HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_04_06I? W :Don't forget to spring ahead! "dust a reminder to turn your clocks ahead one hour before turning in Saturday night when we 'return to Time. at Factor% Otillell Prices. Kitchens Plus ION ftpm Aad E, The Fw An Ibli1240716 Ston Hour: b^ Mon Wed 9 30 a m -8U0 p m �N Thm 8Fn 930am-830pm Sat. 9'30 an -5:00 p m 4 triL 11,`111.+ -1 . News Advertiser Saturday, April 6, 1996 40 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 42,500 Vol. 115 No. 14 schooloaSeparate r y ma cut in Jax By STEPHEN SHAW and finance committee Wednesday night. meeting the following Monday. its present form isn't an option. " If we do keep traFt RF%11ORT-FR "It's time that we go ahead and get (the The Tory government has reduced funding it, the discussion will be on how to modify it." DURHAM — The fate of the separate decision) over with." said Matt Simmons, for JK by about two-thirds and made the pro- The committee will also discuss, and possi- school board's junior kindergarten program chairman of the Catholic school board's per- gram optional for boards. bly decide, the future of the board's French will be determined b,, trustees W cdnesday. sonncl and finance committee. "We're hold- Under the new funding scheme, maintain- Immersion program Wednesday. While the public school tward eliminated ing people hostage by not making a decision:' ing or eliminating the program will cost the Other budget -cutting measures expected to its JK program last fall, the Durham Region About 90 teachers and the parents of more board money. To keep the program in its pre- be approved include a $5 -million reduction in Roman Catholic Separate School Board has than 2.0(x) JK students "need to know" what scant form, taxpavers will have to contribute an school maintenance and upgrades. been prolonging a decision on its program the future holds for the half-day. evervdav additional $341.(M this year. Dropping it Even after that maintenance spending cut is until receiving the full picture on pm\ incial program, said Mr Simmons. altogether will cost the board $164.000 in lost factored in, the board still has to shed another grant reductions for this year. Staff have been asked to bring forward a provincial grants, according to a staff report. $5 million if it hopes to freeze property taxes. The Ministry of Education and Training recommendation on JK at a special personnel One option being looked at is converting the "Transportation, staff salaries and benefits released its legislati\e grant figures to boards and finance committee meeting 5:45 p.m. program to all -day, alternate day, which and technology are other areas to be- looked at last wrek. Initial calculations indicate a 1996 Wednesday at the bc)ard*s head office at 650 would save $1750)(). for budget -cutting. said Mr. Oldman. Rossland Rd. W. in Oshawa. The committee's Board chairman Tom Oldman wants to A target date of May 15 has been set by the funding sFx)rtfall of S5.'_5 million, director of education Grant Andrew. told the personnel decision will be �o led on by the lull M)ard at a maintain the program, but says keeping it in hoard for final approval of the 1996 budget. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ ____ __._ __ _ clinic now {a Pickering Gi*ddy-up Jessica Kim rides Jeff Vezina during a pig- ties, which help social service agencies and gyback relay at Denis O'Connor Catholic Third World development, among other High School in Ajax Thursday. The event things. raised $4,006 for Share Life Catholic chart- photo by Andrew Iwanowski in hepatitis B probe By KEITH GILLIGAN STAFF kf-K)RT_R DURHAM — An in%estwauon of people possibly infected by the potentially deadly hepatitis B virus is expanding to include former patients at clinics in Pickering and Markham. Letters will go out Tuesday to patients of the electroencephalogram (EEG) clinics, both of which have closed. Meanwhile, 16 new cases of hepatitis B have been linked to four other clinics, bringing the total to 46. Eight Durham Region residents are among the first 30 cases linked to the four clinics. All six clinics were once owned by the same doctor. Region associate medical officer of health Dr. Linda Panaro doesn't know if any Durham residents are among the new cases. North York associate medical offi- cer of health Dr. Ian Johnson says "there may be a small risk of infec- tion with the hepatitis B virus" among patients at the Pickering and Markham clinics. The Pickering clinic at 720 Shep- pard Ave. was open from April 9, 1991 to June 1 I of that year. "'T'hings are coming in in dribs and ":Ito5& PHONE`.` drabs. The information might change, but this is the most up-to- date information we have," Dr. Panaro says. Public health officials don't yet See LETTERS ... Page 3 Inside M Ow mews Editorial .............................6 Name Dropping.................10 Sports...............................16 Classified ..........................17 Phos• on" General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 Sincerely Yours 1-900-451-3793 InfoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 4n the Intetuet at www.dnrhamnews.net 934 + 74 GST = $1 EXALWIFct " C MMVN/CAT/ONS 401 Bell Mobility Centre Bell Mobility Centre 843 King St.W.(Next to Don Cherry's) Pickering Town Centre 1906) $76.1212 to") =7-1212 Bell Mobilitiv ° PAGE 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY. APRIL 6.19% Drivers `in summer mode' contribute to several accidents in Ajax, Pickering AJAX -PICK- half-dozen acci- more serious colli- easthound lane, were not known weren't life-thrLat- included a five -car the corner of Kingston and serious injuries Dixie Roads. No were reported. EKING -- Old dents in the last sions was a head- striking another prior to Saturday's ening. crash at ways Thursday Man Winter's sur- hour alone (in on crash on Ilwy. vehicle. Injuries to deadline, but Sgt. In Pickering, the storm reached inside his vehicle prise curtain call Ajax and Picker- 2 in Ajax, just east the trapped driver Beuschel said they the traffic chaos say drivers cruis- "The roads are caused motor ing)," 24 Division of Harwood mayhem on local Sgt. Roger Avenue, which roads and high- Beusc:hel said at 3 left the driver of ways Thursday p.m., shortly after one car trapped afternoon. the storm reached inside his vehicle Durham police its. peak. for 30 minutes, he say drivers cruis- "The roads are said. ing during the pretty sloppy. The driver of a winter -like bliz- People are driving westbound car zard "in their sum- as though it's sum- reportedly lost mer mode" ended mer when it's back control, "took out up in numerous to winter out a sign" and accidents. though there. Most of the crossed into the none involved accidents could seriousinjurias. easily have been "There have avoided." he aid- • been at least a Among the :FREEWAN TAX RETURN Preparation From S25 w • FREE EFILE , • Ptckup & lkhvery Included • Retunds appmximarel-v ? weeks • kast Reliable h Personal Service • k asonablc rares_lor Home Ritsinesses Laughlin Bookkeeping Services 4 6--96 428-2277 IAF=�A! WALK IN HOURS Daily 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. EMERGENCIES SEEN IN 2 HRS. ffe =,00 24 HR. EMERGENCY PAGER AMBERLEA SHOPPING CENTRE ON WHITES RD. PICKERING BETWEEN FINCH & HWY. 401 • Chemiclave Sterilization • Cosmetic Bonding • Collect From Insurances �Ivnlly .uut (,,uair.a� `�avulnvr.l Q Qualified, Experil Accountant Dependable and FriendIN, ©Reasonable Rates Mistry, CMA, :VloneyCar ConyUltatits REPAIRS (1 hr) ' Relines ' Complete, Partiol Dentures LOWER DENTURE STABILITY NEW PERMANENT, SOFT DENTURE LINER FREE CONSULTATION William Steil, DD, F.C.A.C.IAI 84 Old Kingston Rd. 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SCARBOROUGH (Just North of Sheppord) ��o' 2 9 :�a - z 3 7,7 :r THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, APRIL 6, M&PAGE 3 Ar Ar Catholic trustees should cutpaye, Ashe ;AIR CONDITIONING SALE 00 By STEPHEN SHAW a notice of motion which, if approved by STAFF REFOItIM trustees at the April 15 board meeting, DURHAM — Catholic trustees would see the salary reductions take should cut their own salaries if deep effect May 1. spending reductions must be made to Thi currently earn $10,600 annu- education, says a Pickering separate ally, with committee chairmen pocket - school trustee. ing an additional five per cent, the vice - At last week's Durham Region chairman 15 per cent and the chairman Roman Catholic Separate School Board 50 per tet. meeting, trustee Kevin Ashe called on The reduction in honorariums would his peers to accept a five -per cent pay result in about $10,000 savings. cut starting this year. Mr. Ashe put forth I think we have to show some lead - Letters sent out to patients of clinics FROM PAGE 1 know the number of patients who attended the Pickering clinic, she notes. About 13,000 letters were sent out last month to patients who attended clinics in Ajax, Scarborough and North York. However, only about 1,200 have been returned so far, Dr. Panato says. The Ajax clinic at 601 Harwood Ave. S., opposite Ajax -Pickering Gen- eral Hospital, was open from February, 1981 to July, 1994. Another clinic at 1020 McNicoll Ave. in Scarborough closed in Decem- ber, 1993. Clinics still operating are at 5 Fairview Mall Dr., Suite 415, North York and 1371 Neilson Rd-, Suite 109, Scarborough. All the confirmed cases were caused by patients undergoing EEGs at one of the two Scarborough clinics. People became infected after having needle-like electrodes placed in their scalps, a procedure the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario has ordered doctors to stop. Doctors now use disc electrodes which are stuck to the scalp and don't penetrate the skin. EEGs measure electrical activity in the brain and diagnose such problems as epilepsy and acute "We don't know how many more cases of hepatitis B will surface, but we strongly urge any patients to be tested to ensure they find out if they have hepatitis B or could be a carrier,,, Dr. Johnson says. It's important to be tested, because up to half the people exposed to the virus have no symptoms, he notes. Each letter contains a laboratory req- uisition number that patients are to use when they go for testing. Hepatitis B is the main cause of liver disease and liver cancer, and can be fatal. About 90 per cent of people exposed to hepatitis B develop an immunity to the virus and are protected for life. But, the remaining 10 per cent don't develop an immunity and are infectious for life. No one has contracted either HIV or AIDS after undergoing EEGs at the clinics, Dr. Panaro points out. If you need more information, call a special hotline at 416-396-8333 Mon- day to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. ership in these times of fiscal restraint ;FREE AIR CONDITIONING MMES mmm oa aN 0 and this sends the right message,,, says 0 Y Sutttttaor Load la -Stock aK eoairtioaon i Mr. Ashe. 0 IN% rNaaeittg av IA10 oac whk tpaatifios W. i In light of the nation, board chairman 0 Tom Oldrnan says he has requested staff ; S H E RIDAIV 0 prepare a report comparing the salaries 0 0 HEATING a AIR CONDITIONING of trustees in the Greater Toronto Area. 0 0 0 SHOWROOM LOCATION: 1895 Clements Rd, # 160, Plckenng, Ont. L1 W 3V5 By sacrificing a portion of their own 0 0 pay, Mr. Oldman says, trustees 'would 0 SCARBOROUGH PICKERING/AJAX WHITBY/OSHAWA set an important example" to board staff, (416) 752-9111 (905) 839-3234 (905) 427-5551 0 /••••.••.•.•••.••••••••,••.•••••.•..•...••..•....•.•.••.� who may be asked to choose between layoffs and wage rollbacks as part of the board's budget -cutting measures. _ Y _ ' Y In 1 I 1' 1 CORRECTION NOTICE SOFTWARE 1550 Kingston Road, Unit 17 PI C K ER I NG 420-9830 The A PLUS SOFTWARE ad which ran Thursday, April 4th News Advertiser inadvertently omitted the weekend hours. The correct store hours are: MON. & TUES. 10 - 7; WED.,THURS., FRI. 10 -9; SAT. 10 - 6; SUN. 12 - 5 We regret any inconvenience this LEAN TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOURbTI-L 1 At AJAX/PICKERING HOSPITAL THURSDAY, APRIL 18; THURSDAY APRIL 25 For more information or to Pre -Register call: THELUNG ASSOCIATION Durham Region 436-1046 Everyone reads and shops the News Advertiser THINKING ABOUT ATTENDING CHURCH THIS EASTER SUNDAY? Community Church INVITES YOU TO ATTEND THEIR EASTER SERVICE! Lester B. Pearson Public School 21 Coughlen Street (North Ajax) 10:30 a.m. • Aasiti-e Ad ala rt %ad tC p • ca�P r O?Awt,rael� • Aperw�isdloe) Owe Aw e eaffr. 4Z7-92d1� �ro�e i�r�o��ratio�:� PAGE 4 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1996 More than 70 Durham high school teachers declared surplus by board k hi h m n 80 13 Mom than half to get new aSS1gIllTlents9 board says DURHAM— More than 70 secondary public school teachers have been issued surplus notices — but over half will be reas- signed to other schools, says a Durham Board of Education official. The equiva- lent of 71.5 full- time teachers have been declared surplus in the schools they are present- ly assigned to, however 38.5 full-time equiva- lent teaching vacancies have opened up with- in the board, says board of education spokesman Mary Brown. The RECROOM Sales & Service OPINALL (soy) 430-0979GNO ST!! IN 14j", AC77VB SWIVItms ...Need legal advice? We specialize in Plersonal Injury - Ctimiaal w Innu*tattion - Divorce traffic Violation -Incorporation Small Claims Get die BEST m law Cost Call ACTIVE LEGAL SERVICES. WE CAN HELP WioN OTlmts CANT. 140487-0512 - WM "164A614m—Iow PUT AN END TO CABLE BILLS For more information call .Saz d T.V. Sales & Service 416-284-7333 6525 Kingston Rd. That leaves 33 teachers who would be "declared redun- dant" by the end of May if no positions are found within the system, says Ms. Brown. Those teach- ers would then be given notices of layoff to take effect in Sep- tember. However, she says the board is hopeful posi- tions for all or most of those teachers will open up follow- ing retirements, resignations and maternity and health leave sub- missions. The notices T%i(::) PAYMENTS 1N(:3 INTEREST FOR ON YEAR Set. Sto rc t ­r 2 FREE CHOICES o NO GST BEDFRAME • PILLOWS • SHEETS o NO PST • MATTRESS COVER • DELIVERY am 901 1 BAYLY are not related to approved by the wee , w c a y as lob budget cutbacks school board last could lead to as losses. PRIME RIB A SEAFOOD COMBINATION Herb Seasoned Slow Roasted AAA Grade Canadian Prime Rib ask about our 15 MIN. or FREE lunch guarantee LOCATED ON HWY. a2 BETWEEN LIVERPOOL & BROCK RD_ ___ --7Rrr97r— OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 18/95 1 SAVE $4001, ON TWO ADULT DINNER ENTREES S2 00 OFF ANY TWO LUNCH ENTREES I not redeemable with other discounts or I any other offers With the purchase of two adult dinner entrees. receive $4.00 off. This coupon Is not redeemable on lunch menu Mems, or children s menu Mems 1 Only one coupon per couple per visit. As a courtesy to guests dining alone, this coupons redeemable for $2.00 on any single adult dinner 1 entree. Coupon is not redeemable for cash or with any other coupon or special offer. No reproductions allowed. 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'NI 1 .. 169 ,. 1 1.•i ORTHO ELEGANCE Sli "TTRESS SET '479 1K1,1 1111 ...119 .1 1 Sf.N UI'l IN ..... 169 .1'. t•)•, 1111,4. _ ... %1119 11 1 M(.N ELECTRIC ADJUSTABLE BED S 999-kI'•. bl y . 9,,.,ru Ia OA .SOFA BED spy More 1L�•�--�j Sofa To IrxIIIJL� $2.0.0 thom.', n,:ntn•., a a.cm ci, a a 1 cPHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED, N FINANCING PERSONAL Ail�t ,� ( AVAILABLE CHEOUES MO^-w'd L T 10.9 ,o.. 10 Westney Road S. : •.. 619-1315 {f, 15 COMFORT SLEEP SINGLE 79 MATTRESS SET 284 INH�I/t1 ...1x•) .1, 121 ��l ORTHO SUPREME SINGLE MTTFIESS $339 SET $554 1x.1'1111_.. 1(a �I'.T S•1-• 1f1�1-.1-.N ..... .it49 "Pl l•2�• 1C1N/.........SS'� X11 •/1a MATE'S BED Many More Mate Beds To $ 4ry1a• 17 Inwrr. y MMY more 11 i t TO 79 Taunton Road West 433-1052 �I the N C z;f Sleep -?. SS . j� - EL IF L GTA- needs an attitude change, says Crombie By MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER PICKERING — The Greater Toronto Area is floundering because its member communities aren't work- ing together for the common econom- ic good. So says David Crombie, former political science teacher, "tiny perfect mayor" of Toronto, federal cabinet minister, and current chairman of the Waterfront Regeneration Trust, the agency established by the Province to help plan the development and prcccr- vation of the Lake Ontario ,h David Crombie addresses the Pick- ering Rotary Club's Business Leaders Luncheon. Mr. Crombie was guest of honor at the 9th annual Business Leaders Luncheon for Easter Seals held by the Rotary Club of Pickering Tues- day at the Regalis Restaurant. He'd been asked by event organiz- ers to speak on GTA reform. "We have lost that sense of the economic region of this place and we are suffering daily," said Mr. Crombie, who at 59 has lost none of the charisma that took him from the classroom to the cabinet table. Even the Easter Seals 'Timmy' seated at the head table, six-year-old Andrew Pope, stopped playing with a new toy he had. just received to listen to the former politician speak. Mr. Crombie maintained that between the 1950s and 1980s "every- body knew the well-being of the Golden Horseshoe was absolutely fundamental to the economic well- being of all of us". He said towns and cities in the area didn't fight each other to attract industry but instead were pleased when new business came into any one of their communi- ties because they knew it would bene- fit everyone. He noted the boundaries between GTA municipalities exist only for administrative purposes, not for economic or environmental ones. Ensuring that the GTA functions efficiently as one economic unit is one of the issues the Province must deal with in any reform package for the area it comes up with, said Mr. Crombie. Another is to address the inequities and inefficiencies in the property tax system across the region. He predicted the tax issue is the first the Province will likely deal with and ..nobody will be happy with the solu- tion" since everyone so far has been offering conflicting solutions designed only to keep taxes in their own municipality low. "There has to be some form of pooling (of education taxes), there is no doubt about it," said Mr. Crombie in a later interview, explaining the principle of equity in paying for the education system must hoe upheld. The other major issue the Province !!ILIA! address !,, how the GFA \k ! Il he Pickering Timmy' Andrew Pope listens atten- tively to the keynore speaker at Tuesday's lunch for Easter Seals. photos by Andrew Iwanowski governed, he told the luncheon guests, but Queen's Park should be in no hung to deal with it. "The micro issues of governance will drive us batty," said Mr. Crom- bie, noting the question of what pow- ers