HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_02_07L HOME BY 64� kw* Owrad IN oo.mad For So vice %U cm %w VW om 906 Brock R0000dtoom South (just south of Boyty) 420-4890 I MATERNITY I SKIRTS 114.95 I Reg. 40 s 1 n..�� 705 Kingston Rd. 831-2088 � 1 I L -------- ------J '/G'iL'�i�//l/l�' • N A ews dvertiser Wednesdav, Feb. 7, 1996 40 pages A Rletroland Community Ne%,spaper Pressrun 411,000 Vol. 115 No. 6 • - a in• er ar en o e revlewe 11% ,IAC t IE NJCI\\}a ol'tered. (j lake another look at the controversial pro- Audrey MacLecsn of Oshawa. "We do have sPt c'; ;,t 0 �� an%i k;i.,Lk Following a presentation by Farly fears gram. an accountability tactor to our public and DI"RHAM I'uhlt: ,:11,wl h, ,,r i Task Force chairman Pat Prentice. Durham "'We made a commitment to stud} it. to we have an obligation to make a decision trustee. will rcvie%% the all -day. alternate- Board of Education standing committee rc%ic%N it .rnkl %-c ha -,c to deliver un that da% kindergarten program no%% hetng, members NlondaN acknowledged a necd tk .r 9 t ­gird chairman See PARENTS... Page 5 GTA -wide uovernment finds favor on Pickering citizens' committee But members have `strong reaction' against some proposals in Golden Report By MARIANNE TAKACS STA( -1- RFJ'N)kl}.k I'll- Kt--K[N(i — I he 1 off n s t iri- iens' ad,. isory committee on Greater Toronto Area reform appears to he hmnine in favor of a single GTA -wide regional government, but doesn't like the Golden task force's recommenda- tions for the way local municipalities will be represented in that government. At the committee's meeting last week, members voted on which of the- task hetask force's recommendations they liked, disliked or hadn't yet formed an opinion on. The purpose of the vote was to help decide which recommendations the committee would discuss in detail. Six of the 12 members were general- ly in favor ul' the task force's recom- See GREATER ... Page 2 • •r A sobering tale Melody Ouellette, shown relaxing at her Ajax home with her pet Toby, spends much of her time visiting area schools to warn stu- dents of the dangers of drunk driving. She lost one hand and had to have her other hand reconstructed after an accident eight years ago when she got in the car with her then -boyfriend, who'd had too much to drink. Her story is on Page 14. photo by A.J. Groen Tardy Pickering taxpayers escape penalty rate hike By MARIANNE TAKA('s STA k10 )k n -k PICKERING - Iu,,%n councillors have rejected a staff recommendation to increase the interest rate charged on late property tax payments to 15 per cent from 12 per cent. In a report to Council Monday, Town treasurer Jim Walls said the increase would bring Pickering into conformity with other Durham municipalities which are all charging 15 per cent, the maximum allowable under provincial legislation. He maintained in his report that 15 per cent was "not out ol* line considering the work involved in han- dling arrears accounts as well as covering the internal and external borrowing costs." He also noted the year-end tax arrears total of $5.9 mil- lion for 1995 is being funded solely by the Town until it's collected. However, Ward 2 Region- al Councillor Doug Dicker- son said the interest hike would "unduly punish" resi- dents who were not able to pay their taxes. He main- tained inability to pay was usually a matter of "unfortu- nate circumstances" rather than chance. Coun. Dickerson noted even hanks lend out money to their average customers at rates significantly below 15 per cent, and that the Town is no( taking on any great risk See TOWN ... Page 2 Inside In the news Editorial..................6 Entertainment ....... 21 Sports ................... 22 Classified..............26 Phone lines General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 Sincerely Yours 1-900-451-3793 InfoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 On the Internet at www.durhanmews.net 93Q+7tGST =$1 it fqwpppp _ Meet Shemar Moore, SATURDAY Malcom Winters a FEB. 10, 3:00 P.M. r From The Y and R :?� CENTRE COURT - ( ,� �► .,�, ��s ;. -. v, �.,�ir 'n,^ r^ �. �-- ,. ; , ^+mss., it PAGE 2 -A -THE NEWS AMERTISER. WF.D.. FEBRUARY 7, 1Y96 Town `has obligation to show compassion' FROM PAGE 1 because it has the right to force properties to be sold after aura years in order to recover taxes owed Ward 1 Regional Coun- cillor Maurice Brenner suggested imposing a 15 - per cent rate would be gouging taxpayers. "It's not going to make them pay any faster," he added. "People don't pay taxes because they don't have the motley... "I think we have an obligation as a government txxiy to show some com- passiota." said Ward 1 local Councillor Dave Ryan, even though, he added, compassion is "not fash- ionable" among govern- ments these days. However. Ward 2 local Councillor Sherry Senis rioted the cost of collecting overdue tares is borne by all taxpayers. The Town is not a banker and I think we should be going with the rate that everybody else charges." Mayor Wayne Arthurs said some businesses don't pay their property taxes because they believe its to their financial advantage to use ttwir money elsewhere. He maintained the Town was already being ccxnp:as- sionate in allowing taxpay- ers three years to make their payments before fore- closure. The mayor also noted the percentage of outstanding taxes in Pick- ering has remained fairly steady over the years and appears unaffected by changes in the c'ron(-my or interest rates. Councillors Dickerson. Brenner. Ryan and Enrico Pistritto voted in favor of an amendment to keep the penalty at 12 per cent. while !Mayor Arthurs and Councillors Sans and Rick Johnson voted against i L PODIATRIST Roland J. Klein R.S.C., D.P.N1 lit+he� tu.inn��un. i ter U�errr;� .,; his Pruc u r At the Pict, nm, Medical Centr_ )r' Fppt 0,tmcs ❑ a Q MNac.ne C.0"' 8 * �4 .ses 7ers Foot TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY JAMES R. FANCH Offering all insolvenev sertiices including personal and corporate bankruptcies 0SIL A 122 Albert tit. 721 ,506 AJAX SO Commercial Air 619.14;3 C'OB(1l•RG 72 King tit. % 378-4:44 Saturday & Evening Appointments available. ./f'tf#42d 9iu &a6gaJ;o Lcf#4i71Yo,b% 1. j You are ""ur mity MuKied and tuish to join an orgr�m &xttion that helps others, titers you are butted to the ... Room A1=1WZ41X21a(1, CXVZMW is a oo-ecl, intentadonctl volunteer service myotnization dedicated to 'HELPBVG 0?7MRS". g5- e0w Greater Toronto Council opposed FROM PAGE 1 mandation to replace the five existing regional govern- ments with a single GTA regional government and give local municipalities added powers and responsi- bility for delivering a wider range of I(x'.d services. Three were against the idea and three didn't know. However. nine of the com- mittee members said they don't like the Golden task force's proposal for a Grater Toronto Council (GTC) on which smallcx municipalities such as Pickering would have to share a seat with their neighboring towns. Two liked the proposal and one was unsure. And six were against having the GTC approve budgets. levy taxes and determine cost-sharing arrangements for all regional Services, while thrix: were in favor and three didn't krx)w. Six members were also in favor of the Golden task force's recommendation to po to education taxes paid by business and industry across the CTA while three thought it was a bad idea and three Most members of the Pickering citizens' advisory committee on GTA reform oppose the proposal. for user fees on private vehicles were unsure. Committee chairman Roy Robinson agrees some of the members are "svmpathctic" to some of the goals put for- ward by the Golden task force but notes they had a "strong reaction" against some of the recommenda- tions on how the: goals should be implemented. Ile also wars the vote on the recommendations was only an indication of commit- tee members' initial views and that those views may change as the committee's work proceeds. "It was absolutely not the last word," explains Mr. Robinscm. "It was a snapshot in time. There were strong reac- tions to some of the other task force recommendations as well. Eight committee members didn't like the Golden task force's proposal for user fees on private vehicles and gaso- line to finance transportation and transit infrastructure. live thought it was a good idea to investigate the feasi- bility of amalgamating some fire services and facilities across the GTA and three thought it wasn't. Nine were open to the possibility of Hold'em Poker J Black Jack! amalgamating ambulance services and none were set against it. Eleven favored GTA -wide transit planning and ccs_ordi_ nation, with transit service delivery being run to ally. Committee members Were mostly unsure about the Cask force recommendation that local municipalities assume responsibility for delivering services such as welfare, chil- dren's aid and public health (although the Province would continue to fund and set pr,li- cy for welfare and chikiren', aid). Nine didn't know their position and two liked the idea. Casino Dreams presents Charity Casino WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY FEB.7 FEB.8 FEB.9 AT ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL 45 LAWSON RD., WEST HILL (From Hwy x401 take port Uricr S_,~ - Lawson. West to Lawsor, ALL PROCEEDS TO IND. LIVING FOR DEAF SLING LIC.# PW538 FOR POKE AESERVATTnry ;4.L t 4.5-4•4 ?•: Hot, Valentine Gifts for Your 0 LOVE, i__1 I/ • • - ,)VW bc� r", T, )a� IIS BudgAe #' (bib- o u,v SR+s Hagen $2.OFF Tropican Parrot *I"- 7 Bx>mwks $3. OFF Honey Sticks 00"am° &"" 25% OFF PRIME Vitamins =° &W. $S• OFF Nutri Berries $_. OFF , SAN FUN (sw&w I CAdadd FF T.F.H. ird BooksI `` moi " F ice( N • • • i • • Rcd or LORIES it mNape $FF 2000O Congo AFRICAN GREY $FF 3000O Green Wing MACAW $4000O UW and l=Lovebirds make r Asnc pas. Gr+aatt Sekcxion Atvailwble SVA 40CM8Valid*�TOM cWft� _FAY milk N W Pickering Town Centre o = 3 - - � 4940I� m w AG PC 1355 Kingston Rd. Pickering, Ontario 166 P �+ Pickering Council wants provincial law changed to allow byrelections to fill regional vacancies PICKERING — The Town has for- mally requested the Province to change the law prohibiting municipal councils from holding a byelection to fill a vaunt regional council seaL Ward 1 local Councillor Dave Ryan presented the motion for the request at Monday night's meeting of Pickering Council. It was passed unanimously. The motion states the current require- ment under provincial law to fill a vacant regional seat by appointment is "an impediment to the democratic process of allowing the residents to select the person they wish to represent them". It also says the appointment requirement "precludes any public input and debate of the current issues and can- didates for office" and "puts an unfair onus on the members who do not repre- sent the area" to choose a representative for it The motion goes on to ask the Province to amend the Regional Munici- palities Act to give local municipalities the choice to either call a byelection or make an appointment to fill a vacant regional seat. Pickering Council's request follows its appointment last week of Doug Dick- erson to fill the vacancy created by the December death of Ward 2 Regional Councillor David Farr. Many citizens who addressed council last week in= - Mined the appointment requirement was undemocratic and that the Town should have been able to hold a byelection. "I wholeheartedly support the motion that is before us," said Coun. Dickerson Monday night, noting he was "not terri- bly comfortable" with the criticisms that have been made about the way he was given his new position. He added this issue needed to he brought to the atten- tion of the Province and that he was con- fident other municipalities across Ontario would endorse Pickering's request for changes "overwhelmingly". rrMrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr AJAX : FACTORY IV V Home o the ISOTONER Clearance Sale v I IV IV Save u to 75% ff R r � pRe. Retail On Gloves Slippers, Bras Pantyhose, IV IV Gloves, y ose, Socks, T -Shirts and V 'r Sweatshirts, Sneakers and Athletic ShoesIV This r week'sr IV! I ALL RED LEATHER GLOVES IN THE STORE, V ~ VALENTINE'SDAY SWEATHEART r DEAL. r YOU COULD WIN A Premier Platinum Package from the HOLIDAY INN ON KING r The Premier Package is a Saturday night's stay for two including r dinner and buffet breakfast at the HOLIDAY INN ON KING r and ... 2 tickets to see BEAUTY AND THE BEAST! (full details on this prize package are available at the Ajax Factory Outlet) r To Win, Fill Out The Ballot Below And Drop It Off In Our r r Ballot Box At The Store By Sunday, February 11th, 1996. r r No purchase required to enter to win. r r r VALENTINE'S DAY SWEATHEART DEAL! l AJAX FACTORY OUTLET '� V BALLOT ENTRY FORM ' (Please Mnt) I Name: r Address: I r Telephone No.: Good Luck! CASH VISA MASTERCARD� � � NO GST - NO PST r 250$ayly St. W., (McKenzie Plaza) Ajax, Ont. Wednesday 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Thursday 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. 3 M KINGt/ Friday 10:00 am. -8:00 p.m. c .IZIiA . s Saturday 10:00 am. -5:00 p.m. "` Sunday 10:00 am: 5:00 p.m. 2511 HAYI.Y ST. W. Operated by Nicholas Francis Associates ai."���"'�I+;�c-�-,r��•:� r,•.tl.. r.s�-_. �.+.rr.;rarl.z..r�. - - a::.:_...,�.,a+a�.-.... i 4- THE NEWS ADVERTISER WED., FEBRUA1jtY 7, 1996.PACF:3-A Get hooked up to the Net. Call 683-5110. MUTUAL FUNDS "4,,f -o (SERVICE & SALES) 41Pqr��+ ti GET THE RIGHT ANSWERS Denis & Chris Ardagh 42$_8613 Unit 16 "THE COURTYARD" -- - Ajax "We Pride ourselves on customer service." FEBRUARY SPECIALS ON SEMPERIT ALL SEASON RADIALS mitewall size Sale price P 155/80R 13 549.00 P175/80R13 S57.00 P185MR13 S59.00 P18575R14 565.00 a 195,75R 14 S67.00 P205l75R 14 S70.00 HOOSIER • P235rMI5 $99.00 P205/75R15 S72.00 P215 -75R15 S75.00 P225i75R15 S78.00 FREE with every the purchase to ComputerT,reBalance to Irstallatlon ® valve Stem to Qoad Hazard warranty :)r all passenger tires e A, gnment Check 10 -..e disposal "WE PRIDE OURSELVES :�N CUSTOMER SERVICE . Z PACE 4 -A -THE NOW S ADVERTISER. WM, FEBRUARY 9,10% `One-stop shopping' near for frail needing home help By STEPHEN SHAW "My hope is that the number of calls and assessments an - DURHAM STAFF sumels will have to go through will be rreduce(i and the whole DURHAM — "One -stop -shopping" for home support ser- pies will be made simpler," says Ms. David. vices for the sick frail and physically challenged is one step closer to reality. The Progressive Conservative government has announced changes to legislation passed by the New Democratic Party last year — Bill 173, or the Long Term Care Act — which streamlines the home support service industry. The legislation affects the distribution of home care services such as nursing, personal pre, therapy, homemaking. meal prograrrm friendly visits, neasstuance and security checks and transportation. Under Bill 173, hundreds of agencies were to be joined together under one umbrella, to form community `Multi -Service Agencies' (MSA). The Ministry of Health last week announced it is scrapping the MSA andlactim ' rb Dr. Kevin Tyber OPTOMETRIST 1W• Dispensing of contact lenses and glasses • Evening and Saturday appointments available • Complete Family Eye Care 427-4144 15 Harwood Ave. S.. Ajax wn«knalr (Between Hwy. 401 & No. 2) Acc•sslbA system 1W?; u wr a brokerage model in which seniors will be contracted out through a tendering process. Instead of MSAs, all 74 existing Home Care and long -tern pre facility placement programs are to be cormAidat- ed under one bode. to be called CommuIFE R RY - nity Care Access Centre WCAC). DELUXE FUTON The independently -run CCAC pro- dills to arrange various services, a Con- gram, once it's operating in 1997, will be sumer can acoess all services through the t CCAC — Ms. Fulford says overiappmgCAN responsible for providing program infor- be some agencies m the region must still Covers mation and arranging home care and "We're a wodc in progress. Tbere are Includc,AvaIL $228 long-term care services for concuuners. still duplication of service issues in `- I I1%'rrrd nuttrra FTont-line hone pre workers. — case & framr managers and nurses, for example — we want a Continuum of services or do we want that plethora of varying orgam- will join together under the CCAC rations duplicating each other?" Sheila David, execu dw director of the umbrella, while service agencies will Durham Region Victorian Order of p Nurses, among the organizations which : - CLEMENTS rermmn independent. I' While the MSAs were to take over • • the administration of 80 per cent of ser-i vices, with 20 per aero being contracted to outside agencies, many service i providers protested the model. fearing •.- ' the lor+s of their identities, volunteers and ORTHO PEDIC fund-raising capabilities. -lbis (new model) allows us to keep $139 our own identity and to fund -raise for our M 'TRESS own purpose. and that's imponant. ' says SET '22-1 Celeste Muter. manager of the Durham �. Region Red Cross Scxjety's Homemaker I.. 1t Nit I A•) ., , _ service. Ms. Miller says the Red Cmsc -wel- 25 cones the opportunity to compete on our strengths and individual character,- but ORTHO ELEGANCE she add. the non-profit agency will be at $ a disadvantage in competing with for- :;!139 profit orgarAzations. S,.GLf Iurrnc" "Ibis opens the market up to greater SET 1479 competition. bort as long as the highest IH.t'Nt! ssv standard of quality at the best puce is considered, then we feel confdent." says Ms. Miller. The Durham Red Cross Homemaker program serves about 1,000 clients and employs 200 workers, she reports - The changes are welcomed with `Varying degrees of satisfaction" by Eliz- abeth Fulfard. executive director of the Durham Region Community Coe Asso- While the new system will make it easier for consumers to access services DELUXE FUTON — instead of having io make numerous dills to arrange various services, a Con- sumer can acoess all services through the t CCAC — Ms. Fulford says overiappmgCAN be some agencies m the region must still Covers a "We're a wodc in progress. Tbere are Includc,AvaIL $228 still duplication of service issues in `- I I1%'rrrd nuttrra Durham whrcb we need to loa at We & framr have 1D decide as a Community whether we want a Continuum of services or do we want that plethora of varying orgam- • - • rations duplicating each other?" Sheila David, execu dw director of the BAYLY Durham Region Victorian Order of p Nurses, among the organizations which : - CLEMENTS 0 James Schofield C.F.P. Chartered Financial Planner Member of TPA Investment Planning Inc. "A professional you can trust For Free with a reputation for the Consultation highest quality personal Call 428-9911 service and integrity." -' F 1 5 20'— COMFORT 0 COMFORT SLEEP DYN. STY $179 -$199 UMTRESS -IL'T$W ss SET '28--r SET ' 31 -1 IN ,1'I.{l If{�) �I I aL♦ I,a,t'NI l'... 10.1 'I 1 .-• ` 1 11\ ...moi`) X11 •,., W. ORTHO LUXURY SINGLE�� uArr" /3 SET '614 (fl ! x_\ -• 4v fit. l ^1. GUSIAmNIV ELECTRIC ADJUSTABLE BED JUNIOR BUNK ' To hoose Great Valor 1 18 From Call 683-5110 with your news items. I PAYMENTS l INTEREST FOR 0 NIE r .i. ''"YFAR Oti ANY . Y 1 -LATCHING 1 41.aT-rss s ET A ORTHO l'LM aE VAMIEA74 2 F SMGLI SET `714 CHOICES -N1.1 S09 --.. ' NO GST K{\(.- :MIY .11 Ilw• ' BEDFRAME CAPTAIN'S BED • PILLOWS SHEETS ECONOMY • NO PST styles 0 NIAT77RESS To COVER $21 Choose 0 DELIVERY 9 ,�1 �,'� I ra.nnh From '1h114rvn:u .n<. JULIA BED �dCTIAE off) strongly opposed the MSA model, (�4 '' o • • - . o r `. w -expresses ` mhei the NDP• s model has `�, AY 3 ° ' baa• FINANCING PERSONAL s �' Although such -massive Changes" m A �; AVAILABLE CHEQUES �'°^-Weor"& the long-term pre field will be accoompa- Tt,, ; ��,, a9 Wed by inevitable "glitches and hiccups„ 570 Westney Road S. .� Baltlttl4,. the new system "will be consumer-dri-619-1315 79 Taunton Road fest 433-105 Pate'hts,'teathe r -s indicate desire for return to half-day kindergarten FROM PAGE 1 like this." As part of its presentation, the task force presented trustees the results of a survey of parents and educators on the early years including the all - day, alternate -day program. The results indicate both parents and educators are very satisfied with the program cur- rently being offered. For exam- ple, 84 per cent of parents and school respondents agreed stu- dent learning needs were being met. About 90 per cent felt the children's social needs were also being met. However, on a question relating specifically to the pro- gram's all -day format, a lower number — 75 per cent of par- ents and 63 per cent of educa- tors — agreed the children function well. "Many parents are calling me and asking me to look at the budget figures AL and see if it's at Ne all possible to bring the (half- day) program PP�efl back to the walk - to schools," 3/a x 2' Pickering trustee Jill Hamilton C said. She noted that of kindergarten teachers polled, all but one would prefer their own child go to a half-day pro- gram. She cited quality of home life as a major concern to parents. Trustee Hamilton, who orig- inally supported the all -day, alternate -day program, said her own experience last year had her "eating my words". Ajax trustee Sherrill Willard added her voice to those call- ing for a review of the pro- gram, saying, "It struck me reading the teachers' com- ments in the comment book that there were more so-called negative comments than there were positive comments. "They really did centre on teachers looking at the quality of programs from when they taught it as teachers of a half- day, every -day versus what they saw in the alternate -day." Teachers expressed concern that the all -day program was difficult on children with low attention spans and it created additional behavior problems. Further debate centred around the actual cost savings of the revamped program. Ini- tially the board moved to all - day kindergarten to reduce the costs of noon -hour busing. But, it was implemented board -wide and included schools where no busing exist- ed. The need for additional lunch-time staffing actually created a new expense for schools that all students could walk to. Trustees also decided that financial questions about the program should be discussed in a future budget meting, likely later this month after staff has had a chance to look at a cost comparison of the two kinder- garten formats. CANADA HARDWOOD FLOORING INC. w Location EXTRAVAGANZA SALE 69 M,�, Wished from J 0 /a $3sq. ft. a Cr . W tt , Z O OME VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM J GAYLY Mat - Sat Om - 3 pm Tun. & Tht#L Erergs 7 PM - 9 1550 BAYLY ST. UNIT 17 '=Pickering (905)420-3285 Gende Dentistry for AdWts, ds, d To help you feel at ease: --� ✓ Ultrasonic- - ° cleanings J Soothing ; nitrous oxide & �~ general anesthesia �\ J Virtual Vision` glasses & stereo headphones toy help you relax J Autoclave sterilization J Amazing intraoral camera ✓ Complete preventive, restorative & cosmetic teeth treatment ✓ Saturday appointments Call for your free cosmetic consultation! • Learn how tooth whitening, porcelain veneers, and other cosmetic procedures can make your smile look brighter. Dr. Steven Nadel, D.D.S. Forn r Editor of the newsletter for dentists, THE DENTALETTER CALL NOW 33-1432 ® 172 Harwood Ave. South, Suite 101, Ajax 40 ?NE 11104WRO)VERTISER. WED., FEBRUARY 7, 1" -PAGE 5-A 1 I OMC Renovation SCINICS Come to Cashway "Your Project Partner for decorative ideas designed for savings. ELECTRICAL SEMINAR 46 COURTESY OF RAND ELECTRIC INSTALLATION OF: RECEPTACLES, SWITCHES. LIGHTING FIYTt*RES. G.F.I., etc. nME FFB. S. 1996 PLACE (,A,')f1%\Al' WILDING cFN-rRI-:� 15 \VFS"I-NF1' RD— N. AJAX REFRESIUME. TS WILL BE SERIT:D BY RESERVATION ONLY CAS HWAY s CALL 993 ASK FOR MARALYN -Your Project Partner DON'T MISS THE COTTAGE LIFE SHOW MARCH 29-31 AT THE INTERNATIONAL CENTRE 6900 A WORT ROAD (JUST NORTH 0 PEARSON KrL MPORT) FREE PARKNG FOR WANDS AND THOUSANDS OF CARS! THE ONLY SNOW THAT'S FROM THE PAGES OF COTTAGE LIFE MAGAZINE! Convenient care 'y-''" with you in mind: - ✓ New patients welcome ✓ We file & accept direct insurance payments y tyoq pay only portion not covered by plan) ✓ 5% discount for senior citizens J Same-day appointments for emergencies J White fillings for back teeth ✓ I ted •sd teeth treatment ✓ Saturday appointments Call for your free cosmetic consultation! • Learn how tooth whitening, porcelain veneers, and other cosmetic procedures can make your smile look brighter. Dr. Steven Nadel, D.D.S. Forn r Editor of the newsletter for dentists, THE DENTALETTER CALL NOW 33-1432 ® 172 Harwood Ave. South, Suite 101, Ajax 40 ?NE 11104WRO)VERTISER. WED., FEBRUARY 7, 1" -PAGE 5-A 1 I OMC Renovation SCINICS Come to Cashway "Your Project Partner for decorative ideas designed for savings. ELECTRICAL SEMINAR 46 COURTESY OF RAND ELECTRIC INSTALLATION OF: RECEPTACLES, SWITCHES. LIGHTING FIYTt*RES. G.F.I., etc. nME FFB. S. 1996 PLACE (,A,')f1%\Al' WILDING cFN-rRI-:� 15 \VFS"I-NF1' RD— N. AJAX REFRESIUME. TS WILL BE SERIT:D BY RESERVATION ONLY CAS HWAY s CALL 993 ASK FOR MARALYN -Your Project Partner DON'T MISS THE COTTAGE LIFE SHOW MARCH 29-31 AT THE INTERNATIONAL CENTRE 6900 A WORT ROAD (JUST NORTH 0 PEARSON KrL MPORT) FREE PARKNG FOR WANDS AND THOUSANDS OF CARS! THE ONLY SNOW THAT'S FROM THE PAGES OF COTTAGE LIFE MAGAZINE! PAGE 6 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED., FEBRUARY 7, 19% Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser TINIOTHI .I. %%'HITTAKER. Publisher JOANNE BURCHARI)T. Editor -m -chief STENT HOUSTON. Nktanagmg Edam BRI VE I)ANFORU. ad%enismg manager ININ BROI1VER. Retail Manager ARF: FAKHOIRIE. I)istnbuti m manager A M1tetmland CommuntiN tiewstraper published Nedne,,da%. f nda%. Sunda% 110- 112 (hmmercial Arc Aiax. Ont LIS'H", 1%)rw NO -;1 111 Fax: 61, 163 Opin_ Referendum! Through all the GTA hand -wringing. discussion. debate and name-calling in recent weeks. Durham ofii- cials haze finally hit on a suggycstion for %%hich residents can literally stand up and be counted:.A referendum. And 'Municipal Affairs 'Minister .Al Leach's rather bluster_ reaction to the notion aside. there is a compelling reason in Durham Region to find out exactly where the electorate does stand on the elimination of regional gov- ernment in tayor uta Greater Toronto Council` Consider this: Much of the debate ,o far has revolved around the players in the GTA dehate -- politicians, bureaucrats. con,ultants. et al. The voices from the streets have been cunously quiet, particularly since the release of Anne Golden's report recommending elimination of the fico refi ions surrounding Metro Toronto. .A re;_ion-,vide referendum) would sere a dual pur- pose. Fir, I. it would pro%ide the people of Durharn with a clear opportunity to state where they stand on GTA reform and provide elected officials with a clear mandate. Second, it would giye Durham Region residents an opportunity to participate direo:tl% in the future of their cornmunily. And Durham Region does indeed descre some con- trol of its deslimy based on the will of its people, not the words of a dcx:ument created by .Anne Golden. Durham has contributed to the i_reatcr L,exxl of its residents since its creation in 197.4 and has consistently shown that it is managed efiectixeh and with _,00d value for the tax buck. We still strongly believe there can be reform with- out the elimination of regional Loyernment tmd the arbi- trar amalgamation of certain communities. A referendum t,, the answer. And the answer will be contained in the results of a referendum. Wedne.1'da-v Letter. : Overheard... Pid he say that? `We'd be paying a poll tax to become honorary `Torontonians.'' -- Durham Councillor .Brian Nicholson on the effects of GTA reform. "We knew we'd be one of the favorites. Ontario is starting to become a force in curling..." -- Bob Turcotte, of Ajax, on taking the Canadian Senior Men'.S Curling Championship Councillors must lead by example To the editor: Regardless of ghat measure Council Wright take in this -kcar's bud- get. it is a sure thin_ that residents will he asked to "telt-tighten" and perhaps also see tax increases. It is imperatnc that the Council members show a willmimess to "do their part'. -this may best he dune h% voluntarily reducing their annual salaries. A reduction of as little as ' �' )00 each would go a long wax towards proving to the taxpayers of Ajax that Council is serious about cost-cutting and willing to "belt-twht- en" along with the rest of us. Many Alar residents arc struggling* in full unic jobs to support their farnilies on the same amount of pay that Councillors are receiving as a scc- ondar-, incun)c tor part-time hours. The most cf fectiye way to lead is hs exaniplc. This is a time fur fiscal restraint and one of the fairest forms of taxa- tion is the "user pay" ,stein. We can no lunger simpl} assun)c that we have a right to all sorts of extra scrx ices that are not essential. Council must maintain roads. policing. anihulancc. fire and hvdro services. Recreational actiyitics, grants to or;.•anizations and to sonic degree public transit to basic service is essential but can he niodi- fied during difficult times) are cvpcct- ed but not essential. %Vc cannot afford higher taxes. but we can do without some of ilio ctua. when we hayc to. I ask Council mcni hers to keep in mind the diflrrcnL-c between "essential" and "expected When Council is assigning monies to prolccts in this budget. I do ask them to remember their pronuscs tk) Village residents to begin repairs on the older streets. Donna Ba,.dak. k jax etters WRITE TO THE NEVI'S ADVERTISER, 130 CONNERCIAL AST., AJAX, LIS 2H5 OR FAX US AT 6&3-7363 — ■ OLRE-,NIMLADDREMisNewsAd.nevvs@durhamnews.net i Let's agree to disagree on federal Conservatives g To thie editor: In response to Ms. Levi: s letter. 