HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1995_12_22SANTA'S FAVOURITE • FLE'A MARKET cartaft's Larges tittioor Flea Wrtret fl luttique Fair EVERY SUAVAY Flea Market open 9anr5pm Antique Fair open Sam -spm Brock Rd. Nath d ft 101 in Pd -M IL 11ador (905) 427-0751 a-1 u.quW ffOo 11 of Cto �StirnaSi Your friends at the News Advertiser News Advertiser Friday, December 22, 1995 20 pates A 1letroland Corrlmunity Newspaper Pressrun 42,51H1 Vol. 114 No. 51 ,04(/ rQg wee,4ora ll Ne%vs .Advertiser holiday publishing dates The 1.tx-PiL:kcrin, N'cws Ad\ertiser has .lightl% r1%1%cd its Publishing date. for the hoWa% sca- slm. Chu next editao n is hcing Pub- lished 1•ucsdj%-. DL,.-. 26. followed h\ i F=riday. Ikc. 29 edition and a SundiN. Ike. 31 edition. Saturday SUnNlllnt• With clouds. high -4 Sundati Partly ..i sunny. hieh -4 Inside In the news Entert a i nnivnt ................ 13 Sport.............................14 Classit-itd........................ 15 Phone lines General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 Sincerely Yours 1-900-451-3793 InfoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 On the Internet at www.durhamnews.net 93t+71t GST =$1 Bountiful baskets feed the hungry Hungry families in the community will have a little something hampers for needy families in the area are (from left) Dennis extra this holiday season thanks to the St. Paul's -on -the -Hill Goul)n, Frances Docherty. Suzan Frudd, Dana Kopschinsky food bank and the volunteer efforts of local United Way rep- and Grace Lenehan. resentatives from Ajax and Pickering. Helping pack food photo by Andrew Iwanowski Ten beds atAjax-Pickering hospital to be closed for holidays Emergency department operational as always,*' says Mr. Johns, "though we still encourage people to go to open though residents are their own physician when possible." encouraged see their own The ambulatory care unit will be closed Dec. 25, 26, 28, 29 and 30, and will he doctors `when possible' open from K a.m. to noon on Dec. 27 for during Christmas holiday previously -booked appointments only. g y Also announced by the hospital was the AJAX-PICKERING — A slow -down of temporary closure of 10 beds from Feb. 16 services at Ajax and Pickering General to March 24. Hospital for the Christmas holidays should "The current economic climate necessi- be "imperceptible" to the public, according tates that the hospital adjust its level of ser - to Garth Johns, APGH's vice-president of vice delivery according to anticipated human resources and hospital services. occupancy patterns and service demand," Ten of the hospital's 102 beds will be said hospital board chairman Doug McKay closed from Dec. 23 through Jan. 8 and the in a press release announcing the closures. elective surgery schedule has been reduced "Seasonal fluctuations afford us the oppor- for the holidays. tunity to temporarily downsize, with mini - "The emergency department will be mal impact to the public." Pumbase Price /x -r month melee L Pickering boy escapes serious injury after being struck by car "- iPICKERING — A 13 -year-old boy � receiived several stitches to his fore- esd after be was "clipped" by a car ion his way to school Tbatrsday morn - According to Durham Regional Ace, the boy ran out between two ower moving vehicles on Oklahoma ive near Hincrest Road around 7:45 a. and was struck by a car travelling about 40 kilometres an boar. The emager was taken by ambulance to e A jm and Pickering General Halspi- I, wbtxie be was trentlsi ail ttehaved. Pr wy ����� nn note COMM VN/CAT/ONS 4� Bee Mobdity Centre Bell Mobility Centre 843 King St.W.(Next to Don Cherry's) Pickering Town Centre (505) 576-1212 (11100 a37-1414 .. �ii .;ie- • per ntunate Bell M ►ereeladays Oak s$= wRarrl.u. rwa 4 000 tinwwlwo��aYbi PAGE 2 -THE NEWS ADVE1t'E WR FROAV, DUCEMBM A M; Town of Pickering `not taking Christ out of Christmas' PICKERING — For the first time this year, the Town of Pickering has directed its employees to put up only non -religious decorations in Town offices and facilities during the Christ- mas holiday season. "We're not trying to take the Christ out of Christmas." explains Town manager Tim Sheffield. "What we're trying to say is in a public building we should have respect for all our citi- zens.. The alternative. he suggest.%. would be to put up religious decorations for the holidays of all religious groups. Senior staff were told of the direc- IF e TIME QUALITY e GENTLE CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU U F .SRF AVAILABLE TO SERNY YM WE WELCOVII: \FVC" PA"I7Eti'I'ti VC"F V PEOPLF. OF ALL AGES 2•# HOUR EMERGENCY %FR%10E t Hary-EKrd Avc. %.. %jar. Onurio 0"Puth of FIN"-.. *2, tive shortly before Christmas decora- tions were put up. Mr. Sheffield says he has only heard protest from one cit- izen about the new policy. But Mr. Sheffield says staff are free to use the greeting if they wish. Mr. Sheffield notes the directive hasn't resulted in any big change in the way Town offices are decorated for the holidav season. "Frankly. I can't recall that we've had any (religious decorations) in the past. It wasn't as if we had a huge commitment to nativity scenes and Wise Men which we've decided to leave in the cupboard this year." DR. JOSEPH A. MISKIN. DEN nST � 1• asterbedroom---------- $ I . r - - WITH ANY MATTRESS SET "Diu11 fffRa "1ASTER •1"1' WITH ANY BEDROOM SET MATMENSES. Ft RNITURI: REDS FOR EVERYONE! E 4 KGn9 Kod , ,PEE DEC 2d;6, .P CLOSED DEC 25b2E _ OVEN DEC :- E 1 �� lR.11 CEM' 'P ir V V T _P Pickering considers strip club location restrictions PICKERING Dillingham and — A new bylaw would be legal that would out- according to the law strip clubs in new rules. nearly all of Pick- The new bylaw ering and punish defines adult violators with a entertainment fine up to parlors as places $50,000 and/or offering activities imprisonment "appealing to or will be consid- designed to ered by Town appeal to erotic councillors at a or sexual special meeting appetites or incli- Friday (today). nations". Under the Penalties for bylaw, "adult violation of the entertainment new bylaw could parlors" would include a fine of only be permitted up to $25,000 for in the industrial individuals and area 100 metres up to $50,000 for south of Bayly corporations Street east of the and/or imprison - hydro corridor ment for up to just east of Brock one year. and Dillingham "As far as I'm Roads. concerned it's a Pickering's moral issue and only existing we have to start strip club, The making a state - Palace Fast, is on ment as to the ;e �� FINERNIT'„RE SUNDAY, DEC. 24th - CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY - CLOSED BOXING DAY (26th) - CLOSED -SPECIAL SALE OURS .a�. b La :. Watch for our colourful "WOW" flyer in Tuesday's Edition of the Ajax/Pickering News - You'll love the extra special PICKERING SHOWROOM 1099 Kingston Rd (Hwy. 2) Just North of Hwy. 401. HEADING EAST... Take Whites Rd. (Exit 394). North to Kingston Road (Hwy. 2) and turn right. HEADING WEST... Take Liverpool Rd. (Exit 397) North to Kingston Road (Hwy. 2) and turn left. (905) 420-8402. way residents of the Town feel when it comes to things like this," says Ward 2 local Councillor Sher- ry Senis, one of the bylaw's sup- pt►rters. "If we waited until the new year there might be an opportunity for some establish- ment to go into the business," says Coun. Senis. 'WESTERN RANC11'.', Manufacturers of Quality Handcxafted'v'Vestern Bocts ;A \ V" Dome 1. Y, 7Ae %��aw s�att't�calc r�tttd -� Saar %1* 7a x`100 ea. Western Boots Leather Belts ' Accessories 487 Wed=7 Road Sorin: at Clements, Ajax 428-1787 Thur.. & Sc, 9 6. NOW OPEN SUFI ♦ - 6 r- _ 0. News tip? Call us at 683-5110 ftmtq! Ad Mill Specialized Nail Care dt Design ARS SPECIAL NEJD R' _0 C-+ Airbrush Design ' , Nail Art Designs :iianicure $10, French Manicure Pedicure $20, Full With a n Vii+ v P r -y 1.c e& -y aor ' 2 V Set $30, Re -fill $20 1211 Kingston Rd #B7 Pickering, (Just Hirst of Liverpool) Location, location, location. We have opened a branch in such a convenient location, we just can't say it enough. Beverly Bent and her friendly staff are here to assist you with your banking needs, so drop in and say hello! Scotlabank X 0 tN HARWOOD AVENUE & HIGHWAY #2 60 Kingston Road East Ajax. Ontario Telephone (`+05)427-324.1 Branch Manager. Beverly Bent Now Open THE NEWS AflrPBTISM MWAY, WCOISM 2Z 1""AGE 3 SAVE UP TO 50% ON HOME INSURANCE PACKAGE POLICIES - $200 DEDUCTIBLE DURHAM AREA WITHPROTECTION & DISCOUNTS DISCOUNT FOR AGE 50 -NEW HOME *ALARMS- NO CLAIMS • JONES—DOOLEY • INSt711A1V4C_lF SR(�KER Over 23 Years uAAgHA .InNFC.nnnl FV Wishing you a special Holiday season Dear Friends. The-oodays are a great time for remembering the imporant things. And few things could be more important than the !rust and confidence you .have placed in us this year in our business. we depend on people like you i hat's why your conAnued friendship and supports right at the top of our.holiday :asn list. Ard ve d like ,othing better than to :ontinue our relationship in the coming year We wish you the best dung this hdiday season Our warmest holiday regards. 1 —• � S!u f f a 132 Harwood Ave. S. The Ajax Plaza : 683-0407 Proudly serv;ng ,,,r 03mmunity for 30 years Carrier of • The Week RU, DEC. 2M5 11 ew: Adve•osw News Advertiser Adorn Katz Fruia% , c:.lrncr I>t L:u• Cantel Amigo * o `V :k Is Adarn K-itz. Adanl cnio,� playing (Ajax/Pickering) ho�ckc%. lla.cllau. k:o11C L., C01111L.N & `IAD Inaga?.Ine.'. Allam %vill recei%e a dinner for "4 and a T -:hitt co rnplinient, of Burger King. CongratulaHans Udl1QN 70[UN U1111 FUd11�Yb70RU1l Ullll Adam for the g our% Carrier of the �k'rek. RM Imtw IIIA IN Ul you Committed To lt�'-' o Vo� 1JUlR Excellence )_till hl[l,l;�['fl �tlt E'1{iClln l{ Alax For &Maknon&be* you adv/c'rUh ' Byers, 1711 A) U1 BROOM -_ il'` - , a�ivertic:r IMGE 41 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER= 119" New kidneydialysis to serve J ax-Pickeringapproved by Province pp 0 Privately -owned company gets green light to operate new facility serving western portion of Durham By MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER AJAX-PICKERING - Local resi- dents with kidney disease who need hemodialysis will now be able to receive it closer to home at a new treatment facility in Ajax -Pickering approved by the Province. Patients currently have to travel either to Oshawa or Toronto for hemodialysis. The facility, along with new dial- ysis centres in eight other central - east Ontario communities, was announced by Minister of Health Jim Wilson Monday. The ministry will now begin discussions with the providers approved in each commu- nity to determine details of precisely how and where each facility will be set up. More announcements on new dial- ysis services for the rest of the province will be made early in 1996. In Ajax -Pickering the service will be provided by a privately -owned company. Dialysis Management Clinics Inc., which also won approval for its proposal to set up dialysis facilities in Markham and Peterborough. The other communities approved Monday will receive their service through local hospitals. DM(' wa,, formed in 1982 to pro- vide dialysis to visitors from outside Canada because local hospitals were too busy. according to its adminis- trator/owner. ]gal 11oILM. Its services were not covered by OHIP. In 1993 the compa- ny was licensed by the Ministry of Health to pro- vide dialysis to Ontario resi- dents, which are paid for com- pletely by OH1P. DMC operates only one facility so far, in Markham, which is now slated to expand. According Mr. Holtzer, the facility planned for Ajax -Picker- ing will be able to handle 24 sta- ble hemodialysis patients. Its medical director will be Dr. Paul Tam, a nephrologist at Oshawa General Hospital. Patients who receive dial- ysis at the new facility will be able to remain with their own doctors. Among those who submitted a proposal to operate a dialvsis unit here was Ajax and Pickering General Hospital. "We are somewhat disappointed because we think the service should be provided in the hospital as part of an overall health care package." says APGH vice-president of human resources and hospital services Garth Johns. He added. however, that the estab- lishment of a dialysis facility here is "good news for the people of Ajax and Pickering". The ministry re--eived 63 propos- als for new dialysis centres in cen- tral -east Ontario from hospitals and independent health services. Another request for proposals will be issued early in the new year for Bow- manville. Cobourg. Port hope and vicinity. Dialysis is a mechanical cleansing of the blood required by people with kidney failure. About 60 per cent of dialysis patients receive hemodialysis on an outpatient basis, usually three times a week with each treatment lasting three to five hours. Dialysis treat- ments cost about $35.000 a year for each patient. DR. GERRY SPINOSA AND STAFF LAVISH OUR PATIENTS & CONENIUNITY HAPPY & SAFE HOLIDAYS y � PZ - 1 • 525 1 S54 Liverp-.K)l Rd.. 0%i,rth of Hwy. 2 t yr SHOPPERS DRUC. MART C _ < -,15 sa TUESDAY $ +? x�p a ;< 7 -:7 � Y ;DECEMBER 26,1995 ; O.00 A.