HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_01_17HOME BY Family Owned 8 Operated For Service you can Tont van' OUR SHOWROOM t" 111610111 Res/ South ore ..ern, «b.r►n 4W -MV JUNIOR KINDERGARTEN DEAD? Durham public school board poised to kill junior kindergarten program Page 8 r WEEK DAY LUNCHEON SPECIALS from 53.95 LLBO News Advertiser «Vednesday Jan. 17, 1996 32 pa;;es A 1letroland Coniniunit% Newspaper Pressrun 411,000 Vol. 11; No. OUR OPINION - GTA reform: Golden handshake big.not better Braceyoursclyrs. Anne Golden', much -anticipated report has been officially released. creating a blueprint for monumen- tal change In the way the Greater Toronto Area (GTA I is shaped politically, econo micalh and social IN . And it is precisely the document politicians from Durham to Halton Regions have been dreading. 'Ilse %%,Icldy repxa-t prop„rsc-, sweeping property tax reform. vastl% different delivery of municipal and sotcial sen ices and a new Corm of government. And we all bear rd sponstbihty fir acting quickly and aggm-ssl%ch it, sof that '%1, Gofden's report isn't accepted cane blanche hs the provincial governtownt. Lei's take stack: Durham. as one of the regions sur- rounding Toronto, enjoy: competitive residential, c()mtncrctal and industrial tax rates: it efficient!% 11%- eri local services at a local level. its infrastructure iY sound. its economy n in reasonably gore! shape. In contrast, Metro Toronto continues to panic over its dwindling tax hae due to tlx: flight of business and residential tax dollars to the more all" rdiabk regions In recant years. A growing core of pw)hticlans, business owner% and residents believe the entire GTA issue is orm conceived by the very people in Metro who most mvd to sec these rehrms take place. And what of representation? Should a politician in Burlington vote on a development project in Ajax" At first bfush. there is little in the Golden report to indi- cate a GTAgovernment could even remotely respond to the needs of its residents in what are to become far- flung municipalities. We fully support reform and the elimination of costly servile duplications between existing levels of government and municipalities. but cannot back the .creation of a huge, ineffective, unresponsive pxilitical bode that will he expected to "govern" an area cover- ing 7,2(10 square kilometres. The provincial government must act judiciously in sifting through the 266 -page report to determine which 'proposals can and should be imp Cemented, and those 'which should be set aside for future consideration. In the meantime, every single resident in Durham (because change of this magnitude will touch every one of us) must speak up and speak out. Let your town 4and regional councillor know your position, suggest ;alternatives, call Durttarn chairman Jim Witty, lobby your MPP so he or she �nows how you feel. One goverrtrnent'? In this case, less will likely mean less. Anne Golden addresses a news conference at Queen's Park Tuesday on massive reforms she's proposing for the Greater Toronto Area, which include changes in the way we're taxed and governed. photo by Ron Pietroniro GTA Reader Poll... Call our InfoSource to let us know what YES: you think of the following: `At first 5110 glance, will GTA reforms be a good thing for Durham Region?' Punch 5110 NO: if you.answer YES and 5110 if it's NO 5111 it kF1A%1 Grcater l oronto Area tar rcl„rru ;ould be "detnmrnl;tl to Durham residents and hu,r nc,.,cs.,ay, Rc,_ion Jiaunr.in trot \1'rlty. \nd. replacing tiyc rrezional Innen!, In the ml„ arra lk ith a .. ice Toronto Je, my Hund.. nl,e "higv,cI, f�tler I h,,,c are Mr ;t;,, reaction, to Jim twi rcconunrn- i.in,uns In the Gulden Rcpxtrt n (beater Toronto Arca Ionn released Tuesday ;tt !u, cn', Park ( I FA rcl"orrn task force ucnnccr, "carie to the nc,:apahlc conclusion that licatcr Toronto has reached It: paint where the status quo nu longer an option. ("hero ,r Is required." task torte head and rcprrrt author %nne Golden said. tier report make, 5 1 rec- ommendations, Including scrapping the I"ire regional ,,oyernmcnts and replacing them \%](h a GTC. pooling the education portion of com- mercial and industrial proper- ty taxes across thi GTA. introducing actual value assessment for properties, and giving, municipal Lov pcrn- ments more ower. Municipal Affairs Minister_:" Al Itold the press con- ference, "Two things are clear — change is needed and it should be in place for the municipal elections in (No%cmher ot) 1997. \\"c'll make decisions in the nerl SNI day, antl hayc Ir,_i,latio n her the liou c to cun,i.lcr m the spring \1 hen asked %khat the arc of the report*, ,ntmcndatlotl, crng Implement - .1. NIr. Leach ,aids i'rc lty "ood hey're lookin_ al naller L,-\ crn tent and inure ,iyycr Iocally. Ilse rcatcr Toronto ounc it would ..ryc lewcr pimcrs Witty :`.tan the prr,cnt Metro _overnment. for example." ` ~crapping the regions and setting up the GTC would ..end the unhealthy runipett- tion and infighting amoni See WITTY... Page 3 Inside In the news Editorial ......................6 Entertainment ........... 14 Sports .......................15 Classified .................. Is Phone lines General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 Sincerely Yours 1-900-451-3793 InfoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 On the Internet at www.durhamnews.net 93Q+7¢ GIST =$1 ■ a PA(;E. 2 -A -'TNF NF'.R'S X10* ER1.1SER. %%'F:1)., .IANI'ARY 17. 1"6 GTA The Golden Report Pickering won't have ver much y say on proposed GTA By NIARLANNE TAKACS 1'ICKIRING —'Ibe voices of relauvcly small towns such as dickering will he drowned out by those of the hit' ciucs under the new system of Gin -iter 'Toronto Aria re6onal t'ov- ernmcnt being recommended by the Golden task force. says Mayor NL'ayne Arthurs-. The mayor Says Pickering would only have "pan -time" rep- resenmon on the; pro x)srd Grcatcr Toronto Council since it would have to Share a seat with other smaller munid- Filities. rxThapS Ajar and Uxbridge. on a rotating basis. "Clearly the town is disenfranchised in thu kind of GIC for at least a peso d with o." tch term of office." he Says, adding that at best Pickering would only have a "vcn modest voice" in a decision-making process that could bo: cicrnirtaued by the larger municipalities with marc stats. "l=our municipalities in effect could care a majority o l the vote: ' he explains. singfi.ng cwt 'Toronto, North fork. Scarbor- ough and Mississauga as tdk likch fora. Mayor :VthLtrs notes Pickering has clearly taken a position against the type of mgionail govL7t1nent a(rlod aan);ilg;un;auon of municip;ilides heing pro posed by the Golden task force. and thu position has not changed. lie S g« the -Town will now study the task force's recorn- mcridatioms in mor: detail. to See wh;rt " hacktro)un d. ratioxaale and financial package' are being offerLd to Justify the pro- pos d reforms. -Ibe mayor rnainLuns it*s up to the pro1xnents of reform to "Show us where the frnanLial saavines are Ibe o rily task force reYo mmaidatioxt flickering is in entire agreLmLnt with. aicco rding to Mayor Arthurs, is the one to tum oyer to a 61_A -w -k agenc% the jot) of eco mwnic devel><rncn( in the (ITA and international marketing o f ('r"I :A municipali- ties. "its very difficult for a town the sin of Pickering to co ni- JXAL in interminortal marketing." he cxpl:uns. since the Town 428-8787 Pat Fier))VEEKDAY SPECLAIS Now Available Relaxer% Tues. & sat ........... .30" & up Retail Beauty Products 1 WEAVES & BRAIDS. trash R Set and & Thurs...'1) " & up "ours Braid .60`"' & up Mon -Thurs 10 a.m - 6 p.m �........•.•................... ;:nday 10 a.m. - 8 p.m Saturday 7:30 a.m - 2 30 p.m Full Head of Weave......... $0' & un CHILD CARE AND STROLLER RENTAL X. HWY 401 AND LIVERPOOL RD. MON.-FRI. 10-9, SAT. 9:30-6 SUN. 12.5 :ouncil, mayor fears ran only afford to alk".te little money and few staff to the job. "One out of 51 mcomn)en(kitions) is not Kid." jokes the mayor. 7bough a lot of it may be difficult to swallow. Mayor Arthur maintains it would be a mistake to dismiss the 4rssk force's report as just anothcT orw of those documents dui will gather dust on the shelves at Quccn's Park. " I Sec (the provincial ,_ovaTinicno hinting fairly quickly on responding to this repots." he says, noting Minister of Munici- pal Affairs Al Leach has stated clearly that he wants the issue of tax assessment reform addressed within two to three months. Ibe manor believes the Province will rtiSpoxld to the Cask force's recommendations "in a fairly favorable ma nnef'. But he expects the I finis Coriscn-atiycs to give higher priority to tax refonn thin to rrfinrnu)g the way the (;'FA is governed, and he noses tax reform does art require _m-LTnauricc rclorrn. Mavor Arthurs says "Town Council will wait for a -response to the task force r report from the 11'rovince. the Region, arxi the Towns citizens* aadviso)n• corn - mince on G1 -A reform before drawing Up its own response to send to QuLen's lark. -1be Litiicns' adyi A)n- cornmittet is scheduled to hold its fust meetim.: Tuesday-. Ian. 2; at 7:30 p.m. in thc. committee room a t Town hall. P Proudly serving our.Community for 30 years. +t. JANUARY SALE NOW ON f UP T / 00 OFF • Engagement Rings • Fashion Rings -Gold and Siler Chains and Earrings • Bangles • Lockets • Watches • GiftR•are ;.. and much more. , • 132 HARWOOD AVE. s. The Ajax Plaza Watch &Jewellery Repairs ■, v83-0407 Mon., lits., Wsd. 9.306 pin, Thil 6 Fri. 9:30.8 Pin., S&L 9:306:30 p.m. SEPARATED DIVORCED? How was your Christmas At "SEMINARS ON SEPARATION- more than 600 men and women find : easier tc cope with new trusting friends experiencing similar situations you are not alone. Lean as professionals lecture on crucial topics for growth over 13 sessions Find your smile again at carefully chosen social activities Net -work with trusting friends for months to come FIRST NIGHT FREE ' to 10 p m. Come. enjoy. ,nen ;oin or sa•,,� 55J w th early registration (The fees fully refundable through first night.) In the East Jan 23. Scarborough Town Centre Ir the West Jan 25 Square One Mississauga Seminars sponsored by Separated A^-,rimcus Cali days, evenings. weekends 905-338-9879 Enjoy new friends throughout this new ,yea Everything For Your Dog Unde,r One WOOF! 8R/N6 YOUR DOG SNOYi WITH YOU! Kong Chew Toys The 'STUFF IT" 2�% Chew Toy! OFF ALL LARGE P1 Ears Natural 20/ 100 °°`°� Dog Coats Product Demo this Saturday $50OFF "Muttluks" Boots Product Demo this Saturday 5.OFF Hagen Jerky Strips 3 packs for $3.'' Galileo Bones Longest Lasting % Dog Chew Bonet 2 OOFF with purchase of any Dogloo house and mat GO f W promWas -ps - I - mom 3808 Canned combo. J Speaals Valid only at Pickering Town Dog Food vlavokr, Centre Location until January 23ram,Pt? Cg#r*t% E Outside entrance for east parcel pickup All -Breed Dog and Cat Grooming Done on Premises $500 • OFF a full grooming service. Jan2&96. Not valid with acv other n!i'>, Nutrlence D ood k Ft$29.23 Pedigree Mealtime Adult$ 1 86 Dogg Food • lams Chunks 4Adult Do-gbsFood oo–_$35.87 Science Diet bs Adult Dog $ 36.9 D Food $36.92 1 Choice 0bs Adult Dg35.95 D Food Purina Dog Chow D bFoodlt$ 1 6.4 og ,7J=.0 �, I C. GTA HIGHLIGHTS Among the most significant of 51 recommendations in the Golden task force report on Greater Toronto Area reform: Pick_r,-g Tax reform Ajax �1!ck Mobile Vacuum PROPOSAL IMPACT Ajax Pick LI Property J Unlikely to The Back taxes based on have much actual value impact on res - assessment, i d e n t i a l where taxes ratepayers in are linked to Ajax and the market Pickering value of the property, but assessments are updated annually . , ❑ Pooling of J Could boost commercial Ajax commer- and industrial cial taxes by taxes to assist 19.1 per cent, in paying for industrial taxes education so by 12.9 per each munici- cent pality would :J C o u I d j share in the increase Pick - cost of the ering c'OmmCC- school system cial taxes 19.5 throughout the per cent. Greater roron- industrial taxes to Area 20.7 per cent i I Government '-PROPOSAL IMPACT ❑ !rive GTA ;J :'11ax, Pick - regions, ering and including Uxbridge I D u r h a m. would have to %%ould be dis- share on a banded and rotating basis replaced by a one scat on the new level of council, giving government. Nou much less the Greater representation Toronto Coun- than you have cit on Durham Council I Responsibilities PROPOSAL IMPACT ❑ Province ❑ You still fully funds wel- pay fare, children's services ❑ Greater ❑ Towns Toronto Coun- could contract cil handles out and/or pri- GTA planning, vatize services economic L3 Towns take development, over communi- regional high- ty or human ways, water services such and sewer ser- as welfare, vices, waste homes for the disposal and aged, chil- recycling dren's services and hostels, now handled by Durham C Tilt: VF: ��ti.4U�'F:K'I'ISF,K, fit;l1.,.(A!�1'ARti' 17,199( PAGE 3-A P The Golden Report Tax reform bad for Pickering business By MARIANNE: TAKACS srAt r' RI71ORTi:]t PICKE'RING — Tax reforms ,ecommcndLd by the Golden task force on the Greater Toro nto Area won't likely have much effect on Picker- ing's residential taxpayers, but will probably hurt and perhaps drive away business, accord- ing to Mayor Wayne Arthurs. The reforms may close so many stores and industries that Pickering could become a "ghost town". Ward I Regional Councillor Maurice Brenner fears. Mayor Arthurs explains residential ratepayers wo uk.ln't be hurt by the tax reforms. "We are currently under market value assessment in 'Pickering" and the 'actual value assessment' being proposed by the task force would change little. "Although (Pickering's assessment) would need w be updatW we won't see an impact the way Metro Toronto will." Estimates suggest Witty slams FROM PAGE 1 GTA municipalities;' Ms. Golden said. "It's time to end the fragmentation. The (;FC would be rrt.iuie up of mem- bers from municirW c(uricils. Giving the G R' control for regional planning would contain urban sprawl and save atx)rt S I billion a year for each of the next 25 years, she reported. P(i)ling the education portion of com- mercial and industrial property taxes would "create a more level playing field" across the area and help attra�-t more busi- James Schofield C.F.P. ness. Ms. Golden Chartered Financial Planner said. Member of the TPA Grouo of Comoanies But. eliminaww, s(xne Toronto residents, who are not on nutrket value assessment, would sec their taxes go up as much as 100 per cent. However, the rxxoling of commercial and industrial education taxes across the GTA, as recommended by the task force, "will clearly disadvariLwe business in the Town of Picker- ing", according to the mayor. The task force report estimates commercial taxes in Pickcrine would rise by 19.5 per cent. while industrial taxes would go up 2.0.7 per cent. "That kind of adjustment clearly is not goer) for Picker- ing." says Mayor Arthur,,, noting it may make it difficult for the Town to retain existing business- es and attract new ones. -Ihe mayor hche%v%, however. that the task force: has "provided GTA report into onto bigger goverruY nt. It boggles my mind. Bigger isn't better." Tt ()olden Report recommends the (IT(' be mace up of about 30 people. Ajax. Pickering and Uxbridge would share a siml (xi rotatine has Ls. Mr. V1. ltty says the .handwnun-, Is on the wall" that Ajax. Pickering and Uxbridge could be merged into one community in the future as the report recommend-, the Province review con- solidating, sine communities. regions and pool- I, ing taxes' ' "conest - cern" Region chaimuin Wiay. ' - I can't help but think (pooling Su some property taxes) will be detrimental to resi- dents of the Region of Dtntiam and businesses." Mr. Witty says. -1 don't see any money coming_ back *in (to Durham Region). The whole exer- cise was designed to take money out of the regions aril throw it into Metro" As for eliminat- ing the regions, "they're taking five regional gov- ernments and putting them all "A professional you can trust For Free with a reputation for the highest quality personal Consultation service and integrity.'• call 428-9911 Specializing in Kindermusik and creative dance movement for children ages 18 months to 6 years FREE Demonstration classes begin January 25, 1996 Traci Scheepstra (416) 498-8493 located In Pickering ' New Location EXTRAVAGANZA SALE s Prefinished frorn$ 69 o Ir R 3�4 X Z'�43 sq. ft. ti d I W x I1 W �Z COME VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM ''—S Cr '. J I J m a window" to reduce the potential for loss of businesses by proposing the eliminabon of an existing requirement for residential taxes to he 15 per cent below industrial and commerci<d taxes. lie suggests bringing the tax rates closer together could reduce the impact of education tax pooling on business and indu,tn . MUTUAL FUNDS/,���,,l, (SERVICE & SALES) GET THE RIGHT ANSWERS Denis & Chris Ardagh 428-8613 Unit If, • "THE COI RTN ARD" 11A1 AI�iNOANNOUNCEMENT51w_JJaim"1&,tq Spot welcomes Tana Nall i left) & I )lam: Larmer Invhtl formerly of Fanta,tic Sams r 686- 1 160 26 Church Street Stmth PICtiERI\(. SALE CIAL �70DAY'S News hdve1 . set WED., A..1196 \e�%s Ad%ertiser ^znry Desiardins Ajax _ tele Caesars Ajax ".tar Garden Prcke- •-g Mandarin Pick_r,-g Marketplace Ajax �1!ck Mobile Vacuum Ajax Real Estate Ajax Pick Sears Ajax Pick. The Back Ajax Town of Pickering Pick. ' Delivered ro selected households onhv Remember, all inserts, including those on 0my paper, can be recycled With the rest of your newspaper through your blue box ecyclin$ program. For information on delivering, your advertising flyers, call .AL1!\ BROMERv at ►:A t 683��110. ,mow J� Chcunttel Charles a ra•k :� CY•ciutcri t.l+cn'l�'� ,; r Yl,rr,;.ri rr ell r'rcev:r .r ,lantrr 'lot r err I a T :h:rt .,,ntFlItnlevtl.: Congratulations o herr" a'" ;"r �(t rill th�•,r ra1• KING Cortin'titteel - ?, FX( giro• 1'A(:1•: 3 -A -THE %E%*#'S AIWERT1SER. WED.. JANI'Attl• 17. M6 P NO in' uries in$100,000We can connect you to the Net. Call 683-5110. �fire _ PICKERING — No one wits home when a Whites Road lett home around 12:40 p.m. fighters to battle the blaze. which was confined fim broke out at a house here Sundae after- When the resident returned home around to one room and put out quickly. according to Albert noon. 2:50 p.m., the house was in flames. Police say Ikputy Chicf Bill Douglass. Durham Regional Police report a resident of acandle had been lett burning in the house. Damagc — caused largely by smoke — i. Hairstylist 650 Foxwood Trail near Sheppard Avenue and 'I'he Pickering lire Ik partment sent I I tire- estimated at S 10().0(1(). No mail stolen from damaged mailboxes - DURHAM — Canada Post officials don't believe any mail was stolen when eight mail- boxes were vandalized here late last week. In Pickering. four street letter boxes µ-ere damaged: at West Shore Boulevard and Vis- tula Drive. Aspen Road and Spruce Hill Road. Liverpool Road and Tatra Drive. and Sandy Beach Road and Alyssum Street. Damage was also reported to three mailboxes in Whithy and to f 77j; one in Oshawa. Durham Regional Allervac eliminates allergens. Power grains arsr -me-s and :heir yropwngs SoirvoCarlbminOR'C Ca: hair A/le-.a- sucks tie- :)r the �bors comes ono ever hne rm cs Ise-ar-e, Overs and o4k-vv, Whoa s more mese m croscoorc parties sever escac e �7e `x s wsoiukw o,rh jn, hose cwprmgs mplor :z:—xrn e'.• Ono ,ls unque P,,ee{,-mQar)en! go- rer, no sYypr' The Alk --y sysk S it ree >-k?es • a conio ne consrshna or hvc Boyers or sn:nc pGLkE- k- wrftSfond NV&nSe Cr��re ona Ca ffka it&. r.0 ;) anaat*46re ilhe aew eer oust conlaine• ona ,, might ^rota comoor+men. • Tr e.1C_S1r s a NEPA High Eff�_,erc, Culate A, rill*, h naps 99 00' of particles as srndl as G 3 microns mot s a>e.thnC Yee wide- y Kumar how Even ftrough me, may not be vrsxw tc 'se human eve oorcles mo+ size ,rrrR71P fne b onchrol ^oc' and ieoC fc rCny eyes runny nose, wheezing ona sneezing I lial s Why nosp rays and drnics in Europe specify HEDA irtrers rhev help people whp suffer from dust reciec ollergies and respiratory probferns by reducing Iheir exposure !c allergens cons:. --ed in dust Avci oboe across Conodo you can come in and we for yourself how on excephono/y povverfu� bur MfBie queer vacuum designea and burn in Germany car help WA FI11f1 SfS'FM clean whof s causing 0 allergies in your home iff-J -fir e MBFAIW 1271 Kingston Rd. 831-2326 i Police say. The damage, estimated at S1.600. was reported by Canada Post employees. "As far as we know nothing: was stolen," assures Canada Post media relations officer Chris Bartsch. who says similar incidents have been reported in Aurora and Newmarket. Permanent Reg $W AL A2 Now 5 (905) 683-2954 837 Finley Ave. Aiax. U30 - - ORTHo UlRi SP Ma'TRESS 7 4 SET '-• 14 ti IN l.._..... 681 X1 1 11.. NOMMONOMEMENNOMMEMMEq U-25 ORTHO tt1111F 4 MA-TRESS7 TR SET '61-' 1X,1 IRA ..--#09 11 X11 —L• MI\.. SKI V 1 w'. L� ORTHO St•PRE.IIE SINGLE MATTRESS 339 SET '554 N >l Ill 1.... 36-f 111 1 Sv-• ......ifK9 %I I •.: • KIN'( ......... 55-9 %1 1- 91 ORTHO EiEGAME SINGLE MATTRESS 289 SET $479 1x)11'81.11:..-339 SETS69 QUI- I:N..... 369 NUT S99 KINc......... 519 +r -r xt,v BAYLY 0 CJ CLEMENTS b' y H x '0 Westtttley Road S. 619-1315 w . r SPEC A f-- E,IT ON ORTN PEW SINGLE $219 MA^RESS IM%MV A-- — SET ' 394 PAYMENTS • - FREE1...t ISI .11 .ti•) . ,t 1. 1- \ .._309,I 3 .1 I.1\,. 'IS9 .1 1 ... 11.1 • NO GST 1 INTEREST • BEDFRAME 1 � FOR � to PILLOWS 1 • SHEETS • NO PST ,ONE, to MATTRESS YEAR ' COVER ON ANY MATCHING • DELIVERY MATTRESS SET `See Store fcr Details-O.A C, � .lore. � SAVE 13()0/(0 UP TO ON SELECTED FLOOR MODELS NEFUTAGE BUNK ..li - AQ Greatshoing '1 0 (:APTAIN'S BEI) ECONOMY W 52!119v. r v�', FINANCING PERSONAL S AAM AVAILABLE CHEQUES More0.6� s.1f1.a.,r. DIVAN DAYBED White enamel finish !F, 20 DIAVST1• SINGE s][99 MA-'RESS SET '314 n.>I 1911 ._LU•) .1 1 r• 1 POSTUREM E $][39 IESS SET $224 1x)lBl.1i:..1li9 sh•r LIMi I 79 Tat om Rood W 433-1052 S No blood on knife found near creek where Pickering man disappeared PICKFRING -- Forensic tests will he carried ()Lit on a fishing knil'c bund near a crock in the forest Where it's hclicVcd a I'ickeriM-1 nnrn went missing almost three weeks a 1u. Thr knife was found Sunday under snow and ice near 1)utlins Creek by a Volunteer searching fur clues into the disappearance of Derrick Francis. who hasn't been seen since Ica\ing his I.onghow I)riVc residence fur work the morning of I)cc. 29. Mrhatn Regional Police I)ctcctiVe Jamie Grant says it could he weeks before tests are complete on the knife. which had no blood on it. Until then. police won't know if it's linked to the 38 -year-olds disappearance. NIr Francis never arriVcd at his Scarh(,r ,ul,h olticc the morning he went rniv.rn_, and ha,,Wi hccn heard from since. k)IICC s;rl he had family prc�hlcnis and was battling dcprrs- sion.. The father of two's 1995 red :Acura was found on Forest Stream "frail in north Pickering near .'caton Hiking, Trail two days alicr he disappeared. 'I'hcrc were no ohvious signs of' a struggle in the car. according to police. who were unahle to find a trail of footprints leading from the car. Police hclic%c Nir. Francis was alone when he disappeared and say he was wcaring leans and a leather lackct when he Ich [Ionic. Nunicrou, lm()t FACTORY SHOE MARKET To help ccichratc Toot,.ics 5 :%nnivcr%ary Event all locations offered their customers a FREE -t Litre jug of Petra Canada Windshield \"ashcr Fluid with a .50 donation to the Local Food Bank. A grand total of '2,900 was raised as follows: (Brantford - '425- Hamilton - '597". St. Jacobs - '435. Guelph - '521 Ajay: - '409 Cambridge - '513 T�x�tsics Factory sh<x: Market extends a Spoccial Thanks to all their customers for their reslx>nsc and guncrosity in this very needy cam -w. Dentures so natural... you'll never know the difference! WD .aa ,. , New soft -touch* materials for sensitive gums • Precision partial dentures FREE CONSULTATION! vj*,19w Walter Wimmer, D.D. Denture Clinic PICKERING TOWN CENTRE (LOWER LEVEL) 420.5020 • Toll Free 1-800-661-5020 searches by police and Vuluntccrs ;incl it hchcoptcr search ()f the arca have failed to turn up any clues int() %hI Francis's disap- peartncc. Police haven't Planned any fur- ther searches. I)ct. Grant admits there's lit- tle else they can do at this point unless then conic up with a fresh lead. THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED., JANUARY 17,1996 -PAGE 5-A no��{ Derrick Francis (I, - LASER SURGERY FOR SNORING CERTIFIED SPECIALISTS Dr. R Kassel MD FRCSC Dr. S Siomra MD FRCSC 905-723-8551 Oshawa CORRECTION NOTICE On the front page of our circu- lar which appeared in this newspaper on Sunday January 14, 1996. The copy for the Woodgrain Storage Cabinet on sale for $54.99 should read: Hardware Included. The doors are available at an additional cost. Millwork regrets any inconvenience caused by our error. PAGE 6 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED., JANITARA' 17. 1996 Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser TIMI YI711 J. N HfI-f AKER. Puhhshci A \1rn,dand t',nnmunn% No%, jr r J0 XNNF. itl'RGH \RIVL I thtot rnchlt•t puhh,hrd \k rdntxla\. Fntla\. SLIILla\ \l.u,, n,g Fdmn BRI Cl- 1) \\Ft)RI) \"ht rit, nein lttr 1 - I ('tanrnrrt 1.11 \%, \),t\. (hit Al \l\ RRt)I \%1-R t.rt,ul \I,u,.tetr I.IS _I{; ARFF%KII01RIF ll:,inNitionn,ana;'tr Mont nae•IIle Fa\:(,\;-',(„ 0 10 A winninor hand t!t The 1996 nluniciral hud1!C1 s-,\ccpNtak:,. during_ \011t.11 local :oun d, Ihr„uuhoui 1)11I-11;11)) \\111 ;Irlli'`'IC It, h;ll;tll-.:c the hooks in int: %%;Ikc 01 rr0\1r1,:IA funding :Llth.i,:k,. :Quid he more than 1us1 a crap shoot in nclghhoring Claringion. The nlunicipaht\ fust mILlit ha\c a "Inning hand %kith Councillor Da\Id S:i,it's su,_'Lc•tlt,n tit operating :1 local hiller\ \%Ith rRt:eCds It, inunwip.11 :tillers. 11 to\p.l%crs ;Ire -„Im• tit he It,r:cd t„ nl.IkC ur shortiall. In the rc\enur Ct,l- umtl tit the hUdgCl an%%%a\. the\ 1111,•111 as \%ell ha%r fun doom• 1l. 1=un Is not e\;1:11\ \%Imi s In shore for Ioc,il pt,llticians :1N the\ attempt it, hammer out this .car', hud_ms. Alihough .tonic councillors In Pl:kenng. Ala\. \\hlth\. Osha\ka and Cl.lnngton ha%c been talking aht,ut a:hic\In,• a 1,1\ Irccie at the local Ic\cl. that n11_111 he %%Ishlul lhlnkrn,• In the aflcrnlath tit this %car's rcdu:Iwn In n)umciral trin.fer Pa\- mcnrs front (lite:n s Park I;tll. If Ilial :t,tln:il, could Implement Noint: :read\c tend raisin_ nlC,lsures h-C),ond lust Introdmim-,• next. user fees for %cr\I:Cs. tile\ of -it Ic.lst carpi an 1'. Tor cllorl. (;r\cn the Ia:t th.tt 0h11;1%,ta resident, collccmcl% spent is O million on Ontarw Loiter\ C t)rpt,ratlon ii,kcf, In alullc. IIs ;1 sale hcl th:lt most residents \t. tint mind a little g 1nlbhn_• ` Illosc %%h„ dtt inind %kt,n f ha\c It, paril:ipaic Although C'lanm_ton ptihti:lans ha%e de:l.ICd t„ In\Cst1- gate the It,ticr\ plea further hctorc taken_ action. other t:uun:lls should at least follo\% this c\,tJnple In holding hudLct hrain torniing sessions \\ ith stain-. Further. %kh\ nt,t take It a step hc\ond here In Ala\ and Pi:kcnn,. and appeal to residents for cost-sa\inL, ideas. It niak:s sense it, in\Inc 1tJ1_'1-'Cs110I1s Irma c\cr\unc. �1 hen ta\pa%crs and nlunl:1pal staff alike arc in%Ited it) contribute Ideas to bud,-,ct planning. the odds „f hitting the .Ia:kp„t int:rcasc oma: A51A SDE Alp =Ii lom V « Lc Iters': Overheard... Did he say that? "We'd be further and further away from the electorate.