*. eliminate that deficit. The one-time, special growth fund - A PGH has tag Of a Unless otherwise specified, at savings and special buys listed in this ad are available until April 28, 1996, or while quantifies last. rVLJ6; 1S part $25 -million provin- cial growth fund which has been dis- tributed this year to IL the of le 40% off Men's Underwear Famous maker s specai ciearance of selected styles & colours of knit boxers, midways, bikinis & mini briefs (196) Our reg. 9.00 to 18.00 Sale $4.99 to S 10.49 255rovo-ff Kids' Canvas Sneaker's Assorted sizes, prints and colours. (289/291/293) Our reg. 7.99 to 12.99 Sale $5.99 to $9.74 S Cq� do Ah PAGEn-7411 NF I%%, %[)%FR"IISI•:RFRIT►\\. %I'RILNi. 191h, v Editorials and L ♦ Ajax -Pickering NeNvs Advertiser A Wiroiand C',,tnmunn% \i%,•paper puhit.hcd we,uu"ia�. Fnda,. Sunda% 1 10-132 Ccrnlmercial A\ c.. Ala\. Oni.L IS 2115 -rmo rill J. WHITIFAKEW IV hsher JOANNE Nl'RGH4RIYr Gin,x urlhiel RRt CF DANFORD \,hentsmg manager �rF:\ }_ HOUSTON Managing Edit,x AININ RRO \VER. I:eeai arhentstng manager \RE VXKHOURiE. Ih.tnhumn Hager Gerwral: i Nl?r W5110 CL"rwd: Nr:r h,%3-0-07 Cinvlatine: W)ci 117 F\\: t,s '-- ',t); E\1ail: \eH.n.an(, durtiamneK, net On the Internet: Nor, /%„w,% durh.un new. net The \c„ • \d.crti er is a memt,,•r of the \tale .\ Pi:Acnng C•harnix-,-I C„mnx-rce. Canadian C,nrmumt, No -p p -T \.mak . C'xi kii in C1nuLttr,n• \Wit Board ( Inter,, Pres. C„unal aryl 0\1\1R1 the puhh.herrcxcnes the nght to J& it% ,x relu. - an ixi%crtt.erwnt Crdrr for aliwrtiK•mcni limited t., yxt c pmv crror occupies Matters of trust A teenat-ler's trust iN not ca.\ to min. The -,'re skeptical of most adults. As parents, raised our children to think for themsel\es. to trust their instincts. to behe%c onl\ those who have earned their faith. It's touLh enou_ah for us to cam the faith and the trust rpt our own kids. it's nearl\ impossihle for adults a ho are strangers to earn that trust. Fria tr\: even fewer succeed. Like a %en fe" teachers, and c\ en fewer educational s\s- tem t:ounsellors. But. a -,en few. -,en �_,00d counsellors for the Durham Board of Education ha\e earned the trust of students Lloin_l throuL,h trouhles so se\ere that those kid, had heen con- templatim-, quitting schtx►I... until the counsellors inter- \encd. worked with the students. carred their trust. and con\inced them to sta\ In school. Nt'hen school board trustees decided recentl\ to cut [hose counsellor as a hud- "ct-cutting measure, the trouhled students let the heard krn(,w of their need for the ,izuldance the counsellors pro%id- ed. The teena •ers %rote letters to board officials document- ing the personal problems thc\'d been ,going through until counsellors intervened. It took a lot of ner\ e for the %oungster to put pen to paper it, open up their hearts. The\ showed considerable faith in hoard officials to pa\ attention to their plus. Imagine the horror. then. when the identities of the trou- bled tLens were inad%ertentl\ circulated to to public last week in a schtx)l board mectin_• a rcnda. Their etlorts. their personal prohlems. rhe•ir name.. were suddenly puhlic, all because of a careless act h\ a school board bureaucrat. The breach was accidental. but it was a breach nonetheless. And thouLh the school beard quickly and appropriately took reslxlnsihility for the the error. the damage was done. It onl\ added insult to the injuries sutured h\ students when their confidantes were gi%en their walking papers. To respond to this editorial call Infasource at nfosource hX i -7p -lo and dial 5110 ♦You said it... In response to last Friday's editorial on Ontario Hydro failing to swiftly notify officials of last week's tritium leak, our readers said: ♦ "I agree completely with the editorial that the public has a right to know about any accidents at the nuclear plant. Under those circumstances people can make the decision themselves whether they wish to drink the water or drink bottled water." ♦ "l d like to congratulate you on your editorial. I thought it was outstanding. This is an historical problem: Ontario Hydro has had 20 years to clean up their act but it looks like they're never going to. That's one more reason why the idea ot' putting a new Ajax water plant so close to that facility is ludicrous. I thought you did a great job of captor ing the data: the translation of curies into how many bec- querels that is, was amazing. It's taken years to get the public to understand that." v Letters to the editor Remember that elephants never forget To the editor: Ire. Degraauw Housing Development Application, North Pickering. I caught a portion of the 1larch 25 Council meeting, specifically the portion of the program relating to the above - noted application. I will not bclaMlr am position state- ment made to Council. I would. howe\- er, like Council to ponder a "parallel" that came to mind upon hearing that there exists a legal and binding all -par- ties agreement regarding development restrictions placed on this site. Signed in 1994, it allowed the cre- ation of a golf course but clearly and specifically denied the request for an associated residential housing compo- nent. Yet here you are, just two years later• facing a "haltering ram" at the Town Hall doors again! The above reminds me of the national frustration we all felt during the Quebec referendum. We had gone through it once, twice, and are bracing ourselves for yet another onslaught from a seginent of our popula- tion which selfishly has no regard for the common good. What they want is that one-time, 50 - per -cent -plus -one -vote and the prize is theirs! With tongue in cheek, I say that if the developer bamboozles Council in this round, let's not make it final. Let's base the decision on two votes out of three ... or then again maybe on three out of five! Humor aside, this is a serious issue. Your voting public is not amused and mill be miffccl i1" you capitulate to this "battering ram". The Ajax -Pickering; News Adsertiser accepts letters to the editor. All letter-, shmdd be typed or neatly hand-written, M words, Each letter must be signed with a riot and last name or two initials .and a last name. Please indude a phone 1 11 , Lum.6er for verification. The editor es the right to edit copy for style, and content. Opinionsexpressed ers an those of the writer and not those of Ilse News Advertiser. We await %crur decision with keen interest and the mcniory of an elephant! 1lichael Senkiw -Claremont Stoop, scoop to keep Ajax beautiful To the editor: Re: Keeping Pickering Beautiful Three years ago I moved to Ajax. I was impressed by the beauty of' my sur- roundings. North Ajax has beautiful green belts, rippling creeks and lush forests. Quite a treat after the big city. Last winter I underwent heart surgery. Since that time I have dedicated myself to changing my lifestyle (i.e. exercise). I want to see my new great-grandson grow up. 1 started walking outdoors as part of my regime. My heart sunk as I began. Instead of appreciating the beau- tiful countryside in all its glory, I have to watch each step I take. Those of you with pets, please take time to "sloop and scoop". It only takes a minute to do your part. Take pride in the beautiful community that you live in. Let's keep it clean, pleasant and safe for everyone. Edith Harrison Ajax We asked: What do you think about suggestions that the Pickering nuclear plant be shut down? (:RANT KING *'No. It's an overreaction by people who are not informed enough." RO)N BI JO)l.l) "cll. it is dust cost effectiveness. If it is cheaper to shut it down -- do it. That's to name of the game toda\." MICHAEL DI LELLA "If it's a safety issue, shut it down." SHAWN RICE "I'd like to know more about the repercussions of shutting it down before I give my opinion." i THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, APRIL 26.1996 -PAGE 7 n s h i o it s f o o t u e u r, (t (• ( e s s o r r e s ( o s n► (r r r( s it it r s tr r v r t tr in s I it g g (t t� f' it r it r l it r e honte eltrrtroni(•s. bed & b(trh. ltardw(►re. h(►►►te i►rtprnr(rn►ents tit(►jor (t/)/►Ir(I/Ictl.. SCRATCH & SAVE TO BEAT THE GST' once,* twice, three or four times on furniture**, Jeep sets, decorator rugs, major appliances, vacuums, sewing machines, large screen TV's (27e and up), audio communications, hardware, lawn, garden and patio, fitness equipment, sporting goods, toys, home improvements", automotive products and services. -Sons tell deduct on omowtr Nr A to one. " three a lar %am rhe GST from vow *W pordwo ,ecce late often do oa oply m (o ei" and (leronee Come vorchasn. mstolosa cborges. defrrol hu od 64"" a mmoleawr I o rotmem chrw "0Nr exchdes baby furore, w0whaatars and mowld home mgro.aoants 4A r SCRATCH 8 SAVE ten, twenty, thirty orfifty percent on men's, women's and kids' fashionstt and footwear, luggage, jewellerytt, accessoriestt bed and bath, housewares, lighting, paint, wallpaper, in -stock window coverings. '"or excludes Irrsrge Fragrances and :"encs nunry teuaamenr 1«key and Calan tlem andenear ,e.. S doarm GoosS la loser .acne London Fog ouwwor Iena loan %vgord (ollomon Imu"" 1114-0 ON Le (horesu Compere urate nod Scraub 6 Son Cord o.rloble .n srro P l u s ... H u r r v in ! There tire even more g r o u t b u .- .% u n (/ super s u r i n; r s ill s r t► r e R A T C H LAST 3 DAYS S( R A T( H & S A Y E- O F F E R S E N D S U N , SEAM Expect morefrom Sears A P R I L 2 8 1 9 9 6 Copyright 1996. Sears Canada Inc. SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open: Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. o Q HWY 2a x a $ cc • �.' PK`N'1 3 z * t1YYY. 401 A P R I L 2 8 1 9 9 6 Copyright 1996. Sears Canada Inc. SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open: Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. PAGE 8 -THF: NEWS ADVERTISER FRIIM. APRIL 2h. 1946 Shotguns stolen ,Fickeringboy ysays in Ajax break-in AJAX —Two 12 -gauge shotguns man fondled him went among items stolen by burgle who broke into a Keeble Crescent home sometirne Tut.'~day. Thebreak-in is the sm-ond in Ajax in In schoolyard recent weeks in which fiearrms have been stolen. Durham Regional Polio: say thepICKERING - Police are investigating a house was broken into through the base- ; 'report that a 10 -year-old Pickering boy was fon- rnent window sometime between R am. died in an area school yard by a man who offered and 9:30 p.m. the child candy. r .. A stereo, jewelry. pictures and small The incident reportedly took place in the school appliances were also taken. police say. yard at Sir John A. MacDonald Public School Worker knocked out sometime in the last two weeks, Durham Regional Police Say. The boy's mother reported the incident PICKI RING — A 38 -year-old .to police Monday. man was knocked unconscious after The suspect was described as being in his early he fell off a ladder while at work hem to mid-20s. No other details were released by Wednesday evening. police. TheMarkham man was working at The incident is being investigated. Life Source Natural Foods on Bavly Street around 7 p.m. when he was found unconscious and bleeding by a co-worker. He was rushed to hospital with a concussion and possible bro- ken arm. Durham Regional Police say. The accident has been reported to the Ministry of Labor. SES CORRECTION For our 32 page Sears Today Scratch i Save Flyer sa.e mates M.,, ZZ -278 .aoE On Page_,21: _^e ! .:stra: _r- for the Posture Sleep II Innerspring sleep sets is not as illustrated. We s nce'ery apologize for any inconvenience that this ma, have caused Sears Gana - LIDA 6 iA & 6t NilD -I:- I - r f z- �- i ^ F rte t PAT BOBYK Sales Representative 37 HAWKINS CRES.. AJAX AJAX BY THE LAKE!! - S187.900 ROM I ■�� 3.1 D�•�':C" it u,SC-.�-. 5d, firi5^dC!0(r iC :)ottom. Clean. tastefully decorated and ready o moveo. Don't miss this urnry to live m fabulul ous lakeside community . Signs at Westney and Lake D,iveway See you there Real Estate Ltd ^dayPal Bet 'K rorontc line 1905,E 6'9- 1905, 132-7200 �HA AVER AND A 0 UNBEII O utomatle Pool Cleaner Price Too ST to Printf! BA �i Al Attaches to your pool's existing GREA filtration system in pRICI minute s1. ulrcttd LAR SAVE _ = '8- NKETS ALSO ON: Fr As Low As - Pumps, Filters & Heaters BAR - Automatic chlorinators - Specialty - LIQUID chemicals 3" 1 CHLORINE - Toys & -1 — 2&Inflatables, - Floating 001 Loon9a Chairs 9 1 - Pool 1 Valid Sunday) Accessories 1 Apr. 28 only) FREE COFFEE & DRINKS AND -1: P BIRTHDAY CAKE. , • , ONEY f UNDAYI APRIL 299 mi.7 - IV THE NEWS : MVERTISER F"RIUAY. APRIL 26. 1996-R1c:E 9 N�TI�BLOWFISH -_—tharlohnson RAGE AGAINST THE MM-^'aE Evil Empire RCA -Pwealiready Home Theatre -,k-,wby �< Surround Sound • Combined with SRS • High performance quality • Universal remote control • Slim depth cabinet • Picture in picture & SVHS 0"0102. —112 197940 MAGNAWK 25" Colour Television • 22 button remote • On screen display • Sleep timers • Smart sound • Smart -very smart 38800 0•.01025 KR2500 C1 Hifi stereo VCR 4 Heads • Remote control • On-screen menu • Simple to use • 1 touch record Why buy mono when you can have hifi stereo for this low price? Watch movie rentals in stereo;you deserve the best snw o,,o2w 26440 :!9wim - — Packard Bell,-- -� Fantastic super value notebook ideal for students 4 Head VCR • Special effects • Remote control • 181 channel tuner • Digital tracking and commercial scan. • On screen programming and more! 00 omwso1 vR-so1238 0 JVC* VHS -C Camcorder • P,ogrammed exposure • 'apes play in your VCR • SDecial effects • Frange0111199 autt o focus M-0,ro,> 4RM :On 140 Watt Car CD Player • ",gh pOWe' ), 35 wa't5 x 4 • AM 'FM tuner with Supertuner • Eectronic audio C ^trols • RCA pre -out w, o,.,2s oett2n32999 SHARP,..+ tJVC 3 Disc Mini System 3 pie rn • 3 disc CD changer CD Boonlbox • Remote control • Top load CD player • Digital tuner • Detachable speakers • Random play • Multi -bass horn • Double - Cassette 19999 cassette deck deck o1„ 2tlsosra ■„ •751:1 '.M rRttt Interest* 0: option for months On all major = appliances _ O.A C. Minimum monthly payments required. Nominal . administrative fee payable at time of purchases DX 4/75 Processor • 8MB RAM • 540MB hard drive • 10.4” Active Matrix colour displa • PCMCIA TYPE I II SIDI • Track Point Pointing Device 10.4" ACTIVE MATRIX COLOUR ) .11-1 '•N5( Apple' ?Macintosh Powerbook h 190CS Colour Screen • 66MHz 68LCO40 P,ocessor • 500MB hard drive • 10.4 Dual Scan colour screen • PCMCIA card support • Claris Works Included • Power PC upgradeable "xrF os., �Mf ifWl't.tJ ".w. -20 H59: :90CS OYI..I LOGICODE 28.8 Internal Fax Modem • State of the art communication software • Made in the USA • lifetime warrant "M 2t1 d ,,116999 Mavis Beacon 3.0 T—Ing Tutor • Fyunrainteractive 8 intuitive • North America's #1 typing tutor • Over 4.1 million sold � • Good for the whole family — 2]]0•LE 279999 1.760 Hard Disk Drive • New ,ecorc generation technology • Average seek time 12 milliseconds • Burst Transfer Rate (max) 16.6MB/se and XS.B.du:� :2GB 9999 Plain Paper Fa:" • 30 page document feeder • Ample 200 sheet cassette tray • 32 shade grey scale for great photo output BROTHER 900 19"1-54999 • Ajax 40 Kingston Rd. E. • (905) 428-4450 eet+us.wRaalmstauuswanoollf a Items owW S&F am co sak. Ote " Multimedia t Computer For The --CE f 010% Family �-- Fatting Into You < ..L._i..iL�— Huge software s ;_, ?� bundle Includes complete k '` ` s " s ` •r package to surf the net MONITOR EXTRA pentium1911999 1 MOTmEREAR" P100 18MB 1.OGB '. 4X 1MB PCI 14.4K S,ceAery arlid Fish L- --__ - RAM _ HARDDRI D ROM VIDEO CARD ,FAX MODEM 4 Head VCR • Special effects • Remote control • 181 channel tuner • Digital tracking and commercial scan. • On screen programming and more! 00 omwso1 vR-so1238 0 JVC* VHS -C Camcorder • P,ogrammed exposure • 'apes play in your VCR • SDecial effects • Frange0111199 autt o focus M-0,ro,> 4RM :On 140 Watt Car CD Player • ",gh pOWe' ), 35 wa't5 x 4 • AM 'FM tuner with Supertuner • Eectronic audio C ^trols • RCA pre -out w, o,.,2s oett2n32999 SHARP,..+ tJVC 3 Disc Mini System 3 pie rn • 3 disc CD changer CD Boonlbox • Remote control • Top load CD player • Digital tuner • Detachable speakers • Random play • Multi -bass horn • Double - Cassette 19999 cassette deck deck o1„ 2tlsosra ■„ •751:1 '.M rRttt Interest* 0: option for months On all major = appliances _ O.A C. Minimum monthly payments required. Nominal . administrative fee payable at time of purchases DX 4/75 Processor • 8MB RAM • 540MB hard drive • 10.4” Active Matrix colour displa • PCMCIA TYPE I II SIDI • Track Point Pointing Device 10.4" ACTIVE MATRIX COLOUR ) .11-1 '•N5( Apple' ?Macintosh Powerbook h 190CS Colour Screen • 66MHz 68LCO40 P,ocessor • 500MB hard drive • 10.4 Dual Scan colour screen • PCMCIA card support • Claris Works Included • Power PC upgradeable "xrF os., �Mf ifWl't.tJ ".w. -20 H59: :90CS OYI..I LOGICODE 28.8 Internal Fax Modem • State of the art communication software • Made in the USA • lifetime warrant "M 2t1 d ,,116999 Mavis Beacon 3.0 T—Ing Tutor • Fyunrainteractive 8 intuitive • North America's #1 typing tutor • Over 4.1 million sold � • Good for the whole family — 2]]0•LE 279999 1.760 Hard Disk Drive • New ,ecorc generation technology • Average seek time 12 milliseconds • Burst Transfer Rate (max) 16.6MB/se and XS.B.du:� :2GB 9999 Plain Paper Fa:" • 30 page document feeder • Ample 200 sheet cassette tray • 32 shade grey scale for great photo output BROTHER 900 19"1-54999 • Ajax 40 Kingston Rd. E. • (905) 428-4450 eet+us.wRaalmstauuswanoollf a Items owW S&F am co sak. Ote " PAGE IU -THF: NF%%S At)% ERTISER FRI DAN. APRI 1. 