1 must say that 1 admire the tenacity which forces her to cling to the belief that the federal Progressive Conservative Party can ever again repre- sent those same small 'c' con- servatives that were so fla- grantly abandoned during the Mulroney/Charest years. It is misguided -- as are most points in her letter. She is correct when she describes the current Liberal govern- ment as a 'do-nothing' bureaucracy but she fails to point out the cause and the effect of our current situation. THE CAUSE: After years of bad decisions, record deficits, scandals, patronage. GST, etc. made by the feder- al Progressive party leader- ship, Canadians chose to vote for a party they knew would do absolutely nothing (the assumption was that nu (ec:i- soon was better than bad deci- sions) and so the current Liberal backlash majority was elected. THE EFFECT: The crippling debt and deficit left by the PCs and the Liberals continues to grow rapidly, taxation continues to increase. the justice system remains ineffective, business within Canada is still ham- pered, special interest groups continue to get funding and Lucien Bouchard -- a former Mulroney clansman and political opportunist -- sees a perfect chance and makes his play for separation. Also, it is unclear to me why Ms. Lewis should complain that Jean Chretien "...clearly does not grasp national unity issues..." and then criticize Preston Manning for suggest- ing that Mr. Chretien is not tit for the task of keeping this country together and should be replaced. Later. she suggests that Mr. Manning "...could never win even a first round in Quebec..." while forgetting the two recent losses by Mr. Mulroney and Mr. Charest -- Meech Lake and the Charlottetown Accord. Although it is essential that the Liberal political vac- uum he replaced with a vision for a better, united Canada, most voters will hes- itate hefore giving the federal Progressive Conservative party a third chance to "roll the dice" with this country's future. Reformers and Progressive Conservatives have much in common. One difference, however, is that Fi1 Reformers do not helicve that anything built from the ruins of the Mulroney dynasty can be trusted -- and Mr. Charest is Mulroney's heir apparent. Brian Densharn Ajax by Steve Nease r . P. THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED, FEBRUARY 7, 1"6 -PAGE 7-A * Town of Pickering * (905) 420,,,2222 * *905 683-2160 *PICIKIRTIN[G �� February 12 EXECU77VE MEETING February 14 SITE PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE February 15 STATLTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION February 21 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT February 28 SITE PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE PUBLIC NOTICE FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 24 HOUR WINTER EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER (905) 683-4319 You may contact the public Works Department (Roads Division) regarding emergencies such as road conditions and maintenance by calling the 24 hour emergency number. EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1995 - APRIL 1996 Pickering Dititrict Plan Review ONE STEP CLOSER! A Planning Report on the status of the PlcKering District Plan Review will be presented to the Executive Committee at Its February 12, 1996 meeting. The Report will discuss results of the comprehensive public and agency review of the draft Pickering Officiai Plan which was released for consultation in June 1995. In addition. a schedule for the completion of the Official Plan leading to Council adoption will be Included. You are Invited to attend this meeting and comment on the results, or attend the subsequent Council meeting on February 19, 1996, The Planning Report will be available from the Clerk's Department on or after February 6. 1996. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Planning Department at t905) 420-4617 or (905) 683-2760. Murch" a ply! for cptanng releases of Rhin wig Disma Ran Re"M Obcumenfs! ONE STEP CLOSER! On February 12, 1996 a Planning Report will be presented to the Executive Commitlee which provides an update on the status of the Pickering District Plan Review. The report summarizes the major Issues anslrlg through the consubbon on the 011iclal Plan, oudm the direction of major changes under consideration, suggests a consultation process for the issue on rural growth allocation, and sets a timeframe for the completion of the staff recommended Official Plan. You are invited to atlend this meeting and comment on the results, or attend the subsequent Council Meeting on February 19, 1996. In addition, two new background documents have been prepared. They are compilations of recent written submissions and public meeting notes. Consultation Report No. 3 contains comments received between January and June 1995 on the District Plan Review. Consultation Report No. 4 contains comments on the draft Official Plan up to the end of January 1996. The Planning Report is available from the Clerk's Department on or after February 6, 1996. Copies of the Consultation Reports will be available from the Planning Department on and after February 12, 1996. If you have any questions, please contact the Planning Department at (905)420-4617 or (905) 683-2760. COUNTRY CRAFTS WORKSHOP REGISTRATIONS WORKSHOP DAY -TIME -DATE FEE - SUPPLIES Victorian Saturday Grapevine 1-4 p.m. 11950+130-840 Oval Towel February 10 Wreath Funny Bunny Saturday Easter 1-4 p.m. 119°+125-530 Wreath February 17 Wonderful Saturday Wine Cork 1-4 p.m. 11950+120 Wreath February 24 Victorian Sunday Grapevine 1-5 p.m. 12410+540-550 Cornerpiece February 25 Hearth Sunday Wall 1-5 p.m. 124' +125-530 Basket March 3 Spring Monday Chocolate 7-9:15 p.m. 835' included March 2 "Youth" (&13 yrs.) Monday Easter Chocolate 7-8:30 p.m 11800 included. Workshop April For •n information call: 420-4621or .1 1996 PROPERTI' TAXES DUE FEBRUARY 26, 1996 1,!ic,jtw Thr first of two ;nst:,Lnrn1N :,t thr I`TF.RI%l •.n hill is Jur ihi, n:,giih :rod v,ur aril stub sh,rdd* mailed to P.O. BOX .411, PICKERIr(:. O %TARIO/ 1.1v 2R6. Iti 1 t MASTERCARD. .NQ ho fwd by tckpboruc Plcasc scc Tax hill ni,crt L,r :n1 ,rm.in„n ,-n 1%.Nmrni methrrl the TELEP%1 %IE%T Ic•Icph.mc Nil paying services of several Banks and Trust G,inl,.,n,e, ;an al.,, tx- u,c•d to pay your proprrry taxes but NOT it rhea branch or automated (cher% I-ito payment charges are added on the first day of the tolbwmg month on all unpaid instaimrntN and on the first day out tach mcnth thereafter The rate is I ''5% f,r each month. ,r traction thereof llat iiwtu in person can be stink to the Castuer at the blun:ctpal Building. (bre Rn• EspL-utj&. Pickering. Ontario. LI V 6K7 Our telephone number is (905)420-461.1 GENERAL CONTRACTORS. MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SUB -CONTRACTORS PREQUALIFICATION FOR CLAREMONT COMMUNITY CENTRE AND FIRE HALL The Town of Pickenng plans to construct a new Communty Centre and Fire Hall on Old Brick Road in the Hamlet of Claremont. The propo»ed one—wrey building will he approximately 17.1x10 umxe feet and will be located on an unserviced sitc immedwtely forth of an existing Community Park. The project includes a volunteer Fire Hall, an Emergency Operations Control Facility, a Mul i -Purpose Roost, two Meeting Rooms, a Kitchen• a small Library. and Change Rooms to serve the playing fields in the adjacent park. Septic kadung beds, landscaping and a parking la will be included in the project. SEALED PREQUALIFICATION SUBMISSIONS, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the Department of Supply and Services, no later than 2-00 Edxuaa 14.1�Edxuaa 14. I�. p.m-- latenested general, me hmucal and electrical sub -contractors, having experience in work of similar stir and type, are invited to submit a completed CCA Document No. I I and a letnx from their surety and insurame companies stating ' their bonding and liability Emits. Tenders will be invited from a list of six to ten prequalified general contractors. Only approved prequalified contractors will be invited to participate in the tender - call which is anticipated mid-March 1996. Oral, telegraphed faired or telephoned submissions or modifications will not he considered. Submissions received after the deadline• whether delivered personally or mailed• will not be considered. The Town reserves the right to select only those Contracts which they and Moffat Kinoshita Architects Inc • Consultants, deem suitable and qualified to undertake the project and to reject andlcx not to accept any or all submissions without explanations. The Town will not be accountable to proponents in respect of the selection of bidders. Vu., A Fdit.••utwi Jeurcy, CM), CPP. CMMI Evarti Bumvn:e NLn'. CMM Trcv.r PtrlrJ A-wc Mampr of ",ty ..AJS--, Uncur tit P'sk fid F—fit— MWIA Kilroot,,,., The Corpenauon of the Town of Pickering Department of Supply and Services Puckering Civic Complex One the Esplanade Picken ng, Ontario L IV 6K7 tics pmp t a Yrrf.d ft a* 11v ( 905) 4204616 Carad■orwrto Wnwnxtue w«►.v y^ y Ontario CA u WELCOMES "IPECTk*ORS AND FANS to watch the best curlers in Ontario compete for the I * NOKIA CUP~ r .? lop ox 114 INOKI� P at the PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX February 6 -11,1996 Coate and See Some Of The Best RUSS HOWARD BRAD SHIN % BRUCE PARI: .NUA1wr t.0 ling C luh Ont., ., . • 7_ L IWAr[L Curling Gw) ADAM SPENCER V0 ROIBFRT% y'% EDW17MIICH Gu•lrh Curltrig Duh 1-4 :uh ALEX TOSH IIA% F ISAIAFR BRAD MVWXa,•E Royal Km-%ron Av, f1Sh1jnJ G,uwr, '!uh curlisig Club "411" I.NGlit, For more information call 831-1711 For tickets call 905 -665 -CURL (2875) Prices from $8.00/game to full week package $60.00 "We guarantee a warm wellicomett-M-7 i Join us in the Celebration of the Rich Cultural Heritage 0 ° of the Town of Pickering HERITAGE [� DAY t, FESTIVALCRLT�� J National Costumes L` Customs and Dance 1 Heritage Crafts J Traditional Foods 1 Cultural Heirlooms and Treasures r a Saturday. February 24. 1996 O PICKFJMG RECREATION COKPIXX L 0 1867 valley Farm Road � 1 II 10:00 am. - 2:00 P.M. 0 0 i1 To Obtain Information or 0 set rip a Display or Demonstration. 0 7please call the r Department of Culture 8t Recreation at L j905-420-4620 �r=-lo�lor= or�anor�or�or-tor=Z Iy T T r PAGE E -A -TOE NEWS ADVER77SER. WED.. FEBRUARY 7, 196 Renowned lawyer Bruce Affleck dies DURHAM -- Canada's legal comniu- nity is mourning the passing of one of its hest. Bruce Aflleck, �%idely acclaimed as one of the nation's top criminal lawyers. died atter sufterin_ a heart attack Mon- day ni,,ht. Mr. A111eck. \xho practised in Oshawa and liycd in Hampton, was on his way home alter attending a Toronto Raptors basketball game when he hecamc ill. He �.cas taken to Toronto General Hospital but pronoun:cd dead shortly atter. Mr. Atlleck, 64. was in his 31 )ill \car of practising law in the Oshawa area. "He is prohabl\ the kindest. Len- tlest and most Lcn- crous person F � c Bruce Affleck cycr inet, s:I Id lawyer John Pa-,nc. who worked „illi Mr Alticck for the past nine \cars. "He was a Ic_cnd Ls I law.cr. I_aw\er Tem Dell\, who has kn wn Mr Attic:k for :lose to -lU ,cars. rcnicmhcr, lune as "\cr\_ human. hni•ht and a great w it. "«e all lo\cd him and. bo%. will we Inks him. It's a _great shock. hor all of us :onnc.ted with hint. he wasn't kncv n as 'Mr Attic:k'. he was kn,­wn as 'Bru:c". The lowest criminal and the highest judgc will miss Bruce — he had a ,_rcat. great heart." sa\ s Mr Incl It . Durhain RcLnon Crown Attornc% John S:,,tt credited Mr Affleck \%iih "doin much to impro \e the training of Crown Aitorncy� through summer s:h(x)ls and appearances at lectures. He had an ahllits to leach by etample. anectdote and gocxl humor. Our :onl- munit,� - not Just the court community - will miss him." Mr Affleck Lraduated with a Bache- lor of Arts degree trom Uniyersily of Toronto's Victoria College in 195, and received his law degree from OsgtKidc Hall in Toronto in 195 - He was Assistant Crown Atto)rncy of the County of Ontario from 1959 u, 1961 and was Crown Attorney for the County of Ontario and. suhseyuentl%. Durham Re,,ion. from 1961 to 197', . Mr. Attleck was also Director of Crown Attorneys for the East Central Ontario Regan from 1975 to 1977. In 1970, he was honored with the title of Queen's Counsel. Mr. Affleck was also rec:ogni/ed as a certified specialist in criminal law h\ the Law Societ} of Upper Canada. He also held the presti- gious position of Bencher for the Law Society of Upper Canada from 1979 to 1987. Outside the courtroom, Mr. Affleck was known fiir his volunteer work. He has been the national president of the Canadian Association for Children With Learning Disabilities and president of the Oshawa District of the Boy Scouts of Canada. Mr. Affleck is survived by his wife. Frances, children William, Derek, Kelly and Jason. He is predeceased by a son, Robbie. He is resting at the Armstrong Funer- al Home, 124 King St. E., Oshawa, with visitation Thursday 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. The funeral will be held Friday at I p.m. at Kingsview United Church, at the corner of Wilson Road and Adelaide Avcnue. A HOME FURNISHINGS SHOPPING EXPERIENCE BEYOND COMPARE • SELECTION! • QUALITY! • VALUE! • SAVINGS! IDEAS! An almost endless selection... NOW... at Sale Prices! SERVING YOUR FRIENDS & FAMILY SINCE 1949 FREE IN OUR VAST DELIVERY AREA While Quantifies 31 __,ctC a. R�• w - J Your home is an expression of yourself. Smitty's helps you to make it personally yours with individuality and style! SMITTY'S ARE YOUR :DDING ECIALISTS! Conveniently Located In Pickering 1099 Kingston Road. Just North of Hwy. 401. Heading East... take Whites Rd. (exit 394). North to Kingston Road (Hwy, 2) and tum right. Heading West... take Liverpool Rd. (exit 397) North to Kingston Road (Hwy. 2) and tum left. (905) 420-8402. OPEN Non., Tues., weds Thurs., Fri. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. - _,Saturday A.M.to S P.M. Sundays 11IVOW10 5 RM. C1 W ci X W H 31 __,ctC a. R�• w - J Your home is an expression of yourself. Smitty's helps you to make it personally yours with individuality and style! SMITTY'S ARE YOUR :DDING ECIALISTS! Conveniently Located In Pickering 1099 Kingston Road. Just North of Hwy. 401. Heading East... take Whites Rd. (exit 394). North to Kingston Road (Hwy, 2) and tum right. Heading West... take Liverpool Rd. (exit 397) North to Kingston Road (Hwy. 2) and tum left. (905) 420-8402. OPEN Non., Tues., weds Thurs., Fri. 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. - _,Saturday A.M.to S P.M. Sundays 11IVOW10 5 RM. THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED., FEBRUARY 7, 1"6 -PAGE: Y -A Expect more from Sears Thursday, February 8 -Sunday, February 11, 1996 0 ALL ALL mens socks and women s panties underwear and socks Excludes (algin Klein Joe Boxer cnd Jim EX(ludes Nevada 'NonderBra Danyfresh Playtex - Warner s and Vogue Bra PLUS WS THE LAST 4 DAYS FOR BABY DAYS WffH AMAZING SAANGS AND VALUB MD OVER 100 ffN AT OUR LOWBT PRIES OF THE SEASON. HURRY IN! SALE BIDS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1 "6, WHILE QUANTMES LAST SEAM Expect more from Sears a W Q Q . oSHOP x SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open: Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. mi 4o, ight 1996. sears Canada Inc. PAGE MA -THF NEWS ADVERTISER, WF:D.. F EBRUARY 7. 1996 The family that glues together... Two-and-a-hatf-year-old Eric Grimes keeps Toddler session Monday at the Ajax Com- a close eye on his Mom Leslie while they munity Centre. play with some paste during a Me & My photo by Ron Pietroniro Parents invited to visit PHS AJAX -- An information of children in Grade 8 who will Church St. N.. Pickering Vil- night is held Thursday. Feb 8 attend Pickering High School lige. Meet in the north gym. from 7 to 8 30 p.m. for parents in the fall. The uhcx>I is at 180 Call 683-4761. LASER SURGERY FOR SNORING CERTIFIED SPECIALISTS Dr. R Kassel MD FRCSC Dr. S Siomra MD FRCSC a Surf the Net! Call 683-5110 James Schofield C.F.P. Chartered Financial Planner Member of TPA Investment Planning Inc. "A professional you can trust For Free with a reputation for the Consultation highest quality personal service and integrity." call 428-9911 M! You and your guest could win a night on the town, complete with an elegant Dinner and a Chauffeur Driven Limousine. Simply fill out the ballot below, and deposit it in the official ballot box located in Two Harts Flo rs ' & Gifts, at Glendale Marketplace. IN. p pN THE TOWN! --- No purchase necessary. Must be A *j�n(�uT l8 years of age or older. Contest ends 1VVi+ --� February 13, 1996 r•------ -- ---------- i SAME: GLENDALE i AGE: i TEL: LACE I Complete Details at Plaza • ----------------- J L------------------------ Cornu o%Finch Ave. F. d Duch Road PICKERING TOWN CENTRE Can't make it' Order your autographed cum by- phone . (905) 839-2740 At STAR Strafe,gic Asset Allocation STAR FOR YOUR RRSR FEWER SLEEPLESS NIGHTS. Thinking of a GIC as an RRSP invesrmcrn? XVe believe you should think again. Given the historic performance difference between guaranteed investments and well- managed mutual fiends, STAR from Mackenzie could be a more suitable choice. With STAR, you have a fully diversified portfolio of mutual funds chosen to meet your needs — along with a plan to build returns... and reduce both risk and sleepless nights. Yor more information on STAR and more peace of mind for your RRSP, call us today at the number below. MONEY CONCEPTS The Money Mait"emem people (905) 428-0244 835 Westney Rd. South Unit 5 Ajax, Ont. LIS 3M4 a W > %Wa 1C§ I,I(rlpqu JOHN PRICE Building Financial Independence Invest wisely: Important information about the STAR asset allocation Program is contained in the simplified prospectuses of the Mackenzie Funds. Obtain a copy from an investment advisor and read it carefully before investing. Unlike GICs, unit values and investment returns of each fund within your STAR portfolio are notuaranteed or insured and will fluctuate, as will the overall market value of your STAR portfolio, reflecting changes in the value of the underlying funds. Mackenzie has agreed to pay part of the cost of this advertisement. THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., FEBRUARY 7, 1996 -PAGE: 11-A k /- s O O QV Men s Jocke R Underwear & Socks OFF - / Offer good until March 3, 1996, or while quantities lost Excludes Factory Outlet. 5 A201, AN --------- --- VpJnfi Sunday; February i 8th. � N �z r y -NN F� � FURNITURE , r�N� , AJ OR APPLIANCES y -%ft OME _� l /3 y HGF y .k�y�, �JC%19 r% KEY .- :E�ITERTAINME T � N• EATON'S 'URESSES, FLOOR COVERINGS Eaton's will deduct an amount equivalent to the GST from the total price of your purchase. Excludes Panasonic GA00 Ns and pre-recorded cassettes and video tapes the new Eas way NEW DEALS EXTRA SAVINGS • ALL THIS MONTH to pay O ,Just 24 monthly instalments Interest-free! Simply use your Eaton Card for any purchase O over $300 (beFore taxes). Women's brand name basics • Furniture • Major Appliances Selection includes Vanity Fair Hosiery, Vogue bras • Home Entertainment • Floor Coverings • Mattresses and panties, Linda Lingerie daywear and sleepwear, Non-refundable $25 administrative fee and all applicable taxes payable at time of purchase. Scheisser cotton canis andpanties. Excludes Winsome Wood' Furniture. O.A.C. Offer good until February 1 1, 1996 or while quantities ostExcludes Multi -packs, Offer ends February 18, 1996. Complete details in store. $19 99 bra program and Factory Outlet. � x• � O �'. selected bath & bedding items Offer good while quantities last. Selection may vary by store. Eudes Factory Outlet • i O 0 All sorts of fun Valentine's stuff Daywear, sleepwear, underwear, bras, panties, ties. Offer good until Feb. 14, 1996, or while quantities last. Excludes Factory Outlet. ..4- 1 PAGE 12 -A -THF. NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., FEBRUARY 7, 19% R6 Expect Expect inn efi in Sears plus, use your Sears Card and O/t pay until August 1996 On all furniituW,sleepse r *Sears will deduct an omount equivalent b the GST from your total purchase pace Offer applies to in -sock merchandise only in Sears Read stores and does not apply to any Catalogue or Clearance Centre purchases, deferral fees, delivery, maintenance agreement or installation charges Selected home electronics include NC", Pioneer, Toshiba, Zenith, Philipe, Hitochi, Sanyo, Sears vacuums', sewing machines and home electronics Deferred offer available on approved credit, with your Sews Cord. $35 defend fee applies. Lpuidation Mems in Clearance Centres and Catalogue purchases we not included in this offer. Ask for details. GST and deferred offers end Sun. Feb 11, 1996. !Excludes baby, polio fumilure and wet/dry vacuums SALE PUB END SUNDAY, FORUANY 11,1996, WHJU QUANTITIES LAST 5 fiff EAM Expect more from Sears SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We pen: Mon.Fri.10:00a.m.-eWp.m..Sat. 9:30 xm.-6:OO p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m.-S:OO p.m. Copyright 19%. sears Canada Inc. o Q O cc � g uJ W o 2 ■ S 3 J ♦� * MY. 401 vacuums', sewing machines and home electronics Deferred offer available on approved credit, with your Sews Cord. $35 defend fee applies. Lpuidation Mems in Clearance Centres and Catalogue purchases we not included in this offer. Ask for details. GST and deferred offers end Sun. Feb 11, 1996. !Excludes baby, polio fumilure and wet/dry vacuums SALE PUB END SUNDAY, FORUANY 11,1996, WHJU QUANTITIES LAST 5 fiff EAM Expect more from Sears SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We pen: Mon.Fri.10:00a.m.-eWp.m..Sat. 9:30 xm.-6:OO p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m.-S:OO p.m. Copyright 19%. sears Canada Inc. THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED., FEBRUARY 7,1996 -PAC P, 15•A ♦ WHITE CANE WEEK Blind office manager ' amazes' boss, clients with her 'wonderful' work 0 Sandy Stanton lost her sight at age 12 but it hasn't affected her ability to find fulfillment in her career By MARIAtiNE TAKACS STAFF kl.Pt)RThk AJAX-PICKI:RING -- Moyra Pudleiner, owner ol' Cardinal Nannies and Companions in Ajax, says she hasn't had to sacrifice anything in hir- ing Sandy Stanton of' Pickering as her office manager. Even though Ms. Stanton is com- pletely blind, her boss describes her as the "most competent" employee she has ever hired during the 10 years her business has been operating. A can't imagine running this busi- ness without Sandy," says Ms. Pudleiner. "There are so many people you have to keep track of, so much co-ordinating and scheduling. She does a wonderful job here. It would be very difficult for me to replace her." Cardinal provides nannies and com- panions, both short and long-term, for children and the elderly. Ms. Stanton's responsibilities include scheduling b0 short-term nannies and companions as well as dealing with 140 on long-term placements. setting up interviews between the care -givers and clients. dealing with clients herself, writing correspondence on an ordinary type- writer, and being on call outside office hours to deal with any emer- gencies that may come up. "The majority of my work is done on the phone, calling clients, workers and setting up appointments," says Ms. Stanton. "My memory is phenom- enal. I have to remember all these voices and people and phone num- bers." Ms. Stanton lost her sight and sense of smell as the result of severe head injuries she sustained in a snowmobile accident at the age of 12. Nonetheless, she runs a household which includes two children, and worked on an assembly line in a fac- tory before getting her present job three years ago. "My other senses have increased incredibly and I think I'm pretty good at what I do." Ms. Stanton does her job with help from some special equipment obtained with funding from the provincial government. That includes a portable "Braille 'n Speak" computer that stores files and reads out whatever she keys in. There's also a braille writer that types on braille paper which she uses to take notes. She expects to soon receive a scan- ner which will be able to read out from any books or typed sheets she places into it. That will make it possi- ble for her to "read" the faxes and resumds that frequently come into the office. New technology means the oppor- tunities for the visually impaired to work are "getting better and better all the time", according to Ms. Stanton. Nonetheless it's only a lucky few, among the visually impaired who are employed. "There are a lot of blind people who would like to work. It's very dif- ficult to get a job even if you have expensive training. Not too many companies are willing to take the chance." `My other senses have increased incredibly and I think j I'm pretty good at what I do...' - Sandy Stanton Nls. Stanton has done her best to go out into the community and raise awareness of the fact that the visually impaired are able to work. She has gone to schools and given talks and helped out as a teacher's aid in kindergarten classes. And she has done her own job so efficiently that the clients and employees she deals with over the phone don't realize she is blind until they meet her. "It's an education for everyone who comes into this office," says '-I,. Pudlemer. "They're amazed." Sandy Stanton is just as produc- tive as sighted employees, says Moyra Pudleiner. Bi m g thought of as low... is good. OEB low prices .r Veal S hould>r Chops (:anaola Choit•e Green Thompson, Red Flame or Black Seedless Grapes Product of Chile, No. I Gradvw 12 204/kg Siena Mortadella :1 N arivtit•• 99,11) 88C/100 Minute Maid or Five Ali%v Juices or • :assorted Va 3x250tnL Stev n Veal holf,11 an Prices effective until Saturday, February 10, 1996. We reserve the right to limit quantities. CotQ op For People Who Love Good FO.dLOEB v� MonTini ale k -M 93L each PAGE 16 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., FEBRUARY 7.1996 0 1996 DODGE RAM 3500 DUALLY &0 L. V10. auto ptw p!dl. air cond.. UIL cruise. SLT larime. HID service, trailer tow. camper special. sure grip, two tone paint air darn, tach. rm. Only 514.54 per Day 1995 GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 4.0 L. auto. p;s. prb. p,w Will. tilt. cruse, air cond., cloth buckets. select trac. security alarm, tog lamps. P451 I Only $13.90* per Day 1995 CARAVAN SE V6. auto., p.s.. p.b., p. mirrors. 7 pass.. air cond.. Wt triose. smAm cess., roof rack. P4/69. Sale Price $179888* 994 CONC -�.� ;,.i 32 L, pho, pldt phninors. til, cruise, phteet, kayleas entry, security Harm, &caro. two air. doth buck@W console, AWFM cans. V4656. Only $8.10* per Day 19}9.'i GA L, sato•, Ph, pth, Ow, p/d, phairras, air d, fog humps, select trsc, securi y Berm, RI taus, doth seals, console. P4993, Only $13.90* per Day 1996 DODGE RAM 1500 CLUB CAB 5.2 L, auto.. pis. pib, ant, spin axle, air cond., trader towing puck. HID service. step bumper. doth seats. P53. Only 10■61 *per Day R/T TWIN TURBO A,W.D. -A 'r V6. 6 spd.. p.w., pall. p.seat cruise, air toad., amRm cass.. equalizer, leather seats, ts" chrome wheels, sunroof, p/mirran. P4661. 040 Only -e'A0qh40qhAM per Day 1995 NEON "W dome 4 cyl., auto., pis, plb. pldl. cruise. air cord.. AM" cars., ABS. foldown rear seat. V4496. Sale Price $139688' I tr Y6, 6 10C PAN, pfd, phnM, cruise, or cord•, AWFM Cass., *qua im, leather sats, 16" r.Moao wheele privacy glees, phnirrors. D532. Only $23.36' per Day 1995 CONCORDE 4 DR. wew Including auto., p.s., p.b., p.w.. p.dl . air cond ABS brakes. fully loaded. P4644. Only S10■42* Per Day 1995STRATUS 4 DR. A 2.4 L. auto., pis, ;ib, security pack, cloth buckets. AM/FM CD, phw, pick plmirrors. ABS. seat height so uster, air coed RM. Only $9.10* per Day 1992 GRAND VOYAGER SE 3.3 L, auto., pts, plb. 7 pass., tilt muse. sunscreen glass, eu cond.. p/mirrors. AWFM Cass.. bug deflector, roof rack. T743A. Priced To Sell 4 DR. 6--1 �M'jif 3.3 L, suto., pis, pib, phlr, pfd, tilt attfss, p/mirrors, sir card., cloth buckles, console, AWFM cass, t.use9 twrwer P4i06. Only $9.1 O* car Day 1996 DODGE RAM 1500 CUA CAB 52 L, auto., phw, pd, tilt, cruise, air lord, AWN cans., SLT decor, 4M* test, WD serviM talar tow pack, chrome wI Is, and spin ode, two Who, efide later _­ TM only $11 tt180* per Day 1995 *NEWORKE R 4 DR. 3.5 L, p/w, pldl. piseats, tut cruise. auto. temp air, keyless entry, overhead console. security alarm. traction control doth seats. P464t. Only $11 .$0' per Day 1995 GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 4.0 auto.. p.s.. p.b., p.w., p.dl., tilt, cruise. air cond., cloth buckets, select trac, security alarm, fog tamp. P4512. Only $13.90* per Day 1994 PONTIAC GRAND AN 4 DR. V6, auto., pis, pro, p/w, pldl, air cond., cloth buckets, console. till. cruise. AWFM cars. Only %�* per Day 5.9 L, aft., P1w, pJd, till, cruise, air card., AWFM Cass., sport appearance, chrome whale, tnMer tow, WD service, anti spin aria, wMirrore, sbde raw wallows SLT lanae peck Tin Only $12.33* per Day A tail =11 III] WN I on 44416 4 :4 an im A N F I VA I -�� �+r+� .znl vnuHr DOD . (North of 401) AND EVERY NIGHT car for rtatailc Gn.•r7•.1 6...-. :..... r r r a 1996 DODGE RAM 1500 PICKUP Brand New) 3.9 L. auto.. p/s. p/b. air cond. AMiFM Cass.. conquer package, doth seats, step bumper. T772. Only $8-59- per Day N7" R4�&DR. 3.5 L, auto. temp air. tilt• cruise. p/w, p/dl. plum, AhWU cass.. phwrors, security alarm. keyless entry, overhead console, traction control, doth seats. NW. On $11 am* r Da 1993 CimSLER NEW YORKER Vww; �_J 3.3 L, auto., piw, pill. phnirrors, plseats. auto. temp air. AM/FM cass., equalizer, security alarm. W.S.W., wire wheels. P4402A. Only $8.50* per Day 1992 CARAVAN LE WAGON 3.3 L, pleeK pA, pita, phninrors, 7 P@W sunscrew tit, cruise, overhead tarsale AWFM alas., air cond., keyless entry, Phar wirnrim roof rack v4614. Priced To Sell 4.0 aub, p•s•, P•0. IM F149, tile. I ml -, sir con&, doth buckets, Il I tract sourly alarm, th9 amps• P4i61. Only $13.90* W Dq VILLAGE 1[] PLYMOUTH HWY. twiol CHRYSLER 10 OSMWA Workshop can help you prepare your estate 0 Learn about taxation, wills, investments, banking at upcoming session DURIIAM -- Learn to look to the future when the Durham Estate Planning Council presents an estate management workshop on Feb. 15. Estate Planning Info Nite '96 is designed to teach the public about such issues as taxation, wills, power of attorney, RRSPs, invest- ments and banking. The session will begin at 7 p.m. at St. Mark's United Church Audi- torium located at 201 Centre St. S. in Whitby. Members of the Durham Estate Planning Council will lead a group question and answer period as well as offer private consultation. To reserve a seat call 728-6956. .ANNOUNCING JUDY CALLA 0,~ ,4 ad S11EAR MACU, t.cv�tea �occ to o4aa Itm at CEDAR EiEIGIITS IIAIR STi"DIO located at 695 '&4nklta rc Zd. & Zaarre.cce (Sca�eGotieugk) a4oe rXe ',7fa.xeatead (416) 43-9-1971 (905) 6973--5164 HERE'S 80111 R WORKS: 1 I a2aabsoll'utely ' 1 ull metre of selec-ec nc at Fabricland'S Reg Pc, get the next FREEF 0 Choose f tom V)rc LINEN -LOOT: 17t0. Ili +ult. Ulu Rug, 11.98 to BUY lm GE"r 2 FREE! DIOR SOLIDS 115(111 wilt. 0111 KrL. 14.!18 III BUY Int GE7' 2 FREE! POLYESTER PRINTS I I:)( In wilt Uui Kr ti. 5.48 nt BU'Y lm GET 2 FREE! RAYON PRIN'T'S 115-150( m wilt. Uur Rrtl. !1.45-10.!18 n1 BUY Im GET 2 FREE! POLYESTER PRINTS 1 l5cln wide. Our Reg. 12.98 nt BUY Im GET 2 FREE! POLYESTER SOLIDS tl5ctn wide. Our Reg. 9.98-10.98 lit BUY lm GET 2 FREE! RAYON CRINKLE PRINTS 135em wide. Our Reg. 14.98 in BUY Im GET 2 FREE'. REGENCY BEIABERG LINING 1 15-120cm wide. Our Reg. 8.98 to BUY Im GET 2 FREE! Our Entire !n -Store Stock of VOGUE & BUTTERICK Patterns Buy 1 at M.S.R. Price, GET 2 FREE! (,It cyual Valu" ur 1,—. Ani., hrand) offer vand)an.tn 1.Frh.13r"ith unh'. Nur valid wish nm uthrr 411y ountx. 