- -- Jim witty, explaining =":+ wh►' hes opposed to a proposed GTA -wide government. "Even though you know you're sick, you begin to wonder if you're making it all up.” -- Suzanne Daniels on being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Potential Durham tax increase proves case for abolition of regional government To the editor, Kt: Rt:, -,ion fears :uts tita\ rush taw, up ch -,ht per cent 1 can think of no better argument for the complete aholition of the Regional Ic%cl of government tilt their Natant threat It) increase taus h\ an un:ons:tonahlc eight per :cni. tia\c tile% :onlpletcI\ lust touch \\1th rcali- With the re:cssion far frons over. uncinplo%merit Ic\cls still dam •cruusl\ hi •h. retailers sulfcnn,• after what is nornlall\ the "husicst iiine of the coii,wticnts wtlat the\ are doing for us surely the chalrnl;tn and tits that %%c couldn't learn to II\e %%ithout. council aren't scriousl\ considering I .un one constituent %%hu %kill ralsc' raisin,• our taxes. Should the\ foolish- the roof 11 ;in\ Ic\cl ill government I\ dc:ide to do this, their punishment dare raise n1\ ta\cs again' will he swift and Jecisl%C cline the Hcrc's no\cl Idea number two. next election. Lo\%rr nn\ taxes. If \uu have tilt: sense Hcrc's a no\cl idea. The\ should to do it. I and [Iundrt:ds uI other. will cut their pa\chcyucs h\ Il) per cent prohahli, campaign to get \flu rc- and reduce their hcncht packai:c h\ 10 elected' per cent. It' the\ are not willing_ to to this, MarneeStern, would the\ please c\pl;un to all their Pickering «RITE To -niE NEws Aln'E:RnsER, 130 ComMERCIAL A%,t:., AJ:tx, LIS 2H5 OR FAX LS AT 683-7363 _ ■ Letters Ot R E-NIAIL ADDRLSS its NewsAd.newsCa durhamnews.net Faith in rebuilt federal Tory pis misguided g To the editor assulnption was that no deci- together and should he -1. and Jean Charest -- \leech itate hefurc gi\ine. the I' doral difference, ho%%e\er. is that Re NI, I_c%%is's letter of cion v\as hcticr than had deci- rep later she sit,_ Lake and the Charluttelo\%n Proeres,i\c Cunscr\ ati\c Rcti,nners du not helie\c that Jan. 7 .ions) and so the current gests that qtr. Tannin_ Ac:ord.Although it is esscn- parte a third chance to "roll anything built from the ruins In response to'%IN. Lc%kIs's Liheral ha:klash nlalorit\ "...could ne\cr win c%en a tial that the Lihcral political the dice" with this country's of the Mulroney dynasty can letter. I admire her icnacitx was elected. first round in Quchcc." while vacuum he replaced with a future. Reformers and tic trusted -- and Charest is which forces her to cline to The effect: The crippling forgetting the two recent vision for a hotter, united Progressive Conservative Mulroney's heir apparent. the hclicf' that the federal deht and deficit lett h\ the losses h\ Brian Mulroney Canada. most \oters will hes- have much in common. One Brian Denham, Ajax Progressi\c Conscr\ati\e PC and the Liberal parties_ -- Part\ can c%cr again reprc- .cnt Ihose same small 'c' con- scr\ atix c wiers wilt, so Ila- grantl\ ahandoncd it during the N-luIronc\/('hares( \cars. It is nusguidcd -- as are must points in her letter. She is correct Mien ,tic dcscrihes the current Liberal goxcrnnlcnt as a 'do-nothing' hurcaucrac\, but she Fails to point out the cause and the effect ut ourcurrent situation. 'File cause: Alter \ran of had decisions. record dclicits. scandals. patronage. GST. etc. made h% the Icdcral C'onscrvali%e leadership. Canadians chose to \ote for a party thc� knew would do ahsolutcly nothing (the continues to grow rapidly. ta\atlon continues to increase. the justice ;\stent remains incfiectual. business x%ithin Canada rs still ham- pered. special interest groups continue ttl get funding' and Lucien Bouchard -- a runner .Nlulrt)ncy clansman and political opportunist -- sees a perfect chance and makes his pla} for separation. Also, it is unclear to nu \t.h\ Nls. 1_e%%is should corn - plain that Jcan Chretien "...cicarl\ does not grasp nalmnal unit\ issues- and then criticiic Preslon Manning for suggesting that Chretlen is not fit fur the task of keeping this country I PUD , HIE Y1,JHis wfcay TW*1 FINALLY FELL �s•c�/ OUTS by Steve Nease QUICK! Put IT UNDER SAA,,, I'M YOUR PILLM 1HE 1DO 6MING 7W FAIRY wiLL AKE, IT 1 OLD FoRTHAT AND LEAVE YOU ST FF, SWy JY tl• or P THE NEWS JANUARY 1"6 -PAGE 7-A v**�k*,�'kT*.**�K* OF top Town of Pickering (905) 420.2222 PIC 1i F, RlNG (905) 683.2760 * TOWNMEETINGS PLANNING A Personalized Training - Health Club January 17 HYDRO COMMISSION MEETING BuildingPermits HOME Introductory Exercise Clinic Fitness Consultation T January 17 SITE PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE IMPROVEMENT tdalI rr,rr 3r- p " e aimed F,, c-: ~ ' :. a ;'.a ---d levef patrons January 17 CLAREMONT FACILITY MEETING PROJECT? s�ec hnteresledln starting an effective cally at helping the beginner exer-Pse program that rrlu ptodu�e January 18 STATUTORY INFORMATION MEETING Building permits are required for a variety v' :.on_,,r uc0on p"'orae far-'"ar ;vitt our fat burning results January 22 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING ,rrolects, and must be obtained before you start the work and muscle tornng equipment A You benefit by charting your January 31 SITE PLAN ADVISORY Permits are geared to those protects where health and=ersonal-'alner A N:r- ;. !, your progress and measuring your >afety matters are involved and are In place to protect group to get you started r Fitness success. January 31 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT homeowners and the community c.,.m I, Ir -, a •--asurement ,I ypur Present l Y E�:ellent uct,^ vl fltneSS cyel ^nrj ^a ?",• e . r�n I 1 E3 L tiNO W RI -Al( VAL ON till►1�.\\ V.h�- „I the lu„n ul I'1rl:nnc ,I.11c, th.0 the uN nil, ul all ,la.,:, nl hutl111m•, .h.Ill r: tnu,r ,Iw%N .Incl 1,c Innn the ,1,Ic�,alh. 111 Innu .,t ill, it hmldini, .kithin r,.,:l,: I: h„ur, Innn the 11111.• ��hin '11, It .m,.+ n I.. ,hall Ila,: L111: n ' lin, It, 1.1�, «111 hi .tn,tl. rntn„,I \n� 1,:1..n1 unlra,cnrn_ Iht, ti, Liv. .11.111 h: I,.,hl: 11a -n „111.1,11,11, h, ,1 Intc ul III) lu �I.iIINI Ktt\u._ Ili: 1 .+n'. Parkin i-, B\ I:o+ ,L1Ic, th.0 \„ p,:r. fi ,hall nn nt� 111 11":11 .tui, .Im hlJi m .uJi .1 nlaun. r a, Iu tntcrt:rc „Ith the cicartrr_• ul ,n,,,, from the ht 11«.11 \chicle, That -uc hilt un the r„ad alto .1 .nu„ .luno Htll Fx Iarged and/or IoHc,l at the mncr', ctx•m lc Pail.ult• ('ontnd t Illiccr, w ill Ix- „ori 111_ tr,mt I till a it, to it (111 a 111 I,,cn,urc Ilial all .incl, arc kcl,i .)car to lacihtaic t,r,,l,cr ,now cicanm• I\I•(►ItNl �Ilt1\ . II ),Iu tcquuc lustlwr ntG,ntunon or w t.h it) 11xlgc a complaint ahout ,now clearing on ,ulcHall.. and road., picas cuntacl IN: \lunlclpal Law I:nlurccmcnl lel%i%ton III the ln of 1'Icl: ring at 420-11,1 S o F ,,o 0 9 i� z 'l i»► n of Pickering 1♦I111C (11 PLIhljl �1CC11lt�, \e►► Claremont 0timmunit\ I'acilit► Ilio �\r.hlle:lural I'Irlll III Mollal hlnu,hlta ji\,sociatcs ,tial TMN n 'technical Slat I \,% ill he 1)resenIIn`, Iac111t\ dra%%Im_s IIIr the nc\% Claremont Conuuunit\ Iacilit\. I)ra%%in�1, %%ill include the ,lie Plan. Iloor !Mart and a per,11ceti\ c of the huilding, cic�ations. Date: Wednc.da2, Januar) 17. 1996 Time: 7:30 p.m. Location: Claremont Community Hall All interested residents are Invited to attend the above noted niectin , and conveN. their comments. For more information contact the Department of Parks & Facilities at (905) 683-2760 or (905) 420-4623 REJUVENATING YOUR JOB SEARCH Tuesday, January 23rd 7:1N) p.m. Pickering Central Library Presented by Bob Donald, of Feldman Gray & Associates (outplacemcni/carecr transition Counselling) Lcarn new ahproachcsand techniques to gain a rcnewcd enthusiasm tier Four job search Call 831-0265 ext. 2-11 to rc�_istcr for this FREE: Pro`grain WHEN DO YOU NEED A PERMIT? :, Ir,ual uviein a permit for B': ding any detached structure larger •hart 108 ft n area 3 ding ar; add,t,nr is tour horn:: por.nes r de:KS ;-:-pons or garages 'r:ctural aherat�prs '+.:,ng pr!Ifting fou• ^:us? ailing a rvoodstc,e ^,t,:ning a baserr�rl x� :Ing a basemen er•,3rc5 �.?e^ting put an apar,-nt n , ;ur muse Alterng -r adding ar, ri�umarg Permits are NOT required for: • =d structures ! ',8 t or less m aria : ,e Ks .vhich aro 12- :r less above grade replacement of windows doors. •�cfing or siding Ai ILNTION: REHABILITATION CONSULTANTS. I PIP" tie'N Interior finishes such as flooring. 3+- . )Ur :lie" • _, :..._�:avr,,;,... ,._•..:,.j : „ j •:, ;,,���: ;,-:,gear^ s Na iboard sa:c and ef!ec•!ve ;,u1' yualif e•1 ;e•s,na, Tia ^ers A,rl, ' r.ah ;,ur : ,en• Repairs to chimneys. porches. decks–Otivate and guide them - ensure ;hey obtain goals spec^.c ._ their •eraedltat,:r Waterproofing repairs to a basement P, tress repots pr^ f ded nstallation of plumbing fixtures. can Olga Latsy t« a dflilW pac Nage You Can commence Construction any time within 6 months after obtaining the permit. Inspection requirements will be noted on your permit drawings. and 831-1711. 683-6582 may be arranged by calling 4244631 prior to covering the work. Public Works Department. BuNdlnq Drv,sion CALL US A T / 9051 110-463 I HEL PING YOU BUIL D Ir RIGH r• PUBLIC NOTICE FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 24 HOUR WINTER EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER (905) 683-4319 You may contact the Public Works Department (Roads Division) regarding emergencies such as road conditions and maintenance by calling the 24 hour emergency number. EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1995 -APRIL 1996 Older Adults - 55 Years Plus LEISURE OPPORTUNITIES Senior's Activity Centre 910 Liverpool Road Pickering, Ontario 1_1 W 1 S6 Get Nary. NO. 2 Involved. Register Pickering Nwr•w1 a Early. Residents Avoid Full are Baselme Rd. x or encouraged m Cancelled to join in! Radom S1 Programs! Senior's Activity Centre 910 Liverpool Road j A-- bAg Call for more info: �> Seniors Office: 420-5049 Program Office: 420-6588 mctrvafe you 1:, keep g• ng, a p _ _s s s s of ✓ .. ,'dt,'/a SCUlaf eff;r a^.^y ✓ = lV dynar^Irs F11r o%k ncrs `.In, L.I:. i It 1, II1,11 u:l11If1 I, 11100, Men's Clinic ✓ _-,uJ't, al. adahic in I'1, L: rum,_. --- — ✓ c.arstrert Nl,In,la,Is starrinL l,inuarn 2 196 ... �rduran,e� Flint: 7: III I„ \ ',(1 p iw Women's Clinic ✓ = - essure Fec. %,5S 12 10r ? z ronc 1sion 7' /,_;r : Kr; islcr N,,�t, Fa:h appli:ant .kill he ;oniactcd h% .. the Lnstru:t,Ir 111101' 10:I,ls,cs j r Tim e:. 1'n -iia* ensure ,i.uun1 sit ;all nuvv .� k.w - — --•sora :gals. Location_: GET THE BEST WITH THE RECREATION COMPLEX - ONE OF ONLY TWO ACCREDITED FITNESS Fee: 560 -GSI ' ” 9 CE' APPRAISAL CENTRES IN DURHAM S 7 5 - _3S ;r ^-; REGION' The !ee Includes 1 hours of one -on - Duration: = :,=SKS one consultation with a qualified fitness appraiser. Register at the Recreation Th The FrTNESS CONSULTATION Complex 831-1711 or 683-6582 •�cfing or siding Ai ILNTION: REHABILITATION CONSULTANTS. I PIP" tie'N Interior finishes such as flooring. 3+- . )Ur :lie" • _, :..._�:avr,,;,... ,._•..:,.j : „ j •:, ;,,���: ;,-:,gear^ s Na iboard sa:c and ef!ec•!ve ;,u1' yualif e•1 ;e•s,na, Tia ^ers A,rl, ' r.ah ;,ur : ,en• Repairs to chimneys. porches. decks–Otivate and guide them - ensure ;hey obtain goals spec^.c ._ their •eraedltat,:r Waterproofing repairs to a basement P, tress repots pr^ f ded nstallation of plumbing fixtures. can Olga Latsy t« a dflilW pac Nage You Can commence Construction any time within 6 months after obtaining the permit. Inspection requirements will be noted on your permit drawings. and 831-1711. 683-6582 may be arranged by calling 4244631 prior to covering the work. Public Works Department. BuNdlnq Drv,sion CALL US A T / 9051 110-463 I HEL PING YOU BUIL D Ir RIGH r• PUBLIC NOTICE FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 24 HOUR WINTER EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER (905) 683-4319 You may contact the Public Works Department (Roads Division) regarding emergencies such as road conditions and maintenance by calling the 24 hour emergency number. EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1995 -APRIL 1996 Older Adults - 55 Years Plus LEISURE OPPORTUNITIES Senior's Activity Centre 910 Liverpool Road Pickering, Ontario 1_1 W 1 S6 Get Nary. NO. 2 Involved. Register Pickering Nwr•w1 a Early. Residents Avoid Full are Baselme Rd. x or encouraged m Cancelled to join in! Radom S1 Programs! Senior's Activity Centre 910 Liverpool Road j A-- bAg Call for more info: �> Seniors Office: 420-5049 Program Office: 420-6588 CULTURAL GROUPS If your Cultural Group is not currently reg- istered with the Town of Pickering please contact our office to be added to our listing. Call (905) 420-4620 * group name * contact name * contact person * # of participants * contact phone numbers Pickering Recreation Complex • 1867 Valley Farm Rd. • 831-1711 Time: 7-10 p.m. F Friday, January. 26 rte% �= Friday, February 23 F 1j. Friday, March 29 .0- Friday, April 26 ;. A • r- Friday, May 24 G' • Friday, June 14 R r• •r� Cost: 55.25 per person - Advance ticflet sales: Tickets go on sale the Monday prior to each scheduled date at the Pickering Recreation Complex, Monday to Friday 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. You must have a ticket to attend - Lost or misplaced tickets will not be honoured. U 1'ickerim, 1)Og Truininti F11r o%k ncrs `.In, L.I:. i It 1, II1,11 u:l11If1 I, 11100, al. adahic in I'1, L: rum,_. IaOhl:nls hctllt: ilio% ,taut Nl,In,la,Is starrinL l,inuarn 2 196 Flint: 7: III I„ \ ',(1 p iw l., I;auOn: \1.!t I La,l liadc Ccnir: tN Fec. %,5S 12 10r ? Kr; islcr N,,�t, Fa:h appli:ant .kill he ;oniactcd h% .. the Lnstru:t,Ir 111101' 10:I,ls,cs j ._� ,i.uun1 sit ;all nuvv .� k.w 1911 1420-4h21 CULTURAL GROUPS If your Cultural Group is not currently reg- istered with the Town of Pickering please contact our office to be added to our listing. Call (905) 420-4620 * group name * contact name * contact person * # of participants * contact phone numbers Pickering Recreation Complex • 1867 Valley Farm Rd. • 831-1711 Time: 7-10 p.m. F Friday, January. 26 rte% �= Friday, February 23 F 1j. Friday, March 29 .0- Friday, April 26 ;. A • r- Friday, May 24 G' • Friday, June 14 R r• •r� Cost: 55.25 per person - Advance ticflet sales: Tickets go on sale the Monday prior to each scheduled date at the Pickering Recreation Complex, Monday to Friday 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. You must have a ticket to attend - Lost or misplaced tickets will not be honoured. U .. - ..11 _- ...-.a - .. -4- 4' -•'R'+•..-.-.r.'.0-v.-:.+.ru....a.. TA(IF9-A-THF. tiEWS Ali% F:RTISER. WED.. JANUARY 17. MIS • P"hile oar Set td -i H I Trustee fumes over budget talks I)t rKIIAh1 -- A Plum SC1100l IxXlyd trustl.e. "You can't expect goxxl stand tnlstee is "ashamed amd disgusted" to judgment with facts in your hand for be a trustee atter a recununencLltion to just one dal)." disniand junior kindergarten \vas lie believes trustees should have rushed through with no warning to the heard I-rorn the Public lira. "1 know public. sonic ((;LCpavers) will thunk it's a good "I aur fuming." Durham Board of' move. "L hey thinkjunior kindergarten Fducatio n trustee Alike Nicholson saes is a waste of money and is little more of Saturday's budget talks. "from my than batt}'sitWio. But I think there will point of view. (the meeting) was be twice is many who will miss it." thrown together." says the Oshawa Air. Nicholson says. j40 uniorkindergarten? ❑ School board finance committee votes to cut Program to save funds By I.INDA 1%'HITS ti TAH_ RK110R 11--k Dt-K11:V\1 -- Junior kinder- garten at public schools here is destined for a short life, as trustees arc poised to chop the program. That's the recommendation put forward by the Durham Board of Education's finance committee at budget talks Sat- urcLay. Final debate on the issue will take place Alonday. "We believe in the (educa- tional) value of junior kinder- garten. but not at the expense of other children currently in the system." hoard chairman Audre% Nlacl.ean said of the recornrncndation. The hoard began offering junior kindergarten -- which has a current enrolment of -()(1() -- after it was mandated by the previous New Ikmo cra- tic Party government. It opened its first junior kindergarten classes in Januar. 1995 and was to have the program in place at all schools by Septem- ber. 1 l 1) ; . However. the Pro eressive Conservative government has promised to once again make the program optional and has cut in half the funding the lxtard now gets for it. That means it would cost local taxpayers S1.5 million a year to continue offering the program as it now stands. llowever. it could cost any- where from S4.5 million to S9 million -- depending on just how much the -Tories cut -- if the board was to continue phas- ing in the program. because of costly renovations needed at those sch(x)ls not \'et offcrino it. Still. not all trustees favor dismantling the program. "'I"hc value of the pru,_rattn has been well-documented. particularly for kids with social needs." notes %, ollccn Jordan of Ajax. "It's also been important in the earl\ identification of (learning) problems." She has called on the hoard to continue the program at those schools where it is now in place and to -slowly" introduce it at other schools in upcoming years. A'hilc the board does- n't normally make a final decision on a bud- get item until the whole budget is set. it make, exceptions for issues that affect staffinL_. Ahout 50 teaching positions will he lost if the hoard scraps junior kindergarten. What do you think? The News Advertiser's InfoSource currently has a message box set up to record your comments.IF Phone 683-7040, punch in 5114 and leave a voice message along with your full name. We'll print a selection of your comments in our Friday edition. CRABTREE & EVELYN --IEESIA FREE Freesia Body Lotion (A 517.50 value) With 520 Freesia .Purchase from Super Value $299 :1t 1 )cur\ (III cc l,ur rcu, ulIII- ItanIboF!2VI :u L' Itladc \\ nth 06', iiwic II can 111:111 Illally rcLul:lr hu rt: L'r� �lr \1111 Let ' • III11rL1 !_'ICal h iIIIhLII_CI 1:111 ' III C\cl\ hitc. 11\ (Illi' t(,dwa , . • and -,L'C \,hall \\L'rL nlal.in_ .III -11 a hi_ LIC:Il ahllul. At • 1':uti�lpatln„ Dau\ OurL'n 111,111C[' • 00'' .0 t)IL'`L.,11i rLi „L'I X11 We treat you right! • A\-uilahle uta A i x 250 l;ayly St. Pickering i 1)y9 W., (Mackenzie Kin Ston Rd. (at Dixie, beside Moviplex ) Plaza) 619-(1662 831-2665 Fine Foods &Gifts PEARSON LANES 1031/2 MARY ST. W.. WHITBY EXP JAN 27% (905' 430-2480 Everyone reads and shops the News Advertiser! The Walfpaper Centre Back by Popular Demand... BUY l GET 1 FREE Jnlv. 5 - Jniv. zs ON A GREAT SELECTION OF IN -STOCK WALLPAPER &BORDERS Zfie Wallpaper Centre PICKERING OSHAWA 1652 Bayly St.. W.Outs5 Points Mall Super Store ide Mall - Next to Rogers Pickering (oust West of Brock Rd,) ( Video) 7 831-7747 Taunton Rd. at Kitson 728-6866 00 MON.-FRI 930.9 00 DISCOUNT I MON �FRI 9 JO-9:'�,KA m.��u1��w DISCOUNT SAT. 9.30-600 PRICES SUN 12OPs-Op SUN. 12 D0-5.00 tC rn l l ti Conference probes fight against racism AJAX—PICKI?RING -- Dealing with the cause Jan. 20 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at Ajax high and effects of racism is on the agenda at a meet- School, 105 Bayly St. 'There's a S5 registration ing this weekend. fee although fee may be waived for those; unable "The Social Development Council of Ajax- to pay. Registration deadline is Jan. 18. Pickering holds a conference entitled Anti- Call 686-2661 for more information on the Racism Change and Network Building Saturday, event. 0 4 L Harwood Place Mail "Your Community Shopping Mall" JanUdry ; SIDEWALK SALE • Wal Mart • Shoppers Drug Mart • Bi Way MALL HOURS Mon. - Fri. 10 - 9 p.m. Saturday 10 - 6 p.m. Sunday 12 - S p.m. `.4W',010" ` 4 4W 001,001 - �yU(N)Fl�l�r • i.f.`f: �►tt For people %ho have completed mane %ood finishing projects or are thinking of starting their first one. MINW.1.X is the trusted hrand that has helped make and keep %ood beautiful for oyer 90 years. With brands like Wood Finish N'ocxi stain. Durathanv* clear propdke finish. Polycnlic' clear eater -based topcoat, and Pol%shades' colour and protection in one step. NIINW \ products are ideal for an% ,Rood finishing project. Minty , wood Finishing products are now available at SEAM Pickering Town Centre. Attend a FREE Minwax (Mood Finishing demenstration in the paint department, at Sears, Pickering Town Cadre, main level, on: Saturday, January 20, from 10.00 a.m. to 3:00 P.M. Saturday, January 27, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. s Makes and Keeps Wood BeautifulT11 • Registered Trademarks 4 'ftiF, ttiF"'S Ad)%'F.R'LItiF:R. WKD.,.IAtit'ARY 17. 1996 -PA ;E4 -A 1'.%(;F 1111-AITHE Xk11t 4UVEKTIsElt, 111it1., 3AN ARl 17,1' 96 V RECYCLER'S REPORT Feed Blue Box a balanced dl*et Readers have requested that 1 indicate those items which are acceptable for Blue Boxes and to list organizations that take used articles. Durham Region now requests that all food/beverage containers he placed loose in your Blue Box. Tom) often, glass jars and bottles are put in hags with the cans which results in contamination of the metal. Now. the collecting _ contractor will hand -sort the glass. cans and plas- tic bottles at the curb and I place them into separate compartments on the col- lection vehicle. Public education on source separation is a .... vital clemcnt in a well- run recycling scryice resulting in smooth Blue Box collection and pro- cessing operations. The following will inform residents how to fill their :< Blue Box to enable the collectors to do their job :> efficiently. the can. ('rushed cans will take up less space on the truck. Place loose in your Blue Box. Don't include coat hangers, sheet metal. pots and pans or aerosol con- tainers. PLASTICS: only the one- and two -litre plastic pop bottles. Remove caps. rinse well and crush. Don't include plastic wrap or hags, mar- garine. vogurt. ice cream or cottage cheese con- tainers, plastic jugs and 1 bottles, or toys. larraine roulston ;the Recvcler's Report GLASS: food/beverage contain- ers. Remoyc lids, caps and stoppers (metal lids should go into a squeezed can4. Rinse well and place loose in your Blue Box. Do not include window glass, mirrors. drinking glasses. light bulbs, etc. METALS: food/beverage con- tainers. Labels don't have to be removed. Rinse well. As loose jagged lids can be a hazard. it's best to leave them partially attached to CARDBOARD & RO\BOARD: flatten corrugated cardboard boxes and bundle in units which could fit into a Bluc Box. With the corrugated cardboard include boxhoard (cere- al, shoe boxes, etc.), egg cartons, brown paper hags and toilet roll/paper towel tubcs. Remove the inner lining of cereal boxes as well as the plastic bubbles from other packaging- Place on or beside your Blue Box. Don't include: waxed or coated boxes. milk or juice cartons. N*EWSPAPE:R & PAPER: Newspapers (including inserts) and all other paper types such as envelopes, stationery, computer paper, receipts. telephone directo- ries, books. magazines and books can simple be placed loose in your box. French Immersion Registration The Durham Board of Education offers a French Immersion Program starting in grade one. Registrations for September 1996 are being accepted now. Information meetings will be held in the following schools offering the French Immersion program: Ajax: Cadarackque P.S........................ 428-2347 Southwood Park P.S.................. 683-5230 Pickering: Frenchman's Bay P.S................. 839-1131 Sir John .-%. Macdonald P.S......... 839-1159 Wednesday, January 31, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. X00011 for Proposal Designated Assessment Centras T^.e Ortanc Insurance Commission 15 soliciting applications from quakfied health Care Centres facilities aad provtae-S !e conduct independent health Care assessments on automobile accident victims The Designated Assessment Centres , DACs, ww assist ;nsurance coMpanes and claimants when a neutral thud -party, assessmer! s required to determine the claimant s ent,t erreni to accident benefits A roster of these DACs has beer established under the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule (SAGS) a regulation under the Insurance Act Ii .s expected that there will be uric 27 additional centres located across On!ane to accommodate referrals They w1P become operational on Apni 15 1555 The proposed locations are in the o!,es and regions noted below Please sDecdy when requesting an application package from us which type of DAC D!sabaay li ca' and Rehab!:talon or Residual Earring Capacity) that you are applying for Disability Medical and Rehabilitation Residual Earning Capacity North York :21 Ha"Itor t , Thunder Bay (11 Scarborouan 2) North York ' 1) Kingston (1) Ham,4or-Wentworto, Regior (2j Scarborough ( 1 ) York Reg,on !41 Vork Region !2. S,mcoe/'duskoka Reg o^ 2 S-mcoe/Muswoka Reawn 11 BramptonBramc:on 1. Durham Region 12) Sarna Sarnia I f ! Applications can be obtained from the Ontario Insurance Commission by Fax only to (415) 550-72H` Requirements protocol and dead' nes for proposals are included ,n the app'Icalion packages While at curbside place your glass or tins on top to prevent any loose paper from blowing away. Also, it's a good idea to tear up arty signatures or personal informa- tion. Durham Region was delighted at the large volume of boxboard received during the holiday season. Por information on receiving replacement Blue Boxes contact your local municipality. In Picker- ing, call 420-4630 and in Ajax call 683-2951. OQ� 1�1 & Don't forget to recycle me! CITY OF ",CARB0R0(1ciH THE CORPORATION OFTHE CITY OF SCARBOROUGH STOTT'S AND MAXWELL'S BRIDGES (TWYN RIVERS DRIVE) CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PRELIMINARY DESIGN STUDY PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE NO.3 The Corporation of the City of Scarborough is currently undertaking a Class Environmental Assessment and Preliminary Design Study to determine the future of the Stott's and Maxwell's bridges on Twyn Rivers Drive within the City of Scarborough. The purpose of the Environmental Assessment is to examine the need and ;usti1icatlon for future improvements to the two bridges and if necessary, establish preliminary design plans. Following the first Public Information Centre held In June 1995. and based on significant public Input, it was concluded that Twyn Rivers Drive should remain open to through traffic and that long distance commuter traffic should be discouraged from using the roadway. At the second Public Information Centre held In October 1995. information was presented relative to whether the Stott's and Maxwell's bridges should be replaced or rehabilitated. Based on the work carried out by the Study Team, in consideration of the public input received and the heritage status/significance of the subject structures, it was concluded that the Stott's bridge should be replaced with a new structure and that the Maxwell's bridge should be rehabilitated (i.e. restored). In order to provide the public with an opportunity to review and comment on the design alternatives for a new Stotts bridge. a Public Information Centre will be held on: January 31, 1996 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Open House 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Presentation Chief Dan George Public School r. 185 Generation Boulevard Scarborough, Ontario The purpose of this information centre is to discuss the design alternatives for a new Stott's bridge. As part of the information centre, a presentation will be made to discuss the design issues, opportunities and constraints associated with the construction of a new Stott's bridge. As well, details on the recommended traffic management strategies will be further discussed. Comments received from the public will be included in finalizing the preliminary design for a new Stott's bridge. The Study is being undertaken in accordance with the "Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Road Projects" (the Class EA) and falls within the scope of projects described in Schedule "C" of the Class EA document. At the end of the Study, an Environmental Study Report (ESR) will be prepared for the project and filed with the City Clerk and will be made available for review by the public for the thirty (30) calendar day review period. The Class Environmental Assessment process is designed to resolve concerns of those affected by the project. If concerns relative to the Study cannot be resolved, any person or group may request that the Minister of the Environment and Energy "bump up" the project to an Individual Environmental Assessment. If no outstanding concerns are brought forward during the review period, the City of Scarborough may proceed to construction. We encourage you to attend the Public Information Centre. If you are unable to attend, you may forward written comments or questions to either one of the individuals below. With the exception of personal information, all comments will be part of the public record. Mr. Brian Wolf, P. Eng. Project Manager Works & Environment Department City of Scarborough 300 Consilium Place, Ste 1000 Scarborough, Ontario M1H 3G2 Tele: 416-396-7152 Fax: 416-396-5681 Mr. Doug Allingham, P. Eng Senior Vice -President, Transportation Totten Sims Hubicki Associates 300 Water Street Whitby, Ontario L1 N 9J2 Tele: 905-668-9363 Fax: 905-668-0221 SCAR�OIIOgG11 6 Hiss numbers finally come up for $56,375 AJAX-PICKERING -- Persistence finally paid off for a Pickering man who won the second prize in the Lotto 6/49 draw Saturday. Robert Hollinger, 27, who's played the same six num- bers for the past five --._.._._._...._. __..