26.194k Freeze on school c0MDuters riles Dur BY STEPHEN SHAH' `,FUT Rl-TX) ITR 1)URIIAM -- Plans to launch a new computer era at public schools this year are headed for the scrip heap unless Durham Board of I: Ovation trustees reconsider a S4.3 -million budget cut to technoloev. 1'ro rK;,. d spending reduc- tions, initially appn)%-Ltil by trustees as part of S15 million in cuts, would zap a project to connect all elementary and secoridal-v schools here to a system -wide computer net- work -- eiying schdx)ls access to the Internet and each other -- as well as pull the plug on renovations to high scho o)l computer labs and the pur- chase of 1,200 computers. As the first phase in a multi-year plan to upgrade technology at schools and bring them up to equal stan- dards, 1.200 computers were purchased for hall the board's schools last year. The remaining schools, including 17 in Oshawa and others in Whitbv, Ajax, Pickering, Brock and Scugog (which were to receive 1,200 new computers this year in the sec(mW phase of the. pro- ject) would have to wait for the upgraded technology. "It was a major initiative that has pretty much drum- blcd." cotwedc:d board busi- ness superintendent Brian Cain. adding if the (-rats are finalized, only 600 new com- puters would be bought this year. Ile said the infusion of new computers for the remaining schools would instead be spread over two years, with each school receiving only half the num- ber of computers designated this year. "This a big step back- wards." said I.ucy Allwoxxl. chairman of the school com- munih council for (shawa's (►1. Robems CVI. "In this day and age. I can't believe they would even consider cut- ting money for computers, r7 i� r We can '� _ ; get you - onto E to the tr *. .,, Internet. call us at . 3 0"% ti y o * a TO5 YC OF when you ba. 2 or more cans i 3.7 hl I When students get out into the real world now. they need to have these skills." Ms. Allwood is concerned students at G.I,. Roberts. among the schools scheduled to receive new hardware this year, will be at a disadyan- t1ge. "We're more than con- cerned and we're angry. Now our students won't be as equipped as students who do have the computers and that's just not fair," she said. Mr. Cain admitted. " NVc will have schools at different levels. It's a major concern and absolutely true." But that's only if the S4.3— million rtdu(fion is approved by trustees in the fuel budget L11FIAMTE EXTERIOR ��W�.C`7:1-. is T{': velli yy St ROI. 19 E\iU"OIL STAIN ' WOe Rlvw.Ri ,Wd mamem =70 Lzr\ % .::! L&-\ wn :,. fix: 'iai tt+1+ `` •� 14'xQ 9.99 „% 13.99 + i 2h4Q 21•)9 Lw vnn LAwr 2;Qw 23.39 4= s J MC'E�'S Er-Er..�fi r'OOL Mn•� - eta ot, •a aro slo"1� 'lair WEATHER SUMWE EXTF"SEW GLASS ACR11K PAINTIVA >r 1`1 A U W -.)W APER :� � air ,�►V �. � :;; w art 7� s Oy * t o t i P4.r 4wrwaml wvd Ma I M 14% DeAk, mal .re A"" ■ r the paint and paper people "s aain PAN i bt " b6vn% #W7, LO IgE LEVOLOW MONACO CUSTOM I" ALUMINUM VENErLALN BLINDS .A%abbe i, ma 100 Rr" FkM uJ US6 l; uifn W to I-X'r adQ00 Ir,> w Illi. Nab to r"r ffle2%VWfW111a — `Ulf St cud., ngd"r pna Per au* rural ,Pxi Fim d r Z"VI, ruf udf&d Bala Rfif rad bl wrc (der %aW rail .April 10, W AJAX PICKERING SCARBOROUGH Discovery Boy Centre Pickering Torn Centre Abbey Line Shopping Centre 570 Mainly Road Nighray 2 i Liverpool 91 Rylinder Blvd. 428.1608 839.2252 124.0181 683-5110. ham parents drat, which board chairman Audrey MacLean said may not happen. Ms. MacLeap, Oshawa Wards K and 10 trustee who represents G1. Robems• is worried the cuts would "wipe out" technology training in is T= Oyu In THE iia UVE U N Tr TSN Vam Y" LM Ts AMIATE WM CINNUM-NINA/ PUMP some schools. ""Brat is a high priority on our list," said the chairman, adding she's "quite certain" trustees will change their minds and commit the cash needed for the new comput- ers. T HD4 K ROTARY. Rotary is an international community-based organization dedicated to enriching the lives of others through the volunteer efforts of its members. Ajax Rotary invites you to get involved in your community. Contact the Ajax Rotary Club President today at 839-2121 �Gce 7� Gw6(�L Pre•entinq C'om f ort Inns Ems' Peace of -Mind lam,' njort Inn., In 'il -, %to and �urroundinq area arc Me pE•r/ei t place for your out-ol toz[ n u,eddinq que ts, and we Y( look alter the detaik�. Let us kru?w flue date of your weddinq and tierapprtivmatt' number olquest room.: you uill need. It you block 10 or more rooms, you urll RYez.ve - - a special weddinggroup rate for your guests to access. - information card,; about the hote(and reservation Beta& to include with your invitations. • rooms to be held up to 4 week; before the wedding. Oshawa 905-434-5000 A- s A Special Bonus. J your Group uses 20 rooms or more, we uali give you one complimentary room to u.<c the weekend of your weddinq or up until your tir.:t anniversary! Re> t res y Comfort Inns are famous for clean, comfortable, attractive rooms, friendly service and reasonable rates. Each location ,features either an on-site restaurant or con tinenta(brea�(fast sertnce.:ask about our specia(services such as hospitality rooms and late chak-out options, etc. (based on availability and time of year). Pickering 905-831-6200 For reservations & information on our Durham - Area locations call. T11F: NE11:S ADVh:RTISER FR ID. %PRIL 26,1996 -PAGE 11 Optimists organize yard sale to aid ailing boy's family BY ROB I.ETH SPECIAL "In71tE MEWS ADVEMSER AJAX -- Durham Durham Optimist Clubs of rha are asking for your support in helping a needy family in Whitby whose three -and -a -half -year- old son is suffering from a number of diseases. The clubs are holding a yard sale Saturday, May 4, from 8 to I I am. at dole Catholiyue Notre-Dame-Ile:-Fa-Jeurx.sse, 71 Ritchie Ave. in Ajax. The Whitby boy has already had one liver transplant and may need another. Ile also has a bIolod disease and at Christmas suffered a stroke which left him par- tially paralyzed. fie has to go to the hospital for Sick Children or Oshawa General Hospital for weekly medical assessments. "The family is really under a lot of financial and emotional strain." says Ted Crind:ill of the Optimist Club of Oshawa. "All the money we can ruse would be greatly appreciated by the family and would help to pay for some of the medical bills." Items for the yard sale will be supplied by members of Optimist Clubs throughout Durham and anybody Use who wants to donate can do so by calling 133-1333. Money raised from the sale will go directly to the family. "We're hoping to raise 51,000." Travel the shore for fun and funds DURIIAM -- A Waterfront "frail Relay Challenge Saturday, May 25 has Ajax as its middle point. Participants will run, walk. cycle. skate, canoe or sail whatever portion they choose of the 300 -kilometre Lake Ontario "aterfront Iran which stretches from Trenton in the east to Stoney Creek in the west. Some will start in Trenton and travel west and others will set out from Stoney Creek and move east, with the exact meeting point in Ajax. Closing cele- brations at Toronto's Centre Island will fea- ture entertain- ment, refresh- ments, awards. display's and activities for all aa_es. Charities, c o m m u n i t y groups. clubs and other orga- nizations are invited to use the relay to raise money for both their own pro- grams as well as the Waterfront Regeneration Fund. Pledges can be raised by groups with pro- ceeds split between the organization and the waterfront fund. Pledge forms can be picked up at municipal offices or from the Trust by phoning 416- 314-8572. Everyone is welcome to par- ticipate. More infor- mation is avail- able through the Waterfront Trail Relay Challenge hotline at 416- 314-8572, by fax at 416-314- 9497, by writing to Waterfront Regeneration "Frust. Waterfront Relay Challenge. 207 Queen's Quay West, Suite 580. Box 129. Toronto, Ontario M5J IA7, or by sending an e-mail to info(a)- wrtrust.com. AM -A says Mr. Cranda.11. "Thi, has been a really tough and kid time fir the family and hopeful- ly we can do our best to brighten the situation." Mr. Crandall says public donations to char- ities have been down in recent years due to the recession and other factors. "Our Faster food drive this year was the lowest we've ever had," he says. "The fact is, a lot of people don't have a lot to give right now. "Fite Donna Mercier incident in Toronto id."o did a lot to hurt the image of charitable organi- zations. " RIGHT HERE'. RIGHT NOW! 0 R101011'111171J1 r 1995 NEW YORKER Fully loaded, balance of Factory Warranty. Stk. It P47M Only $ 28* 1995 NEON 13 per Day HIGHLINER 4 DR. 1 Only 8 50* per Day `■ fix- - _` -.. Q;� 1995 STEALTH R/T TWIN TURBO A.W.D. V6.6 spd.. p/w, p/d1, ptseat, cruise, air Gond.. AM/FM Cass.. equalizer. leather seats, 18" chrome wheets. privacy glass. ptmiff ors. M32. t► TWO TO CHOOSE FROM 995 CHRYSLER LEBARO 1992 CARAVAN LE WAGON Or 1993 JEEP WAGONEER 5 —•� con,rert.Dfe. loaded, auto p s . p 0 . air p w P.o.. tin. cruise plus mucn more 3 3 L. ,sear p -o p•T .. ;•s pass sansCreen. Idt. Cruise. overhead console, AM/FM Cass . air cond.. keyless entry. p/rear y-4. p s-. p.b.. p..'dowl c oeL; 3 cruise. tow pale. Quads -'aC qua Gulf rYr Dius muco Ton Salere or'ac:ory waranry. One— :)S32A Only s9.46' per Day windowrs. �oOf rack Y4514 Pricett To Sell Sale �+ 900* 1995 GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO — Auto D5 p D su buckets console plus Tic more Balance of factory warranty No traight. air tat no fuel tax. includes air Only $14,00 Per Day 1994 DAKOTA 4x4 SPORT CLUB CAB -8. auto p.s-. p.b., air, tilt. cruise. boid.ner, Cass . cast wheels plus much more. Balance of taCtory warranty. One owner. T831 A Only S6a55" per Day 1994 JEEP COUNTRY a' Autp p•s ab +^ p « p , fully loaded. one owner. mint. P4641 A. Only 110.35" per Day 1995 CHEROKEE COUNTRY 1992 GRAND CARAVAN SE WAGON 1. 19% DODGE RAM 1500 CLUB CAB WORT 4.0 L.4x4 prolechm. ABS, trader taw, rear frac Ik. select Vkg., ac, o/h console, auto.. bright pprem. spilus., p.w., p.dl., p. mrrors. AM/FM Cass., air P4597. 0"'YS12.79* W DayJ to 3.3 L., auto.. p/s, p/b. AMiFM cats., air coed., N mirrors, root rack. 7 pass. seating 8 more. V4616. 1 Owner 5.9 L. auto.. Ww. pJdl, tilt, cruse, air cond.. AMiFM Cass.. sport appearance. chrome wheels, trader tow. HID service. anti spin axle. plmirrors, slide rear windows. SLT lainme pack. T622. On1y512.33" per Day 1991 SHADOW 4 DR. 1992 PLYMOUTH SUNDANCE "DUSTER" 2 DR.2: 1995 INTREPID 4 DR. l: al Auto., pis., p.b., air conditioning,' cloth buckets, console, plus much more. V47411. . 2.5L. auto. pis , p o .air condi. rear spoiler, AM, FM Cass. 3.3 L, auto., pis, p/b, p/w, p/cil, tilt, cruise. p/mirrors, air corid., cloth buckets, console. AN/FM tits., message center' P1606. $79995* Only x6.00- per Day Only x9.1 0" per Day 1995 CARAVAN SE 1995 GEO TRACKER 19% DODGE RAM 1500 CLUB CAN *.A No down payment! No freight' No air tax! V6. air. Hight price! Stk. aP4480. ti Buckets. 5 speed. one owner with only 17.000 miles. 5.2 L. auto- p/w. p/dl, tilt, cruise, air cond.. AMiFM Cass.. SLT decor. 40120/40 seat, HID service, trader tow pack. chrome wheels. ants spin axle. two tone. slide rear window. T752. Only '17,488* 1 Priced to Sell Only S1 1 .SO per Day NY1liaGE P1.1116011114wet rW' CHFr SLEA 1'ACE 12- F[IF \E1% N : IMTR FI SER FRIDAI U'RI1 26, 194( Survive the great outdoors DURIIAM -- St. John Ambulance is offering it 'Wilderness first Aid Course for nature lovers. The course teaches you how to deal with cold exposure, bear attacks, hums, gunshot wounds, broken hones, dental emergencies and mushroom and berry poi- soning. In addition, there'll be help- ful ideas on improvising first aid supplies, shelters and how to sig- nal for help. To sign up for the course, you must have prcviously taken either Standard First Aid or Enrer_'encv First Aid. The course will he held at the St. John office at 64 Colborne Si. 1;., Oshawa. Classes are set for Friday. May 3, from 6 to IO p.m.. Saturday. Mav 4, Sunda•. May 5. and Saturday. May 11 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Cost is S 110. For more infor- mation, call St. John Ambulance. Durham Branch. at 434-7800 or 1- 800-267-1032. � MCFE gQ� C'4,cs' AN G�i�QVpNT1T1ES, LpwER�gi 2177 FERTILIZER ONLY 25 �pP ✓ FFRT11.1J.ER\ CFS S �00 BAG CHICK ✓ 1'`)"ER WITH THIS AD EQ1 1PME\T DELIVERY ✓ FARM'1'PPLIES TRIPLE MIX ✓ PFT FEF:1)% & •'jqp Ll.:_ • �t PPI -11 y ONLY S 68 30 LT. •=tirASAN , • _-NICKS 5/%NIMAL HEALTH 2 BAG J;:zLEa "t 4DL 4%_E FOR PR(11)t ( T♦ 6/ METAL PEAT MOSS LEL L�E=� tea' ♦11)1\(, FF\( 1*%(, ONLY C a c ✓ HORIF TA( k5597 %/ %IA-1�TFR FFFI)% ,,OCT✓ PR(WANE RFFILf. ( 1ARE%1(1\I ( F\TRE CIII I)R N. of 4 ( OR\FRI- PROM (T% \ O\ riRO( K 1\ PI( KFRI\(, 90i-049-211 ? 1.1 -re ry as (X -k CUSTOMER APPRECIATION DAY], �Q All clay we thank YOU with REGULAR SIZE FRIES! Mark vour calendar-------r-- +tax-r.r..,......-...................-..........-......,...... - s ryD Sundae, April 28. 1996 ay! 7"44 JAW / f.ffi Ajax 222 Sayly St. W. 314 Harwood Ave. S (Wal-Mart) Bingo and blood clinic volunteers aid Red Cross INIRI IANI -- Volunleers arc needed to help recruited. the Canadian Red Cross S(Viety as it celebrates The Society's Region of Durham Branch cur - National Volunteer Week. rcntly uses the scr%,iccs of more than 7W %•olun- People are sought to help out at Wcdnes(L•ry hers who help run the many progntrm. bingo in Ajax, while Meals on Wheels dri%-crs if you are interested in helping out, call I_r<ul and bl(x)d clinic volunteers are also being Ilarsell at 905-723-7251 ext. 205. RIGHT HERE.' BRAND NEW! T0, 4P iN • 'rOuAn FOR SECFCON T DOWNPAYMENT MO. PAYMENT • 7 Pass. 4 4 m. SO S345 /30 mo. •,. $2,100 $199730 mo. l $0 $278'130 mo. DOV MPAYMENT MO. PAYMENT $3,200 294/30 mo. -SM-S-389730 mo. PURCHA S20,288' Family Value Package: • 3 -OL V6 • Auto Trans. • Air Conditioning • Dual Air bags • Side Impact Beams Seating • Luggage Rack • AM/FM, stereo 22D Package Includes:) • 132 hp 2.0 Litre 16 valve engine • 3 Speed Automatic • Air Conditioning • AM/FM Stereo • Split Folding Rear Seats • Dual Air Bags • Power Steering •Side Impact Beams • New sporty design • 3.3 Itr. V6 eng. • 4 spd. auto :: Yiu'�` • Console • AM/FM cass. • Dual air bags • Side Impact beams • Floor mats • Power window, locks and mirrors • Fog lamps, Air cond., 16" wheels • Tilt • Cruise • Best Buy! •2..OL 16 Valve • P.S., P.B. • Air Conditioning • Console •Rear Defroster • Tinted Glass, • AM/FM Cassette • 21 A Pak -Tilt Wheel 40 or y TfIE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIUAI. AIRR IL 26. 1996 -RAGE 13 Ajax Youth Crusade takes friend1vaim at wa ward kids y AJAX -- Have you ever dreamed of going to the park and seeing a huge group of motivated, kind and friendly youths celebrating life and encouraging other young peo- ' pie to do the same! On June 6 to 9, you'll get your chane: as Youth ('rusade t96 is coming to the Ajar ('ommunity ('entre west soc- cer fields. "!?te event will fea- ture approximately 150 vol- unteer youth participants as well as local youth bands. guest speaker MP I)an Mc"Teague, professional soloists, a motorcycle exhibit, dramas, a local air brush artist, a barbecue, a local TERKDIRECT `-- SALES SCANDINAVIAN & CONTEMPORARY FURNITURE WE ARE THE MANUFACTURER OF +f Bedrooms. Dining Rooms Curios. Bookcases Computer Cabinets, Wall Units. Coffee Tables iii� Entertainment Centres Custom Made Design Re -upholstering Refinishing & Repairs HOURS We Also Sell Sofas MONDAY -FRIDAY 9AM-6PM SATURDAY 9AM-5PM TEAK - OAK - ROSEWOOD 80 Ferrier St. 2 Sheets West of Warden - North of Steeles 905-475-6598 I- R - , r' - .. i GRADE EXPECTATIONS LEARNING CENTRES WrREADING C?WRITING 211STUDY SKILLS Z'1AATH as Grade 1 to O.A.C. is low Siudent/Teocher ratio • Individualized Program a Complete Assessment 1885 Glenanna Rd. Suite 103 (905) 420-9930 READY CASH I>hoome Tax Returns © READY CASH WITHIN 24 HOURS (dost Refunds) Q REFUND CHEQUES IN ABOUT 2 WEEKS (Most E -Filed Returns) D FREE E -FILING WITH TAX PREPARATION Q E -FILE ONLY SERVICE AVAILABLE - Your Diskettes Accepted (Selected Tax Programs) D BOOKKEEPING SERVICES ALSO AVAILABLE ALL RETURNS PREPARED - Personal, Business Corporations III Trusts SERVICES DONE ON LOCATION AT "4"T"' MAYA fe" PICKERING TOWN CENTIME OPPOSITE PJ'S PET CENTRES 13w KINGSTON RD. PICKERING, OUT. L1V IRS PH. (905) 837-0564 OPEN SUNDAY THROUGH SATURDAY (MALL HOURS) youth rate, and souvenir dis- kith don't need to resort to been involved in criminal plays.And participating crime, violence or drugs to activities and have seen the Youths will join the Ajaix have a gtxxl time. Many of results lust -hand. ('rusadc }tome Week parade. Youth the speakers know what director I)anny Mehr, for ('rusade participants will try they're talking about hared on example, has spent time in jil a to get the point across that past experience. Some have on drug and theft chatr_es. The free: event nfns from ? to 10 p.m. on "Ihursday. I'tiday autd Saturda}., and 5 to 8 p.m. on Sunday. For mart: information, contact Mr. Fehr at 428-2825. �K J asset Y• I ~KM HAS > Official Sponsor ofthe 1996 t .inaciian L)Ivtnpisic •I'carn r ,4 PERENNIALS HUNMDo fuuETIES PACKAGED ROSES -� TO CHOOSE FROM! •Yarrow • Columbine • lows of var!