0' [' iul .Selecilons of: BOTTOMWEIGHT ISlir III µulr. Ottt Kcti 8 45 ni BUY Im GET 2 FREE! NOVELTY till"rING 17"), Ili %.ulc Ow Kc;- '.1.98 nr BUY Im GET 2 FREE! CORDUROY 115uu µIIIc. Uut Reg 5.95 Ili BUY Im GET 2 FREE! W -I -D -E COTTON PRINTS 150< 111 wilt Out Reg 99S nr BUY lm GET 2 FREE! POLYESTER/ COTTON PRINTS 115cut wile. Our Rrg. 5.98-6.98 lit BUY Im GET 2 FREE! BLACK & WHITE COLLECTION 150cnt wide. Our Reg. 9.98 nl BUY Im GET 2 FREE! UPHOLSTERY JACQUARD SOLID NATURALS 140cm wide. Our Reg. 12.98 lit BUY lm GET 2 FREE! DRAPERY PRINTS 140cin wide. Our Reg. 14.98 in BUY Im GET 2 FREE! DRAPERY SHIRRING & AUTO PLEATING TAPE Our Reg. 1.98-2.98 lit BUY 1 m GET 2 FREE! DURASTITCH SERGING THREAD 1500 lit spool. Liuttled coluurs. Our Reg. 4.98 spool BUY I GET 2 FREE! 1355 Kingston Rd. Pickering Town Centre 839-5990 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., FEBRUARY 7, 1996 -PAGE 17-A Salvation Army needs you for Red Shield Appeal AJAX-PICKERING -- You can get some exercise this win- ter and help a local organiza- tion at the same time. The Ajax -Pickering Salva- tion Army needs volunteers to Appeal help support the 87 ser - canvass 30 homes in their vices offered through the Ajax neighborhood for one night in Family Services Centre. Call May. Funds raised in Sally Rhonda Narraway at 905 -837 - Ann's annual Red Shield 7769 for more information. PAGE I&A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED., FEBRUARY 7,19% V RECYCLER'S REPORT Give, get used goodies in Treasure Chest During the first week of every month, Recycler's Report and the News Advertiser bring you The Treasure Chest. This space allows residents to give away items they no longer want. Likewise, people who wish to pick up something can advertise their needs. Through the Treasure Chest, hob- byist Dave Vandermev has been successfully gathering old radios and parts. When given items that were not useful Dave has passed them on to colleagues thereby saving radios from ending up in landfill and at the same time making other hobbyists happy. To use The Treasure Chest call 420-5625 during regular business hours. ITEMS NEEDED 1) Old tube rauios, radio tubes, test equipment, tube amps and relat- ed books: requested by hobbyist -- 839-1207. 2) Ten to larraine roulston 12 -cup cof- f e e i machine in working order: local _ cancer sap - Port groupv -- - I - 686-1516. 3) 3 Karate uni- forms, The fs, sizes ' 8 & 12, musical► Recycler's recorder. guitar - Report 834-8008. 4) Light- w e i g h t wheelchair, canes, massage table: non-profit fibromyalgia chronic fatigue group -- 839-3586. 5) Easels, clipboard, locking stor- age trunk: The Muse Youth Program -- 427-0410. 6) Wrought iron furniture, vacu- um cleaner, filing cabinets, office furniture -- 686-4158. 7) Small freezer, oval bath sink, single bed -- 416-285-1425. 8) Old nylons to be used to stuff crocheted bears -- 686-2799. 9) Building supplies, 2x4s, 2x6s, 2x8s, aluminum siding, drywall, plywood, shingles for wheelchair NO W/ r71Ngh d CUPID'S CHOI= A basket of Valentine wishes delivered 1b straight from the heart! (J FROM $1- %95 i DFlIVFRY ACROSS AORT71 AWF.RICA FAX 2W7&H • • renovations-, Durham Better life -- 686-9113. 10) Magnifying glasses, micro- scopes, nature collections, any sci- entific related toys, animal skulls and pelts, rocks and minerals, bug specimens. Scientists in School Pro- gram -- 509-1984 or 839-8195. 11) TV. coffee table, chairs, com- puter, toys -- 427-0749. 12) Microscope, prepared micro- scope slides. computer mouse pads, puppets, books with tapes for special educational needs -- 839-8260. 13) Old G.I. Joe dolls for project on the Second World War -- Paul 416-291-5934. 14) Scrap yarn 2" or longer and scrap fabric 2" squared or larger -- 839-1813. 15) Small air compressor -- 416- 283-7304. It should he said that many non- profit groups need volunteers. Also, many of these groups offer an official tax receipt for donated items. ITEMS TO GIVE AWAY 1) 1962 Clairtone stereo system -- 509-2088. 2) Turntable -- 416-282-5680. 3) 21" black & white TV, small oven toaster -- 839-8781. 4) Hundreds of Harlequin books -- 427-4350. Ideas sought to make N ax environment L IN AJAX -- Ideas are being sought to make the eighth annual Ajax Environmental Affairs Week a success._. A brainstorming session will he held Wednesday,' Feb. 21 at 7 p.m. in the Duffin Room of the Ajax :Community Centre on Centennial Road to plan the 1996 Ajax Environmental Affairs Week, which runs this spring from Monday, April 29 to Sunday, May 5. Co-chairmen of this year's event are Martin Olenroot and Johnny Scott, two new appointees to the Ajax Waterfront Advisory Committee. Call Mr. Olenroot at 905-686-4727 for more information. Your Miracle Store Has Dosed. �aEa—_. _glossa■[ So Where Do You Go From Here? �iVd BiTVW "I" ST. 108Altl.YST M1Me A&M (How About Here?) WSSUM to. E � tta ItiNY z 108Altl.YST M1Me A&M (How About Here?) We know you can't be too thrilled about the Baywood After you've tried us, perhaps you won't look at the Miracle store being closed We believe things will get Miracle store closing as losing a grocery store. We hope better for you just as soon as you come and visit us. you'll look at it as gaining two LOEB stores. LOEBYOOo t W WSSUM to. E � tta ItiNY z We know you can't be too thrilled about the Baywood After you've tried us, perhaps you won't look at the Miracle store being closed We believe things will get Miracle store closing as losing a grocery store. We hope better for you just as soon as you come and visit us. you'll look at it as gaining two LOEB stores. LOEBYOOo t W v" have your say on Ajax uweuams next weex AJAX -= The 13th aright be a ducky day for Ajax taxpayers. -:... .Councillors will gather to banuuer out the Town's 19% budget Tuesday, Feb. 33 when you can tell politicians how you'd like your tax dollars to be spent ::: : The meeting will be held in the Town 'ball councii chambers starting at 4 p.m. Following an opening Address by chief administrative officer Barry Mahn - sten, the public can address councillors about the .:.. ,Elected officaaLs nave stated they're aiming fo::.:r no . .::.increase in the Town's portion of the property tax bW this year. ,.Copies of the budget councillors will work from "I be available at the meeting. The final budget will be presented to council for consideration Monday, Feb. 19. The Town hall b at the corner of Harwood Avenue and Kings Crescent. Call the finance department at :::905-6834550 for more itdornotion. •l: 16 ■ ■ ■ BE 1 (Be your own boss) 1 1 1 1 HOME BASED BUSINESS SEMINAR ; 1 "ONE DAY ONLY" 1 1 HOLIDAY INN, OSHAWA, 401/HARMONY RD. I SAT. FEB. 10, 10am,1 pm, 4pm, 7pm 1 COME EARLY, SEATING IS LIMITED 1 Would an opportunity to earn part-time or full-time income, reduce taxes, and operate a business from your home change your lifestyle? If YES, 1 Come and hear what professionals are saying about the 1 $427 Billion Home -Based Business Industry today. I REG SAVOY SENIOR FINANCIAL PLANNER 1 1 1 1 ROGER BLAKE HOME BASED BUSINESS CONSULTANT & AUTHOR OF "THE PATTERN FOR SUCCESS - Sponsored by Quorum Independent Distributors FREE ADMISSION WITH THIS AD Everyone reads and shops the News Advertiser! r U I AJAX LOCATION ONLY Visit the Ajax Branch of Fortune Financial between 8 a.m. on Friday, February 911 and 8 p.m. on Monday February 12" We will donate 1% of RRSP contributions to the Ajax Salvation Army and The Settlement House for participating Mutual Fund Companies FORTUNE FINANCIAL '135 BAYLY ST. W . (Fia �ey)q AJAX -This Location Only SUPPORT the Durham Region SALVATION ARMY and the SETTLEMENT HOUSE between 8 A.M. FRIDAY, FEB. 9`h and 8 P.M. MONDAY, FEB. 1211' Come in and make your RRSP contribution at - Fortune Financial and support a worthy cause! FOR MOREP INFORMATION(905) 427-7000 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, FEBRUARY 7, 1996 -PAGE 13-A FLAT RATE Long Distance_ - FROM ,...r.. BMW." s.11... ar.ylw I299/month «C.".. � Two -Way <:.�.�,�.., wl.i cx. , C a l l i n 8 nlNbkt—, ..%Ls Y 'k Ili .n. O.L'ill-. P.I,lft- ra.r Save .n aJJn:onal P14b ,m all y(mr olh<r long Jivlun:c cal.. Pw, Crada, Ni.w...,.d IIfM kbe-berL. �.dpr..•e M-17, ilk. '„er,,. ilk 111, hill. U.i. in.. ",-dh wv expanded service to: Whitby, Oshawa, Howm.mville, Newcasll., Port ferry & Iliac kslmk areas r �• ' >,Telehop � e fAvwiWa9 'o A�aa-Prherinq exClarg.3 ortly') o (416)406-3977 Notice of Liquor Licence Application o� The following establishment has applied to the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for a Sale License 1-iard Wood Billiards & Cafe 74 Commercial Avenue, Ajax Any resident of the municipality may make written submission as to %tether the issuance of the licence is in the public interest having regard to the nods and wishes of the residents. Submissions must be received no later than March 7, 19%. Please include your name, address and telephone number. Note: The LLBO gives the applicant details of any objections. Submissions to be sent to: Licensing and Permits Branch Liquor licence Board of Ontario 55 Lake Shore Blvd. E., Toronto ON M5E 1A4 Fax: (416)326-5555 Pour des renseignements cn &angms concernant cettc annonce, veuilIez &—rice A: Direction des permis Commission des permis d'alcool de l'Ontario 55, bout Lake Shore est, Toronto ON N15 IA4 Tdlicopieur. (116).326-5555 ovaTloN E cE 4 DAYS ONLY. WED. FEB. 7 -SAT. FEB. 10 SAYE 0 UP TO7 OFF SHUTTERS BLINDS DRAPES JMISMEASURED & UNCLAIMED MERCHANDISE SAVE % UP TOV5 0 OFF DISPLAY DRAPERIES & BLINDS All sales final on Clearance Stock FABRIC . REMNANTS00 42$-0937 SQ. YD. 15 31 " N)ur Winclou De orufinf; ci,rart, • D BLINDS & DRAPERY 88 Old KUn Rd., Ajax (Pickering Village) SHOWROOM Mon -Wed 10.5, Nn. A Ffi 10-6.3d. ►o -s 1 . • . . . h f . • . , . . 1 , • . . . I , PAGE 14 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED.. F'FBRUARY 7,19% Drunk driving victim offers students a sobering tale B, LINDA WHITE STAFF RI-}'ORTIR DURHAM -- For a woman "hose life changed dramatically then she Lot into a car %N ith a drunk driver. %yarning students of the dangers of drinking and driving helps her deal with %N haj7 hap- pcned. "%tx store is one of hundreds." Nlcloxly Ouellette. 30, tells students dur- in,, presentations on drinking and dri- , u, "I never thought it would happen to mc. but it did and it could happen to you. '&hat Fill to mg to say is 'Yc,'. it can happen to am onc. but I wouldn't wish it on an%hoch. The Ajax resident t+as „ \+hen she gut into the car w ith a Io nor hog Incnd after a night of drinking in Montreal. where she lived at the tmic. A didn't realize (he) had had one too man\.•' Mrs Ouellette recalls. "He asked me to talk to hem so tic could stay awake Unfortunatch.. I fell asleep. "The car hit the curb a few min- utes later and I woke up to sec us S1 riding on t%+o wheels. just like PU In a stunt. We flipped user onto the roof and slid , on the roll bar f 100 to atx,ut 4,0 metres It pinned ni. hands bct\kccn the roof and the road wa�, �\ hcn the car final1% came to a stop. Mrs. Oucl- lettc rcnncmhcrs . lecling -excruci- ating pain Her hoyfriend got out of the car ONLY and managed to lift it so she could free her hands. • It wasn't a prat} sight." she admits. "M\ fin- gers were crushed and mutilated." Twu young men stopped and rushed Mrs. Ouel- lette to Ute hospi- tal. "To this day. I don't know who those Good Samaritans were." She spent the next eight hours in sureen and the next eight months in hospital. Though doctors were able to reconstruct her left hand with plastic surgery. her right hand • Has finally ampu- tated. At one point. doctors suggested using her toes as fingers. but Mrs. Ouellette was vete w, ameea ural Set "tired of being treated like a guinea pig" and &C called for her 4hepaltntand hand and part of her forearm to be amputated. She received an electronic Prosthesis six months later. Admittedh, she's not angry with her f0rrtter boyfriend, though she never saw him again after he Ieft the hospital the night of the accident \%ith just a cut on Ills shoulder. "It was nt\ choice to Let in that car... Mrs. Ouellette explains 1 can't blame amonc but ntvsell'. I-.yery day. 1 ha\r to put m\ prosthesis on. I get angry \%hen I can't find it, because I'm aktaxs sating it down somewhere." Aller the long and slow road to recover\. '.\lr,. Ouellette decided to share her exp encnce with students after rcadimu, about teenagers ��ho were killed in a car accldcnt in Kingston. Shc con- tacted police there and vas in\ ucd to address asscnthlics. I didn't realize he had one too police in Mrs. Ouellette's home town ol' Moncton. New Brunswick, also invit- ed her to speak to students. She has told tier story to about 150X) teenaL,ers and says the response "has been fanlastic. "I've been stopped in shopping malls and have received a lot of thank -you notes. I'm glad I'vc made at Icast some of, then) realize the out - conics of drinking and driving.' Mrs. Ouellette has contacted Durham Regional police %%nth a desire to do the same here and is 1 2Cw, 457 V%451 1 M *lr*x 641 129 'tl9'W, 64% 41.M *2nx 641 SA t30'W, 641 7.M 4M 611 1W t46'Ml, 647 11.M ILI$ 241IV, 457 1A 20 W, 641 SA 31'W, 647 t1.7S 4rm 617 11L29 27%4n i.M T21VX 647 SA t32 -W- 647 U$ I 51'W, 617 AN 3'1% 45^. 1.9• 22'W, 64', 11,71111 433 W, 647 &A M 617 ISM 36'W,45'L 5.11 *23w, 64'L &M r34w, 64'L &A f66'W, 641 17.M 40'W, 457 11,49 24wc 6t'L &A IF& 647 as rrm, tion mn 44w, 451 7.M *251M, 647 is M 36A1, WL 11.75 14%W 721 5.11 48"M45` 731 t26'W, 64': S.M tMV, 64'L !.M 16w, 721 S.iS 54'W. 4-. 9.17 27 W, 64'. {.79 40'W, 64'L I OA 66'W, 647 13.M 6C'A. 45-. 10.1! '28'W, 64*. 7.79 *42'W. 64", 11.40 781*, 841 UM inviting teachers interested in warning both elementary and secondary students about the dangers of drinking and dri- ving to call her. Mrs. Ouellette is willing to speak to either individual classes or assemblies in Durham. She can be reached at 427- 1736. or i t Al tHE NEWS ADVERTISER, ED., FEARUARY 7,1996 -PAGE 19-A Pickering libraryoffers serveces for visually 0 Library teams up with CNIB to expand what's available PICKERING -- Two major new services for the blind and visually impaired will be offered by the Pickering Central Library beginning this month. The library is teaming up with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) to provide expanded library service to CNIB clients who live here. Blind or visually -impaired residents can call the library and have staff there find information or items such as books on tape for them from the library's own resources. EVERY STUDENT DESERVES SUCCESS Grade Expectations specializes in supplementary education designed to improve classroom performance. Our one -on -rine attention increases self-confidence and helps your child achieve their scholastic potential. • Enrichment or remedial programs for grades 1 through OAC • Individualized programs including Reading. Math. Writing and Study Skills • Low studentiteacher ratio (;1,A1 )1•: • Resource Room featuring Apple Macintosh computers and educational software • Classes after school and Saturdays: summer nroarams aisn avaiiahie If the local library doesn't have what's needed staff will be able to go on-line to the CNIB library in Toronto to find the information or items there. The new service will allow CNIB clients to obtain CNIB information faster (its busy library serves all of Canada) and to become more familiar with local library resources. 1M Glenanna Rd. I -A111.1 1.X F R NS Suite 103 ;.i•,.. cE i Pickering - - -- - 420-9930 Medical Centre Tbe• .Smart bier• rip Learn CNIB material will still be delivered to clients in the usual way, via Canada Post. The other new service is the provision of a special computer workstation with software which will enlarge screen print to allow people with partial vision to use the library's catalogue database without any external help. A partial grant from the National Library of Canada's Adaptive Technology Program helped the Pickering library pur- chase the computer and soft- ware. During White Cane Week which runs to Feb. 10, the cen- tral library is hosting a special display highlighting its new ser- vices on the second floor foyer. P% Expectations Can Help Your Child Succeed We live in unique unies. As parents, we want the hest po,sihle education for our children. Hu%kcver with budget constraints corse increased class sizes. makin , it more and more difficult for teachers to meet the demands of each one of their students. More families depend on two incomes. and Parents struggle to find the time, and the necessary skills to help their children learn at home. This becomes a problem when a student is experiencing difficulty in the classroom. While teachers try their absolute hest for each student. time restrictions make it difficult for them to assist all those who need extra time. This is where the Grade Expectations Learning Centre can help. "Our teachers• each certified by the Provincial Ministry of Education. use our individualized programs to assist students with their area of difficulty says Rosana Gardner. cps -owner of the Grade Expectations I.carnin`_ Centre in Pickering. "Each class of no more than three student., is held in a separate room to minimize distractions and promote IearninL,. Our experienced teachers focus not only on the student acadernic development but also on helping them improve their confidence and self esteem." "We begin with an academic assessment of each student to establish the level they are performing at. and then a program is developed specifically for them. Therefore no two programs are the same. says J(,celyn Acheson, Rosana's partner. "In addition to classroom time. students can use our resource room h+ r half an hour hetorc and after their class time. Our resource roorn is equipped with computers and cducational oames. This allows the students to learn as they play. without taking time away from their Mass time:' Students attend Grade Expectation,, for either one or two hours per week. depending on their needs. The teaching hours are %ionda-, to Friday. 4:3o p.m. to 1( 0 and Saturday 9:(X) a.m. to 1:(X) P.M. The Grade Expectations Learning Centre in Pickering is centrally located at I KS; Glenanna R,,ad. Suite 103. in the Pickering, Medical Centre (across from the Pickering Town Centre. adjacent to the Pickering ('cntral Library ). Grade Expectation% is proud to be a Canadian Company. For more information, please call (y05) -120-99i0. Brought to you 1% � 683-7040 404-2623 nifoso(Fromurce - (Durham West) ............6023 Parent Finders ..........6044 Myaigic Encephaiomy)rtis Business Networking Group of Association ........6024 Whitby 6045 y Today's Bi ...........5020 Oshawa Centre Cinemas ....7022 Ajax Bridge Club .. 6000 Fibromyalgia Support 6025 Poets in the Pub Aries ....................5021 Whitby Cinemas 7023 Oddfellows/Flebekahs .......6001 Epilepsy Parents Support ..6026 .........6046 Taurus ...................5022 Ajax/Pickering Cinemas ......7024 Oshawa Legion ............6002 Osteoporosis Support .......6027 Ajax -Pickering United Way 6050 Gemini ...................5023 Pickering Moviplex 9 ........7025 United Survivors Sydenham Museum ............. 8188 z. Ca ncer 5024 Oshawa Little Theatre .......7026 ...........6051 . Leo......................5025 Wtayy Little Theatre ........7027 :-...:::.. . `''?>=<? Clubs Yrgo ....................5026 Durham ShoestringPerfonners7028 .fetus ::::,,. • s Libra .....................5027 Weekly Ytdeo ..............7029 Parents of Teens ...........6003 ;«':z:=:z:s:<:>»>::>: Scorpio ..................5028 Sagittarius ................5029 Rogers Community 10 ....... 7030 Theatre Durham ........................ 7031 AI -Anon, AI -Mean.......... 6004 Alcoholics Anonymous ......sees Parents Support Group ............. 6052 Oshawa Revenue Toastrnastars6028 About Crimestoppers Capdoom Oshawa Toastmasters .......6029 6047 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •5030Women's support group of Durham .r . -' Aquarius .................5031 .......... Community Care 6006 Madnbsh Uses East .......6030 Crime of the Week .6048 Pisces ...................5002 S.O.S. 6007 First Oshawa ITC Club ......6031 ........ (Smokers Overcoming Smoking) Durham P.C. User's Club 6032 Major League Bas. .5033 TOMAD Maple Leafs ........54 03 COPE (Depress) • • • • • 6 NBA ..........5035 Canadan Calorie Counters ...6009Ql•�i.rQ.S ts••��•+�,rT+we...�.+o+w 5001 Pro Update .5036 Ore Parent Families ........6010 s Execr�-Gare Home Office 8100 ......5037 Parents Without Partners ....6011 Care -Givers .8101 Super? ..................5003 Local Lacrosse .......... • •5038 Living with Cancer Support Group St. Maid's united Church .....6033 Anscot Contracting .......8102 LottNio ...................5004 Local Basebal .............5039 (Durham East) .............6012 Srncoe United Church .......6034 Erotica 1/ide0 8103 NHL .....�. •5041 Living with Cancer Support Group ..... .. x p� , • .• • .. , .... • . .5042 (Dui West) .6013 Vallillee Products Ltd. .8106 Oshawa Generals • • • • • 5043 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Youth of <::» >c`>EXLIEtJ"'S. :<:" AVE Entertainment ......8107 NFL .....................5044 Durham ..................6014 Emergency Plus "CPR" ...8111 c Joke of fm Day ............5016 Blue Jays .................5045 Emotions Anonymous .......6015 Clam gton Walking Program 6036 Once Upon A Child ......8118 Quote d the Day ...........5017 CFL .....................5046 AIDS committee of Durham ...6016 Clarington Older Adults ......6037 Call or Less Trivia Quiz ................5018 Local Hockey .............. 5047 Multiple Sclerosis Society ....6017 Oshawa Seniors Club. dance&..6038 Heart Savers CPR 8017 '• Durham College ............505t...... V."nk k.Mg Updats .. 5137 Ontario Friends of Schizophrenics hers . d h 9999 u r amnewa................... % kaVRc kering Hockey ... . ...5138 (Durham Chapter ...........6018 ., Raiders `AAAHockey .......5139 Oshawa 3 District Ostomy Associa- Sweet Adelines § Environment Canada . ......5556 erin ns ......5140 g Ajax/PickeMg Rin►gette 5141 tips ......................6019 Caesarean► Prevention .......6020 .........6039 Durham Writers/Editors ...6040 Vax/Rc kering Baseball ......5142 La Leche League ...........6021 Homepreneur Group .....6041 gjax/Pidkenng Soccer .......5143 Reach to Recovery Ajax Block Parents .......6042 :> :• A/ax/PidceMg Softball .......5144 (Breast Cancer) .......... . Home Business Association ..6043 :. .. GIC -RSP Hotl ro ........................8247 learning Disabilities Association y, ..... ::::::. •• :•J:: :ii<v+. •iti:: is .: •:::. •.: ...... ..,... .. Y PAGE 20 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., FEBRUARY 7, 1996 Hockey club scores for hospital Medical equipment will be bought for the Ajax and Pickenng General Hos- pital thanks to a donation of 53.000 from the Bobby Baun Hockey Club. The money was raised during the club's 15th annual hockey tourna- Toddlers invited to AJAX -- fit. Paul's Play -A -Long grou for texidlcn and pre -%,_ meets Thurs dav, Feb. H from 9:30 to 1 I a.m. at Si Paul's United Church, 65 King. Cres., Ajax ment in Pickering in January. On hand for the donation were, from left, hospital president Bruce Cliff, Frank Schmidt, RPN Dawn Hicks, Doug Anderson and Bobby Baun. photo by A.J. Groen Play -A -Long in Ajax p Cast is $2.50 per session and leatures arts. crafts, circle time and snacks. Call 691-4750 ( Jeanette Miller) for infor- mation. SPRING BRID�(.L SHOW `96 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1996 1J r Cr HWY.2 cc U O o °O 8 cc Z w PICKERING PKWY. � nn �LJllo� 1755 Pickering Parkway. l_]v OK') CALL (905) 427-4332 HOME LEISURE CENTRE DOORS OPEN 12:00 NOON DON'T MISS OUR FABULOUS FASHION SHOW 2:30 P.M. PRIZES * PRIZES PRIZES INCLUDING A TRIPS FOR 2 TO BE WON. The highest quality Disc Jockey Entertainment available. Our Fun & upbeat entertainers ensure an incredible, totally interactive party, reating lasting memories guaranteed or your money back! Ask about your Free pre -wedding M_� consultation Serving all (905) 940-2604 of Ontario or \_ (416) 587-8475 ,It connected to the Internet. Call 683-5110. Everyone has to start somewhere. The key is to start. And financial planning is no different, whether it be minimizing taxes, building your investments or planning your retirement. With a well thought out plan that takes into account your current lifestyle and future dreams, you'll be on } your way to attaining your goals. I'll design a comprehensive financial plan that's right Caroline for you now, and for years to come. Why? Pascoe Because you're worth more. To find out how,I come see me at the Bridal show or call me �Gzwl�xrasl w today at 831-0034 ext. 501. THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., FEBRUARY 7,1996 -PACE 21-A IF:nt t 0 er ai me Call the News Advertiser at 683-5110 with your entertainment stories PickeringPlayers play parts the Peter Bou-Ghannam and Lynda Meredith read for the roles of 'Cart' and 'Grace' in auditions for the Pickering Players' production of Bus Stop. The local amateur theatre group held the auditions last week at the Pickering Recreation Complex in preparation for the produc- tion. photo by Celia Bronk�rrs• Orchestra conducts recruitment drive PICKERING -- Arca mu.icians looking to show riff their talents arc urged to tune up their instruments. Pickcring Philharmonic Orchestra invites instru- mentalists, particularly No - who play strings, to rehearse W'ednesdays at 7:30 p.m. ]'he non-profit group plays concerts featuring favorite classical works and Pop music. Pickering Philharmonic Orchestra meets at Gandat- setiagon Public School, 1868 Parkside Dr.. Picker- ing. Call Phvllis at 905-579- 9358 or Lorin at 905-430- 1617 liar more information. They just wanna dance AJAX -- Slime ballroom dancers will be Kicking up their ]]eels at an uPcoming com- Ioc(ition. T he Let's I)ance Club hosts its 25th annual Ontario Star Ball, featur- ing both ball- montt and Latin COMPetitions. It's being held Saturday, Feb 17 in the HMS Ajax Room of the Ajax Com- Wanted: Leaf Tickets Good seats are needed for Leaf games. Will pay face value. Call 579-4400 Ext. 2207 (Tor. Line 798-7672). munity Centre. titions. Tickets Doors open at are $20 per per - 6:30 p.m. and son and are the first compe- available by titian begins at calling Les 7. There'll be Green at 905 - public dancing 686-7464 or to ballroom and Eleanor Turner Latin music at 416 -266 - between compe- 4872. The Winchester Arms Special Events February 14th Valentines Day Make reservations now ------------------- THURSDAYS RIB NIGHT ------------------- TRADITIONAL ENGLISH BREAKFAST 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. every Saturday & Sunday SUNDAYS KIDS EAT FREEf 1400 Bayly SL (at Liverpool) 837-2366 \ �) New Size,New Look New Menu $9 95 Friday & Saturday - Prime Rib Special 1 The Best Breakfast in Pickering! Full Lunch & Dinner Menu At Affordable Prices F K, >. ;� ' ' `: =• Fully Licensed Under LLBO 3 A <• Import & Premium Draft Available" (. a 7f Rougemont Dr. Pickering (905) 509-4421 .l PAGE 22 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WEU., FEBRUARY 7,19% Pickeringnovices win two OT llers to take nla off round PICKERING —The Pickering play the Aurora I i ers in the , g e sec - Panthers Nestle Ice Cream novice and round of the playoffs, start - `A' hockey team won its first ing next week. round of the OMHA playoffs two Pickering opened the series games straight over Innisfil, with with a 2-1 win over lnnisfil. both contests needing overtime to Matthew Lawrence broke the decide. deadlock six minutes into the The Panthers now move on to overtime frame. Brad Cowan To advertise in this space, ; call us at 683-5110 drew an assist on the play. Cowan scored in regulation time for the Panthers, assisted by Lawrence. In game two of the series, the two tearns played to a scoreless draw in regulation time, thanks to superb goaltending by Matthew Thompson and Ryan Sabourin. Michael Krasnowski was the hero for Pickering, scoring just one minutes and 17 seconds into overtime. Cameron Watters drew an assist. Strong play was turned in by forwards Jason Krasnowski, SPORTS Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. Ontario's best curlers descend on Pickering 0 0in bid for Brier berth PICKERING — The Wrench and the Ice -Cream Man are among the players dueling it out on Ice to see who'll come out of this week with the Nokia Cup in tow. The Pickering Recreation Complex is the site for the 1996 Nokia Cup Ontario Men's Curling Championships. Hosted by the Whitby Curling Club. the event — which started Tuesday and contin- ues to Sunday — features 10 of the top men's rinks in the Iiro)%Mice- Over 20,000 spectators are expected at the Nokia Cup to determine which rink will repre- sent Ontario at the Labatt Brier Canadian Men's Curling Championship in Kamloops. B.C. March 2 to 10. Ed 'The Wrench' We)enich. 48. representing Toronto's Avonlea Curling Club. will make his 17th appearance at the pro n icial cham- pionships. Werenich has played for the past five years with vice John Kawaja, 35, second Pat Perroud, 33, and lead Neil Harrison, 47. He's skipped world championship rinks in 1983 and 1990. Ed 'The Wrench' Werenich is aiming for the Nokia Cup in Pickering this week. Another top contender for the big price is former world titlist Russ Howard from MacTier, who won the world championship for Canada in 1987 and again in 1993 - Howard will be joined by Glenn Howard, Peter Corner and Noel Herron. The two former world champion rinks will clash in the fifth draw of the round robin on Thursday at 1 pm. in what will ostensibly be one of the watershed matches of the Championships. This year's event will offer an interesting and exciting mix of curling talent, ranging from people who have won world titles to the younger generation of curlers whose dreams of curling excel- lence remain unfulfilled. If age has any bearing on this Year's outcome. the Brant Curling Club rink of Bruce Park, 45, dubbed 'The Ice -Cream Man', shouts fare well with vice Gareth Parry. 37. second Hugh McIXW. 