HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_03_06M.� BY Fa' :awe OvMC•Cm Serv1ce 14u Can TRW 906 block Rood Must south of bayty) 420-4890 $ 5.00 OFF 1 NURSING BRAS 1 s D,4*5 Md* ' 1 ��RY G 1 tiwr. #t2 1 wltrrE el). ' ®' 831-2088 L --------------- News Advertiser Wednesday, March 6, 1996 411 pages A Nlctroland Coni ntnit� Ne%vspaper Pressrun 40.0011 Vol. i 15 No. 11 accidents cost rAf - Durham schools V � y Winter blast wreaks road havoc 3Motorists woke up to a late -season visit by Old Man Winter ing before transport to the hospital. Numerous fender benders yesterday. complete with slick road conditions and reduced were reported in the region yesterday on streets and high - visibility. Emergency crews here remove a crash victim from ways. this accident site at Hwy. 2 and Harwood Avenue in the morn- photo by A.J. Groen S? -X4.000 in '95 �I\il kflti�kllf: I)t kit \%I simit hl,;ird .d education trustee~ arc callin_, for heeled up security of .ch4x)ls after sccmg I hu_•c hill for \andali.nr. accident. and wear and tear I:Ia "I'hc cu.t of I .SIS Incident. rn%ol\ rn g ptopert% d:Inta,'C on school properl-, atuountcd I S244,210% In 1995 -- a Ss -4,00(i lump f ronr 1994 94 and up 190,1 N N ) Irom 1992. a stall rcixrn presented to trustee,, sill+ws. Noting the dra- In;uic increase in d;unagcs at sonic s4..hoo6 - floc lodge ticcondan School in Pickering Itronl 17.(NN) lu 13.+(1(►►. R.S. NtcLaughlin Col- legialc Vocational Institute in Oshawa (tn,m N2.(NN) l0 1\,INN►I Please see SECURITY... page 2 Inside Pickeringcitizens' committee says In the news GTA Ian could destro community 'ditiorial ..........................6 P y Enwrtainnlent ...............2 1 Sport. ...........................22 Classified ......................26 Phone lines General 68:3-51 10 Fax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 Sincerely YoUrs 1-900-451-3793 lnfoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 On the Internet at w -&-w. durhamnews.net 93c + 7c GST = $1 B% STEPHEN I.ATFGAN �Yf( I\1 IO IM \1\\. MAI kI1.!k PIC'KERIN(i - Ke,:i)nlrncn aIii,nN In Ill: Golden Rcpoi t on GTA Rclornn could .Icstro\ the community it implemented. saes it "Tot�n appointed Citizens' Advisor\ C'onunittee. The conunitfce un:•ciled its report before Pickcrim_ Council 'Monday night. "%Ve do not support the creation ol' a whole nc�k level (of go\cmi ent)." said connnittee nrcrnher Jill f=oster. vyho supported local gov- ernment ;is brine "accessible. accountable and responsihle. Existing regional vo\ernnrcnt structure can %kork \yith inlprownlents." The committee consists of citizens repre- scntin , neiLhhorhuuds and communities across Pickering. appointed by Town council to make reconnnendations on GTA reform. The 12-ntcmher group reiccts the Golden Task Force Report and its proposed go\ er- nance nw del that would see a 32 -person own- cil consisting_ of 17 ntetuhcrs front Meet) and three Iron) Durham. one of \xhich would he shared by Pickering. Ajax and Uxbridge. The stud,.'s consensus summary states that the anrtloanuttion ol' Durham into it Greater "Toronto Council would see PickerinL, "Ilett away into ;t megalopolis". One of the prohlenls the committee recoLl- nizcs is the cxistin,, financial difficulties in the GTA. It reconllnends tax assessment reform for both residential and business properties. "The property tax structure in Metro is it mess," said Paul Crawford. who spoke on 1he Financial aspects of the study. "Lack of reassessment has led to unfair and incyuilahlc taxalIon. " In addition. the committee reconuncnds the enhancement ul the I'i\c regional go\crnmcnts in file GTA. detcrntining Hhichgmernntcnt Icvel is responsible for specific services, file co-ordination of GTA scr% ices through a nc�k provincial ministry. cost analysis to support any changes, no tax increases for Pickering. and tough conflict-of-interest laws fur elected officials. Many of the corninittee's concerns and rec- onnnendations were echoed by the Town of Pickerin!, which made its own assessment of the GTA Task Force at the council necllnl. The Town disagrees with the replacement of, the regional governments, and what it s.I) s Please see PICKERING... page 3 V PAGE 2 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., MARCH 6, 1996 Security measures considered to protect Durham Region schools, FROM PAGE 1 and Ilenn Street high School in Whithy (from S�.-t00 to 511.800) — some trustees suggested staff explore new meastms to stem the in( Teasing tide of vandalism. Incrtmsed lighting or fencing wouki cost a few dollars to install. "hut it might save us some money- in the long run because w•c wouldn't have 110 much damage to the schools." said Oshawa Wards 3 and 4 Trustee Mike Nicholson. ( . School htkir& in – come jurisdicuons ; have gone so lar as Durh to put in security cameras — or in ably lower compared to tither boards. crud Mr. Cain. �`�'-.,f�so�,r phone poll Do you think schooh should beef up secunry? Call our Info.Sourre at 6R.3 - 70.t0 and punch 8028 if you You agree and 8029 if you don •t agree. We alvo invite You to leave a comment. P6.- 4014n P a r t , e 5 8 P I cases dummy' cameras — on lkh(>„1 prop- erty to discourage thieves and van- dals. Brian Cain. hoard superinten- dent of education and business. told standing commit- tee Moxtdav night. "But how effective it has been I'm rug ctm." ! --said. While the "mah- cious" theft of computer equip- ment has bec(me a "serious problem" at schools in the region. Mr. Cain said more than half of last year's dam- ages were nix van- dalism -related. Much of the prop- crtv damage was caused by weather. such as wind dam- age. accidents and general w�car and tear. Despite the ris- ing cont of proper- ty damazc in Durham schools. the bill is consider - I a} C e eso , am Region's I st Parti• - & Play Centre Wc• Provide A Sate. Caring; Environment for 'lttrthctay Parties •1i.thysitting (mux. { lira t '(;ante Area 'T.Kddler Arca •I(ainge for Parents •1•:xk.e1lc•nt se(.uritv Pr.crdurc•s x1 Ax(.i I zixl...t. . . nh theme xt f�k� i j �) k t 250 Bayty St. W. Ajax MacKenzie Plaza 427-9223 SC' : x 3 s P= lilt EVERY STUDENT DESERVES SUCCESS Gradc- Expectations specializes in supplementary education designed to improve classr.x,m performance. Our one on one altentiun increases self-confidence and helps your child achie%•e their scholastic potential • Enrichment or remedial programs for grades 1 through OAC • Individualised programs including Reading. Math. Writing and Study Skills • l.ow atndent/teacher ratio GRADE I A'I'I• GLX1' ONS LEARNING Cf NTM `i . The Smart Way to Learn • Resource Room featuring Apple Macintosh Computers and educational software • Classes after school and Saturdays; summer programs also available 1885 Glenanna Rd Suite 103 Pickering Medical Centre 420-9930 THIS WEEK'S TOP O 1 great Pries Made Better! Spray Protection FIRE .GUARD 4 0 Reg. 14. 99 9.99 astercraft 21b. FIRE EXTINGUISHER 46-0065-8 18v49 Mr. Recycle WASTE ORGANIZER 42-327-0 Reg. 0 49.99 34. V 9 4 Piece PRY BAR SET 4-8 Reg. 1 6x99 Reg. 19.99 7.5 Inch I ENCNToP M AL w 55725-0 139.99 Reg. 189.99 P 1i,, Sorry, No Rakwhecks. Quantifies Are Limned- Shoo Early For Beat Selectim CANADIAN TIRE 1300 Kingston Rd at Liverpool 260 Wm9slon Rd. at 1 PICKERING AJAX 839-8017 683-8473 Mon. -Fri. $:M, Yon. -Fri. 8,9, alai =um I a>• alatl a1♦ a>• a1• alai a1• at>• ail r . r NLnn C Or bwa� �aft@=M .1116. s/Olasltls, tatty t 111tltes fioatudy . 1@w0m9a1%10d10ftMAU rrpsa e. fter asw.11 aed Odom bops t mum for amr atsd dtttttns�s ■ • taspaw t+,wmtdte mt.1..Iur ItIMo�! •lip up bub add 41omd Mat vddols _ ti DICKERING olwa+.�ao.nal.aral� 839-8124 :.�. -;AJAX -------------683 22 Pickering citizens come out against GTA recommendations FROM PAGE 1 means of delivering services. would shift the tax burden away from In his address to council, Durham Toronto to the surrounding* municipal- Regional Chairman Jim Wittv called hies. the Golden Report's suggested gover- The Town does, however, support nance model "simply, ludicrous," and the Golden Report's recommendations said it would leave Durham with for province -wide implementation of diminished ability to "control our own the actual value assessment system, destiny'. full provincial funding of general wel- Durham West MPI' Janet Eckcr, fare assistance, and a cost-effective also present at the meeting, said she Missing Pickering teen found PICKERING -- A Pickering teenager Regional Police had no reason to who was missing for 10 days is back believe the Grade 10 student had home after being found by his father encountered foul play. but requested the hanging out with friends at a downtown public's assistance in tracking him Toronto doughnut shop. down. Police received numerous tips Fifteen -year-old Alpen Razi, a Pine from people who relx)ned seeing Alpcn, Ridge Secondary School student. left his some as far away as Stratford where Krosno Boulevard home Monday, Fch. Alpen had attcneled sc-huol previously. 19 at around supper time. Durham The teenager's father, harhad Ravi, Murder suspects in court May 9 DIIRIIAM -- Two men charged in a fatal 1994 shooting spree at Gagnon Sports in Oshawa will appear in court for a pre- trial hearing on May 9. Ronald James Woodcock, 43, and Roshan Norouz.ali, 32, both o• London, have been charged with sec- ond-&—ree mur- der ir..he death of Gagnon Spons co-owner Roger Pardy and first- degree murder in the death of Ken Thomas of Pick- ering, whose car is believed to have been used as a getaway vehicle following the robbery at the store Sept. 14, 1994. Mr. Thomas's body was discov- ered near the Pickering Nuclear Generat- ing Station the following Janu- ary- The pre-trial date was set dur- ing a brief court appearance Mon- day by Mr. Norouzali, who is currently in police custody. Mr. Woodcock did not appear in court but is also in pohipe custody. expects changes to Fx made before the next municipal election, but that the provincial government "must be care- ful to consider those concerns" before any reforms are implemented. Council voted to host a public meeting on the Town's report, to which members of the G'I'A caucus will be invited to attend and hear core ments from Pickering residents. safe in Toronto SQ MUTUAL FUNDS ?Fc°Lig 951 SERVICE & SALES) GET THE RIGHT go ANSWERS Denis & Chris Ardagh 428-8613 Unit 16 LOU.'THE COURTYARD - Ajax received a call from a friend last Thurs- day who said his sem was spotted at a Ouecri Street West okughnut shop. "1 went down there that nit,ht and he was there with friends. lie had been staying on the streets and with friends," said Mr. Ra/i. "I told him we had to talk- and alkand I convinced hirn to come home." Tf1F: NEV1'e ADVIf11TIS�:N. ��eF�U., 1�{Ake- 4.1 PACE �;-A' P Ajax and Pickering BRIDES, at Ajax Community Centre, - Sunday, March 24/96 If you are planning a wedding r within 3 months to 2 years. i you'll want to attend. • DOOR PRIZES • GIFT BAGS • FREE By Invitation Call.- ANN all:ANN 839-4040 or LYNNE 427-9009 Hot tip? Call us at 683-5, 110 AA JILL& -- RARCH-8................11 (a:ntre Uuurt RARCH '. ':00 PAL. ,,�:,Jent Nrc,e~'ation,� Centre Court NLARCH 8.8:00 P.M.—Student Pre,cniationl� Centre Court ! LARCH 8 ................... 5TER-\ ATIO\ AL WOME\'S DAY B11 a �lat�,', for j l p it► in support of Aklaidc Hig,in• House & apple Hous' EXPECT RESPECT 'po �d ay Versa RES�'-C1 ��� STOP y'•re•ee Jt�s�ast tM MONDAY -FRIDAY 9:30-9:00 SAIVRDAY 10.6 SUNDAY 13-5 PAGE 4 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED.. MARCH 6,1119% Reform MP talks Jobs ❑ Harper grilled on bleak prospects while talking with Pickering high school students Ry STEPHEN SHAW STAFT RI -TOR ITR PICKERING — Ontario's lone Reform Party MP, Ed Harper. received a message of teenage angst from Pine Ridge Secondary School students last week. As a guest speaker at the school Thur:sdav afternoon. the Simcoe Centre NIP provided about 100 snidents with a detailed outline of the par's agenda as well as a chance to express their views on a number of political issues. Mr. Harper mostly focvsedi discussion on his party's political platform — reducing the nation's deficit, tearing down inter- provincial trade harriers, lowering the tax rate, overhauling Canada's social program-, and getting tough on crimi- nals. Students. however, were far more interLsited in talking about issue's which, for the mornent. have the most immedi- ate impact on their lives — or their futures to be, rl'uxle precise: Jobs. Pessimistic students expressed frus- tration and fear over limited emploN- ment opportunities in toxlav's market One requested Mr. Harper',, advice on entering the v%olti:force. "when no miner what you do dwrL aren't zoini to hL .I:. . ADVERTISING CORRECTION sparer, Wednesday. March 6. 1996 Please the following Page 2-Lancome bonus l: anation copy at bottom of page should read .'w any Lancome purchase of Sgt or more you'll 5 recerve a grit from Eaton Designer Club Save on Liz Claiborne Jones New York Nygard ecthon and Branca purchase made cr your _.:•�..n card of $100 or more This offer good until 8. 19% After this date Eator Designer Club ,- ^+hers receive 10'. off Details in store Page --5 ue Age denim shirt In Size XL only will be In •es March 15, 1996 Page 13 -new styles of -c •-ide watches and page 14 -Casual Connection *a,red casual; pumps will be in stores Marcs 13 cn:: March 20 respectively Page 21-Macager M ,'it leans price should read. Our reg $77 99 rcwv 558.49 Page 22 -Levi's leans exclusions list s• jid include styles *540 and 545 Signature learn Inadvertently the errors listed appeared in advertising. We sincerely regret any nconvenlence or contusion to our customers EATON'S iVIRE SALE, Ends March 31 P235 -75R 15 P235 -75R 15 Grabber Ap owl Hoosier RWL $89-00 $89-00 P20565R 15 P 195-70R 14 G4S General 1-14S General $79 P 8 69.00 5-60R 14 Firestone SS 10 $79-00 No charge 5 yr. road hazard. lire disposal, installlation, alignment check, balancing, valve stem. jobs, jobs e suggested. A handful of students chl-alenged the former Barrie husiness- matt on his party's stance regarding the Young Offenders Act, which includes I the age a young person can be charged with a criminal offence among mlher stiff measures. But. a quick. infor- mal survey of students indicated the majority supports tougher laws for youths. A number of students and teach- ers also shared their concerns about Provincial education cuts being mace by the Tory government. Mr. Ilarper %aid tilkin,_ dollars out of the federal educa- tion budget is something he would be reluctant" to do. G KINDER CONNECTION e K C S DAYCARE and NURSERY SCHOOL provides • halt day Junior Kindergarten programs based on Board curriculum • Qualified experienced teachers s� Call now to 839-2752 come & visit. PICKERING In cyberspace at 441w�www.durhamnews.net tG�►�the `tom=SleepFactoryfF 1 March - - I PAYMENTS A -Orr � J INTEREST , �. .� Mama OR F �hnn T►l�o_.Qoc#..hr�#IQI111 �� #tio Roc►#/ ON YEAR tier al Irr i >� • - � (: 2FREE CHOICES e NO GST e BEDFRAME e PILLOWS e SHEETS e NO PST e MAT'T'RESS COVER e DELIVERY A i 40 It 0 1 BAYLY CLEMMEENTS Qo u 570 Westney Road S. 619-1315 SLUMBER REST �INGLE MATTRESS SET `184 IX N'Ut l 1 tv �.I t N lj1'11 � ... I(•9 �I 1 lIy 0RTHO PR•�CTIC 2 SINGLE $ 29 MATTRESS SET `374 IX11'NI 1..-.259 �1 I al�. Kl.il.......... %1 1 l.1ti SOFA BED AJAX 49A jobs." Noting the current national unem= h plovTnent rate of just under 10 per cent, and above 16 per cent among young People. Mr. I carper acknowledged bleak joh prospects is "one of the tragedies" of to dav's economy. ""There are a lot of young People out there who have uni- c versiiv' degrees but aro flipping burgers because of the lack of jobs," he said. Goverment- he said, must tackle the deficit with determination — which he accused the Liberals of lacking — in order to create a prosperous economy which can generate jobs. The private sector must also be encouraged to forge greater links with exfucabon institutions, jobs, jobs e suggested. A handful of students chl-alenged the former Barrie husiness- matt on his party's stance regarding the Young Offenders Act, which includes I the age a young person can be charged with a criminal offence among mlher stiff measures. But. a quick. infor- mal survey of students indicated the majority supports tougher laws for youths. A number of students and teach- ers also shared their concerns about Provincial education cuts being mace by the Tory government. Mr. Ilarper %aid tilkin,_ dollars out of the federal educa- tion budget is something he would be reluctant" to do. G KINDER CONNECTION e K C S DAYCARE and NURSERY SCHOOL provides • halt day Junior Kindergarten programs based on Board curriculum • Qualified experienced teachers s� Call now to 839-2752 come & visit. PICKERING In cyberspace at 441w�www.durhamnews.net tG�►�the `tom=SleepFactoryfF 1 March - - I PAYMENTS A -Orr � J INTEREST , �. .� Mama OR F �hnn T►l�o_.Qoc#..hr�#IQI111 �� #tio Roc►#/ ON YEAR tier al Irr i >� • - � (: 2FREE CHOICES e NO GST e BEDFRAME e PILLOWS e SHEETS e NO PST e MAT'T'RESS COVER e DELIVERY A i 40 It 0 1 BAYLY CLEMMEENTS Qo u 570 Westney Road S. 619-1315 SLUMBER REST �INGLE MATTRESS SET `184 IX N'Ut l 1 tv �.I t N lj1'11 � ... I(•9 �I 1 lIy 0RTHO PR•�CTIC 2 SINGLE $ 29 MATTRESS SET `374 IX11'NI 1..-.259 �1 I al�. Kl.il.......... %1 1 l.1ti SOFA BED POSTURE CARE SINGLE $1139 YArTRESS SET `224 IX.1 R11 ORTHO PEDIC SKoAL EDITION SINGLEc�E MATTRESS239 SET 5394 111N.1'Itl U.–.179 .x a ., ADJUSBoRGIV ELECTRIC ADJUSTABLE BED hrlu,k-+ 9991 JUNIOR BUNK of BW* Great 118 Value -� v FINANCING PERSONAL �j AVAILABLE 11 CHEOUES`�'� AJAX 49A "A: _1-4 '�.' ifIN1.L-loft. { -_ ' *, �7:71� To Int luck!, $288 trowmwn`WllrU%S POSTURE CARE SINGLE $1139 YArTRESS SET `224 IX.1 R11 ORTHO PEDIC SKoAL EDITION SINGLEc�E MATTRESS239 SET 5394 111N.1'Itl U.–.179 .x a ., ADJUSBoRGIV ELECTRIC ADJUSTABLE BED hrlu,k-+ 9991 JUNIOR BUNK of BW* Great 118 Value -� v FINANCING PERSONAL �j AVAILABLE 11 CHEOUES`�'� AJAX 49A ifIN1.L-loft. 1O-9 ffl,o. ndmrs , fE COMFORT SLEEP SINGLE $179 YArTRESS SET `2134 1X.1•I111 ,Mt) X11 s— ..?I IIN----- 2-119 X11 tw.. 30 ORTHO GUARD c EDITION SINGLE MATS►ET1RESAlS259 SET `424 1X/1'It11 ...21)9 AFI -.111 MATE'S BED Bellh TO 2 ur1lt'$178 7Q �.FiiW T. UtNJxt' 1 0 drawl's From TAUNTON 79 Taanton Road W 1433-1052 0". T 11 NP%VS ADVERTISER, WED.. MARCH 6.1996 -VALE 5-A Durham board provides permanent home for French Immersion `refugees' By STEPHEN SHAW SI'AFT REPORTER DURIIAM — Board of Educa- tion trustees have given Durham's 2,266 French Immersion "refugees" a permanent home. At last Wednesday night's budget committee meet- i ing, public board trustees voted overwhelmingly to spare the pro- gram, offered at 12 elementary schools here, from budget - slashing mea- sures. A staff report concluded that cancelling or phasing out the program and returning students to the traditional English programs would cost the hoard substantial- ly more than the 5400,000 it took to run French Immersion in 1995 !including transportation). Additional pur- chases of 29 portables, tagged at a cost of about $40.000 each. would be needed to accommodate students sent back into English classrooms, the report said. An attempt by Pickering Ward l TnL,tee Ruth Ann Schedlich to per- suade the board to sustain the pro- gram only on the: condition that provincial grants, amounting to $200,000 last year, remain at their current level was met with 6t - tie support from colleagues- I Chairman Audrey MacLean t said the pro- gram's students deserve a com- mitment from on�ees. "This board, to some extent, has really treated these French Immersion chil- dren somewhat akin to refugees. We've never real- ly given (the pro- gram) a secure home," said Ms. MacLean, whose comments drew one of several bursts of applause from anxious par- ents attending the meeting. "The bottom line is if we move (students) out of the present program they are enjoy- ing and obviously prospering in, it's going to cost us more money," she said. In a 13-1 recorded vote — Ajax Wards I and 21'rustce Colleen Jor- dan being the Ione opponent — the committee chose to maintain the program in its present form. "I'rustee Jordan called the deci- sion premature and "very fool- hardy", considering the extent of provincial education cuts this year isn't yet known. "To keep the status quo is nice We make your favourite jeans where are you going to get your Eaton's. [Goods satisfactory or money refunded.] — if (funding levels) remain the same. But unfortunately we are receiving mixed messages that things aren't going to stay the same." she art-ued. 0 t �I 0 a PAGE 6 -A -THF. NEWS x11% 1•:RTISF;R' n'tl)..'NIIAR(11 M1.'1'N16 Editorials and L Ajax-Pickering News Advertiser TINIOTHY.I. MIrITAAFR IV,h,lxi A %I:tn,landConimunitN h:a.paper ,IO',\\F fit RGII %RD VL„u, c to-chtet ptthh>hr(I w cdncvta). Eridas. Sunday S ITN E 11(A'SI'O\ \tatt.,gmg Editor C�munercial Ace Ala\. ( WIiKIY'E 1):x\'FOKI) \,hcnumr nwnas•t Al%1\111401l'tLRK; t.uUlana,,er LIS'N� ARF FAMIOtRIF Ih,tnhettt n manager 1%)ne •,1,t ->1I0 Fay: (,0-,6Z Delay YOU can hardly blanic Durham Region District Hcalih Council for its tardiness in suhnnttin,, a blueprint for the future of the region', hoNpi;alN to the Province. in the midst of other dexelopinents across the pro\ince in recent \peeks -- OPSha' labor unrest. debate oNer the omnibus hill. con- tinued cuts or threats of cuts -- it's unlikely the report would ha\c been ,_i\en the attention it would require at Queens Pail, am w a\. The Durham health council is makinu, sure the report -- itu determine w hick health care scn ices will be pro\ided w here in Durham. and at what costs -- contains all the nec- essan information to cnsUre health care restructurinu, is done appropriately. eti'icicntl\ and t:tirl\. That said, howe\- er. it must he noted that the health council hasn't exactly been tOrthcomin,• in the past ,% ith its etfOrts. Durham hos- pitals, and the people who will use them. must be made aware of the future ot"their health care options. Therefore. time is of the essence when it conks to com- pleting the report. We agree %k ith the need for restructuring in Durham's health care facilities to eliminate sen ice dupli- cations. hccome more cost-etic`ctise and to pro%ide care equalh tier all of the re,Lion's residents. The general shape of health care reform is well-documented in Durham. This report w Ill pro% ide the details so we all know cicarhthe direction in which we're headed. Its better to know the demon we're dealing-, w ith than the demon we don't. To respond to !Iris editorial call Infosource at 68 t-7INlI nf(KourCe and dial ;109 un Your touch -tune phone ♦You said it... In response to last `'Wednesday's editorial opposing the OPSEU strike. our readers said: ♦ 1 ,igree that the stake isn't really going to accomplish what OPSFU wants. It Is about money. in the 1990s. he glad Vou ha\c ajob. ♦ I think the OPSIT strike is well deserved. They should continue doing what thc\'re doing. ♦ Perhaps you should get both sides of the stony. It's not about mune\. ♦ I really think this paper should he printing more posi- tive things about the OPSEU strike. ♦ \Thy do we continue to treat our public sector workers like second class citizens when the) are so invaluable? ♦ It was nothing more than civil servant hashing. ♦ I agree with you that we all lose. There are enough qualified people on unemployment. Mike Harris could start by putting some of them to work. If people don't want the jobs, the\ shouldn't have them. ♦ I believe that was a well written and informed editori- al. ♦ If we don't walk the picket line, nobody is going to notice. You can only talk so much. The only good thing is that OPSf:U has done it nicely. without harm. They're willing to listen. But all sides have to be willing to listen. r1l” The News Advertiser Ajax -Pickering \csss Ad, crtiscr. 130 ('oininercial A\e.. Ajax, Ont. I- IS 2115 General: 1905) 683-51 10 Classified: (905)68 ' 1-0707 Circulation: (905) 683-5117. FAX: ( 05) 683-7303 Real Estate FAX: (905) 432- 1635 Composing FAX: (105) 579-927.1 F. -Mail: NcwsAd.ne\,% durhamnews.net On the Internet: hnpWu ww.durhamnews.net Overheard.,. 1 "It ricans we're not going to sit hack and allow one region ol" this country to play chicken with the rest of" the nation." -- Ontario Riding ,11P ' Ilan Ali -Teague comments on last reek 's federal Speech From The Trone " I his can he a structured or unstructured idea where the kids can hang out at the station. lt's it different approach, but however Ihcv want it. they can just let us know. It's negotiable.,. -- Durham Regional Police Inspector John Hamilton on a plan to open police station doors h► Ajax teens this summer v Letters to the editor A broken door means 14 years in prison? To the editor: I would hkr n) make a comment on the recent arrest of a leo college stu- dents at Queen's Park. One charge laid which I question is'Intin)idating the Legislature'. How docs rioting and Vandalizing a door intimidate the legislature. that which is enough to charge someone with an indictable offense' And what leases me cornpletely bewildered is that the maximum penalty for the crime is 14 \cars in prison! How can a person be put in prison for 14 years because the\ wrecked a door.yet rapists and murderers are free in three years'' I think the legislature should seriously reconsider what kind of violence they feel is deemed acceptable. How could destroying a door be dive times more acceptable than destroying someone's life? In addition. politicians and media have placed all the attention on the destruction of the door. But why did the students destroy the door'? They were upset at educa- tion cuts, but the government doesn't see it that way. They see it as the destruction of an historic door that has been vandalized out of anger and ignorance. The only people who are being ignorant to the facts are the politicians running our province. They could solve the problem by cre- ating a happy medium between the students' and Province's needs. I'm not saying the government isn't perform- ing their duties to the best of their abilities. I'm simply stating that they should pay more attention to the mat- ters that are really at hand. instead of, placing blame on those who do not descrc it. Fred Hodgson Ajax The Ajax -Pickering; News Advertiser accepts letters to the edi- ter. All letters should be typed or neatly hand-written, 150 words. Each letter most be signed with a first and `.Nast name or two initials and a last jaame. Please ux*ide a phone number or verification. The editor reserves tight to edit copy for style, {ength content. Opinions expressed in are those of the writer and not ecessarily .those of The Mews Equal rights for everybody To the editor: These are sonic of things I see per- sonally and do not reflect un any one directly. This is my eighth year in Durham (Ajax) and as 1 look around I see many hidden feelings. This letter is written for the poor and ethnics of all forms. And I ask the public to look around. How many eth- nics do you see at a cash register or bank, or holding any respectful posi- tion in their job'? They say racism does not exist in Durham or Ontario, well I want to put it to the people (ethnics) and let them decide! We have a mayor who is a lawyer and a mayor. Which of the two gets his greater attention? We do not hear what our coun- cillers are doing about problems, but at election time we will hear about things that are not relevant. The provincial government has clearly made its point. They stand for the rich and white Anglos. What about the poor Anglos and the ethnic groups? No matter who we vote for, we still end up with the short end of the stick. I ask all the people to stand now before it is too late. In every nationality there are had people but to point the finger at eth- nics 90 per cent of the time is way t(x) much. Do not donate a penny, for when or it elected they will take it doflar. I tried to stand up for the people once but was misunderstood. I want to see equal rights, not a one-sided affair. Fdward S. Alphonso Ajax Send Liberals your no new taxes message To the editor: It is hard to believe that it has been one year since 1 challenged Canadians to phone, write, tax,.e-mal l, courier, or telegraph their MP and tell them to lower taxers. A full year has passed since 3,(KX) angry taxpayers gathered at the Metro Last Trade Centre to send their "No more taxes" message to the governing tax -and -spend Liberals. Canadians, for the last year, have constantly remind- ed their MPs that they are overtaxed and desperately need relief. Despite these facts, the Liberals seem deter- mined to raise gasoline taxes yet again. You must send a strong mes- sage to your MP and to the finance minister if you do not want to pay higher taxes. The wolves are at the door again and if you don't scream and yell as you did last year, you will find yourself keeping less of your hard-earned money. I challenge my Member of Parliament, Dan McTeague, to vote against his government's 1996 budget if it contains any tax increases whatso- ever. It should go without saying that this includes any dirty little additional taxes on gasoline. And, by the way, renaming, revising, replacing, blend- ing, or burying the GST does quality as a tax increase. I can guarantee you that every taxpayer in this country will rernernber it. Time flies when you're paying too many taxes! Marnee Stern Reform Party of Canada Ajax try ... . P THE MEWS ADVERTISER, WED., MARCH 6,1996 -PAGE 7-A * OF �OyJN pjC� � * w �� Town of Pickering *� Z *(905)420.2222 PICIKERIIN G* (905) 683.2760 March 13 SITE PLAN ADVISORY COMMPITEE March 13 COMMITFEE OF ADJUSTMENT March 18 STATLTORY PLBLIC INFORMATION March 18 EXECLTiVE COMMITTEE MEETING March 21 STATLTORY PLBIIC INFORMATION March 25 EXECUTIVE CONDME MEETING March 2' TKkNSIT CITIZENS' ADVISORY t * I Simply call Direct Access 'F, _ 24 hrs. a day * _ 7 days a week * (905) 420-4660 -The Town's call processing system will cillow you to communicate more y effectively with Town employees. • Y(RI can call the Town 24 hrs. a day .Ind 7 days a wcck. �C - 11' you know the extension or name of y a specific staff person you will be prompted to select this option. - I I the person you are calling is not available you will be prompted to leave I Confidential Message. �T T T • During Business Hours the choice of "Live Personal Assistance' is always � our option. 11 you would like to contact a Town Department please see the specific Department 24 hour J)irectAccess phone numhers printed below: General Inquiry ............... 905420-2222 Gwricillors' Office .......... 905420-46115 Fown Manager's 011ice... 905-420 4610 F.xecutiNe Director of Operations ...................9115--120-464!3 Clerk's Department ......... 91154120-3611 Supply and Services ........ 905-420-4616 Municipal Law Enforcement .................... 905420-46115 Economic Development..90541204625 Legal Services .................905-420-4626 Human Resources ........... 905-420-4627 Public Works Department ........ ..............905-420-4630 Planning Department ...... 905-420-4617 -Town staff are trained to ensure that this technology is used appropriately. The technology's prime purpose is to meet the communication challenges in order to serve you - our customers. PUBLIC NOTICE FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 24 HOUR WINTER EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER You may contact the Public Works Department (Roads Division) regarding emergencies such as road conditions and maintenance by calling the 24 hour emergency number. EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1995 - APRIL 1996 Pickering District Plan Review RELEASE OF DOCUMENTS On F=ebruary 19, 1996 a Planning Report was presented to Town Council which provided an update on the status of the Pickering District Plan Review. 'ncc report summarized the major issues arising through the consultation on the Official Plan, outlined the direction of major changes under consideration and suggested a consultation process for the issue on rural growth allocation. The report also set a timeframe for the completion of the staff recommended Official Plan. In addition, two new hack�zround documents h,rvc been prepared. They are compilations of recent written submissions and public meeting notes. Consultation Report No. 3 contains comments received between January and June 1995 on the 1) "strict Plan Review. Consultation Report No. 4 contains comments on the draft Official Plan up to the end of January 1996. The Planning Report is available from the Clerks Department and copies of the Consultation Rcports are now available from the Planning Department. If you have any (luestions, please contact Geoff McKnight of the Planning Department at (905) 420-4660 ext. 2032. or (905 ) 683-2760. Hatch this space for future announcements regarding Pickering District Plan Review Infi,prmation ! Piciw ng Pub c Ubrwy MEETING ROOM SPACE FOR RENT PICKERING CENTRAL LIBRARY has an auditorium (capacity 100) and a Boardroom (capacity 12) available for meetings. Audio- visual equipment is available. For rental information contact Room Bookings staff at 831-6265 ext. 228. ROUGE HILL LIBRARY has an auditorium (capacity 125) available for meetings. Audio- visual equipment is available. For rental information contact the Branch Head at ft Rouge Hill Branch at 509-2579. 