•tM• `-���i � • Bugletlower •Sage •''� 'v" in stock ,`t (L .7!�)- Gold Dust • Bergenia •Tlckseed - Creeping Phlox Hybrid Tess, .; • Painted Daisy • Pinks • Conetlower i C7faf1 • A•;. _ • Coral Bells - Pans FtorWurw. w t - Bee Balm -Fescue �j►Cillinbling and MANY MORE -3 r.• 1 . ' ,, •rterl early for ' '-'` • yr •��� C,g4K } gest SW*Cdat r ��y t. . x'�••tt••-' -lam ��L -�►�f " rl�etit7) I5cm c? ...... $5.83 RHODODENDRON M V HO P e spmftcww - Neat mound -shaped evergreen with very slow growth rate 'y �•blionalkam • Foliage is dense, dark green with short •rt m.AUracittle wow needles • fd[spa APiANESE UM. 4 R is "Oft fakaa:u1 �llt ILACELFAF KOODGOW �i 2 GAL WINTER GEM BOXWOOD + Slow-growing evergreen shrub. Dark green rounded toltage takes shearing well ,mr�� • May be pruned into ditterent shapes and ; sizes. Widely used as a low hedge EMERALD CEDAR HEDGE • t3ri�ftt green colour all year round • Upright compact corse shape • t xceMent for hedges heavy foliage IGAL y � Prlcoe TN very a/Mr M.y - 1••s It there _ • • 1700 Victoria St. E. are .rty mrrket earlallome we reserve the right to Writ quantities to the 1905) 571.5900 •fit reamed r c to ners. 11is u andour r contractor cuatoners. tt u our rc to DIRECTIONS: From Hwy. tt401: Exit South on Th ckson Rd. to Victoria Street E, Turn left In the avert theevW run truthful. yrraccurate make of any error. we will malty every reasonable •tort to accommodate our customers. Details • on any Product warranties avaitaDte at the MON - FRI TAM -1 OPM Ort Victoria SL E. store redid v:V ro Prod48%ucts appliesi to purchases of approved prdduc , made m ■ argW transactdon (whim rnay u,clude rrwlhpW � oo o< more ,ender tte Malt SATURDAY TAM-8PM Piteurchase c aseof F Ho Ptwenase FeaCtre of Th. Hone Depot Credit toCal other approved C�pwchprova •fir �� on Mrspcp a approval D:PG anada Inc SUNDAY 9AM-5PM L VA.G : 14-141F: 1E%%S A11N ERHSEk FRIUAV. APRIL 2h, 1496 I'l ffi "If :7 1 ll j jkv "A I W4A k Wqj $I I j o IRG11 WW 4 The Village at the Pines offers you an incredible opportunity so you can STOP PAYING RENT AND OWN YOUR OWN HOME WITH NO STRINGS ATTACHED!_ It's never been easier to own. Just put up $1,000 and MOVE IN. During the first year in your new home, you pay occupancy costs of $1,100 a month. A portion of your monthly payments will go toward your down payment so that by the end of the year you will have built up the equity you need to experience the pride of home ownership. It's that simple. Don't wait any longer - The Village at the Pines in Pickering is selling fast! .Visit the Sales Centre today and take a6antage of thi OME SEE 6 NEW incredible opportunity SPECTACULAR 1 su J More defte A wk eW1Ila 1 � FULLY FUNWED < Y rel` ✓ f Y. " n I�1.' N 111 0 0 0 1 1 P s� 1 • 1. •fir t 0 0 0 1 1 P s� TFIF: 1 EWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. APRIL 26.1996 -PACE 15 I I K I I RK.� I I k, a Is, 1 :2 111 [1 EXPANSION SALE '\mill IIIIIMCI-4i'A-: 01101st• 01Zx•101= A E At .. �_IrAcTo- 0sRbi USED Ve .kr 90 POI ally Prig y :Ia10 .TSmEL.7i■I "1711 =J0=1101i421&,-"=a'L= MONEY DOWN UP TO 60 MO, O.A.C. DON'T PAY FOF 90 DAYS • "SPECIAL" EVENT, LOW INTEREST RATES •ALL PRICES CLEARLY MARKED. HIGH TRADE-IN VALUE WE NEED YOUR TRADE for "NEW" EXPANDED USED CAR LOT claiffmilis 266 KING ST. W. 436-150 r PAGE 16 -I'M NF:N%* %D ER"IISElt FRIO.%%. %P1411.26. 1996 ' KEEP ON TRUCKIN': A *ax show aids Sick Kids' hospital J BY ROB LETH SPECIAL "Itl171E NEWS ADVERTISER AJAX --Truck lovers and owners alike are gearing up 14 the fourth annual (lien House Truck Shaw pre- sented by tlltimatc Customs r r Sunday. May 26 IEN to raise funds for the Hospital for Sick Children. The show, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., is tentaUve- ly scheduled for the I1ltimatc Customs parking, lot at 717 Finley Avenue but could he chtinged t>, v 9 6 F- 3iscovery Ba Centra: parking Iot on Liverpool Road. The vehicles featured in the show are mainly pick-up trucks. Registration is open to all. •'Anybody with a pick-up truck can enter it in the show." says Lloyd Cotterill. owner of 1711imate Customs. " NWe • will accept every- C • thing from nor- mal trucks to high-end show tnit�s.'• The roll also toe a few sintage custom hex rule on displa\. rhe truck show has contin- '- oted to gnow sine it sLincd with 98 participants in / 1993. •[Tris year. C Mr. Cotterill is � expecting_ between 250 and 30() trucks. "People come from every comer of Ontario to be in Garage and the show and we even have a few trucks come up frorn the t 1.S., •' he says. A ast year we had 14 people come from a (nick club in t thio and every vear a group of a dozen guys from Ncw York aucrxl the show.,, Tnrck owners entering their vehicles in the show will he charged tis. Pnxveds will he donated to the I lospital tier Sick Children. I • There'll be plenty of dcxx prizes and a DJ will spin tuns tell day. For more intOnnation on the show, conlacl I 1hunalc Cusiorns al 427-5567. FA ERIES "XLS"- AT A NEW LOWER PRICE! 1,000 SHBACKI FEATURES • 5.0L 200 tip V8 Engine • Automatic Transmission • Air Conditioning • Cruise Control/Tilt-Steering • AM/FM Stereo Cassette • 133 Long Wheelbase • Two -Tone Paint • Chrome -Steel Wheels • Chrome Rear -Step Bumper • Light Group CA • Tachometer • Headliner and Insulation Package bake sale aims to raise funds for Jesuits PICKERING -- The Jesuit Infirmary, Liverpool Road north of Finch Ave., Pickering, holds its second annual garage and bake sale this Saturday, May 4 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Oshawa - Whitby Old Time Fiddle Club performs from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the event. Call 839- 5151. '97 FORD F-150 SU PERCAB X411 -new and Better Than Ever! - Features: • Standard Third Door! - Most Powerful Standard V6 in any Pickup! • Dual Airbags! • Air Conditioning • Largest standard payload of any pickup • Availabie 4 -wheel ABS brakes "Test Drive One at your Dealer Today!" • '96 FORD RANGER -Canada's "1 Selling Compact Pickup!" Features: • Available Dual Airbags • Deep -Dish Aluminum Wheels - Available in Regular or SuperCab! • Choose from 2.3L 4 -cylinder, 3.01 or 4.0L V6! • Choose from regular length, extended length, or stepside boxes - 4 x 2 or 4 x 4 models "Corguide Magazine's "1 Compact Pickup Value!" 000t CASHBACK! FOR A UMITED TIME $It ON ALL '96 RANGERS! '259 ZI PER MONTH 24 MONTH LEASE 51,500 DOWNPAYMENT AFTER $1000 LEASE CASH" "FORD F—SERIES IS CANADA'S BEST—SELLING TRUCK!" A; ,rte sris� �.=w '96 FORD EXPLORER 'XLS' 4x4 "Includes No -Charge Power Windows, Mirrors and Locks - Features: - Dual Airbags • 4.01. EFI V6 Engine • 4 -speed Automatic Transmission • Air Conditioning • Deep -Dish Aluminum Wheels • Four -Wheel ABS Brakes • AM/FM Stereo Cassette -*1 Selling Sport -Utility in North America" $30 399''�,s» oovM�rrl�)rt �rrui ++.w wsE wiz+ SEE YOUR ONTARIO FORD AND MERCURY DEALERS HURRY! OFFER ENDS APRIL 30TH! P > —M •1 A Owe[• • 5' • 9y e'd•n . f11. ' ' S - 1. 1L . dr'. S. , , ,.I I , S/ 1 . 1 1 , r.wl , . 1 , ,nn .. r 1 , I e I , 1 •I f r I •, I „1 •. ,,, • .q yt r l 1x11 S 1 S1M: 1 u,np.l,m«nl .dlr.r SI MMI 1 edd,.- M r ,I "" rVn vd Y 0 Illus 1 rte MAh ♦pep, rn1 r1J vM+u '1r /t•Wt 1 e•W,.rM 5 t, i'r', L.1w - 1 I'1t '. I. t Y r ,cur .I • •5' x,l, . 1.1:1 +P I I '+I«.u1 'S 711 ,I A Ill, Irex ..r -I I I,nw11 u1 '/J r- Mel I-] v '11-1 Ir, pry -1111,v1 n•Ie I Irtwvv , e1,11 • r•1t 1 rr I.I S l.J )`I r1. w WI.1Yn ret I.IIIW SI 1M1 -I (nyrl)et. , rretl« purveWnl glut .0 rn ,, th ; p�,—I -dl t«, ur 1, U••pnt 1 r«yulrwf I S 1 Wr: , u•htr.« 1 w Ory R—)eppn«5 , u 1r m l t)H«r; «n furl« hr -Ih, :1 S«rrr S"', —d I •purr S IRI) In wu« .1-wlerR., r.A .Ill' 14116 .« AI, te.' 0I.SI p.ryebl« un lull .unt•Rlt purl h, IIrM r -u .,u• M,w1yI.. trt «nl nn• i 01N. $ d0d, I'll ( e ht, b .n„. b> S q••p 1- 4 1�.. •1r.,i«. Suer.• , r,nA.l,rm nM m.1«uyt r«tlnt nun; uy{M, Ir, u11 .r.rx ,H— (,rthwo ',I,1n1y Sr'.I OIA I—It ev.«I.d,l. .w1 pun h.«.r. I'll, me«rt' ted III— OffWnl«r me, tell ,Intl Irxx It; Iv S_ IWnlw Int 11..1.11-; Om,-, MIA 110 Ru. )OUI lAlk vdl« 0,11 M. 161 SIJ ickering Village Festival ❑ Organizers of annual party seek volunteers to lend a hand or put on their own events AJAX -- People are sought to help out at the ever -popular Pickering Village festival. Organizers of the Village's social event of the season are looking for people to lend a hand at the June 8 festival or to put on their own special events. Activities being held at various locations throughout the Village include a parade and ise your help pancake breakfast. A giant yard sale is in the plannint stares. A '50s and '60s dance will finish off the day at the Village Arena where the popular Lincolnaires will entertain. Tickets for the 8 p.m. dance are already available at $12 a person at various locations in the Village or by calling Donna at 428- 9007. All proceeds go to the Aiax Optimist Club. To help out at this year's festival, enter the parade or organize your own special event. call Ruth at 683-8215 or Donna at 428-9007. SARGEANT'S BRIDAL BOUTIQUE VLIM a ,M Sargeant's Rentals 361 Marwood Drive 571A158i88 0 orin 571-� 15011 9 9 10% Discount on all Rentals, Dishes, Linens. Glasses Tablecentres and more... YALIL SUNOA� MAY y%ONLY Which came first, bad grades bad attitude? •,.alb..,, 3�, t, we Diol~' tlklt w1wn a chili) is ,tntn�ng at s(-'hcN )l. ar only 1);ut of tlx I)i� turE�. "llu��'re E ifien ac'cilmip iiied rntoti%,ation ()1- ;1 hacl Rttini(le_ :Ns t1w ]E:ad(,r in iupplernental education for over 16 years. Syl1 pan c.ln help. A thorough assessment helps us get to the root of the problem. Theft, ow- certifikil tewhets develop a personalized program that is the key to your child's success. Grades go up. Motivation improves. �%idettls Ueconte excited abcxrt learning again. To learn how we can help your child, call Sylvxl t tcxlay. Kendalwood Park Plaza 981 Brock Rd. S., Pickering 1801 Dundas Sr. E., Whitby (Brock & Baytly ) Telephone (905) -104-1818 Telephone (905) 839-9637 SYLVAN LEARNING CENTRE'1�' /f otter �mmles <r. re pest me hr,,;tnniilg f(IF: \F:N ti .11)1 F:RTICF:R FRII) %V, ,11'RI1. 26. 1'196-P1(,E 17 Fairport Beach fun fair seeks your fare PICKERING -- Fairport Reach Public School is looking for ven- dors for its annual fun fair in May. It costs $10 to rent a table for the fair, being held Saturday, May 11 from noon to 3 n.m. Proceeds from the fair will be used to provide services and equipment for students at the schcwl. For more information call .lune at 831-1744. Prepare your car for the call of the open road ... long trips... thrills... and excitement. Experience -Volkswagen Value Ser.,ce' It is your guarantee of everyday low prices provided by factory trained Volkswagen technicians using only genuine Volkswagen ports. All of this backed by a 12 month/20.000 Kms (,carts Narrart'j Dont Nal* --get a neaa stort with ' Volkswagen Value Service - available only at your Volkswagen Value Service Centre Visit Pickering Volkswagen today! Experience "Volkswagen Value Service" performance tune-up $ '095 for Onty,n:mv.wv Keep a great thing going. 99 w.. ....� ...,.,rte.:..... .. ..., .. .., We've Outgrown Our Name! We're Now The Pickering Home & Leisure Centre Whether you require fumishings for a new home, linens for your bed and bath, paint and wallpaper for the spare room or lighting for the hall, the Pick- ering Home and Design Centre has been Durham's one-stop shopping spot for home related products since 1988. Times are changing and so are we. The Crafter's Marketplace, Michaels The Art and Crafts Super Store and Sportmart are the most recent additions to the centre. They've joined Home Leisure Upgrades. our spa store, in our efforts to bring you a broader range of shopping opportuni- ties. The addition of more sport, hobby and leisure pursuit retailers required a name change. We're now the Pickering Home and Leisure Centre, a more appropriate title to fit our growth plans. Of course, we will continue to have stores for all of your decorating and renovation requirements. DeBoer's, Integrity Woods, The Coast, A Spe- cial Place, Roxton and Master Bed- room can fill all of your furniture needs; Durham Lighthouse, Blinds `N' Drapes, Oriental Rug Collection, The Tile Shoppe and Paint Paper Pius are here to help you with lighting, windows, floors and walls; Ash - brook;. B.B. Bargoons, Pier I Imports, Peter's Appliances, Shalimar Designs in Silk, Kitchen Court and Space Age Shelving can supply just about everything else for your home. And. Dakota Bob's Casual Dining Restaurant is still the gathering spot for food and fun in Durham. The 'Idea Place', our unique resource centre, is here to help you with a video, book and magazine library, room settings and displays, regular seminars and workshops and lots of free advice. The 'Idea Home' furnished by the stores in the Picker- ing Horne and Leisure Centre includes barrier -free features and the latest in decorating trends, with lots of great do-it-yourself low budget decorating tricks. Both the 'Idea Place' and 'Home' are open during the regular mall hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - and Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Thurs- day and Friday 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. Visit them and be inspired! Here's a quick look at what the Idea Place and Idea Home offer ❑ The `Idea Place', a unique resource centre in the heart of the complex, is here to help you with a video, book and magazine library, room settings and displays, regular seminars and workshops and lots of free advice. ❑ The `Idea Home' fur- nished by the stores in the Pickering Home and Leisure Centre includes barrier -free features and the latest in decorating trends, with lots of great do-it-yourself low budget decorating tricks. PACE 1% -Tiff \F%%5 IiIAERTISFR FRII)Av. WR 11. 26.1996 WE CATER TO SMALL PARTIES J r t•� :. SALE ENDS •,",! salkelry .& ° MAY 3RD SPRING DELI SPECIALS! BLACK REG. SWISS FOREST COOKED GRUYERE HAM 99 HAM CHEESE 99-- 100 g39 100 g 100 g 4 REV UP YOUR . C4060' p -, y Ile DELSAR WAFFY HOMEMADE, WAFERS LASAGNA ' BUY 2 GET 1 I DELUXE or MEAT S 49 2.25 KILOS 00 I � J 1 !, FREE} YOU SAVE 1 450 g S 1 000 __ r (A Inc). J 15 WESTNEY RD. 6834150 (CASHWAY PLAZAS S-7 PJ& "PAL FM t P.M.SWUM" "r N� gVFF1E REST Celebrating our 15th Anniversary . . . . w . . . . m . m . . . . MIN . BuyOne Buffet 1 96 SPECIAL ■ � ■ ' a F:1;;; Nulls w Dinner S"cet & Sour Chicken Balls 1O« O\I,l' ■ ■ ' Breaded Shrimp Pick-up ■ at regular price 22.99 ■ Cantonese ('ho\+ dein and receive the ■ ■KK(1 Chicken 11 inls Deliver-,■ 2nd for only 99 1 125 99 " Chicken Fried Rice ■ 7 da -.s a µeek Slarling at 4: ill p.m. ■ • \-.t . aid m rv.nJunrh. nl wr1h .m Ihrr p-11, nr d—,..Ll.■ 1%mention —pon when ordrring ica%h onh and .and with it/1% \ot .aid on \lothrr'%Ua.. �•ihrr �p—tal, E 91. ,p. \Ian 11/1. No .lid un \fnthrr'a Ila.. U= U U U M IN a 1 )♦ i i. i i 1 i 1 1f i 1 i i 1 ' Family Dinner for 4 ■ '■ f;:\__•_�Rtauhil.c. . BBQ Wings. Diced Bee[ u P ■ 20% OFFMmon Order ■ • �. ur Chicken. lil /pmcapple. Chickcil ■ • auw Mein. Special Fried Rl,-e R -g ■ or ■ ct:u ■ Delivery ■ • pick-up only $21.99 order 10% OFF S ■ $24.99 ' P., ► 5 drinen -d—kr minimum NI IMI � caJl (tl'h\Cr\ 11— —nb— thn'P nrcm - .hen drrmc. \.lid ill rlra•r mrnt.m thn rwp•.r +. •nl. r,nt �,,,1 tl! ■ ■ �4. til vn \..t .alwl m.mlonrt..n wth am •wner y.reW .Atm \la. tl 4e rnh am—NArr .peciai .dem. \p-,.1 Fam.h \..t ..Iwl ..n \I•dhrr. Ib. ■ Ihnnrn t4n•t apyl. \ot vhd .m \4dher'. Iia. RECREATIONAL SALES SPRING SALE —7- - : 11� P"1721ED Most Popular Fold Down ' U -Shaped Sofa Model Jayco Eagle 1OUD6427 � StO LE 3 Way Fridge i Auto Ignition Furnace # Roof Vent c. 1"T Spare Tire s Self Storing Step # Privacy Drapes REAR SED BONUS Take delivery before April 30 & receive a FREE CANOPY! Entertainment Pickering country musician nominated outstanding new artist PICKERING -- A local new country recording artist has been nominated for a major award in that genre. Rena Gaile, of Pickering, who was pro- filed in Sunday's News Advertiser, has been nominated in the Outstanding New Artist category in RPM Magazine's Big Country Awards to he e handed out May 26. The Canadian country --- music awards showP. will be broadcast on'Y CF TO -TV on lune 1. "It's great. I've been nominated before, but .t now that I have an album out to back it up, maybe this time," Rena she notes. "It's great to Gaile .be nominated for any- thing. It shows that all the work is paying off." tier newest single Cloud of Dust from her debut CD Out on a Limb made its debut at number 38 on the Country Music News' chars, number 70 on The Record charts and ownber 89 on the RPM charts. Iter new video for Cloud of IA1st will debut on country music video networks in ,May. THF, NEWS ADVERTISER NRII)Ati',:1PRIt.26, 1996 -PAGE: 19 'April 26, 1996 Dunbarton High's award-winning play in Sears drama fest Ontario showcase ❑ Homegrown production continues to impress judges at drama competitions PICKERING -- An award-winning local high school play takes the stage at the Sears Ontario Drama Festival All Ontario Showcase at ][art F[ouse Theatre. University of Toronto, next month. "The Dunbarton Iligh School one -act play 'The Tree of Life, written and directed by Dunbarton High teacher Frank Luke and featuring drama stu- dents from the school, will he staged in downtown Toronto from Mav 7 to 11. The locally -created play was chosen as an outstanding production at the Durham Regional Drama Festival and at the Sears Ontario Drama Festival Eastern Regional Showcase in Kingston, both in March. The actors have received three awards of excellence for performance, three awards of merit for performance and stage man- agement, two awards of merit for make-up and the stage management award of excel- lence_ "The play takes place in R -w Batt's Arm. Newfoundland where it explores the hard- ships suffered by the people of that province since the moratorium on fishing. A vast majority of the youth who are living on the island must leave in order to find a job. The play also examines the tensions between the unemployed fishermen and the 100 or so people fortunate enough to have crab licences. The crab fishermen earn an exorbitant salary and arc building large homes on the winding roads leading to the fishing villages. By pit- ting two hroth- vrs against each ether, the ten- sion comes to life on stage as the audience ,ees two men and their families being torn apart. The date of the Dunbarton play won't tx- known until the final schedule of plays is set on "Tuesday. April 30. Curtain time for all performances is 7:30 p.m. The hart House box office will he open for the Ontario showcase; on Tuesday. April 30 at 11 a.m. "Tickets are S10 each. For more information, call the box office in Toronto at 416-978-5668. �; ; ; 11111117!1 �1i i7 NEW EXPANDING COMPANY NO GIMMICKS . NuLove is QUALITY. imported lingerie & sensual products AT AFFORDABLE PRICES! . Our CONSULTANTS earn excellent money. have fun & work flexible hours! . EARN 51.000-54.000+ PER MONTH (IMMEDIATE PAY) . We INVEST IN OUR EMPLOYEES - full training & inventory provided! BOOK A PARTY AND SEE FOR YOURSELF! . 