43. and lead Edward Caton, 40. Their average age of 41 vers is the highest in the field. However, if youth is to make it an impact, it may well come from skip Brad Minogue, 20, from the London Highland club. His four- some, including vice Trevor Wall, 21, second Mike Reid, 23. and lead Gregory Contin, 21, is the Youngest in the group of 10 rinks with an average age of 21. Placing a close second is the Guelph rink of skip John Spencer, 23, vice Gregory Robinson, 22, second Jeff Robinson, 22, and lead Nolan Sims, 22, with an average age of 22. Other rinks which will be com- peting at the Nokia Cup are the Ian Robertson rink from the Thornhill Country Club, the Dave Walker rink from the Toronto Avonlea Curling Club, the Alex Tosh rink from the Royal Kingston Curling Club, the Bob Ingram rink from the Ridgetown Curling Club and the Brad Shinn rink from the Ottawa Curling Club. Round-robin play will continue until the final draw on Saturday. If tie -breakers are required, they will take place on Saturday, with the semi-final slated for Saturday evening and the final on Sunday at 2 p.m. Ticket prices for the Wednesday and Thursday draws are S8 each, with draws at 1 and 7 p.m. On Friday and Saturday, admission price is $10 per draw with draws on Friday at 2 and 7:30 pm. and Saturday at 9 a.m. On Sunday, admission is S 10 for the final. - Tickets for individual draws will he available at the door. The Pickering Recreation Complex is at 1867 Valley Farm Rd. Wilkins's hat trick PICKERING — The Puckering Panthers Tormon tyke select hockey team continued its winning ways in North York Hockey League play by blanking North Toronto 5-0 last Wednesday. Andrew Wilkins popped in three goals for the Panthers, who got single markers from Kyle Speers and Chris Chappell. paces tykes Goaltender Ryan Daniels earned the shutout. Other team members are Mark Burnett, Daniel Prebble, Jason Dale, Brent Shearer, James McCardle, William Mitchell, Brian Darlow, Jamie Molony, Michael Broaderip, Brandon Crummey, Damien Pavlidis, Darryn Carpenter and Kyle Stewart. Justin Papizewski, David Ken, Chris Thorpe, Matthew Gifford and Scott Waters. The defence of Chris Lauder, Callum Woods, Ryan Clayton, Jonathan Moore and Cameron Clayton played a large role in the victories. Wanted: Leaf Tickets Good seats are needed fa Leaf games. Will pay fac( value. Call 579-4400 Ext. 220 (Tor. Line 798-7672). Nokia Cup draws PICKERING — Here are the draws at the 1V)6 Nokia Cup Ontario Men's Curling Championships at the Pickering Recreation Complex today through to the last round-robin draw on Saturday. DRAW 3 — FEa. 7 AT 1 P.14. A. Ian Robertson ,Thornh ll) vs. Bob Ingram (Ridgetown) B. Dave Walker (Avonlea) vs. Russ Howard (MacTier) C. Alex Tosh (Kingston) vs. Brad Minogue (Hightand) D. Brad Shmn (Ottawa) vs. Bruce Park (Brant) E. Ed Werenich (Avonlea) vs. Adam Spencer (mph) D%Aw 4 — FEa. 7 AT 7 Px A. Brad Minog„e iH ghland) vs. Dave Walker (Avonlea) B. Ian Robertson (Thornhill) vs. Ed Werenich (Avonlea) C. Bob Ingram (Ridgetown) vs. Brad Shinn (Ottawa) D. Adam Spencer (Guelph) vs. Alex Tosh (Kingston) E. Russ Howard (MacTier) vs. Bruce Park (Brant) Drew 5 — Feb. s at 1 p.m. A. Bruce Park (Brant) vs. Adam Spencer (Guelph) B. Alex Tosh (Kingston) vs. Brad Shinn (Ottawa) C. Ed Werenich ;Avonlea) vs. Russ Howard (MacTier) D. Brad Minogue (Highland) vs. Bob Ingram (Ridgetown, E. Dave Walker (Avonlea) vs. Ian Robertson (Thornhill) DaAw t — FEa. a AT 7 PAL A Alex Tosh (Kingston) vs. Russ Howard (MacTier) B. Adam Spencer (Guelph) vs. Ian Robertson (Thonhdp C. Dave Walker (Avonlea) vs. Bob Ingram (Rdgetown) D. Bruce Park (Bram) vs. Ed Werenich (Avonlea) E. Brad Shinn (Ottawa) vs. Brad Minogue (Heil) DwAw7— FEL /AT2Pill. A. Dave Walker (Avonlea) vs. Ed Werenich (Avonlea) B. Russ Howard (MacTier) vs. Brad Minogue (Highland) C. Bruce Park (Brant) vs. Alex Toah (Kingston) 0. Ian Robertson (Thornhill) vs. Brad Shinn (Ottawa) E. Adam Spencer (Guelph) vs. Bob Ingram (Rdgetown) Omw a — FEs. 9 AT 7:311111 PiL A Bob Irlg►a , (RKWown) vs. Bruce Park (Brant) B. Brad KITS, (ORawa) vs. Dave Walker (Avatea) CITha� nogue (Highland) vs. Ian Robertson D. Russ Howard (MacTier) vs. Adam Spencer (Guelph) E AIGK Tosh (KrrWW) vs. Ed Werenich (Avlortw) DsAw a — Fee. 16 AT 9 Ai A. Russ Howard (MacTier) vs. Ian Robw[son (TharnhIIIIII) B. Bob Ingram (Ridgetown) vs. Alex Tosh (Kon) C. Brad Shinn (Ottawa) vs. Adam Spencer (Guelph) 0. Ed Wereni h (Avonlea) vs. Brad Minogue (HWdwd) E. Bruce Park (Bradt) vs. Dave Walker (Avonisay Hold'em Casino Dreams Poker ,� ; : ; •#P presents Charity Casino WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY FEB.7 FEB.8 FEB.9 r AT ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION HALL 45 LAWSON RD., WEST HILL '. (From Hwy. W1 take Port Union South to Lawson, West to Lawson) Black V IND. NGOCEEDS FOR DEAF BLIND Jaci ON FOR POKER RESERVATION CALL 1-416-414-2121 P, P THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., FEBRUARY 7, 1996 -PAGE 23-A 1 SCOREBOARD PICKEFANG CUM Durnford) vs. P.C.C.C.A. 3 (Christina Bray t, Adam PEEWEE 81111111111111014McConachie 1, Meaghan Cosgrove 1, MVPs Meaghan Jan. 21: Hayna&Dsna 3 (Mia Koslsaki 1, Seen Van Deft Cosgrove, Angeline Pacione); Strikers vs. Ambedea Chiro t, Andrew VWwnti 1) vs. Biros 1 (Ben Hunter); Kalon 3 (Eric Clinic, no game; Rowdies 5 (Laura Clayton 1, Brien Kailen 1. Andrew Lowtes 2) vs. Johnson 2 (Solt Brown 1, Nishika" 1, Natasha Kalgarwc 1, Sarah Nishikawa 1, Brad Bopp Kaiganic 11); Kerr �� � + Kerr 1, MVPs Richard Sluice, Brad Ken) vs. Pickering Sb Sports 2 (Ab Yuso VJAlarre 1, Christie pe&ovsId1, MVP Ato Jan. 14: Cory Scopes 4, Lis Papadopoulos 2. Matthew YusrlWdisrns), Dennison 1, MVPs Cory Soopel, Lia Papadopoulos) vs. a.C.C.CJ1. 0 (MVPs Chrialina Bray. Shawn Mcconachie); ATOM DIVISM Arttr•riea Chino Clinic 0 (MVPs Seen Mumey. Ivan DugM0 Jan. 21: The Thunder 0, MVP Kate Vs. Rowdies 5 (Laura Clayton 1, Brian Nishd awes 3. Natasha Trophy 3 (J �' gym) `s- Premier asp Dugatic 1, Troy Reward 1. Matthew Pereira 1, Kaiganic 1, MVPs Brian NishiMawa, N; 1. Nia r Shirai 1. MVPs Troy Reward, Lisa Hayne Matthew Pesaro Meghann P�mg i 2 Y 1Mianhs 1, Na6r Shraa 1. Murray); Pickerk g Sb Sports 0 (Wtp (Tony TrentMatthew Gentile) vs. adue 2. Lions Ckrb 3 (Jordon Doody 2. Steven Dirnocld 1, MVPs Katy Robin Crowder 1, Jason Whitehead 1, MVPs Tony Biting, Jennifer Hurl); (Duality Tune-up , (Michael KostesW, -renladue. Robin Crowder)- MVps Shannon Mdaughlin, David D'Al. A111 vs. Cash,,,., , ,an. 21: SuperCentro Wh 0 (MVPs Jason itehead, Sarah (Anna Sitglelon, MVPs Jamison Hanzal, Anravng Leton, Bankers deposit points on the fast break for Ajax women's basketball victory AJAX — The Bank of Montreal women used the fast break to their advantage to defeat Glenn's Auto Service in Ajax Ladies Recreational Basketball League action last week. In a physical contest the Banken scored on fast breaks to take the lead in the last half. Despite some good inside shooting, Glenn's Auto Service couldn't close the gap. The result was a 47-40 win for the Bankers. Colleen Wetering and Julie Hughes sCc>rtxi 12 point~ apiece fox the Banken. Armee Whitehead had 13 for Glenn's Auto Service. In the other game, Dufferin Aggregates put on a fine team display against ftnt- placx. Dakota Bob's. Holding onto a slight half-time lead, f hriferin Aggregates got into foul trouble late in the second half which allowed Dakota Bob's to go to a PICKERING MARINE the line and tie the contest Neither team could get a clear shot at the final buzzer and the game ended in a 26-26 draw. Pamela Bendell, Kathy Duman, Lori Lomberg and Rhonda White each . scored six points for Dufferin Aggregates. MargoLevy replied with mine for 1844 BAYLY ST. Dakota Bob's. Many of the players m the Ajax based P110-1-(905) est west .r dr .ck acleague. live at Pickering. 837-0653'�� ++ AJAX UNITED SOCCER CLUB G_.. -o Will be holding Registration for NITS the 1996 season on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1OTH AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Under 11 Boys - Brian Arscott Under 13 Boys - Mark Purdy 683-0351 Registration is open to BOYS and GIRLS ages 5 and up. PROOF OF AGE and O.H.I.P. NUMBER REQUIRED. REGISTRATION FEE: $70 per player $195.00 per family of 3 or more Tryouts are presently being held for Rep. Teams. rUu ease contact the appropriate coach or call Mr. Nelson at 905-683-0351. n der 11 Under 13 Under 15 Under 15 Regional T. B. A. Barry O'Brien James Pantin Manny White (905) 663-6679 (905) 649-2578 (905) 428-2182 stration also taken at Nelson Hobbies in the Ajax Plaza PEGISTRATION 'mss sEaso``' fel, Wdsi"wW1w ALL pltr- 11; Co 66F -in MOW for I ALLMplipa NeuoNlio�,1laM! con $&I AM BALL ALL For more information, call 683-0706 SEAR69 S .'xpect more, from Seers 5 DAYS ONLY WED, FEB. 7 • wN., FEe. i I Starting from 491 RoadHandler® Touring Tire A premium tire made for Sears by Uniroyal Goodrich with a computer-assisted tread design for improved wet traction and hydro- planing resistance. Also available in lower aspect 60 series sizes with a 70,000 -km Tread Wearout Warranty DIEHARD GOLD'— ALL OLD-ALL SIZES AT ONE LOW PRICE AV AV Enda wah weds -i+• Our most powerful battery with up to 900 cold cranking amps of optimum power and on 84 -month pro -rated warranty Includes a 24- month free reDlacement period x50ppp series SALE PIKES END SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1996, WHILE OUANTRIES LAST Expect morefrom Sears `oPy^o* 1996. Sans Canada Ire. ■ ,� SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE 41 1411 We're open Mon.-FrL 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m, Sat. 8:00 am -6:00 p.rn., Sun. 11:00 are. -5:00 p m. PAGE; 24 -A -THE: NFN%'ti ADVERTISER, WED., FE:BRt;ARY 7,19911 �'ANAI)IA:\ •F;/�I�F •tiI-I()CJI_DFIZ :t.,73 k14 I r caESH NEVER FROZEN PORK SHO L -L UK H40CKS SALMO: iZAINDOM WFIC:HT 2 - 4 LB- AVG. .- • • AIL B1�' S P'KKG. I.H%2rr OC OC OKICID ED HA1VI SMOKED & COOKED HAM 6ze 1m ALMER. ma NO�Y�R�= uwEaa[ sw NOYRs � NQY.lS si 10� - !rte NiN sv • v EM 1 PQSQ+ST � CEMAfO ST �1101A~ WVAO�OW V CHERRY ST CARIAW AVE saw iGm At PM. 5A W ,� _ he ,_ - ". OERRARp E CM IL__ ooat..� • • MORRISON LANICTHE - STOUFFER S LEAN CUTS",E - FROZE', &A a 2N • .. -SPRING RIC) Z60 g; 7 (1 POGO FROZEN 1 MJ -FRANKS IN BATTER _ _ • E FOOD TERM/N, MIRACLE 295 BI)X • SPEC IAI. K CV REAL 375 ,: Rt) -X 1" f31F� .�.•,All �`0�:.'c�+' _ ''��� �✓ �s "'✓ iso. 'NOOUCT OF ON -ARID F SpR�N�E V(EgR(,'F'R�O' ZE N �'Fs LDF.R GTF:AK� a 39 "q LB. J �"we uwAw , a POTATOES Up. 6Zyl, 'C:,UCT riF . ENTRAL AMERICA FAN('7' GINGER. a 39 kg LB THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., FEBRUARY 7,1996 -PAGE 25-A -•jol ire Affelare-m• - GRADE "A" - . • r 2 - 4 LB. AVERAGE 3 BIRD LIMIT A 2.18 kg PRODUCT OF ONTARIO PRODUCT OF U.S.A. LB. WHM tt CALIFORNIA 4 MUSHROOMS LEMONS 4 39 kg I LB / LARGE SIZE '95s' FOR F CiSL' FiOZEN REVIOUS"" FROZEN RO UCT OF CANADA eACY4S q'—AR �r�Ep(,HICKEN FR Nun Ir aDE tllcFi�NLEcq-AR DRLJMSTICKs Y r >F: iv >a Kg I_B 2 la Rg t g tiTFWWWI: Yj 1iti0� LB PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND .POTATOES 50 LB. BAG 2 BAG LIMIT vcacXkiC� pF U S a PRODUCT CF LOUtSIANNA ai IFrnNIa vcw rwp- KILN DRIED LIUV -oLAIN r" pTv @69 PARSLEY G I�EFRZJIT ,SIZE "32s% 0 9 LIMIT 3 /FOR vraODUCT OF E l _ MANt";<O S TAL I KIWI FRUIT -1 GRADE LIGHT L"GE SIZE 4Z473" 1-AAltG= sIM= 170 HEAD LETTUCE _ NE C TA.INE S �� >�a. YovR owls >fi ZIT CT YOUR BEAD BAIT` 218 kg is r--- VA — — — — — ---- --' i JOS LOUIS ® 1 - • o� -GSI ->!s>m ' • 1/2 MOONS =� CABBAGE ► BANY� N 1 1 PACKAGE OF 6 — � 1 �D[,T YOUR OWN asks L ft -STORE RETAL $2.30i.a — ROCHM •- 'O ' CO SING Omc)lrgS =��mRmo M]LxcbR An ' CHOCOL OMS ' ApPLE S IrswTCrr BOX OF TS YoUis owm BAG 218 bw r_s- L---STORE === r------------ --- -- — --i r-------------- ------ — —� r -------------------- ------------- KRAFT CANADA CEREAL 1 GENERAL MILLS CEREAL 1 1 /-NATURE VALLEY LOW FAT*LUCKY CHARMS 1 D A *Q� fl �T 1 *CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH 1 L7 f�Q�; ' sZl I •ititii►�7 9 BBX*PAC MANitit11� 1 •COC APUFFS 1 1 -326•!! l'; •FRUI�T/ & FIBRE �1 1 375 Y 1100 q BOX 1 1 Ir�ST� RETAIL St 99 ' I wsr�OgETXr".9mX� L IN$TORE RETALL f3 l9 EA -'-- — —J L.------ -- —J L---------- ff�q- RIOCES B*BCTNE FWM Uft RiyW702W. FM MM WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UMIT PAGE 26 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, FEBRUARY 7,19% Buy one • SSI flAd week, get (905) the 2nd free! Call us for TORONTO . details 7987672 NE Applies to Articles For 683070 Sale arW vehicles For sale Only CLASSIFIED INTERNET ADDRESS: ttp://www.durhamnews.net Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.( Monday to Friday 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday or fax your ad (905) 579-2238 1' Careers On, Careers On, Careers On, Careers I l Careers 1 1 Careers 1 I Careers Me, Careers ,' Careers E Diploma programs in Microsoft Windows - Word - Excel - Access - PowerPoint - WordPerfect - Lotus 1-2-3 Financial 0%%'2 ar>ce may be avail<�'^ - Full classroom instruction. Day an evening programs. Call Today Classes Start February Enroll now: seats are limited! I 1 leach l 1 r ; ; MONTH YourFuture ■ l "I t� l PROGRA�1 r ne e,re­charging t're-ld of,,,- ';ore, l:;rnckC': r al to :.,s Al^hcse liege o m stun -.r), Tech ;olo ct^e:h%t, l: -, �s aCW College of 8esiness 8 Technology : �.� ;�• . Get Started! • _AfY S,s:E:'u Icct:ncio�„ - Pr�;,:a.T::u:r ;tk«I:t�; • Amputerized Accounting • Network Specialist (CNE -3) �ialslt • Amputer Maintenance Technology • ?tf-ce AdminWratim Financial assistance available to those who quality 416) 291-6662 1-800-993-9993 !:.. V r... ..,,r D6: h:-1, a:reet '.Ues' WeSCDI COLLEGE ae�tn /o• ). v. /-fu,r Or BUSINE>S 8 Tf CN.N000G1 MESSIER-DOMITY CNC GRINDER There is a requirement for a skilled machinist as a CNC Grinder Candidates must be able to read blueprints, use precision measuring instruments and machine to close tolerances. Preferred candidates will have a minimum of two years experience and be fully qualified to set up and operate a CNC Gap Bed Grinder. This position is a permanent full-time position with a starting rate of $19.44/hour. Please appy by resume to: MESSIER-DOWTY 574 Monarch Avenue, Alex, Ontarro LIS 2G8 or fax to: (905) 686-2914 Attention: Stecia Boss 110 110 110 110 From home opportunity that pays to train at home. 427-1559 AN Intemabonal co. re- quires sales experience people to represent a Ca- nadian Educational Trust Plan Highest earnings. Will train. Mr. MacDonald 1- 800-280-6533 V REQUIRES SERVICE ADVISER Automotive background required, experience preferred. Self motivated person with above average customer service skills needed, for our busy 7 day a week service centre. Apply with resume to Service Deft•, ,, y. _. 1300 Kingston Rd., Pickering CRUISE SHIP JOBS! Earn $30Q10M. weekly. Year round pow tions. wring both morif women. Free room and board. Will train. Call 7 Heys, 1-504-641-7778 ex. 010006 EXPERIENCED line cooks d waitresses for friendly, busy atmosphere. Good prospects Send re- sume in confidence to: 13651 Highway 12 Unit 2 Port Perry L9L 1135. General 1 taenera. 1 Help F ELECTROLUX CANADA seeks 4 pleasant, positive, individuals to service existing sales base in following areas: ' OSHAWA • WHITBY • AJAX ' PICKERING Mr. Lyon 723-3411 ExPANDING COMPANY IN OSHAWA Must replace people being promoted to other cities.Entry level through to management available. Must be able to start immediately. Call Michelle 728-8542 PEI -Genesis Wholesale Distributor of Electrical Components re- quires a tluerdfy NUNuaf (French - English) person for Telemarketing. Data Entry & Ouote Follow Lip for our Whitby Sales Office. Interested person's can fax their restore to 905-665-1166 Only those under cronsiderabon will be contacted. EARN up to 5550 a week' F10rtle1 olkers WE need people to make lowellery (necklace brace- Needed eft. earnngs) ,lob available To assemble products. coast to coast from your Free Supplies. Start nme- home No ekpenence diatley. Free details. needed. Send a self -ad- Send SASE. to dressed stamped envelope O.S.E. 117T7 to Kevencnns Corp.. 991 1057 S19eleS Ave. W. Matheson ONd E Unit 1057 REF 600. Mississauga. On- North Yt1A4 Ont. taro L4W 2V3 M2R 3X1 assernm our products. Easy work. No experience necessary. For FREE details send S.A.S.E.to R" Stir Erthrpriws vicib rkg. one, lav an your wen boss. Rental dtairs in large Aw plaza. t.il V11111im..-L3-„tu. CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser requests that advertisers check #*ir ad upon publication as News Advertiser will not be responsible for more than one incorrect inserlon and there Thai be no liability for nail -insertion of any adver- tisetnernt. Liability for er- rots in ads is knitted to the aftnotlM paid for the space OCCUpyiN the error. All copy is subject to the ap- proval of management of News Advertiser. URGENTLY NEEDEDI up io S20ilhour! Posf tions inckide product asserrtbltf, telephone work and publication dilivnbullim End No Selling- N0eVer necessary. FREE in• brrtwlion, rush iMrye SASE: HO EWORKERS am Ymp SL Sidra M245. TOroabi On IM2M13w2 ��ol��a seta fr Rome, and Tam a groat set and irlcorrla. Aweaonle 11erK rile. Training Wovwled, ca (416) 284-4493. LITTLE TOTS HAIR SHOI open. V in PKk—V need lull and part pore hairsty isM Must be licensed and MUSI LIKE CHILDREN. 416-M 3777. MOVIIE PEOPLE, Toronto': fastest growing agency seek, extras for film and TV work, al types, no exp, req. Eam $7 $22.80Rtr Work guaranteed We pkap people on movie sets awry day. Call .lonalher (416)961-2226. General General Office 0ERH Help Help Hel ' Office P Help Top Toronto agency I,tablished since1989 Looking for (,males s,6" to 511'• Stales 5'10" to 6'3" for modeling and T.V. commercials. .11111IM PS wticuMF 416-359-9200 MODELS NEEDED Female Ages 7.26 EARN EXTRA INCOME "•avel to exciting 'les: New York, Pans. Milan ,all for FREE consultation 430-5715 NEED CASH? S15 / hour Part time Car Required 905420-4880 ext. 224 = sRT TIME video store Whitby location ekoays. evenings. wee Bright. cheerful en- ;etrc retail customer rrvice experience helpful ?nc •esume to V S C 10 St •20. Whitby. "•a-.- L'.N 905 Jb I PART-TIME $9 /HR. Answer telephones, flexible hours/local area, no experience necessary. Call 1-809- 474-4291 ext. 5386 int'I Id toll SALES Representative, full-time, car essential. an appointments made by us, evenings and weekends 530-40,000 comm ss or Baby's first pictures. Call (416)284-5879 SUPERINTEND -ENT Mature expennced couple. for a 60 suite budding in Whitby Call 416-789-4145 ext 24 TIM Horton Donuts, re_ ,,u res an experienced Mull and Donut Baker Please inquire at 465 Bayly ',t Ajax FROM HOME IMMEDIATELY Weekly Pay Cheques Absolutel No BILINGUAL Inside cus- tomer Service Rep (French / English) for local compa. ny to cover 6 month ma. ternity leave Computer skills required. fax Resume to (905) 831-4922 attention Geri Graham. Ecco Staffing Services COMPUTER OPERATOR long term assignment. for large Durham area company. Shift work in -volved. 2 year computer diploma required. Digital mainframe Knowledge an asset Fax resume 9% 831-4922. attention Geri Graham. Ecco Staffing Service IF you are single or a sin- gle parent or separated or divorced with three years work experience, you may quality for financial assis- tance of if you are over 45 and have recently been laid off, you may quality for Training assistance. DIP/ CERT. Lotus. Worriperfect. D -Base. Word, Accil Bedford, Autocad, Ventura. Pagemaker, Harvard, Cor - .Computer Programming end Systems Analyst, Cc - A, Pascal and C Photo - "lop . hoto- <lop. Quark Express and i ustrator, Dcrnam Busi- i•ass Computer College. y »27-3010 Experience Required ' - No Selling Involved Skilled Skilled all '^eke 5„r�, _;,.,,a Help Help Pen and street of paper to •ecorn all informarwn SECRETARY, for 3 months, small medical of- fice Nelson Rd 30 - 38 hrs per week Days. eve. and Sat Apply to File 117270 Oshawa Whitby This Week. PO Box 481. Oshawa, Ontario LIH 71,5 ' Sales Help/ Agent R.E. AGENTS Needed for new home site in Pickering. Fax Resumes in confidence to Anne at (416)482-7700 WORKING Homemakers E^joy •no•e 'ar ly time "ome based mini office anchm,ng Earn as you --am Benefits 416-757- '331 R.I.B.O. LICENSED C.S.R- Required by expanding GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER 'Agency Manager'expenence necessary. Mall. deliver or fax resume to WITTY INSURANCE BROKERS 15 Harwood Ave. S.. AI ax. Ontario. L 1 S 2B9 Fax (905) 428-8672 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., FEBRUARY 7, 19% -PAGE 27-A Sales Help/ Saks Help/MR Saks Help/ Saks Help/ Agent � a Mechanical Cc 24 hrs, Ie- Skilled Agent Agent Agent Help drains, appliances in- REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY SALES REPRESENTATIVE Service man for commercial VAV systems andRef industrial HenseandA/ low rates. 472-4845. Emer- Refrigeration license and AIC gencies. 416-424.3503 license. Gas Fater •t re - Mobility Products red call 4347151 or DOrating to fax 430-7154 This role offers a business -oriented, self -motivated williffillp WE ACCEPT •••• professional considerable autonomy and the opportunity to Hospital , Medical Dental determine your own income, based on results. Compensation • Moving 3 is comprised of a competitive base salary plus a sales bime '°' Osha- Serving Dunham and out of incentive arrangement. wa.O.A gr; uMal practise Please forward resume to 172 AJAX Maung Systems full • If you have a proven track record in sales (preferablyIn Home K,ng St E Swte 201. pshawa out L,H 1B7 Art PERING and painting - • Health Care) we would encourage you to send a resume to Office Manager rate or hourly. We now the: Director, Human Resources, Shoppers Drug Mart, 225 DENTAL Receptionist re - rw; Yorkland Blvd., Willowdale, Ontario M2J 4Y7 7u me evenings and Saturdays mus, nave vegan for 10 years. Senior Dental and computer ex An equal opportunity employer penence Call 571-2443 5764 EXPERIENCED denial fir Tues :Jed Thurs.�Sat Gall Joan Skilled =t ?05-576 3070 Hein YL•e're looking for a professional, energetic self starter to sell retail advertising space ort !Torr a mnrirunnl „l.1 years sales experience. 'i01derarurcif the value of it adr'errisink ri,iii a neer 1" advance your career -u Nhouiri sivici ; ,:rr rc.rli L,.rrl/rlete it Il%r trtL omit, ctT/x'c (intuits to Luckey Media Services Fax: (905) 615-0110 ADVERTISE YOUR WORSHIP SERVICE BY CALLING JANICE 576-9335 OR FAX 579-2238 At L6 a, oil] E C T O R Y Fax News Advertiser68"707 683-7363 Min"Proventents; GCB CONSTRUCTION n:encr and extenor repairs, renovations and construction. Fast and clean profession- al work guaranteed. Craig, 6W1913 'MISTER CHEAP'. Roth• "'Gr,vements, rec roomed aw apartments, additions, 'Ices, decks, etc. Li- censedfa over 20 years, all work guaranteed, for Free estimate call Emile 905-404-8170 Ill ET NOME 1Ml�OVEM81NT3 Basement Apts. Rec-rooms, oun!bi% Additions, eledriCal, &f*A 15 yrs. Experience. Free estirllates, call Mario (905) 6154663• cel. (416) 560-4663 `• a H MainterlariCe Build- r'g repairs and renovations electrical, plumbing, ce- ramic tiles, carpentry. From small repairs Io major ren- ovations Fully guaranteed, free esti 3300 mates. (905)668- DUCTWORK installed, llr�"�ved. relocated. Excellent rates Free estimates. Elec- trostatic air cleaners, hu- m Ji!iers Big. Small jobs. Call Paul 428.0295. Emimpromm" EUROPEAN the soeoa ist. will renovate your bath- room, or kitchen walls. as well as floor tiles. Good ref- erences andsatisfaction guaranteed. For free ell mates call D. Dykstra 725- 4913 J.S. ARMSTRONG DEV. INC. Specializing in custom homes, additions. renovations, rec rooms and basement apartments. Res- idential and commercial. Serving Durham Region for over 15 yrs. Free consulta- tion. Call Jeff 906 -421111 - PLASTER repaired, paint- ing, all types of home re- pair. Window and door re- placements. 434-6311 or 7239781 CANDO N1IPROVEMENTS QI18kly fame renovations sirm 1975 NO PROJECT TOO SMALL • Kitchens • Basinents • Wifli 1o" • Does - Bathrooms • Etc. (905) 6W5211 !I i SIGON Construction Ltd.. serving Durham Region for 19 yrs. Additions, sundecks, patio doors, windows, rec- rooms. flagstone, free esti- mates. 905-576-5760. Improvetllertts P.M Plumbing RENOVATIONS BY WEAVER Additions. second stones finished bsmts., bath- rooms, file 8 wood fkxxs. doors 8 windows, guar- artteed and reliable call Walter (905)126-2145 VAZ GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD. Additions, Baf1s, !'115, Basements, Ceramic Tiles, Hardwood floors. Roofs, nal Doors, Deeks' Visa Accep. Call Justin For EsOrttales (905) 683- 5818 Im. GAS PIPING and dud work, installed, revised, re located. Humidification and air filtration. Serving Dur- ham for over 25 years. Call Bob, (905) 686-9726 ' • Plumbing AAA -LICENSED PLUMBER available. All your plumbing needs. Complete renovations Guaranteed lowest prices! No fob too small!! Senior discount. (905)432.2913 ALVIN SAMEDAY PLUMBING '^,ersed plumber no lob too sm". no tioo too big. free esti- mates, great prices. guar- anteed lowest 905- 725- 2507 2 :LASS AZ Tractor Trail. Drivers to ran dedicated ,ut0 pans belWeen Ostia ka and LOtkre;w N V M^- .',um • yr ex: Gear ac - tract C;ean criminal —cord Must be able to ass US DOT drug and ., cohol test Apply �^ Per - Dn Big Rig Mechanical at -iC Fareweli St Oshawa ='rev,ous acc"Cants need ..are-appiY FORK LIFT MECHANIC Pet - -.a - Aork Dumarr Region and s,rrrurding area Must -ave mnrmum 5 years '.'I axpe,,"ce on all makes an T,Odtl3 K-,- edge, 9t llectmc equ,crnent ar as. W Precise cap 905 427 7782 8 4; T MIG WELDERS `seeded --.a• cam• Must -ave•, exper ernes welds^ Lurrilnum Tcks•s are not -equ.red Please send re- sume to PO BOr :4 Port Perry. Ontano 1.31. 'A2 REGPHYSIOTHERA- PIST. %.,II - M;rk gF,. 1" "s community n��rs ng home ,n Newcastle W DOC plus Fax resumes to 4.6-489-8251 or tele- phone 4.6-489-8888 Daycare • Wanted ADULT :are-grver come .r I,, ' :;Liar ' infant Days eveningsalternate week ends Slyv P,ck'••,^.g !Von smoke etere^.es Can 839-0098 LIVE-IN '.army. Picker - 2 ex p,,, e, •eterences r,^ sm ,. car air asset , re -MA Flying • Moving 3 • House • HousePrivate Services • Storage • Cleaning • Cleaning • • Tutorsischools J. CLARK PLUMBING Mechanical Cc 24 hrs, Ie- pairs• installations, pumps. drains, appliances in- stalled, licensed, insured.. low rates. 472-4845. Emer- gencies. 416-424.3503 DIISCOt1 M FLIGHT drperson Pain" BE M YW p DOrating VF DRYWALL and painting. williffillp WE ACCEPT •••• boarding, taping. texturing. renovations and repairs. • Moving 3 Small jobs. 15 years ex- penence. Free estimates, • Storage Serving Dunham and out of town area. Ken 434-4500. AJAX Maung Systems full SUPREME WALLPA- services, moves, appliance PERING and painting - and piano specialists. Flat free estimates, residential, rate or hourly. We now no fob too small, excellent have heated storage units. rates. Serving Durham b Now oMenng free boxes vegan for 10 years. Senior with move. Park and load discounts. Call John 725- special, staring at 699. and 5764 up. Call for information, 725-0005 or 427-0005. FTYS PAINTING 3 DECOR Interior ii Exterior European Workmanship Fast, dean, reliable service. 420-0081 FAX YOUR ADS 579.2238 MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS We will move anything. anywhere anytme Commercial or resktenlial Packaging. storage and boxes available Senor 6 fwd month discounts Free estimates 571-0755 MEN with large truck will do household moves, ril dential, commercial. All types of moves Cad Cad or Jane 427.2856. Experienced Crm Movers Bargain -ates. homes. cfftces. apt. etc - Pano moving. Padung available - HARRY -0 -THE -MOVERS, - Move big or small, we price them ail' Free estimates, seniors discount. snort notice moves Pianos moved. also appliances Comparade rates. Call 432-2850. I•CHALSKI MOVM4G -hous- es, apartments. offices, appli- ances ppto-antes and piano specialists Senior and and -month cks- counts. Licensed, insured Free estimates. Ex -,ellen service Call 436.7795. • loorinFg, • Carpeting CARPET Installations - 25 years experience, restretch- ing, our speciality. Free esti- mates. D 8 N Duncan, 987- 1799 or 987.1800 • House • Cleaning SERVICE One Maid for vour choice of cleaning Spei:iahzing in quality not quantity Insured dr Bonded sots -•1941111 z Saturday service available GAILLIND AC MAID SERVICES WINTER SPECIAL FREE Cleaning with bookings of weekly 8 bi-weekly services. Inquire for details. Caring for your home with personalized and professional service for over a decade. (Fully bonded and insured) 683-7515 • Party • Sevices MAGICIAN, clown friends. ready to entertain for any age, any occasion Birth- days. promotions. open- ings. fund raisers. Magic shows are tun! Lettuce help. 839-7057 or 728- 11334. 1619-6970 I : • 1 r Party W0. Sertrrices tloxrn Bdmiw}en, re's. o omk%=MAMAPOC"" fill Emile. loot tib, Fate P'axexg 0*:.lbe• RWOK L-Ili'na RABBITwants work doing magic for children's parties and all occassions. Have my own magician Call Er - 1 668-4932. GINTAR LESSONS 20 yr player, theory, songs, and Improvisation. Most styles beginner to intermediate. (Your own home). GLEN MAIER 839-4993 PIANO LESSONS in your �7cme Classics. Pop. Exams Adults welcome Call Maurice Willock 683-6740 f• Business Services Please read your classified ad on the first day of ptbbca- tion as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the event of an error 3 r , ,.s..,., ..• •..� ...• i .i•. .0.i • • • t 'PAM -28 -)k -THE NEWSA1D`VE1M19 ,'WED» FIrORt1ARY'1. 