HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_01_05A:._ A IFUN DAY! Canada's Lar indoor Flea MerkaVERY �y hair Flea Market open garn-5prn" M Antique Fair open Sam Spm . j"O od PA Norlh d 0* 401 in Pidw (905) 427.07U .ENTERTAINMENT Local flautist flaunts his musical talents on new CD / Pg. 9 . HOME IMPROVEMENTS BY ca,w ow»d + operoW Fa SwMco You Can Tnnt vow ow SHOW001011 ter /IoN, load 58U% 420-4flO News Advertiser Friday, Jan. 5, 1996 16 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 42,500 Vol. 115 No. I klli ee", WaGiG The Pickering Naturalists host Winter Hike Sunday through a portion of* Durham Forest in Uxbridge. Meet at the southwest corner of the Pickering GO sta- tion, at Bayly Street and Liver- pool Road, at 9 a.m. Dress tier cold. wet and slippery conditions. Call 666-3997 for details. Saturday Cold but sunn**. -17 to -1 1 C Sundae Still sunnN. . not so cold -14 to -xC Inside In the news Entertainment ....................9 Sports...............................10 Classified ..........................1 I Phone lines General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 Sincerely Yours 1-900-451-3793 1nfoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction line 683-7545 On the Internet at NMWW.dnrhamnevPs.net 934t + 7t GST = $1 Provincialcuts startl Pickering Councillors struggle to keep Town tax hike below 15 plc B% M.NRIANNE TAKACS rAFl- REPORTER PICKE:RING ( un;Ill yrs are Dared with the dauntin • task of' cutting about $2.25 million out ot• Pickering's 1996 budget to avoid raising "Town property taxes by 15 per cent. The councillors got the had news Thurs- day morning at Pickering•s first budget meet- ing for 1990. They already knew Town staff had drawn up a budget which would require a 12 -per cent tax increase to maintain opera- tions at existing levels. But that was topped off by the startling news received front (queen's Park late Wednesday aliernoon that provincial grants to Pickering were being cut in 1996 by $907,973 or .12.5 per rent. Town officials had been expecting a reduction of 10 to 20 per cent and had based their budget on that .. His goose is loose - . Allen Cheater releases one of two geese that he, his father Art and brother Adam rescued from the ice in Lake Ontario at Petticoat Creek in Pickering Tuesday. Art was walking his dog by the lakeshore in the morning, spotted the female frozen in the water and returned home to alert Allen. The two cut the goose out of the ice with an axe, took it to their Creekview Circle home, thawed it out in the laundry tub, placed it in a box and warmed it up with a trouble light. They then ventured back to the lakeshore to rescue the gander and nurse it back to health in a similar fashion before releasing the two birds at the foot of Liverpool Road in the afternoon. "I couldn't believe they survived; says Art. photo by A.J. Groen See TOWN.. Page 4 Pickering wonders if economic boom to continue K% MARIAN 4: TAKACS sl \I I kl N Ik rI k PIC KFRING the llrst hall of this decade has been goxxl for Pickenng from an economic point of view, but the new year may not be so rosy. From 1991 to 1993 there was a net increase here of about 50O jobs annually and approximately 30 new companies have moved to town each year. Town co-ordina- tor of' economic development and promotions Juan Alfrey expects the job and business growth fig- ures for 1995 to be similar, though they're not yet available. "Through the recessionary years we still had very good growth," she explains. "I think Pickering benefited from the high prices in the Toronto area. We benefited from Toronto's initial downfall because we had the sense to keep our taxes low and didn't take advantage of the boom years (by increasing expenditures See THIS ... Ptsge 4 XWft ALL COMM VN/CAT/ONS .31 • Bell Mobility Centre Bell Mobility Centre 843 King St.W.(Next to Don Cherry's) Pickering Town Centre (sot) 576-1212 tam ells -1212 Bell Mobffl*tyl n ato a sun. Brei :he ST* on all furnituret, major appliances, sewing machines and vacuums, bed & bath, housewares, lighting, in -stock hardware, outdoor shop, sporting goods, fitness & toys selected home electronicst, window coveringst, home improvements • ]!.&"I :I' 1 AD Ca navIn9 d for& A Iff AO Sears will deduct an amount equivalent to the from your total purchase on all MMMW� men's, women's, and children's fashions and footwear, Plus luggage, jewelry and accessories w e from Sears ;RING Te -try A.w�:r 1 THE NFVK Aff"_W. C17111i ROMAV IA%UTAev c 110&9L_eu-V I No clues found in helicopter search for Pickering man missing a week PICKERING — A helicopter search here Thurs- day failed to turn up any clues into the disappear- ance of a Pickering man missing more than a week. But the air search will help Durham Regional Police as they undertake a foot search Friday (today) of the Seaton Hiking Trail to kook for 38 - year -old Derrick Francis. "It gave us a better idea of' the terrain we're fac- ing," Detective Jamie Grant says of Thursday's search using an Ontario Provincial Police heli- copter from Orillia. "We'll be hitting some dense areas." Mr. Francis, a Longbow Drive resident, was last seen by his wife leaving home for work the morn- ing of Dec. 28. He never arrived at his Scarbor- ough office and hasn't been heard from since. His 1995 red Acura was found on Forest Stream Trail in north Pickering near Seaton Hiking Trail on Saturday around 5:30 p.m. There were no obvi- ous signs of a struggle in the car, according to Quiet year end for cops By BRIAN LEGREE The number of reported sexual tx,RI1A%t ~-raft assaults dropped off to 461 last year, Dl'RHAM — Durham Regional compared to 524 in 199-4. Police are calling this Christmas and Robberies fell marginally to 195 last New Year's holidays one of the most year, compared to 2W in 1994. quiet in recent memory. Impaired -driving related charges laid Ncw Year's Eve and the first day of through regular patrols (not including the 1996 were especially quiet for police, RIDE: program) were down 12 per cent says Staff Sergeant Sandy Ryrie. last year, police say. **Wc nornnally have 19 or 20 pages of Despite the overall downward trend, occurrences a day, but we only had the number of- car thefts and break and seven or eight pages over Ncw Year's.— enters is on the nse. says StafTSgt. Ryne. Vehicle thefts increased 1.3 per cent ••We can safely, say, it was quiet. There last year, with 1,81'_' in 1995, compared were very few major incidents." to 1,789 in 1994. The quiet end to 1995 wrapped up a Break and enters jumped six per cent, year in which crime in general was wrth 3,573 commercial properties and down, says Staff Sgt. Ryrie. residences hit last year, compared to Durham Regiori only had one slaying 3.3-16 in 1994. in 1995, a Port Perry murder -sui- cide. compared to five homicides in 1993. The number CIAL of murders contin- ued to decline in BARGAINS the region from an all-tirne high of 13 in 1991, when Durham was the LY E R S per -capita murder tN 70DAY'S capital of Canada. Police statistics compiled through to the end of Octor- her indicate other major crimes were Mi ;�also clown.1 j�� JAN. Crimes against people, which News Advertiser include murder, sexual assault, assault and rob- *Always bcry, decrcasW 3.8 per cent through (Ajax/Pickerino the first 10 months *Canadian Tire of 1995, compared to the same period (Ajax/Pick.) in 1994. Crimes against K -Mast (Ajax/Pick property dropped } bSl kiit 0 1.4 per cent during Ow same time. "We like to�dt>)V�""'� credit some of the d! 01 "ffr = bt Seduction to ����� � improved policing M methods, but it's Or&*you Wt also a cyclical type of situation;" says Faso .�� Staff Sgt. Ryrie. There were you *fin 2,118 assaults in (d AL04 Durham through the end of Octotx r �� n�cet last year, com- 9 •xz,r, �d pared to 2,196 tior .5110. the same period in , '1994. Joceityu Todd Friday s Gamer of the Werk is Joxelyn Todd. Jocelyn enio}:s rollerskating. rollerblading, shopping & crafts. (xelyn will receive a dinner for -+ and a T-shirt compliments of Burger King. CoigrNtuhMions Jocelyn for being our Carrier of the Week. Commined To Excef fence 1280 Kingston Rd. Pickering 345 McKenzie Ace.. Aiax police, who were unable to find a trail of f<xotprints leading from the car. Searches were carried out that day with dogs, snowmobiles and people on foot. Helicopter searches were called off Wednesday morning due to poor visibility. Mr. Francis is described as black. f,' tall, 175 pounds, with short black hair and brown eyes. Anyone with information about him is asked to call Durham police at 683-91(X). ext. 321. Derrick Francis die Wafaper Centre p Back by Popular Demand... 1111u,"IFf IL GET 1 FREE JAN. 5 -JAN. 28 GREAT IN -STOCK SELECTION OF WALLPAPER &BORDERS 9he Wa147aner Centre PICKERING 1652 Ba* St., W. - ickerhV (Just West of Brock Rd.) 831-7747 ® D18C018[T WK*K 9:309:00 PhCFS SAT, 9:306:30 e.w 49.M_LM OSHAWA 5 Points Mall Super Store Outside Mall - (Next to Rogers Video) Taunton Rd. at Ritson 728-6866 MON,-FPI. 9:309:00 DISCOUNT SAT. SAT, 9:306:00 .5 tom'. SUN, 12:005 00 PA 1 N T S 1 _ .. ___.......:�.nwxl+'sww'.r+aw .•-.cr. ��w..,.+.«.r, ...rs.n-,..� �� _ , PN= 6-T NLWSADrMrnSB! 11!R MY, JANUARY S, If!$ This year not likoly' 'as'' ood as '95 fcir'Pickibiing FROM PAGE 1 before the recession hit)." Pickering should continue to bene- fit from its low taxes for some vcars to come. according to Ms. Alfrev, because other municipalities will take years to reach a competitive level even if they cut their taxes to match. But there are dangers ahead. One is that the Pro% ince may take some action to even out municipal taxes across the Greater Toronto Area — as is rumored to be recommended by the Golden Task Force on GTA reform. which is expected to release its report this month. "If' they do it that would definitely take away one of' our advantages. I'm not expectiho it and I sincerely hope it doesn't happen. It would be a major challenge. We don't know what the private sector will do if they homogenize the GTA tax base." Another danger ahead is the con- tinued globalization of the economy. Pickering's economy is no longer intertwined only with that of the GTA but with the rest of the world, according to Ms. Alfrev. And it is a world where corporations move around in search of efficiency, new ideas, new consumers and new loca- tions. "The jobs are disappearing from Canada and going to other countries. It's still happening and it will proha- bly be happening for at least another couple of vears." But Pickering has done all richt so far in the global economy. Among `It's anyone's guess what's going to happen in 1996.1 just have a gut feeling it's not going to be as good as 1995.' Town of Pickering faces several big increases in costs this year FROM PAGE 1 estimate. Pickering will receive about S-2.40 mil- lion from the Province this year, compared to approximately 53.5 million last year. Town manager "rim Sheffield explained Pick- ering is facing a number of increased costs this year which account for the posaible I5 -per cent tax increase councillors will wrestle with. T h o s c increased costs include covering the deficit incurred in 1995 by the Town's fights to prevent the opening of a new dump here and force tt>< clo- sure of the exist- ing Brock Wcst landfill. con- Iributing money to the Town's capital reserve fund which will he empty by mid -year if it is not replenished. setting aside funds to provide for the end of the provincially - imposed social contract this spring and for the three union contracts the Town needs to negotiate with its staff this year. Budget delib- erations were originally sched- uled to begin Thursday but will now start Feb. 15 in order to give Town staff time to deal with the provin- cial cuts and with a direction from councillors to have each department come back with a bud- get totalling 90 per cent of its 1995 budget. It will also give Council a chance to appoint some- one to file the Ward '_ Regional council seat left vacant by the recent death of David Farr, so that the budget can be considered by a full comple- ment of councillors. Final budget recommendations are now expected to go before Council for approval by mid-March. Location, location, location. We have opened a branch in such a convenient location, we just can't say it enough. Beverly Bent and her friendly staff are here to assist you with your banking needs, so drop in and say hello! ScMlabank I 0 ?N HARWOOD AVENUE & HIGHWAY #2 60 Kingston Road cast Ajax. Ontario Telephone: (905) 427-3244 branch Manager: Beverly Bent Now Open the local companies which have led local economic growth are Clearnet Communications, Simmonds Tech- nologies, Lenbrook Industries. Alder - brook Industries, Exal Aluminum, Peg Perego, Ecu Tec, Yorkville Sound and Howard Martin Co. The battle ahead is to keep the list grow- ing, and to keep the local retail and commercial sector thriving as well. The Town's economic develop- ment staff — Ms. All -rev and one other person — are focusing on mak- ing sure Pickering is out there in the market when businesses are looking for a place to locate. Pickering's major strategies have included adver- tising. keeping in touch with busi- nesses to monitor their needs. and tracking vacant office, retail and industrial space in the town. "NVe've tried to enable the real estate sector to use us as a one-stop office." Pickering is now also connected to a World Wide Web site run by the Ontario government, municipalities. real estate companies and investors which lists properties available for business development. "This type of searching by interna- tional investors will become more popular as time goes by. We wanted to get in on the ground floor." Despite the Town's efforts, Ms. Alfrey expects it may be tough going for Pickering in 1996 because provin- cial and national economic indicators are so far suggesting a sluggish year. "I think it will just be stagnant again. I don't think we're going to have any huge leaps and hounds." she says, noting the economic atmos- phere is still very uncertain. "It's any- one's guess what's going to happen in 1996. I just have a gut feeling it's not going to he as good as 1995." CORRECTION In this week s Kmart January Sale' flyer, the following errors have occurred. The 130mL 'Crest' Toothpaste featured on page 3 is S1 49, not 64c as stated Also, the 'Fruit of the Loom' Bras featured on page 5 are $9.99, not $18 93 as stated. We apologize for any mconvience this may have caused WEEKEND SPECIAL SAT., JAN. 6 & SUN., JAN. 7 ASPENITE '/4" x 4'x 6' 13 'B' GRADE FIR PLYWOOD G.I.S. %" x 4'x 8' �Ii9 WAINSCOTTING %" x 3" x 34" 76 APPROX. COVERAGE 7 SO. FT. PARQUET FLOORING 29 GOLDEN WEST -COTTAGE GRADE $16 10 SO. FT. PKG. WHILE QUANTITIES LAST CASHWAY WESTNEY HEIGHTS PLAZA HWY. 2 & WESTNEY RD. YOUR PROJECT PARTNERS- 427-9931 1ST ANNIVERSARY SALE 70% OFFOwnRYTHING It's been a year since we opened and we'd like to thank all our customers for their valued support. You've helped make our store a huge k r�- So we're taking 10% off absolutely everything in the store for 2 days- Sat. Jars. 6 and Sun. Jan. 7. Come in and help us celebrate with great savings. acmd I Kids' Stuff with Previous Experk"weTM 1701E HOOR& Monday-F*W. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. 75 B' Saturday: 10 a.m.-6 pm. e ylY SL W., Ajax 40 Sunday. 12 p.m. -4 pm. (,lust Will of Harwood) 427-4194 w lk M i 4L O 0 KE Pct; ,� � �• � [[L'�.� r. � • • � Q C - J • • • 5 1 W `•1 THE NEWSADVERTISER FRM4Y, JANUARY S, if -PAGE S IEP . s W h c� a r yr n IEP c� a ao r ys� v: Crj PO c.W+ IEP c� a ao r ys� C! ISA El cxcx �: I. T w n IEP c� T r ys� C! ISA El cxcx �: I. T w n {f} X J Y r i IEP c� T c C! ISA El cxcx �: 3K4- NOI N)IOHI c� T c C! ISA El cxcx �: I. T w n 3K4- NOI N)IOHI z N i C Sididi as C•l .rr.rtr, ....,+a...r..�.'.', :. ...gip;.: ti.d�. . _...� r,'a� .�Li'+.v�-�'L � "+�..- •�,-:-- . - :....,,� � .. �oes,.N....�,,...,...a.. . - �> aoo� T T T T C! ISA El z N i C Sididi as C•l .rr.rtr, ....,+a...r..�.'.', :. ...gip;.: ti.d�. . _...� r,'a� .�Li'+.v�-�'L � "+�..- •�,-:-- . - :....,,� � .. �oes,.N....