3111,(1 r,iL11,10 1 11 `E'k C) Gli-kiY.I rD PICKERING NIUSEUN VILLAGE provides tour and in -class programs fo schools throughout Dur ham Region and Scar borough. PaT&4V;6n& esu �oy�N OF p,, Memberships Tone -up Special Racquet Sports Spring & Summer Program Registrations • Fitness - }lealth Club • Personal Training-, • Lcisure Art • Sports and Crafts • Older Adult Activities • Pickering Museum Village Program,, & Events • Learn To Swim • Summer Camps • Student Specials Call Now: REGISTRATIO'.S 420-4620 INIE NIBERSHIPS 683-6382 PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX 1983-1996 St. Patrick's Day Tone -Up Special March 19 -March 24. 1996 is Your lucky week to purchase our valued Tone -up Special Naw(xI8 and eSavuw- lou Receive: 1113 BONUS MONTHS FREE it NEW EQUIPMENT 1 SAUNA AND WHIRLPOOL A GUEST PASS WE PAY THE GST There are programs avail- �s able for preschoolers t $ For information call now. 831-1711 or 683-6582 adults. Recreation Complex Pool For more information MARCH 1996 regarding these classes. please leave your name — / and phone number fo staff to contact you. 211b. 6,011ky. 905-420-4620 SPRING WORKSHOPS CHOCOLATE FLOWERS (AduM Monday, March 25 Time: 7:00-9:15 p.m. Fee: $35.00 EASTER CHOCOLATE BUNNY (Youth 8-13) Monday, April 1st Time: 7:00-8:30 p.m. Fee: $18.00 REGISTER NOW! CALL 420-4620 One week mini -sessions Learn to Swim Semi Private or Private Lessons Level: Starfish -White SESSION 1 Date: Mon. March 11/96 Tues. March 12/96 Wed. March 13/96 Thurs. March 14/96 Fri. March 15/96 SESSION 2 Date: Mon. March 18/96 Tues. March 19/96 Wed. March 20/96 Thurs. March 21/96 Fri. March 22/96 9:00-11:00 a.m. and 4:00-7:00 p.m - Semi -Private $40.00 (5-1/2 hr. lessens,max. 3 per class) Private $90.00 (5-1/2 hr. lessons, max. 1 per class) N.B.: Last class starts at 10:30 a.m. a, 6:30 p.m. PA(4. 8 -A -•THF NEWS ADNTR-1'I1,1':R. N'I h., 11AR('H (, 11)96 Cops escape injury in rollover! PICKFRING -- Two Durham out ofthc cruiser. which moments later Regio" Police officers whose cruiser went up in ILunes. "It was a \en. close went into a ditch and rolled do%%n an call." said the inspector, adding sea[- I embankment escaped the \'chicle just belts "sax -ed their li\'cs. We could Basi- i %cconds before it burst into flames N hate been attending it couple of ! ctrl\ Saturdav morning. lunend,, this week." Tie two Pickering detachment con- -Rie constables rcponLd that a pick- !. stables — dn\rer Bob Softie and Jamie up truck nur\ ha\ -e been responsible Pacione -- were on a routine patrol at tax causing, the crash. but were unable i about 4:20 am. heading eastbound on to get a detailed description of the t }iw'}. 2 near Whites Rmid when they \-ehicic. Insp. Pugh said. The accident were apparentlN cut off b,. another is still under lm•estigation. i \•ehicic. the cruiser went into a ditch Neither officer was seriously on the south Side of the highway then injured. howe.\-cr Const. Souffle Sut- rolled o\cr se\•eral times down the fered a cut to the head and bruises i embankment before landing on its while Const. Pacione recci\Ld bruises. j roof. said Insp. Bruce Pugh. The S25.000 lumina cruiser vv'as The twc officers m:uiaged to climb declared a .% rile -off. ! CH MADNESS DELCU BEAM PL361 Centra Vacuum Package complete with Electric Powerbrush and _ Hose ''•zr ! Pacxagenotr-----..-. ONLY $599.00 CEN TRAI. VACUUM TUNE-UP Maximize the performance of your central vac system! Consider our 12 point tune-up for all makes! In-home service ONLY $49.% MBEAMBeam of Pickering Author, eC Dealer 127, K,ngsicr Rcad Miele CANADA S FAVOURITE EUILT-IN VACUUM 831-2326 Vacuum C:eaners Seam a canad. - - Gdtthme i \Wiifter IBLA,utc.1o, Start feeling better about yourself today at ��. �EVEfl�V NI«S Oak. :'EFt�GNA,. ZEL JVEIrHT MANAGEMENT •Safe Easy Weight Loss *Eat Grocery Store Bought Food •Nutritionally Balanced Program! WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO LOSE? Does not include enrolment fee. MIRT10- PERSONALIEr WEIGHT MANAGEMENT OSIiAWA WHITBY 555 Simc(m: tit. S. 223 BR(X'K ST. N. 436-2122 666-5050 Also krcalmns in Bradford Newmarket, Markham & Tbarxbill 6 EEIA nR 69 ENDS SUNDAY MARCH 10, 1996, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST IE Starting from 4499 Silverguard Esprit' all -season tire Has o Ireaa des�gr, and is mud and snow rated for excellent traction on wet, dry and snow surfaces. u60000seres 'Cornppere w r.any de+afi; of Segni gay TIRES FROM 1,L:243 1 on est artue5 �j Weout W arronty 10 000 krr • ' - every :. lire rotot on rr unctufe_ _ r.`e F ..,<rnnce on DIEHARD' BATTERIES AT ONE LOW PRICE! Save $10 cr -f s battery with bo -month warranty inc:ua,ng 12 -month free replacement period. Has up tc 130 minutes of reserve CapoCity 450606 serves Each 69.99 w th trade- n . Sears reg 79 99 with trader uSE YOUR SEARS CARO AND DON'T PAY UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1996 No minimum purchase required 1 r o down payment required Noprepaymeraoitax. NO 3rd party credA application Deferred offer opplies to all outomotive products and services, on approved credit, with your Sears Cord. $35 deferral fee applies. Offer ends Sunday, March 31. 1996. Liquidation gems in Clearance Centres and Catalogue purchases we not included in this oiler. Ask for details. l lllr� tt.% Copyright 1996. Sears Canada Inc ■ t SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE .,r„ 40 We're open Mon. -Fri. 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.. Sat. 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.. Sun. 11:06 a.m.-5:00 p•tn• ,4 rth, SiCEIAR69 a7on-,_ti-oin ,Sc.-ar 1 THE Ir F:WS ADVEWFISER, WED.. MARCH 6. f"6-f'%(;E 9-A P plus use your Sears Card and don tP a until Sept. y Seers A dmW oa aawa o e* ivdw to the GST from your tetal purdwse price. Offer apples to in -stock louverdrope' verkd anal Iwraornal hinds, soh-* shodes end Cosud Mona" carpet" in Scars Retal stores wad does am apply to any (atalogre or Cleoraece (entre purdwses, defend fees, dAwy, row t owe agroemwd or iastaffobon charges. Offer ends Sunday, Nardi 10,19%. " bdedes arm rugs Deferred offer applies to 'louverdrope wkol anal horizontal kGrds, soh -style shades W Cowol Mawr carper. 535 deferrol fee eppks Tics offer ends Sunday, Mwch 31 1996. [ipuido m heats in Ckaonce ( *es and (adogee purth ses are not incktded in this offer Ask for detais. SALE PRICES END SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 1996, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST CALL NOW, TOLL FREE, FOR A NO -OBLIGATION IN-HOME ESTIMATE OR VISIT YOUR SEARS RETAIL STORE 1-800-625-0025 SEA= Expect more from Sears SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open: Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Copyngni 1996 sears Canada Inc 0 HM 2 0 a 6 cc 0W 3 UA � G wV p�KEptN pK * HWY. 401 Deferred offer applies to 'louverdrope wkol anal horizontal kGrds, soh -style shades W Cowol Mawr carper. 535 deferrol fee eppks Tics offer ends Sunday, Mwch 31 1996. [ipuido m heats in Ckaonce ( *es and (adogee purth ses are not incktded in this offer Ask for detais. SALE PRICES END SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 1996, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST CALL NOW, TOLL FREE, FOR A NO -OBLIGATION IN-HOME ESTIMATE OR VISIT YOUR SEARS RETAIL STORE 1-800-625-0025 SEA= Expect more from Sears SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open: Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Copyngni 1996 sears Canada Inc . .' .► I ., .I , r .. I- I,"d i 1.., , • i ..j 1 PAGE IO -A -THE NEWS AUVERT1SEN, w EN.. MARkli 6. 19116- . it and ready to serve you : ow AFFORDABLE, PROFESSIONAL HAI RCARE.GUARANTEED TM GRAND OPENING HOURS: MON. - FRI.9 A.M. - 9 P.M. SAT. 8A.M. - 6 P.M. SATURDAY MARCH 9'" wRMCUT I DESWETDM &� ADULTS HEIGHTS PLAZA .sw.w•msa&uoa .uao 428-6824 A_ _ 1 White CanadianFA Rose rre �IrD�ES NETDOwN & BLOwDo 3ADULTS Reg. $10.00 0 IUDS 11 & UNDER Reg. $8.00 Hwy #t2 (Kingston Rd.) DOORS OPEN 8 A.M. FIRST 100 HAIRCUTS COFFEE & DONUTS FR BALLOONS & KIDS' GIVEAWAYS QUITS Reg $10.00DS 12 & UNDER $. R $. eg 00 0 E • III III III Of Heel heights Josie Rapini from Step Unlimited shows off some energy and flexibility during the fitness demonstra- tions held recently at Pickering Town Centre. The demonstrations were part of a five-day Health and Fitness Show at the mall. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Dr. Kevin Tyber OPTOMETRIST • Dispensing of contact j lenses and glasses • Evening and Saturday appointments available • Complete Family Eye Care 427-4144 15 hn•h : 5 -%,x YJhee,cha+r (Between Hm sp g ti: 21 Accessit)le N I r• A• A• A r �A • �! 1 COL,( s s C i C C s C talented exhibitors with their unique and outstanding Southwest, Victorian and Country handcrafted collectibles for your decorating and gift needs. Presenting a vane jr15MFST:_ST1U (905) 434-5531 do A r A 9 ty of: • Floral Designs • Potpourri ♦ Paper Tole •Jewelry • Stenciling • Bears • Folk Art • wooden Coliecbbles • Ceramics • Natural Art • Stained Glass • Dolts • Quills • ]uC�oj lwumrt,re • Pottery • Gourmet Delights ADMISSION ' s.nl� si.00 ChDdren Undo 10 Free A r A r A V THE NE%%'SAlri'F:R,rispR.►�'t:l).,,NIAR('H 6. 11"151 -PACE >> -A Capturing Oak Ridges Moraine on. film is naturarists' wetiRg topic 1"WKERING -- Pho- meeting this Thursday. • speaker Lou Wise discusses f"roni the air. ('all fifth -3997 tographing the Oak Ridges The group meets at H photographing the moraine for more inf(nnatlon. M f t d it; ) oralnl is — ur, Is P.M. at Rouge HIII f uhllc Thur,day when the Picker- Library, Rougenlount Dr. ing Naturalisls host its next south of Hwy. ?. Guest Part err Jrr .> nnc • I till see Isilk fitx•rgla-1 • Permanent French lip, • I rill sct (illi, INrw&r pi,rtclain gta/el u rapping Tip. • tt.micurc • `.t ming Pedicure. �rrd it it, marc 42t4 -87t47 MAK<:111 rSKI-:AK Sil"U(.IAr.ti Relaxer% i ruts. & sat. )..........30"`' & up Rash & Set rued & rhur%.l.'15 "' & up Curls ................................ .50,,,, Braids..............................'60"' & up Full Head of weave......... K & up Hours %e5 ThurS 10 a m S p m Friday 1 � a m B p m Sarurday I r a -• 2 3n p— James Schofield C.F.P. Chartered Financial Planner Member of TPA Investment Plannlnq Inc. 'A professional you can trust For Free with a reputation for the highest quality personal Consultation service and integrity." call 428-9911 AJAX FACTORY OUTLET Home of the ISOTONER Clearance Sale STOCK UP NOW! K'�x Iiimxkifta Bras now 510.00 -including GST and PST: Regularly up to S30.00 FINAL CLEARANCE SALE ISOTONEW Slippers $5.00 - $10.00 a pair - GST and PST! Regularly up to S28.00 FINAL CLEARANCE SALE '�I including Hosiery 3 prs. for $8.00 - including GST and PST! Regularly up to $6.00 a pair FINAL CLEARANCE SALE JUST IN TIME FOR SPRING... Adult sized T - Shirts Adult sized Sweatshirts Athletic shoes and sneakers Socks galore! NEW STOCK ARRIVING WEEKLY! All Sales final Samples and ends of lines Cash, Visa or Mastercard NO GST, NO PST ON ALL ITEMS! 250 Bayly St. W., (McKenzie Plaza) Ajax. Ont. Hwr 4M WAX11 Wednesday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. .r Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 77PLAUFriday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.1l`7_1U_T1 N Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. soeAnrsTw. Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 P.M. Operated by Nicholas Francis Associates THE NE%%'SAlri'F:R,rispR.►�'t:l).,,NIAR('H 6. 11"151 -PACE >> -A Capturing Oak Ridges Moraine on. film is naturarists' wetiRg topic 1"WKERING -- Pho- meeting this Thursday. • speaker Lou Wise discusses f"roni the air. ('all fifth -3997 tographing the Oak Ridges The group meets at H photographing the moraine for more inf(nnatlon. M f t d it; ) oralnl is — ur, Is P.M. at Rouge HIII f uhllc Thur,day when the Picker- Library, Rougenlount Dr. ing Naturalisls host its next south of Hwy. ?. Guest Part err Jrr .> nnc • I till see Isilk fitx•rgla-1 • Permanent French lip, • I rill sct (illi, INrw&r pi,rtclain gta/el u rapping Tip. • tt.micurc • `.t ming Pedicure. �rrd it it, marc 42t4 -87t47 MAK<:111 rSKI-:AK Sil"U(.IAr.ti Relaxer% i ruts. & sat. )..........30"`' & up Rash & Set rued & rhur%.l.'15 "' & up Curls ................................ .50,,,, Braids..............................'60"' & up Full Head of weave......... K & up Hours %e5 ThurS 10 a m S p m Friday 1 � a m B p m Sarurday I r a -• 2 3n p— James Schofield C.F.P. Chartered Financial Planner Member of TPA Investment Plannlnq Inc. 'A professional you can trust For Free with a reputation for the highest quality personal Consultation service and integrity." call 428-9911 AJAX FACTORY OUTLET Home of the ISOTONER Clearance Sale STOCK UP NOW! K'�x Iiimxkifta Bras now 510.00 -including GST and PST: Regularly up to S30.00 FINAL CLEARANCE SALE ISOTONEW Slippers $5.00 - $10.00 a pair - GST and PST! Regularly up to S28.00 FINAL CLEARANCE SALE '�I including Hosiery 3 prs. for $8.00 - including GST and PST! Regularly up to $6.00 a pair FINAL CLEARANCE SALE JUST IN TIME FOR SPRING... Adult sized T - Shirts Adult sized Sweatshirts Athletic shoes and sneakers Socks galore! NEW STOCK ARRIVING WEEKLY! All Sales final Samples and ends of lines Cash, Visa or Mastercard NO GST, NO PST ON ALL ITEMS! 250 Bayly St. W., (McKenzie Plaza) Ajax. Ont. Hwr 4M WAX11 Wednesday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. .r Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. 77PLAUFriday 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.1l`7_1U_T1 N Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. soeAnrsTw. Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 P.M. Operated by Nicholas Francis Associates PAI(W. till -A -THE IfF;WS ADN`1rRTISER.WFIl).. M. ARCH li 096 March bfun'' for career-mindedy outh at the A.]ax library AJAX -- The cc-hool March break is coming up` and youngsters in Ajax can use the time on their careers. The Ajax Public Library has a host of activities planned from March 11 to 22. all based on the theme of careers. All the programs are free and most operate on a drop-in basis. At the main library branch. orw-hover programs fox school -aged chiklmn from five tc 12 years are being held Mon- days. March 11 and IS beginning at 10:30 a.m. Dr..Ajax Science will con- duct some science experiments on Mardi I I and a travel agent will he on hand March 18 for a trip around the world. At the McLean Community Centre branch. Dr Ajax Science will be them w'edrx stia.. March 13 at 10:30 am. and a police officer will visit Wednesday. March 20. again at 10:30 am. Chef Mandv will cook up some fun Wednes,da- y. March 13 at 1:30 p.m. at the Village branch. while a Kindness Club pet care representative will be there Wednesday. March 20. also at 1:30 p.m. Collage art is the theme for a craft session at the McLean branch on Tuesday. March 12. while plasucine illustration will be done at the Village branch on March IS and exploring painting the topic at the main branch on Thursday. Mardi 21. One-hour craft programs will be brid at each brans tl for school -aged children and participants should wear a paint smock All craft programs begin at 10:30 am. A writers cxxtr.r will he held for chil- dren aged seven to 11 years at the main branch on Llarc ti 12 and 13. from 1:30 to 3 pm.. and at the McI A= branch on March 18 and 19. at the sante times. Participants should register in advance at the location they will take the course. Storytime sessions for preschcxolers will he holt: at the Village branch on March l l tht. main branch on "IT1urs- day. March, i -. and the Ni cI , c;ar l branch DOES YOUR CHILD SMILE WITH CONFIDENCE CALL 839-5000 CANADA FAMILY CENTRES on March 19. All Ston. -time sessions start at 10:30. am. and tun for 30 min- utes. Call the appropriate library bratxh for more information about anv of the evenus.Thc main branch is at the corner of Harwood Avenue and Kings Cres- cent. next to the Town hall. and the number is 6834000. The Mclean Community Centre hrarx'h is at the Ismer of Wesmev Road North ane: Magill Drive and the number is 42S-848( y LEMAW FURNACES AND AIR CONDITIONERS CHOOSEfo SCRATCH & SAVE rrp TO 19200 WHEN YOU BUY A FURNACEi . AIR CONDITIONER BUY • RENT - FINANCE - DELAYED PAYMENTS AND SAVE UP T0`11 200 INSTANTLY HIMLIEVYOUD HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING AJAX/PICKERING WHITBY OSHAWA/BOWMANVILLE 428-0353 665-0885 436-3212 (���/ �, We're on the Net at www.durhamnews/net ' r� I < 4 .>II, _..1�. THE NEW L!N iTEL ED 11OX CHEVY ROCKPORT BLAZER FOR PEOPLE WHO CHOOSE THEIR OWN DIRECTION. For Ihose tit you %ho \e never beru oro• it) tullou .I I ro\kd. your l:he\1 Truck Since h,t, coni' up with scot ohm -'-a Idtlr dlllrr/'III: Ihr' 110 Rirr ktalrf lil.l/t I NO 1:111RGE Rl \\1\G RO %kuti. AERODEF•I. CTOR \\D EMBROIDERED FRONT MOOR 111TS It conte,, \k Ith fill charge- rurrrll w hudflt�, aerodefleclor and embroidered hunt floor maIs. 1s well. ii tla, a driver � stile all ll, . t -wheel NBS. a t )hire \f viwoic. t -,peril autotllalie Iransnu"ion. push huiton I whorl dri\r. lamer L Rrt \\lrido\k,, power mirror.. power dish lock-. 1111 steerm*. lul onirol..Iluminum \kherl�. fish d gl&> . all cnndi- '^'^ ^^ both od, it t lining from bucket seals. roof ;a:r cal ti. 1\1/f'\1 trrco casserlc. and a Iiht r u rappett leering a herl. COMP1.1MENT181 ROCkPORT" GIFT PiliCkAGE MAM 4T 11 it char eoou;;h. you \kill also •(VI\e a special Rorkloort' gift package istinr,t Ilia pair of Rocklion, shins. a sueatshirt and it hat. Rernemher though. this is a limited rdiUun. which means i1 unn't he long; before ltrty'rr ;;one. 100Uun I tnrilwl to um- wur 1AI I;ard Earning•, luward the purchase or lease tut %olr ne\I 1 '\ . I \rhirlr lou %ilmid Ila" Iriw: Lu rntr. Idws and "Mil -1114 r nil hwiudt•d IN ;din Ina\ W -II or Ions lir d•... Immird IYue offer. Ulhrr Irn.r Irnu* .n ai Ltbn �tmr nnh•der• t nndihum appl% 1111. qtr Iwalcr lir drlad. tiublrrl In I.\I Lanl pnigrani silo. • TU :rod t,\I ore• hr rmrd ua•r. of \lark, Kttrw tR1 t, .r n•el,t- wit ua0.-Inar1, it 1 hr Raw Alwl Compos% Inc (1 1'145 1 it,. krn Alan L11 wn% In, 111 Right, Rr vin. d -joURClitt, f `Csc �G U. r� Fr=rmN9m0c t Pickering By MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REIN)RTFR PICKERING -- The public should he given a chance to scrutinize a pos- sible Town deal for parkland on the shore of Frenchman's Bay, says Ward 2 local Councillor Sherry Senis. "There's some consideration being given to purchasing that over appraised value," says the councillor. "It just makes us look terrible because people think there's all these special secret deals going on. I'm trying to protect us and protect the public as well." The property in question is the thlree-acre Keen Kraft Marina site (also known as Port Pickering Mari- na) on the east shore of Frenchman's Bay near the bottom of f=ront Road. The marina declared bankruptcy last year and property owner James McK- ean reports the Town offered $1.2 million fur the land last fall. Mr. McKean says he and the bankruptcy trustee did not respond to the ulfer because it was "far too low" Matior Wayne Arthurs confirms the Town has been in negotiations for purchase of the property for about eight months. The Town is interested in acquiring it, he explains, because Pickering residents have indicated they want parkland on the French - Workshop for special needs families set DURHAM -- Atour-session dis- cussion group for children ages IU to 12 is being offered by Kinark Child and Fanily Services for children who have a brother or sister with special needs. The first session is on Wednesday. March 20 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:3t1 p.m. The course takes place at Kinark Child and Family Services, 1916 Dundas St. Ii, Whithy. If parents are not signed up fur the parent group, the fee is S32 per per- son. The workshop will Focus on what it's like to have a sibling with special needs, problem solving, dealing with their feelings and how friends react to their special -needs siblings. Arts and crafts, group discussions, videos, and more are oft*ered. Preregistration and prepayment is required. Call the Family Education Resource Centre at 433-0386 ext. 316 for information on this work- shop or others That are uffercd. 'ruFNEWS AJWERTISJER;,WHD,.MARCH 6,1996-PAGEI}A .r linAri"iia landdeal *must bepublic-,.* Senis man's Bay waterfront in addition to the Bruce Hanscomhe Memorial Park on the west side. Pickering did receive a portion of the northern part of the hay in a deal with the Pickering Harbour Company, but that is only marshland and can't he used for "active parkland". The mayor refuses to discuss the amount of the Town's offer, citing the confidentiality of property negotia- tions. But Coun. Senis allows the $1.2 million reported by Mr. McKcan is in "the general ballpark" of the Town's last offer, while Ward 2 Regional Councillor Doug Dickerson says that was the figure he has heard discussed among councillors, though he has never seen anything on paper. Coun. Senis has tried to convince Council to amend the Tuwn property acquisition policy so public input would he required heforc Pickering could make an offer fur the purchase of any property, if the price it was offering exceeded the appraised value. But no other councillor would support her motion. "I'm dust disappointed with their attitude." says Coun. Senis, noting other bodies such as the Metro fiolitan "Toronto and Region Conservation Authority ha%c similar policies in save 3999 EC -212 18K data bank. Has phone directory for up to 670 numbers. 65-830 sateISO zw T-120 VHS video tape. Record up to six hours. Limit 10 per customer. 44-8601 a Sherry Senis "It just makes us look terrible because people think there's all these secret deals going on." place. "It keeps people from trying to gouge us." Though the Town takes the position that property acquisition discussions must he kept confidential to protect Pickering's negotiating position. Coun. Senis counters that opening up the process might enhance the Town's position by bringing alternative prop- erties onto the market when it becomes known the Town is looking fur a certain type of land. Coun. Dickerson says he also is in favor of pubh,: input into the marina purchase. but believes it should cone only after the Town and vendor have inked if deal which would include a condition that allowed the Town to consult the public before finalizing the sale. He says he didn't support Coun. Senis's motion for that reason. Ma%or Arthurs says the appraised value of a property should he looked at only as a "guide" and that other fac- tors such as the willingness of the vendor come into play when the actual price is negotiated. "Property acquisition doesn't lend itself readily to a public process and that's when representative democracy o0nirs int() play. . \s .t Ui)un.;1 .tpprec1,itc the HALF 399, PRICE 20 PRO 817 headphones. 15-22,000 Hz frequency response. 33-8360 HAIf PRICE 19 9 I-VI&W 200 -channel programmable scanner. Features air/fire-emergency and marine search. 20-308 a� 89129-W healthy skepticism that exists within the public generally." notes the mayor, adding that il* a deal is made and the public decides it is a had one they can make their feelings known in the next municipal election. Questions have been raised about possible soil contamination on the property and Mayor Arthurs notes a clean site will he if condition of the . sale. The Primrose, an 80 -year-old. 13640ot haat once used for dredging and now refurbished and moored at the marina, is also a factor in the negotiations, says the mayor. though he won't reveal whether the Town would want it removed or nut. According to Mr. McKcan the boat has municipal site plan approval for use as a restaurant, and it has liquor licence approval as well. Mr. Dickerson notes that hcfore giving his support to any deal for the marina, he would like to know that the Town will he able to put a boat launch ramp in the park the land is to he used for. The Pickering Harbour C()mpan} owns the bottom uI Frenchman's Bay under the agreement it signed w ith the Town. Mr. Dickerson says a "corre- sponding deal" would be needed with the company to allow a ramp if the purchase goes through. 10 -channel cordless phone. Has noise reduction circuitry and 10 memory locations. Available in white or black. 43-1003/8004 1499g;,a Micro stereo system. -as ='%,-stereo tuner cassette Teck a -d CD player Comes ; ,� "aote 13-1268 Trimline phone. Lighted keypad and 13 -number memory. In seven colours. 43-8939/40/l/2/3/4/6 e Ends .r Irsv RadioShack-..............A.LT.APPLY TODAY! r Rses witacr Cres a Card s s you mare (hose Important purchases wlthoul delay Prices shown are actual relis prices exclusive of any applicable taxes We reserve the t`7�1..� right IO COrroc piclOnal or typographic errors 19r You've got questions. w C re got answers. 'TMSM iKmseC to Inte lAN 111 RawSl, k i Jn von lanut .:ulpmauon USAI BNIeiles.C�iTapes Alsxellevxasson.5 not,WudeA un"s &M,fl d ' PAGE 14-A-TPW- 4FWS ADVEWNFR. WED.. MARC" 6, 1996 Hospital,anxiliar •�' shop celebrates :\-IAA-11WKERING — The 4477 Shop run by the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital Auxil- iark is celebrating its 20th anni\er- sarN \larch 4 it) 9 with special sales. funds raised through the shop are used to provide bursaries it) 0 �,.,, local high school students Laing into medicine or related fields. ;SII the items it sells -- %%hick Include nearly-ncu hooks, dishes. �gcloth- A in, sports t:yuipmrnt. shoes and hric-a-hrac — are donated. \•nlun- the shop. f ? t R"• ��� J4. The run �{. The 4-i ; _ Shop is open from 10 a -m, to .4 p,ni. MondaN to SamrdaN and is located at S' Old Klneston t t _ . Road in Pickerino \ illa,�t .:\lay. The 4477 Shop run by Ajax and Pickering General Hospital auxiliary volunteers is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Celebrating here are auxiliary volunteers (front row) Germaine Thompson, Marie Arsenault, (middle row) Betty Gilderson, Barbara Burke. Marjorie Lawrence. Daisy Bnmbecom (back row) Helen Hawk- er and Jenny Stewart. photo by Ron Pietroniro PODIATRIST Roland.l. Klein B.S.C.. DT.NI ,it rv;e , 1 �.Vni rn;. a tree 11r1.rrrrr .It Ccri r TRUSTEE IN BANARUPTCV, r .I. MES R. VANCIII 017t -ring all uuulsency svrsiii includi , per.onal and corporate hankrupicie, (1511-111.1 12'' Albert St 7'21 .5ilti AJAX 504 ornnrrrctai U.- 619 14.:I ( OBUI Rl. 7*2 Kin , St %% .,: ' 1:44 Saturda% A Esrning Appointments asailablr IAN ANDREW JOHNCOX The Partners of Kitchen. Kitchen. Simeson & McFarlane are pleased to announce that Ian A. Johncox has joined the firm as an associate lawyer. Ian is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario, where he obtained a Bachelor of Laws degree in 1994. He has recently become a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada. This addition to our firm is part of our continuing expansion of our legal resources. Ian will practice primarily in Civil Litigation. Ian is bilingual and is pleased to offer his legal services in either English or French. GOLDSTAR<0X0 PERSONAL MACHINE •=.�tonwhc Phone .: • "Joy function ngk sheet fe • _speed • Year pars & aoour warranty Details in-store; $ 229 Free Electronic Filing l Free Consultation :A C: :'REP PLUSE 3 Hours or Lie ' : •r Call us at (905) 683-1948\ 152 Harwood Avenue South, Ajax Ontario DIRECT EFILE - DEPOSIT • 3 copies/minute • Up to 20 continuous MAA4N REBATE $50 • 50 sheet paper tray Pli • 3 -year parts & labour AFTER warranty with 24-6our REBATE exchange service (Details in-store) 9 CASM CCOLOUR DISPLAY ORGANIZER N` 28697 • 128 KB memory • Telephcn , directory, expense function, memo, remir rschedule keeper, calendar, clock, world time, multi to-do list, calculator • 5-bng (English, Frertch�Spani�mon, Italian) • 1 -year parts & labour vwrranty (Details in-store) FULLY DIGITAL ANSWERING MACHINE N, 28398 • selective save and deb* • Remote access • LED message display • Memo feature • Tapeless microchip recording - 84 QJAW TRIUNE PHONE • Illuminated numbers • Adjustable volume and ringer controls • Redial, flash and mute buttons • Heoring-aid compatible White (28385) Green (28386) Bock (28387) Read the News Advertiser L9115UNRE WHITBY AJAX .�,.�° ,Mout s ®® "' SATURD�Y6AM-61111M E three times each week 16 M WOOD AYE, S n � '' ®r- so,.+w,+r�..w—..— wr,,,•ran••r.�o••u. V Q b FX 1505 ©0 D Q FAX MACHINE r-. WITH AUTOMATIC PAPER CUTTER • . one -touch speed dials • . 0 page automatic document Feeder • 43 number autodiol with oipho-search • Decurling function • superfine resolution • - Year parts & labour warranty ;Deiods in-store) • 3 copies/minute • Up to 20 continuous MAA4N REBATE $50 • 50 sheet paper tray Pli • 3 -year parts & labour AFTER warranty with 24-6our REBATE exchange service (Details in-store) 9 CASM CCOLOUR DISPLAY ORGANIZER N` 28697 • 128 KB memory • Telephcn , directory, expense function, memo, remir rschedule keeper, calendar, clock, world time, multi to-do list, calculator • 5-bng (English, Frertch�Spani�mon, Italian) • 1 -year parts & labour vwrranty (Details in-store) FULLY DIGITAL ANSWERING MACHINE N, 28398 • selective save and deb* • Remote access • LED message display • Memo feature • Tapeless microchip recording - 84 QJAW TRIUNE PHONE • Illuminated numbers • Adjustable volume and ringer controls • Redial, flash and mute buttons • Heoring-aid compatible White (28385) Green (28386) Bock (28387) Read the News Advertiser L9115UNRE WHITBY AJAX .�,.�° ,Mout s ®® "' SATURD�Y6AM-61111M E three times each week 16 M WOOD AYE, S n � '' ®r- so,.+w,+r�..w—..— wr,,,•ran••r.�o••u. V "'Help with Home° AJAX — if you have an idea for the 1996 Aiax Home Week celebrations, the organizing com- mittee would like to hear from you. The 26th annual event runs from June 8 to 16 this year. The chairman this year is Roger Mattison, while others serving on orga- nizing commit- tee are Myrna Picotte (vice- chairman), Dawn Flett (treasurer), Martin Olenroot (public rela- tions), Jacque- lynn Tanner (booklet chair- man), Ralph Golherg (parade chairman), Joe Dickson (found- ing chairman and Village co- ordinator), Fras- er Beach (Vil- lage co-ordina- tor), Geri Gel - dart (secretary) and Jim Leckey (past chairman). Promoting the unity and diver- sity within Ajax is an aim of the committee and the support of residents will help, Mr. Matti- son says. " W e ' r e always open to suggestions and active participa- tion from the 711t•: %i �WS A1JVVRI�1SkR, �ti'111)., MAKr'H `, 199¢-PM1'.k 1;-A bought • Weed sby •committee residents in our community, to make things even better this year," he adds. The next meeting of the organizing com- mittee is Tues- day, March 12, at 7:30 p.m. at the Ajax Kins- men (Tub's newly renovated Heritage ('entre at 120 Roberson Dr. To get to the centre, go north on Church F'ESH1gh Efficiency Filter QR F f3 set back Thermostat QR FREEn Year Parts Labour Warranty M 1 � �MYORK a-.0 A' and Please recycle this newspaper J FLAT RATE Long Distance FROM .�.... p.r. .- Maw. 11`rW.- Two ..e 1299/.onTwo-Way .:..sr.wl.e,u. C a I 1 i n t if a "I.r ...aaru.�.. ,IA tia« .n aJJn:..w.l hP: ..,.r1 I1.. :.11 ymr dh.� Hn4� Jnl�rx:.alh. �M-4rt. �..Ip.,.r lw.r.T• rlr, �r,err...p. `~ expanded sen -ice to: Whitb-, CKhawa, Port Perr% & lilac) stock arra ','LaoW to Api. Pckeru), dXC­VL% YW) ;TeIeh0Po (416)406-397 au tkt7Y •''1 M •,rAm �1td1 BEAT THE WINTER BLUES! $2000 Zo OFF ANY BATCH OF WINE.* • Not valid in conjunction with any other offer • Wine must be ordered & paid by March 16/96 e Max. 3 batches per customer. °a z (905) 837-1818 1211 Kingston Rd. Pickering 01010 Our Fish Street from right and travel being issued (.all Martin llw•y. 2, turn north to the again this year Olenroot at'N)i- left onto building. and church 696-3727 h)r Delaney Drive, A }tome groups can be more informa- take the first Week booklet is listed for free. tion. 0 0 .4, P0 W REDATOR SALE 0 �\ A F Noma w Great for the New Dog Owner! FREEIN'"'EN'EE I ,I t i i,4liiui,l Do( TI•ll/Illll tr t 1(jeo = c� t%5Emperor 280 $270 9 'Good Owners, 63 �► power filter $10 OFF MSL! Great Dogs" with purchase D7028 1 -Brian Kilcommons 290 of t,_—OCEANIC 8kg. L".:,i _J J I FISH FOOD Hamster Q3091. Hex. Double Teaser!Nurafin Staple Exercise Furniture HOURS of Fun ; �.h �,Y. ; ,,, Ball Package 16 66 93$6088 h Q Includes Pine Stand! 0 reg' $ 9 • A __1_ $19.99 A7032 H84 Q Diller valued at Sb -1.88 �"- SITE SIZE PRIGS Bary Piranha $20 96 Largo Our Pike Loaparr Sarraetria Couir $ 19 73 CHOICE ID Shark 2 Black Convicts Jack Dompsay Siamese Fighting Fisk Coale$ 1 97 CHOICEe :tats valid only at "loan oan Centre 10catiun until `larch 1'th. 1496. • - Ll ­ 4150 Hand Fed Babies!, 81tACK HEAD CA/QUE`'ORT/MMEH AFR/CAN GREY Fifty Dollars Off Birdy Bucks 1-1. & Wd,4 —d:oW.re J, t• <, E•a•.<, March 1 j•n •JJJ tS PEiT C_ENrTiR�E�S 2- - o Pickering trvv W g Y 1355 Kingston Rd. Town Centre t o Pickering, Ontario of 3a°t _ °° (905)837-11661 NF W% WX FK I ISF.R, %I %R('F1 6, 1996 R1 E= Ra N O ur Produc0"b es'.` :. . Our Business is Pe*0'01e. , Pill 1995 NEW YORKER�4�D�R,.