15 Consultants required immediately (transportation required) ROBE SATIN CHARMEUSE S2•:_ L r_yed _med A,s_PA P'i PLEASE CALL t 1-800-343-4434 >T••i We look forward to �Meeting You! 61rT !j S* 0 A* I A& r4 1A WHY PAY MORE BUY FROM ELSEWHERE? THE FACTORY!! ,r - it rw I • rn�rT�,a OR EXTRA FIRM SET o� oa309DOU13LEo$ M 289 �� M M 339 QUEEN PAGE: 20 -THF: NE S ADVERTISER FRIUAV. APRIL 26.19% To advertise Hey Net surfers! in this space, ±P(:)R S News Advertisers call us at Sports now on - the Internet 683-5110 Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. %%nxw.durhamnews.net Pickering Aerials flying high as seven advance to provincials PiCKERING — Grandy and Kelly O'Nci11 round silver medal in the pre- strearn. MacDonald placed on vault, and was fifth on gold on vault and three Pickering Aerials' gymnasts will represent the Aerials at novice 1 division. She won a 10th overall with a seventh floor, seventh on bars and fourth -place ribbons on bars, are flying high after seven the level 1 provincial champi- gold medal on vault and a on vault and floor, ninth on ninth on heart. beam and floor. club members qualified to onships in Kingston Ma' 17. bronze on bars and had two bars and I Ith on ho:am. The Aerials' regional Joy Cretney, competing in compete at the Ontario sham- Meanwhile, Brooke Lynn sixth-place finishes on beam Brooke Lynn Primrose stream athletes also per- the novice category, captured pionships next month follow- Primrose. Kate Newton and and floor. earned a third-place overall firmed well. Brittany Lloyd third all-round with a gold on ing impressive performances their coach Tama Szpak w ill In the senior i division, standing in the level 3 catego- placed second overall in the vault, silver on bars, bronze at the final provincial quahfi- be part of the Metro East O'Neill placed second over- ry. She won a silver medal on pre -novice division. She on beam and fourth on floor. er in Scarborough. regional team competing at all with a gold on bars, floor and bronze medals on earned a gold medal on beam. In the same division, Arran In addition, Aerials head the provincial championships bronze on vault, fourth on vault, bars and beam. bronze medals on bars and Black placed fifth overall coach Tama Szpak was nom- in 'Mississauga on Mas -l. floor and team. Kate Newton placed fifth floor and was fifth on vault. with a silver on bars and inated to coach the junior 3- The championships are for Brieann Cassidy, also overall with a silver on vault, Teammate Jessica Lamarre fluor, fifth on vault and an level Metro East team at the level 2. 3 and elite gvrnnasts. competing at the pre -novice 1 fourth on floor and beam and placed third overall with a eighth on beam. provincials This is the first Alanna 'eston will scnr as level canned a silver on vault fifth on bars time an Aerials* .:kwch has the first alternate on the bronze on bars, fourth on In the level 2 novice divi- earncd this honor. 'Metro, East ,cnn,r , 11:A! floor and ninth on beam to sion. Julie Ann Passv was fa�sc �trhkcl� r: (;-rc,ir, tin.:: place fourth overall. 11th all-round. She placed Cassrd�.Ah,r,, h. N': - Micia Wald placed sixth fourth on vault and bars. crtll by fins.him-, in a first- ninth on beam and 13th on : arc tic on bars, fifth on floor. She was unable to train sc\cnth on vault and the week hetOre the competi- ;_lith on floor. tion due to a stress fracture in Grandy finished sixth her foot. �crall at the novice 1 Icvel, In the level 2 division, including a gold on vault. Alanna Weston and Kimberly fourth on floor and seventh Flaherty tied for w%enth- )n hays and beam. place overall. Flaherty was Teammate Lindsey fifth on vault, sixth on bars NIjc:Donald also fared well in and floor and eighth on beam. Y the novice i provincial Weston earned a gold medal The Pickering Aerials Gymnastics Club will send seven athletes and their coach Tanya Szpak to the Ontario championships this year. Left to right on the beam are Alicia Wald, Elyse Mihkelson, Brieann Cassidy and Kaitlin Grandy. In front are Alanna Weston, Kate Newton, Brooke Lynn Primrose and Kelly O'Neill. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Wanderers tune up for rugby season AJAX -- The Ajax Wanderers Rugby Club has a full slate of the exhibition games this weekend. Tho men's first and second teams will play the Yeomen on Saturday. The second team plays at at noon, followed by the first -team con- test at 1:30 p.m. A women's game versus Brock is slated for 3 p.m. On Sunday, the Wanderers men's over -35 squad will host Peterborough at 1:30 p.m. The club's at H a r w o o d Avenue North, just south of Taunton Road. Area Qymnasts (To for Ontario cyold AJAX-1'1(KF.RI\G —Iwo area gymnasts adyanccd to the Pro%inctal Gymnastics Championships in Mississauga next month after fine performances at the third and final provincial qualifier in Scarborough April 13 and Id. Ashley Fawcett, of Ajax. assured herself a place on the Metro East regional team going to the provincials after placing third overall in the junior 2 category. She finished third on bars and fourth on vault, beam and floor. Meanwhile, Mclrssa Ramsey, of Ajax. also made the provincial team after finishing fourth in the junior -1 bracket.. She placed first on vault, third on bars and floor and eighth on beam. Tara Columbus, of Pickering. placed eighth overall in the pre- noyice I category at the provincial qualifier. She was fourth on beam, sixth on bars and floor and seventh on vault. All three gymnasts are members of Gemini Gymnastics in Oshawa. AJAX RINGETTE ANNUAL REGISTRATION 1,101 SAT. APRIL 27th 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.�n. ' At Ajax Community Centre , main lobby $125.00 Minor Bunnies' *$175.00 All other levels For more information call Janice @ 686-5222 Or Loretta @ 686-9798 *If registered before May 1, 1996 MEMBERSHIPS (includes 112 t 7 day unrestricted 1625 + GST 5 day before 1 p.m. 1550 + GST excludes SS & Hol. r. lesson with Bob Keyes) GREEN FEES Weekdays I5"T190' 5 day after 1 p.m. 1465 + GST Weekends sI t0 rZ0°° excludes SS & Hol.(Incl.. G.S.T.) I DRMNG RANGE Call for More Details or Tee Off Times OPEN sat. March 2r 1-800-346-5361 or 1-905-885-6487 wo le r holes rnimwi 82 VICTORIA STREET SOUTH - PORT HOPE SPORTS IMEDHIC011NIE IRENABIUMATION (CIUMNIUC's Holistic Approach To Health Care Joining traditional & complimentary medicine • Medical doctors - Acupuncture specializing - Reiki therapy in physical rehabilitation - Handson therapy technique • Chiropractic • Relaxation, stress • Athletic therapy management & • Kinesiology psychotherapy • Massage therapy - Individual fitness training • Cardiac rehabilitation - Yoga classes rt - 1420 Bayly St. 3 S O . 401 d e.yry sr. .� a O J m Unit 6, Pickering 420-6285 Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 7:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.-12 noon THF NEWS 11ri FRTISEIR FKIDAY. APRIL. 26. 1996 -PAGE 21 Women's field lacrosse sign-ups Saturday AJAX-PICKERING — The Sign-ups up are set 1 -or the N;►tion;tl Aug. ]0. include,, a jersey sand a uason cid I,,*eshore Women's Hield Lao-Tosse SMRs Centre at Whites Rcoad and No Meld Lacrosse is experience is ing, Nunyuet. I.e.tgue will hold iLs registration (lay I lwy. 2 fn)m 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. necessiary to join the league. For mon; inforimi ion. call 683- in Pickering cin SatunL•ly. ]Tie kague nuns from June 2 to Ccrit is S65 per pl,iycr, which 9510. M't galter s �'.trly in the tend not to enough club on it approach shoots thepeens. 1"ou have to take o consideration the llo\\ ing \N - hen ­.'lecting your cluh. 'Jutslde nI�eraturc, rxir:a Jti,1n and lack of actice tinic makes r more off centre LO Wer handicap i.f\•c•rs tend to hit Ile or t\\() Clubs ii-)rc and s\\'I fig t',ISiCl under lhese < <tnditions. WIN... GOLF CLUBS GOLF BALLS METAL DRIVER HOME ELECTRONICS GREEN FEE PASSES Just mail in your: Name, address 8 telephone #. to c/o Golf's Finest OshawalWhitby/ Clarington This Week P.O. Box 481 Oshawa, Ont L1 H 7L5 THE BNtO Ranked in the top 25 Public Courses in Ontario 4 For 3 Present this ad and receive 4 green tees for the price of 3 (S350° value) Valid Mon. to Fri. Offer expires May 31196. May not be combined with any other offer. 686-1121 ,CLUB REGRIPPING ytE Ci0 (LADIES S� 49sach re vg fS00 & KIDS Limited Time Offer OCustom Club Makmq • Cicnes • Regrip • Reshatt • Alteratiors • •iew. Used • T,ade-,ns • Seniors • V'lOmen • K:ds 465 Bayly St. W. Ajax to you by the finest golf facilities in Durham Region & Area finest holes Hole #13 At FAWN BROOK GOLF CLUB Course Yards Par Rating Blue 6111 -'2 68.0 White 5,61 � 2 66.5 Red 513— —2 N/A .JUI I1— Hwy 7 1; * ¢ F ¢ .6 Taunton Rd c o & a � � d � Q 3 Y A u R 1 nd Rd. -' o C m Hw 2 I— en you could hole as the Fawn Brook Golf Club, 27 Buggey Lane, Ajax (905) 427-7737 On Nlay 10th, 1990 Fa%vn Brook Golf CALlb ofhCi.ilk rt:(71stcring and st.lrtin11 :til participants. Ioc)\\(•r (.arts. Opened for play. Since then F.1\ n Bro)Ok has hosted pull carts and rental clubs are availahic. WC have a inany corporate tournaments and has heconle fully stocked pro shop tOr halls, tees. incl prizes. "hurtle" ti)r several corporate le.tgLre,. The coffee shop %vill provide dehcioils snacks and Fawn Brook is located at Deer Creek Golf & lunches .incl Is licensed by the LLB0 . When you Country Estates, a 30 hole facility located ill N'Orth h.lyC COI11hIC[ed Valla ;;.11110 oLlr Lor() Shop State %\'ill Ajay. Both COL1I-SeS are associated with Glen Cedars handicap all pl.lyel:S SICOrc•s incl proyidC you "yith .t Goll CILlb, ILISt east of `larkha111. All COLirses Offer C'0111PL1[erlized Pr1Ilt-OLlt. nlernhers and Poly as you play Clients excellent Fay.n Brook prides itsclF in heing tops in service. Course conditions. Tournament, are held on the OLlr staff aro' trained and constantly reins ldecl that Fawn Brook and Glen Courses only. although we provide [hest services clay after day, Fawn Brook is a well manicured Course, consisting we know that your day is important to you alld of gently rolling lands, ravines, ponds, trees and they will do their utmost to slake Certain it is it sand to challenge the more avid golfer. With three pleasurable one for WILL. sets of hent grass tee decks the course can be set 11 you are Considering hosting it Corporate for all levels of golfers. tournament in the near future, call Fa\vn Brook at Tournaments at Fawn Brook begin with our staff (905) 42-17-7/737. tj PRACTICE RANGE 2 FOR 1 wM this ad PRO SHOP SALE 20%-50% SAVINGS Golf Clinics Available JrDFM •;•a . a C--" r CHAMPIONSHIP 18 HOI No Tournaments • Memberships • 9 Hole Scenic Executive Golf Course Creel Ra'11 • (incl G.S.T. • 9 Nola) • Mon#* Spec is welcom CHAMPIONSHIP 18 H( Toumaments • Memberships • MONDAY'S CHOICE $ C large bucket wm J card purdraee Senors 6 Kft Des ". Putt. 00 W laxe BBuckel I— mw ns., A GteN MARS 'A GOLF CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP 18 HOLES Tournaments • Memberships • Lockers • Showers • Saunas 04 APEASONS COUNTRY (CLUB • unique to hole Par 69 • A challenge to all North of Hwy. 7 Brock Rd., Pickering 0 ' rORylEtllltlt "Durham's Best Kept Secret" "NOW OPEN" 905-985-2234 t • 18 Holes • Min Pi Mini • Driving Range • Pro Shop NOW OPEN Nom. lbv GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB • 2 18 -Hole Courses • 3 Practice Putting and Chipping Greens • Driving Range • Lessons Available 1-800-465-8633 PAGE 22 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, APRIL 26. 1996 Buy one 1 ifieup- d' week, get (905)Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.r the 2nd free! Monday to Friday Call us for TORONTO6830 . 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday details ��"E or fax your ad Applies to ArWes For 7987672 (905) 579-2238 Sale and Vehicles For Sale only CLASSIFIED Cntitling TH NOTICES INTERNET ADDRESS: - your baby's arrival Y� a gift certificate $ }GST u to $25 worth �� Htt ://www.durhamnews.net aby products. 16SYM Clarin0ton residents [B Careers' ' Careers ' General General SkilledMM Skilled Employment Articles Articles Articles I Help IM, Help Help Help I Wanted I For Sale For Sale WANT TO OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS BUT DON'T HAVE THE SSS? Mature? Self -motivated? You might be the person for our fast growing financial services company. We train. CALL KELLY (905) 427-2763 575 0o/hr Experierce Homeworkers -__ -of -red but is an asset 4161 961-2950Needed Career Career To assemae ; r-_ s UP Training Training CLASSIFIED Free Supplies Stan im- DAYCARE Daycare dSS:Stant leacher needed Posi- tion available for up- :ommg maternity ,eave. Please call Joyce or Donna 905-839-1842 CASTING CALL V, _. ^eeded Montana Agency peeks models Eam $4500 GOVERNMENT APPROVED tax sheltered program seeks sales advi- sors .nToronto and throughout Ontano Part time m full time. high income, leads/training Mr Mac- Donald (416) 296-7377, 1- 800-280-4533 HAIRSTYLIST required, Dart tame some exp neces- sary Phone Strands 666- :550 WELDER Must have minimum 5 yrs. experience. Must be experienced in heavy plate weld- ing. Should have valid CWB Ticket in F C.A.W. - GMAW and SMAW. Apply to Sid Reinsma P.R. Engineering Ltd. 249 Toronto Ave. Oshawa Ont. L1 H 3C2 No phone calls please 3RD rear University fe. CUSTOMER SPRING TUNE UPS male student, majoring in w Send s A S E to PsychlSoc (strictly through SERVICE o S E 117 -Ti r-ght courses) in search of News __ 1057 Steeies Ave W permanent full or part time * + oayhme position Experi. Their ad upon publication as M2R 3x1 assisting in public sencedchool school classroom setting. News Advertiser welt not be � daycare facilities. restau- responsible for more than LANDSCAPE '^•e person rant work. advertising and IilAM0110 sales. retail and janitorial -al maple tops $2000 o b o mere shall be nc liability for Positions . Ontario Scholar- tt115HNU-K.H.S. ship recipient Fluent in 1995 & 1996 French, punctual and re- sconsible It you have a MOUNTAIN & MUST SELL - DIA- MOND RING, set. 64 Carat. pear plus 12brdl- ants. appraised $5.200 Beautiful set. Asking $1650 or best offer (905) 432- 8919 HOSPITAL bed for home use. electrically -operated hand -control, excellent condition, new $1450. sale $950 Call 905-728- 2986. IBM COMPUTER, stereo Dosdron for me, reply, to component system, with Sales Hospibl File 4 9618 Oshawa Whnby HYBRID BIKES Co Layer. wedding gown. ment Help I Agents i I Medial Dental OshawaOnt ° 101f Box ae1 BEST PRICES "rem nAtter d6 p9m�666- ANYWHEREI 7289 medialley Free details. R.N. no(p - part-time MOVING SALE! Call cy a leading provider of CUSTOMER SPRING TUNE UPS 433-4647 for mc,e infor. medical evidence to the in- Send s A S E to FROM $20.00 SERVICE o S E 117 -Ti 51� Min size mattress 6 News __ 1057 Steeies Ave W availability venipuncture mat advertisers check North York, Ont 6 PC solid maple dble,' Their ad upon publication as M2R 3x1 ALL IN STOCK News Advertiser welt not be sential Fax and word -pro- wood mixed. pre cut or br0- responsible for more than LANDSCAPE '^•e person cessIng desirable Please one incorrect insertion and ler_ "I V ­'um 5 years -al maple tops $2000 o b o mere shall be nc liability for expenence must have dean drivers abstract and cy a leading provider of ' Firewood SPRING TUNE UPS 433-4647 for mc,e infor. medical evidence to the in- •nth minimum supervision FROM $20.00 mabon. Hurry, everything surance industry Daytime 51� Min size mattress 6 MANY PARTS ON must be soli in one week' availability venipuncture SKIDS 8 Pallets for fire- SPECIAL 6 PC solid maple dble,' and assessment skills es- wnod hardwood 3 soft- ALL IN STOCK risen size bedroom suite, sential Fax and word -pro- wood mixed. pre cut or br0- good working Condition -aked gray lacquer wmatu- cessIng desirable Please ker delivery available. a TIRES AT 30% OFF -al maple tops $2000 o b o send resume to File 9617 large d small loads Limned •-ust have mm mum ,, 2 .i steal' Dble we mattress OShawaiWhilby This Week time offer call (905)430- cyte less than 1 yr old. i box spring. brand new PO Box 481 Oshawa. ON 9013 '4 - 5•�ix) Extra large mufti co- L1H 71_5 for 3 for 3 Boys ages 8. 