HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1995_12_01SANTA'S FAVQU11t1t FIFA MARKET CanIndoor Flea W Fair CK" erkett open 9arr Mi -Spm Antique Fair open Saw.-" oat M. tram of Me 401 in vMmr tnpites (goal e2 Ew9RTAINAMNT y 4- ',ujad dancer at end of Chorus Line I Pg. i�24 r ➢�� � R , :'tea:,:. IMFWVENW, 6Y rang owned A Opepalm ra It *= You can rtia "a 911041h ft" 4W 4whof eft*) 420-4ff0 New 4 S Advertiser Friday, Dec. 1, 1995 48 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 42,500 Vol. 114 No. 48 NN /ts t Ck-lM rae W lrale,w-4 d' St. Wilfrid Catholic School, at Brock and Rossland Roads in Pickering. hosts A Christmas Wonderland Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There'll be poinset- tia sales, a children's craft room and a book fair. Call 427-0215 for more information. Saturdav Sunny with ,otne clouds, -2 to 3C Sundae Cloudy, periods of light rain, -1 to 4C Inside In the news Entertainment .................. 24 Sports ........................ • --...27 Classified .........................29 Phone limes General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 - Classified 683-0707 Sincerely Yours 1-900-451-3793 Info -Source 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 '40n the Internet at WWW- iamneWS.net 93 it 74 GST = $1 Pickering tax hike possible Sherry Senis L `4 _# PIC: KERING — The cutbacks in municipal funding announced by provincial Finance Minister Ernie Eves Wednesday will Icad either to Town tax increases or a reduction in services. according to Pickering Ward local Councillor Sherry Senis. Councillor Senis represented the Town at the post -mini -budget break- fast held Thursday morning, h,. Durham West Conservative MI'P Janet Ecker. "It's apparent that the provincial government is downloading on to the municipality the responsibility for collecting frorn the taxpayer, . she says. "When all is said and done it all comes out of the same pocket. It's just going to appear that the munici- pality is the tat `_rahher now." A little help from my friend Larissa Nicholson, left, and Lindsay Cumew of Ajax's St. James Catholic School Lakers junior girls' volleyball team combine to bump the ball toward the net during a game against St. Francis de Sales school of Pickering Village. St. Francis de Sales won 15-6. The contest was part of a tournament at St. Bernadette Catholic School in Ajax on Tuesday. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Mr. Eves announced municipalities will !ose 47 per cent of their provin- cial transfer payments over the next two years. As well, the Province will discontinue fundin, for municipal recycling programs and funding for public libraries will be cut almost in half. Provincial payments to munici- See `THERE... Page 5 Cuts the key to economic prosperity: Tory MPP By MARIANNE TAKACS MPP, noting the cuts are a STAFF RFH)RTt-R signal "that our government PICKERING —The ecu- is serious atx)ut job creation nomic program outlined by and economic renewal." By Ontario Finance Minister the turn of the century, she Ernie Eves promi.ed. Ontario will have Wednesday "rep- the lowest provin- resents our best tial tax rate in hope for lasting Canada. a bal- p r o s p e r i t y," anted budget and according to god jobs and ser - Durham West vices. Conservative MPP 3 Mrs. Ecker Janet Ecker maintained the Mrs. Ecker economic plan defended the $5.5 � ' will create jobs by billion in spending getting the provin- cuts announced by Janet Ecker tial debt "off the Mr. Eves at a backs" of con - Morning -After- MOCC StOI'ICS sumers and busi- the -Economic Statement" break- Pages nems. 2, 3, 5 She noted the fast held yesterday Ontario govern - by the Ajax -Pickering Board ment is currently spending of Trade at Regalis restau- $1 million an hour more rant in Pickering. than it's taking in. She said "We've done what we've said we would do," said the See HUMAN ... Page 2 PACE 2-TRE?4EWS ADVERTi4ER FRIDAY, DECEM$ER 1, 1995 - - - - . - ��ORIES WIELD T HE AXE `Human consequences worse if we didn't act now': MPP FROM PAGE 1 the cuts have to be made in order to maintain an acceptable level of services in the future. "At a million dollars an hour we don't have a lot of time to save the services we have." According to the MPP, the Harris government understands its cutbacks will have "human consequences'. But, she added, the human consequences "would be much graver, much more serious for more people, if we didn't act now " Mrs. Ecker said the govern- ment is beipg "co-operative" and doing as it was asked in cut- ting back general funding and leaving municipal governments, hospitals and various agencies to decide how to implement the cuts at the local level. "With this statement the gov- ernment authorizes local agen- cies to make their own decisions and find their own savings." Members of the audience who made comments and asked questions generally expressed a wait-and-see attitude. No one said they opposed the cuts but they wondered about the future consequences. "Let's not celebrate too soon," said former public school board chairman Louise Farr. "Just because the budget says it's good news that does not mean it's a good quality of liv- ing." Louise Farr She sug- gested tax- payers' savings in provincial t a x e s might end up going to the user fees the Province is now autho- rizing municipalities to impose. And she noted no one knows what the ultimate effect of cutbacks will be on education or health. "I'm not so sure you're gig to be better off. You will just be making more choices.- This hoices"This government is a busi- ness government," noted former Pickering councillor Doug Wellman. "Business, Bay Street — we got our way.- He said it's now up to business and service clubs to pick up some of the responsibility for the communi- ty's less fortunate. Mr. Wellman added that he hoped the commu- nity will reach out to those who need help instead of hiding behind fences and security ser- vices. Representatives of the Social Development Council of Ajax - Pickering and the Ajax -Picker- ing -Whitby Association for Community Living didn't quib- ble with the cutbacks. Rather, they said that since the govern- ment was passing down respon- sibility to local organizations such as theirs it should do some- thing about the inequitable fund- ing they receive in comparison to Toronto and some other areas of the province. Mrs. Ecker replied that the issue of funding inequity is one she and other MPPs are pushing the government to address. In a later interview, Mrs. Ecker said she was receiving an "understanding" response from the public to the economic state- ment- "Nobody's pleased that we have to make these decisions. But I think most individuals [understand the need for dem— El Seniors divided over whether fee for drugs a bitter pill or the right medicine It `hits us below the belt,' says one. `We have to bring the debt down,' argues another. By LINDA WHITE STAFF RFPM-MR AJAX-PICKERING — Plans to charge the elderly for prescription drugs "hits us below the belt," says one senior, while others believe they must share the pain of budget cuts. "I don't think very much of it, Jack Syme, 66, president of the Ajax Seniors Friendship Centre says of provincial government plans to charge seniors for prescription drugs. Until now, seniors have been get- ting free drugs along with the poor under the Ontario Drug Benefit Plan. But that's about to change, Fiance Minister Ernie Eves announced in Wednesday's mini -budget - Seniors whose annual individual income is more than $16,000 or whose family income is over $24,000 will have to a pay a $100 deductible, $2 per prescription and up to $6.11 in pharmacy dispensing fees. Poor seniors will have to pay $2 per prescription. "As far as I'm concerned, (Pre- mier) Mike Harris broke all his elec- tion promises to seniors, hospitals and welfare recipients" in the mini- budget, Mr. Syme says. "If anyone ever votes for him again, they're crazy. He's hitting seniors below the belt and most of us are on a set income." But not all seniors agree. "I think seniors have done well and think most can afford (the new fees)," believes Jean Drake, a mem- ber of the Claremont Golden Age Club. The 73 -year-old calls the $2 pre- scription fee "cheap" and believes seniors must share the pain as the government struggles to cut a spi- ralling deficit. John Neale, former president of the South Pickering Seniors Club, also recognizes "we have to bring the debt down. What's going to hap- pen to our children and grandchil- dren if we don't?" While he's "in favor" of the $2 prescription fee, he believes the combined prescription and dispens- ing fee of $8.11 is "too high" and should be capped at $5. "I can afford it, but for others, it's going to hit them a bit harder. I don't have to take many prescriptions, but some are on two or three at a time. I know some seniors at the club who are taking 20 or 30 pills a day.- THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, IM -PAGE 3 ;"�"RLES INIEL� THEAX; ...... F..4..... .... .. .:.: ..... .... ...:......:, ..... ..:. ..r...:lv.fr ::. r. v.:...�w......;..: u. ....:.n..•:.... ... ........... ..Rv}:: •. ::/ :•}::.:•.�. 6 Spendi"ngrequi"j".e cuts',* taxpayers' grou By KEITH GILLIGAN Eves has done it for them by shrinking the Municipalities will "have to rethink what tisoned are those that don't fit" STAFF REPORTER Provincial government's chequebook," he they offer, what their mandate is and if ser- Services that are retained should be run AJAX-PICKERING — Provincial says. vices fit the mandate. The first services jet- more efficiently, he adds. government cuts announced Wednes- day are a "real sobering cure for tax- payers left with a hangover by spend - and -tax politicians". That's the view of Ontario Taxpay- ers Federation executive director Paul Pagnuelo, who says dealing with the Province's $100 -billion accumulated debt and $9 billion annual interest payments "requires deep cuts". But, the federation is concerned municipalities and school boards will raise property taxes to compensate for the cuts. "It's going to be a real challenge for some. The concern we have is ._ some will try that," Mr. Pagnuelo says. "We believe municipalities and f school boards can sustain a 20 -per cent reduction in their total costs without affecting services. They'll have to restructure and use the new powers the Province has given them," he adds. Finance Minister Ernie Eves gave municipalities more flexibility on spending by converting such transfer programs as unconditional grants and roads grants into one unconditional block grant. Municipalities will be allowed to spend the money however they choose. Municipalities will also be permit- 4, ted to offer programs on a cost -recov- ery basis, charge more user fees and privatize local utility services. Mr. Pagnuelo says, The reality is many urban and rural governments and school boards suffer from over- staffing and poor spending." The debt loads being carried by municipalities and school boards is "squeezing out necessary services and driving taxes up. We wanted a reduced amount of free money munic- ipalities and school boards are getting and that's exactly what Eves did," Mr. Pagnuelo notes. "Local politicians lack the intelli- gence and political will to restructure. Mini -budget higlilights 0 Transfer payments to municipalities cut. Municipalities may in tum charge user fees for garbage collec- tion, parks and libraries 0 Seniors, people on welfare to pay a fee for prescription drugs 0 Funding for hospi- tals reduced 0 Tuition fees increased for college and university stu- dents RONALD MARTINO do SON a FUNERAL DIRECTORS w,tl (formerly of West Hill) Family Owned and Operated R _d iI Call and Compare Before You Decide o Orock Road Chape , 1057 Brock Road PICKERNG (dust south of roe) 686-558 '�`' 4��' � Tt� " ,:11F:_ - ,,iliG � ..ilii•, � llr. -�(jt:'. .."'WESTERN R �Gccct �ce.nc ?lee Seat 2!� ?a x`100 009.- • 09: ' Western Boots • Leather Belts . Accessories 487 Westaey R Sxth at Clamant- Ajax 428-1787 mc, 't AF J lig _ Fn G a r"N OPEN UA 12 S OPEN HOUSE and Registration Blaisdale Montessori Schools "l highly recommend this school for anyone who wants the very best for their child." %*. ,9 T.,"AV 3 5 .r- �� ..� r �;—�, All Welcome * french * language * music * math * and much more! * Part-time pre-school programs available F JZiarPl� r�:aa -s:�v■ n s u o� . t• af - k - until noon on Saturday Use your Sears Card and J *See our Super Saturday flyer for full details GIST offer does not apply to deferred offer. On all furniture", major appliances, home electronics Don't pay until January 1 997 on approved credit �^pith your Sears Card S25 deferral fee applies. This offer ends Sunday. Dec 3 1 E495 Liquidation terns ,, Clearance Centres and Catalogue purchases are not included in this offer Ask for details in stare T 1 until noon on Saturday Use your Sears Card and J *See our Super Saturday flyer for full details GIST offer does not apply to deferred offer. On all furniture", major appliances, home electronics Don't pay until January 1 997 on approved credit �^pith your Sears Card S25 deferral fee applies. This offer ends Sunday. Dec 3 1 E495 Liquidation terns ,, Clearance Centres and Catalogue purchases are not included in this offer Ask for details in stare T 1 LIUKH uvt — School boards here are reacting cautiously to provincial government plans to reduce transfer payments by nine per cent. — I n Wednes- day's mini- budget, Finance Minister Ernie Eves announced transfers to school Pauline Laing boards will be cut by $400 million. He expects boards to meet that reduction by cutting costs outside the classroom and without increasing local taxes. 'The cuts are at the predicted levels,' admits Duitwn Board of Education director Pauline Laing. "We're still awaiting details on how the cuts will be targeted For example, the future of junior kindergarten is extremely important." (The government announced in late September its plans to again make junior kindergarten optional. It hasn't yet introduced legislation that would allow school boards to dismantle the Program.) Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board director Grant Andrews says, "Our concern is the application of cuts to under -funded school boards, especially ones like our own. We're already operating on a lean budget. I don't know bow (the government is) going to make allowances for that." Board chairman Tom Oldman shares that concern. Though he recognizes the need to cut expenses, "it's going to be a dif- ficult task. We don't have much surplus in our board," he says, noting it spends the lowest amount per student in the Greater Toronto Area and is one of the most fiscally conservative boards in the province. Mr. Oldman warns low- fat to trim': Senis FROM PAGE 1 pal transit will be slashed by $48 million over two Yam Accordingto provincial government figures, the roductim are equivalent to an average two -per cent decrease in total municipal operating spending in each of the next two years. The specific cuts facing each municipality will be announced by the end of this year. Mr. Eves said the munic- ipalities will be given new tools to raise money — including the ability to charge user fees for garbage collection, public park visits or public library use; the opportunity to charge licensing fees to all businesses except manufac- 'l turers and wholesalers; the chance to privatize public services; and jurisdiction over bodies such as parks, recreation boards and trap - sit commissions. Municipalities will also be given more freedom to decide how to spend the provincial funding they receive. Councillor Senis notes the municipal user fees being suggested by the Province are simply "another form of taxation". She also says it will be especially hard for Picker- ing to cut back its spend- ing The Town of Pickering l has always been very fis- cally responsible and it's gang to be difficult to trim the fat because there isn't much there to trim" assessment boards will -be hard- est hit unless the government rec- ognizes their needs. "We educate one-third of the students in Durham, but don't receive one- third of the I taxes col- lected school boards,; u n l i k e municipali- ties, can't charge for services, Tom Oldman such as busing. Durham's sepa- rate board pays to bus secondary students on municipal buses, `which are likely going to have to hike fees. It's a vicious circle" Meanwhile, Mr. Eves also said parents will be urged to become more involved in their kids' education through local school councils and will be able lo assess what their children are learning through standardized testing. Tax It YS Alsait 1tbA1, bfth'ti lei 4 i#9s-tkc9' s P •'i .ri e.r1i Jr I tr' J,.4 1-v4.