**5:00 PwM w BOXING DAY SPECIALS ISAVEup % �,. to 50OFF �° t _ • Christmas Gift Wrap , . Decorations d { -*Christmas Cards and other items i -_ Postal Outlet 839- T -A' or 83-9797 y4 ' "� ` '831 -POST Catch us in cyberspace. Call 683-5110 P Enjoy a banquet before Christmas AJAX -- Revivaltime pm. at the Ajax Communi- Tabernacle Church's ty Centre, HMS Ajax Christmas banquet is being Room, Centennial Rd., heli Saturday, Dec. 23 at 7 Ajax. Call 686-2244. AFTER HOURS CLINIC Located on main level. No appointment necessary. OPEN FROM Monday -Friday 5:00 p.m. -9:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Sunday & Holidays 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Q OPl-iN X.%1AS DAY hQ BOXING DAY lr' NNW YEAR'S DAY 10A... - 3 PM. I'harmac-, Xray & Lab Located on Premises 1885 Glenanna Rd. P N Pickering KXAL 839-3883�N pE : towti x' �, miG Canadian jr. I Ken gets a close-up view Ken Scullion, 5, and his mother Lesley concentrate on the task at hand, while making pop-up art at the McLean Library in Ajax recently. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Go Down Under This 100% WIND & WATERPROOF OILSKIN COATS 314 Length From 6149" Full Length From 6169" Removable Liners From -r---- $59" (PLAID WOOL AND FLEECE AVAILABLE) 0�'7__�I,BELTS FROM...... 62999 AUSTRALIAN SHIRT 100% Cotton Sandwas*h 74 Peow • y Put Red Cross on your list I)URHAM --- Offi- cialsat Durham Region Reel Cross is askint, you to put them on your Christmas shopping list this holiday season. Blood donor clinics arc being held today (Friday) at the Ajax Community Centre between 1 1 30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. and at the Metre Fast 'Frade Centre in Pickermi-, hetwccn I p.m. and 4 p. Ill. As well as blood dimations. she says the Ked Cross needs volun- teers to help out with programs and .,er%icc deliver. Call 420-33X; THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, ITIS -PAGE S NDOOR GOLF CENTRE OPENS IN WHITBY The ultimate Indoor Golf Centre, is now open at 1375 Hork,rs St. Whitby. "Divots - features a chipping green, putting green, sand trap and driving range to help you stay sharp over those long winter ^ ,rths. Jeff Lewis - professional `o—nerly of Pro -Golf) is shown ^ " ing from 1 of 6 mats a : aHable. Call Jeff at 430-2656 ?grange your visit today' �k Holy Redeemer Catholic Church 796 EYER DR. PICKERING Christmas Masses December 24th 6 p.m., 8 p.m., Midnight December 25 10 a.m., 12 noon nter 380 Kingston (905) 686-09 MON. -SAT. 10-6 � - SUN. 12-5 I�aFJ AJAX tiNltt�:, 11k HATS $4999 PAGE 6 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22.1995 Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser TlxlO rHl I. M11TI \Kt K 11ibh.hri A \101OUnJ Gmununit% 1r%g'pa[•► J0v11F Rt'K(:H %K1►1' I ,I ;v in-rhir, puhh.heJ \\rd1w JaN. FnJa�.. SunJ:n S'rF\ F HI )i'S ON, \l.,n., ur FJn,•i RKl l F I1\1FI)KI) \,hrm.ur ni.ma,rr 130-1 i2 Con ntrrcl:J A%c Apt. Onl AI\INIlRo t\\FR K,iad\l.in.i,il LIS -'H1; ARI F %K1101 RIF I t,,lnhuu„n manu,•rr flunk 6.1,-: 111) Fay; 6S' -:6t 0 10 Sei*ze the day Its unfortunate, in this season of _•i\ ing, that ;ala\ and Picker fit-, studcnt< attending Pickerim, Hi�,h School find themselves divided over racial line. Students and staff at the school have rallied t() its defence o\er liberal use of the 'R' ,\ord follovking_ an altercation beoveen certain ethnic and \\ hite students late last month. The school board. for its Part, is caught in the mid- dle of \\hat is, esentially, an internal quarrel. And it is a quarrel the school must reolve yuiclsk. 1\ hilt is most important here. Perhaps. is it percep- tion anion, it :roup of student-., and their Parents that there is a problem %% fill racism at the school. For man\, that Perception is their realit\. Consequentl\. the school must acti\el\ deal \kith the situation rather than simply \ell louder to sa\ it docsn•t r\i•t. \\e must all remember, too, that there I. much more to Pickering Myli School than racial debate. The school hit,, a proud tradition of success in turning out eager. intelli,_ent. acadenucaI1\-proficlent and cul- turalk-sensitike students. ( Iearl\, the faculr\ at Pickering_ High School has an oblt_;ttton to see that Its students -- all of its sIu- dents -- are taua_ht and treated in the same fashion. But neither must It ,,ct mired in a Philosophical and emotional debate that offers no solution.. Rccoa_nizc the issue. meet \kith and listen to those \kho ha\ C concerns. offer clear sugg_estions, and con- tinue to look f0r\var(1 \kith it view to the past Students at Pickering_ Hl_h School have much in\ ested in their school. both personall\ and academi- call\. The\ must he taught in an en\ ironnlent that continues to encoura,_e tolerance. respect and learninL, for all. A new \ear l( -oris. Scize the opportunity to make it a much better one for C\cr\ Kid\. • A - HA! GET RE To �',\. t i E GAiN '��,. �,,,,, 5 R k A •..AP r InfoSource Poll: Last %erk we asked: I Should Durham municipalities • resist proposals to amalgamate as part of (:realer Toronto Area reform" ANSWER: Yes No 92% 8% Do you think there is a problem with race relations and violence in Durham Region high schools." INFOSOURCE PHONE# 683-7040 YES: Punch 8026 NO: Punch 8027 What's %our reaction to ne%s the pro%inc•ial government e asked• mac limit its promised income tax cut to Ont.arians" � -- asked at :k•jax Plaza T0N' CI_IF1F'ORD .Its a stupid idea to g_1\ c .()rile people a break but not even_ - hod \ "' DARI LL CRAY -If that was their caun- pai,_n promise the,. should keep it." •1()IIN ('()I.F:.\I:%N '*['in not con\utced cut- tim_ taxes IN in the het interests of the electorate because of the deficit." HAROLD CARMICHAE L "Cuttim-, taxes is fine, but how will they do it with the big_ deficit'."* WRITE TO THE NEWS ADVERTISER, 130 CoNfNfERC1A1. AVE., AJAX. LIS 2H5 OR FAX US AT 683-7363 — ■ Letters OUR E-I`1AILADDRESS Is NewsAd.news@durhamnews.net We at PickeringHigh are hurt by unfai r accusations To the editor: I am ol'I'cnded and an_,,cred h\ the Dec. IK article 'South Asian parents hope to help solve Pickering High School racisnn-. In my role as a teacher at Pickering, High School and a,, a concerned member ol' this vital. positive community, I am appalled you would print such a one-sided. inaccurate and ulti mately divisive article. The very, title of the article pre- scnts racism as a fact at Pickering High School, as a truism fi►r our entire community, not as the thoughts and actions of an isolated few. If the journalist who wrote the article had bothered to come to Pickering,,. to talk to the students and staff of this outstanding* high school, she would have discOv- cred a community of nearly 3.(X)0 individuals who work, play and succeed together. harmoniously, day after Jay. In spite of crowded conditions and unfair and unwarranted attacks by the misinformed, the Terry Fox dream is alive To the editor: The wonderful ladies always put their hearts into This past September, the people of' Pickering once their work. again came together to support the Terry Fox Run. We'd also like to thank those businesses which This year was a great success. raising $17.000 by donated prizes to the run and the participants who running, wheeling. and cycling through a 10-kilonnc- gathered pledges and ensured that our community ire course. would make a difference in the battle against cancer. The organizing committee would like to thank the We look forward to seeing you all next year. volunteers who helped that day. especially the Ajax- Charlene Quinn Pickering Ladies Progress Club. Terry Fox Run organizer members of our Pickerin,, High School community have earned distinction not only in arts, acade- mics and athletics, but for com- hatting and overcoming* the very racism of' which we stand accused. If elements of racism do exist at Pickering, they certainly do not flourish here, and most certainly they are less than would he: found in any other multi -race, multi-eth- nic, multicultural group of'similar size living together in similar, cramped conditions. To present Pickering High School as a place where racism is it serious prohlent does great dis- service to our tremendous stu- dents who arc hurt by unfair accu- sations that undermine all the great things they do and in which they share. As a teacher, I am offended by Dr. Sehdev's accusation, Present in the article, that because I am white I cannot respond positively to students' concerns about possi- ble racist acts. Not only is that accusation itself a racist comment — suggesting white teachers are unable or unwilling to act respon- sibly to protect their non-white students, but it is also irresponsi- ble and patently wrong. The administration and staff' of this school work very hard, and have been very successful, in.trying to provide an environment that is positive for all students, all the time. Come and see us. We are proud of who we are and what we do here and we welcome visitors with open arms. Martin Perrault, Pickering High School ff" A I Drunk driving stats slightly lower this season DURHAM — The number ving Everywhere (R.I.D.E.) R.I.D.E. stopped 5,095 vehi- of drinking drivers is down program . A total of 82 road- cles, issuing 10 12 -hour sus - slightly so far this holiday side tests have been admin- pensions and arresting two peo- season, according to statis- istered, police have issued ple for driving over the legal tics released by Durham 20 12 -hour suspensions limit of 80 mgs. Regional Police. and six people were During the past week, 16 To date, 17,935 vchi- charged with drinking people were arrested for cles have been stopped by driving offences. impaired driving by regular the Reduce Impaired Dri- In the past week, police patrol units. Durham school boards work together to cut costs DURHAM — The school boards here continue to share services in an attempt to save axpayers' money. Among the services shared by the Durham Board of Education and the Durham Region Roman Catholic Sepa- rate School Board are adult and continu- ing education initiatives. Through funding from the Ministry of Education and Training in 1992- the boards have worked together to strengthen adult and continuing educa- tion oppor unities. The boards and Durham College pro- duced their first combined continuing education catalogue last summer, reduc- ing distribution costs. Their second cata- logue is expected to be released in early January. The boards have also reduced duplication of credit courses offered to Durham residents upgrading their skills or earning their secondary school diplo- ma TT The public board has cut back its I C%ristmas L hts. course locations to R.S. McLaughlin Collegiate and Vocational Institute in Oshawa and Dumbarton High School in Pickering, MWe the separate board now offers courses at Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School in Ajax. Language irutructim courses for new Canadians are offered in the west end of the Region by the public board, 3, Q9, while the separate board offers those courses in the east end.. The boards have also cut transporta- tion ansporta-tion costs by amalgamating bus routes where possible. 1' , The separate board uses a coatputer- `1,,y; ' sa►~i+- ized transportation system calledyr- Bustops, which is compatible with the , public board's Map Net Plus. Data from both boards is entered and examined in ` an effon to share routes. ' 1, 2q5 The number of routes shared by the boards reached 61 last spring. The %&J, aml Forever lu.ti, boards dope to further increase that a) Nlappinz- Special Wition ;\nnivenary Band. 104t. tclw. number when both systems arc fully by + 19%. Exclusively cies to anrrmemorate our M)tli ;lnnivenan. compiarized Computer seriwet4 for both boards 6) "\ wnna" our Channel `et Nixess have also been mesbed in many areas. 1)iamonl ,lnnivenan• Band. llbl) ct. klw. For ' aft Shldeilt atiminisizziJon0 Tire Contemporary "\'enicv" ,%nnivenary Banc. 0.50,.t. tdw. systems, fmancial accounting systems, teaL�ei personnel systems and on-line All of time exqui4k ,6ni,, n Rana am 6utih&, set in I R Lt goW. communication systems (E -Mail) are available drough a Wide Area Network Defer your payment until ALy IM covering all 165 public and separate schools i0 Durtwn en an P.I. (�$, 0 tor more, when you use yuur A new joint purcbasmg System was %iappins credit card, and bug befw l ktemb r 25, W5. ` recently installed and joint payroll ser- vices ane being icurrently ate �`�I=I – • Both boardwe cu boards we ntlty testing an Internet pilot pn *a at eight sues across the Region. The Wide Area Network IL1h.lIN ll1.FR J\th lv„ will rte )bm individual dial-up lines with high-speed lines connected to classroom networks. They will provide quick access to the Internet by larger 8roups of nchE.Ki�c, ru��� c t.ti rKt: (�u>>> 420-8(Ki9 students. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22,1995 -PAGE 7 �iCVe92iMSrKKi3r $21 OFF A\Y I3Xt'CH OF `X \F, (VALID TI lRt - DEC 31 OR $80 FOR A 51(X} XMAS G11-7 CERTIFICATE" Quality!! Price!! Service!! ti (This is 30 battles of wine for less than 53/bottle) EXCEPTIONAL WINES, FABULOUS VALUE 1794 LIVERPOOL RD. ACROSS FROM THE LCBO (905) 831-3244 �p1N S�t i 1 Over 60 Stores, Restaurants & Services Yes, we are OPEN Tuesday, December 26 Boxing Day 10:00 a.m. - 6:00p.m. Always open Sunday. Nestled Just east of Warden north of Highwzy 7 Just 25 minutes from Downtown Toronto ST. CLAIR Mla FASHION CENTRE AT THE HOWARD JOHNSON HOTEL (401 & Keck t1 JL ST ABa1VCDt JW MW sax clot $1200 MOW $499 �I To all our friends' s ; • ; and customers We wish AND LESS 1 you TO CHOOSE FROM SUM 3-30 a Merrry Christmas FOR SPRING. SUMMER A FALL WEDMCS. . and a `°""S"'dvwe C/! RUAlber p!! I.