�,,...,...a.. . - �> TIDE f-Tti1>E [iE''W'S IhDVE>R'i1SER RRI�A�, jAMIkRY'3,11�ti Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser 'n%1OTHY J. WHITTAKF.R. Puhh%her A Ah•troland Community Nc%%"Fwr JOANNE BURC:HARDT. Fdn„r-in-chic) puhhJxd Hcdnc.da%. Fnda%. Sunda} STEVE HOUSTON. Slanagmg F aoi BRUCE DANFORD. Ad�ertnmg nwnager 110-112 C mmiertial ,A.e. Ajax. Chu. ALVIN BROMER. Road Nfana_Kr LIS 2W, ABF.FAKHOURIE.fh.tnhuiummanager Ptume 6SIA1I0 Fav6sl-71,61 Opin_ Now more than ever As the holiday glow of goodwill fades. it's time to take stock of the season that has just passed. In Ajax and Pickering. residents can and should talo a moment to reflect on their zeneroslt\ that helped make the Christmas season a little brighter for so man_ unfortunate families in our communities. The efforts of area residents. through the local Salvation Army. helped tremendously, accordint, to family services director Paul Carew. 'qtr. Carew estimates as man as S(X) families were aided through the Christmas season and into the new year. And eyer\one -- from area schools to individu- al. to corporations -- pitched in to make local food and toy drixes a success. And thouLh the season of giving is o%er for another %ear, the need continues for those families in our two communities. \%*e would all do well to remember that as we settle in for the year ahead. When you're shopping for groceries. give those families just a nu+ntcriC, thought and purchase an extra item or two..- ,great sum can be made up from marts small parts. If \ou are cleaning out your closets in the next month or two. gixe those clothes sou would otherwise throw away to the Salvation army. The_\ can help out- fit a gw roing child. or a displaced adult It' the Salvation Arms is the engine through which families are helped in Ajax and Pickering, then you are the fuel that powers it. Our communities have prosed in the past they give more when more is needed. V\'e must continue to do that now more than ever. We asked: InfoSouree Poll: Last week we asked: Do you think 1996 promises . to be a better year for Canada and Canadians than the year 1995? ANSWER: Yes No 91% 9% Are you expecting a sizable municipal property tax increase this year based on current federal and provincial fiscal policies? INFOSOURCE PHONE# 683-7040 YES: Punch 8026 NO: Punch 8027 Would you support the amalgamation of Ajax and Pickering as part of Greater Toronto Area reform? -- asked at Har%%ood Place Mall CHRISTINA N EIGA "YcN. Things like garbage pick-up under one management could %aye money.. JAMES WBRIDE Ajax has been on its own for a long time. It should stay that way." RENATE GRAY -Yes. They are so close together; for all practi- cal purposes it's one community anyway." MARLENE PARENT -It's not an easy ques- tion to answer. They are so close together; maybe it's a good idea." WITO Tes NWS ADvErnsFR413O C0MERCUL AVF , AjAX, LlS 2H5 OR FAX Us AT Letters 4uE-MA ADDRSLS NewsAdnevs@durhamnevS.net — ■ Christmas brightened by one man's kindness Pickering's Kelly Matijcio had her Christmas Day brightened through the kindness of a stranger. She recounts her story here. To the editor: On Christmas Day I was struck by the kindness of a stranger. 1 have no idea who he was or even what his name might be. I was scheduled to work on Dec. 25 from early morning to mid-afternoon. The convenience store in which 1 work part-time is busy and I'm sure most, if not all, of Pickering has visited me at one time or another. Christmas day comes but once a year. Like every other year my family, especially my mother, have gone out of their way to make it a happy, memorable occa- sion. Despite such efforts, I have been feeling alone and unhappy with the circumstances surround- ing my personal life. Unable to hide my sadness, many of my more attentive cus- tomers were aware and cheerfully wished me a Merry Christmas and offered friendly smiles. One in particular shone above all the oth- ers. He was about my age, early 20s (my guess). He sympathized with me and briefly spoke of his own experience of Christmas this year as somewhat disappointing as well. At the closure of this three- minute conversation, he picked up his purchases and said "Maybe things will be better for both of us in 11996.- 1 watched as he left the store, climbed into his car and drove away. Thinking little more of it, I grimly returned to my duties at hand. No more than 10 minutes later he returned. 1 looked up and immediately recognized his face. "You're back," I said and smiled. As he walked toward me he raised his hand and in it were a dozen long-stem roses, held out to me. My eyes, I'm sure, were wide with shock and disbelief as I struggled to say "My God, how sweet." As I watched he turned to walk out of the store, stopping by the door a few feet away, and turned to me. -You just can't leave;' I stam- mered. -Give me your phone number." I was lost for two sim- ple words — thank you — won- dering how I could repay him for his thoughtfulness. He looked at me and said, "No one deserves to be unhappy at Christmas time." With that he turned and once again, I watched as he drove away. For the remaining hour of my shift, I stared back constantly at those roses lying on the counter behind me. It was almost as if I was unsure they were really there. I felt filled by the kindness shown to me by a man I had never met. I remain in awe at the simplicity of his thoughtfulness, this gift and the person who so generously shared it with me. Even now as the disappoint- ment and sadness begins to haunt me once again, I need only to glance at these beautiful roses to be filled with the warmth that makes Christmas a special time of year. I know that my memory of this day will always be of a stranger's kindness and not of the circum- stances I face at this unfortunate time. For this I am forever grateful to you, whoever you are. K.P. Matijcio Pickering Culture comes alive Celebrating cultural diversity is easy for these new Canadians at Woodlands Centennial Public School in Pickering. These students in teacher Martha Quinn's English class come from 10 different countries and celebrate the festive season differently. Muslim students, for example, celebrate EID in February, the same month Chinese pupils celebrate New Year's. Hindu and Sikh students celebrate Diwali, while Jewish students celebrate Chanukah. ' photo by A.J. Groen I Racism on agenda at forum AJAX-PICKERING — What can the local business community do in response to racism? That's among the questions to be- examined at an upcoming forum hosted by the Taking A Stand, Anti -Racism Program of the Social Development Council of Ajax -Pickering. The forum will also look at how business and community members can work together. Guest speaker is David Hall, operations and develop- ment manager of Toronto's Dufferin Mall, who will discuss that mall's experience with racism. See Mother Nature and Old Man Winter in Durham Saturday PICKERING -- Nature at its win- tery best is on view this week when The Pickering Naturalists hold a Win- ter Hike through a portion of Durham Forest in Uxbridge. It takes place Saturday, Jan. 7. Par- ticpants should meet at the southwest corner of the Pickering GO station, Bayly Street and Liverpool Road, at 9 a.m. Dress for wet and slippery condi- tions. Call 666-3897. The forum will be held Wednesday. Feb. 21 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. in the community room of Sarah McDonald Place. 1465 Whites Rd. at Hwy. 2. Pickering. For more information. call the Social Devel- opment Council at 686-2661. LUCKY WINNIERI Recently Mona Caprani won a Toshiba Colour TV from an in- house promotion at Bob Myers Chev Olds in Ajax. Pictured from left to right are Bill Johnstone (Service Co-ordinator), Mona Caprani (Winner) and Bob Myers (President). TW MEWS A@YEWF5W FRWAI(. JANUARY s, I RA" 7 Regular patrols beat R.I.D.E. in charging drunk drivers in Durham 0 Twelve people charged with impaired driving after being stopped by patrol units DURHAM — Only one person stopped by Durham Regional27 250 vehicles have been Police's holiday R.I.D.E, pro- stopped by the R.I.D.E. pro- gram last week failed the gram and police have admin - breathalyzer. A dozen others istered 129 roadside tests. were captured by regular Police have issued 36 12 -hour tro Police R.I.D.E. spotchecks pal,uspensions and have charged sninne people with drinking and topped 3,500 vehicles in the week driving offences. ending Jan. I and 16 drivers were ` checked on the roadside tester. Four drivers were issued 12 -hour suspen- sions, one person failed the test and was arrested for driving over the legal limit of 80 milligrams. Police on regular patrols arrested 12 people for impaired driving. So far this holiday season, Janus Specials n cabf> � ,,��,,,,•�.�{B� •mow_ for 30 bottles WAS) S31_32>44 Join us in cyberspace at j www.durhamnews.net PAGE 11 -THE NEWS ADVEKnSER FRIDAY, JANUARY 5,19% Teen- students make improvements, tests show J But there's a danger in comparing one school to another: public board By LINDA WHITE STAT -1- RF.RMTtR DURHAM — young public high school students are improving their reading skills, while their writing is slightly worse. last year's provincial Gradc 9 tests reveal. And though the board has released indi- vidual results of Schools which took part in the reading and writim; tests. along with its own Grade 12 writing rc%icw. the), come %%ith a warning about the dangers of compar- ing one School's performance against anoth- er. At' 1 fklieycd the rankings reflected only the performance of- a principal and teacher. that would be one thing. but thcN don't." e\plains Durham Board of Fducation super- intendent Dave Sno d&n. "Outside factors have a far greater influ- ence on those rankings.'' he says. pointing to a child's social and economic such things as cm iromment. " We don't hayc the ahold\ yet to track the other factors. though students who took the tests were asked it English was their first lan- guage. Ilk test results "arc Just a %napshol, adds Lnglish program facilitator Jane Crushic. They don't take into account. for example. "students who may have a Joy of learning and wfx) will continue to work hard' though the% may rx)t ha\r fared as well in the test as otfkr studcrits. She fears the results "sort of pit one (school) against another" and admits she ..would be hard-pressed to find benefits to listing individual school results." 6'he results must he released under the Freedom of Information and Protection of' Privacy Act.) Instead, schools will the encouraged to use the findings — along with data from feeder schools and individual school surveys on methods of instruction and what types of teaching students find relevant — to deter- mine how they can improve. "We will be acting as a coach, rather the an umpire." notes Mr. Snodden, who believes "what you do with the results is more important than the results themselves." Overall, the percentage of Grade 9 stu- dents in Durham who performed at or above the expected standard for reading increase from 91 per cent in 1993-94 to 97 per cent i How Durham schools fared Dl � RHANI — Realizing the tempta- tion to compare how schools performed in provincial tests will be hard to resist, the public board notes -the differences are quite subtle." "People will make comparisons at the end of the day.. admit~ Durham Board of Education superintendent Dave Snodden. pilule there are many ways of com- paring school~, such as the percentage of students in accepted levels and which ;schools improved over previous years, the following is a list of the top local schools in the Grade 9 reading test: J O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Institute in Oshawa, with seven per cent of its students achieving level six. J Sinclair Secondary School in Whitby. Port Perry High School and Uxbridge High School each had six per cent of its students at that level. The top local schools m the Grade 9ng wastitest: .J Sinclair walked away with four per cent of students performing at the le. top end of the sca O Exeter High School in Ajax and Cartwright Secondary School in Black- stock each had three per cent of its stu- dents performing at level six. In the four -board Grade 12 writing review, three per cent of Durham's advanced -level students achieved level six. Top schools were: J O'Neill Collegiate and Vocational Im-titute in Oshawa with 7.7 per cent of its students at level six. J R.S. McLaughlin C.V.I. in Oshawa had 4.4 per cent of its students achieve that level, while 3.8 per cent oftud students at both Pickering High School in Ajax and Cartwright hit that mark. In that writing review, seven per cent of Durham's general -level stu- dents achieved level rive. Top schools were: J Ajax High, with 175 per cent of its students achieving level five. J R.S. 'McLaughlin with 12.2 per cent of its students at that level. while 11.1 per cent of students at Dunbarton High School in Pickering achieved that level. 1994-95. Across the province, 90 per cent of stu- n dents performed at the expected standard in 1993-94, while 94 per cent achieved that s level in 1994-95. (Students who achieved levels three to live are considered to be within the expected achievement range for their grade. Students d in levels one and two were not at the expect - cd level, while those in level six achieved beyond the expected level.) The percentage of Grade 9 students per- forining at or above the expected standard for writing decreased from 96 per cent in 1993- 94 to 93 per cent in 1994-95. Meanwhile, the Durham hoard took part in an independent Grade 12 writing review last year along with boards in Halton. Lake- head and North York. It followed a review conducted by the Ministry of Education and Training in 1991- 92 and was carried out in an attempt to moni- tor changes in student writing skills. Overall, the percentage of advanced -level students who performed at or above level four — the expected standard — increased from 63 per cent in 1992 to 74 per cent in 1995. The percentage of Durham students per- forming at or above level four increased from i 62 per cent in 1992 to 76 per cent in 1995. -lite percentage of general -level students in the lour -hoard consortium who pert' rmcd at or above level three — the expected %tan- dard — increased from 6h per cent in 1992 to 78 per cent in 1995. The percentage of Durham students per- forming at or above that level increased from 72 per cent in 1992 to 83 per cent in 1995. r—\ 683=7040 404-2623 HOW TO USE INFOSOUR EC � 1 Call 683-7040, or from Clarington call 404-2623, using a I (From Clarington) touch-tone phone or push button phone that emits tones. It's a I ` free call from Oshawa, Whitby, Clarington, Ajax and Pickering. 0 2 When prompted enter the 4 -digit code of your choice from the directory provided. nfo rce, FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF BOXES 5100. soo t Oshawa Centre Cinemas ....7022 (Breast Cancer) ............6022 Homepreneur Group .....6041 Whitby Cinemas ...........7023 Learning Disabilities Association Ajax Block Parents .......6042 Today's Birthday .... ......5020 Ajax/Pickering Cinemas ......7024 Pickering Moviplex 9 7025 Ajax Bridge Club '� ...........6000 (Durham West) ............6023 Home Business Association ..6043 Aries ....................5021 Oshawa little Theatre Oddfellows/Rebekahs .......6001 Myalgic Encephalomylibs Parent Finders Taurus .. .................5022 Gemini ... ................5023 .......7025 Whitby Little Theatre ........7027 Oshawa Legion ... e9 6002 F Association .8 6024 yalgia Support .......6025 ..........6044 Business Networking Group of Cancer ...................5024 Durham Shoestring Performers 7028 Epilepsy Parents Support Whitby ................6P45 I Leo......................5025 Weekly video ..............7029 Rogers Community 10.......7030 ....6026 Osteoporosis Support .......6027 Poets in the Pub .........6046 I Virgo5026 .................... Theatre Durham..... United Survivors 6051 ........ Ajax-Pickenng United Way 6050 Libra ..... ................5027 ...................7031 Parents of Teens ...........6003 Scorpio ..................5028 Al -Anon, M-Ateen ..........6004 Sagittarius .. ..............5029 Alcoholics AnonymousCapricorn ......6005 • • . • • • .. • • • . • • . • .5030 Women's support group of Durham Aquarius .................5031 Pisces ...................5032 Mair League Baseball ......5033 Toronto Maple Leafs ........5034 NBA Community Care ...........6006 ..... . 6.O.S.erconhrhg Revenue Toestrriesters6028 Oshawa Oshawa Toastmasters .......6029 About CrinrmWppers 6047 .....................5035 (Smokers Ov rco Smoking) Pro Sports Update ..........5036 Oshawa/Wfwtby Update COPE (Depression) .........6008 Macintosh Users East .......6030 First Oshawa ITC Club ......6031 Crime of the Week .6048 I ......5037 Canadian Calorie Counters ...6009 Durham 649 r.'rwp commA ra.m.) 5001 Local Lacrosse........... . 5038 One Parenit Families ........6010 P.C. User's Club ....6032 Pick 3 ....................5002 Local Baseball .............5039 NHL Parents WWW Partners 6011 Super 7 ..................5003 .. ...................5041 Proline5042 Living with Cancer Support Group I ........... Lonano ...................5004 Oshawa Generals 5043 (Durham East) .............6012 Execu-Care Home 8 Office 8100 I i NFL..................... 50" Living with Cancer Support Group Care -Givers ............8101 Blue Jays .................5045 Durham West ............ ) 6013 St. Mark's United Church .....6033 Anscot Contracting .......8102 CFL..................... 5046 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Youth of Simcoe United Church .......6034 Erotica Video ...........8103 Joke o the Day ............5016 Local Hockey..............5047 Durham ......•• ........6014 ' � - Vallfte Products Ltd. .8106 Ouote of the Da Day ' . ' ' ' ' ' .. ' '5017 Durham College ............5051 Emotions Anonymous .......6015 AVE Entertainment I ! Trivia Quiz .........5018 Ajax/Prckerrng Update .......5137 AIDS comrrittee of Durham ...6016 ......8107 Effmwgency Plus "CPR" A/axlPic kering Hockey .......5138 Multiple Sclerosis Society ....6017 ...8111 Raiders AAA' Hockey .......5139 Ontario Friends of Schizophrenics Clarington Walking Program . •6036 Once Upon A Child ......8118 Ajax ckering Dolphins ......5140 (Durham Chapter ...........6018 Clarington Older Adults ......6037 Call for Less ............8003 A4-WPickering Ringelte � .....5141 Oshawa 8 District Ostomy Associa- Oshawa Seniors Club dances...6038 durhamnews ....................9999 Environrrrent Canada ........5556 ickenri Baseball...... 9 5142 tion .......... _ - - - - - - .....6019 A/ax/Pickerir►g Soccer .......5143 Caesarean Prevention .......6020 AjawPrckenng Softball ........5144 �� La Leche L ...6021 . Reach to Recovery Sweet Adelines .........6039 ...........................��........��...,_���.....��...................��.......���...�.'...............�..s� Durham Writers✓Editors ...6040 Entertainment THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRMAY, JANUARY 5, 1"6 -PAGE Jan. 5, 1996 Ajax flautist gets Behind the Mask ❑ u'. ane ane:i album I^.r everaone By AL RIVETT STAFF REPORTER AJAX — An Ajax musi- cian weaved more magic with his flute during the makinu, of his latest musical offcrin`rz. Ron Korb released his fourth solo effort entitled Behind The Mask in Dccemher. The CD. record- ed at Quest Studios in Oshawa and released on the Oasis label. took two years from conception to complc- lion. The 34 -year-old flautist notes Behind The Mask uses influences as diverse as Caribbean, Celtic and Chinese styles, employing such instruments as the di izu (Chinese buzz flute)• the ruling ( Indonesian recorder) and the crhu (Chi- nese two -string violin) which add to the rich sounds which envelop the music. "It's delinitely the best album 1've done," says Korb. who's been playing Ron Korb has introduced exotic sounds onto hisnew recording `Behind the Mask'. The Ajax resident took two years to complete the project. the wind instrument profes- sionally for the past 15 years. ..I wanted to venture out into Indonesian, Middle Eastern and Spanish music. 1 wanted to do it in a sound- track form and bring in exotic influences." Quartetto Gelato heads to Durham DURHAM -- Hailed as the hottest classical band in Canada right now, Quartetto Gelato is the next guest of the Durham Region Concert Association. Feb. 17. Their first album was released in Canada in the spring of 1994 and has met with tremendous sales success. From tangos to gypsy fiddling to operatic arias, classical masterworks, traditional melodies, a tear -your -heart -out Danny Boy and a show -stopping O Sole Mio, Quartetto Gelato pertiirms an eclectic and exciting repertoire. In addition to oboe, violin, viola and cello, each artist has mastered multiple instruments, including English horn, mandolin, accordion and classical guitar, plus an operatic tenor in the tradition of the great Italian masters. The show will be held at the Salvation Army Temple, 570 Thornton Rd. N., Oshawa at 8 p.m. Tickets are $25 for adults and $18 for stu- dents. For more information call 576-7908. Musician needed to aid County Town Singers DURHAM -- The County Town Singers are looking for an assistant accompanist for its 65 - voice mixed choir. The group performs a variety of music including popular, sacred and jazz. The assistant accompanist would assist in rehearsals and per- form selected music during performances. Anyone interested in the position should call the Barbara (director) at 683-4715 or Marianne (president) at 668-9290. The County Town Singers will also be hold- ing auditions on Wednesday, Jan. 10 and Jan. 17 at 7:15 p.m., at Cormack Station, 250 Hicko- ry St., Whitby. There is a strong need for tenors, bases, and sopranos with high upper range. For more information caul 668-5939. The inspiration for the new CD came, oddly enough, when Kurh saw television news reports of the Desert Storm war that allied nations fought against Iraq while he was living in Japan. "I thought it would he neat to write an allegory for this and set it far back in the past," he says, adding there are many layers of symbolism throughout the work. Korb used the talents of the nine -member Kappa Band, all of whom are multi -instrumentalists, on Bchind The Mask. Korb Ind his bandmatcs played ,In CITY -TV's Breakfast I'clevision last month in ,upport of the album and Aso plan to do a number of Toronto nightclub dates, including a show at the Rivoli on Queen Street West on Jan. 23. Korb's fascination with the flute knows no hounds, as he's travelled the world in search of unique sounds and instruments in the flute realm. After finishing his musical studies at York University and the Univer- sity of Toronto, Korb began a two-vear stay in Japan where he studied with scv- cral Japanese musicians on a number of different On - ental woodwind instru- ments. Since 1990 he's released three albums on the Oasis label — Tcar of the Sun, in collaboration with Donald Quan; Japanese Mysteries, a suite of 13 tracks record- ed by Korb and a number of Japanese traditional, classi- cal and jazz, musicians: and Flute 'Traveller. which fea- tured instruments from India, the South Pacific, the Orient. Europe and South and North America. Besides his album work. Korb has also served as a flute instrumentalist on such Canadian movie soundtracks as Exotica and Johnny Mnemonic. He's also been involved in soundtrack work fur televi- sion shows like The Road to Avonlca. Come out of the January Blues I Slt .all -U -Can -Eat Ribblets e w-in� $9 99�r Sun. -Wed. after xP .rn. i�ed. after p.m. (at the bar) SUNDAY 99 all you can eat BRUNCH 10 am.- 2 p.m. (..cine E:xpertenc'e KELSEY.s i HwY 401 "Kelwy's HospitaGri" N z 100 wegmy Rd. S_. �T ra lam. ` Ajax 421740) 9A _LY S - Please recycle! �4 t►PFET RES N�SE B Tq vR Roast Beef & Lobster Mussels, Chicken Shish ....Kabob, Shrimp, BBQ Ribs And Pork, Szechuan Style, And Much More. . Plus ... Fresh Seasonal Fruit, Assorted Pastries, Ice Cream, Salad Bar, And More. a* t•.ai4bile a. t•�.r• Dinner at 4:30pm 11.99 Fii4n. F==11y Dinner For 4 4 Egg Rats. BBQ Wings Diced Beef W&vgeabks . • &Almonds. Sweet & Sour Chicken. W/pinappie, Chicken Chmw Mein. Special Fried Rice. Reg. f_'W.. " P"-Uponly 21.99 R • • 124.99 IcmL.rh Pkase moor 1•n.�rpr vteo.adnrr %%WWI � fan ? INr. N,v va1W r ..nasur wl0 ry .a•v ,pnvl ,aen r uffet .0=a0a0a=aa=0 Pick up &%011iftl order ickfw OFF Deftery or • Order 10% OF ; Ret A Jrurery .v,ler .rmr S3Dm I, MW l pkae ae.mr IY.. ­P..sten .r>Lnrq. �'abd Wl lar 31AM1 Mor aid a ,rrreo pt — .vier Wm W often Spcaal Fainly D— 4) m• apps. m of .' -.,. ;: _;. .... vc. .zI .- - . , :r"A: o; ,, a. ."' -r. wfwii'i+7M .. , . PAIGE 10 -Tiles NEWS ADVERTISER F1REDAY„JANUARY S, "M Fax us your sports results at 905-683-7363 SPORTS Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. Thepuck stops here Kevin Crawford stands tall between the door rink off Glenanna Road in Pickering pipes while making the big save as he recently. and some friends play hockey on an out- photo by Ron Pietroniro Durham Aquatic Club swimmers rule pool at Scarborough meet AJAX- PICKERING — Durham Aquati.: Club sent swimmers to two big meets recently, with the athletes responding with solid per- formances. Most ol' the cluh's swim- mers competed at the Etobicoke Sprint meet. while 23 participated in a Scarborough competition. The Etohicoke meet was attended by 20 teams and more than 700 swimmers. DAC swimmer David Hinan finished first in the 50 -metre backstroke and the 50m freestyle. Mike Lockett placed seventh in the 50m back. At the Scarborough meet, DAC's Sam McLoughlin had an outstanding day, placing first in the 200m individual medley. 100m free. 50in breast, 50m free and second in the 50m but- terfly. Lockett was first in the 2(9)m I.M.. 50m back and 100m free. Eileen Hanlon finished second in the 100m free, 50m breaststroke and 50m fly. Ashley Gordon placed first in the 100m free. Kyle Hinan was second in the I(l)m free and third in the 50m breast. Mark McLoughlin placed second in the 50m breast and new swimmer Mike Casista fin- ished fifth in the 50m back. David Hinan was first in the 50m fly, second in the 50m tree and 200m I.M. Cheryl Ash placed second in the 50m breast and third in the 50m back. Sarah (earl finished first in the 2(X)Fn I.M. and third in the I 00 free. Brianne Etherington placed third in the 50m fly and Caitlin Cousins - Milford third in the 200m I.M. and third in the 50m breast. Rebecca Lockett finished first in the 100m free and third in the 50m back. Stefan Charbonneau was second in the 200m I.M. and new swimmer Craig Jacques -Carr was fifth in the 50m back. David Grose finished second in the 200m 1.M., third in the 50m back and 50m fly. Bernard Luttmer finished second in the 100m free and Iain Johnston was second in the 200m I.M. AJAX-PICKE W40 = The Durham west Lige AtOM � ; �� `atom ',C' girla' bukey trim cane Ftp jug dwt of (he tie a<dte recent Bttt* Iourtprr aC .,, In the final game, the Lightning were upset 1-0 by ryLightniniz C'baringtmt, a limn they'd defeawd 7-0 earlier in the day. g A' In the opening game, Durham West blanked Barrie irls allowMostly Hockey 6-0. in the second g met the Battelle Sharks ff fell 12-0 to the Lightning. In the thud game, the Ughltting pasted a 7-0 shutout victory over Claiing an. gone goal in ,. Tenn members are Christine Upton, Tamara Britton, Amanda Giffur>d. Kalley Cam, Jeanine HabdxdW May tourne �, Amanda Lovell, Jazmin McCurdy, Mary Modesto, Y� Nttcok Monosky, Meae=11octa, Btnu7y Sand, Jackie SL Germain and Julie Siccing. 3- t lose l ide league play, g� g Lt the Li to a i -I tit. with Camra” ; and Mand C7trippOn Wanted: Leaf Tickets Good seats are needed for Leaf games. Will pay face value. Call 579-4400 Ext. 2207 (Tor. Line 798-7672). I Major peewees come up big in winning three league games AJAX-PICKERING — The Ajax - Pickering Raiders Canada Air Tech Systems major peewee 'AAA' rep horkev team won three league games. including back-to-back contests with klarkham. while dropping just one. The Raiders edged the Markham Waxers 4-3. Brandon McMillan scored twice, including the game winner, with singles to Andre Darlow and Danny Schofield. Darlow recorded two assists, with single helpers to Matthew Pett. Shawn Cooper, Roy MacLeod. Geoffrey Stewart and Stcvc Burnett with singles. Steve Stinson wax solid in net, making manv great saves. Ajax -Pickering also won the second Fame of the two -game set with an easy 8-1 victory. Kc%in Craw (iird led the wa,, with two goals and two atssIsts, fi)l- lowcd h� M:Millan with tt�o t oals and goals. Schofield with three assists, Darlow with a goal and an assist. Stewart with a goal, Mike Cuzzolino and Cooper both with an assist. Brett Lemmon played well in net. The Air Tech peewees also defeated Barrie 6-4. McMillan scored a hat trick. including the game winner. to pace the Raiders. Stewart netted a pair of gaits, with Macl.cod adding a single. Drawing assists were Stewart. Darlow and Schofield with two apiece. Cuzzolino. McMillan and Allan Maclxaac with one each. Lemmon held the hot hand in net. The Ione Raiders' loss was to the Richmond Hill Stars by a 4-2 count. Pett and Brent Chandler scored for Ajax -Pickering, with assists to Cu/zohno. N1 icl.cod. Adam Blair and Spenccr Caml-ron. Stec Stinson made "u.:tt% II'I,: .t i 111 nil Buy one !1 AUCTION A GOERS! Cal' 583-'ZaZ - week, get, (905) Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m f '' the 2nd free. Monday to Friday -TIQ,N LINE Call us for TORONTO . 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday 683.15 LINE cr res,^.ells details or fax your ad Applies to Articles For 798-7672 (905) 579-2238 404-2615--1 Sale and Vehicles For SCLASSIFIED ale only. BIRTH NOTICES INTERNET ADDRESS: ! VSA Announce your baby's arrival /��* — / and receive a gift certificate $ +G ST ://www.durhamnews.net of quality you to pro worth of quality baby products. m Careers 1 1 Careers ' ' Careers 1 General General General Office Office Daycare Help Im Help Im Help Help , Help • , Wanted Oshawa • Whitby is Clarington This Week Pki, 51-. 61. l:1 0% Don't miss this opportunity to display your business in the highest traffic area in Durham Region, Oshawa Centre Wednesday, January 10th Thursday, January 11th Friday, January 12th Saturday, January 13th at the Oshawa Centre Price includes display booth and advertisement in a special section Sunday, January 7th, 1996 ax Insurance Company, a member company of ING Canac an exciting opportunity for a : Intefrmediate Bill 164 FIELD CLADUNG iiEPRESENTATIVE Responsible to the Pickering Region superior customer service skills, analytical thinking and the y to develop and maintain relationships, your direct persua- and abigty to manage ongoing Bill 164 file over an extended Id time , will enable you to become a valued member of our is team. ideal candidate will have a minimum of 2 years claims Handling 164 medicaWiisabi6ty experience and ongoing commitment to -development. The ability to work independently is essential. thank all applicants in advance, but only those selected for an Mew will be contacted. No telephone inquires please. rested parties should submit their resumes to- THE i 4•• IBATLY STT. U -x• RING, ONT., L2W As ATTN.