__ years, won $56,375.50. His previous biggest 6/49 win was $84. "I was floored. It was g unbelievable," says Mr. Bollinger, the manager of hr Belamy's Restaurant in f Ajax. "It brought tears of joy to my eyes."� Y� The father of two Robert and Karen bought the winning ticket Hollinger have 56,000 at Sandy Beach Conve- reasons to smile after nience in Pickering on his winning second prize in way to work Saturday last weekend's 649 draw. morning. He discovered his good fortune on Sun- day morning at the same store, while buying a Pro Line ticket. Mr. Ilollinger says he and his wife plan to use some of the windfall to pay off debts and will bank the rest. off@999M6984aa •#fee• Familv Dental Care Dr. Gerry Spinoza One Dentist for your continued Care Comfortable House setting Evening & Saturday appointments available Parking at the doorstep 831=8525 1854 Liverpool Rd., (North of Hwy. 2) THE NEWS ADVFRTISER, WFD.,.IANUARV 17, I"&0AGF 11-A Top Metro Toronto politician talks GTA next week DURHAM -- A top politician is discussing restructuring of the Greater "Toronto Area on cable television this month. The Empire Club of Canada meeting with guest speaker Metro Chairman at l l p.m. should tune in." says Alan Tonks can he seen "Residents interested in Rogers in a news release. live at 1 p.m., Jan. 25 on the restructuring from the Call 905-436-4143 for Rogers Community 10. perspective of Mr. "Tonks more information. The program will tele- cast throughout Durham region and will be repeated TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY JAMES R. VANt'11 Offering all insolvency services including personal and corporate bankruptcies OSHAW'A 1212 Albert St. 7.21-7506 AJAX .A Commercial A% P. 619 -1473 COBOt'RG 72 King tit. W. 372-4744 Saturday & Evening .Appointments available. SEMI -GLOSS LATEX r� In ill minute% ,hjhlc •f .,,� NNI, tncl c+ltc-r ctcan ul, FILAT R Long Distance F R 0 M R.A/.•n. Itrnnq,.. 12 9 9 Durham Region's Largest I:.,nnte.. la"e • u. ti Tire Warehouse Clearance - Calling at.tl• .. •m.wl.n. / /•4.IUr. I••IRra• e Port Perry & lilatkstock arca 0_1 i ;TeIehapo SEMPERIT ALL SEASON RADIALS IA—lade .� A,— P. *e- e.crwngey 0"yq Whitewall size Sale prce P155/80R13 S49.00 HOOSIER AT $99.00 P175/80R13 557.00 P235/75R15 P185/80R13 $59.00 ZV P185/75R14 $65.00 FREE with every tire purchase P 195R5R 14 567.00 0 Compal« Tire aalr,ce $70.00 0lnstalletion .P205r75R14 P205/75R 15 572.00 H Valve Stern 0 Warranty P215r75R 15 $75.00 Road a nger n►es on all passenger . P225175R15 $78.W P235/75R15 580.00 0 Alignment Check (a Tiredlspossl E PRIDE OURSELVES ON CUSTOMER SERVICE". . T c rNDA \ Z p WARR 4 RDNJUMER DR 11 • • 1 off@999M6984aa •#fee• Familv Dental Care Dr. Gerry Spinoza One Dentist for your continued Care Comfortable House setting Evening & Saturday appointments available Parking at the doorstep 831=8525 1854 Liverpool Rd., (North of Hwy. 2) THE NEWS ADVFRTISER, WFD.,.IANUARV 17, I"&0AGF 11-A Top Metro Toronto politician talks GTA next week DURHAM -- A top politician is discussing restructuring of the Greater "Toronto Area on cable television this month. The Empire Club of Canada meeting with guest speaker Metro Chairman at l l p.m. should tune in." says Alan Tonks can he seen "Residents interested in Rogers in a news release. live at 1 p.m., Jan. 25 on the restructuring from the Call 905-436-4143 for Rogers Community 10. perspective of Mr. "Tonks more information. The program will tele- cast throughout Durham region and will be repeated TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY JAMES R. VANt'11 Offering all insolvency services including personal and corporate bankruptcies OSHAW'A 1212 Albert St. 7.21-7506 AJAX .A Commercial A% P. 619 -1473 COBOt'RG 72 King tit. W. 372-4744 Saturday & Evening .Appointments available. SEMI -GLOSS LATEX r� In ill minute% ,hjhlc •f .,,� NNI, tncl c+ltc-r ctcan ul, FILAT R Long Distance S.l an :IU,111:•.n:ll !I w.' un 1'•.. i l'rMN. N"ku"rwA Ilia At yuur olh. r lung Jl�l.ln. c call.. lckowlrrY. �nel=n.•e F R 0 M R.A/.•n. Itrnnq,.. 12 9 9 Two -Way I:.,nnte.. la"e • u. ti :N o n I h Calling at.tl• .. •m.wl.n. / /•4.IUr. I••IRra• e S.l an :IU,111:•.n:ll !I w.' un 1'•.. i l'rMN. N"ku"rwA Ilia At yuur olh. r lung Jl�l.ln. c call.. lckowlrrY. �nel=n.•e (:EII.ING & 'WXIAI W1. 11TE LATEX SEMI -GLOSS A1,KI'D sl q ff ille ,treel.,;Ile 7Wenkill. 1 •i,.w• Ak. N..w11.nARe `N expanded sertice to: Whillm 0%haws, ti ltowm.-nxille, Newca+ll:, Port Perry & lilatkstock arca 0_1 i ;TeIehapo IA—lade .� A,— P. *e- e.crwngey 0"yq iJ (416)406-3977 (:EII.ING & 'WXIAI W1. 11TE LATEX SEMI -GLOSS A1,KI'D PAGE. 12 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED.. JANUARY 17, 1996 a ONLY $ 8 32* PER DAN 7 JJ4 UKAND AM SE 4 DR. 1 a� � 5 VIOL V-6, auto.. p.s., p.b., air coed.., tilt, $664* cruise, p.w., p.dl., cloth buckets, console, AM/FM cars. a more. PER Only 27,400 miles. Stk OP4445A 1 WV4 VINE CLUB GAB 4x4 2500 /'.JW0PjrW ___; 9§ '"'Now V-8, auto., p.w., p.d.l., lift, cruise. air MCIcond., cloth buckets. console, AM/FM cass., tow package. SLE decor, running TO boards, extended mirrors 8 more. 1 owner. Only 8,100 miles. 1993 CHRYSLER IEMI YORKER 4 DR. 1992 CARAVAN LE '10 Vie.: • . ..i►-, .,.< Ste. "•" x 3.3L, V-6, auto., p.s., p.b., p.w., p.d.l., p. seats, till, cruise, SALE auto. temp air, W.S.W., 461995 wire wheels, AM/FM toss., equalizer, plus more. Stk. 8PW2 3.3L, V-6, auto., p.s., p.b., p.w., p.d.l., �51 p. seat, tilt, cruise, au cond.., AM/FM cass., sunscreen glass, 7 pass., overhead console, floor console & PER more. 1 owner. Only 52,900 miles. Stk. #V4514 D" 1 yy4 %;MKT,LEK Le8 Rom A 3 OL, V-6, auto., p.s., p.b., p.w., p.d.l., PRICED p. seat, air coed., AM/FM sass., lift, cruise, p. mirrors, wire wheels, w.s.w., TO cloth seats, fold -down rear seat 8 more 1 owner. Only 28,000 miles. 01"I 19% LeUM LX BLE 0, - - � wrr► V$, auto., p.s., p.b., p. seat, p.w., p.d.l., tilt, cruise, leather buckets, console, au PRICI cond., p. top, p. mirrors, AM/FM CD �O player, ABS, electronics package, plus more. Only 15,000 miles. 01111111111 1 1996 VOYAGER V-6, auto., p.s., p.b., 7 pass., air Gond., anti- lock brakes, floor mats, roof rack, dual air bags, storage drawer & more. 11995 CHRYSLER 1992 FORD PICKUP y 7 5 -OL, V-8, automatic, power steering, PRICED power brakes, AM/FM CD, privacy glass, dual tank, power windows, TO power door locks, air cond., p. mirrors, cloth seats & more. Only 44,500 miles. SELL Stk. #P4427A VL_YMOUTH A JNumIrl CHRYSLER5358 SERVICE OPEN , ALL DAY SATURDAY I 3WOO D AVE. (North of 401)683 AND EVERY NIGHT ' �.. __-, •-.-- Special Services form €l • 3.8L, V-6, auto.. p.w., p.d.l., p. minors, P. seat, tilt, cruise, air cond., leather, 7. PRICED pass. seating, quads, sunscreen glass, rear heat 8 air cond., alum. wheels, T� equalizer, AM/FM cass., all wheel drive, plus more. Stk #V4599 SELL 1992 FORD PICKUP y 7 5 -OL, V-8, automatic, power steering, PRICED power brakes, AM/FM CD, privacy glass, dual tank, power windows, TO power door locks, air cond., p. mirrors, cloth seats & more. Only 44,500 miles. SELL Stk. #P4427A VL_YMOUTH A JNumIrl CHRYSLER5358 SERVICE OPEN , ALL DAY SATURDAY I 3WOO D AVE. (North of 401)683 AND EVERY NIGHT ' �.. __-, •-.-- Special Services form €l • Police warn snowmobilers AT drivers TIIF: NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., JANUARY 17, 1996 -PAGE 13-A ATV d ers to steer clear of railway corridors DURHAM -- Regional Police and Canadian Pacific (CP) Police are joining togethef to warn snowmo- bilers and all -terrain vehicle (ATV) operators about major winter hazards. Police are cautioning people not to trespass on railway rights of way and to be extremely careful when travelling on lakes and trails. In addition, both police services have indicated they will clamp down on viola- tors. "While we prefer to use education and public aware- ness campaigns to publicize the dangers and penalties of both federal and provincial laws. problem areas have been identified and offend- ers may be prosecuted." says Durham Regional Police Staff -Sergeant Sandy Ryric. Euthanasia focus of panel discussion DURHAM -- The legal, med- ical and spiritual issues surround- ing euthanasia and palliative care will be explored at an upcoming panel discussion. The Palliative Care Committee of the Whitbv General Hospital hosts Choices and Decisions on Tuesday. Jan. 23. Panel members include lawyer T. Sher Singh, Dr. Gillian Gilchrist and Reverend Anne Simmonds. The panel dis- cussion will be held from 6:45 to 9:30 p.m. at the Durham Board of Education Centre, 400 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby. Cost is $20. To register, or for more infor- mation, call 905- 668-6831, ext. 1291. Accidents occur involv- ing snowmobiles and ATVs because operators have been trespassing on railway, pri- vate property or on lakes, police say. "Each year accidents occur involving these vehi- cles, whether it be colli- sions, operators and machines lalling through the ice or operators running into fence wire, which may become invisible in white- out conditions or at night." says Staff -Sgt. Ryric. "We'd like to reduce these types of accidents. Another situation that con- tinues is drinking and dri- ving. We'd like to warn snowmobilers and ATV operators we do have patrols out on a regular basis on the lakes anti snow- mobile trails." The Motorized Snow Vehicles Act provides for a Participants and Mentors Invited Basic Focus. the Inter- Organiza-tions Network of Durham and the Congress of' Black Women. Durham Chapter, in partnership with the Durham &,ard of Educa- tion. have been awarded a grant h} the Altnis[ry of Education and Training to provide an orientation pro_oram for teachers who, have been trained outside Canada. We are seeking 40 participants trained outside Canada who are newt} -hired teat herson the teach- ing supply list. Candidates cur- rently enroled in faculties ofedu- cation may also apply. We are also seeking the support of 40 educators from diverse back - .!rounds who currently are w•ork- ino in Ontario school boards to volunteer as mentors. For further information or to register your interest in becom- ing a participant or mentor, please call the Durham Board of Educa- tion at (905) 666-5500 extension 5124, no later than Wednesday, January 31, 1996. Your Entertainment Authority is now on the net or email at: Sales.NewsAd.Sales@durhanmews.net 4- 1. tine of up to $1,000 and the Trespass to Property Act provides for a fine up to $2,000 for trespassing and unauthorized operation of a vehicle on railway or pri- vale property. "It takes a freight train travelling at 90 km -h about two kilometres to stop and a snowmobile operator bun- dled up in warm headgear Dr. Kevin Tyber OPTOMETRIST Dispensing of contact lenses and glasses • Evening and Saturday appointments available • Complete Family Eye Care 427-4144 15 Harwood Ave S . Ajax whaeicha., (Between Hwy. 4018 No 2) Accessbb won't hear much except the "By the time a person on sound of his own engine." a snow machine or ATV says Detective -Sergeant hears a train whistling from Don Ross of CP Police. behind, it might be toxo late." '\y �/ �.► a\zs #0/W ' \* y0 *\r C 1 s a r a In c s w sday, Jat jtrV 17 to qday. Jawwmy 21 _Fhc tctnpertturc ()tits dc is dropping and so, arc the prices at ",,-.trborough *linvn (:entre durim, our mall %vide ( ]carancc talc. January I - _' I . Pick up Cool savim,s and hot deals throughout the mall' ,7;11 �J(!( )� e: iSh A total of S400 in t;iti ccrtiticatcs will bo: ,1vc•n advav daily. (:ompletc the ballot below and drop it off -at the (;ucst Services Dcsk on the upper Icvel tor your chance to win Cool (:,tsh. r---------------------------� I'[) 1.IhE TO W1` SONIL Y COOL CASH! kilt r 1'. %ul Code � � t t , t , To enter our Cool Ca.h dramv. complete and deposit this cntn ti)rm at the Guc•st Services Dcsk no later than 5p. on., Sunday. lanuan . I. 1996. Complete Rules and Regulations' available at the Guest Services Desk. i L---------------------------- SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTRE stG6cohcc.>�� ds;C�� H1vhuav -40 1 \ \1,d .o%%.ur 'r *� .O: �A A PA(;E 14 -A -THF NEWS ADVERTISER. WED., JANUARV 17.19% IF-,ntertainmentill, kerDSa&ay-71Rd.. 1r:. of Brc)ck Theatre Durham's ambitions pay off with gripping drama Equus By BI1J. SEMPSM SPFCI.4t. T0 T -HE NLWS ADVERT-ISER PICKERING -- The story goes that in England in the 19706 there was a brief news report about someone who went on a ram- page and blinded scveTal horses. Playwright Peter Shaffer read this brief report and. without investigating fur- ther into the real story. "Tote a pLty to try to account for what hap- pcncd. Ihe result was Equus. one of the cla.*sits of rn(-xJern theatre. Theatre Ihirham"s produc- tion of this remarkable work. directed by John If. Foote. opened tarsi weekend. In a brave and unuural move, the troupe: s opening night was also adjudication night in the theatre festival of the Association of Community The- atres -- Central Ontario (ACT -- CO). Considering the extra pressure on cast and k-rcw, they had a fine opening night. As told h} Shaffer. Equus is a story of youthful passion mixed with strange reli- gious zeal. This stop" unfold.,, gradually. inter- mingled with a second theme -- the professional and personal doubts of a psy- chiatrist Irving to help the young man who attacked the horse s. The technical aspects of this prog- duction, including the lighting and sound effects, are very well (lune. Music. composed by %1ich;1Ll Serres, effectively under- scored some scenes. The set, which had to rep- resent locations as diverse as an office. house. ham and a movie house, was very effective. The play had nine characters with speaking parts and five who only neigh. To start with. 'the horses' wore very stylized masks and hooves. In fact. the horse sc-cncs are visually striking. though the actors playing horses could have been more ener- gctic and animat- ed. 'Michael Scrres was excellent in the role of :'Ilan Strang:. the unsta- ble stableman. I found him thor- oughly believable throughout the play. Gary Kin, played Alan's 1 FREE 1 '1 1 ciE 'y rA i, , "'a and presentat*, -`'n s - 1 OFF_; JA:." 4_ CKS�- 1 1163 KINGSTON ROAD 1 PICKER ING. ONTARIO 1 EATERY OPEN EVERY DAY 9:30 A.M. YOU CAN EAT FOR AS LITTLE AS YOU CAN AT HOME Breakfast Special (Daily) Luncheon Specials Daily $595 TWO CAN DINE FOR (Every Day of The Week) 1349 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT N (Everything on our menu (after 5:00 p.m.) or less TWO BEAUTIFUL BANQUET HALLS ALL INCLUSIVE $5900 per person Pickering Town Centre 839-2507 father as though the role was writ- ten for him. Karen Scanlan portrayed Alan's mother as con- ccmed and friend- ly. though I found her it bit less con- vincing when the script required a darker mrxxl. Charlotte Hale gave a stnon,,. appealin,_ perlor- mance as Jill Mason. In the sup- porting roles of the nurse and the stable owner, Jan Harvey and I:d Hawkins were both effective. Anna Janssen gave a stron*t*, serious interpreta- tion of lIestcr Salomon. a col- league and friend of psychiatrist Martin Dysart. '171eir relationship seemed strangely stiff. perhaps due to opening -night jitters. The key mle of Martin Dysart ties this play together through his mono- logues and his scenes with all the other characters. Also, his self doubts are the basis of the sec- ond theme of the play. Perhaps because of this, Bruce Williamson played the role in it generally quiet and understated way. Though this made sense, a stronger appr(K"-I in places would make the play" more drun.rlUr 14,111us I, :1 � 1 r�� l Sr�Nl�J'�, ping story. as the mystery of Alan Strang's behavior gradually unfolds. I recommend this play, though with the caution that it is not suitable for children. Equus will be performed on Jan. 19 and 20 at Dun- harton Fairport I inited Church at K p.m. Tickets arc S 10 for adults, SK for seniors and students. Sapphire Bar & Grill Tues: Wed: I,i:klx)t K.rraokv - 5200 Ihur-,: Pib Night -(1-rvulxx)l all nightIcxrg) l rida_y-1anuarY 19/95 !northern Storm Saturday, January 20 Country Night with Burnt River Sun: I.i, kpot K.rrat)kc ;,2OI) lig �)lll�Ullll - (r(,cr .30(X) so?WS 610 Monarch St. Ajax 427-7811 lei 117M, 11 The 12 Winchester NOV Arms Special Events January 20th ROBBIE BURNS NIGHT Scottish Pipers & Hagis January 28th St'PER BOWL PARTY TRADITIONAL ENGLISH BREAKFAST 10 a.m.-3 p.m. every Saturday & Sunday ________________ SUNDAYS KIDS EAT FREE. 1400 Bayly St. (at LiverpcxA) a 837-2366 New Size, New Look, New Menu95 Friday & Saturday. - Prime Rib Special $9 0 The Best Breakfast in Pickering! • Full Lunch & Dinner Menu At Affordable Prices • Fully Licensed Under LLBO • Import & Premium Draft Available F=1 %O . kmg.tan A ani L 376 Rougemont Dr. Pickering (905) 509-4421 0 1'HE NE«S AD ER,risER, %%ED.,.IANt ARY 17, l"fi-PAGE I5 -P ----------------- Atom Panthers fall ' use short of tourn(v� crown PICKERING -- The Irickcrin$ Panthers Monarch Katcher major atony 'AA' rep hocks\ team finished as finalist al the J.J. Keay Christmas "Tournament in Scarborough. In the championship final, the Panthers dropped a tough 2-1 derision to the Agincourt Canadians. In this defcnsjye hat tic. Pickcri"L �goalic Billy 4-3 in u\crunic I„ the Agincourt Kitchen Nicholson made sc\cral stellar Canadian,. Chuckic Smith. Saycs. "I'hc Ione Panther Brad Binns anti Bodurh goal "as scored hv ��`�G �r0� ,cored. \ytth assists to sJonathan Samsun. assist_Brion Greer and ;edam a cd by Adam Bodurh• o v N1urr\. To reach the Final. The Panthers then Pickeringdid it the hard downed NVcxlurd h -U with way. In the first `game of l�CIA11� Nicholson earning the - thy e tourney, the Panthers lost shutout. Boduch led the with four goals: K\lc Hamilton and :dark (;u,,sc rounded out the scoring. Helpers \sere recorded b\ Nicholas Vicira. Gree Mclialc and GossC \\ilh t\yo each. Eric Ranta. Kc\ in Krasnoyvski and N1ikC C'uiiolino w ith one apiece. Pickering then heat the Goulding Park Ranger,, To advertise in this space, call us at 683-5110 Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. Goailcnder Daniel Sharpe shot L10\811L10\811the RanLk:rs alier they scored carl\ in the game. Pickering counted h\c in a row led by Krasno\yski and Botluch with 1"o cacti. Vicira \kith a sin- _rlc. Assists "crit to Boduch. Vicira and Hamilton with mo each. and sin,=les to Binns. (;rcer. Kr:i,nov ski and Nlurray. Wanted: Leaf Tickets Good seats are needed for Leaf games. Will pay face value. Call 579-4400 Ext. 2207 (Tor. Line 798-7672). par-'�- 'I Pickering figure skaters y y.. Hamm Shana Pereira of the Pickering Figure Skating Club concen- trates on her routine during the club's annual Home Club Competition at the Pickering Recreation Complex on Saturday. photo by Andrew Iwanowski put their skills to the test PiCKF.RING -- A nunnccr of Pickcnng Figure Skating Club mcnihcrs made the _rade ;it the club's Deccmhcr test da\ at the Pickering Recreation Complex. The club holds approximately 10 test days during• the regular Season to allo\y� skaters an opportunity to learn dittcrcnt skills and have their skills assessed against national stan- dards. Skaters normally begin to %%ork through the testing system \yrth the goal of rornpleting one or more _old tests. The results of the December test day: FIGURES Prehrninarv: Joanna Glavin, Breanne Allen. Michelle Marchant. Stacey Timmcrs. Kendall Tyler. Danielle Turney. Katic Ellis. Mandi Parkes. Kristin Recd. Laura Feiss. Rachel Humphries. First: Marcia Stron_r, Shannon Crossman. Kaillic Sherwin, Danielle Denier' no. Amhre Moore. 'Third: Alexandra Richardson. Linda Table tennis showdown set for trade centre PICKERING — Table tennis anyone? Road, Pickering. The Pickering Table Tennis Club, in Call Cam Bhatia at 905-428-6982 or co-operation with the Pickering Flea John Vanderkolk at 416-512-7979 or Market, is holding its first Open Table 905-428-62.32. Tennis Championships at the Metro East Trade Centre Sunday. Jan. 28 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Seven events will held at the Pickering competition. including men's open, women's open, and the over -55 age group as well as various other divisions which are based upon rankings. Deadline for entries is Jan. 22. The trade centre is at Hwy. 401 and Brock 4 1644 BAYLY ST. Just west of Brock Rd. N;/ (905) 837-0653 emmff Al. HE'S A WINNER01 CALL 839-5000 TO SEE HOW WE CAN HELP YOU OR YOUR CHILD TRIAL PROGRAM $24.95 INIARTIAL ARTS DANA"AM FAMILY CENTRES Jo\ner. Simh: Li,a Ta\lor. FRE:E:SK %TF: Prciiininai%. Courtnc\ :\Ilen. Lcah Brc\\er. Junior Brume. Alexandra Richardson Junior Sil\cr: Anianda Gilro\. 1).XNCE Canasta. Laura Wciss. Bah\ Blues: Laura Weiss. Brcanne Allen. Mandi Parkc,. Kendall T\ lcr. Danielle Turnc\ . S\\ ing t\inhrc Nloore. Kail)crinc M,Isaac. Jennifer Wa,,nCr. Erin Silcock. Rachel Humphries. Saacc\ Brinier F-ic,ta: Erin Secle\. Rachcl Humphries. Willow Shannon Crossman. E.liiahcth (;ouul. Fen-FuY Jennifer Chornc\. K.,rcn Conlin. Nti,:hcllc Frriicr. Eniil\ Gaudet. K,!illic Shcry in I'uurtccn,tcp: BCLk\ Parkc,. Danielle Dcnicnno. European Alexandra Ri, hardson. K,.,t's: Dana Easton Harris Nti�hcllc Rccd American. Linda Joyner, Dana 1-.aston. Starlluht. :\my Trumphour. Kilian: Mcli,sa Grini,ha\\ Quickstep Tara Leetham. Naiahc Gilhcri. :\R"1-ISTIC Bron/.,:. Dana E.i,ton. Pickering tykes unbeaten in 11 games PICKERINC; — The Pickering Norih ) „rk H,kkc, Lc,i_uc. the Panther Tomuxt tyke ,elect hotAc\ local scam h:Ls hecn nn»ed into an team continues to boast a pertc.t elite di%ision with ti\c other record 101lov. mgr a \& in Thursda\ . squads. The local selects kno, kcd oft Other player, are K%lc Ste\\art. Thornhill 6-1 as Jason Dale hul,•cd Brian Dario\\. lames McCardie. the t\yinc for three goals. \.\hilt William Mitchell. Andre\\ Wilkins. Damian Pa%lidis, K%lc Speen and Chris Chappell. Damn Carpenter. Michael Broaderip netted single Brent Shearer, Jaime Moloney. markers. Daniel Prehhle. Mark Burnett. Pickering has 22 points on I I Brandon Crummc\ and R\an wins and no losses or tits in the Daniels. Ready for a Good Time? << Un Eflteftalnnx%t Every Fri. & Sat. - Friday Cabaret & Las Vegas style Entertainer Dez Hylton & Belly Dancing Saturday Sharky Music & }t Belly Dancing ria Res�4 gig t Q • Fabulous Mediterrean & Canadian Cuisine 1735 Bayly, Pickering (Just east of Brock Rd.) 831-9866 Covet erperito•e sonethM a link dijJneu ngla here i. Puha" wahout trorehns to tAt tax tirv. nUU bi�&finwff Intim HOCKEY Novice through Midget - Season - Mani through Augest divisions - Mondays dtroegh Thursdays -15 Non -Contact games - Tama 6:36 pm -10:30 pm Leages run practice - "All Star" Teams •• RE6ISTMTION •• Date: Saturday. January 20.;96. Saturday. February 1796, Saturday. March 16`96. Saturday. April 20/96 Location: Ajax Community Centre, 75 Centennial St.. Ajax. Ont. Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm For further information contact: Jim Darlow: 905-686-4286 Harvey Bunston: 905-686-1576 9'ACE: IMA=CHF: tiEWS ADVE:RIASE:R, WED- JANUARl' 1-7.1996 •ALORO•FROZEN •ASSORTED i I r t 1 ;ROAST BEEF mouT� $49, "'HE SER•.,�c .;OUNTER VFw 7F 41.4ND --P 4E�Ep 141 -EI 5+•4NK�11, CiCN, LAMB SHOULDERJA /'1y r'0RK SHOL'LDER.s_�'�`�/ i�W wv� OUALrrY PACKERS - FRESH NEVER FROZEN PORK HOCKS 113_ 059 ------------- r : ziN PORK �11)E HIMS F'(/FtK Fil'TT log F'1'L1. �TFCIP B "IfOULDER STF:a 's ' "THE i _ - a 1p" ER crow:%.�%" _IPA � .� PACKAGE �� �Y ��►-'�=`` "= y 3 PACKAGE LIMIT MAJESTAAop M4JccTn n.,.o,n AT,.�, - •pp B T1��L�E M4�� TIS IUE � T WFI ft 1� rMCCAIN FOODS I •MILD •MEDIUM •OLD CHF UDAK • M()!l.AKE I.I.A • MARIE3[,E CHEESE TERMINAL 4747 '"IE 'YEWS AmFmri4.14, MlY.JAMARY r7. I"6-P..ltGE 17-A IFUIESIA NEVER VnIC)OZIEM 4 A ol FIRFVIOUSLY FR(')ZFN PRODU' ',A CHICKEN FRn7FN rl'V�All_q� I "A",E I)RUMSTIC S 'RFAlIlY • INC; MEN, CHICKEN EG QUART RS 1.30 kg 5 1,13. ][,IMlrr MAI'L E LEAFALL SII ANI BHAND .Tq ,DEAR -ALL BEEF T THF DFLI COU T1 CHEESE 3 �6�9� %Y'l -4 1 Fl MURIA. LARGE SIZE OMAT S If-- Flill, YOUROWN BAG PRODUCT 01 OE 1.52 kg a.4 &30 kg nF Fr�,ilrViR s y C R'L Y� r it; SWE P A �•�7: *719 z Mluel ePASTA.-.o-o z jiik(; OSALSA & N"OLI S U EJAIL i 700 I � H:A_, .1)( k X T PA & ""A99 9V""""`A 1_ ' -1 110 1 T. F 594 "' ..."; I JAP, -13UC�IJES 1711g/7_i,t29F'.tTZ SU4CR1EII`r •1:314D CHIPS 189) jZ HAC; lo49' IF3,fX t 4 _S r.:99 'AlpI�XIN40lu V� si'l z IF: YOU1t OWN 169 . . ....................... AVOCADCWS C E L G, WRAPPED , I fin9t ALL VARIETIES • BRAN F 5 g C)O S -17 13X 4c OTT PRODUCT OF U.S.A. - CALIFORNIA 0ALLE BlItAiLN moo III 3<)x 4c 1-,2k E ORAINGES 2 L BOTTLE 24 x 355 ml. TINS *-;IZP. --72-." [�AVE U Oslo f"L BOTTLE NII I AIPLUS Ah AAh 3 CASE LIMIT ... � � ,. f F.A• , CASF. , I�OZ. • .0 Hk "ARFIFID �'H(D(21u�OF L, A FOODS .';'I ItA IN IF. )lSALSA CALIFORNIA JUICES RC, j �f Vt A'ti j Mf A )INNk CHlFwS_ -L JAR EA %2MIAJAR LA 642 mt. JAR JLwr-'to g 4n4 g BAC" .10 CASE OF .AH( PRODUCT OF U S A 91 GRADE- CALIFORNIA DRESSED BROCCOLI E vt;mun R800MNBOW TROUT 2I-ARV.E CIIMC31NAX_ 13UNUH 4Pw1El.AA_lP1F:,S ILA" F-ULJ_Y0lUIFtOWN BAG 2-181" � .Fs. �N� TETI-EY - ALLEN S - CELESTIAL '7o PRODUCT OF U S A -,wl GRADE CALIFORNIA PRODUCT OF U S A SIZE 56s CED TEA 1 ,DBEVF,RAGES�N� CELERY GwR"E1FHUlrr;. PAN vi CASEOF 24 x 4s-3 zz0L MX -S. 01I FO .& PRODUCT OF ONTARIO - CANADA FANCY ,DOUBLE NOODLE *FMA ION= MOW IDMUC14I •ITATOMATO-HLAKIT VEG. WrTH PASTA•;��� �xli���n.�wcrc >���9 AX:30j:30-j,]F; E; 40 YOUR OWN >I -., ,099 YCAI 40VVN BAG I TOMATO Imo' RODUCT OF CANADA - �l GRADE XM0 COMIc)ws SOUP ;r SURE)Awrros 2 TANGERINES i 0 IJEL FliIIMII.Y Svm jF_4I FILL- YOUR 44ca3111I BAG 2L18 ka 4499 RODUCT OF CANADA - ol GRADE - P E I *M iUSE 111:1-4, ROO •-El�� "OMA Inn •MALIIOLD DRESS L Myyrj� 10 I.B. P01I ELACX2��10 L.B. PANI SIZE lEgAiG F.A.a" r - - - - - - - - - - - - -i r - - - w-EI7L&jGq:y - - - - - - - - r-----------:------ ---- --- -- -- G WNERAL Mitr ul I KELLOGGCE 'S CEREAL NUTRI- : RI -1 ICERFEAAL (fl CINNAMpN 1 295 g PACKAGE KRISPIES. 1 425 g BOX LARGE 700 g BOX IN S I OF 4 F 11-T-1 L S_' I I TAIL S4 89 _j L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- PRICES EFFECTIVE FROM SLML JAN. 14/9& TO SAT. JAN. 2U96 ffmi'�A - WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PAGE IE -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED« JANUARY 17,19% • , • • • i . Buy one week, get (905) the 2nd free! Call us for TORONTO . details 7987672 ApPiies Ic Arl,c,ea For 6830707 Sale and Vehicles For Sale only CLASSIFIED INTERNET ADDRESS: vttt�if Htt ://www.durhamnews.net AUCTION 4 Call 683-7545 • up-to-date auction 510 Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. %P 111111 Monday to Friday AUCTION LINE 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday 63.7545 or fax your ad " - 2615 1 (905) 579-2238 Em BIRTH NOTICES Ann<n,n,:r• ynur h;lhy's arrival and receive a gift certificate � �+GST entitling you to S255 worth `f quality baby products. / lu Careers 1 ' Careers ' ' Careers 1 ' Careers IM, Careers 1 ' Careers ' t Careers ' Ge Heal ' Ge neral P P 9 T; •IHI■1111111 Get Started! • ,eu,u,uiugy Jrimrl, - .'.r e , • :,r t� ;en,ed Aecourt ng • ' et:anrx Specla is; (CNE 3i :;:r-lputer Ir". ur-windnee Tech ul(Xg; • r?" i& Adn MStrab0u Financial assistance available to those who qualify Scarborough Oshawa (416) 291-6662 1-800-993-9993 COLLEGE Re If ear rvrure LJr - _ _. _......�,,... Diploma Programs in Alex• . - �.--,ys a>wri<�� F. eaa� & L• '$ ✓s 9Ji 3a,.:��' I F fir 4 � i I ( Microsoft Windows - Word - Excel • Access - PowerPoint - WordPerfect - Lotus 1-2-3 Financial assistance may be available - Full classroom instruction,. Day and evening programs. Call Today Classes Start February 5th. Enroll now: seats are limited! 6C month .5 program T 54 Centre St. N. OBC 576-9175 ONTANII) BVSI.%ESS COIJ}t:E' FAX YOUR ADS 579.2238 PROFESSIONAL • ,, : N -. .. (`)gram, eeweek opportunity Flo - stry Course Part time vn,ng course In-home deo courses Intensive wining starl your own IsRlesswork at home or 'Op know know t„e secrets. • low the IoOiS 1,11,w the adeCareer School nt oral Design. 