to give to regional government and what to keep at the local level is "the oldest of all public issues". The most important thing, he added, is not how many seats each municipality gets on any Greater Toronto Council but rather what measures are taken to keep each local community strong. -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1996 PAGE 5 From China with love' ❑ Pickering couple reach across the world for baby they thought they'd never have By MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER PICKERING — Nine- month -old Meghan Bennett sits on a blanket on the living room floor of her parents' Pickering home tugging at one of her tiny pink socks. Heather and Doug Bennett beam as their daughter pulls the sock off and holds it up for the visi- tor to see. Meghan grins from ear to ear and then decides to taste the sock. It's sad to think such a moment of innocent familial bliss might very easily never have taken place at the Bennett household. Unable to have their own biological child, the odds were that Heather and Doug Bennett would spend their entire lives without knowing the joy of parent- hood. Abandoned at birth, Meghan was very likely to spend her entire childhood in an orphanage in China, never knowing the love of parents. But thanks to the Bennetts' determination and the work of Ottawa -based agency The Children's Bridge, Heather, 34, Doug, 37, and baby Meghan are now a family. "It's going to be vcry obvi- ous to her and everybody else that we're not her birth par- cn,s," says Doug. but that is a difficulty he and his wife are happy to have the chance to deal with. "11w way we look at it is we've inherited another culture." The Bennetts began to look into the possibility of adopting a child shortly after they learned they couldn't have one on their own, about three years ago. They first turned to the local Children's Aid Society but found they were 351 st on the waiting list and the agency had only adopted out four babies in the previous year. There was also the option of private adoption but the ratio Of prospective parents to avail- able babies was about eight to one. Then they read a book about international adoptions and learned about The Chil- dren's Bridge. "Right now China has very healthy children available and it's a straightforward process if you work with a good agency;" says Heather. It's estimated that because of China's one -child policy and its cultural bias in favor of boy babies, 100,000 to 600,000 babies come into the country's orphanages every year, the vast majority of them baby girls abandoned at birth. Only about three per cent of the orphans are getting adopted, so without more international placements their futures may be grim. Proud parents Doug and Heather Bennett with their adopted daughter, Meghan, who was born in China. photo by A.J. Groen Even though adopting a child from China is relatively easy in comparison to adopting from other countries where bribes and long waiting peri- ods may often he involved, it's still not a simple process. The Bennetts had to have a home study dome by a social worker approved by the Province of Ontario, get security clearance through Interpol and provide letters from their banks, employers and doctors, as well as wading through all kinds of administrative paperwork. The Chinese authorities also want- ed pictures of the couple and their home. `When we saw the picture ... we fell in love.' After their application was approved they received from the Chinese a two -inch -square photo of Meghan (her Chinese name was Wenwen) — the child chosen for them to suit their appearance and charac- ters. "When we saw the picture we were thrilled," recalls Doug. "You're not supposed to (because parents may be given another child if their child is too sick to travel, for example), but we fell in love with the picture." Meghan's adoption cost the Bennetts about $15,000, including the administrative costs, the trip to China to pick her up, and a standard $4,000 (U.S.) donation to the orphan- age. But the adoption went through relatively quickly. They sent all their paperwork to China on Aug. 29, 1995, and Doug had Meghan in his arms in Yangzhou, China by Dec. 1. Heather was unable for health reasons to travel to Yangzhou to pick up her daughter, so Doug made the trip with his mother, Marjorie, and a group of nine other adoptive couples. •"Iitey brought the babies to us in the hotel. We were all staying on the same flexr. We were all waiting outside the elevator doors with our video cameras. It was stuh a thrill." But Doug says that thrill was surpassed by his arrival with Meghan at the airport in Toronto, where Heather was waiting to see her new daugh- ter for the first time. At was the happiest event of my life," says Heather. *'I'll never forget it — her little face coming down the escalator. I couldn't even hold her, my arms were just so weak. Everyone was crying. People we didn't even know were cry- ing." The Bennetts have been somewhat overwhelmed by all the excitement of their fami- lies, friends and even strangers over their adoption of Meghan. Heather notes they are usu- ally "private people", but they want other childless couples to know how well things have turned out for their new fami- ly. It would be "a really great thing" if others who hear their story decide to adopt from China as well, for their own sake and for the sake of all those little girls who otherwise have very little chance of ever having a family of their own. Anyone who would like more information on The Chil- dren's Bridge and on adopting Chinese orphans may call the organization's executive direc- tor, Linda Welsh, at 613-225- 4003. �x PAGE 6 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, APRIL 6,19% v Editorials and L Ajax-Pickering News Advertiser M10THI' J. WHITI'AKER. Wblisher JOANNE Bt'K(;HARU7'. Editor-in-chief STEVE HOt'STON. !Managing Editor BRt'CE I)ANFORI). Ad%ettising manager AININ BROl1SF:R. Retail Manager ARE FAKHOt'RIF.. Distribution manager A Metroland Community Newspaper pubhshal Wednesday. Friday. Sunday 1.30-132 Commercial Ave. Aiax. Ore[. LIS 21-15 Phont 683-5110 Fax: 683-73%3 But for what? Leave us alone -- that the message the four Greater Toronto Arca school boards have for Anne Golden and her sweeping reforms. Durham, along with York. Peel and Halton, spent $40,0000 to get a joint response together. The united front was submitted this week to the Greater Toronto Arca Review Panel, which is holding public hearings to get feedback on municipal govern- ment reform. In a report entitled 'Learning Communities at the Crossroads' — commissioned at a cost of $10.((X) each — the four boards "legitimately question" the need to pool education taxes GTA -wide. The boards' submission to the GTA panel criticizes the controversial Golden Task Force Report for "an almost complete disregard" for education systems outside Metro. The task force's "observations about education gover- nance are superficial at best." the school hoards' reslxmse states. The Golden Report suggests scrapping regional govern- ments and repl:u-i"lRhern with one giant GTA courrc:il, and pooling education taxes raised from commercial and industrial properties across the GTA, with uniform rates applied to all municipalities. The Golden Report's proposals failed to address the unique educational needs to the four regions out- side Metro, the hoards' report says. We wonder why the Durham Board of Education elected to spend S 100X) on this joint response. Would it have been toxo much to send out a fax saying they were opperied to the GTA'' After a move like this, one wonders how serious the Durham board is about cutting costs. The money for thisjoint response: should have been funneled back into the classroom. To respond ro this editorial call lnfosource at +nfosoutnce 6S3-7041) and dial 5111 ♦You said it... In response to last Sunday's column on the Reform Party's 'Club R' program by Steve Houston, our readers said: u "I don't think's it's appropriate for him to make fun of a valid and recognized party for which millions of people voted in the last election. Perhaps he'd be willing to devote a full page column... so that someone could ridicule his party, whichever it is. Secondly, in the column he says something about learning math, about no Official Opposition status and all that. Perhaps he's more comfort- able with the Bloc (Quebecois) being the Official Opposition. Perhaps he's even sympathizing with their aims. Personally, I find it ridiculous that a party which is devoted to the break-up of the country is afforded Official Opposition status. That can only happen in Canada." Reader Poll: In response to Wednesday's question: Should Hwy. 407 be fast -tracked into Durham? u "I believe it should not be fast -tracked into Pickering. Far more studies should be done on GO Transit and improving that service instead of building more highways or roads. We've got too many roads and too many cars using them and we should reduce those numbers." YES 50% NO 50% The News Advertiser The Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L 1 S 21-15. General: (905) 683-5110 Classified: (905)683-0707 Circulation: (905) 683-5117. FAX: (905) 683-7363 Real Estate FAX: (905) 432-1635 Composing FAX: (905) 579-9273 E -Mail: Newsroom C)durhamnews.net On the Internet: http://www.durhamnews.net v Letters to the editor What is MP's problem? To the editor: As an individual who accompanied Reform NIP Ed Harper to Pine Ridge Secondary School, I was astonished to read the front page of the Pickering News Advertiser on March 27. 1 find the fact that Ontario Riding MP McTeague is railing against Members of Parliament speaking to the students at Pine Ridge Secondary School deeply troubling. Whom is he afraid of and whom is he professing to protect" The students, as 1 understand it, voluntarily signed up to attend Mr. Harper's speech and all students who attended appeared to be thoughtful and responsible. All behaved admirably and sought answers to serious questions. Mr. McTeague would be: wise to give them and their teachers the respect they deserve. In the interest of drawing the prop- er conclusions, I would like to ask the following questions: Are our schools not centres for learning? Do we as adults not have an obligation to edify our young people? Is anything to be gained by the students if opposition political parties are prohibited from speaking to the students? What better place to hold a healthy debate and to share ideas than in the hallowed halls of learning? How can we expect our young peo- ple to place an educated vote if we do not expose them to the parties that hold seats in the House of Commons? In closing, I would like to encour- age all the individuals and educators that are faced with responding to Mr. McTeague's specious charges to vote in favor of continuing to encourage, edify, educate, and expose their stu- dents to the world of ideas and dia- logues so that, in the future, they will cast responsible and carefully consid- ered votes. I would like to encourage Mr. The Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser accepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neatly :'hand-written, 150 words. Each letter :must be signed with a first and last ;name or two initials and a last name. Please include a pbone number for verification. The editor reserves the to edit copy for style, length and ...tent. opinom expressed in letters on dmw of tie wrists and not neces- dmoef7lbe N"mAAv:rd9t: McTeague to get on with removing the GST, as he promised. He would be wise to leave the schools curricu- lum in the capable hands of the teach- ers. Marnee Stern Pickering Was he chairman, or chairman? To the editor: Re: Durham taxes increase $5 to maintain police service. Jim Witty, chairman of the Durham Police Services Board, has announced a $5 dollar tax increase to maintain police services. Is he announcing this as Regional chairman, police services chairman, or what? Who is he repre- senting? It is clearly not the taxpayer! There could be a lot of good done with the millions spent by Durham Region on policing. To make the most of it, we would have to start at the top. You don't prune the roots to get a tree to blossom and produce fruit. And, should we blame someone else? We never elected Jim Witty to be Regional chairman. He cannot be expected to show leadership he's inca- pable of. We can be faulted for not demanding the right to have politicians accountable to taxpayers. Maybe we've got what we deserve. Donald G. Young ...... Ajax Blake Purdy Opinion • Caution, thief: floor slippery when wet Who needs Mel Gibson when we have Bravehearts right in our very own backyard'' Br-avehearts like the Ajax man and his buddies who, on their way to a recent fishing trip, ventured into Ace Milk in town for smokes, a necessity for any outing in the fresh air of the wilderness. When a gunman walked into the store to rob it, the Ace Venturers chased after the bandit, ignoring threats that he'd short them, and eventually nabbed him. Not quite the way I'd react if I was to witness a holdup. The store surveil- lance camera would show me cowering behind the biggest bag of Cheesies in the store and collapsing to the floor, which by tlx: time I hit it would be cov- ered by a puddle. I'd remain in a fetal position until a heavily -armed police SWAT learn arrived. There I'd stay until they .secured the premises and wrapped a 'Police Line Do Not Cross' ribbon around an entire downtown core. "Be careful, officers," I'd caution, "don't slip on the wet floor." I'm a firm believer in heeding the advice police issue every time a group of fishing buddies takes chase after a gunman tries to rob their cigarette store. "It's not worth risking your life for a few dollars." I'm in absolute agreement. OK, I'm also a complete chicken, a lily-livered wuss. It's nothing new; I've always been this way. I remember the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated and my mother picked me up after grade school to take me for an early '60s buzz cut. Along the way, she made a stop, leaving me alone in the family car with only my fears. "If they haven't caught the guy who shot the President, maybe he'll shoot me next," I shivered. In high school, I'd hide behind the tumbling mats hanging from the gym wall, my Keds cowering in the corner, until Bruno the phys. ed. teacher blew his whistle to signal the end of another 40 -minute period of sheer terror. It was the same story in college when it came time for the Television and Radio Arts class. "What if the instructor picks me today to go behind the microphone or, worse, in front of the camera?" Heck, why do you think I picked print journalism — becuz I tiles gud? And so here I am today, i print jour- nalist hiding behind a desk, praying the editor doesn't dispatch me to the next armed robbery in progress. "Purdy, it's your story. Grab an extra pen, take a roll of film from my drawer and don't forget your diapers." ;1 To respond to this column call nkmxn ee Injosource at 683-7040 and diol 5107 :�c r 't' THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, APRIL 6,1996 -PAGE 7 Get a head start on our lawn and garden needs. N& Hose nozzle 23" spring -braced rake Provides 5 wa'e'lng patterns. Metal/PVC construction for Provides great raking aiI P=?­`,­.durab,l,ty years of service Comfort -grip handle 59-3454-o An exceptional value from Canadian Tire 535553-5 3 -in -1 Super Blower/Vacuum Compact rotary spreader C,IIeCg,-,jlrheS and depoSi15 awe C�,. j0-^ 0-,e 21 - t -dam '� � - .. _ 0-S:£ -Cr'S.ruClion. Spreader can (extra) in one simple step. 60 Sate 5 SFn j ronv9rnently oca' ^andle. fio-3540-2 50' x 1/20 Rubber Hose Stays flexible in all weather conditions 59-3306-4 100'9-1/21 ewbber bom. 59-3397-0 Reg. 49.99 ... 34.99 Nutrient rich! Choose from cattle or sheep manure. 20kg bag. The choice for healthy plants! W22534r22w4 Garant garden shovels - Tempered steel hollow -back blade. Choose long handle, 59-0604-4 or short handle with D -grip, 59.6806-6 Garden gloves 1. Split -leather style. 59-2860-2 2. Cotton-v*V W211394 BlueGrass seed For a beauhtu usr green lawn! ikg bag. 59-0392-2 Canadian Tire r 1300 Kingston Rd. 260 Kingston Rd. I at Liverpool at Westney ��---_ 839-8017 683-8473 Mon. -Fri. 8:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Mon. -Fri. 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Sat 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Sat 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. t Sun. 10 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. CLOSED apt►1111 � a.� _ - - mcmr Y 199 Topsoil 39 s, EASTER SUNDAY Weed -free. Large 3o -titre bag. Stock up today! 5049-25-0 59-4525.0 SPRING Y L � CCar today I AR �r payft This !Iter '¢ rSER �..`� DolNrr installed parts to an — 3� € :; Np �wrt For 90 Centre and Auto x. For 90 Del r 0"r$100 ort , 9 tires) .. '< Lube, oil & filter < Check be1LJJhoses =� Your can�;� Tire Aiugold motor oil < Check all lamps r on .99"_ g,° °Ay car nowEoos� E ` Cany �- < Rotate tires �.w {.Check shocks & CV boots �� Your Ca„Pay 1`10 �n'lake no t b�so�Y►nertt, Top up fluid * ; Sertr;� Card. Asti at vRdaWe °r' t F_< Check exhaust ;i -� * most cars & "°r COmPlete details. Custorner Ex Check brakes � Z, light trucks 1300 Kingston Kingston Rd. at Liverpool CLOSED µ • at Westney f EASTER , x Aon. -FN. 7:90 sin. -9:00 p,g #: Aon. -Fri. 7:00 a.m-9:00 p.m 7~30 am.-6:on pan SUNDAY sat7:00 ain.-6:00 pan- -5 m •00p.m SaA0pmSun. 9.00 amSun. 10 am -5.0 5 w&.v'.�'y�l."i'S^.L^.9if al.d.. __ _. .-r:Y`+71FiG6TF.�rP76'�:2AF.5 .a.. :..':i'1:.. ..afY S$11CrT`t;t1} n, -•^ • _. ,... .. ..... --v • muco-ri4evu CATITRDAV_ APRIL. h. 1996 P SUNDAY, APRIL 7 CONCERT: The Bayfair Baptist Church choir presents the Easter cantata He Loved Me With A Cross at 6:30 p.m. at the the church, 817 Kingston Rd., Pickering. 839-4621. MONDAY, APRIL 8 CANCER: The Living With Cancer support group for adults, family and friends meets from 7 to 9 p.m. in Room 6013 of the Ajax -Pickering General Hospital, Harwood Ave. and Clements Rd. E. Enter through the new wing and take the elevator down one floor. 686-1516. TUESDAY, APRIL 9 AQUARIUM: The Durham Region Aquarium Society meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria of R.S. McLaughlin Collegiate, 570 Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa. Jody Ghianni will speak on angelfish genetics and rearing. 831-0940 (Ty), 987-3412 (Jim). BONSAI: The Matsuyama Bonsai Society meets from 7 to 9 p.m. at Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa. Open to all interested in bonsai. 432-3613, 723-1722. HORTICULTURE: The Pickering Horticultur- al Society meets at 8 p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 35 Church St. N. in Pickering Vil- lage. John Kee, president of the - Canadian Hosta Society, discuss- es hostas and shade -loving plants. Visitors welcome. Meetings usually include a flower show. Membership S10 per year. 839- '7600. SENIORS: The Tuesday Morning Senior Citi- zens' Friendship Discussion Group meets at 9:30 a.m. at the Senior Citizens' Friendship Centre. 