+i•+.+ o d JJ re J J J J I J It10►Itt+ Hospi*talwaiting to learn its fate D `It's really too early to tell' how institution will fare AJAX-PICKERING — The local general hospital is still hoping to escape the scalpel wielded by Ontario Finance Minister Ernie Eves in his Wednesday economic statement. Mr. Eves announced a cut of $1.3 billion or IS per cent in fund- ing to the province's hospitals over a period of three years. A provin- cial Health Services Restructuring Commission is being set up to oversee the expected closing of about 30 of Ontario's 219 hospitals. Ajax -Pickering General Hospital president Bruce Cliff says "It's really too early to tell" what impact the cutbacks will have on the insti- tution. "What we don't know is how that amount is going to be applied to individual hospitals.., Mr. Cliff is confident APGH will not be among the hospitals closed, since the provincial Min- istry of Health has recently approved an acute care study for Durham under which APGH is stated to serve as one of two full- service general hospitals in the region. The hospital president has not yet received word from the min- istry on how much APGH's fund- ing might be cut back But APGH is among a group of hospitals in rapidly -growing Greater Toronto Area municipalities which have told the government they should not have their funding cut because they already receive less than their fair share compared to hospitals in Toronto and other areas of the province. "My understanding is the gov- ernment is aware of the problems facing high-growth areas," says Mr. Cliff. kIdAIFIAl� 1P11E1J11A .�1�6��•1VEN>Z1f19A1�f8i'i7i�1f,0Ii+C6lfiSilRl,�996 Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser TPNOTHY J. wHMAKER. Publisher A Mewland Community Newsparvr a] JOA!VM. HURGHARDT. Floor -m -chief published Aedni-sdaN. Fndas. Sunda\ ' 4"I7 \'F: Hol'tiTON. Alanagmg Falnor , BRUCE DANFORD. Ad�ertismg manager I �(! I?_ Commercial Ace Ajax. (1M AIATN BROI'\\FR. Retail Manager LIS :HS ARE FAKH()t'RIE. Ihstnhution manager PMme: (•>; l- 110 Fm:681-7161 0 R 10 We asked fit We can't pretend to express surprise at the latest round of provincial funding cuts announced Wednesday: it's just Mike "The Knife" Harris doing more of what he promised he'd do. And we wanted him to do it. otherwise we never would have voted him into office. Voters who are complaining and protesting should have known Queen's Park couldn't trim the massive deficit without making tough decisions. and ves. those decisions are causing_ us pain. Like it or not. we're going_ to have to bleed as Harris wields his untim_iving knife. Finance Minister Ernie Eves, however. is wrong when he says reductions to municipal transfer pay- ments won't translate into hi_her taxes at the local level. Unless we're willine to i_,o without services alto- gether. we're uoino to have to find a way to pay for them. Whether we finance them through higher taxes or new user fees, we'll still be financing them. For \ears now. •_overnments have been trimming and streamlining sa--r\ ices. tellim_ us we'll have to make do with less. There likely isn't a family in Durham Region that hasn't felt the impact somewhere along the line. Now the Province has opened the door for munici- palities to charge user fees for things like garbage pick up. librar\ services, and even it walk in the park. E %en if local councils manace to hold the line on taxes. we'll end up paying more money for the services we've _row•n accustomed to. The writing_ is on the wall: for two or three years running, most councils in Durham Region have squeezed and squeezed their budgets in order to achieve a tax freeze. They can't keep it up indefinitely. The bottom line' Yes. it hurts. It hurts a lot. And it's going to get worse before it gets better. But we agreed to it when we went to the polls last June 8. 100 'Ea STIOLL ONE, 0 NOWu Milk FUU111 7..' NOW InfoSource Poll: Last week we asked: Iii you plan to buy an extra • toy or groceries this year for donation to one or the man organized community drives:' ANSWER: Yes No 20% 80% Do you plan to spend more money Christmas shopping this year than last`? INFOSOURCE PHONE# 683-7040 YES: Punch 8026 NO: Punch 8027 Do you think Ontario Hvdro should make public We asked, a the findings of a review of its nuclear generating stations'? -- asked at .Ajax Plaza t ki 'W" Ali JASON BUDD KELVIN DARLENE RO(;ERS KEN BROWN "No. It was done by a HUTCHISON "No. It should be public "No, they shouldn't keep branch of our demo crati- —No. They should tell knowledge. we live in the anything back from the cally elected government. everybody. They should- area so we should know." public. We are entitled to It should be revealed." n'► keep anything secret." know." F Wum To Tw NEws ADVO 130 COMMERCL4L AVE., AiAx, US 2H5 oR FAx us AT 683-7363 ■' u..:-,Otnt E-mA& is NewsAd.oem durhamne — Canada's future can't be based on quaint notions To the editor: When I hear our federal mem- ber of parliament suggesting it won't be the politicians that bring this country back together, but rather the everyday people, I agree to a point with this quaint notion. However, in a practical sense the people we've elected are the I I best equipped and, frankly, the ones we've sent to represent us in these pursuits. I for one . am not prepared to let Dan McTeague so easily off the hook. If politicians in this country would get back to leading rather than allowing themselves to be blown hither and tither by every new opinion poll, I personally think this country could have avoided many of our recent problems. What we've lost sight of is the fact that to have a real coun- try you must start with the premise of one law for everyone, not a country based on special laws for natives, founding races no longer want to be. a Tory To the editor: see, that he prefers one united Canada but without An open letter to Brian Shedden, president of people who want to destroy this country like Ontario riding's Progressive Conservative Lucien Bouchard. Association: The label of traitor belongs to Mr. Bouchard. In Thanks to your letter (Nov. 15) I've made my my native country he would be charged and prose - decision not to renew my membership with the cuted. Ontario PCs. If you defend him so profusely, maybe you You probably don't know how to read between should be a member of the Parti Quebecois. the lines. You don't understand the intentions of Tad Stawski, Preston Manning. You don't see, or don't want to Pickering or on someone's sex, age, reli- gion or hair color. In closing, please don't get the wrong idea. I'd do almost anything to have this country together; it's just that 1 see some tough deci- sions ahead and now's not the time to rely on quaint notions. Mike Newman, Pickering Executions won't prevent crime To the editor: Re: We want capital punish- ment. In regards to Ms. David's letter of Nov. 5, I would like to enquire exactly what capital punishment would solve. Wouldn't we be lowering ourselves to the level of those we would execute? Instead of pointing fingers and looking for a scapegoat, we should take a look at the society that allowed someone like Paul Bernardo to come along. As for capital punishment being a deter - rant, it serves no purpose. In the United States people stay on death row for years, making endless appeals. Ms. David also makes refer- ence to the Bible, but doesn't the Bible also say `Thou shalt not kill'? Killing these people will not solve anything, and it's time We opened our eyes and realized that. Michael Genco genx@io.Org Pickering of Area job picture sll*ghtly better than national hiring forecast DURHAM — Job seek- ers are getting mixed mes- sages from a survey of busi- nesses on projected hiring patterns for the first quarter of 1996. Manpower Temporary Services, the world's largest private temporary - help firm, found eight per cent of employers in Durham are planning to add workers during January, February and March, while seven per cent expect to lay off staff. Another 78 per cent fore- see no change in staff levels and seven per cent aren't ❑ Eight per cent of Durharn employers plan to add workers dur- ing ahe ;;first quater of 1996, while seven per cent expect to lay off staff. O Unemployment rate in this area in October was 8.3 per