52 SIM- COE ST S. ),•,, w., +P 4:16 'X91 Traminq i isistance may be avail c1le d you are over 45 and <enhy ;aid oft ' General Help A MARKETING F am re- :.. enr' —ast.c tele- I,rione operat(ws.evenings j selling, salary 8 bonus es, fluent English required, students welcome Robert. 9051619-6867 AUTO GLASS nstaiier with own tools. part time nights and weekends. call Paul 728-6394 BOOK REPS. Metro, Oshawa and surrounding areas Schoolsbusinesses and librariesVehicle re quired $350 - 5700 week ly No exp necessary Cao Joe 905-985-8491 or 905 721-%79 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser requests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Advertiser will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion and there shall be no liability for non -Insertion of any adver- tisement Liability for er- rors in ads is limited to the amount paid for the space occupying the error All copy is subject to the ap- proval of management of News Advertiser EARN $627 1. .. •. Product as sembl, Mai, processing Typing labii, etc Guar anteed 4161 208-3263 ext 6 24 firs EXPANDING MARKET - NG CO a : -” • pc' ' .il Full training p•Ov,ded call now Megan 305 728-8542 EXPERIENCED Seam . for dry cleaners Call aryarne 721 1832 please leave name and home a EXPERIENCED tru.k drover . • years r,ld 1rx insurance purposes Call Monday tr, Friday after 1 p m 420 1771 HOST I HOSTESS re- q.ared IOr new r — a build. er in Ajax Parttime staffing Of model home Call Dennis c, v000 e npm MODELS Top Toronto agency Established sincel mill Looking for females 5'6" to 5111" Males 510" to 6'3" for modeling and T.V. commercials. \tui' IA( FS NI1l I1NI 416-359-9200 MODELS NEEDED Female Ages 7-26 EARN EXTRA INCOME Travel to exciting cities: New York, Paris, Milan. Call for FREE consultation. 430-5715 MOVIE PEOPLE. Toron- to's fastest growing agency seeks extra; for film and TV work, all types, no exp req Earn $7 $22 80/hr Work guaranteed We place peo Pie on movie sets every day Call Jonathan (416)%1.2226 LOCAL COORDINATOR LearLrnj C,iri,idl.In Innyu.l,�,srhonl requires "people person" to coordinate a summer program in Pickering_ P.R ,'Sales experience an asset. Part-time position with flexible hours allowing you to work - from home recruiting local families to host foreign teenagers next summer. Send resume to. The Language Workshop 243 Winder Heights Place Waterloo, Ont. Ill 1P1 Nu phone c.l" p,,,l,>e NOTICE NOW HIRING! Taking applicat;ons for ,r part time positions Opportunity to earn S300- S500 per week to start. Call 723-3411 PARK LANE _ _ . ..i . -• ,pie to sell 'asn,on lewelie,y be your Jwn boss Great bonus and ncentw"Plans Call Linda 105 666 4049 PART TIME - xperience(I uL r.,,i�.terrat nelper re. quired Telephone 428 - 7280 START NOW Local Can':.,- 1 .i . ;osrtrons available in all depart ments Earn up to $14 82 e/ hr if Qualified Nr. ex ;xrience necessary own transportation required Call Monday only 404 0403 9 OG 4 'jo TEACHER'S HELPER I .. p lay - „ 3 children, JK to grade 1 Pickering area Please call 683 -obs' TORONTO STAR Adults VOORTMAN L I U deperdenr distributor lot Pico— -,;e AjadWhithy area (,.tr.?,I Investment required pend resume 1�, PO Box 5206, Burlington, Ontario L 7R 44 1Nedd ing Photographer. 1/4 quare :quipment Nr %kill It in you In all the lalesl %I% le" 434-7336. WHOLESALE COMPANY asn pay. vehicle re - :uvedCall Enka at 905 :28-8181 ' Office Help am: ... StW:......: want ed for door to door sales PICKERING • •m is service You'll promote our intro- indu.. �` �., — - 4 accountant ductory discount otter to forfull time six contract Position Will hea resresponsible new home delivery cos- for compulerze accounting tomers Set your own functions to and including hours, work evenings and / financial statements would C,r weekends goud coin suite third level CGA or munication skins required, equivalent Please reply to be Oshawa Thu car an asset. top commis Week+7261 Box #481 Oshawa cions paid weekly Please Ontarv: L1H 7L5. Stating call Paul Mc Girl. 7284161 salary expectations or686.2292 Office Help Office , Help BILINGUAL FRENCH / ENGLISH Customer service rep., required by Pickering based company. Must be fluent both written and oral . Comput- er skills a must, previous experience essential. Fax resume to (905) 428-7555 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Pickering company requires. immediately. two individuals for accounts receivable functions, eg. collections. Lash fxming. You should fx)ssess knowledge of basic :1—lunling funclions and the ability to work independently. Experience on coinputen7cd accounting system would he an asset. Forw:ud resume til: File # 7262 c/o The News Advertiser P.O. Box 481 Oshawa, Ontario L1H 71_5 fr �Hele I Office P Help Growing Oshawa firm is looking for a person to take charge of all day to day accounting activities In our busy Office. Dulles would include all facets of accounts payable, racelvables and payroll Assets would be computer knowledge. ability to work with our staff and wlll- rvI to learn CGA or CA may benefit ri�iase forward resume and salary expectations to FILE # 7260 OSHAWA THIS WEEK P.O. BOX 481 OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1 H 71_5 parent or separated or corr-ed with three years ark experience, you may ual:fv for financial assi5 l n,re i.4 ,t you are over 45 .d have recently been d oft, you may qualify for I, ng assistance. DIP' f W Lotus. WoMperfect. Rase. Word. Aecpac. edlnrd. Autocad. Ventura. - a'jer ak.r Harvard. Cor G,mputer Programming Systems Analyst. Co Pascal and C Photo .. ill. Quark FxprPss and . ••ati L ' an Flo L] C BOOKKEEPER Full Time Growing prar;t,cr, re- quires Individual to preform monthly ac- counting functions up to the F for our cli- ents Good communica- tion small business and computer experience essential Send resume to Comprehensive THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., JANUARY 17. 1996PAGE 19-A Sales Help/ Sales Help/ Skilled Skilled Me, • Daycare DaycareAgent I Aent Help Help Wanted Available I Firewood tAFtHIENCED ., .nes person For expanding I' ckennq computer tom : Iny F ax re•.unie in Su .ercnrn A•,tioclates Inc "i05 1420- 791 r-1 INCOME OPPORTUNI- TY aggressive ,ales people Durnam Rwpon I hll,rn,tel incor,e putenbn l'ofivart lime Interv,ew r!tween 95 Tuesday Wednesday. Thursday Ask e Ross Clift `405 94', 4731-, 1.800 267-6900 PANTYHOSE ,-,les earns I) i r 1,31432 Business Services Real Estate Sages People. 105 Woodview Dr. Sell Avon products to help pay Christmas Bills. No Quotas. Sell where you live or work. Call Pauline 111 show you how I " 905-427-4689 Pickering Ont. g - l yea. Ca„ Rol ,• 4[1' YOUR .. ,,,•, , rry hr,e M-1days and 5:' Castlemare Aorta Really Established 25 years L1V 11_1 lunches. large play area Brush cords, face cords r,rr,vr. 7'3j 5 30 p rr ,r SALES ADVISORS. NP Tra,nees required 5 6 'w,^ rhrl> age 3 Referenc ''r 6or Dollar Ausnai an . 'equ,red Preferablynon J __ u: pry 31'- '.'•c ndary education Guar based o gamrat n ~Sales PART time ^,,iyra,p 2 - 3 ent5 anteed return nvetmentA quiresen Merl lo in Trare, leave message (905) 5 �55- ER , . aning provided 1,Cnme Car.ad,ar and %,)r -t- Amer, • �� months and 4 yrold ,Ok F 11 pa,, rime Car ran Expars or M,• be BELL CANADA Author Jjired HPrtage Scholar- willing !y eam anr, a en ••'i.1 eller' ^.i .l anmgs h1, Mr ra r-nald 416- thusiastc Ful tra,nmq or, ar proven sales proles 210H ' ,, , .den P.-ne r;rns at 30S ronals to market network home r •ench •.peak r) %'-17 -;A44 rrrlucts to business Sus nanny •anng !or our 3 lea old laughter M„n F n Call 17051 944PAI) 1 7 p m 11 p m Triers Full Iraminr3 428 7797 after ; ekend rrom ^ ~^ ..,7,-. .I— commission Fax resume '%34 ' ^," ., :•mdnion,ng > 905 683 6105 POSITION AVAILABLE FIREWOOD CAREGIVER rwvo.,ed n LOVING MOTHER OF 1, BROOKLIN FIREWOOD rry hr,e M-1days and First aid/CPR Snacks i Established 25 years Wednesdays in Maple lunches. large play area Brush cords, face cords r,rr,vr. 7'3j 5 30 p rr ,r fenced yard Whites1Bayly and k,ndling of quality sea - 'w,^ rhrl> age 3 Referenc area receipts Michelle sorted firewood Fast . 'equ,red Preferablynon J 837-0717 friendly serv,ce and free _nokinq 6234)W) PART time ^,,iyra,p 2 - 3 delivery Please phone or PICKERING CAREGIV. 'Jav'' t~,v - • eer ''ex' mo. leave message (905) 5 �55- ER , . 'eh, of Iwo q..r', ,,vmq 5490 or 655 8797 • �� months and 4 yrold ""are Fairui,rt South of Rnrl: 421, --PA 12 FIREWOOD quarry sea tleinbie hours roll EXPERIENCED OFFICE ,r- • na•dwor.d cut. - •i,ker-terences. e.pem PICKERING VILLAGE spin andlei,vefed starting •_Ice 42, 4861 •::., .tole -at St 35 per bush cord couple home r •ench •.peak r) While suppi,es last Ca,PROFESSIONAL / .- ; .rn ' " , 2 Year nanny •anng !or our 3 lea old laughter M„n F n Call 17051 944PAI) 1 7 p m 11 p m d ';,wghte, in the” 428 7797 after ; ekend rrom ^ ~^ ..,7,-. .I— :.riles/K -•;,.Ton Rd area '%34 ' ^," ., :•mdnion,ng .me evening, ween, POSITION AVAILABLE FIREWOOD 3•,p m 9 i0P rn pLa ad %. ', ... •, .. - •,vas •, -::. _%rI,.ol r.^al hours w'e r daycare Fenced lard ,^"d extra ,^g time Ca, req„ red 'or !,lose to pari ;. ',ayroom Seasoner: :Jr .and ..ire'J lov nq atmospn..,y ri,t„ - Honest ry ,ycare p,c .c Reason r,/s ,nche n stark•, Keas,I- Frye delivery Karr . rare _.-ase ^all D ov,dP•; Y a - Px;;u Fi•ewz. 834 71' . PnCe Rei r- - V!• ;9 2246 Rd S a—i 42" - Daycare RESPONSIBLE nprrg, FIREWOOD -, '•napie • Available:. . ,pill •�P, rak - is^w day lice L1 11 1 BID D I R E C T O Fax ha News Advertiser&"707_ 683-7363 Improvements I I Improvements I I Improvements I Painting & P.M Moving 8 • Moving & VIM House . House Decorating Storage • Storage Cleaning • Cleaning MISTER CHEAP- Wn rte •r• .� r,, rA ,nls,in aw apartments,• additions. ences decks etc Lr eased for over 20 years. Ill work guaranteed. for ee estimate call Ernie ,n4 8.,70 BUDGET HOME IMPROVEtrtcEm" Basement Apts Fel,-rooms I mb . p U Ing' Additions, GENERAL CARPENTRY, electrical, 'exC e rill,,•.. •efe• A ax Pic• . ..g GENERAL Loi Ror,n• HOspIWI MITM work, door installation, base - rd •,-r„c••, ..., ,wl r'Yh hYrEA": "ave HANDYMAN SERVICE - CLOSE till, s r! s y Rss'a ^,✓ a•ea 7795 ap edical Dental ^:-.. ^ 6r5F, M"1 FIREWOOD. TOP D 5 years CARPENTRY , � urs 'r;rr 6 a.^ •, 5 725-0oos pr 427 0005 DUALITY seasrr .-: ^ rnmum sr op ex;.e• ence , bl-weekly services. Inquire for details. c atM Da. els a^d 8—STAY HOME , • I a,, ; .p 'ow pr res ^r: shih wx F ,II --•,.nDany EXPERIENCED OFFICE r ^an an Lala 428 ' 2:t rp '-r- ', F v vP^Y. se^+nq PC. b• -rents "#; ,r 1-3512 M '. ,F F::•F',f PtION15T tion. Call Jeff 905-42& . d e pis A-,,,;, . -, Ala. dirty ALL Pro Painting and n .wlel for y d,_ bus me ra DAYCARE Actvi•y R gore area Cal' 4•• wa 'all a2•'v 2°'. or d27 INSTALLERS -eed 1,i. office OHIP oiling and !lip rrom ^ ~^ ..,7,-. .I— Penny 283.1642 Pen '%34 ' ^," ., :•mdnion,ng "'; a mus! Pease lax P . .i ,,r r`lufr101S m d arts d TATRAILIVERPOOL , •Sas SKIDS i Pa11gK c P illi Compan Y- m,•,t have gas %,meM-)05 9054274339 Y, n r 'aC hes .. .. .- w .,',vii•..• w-.a•'w--d Rr i •vers Syears expel ence MATERNITY LEAVE „swa al �;SF Ire cps• "a"P ^e�' .. ,o�•s w ,rl •^ ,w; -,u• . • -!- - .- For more inlormah�,^ Sail ,....: - ,rigs. Kel- lel re^v ava abed 905r685 --!X 1 7 ' . - e,,r ; .., LOVING r ^"'i r E > s111ali Dads L ^nedpenencPd a. 7xdn l.d ^W:pr •X,c 43r MACHINIST al sec—tare al`re K' . •�P, a^ 1,, e Please TL F D ea Firewood !till hm, Ling; R•rn1 ^ 45S K - t! a , , < < ,r, ' Flea Osnewa mP Market 1+nsrtuin \I'I K�.in MEDICAL er,etarj 2 LOPING a: are r Y F ,E A �:+" Ar c vEAI c .\titiFT I ,�•r1rn4E Kryuin,t .. .-.. Te r epi worx a^emror .i.•1 even mar •:ud,1Y r, v'^l ... .w,f; •rFi',HI^, (.� , •,.-a•r• t all an%ttnlr' wn `gt Riease apply it ! l yl..are r' �� 1-90i-571-5319 -3 ,nry,c D Spa ria, ;ray^ :e { E R 7w P A •, ., 3414,14i• Wr,c•'RF L1 11 1 BID D I R E C T O Fax ha News Advertiser&"707_ 683-7363 Improvements I I Improvements I I Improvements I Painting & P.M Moving 8 • Moving & VIM House . House Decorating Storage • Storage Cleaning • Cleaning MISTER CHEAP- Wn rte •r• .� r,, rA ,nls,in aw apartments,• additions. ences decks etc Lr eased for over 20 years. Ill work guaranteed. for ee estimate call Ernie ,n4 8.,70 BUDGET HOME IMPROVEtrtcEm" Basement Apts Fel,-rooms I mb . p U Ing' Additions, GENERAL CARPENTRY, electrical, free estimates, rouse addi- drywall tion. basement. decks. trim 15 yrs. Experience. work, door installation, base - Free estimates, board, (905) 619-2930 Bill Jr ll Call Mario HANDYMAN SERVICE - 1105 ( 9.4668. Paint, drywall, light con- struction and renovations. SIGON l - 'r;,rri I .• ; DRYWALL a^:: : a ""' ; AJAX V . . '"• , MICHALSKI MOVING s nrmq D roam Region for pr,arlwcc 'gong. texturing s.- . , r. moves. appliance t 9 yrs Adat,ons. sundeck, renovations and repairs and piano specialists Flat appliances and piano see GA/LL/ND r Catodoors windows. re:- Small lobs 15 years ex rate or hourly We -ow c,ahsts Senior and mid 1 penence Free estimates have heated storage »nits month asCounts Licensed. MAID SERVICES Serving Durham and out of %,•w onenng lice boxes insured Free estimates in custom homes. additions. Town area -Ker :3445,x7 will, move Park and iCac Excellent service Call 436 Fully guaranteed, free esti- renovations, rec rooms and Special. starling at S99 and 7795 WINTER SPECIAL mates (905)668-3300 i TO PAINTING up Call for information, • h r -} i FREE Cleaning wit .._Snags weekly & CARPENTRY & DECOR 725-0oos pr 427 0005 F-711 Flooring, , bl-weekly services. Inquire for details. Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean. reliable service. 420-0081 Cel. (416)560-4663 Free estimates Quality workmanship. No messes • Flying Carpeting Caring forVCu mr hoe with ,ersorahzed CARPET Installations - 25 and Drotess:onal service 'or over a decade year, expenence re stretching. our speciality(Fully bonded and Insuredl Free estimates D 8 N 683-7515 Duncan. 98'-1799 ci 98' 1800 WIN PROFESSIONAL house • House c!edrony re„ab,e. quality •Clean In work Guaranteed sabsfac C & R Maintenance Build- 905-728-1153 I • Plumbing • Services V tion References no obhga- o C8 J repairs and renovations aleancal, plumbing. ceramic S. ARMSTRONG Far files carpentry From small DEV. INC. Specializing • rrlla,rs to major renovations, in custom homes. additions. AAA -LICENSED PLUMBER ope,, tasty, easy convenient. nc Fully guaranteed, free esti- renovations, rec rooms and available. All your plumbing • Magic mates (905)668-3300 basement apartments. Res- needs Complete renovations • Painting & CARPENTRY idential and commercial. Guaranteedlowestprices' help , all types, ler. rooms. renovations. re- Serving Durham Region for too No job 432.2913 a 83&4 Pairs. drywall, doors and over 15 yrs. Free consulta- $200 �7Wwn snow removal South lake apphanCes Comparable firnm Free estimates Call tion. Call Jeff 905-42& ALVIN SAMEDAY PLUM - rates Call 432 21$0 ALL Pro Painting and Ray 511.5500 5706. BING licensed plumber. no + •) �� ••� WE ACCEPT ® d household moves. rev job too small. no job too big. ,•.. ' DUCTWORK installed, moved. relocated Excellent rates Free estimates Elec. Irostal,c air cleaners, hu. midifiers Big. Small jobs Call Paul 428-0295. EUROPEAN the special- ist will renovate your bath- room, or kitchen walls, as well as floor ides Good ref- erences and satisfaction guaranteed For free esti. mates call D. Dykstra 725- 4913 free estimates, great prices. age, Far Birth guaranteed lowest 905 725- • Snow HARRY -O -THE -MOVERS - 2507 ope,, tasty, easy convenient. nc Move big or small we price Removal rigs fund raisers Magic courting Weight loss and Them all' Free estimates. nI Painting & DISCOVERY FLIGHT seniors discount, short notice help oeeorating 7,114 N moves Pianos moved. also 83&4 $200 �7Wwn snow removal South lake apphanCes Comparable doing Call 41c 3'3.8288 Simcue T Thompson rates Call 432 21$0 ALL Pro Painting and MEN with large truck will r Wallpapering, interior nor, stucco ceiling. general •) �� ••� WE ACCEPT ® d household moves. rev repairs. ton duality work, e denhal. commercial All tion estimates au rends ARE YOU having prop 839-8349 lems hndin time to clean s your home? For proles. s,onal Cleaning, call Her en's Home Serv,ces today 4274385 Fuay insured and bonded • Private • Tutom'Schools TUTORING I . , ,:-- grades , ;o r by qual t ed teacrer n • ick,- 3 Ca11 939-4830 • • Business • Services 4TH LEVEL .:G A book runt :ill p :i: t.s government emrttanxs WCB budgets. .:ash flow etc Manual m -omputerLed Ca:i 905- E& 7318 • Weight Party Loss re -W Services c IIIITT� � RFl`i J e —Wars, lane. Glldierla. Snow Mxa ftitioritn. On Mane loot Ba¢ Fain Par•nq Mal W er Aafg•�lxx! xy.i x14. IE• IF YOU'RE SERIOUS ABOUT LOSING WEIGHT EFFORTLESSLY Without Dieting Ana willing io give one Tore tn, CAL-WENDY I'VE LOST 35 LBS. ALREADY!! MAGICIAN, clown 1ner,ds. 427-6585 ready to awerfai for any reasonable rales 20'. Types or moves can Carl or 09051722.4531 and all occassions Have d nt 404- J n 427 285' seniors lscou a e e 9669 my own magician Call Eh rile 668 4932 age, any occasion Birth WHY WEIGHT' Hea:th', • Snow days. promotions, ope,, tasty, easy convenient. nc • Removal rigs fund raisers Magic courting Weight loss and shows are tun' Le{l{,Le immunity Docth money help 8397057 or 7,114 mak,rg opportunity. D,s BEFORE its too late root 83&4 tnbulor discounts available snow removal South lake RABBI#, ants work doing Call 41c 3'3.8288 Simcue T Thompson - i^r -�.i reasonable rales 20'. Types or moves can Carl or 09051722.4531 and all occassions Have d nt 404- J n 427 285' seniors lscou a e e 9669 my own magician Call Eh rile 668 4932 PAGE 20 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED- JANUARY 17, 19% MoArticlesPM, Articles Articles PW Articles Automobiles For Sale For Sale For Sale Wanted i , For Sale MATTRESS `lf YEAR END CLEARANCE ys�;» SALE Spring, Foam,1 Waterbed Replacement BoxSprings. . / / Frames, Electric Beds. MA 905/831.1315 MON.-FRI. 8-0 SAT. 10-2 885 SANDY BEACH RD.. UNIT 10 PICKERINGor crUS Q J 0 CDMP- 'Ea5 .e^' ^. .. - 186 Mu nmeea systems !loin $995 486 ' :0 mhz $, 165 New aX 3 100 $1.399 3 bee td's IBM 496 DX s '•our, $555 a8n ':)Os 5995 296's ',,)- loin$o�- S t �,Geta Dr,rter • ,r 585 wRn any system wrrnise CUnngfon Compu!e• Clearance Conde '64 8aseime RuaO Bow•-.ar- ctie Just east or F,ying Dutcrrnan Hote DINETTE -.,.. tcher• sit • .- - liner cna,rs "- tabu .. vestlat and cna,• secfionai coffee table. aG p,U^Cas. dresser, OMtr nems 697-0302 DIAMOND RING. 2 3 t .ince appra•sro at $5.200 MJs1 Be Seer+ Ask,Og firm 432 99'9 ENGAGEMENT RING ped,snal,,eC 60.4•-,Ontl Dwn ^ a:cn,ng B a,amana '4 carat gold wade ^g Dan; Apvasai va..e 545oC as, - 51000 ca^ tie � '2• z'•s 3 PIECE Crawer roam$ '.. • - 5-:' °. Atter 3 00 pn, ons a:,: + » FENDER �••a•,_,str ..'r Ovation Ce- 'eOn!y acoustic dskmg SSOC earn OBC ,ncluhes r'-ar0 shelf Cases (Xie Stand Can 9054G4 2848 FOR SALE s..rage dis Plat -, - . 7uanGiy 4 O 41ong X < ••.igh and 2 Jpriyr: ^angi^,: dsDiays all wire attacmmrrets Home viewing can 57'-4236 a` ter 6 FOR Sa'e Desks craws t." ,cr Garn!,ons. Can 663- 166E FREE Hr•^6val of unwanh e6 aGp:arces P ages, Stoves. Washers Dryers ETC, Au CFCs are recy clad by cerdied tecnniciar. Cal! 5'1.0057 Mon -Fri HONDA 'a nc•sepcwer law•. _tor 42' ui^,g heck Ike new 535o0OB0 Cal 5:,5.655-6545 HUGE !d0'dING SALE E. cry;^ ry gc. Cal! for detai s 723.8636- 6 r•p snowblower, new Thule ca, cup ua^ter. wate•bec dressing labia. bun, cetls stereo chested:eld 8 cr,a• lamps Tandy =O•�p_te, teak butte! 6 r.rrn washer 8 dryer '•eezer new tcaste over replace screen and :Ice^5+5 INGLIS stove S35G. G E 5500. ex :ei art WGrk�•.� COntldiOn dinlOnd CGIGur. Com Gored pare $750 Call r9C5,427-442. KING SIZE WA- TERBED Pine Head boarri and drawers. 515t or Gest otter 623 --Cl 57 401 Y o d GAYLY ST. m SANDY BEACH RD. HUGH CLEARANCE SALE All movies for sale from S5. )except new releases) Sale period Fri Jan. 26 to Sun Feb. 25 AJAX MARKET PLACE 475 WESTNEY RD. N 428-6412 Articles for Sale •. PW of K ' e Gas Struts. ,eta,! S'60 w sell for $BC Fits 198' 83 Darsii.- 2:0Sx C&I At. at 68:� ••7 or 427 1Q.i' eve 3 JUKEBOXES wi ex cthe^1. 196rr Roars S12% 198`., NSM on :,. ar•Or mak, y •-,gney 5975 579--4538 3 WHEEL s-ootr• _ •7th 5'200 Call 725-6834 ART' LIMITED EDITIONS F ,:�r•^ Berry Bien: Townsend Rot Stne$t50 Protess,Ora1y framed double -a-too Mus* Sen. 905 '25.3899 MICHELIN ASR TIRES ems one w,nte• or,iy Aso .mg S35G Also shelv,r and large cat , o• low c Js: na!J,ai s.•r Care Stoic. 435 8!36 ASSORTED weight t•ar int a: ,eg cis Mamie- bencn ;.less sh0u!der machine Ines• m,acn ne arm curl uratoma dssorteC bencr Es all plate-ioaaea Best ofre•s. p- : or ind,vrd,.a. 90` 434 ' AWESOME vJaT GO 6 :.. .. ,eathe' dna liar re and rosewooc ra Ges ask,^g $4000 OBO A must see Ca 905, E55- 5793 CARPET •• Pores n-1 c- ' n• -;ale. Free in- slaiianon 11,1 !lee est ^,ate cab Sa y `_ 432 2-5G page' 4'698:.-9697 Carpet Broker. 1001,. Nyior t _ S- :aro re- s,s!an• carpe• Fo• 3 rooms. only 5369 OC Price in- cludes 30 Sol yos carpet. deluxe :ac a'-6 installation tr, y,,,- ^,Oma Free quota- tion rr your turtle NC r terest no payment to, one tu'!' year. Dane 1 coo 21. CARPET MILL DIRECT star• res,sar: carpe•V1 ;r 3 rooms only 5343 price irn clua,ng. 3. sr.ja•e yards carpet Gad .acs:.' Pee es!,ma!e Arra; • 1 600- 663 6,4; • y, r payment no i^teres: For f-, yea' CARPETS )is of carpet 100', npor new stair, re lease carpets or, hand I wai carpet 3 rooms 5349 Pnre includes carpet pre..; Jm pad, expert installation, Last delivery free esnmales 136 yards, Nor^'ian 6662314 COMPUTER 386PC IBM compatible 5 megs of Ram. VGA colour monitor, backup disks included $900 420-6256 ANTIQUES Abs&utely. RJ'craS rg !J'•,4urc Gr an- ything oto JC,ennnr inSlru• meNs. china. Silver. ddver tsing, toys decoys dolk milk bottles. collecUonS or estates 6811 R,,Gert Bowen Antiques ( LARGE HOME I1,Ckermg. Including piano, w f^ turndure bbq t v's. ^Ic"t'O•s. Pah", lurr,ture ,cnic tabic 1111rt ('!airs. nany odds and ends eve `ything must go 19051 oPti 190 d1t' X93-91: » -laghogany book : ase bu- '2aU, circa 1870 oak '0i' to desk-assage beal,nent Ibtes wit^ aiustabel lege.s 401, 373-7229 MISCELLANEOUS ,. , k, R., l.,."•, , , a Flab .vie 8 places. serving :-feces 8 chest 51200 bo G I Joe, W W F col .actors items 725 3914 after Pm_ OAKIPINE FURNITURE I, N!3,1 pn-. 'Jn,: t Ontanc's oldest and tar :est manufacturers is now -elhnq direct to the public 9 oak pedestal table and chairs SFA9 7 tt double edesta' and 6 chairs :1499 cannnonbali boas 1m 5399 Over 20 slam hofce5 d!' Soho, no eneers Trad,nonai Wood- : -Diking W5-085-8-74 PIANO ANTIQUE '895 meal ,ement ^e as, S'10C Olga^ •'',c)s. gnc`c :•^.d,' �•- Tea' c3, n•qa^ , . b•a� se^ - ^s� e .a •qa- !avr da : J, _ soee . t - e - 1ea 1ne se' �,n v„da^• a -,a PIANO -GRANDFATHER CLOCKS New and - e aN s ze .:ngn: grand d,q,la,. , alas Boss s away n,_,, •educed' Twec and Works 433'.9 WHEELCHAIR C., . , e Fix ” lde &a-.] new ••�. r Jsed ask,; S, 453 Ma., an oft -t> 579 4 992 SEGA --+ass plus Sega CD : a.-- 2 contfolle,s and 16 games S500 060 Call 725-1566 SOLID FINE COLONIAL t_",., a^d hutcn.4 C! • `s drawee Hutch -4 'glass doors Measurement 63' wide x 'A 1 i' Deep . 5 1 2' mgr Cali after Sp m Call 905-43' '338 SPLISH-SPLASH hot 1,! '.,!a.I .. - I --r Wrn!e, not Iuoo,ng specials Wre k-• ' package Taxes Hca c- eery se, p 5175 905, 4276226 TEAK 7,ningroom suite w unit !able 4 "a', eguia, 2 arm, asking 51000 Cao 579- 4252 TRUCK .> tits most tun ' - S,M firm, Call after 6 p'^ .,:r details 668- %4- WASHERIDRYER ;tack - ; • : exec sent condrt,on ask:r4 $700 Crib comtcrte, set ,nciudes omtorter Dumpe, pads much more !905 686- 295A WASHERS ;-vers tndge .. v. 0110 retold - T,oneO. $2zj and Jp for •e cond,t,one6 washer S' - . and up for reconditioned dryers $175 and up !�, e cond,nu^ed 1-cl and stoves A,sc coin operated 'washer and dryers Sle- phensons Furniture and ADpli4rces. 227 Court St, Oshawa 576-7448 WEDDING gown size 26. 56�. Beadwork din. headpiece S75 3 red br,desma,d dresses S80 each Washer 8 dryer $456 Gar Call 434-1338 after 6 30G m WOOD BURNING fire place insert black 5250. Cal, 637-3346 YAMAHA exq s'ie sand piano ebony G1 series Beaut.tui. r,cr, tune Im. maculate qual'.!y Asking 58000 Ca' 905427 1479 Articles FTCR Wanted 905 655.8049. BrGo.lir SKATES. SKATES. SKATES. VJe pay i:asn a,, Sh dtc•S Sk.S dnd Other spGriS egwpme^t 663-3476 call anytime UNWANTED '4c•ap mall; 1985 Ctahon, ve. au •1 i pfckr., r dges. Stoves. tor•1JI,.. good running con wasnrrsdrye,o- cars, ddion as s. 580(1 it best tanks etc Gall ;905)430 oiler 2411725 -Ft" 9013 WANTED CAMERAS - lery, microscopes to o scopes. binoculars and •e laced items Clock: watch es. furniture. anyt•'my Did 432 1678 ' Arts & • Crafts ANTIQUE ti NLID TAL GIA gHn1.ti ;..qoq Centre GOrnmUnity Hall 16j5 Reach St lPerry Sat- urday. February 3rd. 10 OC in 5 OC Sunday February atm •000 to d JO Ad -,s sl- 52 50 uncle' 17 tree FOLK at:T or Tole Paint- . -1< starting Feb Stn. 8 tC pm Mc- eve 905 723 5,880 Lost8 go. FOUND .rey remaie cat in DN a-••. , ^ur^,h area. white star on throat. no cd a• very 'nendiy cat it yours cal, 683.5076 FOUND o•ange d wn^e •^ale .a! very ..,e^d'y r Village A•ra ,al. -a[ p8F354: LOST &ue W^.:e G•ev . ,... N••7ar yea ',r ,ti Rrwa•% - d • 1=etsSupp6es Boarding FREE DCh: FOOD. , e 4 it rad :e• d'r)n�J�e Call 416, Dog -FOOD •or oeta,is CANE CORSO Papers. sn ... _ wr.., fd. blacks blacks S tans 905 668 5306 TEAM OBEDIENCE -ext Stan Fee 6. 2124 Evening and Saturday classes available wim small Gass- es gwran;eed 434-0025 ROTI WEILLER PUPS. tema,e" nxwed,es aria a,Dpetl Wormer) Your mace $301- 905 373 0085 LABRADOR F+E iRIE VER G..: • .. ,. •egrsterea crampon snow obedience and field trait fines Guar. anteed Frst snots de wormed ready Jan 25 005 dap 8892 K-9 KLUBHOUSE- 'A11 N < - %-I, „ndr• One wool' ^ow ottenng Obe- dience -asses for i, j•.• .. J'Jfrfay Wet. "!Jr an:; rven,nq classes Doi gra Daycare 'It• c r ' .I Grooming vourserf .• rr^ - r� to, more m•ormar.,• at 905- 68± 7452 Automobiles for Sale 1964 PONTIAC F nebnd too. good condition ask. ^.^, 55500 o D o Ass Sen•..., buyers only Troy 905 565 1530 evenings, work 9.05 577 4387 1977 TRANS AM -cel Ir• CGr : t . • -- .. Je•• 6 6 -ave. automatic eas y cerihable, 52 402 rim Can 905725-6704 725- e506 1980 5 Litre Mustarg aJ!G 40 000 .m or new engine Needs some wo•k Asking 5'000 as r5 Or test otter Can 905-723-2474 1980 LINCOLN VER- SAILES, new pant, runs great. 9A00 Gr best offer 571-5396 1982 Cad.a_ Deville. sl- ue, with ,. t:e6 ­ndUws new tires. asking 516GG PhGne 434-49'2 1982 THUNDERBIRD. +'..'. y Dade. -w exne.: ^evr stater 9C G�., Holes Crean interi or. ^lust tie seen Asking 5700 905,683-8227 1983 Oids Delta 68.4 dr tu!'y :•iaded. good CO''id. tion chiliad 522'0 Phone 58`_ G325 atter p m ask for Da-c- 1984 aae1984 ACADIAN, p b au:•, ,Jos well with F,1 chevette parts car 5650 or best off er As is 721-2746 1984 MERCURY Cou- ya• r.ertdfed grid runnin g condioor. 57360 Gall 905 436 9815 1985 N.,nant. 4 door ry • :, new exhaust. Shocks bras. fife) inlecLlr Easily certified $` ±P0 as is oho Wa1'ne 47; ­ Bany bine 11 1985 'empo GL 4 or , a..'. � car ,, tally loaded. ­ew ores, excellent clean Jnnmg car S."145 cert 686-7193 1986 RI UE PONTIAC ,uADiAN regular nil changes. new brakes. 199.000 km needs some work 57,00 obo Call 42% 7697 aper 6 p m 1986 NISSAN 300 Zx system excellent working contluron. $47GC certified Or best Otte, 905-728- 1582 Anytime 1987 FORD TOPAZ. d , c, a -door. cam+ted $2500 .;all 905_723701r, 1987 PLY -HORIZON EXPO aura 4 r t•N� crake exnaust.eraa - eng,ne serviced- bell -valve. very renable certified 51500 434.-7014 1987 TOYOTA L,rcel. 2 r.• ,,_•, c c; +70 reit,. !.ed 1986 Honda Accord. 5 steed air tlr g 600 as 925' 1988 CHEV CAPRICE w. r, - .,•. .Int ,. e er• •^a^v :P[<r s:+ 3,c .,r Des Cdr. ' � sma!iw +eh"cle 579- '99 1988 GRAND PRIX LE. ora^d new brakes all ar- ound. .ncLJdmg .ahpers Brand new Kenwood 10 Dix manger and Deck 2 10- speakers m pox and amp $I 500 o D o 434 1738 1988 TAURUS. Fully ' ,adrd 3" " 'jOod ConO,rron 52.995 �Fn• mo•e intormabon call 509-2112 1989 r �­J Escort Station Wa;•:,r upgfadl it con - dd,Or,ng. Steno. very ::lean, 1 owner. $3200 car fined n b o Carl 579-0904 1919 if EP wrangler WJ. 6 CV -11e, S speed ltd w,!h oar❑ and sort tops. p z D b . Ott Steering, new ores and carpets very clean. 96.000 k, 58.900 certified Cali Pal v'J5 579-0052 have rnt55agr 1989 Mrrrury Topa a dr a..' J.r ,or kms $3650 certified '984 Chevette 2 dr auto good shape. 