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. Herbalist Diane Tait will speak on herbs and their use. 619-0315 (Betty). EPILEPSY: Epilepsy Durham Region meets at 7:30 p.m. at R)t) Colborne St. W.. Oshawa. Psy- chologist Dr. Barry Brooker will speak. Every- one welcome. 666-9926. BREAST-FEEDING: The Ajax -Pickering Gen- eral Hospital Breast -Feeding Support Group meets every Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The group provides support for families in their efforts to learn more about breast-feeding. No registration required. 428-5202. FINGERPRINTING: The Durham Region Chapter of Child Fuld Ontario will hold a free fingerprinting clinic from 5 to 8 pm. at St Mon- ica Catholic School, 275 Twyn Rivers Dr., Pick- ering. Streetproofmg information also provided. 686-3181. ADOPTION: Parent Finders, a non-profit self - .help group that provides support and search guidance to all members of the adoption commu- :nity, meets at the Albert Street United Church, Oshawa, at 7:30 p.m. 404-9151 (Sandy), 986- 0645 (Rik, Linda). WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 ORCHESTRA: The Pickering Phil- harmonic Orchestra begins rehearsals at Gandatsetiagon Public School, 1868 Parkside Dr., Pickering, at 7:30 p.m. The orchestra is preparing for its May 11 concert. Commu- nity musicians, particulm- ly strings, are invited to join. The orchestra plays user-friendly arrangements of favorite classics and some pops. 430-1617 (Lorin Saunders). ALCOHOL: Adult Chil- dren of Alcoholics, Ajax -Pickering Chapter, meets every Wednesday at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 35 Church St., N., Pickering Village, at 7:30 p.m. No charge. New members -welcome. 416-593-5147. THURSDAY, APRIL 11 NEWCOMERS: The Pickering -Ajax Newcomers Club meets the second CJI � ♦ • 4t�4�y•-...t{�{ • • • ♦ .. ,. ....�� Thursday of each month at 8 p.m. at Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St. N. It's for women living in the area three years or less. 619- 8070 (Lorraine). TENNIS: The Glendale Tennis Club holds reg- istration at the Pickering Recreation Complex (second floor), 1867 Valley Farm Rd., from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Representatives from different leagues, lessons, junior and senior groups will be on hand to answer tennis questions. 839-1734 (Mary Cook). COMPUTERS: The Durham PC Users's Club meets from 7 to 10 pm. at the CAW Hall, 1425 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa. Presentation on local Internet providers. Call 723-3179 --� (Allan), 623-2787 (Linda) for more information. FRIDAY, APRIL 12 THEATRE: The Pickering Players presents Bus Stop by William Inge April 12, 13, 19, 20, 26 and 27 at Dunbarton-Fairport United Church, 1066 Dunbarton Rd., Pickering. Curtain time is 8 p.m. for all performances. 420-2507. SATURDAY, APRIL 13 TENNIS: The Dunmoore Tennis Club's registra- tion is at the Dunmoore Tennis Courts at Dun- moore Park, south end of Whites Road, Picker- ing, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 839-9832 (Mark Reid). TENNIS: The Glendale Tennis Club holds reg- istration at the Pickering Recreation Complex (second floor), 1867 Valley Farm Rd., from 7:30 to 9 pm. Representatives from different leagues. lessons, junior and senior groups will be on hand to answer tennis questions. 839-1734 (Mary Cook). SCOUTS: The 1st Port of OWASCO Sea Scouts and Ventures holds a rummage sale from 9:30 a.m. to 2 pm. at St. Bernadette's Church, comer of Harwood Ave. and Bayly St., Ajax. To donate any items. call 427-7477 (John) or 427-1409 (George). GARAGE? SALE: St. Paul's United Church. 65 Kings Cres.. Ajax holds a garage and rummage sale from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Donations accepted April 12 from 7 to 9 p.m. 683-4740. List it in Billboard: Send your non-profit group's list of events to the News Advertiser at 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 or fax us at 683-7363. DURHAM 1! O=R"ID TAM=* 53-1234.5 0 • FAST SERVICE • COURTEOUS DRIVERS 9 0 Parcel Delivery Airj.�ort Service • IRVING A. BURTON LIMITED Trustee in Bankruptcy THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR INITIAL CONSULTATION - CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT PICKEW SMISM � �p 1550 KIIGSTON M.40 KING ST. WEST (SURE 210) 10T KENT ST. (� � 9394%1 839.8981 8398981 WHY NOT MARATHON? CALL ALL RETIRED POLICE OFFICERS, FIREMEN AND OTHER RETIRED PROFESSIONAL DRIVER? We need volunteer drivers for 57 days, to be part of a 13 vehicle caravan, one starting in Victoria, BC and another from St. John's, NF, that will visit over 684 town, cities and villages as we raise the awareness of the abilities of people with physical disabilities. Starting on May 29th and ending in Toronto on July 24th, 11,000 people of all ages and abilities will carry a Torch of Hope all celebrating the abilities of people with physical disabilities. The marathon will be managed by Rotary Clubs across the country and by the end, will have raised millions of dollars for people with physical disabilities. We need you and your spouse/friend as a driving team to share this dream with us. There are places for individual drivers too. All expenses will be paid by the Royal LePage Why Not Marathon project. Please contact Jim Tough at 416-760-7351 or 1-800-590-5545. rWe provide Internet access. Call us at 683-5110 to find out how! S&CAR M P_'VJW :l 111012'JI"0111 Seals Here's our best roofing offer of the season! Save 10% on Installed Roof with 25 -years Shingles 'Complete warranty details at Sean Installed Enuy Doors Save 10%• Installed Vinyl Windows *Based on 4 openings (AU NOW, TOLL FREE, FOR A NO -OBLIGATION IN-HOME ES" MATE OR VISIT YOUR SEARS REL'AIL SPORE 1-800-625-0025 , Sears Guaranteed Home Lnpmymnents Talk to someone you know" Copyright 19%. Sears Canada Inc. . .. ..-. �, .. dJJii �:.al. a.yr'r.�,-♦Fi-.:. s'a.14.6•. ..• COMPANY CAR M 4111111110 J ETTA Only 12.000km, automatic, well equipped $15F4500 "World's Best ■ seffinq C Car. GOLF Automatic, power door locks, AM/FM cassette, alarm $13,900 :7 CAMPER/MINIVAN Automatic, sleeps four, good for driving & pleasure $29,900 OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC. An "1 CARE" and C.A.A. service award winner since 1972 Sales, service. easing, body shop, all makes n z 0 Rentals in Canada. U.S.A.. and Europe, overseas delivery Y 1425 Dundas St. East, Whitby X686-6410 or 1-800-263-2676 35 Mm�'� km TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR TRADE Downtown Toronto 1 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, APRIL 6,1996 -PAGE 9 Mena ause a natural approach p pp Menopause is a perfectly natural DONG QUAL commonly called phase in a woman's life cycle. the female ginseng, is used to treat a Nevertheless, many women in our wide range of female gynecological culture encounter problems associ- complaints. In addition to regulating ated with failing ovarian function. the menstrual cycle and quelling Among the troublesome symptoms painful cramps, it is also useful in experienced during menopause are alleviating hot flushes. hot flushes, osteoporosis,heart pal- BLUE COHOSH was used by pitations, dizziness, headaches, native Indians to aid labor, treat depression and vaginal dryness. irregular periods and cramps. Its As ovarian function declines and roots possess estrogenic activity and menstruation ceases, the adrenal contain glycosides which are glands produce a number of sex hor- r believed to be responsible for its manes to partially compensate for the uterine -stimulant activity. estrogen deficit. If the adrenals are BLESSED THISTLE is one of exhausted from stress, allergies, poor the oldest folk remedies for diet or emotional factors women may menopause. Herbalists use blessed experience extreme symptoms during thistle to treat migraines, suppress menopause and have a difficult time periods and resolve blood clots and coping with them. stop bleeding. It is also reputed to Good nutrition and moderate improve circulation and treat exercise are important for a prob- migraines. lem-free menopause and the inclu- SHEPHERD'S PURSE has been sion of nutrients and herbs will alle- papular sink; the middle ages in viate any symptom discomfort. The Europe. It stops bleeding, functions following herbs are very effective in as a diuretic and has uterine -con- normalizing estrogen levels and tracting abilities. i strengthening the female syst4em. BLACK COHOSH also used by WILD YAM is well known in mod- native Indians, reduces the pain and ern medicine. Drugs are manufac- inflammation of rheumatism and men- tured with yam -derived components strual cramps and facilitates labor and called diosgenin~ to relieve asthma, delivery. Modern research has con - arthritis, eczema, to regulate metabo- firmed the estrogenic, sedative and lism and control fertility. The synthet- anti-inflammatory activity of this plant. is products manufactured from diol- Further testing found it strengthens genies include human sex hormones, female reproductive organs. drugs to treat menopause, premen- Caring for your body% emotional strual svndrome, high blrxxf pressure and physical needs prior to and dur- and migraines. Wild yam contains ing menopause is vitally important naturally occurring progesterone to avoid the often debilitating symp- I which is the precursor hormone for toms of menopause. It need not be , cortisone, aldosterone and estrogen, feared. It is the beginning of a mar - all of which are depleted during velour new vista, free from the con - menopause:. cerns of pregnancy and child rearing. I GET HEALTHY THE NATURAL WAY WITH THESE ALL NATURAL REMEDIES Urinary ProblemspR0-MEN ? When men advance in age, they often develop urinary problems. Food supplements come in very handy in such moments. Pro -Men Formula contains: & Saw Palmetto & Stinging Nettie & Cranberry Extract & Gravel Root R6 Small Flowered R~ Pumpkin Seed Willow Extract Joint Pain? GELATINA Gelatin Drink Powder is made in Germany by the same people who make pure Silica Get. It is a highly purified ready to drink food protein supplement, derived from natural collagenous proteins and is hydrolyzed for nutritional purposes. Gelatina contains all 20 amino acids in a naturally balanced formulation. Gelatrrla provides a complete solution. " - M7-" , yai *.4 U Saw PalMftta `e'�alm�rJi i TO COMMON HEALTH PROBLEMS! WOMEN in change of life..... Are you experiencing hot flashes & other discomforts related to change of life? State of the art new herbal formula not only addresses these problems, but also provides you with plenty of energy to cope with stress and feel great. M.N.P. formula contains wild yam, dong quay, blue cohosh, black cohosh, blessed thistle and sheperd's purse. These ingredients are carefully balanced to provide you the best results. TRY M.N.P. TODAY & FEEL THE DIFFERENCE The Pure Amazing Silica Gel ym bodW w and fee! great with... Other forms of Silica are mostly horsetail - based in either a capsule or pill form. But Silica Get derived from quartz crystal is a "colloidal" preparation—a solution of extremely small, non -diffusible particles sus- pended in water and since the human body is a colloidal system, Silica Gel is absorbed faster and more completely. r1b1101B HE>M y BtRJC BARN , 435MANAOM AWE. ;14 PICI(At�iG suracem IM MUPOOt R& r i i PAGE 10 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1996 Ajx and Pickeringdame Dro In ina �',�; ... :�. 'S•. Ory � ,4�.... .. _ .. .. .. #: There are no more child- hood games for this young man. Angelo Difede became a teenager yvhcn he turned 13 on ;March 28. "He's the best son you could ask for. We love you.' say Mom and Dad. Birthday Birthday � I Birthday Aril 8 is - - I "We can't a special b e l i e v e .- day for Mackenzie J e s s i e .40, Im. Campbell Rabito. as celebrates ' she' I I turn his second �— I six. Wish- birthda � y on ins' her a I ► p A ril 6." ".cry happy , Best wishes L birthday. with big hugs from sister Larissa, and kisses, are Tito Ben, Mommy and Daddy. A big I Tita Sam, Jason, Krvsde, pan} is planned titr April 1.1 Alex and Bono. " Vc love with all of Mackcnzie's yl ou Bela." family in attendance_ I—Birthdav 11 Birthday On April Ed Fry 1 9. Kathryn _ will be 61 on Bean w III April 10. "We ' be three love you - years old . more and and happy more each *. (birthday i y e a r Lh e s Cramps Have a zrcat lots of __ birthda,." Hugs and kisses -to our ,ery special ! come from grandchildren come from Mommy Kyle, Amanda, Joshua, addy I Heidi and Bartlett. Birthday Birthday April 3 A swcct little girl was "a one- turned 16 on derful day.' \larch 26. for Connor Happy birth - Gregory I day wishes Rutledge •ulo out to because he , K r i s t i n turned one. M o r i a h Celebrating with him were from `tom, Mom, Dad. big sister Kate- Dad. sister Alexis and lvn. family and friends. i Grandma." -- Birthdays A pretty little girl is six on April 8. Happy birthday wish- es for Megan Moore come from Nana, Pops, Uncle Bill and Aunt Chris. And, Gary -i Munroe has a birthday on April 9. Wishing Gary all the best are wife Marg, Tina, Ray, Bill, Chris, Megan and Jessica. Birthday April 5 was a spe- cial day for S n a i l Phatale, as he celebrat- ed his sev- enth birthIN X - day. "Happy birthday big guy", say Mommy, Daddy and lots of friends. Birthday Saman- tha Sharp is a big girl. She turned - two on y March 23 with happy birthday wishes, love, hugs and kisses from brother Micheal, Mom and Dad. 1794 Liverpool Road Pickering 831-5431 THIS,C'FFK S (:AI:F WINNFRS OF I Joe bird 2. Omar Icahn i Peter Chard Winners mai yin dircuic to Ifa,km Robbin, to tc:etee thea FKFF ukc (Pk -j c ptoctdc identrtwauon) PRI7.F \ALIO I N nL SAT APRIL Ii.IYX "Our little princesses are growing up." Candice '.Marie Richardson turned one on Feb. 15 and Nicole Michelle was three on tilarch 7. Birthday wishes went out to "the loves of our lives" from Mommy. Daddy and Dudley. - Birthday April Is a time to celebrate in clic :dation home, as Bradley turned three on April 2 and his Daddv Jeff has his birthday on April 6. Special birthday wishes to Bradley Brum Mommy, Daddy, Samantha, Derek, Kelly, Bart, Vilma. and, in Korea, Aunt • 1 P ' H b • Dadd Birthday Birthday wish- es go to Memere I Jean Borynec. who's ,'IsItIng from Edmonton. and who cele - t; orated the bi", # AlFt ` day March 31. _. Best wishes. love. hugs and kisses from grand- daughter 'Pudden Face' Kathleen Johnson. Birthday No foohn�a, On April I Mary 'Alice i.a,.'�, Miller turned 75. Gord, Glen- da and Mered- f ith Leedle sent very happy birthday wishes to a 'great' Grandma. "Sec you at the party." Birthday Ashley and Troy wishr:d their Grandpa William Schuler a happy 70th birthday on April 1. Also send- ing along birthday greetings were wife Helen. daughter Heidi. sons Jan S. app} irthday �. Eric and Leif and son-in-law Todd. 45th Anniversary kland. ril 5 was a special day for ey and George Scholtens, as celebrated 45 years of wedded Tate couple were wed in Hol - Wishing thein all the best and for many more are daughters Dorothy and Rita, and .'your r -one pwdda*htu Dttt"e". Birthday Guess who's a teenager. Actual- ly, there are two -Babes" who have reached 13. Janine celebrated her birthday on March 5 and Erin will celebrate on April 10. Happy birth- day wishes from their families. Birthday "Nannie's little angel" turns 10 on April S. Spe- cial birthday wishes and love for Samantha 4,17 Ferguson'' come from M o m , R a n d y, brother Matt, Leah, Kelli, Nannie, Papa, dogs Ben and Rudy, and cats Buttons, Bows and Simba. Birthday Birthday B r i a n yr. Jessica 4 Jose Fer- Q�) Green turned �► nandes turns p seven years - four on April "` old on April 4. , 10. Best er Paul, sister Rachel and family_ J - Wishing her a x . - ---- -- wishes from Mommy and irth- happy birth- Mommy, Mommy, day and hopes Daddy and boy Daniel Flood for a great year were Mom, Tome. "We love you," his Dad and sisters Lindsay, family says. Emily and Brittaney. y keith gilligan Birthday "Our pride and joy turns three years old on April 8." Sending Carri- na Lo Bello "all - f our love and, best wishes for a very happy birthday" arc Mommy, Daddy, Granny, Dedo and Norma. J Birthday April I was it big day in the Bateman house because Ben • turned one. Wish- ing him a happy,.. birthday were Mommy, Daddy and sister Saman- tha. To mark the occasion, Ben trav- elled to Madoc to show Great - Grandma Daisy his new walking skills and then returned home for a party with a big dragon cake. Birthday i Let`s get down and dirty. Let's tell who turned 30." A It's Jodv Bulmer (nee McGill) who reached the mile- I stone on April 2. - Wishing Auntic Jody a happy birthday were Kyle, Amanda, Josh, Heidi, Sharimm, Joseph and Tavlor. Birth day greetings come from daughter Kelsey. "Happy birthday Mommy..' Birthday 1 yr. A cutie with a 4 great big smile turned three on �► April 1. Wishing p Samantha - Calvelli a happy ; birthday with lots of love were Mom, Dad, hroth- er Paul, sister Rachel and family_ J - Birthday - ---- -- Mommy and Daddy want to wish their special boy Daniel Flood a very happy first birthday. -Our big boy" turned one on April 4. Birthday April I was no joke for the Nobert family. Wishing Kar- ' lie a happy first;, birthday were Mommy, Daddy and sis Sarah. Also, birthday greetings go out to Papa and cousin Kristie. Birthday B r" a d Spiers is hav- ing another birthday. Brad will be sevenIII on April 8 and wishing him a happy birth- day are Mommy, Daddy, Michelle and Adam. Submit it to Keith Gilligan's weekly ...Send to: Name Dropping column. We'll publish Name Dropping your special occasion in an easy -to -read c/o Keith Gillt9 and easy -to -clip format... 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5. . , . . a Easter came early in Pickering Little Brittany Miller of Oshawa seems a little anx- ious about sitting on the Easter Bunny's lap at the Pickering Town Centre. The Heart and Stroke Foundation brought Heart Throb the Easter Bunny to the mall last weekend for pictures with the kids to help raise money to fight heart disease. photo by A.J. Groen LEARN TO TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR ASTHMA at AJAX/PICKERING HOSPITAL Thursday, April 18 Thursday, April 25 For more information or to Pre -Register call: THE LUNG ASSOCIATION Durham Region 436-1046 (r7/ EMu��i0* �_ FAMMY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY *Convenient Hours For Busy People *New Patients Always Welcome 428-0jl��8 i Y., T � ..