` ', 5 L. prw. piniyseats. nit. cruise. auto. temp :t❑ keyless entry. overhead console. security alarm. traction control, cloth seats. P4641. Only 51 1 x88• Per Day 1995 STRATUS 4 DR. a. 3 L. auto.. p s. p,b. security pacr c etn buckets AM/FM CO. p/w. ydl. p/minors. ABS. seat height adluster an coed P4629 Only $9.10* per Day 1995 CHEROKEE COUNTRY d :., 313 protechor ABS trailer towAtraCseiect frac ooh console auto. brighspkrs.. p w.. p dl- p mrors. AWN casOnly $'12.7 * 1994 CONCORDE 4 DR. 3.3 L. p/w. p/d. p/mirrors. tilt, cruise, p/seat. keyless entry. security alarm. auto. temp air. ck>th buckets, console. ALVFM ass. V4658. only $8.10* Per Day 1995 GRAND CHEROKEE UREDO 4.0 L. auto.. pis. pro, p/w, p/d, p(mirrors. air cont.. tog tamps, select trac. security alarm. AM" ass., cloth sats, console. 10 in stock Only $13.90* per Day p NEW SOwx— Tgq�,�, 6 RIGHT PRICE! 1990 CHRYSLER LEBARON 4 DR. V6, air. power windows. power locks. fully loaded with balance of factory warranty. Only 32.000 miles. Priced To Sell 1992 GRAND VOYAGER SE 3.3 L. 7 pass.. air cond.. p/w. p/d. p/mirrors. sunscreen. running boards, bug deflector, tift. cruise, rod rack AM" cess. M1 A. One Owner 1996 DODGE RAY 1500 CLUB CAB 52 L, auto., ph, ^ anti spin axle, air cont., trailer t—bgg7p�• WD a—, slep airdollh . 53. Only *10. 51* per Day F�92GRAND VOYAGER SE s' " �` 3.3 L. auto.. pis, p/b. 7 pass., tilt. cruise. sunscreen glass. air cond., p/mirrors. AM/FM cess.. bug deflector, roof rack. 1743A. Priced To Sell 1995 INTREPID 4 DR. 3.3 L. auto., p/s, p/b, p/w, p/d, tilt, cruise, p/mirrors, air cond., doth buckets, console, AWFM cass., message conler. ?4606. Only $9.10* Per Dar 996 5.2 L, auto., p/w, p/d, tilt, cruise, air coed., AWFM Bass., SLT decor, 4012W40 seat, It/D service, trailer tow pck chrome wheels, ami spin axle, two tone, sde ear window. TM only $11 wW* per Day &UM %;MKY*LMK • "THINKING LIKE A CUSTOMER" OOD AVE. (North o1401) NAMAW29 _--,Stk. #P4676 1995TH R`T TMIR�IMIM TURBO A.W.D. 04 V6. 6 spd.. p/w. p/dl. pWseat, cruise. air cond.. AM/FM cass.. equalizer, leather seats. 18" chrome wheels, privacy glass. plmirrors. D532. 3 To Choose From 1995 CHRYSLER LEBARON Convertible, loaded, auto.,p.s., p.b., air, p.w., PA., All, cruise plus much more. Only $9.46* Per Day 5.9 L, ado., p/w, p/dl, tilt, cruise, air coed., AM/FM cass., sport appearance, chrome wheels, trailer tow, WD service, anti spin axle, Tphtrnw ors, slide rwindows, SLT lerime pack lin Only $12mW per Day 1996 DODGE RAM 1500 PICKUP Brand New) I ri 3 9 L. auto . p.s p b air cond AM -FM cass.. conquer package. cloth seats. step bumper. T7t2. � Only 8u59- per Day 1995 GEO TRACKER iiw Buckets. 5 spd. one owner with only 17.000 miles (Priced To Sell 1993 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER FIFTH 3.3 L, auto., p/w, pid. p/mirrors. p/seats, auto. temp air. AM/FM case., equalizer• security alarm. W.S.W., wire wheels. P4402A. Only $8.50* per Day 1992 CARAVAN LE WAGON l VIII y — 3.3 L, p/seat, p/dl, p/w, p/mirrors, 7 pass., sunscreen, lift, cruise, overhead console, AWFM cass., air cond., keyless entry, p/nar windows, root rank V4514. Priced To Sell DODGE RAM 3500 DUALLY •.0 L, V/0, aft, 111110, plc, air Gond, til, cruise, SLT Wrime, KID service, trailer tow, camper apseial, sun gip, twilit" ?aim, air da.t, tach. only :14.54* P� Day N VILLAGE i I PLYMOUTH Hyyy, •qpl CHRYSLER 0 p TORONTO = OSHAWA THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED.. MARCH 6,1996 -PAGE 17-A V COMMUNITY NEWS NothingGolden about C] Durham chairman brings message to Ajax -Pickering Board of Trade AJAX-PICKERING -- The Golden Report on reforming municipal government in the Greater Toronto Area (GCA) will "affect each and everyone in this room Durham Region Chairman Jim Witty told a business group 7hurs ay. Speaking to about I(x) people at an Ajax -Pickering Board of Tradc luncheon at Rcgalis Restaurant in Pickering. Mr. Witty said husiness property taxes will "increase 50 per cent to help out Moro Toron- to" if some of the 51 rccommcnda- tions in the Golden Report are implemented. ( )nc of Golden's rccommenda- tion's is pogo ing the education fx►r- tion of business taxes and dividirw it around the ( iTA. "There's a problem in Metro and it should be salved in Metro. This (rcfx)rt) will have a terrible impact for the surrounding municipali- ties," he said. A commercial business in Aj:cx Bacon, budget on MP's breakfast menu AJAX-PICKI:RING -- Paul Manin's budget will be on the menu at a hreak- fast being hosted by OnLuio Riding :*11, Ihtn McTc;ague. The federal finance Minister is scheduled to release his next budget on Wednesday. March 6. Mr. McTeague will host a budget breakfast Thursday. March 7 beginning at 7:30 am. at Regalis Restaurant in the Pickering Corporate Centre, southeast rami ir of Livcxpox)l Road and Pickering Parkway. A finamial expert will be on hand to explain some of the measures included in the budget. The cost is S 10 and. as seating is limited. re%eryations should he rnadr by 5 p.m. out March b ('all 427-6203 for more information or to rc,_rslcr. s�Ess�'a��, gyred probe WHY LIVE WITH IT? The Healing Process TM Works • Lower back pain • OldINew Injuries • Aching feet Introductory Sessions Available Calf for details Denetrea (905) 683-0684 with an assessed property value of S1 million will see its taxes ino7case S3.5(X) a year with (iold- en report rccommendations, while the same property in Pickering will pay S3.4(X) more. "It will be a ho on to Metro. but a drain on each and every person in this room and this region." he stud. Another Golden rccommcnda- tion is climiruiting the five regions and replacing them with a 30 - member (beater Coronto Council (GIV). Mr. Witty said the report wants to take "something that's toxo big and replace it with something hip* - ger. "'Chis Greater Toronto Council will not work and will cause noth- ing but trouble for Durham Region." The Golden reports suggests Durh:un have three representatives on the ( STC -- one for Oshawa. one for Ajax. Pickering and I!xhridge. and one for Vb'hithy. Clarin_ton. Scugog and Brock. Durh:un Regional Council sup- ports property reassessment. he said. ­ lhis must take place quickly and in Metro first.*' Some properties in Metro are assessed on values dating as far hack as the 1920h. he noted. "They're so far out of date. you rcidly can't comparc; two houses on the s;unc street and be in the same world." he said. With reassessment. "everyone would he on an equal hasis and no one can say 'his is better than mine and I want a reassessment"'. Mr. Witty added. A provincial task force seeking public comments on the (joldcn Repc)rt will tx• in Whahy on ,March 8 and Mr. Witty urged hoard of trade members to attend and speak out ag,unst the do curnent. Nval I vzo..r, (,llt�f't� I :anaila I :h��i, (;rain-I��•rfi �< 3 831)/k(r Sit -lima Capi(-„Ila s r. �•�_ular r�r I1�►t. I/rli-�lio•eo1 .� 99[ffi -2 660/ioo g Cantaloupes Product of Honduras No. I Grade is K f' 3 eacl 1•�r-�•,h 69 3.3fkg BI-( eildi i)r (A all I iflof ),V% er : M. Pte.. atoes _ Sealtest Whole or Time Sa%er '"" Litrht n Lively y6 ml. Yocrourt ,-Assorted \arirtie•. I .7 cacti i., 199 Prices effeetive until Saturday, March 9, 1996. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Vow..., LOEB Fur I�ec►pjc �� )�u I_�►vc l�uua� 1 uua� Yr !'�l:h: IK -A -"t ti F: \E�� � \h� }.K"1'tai•'Ft. �� E'I►.. �t �Nl`H ri. ly�n Fault furnace vents ma be yy re placed with class action suit and Dowler, the law firm hired by oration on how they may be able to ONIM71', recover the replacement costs should Homeowners who want more infor- call the law firrtl at 1 _SW -608-012 3. BY CINDY UPSHALL 1)t-RHAM STMT Il'RIIAM -- Region residents with faulty plastic furnace venting systems may be reimbursed replacement costs if a multi -million -dollar class action suit launched this week by the Ontario tic,.v Ilome Warranty Program (ONIlW1') succeeds. ONIINVP tiled the class action wit against three American plastic venting systems manufacturers and 13 mid- efficiencs furnace manufacturers on behalf of the estimated 10.000 Ontario homeowners who have defective plas- tic venting systems. Also included in the action are two appro%al agencies that authorized the use of the systems in O nLtrio. According to Janet 1lowat, manag- er of communications and marketing for the ONIINk'P, the prognun is also considering naming the 'Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. which also approved the systems, in the class action. The ONIPA'P suit claims the plastic venting systems. installed on some mid -efficiency furnaces between 1981) and 1994. are prone to crackin:. Which can cause potentially lethal car- bon monoxide gas to leak into the home. The ONHAT is also includin: owners of older homes who have the defective %entin: system in the class action. "'Ihere is a common concern shared by ne% homeowners and the owners of older ones. for that reason we decided to include them in the class action." says Ms. Mowat. More than -t.(XM) ncu homeowners had the venting systerns replaced b} the ON I INN'". at a cost of 55 million. By launching the class action the 0NII\VI1 hopes to recoup this money as well as recovering the costs incurred by owners of older homes who were not covered by ONIiN'P. "This class action represents the best way to ensure that this large group of people with common con- cerns and interests have recess to fair and just compensation." says !Michael Eizen:a of Siskind. Cromarty. Ivey Diabetics taught be fit, eat right AJAX-PICKERING -- Keeping fit is one of the keys to staying healthy, especially for diabetics. Ajax and Pickering General Hos- pital is holding an information ses- sion tonight, March 6 about the benefits of exercise for people with diabetes. Regular exercise can help improve blood sugar control and may reduce the amount of insulin needed to maintain good blood sugar levels. Other advantages to exercise is that it helps decrease insulin resis- tance, improve the body's ability to break down glucose and prevent or reverse disease and deterioration of organ systems. The session will be held at 7 p.m. in the hospital's lower level confer- ence rooms B and C and will fea- ture guest speaker Vicky Baum, a registered physiotherapist. Registra- tion is not required. Call 683-2320 for more information. • Kidz Klub in Pickering PICKERING -- Picker- (Lays from March 1 I to 22. ing Pentecostal Church is 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. hosting a Kidz Klub dur- Crafts. games, sports and ing March Brea.]: to offer afternoon outings are fea- arca kids activities. lured. Cost is $23 a day. It's for youths aged six Call 939-1302 for more to 12 years and runs week- information. lllzi,il I I I [1 AN s!A TAP- ITZ"d * TVS *STEREOS* CAMERAS *AUTOMOTIVE *TOYS *SMALL APPLIANCES *SPORTING GOODS *BED & BATH* WATCHES *MEN'S. WOMEN'S & CHILDREN'S CLOTHING *HOUSEWARES* CANDY *HARDWARE i1' 11' 0 tu�sYttesete�rte AINAM M MaImO OONIN 61YIN6 x011 SAVINGS OFF iNE ORIiUUI RKE OF UP To LC% *HEALTH & BEAUTYNEI PATIO & GARDEN CAIN, CNEOYEi Im "M_ a 50M NO LATAWATS ON NOI TAG ITEMf. 601 V Frenchman's Bay future is meeting topic as ratepayers' group meets PiCKERiNG -- The future ering East Shore Community wildlife in the bay. of Frenchman's Bay will he Association (I'I?SCA) on The meeting begins at discussed at a meeting March 6. 7:30 p.m. in the East Shore Wednesday. Other topics on the meet- Community Centre, on Liv - Representatives from the ing agenda include a water- erpool Road south of Dayly Waterfront Regeneration front trail around French- Street. Trust, a federal -provincial man's Bay, ownership of the Call association president task force headed by former hay, Greater 'Toronto Arca Roy Robinson at X31-8123 Toronto Mayor David Crom- reform and how it could or the PF,SCA program bie, will speak at the annual affect property taxes, and the information line at 839-6912 general meeting of the Pick- effects of development on to find out more. Gende Dentistry for Adults, IKI'ds, and G To help you feel at ease: ✓ Ultrasonic cleanings ✓ Soothing nitrous t oxide & general anesthesia s t- ✓ Virtual Vision glasses & stereo heaciphones to help you relax ✓ Autoclave sterilization ✓ Amazing intraoral camer ✓ Complete preventive, restorative & cosmetic dentistry' Convenient care with you in mind: -�_ ✓ New patients welcome ✓ We file & accept �`•.. direct tn.` urince p:is'Tri ents ou pili- orliv port"m - not covered h: plan C w r: ✓ � :51, discount for senior citizens appointments for emer ericies .d it ✓ White tiilint s fllr back teeth J Impacted wisdom teeth tre.itment ✓ ``.iturdav appointments Call for your free cosmetic consultation! • Learn hoNN tooth khltcnin`,. porcelain veneers. and other cosmetic procCdures can make dour smile look brighter. Dr. Steven Nadel, D.D.S. Former Editor of the newsletter for dentists, THE DENTALETTER C' 172 Harwood Ave. South, Suite 101, Ajax CALL NOW 683-1432 'nii% %ov, .unp!lirr Ihr ht to 0 lik G•rt It h.nb IINI ,t;nt t ' 1mv, , ,•.,I tuner 41l\I,Fllpnti•h, Inll m:1 u:t, ulp.lt,'.-•, Mt�t 29(, lladph-mrlai�aud. •i�nrnAuVl rt, �;i��^ 11x nit lu amtml fnNu ting ylm �TKU r viplifkruill gprak. Al t!r anxliuln d Illi, 1141% ;41 ch:utl,K•rltlratun�IhhndPuLvIIH:uxllhxl\rh:tn}t•.a�»ttmdialki� AQQ touclixl III, togllbutuIviwiul4uldKf'WI (71f9 �; 27 / THE. NEWS ADIVERTISER, WFI)., .MAR('H 6, 1996-P•1(;E 19-:% Celebrate St. Patrick's Day at Pickering Legion PICKF?RING -- St. Patrick's Day is tainment, fo(A. Prizes and a D.J. It coming up and the Rugal Canadian starts at X p.m. and will take place at Legion i.adies Auxiliary. brunch h()6. 1555 Dayly Street. Pickering. has just the celebration for you. Tickets are .$10 and can he bought The celebration. on Saturda}. at the har or he calling Myrna at 683 - March 16, will have plenty of enter- 3520 or I lelen at 837-1054. A X)",LFY ' Fabric pNR SALE IfCheep.Nowi from Select19 ed Patterns j MC FROM 99EA. GREAT LV I Special Selection! for Cran=e NYLO100°o COTTON PRINTS . - • • 90cm wide. 90cm wide. Our 19 Our Reg. 3.98 m I • NOWm • Special Selection!! DEC E Special Selection! W -I -D -E FLANNELETTE- � r NOVELTY SUITING SOLIDS 165cm wide. ` 150cm wide. Our Reg. 5.98• m Our Reg. 9.98 m NOW 2=T • NOW 2 HpME SIP selection! Special Selection! DEC! « DRAPERY PRINT Ends • • 11 5cm wide, 100% rayori. '35cm wide. ` " our PA9. 8.98 M Our Reg. 4.99 m 349 • • NOW m • GREAT GREAT Special Selection! /a►O"3! Special Selection! Si • POLYESTER PRINTS 'ENDS -'Starry Night* CRAFT PRINTS 11 5c wide. 150cm wide solids. 115cm 100'. cotton. i Our Reg. 10.98 m99 • Our Reg. 6.49 m 549 NOW m. •• • • � NOW rn PRQMQTiQNA4 NQTiQNS • I 0• •.. • m .�. THREAD'__ sC c 25tea. Our -•. 60 e • ZIPPERS _ _ _ 25e ea. 00.• 000Prepackaged INTERFACING . Our Rea 3 30 ea • es ._ - 99e pkg. . Sa e ^ e"eC P.1a _ -2-1 9E Ycs- 'e—c- _ - = s_ es _ _sae NZ specal orders Please Nc!e :^e'er•^ c..r re; a' P• ce 1355 Kingston Rd. . Pickering Town Centre 839-5990 _ ' s erCarC Lisa Chequesrterac _e h~ere t'edt,t n ma6int, n>ntpilatum ky:.od tour 111 aolkttilat thi> tiult dual (in�n h.i i9 tnlml tFl rh �rrtt i.IMnnl;. I F'I I lra� ;ctrl nxic•r Jtuntatli kyr R uth r.0 a hr.uh fI !!c•nupin ik%".; We Know hour To Listen! .V ;:a'r Ater I, :::t ?.,;:. `V .a11 N purr yk.im ilxt Ir 0Nal! t�-ur ,K, rd�, aur6, ,•d 1,iMAh!I[ I❑ X: t: .lig. �;n!IC .::.;rr,inn .k.'.°c ,t^h : in i�rlt u�rdrf. t the. cubnll .tadiu r.kc� arth IInG�i aaxnudr.ula.Cid l-iiac.tLTIrr iylAAIItln:aw([('+:r(((„and111,16kt!rack t,rn,idNItlh ll}? ::'r i,n'l h.lx. 4 :Ili+11 �- ad4•rt ti,! •:•kn I httl:.:r 1t.-:1-9.99 The Sony Power System Pickering Town Centre, 420-3224 "'U"ar, PA(:E:2Q-A-TnF. 1E %VS AI)\'ERTI ER. WE'D- NIARCli t, 1996 V RECYCLER'S REPORT Turn junk into a gem with monthly treasure chest During the first N-cek of cx•cn month. Recvcler's Report and the \'c\\, Advertiser bring N'ou 'The 1'reasurc Chest'. "i his space alloxvs residents to grxc axxax items the\ no longer want. Likem. isc. those i ho Wish to pick up something can advertise their nods. To utiliic "I-hc Treasure Chest', call 420-56-25 Jurin, regular business hours. larraine roulston 12) k1a,2nifying glastics, micro- scopes. nature collections• any scientific tors• animal skulls and pelts• rucks and minerals. bug specimens. Scientists in School Program - 509-1984 or 8 3,9-S 1115 I ; ) "IN. cot-tcc tabic, chairs, co►rrputcr, toes - 427-07.39 14) ('hildren's skis ( 1.30 crrr and 16) cin). ski hoots sites I and 5. microscope, prepared nucro- scope slides. computer mouse ITEMS NEEDED Food Line at the Supercentre and Loblaws & your lifestyle. pads, puppets, hooks ,vith tapes 1) Guinca5h,1 Bring a calculator ` the the low fat way. fur special educational needs - 1 1lotori�cd scouter. film•_ Mon. . Tues. Mar. 7 > Mar. 11 > HM12 p.1a•]0 pm -- at Gallantry's Banquet Hall, Pickering Towne Centre, 1355 Kingston Rd. in the Toronto Star, 839-8260 cabinet, sofa bed - 6X6 -X117 can 1"9.4882 for reservations Dennis Show on City TV, Canada AM 15, Old G.I. Joe dulls 1 -roar for 3)Dress-upclothes fur children Recycler' ro ect on Second World War. l 5-1) \cars. Items such as s Paul •116-291-i9;-1 I aprons. capes. uniforms and 10) Scrap yarn ?" or lunger and clothes made from Nclvet. chit- Report scrap fabric ," squared or larg- fun. satin. ctc. -- Da% Care cr- X 39-191Centre 68 151)9 1 7) Old tube radios. radio Drax%ing Desk fur graphic tubes, test equipment, tube - dcsi_ns. dra,,+ing materials.amps cleaner. tiling cabinets, amps and related hook. �scl_ht-lifting equipment - 8-19- cedar chest or blanket box, requested h} hobbyist - 839- 5906 portable selling nrachinc. 1207 i Dresser. night table. soca Ilfticc Iurniturc 6X6- 315ti IS) (I,ffcc tables for a donut bed -420-5625 9) Small treeier. oral hath coltce shop - Tcsh 416-597- 61 1_ight\%ci_ht \xhccichair and sink. .inglc hcd 316-�85_ 9. M nras.agc tabic. Help needed 1.1�; ` Hrth photocopxmg and sortingIll) C)Id nxluns to be used to ITEMS "CO (:I\ E ��•:�1' articles -- nun -profit ,tuft crocheted bears - 686- 1 ) 13ah� chan_c tahlc and hab Fihromxal_lia Chronic Faii_uc -,,yy clothes - 0`s6 -X-, 17 Group - 1 I ) Building supplies, 'x-ls. ') Three hoxcs of 5110 'Copy - 7) Easel., :hphoards. lucking 20s. 20, aluminum riding. ,cttc' carbon and file paper tier storage trunk the Must: drnHall. pli,%ood. shingles -- atnpcwriter-8;I-7X98 Youth Program - 42--0410 for wheelchair renovations 3) Stnall oxen toaster - 819- 8 Wrought iron furniture. %ac- purharn Better Lite - 686-91 13 X7K 1 Child Find moves to fill executive positions AJAX-l'Il KI.RING -- A Child Fmd volunteer co-ordinator. treasurer and tund-raising co-ordi- mcctin_ and ciccuuns are slated for WCLIncsdaik, nator.Recognition awards for cligible volunteers Alarch h at - p.m. will also be _iven out. 'I"he meeting is open to 7'hc meeting is at the chapter office at 3 Har- current , olunicers and anyone interested in wood A\e. S.. 2nd floor, unit 20I. Ajax. lcarnin,-, about the urganiiation. Fisc executive positions need to he filled. For more information call the Child Find including chairman, sccrctarx. poster distribution Office at 9(15-686-3181. Senator to speak at federal Liberal dinner � DURHAM -- Ontario Riding Liberals will gath- er for a fund-raising dinner later this month and Senator Celine Hervieux -Payette is the guest speaker. Sbe'll speak about Canadian unity and social justice at the federal Liberal association's annual spring dinner on Wednesday, March 27. Ms. Hervieux-Payette has served as a federal cabinet minister responsible for youth and sports issues. She now serves on two Senate committees -- Banking, Trade and Commerce, and Transport and Communications. Following her speech, Ms. Hervieux-Payette will answer questions. The event is being held in the HMS Ajax Room in the Ajax Community Centre, on Centennial Road, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $90 per person and can be used as a tax deduction. To reserve a ticket or for more information, call 427-0587, Dave Crawford at 839-8386 or Mary Helen Barnes at 509-2778. Nt-'` ^,'� Tax Returns L41� in less time than %-ou think •�U }•cars Experience / 4•1 -ax Plannin`7 *dost tax returns processed ,oithin �kecks ,:CREATIVE BOOKKEEPING 831-1028 lour act O rltll• 111 II1_'(1Hnack kit Canada ua :7I7:l #1(X1-1. Pickering E-I•ilinl, Please remember to recycle your News Advertiser FIVE . i f APPLICATION*-,,,-,,,.; 6.4. PROGRAM 1) Early Spring Fertilization 2) Spring Weed Control MOST LAWNS ONLY 3) Summer Fertilization 4) Fall Weed $120 HEAD SEASON! Control 5) Fall Fertilization 11"6E_D ON 511E-1) 1,011 - ALL Grano-ilar Fertilizer - Insect control, Crab grass control, and Aeration available as required - Professionally applied by licensed applicator FULLY INSURED AND GUARANTEED 686-1436 Wendy & Barb EAT LOW FAT AND GET FIT! 4 '. Our seminars will show you how easy Look for Wendy & Barb's it is to change your I "You Won't Believe It's Low Fat" eating habits Food Line at the Supercentre and Loblaws & your lifestyle. Admission $35.00 • A fun night to help Bring a calculator you stay motivated the low fat way. Next Seminar • No Gimmicks Mon. . Tues. Mar. 7 > Mar. 11 > HM12 p.1a•]0 pm • No Potions • Recently featured at Gallantry's Banquet Hall, Pickering Towne Centre, 1355 Kingston Rd. in the Toronto Star, Hamilton Spectator & the Marilynn can 1"9.4882 for reservations Dennis Show on City TV, Canada AM v Irift. ;VWti.Q1ATRTiS1r1'.WED...ti1Att('If6.1`"6-P%(;F21-A Ah entertainment Call us at 683m5110 with your story ideas Variety the spice of stage life - at student drama festival By BILL SIMPSON a black comedy about the tri- decide bortween conforming player,, from Uunhation per- This moving Play showed These note can't come• svFctnt.mntF \yw's nt�vl:trnstlo ails ofliving with a 57-ponuxl to or resisting peer pressure. formed This Is A Play. a people in a Newfoundland the enormous amount of Dt1RHAM -- Differences house cat. A classic by 'Thornton hilatrious spox)f of actors and fishing village suffering from work and talent involved. If in content and style were the Sinclair Secondary's win- Wilder, "Ilse Long ChrWinw, acting. the closure of the c(xf fishery. you have a chance to ,;cc anv real story last week as ring pertiarmance of Happily Dinner, was performed he Osh, s Iiaast(lade Coble- the 'Free of bite was written of these shows at the school',, regional high school students Fiver After was about a bridal O'Neill Collegiate and Vena- giiatc and V(x:ationa] Institute and directed by Bruck Luke, that onginated them. they arc look the stage at Dunbarton party with serious doubts taonal Institute of Oshawa. presented The Bathroom this war's festival onanuer. well worth w•eint,. Iligh School in the 50th about Toin ah d .4, th annual Sears 1)rarna Festival. And. when all was said and done, festival adiudicator I-arr Ol.cary selected Scent of Honeysuckle from Port Perry high School. Happily Ever After from Sinclair Scc- ondary School of Whitby. and The "Tree of Life from Iumharton Iligh of Pickering as the Outstanding Perfor- marwes. They will go on to t- g e <a wt e wedding. Pickering Iligh School presented two plays. The first was The love Course about a university lecture %-,i%cn by two instructors with a love/hate relationship. The second was the American Dream, a weird and very funny play by '17heatre of the Absurd writer IAwaard Alhec. St. Mary's second entry Ihts play portrays lour gen- erations of family history, both happy and sad. Paul Dwyer Catholic I ligh School, also in Oshawa, entertained with Guess Who's Coming to Lunch', a very funny play. Next was Who Calls.', a fine entry from Anderson Collegiate Institute in Whit- by. 'This rather haunting play was Victorian in style and Door. an old play abut peo- plc waiting to use a bathroom in a hotel. "Their pr(xiuction was z anv and energetic. Aia1( high School prescnt- ed The Boundary, a word- Plav about two dictionary editors whose words and def- initions get all mixed up. both physically and vLrhally. Ilse clo.in_ play was "Ible Tree of Lite by Dunhario n perform the plays and repre- was A (tipple in Society, a language. sent Iharharn at the next stage look at students trying to On their home statge, four of the competition Watch for the next issue of in Kim_skxa. This year's local leg of the festival had 15 plays for theatre - go crs to enj)y. first. Brock Iligh School in Cannington pre- sented Wake, an offbeat meeting between two peo- plc in a funeral home. tlxhnda;e Sec- ondary School was next with Noboxh Sleeps, a comedy about an inept burglar named Clarence ("call me Spike"') Port Perry High's entry was Scent of Honey- suckle, a moving portrayal of an elderly woman and her memories. Next. St. Mary Catholic Sec- ondary School presented Such a Nice Little Kitty, The Winchester A ms Special Events ST. RITRICK'S�D kY WEEKEND CE11BRATION MARCH 10th Rick Waslibr(x)k MAW."11 l,th -Sounds Of Ireland" Kevin Dillon 2 p.m. - K p.m. Traditional Irish F(x)d. MAY 4th Murder MN-stery WEDNESDAYS WING NIGHT 5 each --- --- SUNDAYS PRIME RIB SPECIAL only alo)5 (-a p.m. -10 p.m.) Sundays Kids Eat_Fre_c_!_ 1400 Bayly St. (at Livcrpcx)I ) 837-2366 for classes Acting Musical ghwatre (Ages 5 through Adult) also our intensive week long March Brea%Programs Wk 1- March 11th to 15th Wk 2 - March 18th to 22nd `s vt1.(xr ,.Ak = O'LEAV's SCHOOL OF DRUL�I F (905) 420-8129 Pickering LASER S RC;F:IZY FOR S'VOIZINC: C 1-: IZ' T 11.1 F. I) SPE(TAI ISTD ka,.el %l f) 1 KC ti� I)r. tiiomra til) 90:;-723-`+�:;I 0 -,.ha% a THE RiN y The Home of County Music in Ajax .=CYT: my Mar &9 Handd Maclntyne K/Jctbuuty Burke Mar 15116 Ntitdt .%titdtell & Kurt Mar 22/23 - U.I. H(tps(tn Mar 13 - KX% ''Boom Box" five *Wed - Ladies Night *Thug - Karaoke (prizes) *Daily lunch and dinner specials 1 '1VILP 1 I 't mA WHAT THE *#@!!*?* ARE WE GONNA DO TONIGHT? 1-fnd out in Backheat. Durham'• o%n entertainment ne" Spaper. where you can find out ahout all the thing, that nutter. We also scant to hear what X(ut ha%e to •a,. tihiil our LulN to u,. 1:xercise %, sur creatine ahilitie•. Send us stories, sug-estions, and Nhatexer else _ou think %%e need. Wc could male \ou a star: But I douht it. Send your stuff to: 130 Commercial Ave Ajax, Ontario. LIS 2H5 For advertising info. call (90-5) 68.3-5110. ask for Debbie Mohns or Duncan Fletcher r New Size, New Look, New Menu 9 Friday & Saturday - Prime Rib Special $ 95 The Best Breakfast in Pickering! 1 11111 Lunch & Dinner Menu At COJ3,J�J s j J Affordable Prices -Fully Licensed Under LLBO -Import & Premium Draft Available %� IGnRs�.m � n ? 401 c L 376 Rougemont Dr. Pickering (905) 509-4421 -J PAGE 22 -A -THF NEWS ADVERTISER. WWD.. MARCH 6. 1596 SPORTS Wanted: Leaf Tickets Good seats are needed for Al Rivett sports reporter Leaf games. Will pay face 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. value. Call 579-4400 Ext. 2207 (Tor. Line 798-7672). Pickering wrestler on verge of qualifying for `96 Olympics BN AL RIVETT tough. Fiveryonc is in the same poatitm as SINAres RI i'ttl:rt l: Tree. Everyone is zein_ to he ;pixmg IM per PIC KERING A Pi:Leen„ "restit:r ma', cent, but I'm ,oinL to hast to ,gi\c 110 per get his first taste (it' the Ole mete rent. Gamcs tour \cars ahead of s:hedulc. BOWMANVILLE The perennial proN incial high Kcrn Ashlcv. 20, had a goal to Kc school champion Just Completed a on the Can. Greco-Roman � training carr \+ith the national f wrestling� team at the 2IK)ll Olvnrpics team in Cuba last week Sc�cr:,l in Nlclhournc. Australia. Ho cscr. 1 : Necks fkfirrc the Pam -Ann Chanrpi- the graduate of Pinc Ridge tic:ondan � I ornhips. Ashlcs will take hart in an School who's nov, atiendin_• Brock niscrsits in tit Catharines is on the - intense tralnin,_ carer \,.iih the Canadian wrestling team coach at verge of niakinL it to the 1999 ;'amen \1: \lastcr t.'niccrsit\ In Hamilton in Atlanta right up to his departure for the Alread\ a mcrrncLr of the CanadianKerry Pan -Ani comlktition. Oly nrpic \S'resll,n,� Trane in the Ashley Ashlc\ is in the vencral arts pro - Greco -Roman (upper hody I disci- =ram at Brock t'nivrrsuy. plinc. Ashley is now airninz to qualih for Atlanta. He :an accomplish this teat h\ fin- ishing in the top four in his Neight class at the Pan- Anicri:an %Crestline Championships in Colombia next month The niect also scncs as an Olympic qualiti- c r. "I'm surprised to havc a chin:c to quakily for 'yt, " explains Ashlcv. who's a member of the Oshawa Olxmpic \VrestImg Cluh. "I didn't ha%c a i:oal for 'yh %1,. goal wa, the 2000 Olympics." Competing at the Canadian Olvmpi: CVrestling Trial, in Thunder Ba\ last month. Ashlcv retained his nuniber- one ranking in Grc:o-Roman wrestlm,, in the nation in the 52-kilo�!rarn t 1 14 pounds, ticiL,ht :lass. As well. tic earned a spot on the Canadian OI\mpi: \ resthng Tearn. CC'restlin�Andy Hutchinson from [tic Universit\ of Cal:are. the numhcr-two wrestler in the wcioht caleeory. Ashley lost his first match to the Albertan 10-0. However. Ashley, rebounded atter trailill 7-0 in the second match to even- tually pin Hutchinson. In the rubber match. Ashley trailed again by a 3-0 count, but came hark to win 4-3 on a pin. Ashley gained his nunihcr- one ranking in the country by winning the gold medal at the Senior National Wrestling Championships at Brock University last May. Ashley has no illusions about the Pan -Am meet. He admits he'll he facing an uphill battle to quality for the Olympics. "I'm going to take it like every other tournament," he saes. "['in expecting good quality competition there. expect it to he tough, really Last year more than one million people beat the tax refund backlog at H9R Block. Visit its this }Tar anti we'll Exlimss Fill' your tax return ( iectronicall}' witettier we prepare if or you do. Tirti II gi-i \•our rt'ftut(t issue(I in two wvvk-s or the Expre s File servic a is Frrc'I xpress Because it's your moony'. FILE A&R BLOCK Open 9 A M - 9 P M Weekdays. 9. 5 Sat Mastercard and isa accepted OSHAWA WHITBY Kmart Plaza 436--168 125 Brock St. S. 668-3371 15 Bond St. E. 723-2217 Lake Vista Plaza 433-2195 AJAX BOWMANVILLE 3-235 Bayly St, W. 686-1395 243 King St E. 623-695' Harwood Plaza Malt 427-1960 Also at these locations during regular store hours P,ckennq'o - Centre o%hawa Centre Get your money -011111111111111111" Open 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. Weekdays, 9 - 5 Sat. Mastercard and Visa accepted OSHAWA WHITBY ' Kmart Plaza 436-7188 • 125 Brock St. S. 668-3371 ' 15 Bond St. E. 723-2217 Lake Vista Plaza 433-2195 AJAX BOWMANVILLE 3-235 Bayly St. W. 686-1395 243 King St. E. 623-6957 Harwood Plaza Mall 427-1960 Also at these locations OCANO I during regular store hours Pickering Town Centre - Oshawa Centre We Have The BEST SELECTION OF CLEAN QUALITY Used Vehicles in Durham Region LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS AVAILABLE* 1993GMCSAFARI Dutch Sale Price 5399*mo. 1991 PLYMOUTH VOYAG SE 7 passenger , loaded. Sale Price 5259*mO. 1990 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER SE 1991 GMC TRACKER 4x4 1992 GMC SAFARI LOADED 1995 GMC SAFARI LOADED 510,4u0 9,990 514,990 1195990 1995 DODGE NEON 4 Door, automatic,air. Sale Price x259*mo. 1994 TOYOTA TERCEI 4 door, automatic. Sale Price 5236*mo. 1990 DODGE SPIRIT 4 DOOR 56,490 1992 CHEV CAVALIER 4 DOOR $89990 1993 CHEV CAVALIER WAGON 59,990 1995 PONTIAC SUNFIRE 514,875 1995 PONTIAC GRAND AM 4 Door, SE, loaded. OF Sale Price $309*mo. 1993 OLDSMOBILE CIERA 4 door, V-6, automatic. Sale Price $236*mo. 1990 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE SE $10,990 1991 ACCURA INTEGRA GS $115490 1992 BUICK REGAL 2 DOOR $115990 1992 PONTIAC SUNBIRD 4 DOOR $8,990 Q� AUQTOO SAM 68s-3505 . 479 Ba* St. E. S@t911m Harwood & Dufftam 23 erviltg the Durham Region Since 1977' u P Pickering.squash pla PICKERING — Fierce competition for a worthy cause made the Lee Hanehury Memorial Squash Tournament a success again this year . The tourney, at the Pickering Recreation Complex Feb. 23 to 25, attracted more entries than in previous years. Money raised by the tournament, raffle and pub night will he donated to junior squash in Pickering and in Ontario. As expected, Pickering's Nicole Carroll captured the women's 'A' crown at the tournament, defeating Wendy Stuart of the Pine Valley club fro►n Toronto in the final. Marion Van Ganscwinkcl of Ajax took the women's 'A' consolation title over Carolyn Stevens ol' Pickcring. Pickering `A' belles golden at Silver Ring tournament Meanwhile, John Dolman of Oshawa won the men's 'A' title over Steve MaclnnIs of the Durham Squash Club. It was Dolman's second consecutive men's 'A' crown. Pre-lourney favorite Martin Nugent ()['Pickering suffered from aching knees and a had cold during the tourna- ment, which kept him from performing up to his potential. The women's 'C' title went to Ruth Dunslow of Pickering who defeated Cindy Klinger, also of Pickering, in the final. Joan Hill of Pickcring claimed the 'C' consolation crown with a win over Natalie Carroll of Pickering Mike Todd of Oshawa was the men's 'B' champ, defeating Handd Wimtorra of 'rttN vi ��c Yrs`�F;f1" N'R.'41}:!).. 