cent >>><z> sure of their hiring plans. The Employment Out- look Survey polls almost 1,600 employers in 40 Canadian cities. Nationally, the survey found 16 per cent of com- panies planned to decrease staff, 11 per cent expected to add personnel, 66 per cent are likely to retain cur- rent staffing levels and seven per cent didn't know their hiring plans. Lorraine Stevenson of Manpower notes, "Hiring activity often lessens fol- lowing the holiday season" A Manpower press release says, "The present outlook should not be con- sidered bleak for the first quarter, when hiring tradi- tionally slows down." Areas projecting the best hiring prospects nationally are mining and finance, insurance and real estate. Sectors projecting decreases are construction, education, wholesale and retail trade, and transportation and pub- lic utilities. Human Resources Devel- opment Canada, the federal department responsible for unemployment, reports the national unemployment rate in October was 8.6 per cent, provincially it was 7.9 per cent and in the Toronto cen- sus area — which includes Ajax and Pickering — the rate was 8.3 per cent. ---------------- [FCHIRISTMAS Cut your own TREES I Fun For The Entire Family I 1 1 1 . J�Ror • rew tr" im t4lffm RECONS LARGEST ; Hayrides - RehestvnenM CHNSUM TREE FARM 1 SeV*V Hds over 30.000 Top any Fixe Tree Saiirg - Craft Shop Groomed 6' - 14' Scotch Pine Mmpfe Pang White Spruce 1 9:10 a.m. to 5:00 pm. and some White Pine r I 1 i NP,oceeos toI 1 1 1 I Weekends December 2xd to December 24tb � 1 1 1 Murcott's Tree Farm 1 1 662 Townline Road 1 1 Mie North Of Ashbum Visage 1 1 Fridays, Dec. lith, 151h, 22nd 1 1 For More k4ormation Or 1 1 For Weekday Visits 1 1 Please Cai The Farm Al 1 i (905) 655-8939 i 1 I L ----------------------J To tart a �� Tow"" 11 01 A Wide Selection Of Leather And Suede Coats For Ladies and Men (BIKER STYLES AND WESTERN FRINGE) FROM THIS ation and public utili- ties. ;> A/ 1, WINTER Ladies' &Men's Western "Southwest" Vests For Ladies' &Men Shirts By "Roper" Wrangler Jeans, Pants And Shirts Men's Sport y, 380 Kingston Rd. E., Ajax HM. #2 'i_ MILE EAST OF HARWOOD (905) 686-0948 OFF SELECTED STYLES Western Z` INN ` �C Jackets •,� MON.-SAT. 10-6 *Major Credit SUN. 13 Sectors projecting decreases are con- struction, education, wholesale and retail trade, and transport 12-5 Cards Accevtec � ASHBWt11 3 a ��'tto.a 4 s E �• 1tlRoottt111 ttiyhww No. 7 To MsrYNw i To 4 1 11 01 A Wide Selection Of Leather And Suede Coats For Ladies and Men (BIKER STYLES AND WESTERN FRINGE) FROM THIS ation and public utili- ties. ;> A/ 1, WINTER Ladies' &Men's Western "Southwest" Vests For Ladies' &Men Shirts By "Roper" Wrangler Jeans, Pants And Shirts Men's Sport y, 380 Kingston Rd. E., Ajax HM. #2 'i_ MILE EAST OF HARWOOD (905) 686-0948 OFF SELECTED STYLES Western Z` INN ` �C Jackets •,� MON.-SAT. 10-6 *Major Credit SUN. 13 Sectors projecting decreases are con- struction, education, wholesale and retail trade, and transport 12-5 Cards Accevtec An exemplary Pickering bunch Eleven Pickering firefighters were recently decorated to commemorate ' 20 and 30 years of service. Pictured here are (left to right, front) 30 Year Seance Bar recipient Capt. Ron Roberge, and 20 Year Exem- plary Service Medal recipients Capt. Soren Gordon. Deputy Chief Bill Douglas, volunteer firefighter Brian Mitchell. (back row) Capt. Richard Ingram. Capt. Neville Tarpey and Capt. Lyle Lynde. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Santa Sock drive funds Cystic Fibrosis research DURHAM — The Life Underwrit- Five Points Mall in Oshawa. ers' Association of Durham Region is Two winners of the draw, which holding its annual Santa Sock cam- will take place on Saturday at 4 pm., paign to raise money for Cystic Fibro- will each receive a S250 gift certifr- sis research. tate from Zellers. During the campaign, which runs to The winners will be announced by Saturday, volunteers from the associa- Mitch LePage, Santa Sock chairman tion and from the Durham Chapter of and father of 21 -month-old Marc, the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Founda- who has Cystic Fibrosis, and Don tion will sell raffle tickets for $1 out- Davidson, LUAC Santa Sock chair - side of the Zellers mall entrance at man. M your child's marks are below expectations, we can help. For better reading, writing, math and study skills, give us a call. Grade Expectations will design a supplementary education program based on your child's needs to increase interest, build self-confidence and improve academic performance for students in grades l to O.A.C. Call us today so we can show you how Grade _x mer can he�p ym child succeed. .lk'V41.S♦1"E.e..+.tt.4-A-ACA♦1.4t....Ott!.t++.!*4�ll,i`Clt�!•'::,Z,!-t(�.*4iec'',li�'�[!,!•_�.` A �' BE ST��BEST z 19 9y MOST 45, P am AM hn0im [al (416)19&7654 CHECK IT OUT WE HAVE AN OUTSTANDING SELECTION OF USED FURNITURE AT UNBELIEVABLE PRICES!!! uM calerimm FWAm Suft 1W. H:�I 770M `'"�S - 420-9930 anMKftW Can" a�e tie,. AE%l N St 69EE/,TSS stjlpIEIR SATURDAY 4& SUNDAY ijEA 40], k=JF • Sears-O-Pedlc• sleep sets • Girls' Jumpsuit 8-14 • Selected dinnerware and glassware • Kids' selected outerwear 7-18 • Assorted women's T-shirts from • Selected kitchen teutNes • Boys' cargo pants 7-18 Two Road** and Jesse JJ Jeanswear' • Selected lighting and clocks • Girls' suede vest 8, 12, 16 • Men's selected winter outerwear • Selected Easy Living* paint • Girls' long -sleeve poet shirt 12,14,16 • Women's selected suede casual shoes • Selected Ouvellov" mattress • Girls' 3 -pc. set (cardigan, turtleneck, • selected toys pads % pillows pants) 8-14 • Selected cookware • QuaMolux pitlows and duvets • Kids' selected winter accessories 4-16 • Selected small appliances • Christmas wrap 6 -roll! pack • Selected toys • Stevens twin slue cotton flannel sheet sets • Selected blankets C� _Iqaw__W� v 4111111P k • Kid's selected outerwear, 7-18 • All girls' coordinates, 7-16 • Girls' selected IeDom a 4-dx • Kids' selected turtlenecks. 4 -Ox • All boys' sweaters and casual pants, 4-6x • All boys' and girls' 2 -pc. fleece sets, 8-16 • selected orthopedic plMows • W " by Goodyear premium all -season !tree • Kids' selected I- -a smock -neck top, 7-16 • alder assorted body sults, 8-16 • dolls• selected pro -team activewear, 8-18 • cloys' belted coloured jeans, 7-18 • Selected Tilley wallets • Women's Arctic Fleece robe • Women's nightshirt with bonus suppers • Girls' assorted sweaters, e-10. • pa bath products and Chandf/y tiripranees • AN back packs, totes, sporlebsas from cur kmggage dept- • Select" wons on's dress stioes • Men's selected socks and briefs • selected tesla • Selected golf bags • selected skates (In•Nne and Sao) • Selected au terrain bikes • Jots Hockey gloves • Karhu pie hockey oqulprm mt Plus Beat the ...until noon on Saturday *See our Super Saturday Flyer for full details I l !J&.` :7, I : 0 NO St. John Ambulance seeks new instructors Cl Knowledgeable people needed to teach babysitting course DURHAM — The St. John Ambulance here is looking for peo- ple to teach its What Every Babysitter Should Know course. Interested applicants must have a current cer- tificate in Standard First Aid and Basic Rescuer Cardiopulmonary Resuscita- tion, they must be 18 years or older and they must enjoy work- ing with children. You must also have good commu- nication skills, show enthusiasm and have an entrepreneurial approach to delivering the program. St. John Ambulance is a non- profit organization. Its mission is to improve the health, safety and quality of life in the community. For more informa- tion on becoming an instructor or on other St. John Ambulance initia- tives, call Jennifer Boston at 905-434-7800 or 1-800-268- 1032. F 8 1 /`O�_ 7* Attention All Boaters! Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club is currently conducting a membership drive and we wekxxne your enquiries. Here are just a few of the advantages we can offer you and your Family. • Lowest Dockage Rates In Town • Modern Clubhouse, Bar & Banquet Facilities • Dances, Seminars, Cards, Darts, Etc. • Junior C.Y.A.. Approved Sail Club • Lake Ontario Yacht Club Reciprocal Privileges • Warm, Friendly Family Atmosphere • Excellent Docking Facilities For Power & Sail Boats For further information, or to arrange to view the club facilities, please contact Don Cane C (905) 831-1715 (days) or (905) 420-0461 (evenings & weekends) Come On And Give Us A Call! Sick kids offered flicker of hope from Pickering Things are flickering a bit better at Toronto-based Ronald McDonald House, thanks to a donation by Flicker's Candle Shops of a $2,000 porcelain village and $200 from a draw at the Pickering Town Centre store. Flickers' owner Holly Elvins, left, presents a piece from the vil- lage to Maureen Dowhaniuk of Ajax McDonald's Restaurant, while draw winner Renee Torrington, third from left, accepts the prize of an animat- ed skating pond from manager Sherrill Ewles. photo by Andrew lwanowski :COMING EVENTS AT. Reserve RobC your pieces � Intosh 1,. for signing Chula & Cr ,. W shops N O WH "–^SHAWA CENTRE 905432-9110 DATE HOURS COMPANY ARTIST FACTS Saturday 11 a.m. - 2 P.M. WATERFORD Mr John Spe( tal crent piece available December 2 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. CRYSTAL Murphy exclusively during the event • Master - 7- artisan vase $149.95 Cutter - 1st annual artisan piece - Mr. ;'Murphy will sign any purchases made during the event. Tuesday 2 p.m. -5 p.m. ROYAL Mr. Michael - Special event piece is Lady December 5 :30 p.m. -8:30 p.m DOULTON Doulton Lily Doulton $38.5.00 • Honorary - Me Doulton will sign all President figurines purchased during the of R.D. event Collector's - In-store drau, for FREE Club since 1981 •'Dawn" figurine M Frere Jacquot French performer Jacquot thrilled stu- dents at Our Lady of the Bay Catholic School in Pickering when he performed recently. Here, the performer plays to the crowd while centred in the midst of the students. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Claremont Co-op Nursery invites kids to dine with Santa Claus PICKERING -- Local children are invited to be on their best behavior and dine with Santa when theClare- mont Cooperative Nursery School hosts a breakfast event this Saturday, Dec. 2. The breakfast takes place at 1EYA Community Nall, Old Brock Road in Claremont. There's a sit- ting from 8:30 to 10 a.m. and again from 10:30 a.m. to noon and the cost is $5. Tickets must be purchased in advance at the Claremont General Store, Marianne's Place, or by call- ing 649-5223. SEAM CORRECTION NOTICE In our SLtPER SaLMAY, I AT TF4£ tiST ON AUAW EVERYTHNG IN THE STORE eW _NOOK The GST dw does not apply b Tresdtrtft in ou'SEAK E>FECT YORE PROM SEARS bund rtante for tits M.erer ahcwrt as ino'o TWft *a*I need OOLDBPOIT irtelead d Kertntore. In our 24ppe Ayer BUY MORE SAVE MORE'. The repttlsr and sMe prices for tine Todtibe Projection W's we ittoorrect They MOM rests: 014765x/45 Rep. 3299.90 Sale 3199.99 0147861698 Rep. 4199.99 Sde 4099.99 014755 Rep. 4999.99 Sde 4890 99 014895 Rep. 3799.99 We 3609.99 014795 Rep. 5799.90 Sob 5800.99 WE SWERELY APOLOGIZE FOR ANY IICONVEN1 WE THIS MAY HAVE CAUSED OUR CU1170IERL THE'N�AbV6*jj*jlrrkWAI�,' ift i 1i I - -t-41 %MAC&1-r HALF PRICE KIDS CREDIT CARD: Pick up your half price Kids Card for December that get's you all kids movies at half price. See store for details. CRAFTY CLOW11"ils will make Animal Balloons for Kids of all ages! 2 pmr6 pm Sat Dec. 2 Only! Teen dance next Friday in Pickering PICKERING — A Teen Dance for youths aged 13 to 19 will he held Friday. Dec. 8 from p.m. to midnight at the Picker- inL_ Recreation Complex. Tickets are available at the recreation complex at 1867 Val- ley Farrn Rd., at local high schools and at the door. They cost $5 in advance and $7 at the door. Gall 90 :`S ; 1 - 171 1 for mw .r, int. rnrUI(�r 0 ► O%iy 0SAT. DEC. 2 O Be one of the first 200 Customers to come in and say: "I want to Make It A BLOCKBUSTER Night" and receive one FREE BLOCKBUSTER RENTAL COUPON. WI! A FAMILY PACK' TO THE HOCKEY HALL OF FAME! - L r HOLIDAY GIFT GIVING IDEAS Pick up your BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO Hohday Flyer filled with Entertaining ideas just right for giving! 'r Simply come in and fill out a ballot. -You and your family could be going to the Hockey Hall of Fame. •}adk Comma d lar a adnaoon ockm �y drip is Fndq. Door�br MS. N 's �. a rr poo*� H�'WOOd Aw = fat 2lW-wq do27.7144 wwoeNARO cis R"N BLOCKBUSTER VIDEO name and design are registered trademarks of Blockbuster Entertainment Inc., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 (C) 1987, 1995 Blockbuster Enterainment Inc :tel 0Kk ,� Save *50 Save 15_ 180 on- all sof, beds 1%8 00m 1/2 price selected decorator raps Save *20-100 on all curios and wall units Save * 10-50 on all action chairs Save *50-700 on all dinNproom suits save *30-50 on all coffte and and tables Plus Sat 4% Sun n1l save an on all priced reg. & sale furniture* 'Excludes Sears-O-Pedic*, patio and baby furniture Plus use your Sears Card and On all furniture", major appliances, home electronics Dont pay unh' Jaruary 1997 c- apDroveo c,ed t w '.r your Sews Ca,u S25 Referral fee apc es Tr•s offer enols Sunuay. Dec 3 1 _395 LIgUivat on terris in C E drd^Ce Cep LeS and :.ircr:asc's arc-- 'iC,t inC uUe:] - lnis Offer Ask t0' details in st 'e 1 • 1 S 77 �„ J ,yr.'wt• S •1�.��y,. •��'}t"... 'g 4-'.�q/9C fT"` r. y.. Save *300-700 Save *70-250 Save *10 -70 - on all master on all sofas on all nsadll-to- assemble bsdr+oa -6 suits .p.ew wc*wRe" f erniture ,� Save *50 Save 15_ 180 on- all sof, beds 1%8 00m 1/2 price selected decorator raps Save *20-100 on all curios and wall units Save * 10-50 on all action chairs Save *50-700 on all dinNproom suits save *30-50 on all coffte and and tables Plus Sat 4% Sun n1l save an on all priced reg. & sale furniture* 'Excludes Sears-O-Pedic*, patio and baby furniture Plus use your Sears Card and On all furniture", major appliances, home electronics Dont pay unh' Jaruary 1997 c- apDroveo c,ed t w '.r your Sews Ca,u S25 Referral fee apc es Tr•s offer enols Sunuay. Dec 3 1 _395 LIgUivat on terris in C E drd^Ce Cep LeS and :.ircr:asc's arc-- 'iC,t inC uUe:] - lnis Offer Ask t0' details in st 'e 1 • 1 THE ADVElli DECEMBER 1. 11005-E 13 Durham reaches all the way toNEWS Maritimes� By STEPHEN SHAW DURHAM STAFF DURHAM — It was almost four years ago news reports flashed the startling images of teenage suicide, solvent abuse and youth despair from Davis Inlet into the homes of North American viewers. The haunting stories about the plight of the Innu culture — uprooted from their native land on the Labrador coast by the `cwfoundland government in the mid-1960s and relo- cated to the inlet — attract- ed national and world-wide attention. Today, however. the circumstances in the remote village have changed and the Innu corn- munity is gradually rccov- cring. And. the work and compassion of Whitby res- ident Mary Wood and a local array of volunteers, is credited with playing a ital role in that healing process. ills. Wood founded a non-prolil group called Innushare Charitable Trust in Fehrurarv. 1992 in response to the reports of substance abuse and shock- ing suicide rates among the Innu children of Davis Inlet. The time had come, Ms. Wood says, ..fur non- ahon .inals to help the chil- dren of that stricken com- munity. I was terribly wor- ried about the children. I just felt at that stage some- one had to do something to get something started." Drawing on the over- Innushare's Stephanie Manning, left, and Mary Wood continue their efforts to help the people of Davis Inlet. whelming '_enerosity of local students, church groups and other members of the community. the group launched a campaign to collect supplies and have them transported to the isolated community. Community groups from Ajax to Oshawa rallied behind the cause baking pies, holding rummage sales and selling hot dogs at events to help with the grass-roots fund-raising needed by the organization since it did not qualify tier government assistance. Twelve tons of clothing, bedding, sports equipment, school materials and hygiene supplies otherwise not available in Davis Inlet have been sent by the PODIATRIST Roland J. Klein B.S.C., D.P.M.'; ' — IYLshes to Announce the OpeWng of his Practice At the Pickering Medical Centre • Custom Foot tJrMwbx .w •rte • Fri 1Mrran's Couwaps D Oil i� fc FeiK Com A caM.aa • Cuban's Foot HOLIDAY GIFUT-EMS DECORATIVE TRIS WITH COOKIES AND CANDY, STOCKING STUFFERS, TOYS, GFT WRAP, ETC— DEC. 8TM TO DEC. 23m 9 a.m. to 6 P.M. [Mn If K 018 pan., Bat 3Y 10 a.m.