19%* kmSkilled Skilled Skilled Help Help 10 Help AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION requires an INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYST (Contract Position) This position is a 2 year contract position which will be evaluated at the end of the term for a further extension or possible perma- nent placement. The Information Systems Analyst will be responsible for • Evaluation of hardware/software solutions: • .Awareness of technology trends in the business community and utility industry. • Installation , set-up. configuration and support of PC's , peripher- als and software: • Integration of new and existing hardware and software compon- ents: • Working with utility personnel to analyze systems and implement business solutions: • System security. backup and recovery procedures; • Database Administration and Network Administration support. Our utility software includes packages from Autocad. developed contract software written in BBX and Visual Foxpro, H.P. Unix Op- erating Systems and Novell Office. Current hardware includes an HP9000%827 and a network of integrated personel computers. The successful candidate will have a degree /diploma In Data Pro- cessing with a minimum of three years experience in a data pro- cessing environment A working knowledge of UNIX. WIND- OWS.DOS. TCPIIP. and NOVELL is necessary and previous utili- ty experience would be a definite asset. We thank all the applicants for their interest, however we will only contact those candidates selected for an interview Applications will be accepted until February 29.1996. Please submit your de- tailed resume, in confidence to: Ajax Hydro - Electric Commission 55 Taunton Road East AJAX, Ontario LIT 3V3 Attention : File #01-96 Personal Information subm tt. . w ecied ;-,w ne authority of the Munic- ipal Freedom of Information Act and will be used to determine eligrbrlity for employment TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVER ideal Roofing Cc _.c a-a­.ufacturer of steel roofing and siding is presentiy searching for a licensed "AZ" Truck Driver in the Oshawa area t.'ust have 3 years driving experience with '-at bed, rack and tarp and be capable of leaving on 2 to 5 days tnps Please send resume to . Claude Laplante, V.P. Hunan Resources, i4is Michael street, _ Ottawa, Ontario. Kld 3R2 tax to 613 746-0.135 ideal roofing mp•n, ltd - ideal reviiM meat c••nti.a,. �w. DaycareDaycare • Available • Available EARN A GOOD INCOME FROM YOUR OWN HOME ec Veatch 1116% ate Home Uay Care i% kwtking for mature, reliable individuals inlcrested in providing qualith dad care in their ovin home. Ne oRer: • Full trasatwx and onpou•g Paynwnr few ctatut„n wpp,wt limned,,♦ • -an equipwwnt few Payuwut f.w tlw last S children 5 Int, and older da,. ,4 child', iiiii • Full itxwirwwr cc„erp•e For more infoxnlation call: 686-4816 MW 106*4 A LICENSED AGENCY INFANTS -12 YEARS OLD In caring, safe, fun home environment. Licensed by M.C. S. S. Reasonable rates Receipts, flexible hours. Call DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAYCARE 509-1207 CHILDCARE available, Sayly/Krosno area 18 months and up Before and tatter school also available. Phone Linda 905-4249041 for more details LOVING daycare provided it my home. Nutritious meals provided. Close to park. Reasonable . Refer- ences 905-619-6589 WEST INDIAN FAMILY Ajax area needs live-nvout nanny for 5 mo and 3 yr old Call (905) 683-4859 Iwo Employment Wanted ADMINISTRATIVE a - aa^' J,^or BooKkeep- • , seeks 'III or par :,^te ositior with reputable 7mpany 420-3899 or 28-6550 CERTIFIED Health Care -,d. ioo..n., 'r work. part "tie. nex.5:e hours wrm wn transportation look ' g for short or long W. miton Excellent refer- - tees Cal 579-4570 ' Firewood A GREAT DEAL Top tow pnces FREE DELIV RY Serving Picker g. Aa. Whitby and Osrawa ',aft DURHAM FIREWOOD 427-4741 BROOKLIN FIREWOOD Eslao.,slac 2`- rears Bush Irds face cords and x.r ping bags of quality sea - �)ned firewood Fast '•bndly service and free delivery Please phone or eave message (905, 655- 5490 or 655-8797 FIREWOOD. Excefient Ruaoy ryrdwcoo. Guar- anteed. extra long time fully seasoned, cut and split Honest measurmentFree del very Kozy Heat, Fire- wood (905,753-2246 FIREWOOD, Hardwood cut and split. $155 cord or $35 extra for delivery per cord We also have Slabs S50 bnd for softwood . $80 for hardwood bnd. 905- 263-8058 SKIDS & Pallets for fire- wood, hardwood & soft- wood nixed, pre cut or bro- ken, delivery available. large & small bads Limited time offer call (905)430- 9013 FIM FMI Market 4 HP snowblower, only 4 years old 5350. Table & Chair set. $60 Or Best Ofl- er. Call(905) 831-5864. ' Articles for Sale WHEELCHAIR Quickie Rx model Brand new, nev- er used asking 51450 Make an offer. 905.579 4992 18• Digital Satellite Sys- tem For as little as $9 OCV wk. No money down Rent to own by phone (905)571- 1413 Clarington residents caii 404-2615 AUCTION SALE SAT. FEB. 10TH AT 10 A.M. 870 TAUN- TON RD. E. WHITBY. New furniture. an- tiques, furniture, tools. vehicle We are selling this week a large sale from the movers plus others including 10 pc diner, 2 U Com- puter tables. Chester- fields & love seats, coffee tables. chtkis 7 PC bedroom suite. electric organ. 7 pc. pine diner. 3 new ex - erase bikes. 2 tread- mills. approx 30 Lim - tied Edition Prints. new tools, saws. grin- der. Craftsman jointer planer & 12- bandsaw. table saw. Senco air brad nailer, drill press. cases of STP Son Of A Gun. new small bat- teries, new mag wheels, golf carts. new oak table. 1000 pounds of weights, 3 drafting tables c/w arms. 4 dr filing cab. VEHICLES 90 GMC 12 ton loaded. 88 mercury Topaz GS caded. Note Tune: 10 a -n Good Sale Plan to attend The articles from the movers are unknjwn to us at time of ad. so come view as we could have some real good arti- cles Viewing Fri from 1 pm. to 6 p m. Terms Cash, Visa. MC. Debit Card MCLEAN AUC- TION L LIQUIDATION 9054111 OR 905432-29M AUCTION SALE SAT. FEB. 10/96. 5 P.M. PETHICK AUCTION BARN. 2498 CONC. RD. a8. BOWMAN- VILLE. (HAYDON) This week we nave to be sold a large variety of antique & modern furniture. collectable glass & china, lawn & garden equipment. tools. Including oak dining room table, oak chairs. wing back chairs, chesterfield suite. bedroom dress- ers, Ltd Edition art & many other nterest- Ing & unusual items. Large Sale. Viewing from 4 p.m. Terms are Cash, Visa, MC or Debit Card. For more into. call : (905) 260•4252. Sale ^arta9d Intl sold by Carry K Powe Y Auctions, Appraisals i Liquidstiota. SAT. FEB. 17, 11 A.M. PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION AT PETERBOROUGH AUCTION CENTER On Hwy 7 2 mi E of Peterborough. Now accepting consign- ments; of cars. trucks, vans. 4 x 4 's. rv's Consign early to be Steil in ads Expect- r,q approx. 40 vehi- cl. s Let us sell your a, Call now. Orval Ms :Lean Auctions Po"erborough 745-5007 or 1-800-461-6499 Orval and Barry McLean Auctioneers COUNTRY ESTATE AUCTION GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE. NE WTONVIL LE FEB. 8TH, THURSDAY, 6 P.M. Se_mg she antique "Vents from the es- !,i'of Milfred Sim- -son, Rossmount. F!nlay Oval cook ,�1• ve. oval kitchen .•x••rnsion table, pine ^•aus. press back a•^' chairs. 4 wash - ,rands, chests of :rawers, brass bed, ' bees. tubular Zeds, sideboard, odd 'abies, trunks. oil ^ps. glassware. .1 sties, fridge, stove. Fe•nery stand, plant stands. blanket chests, wardrobe, slope couch. Old ice t;rx games, fish lack- '� old advertising, 'arm and garden too s, rotor tiger. like new mower, ladders. boxes , boxes and boxes of interesting articles yet to be un- packed (An amazing gathering of Memo- rabilia from the good old days) This auction will be conducted in 2 sessions, starting Thursday, evenings 6 pm and Including Saturday morning at 10 30 a m. Terms: Cash, approved cheque, visa, interac. Aucitionew: Frank G. Stapleton. (905) 786-2244, Fax (905) 786-3591 Celebrating our 25th yfew F'ip r CALL 683-7545 for up-to-date auction listings. AUCTION SALE SAT. FEB. 10, 10 AM Outstanding Auction of Antiques. Collecta- bles. Art. Coins & lum- ber of TOM PURVIS, Brechin, held at the Wilson's Sales Arena. Uxbridge, including 9 pce. ant. walnut dining rm.suite, bonnet chest. harvest table, bake table. side by side. settee & chair, armoire, unique 1865'5 hall stand. flat back cupboard, qty ant pine dressers, qty of painted pine, oak church pews, qty ant clocks. (mantle & floor standing) qty. and lighting, National (:ash register (brass & ak works. EX ). 2 wheel coffee grinder, 'due flowered crock Nell McIntosh. Mon- treal), Ivory domi- noes, omenoes, B/A & Veedol tans. music books, milk bottles. qty of old tins prints- Bateman "Leopard & Thomp- son Gaselle• & -Rhino 0 Ngoro Ngoro • T Romance "First Mate ' & *Gone to tate Store'. Paul Calle. Nendy Fleury. Ron aarker. David Hayes Original Pastel 'Great Horn Owl Filo.: -soap stone plaques qty. ant Corns & paper 'Honey. Ig qtu . ant glass, china. and crystal , chest silver. Ig qty lumber- cherry, butternut, ash & ma- ple suitable for mak- ng furniture., qty tools, bandsaw etc . plus much much ^are. NOTE: Quality sale - over 1000 lots with some very rare and unusual items Third generation of Purvis' m Brock Twp. TERMS; Cash , Visa. M.'C. or interac. View - ng •;00 a.m. Sale Day. Sale site. 905-852- 6277 GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Div Of 1081454 Ontario Inc. ) Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 Toll Free 1-800-654-4647 ODD FELLOW S HALL, PORT PERRY 14460 SOUCOE STREET NORTH, SOUTH OF HWY aY 7A SATURDAY NIGHT FEB 10TH VIEW 6 PA. SALE 7 PAt Partial List: Sanyo, Sony, Fisher, Venturer, Electronics. Compact disc 5 CD changer home stereos, CD detachable speaker radios, cordless phones & answer machines & caller IDS Walkmans, 20 to 25" colour TVs with closed capture, 2 head & 4 head VCRs TV/VCR combo, personal CD player with car kit, porcelain dolls L.E. edition, Ashley Santas, Emily, Samantha etc. TVNCR stand, baby strollers, occasional furniture, kitchenware, 5 pcs kitchen country dinning set, air beds, cookware sets, 14 k jewellery, diamond dinner rings, bracelets, Michiko pearls Holmes heaters & humidifiers, porcelain vases, fish bowls, watches, toys, computers, cress steppers, gymbikes, ski machines all computerized, tools, wrenches, screwdrivers, sockets sets,phers, bench vise, drill bits, organizer tables, 5 pcs computer table set, name brand tents, trampolines, collectible die cast cars, antique oak reproduction phones, oriental hand painted figurines, cork pictures, cedar chest, goose down duvets & sheets. Too many to list, something for everyone. Terms: Cash. Visa. Mastercards. AUCTION SALE WED. FEB. 14196, 6:30 P.M. KAHN AUCTION BARN, 2699 BROCK RD. N. PICKERING, EXIT 299 OFF 401. This sale includes Items from an antique store closeout in Bel- leville and a large lo- cal estate of quality furniture & collecia- bles to Include oak di- ningroom tables & chairs. walnut 9 pc diner, rattan dining rm suite, mahogany & oak armoirs, mahoga- ny & oak china cabi- nets, some w/leaded glass. Gabbard & Mal- com bedroom suites, stacking bookcases, oak Hoosier, rockers, 6 1 er display case. oak grandfather clock. circa 1900. several mantle clocks. several Victorian arm chairs, Vic. oval ex- tension table. 3 pc. walnut sofa set, cedar chests, Victorian lounges, several wash stands. tea wagons, ornate carved credenza. rugs & carpets. Willis apt size piano, hall stand, wicker patio furniture, oak roll-top desk, chairs, Reming- ton bronze statues. silver tea set, silver candelabras, 2 large china dish sets. dressers. chests, srnl tables. original char- coal & oil paintings, and many other inter- esting & unusual items to be sold. Large Sale Viewing from 1 p m. Sale Day Terms are cash. VISA. MC or Debit Card For more into call 1-905-2634252. Sale managed and sold by GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS. APPRAI- SALS & LIQUIDATIONS. PROPERTY OF MR. AND MRS. PENDER, GIBB ST., OSHAWA. SAT., FEB. 10 AT 6 P.M. At Myles King Auction Hall, 33 Hall St. Osha- wa. Modern and an- tique furniture plus house trailer. Almond stove and refrigerator, antique 8 pce dining room suite, leather back chairs, walnut coffee and end tables, ches- terfield suite (new) Zenith color t v , an- tique bookcase, wash- stand, gate leg table and chairs, magazine table, antique center tables, 2 steamer trunks. 3 pc. bedroom suite, 4 pce. bedroom suite, chest of drawers, dressers, snowblower. pictures, antique dishes, silver, china, tools, garden tools etc. 22 ft. Coach- rnan Cabil trailer com- plele equipped, like new, terms cash, all consignments wel- corned. sales every Tu—s. Thurs- Sat. 6 P in MYLES KING AUCTIONEER 725-5751 FRI. FEB. 9 AT 5:00 P.M. Held at the Good- wood Community Centre. Hwy 47 In Goodwood. Large es- tate sale plus quality inclusions, antique furniture. 5 major household applianc- es. lots of collecia- bles, old metal toys, glass. china, primi- tives and quality mist. Note earlier start time as sale is large but we will sell smaller value items for first 90 mm Call for taxed list. Terms Cash known cheque only. CLARKSON AUCTIONS 905-640-6411 AUCTION SALE Sunday aTtefnoon F?b 111h 1 p rn. 'Brittany Auctions Burnham St. and Hwy. 1401, Cobourg. Contractors Sa il'.:xis-text 3 electfjui. 12-14. 16' teatherldc job-! -.e-.rty box, desk top toshiba copier, d wait d- radial a saw ;,v: elec heater pipe bender, 9Z snow t1ower, 18-1 ar 10mm Mak to drill, jigsaw. 600' 3/8 nylon rope, lar note of 1' rylOr. tope. asst'd city interior doors, pipe bend ext cords, 100' of assi'd pipe/cocluit/clamps/fiftings/cc ^,``etc ,city of copper scrap mire, assi'd pry spools of wi 'I?r boxes. outlets. h d fuse panels. 41- !ighl fix & bull 25 spools asstd cable couch/sofa bed, toilets, cabin shower Stan (new) vanity, solid birch cabinet (new), medic; � esls. !dns/hoods/bllnds/shelving. plus mise. contract( ?c supplies, no reserve cash -visa -mc -bank card i4grltbm AMCtions" Cobourg (905) 373-7255 Hastings (7fi5) 616-211 "NOW WE CAN SELL YOUR GOODS WORLDWIDE ON 1HE ?I CALL FOR DETAILS -e mail auctions@oncandis.on ca MAJOR AUCTION SALE NOTICE Acting urxlrr instructions received we will sell in detail lots. *LIQUIDATION STOCKS* PUBLIC *ART GALLERY S7;ocKs* AUCTION CONSIGNMENTS *COMPUTERS* *CHRISTINE -MARSHALL *MAHOGANY HELD AT: DATE: THE NEWCASTLE THURS. EVE. FEB. 08 AT COMMUNITY CENTRE 7:OOPM 20 KING ST. WEST (PREVIEW AT 61:0011"Mil NEWCASTLE SILVER COFFEE i TEA SERWE'i8&SU CONK IM * AFGHANS' GIASSW U CRYSTAL * Will CLOCKS *SAM= SWORDS • DISNEY ITEMS • GRMHEN WOLF DOLLS' SIGNED GRE'IZI(T PRINT • COINS * JEWELRY * OAK • MAHOGANY • HAND CARVED RW[ ME a ACCENT ITEMS * DOULTON * HUMMBL * SWAIIIII S KAISER * BUM • MOOD CARVINGS' BRONZE STATUARY' SPORTS NEWIMM • LAMPS * DINNERWARE SETS • CRYSTAL * GLASSWARE * MUSH',NS • OVER 200 CUSTOM FRAMED LIMITED EDITION PRINTS ' ROMANCE' CHRISTINE MARSHALL • LUMERSCAMN * LOATES • DECOR ART • CANVAS * ACCENT MIRRORS • SPORTS ART' OVER 800 ITEMS TO BE OFFERED NO BUYERS PREMIUMS OR SURCHARGES FREE DRAW AT SAIF CONCL=USION !rms. Cash. Visa. Mc, as per posted 6 announced at sak. Additions 6 De tsorts apply. F20FESS MLMC. 416.288 IM I 0 ! AI�iCk1a t Aft Ns Articles THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., FEBRUARY 7,1996 -PAGE 29-A Houses For Sale For Sale les WantedW!:rSale ' TruckaSale ' Apartments �ortRent A For A ForRertetI f For Rent Awe, IeCla an ANTIQUES Absolutely, 1991 STYLUS ISUZU TAKE OVER �I w y es - and I hot (like and Iiture, din- losier Itlque chi - pine ttees, 50 hun- alible, Royal 'mes. nsign ie or uality Lean 324- .461 - Ile. 'Pt. our ur SLEEPMASTER LTO. Purchasing furniture or an. old Scientific instru- Red. low kms. well main 1993 1 ton GM workVanythng MATTRESSSALE merits, china' silver. adver- tamed 5 Speed $4999 cert Looks & drives like new 14 months left Scarborough (416)265-2872 4 -piece bath. 5 appliances. tisrng. toys, decoys. dolls. Must Sell 905.831-8729 or plus utilities 683-8768 MOVING TO A NEW LOCATION milk bottles. collections or estates Call Robert Bowen 905 287-3644 evenings trails/ RMI WHITBY - 2 bedroom con- Antiques (905) 6558049. 1991 SUNBIRD LF pis. 4 Wheel Drive FVERYTHING MUST Brooklin a/c. am/im, tape, under pets Call 436-9936 or after HE SOLD! UNWANTED Scrap metal coated, 4 -door, while, like new Call 905579-1943 1986 AEROSTAR, XLT, �(] -r I, 'NG AT picked up. fridges, stoves. washers, dryers. cars. 1991 Sunb:rd ,90.000 KII- silver Auto 6 cylinder, $3.200. l9�' tiI'.-hS STAR ' • trucks. etc Call (905)430- orneters White. 4 door,new tires. also wanted old Coca Cola vending me - The PST & G S T 9013 air conditioning,1 owner S6 000 r best n chill & advertising signs - WESTNEY/401;Hwy 2, AJAX central - 2 storey 3 new 1 -bedroom w/o base- bedroom, parking, large meat apartment, backyard backyard. quiet neighbour - level, living/dining, kitchen hood. near amenities No 4 -piece bath. 5 appliances. pets 4 appliances. S875 central air, parking, $645 plus utilities 683-8768 -h ckrv, 428.8752 Credit AVAILABLE FEB. 15TH ,-heck ;ne 3 B�r!r;om mai^ fldtr tun - WHITBY - 2 bedroom con- galow. Oshawa. large q,, 19th !loo,, beautiful backyard, laundry facilities. ,ol,thwest view. applianc- $925 utllme , Included No s wasrer, dryer, parking pets Call 436-9936 or after eluded. Available March 5 436-0352 ' S1C00 all Inclusive Call S?75 Computer We i WANTED, appliances Call 728-9239 0 o er Gary 571-1556 2 bedroom basement 4 apartm,, ', avadabie at after 4 p m 905-655-4063 BRICK Bungalow three appliances. 4 -piece bath, 888 and 900 Glen St Close bedroom bungalow. full Limited AwrMtities working or not. • repair 1990- 150 DODGE RAM h 1992 510 Extended -Cab. private entrance. parking, to schools. shopping and W� warner $25 a up Sale. with bedliner. Tahoe. auto, VAN. 318 EFI, HD Susp Pool $725 inclusive. Avail- GM Utilities mcluded 831-1315 washer, dryers. stoves, black great condition ON 54995 cert or best offer able A nllst 905-663- FrsVlast $150 & up 3 month war- g y 5799619 D required Call 728 ranty. Service calls flat 40.000 km $10.000 cert. 4994 days 427-4143 after 4993 895 Sandy Beach Rd., Pickering rate (905)438-1545 Call 723-7464 1991 GMC Safari, me bpm OSHAWA clean 2 bed - 1992 Z24 CAVALIER. 2 owner. 8 pass. fully loaded. AJAX one bedroom base- room apartment 11 Fair- WANTED- Spotless tndge, high kms mostly highway. mint apartment. Sat & Sun 10-4 Evening by stove. washer & drier Eu- dr red auto. an sunroof m Go, banks 5525. 728-645 In- t excellent shape, 59.900 Mon -Fri. 8-6 appointment fopean preferred Can 721- abs. am -tin cassette, i entrance minutes from Go. dulled Phone 728-6420 or 95.000 kit, non Seel} 905-575-2396 1887. smoker, no pets. non smoker. $595 721-2324 $10.400 666-9548 94 FORD AEROSTAR per mo Available imme Brass & glass 5 Pr's di- KENWOOD 200 WATT SPORT XL, $16.900. 5 dialely 427-7604 OSHAWA -aR CENTRE c,rr, sofa & chair complete home stereo sys- ' Arts & 1993 Grand Am GT, sporty passenger front captain area ^ew executive ' r=. bedroom suite $175, tem. 5 disc CD, deal caw- • 4 -door. loaded. extended AJAX Oxford Towers bedroom basement apart tearoom wart n t- 9 chars.AC PS.PB.Auto.O D . S Gal room, plus horse Cam. RRe6. 2226 HWYe2 Soo plus utilities. first & las} re- quired 623-7650 OSHAWA 3 bedroom, gas -ear ledge stove, new :arpets. freshly -panted, big Teck garage, prnate yard. -evadable immediately. S950/month .utilities 905- :09.1927 or 1"800-268- 540 x5061 OSHAWA mouse uiet tables (905)697- settle. tower speakers Rent to own by phone from ' ' a IT , 81. low mile- age Son. while excellent am,fm, Cassene.3L- V6. paoous apartments. quiet bolding, dose r0 shopping. ment. Tull -bath. gas lire- place. clic. in ground Coal. WHITBY -- q .cin 2 •Cain floors. 2 -bed - 5 $750/week Call today IF you are looking for condition, 873.800 Call Dug Sport r rim Aluminum elms 401 GO Pool sauna. 3 Dar, park: -9 open -concept. ower even wick out to Out tO Sap entrance rooms, spacious. 4 ap- nN'tDUE calk table & (905.571-1413 a 4(A-1461 premium p bedrooms available Feb available immediately. Y pOo7. pliances. fenced Vara S?75 Computer hon HOndalAcura 5250 new craft or trying to make room -':­r•ern 4 pc pain, care. exterdea warranty. 5 7 & Mar } 68 Or 5575 inclusive 905-728- S650imo Inclusive Prefer paved give. Se 00 mdu c•t5 Kitchen table MEN'S KUWANARA ' 21 Your r Y Present one more in- 1993 PARK AVENUE r or 700 000 kit da Y days. 583-8577 2 bedrooms bedrooms 5374 working non smdk:,g Sin sive 305-837-0524 ^al's. 565 Beer endge, inch; ATB Tpunng bike 5 tereshng, try toady IO deco mint fully iOaawJ ^u`>' Sell 725-4584, evenings i23 April 1, 683"8421 until 730 CAUTION THESE ge fen ale No pets A✓ad- DIATELY. Pln.tbY °:' C^ce desk. $95 Bed, speed. Shimano XT rate ceramicbisque Beau. also Kenwood, quality suer- 9068 PRICES may shock OSHAWA NIC area. 2 able mmetliately 430 PICKERING Dix,e:Fmcn K :,-air. $95 TV stand, man other items. and Y equved. $350 firm call AJ. 434-5098 Mui. decorator or functional i Pieces at great prices Eve- eo system for car 11 Ccs $2.000 value. 112 price 263-2446 ' Trailers pm AJAX, BASEMENT apo^•^art 401 alta '!!es• BPc, ,,, 2 wel Ic-er hall of backsD!rt. sep_ entrance. g. yard $750 ,n- parkin and 4754 WHITBY act large one -peal•;,,- ,storey. 2500 sq 1, newer letacned home. 3 -bath. 5 appllanc • -:9%3532 MINK silveroroes. full ry Saturday 10 a m - 3 p m bonetl vemdes Eg 1987 6 ney. one bedroom, 4 ap- dusfve Avauabier now Gall be:^. ,r Nalk out base- es, fireDiace. garage. -.invited Editions length rarefy wom, ladies CERAMIC WAREHOUSE. 1994 Cavaker 4 door. rad n an utilities ndudea. 9 : lioness air, one censor 434 9793 ^rent Oa,,. fireplace, avail fenced pool. S1299-23 a raomance Eliza- 12. $1700 Also sae 6-1,2 1333 Boundary Road. Unit auto air ABS. P.1. PR, tie- Financing OAC For :500 Indusrve. Phone Ere Ir• : Days 905723- able March I S575/mo in utilities Avadable Marcr Berry. Brent Town downhill boots. skis. poles, e3. Oshawa. 725-6709 lay wipers. AM,FM cas. LIFETIME :amprig mem- 42&7367 CLEAN 'am.,y �..:.rj. dus+ve S,rgle person pre- 1st 905-435-9600 Rob Sfime51.40 P'o- 565 Call 579-1704 438-0229 Bette 50.000 K,l . 5'0,200 bership ;arc from coast choices, an solidno Gsrawa ^o^h one. two & 'erred Parker^ for One 20 R boat, weight 2500 lbs framed. double PICKERING. BAYLY Houses certified t -705-8e75729 to coast U S rCanaca $4 Or AJAX- targe open con- three Dear,= Includes 436-8804 PICKERING -am floor of many Must Sett. 905-725- MODERN complete bed- M Lost & 1994 Che, Corsica, per rite Paid $3695 Must ,act ' Dedfcom basement Heat. ^yd"; fr-drle. stove. WHITBY CENTRAL .1--' '- bungalow, clue" control. AM,'FM cas- roan su:fe by DeBoers. Found Tastefully decorated FirsL' Last1n 728-5708 set $495 U S dollars apt separate entrance. acndry facua:es 723-2094 $one. tiff steering a aC)P,,ances -Ice /aid Available immediately. modular units a}rrxXltl color. bedroom basement 47 XX) tem auto. 4 dr. 31 80G-236-032? non-smoker 5650 Inelu- �.^..- / ., s'✓.e 'nc-, a,• close ,o GO no ORTED weight loran queen size. better than ex !r, air ^-on p locks, ttmer ••ve. no p; , Cal Bill at cudrbn ail -1 lies 9 snick-, preferea 5960 a . „•nt Global. leg- -,acn,ne. bench- celbnt condition. $950 or best offer 19051 839-4124 FOUND, fao0 kitten, at Y Cnu•ch St Ajax January side air bag, arNfm .ass 59750 Peter 434;554 ' Auto Parts x27.3909 OSHAWA -coe St N Z,P � .. Dad apt r ed S7:C mohm 405 664- 2325 No calls after Spm 2 .^�'es firsLtast oval Feb :st 965,839-00*8 moulder machine. after 6 p m 29. Cali 619--0695 94 PONTIAC SUNBIRO. & Repairs AVAILABLE Feb '5 sma�l gi et pwlQmg. ! s WHITBY. 2 oearoom s• 'nacr,ne, arm -curl DRESSERS 545 each. ' ' au•^. 4 Cyi red. air- amJtm last months rent regwred .: .,e.r,or. basemen, of north taxi Oshawa. •rG .aundry .aca,aes Ua'_r. 5633 . nydre ; 238341 Spa• ^e1• walk ^, 1.5 - assorted assorted Denc - Antique oak racxe•. $t95 • Pt Upplle5r cassette. 19.000 kms rear HAGS s ' '" r `-'�' ^^ "" (condi : ETS Laundry fac f 'I e & wnae Hotpoint Ing. Dance c stah.;r ots of a,l pia!e-loaded Best 905-697.3532 ' BOafdlfg spoiler. power locks 1-i - s Excellent . last required 5625 in u- OSHAWA. :can 1 beC- Dari"i apWNncee inc�uQ- ap 11 's pkg or Individual APARTMENTS. R:fson S Chances separate er- brakes, steering. certified hon HOndalAcura 5250 sive Call 983-59" room -':­r•ern 4 pc pain, ed .411 :905 430 8508 4,4 *1 OAK/PINE FURNITURE walk out base- S11 900 432-2821 Days 905723-4631 Even painted. very clean, must separate entrance, cable. 0,1905433-763' • ON i chotom,C head Why pay 'eta,l Paces % One 6 week ^, female Rc1- lir the serious Skxfent or a Ings 905 556-3428 Scott AVAILABLE 19AME :td,hes. air :nc!uded Non WHY -e^: w^e^ far• yn" .- °,ami lens 5350 of Ontario's oldest and Wit twei�e• '� • sob $x00 Frst CAUTION THESE oroy $529500 1987 Gude DIATELY. Pln.tbY °:' Sm°ii'•• tirstnasi 5550, e' r ur own home •or .. !nick, plush Stan re- manufacturers a now snots.dewomied Cal! after PRICES may shock 2 be•.froom apt for rent. Dur:�r; spanous. carper or!' Marcr, !sr sos- ass titan Tink"' Calf! E'v"'ON comic CdIeC- ming direct to Ota pudic Som 40m. S7}5089 you. 33 .er.,,ed '@condi: Marine '•d. newly canted. w,m ball- 8335 you Dave Haybck Rep P-•vafe MarviN COM•c- Many Eg oak pedestal tale and Throughout 'aundry on Through bonetl vemdes Eg 1987 6 :any. close to bus ship- OSHAWA cse to GM. Saes Re Max Summit Real sale titles 4 crtarrs 5849. 7 ft donde LABRADOR RETRIEVER Astro 7 pass Florida con- ,..u■e pad and installation n an utilities ndudea. 9 news• o. :-,q. 1. 2, 3- ry x,drrs Warlock Mini pedestal and 6 chairs pups. biacx •egistered version. sharp. 55.695 sure? Rent to own. apt -st last r sic nr. per, �" -. Financing OAC For 1'99' LtQ ;9C5 068-3800 • Ir• : Days 905723- j1499. cannnonball beds rnarripo snow. obedience 1992 WANTED oat rra„sr. bed - o- `' - bedroom apartments 905- ,. or 1905, 666-32 - Evenings 905.666- four $399. Over 20 Stan and field troll knew GW/- Satan extended. loaded Si 995 1992 Grand sinrlie .' loutx@ axl@. for a _ all rpprn $ 25 :illi 47f... 438-0229 }is a yw mdeided ' car S :n choices, an solidno anteed First shots. de- St. W.. 20 R boat, weight 2500 lbs Avail March 1 1 PICKERING. BAYLY Houses --=AND New 3 -seater veneers Traditional Wood- wormed. re now 5500 Am SE. loaded 3 3 tantastrc Call 9,05-576-4988 r r•� ed $625 all indusnil 'O L"`"'�`" 2 berar"'O" A ' For Rent r & white ' plaid. li Can 571-1497 working 905-985-8774 ORGAN -Hammond 905430-8892 Automobiles LX -o 1992 Mazda M P V LX ;oaded. 110 kms. now 512.995 firm. 1990 K5 I ' 1 Apartments For Rent ' Yion. thick plush, . ailment private en_ rice. Darkng no -lookers no pets $875 Der clue" control. AM,'FM cas- AND NEW, never Spinet L I OO sones, good ' ' Blazer loaded (Big One, last months rent regwred done. Rouge area L..xunes - 0 3;;^, utilities Ava,labre Kelvinator condition great staffer «- for Sale Stt 888 •940 Lumina 3 1• Call Stephen 571-3229 include central ,w centra -med,are!y 420-1277, e & wnae Hotpoint Ing. gen. 5300 Organ - Gut- 1996 DODGE 600 SE, air silver blue beauty 1 6 2 BEDROOM vac, secunry syster 4 ap :ng, Ava+lade immedialeiy .ng 51100. used Moffat bransen console Theatre 7964 GUTLESS S6Ei+HA. 56.995 1986 to 7992 Sun- APARTMENTS. R:fson S Chances separate er- PICKERING 4VVY •2::HI'E> ND twee largo 3 3 . H, ,Ern lsher $150. used Viking organ. 2 octave pedal Brougham Model. newly birds and Cavaliers from Aoela,,:.• S,,r C appranc- • walk out base- -able -able dishwasher $125 board. 2 speed Leslie, ideal painted. very clean, must 52.995 1990 Merc Mar. es parking rialuble • r r .ant apt Ceramic file, own 4 , 311 623-1696 lir the serious Skxfent or a sell. cert $1.995. tower gees L S exceptional new Feb. t & March 1 Can a --'try. Parking. Cade. 111,2 "ar Broker, 1 ' fix• Small church $1,900 Calf steenn amHm cassette. g oroy $529500 1987 Gude 7051799-5329 CENTRAL W- r^v •• .ti .lsnrd°rns. non Smoking. .. !nick, plush Stan re- - 4 CaM631-8729 Century Ltd 2 8 loaded 2 be•.froom apt for rent. ; ciear bre r' 9 spx,ous. t i•� Pei. $850 Includes ubl- •::rt carpet For 3 towns. PIANOS GRANDPA- 1986 Mustang LX, wow 53.888 00 1988 GMC Mar 196 Carpio bedroom plus den, Plies. Availab ie March t , S36900 Price n- THER CLOCKS Com• 1996 CHRYSLER Laser. 305 loaded special Throughout 'aundry on Through leu , - gwet bilin¢ $925. n- 509-9849 aes 3C Sq. yds carpet, ham's argent wiecbon- 4 cylinder. 2 -door. a c. pis. $6.9% 1993 Aerostat ex premises Boor a 'Nilson elusive. with perking SOUTH AJAX. Ded- ,..u■e pad and installation Now and used pier" Not Dib. 5 -speed, white, excel- tended. loaded. $12 950 area Please call anytime (905)263-4125 .ne •nor- Daser-e • apartment your Horne Free quota. sure? Rent to own. apt lett condition. $975 as is Financing OAC For 721.1176 to n your hare. No n- sze, upright. grand digital. Call 905-579-3042 •Peace of Mind• its DETACHED home Hoii deal Cache" or couple •est. no payment for one keyboards Bees is away Certicar Auto Cents, 1 i 2 -BEDROOMS day Int area Two 2 Dad }is a yw mdeided ' car Daniel. t-804 sale month of ii An JM^i+arY 1996 CUTLASS Ciera St. W.. Whitby ava,labie '.m-• a Avail March 1 1 } garage references. irsUlast r-0104 inventory reducedi Teiep Brougham 4 doors, 6 cy- 155 Kin g at 'Where rfiaWy Cam 416-71394145 5875 lower $675 I� r r•� ed $625 all indusnil 04RPET MI LL DIRECT Piano Works. 4331491 finder. ply. Pb-iClio Citi Midtown Mall our Customers send 1 BEDROOM apartments. sive Appliances included 683-•7709 ' Yion. thick plush, TOSHIBA 27' stereo tele- clue" control. AM,'FM cas- thea Mends- Open Tu'n endo dr int-mished Tastefully decorated FirsL' Last1n 728-5708 SOUTHas :mmaCuyte � -. ,in resistant Carpet for 3 vision Bonus 6 $one. tiff steering Sundays. Call 579• Available immediately. bedroom basement ' yr parts 250 OOOkm Uncerbeled Starting $450/month.Hy- FANTASTIC I bedroom apartment. broadloom WHY RENT? Be SInaR and own from 5875 mo. - P & I. So why rent') when you can own a brand new fully detached 3 or l bedroom home. Call i'905! 523-6539 msI oral 5349. price n- and labour warranty No 2666 mroul rtout. separate an. -ding 30 sgwto aids down Rent t- win 51800. OBD. 905-433- deo. first month and 12 of baserrr: Professionally 9 x K JF4 Housing - -3 Pet. Pad,labour, y Free Chet melt Morley phone for as little as 47D8 1991 Trans Am GTA � last months rent regwred done. Rouge area L..xunes trance. neal"T lli milked $675 firstillast, non smok mate. Arnold 1-804 $6 00/week Call !905,5'1 bar system. T -rte , 5 -speed. black. 5 7L. auto. well Call Stephen 571-3229 include central ,w centra Ment. Sep hot water tank. 1 yr n1 payment, 1413 1996 DODGE 600 SE, equipped '•09.000 km, ex 1 -BEDROOM apartment. vac, secunry syster 4 ap :ng, Ava+lade immedialeiy ere -, .nterest.. For 1 toll year. • air, pourer stieervtg, lakes, ecutive driven S9400 or private Chances separate er- 686-3204 headpiece $75. 3 red 8 meg $299- trunks. 4 Lt. blue on due. best offer 4274787 after 7 entrance. Ndmreway, o pets trance No smoking w0"1 s SOUTH Jshawa, 2 -bed - CARPETS Ids d carpet, � no rust. 120,000 kil., one pm $5 0 IQ hydro tsUtasi suit single pens Cc cr apatment in upper nylon, new stain W -ase Carpets on hand, I wit rooms. $349. • • • • owner, mint condition $2,800 cert no gst 668- AUtOfltoblkS 1 Available Feb 1st Can 905- 434.2727. Free 1 -month 509-3043 floor d semi, appliances & auntl tacltities. 2 car ry parking private entrance. '-des promlam story building, close to 2742 W3nW refit end of 3rd year & 4th e r 576-5142 between , house, dose !o ail ameni- expert tast itimate pets. Firstllast S650/mo in- Pm- 668-4254 Durham Region. cash 'Bl year. MICROSOFT $615 all inclusive, avail - v eireinstallation. es es S 1986 Mustang LX, paid. Also needed. 7965. AVAILABLE NOW � e able immediately. mature yards Norman 686-2314( 142.000K, Certified, asking CARS FOR CASH! We 1 -BEDROOM, luxury • . a work,ng single or couple 575 Aluminum tool chest, S40 kitchen & S2300. Cal y l Vehi- condo s. bed. basement. Fridge. No pets 579--1969 COMPUTERS Connpaq� be icnBSNM downtown Oshawa. podcLaughlin • Wanted APPROX- ?400 sq m air --^ pCssession end of Feb Clean Call 430-9598 FjTownhouses For ReM SOUTH Oshawa - 3 bed- room townhouse in Small Tamil complex safe for • 386s with VGA monitor 5375 IBM and exfnaust WEf30MC Dress Crlrno line: beaded. off -shoulder. 1906 NISSAN 300 ZX, loaded, tilt, cruse, air, lum- es us condition.. Call 427-2415 exercise room, balcony, SOUTH OSHAWA. 275 Wertwomi St.W.. urge 1. 2, Y children. Includes oase- 486 model 70 4 "'cgs Ram VGA rntrr111W wagon. v-8, nuts and looks bar system. T -rte , 5 -speed. or Conte !0 479 Bayly $t. underground parking, available March 7, $550 bedrooms. dose buses. • • Ment. Sep hot water tank. $499 Used lazer printer 5200: 4 modern blade excellent world condition. East Ajax at MURAD AUTO plus cA4itres, 57fY2662. shopping, available imrtte- le close to scnoolssnopp,ng. 5225 Upgrade your ram by • asking $4000 728 1582 SALES. S6W' Beadwork, train, diately. 5650 a up • S95J,mo hrsLlast. neat headpiece $75. 