• / SEEING IS BELIEVING Happy New. Year EIIAFIPIE -r' °id',� - ♦. W #,!, i�:.,' Mae, Cord THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22,1995 -PAGE 7 �iCVe92iMSrKKi3r $21 OFF A\Y I3Xt'CH OF `X \F, (VALID TI lRt - DEC 31 OR $80 FOR A 51(X} XMAS G11-7 CERTIFICATE" Quality!! Price!! Service!! ti (This is 30 battles of wine for less than 53/bottle) EXCEPTIONAL WINES, FABULOUS VALUE 1794 LIVERPOOL RD. ACROSS FROM THE LCBO (905) 831-3244 �p1N S�t i 1 Over 60 Stores, Restaurants & Services Yes, we are OPEN Tuesday, December 26 Boxing Day 10:00 a.m. - 6:00p.m. Always open Sunday. Nestled Just east of Warden north of Highwzy 7 Just 25 minutes from Downtown Toronto ST. CLAIR Mla FASHION CENTRE AT THE HOWARD JOHNSON HOTEL (401 & Keck t1 JL ST ABa1VCDt JW MW sax clot $1200 MOW $499 �I BRIDAL GOWNS 1/2 PRICE AND LESS 1 WE HAVE OM IM BRAM NEW GOWNS TO CHOOSE FROM SUM 3-30 FOR SPRING. SUMMER A FALL WEDMCS. . WHY PAY MORE? `°""S"'dvwe C/! RUAlber p!! I.• / SEEING IS BELIEVING M aha rmtioe EIIAFIPIE °id',� REC. $600.00 NOW $199.00 ?00.00 249.00 800.00 299.00 1,000.00 399.00 1,500.00 499.00 We cannot be • h, W u son undersold on our t PAG E -$-THE NEVA ADVERTLSER FRIDAY. DF.0 MMA = ll9S What's open, what's not iPickeri n g duringnthe Christmas holiday season PICKERING - Don't forget the Pickering Civic Complex and other Town facilities will he closed some extra days over the Christmas holi- day season. The Civic Complex will be closed Wednesday. Dec. 27 in addition to closing for slatutory holidays on Monday. Dec. 25. Tuesday. Dec. 26 and Monday, Jan. 1. Pickering Town Council will next meet on Monday, Jan. 15, while its executive committee will meet Monday. Jan. 8. There will be no garbage and recycling collection Tuesday. Dec. 26. The Tuesdav route will be col- lected instead on Saturday. Dec. 30. Pickering Transit will not operate on '.Monday. Dec. 25. Tuesday. Dec. 26 or Monday. Jan. 1. All public libraries will be closed Saturday. Dec. 23 through Tuesday. Dec. 26 and on Monday. Jan. 1. The Pickering Recreation Com- plex will be: open Friday. Dec. 22 from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.: open Satur- day Dec. 23 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.: closed from Sunday. Dec. 24 through Tuesday. Dec. 26: open for regular hours Wednesday. Dec. 27 and Thursday. Dec. 28: open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday. Dec. 29: open from 9 a -m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday. Dec. 30.: and closed Sunday, Dec. 31 and Monday. Jan. 1. The recreation complex pcK 1 will be closed Sunday. Dec. 24 through Tuesday, Dec. 26. Sundae. Dcc. ; I and Monday. Jan. 1. Phone the rec complex for more information about extended hours of operation at the pool from Dec. 13 to Jan. 7. The recreation complex arena will offer public skating Friday. Dec. 22 from 7:30 to 9 p.m., and will he closed Saturday. Dec. 23 through Tuesday. Dec. 26 and on 'Monday. Jan. 1. It will open Sundae. Dcc. 31 from 6 to 9 p.m. for the P i c k e r i n g Countdown Family Skating • • Party. There will also be public skating 50% Dec. 27, 28, and 29 and Jan. 2, 3, 4, and 5 Off from 1 to 3 p.m. seleCUd Parent and Tot Chrristms Skates will be unavailable Orflan1e11tS Dec. 28 and 29 and Jan. 4 and 5. Senior Skates will be held Fri- day, Dec. 29 and Jan. 5 from 10 a.m. to sosoca �' •'Bort 12:30 p.m. a Liquor and $3.99 beer stores will ,a be open Sun- day, Dec. 24 to help revellers �. toast the festiveseason. M The LCBO � $ � outlet at Liver- pool pool Road and Hwy. 2 will be open until 10 p.m. Dec. 22. 9:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. Dec. 23. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dec. 24, closed Dec. 25 and 26, open from 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Dec. 27 to 29, open from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Dec. 30. closed Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 and open again Jan. 2. The outlet at Whites Road and Hwy. 2 opens at 9:30 a.m. daily, except otherwise noted. Hours are until 9 p.m. Dec. 22, til 6 p.m. Dec. 23. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dec. 24, closed Dec. 25 and 26. open til 6 p.m. Dec. 27, til 9 p.m. Dec. 28 and 29, til 6 p.m. Dec. 30. closed Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 and open again Jan. 2. Brewer's Retail at Liverpool and Hwy. 2 will he open 9:30 a -m. to 11 p.m. Dec. 22 and 23. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dec. 24, closed Dec. 25, 26, 31 and Jan. 1, open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Dec. 27 and 28. 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Dec. 29, 9:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. DLc. 30 and open again Jan. 2. The beer store at lIw•v. 2 and Whites will be open until 9 p.m. Dec. 22, 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Dec. 23. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dec. 24, closed Dec. 25, 26. 31 and Jan. 1, open 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Dec. 27, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Dec. 28 and 29 and open again on Jan. 2. Shoppers can buy those last- minute gifts at the Pickering Town Centre until 10 a.m. Dec. 22. from 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Dec. 23 and from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m Dec. 24. The mall will be closed Dec. 25. 26 and Jan. 1. It will be open Dec. 27 from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Dec. 28 and 29. 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Dec. 30, ncxon to 5 p.m. Dec. 31 and open again on Jan. 2. Check with your financial institu- tion for hours over the holiday sea- son. GRAB YOUR BOXING DAY DISCOUNTS NOW! ♦ Yl 160 2GRS all Es Spas �hlp wrap Soda 694 1 1 Irr pact 694 i�0 W 44 01 ♦ WSaR ♦ • Children's tLadles' PWIM TOPS1Wear Designer &»ted•• ea Jns BMWs Jeans or T -Shins -Doth aaw" Ladies $7.98 NOW $12.98 • a Rag. Wm 2 W$10 Sizes 2.6x 250 BAYLY ST. W. +01 cKENZIE PLAZA, AJAX Pao 427-5140 [A SALE STARTS TODAY i CONTINUES WHILE QUANTITIES LAST "MUCH MORE THAN A DOLLAR STORE" 0 r rr A GREAT CHRISTMAS IDEA!! rw.- - uNvCRda o►G CRS p durha o �� o� a _ .et yourself hooked up to the WORLD WIDE WEB!! • Full Internet Access • 1-900 Help Line Support • Over 25 Years of Customer Service • Flexible Rates • Personal E -Mail Address • Web Page Services Available • Fully Enabled T-1 Access • Business Packages • Local Hook-up (No long distance!) Brought to you by Durham's Information Provider Oshawa • Whitby • Clarin-ton THIS WEEK News Advertiser http://www.durhamnews.net 0 _.• 14 Halibau Greetings gram Br.,�$trphen �NNc��1PI, �.�.�. & �$taff To help you _ '^ - Convenient care feel at ease: -- = . __ with you in mind: ✓ LZtrasonic ✓ New patients cleanings% welcome ✓ Soothing ✓ We file & accept nitrous '� �t.�\ 'T� "� direct insurance oxide & ILy general £' payments i (you pay only portion anesthesia IK not covered by plan) \ ✓ Virtual Vision `- ✓ 5% discount for glasses & stereo s= r senior citizens headphones to :) `� ✓ Same-day y help you relax tappointments for ✓ Autoclave sterilization emergencies ✓ Amazing intraoral camera V White fillings for ✓ Complete preventive, back teeth restorative & cosmetic ✓Impacted wisdom dentistry z teeth tr tm t ,! Saturday appointments Call for your free cosmetic consultation! • Learn how tooth whitening, porcelain veneers, and other cosmetic procedures can make your smile look brighter. D.D.S. Former Editor of the newsletter for dentists, THE DENTALETTER CALL NOW 683-1432 172 Harwood Ave. South, Suite 141, Ajax See our Two -Page - - r 0 all PRE -CHRISTMAS BLOWOUT Insert inside ENTER AND SIJ p10NCCJ2" . , ,, BOXING DAY DEALS ARE HAPPENING NOW H O M E VSX454 - Dolby prc logic A - accurate Imaging system V - super bass control - discrete power amp D SAVE $112 1 O O� 388 C A R A U BEST PRICE EVER!! AM.'FM casse-, e CD 3r, pnAered and D full featured. Includes Pioneer 6 Pack CO player I SAVE $'32 ° 88 PDM423 6 pack CD system - full remote control system remote capable SAVE $52 KE 1900 ce%a :nabie face super tuner III separate bass/treble SAVE $32 O$188 OPEN SAT. 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SUN. 11 A.M. TO 4 P.M. CTW404R USX504S double auto reverse - Dolby pro logic Dolby B/C with HXPRO - programmable remote real time counter - sub woofer output - 440 watts SAVE $63 SAVE $122 ,all X256 DEH515 detach fake n dash CD 4 channel high power dual pre outs full remote control SAVE $72 NO 448 ,& $538 GM62 AMP - ,^, 50 .watts �' 88 N PIONEER 100 w 2 way 6x9's O"A $98 ALL SALES FINAL AND SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. TERMS ARE CASH, CHEQUE, 34 HUNT ST. AJAX VISA, MASTERCARD, AMEX. IN-STORE FINANCING AVAILABLE O.A.C. 2 Lights South of 401 CLOSED DEC. 26, OPEN DEC. 27 FROM 10 A.M. UNTIL 6 P.M. west off Harwood 686-1400 • TO SHOP AT THE IRS LIQUIDATION OUTLET WHERE EVERY DAY IS BOXING DAY!, As liquidators we have been awarded bankrLptcy, inventory clearance and manufacturers' overstock to offer for immediate disposal. WWV me T1 -7_RrF4TE1L, BILL SAUNDERS STURES OF GREEN" FRAMED WITH DOUBLE MATS. OTHER SAUNDER PRINTS AVA ILA B LI 1j rea —" SOLID OAK TABLE CHAIRS CENTR- PIECE MATCHING O%LV CURIO IS $6300� A1'AILABLE CHAIRSWI% (11 TEN ST)'L N i44AOO lfi.l.l11\ 1 KINGSI AND "COLLECTABLES" UNFRAME..1) PRINT N0V 1°° I. ROBERT BATEMAN "VIGILANCE" F"p,jf I) `\Y'ITI i 1 x A ASH: %IAT',. (rYlliFU IIATP..MAN I'VINTI, Av'AILABLE) "RETURN TO GLORY" AUTOGRAPHED BY "WENDEL CLARK" CERTIFICATE OF AtITHENTICITY FRAMED Urm DO UB E NOW MATS ONLY NEW STOCK EVERY WEEK NEW DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON_ LIMrrED EDITION PRINTS FRAMED R UNFRAMED (RATEMAN, CASSON. (NEW) ROMANCE, LYMAN TAIT, SAUNDERS. LUMBERS_) LAMPS, FURNITURE, COLLECTIBLES AND MUCH, MACH, MORE_ JOHN SEERY LESTER "BANYAN AMBUSW 0-4 FRAMED WITI-I DOUBLE MATS. OTHER LESTER PRINTS AVAILABLE M. •I - AJAX BOXING WEEK 1-7 Friday 11 a.m - 9 p.m. • s Tues. 9a.m. - d pan. Sat 10 a.m. p.m. wed. 9 am. � p.m. � � Sun. 11 a.m. • 5 P.M. n""�� 11 a.m. P� x 4,4011 ��Ilon.CLOSEDstmt,12m5pni,� � TERMS: Paymem by Cash, Y•ala, MasterCard. Sorry no dwques. AN salas final. y T Canad' i ZC U Save Up To 0/(0 For Our I an Selected Toys ■ OPEN WED., DEC. 27`h. Sale prices in effect Saturday, 29 Pc. Screwdriver & Nutdriver Bit Set Reg. 119" .r 54-3623-2 %;OKe, mei GOKe or Sprite kBLE xRO.w. 3 Dec. 23 8 am -9 pm Dec. 24 9 am -6 pm ian Tire 6 Pc. Faberware Kitchen Tool Set RE /I 1 1■ � i!Mij 185-2 Dirt Devil Wet/Dry Vac • Powerful 100 watt • Detachable leaf blower • 8 gallon capacity * 15 foot cord N9-5438-6 Reg. 199-79 Save kw" -Excludine liehts 7 pm Saturday OOR CRASHER or lnSWck Hoc OMoor OFF I HOC Up To % A ' 1 1 On All In -Stock Christmas Cand Plus HUNDREDS vOf Otlier ln&m Swe� s pm Saturday DOOR CRASHER hies lash Sorry, no rai'Nhecks:We reserve the right to limit quantities. THESE LOCATIONS ONLY Pic rin J =300 K NOSTON ROAD 43939 0 17 Dec23 am -9 pm Dec. 24 9 am -5 pm d Bat13 teries OFF EXCLUDING 6V AND RE-CHARGABLE 1 HOUR ONLY � TM :23 789 0 r See our Two -Page PRE -CHRISTMAS BLOWOUT Insert inside NOTICE! TtNREND RLf1Wf1HT it EVERY MAYTAG IS ON SALE! WASHERS • DRYERS DISHWASHERS • RANGES REFRIGERATORS CONDITIONS OF SALE 1 . Due to the nature of this sale, a sales presentation may not be given. 2. All merchandise is new. 3. All tagged prices include the standard warranty. 4. Personal shopping only. No telephone quotes. 5. Quantities and color selection may be limited on some models and products, first come, first serve. 6. No dealers or wholesalers, please. A Maytag Factory Representative will be present during this sale. 4 DAYS ONLY Peter's Appliances Pickering Home & Leisure Centre 6069 Kingston Rd. 1755 Pickering Pkwy. West Hill 905-428-6333 _ 905-428-3320 100'. Canadiar. Owed & Operated BALER PRO COMPS sp.- $29995 JR. $19995 r— 4 �sT y/N I I TyF� OTO 111111/�VY(1 • Dining Room • Living Rooms • Coffee Tables • Bedrooms • Lamps • Pictures ... and more! co • SAME DAY DELIVERY .AVE BIG ON FURNITURE ALL ITEMS 'E NOW! ONE LOCATION ONLY AVANTEE FURNITURE LTD. 1285 KENNEDY RD. (416) 7.51-82" BAUER 4000'S ., SR. $249 JR. $149" Jr. Goal � Vaughn Visions Masksfrom 'Sr. Goal Pads $149" 119995 All goalie equipment up to 30% off J DOOR CRASHE IiIII 2000'S SR. $199' JR. $12995 -Max Aluminum Aluminum C'T'If K C BAUER 20(, v iL4M SR. $14995 JR. $99" MICRON AlIt 70's CCM 750 (Ka Irs d -W. sR. 15159' JR. $99" SR. $249" JR. $149" UP TO off all in -stock hockey equipment (elbow pads, pants, shin pads, gloves, shoulder pads, etc.) 301 N ' s Ellesmere Shell. White N Rost ' I.aNrcnce CCM 550 COOPER HH30001 TACKS HELMET JR, $8995 $499$ ALL WOOD HOCKEY STICKS & BLADES BUY 1 GET 2ND 1/2 PRICE Bauer H3 Rollerblade GI •� SaleSale $119" $A SOURCE 32 Church St. S. DEC. 27 `EH8AX-9P.M. PICKERING VILLAGEFORPickering Village DEC.2d,29 10.M.-9P.M. C. 30 9 A.M.4 PM. SPORTS – 683-0400 DEC. 31 12 P.M. -5 P.M. .., , _ ....... , ..... . _ ... .. _ . . - . _ ...