- C. MACKAY P96 eel CHRISTIAN HORIZONS Front line staff required to pork hath de- relopmentally and behaviorally chal- 'Pnged individuals In group home set- ! gs Working from a Christian perspec- :r,e, education and experience are re - 1 sired. Apply in writing to: 575 Wentworth Street East, Unit 20. Oshawa Ont. L1 H 3V8 Fax: 905-723-2078 osing date January 17 1.996 -rely successful candidates will be con- '.v.ted gi-g tte•r Exie•llent renume-ration :?acka,gt• It You are• ambitious, have at east _2 ve'ars vxpe riviru a in advertising lv%, and are inte•n•.ted in wrlrkir4 with a dcnami(, treatl\e• tram, FAX %otir rt' umr it (90;) 6h3-7363. Attention: X1.. Jennings.. NEW YEAR NEW CAREER If you are HARD WORKING anti ambitious, we have a proven management training program, In the advertising field. dealing with the sport 8 entertainment Industry. Candidates must be willing to start Immediately in entry level . Call Jasmine at 728-8542 H busy call 728-8181 PART TIME EVENINGS Appointteent bookers needed. Experience pre- ferred but not necessary. Man wins Portraits Can Janet after 4.9 PM 420.5883 ACTORS/ACTRESSES / MODELS The -96- Iiklwg has begun. Toronto production is ex- ploding} Scouting new peo- ple with different looks, shapes and saes (no ex- perience needed) All ages Newborn to Senor For TV Commercials. TV Shows, Feature Films. Catalogs. The Model 8 Talent Bu- reau of Ontario will be holding auditions in your area on Saturday Jan. 61h, by aPDot only. Audition lee is $32.00 and is relundable if registrant doesn't quality. To sched- ule an audition phone 1- 519-352-4999 between 10.5 Bion. - Sal. Nam and Taint Bureau of Ontario NOT A SCHOOL OR AGENCY ALL RESTAURANT staff needed Experienced nec- essary! FuWpan time. Apply in person 158 Harwood Ave. S. Ask for Bev. BOOK REPS. - Metro. Oshawa and surrounding areas. Schools. businesses and libraries Vehicle re- quired 5350 - $700 wee k- ty No exp necessary Cali Joe or Donna 905.985- $491 or 905-721-9679 CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser requests that advertisers check Iheir ad upon plblicallm as News AdveAsetr will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion and Ihere shall be no liability for ,ton-insemon of any adver- tisement. Liability for er- rors in ads is limited to fie amount paid for the space occupying the error. All copy is subject to the ap- proval of management of News Advertiser. GAILLIND Requires Cleaners, days and evenings drivers license an asset. 683-4134 HANDYMAN .,,��•. company .. V tie mature. prefer 5 - 7 .-am experience SE", • )om to, quick advance .. tnt cal 19051 294 2356 MATURE ';TUOENTS and ^�'^a•er wanted !or :.rt !tmle telemarketing mmHg provided Call bet rem 9 a m and S p m 9-6991 HCMEWORKERS JRGENTLY NEEDED' Ic $21, hr ur°ss.- ns include product t sembly. telephone .N )rk ,and publication : tnbuhrNl EA;t1t' No trig No experience cessary FREE in- mabon. rush large SASE HOMEWORKERS 6021 Yonge St Suite 1012-P5, Toronto. On M2M 3W2 NOW DOES sxeee A WEEK SOUMD- yra. % - - - %o e■oervxru *c"Sary P&ni iq 6 Suppi" provided. paid Dffw For FREE Details Pin 8.,a ;11W, Top Toronto agency Established since1989 Looking for females e" to ;'11" Males 5'10" to b'3" for modeling and T.Y. commercials. %FwtuIts wilt nwt 416-359-9200 MOVIE PEOPLE. Toron- to's fastest growing agency seeks extras for him and TV work. al types. no exp req. Earn $7-622 Whir Work guaranteed We pace Peo- pie on movie sets every day. Cal Jonathan (416)961-2226 TAX PREPARER re- quired. Previous expen- ence, typing skills, proh- clency In PCs. competitive renumeration. Send de - laded resume to File 47256 OshawaWidby This week. PO Box 481, Oshawa, ON. L 1 H 715. THE KERRY M. located In the Clovemdge Plaza In southend Alax now hiring full/part-time waiter/war- tresses. Contact Victor 905- 428-8790. TORONTO STAR - Adults and mature students want- ed for door to door sales. You'll promote our intro- ductory discount offer to new home delivery cus- tomers Set your own hours. work evenings and / or weekends, good com- munication skills required, car an asset• top commis- sions paid weekly Please call Paul McGill. 728.4161 or 686-2292 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT wiedge of WordPerfect Windows and 'jsrWindows Is a definite requirement Must highly organized. efficient. accurate and be excellent cpmmunlcator In order to succeed 'nils fast paced sales environment irborouah location Please fax resume to: 416-285-3410 sham Region. is looking for an ACCOUNTING CANDIDATE "SSeSStny i rrinirr.,^' jrF_arS Wit; en - ,,e within a chartered accountant firm ohcant must be able to work with a min- im of supervision, Please reoty to File # 7253 Oshawa This Week. P.O. Box 481. Oshawa. Ontario. LIH 71-5 GENEAAL 4, ng, requees SR win R180 I.conce in 3 Yrs exp!^.rice Cal ri-420-96540 F 4x +05- 20-9689 IF you are swq* or a son - ;e parent or separ~ Zr :Ivorced with three years ,xork exce•,enceyou may ;uabty !or 6nanoal asses :ante of It you are over 45 and have recerrriy been aid off, you may Quality for cr"Ung assistance. DIP CERT Lotus. WordpeAect. D -ease Word. Accpac. Bedford. Autocad, Ventura. Pagemah- 4arvaro. Cor �t Com)p,-t.•r Programming and systems Analyst. Co- bol. Pascal and C Photo- shop. Quark Express and Illustrator. Durham Buts - now Computer College. 427.3010 PART TIME Experienced recept,cnrst bookkeeper lot smell office .n Ala. S8 00 hr. Call between noon - 2 p m weekcays 428-7886 PART-TIME Secretary !or ,untor 'awye, 50 wpm. non-smoker Resumes by mall only. by January 171h to 60 Randall Drive e2. Ajax. Ontano. L 1 S 611.3 Saks RTITZ/Apft PANTYHOSE sales earns U S$ Call 1-800.263-1432 ADULT •Oddie,. ntant Days. -en.ngsalternate wee, -ds SW P cke,,rg No, .'-+oke• 'eterer•-es Can 139(11191- AJAX +sc119? AJAX AREA. ie r ... I;— needed �r a 3 month old b a a year Id. 11)I an East Indian tam. r 583-,481; CARE GIVER Med ar. n"e, - ur '+time X 4 yr ole; i • 2 year ld South Aja. 'on _IVE-Our •-.jnny w.ih ex e .- . ...-�irM •ul! hmP )r yr Old -wtrs Nor- moker wilt+ own car and rtwences Please -an 68-o4A5 aper 7 00 p m _OVING MOTHER w. air- --W orne run or par! 4X12 Hct ,X110% and Smack, )v.d d 8,001 and Hwy Cail ar0ara 686-8057 1 Sales Help, 1 Sales a elpl Agent gen Canadian manufacturer of custom moulded rubber and plastic products. Is currently seeking a qualified INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE to service the aulcmchve and Industrial markets The ideal candidate will have a minimtun 3 years experience in Sales/Engmeenng In the rubber or plastic industry Custom- er driven and service oriented. you are an energetic self-starting engineer or community college technician graduate. Computer skills essential. Responsibilities include co-ordinating customer Inquiries. liaison between sales group and engineering and order expediting. This is a growth position with a Company dedicated to exceeding our customer expectations. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Resumes only should be sent to: WECanada Inc. CanaInc. Attention: Human Rlesouirces Depwilment P. O. Box 567 Whitby, Ontario LIN SV3 I- t I t Onty SALES ADVISORS, We app IC8r1s Se ected or Interviews supply leads for post sec- will be contacted. ondary education Guar- anteed return investment. Training provided. Income to Sok. FulVpart time. Car Skilled Sk•i•lled required. Heritage Scholar- Help ® • eO ship. Mr. MacDonald.416- 296,73r?INSTRUCTOR Im Skilled Class ABZ Instructor required Immediately for QIP Ajax area. Preferably with O.S.L. certificate for PDIC 8 air brakes. AUTO PAINTER wanted for busy east end shop. Fax Resume to Must have experience in RS 905-683-&W or urethanes and b .'clear Call coat. Must be energetic 905.683.= call 579-4000 ask for Dan. IHOW 1 DMW t DaUTT ycare areAvailable DENTAL RECEPTIONIST DENTAL assistant re- / Assistant., required for DAYCARE available. any maternity leave for small age welcome, non-smoking quired for Oshawa office, friendly dental office home, no pets. Rossland/ part-time+Saturdays Send please call between 2 - 3 Thickson area, bus route to resume to 302-14 Tichester 66&4001 Thornton. FM Heard 8 St. Rd. Toronto. ON MSP 1P1 Mark's schools. excellent Ann Dr. L McLean. references 905-668-3662. LOVING MOTHER OF I. First ard/CPR snacks he luncs. large play area, r fenced yard. Whntes/Bayty area receipts Michelle 037-0717 MONTESSORI daycare available in my home Lunch 8 snacks available Non-smoker, no pets Rea- sonable rate Recerpt avail. 5 Pc Brass 8 glass dint. CARPETS - lots of carpet. FIREPLACE INSERT, PIANO - ANTIQUE 1895 WEDDING gown, size 26. PUPPIES!!! Black Lab / 1964 VW Scirocco Kar - . 12 -THE NEWS ADVER7ER WWAY JAWARYS,19% Articles 1 Firewood 1 Articles �GE Articles Articles Articles TIFor ` Autotlwbl7ea ImDaycare Available For Sale 1 For Sal 1 For Sale Sale 1 For Sale 1 1 1 For Sale $100. sofa IS chair $250, lease carpels on hand- I will (large). brass window/door; grand, sound enhancement LOVING MOTHER OF I. First ard/CPR snacks he luncs. large play area, r fenced yard. Whntes/Bayty area receipts Michelle 037-0717 MONTESSORI daycare available in my home Lunch 8 snacks available Non-smoker, no pets Rea- sonable rate Recerpt avail. 5 Pc Brass 8 glass dint. CARPETS - lots of carpet. FIREPLACE INSERT, PIANO - ANTIQUE 1895 WEDDING gown, size 26. PUPPIES!!! Black Lab / 1964 VW Scirocco Kar - $310. 2 oak end tables. 100% nylon, new stain re. Heritage. wood -burning, Estey mahogany cabinet $600 Beadwork, tram, Boxer nkx, 10 weeks old. mann Edition. P/W, sunroof, $100. sofa IS chair $250, lease carpels on hand- I will (large). brass window/door; grand, sound enhancement headpiece $75. 3 red Very friendly, need a good mag wheels, amilm cas- bedroom suite $395. enter- carpet 3 rooms, $349 Price also stainless-steel chum- panel, asking $1.300 Organ bridesmaid dresses $80 home. Call 905-986-5866. sette, immaculate condition, tainment unit. $45 . small includes carpet. premium ney Inver, t yr old. package -Hammond Spinet LIDO each. Washer 8 dryer CANE CORSO Papers, 147,000 km. Asking $2900. tables $25-$65 each mi- Dad expert installation, fast new over $2500, asking series, good condition great $450/pair Call 434-1338 shots, 10 weeks old. blacks. obo. 579-4570. crowave $65. many other every. free estimates (30 $800 905.728.7975 starter organ, $350 Organ - alter 6 30p.m blacks d tans. 905-668- 1985 Acadian, automatic, items, (905)697-3532 yards) Norman 686-2314 y FREE Removal of unwant- Gulbransen console thea- 5306. good running condition, MICHELIN ASR TIRES P205•'70 CERTIFIED HOT DOC ed appliances (Fudges. bre organ, 2 octave pedal board. 2 speed Leslie, ideal WEDDING gown, size 26. TEAM OBEDIENCE next block heater, power steer - ri rims. one winter only Ask winter o y Ask CART. for sale asking Stoves. Washers. Dryers tw the serious student ora head$600 Beadwork, headpiece E75. tram, 3 red classes (Puppy.Novice) Ing, $495 as 5. Call 728 - 0410. ung $350 Also shelvm $2200 or best offer please ETC) All CFCS are recy- small church $2,100.. 4 IT start Jan. 20, 24, Feb. Ist. 9 bridesmaid dresses $80 able Brock Hwy 2 Call Ab- FIREWOOD. TOP and large quantity of low call 579-9002 clod by certified technician Pe cooler with lower insu- each Washer 8 dryer Evening and Saturday 1965 Citation. V6. au - bey 905-427-0346 QUALITY, seasoned cost natural skin care stock Call 571.0057 Mon -Fn lated refrigeration unit, must classes available, with tornatic. good running con- _ hardwood at low prices 435-8136 CHESTERFIELD b love- sell. $225 Call 725-9644 $450/pair Call 434-1338 small classes guaranteed ddron. as is, $1000 or best Free delivery. FURS for sale - full I h after 6 30p m 430.-0005. offer. Call 725-6121. IM, Employment �' serving Fick AWESOME 6 pcs bur- seat (be�geibrown tones). e^91 PIANO ANTIQUE 1895 erring Alax. Whitby. Osha unit brown velvet arm chair, Raccoon coat. size 12-14 Estey mahogany cabinet WOODSTOVE INSERT, K-9 KLUBHOUSE- -AII 1985 OLDS CUTLASS, Wanted wa. call 427-8250 or 427- 9 rosewood Bather and grange 5375 for all oto Two ele- Lynx jacket size 12.14 and. sound enhancement Your K-9 Needs Under One en ne and bod • in mint aril price$ tables. onimust Mink stole Must sell Elmira EPA. never used. in- 9' Y 1'� nal price $7200 A must gent arm chairs (/-bone, t- Panel, asking SL300 Organ eludes chimney Inver, capwoof now offering Obe- condition, dual exhaust, see. Call (905) 655-5793 gold), must see. $200 each Please call 434-8464 -Hammond Spinet L100 dience Classes for all certified. asking $2,395 or to y. old female Honours cost $873. ,ask ng $1500 9 Graduate SEASONED HARD Framed bevelled mirror series. good co^tif°^ great 427-3873. or 416-208- ayes. Saturday, weekday best ober 686 5474 (outgoing and WOOD FIREW000- cut FIVE PC. BROWN Seo (23X34) $75, Stiffel table HIGH cable bills" Poor starter organ. $350 Organ - 4246 and evening gasses' Dog 1965 PONTIAC 6000. 4 - very people -oriented) and split Made. oak. tronal toot stools 8 coffee l pwture quality? GO DI Gulbransen console, thea- ie Da care flexible door, 4 &L diesel engine, amp $100 Call 905-62& g y seeking lull time employ- beech Same day free de table included $75.West 2337 RECTI D S 5 18' Digital bre organ, 2 octave pedal YAMAHA exquisite rand hours. Grooming. Do�ir new meet, available immediate- livery Alax/Pickenng/Whd- in9ho se .eye -level oven. Satellite Systems 150 board. 2 speed Leslie. ideal 9 Yourself or We Do Car for DAint mechanically ly Expenenced in retail ( all stove unit $75 Call Dan„ econy Gt series sound As is $1500 o.b o by 683-0709 COMPUTERS NEW channels. CD quality Pro for the serious student or more information at 905 aspects 4 yrs ). typing. (905)655-8592 586'r r S Si 550. Pentium Beautiful, rich lone Im- Call 576-7884 Lure and sound Rent to small church $2.100, 4 ft 683-7852 restaurant. child care and SKIDS 8 Pallets for bre- HALL console 8 mirror 75's 51.750 Pentium 120's °w^ by phone from only Pie cooler with lower ensu- maculate quality. Asking 1966 HORIZON, good Palliative care References woad hardwood b soft- S10C 427-1915 $40'month Call 571-1413 lated refrigeration unit. must $8000 Cal 905-427-1479 condition t owner. $750 52099 Lots of new and Automobiles Reply File •7We Oshawa wood mixed . pre cut or bio- BUNKBED set with desk. used Printers from 9 pin nm sell, $225 Call 725 9644 1 1 for Sale certfied or best offer. Cast Whitby This Week P O fain. delivery avanalbel. FURNITURE living room PIANO -GRANDFATHER 1 Articles 576-6051 bize mat 6 drawers Queen Pegs to commercial gazers Wanted 1966 NISSAN 300 ZX. Box a8t Oshawa. Grit LtH large 8 small loads limbed size mattress. 5275 Queen Color ink lets 5375 a x g set 3 pcs Italian $1450 CLOCKS Durham's lar 71_5 time offer call (905)430- size waterbed frame mm 2X CD nom kits with 16 W Matching 9 piece dining gest selection -New and 1969 CAMARO SS, 350, 5 speed total electronic 9013 room set including china used pianos Not sure? Bored 30 over, flex Ian, system excellent working caps. black c•ushed velvet. sound ares from 5150 A-1 , We pay S$ CASH Y 9 Rip $100 571 "a5 Spon d86 OX s �"� 6 chairs and got- Rent to own, apt size. headers. 3.500 Stahl torque condition. $4700 certified Firewood CO""nnq n $$- for TV's. VCR's sten Flea CAR STEREO 3 amplih- term from $595 corn"e lute sbrandg now. MUST boards Boss isdi�yl. key to list. incluToo ding extras 582 Anytime extras Or best r 905-728 1 Used Mullirnedia systems gust gold jewellery. tools. Market ens r, spea.ers Toshiba. Y $EE' 52450 Call 619- month of January" All m- guitars. CD's anything parts $13.000 him Call °etachad e face plate deck. (486) under $4.000 Gar- 2059 ventory reduced' Telep you have. buy back option. (905) 655-8639 1987 4 door Sprint. auto. A GREAT DEAL -lop 1Ae new valued of $1600Piano Works. 433-1491 krigton Computer. 164 121 Brock St S. 430-3680 rear wiper, stereo excellent quality seasoned hardwood uAi Eivr CHAIRS 2 asking $950 Call 723- Baseline Road Bowman 1969 Camaro SS 350. rtorndition, no rustcertified at low prices FREE DELIV- beigea5 new 5750 earn. 4521 vile (Just east of the Flying KENWOOD TOWER OF WHEELCHAIR Quickie ANTIQUES Absolutely. bored 30 over. flex fan, $2200 o.bo Call Craig ERY Serving Pickering, Pad 51300, call 839-4245 Dutchman How) Easy ti- P(.)WER 20C watt remote RX model Brand neer, nev- Purchasing furniture o an- headers 35W stahl torque 697-1868 WhitbyCARPET A-1 Prices stereo package Dual cos- or used asking $1450 old •^tNK mall- convener Too marry extras Call'. DURHAM and Oshawa e heY narrating available seta. 5 disc CO er, mems. curia. silver. adver- 1967 PLY -HORIZON Cab DURHAM FIREWOOD ArtiCIeS d�'ec• whoesale. Free m_ Play Make an ober 905-579- ro list, including extra parts tower speakers Rent to 4992 tisng. lots decoys. ddK. $13.000 Imm Call 905-655- EXPO. auto. 4 of newer t27j7d1 1 for Sale 830 San for free 755. or rocit-DINETTE set kiicn ch set. own by phone for only m4k bottles, collections or 86639 for into tires brake. exhaust, rad. -all Sal 190514322750. w rocke• recliner chairs. SNOWBLOWER 1994 estates Call Robert Bowen ergine serviced- bell -valve. •ROOKLIN FIREWOOD. :ager(416)980-9697 tableioveseat and chair, 5750rweeik Call 571.1413 40• 2 Stage Craftsman II Antiques 1977 TRANS AM excel- v reliable certified 9 Wes (905) 655-8049, very Es!ab� b,�� 25 yeas 1 Pyr of KYS Gas strn/s. sectional. coffee ratio. ap- OFFICE desk. 5100. 