3 red 8 meg $299- ants. aPOralsiad 55,200, Be bridesmaid dresses $80 W h & dryer newly built 1 bedroom ENROLL• stove targe. stove. heat, Hydro. antler hydro included 435 Large)ISS, 9 selection of stew and � 1986 NISSAN Multi 135k SCRAP cars & trucks basement, separate en- bas parking t st required. last I t DOWN. $850/month 905.433- used complete systems. curtails, dishwasher. stove, 5 Spit. 4 dr. good condi- wanted. Any Condition, any trance, laundry, no-smak- ' ' • negotiable. no pets 434- e9 1 3 -BEDROOM town- Claringion Computer, 164 Baselvie story building, close to bon, 52800 as is call after 6 age. free removal in the ing, no pets, $75orubkbes. LIMITED"St83 e r 576-5142 between , house, dose !o ail ameni- Rd E. (hist oast of Flying Dutchman pets. Firstllast S650/mo in- Pm- 668-4254 Durham Region. cash 'Bl Deal on 1stltast. 905-428• 9 8. DETACHED • lies. N Oshawa location HOW) 1tan Td. Tercel, 2 dr. paid. Also needed. 7965. AVAILABLE NOW � e available Mart 5 5875 + DOWNHILL skis size 9, standard, 5 spit.. am/fm 5 Chev p u. Call anytime, 2 bedroom basement apt South Oshawa, clean 2 neat. Call 905-728-7452 575 Aluminum tool chest, S40 kitchen & sass., new dutch, new $11X10 Oshawa 431-0407. Private entrance and Park bed. basement. Fridge. WHITBY - NEW 3 -bed - cabinet $175. thnina board. Slide- 5200. r WEf30MC Dress Crlrno line: beaded. off -shoulder. brakes certified. 666-5972 sofa & chair $120, 697-0302. fuU4ongiM dress wAong 19M CHEV CAPRICE set up Rent to own Coda train & bow. Asking $650. wagon. v-8, nuts and looks Frcgldacre, at- Oon4 Call 72&x• excellent marry options. 6 Philips yrs. old $175; 19• P colour TV WEDDMIP DRESS - size 120.000 nukes., certified. 5200: 4 modern blade 7, short sleeve, asking 53,300 Or best otter Or trade S2 war unit 65 all obp, 905-623 $r0 Cay 576-2964. for smaller vehicle. 579- 2337 WEDDING gown, size 26, 5799 DIAMOND RING, S6W' Beadwork, train, 1999 PONTIAC Grand set, 64 Carat. pear pus 12 trip_ headpiece $75. 3 red Prix SE, loaded including ants. aPOralsiad 55,200, Be bridesmaid dresses $80 W h & dryer lumbar seals, V6, all O}}9' nal white must be seen. Ing. Minutes from Ininti 4 comers. 5695. utilities, ap- schools OSHAWA b YAMAHA exquisite grand stove, laundryon premises. INEW room. 3 barns. 2 pc er>Surte. piances included. Avail- set up Rent to own Coda Sep entrance, parking, close to bus, shopping, TAI owner, 94 KM. best garage, fully fenced, able rmmediat 430 able GUNK" OSt. Clean, UN schools NO Pets $650 in- 3 -BEDROOM detached in Tri stove located on no 1999 Ford t/2 -ton. F-150, spacious man Noor dus,ve. 723-0619 leave S Ajax, 1 1,'2 -Dam, $950 ex,treet 51095 avail- 2 -BEDROOM downtown of house w,basement message inclusive Call John at 905• able March 1 905-43D Oshawa, 5495 . hydro. apartment, separate en- SOUTH Whitby - newly 427-3812 7697 or 416-402.5485. Fndge. stove, parking- trance. 2 5 -piece baths, close to OC, buses, non- renovated lar e 2 bedroom 9 300 CubIC* engine, p s . lint NORTH OSHAWA 3 immediately or Available immediate smoker. Available Mar.15 basement apt.. in tanuly 4 -BEDROOM, including bedroom Townhouses in Marts 1st. 725-8770. $850/month 905.433- home. Clair. 4 e. akancas. pp curtails, dishwasher. stove, well mainlained !amity 2/3 bedroom apartments, 8 8,140 own private laundryroom, 2 tndge. washer & dryer, complex. freshly decorated story building, close to (905)404-9283. pip bath with shower. no freezer, fenced yard, in- with Fng.istove. close to an fibra South GM L k pets. Firstllast S650/mo in- eludes tool shed $1275 auhful set, Asking 51800 each. as a ry. arge ac - firm 432-8919 $450/pair. Call 434-1338 $5995 certified. 91)5-723 nt Available xrxnediate dusive 665-0643 amenities. - site Mgmt. ol- pla yard. 2-bedroan apartrnenL plus utilities. available April lice call 728-3777 N after 630pm. 3092. Trucks ly and Nov. 428-6.328 1- rhaln floor of raised bun - 1 located King Wilson ITACHI 31 • stereo tele- NS'i)n Free delivery and YAMAHA exquisite grand 1990 HYUNDAI SONO- for Sale 7pm for appointment. low, large backyard, $755 set up Rent to own Coda piano, ebony. G1 series. TAI owner, 94 KM. best March,Apnl 1st. S835 plus ADELAIDE/WILSON 2 All utilities included No !Gr as little as $8.75lweek Beautiful, rich lone. Jim. offer, as is. Must be seen to 1999 Ford t/2 -ton. F-150, bedroom main floor Ouiel dogs Available immediate. u mons y down. Cell maculate quality. Asking be appreciated call 725- 5 -speed standard w/over- neighbourhood, pool. No- ly. Call 435-2433. �9p5 _ i571-1413, $8000 Call 905 427-1479 1219 drive, very good condition, pets $750 /month inclusive. ONE bedroom upper KEEP YOUR 8 nun & su 1991 PONTIAC GRAND 300 CubIC* engine, p s . lint Available immediately. First and last_ 436-1445 house apt . centrally IOCdt- Der 6 film, sate on high vrdeo.Tripe R Video FAX • i PRIX LE, V-6, auto. air, power windows'. locks, Ult• windows, custom sun visor, running boards, many ex- AJAX - upper level 3 bed- ed, fudge, stove, $550, an inclusive Flrsl/laSLretil T'`'r'stet olfers the bawl cruise, good condition, tras. $6900 o.b o. room apt. parking, dose to ences. Available imme- e>bra with music added no • : 57.D00. Telephone 7211- (905)404-9283. all airxnrties. 686-8905 diately. Cay 579.1938 434-2485 NORTH Oshawa 3 -bed- room townhouse Close to A-1 WHY RENT? No schools and shopping, 4 money down Own your appliances Available own home, like new, fridge. March,Apnl 1st. S835 plus stove. 5750 in,,.; . ail but uni't'es Call 666-9421 phone 3 bedroom asking OSHAWA townhouse $62.900 Call Ken Collis. Wentworth St . 3 bedrooms, Coldwell Banker 728-9414 finished basement. parking. available April 1 668.8502 or Tor 416-97.38925 char x+ ,ii}•►+r-r11.,jq k. at'y _ s-•• P•-�.�.,.,riii6lw�,Ae .- PAGE 30 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WFD„ FEBRUARY 7, 1996 Townhouses'Sharid ' ' �^'at Hones For Rent Accomodabon For Sale SPAOXS Z 6 3 bec- ,aim townhouse. In well maintained family com- ^,,i, Includes all utilities, appliances parking :Ise to schools and all a-endles 122 Colborne St. E. Oshawa For appt.434.3972 FREE RENT . 1st month OSHAWA RosslandHar. Share trwrhouse Take mcri, Spacious three over lease AprilAugustbedroom semi on ravine lot. 5235 month Available im separate income apart - mediately Call after Spm mentgarage. gas heat. 905404 9192 $121.000 Reduced Call ONE or two bedrooms ava�,abl� (one ,s huge L- shaped master bedroom N-,th private 4 pc bath), Ca e. shared kitchen, living- • tom, and laundry facilities se of entire house except '.im,lyroom References available anytime Fust, +st Rent negotiable 434 )76 PICKERING FEMALE -ok ,-. c^are W'same nmacu�ate professionally decorated 3 -yr new home ,ie -bedroom. private bath F asy access to bus. Go :400 inclusive 416.618- 122 - ,HARE large house ,n P004 whirlpool exercise c ckerng w qu,et l room available now 5950 Dna' Pool a'call fac in. mctus,ve 905-433-4014 uding dishwasher Nor Woke' professional/stud 1t 5500 mon Mike 390 or 1905 42&2215 16175' 7773 ext Retail Space I wktlys 831-8878 Rooms ' for Rent E.W"dominiurns; For Rent SPECTACULAR LAKE VIEW A.ax F-mished untur. Wished rooms 1 ensurte wast,rooms shared • ._ en laundry, Parking a^^. cable included Mature work,ng people no... smowers 1st' last. reterer•,c es S89 to $'019 wee. v 427 167, ALTONA RD SHEPPARD. Cozv •^Jr^ for empinyeo studer: adull „ clear. Quiet tome Share separate c^en. bathrooms Bus. ask �; cab'e 585 week 905-5,"--2459 evenmt BRIGHT T available ,r �.. -ome Laundry cable Fu' ,:Se J' •+JuSe 8 backya'. Close •o Oshawa Cerre %o, smo.«•S35C ^+ort^ 576-3A•': ctta's,BRIl t T hoK , e y'Kiaho:n.i i%hitt. Rd nw+int% for rl per we'e'k or month ,nh -I_0-0042 $39C PEP MC Ds'awa p• .3'« en- trance and bath Use of Kitchen and laundry Would suit single working person 576-2972 LARGE ROOMerr• n 3 gid• ,^ ' r r king sue waerbed. teieprione. Cade included Full use or house Pnvae bell 5400 per M0 ISVlast •r,r:uind 427- 7952 UVERPOOL:BAYLY 2 bea' : -'ale - .^'% will, WM use of equipped k-IChen laundry. Suit 1 Q. -el employed non. smoker only 837--0556 LIVERPOOUHWY 2 a•'yt _ boor SAX quiet ( respons ble persons Nc pets Call 420- 1975 ROOMS FOR RENT Liverpool I Finch Per month or week Clean bright home, Hydro Staff welcome 905-420-3674 ROOMS FOR RENT, 10 min to Durham College, in large house ,n Brookl,n Share bathrooms, and lutchen Own bedroom and living room. Heat. hydro. cable and air included. 53,.,0 per mo Cal after 4:30 p.m. 655-4786 Rooms EAWWanted (RETURNING to School) Looking for large unfur- nished room. 5350ymo References available Call bl Enda at 420.6019 ShWW Ie AccoinOdailim CLEAN, cozy room in 3 - bedroom house to share. laundry. utilities included. E350/month Call 430- 2557. OSHAWA. I Decroom down"-- ,do. air un- derground parking Iaunory, room. lounge. newer build- ing available Ma- Isi after 6 p m 1 905.476- 3189 PICKERING 3 -bedroom semdelarheo off Whites Rd family room w'flre. Place, 1 -bedroom base. ment apartment rents for $600 5171.500 Can 905- 831-3518 PORT PERRY - $139.900 bec,Ocm, convenience plus - walk to all amerl Large lot for gander First time buyers dream or retire here Cali Cathenne Ayotte, Remax Scugog Realty, 1905 985-4427. 24 hr pager POWER of Sales" $87 91V buys a 3.1 bed- room:. - storey, rec room. garage walkout basement. with 51• down monthly payments of $799 including taxes Ted Houghton Re - max Summit 668-3800 WHITBY 1 year new go, :aous 3 bedroom 2 1 2 3throom5 on a premium oversizedlof . beautiful fire- nlace wit f- entertainment -nit built above16 x 14 h �-dar W. nM family room, Protessora'-y finished in lertol wa,kway 1700 Sq ft wdh many e: -gas. a must see for only 5168 90C Contact Rob St &ro Business • ' Mnaalcenlents • ' Arty oirameflts • • 1 Opportunities • • • • • • I Annolrncnaerlls • • Aftrblalamf!Ms GOVERNMENT ASSIS- TANCE c'-, a...,111 ,a' available Grants and loans for your new or existing bus,nil 1-800- 915-3615 PLEASANT EASY n come P-_... s ^+a at home' $500 plus week In- formation. 90 second recording 1416) 322-4268 ext 7 TIRED of continuing re- cruiting. constantly •eplac ing downline members Constantly relarling, stow or no growth The network marketers dream vehicle Call (905, 623-9696 a even at $675 month plus hydro 905-725-8701 4331569_ • ' Registrations WHITBY Rossland Gar Lots for de- bedroom condo. 4 $ale appliances. 2 baths cen- tral heat and a,•. indoor P004 whirlpool exercise WATERFRONT :omm„n- room available now 5950 ,r, - Pyr Pt­lOectacu- mctus,ve 905-433-4014 lar 2 acre lots rain natural alas S155.000 905 427 - Office 8 390 or 1905 42&2215 • Retail Space Opt -Of -Town ' Properties '^. 4 Months r w Hent Oshaw , _ i,x s4 seconr i. - D%nawa TRAILERS PLUS downtow t:J- >; ma - CAMPGROUNDS D, ^ - S50C 35� s4 Lwry g"''' '% a✓� stes- 7 S10pC 25_ SQ main w'lde•ness areas steams S35C 60C sQ 2^d f• an: ponds home ill har S50C 1050 $0 Thai, and store wen ^arntaine, ' OOC Cali :342447 or Owne- rel Tum ii -55 4.32 operation 5335.000 T C-1 commeraa: for rent. DOC b 4.000 sqf-., idea, fpr large f Per b,lla,d% etc Also once w • apart men, upstairs ,deal for ac zountng awyer nt doctor etc Reasonable reT25 710 erns Call VJ Lauesen Realtor 905-623-3194 One Hour east of Osnawa Vacation Properties VACATION memoersn,p OFFICE Space. Hanvoo w a m ,dations 10 d Hw,, 2 600 sQ t. good the tiniest resorts in the exposure amyl parking world Owners arc anxious 619.2221 or 683-61'2 to sell Cal 686-p070 Money 0—Industnal Units to Lend INDUSTRIAL UNITS .n c..••a : a:d -rr Osnawa Centre H,gr ce., rugs over head Coors pan,^i utilities air ccm- presso• Month -til -month Paring •ot truck min ny oro Ava-,ole immediately 576-2962 F`nvak Homes For Sale 3 -BEDROOM ua,;ll '. sem. • - 1. r. •ec room Jshawa CentreC,v,c area 5119.000 Must be seen' Call 905-434-5706 QUALITY D Angelo Multi eve, N A Oshawa 3.2 bedrooms Kitchen over- looks tanulyroom with fire- place. 2 walkouts, inground pod. 3 baths. FAG. in-law Potential 160 Goodman or 5171,500. Call Shelia Mc- Laren Sutton Status 436- 0990. BEAUTIFUL 3300 sq ft. horse. Whitby, (Brook St. / Manning). Beautifully land- scaped, fully fenced back- yard, c. air . dvac, garage door opener, ale= system. upgraded marble fireplace. all appliances, blinds. drapes, water purification Included, much much more. This house is a must. Ask- ing $269,000. negotiable, bong In all offers Sandra 668-3701, easy showing apps BRAND NEW HOMES, $875 per month. why rent? Starting at $119.900 North West Oshawa. 3 bedrooms. high efficiency gas heat. R- 40 insul Raised bungalow. only 5 left, others from 5104.900 Call Peter Neal, Sales Rep Guide Realty. 723.5281 OSHAWA 3 bedrooms. fireplace. one car garage. 4 appliances. Fag air Asking S133.000 Closing June Balance 6 1/4 mortgage available 723-9949 BORROW 5' w. a, month . o a c Free consultations Anub,s Investments Ltd Mortgages and Loans snce 1973 Call 1905!60 7200 MONEY p%ooms) Debt uaoo•s pldil ar- angements perso,al :,udW panning. creo,t re- pair FREE CONSULTA- `IONS Ontario Credit Jounsellors 'Oshawa Tor. onto) 433 •425 OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT GUAR- ANTEED. SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES. OTHERS DO NOT. IT NS SUGGESTED THAT YOU MNVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS. TOR Insurance MORTGAGES - Good, bad ark; ugly. Financing for any purpose, rates from 5.95%. NI applications ac- cepted. Community Finan- cial Services 668-69M • 'Business ppoNtunities ARMAGUARD OEALER- SHIP opening, polyur- ethane sprayed truck box liners Premium. rated in- dustr,ai Coatings Turnkey dealer package, protected territory Phone 403.460 3000 Fax 403-4643002 '�`Rvi✓1 LESSONS Pnvate lessons available . rea- sonable rates. Call 428-2000 • ' Personals A-1✓JMINAN; UN?ARID 1,110v '% WANTING DATES NOW' Names 6 -umbers 1 900-451 5566 ext •252 $3 49 per minute 18., touch tone ANGELINA PSYCHIC « , anv - you might have seer All ^er tea- .- are guar- anteed Angelina Can help ,n matters o' life. Marnage Business :ove all She can rerunle loved ones Dl fall to nail today We do house parties 905 725 ,428 BEST PLAYMATES 6 ■'s t 90C-451 �8 ext 272. S2 9Smn 'i.. Touchtone BORED ONTARIO HOUSEWIVES names b Private phone numbers 1 900-451 3638 ext 704 S3 24m,n. must be 18 T - tone CALL Ontario Gids, get na—e` 8 home numbers 11.900-451 5566 Ext 253. $349,min 1B. Touch tone COUPLES seek -g single mer.. ors o' numbers 1- 900-451.5566 ext 697 $349'min, 18+. T -tone ENERGY balancing chak ra healing. palmistry guidance ,n an areas Frances 905.831-4368 (•(>7.� r,� Iola\1i]ti atlll<)Shbl'rC wl]iIL' V(xl c njO�' a li1u b-c'alil llot st)uh, s:lnclwichLs. Clair' ILtn(b shL cials, gour"ttic't ct)ffec•, tlav()urL-d I)(A chc)colate or (asty STIACk5. ('A)t1V(_'ilit,'11CL' items also available. illcllldillg -41. 2"i' iTlilk Gr 2.99. lI�;:Ii"ettl'� `7' 79 + t.ixil Cl I (xlicr Iluuu'I]ics. I NOWOPEN: " RAYS/WEEK 9AM-'i 595 KING ST. E. (across front Miracic• Marl) 576-97'7 Don't Forge Oshawa/Whitl This Week Classified Dep is open for your cony nience every Sat. 9:30 to 3.00. To Place Your Classifie Ad Please Call 576-933. IT'S TIME TO ADVERTISE YOUR TAX or FINANCIAL PLANNING BUSINESS! ` •`'• - �t'1 ( \4. \. C-.�1�\lam Z NEED M -. 1, to Don Mhls and Baur Greene to be there for 8 a m and pil up at S p m Will Pay S•504 weeks starling Feb 12 Cal: Jar 509-4613 after 7 p m PHYSIC READINGS an. pryS,C dear%,,; by Bonnie of Ill Messerg. of Cap today for an ap- (bintment Hanalon 1-905- 263-8205 SIMPLY Sociable Arts. erre^a ^ment. gourmet dmmg travel b leisure sportmgenalure activities Regular newsletter (416'261.8412 • ompanions EASTSIDE CONNEC- TIONS DATELINE - Free to call tc place your ad. no charges for ladies, no phone bin charges 905- 43C 7 060 LASER SURGERY FOR SNORING CERTIFIED SPECIALISTS Dr. R Kassel MD FRCSC Dr. S Siomra MD FRCSC 905-723-8551 Oshawa � �� oppwhutdn RESTAURANT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DOWNTOWN WHITBY CALL 430-9165 1-114 N('\C'C I111%% f11C' „Ivlltirlllt]Ih ft PAA V +Ill 1c,Ilty 1, ,t.;_I:11, I ' 'r an aueli(, version of all of the• rurrcnt death n()ticcs recei%cid for publication in ttic Ncw.,, ALlvertisc•r ` or •llus \X( -'L -k, call 683-3005 f ,r 404-6591 (Claringto n CL'AIttC[]h/. l' ill 1113V also) access death nt>ticl information rc(,6%,0l attil press-tinie bin' catlins; this nunitler. 404.6591 Bro tight t(1 v(lu by the• tc)ll(nvins; funeral lid hies %11 Intt)sh-Anderson, Armstrong. 'IllT(nvn, \I( Eachnic, \1a11illo & Not711e uTT-I Ilu int. A. , L ttt the Camacho, Raymond John. After a courageous battle on Monday February 5. 19% at Alax-Pickering Gen- eral Hospital. Ray, beloved husband of Shelley. Lov- ing Father of Audrey and Alan. Loved son of Joan Henderson and the late Maurice Camacho Ray will be greatly missed by his brothers and sister Richard, Lisa and Andrew and his stepbrother Roy Hender- son and Stepsister Lynda Johnston. Ray wid be sadly missed by his family and friends. A mernonal service to be field at Ronald Martino and Son Funeral Directors Brock Rd. Chapel. 1057 Brod( Rd. Pick- ering (Just south of Hwy 401, east side) (905) 6W5589. On Thursday Feb. 8, 1996 at 11 A.M. In- temlent, Pine Ridge Memorial Gardens, Ajax. In Lieu of flowers the family would appreciate donations to the Salvation Army in Ray's memory. COVERLEY. John Edward, Retired of the Toronto Star. Passed away peacefully at home on Monday February 5, 1996. John Edward Covedey beloved husband of Marion. Loving father and grandfather of Linda, Bryon, Scott and Lindsay Henry. Jack will be sadly missed by his brother, sisters and many friends. A service of Remembrance for Mr. Coverley will be held at the McEachNe Funeral Horne 28 Old Kingston Rd. Ajax, (Pickering Village) 905428- 84M on Thursday February 8, 1996 at 1:00 p.m. In lieu of flowers donations may be made to P.A.C.T Palliative Home Care Team, St Elizabeth Health Care, or SID S would be appreciated by the fami- MOLE The Family of the late Dennis Mole would like to extend their thanks to relatives and friends -for their cards, flowers, phone calls and wonderful support during this diffi- cult lime. Special thanks is extended to Rev. Doug Tucker of Bay fair Baptist Church for his friendship and tribute to Dennis. Also our thanks for the excellent care Wrinis received from Dr.L. Tanious, Heather Smith , St. Elizaheih Visiting Nurse. Association and Marie Grey. Canadian Red Cross during his illness The Mole Family. t+ To place your ad � 24 hours a day call: 1.800.360. 1 483 r FREE Print Ad r FREE Voice Greeting v FREE Message Retrieval THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., FEBRUARY 7,1996 -PAGE 31-A Respond to an ad by calling 1-900-45 1 -3793 (32.49/min., 18+ over) How to respond to an ad After listening to the simple instruc- tions enter the mailbox number of the ads you want to access or browse all greetings randomly. You 11 hear a greeting with the Sincerely Yours ad and the person behind the greeting. Voice greetings are added to the system every 24 hours. So you can browse through the new advertiser greetings before the Sincerely Yours ads appear in the newspaper. ' ;sten to greetings of people that merest you. If you like, leave your "oat person will hear your message ,,nen they, call In. WOMEN gnhathareartspomAAaYk.c.-BCX28192 ':... .;...;.�� .. ^�--.. c A .00gNG FOR A FRIEND0"N3nea erre T� ..>. ' w a t 7Kmar «ro .res �rmoM1• br rehm ad a -fix 2I i8 ., .«. - - . - : , ass e,aof> 'g r BI FEMALE = : ;vii; r^re lar P , -ss . 3• aa. >F>• +; SEEKING MEN br sine M .km 5vbe � g a eno5hp 7 'eNDOnY : 'OtniilKe kJ, a +xt gmrr' 'wanOnsM1Gr Y. ar*r •.tee, lac i 'eswp USHAwA AREA YALE .rye •rap ale u; ; xeswd sop ho +es at- •C 'oaC "::• »3e• ,a'^;'?mdse a^. ..:+ eary in s vp ^ea -T\ ;^ '.•� rtld s rlemsted r brunettes a rrAe •, Ale dull', r9e you man of mre BGX 26951 y 6C� Ave final :andlwgr" dilly ,are spy; ru3 3'.,."•� :' r^ ear art xu> >ys rt 25 Dict BOX 26579 hwr, . w ^amalro BOX 2401 ,it h e mddlw; a nr7ht5 n apx 2/1N ATTRACTIVE FEMALE ='> bon; to, "g arin Well =LMN S are < '-' ;rola '4ibs ,arwus ^?r>s•s ve. ^c^ s,e,r�ca tulles: alar SHY AND '�ONLEV ,v' •o -.aye 2? F,8 -- AT•a:.,ED BI cEYALE a•ira-le`4 y::\ _'. ENu ,e",a,u. ;mo �vT�ei :: :ra FUN LOYIIG GOtI --. '8 us' r my as. r?r of ngn lax+ te1 �:^ szek,, , a ;nqt -aF : !, ,amsoro bar nae P•7"7•er ere5 ,r•sdweC athac -Aar : ;an 3G b S: ^ro *b %aC;ar^:.:srui•a ;rb•p -. -..?.r � •?-ew <= t 3C b .ala. ^+r. es '_: _. .•3.:: -.:... r� 'y asw rneana : ,yr a abusive ritblsnD sC;p wrc ?rFvs �:xg socrakamg ono ,s ,Mry nD •lav, s ax ,late no e'nDk7Ye`: �Dmeore n7a�Ory are a'> Fri i`. •e v ?nry at, a.r ro sane Yawl^ Srge'rmDters .erne :Wlae and :+ave•salo yrs• ;rix^^:7Fa xt :bet tines Nam smleare b a P:s iesrress aro Iserea ts• BOX Zd'9e JM art enmuragene,t ham scmea,e Parly,ng _zlotang b a guy !6 to !8 at same mw- six3ra, .a•'. eC lac •^,;r y •e Nes am oe•^ar's cwt a a tem •earrvrD �' hart rt one," -cm0ev yexP BOX 21199 sble'aairx's'Yc 4r: •eaC s' BOX ATTACHE 81 YALE emit ,ra; ^d5 150 pwcem iore5ry 010 fall- •;:E esn who 5 am0 rarg ad ONgprig, no Concerted ' * ,•nr r s>x a wr^ar M••s• Oro * 'or ^v'anc and rat l my 7+td BOX 269Q �, �m BOI 21175 A SINGLE WHITE YALE a' ., ^� - .:: s PICK YE' - Xt _ •.r a spry an 'rO imOre no drugs yrrwS 7'-'rm SZ'txOrr ^a Rypien eves edam cola al a into ACCEPTNG APD CANTS Ne 'lar SDGNTAIaE TY IS KEY-_•apOYe 2- .r•!e 7^k5 se9�; 'a^ae _"':- ai- 'r,.- 'arri er Perky yn riy bl a+'eft and 'AmF,aru:r terWv to o e �w! 7.••+,\•,•.•r Ja"er 7CssAri 'Ue :ala 3rY•Jre- ,& „ „ ..:^:rsamr rays cuddles BOX "Yat Bax 21111 a e ew-; Ur M: .^^e:care -,,. w• , r r: v7 ong .ally, Oma x rale; +g 7 u>'+vag a ;xa not . r gx ,'Ole Dene Trgs ,r NC rt A> b Valle and >. sw 'o , ilea - 'ar'asi, xl 2 rt' BOX 21152 SINGLE WHITE YOM.:2 ion smoker rowl0ea te , . • reae,S Appkayts is x 3C r. W wooled hatewr'. an good srve.IUW see.. a^ac:vt r - ' fry eerie x rumor, °nsdtv i *YOOD-1 a r.rg -.a- doe aeasaes tot ar; alio tine ora.; :r•War A^ACNED BI CURIOUS .:'. an^ tom, '. AND CD13r: 1 Soling lady 57. weirs sr D goy; aer;e M •ort, ;^av'roves. sport;. rivet and p:a sense of numb 3n,, an3n,,Pe ■di ng 'c h.0 cu' ^er: I got .eke b •e ni a 22 u tross•c a 'W Ws'lic Box 2476 hmsrrp BOX 21102 lag. a;ryalrt' ;pod `,.,M ? •: ' rh, ate 7xaus .,r lac •. :� -; -•al:'v , Pall ;ala;. , 'aveimg, b'9 wife. lues •:. i ? Wel Imes Wald like t mote honest guy am sons SMDWS )Kar BOA 2M FOIST NEW AD a3c'^c -ale ,a", aractw game Play ar shm •easonaa'racE+e as r,' .- - augr Pease W' and �.,r-a 7.+,e• ,o✓: -e 'c - o arae or • yaw v,�R 2wd sw se d not p Age _- z interests Box 21112 SEEKING COMPANION =ec ily w.ac.ed seeks TIME AD Yale ;: ores darry ^uv1 'fr* , -a !e c?assured 9012110 ]s ass BC1 26375 s :ec• 03G r mut b ! ala wr asceDm ,rr: as; 3Cz 26267 FRIENDS FOIST M1 a0 mom i two 38 scan pert •ave -w V Pavy; arts ar'vr and rarer, Sol 2116.7 SERIOUSLY YOURS Stu, ; ;urye erne to ^ SE SINGLE AND CARING , 'e nye 23 see. n; ,r 801 277•. kE AD _earaldwW ease 29. altar i, sm" ■es ew :)a, b tw a eac ptnaves '2 BE MY VALENTINE'' s ^; ,, :,amort; s -e t s lar alma ^w acne r- oxen; a - a"": , a^. 25 Nor -• a't iIRST EXPERIENCE '70 M rcr tn- 2 o Ob Sal E,Yoy gong Out rtbvey Seto male 38 to 45. da'S 'West and arc Ou am bs. off t'+7/^ ".a' nee : ?ars rXe rrr and are a a adv so r ac5ve all icier anal Ara a t ewe Enty •rams BOX 26976 Ye r a a • s r, sue Tye x %X sine ... i :✓'' ?realg$ M hole LDOMrrg M7 mr 29 b 7M W dial le f9wills S" tarrh'AM a d Srlgie .'Me "d! we age 7 Pool b, merry 10, BOX 269711 YOmMK miE '! !Mr .f a jt dOCV! ',C Lel •7r1irYF !r+•:! 'arnM1' pw00Vs SWr'S dry'. Sr`Jw, SM(aLE DAD 3/9 No *,M1 Ar "^'dyer :JOS TOOK %A•-, 'fir Y. ;t`x raw C '0'll a vtdSY <- .:.^d WIN, eryvrs Ides mle pleasures must BOX 35% Me FIRST TINE AD -­ le,tak -ale ,algODrr a1 'i, ale pr and 'a7 ; � • *-I .o BDI 21119 ;u?' ' -?: r•^ 1 .l,yy ^^re a' .a, :,r' � dM, ''ef rS Jot ". ^•-,' ?rJe'wwry 'set C Y *alley :• ate none BOX 20N LONELY ,.,; '•:, a cpmprion _ 9e 2' >Dr :ala. xnm! 80Y 261K SEAt;CHING FCA +Ill ":aygC not male 34 `. ? "aw a grrk a vc tad •Ones Na.e :.? . ;ata trY +'law BOX 2691' �' •'YE A: "•. sine a0 -+Oro .onlay' ' _ must h7 Out � Uglner ?'+etwlsi x xdnrr Orson Pan Fess 4- brv.- ?w : =•You rpkiry ;u: roves. Pa+'O"S 'a HAAO TO FID - :x• rnirr� .lab 'ares � >f w E^<. ala ; :ri r; mew :Dw,'r, muS+C "+airs A- -o ria .•' apmeDwr caeca BOX 26119 WOMAN SEEKING wCYlh ;, - : we •: -e:• - _moll twin; rarekKg aandatgy't din _ane b x t Cx+ces BOX 21169 spats and ra r _Irak- b aches 'bnY. sea revs 'e r^. as Jw:x'a,^, .per *node•: aro rt +.,,:ale t sWn sane vier swrvrmnc -�'t' a OLD YAN :' -as; al7e '°tion aoiKr+y •e'-: - -: ,- ;^ ,= '.: C;r• p ea se r: •r "Ives '.cora', b a sage dnwe male I1TELl1GENT. SLY a'^3crve xunmr'g remit IB amacM nye 2� v 35 Are snores s7wn+a recess , BOI26972 wt 3L nes xe a3s r7e r :e eaaP a pe esti ala. ter -DDk,m; b arc, 'w^ b 3 :: •Pt .lane '>^ale _ t : '' 1AtY ?lac. D,axa ::SsfYr'P •eaxrsr� aalr ^o,+es! art ;rrer!'mor .-� s very Wan' ::civ m naKr rt .r ro Pecerdenm �,w Te aver Slangs r rile to CONTENT AND CURIOUS SC Professional lar 00rillovey 4Ky • at De laud .v c x 1tae; � ^e, 12111'.ve..' BOE zwran rd sunne+ ane, yoneriWrg % ,mo.- r 'x Vunnt = arta x lame t'0 -7mb a -e -•r?ss hp dependents Senors np45 atdoprs cowry aes1H- toil ane da"a'9 rl' -ads a :es•'� .Ie "Fes!ee �I l rot B 2t asw,'y •a.aoe m BOX 24W :-Ptyw3 ADAM SE E ADW SEEKS EVE _+:a�3'et :mill r�r'vie 4i -lo ow! o% so evenwgs ala ^rr+e M.s• 3e ^ores! :i.goq snare t sir•our•7r; W; +yew lar 8013913 60121215 ST'1E A: Snge .rule Brash Ianlye 28 Relr,pa plfW reresK lOpMng b rn amaare dIA- Plywit 7a.t uimg dancnq talks n 1r acnes dI"1 eve+wegs a r,yrea UNDERSTANDING dmrOr'?^..^'e -3. 37 lar, :arLrO: Le' everags s bine n>ban ;.•r 36 r^ v M•^,k•'.`. ;eel; ^oa wdryr ;r title ages .. ' l: r* 7 w,d1P: 7t0e'mOM:7 ales y:e erwJlY 'fart 'lar :r n^p .41 a ;mr sense � vwb -x Dr H tat ;res am 'KU 'S rwrt ATTRACTIVE LADY he •?tae t ':'iC•. : ` r'acw.. ,.r.. ; i Yzve .m'r :'. C - �:" -aY�g 3p119 - IRA, moves And going Ain grrle,rw who 5 also Marclyy store as BOX 20172 as the evrarwx BOX SST sen "DOte mien erge rvr kr x IS tYc wt Per Vr 4• ;.7�.+ V• =.^ Yr :.'xa: 2696' FIR x r+::^'m BOi 11615 xyr; v singe wine rule 2810 33 wwl Ie ; •' am A TRUE FRIEND vieeender: aoless," singe FIRST T1YE AD _ ;e *• to Y'ale 3C edlCabC niege^vsv' trey meresm BOI 2451 s FOD ell Ppprg alma BOX 2/117 T 'W u" F1itS1 '>rE CU- 3,r,r. r �. -ye � : 3 Ya► OSHAWA APE/ ,a, ;' •tr^a.e -cr :--.. H W A AREA ^wars 3FOA rapkel or" No dpentle,I ^r, ^a' :' rale xis cm! ,t SONC cues and Pyr, I7 REAL. N^- :ar a, .ire :not may rot WIFE WANTE: ;• a -a,? 43 ,w smotw ,or oval .r>•+•: -' w+srore, v t C yrs: enrols ^::.c N's•t, -erre lar ^. •er-,v,^e sr0e r+cv 121M :-.loll :arang oack miler, *Ones pits .%,errs VII •tial -ale 3C DA,S 'np0y'sibo 4•.' -T.e's and tdo it am riot re someone Cyte' �r •err 3:e'"AM •71atk :." '9r !a ab77rq-,•' K 39S2 -Qv ; arm :ar'cv^; ate' •ants Ind »lar. tugs ARE YD RIGHT 2s yea p1 awraw don 0e Varew9. and lust ales Seurq 3 lr*.w 36 b 50 to Soar re 80121307 demo. appreciates a •7.0a •a w Mir bw ire _x: .^r ala *lar :re^ny t ue •,. ^a' :�- :er ;e :r ,canal Rae• ; a ova All ate $TaR71NG :aER .- :a: dry •a'M :r 3 ala Irl �P,^darrrsmd •"' a Dcsst� 'r :e :w a 1�,Ltive cle'S Molest. -OV 28 to anW ..t NO JUDGE WANTED a' lea •^ ,tmae _3orng to, am 31.KW Box 269, ROMANTIC ATE BLONDE =eine soon errors Cyn al actrve single to, + aD. ; ti arm 29 nr S amid tit BOX 2452 .0, 3C t 5isyr t rdlc Plot lar i rwtseC r 'r-+ ,res ^Hr , . '::t•, r, ; 7^r air and Dae 'vow 11xgrsr,c BCF 25999 .:' r lar^• .rows dot he warps Mlle horst lr:a 2M2h a -a re '-a^ rr...r be dU m IF aH b ,rbc a f 10 '; ::C' .,: � r4 A ale ATIIETIa SINCERE wire errlw ^.ye E LE IC SI ER a maw35 a il; PO n ew. ;weds r ra 7ve ^r ad a al am omni :v "bn BOX 31^ ?res - v :aren't'-caevdng it d 3jw -'+TfT a 111 H ' M �.a.'1es w myna, r„ac r- -. 7V et t s I 1 , FRIENDS/SPORTS sGLE PnOFE55 LADY esus to new praMssbry +roman Stbe ra edges 'e' rxno,e ^.; :t en >unlvure as mor ire'yr a grre^ar ac :. , :,:enol tus:t arc ARE YOU THERE' ie;.ra.7d •lane -fe +• 5' -ars rose ga"'r'. .e Dwt tea' , , `. SC to, mmNnOsltC of rweeor+strc cMwse. tavw M And mltc'• *ale car t•bkw Pe b 130M ".ram aro ;sYg narrst. store anKa vie eed a:rx b ver+Csnt rd ' YIA•.:'arwrl era .till•: W. am ;aro on tyro PNM amC os:/0126956 PARTNERS SObt 31190 :W% brig And erw'td 'kw more Or Sit rale rtes SO 25211 trna nOaYs Ren Peale y ROI 16190 Ddsxw'eaemshp .�ampe ^las aur BGI 1451 ^ erbbred At *altar, ' e ,.mels rrr, tic VERY :ONE:+ - r ' AC b5 MCA rwY ,-0 f rcu ale OW Ilan gM int a IRISH CAL:ING :Nw emit Rem,., -s:ao.,sr,rg WNAK', r CUTE BLONDE ATTRAC'NE CONFIDENT : „ass'. u: �• :rvig Prgcye, ' r.->. wlance ;torr; rnq w- i,w lax lar; ,ear: r. +e CN .lir, rial WCr5 r BG 21269-r ra aA ",:. y swill lrd got sore Y be' 3 ; Y pen? >nny >+^ci'S aaw aM ? Cs ;' wt 1c e r e te.s rapes cirri •wahawYra . J e b an" .nal wmab 45 K a• a as -, m ; c at IC Airs Noun •t t '.sr: r- .. ; 'a ?A •rt s •aqR ab *, rot ,F SOLD s: e vx Did V! typed .n,le ON MRS 7 Teal MAY On nir'D, for :aawerr' :nryierS ';pod bra'wc alis ,Dd,rg b ? ti g"rrR^1A" tl 4 a Dontoba .ally b '7mrK'e10[:i S BOI 2455 WS D,uv "< hex ;ares BOI 11197 eKeM a adv 4 D S5 Tun b mor- :,ab .rT a :r^ v :OCA "- gar ars .0=01 3r SDaw`. - . And Wer syys A -,Awsarowy ' am 57 Prior cit "y, t .ala r': �an er 7kia twigs r ue t EMERDETiC i.cpanvt and lntceaap '•.:.,t :' SPECIAL :,JY A^ecsona:e ; ' Z. ty J' W10 BOI 26M i,e ^n a :ai BCI 261.7 - - •^Cr' •.'" difOtrdlnts S~g mfr - ;sc-,r; a^ a smrokw oGUwWI Crrwr 9s 11�s DlOmder naw •7 w, ties BOX 25726 'vs - 'W are 'alit snore :Nirg anC are srrs n0 ore•, :a! rears 'alasvt 5 `Bobs wry, :JtDus rbre' ^e'ess -Mot -eves }Y"9 3w rd Y ani. PROFESS04al.r•"• ler. atractve and Minot FAST TME A: a :::.C.YY .ce tq.n '. , •c' Apoh Beer two I" mr '.'m TIME N NOW rear 710 ` aoeot'r:ery ,so 'a eats Pease 91 b BOX 1]1 ales o tarn Steliz •r. aoacsw Cywnnr[ adv a An ^.us .Yak -+y b , specsw as n'd tS .t• a sir a alt=-. � "� -•-.:, 'as de And *et: i teys r Tr^ r _x• � .-mar m,mKes b rwotmp lar >s r, y.ar •a a soon sN sd600nt tlr 49 MAYBE ITS YOU. tures' . staors 3S tit and aaernn BOI21M Of nuns r+c oras ':OM ra imW -0- ^: tell a eproah =epgq lac ern autoas Swag mac >ev ercw�ers BOX 2463 looking �' �a,Mpe .Yr teaves r halo hrsl ptwrabh a :r r+y :r:a me +aa .aws _oo" kr mrnparre„ QUIET AID SHY -r.;• :.rfrdwae sage .,lte y may, 80121161 M al4c!orae ..-Vic,o : 'r.+ �, o^S n•- aa, ARE IOU LONE-+' ' . - '-' dc•M. i-ac^+t; . ,• :;e soe* an aiut Mut •nakrM tun snotr -VYs :owl', ^usr walking nam r ske O'eaab+•0 BOX 26911 • ^ tae :: : , x Arae Of %" _pall `i, YES. I W THE ONE lave twat S9" 'SC JpaWt Mile BOX 26M ra. -wee^ •-3"emncr am I- rL.- � BOX 217/1c herd to trill twcVr d me aax amu bMn,g • �'9 � SEEM 50ULAIATE "7e •"tee rr'ale eraow: dpar -_ cart .cr1r ?S k C same as pOSMisrmt' F f ea:-yr; ;ro.v ro � inter .ye SNNGLE BLACK Y4E ' S stall DWC enter gnomic mar ii ;coal oars arrnc Dur r: ING;.. 9LA,.K (LLL_ :; . 8' 120 yards wt. hkewlOA to d yok we 5 R- Paorg And JO PikeC lap,? cit !e r•w^'�, r, r.^.