-.. _ .... TNF. NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. DECEMBER 22,'115 -PAGE 13 ri Dec.22 1995, Youngsters learn to write against scenic backdrop of the Rocky Mountains DURIIAM — Imaginary trip sparks creative dren. Youngsters can The cost is pick up some tips thought in Muse Program g S40. When reg - writing '.7-- istering, indicate while taking an self-expression There arc two For the ses- which session imaginary trip through writing. sessions — in sions, a journey you want to through the L l i z a b e t h the morning through the take. Rocky Moun- Riehle, director from 9:30 a.m. Rocky Moun- Call 686-1183 tains. of children's to noon and in tains will be for more infor- The Writers' programs for the the afternoon used as a theme mation or to reg - Circle of Circle, says, from 1 to 3:30 to help the chit- ister. Durham Region "The thrust is p.m. Christmas Eve & New Years Eve Special Dinner Buffet r - _ Fine Indian Cuisine • Chicken. Fish, Beef. Pakcra,; Samosa, veg. Lentiles. soup, salad, tandoori chicken dessert and more. all you can RL $ 99 eat Buffet LLBO9_5 =� Pfd • • Shake in the New Years with it )0e r--� fl I��j�N Dec. 31, 1995 9:00 P.M. Dinner & Show $50.00 featuring Artists: first time appearance Antoine Jalbout brought to you from Beirut, Lebanon also belly dancer and Las Vegas entertainer Des Hylton Fabulous Middle Eastern & Canadian Cuisine 1735 Bayly, Pickering (Just east of Brock Rd.) 831-9866 Come experience something a little different right here in durham without traveling to the big city. ,r 100 Wes:r.e, Pc.,. S. ,;;ax T I (Ner, co Go Stationl '.7-- • . Ca.. for reservations + - Tel: 905-686-9879 Shake in the New Years with it )0e r--� fl I��j�N Dec. 31, 1995 9:00 P.M. Dinner & Show $50.00 featuring Artists: first time appearance Antoine Jalbout brought to you from Beirut, Lebanon also belly dancer and Las Vegas entertainer Des Hylton Fabulous Middle Eastern & Canadian Cuisine 1735 Bayly, Pickering (Just east of Brock Rd.) 831-9866 Come experience something a little different right here in durham without traveling to the big city. PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, H"S P Raiders"'major peewees win back-to-back games over Markham Waxers AJAX-PICKERING — The Ajax -Pickering Raiders Canada winner, with singles to Andre g Darlow and Danny Schofield. and game of the two -game set an assist. Brett Lemmon played apiece, Cuzzolino, McMillan and Air Tech Systems major peewee 'AAA' Darlow recorded two assists, with with an easy 8-1 victory. Kevin Crawford led the way with two well in net. The Air Tech peewees also Allan Maclsaac with one each. Lemmon held the hot hand in net. rep hockey team won three league games, including back -to- single helpers to Matthew Pett, Shawn Cooper, Roy MacLeod, goals and two assists, followed by McMillan defeated Barrie 6-4. McMillan The Ione Raiders' loss was to the back contests with Markham, Geoffrey Stewart and Steve with two goals and one assist, Matthew Peneycad with scored a hat trick, including the game winner, to pace the Raiders. Richmond Hill Stars by a 4-2 count. Pett and Brent Chandler while dropping just one. The Raiders edged the Markham Burnett with singles. Steve Stinson in two goals, Schofield with three Stewart netted a pair of goals, with scored for Ajax -Pickering, with Waxers 4-3. Brandon McMillan was solid net, making many assists, Darlow with a goal and an Macleod adding a single. assists to Cuzzolino, MacLeod, scored twice, including the game great saves. Ajax-Pickcring also won the sec- assist. Stewart with a goal. Mike ('uzzolino Cooper NO Drawing assists were Stewart, Darlow Adam Blair and Spencer and with and Schofield with two Cameron. Fax your Scoreboard items to 683-7363 SPORTS Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. Pickering Panthers it play to'be,tloss in Beantown weekend By AL RIVETT SPORTS REPORTER PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers managed only a tie on a road trip which took them to the U.S. eastern seaboard last weekend. The Panthers played a Metro Junior 'A' Hockey League game against the Wellington Dukes before embarking on a trip to Bostonwhere the,, played a two -game set against the Boston Bulldogs juniors. The Panthers were edged by the Dukes 4-3 in a contest at the Wellington District Community Centre, argu one of the hardest places to play in the league. owing to a small ice surface and rabid fans. However, a poor second period proved to be the undoing of the Panthers as they gave up four goals, two coming on the powerplay, to Wellington who led 4-I at that point. Pickering came back with two third -period goals, but couldn't pot the equalizer. "It's probably one of the toughest rinks in the league, but our guys played a real good game," says Panthers' head coach John Blackburn. "We probably deserved a better fate. We outshot them 45- 32, but still ended up losing. The kids battled and worked hard." Anthony Cornacchia, Jason Wilson and Graham Horne scored for the Panthers against Wellington. The Panthers then continued their journey eastward, playing their first game in Boston against the Bulldogs on Saturday night, less than 24 hours after the Wellington contest. In a physical contest, the played the Boston squad to a 2-2 draw. Blackburn says the Boston team tried to physically intimidate the Pickering players from the opening face-off, but the Panthers responded in kind to the rough play. "They knew we were tired and they tried to take it to us physically, but our kids stood up and met the challenge," he says. Jason Wilson and Richard Spooner scored for the Panthers. The next morning, the two teams met for the second game of the exhibition series. This time, the Bostonians blanked the Panthers by a 2-0 count. After three games inside 36 hours. the grind took its toll on the Panthers in this one. Pickering was only able to dress 14 skaters for this game, owing to injuries. "We played well, but we were missing a bit of says Blackburn. The upshot of the exhibi- tion series was that approximately 15 scouts from U.S. colleges took in the games, with the Panthers already receiving some inquiries about its players. Pickering's league record stands at six wins, 14 losses and four ties for 16 points. The Panthers are in fifth place in the league's East Division, nine points behind fourth -place Wellington. The Panthers play tonight, Friday, Dec. 22 against the Thornhill Islanders at the Pickering Recreation Complex at 7:30 p.m. The Panthers play on home ice again on Saturday night against the Markham Waxers. Game time is 8:30 p.m. s•s PANTHERS' POSTSCRIPT: The Panthers pulled off a trade with the North York Rangers, sending for- wards John Gallagher and Jeremy Murphy to North York for defence - man Tim McCarthy, a Pickering resident, and left winger Paul Howes...Panthers' players will visit the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital on Saturday morning between 10 a.m. and noon. Players will be handing out presents to kids who won't be able to go home for Christmas... The Panthers have 28 games remaining in the regular -sea- son schedule. To advertise in this space, call 683-5110 Packed pool A group of swimmers get set to warm up in prepara- tion for the start of races at the annual Christmas Classic swim meet hosted by the Pickering Swim Club last weekend. photo by Carl Ferencz Allervac e allergens. Pollen wc", dust miles and th&r dropp.sgs, sakvvcarorwsated cot hair_. A&rwc sucks than off the fbm, cvpeh and even fww bbna like md&ess covers and pk%vs. What's nae, these mxmscopic porgdm Weser escape ANerwc's absa4* owVw hose coWi6V =#a Compomnerw and its unique Oneco Taww 4 ta"N $Y*n The A/erwx systems #vw #byes: • dust conbrner ca nis&V of two byas of strong paper b wihsrvd rrense pmw re and oxrrsd lbdng. • gray, randonfibre fiber between dist co **w and airfight mabr cafxv* v • the exhaust filer is a WA... High Elkiniq Ponicubte Aa fiber. N kaps 99.99% of pabdes as small as 0.3 microns... Oise s orsel wd dw wiA of human hoir. Even 004 they may not be visbk b the human eye, particles the► size inibtte the brMXW trod and lead b *Ivy eyes, a my nose, %#teersng and sneezing. That's wfy haspinls and stoics in Europe *o* NEPA fibers; Ihey hep people who wpm from dust= rebted allergies and reWmbry problem by mrbcing ►heir expowre to allergens cmilo ned in sial. Avaiiab a across Canada, ym son mine in and see for yoursef how an ewy 1d but 1Kfel8 wid vw-m designed and C A F1 {�_�� htxb n can ME11_ FI(FEf ftSiEM ) clears 4&s musing �� �' . ahrgies in your hare. t. We'll run it until it sells! Call us for (905) TORONTORA W 1%Mf17117 detaIIls o LINE Applies to Articles For 798-7672 ��andVeh y� only _ AUTO FOR SALE PACKAGE Sak . Includes all paper buy, For AST V Sale signs plus tips for69 fllltlltlffllSA lo/ selling your vehicle. A,k ah . THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1995 -PAGE 15 AUCTION Call 8 a.m. to 8 P.m.e. Monday to Friday P:L� 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday 683,7m UF fax your ad well $L. hawa. aro LIH 6N7 (905) 579-2238 [me BIRTH NOTICES IF you are single or a sin - Announce your baby's ar,,val ,tea) Mill and receive a gift certificate 47/ +GS entitling you to $25 worth room 5800 chestem,e.a 8 of quality baby products. STOVE. S75; refrigerator " Careers " Careers " Careers ' General General General Articles Articles Articles Help Help , Help For Sale For Sale FMI For Sale Oshawa • Whitby • Clarington This Week PRE'SE.W."'f #I 1111!% Don't miss this opportunity to display your business in the highest traffic area in Durham Region, Oshawa Centre Wednesday, January 10th Thursday, January 11th Friday, January 12th Saturday, January 13th at the Oshawa Centre Price includes display booth and advertisement in a special section Sunday, January 7th,1996 1 General ADULTS 976 CHAT LINE looking for pit phone mate. earn $70..rshift Please call for appointment Mon -Fn 10-5 416-754- 5183 CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser requests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Advertiser will r" be responsible for more !hart one incorrect insertion and there shall be no liability for ran -insertion of any adver- tisement. Liability lot er- rors in ads is limited to the amount paid for the space occupying the error. All copy is subject to the ap- proval of management of News Advertiser. EARN $600 per week from home!! Product as- sembly. Mall processing. Typing labels, etc. Guar- anteed (416) 208-3263 ext. 6 24 hrs. 1► ml i P MATURE STUDENTS and homemakers wanted for part time telemarketing Training provided. Call bet- ween 9 am, and 5 p in 619-6991 sales E91TH4 I Apft INDUSTRIAL RUBBER Distributor is seeking can- didates for inside outside sale sin S Ontario Send resumes to Snowden Fib- ber Industries, 846 Fare - Os Ont I) Ce well $L. hawa. aro LIH 6N7 1 Help [me HOSPW IF you are single or a sin - HOUSEKEEPER / NAN-1 ,tea) Mill gle parent or separated or divorced with three years work experience, you may quality for financial assis- tance of if you are over 45 and have recently been laid off, you( qualrfy lot training assistance, DIP/ CERT., Lotus. WordPerfect, D -Base. Word, Accpac, Bedford, Autocad. Ventura. Pagemaker, Harvard, Cor- el, Computer Programming and Systems Analyst. Co- bol. Pascal and C. Photo - Shop, Quark Express and Illustrator, Durham Busi- ness Computer College, 427-3010 PART TIME SECRETARIAL positron . Evenings &wee- kends. Real Estate expen- ence essential. Drop off re- sume at 513 Westney Rd.s , Ajax. or fax to (905) 683- 5436. DENTAL Receptionist/ Dental Assistant required for full-time position, flexible hours In a preventive dental practice. experience wi computers an asset. Please hand deliver resumes to 259 Sxncoe St. S. WESTERN INVENTORY SERVICE LTD. Full 8 Part time (weekends) INVENTORY COUNTER POSITIONS AVAILABLE Western 1n,cn:Lrr, Cer,ice _td s an rlernati rat ,n.ertsr/ "r11r; ;er., �p providing inventory counts for retail d commercial Industry As +ore continue to expand, we require ambthous self starters sho aro flexible In scheduling and are available top work - days a week STUDENTS....... A limited number of weekend only positions are also avadable WE OFFER: • Compelltlre noudy salary ($7 00 to stain • Full paid training 8 Opportunity for advancement WE ARE LOOKING FOR CANDIDATES WITH: • Stmr; ­ath aD:l', • F;exlbifity In scheduling d 7 day availability Including eves ''weekends • -wr transportation • ��oendable outgoing. workers Aant to be a player on a winning team mall tax or phone WESTERN INVENTORY SERVICE LTD. 199 Wentworth St. W. Suite $04 Oshawa. Ontario. LU 1P4 (905) 432-2549 Daycare • Wanted DAYCARE h. ,-.. ,w,) pre-school boys South Ajax Refer ences required Contact Christine at (905 428 2207 glop Firewood A GREAT DEAL T.y c:..,-tr sea -,„Med arriwocld at low prices FREE DELIV ERY Serving PiCle ,,. Ajax WhOby and Osrawa Call DURHAM FIREWOOD 427-4741 BROOKLIN FIREWOOD Essar <^rr, ,'S rear Brush cords, face cords and kindling of quality sea- sonedfirewood Fast friendly service and free delivery Please phone or leave Message (905) 655- 5490 or 655-8797 YEAR END SALE, tre- woon ouauty seasoned 16 - hardwood, cut, split and delivered. $190bush cord while supplies last Call 705 944-8801, 7pm- t 1 pm FIREWOOD Excellent quality hard- wood Guaranteed. extra long time fully seasoned Cut and spit HoMtt nioasurail a Free delivery. Kozy Heat Firewood (905)753-2246 FIREWOOD, TOP OtIALITY, seasoned hardwood at low prices. Free delivery. serving Pick- ering. Ajax, Whitby, Osha- wa. call 427-8250 or 427- 1734 SKIDS b Pallets for fire- wood. hardwood 8 Soft- wood Mixed, pre cut or bro- kem, delivery avaialbel• NANNY WANTED• non smoking, for one year old. professional family in Whit- 1 Pair of KYB Gas struts, by, experience and refer. retail $160, will sen for S80 ences a must' ECE a plus fits 1981 83 Datsun 200SX Call 430-3598 CallAbe at 683-5117 or 427-1637 eve Articles FMI large S small loads. Lmuted Dayeare time offer call (905)430- 905)430- e 1 vaunted Me, 9013. HOUSEKEEPER / NAN-1 Flea NY position. Live in / out. MWtfet experience and references room 5800 chestem,e.a 8 necessary. In Ajax area. STOVE. S75; refrigerator Call Rohn 905-686.2670. S50: dryer $50: microwave LIVE -OUT nanny, non- $50. All in good working smoker wanted for Picker- condition. 