�. T r DiSCOVI'lrj► Bay Cen t 871 Watotl lti. S (ae 1* s d a&*) AJAX Chartered FmancialPlanner I'' "A professional you can trust with a reputation for the highest quality personal service and integrity" • Mutual Funds • Highest G.I.C. Rate • Life Insurance Planning • Tax & Estate Planning Gall for a ,ONTO AR -REF, 428-991 / l I (wt.ult itioll r11F.NEWS,&DVFRT1%Fl; CiTURDAV. APItn.6, 19%_P%';E 11 Bird's the word I , at Pickering meeting ❑ Durham Avicultural Society invites you to get bird's eye view of, well, birds DURHAM -- You're invited to explore the wonderful world of birds Tuesday. The Durham Avicultural Society of Ontario meets the second Tues- day of every month (except July and August) at 7:30 p.m. at the Don Beer Arena, 940 Dillingham Rd., Pickering (off Brock Road south of Hwy. 401 and Bayiy Street). Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting. For more information on the Durham Avicultural Societv, call 416-284-4579 or 905-571-0594. Pickering library plants gardening interest in kids ❑ Kids learn to grow plants from seeds and cuttings in new library program PICKE:RING -- A spe- cial gardening program for children aged eight to 13 is being offered at the Pickering Central Library Thursday, April 18 at 7 P.m. Participants will learn how to grow plants from seeds and how to grow new plants from cuttings. The program will be led by Philip Gcbhardt. Tickets are $1 and are available now. Call to reserve your ticket at 931-6971, ext. 226. Women Indeed A Women's Resource Centre Sat. April 13 Presents 10 a.m - 5 p.m. Workshop topic: EMPOWER YOURSELF FOR SUCCESS Facilator• MAYLINN LUE PANN $99 Members $125 Non -Members 70 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 576-3805 :r ? 7511ft 1611 PaVWO Pose= ? 810 mag IwC mw } 8W RAM T 0 CO ROM diva } 16-W SWV Card ! Dual &Vdad spec m ik MPEG vrdeo ,114 4 vm 4z = nwasm card .> FM raW ww ;t SpeaW&hcm :t seven pagrtar some was Fut 2 Year rmrerul' 'iKkodkm- rr rra■•lf yrr.►awr w.•uea aa.-d+•w.s�rw•a� r...p+•rw..s�..rr+• asYr�tswwi BW5120IVIPC 1o�tium° s •mom BO Well 71. wr wea:goaaa v... a.nwasr d •s [agasn n.a.rr.w • • aarwaa 7D Hoaapra Cs. e. -r oo. � anE m.p.ron •4.+be.M.a.�aisa'OAG Vaa]{a�sw s. r.Yrwawes. sa.a.MP vasay0sa MODEL T COMPUTERS 131 Brock St. S. Whitby (905) 430-5615 TRADE-IN' and Reduce your upgrade costs SPECIAL Mufti -Media Bundle CMVW Pro&VW 4% system with 8 HtWN 4X W -Rom AIV00 sound card meg ram, 212 meg NK speakers, gropers err. dopedta and 1 VGA colour mod"', keyboard a mouse. outer title. =895.00 6169.00 - •3.5" HD DISKETTES - 10 PK. 03.76 -HITACHI 4X CD-ROM 060.00 •14.4 VOICE/FAX/MODEM 0".00 -DX4/100 WNLB M.B., 128K, CPU 02.20.00 •4M EDO MEMORY 72 PIN 006.00 CORRECTION In this week's Kmart flyer, the price for the Children's 2-6X Outerwear featured on page 3 should read 13.87-41.97, not 3.93-41.87 as stated. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Kmart Canada Limited Save the earth! Recycle! MONTESSORI Academic S«K cA-•� 6 - 10 years Sharpen volt child *s academic shills the )V10.%*77:S50RI u -aY. 509-5005 - Blaisdale \1ontessori SchooI - Pickering Campus only Flexible Noun. children new to ,tlontessori icelcome.' Practice the 3 R's Reduce Reuse Recycle. Please recycle this news -paper DURHAM DENTAL HEALTH MONTH Durham - Ontario Dental Society is pleased to announce a draw for IS 2 Pair of TORONTO ,ONTO AR BLUE JAYSWtiCLUB SEAT TICKETS e For the afternoon of Saturday, June 1 Visit your member Dentist to fill out a ballot during the month of April. MNG IT IS EASIER THAN YOU THINK. Taik fo wi i 6; . . . . . . . . .ONTARIO DENTAL ASSOCIATION . . '4t:E 12-TtiF N1 :N S :1D% ER'l-ISER SATt'RDAI', APRIL 6. 1496 11LM THE STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY!: • ROPER' MADE AND FIO�� MADE AND � SERVICED BY � SERYICEDBY MCI Iry 3 cycles t •DAIRY - • • • _ • 2 automatic COMPARTMENT ' cycles Aub dry •ENERGY SAVER 6.2 Cu. ft. - -- -- --_ � - i�.�-y. • 2 water levels (� h—_�---� ROLLER CART • Self clean lint Top mount I t 1F �J, �� 'I 'i WARRANTY �� ALL RANG YS • i Self balancing lint screen 10 Year on SPECIALL AppE� inner basket Including full compressor Sears its labour PRICED! ! • Single action manufacturer's T r -_n t (i jjl p I Y I agitator warranty on cooling system E KELVINATOR SPECIALLY PRICED _ - Including full �- ktLKRQtOiI' wrr�..=.■arlw• manufacturer's Rou 'i warranty ly 6 - T SOFA • CHAIR PALO DECOR RES OUBLE SIZE • • _SOFA BY DAY 9011111111 BED BY ' NIGHT ;71 PALLISER , CON'Ts'1101PPOIM d' OAK F �N, h t► - — GREAT VALUE INCLUDES• DRESSER BEAT -MIRROR • DOOR CHEST • HEADBOARD • 2 NIGHT LUE TABLES • BLEACHED OAK FINISH it • e s o W CA S E $1s V ALL 6 PIECES FA M-1 FINISH G ROOM PIECE i"h one O O Warranty ASM CNWIG Afn. uu F 3 YRS. PARTS & LABOUR P�E�CT�TA� R 100% LEATHER ,yvt • FAN.Y T PC. 1 COLOUR TRAKU U PLUS STEREO OVER 100 DIM • Master ROOMS AND touch DINETTES TO remote CHOOSE . 3 Pm* - FROM - I video monitor • Commerc skip • Channel wbe" 31" ftwing Alrea, THI( ALL 7 PIECES FROM •0A.11 oEN SUNDAYS 30-0000 II wehn 30 days from your date of purdese you hnd the denM1cal aem at respects and ft same terms and mn(MM for Yss money 0 any Adler rr WW. Best Choce quarmteea to beat the pyre or you purchase 6 he Community's help needed to find top Ajax citizen AJAX -- Nominations are being Home Week. Nominations close Friday, detail, the nominee's community sought for the top citizen in Ajax. May 10. All entries are confidential, but involvement. Call Cherry Sevigny, This is fie 10th year the Ajax Civic the nominee must agree to have their Mayor Steve Parish's executive assis- Award will be presented to someone mune put forward. tart, at 683-4550 for information or a who's made an outstanding and continu- Nominators should include, in full nomination form. oue voluntary contribution to the com- munity. All current and former residents of the town are eligible for the award, including people nominated in the past who didn't win. The contribution must have been voluntary, but it can be relat- ed to expertise an individual has through training, work experience or education. Past award winners are Betty Bujold in 1987, Dorothy Westney (1988), John Murray, (1989), Eileen Rackham (1990), Louise Johnson (1991), Jan Henderson (1992), Nancy Maxwell (1993), Joe Dickson (1994) and Joe THE NEWS ADVER•rISER SATURDAY. APRIL 6, l"6-PA(:r: 1 Nursery school hosts garage sale PICKERING -- A local Gingerbread Nursery nursery school is hosting a School hosts the event at the garaue and bake sale Sun- West Shore Community day, April 14. Centre. Call 420-9863. IF • TIME • QUALITY • GENTLE CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU WE ARE AV UL%Br.E To SERVE YOU WE WELCOME. NEW PATIEN-I'S WE f# PEOPLE, <)E >,I 1 A(- FS Atkinson (1995). _ _ , _. Neither elected 2+ rrOl K EMERGENCY SERVICE Town officials • • i liarv%cmA %vv. S.. Ajax. Ontario nor Town staff (South of rrw}'. YL) can serve on the ECK DEPOT LTD. selection commit- tee, whose mem- / bers are anony- mous. ALL STYLES OF WOOD FENCES 1 The civic CUSTOM DESIGNED DECKS award and the Ajax Recreation .Gazebo &Cabana ALLNOWFOR AAdvisory rrFRE Council• Timber Wall IN-HOME ESTIMATE awards will be • Chain Link (905)761 0628 - presented jointly •Modular Iron at the McLean . Renovation/Repair Work401 Bowes Rd. SHOWROOM Community Cen- . Deck Package Concord Ont. L4K 1J4 tre on June 12 OVER 15 YRS. EXPERIENCE during Ajax Specials valid Toes., April 1 t• Sat., Aprn t) Quality Fresh Cut Meats At Everyday Low Prices! Fresh Bone -In Roasts M12 US" 5~ Cube 17% Meats PNiftir rim � In1w Tooft ' �„�„,„�, "The Meat People" - ' W o Hwr. a O z t O r = i HWY 3Q7 `_ seniors with high quality care in warm and gracious surroundings wre yon hart s v� w.oss. ♦ Enjoy comfort, convenience & companionship ♦ Social activities ♦ Weekly housekeeping ♦ Ensuite bathrooms ♦ 24 hour supervision ♦ Personal laundry service Respite, convalescent and short-term stays available k, GE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAI'. APRIL 6, 1996 INSTAN coklm 200 g JAR 2,1 CAR LIMIT EgI 0 _, i�o Shop KNOB HILL for • SPRING CLEANING Supplies !OP BY BASKET & SAVE! S2 DEPOSIT ! , LE OR HALF GOA'M 'G. 3.95 kg GRADE "A" WASTING CHICKENS 2-4 LB. AVERAGE .IR kg s BIRD t-IMrr =aEs x Kials B B Prices in effect t F Mon. Apr 8%96 b)AY. - /0 1 0 0_ Sat Apr 13 �9s Y ti 1' iAZ' S ASS^.-: ^ COOKIESPIMIDMGS HUNTS SNACK PACK �v C GE OF s MCCOAMCKS CRACMERS 1-29--: •Ch1YPt(i1'E •CQ/uiRv FMpNE$T ndw ••O•MMts DEW t2 LMESOM BV DIXIE VALUE D,_ RC Scull• MAL�� d OE W aO_ Inl�rr wom - �� �mtmtr .o � NOYR= •°L i= s� MST �?? .I Dwla.s 9 W NOYN>s ���•- /�/�� 7r - �� r uEE5110IE BLw � ?1"1 iaMn d M b"dv^ •• IMUI� wr�r - �m Mfl v ; N R=M'ry � � HWY4mL WOODBINE �M N MWY) ��� �� � r I2 wI Yz 1 wNt d BROCK RD NO"OM Ma Mao �� t - Q IIYYr AI h 01 �Oa NO••R! t lie ' #15H 110 .y 40I CMAr sw� 2s" µ�wumTON d �� - I� H" . 1 SFAMAMr CARIAW AVE am - wpm OERRARO E � 0.r � Sl 439 k9 LB. 1' • FROM ONTARIO PACKERS • CUT FROM CANADA A / AA GRADES BEEF THE (YEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, APRIL 6,1996 -PAGE 15 3.28 k PALMOUVE • IRISH SPRING STAINAWAY STAIN BAR SOAP REMOVER o 1 • BOX OF 216 N lb k4199 2 LIMIT E µ� G�1 7 G I�N�/V READY �� jEfiVj SOUPS Boz . IN EA 02 HUGGIES • RP uuL,L UPNS I-- 9-17S EA. • CMUMM MN BIS Sao C BOX r------------ - -----� 1 S� 1 D S1� G -_! L—==°=E== -- _ r----------- GENERAL^�cEA— — — — — — — G01 -ADEN . 1 1 1 1 X60 y sox L__O���x'�'°--- Al ASSORTED CHATEAU BRAND � i 1 -1 Sm- PIECES 8 STEMS _R GE 5LL JUG --=====$1 W EA------===-- 2 LIMIT SAUCE MP CLEAN • SPIC 8 SPAN A CUANM MUSHROOMS �4VGE 2.69. 800 r�L BTL EA 172 mL BTL. EA. 284 mTIN L LB. c WVFP �°F 9-w+a�iSS��c WQUC- OF W ADA �ELLC �6..'" VE M*OZE c in NEVEP cLg.OZ�EtN � N/nRA^PPKDT7�9OW 1111 SAL'ED SH-. WSJ rla7il. C B. 2186. 7 69 k • r ZB kEEF LI ER PALMOUVE • IRISH SPRING STAINAWAY STAIN BAR SOAP REMOVER o 1 • BOX OF 216 N lb k4199 2 LIMIT E µ� G�1 7 G I�N�/V READY �� jEfiVj SOUPS Boz . IN EA 02 HUGGIES • RP uuL,L UPNS I-- 9-17S EA. • CMUMM MN BIS Sao C BOX r------------ - -----� 1 S� 1 D S1� G -_! L—==°=E== -- _ r----------- GENERAL^�cEA— — — — — — — G01 -ADEN . 1 1 1 1 X60 y sox L__O���x'�'°--- •2 L BCTTLE • ALL 'dARIETIES -CASE 0= 23 x 355 mL TINS D M • )RVILLE MICROWAVABLE POPCO&N 2 570 q FAMILY SIZE BOX • 68 WASH LOAD LARGE 10 L BOX FABRIC •Ox SOKENER ,o `® PKG�OF 44S50S v w r IVORY SNOW fl TIDE UOUID DElUtGUff • 6 L REG • 1 45 L LICM EA. 1.45 L BTL • PRODUCT OF U S A GRADE CALIFORNIA :1 • •,. 1 1 1 PRODUCT OF u a •= C. Jc F xA _� 11 b ---------- --- YA ' • • •• �� 1 1 -yr1�1� • ANA�;a 1 r• � \1 J FROM THE 'ROPICS FROM THE ROPICS CELLO WRAPPED A �T COCONLJ'I�S�-199 Lam, L�./1PGE SIZE 15,2.'q LBO willA. 11 I • • JF Srur.G-_^,r.•=YEA= 'IC A^ �1 r•p IJP 1D4 p low• 1 1 1 • • j PRL�DUCT -i' '�, •F LIAR -, P, ------------ III. M-aE" pCt •PUNA �4 i•H�1MBiJRGII;. � i 1 -1 Sm- _R GE 5LL JUG --=====$1 W EA------===-- 2 LIMIT —J MP CLEAN • SPIC 8 SPAN A CUANM �4VGE 2.69. 800 r�L BTL EA W,XDF: 4r •2 L BCTTLE • ALL 'dARIETIES -CASE 0= 23 x 355 mL TINS D M • )RVILLE MICROWAVABLE POPCO&N 2 570 q FAMILY SIZE BOX • 68 WASH LOAD LARGE 10 L BOX FABRIC •Ox SOKENER ,o `® PKG�OF 44S50S v w r IVORY SNOW fl TIDE UOUID DElUtGUff • 6 L REG • 1 45 L LICM EA. 1.45 L BTL • PRODUCT OF U S A GRADE CALIFORNIA :1 • •,. 1 1 1 PRODUCT OF u a •= C. Jc F xA _� 11 b ---------- --- YA ' • • •• �� 1 1 -yr1�1� • ANA�;a 1 r• � \1 J FROM THE 'ROPICS FROM THE ROPICS CELLO WRAPPED A �T COCONLJ'I�S�-199 Lam, L�./1PGE SIZE 15,2.'q LBO willA. 11 I • • JF Srur.G-_^,r.•=YEA= 'IC A^ �1 r•p IJP 1D4 p low• 1 1 1 • • j PRL�DUCT -i' '�, •F LIAR -, P, ------------ III. M-aE" pCt •PUNA �4 i•H�1MBiJRGII;. � i 1 -1 Sm- --=====$1 W EA------===-- -- —J PRICES IN EFFECT FROM MON. APR 1 TO SATURDAY MW%U wE RESERVE RE RMI TO LMIQLLWTFMS PAGE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, APRII, 6.19% ANNANDALE ` GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB � d V, 0&4/4 MIXED RECREATIONAL Asummer of For info. call Mike fun stars. Ata Z7/ 428-07_ 7 �ekl�• 'M SPORTS Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. Headed for the hoop Bayview Heights Bears' Vasil Kitoski drives for the basket past a Whitby West Lynde player during the Durham Elementary Athletic Association inter- mediate boys' basketball championships at Durham College Tuesday night. More than 1,000 spectators watched as the defending champion Bayview Heights squad of Pickering was upended by West Lynde 35-33 in the final. photo by Ron Pietroniro Ajax, Pickering gymnasts shine at provincial qualifier AJAX-PICKERING — Three arca gymnasts per- formed well at the Second Provincial Qualifier at the Winstonette Gymnastics Club in Unionville recently. Melissa Ramsey, of Ajax, placed third overall in the junior 2 category. She placed first on vault, third on bars, third on floor and fifth on beam. Meanwhile, A s h l e y Fawcett, also of Ajax, finished fourth overall at the same level. She was sixtIf on vault and bars, and third on beam and floor. In the pre - novice I catego- ry, Tara Columbus, of Pickering, placed fifth on beam, seventh on bars, seventh on floor and ninth on vault for ,J„Dth place pvcrall. All three train at Gemini Gymnastics in a0shaiva. CL ARKE HENNING IPIC- r6 TRUSTEES a MOLM1CY CONSULUNTS Af OSHAWA 1(> (905) '3K-9404 MORMNUsI11F MALL iScmA%9Wi (41(x) 283-8140 SCARBOROUGH W or MP) --(416) '50-1Xi20 TORONTO (tAw Sy, LRT ( 41(i) 36.; A? I IiRA14PTON(emtmm4" io&9eemsl--(905) 455-5705 ST CATHF.RINF_(905) 688-3181 .C�aadscaiircirg %irC. • Lawn Maintenance Estates • Condos " Commercial & Residential • Rock Gardens Interlocking Stones • Retaining Walls Landscaping & Pruning Authorized Unlock Contractor 839-5349 P Wanted: Leaf Tickets Good seats are needed for Leaf games. Will pay face value. Call 579-4400 Ext. 2207 (Tor. Line 798-7672). Pickering ringette intermediates chasing national championship D First town team to get a shot at Canadian title PICKERING — The Pickering intermediate AA' ringette team may be in the medal rotund at the Canadian Ringette Championships in Gloucester, near Ottawa. The Pickering squad had played four games by press deadline in round-robin action at the eight -team national championship. posting a record of three wins and one loss. Pickering was in third place in the standings behind Gloucester and Alberta who were tied for top spot with identical 4-0 records. The top three teams after round-robin play advance to the playoffs. The local intermediates played two games Thursday against first -place Alberta and Saskatchewan and finished round-robin action against Nova Scotia on Friday morning.Results of the games weren't av iil- able at (tress time. Serni-final action was slated for Friday night, with the championship final set for Saturday morning. The Pickering squad defeated Quebec 5-3 in the first game, then suffered an 8-1 loss to Gloucester in the second contest. Pickering rebounded to defeat Manitoba 7-5 in the third game and British Columbia 5-3 in the fourth tilt. Teams competing in the Canadian Ringette Championships are Nova Scotia, B.C., Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Quebec, Gloucester , Ontario's representative, and Pickering which, oddly enough, is classified as the host team of the national tournament. The Pickering intermedi- ates are the first team from Pickering ever to qualify for the national champi- onships. Pickering gained a berth in the nationals after finish- ing second behind Gloucester at the Provincial Ringette Championships in nowem n 1 e Casino Dreams Poker'� ' ' ' presents rr Charity Casino WWAY TUESDAY WEDIIEWAY APRIL 8 APRIL 9 APRL 10 �► NOON M 4 P.Y. AT NN ON THE CREEK 16251161 tWy Trail, WW HE (ftm 601, "ke Meadowlrale sou lb to old _ .._ Kirgsbn Raw. on old K.gatm PA& to Trail, south an Yilit ry Trail Black ALL PROCEEDS TO: EPILEPSY ONTARIO eladdl Lic. 1 P961140 FOR POKER RESERVATION CALL 1416720.22 11 PORTHoPE AVAILABLE 18 HOLE COURSE MEMBERSHIPS (inckWes 112 hr. lesson with Bob Keyes) 7 day unrestricted $25 + GST I GREEN FEES 5 day before 1 p.m. =550 + GST excludes SS & Hol. Weekdays I50 fl9p0 5 day after 1 p.m. '465 + GST Weekends s1 7°°200° excludes SS & Hol. (Incl.. G.S.T.) Call for More Details or Tee Off Times Ono Slit March M 14800.346-5361 or 1-905-885.64879 hoin -82 VICTORIA STREET SOUTH a PORT HOPE Cambridge last month. Team members are Kathleen McCarthy, Jennifer Holbrook, Cathy Larmer, Colleen Rourke, Stacy Fertile, Erin Rourke, Jennifer McCarthy, Diane Bailey, Joanne McCarthy, Karen Berger, Mary -Jo McCarthy, Mary Ann Gage, Connie Harriers and coach Neil McCarthy. -Pickering rhythmic A [ gymnast wins medals at high-calibre meet PICKERING — A Pickering rhythmic gymnast earned the overall bronze medal at a high-calilbre com- petition in Toronto last weekend. Kathy Traitsis, 17, finished third overall at the Eliten Ontario Championships which brought together the top 'rhythmic gymnasts from across the province. Traitsis also captured two silver and bronze apparatus medals and helped Sport Seneca's senior group win the overall team championship. Traitsis is currently ranked fourth in Canada. She's also a veteran of international competition having par- ticipated in the Pan Ams, Four Continents and '94 »1JVorld Championships. Akw <r Thunderbird GOLF SCHOOL Presented by.. THE VIC CASSIS GOLF ACADEMY - Complete Golf Education - Close Supervision by Vic Cassis CPGA Teaching Professional - For every level of golfer Orientation Sundays May 51 2 p.m. Caii 686-1121 for more details. Aprii ISnn=3j: �$������pl If You Wish To Advertise on this Feature call Billy (416) 798-7672 Ext. 2394 1 — — — BlIUFFI.ERS, I Brakes, 11 l Suspension j 1 and steering. 1 1 11 I 1 BRAKES 8C EXHAUST 1 $ OFF21 S ou.�e� i 1 Receive $85 OFF your total 1 1 brake or exhaust invoice 1 1 (with this coupon) 1 1 Call for an appointment 1 686-3707 ; 1 1650 Kingston Rd. W. 1 I (next to Knob Hill Farms) 1 -------------- PPF' AL pEUSCIL CforGrand 195 WESTNEY RD. S.AJAX,ONT. (905) 427-6796 10 MINUTE OIL CHANGE cal"strol Recommended oil change every 3 months or 5,000 km Spring Car Care Specials MY OL CHUM PKQ OIL CHANGE PACKAGES INCLUDE - Warranty approved oil filter - Up to 5 litres of Oil - 21 point -Labouri EXIPMES JUNE 30M CANNOT COMBINE COUPON WITH AM OTHER OL CHANIM 10OFF° t��VVICCME Olt �t>SERVICE TRANSMISSION SERVICE INCLUDES Oil pan gasket - Warrarlty approved oil filter FUELrINJECTION SERVICE INCLUDES Parts a tabour EXPNIIIES JUNE 30196 CANNOT COMBINE COUPON WTTN ANY OTHERTRANSMISSION COUPON IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE ON -THIS FEATURE CALL BIUY (416) 798-7672 EXT. 2304 . . . . . _ . 6 1 1 . . . . . THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, APRIL 6,1996 -PAGE 17 If You Have Automotive Problems Call: YOUR PR-OFESSIONALS THIS WEEKS OND SH��F • •� SPECIAL v OTIVE R. S. AUTOMOTIVE 111110SAW eompletetmerior K.S. Automotive specializes in caterilig to hr;gb pee. i►►mallce vehicicc:. vacuum, Shampoo '" '•• Owiter, Reg Schmitz, started this business because he loves high Deodorizing pe r/ipr►naiice vehicles. I/is ou»t car, a /982 Cimiaro, is lavished with the caryet: a wee P� v Inquire and till !J� About our l'iucl (?fcare he (pjjen each of .his ctrstomc rc. �NtNG it D� a) Com�WeteD \ i FREE Knowing the clijjicitllies of jittclitt/; just the right parts for the o/cler Owing and �'- ���'�_� PICK-UP & vebiclec, Rev toil! take lbe time to search jipr the hest ori,gincrl part or the 4) Dressing Kcbaning �-�DELIVERY most suitable currew replacemew. 