•s ",ales "Iso s r^ aw ale's >O -w •W: e,brs 5ying rd To x0m t Spas rC rents .001 �^; ••:• a 'M A1C etc:nr; r0,. � ti arc a^c:-; Rr1e^g b tort 7Y cam s -me M t to '0 ra 4 X&IN dertni !matt; . - - r. � :u:.•,y and gong to corps hU +lav Tete BOX 25201 races See,er, i+npe .roe mule k Pus .ir as n bmng anodes S+gie +naer"rs 11nW r:Yraa 8012lft'a rMrasriy .rt torn Ile ,at trigs BGi 2691' DCI 2190 t 36, mrAwen, no head games SINGLE DADS WELCOME -eye M brag hertlh sine mess BOX 2690, re,, -e BCI 2187 STABLE AND SECURE - , :.,yt no 36 +— LOOKING FOR SOMEONE : rt x ADVENT,IRES re ra T e .. t r- s Avoided Dv -^-^--ra .x r:k. Span BOX 21277 EOUIRE RUE gpMusq nc amu seise J'suw Amaral. ;lam, single rine tz` 7l3UCKFRS CABYAE rt ro pOWN -O EARTH _rrmoC .Arte'aate aew P h.d .. tnr(•VS Pm^; :-' .eP,t':, l m! :Plage 7 Dww .S ' :rY" • : ; - : -' r M,r Ce w'. any t rCIVICO amacrve so, ''•-a r d ala Sotkrg ulkanrr atAyalM Ouvm -r 25 %tp'^xr•s rt oro^.,^: :"101' >; teas :pnry _ , - .:m -awe r'a"5 aakr+t' s.rq S Ca' :B .ao twrKga a how" vg b sn¢t *,aa 76 ^ryes berg7WDa� o ane t a:rC s- C.a'; v are recall lea^ m are -4Dncorwm.t dos x TO Jr a • • • r : 5 >. •. saCy bald" oar Prue to 32 Law nAft .Wksmutt. mals. 11110% plpo t,is,c and Tn Dad Dew Seat lag to sage .mit and -ton Earaw lac ter, bring trs mo -x^awroc . ^ unya realm _30km b ''i3Os.'rc Possible "Jwrarin 7 3 twt c ^ re NmvC\ ata BCI 2692 lac Wscr BOX 2460 .r; r: ': 1eJe^Mns Eno gnerl4d 31+r1e+T Ergot' ezk BOX 2644 teas -alf 35 pk:A wt a :ar,u Of'arnior at pd y5hrret -t it O Saekrg a •w'as ti,Y •woa'Yro IOi L2tl 43Pil 'r'a•r•s,e BOX 21176 7 =REE 7t' BE WE a-. ."-r :' iaurq :aDO t r-1; a^C x „Dues .Ookeg b r tarsi aflK- NEW BE CA" ltaCy b ag term niwmOnSNw O races BOX 269N d w., SINGLE WOWS WE:COIi .. ,tax .•'7r .rr IE:IEyE IN ROMANCE -fro sncen amacrw ' ale 'n , a.-.•. "tams, r'mo0w7,e ass ^ori .tee •a" -ale 3C ^: 39 n a bog lam Ven S,l04 r^. ': ' ;^ Ps 5 5' nontst rowbgtnt SINGLE MOTHER 70 lemst tang so :-.r -a.' r,e: sx Na•' ^ : ' ,.:lar; ,,' :s. ; ,ares onq lar; at ,EE lac 3rec'3onaM 901211'! •;'*: BCz 1Q6S !IR"hG :VER AGA01 _,'^ estate kanna4 b Mriaous alecaonate a touch waniax Sam gwe wasrare a you sense >t 'amu t an a anile : b ci'. t a +loins Dossoi leu - :W"onvn on A.Y suyrg 'ant Ma•7 ; za .. > > > • ]UNG 20uPLE xe.ny s.^, r r r "Tar •2 r -: 'v rYvrs ,e 57 to 65 Enrol "rn .,in sm,uar luyltes AT pus to oar lar r a ')rhos les'' "WAD krows'_ .•^"_» BOX 21797 ,nMKtee r +wing a mr b'i,rsrc v. 7oss,OKe r11aDa'swYC he orad Mmes ROI 261105 boesnp Vde rot ay0rprtl i1e tri. mwrY syo,c moss' sDo,h an0 Pa'/g lit c1931a' BOX 149 rrw lar lay speoa aq ieeuq A q t :e .ew k .^+ala rMestS b 7eistt 3. alA.c .0 ...:.-_c — `r•>cs:.r *avOr --lar - -: 7ci/165 7Cnr• '0 artl .0 •.r. Y s 'a : r �.^.: ""ng oat ,ave bei rimes at nowt and LOWLY NOT DESPERATE s.. --or r unto re SENTIMENTAL TAURUS lett 'x^ar•; -ynsr :a PROFESSIONAL..^A" ler. ala. acme Irl a4cre^ ag %- •nabv vp BCI 204 - M al"" ,mw q b N same r •: ';'• X"les PKalde rola And put eves =kease x >r, ve abs Mft 77002 Dw+M ?C s r;mx «ten 5: s 'alnaaeo Seeks mer, , "a•:.: - s:es y r'gc 7emlemr ►Mur >. «. ate U : � ''i_ IF, ale 4 as or To M ttwgs in SEIERAED ASIAN CDN := 5 =" ' 3! ]Ohrl¢s :,! 35 OKtb.*or a -'sl ale: a:neet 8012457 1Cx Iltll /Y ANC ;:L^GONG r'eh". aihaet. Q y04,s Ma no OrevkC Powess we 304,ta t W .7sc Until wraow ac tmest Sew rye's Dwase .t asmJ.1v Podagmg aro me >.%i �etung ^ore, t': a'IK:rf3'e -Jmt and 'ahoy .u.es GAY WW -.E YALE - lraave :tell::.:s .`. t x FEWErom i' raw •es any dro ala ie.^y 3 ,a:, ;,xg aces, to wW, honest. eryps, y,r fmn a torr Box 21121 No tied ;am .ri moil ,onmanec frr0t ane a afadr. Aecaaule wnobrra Mere a a nmol eaowvmte pdei9?Wt Lir Yrg :arr9 '•alar nes :as,a-..."r•. -auoe naafi : -+aa :wawa ore'. -rh•ec 'emaKe rola Ar '+^las ,^c :sc ter a'Ays 1" mre Twp in w Looking ka an aMr KIND HEARTED. singer mote+ saers a xr c' a rib IMM BOX 2W Yip BOX 21245 'u: Ano We' Tres Sees x" Peer a, _- to k wM BOX =1 anto,a0s Age .r' -00 -yr 3M 211-C r ^ala 5 7 5tH wmK smlr forests. 80126005 War iL :urs r0 ar NO." tv *eq^! 'aner ANYONE OUT THERE' 38 nes w arr7vel opt HANDSOME ;ENTLEMAN -ea"y or Smorw i8 •c par -M go YAQ GAY YALE s got _t Pa b1 Due ewe -*W aloe HELP :.S' ,ter "are v loci s wcta-r- J YlYBEF vW0 e! s 'oto Mom you, Y x moil :w rs OaslOall a goof mar vine Ince are nh tiae,- :,r?,n: Y.resv,o rat stxn"ar *ir a sense a !Uro 5 Acs Deride ear .nn Pkrr taamg NOT USED W - .. , s +• pa: ; v am r a Sarin . -a: ': IF 35 one is mas.:,arr at v toy rren mil-; b smrtrq roe n ria ovng ihoirA serest and lee 195 Cane Year" mr We BOI 21016 snC ewes :alt, ^,s[ Yr, pa agM ab hrK n Ooaermp auerg _CaFS a gn acro 3C BOX 244 ad 3C c +: r+r• someone, to sart atiamoe; r all; Ms Dt xa+ some a1C ^ala a px anoai an ala xh s"e+ srpreY alit 40"h 'we -.r s ;c or drung. OIdS. MAC. Barg. wads :'ar•Y TEXT BDDK SCORPIO. Amactve SV^W V bond" $ae "^ .er, :a*mq and Sensual -lopt i "et' mem SINGLE AND'LWC -.1 male 23 tat alar eves To San of mr •+any Arid aderLrts a none as rd 16 wyom rate ilo w•s -00415 an I rale ,aro x A aN And i" t Vac •e oau v '7 iylec,r wt ,N '?can Ria lull hqu d. 56 years yaaeg who W tined lc put looks :lass b 3C ;.)res bud t'>v won' BOX 26191 acme r. -ea-` soom art Tong 111101251454 -usr BOIL 2210 • ve bay' d a Porsche am The boor 7 a ;carr t - :lax: a^s.t-' BOX 26997 Hraeys and fast Cos I am;asswta funny arwyrale rags iaany r 'cars: art bwul0i Minae '9 D SEEKING SPECIAL -MY -i kv ebo1 n IF 35 CALL YE SOME^YE : :ala at 1Sia as 6' .au go aid M mines .Kt u 'yny s'tcJmnOra 'DESPERATE 'ao angle moms wish to meet -r• And nYlgant 0 you are a sage ,,to maw 30 to aC F a ends is y reasons c BOX 2W! = .: -, •; ' r :.. ' , .ale• a'd '•3,e ng A lot r,I -ale .: r '.:ours BOX 21195 IV Aw 2115 Y^Ce .ai- tarMC teen b frlewdSr,O mayoe al can' IDX 21675 1 RECENTLY SINGLE. 2B year x Tar .no s esa- 5e,ere - -y" turd tp.rt ter '.!:: a lac teat CASUAL ENCOUNTERS rwrr :me' Pse" -,- AT-AACTNE FR YALE : 3&" b sage Or sxr sap Yom 11 5 K Mn Gro I& Man 82 a 35 WANTED' A single wiw mate 2810 33 dr beteresSEEKINGWOMEN std ?-Koeved -v cad looking Put rot :7'Mlw ;on 00125125 a BC X 21197 r-rc-etc 'e -jet 'y :ear Ds:IM :anal rrxrers , is 'ADIAd Nie b met! somrar 35 to 45 In trust. loesti and entnarrahr .rc s alai No _.wing b a .Oros' am s mnkne'w lar 'n' oas ,if FIRST ,11E AD ;-ac,gC ran bong or aroma OSHAWA YALE : .-••e -ale ' 9 6 n wim Age regi ale 'aa S . 10or^anr Draw 'esporc >xr:s or head flames Looking IN prmar0a'04- have a goon sense of Irma RenrC .Urn bund s,r, AFFECTIONATE YALE 'lax ^ : xarr. r ry ate 'c Pe rn and.arr •wwarted 80[ 11211 tae :: t :: x cure some discei .:awn" on P•:.- - :., -•'s ieew^^ :mw Ta+„g 'oyes IDX 26921 BOX =1 :::END got .tete lemale 28 5" Powr Mar P1ueeYed. AA !4 ti s 5 " P'or •aa PIx eras =WW aria"' KANAIENT WIDER S"'laN ?Doe tooling %aeon owereg encodes BOX 2511' arae i a rasa, arrorrrs 90121497 COUPLE IN OSHAWA all ,nae :o,Pe rag term CA MORE. Nh,re erraw 59 non smohw wrap Opt BOX 27010 Various lyrists ,r jou es0aldeC to bo 29199 ad able mat aft mats c so, S Pennate ir •Dom .am RIDER WANTED 3-t3c: •e :.c' :r passenger to, FMT 7E AD 'z. rue male :: aq wars eW ,'> ::„; , :,'a.a .n; 'r a not 'y 'Yes: wren and caring En,oy PACKAGE DEAL :Pmos am Tree children Looking got no r0 e, Nass world agar J, tors Car vim, pus ess ant •:•not are Possible ! 1115 s .ra;r•.0 a you, Am n -oo,:yoe •ns r: ar:,rsau alAmenity Arc Art X-C, . xiln; t' eye 2! t b b :as ,a •eta Acamng ace +e,mc rill BOX BOX MM out navehng and At- everwrlgs at ba late 30's to early IC s hall decent person one s Pe, -apes 3C c 5: BOX 2490 yeai ale are .akng to woe b Res. ave a Pi, OW -mato ?•lov -- ab an acne tile” Josper tonY001 KC BOX 27 ADVEN^JROUS YALE 3ae^nr Zs as ec male la ir4eptnderd male male. aPpr". sed looking !or a poison ai tty es pe daoms of -mat a AFFECTIONATE FATHER i' ear x 'ala+ Seek 'waits trim, 165Au OkY ewe W" cite taw els Wal BOX 3!15 N WUE. ! ala aoac-,e 3saeet ibagm ses:ne 2` qtr y Ye a as we -wroec 'alma e b :any age nom smoker. we =raw to woman staid be Frrndsfp first BOX 2M6 tra u gent 3•racoze e+OrYct .at '"abed roan BOX 26M FIRST TIME AD Mae S: omr, b ON d sin age .Jong b sane 3C t aim a Vrmsrtp BOX 26970 a rcx.r ws 30121 Spy BOX BOX 21211 A NEW START. m a divorced. hill typed man tC wry ryoys dancing :oars. arca acavees xumy CNM AND GNIG. 3eW wm* male uY •eacaMl Arc ,les :009 ras: a^ore ti^,lag Put date, NEW TO SCENE ;ala male setts -ae 3r t 3: •v BW. LOWLY 5�h9t .n:r -taw 28 CC" b srgle •-O FOR YOU : la a Seigle a dNaDed. . ' with too ben WS EnIpV a wide urge of activities music and AM Inns NO head gars sw,au Nptes b wADy *511'.1 smart mmaMC !cies ni*a„9 705". NFnrYI's a nae and Iaverg 8012131/ :asua W -p nrws 1-szFe!or' asiweC r Tine Nn,Sr a mate' 'e"dle ;3 10 35 ra discreet acaaMANS 3 ^ : -Oke laoeng rOdShp first, Merl AMC from l oonin waft D darts aid pool Looeng b a raid bay Sr a morns webome BOX 3091 mage lodng olds Ate .arlrq a brae + ori STARTING OVER Sege lame male to 3C King area BOX 2693 A" vx a Der BOX 21351 got a good heart all I m a good ksMO *1redOy Dew 38 to /5 over 510' wum a sense Of pe de ,tale NO ONE WANTS IE Sue39 but kbk b .nn .ove AV I'm very May: AMtal arts • ilbaa a ane beaAta .v-ar tc sal Pw .r ala a went OSHIAWA MALE. Sorge arAe 35 t 1' '900s :lar MUSIC LOVING YALE Seers 'orae 3CX 2820 him ranantc and�rtawnt BOX 3/M ywgr 56 180 bs Looking a a omromar than aro cuodig are my *a"e spurs 'm r amacave :ps And 019 b lives aper sYorT ar9 rlmrtwg sill," soaker. sragr barg arc Scar, ieus-ala raiz -ase . * 'r>,tS 'ora raki,ny And ab srmare A'TAACIIYE SLN LADY. Age* arae d U=., ACTNE A !INTERESTING, 53 Year W tally LAO Au' who Dies I'milu p,bobs racing :as voing ag well ball 39 net dd bo" b tat Spec f0d, and skating ano oft tamp oriented aawees ha rt Dans 2C D 35 by or gall a 2sceei v sines 80126960 Va ec ,wess arc egene,r a .:Ohms ae drum las Wm Or." Low". . dereng. ray, nye nb M Hotness Of horlwwn Oram Del rats. drag cul Witty ala" Lod nq for age 28 to elms Ye and WIN I NM to PM BOR am M" Looking tp a so" 46 Kies mar, ono N MALE 3C "S poll as strai res cow ; and rcalg And apoal•ilow mowse BOX MK g "'d a ,roe tarry o1 oft rtYrests Non stY1 . and oWpOra, hippy and secure Looking b passion, 42 and aro! into ,ed0 gars Fiere first thein will. STARTING OYER. Handsome. back mak age 5' out could. abs donner, Odle t r my ams and .roc Tia Sant wikia 'Wes b hObYq BOX 2" LADY RUINER, SC tees pd fear ;mq male - U;'aosOme, knaayy "Ong who me ISepa hook aSOW. she a cared ROK 77115 OURNAII REGIosL :1 rear DIC mar sr t n :ompror'a mctnawr aro encow h 801 to Cllr BOX 301 FORrF a*d Moak, Looking to KATE BEN Single o ne we 6' hazi mtstc. 0u l nines r mm and dke rndylg BOX SM NOWNIIC GiBrRBAM Secure tas can sone mala and oamg Setas, 3, -as M very d scretee;e, 2797 -ne A'aElr FEMIME Romany gd 50, wYhet b Mo spee lie b fall, her loge, lr past Must be 20 b 30. eyes io" g Pworn new, we 30 s bowng for sal sexy MIXED DECENT. 27 year oY aflracine male of 40 s myedgent crag non smo w social annker Option BOX M14 VARIETY S.. i:o a Pleasure .wt' aeacre mr, .' . r,nrg arra, Wilmot know AIM MM d Arg a not eR'DDRRwt. BOK 2MISM wit Yin b 7D OA Hekoidt b Pay gd and pod. Sparse rldtan aeon! t r" 15C pouts W :0rr0ier Seeking a 30 b AS yea ala t rm. dam bawl, Cele IKSEXUAL MALE Sallying Other 8' sexes, -e, : r tit ca=r 'nal r s aso-re •c •enoezvas akin . v :,mm,Prpywl tepred BOX 21721 $E MIFEMALE very outgoing Wmale 24. and and afraid b be herself BOX 21719 :xMt. on 7w eyes seW (bw to tart women Mag g attractiveattractivePDkSLalal 'emaie who eves WOO +onto to 195 discreet adventures BOX 3 rea.:,u 'H^3e : r s Sr*B i 3 se ' c E yE SSINGLEA® EEKS ADAM. Single Christian female. Mks 10 halt An hwad pry Sod" male 20 b 24. with TALL ATTRACTIVE MARE, 38 par old D'oltssbnal weheonsSSnp BOX MR reS, aeaals ono I'll,aatoos Wa: b kb Some" DOcrts .:"' q,; Det nail •a •allie) RMase Naz -s "&rdt^d 34. ems we ale d,Doit 1M same interests NIX ME male So" aMwm Lwnale M M And romance FROM THE HEART Yak. 36 allachl, In adawro- b xwbp a VAN lWbOnft BOX 27012 riamatne rle>sage -ane r: ^w Der Cisc!e bre s iT and petite, dart haw Interests, dddr ins pAMPER NIR spa ME Good looking. len Yung. En dy cod". candlelight Illinois. and good OWK"Sa Jus O"s COW" cMrO% raid ndhg hands. SINGLE GUY i m lee and dot. 6'7 Looking b meet Assured 301 ZM13 rf 'a>e calks trtsrc and nonce. Seeks single "sba Mare bond, wiM good sense Of hum 57 green Don 801330 IRM! caaersapn 9 - -I bra sent. swgk wyw woolen. svKge Or aeaclad age 35 ard vp to friendship WALK. JOG. RIB( as r ,ane!, .r Places :an a male Sr U'Ont S, no be employed =I- Ives. rho a Pose coaly rRIAc, drag and mWiC1 ARE YOU CURIOUS? Single duk male 21 5'1 I" embbyed Mrye non YFoiw 2810 W Ways weir Of roe BOX 27011 To rJon now -at to fear ham Voila So On BOX W" St.mn lend gwwr spot BOX 31M g wrw male mid Ups. ,slagged bb, Pan W. tram hall. brown eyes Looking b dominant submits- =111111 111101112" I AN LOOKING FOR YOU me *Oman and 'I%$ FORST D PBWJa Attached b temale very acral: COUPLE WANTED. B :zebtat us e to 3Cs aa0 x y T WANTED '1WariM, W&M. he eyed w Ill same. WiM a sKae d Ma PossbMg snot. a 01811011S *PA* b SAse InOU 5 en"u"I s a 00 HEARTED. Soo guy 28 born har bbgyee n answered mwbm 26.06 A Free Mott behleen he aid *now* 18 53" ' 15bs dig bade nr are '9 mei xNenuous cope b edila bol' BOX 26971 -'rte :: Dues oleic,andnPYs d acini Kelm Doll' MIs d filing term reNeoltsNeD IDX 21171 retA onsltp Age and reqs not mpOri BOX 3172 night n s down to eaM Lgood eyLAID mom PFA! . !away or ad 9M and rung up le wKtwK;t !aavmg a Owe eyes -0c" a ,:peaa Arm b 23 Dt THE BLUES las munnces Orale dimes good t, v A aoae 'cite. 40 to 50.5'8' a MIA. v* Sn1 FIRST TIME A0. Sop mom, agadle. 32. 5'9•. 130 WHITE pROFESSIORML Stege reale. 31.511 blown carversaeon the ouboors Lodm9 Ax a "wo caro number , wow the You b cal Pact am eave a mes- pat erre iters. with a arbu: my attache Pare, trends atter nee and ro^ance E3sv yr9 and awxc• les's BOX 2417 Ips. dark brown Mau. green eyes Like iwgnrng, oar aneyes /fVa S ly Bdi f lOrl religrt aaacbe. nos M sin ahYrests. for hods hM Ilan a who sage I am boiling b you 901 2M HealMy very it[, dean. hrsh experience : s:remn he me* chives at rauve sp tyrab x sive al or M RAKE RIE AWAY. Srgk Mlale, cad IDs Ytlolld Nie romance. rod And wont ing out Fnwdshl, lost and iMac ndapw&ft and Mks!. EnpRs "Al"AN bit- ubnl BOX 2010 SMGLE WHITE MALE mug single Mrok x D 3C assued BOX 32!0 abbe BOX me ` t' -'aro 5ke Iry hand alp y1d nY Ws M rAywg swged drnkdy M7B 2N0 whg Hug. Puldim, and ha i Lmtrg b Angie rlrM NEW IN TOWIL While mile. 20 5 6 15511s. brow preMaby a ion smdw Erlcy Wits quiet vies ATTACHED FEMALE Bi carious Mrae _ 1 Por dg FIRST TWE A0.: Otk* r mly 2C s she a crocus BOX 2til SIMM WWM FEMALE. 21. 5'6', easy gong and le. 2610 32. no 6XVIord non smoker a in com nwae PA* eyes abrrg b ati, PAlady. 1t D 21 Enpy gong romantic dinners arc spendingqudfrN inn air out naw. DAre eyes. t 150s _acct for a sers:nve DK '9 looting b oiler couples an3ot singe males ,merit OAIVEA NEEDED. 5 yea oho HanKly ST• and 130 BWdoing al acWles. Lpdry for Mparade teres¢ BOX 209 ie w r, than special sant al airnars and spending ein spby petsor .f its s tau nl me BOX 7.N0 ernale. b 23. dean ata: maw Aachen: aYnaes n e foendsnq am 3seewhw er u,lws BOX 3961 °n9 walls. tpAY Mee. rd anAKMs. low rfAY mMe. 25 b 31, Wo anT of ad d Ba lag a SPEC SOMEONE WANTED What ma,, ea y 30s are III be waang D tear from you BOX za PASSIONATE AND ALONE Attractive mak 32 6'. ale welcome BOX 201 LODOG FOR YOU Singe. am" P a D cubut xcage r ars smooth No plwdml, nod a w ti e b MY No phgs plass. BOX 3K0 one dependent, easy gong. tun bring, not nb gars. LM,AIX Slip oft male Y1da9 AX a it*. 19 b dank Mar aId dorm eyes Looking; M awl paps b snare BOX 2N9/ LADES ally PLEASE Loolwg Vexcemrnr 3. 00 kmae. 45, Motes 18 b 15 Doles oierroo'i not m >ae w0aYr1 rre diner BOX 2120 good MI TEAR OLD SM, Wald We to creel a Md and a single man lMe I you At TLC to bdxg la a en clubs and d 22 who Yks gong out b M Moyes. dspen oncad, wwm 1m comersaim compMtWp aWW See" M same w,r o nrerests me male Intermittent 3sueet. daytimeC 'teawwe'ghb HRISTIAN YON wild be twood An satyr LAM hoing 70 D 75, who *0 tolling dung yam of nM LOaldMlm ale wrlante MUX =1 r9 gIMI anon Y Mn Wam sonwre db is no m FIRST TIME. AD. Sm* who in* 39 employed, nlbW my parb0 Good looking g tin Dm'r5, er"s, Me encantets Strbkers or y io please t. :a von lm not hdlg br 1lMriblld a da41 gerweman• ole FN+iXrl Paso and dana5 anon smoker a must ARTIST AT HEART Srrsrrry searching br iileMne head gins Leah a mkssage anyrne MOX 701 5'1P 165 Ills, meMg a stogie"*00 b .000, Eley M NI MO dnng, mox rcIm and an" D saebon a BOX BOX 3936 0 riot a near h0q who has iso IMI Ill palm d N ft r of gyy aDn parkon Arts, hipwa s diem! musD books are SKEW Dray who mMe. 25.6'6 215 Its snort ship rikedi s FIAT TO AD, must 323 REGION., ' eh by t wlsw, b shag cm aw ATHLETIC MAN WANTED Energetic, atm. 56", 39 some of our rrweas Dwaoa twlte. D. nMneiY ban hall. Prawn aYn. a bit soy swats alYnasaY 29.63' MckV aypys sports. morns SeeWq DURUM 36 yea Pd len ale Seeks sane ""'CA dads webonne . IM 91111 SEEKING ft lenlale seeks similar in* who mountain to"Ve. iwbirk Seeks Wily O"WL ed, c . And ming LODMig for down b art. O/aow. un0gs- and wee, Yes a saw 25 b 35, b good B7K 2/91 VmVA mlerestt inn sm. N reDtes aswixed Imam PERFECT MAN I am 20 yens dd. 5'6. ,ynglg bites, aka Aaplss hoes D Valet boiling b fwds!w esteblYrd woimialh d ores beauty M ag Yim yell standing Lamle w/h a sense d hada IDX 3019 fAOp 1MES 21 Peer ad mak. very Rant gag bd• ins LONELY MAR Lately ard rneg,crt Anbad botrhg FIRST EVMNM. Amator", AKXUed b auras and Mown eyes Nolw d a as oak atl zx0 d sonroyr „r Mm relationship BOX Z. 29 er 29, LETS � 3n7 single wow mels liks gag (FTS TALJL' KRd lA7oi 4 r9 b meet go who Yes D go Des and have a good b 40 At neglected woman do s bdwig b share Ranrute 33. 510' taODs seeks b. a a cur" Ioinale rho wii like ram d in and alp Wat Simeone 00 Mks HIOIEST GEMIL Sag, dYe k rt Me, pelts. pt's MOT wtw mak, ram b tee Rows King waft on Ie beach and N0dn9 U"ee II mat's Ya leave me a nkssage Discreet quality nine with samlaie lam tales Enpy lutes M first lee whmu M 8017101 MYORCED OIBMIAM REG ArAe mMe 65 .rhes b ass:r morias. d nets at AIR bear BOX a1111 A M d spirit; Seeks honest Singer rMalPre anR (Res at Ian I am a non zmdrr. lam pnhe welyarews Age and wwght int onwem BOX 3111 mlarwc arbors, wNAi on M beadL taalrq bcyiiq MSPS QTLY SEBVIGt 22 yes ob mama waiting meet a La*. 55 aus Or miLb a ntaborshp SIM y E WIN TE FEMALE looking for lb "t some. err dXi1. 27 b 33. la frrroMXD bad a potsbb 3061 Swidlang b a yaag !will. 19 b 25, Ali SOWN M- LETS TALI 5R01e"mgb"br a tidy 19 D ad aaw9 MAW gen IDX 7971 altawe cMwl MMI" b a t Yesonle r M OoYtlertl nkat De rtda/er'oaK eM 6areg Anil Wet tines BOX s bfrw. sopa) peAw. tfRp. MOB haw. due Ives, 57. tial Bae b nowt BOIL 3W421 Eno moll a. gong OLA and Wins r hmm NO HEAD GAMES. Srngk mak. dnarad. 39 rho Dauelan ass nal BOX 31W 2m 1 Who Moss 9 M -P W hiih) The-\ MUMMY GIL I am 38. dada Ajax/Pickering ring Newx AUveniscr, Nilythumh.rl•usJ News ;awl Markclplxc asMW nal haA Hs nl ol. Cg des lU vb, )IML ]IAM lla ally d% A.k ii a %' rLn 4,or K.7w„IM)rnl% tn..u:h xlvrrer\rrtnna. Oshawa Th,. Sim with rho SllAcnrly Y,wun N'HAn Atha" Week. Clann •am This iIKJy. ill pang lh:v ills without r, without voice greetings may Awa apyrdar m Week, t VO ee II run) may i ai1in you n•..1M wi,l to advertise menti which it Ikxms ilup(w«giriak. All a,lvr«u ors mora «•c,wrJ a nice greeting 10 a tiKIA: rely 1',•wr aJ, r, caul ph,xM: MII rUl It% ilk: disaR'111He Chan •e, «'irCl ut Ikkle an rmwreal mail ''"' + charge An $7 47 ResP,)"-nal will hear removal ,kknpintns o1 advenndn a war i O I" lee a la WL72'i•SL70 , -1 $2.44 per minus!. average 1 minus. calif cz,sl.. To chaW or ream yorr Mrviee,resY 1 741kwas a da ) PAGE 32 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISED. WED., FEBRUARY 7, 1996 Canadian -CANADA'S'` Tmire (SERVICE CENTRE x1, is proud to have again been awarded the Automotive Service Contract for the Durham Regional Police Services. �epe7c�a6i�t� o�po�ce c�elici�cs is o�ai�rast ��rpa�ta7ce aKcl we atcep�casec(tl at we 4#,e 6 doeew aKGe alQi7 t0 orQi�tQiK 044ax Pac/ce uek�Im to de, sta7&cis we9u�d 0u� �Ci ��� twai�eciiec�C�ricia�rs ca�� out hese ii,�i �i s�i�cla�cis rv�iet� se�r�ici�,� ttj%v��ia�r t'o&e imk�lm - oepcu° u-ek�t e, (�iooa (af al%( Tire A eolff oetiv o� se"ice, ive"ThMltg awimlae alwarl r, r7 V �Pp” IN -STOCK GAS SNOWBLOWERS Assembled & Ready To Go 00 P OFF i 50 ITO .1 r , y ® MOTOMASTER Ss - — — — — — — — ——ssassssssssSasssssassSssasssssassssssl �sSAVE DOLLARS I.. ` ON ANY AUTO SERVICE OVER $100 SI SAVE $20 o" d,_,T • �t��!e� ar.!_ se �:.,. t,..y„�Tn,; ar'1 U.ttiR� rrti� :It (_i- J,an T'.- Aut', Centres. S C>urM has , cash value and must be presented at a Canadan T,re Siwe at the I— of -e S 1 S Ca^^abeus d n corryunct on r to a ry nlherservre oMe, t and o,a coupper Val d b F ehruary 1 r 1996 S Flv lar at%.1. able la.rc :CT Vl' x, IM Pr belure c-4— S GET YOUR CAR FIXED NOW PAY LATER! • NO MONEY DOWN • NO PAYMENT AND NO INTEREST FOR 3 MONTHS* • NO ADMINISTRATION FEE Centre,\ and battens. and covers parts and installation. Minimum 'm cost: S100 . approved credrt Offe, avaiade only on the Canadian Tire :. Full details at your Canadwn Tire Auto Centre 1300 KINGSTON RD. at Liverpool, Pickering 839-8124 CAR WON'T GO? WE'LL PAY THE TOW!! Maximum $35.00 Details at Service Department 260 KINGSTON RD. at Westney, Ajax 683-2277 i r♦. , I N U . off. _ .. LL IN -STOCK HOCKEY W -STOCK REG. PRICED SNOW SUITS Kids, Adult, Utility, 1 or 2 Piece 25 0 0 OFF EQUIPMENT Y40f O��10/2 automatic charger. 10 -amp fast charge and 2 -amp tridde charge. Suitable for all 12V automotive, marine, motorcycle and RV batteries. Hide -away handle doubles as cord wrap. SELECTED IN -STOCK EXERCISE EQUIPMENT 0 O L25OFF PLANTERS MIXED NUTS 275 g Tin $ 99 2 s9 -M-0 Sale prices in effect Wed., February 7 to Sat., February 17/96. While quantities last. Windshield washer antifreeze Sorry, no rainchecks. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Selection may vary by store. Top quality. Rated -45°C iV,)MfS�Aj PICKERIN'° l G .AJAX _ 1300 Kingston Road ..260 Kingston Road -839-8017 683-8473 I • ` ,T141,ri 0 III 1 LOADED Desirable family area. 4 a' + 2 bedrooms, 3 -pc. 3 4 -pc. bath, Jacuzzi, greenhouse kitchen, central air, central F,= vacuum, french doors, skylights, approx. 2,100 sq. ft. 1k BEV McLEAW I` .� 831-3300 R6�m ,. FIRST L�tde"y AJAX KIDNEY -SHAPED POOL $199,800 This one is loaded. In-law suite with separate ,} entrance. Beautifully landscaped - upgraded kitchen, ceramic floors - '' bleached hardwood floors. 4 bedrooms - direct access from 2 car garage. Call STEVE FEARON* 683-2992 RV/Yl �C� QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. SOUTH AJAX S 163, 900 DEMAND NEIGHBORHOOD Minutes walk to lake b parks A� Beautifully landscaped lot Fin. basement with wet bar ` Franklin stove Large eat -in kitchen _ Fully detached horse Quiet crescent location Pride of ownership CALL WAYNE HARRIS* - ; (905) 837-1054 NEW CHOICE in REALTY LTD. �D MEMBER BROKER EXCLUSM SOUTH AJAX t A home glowing with warmth & comfort surrounded by beautiful + gardens. Lge. gracious liv. rm. & din. rm. Immaculate 6 beautifully . maintained. New windows. garage 000rs ('91-12), roof ('94). Central air. Raised planters and interlock walks. Backs on greenbelt. A VERY SPECIAL HOME FOR VERY SPECIAL PEOPLE 5234.900. CALL LUCY BATESON Associate Broker 1905 619-9500 ` I HERITAGE REALTY tNC. only $1�,159umontfrly ,500 Pala ftft beelltihtl 3 bedroom hone with — a finished basement, fireplace, central air and renovated dream kitchen. Located in prime south Ajax on a 50 x 120' lot A steps to bliefront. CALL BERNARD LEE* a or RUCK CHOMCY* (905) 428-6533 -t_ OR 416-285-3993 OR 1-800-663-7119 r' 4. 949900 REA—C. 1849900 Aleaan . -, to "Aseoeiab anokar "* olnarl0w w :i "A 10" BeatRMuly renovated 3 bedr—it super starier in desirable Lakeside ares. Ceramic flooring, mirrored closet doors, newly finished rec room with 3.pc. bathroom and gas fireplace. Professionally landscaped and interlock. A pleasure to view! $162,000. JACQUELYNN TANNER* 619-9500 NEW PRICE AND... OPEN HOUSE t 259 WRIGHT CRES., AJAX SUN., FEB. 11, 2-4 P.M. This north Ajax beauty has it all - 3 bedrooms, eat4n kitchen, family room, open concept floor plan. 2 -tier deck in spacious and �. private back yard. Easy access to 401 and GO transit. Asking only S162.500. CALL ` BRIAN KONDO* 683-2992 REIMW40 QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. POWER OF SALE! SOUTH AJAX! 3 spacious bedrooms + 2 bathrooms Eat -in kitchen Professionally finished basement Walkout to back yard Spacious floor plan Steps to school, shopping. buses Best value in Ajax CALL DAVID BEATON* 683-2992 RVMW OUALITY ONE I.M. RLTR. ONE -OF -A -KIND! Custom usque Gliforria design Large �'G pool, new nautical deck Lots of "Mexican" til En suite bath. Jacuzzi tub 6 skylight Greenhouse kit with Jem air California shutters. fam. rm.. gas fp. ;in. bsmt. + wall-tovwaa wood tp. 1 4 acre treed lot. t of Pickering Asking S2963M CALL JUDY STACEE—, F.R.I. (905) 837-1054 NEW CHOICE REALTY LTD. rA Edift MEMBER HERMITAGE BEAUTY! . 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms * Oversized greenhouse kitchen Central air A vacuum systems Interlock brick walkway, professional landscaping, fully fieruced yard Great value for $194,900. Call today. CHANTAL CORCORAN" 905-619-9500 NEED MORE SPACE? Well this 4 bedroom, 2,000 sq. fL home might be what you're looking for. There is a 4 -pc. en suite, mails floor laundry, main floor family room with a fireplace. Located in demand area This home is great value. CALL GERRY THATCHER" 683-5000 RVMW QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. ST1UIflIrM 10+ HOME FOR $ in Ute 4 bdrm. name in prestigious Pickering. Fartil"imed Mitchem, w/o to fully On rid yard, formal din. rm., master bdrm. en suite has roman tub. Too many features to list. CALL ANGELA HOFFMANN* ' TODAY! 683-1088 r' 4. 949900 REA—C. 1849900 Aleaan . -, to "Aseoeiab anokar "* olnarl0w w :i "A 10" BeatRMuly renovated 3 bedr—it super starier in desirable Lakeside ares. Ceramic flooring, mirrored closet doors, newly finished rec room with 3.pc. bathroom and gas fireplace. Professionally landscaped and interlock. A pleasure to view! $162,000. JACQUELYNN TANNER* 619-9500 NEW PRICE AND... OPEN HOUSE t 259 WRIGHT CRES., AJAX SUN., FEB. 11, 2-4 P.M. This north Ajax beauty has it all - 3 bedrooms, eat4n kitchen, family room, open concept floor plan. 2 -tier deck in spacious and �. private back yard. Easy access to 401 and GO transit. Asking only S162.500. CALL ` BRIAN KONDO* 683-2992 REIMW40 QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. POWER OF SALE! SOUTH AJAX! 3 spacious bedrooms + 2 bathrooms Eat -in kitchen Professionally finished basement Walkout to back yard Spacious floor plan Steps to school, shopping. buses Best value in Ajax CALL DAVID BEATON* 683-2992 RVMW OUALITY ONE I.M. RLTR. ONE -OF -A -KIND! Custom usque Gliforria design Large �'G pool, new nautical deck Lots of "Mexican" til En suite bath. Jacuzzi tub 6 skylight Greenhouse kit with Jem air California shutters. fam. rm.. gas fp. ;in. bsmt. + wall-tovwaa wood tp. 1 4 acre treed lot. t of Pickering Asking S2963M CALL JUDY STACEE—, F.R.I. (905) 837-1054 NEW CHOICE REALTY LTD. rA Edift MEMBER HERMITAGE BEAUTY! . 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms * Oversized greenhouse kitchen Central air A vacuum systems Interlock brick walkway, professional landscaping, fully fieruced yard Great value for $194,900. Call today. CHANTAL CORCORAN" 905-619-9500 NEED MORE SPACE? Well this 4 bedroom, 2,000 sq. fL home might be what you're looking for. There is a 4 -pc. en suite, mails floor laundry, main floor family room with a fireplace. Located in demand area This home is great value. CALL GERRY THATCHER" 683-5000 RVMW QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. 831-3300 FW 0.4 HOT TUB, POOL A SAUNA!! Truly a special home, ideal Mapkridge location_ Huge premium lot, professionally landscaped, 4 Wows. fataily room with gorgeous hardwood Poor & fireplace. finished besemed Loaded with extras. S2% 2SC DOUG TAYLOR 831-3300. 1.,, uiu'I1611iT MOVE IN!! .1 A raw genL ads b00! ib finished top to bottom. beautifully decorated. 3 it' 114,1 s. mast!• t ce `as -, -pc. en suite. family room. finished basemenntral it air. centrot vac. iof. *or! be disappointed. DOUG TAYLOR 831-3300. : , J ;`i'il.�llff 4a M" Roy* E 831-3300 $159,700 - FINISHED TOP TO BOTTOM Approximately 1.200 sq. ft. with 2 baths, bright eatAn kitchen. L-shaped living room and dining room with walkout to large deck on a premium lot. Won't last. CALL MARY ROY, 831-3300. THIS ONE IS LOADED S174,900 DONT MISS OUT ON -NIS ONE Beautiful home with ceramic floors, upgraded broadloom poen concept eat -in K schen overlooking family room and many more great features CALL MARY ROY, 831- EMIL - ' I - Ctlsia6lr ��tt Ifif>me - homeon this spectacular lot in soul AFiii ehll�tion, close to lake b trails, build a tiilttihlrhk �iiRflere or design the perfect house to sV*%VW needs. A unique opportunity. Call DOII�-111,1 i1fA,.Qp 03441 Soo. i il! i i1t�'I ii it - f i ll III f I.1: t3 51 - :.v r ilillt 4t 'GLENNPhilCE* 'jE 31, i 831-3300 NO MORE GRASS TO CRIT Escape to this 3 bedroom Tridel Casita. Spotlessly clean, pickled oak kitchen. ceramics b more. Call GLEM PRICE today for your private showing at 631-3300. JUST LISTED! FIRST A01i Attention first-time buyers, large eat -in kitcliea, 3 bedroom2 washrooms, large lot, finished bataemen4 gees "we a mqm C40GLENN PRICE now for move4lalails at 63144 c. OPEN HOUSE SUN., PW 11, 2-4 P.M. l 22 RANDALL DRW, AJAX n rnl i $Q. s109soto ; , Jus`tr' !This immac Spacious, well kept townhome. Has three btedltle"0, +in kl:cttert premiuli►'I ed lot, eat with sliding walkout to fenced yard, bright *W tlwy A fireplace 81'ttii Call GLE dlning room and more. CALL MARY ROY for more I i ,1 {fall �. 1 , il.!li khiait# ill 1 DIIIIN lt- :-i l►tilttllA � t 'l t,, i �� ... lot, this gourmet Own 11 less tltarl the cost i ished basement, wet bar, ' billiard area, 4 s011fh � lake, two bed •� 4 betroo 2 staircases, main floor library, w/o to ravine i en �, to pay yourseHl "MARY finis� ' ROY 831 PRICE I TAYLOR 831.3300. ' 1 Ii 4;iCALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE iiiiiiiiiiiiii� WIN m MIM IL W — • R5,1MWFIRSTREALTY fift'f ttR "f. "'!"!�!�f"R'!"�"�t�lf" 1t'.'l ftlf'rf *'��""' !r.�T!'"'t PTr Rfii ftltiltfit!}rilTilfftllfllTl:!'"'>* •• � � CALL LTD. (905) 831 _ 3300 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED & OPERATED REALTOR eNANNA RD. PICKERING (905) 686_3330 � � � •� � �. w n. �. �.