728-3796 ing area. Experience 8 ref- 427-1915 erences required. Call Val Articles at420-6687 1 for Sale NANNY WANTED• non smoking, for one year old. professional family in Whit- 1 Pair of KYB Gas struts, by, experience and refer. retail $160, will sen for S80 ences a must' ECE a plus fits 1981 83 Datsun 200SX Call 430-3598 CallAbe at 683-5117 or 427-1637 eve Articles FMI Will Articles For Sale For Sale 2 VCP S .. BRAND 11e1w , a,..; Viers tuners way :.•'! S"JC. 9 a bed spea-. IS pc set room 5800 chestem,e.a 8 9 PC . .d Oak ')'ring set chair s7oc 'eclmer stoc 723-0640 coffee tate s5C. hail Con- sole 8 -,r•or $100. Oval 20 HORSEPOWER T braider •,.g ;9x5. S3C 1usTr a, an c •^o•«son 427-1915 cyl 6AR-nill 3 JUKEBOXES. al' exr Gellert 1968 Rock ^a $1299. 1985 NSM on von mairinq money $975, 1987 Rockola with 300 , 45's $1475. 579- 4538 3 WHEEL sc Joter, new. Milli ,.sed Tri -rolls 51200 Can 725-6834 5 PC Brass 6 glans dint, $310. 2 oak end tales. $100, sofa 8 .:hair $250. bedroom suite 5.395. enter tainment unit. $45 small tables S25 -S65 each mi- crowave $65. many other items, 1905)697-3532 A LIMITED s-r)oly of '8- CSS sate) ae systems. only $975 Best price Complete sarvice Financing S3& month OAC TJ Satellite 725-8708 A SOLID PINE. Colonial buffet 8 hutch. 4 door/ drawers - Hutch 4 giass doors. 63' wide x 18 1Q deep x75 t 2 height Can after 5 pm 905 985-1626 MICROWAVE cabnet, $25. Twin -pedestal desk, S65. CCM computerized exer- Cycle. $100. All excellent condition 905-723-8799. ARROW ELECTRIC Chair with battery charger• good condition. $000. Tele- phone 683-3712. ART! LIMITED EDITIONS. Trisha Romance $200 Elizabeth Berry. Brent Townsend. Rob Stirle$150. Professionally framed, double matted. Must Sell, great gift! 905.725.3899 ASR TIRES (4) P205/70 R14, w/alum nms, one win- ter only. Asking $350. Also shelving and large quantity of low cost natural skin care stock. 435.8136. FIVE PC BROWN Section- al foot stools 8 coffee table included. S 75. W esting- house eye -level oven/ stove unit $75. Call (905)655-8592 BRISTOL LEATHER i., ..-•, Pits chap. ' ."- -0i '. •--+occasins. gloves, mrrts. aatlnonzed Tandv dealer CUSfom 'eather work ',a naraska Leathomrah 8335 Hwy 35115 Orono 1905 983-9540 Carpet Broker. I GO•. Nyinn *hick ,ni,.q- slain re- s.start caMet For 3 rooms. only $369 00 Price in- cludes 30 Sq yds carpet, deluxe pad and installation in your home Free quota - bon in you, home No in- terest, no payment for one full year, Daniel, 1-800- 217-0104 CARPET MILL DIRECT 'DC'- ^y.^r!'CK ..5h. stain resistant carpet ✓'or 3 rooms. only 5349price in- cluding. 30 square yards. carpet. pad.labour, Free estimate. Arnold 1-800- 401-5557 1 yrno paymert. no interest.. For 1 full year CARPETS - lots of carpet. 100% nylon. new stain re- lease carpets on hand.I will carpet 3 rooms. $349 Price includes carpet, premium pad, expert installation. fast delivery. free estimates t30 yards) Norman 686.2314 CERTIFIED HOT DOG CART, for sale asking $2200, or best offer Pease call 579-9002 CHESTERFIELD b love - seat (beige/brown tones). brown velvet arm chair. $375for all obo. Two ele- gant arm chars (1 -bone. 7- gdd), must see. 5200 each Framed bevelled mirror (23X34) $75. Stiffell table lamp $100 Call 905-623- 2337, CHROMALOX 40 amp. forced air electric furnace with 40 gallon hot water tank. $300 o.b.o. Call 725- 3914 COMMODORE PC10-I11 computer, colour monitor. Epson Apex80 printer. Simply Accounting, First Choice (dos), $450 905- 686-7185 `- MATTRESS YEAR END CLEARANCE SALE rijv. i 905/831.1315 MON.-FRI. 8-4 SAT. 10-2 895 SANDY BEACH RD.. UNIT 10 PICKERING 401 cc -r Y O BAY LY ST. Cr I= W - =i SANDY BEACH RC cOMPUTEp ML.L-'ME DIA SALE 49 , - ^qb H drives. 16 oil sound cards. speak ers. windows 95 etc DX4 100 $1,499 Pentium 75 s: 750. Pent: um 'pC $1.950 Painter deals with systems Samsung 24-S $150 Ok lata LED's $375 Canon Color BJC 4000 s $369 00 lots of used products Pentium multimedia 51.199 4865 some mufhrnedia ''om 5725 other from 5195 Clarington Computer. 164 Baseiine Road Bowman. mae (Just east of the Flying Dutchman HcteC Easy fi- nancing available VIRTUAL VISION eye wear. will+ bull in Muni TV screen includes earphones. tuner. •echarger. audio ! video in. ter phase connector. ac- cessoners S599 080 831- 2380 DININGROOM SUITE. sold pine. 6 harvest table. 6 bow back chairs, brancl new. asking 5800 430- 1424 DIAMOND RING. 2.3 Karat, pear shaped. plus 12 brdlance, appraised at $5.200 Must Be Seen Asking 52.000 432-8919 ENGAGEMENT RING 14 -carat golf with 65 -carat pear-shaped diamond plus matching 8 -diamond 14 - carat gold wedding band. Appraisal value $4500. asking S1950 for both EXCELLENT BUYS- Woodgrain office file cabi- net 8 hutch $500 - Fax $100 - Photocopier $150. - Dishwasher $100. - Freez- er, stove. washer 52001 each - Dryer $150. - Pick- led' oak coffee 8 end tables $750. - Mirrored 7' enter- tainment cabinet $250. - Two kitchen tables 6 chairs, one maple wood 8 one ul- tra modern $75 8 $400 - Cerwin Vega speakers, was 53500. asking 5500 - Ladies Raleigh bike S40 CALL 90$-436-2997. FIBERGLASS cap 81' long by 60' wide $150. box trailer 5200, new hard top 8' bag awning $125 regular $300 (905)655-8592 :wlrh' GO Of. RECT, 0S3 '8- D-praf satellite Systems 150 channill CD quality We lure and sound Renr to owr Cy phone from oily $4C month Call 571 1413 HITACHI -mm Camcor- de• ..,e model Free carrying case Rent to own by phone for only S8 75 wee. Calf 57' 14.3 KENWOOD TOWER OF ', - p - .-,c watt 'emote stereo package Dual cas- sette. 5 d'sc CD player tower speake,s Rent to own by phore for only S7 50 week Ca; 571.1413 LHASO Apsc pup last ,re 5 Both parerts registered on premises P....Ie. non -allergenic. non -shedding Call 905- 432 7565 OFFICE 7esK. 5100. 4 dressers S45 each, 20' color TV, S50 Antiques bed. $145. 4 occasional chairs (1900s) dresser $100. oak ,oCke, 5195 Calf 905-697-3532 OAK/PINE FURNITURE - Why pay retail prices) One of Ontario's oldest and Lar- gest manufacturers is now selling direct to the public Eg. oak pedestal table and 4 chairs 5849: 7 ft. double pedestal and 6 chairs $1499. cannnonball beds tom $399. Over 20 stain choices. all solid, no veneers Traditional Wood- working 905-985-8774 HOUSE Newfoundland Chris """ Cakes S,1t. DK. 23rd lo -h 12h Rotherglen Rd.N Pickering Village (H1vc '_ North) 905-683-0309 PIANO ANTIQUE '..- - z'�� •^air . ;ate r -:aGnet .rand, sound enhancemem ane!, re 'Cie appraised I S3.500 Dy antKNe seal r, asking 51.300 Organ famm ;r,, Spinet 1-10C Priesgood conation great tarter organ $350 Organ w 1brarsen console thea - e organ. 2 octave Deda1 oard 2 speed Leslie idea, )r the senous student or a -all :hurch S2'00 Clan - el )rod condinor $125 4 Poe coder with ower r ,rated refngerahon - -'ust sell. $300 Call 725- W'4 PIANO -GRANDFATHER CLOCKS �un-ar "gest selector Vew aril .sed v w,,,s r•/ot ".. Re^t �.i ap, i.ze. .pright grand digrtai reytoards CHPJSTMA- SPECIALS Telex P,ar- Mork .'3 '49' PINE - 1x6 tainmert -ab: Oice 22-9eeC S45': 79 1052 ,WHEELCHAIR (;,"k !r .,,-.1 Paid 51600 MaK� 005.579-4992 cornplele 'Xiolde system Pare.. .•,'ewer $1500 K.rg-size wafe'bad w drawers storage compar' •nem, bookcas« new mr. tionless maM'ess S40C 2 handmade T,ffary .amps blue S40C Call 98-_5774 REMOTE VHS VCR 18t cra--e )r screen display Rent to owr by phone S25Gwee. Cad 571-74.3 SNOW BLOWER •s-iens. -ew 5375,576-4224 LA14COME PARIS. ULTIMA It AND BIOTHERM. NOW AVAILABLE AT SHOPPERS DRUG MART' PICKERING TOWN CENTRE 839'4468 or 683-9797. WASHERS, dryers fudge stove new and recondi- tioned. S225 and up for re- conditioned washer $175 and up for reconditioned dryers 5175 and up for re- conditioned fridges and stoves Also can operated washer and dryers Ste- phenson's Furniture and Appliances. 227 Court St Oshawa. 576-7448 WEDDING gown, size 26. $600. Beadwork, train. headpiece S75. 3 red bridesmaid dresses S80 each. Washer 8 dryer $450/pair Call 434-1338 after 6 30p m WOODSTOVE INSERT. Elmira EPA. never used, in- cludes chimney liner, cap. cost $1900 . asking $1500. 427-3873. or 416-208- 4246 YAMAHA exquisite grand Piano, ebony G1 series. Beautiful. rich tone. Im- maculate quality. Asking $8000 Call 905-427-1479. YOU deserve the best 18' DSS satellite system, only 5975, limited supply. Com- plete service. $38 O A C monthly financing avail- able C•band 8 secunty Call TJ SateltiteBSecunty 725.8708 PAGE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, 19 5 Articles Christmas Christmas 1 Wanted • Trees [[i�•j�••�� Trees ANTIQUES Absolutely. Pu•chassn4 tumqure or an. ything old Scientific nStru- ment5. china, silver adver- tising, toys. decoys, dolls. milk bottles. collections or estates Call Robert Bowen Antiques (9051 655.8049. Broca lir UNWANTED Scrap metal p,ckec 4• ages. stoves. washers. dryers, cars, trucks etc Call (905)430- ' 9013 Lost & 90-51 Found REWARD LOST Large :�ge male cat Wngnt and Rttchle area Children desperate for return call 619-0948 Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Automobiles Automobiles Trees Trees Trees Trees 1 1 For Sale 1 1 For Sale 1993 PARK AVENUE, FULLY RECONDI Plant, fully loaded. $18500 TIONED. Cericar Ault also. Kenwood. quality Centre has 36 fine pre stereo system for car 11 owned Certified vehicles a pcs $2000 value. 112 special year end clearance price 263-2446 paces Fg 1993 Aerosta anon. loaded, mint. Plaid 1994 Cavalier 4 door, red, and silver, ask $10.950 ••� auto air ABS. P,L. PIT. Super Special 1992 Le els rear defogger, AM FM cas- mans SE. 4 door, auto. Bette $70.500 OBO 1705- kms. only $l NX 798E 1+87-5729. Nissan Sentra NX coupe mint 5 speed Now $3.99` ••' 85 Fiero $7600. 86 firm 7987 Daytona, sporty TAll Taurus $1140083 C e Mustang red auto reduced tic n 5500. 83 Chevette parts. fury L . to ed. rfe 'H Favmont 5500. All cel- fury Ltd , loaded. perfec -n able Must sold Best $3.995 1990 Grand Mar .,'ler 905 -579-2-2 866 Suis G S spotless gen 94 PONTIAC SUNBIRD. $6.29' 1988 Cavalier Z24 .01.1.)0 red, w amifir" Sspeed. loaded. only 4,995 19W. Caravan 2 5 1t rte. 90.000 kms rear tre. 5 speed perfect var oiler, power locks. only $4.695 1992 Cavalte, ',' 2 50. steering, cernried. coupe air. auto. lire new TO HAVE YOUR CHRISTMAS TREES DISPLAYED 5'2.500432-2821 49.000 kms. sale $7.775 CALL 576-9335 OR 683-0707 ,990 Te pest LE loaded Automobiles Arts & Arts & Arts &IMAutomohiles • 1 Crafts • 1 Crafts MCrafts For Sale 19-- TR • 1 petslSupplies CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALES are printed herr tufty oadtv3 -^,.-. ••••1n�^ U'cd. Fri. & titin. v 'G ,{ To place )-our-%, call 5"6 933 oir 683-010" Fax 5,9-2238 0%haw-aVhitb- Clarington OSHAWA RF DIF%CE This NVeck ASS"C'4' % presents Ajax Pickering Newlin Advertiser basic & ^ov,Ce classes to -ml • 1 petslSupplies • 1 pemSuppties tufty oadtv3 -^,.-. ••••1n�^ Boarding Boardirtg sound As is $1500 o b o OSHAWA RF DIF%CE FREE TO GOOD HOME ASS"C'4' % presents 1906 Chev Nova. au- basic & ^ov,Ce classes to all ahw at Mon a9'^ Jar,,ary Bir b 9:�. F, 4nytime wee..-^cs Call Bev at 905-435-0868 35-OB68579.3359 579-3359 1738 ANS AM ex..e lent cert �.;.,,,. •c r.,.�tm 66 -litre. automatic, eas: v cemfiable $2.200 firm Can 905 725-6704 or 725- 8506 1979 P ,^bac Sunbird. V5 ;,a^s Ortry 88.000 ongi nal km Takp as ,s $401, 436-6244 1980 5 Litre Mustang. a.t' 40.000 It, or new engine Needs somework Ask,^g S1000 as is or best of Can 905 723-2474 1985 Anes 140.000 km x' 51900 Also 1981 Mazda 626 S50C Excel ,ort runners 2 great winter beaters 434 7564 or 723- 1155afw8pm FIRAutomobiles 1985 C,tahon. V6. all }Of Sale 'Moon. a$ is. 1000 a best -ifferr Call 725-6121 1977 Mark 5 Ltncdn New 1965 OLDS CUTLASS. ex^.ausi syster^, new rotor erg ^e and Doily and pads battery rear conotion, dual exhaust tires Alarm wit^ keyless certified. asK.n^, 5exha2 595 or entry $1695 P,or0 nays best offer i A74 434.7330 Eve after 6. 436 179' 1905 Ptyrnouhi Tunsmo. as 's $900 or best offer Cal Or .�'�` -` (905,433 4091 0, (416) 55-2672 Lol Automobiles Automobiles For Sale Fin, For Sale 1085 PONTIAC 1968 GRAND PRIX LE. dal- 4 3 L ]one engine. tufty oadtv3 -^,.-. ••••1n�^ new paint. mechanically brand new brako, all ar- sound As is $1500 o b o ound. including calipers Cal, 576--,884 Brand new Kenwood 10 1906 Chev Nova. au- Disc change, and dw:k. 2 r --a• - certified 4 door, 1Q' speakers in box, and original 70.000 Kms a/c. amp $8.90C o b o 434- stereo, mint condition, 1738 54500 Phone 1.476559- 19158 Pontiac 6000 wagon. 5175 toll tree 6 ry, loaded. cendied ask 1966 NISSAN 300 ZX ng $3100 Call Ivan 723- 5 speed 'cla eieclror.c ,492 System excellent working Rec-roans. plumbing. condition. 54700 cer0 ed 1909 CHEVY SPRINT Or best one, 905.,28_ 2 dr to. 3 i au cl g'edt 7582 Ar/Yti,ne gas. 52.600 fim rcertified Please Call 623-6955 1966 ')Ids Frenza. Cava be, tvr* red. 2doo, hatch- back auto. arnRm Cassette. 180.000 kms. $1000 as rS firm (905,433-8050 or (9051404-1655 1967 a door $print, auto. rear wiper stereo exce" condition, no rust certrfiad 52500 Call Crag 697- 1968 1900 CHEV CAPRICE wAQ,- IC- oaded wet' Options. extra 3rd sen. ex Caa•nt condition. $3.900 certified 579-5799 1 R E C T O R 19.9 DODGE Anes. 4 dour 2 2 -auto am,frn. orvy 81.500km very good Con- dition. S3250 certd»d Can 905-623-1463 1909 Firefly. 