-5 pan 90 COMMERCIAL AVE. (ACROSS FROM THE BEE STORE, use the S.W. boor) AX ■ group, as well as seasonal packages of ..candies and goodies." In addition. Innushare raised enough money to open the Mushuau Innu Women's Centre last summer to he used as an education and resource centre to support Innu women and mothers. Because aboriginal chil- dren are raised under the tradition of nun -interfering supervision, "this has made it difficult for their n10thers to accept modern parenting techniques hasekl on increased parent .hild interaction." explains tits. Wood. Convincing the Innu wi)men that they could retain their ancient tradi- tion and at the same tine adopt "the good Ihin_ss of the western civilization — that they can learn. they can change" — was anion" the group's greatest chal- lenges. says %Is. Wood. "They don't have to drown their culture conflict with alcohol. They can talk to each other. %take dcci- sions, plans. Revive their ancient crafts." Another obstacle fi>r the group was gaining the trust of the Innu people. Ms. Wood, who visited the Inlet in Fehruarv. 1194, explains: "It look time to convince Innu leaders that Innushare valued their cul- ture and wanted to help the Innu increase their own cultural self-esteem. It comes very slowly, and is only coming now after three -and -a -hall vcars." Her visit helped to break down those harriers. "'I'hcy don't just say. 'Oh look at these wonderful people from Whitby trving to help us.' Thcy have a natural suspicion. You just have to quietly be there: you smile a lot and say hello. They are very bruised people so you don't just gu in and expect to he greeted. You adapt to their pace which is very slow and gentle." she says. Innushare's work tias credited in a recent report by a Newfoundland native affairs consultant wilh playing a crucial role in the healing process in the Innu community. And Innu leaders them- selves have also expressed their gratitude. "We arc overwhelmed by the kind of support your group is It is hard to helieve what you are doing* for our people... Goe+d�thin_ss are happening because of your work." wrote Chief' Shogun Tschakapcsh in a letter to Innushare last year. The group has also launched an awareness program called the Great Innushare Caribou Hunt to educate students at local schools. Anyone interested in offering support or getting involved with the group can call 42"-1974 for more information. "BALMER"'NiOUL )IN�,I: O 4 s.: tlr�1` � • 1 _l ay C SH s A 15 WESTNEY RD. N., AJAX 427-9931 PRICES IN EFFECT TILL SUN., DEC. 31'95 WHILE QUANTITIES LAST A Aw r• 1996 VOYAGER BRAND NEW V6, auto., p.s., p.b., 7 pass., air cond., anti lock brakes, floor mats, roof rack, dual air bags, storage drawer & more. $ 32 ONLY P ER DAY 11VILLAGE 1PLYWM CHRYSLER MW PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIMY, DDCEMEER 1,1995 Author encourages Ajax kids to book time for reading Children's author Ainslie Manson has a which ran from Nov. 18 to 25. Among full house while talking to a class at the the books she's written are Ballerinas Pickering Christian School in north Ajax Don't Wear Glasses, Just Like New and last week. The Vancouver -based Man- A Dog Came Too. son spoke to students from Grades 1 to 4 to promote Canadian Book Week, photo by Ron Pietroniro Seniors, disabled can see Pickering Christmas lights PICKERING - Seniors and physically- Dr.. 1330 Foxglove Ave.: 1910 Faylee challenged adults are invited on a tour of Cres.: 1955 Valley Farm Rd., and the the town's Christmas lights and a party Village Retirement Centre in Claremont. afterwards on the eveninE! of NVednesday. No preregistration is required. Dec. 13. All specialized services must be booked There is no char�-,e for the Ma%or's ahead by passengers, at least three' days Christmas Lieht Tour and Caroline for in advance. Call 683-41 14 to reserve a seniors and physically -challenged adults. spot on the bus. Buttes for the event will depart from To avoid disappointment, book early several locations at 7:30 p.m. for the tour. since space is limited. and then head to the South Pickerin! For more information, call 683-4138 or Seniors Centre for refreshments and 683-1179. entertainment. Buses may be boarded at: East Shore Community Centre at 910 Liverpool Rd.: 1201 St. Martins tt�l�a�l �ndia Fuly L . �LS1a11Ld111 L.L.B.O. FAMILY REWAURAMT "Plrurte liter Cabtae" The Best of India In the Heart of Pickering DEL K30US DINNER MENU TAKE-OUT & DELIVERY Daily Lunch Buffet 11:30 - 3:00 p.m. Every Sunday Dinner 13", jkm... Every Day Dinner Special $995 Dinner Bullet Spm - 9pm FORin 1NORret tE w 428-031 Sell Your Product or Service On The World -Wide Web! We can put your business,, product or service on the Internet in front of more than .30 million potential customers! On the Internet, your business will be open 24 hours a day, require no employees, and can be accessed by a world-wide auditmce of over 30 million people! We do it all, and we do it right. You don't need a computer, - or any computer experience. If you are ready to join the resolution, give us a call, and we'll be glad to send you the complete details. TOSHAWA WHITBY CLARINGTON HIS Contact John Wdlems at 5794400 Pickering church hosts clothing exchange to take chill off winter 0 Co-operative venture to be open throughout winter months to keep the needy adequately clothed PICKERING — The deep freeze of winter is just arriving but that won't mean local families facing tough times will have to shiver through the season without adequate warm clothing. Dunbarton-Fairport United Church is launching a Winter Clothing Exchange Co-op Saturday. The co-op will be open throughout the winter every Saturday and Wednesday morning from 9:30 to 11 am. "Many people are finding that their income is getting quite tight or is dis- astrously decreasing if they're on welfare," says Dunbarton-Fairport's Rev. Glenn Brown, noting the co-op is available to everyone and should- n't be regarded as simply a charity. BEFORE The public is invited to drop off adults' and children's winter inner or outer wear that's clean and in good shape to exchange for another item of winter clothing. For example a family with a growing preschooler could exchange a size three snowsuit for a size five. Items don't have to be exchanged for matching ones; a shirt can be traded for pants. And exchanges don't necessarily have to be "equal"; mittens can be traded for boots. Anyone without clothing to donate can "pay" for items with volunteer service at the co-op. Anyone wishing to simply donate clothing to the co-op may drop it off at the church any weekday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. A stockpile of items has already been collected for the first exchange this Saturday. Dunbarton-Fairport United Church is at 1066 Dunbarton Rd., west of Dixie Road and north of Kingston Road. For more information call the church at 905-839-7271. LTi THANKFULLY, SOME THINGS NEVER REALLY CNANG1 You've heard it said "the more things change, the more they stay the same` Here's a case in poin The company you've known as-i-layes-Dana^ is changing its name to "'Day Canada:' But rest assn:red that everything our company stands for isn't changing. Darya Canada will remain a leading global supplier of original equipment components to vehicul industrial and mobile otf-highway markets and related aftermarkets. The company's mission will also remain unchanged: to be the world-class Canadian manufactur and distributor of Dana products. These products will continue to be marketed under the global bran identities listed below. Remember our new name. It will be growing and prospering all across the land in the years ahe Dana Canada Inc. P.O. Box 3029 St. Catharines, Ontario LZR 7K9 (905)687-4200 Dana Canada Inc. manulactun, and dmnbuthl SPICER- axles, dnveshatts, universal points, brake parts, clutches, transmission and trailer axlt.: PARISH tram- and .idr rails. )v K ION REINZ 9ak,+, and sealing; pnducts: PERFECT CIRCLE' r placem< enyme pan. drA chassis parts; W IK' od, air and lucl hilers; C'11EISFA Fvwer lake -4k; WE.An IERHEAD' brass and 'tet -I tntmp and h.