4 garden tractor', model Brookirn lent condition. 78.0ookm. $1500 434-7014 Brush cords. face cords natal 5160 will Sep for 580 Carpet Broker 100x,• Pl,ances. dresser, other C944610 21 Matt condition 6 6 -litre. automatic. easily and .cod1. ling of quality sea- fit, 19883 Datsun 200SX Nyior thick vt ..in stair, ns, Nems 6ce 97-0302 Dressers S45:eag 20 for only $1.200 or best offer UNWANTED Scrap rtwtal rtrhabl$2 e, .400 firm Call 1966 GRAND PRIX I.E. sones firewood Fast s starn carpet For 3 rooms. color TV. S50 Antpues (905) 985 2333 picked up fndges, stoves. 905-725-6704 0 725- full' loaded. mint condition. Cap Abe at 683-5117 or bed. $145. 4 occasional washers. d cars. brand new brakes all ar- frendly sernnce and tree 427 1637 eve only $369 00 Price nn- DOONGROOM SUITE ctna,, (1900,) dresw SUPERSERIES WOOD trucks. etc Call (905)430- 6506 ound. including calipers delivery Please phone or dudes 30 Sq yds carpet. sol.n, P.r,e 5 nlMov table STOVE. Panic Ener 9013 1960 5 Litre Must Wave deluxe pad and instaleow 6 Dow bad chairs. brand $100. oak rocker. $195 gy Mustang. Brand new Kenwood 10 message (9051 655 STEREOS. E Dl kdinien Call 905-697.3532 Red Spectrum mrodd High auto 40.000 l m on new Disc cth•ng•r and deck. 2 5490 or 655-8797 in Your home Free quota- now. asking 5800 430- speakers in box. and Se' � .: s,wd oak dining efficiency. clean Al show- engine Needs some wok 10 - set 723-0640 tion n your home No in 1424 room use Must see ' Arts 3 Ask $1000 as ns or best FIREWOOD Wily NE FURNITURE- only • 1 ^9 amp $7.500 o D.o a34- ouakty sea- gest. no Dayrrer+i for one $850 o B O bleier (905) Crafts offer Call 905- n3-,2474 1738 sores 'c- ^a7wood cut. 3 JUKEBOXES. au •x 'tap year, Daniel. 1-600 ESTATE SALE of wood- Wry �y '•"aI D dam' Ore 8 61777 split and oe•verw starting cellenr nr,,r��., 1968 217-0104 working 1 Rower tools Skil d Ontario's Oldest and lar- IOW 5 Litre Mustang. 19.9 G M CELEBRITY at $185 per bush cord Rockola. $1299. 1965 NSM BdD. Dexo Sanders, saws g•st rhanufflurars is now USED ROWING MA. CERAMIC WAREHOUSE auto . 40,000 km on new wagon. 135.000 km . pis. While supplies Last Cap pin location making money CARPET PALL DIRECT drillsassorted hard tools sling direct to the public CHINE Regwros 81'x20• Shop where the crafters engine Needs some work pb. air, root racks. amitm (7051 944-880' 7 p m - 11 $975. 579-4538 /0<7. nyior •n.ck p;.:sh Etc Aper 3 00 pm 905.404- Eg oak pedestal table and NOW area Heavy black shop' Sutter collection of Asking $1000 as is or best stereo. excellent condMon, Pm slain resistant carpet for 3 9624 4 chairs $849: 7 IT double MW franc 26' -wheel, ham- new Pieces. A8 in bisque other Call 905 723-2474 certified. $4500 obo. 668- 3 WHEEL scooter now rooms. oily, $349 Price n- Pedestal and 6 chars a• chain- sliding form -M- Ready for you to decorate 19112 THUNDERBIRD, 7366 14 ted wood S". 5 -speed re• Musical and full loaded, new exhaust, 'eves used. Tmrdls did'^9. 30 square yards. NEW HARD TOP 8' bag $ �� cam^^o^bap Dads �� �' y 1969 HONDA Accord EX, >'200 Ca' 725-6834 carpet pad.Iabour. Free a -g g•_, reg,kar $300 fom 5399 Over 20 stain ststance adjustable levels ready to go Check us Ona ns" starter. 90.000 5 spd. loaded. only 72.000 SELL IT NOWestimate. Amid 1-600- (905)655-0592 choices. all solid. $500 5500 o D o Cap Paul Avis Every Saturday 10.3. 1333 miles Clean mtw. w• must km $84% certified No 683.7733. Evening 420- Boundary Rd Und 3. Osma 663{6046 1 yrno payment. veneers Traditional Wood- 9275. Into pavns*Klo- ulna 725-6709 De Seen Asking 5700 GST 404 1235 CALL 683-0707 no orwonw.. For t illi war waking 905-905-8774 ac com (905) 683-0227 o Ell il I i - , D I R E C T O R Y1 En Eli 9 Fax News Advertiser 707 6I" 7363 1 1 OT1 : 11 IMp7otf6I1 1 Panting a 1 Painting a : Moving tit D•P•s. Part,► 0 Bus«less Decorating Decorating Storage • 1 upllastery • s•vices em services _.- a _n .mann wx i wunw unstained. J.S. At N THONG ALL Pro Painting and inprovernents. rec rooms.in moved. relocated. Excellent DEV. MIC. Specializing welpapenng, mteriorexte. law apartments, additions. rates Free estimates. Elec- in custom homes. additions, nor, stucco narking, general fences. decks. etc Lt- trostatic air cleaners. hu- renovations, rec rooms and res, lop quality work. posed for over 20 years. F mnddners Big. Small lobs. basement apartments. Res- reasonable rates. 20x. IM work guaranteed. for Call Paul 426-0295. 'der" and commercial seniors discount. 404 - Frost estimate call Emre EUROPEAN hiespecial Rogow kir 9669. 905-404-8170ree ist, will renovate your Doth- over Sa'rtte�h consuits- room w kitchen walls as tion. Call Jeff 906-52lF cROWN MOULDINGS web as Noor Yes. Good rel- s7ac chair rails. waIIP1Pa. and 420 -Ml erences and satisfaction SWAN Construction Ltd., painting. Pant and wastpa- guaranteed For free ase- Duman f WAbOW C$"TWNS+ MAGICIAN, 60" friends. 4TH LEVEL C.G.A. book - Custom window toppers. ready to entertain for any kes"accounpng hanc- comice boards. duvet cov- age. any occasion. Birth- eons up -to Vs: government ars, cushions. sMnellimg. days. promotions. open- rwTWA IOM, WM. budgets. and accessories at reason- ice. fund raisers. Magic cash Now ve , ale. Marl or able plow. Merge Kerrie- slaws are fool Leauce comP$Aerized. Call 905- dy' (905)428-9278 help. 839-7057 or 728- W -7319 - rate or hourly. We now am. 1s��Hou1,s.,e.. • ir•ww.i.. INCarpeting RASs work doing naves. res'- '- y magic c for For cc hildren's p•rees Now offering tree bows s h9 Regiwh or per coordinatidg. 22 years MArAY-0•TNE• and all ooeassions. Niue motes Call D. Dykstra 725- 19 yrs. Additions. sundediS. exp. Steve Syme CA60 ET kstolabons - 25 4913 oonih6PAnoc- 5422 : MOvil id ��� Move bio or years expo www. n- my owCaa Er- SloraillB small. we pioe tfhern am sheodwl% our M-Wi Nf ria 669-4932. - - rtabs 905 576 5760 Free •swnates, serhiors DRYWALL and painting, discount, snort rholict Fre• esWnsass. D i N boardng,tapiniff oaixirg, moves. Pianos moved, also Duncan. 987-1799 or 987- • • renovations and repairs. 1 IMnlb�+g AJAX Moving Syso- - fust C.W.M. 1800 • Small jobs 15 wars ex- services. moves, appliance rants. Cast 432-2850. perience. Free estimates, and piano specialists. Flat • Saving Durham and out of rate or hourly. We now M with N with large truck call ho 1s��Hou1,s.,e.. • ir•ww.i.. AAA -L town area. Ken 434.4500. have heeled storage ixtas. naves. res'- '- y PLUMBER available. All Now offering tree bows do commove 1. • Your plumbing needs. with move. Park and filed types of naves. Cast Carl or HONEST, reliable. hard - al work guaranteed. Complete renovations JW PAPITiN G special, starting at $99. and Jane 427-28%. won" experienced Pet- G•i9. 656-1913 Guaranteed lowest prices! Interior / up. Call for iribrnation. WCHALSKI MOVING - sin will do deaxting by tfw C i R Maintenance Budd- No job too small!!( 905) ing repairs and renovalions HANDYMAN with truck 432-2913. Exterior 725-0005 or 427-0005. houses. apartments, orales, day. Rales $45-570. Phew rllectrical, plumb ce_ and tools for home and Paper 11anlJNg, appliances and piano spe. anytime. 576-9865 leave �' commercial renovations, ALVII SAMEDAY eialists. Senior and mid message. .ramie tiles. carpentry. From Serving Dur- News ASYNfiw month discounts. Licensed. repairs, demolNion, dispo- PLUMBING licensed small repairs to nhayor ren- Plumber. no job too small. ham Regan CLUBMd insured. free estimates. • $now sats. carpentry, roofing. Excellent service. Cast 436 1 free estimates. Fusty guaranteed odd jolts, cleanup. Dan no job too Dig. tree guar since 19$3 • Removal tine estates. (9(905)6Wmates, great Paces. guar- Wo rMMa. M Fri. 7795. 3 683.7009' anteed lowest 905- 725- Free Estimates so aa. -11M 2507 663-6= N' ♦ N • sEFIIE Oirs too few... root FAX O• ADS Sof.1.71- 0 snow removal. South fake Call is7-s7a1Thompson 1 • Simcoe. T. • • (905)722.4531. t� ..,' ) , TIS NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY S, i"6-PAGF.13 11 A"' 1 nuc For For Sale sale 11 " 11 AWEMA 1 For I,t 1 ForoR 1 Fors 1989 Nissan Micro, 148k, 1967 5-15, 2.5-L. 5- lady driven, auto, am/fm speed, new paint, tires, ex - cassette, 3 door, nuts good! haust. brakes, ball joints, mechanically sound $2700 starter, excellent condition, certified, negotiable. Call $3650 certified. Call 905- (905) 697-3337 message. 579.9219 1990 Isuzu Impulse, blue. $850 Inclusive Available auto, pw, pl, a/c, loaded. 1969 Ford 1/2 -Ion. F-150, only 66,000 km. Lady dn- 5 -speed standard w/over- ven, asking $8100 cent- dine, very good condition, tied 430-1424 300 cubic' engine. p.s . tint 1990 TRACKER CL, red, windows, custom sun visor, arri stereo(cassette, soft- running boards, many ex - top. new hard -top, Stan- tras, 56900 o b o. dard, 110k, excellent con- (905)404-9283 dition, must sell. $6500 o.b o 905-432-3119 vow Will 1991 STYLUS ISUZU. 4 YYheel Drive Red. low kms. well main. once 2632446Ist taned. 5 speed $5499 cert. bedroom semiPICKERING, Looks a drives like new. 1990- 150 DODGE RAM Must Sell 905-831-8729 or VAN. 318 EFI. H D Susp. 905-287-3644 evenings. $4995 cert or best offer main floor. parking. 579-9619 1993 Buick Regal, silver. 4 bachelor Private entrance door. p w. p d., ps . p.b . air 1995 G.M. Astrovan, loaded mintrid t RENT TO OWN - Three 4 BEDROOM SEMI. OSHAWA- brand new bedroom family home In Oshawa for as low as $863. including taxes Olive and Ritson area Nice treed yard Close to schools, shopping and churches Call Peter at 432-2000 Durham Quality Realty RITSON-Eulahe - small apt 2 bed. 2 appliances, upper floor private en - NEWLY -RENOVATED 1 trance. $460 plus util., firsV bedroom basement apart- last no pets 436-0395 ment. separate entrance. 4 ROUGEMONT7HWY 2. appliances. outside park- 3 -bedroom w)o basement ng, dH close to schools. wy2 apartment 1 5 baths. park - 401, includes utilities. ca- Trig non-smoker, no pets. ble Big family room, nice $850 Inclusive Available kitchen, full -bath, will install March Ist Call 905-509- new carpeting (your choice 9849 of colour), 5650 686-7824 St in triplex .main moor 2 NORTH OSHAWA two NORTH SIMCOE at close to Oshawa Centre 1 bright a spacious bachelor AJAX Oxford Towers ONE BEDROOM base- 112 baths. fenced yard, apt.• laundry fac., a/c. $500/ r $21,500 or take apartmhents, quiet building• close to shopping• ULL plus hydro 576 2982 move In condition, includes month Includes utilities 401. GO. Pool, sauna. 2 entrance. private parking, SOUTH OSHAWA Banff 1993 PARK AVENUE. fridge 3 stove. $875 month Close to bus and shoppingplus central a/c. cal all cable. aIncu- St in triplex .main moor 2 mint. fully loaded. S18 500 also. Kenwood, quality 1 Trailers 1,37. b Feb. - 2 bedrooms 583-8421 3 -bedrooms 683 utilities call collect 1- Avail Immediately 725-905- stereo system for car. 11 No 8571 (until 7 Sop m.) or smoking working person Close to bus. shopping 342-2254 8829AJAX3 6835322 preferred Available Feb Also one bed basement once 2632446Ist 1988 Edge Gar Trailer 16 bedroom semiPICKERING, man floor of apt In triplex Fridge. stove. Cavalier 4 door, red. h x 70' Bed. electronic 1 bedroom basement OSHAWA 2 bedroom main floor. parking. house 3 bedroom, near brakes built t Irt bachelor Private entrance phances, fenced yarrd,d, Go. 5950 inclusive. Cal /-"6-DROOM basement � available Immediently James (905)509-1805 PICKERING VILLAGE WEDNESDAY - 7:30 BIBLE STUDY 5800 /mo. plus 1/2 utilities apartment. available now, 7Mit1: 1st/last. references (905) SOUTH OSHAWA. 3- THE BIBLE IS GOD'S WORD - 1 • 584-1581 bedroom upper in duplex 4 roots. walkout basement apartment. single working room, in triplex, wry quiet. central Whitby, laundry, appliances. laundry, paved JESUS IS LORD. AJAX. 2 plus one bedroom drive. fenced yard. close to AUCTION SALE house. includes utilities. 4 ail amenibes. available Im- apphances, parking, yard. mediately. S775+hydro PRIVATE ESTATE amenities Flexible posses- 725-0656 SAT.. JAN. 6 slon 5925 monthly (905) 6 P.M. 839--0941 DESIRABLE 3 -bedroom Muse. N.•W Oshawa. family bedroom Russet, newly •etrofitted 2 room, fireplace. OakCurvedapartment avail- DetlrCom In a 12 Alex laun- able immediately $600 per dry facilities. parking cableo mnth tall 432-1255 conditioning. V6, excellent condition, 106,00Ok's, co h ion. loch doors, 2 -tone. 8 pas_Spacious AJAX Oxford Towers ONE BEDROOM base- Inc. IsVlasl no lease Av Feb Ist. March 1st 5686 513 500 certified. 509- r $21,500 or take apartmhents, quiet building• close to shopping• mens apartment Separate plus hydro 576 2982 9914 over existing lease. Call 905-665-1029, 401. GO. Pool, sauna. 2 entrance. private parking, SOUTH OSHAWA Banff 1993 PARK AVENUE. $665 per mo all nclusiw. Ist / last (905) 669-4009 and 3 bedrooms available central a/c. cal all cable. aIncu- St in triplex .main moor 2 mint. fully loaded. S18 500 also. Kenwood, quality 1 Trailers 1,37. b Feb. - 2 bedrooms 583-8421 3 -bedrooms 683 sive. $500 monthly First and last required Non bed Fndge. stove, parking. can laundry on premises stereo system for car. 11 s 8571 (until 7 Sop m.) or smoking working person Close to bus. shopping pcs 52.000 value. 1/2 a working ,rant. Suite workin s"' g �' 6835322 preferred Available Feb Also one bed basement once 2632446Ist 1988 Edge Gar Trailer 16 FURNISHED - Alex new 725-5527 apt In triplex Fridge. stove. Cavalier 4 door, red. h x 70' Bed. electronic 1 bedroom basement OSHAWA 2 bedroom $550/mo No pets Call auto auto air ABS P/L PR brakes built t Irt bachelor Private entrance $690. r 3 Alex Includes 723-0619 leave message >Iaircase, much more Available Feb 1 st $995. utilities Can 579-0282 NEW 3 bedroom house available now or Feb Ist Call eat in kitchen 1 112 baths. deck garage. 51.185 per mo ( 4 1 b ) pus utilities Phone 721- 8213 444-739 1 NORTH CRT. . New THREE --- ' "" name 'cr •ent 3 bedrooms. casae 5900 Pius ublithes finished rec let tub. island Ava labie Feb Ist, Ist last kitchen, fenced yard. 985-1069 o in single hydro, appliances. 5,060 month + utilities heat, h rear defogger, AM/FM cas- car garage. asking $1500 laundry, utilities. cable in- y SOUTH Oshawa. 2 -bed. Gall Norma Locking (905) THREE BEDROOM :n port Bette $10.500 080 1-705- Call 432-1304 9 to 6 week luded Kitchenette/m- Parke Laundry available room aparment in upper436-0990 Sutter Group peer avialabie FReb Ist 887.5729 days aowave, near 401. Go. on site Convenient to 4o1 noon Of semi. appliances 8 • Status Rey Inc $1.050 Plus ubi es 1sOast and city bus routes. 433- �' 1994 Toyota Tercel, 4 d, LIFETIME ca mpn ,,,eT- Public transit $575 0677 laundry facilities. 2 car 985-1069 9 (905)427-0283. atter 6 00 parking. private entrance. NORTH EAST OSHA - auto red with black Interior. bership vamp from coast OSHAWA 2 bedroom 5675 all inclusive. avail- • h n r • WA 3 D1dr�,om burga WHY REM No money 29.000 km. Peter 434 7564. 10 Coast U S /Canada 54 00 AJAX An-- main floor ww W wr r apartmer;; 289 Cordova able February 1, mature -an floor, attached jw- your own Per rS4 Pad 53.695 Must 1 -bedroom, fireplace. park- a ;:,r.,-;.- 4 home. like new. tndge. DOD PLYMOUTH sell 5495 U S. dollars 1. '^9• yard. 2 appharoes, tit/ Rd with balconylean and 11 working 579-1 or couple d Curet street, stove. $750 incl . all but DODGE ACCLAIM 4 e 4 Fairbanks Clean uMmes No pets 579 1869 • 1 • ' included Quiet street. 800 236-0327 last. references ll 90d ose to schools r phone 3 bedroom ask-, Cyl. ed with grey intend. 5640.uhfitiss Call 905. Included Parking- laundry SOUTH OSHAWA 275 c i • :,bon and $875 $61 900 Call Ker Co,' loaded 20.000 km. lady 686-3703 facilities Feb 1 728-6420 Wentworth St W a,ge ' 2. • ^Clusrve IsNassh t shopping Goidwea Banks' '28 3414 driven, excellent car. owmobiles or 725-9278 3 -bedrooms. close to bus- �i�r res r*wrhedarety 1.800 700- 574.490 Cee 905-986- a AVAILABLE IMME- OSHAWA 2 3 3 bedroom es. shopping. available wn- 1527 DIATELY, in Whitby Apt J413 days Eve 17tY 557- Housing apartments. avanatlle at mediately. SS50. 