11 tRCIf 6 1wr6WACOV'tt_.1ers dominate charity Y t ❑ Team now moves on to provincial championships in Cambridge this weekend PICURING — The Pickering Slo-Sports belle 'A' rin_ctte (cam captured the gold at the Ajax Silver Ring Ringettc Tournament this past week- end. In the finals against the host Ajax squad, Pickering scored a 4-1 sudden -death overtime vic- tory to win the championship. To get to the title tilt, the Pickering belles posted a 6-5 overtime win over 'Mississauga in the senu_ final contest. Pickering started the tourney with a 7-6 loss to a much -improved Ajax squad. Pickering went on to defeat Mississauga 3-2 and tic Whitbv 7-7, with Pickering knotting the score on a penalty shot with three seconds remaining in the contest. The Pickering Slo-Sports will also represent the Central Ontario region at the Ontario Provincial Ringettc Championships in Cambridge this week- end. Pickering will meet teams from Gloucester, Pembroke, Stratford, Hamilton and Mississauga. Team members are Kristy Michea, Cathy File, Erin Helmer, Kim Wells, Katie Edmunds, Jennv Kelleher, Tina Barnes, Michelle Vivian, Lauric Train, Melissa Barber, Courtney Boyd and Christina Rose. The team staff is head coach Monica Barber, assistant coach Jan Wells and team manager Judy Gordon. Pickering in the title match. Chris Hanehury of Ajax was the men's 'B' con- solation winner over Jeff" Evans of Pickering. The gien's 'C' enlist was Jim Shoemaker of Pickering who defeated Paul McWatt of the Mayfair Club of Toronto. John Eikens of Oshawa was the 'C' consolation winner over Chris Giuffre of Pickering. Margaret Williams of Brampton won the women's 'D' crown over Judv Ennis of Ajax. Heather Swartz of Pickcring defeated Vanessa Steinwall, also of Pickcrin«, to win the 'C' consolation title. `.11kc R(�,:hcnn nt t 1' _4cring defeated Fancy stickwork at fitness show A novel approach to fitness was shown by Janette Malcolm from Step Unlimited during fitness demonstra- tions at the Health and Fitness Show held recently at Pickering Town Centre. She used a hockey stick in her routine on a slider. Raiders head into playoffs AJAX-PICKERING — The Ajax -Pickering Raiders Rogers Cable/Toronto Dominion Bank minor atom 'AAA' rep hockey team ended its regular season with a win, a tie and a loss to finish one game under .500. The Raiders now head into the first round of the play- offs against the Oshawa Generals. The Raiders settled for a 1-1 draw with the Richmond Hill Stars. Michael Alexiou scored, with an assist to Michael Kostka. Goalie Sean O'Sullivan made several key saves to preserve the tic. In a contest against the York-Simcoe Express, the Raiders got solid goaltending by Gordie Brettel and strong defensive work from Justin Hall, Matt Keber, Kostka, Kyle Martiniuk, Eric Neubauer and Tyler Van Gijn, to post a 3-2 win. Adam Markew scored twice, with a single to Brett McConnachie. Assists went to Derek Lynden with two and Noel Coultice, McConnachie and Keher with one apiece. The season finale saw the Raiders play Barrie. Barrie handed Ajax -Pickering a 7-3 defeat. McConnachie had two goals and Coultice one. Assists went to Coultice with two, Lynden, Matt Fettes and Hall with one apiece. photo by Andrew Iwanowski 1996 REGISTRATION crosse May Canada's National Sununfe Sport and fhe fastest game ' ,.�. on fwo feet with Whitby Minor Lacrosse 0 The finest way fo stay fif -4 for fhe 96-97 sporfe season. We cover all the Durham Region Ages 4 - 20 OSHAWA CHILDREN'S ARENA Sat. Mar. 9 & Sun. Mar. 10 WHITBY IROQUOIS PARK ARENA Sat. Mar. 30 8r, Sun. Mar. 31 ALL TIMES: 9:00 a.m, to 3:00 p.m. Ca/1434-8919 or432-2322 for more Information fellow Pickering resident Guy MacKenzie in the men's 'D' championship match. Vernon King of Pickering defeated Steve Timms, also of Pickering, to capture the consolation title in the category. Scott Gormley of Pickering claimed the men's 'E' crown over Brian Dunslow of Pickering. John Lambert of Pickering heat Brian Frost of Pickering to capture the consolation title. The tourney served as a tribute to Lee Hanehury, a member of" the Ajax and Pickering Squash Clubs and an avid sup- porter of junior squash in Ontario. She lost her battle with cancer two years aLo. Or,,ani/ers of the tourney say they'll hold it again in 1997. Panther novices poised to advance in league playoffs PICKERING — 7 he Pickering Panthers novice 'A' rep hockey team recently finished round-robin York- Simcoe league playoff action and appear poised to moye on to the next round of post -season play. The Panthers ended round-robin play against Vaughan and Clarington with a record of one win, one loss and two ties, and must wait until their two oppoments pla% each other to find out whether they will advance to the next round. G Pickering defeated the Vaughan �lq � yO Rankers 1-0 in the first meeting, r 'AMatthew Lawrence scored the r✓ � lone ,nal, with assists to Dat id a !' < Kerr and Justin Papiz.ewski. Goalies Matthew Thompson and vf�� R%.in Sahourin combined for the J0CIAZ�Q shutout. In the second meeting with Vaughan, Pickcring and the Rankers played to a 0-0 tic. Again, Thompson and S.ihourin combined for the shutout. Against Clarin,ton, Nlatthew Gifford scored w ith one minute remaining to pull Pickering into a 2-2 tic. Lawrence drew an assist. Chris Thorpe scored the other goal. Clarington won the second meeting by a 2 -Il count, scoring an empty -net goal with ill seconds remaining to ice the . ictorv. Other members of the tram are Chris Lauder, Callum Woods, Cameron Clavton, Jonathan :Moore, Ryan Clayton, Scott «'aters, Jason Krasnowski, Brad Cowan, i Cameron Watters and Michael Krasnowski. ♦ PSA♦ AJAX UNITED N11 SOCCER CLUB will hold their FINAL REGISTRATION Saturday, March 9th 10:00 am - 3:00 p.m. at Nelson's Hobby Shop 144 Harwood Avenue South Reg. Fee $70.00 per player $195.00 - Family of 3 or more (Proof of age and health card are required at time of registration.) For further information call (905) 683-0351 P -%(:I•: 24.t- rm.: \D%'F If ISEII. I%FIX. N1AI(('H ft. 1996 ;CHICKEN LEG QiJARTIF: RS A 79 _ CHICKE'` P6,T' KF:AI3-2' Pin DRUMSTI( KStiTF"WIN. C. EiF:tiff ljlJ � • • FROM ONTARIO PACKERS FRESH NEVER FROZEN - FROM ONTARIO PACKERS FRESH NEVER FROZEN "THF • PEPSI o CRUSH UP. • SCHWEPPES eve :.ACTANTIA Ate_ NATURAL .WE; ('RE M •FROZE1 Y(N:(ri'RT 2 L TUB A ;$FISH R1 BATTER #FISH STICKS FISH FRIES j HADDOCK FILHTS 400 g BOR 209 z A TERMINAL 1-1- _--,a _- 'I v- ;, - Ato - MGtiFiK(►()Mti •pV \ `.FGti •FI.AKI:A I %1►y NAI 'COIL -al PIZZA :340 R B()X ()F 4 P�lv �aT � 1049 INSTANT •p NOODLES .g ;a . 959 PACKAGE 54C mL T,% EA 06 PASQUALE BROS. *NATURES LIFESTYLE CORN OIL a • SE OWER OIL i :3 L JUG .mix OR 4Ch1 :NAT('H :3 LIMIT F.A.3699 W ',Avv =a PRAIRIE MAID SHORTCAKES TARTRIGHT x;CREA L64Q J 225 g BOX • GARDEN COCKTAIL •PURE APPLE JUICE 48 n. oz. TIN WINDSHIELD WASHER 4 LJUG C-� •FANTASTIC CLEANER. ULS=_d%L!SAGE COOKED HAM P.a.., . TN mL SPRATF.R RAYPACK gy � EWE 3 0 ,� Ls. P«k • SPRAY `N WASH 4� >�1 .9�9 t L RF�1. HOTIIE All F.A. CE7 SWICKI�D CP2 TIREKI ED ltlN1X ES8 • • �e DOWNY FABRIC AGE ROLLS T� SIDACON Pr=" 1 SOFTENER Promise or Pork 3 PACKAIMTI PKG. 3 L JUG • ;D9 • ,•_ NUGG ETS ��D0 (clima-mN CAT R„� 304 TURKEY BREAST FOOD 9DD 9.4.4. Hw• r." NOY•t(i oEw NOY•ti fi' "cm m NOY•!i NOYtA•i NOYRi Hwv r NOY i FMEHu s.. ao 1_- 8 f�AT fIMAT .uFs..r�.e �,r �; caam — NOYtRi •'+ N/t14/MS s . R f1�AT _ 6/•i -W •P M� - f� �w..�• t0� - f/� : .•dl ir�a $'� 10 AMT 3 •1� X' M - 6 MOKIWWL I TAT qpm PINE NwS RD 7� �M• o .iE v/uue TMy r. qpm ' 6 • 14 T MAL. Wf ;f ON H(.m T O E w NT�AT w' SATYtfOOT T� - O•.[ Few - opm o. •.or. s� 1•• - ••� GE nWAgo sf � � nwv [o� �! - �� c�E qri.• s• �� cAra w AVE •= - 10•m 7— v �e�HE arwn..• •� - 7A GERHAFf) 1 ••�•1 7w - lllwr sATt- I% ,w: 4r'-. THE NF%%SADVF,k'lJSER.1VF.U.,.�L�k('N 6. 1996-I'MIF, 25•A 1.74 kg NAVEL ORANG-Es SIZE "113s" SELECT YOUR. OWN 3 DOZEN LIMIT DOZ PPOOUC T OF .PERU mE r -C I MATj""S NAVF I Ic':Ir,.ti:F FA g C)I3ANC•I'D01 •WIII.1'F: •(iO': WHOLE WHEAT •21N, ('ILA('KED WHEAT' •I(My : WH(IIX WHEAT •HOT DO(; ROLLS IS%) •H:kMRl; R(;ER RUNS 4s•F:N(:I.ItiH MUFFINS 16+9 BREAD %69,, F•:A, 11 SAFE07UJ(w.; BISCUITS1 SwEEMII.K EOIs •79) •PALMOLIVE BAR SOAP PK(;. OF 3 x 90 g •IRISH SPRING BAR SOAP PKG. OF: Y ',fK •SOFT SOAP 225 mL BOTTLE 129 t!� • EF' ARM 6IAMMER FOAMY - • nEonoRwly 1S HAVE ANTIPERSPIRANT1 XZZ CREAM ,�-__ 559 EA 30C mL TIN UAf ' UAKEh., eox !QUICK OATS1.35 ku BOX %liz •THICK M. RICH 72S tml. 7'QV _a•��M`dLT`� PASTE •, ICH BAGGIES DPPER FREEZER BAGS . - I BOX OF 20M STORE RETAIL St 59 EA — r KELLOGG'S CANADA • FROOTeLo OOPS HONE425 9 I • Y NLTT 1 CORN 1F>r44uFS 525 BOX L � — INSTORE LT AIL L/ 69 EA PHOpUC f OG MFXICf M 4/, LIES 11 4/1 1 GAL k-OHNIA LEMON ,E RGE NT FiN WASH 1 ( IAD I -A R(:F. 10LROS ARM 6 HAMMER SO CLEAN WA.SIOG SODA J 7luu 11.69 IIG'(IIN.NI%G'K EA COTTONELLE BATHROOM TISSUE 12 ROLLF2 PLY A lft -in ••N -F --w C'K()ov, •'I'HOMI'�ON •KFI) FI_AMF,• KI.A('K SEEDLESS GRAPES I'II.I. Y()CIK ()WN I;A(: 9 PINEAPPLES, AVOC�IDOES I 4%i --vv-VV -- -- ----------- --- • NE C TARINE S �- *PLUMS 16 1 It 2.1m kK MIX( 1" %11%I'('1111 i` Y I.ANTAI N el. WHAPPEC �I C.00ONu 17% CG: EN O1vIONSBUNCNEU cWI FRUIkuT RADISHES 6oz.BAG MATCH (.39 EACH > FO`I UR OV eN BAG 1.52 . ".:1 39 LARGE SIZE "24s" • BOSC •ANJOU •� CELERY PEARS '��`" SELECT YOUR OWN S It1I.iC FII.I. YOUR. OWN BAG 218 kg •BEETS =7- • DswANlsDsEcLHIO.a•N�D"� ;.��;�H„ .>� fin EB[A.ICIOU8s k•9DO S 07w) CPRODU . • .KINGONIONSHMNEYI3ED QARR.OTS 2NA1VIIL.Y S BAG F� ' Fn -I- YOUR OWN BAG 2.18 kg _ .�.� UNCLE BEN'S INSTANT RICE 1.1 kg BOX --------- -- • PAGE 26 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, %%'ED.. MARCH 6.19% Buy one week, get(905) Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.! the 2nd free! Monday to Friday JA CTI IN LIN Call us for TORONTO6830707 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday , f 541 details LINE or fax your ad Carington residents 404-2615 Applies to Articles For 798-7672 (905) 579-2238 Sao and Vehicles For Sale only. CLASSIFIED BIRTH NOTICES Announce your baby's arrival ^cT INTERNET ADDRESS: v� e�'� and receive a gift certificate tN.7 Httr)://www.durhamnews.net entitling you to pro$25 worth 47 of quality baby products- ' ' Careers ' ' Careers ' I Careers gin, Careers I ' Careers ' ' Careers fl ' ' Careers I ' Careers MOO Careers WANT TO OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS BUT DON'T HAVE THE $$$? Mature? Self -motivated? You might be the person for our fast growing financial services company. We train. CALL KELLY (905) 427-2763 ' 1 Careers EARN EXTRA MONEY! Sales representatives wanted to prornote ladles denim wear at home parties Large com- mrssrons Please call (416) 968-1705 (collect 4 calling outside the Toronto area) EARN EXTRA MONEY! Sales representatives wanted to promote ladies denim wear at home par- ties Large commissions Pleasecall (416) 968-1705 (collect it calling outside the Toronto area) ;f�TA7T • Get Started! • .i.N Jliid"LS �aU.:'.G'0.'J7 PtGytaTi:A:: i.:.d,jS: ---�`_-- • ;ompAerizec Accounting - 'Wwork Spec,allst (CNE -3) ;,omputer Maintenance Tec:tlnuiogy - 01!,ce Adinintsualion — Firiancial assistance available to those ditto qualify Scarborough Oshawa (416) 291-6662 1-800-993-9993 32`- M 're, .e are �60 King Street Wes' ljc� �OPCDI COLLEGE & TECs 14CLOGY Our client, located in the Durham Region is currently seeking a production planner with the following qualifications: 10 years experience in material ordering, blueprint reading, and in- depth knowledge of the steel industry. A technical or engineering background is essential. Please fax resume to: CAROLE PLUMMER The Employment Centre Fax: 905.579-6050 P E R S O N N E L Transform Your Future in ONLY 5 Months! Windows - Word a Excel e PowerPoint - WordPerfect - Lotus- Bookkeeping -Novell Financial assistance may be available. Full instruction. Day and Evening Ajax (905) 427-1922 DIAMOND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE Career CareerI General Training Training Help r<will 1 ONE ON ONE PRIVATE AZ/DZ REGISTERED AIRBRAKE - DANGEROUS GOODS P.D.I.C. a LOG BOOK - BORDER TAX DEDUCTIBLE - NO GST/ PST 24 HR./7 DAYS PER WEEK FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY BE AVAILABLE 905-428-9475 1(1300)347-8803 CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser requests that advertisers check their ad upon WbIicatiat as News Advertiser will not be respoksible for more than one incorrect insertion and there 00 be no liability for non -insertion of any adver- tisernerri Liability for er- rors in ads is limited to the amount paid Ior the space occupying the error. All copy is subject to the ap- proval of management of News Advertiser. -;tit Plastics Ltd. is a recognized leader in the istom Injection molding business. Our success the Industry has led to this opportunity for an :compiished Quality Assurance Technician In our ckenng location. ,,)u will perform first article inspections on new products and complete the necessary document- ation required to submit products for approval. You will resolve customer problems concerning limenslonal discrepancies and assist the OA Manager as required. Your relevant college ^_ ploma Is enhanced by a minimum of two years experience working with injection molding rocesses. A background to metrology and a clear .nderstanding of SPC. staging and fixtures, as well as engineering resins and properties are equtted. You must also be familiar with ISO 9002. )mputers. SPC software, and experiment design. lease send your resume, clearly detailing your skill level to Bruce Watson, Human Resources. Horn Plastics Ltd., 922 Dillingham Rd., Pickering, ON L1W 126. We thank au who apply. but only !hose under 'onslderation will be contacted HORN ad N TRAVEL CONSULTANT Minimum 5 }-rs. experi- ence %%-ith SABRE & est. loyal client base of at least S25(1,000. Fax resume to (905) 683-39.72 or mail to Travel Professionals Inter- national: FILE # 7283 Oshawa This Week, P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7L5 Ge H 1 1p ' General Help_ BK BAUN LANDSCAPE LTD. A well established, quality orientated landscape company in Pickering is looking for LANDSCAPE CONSTRUC'T'ION STAFF Experienced in all aspects of hard and soft landscaping necessary. Applicants must be hard working, willing to work long hours, and repre- sent our firm in a professional man- ner. Knowledge of plants and con- struction procedures required. Call to set up interview 905-509-1766 Now hiring mmueemoM candidates for aN of ow Durham locations. Apply in porson at 1031 Simcoo N. (434-2777) or 10 Harwood S. Ajax (683-9903) Full and part idrne peaMone available. Also hiring full and part time Drivers and Plaza Makers. PERMANENT APPOINTMENT COORDINATORS NEEDED Well established International company requires enthusiastic young people. You must be goal oriented and ready for imme- diate start. No experience necessary. Full company training provided. Excellent command of the English language re- quired. Hourly rate plus bonuses. Call Laura Mon. - Fri. for interview 905-837-0844 OFFICE WORK AVAILABLE TOO • Guaranteed weekly paycheques • Absolutely no experience required You will be 9iv9_nR_LAA_.rQM_Wr!Y 9ame5A1nd their phone numbers Offering REAL WORK done at your Qwn pace and hours. ADJOLUTELY NO IG MMICKS. CALL NOW 24 HOURS Mike sureygu have a cenand-ih-iQfpaper WTfi the company telephone numbers and contact persons. ELECTROLUX CANADA seeks 4 pleasant positive Individuals to service existing sales base in the following areas: Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax. Pickering. For appt. call Mr. Lyon 723-3411 DOMESTIC HELP Wei -.-s 2 5 p- Ajax 375.week. nousecieamng. aundry dinner preparation 905) 428-0682 after 6 P m. EARN$595 .week from hC^e" Lgrt Assembly, mailing. typing, forms. etc Guaranteed (416) 635- 2719 Code 6 (24 Hours) CARPET and Upholstery cled^e' with experience using truck mounted equip- ment Must be bondable. drivers license Send re- sume to. Cleaners. 701 Rcssland Road East. Box 269 Whitby L' N 9K I ELIZABETH ARDEN SALONS ma has positions a ra gable for MANAGERISTYLIST 6 STYLISTS C cor^.m f s ,.r Genehts 3 s,_-urdy Call 1-800-318-6118 EXPERIENCED i Kett," wanted txphons in- clude r"u,fy and of com- mrssions Phone 579-2837 Ask for Karl vve pay you ❑treaty to assemble our products Easy work. No experience necessary. For FREE details send S A.S E to Five Star Enterprises 1848 Liverpool Rd.. Suite 213 Pickering, Ont.. L1V 6M3 GAILLIND Requires Cleaners, days and evenings MODELS NEEDED Female Ages 7-26 EARN EXTRA INCOME Travel to exciting cities New York, Pans, Milan. Call for FREE Consultation 430-5715 TAXI DRIVERS lrrv9rS needed full or part • me. must be over 25. PICKERiNG BASED COMPANY requires a project accountant under contract for minimum of six months. Proficient computer skills required along Hith stronr accounting background Please rcpt) to File # 7286 c/o This Week P.O. Box 481 Oshawa, Ontario Ll li 71-5 drivers license an asset. INTERESTED ,ontact Bev 10 a m S p m `Monday - Friday. 571- Sales Help! 1;�,�ales Help/ 683-4134. Move big or small, we price '331 or apply to 92 Wolle THF:'%PN%SADVERTISER. % ED.,NIARCII0, 1996 -PAGE 27-A General Help ALVIN SAMEDAY • General Help TRAVEL Counselor lull General Help experience. General Help ONice Help experience. for Galileo Of- Office Help Im Skilled Help five in Pickering, with non- SkilledSkilled Help B ix 481 Oshawa. ON L1H REHelp •15 Please reply to file .7287, required to sell news paper advertising for HAIR salon F,, hair. c;o This Week PO Box 481 Oshawa. Ont. LIH 7L5 Durham's Largest Independent Community time ,"or fun all F"'r more call 683-2954 Renovations, repairs, moen Newspaper Print advertising sales exper- g P FLIGHT MICHALSKI MOVING - kit. faucet special $95, �.eeM M houses. apartments- olhces, bathr000m specials from PK PK. PERMANENT APPOINTMENT COORDINATORS NEEDED Well established International company requires enthusiastic young people. You must be goal oriented and ready for imme- diate start. No experience necessary. Full company training provided. Excellent command of the English language re- quired. Hourly rate plus bonuses. Call Laura Mon. - Fri. for interview 905-837-0844 OFFICE WORK AVAILABLE TOO • Guaranteed weekly paycheques • Absolutely no experience required You will be 9iv9_nR_LAA_.rQM_Wr!Y 9ame5A1nd their phone numbers Offering REAL WORK done at your Qwn pace and hours. ADJOLUTELY NO IG MMICKS. CALL NOW 24 HOURS Mike sureygu have a cenand-ih-iQfpaper WTfi the company telephone numbers and contact persons. ELECTROLUX CANADA seeks 4 pleasant positive Individuals to service existing sales base in the following areas: Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax. Pickering. For appt. call Mr. Lyon 723-3411 DOMESTIC HELP Wei -.-s 2 5 p- Ajax 375.week. nousecieamng. aundry dinner preparation 905) 428-0682 after 6 P m. EARN$595 .week from hC^e" Lgrt Assembly, mailing. typing, forms. etc Guaranteed (416) 635- 2719 Code 6 (24 Hours) CARPET and Upholstery cled^e' with experience using truck mounted equip- ment Must be bondable. drivers license Send re- sume to. Cleaners. 701 Rcssland Road East. Box 269 Whitby L' N 9K I ELIZABETH ARDEN SALONS ma has positions a ra gable for MANAGERISTYLIST 6 STYLISTS C cor^.m f s ,.r Genehts 3 s,_-urdy Call 1-800-318-6118 EXPERIENCED i Kett," wanted txphons in- clude r"u,fy and of com- mrssions Phone 579-2837 Ask for Karl vve pay you ❑treaty to assemble our products Easy work. No experience necessary. For FREE details send S A.S E to Five Star Enterprises 1848 Liverpool Rd.. Suite 213 Pickering, Ont.. L1V 6M3 GAILLIND Requires Cleaners, days and evenings MODELS NEEDED Female Ages 7-26 EARN EXTRA INCOME Travel to exciting cities New York, Pans, Milan. Call for FREE Consultation 430-5715 TAXI DRIVERS lrrv9rS needed full or part • me. must be over 25. PICKERiNG BASED COMPANY requires a project accountant under contract for minimum of six months. Proficient computer skills required along Hith stronr accounting background Please rcpt) to File # 7286 c/o This Week P.O. Box 481 Oshawa, Ontario Ll li 71-5 drivers license an asset. INTERESTED ,ontact Bev 10 a m S p m `Monday - Friday. 571- Sales Help! 1;�,�ales Help/ 683-4134. Move big or small, we price '331 or apply to 92 Wolle ' --I Oshawa ALVIN SAMEDAY • SALESPERSON h ^ r; of � TRAVEL Counselor lull Experienced Outside Sales'__q experience. t;m„ w�r�--urnmum 3 years :r, sition available imme- i alely Apply to File 7285 experience. for Galileo Of- Representative Needed p r)shawa This Week PO five in Pickering, with non- Energetic, RQllaole, PerscnaCle. Sell, starter B ix 481 Oshawa. ON L1H smoking environment •15 Please reply to file .7287, required to sell news paper advertising for HAIR salon F,, hair. c;o This Week PO Box 481 Oshawa. Ont. LIH 7L5 Durham's Largest Independent Community time ,"or fun all F"'r more call 683-2954 Renovations, repairs, moen Newspaper Print advertising sales exper- g P INTERESTED in teaching •;,mrasUis and are a level - e certified coach, please •• the your name and mber at 571 7805 JOIN OUR TEAM - Nork '-.,m ^ane NO -,..,I ,n -choly, investment. tisk ;.•nmicks cr promises Just at hrmesr sound oppor. vt High earning poten- • .l for motivated individuals :all 19051 665.7158 or Hnte Inertia. Suite 352. '01 Rossiand Rd E, Whit - :y. Ontario LIN 8Y9 LEARN HOW operate, a m ." ce outlet from ,our home . and earn a !!at second income Awe- ome belief is Training arovided. can (416 284- 4193 LOOKING for a mature oupie assist in Me man- igement of a townhouse ommunity, rent reduction on a townhouse. to com- mence may Ist Please call 436-3346 for interview WORK AT HOME EARN $15.00' per hour by completing a 40 hour training program NO Selling NO COMMISSIONS ParVFuli Time. For details Call - 905 -71&9686 *Based on 40 hours on-line talk time -- Office Help JR. ACCOUNTANT for loca, Durnam 'r bi„s' be currently enrolled in CMA or CGA course Salary 523000 fax •esume to Geri Graham �905i 831- 4922 Ecco Staffing Serv,c as ence an asset out not required. We offer a competetltive compensation package of salary plus commission Please forward resumes to file #7288 Oshawa Whitby This Week P.O. Box 481 Oshawa, Ont. LIH 71-5 YOUNG SALES REPRESENTATIVES HOME SECURITY SALES Well estabhshed niers cr a, corrpary -quires enthusiastic career seekers to demonstrate one of Canada's leading home security Systems for prearranged appointments You must be goal oriented and ready for Immediate start No previ- ous sales experience necessary OUTSTANDING COMMISSIONS d CAREER PATH. WE WILL TRAIN' Call Laura Mon. - Fri. for interview. 905-837-0844 It's always best to know who you're dealing with. And thi people are your neighbors. They're always here to hel A , 0i C P F �BR:1 R A i'ebra Inc., a leading Canadian automotive parts supplier is looking for a skilled individual to fill the position of: MAINTENANCE MECHANIC iIli- successful apphtant wiii lit• responsiliie for 1wrlornung 'I'llly plant anti equipment maintenance. The uuiiyidual will i . issess a valid licensed t1tllwright s certificate with i".draulics and pneumatics experience. As t.yell, pre%ious perience %vorking in reaction inlerhun moulding and; or n hullo paint tat'kllty would be preferred Shift work will be ri quircd. `te companv offers an attractive starting; salary combined :. th a compreherl e employee benefits package and cellent career growth potential • you air«this special person, plk'd�t' send you rewme; File tt: 96-6 Human Resources Department PEBRA INC. 775 Neal Drive, CO. Box 660 Peterborough, Ontario K9J 6Z8 "• bra Inc vx'Ishes to thank ,,ii .,phln ants, however only those let ted for an inh•n n'w will he contacted FMOffice Saks Help UT11 Help Agents IF - 7e adrrnt �r >c'r:arafep -,r ;voiced •t„ee years work experience. you may Qualify ':r ',narcal assis- tance of if you are over 45 and nave recently deem laid Oe, you may wakty •or m rraing assistance DIP CERT Lotus. Wcrrpertect. D Base Word Accpac Bedford Autocad, Ventura. Pagemaker Harvard. CO, el Computer Programming and Systems Anaiysl. Co- bol. Pascal and C P',olo- snop. O• -a -k Express and Ihustrato• Cur'am Bus, mess cunputer College 427 3010 OPPORTUNITY 2 Demr X9,5 7,atiel Canada wide 56GC- S1500 wk , mmediate employment Travel paid 9" 43t;-1020 ext. 19 Judi ,A'-Ej SNC MAaK E - NG .r .: ^at. . .�.. -.. . personable ,nomnduai to t:;sst senors n relocating Ic I new •ehrement home Aestyee Sales and marketing xcenence necessary Fpr rt•-er nformai.or .all Ric. ora Mary %`. •_ 2582 Air Na • me localMEN s r� r- 3 you! �� r 01 44�eWe .4w4l, J r Improvements '' I ovements ,' I ovements '' I Movements 0 1 Dtcorattna • Moving b a House . House • Party • rttpr rnp► rttpr tiler • g • Storage • Cleaning • Cleaning • Sevices 'MISTER CHEAP' Home improvementsrec rooms.in law apartments. additions, fences, decks etc. Li- censed rtensed for over 20 years. all work guaranteed, for Free estimate call Ernie 905-404-8170 BUDGET (HOME WPROYFJIf[FJNTS Basement Apts., ReC r00mS, pklmbNlg, Additions, electrical, drywall 15 yrs. Experience. Free estimates, call Mario (905) 619.4663. cel. (416) 5604663 E; a R Maintenance Build. ing repairs and renovations electrical, plumbing, ce- ranic tiles, carpentry. From small repairs to major ren- ovations. Fully guaranteed• free estimates. (905)668- 3300 COMPLETE RENOVA- TIONS - Basernerits, bath- rooms. ceramic tiles, hard- wood floor, drywall, paint- ing. sprayed ceilings, doors, windows, carpentry, Plumbing, electrical ,Li- censed For prolessional service call 668.7653. DELZOTTO FENCING Decks, chain link, iron, drilled holes, set posts. For Free Estimates call Steve (905) 509-5077 Mobile (416)409-6456 DUCTWORK installed. moved. relocated Excellent rates. Free estimates Elec- trostatic air cleaners. hu- mtdfeers. Big. Small )obs. Call Paul 428-0295 EUROPEAN the special- ist• will renovate your bath- room, or kitchen wags. as well as floor tiles. Good ref- erences and satisfaction guaranteed. For tree esti- mates call D Dykstra 725- 4913 GCB Interior and exterior repairs, renovations and construction. Fast and clean profession- al work guaranteed. Craig, 6116-1913 J.S. ARMSTRONG DEV. INC. Specializing in custom homes, additions, renova- tions, rec rooms and base- ment apartments. Residential and commercial. Serving Durham Region for over 15 yrs. Free consultation. Call Jed 905-4211-5706. M&M CONSTRUCTION MEMBER OF 8.8.111 Additions, Roofing, Basements, Walk ins, Plumbing, Electrical, Custom Decks, Fenc- es, Spring Roofing Specials Now in Effect. 905-4274234 IMPROVEMENTS Quality home renovations since 1975 NO PROJECT TOO SMALL Kitchens • Basements Wrndows • Doors Bathrooms • Etc 105) 86.5211 RENOVATIONS BY W.LEAVER Additions, second stones, finished bsmts., bath- rooms, decks. the 3 wood floors, doors 5 —loin pis, guaranteed and reliable call wahw (905)128-2146 ROOM TO IMPROVE Carpentry interior 3 Exterior Painting Ceramic Tubs repairs8i installation Drywall I taping call Scott (905)619-1663 FAX YOUR ADS 579.2238 SIGON Corst'ucton Lid serving Dumam Region for 19 yrs AdWtionsr sundecks, patio doors. windowsrec- rooms, flagstone. tree esti- mates 905 5 76-5 760 TOMMY'S HOME IM- PROVEMENTS carpentry. drywall. basement apts. rec room, painting and deco- rating, ceramic tiles Call Tommy at (905)420-8105 01 Electrical ELECTRICIAN 25 years experience. residential, al- terations, upgrades, new wiring. Commercial store and office installations. All work hydro approved. Free estimates. (905)683-5650 ALL Pro Pauling and Wailcapenng, mtenooexte nor stucco ceiling, general repairs. top quality work. reasonable rates 20'. seniors A 496 scour4069 DRYWALL and painting, boarding. taping, texturing. renovations and repairs Small lobs. 15 years ex- perience Free estimates. Serving Durham and out of town area Ken 434-4500 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Intencir & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, dean, retable sefVlce. 420-0081 MPlumbing • Flying • ServlCes AAA -LICENSED PLUMBER available. All your plumbing needs. Complete renovations AJAX Moving Systems - Iwl services moves, appliance and piano specialists Rat rate or hourly We now have heated storage units Now offering free boxes with move Park and load spec.af, starting at S99 and up Call for information. 725-0005 or 427-0005 MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We will dove anyiNng. anywhere. anytime commercial or res,oenitai Packaging. storage and bones available Senor 8 nd monfh discounts Free estimates 571-0755 F,Iperbnc•d Cross Moves Bargain rates, harries, offices, apt., etc. Plano moving. Packing available. 423-0239.Alt* Guaranteed lowest prices! , HARRY -0 -THE -MOVERS No lob too smallil Senior Move big or small, we price discount. (905) 432-2911 them all' Free estimates. seniors discount. short notice ALVIN SAMEDAY • moves. Pianos moved, also PLUMBING licensed appliances. Comparable plumber, no lob too small, rates. Call 432.2850 no lob too big, free esti- ••-y,. MEN with large truck will mates. great prices, guar- do household moves, rest - anteed lowest 905- 725- dential, commercial All 2507. types of moves. Call Cad or BRIT-CANPLUMBING LTD, Jane 427.2856. Renovations, repairs, moen DISCOVERY FLIGHT MICHALSKI MOVING - kit. faucet special $95, �.eeM M houses. apartments- olhces, bathr000m specials from PK PK. appliances and piano spe- 5595. tiling - floors. kit cialists Senior and mid- b/splashes, bathrooms, month discounts. Licensed. Seniors discount, me ac- bat, IVEACCEPr insured Free estimates. ceptZ. free estimates. Ptd 121-00.4 = ® Excellent service Call 436- 427-5462 7795 GAILLIND Ate, MAID SERVICES WINTER SPECIAL FREE Cleaning with bookings of weekly 8 bi-weekly services. Inquire for details. Caring for your home with personalized and professional service for over a decade. (Fully bonded and insured) 683-7515 QUALITY HOUSE -CLEAN - Flooring, ING. privately by 2 ladies. 10 • 1 Carpeting yrs experience. guaranteed satisfaction, Very good refer- ences. Duties include inside CARPET Installations - 25 years experience, re - stretching, our speciality Free estimates D 3 N Duncan, 987-1799 or 987- 1800 • House • Cleaning ARE you having problems finding time to clean your home? For professional home cleaning call Helen's Home Services today 427- 4385 OFFICE CLEANING Looking for a brighl clean offam. Call RB Rothman. 686-2730. Indges 8 stoves. floors 6 baseboards washed with no mops used and many more. ER One MfCEtnur choice tit cleaning Specializing in quality not quantity Inured Sr Bonded 905-619-8082 Saturday service availaae PICK-UP AD FROM COMP(TF) Osh- Sun Ajax - WED (was FRI) MAGICIAN, zicwn friends eacy fc entertain for any age. any occasion Birth- days. promotions, open - 'rigs, fund raisers Magic shows are fun' Lettuce help 839-7057 or 728- 8334 RABBITwants work doing magic for chldren's parties and an occasseons. Have my own macperan Call Er- nie 6684932. • Pr1Yab • • TMbrslScMols EXPERIENCED TEACH- ER, will tutor grades 1 through OAC. S23lhr will- ing to travel can Leanne 623-3757 • • • ax, Financial • • Directory GET REFUNDS within 2 I s by E - hung your tax re- turn, personal and busi. ness accounting services Judy Kuksis C G A 1905'420-2081 PACK K 28 -.A -THE NE%% S ADVERTISER, HH'IiU., A1ARCH 6.19% Skilled Skilled AUCTION 10 Help Help Sat. Mar 9, 10 A. Selling a Private Raglan !ntluslrtcs. Int I _11-, 1%% 1.114t )III (Hiller ,Ind labrliation manufacturer, re- q:nrcti .I MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR 1 he t,lc.tl . andtd,ttr tall 11.1\ r a fillntmum tears e\perieni e super icing .I main- t;•n,mi e dept. A thorou;,rh knowledge oI industrial pncumaui . h\ drauGi , electnial, and mechanical ,\stents and applitat tolls I. required. !!I,-' Ide.11 Candidate will he required In dctelnp and maintain a pre\enIatl\e maintenance pro);rarn. ;ualilled applicants should send their re - ,,,me to the attention of: JULIE JAMES, PERSONNEL COORDINATOR 0SI1.A\\:A, ON] \KIU 1.111 _K4 SATURN SAAB ISUZU OF PICKERING Requires A CLASS "A" LICENSED GENERAL TECHNICIAN • ?am orient?^. • �3?nefit package and competetive salary For Interview please call 839-6159 LYNDA MCKINNON :)any snort xy pains ab- stract. po„ce search 'CC Medica, a mus!. US exile^ - ence p,ete-red sfeaIN wort, ;ood equipment & 'ate, 'lard .ay Jver safety oc,,uses and more phone -',hangs 416-743.311' AUTO BODY oe-son an Pe•so� ^.eedetl n Earl '- errid pruduetion stop E■p necessary Can Dan 905-579-4000 ELECTRONIC SERV- ICE -ec^ - a- '7r va, :,., types Security System Must "ave valid driven _.c .dear abstract Installa tion and 5.4rv,ce expgr,- ence necessary S13 S15 for the nght wndedare ;all Jan Parts 1305-83. -5060 for acipt Heating and Air Conditioning Contractor lookiry 3ispat--net Must nave ­;`vAC knowledge art d some mechanical aptitude Please =AX resume to 905-683-0817 LIC MILLWRIGHT w!� axpene^_e ^ Cornga,- ed I^dustry to, sca bcr- ough location Good Com- mun-cation sn c5 trou. bieshoohng. crearve wit- ow- tools Cal' Jan Parks 1-905-837.6060 for appt LICENSED CLASS A Mechanic Pa-! time Pos- ton ;� start =bind isatl t0 full time Hours inClutle some weenend wok Call Rick 721-2721 PRECISION WELDER, w a sheet metal shop in Scafborougr Must be able to do complete and accu- rate set - up of fobs Good communication skills Cal Jan Parks 1-905-837.6060 for apps SERVICE Technician re. quired full rime for Heating and MC Co in Durham Re. gion Minimum 5 yrs exp Previous applicants nixed not apply 905-686-0018 [0 Medlnyl D” I M. Es- tate from Coldspnngs. plus household cont- ents from home of Mr & Mrs Harry Rowe A T,ronto to be sold at Warners Auction Hall. Hwy 2, Col- borne. Estate in- cludes 1985 Ply- mouth Reliant 82,000 km. Attic Cat Snow- mobile. walk behind garden tractor with attachments. Ant pn tt- ahve •& •:ollectible ries old tools dishes, toys. ant furniture p, s Exceptionally nice pair walnut single beds. Gibbard solid walnut single bed with -natchmg dresser, ce- :ar chest. small la - es. Maple desk ..,tat knot. coffee & .