5) Door Jams cleared and Degreased A high per/iprmcutce trine -tip is a itecessity to keep roar (.'amaro. s) Tedwtrite watt Clearing and OUR C.'orvette, or :Ylttstang riimtotg at its hest. K..S. Ataomolive is cture►ttly Dressing SUCCESS ruputipt , a fit ►te-tt p special which irrchiclec a tc r market a ttalitr prochicts >7 Exterior Hard Wash IS THROUGH � I / •/ � l I and Chrome Dried like 17ty'lor igiiitimi ivires, A'(;K pltt,gs. cap a)tcl rotor /or only $/64 ,)() It, DetailedEKeriorl CUSTOMER boo jctc torr, vehicles the sat,iiiAs are jttst as ,good with et 4 c vhlicler ttnte- Intenof "rn0oSATISFACTION Cbmi "J tip at $120.00 to a►t 8 cyli►icler fur $160.00. h complete Trunir Vacuuming 10) Etc., Etc., Etc. fast as imp(,rtant etre oil chcut,ges. For $19.95. K.S. Atitomotive trill _ DIAMOND SHINE M WOW" South UnitA R 9Ois 619-2899 THREE BEARS lJ'TO BODY "ONE OF AJAX'S LARGEST AUTO BODY o & COLLISION SHOPS "Serving The Durham Region" Free Estimates Complete Collision Specialist & Refinishing To Cars & Trucks Frame Straightening Rust Repairs • Insurance Claims 2011 TV DRAW March 31st Winew for ilree estimate t Zg"alawTV Upcomi�hxk draw ie Td Jon BRIAN Burr Whitby evayew he ,i�ehia.:th aMeM. lIitNT #208, 282 MONARCH AVE., AJAX (905) 619-2327 • r r • Summer is near and your interior is u mess. Our shtun/xxii and exterior ptplish for Uur SpK7b4;0;8tftW will mike ytwr car Upcomi�hxk and jeel like new Td Jon +�rs115oo f�Ml VA a 1tt11pli SPRING S SUMMER TUNE-UP I 4 cya. 6 cyl. 112000 :140°° ft.cv. ftv WMes 8 cyl. =1600° sun lulE., u1Rr w, Alae cxtc pic tort► c ►r,,rrrc tfe 11 it" a lube/ori apt" utstattattott o/ a heir /•resat oil filter avid tip S litres apj*Qttaker State or IitIvolim, oil. Whether roar rehicle is your prick, ctttcl joy or Itis! a meauts cp/ traptslxprtatiopt. a spring cleaning caul ac%1 year,, to its use. It""utter tvreal(s havoc opt capjx-ts, itpholcten% amt paint. A lhoroirgh iutemAr apicl exterior cleartiptg fur $1/i.00 trill trach the c.[/i,cts of trimer urinal' anal ,gine }'apt! a car that loo LN shotrroom Pteic. !rack ctttcl vcut cicamptl;s are aratlable jtr $30.00 more. Older can can bertcfit especially from one of Reig's specictltr treatments. Over the yeah, a cars atu-/ace clear coca cpf pctiptt caps becopne cloudy aml irr(-t:idar t/sirt,g a slpecial rrtbhir{g contlxptuul apul high gitalilylxdish Ka;g cirm often brrpiup the opigmal shme of most paint jobs. Ile trill also fix mirror sttrface rust for a sprm.Eg time c%al of only $G 5.1X1 Gall 68 i-4778 aucl make apt appoinlmew to take aclrcuaugc• of Rt' g a enthttsia ipt arta/ curd fi,r your s/x c hat! car. Proud to Sor?r IbiMECHAIVIC SHOP THRWff me "Honesty, Perfection S Ave. Customer Satisfaction" Ajax, Ont. Ria bk Prices — — "SPRING I Bumper I SPECIALS" 110? Bumpet�l Inspection, =Q --- . I I PLUS: Lube, oil 1 �,,..UB E I I and finer change,rotate tires and also ( t� fluids. !FILTER This special good fill E*m June 30OV96 vaadrnduty wars a des. A I Honesty, Is��...• The Best Policy! Apr PAGE 18 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1996 Buy one week, get the 2nd free! Call us for details l�ssified' 905) Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.' Monday to Friday to I�INTORONTO9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday • LINE or fax your ad ciaring,on residents Applies to Articles For 798-7672 (905) 579-2238 Sale and Vehicles For sail only CLASSIFIED Fentitlriang TH NOTICES INTERNET ADDRESS. your baby's arrival +G Y� � 4 a gift certificate $ +GST Htt :IIwwW.dUrhamneWS.netMMM u to $25 worth�� aby products. I ' Careers 1 1 Careers MOO Careers 1 1 Careers 1 1 Careers 1 1 Careers 1 1 Careers I Training I T a CarerM, Let Diamond Management Institute provide all your computer training needs... MICROSOFT is WORD Y: - EXCEL • POWERPOINT -ACCESS NOVELL - NETWARE NETWORK SUPPORT TRAINING DIPLOMA PROGRAMS DAY AND EVENING PROGRAMS AVAILABLE CONTACT OUR CAREER ADVISOR TODAYM TELEPHONE (905) 4271922 DIAMOND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE 95 Bayly St. West, Suite No. 404 Ajax, Ontario L1 S 7K8 If. IIH10 oft Get Started! • AN Syslsrrls Technorogy • Programmer Analyst • Computenzed Accounting • Network Specialist (CNE -3) • Computer Maintenance Technology • Office Adrmnrstrabun -_ Financial assistance available to than who quality Scarborough OSha1Na 416) 291-6662 1-800-993-9993 325 Milner Avenue 560 King Street West F0 ee! CD COLLEGE e...� ro. ro o. rurv.e OF BUS/NESS & TECHNOLOGY LAW OFFICE POSITION: Full time, solicitor's secretary. ESSENTIAL: Strong experience in Real Estate and Wordperfect. PREFERRED: Experience in commercial lending, security recovery and corporate. Our office environment is busy, friendly and smoke- free. Please send or deliver resume to: Kitchen, Kitchen, Simeson & McFarlane Attention: R. J. Kitchen, PO BX 428, 86 Sirrr-oe St. S. Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 71_5 WANT TO OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS BUT DON'T HAVE THE $$$? Mature? Self -motivated? You might be the person for our fast growing financial services company. We train. CALL KELLY (905) 427-2763 1 Gsterwal P PAYCHEQUES • WORK FROM HM UNDIATELY • EXPERIABSOLIENY NO REQUIRED • NO SELLING Ca Nc,, 2- HRS 110 110 416-72.1-3.120 requires CLASS AZ TEAM DRIVERS 2 yrs. exp.; I.C.C. Medical, Police Clearance, Clean abstract, Full/Part time. Call Ranby 430-2204 who want to tart smaking money intoe dustily, are needed in Oshawa based Adwrtisirg Co. Mrs. C*m 728.4897 A JOBSI Now hiring! $10-$25. per hour N poslla►s, both WW and urt- skiNed. Excellent pay/ benefds. Cal 1(504) 429.9229 Ext. 479A14 1 General Help CERTIFIED reflexologist. InddogeSt. yoga wWructor. Reg. Massage Therapat or aftematrve health protes- sronal to pmt new natural therapy ckrdc. Can for Inter- view 905.721-0363 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser requests that advertisers check thesr Ne �Adverl r not be responsible for more than One incrofret I insertion and these shah be no kabiYly for noninserlon of any adrer- ksemeriL Uab icy for er- rors in ads is kntiled b Nle XWW pad for the space occupying the arra: All copy is subject 12 Nle W proval of tnarlagement of News Adveslser. EARN $627twook from homill tight Assembly. mail. kMX typing, klmhs. ow Ger- ranNed, merVwomen. (416) ho 635.2701 Code 6 (24 uts). ESTNETICIAMS, tui time/ part tame, flexible hours, sales abiNy. Call 666-6126. EXPERIENCED hairstyl- ist and nod technician wanted for new Salon in DuAwrn Centre. Ajax. Good or (ages. Call 7B6i438-2530 assemble our products Easy Work. No Four FREE eilstieta sexy. S.A.S.ME.ettoFl" Star pri 1tMlliwrpoolENdNdl, $iib221.1 Pickefig, ons., L1V 6W TRANS I CANADA TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING ONE ON ONE PRIVATE A7JDZ REGISTERED AIRBR.-t,KE • DANGEROUS GOODS P.D.LC. - LO(i BOOK • BORDER TAY DEDt:(7nBLE • No GST/ PST 2-1 HR.17 DAYS PER WEEK FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY BE AVAILABLE 905-428-94-'5 1(800)347-8803 1 General General Hein IM, Help NO LAYOFFS!! Dry goods di%tnbutor new to O%haws has 30-40 openings to all areas of business. Including Sales/ Marketing, inventory control, pick-up/delivery, entry level Management. Call Michelle (905)728-0115 TELEMARKETER and appantment booker re- Quwod for day and evening efvh Experience Is a must S7 $11/hr . bonuses Cao 438.1540 for an wiler- vow FULL / PART TIME Travel Agents for busy Afax office tArt 3 yrs. exp . Sa- tre trained. pleasant work - mg emnranent Fax Atten- tion All 905.619-2016. or call 905-619-23012 for apps FULL-timsupart-time bus - person 8 lotchen help. Ap- ply in person 49 Old King- ston ingstun Rd. Ajax. GIRLS WANTED FROM ONTARIO. between 6 - 19. to compete in this year's 1996 Toronto Pageants. Over s20.000 in prizes and scholarships. call today 1- 600-367-2125 ext. 240 HAUISTYLIST required, part time. some exp. neces- sary. Phone Strands, 666- 0550. LOOKIIID for ood Puler able Peoo- ple to do conte instaMafio t of as PC models. Must cave a good working knowledge of Www and related software as wei as modem operations. # this applies to you plesse send resume to: Fuwre Kids aces. 401 Kingston PAL Piickr- aring L/V1A3 or ewwA CmattdenOaecwn ret MOVIE PEOPLE. Twon- to's Lastest growing agency seeks extras for film and TV work, all types. ro a*. req. Earn S7-SM.80/1hr. Work quarrhMW. We plea pill pie on movie sets ovary day. Call Jonathan (416)961-2226. SHIRT PRESSERS, wralely 25 hr. per wk, mgmmg hours, (905)_50W -9M DEMONSTRATORS for trade shows required. Start ExperienceExperiencePaWred out person - sky, must be able to travel. Aye not irnportant. Contact Larry for immediate inter- view (905) 434-7199 any. time. Pickering Part time 61' vol positions available immediately. Col ecliom Officer 9AM - 3PM Inside Sales IPM-5:15PM Previous experience regained. Hourly rate commensexole with experience. Please call: Jm"" Teak 343-9106 T1'18 SALOWSPA requires c«tF had Hairstylist, Eseleboan, Nail TaeMiciin. For Wft view WESll:lw CANAoi► a", a Ian Valley, that glen Vile an help you lea r 1,000 employers. I ails. sero a sell I sed stamped emik CA*V T DEPT X1 ausbec, Ot. GIN 4TI Exponenicied in Maintana oe moaning. Fire safety and Searity, WHIMS training, pamwfg, ger www, snow removal, aft. Live-in position, salary and benefits. Re- sume's Only New Hope Non -Profit (Swellings (Durr. ham) Inc. 139 Mary Strait. North, Oshawa, Ontario LIG 7x1 or fax (905)404- 2547 NO PHONE CALLS Will be taken. Closing date 1My 0lOthose mresumes anes 996. that will be issued an liner.. view will be conumbd ILVNERia EXPERIENCED LEGAL Real Estate Secretary rs- quired. Ability to work inde- pendently under pressure. Must possess excellent computer skills, knowledge of W.P. 6.1 Windows and Conveyancer an asset. Submit resume including Salary Expectations and availability to : P.O. Box 26002, 206 King St. E. Oshawa, Ontario. L 1 H 1 C IF you are married. single single parent. divorced or separated or divorced or if you are over 45 and were recently laid off, you may quality for Financial Assis- tance. DIP/CERT programs available- Quark. Illustrator, Photo Shop, Director, Premier. Access. Accpac, Aulocad. C.«. Visual Basic, I)rix. Novell Engineer, Windows N.T., Small Talk. Power Point. Word. Excel, Durham Business Comput- er College. 427-3010 n t SalesiieifP1 Sales Help/ Skilled Skilled Daycare Agent Agent IM Help EM Help Wanted Require a principal Distributer / Sales person For a new weekly publication in Durham Region. Previous experience an asset. Reply to: File # 9607 Oshawa This Week P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, Ont., L1 H 71-5 IWI HctP 1 A� Skilled 9rits Help MAKE EXTRA MONEY! Sell Avon products where you live or work. e biting beauty home Call: Pauline Naulls (905)427-4689 EXPERIENCED R.Y. salesperson required im- mediately sell the number one folding trader...Cole- man. Full time seasonal Position, April - October. Salary plus commission Send brief resume to: Sun- ray RV Sales. 157 Baldwin So. Brooklm, Ontario LOB ICO INSTRUCTOR CLASS AZ requircd jmme(liately fk,r Ajax arca. Must have OSL certificate or 11DR: and air brakes. Fax resume to 905-428-3659 TRANS CANADA TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING ImHospitall ttedicaUDental LIVE -in Caregfver needed for 2 yr and 5 yr old, flexi- ble hours. 7 days week English speaking and Ta- galog preferred Please leave message at 905-420- 9802 PICKERING area, live -out caregiver with car required for 9 month and 3-1/2 year old, permanent part-time. rlexible hours, non-smoker. eferences 831-2460 RELIABLE CARING care giver needed for two school aged children, must be close to E B. Phan Public School, Altona and Shepherd, non smoker and references preferred Flexr ble start date, If interested please call Joanne. 509- 3734 or weekdays (416) 412-5528 'HospitaU MedcallDental • Daycare Available REGISTERED PHYSIOTHERAPIST Part-time position available immediately in well-equipped Pickering private clinic. Phone or fax resume: tel: (905)420-0647 fax: (905)420-2907 DAYCARE in my home. RN. early days. late even- �ngs, part-time/full-time. starting at newboms, non- smoking, all -you -can -eat. oving environment Refer- ences upon request, re. ceipts given Alax area. 905-427-8114. IN MY HOME RN mother wit" extensive exp From Neo Natal ICU nursery. :edatncs. to Emergency _are. Newborn 3 up Non smok ng, happy environ- -lent 420-7152 6013 mail] � =0*��i 111k r E C T O R Y 683-7363 Fax News AdvertiserK3=0707683 7363 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, APRII, 6,19% -PAGE 19 DaycareDaycare Articles Available • Available FMI For -Sale INFANTS -12 YEARS OLD In caring, safe, fun home environment. Licensed by M.C.S.S. Reasonable rates Receipts, flexible hours. Call DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAYCARE ' Employment Articles Wanted for Sale CARPENTER. Expen- enced looking for full-time work Own muck and tools References available Call Jeff (905)436-79% Firewood M ROKA LUMBER d FIREWOOD CENTRE 4'x8'x12. $60.00 4'X8'X16' $65.00 ESTABLISHED 1963 Days 705277.3381 Evenings 9054346665 Free Delivery To Oshawa Area SKIDS 3 Paliers to, fire- wr,A hardwood 8 softwood mixed, pre cut or broken. delivery available. Large 6 small loads. Limited time otter call (905)430-9013 2 INDY 500 TICKETS May 26. Terrace Tower Seating $250/pair. 404-8703 6 MONTH old slate 4 x 8 pool table $1000, freezer 15 cu S150. 20' colour TV sears model 5100, battery operated car $100 723- 9881 8 PIECE, solid walnut dining room suite. $775. 5 ^ce antique bedroom suite $575. antique tall boy dresser SI75. 2 - 26' color t v..s $100 each. 1-20' col- or t v 575.6 dressers S45 - 5130 each. 3 Pc. sectional sofa 5425. Queen size bed sofa $295. 4 recliners $35 $75 each, loveseat S85. 2 coffee tables S65 each. 3 armchairs S65 each. 2 of- fice desks $75 each. 4 set of kitchen tables and chairs S50 - $175. waterbed frame black lacquer 6 drawers. $100. 3 fudges $65-585 and $115. maple school desk S30 697-3532 ABOVE -GROUND pool. 18 to great condition, in. cludes all accessories, unique liner 52000 or best offer Must remove yourself Call 905-6830978 ALL BERMA TEAK wall unit, coffee table. 2 end to bies. chesterfield. chair. call 9am to 1 pm. 723-0938 APARTMENT !edge. Nor- dic track walk fq. Kenmore dehumidifier, 21 h Prowler trailer on lakefront, for more information call 433-8193 after 6 p m APPLIANCES FOR SALE Beaumark fridge 8 stove. almond. $800 060 Ken- more freezer, almond $150 Kenmore washer 8 dryer. white S650 080 All good corvli0on Call 905.665-7494 ART! Limited Editions Trisha Romance Elizabeth Berry, Brent Townsend. Professionally framed. dou- ble matted Must Sell. $130 905-725-3899 CARPET 3 rooml price includes 35 yards cl ;ar. pet. premium pad. and instal- lation Sal 905-432-2750 Carpet Broker, 100%, Nylon, rh,ck, plush stain re- sistant carpet For 3 rooms. only $369 00 Price in- cludes 30 Sq. yds carpet. deluxe pad and installation in your home Free quota- tion n your home No n- terest. no payment for one full year. Daniel. 1-800- 217-0104 IM, rnprolrerlterKs I 1ClnlllfltS 1 • • Painting dr • Moving 3 reM Gardening b • Gardenjng 8 e Business i ro i ' nlprovernertts • ' ' I"Wovelrlerlts • Decorating • Storage Landscaping • � � Lands • • _ rrt9 Services 'MISTER CHEAP'.Home mprovernents,rec roorrxt,in Law apartments. additions, fences, docks. etc. Lr- :0riSed for over 20 years. III work guaranteed. for 'ree estimate eau Emla 305-404-8170 Mr. Brush For Home or Business Improvements • RcaovP • Additions • Pltrm win New &Courteous • .24 hr. • Frac Estimates (905)497-1950 AJAX FENCE, custom wood fences 8 decks. chain-link, dog runs, wrought -iron. repairs to ex. sting fences. Calif 666- 4955 or 1-606596-6160. IMPROVEMENTS ants, apt., addifiorp Ithrooms b kitchens Iramic tiles, hardwoo )ors 8 stswcase, P-" walpaperlrlg, I- i PETER 683-4072 Pigr.(416)374.3638 WlROYVQ,>►�M Flec-room, 0w&4 Addiirons, eledrical, 15 yrs. Experian". Free estimates, Cal Mario (905) 6194663. teL (416) 5604669 • H Maytftnance Buid- ing repairs and ranovrarions electrical, plumbing. s•- ranrc tiles. carpentry. From small repairs to major ren- ovations. Fully gu@nmt •d, tree estimates. (905)668- 3300 DELZOTTO FENCING Decks, chain link, iron, doled holes, set posts. For Free Estimates Cal Steve (sosl sos-son Mobile (416)409- 6456 DISPOSAL RENCl TIONS Fences, Decks. Carpentry . roohrg, demoli- bons, clew outs. odd (obs. Dan 683.7009 DOORS W N 8x7 Steel Sectional Only,op43win installed M837-" DUCTWORK rates. Free estimates. Elec- trostatic air cwww Ors. hu- mtbtiers. Big, Small jobs. Call Paul 42e-om. EUROPEAN lila special- ist. Wil farlovate your balll- room. or .waft. as wed as floor Was. Good f•r- •rww" and satisfacom guaranteed. For free ssd- from tall D. Dykstra 725- 4913 FENCES i DECKS Want a CUSTOM DECK? Need a now FENCE? Let GOODFELLOW do it High Ouskly Wortcrlaffship, Guaranteed 2 yr. warranty. We also do Pod Cabras, Gazebos 8 Sheds. BOOK NOW for SPRING IN- STALLATIONS. For a FREE ESTIMATE call GOOOFELLOW FENCE 8 DECK (905)571-3145. col= RUCTION Interior and exterior repairs, renovations and construction. Fast and dean profession- al work guaranteed. Cra46 014.1913 HOME IMPROVE- MENTS - Additions. base- ment apartments. floor in- stanalrons. kitchen/bath- rooms. docks. fences. free estimates. Can Tom (905) 839-1333, or pager (416) 336-5957 J.S. ARMSTRONG DEV. INC. Specializing in custom homes, addi --. renovelixons. rec rooms and basement apartments- Res. denhal and commercial. Serving Durham Region for over 15 yin Free cortwha- tion. Call Jeff 905.42111- 5701. K.C. Aluminum Suing, soffit, eaves, fada, vinyl and ak rniflurn. Low, Ione Pte- Quality Workmanship Call Kevin at (905)1331-3194 LICENSED S70NEMASON nalural stone, fireplaces. caarrac til•, I terlock. renovafial• and drywat. Can TON 728-36" IIpROVEMENTS pithily Refile rwvia11 m sk= 1975 NO PROJECT TOO SMALL IGtdlers • BaSenlerMs ww dews • Doors Bathrooms • Etc. W5211 RENOVATIONS BY W.LEAVER Additions. second Stones. finstled bsmtS., bath - WIN, dudes. file 3 wood Boors. doors 8 windows. Wanin eed and fekable cau Wahw (905)428-2145 SIGON Construction Ltd.. serving Durham Region for 19 yrs AildNais. sundedis. Paco doors, windows. rec rooms. flagstone. free esti- metes 905.576-5760. TOMMY'S HOME IM• PROVEMENTS- carpentry. drywall. tlaserriert Ws.. rec room. painting and deco rating, ceramic tiles. CaN Tommy at (905)420-8105. e ' andytnan • MAN WITH 1n ton truck wdl do odd jobs. Few b rea- sonable prices. Call 571 - NOVA DESIGNTECH - Regular and Decorative Painting. Faux Finishes. Kidd rooms. murals. signs Resid•ritial b Commercial Can Cone 1.905-435- 9997 Pro Mra:Itr Pwfts flims 1965 Irlterfor/extenor p-w9,p penrg qualIN aemma wv no obkgason estineates tetelerlces at realest (905]619-9630 TMS PAINTING & DECOR herior ar.kE�„an xrtteio�rer��, European Wors* Fast, dean, tell" service. 