5660, 2752 / 19% Taurus $1900 84 milling. spacious. Carpet We and 900 Glen St Close 5699. fridge stove. neat. r Wanted 1978 ARCTIC CAT E "'- OLDER •Mee bedroom Mustang 551X) F Chis- ed. newly painted. with bad- to schools. shopping and hydro. parking 1st re- fire SOOC snowmoblle !estmont. 7 BEDROOM - - Te house with fn vette Darts. T8 le Must condition. $950 Can cony. close to bus wo shop- G M Utilities included quhred, last negotiable. no oil neat sign stow. lir ren[ 5750 and 91"r 9. required Cyt 728- pets 434-5183/576-5142 qu�e' n tor- pus NEEDED M/MEDIATE- $S00 . All certifiable Must Doh all wkthss vhckrrtd. FvsVlast John 905-666-5627 moor near school. church- h,bhboS Available mme- LY Three bedr.,;r ",,se W sold Best ober 905 - first 1 last required. rid pets. 4993 between 9 6 ea and g ON" and �Y 905 668-6611 or !ow"holse Good area 5732866. 1981 Moto ski Mirage Il, 1 bedroom 5625. 2 bed- OSHAWA newly removal. SOUTH Oshawa. Banff St Ritson area 5850 pus uek- d Whitby preferred close electric start. warm grips. room, $725 call 43D-0134 OSHAWA / COURTICE 94 Pred, air. morn RD, ed two oedroom, $695 mo Clear 2 bed oasernem n ties Call Peter at 723- Towriire 2 6 a separate send Can serviced. $,295 olio. DedrOOrr, _Dolt 666-8000 between 9 am auto red. air. krrm cos- parking mea: and Hydro. duplex Fridge. stow. ting,aun. 7712 IevM of house. garage eat and 5 p m or after 7 Cap t seas. 19.000 tins rear 1972 SkI Doo Nordic BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom parking and Laundry avail- dry o+ premises. pafimq. apai•`. power oc , "Occ serviced $6.50 obo man •loo, and 2 btdroonh able No pets. non $S�Orrio .neat and hhyaro 3 -BEDROOM b w. n klttnen. hawxe• area 58 5 19051 623-7452 ekes, steering. candied. �Snowrroble Trailth 96 peD•rrrwt basement apf for rent. Avail smokers Call (9051831- No Pets First and last Can Indge. slave full garage 6683ve avail Feb 1 427- 11 900 432-2821 along Feb ,st Cas 725-3248 803C 434-6089 or 723-0619. Ong sled type. metal con- immediate txnstsson Can Townhouses SH YOU were Illy stnre7ion. 5250 Call Ben BOWMAMrILLE. one OSHAWA one bedroom Leave messaw for more Intomwig m. Stew OSHAWA 2 oedroorn how- EAR For Rent htNring in the sun? So (905)571-2376 bedroorn apt available i m- basement apartment. TWO bedroom apt . walk- 905-576-6999 oorfl1u01 i very arge4 1b we so much that www dean, all & winelheS ndu6 Ing distance to GM. new qR the prices to One Dorn 5537/ o Quiet aree ed (5) Available Feb Ist budding. 5650 pus hydro 3 -BEDROOM ^.once pus. new appliances large yard. PORTER WOODS Recrgtional 5537/mo Fridge, slow. parking for 2 vehicles wentwor,,mCedar, Oshawa AN out b dean ark Otte e t tstrlast $S 75 mo 434-{623 Ahra4able immedafey Call close !o ate amemmes (401) AN our cars are rwbfred VMicks hydro. parking No 666-5674 or 576.3240 5apw"$. $1200. uta.- $675 + ubkaes Phone - 3 bedroom townhouse (2 and warranties and krtenc- dogs 623-7966 OSHAWA 2 bedroom ap p 905-571-2757 wwfs available) in small dean and qquillbuilding WHor WHITBY 2 bedrom ties. February 1. for more ng are avarabte. 1985 23' MOTORHOME. 1980 CIV1CM.C. area Clean 1 Available Feb Ist downstairs apartment. information 666.5160. OSHAWA 'vice a yr old 3 featly eomhpl.x safe for Monte Carlo 115 kms. bedroom basement. lain- bed...on, s... -u pus Ch'�en Incudes base- rep00 for handicapper. nototwig Included. $665/ 1000 SO h., deet to amerw- 5895 merit. Sep hot water tank 52.895. 1986 Excel a ar 58.000 roles. good coed- drY• parking. table Avail- month 579-9600 or 725- ties. 4 -pc bath. fndge. stow. ubkties can 905-895-4352 dos• to sdhoois 126 kms 51.795. 1986 tan. 52700 Car dotty, able immediately $450 / 9655 ewe parkinStore".alar 6 Pin 705.8769244 shoppnq Sunbrd 53 kms 52.995. 1990. like new $1o9&oter nckrsve. Can 434-0644 cattle g' V450-1/3 phone. $950/mo Mat and hydro 19M S10 pickup 90 kms. (905)655-0592 CLEAN family building. W, 905 430.2461 included 435 •386 53.995. 1986 Caddy 2 d , CLEAN one bed bast- Oshawa north. one. two d 156 kms. 53.895 , 1917 ment ap pnvale entrance. three bedroom Includes WHITBY - orhgiht one bib Chove$2.395 1 dr. 127 kms A AparhrRent S5 table r sing-lities in working Haat, hydro. fridge, astove.vailable room walkout basement Co �� 62.395 1917 Cagier RS, 1 1 For Rent Hatable for single eating Laundry raakt..s svadaEle aDartrihent ufibllea x,clur- &7, . 130 kms. &2.995. 1967 person No pmt Available Available Jan list Starting ed Close ro 401 and all Daylong 147 kms 53.195. Tinned * 726-13644 at S550. 5650. $750 723 amenities. asking � 1987 Astro 7 pass. $5.995 1 a 2 bedroom apartments 2094 available Feb Ist 723- 1968 SarNra XE 150 kms, for rent, two locations, 250 Completely renovated 3- 2547 . 143 kin , 1908 5,5 Regal ltd.. Malaga n r 446 Mason barroom .n duplex. fuer, newerOOSHAWA. close ro 3. WHITBY CENTRAL leWorship 143 kms. 55,596, 1989 ee- ry newer bwd,nq, t, 2. 3- bedroom. .r vlctonan style refta GT 126 kms. S5,995, St Starting from 5550 Qtr cerptled, washer, dryer, reit T SW 140 kms. "'d`� AN ntdusive Please Private entrance. backyard. bedroom apartrtents. 905- building, AN WNltres nckud- $4.895 . 1989 Astro 7 Cad 905-576-6724, now downtown Oshawa. all 438-0229 ad, $700/mom h 905-66e- mclusive. firstAast 430- 2326 No calls after 9pm Dass . $7.945. ,989 510 1 and 2 bedroom, d . no 6336 OSHAWA: 2 Jdro - ap TO Aavei yQjZi• ='`7iCe dater a x 4 127 kms, Street ? bedroom WHITBY. 2 bedroom at 309 Cordova Rd , no apanment waik:n lima. ,990 Sunbird 107 Ment. available Feb W /96. g dis- J Ce kms. 55.295. 1990 T please phone 579 DOWNTOWN WIITBY C_aHs>Liii e`"P 2387 Very an log one bed- ��/"'o prkg and util tante to Go station, lots of MYLES KING AUCTION HALL 33 Hall St.. Oshawa Modern and antique h;rniture All consign- rrvnts welcome. Chesterfield suite ­ -v). 2 lazy boy ':ha rs. coffee and end 'ar,les. dinette suite. est of drawers. •1re;Sers. colour tele- :!s:on. desk stacking dry, -r (like new) . 54' box spring and mat- e,S !like new) ml - :r• wave oven, vanity. c, lamps. buffet. r.r;mputer, rocking cries, antique centre •aoies. large quantity -.t peddirl9. dh5hes.s6- n^, china. jewellery, %• G. etc Sales every Ii Tues. Thurs. SA, 60th. MYLES KING AUCTIONEER 725-5751 AJAX Available 3 3 4 bedroom town - homes 8 2 bed- room. two Storey aGartment. Contact (905) 683-9269 est a dr. 149 kms $5,895. 1990 KS Blazer 4 x 4. 118 Park. vwy deem and glu�f brand Into building. 571- 0887. 9.5 p.m. loom available anythme, re- incr. Laundry fxdrlieS available Call (905) 432- perking. appliances uhtlid-.-.,03-� ed 5815 Per mea. Can U 839-1383 kms. S12.695 (+ 25 more c 1 BEDROOM apartments, donor hardwood Hoang. 9914 (905)430-8608 or(905)433- x.'.. / / �A" ='$ :- Wednesda7:30 Zr pm. choose fresh Caroti Auto Centre, CO~ furnished a unfurnished Available or.tedately $665 per mo all nclusiw. Ist / last (905) 669-4009 PICKERING 1 leer bsrt,t apt. 2 app. laundry 7637 MRMTBK Brock a Ross- ST ANDREW' S � HLJRCEI OF CHRIST "" SL W. sold Mia starting $450/month.Hy- raised bungalow. $765. shared Now �, rid. s CEDAR ST., �Ax cowl Or., Oshawa S7! 'Wbue rro. first rrh ,n d. FOR RENT. brand new a working ,rant. Suite workin s"' g �' 2 OornLegalized.$ 2 lxadoom berm apt.. eat in P R ES BYTE R1AN 1 stn«t north of 101 -vest of Harwood ow, C44s- ton toilers sew Maze re t r est monies rent repo"'°. Call Stephen 571-3229. °rue bedroom ro basement apt vvnnes road aril 40, Sdn. NO -pets. 5550 rutiMies kitchen, a appliances Supervised SUNDAY - BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 triewds.• apartment. Iocalsd n whit- by 9ve heat avail" in. Your Services in 905-420-9171 $675/month 905-666- 35 CHURCH ST. N. WORSHIP - 11:00 A -M. di 7:00 P.M- Clean. Non-smoker, no - /-"6-DROOM basement available Jan ,5th Please call9os_e39,.GM i�vret 13D6 PICKERING VILLAGE WEDNESDAY - 7:30 BIBLE STUDY A4010n10bib6 apartment. available now, PICKERING - One bed- WHITBY, large 3 bed - seniors. THE BIBLE IS GOD'S WORD - 1 • separate entrance, tndge. stove. laundry. parlog. GATEWAY COMMUNITY HOMES has 3 vacancies. A roots. walkout basement apartment. single working room, in triplex, wry quiet. central Whitby, laundry, Sunday SCh/�/�WI JESUS IS LORD. Westars are, $600! arta Eel. $670 and two. person. 5525 first and last. Pal", utn4iss included. 683-2477 CARS FOR CASH We month. 831-6779 aflr 5 bedroom apt 6760. n thaw Available Feb. Ist. Cap 839- $820 Iter month, cap James 509-11105. buy usedvehicles- vehi- �- Pm. family Wtior, a 1 -bed- 7661 • Supervised Nursery PICKERING STANDARD des must be in running room on Saw section. PICKERING Close to go. WINTBT. modem bright, condition- Cap 427-2415 FOR RENT 2 bedroom $670hmo. wiCkidirg utilities E -A -large 2 bed- new 1 bedroom "~edroo CHURCH Or cane to 479 Bliyly St. baso mM1t apalMrlMM. 4 pa. a their now location, 120 rooms. eat in Motion. kung, Waltout basement apart. Rev. K. Rovft nd Ajax at MLRiAD AUTO bath, use of kandry morn. Colborne St. W. Oshawa. dinwig walkout. Available rt WK Darling, cable. air. Service 11:00 Community SALES. dose b Go and Town Cori- Beout" view. dwaety laC- -r-mlwy. $875. plus kn Ddas/Thickson location, am..it tie, no Childrwt or pets. in. onto Children Arena 40% MifAes. Non- smokers suit single ren -smoker. r.242 -l".2 -2 B,..16 R 11650 per Mo. IsuaM. 839- 7709 20 bedroom apartments. 8 Park. vwy deem and glu�f brand Into building. 571- 0887. 9.5 p.m. no Pets. (905) 420-1277 PICK6-1wIG large 2 bed room basement. 5 ap- pha rices. - - - air, private aW all inclus ve. 666- WHITBY, newly renovated 2 -bedroom basement ® Evep�Wlpf� Welcomed. ' 7 o' •" 4111, Filly way 1►7 Sunday WorsNp 11.-00 a.m. A 7:00 p.m. 839-1383 AMMMUiA y�jN story budding. dose to scfiools. library. South GM LAKEVIEW perk Oshawa. a two 2-Dedfon apart ends, entrance. dose a GO. shopping. $825. induive s. apartment, in fai ily hone. separaM entrance, own Ion- - 1820 Whites Rd. N. Wednesda7:30 Zr pm. y . St. Pauls on -the -Hill plant Available immediate, upper and lower halt of MS -420-6W evenings. vase handy room. 4 ap- FAMILY CHURCH WORSHIP Bible Study and (1991) Ltd. (905) 668.3800 y and Nov. 428--6328 1- ?PM for raised bungalow. $765. PICKEWSS newly rano- pkances, 3 Oce. bath. 5 Min. to Go 11'00 a.m. Sunday Bible Club fOr Cl�ildtrein or (905) 666.3211. ItppOtnti -K- 5596. M Wibes included apart basement and 401. $675 ncliti Sunday School, finished. Non-smoker, pets. WILSOWKING area. One 34KDROOM executive No dogs Available Immit- "ally. Cap 435-2433. apartment $ Wfoorn ef't 5700 mAvai utie Istliast Available Jan. Ist. Rhone 865-0843 Supervised and Voulth. bedroom bsmt apt. Brighv apartment. Iocalsd n whit- by 9ve heat avail" in. Your Services ifies 'ham '"t'"ded' ".few a inT1-dMaiv. rte pat. festa WHY ant w then you tan Nursery Nurse at that time ® Mme and WoraM P Clean. Non-smoker, no - I Y- f 11y� rrnoadiarey, 598s.e wnc'ty. LARGE 1 bed btrM apt., sop entrance. parking a last. rate 1-905419.1319 own your own (tome for less titan you IhatiI ! Call 839-1383 837-0126 HE TnAcM for sale Cap 905-668.1477. unties included. $575. Avail Feb 1. After 5:610 pm 1MCKEINNG. basement dna' ail' � room, bathroom. close to Dave Haylock Sales Rep. RdMax S(x05) Realty y . St. Pauls on -the -Hill To Advertise A�IELAp1IEJ5ifft08 at", large one bedroom, third 7268274. market, GO. separate en- (1991) Ltd. (905) 668.3800 1981 GMC Grand Sierra floor. . quo, triplex. $47Sm0. LEGAL DUPLEX 2 bed- trance. a. newly- ppliantet or (905) 666.3211. Pickering 839-7909 pick up, wicap and skdl-in includes host, Wabr. park- room. fireplace. view of finished. Non-smoker, pets. WILSOWKING area. One unit, 8x12 tate complete for i1g, Cal 579 182, lake. Oshawa. no pets, single fenwfaicouple senior bedroom bsmt apt. Brighv Sunda Dec31St Sunday, Dec. Your Services camping. Great shape 432-7539. $695 plus utiti- preferred. Available irn e- Clean. Non-smoker, no - $3500 o.b.o. owtified. Cap 728-9028 ties. Skit working taupe or Batey. $660 inclusive. 416.43&7859/416-281- pets. U95hmonth. AN itckr Avail players For The New Year or 501 Norman- dy s,. - seniors. 8231. sive. immediately. call (905) 571-40%8:00, 9:15 and 11:00 a.m. Call ,Janice All Welcome at 683-0707 I Y- f 11y� Rooms For Rent Im For Re t Accomodation BOWMANVILLE Liberty FURNSHEDAJNFUR- KINGS Crs area. house to 401,furnished room, quiet, NISHED room for rent in share, prefer single female/ clean, TV. cable, parking, new house. Harmony,Ade. parent. one child. Non share bath, kitchen 8 living lade area Call 905-571- smoker No pets $500 + room. $75/week 905697- 7825 utilities 428-9650 Chris 0760 ONE or two bedrooms CENTRAL OSHAWA room available Clean quiet home. kitchen laundry facilities available Refer. ences required $75 579- 0234 leave message l Accom dation AJAX- Room for rent in condo L>okmg for clean quiet non-smoker to share facilities S400/month 1st 8 last Call 427-0056 Avail Immediately available (one is huge L. shaped master bedroom w4h private 4 pc bath), ca- b!e. shared kitchen, kving. room, and laundry facilities. Use of entire house except familyroom. References Available anytime it last Rent negotiable 434- 3976 . t 1 ► .. ... .. ► . .. - - - 1 . , . 1 . rim, , Aaomoda6on For Rent PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY„ JANUARY 5,1"6 r M,Townhouses For Rent Townhouses For Rent Townhouses EA , For Rent KING 8 TOWNLINE Oshawa 3 bedroom 120 WHITBY - WATSON ST. Area available now 8 Fec Nonquon Rd 5850 all in- Three bedroom townhouse 1st Large 3 bdrm town- elusive Available mme 2 1/2 baths. 5 appliances. houses. neutral decor. 4 drately, call 623-7401 after walk M Go, available Feb app) . 1 1/2 baths. base. 4 OOpm Ist 511095 plus utilities ment 8 garage $875.29 + WENTWORTH Village 8 (416) 486--0189 utd Phone 721-8213 Eve and Weekend appts avail- ble Hillcrest Heights 2 d 3 9 bdmn townhouses for rent.I ask about our rent to own ' Rooms for Rent NORTH OSHAWA, 3 January special First halt bedroom Townhouses in month's rent free Call 1 - well maintained family 905-721-1518 AJAX- furnished room. complexfreshly decorated cooking facilities, full use of With Frig/stove. dose to all rec room and laundry tacik- amenrtres. on site Mgmt of- ties Cable included. $80 6ce call 728-3777 weekly 683-5951 Rooms For Rent Im For Re t Accomodation BOWMANVILLE Liberty FURNSHEDAJNFUR- KINGS Crs area. house to 401,furnished room, quiet, NISHED room for rent in share, prefer single female/ clean, TV. cable, parking, new house. Harmony,Ade. parent. one child. Non share bath, kitchen 8 living lade area Call 905-571- smoker No pets $500 + room. $75/week 905697- 7825 utilities 428-9650 Chris 0760 ONE or two bedrooms CENTRAL OSHAWA room available Clean quiet home. kitchen laundry facilities available Refer. ences required $75 579- 0234 leave message l Accom dation AJAX- Room for rent in condo L>okmg for clean quiet non-smoker to share facilities S400/month 1st 8 last Call 427-0056 Avail Immediately available (one is huge L. shaped master bedroom w4h private 4 pc bath), ca- b!e. shared kitchen, kving. room, and laundry facilities. Use of entire house except familyroom. References Available anytime it last Rent negotiable 434- 3976 . t 1 ► .. ... .. ► . .. - - - 1 . , . 1 . rim, , Aaomoda6on For Rent • Retail ko & WHITBY unfurnished LUXURY CONDOMINI- 4 Months Free Rent room. employed males UM 3 bedrooms. 3 levels. Downtown Oshawa. 400. needed, use of full house, 4 appliances. 