5140C certified 728-0492 1989 Nssan M,c,a tack 'el l am cassette 3 door. runs good necrlanicaily sound $2700 ertft:ea negotiable Can 905 697--1337 message 1990 TRACKER -,l, red a^ ­ • e sch top new Hard -tot Stan vc t!{)„ exce,ien! con 'tor mJst soh $6520 i b o 905-432 3' 19 1991 �'OOGE Spurr a y du' .r.. nit. Cruse. am Tm sass . outstanding condi tion. teemed. 655-3045 1991 Ford Escott LX air cG^ a.:!;. 4 dr 55502 Or best reasonable otter 434 7564 1992 Pontiac LeMans. 7: sin 2 door hatch Gac, < speed nntetl wind - GINS rxc e,ent COnd!IIOr,. certified. 5495 705357- 2358 1993 Buick Regal, silver. a d,�c• pw ptl p5. pb. air ccnoafoning V6 excellent cond,!,or 106. Or, ;. s S1300C cart,Led 5G9- 1940 1993 OLDS CUTLASS SuWeme, furry loaaetl. 54 OGG KM . colour Teal, excellent condition phone 905, 2638827 1993 PARK AVENUE. mint 'u!iy :;ddetl mus; self ase KenwOrJd duality sten eo system for car tt pcs 52 000 value. 1 2 pace 263-2446 1993 PARK AVENUE. mint b,ily IGdded. „firs' Soli also. Kenwood, quality stereo sy�te•n !Gr car 11 PCs 52.000 value. 1/2 pace 263-2446 1994 ASTRO CS B pass 52r)00 ki. S16-500 1987 Caodiac Brouyr,am 105.000 kit 55.500 f f05, 430-'274 1994 Cavalier 4 door. red autri. au. ABS PfL PIT de lay wipers AM FM cas Soffa 50.000 KSI 5?G.400 UBU 1 705-887 5729 AUCTION SALE Sat. Jan.20- 10:00 am Auction of antiques and collectables for Estate of Elsie North. Toronto n«tlrl rat b^Jllson s Sales Arena. Uxbridge Take Hwy b 404 north to Davis Dr at New- market. turn right 8 Go east 24 km 9 pce oak dining rrn Ste , mahogany Davenport with 2 rare options lEx' ant oak side undid. piano. ant. pine tables, wash- stands. pine Bak«1r s table qty chesty rat ,irawers R ')lessers. bonnet C'.cst. hre- plaCe mantle, :hi!ds rock,'- and ;ladle. ' 92.: s bedroom Ste ' y2O s table K ,hairs. afar chest. spool u,•f, various ant beds. French doors. ant , gum dispenser. stained glass 8 ::hind ant, lighting ant tools, LTD Ed prints plus much more Call for full ~sting Terms Cash. Visa. M C •)hilae. Viewing Ham sale day China seeing at 300 pm Two auction rings Gary Hilt Auctions l Div Or On fano Inc ) Gary b Nancy Hill R.R.at Sunderland Sunderland 1 705 3`,7 u 5 Toll Free 1-806-6 54-1617 aucnoN SALE SAT. JAN, 20%. 5:00 P.M. PETHICK AUCTION BARN- 2498 CONC. RD. 08. BOWMANYILLE tHAYDON This Week W,r nave TO be sold. !hf, contents of a local home In- i-rJding alarge variety ' antique 8 ri)dern t:rrntture. round oak taLle. oak ;.Hina cabl- r1rt bullets. oak chairs. walnut 1940s t,edroom suite, ladies skipper chair. gateleg 8 rfropleaf tables, an- tiqu«r chesterfield 8 Chau, CGIIE:Ctable glass 8 china, lawn 8 garden equipment. tools. 3 hp portable air compressor, old local newspapers, leather crab supplies. folding tables 8 many other interesting 8 unusual dams. Large Sale. Viewing from 4 p m Terms are cash, Visa. MC or Debit Card. For more into call 1-905-263-4252. Sale managed and sold by Garry K. Powell Auctions, Appraisals 8 Liquidations. AUCTION SALE SUN. JAN. 21ST, 11 A.M. (VIEWING 10:00) MACGREGOR'S AUCTION HALL, BOWMANVILLE Take 1111 t' Waverly Rd 8 follow 57 north to rr2 Hwy .East to 1st fights R north on Scu- goy St Follow Auction 8 Wow Mart signs This Sundays auction features a Varied se- lection of articles from the past to present Partial 1151 Includes modern R pcs. dining - room suite 8 5 pcs r:herry wood bedroom set (both 'excellent condrtionl. wash stand, dressers mise tables K :rias ')u usual selection of 1 ollectables, glass 8 china. X snmethmg for one R al! Call for all your aucti on needs (Next Sale Feb 4th) MacGregor Auctions Mike MacGregor 905-987•Sd02 905-987-3664 CORNEA'S AUCTION BARN Friday Jan 19 at 5:30 pm 3 miles East of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 The property u! Mrs Madeline Cease of gndyenorth plus others - 6 Dc Roxton Maple Dining Room Suite - a pc Mahogany Bedroom Sade - 3 refinished office desk, Refinished Omre Chairs -Whirlpool Automatic Washer S Dryer -Bed Chesterfield - Modern Wardrobe - Milk Cans Treadle Sewing Ma; bine - 4 pc Walrl'Jt Bedroom Serle Harvest Gold 2 Door Refrigerator R Marching 30 In i Electric Stove - Harvest Gold Apartment Site Dryer Refinished Antique Dresser - Washstand M,,r!tr-1 Clock - Single R Double Box Sprang 8 Mattress Console Colour TV -Walnut 1- 2 Mr -(,n Tables - BnUyc: Lamps - Automatic Washers 8 Dryers - McCrary CookStove -Restored McLaughlin Cutter with Child's Seat - City. Power 8 Hand Tools Plus a Ory. China. Glass, Household 8 ;,ollectible items. Don or Greg Comeil Auctioneers R.R. lt1 Litt le Britain (705) 786-2183 SAT. JAN 20TH AT 6 P.M. Myles King Auction Hall. 33 hall St. Oshawa r+:, property of Olive rv1.1 Intosh. Hares t " Oshawa. admiral Ir refrigerator with -.itching stove 0 n• liths old. auto w•,' -.her and dryer b»'p freeze 9 pce oak I •lq room suite. •'>tertleld slate. COf- •and end tables. • model Electro • e tv tike new. 3 uedruurn suite. chesterfield. port- . color 1 v . wooden '�,I •� with 4 chairs. :Je lamp antique :35ta1 table. spool warrinJue. cedar >t Electrolux va- m cleaner, wn kill r ter, dehumidifier. large quantity of a, bedding, linen, '.,"berry glass. silver I, :china, tools. lawn .'- tare, paper pro- 's and cleaning :ucts. good estate .,3'i , plan to attend, •I ' s every Tues . and sat at e. "Brittans Auctions" Cobourg 905.373-7255 Hastings 705-696-2196 Call now to boob your auction. F, MYLES KING AUCTIONEER 725-5751 FRI. JAN. 19 AT 6:30 P.M. For Mr .,rid Mn Gil- �•!y (Carl) Tnnache of Markham and others. selling at the GOOD - WOOD COMMUNI- TY CENTRE: .f , was:i,-k Rd Via Durham 21; ~pool bed, primitive tables, see«chole desk, van - ,,,1.1 dressers. dmulq table, occ tables. 1920s Duncan pnyfe- t�Jur seater sofa, bookcase. glass. chi- na. crysL,l brass. old oust cards sheet mu- ,ic old tools, pnmr avers and 100's more nh'resting items TrrrT}m Cash good .:- que only Preview pin CLARKSON AUCTIONS 905-640-6411 4 P.M. Real Estate Aur;tlon of � parcels a1 property r•I Kim and Bill Denet, 1'1140 Conc Rd 6 in `d l!.Ige of Sobna - 10 n,;•utes East of U.nawa Parcel 1 - 3 acre lot 4U4 fron- ta•;e x 390' with t'r'am Parcel 2 t ' 1 acres 116 x 3`N)' with century house. 3 I, )rooms, rnudern ' hen, large farndy It. fireplace, dish - her. dose to "Dols, shopping, • arches. easy cum - 'my to Toronto, etc Parcel 3 t ,fere lot 11-) x ^ ready to build, lot . es pard Don't miss • >e desirable prop- ' -a by auction • • •ns Selling subject low n; serve beds )00 At sale bal- +• e on closing To • .v or for flyer call • Auctioneers ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS LINDSAY Orval and Barry McLean Auctioneers (705) 324-2783 or 1-8004 61-6499 SAT JAN. 20 11 A.M. PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION At Peterborough Auction Center Peterborough A; lox 4r) cars. vans. L, ,.qts d x 4's etc Ing for Secured • Ltors 1987 Merc ;er. 1983 Olds • 'a 88. also selling ' ,, 7 dodge 4 x 4 -lip 90 Pont • ,•,st,urt van. load - 90 Chry grand .,•.Ivan loaded. 90 . voyager van. 91 . :k Lesabre Ltd-. 90 v' Cory Dynasty, -- Hyundai Excel 88 .; terra. fK) Ford '• be,. 69 Eagle ••inter. 92 Ford lawus, 85 Toyota C••ifca, 82 cutlass C,rrra. 93 Ford Aero- ,i,,rt extended van. t: Chry New Yorker. r('.r Sundance. 93 Pont S':nbird LE. 77 GMC 4 x 1 pickup. 86 Pont baud Le. 87 and 90 Hyundai Excels. H9 Dodge Ram truck ext . 91 Ford Taurus, 87 Ply Reliant, 65 Ply tory. 83 Buick Regal, HS Cutlass Supreme. certified. All vehicles guaranteed clear titles $200. draw. Consign now. Bong your vehi- cles Thur. or Fn. (not Sat. ) Terms $500 cash, visa or master chg. at sale. Balance by certified funds within 5 days. To con- sign call (705) 745- 5007 or 1 -800 -461 - AUCTION SALE Sunday afternoon Jan. 21st at 1o'clock "Brittans Auctions" Burnham Sl and Hwy 4401 Cobourg Household effects. new 7 pce black and chrome tlmmg room suite. soca bed. 3 pce charcoal soca, loveseat and lounge chair 2 elBctrONc slim tine dentis) Chairs. 2 peltOn-Crane hi -power dentist lamps, 5 pce black knish bedroom suite new gas barb q .brown feather sofa, queen size Ged. bedroom lounge chair, Navaho design, table and floor lamps. Panasonic triple disc C O player, apt size freezer, Kenmore washer. 2 pine bookshelves. neons. blankets. good single bed, water bed frame, Toshiba colour TV plus many more items not Dsted Contents of locker seed for non payment Terms Cash Visa -Mc, Bank card - No reserv ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS LTD. RRtt7 PETERBOROUGH Clarington residents can 404-2615 'I'Hh: 4%ENVS %IA'F:R,nst:R. «FIy...IA"I ARV 17. 1'N)6-F':IGF: 21-A gin,Automobiles 1 ' ApfF ::�t: Apartments Apartments Apartments Houses Townhouses Shared Pirvate Homes For Sale M11/ MOO For Rent For Rent For Rent For RentIm — 1994 CAVALIER ori ' For Rent Accomodation For Sale silver, 4 dr auto , p s, p b. p I , low mileage. abs., $11.000 After 6 p m 668- 2740 1995 PLYMOUTH DODGE ACCLAIM 4 dr. 4 cyl, white with grey Interior. loaded 20.000 km, lady driven. excellent car, $14.490 Call 905-986 +527 94 PONTIAC SUNBIRD. red. air, am/fm cas 10 (7100 lime spoiler. power locks. brakes, steering, certified $r19o0 432-2821 CERTICAR AUTO CEN- TRE, r where our rust--, erg send their friends), 41 vehicles ,n stock from 1984 models to 1993 models From 51,695 00 to $13.995 All certified with 30 day warranty. additional warranty available O A C . 155 King St W at Midtown Drive. Oshawa (9051 579- 2886 One bedroom r, t,4; oil, ,7yr,tuy. ueauhtui I per, PICKERING a„ J, •• PORTER WOODS TWO :..}; ,,,n. ur Jr,t ar,o BRAND-NEW I.. _f ' ,r • .. •t. Ir • , ,,.., heat room aparm tnet in qu,e' �Ja., ,. , . ;room mal^ W"•..A � .. - ,.. ':edar ria ,[., ,.r,ouse to share .. r. ghts. water and cable building 1 replare includesara a huge back "d- 9 9 -i r,e, 1^,i; ^ to•wnncKse 12 Backya'•t barterue dr,v:, (JSt:ar,e 3uetlre"ga fVr�"in laundry and park appliances. uldnescable yrvd close n. GO 3 PT( ,nits »a aUe) in small way pax g 5340 . '-2 rage oun!ry kar-her n f•;r one available im and .aurdry No pets S,100 plus 1st"Iasi 'I tam -y r•p ex .ate 'or hycirr. An.,,.}r; Kon Avail 30x1:7 lot S1,')09 dowr '^ed'ately 723 71 H3 Man:'•. I 5125/mpnlh Cail 0539 ch,idrec InC!uror. base- able -rrtne Lately Call Pot Adan Dully Rea. Al, dy ONE !-edroom bsmt- Prl- Ted Houghton 658--3800 _ NEATT -bedroom bungs ment hot water lank seP or 905 576 16;5 4' 32 7200 vn•r� •-•'ranee br,ght, ut!, WHY -, I! when you can 1•,A - .-, ery lie 51. Osha. close to schools shopping 4 bedroom ^',use Use ';! BRAND NEW HOMES. '.. sable TV. park , r use d ' � �. ,� - , r own rorne for wa qas air rr dge stove 595(1 and neat and hydro s ,.,, - • :. Park la .r - •..... . S A• , ... • laundry all , ,yed sass than you th nkr" Call d'shw+Isner n, Del; $'+,4 ne .,,ded 435'088 pry Deprsit and - Starng.. at S• • 9 10C nryorth S i25rmonlhly Ideal' for sm Dave Haylock $ale; Rep mortr For more Ifo—ai 3 De: ac •semen' . -Hees $4- Dundas St W wes! or 'Ie person references. 1sC Re'Max,nmr Really hon 575 -8704 after 4p m ist 579 2581 after 3 p m 1199' � L Id �(905 668-3800 or'yr,'5 56632'1 NEW ,,r -or Exec ^fuse In OSHAWA 2 bedroom r c h,,,.....,^,. ;h9r, Alex Includes -es. Oshawa , bedrooms .r k 2 Call)'. deck •.eat hydro. appliances.Houses MJIFor ';ara J.; j. :8°,mo pl:,s jt parking Laundry available Rent :'es Phore 72!-A2t3 on site Convenient '0 401 Heights. sep int . a�• ap 'go, ,ll -;i 8('7'. and Pty bus routes 433- "dge 8 stove Included NEWCASTLE. Neary `Ig77^eA 5750. per rnurrtn pull, afar 1 ,ed,�,rm, raised OSHAWA 8 3 bed•"r;r•i A,a fable now 3 bed. - ' bungalow w•h double ga. pets Call 434-2407 r°,,ni r„rine r O;r,avva , rage. ga`, Hat 3 air avail ab•e at x;!8 and �� Glen $t Clog@ Separate Irvin and d,nin $kitchen immed $950 plus ,mines ' schools, shoppirg and roan, Family 1st, 434-721' r , M Utilities included las: required Peter 4"32 NORTH CRT New F rsLlasi required Call 728- 28-4'193 2000 OSHAWA Ded ,, 4 '16'3 laundry Alarm. prefer quiet I•^ished 'err, let tub island OSHAWA -ew'y ,enovat 'rd ,;re 3 'x' bedroo-Dom 5595 me nCudes heat and hydro parkirg and 1 a 2 Bedroom ',ndry available N•; pets ' Automobiles -es. Oshawa , bedrooms CHRISTIAN FAMILY h,gn .,ffiaercy -;as hear R Wanted osn.,A., ,,•,t H A :;nvive it b..,t, , .;..,.,.. in smok,- Cal ate house. ctartoq at 5600 mcnth Heights. sep int . a�• ap 'go, ,ll -;i 8('7'. nld weieomc " p -is "dge 8 stove Included piiances. non smokers. OSHAWA Ire �.-•1•onm CARS FOR CASH! We ,vlth laundry facilities .. $650 inclusive first g as! ta-,r•-••,' apa•!ment pu, .,ed -1 r. ores ;ells pets Call 434-2407 ref 686- 7872 dean- al! amermes, nr,,d cies must be In running 2 bedroor base,nent apt CHRISTIANS with •r•,0 ed 5 Avar,ab F t sond,non Call 4272415 ..lir ., k •.l,i�n dimngroom, "A” nl. l`lilasl 5 ,4r no 4 i4 , •�. c, -,me to 479 gayly St nvmgrcc•^ 4 m ball .r. set). rate ri it -e ;Iardry no OSHAWA Ded ,, Eas! A;ax at MORAD AUTO laundry Alarm. prefer quiet minx , pets deal ,n fns:. - - ' ' c ., ., _, „ ^^') ~ALES non Smnk �•�. 580ii mo im - last Ac a,lable ,nmediatey A.aaab'e V.,•'~ .•..•^7 SCRAP -ars 6 •• arks elusive Full, 579-4727 S8,^ ^clusive 42 7955 'r war!e'1 A,,coodrNm y any 2 BEDROOM gartmert - Completely �rovale; 3 : .le 'lee removal in the ren••:, OY.,A,, Ouae bed,. ,.. ,. ,d,plo. ',IIy 3hi�55 eve Pt, ^�am Region" cash house, close to everytherg carpeted. wasner 1111.., OSHAWA : NTRE 4,; ad AISC needed 81 Parkn; new Paint a^d pvare em,ance hair ,.r : 3 De: ac •semen' WHO SAYS YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUT A HOUSE? 9,r;arw � 2 E+ 434-68I9 1-800-840-6275 Fr.r C.0 orad Crel Bank "'pt' No )own payment' ran Help �11Kh tiT�I'I f 1 ^e,1 fenced yard .-till _ mon.h.y or d m `-ad Catherine Afo••e -es. Oshawa , bedrooms Mailable :mmu,l; 'Illy 723 h,gn .,ffiaercy -;as hear R -.')32 40 Insul Rar-1 bunga,r;w AJAX Kings Crsbase- only 5 le'!,tners !•on ate house. ^: $104 900 Call Pet., cors . -efer —glr, fer^ale rine Safes Pep Guide Paa •, nld weieomc " p -is 7235281 '. )n Sino,- p—,—'sole r- NORTHEAST ,,,nawa - 3 : iced re-' rrildcare D•-"• '. •- 4 appi:anr ,',00 plus '^ ut.; (hnstme 5'' 7 -f',, ^-on!h :r8 -i85% P R ! Cal Judy Lee Dur. MUST SEE' H•oC. Hwy 2 ram ri:.ali y 432 ;�- ."a••-^ ,•^e PORT PE PRY $139 ?1 .vas •- ,�ed 3 -bedroom i -.a e conven�_ .- rare all !ac:Blies S4i, pl„s waik 11 of an,e !or nonth Cal; 415 464 "F 7 Large lo• 'or garder F •sl ONE •wr •' ^me buye,sdream -, terve G monut encs AVAILABLE �. ue e roe s 'one s nu L ^ere '"al' Norma L r ung '905 r" •"^- ., -1, 1W_ 1"1 2 shaped rnasrer bed'°cm Rema,. Scug'✓) R a.!v • •5-;99G Suitor Group baths '. I Jasemem, 4 ap- iii private d p_ bath. -:a- ' `` dd27 2S 'al„s Realty I^c pl'a^'rs garage ferced 0- ;«arecl • ."en, liv,rg page, NOW .,.a Iatle Osna yard rear a;: amer,nes room and •a ." :^� Iaolines POWER cf Sales'' se„ . 5 se rr. pies a r• es Use of enr re louse exr-e p' l' > •• .: .ys a 3. • bed ams 511.l,9 728-4" 728-153!) am llRe'ererces r;m 2 s ey ea -coin )om w 0 'o s.. „rr7, BLACKTHORNE ' Ala' at'e ary me F ••;•. garage wa ,.r casernert «P -: 18 1315 scoria nlessaye d` list at •- ."',4 N' _ . 'f5. y; r. ): .- � �A^ se n'• ra a•, ' -c Ca, _ 5799 d �g 2' - a>'da _ Goy' PICKERING Nr .e< 1 H ,gr•-^ R. - ')SHAWA a.e A j:l:­ Fet - "- ,r .• -, oF8-3Ff eal of balcony with sliding doors ,' pays hydro no lease Avail ria. -a• CRAWFORTM - '-t-Of-TCwd t I :. , :/ d.- fenced yard. 51250 plus properties VAN 318 EFI, H D Susp first ,' last required, no pets. I DI l r bleIrsne T Lynne Pap -220 428-9766 Dundas St W wes! or ROOM room raised bungalow fa BICKERING ^ r . . ;ata; with nydre j IJc:e m FOR John 905-666-5627 equipped basement apart Vera 905771.1411 Wentworth St W large 1, 2. ewe, ,-•a NORTH OSHAAJA y °b' mediately 576-298= C«ev p u Call anytime. carpe >,00 plus hy7r,) near dowr!rwn Oshan , , 1 aur•dry room nice x r«en - .- _ ,+a a:. e F.rr ' ; • -• fn- ' y K.—en 1.. ape. a. ;-- •' w-. - Peter 432 20W inclusive '^s• last 430- ava,lanle Feb 'st $70r pus -s p ale ;a•agc• ��� ^ :1 a e , •a-^ y as• ml i 4' •- - P . .. a ., . Oshawa 4310407 1 ST CHOICE 2'3 bedroom apartments. 8 6336 t 3 uhlmes 839-!884 mc_ed p» S' 299.2 , "%'^c ex '_ y:aafed SHARED s w-^ >" • , - - buddin AFFORDABLE HOMES' _I • es Avadab Va - a F' `se , -..4 WANTED Ory � core to COURTICE �nlina Road CLEAN •,may bul,tl,cg a Lf :hook. library South GM 2 nw;•. .• unfurnished CJs^ ,. r.r ",e two 8 WHY RENT) BUY' 's 9G5 4-35 * -C , er •.•'s a M;r' w.r. •• t : a•K DEAD OR ALIVE and Available immedwte main floor I count home three bedroe•-, Includes e cJ country ^' [' ,- PICKERING ',wr .w - Vacation "F F : w •ac and Nov 428- 328 1 available Mar :sr no Heal n dro Ir, a pets v Orge stove KJO proolem' ` ,� e p :xn for appointment 5159,monthm::udes it'll Starting at 5550 laundry .et me show you now app' ar•.e•. ';as ^ ea: ^.shed . ADELAIDE AND MARY nes. parking 905.279- facilities 723 2094 alt Call 427 7916 Mort Cori 57, 0 A r S8'i5 ,n°ties Ca^ A 7438 Iyi4 FORD • ton natbed Call Thomas C Pike C.,'r ryl,i!e ar Pe^ax F rs vel apartment. $600 per DOWNTOWN WHITBY OSHAWA. 2 bedroomu camper r 310" PICKERING. i.rley Fa'^ - ohm includes heat and Ve^, .•,r , , ••'. 11-1 apa_ __ .89 Cordova Rep_ Remax Accord n ater Available March 1st roam available anytime re- Rd utilities Inc! Park r ; Realty ltd 5715,3-1 Rd ; ,• • P , 2 .,ed -: 18 1315 scoria nlessaye done Hardwood tloonng" '�aundry 'acdlties Pr "coldled, amenlhes N-., nungabw gas «•a! AJAX one bedroom 5650 par mo all Inclusive 28 6420 or 721 2324 1987 $-t5 ng limned baseme^t Call 'lire. udge. 1st last Huge two bedOSHAWA - Pse GM large lot garage S105C )ve. ✓^.1 apt . f!" 839 0000 Trucks ' parking share faun room available Feb 1st new-- : . ; - g. 1 ,r 2. 3 mor � � ' f S dry Non smoke, no Pets. $720 per mo lstlast 1- bedroom apartments %5 Avail able Feb ! 95 "-yyrhr;uSe w5' r ^.r, ..des as ..ladies : �Cpl,arrys park r r se'o sc-'pis ar ?',ties 122 Coloonle St. E. Oshawa 'or apps. 434.39-22 _ -- roperties ICTORIAN MEXICO '.r „r•Aa`.'✓• wJ.K ., - lar; •.rorty ✓_x..432 Re•. -f+. .'JMITBY^c, p Mone ••ew part, fires. ex ed Or ale %FM,mo Inc .. ire First. (905' 669-4009 4380229 PICKERING -air s wderl 's" - " to Lend lulu " .. apartments. quiet loomed private entrance and Darn Share launtlry alt Call 427 7916 bwlding, close !o shopping_ OSHAWA. •ober 2 bed- a .. nom Du �ga- r I a s 401 . GO. Pool, sauna. 2 Iyi4 FORD • ton natbed AJAX •-ltry 'storey 3 MWY 02 BROCK P _Ke• roc'•' �..;••. central ow al, appliances. lice 1 J a us; a C '". aces r •-'t"e'e -!n camper tial. trk,nr p. ; targe ,n; ...- a.� bedroom sep 4 pt. newly 'eor a rar^• a r ctnse to GO -o 0 a 11 a"rr cpr^ .a.e BORROW -r S x ii4 n D o Call 9175-619 backyard quiet neighbour- crate entrance, utilities in. S59 724. $595 i30 3167 or 7?5 a - a • m•)Ke•s prat@'red $925 ess e 723- 388 pe, - -• 08% AJAX, bedroom base- "coldled, amenlhes N-., eluded. $550 month .905. 9064 ':• 6 "I 828 5608 : a • a ::fillies -,Is! last 1987 $-t5 25-1 5- pets 4 appliances. $925 686_•;tgf tras. $6900 o b c (905 404-9283 va Fac 's: 905819 e.•-s. 4 ' Office & a .. . ••ew part, fires. ex ed plus utd,ties 683-8768 IMMACULATE .• a bed. ndus! brakes, bait joints. Ot!or7 Towers , •. w• •-• • a; t broad starterAJAX excellent condition, $3500 cert:hed Call 905- lulu " .. apartments. quiet loomed private entrance and Darn Share launtlry 579 9219 bwlding, close !o shopping_ tore scull, Ajax .I! !a..- merit S ant carie. non 401 . GO. Pool, sauna. 2 $675 utd and cao i- ncli, 1 1968 GMC S15 black and 3 bedrooms available ed. hrst1ast 686-3204 t • .:L : - ; 5 speed. cap Jan 8 Fen 2 bedrooms 4286546 ane' 6 p In 6 '^er newer paint, runs 683-84). .-bedrooms 683 LAKEVIEW ;,ark Oshawa 188.00 0kn• B5T1 un Ll 7 30D m) or •.: apartments •and filed 54200 o b o Extra 4 open concept upper lower nalf Of ma nm58t r Cd1I 683-5322 r fi n i 5's cls Retail Space •, PICKERING 2 bedrec'•, _ '.' " • plus I H.•n• !e - - 1 Months -••.• Per, - - yard dela,:-ed garage .. .. S; 5825 Plus ,.h':,es first A as! - .a a HONE Y -" 2 -STOREY m i.:, s; a.rare Par. fume SySO required 3+E. 754-d'3G 3rd eat ex:., .'c i ontn ,r a ire avadace sr tailor x ales a S u r ' ab 1st or before A great 1.•al' Aisc 2 -bedroom at,artmeint ncus,ve. S65G . 7nth Ood 1 ti n g es awn 'n9s weekends 905668 AJAX SOUTH, Bright ars u gat r,w 5585 A:! utilihes included PICKERING 9 oca o .1ge stove 90557"999 0682 e.e "- Dedr,;,.r•, base No dogs Avanable imme br•gr -:-Dom above Steve -:, "'ri' detached, near 1989 c .rd 1'2 -ton. F 150. merit S ant carie. non d,ateW. Ca11435 2433 store. air. utilities and park mg included S800m0 Call NORTH OSHAWA 3.1 5_,,,, -„ ,: standard w over- smokers no I Ws. 1'3 uhk- LARGE 2 Bed apt in a 6 4286546 ane' 6 p In to:, ser' ;✓_, - .. ; drive. v condition, 9�d ties. available Immediately pill.. -- se OC rent TWO bedroom Oshawa. bungalow open concept 300 cube' ergine, p s lint 905-4287298 e- clus ie clus+ve. uneties 1st4ast re- PORT PERRY deluxe Europear , • ^en paved windows. custom. sun visor. AJAX, bedroom base- r quoted Cal 666.3297 large . Door- •'. i ,1 �r well driveway y tom•-, e tl yard •a- runrnng boards, many ex •nem apt parking 6 sundry URGE oedroom Dace- keep and quiet building 20 minutes north Oshawa vine expi`s,.re $!000 D c .. tras. $6900 o b c (905 404-9283 for t, hrstlast. 427-4, m.••-: r, a entrance. Feb of balcony with sliding doors 721-2Cy� pays hydro no lease Avail - AVAILABLE .nmediali 1. working couple preferred $;60 'mc + nydre Ava': AJAX 3 bedroom main WHITBY `- :..- FURNISHED Dom. suit ^e badronm apt Clean 5725 ncludlng utilities. able ,mmed,entdy 985 -:, "'ri' detached, near ,,. a• -Iate 4 1 - , <; " n1 'Vail nice area Call 576-8642 c, Hwy 2/Brock Plckenng 7349 cr 728-2255 all amena,es Huge Iloilo. arge bedrbc,ns, 3 bath 4 Will l Detre 683-4851 428-3377 afte, 4;•-, NORTH SIMCOE at Park ^q available .r e rooms separate dining for Rent AVAILABLE IMME- TWO bedroom Oshawa. R,.sset newly rer,va:ed 2 d,ate�, S,,n_ inclusive Cal Ron 905 2010677 room large c.!:ren Call 1987 GMC CARGO VAN. DIATELY, ,n Whitby Apt 5650 Der month Laundry bearcom in a 12 plex. ,us:r a: ,laza "ext tc (A 4303248 evenings $2230 as ,s, 434-4573. or building spacious, carpet- parking, heat, water includ laundry facilities. Darling PICKERING. _ ce r _ ,v WHITBY - bedroom bun - 718 0272 ed. newly painted, with bat- ed Avaiable Feb 1 655- cable Inc Ist last. reran! de:acred 'ars. rbcm 3 A A !r detached ga- able February 1, mature working single or couple cony, close to bus. shop 4376 leave message pays hydro no lease Avail bathrooms. double garage rage. detached woril 1990- 150 DODGE RAM ping, all utihhes included. N. OSHAWA. Bachelor Feb Ist. $686 576-2982 fenced yard. 51250 plus large fenced 74 x •36 ;• VAN 318 EFI, H D Susp first ,' last required, no pets. I DI l r bleIrsne T Lynne Pap -220 428-9766 Dundas St W wes! or IDEAL ,r s- czrJw� -� �. •...rl,�,+ _,.a _ .: 333'42`_ SUGGESTED THAT Garage & YOU INVESTIGATE ORS— torage Space THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS WINTER (side storage .,-., .ic - • W«,tpy suit ab,e to, ca, or small boat • ' Mortgages. S60 monthly Call K a•,� a Insurance I Industrial MORTGAGES Good. S4995 cert or best offer 1 bedroom $625. 2 bed- Sul a e or 5, g Pe son, ( female ) 5500 ,n- SOU H Oshawa. 2 -bed- •r COU ICE 3 bedroom, fudge stove available Wellington St $850 month FURNISHED Dom. suit Units ! -i: -" ; _- r r• ' .rrcmg 'Cr 579-%19 room, $725 call 430-0134 floor preferred clusive. Available now laundrytac16hes 8 room apartmen! upper tbor of semi appliances 8 laundry facilities. 2 AJAX- FEB 1 4 b, bedroom 2 1 2 Darns, main boor tam -ROOMS plus utilities A -Z8 2 5 :m- medialely Call '.8_255 br mil any puA:. a 'aces •ram : 95'. AC ape .:at c^s ac for viewing 723.2111 BACHELOR apt., top parking. P 9• ry car o ry g laundry garage. 2,00 430 7816 for Rent INDUSTRIAL UNITS n ceptea Corn F ••an- • ' 01NRIOt)11e5 house, very clean private call 435-2085 parking, private entrance. sqft 51250 . edifies call furrnshed or unfurnished. BRAND NEW 3 -bedroom ,us:r a: ,laza "ext tc (A ria, Sero ccs o6A-o8uu 3 bedrooms detached entrance, 5450/mo. m- NEWLY-RENOVATEDI 5675 all inclusive, avail- Jan 428-0501 WHITBY. 3 -bedroom tamed apt, sep entrance. H:gr ae..ngs over n@ore home hue eat in kitchen, g ARCTIC CAT Est crudes all utilities. Large pr,vate backyard, Call At bedroom apartment Sim- coe'Hwy2. Includes utilities, able February 1, mature working single or couple ATHABASKA FOREST ho,.se. tenced backyard eaten kitchen dining-hv.r3 AJAX Fum,isneo room, Crwa:e ball, phone cable, near Fooc Gtr doors parkingill " lesa- compressor tv", by Business gra gre snowrttoble. fast. 571_2142 close to downtown, (bused No pets 579-1869 OSHAWA - 3 piw 2 bed !am,l room" 2 1 2 bath y and Pus ro Available month Parkriy •; * !rucx pportunities co good condition, $950 Call FULLY furnished and Call Mike 416-694-1557 or SOUTH OSHAWA. 275 room raised bungalow fa rooms. double garage. Lull ute immeoatev S75 vi 427 - with nydre j IJc:e m 00 Call Shelia Mc C c John 905-666-5627 equipped basement apart Vera 905771.1411 Wentworth St W large 1, 2. milyroom with t.replace, in basement ca, F A G 4 y °b' mediately 576-298= 1985 POLARIS INDY, ex- merit near Ajax Go/4011 Hwy 02 Working adult pre- NORTH OSHAWA New 3 bedrooms. close to bus- es, shopping, available im- round c pp g pool, ar n aval March 1 $975 plus u!d At. appliances binds Feb ' 51300+ utilities Ancy 4 t 3 EMPLOYED non smckir female to bngh! !ur private Homes HOME-BASED tus,ness. exce sent _r- r leo Income cellent condlton, $1,800 or ferred. Separate 2 -bedroom apartment, arc, mediately. S550, $660. 255 :age ' , potential Cal 905 9As best offer 728-6005 entrance laundry. no pets/smoking oak cupboards. broadloom $699, fridge, stove. heat. ler 4 or leave message 579-3633 WHY RENT? No money nlshed, broad,comed bed room tnp;e-door closet. ca fOr$ai! 6265 References. $600, firsurlast 427-0355 throughout. extra room, parking, clean. quiet build- hydro. parking Ist re- qu,red. last negotiable. n° BY Oshawa Shopping down, Own your own home 750a,mcus,ve 3 bed- ble prom pnvare wase x2 GAINSBROOKi,YnY. PREGNANT? Na^! to be �Fr: S750 inclusive 905 pets 4345183 5%65142 Centre 5684 monthly. plus Dom asking 64 900 Cal Cai' room quiet env,rorinent ,r ' "a"- a PICKERING 3 bedroom ing, 723.2380 between 9-6 utilities, 6 rooms (3 bed Aurelia Raganu 00 $.350 monis Shorhlong by C ear, me -e, ' bedroom ,car parade call, carga v .1tr say ' oma and •'IC v -`.ur Child main floor apt for rent Avail SOUTH Oshawa. Banff St rooms) modern upper du- Banker 7289414 ext old term 905-6863048 staircase a iepar- en yvurseit' Make ! nap 1 d 2 bedroom apartments Feb 1st. Call 905-725 3248. NORTH OSHAWA two . Clean 2 bed basement in plex Eat ,n kitchen big WMY RENT ? No mons AVAILABLE IMME- lure tram ordinary Call per, Cali 723-979' for rent, two locations; 350 bedroom apartment , avail- duplex Fridge. stove. faun' front room Close 10 y down Owe DIATELY r Alax. !are g 4308820 Open House Malaga St 8 946 Masson St Stating from $550. per BEAUTIFUL LARGE bachelor apartment, kdch- , able Immediately 5600 per month, calf 432-1255 d on premises. parkin dry 9• 5550(mo +heat and hydro schools, fenced yard, pit- y Appliances ince dnvewa A fiances Phone 935-728. your own home. like new, fro stove, 5750 ncI all but but bed,00re own bathroom parry 'u' ,ones snare facd- Sun Jan 14 8 21 3 • 1 Registrations month AllPlease area. fudge. NORTH Oshawa. Whitby No pets First and last Call included 0079 leave message h pone 3 bedroom asking lies. non smoker, no pets. -BEDROOM backsciit same. !insned rex roam -6724ve. call gp5-576-6724 sen,td . was stove, washer, dryer, out ry' border. shill worker offering 434.6089 or 723.06!9. $61900 Call Ken Collis prefer .