420.0061 4730. • Moving a i ' 0 Plumbing • AJAX Mbvwig Systems - full AAA-UCENSED PLUMBER available. As your pkrribwg needs Cony" rorlwabons Guaranteed bMrest Priciest No job too smdlr Senior ryscaut. (905) 432-2913. ALVIN SAIEDAY PLUMB" licensed pkntber, no job loo smell. no job too big, free esti- niaft, - great prices. guar- anteed lovrest 905- 725- 2507. BEPaindntp i Decoraft ALL Pro Painting and Wallpapering, interior/exte- nor, stucco Call general repairs, top duality work. reasonable rates. lox seniors discount. 404- 9669. DRYWALL and painting, boarding, taping, texturing. renovations and repairs. Small jobs. 15 years ex - penance. Free estimates, Serving Durham and out of town area. Ken 434.4500. services. moves, apphenc• and piano spedalists. Flat raft or hourly. We row have hiened amp nft Now o•ering free boxes with move. Park and bad special. Starting at S99. and up. Call for information, 725-0005 or 427-0005. MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS r•I VA move anyli rg Coffers• Paciogirig stage and boxes mita ls. Sena i olid flaini 1 discards Free astnisal 571-0755 MICHALSKI MOVING - houses apa^L ents offices, appliances and piano sp•- cialists Senior and nW- month discounts Licensed. insured Free estimates Excellent service. Can 436- r795 ROWFlooring, • Carpeting CARPET Installations - 25 years experience, re - stretching, our speciality, Free estimates D 6 N Duncan. 987-17% or 987. 1800 ! &I*j House • Cleaning AFFORDABLE, reliable cleaning lady with exoen Once, ref avail, call Chns bins 905-831-9689 iBlY10E One Maid for your choice of cleaning Specializing in quality not quantity Insured & Bolded 905-ilii-OOt2 Saturday service available HARRY -0 -THE - MOVERS -Move big or • Yard small. lire price tfiwn air • Free estimates, seniors discount. start notice moves. rt�d • •b• KST GROUNDS1tEEP- appliances. Comparable •IG - town cuning. Spring rates. Cal 432-2850. 8 Fall dean ups, aerating. MIEN with large truck wit de-fieflof , kimrwg, gar - do household Roves. fita►• don work, savestrough dwil", comrarciel. Ail dew". Free gwota#w. types of moves. Call Cat or Cd Ralph, WwMwopon Janie 427.2856. 905127-5654 TREE MAINTENANCE dr REMOVA Also tree stump removal. AmKk 1•x DISCOUNT FOR SENIORS. AVOID SPRING RUSH cal[ Dave $31-'7055 TOP SOIL Iron, S'5 per yard. Cedar Muldi fro. 530 per yard Total property maintenance programs '-om $19 75/week Call GREEN THUMB 905786- 2150 or 1-800.7641058. • Party • SerViCeS MAGICIAN, clown friends, ready to entertain for any age. any occasion Birth- days. promotions. open- ings. fund raisers Magic shows are fun! Lettuce help 839-7057 or 728• 8334 r=•�- RABBITwants work doing 905-839 5349 magic for children's parties and all occassans. Have LAWNWWERs- Tune- my own magKw Call Er - up. al change. sharpen rue 668-4932 blade. only $35. . parts. FREE pick up/delivery i OshawalWhitby. NORTH STAR SMALL ENGINE • SHOP 905-728-2716. Laws, raml im 43241M -AWV (sPeci tky) 9 clean-ups - * Howl g, d krids of Tips, txrntI- attics sh, smd Voss P-H-P.S (post hales posts set) Post holes drilled, all concrete sup- plied , Sono tubes installed. Bobcat Services, available, Cedar 3 pressure treated lumber. AN work guar- anteed. Serving Durham for 12 years. 1-905-349-3636, 404-8036 (dial tone) 905- 349-wm Ted A Roy's Lam Mowing Down to Eare1 Prices. Free Est rineW We Trim, Prim b Prate - Edging, Hedge Trinunig, Fertilizing. (9W sale • 9 • Dn•clory RESUME BLUES I Ili :reate a 7argef Biography SON your skips You11 be amazed 5200 905.50- 5694 OFFinancial Directory FREE E -FILING refunds wthen 2 wks Get your re- turn prepared oy a profes- sional accountant Corpo- rate tax 3 business ac- counting services available Judy Kuksrs C G A 105420-2081 TAX PREPARATION, free Pickup delivery n Whitby and surrounding area Only 95 95 ;Personal return( Accuracy and conh- dentialay guararteed (9050 728-0238 • Prlol•ssional am mama +I 10th ANNIVERSARY wwe•wxrv-iwq•eA� Wallace, McBain A Associatres LW, , is pleased to announce their 10th AnniVCrSarY in Property ManageMenlL Wallace, McBain has managed condominiums, co-operatives, non- profit housing and commercial propettles for 10 years in the Durham, Scarborough, Toronto and Mississauga i areas. We have highlighted b wr just a few of our many professional Sen iCC& • Flexible Financial Services .s . • Complete Physical Management • Excellent Communication • Knowledgeable stats il For further information on our Professional services please call Jai 1-800-449-3545 �. i PAGE 20 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, APRIL 6. 1996 Articles Articles Garage/ Garage/ Arts & Arts 0 Arts 8 I I ApFa Real M1, A Ito FM For Sale I For Sale I Yard Sales 1 Yard Sales • 1 Crafts • 1 Crake • I Crafts CARPET MILL DIS- TRIBUTORS, 12 months No payments, No interest, (OAC) 3 rooms (30sq yds ) Installed with deluxe pad from only $399 Specials on Vinyl. Ceramic and Hardwood Flooring. Free Shop At Hoole 1-800-663- 6046. CARPET, Fallmgbrook, your home at discount pnc- es. Vinyl, stain resistant. Price Includes pad and ex - pan Installation. Call Nick at (%5)655-3519 CARPETS - lots of carpet. 100% nylon, new stain re- lease carpets on hand. I will carpet 3 rooms. $349 Price includes carpet, premium pad. expert installation. fast delivery. free estimates (30 yards) Norman 688-2314 COMPUTER - 486 DX. 450 Meg HD. 8 Meg Ram, SVGA colour, CD Rom package. S1125.655-5605 COMPUTER, 386 system. with 4 4`1eg memory. morit- tor, keyboard and printer, $495. Fax machine $169. Dot Lee printer $69 430-5615 COMPUTERS 396 sys- tem value package in- cludes 386 4 me ram. color monitor and new color printer $575 Other 386'5 (mon included) tram $175 486 DX2166 overdrives with Quad speed CO ram. sound camel and speakers plus color Ink let printer $1.099 Pentium 75's tram $1.199 IGS eland doves 8 M" ram etc. CD nom kill (with speakers) - quad speed 5189 - six speed (hex) 5279 Cbnnglon Computer 164 BaseMro Rd E Bowmanviee (just east of Ow Flying Dutchmen Hotel) DIMNG SUITE. Tho masvJie. Transitional Pe can black highlights. par- son leg table. curio pier cabrcet, server. 2 arm Chairs. 4 Side Chan. new condition. $5.000 or best ober 433-1733 DININGROOM. sold oak tattle. ounit 4 chairsteed roan -Bell double bed with rrrettreSS (4 Sets drawers), good condition. 686-8441 Afton 6 p m DUNCAN FIFE table 5350, herich provrcCral 3 PC set $225. 2 and tables. $60. sob . char $125 15 gallon hall tank a stand $40. TVs a dressers 263- 2191 DIAMOND RING. set. 64 Carat, pear . pks 12 bnll- ams. appraised 55.200. 00&AAA Set As" $1700 MW. 432.8919 FOR SALE DAT player - Panasonic Excellent Con- dition Hardy Used. 5700 O.B O Cal 905-721-2490 FRIDGES & slaves - var- iety. built-in dishwasher. upright freezer. apt sae freezer. 12 cu h Ireezer, beer fridges. Thomas organ werth rhymrnes. wood burning stove. washers 8 dryers, ask/glass coffee table. dark Pone coffee 8 end tables. bke/grey couch, chair. eaveseal, cream/bludrose daxh,&nase/glass coffee 14 end tables. round glass table wdh 4 svwval dors, soW oak teachers desk. secretary desklnarn, smY stereo cabinet, brass/glass oval ding table, 6 dusty rose chairs. 9 pc itilahroplry drug aunt, reaerrMe ped- estal table wph 4 chairs, double bed, 2 dressers. Weider cross trainer w/ suppar, 4 air OpndAOrMts. 436-0526. KEEP YOUR 8 mm is su- Pa sale on No iglrkty a ddoijAple R Video Transfer of & Ow best price wish mteie added no a** charge cal 905-725- 1001. MOFFAT full size fridge and stove (sett dean oven), 5 yrs. old, almond, like new. $700, for pair 839-0478 NEW and used filing cabi- nets from only 569 99 while quantities last drawer lateral cabinets starting from only $99.99 and up Quality new and used chairs from only $49.99 Steel desks $79.99. Speedy Office Centre 668-0800 Whitby. OAKMINE FURNITURE - Why pay retail prices't One of Ontario's oldest and lar- gest manufacturers Is now selling aired to the public. Eg. oak pedestal table and 4 chairs 5849. 7 ft double pedestal and 6 chairs $1499. carennonball beds tom $399. Over 20 stain choices, all solid. no veneers. Traditional Wood- working 905-985-8774. PIANO. Kimball . 10 years old. Best offer Please call atter 6 30 p.m. (905) 430- 2661 PIANO. Masson and Res& upright. in excellent condition. asking $1,400. or best offer. 666-3558 eve PIANOS - GRANDFA- THER CLOCKS Please excuse the messwe're renovating! New and used pianos Not sure? Rent to own. apt sae, upright. grand. digital. keyboards. NI 1995 merchandise re- duced! Telep Rano Works. 4331491 CRAFT i FLEA MARKET 3 day special clearance slae, Holliday Friday, Sat. b Sun. Save up to 90% on liquidations and recycled baWals. New stock every week. Start your own pan time business $451 weekend. Ins worth Ile drive to: 1910 Dundas SL E-, J2 kgMs east of TNckson Rd. Whitby) 66fi-5100 Computer Computer ffig Video 1 Video INTERNET SERVICE AVAILABLE Home and web page creation Hyper link and server storage. Call John Duarte at 579-4400 Articles 1 Wanted CASH to, most ledge. stove, washers. dryers. air conditioners. Well sell re- conditioned appliances Fastservice Call 24hrs. 430-2922 SCUBA equipment want- ed Need fins. mask, snorkel and possibly BCD b Octopus. Must be in ex- cellent condition and of re- cent design and premium quality 434-5780 _- POOL TABLE. with snook- UNWANTED Scrap metal er baits. asking 5200 In picked up. fudges. stoves, good condition Call 434- washers, dryers. cars. 7521 ask for Michell trucks. etc. Call (905)430- 9013 RARE FIND! Solid chary wood table and 6 Windsor dors by Pennsylvania House Table $1600 ywmsor cl M each. Cas Katherine 435-0639 FOR SALE . WASHERS . dryers, stoves. $175 and up 3 monisi warranty Re- pair servile sat rate Sm a up_ Wanted. ADpikiences working or not. frrdpes. stoves. washers dry- ers 905-438-1545. cover- ing Coumce to Pickering are SATELLITE DISH. Cheyenne IRD plus. re- 1car~ de scrarnbeler. $1050 or best ober. 905- 263-8617 or leave rres- SAW SHEDMAN - Quality balm style stied kin S' X 8. 6394 Plus tax. Many 00- lazes and styles *wadable Also garages and flecks For Mori rdo call 905 -619 - WANTED CAMERAS old china and glass, towel - 1". nrcroscopes. tow -OP-. binociulars and re - Loaded iesrre Clocks, watch- es. tumnture. anything old 432-1678 Pools, Spa EARLY BOLD SPECIAL 16 ■ 24 roctangular Kayak d poiriCtrrtleb docks 6 fenc- ing. 54.995 Meets local by- laws. 25yr were" 1-800- 668-7564 Pickenng/Alax. phone 416.7967509 SM, Be, clig BORDER toles. working or competition, regislered• wormed and Ist needles. ready to 90 996-1030 SHELTIE PUPPIES SOFA A Low Seat tot Male 6 lemrale. ready May sale. good condition. Ask- 1, first shots. no Dopers, ing SSWA mkst sea! Call $175 cal (905) 579 7450 with solid elemwas, both n ttxceNettd condition. 5550. DOC TRAINING CLASS - SOFT TOP TAN lir Jeep E$ staring Apr t5. Strait YJ Fits 1987-1995 $550 closes for mores rcbin0aal obo Sat motorcycle loam- a0ention. Ktau air Kane era. sae 42 plus matching Brookin.655-4871 hek art, red, black and 207 motor, 122,000krn, 2- wale. $450 obo. 985-7709 BARK control Collins. ratio akar 4 p.m fence systems 19K Sol_ stoves. Also con operated once OW Maentertance SHARP 27' FLAT $34 95 Avaiable at FAMI- SQUARE MONITOR, tele- LY PET FOODS 90S-509 vision. one gun tuba. MTS 3417 stereo decoder, on screen 6-7448Caut display. high resolution tube. salelite ready RENT TO OWN BY PHONE. Only $7.49Iwwek. Call 1.905- 571.1413 KENWOOD PROLOGIC HOME THEATER STEREO pkg. 5 speekos, dive cas- see.. 5 disk CD, amAm airi- er amp, stand RENT TO OWN BY PHONE. Only $16.66hreek. Call 1-905- 571-1413. FREE DELIV- ERY /SET UP. RCA 111' SATELLITE DISK 0940 soutdlpickers. remote, over 175 channels to dlooce from. RENT TO OWN BY PHONE. Only & STAY! "EXIIIIIIANNU THE OFFERENCE� AT K9 CONNEcnoms Dog Obfi fence eMalvale with StKxml!! Classes all levels FIFE 61t. 'A 3111 tainitp MW lot all new slxlertls Call Jon or Derne b 1-�06�7L1711 $8.884eek. Call 1-905- 571-1413. -AUMWATOMMY Armour 854's - I I f W $ala one year aid. 2 fire P.W. KEVAMTOR frost tree plus S.W. aid wedg♦ ACA - 1!q PONTIAC ACA lodge 19 cu s., legis rwge WO obo- Call 433-0440• DUN. 68 000 )aril. 4 door with solid elemwas, both n ttxceNettd condition. 5550. WASHERS, dryers. lodge. sub, 51400. centrad• 905 - Telephones (905) 839- store• new and ref o or t i- 72B0490 6278 condnio ed washer. . $175 184 Buick Riviera, gray. FULL SIZE so#cleaning w l up for recondilioned 207 motor, 122,000krn, 2- almond color, good range,oorrdaiort, dryers $175 and up for re eonQnioned fridges ad door. now paint, irrrnaeu- late condition, asking $600- (906) 420 stoves. Also con operated $4500 o.b.o. certify. 576 - glade, 4 appianoes. 5700+ washer anddryers. Ste- 4747 ask lir Fled, Serious KV8 STUFF - Oak crib. pftenson's Furniture and St.. inquiries only. high chair. DBL stromer, 6-7448Caut 4 19DODGE Aries, 4- dlrge tables (2), civ sellOshawa located, fridge. door, automatic, pies. Nb, (2), playpen. bike. trike, raw 1988 motor. new from ;sleds, loys. much more. As ArfiCiallf I brakes, safety 8 certified. Clears in axe. Gond. Also Wanted $1499. Call 905-697-1045. axrcj bilks, tardy used KITCHEN cupboards. ANTIOIlES Absolutely, set, double sinlk, itg fumture or an- izrnplele yf wg old Scientific irnstru- hood fan. ffidps 8 stove, in- mmjb, china, silver, adver- low railing, solid birch key. lays, decoys, do0s, bit* bed, kddwn table sal. milk bottles, coseemns or S7S4WAan. Cam @stems. Cam Hobert Bowen (905) 655-()049, -x-3861• � z 194 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME mint interior, great engine. needs body work S1000 certified. 9135 5765415 1985 5TH AVENUE, fully loaded, Va. asking Wow or best Mier. 432.3945 after 4 p.m. 1985 CADILLAC Fleetwood est offer 432-3107-_ V 1965 Cadillac Seville D'elegance. 13011 power everything including root. electronic dash, sympho- ny sound. black/grey. leather. brill. cellular. viper alarm, $6000 fine Sen- ous inquiries ordy. (905)420-5979 14x5 IRI'X' 72P metallic silver. 5 -speed. 109.000 km., mint condition, fully - loaded & will certify. Call 905-436-1515 1986 Pontiac Parisenne Brougham. Loaded. Very clean in and out. $2200. certified 985-3561 after 6 weekdays. weekend any- time 1987 FORD ESCORT hatchback. blue. as Is. 5500 or nearest offer after 5 p m 905-619-2478. 1907 PONTIAC 6000. 2 8 multi-mledion. $2800 cent - hal Call 420-5894. 1989 HYUNDAI EXCEL. 3 dr auto. 3-spd . 143.000 km. 5750 404-0682 1990 TRACKER CL. red, amvlm stereoicassette, sdt- top, new hard -top. Stan- dard, 114k, excellent con- dition. must sell 56500 cMlfied o.b.o 905-432- 3119 1991 Honda Civic, 96.000 Kim. 5 -speed, arrNm Cass Petar 434-7564 1991 STYLUS ISUZU. Red, low kms, well main- taned 5 speed 54999 con Looks 8 dines like new Must SMI 905-831-6004 or 4116-287-3644 everrrgs 1992 CHEV CAVALIER While 2 door. A/C. 56.00D kms. 1 driver. $6995 coo- hed OBD. Puce losel. 432 - FULLY LOADED 1993 Park Avenue. must sell. $16.000 or best offer (905) 263-2446 1964 Cavaher VL. 4 door. red, auto, air, ABS. P1. PIT. delay wipers. AM/FM cas- sone . 55,000 KA . $9700 cePofied. i -705-887.5729. 1995 PONTIAC Trans Am. V-8.350, Arctic Whits. T -roots. CD player. auto. loaded will ophons,Take over GM Discounted Lease $655/mo Over 3 years or bury out S27,900.Sum mor is corning! Cal Pete (905) 576-1616. 1917 NOVA (Carola) 4 dr. halal. 5 speed. one owner. heiverway driven. new brakes, sentieffen cassette stereo. Economical . erica - lent ncurg. weN main- tained, extra rims. $2500. certlisd. cal 905-725-0104 LEASE to own cars. 183- '86. ee veryoquaMiea. No credit Check. 570034 On, am Lid. 8867428. MCIMLLAN i WIFE Aub sales - 1989 Ford F150 wlirl 152 ken, $5,296., 1990 Striders ell 146 km, $4,995.. 1989 Club lsegon F250 Ford ciaan 12 passenger $5,495. 1989 Cariw. 4 cyl.. aulo naYc. 134 Ian, $6.496.. 1985 Cut - las Cnrtca wagon, 6 cyl., $2.695. spring Speclal. 1988 Pontiac 6000, ext. call. lar km, orgy 54.595. 1987 8200 p.u. low km, $4.495. 1986 Ford corwel sion van, exc. lir hovel only $4,495. 1987 Cadillac Seville. loaded. $5.995., 1986 Dodge Aries. clean, $1.895 cel. Many cars to choose from under $3,000 certified. McMillan d Wife Auto Sales. 200 Dundas St. w., Downtown Whitby, Whedby. Ontario. 666.3361 SPRING COUNTRY CRAFT SHOW Sun. April 14,10-3 Jubilee Pavilion in beautiful Lakeview Park, Simcoe St, South, Oshawa. Over 60- talented exhibitors featuring Durham's finest crafts. Info. 434-5531 1 1 Automobiks RIM, Auto Parts Apartments AJAX - CLIPPER APTS.- 2 & 3 bedrooms, broadloom, 2 applianc es, underground parking. 55 FALBY CRT. MON - FRI. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. (905) 683.6021 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED WHOTBY - BLUE WATER PAROL 1 & 2 bedroom suites, broadloom, 3 appliances. 101 KATHLEEN ST. W. Mon. - Fri. 9 - 5 (905) 571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED For Sale &Repairs T 1 For Rent LOWER apt of duplex s SECOND CHANCE FI- bedrooms walkout to yard NANCING, Discharged or not Bankrupts and oth! ars. 16 rs. exp -Over 700 cl ants' Easy Terms / Rea- sonable Rates 'New / Used Vehicles, Trustee Reconmended'Call Gary Wood ( anytime) 905-420- 9979 or 905-891-2447, 1020 Brock Rd S Picker ing T CLASS 'A' MECHANIC Licensed transmission specialist willing to do work at my home Great rates. all work fully guaranteed. Also body work d pant. Call Tony 571-0967 motorcycles JIMMY SAYS GE READY FOR SPRING' A MUST SEE! Oshawa. 2- Come and drive one d lois weeks Best Buys from our selection of quality vehi- cles. 1991 Olds Cutlass In formational $9850: 1906 Monte Cart SS. silver, $7450: 1984 Z29. $3950: 1984 Trans Am 54650: Many sprang specials to 3 bedroom main floor bun - fridge. stove. washer, dryer galow, parking, garage. $725/plus hydro, cable and fenced yard. appliances. telephone. Apr 15. Jarvis $750/mo. 12 ubldies, first( Lauder/Oshawa. 905-579- ast. 7239881. 3342 3BEDROOM apartment. private entrance/parking, Whitby. $825/month, utili- ties b appliances included. Available June 1. Call 430- 9684 1960 YAMAHA XS 1100 SPECIAL. only 15.000 original kms , shaft driven. complete with front terreng and Alpine stereo. Excellem shape. Great deal! $2000 as is o.b.o. Cal (905) 725.2383. bedroom apartment In 3 - unit contemporary building. LARGE NEW Whitby - ground level. t -bedroom, basement apartment. fire- place, full -bath, 8' ceiling, fridge. stove. no pets a non smokers. first 8 last asking $695 -1/2 utilities Avail- able Immediendy - TBA Call 905-430-7311. Clean. quef, secure. Laun- NO APRIL FOOL'S. 2bed- drg private yard. parking- room deal in dean and On bus route. $74phnonm inclusive. Isvlast referent- Duret 6-und building, central as. no pats. 668-1432 location. no rats. $645/mo. Please. Love rn&Ssage. all inclusive. Available im- mediately. Call now 576 - AJAX - at Lake la choose from. Ryan Auto r90 Sakes. 