-a tables, sofa & -nair set, glass top di- I..'-ffe w-6 chairs. dou- bed walnut wbox matt. chairs. etc anhty crystal. asswares etc stem Acres. brass & copper s . Cornflower plus net ant pcs furni- re. china. glass- A-ires. knack knacks, -,liectables. No Re - rives. Visa & MC ac- epted. Gary & Bill j Warner Auction- ! ' eers (905)355- 2106. -p SS:ES SNEP t ny^in Ajax Duties included computer drar!+ng, roof Lay- outs. designs and eshmat- ng CARD computer Knowledge and e■oee nnce 'egw'ea ApPy '0 ':,e 97292 Oshawa 'his Weet, Box 481 Oshaw- -1H 'L5 Hospital al liMedical Dental DENTAL ASSISTANTS Rece.• ,^ s,s. D A s a,^ Jenani • Hygienists Ft"ste, -M Durham Dental Piace- ment %ok, :ail 665.1907 DENTAL 'ilype-st •g- An•w; - me 101 6 monm pregnancy isave `Ishawa area Reply Foie a 7294 O . snaita 'Whitby Tris Ween 0 B.C. 481 Oa siwa. L`H 'L5 REGISTERED MAS- SAGE T,e,aps:s reC�'ed `O, l busy rehab clinic in down', -own Osnawa For in- terv,ew eau 571-1.729 • ,Daycare Wanted LIVE out ^unity needro. 3 er days we':.r 2 children. 4 and 10 nan!hs, references -ecessary WestneyIN" 2 Call 428 :208 PART TIME babys+tter �eeoec i„ :„^,e intc my m hoe. weekdays. Church and Kingstor Rd area. Call 619-0535 weekends w evenings WDaycare OA0vailable AJAX childr:are avail- able in a non-smoking en- vironment Offering care for children of any age' Nutn- tional lunchs and snacks Fenced in yard, big play- ground References avail- able. Close to 401 Please all 686.0959 LOVING MOTHER of two will provide daycare in my n noe, non strolling, affec- tionate, happy environment Brock and Major Oaks area. 427-496 WIT-= PAIN MNA AGEMENT - INSTRUCT(M RegWmd part time . Experience in rehabilitation necessary. fax Resume to (416) 742-7591// INFANTS - 12 YEARS OLD In caring, safe, fun home environment. Licensed by M.C.S.S. Reasonable rates Receipts, flexible hours. Call DURHAM PROFESSK)NAL HOME DAYCARE SUNS AUCTIONS GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTER NEWTONVILLE MAR. 21 ST.. THURS.. 6 P.M. S?a,:ng .I .arge ie,e,7 of antique practi- and collectible ii - s and Shotguns, a,( -,,g with a selection ^' )ther related arb- 'ies Winchester 1873 .1.4 Wcf Remington "ex Barre' Rifle. Ste- vens 22 Crack shot. Coney 20 Gauge Eu- 'opeans special side by Side 12 GA etc. Consignments wel- come. please call the a u c, toneer FRANK STAPLETON (905) 786-2244 AUCTION SALE SAT. MAR. 9TH AT 10:30 A.M. An outstanding sale for the complete Es- tate of Mrs. Muriel Todd of Markham. held at the Goodwood Community Centre. 4 km west of Brock Rd. via Durham Rd 21 Excellent quality living and dining room fur- nishings. bedroom suites ;selling sep ) kitchenware, small appliances, antiques, nice sel of glass. .:hi- na and crystal. many hand and garden tools. NOTE Mrs Todd was a long time Markham resident who took great care of her home and pos- sessions Large sale. extra clean offering. TERMS - cash or good cheque only. Preview 900 am Lunch counter open. Call for taxed list Delivery available CLARKSON AUCTIONSI 905-540-6411 AUCTION SALE SAT. MARCH 9TH AT 10 P.M. 870 TAUNTON RD. E. WHITBY We ire se -1., i' .-s- tate from ,Oshawa I plus others, including ' 9 pc pine diner. color TV. old 8 Dc mahoga- ny diner 20 Limited I Edition Prints. cedar ,;hest, maple table & :hairs. hall cable. ar- 'ique settee new 7 pc ,ids bedroom suite. 2 wing back hairs, bar i ;triols. parlor :hairs & ableS. oak bullet. stereo .abme: organ, S piano stools, silver i nieces. 2 drafting boards with arms. Royal Doulton, an- I.ique apt. size piano. :omputer table & hutch old buffet & I mirror, 3 love seats ' Marble coffee table I new mattresses. kids school desKs & chars. new recliner. 2 i stoves barbecue. 2 Strut compressor, lots Time of smalls. Note me 10 a m. Good Sale Plan !o attend Vtew- ing Friday from 1 pm to 6 p.m Terms Cash. I Visa. MC Debil Card. McLean Auction 16 Liquidations 905.686-3291836 905332-2 AUCTION SALE SAT. MARCH 9 - 10:00 A.M. Ouality Auction of Antiques, Nos- talgia and Barber Shop Collection held at Wilsons Sales Arena, Uxbridge 2 mi. north on Main St. to Davis Dr. or Hwy.x404 north to Davis Dr. at Newmarket, go East 24 km. SALE INCLUDES: 13 pce. dining rm. ste. (2 China cab., server w. marble slabs, sidebrd., EX), flat to wall cupboard, har- vest tables, painted pine fum., ant. chairs & tables, bedroom & living rm. furniture, ornate docks, over 100 pcs. from a Barber m Shop Collection Including rare ilk glass bottles, blue cobalt bottles, qty. straight edge razors in orig. boxes, dippers, shav- ing brush, blades & razors plus more ( call for names) , approx. 40 milk bottles, 4' Ea - tons furniture signs, approx 20 oil lamps, (hanging Aladdin, Cobalt blue nutmeg, minitures etc. ) ant. radios, jugs, crocks, ant. tools, band saw, grinder/drill press, ant. books, ant. coins, & paper money, ant. toys, Lionel Train set, 3 Marx toy trucks, (EX), German Kathe Kruse Doll, Reliable doll , Barbies, ant. prints, Ltd. Ed prints - Lumbars, Bateman, Romance, plus quantity of ant. china, glass, crystal , etc. Call for full detailed list. TERMS: Cash, Visa, MIC or interac. VIEWING: 8 A.M. Sale Day. 'NOTE : Bakery Auction Fri. March 15. An- tique Sale March 23 & Tool Sale March 30. GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Div. of 1061454 Ontario Inc.) Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 Toll Free- 1-800-65441647 AUCTION Thurs. Mar. 7th Selling contents from a Trenton Home, Owners Moving. at Warner's Auction Hall. Hwy 2. Colborne in- cluding nearly new 486 computer with 8 Meg memory loaded with DOS and Wind- ows. TV VCR both remote control, some Trainor PA articles amplifier speakers etc, excellent solid maple butte! and hutch. appliances. bunk reds. ladies & gents _jolt clubs, dr ningroom. living rm, bedrm & kitchen turni- ture. sofa & chair. dressers & chests of drawers. antique & collectible pcs . dishes & glassware, knick knacks. love seat with black lacquer ac- cents, set of black lac- quer coffee & end ta- bles and black Lacqu- er wall unit all in excel condition. like new kitchen centre mixer. food processor. lamps. pictures. small ant. collectables etc . too many to list. No re- serves Sale starts 6 00 p.m Visa, MC ac- cepted Gary & Bill Warner Auction- eers (905)355- 21D6, ESTATE AUCTION GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTER NEWTONVILLE MAR. 8TH. CRI. 6 P.M. Se ing :w;; estates from Port Hope and Cobourg, living room s , fes. sofa bed. 3c- asional Chairs. color ' w s. vcr. microwaves. siereos. sideboards. occasional table, cof- fee tables, dressers, Chests of drawers. quantity A glassware. china, dishes. collect - doles antique love seat and parlor chairs. extension drop leaf gate leg table. oil painting. 1 A Drum- mond), antique high chairs, old dolls. gin- gerbread clock oak raker and armchairs. set Port Hope tiles 1974-1993) oil lamps. toys. pressure system, and I a large variety other items. another large auction starting at 6 p In Terms cash, cheque with ID.. visa, interac Auctioneer Frank Stapleton, (1105) 7862244 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN Friday, March 8 at 5:30 pm 3 miles East of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 The property of Mrs. Irene Flatt of Fenelon Falls plus others - 8 pc. modern Maple di- nmgroom suite in ex- cellent condition - Walnut magazine rack. maple coffee & end tables. Victrola drop front desk. press back rocker, oress- back high ,;hair, Par- lour tables. parlour chairs. GE Automatic washer. Butcher clock. Oak sideboard, Chest of drawers. 7 x t2 Trailer, Double Ski Do trader, Kelvinator dryer, woods single door All Refrigerator. Kelvinator 2 door re- bigerator + 30 in Electric stove. Double box spring & Mat- tress. 15 cu It freez- er 3 HP Briggs & Stratton Motor Jacuz- zi, Portable water pump, wheel barrow. Sears 15 1/2 in. floor model drill press. 3 HP lawn mower. 8 HP Sno-Trac snow blow- er 9 HP Troy Bdt Chipper Vac H HP Econo Horse Rear Tine Roto Tiller, 8 HP F ;rd Riding Lawn- mower. Garden & -awn equipment in good condition & to be sod at 830 pm a_ JS a qty china. glass, household :ollectible items Don or Greg Comeil Auctioneers R.R. 91 Little Britain (705) 786-2183 ESTATE AUCTION Sat, Mar. 9, 6 P.M. MYLES KING AUCTION HALL 33 HALL ST. OSHAWA Complete estate sale ncluding furniture. antiques, riding lawn mower. tools, etc. Complete list in Fri- day s paper. All con- signments welcome Sales every Tues-. Thurs. and Sat at 6 p m Watch tot ad in Friday's paper MYLES KING AUCTIONEER 725-5751, 723- 0501 AUCTION SALE FRIDAY MARCH 15, 1996 - 11 a.m. AUCTION SALE OF BAKERY & RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT, FREEZER UNIT & VEHICLE for St_ Moritz Bakery (S. Cronacher), held at 575 Wentworth St. E. ,Unit 29, Oshawa. Hwy. # 401 to Rillson Rd.S. exit, go South to Wentworth St.E. 1 km. Watch for signs SALE INCLUDES: 60 Ot. Hobart grinded mixer, Hobart 20 011. mixer, Bakers Malt. 1 bag ad r trekxer, Rondo Seewer comb roller, Sheeler & moulder 24' bed (EX), B & B shtteler 6 roller f B', Erika Auto Bun divider & rounder, warn - cold tart on wheels, Kopykake Designer Cake Machine, Darkark Shift Mini-Pac system cake & cookie display c=ln ters, bake and work tables, mobile racks, turntables, utensils, trays, tins, balang pans, shelving toffs, pretzel dipper, donut grill , danul tryer bowl, bakery packaging, Foster Freezer with refrigerator unit, Copeland & Coldstream Freezer Units, 1989 Dodge Ram, plus more. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: Mr & Mrs Cro- nadner are refiring from the Bakery Business after 38 years due to ill heath. St. Moritz Bakery is one of the leaders in the industry, and t Wil be operating up until sale day. VIEWING: Wednesday Marc h 13.9am - 4pm. Removal : Until March 19. Bakery #1-905-723-0932. TERMS: Cash or good known cheque. GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Div. of 1081454 Ontario ) Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 Toll Free 1-800-654-4647 111,9117111111"T LV IV ART AUCTION SUNDAY MARCH 10 / 96 at Whitby Curling Club 815 Brock St. N. 12:00 p.m. preview 1 :00 start FEATURING OUR FINEST COLLECTION TO DATE Trisha 9omance: _ e-. ;7r. Tie_-._. _ _ -, lea V^'da A.J. Casson Afterrrath 92nd Birth ice Hummocks. Magnetewan, Plus More James Lumbers The Locket. On The Beat, Traditions, Double Spash. W HOCKey Robert Bateman: Fox on The Prowl, MusKoKa Lake Loons, Cougar in The Snow, Plus More. Carl Brenders: One to One. Survivors. Fox Family. f. Bev Doolittle: The Sentlrlef, Eagiehearl. Stephen Lyman:=ntbers at Dawn. Midnight Fire. I Jim Majury: intensity, ane for The Road. saac Terry I: Face Ot` Polar Bear. Other Artists include Steve Hanks. John Newby Walter Campbell, Bradley Parrish, Alex Kralewskt, Brent Towsend. Wentworth Folkins. Plus many more!" DONT MMS THIS SPECIAL OPPOR I AM I YM For More info. Call (905) 837-6657 LOCATION: 375 KINGSTON RD., PICKERING ONTARIO TENDER FORMA COMPLETE BULK FOOD GROCERY & DELECATESIN TO BE TENDERED ON AS A TURNKEY OPERATION, (WITH DETAILS OF THE LEASE TO BE AVAILABLE AT THE SITE ON INSPECTION DAY). TENDER FORM (2) TENDERS WILL BE EXCEPTED ON INDIVIDUAL PORTIONS OF THE CONTENTS AND PIECES OF EQUIPMENT AS STATED ON THE TENDER FORM. (PARTIAL LISTING ONLY OF CONTENTS) -12' HILL OPEN FREEZER -12' HUSMAN OPEN FREEZER 3 RAPID OPEN COOLERS - BIZERBA 12' AUTO SLICER BIZERBA DIGIT SCALE - TEC DIGIT SCALE 2 TEC M2300 CASH REGISTERS - 12 X 8 WALK IN COOLER - 35'- 3 & 4 TIER BULKBINS - 2 CHECKOUTS - GAROEX SAFE -16 SHOPPING- CARTS - PIX 3000 TIME CLOCK & RACK - KAYTEE BULK FOOD DISPENSOR - COFFEE GRINDER - BUN -O - MATIC 1 POT MACHINE - PRODUCE ISLANDS - 8 FT. GLASS DELI DISPLAY CASE - 2 HEAT WRAP SEALERS -46 FT. DBL. SIDE GONDOLA SHELVING -ASSORTED MEAT, BREAD, SUNDRY AND PRODUCE DISPLAYS. $13,000 OF RETAILABLE INVENTORY :375 KINGSTON RD. #15 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M. - ON THURSDAY, MARCH TTH196 TENDERS SUBMITTED BY 5 P.M. FRI. , MAR. 8/96 TER $ 200.00 DEPOSIT WITH TENDER ALL TENDERS NOTIFIED MONDAY MAR.11/96 OF ACCEPTANCE OR DEPOSIT REFUND T1110*, 'A'DVFRTISER, WED.. MARCH 6, 1"6 PAGE 29-A Daycare Articles Computer Computer Automobiles Trucks For Apartments Apartments Apartmerris • Available For Sale Video I Video i , For Sal Sale " I I For Rent M11 For Rent Jain, For Rent MOTHER of 6 -month old CARPETS - lots of carpet, offering child-care in my 100% nylon, new stain re nonsmoking home Mon- lease carpets on hand. I will Fri 6am-6 30pm Maximum carpet 3 rooms. $349 Price ? children, any age Many includes carpel, premium activities, targe fenced yard pad, expert installation, fast Meals. Infants $5001monlh delivery. free estimates (30 Toddlers $475/month Pre- yards) Norman 686-2314. school $450/month Re- CASH register, refrlgerat- copis We nave Ilaso-apso ed sub table, meat slicer, clog, cockauel bird !401First PR Th kson'401 30 office desks. chairs, fit - 1994 Cavalier VL, 4 door 1981 Chev Silverado red, auto, au. ABS, PIL. PIT 4X4, 80,000 km on rebuild delay wipers. AM/FM cas motor New transmission sette . 54,DDo KSI $9800 under warranty, new differ certified 1-705-887-5729 enuals, 1987 body parts. d Approved' on new!used 33' mudders polished alu 1994 Plymouth Sundance. mmum rims. tint. pw. pol , while. 37.000ks. like new, air con , amRm Cass. power never smoked in extended booster, tilt d Ore. $7600 warranty. certified. $9000 qbo 905.723-3940 Call 1905) 571-7911 GERMAN SHEPHERD Terms Available' OAC 'If 1983 FORD RANGER 2nd CHANCE FINANC- Lon 2 8 titre 5 s ed aid. C c �5-fig-9995 LIABLE 8 caring moth- REBoarding ing cabinets, magnetic function boards. Call Alf 623-2000. Articles 09others. Petstsu feSl PPI ING ro D,schar ed'Un 9 discharged Bankrupts 8 g D yrs exp `Trustee x fix, p AMIFM, new paint. brakes etc. must sell $2500 days. 7zs-as84, eve 723-9068 m my home, nes $350 Victorian Ma For Sale Boardi� d Approved' on new!used 50 000 km on rebuilt mo- er will babysd lunches snacks. CHESTERFIELD, chair 1413 SOFA. chair and loveseat ' ' Automobiles for Sale vehicles "Down Payment 1990 CHEM, red. 84 000 nutnuous ;dose to schools, fenced and ottoman, recently up. SANYO 31' stereo tele- GERMAN SHEPHERD Terms Available' OAC 'If kit v, 8 auto. exce0ent con - yard 13 years experience. holstered, like new, chest freezer, Woods make. v,,, on Universal remote Superb home theatre Rent PUPPIES, black and Ian youre workin you're ap- provedt' Call Gry Wood. oihon $10.000. 728-8490 Relerences/receipts All ages welcome Rossland/ 728 brown wing chair and otic- man, nearly new. 436- to own by phone Only $9 95/wk (905) 571-1413 Top quality working and stow lines Vaccinated and Qu,ck Lease, 1020 Brock Rd S . 1 800792-5587 c, Vans/ Waverly Call Cathy 6684 pc black bedroom suite CKC req Parents and pups 905.420-9979 anytime 4 Wheel Drive 6115 ER IBM 386 with eolew SHARP 27" stereo TV raised with children Ideal $t+.000432-2821 hao,ss .nr.p,ess'or 427-4741 COMPLETE set Lynx cus- One G'r super -flat tube, family pets and protectors 85 CHEV Caprice Wagon. test excellent good condi TWO bedroom main floor apartment in Brooklet Available Apnl 1 Includes 4 appliances, heatlwater. basement, large garage wt ,oh, lots of parking Walkout from kitchen to large deck/ yard 5900/mthly + hydro F,rstilast + references re- qu,red No pets 905-985- 4049 WESTNEY HEIGHTS ^ewly I'. ­,heq 1 bydr'i,r' bsmt apt, $650 month all :rclusive. first last refer. ences.619-2105 WHITBY Dufferir St . 2 bedroc^- apt 'n clean. ,luiet building. Fully broad- oomed Large closets %ear all amenities Fndge' Stove $679 all inclusive 4 1414 t It II P I P U -+ aster er $1900 86 0 - ' Firewood om qc ub5. or 6 male. right hand, with accesso- ,c n C. niversal rem- ate Rent to own by phone Reasonable price Tel 668- 9425 p• 9 Pa tiac Bonneville V6 auto. 1988 . GM Cube Van, 62 D esel. automatic c".:� j •`. oacre,,.r a. ^cwsive residential area nes $350 Victorian Ma Only $7 95 wkly `9051 571. delivery Kozy Heat. Fire- $800. 89 6000 LE wagon. 50 000 km on rebuilt mo- A GREAT DEAL -TDD hogany dining table, 4x6. including leaf, appraised at 1413 SOFA. chair and loveseat ' ' Automobiles for Sale `illy loaded. V6. 1301ims s4e95 cert Gerry 905-719- 1020 for, roll up door, g odd shape Excellent for locam quality seasoned hardwood $650. French provinal a 5425. solid maple single 1984 HONDA AC- 1994 $3.795 , '89 Sunb,rd. contractor Ask,ng $6200 at low prices FREE DELIV- bedroom suite. double bed bed. box spnnry'matiress skin 5450C obo 728- 9 1994 Pontiac Sunb,rd. obo Ask for Rarefy at 905 - ERY Serving Pickering. �� Call (905)837-0957 $195. washer/dryer $195. 5 1981 (nos Rena 88 auto air 4 2 dr, red. 683-244. Ajax. Whitby and Oshawa COMPUTER i PRINT. pc black bedroom suite Bra gram, as ,s Loaded 2 ps pt,ilm Cass ABS km , -, pis Pb. P7 ABS bra, es 1989 PATHFINDER SE, Call DURHAM FIREWOOD ER IBM 386 with eolew $250. kitchen table/4 chairs $850 721-9874 $t+.000432-2821 hao,ss .nr.p,ess'or 427-4741 VGA monitor $550 And HP $175, many other items bedrooms available. Al' S GO Parkrg Available test excellent good condi FIREWOOD, Excellent colour upgradeable. inkjet 697-3532 1962 Ford Mustang, rebuilt engine 'r 1995, Dody good MCMILLAN 5 WIFE ' = hon nigh mileage. $10.500 lua'-.iy ''"rrdwood. Guar- anter $350 t. the` STORM WINDOWS various condition, as"') S1200 AUTO SALES. 8.:k Cent,ry `�oaded'y $4.795 cert tied Telephone 430- anteed. extra long time fully $750- 19058340fl2a sizes tit -11a, pane w,ndows obo 1994 Sl'. pick-up. '88 S15 extended. auto 0837 leave message seasoned. cut and split. COMPUTER fur Beginner vanous sizes. new 8 used, 2 37.000 km, amifm stereo. 55.295 '87 Dodge Dakota 1990 AEROSTAR extend - WHITBY 2 level apart- ^. r. ,e bedroom plus `tunusual 'ay Out deck _ irli near ga. 5835 in - is,ve ist Apnl (416, 699- -,287 Whitby 2, bedroom r, it,- P- : -se to go clear. : uel. urge yard, shared sundry $700 + utilities ',actable Aprl Ist Call 45183'-2855 WHY •e• -t when you car w^ ,,, Owr home for Honest measurment Free 386. `+'GA Conor Monitor piece bathroom set and asking S10 500 571-1850 134 . m auto. $4,495. '85 ed 3L air. t1t Cruise. AM; c".:� j •`. oacre,,.r a. ^cwsive residential area ••inwated.430-3161 --ss than you think"' Call delivery Kozy Heat. Fire- $595. Dot Matrix Printer plumbing fixtures. mirrored LE, ar. V6. 3 1. $4995 firm, Ford F 150 p u red and FM cassette. low Kms pit AJAX.• -- --- - ,SHAWA __ :.ave Haylock Sales Rep wood (905)753-2246 $50 Fax Machines $169 shower doors 4 x4 doubl double 1984 HONDA AC- 1994 $3.795 , '89 Sunb,rd. vary glass. no rusf no Sca^ins acianments. quer Large � 8 3 bedroom Re,Max Summa Realty skin 5450C obo 728- 9 (905) 430-5615 hung window 905-6554683 CORD DO -El'`, eer ng B 2 door, auto $4.295. '88 GST, 7 passenger Ask,ng building. close to shopping apar.ments r :fear low 1991 L:d (905) 668-38CC SKIDS 8 Pallets for fire- bare, s'icec, 432-0132 alter 500 pm brake: AM ; FM cassette. Jeep Cherokee 4 x 4. blue $8995 cent 905.4'34-7317 40' GO Pod. sauna 2 nse buuding Gose to 401 of rgr.5. 566-32.1 ,d hardwood S soft- COMPUTERS 386'5 laundry facilities 723.2094 cruse ai, ce lied.good 56.495 . '87 Mazda p u . Brooklin bedrooms available. Al' S GO Parkrg Available player 570 9?5.728?182 wood mixed. pre cut or bro. with VGA morntors fr,)m WHY pay cablelf Go D,- condition burgundy. cap.144 lid S3.995 Many lid showroom conditon. .:mil May 1 683-5322. 683- mmed,ently F,,,- 9695: apt P,cke, ^, Livm^ room aD' delivery available. $245. Quad speed CD rew:•' RCA 18" Dgrtal Sata- 52400 831-8729 days, cars under 531000 cerbfiw. Auto Parts M ' .42• 583.8571 ;until 730 momh Phone 905.576- ' Houses .i••;e R -all loads Limited Rom kits with 16 bit sound ite Up to 175 channels evenir416-2873644 gs Financing available McM•, &Repairs p a25s For Rent rime offer call 905)430- ( meg ape cards 5199 250 t Best quality picture 3 1985 PONTIAC 6000 4- Ian 8 st Auto. 200 Dim dos Sr W. Downtown Call AVAILABLE tMME- OSHAWA 3 bedrFm DIAMOND RING, set 64 Carat ,mai pills t2 Drill 9013 backups. $169 installed. . sound Rent to own by 57 50 wkly 19051 Brio, 4 3 L ^,esel engine. Vill 666-3361 CLASS 'A" ME' r1Ar.,C DIATELY. n Whitby A::• apart, --••, available at $1 Ai ov ie Amy,Jeui- ' Flea ew VGA monitors $245 ,VGA 28 NI for $295 lots of new and used 486's wrtIn phone 571-1413 new paint mechanically sound As is S1350 to b o Call RECONDITIONED and unified vehicles (37) Lcensed '•ansmssion spec altst wnikng to do work spaaous ar et p'�"-"+ c D M. newly, painted. w,rh bal- 888 are 'fl1 Glen St Close to schools shopping Dpi g and r Y/"; Rent Own your Harte cm 5749,`orifi 'unhties Market color monitors from 5775 Articles 571-6940 on sale now. e. 1989 9- at home Great sates. a' my =onY Ucse to bus. shite- G M Utilities included 728- included) tic gown pay ^Mer 905 619-2335 complete and guaranteed OSHAWs 3 Dedrocm 1965 Sunb,rd. r 2 Probe alit, air burgundy. work •iffy guaranteed Also pi^9 all uuiaies included F isttast required Call b merit Call Me" Mark Sto- ur con .security system. rid s t :lets. non-smc , ;referred at Computer Clearance Wanted doo, good condition. ask- ruse Sale $4995 firm, 1987 body w^,rk 3 pant Call first last required. no pets 4993 billy Sales Rep S,.non BUNK BEDS 5200. Center. 164 Baseline Rd CKC-REGISTERED rg 5850 Phone Barry at Daytona. auto. be red. Ta1v 57'0967 1 bedroom 5625. 2 bed DOWNTOWN OSHAWA, - 7. - croup Excel Realty 571- .r 5'Ori bedroom 'r E Bowmanville. (Just east German Shepherd pups. 725-1876 now $2995 firm. 199+ •Dorn, 5725 call 430-0134 2 �e . -; ---• d�c .. 5275 or t -80G-440 6275 set $100 . , lawn mower . d the Flying Dutchman Ho- ANTIOUES Absolutely, F, ,-n n t 4 1052 Cavalier coupe. auto . air o,risnne white only 64 000 Recreational BARGAIN BASEMENT equipped. upper 5595 -. tented yard. fridge, stove. S50. snowblower 550. deck chars S20. misceea- tel ,,r_ as. 9 um ure or an- ythinq old. Swnbhc nsbu- 1986 NISSAN 300 ZX loaned -,. -nese ai,. turn, kin 57295. 1990 Tempest Vehicles c".:� j •`. oacre,,.r a. ^cwsive residential area ••inwated.430-3161 neons 619-2490 leave DININGROOM smile Pe- ments, china, silver, adver bar system. T foot. 5 -speed. LE, ar. V6. 3 1. $4995 firm, 2 bedr;Cr^ apt main Boor apartmer• parl„rg, use d aro 5.500 utilties mrvyuded CLEAN 'umdy budd,rq, message can wo x3 ova. 'ab e. DtAtet, hs ng, toys, decoys, dills. excellent workmg condnor, 1991 Z24 black beauty $7775. 1992 Grand Prix duplex 1 8 2 bed _ ooms.S600'uP ^c sive yard. easy access 10 401 near wu Farms. -anti -re, fwd 6 DUNCAN FYFE soled 6 uphofatered chairs. raltan rtnik botnes. collections a skin 5450C obo 728- 9 SE. write, goaded, wow ty80 HARDTOP tens °: °--cane t a B ast avail May ' three bedroom Includes threir wu•-•O 'able Sa' x '.6' plus balks. $795 Or best Offer estates Caf! Robert Bowen 1582 59925. 6 Asmo Safari vans. bare, s'icec, 9135-9C'6. atter S ' 905 Heat, hydro. rnoge. stove. 10" leaf. S311i7 2 microwave Call 666-2477 Antiques (905) 655-8049, 1987 CADILLAC '1`9 to '92 trdrrl $6985, 1992 stove. ice box $1100 Freezer S35 Scry CD entrances. parking, n0 pets laundry facilities 723.2094 carts. oak 'rmsh. S75. each 8ft conic or magazine rage Brooklin FLEETWOOD. 62 OCC Cavalier. auto air. ABS $6935 1989 Buick LeSa player 570 9?5.728?182 BRAND -ew 2 bednorth Case 'e" m norm OSHAWA we Dxwcoom 1905` 837 8%3: Electric peanut machine MEN'S MOUNTAIN bike lid showroom conditon. bye Ltd loaded burgundy. �' -SED - ROOMS a.16-7 a .rime_ apt P,cke, ^, Livm^ room aD' aDacmer• •. y oecerat- LARGE chest freezer, Must Sell. Best Offer Call Ii be it exceiler•t .sono,- black extenor brown inters- ? snare 56665. 1986 Nissan 1969 Home i Park.' r•r -.cele^ 7 9 pharces shared laundry ad. new carpet clean. 53.'5 686 8085 (905) 420-4304 eon, and be of better qualify or. goaded. Serious aqui- Muni. A-1 $2995. 1997 Vis drive, bot: - be, 89. 1 trip to Neva sick- No smokers or pets $756 bright quiet budrnng. ng laundry humidifier. hum,difrer. 20 hire. au- KENWOOD Tower •g Alloy trarne, aluminum nes only 725-3123 to Van Colt. loaded. 96 000 1 Bedroom A apt, Ro Call nes park incl drat Articles DIAMOND RING, set 64 Carat ,mai pills t2 Drill rims. good components 434-5780 1967 CHEV Chevette. kin 54685. 1988 Jimmy Gy7sirtloaded 4 3 V6 nix• selling ex beta's° of tsickior ^ess excellent condnor M.. includes05-6 utilities Mi,e a: 905649 105' good location faciliavailable avalaD.e April 1st $o9C ' only. appraised $5.200 irtiportant clot whoev- body repa,rted rebuilt 99ldr1 88 ceuent value 569991988 value loaded, steeps 4 45.000 Whites. seperate entrance. mo Call now 105 683- for Sale Reauhful set, Asking 57700 UNWANTED Scrap metal rs-nd.new water PimPC only $7985 C•rticar Auto nth. 155 King SI ams asking 532.600 or CENTRAL PARKRCSS- 3 Detlroom 6778 -1993 Ford Aerostar Sport. 'anal 432-8919 picked ,.p 'ridges. stoves, clutch. engine. interior West o1 Midtown Mall. ^Mer 905 619-2335 man or yard. man poor, wnty OSHAWs 3 Dedrocm 15 GAL. 'arpet cleaning macnnr 45 K 3 section EXPENSIVE 9 Piece din. ing. solid cherry, hardly washers dryers. cars. trucks. etc Call (905)430- 9013 need work As,ng 51500 firm Can 905-5' 3369 at- ter 6 pm or weekends Call S79.2866. Open Sunday Apartments / 1 ur con .security system. rid s t :lets. non-smc , ;referred frylge stove. all outside mairtenarlce done by ow - him, floor. star and verb- used sacnhce $4800 or bargain at $11.450 Ryan Auto Sales. 517 Brod: St Available April t Non - smokers, no pets. Call PER AUTOMOBILES For Rent S90C:m0 me ....e 725- er. parking. 5890 tiro . all Cal blind toils Like new, separately. Sota, chair. 1967 Chev Caprice Wag "*W' S^c.e ! Noir 'Y'48 utilities nauded Available 345 his 51200 or best oto- • Lost all A ese Th ,mmediatel 4346691 or er Gene after 5 30 m D loveseat $850 , queen Anne's glasstop Tables . ' Found ,-x, pulse wipers. ar con Prices' 1989 I Pontiac CENTRAL Lsnawa t and COURTICE, one bedroom 2423101 y (905) 668-2846 5650, k:ds 6 -piece bedmat• sere. High power speakers ¢passant r tilt stearin 9' amifm Cass stereo. 5 litre Tempest V6. Auto. ar. uto 2 bedr;Cr^ apt main Boor apartmer• parl„rg, use d aro 5.500 utilties mrvyuded OSHAWA eHar- ANTIQUE DININGROOM white. sold $420 430- ART! Limited Editions engine. 180 000 kms re- 9 $4 19685 Ca. auto ac 54395, duplex 1 8 2 bed _ ooms.S600'uP ^c sive Avadble, April Ist 434-5920 largeBeaI2-bed. mor sew dr a 2 -bed y 9 ,;,rte 9 pts. walnut Table 0865 DISTRESSED PER- butt trails, new tires, new d.1lac Fleetwood D'Ele- Appliances, parking back DIXIEIHWY 2. Lar one room Udsry ties, J2 leaves), i armchair. 5 FOR SALE, 6 piece Ido- SON. searching, for a suspension, new front ro gone Broughm- Full size 8 yard. now/ 433 Y AP"' Dedregr-. apt private 2 S64t. w'e Laundry facilities, 56x6 fat sideCha,rS. (leather uphd- Mal dining room State 5500 Childs old rocking chair ( tors. id1Br anti. plus miry ryl loaded. Dower Sunropl, 0062 entrances. parking, n0 pets north 15L�a3t Call 905 stery) Buffet ( 66' x 22') 1age cube h re- cloth seat, armless, rosette new parts Also recent low kms . reduced $7150. 1967 Pontiac Grand Prix. 8 WHITBY. 1 i 2 Non smoker Avariable im- 404 1534 China cabinet. (42" x 16') frig° rotor. 2 years old 5350 ars old on centre of char back. tune-up and new exhaust loaded, power w4300 -SED - ROOMS a.16-7 a .rime_ 5756mo Lucille to GM. 9 52700 Mantle clock Kenmore stove 550 Love dark wood. broken rocker' Mechanically A-1 certified low kms sale Once $4300 low nixie Cal: i/6-789-4145 y or Har 9EDRO--M or Harry Harry nein n -rg neve• r t. 2. 3- 9 with chimes. Kenmore de- seat $100 Call 725-2343 inadvertently sold ,n yard $2500 certified best order S Chrysler occupancy lsttast. 5400. W Oshawa Beautiful view. bedroom apartments 905- ap humidifier. hum,difrer. 20 hire. au- KENWOOD Tower sale held at 192 Raven- Phone Jeff at 404-951 T 4 1990Mint Cavansalier :noose from 1 Caval er 1 Bedroom A apt, Ro TWO BEDROOM case- � hum,distat. Trade- of Stroh rd Ajax n Sept. 95. 3 1 x 724. auto. 3 1 Iminesland le Imine mer: aranmer: F rch; 1 -BEDROOM walkout tonal chesterfield (96'") Power remote stereo pack- irtiportant clot whoev- 1888 Plymouth Reliant K. 99ldr1 88 ceuent value 569991988 value ,iafelyS5Ct7 1st 8 last n- d at" 0 1 sI Whites. seperate entrance. OSHAWA: JcM - Centre beige fl off white. Armchair, age. 5 Disc CO. dual Cas- 6 in on Call ,m- et is 4 door, 126,000 km. good VW Fox G L stud. ac. cludes utilities 6 cabtir Call 4 Dice washroom, eat ,n Street 2 bedroom apart - '96. loaded, folded rear seat tag colours. 576-5094 sere. High power speakers 905-697-3332 shape, $1900 as s Call $3199. 1989 Dodge Shad- 432-1268 kitchen an inclusive $750 meet. available Mar Ist e ART! Limited Editions Free delivery Rent to own �� 59 wkty ward for its return, family (905)728'7349 ow. 4 Cr,1auto arc, re- duced $4 ,99, Ail cars sold 1 BEDROOM basement per mo 619-1509 $675. mo prkg and utiiby incld Laundry Tasha Romance . Eliza- 413 (905) 571-1413. (9 sentiment 19" PONTIAC SUN- certified with warranties in- apartment. private en- GATEWAY COMMUNITY 5facilities 4 - available Call (905? 432- w beth Bet Brent Town- Berry, rate. 535 8 up. Wanted, Appliances working or not. (up to 16 weeks. ) and be- Tuesday March 19th - BIRD. 2 door. sunroof. cluded Call Today 9C5- trance, parking partially- HOMES Large 2 bed 89ti rooms. avail. now 57150 send. Professionally LOVE SEAT and recliner FOUND -Black and wrote auto. newer tires, 53800 571-3460 Many more to furn�shed, heat, hydro in townhouse 5880 rrlCkrtlin9 • of e • framed double matted. S95 each. Black s and 9 young male cat. Church cert 579-1319 choose from. :luded. laundry acil,ties. ulvol s. available ,mete- PICKERING - walk to Go. Mist Sell, $130. 905-725- chrome table. 4/chairs and and Rossland area. Ajax WEEKLY SPECIAL**-* non-smoker, no pets, single dateiy at 120 Colbome St suit single working female. • k 3899 hutch $235, 3/recliners For more information 1990 CHRYSLER Impe- 'JIMMY occupancy lsttast. 5400. W Oshawa Beautiful view. share House. 5'JO,weeM e e •' S30 each; Mate's bed and please, call 683-1757 tial. ALL OPTIONS. mid- SAYS' come and test drive this weeks 'BEST month 905.723-5545 directly facing onto Child- No pets. Call 416-347- : s • • NIKON F photornic headess night blue, leather, hone, BUY- from his Selection of 1 -BEDROOM walkout rens Arena Park Very 9767 after 8p m mint, with 50rn1 lens 5350 Days 905-723 4631 Even- E 4/chairs $35;SOf1 cB/recep G gorgeous, certified, $9.900 905-985-1686 t-800- quality P e -owned vehicles basement apartment, dean and quiet brand new PICKERING VILLAGE 2 • ngs9005-723-4631 don desk $75. each. 905• ' ,,�,.�.,r. p �""7 or 661-2843 -1993 Ford Aerostar Sport. bright, airy, great view, 4 pet -free budding. 571-0881, bed apt. in second level d i 1 e • 697-3532. 7 -passenger. nice vehicle. appliances. 5675 inclusive 95 p m Maxi -Fri 2 story House 5700 !mo dx ' BLINDS- 6 vertical blinds (jjEYy and used filing Calot- 1990 PONTIAC 6000, bargain at $11.450 Ryan Auto Sales. 517 Brod: St Available April t Non - smokers, no pets. Call LAKEVIEW PARK. Osha- inclusive tsOast required 8 1 venetian blind, various nets legal letter size from CKC-REGISTERED L5, 6 Cylinder 115.000 lid . N WM 68Fr-7694. ova. -Upper level of house, Avail April 1 905.683 - 2 sizes. Also drapes and only $5999 and up; New German Shepherd pups. fyg00 a Dent pryer. 666 1905-666-0627. two bedroom, deck/fenced 4262 3 bedroom storey shears Call to view (905) and used lateral legal4etter both parents on Premises. 1052 2 BEDROOM basement 57501 Yard, parties tented yard. fridge, stove. 509-9404. size cabinets, 2, 3 and 4 5450. Call 905-985-4054. 1990 TRACKER CL. red. ' Automobiles apartment. carpeted, pa r- included. a mthly utilities irlcfuded. first PICKERING, quiet pace, close to schools and Go. CARPET /A-1 Prices. buydrawers from only $129 6 ADORABLE purebred am/Im sw soft- Wanted tially furnished. Simcce last, ret. available April 1st. middle aged couple, own entrance, patio barbeque. available April 1 $1150 + Call 666-5395. direct wholesale. Free in• and up. Ca! Speedy Susi- shitsu puppies. multi -Co- nititassetle, top, new hardtop. star- Taunton area. Parking. 905 509.1930. huge bedroom. living room. utilrbes sta8ation for free estimate `less Centre, 668-0800 loured, males/females, lord. 110k, excellent con- Laundry, large Imnglutchen MAIN FLOOR of house. kitchen, non-smoking. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE call Sal (905)432-2750, or Whitby. ready March 20. Call 905- ration, must sell. $6500 A i A TOWRIG. Pay $50- area, available irtxtiarlate• downtown Whitby, with $750 imo. inclusive. (905) 5900_ . utilities, available Pager (416)960 9697 OAKIPINE FURNITURE- 683-7457 015.0. 905 432-3119. $2000 cash for used 8 scrap cars 8 hocks. 24 firs. N, 434.8015. laundry room, fenced yard 619-2335 April 1st. 90512&9898, Carpet Broker, 100%, Why pay retail prices? One ARE you a dog lover? 2 1990 VW GOLF 4dr, 7 days. Cal 416-709-6930: 2/3 bedroom apartments. 8 and garage. 5625 per mo. PICKERING. off Liverpool 3 -BEDROOM semi, North Nylon thick, plush, slain re - d Ontario's oldest and far. Purebred dashounds• lather auto, low kms, one owner, 416-264-4420. 