-male 5400 mclu- Oshawa C-ntre,Gvic area 1 and 2 bedroom, located side entrance, country lo- tort k Ike settin 10 1 -bedroom, full use of main leave message RT ColdwenBanker 728-9414 sive 428-f6tB 5119.000 Must be seen' at 309 Cordova Rd , no I , We i g. minutes from Pickering floor. laundry. cable. Will- TAUNTON Court, Oshawa COU ICE 3 bedroom, fudge stove available FURNISHED Dom. suit Call 905 434-6706 Pets. please phone 579- 2.387 Town Centre. non smoker. ties, 5325/month, available Two bedroom condo. with Feb 1. S875 plus uhlmes Housing able for single woman, QUALITY D'Angelo Mull, $550 monthly inclusive for viewing 723.2111 fudge, stove, washer 8 dry 576-8252 after 6 p m Wanted $400 monthly. hrstlast. !eve. N W Oshawa 3.2 1 BEDROOM apartments, 683-2428 NORTH Whitby - 2 Ilan to er Broadloom. Good stor MAIN Floor noR1 Whitby. Whites Rd •Ambedea shop bedroc:ns, listener over furrnshed or unfurnished. BRAND NEW 3 -bedroom bus. 2 bedrooms. self con- age space February 1 $675+ hydro 728-3878 3 bedrooms detached HELP, wanted to rent. 3 pin mall area. Rclkenrn 9 J Ill !am,l r y Dom with fire Available Immediately. basement apartment, mas- tamed apt, sep entrance. home hue eat in kitchen, g bedrooms n Pickering Call 1905,831-1280 Place 2 walkout;. ingiound Starting g $450/month+Hy• ter bedroom, available storage use of laundry 9 fY WHITBY CENTRAL I- walkout to deck. first IasLarea. flexible possession, PICKERING, furnished po01 3 baths. FAG. m law dro first month and 112 of Feb 1st, separate entrance, fac, first/last Avail Feb 1 bedroom ,n Victorian style available Feb t S995 mo call Geoffe Hall. Coldweu ry potential. 1 Goodman last months rent required. $850/month, utilities, cable. Asking 5600 plus 113 utd budding, all utilities includ- jus util Call Joan Rogers D oge Banker Gilden Key Realty room sed single working 00 Call Shelia Mc C c Call Stephen 571.3229 non-smoker, references. Joan Rogers. Remax, 905- n 905668- ed, $No RemaX. 905 6133.2992 male. share kitchen. bath LarenS171. Laren Sutton Status 436 +^rn�.•. r�u nna-eonmao sat.0000 call ft 2326 No calls alter Som (4161690-7771 , 590+week Call 831 � tJy 0990 PA(422-A-I'llt! \ENs :111 I-XI'li'il %%+111...IAN1'ARI" 17. 1996 1 Personals' Personals M Personals eeaeeeeeaeeaeeeeeeein" eeins a ' Personals CompanionsR.A Companions A-1D�)W'1%A%T OM1TARI(- V. 2MF`. WA%Tl1!; BATF- %a^e: , lil ..-n., . 7, _ �5. 55hr '�i 52 S34�: 9• rouc^ tor•.e ADULT VIDEOS ) e - �es• _� TREE PRpCH'.JRE FREE yer ...� �.��•ee• :�,•� aye HkIC „'Ica- Inc 484: AbGF LI%A Psv_^ _ . .. � a •^a•'e•s _ e .e •^a^age neaRr• a^: ^ax ^ess Ca. now ^. a:;• aia see iii .ew Yea, Readm•7s S'5 X Ja^ . BEST DLAYI/A-F BORED ARS CAL: .a. ' �"'r 4- ^ E c' CHRISTMAS BILLS PILING UP ? UNMANAGEABLE Deloitte & Touche Inc. Trus'ee BankriJa!CV 579-8202 686-8249 EVAl RAYS tons on _a•ee• reiato, ships. N pred:ct.ons S2 99 m,.,ir e. •.900- 45 -4-55 TAROT CARD READ- ING 2- yea - as (alss�6rec_aI- Regislered Techn; og Accu'ate readings for I -,c- love work !rave t6, soivmg air pi, o;e-s S6: hour 7r S:3' 2 -hr By at) poml-en' 7^y Call 905-666 1073 Wi^,•_y Imornpartions EASTSIDE CON%E', TIONS GATLi '.E - F•.,: - Cali! I c 'ace aci - Charge, for act -es no phone :,; charges. 90E 430.7Jt EVER trough! abo�• a Jai,,g ser.. .. , • ;ust finding w• more abou• then-' Now you can ca,. I;r a free with n pressure a obligation FL, bio5. photos high compa tibrlrty standards great val- ue & very sincere For sin ales seeking their spec:ai Someone Partner Search 683-2414 (message any lime To place your personalized In Memoriam, call 576-9335 and let one of our professional advisors help you. ,isbasi 9 Rhitb.v 9 C.aric;:,,^ THIS IVEEK Northumberland NEMS illi. ()l,l,( )l-llltlit\" ((x vii 111I' 1g:liil! 1'(>r :111 .Ill�ll(1 \ l'r.lir yll ( & .ill ( 11 (lit- cll•:Illl tl( )li('�'� i I'( )t hill Ali( .It i( )II ill Ill.,- �� \\ . Ad\ k•rt i.1('r , ( rt 1.1111 \\ i•�•l�, ('.Ill i>K�-.��)f�1rj (rl •f�)1•f-�>SA) 1 1 Ill Ill:l\' .111(x :I('('L'11 di,%Illi I1t x(1('�' I111<xl'Ill:lll( yll fl'('l'1\"I'll Itt� r l,rk'11-tirllk• lt\ thil 11111111)l'r. I�Itrlls..',lll Ir> \'<tll I�\ Illi' I(tll(y\\ III:; tlllll'1:I1 ll<)Illc'.1: \l.11l lilt 1 �� ti( 1111, ,\lr >I'1 11, �( tl lll('llll-I',lllc illi .\( ('I'll( yll�' CULLEY, Annie Evelyn Mary (Nancy) at the Oshawa General Hospital on Tuesday January 161h. 1996 in her 961h year. Nancy Culley (nee Harris) wife of the late Stephen Culley formerly of Pickering. Loving mother of the late Alfred George (Bud) Survived by her daughter-in-law Margaret of Oshawa. Dear grandmother to Shaaron. Vicki and her husband Don. Lome and his wife Yvonne, all of Oshawa Sadly missed by her great grandchildren Carne, Matthew, Sarah, Aaron and Mark At her own request, a pri- vate family service was held In Nancy memory, do- nations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be greatly appreciated Funeral arrangements in qre -f McEachnie Funeral Home. . FORREST. 3eaf'iro:ilte ^ ,- ..11- _ •es• '_ ~y of Surrey B C died peacefully at ~,o -e on Saturday January 13 1996 Her memory is cherished by her daughter Pat and son-in-law David Campbell her loving grandchildren Patrick Craig and Laura She wiii be fondly remembered by her nieces and nephews in Scotland and England %ei, ,;Orme anJ Argus Munro Sharyn and Peter Phii;ips jean and Ron Mal:olm and Susan and John 3oodbar A memoral ser.Ice to be held in the Chapel of Mc- Eacnnie Funerai Home 28 Old Kingston Road. Alax Pl xe• ^g Village) 905-428-8488 on Saturday „an;,ary 20 19_� at 12 noon 'n lieu of flowers, the ta—fV requests that donations be made to the Al:- he,mer Society Dying with Dignity. or A :. S Sccie- rte' News Advertiser AUCTION GOERS!! Durham Region residents can now get up-to-date AUCTION LISTINGS via our new dedicated phone lines. All auction notices that are published in one of our publications will automatically be listed on this phone line. For Auction 683m7545 listings Call Clarington Residents 404.2615 MUIR 4,tane Peacefully in her sleep or 1,1on la, January 15.1996. age 45, at the Centenary Health Centre after courageously battling breast cancer for a year Ellen beloved mother of Tannis and Troy daughter of Dorothy Gibson and wife of Larry Slit - bo The family will receive friends at the McEachrie Funeral Home 28 Old Kingston Road Alax Picker- ing Vlllagei from 7 to 9 p m Tuesday Funeral Service at Amberlea Presbyterian Church ; Whites Road North at Stroud s Lane) Pickering on Wed- nesday January 17 at 1 30 p m The family Alshes to express their sincere thanks to Ellen s many friends 'or their hearttelt support throughout these last :ays' Ellen loved lite She g ve of herself and asked 'cr little in return She touched us all and we will miss her more than mere words can ever express An educational memorial fund will be established by Frenchman s Bay Public School of the Durham Board of Education in Ellen s name N desired in lieu of tlowers donations to this fund may be made C, 0 Frenchman s Bay Public School, 920 Oklahcfna Dr Plckenrg. Ontario „ r alternately. donations ;n Ellen s memcr, may be made to the Breast Cancer Society Box 87 052 - 915 Westney Road S Ajax Ontario. LIS 7K5 Either choice would be appreciated by the family _.. _....... _... _... _.-..___.. 683. 3005 n.od 404-6591 SCHUH. r+eluna klargnt At her home on Sunday January 14 1996 Beloved wite of the late Bem- hard Loving mother to Otto. Rolf. Marge! and Fred Dear grandmother to Kyle and Chelsea A memorial service will be held in the Chapel of fdc Eachrne Funeral Home 28 Old Kingston Rd Ajax Pickering Village) 428-8488 on Friday January 19.1996 at 2.30pm. Cards Of IM, Cards Of Thanks Thanks • r W W W W W W W 1 W t r r'11 1 r te♦ Ron, Nadine and Gail He- witt of 707 Foster Court, Pickering, express their sincerest thanks to Alan's family, neighbours and friends for their kindness and consideration during our time of loss. THIS WEEK durha��= ."r�J� Ne-ws Advertiser SERVICE USol 1121111111 myly,11: Full Internet Access -/ V t 7 day -a -week Customer ServiceFor more (nday rmation call . . Flexible Rates 576-9335 Personal E -Mail Address 683-0707r Web Page Services Available a.m. to 8 p.m. Full T1 Access to Friday at. 9:30-3:00 t Business Packages Brought to you by - Durham's Information Provider Oshawa e Whitby - Clarington THIS WEEK LOCAL , HOOK-UP! t do long distance charges & �c r"� '!1 in ('larington, (/sha%a, N'hitb), Ariax & News Advertiser Pickering) http://www.durhamnews.net To place your ad 24 hours a day call: 1 400.360' 1483 ► FREE Print Ad �► FREE voice Greeting �► FREE Message Retrieval iEAI BOOK SCORPIO •inrar_I a strawnem, h, •, t,: • ,med 3'I b,Xf look. rl,. ser to "fc ..^yes loud Hadevs and fast ;ars I am passionate funny articulate arm intelligent If you are a single white male 30 to 40 call me' BOX 26575 WANTED A single white male 28 to 33 who opi ,es I, mast honesty al communication wh•� s canng and have a good sense OI hum Jr Reward when found single whelp female 78 54" Drown hair blue eyed full homed nitre BOX 27010 ACTIVE i m 46 S' slim with hazel eyes air•'•' •,1e -air , have sense W humor arid Am -)k rG for someone who ,s stable and hire her ween 40 and 50 BOX 27011 STARTING OVER Jr hrte A down? .,Jim I a,•' - ..i Would Nip •, :^,eel slrrrl male non Smoker 58 to 65 who likes me hrl 1. al plar musk dance it 'meeting Dei and ^a r„q a goo l limp BOX 27002 STARTING OVER professional wine female 4- • •,,, erp'. :+ride hair want'. sm,k staDia lifestyle Enjoy fn.nds fam,ly new „nth, mllsir ,lancing BOX 27003 PACKAGE DEAL "'ane•• w,lr In— rhillrer • • ; '^' a ,I'- 'P s 10 early 40 s half •fw:crit person ,110 s not looking to, a p.rsor .ah ^'gr e.pec Utions of what a woman sir i,,! — r,ankhip first BOX 269% R IS A FIRST n lovoq a, w ' p -.t ,• .,r r r .drrtve r a posattitude This ?r.r I, earth practical full figured gal lovers r.•.,vg mesh •nuvc cards doing Wang and .air y lamer; life This mnef wth your .it 41"! rise 11 humor could only lead to some ' • • ••, BOX 26997 A NEW START -• a .,prod til figured - •eenagen Enjoy a wide :.ig.• �t .rc•i Hies 'tom mocoM walks Ic farts .t ;,x. „• t, r a cuddh, teddy Dear 3A • .e yldn .a Sense of humor ert a .pit haysl BOX 26969 ACTIVE 6 INTERESTING , ,ea• Jk: lad, ."te'r,a-% of North., reah,« Jnr, confident happy an•: 'y ;;acv, Hare rt rHoe' mment ,r a mor r mwn,n,. BOX 26964 LOOKING FOR FUN I• re; -,,rale - ' . Ip her forget me ;oast Lf ,sr be 211 to 40 we is not Important BOX 26986 SINGLE MIXED FEMALE tell, outgoing re- I r ^ r. and party Sar• :i mjw z,, to 24mm the same rater ests BOX 269148 SNOW BUNNY ' searching to, mate A tot"," •r it', of rflaradw required lot ijtre nY ane cbloAul future Let s create a home together with never ending love excdenere and abundance BOX 26990 SPOIL ME' ' ,r loving, good Iooklnr; 4ncerp No' •le , . r,own eyes wth good ,ense of humor Single. working mom who enjoys Sports dnng dancing music acid romance Seely nog an* while male eady 30 s to early 40 s he enjoys same with the postaWrtv of a Icing L3sm1q relanonykp BOX 26969 PAMPER AND SPOIL ME :;ood Ito«,n; fun ,ct`; smcerP b, -fide w,tn good sense of hulma 5 7 green eyes who enjoys county, MUSK danarg and romance Seeking wh4e mak mrd 40s rugged blue jean ripe who enjCys the same with a sense of humor POsstbddy of long term relationship BOX 26971 FIRST TIME AD. Srncpe mom, mr Ve 32 '40 lbs dark brown hair. green eyes Like aughlng romance rock and working out Fnpndsh,p first and need chemistry BOX 26%3 SINGLE WHITE FEMALE 24 56easy 901119 and adventurous Enjoys doing all activities Looking to that special while male 25 tc 31. who Isn 1 afraid of having a good lime No drugs please BOX 26968 69 YEAR OLD SENIOR. Wold like to meet a kind and honest gentleman 70 to 75. who likes bowling. L1" out country music, and dancing a non Smoker a must BOX 26958 SLEEPLESS IN WHITBY 45 57 full fig tired smoking femaleseeking that special someone Must be honest sincere loving tall employed 45 to 50 years old BOX 26946 SEEKING MY SOULMATE. Separated moth er o1 two small children, work full time. have brown hair. blue eyes, 5'7 22ths. love quiet limes children family trirgs I am not hard to Please Prefer non smokersocial or non onnker I am an honest canng person and want someone who is honest and consider ate BOX 26%8 ATHLETIC MAN WANTED'Energetic slim $ 6 39single white female seeks similar male who mountain bikes. skiskayaks. likes 10 travel looking for friendship. possible long term relationship BOX 26949 HONEST GEMINI. Single white female. 29 petite enjoys a jot of sports Seeks honest. Single white male. iron smoking. 27 to 33. for friendship and a possible relationship BOX 26950 COUNTRY GIRL. I am 38 blonde hair. blue eyes 52 145 Ills , looking for a divorced or Single white male 38 to 45. with children. who Nkps dancing lOng walks. and romance. fora DIVORCED DURHAM REG A;;-,< -nave long term relalloLsri , you can be any man 65 .:>na> mea: a oc S. ;, pess• Of mill. BOX 26951 bit rr etw n>np ,he mull 'tie ndeCP :;"a ATTRACTIVE FEMALE Are you looking for irk, lancing and,uie! •,mes BOX 26940 U,haw.✓µ hdhy I hit III 0munpli,a Ihi, N'ark A jai,/h. k; Luigi\:w. \J.riu,i ,. \nnhumhired.idIliIJMa.kclplaii a„unm, n„ halihh III file rnmmnl l,I. III ,:phi,li'.in,.J,,-,,,,, n:, m. ., n,l 11.11 ,abiht 1, L,:\,hi,r,i1, with lhi J,hcl utii,d.ra ,. y,on,k•m, nL,ukh Hick lu.'y ,, I la "Ac ,M," Il on 11tJnFi, w1i\ I, a It'I:Lr.,ny1>`'n•nLJ.nthrlU,cnicnl, w hl, h I I Jctm,,n.q.pl,Ijm,.n: :\II .,.hie,-Hironnt,l is i,nJ., tin,; FliiunF w.wotir mthia A, Ad, wIllilna t,a,c Fri, lin g, niJ nil Jpj,raiwlln.it:ll, Yi,un, Nh:ny„uIc,j,.kiwi I„.i Sin\;Irh \.yin. ad. y,rw ,h1mc hell wIII iillr, I a , hugs til k: 41, pct nuame An a,cial i I nuuule call _,I, %7 J' Ri,polwli nls will Iw•,u I ' onal di..rfpllan. (I ad\i nn;1, and a,c INI: It, kayo .l toiii mJd mcs lei Tu ctiangr fir ra•nrw aur ad fir cur cusluatrr crura•,'all 1-KIIII•y2K-5wyy 241%,urs a Jay THE NEWS ADVERTISER, ►LIVED., JA\1 AM' 17, 11"fk-PAl-E 23-A .V SINA P4��i4 Respond to an ad by calling 1-900-45 1 -3793 A, I nt see4.I,; r sorile m: handsome a^.,,,late ampinvell Some9re credibly ;[*-tial wanted whc, must 4n �w how tre,r a mpnan Must Int. to livid '^y hal M mal';I my child BOX 25942 PROFESSIONAL AND •'a ,> Homan with, ,, It -an mfr •,Heng personalit, -whc; O, > •toots reading qurel nights I m north g.e,Og 1, knew It ,0,, are nlprested please ,Tie me a call BOX 26944 SHY AND OUTGOING 1, separated aeras j- '� , •• n,, >m',r,, F n10vs dmng ,,,t theatre tray.lmg �, nq Ior a mala F p taller kind considerate h rwsl vrlCere "I educated Must knQyy now rr, lreal .1 rrOman Vlarxd like Ir mswt someone ,n P,Ck.,i area wih vm,lar rnleresfs BOX 26935 CHANGING STRATEGY 'ren ger, altar hw '.11 s•pende' t . rag,e white Ipmale 25 med,um build employed goal ,'anted n d.pel.nts E njoy outdoor a,! yihes and international travel Seep ng !all rommunia hye "I"'isful vrgi- wiir'e male 25 to 33 BOX 26937 ACCEPTING APPLICANTS Le are s•.v rx; h.' ',Ir J,m, MM :a A• e d d Joe m I-— spare time Applicants must be 3o M 4o �- Plowrf have own Car sense of humor al he wian, to tuftil our ne.dis Srnoken Jia, BOX 26928 SEEKING COMPANION =iw .nisi wdowM sank ori • J..,,, !nrwwr ,Owe 1. dance have two dependents live acrtivies ,,Moors and out I am 120 lbs with brown half Loo.,r•g for singe white male same aq a older ter, tnerd4vp Mr nnw BOX 26930 ATTRACTIVE SLIM LADY A-•3c•,e vim Ia;V 4! ^t, _., I ^,” r ;real person alrty thanhog Low. danrng *vng Craw Ing and a wife ranety, of otter interests No, smoke, eeling handsome, firaneialy secure genl.•ma- *no also has a lit to o'er BOX 26931 FIRST TIME AD .nglP tirmaie 27 brown n Lan ...• .,e. ' 4' Enjoy workng out movie, 'Lina•,; .:Ooh, and Iravellmq L ook,ng for tall athletic honest attractive mak :' b 35 wino shares similar iuwrsts BOX 26932 CONTENT AND CURIOUS . a t, 'k, proles va .r h:• t : p ' • • de rtrrested ,n persOr at gro,itl •Aoki danatg walk •: Ir fe roun tr; qui•l eyerur.g> at home and 'he moron tnenf BOX 26527 ROMANTIC LADY ,ti white single I— car. „'; 4 ,. ,..-r and social dmder voo•,^q 'Or tact, i miPatto mala 15 to who likes ch;bbv women BOX 26916 FEMALE SEEKING MALE A^• a. `& 3ftac noratr'.•r ale :. I,•.•r .«er ,t,ynn and non est Love dogs full watts and ding out Looking for that spec mar, r early 40 s with the same wilem.sts to share we s simple pea sures BOX 26925 SERIOUSLY SEARCHING' we single white go0d'OWilf,; uwt- '-ea,!rimale 28 to 35 who Is almost perfect I am a sigk while professional 30 wino ,s established financial ly with many qualities to share with a class act Box 26923 FIRST TIME AD ogle white female 30 edu. ilea n r *nl serious about life sold values and principles Seeking single white male, 30 plus responsible decent appreciates a good woman Must love the Lord and children BOX 26927 ROMANTIC CUTE BLONDE Petite secure F"Ovs Lrwg Jancng trate, and al flings n lite Looking for that certain someone tall must have hair. a gentleman 49 to 53 only l you are canng. honest secure and have slim fall Interests then please call BOX 26890 ROMANTIC CUTE BLONDE Outstanding attractive petite honest caring Enjoys din rig, dancing, travel romantic tines Lookup for a tall gentleman. 49 to 53. only with hair to share and care me good things in life It you are honest sincere caring and have similar interests please respond BOX 238% MAYBE IT'S YOU Honest. affectionate sta ble 39. with strong social and moral values Looking for companionship or relationship BOX 26914 SERIOUS INTENTIONS? Lady seeking old fashioned gentleman 47 to 57 serious about a lasting long tern commitment Must have appreciation for family and home ff you are sincere good hearted romantic with serious intentions I am wailing for your can BOX 26911 SEEKING SOULMATE Single while female employed. no dependents who enjoys movies auctions and car races Seeking sin gle white male. 40 plus who has the same interests BOX 26907 TRUCKER'S CABMATE Single while female with no dependents and employed Enjoyb,; trucks. country music and the odd beef Searhing for single while male. 35 plus with a sense of Ikanor and old fashioned values Box 269W SINGLE MOTHER. 31 year old female Enjoy long walks. variety of music have a good sense of huunof Interested In meeting a man for friendship first possible relationship No head games BOX 26905 SENTIMENTAL TAURUS Seek romantic honest canng, Taunus Pisces or Virgo gen 8eman Must be cultured. employed and hon est Serious callers pease No head games Like music romanllc dinners aril the Heater Box 26903 ANYONE OUT THERE? 4A year old amac win a music Mac, good Iaighs and,hrr, ,n store 1 m ,e., Latin•; and S• ,,31 Hop- 1, hear tr,m V”; www BOX 26898 SENTIMENTAL LADY in old !asn r�rr-,! ,..r • ...I•- . i •y,h slues and an apprw,ution Of family am I ome wry, 's census about finding : ,pec.al '.ad, Ior a esfing ION term com ,mem If you are •)mantic good hearted ;ne•,t > Hier. maybe you aro mo one 'ave beer for BOX 26878 HEART OF GOLD '"t thin bit honest rat !, ,•,! ,N rh,nale w,,uld Ili '; ^,Pet ilei est Sincere man 42 Io 4 • ,�• a ON 'pith rWati,nyir BOX 26874 SINGLE FEMALE ',,ii m,r.M femaw .,,r ,nog'• • n ,••g. ,.,.ae wit' S okAgnrn Ide, •, Hire tun eM a• Ic Da•^: BOX 26856 SEEKING A COMPANION n• vnx•. ..' .•, :nr ' , hear., d �•. n ew co,mtiy some quiet times at home al Is lin loving from lata 47 s ro mrd Fher it, first BOX 26868 CLASS ACT ,mole pr and^ys 'Jar, •. , ; l and gmer aren,ngs al home LOOk:rv; "I' an attracmve 7+e womar man 4F to `,4 mm similar intpm!51; tot pr,SS ble rwakonsbp BOX 26810 A TRUE LEO r ,i ' .in*- mom 30 vyrtr •hnshan ,areas ion smoker v:, asanal dnnke• O.e rhudren. antra •, -:.unity music, :m1; Outdoors Ir. search Cf a mature responsible hones: hnancaily secure al fun loving guy with a good sena ,f humor Must oke-riddrM BOX 26869 SOMEONE SPECIAL N•ar'.re'—ale skm pstaDr•.rl.; •tirny ere + , SenSA,,e ca" 55 plus gentleman 1 •.' are "aughfe, romaine aril p ioyr h1e BOX 26844 OUTGOING i CARING -_ ,.rqe ,, lo, Ig ;retie A—, :, I . . r.glr wine 1er11ale ."i Le,r r•ie oufdoon traveling li taws AM be,•.; tdyerturous Swek wry earn" I" arras"/. Wwrug rrmm.nod ;rJl.svrnal mate :4 r� 3L BOX 26645 SINGLE TAURUS FEMALE „ogre mother brown nam mat., ,'Jet 'oc 0..c, Dengia mom for SCciaHznq l flip above appeal , you peas. r_ii BOX 26843 NEW YEAR S ALONE' ' .pr r• e Ir.,' an•, r ;ved age3Z 5 ye strow0e, Wngrh Jan hazel eyes and loves me roe 101 5 E acah,iseback n: ,ng the orudoors auto racing and major,(-; sports n an anted Donis 11 you fe a white completer, unattached tesla 6 or more and 200 pound huggy beat'ype call me BOX 26825 ROMANTIC GENTLEMAN , harfl � I-. •rod 4, , gw . arng non smoke, >iac,al dnrAe, ^ _f k,n, a 30 to 45 year ow warm Joh- •: each -Ielligenf attractive professional female whc loves good nines annals and Be outdoors want to find someone to develop a bag relation Ship BOX 27012 SINGLE GUY. m tai'! arid dark 6 2 Looking to ^,eel Nomen single or attached age 35 and up tot tnendshrp at more BOX 27014 1 AM LOOKING FOR YOU ro t', .,,mar anc arswere,! fr ail C.:k 26ki' ''.ax A :ree Man between January W. al 9th and hung up wV W leaving a nunDer I would like you to call ;tack and leave a message : am look ig lot you BOX 26998 SINGLE WHITE MALE seek,ng single female :5 to 36 pretwabL, a on smoker Enjoy sports quiet times romantic dinners and spending quality time with that special person a this Is you cal me BOX 26993 PASSM)NATE AND ALONE Attractive mae 32 6 dark hair and brown eves Looking tot company to share conversation companion skip and time with BOX 26994 FIRST TIME AD. Single while male 39 employed 5 10'. 165 Ibs. seeking a single white female for relationship Enjot the out dooms BOX 26995 FIRST TIME AD, 29 6 3 stocky enjoys sports. movies and quiet limes Seeking a woman 25 to 35 for good times BOX 27004 WRITER WANTED. Attractive pilot or passer ger for motorcycle minks and excursions tt you are adventurous. open minded enjoy music and an active lifestyle jet s talk BOX 26965 LONELY MAN. Lonely and neglected hu bared looking tot lortely and neglected woman who is looking to share quality lime Adm someone AN cares Enjoy quiet romantic dinners walks on the beach skal,ng bicy cling and creating stained glass BOX 26978 NO HEAD GAMES. Single male divorced 39 wth brown hair and blue eyes Seeking log lasting relationship No lies and no head games Seek caring female 25 plus BOX 26979 RETIREE. Rthred single man Dutch 5 9 with brown eyes and dark brown hair Looking for a single woman 18 or older Must be slim and like going out western music and sports Prefer someone of Dutch descent and must be sincere BOX 26982 ROMANTIC WHITE MALE Healthy and Secure 34 Year old SA' did 165 IDs I would tike to enjoy the company til an unilependpnt w s:rr.s a- '; i',e .,an:•,g•, a' h-.rra ,hod,w Nekoma BOX 26983 DOWN HEARTEDA. •_ •,ala 2`. 2r t r 11-,11-11,,m BOX 25972 EASYGO;NG GUY •m: „ .. :: r ,e ewe-. g. ne •y+n.arrr wr a n ..r.e. mitt ,ire "rI'r TIISIC '. l,aS air''rarp SPPk, a :Lerlai ,a,f, 1; 1. 4N tri ,rr, •arm ,eldr rr stip 'lrinesr; please BOX 26973 SHY ANO LONLEY ., ., 6 tereealk; m^...s sit p,; and 3p,at fillies Want som.-O np •,r 3 possible rwahcr crop N, head ;,am.- BOX 26974 SINGLE AND CARING r ern 2c 'r;r "r ata romance BOX 26976 ONE FUN GUY a -g „ lata brd,w< hair hazel e,— „rr r.. an none•,t Truce•. I-rri BOX 26919 FIRST TIME AD Sr•, , '• ae •over, mar ne:.� v;.•• l-.. y, I .. .851Ds /Pr/ h' and active Also rare., m roiled an'1 '.. emp,cyed Many interests 5h. Count" and I; fag. 'bnmg jou! long wa,.$ and J' all times S. -III •,per.,al N,mx skin Duvf or, smok.• -,q Is dA r, deovrleni wr'• an i t .st ,, sk, r0-ini BOX 26964 SINGLE DAD 30S .:,.'anti,, ^ddrM ••t -^ .'. -s and a goof mow'a am tar', _Jnng acv; race a gond cc ''r, h.ad ,"arnes Wautl ,we !r :had a file will some one speaai BOX 26419 PERMANENT MAIDEN .—iN good rook ry ,e -+" t— -,•e ,,•. Herts to set ap aer ,,an'!II rc A, oar.; uuv v,.s and Moine are possible a I'll -S +Rut roil ward and ale will Ing to work ':r inn have a pun' eeaXh, tnm 5 9 'S`, Ls brie eves vngl..nne mal. BOX 26%5 DIVORCED OLD MAN massage meta ; r ;.• w' IC Irma, 78 !0 3, Mi re• J'ytrfoor r!•nr,r. wnrv, 7l Sumer Jori aA Iancng'guwr evenrng> at hcm< M,,sr Ce hcn.s! ouhr.,rg ,�r oie Pnelg.ti� 'a.e hel ^Ar -nil did 3 ;•e.11 sere. of '*,m,c , ! t head Par+ -, .an int •^ Jr: a BOX 26967 r m FIRST TIME OUT � gje wf,,1P male .r , ..,trig ';r son wo— w wino -IG.s music air+ gain; �,,t BOX 26952 SEEKING SPECIAL LADY li : good • 'y„ibs Sewnq in attractive m tern. 25 to 35 with gaod sense of huricr BOX 26954 GOOD LOOKING MALE -•- • kiwi : Lod 00.,r., :. . sees 'emale ,mpanrorsn,p .30'c a, non smote, ye -rred Into movies doing alt and au cocas ".i%l na.e good sense of humor BOX 26%6 SAGITTARIAN SINGLE m ,xtmusta,: • optim„tic -it- V” .e n,gged woo-, _ r MUSK sports AN an active ipstvk -- an attractive Anes or Ido ^irded to cma. lenge me !utu.e BOX 27000 STARTING OVER. '..o,'-.; •vele tamer of 3 gr-.^ r, J,,L s. 4 140lbs w'r. Org brown hair and Owe eves I enjoy ii camping motorcycling, and aures nights c, this fire If eys sounds like ,-,, I would .we !, hear from lou Please •x: ':ead oames .e played mat' -fore 3M'IS! BOX 26956 FAMILY ORIENTED -ours t; .''e - -Ie m,,: 4_ , w,m ti, -w :nil stabie Nestylet Iwes ,good conversation music movies Crave, and •Huth more L30k,ng'o( are spec,ai .adv tar possible meaningful partrersnip BOX 26961 BETTER BE QUICK, ..,it a,' = Alhact'.e 't well-9rzJm:ed hard working male. 3U seeking non-smoking ContMpnt humorous tun loving 'ad, whc enjoys ice cream fireplaces. and stimulating :cnversa- tion Sin* mother preferred BOX 26962 SINGLE WHITE MALE. Helo I m 2C 150lbs like movies rcmant,c times and music 4 you are a single while ternale 18 Ic 22 win same interests can me BOX 26813 VERY LOLLY. I M write 5 11 Igu) IDs and a eery young 54 years Jia I Ike long .aiks dining out dancing all kinds of music at, old movies 'Wodo like to meet a ,ad'l, c 45 thin to medium bald with a sense cl^•lumor BOX 26953 PROFESSIONAL. Write very attractive and affectionate 45 5 4 1651bs. Icves life and most of the things in it especially COttag,ng and the outdoors Seeking attractive artec tionale, employed female for long tern rola” 1,onshir BOX 26939 SINGLE BLACK MALE 5 6 stock, Laud I enio, AUrfuN oil and :flnlfg LOclUrg r.,r some one Ane s mlere5ting Ahc envoys the same mtngs BOX 26941 LOOKING FOR SOMEONE .)wet male. 20 ' 1;v IDs searching for single terrace 13 to 22 Enjoys movies dancing and rhe out doors I m looking for some romance of a friend in it* Whima area BOX 26938 WANT TO HAVE FUN. 1VPu established guy 29 55 medium build amrad,ve. numorous Outgoing caring Love cooling travel sports parties or fust relax win mat special person BOX 26929 NEW TO AREA. Looking n meet a single while attractive lady 30 to 3' non smNiP, I301Ds tmplo•,pd wdh no dependents err termed .IIT J mother 01 One is okay Settling (52.49/min., 18+ over) eTpl /wf '✓ 'dPr1.'r igen': A . �. art•, e..d •reit ng papa are .e- BOX 26933 FATHER OF ONE ? Lc,nds 'fairs a ^, am M La", �, c ,d,Prt,rJ r. .Age mer^a• BOX 26920 OUT OF THE ORDINARY P •- • - •^a,p 2' ,coot. .yr -,... •�ad,� nc N, do aryw,rvg r >'ur . re ^a•^ ,.v. ,rem m,Lr airy: ZA • •: " , a it. . ,thin T •a, interests BOX 26924 ROMANCE AND PASSION - •tart,• , jlfJ' Tr •Mr •r al head iia w_ '.il •.'^ ae,an re ler-wale �;,r,,yp •.. wP, :re•1 BOX 26926 ONE WOMAN MAN ., ;mrA '.,sirral «er este e, are er. •hong a 1di illr,Iq a• r s .,re :w ra a • int w t. .raw : . 'r 4` dr, S nit ar,a ,• �,•. ,. ahor tip S,nal. ,ms w. tori•. BOX 26913 STILL SEARCHING . e EIKA Vol. ?^,n r ti'w,, ,waw' dr• es n rhe -.arra uuel llw•, r• ^rvh. an: :assts •,r,. .'!n ,•;")r sing'. whit. 'ental,• 29 •0 39 .. ,. .arae r .S's Box 26916 NEW START FOP % , ^'le .^,tai -:a.. snare'Riaihr mise pGsvbe reia4orsnrL Must ICye lJoCmrg and e14cy u,gn• Sar'./!-. Drk - : "aylt al exploring •" airs BOX 2691' BOXER TERRIER SEEKS • - To, mai. CMe f4 with sers. `am;r E^,C, dant ng spirts and ,e, e•3 ';rikfrer Ire Jka: rne•d%mi ii a,svDw ,",orlsh,p BOX 26912 HASSLE FREE MAN g,e N^ •e t r ' ♦ J1 ^•y^r and :.. ,. _ ,.�.. �. ,trgio WWII t.n:aie Mir s,mla• .nt.rr\ts • •r; hoar• «amp•: BOX 26906 SINCERE HONEST MAN Nr.rta -ate ;,n„s an• .,, I m lir ,:e can 1nr ling tem^ ••«lanmsnic Box 26909 r SHY GUY. ,. wriN mai• , e.. •t>:: Its —1 ry Ili S.e•..,. 'Ira- ,p whir '.mare to .•'a .r•snq BOX 269C' SUCCESSFULLY ..•.thele -,w; 'afho, :r . ,ea, ad gie _.:c. ' i r. honest wcr•a^ share my xle Mm "..•• ".e -.n,ltjwn .atrn4 out and 7,aef mines ad "D BOX 26902 EROTIC TIMES .ear and ;., 1^i'•; ge-nw'a' .+.,« � M 3erir". ,. DrOi1C TioiJed }Jya!nfyrtku .Y:. '^.I -dS,w, •'nC' Y' •ers Ace anmpori BOX 26897 ROMANCE AND FUN -••-t • .