2 baths, pn- 3500 sqft available Park - own bathroom, parking, vate yard, finished base. ing and great exposure hrstlast a must and reler- merit Jan Ist. (416) 287- Best rental rates Call 434_ ences after 6pm or leave 3721, pager (416) 329- 2447 or 655.4132 message 723-0388 9346 PRIME commercial busy hourly rate Serninars to corne storefront. highly -visible lo - Ask about our cation near O C . King APARTMENT FOR West. ideal professional/re Flaaweial iervice• tail location, 1,000sq.If , Call one of our parking $15 8/f net+. Feb 1st 905.728-8668, professional advisors 905-668-3248 FOCUS -ON BUSINE — I.TW — Annuities • Health CN �.9 - Home FROM 7.95% (5 yem) 1 St Mtges. to 95% 2nd illi 3rd Mtges • Rental Properties & Cottages • Re -financing - Auto Debt Consolidation • Rural Properties • SeH-employed • Credit Problems Low Income - No Problem Prime Deals Below Market Rates Fast Professional Service Since 1975 • A career Call Toll Free 686-2557 ...and residential mortgages Do -ft -Yourself Woodworking Shop Insurance Company �_)d carving of America 1-1 acCessories courses advice A "Itshops and hourly rate Serninars to corne ... CARVING COURSE NOW OPEN! tllf:� Tel: (905) 427-4060 Flaaweial iervice• s _ Nurs 'Baskds and Dine gifts — "Gifts for all Occasions” Catalogue Available DELIVERY ACROSS NORTH AMERICA FAX M7421 s X W CSR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Is doing your accounting making you crazy? Are you intimidated by all these government forms? Do you think you may be paying more tax out than is absolutely necessary? WE CAN HELP! All bookkeepinglicomputer services available. Call Christine for free initial consultation, "Y8-1 un. J K1CK BOXING f3 KARATE Call Todav Advertising , SS Feature If you ofworking with wood then you should visit The Carpenter's Square Rob McFarlane and Jeff Scott have just opened their business which caters to professionals and do-it-yourselfe-s who can't afford expensive equipment or have the proper facilities. Workine with wo ool whether you oto it for a living or a hobby a not only a challenge but also an enjoyable p;isti mc. But not everyone has all of the necessary equipment Io achlete their creative goals. Sure you',*e got the hammer and nails. but do you have a place to work or can you afford an expensive tahle saw or drill press' Rob 11cFarlane and Jett Scott found themxlses in a similar situation 14 months ago. It was the heginning of a great idea that has now become a reality with their new business, "The Carpenter's Square At was an idea horn of frustration," says Jett. -So we started to investigate the possibility of creating a business that would cater to the professional and do-it- yourselfer who doesn't have the space or the tools to do their woodworking. - So they got permission from a local homebuilding centre and surveyed 200 people to see what they thought of their idea "People were very enthusiastic," says Jett. "Of the professionals we surveyed, 60%r said they would use our shop and 75% of the do-it-yourselfers said they would too. - After finding a location in Pickering with the tremendous help of the town's economic development department they began work on their 3,900 sq. A. facility. The workshop is spacious with new equipment of- every fevery description. There's also a LINO square foot section that will he used for classes, workshops and seminars. Rates for using the shop are very reasonahle. You can use the facilities tier $80l per hour and $7.(X) an hour for seniors over 55. For those who want further savings, you can become a member of The Carpenter's Square for $199 per year and pay only $4.25 per hour during the day and $5.(X) an hour on evening and weekends. Professionals and very serious do -it yourselfers can also purchase blocks of time from 8 to 40 hours with discounts of 10 to 30'% depending on the amount of time purchased. The fees include the use of all of the facilities- tools and accessories and you can store your projects on site. For membership holders there's a discount on all seminars, workshops and courses. "We are also available to give people assistance and for those that want us to do their project for them, we charge a very reasonable labour fee of $20 per hour," says Jett. You can also buy supplies at The Carpenter's Square including sandpaper, nails, screws, glue, saw blades, etc for more then 50°k less than you'd pay at a retail outlet. Rob and Jeff have already had many people visit their shop and look forward to conducting classes with qualified instructors and seminars with tool manufacturer and workshops showing people how to properly use tools like saws, routers and drill presses. "We also want to get the community involved by inviting local woodworking and carving clubs to hold meetings here." says Jeff. "We want to promote the fun and enjoyment that people can get from working with wood. - For more information about The Carpenter's Square call 683-6003 or visit their shop at 1885 Clements Rd. , Unit 254 in Pickering: SPECIALISTS IN CAR AUDIO & SECURITY Sales Service b Installations Under New Management *REMOTE CAR STARTS* DTMER BRAND NAMES EWER AMPLIFIERS AL CINE. PHOENIX G0111,-EAKEo SYSTEMS 8 WAFERS PLAYERS CURITY SYSTEMS : n v YL ESS ENTRY SYSTEMS 607 Kingston Rd. AIIEEtwa Ns1 w«,., AmnPti an •NEON - 0 SAA A2 AAA ,HTS GARDINER'S DUCT CLEANING, CHIMNEY SWEEP & EAVESTROUGH CLEANING $39.95 - S5 mer vent VT ;r i xv-N CHIMNEY SWEEPING ONLY 144.95 RESIDEIrrIAL COMMERCIAL snake method used. (416) 282-3292 Introducing... A Complete Family Support Service • Professional Nursing • Home Support Services • Special Needs Services Serving Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering � �yvKee�re- THIS PROFESSIONAL STILL MAKES HOUSECALLS». Your time is valuable. So why waste it shopping for the right insurance and investment products? I'll help you make the best financial planning choices...at your convenience. At The Prudential, we are committed to Taking Care of People with innovative products, sound financial advice and top quality customer service. Call me today, for information about: nsuranee: lavestments: • Life Annuities • Health Mutual Funds - Home RRSP's - Auto RRIF's • A career with the Prudential ...and residential mortgages Mike Mabdi. MBA The Prudential Insurance Company of America 100 Wesitey Road South TSI St4Ie 15 Ajax, Onbrio LIS 713 Intwome a Tel: (905) 427-4060 Flaaweial iervice• Fax: (905) 427.0544 •Ir •.ter . Industrial � • Units INDUSTRIAL UNITS in small industrial plaza next to Oshawa Center High ceilings, over head doors Parking, utilities and air compressor included Month by month Truck parking hydro plug in avail- able Available immediate- ly Call 576-2982 OR Val Iterftls FLORIDA home owners Master tradesman Plumb- ing. heating elc repair and rnstallahons in exchange for holiday residence, for 2 weeks Feb Mar or Apr Call Glen 905-579-3431 PORT CHAROLETTE FLORIDA. (Near Sarasota On Gulf Coast). fully fur- nished 2 bedroom home. t 1 Prnak Holttes Fa Sak GONE! or they will be soon, 5 new homes re roaming in central Oshawa, 110 it deep lots, high ePo- caency gas furnace and hot water tanks, Whirlpool tubs. 40 oz. carpets. oak kitchen. Spring closings, pick your own colours, low initial de. posit. &Alt by Simkins Homes Ltd. Rated excellent in the 1992. 1993. 1994, 1995 b 19% Ontario New Home Buyers Guide From S113.900 Call (905)432- 6465 BRAND NEW HOMES. $875 per month, why rent? Starting at $119.900 North West Oshawa. 3 bedrooms. high efficiency gas heat. R- 40 nsul Raised bungalow, only 5 left, others from 5104.900. Call Peter Neal, Sales Rep. Guide Realty, 723-5281 all amenities. barbecue. POWER of Salesii :able, private yard. close to 587.900 buys a 3+1 bed - everything Available Jan. - room, 2 -storey. rec room, Feb. Call (905) 668-2883 garage. walkout basement. Finale Homes I I For Sale with 5% down. monthly payments of 5839 including taxes Ted Houghton Re - 914 Pelee professional W49 ore ta" max Sumrmt 668-3800 QUALITY D Angelo Multi - eve: N W Oshawa 3+2 oedroomS, k,fChen over- �ooks fanniyroom with fire. place 2 walkouts, inground �ipol. 3 baths. FAG, in law :atenbal. 160 Goodman Or 5171.500 Call Sheila Mc Laren Sutton Status 436 BRAND-NEW HOME S 116 900 5 only. Central Oshawa. 3 -bedroom, ga rage. country kitchen. 30x 100' W. S1000 down Allan Duffy. Remax Ability 432 7200 Townhouses for Sale WHY PAY RENT? Town- house in preferred north Oshawa location Close to shopping and all amembes 3 bedrooms. 1 112 bath- rooms, central air. forced air gas. finished ret room. Tastefully decorated Ask- ing $117,900 Csl 905- 436-6047 Investment go Businew • Busima Property Opporlurrties oppwklyiws 3 JOINT COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES - Can pur. chase one or all three- 21OX775 Hwy 2 frontage lust east of Cobourg, 51X)0 Sol . Itheated budding. could use as Ilea market. warehouse. or whatever: 236X285X161 � Licensed restaurant. 42 seating ca- pactly. 20OX775 building lot Easy terms, buyers market, flexible prices to suit Call 905-372.0649 or leave message. Money to Lend BORROW S10,000 , pay as lave as $110 per month.. o.a c Free consultations Anubis Investments Ltd. Mortgages and Loans snce 1973 Call (905)668- 7200 MONEY problems? Debt c;nsolidanons, credit ar- rangements. personal budget planning, credit re- pair FREE CONSULTA TIONS Ontario Credit Counsellors (Oshawa -Ton onto)433-1425 OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT GUAR - ANTEED.SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES. OTHERS DO NOT IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS. I Experienced Dell/Meat Servers Wanted for existing Simcoe Street location and New Bowmanville location. Apply in person with resume to 451 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa e Mortgages, • , Insurance MORTGAGES God. bad and ugly Financing for any purpose. rates from 5.95% All applications ac- cepted Community Finan- cial Services 668-68% • ' Personals A-1 DOMINANT ONTARIO WOMEN WANTING DATES' Names A •••ambers 1 900 451 5566 ext 9252 S3 49 per minute 18+: touch tone ANGELINA. PSYCHIC READER. .'e an •.�, yrx, past present and future Sine Can help you in ail matters of Ire. love. mar- r,age. health, happiness. business She can Ion loved ones closer together _all now for an appont. -tent and core see what the New Year holds for you 725-0428 M readings Pn- wale and comtKMn Sal • $ Personals BEST PLAYMATES names A e's 1.M 451 6088 ext 272. S2 99/min, 18+, Touchtone BORED ONTARIO HOUSEWIVES - names 8 private phone numbers, 1 400-451-3638 ext 704, $3.29/min, must be 18. T CALL Ontario Gins. get names d home numbers 1-900 451 5566 E■1 253. S3 49/min 18.. Touch tone EVANLY RAYS.- Police Use Ra -ea .• Solu. lions on career, relation snips. NY Predictions S2 99/m,nute 18. 1-900- 451.4055 FANTASIES FOREVER Dare - 11 ' 300-45' 44•^ 7060 $2 99( -n Must be 18 y•s Procan Co 1602) 954 7420 • Y�, 4 Respond to an ad by calling 1-900-45 1 -3193 ACCEPTING APPLICANTS. We am Nekng two Mr Mans who cin Owe and dM in vier apart two Applicants must be 30 to 10 employed, haw own carsense of humor and be wring to 1u6in our reeds Saoktrs okay BOX 26926 CONTENT AND CURIOUS Lady 50. paes- sio al we a zest for We Interested in per- sonal growth. skiing dancing wales in mw country. Quiet evening$ at home and the ww+awmere BOX 2W7 ROMANTIC LADY Outgoing white single female. young 45, smoker and social Clinker Looking for bleck or m fano mak. 35 to 50. who Mrs Chubby women BOX 26916 FEMALE SEEKING MALE. Attractive. alec- tonae lemale. 42. nonsmoker, open and honest Love dogs, long waft. and down out Loafing for that special man in eary 40 s, with to same elNrual1. 10 share No s srrlpk plsuwes. BOX 2liaS SERIOUSLY SEARCHING for we single. while. god kedwg, down to sa t nos. 28 to 35, alto is aI ost perks. I an a single MAO praessonal. 30. do is asfatifid" buoroelly, with many qualities I* !we with a class so. Box 3= FIRST TOE AD. Singe wNre IwmMN. 30. educated. independil serous about Me, sold vabws ant prndphe. sea" $040 tahae mak. 30 plus. respons". decent. appr*cshs a hood real mum ba Ie Lad and clklden BOx 21627 ROMAMM CUTE BLONDE. Palls. sews. 0" chri g, m In" and of twigs in Me. Looking bei Int carbo someone. ut Nkat hat hal. a gemokmhen, 49 in 53 only. I you an cabtg, Itoael. same and hon sandair interesift ell plea" can. Box am NONA*= CUTE BLONDE. Olstrubg, ONOChve, pnb. horosL Heng. Enjoys din- t=travel romantic and terms. Looking for a taa pObR n. 49 b 53, only With how. to mase ad cam the good Ings in W -III you w Am selcws• wig and MWin itMetRs, pbmom respond BOX YBE NTS YOU. ffaeaL alactianab. ttw IN, will nig sow and moral values. Looking for comper-WW or fillessionthil BOX M" bOWX ed 9N/emm - .4705 7 sw�abad 6 b i tg, big arm cntiaehAnneit. MMM (hare tipPnacbllm br Lwhiy and him. I you we tlioew, good Inunled tanlhalwp with satbua itmrhlotns. Ian wain for your Co. BOK SIMI SEEKING SOULMATE Single white temaie employed no dependents who enjoys miovesauctions and car raps Seeking single white mak. 40 plus. who has the sane imerests BOX 26907 TRUCKER'S CABNATE Single white lemait wnh no dependents and Ingb"d Enjoy big trues country music and M odd peer Starching for single white mak. 35 PAA. wen a sena of humor and old fasts tired vakws BOX 26908 SINGLE MOTHER 31 year old female Enjoy long .abs variety of music. have a good sense of humor keeresled in mewrg a man for friendship first. posslDle rotation. ship No had gams BOX 26M SENTIMENTAL TAURUS. Seale romento. honest caring. Taurus. Prism or Virgo gen- 9tman Must be Cultured, empoyed and hon- est Serious callers please No head games Like music. fomaac drorers and to Iheaw BOX 2if03 ANYONE OUT THERE? 48 year old anrac- bw . . Seeking kwtdshp with some- om will a sense of Humor ad Ila Country in= Why good laughs and kin n store. Tel very tang and seasial. Hope to Mar from you Soon BOX 21111111111111 SENTIMENTAL LADY So" in old tath- oned g -- . 45 b 55. with high values and an appreciation at Andy and home. wed s serious about bldg s speciallady tars bmig. brig tam conmirmitrmnose. 11 yew are romamo. good heaAa4 honest. siepre. jibe you W 2u/ to one I Imes been lookinglookingdls b HEART OF GOLD Nd then. but", -. mi- ng and afOMWafa would Be b most how - a1, sincere mak. 4210 49. for a long Gam miova ip BOX 2W4 SINGLE INIED FEMALE bating for a sin- ge roe am is atgoig. an b have tin and ties to pmM. BOX a SEEKING A COMPAN ON who is honest and SWAM. who enjoys device S*aWr drives in the country. some goof ones at home. and is lull bung: from tele 40's to mid 50's. Friends lest. BOX 2810 CLASS ACTI Pelta. 52. ,molter, enjoys dancing. bilin 0d. and qnt warps at ham. Looking lex an attractive one woman man. 4610 54. with smir itresls, for pos- sible mbom hp. BOX 26810 A TINE LEO. Full figured single man. 30. wilh Cfrsgn wakes, non smoker, o casan- al ofralka. I love dli *a . arms. county music, and outdoors, An search of a nope. responsible. honest. secure. And ggwoa good swtse of humor. Mil as Citi- , . BOX 36M ($2.49/min., Bel SOMEONE SPECIAL An,adwo tema t. SE skm established sncwt Seeks senaawe. Or canq. 55 piva, go Me so to owe aughter aver prance and imply We BOX 266M OUTGOING A CARING Energetic tun bur. and 914 Pelee professional W49 ore ta" must.. 24 Like one outdoors. wave&% quiet Nines pur W4 Deng aOvtnNrous Seeking healthy td rM F amacb", ougomg. oormnawd. prolossional 00,a nus. 24 to 30 BOX 26845 for SINGLE TAURUS FEMALE Single cow. share 39 loves Depgo and comuNn ISobs. 5'3-. diking broom hair. hzel eyes Too busy Deng a jNOjE mom 'Of scaskzng I the above appmals b black you, pism call BOX 26M3 black MAIDEN IN DISTRESS. Single modes d one 18. brown eauburn has, skgtty k1 E Aglred 51' 1 love Call I teressed n some- one. 23 to 40. for long term relationship cuts n someone who is honest. tang, sin-- Want on code car and has a sense d humor No fwd „toe. games Seigle hers lire", BOIL 25.27 no.NEM YEAR'S ALONE? I hope not SEEh Separated 2 112 yea. employed. age 32. parts 5'9". shoulder length dart Aar. hazel eyes happy and lova to wal 101 5 Emily horseback � hdlg, ft outdoors, ave mong and wally go ng sports is an added bonus. I yudre a whae. compMlly ,Ihaaaclned hada S dr mor d 200 pound hugpy bade type. call me- 5'117 BOX 2M good WHERE ARE YOU? Divorced, as mchve nl dhM tidy. 48. seeking III - limn a 9WAV LAS age with had on straight. not cNryng a bag m Kwb d voubbs. Good don, HhoMgINhLMs BAS ,� kinds of music B muOK ai668 I SNORT AND SWEET, 5'. 1306s 1 wyoy quo baseball• vofrAmt camping. I 1 11 hG din- NOT ng out and Quiet Outstripat ht Hoping war, to hall Yom Mr. Right, 35 to 45- Swobr pill krred. am am ONE-MAN WON". Beautiful, mature, seem blonde. 