30 min. story building, close to plus 112 ubkttes. Cail Gary Rd, large 1 -bedroom base- east Oshawa, excellent lo- carpet For 3 rooms, manufacturers is now and son. For interview call mint condition, sun roof. sm- schools, library. South GM Available immediate- plummet, Remax Roue 9 mens apartment parking, Pa 9• Gabon, 5925/month plus only $369.00. pace in• gest Helen after 6 p.m. 723- AM/FM cassette. Asking CARS FOR CASH. We plant River Lid, (905) 428-6533. laundry, cable, all utilities, utilwes, firsUtast required. cludes 30 Sq- yds carpet, selling direct to the public- E Oak pedestal table and 8318. $6,700. cert. 905-571-5722 loll used vehicles. Vehi- y Nand Nov. 426 6328 1- 7 for appointment. aPPD• NORTH Ajax - spacious 5650/month for Mature 1408. Apr' 1. Call 436 1408. deluxe Pad and installation i1 g' 4 chars 5649:711. double SIBERIAN HUSKIES, 9 tgjp Ford Escort LX. 2 dr. cles must be in running 9 one bedroom basement Working Adult, Call (r�5)509-9913 or your home. Free quota- Pedestal and 6 chairs weeks, black b CKC, auto. air con., 72,000 km,. condition.. Cab 427.2415 479 Bayty St. 3 bedroom apt. above apt.. 2 appliances, see. WHY RENT? No money Y tion in your home. No in- $1499; cannnonball beds Ist vet -checked, Ist shots, red with gray interior, amfm or come to East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO store, Ajax, available April parking and entrance (905)831-8926 down. Own your own home; ,crest, no payment for one full fan $399; Over 20 stain ready to go. Call 571-7077 Cass., $6800 certified. 434- SALES. 1 No pets. $700 plus utih- Phil- S55Urr1o. 683-9744 SMALL detached one like new, fridge, stove. $750 year, Daniel, 1-800 or 263-2665. 7564. hes For more info. call bedroom, quiet. central incl, all but phone. 3 bed 217-0104, choices, all solid, no SCRAP cars 3 trucks i P 683-5399 ONE BEDROOM apart - Whitby. Private entrance, room asking $62.900. Calf CA veneers. Traditional Wood• 3 REGISTERED yellow 1992 Chevy Corsica LT, wanted An condition an ment available immediate- ard rkm shed Avail- Ken Collis Caldwell Barlk- RPEll MILL DIRECT. 100% nylon, thick plush. wOfklM] y�_985_8774. Lab male puppies left. Ex- 3.1 L. V6. ABS. auto, air, Y age, tree removal in the stain resistant carpet for 3 PIANOS - GRANDFA- cellent quality dogs. 1 best loaded, folded rear seat Durham Region, cash '81 rooms, only $349, price in- THER CLOCKS Dur- of breed ribbon already $6900 no gst plus cert` fied• 666-1064. paid. Also needed. Chair p.u. Call anytime, cluding, 30 square yards, ham's largest selection- won. Call 613-354-0997 or deWOrrtled• hips guar., PaY- Oshawa 431-0407. carpet, pad,labour, Free New and used pianos. Not 613-354-6133, FULLY LOADED 1993 Price includes pad and ex- estimate. Arnold 1-800- sure? Rent to own, apt. er728.9414. Park Avenue, must sell, 663-6046 1 yr.no payment, size, upright, grand, digital, LAB PUPS, midi home make offer (905) 263-2446 no interest, , For 1 full year. keyboards. All 1995 mer- m,58d. champ Imes. CKC, 1993 SUNBIRD. auto. CARPET, Fall n brook, 9 .hand... ieducedl Telep shots, dew claws removed, amlhn cassette a/c. abs, N your home at discount pita:- Plano Works. 433-1491. deWOrrtled• hips guar., PaY- s, Pit, jalb. $7.400. Call 905 - es. Vinyl, stain resistant. SALE , WASHERS , dry- ment plan. Cockell Ken- 666-1178 after6-30pm Price includes pad and ex- el stoves, $275 and up 3 nels. (905) 579-6038 Cavalier VL. 4 door, Pert installation. Call Nick month warranty 905-438- OBEDIENCE red, auto, art, ABS. P red at (905)655-3519. 1545 Repair service flat Monday March 18th Puppy Monday M - delay wipers. AM/FM cas- CHAIRfor rent, in bus rate. 535 8 up. Wanted, Appliances working or not. (up to 16 weeks. ) and be- Tuesday March 19th - sette , 54,000 Kil , $9800 hair salon, own clientele. For more information call fridges. �• uoK stoves, washers sic ; Pretrial. Call Bev al 9lXi- .oc roeo cend ed.1-705-887.5729 ty, Oshawa Centre/Civic able'Aprl 1,96 5340month er728.9414. area. Fridge, stove. plosive $425 per mo. inclusive. inclusive. 905-430-4187 AJAX N. of 401, west of Call 571-5320 SOUTH Ajax - huge base- Harwood, 2 bedroom, with ONE BEDROOM avail- "lent apt. with fireplace, garage, appliances, air, able Apr. Ist. ,n nice, quiet hew kitchen and bathroom, available April, 1, $850 apartment house, 5475 per for 1 or 2 persons, includes month plus. 1 -905 -830 - month. All utilities an park- all but phone. Firstilast mid 4353. ing included. Laundry March. $665 619-0829 AJAX, 3 bedroom upper available. Sorry, no dogs. SOUTH OSHAWA. 275 floor. $900 month indimirl 164 Brock St E. Oshawa. Wentworth St. W., large 1, a must see. contact. 619 - Phone 571-5291 for intor 2, -bedrooms, close to bus- 1762 and viewing appantment AJAX, NORTH, Country ONE bedroom basement miatemgg$550. $650 6 up , fridge, stove, heat, hy- living , bungalow, ap- apartment. Simcoe St N dro, parking. Ist required, pliances, garage, 3 bed - $469 plus hydro, firsL9ast last negotiable. no pets rooms. avail. now 57150 required Available imine- 434-5163 / 576-5142 bet- plus utilities Lynne Paprz- dialely. 432-1255 after 12 ween 9-6. zo. 905-428.9766 PA(:F. 3 0 -A -THE !YEWS AIH'Eit-r1sFA. -6,-1996 Houses Townhouses TownhousesOn, Private Homes • Legal 1 Notices • Notices al / , For Rent Vn$ For Rent , For Rent Notices • BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom north Whitbyclose to shopping and schools. d air cruet. ceramics. $1175 mo plus utilties firstlast References Avail able Apn'. ' 721 -8948 BOWMANVILLE, large renovate(, ^a..senigh ceil- ings. workshop. 19 acres. parking near downtown available April 15th. SI.000 per mo plus utilities 683- 0709.623-7320 BUNGALOW near lake 3 pus _ beC•com, in law apartment. separate laun- dry, appliances. available April Ist Credit check. refer- ences.686-2185 NEWCASTLE 3-bed- 2-pat^•ohm house, air cond!tiomng Indge stove fenced yard 5950+ April 'st Ca 905 987 4161 OPEN HOUSE - 2 bed. rooms kitchen 4 apo, antes. central air. large garden. ravine Set- ting. 5725 mo 553 Harmo ny RC S Oshawa 1 - 4 pm 1416' 368-5100 OSHAWA. close to tlow^,.v.- ,..cools 3 bed- •opms plus Irving dining •Dorn fenced yaro. Ava, able Apr. 1 5750 plus jt,l, nes f,rst d as! ref %2P 3383 QUAINT _ bedroom ,ume available April 1 Large property on Lambs Rd Bowmanviue 5795 per month plus utili- ties 666-45858 SOUTH OSHAWA quiet street. close to schools. park and GM. avadabie Apr,, ist S900 plus utilities Ist.last e gwred !905 372-9639 SOUTHOsrawa 3 bdnn sem. •'rbasement fenced baciK ,'. centry air 5 ap- piia^yes. avail Apr!1 51000 . .!,�,-.,es Call 5-9- '954 STILL R"'.ngl Why' Buy you, =w^ home w!1 r0 money down 563.900 - 3 bedroom$ 5750 mOrth in- cius v Aurel,A Rasanu Coidwell Barlke• R -AR 720- 9414 er. 2^' TOWNLINE '•wy 2 Cour. cite ' b•'C'.ii+^ detached $975 • utdrtws 'st and as: requested Responsible tenants sought Evenings &-ter Tpm 263.2337 APRIL 1ST :.hdby new 3 tedrx^ detacned Rossland Gartler sopa rate living room tl' ^y room 2batns sor , s S4.100 Plus ummes c'as• 430-" X 1 Townhouses For Rent GOOD NEIGHBOUR. HOOD ^ sou-, Osrawa 3 bedroom townhouse in Small family complex close to schools and shopping $950'mo. all inctusrve First last 435-1088. 10 -7 p m S Minutes walk to Go or Lake Ontario. 3 bed town. house. 4 appliances. fenced yard. Whitby No dogs FlrstAast References. Available May 1 $875 pus IAil 905.728-4220 SPACIOUS 3 bedroom tow irthouse. in well mals - tarred family complex. Includes all utilities. 4 ape pkances, parking. close to schools and all amenities 122 Colborne St E. Oshawa For appt 434-3972 r AVAILABLE FAMILY COMMUNITY 3 + 4 bedroom townhouse, broadloom, single car garage, close to schools, shopping and transit. PLEASE CALL (905) 683-9269 WHITBY - ce 3 bedroom lownh'-,garage new appliances S Dain,. fin, shed basement great o__ $950 . Can 416.931-8919 ESpace For Rent INDUSTRIAL units or w-•s'cps industnal paza nexr to Oshawa Cen- tre I"Iudeds nigh :.drugs park u:tid,es. wash- roo- air compressor overhead doors Month -by Mont" Pani for truck. with hydro A. arable rm mediately Stamng at 5450 576.2962 Rooms 1 for Rent BOWMANVILLE Liberty d 4, ' F she^. room. qu,e1 c'ean TV cable park,ng shared bathroom k+_ -her • living room $75 we"'v Call 697-076C FURNISHED and ..nt..r- nshe: Please call 831-2395 for more into, ,nation PICKERING.N`­ les Rh I-- - - 1 . ., 10, working perso,. phonelaundry k •,^en included $100 week 905-4'0-1846 ROOM FOR RENT G 4v , house, inciudes par. ^g laundry. 'ion smore- a available immed•af env 404-2164 Shared rA 1 Accomodation 3 BEDROOM wr•i,vux tot^a•e N%•'- Oshawa CHose to shopping and bus. S350 per me Avai able :mmedately 579--3701 LEAN ...yet home. room .atc 2 PC Ixatn room. ^.are show e upstairs Use t rest or nouse Na' moke• Laundry facilities adun ver ' 85350 mo ' rstIast 434-4672 even ags 'leave message, MASTER BEDROOM v-- s-ge oedrno- a:a� able in horse for snareo ac. _ommodations March. 151" ion -smokers references. 1 st'l ask Rent negotiable 905-420-7249 PICKERING. arge toed r;,om basement. S35C month Bus at door, snare ?Ctlrties. avail Mar or Apr call 428-8282 / COfId01rMM{rTls For Reel PICKERING, 3 -bedroom condo. carpeted. indoor parking. security. 2 balco- nies. 401/Liverpool. April Ist S9WITfonth inclusive Close to Go. Call (416)497-4308. message WHITBY - one bedroom den, solanum, 4 app III c - es, pool• whirlpool, recrea- 1 WILL buy homes for tion facilities, underground cash. Quick dosings Tale - Industrial • Units 750 `.Q it industrial unit. arve .n door, private bath .and showroom. S400.m0n plus ubhties Ava,la Me im. med,ately. sou:^ Whitby Darren Marte.. Rema. Summit 668 38014 vr•vate Horses [Tin, For Sale 3 -BEDROOM ^',Ck bun- ga new root, furnace, doors windows a 700 -amp service Separate : rick garage converted to bachelor apartment. 2 fire- -laces, ag poo, 'urge Jn . eway. located !n Oshawa n -s N E of Brookh, Was S' 78 000. now 5172 900 Call Randy 905 6555941 DUALITY D Angelo M..,... Iry N W .Oshawa 3.2 bedrooms i, r Inen over- looks 'a'nilyrpprn. with hre- pxe walk,..•. ing-ound Pool 3 batt t FAG ri potential. 160 Goodman Dr S171 500 Ca,� Sheila Mc Laren Sutton Status 436- 099C ASSUMABLE MORT- GAGE. 4 BeC'oorh ' - Ir .. •py includes iaccuzzi centra, a,• security system S169 900 Call 1905, 665- 1525 Leave message BRICK BUNGALOW, 3 �_r -1 ea• _^e^ wining room plus 2 ced room apt 56.300 down ernes 5450 Per, mo wiling taxes Ted Hough- ton Rsmax Sammi. 668 3000 DESIRABLE 7�lurce to- ,^-a:,o- ^ew -slom built 4 bedroom. energy etticnent. gas fireplace large prrvate fenced yard. cent•a ai,. professionally landscapea, and mucht. much more Asx Ig $199.500 Call 1905 579-7356 EAST Oshawa large 4 te: ta-spi't 3 applanc- es. quiet court near parks schools. 2 pc' 3 pc barns famdyroom irepace N: agents $136900 433 3089 Leave message HARMONY 6 ROSS - LAND. , ea- _. net' - ;;ark Coser to bus route and walking distance to all amen,l e5 '.replace. forced air gas 'seating oen- iral air Conda!on,ng bright eat -,n kitchen with sliding glass doors to deck. 4 ap- piances, single car garage with a double newly paved driveway. fenced yard, semi-enswte with step-up Tub, and a separate shower stall This has been a non- smokers home. Asking $133.000 Assumable 6 114 mortgage Closing July or August 1996 Please call 905-723-9949. parking. $7801mo. Incl. phone (905) 434-8116 Days 416-345-2029. eve Oshawa to Pickering, or 905-683-9019. (905) 786-2980 Oshawa to • Pon Hope Offi/ , $104,900 Gorgeous 3 • Rlfsi (,C,w,BCR "M bedroom bungalow, on TARIn WOMEN WANTING quiet street, possible in-law 4 CORNERS OSHAWA. apartment with 2 wash - 7.000 and 3.000 sq h rooms. country treed lot. commeroai. Ideal for large Gleaming hardwood floors. firm. bar, billiards etcof eat -in kitchen. won't last will divide. Also office with Call Peter Neal. Sales one apartment upstairs Rep . Guide Realty 723 - Ideal for accounts, lawyers. 5281 doctors. etc Plenty of pin- NW OSHAWA. 2 storey vate parking Reasonaole brick 4 bedrooms. and ga- rent. 725-8710 rage Near schools IS shop. !!! 4 Months Free Rent M- ping Cali (905)723-5594 Oshawa Centre. 600 sq it OPEN HOUSE, Sun second floor Oshawa Feb 25 a Sun March 3. 1 oowntown.600 sq main to 3 p m 58 Irwin Or Whit - $500. 3500 sq Lwr N1 $1000. 250 Sq main. by 'Burns 8 Garden) 1672 $350. 600 sq 2nd fir sq it house asking $174, $500 1050 sq main. 900 Cedar deck. 50 h $1.000 Call 434-2447 or fenced lot 430-4750 6554132 OSHAWA Rossland.1 mon, Spacious three bedroom semi on ravine tit. separate income apart Mgarage, gas heat. 5121000 Reduced Call after 6 pm or 905571- 4545 1905.476-3169 PICKERING- Beautiful J •hr Roddy Bridlewood r•odel, 2015 sq T 3 bed- r-lom2 storeylarge family •.YJrm with cathedral ceiling and fireplace. many up o�ades walkout basement, aouble garage. corner )ml intercom system, pa- ' ,> deck. nicely landscaped. eat neighborhood, well •.opta must see No agents 424-900 Call 1905' 420 -284 atter bpm PORT PERRY - S'34 91:': am, Corven,enCe plus walk ;C all amenities Large lot 'nr 4arden F rst time buyers dream c• retire here Call Catherine Ay rte. Remax Scugog Rea^y 1905 985-4427- 24 1. page' 1 Townhouses for Sale WHITBYHradley Estates 'a,'etully decorat ed end unit Immaculate •'ondaior Appliances. - A C . $122.700 3 5 to 08 Cans showings after 6 p m 668 9624 Money to Lend MONEY • u„ Debt - 'a1 -S a„ creda ar- rangements personal budget planning. credit re- pair, FREE CONSULTA TIONS Ontario Cris t Counsellors (Oshawa Tor- onto! 433-1425 OBTAINING A LOAN tS NOT GUAR- ANTEED SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES. OTHERS DO NOT IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS • Mortgages. • Insurance MORTGAGES Good. Fnanong for any purpose rales from 5 95°. X. applications ac cepted Community Finan cul Services 668-6805 • 1Business pportunities DO YOU LOVE vessing LIP w 'ea..1'.. :eweiryl Sell exqu,saefy romantic designer ;;ostume-lewe,ry via home pares Car Christine at 9:5-4322127 ESTABLISHED mectlan- -a a 1_mit.- •etas busi- ness in Lindsay a,� replies Conf:dert.a''. Cal; ,705,324- 6094 FIRE YOUR BGS: faNe charge :,* your life ano ouad your t,,ture D,stnbutors wanted part-time or full time for the heap" 8 well (less products of tomorrow Full training and Support. for those people who want to make a differenceand earn SSS Call Bob Ferguson 905-576-3988 GOVERNMENT ASSIS- TANCE programs, infor- mation available Grants and bans for your new or existing business 1-800- 915-3615 GOVERNMENT ASSIS- TANCE programs, infor- mation available Grants and loans for your new or existing business 1-800- 915.3615 I AJAX ACROS GYMNAS "11CS CLUB I Sat., Mar. 3011" 12:00 - 2:00 ' Mon., April. 15' 6:30 - 8:30 Wed., Apr. 3 6:30 - 8:30 l KRACKER JAX 'NEWPROGRAM' Starting in April o •� �I l � JOAN D Ia 1 � - -DMEHeaEpK f 40AGMp5 48 EXETER RD, (905)427-0036 Legal • 1 Notices NOTICE TO CRED(TORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES A. STIRLING All the clams aprist hte Estate of JAMES A S T IaLING late of the Town of Alax In the Regional Municipality of Durham Retired Fall er. deceased. who died on or about the 5th day of November 1995. must be tied with the undersigned personal representatives of the Estate on or before the 16th day of March 19% Thereafter. the undersigned will dis- tribute the assets of the Estate having re- gard only to the claims then filed Dated at Mark `,arr , Ontario. this 14th day of February. 1996 ANN MARY.!ANET NICHOLLS DAWNA ELIZABE-H K NG and JOHNLACH�AN CA7TANACH ESTATE TF ;S'EE BY THEIR SOLICITORS CATTANACH HINDSON SUTTON VanVELOHUIZEN 52 Main Street Markham ,North MARKHAM, ONTARIO L3P 1X5 • 1 Registrations DRUM LESSONS Private lessons available i rea- sonable rates. Call 428-2000 STOP Hair Loss Dandruff, Psoriasis, thinn,ng, balding Coming Cali ;9051 432 0369 rem, Events PAGEANT - 13th annual baby and beauty pageant Includes modeling and tal- ent search Qualify for Ca nada finals Brochures at Cndd Of Mine Pickering Town Centre 8 1 hour Moto Photo Bay woods Center Alax Or Can 519- 744 1477 VENDOR spaces avail- able at the all new Metro East Home a Garden Show, March 22 24, Metro East Trade Center. to book your spot can 655-3331 or 1-800461.3355 1 Personals 1 Personals • ' • eat %04. $3 29imm, must be 18 T A-1 jQ8{591 TARIn WOMEN WANTING numbers 1 900-4515566 DATES NOW' Names a Ext 253 S349 --n 18•. nu,nbers 1 90045' -5560 Toric^ 'one ext 9252 $349 per minute 13. touch tone HEAVENLY PSYCHIC YMAT1 BEST PLAYMATES a'>w.--•, .'- ^ .urs. ­­­j­­­jBEST over 43 OCC.000 readers Y acs 1 S 99' in 18 1900451 6088 ext 272. s2 99 m^ 3783 18. Toucht)ne EN Y PSYCHIC BORED ONTARIO HOUSEWIVES - names 8 Private phone numbers. ' 900-451-3638 eat %04. $3 29imm, must be 18 T 'one jQ8{591 EVANLY RAYS Police U" Rate^. if, SOfu- tons on career, re,ahon- Ships, % Y predictions S2 99 minute 18. 1 -900- 4514055 HEAV L arswe-s 74 ^curs �e ••� -;ver 43.00, 000 readers S2 99rmin 18 . 1 90r! 451 3783 ROGERS 'amity history •.•.ARRE% DOUGLAS ROGERS bornto Lena Rice and John Elmer aP prox 1430 Please contact Ajar G Rogers 9 Marten D• Leamington On N8H 21l 1 519 326 5527 I : InJudnikrnnm!ilalli(thr,unrrn,k•al61}mu•1- - loa-Itod 1,11 puhh, Jtnm In Ilit• ldwrillwr cit Tau•Vii•rk ,.11168i -i(1115 140.16591 It 1.1rill'I''li .: II:Jt ,1141 ally\' Jt•JIII N 4m. Ifili irllUlli II rl•ll'I11Y1 :mrr wi �ttrr prcvumc lir lJllu>,Ilus nunllx'r jQ8{591 !? IU�III IriNRI li1111t'ti ilk 4t lllh tlllN'fJl II, 4111',. ) vl-.Ill,k'r4 ql. .Itnt\It,n� Q1� T111p Ili tilt llllU' s, rll '.11 ,n,' n!I,un 11:1- 7t .Lidbinc JOHNSON William 'Bill" Passed away Saturday. March 1996 at the Queensway Hospital, Etobi- coke Beloved husband of Carol Dearly loved father of Kelly. Christine and Michael Giroux, Lisa and Rob. David and Deborah and Darlene and Rob Fenech Beloved son of Lena and the late Harold Johnson Dear brother of Jim. Al. Cathy. Al Edith and Bob Extra special Grandfather of Chantelle. Bnftney, Krystal Victoria and Bndgette A special thanks to the devotion of Dr Sameshima and staff of Queens- way Hospital Friends called the Turner 8 Porter Butler Chapel Etobicoke on Tuesday from 2-4 and 7-9pm A funeral service will be held from the chap- el on Wednesday. March 6 at 1 o'clock Cremation to follow For Biose who wish remembrances may be made to the Ontario Heart & Stroke Foundation, or the Canadian Diabetes Association • ompanions 1 Births EASTSIDE CC>NNF,,, TIC -11`' DATF I%[ F ree to : i dace P sur ah no charges f-ir ladlesno pnnne Nil charges. 905 43C 7�6r Intimate C,mpanionship attractive women with Maar personality and So much more Discretion Assured (905)242-1778 Also 4 applications 6 ser unty posjtors available WEEKEND CHILD- BIRTH CLASS Prepare , i. , v, t..•, ,I your chdds bin', w,", a week. 1 of certified Lameze ,ns'• n -on at the lou, Slar W'ga -,og Inn Resort in Ha,ibur m. Ontario M .-I 29th 31st. !,lay ,;r 12•n rr For mare iio,manon or the semnar. ',all Alice Lee at 'l05 9853286 Contact Alice Lee 905 985 3286 'S75t 1Adrar Hili Road RRx4 flitter 1 Je Ontario L9P ;R4 ii.►... • •acv►. • ra,r,.n•. a � .<IrY TNIs WEEK durhat _�_"J�_Z` � \efilvs Adfil-ertiser a� • Full Internet Access v v • 7 day -a -week Customer Service(info For more L. rmation call ... • Flexible Rates 576-9335 • Personal E -Mail Address or • Web Page Services Available a.m. to 8 p.m. nday to Friday Full T1 Access aL 9:30-3:00 •Business Packages n n Brought to you by Durham's Information Provider Oshawa a Whitby • Clarington7CA1L THIS WEEKL'P'e charKrashawa.x X 1News Advertiseri ) httpJhvww.durhamr*ws.net To place your ad 24 hours a day call: 1 .800.360. 1 483 feFREE Print Ad V FREE voice Greeting V FREE Message Retrieval TIIFNEWS AIWERTISER, N F..M., !ARCA 6, 19'96 -PAGE 31 -A 10 54404e P�"w Ail Respond to an ad by calling 1 -900-451 -3793 (52.49/min., 18+ over) How to respond to an ad After listening to the simple instruc- Ations enter the mailbox number of the ads you want to access or browse all greetings randomly. You'll hear a greeting with the Sincerely Yours ad and the person behind the greeting Voice greetings are added to the system every 24 hours So you can Vtrowse through the new advertiser •jreetings before the Sincerely Yours ads appear In the newspaper 90 _ -ten to greetings of people that 'erest you. If you like 'Neave your at person will hear your message en they ;all In NTELLIGENT BLONDE a .... .. ' " -_. =E F,E . . r •a, el 1, , !- : . r. • ... wWOMEN . ^` srr w ., a'^,: -A-,-q am,rY; ran 7 SC 1)" auDif"a., Sue WeS "7c; "e",70Ca. aa''K• r to 11 ^ -r,r' .a�. ^, -'re .4t, 1- m a .ar•,et w ^ :'. ,,bin; . ....• ,-.'.. �. f'+.<^e •' to .',' , .., e.- <..CX 29.,•'17 MEN ,.,gr Imre,s aric oaasanaM to oa, out-c"tlac ;nqie i Ix -i aM mint, !'f : —, a -if w'" h r neae :ar' h BOX 282117 -afr••r,D M„ -trop-C, wa;1^e BCX 2881 vac y..w 'e ars' : , line; 3 , r:t' SINGLE MEMS NE.:CME ^. -s :"r SEEKING ,:THIS-a"'V,'7 ar'rresr ,:'cera a'e'7^r% I've W oaaws ='Pal low c aeon rt BOX 28712 TAKE ME A'N►a ,.;c'io-a„ d k s W7ar3 is ^O'TAGE LADY NINE: -. , . - -. .-. '3t,' BOX 2688' -. - - . -.. - . e w'vte rd'c ' !r, 41 B03 2694] LOOKING FOR RESPECT r , a x.. r -r . r _ r a w eaC w ; :inn a"v . a'e '>"+. rat TEACHER WAN`: •y g , r:. 7 r - . s . , - . "F �: . „rEM.S-r;1 ....- . , . - FIRST TIME AD i,ryP rrsm -C, .- 3racT.e at, P'aaC, ' . m0teis ..r;t,' : till -sr :BOA 28290 :w.; -e ;urrsrt aa: •ant,, •rt,,: x,P •� - r- _ J• , :3^,. rt,',- i 7 r'. ... -. - .. 1. .. ', : C dm anvil.,.)',a, amw"ra'. ,, l-, -3,e_, and 'bmv -'Nr' , a h,1na7:s rwha ^1 v' : J' '7 a„i:x 'ea c DRIVER NEEDEC .. a• Ih s -a. , - a”! ' 3F •Y". •' ,.a,rr aM 3Kw•,,rae mVir-N•: vi rt, - - ✓a :.: , •. - . - .: -...- . -et,;,^ ., r, v .'• : ., ,'y - . ' :. e rC •atch' a 90(0'Ove nme' "'3 ndrrhg,!aw V'.I- !adna^ds0rremarwirwa^•. ,"are nm;npim7,e�;war BOX 283!1 ...- ••r.3r'Ca^r_-:n. �. ,oxer: BOX a„r.•.^ -a- Br ,y:: I.a'v'-.-0128]78 !,113 nN, are .,rn.�. Ir Dee' b.,'es T.Jr read lames BOK 21512 69 YEAR OLD SENIOR ; :! -e• a 1 t,0 r? -wage •1., mr• w••: "'rein- r BEGINNING ANEW .- t; , FULFIL. M' :REAM ....vr.n 3-•t, IiIE AMC :.:DOLY . - .. ' ,; eI,,an:a.l,;'-arBOX28797 T!REOOFTOADS -a,. ': ce : "•• •r y"'. -at, r-, s -•i•. C"re' min OC 28202 -aw a r :De' W c: ,. - ..e - .. - ,. r. i.. N a .i SPUNE'TE�.-HAZEL EYES 35 5' , - .,- . . e re Y, •^ r rwe.gem wit l ^ n.' y cwtr'wv- a. , lar.:., - �a -., SEEKING PERFECT MAN ea,, sd . , 3 . -.s .r:-1 ✓ 3:t, ate - . - _ r - e jV .. l"', -... ,s. . -. -.3'e, auc'?r s :a, I YPs ,e -., ,,,­fl'r -"Mv „-.-. rvsom,aef.- a'ws .•r BOX 26958 . 7- _ .r - - a - _ �..,•: 3 :,fail. " .. 1.-av JE 'r : � . • xr . _ I+^'fe'.' rt, _ -:, r' % t .aur,, , . ,,r•::,•'!'am.y m7'enls snorer a,- yperry.r!s Nn wall :ares :,ease BOX 28383 NEW TO VICINITY - . iw3I74 NI,,ess .mar ;. at, :ear ,,,I— .. •at,- ,an, :• ^w "': rt,,-,. a , ar;'0-', ., ro- •rain ;ar.t Br 268.. SINGLE N41 TE MA -E "- - ]e • ... ,. ILII• ., L. ..,-Canoe T,� oer-vie 3F amus .'� �,• DOWN TO EARTN ;,q,e a^'ac' ,- 41, . , .. -vm • ..... •, .. ' -. 1 .. .... - a : _. _. .. r . :,c, Rae ✓Neon.. -.r , r -er', rc NKSF BOX 28266 FIPc� ^'kE a: ,. r •. -, .- . .. - •- -- - r --- , i o m`✓::':I^C JC,i,bk,0n,'e- n!,^ .r Y : -.' 'rine :lin^; a'.. 7'' ,' -KN, - a e^ ,. .�'. 1- .o Y-e,I, BCX2811 FIRj"'ME AD b. d. .at, ,. . .- ... . - - e'C-"•', 3-.e•. .-. +r 90128877 m hw, »s x.. v'7 3 -aP 7'3.w au s yet, , ^a'ra , - r . r,r,. `e• SING',E NwITE FEMA F ; f'J, - r' .a^P ,; * . = r : -, .. , - •_ - . 7 - ' Br'A 2®2l ;PACE UNDER FIRE -- .: ye -r D-" araC r„ ,:'^rat, ,%, , rd.e ;I)i T'rs. II0-.y-w.'. w : T_ ,: . r'Ddw-' , r x .-'. �. r, n„ . - • .-'. . a y- , -l"', ,ge!r., . .. •earn; 3 ac, - e f 30t :'349 . -. PEYE1iIRF ''!'W, N^_FE . - yr- - ... .., ,.r ,r.. . ,Illi . rine', 7,1A -, .. - , rt BOX 26935 .» ,. ,SL w ,c,1 .e Pa r: r,. •a.e .,h' 3, , .... ILLI -,•.•. , v ,., e rd . •I:; . .:• BCX 25192 , .. . . ,.. -rye:.aL . r v ... SEES F^MAN _ .AC - - .. r - - •_ --•. - -, - . ' ,, . P,,,- Cru-„ 'r. r,-.ar ':'-- .. LIFE TO THEFULJ,EST '.-. 7•roo .r'e,3✓' ,a.. r..•.,OCfdBOX20305 LOOKING-,PAFRENC 1.t,'.: ^;•'.- e. -•vin..•. 801228'2 - -- ., - -.- ,• . :90728..'28 .. _ . „ ear .. , - .. ',. JC 7 •ins l a n-, .' ? v,P -• ..a v 'r TO LAVCH AGA'N - -, . - _ SiNG1E NwnI VIA': .. - . . - ,.CIIEPS :. MRA SLE . - _ _ '- T I N T - , „_1-1 .-, BOX 2682, y. tC-.: I . a,w''.,a,. r,v .r.rr. a..; ,' •. . _ _ ,r ;r,. -.*i • . . • . , v 3 . t,4 n. - - .. ^ . - . - s' - r : .. - 1), ..- . .- . - .- :kI:L,?P!EN'EDMAN ::.: ,. , yely_ w, ,,..etc,,. .. r::ul-'e". va,'r .... ..- '1.,r- a�' ,rt,'• •:`.' =CX 28180 -.-, r,X.%,--, 3,X:655' .._ . ._ _, 1 . ,. ._. . . s e e :y. `,.w r 3t,^ ' r"' ru,r.• -., •r . v, I: -, A -v. , et, BOX 2006 FUN LOVING ;IR - - .. . -r ,e4 . 'r... " r r : . - N".: ': WL: .- •-- - - ., .. -- ... , .. . , - - y-'.- x 11,,1. 3 •rt, ' fin^ '•- „r; l ,.ilac . lo :a.'• . BOX 28371 BAKED NOT FRIED '-•-a < r 1... el , ,x,a ; ••; rC s 'ea,. ' BCI 23811 . _ -' .... - - '• ' , : 3C X 28329 -r BOX SINGLE WHITE FEMALE - ,. - .'at,: : • . . -. -as. .'mar 4_:':. x rrr 'v 3 }Y ..:ale . �r 41S000.COK!NG . ,. - el M'':Ps - .1. . r ,_ AHEAD ANO ,IAL .. '- 3 . � • ... a 'a. "r :2. _. .NS:. -Y+Y v .. f ,-fir, _ rt, war - � -. . . , . - -r .' - -s' .- 7 . -,may_ .. - .... .- - . , , -... . - .. "T.", •z' 3.. , . ,,.r , r. arc ram.- ;, 1. . e ,,I: :aI+ BCX2629'- _'.1 :1 r -w::. 1,n: .b • e 1,.t,- -. . .3•^: 11, :,..': , •Ya '80X:68[9 - .• . - -, 3CX33" . l^. - •3e3,: ..w,. .-3k - '7 .y.; 'w-'v.Herr,-, 'BOX COYPANICN FP'E NC 3•'. -, a :,-iBCr 2116, '.f Y^e fir . -r_X zu,4 „NFCP�-A3LE _ -• IRAN - TOME NE iPS:31 . . .., 1 ^, , - , ,.. , 3 . c, 2176, a :r,'.^ - .. .. 1 SINGLE Nwi'E Mr -M .. - .,r ,-- . TALL GAP1L HAMICSOME� ,. .. -. .. 1.1 .. - -' n' , , ... -. -. _ . - - . ,. , •,111 :c- , ;,. ...•.... WANT SOMEONE SPECIAL 4. - 4 " r. .f .. . -1 a ,..D", : aI. ,r.--:- •, ... • - . - rwr rt,. - . -x'a .. :4 -, I. .... - - - r . - IT .... c- - ..lin eJ 4` ,-r M: "at, . - , . r Ya. A^: ,> Y. inn,. '1': M .Jr.^:LTL. 'w'w • R'.. P -tin ,r ff": .. - i•3C-'.. , a nr . r- t, :r•'✓ r•-1'..'-.a'I 3CI 2':Jr . . r : - . . -a'•_ -•rw.. BCI 28129' 31'7,0 r?'ores• a'am.r -Jr •'r, a"alk Iain: r. .3" ,. . . . 71. r .. •t,1-rw'd^.7',ins^,dole• -,a Tki BOX 3142 B,X 2910: MA' ?E THE .NE v :... 1, . _ -. y'. .- .. -- , .- . - - NST:NC"VENUPTLRER "_a e'v:'s: r^. •---I-.'a JJos'. 9_ .. x_ BOX2121', FRIENDS FPS''MILT^.-r,,-:,v r,r;ii FtRS'•1YE L^ ,•x, r,:e-se ti- •r - •r - a, -.. .. ._'• ... . . ",,, -01 ..a ,K✓- Oaten' 328 r , ww - c''e^"> , FRIEND AMC :OMPiMCN ••;w! Y, w• - ... xL -. ✓c•. cin it s w: Tice , ,.,. a ., ,eery. .'�-',+ - -. f f. .... -...30X:97'9 .., ., ., . 1 . -.roc. +�,. "..., TC f.i•ws BOX 28364 , ., ..-s r -y. ._ ., w•.. 1- M - -vers ..•. -a. A r as .. , -owe" at, - • .r .- art,; a - ev. w ... .;a^ 4.: y .r. . r': ."a. � _ r- .- v 1 N..-._. 'CI ZMI X:r'IKS :L' - . 'A-- - ' .. _, . .-e^. . H, r. "rat".:.raiy, :� SLIM iN'ELLKAW. ..,, ,tic' o 'at,^- •-v., 281:•' ,N ; ci JSO ''.^p Af: -.-, ;,r• as r i -. rrvYes : 'f r..3ar.. , .,,'r; •: s. war' ': 'mrar ,. a. -.. r! 7P5' -.!E A:. '.'y ✓'. '.:.. :. - - - .. -. r - -.'1W ;.s ormC xr xl:r:o-r'me -. ,IIIb, ,-r Y ^air, Lr Nott,•.; ac, ,a,, 9C1212L1 -.r BCA 2655i Box 20" r r - - " 1 grc? -I - I.,- ._ . -, '•• -.- - . , -_ w e'-s"a ser rrkc'Imes; .,Tk de ;'aDh,'el ^0 7eoeMP^'s-0v.:..,,. . FIRST "W A: Aaltml, -me *,,* yr rTxirP LOMELI • - ' 1 -,-:at, : ... ., ^,mar LET'S'4N .' -,:at, jlrhw-r i - •: r .. 1 _ :3'. -, .- � :. C'f 9CX 291: :.linty " -,. BOX 21113 . r. " :arc ^^ I rw ., ^,s r m. a^^. ;�: s _..-, . „ ...w 2 ,«r �? at, ;'mor gar; a.' mqe-r ",.tits :, 7•]ra. Y-' at, ,. r : .. .. .0-H. . Rini: ,a.!, y`••••' '• - .. - . -.f - .. ,. a.:, a A'-IIa BACK :R , < :. RCYAN'IC COTE BLONDE : s•ar3n arx^+. 9 3t,.. x.r; 4v al!racTo 'lar .'t mea Jw . ^ave _ Js •.I 3s ,L,w et,.' a ro-e Domu J ^.at, ' •. 8013169 3•,t,:. ., '•.•.:;': .aCr, _ :�-:r'a - '.•a'--.• w.;••..• BCI 283'6 r+.- .• r .• •-at,-- t ,a . .. •', 3rs+q `3.o- rat, • s Ie rn„rr, ovatioc:anc., BGX,'M :.:1. rat:, p-, :� arc's mle: ,,asses IC .-CANT SLIM -,e a^w^I'P"Je ICE , -CANT BCA 28809 FIRS -'MAC • .a-- - .-:r. .. 1"; :r T -. . r- s .. ., _w•:, , r J'ai gertlw•a� 41 t ;3 FIRST TIME AD -. , a, 3 - , . - re , .oau'q-4 rev'Iri:-1,De-a• 801 2631 .- ]!D.^Ce^, - Sr `rw •rt .. LOCKING FCR •y; •. - -aw - . - n', .. r .. - - ^ ,••at, ,Ise+nese-w;hoCmrrgs ,le ! .a,-eka1,-., -., - eic;a-,es .^Gins •' - D^" .-,-r FIRST 'IME AD -. hie lC ;rete -k ,,N .:e•'- ell 0a: CJ 1-t, . .,.c it,'' rt,' .. -._ - ' lin!' .... -'J aN m,r . „k. ,..•.. - ..- : 9C1 .114t. a r -•Y.1' 1't, e'. -,3 "� rat -aw slur rtH n Vers a!'lale : % a1711re 'a4 0.,. .e: ,00. - •r ' ]3m,rl :arvcw-e-• Sf `U^ xs ,c'e• ..^llm i1 -"N L r lits -.e T.' S' rC Jnrltr � C a4Y -ate t. , k rt, .. N 'ne'.'.•, 8,7 ,13• -a':sOING IIA.: I' . - .. .,D-•. BCX 238% nc'7 3'.4cy-snp BOX 2067 'e" Ana w - . ,.x.1,'.1 a IN. .It, "ale P' -I nr 7ersr-ar r: .SC'rJncdlN uCLre 1s we'' Ola' w ,,:3asw.: .• y •rrs "a. se .er'. SINCERE ANC •CNES7 •. , _,_-7- .,. -3'• - - -e .- . . ;UL' FIGURED LADY -- ;. • , ae S6 ores SINGLE WHITE FEMALE .•';a. Jne .r t .' r- ..et,. at, r�:...:.. -c'ao.w - ..'�C r BOX 31'2 rv: •k ti'x,r .. -': • 1: 1c -,t ;vin ; - . :,' , - , . rax �a ..-.„r. r .. x•''.-' - . •., r : .-• r I. :'o •+ :>,1^'^,-.s, ,Don 1210 Tare ,,,,. r,-c'c : .•n:`: owe aumtr, Tk .ane^. �: :epe"x"s Sr'o1s ecm'w 1'PUE FRIEND ^Ce^•D•:re:, ora ,^;'.e .�yelw'J.rI[ N^sY .ler r -r —,:. ; •t ati r. , -. , - .Try-- 9Ci :1,]'S . a- - 1..- .a- affectionate and m: we::w^ mux 14.1,; al., a1: civ :ana4ig!" ynev 9012/215 •,r 4' _-,O, :ar �-o ^7Se as �^ -',; -, � .^ ami at, :ews rt, BCX 216•• ,:, r'.r.'. '- .. , BCI .'8.'.'9 -FT-'RA :'lYA-ME`,' • y I, -.. ,-. c.1 -ca a0,' .re:.. ry-m, z' %i !c IG , so- N m7 31m,3rt AI our apaecake a zurN pvm.r BOX 3354 FIRST 'TOE AS � ";k .^rte -• -.s' ,emcee .1 ^.rem, ad ?.e, v-rs Sae,-, a 7r'•!Ie'•'r c ': OUTDOORS 7REN7E: .inti ., - .y, air- REA:r': RA _E � > . - e. - . . - - _ .. - . I:';,r .-.w'-Lae - , - 'o 6; non smo.e Cr.'e,•eC SINGLE WHITE FEMALE .A xeasvra. 7'^•t, .-v.v - ,. wing It.,; :211' -eves ric -ew 5, - ,hx- yyn'ne twe BOX 21403 -1C ,r.., it -XI. ':v^'•':, macho +.s r ,e _l , -- r ,. , 11 . - .. - - w - , - x ,. � `" .:Ow,^ •G tar-. ane . a Terse : •;rat NG -r.. ',pr :•. '_' " DWi,trf pOC+ _(r'le':. :.'; Y, S.n,N .' :e -re 29 T :. w" -e t0 JUDGE WAINEO " r.r vc , -ate -Dowi •awe', as Wed 1CW r r.y w: -et, " ._l"J' Y":''G'oc -x-p,q 4nic - at, T 'w- -•' met 7d -e-, ... , a.-'- 11, - ,•:V v }" �)1.; .-' .Ic ;ar-s {1 s ilt, shre BOX 21105 Curl bre' •'v:dle'S D.311 Yrah w.a,w ra =I,, .r'le rhe•,': swoi,s -Pie,, Ty Nc YDe'� 1. 3 -ra. -r . , . :-e t 7e' t ,^ vv , 10 :'rd -.id. :1'-D'v -r r 'awe 3 .r. + _. rt,,"a' y. x r me- ,",a, -Pe T BC X 2� , •-f hN BCI :8311! DYNAMIC AMBITIOUS r. ^a•''.^., . . new :- to * rvae car,p5„ rd.JAr Tuu S,vmt,, ,_" min BOX 26286 wa-ar v •e 0 _ages -win xr-aore .-- 'I.. : "t. 3"P• I Do. a, 8CX 26'99 "Y F^P PEA: '• r 3 r.•. ­ - :- ,1NDER,_.EP .. -. •. - . r '3, ••^,es :I 4.. ;". bbLSaesi ^x.s aro sate at, srwr 'teres. BOX 3359 WNERES OR P!GA":�,.r 0C 3rJc"t:ro•Oe xr.Wlse'lin,sr ra^uc^-'are'.0t,:ti e RF:FN"-, SEPARA-E. .- -a'3 �3 N. ..'- 'Inv r'rsa'. •arae . `.r-.- : re: 3'e. .r-. -. "a.- r oo.mi b• i0„IemiDev rlellgrt SLEEPLESS I4A AX rear:ICSoy S•,J.. . . r- - '.e :.s x, •'oris• : :!Iv �t 'r'.0 -4. ,w.Tto Foe-aA SCK 'S •1 . -:. . '. -.. .: 3-'1:e :..• .' - :3. •r. ..-r' . - r•r=''-,,- �_ •m y-•: BCX'Ma ' 3 al 'c, w,.•-^ m^,:Jt,•al' Bided :',spins -^..-,1vm-1, w: '-,• ^!Oe-. XCI, Sense)!'umro k. s•.0 mar .',c crows ra,'+e a r, ' le MLs. GUSH' A. 11111. --;',•".'eve-.d:'s',-g lel',.! rwO !s I`0" -LW rdpa .Idol' xr"� i ,"ate rOvna. - xw.';"• . AFTE:'10NA'E MA, - -,'..' • -i- :t eH' 1,04 OCK 280 a1C ,w t.'niy rtr rhesi r hflgp and swcny me Cv'e •cs BOX 29M '4'- ''e .•1;,e „ane we Ji .• ' 'neem 3 ;.y espe:'.J''Y s:a, 3C r;,me.^,-g Nr '.de t,1-.: Pv'.w: Y- Y`ri„ -:r i .r.: B,1 :9252 ,a-, r:•w . .-1 ry .dw. 1" , 3T'. • NO YORE GAMES - r rt, it lemale ZS s,m y,ygppyer ate ]N,nne aseis ' T 39 and rW*e , r a SINGLE PROFESS LADY lar% t '•at,' x,tesu" ehc -a a 7'z k-se-f'Vro,'7 ar a.,viri aim's J,ease BCI 21107 DCN :HERR. S SJNCA• -: • 7e-. a ,-x e:r • '.- .. D, w'.V -... ,:.yK.ng'a a'ea mar someone gernemar lE'ck Ppai!•esary BOX 20351 e,:jcv,.'.-,r , r,: Nom eerCShic r YAIND'sroc via:.e'wak. 4 good xrvwsatKraes: r5: SEEKING .x,: ',-w'vs-c plassiOe '-wo,lird ry -,•,.- ,.`al-.e.rV o-, a . 4a ,.ru s :�-n lhl BCX 3=.e• t v&" -.y .e .:- • vi w, x5sbie •elaborsNu A GENTLEMAN .-I,ohe t grow rc ; JCW, N re Mus: X ,on srlowP, -coat Jwww armg wm, are ' • 328 olor r -at, ree- eyes 803 25226 - -. r _ 4 ,' ;a .' . .es ^Icw a T3rewmq `r'4^S :3' :r' r., -, 'a-* r : .-:e• 1 _ COUIV'R' 9Cv ..r . - >,le -,-' .- -. • . V,V. 'k - yr BOX 3110 ,--' •.e. 3 '3' ;e" a -a^ 48 " ^. •a -an¢ " -r ' 10u re x.' Tire ;,we 'e A N -ME NCW '... 12 Ar „C '. - ' Y4'r ]w' . x 3aI BOX 26'9' -121'!5 ' .dine al BC A 3361 - . -• .. :f'v .' )t :. -d:'CC �.. WIDOW SEEKS FRIEND :f'can.cn ^, r "'v eaN P'mnes am :at,--um.rx ring sse'w•g :arrg ,yrsr•1v ;.a1 BGC 21269 . - r . • .: 3 sect. ;r, su!Nar! -r 4- BEST FRIEND - - arty v 2 ht ". east •a', OSHAwA ►acA W.E ;et - - rt, -:. : ,,a.-- r _ '.r •r]e s 4 .... . :lininrrr WOW,�Aea 'espdrsOw,N aresc.Dls-Or"mWIs, Timemasmal NEAR'OFGOLD :: merD'C fail',gured w"e 71Ls .,o,•.Irrpw'c:e Iwvs'•'[ndSYS:oleW3DYd :M,-_rc ] %1'3%^5'x+0-a"^g.poC :'•lel Jr," -]i -.,. r>"cr a ' mar. :_L .v.:sa .3nCe•:;w 90X:095 '-:anon vi ; active.,cr acas,ana a, r., ,.Cr ada,vive hdbms hea.!t Y at,; ves 3 realm, -I- I - -:,0,^111" . :ew Xw'ts sea" ••3.. -or• srva Y - . -:,•r'-, ^+_sac wak^^ -arc r i.npe -IP w' mi•c:r•,e :E•, 4C BCX 3'91 e-DiCYec �. •'Lu , 'Cl-, r: •w AFTEC')OkA-E UA--- ..c - -, - . ale - I.C. :" 7 .s: arae! ]res r rang 801 3181 desho too .