- T red . , _ .akglh tali hair sic.: a oar .vne I., tea.! games Seek tail af^:fctive worrier Ic JC "tit process n Tw'Noll K„k welcome BOX 26870 SERIOUS INQUIRIES =- _, ..:•:eh; wn,•r -lir - . - DrOwr tai• Orc— eyes .am J ,twain and accavoval dmwe, Have two Jependents _oK y 'cr a single white ' -"a* 10 3' Das for a reiatialship BOX 268% STRONG MAN d. . .Dung lonesor,,e guy sre,t,n: •^ r I` Jc df ane I- he rat s-Pne .anc,'; ^gree, c--,! BOX 26894 INTELLIGENT ROMANTIC >:r, - A' '- male :�,,• .h.; _ muSa'311t Instinet; c, the ,indoors .anous sports and pets See, s'4,,I smowir,; •emae 25 to 35 no emotrora Laggage 'er •nerd Shp possibly reuhonsho BOX 26893 ATTRACTIVE. FIT.._a,t,dc+ Su.cesst u ar•.J '.Pr, .I _ .w: w th acne li estyle )eek srape'. ',mess :::r.scio” women 25 to 4,: 'or romantic ,enclezvous BOX 26882 SEEKING MS.GEMINI. Astrology says we zould be a n! '1 cer!ao, could be interest ,ng EJucaiei a„gie mine' p,eferre'J _5 h_ 35 Into Ion me on me corse greeting BOX 26886 LONELY NOT DESPERATE Swg!, fi:'ter 38 `. yi pvo,eJ rel: s, -'e, nJ, cmt custod, JI !wo woniaxi ;nidrer Leeking a special lad, to share •ire and anjr. JulinIs *On Nct into he oaf scene and honest, :> a must BOX 26889 SINGLE WHITE MALE Severe. retired 60 ,s^ ke> ca•Ji >k ' .31} •rate) Seek,ng a >,ng,e .r 'emale .:- s,m,Ur nterests with a sense �I Humor BOX 26891 DIVORCED WHITE MALE 4., emprc'teJ ; k .;s . s; J e, i. walks 4uipt times read and gm; cont' sation Seeks.i woman with vm,ar Interests 33 to 48 BOX 26892 ATHLETIC. SENSITIVE S,rlcere lover of ft Attracti'.e male 35 6 :lti' ibs with a passion to music and pix;,' Steks a !It and career minded nCman 25 To 4'i '^r "len ip and possicie relationship Slrgie moms welcome BOX 26888 SINGLE WHITE MALE 24 6 I 160ibs looking for a s,ngle lema:e :3 to 30 who enjoys hast cars and Hockey No feptndents lust lots of limp Ic .nosy :JP warn someone special sox 26881 CHRISTIAN SINGLE MAN �4 never mar How• to respond to an ad After listening to the simple rnstruc- pons enter the mailbox number of the ads you want to access or browse all greetings randomly You 11 hear a greeting with the Sincerely Yours ad and the person behind the greeting Voice greetings are added to the -,ystem every 24 hours So you can t,rowse through the new advertiser ';meetings before the Sincerely Y,urs ads appear In the newspaper _ ;ten to greetings of people that serest yr,u If you likr; leave your at person will hear your message • -"ten thr;y call in, '^•., .. !�,x ^a', ry =0X 26799 SEEKING YOU p , r” r , '^',w•. ,air nr air`•' ' , . "•.•� e _ win •v, '6 o- •Ml,, a",a'^•- ., ors BOX 26877 SINGLE WHITE MALE n,rY •,r rs".rr; ,.r �w �rn r^a r. t 7,e ' M! NanrS a sr ,mar mar ,. nth rte.'. ^,Mir •;mitt a,in am ..yyr ,•raNa ,raa ' :�o,r.r BOX 26876 SINGLE WHITE MALE - r,^n, wh a air a • . BOX 25811 •• WHITE MALE Awr! tr- cath.. •:, , -r7iS'•wa•,r.s^'C BOX 268'2 HEART OF ;OLD ., -, ,',,p,rg nt'wdrv; eve• .r Ar ;••,rg ', . 4", ^,'e ,, .ire wr,, : .7bisrw; n'u are .a^..• rv, -ado r BOX 26863 LOOK:NG•rOft SOMEONE ..� .. rr •! a• -sir, ,,. �r ✓ nrx,snC BOX 26864 FIRST TIME AD nit. ••,awe pas: •• ;»; a• •o r,'., r y, writ. ^ale Zeg F� • ' .• • SOX 2-XjI . igi BOX 26991 BI MALE hscrprr ,•t.; • - - carr 3C '., :" •.wrdwc BOX 269'1 NEW TO SCENE 3swel. n the Nutt area BOX 2695- OSHAWA MALE pt, Ar a'agr! CL.-: acn,n ,.c.> ,.mwu mate : ., .- ga, for 1sc wt ': times BOX 26960 ^ BI MALE :'S pc oo r,g ,.•.v. ,.-,.air malr> to, nenashic BOX 26934 DURHAM REGION .•tar ok:'^me u•a'i -' -ae .er, .ascretr igr•1'u.•.-"-'z BOX 26904 HOT YOUNG MALE-• rem' . -.•: look i.; I-• , - w . ..- .,ors BOX 26885 AFFECTIONA'E MALE BOX 2687- NEW 68 - NEW FOR 96 > ma,e ;? masculine v-.• \fre - for'npncti ocssioie reiaL,r nr _ ark -%,.r .and facial hat a plus LI.e ?g «a,., �r, Candleognt diners hrec,a,:es dm'a 100ii romantic No fleas; game, BOX 26856 GAY MALE •; ;J. male rcl it$ a, IrJ.e^•..,r-♦•q.: vers gettJgili sometime soon BOX 26858 YOUTHFUL MALE. 31. ,sraha 'nate sort,• :stlaignt :uik.iay 3r•; Jeli g Male Ior a ;J>„J. •elationsn[ 2 ]C,:as,orkv get !�yethers BOX 26853 SEEKING PARTNER :ohne Mae mid JOs ;r_tess,J"�3 .e ..,ng dchn:c ,earth BOX 26836 OSHAWA MAN WANTED ti .ea, ad Tare seeking .a' -e t_r )acct,, dssibe real holljhlr sra Ad area ata, <>Age "Ice .: ,,• portant BOX 26809 IS THE GRASS GREENER Al -a,' Ire •,. seek ng .'1. -'d - Seek" am< I_, '�>� I Hie encoante' Eipenercp preferred BOX 26992 FIRST EXPERIENCE. am 2= 5 - • Q, ibs ter, !er, nine Jit,; '.•:, nae ',Ong legs al bae a," A ILI, :,me n', id i looking t.7r !w0 Other women t, fuml: a !anlas, 'hos .J! be my l,rst eopenence \tea 1J be wanlei; b', many vomer BOX 26%1 ATTRACTIVE LADY 5 ;ulcus white female 25 12pbs 5' affachrJ seeking attractive woman 20 to 30 'o, ;asual friendship and tun times BOX 26945 OSHAWA AREA. Gat .t7 tamale non smoker 'Wishes tb meet 1em31e on me !pini nine side I envoi Llaving cards tlanpnq quiet times and doing things togetnar r c BOX 26899 SINGLE ''WHITE FEMALE :•,r. • Nnr w11 'Ja: ='c BOX 25862 ATTRAC'IVE rBox 26W r CURIOUS AND ATTACHED Wr ;ur're Oed O� 4 : wick go, it warti�I BOX 26831 FIRST TRY c •ema . .- 'r wBOX 26,315 r', •^, SEEKING BI FEMALE w- -•%. BOX 26819 AT -RAC -VE - r •',R I'• Y • BO X 26,3C2 ,.BOX 27006 r. LADY RUNNER ,r BOX 2-007 VAP'E'wIS • . Liv •.0 ar..I .. _., ..,. w ., BOX 270131 . ALK, aOG RUN .. r BOX 26995 )UPLE NAN'E:, . .... BOX 269-- THE 69"THE BLUES - ii BOX 215959 FIRST TIME AC , ;ad I •••s BOX 2694, AT'RAC"VE COUPLE --• c,r 7r;'rI ear Ire> I ,,s! r> - Ar hope to ^ear trait. you BOX 26955 LCOK N- =JR YOU teak aeacreo L, :r 9 •c 45 too., .., moor !a,- 'he ,nne, woman rterest - mor. rterm'!tei discr"' daytime a co,"i SMO -_11 aril, noneavywe'gris pease BOX 26936 WOMAN SEEKING WOMAN ---uw . - .. v "'end- ,n,p y:,, ..- ec:0y Dws'y .crus 'J,nng and daracny Rl,,,• have sense Jf humor BOX 26921 ATTRACTIVE COUPLE - I see• • i le.-,, - , i,-., .. - C eaI ' and dscret.ir a must -et s jet !o9.mr clot ate. v,r*, BOX 26922 NEW BEGINNING FOR 96 , orts ^.Inoe, 45 to, arscrerl encount-', ,rd a good line Serious !ep,es 'rem single wome^ or„ Please •espor_ Ilii -ime and numbe, BOX 26534 SINCERE LADY 4:!aChee male 3E ':.IDs '! and hea:rr, Seeks .3,^.•:ac:,.r ,:Int attached temaie'c r Do ssit,e •r &-.r .n,c 'Ic head games BOX 26806 FIRST TIME AD. '.'. - . _•btu seek,; .,it, coup',- ma„ ,now ^Ie .r.t ^, o„ss fg BOX 26879 FIRST TIME AD 'Aar .f0 >ee..,y , ..,. . , . !'. ,aP.3inrJ JIOer •ema,es age and race uninpertant BOX 26880 ATTACHED FEMALE 'ock,r; • a^Ji_red rnccurn<,s ^,saellor 3ssi.,tc BOX 26881 LONELY MALE, .,mars oil ID:. . -''Lc -IIi '.11,'3, stat”' .1" race ,1re .•: rrOcr!aW BOX 26675 LOOKING FOR FUN = ^-tl .a,e set:k,, dent Ulf wick, tar lis.;•r',m ••._, 1h,I1 A,tn someb,,d, a, ,-. ry as , Ce'r; t•,tn•:, Age race -tot Impce.ir• BOX 26%0 FIRST TIME AD c t -,- b> C,ha•;'.,', J>r:it '•st aryl WssiO,e tea tons.¢ BOX 26861 PAGE 24 -A -TNF: %+%% S %D% I- R FINFR, %% IFID.. .1 %Nl %RN I -, 1941, SEARS ExPect mon -,,,from Sears Copyright 1995, Sears Canada Inc. HWY 7 LU 0, 0 PKC SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE 41, HWY 601 We're open: Mon.-Fri. 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. '. A t JUST LISTED A GORGEOUS! :1il ho! Foil TO my family, frien4 Clients, associates + InunaculaN gbw howl e aeaulifully upgraded . ceramics, ow tong- i groove. colonial din. & morel t * ear.wirWow.bright living room and and suppliers * •� cep-- torn- dung roan! Oak . ceramic kitchengam . walkout to ink you or �lll our Support •.i-` wJlii : - -� falmh-eae dock and genwws yard! !� � o p[ ••.,_. * King.eitemap-sue-full enwiMt In JZ�LG� ` V • Main ft. family rmAxick finplacet ng 1 ♦ Sensational 300 sq. h. rec room with wet / {CEJ/ ldone arra or buia.in shwasher a "PI.A TI N l IM A [l RI " e �, JAC011ELYNN TANNER . Quiet $It". walking distance to public,(, Sales Representative a separele ek0nema�Y a high sctrootsl 1994, I% l 5 619-9500 Ser you or Sunda% t til' 3' , _ RICK SERGISON' 831-3300 FIRST Rd� PLATT+A)VIAWARD HERITAGE C. SOUTH AJAX ,c3 M JUST LISTED! SE HUGE YARD & P� NO�� � SWIMMING POOL + WALKOUT BASEMENT vQl� �� 4 bedrooms u 2 bedrooms�. Just steps from the lake, this P. backsplit is loaded. Modem F� �'��� t don owgeous in law suite +.:. oak kitchen w/skylight. De0 ep 2laundry rooms h_ whirlpool tub. Finished rec Central air, central vac, french room. 2 sundecks and an in- a ground pool, big pie-shaped Formal liv. rmJdin. rm. yard w/mature trees. A rare Easy access to Hwy. 40 find $179.800. Asking only 5207,500 Call CALL +c STEVE FEARON* BRIAN KONDO* 683-2992 - 683-2992 - - RVMW R/MAX. QUALITY ONE LTD RLTR. QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. JS��. ' _., Y`'� :,� G :. °`i'' L »•` # c' ..OPEN HOUSE- O S A U H OF CLA �N�.sP�Oa `�{^► %' UNIQUE A CLASSY �5�SS E� CALIFORNIA DESIGN STEP FROM HERMITAGE Oc�� �PSEM ��.. — ONLY $1 Q� r ou n na,r venin urge n<wro X O 3 bedroom N• P E - �9� ? tauhcal deck �N�S~ _ _ _ X ventral vacuum 1=•te„srve'7leecan1den-rnv - ,. X cuffy upgraded n stat beth rift Jscum tuo i s"i" r+ ' ,-,•-,.,,�,-�_, X Spotless, clew move-in - srge greeNbuse kitchen with Je,t-4 :, condition hu room woo 0 o hreobce. cataon.a X Ceramic entrance, hall 6 r _ ahWrers i ms b dere ! - 3ewrthl twrst,ed Dentwith waHo-wall � '... kitchen "Oodb'Rning 1 tea X Den in 1 st floor 4 acre W in heart of Pic" / _ X Beautifully finished basement CALL RON ARGUE* with a 3 piece bathroom 905-837-1054 _ !_ Won't Last Call Now PATRICIA X REASURN, R-R-S- ��7 NEW CHOICE 683-2992 REALTY LTD. "'� • R r LV _ �O EMBEA QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. ESCAPE THEAR, �P _ v LAKESIDE AREA US ORDINARY FOR ONLY $155,900>> $239.900 and fewunng t Detached on an enormous lot with ��` mature trees. Enjoy the space and everything on your wish list in a 2.700 sq. ft. - 4 bedroom etc. proximity to take. park and lanae home with main fbar library. The courts. Three bedroom bungalow . professionally finished walkout with then and dining I to entrance to room. eat basement was for in- sepante hgh sWdd beamterrL workshop in law aparbrtellt or nanny quarters, garage. Lots of parking LETS GO bright, spacious wdh w/o to Ige. COUNTRY. deck and privalie. fully IP rarl CALL LUCY BATESON yard. New broadloom, floors, Associate Broker cent. aa, cern. vac. You new it - ,-�� (905) 619-9500 ti this honlc�i.JULIE ., TRESILCOCK** TO VIEW (9o5) se3-2992 .'� RVMW HERITAGE REALTY INC. QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR •ARE You SM P13ff=' _ LUXURIOUS $5,495 DOWN LIFESTYLE $1,133 NO. KM 111MI11111111 - **$132,900** For this 90F9001A 3 ' t _' - . , `' • Terrific Tridd cartdn laskotes bedroom badcspiit in one of Wcany saien ae a sat-irt : --�-; kitchen, decorated in soli pastel Ajax's finest IocaOorts. • . �'t shades. This lovely suite has . r. . - _ Many6P9� �►� ; V��. upgraded oak cabiltts, ceramic Wide Of OlNMship home. tiles 3 includes 5 appliances. To CALL . , view please call "`� RICK CHOMCY* �_ MONA YOUNG*24-NR. PAGER or BERNARD LEE* b 427-4200 (905) 428-6533 - ROUGE RNER REALTY LTD. 1sT TORONTO FAST RPAJ TVT PERFECT ♦w ° S I STARTERJ EXCELLENT Pei ro SwilhTARTER silent i beds. Leas_ fl oplac and waNkW deck _ - of windows, back yard deand '7. Large ed4n I'I r per. Gorgeous rec room, 2 - Greet sized bedrooms washrooms in total includes 4 Fatislted rec room pc. en suite. Easy 401 saes: i -Cold cow to Whitby Mach. Cal Angela HoHrrterin at 683-IM - CSM sit condidon Quid crescent location for all the details & your private - $7,700 down,:1,011hno. 7 showing. _ ANGELA NOFFIIIIANW CALL 683-1088 AL RYNBEEK* - -- i (905) 683-5000 or - (416) 286-5000 _ OMEGA REALTY INC. ,sasoo RVMW NipOUALITY ONE LTD RLTR 8 pt/IMetNe M "Associele Brohm "Ib a1w10amr L r i Pickering's Strouds Lane residents face winter of discontent ❑ Road and construction work in their neighborhood is causing tempers to flare in Pickering community By MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER PICKERING -- It's been a rough period of time for the residents of Strouds Lane between Fairport and Spruce Hill Roads. First their rural road was turned into an obstacle course as the Town undertook construction to bring it up to urban standards with a new water main, sanitary sewers, road surface, concrete curbs and sidewalks. The road was closed for the work in mid- November and residents were left without access to their driveways. Some had to trudge the consider- able distance from their cars to their homes several times a day through mud and slush, around fences and beside huge holes in the road. They repeatedly lost phone lines and water service, and wondered how emer- gency vehicles would get in if they were needed. Cancer patients' family, friends learn how to help ❑ Hospice Durham hosts seminar DURHAM -- Loved ones of cancer patients can find out how to help their fam- ily member or friend in a time of need. Hospice Durham is hosting a Coping With Cancer seminar Thursday, March 7, from 7 to 9:45 p.m. at 335 Bayly St. W., at the corner of Finley Avenue, Ajax. Fee is $5 per per- son. Hospice Durham is a volunteer program providing in-home support to individuals facing a life-threaten- ing illness. Call the organiza- tion's office at 905- 435-5242 for more information. The residents were finally able to drive in to their homes shortly before Christmas. But they've been told by the Town in a letter that the reconstruction of the road which was supposed to be finished by Christmas can't be com- pleted because of "recent severe weather conditions", and construction will resume in the spring. Work stopped in mid-December. "They're leaving us in a big, huge mess," says Mike Ladiges of 874 Strouds Lane. "We were assured it would be completed. This is very upsetting." Mr. Ladiges claims phone lines were left lying across his driveway for three weeks before Bell sent someone out to get the lines out of the way. The same thing happened at the favor household at 872 Strouds Lane. .They left wire on the driveway," says Maria favor. "When we were shovelling of course it got ripped." The Town apologized in its letter to residents for the delay and promised to keep the road accessible and clear snow from the gravel side- walk which is to be provided. But Mr. Ladiges wonders why inclement weather wouldn't be expected for a project that began in November. "Our feeling is we've been squawking and complaining so much it's a payback type of thing," he says. Mrs. Javor doesn't think the Town is being vengeful, but wonders why the project was started so late instead of waiting until spring. "It's such a silly excuse -- 'Well it's cold'. What did they think? Did they think that after November it's May, that it would get warmer?" But Town executive director of operations Tom Quinn says it's not unusual to start such road projects in mid-November and be able to finish them before frost sets in. "My whole philosophy is not to make people unhappy. We didn't do this to upset people. We did this to provide a better road on Strouds Lane. Another week -and -a -half we would have been out of there. It was just bad luck. We were frozen out." Mr. Quinn said continuing under the existing weather conditions could have resulted in a road that would break up with the spring thaw. "It would have caused nothing but more grief for the people living there." He promised the work would resume as soon as possible, likely in May when there is no more threat of frost and spring rains are over. 000!!", COMING SOON... �CAkl!k y_ Watch the Wednesday Real Estate Section of the News Advertiser for your first copy of... THEs �BOOK� ; % brought to you by RFI.MW REALTY LTD. or call us for more information ;Z�4 831- - 3300 or 686 3330 *, "�' I y ' , � R R -V Happy News Advertiser customers Congratulations are extended to Howard and Mari- on McClement of Ajax who won a 19" Sharp color television set. The McClement's had their name drawn from a pool of readers who voluntarily paid their carriers during the last collection period. 7 ` 4 BEDROOM BACKSPLIT BY THE LAKE FeaturiV eat -in kitchen overlooking large tamily room with woodbuming stove and walkout to custom deck 6 mground pool_ Heated sun room addition with skylights, 2 baths, interlocking brick drive. Situated on WALTER BROWN mature treed lot 5192.900 Walter grown. Re/Max saks Representative First Realty Ltd 831-3300 RE/MAX FIRST REALTY LTD. 831-3300 JOHN MONIZ* WhWFIRST%&'q� 831-3300 T S 1 -1 0 POVMM Of SALE $84,900. Large living room, fireplace, 2 parking, balcony, en suite bathroom. Only $4,200 down. Cheaper than renting. Call John Moniz', 831-3300. RXECUTWE NOME Thousands in upgrades, professional landscaping, finished basement, Jacuzzi 8 more. Unbelievable home. Call John Moniz to view. , . 1 I t , . 1 t , • 1 , - RON* 6 JACQUELINE" ROUTH R & R PLAk RQUYH & I�E MA X TEAM WORKING FOR YOU! 831-3300 686-3330 Re/Max First Realty Ltd. KIM LEITH Licensed Assistant to Mary Roy ROOM FOR THE FAMILY! $143,900 This bungalow has a great family kitchen, spacious bedrooms, walkout basement & fabulous rec room. Call today to view! WALK TO GO STATION $165,900 Approximately 1,780 sq. ft. of living space is offered in this delightful home! Large lot, main floor family room & fireplace. A well maintained home. QUIET COURT $209,788 Only you can decide but I'm sure this home will grab you! Lovely neighbourhood & offers all the perks. Central air. en suite, ceramics & more! M441 Roy's Open House Oil of TIME: 12:00-12.30 P.M. 757 ASPEN ROAD, PICKERMG . . 4 spadous bdrms., sk"t, stunning basemer>C Priced to sell! Sunday, January 21st Come on Over'. TIME: 12:30.1:00 P.M. 865 MORETTA DRIVE, PICKERING Irgr=W pool, upgraded throughout hardwood floors, many extras! Come and MARY ROY Sales Representative TIME: 1:00.1:30 P.M. 13 MANTELL CRES., AJAX Hermitage area, 4+1 bdrms., huge rec rm., on a large lot, 4 bathrooms, and lots more! TIME 1:30-2:00 P.M. 64 PEMBRY DRIVE, AJAX Stunning model with cathedral ceiling in Irv. run., with loft and large kitchen. IM: 2:00.2:30 P.M. TIME: 2:30-3:00 P.M. TIME: 3:00.4:00 P.M. 742 PICKERING BEACH, AJAX 37 HEWriT CRES., AJAX 655 ANNAPOLIS AVE., OSHAWA Open concept, huge rec room, large family Close to lake, over 1,900 sq. ft. Four large Great area in N.W. Oshawa. Inground pool, room w/fp., 3 large bedrooms. Priced to go bedrooms, large kitchen, main floor family beautifully upgraded, ceramics, oak kitchen. nowt room w/fp. How fortunate to have an inventory of homes that are all truly GREAT BUYS! Come on out to see the ones that interest Mom! If the time Rated Is not convenient for you call me, 1'd be happy to meet You there at another time. Looking forward to seeing you! WONDERING WHAT YOUR HOUSE IS WORTH? LET US EVALUATE YOUR HOME USING ALL THE LATEST DATA, AT NO COST OR OBLIGATION TO YOU! RE1,MW F,I,EIST REALTY LTD.831 m3300 Or 686m3330 '�! Rrpr�rMatM " At�oc. Bf01rr ,k. V SMOKING Now's the time to give up smoking DURHAM -- This week may be a good time to follow through on your New Year's resolution to give up smoking. National Non -Smoking Week is Jan. 14 to 20 and its aim is to promote public awareness of the effects of tobacco use on your health. And, today is Weedless Wednesday. the day smokers are encouraged not to light UP - "The nicotine in tobacco is one of the most addictive substances known to scien- tists and any attempt to cut down on tobac- co use is a step in the right direction," says Durham Region Medical Officer of Health Dr. Robert Kyle. If you're a smoker, here are some chem- icals found in tobacco: * Nicotine -- a pack of cigarettes contains enough nicotine that, if given as a single injection, would seriously injure or possi- bly kill an adult (two to three drops of pure nicotine can kill an adult). * Hydrogen cyanide -- the gas used to exe- cute criminals in gas chambers. * Carbon monoxide -- the gas commonly used by people trying to commit suicide. * Arsenious oxide -- a form of arsenic. * Formaldehyde -- a powerful disinfectant gas used as a surgical and general antisep- tic. It's also used as a preservative. Tobacco use is the leading cause of pre- ventable death in Ontario. with an estimat- Programs' here help smokers butt out D There are groups in your community that will provide support and timely tips on the process of quitting the habit DURHAM -- For smokers wanting to kick the habit, the Durham Region Lung Association offers a couple of programs that may help you reach your goal. Countdown is a seven -session program for those just beginning the process of quitting. "I have found that, of the peo- ple who complete all seven ses- sions, over 75 per cent of them had quit smoking," says Commu- nity Services Co-ordinator Cathy Forget about tapering off of smoking, as % per cent of ex- smokers quit cold turkey, she notes. Sessions are on Jan. 23, 25 and 30, Feb. 6, 8, 13 and 20, with each running from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Durham College on Simcoe Strut North in Oshawa. The cost is $95 and includes materials. To register, call the college at 905-721-3000. S.O.S. (Smokers Overcoming Smoking) is an ongoing support group for people at any stage of quitting. It's held Mondays at 7 p.m. at the Lung Association office at 40 King St. W., Suite 300, Oshawa. There's a one-time gee of $5 to cover materials. Call the association at 905-436- 1046 m register. ed 13,000 premature deaths coming from tobacco use or prolonged exposure to sec- ondhand smoke. A suggestion to follow if you want to quit is the 4Ds -- delay, drink water, deep breathe and do something different. "These 4Ds encompass a large part of the winning aspect of a (stop -smoking) program," says Durham Region Lung Association Community Services Co-ordi- nator Cathy Sakata. Delay means holding smoking as long as you ca whether it's the first ciga- rette in the morning, after a meal or when you get the urge to light up. Say "I will have a cigarette when I allow myself to do so. I will control my urges." Think up your own delaying tactics an use them. Drinking water helps rid the bodv of unwanted toxins. A glass of ice cold water also deadens cravings created by nerve endings in the mouth. The lung association recommends 10 to 12 glasses of water per day for the first two weeks. Deep breathing helps fill your lungs with clean air. Breathe through your nose until your lungs are full. Breathe in to the count of three and exhale by counting down from three. Slowly build up to four, then five, then six. Sit down to avoid dizziness. Do something different to break the smoking habit. Get out of situations that make you want to smoke. Even little things, like changing the way you go to work, can help. Dr. Kyle says you should be prepared to experience temporary withdrawal symp- toms, such as hunger, dizziness, nges in sleep patterns and ore coughing as the lungs clear themselves out. Here are some helpful hints when stopping smoking: * List the reasons why you want to or should quit smoking and every night before bed, repeat ne of the reasons 10 times. hrow away all your ash- trays and smoking materials. * If you do buy cigarettes, only buy one pack at a time and switch brands each time. Choose a brand you don't like. * Vitamin C will help eliminate toxins and vitamin B is good for stress. * Tell your family and friends you have stopped smoking. Ask for their positive support, but rely on your own strength. Report your progress to others. min nom NEW CHOICE Realty M E M B E R B R O K E R 837=1054 * Chew low -calorie foods, crisp vegetable tidbits, sugarless gum or unbuttered pop- corn. * When watching TV, do something with your hands, such as knitting or relaxation exercises. * Hold the telephone in the other hand. * Place a doodle pad near the phone or TV. * When you have the urge to smoke, take a deep breath and tell yourself to hold on. The urge to smoke only lasts eight sec- onds. * Brush your teeth and use mouthwash several times a day. This will make you less inclined to foul your mouth with tobacco. * Regular physical exercise, such as a brisk walk, is helpful. * Light a candle. Having a candle lit near your work area, in the TV room or when entertaining, can help you feel less stress- ful because the flicker of the flame match- es human brain waves and has a calming effect. * Don't test your willpower after a few days of going smokeless. Remember, one cigarette got you started in the first place. * Think positive. If you fail the first time, don't give up, because quitting is a process. It took you years to learn to smoke, so it may take a while to learn to be an ex-smoker. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR HOME OWNERS WILLING TO PAY 6% COMMISSION MinCom breaks through with a powerful new formula for High Commission relief. ^l..r.°� �-tea s .. � , '3n'r-'wc`• 1' , , 11cofn 30)% ormttJa S0111t1oll nPain� OM01;titilBn tl�;t .�,,;rts. SAVE* V�r�'K, �. ( of - doe to fi-c ,d ClIC 49125 ,U SELLING YOUR $165,000 HOME.' WHITBY'S WEST LYNDE Raised bungalow, private fenced yard. Inground pool, CAC, fireplace in rec room. Shows a "10". Call Barbara K Smith * *- 837-1054. HEN ED RH)l ED! 11,1 RD TO AREA THIS 14ALKING TRAILS �� QUIET CRESCENT • hdut &xldt starter PRh( E! A.YU IAKF. �—�`� bnnwculate 3 bdrm. with • i bdrras.. en stile bath • All aluminum siding $eautiful bdrm. in fenced yard, 4 car • Bnxht white kit.. sparkles 3 bdrms. & sunrrrom south Ajax. 2 car parking. Bright eat in • Open ronc ept famih rrmpm • Bnck jreplae e • Bai JUDY i• Single garage & 120' lot West Oshawa -near 401 CaU Jody Stacu'•' parking, all appliances, locker, plus woodburninR • .. kitchen, appliances. Pickering. Call Garry w,n&PKSTACEE G9Jart1 Sncee•'• _837-hOSI. -837- 1054. fireplace. Call Garry Free'** - 837-1054. Free*** - 837-1054. TAKEA LOOK AT THIS 6 BEDROOMS P -E -R -F -E -GT! VENDOR SAYS SELL! Starter 3 bedrooms + 10 PLUS PLUS S. Ajax gem! Wilk to lake. 3 S. Rouge beauty. 50' lot, fuushed basement, 2 baths, All brick professionally bdrms-• eat -in kitchen. 4 bdrms., skylight, CAC, appliances. Close to all. unshed basement. never I finished bsrtn. wAvet bar & CVAC finished basement. Westnev/HKy. #2 location. Call Raul Casino* - 837- • . touched. impeccably clean. 4 appliances, Jacuzzi, 4 baths, pc. WxLarge 2- both. landsc d &�69 fenced. Pride of ownershipkit. eat -in - greenhouse Upgrades - over 30K. 1054. fenced. CaU Raul Casino• - throughout. Can Lois* for To view Call hots* - 837- 837-1054. your appoithest - 83� 1054. 1054. WHITBY'S WEST LYNDE Raised bungalow, private fenced yard. Inground pool, CAC, fireplace in rec room. Shows a "10". Call Barbara K Smith * *- 837-1054. Spruce Up Your Winter Decor with Houseplants This article is provided by local Realtors and the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) for the benefit of consumers in the real estate market. The weather outside may be frightful, but you can make the inside of your home quite delightful this winter by augmenting your decorating scheme with a few well-chosen houseplants. indoor plants help chase away the winter blahs by providing lots of contrast, texture -- and even escapism. In fact, the clever placement of some tropical plants, will actually let you pretend you're in your own soothing. tropical oasis free from winter's icy clutches. Once you start decorating, you'll realize that houseplants can fill in awkward gaps. camouflage unsightly areas and bring new color and life to an entire room. You can also use them to highlight certain areas of your home by making them a focal point of a particular roorn. For example, if you have a fireplace but rarely use it, consider placing a group of plants -- or one large fern -- on the hearth in front of the opening to brighten it up. Simply move the plant(s) out of the way before using your fireplace. The added benefit to decorating with indoor plants is that it do<sn't cost a fortune to make an impact. ('heck Lighting ('onditions Before purchasin: am plants. take a goiud look around your home to see what the lighting condition% of each room are like Contrary to what you may have thought. not all plants require a lot of sunlight to thrive In fact. there are several varieties which preter low or diffused light. It you can. jot down the size of plant(s) the space will accommodate. You may find that one large plant may serve equally as well as several smaller ones and might have a much more dramatic effect. Take your notes along with you so that you can consult with experts at your local gardening centre or plant store if you need to. When shopping for houseplants, check the information card which should come with each plant. This information will tell you the type of light and temperature conditions the plant prefers. along with any watering and fertilizing guidelines. If' this information is missing. or if you have a specific question about a particular plant. don't be afraid to ask questions. Also check the bottom of the plant to see if it's rootbound -- if it is, you will have to transplant it into a larger pot with more soil. Also check for any signs of insects or damatve. Loaves should look healthy and be pliable. If you're purchasing flowering plants. try to choose some with huds on them. so you'll have sonic attractive blooms to look fiirward to. Some flowering plants require certain types of fertiliser and soil tit you"rc transplanting) -- and main arc sensitive to temperature. so be sure to read the label carcfull,. When transportung newly purchased plants in the winter. be sure they are enclosed adequately in paper or plastic. Tender leaves can freeze very quickly in cold weather. so place them in the back .eat of your car where they will recei,c conte warmth -- not in the trunk Arranging; Plants Plants .ir,tull% arranged on pieces of The quality of their performance has drawn 0 rave reviews. SALLY MCCRAE GARY FUSELU wooden furniture can make a stunning display -- particularly it they are in attractive baskets or ceramic containers. If you're using baskets to sure to put some plastic drainage trays under any plants. If you're using baskets which have been painted. it's a good idea to put a plastic tray underneath the bottom of the basket. so that the color won't come oft on vour furniture if you overwater the plant. Also take care when placing plain clay pots on wooxden, unpaint.;d window sills. df you leave water standing in the bottom of these pats, they may make marks on the sill. Once you've arranged your plants, it's important to stake sure thev receive the proper amount of humidity. Keep in mind that groups of small plants together will produce more humidity than indi,idual plants placed in isolated spots throughout a room. Maintenance %1(),t %arictic, of plants will require watermu, when the soil hecomes dr} Be sure to water them thoroughly. but don't over -water. Plants like cacti should only he watered when the surface soil becomes quite dry. Its also important to keep leaves tree of dust wherever possible. Plants cannot carry out photosynthesis properly when they're coated with dirt. A 4 BEDROOM JEWEL $119.900 Big, beautiful. 