�m• pndu� ts; r,REsI s- pumps and contml valve;.: Il'R(N L pumps and motors; flOSTON' Moe and rubber pnducts: plus Lessard hydrauhc cvlindors and Kraltnator hltcrs 1 11' I IT I I Y so-, IJ .Royal Woods Mercury Ford Trucks L I Pp HI D 6101WAlle 1l. ;4!9006 F -iso\ %V N Mei It L AIR �TAX XLTRIM 5.0 L EFl V8 ENGINE $` <a ELEC. AUTO.O/D TRANS. AIR CONDITIONING • SPD. CONTROL/TILT STEERING • AM/FM ELEC. STEREQICASSETTE/CLOCK • INTERIOR ENHANCEMENTAJGHT GRP. • CHROME STYLED STEEL WHEELS • P235/75RXI5XL BSW ALL SEASON TIRES • CHROME PACKAGE • CHROME REAR STEP BUMPER • CAB STEPS $4 1, r MO. PER MO. G 86-39 STK. 86-40 Mercury 686-2300 cc cc jgC Hwy. #7 ¢ X �* C a u 0 3 m Hwy. Hwy. #7 - 3 km. east of WesbM Rd ♦ i 1„ a x t 11 , �.�^�.�i . •.�.-. :-t".T.T - T:. 91 1.7p .1.1 " PAGE l6THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1995 A&Aromd Durharlilt Re 0 - collected by break-in artists Collectible cars criminally if he'll be forced to turn his store into a fortress. "Virtually the next step is to become Fort Apache, The Bronx and put bars on the win- dows and it's something i don't want to seesays Mr. Yackison. "It doesn't give Whitby a good reputation. I'm concerned about the safety in our arca." By Brian Legree ing early Sunda-, I)URHANI STAFF "it's not only WHITBY -- When Gene fives an Indic Yackison moved to Whitby in things are goi 1980, he did so because it was Yackison, addin "the kind of town you want to always been a grow up and raise a family in.- now we have a After years of commuting to ies. Toronto. 'qtr. Yackison opted to "My main co leave the corporate jungle and it to the attentio start his own business. Along This kind of thi with a partner, he opened the allowed to co Exotic Collectible Car Compa- late.' ny in July. Thieves sma But Mr. Yackison's model at his Brock St car business has been anvthing around 3:30 but model -- he's endured two renuiying about break-ins in the past five cast miniature month. -- the most recent coni- 'Mercedes. Fer Whitby wants to put N��H1-I BN -- i he Town of W hith\ is hoping to rut the brake, on school lune speeders by reducing hnuts It) -tt) kin -hour. Council %oted unaniniousk Monday night to o%crspend its budget by 521.000 to pay for the I of 40 km -h speed limit signs in front of schools. Most of the school zones in the town haxe limits of'*;() kni-h. Although a staff relx)rt suggested the next speed limits would he inetfcc(iye because set a lack of police enforcement. "at least it's going to make people aware that they are in a school zone.' said Regional Councillor Joe Drumm. '•It*s only a small move, but its a nurye in the right direction. Regional Councillor Slarcel Brunelle. however. Romeos. During the first break - frustrating, it in, nothing was stolen, says Mr. ation of* how Yackison. ng," says Mr. Adjacent stores in the plaza g, "Whitby has have been broken into a total of nice town, but eight times since he opened his rash of burglar- business, maintains Mr. Yacki- son. Although Mr. Yackison ncern is to bring feels crime is on the increase in )n of the public. Whitby, statistics suggest other - ng shouldn-t he wise. says Inspector Walter con t or esca- Hall of Durham Regional Police. shed a window "It's unfortunate this is his rect South store second time." says Insp. Hall. a.m. Sunday, "I would suggest crime in 51.600 in die- Whitby is in tact down com- cars. including, pared to the national average. raris and Alfa We are down this year com- brakes on speeders expressed skepticism about the speed reduction- " \Vc can spend $21.6(X) and put in reduced speed limits. but there is no ahility to enforce. If people are ignoring stop suns and red lights. what hope is there fur speed signs'" reasoned Coun. Brunelle, addin,v that dri\crs have "a direct disregard for traffic laws." Inspector Walter Hall, Whitby 18 Uiyision com- mander, welcomed the news, but cautioned that it's not a complete solution. "It's all well and good to change the posted speed limit. but without an edu- cation process, it will be useless," he said, suggest- ing the Town combine the change with a public information campaign. ..When you go from h0 km - h to 40 km -h people don't really notice it. Oshawa resident has 127,000 reasons to smile after Lotto 649 win November was a lucky month for one Oshawa resident who won more than 5100000. Deborah LaFalcia won S127,037.30 in the Nov. 22 Lotto 649 draw. Ms. LaFalcia pur- chased ur chased her winning` loiter,. ticket at Sun - Two hospitalized in Pickering crash PICKERING — A three-year-old Oshawa girl and her mother are in hospital following a three -vehi- cle accident on Taunton Road in Pickering Sunday. . Durham Regional Police say the accident occurred around 4:25 p.m. about a kilometre east of Brock ' Road. t-' A 30 -year-old Oshawa woman and her daughter were eastbound on Taunton Road in a 1984 Ply- mouth Reliant when the vehicle went out of control and struck a westbound vehicle, containing a 36 - year -old Scarborough couple and their two children. All four Scarborough family members suffered minor injuries, but their 1984 Pontiac 6000 is a write-off, police say. The Plymouth then spun out and struck a 1995 Chevrolet Blazer driven by a 49- year-old Whitby man. He and his 47 -year-old wife .e suffered minor injuries and their Blazer is a write-off. Police say the Plymouth is also a write-off. The three-year-old girl is in serious but stable con- dition in Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children with .1.extensive facial injuries, police say. Her mother is in Ajax -Pickering General Hospital facial injuries and broken homes. No charges been laid. T w' •k i pared to last year, but one area that concerns me is, crime with a degree of violence is up. "These things do go in cycles and if a person is successful in a certain place. he may go back." Although Mr. Yackison maintains he has solid security measures in place. he wonders Rental vacancies rise in city of Oshawa OSHAWA -- The number of vacant private apartments in Oshawa is on the rise. According to Canada's Nlortgage and Housing Corporation's Rental Market Survey, the vacancy rate for apartments with three or more units was 2.7 per cent this month, slightly higher than the April rate of 2-6 per cent. However, despite the recent increase, the vacancy rate is still down compared to 3.4 per cent one year ago. The increased vacan- cy rate reflects a rise in the number of vacant bachelor and one - bedroom units. "The vacancy rate by bedroom type reflects the current eco- nomic en%ironment' ' says Caroline Paradis, Nlarket Analyst for the CMUC. She says the increased demand for two and three bed- room apartments reflects a weaker demand for home buying, as seen in the summer. This slowdown can he attributed to a lack of consumer confidence due to job uncertainty. Within the Oshawa area, Clarington had the highest vacancy rate at 35 per cent, while Whitby reported the only drop in the number of vacancies. shine Varicty on Adelaide Avenue Fast in Oshawa. Prior to this windfall. her largest win was $25. Ms- LaFalcia joins several other Oshawa residents who have won over $6.5 million in major lottery prizes this year alone. Santa Claus, colorful floats hit the streets in Whitby Saturday Santa Claus is on his wax to the town of Whitby. Whitby's annual Santa Claus Parade is to he held Saturday, Dec. 2. starting at 10 a.m. Floats will lead off on Gif- fard Street and head towards Cochrane Street, ; where the parade will f-' proceed south to Dundaso, Street and then cast to Brock Street. The annual parade specta- cle will then continue moving south on Brock Street towards Clemence Street where it will conclude at Kathleen Rowe School. Toasting a new club The Pickering Powerhouse Toast- masters Club held its charter meeting Tuesday at Gallantry's Eatery in the Pickering Town Centre. Banging the gavel to start the meeting is club president Paul Michalicka as fellow founding members, from left, Bennie Mazur, Mark Bowden and Ron Toivanen look on. Open to men and women over 18, the club helps people develop better presentation skills and improve listening and under- standing abilities. For information, call Michael Bathgate at 839-3384 or Mr. Mazur at 416-509-1645• photo by Ron Pietroniro �o N 1535 Dkkmbaker Cwt ==: LIV 3WI Monday-nusda 12 nom -8p-ffL Fr", Saouday &Sunday 12noon -Spim .W k *Od is dmW MAK LAME Fir r THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1,1995 -PAGE 17 :�e X7- A X7- FAGZ 16 -THE NEWS ADVElMSER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1995 Ll m theLAW! ZELA-111IMS 1113111MIL 01,11F CONSUMER F:IMMVS.. e Save More on our Everyday Low Prices J• We're continuall), lowering prt prices ' v competitor's advertised price! e Save even More with our weekly sales Our weekly circular has hundreds of items on sale at even greater savings! • Get More Free with Club Z Join the millions of (Anadtans who. with their free membership, say "I got it Free!