4 dr hatch baCK auto . arrv'hm Cass 73.000 km good condition. $4000 as 's obo 428-0066 1209 G M CELEBRITY ill 135.000 km psi Pit . air, roof racks amlim stereo excellent condition. carnified. 54500 obo 668- 7366 Y Fax News Advertiser6W 707 683-7363 r: M11 Invroverrlent5 : 1 1 I'Vow'W'll s 'MISTER CHEAP' Home DUCTWORK installed, improvements rec roorns.in moved. relocated Excellent law apartments additions, rates Free estimates Elec- fences. decks. etc L,- trostabc air cleaners, hu- censed for over 20 years mrdil,ers Big. Small lobs all work guaranteed. for Car Paul 428-0295 free estimate call Emile Automobiles 905-404-8170 EUROPEAN file special- '1r come to 479 Bari, �t ist, will renovate your bam- lBUDGETA08IE room. or kitchen walls. as IMFROVIMIE n well as floor tiles Good ref- Basement AptS.• erences and satisfaction Rec-roans. plumbing. guaranteed For tree esti- males call D Dykstra 725 - Additions. electrical. 4913 drywall 15 yrs. Experience. Free estimates. call Mano (905) 619.4663. cal. (416) 560.4663 C & R Maintenance Build- ing repairs and renovations electrical. plumbing, ce- ramic flies. carpentry. From small repairs to major ren- ovations Fully guaranteed. free estimates (905)668- 3300 COI/STRYCTION Interior and exterior repairs. renovations and construction. Fast and clean profession- al work guaranteed Craig, 686-1913 lm 10 1 1 Improvements J.S. ARMSTRONG DEV. INC. Specializing ,n Custom homes additions. renovations. rec rooms and basement apartments Res- idential and commercial Serving Durham Region for over 15 yrs. Free consulta- tion Call Jeff 905.426 57%. SIGON Construction Ltd . serving Durham Regan for 19 yrs Additions, sundecks, patio doors, windows, rec- rooms, flagstone, free esti- mates 905-576-5760 1 • Plumbing AAA-UCENSED PLUMBER available All your plumbing needs Complete renovations Guaranteed lowest prices' No lob too small^ (905) 432-2913. ALVIN SAMEDAY PLUMBING licensed plumber. no job loo small, no lob too bigfree esti- mates. great prices. guar. anteed lowest 905 725- Em 25- 5 sod load. only 70.000 Ill $8965 certified No GST 404-1235 1990 FORD Taurus. 4. door Verg' ^e. 3 0 -titre. 1 owner car, excellent con - dill certified, plus new Motorola phone included. colour let -black, asking $6200 579 1579 after bpm 1990 Isuzu Impulse, blue auto pw pl_ Lc, loaded only 66.000 Km Lady do 10 truck. like new 90 • ^1s 2 8 anti 5 speed. I, > 11.ss top. $4.295 1968 '-uick Regal Ltdlovely, re 1Jcedro S5.681 1987 hevette auto. 126 Km '2.342 198, Cavalier RS speed. lust arrived 3.195 1991 Firefly 99 . ms. 5 speed. 4 door, now 53.995 firm 1989 Chevy '{ er 4 x 4 completely re - 1 216 Kms 4 3, auto. i r, Flt Cruise. a must to see ren. asking SH JO 1 stags, while and sifvei v $9.995 Look 1990 full Wanted harp now S6.995 1990 SCRAP>'ze GMC Jimmy. loaded. Lumina, air. locks tilt, red, CARS FOR CASH! We cruise. metallic blue great buy 130 kms. $6.665 1996 am ---ale-, :a, ­re, buy used .eb,cles Vehi- cies must be in running rond,hor, Can 427 2415 Tempest LE. 148 kms. air, 31 now $5.695 1988 GMC V2 ton loaded. cap. V-8. S12.495 30 day free dealer Automobiles 1 I For Sale '1r come to 479 Bari, �t $6.995 firm 1989 Beretta 431-0407 ing available For 'Peace of F.at Ata, at Ml 4,'T7 GT. loaded. 125.000 kms 1969 . :. A.... -ALES nags. perfect 56.995 79W, 5 sod load. only 70.000 Ill $8965 certified No GST 404-1235 1990 FORD Taurus. 4. door Verg' ^e. 3 0 -titre. 1 owner car, excellent con - dill certified, plus new Motorola phone included. colour let -black, asking $6200 579 1579 after bpm 1990 Isuzu Impulse, blue auto pw pl_ Lc, loaded only 66.000 Km Lady do 10 truck. like new 90 • ^1s 2 8 anti 5 speed. I, > 11.ss top. $4.295 1968 '-uick Regal Ltdlovely, re 1Jcedro S5.681 1987 hevette auto. 126 Km '2.342 198, Cavalier RS speed. lust arrived 3.195 1991 Firefly 99 . ms. 5 speed. 4 door, now 53.995 firm 1989 Chevy '{ er 4 x 4 completely re - 1 216 Kms 4 3, auto. i r, Flt Cruise. a must to see ren. asking SH JO cem- cluded Hwy front location v $9.995 Look 1990 full bed 430-1424 days, promotions, open - SCRAP>'ze GMC Jimmy. loaded. 1990 TRACKER CL. red, rrante^. Any condition.. any 118 kms. auto. 4 x 4. am ---ale-, :a, ­re, soh- age. free •emoval, cash S12.495 30 day free dealer top- new Hard -top star paid Call anytime. Oshawa warranty mciuded Final lard. 710k excellent con- 431-0407 ing available For 'Peace of *hon. must sell S6500 Driv fa • ing Mind- come to Certicar o b o 905-432 31 1 9 • Snow Auto Centre. 155 King St 1991 STYLUS ISUZU. Ree ,ow k-, very r -lea, well maintained car S54;11.f Looks and drives like new 905-831 4729 or 905 287 36" evenings 1993 Buick Regal. vhrer. 4 dc'r.' pw pd. ps. p0. air conditioning. V6. excellent condition. 106 000k s. $13.500 certified. 509- 1940 It at Midtown Mall 579- 2886 -Where our custom- ers send their mends- Open Sundays S-10 snowplow fill etoo- •nc will fit other Small trucks. $1295 Call Wilde Sales 555-0010 WE r • 1 Painting 8 re -I'm Moving B room commercial a Party Driving • Decorating • Storage Rental Units • Sevices • • Schools DRYWALL and painting. boarding taping.texlunng, renovations and repairs Smarr lobs 15 years ex- perience Free estirri Serving Durham and out of town area Ken 434-4500 TMS PAINTING dI DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, dean, reliable service. 420-WSI • Moving b • Storage AJAX Moving Systems - full services. moves, appliance and piano specialists Flat rate or hourly We now have heated storage units Now otiering free boxes withmove Park and load special. starting at $99 and up Call for information, 725-0005 or 427.0005 ERMWICed Bargaln rates. horttes. off m, apt., etc. Patio It1WN, Packmg available. _ HARRY -0 -THE - MOVERS - Move big ur small, we pace them ala Free estimates, seniors discount, short notice moves Pianos moved, also appliances. Comparable rates. Call 432-2850. MEN with large truck will do household moves. resi- dential, commercial. All types of moves. Call Carl or Jane 427-2856 MICHALSKI MOVING - houses, apartments, offices, appliances and piano spe- cialists Senor and mid. month discounts Licensed. insured Free estimates Excellent service Call 436. 7795 MECHANICAL BAY for MAGICIAN, clown friends. rent with hast. Utilitres ,n. ready to entertain for any cluded Hwy front location age, any occasion Birth - Contact ACI 905-655-8698 days, promotions, open - Rent negotiable, ing$, fund raisers. Magic • FIOOring shows are fun' Lettuce help. 839-7057 or 728. ', • 8334. 9 RABBITwants work doing magic for children's parties CARPET Installations - 25 and all occassions. Have years experience, re- my own magician. Call Er - stretching, our speciality. rue 668-4932. Free estimates. D & N Duncan, 987-1799 or 987- Driv fa • ing IfSchools • Snow • Removal BEFORE irs too late.. roof snow removal South lake Simcoe T Thompson (905)722-4531 FAX YOUR ADS 579-2'238 ALLSiAFE pl DpjVERS Chda nas Special/ $255.00 4 lap Course Specializing in Elderly & Nervous Drivers. 428-1717 SCHOOL •4 lessons and test $105. •10 Lessons $150 Full Course $259 Free pick -up and drop Off (416) 287-3060 • • Business • Services 4TH LEVEL C G.A book - keepinglaccounting func- tions up -to fls; government remittances. WCB. budgets, cash flow, etc. Manual or computerized Call 905- 686-7318 SELL R NOW CALL 576-9335 OR 798-7672 Don't Forget oshawa/whithy This Week Classified Dept. LS open for your convenience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 576-9335 Automobiles Automobiles Apartments Apartments Apartments For Sale For Sale a Snowmobiles For RentEM - For Rent 01n, For Rent WANTED 1991 BLAZER Excellent 1991 INDY 500, fresh condition, certified studded track, engine has DEAD OR ALIVE $15.800 O B O Low mile. trail part. clutch work and 'F REE' towing for scrap. age 905-723-8838 Mom drilled pipe. real good run - used or abandoned cars day to Thursday net $3850 4042697. 434 trucks thr pick-up top prices paid. up to $100 (416)281-3499 (416) 281-9804 Trucks for Sale 1981 GMC Grand Sierra . uc. %l and slide -in t 8x12 tent complete for .rnprng Great shape +500 o b o certified Call •:'9-9028 or 501 Norman - v, St 1987 S-15 2 5 L. 5 - new paint, fires, ex - brakes, ban joints. cal excellent condition, > ±650 certified Call 905- ' •}9219 1988 FORD pickup. '50 6 cyl . 5 speed. Stan :.;'d. power steering, pow - brakes sliding rear :. "do", 149 000 kill ;.1500 or best offer (905' 3-0464 after 6 p m OUTSTANDING AN- TIGUE BOXING DAY AUCTION SALE TUES. DEC, 26TH, 10 A.M. Vwwing 9 a in ; Mal 3regor Auction Hall. 182 Wellington St. 3owmanvdle Take t01 to Waverly Rd & 'ollow 57 north to e2 iwy. . turn Rt (east) m e2 & then Lt at icugog St (1st lights) i follow auction signs Wow Mart Flea 'Aarli­' & Auction Our >th d-nual Boxing Day Auction features ,orae exceptional arti- cles & should prove t0 t>N one of our highlight auctions of the year We have a large of- tering of antque fur- nlshing$ u ret & as found condition plus are & unique coNect- ables Partial list in- cludes large pine comer cupboard, bakers table. Hoosier cupboards, 2 jam cupboard, bonnet chest. grandfather clock 2 rhew bow front china cabinets, new stacking bookcase. sidet;,;ard, server. several exceptional tables (diningroom, tilt, harvest. dropleaf. parlour canole etc.) Desks dressers & chests of drawers. walking & spinning wheel, wool winder, old beds (rope, iron, Victorian), tredle sew- ing machine, mist. chairs & rockers. wicker settee, quilts. blanket box, old clocks dolls wicker carriage. Daffodile phone, and wall phone, rare Cranber- ry hanging oil lamp, old cameras, beer can collection, coffee grin - (ler, old coins. Old & new pictures & an work, antique cloth- ing, carpets. Italian Provincial couch & chair, jewelry, quality offering of glass & chi- na, kitchen & house- hold collectables, etc. etc. Note: our early Start time for this ex- ceptional sale. An op- portunity, for one & all to take home an ant - le from the past. MacGregor Auctions & staff would like to wish all our patrons a Happy & Safe Holiday & we'll see you at the Boxing Day Auction. Call for all your All tion needs. MacGregor Auction services, M&O MacGregor 905.917-5402 905.9f17-3664 1991 FORD Ranger XLT, extended cab Excellent condition, loaded, auto. V6. a❑, 93.000 km 59.995 OBO Call 728-7242 FORD BRONCO xLT. full size 4x4, 351 Windsor Needs clutches Fully Loaded. Asking $1100 or O.B.O Call 728-1312 rx 3287. leave message SNOWMOBILE TRAILERS for sale and rent Wade Sales. 655- 8010 YAMAHA SS 440 ,nclud- mg trader good 'onditton Asking 51995 Call Dave 905 -430 2478 Hecreatlonal Verist Vehicles ' 4 Wheel Drive 23' MOTORHOME 1980 1906 AEROSTAR, XLT, silver A,,i I, cylinder $3.200, also wanted old Coca - Cola vending ma- chines 8 advertising signs - Gary 571-1556 1990 AEROSTAR extend- ed 3L air tin. cruise. AM, FM cassette, low kms pn vacy glass. no rust. no GST, 7 passenger Asking $9275 cer 905-4347317 rebwlt han4r:apper. 58.000 miles. good condi- tion. $2700 Car dolly, 1990, like new $1095/offer 905)655-8592 A ' ' Apartments For Rent 1 and 2 bedroom, located at 309 Cordova Rd, no pets. please phone 579- 2387 WHITBY - BLUE WATER PARK 1 & 2 bedroom suites, broadloom, 3 appliances. 101 KATHLEEN ST. W. Mon.- Fri. 9 - 5 (905)571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED 1 BEDROOM apartments furnished pr infurtlshed Available immediately Starting S450/month inclu- sive. first month Call Ste- phen 571-3229 1 Bedroom apts in Oshawa and Bowmanvdle. Starting at $600/month, fridge & strive included. will) laundry facilities. No pets Call 434-2407 2/3 bedroom apartments, 8 story budding, close to schools. library. South GM plant Available Immedlate- ,y and Nov 428-6328 1 7pm for appointment ABSOLUTELY Gorgeous. bachWOr n ^Orth Oshawa. new carpet 8 paint. lull bath. laundry facdibes close to all amenities available Jan 1. $4001 month Call (905)438-8439 AJAX Oxfc; j Towws SDaoou s apartments, quiet budding, close to shopping. d. 401. GO Posauna. 2 and 3 bedrooms available Jan 8 Feb - 2 bedrooms 683-8421 3 -bedrooms 683- 8571 !until 7 30p m) or 683-5322 AJAX. 110 Tulloch Drive. 3 bedroom main floor of bungalow Available Imme- diately. 