� a Ready to rock When students from St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Catholic School in Pickering visited Karxialore Outdoor Center in the Haliburton Highlands recently, Derek Maher, front, and Alex Bulpin were among those who gave rappelling a try. Group helps seniors prevent falls AJAX-PICKERING -- The Seniors Safety Coali- tion of Durham is looking for volunteer trainers interested in leading and/or helping to organize its Step Safely Worksbops which educate seniors in the prevention of falls. According to the coali- tion, which has been formed by seniors' ser- vices in Durham, Durham region has one of the highest rates of falls in Ontario and falls are a contributing factor in 40 per cent of admissions to long -lam -care facilities. A training session for volunteers in Ajax and Pickering will be held Match 5 from I to 3 p.m. at the Pickering police sta- tion at the corner of Hwy. 2 and Brock Road. Enter at the beet. Please register to attend. To register or for more information call Heather Tucker at (905)668-7765. SIMPLY STUNNING Unique open concept, stunning home in mint condition shows a 10'. Finished walkout basement, large rec room and bdrm., upgrades galore, cent. air, cent. vac., 4 appliances. Call John Moniz, 831-3300/686-3330. 5050 DOWN PAYMENT Carries for $853 per month includes maintenance and taxes. WHY RENT? Brick fireplace, balcony, walk to conservation and lake. Many other models available. Call John Moniz for a personal tour, 686-3330/831-3300. Over 1,900 sq. ft. - 4 bedrooms - 2 112 baths L-shaped living & din. room - bright south exposure !1- Modern kitchen with bleached oak cabinets Family room with brick fireplace �f Full size master with 4 -piece en suite & walk-in I closet New location - close to schools -- Call Steve Mill. 831-3300 `j '^ Enormous 15G deep premium fenced lot. Oversized liv. rm. & din. rm. combination ' Upgraded brdlm. Family sized kitchen with oak cabinets & walkout. Al! good sized bedrooms - spacious layout. Gong. finished basement with brick fp. &full bath! ' ,Y CAC. CVAC. fridge. stove & BJ dishwasher mall Steve Mil!. 831-3300 nates inic,uae roil. eaves. neat pump furnace ceo'rooms - 2 full baths Va,r floor family room with fireplace & walkout. - F noshed basement with rec room & 5th bedroom! Mature trees & landscaped; schools & shopping close by. - Call Steve Mill. 831-3300 \�7r 1 Ail brICK - .;ua, :y ,,;;ns: ,.�;,.i: . zalts Lovely family room with hardwood & fireplace. Spacious eat -in Ocher overlooks the family room. Master with dble. closet & en suite wrwhirlpool tub Finished recreation room - CAC, CVAC & pool! Great location - Don't wait! Call Steve Mill, 831-3300 _ ® Prestigious location - premium Ict. r r� Professional landscaping -interlocking drive & wiway Generous room sizes - formal liv. rm. & din. rm. Family size kitchen with walkout' 4 bedrooms - 2 -: baths. -- -- - _-. -_` Includes fridge. stove, washer & dryer! CAC also' Call Steve Mill. 831-3300 Spacious family home - great area' _ 4 bedroom - 21/2 baths - all good sized Bay window in combined liv. rm. & din. rm. Family room with fireplace! CAC & four appliances included! Call Steve Mill, 831-3300 - Will not disappoint - spacious 2,300 sq. ft. model! j - Full w/out bsmt. with wet bar & unique woodwork a - Incredible kitchen with breakfast area & fireplace - Combined liv. rm. & din. rm. - Spacious entry hall. - Circular staircase leads to 4 bdrms. & Z/: baths - Prof. landscaping with extensive interlock patio - Call Steve Mill, 831-3300 Style and flair throughout! Formal din. rm. with exciting decor! Open concept liv., cook's kit.! Walkout to artistic multi-level deck. One of the finest rec rms. I have ever seen! Do not wait - call today! Call Steve Mill, 831- " 3300 "FREE MARKET ANALYSIS" STEVE MILL 831-3300 PAGE 4 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED, FEBRUARY 7.19% Coco needs a loving family with a good home ❑ The Animal Guardian Society in Durham has a special resident it wants to help out DURHAM -- The Animal Guardian Society (TAGS) is looking for dog lovers to help a puppy in need. Coco, a five -week- old doberman puppy, is desperately in need of an operation to ampu- tate a deformed leg. But The procedure to help start the pup off on the right foot could cost '7' $700, says Kalb,,- Asling athyAsling of TAGS, an organization which helps screen pet adoptions and solve pet behavior problems. Coco is missing a radial bone in one of his legs, making it very awkward for the puppy to walk or run. Ms. Asling says it's the equivalent of humans trying to walk on an elbow. * "He's already developed quite a nasty callous (on the leg joint)." she says. Veterinarians report Coco is perfectly healthy otherwise and could lead a nor- mal life on only three legs. But that depends on how early the pro- cedure is performed. Ms. Asling adds. Animals adjust to disability better when they are young, she says. Should the problem persist, Coco's hips will suffer. "Dobermans are known to have problems with their hips." Ms. Asling says. Coco's short life has exacted more than its share of troubles. Soon after being born, the pup's mother rejected and refused to feed him because of the deformity- Coco's breeder wanted to put down the pup before an Oshawa family decided to take him in for the time being - "W'e're truing to help in any possible way to raise money for his operation," Ms. Atilinc -,ays. Children worried � * or concerned * about making a move`' * (Ti,.,e me a call and I * would be glad to send you a FREE * CoPy of the * "Bernstein Bears �• * Moving Day" book. * STEVE * FEARON Sales Representative * 683-2992 * ask for a free copy of •� * 9 Deadly Mistakes ,* Home Owners Make * When Sellng Their Home. • * This report was compiled by industry insiders, it * might surprise you --even *shock you. It is information* *you must have before you* * offer your home for sale. '>k We will be happy to send * you a copy. * No charge and no * obggation , of course. .� * P.S. Call now for the *insightful free report called*. * Ajax Real Estate Trends RF/JM1r * Quelity One Ltd.,REALTOR* * 513 Westney Rd. S., Ajax * (905) 683-2992 '2 FAMILY REALTY � _ _ GORGEOUS BUNGALOW Ouality craftsmanship throughout !his FAMILY REALTY FlRST CORP. • ile t __ luu, led basement, fulls suite withce, Jacmn. zzi fir tub, huge by rm. w/gas fireplace. inn. illi PICKERING AJAX SCARBOROUGHlaundry MOREEN on a 60n160 lot. Appliances and at TALES' 905-8314242 905.683-8542 416-39.1660 $179,500 Moreen Stiles. 831-4242 LOW LOW RATES 1 ; .r ' .� '4': Take advantage of the super low interest —•� -t Y . �" That's the reason our Aa- prime Cathedral ceilings, a fp.. Real Estate Department central air/vac 4 c. en ce p YOU'LL BE DELIGHTED is a part of local home With this spacious nome otfenng curved, high eq. furnace, carries for sales each year than »i 61,161 per month PFI. For f- any other. 1BANEr George at 6a3-8542 for more details NARROW Harron. Whether you're buying or HOW LOW CAN IT GO, DON'T ♦ '.r-'== selling, we're the extra - WAIT!!! effort people, devoted to Nith interest rates low, your income can now giving you the service you get you more of a home. It may * deserve. afford a home before you can Call 579-4404 to talk to now. A S100,000 loan will cost rZWO Smarty decorated 3 barns. Whitby home features finished a representative about bsmt., rec room with fireplace & walkout to yard. Central; you probably pay more than advertising your listings JOHN that in rent. For more info. give fully fenced back yard. Call Marvin 4 683-8542 today. BONUS OFFER FOR FIRST (Kbawa - Whitby - Clarinitton This Week TIME BUYERS News Advertiser By prequalifying from one of 579-4404 F"32-135 GREENBELT"PLLLOOK ATY01A HOW AS TRADE" SEAUi1FUL LAYOUT HERE! Oak Scarlett O'Hara starrase N)p wlchetkc n, oe on mar Noor g aw" hardwood 11Dars. 91001 cede%. corn~ upgraded tiaserrlenil. (rec mom. washroan. gas fireplace and more). 2 year new tone Just move n' Cal now Slew Kostka'. 905.831-7677 Take advantage of the fabulous opportunity available to all qualified first time homebuyers. A Bank Representative will be at our Ajax Sales Office `1 today to answer your questions. I�Ir\1 DETACHED BUNGALOWS NEWAGE & 2-STOR�E•YpHOMES Ln,_o s'J AVAILABLE (905) 68&8U9 $1999900 '2 NEOROOM NNM APT.. WILL LOOK AT YOM NOTE AS TRADEI F'trorw for dealt an Lade! Even upgrade and more Huge wndows in ap- 2 desks. 2 fps- 2 Jewzas. all new applt (sufsttro fridge). IR 5 -pc lasilh in osmt . 60 oz carpel. A. floors, upgraded ceianics. prof rater deoois". $35.000 spare on Inst lirrsap% Awed wn arV in-law apt 2 yr new honla. Miry on His one! Cal now. CWO KOetka•. 905-031-7677 WE NEED THESE PARTICULAR HOMES NOW. 'WE HAVE THE CUSTOMERS." 1. Det. with inground pod. 15 bdnn. home must have triple car garage. 3. Country home 10-100 acres. 4.6 stall barn FOR FREE EVALUATION ON ABOVE HOMES PLEASE CALL STEVE oA CHERYL KOSTKA coin ; ,,W I "BEST DEAL Ni TOWN^ 1- 4m 1 "10 ACRE PIKIPERTY- OFFER! OFFER$ Qaslom4xw hr19 low. oedw waft a 0111011111, oak Boors, Sarna, 2 Iwpiom t woodslo w 2.000 sq. It. Nddrg atadned Thea" washroans). Padang tw 50 ars. Wants to sell now! To view property al Slew Koslka•, 905-427-8677. OMNOtISE 771 SNEfMIp AVE 2-4 PAL Wwas to sell tis weelkaw Aaf hick 4 Bleached oak kortlad.loors; in &I itctwr dh slsnd gmorns). nsarb. BsauYd In. bsml. w/n'kikJwn', 4 - PC. Gal, CAC, alartn system i more! Snpy anumdw. Needs d w row! Cal now lar open house dies. Chwyl Kostka•. 906-031.7677. Is it time to sell vourvery fine house, and find another.? Steve Kostka' 831-7677 Achievers Realty 831-7677 Each Company Independently Owned and Operated Equal Housing Opporlunrty. •�• Cheryl Kostka' 831-7677 FAMILY REALTY � _ _ GORGEOUS BUNGALOW Ouality craftsmanship throughout !his FAMILY REALTY FlRST CORP. t .. impressive brick home. Fabulous oak kitchen. Independent Member Broker luu, led basement, fulls suite withce, Jacmn. zzi fir tub, huge by rm. w/gas fireplace. inn. illi PICKERING AJAX SCARBOROUGHlaundry MOREEN on a 60n160 lot. Appliances and at TALES' 905-8314242 905.683-8542 416-39.1660 $179,500 Moreen Stiles. 831-4242 LOW LOW RATES 1 ; .r ' .� '4': Take advantage of the super low interest —•� -t Y . �" rate to move into this loaded Jr. executive in a Ajax location. Aa- prime Cathedral ceilings, a fp.. - -- central air/vac 4 c. en ce p YOU'LL BE DELIGHTED ' suite. w/bar in basement. With this spacious nome otfenng curved, high eq. furnace, carries for s�alrcase, main floor family 8 laundry »i 61,161 per month PFI. For :om. large bedrooms. beautiful fireplace. GEORGE ; uble garage and s0 much more Call JOHN more information call John 1BANEr George at 6a3-8542 for more details NARROW Harron. HOW LOW CAN IT GO, DON'T ♦ '.r-'== 019 S` i.. WAIT!!! Nith interest rates low, your income can now get you more of a home. It may * also mean if you could not afford a home before you can BEAUTIFUL HOME! AFFORDABLE PRICE! now. A S100,000 loan will cost rZWO Smarty decorated 3 barns. Whitby home features finished S664 per month P&I at 6.4°o, bsmt., rec room with fireplace & walkout to yard. Central; you probably pay more than air condiUonmg. Eat -tri kitchen has walkout to deck Large JOHN that in rent. For more info. give fully fenced back yard. Call Marvin 4 683-8542 MARRON• a call to John Harron'. BONUS OFFER FOR FIRST TIME BUYERS By prequalifying from one of y our top 3 banks, you may quality to receive an w DETACHED BUNGALOW $In 900 1 • 3 bedroom detached bungalow „ additional 1/2% off our ' Urge lot Partnaly finished current low rates. For further New broadloom basement Recently painted • 4 appliances information, call Mario lozzi at • Available lmrnedately MAW 683-8542. FOR FURTHER WO TIN CALL MAW 1022L MARK) tom• (M go -s 2 ,out. '2 NEOROOM NNM APT.. WILL LOOK AT YOM NOTE AS TRADEI F'trorw for dealt an Lade! Even upgrade and more Huge wndows in ap- 2 desks. 2 fps- 2 Jewzas. all new applt (sufsttro fridge). IR 5 -pc lasilh in osmt . 60 oz carpel. A. floors, upgraded ceianics. prof rater deoois". $35.000 spare on Inst lirrsap% Awed wn arV in-law apt 2 yr new honla. Miry on His one! Cal now. CWO KOetka•. 905-031-7677 WE NEED THESE PARTICULAR HOMES NOW. 'WE HAVE THE CUSTOMERS." 1. Det. with inground pod. 15 bdnn. home must have triple car garage. 3. Country home 10-100 acres. 4.6 stall barn FOR FREE EVALUATION ON ABOVE HOMES PLEASE CALL STEVE oA CHERYL KOSTKA coin ; ,,W I "BEST DEAL Ni TOWN^ 1- 4m 1 "10 ACRE PIKIPERTY- OFFER! OFFER$ Qaslom4xw hr19 low. oedw waft a 0111011111, oak Boors, Sarna, 2 Iwpiom t woodslo w 2.000 sq. It. Nddrg atadned Thea" washroans). Padang tw 50 ars. Wants to sell now! To view property al Slew Koslka•, 905-427-8677. OMNOtISE 771 SNEfMIp AVE 2-4 PAL Wwas to sell tis weelkaw Aaf hick 4 Bleached oak kortlad.loors; in &I itctwr dh slsnd gmorns). nsarb. BsauYd In. bsml. w/n'kikJwn', 4 - PC. Gal, CAC, alartn system i more! Snpy anumdw. Needs d w row! Cal now lar open house dies. Chwyl Kostka•. 906-031.7677. Is it time to sell vourvery fine house, and find another.? Steve Kostka' 831-7677 Achievers Realty 831-7677 Each Company Independently Owned and Operated Equal Housing Opporlunrty. •�• Cheryl Kostka' 831-7677 Tt\t: fVt:Wti AUV F.\CT\tit:R, W\+;p-\r�ER\IARV 7, 1916.YN(:{'. S Helpothershelp themselves bvolunte eYln g ASSOCIA- TION FOR F A M I L Y RESPITE SER- VICES: Enthu- siastic volun- teers interested in sharing a few hours per month with a child, teen or adult with a handicap AJAX-PICK- ERING -- Sever- al community groups are look- ing for people who care about helping others and are willing to lend them a hand. If you can help, here's a list of agencies which can use your volunteer assistance: INFORMA- TION AJAX- PICKERING: Interested in dis- covering a vari- ety of informa- tion about your community? Volunteers with good interper- sonal skills are required to direct clients to appropriate community agencies. 686- 2661 (Noreen Finnigan) - A J A X BLOCK PAR- ENTS: Are you willing to allow your home to be a safe haven in a time of need? Volunteers are needed to be Block Parents and also to help with the admin- istration of the program. 427- 2054 (Henry Zaczek) . AJAX-PICK- ERING CO111- M U N I T Y CARE: Volun- teers help seniors and dis- abled adults in the community. Spare two hours once a week or even once a month- 686- 3331 (Sally Longo). AJAX-PICK- ERING RED CROSS: Join the Red Cross team. Challeng- ing positions exist with many programs and services. 420- 3383 (Donna Chamberlain). ARTHRITIS SOCIETY: Vol- unteers are needed for spe- cial events throughout the year. 434-7221 (Lucy Perri). BARBARA BLACK CEN- TRE FOR Y O U T H RESOURCES: Adult volunteers are needed for weekdays from 3:30 to 6 p.m. to assist in recre- ational activities and for tutoring. 428-1212 (Ellen Schierholtz). B I G BROTHERS ASSOCIA- TION OF AJAX-PICK- ERING: As a Big Brother you could really make a differ- ence- Why not phone Big Brothers of Ajax -Pickering to find out how you can share in the life of a boy six to 14 years of age from a father -absent home? Volun- teers are also needed to help with special events. Call 686-2871 BIG SIS- TERS ASSO- CIATION OF AJAX -PICK - E R I N G : Women who can offer a support- ive, caring friendship to a girl six to 16, a boy six to 10, a pregnant teen or young mother are needed to volunteer with the one-to-one matching pro- grams. Volun- teers interested in fund-raising and publicity committees are also needed - 428 -8111. THE BOY SCOUTS OF CANADA: Scouting is looking for lead- ers. Become involved. Call Owasco District Information Line at 683- 2411. BREAST C A N C E R SOCIETY OF CANADA/DUR H A M BRANCH: Vol- unteers can help in day-to-day operations, become a public speaker, orga- nize and gener- ate fund-raising events, and/or serve on the chapter's execu- tive committee. 686-7993. CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY, W E S T DURHAM UNIT: Volun- teers are needed to help with a number of activ- ities -- driving patients to treat- ments, helping with special events, fund- raising and office work. 686-1516. CANADIAN DIABETES ASSOCIA- T I O N , DURHAM REGION BRANCH: The goal of CDA is to improve the quality of life of Canadians affected by dia- betes through research, ser- vice, advocacy and education. The Durham Region Branch needs volunteers for a variety of positions and to help out at Bin- gos held every second Sunday afternoon at Caesars Bingo Place, 88 King St. W., Oshawa. 436-6648 (Cathy Gartner). C H I L D F I N D ONTARIO, DURHAM REGION: Help to protect those who cannot pro- tect themselves - - a missing child is everyone's business. Volun- teer for only four hours per month. Training is provided for public speaking and finger print- ing. Interested people over 18 cal 1686-3181. C H I L - DREN'S AID SOCIETY OF 1:0m NEW CHOICE Realty M E M B E R B R O K E R DURHAM REGION: Vol- unteers assist in the delivery of services by act- ing as special friends to par- ents and chil- dren, by super- vising family access visits that require court- ordered supervi- sion and by assisting with special events and projects. Training in Feb- ruary and May. Call 433-155l ( J o- A n n e Ritchie). COMPUTER CLUB: This non-profit club needs volunteers to assist in club organization and membership dri- ves. Call 416- 258-2550 (Mark Carr). COPE: Vol- unteers wishing to assist people with emotional and psychiatric problems either on a one-to-one basis or in group programs. Train- ing is provided. Call686-3248 (Christine Kent). DURHAM SPRING HAs SPRUNG _t'_1 ,rs:- l 11E KE i ' S "HOT" BUYERS WANT - WHAT WE'vE GOT DON'T WAIT TO SEE THE FLOWERS RISE NOW IS WHEN THE BU YER B iU 1 sj FREE PROPERTY 7� 1054 EVALUATION CALI. 111�.��rr1 1N:cnxarFn Neer brdlnr. ihrrruylnrut Ret rm-. rent air f irldsume, Frrurklin /p ` Complete new hettlrrr,.rm lace r• drtk Call Jud v Stacre**• N.17-1054. 1AAL A I_00A.11 THIS Slarter, i bedrnonts + 1int.dted lrresement Chose to till. 14i %1nrs/Hm r. #f2 Call Raul Casino* 837-10.S4- �- Ilrl 11 �1 %R l h' < It 157 beautiful [w Uk to brut h/luke '�ewrr almond lut . h/i deshmu.Jerr VI new 4 -pr bush. irrwnu r JUDY' bdrms new 20r12'rcnrkch,,p ealllyde Stater— W;__1054 r--1t1.i4 1,11-1.or- 1J t 1 Just move in. Bright 3 hdrm.s. & cosv b.nnt. tt//-'' Irak bar, 4 baths, /tun. -size kit. m%ak cupboards. Call Raul Casino* - 837-1054 ONE OFA KIND! This exquisite home in on a 1/4 acre in the prime area of Pickering. The c•ounin, like setting back Yard lois a beautiful large, hated pcxrl & nautical deck. The interior features are numerous, including 2 fireplaces, huge dining & living rooms, mexican tilt firs., Jacuzzi tub, AYlight & superb fin. hsnu. Call Ron Argue*, 837-1054. 1873 One of a kind century home located in the heart of Pickering. Call frrr inlorntatton & viextny. Gam' free**• - 837-I0 4. ll ill R1 1; i \ kR! , N Witlk rr, lake ♦ i Wrens N Ftrr hunt - 2 -pc & met bur E,u-rn kttrhen � lltndc,,rprd Call Lois todas - 8-17-1054 Please see Page 7 Fl! 30 25 20 15 10 0 -10 -15 -20 -25 LOCATION I r the person who has enthiny but no place put it.' Pickerin,Y. rrJustrutl/offtce corido. ( all Garr' I -ree * * * - v_t7-1054. 4 bdrm.c. - Whir Fine vhed btiserrtent Sk%ir1"ht. Jet, u::t Greenhouse kit - puntrc (her 0K ur up�rrules Call Lois 4 list & to view this home. 837-1054 W.4 RDEN/FINCH Beaunupf' derorated &.fully upgraded. Fornurl living & dining roost with huge. rrurdern kit. & bur counter. Hurdwrnrd flepipring throughout. Upgraded bathromns & tin. hsnu. Call Emily Tan•, 837-1051. SCKANWApx LARGE. BACKSPLIT Modern, spacious layout. All sutura• 4 bdrms., h ardwot)d flooring. bleated in expensive area. Walk to lark. Call Emily Tan * - 837-1054. DARE TO COMPARE.... This home sparkles top to bottom - all appliances are included - near major mall - low down pa ti'ment!!!! Call Barbara K Smith* 837-1054. "28 OFFICES IN SOUTHERN ONTARIO AND GROWING" *Based on 6%conunission Jli -1 PAGE �.,��:t, a-TMK �wS N7N.Y7t7lri ri UssMD ��,, Join us Tuesday February 20, 1996 from 6 p.m. - 10 P.M. as we are dazzled with all the affordable homes currently for sale in Durham Region. Over 20 Realtors, Builders and financial Services will be on hand to answer any questions that you may have about buying a home or mortgage. Special guest speakers that evening. Visit our Show &Seminar &you could win $2500 CASH Down payment towards your home purchase! (Contest rules & regulations at Show. Entries must be 18 years of age or older to win!) CALL IRENE AT 579-4404 TO REGISTER TOR LINE 416-798-7672 Brought to you by Oshawa • Whitby -* Clarington d`ij THIS WEEKAdvertiserNews Seating Is Limited LEAVE MESSAGE 435-2158 TO REGISTER � "Volunteers just like you be'"'i"rnw'g sou FROM PAGE 5 are needed. Join them in leisure activities or provide respite in your own home. "Together We're Stronger% 427-3541 (Mary Wilson). DURHAM REGION SEXUAL ASSAULT CARE CENTRE: Caring individuals can offer support for men and women who have been sexually assaulted or increase public awareness through team presentations. 668-3050. GIRL GUIDES OF CANADA: Share the Guiding experiences with girls of today, become a leader. Call Shoreline Guide Shoppe. 427-2766. STEWART GROUP HOMES: Spare a few hours to help with handicapped children. A simple task such as pushing a wheelchair around the block can give a child pleasure. 686-3111. SUNRISE RECREATIONAL YOUTH GROUP: Volunteers assist with recreational and social activities for special needs adolescents. 571-4980. UNITED WAY OF AJAX-PICKER- ING: Volunteers assist with special events during fund-raising campaign. Support your community and help the United Way. 686-0606. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURS- ES: Friendly. dedicated people in the Ajax and Pickering area are needed to volunteer their time to visit with senior citizens, socially isolated and disabled people throughout Durham Region. An hour -and -a -half each week is all the time required to help improve the quality of life for our clients. 434-2530. WHITBY JAIL: Volunteers assist with self-help groups using a 12 -step pro- gram similar to the AA approach. Help is also needed with education and literacy upgrading. Interested people over age 18 call 669-7791 (Judy Skinner). WILLIAM PEAK CO-OPERATIVE HOMES READING CIRCLE: Looking for volunteers to read or to listen to chil- dren four to 12 years of age, Tuesdays 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 427-5050 (Debbie McMullan) YMCA DURHAM REGION: Volun- teers can assist in several programs, tutoring in math and language, assisting in gym or craft classes or supervising vis- its between children and non-custodial parents. 686-7849 (Donna Morrison). HEART AND STROKE FOUNDA- TION: The local chapter is looking for volunteers to help raise funds for research and education. People are need- ed to fill board positions as well as work on special events. Anyone interested in giving a few hours of their time can call 686-1521. HOSPICE DURHAM: Volunteers are needed from the Ajax -Pickering area to offer support and friendship to terminally ill persons and their families. Anyone interested in the hospice philosophy of caring can call 435-5242 to inquire about training. HOST PROGRAM: Help a new immigrant integrate and settle into the Canadian lifestyle. A few hours a week is all it takes to meet with your new friend and show them how to do what you do every day. It is the perfect chance to make new friends and learn about a dif- ferent culture. For more information. contact Mahmood Mustafa at 686-2661. JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT: Volun- teers help the youth of the community develop an awareness of how a business operates from the ground up. Training and support is provided. Call Renee or Rita at 644-7058. KIDS ON THE BLOCK: Volunteers learn to operate life-sized puppets and perform small plays in elementary schools in Durham to provide support and encouragement to students with dis- abilities. Call Carol Hatton at 579-0597. KINARK CHILD AND FAMILY Volunteers needed for 7f T hospital 1, ,��:a k V auction I `'. ,.r . AJAX-PICKERING -- WHY ARE YOU RENTING? A lifeline is being thrown $94.900 - 2 bedroom . sun room. Corner unit. to the hospital and volun- - loads of windows. en suite laundry, 5 teers are needed for the appliances. pool & billiard room. Call now - operation. Laura Marks. The third annual Ajax LAURA MARKS* and Pickering General Hospital TV auction is being held at the end of March and volunteers are being sought to canvass and collect donations. Last year, more than $60,000 was raised dur- ing the auction for the Make Room for Baby campaign, aiding the ITS A WMERI! Maternal and Newborn Stunning home on large lot in great neighborhood! Numerous upgrades + extras irx L&V CAC, central Services Department. vac., 2 fps., spacious master bdrm. and much more! This year, proceeds open Douse, sun., Feb. 11, 2:00-4:00 p.m., 12 Jacob will go to the Operation Dr., Whitby. Call Barb Preston for more into, (soy) Lifeline campaign to buy BARBARA 619-9500. medical equipment for PRESTOW CGA the operating rooms, recovery room, day ., surgery and Intensive Geo` Care Unit. �► More than 450 local G businesses support the auction by donating items. It's being held March 29 to 31 and will be ALL BRICK - CURB APPEAL PLUSI broadcast live in Ajax on Realty special Stolp built home in great location. 3 Rogers Community 10 - with huge show. F rm � fp., floor plan). with bui Pine Ridge and in Picker- oven, range & dishwasher. Deck & back yard ing on Shaw Cable. fun of fruit trees. This home is immaculate - If you're interested in PAT CLARK- MI not last - All picky buyers call Pat at volunteering, call Diana 619.9500' 0 Hills at 905-427-7567,619-950 ext. 201. SURMCROUP . SERVICES: Share your parenting skills and experiences with other parents need- ing support. Training and supervision will be provided to assist you in making the difference for a family. Or, you can spend some leisure time with a special needs child, developing hobbies and interests that the two of you can share. Call Wendy at 433-0386. MEALS ON WHEELS: Volunteer drivers and packers are urgently needed to help deliver this vital service five days a week. Can you spare one and a half hours per week from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.? Call Carolynn at 420-3383. ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES: Have fun with other volunteers who are making a difference, assist with special events and bingo. All volunteers receive excellent training. flexible hours and a RV I. 1x16-tN[:E 7 ght great opportunity to help adults who are physically disabled. For more informa- tion contact Denise Harding at 434-5280. ORCHARD VILLA READING CIR- CLE: Looking for volunteers to read or listen to children four to 12 years of age. Saturdays, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Call Ms. Shurkla at 839-3037. PICKERING CONCERT BAND: Open to all who would like to come out and play with the band. Rehearsals are every Tuesday from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at the East Shore Community Centre, 910 Liv- erpool Rd., Pickering. For more informa- tion contact Joanne Dies at 831-2754. PICKERING PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA: Volunteers are needed for advertising, fund-raising, events plan- ning, brochure designing, community liaison and assisting at concerts. Call 839-7474 and leave a message. the P*'fr bVvillfients 0 i.. - - . . . . . . . . . . FEENUAWV 7. 1116 ' ma=r •.a. ".,"_z^. . "�"..� �"� . _. �UALl z f y ONE LTD." i.. r-'ma,.ul3tE spacious -, heTxm home features 2 washrooms fm shed oasement fireplace New broadloom and flooring. new windows troughout eat -in kitchen. central air. 2 walkouts award winning deck. aiann system. Located on private court in desirable area. Close to 401. schools and shopping Excellent investment for 1st time buyer L gem extra bright ano Cheery with lots of wmoows "eatJr ^; oarms . 2 baths, eat -in kitchen with walkout to huge deck and fully 'e^ced yard. Fin. lower level fam. rm Just the perfect starter home. :7,.ly detached m a great neighborhood Can last r V Ak - ��. - ffiillli� r Fully fences & anoscaped pie lot Walkout from greenhouse kitchen to a great deck Stunning oak hardwood on main floor Real cosy fam ly room in basement Ca l now 17 ^'cre details!!' 'Al new wmoows New baths Plus ceramics 3,ea; s..t,l Ajax iocation NEW _ . . mum New kitcher Hardwood floors Upgraded broadloom ' Calltoday —,is ail beck home ras a age tam _ F n a ya ' 7es­bes ,^..s 3 nc—e or a grpa; c;. very pnva;e "eplace. The home shows great ands on a c�e ! ' super landscaping with w to patio A finished family room amdy size k�t overlooks the yard ar:i t.1 br,ck gas bu'n�ng freplace. fully upgraded solid oak eat street hdii - ! bsr-;;. are lust a'e'u� _ -r' - new •�C ;Uai' br7a^loom Jacuzz' and more. Check out this roomy 4 bedroom home in Ajax. It features a huge country kitchen. a finished basement & more. Call today' =•.I.rZi• Perfect 3 bdrm. starter home. Landscaped front & back. Lots of windows. Back yard deck & pool. Gorgeous rec room. Easy 401 access. 17 • _. 1. Spotless clean 3 bdrm. - 2 washroom home with finished rec room. Eat -in kitchen, landscaped front & back. Quiet street, steps to schools and parks. 1 This 4 bedroom home has ceramics throughout hallway and lutchen & parquet in family room. Gas fireplace, main floor laundry room, garage access door & roman tub with separate shower in en suite. Must be seen - Great value. •.7 �11��•.:fit. 3 + 1 •bedroom home with self-contained in-law suite in walkout basement. Eat -in kitchen, main floor family room with fireplace. Shows well. End unit, open concept townhome. Walkout finished basement. Sat- in kitchen. 3 bdrms., garage. Shows a 10+++. Only $119,900! r This 2,050 sq. ft. Ajax home features a big eat -in kitchen, a "x18 ft. family room plus a master bedroom with a 4 -pc. en suite. The finished basement and a 2 -tier deck means that this home won't last. Call today W. a . . • Low, low, low maintenance fees on this beautiful open concept home. Huge family kitchen, sunken family room, sep. din. rm.. gas fireplace. entertainment delight. 2 to pick from Call now for more details. V Immaculate 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, superbly finished basement. Attached garage, en suite in master bedroom and beautifully decorated throughout, A steal at only S 57,400 f _ J a i _ Ex_-e'!ent �xa;cc- Schoc.s ar.z parks. 3 very .arge cedrooms, full master en suite. spacious ea: -in k tchen with pantry main floor laundry anC a fantastic fa—; y room `replace ' r •- -- f c 'e� Very spacious home on 100x135 ft. lot. Open concept floor plan. Main floor laundry & family rooms. Garage access to foyer. Large upgraded kitchen - Shows very well. aw d: This custom home is minutes from the Dagmar Ski Resort and Oak Hill Estates. Beautiful panoramic view of rolling hills, trees, and privacy. P.S. You may even see the odd deer. Call now! w X83=233 `OR .. tr: P83=1861 .:. _..r