5 2 7 y -, .,red Pallisar section w! 2778) _.earance. I C C quaitied, FI SEAT, !.,xe -ew Roxior illout couch 2 motion nOnlnSerUor 0t any adver- references Sala based SALES r ICE CREAM I ea • 1 ars, brand new must be Salary Daycare Market tisement L41NIry for er- on experience 905-428" mar,. acturer, needs rap rc Me, � en $1750' Exercise bike. rorS it ads Is Itrrined to file 9261 service Toronto Salary and Wanted ART: 5 09' 6 PC queen size black _..�..:e:t�.:._:.:, Commission Sales ex Lacquered bedroom suite. amount bald for the space ° FAX YOUR ADS Tnsra Romance Etiza- occupying the error A11 Copy is Subject to the W Dr^val of management of News Adver,:ser COOK :a•• •-r --. 1," 905-428-9-4_5 Ir �iii _v xner e.e. enc h call -m Cooking experience 1(S0())3 -#--S803 m inshtutionai seting nec- essary Cook's papers pre- '.,rr•d Apply t � BallycliMe General General . XIW 70 station St Ajax Help Help DADDY -O -S GRILL Ex oerer�ed watress 6 cash CUSTOMER SERVICE !il callDertween 66 arrrr b 6 ASSOCIATE Broc1k Ric S 0-254 te ' (981 EARN S627/week from home" Light Assembly, marling, typing. forms. etc Guaranteed men women 'rssennal 1-800-461-1464 EXPERIENCED ba Dy 5'' bend allowances and work Bei Brent Town ,y at condition $950 (433 90) •nth minimum supervision ter required rul6ume days. 579-2238 sen send. Professionally 51� Min size mattress 6 Skilled 2 chdaren 6 -months d 4 3 - 5 years minimum ex- framed, double matted box spnng on legs $100 Help year old Non-smoker ret OLD TORO Lawnmower. Must Sell. $130 905-725- (433-1590) 3 plywood DIRECTIONAL DRILL erences Can 9c5 6'9- good working Condition 3899 doors 32' or 30' opening AZ DRIVERS TEAM 8821 $60. Men's 10 spd bike CARPET 3 rooms. $299. white, asking $25/each 433.1590) Moffat Dryer 4 ( ry •-ust have mm mum ,, 2 LIVE-IN OR LIVE -OUT ex 9� d condition, $50 cal! pix includes 35 yards d cyte less than 1 yr old. .ears experience. dean c Nanny Wanted 509-3581 after6 carpet, premum pad ,and ITMt condition 5300 (434 :•rvers abstract. police for 3 for 3 Boys ages 8. 5 2 7 y SOFA AND LOVE installation Sal 905-432- 2778) _.earance. I C C quaitied, am to 6 pm, over nights re- SEAT, !.,xe -ew Roxior 2750 MOVING SALE Dress- und meet U S "ration quired, dinner prep. Dnv- JI 5500 for both (905) Carpet Broker. 100%. ers coucr, S love seat, cof- •rquir•ments Top rates. KS Licarne A Must Please 939--6890 Nylon thick. dust, stain r•- IN table, end tables, kitch. C xnprehensive benefits package weekly pay Call Ara- 19051427-7453 Articles srstant carpet For 3 rooms. only $369 00 Price m- an table b chairs. large wall unit 3 much more can Please zomact Judy Srtvm. dudes 30 Sq. carpet. 430-8341 3051 579.2911 Daycare for Sale yds deluxe . AVeilable Pad and installation BRAKE OPERATOR. Re- in your tome Free quota- NOW OPEN Rock Bottom gwred 'or small Fabrication 14 FT STOREFRONT tion in your home No m- deals at 22 Simcoe St N Oshawa We buy and sell, Sn workingn aluminum o° awning. 3 ceiling tans. 1 lerest. no payment for one full ear Daniel 1-800 trade-ins accepted Apart - and stainless steel Mini- mum 5 years experience Must be able to do setup (416)635-2701 Code 6 (24 7 - bon NAIL TECHNICIAN bend allowances and work hours, space for rent ir fnendty •nth minimum supervision EXPERIENCED busy hair salon. Pickering Brock Rd / Hwy 401 area LANDSCAPER required area Reasonable rent of Pickenng Wages nego- 3 - 5 years minimum ex- Call 83a-.6246 liable Call Max at 905.420- 10th perience in hard and soh PICK UP AND DELIVERY and more 20 buy estates X1436-1320 landscape Must have dnv- Metro Oshawa and sur. DIRECTIONAL DRILL ers license and vehicle rounding areas Schools. OPERATERS, and other Top dollar Pad for contract businesses and libraries gas utility construction work Call Dave at BnCk- Vehicle required. $350 - workers required up to SIP desk 565. 26' colour TV 5700 week No n h Sen R JCM gold electronic cash Y - 217-0104 ment sae washers d dry - register, 2 drawer office heating AND AIR condi- ers, apartment sae treez- desk. computer desk. kitch- CARPET MILL DIS- ers, furniture. colour TVs. en table 6 4 chairs- 985- TRIBUTORS. 12 months VCRs, air conditioners, 3023 No payments. No interest, gold, diamonds, jewellery 3PC sectional sofa $350. (OAC) 3 rooms (30sq yds ) and more 20 buy estates X1436-1320 queen size Dox springlmat- installed with deluxe pad (905) 985-7683 Uxbridge tress 5250, kitchen table d from only $399 Specials OAK/PINE FURNITURE - chairs $65. 3 dressers S55- on Vinyl, Ceramic and Why pay retail pnces� One $135. baby carseat $25. Hardwood Flooring Free d Ontario's oldest and lar - desk 565. 26' colour TV Shop At Home. 1-800-663- gest manufacturers is now $185. fridge $150, 4 oak 6046. filing direct to the pubic chairs/ table 5135. re- glass cliner $50 Many other CARPETS - Ids of carpet. Eg. oak pedestal table land 4 chairs $849; 7 ft. double scape Inc -14, y xp ec r pius uses d e- 100`Y nylon, new stain re- pedestal and 6 chairs essary Call Al 728-7985 surae to PO Box 308. Bell- CHILD-CARE by 2 care- nems (905)697-3532 lease carpets on hand, I will $1499; cannnonball beds EXPERIENCED cemfied or Donna 433-1232 vibe Ontano, Ii 5A5 givers, days, evenings. DINIIJG ROOM SET, Carpet 3 rooms, $349. Price Ion' : Over 20 stain nail tech $clan for business Newbom - up. Meals, re- table, 4 chairs. 2 side Includes carpet, premium chdces, all solid, no in Brtwkl n Fr PROJECT COORDM/A- Elle s 9620 ee spaces TOR. To r exrnange eau for details provide Engr Oshawa This Week 655-3519 neenng Services for Archi- tectural aluminum fabricat- e P.O. BOX 48� EXPERIENCED DJ -S trig company in Pickering. Required with fun and out- Blue reading, material ta- Oshawa, Ontario, L1 H 7L5 going personality Must keofs, and proficiency with have own music, full bme, ACAD 13 is a necessity. part time. positions avail- Familiarity with Curtainwall MANAGERS PIEEDED H le Belleville and Port and commercial windows Hope areas (613) %8- an asset. Must be able to Distribution Company 7671 communicate with archi- looking to expand, EXPERIENCED HAIR tects and general contrac- STYLIST REQUIRED full tors Reply to File a 9619, needs leadership now ! time for busy downtown sa- Oshawa This Week. P.O. Full time permanent or summer, Ion. Please suborn resume Box 481, Oshawa, Ontario. in person to CO01 eo Har L1H 71-5. training provided. styling 28 Wafton St., Pon Call Laura 728-4897 Hope.(�) M' 8336 I O�ie FITNESS minded people p needed. Canada's fastest Career General growing fitness clubs are or, are marred, 1 Training EM, Help looking for the following Y single ceipts, references Near veneers. Traditional Wood - chairs, 5450 entertainment Pad. exper installation. last ming 905-985-8774. Pickering GO. Call 420- Cenhe, with glass and std- delivery, free esDmates (30 3054, ing doors $500. washer, yards). Norman 686-2314. PIANOS GRANDFA- er be tf I di TNER CLOCKS dry , au i u con bon, CARRIAGE RIDES Wed- ass $250 (both) 428-0845. dings private parties, or just excuse the mess• we're renovating! New and used ANTIQUE bedroom suite Cane for a nde in the coun. plai,fols Not sure? Rent to 5425; solid oak antique try. Gift certificates avail- own, apt. size, upright, tade/6 chairs, $1100; solid able. Donna, (905) 852- grand, digital, keyboards. wood table/ 6 chairs/hutch, 6746. All 1995 merchandise re - S375; French Provincial Cured! Telep Piano Works, sofa/chair/ottoman5205 COMPUTERS - New 433.1491 Pentium 75 packages BMB, duncan phyte table $350; 2 1.08 Ge drives and wind- TOOL SHED, 10 x 10 . matching end lades $45; ows 95 plus .28 NI SVGA S250.579-3718 I cod d DELANEY AND WEST- I w ressers, 9 and monitor and color printer DEY area. Daycare avail- hutch $90; solid oak bufleV 51.899. Used IBM DX, QUALITY furniture for NEY home, pine and 386's, 160 MB drives + sale, in excellent condition, ableany age, oak shelves and mirrors; VGA monitors, $575. Quad 6pc. oak bedroom suite. 4 hot lunches and snacks. Fairfax vacuum and acres- speed CD roms + /6 bit seater sofa, 2 matching Telephone 68&-3989 sories $175; TV's, many sound rcards + amplified (905)722 sets of lamps. Call other items 263 2191 386s from $130. - Every- positions Personal Train- ers Fitness Testers, Sales single parent, divorced or separated or divorced or 0 heating AND AIR condi- PRIVATE 8 commercial EXPERIENCED TAILOR/ -Consultants, receptionist you are over 45 and were tioning service technician required. Must have air pilot training! Save time! SEAMSTRESS, Wanted for Must have expenence, de- recently laid oft, you may conditioning. g, Gas 2 ir Money! Greenbank Airport our Pickering Town Centre 9rees helpful. If you are en- looking quality for Financial Assts- tance DIP/CERT. programs O D P Certificate . Clean (905) 985-7683 Uxbridge Location. Tel 905.279- ergeiic and for a Career position call Steve available Quark, Illustrator, driving record, good bene - Box 1208 L9P 1N5 2483 or Fax 905-279-0363 DELANEY AND WEST- I w ressers, 9 and monitor and color printer DEY area. Daycare avail- hutch $90; solid oak bufleV 51.899. Used IBM DX, QUALITY furniture for NEY home, pine and 386's, 160 MB drives + sale, in excellent condition, ableany age, oak shelves and mirrors; VGA monitors, $575. Quad 6pc. oak bedroom suite. 4 hot lunches and snacks. Fairfax vacuum and acres- speed CD roms + /6 bit seater sofa, 2 matching Telephone 68&-3989 sories $175; TV's, many sound rcards + amplified (905)722 sets of lamps. Call other items 263 2191 386s from $130. - Every- positions Personal Train- ers Fitness Testers, Sales single parent, divorced or separated or divorced or 0 heating AND AIR condi- PRIVATE 8 commercial EXPERIENCED TAILOR/ -Consultants, receptionist you are over 45 and were tioning service technician required. Must have air pilot training! Save time! SEAMSTRESS, Wanted for Must have expenence, de- recently laid oft, you may conditioning. g, Gas 2 ir Money! Greenbank Airport our Pickering Town Centre 9rees helpful. If you are en- looking quality for Financial Assts- tance DIP/CERT. programs O D P Certificate . Clean (905) 985-7683 Uxbridge Location. Tel 905.279- ergeiic and for a Career position call Steve available Quark, Illustrator, Children over 13. Sunday ONTARIO. between 6 - 19 Unix. Novell Engineer,LL RELIABLE babT NOWysitter, ex- piete.665.7098 r • r mommg delivery only Earn to compete in this year's Windows N T. Small Talk, perienced, very affordable ANTIQUES 8 used lurm ELECTRIC hot water extra cash call 1.800.994- 1996 Toronto Pageants lure. We well buy compete 9 Power Point, Word, Excel, rates, in my home new- tank, 43 gal., brand new still 579-2238 9295 ask for Cheryl or Tra- Over $20,000 in pnzes and Durham Business C estates. Buy. Sell Trade. 12 - 8 m. Mon -Fn scholarships Call Coda t- ° Ot bums B todders Reterenc- NEEDFUL THINGS 135 w Dox, $3ak new 10 yr. cy p scholarships 7-2125 ext 2to y er College. 427-3010 • rr es avid. call Joan at 686- Brock SI.S., Whitby 905- warranty. Take best offer. 8-7672 9064 430-2956. 579-4570. 386s from $130. - Every- positions Personal Train- ers Fitness Testers, Sales single parent, divorced or separated or divorced or 0 heating AND AIR condi- PRIVATE 8 commercial EXPERIENCED TAILOR/ -Consultants, receptionist you are over 45 and were tioning service technician required. Must have air pilot training! Save time! SEAMSTRESS, Wanted for Must have expenence, de- recently laid oft, you may conditioning. g, Gas 2 ir Money! Greenbank Airport our Pickering Town Centre 9rees helpful. If you are en- looking quality for Financial Assts- tance DIP/CERT. programs O D P Certificate . Clean (905) 985-7683 Uxbridge Location. Tel 905.279- ergeiic and for a Career position call Steve available Quark, Illustrator, driving record, good bene - Box 1208 L9P 1N5 2483 or Fax 905-279-0363 9D5-427-2977 Photo Shop, Director, fits Fax resume to 905- ADULT CARRIERS and GIRLS WANTED FROM Premier, Access, Accpac. Aulocad C++ Visual Basic 683-0817. Children over 13. Sunday ONTARIO. between 6 - 19 Unix. Novell Engineer,LL RELIABLE babT NOWysitter, ex- piete.665.7098 r • r mommg delivery only Earn to compete in this year's Windows N T. Small Talk, perienced, very affordable ANTIQUES 8 used lurm ELECTRIC hot water extra cash call 1.800.994- 1996 Toronto Pageants lure. We well buy compete 9 Power Point, Word, Excel, rates, in my home new- tank, 43 gal., brand new still 579-2238 9295 ask for Cheryl or Tra- Over $20,000 in pnzes and Durham Business C estates. Buy. Sell Trade. 12 - 8 m. Mon -Fn scholarships Call Coda t- ° Ot bums B todders Reterenc- NEEDFUL THINGS 135 w Dox, $3ak new 10 yr. cy p scholarships 7-2125 ext 2to y er College. 427-3010 • rr es avid. call Joan at 686- Brock SI.S., Whitby 905- warranty. Take best offer. 8-7672 9064 430-2956. 579-4570. 386s from $130. - Every- ANTIQUE FURNISH- thing guaranteedl at Clar- ington Computer, 164 SHEDMAN - Quality barn � kit 8' X 8' 5394 N4G5 - Living room and g Baseline Road E. Bowman- d Many other sizes hall tables, oak pedestal ville (Just eat of Flying and styles available. Also kitchen table, dining room Dutchman Hotel). garages and decks. For suite, miscellaneous COUCH i LOVE SEAT, more info. call 905.619 - 2093. chairs, footstool, art dib off whiffle with pastels. bookcase, Royalty china, pictures and books, wee- kends and evenings, 655- $1,800 new asking $1,200. 2 mo. old. Pine harvest table 6 chairs, Lincoln dry sink 6 SINMIINIC POOL SUPER SALE 3613 months new $1,400 com- Unef � or replacing Children over 13. Sunday ONTARIO. between 6 - 19 Unix. Novell Engineer,LL RELIABLE babT NOWysitter, ex- piete.665.7098 r • r mommg delivery only Earn to compete in this year's Windows N T. Small Talk, perienced, very affordable ANTIQUES 8 used lurm ELECTRIC hot water extra cash call 1.800.994- 1996 Toronto Pageants lure. We well buy compete 9 Power Point, Word, Excel, rates, in my home new- tank, 43 gal., brand new still 579-2238 9295 ask for Cheryl or Tra- Over $20,000 in pnzes and Durham Business C estates. Buy. Sell Trade. 12 - 8 m. Mon -Fn scholarships Call Coda t- ° Ot bums B todders Reterenc- NEEDFUL THINGS 135 w Dox, $3ak new 10 yr. cy p scholarships 7-2125 ext 2to y er College. 427-3010 • rr es avid. call Joan at 686- Brock SI.S., Whitby 905- warranty. Take best offer. 8-7672 9064 430-2956. 579-4570. Garag e Sales � �� Yard Sales Sale Package Call Classfied Advertising at 683-0707 or fax it at 683.7363. OPEN HOUSE "LADIES COME ONE AND COME ALL" Be dazzled by the most exciting jewelry available in Canada today Look through quality handcrafted chains, bracelets, pins, earrings. adults rings and much more Something for everyone including CHILDREN'S BIRTHSTONE RINGS AT ONLY $19.99 Come early for best selection Early birds ask about 1j 2 price. even FREE JEWELRY And other guts ,Ilmitea supply) Door opens at 9 a.m Saturday 1 o.m. Sunday 22 BURCH CRES. Ajax. Ist street Norh -1 4t..' East cif Harwood COFFEE'S ON! DURHAM S LARGEST GARAGE SALE CRAFT E FLEA MARKET Open eve Sel 3 S r' Save up to 90% on liquidations and recycled bargains. New sock every week Start your own pan time business S45 weekend its worth the drve to 1910 Dundas St. E.. (2 lights east of Thickson Rd. Whitby) 666-5100 APRIL CLEARANCE SALE ON ANTIQUES & FINE USED FURNITURE NOW UNTIL APRIL 30th D,scounts an. furn,n;re & coiie mite, ,rruldmg •cr ina cabinets. -desks. •buttets. •t r; wagons •,;ak hall stand. -dining se's. • nar,cgany bed•oom suite, •ch„•ch pew. •u ;caslonal tables. •w=+;h stands. •dr<�ssers and many quality eChbles BE SURE TO CHECK OUT OUR DISCOUNTS of 25=-,- 501� off selected collectibles ANTIQUE DISCOVERIES 683-8243 78 OLD KINGSTON RD. PICKERING VILLAGE SAT. 10 - 5. SUN. 12 - 4 MON. - FRI. 11 -5 'I'll I L' VL'll C 4,1IV L'111'Il L'u li IIIA%' A VII 11 )A 1041A-VA/]16' 1I .. '-i'h�7 %�: ft.•-- a-�IJG•"•07✓� h i 1384 Everton St. Pickering (off Finch) Sat. April 27. 8 am - 3 pm Furniture. collectables. mist:. Everything and Anything. Sat. April 27, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. small aooilarr_es and more 16 HILEY AYE. AJAR (Rat- !.v. ,:r •,rr, _ . MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat. Apr. 27. 8 a m - 2 pm 65 SHERWOOD RD. E. (OFF ROTHERGLEN) AJAX APRIL 27 8 A.M. HOUSEHOLD -EMS 'LINENS CAMPS BAS- KETS. CLOTHES. BOOKS WASHER DRYER, DINING ROOM SET WING CHAIR ETC ESSA CRS. STREET SAL Follow signs off Westshore Blvd.. south of 401 between Whites Rd. and Liverpool. 