•d aace t0., an 3 De lki :cud vol. COanpr.Ms'tp rt, a s-o.w 3aAsion t d"T•e, = na,c as3e rt,, t Tk Ty.:' -w' .a'w Arc :'rN , ATTRACTIVE. SINCERE 4-.Y - , r . n -uc' roR .'a. +Lae 3. Je ^' ,•Prv. - • r .res _:•'s'+Y'wc a"r ' PLE�iNT LOOKING Y •r'-,»• • Se•vLs •epwes cine 80X 2052 dwelk's "eeC ro, '"iti SO rat re :. .ant,; b•c x, Jells ex,o a ;Inge Dian -,kir --,!v'rAaan: r >� Ix e - ,3ursro SCX 330 -re .rr_s '•--, ' F,..e.•oe„n•. ^,s .- r ✓3.sn aJid see.; -. , ': " i-:.- - r 'WH VERY A'TP►C'NE �w„ singe -n,' ,,L yle 2' $4- Y.r- am am locw; Jca.srore0 x 3 ,ON . ha• .at, twin 80325263 3:`au re Arc v'es: ;-lows cill"s '"wits .DUS TWC ;REA a,1 v5 -'pr ...• ` ' .'r x. r< aC' +c p^Sr xase wsarC Ada. ,I X. fit: ^acs, stole :r.3:.r!'00+. ; 3r 1'rnF.;: gen D,...- .,, �,. r•- E'ov most Slings n He .ao•rtq bin a rknd Ns: Age s ro,,eaft ar'ssJ* 51: ma N SNGLE :ADS WE:C0IIE -ele v C.N I" acv Tal., Sew, unpe 'w -ale r- -r-:raDF rb' lot :'.1 • - -.. - .e ire: .i },..•. %rt+ yv, , - ..: BCI 3.'90 - ' e,•ar 1G b 50 vers ,non silt, '.,,loos ,eplks b rt,, a. 3c'we ane N man. -K - r',ws ,ow •c •"x 're as mesoor:s.o+m ate BOI'82 set - ,. .- ,r• vele •^:•e -. ' ms's BOX 21'18 esnrv; .3,-'rs'.c _ro I"1_'•ve ;a•'w•s AFFF'•,0hp-c :4-414 ..� _^e' �w..+ :Lav BCA 21102 briehuee,+:'w32 Kidsauh BOX 3353 SINGLE BLACKFEMA'E : '2^1Poud$w- 4, C1 ane .xva^C_ e>ti1:.,:e:OC='tr-r .�'t DISCO VER 'HE 9C'S } Jet 'Nae 34'9GCs -.'. w•:3.-r*W- -.:x•x•_9C1:837: -' y'. -. .'.. u^'aa^rC..e•-,' JOIE DE VNRE - t_ -,s Snake s.Kye wn,re female 45 FIRST TIME AD • a 9 *ai!w :' r- :%'! s rarest Jv1•a.e -o. i :!-C^; Ino Icing 'c : L.s t 32 -Ae -a^.•.., use -c,wi :arcrca a,kw :ties Ids :. , , .a.:.. 11 'H' PN nes ac'S BIG 4EAP'E• .-a. ;me -,. •.:^✓ r -^.,, ar, % a, - ,w . 'roes .,. . '. �r,-:,e ,- mCecetJe^' rt, eenCe^!s ecr-.,Till-3 ^pe'^ar emc:5w'c\„aor'tav lDaung,y-r:-t Ju •'c:!lAc,er',c'IeaCla'les 511 BOX 344 -: •- -`re •,,., sr•'e^•3::' •4: -•w•'c:^c'^.' ... -,.. •: .•.-;•: rA 3c ,,••-ate ='- - 31-1 . r -a: .a^ -ate+, ._, ,car. r ; - ,,h&.Iy Ell" eaucat,0ra, .e,e. s,O^. has a D'g lea! E a,s to „rart c mo,n01•:s arl Hoci Ic'.er "or ,a, satin BOX 2C'• MI.'S' •+AVE HAIR r . stati aicroe ti 5 C -3Va• .axrs'q BOX 31 ? .r '.3t, ,-w -via- I pe rc 80120'3 . ,inin. -,-s --- BC :129• x , r l.'t - '•'.x ieahe senseo!"of acm'.ties.ie itirmrrg apaecaresthe e'kmrgi 80328346 REQUIRE TRUE ROMANCE=s-ar'K 3^a]Ye SO ..: ::v -:T- s ieeks ^c'es: •espo,s.bie DOWN', EARN - -a,e : � -:'4` CCT'AGE .A:' wX%'F, F: - N, ONE NaNS ME :r t, . ,.- .: ,-. :+cvcmggralar-rg7armg. sailing, nature .aks NATURAL BLONDE ':!e:::-, .':resha0e'v gle.''e'--a,-- - j-T,xC."a•c,ae rr4r,'bl,aacWemar•:.tkr•':3epwili Joun: ,tiet-,;...:-aArc 1%,e A1C we - e•rcc,-: . - ,- 13'W". -,F w. . . .rat -r•-; a' • ^ r^ passloratt cuddly and tactile Mau !'ave a seise G •- -.; Camping dancing mUS,C eyes 3TC nC aependirts ;'qty .are* ,r' : rlei 3 ,se :' %,war, BOX :3 'A liks:'live -at, 328ly '-- , '^ x'C, ' 'rehe!s-c r !0 .ark"•eawv se! +eate Ire C. -S !e :,Mac's c 'd . a::ve arc-'r, } i ' a .'. `„ esi 'JOC :.:a's :,: ' . cf; 11110, Fre,cshup and pe,haCs Mae BCX 21321 Ifn iw C" OJ! 3rd Mae Seti ; ^- plus. 4C s n dancing and x -xi 'aa , r 'Dries: area ' .vine •eahr^s'rc BCX .9'9: r J!r!C]a3�e 2^p'C"t: 'P-d,e :' . _ ?Nix:^- b ] � w 'rtwr 3rC .dS _IC.^'; "•' a7e .' COMPANION WANTED :,:':FC 31 t,:3' ;: nG^ SCi ^.on Smollw .rt iaiectlOrd!e ,etas .nkiYgenl Iaa@Take is x � nreresw. - : ng :w^'e,a nP5"IME A: -t.. '- -' .7,,, w' ✓.0 80120'4 r,, o rC'kyC;arves -V,s"s: ^N -m'.-•f:r,lepwnaerm-10e,,!rarJalxMv NanunaedcfHe.: Agerdemrw:raiNSeafnUna ikOnsncBOX28265 , i!•.+,•' ..r 3.,JL-J*I-at -,^3. .lrIEBA"Gar .-J ..C'aCeU•";C 3 Parr:'J aw JBCA:&"8 :rat •tt ,.ties n laugh 90 for :1 .Fs wa•i ar,Ig in rat hal hehds-"lop civ xsi,Dle ,wahasn,D BOX 28325 STARTING OVER AGAIN - w^,•e'eve . sines'. SEEKING WOMEN • ,'ors ,.%ins x.rxl's r- "; -'wks v s: Ce'Y act, -. - •-t eaJarc -Y ^pTSS M_a: NATE 3EIhG 5 h . '3 a -J:2• :, L,.: S,,ye ,ads *&xw P,eea single li -ale .J 3 SEEKING BIKER GUY SN*,lom -00c, •, � -, - ' - :- • ; e 3 'C 6: c. 11 _-.; , `r.rx e. 111, J' •,Y'r ,.,r; ;, .NloLs Ile tic,, stir,; and massages de e. narks: ail. we. 3 't i . ,r lel, = 3'o, tiler V?, •c :30 pounds win strong 'nr t,ar warrr -at, MLS: Je'a' 6 ;ierta!eo Please'espa+a cant ry am,N a i :'ale 4,o t Imes 3! %Me aro SINGLE A;TTRACTIVE :r -..e .-',: ;'-'- -ire -amrs•vC ec'ex a -'e BCI 28795 reary c,^, - :t x L, •elle;;a-*, SCI 28367 a;. r .Fs ;<.-. , : a. ;or arc .a.ues 8013 786 r n MC our ^Ice 803 28341 Couloir yYe Dards 80317002 sane ase .e . '_ -nines .31c m s :- -e at� ARTIST A HEles ART ' s -a-.-Ji c3 1.sc LETS TALK ;le wr.,e Tc ,_.'; - s- •- X.:. 11! s-' 3•ac .:r'-'. E9CX:8:'9 BLACK WOMAN Ser, black 'emale sl.gmN Over HONEST AND TRUE. 'wc wipe wrote -urns Ai hg NOT DESPERATE -•c s r;ie -.urs w s' ': mee' rlolw J,a Jan , f:.t,.'awe to sb-'e r+erei:s wall a -a ,)CAS ; e ,:rat : _J rwevs :noKea 'name ;or;'c't -c.es 'Jong ,an; •ais 3c, •e Jia.- TALL AT'RAZ 'VE MA,: -.. :: -:: rJ, w�,­ < :! •v; to 3 mal wM of sat my desires WeC arng 3nC sincwe TO' sMcmw5 a"a Nabs fame Ienoe, war- ^.er!CC'ner 101 hems^IC Maybe 3 "Ysaage BOX Zai 4. •'C : -'e'se •e%er•..e arc .:a^P See, 3: J.•C icenchng .Ler Mks 3! ,ore i^ 3 or i.TC.r '5 -ire �rN,' '.'1'.- -' . "_r .i? •r31.e fi ce '. , :, or, tee! a must BOX 3790 KPOI.N to, hiendsn.p eadiN n poss,de •eldr10r5r,C ,elaoons:vc Mom 4' s k 0111' 110C •,:s `611x' 4: s � FIRST TO AD Seca'3:,v ,parry; 4, e0resslora un WINgert ,ucateC esacr> ec wcrar -, r%w Deb C rTor 3Trle' Sean a 3 3c. w- _'loin _C,, % 3Baar. rwwi b'v ;ooc �_T r sa CUTE AND SINGLE ••r T. a 24 Ver aC ,or Jt a 3 Age are looks ,- "portant ' s vi s ns.de :hit wit yc .las boula '; x Tec• scmecr- 3: t 4: ve,i.h 0,.s eeaa!ec ye amr,tc!!Ji ie,e.s ami -v rot, cv ti ,ea"% BC 26981 try k1' npres:s • : , ,'u IN, `e -'- 1J.e 3 -es con ?CX :8290 c '' Yea, ad ;• m -54c, nave blonde flair and blue eyes Canis Wlling o take a C anrt Val, wor ! de disap NO Si 01 lead garnets .30vil g t,9 pe,-anent'na inleI arz W'De" 'erTae vino cies 'rrrx 3t, CALLING 11115. RIGHT Sew,.,; J xe eas. gat•; `! Sa17e 3' 3r', Dme BC A IBM WHITE DRCFESSICNAL ` - ; a -a'e '' Ove COlnih muSC movies IoN wa65 aldiuSt relaarlg DOa tC BOXY DOnshjo BOX 3739 ImS m s wS erwngt i'V* $ JaY ng DOD po (S a Y :e K 4. let nb leaa:;a'mes are was 7, :.,! 16R. (N,E UUY ^;C .r Je % ]eH '; 3 :'_r j 3': -1<. 1'hF'i i -7 Cd] f f:e1.e 'Cles: a Mine Lets De herids hrsi, and see what happens LOTS TO GIVE. Widowed wnde lemae 43 looks aro FRIEND OR MORE Wnte'emre. 59 non timcme' 10.45 and Iam,y Ya,eS ki KIC. Sle S Spec 'a. 3POrs 289 wales ;aMemign! writers rc -c ll m 3 wo, ur w4: wvc.s aw.rn; -wry :rnaa; rL' ,x,!s ar,30ne 31-elt 13epe'Jirr! 1. 1: ­ BOTAL feels years younger .D0kl Ill Sameene Who war•S n sense at humor honest sincere and caring Ericv F!enaslec lost Swvus,epaes any BOX Mn weang gilt 58" '!3C sounds ells, goN 3C a'W u.s' De 3t" xC le %Ier' 3^: e"O."ec Age are T-0ur:t]n pa-; 'ANN :,,nous arc '•are ."CR 11; RECOURSE Loll by lad! 43 yeas minus 10 be lowed and patapeaed who wkl return same Loves dancing dining out. havwng and duel evenings at LOTS TO GIVE. Hales, alDdC:.ve eas, ;Omn; whip j,oww m dokfal'ar a'nenct hrs: Ter -alae Tot :ace xrloc r•r Nfy -r's meN_,k BOX 21766 tor Sege vil"i *,%aw E Y � Y 3ec,"k- i 'r rears ,I so long aubun alar. bkle eyes td 5S 1;5 eve simile life horesty's a must 35 and try ho chugs home Looking for Independent white male app,ort rale age 36 El" dining Out aria 3ar[rc, Tows BOX 27009 MACH TO OFFER. Single 3C'a.•!Ne am `. -or' s -,a. smaw ,min :�r'aara.le rte'as's 3OX 21288 IDs ;w0 DOLS and a mi 200 Looking to 'Sal man' BOX 21330 maety to same age her smoker wdh Connor' inlet big tr AS 31V CounAr s'ves Seeps aracwe ;am LOVING WOMAN WANTED - 3 Z' ,et, x :ac r; -ale '- a0wm t ear- -ale govic .aiues rc a SPEC SOMEONE WANTED Aire -i-e Fa'1 :, S Wt Je ,0 q.e not yeas Seeking real love to bublie FOREVER ROMANTIC. Single man lust Turning 4C ests BOX 29241 ady or isnia r.eresis 'a Possible ON term red .-C ekes ;;c"s -Cries arc .s: i:Dng 3! %,vi aCOC Tense ,1 )L -c, A ,,De S', :1: aver ; ,:LS ret Jewjert eat, ;ort•. •J Crrg. %( ric ;d -.e5 ' '.Ie wT BOX 21513 win t dependents loves dancing OuWws faner achy- LOOKING FOR YOU 1.3044 b a SlNle a Jrvaxd tiorsrop BOX 3129 •ona'Icauy is hight .3okng to a .orae :' s 26 -c rive :lose hvmwcs ax :amN .aai,N t 3 sersty '0o..7•; Cr a s'.)e 'nom JI emare ,^L -- SHY AND SINCERE Female, 54 no strings aeactea Hikes. moall!l woks and Quiet talks ,Looking nr a tai mid 40 s while male for h.enllsNi: fist the, .no THE LONER SrK)e.rnde male 28 calling 'a, While Snare goad Tmess all 003 3719 am Snce'e emae aarre, 26 x 35 rt- x 3eoN !w K, -e to, ink 'wdrer are welcomie BOX 28270 Intwesis :nClude ding dancing havekng quiet lune ,Over 510"I secure non smoking ger.ieman Friends knows' Iwe gat a good Mat and ! m a good 4WD :5 b 35 'ever Ball very shy wall ID zwove, what SINGLE WHITE MALE, 4' 5?' 135 :alms m- a dents aid vAnq,i re,ess BOX 26154 ARTIST AT HEART Srce•evy searcri, 'c, •e:,re Seeking a Mend and companion *it a good sense Of test BOX 20326 BOX 21242 lie arid'amrrx tats b of enjoys lar at linings am Solid pule and good baking :Lae •cme are A )Dei at, SEEKING NON WHITE "arescrk ae,k :•.i mer, 1: :cepa voh Arts Tamdr,Des :dans cin m.wc ecl humor and an outgoing peasonakty BOX 3791 MAYBE ITS YOU Pette. acme M allec0ondfe vide ATTRACTIVE SLIM LADY 48. erncc Sense at Nhor maybe ,nal ipeual iorteae FremSnQ 115! relakan� muS,C and mOv,es rdiks JtY25 iwimm�^q 7per wnie mde 3e Q3ws f-Ifae,. Sees 3 JedutilW Lr ate Sane c J.1! 21,,,53-Nar-ed:aLe' 4. 'niers"- FAMILY ORIENTED. Are you hap being single' If so, Qendem, nonsmoking. Taurus widow. age 55 Loves great pelsonakry cnamug Love dancing dig tar ship later No Mad games BOX 305 Tunded and enew trying new 3chlies .aowng b a `t e.te .cr;ar ;r .. 'c 4: •ar -.r arc aever'.,e N ,effective .Fane S lets -epiv -,,wit en! eaccale: his,s NOT flat you Are you perie(av 8 so, you ate rot naikae walks. swimming, dancing travel meat ice eli g and a wide van" of Peer Interests Non srhXler ENVND611ENTALIST. Single whiN rnale. 30 never am a rraclve one mal woman 3c' to 45 ust a Mlle D4 maybe we BOX 2055 estaa.sree worar a1 rre( U&N zm :ON te- ,eau b me 51' 120 pounds. 48. and look younger What s skill g, molt plongaDhl hiMalcal bull gig muse seeking handsome fnarcuN secure gentleman who peel, marled no depetldents 5 t I'. right sinew olia vaivy for 3 pwmaent'elationshp JSnawa area No EROTIC TINES. ler rc,eet 3: camel ,; gerbe )oi BOX 28277 lacking —aldly is compensated for nwadly I'm sin' Ims. selective moves Sense of tumor a muse, hello- also has a b in offer BOX 26931 sia.a reel emr,almenlakst , oak use pLoM[ tau- rugs' Box 2111711111 ^ar seeks att'acDve Dr,�au- Tsai, alli'iS .&A LOOKING FOR YOU Are vat ak,; :v 3:ass ante ce,e open mneed and have a wde targe of ntlests ship first BOX 2019 TRUELY FEIYNNE Romantic gal 50 wishes to petition and my roan goal ams Me ,s n aper my ROMANTIC AND SERIOUS ,now ,',limbar Tic 5C s 10,:Jwa eHcovie's Age ne Da!ro 70F 2056 :3r t,3 50, .rc les .c -e^ .r: 'Fs;F:' ate'; Reference available from ea BOA 27005 FIRST TME AD Prolesscnal, attractive. university edu- meet Knight in smrng acro. a vinc willow *v sense arra business AISo I inspye myself by ■rting Seeking 5 ! n sail active owes darer,; sense .i % 1pr ren QUIET. KIND PERSON %rar x vise s%oerl see. esl ec*c' cva :o,,.rg :anelP,gr' a, e,s s ,re S11LL SEARCHING. Lot" but rot desperate, 40 year cared, single female. 27 -,in no dependents Enjoy Canliment required BOX 204 of him a 'I,m smg.e while female for possible ,elatlonsn,p SmOkng hall dnrwrg )boll I*her laalJS'Or sell ng singe pial, r to 3Z a i5Y at ,c,* tip, pesar -."ors 3alcm lg a,Jet :ace% Arle, A- r 'J:Jas cod woman would Ile to meet someore otic is sweet movies Aarg, ard quiet evenings Looking 101 a male EVE SEEKS ADAM Single Chr,snan tema-e Dependents allay BOX 2022 ,ruekgerl heavily 310 amacive 54- AS :mer 1i non rain smoke+ ataw .eals lr rot rIeoat S;Ne "omwn ^.air angh ger eves :asde'e: -aYe'•e kind 28121,0 and very honest 40 to 45 My mierests wel $nliar nests BOX 333 Pentecostal ba ground. 34, employed, will one dep'e FTWICIALLY SECURE Very financially secure amac' ,rse!''.sn romantic N0 head games ,.ease 'cin but wdog to be spur at IV mvhneht m 3 -a^ neres: ar,a^ve Are 11.:5 v k F^c, and i.l'k are floppies ate Cooking, music. lag walks. cads. FOR REAL Single black felrlae. 4Ds sponMrnew and dent, slim and petie, dark hat Interests Clleaers We Aare 27 seaCeng b honest. attractive *Hl set smaller BOX 2870 open minded ,ohantic or. a serse a, ru%, _xiv,N xa4eS arc pe-a3p5 lo:w'N !or a CM1;'e,,'e•ahon ' bingo karaoke dancing and so on BOK 2177/ K are a lying. DOning DOSWSLve herons Church mere Wats, MUSIC and rdn WW Seeks singe 4 female whch i am willing !o snare rN heal with FREE TO A GOOD HOME Single while -ale 6 bin 3 serous Tong ern 'eabairc BOX 2057 ship ic al BOX 3215 ONE YORE TOE M Right to b be out Ilene some. ganaM YOU heaklsh cretin, who Is also em0ivnally haunlao2ed. Ctnstian male. similar interests mut be employed non BOX 2023 blonde Daue eyes :aures wimou! Papers bi.t -.as DO U ACTUALLY EXIST, A:e t,0. a nab,'adv antic SPONTANETY IS KEY A-!ac^Ye CB white c,_!es .hee ; in 5'. 135lbs, 42 yeas old enjoy quiet dor, t bppkri Only real mean need apply Race unn` smoker 'west *0 kind genre Spain BOX 21E72 QUIET SENSITIVE GUY would iketo moo "Ime ternae. MIA Seeks Deny women between 3C ale 41 bin ave active esm,is'lit:.Crar. ;' n 35' ;anlvert. sora, mai wry: enpys ..vclN cng maks -mantic evenings movies baseball. ramping music and dining parianl 80129M LOOKING FOR ROMANCE Single white terLN 19 3C tears pu to snore some ome or Enry brbe Ireril Dossiti a ,eanorsn p Must nave a good cnmpass'ar W aw xr-I.,ax or ra.`ser writ in evenings re aood corve,saxr ieeurc, a,'nacsve sin 'c '.r'nerasni::, out Occasionally Fiends first smoker prelerred. EiD MY SEARCH, My Mro ad Prolecta Lets cudde 5 t0- lag bloride naq. bke eyes want b be crept on cues Jori to ouldocks goad conversation BOX sense d hlrr'a .m head gar•its .ills weco,v ^Lit cerLN wa''s To snare al Ile las tic ane, wm a -an "' ;e while- female :2 32 p,ssoe Daham region BOX 21711 beside a warm frreprldte a tun am DpY n The Country my feel Lodu,g to srKgle wnre male. fi am lap 803 3121 De honest Eryovs 3ue1 evenings vvlg a.; laciry wm &I ,TaraLs, and Sam' '1 w - 36 ; aro T -81l rSnip BOX 28276 FIRST TWE AD. Sngte mom. 27. ill brown hay and TO This aihebc Minded woman 5DSh lLe s an advert- 21105 OUT OF TEARS. Separate. Yong 40 prolessiorW waking. music 13DX 3327 accu ka like x -w rat BOX 283M FIRST TWE AD. Male 6a: eves xunav music Lig due eyes Enjoy a" P4 9 swmmrg, baling, and base' lore BOX 2007 GENIN FW *@d. energenc iemile 48 setts soul unne,slry plus educated successful am committed NEW TO OSPAWA Single whip mate :4 EI" at ARE YOU FOR YE? Orro,ed while -ate 45 erjns ti' Darting a,3 lrohg are tavetr'g BOX 3263 bili looking b a man 28 b 32. who is honest citing. SPOT ME Fun lowing �� sincere ,Singe mate ,s honest Enjoy Ill, walks lana Go 9 "9 lame, Seeks petite ,lied, ell Nrlac� s S 9 rg eninq door �Tvmes cora 3m *Ir oY 3u lean r meal,' 'nem ^r 219 )AN b 9 S - N IN ' � B YY gat ,amonaS >eeling likes to work had and loves Ip ouboas BOX 37M good 5 4 own eves vi good sense at puma Singe moves outdoors campingala rJmance Sense a: s o ranale who ties Ionanlc r,yIms Ned r at See, n single +n,te'emap with at, wthui ypen a Dew a! :votem and 3 mk ve Aoud awe :c a � t Te ..'Jxn a 'means �arie 4 aro tyre !a a so � STILL LOOKING. Seeks companion who Is honest 219 mom who enjoys spons dni g. dancing mu% hlrm, a must BOX 21M pod 'ole, owing kids and faaN values Fkndsrn; ants who has gCwr au! at one bin Scene %U x meet 3 wamar 38 x 45 .ho s affectionate 'narks: She livic s •*ace ,t flirty or a gin about 3C MV and sincere ,kes dancing. dining, am gang b drives working and romance Seeking whop male early 30 s to eaty CUTE AND CUDDLY Sage petite independent 39 fir it Serious reales ivy BOX 3125 caring 'Hones! and fa,th!ul Fnendshap h•s' 801 eslabiLOW ala wet shorN'amay values 801 20335 knlpom all la ane sle and !ail S,rge moms ler n country quality brie at hone lade 40 s p early 50 s 40 s who ewes same wdH poislill,h of tag pill rely Yea ab or,, grown choler Seeing man who i5 hon HOPE FOR LOVE Good looking 'nae 34 6 22' 190 2605 HELLO! HELLO' HELLO' s N,e anyone cut 'rvi 'SSDs come BOX no Friends test BOX 26M1 Donshi c BOX 2010 est sincere and romantic with a great sense Of h.m0, A seeks kur vnng sincere arracov , honest woman SERIOUS NOUIIRIES Er!omaW rvoecLo w ite Tate Single Lae 3; 5 E ore Muse .a wske g (),haw.d%huhy 'h1, Nb.k. AI I":g Nrw, A"I%,-iI1 •1. N,,uhul"In,"laml 1. ,ill,,, I.' any-11c11.1,1al, .11IJ 1.111 11.01!111 I:,L, iIh: ,,+lull „ H b 1- , Il.hdn 6 v 'l, J\ 11: n„ Nca, and %Ia,ki q." %I1.11iy wh:h lh.N I'„ i adven'1 „I. ,,, ICap, rl,IcnL\ I,m..wh xlvrruxnwnu 0%h4v,a TTII\ I Im VVri k. l7Jnnglnn I Vv'l'rk a,!PI,k" Ill,- Illi IIL, mhlr11 it decal, IIIJI,j1l.,11 ..1.' :111 .NIL: 1114'1\ IIHU\I IrI,NJ J l,1•i }n•l'IInR I”, art„I1111,IIly dil. J•L. Ad, mllh. "UI „hwi fR'r'll ll(;♦ IIIJy n",l aPj4'JI In 'i m,:l•Il'Iy N .,UI, M Ik'll \'mY Ir\pN,nJ 1.' a 1lnlrtCl} Y,hum Irl. y•vr jyh.,rw hill NII II1.1Y. III II, ,"Jl' 111,1Ii II".11 "11,111 'i. Ir 4l•hrll ill ".1 Ji li li ani, IN'I,,.II.II .IJri I $7 4' Ri ,r,.'%J0nt, .,It lic.I 1k•tl n.1'k," 1j,1."hl, ,.I .niri, I,., Jlnl Jli ahle 1„ Ir J,1• J l„ mall "le".Igc analvc "l $2 4.31k'1 nl,nuli All a” .ug" nlllluli ...It "..,1, Tit change or rearm 1nYr Ad nr for ru.4'wner wrvice, call 1.111N49'.11.%99 241wum a daY PAGE 32-A-11'HF: ER fISER, WED.. NIAR('H 6.1996 ed Vehicles From People I GLINT 12,000 S0, FOOT -INDOOR SHOWROOM 1989 MERCURY SABLE LS 3.81- V6. au._ ,a. , J' } _ , I . clean. ti • __ J 1990 GMC TRACKER SLE {� 16L 4W2 gut- .+ ^a•r :.a•t - .�� bOaflS :^'9mQ whe4I5 •P -, • r 1992 SUZUKI SWIFT GLX "You're tried the Rest; Now try the Best." -.1698 �r ,y 1990 PONTIAC 500C LE 31.Vr aWc a• :,s. .. 5e. —nr _ r.'?OOCK." cOEST WARRANTY L Llk!&� • l- 3a* St. • Just South Of The 401 West Of Brock in Pickering 1991 HONDA ACCORD EXR Fully loaded ante Only 51 aa_A t • •I X989 BUICK. REGAL CUSTOM • A'7 c V a— blue, on 88.795 k, 5� ••�, Buxom 1989 BUICK REGAL CUSTOM 11 r 1994 CHRYSLER INTREPID A1 6 eyl at:Y; ;M -V ass ),, _r. se _ n1 5 p s , p b . lual at bags S 1 a 1.1?5 REST PRICE ' ? A. n , . P 1. . IV We n risi�rll•ir�r 10 SAYE U' TO $1,500 WHEN YOU BUY ANY HOME THROUGH RICK! r .. NEW 1996 BUYER SAVINGS PACK • ADDED SAYINGS: 6& YOURS FREE! CALL RICK AT 831.3300 TODAY. i SPOTLESS 4 BEDROOM! $153,9001 * Skylight, open concept * Spacious, bright kitchen * King-size master bedroom with full en suite bath it Central air & vacuum • 62025 ft. lot on child -safe court! THIS HOME SHINES! RICK SERGISON* 831-3300 R V.//V W FIRST d'.fl'' PICKERING GEM WITH IN-LAW SUITE Huge, immaculate home with all 5 levels above the ground. Totally renovated & upgraded. 2 kitchens, 2 gas fireplaces, cent. air, whirlpool tub. This home is unbelievable. Must be seen. S186,500. CALL STEVE FEARON* 683-2992 RVMW QUALM ONE I.M. RLTR. YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED! • 4 bedrooms. 2 1/2 baths • Eat4n kit. - w/o to balcony =am. rm. w/fireptace Main fir. laundry - garage access • Walkout basement - premium lot • Over 2,000 sq. ft. • Offered at $188,900 CALL LOIS TODAY! 837-1054 in NEW CHOICE REALTY LTD. COM MEMBER BROKER COUNTRY AIR CITY CONVENIENCE HUGE LOT - S1S5,900 Three bedrooms, detached, separate entrance to high bright baw wnt. Est -in hAchen, p in War - Immaculate & upgraded. CALL LUCY BATESON Associates Broker 1905) 619-95M HMAGE REALTY INC- BRAM NEMI HOMES IN SROOKLIN From $125,990 up to I M6 sq. It. with $6,195 furl down payment. Only 066 etontthly (1`84 CALL BERNARD LOW or MCIc CHOMCY* (905) 429-6633 OR 416-296-3993 OR 1-900-663-7119 WMW ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. Kevin Dobie Hammes Rstst Escelat by ONTAW NEW 11111011111111 WAR VXff PROGRAM. APPROX 2,W0 M FT. OF LUXU11 ill Gorgeous 4 bdna. hme. Skinning oak hardwood floors & oak thew A oak t!e+snob doors. 4-r— in rot:. Prof. date. Literally flmousands in upgrades. Fp. in famft 4 taaeltrooras in total, 5 appliances. Stand" inside & outt Won't boo CALL ANGELA HOPFMANN* TODAY AT (905) 693-1098 RaX-P, gP�`Z`��� FSO �N� 01 ' g M r� 001111 A 010" PLUS! Beeutiti ft renotrabd 3 bdrm. Desirable 2 stoney model. New "Cum" When. New floors, windows, roof. ' New 60 oz. broad oom. Finished rec roan with 2 -pc. Backs to detached banes. *:113,500 JACQUELYNN TANNER!* 619-9500 JUST REDUCED... ONLY $137,500 ' Large, eat4n kitchen ' 4 bedrooms up & 1 bedroom down Finished basement Deep lot backing on to school yard 5 appliances included Easy 401 access CALL BRIAN KONDO* 683-2992 REIMKC° $159 900M ZEAL 6F THE * ---- - DELNUM --- — Spariding 3 bedroRt 2 Will home in kltiely rteigilberhoodr ft bright lowly dew, altadmd'ange, syo to private 11 P I yard - good-sind I . carries for 51,027 par mono go 5% dont ' Will Rol lost - Cal Pat CYdt' today at 905•if8M60. .i ' OA C. II $186,900 01110111n; ardw Thb beatMd 4 Me l n lel home Is wry dali1, has upgraded kmF - `4nd a be"lid eaten liNo1OL Then b a main floor bozo room with . a m firepilm ant'int floor IaWlrlry. ft Miter bedroom has a 4 -pe. eft wife & a wi*4n cW& 1b Aew fhis very like home ed Clow THATCHER Meeker aiBA-5000 RVA4W OUAIM ONE LTD. RI,3R. 4 bedrooms . 3 baths - wGorgeous, detached - 21l! Veers new Family room . fireplace Bright, "44n luWW lDMeched oak M&M includes 4 -pc on suitr r Aeracove design . by" ti Neutral decor ftougghout Ouk* dMlg os "a" CALL DAVID 6EATOW 19051 6WI-2992 RVMW OUALrTY ONE LTD. RLTR. JUST LISTEDs Spacious 4 bedroom home in desirable neighborlmood for 5162,000. Newer roof 8 windows. New eat4n kitchen with walkout to wide kat. Beautiful hardwood floors. Master has walk-in and on suite. Also antral air, vac & more! Cal Ctmarmtal! CHANTAL CORCORAN* 619-9500 * ---- - DELNUM --- — Spariding 3 bedroRt 2 Will home in kltiely rteigilberhoodr ft bright lowly dew, altadmd'ange, syo to private 11 P I yard - good-sind I . carries for 51,027 par mono go 5% dont ' Will Rol lost - Cal Pat CYdt' today at 905•if8M60. .i ' OA C. II $186,900 01110111n; ardw Thb beatMd 4 Me l n lel home Is wry dali1, has upgraded kmF - `4nd a be"lid eaten liNo1OL Then b a main floor bozo room with . a m firepilm ant'int floor IaWlrlry. ft Miter bedroom has a 4 -pe. eft wife & a wi*4n cW& 1b Aew fhis very like home ed Clow THATCHER Meeker aiBA-5000 RVA4W OUAIM ONE LTD. RI,3R. li V, �DVUG TAYLU 831-3300 I-eIr "IMAIN"MIDGE' Cweit Pickering location. walk to schools, 3 spaciousI across ONE IS CALLING YOUR MARIO bedrowns, double car garage, main floor family & laundry A beautiful Seug" "on - gram open cor)ceol home or 3 :arge lot with mature re'n k's ross from the la* dose doto Marra Can you smell that room. 5 appliances inckKied. Call DOUG TAYLOR, 831- 3300. coumtry air' CAS' -MARY ROT, 'rYour oe,scna lewng at 831-3300. IROYW 831-3300 I ;- 7111* 111 -j==IKA BUILT* tdealty situated in Whitby. Main flooir laundry tj(T=D=uble garage. close to sdxmb & shopping. 2 waatouts to landscaped rd. Call DOUG TAYLOR, 831-3300. 7 An outstanding home in South Ajax. Prof. upgraded thrwighmit. Top of the line windows and doors' Stunning custom-buill dock gas has- d ingraiund pool, and much more' To view the fine hove call UMM ROY, 831-23q2. 19 V G LENN4,PP, - CO-EAt, 111i, 831-3300 iM ,1 !;Il 012REAT CENTURY HOME IN GREENWOOD This magnikent home is an original British Arms Inn in secluded hamlet of Greenwood. Restored original trim & pine loom Updated wJMg, plumbing end more. This 4 bedroom is a must we for those who a true character, located an a 14MG111 flL lot qViii, 1111111" great value to this spectaculler Ifimpedpi, 526kt:&D this country charm wont lad Ion%Xall (111LIPH MUM for details all M -3300164. NO UNNTEMAMM FEES r home '4MNTHOUSE" al A FUM-TWAIER'S DELIGIM h Nf City, TrkM Wk, great Freall townhouse. Approx. 1,2W sq. fL humaculaill* loom" ''bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, broadloom, colonial doors and *014 with This clean door walkout, taistefullif IN family room 1901111.Er.t.Mll PRI r C 31 toot lit #&MY ROY at 831-3300. LENN PRI 11orlongiiistof .,OLENN PRI TAYLOR, 4141-3' 100. Ji I T r fPN'i'h*'WW I on , 3shite, : 2- om*v IS"41011- S*ft h basement, Ilodscaping, 2 walktwts, cerM. air & vacll Cal DOM ovIrfoollift I R,831-3300. am more. For fu 7 THIS 0mg-'Ml 11 me featuring beatAd can, opeln ifirepim, central air, k 1111111"y low" 1-3300. A R�//VIPiCFIRST INDEPENDENTLY OWNED & OPERATED 3 Lyra CALL REALTY LTD. (905) 831-3300 REALTOR (905) 686=3330 I . . . . . . . . . . Mono"", peg.... A New Home In Our REAL ESTATE SECTIONS! Looking for a new home? Our Real Estate Sections' are a great place to find condos and houses. The listings provide many details to help you make the right choice. Remember our Real Estate Sections when you need to fond a new home; you'll be pleased with the results! O�hhawa/whltbr This Week News Advertise Northumberland NEWS Best Homes AL Your target market M be reached sin4y by Placing your ad in in the Wednesday Real Estate Section. WEEKLY PRESSRUN s 086,000 News vertlser REAL ESTATE DETACHED BUNGALOWS & 2 -STOREY HOMES AVAILABLE S 1s99oo 4N.Ixk NES_ .AGE H •O •M• E -S. HARWOOD AVE. NORTH OF HWY2 IN AJAX (905)686-8889 GARDEN PARK HOMES presents SPRUCE HILL LANDING ON BURGDE COURT, WHITBY SATURDAY & SUNDAY. 11 A.M. TO a P.M. -PRICES REDUCED BY $10.000" Temfic cour locat.en '3 models tc v ew " ^cures tc be built "Some premium lots 'Some walkout basements 'Severa models have 2nd floor laundry rooms. See you there" D-_ Take Hwy a2 to Powell to Mansfield. Elvira Larocque. (905) 428-7677. $M,80 Beautiful park like yard backing to ravine & Rouge River. Custom-built 3,000 sq. ft. with terrific w/o basement. Call for details. Ehrirs U rocque, (905) 428-7677. REDUCEDI S Now 4,000 sq. ft. of custom elegance, $364,900. Over 1 112 acres of land. Fabubus UG pool, solarium, skylights & much more. Ehlira L woeque, M 428.7677. ELVIRA LAROCQUE* Im1QUO - 7 6 7 7 The l (b Achievers Realty ONE MORE REASON WHY YOU SHOULD CALL REIMAX FIRST Re/Max First Realty Ltd. welcomes Flora Waters to our top producing sales team. Flora comes to us with extremely impressive credentials and has been the recipient of numerous international sales awards. Flora invites her past and present clients to call her at 831-3300. 0 TINA LE RAMOS* 416-298-6000 WHAT A DEAL! V Immaculate 3 bedroom. 3 bath 'reehcld. garage. Irge krt withra*1�10t/ sutton group - breakfast area 8 walkout to fenced yard. 4 pc ensurte bath 8 eWA'f�Mf$iii leading edge walkm closet in mbr 2 yrs new Call Tina Le Ramos. Sutton GROUP ' realty ins. Grp. Leading Edge 416-298-6000. LIVERPOOUFINCH I AFFORDABLE LIVING PRICED TO SELL -aths -Very private vard Sas fireplace . Cathedral ceiling ---lose to 4C'. shopping. parks 'fain floor den - y Jograded windows DARREN MARTEL* = erble possession FOR MORE INFO CALL TODAY. DARREN MARTEL' 686-3800 REIMAX SUMMIT REALTY INC. realtor (905)686-3800. AJAX PRMIE PRIG LOCATION FAMILY REAL^! rFST ^QRP (905)683=8542 c4M L. q�`ti F ri� QR7 • Absokll me 1•�`• 2.800 sq. n. by Brarnalea 4 bdrms. ' 3 baths ' F .! Dream greenhouse kitchen with =,r - addition Magnificent liv. rm. with 2 storey BEAUTIFUL RENOVATED BUNGALOW Palladian window and cathedral _ ceikV ' Luxurious master 'eatwes tabubus I ,icstone gas 'replace 6 built. 4 in cnerrii war snit Finished basement. main bedroom 8n suns GEORGE LALWANI . e JUDY PATERSON ' Shows like a model Re/max Genesis. 416-321-3536 - Prestige court location ONE MORE REASON WHY YOU SHOULD CALL REIMAX FIRST Re/Max First Realty Ltd. welcomes Flora Waters to our top producing sales team. Flora comes to us with extremely impressive credentials and has been the recipient of numerous international sales awards. Flora invites her past and present clients to call her at 831-3300. 0 TINA LE RAMOS* 416-298-6000 WHAT A DEAL! V Immaculate 3 bedroom. 3 bath 'reehcld. garage. Irge krt withra*1�10t/ sutton group - breakfast area 8 walkout to fenced yard. 4 pc ensurte bath 8 eWA'f�Mf$iii leading edge walkm closet in mbr 2 yrs new Call Tina Le Ramos. Sutton GROUP ' realty ins. Grp. Leading Edge 416-298-6000. LIVERPOOUFINCH I AFFORDABLE LIVING PRICED TO SELL -aths -Very private vard Sas fireplace . Cathedral ceiling ---lose to 4C'. shopping. parks 'fain floor den - y Jograded windows DARREN MARTEL* = erble possession FOR MORE INFO CALL TODAY. DARREN MARTEL' 686-3800 REIMAX SUMMIT REALTY INC. realtor (905)686-3800. AJAX FAMILY REALTY FAMILY REALTY" FAMILY REAL^! rFST ^QRP (905)683=8542 c4M L. q�`ti F ri� QR7 F .! BEAUTIFUL RENOVATED BUNGALOW " INCREDIBLE VALUE Just '^Ove n S en,oy :vo^.•^,ry i Xne 4 -a, mpressive oak tcner -fuge i -N room I ZOacious beCr_,cv"5 En to off master bedroom s 'eatwes tabubus I ,icstone gas 'replace 6 built. 4 in cnerrii war snit Finished basement. main ' Family •Dorn with fireplace Curvea staircase ' 'osets galore F "oor 4unary. 2 4-,c barns. oaas of extras „ Entrance rom ga.-age 3 rucn more Call Gecr^e at 683.65421e• -cre oetaas a in JOHN BODDY PK;KERtthIG Located on a quiet court this 2.100 sq. h. 1 - - ROOM TO GROW.A 10 PLUS!!! A µtear executive a solder noels price. Many home features a 23x15' fam m., finished rY .2h upgrades n itis 1 1:2 year old home, pus a i 114.6 wttrdt may be assumed wM qualiwatiort Nor basement. main Nor laundry, eat -in kitchen, A 35 oz beam . Ceramics. 4 -pc. en sure formal living & dining mos. For kuther details Mit.: with srowet. ori thshwasner. pantry in kit To view call Gary Kina at 6&3-&W today. jgtha= please cal.bnn Harron. 686.3152 or 683$542. DISCOVERY BAY BACKNKs ON TO OPEN SPACE e Premium tit on quiet chid -sate les. targe Large 4 bedroom home, approx. 2.600 sq. IL 3 W/o to inground pod batt incMrdng a slap-up oval tub 6 separate ' =Wien landscaped Rec rm. with wet bar 8 slower in tmaster - A custom desgrhe ktldhen gas fireplace 4 bdmhs. + 4 baths Orcular wdh a walkout to rite yard Two large decks, staircase open to basement Asking 5179,900 Cal I 683.8542. nduding one oA the master 6 one from the I LOVE BUYERS MIKE NEWMAN YOUR FAMILY CAN You BELIEVE m REALTY FIRST TOP GUN Delightful home for the first brine Boyers or WITH THOUSANDS OF MLS +�= those wishing to downsize! A detached brick LISTINGS AT MY FINGERTIPS bungalow with 3 bedrooms. new kitchen, new broadloom and fresh paint. This home Is WE SHOULD TALK . ; waiting low you - Dont miss lit - ft won't hast!! CALL 683-8542. _ ... - •* • Silas PAW"Ienaove .. r,t„�:!'r.+�36rk�+-tirr$,..�•. m%s`!.aa�;a:.*;--"-- - . . PAGE 4 -THE NEWS AVVZRT0RR. W=., MARCH f.111% W. FRANK HONOURS `95 AWARD WINNERS... OSHAWA - Local employees of W. Frank Real Estate Limited came together on the evening of Friday. February 16'° at Oshawa's French Cultural Centre to recognize the top achievers of 1995. Approximately 150 people were on hand to take part in the festivities that included a dinner and dance as well as the awards portion of the evening. For the eighth time. Bobcavgeon's Norma Long received the top honours as the Salesperson of the Year. •� The Salespeople to the left, pictured with j r jj z_ Walter Frank, were :1recognized for .. ..'- reaching the company's highest level of sales ` achievement known at the PRESIDENT'S Y_ CLUB. Front rote. heft to right: Suzanne Barkley. Top Salesperson Oshawa office. Susan -Jane ® Frank. Top Salc„person \Vh,th,, Itltirr: Walter Frank. President. Norma Long. Bohca,,geon. Top Salesperson for 1995: Charlie Reid. Bowmanvtlle tTop Salesperson Bowmanv'ille office and in Durham Region). Back rv, % (rat to right: Richard Chance. Top Salesperson Pickering office: John Garvin. Oshawa: and Gord Schofield. Oshau.+ .4hsent from photo tccrr-: Helen Whitefield. Oshawa. and John Shewchuk. Boll marts tl le. t The ahovesalcsrx• `1c. pwurrd with Nairt: frank. mater ur the UO1 1' V'HIF'1 EA1F\1 c1.1.B Frnnr rm, left to nghr Doris Chance. Pickering. Beverley Eastwood. ( )shay a. Bonnie Davis. Pickering. "'alter Frank. President. Cheryl Belson -Stever, Whirhs. Anna Ouyang. Top Salcsperson Industrial. Commcrctal and Imc.tment Department Bat 4 rrrtr left richt. Chris Tyrovolas. w'hrtby. Barry Surerus. Top Sakspersun Cohourg office. Tern µitherspoon. Bowman%dIc. Daren Short. Oshawa. Paul %lacNeil. Whithv: Tim O'Connor. Khnhs, Rita Hadden. w'huby: Tess Greenwood. N'huhy. Frank S%pher. Oshawa. Laraine Reuter. Bob:asgcon/Fcnclon Fail%. Ann %an Dyk Howmanslllc: and George Cardona. Industrial. Commercial and Investment Department lbsrnt from photo Here Sue Duchesnay, w httbv. Jim Snowden. 'A hub.. and Brun Twaites. Whitby Practice the �y 3 R's Reduce Reuse Recycle Home for Sale to Highest Bidder" 88 Sullivan Drive, Ajax Exquisite 2.500 sq. ft. executive home in Applecrott - 198 ft. lot backs to ravine and greenbelt - Large principal rooms - Gorgeous master suite - Sparkling 'white' kitchen - Open for inspection between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Saturday. March 9th and Sunday. March 10th. ' On Sunday evening all bids will be reviewed by the owners and the highest bid accepted. provided it exceeds the reserve bid of: $214,500. For additional information call. Select/Plan Real Estate Inc. Realtor Fraser Beach, Broker If 6 8 6 2 1 4 1 Remember when this was the only tool you needed to design your dream home? Wonez"f-toft. Well, you're not ,a kid anymore. Ext; ep” at Sieart. Md row cur i t�.a )sir ern mrsMr rhr.b.sn lann.r Rde. wMrr rvr po. stn n wd.r rix lila �� w.r.6►aw ad ro sir tL.r'r.' rYm wv sarewr who Vrcwkn m k 0w, Ur ■*0 ca. fmrn 0 ►%a for waa Check out our New Homes & Interiors Section to find your dream home today. OSHAWA - WHITBY - CLARINGTON THIS WEEK 1.