5950/month Can (905)686-2778 AJAX. Jan 1 professional Iy done '-bedroom base- ment apartment w/walkout 4 pc washroom, 2 ap- pliances. close to Durham Centre 8 Hwy, S595 in- cludes utilities. cable first/ last. (9t35µ27- 7405 ANNUAL BOXING DAY AUCTION Acting under instructions of major consignors & others we will sell all remaining items from 19% auitan • PIMIMTE COWCPM • CDM MW*NTS • ESTATE ITEMS .MFG. MIVBITOREi • AIIT nMUUER'S CIEMOUTS a YEAR EMO STOCKS • M UMM EDITtOM PM, , • OVER 1M OVA= MM ' WATCHES a JEWELLERY a RMOTUIE • ACCENT ITEMS • COMIIrURItS • MMMTEltS a DOIIITOM a NUMIEL a SWAROVSM a ELECTRONICS • COINS • P ECIM MOMENTS CIEMSIED MOB a TIMSHA ROMANCE . CMRISTME MARSNALL ' JAMES LIMA a A.J. CAS M EVERY ITEM MUST BE SOLD PV BLOC A%JCT1ON TUESDAY DEC. 26 AT 12-00 NOON (PREVIEW 11 AII/) HELD AT: THE HOLIDAY Miff OSHAWA Over 2000 jeams to be disposed of In this Orta a year event. Maier units to include a tine sekctidn of oak mahogany. pine & dterrywood tumid=. acatM decorator items. Chippendale. Louis XV. Oueen torte, styles, leaded glass tamps in Tiffany manner. brorue statuary (westan). Swwovski crystal midis, 50 pts- of-BELCARI' Italian wddkk satlpntra. quantity of unusual one of a kind items, wood ad boards. tars. Pbft. baNdems, aitiirnls, heist & driver, doN buglIl . file collector dolls & bears by -GRETCHEN IAIOLF', -ROBERT RAIKES', Star Trek firms. Deft Plata, peanut pis, cast iron toys, i1 US" & ceramics from Fitz & Fiell Schmid, Yangdis Olt Sports ffamWaOft & framed art SOW by celebrity *MaeS. Wooden tante compendium. pool table, die cast CONWW cars. Disney ft9k es, Cookie pis etc Ronal DOWCOn & HUMMOL dleriShed teddies &gulls. Crambary, glass. fill Odra. -Spode plate sees, ops & -, akadar a r- Designer dinnerware sets. swards. Kaiser vasa. Dresden figures, 'XANAW pbeS. Over 400 LIMITED EDITION PRINTS by tuff luoarl Canadian Artists, decor & appall printl offs, museum trotted salivas imago, malor 'Group of Seven Ccooctmn- blest of a taps in peewk, One an trims. & decorators. Framed toyer mirrors. art books, largest variety of ftrYlls lo any auction with qua l framirig, radia & Wits jewellery, 45 asst designer watdies, pearls, 2314 gold cons. dlai s, braceft, silver, 486 Mu1tr Media & DX 4 COMPukfS. printers, phOtks, sUMN, Walkm3M, 35mm cameras, Mims. dr. Meng more Nims too ntrrtaous to mention... Plan to atkotd-.. Limfkd seating... arrive ear*... Tams: Cash, Visa, MC, as per posted & artnolrced at sale. Additioms & Delled= apply. _ NO NIIr M PREMIYM ON SURCHARGES $25.08 OFF ANY I $10.00 OFF ANY I $20.00 OFF MY - I I CHRISTINE MARSHALL PRINT I I GROUP OF SEVEN WAGE I I PURCHASE OF A TRISHA I WITH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON ROMANCE PRINT. VALID DEC. 2•r 1905 ONLY. I I DEC. 29r 1005 ONLY. I I WITH THIS COUPON. DEC. 26, 1 1 PER PRINT ONLY_ J I _ ! PER 04AGE ONLY _ J 1 1995 ONLY. 1 PER PRINT. J PRO"SSIOM AUCTIONEERS INC. 416l M AJAX -Clean, bright t bed - morn basement apt Sepa- rate entrance Parking ca- ble ,r conditioning, laun- dry.and all utilities includ ed On bus route Non- ;moker,5545/month .sV last Available Jan 1st Call 427-5445 ATT: LANDLORDS -look ing for a good tenant? Ten ant screening service. CredrUref checks of pros- pective tenants Exp irves- ligator Reasonable rates 905 -509 -RENT AVAILABLE IMME- DIATELY, in Whitby ADt budding„ spacious, carpet- ed. newly pantedwith bal- cony, close to bus. shop- ping. all utilities included. first ; last required. no pets. 1 bedroom $625. 2 bed- room. $725 call 430-0134 AVAILABLE now, Central Oshawa ' bedroom apart- ment. backing onto park/ra- vine. modernclean, quiet. secure. 18 -unit building, in- clusrve. close to downtown reasonable rent 905-57'- 1979 AVAILABLE. 2 TRAILERS ANC ' AP' Dundas St E Whitby can Donna for further octads at 666- 50 13 BACHELOR APT -,,,c.' - less sen _-r•-ymec gr xrnd, furnished or untur risked. suits 1 MirXk'.^g person walk out to back front ent.. 905 831-7832 CLEAN 2 bedroom apt ^ear B, vs Club. $650 in- clusive Also 2 3 bedroom house with bachetorette apt $725 rent t0 own 723-392 FURNISHED psmr apt _^. • r p,ar:e and tumished " )Oros to rent in laude home n east Oshawa 725-1364 South Ajax %+.fauhNi 3 ^wlr-,•:r - S ap- ::a,ncesiophmaii single ;.cage. tuily fenced yard ..ear :akv Avaiable mine liatwy $- ioc per mo plus ubkb" 68.--28aC MUST SEE. bedroom p^ re-snryly renovated basement aparenent Osha- wa. Separate entrance. parking. all appliances. non-smo.er no pets. Jan 1 S550/mo, nck she Firsiv last 571-A362 NICE 2 bed bsmt apt C_t*m Prc.errg near GO Stam $7x . 40'. utile - ties Ivo -pets. avail Jar, 1 905831-6284 ONE AND Two cedroom Apar. -carts & bac.evor ,m- metlrate possession. prerer Couple central Oshawa *K. Stove. Carpetshop- ping plaza. bus stopiaurl dry facilities. 725-2642 aver Spm ONE BEDROOM aoah- me^t an -clot, evr of house. party furnShed. all ndusrve inducting tate. S550/month firstLasi Can 434-8054 OSHAWA 2 be $690 n 9 -Wer Includes heat. hydro appliances. parting Laundry av&4b* an1 site Convenient to 401 d city bus routes 433- 0677 OSHAWA 2 & 3 bedroom apartments. available at 888 and 900 Glen St Gose to schools, shopping and GM Utilities included First/last required Cal 728- 4993. OS14AWA - CENTRAL location, 2 rooms bachelor apartment, available Dec 28, 5375 per mo. Ist/last Phone 728-5382. after 5 pm OSHAWA - one bedroom Heat, hydro. fndge and stove Included Close to al amenities. Available Jan 1st. S592. firsblast. 434- 6311. OSHAWA CENTRE / 401, 3 bedroom basement apt. laundry room, nice kitchen, available Imnhediadey. $750 plus 113 ukktes. 839- 1884. CLEAN family building. Oshawa north, one. two & three bedroom. Includes: Heal hydro. fridge, stove. Laundry facilities available Available Jan Ist. Starting at 5550. $650. $750. 723- 2094 PICKERINGIAJAX, self- contained bachelor and 1 bedroom apartments, park- ing. close to all amenities Call 686Y8905 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, I"S-PAGE 17 FRon,Apartments or Rent Townhouses For Rent ' Florida R SOUTH AJAX, base- PICKERING town home. 3 QUALITY D'Angelo Multi ment apartment with sepa. bedrooms 4 appliances. level N W Oshawa 3.2 rate entrance Large spa- gas heat. $975 plus utd,. bedrooms. kitchen over- cious one bedroom. plus ties, Call Gary While. Re- looks famdymom with fire - garage $750 inclusive max First 831.3300 place 2 walkouts. ^ground Available Jan tst/96 Can p ba -I 905 683-7709 SOUTH PICKERING 3 potential, 60 GoodFAG anon bedroom townhouse close $171.500 Call Sheila Mc WHY rent when you can 10 schools and town center Laren Sutton Status 436 - own your own home for $870 ♦ utilities 1st/last 0990 less than you thmk'?" Call Available Feb 1 905-839- Dave Haylock Sales Rep- 9446 BEST DEAL IWHIT- Re/Max Summit Realty 1 BY 3 bedroom > 500 sq h on et res hardwood (1991) Ltd (905) 668-3800 or (905) 6663211 Houses For Rent WHO SAYS YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY A HOUSE? tSen 5 / I - txxjabw 5725^+th �• Jr Exec S94rJ,mh =len+ to -Ow s Avadable 434-6819 1-800-840-6275 Free Can Bad crool Botwupin No down paw , can MARK STAll k , - Il k:.,li, I - I rk .• 1ST CHOICE AFFORDABLE HOMES WHY RENT' BUY' No problem, Let me snow fou now Mr^ Pay 57'_'0 0 A C Call Thomas C. Pike Saks rep. Remax Accord Realty Ltd. 576.3'11 4 BEDROOM 1-.,.: _.,i,.. - scnoo.s >t-opor-9 and go $1 hoc per 10 plus Ami- ties Call 686-0913 after 5 538 OXFORD STS OSHAWA. ^Mropm 2 bar. LecKspirt w 'am"y room. tented 5ackyard waiko,- close to ail Shop - p,nr„ ,rd schools 728- 3904 AJAX. 3 bedroor^ .ouse Ir;r •olit Also availed! 2 bedroom apartment Ava� ab,* mi -ilia --- p ac pliances indUded Harwood Barry area can 416' 287- 8965 416 754-0211 BROCKJ401 ,mvnaculaie large ? r't ` apo. Acuxzi ceramics. C V 3 bait' hr ;Shed bsmlt. $ l' OC Feb 1 4713 729 HOUSE AVAILABLE -- r^?,Iwhey 'W. -- Osrawa 5700 plus unities 2 bed- rooms new rurnance plus 3 appliances Call 72t1- 8429 NORTH CRT. New k )l "Jr -er't 3 _- finished rec. let tub siand kdchen. S1060 -cl utilities Call Norma LOCK ng (905 436-0990 Suitor Group Status Realty Inc OSHAWA 3 •3 bedroom. 2 12 story. brick home. with 2 kitchens. fenced yard. de- tached garage $995 plus ublrties First & last no pets. Call Anna 905-686-5877 WINTRY - three bedroom 2 storey, finished base- ment, close to shopping and schools, For more in- formation call 430-8585 WHY RENT ? No money down. Own your own home. like new. fndge. stove. $750 Incl . at but phone 3 bedroom asking $61.900. Call Ken Collis. Coklwell Banker 728-9414 Housing 10 Wanted 2 or 3 bedroom house warred to rem in the Har- mony/Olive area --- Please call 723.7175. Townhouses For Rent QUIET south Oshawa 3 bed. townhouse In family complex. S950/mo all in- Cfusive. Close to schools and shopping. 435-IDSO NORTH OSHAWA, 3 bedroom Townhouses In well maintained family complex, fresMy decorated with Fngistove. dose to all amenities, on site Mgmt of- fice call 728-3777 SPACIOUS :O�r;Or� )wnhouse, In well maln- 'alned family complex. nr'udes all utilities. 4 ap- pliances. parking, dose to s' bolls and all amenities 122 Colborne St. E. Oshawa For appt. 4343972 Rooms M, for Rent ROOMS FOR RENT Per Month or Week Whites Rrb Oklahoma Clean, bright nruse in lieu required No smokers Hydro staff we, !;me (905)42D-0042 � Shared Accofrtb red TWO BEDROOM -lain ..,;r• c.:e --are Backyard. parking 5340 • 2 ^ydre Avadabie Jan -sit Call Peter 905 575 '616 AJAX Arge 4 blil - -,red 3rd person ',.arae pedroom ')wit wast ,0m ^•ear a.e S400 xus 429-39'3 Two oeq,ocr^s ava,laoie lir.- s -ge L soaped '*+aster bedroom w.t. pn- +ate 4 pc bath tate shared k rc^ lmngroom and laurory ,aolihes use M entve house except .a- m�iyrpom References Available anytime First ash 5565/ora rnaus,ve he gobade 4343976 qu c ",,ors. fireplace. two car din i-way, deck, finished casement $155 K 568-2375 BRAND-NEW HOME S 1 • 6 grin 6 only, Central Oshawa. 3 -bedroom, ga- 'age. country kitchen 30x100lot. 51000 oown Allan Duffy, Remax Ability 32 7200 BRAND NEW HOMES. wn.y Aar, at 51' 3.90C r.arn Nest Oshawa, 3 bedrooms. •,gh efficiency gas heat. R- 0 insul Raised bungalow. mly 5 left, others from 8104.900 Call Peter Neal. ;ales Rep Guide Realty. '23-528' Townhouses for Sale TOWNHOUSE i bA Lr -_y ia, KAeadows Cres Bowmar:,i.e 1544 so ft. 3 'evels bright clean end ,nit 3 bedrooms. 2 1'2 jathslamoy room living -porn forced air gas. central air, 5 appliances. window -ovenrigs, fenced yard saved driveway many ex .,as ' 905-523-02.2 Money to Lend BORROW S•C 0oo pay r, - e "' ; • - c per, mmtn I. a c F•ee consultations Arutos Investments Ltd Llnrtaages and L ;ans once 9.3 Cat: {5.658. -20C • 11Business Business Opportunities • Opportunities Al �S rAtranchise he Meat People" opportunity exists lr orough. Gross annual sales approx. 5600.000. Contact Jacques 905-576-6328 I Shared AcciXtloda0om FURNISHED townhouse si'd'e -ai^ floor aun- dry central air pool. park. mg ubhbes mClUC34 �,_ Srnpkgr S35C per mo 434- 7968 AJAX -SMOKERS wel come Furc.shed bedroorn. moderately sized. 5275' month, reduced rent Use of all fai"ities. close to all amenities, bus In* (905)428-7147or (416)244-8333 4 Months Free Re Downtown Oshawa, 400- 3500 sig n available Park - ng and great exposure Best rental rates. Call 434- 2447 or 655.4132 J 6 Vac r+alra� CLEARWATER. fully fur- nished 2-3 bedroom mobile homes. heated pools. hot tub. tennis. minutes to beadles. Blue Jay baseball NHL Hockey. dog 8 horse tracks. Children welcomed. Less than motel (905W)83 -- 5503 - PORT CHAROLETTE FLORIDA. (Near Sarasota on Gulf Coast), fully fur- nished 2 bedroom home. all amenities, barbecue. cable, private yard. close to everything Available Jan - Feb. Call (905) 668-2883 Money Nf To Lend OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT GUAR- ANTEED. SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES, OTHERS DO NOT. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS- • , nST 119f �! MORTGAGES Good bad and ugly Financing for any purpose, rates from 5 95% All applications ac- cepted Community Finan- cial Services 668-6805 WI Business Pporttutities DAILY CASH FLOW created in your own MLM home based business. Full training/support. Into line 1- 800-352-2850 6 ' Personals A cored handsomer gentleman,39 years young. seeks a slim female. 20's or 30's tot a lasting re- khonship 0811723-7467 'PAGE is -THE WEMr3 ADVERMER FlUDAY. MC£MBER 22, 1995 F ' Personals F t Personals F ' Personals a ' Personals PSYCHIC Answers Rated eeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee t' Canada Answers to r love. money career S2 9 minute 18. ERPA I L IF 900-451-4055 / , THE PSYCHICI ALLIANCE Caring B Concerned Persona! Guidance Is- $194,'min. Lire 1-900-451-4302 24 hrs. s ompanions EASTSIDE "NNtL- Th',< ^aTELWE - Free tc can to place your ad. no charges for ladies no phone bili charges. 905- 430.7060 EVER -,ugh! abou: usng Id"! ^, service or fust finding out more about them, Now you can call to, a tree Brochure with no Pressure or obhgatior Full t, Cis photoshrgn compa- !,a:,ty standards., great vat re 6 verysincere For sin- es seer ng •vie r sveaai someone Pa,tner Search 583-24'4 message any NUDIST :-7upre td v. ^.,js.' pubs .v,•� RecM.^o El . 39 '99 We�rwor.^ St w Jsnawa Dr" L'J 1;1`4 Please read your classified ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be responsi ble for more than one insertion in the event of an error. CONTRATULATIONS i. To the winner of our Christmas Coloring Contest Micheal Gofrey Age 5 '4—N ,0.F11t .11 ll.I.iJurx D a ' Deaths ' Deaths n BOUCHER. Gerald Peacetuily on December 1P 1995 ?rmcess Margaret Hospital at the age of 65 merry. son of the late Cyrene and Levi Boucher. be- -ved husband of Rhea Deslardms loving father of _eo. Jerry and his wife Rose. Judy and her husband �ussell Mach broda and Irene stepfather of Chns- -te and her husband Bruce Murray.Donna and her Jsband Ronnie Tinsley. Ward. Karen, Virginia and Jsband Bruce Mackenzie and Danny . loved grand- .ther of 13 grandchildren The family will receive ends at Ronald Martino & Son . Funeral Directors. :?ock Road Chapel. 1057 Brock Rd . Pickering from 4 and 7-9 p m Funeral Mass on Saturday at 1100 m in St Isaac Joques Church. 