5'3', sbm, stole. Seeks are very BOX spedY non. He should be ruggedly hand- TEXT some. dimarr c. ssellassuredan d d Approval yip n a of 1ho linerlinerIgs. nNon sinaler pse- We %"W. Box 25 596 wrn. 19. IST TIME AD. BeNtihl, Peaks e I you seeks almcW* Asian r black man for sen- yyat ous rebbmgw. 20 b 24. Enjoy panels Aird lOIEI spending time with friends and lawny. Md Pbm cal me OK B26M SINGLE DADS WELCOME. Sncere. tun goodbung. friendly sense d hilux. attractive.sib 5'5'. slim. single white mother of one. L still" honest groww. 2510 35. Lite ed nature weeks, music. movies, Ig prim very tak. box 2"4 tender GOOD LOOKING LADY. 45. starting We argon. Sinks cmeass oroe am oft Isms ode. deell dente¢ mul wino!, ke"O ig, LOSE ow OWAV, wind ab. m Sow how." !8+ over) • , s THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 5,1"6 -PAGE 15 • l 10ns • Compardons • Companions � r \ WINTER PROGRAMS January 16th - March 20th CLASSES NOW FORMING IN: * Pre-Ballet/Jazz *Pre -Tap * Creative Dance *Ballet * Jazz *Adult Classes - Jazz Tap, Ballroom & Line Dancing BEGINNERS TO ADULTS REGISTRATION SAT., JAN. 6TH FROM 10 A.M. - 3 P.M. 845 Westney Rd. S., Unit #1 Ajax For Information call 683-1269 Mompanions EASTSIDE CONNEC TIONS DATELINE - Free to call to place your ad. no charges for ladies, no Phone bill charges. 905- 430.7060 EKWG lengeho wle female seeking sn- wnt a male I am 44 5 4' so" an age easy gong. honest well #stalD- iafied INman. 45 b 57it . MNies long wales M great outdoors Same of Minor a ion smoker preferred Frendlp first, anse BOX 26429 Oft YOU. Single while m e feale. 18, we lea I enjoy wishinSearch"g. Search" soar carting. single mak 18 to 25 to good to is Must enjoy movies, cab nd aromance BOX 26761 PENDENT FEMALE Petite, single !emale age 24 L ookng for iirlg t mak. 28 to 40 Muss enjoy ch ildren. yes lar coq A d social events BOX 26762 M,WY FINER LIFE? Seeking European gwM9rtar of culture. 45 to 55, who is Inan- vdep~11 Must possess a high Of *tots ad enjoy We, deaew fire deg ig darieand travel leaknowkw a kat a tidy a distinction 773 NG BOX 26 IG MR. NIGHT. S*ngfe whe tacy 46. SOO" 10 mew hnoriest, aowhomute. and outgoing gentleman, 48 to 52. iss to pearly' No MagamesMas* gars p SINGLE ENGLISENGLISHes. ROSE. 5'117. 115 pound. blonde annon smokLooking for a man. and up. a non smnaker. 36 b 48. with morsels Enjoy dancing. goodprow and tougher am 26622 MI TG MLATIONSN6+ Single white 17, wishes b Baa a snse, besinge enab. 45 b 60. fr tarn rmlltrorohp. gimpy sows. waft. dsng n a oil and ewrvings at him. Moi =0 DESPERATE. Cuts. single Is*. 19. etwit son. boon hair. hely Oki *yes. rmdewn belt Seeking old talroed rnoro09 wihdad nw 21 b 35, who has a d htim or. Indo okay. Blows area 167 . 20 BOOK SCOWW, tlfactivm strain ew- bbKtid who µv re "no 39. but looks dw Loves bud tiwWp and that cars I am passrarnk• heirs, atrwew and iteigrt. BOx 2075 Will Mob, 3010 40, caro V SENOR Full a anegWid yr. ow, Eos. 5' 5 125 los. selAahg gwlrmn camtpaaorn 64 plus. than. sits. nasttobr. site d hkirmtir, lei friwtidltp aid pos- Macinsiv BOX 2M oNEL Scial geiowan wa t- rim smaw, Cahn,g. briIhrhest. SW neat 6410 fibnt b. Wabe tarediti w loving care I am 64. 5'6'. 128 ponds basically sews and on Ie girl Out key ronrtrc. MON am LT, ATTRACTIVE. Singe white rr hw-w ii. ars-- - - lir To place your personalized In Memoriam, tall 683-a707 and let One of our professional adviscn help you. a fun seeks -alt 20 to 25 Must love dancing nov,es 114nt outdoors amore for friendship and possow relationship BOX 26565 GREAT EXPECTATIONS ;w briding an honest ',r pr01ess•craJ -an. 3210 39 Mit be M and Open b hnerwishp I Am 34 loves muse, fins pamt.l; and keeping sc+wt n a tidy watl BOX 26559 ATTRACTIVE FEMALE cJ'lq,irwd OrpioVeC 34 58 D�nie errs veryr and 61:1101111, we many we*resfs Want" Camping swwrim g, dancing and being Ike long Oaks Wolf ewnrvp aid candle- light diners Saeger- wit mew genarra! IV non smoker 35 to 45 Oen sendar nkr. ail. no dependents for sinom caKpartion- shp POS&O* Millions! N0 head games OetrwaToioneo area BOX Xs" A GOOD FRIEND. Looking n0, a young man. ,-l0 30 ;u^ 5- love sprig Oaks and t RXIM is WOV men o an ibnwnnitee 10 a relationship box 26551 OVERWHELMED -o wvtryonw Ono responded a me ; am Ovwlesed to say me Wit Some of you I may have tried to Contact wow success and some we suc Cess I hive decided to g0 at' alD Too may MSP- i may return someday And rrx ow d w my bow a and my ad BOX 2S= FATHER OF ONE. 5 205 pounds dark conpieaan atNetc 3' ..00kng for sincere honestto lady who enjoys a vanery of acnv.- trs And family We Must be Bary going W adventurous Age is not important BOX 26920 OUT OF THE ORDWAY Single. mystic mate 21 with sensual passon for adventure we do anytleg eve s tun lee two rock. Currey' music and looking for a fin we saw - Ar nerests BOX 26824 ROMANCE AND PASSION Anractwt 30 year old. 6 190 pounds we long brown kir Sok of the par scare and hand groes Seek tall skin aftwive I$ mei solve mans welcomed. BOX 26826 FIRST TIME OUT Easy gonghonest. sn- Cere single whin* male. 26. 5 7. 140 jos, light Ier , hair. fill Nis Lod" Wan forest. sincere Noll BOX 2M19 ONE -WOMAN MAN, 40. divorced dad of Ire*. 59'. 124 jos. born I hr. bki eyes. smokeoccasional drinker Interests are sPA" and ««yarn as bag as Ohm A someone lo stere d wilt. Seeking white lards. 2510 45. who is mt Braid d bull a king Nim rmlmtiwalrp. Singe name wei- cone- BOOL 2" STARTING OVER. Sego dad 37, would enjoy me" Neigh, whie bmsb who a a non swobet snow. tong and has a zeal bei Me. BOR tans STILL SEARCHING. Sngk white moo Eley sports, ml dung at, king waft. Or in tee cow". quist tunes at hone and class¢ mill. Looking for sno white . r ffi . 28 10 39. sba, well same illerSB Box 26M NEW START FOR 96. Single white mate. esta0lehad bong by to kdy. 4010 50. to share guakty toe. PC"" relationship Mist low drag and whey light sports• bf- ii g, ttmel g new places. ON 2m? BOXER I SEEKS. Non smoking. Social drinking, fernale colegui , 2900 39. for male owner. 34, wah sense of humor. Enjoy dahcmg, spores and Men gw-w- CHlihtrerh w diary. Fnrndlnp bol ppb reYaonlhp. BOX 3M2 ATTRACNA DAD. Lie ttroic, dowel sof ftp" and Piny Seek altractrve tomb, wa6ws ryeloamo. am vm I ' Birthdays t ' Birthdays LOVE AND BEST WISHES "ASHLEAmm ON YOUR 12TH BIRTHDAY FROM AUNT MARY News Advertiser Classified Department is open every Monday to Friday 8:oo a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Call 683-0707 to place your ad or fax it 683-7363 J HASSLE FREE MAN ;ingk while mare nrtr•us are spores ^nC.ws onq wa,os 'AW Ines A 10 and ding oirt Loa lir, for singe whet tarroe we wlijar repasts No heap Writs Box 269% SINCERE. HONEST MAN ; -gle .not maw nor s Aee '-•+e+'r'-1 a.+t Fstov, a1 spats and us; ;un1 'rws at rant Seat fatter of one b0krvgtor sinter* h01w1f per. son nor long stmt MMenshp BOX 26M SHY GUY Sege wire male 2• Dnoom naw Drain eyes 55' 160 Ds eel Dud 5001ing atiracevt .net timate fo roanonshp BOX 26901 SUCCESSFULLY sew ergoy*d tether of 2 yea old gin _00" for an haest .omw 10 share my W wnlm Must I" Children owe ng or and gi.in Ames a home BOX 2wo2 EROTIC TIMES Clean and dmsc-tri 'iC sornetrg 99 he an Seeking an afaactae taoaC minded. Adeenew out i9,,, to canal wKmurews Age were~ Box 2m, ROMANCE AND FUN Mrxfve sc I m laid 30 6' - 19C bs snonl w strip brown naw. Ick of 1M bar stere No hod games Sew, '4.1attractive women 21 to 30 That Zi6c n ft night Kids welcome, coBOX SERIOUS N4L4RiES E, pbyed. dniaceQ write male 3' ` .5�ts Droves liar bran eyes , am a vriokor and oerasm" drinker Haw two Japer dames _ookeg for a sine while nemaw 27 to 37 plus for a retaty0n. shop BOX 26N$ STRONG MAN 9uli ouig, lonesome qua 5OWX'g lenfaw bei a 7D0C'ne MO fit Dir scene .dancing Carter oriented BOX 2SM4 INTELLIGENT ROMANTIC Single ,mite maw good looking 28 5 'C - 190 pound ftOC31y CCWW lows to 01"M various sports and pets Steles non smoking lownsee 25 to 35. no smotonal baggage to keedshppossibly nNaa«wnp BOX 26660 ATTRACTIVE, FIT, confident successtui ad very t0 195 pounds. 5 11 - with sail" we$"* Seek shapelyfatless conscious women 25 b 4c for romantic ishijuwdys box 26682 SEEKING MS.GENIN Astrology says we could be a he It con" could be ritwest- . eq Educated single rmhotw pnabned 25 to 35 levo a err on the voice greeNag BOX 2M LONELY NOT DESPERATE Single father, 3S. 511',employed cion smoker. has joint akstpol of two wgrderfal cd*-, Seeking a vocal 40y b stare time and whey aA- egs with Nal rib tar bar am*. and hon - ay A a mst Box 2fNMf SINGLE MITE MALE Setw retrrmd sa ish. likes cards. sitting. us". travel so" a singe elute b awb milk swkler oftlem Ids a sham of H - .. BOX af11 DIYORCEO WHITE MALE. 40. 5'T. Wold d. lova kids. bhg drives, "NM "oft qmw `ares, sending and good con er- saYon Seeks a mraman vie sow" oft 33 b 48. BOS a ATH ETIC, SEN OTNE Sirowe low of Ir.. A*Ubw mak. 35. 6. 200 to, with a Pill sii0n bei music And poetry. Seeks a M and career marded wow. 2510 40. for btwd- shp and possible rebbw*nip. Singe mons welime. BOX 2M SNGLF WHITE MALE. 24.61 . 160bs. looking lox a singe female. 23 to 30. who OnPys fast cars and hockey. No dpanr' I. pit los of tome to enjoy We will srmaM spew. Box now SINGLE MALE. 30. white. agbkahed. tar. ng, good sense of N~ Seeking specfel fineridel Mix3US4 CHNISTLU SINGLE MAN. 34. now rise. not no deparedrKs. Hoping lex Christian fnob, no dpendwts, 2910 36, to stoma in bin and Ile. I you have triad to bare aro a mesagm IMey. please be patiaM, or by ager I fw* this boa hos be Need. BOX SEEK)NG YOU Single wree •lww , scan Duod 'res^calfv stable n0 head pmts Enjoy spom og caws mows cie cs aril mon Seeks Powe, Is we sen build to to 26 weir rias sone rrwres9s Box 2it77 SINGLE WWTE MALE 39 w bole i-xir ger 51 •ASCs ;--ry -rr, Mrwss and ie *wows Seo.ng wgle weww I ovis 25 io 39, aft warits a Brie woman man K also weo'4rss 7+O- mmarmc drnns and n M cv awii Area, if poespe Box 21576 SINGLE WHITE MALE ;4 6 lie. r - c -Drown •air Ve-- smoker rnplpyed Tuve eesygonq enjoys muse 'mics. and Orifi Obs Seeks singe Ire terve 18 to 25 torr froondsnp and pose bol rw9hoishp BOX 261171 SINGLE WHITE YALE 19 5.9 ISMS so" r i s,rgie whir --uple 19 to 26 1 on" 'roues gown to Dara hawq a good Mme Would 1" 10 mewl somwpnt who enjoys iiia same for a somous ewlyraishrp Box 269n HEART OF GOLD. yMipy area %econyry 1 JOW 45 Yearn young kind leered wrCet- lent COrrmun-calor a true gentleman 4l001res" bins We go"" nuvitirw »arUwhg hoar my sonlmau you ar wee "Cabkshed ir your We 30 s east 4c s AV 'eddy bei love Box 2693 LOOKING FON SOMEONE was ;' am* Mg for i SCa ai 'en-a,e - 4 lie co is mows And ca Coag r m eekng '_ a -ew lots BOX 26864 FIRST TINE AC ✓ e, mos :' 5.9" Yen, ^one,: arc ,-*,& nand eC h,g -01 nw tar bar scww lows 10 Cudle X Jus, „gma moves pets kid and Poorredw very easy to please looking for sngle white lwytak won Wheat interests, 26 to 31 sal Nam s more than weicome 100' For ON tang owed, . NO Mad games I rise MW Oshawa and Wh by aria BOX MM OPTIMISTIC. EvaDkshod mak in my 50 s. many .aped interests nctudl geodwron% barbecues 'lie dreg. we teater, xft movies and more seeks permanent rtOnon. 11111) Box 2m7 FLORIDA BOUND Taa. attractive mal on smoker young 50 Seeking a younger. IeaMn minded trim. Clean t*make 10 share v rmw n Floods BOX 26467 CAROL A CUDDLY 18 year old white Cale. wnjoys mesac. moves and just abort everything else 6 3- brown har brown eyes LOOkng for someone snshi and car - ng b share great Nes BOX 26M SINGLE WWW HALF, 29. 61-, on smok. W. employed wet, easy gong Er" gang b movies long Oaks and dines. goh,% trawling and spending qWw everings at home. I.00kag for Ygb white komb 24 No 34, toy serous rekw, -Ill Box 2N660 SW $BOOK MALE. I an 29. lawn New. IMO eyes. 6'1". employed, enjoy movies. holding hax6 an well drehw& ofrObd inn LoOkig for lonel. sincere. attractive Ismail 25 to 34, for a relationship Box am WHAT ABOUT ME? Pyaessionat, active gentleman with many good qualities and hobbles. great smile and personal seeks an attractive. skm lady. 30 to 40's, who Nae; to outdoors and Cufaal ackwass. Mltetiru, is such sow 8fwrn�prt. BOK 2mi BAD BOYZ, 2 sen. aggec. young sia9k atilt nabs from Mwnhi. very athemn Jus got into town. looking for 2 young, vary aWactre. singe white Ieimtales k slow w around or something BOX 218162 STARTMNG LIFE OVER. Singe dad. 33 broom haw, lake eyes, slim buil, seekew honest. faithful. sincere lady, who car mc*ws as went as"lots of love aid cud Oft BOK 3M country seeks k Is SPECIAL PERSON, 31, blow her. has eyes. 57'. 1451bo. vary outgoing. ander ftd% kdL Loolag for Mrs. Right p10wINla. sw u �n4 r spaces pspaces 1),havidWhithy Thu Wixk. Clanapm This Wick. Alax/PiekCrmp NCw, Advenewt. N.ww, nhumhTlarnd Nu - amt Marlpm platl a�,wk_s , baMbly I:x the c,imknt.r, .w rcpla, rt , any advcnt mtTnnM%iu , and tush Whilay rCxGIuvcly with the ANcirl ,N. ,w "wrint, , I,+. %wh adwrlimcrrwri Oshawa Thi. 'vied may. in ws ,ink divercli.n chaW. rticcl .w di:lClc any p,,mA Atw-no,cmcna whwh it Jtv:m, inaplwiipnate All aflvetui cr, muU wcmd a v.irx grtrurtij; lee acc.wnryny then art, Ad, wrdkwu v.we jermiuWs may mil appear in Sincerely yjoas . Wlkm y,w rc.%Nmj lei A Slmcwly y,wr, aril, y.iw phirw hill will rrlkct a charpC ul 52./4) Ince mimrtc. An averaytc i minnttrc call c,isa $7,47 RC,pwrknt, will Haar puT, caul ikvTgitkrty, l alvcnL.uTs and arc af.k lei kale a cawc maul rtitityaEr. To cb"V or rcmw yaw ad or for cuneewete service. d 14MY28.%" 24 hewn a day PAGE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JANUARY 5,19W II I II I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I Now on the internet! Ajax http://www.royallepage.com LEPA p:l/www.royallepage.com E G int- 427-6522 ��IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIAjax-Pickering home page Pickerin http://biznet.worldonIine.ca/rip/branc,h g Royal I,ePage Residential Real Estate Services 683-1790 Broker /Ajax-Pickering.htm HAPPY NEW YEAR I JOHM CRAWFORD TO ONE AND ALU 1996 IS GOING TO BE A GREAT YEAR AND IT'S TIME TO THINK OF MAKING A MOVE. CALL ME AND I CAN HELP YOU GET STARTED IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION. SAIL PALL (945) 427-6522 T ;O M `V SOZANIS* \�-hcn a "FrnoAf�.l for I.earningr" MMne i. -- - «.h1. a portion or rhe p"'efed`ndonat WISHING YOU ALL Help reeA hu.tr%n %clum 1 children in owr A VERY HEALTHY nwmnnnir�. & PROSPEROUS 1996 JI • BACKS ON TO ROUGE VALLEY! JUST LISTED! Prestigious nerghoomood Lovely landsagWg Grand toyer, circular stars to brant. Gorgeous decor, +.+ TOM TODAY! - = 683-1790 7 01, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! FROM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SPECIALIST! 0. I• • r. k r_i�--- JUST LISTED!! - �, f! \r y.' r ti: - �. 4 •s*=tea„ ' t r Detached 3 bedroom, 2 storey J7 1 all brick, finished basement, upgraded broadloom. " - Move in condition. $159,900. As. �� -: Q ^ r This one won't last!! LOIS WEAVER* Backs on to park *?� ' Steps to schools, park and lake -, 'Main floor den and family room a -- "DEDIC:ATED TO SEM ING YOU BETTER" MANAGER, STAFF & SALES REPRESENTATIVES OF ROYAL LEPAGE WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR THANK YOU FOR YOUR DONATIONS TO OUR FOOD & TOY DRIVE, THEY HELPED MANY FAMILIES HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS OF THE VIDEO DRAW: MR. & MRS. BORG - PICKERING MARCIA FEENEY - PICKERING GAIL JONES - PICKERING WILMA TANNER* 427=6522 EVELYN REGAN* LARGE LOT LOVER! Custom built 4 bedroom, 22=4 stone fireplaces. Family sized kitchen & rec room for a huge crowd! - t. • Super ranch bungalow ariet court in Lakeside area A quairn 8 quiet res. area 2.41 acres near Greenwood " 21/2 baths, air • Pie shaped M " 2 + 2 bedrooms Workshop -type garage with separate • Fam, rm. with vaulted ceilings b floor to Fre" painted access to huge finished basemern erg tp. Separate entrance to inshed basemerd 19961 DIRECTORY For your copy of this directory which features services useful tc the home owner please call my office. t GUILDWOOD EXECUTIVE SUMALOW baths, private lot, hardwood floors. GREENBANK 57 acres, 12 acre pond, Viceroy home, $215,000.