517 Brock S!. N. 1905 500 HONDA Inter- modern 2 bedroom base - 5887 Whitby. 666-0627 Pager ceptor under 10.000 km . ment apt . fireplace- air. NORTH Oshawa home M- 721-5959 like new Call 905-436- Doo). Laundryparking ca- fering large 2 bedrooms. with fireplace. Kitchen and 515 de, $750 inclusive May 1. full bath Irvingroomc in and cable. Available April house. $460 Per mo eve' NO SMOKING 686-4703 basement, or 1 bedroom Automobiles 571-5291 for information q' quiet cul de sac, Ere upsu'rs with tW1 use of 1 Wanted AUTOMOBILES and trucks wanted for scrap Any condition. any ape, hell rennoval in the Durham Region. cash pad. Also needed. '81 Chev Pickup Call anytime. Oshawa 431- 0407 CARS FOR CASH' We buy used vehicles Vent. Cities must be in running condition Cam 427-2415 Or cone to 479 Bary St East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES FCARS y's Scrap For Cars ao - S3JI00 on and Good used iiia can for your un - vehicles. Lers nything, arrCam us Ira ) 50)555846) 571-2155416) 375-0105 AP 6 USED S WANTED WANM DEAD OR ALIVE 'FREE' towing lir scrap, used or abandoned cars bucks 1h. pick-up, by l paid- up to $100 (416 MAIIII04 Trucks on, for sole 1977 GMC ShorWox, for parts. Rebuilt moor, new rear -end, new Aransmistion, all tltis yea. Best offer. Call after bpm 6865175 or 86- 7517. INSURANCE= Open 9 to 9 by appt. Monday to Satwday Motorcycle, Auto, and very competative. Property rales. Call Jones -Dooley Insurance Broker (905) 427-3595 AJAX ONE bedroom main floor. Shan kitchen basement apartment. Qkiket (2 others). Suit mature area. separate entrance.parkinertion" plus Avail adult Includes utilities, 1112 uttiilitie5es May I real negotiable May 1 683-0987 Mornings; 723-2111 AJAX I bedroom Dem) apt. AVAILABLE aaME- with fireplace. Kitchen and DIATELY, small one bed full bath. Includes utilities room in quiet apartment and cable. Available April house. $460 Per mo eve' 151h ISA- Plus relenmc- rything included Phone H. $750im o Cal Berry 571-5291 for information 40610 owmobiles 1966 Inoy 600, Lwrted Edition Showroom Iondk- bort. Must be seen Mint $2300 905-3561 atter 6 weekdays. Weekend any - "Te 19" SKIDOO stratus. excelent condition. low km. with double trader Asking $2200. Weekdays seer 6pm Cal 619-1262 • Marine For your used boat. We buy and sell boats. For pickup and delivery. Call Bill or Brian at 1M6 931-34,14 1 1 ApWbMft For. FAM WIfTBYADOWMA14- V1LLE 1 3 2 bedrooms wadwe imnedo*. Cant (416)-789-4145., or (905) sBs 7602 2 BEDROOM apratertl for rem. Dow nlowin Dstiawa. Brand new with balcony. $05. Call Carmen 723- 4176- w�ooa-rwo and vow" apporrmar4 AJAX, Bright clean two PICKERING. One bed- Dioroom condo, two bath- room basement apartment. rooms. master with an suite. 4 appliances. Central air. 5 appliances. air. freplace, hreplate. $650 nclusne. 5875 mo plus utlt4es No pets. IstAast. May 1st Available May Ist. (416) e39--OR63 283-8163 OSHAWA 2 bedroom apartment. available at SM and 900 Glen St Clow b schools. shopping and G.M- Utiblkes. included Firsvtiest required. Call 728- 4993 26 4993 FURNISHED - Alex new 1 -bedroom basement bachelor Private nlrntrance. Laundry, utilities. cable in - ducked Kitchenefte,/mt- crow*ve. near 4oi. Go. pudic transit 5575. (905)427-0293. after 6:00 AVAILABLE MAY 1, Single adult. no pets, ubin bee, parking. nc bale apt.. near civic. $475 month. 1 bedroom apt downtown. $520 month. 432-2705 BACHELOR basement, in Ajax. Harwood / Hwye2 area. Sep ,entrance, bright, dean, W/O. $500 mo. In - 83 duskve, non smoker 6 "15 BASEMENT APT for rent. north Oshawa. $450 aA n- clisive. Ist last. Available April W. 686-2216 BASEMENT bachelor 5500.00 all incisive. sols rion-smioiung Single. Avail- able May 1. South Ajax. parking and feurdry, nckee ed 903 7-71127 BRIGHT. new I -bedroom orb basanrK apannnerl in executive home. Kitchen, fsniy-room, vii d roan. A/ C. quiet ran -smoker. no Pets, $650.831-3165. CLEAN 2 -bedroom apart- ments. evalabb imne- d *. Close to dow darn. O.C. Starirtg at 5850. Cam 404.0805. DELUXE 3-bwoom apartments in was kept quiet budding. in Pon Perry. 15 min. north of Oshawa, balcony, wi81 siding doors, fill livirgroom, 1000 Sq. f. living space, 1 bath SM or 2 baths 5855 plus hydro. Cam 7211^2255 or 965-7349. GORGEOUS t BED- ROOM, bsrrnt,, apt. in Rouge area, sop. ant., Avail. to nature working person. No pets, no smoking, Call 905- 509-3043 GREAT Neighborhood - brighL spacious, newly decorated one bedroom basement apartment. Lots of privacy, own parking. $600, all inclusive. 905- 433-4157. HARWOOD/ Hwy. 2. brand new large bachelor, ful kitchen, 4 pc. bath, in- cludes laundry, parking, and cable, FlrsUast. Refer- ences. 5570. 619-8064. OSHAWA gnat one bedroom basement apart- ment. pus storage room. separate entrance. hre- plece, shared laundry. all in quiet neighbourhood. Har• mony/King area. $650 red. basic utilities. (905) 686- 7016. OSHAWA 2 bedroom, 5690 in apt building. In- cludes heat, hydro, ap- pliances. laundry on site. Convanierx to 401 and city bus routes. Available May. 433.0677. CLEAN tartwly building. Oshawa north. one, two a three bedroom. Includes: Heal, hydro, fridge, stove. Laundry faceda".723.2o94. OSHAWA two bedroom apartment, beshily decorat- ed, new carpet, elean, bright.quiet budding, utili- fees, parking Ind. laundry facilities. good location. wadable now. $685 mo. Cal now (905)683-6778. OSHAWA. BlooNPark Rd., May 1, 1 -bedroom apt maid Hoo. largo kitchen wedish- washorfireplace in living - room, hookup for washer 8 dryer, $725hnonth irnel sive, firsVlest required. 728-5382. OSHAWA, dose to CCM, newer building, 1, 2, 3- bedr00rrn aparbnents. 905- 4360M. OSHAWA - John - Center Skew. One bedroom apart - mem. available lAay V95, $6551100. prkg. and utl. incid. Laundry fadikbes available. Call (905) 432- 8914 PICKERING clean small one bedroom basement apartment, 4 PCs. bath, full kitchen, $550 per mo. duin- sive. No parking, 5 mo. Mass. (905)839-6711 PICKERING, Separate entrance Bright semi - basement furnished liv- ingroom and bedroom . Share kitchen, bathroom, laundry $400. Own trans- portation required. 427- Oo19 PICKERING I bedroom basement apartment, I room also. an Inclusive, apt: $650. lstnast. Room: $350. 1st/last- Hop to GO. (416) 347-9767. PICKERING. near Town Centre Bright bachelor apartment with swimming pod d air Non-smoker Available Immediately $550 Inclusive 905-831- 9766 or 416-505-6883. PORT UNIOW401, clean, bright 1 -bedroom base- ment in West Rouge, Laun- dry, cable. separate en- trance, non-smoker. $570 inclusive Call 416293- 8849 or 416-287-9492 OUIET Twyn Rivers (Pick- ering) - bright bachelor apartment, separate en- trance. parking. AIC, full bath, separate kitchen. F/S. no Pets. 1sfAast. an xlclu- swe 905-509-6120. SELF CONTAINED 1 bed bsmt apt with fire- place and separate en- trance Laundry and Cable included $575./mo . esu Last required Cant 420- 1736 available May 1. N. OSHAWA Srncoe/ Taunton at Russet Ave Newly renovated TWO 2 bedrooms in a 12 plex. laundry Lacks,". hard- wood floors. parking, Cable Inc . no Morse June 1 $696 plus hydro. May 1 $705 n- CIYStve. 576-2982 SOUTH Ajax, spoWss oversized 1 bedroom basement apartment, sep- arate !entrance. non- smokers. no pets $725 n- ckeol 1 sMast. references requred. Cal X5519 SOUTH OSHAWA. 275 Wentworth St W . large 1, 2. -bedrooms. close to bus- es. ovilade reP m odalely. S550. $650 a up , le d". stove. head. ny- dro, parking Ist required, last negotiable. no pHs. 434-5183 / 576-5142 bet- ween 9-6 THREE BEDROOM man floor 2 appliances, central vac. now 401. stares. Park rig. Istnast. $875 plus 12 a $1.000 inclusive Ali able l il- able May 728-6630 TWO BEDROOM apart - mere. east Oshawa, pinnate entrance, $675 per rno heat and hydro included. Available April 13, (905)7234012 THREE bedroom b. ri6r4CAeH C DaD- 190 GMC Safari work room baseent apart - van. erginne hes an *a Bartt rr dote b all anceniliss, 3010, replaced 1 yew aapgDo SGPW>w lateral". laundry WD sleprnsiort auto. 1.3L $3000 as is. 905-427.0216. IaelAes, rton-wm*w. no Pela.$600 Plus. Avalalble 1t May 1 Call 839-9827. PQ 4 M WIN 2 -BEDROOM apartment, IW height, lower, N. Whit - q' quiet cul de sac, Ere IM Gallic conversion glade, 4 appianoes. 5700+ van. 4 daplain's chins. one utillies. Available June 1st. bench seat. excellenl shape, $5,000. or beo8 st Phone er. Financing available. Showing ��- rd".9054L-J-7658. (905) 72S -65N 2 -BEDROOM apartment, located, fridge. oncentrally Trailers stove, $650.hydro. Avail- eWe May est. Call 434 - offer 2:30 per. BUY on lot or tow away, 213 bedroom apartments, 8 story building, dose to 1995 Citation 19 k. L Sport, M Lary. South GIII fully customized, sale be- plant plant Available cause of health reasons. 8-63 8 1. ly and Nov. 121i�328 1- 905-434 6774 7pm for appoinbtnent. w�ooa-rwo and vow" apporrmar4 AJAX, Bright clean two PICKERING. One bed- Dioroom condo, two bath- room basement apartment. rooms. master with an suite. 4 appliances. Central air. 5 appliances. air. freplace, hreplate. $650 nclusne. 5875 mo plus utlt4es No pets. IstAast. May 1st Available May Ist. (416) e39--OR63 283-8163 OSHAWA 2 bedroom apartment. available at SM and 900 Glen St Clow b schools. shopping and G.M- Utiblkes. included Firsvtiest required. Call 728- 4993 26 4993 FURNISHED - Alex new 1 -bedroom basement bachelor Private nlrntrance. Laundry, utilities. cable in - ducked Kitchenefte,/mt- crow*ve. near 4oi. Go. pudic transit 5575. (905)427-0293. after 6:00 AVAILABLE MAY 1, Single adult. no pets, ubin bee, parking. nc bale apt.. near civic. $475 month. 1 bedroom apt downtown. $520 month. 432-2705 BACHELOR basement, in Ajax. Harwood / Hwye2 area. Sep ,entrance, bright, dean, W/O. $500 mo. In - 83 duskve, non smoker 6 "15 BASEMENT APT for rent. north Oshawa. $450 aA n- clisive. Ist last. Available April W. 686-2216 BASEMENT bachelor 5500.00 all incisive. sols rion-smioiung Single. Avail- able May 1. South Ajax. parking and feurdry, nckee ed 903 7-71127 BRIGHT. new I -bedroom orb basanrK apannnerl in executive home. Kitchen, fsniy-room, vii d roan. A/ C. quiet ran -smoker. no Pets, $650.831-3165. CLEAN 2 -bedroom apart- ments. evalabb imne- d *. Close to dow darn. O.C. Starirtg at 5850. Cam 404.0805. DELUXE 3-bwoom apartments in was kept quiet budding. in Pon Perry. 15 min. north of Oshawa, balcony, wi81 siding doors, fill livirgroom, 1000 Sq. f. living space, 1 bath SM or 2 baths 5855 plus hydro. Cam 7211^2255 or 965-7349. GORGEOUS t BED- ROOM, bsrrnt,, apt. in Rouge area, sop. ant., Avail. to nature working person. No pets, no smoking, Call 905- 509-3043 GREAT Neighborhood - brighL spacious, newly decorated one bedroom basement apartment. Lots of privacy, own parking. $600, all inclusive. 905- 433-4157. HARWOOD/ Hwy. 2. brand new large bachelor, ful kitchen, 4 pc. bath, in- cludes laundry, parking, and cable, FlrsUast. Refer- ences. 5570. 619-8064. OSHAWA gnat one bedroom basement apart- ment. pus storage room. separate entrance. hre- plece, shared laundry. all in quiet neighbourhood. Har• mony/King area. $650 red. basic utilities. (905) 686- 7016. OSHAWA 2 bedroom, 5690 in apt building. In- cludes heat, hydro, ap- pliances. laundry on site. Convanierx to 401 and city bus routes. Available May. 433.0677. CLEAN tartwly building. Oshawa north. one, two a three bedroom. Includes: Heal, hydro, fridge, stove. Laundry faceda".723.2o94. OSHAWA two bedroom apartment, beshily decorat- ed, new carpet, elean, bright.quiet budding, utili- fees, parking Ind. laundry facilities. good location. wadable now. $685 mo. Cal now (905)683-6778. OSHAWA. BlooNPark Rd., May 1, 1 -bedroom apt maid Hoo. largo kitchen wedish- washorfireplace in living - room, hookup for washer 8 dryer, $725hnonth irnel sive, firsVlest required. 728-5382. OSHAWA, dose to CCM, newer building, 1, 2, 3- bedr00rrn aparbnents. 905- 4360M. OSHAWA - John - Center Skew. One bedroom apart - mem. available lAay V95, $6551100. prkg. and utl. incid. Laundry fadikbes available. Call (905) 432- 8914 PICKERING clean small one bedroom basement apartment, 4 PCs. bath, full kitchen, $550 per mo. duin- sive. No parking, 5 mo. Mass. (905)839-6711 PICKERING, Separate entrance Bright semi - basement furnished liv- ingroom and bedroom . Share kitchen, bathroom, laundry $400. Own trans- portation required. 427- Oo19 PICKERING I bedroom basement apartment, I room also. an Inclusive, apt: $650. lstnast. Room: $350. 1st/last- Hop to GO. (416) 347-9767. PICKERING. near Town Centre Bright bachelor apartment with swimming pod d air Non-smoker Available Immediately $550 Inclusive 905-831- 9766 or 416-505-6883. PORT UNIOW401, clean, bright 1 -bedroom base- ment in West Rouge, Laun- dry, cable. separate en- trance, non-smoker. $570 inclusive Call 416293- 8849 or 416-287-9492 OUIET Twyn Rivers (Pick- ering) - bright bachelor apartment, separate en- trance. parking. AIC, full bath, separate kitchen. F/S. no Pets. 1sfAast. an xlclu- swe 905-509-6120. SELF CONTAINED 1 bed bsmt apt with fire- place and separate en- trance Laundry and Cable included $575./mo . esu Last required Cant 420- 1736 available May 1. N. OSHAWA Srncoe/ Taunton at Russet Ave Newly renovated TWO 2 bedrooms in a 12 plex. laundry Lacks,". hard- wood floors. parking, Cable Inc . no Morse June 1 $696 plus hydro. May 1 $705 n- CIYStve. 576-2982 SOUTH Ajax, spoWss oversized 1 bedroom basement apartment, sep- arate !entrance. non- smokers. no pets $725 n- ckeol 1 sMast. references requred. Cal X5519 SOUTH OSHAWA. 275 Wentworth St W . large 1, 2. -bedrooms. close to bus- es. ovilade reP m odalely. S550. $650 a up , le d". stove. head. ny- dro, parking Ist required, last negotiable. no pHs. 434-5183 / 576-5142 bet- ween 9-6 THREE BEDROOM man floor 2 appliances, central vac. now 401. stares. Park rig. Istnast. $875 plus 12 a $1.000 inclusive Ali able l il- able May 728-6630 TWO BEDROOM apart - mere. east Oshawa, pinnate entrance, $675 per rno heat and hydro included. Available April 13, (905)7234012 THREE bedroom apt. Adelaide. GM north. in- cludes appliances, utddias, freshly painted, available imme"olly $650/mo. hrsh Iasi on bus route. 723- 4733 or 571-6552. W10BY-Spacious tollhouse style apt. ell 2 baths 3 bdnn.,AM + hydro avalable now 610226 WHITBY, 3 bedroom main fool. of duplex, cost 10 school, large fenced yard. perking, use M life dry. no pets, $850 per month inclusive. 432-2647. vial. May 1. WHY rent when you can own your own home for less than you Bonk?!I Call Dave Haylock Sales Rep. Re/klax Summed Realty (1991) Ltd. (905) 668.3800 or (905) 666.3211. Houses For Rent $1 - Absolute Affordable! Why Rent? Own your Flores from $799/month (utilities included) No Down pay- ment? Call Me!! Mark Sta. play Sales Rep Sutton Group Excel Realty 571- 6275 or 1 -B00.840 -W75. THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, APRIL 6,1996 -PAGE 21 nouses Ho I I Rooms F r Rent I I For Rom I I For�Rent I I uses T For ForRent EA I Town R MAnI For Rent EMI Alxgnodf�on I• I Rwd SpsCeI ri �� I•PA 1 AM,.Aure Aff,.d"' "no It1Ars TOU CANNOT AFFORD TO 1111M A HOUstti' Mortgage payments 3 -Br Semi $679/mth 3 -Br bungalow S789/mth 3 -Br Jr Exec. $969/mth Rent -to -Own Available No down psywud? Bed Credit? Banlstrpl? Coll fele! 571.6275 i-600-840-bs75 MARK STAPLEY S:dc% Hep Suulkn Gniup Excel Realty Inc. 1 ST CHOICE AFFORDABLE HOMES! WHY RENT? BUY! No down payment, No problem! Let me show you how! Mort. Pay. $700 O.A.C. Call Thomas C. Pike Sales Rep, Remax Accord Realty Ltd. 5763111 3400 SO. FT house in Courtice area available for rental- FirstAast, references required $1500/month. Please call Sunil or Harsha at 436-7381 or 242-2645. 17, STZESSEn AJAX, newly -renovated detached horse plus base- ment, ravine. fenced, 3+1. bedroom. lamilyAving room, fireplace, double ga- rage, a/c, appliances, near plaza, school. Nonl smokers. no pets $1150+ utilities 905-686-1152 3 BEDROOM house with garage, $1.000 inclusive. 2 bedroom house, oshawa. $725 plus utiltnes. Call 434-2407 BY Oshawa Shopping Centre. $684monthly plus utilities, 6 rooms (3 bed- rooms), modem upper du- plex. Eat -in kitchen, big front room Close to schools, fenced yard, pri- vate driveway. Appliances included Phone 905-728- 0079 leave message. N.E. OSHAWA, 3 bedroom semi. 1 1/2 baths. good area, near park. schools, bus. $895 plus, ref., no pets, May 1, 438-1178 OSHAWA , 3 BEDROOM, semi detached, close to 401, 1 1/2 baths, fenced yard, single garage, rear deck. avail. Junel, no pets. $900 plus utilities, first & last call Joe,905.839-3290 OSHAWA - 3 bedroom, detached house. close to Hospital and downtown. Available immediately, $800/month plus utilities. Call Abe 683-5117 or evenings 427-1637 OSHAWA Centre area. 4 - bedroom backspbt semi, garage. 1-1/2 baths, excel- lent condition, $995+ uhli- bes, firstilast, references, no pets. May 1. 434-5656. PICKERING, 4 bedroom, main floor, 4 appliances. shared laundry, close to 401, no pets. first / last, credit check. 5975. plus 2/3 utilities. 905-420-9171. PICKERING. 4 -bedroom. 2 1/2 -baths. main floor fam- ily, laundry room, $1150/ month. Also 2 -bedroom basement apartment, sep- arate entrance. available in same house. $750/month. 416-755-89911905-427-6296 3 BEDROOM townhouse Whitby/Oshawa boarder. Avail May 1. $900./mo + utilities. 1stAast. Fridge/ stove included. 683-6270 atter 6 pm. COURTICE - 3 bedrooms, dose to 401, June 16t. $1,000 plus utilities. Pets Okay after 5 p m, or wee- kends (416) 283-0647 or (905) 683-2852 KING & TOWNLINE Area available April 1 and May Ist Large 3 bdrm townhouses, neutral decor. 4 appl., 1 1/2 baths. base- ment & garage 5895 + util. Phone 721-8213. Evening and weekend ap- pointments available PICKERING. mall area. spotless 3 -bedroom, w/o basement, large eat -no kitchen, garage. $1095 monthly. Available imme- diately Call Joan 905-831- 7677 leave message. SPACIOUS 3 bedroom townhouse, in well maid lained family complex. Incudes all utilities. 4 ap- pliances, parking, close to schools and all amenities. 122 Colborne St. E. Oshawa For appt. 434-3972 :T"@T:z ;ftbff-, WHY LIVE WITH IT? The Healing Process That Works • Lower back pain • OkVNew Injuries • Aching feet C ANSMON DENETREA (905) 683-0684 KIP NEW GYM NEW EQUIPMENT NEW You "And You Don't Have To Be In'Shape To Train Here." • FLE IT Hsa/M a Flleess Club new rui..r akix'«ex' JUST CALL IM SAYLY ST. 837-0737 UNIT 10, P"MING "Do you suffer from occasional throbbing or burning pain in your litils?" "Are you embarrassed by varicose veins?" Dr. tiliana Katz Non-surgical solutions for varicose and spider veins Ajax Medical Arts Building 601 Harwood Ave. S. Suite 208 Ajax, (905) 686-4439 Torrance Medical & Vein Clinic 2930 Eglinton Ave. E- � ScarM>'rnugh, (416) 438-8000 NEWLY renovated 3 bed- room townhouse, south end, nice area. $950+ all in- clusive. 435-1088. 