1148 Finch Ave . ckenng Interment Pine Hills Cemetery, Scarbor- Igh In lieu of flowers. donations to the Ontario = anter Institute Princess Margaret Hospital , 610 University Ave Toronto M5G 2M9 would be ap- preciated. MARY H. EVANS, Loving wife of the late M.R.7aff' Evans. Loving mother to her children Da- vid. Nancy. Brad. Suzanne. Ron. Ken. and their fa- milies. Daughter of Gordon and Estella Fnzelle. Lov- ing sister of Gordon, Fred, Bud. Betty, Jake. Ed and tier families of Nova Scotia. Memonal services to be held at the Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 91 Kings Cres, Ajax on Wednesday the 271h of Decem- ber 1995, at 11 00am. Grandmother of Fawn, Sa- mandta. Ryan. Paul. Natalefe. Jesse. kyle. Sonia. Sar- ah. Mana. Great Grandmother to Mathew. TO ADVERTISE YOUR AUCTION IN THIS SECTION PLEASE CALL 576-9335 To place your personalized In Memoriam, call 576.9335 and let one of our professional advisors help you. UP Companions reNfCompanions �<ir alt F=♦�tc�rtc�lr �rr�csr-i1 Tc -x /�rlvc-vtc> 1 c'�cila7C 7 Days 12pm-lam / Now Hirinc, r '-'THE NEWS ADVERTISER (FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22 "9S -PAGE 19 New.home sales i*n GTA decline New home sales in the Greater Toronto Area declined in November from the 1995 peak in October. According to figures released by the Greater Toronto Home Builders' Association, 1,172 new homes were sold in November, down 15 per cent from October 1995 and down 24 per cent from November 1994. Total sales were split 688 (59 per cent ) for freehold homes and 484 (41 per cent) for condominiums. Condominium sales were split 70 per cent apartments and 30 per cent town - homes. Ajax had the highest new home sales at 66 in Durham Region, fol- lowed by Oshawa/Courtice 35, Whitby 34 and Bowmanville at 29. Myer Godfrey, president of the asso- ciation says the decline in October is partly seasonal, but it was also affected by the referendum and anxiety over the Nov. 29 provincial financial statement. "Macro economic and political forces continue to conspire against higher levels of consumer confidence." FOCUS ON BUSINESS F ature Advertising THF To Get Those Phones Ringing Advertise In Focus On Business 319 I r-lr Call Janice at 683-0707 SLrizz U �ours raskds and JIM 5�ts "Express The Joy and Glad Tidings of the Season with Gift Baskets." Catalogue Available iDEUVM ACROSS NOM AMEWA FAX 113474121 = CSR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Is doing your accounting making you crazy? Are you intimidated by al these government forms? Do you think you may be paying more tax out than is absokttely mmssary? WE CAN HELP! M booklmWingletxrtputer services available. Call Chnstirte for free initial consultation, 9055"428-1540 KICK BOXING 1/2 Price `TIL Dec. 23rd Christmas Gift Certificates Available Your pets get the royal treatment at Parker Pet Care You're goring away in holiday but you can't lake %our clog or cat with you. It's a problem that can make or break .our -vacation plans. Selecting the right kennel to board your pct is not an easy job. You just can't thumb throu_h the yellow pages and pick a place at random. In 1945, the Parker tamil% had an answer to this problem. An answer that created a tradition :panning three generations. The -v started a boarding kennel that carried on a tradition of hwh standards and personal care. Today James Parker and wife Carol have expanded Parker Pet Care to include locations in 'forth York and in Scarborough at 1391 %1cadow'vale Rd. "All of our guests receive first class VI.P. treatment," says Carol. "The accommodations are private. clean, bright and nxiImy." But don't worry atxwt your pet being lonely. While they have private quarters there's lots of fellow guests they can meet and socialize with. For exercise there is both outdoor and indoor areas to maintain good muscle tone and keep fit. The staff are also devoted animal lovers who are trained and capable of appreciating a full range of dispositions and temperaments. "Each pet receives excellent care and their wants and needs are administered in a personal way'," says Carol. "If atn problem arises during his or her stay with us we will call upon their private veterinarian or in an emergency our kennel veterinarian to solve the problem." The nutritional needs of the pets is also important to the staff at Parker Pet Caro. They know and appreciate your pet's special needs when he's away from home. The% ha-ve specific f(x)d% for specific needs. Kittens and puppies. the committed athlete, mature adults and senior citizens all ha-ve different nutritional needs that they recognize and cater to. It a special prescription diet is required it can he given without any problems. They have complete kitchen facilities a%ailablc to prepare any special home cox)ked diet you wish to supph. All of, the food dishes are disposable to eliminate sterilization problems and the stainless steel water how Is are sterilized between use. Parker Pet Care will also hath and groxwm all breeds of dogs and trimming and clipping is their speciality. They use all of it1e latest techniques. site methods and materials. This ser -vice is offered separately or can be combined with your pet's hoarding stay'. James and Carol are excited to have their um Jamie and his wife Susan cam on the tradition and excellence that has been the mainstay of Parker Pet Care liar five decades. But the whole family acknowledges that their years of %ucce%s is a direct result of the trust shown in them by their man,. clients. For more information call (416)22i4-63IS. The devoted pet lovers at Parker Pet Care includes Darlene Gould, Julie Matchett, Dianne Fordham, Sheri Murree with Kyla, Kathy Finlay, Karen Styles. In front are guests Shane and Amber. ..SPECIALISTS �' IN CAR AUDIO & SECURITY Sales Service dr Installations Under New Management *REMOTE CAR STARTS* OTH" EIUNO NAMES NEP AMPLIFIERS ALPINE P 40Er' IX 'CLQ - -AKEP SYSTEMS '1► ialliix7 �sgab i WCn,FERS PLAYERS UR' -Y SYSTEMS 'LESS ENTRY SYSTEMS SE P 607 Kingston Rd.' NEON 420-6808 QTS GARDINER'S DUCT CLEANING, CHIMNEY SWEEP & EAYESTROUGH CLEANING S5 : = ,rent t• CMINNEY SWEEPING ONLY 14.95 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Snake method used. (416) 282-3292 tr �� PARKER PET CARE_ Grooming & Boarding since 1945 By waning Animal lovers • Pick up & delivery available • 15% Of grooming with ad, 1 tithe only. 11 Meadowva At 1 k 416-284-6318 Introducing... A Complete Family Support Service • Pro,essional Nursing • Home Support Services • Special Needs Services Serving Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering �F-�jvKeCare- L�. (905) 509-5208/800-643-7107 - PARKER P'ET CAR E, for professionals, Offers and hobbyists • 4,000 sq. ft. of • seniors' discounts space • cabinet-making • professional course anw ment g d accessories curses nein •expert advice . other courses, • low hourly rate • 1, 3,5 and 10 -day workshops and package rates seminars to come Opening Jan. 2,1996! 1885 Clements Road, . 905 683-6003 `t'""'"• ; Ir fir- x •r � The devoted pet lovers at Parker Pet Care includes Darlene Gould, Julie Matchett, Dianne Fordham, Sheri Murree with Kyla, Kathy Finlay, Karen Styles. In front are guests Shane and Amber. ..SPECIALISTS �' IN CAR AUDIO & SECURITY Sales Service dr Installations Under New Management *REMOTE CAR STARTS* OTH" EIUNO NAMES NEP AMPLIFIERS ALPINE P 40Er' IX 'CLQ - -AKEP SYSTEMS '1► ialliix7 �sgab i WCn,FERS PLAYERS UR' -Y SYSTEMS 'LESS ENTRY SYSTEMS SE P 607 Kingston Rd.' NEON 420-6808 QTS GARDINER'S DUCT CLEANING, CHIMNEY SWEEP & EAYESTROUGH CLEANING S5 : = ,rent t• CMINNEY SWEEPING ONLY 14.95 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Snake method used. (416) 282-3292 tr �� PARKER PET CARE_ Grooming & Boarding since 1945 By waning Animal lovers • Pick up & delivery available • 15% Of grooming with ad, 1 tithe only. 11 Meadowva At 1 k 416-284-6318 Introducing... A Complete Family Support Service • Pro,essional Nursing • Home Support Services • Special Needs Services Serving Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering �F-�jvKeCare- L�. (905) 509-5208/800-643-7107 7W CArrent"'o 94YAlt Do-It-YoDo-It-Yooodorkinq Shop for professionals, Offers and hobbyists • 4,000 sq. ft. of • seniors' discounts space • cabinet-making • professional course anw ment g d accessories curses nein •expert advice . other courses, • low hourly rate • 1, 3,5 and 10 -day workshops and package rates seminars to come Opening Jan. 2,1996! 1885 Clements Road, Unit 254 Pickering 905 683-6003 `t'""'"• PAGE 210 -THE NEWS ADVERTLSER FRIDAY, DECnaER 22, 1"S r f1+ I IN AUr OPEN TUESDAY DECEMBER 26, ga.m. SHARP! OUR ENTIRE SELECTION OFScuM, 6*aTv LIFE -LIKE CHRISTMAS TREES & CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS o'Wreaths. garlands. candles & candle holders, animated characters, porcelain houses. lights. ornaments. picks. pinecones. potpourri & mare! iit l 0 "MAS SUPPiESARLIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND SHOP EARLY SELECTION MAY PARI' BY STORE BLOOMING BEAUTIE=S AFRICAN 47- VOLETS SAj"�REIGER 122BEGONIAS ,xt5 n ;eg 2 49eaolow 'DRACAENA MARGINATA GIANT DRAGON PLANT SALEVery easy to grow LE6- pot Reg 9 99eaPEACE LISLidem for low to medium Igt,t Darkgreen leave pot Reg 14 99ea BOSTON FE Beautiful full & bushy 10' hanging basket. Reg.15.99ea. DEFENBADU Huge green leaves splashed with white. 10' pot. Reg. 29.99ea. RM, CANT Full bushy 4'-5'tall plants. Tnrives in high light.Reg. 39.89ea. HOURS: Mon. to Fri. 9:00a.m.-9:00P.m. Sat., Sun. 6 Holidays 9:00&m.-6:WP.m. UnIm 011M10 MI S1* ends Dec. 31,1995 GREAT CARE IS TAKEN IN THE PREPARE. Whft 11110& PRODUCTION a THIS Al ERRGP M YOCURIDESCRIPTION ILLUSTRATION & ICING Wr OCCUR IN THE EVENT T111 A PRICING ERROR THE �TEMIS, IN QUESTION WILL BE 'HANGED AT CORRECT PRICE DEMANDWE MAY EVE Ti AVW TO STOCK A RESERVE THF glGiiT i0 LIMB DUANTiTIES LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND NOT ALL PRODUCT AVAILABLE AT OUP KENNEDY RD EMMTB✓ &BURLINGTON STORES ea ea I e,. READY TO PAINTCHRISTMAS WOOD SAJ �ornaments. message���►,-�,�trains. angels & sleds 00 r �a'T Reg 77 t a 99eaCHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS CRAFTS Includespaper punches stickers stamps. 90shnnkles & morel'*" " - Reg 7.4 99ea'MA aat STITCHERY A LATCH KITSEntire selection of Christmas designs LQ Fftstitchery & latch kits t9Reg 167-8999ea ��ea PAPIER MACHE FORMS Our entire selection including assorted boxes. deers. angel$snowmen 8 more. � 25 Reg. 2.49-38.99ea.KMW RAM � AMAEarAh w� 15 i.44Assorted sizes.[t . > fabrics &colours. Buy now! Reg. from ea 4.99ea. ea.MAKES A CMEAT fYl/16/OIAMEE � f . CkE1M1 AUE 1MeOYOM CTOMM pgNE cow N MnMMwr 0 & O•CMMW b1. BATHROOM SH LV � white wicker. Si 99 SALE (size is approx.) R eq. 29.99ea. 1 I'+C. a'YauablP m a11StOraS - CHRISTMAS BASKETC. Mary shapes & sizes #A_W''2*�eI ectionvanes from oe to store � }' Reg 99-9 99ea. �- : FERN TRU S SALE i Great for seasonal QQQ ' �,� storage 8 home decor ��oo . ter, `�„ �-' Reg 119 99ea 7 Not avaddUlC r all ct0✓Pt VICTORIA WICKER SET 4 PIECE WHITE WICKER INCLUDES f2 armcn.ur5 loveseat 8 1�_ 3 coffee table Reg 589 9A,c f SALE L dr" DID oil BAIMBURG swim HATS A Includes all wreaths & hats Reg t 77-10.97ea. 9 51ijkli UIT All lacquered berries & sprays in red. gold. pearl 8 della robia. Reg. 1.29-17.99ea. DA' 0MOMM in Reg. 2.49 t 4.99ea. 1� eC FRACAS Qe OUR ENTIRE SELECTION OFScuM, 6*aTv LIFE -LIKE CHRISTMAS TREES & CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS o'Wreaths. garlands. candles & candle holders, animated characters, porcelain houses. lights. ornaments. picks. pinecones. potpourri & mare! iit l 0 "MAS SUPPiESARLIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND SHOP EARLY SELECTION MAY PARI' BY STORE BLOOMING BEAUTIE=S AFRICAN 47- VOLETS SAj"�REIGER 122BEGONIAS ,xt5 n ;eg 2 49eaolow 'DRACAENA MARGINATA GIANT DRAGON PLANT SALEVery easy to grow LE6- pot Reg 9 99eaPEACE LISLidem for low to medium Igt,t Darkgreen leave pot Reg 14 99ea BOSTON FE Beautiful full & bushy 10' hanging basket. Reg.15.99ea. DEFENBADU Huge green leaves splashed with white. 10' pot. Reg. 29.99ea. RM, CANT Full bushy 4'-5'tall plants. Tnrives in high light.Reg. 39.89ea. HOURS: Mon. to Fri. 9:00a.m.-9:00P.m. Sat., Sun. 6 Holidays 9:00&m.-6:WP.m. UnIm 011M10 MI S1* ends Dec. 31,1995 GREAT CARE IS TAKEN IN THE PREPARE. Whft 11110& PRODUCTION a THIS Al ERRGP M YOCURIDESCRIPTION ILLUSTRATION & ICING Wr OCCUR IN THE EVENT T111 A PRICING ERROR THE �TEMIS, IN QUESTION WILL BE 'HANGED AT CORRECT PRICE DEMANDWE MAY EVE Ti AVW TO STOCK A RESERVE THF glGiiT i0 LIMB DUANTiTIES LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND NOT ALL PRODUCT AVAILABLE AT OUP KENNEDY RD EMMTB✓ &BURLINGTON STORES ea ea I e,. READY TO PAINTCHRISTMAS WOOD SAJ �ornaments. message���►,-�,�trains. angels & sleds 00 r �a'T Reg 77 t a 99eaCHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS CRAFTS Includespaper punches stickers stamps. 90shnnkles & morel'*" " - Reg 7.4 99ea'MA aat STITCHERY A LATCH KITSEntire selection of Christmas designs LQ Fftstitchery & latch kits t9Reg 167-8999ea ��ea PAPIER MACHE FORMS Our entire selection including assorted boxes. deers. angel$snowmen 8 more. � 25 Reg. 2.49-38.99ea.KMW RAM � AMAEarAh w� 15 i.44Assorted sizes.[t . > fabrics &colours. Buy now! Reg. from ea 4.99ea. ea.MAKES A CMEAT fYl/16/OIAMEE � f . CkE1M1 AUE 1MeOYOM CTOMM pgNE cow N MnMMwr 0 & O•CMMW b1. BATHROOM SH LV � white wicker. Si 99 SALE (size is approx.) R eq. 29.99ea. 1 I'+C. a'YauablP m a11StOraS - CHRISTMAS BASKETC. Mary shapes & sizes #A_W''2*�eI ectionvanes from oe to store � }' Reg 99-9 99ea. �- : FERN TRU S SALE i Great for seasonal QQQ ' �,� storage 8 home decor ��oo . ter, `�„ �-' Reg 119 99ea 7 Not avaddUlC r all ct0✓Pt VICTORIA WICKER SET 4 PIECE WHITE WICKER INCLUDES f2 armcn.ur5 loveseat 8 1�_ 3 coffee table Reg 589 9A,c f SALE L dr" DID oil BAIMBURG swim HATS A Includes all wreaths & hats Reg t 77-10.97ea. 9 LACQUERED UIT All lacquered berries & sprays in red. gold. pearl 8 della robia. Reg. 1.29-17.99ea. 69a. 0MOMM All red 8 green Christmas bouquets & bunches. Reg. 2.49 t 4.99ea. 1� Great for creating cone creatio ns. Q. ...99-8.99ea. .. FRACAS Qe 41