- d P601ij—'t Northumberland News Advertiser News Tor. (416) 798-7672 5'79-4404 1�(905) 831m2273 ' Since 1952 1400437 1312 ("A Great Place to Work") t%t. sTEP-UP ROMAN "JACUa" TU61 INS- Big kitchen ti man fir. termlyroorn, bort wilt w/os tonterbdd rickrg bpatio and pod Large bit.. Kr "yound SUPBt DEAL - =147 S01- SOUTH AJAX -- Huge 5 pc. nneter, oertral alit 2 sty.. 3 bdrms .2 belts, ant -in kit., finished rec room corKL. b vac. Big rec ml. b 2 bdrms. in bseertrarht. Cal Fred wilt rreplace + den, enclosed porch, gltrage + doubts Y drive. Mfak to lets 3 perk Yog saran'. 906.81&0049. . 416-75140633. (W MCLAM WELCOME BACK! 831-2273. Case Really Ltd. SUMMER DREAMS!!! 4BEDROOM BACRSPufl l ti- QUWFAILY r eoRit000l eht[nrtaine McLaren has mend to case Realty Limited, ON of !!!POOL POOL, POOL, POOL!!! ontatws oldest real stare . FOA i waW in 19-M , Beat," rer[hodekd interior! Chwmairte has been et3itrely seling in the Dttrham Region for the past Large detaCW + dO" garage On premium lardWW Open c 1very FmW Fanny roan►. teeptace! iiMhed res room tool ten years. First-time bt"s are her spKAky and 1996 boles ry !Ot, 10 9 fi nepleCe, family kltCflen + brelldest ml! Main floor Irtg„owd poo - decd promising with very aAoodeble prices and great nangage rm a. It you're den, massive master, finished basement + extra fireplace! Extra beg tfb may pwk balling for an agent wdh palom and t[ W dw d% cal Cttarlrt-1 - Ordy $199,900!! or $10,000 on balatice Of 796, 5 yearsll! several arat Dun Was out Cel you won't be disappointed! Chwmei n mviiea all her previotra cloth lo Wa*, 8M -2M cmttW her at 512 Kingston Road or cal (905) 831-2273. Barry mymondt, 831-2273. ><: POK LAR QUOIDlu.E$732JMTH! WHY RENT?? r z. CLAM RM CH d+�BUNGAWYA '`. = $5,800 down! Only $116,900! uPCRADEDHOMEII spams 5 letnl aftlipit, open Single family home! 4 bdrms.! 2 PICKERINGYILLAGE! : `M 128'x11r bt1 spacious 4 °°"a°" Famiy size krldhI ' overlooks mein floor 111111111y111111111ydrokitchen! baths! Liv./din. rm.! Rec rm.1 beom hwW Foody ales room+ Sm roan Garage! Walk to shopping Built-in gVbroesl Huge rec room 8� h'Pool h � lot Had � schools! 20 mins. to Toronto. Call Cental air a cental wordy Rapt;w, 9o5 -mi -2273. aww km m&mEwCharmaine McLaren, 905-831-2273. vac.! Way Rte' 831- 831-2273 2273. PRESTIGIOUS LOCATION HEAR THE ROUGE VALLEY - A GAROIEA'S DREAM HOME $119,000 HAVE R ALL SAY GOODBYE TO LANDLORD AN ft OwoW. 4 bdrms., wakout basement, 150' lot, ckcubr Bata. skytipitl, mwW wfwgool Wb, Nps kit, 2 View Miate yard from window, bright eat -in kitchen, 2+ b&mha. Large po&g shed. Okuet Wanly area near good Detached 3 bdrm., master bdrm. wlen suite, ferttiy RONALD BOUNDS' room wllh 140000, in. Pec ml., 3 belhs, dbk. garage. CM1111"M ASIONS" ftrep soar d applerhon ti much more. aniline KRISTA GRFFM d easy 401 aco. Cal bdayl Krista $314173 sd—, shops ess p1 Large deck, overlooking pool. Cal Ronald Bounce', p1 -?273 ad*W, 831 -2M. Cdr', (905) 831-2273. 831-2273. SAKES IBIESENTATIVE - ASUMTE BROKER ... • ' 1k . . - . I . / . .. •Lim MM ADVF.fC1 9M W®.. MARCH f, 1"6 -PAGE 5 Canada Trust presents... Mary Roy Re/Max 1st Rick Sergison Re/Max I st The Champions! Top producing real estate agents were honored at the 2nd Annual Breakfast of Champions recently at the Regalis Restaurant in the Pickering Corporate Centre. The event is sponsored by Canada Trust's Mortgage Sales Team working the Pickering and Scarborough border to award the "Top" producing real estate agents for their previous year's performance. Paul Cullen and Maxine Crawford were on hand, along with assistant Vice -President Ray Eady, to award the winners for their "Outstanding Performance" in the real estate industry. Guest speakers, Brian Hawke, a local real estate lawyer, and Richard Price, President of Fortune Financial Ajax Branch, were on hand to offer helpful and informative information on the industry and finances. Kathryn Uden, District Sales Manager for Canada Trust, explains the theory behind the awards breakfast,"Basically, it is our own version of the Academy Awards. When you per- form at peak levels for any period of time, the reward is almost always the recognition. We wanted to acknowledge the Top producers for their sales achievement and contribution." And the winners also are... Peter Burrell, Century 21 Match Morrissa Amsel, Sutton Group Leading Edge Barbara Smith, Min -Com New Choice Erika Anne Cook, RelMax Rouge River Rodelio Cuevas, Coldwell Banker 1 st Toronto East Pickering David Porter, Guild Manor Realty Rita Mitchell, Sutton Group Omega Alyson Buckingham, Royal LePage - These eight top producers were unable to attend Barry Cox Re^lax Rouge Ri%er Georgiana Woods Coldwell Beni. r l,t Jacquelynn Tanner Doris Muir � Gail Dall Jim Kelly Rob Vivian Eva Adams Sutton Group Heritage Coldwell Banker Ist Royal LePage Re/Max Quality One Prudential Achie�_­n Coldµell + NEW CHOICE Realty MEM BER BROKER CALL FOR A FREE EVALUATION VolkVS a. 1 O .... Ce][11taol. �2 � COMMISSION RATE DOESN'T IT? , n• 0 ais I 1 11 I nnn IT'S A BF,AUTY • ASSUME .'MORTGAGE - No qualifying - Bowmrarrvilk Or a Boddy-Scotchbrook" • Only 3 yrs. new * Over 2.100 sq. ft.. cath. ceiling . Dome doors to master bdrm. • Dbk. drive. entry master bdr*L * En suite bath - oversize garage Fam. rm. with fp. • 521ot. Deck, cent. air " Freshly done int. & eat. c Gm yrdy Swee-0 - 837 -IM Call Jatdy Staeee•00 - 837-104. GET READY FOR SUMMCRt • Law • Gas & w—Au mina fimplw- • Coeuury tike 11* aen tot • Am -Air greenhouse kit • Fa .wive batty - Jae W A skAg& • May high quaky!' upgrades • Avery bei ood home! CM Rou ArRmO - 837 -IM ONE OF PICKERING'S .MOST ELEGANT HOMES! laM !toddy 4.250 sq. It nwdet Smwed on prr►wte MW " AUptywvodsrblloas e Huge 3rd floor loft t -U-hrnt.) Five bad000nts • 9 foot cei&gs • oWrmtdag dteor m *jfabulous *graded homy 191 LAKE DRIVE 0A Y #309 R -E -N -T -1 -N -G?? Check these numbers: One for $965 month!!! Why rent $1.000 month??? Gll Garry Fns••• - d37 -IM ,1,500 DU!! .4 SSL'.VIE If TGF_. Pickering townhouse. 3 bdrms. & fen. bsntt.. 4 appls.. 2 baths. spacious & You can breathe. Backs on to park. Call Raul Casino* - 837- 1054. 1436 ANTON SQ. $153.900 Drive by. Take an information sheet. 3 bdrmt. with appliances. You can buy it! Ask me how' Cam Garry Free— - 837-105:4 GREAT NEW PRICE �.r • Mair favor laundry i Mien floor funs. rm wdk fp. .•er to ons open e -in kitchen • /Wow deck • AU new appliances • Ca/ we tiarrit•. fry -d37 -II ON TOP OF THE WORD! • Beandful SW view of lake * 2 bdrnt condo on 16th floor * S appliances. storage closet * 2 -pc. en suite, walk-in closet * w/o spacious balcony - bright! * Tennis cf.. jxmyl. sauna * r -n uk." Harris . 90-5-837-10 .*Sown F "Aamcch" SroW '"BifokVIOMmr ILDWOOD - SCARBOROUGH 7**A GREAT INVESTMENT TAKE A LOOK! * Detached 3 bedrooms GOOD STARTER!! rpe * Al! new carpet choice location ** Pay $575 per trio. - 5% down ** f Low maiwenance ees * Finished basement Fi * All brick * Finished basement ** Gnat neighborhood ** Central air do vac Cent al ** Low taxes * clean condition * �' Good location * Thousands spent ** Hurry! FirsCall ** Shows very went! Call Peyton Dung* - 837-10SA * * - Call Emily 7irw 837-1054. e Coll Eta' Tan* - 837-1054. �' Peyton Ding - 837-IOSIK .*Sown F "Aamcch" SroW '"BifokVIOMmr PAGE 6 -TW E1D, MARC111%; 1V9 Be a volunteer i*n your.community AJAX-PICKERING -- Several community groups are looking for people who care about helping oth- ers and are willing to lend them a hand. If you cern help, here's a list of agencies which can use your volun- teer assistance: INFORMATION AJAX- PICKERING: Interested in dis- covering a variety of information about your community`' Volunteers with good interpersonal skills are required to direct clients to appro- priate community agencies. 686- 2661 (Noreen Finnigan). AJAX BLOCK PARENTS: Are you willing to allow your home to be a safe haven in a time of need'' Volunteers are needed to be Block Parents and also to help with the administration of the program. 427- 2054 (Henry Zac zek) . AJAX-PICKERING COM- MUNITY CARE: Volunteers help seniors and disabled adults in the community. Spare two hours once a week or even once a month. 686- 3331 (Sally Longo). AJAX-PICKERING RED CROSS: Join the Red Cross team. Challenging positions exist with many programs and services. 42(- 3383 (Donna Chamberlain). ARTHRITIS SOCIETY: Vol- unteers are needed for special events throughout the year. 434- 7221 (Lucy Perri). BARBARA BLACK C'EN'TRE FOR YOUTH RESOURCES: Adult volunteers are needed for weekdays from 3:30 to 6 p.m. to assist in recreational activities and for tutoring. 429-1212 (Ellen Schierholtz ). BIG BROTHERS ASSOCIA- TION OF AJAX-PICKERING: AS a Big Brother you could really make a difference. Why not phone Big Brothers of Ajax -Pickering to find out how you can share in the life of a boy six to 14 years of age from a father -absent home? Volun- teers are also needed to help with special events. Call 686-2871 BIG SISTERS ASSOCIA- TION OF AJAX-PICKERING: Women who can offer a supportive, caring friendship to a girl six to 16, a boy six to 10, a pregnant teen or young mother are needed to volun- teer with the one-to-one matching programs. Volunteers interested in fund-raising and publicity commit- tees are also needed. 428-8111. BOY SCOUTS OF CANADA: Scouting is looking for leaders. Become involved. Call Owasco District Information Line at 683- 2411. BREAST CANCER SOCI- ETY OF CANADAIDURHAM BRANCH: Volunteers can help in day-to-day operations. become a public speaker, organize and gener- ate fund-raising events, and/or senv on the chapter's executive commit- tee. 686-7993. CANADIAN CANCER SOCI- ETY, WEST DURHAM UNIT: Volunteers are needed to help with a number of activities -- driving patients to treatments. helping with special events, fund-raising and office work. 686-1516. CANADIAN DIABETES ASSOCIATION, DURHAM REGION BRANCH: The goal of CDA is to improve the quality of life of Canadians affected by dia- betes through research• service, advocacv and education. The Durham Region Branch needs vol- unteers for a variety of positions and to help out at Bingos held every second Sunday afternoon at Caesars Bingo Place. 88 King St. W.. Oshawa. -16-6648 ( Cathy Crartner). CHILD FIND ONTARIO, DURHAM REGION: Help to protect those who cannot protect themselves -- a missing child is everyone's business. Volunteer for only four hours per month. Training is provided for public speaking and finger printing. Interested people over 18 call 686-3181. CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OF DURHAM REGION: Volun- teers assist in the delivery of ser- vices by acting as special friends to parent% and children, by supervising family access visits that require court-ordered supervision and by assisting with special events and projects. Training in February and May. Call 433-1551 (Jo -Anne Ritchie). COMPUTER CLUB: This non- profit club needs volunteers to assist in club organization and member- ship drives. Call 416-258-2550 (Mark Carr). COPE: Volunteers wishing to assist people with emotional and psychiatric problems either on a one-to-one basis or in group pro- grams. Training is provided. Call 686-3248 Wlhstine Kent). DURHAM ASSOCIATION FOR FAMILY RESPITE SER- VICES: Enthusiastic volunteers interested in sharing a few hours per month with a child. teen or adult with a handicap are needed. Join them in leisure activities or provide respite in your own home.—Ibgeth- er We're Stronger". 427-3541 (Mary Wilson). DURHAM REGION SEXUAL ASSAULT CARE CENTRE: Caring individuaLs can offer support for men and women who have been sexually assaulted or increase pub- lic awareness through team presen- tations. 668-3050. GIRL GUIDES: Share the Guiding experiences with girls of today, become a leader. Call Shore- line Guide Shoppe. 427-2766. STEWART GROUP HOMES: Spare a few hours to help with handicapped children. 'A simple task such as pushing a wheelchair around the block can give a child pleasure. 686-3111. SUNRISE RECREATIONAL YOUTH GROUP: Volunteers assist with recreational and social activities for special needs adoles- cents. 571-4980. UNITED WAY OF AJAX- PICKERING: Volunteers assist with special events during fund- raising campaign. Support your community and help the United Way. 686-0606. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES: Friendly, dedicated peo- ple in the Ajax and Pickering area are needed to volunteer their time to visit with senior citizens, socially isolated and disabled people throughout Durham Region. An hour -and -a -half each week is all the time required to help improve the quality of life for our clients. 434- 2530. WILLIAM PEAK CO-OPER- ATIVE HOMES READING CIRCLE: Looking for volunteers to read or to listen to children four to 12 yeah of age. Tuesdays 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 427-5050 (Debbie McMullan) YMCA DURHAM REGION: Voluntevrs can assist in several pro- grams, tutoring in math and lan- guage, assisting in gym or craft classes or supervising visits between children and -con-custodial parents. 686-7849 (Donna Morri- son). HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION: Tice local chapter is looking for volunteers to help raise funis for research and educa- tion. People we needed to fill board positions as well as work on special events. Anyone interested in giving a few hours of their time can call 686-1521. HOSPICE DURHAM: Volun- teers are needed from the Ajax - Pickering area to offer support and friendship to terminally ill persons and their families. Anyone interest- ed in the hospice philosophy of car- ing can call 435-5242 to inquire about training. HOST PROGRAM: Help a new immigrant integrate and settle into the Canadian lifestyle. A few hours a week is all it takes to meet with your new friend and show them how to do what you do every day. It is the perfect chance to make new friends and learn about a dif- ferent culture. For more informa- tion, contact Mahmood Mustafa at 68(-2661. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT: Volunteers help the youth of the community develop an awareness of how a business operates from the ground up. Training and support is provided. Call Renee or Rita at 644- 7058. KIDS ON THE BLOCK: Vol- unteers learn to operate life-sized puppets and perform small plays in elementary schools in Durham to provide support and encouragement to students with disabilities. Call Carol Hatton at 579-0597. KINARK CHILD AND FAM- ILY SERVICES: Share your par- enting skills and experiences with other parents needing support. Training and supervision will be Provided to assist you in making the difference for a family. Or, you can spend some leisure time with a spe- cial needs chil(i developing hobbies and interests that the two of you can share. Call Wendy at 433-0386. Brought • you by eeek .the NewsAdveftiser4 hoursFro • . ' 683=7040HOW TO USE INFOSOURCE ,Call 683-7040, or from Clarington call 404-2623, using a (From Clarington) touch-tone phone or push button phone that emits tones. It's a a free call from Oshawa, Whitby, Clarington, Ajax and Picker- ing. 2 When prompted enter the 4 -digit code of your choice from the directory provided. infosource, FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF BOXES 5100. (Durham West) ............6723 Parent Finders ..........6044 Myalgic Encephalomykirs Business Networking Group of Assocrabon ...............6724 Today's Birthday ...........5020 Oshawa CA Cinemas ....7022 Ajax Badge Club ...........� Fibromyalgia Support.......6725 Whitby ................604$ Aries ....................5021 Whitby Cinemas ...........7023 OddislowslRebekahs .......6001 Poets in the Pub .........6046 Taurus ...................5022 Ajax/Piek�aring Cinemas ......7024 Oshawa Legion Epdepsy Parents Support ....W28 Osteo rosis Ajax -Pickering United Way 6050 Pickering AAovipk 9 7025 Po support .......6727 Gemini ...................5023 x Canter ...................5024 Oshawa Little Theatre .......7026 United Survivors ...........6051 Sydenham Museum ............ 8188 Lao . .5025 Whitby Little Theatre ........7027 Virgo.. 5026 Durfiehrru Shoestring Perforrrers7028 KENN= Libra . us ..............5027 7029 is Support Group. Wesley �� .... Al -Anon, BAIT -Abash .... .6004 Pavan Scorpio ... .5028 Rogers Community 10.......7030 Parenows ........... Sagittarius 5029 Theatre Durham ................... 7031 ...... 6052 Capricorn .................5030 Alcoholics Anonymous ......6005 Revenue ToaMmasters6028 Crimestoppers Aquarius .................5031 Women's support group of Durham 01811808 oaatrrhas291s .......6029 6047 Pisces ...................5032 Community Care ...........6006 Macintosh Users East .. 6030 Crime of the Week .6048 S.O.S. .. ...............6007 First Oshawa ITC Club ... .6031 Major l eague Baaebal 5033 (Smokers Overcoming Smoking) Durham P.C. users Club ....6732 Toronto Maple Laos ........5034 COPE (Depression) .........6008 Free From Fear .........................6053 NBA . .5035 Canadian Calorie Counters ...6009 649 fro ---a w T.i w c__—=ft" rh 5001 Pro Sports Update ..........5036 One Parent Families ........601 o Pick 3 ....................5002 OshavwWhitoy Update ......5037 Parents Without Part ers ....6011 Execu-Care Horne & Office 8100 Super ..................5003 Local Lacrosse ............ 5038viD ngam i)Cancer Support roup St Mark's United Chutnh ..... 60013 Care- era ............ LOURio ................... 5004 Local Baseball ............. 5039 Simcoe United Church .......6034Contracting .......8102 NHL .....................5041 Living with Cancer Support Group Erotica Valeo ...........8103 Proline ........... .5042 (Durharn West) ............6013 Vallillee Products Ltd ....8106 Oshawa Generals ..........5043 NFL .....................5044 Durrliaim .Gay. Bisexual Yo6014 uth f AVE Entertainment ......8107 Joke of the Day ............5016 Blue Jays .................5045 Emotions Anonymous .......6015 Clam" Walking Program ..6036 Emergency Plus "CPR" ...8111 Quote of the Day ...........5017 CFL .....................� 5047 AIDS committee d Durham ...6016 Clarington Older Adults ......6037 Once Upon A Child ......8118 Trivia Quiz ................5018 Durham Local y 5051 Multiple Society ....6017 Oshawa Seniors Club dances...6039 'Cal for Less ............8003 m9 f� A ax/Picksd U to .......5137 Ontario Friends of Schizophrenics Heart Savers CPR .......8017 Ajax/PFdke Hodey .......5138 (D+rharn def ...........6018 Language Workshop8018 Aaklers 'AAA' Hockey .......5139 Oshawa 8 District Ostomy Am ocia durhamnews..... ....... .fi Ercvircriment Canada ........5556 M�►k�ng Do pins ......5140 tion ......................6019 Sweet Adelines .........6039 ...••• Aj&WPidk01*V RkV9fte .....5141 Caosarsw Prevention .......8720 Durham WriterelEditors ...6040 A*vPkkwing Baseball ......5142 La Ledho League a ...........8721 Hormeprensur Group .....6041 gjexVicks ing Soccer .......5143 Reach to Rocov" Ajax Block Parents . .6042 /4aftk&*q Softball .......5144 i� C&.1ced ............6722 f'lorm& &A*Wss Associatbn ..8043 MGIC -RSP Hoirne.....------- ....tl247 �. �... teaming Disabilities Association. �. �. Tales OA' Pounds Sensibly ...8004 N., b ONE OWNER HOME 51e9,900 A delight from front entrance to private yard with kidney -shaped pool, 3 Might bedrooms, upgraded it. & bathroom boasts dble. r shower! Beautiful warm oak throughout rec room & brick fp. Eleanor Standfield: I'm only a call away! 619-9500. ELEANOR STANDFIELD' RIDGEWAY ON THE LAKE! Gorgeous exec. 4 bedroom in demand Scarborough location! Mn. floor lam. an., 2 fps., hot tub in party -sized deck! Newer windows, skylight, ungraded broadloom, ceramics + hrdwd. floors. Stunning bsmt. - 5th bdrm. + 3 -pc. & oak bar. Thousands spent - must be seen! SUSAN VINCENT' Cad Susan Vincent, 905-619-9500 TU NEWSADVESMSER. WED.,MAACH•6, I"6.rAGE 7 ;s• ' -•..L-.3� :111 i►'�1� TRIDEL LUXURY Gorgeous Cabot model - one bedroom with solarium on fifth floor with western exposure. Full recreation services - 2 pools, tennis courts, exercise room, etc. Call Nancy Gardner (Pounder), 831-9500. NANCY GARDNER- AN UNPARALLELLEDOFFERINGM STUNNING & SPACIOUS! Gustom-buil, 3,400 sq. ft., 5 baths) 8cx144 ft. lot! 3/4' gleaming oak Approx. 2,600 sq. ft.! Bright, airy kitchen floors! Double spiral oak staircase! w/centre island & pantry! All brick! Quiet Elegant crown mouldings & crescent! High basement w/full sized windows! wainscotting! Man floor library! Huge master bedroom! ! Custom window French doors galore, plus numerous coverings! 5 appliances! A winner for on upgrades. A 10+ for only $275,000. only Call Catherine McGill today! 619- $216,900! Call Catherine McGill at 619-9500. Cj(I' 9500. S1dw SHE'S BACK! Sum, Diana PHU* r,Row REMEMBER THE NAME? Sutton Group Heritage is pleased to announce their newest recruit - Diana Plitz - and welcomes her back home to Ajax to reunite with her former associates and friends. Diana has nine consecutive years of service behind her and believes in being persistent, but patient, positive and always professional- That's the Plitz motto. She takes pride in her expertise, having received many awards over the years. Diana has dealt throughout the Durham Region in all price ranges from first-time buyer homes to estate properties, farms, vacant land and century homes. Please feel free to call Diana at her new office located on Westney Rd South in Ajax for your real estate needs, whether it be for an evaluation, a purrhase or to discuss your future plats. "Change can be very exciting! And I look forward to being based back in Ajax. " For service you can feel comfortable with and confident in, call Diana at 619-9500 FREE u HOUR (REALTY kINFO! DUAL 14800-463-7363 t E7CT. I ® Ajax detached, 4 bdm►., large lot Why rent? 1.800463-7363. Ajax by -the -lake, 4 bilim., Mealy renovaled 1-800463.7363. 11A1111rY STREETER' U340M Detached, double garage, immaculale. 1.800463-7363. LOOKING FOR PERFECTION? Immaculate Ajax home s�d situated cprivate, fenced Iol backing to park & schools, boasts .Y totally renovated, open concept design and loaded with extras. California shutters and Quartz Halogen lighting compliment the modem design. Cad Wayne Einhom WAYNE EINHORN— today for your personal irtspec ion. JUST LISTED - $136,700 Super 3 bedroom brick detached bungalow with garage, 2 separate entrances to in-law suite, garage, updated thermo windows, furnace, 200 amp service, hardwood floors under updated broadloom, combination living/dining room, eat - in kitchen. Don't delay call Barbara Preston, 619-9500. PICKERING VILLAGE!! Beautiful 4 bdrm. home, nestled on fabulous, mature lot overlooking greenbelt. Features: oak plank flooring, floor to ceiling fireplace in family room, bar, 5 appliances. A must see for lot lovers! Call Barbara Preston, 619-9500 CLAREMONT DREAM HOME! 5294,900. Beatt6ful cow" home, 2/3 of an acre, trees, small creels, ggardens, plus overlooking park. Spaam home with large kkhen, (amity room, w/o finished rec room. Cal Laura Marks, (905) 619.9500. =1Ad1*:[0[Z.=1K=41: '9aM p4pnaentative -Associate Broker "'Broke ONLY =214,900 WOW!!I In prestigious area, E14. 4 large bedrooms with large kitchen, main floor fancy & laundry rooms: 50x115' lot. Open foyer with circular oak staircase. This is a home you will be proud of. Cal today to view. Cristian Vergara. "CON SERVICO EN ESPA!VOL•* BARBARA PRESTON CGA 619-9500 Suttw I'VE CHANGED Suffm Cristian Vergara* GROUP - I've changed my colors! I'm here at Sutton Group - Heritage now ready to give you A -I service in buying & selling your home. Give me a try and you'll have a realtor for life. Call me!!! ************* A' **CON SERV ICO EN ESPA&OL** ************* A I EVERYTHING MUST GOP( Over 5,000 sq. ft. of living space including a prof. finished wakout basement. all furniture, appliances & electronics included! 60 fL lot in pry neighborhood. Large M., many upgrades - everyftV is top of the line!! Pried only for $339,000. For a personal preview cal Cristian Vergara 519-9500 (A F31-95nn lid _a.;. I ,.IDP y_J yr ' PICKERING LOCATION ' ONLY $1 D9.900! ' Eat -in kitchen ' Family rm. Brand new, quality built, 3 ' Fireplace ' 90% fin. bsmi. ,, bdrm., semi-detached. open ' En suite bath ' Ouiet court ' Gas heat ' Air concept, upgraded carpeting, Gond. high efficiency furnace, deluxe ' Fullyfenced ' Very dean windows, large private yard. ' For more domhation cal Mike Call Mike Lynch'. 905 -619 - IK 831-9500 9530. MIKE LYNCH' MIKE LYNCH' Cc tl, _�_-- NE1N BASEMENT An! $164,900 $139.900 MOVE -11i DMON : v TNs wont iav J 5 appwxes rciLoed N'3 bedroom ba0mW in groat tcabon! J 3 bedrooms . Separate entrance apt- J 2 balmmoonts N New wrldDw and doors .f Garaga+low manteriance tees New rooveaves & soffits d Overlooks ravine! ' Newer l)roadoom (new deck -4 Close to Fmndvnan s Bay This 6 a must to see J Finished basement we wro to yard Call Rol) or Ron to view PS. 'FREE' Gas fireplace move d you bury your tome through us' Great mortgage ra!es BERT SixmirH' �905183t•9500 N Can Rob or Rin to view. 83'-95oo RON TAMRAZIAN' ri DREAMING of GOLF? ` AJAX - APPROX. 2,200 SG. FT. $589,000. Fabulous Aomplan, IieatAhul 4 bdrm. 19' master with 4-K Wit, Southam el�clsttre loBdlen, an suite bath, separate, bright & tam- rm. + deck, top W* spaoou kv. rm., big Idt with brealdast appbances, ,lamuit area open to IN fain. nn., mr. fir. laundry W*Weir, evet#*V you'd expel &access to gar. Fwhxes ind. upgraded .. ,, on 1.48 acres. THNK SPRINta brim., cerarrxcs n foyer through b DIANA PLITZ, 619-9500. 11111 Cent au, air cleaner, new Mur& 11111 rr7* BRYAN RODRIr., guaga door opener, new deck. CLAREMONT DREAM HOME! 5294,900. Beatt6ful cow" home, 2/3 of an acre, trees, small creels, ggardens, plus overlooking park. Spaam home with large kkhen, (amity room, w/o finished rec room. Cal Laura Marks, (905) 619.9500. =1Ad1*:[0[Z.=1K=41: '9aM p4pnaentative -Associate Broker "'Broke ONLY =214,900 WOW!!I In prestigious area, E14. 4 large bedrooms with large kitchen, main floor fancy & laundry rooms: 50x115' lot. Open foyer with circular oak staircase. This is a home you will be proud of. Cal today to view. Cristian Vergara. "CON SERVICO EN ESPA!VOL•* BARBARA PRESTON CGA 619-9500 Suttw I'VE CHANGED Suffm Cristian Vergara* GROUP - I've changed my colors! I'm here at Sutton Group - Heritage now ready to give you A -I service in buying & selling your home. Give me a try and you'll have a realtor for life. Call me!!! ************* A' **CON SERV ICO EN ESPA&OL** ************* A I EVERYTHING MUST GOP( Over 5,000 sq. ft. of living space including a prof. finished wakout basement. all furniture, appliances & electronics included! 60 fL lot in pry neighborhood. Large M., many upgrades - everyftV is top of the line!! Pried only for $339,000. For a personal preview cal Cristian Vergara 519-9500 (A F31-95nn lid PAGE 111 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., MAFtCW 6.19%' f I _4 alw -'1111111W aof aroma 1•r,.n• t"' _ t Absolutely immaculate home features main floor two-piece tamiN size eat -in kitchen, fireplace and walkout to large deck Three spacious bedrooms. professionally finished recreation rocr- wrt� separate office. Also included buill-in dishwasher. all wmdcw central air conditionmo. Calf for further nformah,cr •cca. - ~ L w .__.. 4 bedrooms, country kitchen, a finished basement plus lots more on a lot 40 x 100'. Unbeatable value - call today! i 1 1 • Stunning apartment with a view not to be missed. 2 bedrooms, 2 balconies, 5 appliances & en suite laundry. Sunny westem exposure. It- Gorgeous upgraded home- Huge family room with fireplace Large kitchen with walkout - Beautiful in-law apaNrheM with separate entrance - Central air - Ceramics galore - Asking price $192,900. 1 ft"! UL —i�111111111111111 mea ,mid Beaul f mauled all brick 3+1 bdrm. home Waded with extras such as cent. air & vac, Margie bright kitchen, frtished rec room, 3 bafhs & no neighbours behind. Call to view. Career/Investment opportunity. Great location - Ajax or Pickering. Great parking, training provided. — ♦ 1 .. 1 4 bedrooms ' Finished rec room Eat -in kitchen r♦ • Mn. fir tam. rm. ' Backs on to greenbelt ' Fireplace ' Quiet tree lined street! z '••,: _p._ VW �' • i 1 1 • Stunning apartment with a view not to be missed. 2 bedrooms, 2 balconies, 5 appliances & en suite laundry. Sunny westem exposure. It- Gorgeous upgraded home- Huge family room with fireplace Large kitchen with walkout - Beautiful in-law apaNrheM with separate entrance - Central air - Ceramics galore - Asking price $192,900. 1 ft"! UL —i�111111111111111 mea ,mid Beaul f mauled all brick 3+1 bdrm. home Waded with extras such as cent. air & vac, Margie bright kitchen, frtished rec room, 3 bafhs & no neighbours behind. Call to view. Career/Investment opportunity. Great location - Ajax or Pickering. Great parking, training provided. .> k y b �S-_ _ vlfMvtc A 3 bedroom home on 50 ft. lot - all new windows, new roof, fully repainted and finished rec room. Spotlessly clean. Ready for immediate occupancy. $142,000 Glendale beauty boasts sunny family size kitchen, 3 big bedrooms, both newer windows & gas furnace. Gorgeous private fenced yard. Perfect for barbecues! Call now! Enpy a swim m the heated mground pool or relax in the year- round hot tub and spend cold winter nights by the fireplace in an oversize main Noor family room. This has it all including fin. rec room and master bdrm wth 4pc en suite. Call today' 69 "1" ' Main floor family room ' Eat -in kitchen • Finished basement ' Central air • Large fenced lot ' Great price $152,500. LE ��P WWI. Yrerha7ile 3 b a ill n a h home. L-stwp.d Wir rooms, eaNn kitchen, 2 washrooms, fihi•hed bassinent, Iirer price 2 wal&A. new broadloom and borig, located on a grist dead and sleet Close to schools, stappirg andl 401, 5% down, carries We rent End unit, open concept townhome. Walkout finished basement. Eat -in kitchen. 3 bdrms., garage. Shows a 10+++. Only $119,9001 For 1,950 sq. ft. home?? A great deal with super family room, fireplace, great eat -in kitchen. More space than you can imagine. llllll=1 !lllll Brand new townhouse. Ravine and woodlands setting. 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, bright eat -in kitchen with walkout. Enjoy a country setting while being close to shopping, schools. GO train. Fabulous value for 1 st time bwer 4 bedrooms ' Finished rec room Eat -in kitchen r♦ .> k y b �S-_ _ vlfMvtc A 3 bedroom home on 50 ft. lot - all new windows, new roof, fully repainted and finished rec room. Spotlessly clean. Ready for immediate occupancy. $142,000 Glendale beauty boasts sunny family size kitchen, 3 big bedrooms, both newer windows & gas furnace. Gorgeous private fenced yard. Perfect for barbecues! Call now! Enpy a swim m the heated mground pool or relax in the year- round hot tub and spend cold winter nights by the fireplace in an oversize main Noor family room. This has it all including fin. rec room and master bdrm wth 4pc en suite. Call today' 69 "1" ' Main floor family room ' Eat -in kitchen • Finished basement ' Central air • Large fenced lot ' Great price $152,500. LE ��P WWI. Yrerha7ile 3 b a ill n a h home. L-stwp.d Wir rooms, eaNn kitchen, 2 washrooms, fihi•hed bassinent, Iirer price 2 wal&A. new broadloom and borig, located on a grist dead and sleet Close to schools, stappirg andl 401, 5% down, carries We rent End unit, open concept townhome. Walkout finished basement. Eat -in kitchen. 3 bdrms., garage. Shows a 10+++. Only $119,9001 For 1,950 sq. ft. home?? A great deal with super family room, fireplace, great eat -in kitchen. More space than you can imagine. llllll=1 !lllll Brand new townhouse. Ravine and woodlands setting. 3 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, bright eat -in kitchen with walkout. Enjoy a country setting while being close to shopping, schools. GO train. Fabulous value for 1 st time bwer 2 & 3 bedroom penthouses, 1,100 - 1,600 sq. ft. En suite laundry, fabulous views, 2 balconies, 2 parking & locker, 5 appliances. GO bus at door. With mein floor family room, ceramic floors, 3 washroom and bu ditin a miiances included. Located on a quiet street, a groat place to rause a family. 2 bedroom condos, en suite bath & laundry. 5 alppllarx♦fes, parking & locker. Low condo fees, great mortgage. Less than rent. $650/mth. P&I. =f 4 bedrooms ' Finished rec room Eat -in kitchen ' 16 x 32' inground pool • Mn. fir tam. rm. ' Backs on to greenbelt ' Fireplace ' Quiet tree lined street! 2 & 3 bedroom penthouses, 1,100 - 1,600 sq. ft. En suite laundry, fabulous views, 2 balconies, 2 parking & locker, 5 appliances. GO bus at door. With mein floor family room, ceramic floors, 3 washroom and bu ditin a miiances included. Located on a quiet street, a groat place to rause a family. 2 bedroom condos, en suite bath & laundry. 5 alppllarx♦fes, parking & locker. Low condo fees, great mortgage. Less than rent. $650/mth. P&I. =f