9-2 p.m. Apr. 27 Waterbeds. stereos, exercise equipment, wooden crafts, household items, furntirue and more. In Tne parking lot of Ajax Alliance Church. comer of Westney,Ritchie Ave. GARAGE SALE FRI. APRIL 26 12 - 7 Also bake sale table SAT.. APR. 27.8 A.M. - 3 P.M. SAT. APRIL 27 s 4 742 ASPEN RD. Microwave :r bi h. 1�i, l star wars, COMPULSIVE RECEIPT 6 SCARF COLLECTOR coke memorabilia. desk to cradle, star wars. WHITES RD. AND FINCH computer, school desk. toys and collectibles Selling off to make room `or more. 1785 LISTOWELL CRES.. PICKERING NEW sequin dresses med. - Irg. White 'al, s. k yardage, white eiepnant sale May 4 & 5. 9. 4. 960 Rambleberry Ave. Pickering F,e..,5nd1.ws. FAMILY GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE EBANK RD. PICKERING 173 ADMIRAL RD. AJAX Scutt' • � t^e 4C+ GARAGE SALE SAT. APRIL 27 ; �- _- ., Sat.. April 27th t3 a.m. - 4 p.m. 8 A.M. - 3 P.M. 34 Kilbride Dr. Whitby ITauntorVAndersonj Toys. furniture. KICs ,cines etc. electric lawnmrwF r, toys, shoes. ; r s' .., e a' �- ,,; Ram date sun. ACnI 28th household items '^isc ^,,,sehoid te"S 11USIN & F 0 M FRO NX 404"C �44 • R Y07 • It's always best to know who you're dealing with. And these local people are your neighbors. They're always here to help you! Mars • EM ••.P.m, Painting & • Moving & . Moving & . Gardenin & MOM Gardenln & Improvements • ' ' Improvements • ' ' Improvements • ' Handyman Decorating • Storage • Storage • n Landscape g Landscape g 'MISTER CHEAP-HOme rmr,^v emeris rec 'oorm..n law apartments, additions. fences, deck, etc U. censed for over 20 years. all work guaranteed, for Free estimate call Ernie 905-4048170 BASEMENTS bath- rooms carpentry, plumb- ing. ceramic Ides. drywall, Painting. doors/windows in- stallation, trims, base- boards, decks. fences. bricks, blocks. concrete. ',replaces, chimneys Free Estimates 721-2310 or 668-7653 RUDGET HOME BA PROVEMENTS Basement Apts., Rec-rooms, plumbing, Additions, electrical, drywall, decks. ceramic tiling & counter tops 15 yrs. Exp. call Marro (905) 619-11M. cel. (416) 560-4663 DAN - 683-7009 DIS- POSAL RENOVATIONS Fences, Decks, Carpentry . roofing, demolitions, clean outs, odd jobs, DUCTWORK installed, moved, relocated. Excellent rates. Free estimates. Elec- trostatic air cleaners, hu- midifiers. Big. Small jobs. Call Paul 428-0295. EUROPEAN the special- ist, will renovate your bath- room, or kitchen walls. as well as floor tiles. Good rel- erences and satisfaction guaranteed. For free esti- mates call D. Dykstra 725- 4913 F 6 M HOME RENOVA- TIONS, We do all renova- tions, additions, recrooms, fences, decks, roofing, call 905.420-7394 GCB COINSTRUCTION Interior and exterior repairs, renovations and construction. Fast and clean profession- al work guaranteed. Craig, 686-1913 J.S. ARMSTRONG DEV. INC. Specializing in custom homes. additions, renova- tions, rec rooms and base- ment apartments. Residential and commercial Serving Durham Region for over 15 yrs Free consultation Call Jeff 905-428-5706. K C & B MASONRY Spe- cializing in new construc- tion, blue -print assess- ments, brick -block & chim- neys, all general repairs. All workmanship guaranteed. Photos, references upon request. Free estimates. Call (905) 579-3811. M&M CONSTRUCTION MEMBER OF 8.6.8 Additions, Roofing, Skylights, Plumbing, Electrical ,Decks, Fences,. 5 Ton dump truck for hire. Roofing specials in effect. 905-4274234 MISTER POST HOLE, augured post holes, setting of posts in concrete We will meet competitors ,prices. (905) 665-0400. or 1-800- 853-8881. P.H.P.S(post holes / posts set) Post holes drilled, all concrete supplied . Sono tubes installed, Bobcat Services, available. Cedar & pressure treated lumber All work guaranteed. Serving Durham for 12 years. Access code 404-8036/wail for the dial tone Dial (905) 349-3636 IMPROVEMENTS Ol.a irk Tome renovations since 1975 NO PROJECT TOO SMALL Kitchens • Basements Windows • Doors Bathrooms • Etc. • DECKS RENOVATIONS BY KLEAVER Additions, second stones, finished bsmts., bath- rooms, decks, tie & wood floors, doors & windows, guaranteed and reliable call Walder (905)128-2145 SHAMROCK CONSTRUCTKNN Experienced Licenced Carpenter BEST PRICE ON WINDOWS &DOORS incudes tow'E' glass. NO JOB TOO SMALL Ed (905) 6864384 SIGON Construction Ltd., serving Durham Region for 19 yrs Additions, sundecks. patio doors, windows, rec- rooms, flagstone, tree esti- mates 905.5765760 MAN WITH2 !I—K w 1; y; )oc cbsFarr & rea- sonable paces 571-473C Mar. w,th pickup wI do sprmgltall clean up, grass cutting, rototdlmg, sod re- moval, flower bed design, planting and pruning Also small moving lobs Call Vic 428-8907 ' • Plumbing • AAA -LICENSED PLUMBER available. All your plumbing needs. Complete renovations Guaranteed Lowest prices! No lob too small!! Senior discount. (905) 432-2913 DOUG CLARK PLUMB ING, Licensed and in- sured, repairs and altera. tions, new bathrooms and renovations. pump sales and service free estimates, 686-5172 24 his. LOW Prices, quality serv- ice Plumbing repairs, ren- ovations, drain -cleaning. installation of gaWelectrical appliances, water filtration systems, pressure -wash aluminum -siding, eaves - C x Th Plumbs DRYWALL and painting, bcaroirg lac ng.textunng. renovations and repa,rs Sinal loos 15 years ex penence Free estimates. Serving Durham and out of town area Ken 434-4500 PAINTING & WALLPAPER Int . Ext Over 20 yrs exp Top quality work low prices guaranteed Drywall taping, plaster repairs Seniors discount Free estimates Clean and courteous 905- 434.1051 Pro Master Painters sin 1965 Intenorexterior painting papering . quality craftsmanship no obligation estimates references at request (905)619-9630 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, dean, reliaNe service. 420-0081 Experienced Cross Movers Bargain rates, homes, offices, apt., etc. Piano moving. Packing available. 423-0239,4111 286-5513 TME-MAVFRS . Move big or small, we once them au! Free estimates. seniors discount, short notice moves Appliances moved. also storage space avail- able. Comparable rates Call 432-2850. MEN with large truck will do household moves- rest. dential, commercial All types of moves. Call Carl or Jane 427-2856 MICHALSKI MOVING - houses. apartments, offices. appliances and piano spe- cialists. Senior and mid - troughs. a e ng Doctor 571-7586 or 1-800- month discounts Licensed. 814-7014. v&insured. MWMoing Free estimates. Sty Excellent service Cal 436- • Painting & 7 795 • Decorating AJAX Moving Systems -full• Flooring services. moves, appliance � • Cafp>eting HELP ME RHONDAS and piano specialists Flat Complete decorating serv- ices and Falhngbrook Car- pet otter everything to com- plete your home. Carpet, painting. wallpaper, drapes and blinds, impeccable work, carpet and vinyl at discount prices Call for consultation or free es. timate. 655-4483 rate or hourly We now have heated storage units. Now offering free boxes with move Park and load special, starting at $99 and up Call for information. 725-0005 or 4270005. CARPET Installations - 25 years experience, re - stretching, our speciality Free estimates D & N Duncan, 987-1799 or 987- 1800 TREE MAINTENANCE & REMOVA Also tree stump removal. lot DISCOUNT FOR SENIORS. AVOID SPRING RUSH Gardening &• • Driving 00 M11 and Lscaping • • Schools GREENTHUMB Total P,operty Ma,rterarce Pro- grams from $19 75 per month, lawn care. 5 step Programs from $11900 per year Call' 800-760-1058 GREENTHUMB top sol,, cedar mulch. ,:edar hedg- es. fences. decks. ,nienock- ing back Spring special on • HOUSe N ' Call t 800 761) 1- [01%m Cleaning MATURE students ,n Pick- ering offering house-keep- ingichild-care services Ex - ow REASONABLE RATES for grass cutting, spring clean ups- painting, eaves cleaning Seniors discount. free estimates. Call Mark 905-571-0230 S&B DRIVING SCHOOL -i lessons and test 5105 •10 Lessons 5150 -Full Course 5242 Free pica -up and drop on (416)287-3060 • Business • Services $10.000 FLYERS $99. perienced and dedicated Telephone (905) 721-2956 with open Hour schedules. ;4161321-6016 References available. Cal • Party 837-1387 Danielle or Sarah. • Services; : ax, Financial - Directory • • lam �� MAGICIAN, clown friends. • • Re* ready to entertain for any FREE E -FILING refunds LAWNMOWERS - Tune- up, oil change. sharpen blade- only $35. * parts (pick -up,delivery from Pick- enng to Bowmanville $500 charge. Osh awa W hnby freeii) NORTH STAR SMALL ENGINE SHOP -D5-728-2716 age, any occasion Birth- days. promotions. open- ings. fund raisers Magic shows ale tun' Lettuce help 839.7057 or 728- 8334 RABBITwants work doing magic for children's parties and all occassions Have my own magician Call Er- nie 668-4932 within 2 wks. Gel your re- turn prepared by a proles- sional accountant. Corpo- rate tax & business ac- counting services available. Judy Iii C G A l905)420-2081 TAX RETURNS - Personal and small business Pick up and delivery available Call 905-686.1514 RAGE 24 -THE. NII -All ADS E.RTISER FRIDAY. APRIL -26, 199h 1987 Camaro. VS with 4 Apartments ' ' For Rent Arts • , Cragss • Arts a trance. $500/month. Induct- Automobiles For Sale aoded 1 lady owner since Automobiles 35 Love Cres. (Ajax) Apartments Apartments Houses ' For Rent Houses Marine / Mems lReascinable Priced Crafts E furnished clean, one 3060 or offer 5768575 or 683 Wanted 9 For Rent For Rent section Bloor St W and Computer ereo ra y w ee s. new reslpamt 52695 cert w warranty 1-416-550-7471 . )11 hee. 906.686-4904. 905-706-1692 1967 DODGE Caravan Cash For Cars From 50 ro 5000 on- .uW and good used M Give us a tali tar your un- wanted vehicles- 30 m nutes pick-up 7 days - 24 pours Cal' us first (905)509-5584 (416) 571.2155 pgr.1415) 375-0105 14 FOOT aluminum Star craft Deep V 20 horse- power mercury. floor Niards, swivel seats. trailer exre'tem fishing package 52650 OBO 905-579 4664 16 12 n. Slarcrah alum ooat 25 Inc Evmrude, bunk trader, navigation lights. eagle 7200 fish finder, swi- vol seats, battery, excellent condition asking $4 500 WHITBY - BLUE WATER PAROL 1 & 2 bedroom suites, broadloom, 3 appliances. 101 KATHLEEN ST. W. Mon. - Fri. 9 - 5 (905)571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED RENT $1325. MONTHLY + DETACHED New broadloom, central air, fireplace, 3 bedroom, new finished basement, vacant, two Storey, Ajax area. 416 284-4736 Tom OSHAWA. 2 bedroom Call (905) 725-9266 A IA 1987 Camaro. VS with 4 Apartments ' ' For Rent Sat./Sun Apr. 27'28 9 4 snero automalic fully trance. $500/month. Induct- , - aoded 1 lady owner since downtown. Call (905)686 - 35 Love Cres. (Ajax) new immaculate interior. Heat. hydro. fridge. stove, Wreaths. flora, arrangeme,110and sewn S ..roCheted can oe seen at 696 K ng St and carpeted basement Mems lReascinable Priced W OShawa 53475 _en hed E furnished clean, one 3060 or offer 5768575 or 683 2307 OSHAWA. close to GM, 5503 Fin,Computer section Bloor St W and Computer 1987 CHEV CAVALIER Parking. $850 plus hydro Video � Video RS 4 y. low KMS. bucket bedroom apartments 905 Available May 1 (9051839- 6398 shared laundry, close to seats. consolehi! wheel t II h I Whitby Apt OIATng.. ereo ra y w ee s. new reslpamt 52695 cert w warranty 1-416-550-7471 . )11 hee. 906.686-4904. 905-706-1692 1967 DODGE Caravan Cash For Cars From 50 ro 5000 on- .uW and good used M Give us a tali tar your un- wanted vehicles- 30 m nutes pick-up 7 days - 24 pours Cal' us first (905)509-5584 (416) 571.2155 pgr.1415) 375-0105 14 FOOT aluminum Star craft Deep V 20 horse- power mercury. floor Niards, swivel seats. trailer exre'tem fishing package 52650 OBO 905-579 4664 16 12 n. Slarcrah alum ooat 25 Inc Evmrude, bunk trader, navigation lights. eagle 7200 fish finder, swi- vol seats, battery, excellent condition asking $4 500 WHITBY - BLUE WATER PAROL 1 & 2 bedroom suites, broadloom, 3 appliances. 101 KATHLEEN ST. W. Mon. - Fri. 9 - 5 (905)571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED RENT $1325. MONTHLY + DETACHED New broadloom, central air, fireplace, 3 bedroom, new finished basement, vacant, two Storey, Ajax area. 416 284-4736 Tom OSHAWA. 2 bedroom Call (905) 725-9266 AJAX ,arge bachelor apartment, separate en- CLEAN family budding Oshawa north. one. two 8 Apartments ' ' For Rent house. 5695 per month, available June 1. close to Apartments trance. $500/month. Induct- three bedroom Includes To 0 905-509-2038. downtown. Call (905)686 - For Rent ,n9 ufilnies Non-smoking Heat. hydro. fridge. stove, WHITBY - 839 Dundas St 1999 and carpeted basement female preferred. Call 619- laundry facililies.723.2094 E furnished clean, one 3060 apartment in private house, with private entrance Inter- 2307 OSHAWA. close to GM, bedroom, garden view. OSHAWA, Executive. de - SE V -o pass auto. OSHAWA, clean 1 bed park- tached 4 bdrm 2 IQ baths. 5400 monthly, close to FURNISHED - Ajax new r m b rat 4 b Ili walkout new decor %;all tion 11 uualte Dower steering air, very 7ood condition. 55.200 at 5'79-4400 430-3038 1987 HONDA ACCORD Articles LX "A- )OC xI' - speed For Sale • Pet clition ask a 54500 t con 05 Boarding 686-0935 SHARP . "- FLAT GOLDEN e. 1987 HYUNDAI EXCEL SQUARE MONITOR. tele- n,., -•..s o-4 housetrained. AUTO. 2 0^o, new !rens vision, one gun tube. MTS yet-CheCke! shots up 10 r^_� •es. struts, brakes. stereo decoder. on Screen Oat G h k Cel' Oshawa Shopping Centre parkin fh n 1 -bedroom basement 00 aseme pc a req, laundry. pets $675/ family ,tire, double garage, and South General Motors bachelor. Private entrance. separate entrance, cable. To 0 905-509-2038. condo 1 bdrm , plus den, - Four rooms fully furnished laundry, utilities, cable in- ufibhes, air included. Non - smoker, firsVlasi $550; WHITBY, 2 bedroom, 2 sunroom,579-7013. 940 - and carpeted basement cluded Kitchenette/mi- crowave. near 401, Go, month June Ist 404-8335 baths main floor laundry 3060 apartment in private house, with private entrance Inter- Public transit 5575 ',905) OSHAWA. close to GM, room, news renovated. Y PICKERING. 4 bedroom, section Bloor St W and 427-0283 newer budding, 1, 2, 3. Parking. $850 plus hydro main 'oor. 4 appliances, P ark Rd South Phone AVAILABLE IM11i bedroom apartments 905 Available May 1 (9051839- 6398 shared laundry, close to 905,128-0079 leave mes- Whitby Apt OIATng.. 438-0229 windows :ustorr sun visor -innnng boards many err 401. no. pets. first r last. ,age building.. spacious, carpet- a Why Renu Own your Home GOOD WHY rent when you can credit check. $925. plus 213 1 BEDROOM. open ed. newly painted. with bap- PICKERING. 4 bedroom house a washrooms. share own your own home for utilities. 905-420-9171 v a "'JnCOD• 'al ^7^r Cony. close IO bus, shop- 1 1 h less than you thmk?i' GaII UPPER b t S Ili vii person, was room. a ga ow, out e tea. vii s road. starer, etc.. run great ping, all utilities included. Dave Haylock Sales Rep display. high resolution 905 404 '1 1pph anCeS Idrtie not d- h k - -88..3 S, ISM firm Contact Ben at tube. satellite ready RENT 5865217 TO OWN BY PHONE Only ALASKAN MALAMUTE $7 49'week Call 1 905 FEMALE .CDy • -. 1968 L ncoln Town Car 571.1413 =n�' needles and de- lark o,,,e in 8 cj! onginal wormed -early to go May pain! excellen• car. S690C KENWOOD PRCLOG!C 18th Home raised Cal 1.905 6665308 1, -.'F THEATER STEREO 4-14-5-55 pkg 5 speakers dua. gas- 1990 TRACKER a x •. settle 5 disk Cr, amlt fur- TEAM OBEDIENCE nex• ei amp Sanc RENT TO cas,.•a ° ::, % .,ce a^, ,, e1•e Soto. - OWN BY PHONE Ony star, May 11 and June g !op new Karo -top. new e■ $16 66 week Ca, ' -905 ,2 Weeklai, evening anc naust new brake, star - 571 1413 FREE DELIV'- Saturday _,asses available. dard 1141, er ,, Con ERY SET VP I dd.or mus* sari 56200 or utilities c u ­1 $598 near OC. on bus first , last required, no pets. 1 bedroom $650 2 bed- own bedroom, s are dCh en. non smoker no pets. Re%Max Summa Realty Alax 3 pliarces. bedrooms. ap- available May 1. ute Avail May 1, 404- room $750 can 430-0134 509-2313 ([991) Ltd (905) 668-3800 or (905) 666 3211 5900'month inclusive Call 379 BROCK AND DELL- PICKERING BROCK 686-2295 PICKERING Whites Rdl NEW 1 BEDROOM c•ght BROOK. '200 s� ft one AND FINCH. 2-be�r;�.r.• Houses with is Ia Cnlities No apa^me^! Pr - bed•or - ^asement apart- to>v ^e^! c se to amen ' houses .ate entrance. one car ment. washer, dryer, fridge, ties. laundry. washroomor For Rent �,� Rent .arknq. great area. close to stove. dishwasher air. 4 pc and kachen. Available 1 -BEDROOM apartment. an utilities included Cd11 .1 amenities non-smoker bath, private. $750 inciu June Ist 5750 inclusive $1 Absolute Affordable i windows :ustorr sun visor -innnng boards many err '.i pets. $650,month One sive Brian 4270957 Call (9051839-1884 or Why Renu Own your Home GOOD NEIGHBOUR - .'-ar lease references and ,edit CENTRAL Whitby. large (5)683-3553 from S799,month (utilities HOOD in soi Osnawa 3 check re,,3i Can 2 bed- ^ apartment in PICKERING clean one included) No Down pay- bedroom townhouse in .'IKF M.CULLOCH. Re. BASEMENT a 0 - 9G5 a2"745 mento Call Me" Mark Sta- small family complex close wv sinal classes guar - - - 'lax O,.a:'ti' One 905.683- home. large backyard_ liv. berin,,.r .ia ement apt RCA TB- SATELLITE ameed 430-0025 best offer 9054323119 �a2 'r ingMimng,k•�-�en Near sep enhance. suit single pey Sales Rep Sutton to schools and shopping DIjH ;qda, sounap,cture 1991 ,HEv Brre^a 'i. Trucks schools, s^.Dp,ng. buses non smoker no pets, first, Group Excel Realty 577 last 43 all inclusive F.rsL' OSHAWA OBEDIENCE - - - ' 6275 ort -8008405275 remote. over '75 channels �'L u y oaoed. red. for Sale 1. 