10-7 p.m. IW4 Space For Rent INDUSTRIAL units or workshops in industrial plaza next to Oshawa Cen- tre. Incudeds high ceilings. parking, utilities, wash- rooms, air compressor, overhead doors. Month -by - month Parking for truck. with hydro Available im- mediately. 576-2982 I Rooms for Rent AJAX Fjmtshed room for rent in quiet home. Sepa. rate entrance & bath Call 686-0959 Please leave message. LARGE ce-i,00r^ wrr pr +ate cam, laundry, kitchen, Teck. 860 access $350/ "xtm, Call 905-428-1557 r-7 ROOM FOR RENT - Courbce. With full use of house, includes parking, laundry, non smoker, air, available immediately 404-2164 SOUTH AJAX, Working non-smoker, private bath. laundry, cable, air condi- tioning. Rent negotiable. Call Dan Mon -Fri 7pm- 9pm,686-8784, or 9am 4pm (416) 496-1644 Ext 4666 Strand AM Accomodation 2 Good sized rooms.. May 1, attractive south Ajax Home Share kitchen, faun. dry, bath. fenced yard Full use of basement rec room $475/mo each including utilities. Non- smokers pre- ferred. Firstilastfreferences 416635.4877 or 416.633- 4793 after 6 p m AJAX clean large 2 bed- •oom to share with em- ployed. non-smoker Close to all amenities and GO station. No pets. $375. in- dusrve 905-427.1404 BRAND NEW 3 bedroom *own home available June 1st Located on ravine lot with walk out basement Private bedroom & oam 837-203J FEMALE borders wanted. W 4 Months Free Rent ill- ATTENTION Snowbirds 2 rooms available. share Oshawa West, 600 sq. h. GORGEOUS 3 bedroom kitchen, bath, laundry. second floor Oshawa 3 bathrooms townhouse $325, $350. Students wel- downlown,600 sq main condo, close to famous come. Call 905-576-7696. 3500 sq. Lwrlvl $500.cuzzi, Clearwater beach. pool. la- BBO. private yard. PICKERING, 1 bedroom. $1000. 250 Sq main, available now For info and shared facilities'parking. $350.. 600 sq.2nd fir to view photos 686-9646 or bus at door, $350/month, $500. 1050 sq main, 579-3788 firstAast, available lmme- $1.000 Call 434-2447 or CLEARWATER, 3 bed- diately. 428-8282. 655-4132 room fully furnished and air conditioned mobile homes PROFESSIONAL female AVAILABLE space from (permanent) heated pools. seekingsame to share 100 to 1500 s . fl , second q ha tub, close to beaches 8 dean, 3 -bedroom hone, in floor, suitable for office or major attractions, children North Whitby. Must be music/dance/karate studio welcome. $275 weekly neat, non-smoker tke cats. or similar Please call (less than motel) 683-5503 $400/month inclusive. (905)6& -7111 9494 OFFICEspace for lease. Private Homes THREE BEDROOM 2nd floor of Courtice plaza. I I For Sale home to share with one overlooks busy Hwye2. other, non-smoker pre- Available immediately, ferred, male or female. 0 . 755.8 sq. h.. & 779 sq.h. Call area. use of all facilities. 725-9991 $400 available immediate- ly. 571-6276 leave mes- 2 Cottages sage. VICTORIAN HOME to sharequiet person, small pet okay. pool, fireplace. parking, laundry, cable. phone, dishwasher. walk in closet, walk to downtown. 1 minute to bus suit older person. S' • O'week Call Mary 905-432.7859 HEALTHY LIFESTYLES By Pearl Lake At Healthy Lifestyles you and your lifestyle form the basis for the weight loss program. There are no special foods, no preset diets, and no time-consuming group sessions. Each client receives personal, one on one counselling with certified nutritionists, licensed dieticians, and nurses. Owner, Shaine Lalani is both a certified nutritionist with -14 years experience and a woman who has successfully developed a healthy lifestyle after experiencing weight in excess of 200 pounds. From inside Shaine knows that our society can stigmatize fat people to the point of causing unfair problems in personal and business lives. In addition to the social stigma, fatness can increase medical problems. For this reason more than any other, Shaine has developed a program which works with your schedule and individual needs to help you develop a healthy lifestyle rather than becoming obsessed with dieting. Although weight loss is the ultimate goal. Shaine and her staff will not accept a client whose goals are unreasonable- i -sing the heaviest Ixxly frame mays chart on the market thev assess a healthv weight goal and meet you twice a week for 10 - 20 minutes to help you meet that goal. During every appointment the staff will take your blood pressure, weight, and measurements. The rest of the session %vill focus on your whole person including challenges, and successes in areas that may affect your mental well being which in turn can affect your goal of healthy eating and living. As well as providing weekly recipes using the foods you normally buy even if you are a strict vegetarian, the staff will also offer support and advice on handling situations where you may have trouble maintaining your willpower. Located at 1450 Kingston Road in the Pickering Medi -Centre, Healthy Lifestyles has had 80/100 of its clients maintain their weight loss for over a year after their one year maintenance program has ended. Call 831-6744 today to begin your journey to health. TRENT river- Woodland Estates. family house keeping cottages, 3 pce bath. pool, beach, store. playground. 90 min north- east Pickering 1 888-813- 2212 15 MIN of Bowmanville. century church converted. 2 -storey home. 3200 sq IT Irving area including 2 bed- •oom basement apt. Asking $169.9110 905-263-4943 3 -BEDROOM Kassinger- buAt raised bun�alOw, WE Oshawa, quiet Qjrt. gas furnace. large pie -shaped jot. $142.000. Phone 571- 7317, OUALITY D'Angelo Multi level N W Oshawa 3+2 bedrooms. kitchen over- 7oks familyroom with fire- aiane. 2 walkouts mground 000l, 3 baths FAG -m law :)cienbal. 160 Goodrnar- Dr 3'71.500 Call Sre,a M,- aren Sutton 1990 L2 P I N E R I D G E A;I'2AL '-1LA1,T1! THIS WEEK'S liEALTHITI P- You may think that Chiropractic Is only for back problems because it shines above all the rest for fast, long-lasting results. However, most health problems have a spinal component that is usually overcooked in other health checkups. You may be suffering needlessly. Dr. MaryAnn Franko DC., BA., BPE. Brock Rd. & Hwy #2 (next to Swiss Chalet) IS Lose approximately up to 3a pounds per week. JS A real food diet that's low-fat and low -cholesterol. You'll enjoy foods from all the major food groups. © Behavior guidance and one- to-one counselling for safe and easy weight loss. a PAGE 22 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1996 0 �ome - mpro DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS (905) 579-2222 Complete Selection of Vinyl Windows & Doors CASEMENT DOUBLE HCtiG TILT -ACTIO~ • picture Windows • Bav & Bow i Windows • nsurance Maims • patio Doors • Storm Doors • New Construction Windows • Glass & Screen Repairs — MOBILE SHOWROOM FREE ESTIMATES WAYNE HUTCHINSON 696 KING ST W. SALES SERVICE & OSHAWA. ONTARIO INSTALLATION LIJ 21_3 (9os) 579-2222 w vement SOLID OAK d CHERRY SOLID FURNITURE SOVD • AMISH MADE SOLID • FlIttSHED IN OUR OWN PLANT SOLID CUSTOM FURNITURE. FISHES i COLOURS PICKERNG HOW A DESIGN CENTRE 17% PICKERM PARKWAY (CORNER OF K*" RD i 4m PcKEpm) 427-1381 I � I 1 I• *UP TO S4511111.M INSTANT REBATE ••OM 11.7 TO SM MAY GIRT CERMCATIES a• sdw bm" aN cw*q pnoil" Caat ad* is AN cdchatoL ce"al-AK Saar/algorklu ■n (F.. Erbrby grrA thermoshell IMaMY! AIt1 Ai OnIwNMiI� ,� HEATwc a coolwc MAWA PM 571-2070 '•9NK0MXDF$M-W TO IMOV11VC&MCAT[i win nE w�cwiaE a►ww¢rE �riwo •aa � t� D�� NHrC• r016EgES int. illf tBNPR pEaEnME.gBgp•IRr Ow1EDA1D OYUY�ED ru5I1EA90 Il`'Et''. YOUR HOME IS YOU CASTLE r.:. � I�, a'.a Z,:R. ...e9M•.� w l-� �.J �� �at AGI Ge+� STOP BEING BURNED Before )'ou Renew your present Furnace o maintenance Agreement - Remenilxr They are all ,.; 4WM6 in Business to SELL you Energy. ASK us about our maintenance program. From home owners. Business or Commercial our rates & plans will save you money now and in the years to conte. ���Y��►�•r�;i��oal �Gy�� �e udicp� CA-er 16 Years Experience 3465 Brock Rd., RR#1 Brougham 905 619-9062 ussells Knightswood Comfort Service is owned I and operated by Don Russell who has a B i licence in home renovation, a master's i licence for heating and air conditioning, and a licence for oil, gas, and propane. Couple this with 20 years of experience and contacts in the field and Don is the many you want working on your home's heating and air conditioning needs. The advantages of many contacts in the business give Don the opportunity to buy woo • ins at direct from the manufacturer. The savings heatingJanitrol this creates allow Don to sell products to - nd air conditioning in his customers at trade rates with no added sales systems customer's homes competitive. commissions. At Knightswood Comfort Service, the labour rates remain constant whether you Improve the design and then proceed to are buying the economy or luxury model of complete the renovation to your furnace, air conditioner, or heat reclaimer. specifications. Don reasons that "Because the work Whether or not Knightswood Comfort involved in the economy model, I feel it is Service has installed your existing furnace unfair to my customers to charge more." of air conditioner, their service facilities and Frank and Don also believe in being up Parts maintenance plans can relieve any front with all customers. At Knightswood worries you have about proper servicing.or i Comfort Service, we do not take a job we W With spring specials on air conditioning can't complete" With a staff including a tune-ups, and gas, propane, or oil furnace licensed plumber and skilled home cleanings ranging in price from $35.95 to renovators, there are no jobs that $49.95 plus parts and taxes, you can't Knightswood Comfort Service can't afford to wait. complete. Call Frank Russell or Don Russell at If the installation of a brand new furnace 619-9062 or Toronto Line (416)425-6182 c)r air conditioner will affect the design of and let the men who services the heating your rec room, Don will work with you to at the Oshawa Airport Project work for you. GTA Interiors Inc. "Let us create your dream home" Top quality professional workmanship in: • Finished basements ' Plumbing • Painting ' Wallpapering • Decks ' Fences Satisfaction guaranteed Pictures and references available Call Dan at (905) 509-7523 Over 20 years experience SALES • SERVICE • PARTS RENOVATIONS & REMODELING 24 HOUR PLUMBING SERVICE (WITH NO CHARGE FOR OVEMWE) One of the largest plumbing parts department in the great Toronto area. 1050 BROCK RD. - UNIT 5 PICKERING SILVER CARPET & RUGS SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION • INCREDIBLE CARPET AT • INCREDIBLE PRICES c " J UR SHOWROOM WATCH FOR 401 OUR ' c gayly ANNIVERSARY .: • ' CIenN!Ills FOR FREE! SHOP AT HOME SERVICE OR ESTIMATE CALL UNIT 3 -487 Westney Rd. S. 683-4292 AJAX TREE REMOVAL - TREE PRUNING • RESIZING HOWARD'S LANDSCAPING "a A CONTRACTING Service Supplied: • Lawn Care • Lawn Maintenance • Interlock Driveways • Precast Retaining Waits • Custom Fences 3 Decits • Residential • Commercial • Industrial Work Guaranteed Phone 005-839-0282 Nwrnwrs= 416-412-7922 LandeaWe Ontario � I11/1AI.IIII�i�dA1D11 Over 20 Years Experience SPRING TUNE-UPS AERATION FERTILIZING $62" n 4 ee APOIc"m #3 •m Pe Payments tlradllal wl.d • lap SWMW Y� C01111111111111F«Iwtw • Apokstion " '2C0111111111,1111116.75 w F« wm • AM pay im dw at t;Rl. of •9roacdafaMhad • upIto 2M a% R - 7% G.S.T. *10-200 7,00 Prna For Sale CLAREMONT - BEAUTI- FUL VICTORIAN Century home. recently renovated. Large fenced backyard, A must to see. $169.000. Call 905-649-5491 1 WILL buy homes for cash Quick closings. Tele- phone (905) 434-8116 Oshawa to Pickering, or (905) 786-2980 Oshawa to Pon Hope ---_ --.. - NWOSHAWA. 2 storey brick. 4 bedrooms, and ga- rage. Near schools 8 shop- ping. Flexible closing date Call(905)723-5594 PORT PERRY - $139.900 - 3 bedroom, convenience plus - walk to all amenities. Large lot for garden. First time buyers dream or retire here. Call Catherine Ayotte, Remax Scugog Realty, (905) 985.4427. 24 hr. pager PRIVATE SALE - Picker- ing $166.900. White's and Finch, 3 + 1 bedroom, main fl. family room, eat - in kitchen, w/o deck, pool, pn- vate hedged lot. 2 gar CAC. Call (905) 839-0021 TWO MINUTES from Oshawa center, immacu- late 2 storey, 3 bedroom, Open House Sundays. from 1 - 4 p.m. 579-4338 WHITBY - rent to own, ab- solutely beautiful 3 bed- room condominium. For more into. call 263-4451. Whitby- $141.000. Free- hold 3 bedroom street townhouse.w/garage. Quiet area. shows well,finished R/R. 2 1/2 baths, deck. backs onto park. 430-0899 after Spm. — Vacation Properties $3500 full priced, Seclud- eo wooded Trailer lot, good road. sandy beach. fisting. CObourg area. (416) 431- 1555 Camper Trailer Sites HOLIDAY ALL SUMMER!' A run ii"ie' A t)eautdul park designed for all ages It's the best time of your Me! Buy a trailer set up on site -- _o, bring your own M & K's BEAVER TRAILER PARK LTD. Omemee. Ont 705- 799-6221. One nxle north of 0"*Mee off Hwy 7 TROUT WATER FAMILY CAMPING, large tree sites available, picnic areas, pods. recreation hall. 45 minutes from Pickering at Sunderland. Call (705) 357-1754. Money to Lend OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT GUAR- ANTEED. SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES, OTNERS DO NOT. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS. imortgaw Insuf MORTGAGES - Good, bad and ugly. Financing for any purpose, rates from 5.95%. All applications ac- cepted. Commiunity Finan- cial Services 668,SM • 'ausiltes: ppolturtities 2 Vending locations for Sale. very good equipment. Whitby area Cal 906-636- 6541 EARN WN PER WEEK, Seo quality IatrWry deter- gent lnlvest 5480. Protected area for dishiufors. Mr. An- Itlony, (416) 600.7031, all - ler 6 (905)837-1362 EXTRAINCOME Work at home and make over $2500./mo mailing promotional circulars. Send Self Addressed Stamped Envelope to: GRANTS MARKETING AND RESEARCH Dept. NA -310, PO 1188 Angus. ON LOM ISO PINE LOFT, furniture & accessory store, estab- lished 18 yrs, inventory, 90k, proven operator profit asking $139,000 fax (905) 853-5967. Me, Registrations DANCE - Adult Classes Social Ballroom and Line Dance - Greenwood Com- munity Hall d Clanngton locations Free Class Registration Nights. week of April 8th. Call Barbie 905- 263-8224 or Veronica 905- 428-0788. noComing Events GREAT FISHING in May for Walleye and Pike $85.000 in Prize Money For details see our web site www quince. com/walleye or call (613) 392-3243 • ' Personals EVANLY RAYS Police use us Rated e1. Solutions on Career, Relationships, Health. Love. $2.99/mmute. 18 +. 1.900-451-4055. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC answers, serving over 53 million readers Only $299 per min. 24 hrs. 18 yrs. plus 1-900-451-3783. • • , "Savlxs Vol�l"Sffvm • UPCOMING EASTER SERVICES DUNBARTON-FAIRPORT UNITED CHURCH 1066 Dunbarton Road Pickering, Ontario (905) 839-7271 Sunday, _April 7th: Easter Sunrise Service at 700 a.m. 1 Faster Service at 10:30 a.m. I Nurser, thrin)gh high School Classes) Assistive Listening Devices are available, if you are in need of this assistance, please speak to the ushers. LIVE PROFESSIONAL psychics solves all prob- lems, love career Reunite oved ones $2 75 min 18 + 24 hr 1-900-451 2787 WANTED - 99 people to lose up to 30 lbs by sum- mer Or recommended Ask how! 1.800-881-6782 • ompanions EASTSIDE CONNEC TIONS DATELINE - Free to call to place your ad, no charges for ladies, no phone bill charges. 905- 430-7060 creened !ntroduOons. Tired of being alone? WANT Sincere, Corrpabble We can Help. Call 434-8399 THIS -WEEK durhaA�71_ _t r News Advertiser - Full Internet Access - 7 day -a -week Customer Service Flexible Rates - Personal E -Mail Address - Web Page Services Available - Full T1 Access - Business Packages W422""W Brought to you by Durham's Information Provider Oshawa - Whitby - clarinGton THIS WEEK �4 Qr �ALv-y News Advertiser http://www.durhamnews.net Watch for Our Semi- Annual Sunworthy Truck Load Sale For nwre L- informatlon call --- S76-933S ..S76-9335 or 683-0707 a a. M. to a P.M. Monday to Friday Sat. 9 341-3.00 .-. 11A )(,AI- , -7 Coming next Wednesday 5 Points YsU 11652 Gayly St N. Oshawa Pickering News Advertiser ClassiSed )epartnimmt is open every Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.tln- can 683-0707 to place your ad or fax it 683.7363 SELLING YOUR HOME? Intluire about our 110= FOR SALE PACKAGE 683-0707 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SATURDAY, APRII, 6,19% -PAGE 23 � In ffAn,In � In Memoriams Memoriams � Memoriamis • Ill ANNE MANNS - MARCH 31,198i RICHARD MANNS - OCTOBER 24, 1 An Easter Tribute to Mum & Dad, Gramma & Grampa: On a misty starry path, That leads to Heaven above, We send you Mum & Dad Our ^t� message of deepest love. Cherished by Ron & Darla, Judy & Tom, Reg & Grace Herm &:Mary & grandchildren. Ntvtr miss the opportunity- to pav your respects again` For an audio version of all of the current death notices received for publication in the News Advertiser or This Week, call 683-3005 ()r 404-6591 (Clarinotom residentsi. 1-()u mar also access death notice information rectived after press -time be calling this number Brought to you bill- Che following hineral homes: Armstron(ly. «.C. Torn. McEachnie, 1 Marl. - 4046591 PAISLEY ACRES Polaris Sales & Service Snow'rnlobiles, ATVs, PWC's 11701 Conc. 6, Uxbridge (905) 852-3932 Get your best price! Up to $650 in FREE Polaris gear (or up to $400 in gear, plus FREE financing (O.A.C.) until Feb. `97) & a FREE jacket & more! #:A11111111I.. r P©LRRIS • PAGE 24 -THF: \F %%S \I)% F:RTISER SAITRIM. XPR11 6. 1996 R'. 1AL TM STRIPLOIN STEAKS 99 NEW YORK boneless cut from Canada A, AA, AAA grades beef 11.00/ kg . 1b. ORANGES 9 NAVEL seedless product of U.S.A. fib. 48 bag NESCAFE 99 INSTANT COFFEE Rich Blend or Columbia 200/ 150 g jar • CHICKEN STRIPS SMOKED MEAT HIGH LINER CHEERIOS or NUGGETS President's Choice' 100% all white breast meat breaded frozen M cNTREAL STYLE deli s iced or shaved a"'ajk"e ,*^ the delo FISH in BATTER fries, sticks, or Captain's Sea Kingdom frozen HONEY NUT 525 9 box or regular 575 9 General Mills cereal 1 kg box �, W__ 4i - 700 9 Pkg- 1W 49 20 1.10/1009401b. 10 .. 0 STEELHEAD UNCLE BEN'S JELL-O 1COLGATE SALMON RICE PUDDINGS TOTAL TOOTHPASTE FILLETS CLASSIC RECIPE 4 x 142 9 cont. 130 mL tube fresh boned seafood ;tem 5 170-180 9 pkg. 99 99 1.33/1009016. Ib. • • • ROMAINE DIETRICHS PIZZAGNATM LETTUCE fresh BREAD Wh 100% Whole eat, crocked Wheat PRESIDENTS CHOICE T^^ frozen deluxe lasagna club Pock""" or SECOND SET OF PRINTS with incoming developing order 'Y- product of U.S.A. (IV or Wheat or WONDER regular while 675 9 loaf avaiWe in 5 1L pk9. • 35 mm co6ir print filen, 24 ems, =5: at Wieng, REE each • thebokwy •99 • AkAB0 4" x 6" prints THIS WEEk Leh -over Easter ham? M may be even better the second time around. Try our delectable H" AND VEGETABLE PIE !RIGS EFFECTIVE MONDAY, ARIL i UNTIL STORE CLOSING, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1996 AT SI LEC AND '*SQPSAieft STORES R'.