4 bed,corr gem' Kitcrer -as pantry & walkout 2 pc. : ath on main floor. Big principal. rooms Central air and appliances included Finished basement garage too! Nothing to do neve" Call Evelyn Aprl �1111jr PERCY FULTON LTD. 416-298-8200 MEMBER BROKER 113 Bob Oldman and the Staff of The Prudential Achievers Realty take great pride in welcoming Sally McCrae and Gary Fuselli to our highly successful team of Real Estate Professionals. Sally McCrae sees the Advantage of "The Rock"! She is a well known and respected agent among her clients and sales associates, bringing with her more than 20 years of consistent award winning experience. She wishes a prosperous New Year to her friends, clients and associates. Gary Fuselli is a highly successful agent with more than 12 years of experience and he is excited by the professionalism and "Rock Solid" results the Prudential marketing system can offer his many past and future clients. Sally and Gary openly welcome all their clients, friends and associates to contact them at their new location - The Prudential Achievers Realty, 905-831-7677 or 904-427-8677. 1-hePrUCIOMM31 WV Real Estate Affiliates There's a quality that sets us apart. o i m. TnWNude aid(band The Rock as ra g sWed sonor� malt.- i nc r .,,.crtwr InsRa V Company of Amenca Eq.W ftuwV Opportunely Q Earn Company kWWWXW y Owatl aW Oparaao ' Sibs ReprelMihdMe " A!mift Brokar 0 OVER 1 1 C h Z Ch C n n �1 0 LOADED WITH EXTRAS $182,000 16X32 ft inground pool, central vac.. garburator. 5 levels. spotless, award winning landscaping. JOE HAWCO Associate Broker 668-3800 1*/MW' sff1W1ff1T REALTY 19911LTD RLTR LIVING" RALCO\l' BEDROOMDI%I%G N 14'- 0's '-0- 10'- `,% 1V 6. AITCH R " TOP OF CIT WESTNEY" Oil $TOR AJAX This 3 bdrm., 2 /Rimmediate bath condominium is now vacant &available fog F,.,Ioccupancy! > Includes 5 appliances. 2 parking spaces. Only 5107.000. AL FINLAYSON s' • Associate Broker Slightham Real Estate Ltd (416) 445-4100 905) 579-4404 :✓ - � -"' ' � - cif e��'_�l � ;�•— �YouHS U - - News advertiser COMING SOON...;Z�4 y Watch the Wednesday Real Estate Section of the News Advertiser for your first copy of... :�,406t,% brought to you by RF/AMWO FIRST REALTY LTD. 0!� or call us for more information`` 831-3300 or 686-3330 y .r SERVICE FIS WB FRANK Real Estate Limited ANNOUNCEMENT... In' A N K #1 1550 KINGSTON RD., Pickering WALLY PHH-HOMEOUITY K U LI K TR (905) 683-7777 Pickering/Ajax g Sales Representative ., JUST LISTED BACKS TO PARKLAND!! DO rT NOW! 5106.900 - LJcatio- --a -, .1- 341 �^ - 3 �-�-c;ms sepa•a;e Pe^e.' -, s.':'^e �„yrs �. Jack Fudge. Manager of W. c•lvacy are al mGuaea nio family nn (ideal layout for home 2 harms with targe `” FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 7 2 t:i:' home pr n me offlcel, renovated ea; -m k cinch Pnvate in Pickering, would like to welcome WALLY KULIK as a ne member of the W. Frank Pickering Team. Wally. a long tim^ge ' 3< " -scit Atacie srkitchen. and 3 tiered deck Close o c n central sit & resident of the Pickenng area. brings with him a stron t ' ny Aa -scor. r, p nA s K n g S t 8..82 5 Close to schools, transit 3 background in sales, service and marketing expertise. H Kk.:ner e-snmg� x' GiNETTE CAMPBELL' shopping For nto. 8 apps._looks forward to sharing wnth his many fnends and pas ^ore 5'^5 SOC Cat GAR_ 1905! 683-7777 or (9051 call DORIS CHANCE' 905) _ clients the full range of Real Estate services offered by W _ - ADOLPH' '4351683-777 427-0939. 683.7777 or f9OS 655-3651_ _� Frank. WATERFRONT PROPERTY! MIHiBy LAiitGE LOT�UNWLOM ,AMOK EKEC.ZOrISEAY. LOCATIM SOUTH AJAX BEAUTY cosy 2 txlrmr none s 10 Tn s bung Is situated on a This gorg open concept home Gorg. semi. Approx 1,702 sq. : -n. from Scarborougn You lot 75x200'. New furnace• backing on tc consery is ideal t ` a ft.. 3 bdrms.. 2x4 3 1x2 batt. - ca• dock your boat a; your back new shingles '93, 200 amp the growing family or people i= 3x, This home also has a wiring. Sunroom off dining down -sizing Bleacted oak c . aComp fly loin. Fp., cent air, all PP apes b blabs incl. g� car gar 6 is gas heated. area. A must see! mets. great weskmexposure.lge. Vendor motivated. Priced at It, jrk_..e m or build new. 5140.000. S185,900. Call SHARON mstr bdrm. with tab en suite 5149,900. Wok to tape ii parks x Cali BONNIE DAVIS' 1905) DAWN WHITE' (905) 683- today! 5210.000 BONNIE DAVIS- .' RICHARD CHANCE' (905) � 683.7777 or 905 839.2281. 7777 or 905 686.3367. 905 683.7777 or 905 M2281 '"' • 683.7777 or 905 655.3651. FABULOUS BUILDING LOT S132,S00 - BEST VALUE ENTERTAINERS DELIGHT! NYRNG BEAU VALLEY lid This 4 bdrm. bung. is extra 3 bedroom semi With 2 rec. ams., one cosy Bung. on pie shaped lot. Special because the t 00x236' bungalow n Westshore. with fp-, the other a games nn. Swinming pool. Custom Idt. lot can be severed. Live n one Finished basement w- with bar, the 3 bdnn. blsoit with Jennair range 6 oven. y -side entrance. To view vvitll t kit. d size lot and build our seam came an � 9� Thousands spent on - : the lot a sell the lot. Cal to call DORIS CHANCE' would appeal to the 'party a upgrades. Cal for ist. A hue t details. 5227,888. BONNIE (905) 683-7777 or (905) " in you! 5138,900. Cal gem. 6177,900. RICHARD DAVIS' or PAUL JONES' (90 5) 655-3651. BONNIE DAVIS' (905) 683- CHANCE- (905) 683-7777 683.7777 or 905 839-2291. - TM or 9D5 839.2281. or (9051655-3651. LOOK FORWARD TO SINMilI BROOKINOOD N __m - 00 WIWTW BEAUTIFUL RAVINE EXECUTIVE HOME ON ( This lovely 3 borm. home has Gorgeous home with SETTING - PARADISE!! SCUGOG ISLAND tale toys of the ell txxne. cit kit., master bdrm. wit This lovely 4 bdrm. home with sunken , . Luxury custom home dose to a first -bine buyers prize tag. Roman tub, solid oa Iv. rm.. formal din. area. rosy tam. - - marina. Triple car gar. with pool. good sized lot. tam rm., circular staircase, skytigh rm.. beaut kxlscpd. on a very prwale bsmt. access, multiple access to gar from house. new 3 much more. $208,900. 56x327lot. could be yours with quick skylights, cath. ceilings, open lut A must to see! $167,900. Call Call CLAUDIO ROSSI' possession. Can today. $279.900. concept, kit $325,000. BONWE DAVIS' or PAUL JONES' (905) 683.7777 or (905) BONNIE DAVIS' or PAUL JONES' CaII ACK FUDGE'• (905) 683- 905 683.7777 or 905 839.7181. 579-5716. 905 683.7777 or 905 839.2281. 7777 or 905 668.8289. LOCATION! LOCATION! UVE' ' WORK PLAY GET OUT OF THE RAT RACE JUST REDUCED - $158,900 Mins W~n s ve LRT d subway This rare country home on '( acre r , i This abAilely 9or91 Vin moo is Magnificent one of a kind waterfron ovedooks LakeOnlara. has man Ill. Approx. 1.500 sq. ft. 3 bdrm. ro 75x275' lot. Sand beach. home in Applecre't area. ideal for the sage Person or a coupe. property. y tam. m . sunken liv. rm., targe open � � Spac. tam. rm., new brdlm. a witul south new of the take. New Approximately 3,400 sq. ft. Completel kit, d din. rm Oak plank tloormg ; in lN. 8 dn. ons., hrdwd. in Pie kit we al the yes s bels finished and luxury appointed throughout. lh*uYw Children Plalhom am front hal, w/o from kit. Great Low condo tees $117.000. Call Priced at $318,900. RICHARD CHANCE Ptal9 undNu A1e" 50101fdedby location! Call DAPHNE BONNE DAVIS' or PAUL JONES' . farms $179 900 Cal BONNIE DAVIS' GIBSON' (905) 683-7777 or (905) 655-3651 (905)68 6837777 or 905 8392281 905 683.7777 or 905 839.2281 _ (9051655- 1 098 DEP B1 DROOM M / BEDROOM -"a 11'- AITCH R " TOP OF CIT WESTNEY" Oil $TOR AJAX This 3 bdrm., 2 /Rimmediate bath condominium is now vacant &available fog F,.,Ioccupancy! > Includes 5 appliances. 2 parking spaces. Only 5107.000. AL FINLAYSON s' • Associate Broker Slightham Real Estate Ltd (416) 445-4100 905) 579-4404 :✓ - � -"' ' � - cif e��'_�l � ;�•— �YouHS U - - News advertiser COMING SOON...;Z�4 y Watch the Wednesday Real Estate Section of the News Advertiser for your first copy of... :�,406t,% brought to you by RF/AMWO FIRST REALTY LTD. 0!� or call us for more information`` 831-3300 or 686-3330 y .r SERVICE FIS WB FRANK Real Estate Limited ANNOUNCEMENT... In' A N K #1 1550 KINGSTON RD., Pickering WALLY PHH-HOMEOUITY K U LI K TR (905) 683-7777 Pickering/Ajax g Sales Representative ., JUST LISTED BACKS TO PARKLAND!! DO rT NOW! 5106.900 - LJcatio- --a -, .1- 341 �^ - 3 �-�-c;ms sepa•a;e Pe^e.' -, s.':'^e �„yrs �. Jack Fudge. Manager of W. c•lvacy are al mGuaea nio family nn (ideal layout for home 2 harms with targe `” FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 7 2 t:i:' home pr n me offlcel, renovated ea; -m k cinch Pnvate in Pickering, would like to welcome WALLY KULIK as a ne member of the W. Frank Pickering Team. Wally. a long tim^ge ' 3< " -scit Atacie srkitchen. and 3 tiered deck Close o c n central sit & resident of the Pickenng area. brings with him a stron t ' ny Aa -scor. r, p nA s K n g S t 8..82 5 Close to schools, transit 3 background in sales, service and marketing expertise. H Kk.:ner e-snmg� x' GiNETTE CAMPBELL' shopping For nto. 8 apps._looks forward to sharing wnth his many fnends and pas ^ore 5'^5 SOC Cat GAR_ 1905! 683-7777 or (9051 call DORIS CHANCE' 905) _ clients the full range of Real Estate services offered by W _ - ADOLPH' '4351683-777 427-0939. 683.7777 or f9OS 655-3651_ _� Frank. WATERFRONT PROPERTY! MIHiBy LAiitGE LOT�UNWLOM ,AMOK EKEC.ZOrISEAY. LOCATIM SOUTH AJAX BEAUTY cosy 2 txlrmr none s 10 Tn s bung Is situated on a This gorg open concept home Gorg. semi. Approx 1,702 sq. : -n. from Scarborougn You lot 75x200'. New furnace• backing on tc consery is ideal t ` a ft.. 3 bdrms.. 2x4 3 1x2 batt. - ca• dock your boat a; your back new shingles '93, 200 amp the growing family or people i= 3x, This home also has a wiring. Sunroom off dining down -sizing Bleacted oak c . aComp fly loin. Fp., cent air, all PP apes b blabs incl. g� car gar 6 is gas heated. area. A must see! mets. great weskmexposure.lge. Vendor motivated. Priced at It, jrk_..e m or build new. 5140.000. S185,900. Call SHARON mstr bdrm. with tab en suite 5149,900. Wok to tape ii parks x Cali BONNIE DAVIS' 1905) DAWN WHITE' (905) 683- today! 5210.000 BONNIE DAVIS- .' RICHARD CHANCE' (905) � 683.7777 or 905 839.2281. 7777 or 905 686.3367. 905 683.7777 or 905 M2281 '"' • 683.7777 or 905 655.3651. FABULOUS BUILDING LOT S132,S00 - BEST VALUE ENTERTAINERS DELIGHT! NYRNG BEAU VALLEY lid This 4 bdrm. bung. is extra 3 bedroom semi With 2 rec. ams., one cosy Bung. on pie shaped lot. Special because the t 00x236' bungalow n Westshore. with fp-, the other a games nn. Swinming pool. Custom Idt. lot can be severed. Live n one Finished basement w- with bar, the 3 bdnn. blsoit with Jennair range 6 oven. y -side entrance. To view vvitll t kit. d size lot and build our seam came an � 9� Thousands spent on - : the lot a sell the lot. Cal to call DORIS CHANCE' would appeal to the 'party a upgrades. Cal for ist. A hue t details. 5227,888. BONNIE (905) 683-7777 or (905) " in you! 5138,900. Cal gem. 6177,900. RICHARD DAVIS' or PAUL JONES' (90 5) 655-3651. BONNIE DAVIS' (905) 683- CHANCE- (905) 683-7777 683.7777 or 905 839-2291. - TM or 9D5 839.2281. or (9051655-3651. LOOK FORWARD TO SINMilI BROOKINOOD N __m - 00 WIWTW BEAUTIFUL RAVINE EXECUTIVE HOME ON ( This lovely 3 borm. home has Gorgeous home with SETTING - PARADISE!! SCUGOG ISLAND tale toys of the ell txxne. cit kit., master bdrm. wit This lovely 4 bdrm. home with sunken , . Luxury custom home dose to a first -bine buyers prize tag. Roman tub, solid oa Iv. rm.. formal din. area. rosy tam. - - marina. Triple car gar. with pool. good sized lot. tam rm., circular staircase, skytigh rm.. beaut kxlscpd. on a very prwale bsmt. access, multiple access to gar from house. new 3 much more. $208,900. 56x327lot. could be yours with quick skylights, cath. ceilings, open lut A must to see! $167,900. Call Call CLAUDIO ROSSI' possession. Can today. $279.900. concept, kit $325,000. BONWE DAVIS' or PAUL JONES' (905) 683.7777 or (905) BONNIE DAVIS' or PAUL JONES' CaII ACK FUDGE'• (905) 683- 905 683.7777 or 905 839.7181. 579-5716. 905 683.7777 or 905 839.2281. 7777 or 905 668.8289. LOCATION! LOCATION! UVE' ' WORK PLAY GET OUT OF THE RAT RACE JUST REDUCED - $158,900 Mins W~n s ve LRT d subway This rare country home on '( acre r , i This abAilely 9or91 Vin moo is Magnificent one of a kind waterfron ovedooks LakeOnlara. has man Ill. Approx. 1.500 sq. ft. 3 bdrm. ro 75x275' lot. Sand beach. home in Applecre't area. ideal for the sage Person or a coupe. property. y tam. m . sunken liv. rm., targe open � � Spac. tam. rm., new brdlm. a witul south new of the take. New Approximately 3,400 sq. ft. Completel kit, d din. rm Oak plank tloormg ; in lN. 8 dn. ons., hrdwd. in Pie kit we al the yes s bels finished and luxury appointed throughout. lh*uYw Children Plalhom am front hal, w/o from kit. Great Low condo tees $117.000. Call Priced at $318,900. RICHARD CHANCE Ptal9 undNu A1e" 50101fdedby location! Call DAPHNE BONNE DAVIS' or PAUL JONES' . farms $179 900 Cal BONNIE DAVIS' GIBSON' (905) 683-7777 or (905) 655-3651 (905)68 6837777 or 905 8392281 905 683.7777 or 905 839.2281 _ (9051655- 1 098 • �t 683 a v Todery's Birthday .............5= Aries .5021 Taurus ...................5022 Gemini ...................5023 Cancer...................5024 Leo......................W25 Vi....................5026 Libra .....................5027 Scorpio ..................5028 € Sagittarius ................5029 Capricorn .................5030 Aquarius .................5031 Pisces ...................5032 LO TTER I ES r 649 cam•. by T..,1 5001 s Pick 3 ....................5002 s Super? ..................5003 Lottario ...................5004 FUN FOR THE D. I Y Joke of the Day ............5016 Quote of the Day ...........5017 Trivia Ouiz ................5o 18 4 c Environment Canada ........5556 4 g GIC -RSP Hotine ........................a247 -7040 404-2623 Fosource° Oshawa Contra Cinemas Myalgic Encephalomylitis ....7022 Whitby Cinemas ...........7023 Ajax/Pickering Cinemas ......7024 Pickering Moviplex 9 ........7025 SPORTS UPD. I Oshawa Little Theatre .......7026 Community Care ...........6006 Whitby Little Theatre ........7027 Sweet Adelines .........6039 Durham Shoestring P hoestrierfomrers7028 Weekly Video ..............7029 >Clubs Rogers Community 10 .......7030 Toronto Maple Leafs .. . Theatre Durham ........................7031 COPE (Depression) .........68 00 Ajax Bridge Club ...........6000 Oddfellows/Rebol ahs .......6001 Oshawa Legion ............6002 Parents of Teens ...........6003 AI -Anon, AI-Ateen ..........6004 ONE OF A KIND! Country living, city convenience in the heart of Pickering Village. Magnificent 75x472' lot surrounded by conservation lands and backing onto Duffins Creek! Cosy bungalow C1overlooks golf course and has finished rec room with wood burning stove. $209,900. Please call SHERRY HOOVER' Sherry Hoover', 831- 619-9500 9500. -40 POWER OF SALE yBradley Estates. Fantastic condominium complex with low maintenance fees, gas heat. 5 appliances included. 3 models to choose from many units available, A`s dose tc all amenities Paces start at RITA BIGIONI' S124 90C Call R 'A BIGION" for 619-9500 apoo,ntment at 93'-9506 hours • • • HOW TO USE INFOSOURCE a 1 Call 683-7040, or from Clarington call 404-2623, using a touch-tone phone or push button phone that emits tones. It's z a free call from Oshawa, Whitby, Clarington, Ajax and Picker- ing. 2 When prompted enter the 4 -digit code of your choice from the directory provided. 3 FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF BOXES 5100. (Durham West) ............6%23 Myalgic Encephalomylitis Alcoholics Anonymous ......6005 Association ...............6024 Clarington Older Adults ......6037 Women's support group of Durham SPORTS UPD. I TE Community Care ...........6006 Osteoporosis Support .......6027 Sweet Adelines .........6039 S.O.S. ...................6007 Major League Baseball ......5033 >Clubs (Smokers Overcoming Smoking) Toronto Maple Leafs .. . 5034 COPE (Depression) .........68 00 NBA ....... ... •. 5035 Canadian Calone Counters ...6009 Pro Sports Update ..........5036 Crime of the Week .6048 One Parent Families ........6010 Oshawa/Whitby Update ......5037 Parents Without Partners ....6011 Lel Lacrosse • • • • • • • • • • • .5038 Living with Cancer Support Group Local Baseball .............5039 (Durham East) .............6012 NHL .....................5041 Living with Cancer Support Group Proline ...................5042 Oshawa Generals (Durham West) ............6013 ..........`.043 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Youth of Blue Jays .................5045 Durham ..................6014 CFL .....................5046 Emotions Anonymous .......6015 Local Hockey .............. 5047 AIDS committee of Durham ...6016 Durham College ............5051 Multiple Sclerosis Society ....6017 AAXIFi--k•ring Update .......5137 Ontario Friends of Schizophrenics Ajax*k*enng Hockey .......5138 (Durham Chapter ...........6018 Raiders AAA' Hockey .......5139 Oshawa b Distract Ostomy Associa- Ajax/Pickenng Dolphins ......5140 tion ......................6019 AAVPickenng Ringette .....5141 Caesarean Prevention .......6wo Ajax/Pickamg Baseball ......5142 La Leche League, ...........6%21 Ajax/Pickairg Soccer ...... 5143 Reach to Recovwy A/ax/Pickerirg Softball .......5144 (breast Cancer) ............6022 Learning Disabilities Association ONE OF A KIND! Country living, city convenience in the heart of Pickering Village. Magnificent 75x472' lot surrounded by conservation lands and backing onto Duffins Creek! Cosy bungalow C1overlooks golf course and has finished rec room with wood burning stove. $209,900. Please call SHERRY HOOVER' Sherry Hoover', 831- 619-9500 9500. -40 POWER OF SALE yBradley Estates. Fantastic condominium complex with low maintenance fees, gas heat. 5 appliances included. 3 models to choose from many units available, A`s dose tc all amenities Paces start at RITA BIGIONI' S124 90C Call R 'A BIGION" for 619-9500 apoo,ntment at 93'-9506 hours • • • HOW TO USE INFOSOURCE a 1 Call 683-7040, or from Clarington call 404-2623, using a touch-tone phone or push button phone that emits tones. It's z a free call from Oshawa, Whitby, Clarington, Ajax and Picker- ing. 2 When prompted enter the 4 -digit code of your choice from the directory provided. 3 FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF BOXES 5100. (Durham West) ............6%23 Myalgic Encephalomylitis Cla"on Walking Program ..6036 Association ...............6024 Clarington Older Adults ......6037 Fibromyalgia Support .......6025 Oshawa Seniors Club dances...6038 Epilepsy Parents Support ....6026 .... thers Osteoporosis Support .......6027 Sweet Adelines .........6039 United Survivors ...........6051 Durham WriterslEditors ...6040 >Clubs Homepreneur Group .....6041 Oshawa Revenue Toastrnasters6028 Oshawa Toastmasters .......6029 Macintosh Users East .......6030 First Oshawa ITC Club ......6031 Durham P.C. Users Club ....6032 parents & Tots St Mark's United Church .....6033 Simcoe United Church .......6034 ......,Seniors SPECTACULAR SOUTH AJAX! Cla"on Walking Program ..6036 < F w Clarington Older Adults ......6037 65x125 foot lot! 4 bdnns., 3 baths, hrdwd. Oshawa Seniors Club dances...6038 firs., upgraded brdlm., CAC, security .... thers system. 200 AMP service ++ Sweet Adelines .........6039 z Durham WriterslEditors ...6040 PAT CLARK' today at 619- Homepreneur Group .....6041 Ajax Block Parents .......6042 About Crimestoppers Home Business Association .. 6043 . ........ .... Aim : '1■■■i LUXURY IN FOX HOLLOW I This home is stunning from top to bottom. Four large bdrms.. tug master en suite. gorgeous toyer w,sep. din. rm Sunken sep. Irv. rm The lower level s professionally fin. with wet bar 8 full SHEILA EARL' 4 -pc washroom. Cent air. vac.. high 619-9500 eff fumace. SHEILA EARL'. 619-9500. Execu-Care Home 8 Office 8100 Care -Givers ............8101 SPECTACULAR SOUTH AJAX! Parent Finders ..........6044 < F w Business Networking Group of 65x125 foot lot! 4 bdnns., 3 baths, hrdwd. Whitby ................6045 firs., upgraded brdlm., CAC, security Poets in the Pub .........6046 system. 200 AMP service ++ Ajax -Pickering United Way 6050 z Sydenham Museum.............8/88 PAT CLARK' today at 619- CRIME STOPPERS durhamnews ....................9999 About Crimestoppers 1604 7 Crime of the Week .6048 Execu-Care Home 8 Office 8100 Care -Givers ............8101 SPECTACULAR SOUTH AJAX! Anscot Contracting .......8102 Renovated top -to -bottom on premium Erotica Video ...........8103 65x125 foot lot! 4 bdnns., 3 baths, hrdwd. Vallillee Products Ltd. ....8106 firs., upgraded brdlm., CAC, security AVE Entertainment ......8107 system. 200 AMP service ++ Emergency Plus "CPR" ...8111 Your search stops here! Call Once Upon A Child ......8118 PAT CLARK' today at 619- Call for Less ............8003 durhamnews ....................9999 ABOUT 3.100 SO. FT. 132X132' LOT 'e' -,:a 3C.'eautakm.:c— -"CK e­_ry home . 2 zar ;arage 23 master c ua ^ 'lc--, •a- 3 aundry rooms � Ilre 'a'& 2 sta rcases ,c ccer evel + � in;s :-g -a. zine °cors & '-- Elegant BRYAN - -ew :as • ace 2SC a7,c 3 lots RODRIGUES* _ -.c >ce 32', " ONLY 1109,900!! APPROX. 2,650 SQ hT. GORGEOUS "GLEIOALE" GEY! 'Ilk BAG(S ON TO iUWNE Brand new, quality built, 3 harm., Large family room, cathedral ceilings, fireplace, eat -in '�1,� ust fisted b just Voldes! Backs on to green belt f13!!00 semi-detached, open concept, kitchen, new carpets b floors, pie -shaped lot, unique layout, ' > r r iii6i a 11181,E 3 bdrnrs. + 3 boas ' v" T ns a a tea oeautp 3 Hmm. upgraded mpefing, high efficiency finished basement. Only $199,900. Call Mike Lynch', 905- ., furnace, deluxe windows, large 831-9500. rem rod, highell. gas ftr� + CAC. Newer fn him JW z e2 t;aft w W On LVNCW private yard. Call Mike Lynch', arorgl t Loved bsmt 8 great locawn tbse to 61915M 905.619-9500. SUSAN remodeled kit! Longer closing too! Call SUSM a, Frermran's Bay, caw ROB or VN(ENT' YIOW 619.9500. ROBERT SUtSINM RW TANRLIOM FON ro war 1905! 83!-M. COSY LAKE SIDE CONDOS IN AJAX 1, 2 or 3 bedroom models to choose from! All with ceramics, central air, colonial doors, and en suite Laundry. Some units feature full en suites, fireplaces, balconies, five appliances. Conservation area, or Lake view available! Complex offers indoor pool, sauna, hot tub and tennis +++ CHANTAL Call Chantal today to learn CORCORAN- more. 905-619-9500. ' Sales Representative"Associate Broker arIW'.[•[: i . I t r . . 1 . . . , , . 1 . 1 . . T SPECTACULAR SOUTH AJAX! Renovated top -to -bottom on premium D 65x125 foot lot! 4 bdnns., 3 baths, hrdwd. firs., upgraded brdlm., CAC, security system. 200 AMP service ++ PAT Your search stops here! Call CLARK PAT CLARK' today at 619- �'� • 1 • \ • •-1 • Y 7 •. . . . h r • •'\ ./ • • b . / f 1 / 1 6 • 1' • r • .- • • • A f - • 7 f \ f A 1 O'. v. \ w A r .• • • 1 , .• • • . . • . . r \ ♦ t • \ • • 1 M.. • .. 7 77 � _ 1 � • 1 i f. 1 y i __ �' 'n M'4�-.A` W �.£ :, •+. q .. CTS � �.A ... � rA d & 'MoY 'LTD rrA ti UAL'ITY.,ONE Renovated 4 level sidesplit in gorgeous south Ajax. Modern ks, y; black & white kitchen, ceramics, pool -sized lot, colonial doors, > 2992 683 1new upgraded broadloom and much more. Call to find out how , you can own this home for $9,000 down & $900 a month t z a • 1• f t� c - 1 s 1 1 1 2.000 sq. ft. - all brick home Gleam ng oak hardwclw fh0'c Detached home in mature area. Lots of 4 bedroom executive home features den, huge Fireplace, cent. air, fenced Main floor laundry - huge krichen recent upgrades. Finished basement with main floor family room with cathedral ceiling Master en suite, prof landscaped' separate entrance. 50x160 ft. lot. formal living room & dining room. Shows well. Call now' p .. ���:.; '+11+�_-"�f i ti ... ��.•.< 1, - • . —� � { You lust found it, 2,-58 sq ft, main floor family den laundry. Wonderful south Ajax prope^y P -em um lot. 60x136 `:.. Almost brand new executive home on large pe- bedroorns all with 4 -pc. baths' Large 'dream" kitchen with bleached urge principal rooms. immaculate multi-level srdesplit has 4 shaped lot. Full of upgrades. Approx. 2,400 sq. ft. mbmetryrcentre island. gas fp. upgraded brdm., double gar and bedrooms. 2 washrooms frn!shed rec room with custom Altona Rd. area. Spotless, clean, move -in condition. much more' Call today to view this exceptional home eplace, A must tc see a' S' _P �x Ir Air Aff As t0b, — 1 • 1 1 1 Custom-built and priced to self t 3 acre estate lot. F,:;ly Excellent location, can't be beat. Schools and parks are Quiet crescent location, immaculate 3 bedroom frnmhed basement Beautiful hardwood floors. 2 kitchens. 2 close by 3 large bedrooms, master en suite. eat -in with master en suite, bay window, eat -in kitchen, fireplaces. 6 bedrooms and 5 washrooms, cent. air. security K tc`ien/pantry, main floor laundry. fantastic family system, intercom underground spnnkier This ones oaded `'rep ace Cali for personal viewing fireplace, CAC and more. Call to view... oil vi/c•, •"1"1 Check out this beautiful Queen's Common area home! Over 2,700 sq. ft., 4 bdrms. and a must to see. Just listed. Yrrnaarraafe al day brick, 2,450 sq. fL bea* sits on a premium 128• lot baddrlg on to greenbelt park. Huge 26' main Ar. family on. A Mchen you're always dreamed of. Beau01u1 landscaping and stone walkway. A rare opporturrty for this; location. Only $208,900. $$Thousands spent on upgrades/skylighUhuge family room with fp. (gas insert). Finished throuoout! Located in demand Pickering area. A must see!! For more info. call... 1 1 / X North Hermitage X 2 Roman tubs X 4 good-sized bedrooms X Al blinds X Open staircase to basement X Entrance from Coe garage X Many others. - Cal now Iu N. Tastefully decorated 3 bedroom all brick home. Boasts a glass walkout, sunroom addition with gas fireplaceexiting to back yard with heated shed. Perfect for the handyman. We have a semi in Ajax and a detached in Whitby. Both available February 1/96. For details call... This 3 bdrm., all brick home has a fireplace in the rec room. Located in a demand area on a quiet crescent is dose to schools & parks. Great value at $142,500. re,> 831111111111111186 OR 83=299 X This home shows a sign of success X 2,800 sq. ft. for only, $229,900 X Interlocking entrance X Big, bright kitchen X Central air wndibcner X Entrance from garage X Beautiful deck - 2 tiers X Call now -- • �q This 3 bdrm., all brick home has a fireplace in the rec room. Located in a demand area on a quiet crescent is dose to schools & parks. Great value at $142,500. re,> 831111111111111186 OR 83=299