11 2 Bedroom avis in $695 month+uhhhes Call last $Sap rciusive 831- last 435 1088, 1,0 7pm ASSOC day ^,^ Asn atter bpm 905 430--4B820 1,c choose 1•om RENT TO OWN BY PHONE Or'y ra u^o Attention Tues autC 92 OOOk•^ o s D b p tamed Certified $10.200 -. awe a . E - .3 vele ;tartm at 5600 month. q CENTRAL Whitby upper 0758 $8 88 week Call 1.15Ag day Novice and Ove- P. ac. new BF Gootlncr. fires $8.990 B 0 Ceni- 1989 rtl ' 2 fon, F-150. rid 6 save included. 9e itp.rx ,ean bright spa PICKERING Whites Rdl 5„ 14.1 Isle, stating soot Reo ;stet new Cai Bev 435 or 'red 905 aG4-1612 s 's: •'�' standard w over with is Ia Cnlities No nous. ?bedroom plus yen, 401 •-.. behro.;m walkout basement AvalaO THREE s � a- a'- negro• 0868 basement drive. very goon condition ll t9 cels Can 79051 434 240' in a quiet building.$895, apt e May 1 Non smoker No pa -r. ':x4 fee! $'Ch; 985-2534 1992 Oldsmobile Cerra. 300 cubic' engine p s . fin; 1 -BEDROOM apartment. an utilities included Cd11 y pets F,rstilast,reterences 905-6681595 A„ tOmobiles A_' a. ,. - ,_.• wind. �ws ocks Cru.se�'09000 windows :ustorr sun visor -innnng boards many err a.a ace :4i, 'st, $575 (905) 263-4125 or 725 E575 420-2015 TONING BEDS e� I for Sale Dark g•ay met666 has 56900 o b D cert,hed o 905 4}s-9`83 monthly includes heat parking t car Call 430 _ 6578 CLA, E-1, T LUXURY PICKERING YUPPIE C. - : LT -Bas' Or - De. r ' " -«Ta ^ew As As. 58500 Cap 666 Ca••^a!e e^ c .;sed trader 72 0953 or 723-6985 $975 month. firstilast re. BASEMENT a 0 - 9G5 a2"745 tires $28950^certmheo 373`- 7994 GMC Sierra ere -vied Available immediately lot! ., a t Sin le �'.' p q m- ore a.N1^,, .eparate em parate TWO ULTRAMATIC 1976 PONTIAC 1993 B'JICK Rrga� LIC cab pick up 30.000 •^1s 1 -BEDROOM basement person, non smoker no trance, h.,..ywood style ad _ 2`'. `- ^.. ,.-'-a^ '.r very .u'y sailed. key ss entry teal green box finer chrome a«a"^fent �a'ya kitchen. pets. uMthes included avail kachen, fire place, ps•a•,.. beds .� -a5- 'for good condition 6110 OC Peter 4:i4 7564 atter 6. nm. 350 engine. cruise separate entrance. parking. June t, $625 905-649 warner dryer, parking. ng. sage unit. S2 J)u both original miles Bost otter 1 d 118 000 Control. A'C. am7m cas available May Is! $575 an 1917 5695 inclusive Available or best offer '905 263- 4945 0411683-0286 416-451-492' setts. teen Interior, indusrve tst'tast Odil 666- DELUXE 3 -bedroom June Ist Christine (9051 837-7807 1960 CORVETTE auto 83 TRANS AM N� vim- $19.200 ust sell imine- distely, 728-46 9 0903 dvanme^•s in well kept UPRIGHT PIANO Deaub- srl•.r• grey excellent cored- [erg • � • '�� ^- ,:enter krW " -condition. 23 bedroom apartments. 8 quiet bwIll in Pon Perry, PICKERING ONE. BED - fully re.. sliaar•. -.'' .am but- IV glass door cabinet 723- tion never winter driven Must be seer' 1,D De aPpie- rims. great very clean. P E P Vv P'S, tin ' Vr�a�ns� .tory building. close to ;cllools. library South GM 15 min. north of Oshawa. balcony with sliding doors. ROOM Casa•^ent. parking laundry. cable. $600 all in 69% .. •, S Wheel Uit•e A I 'arye Irvingroom 1000 sq clusive Istlast. Available USED _'lice desks S25 all sated S .00 bob 571- 3788 S300C OBO ,2 2284 _ tamed Certified $10.200 [Want vaiape ,mmedate-tt 'y and Nov 428-6-328 1 � living s 9 pace 1 bath immediate) Y ( 90 51 837- Use: �1hce crams ,'um '�ORVET'E 1967 NOVA '.;orolla) 4 AJAX East Hamptons fpm for avooi ntrtlertf $840 or 2 baths $855 plus 1796 7� k. c s•a-.a•c 'eclmtty cel.' -ad $I OOC as is. &11 S':. 6 uc Can 905-420- 1960 a.• , �' "a= peed one 1992 LUMINA APV Van PICKERING. LiverpooV - • 1 Rn one bedroom ta,rmaat. raised bun a - Hydro Call 726-2255 or PICKERING, basement 6894 Days 416493 7529 s+ `^ ;ley. excei,enl conn- g y cloven. owner ni Hwarndge 3 ' '. Ai a - 4th FM 045 3 BEDROOM nassment 985-2534 aparmert. 2 large bed. full barns. 5 app avail I"', Gr neer w^ter drivensetts M s' by seer t- 1,x new Drak«, am.tm curette new bgxes. clean ,� n m k 2C �-'0 k apt . 8 s•_ve. S900 r mprlth n LAKEYIEW PICKERING • M rooms. earl -in krtcnen. park WANT TO FEEL BET- apple- on s o if - ,,., m DB . o pets, in. stereo E=onomcal excs bedr ,or plus len semi Ing fenced yard May I TER gated $'! :JC pot 577- raw, tlrver Well main elusive Avail xrvned 420- e" r gy ;Sena D_ a, a 1 3788 Ill running. well marn tamed Certified $10.200 8881 detached. vaulted ceilings. $695 Pius utilities Call dressed stamp envelope totamed. 1962 FIRESIRD. ' 6C.000 extra nms. 52200. OBO 9C5-723 1652 God AJAX East Hamptons fireplace. large deck over 831-9312 1 •' • a a • Feeling Good 2-'300 King S! E Suite 162 Oshawa Ont L1H8J7 k. c s•a-.a•c 'eclmtty cel.' -ad $I OOC as is. &11 cerfifre'd O B O call 905- 725-0104 ' Trailers •-`, -ran Onght 2 bed- ';oorr apt . located on first loo. ,•.; gay Scots •�; 2 pei Avail May 1 Credit chock. 5875 ya20- PICKERING. LiverpooV - • 1 Rn one bedroom ta,rmaat. raised bun a - Fred at 576-93'35 61¢.,29 CERTICAR AUTO CEN- aSlI $10900 Call 668 floor no elevators Includes 0210 low, ANTIOUES Absautel A. -ria, ^ - rumrtAb t,,.tScienu ll`ytfvng D'esei S.JOC 1905 831- TER has 32 good re- 6C37 full barns. 5 app avail Ua, c v 1 parking spot. air, separate entrance, or an. Ncr a ran. 1963 vW CAMPER. conditioned certified rived. only $7,395 1988 ming cable. cta'r all utii- AJAX - NEWLY reriOvati driveway. appliances. faun ' AftlCles ,_ : _ 5 be, ate' vehicles on safe S pe- 37 FT PARK MGDEL nmeWaili S85C plus utdibes 905.846-6612 ••d seca-ale entrance. 2 dry. available June Ist Wanted nev ! 2 ton propane Cial free 6 month PIT ')85 So --i by Copra 37 1985 500 HONDA Inter. 0"oom. basement. wash 5600 .inclusive 2464 (9051 839 Voice Data System i50 1983 VW ifil vin warranty with this ad 't x 8 '7 excellent condition AJAX 3 bedroom base- er dryer trioge, stove. mi- FirsNast. 5495/month 576 - Fred at 576-93'35 jot $180., 1961 Racal E; Seve^ As' -C Sa'a• , aSlI $10900 Call 668 ^e'' a dose to hospital crowave. security system. PRIVATE clean 1 -bed - ANTIOUES Absautel A. -ria, ^ - rumrtAb t,,.tScienu ll`ytfvng D'esei S.JOC 1905 831- and Aerostars loaded from 6C37 sep entrance. laundry tac Ua, c v 1 parking spot. room 2 ,t ;rey w; win to bah or an. Ncr a ran. 8573 $5495 Nine Cavaliers, rived. only $7,395 1988 ming cable. cta'r all utii- close to GO bus stop. uhl,. cony. $550 mclusrve Non Monts. cn.na, siWer adver 1964 CADILLAC '✓oupe 2245 RS's. UL from FOR SALE year bid Oes included Non -smoke, ties included 1200 sq if smoking. available May 15 tis.ng, toys decoys dolls De. r ' " -«Ta ^ew $5295 Nissan Multi A 1 Ca••^a!e e^ c .;sed trader No Dets Firlii requved $975 month. firstilast re. Call 905-404-1943 milk bottles collections or tires $28950^certmheo now $2.995 1990 Mazda loft x 6111 x 6h. 15' wheels Available immediately wiled JulyIst (4161298- NORTH OSHAWA Sim - estates Can Roper-, Bowen 43` 7034 62E GT loaded fantastic w spare 8 tie -downs Ask ing $3000 c b o 905-987- 5795 428-8359 6984 coe Slut^. of Taunton, at Antiques 1905, 655-8079 BrooKi'r 1984 PONTIAG TRANS $7.495 1,989 Probe GL 4137 AJAX BRIGHT spacious ONE bed•oom apartment Russet Ave Newly reno- MEN Ali' S It'll auto fury load- auto air fast wow 55.395 155_ By Blazer Sdvii PARK MODEL trader. 36 it ire bedroom basement Parking •ndge, stove. laun. vated 2 bedroom in a 12 2 Opening csnawa s 9 ed BC 000 original miles 1 d 118 000 3° min !rom Oshawa lots apt Sep entrance. walk- dry included $520 month lex, laundry facilities. D ry on -y eacics,ve mens and oa ed k blow - out/ backyard, fridge, stove. For more into call 725. hardwood floors. parking. AJAX newly -renovated nun mer s resale store S260C as is or will certity out 510 950 '995 Escort of extras 723-7020 laundry. 7 pc ham. $750 young Also 1966 Oldsnipbde Del- ry1 3207 cable Inc , no lease June home fenced. 3.1 bed - receiving clothing now to 88 Royale mloaded LX. loaded sunroot 29000 inclus,ve Single non. 1 5686 plus hydro No room, famdy±living room. Classy Art,, 1051 Srmcoe y fully km, $u 995 t 985 Caddy Auto Parts smoker No pets May 1 ONE betlroom basementdogs 576-2982 fireplace, double garage, a/ r imr'aculate condition. Seville loaded mint now 716-863-2339 rSam g05- apt Fridge. stove. utilities, C. appliances. near St N 905 43^e-1012 110 000 km certified a Repairs ) plaza. NEEDED < or 8 poi, 57095 987-2'•29 54695 1989 Buick Regal 401 GO Pool sauna 2.3 642-5149 parking Near central passenger. $5.295 . 1985 limited leaded only 72.000 1985 500 HONDA Inter. bedrooms available, June Oshawa. on bus route Voice Data System Can 1985 Cutlass Supreme. kms Sale $7.295 1989 CLASS 'A' MECHANIC AJAX SOUTH - one bed- FirsNast. 5495/month 576 - Fred at 576-93'35 416-798-7509 V9 305. icadetl 90.000 Grand Prix SE loaded Licensed transmission too- basement apartment 3678 NEEDED: 4 or 8 Dort miles Very good condition sharp, burgundy lust at. specialist wiping to do work I^rin9 room with fireplace, 4 ham. tug kitchen, store PICKERING one bedroom Voice Data System Cali Asking S250G certified Cal! rived. only $7,395 1988 at my home Great rates all room, case t v private room, apartment. 4 - Fred at 576-9335 South clean 3 725-4950 Tempo GL. loaded. 5 wont fully guaranteed Also , entrance. laundry. lbaseme , rate en UNWANTED Scrap metal 1985 IROC 228 meta00llic speed. 94.000 kms. perfect, body work 6 paint Can skersshare smokers welcome. a trance. fenced yard. $600. pidked up tndges stoves silver, 5 -speed 109 000 $3.995 1988 Nissan Micra. Tony 571-0967. ail wrath references. available le inclusive. 416-265-8398 af- 5 speed. AA only ter < p.m washers. dryers k C II cars � 4 km mint condition, filly. I 8 f Certiur Auto Center. enter TWO CMEVY owners May Ist $750 per mo Call Bar school Non-smokers, no pets $1150. 905-686- 1152 BEAUTIFUL 3 bedrm house in Oshawa Ross- land/Wilson area. Garage. It 1 I. 3 BEDROOM '-. wnhouse Nhitby Oshaw I boarder Avail May 1 $900 'mo . 'I fibes IsOast Fridge, love included 683 6270 Mer 6 pm COURTICE. Trulls Rd. 3- edroom. 1 2 baths full easement. garage. 5925 Aus utilities Avadable une Ist 1996 434-2924 JI bpm 122 Colborne «w, St. E. Oshawa For apps 434-3972 a app lances, wa out bsmt , private large back C^' yard $940 /mo No -pets, glace avail. June 1 579.2968. For Rent truc s. etc a 190 1 30- oaoed will cent y all 155 King St. W., at ming for three or our d ry (9050665-7098 OSHAWA - huge one SOUTH OSHAWA. 275 MAXIMUM 9013 905-436-1515 Midtown Mall, 579. same interested in renting AJAX 1 -bedroom base- bedroom on ravine. Sep. Wentworth St. W. large 1. INDUSTRIAL units or space to store and work on entrance, eat -in kitchen, 2 bedrooms close to bus - WANTED CAMERAS 1986 BUICK REGAL LTD 2806. �n Sunday their vehicles Contact Bit meet, separate entrance. fireplace, big windows workshops it industrial ad china and glass, jewel- 152.000 KMS Loaded. full -bath, 4 appliances, non- eS. Shopping, available im- a next to Oshawa Cert• Ie microscopes, tele- conn options. new brakes. SECOND CHANCE Fl- at 433.1530 or 432-7864 smoking. $600/mo. inclusive. Avail- mediately, 5550. $650 8 t� Includes high ceihn ry op p NANCING. Discharged r for more into g• pets Suit sin- able immediately. 905- up Indge stove heat hy-0 9 95• copes. binoculars and re- rotors. exhaust. excellent or not Bankrupts and oth- gee person Available June 723-5170. dro, parkin1st r D M parking, utilities, wash - g. equired.. lated items Clocks. watch- condition. S299500 080 ers 16 yrs exp 'Over 700 1st $600/month inclusive last negotiable, no pets. rooms, air compressor, Ju ^ ^ ^e aaymiog certified. 579-7057(days) 683-1332 OSHAWA 2 bedroom, ♦s8T� overhead doors. Monts -by - clients' Easy Terms / Rea- tOrc cies $690 in apt. building.In- 434-5183 / 576-5142 bel - a32 -1678 or4p44228;eve) sonable Rates. 'New I i AJAX Central, basement cludes heat, hydroap- ween 96. OwNAEmonth. Parking for truck. 1986 CADILLAC Used Vehicles. Trustee130R42MQI with hydro. Available im- apartment, bright, dean, 4 pliances, laundry on site. WESTNEY /HIWY 2, medial 576.2982 POOIS, DEVILLE 124,000 km. Recommended'Call Gary appliances, ceramic floor, Convenient to 401 and city bright, clean 2-bdrm base. eN- 54.395 . 1985 Blazer 4 x 4 Wood ( anytime) 905-420- 1980 YAMAHA XS parking separate entrance bus routes. Available May. merit, separate entrance. FIMSPa 1100 SPECIAL, only $575 + utilities. Call 905- laundry, no pets/smi n9, ' ROorns 53.695., 1988 6000, 9979 or 1-800.792• shaft 433-0677. 15,000 original kms., 132.000 km, 54,795. 1988 55871020 Brock Rd. S 683.8768. driven, complete with hoot Oshawa 2 targe bedroom. appliances, $780 inclusive, for Rent EARLY BIRO SPECIAL Chrysler N Y, n9,000 km, Picketing. lemn and Alpine stereo localion,laund facll- June 1, firSVIast, references. OSHAWA - 2 bedroom 16' x 24' rectangular Kayak S5.495 . 1988 Chrysler Le- p AJAX OXFORD TOWERS. 9� ry, main floor plus unfinished 9 Y ry Excel $1 shape. Great Spacious apartments, quiet ;ties, parking available, (905)428-1@8, pod includes decks 8 fent• Baron. 131.000 km. AUtOfllOblles deal! 51800 as is o.b.o build; dose to shopping Available June 1st.S660/ basement, 4 appliances, AJAX bedroom in quiet n9 oPWn9 badryard all utilities incl ng $4.995 Meets local by- $4.295. 1989 Ford van. 12 ' Wanted Call (905) 725.2383. 401 GO Pool sauna 2.3 month ♦ Hydro. For more laws. 25yr warranty 1-800- passenger. $5.295 . 1985 choose from under $3.000 certified McMillan and Wife 1985 500 HONDA Inter. bedrooms available, June information Call 576-4229. 668-7564 PickeringiAjax. Cutlass Cruiser Wgr, 1534. under cepphone eCallO 90I 683.8571 (until 837-1774 416-798-7509 159.000 km. $2.795 1990 A i A TOWING. Pay 550- like new 905-436- 7s p OSHAWA 2-bedroom.aced SALES Sundance 146.000 km. Scrap cash for used 8 1515. available50M May 1St. Located $4 9951 193 Cavalier. 8 24 South clean 3 350 Malaga Rd. $700/ g • 9 scrap cars trucks firs SAX „ month all inclusive. No ' m. $ . 95. 98J 7 days Call 905-686-5003 working adult, or full time dodge Dakota 144.000 km, or 416709-6930. 30 min Park Non smoker, no pets, $595 mol inclutivee $4,495 Many cars to service BURMESE kittens, pur- choose from under $3.000 certified McMillan and Wife i CARS FOR CASH We ebred. registered, sable, Auto Sales, 200 Dundas St buy used vehicles Vehi male female. Whitby 665- W Whitby. 666-3361 cies must be in running 1534. Available May Ist. (905) condition Call 4272415 837-1774 1986 Honda civic wagon, or come to 479 Bayly St ENGLISH Riding lessons. 9 Experienced coaches semi auto,beige on beige East Ajax at MURAD AUTO Reasonable rates 905- Am/Fm cassette Hatchback SALES 579-1347 $1400 a5 is Call 683-8791 room mean oor apt in bungalow. $800 + 1/2. pets. Call 905.576-6724. Available July 1. 905-686- OSHAWA Newly reno- 1494 Can May 2.3,4. and 5 vated large 1 bedroom only bsml apt , separate en. trance. kitchen, laundry Pets okay. AlberVOlive Inendly home, Suitable for $825. Available June 1. working adult, or full time 905 683 b86G student, shared facilities. Park Non smoker, no pets, $595 mol inclutivee Non smoking., close to bus OSHAWA 3 bedrm, semi stop. 686.4842. detached, close to 401, 1 1/ Rioted p 2 baths, fenced yard, single DIXIE AND FINCH, garage, rear deck, avail. parking, laundry, use of June 1. No -pets. $900./mo whole house, $375 per mo. + utilities. 1st/last. Call Joe 905.839-3290. Available May Ist. (905) immediately 905.427- 837-1774 OSHAWA - BLOOR/ street. $925 +ubbbes. ref- AJAX, bright, airy large I bedroom smtbackyard. facilities. Rossland/Central WHITBY - clean one bed- SIMCOE- Lovely sunny , ROOM for rent with kitchen parking. 50walkout Park Non smoker, no pets, $595 mol inclutivee room basement apt. Laun- dry, fireplace $600 4 bedroom family home privileges, central location Bus route. Rioted p smoker Sunroom. 2 baths. hard. wood floors, gas heat pri- in Oshawa, female pre- $650 inclusive Available Must see to appreciate Separate entrance After 6 , vate yard, quiet child safe ferred 5350/month. Avai1- immediately 905.427- 438-0438 p.m. 571-6416. street. $925 +ubbbes. ref- able immediately. Call 1798 , erences. 839-1450 433-8707. . . . • . • . . • . . . . . . . _ _ .. . . . • • . . 1 • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, Shared Private Homes / Accomodatim For Sale AJAX clean 3 becirm home CLEARWATER. 3 bed- ,,, share with employed room fully furnished and air ale Smoker or nom conditioned mobile (per. ,..,oker Close to all amens- manent) homes healed vs. No -pets. first required pools, hot tub, close to A�kmg $325 imo 905-619- beaches & ma(or attrac- ".ud tions, children welcome. $275 weekly (less than mo - AJAX. WestneylHwy 2 tell 683-5503 area Large home to share $3,000 - TOTAL COM - lose to GO & Transit MISSION, list with Options ,375/monthly All Inclusive Realty Ltd . Call Dale An - _;all 683-6092 derson Broker. 4334623 IMMACULATE 2 -bed - 1,1r basement apartment, share with clean, re. -oonsible female/male, ,iundry facilities. first/last, ­nt negotiable. Available Yay 1, 432-2442. Harry MASTER bedroom and angle furnished room for ,hared accommodation, ,on -smoker, no pets. avail- able immediately Price ne- ;otiable Call (905)420- ;249. OSHAWA Lovely clean nome in quiet area. Shared lath & kitchen Separate oedroom & living room Na Ilk out to ravine lot. Norking individuals call 571-7115 $450 imo (in- ;ludes laundry, cable, aarki ng i [ ICKER[NG Home to share. includes 6 appliances partially furnished, 5385 or 5420 inclu- sive Suit single Non- smokers Call Ken 4905) 420-7317 PICKERING. ' 'large bed •ocm - basement, 5400 One bedroom upstairs. $350. all inclusive Avail able Immediately Bus at door Parking. 428-8282 ROSSLAND'NlLSON area n--wr^...w to share. clean. aulet. $3501month. an amenities included Available June 1st Call 404 C 704 SOUTH AJAX room in home Snared kitchen, laundry, parking 5400.` Mo. close to GO and bus routes 905 686 3881 M ondorniniums For Rent AJAX 1 -BEDROOM csn- dr c, :he ;axe, aI condl- t oning, fireplacelaundry. balcony, parking swim- ming pool. erns. $800% mavailable onth, availae June 1st Call 1416)292 X552 AJAX CONDO on the laxe ',f rent appliances in- cludeo 1 bedroom. avail- able May 1 Call Luigi (905)832.1652 (days) or Roseanne (905)883-0319 aver 6p m QUALITY D'AngeI) Multi level N W Oshawa 3+2 bedroomskitchen over- looks famrlyroom with fire- place, 2 walkouts, inground pool, 3 baths. FAG. in-law potential. 160 Goodman Dr $171,500 Call Sheila Mc- Laren Sutton Status 436- 0990 AJAX. COZY SAFE, spa nous rooms & baths, huge bedroom el fireplace. great street ++ Creative fr nancing/ negotiable down payment 5159.900 La- wrence 416.594-9065 EXECUTIVE. 2 story. detached. 4 bedroom. quiet crescent, backing onto Park. next to c^nservation area. W;O basement. 5213.500 905-683-2122 BOWMANVILLE. FOUR BEDROOM detached 5 de split home professorially finished Rec Room, family room. fireplace. 2 baths.la- cuzn & skylight Attached garage Bowmanville $159.900 Must Sell Call 623-8086 PORT PERRY S139,900. 3 bedr;om, convenience plus - walk to all amenities Large lot tot garden First time buyers dream or retire here Call Cathenne Ayone. Remax Scugog Realty. (905) 985-4427 24 hr pager Excellent Starter. Oshawa center area storey 3 bedroom. Open House Saturdays & Sun- days, from 1 - 4 pm 51 Montrave Ave 574-4338 WHITBY 20 Enckson Dr Bngt-.t 4 bedroom, 2640 sq h ceramic foyer, Ci A. CV. French doors. Roman tub Many upgrades Open rouse April 28. 2 4 Pm Call 666-3095 after 5 pm- ' x appointment $212.900 WHITBY, ail brick 3 bed room 2 ' 2 bathrooms. family room with fireplace. 140 It deep lot. Ga. c v. $159.000 Phone (905)435-3499 Condos EM for Sale M' me Mobile Hos Mobile Homes and Parks • and Parks TRAVEL TRAILERS! We have a large selection to choose from Centrally located between Lindsay and Peterborough - it's worth the drive to : PIGEON LAKE TRAILER PARK 705-799-5376 Money ffp To Lend OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT GUAR- ANTEED. SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES, OTHERS DO NOT. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS. • , Mortgages. • Insurance MORTGAGES Good. bah and ugly F,nancing lot any purpose, rates from 5 95', All applications ac- cepted Community Finan- cial Services 668-6805 • rBusiness pportunities FREE DETAILS.'! Earn $5.�l month �rfantastic home based business Call now "'(416) 201-3389 HOME BASED iranchise w'm a 'urure Easy start up with our prolesslonal train Ing 24 firs (416, 462.7478 JOCUS educational toys needs lrd,v,duals n your area Jocus carnes 300+ educational toys. games. nuzzles, crafts 65% are under 515 Join us and supplement your family in- come 1.800-3614587 • ' Personals ACCURATE TAROT CARD Readings lure 1G ea•s excellence (I'm a Reg -Mel teCh- ndbgist also) S60 per hr. —in-, 1;2 hr By Appoint. meet only Readings done 1 OVER THE TELEPHONE or 2 IN PERSON solve problems, questions an. swered conceming Love. Work Mcney. Health - Call `11"4 ' X905, 666-4975 Whitby EVANLY RAYS Police -se , Rated 11 Solution in Career, Relationships BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom, Health, Love S2 99rmmule 2 cam co—c 1 year old 18+ ' 900-451-4055 Malo floor, private terrace, 2 mins to Pickering Town LIVE PROFESSIONAL Centre. 5 mins to GO 24 psycrncs s.:.es ail c• .: '�ReJil"S�Pace -our security $164, 500 leets love career Reunite • Call (9051 837-2156 lovedones 52 75 nun 16 + 24 hr 1-900-451-2787 Vacation "1 4 Months Free Rent Ill- ITAPProperties 600 sq mall $500. 3500 . ompanions sq LwrM $1000. 250 Sq. man. 5350 , 850 sq.2nd fir $600. 1050 sq. main, $1,000 1600 sq main $1300 Can 434-2447 or 655-4132 OFFICE space for lease, 2nd floor of Ccu.fi plaza• overlooks busy Hwy#2, air con., plenty of parking. Available Immediately, 755.8 sq.ft.. & 779 sq ft. Call 725-9991. / Cottages for Rent LAKEFRONT Cottage for rent, 3 bedroom, 3 piece bathroom, includes 9 HP motor & boat and much more. Call (1 632.9140 or(705)738-2657. TRENT river- Woodland Estates, family house keeping cottages. 3 pce. bath, pool, beach, store, Playground, 90 rh n. north- east Pickering. 1.888-813- 2212. $3500 full priced. Seclud- ed wooded Trailer lotgood road, sandy beach, fishing. Cobourg area (416) 431- 1555 EASTSIDE CONNEC- TIONS DATELINE Free to call to place your ad. no charges for lades. ^ no M Cottages 430-7060 EM For Sale • ' Personals rin, Personals 3 BEDROOM cottage, one hour east of Toronto on Weill Bay. Leased land In RV park. Completely fur- nished. Storage shed. Kids playhouse. Excellent fish- ing, duck hunting. boating, golfing. Asking $32.000. 1- 519-979-7911. Camper Trailer Sites PARK MODEL TRAILERS FOR SALE & vacant lots available. Extended Sea- son. Huge lots overlooking Rice Lake. Holiday Pines. Hastings. (705) 696-2691. Thanks to St. Jude and the sacared heart of Jesus for favors received. May the sa- cared heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, workers of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hope- less, pray for us. St. Jude, healer of the sick, pray for us. Say this pray nine times per day for nine days. This prayer has nev- er failed, and your prayers will be an- swered. Publication must be promised. TPH / • ' Florida Money ' Births ' Births Vac. Rentals to Lend yj ATTENTION Snowbirds GORGEOUS 3 bedroom 3 bathrooms townhouse condo, close to famous Clearwater beach, pool, ja- cuzzi, BBO, private yard, available now For info and to view photos 686-9846 or 579-3788. MONEY problems? Debt consolidations, credit ar. rangements, personal budget planning, credit re- pair. FREE CONSULTA- TIONS, Ontario Credit Counsellors (Oshawa -Tor- onto) 433-1425 WATSON - Brad & Brenda are thrilled to announce the arrival of their second child, David Colin born April 7, 1996 at is: 10 p.m. weighing 8 lbs. 1.1 oz. Excited big sister is Jennifer. Proud grandparents are Bert & Rita Paterson of (hhawa and Nancy Watson of Ajax, and Del and Marilyn Watson of Brockville. Special thanks to Dr. Copeland, and Dr. Nlclntyre and the staff of the Ajax/Pickering Hospital. THF: NF.%%S 11)1 FR11SER FRI11,11,.11'R11.26. 1996-151il e.h�ae • whil - 4 Witioll .8r P4.1"? - THIS WEEK durha W7� News Advertiser iw. RVICE Get yourself WORLD hooked WIDE up WEB!! to the • Full Internet Access • 7 day -a -week Customer Service • Flexible Rates • Personal E -Mail Address • Web Page Services Available • Full T1 Access • Business Packages IT49M. Brought to you by M Durham's Information Provider Oshawa - Whitby • (Tarin -ton THIS WEEK For more L information call .. . 576-9335 or 683-0707 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday Sat. 9:30-3:00 , News Advertiser http:lr'www.durhamnews.net COME AND WORSHIP PICKERING STANDARD CHURCH Community Methodist Brock Rd. at Highway #7 Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m. Bible Study and Bible Club for Children and Youth. Come and Worship 837-0126 To Advertise Your Church ASA CHLIRCH 1820 Whites Rd. N. FAMILY CHURCH WORSHIP 11:00 a.m. Sunday Sunday School, ® Supervised Nursery 839-1383 ADM 11i'A Ali ii Events Call Janice at 683-0707 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN 35 CHURCH ST. N. PICKERING VILLAGE Sunday School, Supervised Nursery "Informal Wed. Evening Service, 7:30 p.m." Rev. K. Rowland ® Service 11:00 a.m. 683-7311 EVERYONE WELCOME Ca-I11R4C:H ll CtIRIST C:EIDAR ST., AJAX 1 street north of 401 - will of Harwood SUNDAY - BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 WORSHIP - 11 :00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M_ WEDNESDAY - 7:30 BIBLE STUDY THE BIBLE IS GOD'S WORD JESUS IS LORD. 683-2477 I'.%(; F: 26 -THF: NF:11"S 11)% F:R"I-ISER FIR ID It1.APIR IL 26, 19% Advertising "�%� �BU F"Advertising Feature�FOV�S ON SINESS Feature TO ADVERTISE YOU BUSINESS IN THIS FEATURE CALL JANICE 683-0707 I I.)nd. .., 11. .d.w I, r.�l.�......h, t....l. ...... r4 In heal itat•If. ml fieri n,; ,tress. Lain And M1,M1,111-131traurni 7 «-m vmr At t., . me rela.at-n with 0 Massage Q Reiki 0 shiat.%tl Q I)ay and v%-cning foga cll ttir Q Esthetic - cvn-iccs at the GREE:NIt001) F06A BOD11MRi► ST14HO Al (.rvcnV6 (X/d.. Ontario/ 905-619-1405 ?he Carpenter's 59unrel Do It -Yourself Woodworking, Shop .E - -.0 N—C, E moi.. -.,f W._'A; Z �. 'M.1.ICN". obi N„ Wroth Poi.sh.ng workshop - Woodiuming Workshop ^a:e.ais supDi,ed Leve 55 —45 35 . .• K Level2 (Hands Firtr=rtingTechnKfues, wcamim.sr_._tm . wc•Ksrx 4- ua•-x�:.h.:.xax- .:�., Ratl.al-arnl Saw Workshop En•Cnmen7 L�mrted .�S v_-.. ._. Now Open Sundays WOJOw''>'it �� Me -De 1'• $ i 885 C'e-e^'� F aC� e: erior Syste .Static in Roto I, holstery clearling �arpeUUP Results for C1eanln� i�1. pry iPPril With � F� in ha nomt 0iNo SKAIII G��9 VERY LfTTLEWATER W talep . FAST DRYING u5M1Ng u� . No BRUTAL (STEAM) ��t Mi^u�ct . 00 NOT WATER y)' Ma1°r all Polly 01814 gerorri 428 NOR 0 ENTERPRISES p endows, doors Patio doors 1 decks Samples: In-home or showroom References Available CFAX) 839-2255 7%e (Zarpenter's 5quare Welcome to the World of Woodworking'. a Jill mom mow ZI t C -- KIP,*{ ..•r ,.,toll }3 ANC!.sl� sprCIAL It E, s � 4 r" ► ��� 7f k j 't"• Coll— ••• .5q•••+ I)o-lt-lourself %%olodworkinK Shop, t, pleased to announce the addition of several new and exciting wt•rk-h •; , an i•t. _:a::. twin of which arc. Women in %%oodworking and the hids'Summer Noodworking Camp. Women in %%miodworkinyf ua, dc\eloped with the assistance .it %1r, Chris Parke,( -hit, ha, btcn wo.rkutg In wtxxJ for alnw,t I S vc uN and teaches the Wood Carting and SA -roll Saw :ourscs Friday night 16 p rot to 9 p m I I. I uhc%* night at ^'w C••r•w•-• • Sr••• i ,)r only 41 s IN I for the c\ cnIng. ladles can design and build protect. of their choice Should assistance he : c,::nri.i. R"h and Jeff arc ons tilt) happy to assist The Kids' Summer Wr►t►dworking ('amp was designed with kids in mind, to help them understand power tools and how to use then: The cniphasl, I, on Natct\ and creating a worthwhile project For ages 9 to 12 and I3 to 15. Lel 71• C••1•••••• s5�...w introduce yew it) the tun world of woxxaworkin,• This i, .i ;,_I.: .t'Icr, an go ask questions of sonieonc. a place whtrt f ou can oven be taught by qualified people how to Jo just what %oil want It) do A plata' w here no one notice. Ifni lake, you a while 10 LOMPICle st)nethmg, but a place where } ou have all the equipment you need to do it right t1akr Atxx(workin_ a lamely affair and bring tilt.' kid,' kill Ic\el Enrullincnt i. kindled -1, ^s. C•-r••l,— _Sq . - .ommitted to providing education as well as facilities. there are man% tours. and work,hops availah.: ' • . A' ...,n'. to learn Thet_v have been designed for people with any skill lc%el Eni-ollnient Is limited -Introduction to wIn►dworking _ui, eta. 271h for 1; wick, tr.30 p rot -9-.3O p In -N't —odcan ing H _;n, June 121n !or IO weeks from TAX) p in -10 (X) p in Instructor Chn. Parke, •('ahinctmaking _ In, July 22nd 1, -1 15 week, from 7-00 p nv- I0:(X) p in -N..odturning Workshops Lcv el 1 Introdu,�tlt)n to w txxhuming) Apnl 27th from 9 (X) a In -12 (X) p to Lc%el 2 1 Hands on) %tas 41h from l i91 p rot it) 4 (X) p in -N, roll Saw N orkshop Saturday %las I Ith morn tl (X) a rn -12 IN) p.nl Dtmonslrator Chits Parke, -F rench Polishing N orkshop Ihur,da\ ala\ 16th trom h ',u p in to 9:10 p m. (materialN supplied) -Radial-arm tiaw Workshop rhur,da% Stav with trop; h 30 p rot to 9.30 p in -Finishing Techniques Workshop 12 night.) Thursda\ Slav '_3rd front 6.30 p In w 9 30 p rot Thursday !ktay 10th from 6 30 p m. to 9 30 p m. -Kids' Summer Ni►(►dworking Camp %londay aticrntx)n, Iroin I (N) p in it) 4 IN) p.m. - ages 9-12 (July 8, 15, 22. 29) Monday aflern(luns from I (X) p In. it) 4:4) p.m. - ages 9-12 t August 12. 19.'_61 Tuesday afternotm. from I:(X) p m. to 4-(X) p m. - ages I1-15 (July 9, 16,'_3, 30) Tuc.day afternoons from 1:00 p m. to 4(X1 p rots - ages 13-15 ( Augvst 13. 20, 27) 7%, CMrmalie- jit.a.a is pleased to wetcurie two world-renowned manufacturers to its shop floor - Record Tools and Gouduy Status and Finishes New in the shop are a number of w(od lathes and turning tools. An outstanding addition to an already impressive tool Inventory. Woodiuming Workshops, as with all other Instruction, will be conducted using the test equipment and the most qualified instructors. In keeping with this company's community -minded spirit, seniors (55+) and youth groups will receive discounts when working in the .hop. In addition to this, anyone can purchase a block of time from 8 firs. to 40 firs. and save approximatel)' 10-301k off the regular rate. The real sas Ings however, tomes from kiting a Woodworking Club Member. An annual membership offers a 50% savings to the meniter by hnnging their hourly rate down to S4.25/hr. dunng the day and S5.(X)/hr. during the. evenings and weekends. A inemher will also get 30 days free storage of projects. project consultation and assistance, free delivery of projects (within 15 kin). and discounts on courses and workshops, and Gouduy products. A great deal for the woodworking enthusiast and all for $199.(X) per year' For more information about becoming a nienlb ler, or to inquire about courses and workshops at 7M • C -r --1.R'• Sv - . call 905-683-6(X)3 or visit the shop. Rob or Jeff would love toggive you a tour' Located in Pickering at 1885 Clements Rd. unit 254 7M G7 -R-•'• SrR- is a spacious and friendly environment with qualified. knowledgeable people to assist you with all your woodworking needs. At any given time you you can find hobbyists• do-it-yourselfers, and professionals there working away and socializing. Treat yourself to clean air! ,FUad owe wbat yoit lvl? bei D1�_ 4 n i duuunin sur ticrncr th.rt rcnlnvt, \inu,dh Al . the pnllcn and dust frorn the .nr to vwn nnnu u( ••our Ivan•' TIit• blchrcaih 1Lid itilcm Flue I'rcupaator ern cipiure IIIc tiny pane Ie, 111.11 a' r;urt allc•ry,)c, N. 1111 :I uId ,xhcr rc,partory dnurdct,, and du 11 tunrinu„ush tin Atcr d.i% tear Ilia scar' AJU Air Quality Control Systems Indoor air laualily spelcialists (905) 831-4020 Why Advertise in Focus on Business Durham businesses wanting to increase their profile and sales volume find that being part of Focus on Business advertising feature definitely has its advantage. Over the last few years a great many businesses - of all sizes - have found that investment in the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser's and Oshawa/Whitby This Week's Focus on Business feature have generated extra phone calls that likely would not have otherwise occurred. How do you get involved? When a company make a commitment to advertise for 10 weeks on the page, A also receives a full feature story, complete with pictures. The story reinforces the advertisement, enabling the business to explain in depth its product and/or service, philosophy, goals, special promotions and even a historical overview. Unless the business chooses otherwise, everything Is done by the newspaper's staff: the ad design, story interview and writing, plus the taking of the photographs. All the business needs to do is prepare for the increased sales volume. For more information call Janice at 683- 0707. DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS Casement (905) 579-2222 °HUNGE TILT -ACTION Complete Seiec'.iec et Vinyl Windows 8 Doors • PICTURE WINDOWS • BAY 8 BOW WINDOWS • INSURANCE CLAIMS • PATIO DOORS •STORM DOORS • NEW CONSTRUCTION N!`.DOWS reetiwrL•rd2 o3o MOBILE c . �;.����• WAYNE HUTCHINSON �ALE� SE^:'rF ,q ..en�wn ..N rAiu.p INSTALLATION 4006) 579-2222 to Gunther Ivens Contracting "Early Spring Special" Additions. Secona Storeys, Basement Apartments, Decks. Vinyl Replacement Windows. All Interior Renovations. 10°a Discount On All Contracts Signed Before April 30, 1996. Call Gunther 839-0681. Serving Durham Region for over 25 years. GARDINERS DUCT CLEANING, CHIMNEY SWEEP Dryer Duct cleaning only S20.00 with purchase of Duct Cleaning Hook-up S39.95 - S5 per vent •11TH �, 1 r �I •, c P,%6 ONLY 149.95 RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL Snake method used (416) 282-3292 E & C C'ONSIGN;NIENT Upscale Resale Quality Selection, Low Prices - LADIES FASHIONS (Jones New York, Gap. Club Monaco, Liz Claiborne, Calvin Klein) • CHILDREN'S WEAR 1235 Bayly St. (BAY RIDGES, IGA PLAZA) PICKERING NEW CONSIGNORS WELCOME DURHAM REGION'S LARGEST MAZDA DEALER PRESENTS... THE NEW MAZDA'S PROTEGEKEPT SECRET s13,895°C BUT YOU'VE GOT TO COME IN TO SEE ITI PASSION FOR THE ROAD 1250 Dundas St. E. 1, THE CEDjkROAK H90e M 9 E e S 4 Cawm&wewt to 6welleorce, PE P LE S CHOICE IN PICKERING IS... All Clay Brick (with optional stone elev.) • Bright & Spacious Gourmet Kitchens • Family Rooms With Gas Fireplaces • Master Bedrooms with 0011 - TI k—' L\7 7M High Efficiency Gas I Furnaces IQ. Aw-, !3 4 P M A tar 41 -Pq 4 HOMES AVAILABLE UP TO 2,885 SO. FT_ *AM SAYS UP " DUkLS FINCH AVE. 1 11 T - Ci ow w z g 0 'C SH ARD AVE. LAKE �ONTAFR�410