- • Get $4 More Dollars back each month iV*hen)Du make purchases of $80 or more with .vourZellers.Clore Credit Card! i i� Prop xvrnm PIMM note: "Was" price; may differftvm store to store. *THE LOWEST PRICE IS THE LAW GUARANTEE: Zellen policy is to -41 every day at prices which ore equal to or lower than the everyday prices of its major market competitors. 0 you find a loweir, current local Canadian retail store advertised prim on any item ZeNers has in sock, bring in the ad & we'll Oo&y BER their price! Flus, go FREE Club Z points! 4 L, LTt I twelil _MW0;i PAGE MTBE NEWS ADVEIMSER FRIDAY, DECEMBER t, 1995 OUTLET- -fill 11 1 i 1111111L*1f1111*m I� -3 11 shq.1 511 HUGE SELECTION OF WARVC■�■ SEM SE PAM a r GREAT XMAS GIFT! 1111111L*1f1111*m I� -3 11 shq.1 511 HUGE SELECTION OF WARVC■�■ SEM SE PAM a GREAT XMAS GIFT! ACCENT - _= END TABLE SET LOCATION HUNDREDS ff = CHAIRS - ONLY aF Ttl w - (!LFAF ....:.::.. 1111111L*1f1111*m I� -3 11 shq.1 511 HUGE SELECTION OF 3 PACK COFFEE A SEM SE PAM a GREAT XMAS GIFT! ACCENT - _= END TABLE SET NO U HUNDREDS ff = CHAIRS - ShMwsW°'k""" r,0j"''' > �soMpw W OTTOMANS w - Wm nuffft �d . >.�at ....:.::.. orsr'. dwooa Iramss, mcMm Mw 5 pag o A _= am ki% b% pdo or support Awe& colors w � O IF F SEAR= REG. Fri ri korm REGULAR PRICES :70.00�19l.99 SEARS REG. ooNti�NRY CIYMGNO. 149.9944.99 N" -: ° Ow EA. stot yrs r o� YOUR CHOICE LOCATION IMUP i s 26PSEARS , rmm rru�s■ s eo���t®M r AM ® ; AT BACK off' AT ourT Sam siTo Omm m war cl Evil EGLINTON de WARDEN/SCARBOROUGH 't!t'eltt�!"t�r�t+t4':+rr•f•:'f'1'r•!'11.h't'!'rh't'!'1•.•t't>'I•; !' •; Hig h school left vacant, another to be upgraded 0 Debate focuses on empty school versus kids being taught in portable classrooms DURHAM — High school students in south central Oshawa will be brought under one roof at a cost of $726,000, the public board decided Monday. That will leave one school building vacant beginning in September, a move questioned by Durham Board of Educa- tion chairman Patricia Bowman. In lengthy debate on the issue, the Whitby trustee has pointed to thousands of students across the region now housed in portable classrooms. Central Collegiate Institute has been operating as a dual -campus since Sep- tember of 1994, offering classes at the old Central and General Vanier Sec- ondary School — the latter of which has been renamed and will soon be home to all Central students. That arrangement followed a board decision to phase out General Vanier's vocational program when Grade 9 classes were destreamed — as was done at Exeter High School (formerly Harwood Secondary School) in Ajax. Renovations will be funded from the board's capital reserve find. During last year's budget deliberations, trustees put $1 million into that savings account with the intent to fund upgrades at ele- mentary schools aged 30 years and older. Meanwhile, staff has proposed two additional phases of renovations at Cen- tral which trustees will consider during next year's budget talcs. The second phase carries a price tag of $826,000 and would allow the school to offer a full range of programs in one location. The third phase costs about $768,000 and would bring the btulding in hme with high schools built and reno- vated within the last few years — including Pine Ridge Secondary School in Pickering, Sinclair Secondary School in Whitby, and the renovaked Exeter. An ad hoc committee has been formed to decide what to do with the old Ceatral braiding which will be left vacant in Sepanber. Saturday craft sale aids Sally Ann drive AJAX — A Draft sate being held Sat- urday aturday will help the local Salvation Army's Chrisum appeaL The sale is being held from 10 a.m. 10 4 pm. in the recreation room that's part of a condominium townhouse complex on Deeprose Lane (Clover Ridge Drive East and Harwood Avenue), Ajax. Among the il®ts avail- able will be Christmas decorations, wreaths, wooden crafts and stocking staffers. New, unwrapped toys will be collected and given to the Salvation Army for its Christmas appeal. And, organizers will donate a handmade doll valued at $45 aD the Salvation Army. C&A F'loence at 427.5040 for more ifomatioa Aw . . . . . . 1 i L ? . 1 � • L ! . . , . , � • � � ! ! I • ••�••���77�1i^'�c'�`�7���s1�Y��f%7��1��'���'f���ri V SINCE 1949 !,.Aga- _t FINE FURNITURE NOW IN PICKERING1.1-'j:k , s 5comloAatw �S449 5m ,:her Cees b,�ro� : Merl s x y Y - Ekgm4 trwiltional�lingin l reP fabric Quality conswidion by Katy Koil. Choose your piece' with or widow omeraled awttrrsx Maniina, frhiged tars aahioaL SOFA X599 SEAT xaaftftpf 558 � R s365 SOFABED mgular 729 QUEEN ED x799 wew I" iigt_, ri� qwn-- '532 -,#�rnc Massage bunge. S —w 9 �s ro,; strotd�-out anC ,. N,�Nr =atd+ a w : 1 _ We guamntee our low prices r t' If widun 31) Jays of ,your purchase fr(mn Smuty i, you fml rhe iduuicd item with the ulauu'al services in stock elsewhere at a _ ower price, Smsgys wiU refund the difference phis an adduumal IV% of dun difference for any incrnlvenieme. 1 ... ` personally promise Snuny's will not he undersold ' PRESIDENT o��ct DICKERING SHOWROOM 1099 Kingston Road. Just North of Hwy. 401. Heading East ... Take Whites Rd (EA 394). North to Kingston Road (Hwy. 2) and tum right Heading West. -Take Liverpool Rd (Exit 397) North to Kingston Raod (Hwy. 2) and tum lett. (905) 420-8402 Open Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri. 9 a.m. to 9 P.M. Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. SUNDAYS 12 NOON TO 5 P.M. PAGE nbTH9 NEWS ADVEWME1f FUMY, DEC6"B M'1' 1"s - Dual Air Bags 1995 CARAVAN SE 3.0 L, V6, auto., power steering, power brakes, power mirrors, dual air bags, tilt, cruise, 7 pass. seating, air cond., AM/FM cass., roof rack, & more low kms. P4469. GE PL Clearout Sale $17519} Dual Air Bags OR ONLY 1995 NEON HIGHLINE $ 76 2.0 L, auto., power steering, power brakes, AWFM cassette, console, dual air bags, cloth buckets, foldown rear seat, air cond., low kms. P4442 PER DAY Clearout Sale $03ddo5 Mo OR ONLY 1113 PER DAY Clearout Sale $ 2 292 * PER .I Dual Air Bags 1995 CIRRUS 4 DRO 2.5 L, automatic trans., tilt, cruise, power windows, power door locks, power mirrors, power seats, AWFM cass., air cord., Moth buckets, dual air bags, low Ian. P4447 SUPER NORTH M0. OR ONLY $7 66 PER DAY SUPER AJAX c1 eeQnuri n Dual Air Bags Clearout Sale Ikr $249MO. 4 1995 INTREPID -1" 3.3 L, V6, auto., power windows, power door locks, power mirrors, tit, cum Air cord., dual or bags, buckets, console, AMIFM cass., 15" wheels, plus more, low km. P4456. TED ,ED Ulm=A W&UM 011A OR ONLY $Q31 PER DAY �I . �� III.Ir r•I:�• PLYMOUT CHRYSLEI IRWOOD AVE_ (NnrthnfIn Clearout Sale :E 382CM 13'I UREDO 4.0 L 6 cyl., sulo., power windows, Power door locks, power 7 3 mirrors, tilt, cruise, AMIFM cass., cloth buckets, console, I Arm select frac, air cord., alum. wheels, 6 more low kms. BUM lM a ram Paw ANIAW I � , r�T .mown MW VILLAGE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER W.W die A prudent donation from Prudential Office staff at the Prudential Insurance in Ajax joined forces recently to raise money for a worthy cause and came up with $675 to be donated to the Bethesda House shelter in Bowmanville. Here, staff from the Westney Road office gather around Bethesda House's Cherie Waldock (foreground, left) as she accepts a cheque from the Prudential's Pat Allen (right). photo by Ron Pietroniro Forum on child-care cuts cancelled I)l1RHAMI — A forum inviting you to year to accommodate arca NIPI', and their share your concerns ahout rending child-care extended schedule at Queen*,, Park. cuts has been cancelled. The forum was to he held Tuc,day. Ihr. The Durham R, ­_ion Child ('arc forum 12 at the llurham Board oI Education ('entre. Glans to re -schedule A Child Carc Inform,- Whoh, Vor Huge iniormall"11.:,III 900; lion Nwhi. Buildlnu, Erudite, III in the nc« TH NEVYS ADVF.*MER FRIDAYDECEMBER 1,1995•PAGE 23 11 I1!v."%of0 14L Y. Is I &,e, i, q_' N W I I NEW BEAfLES Only � Enter to Will an autographed Sarah McLachlan art print, 'Anthology Vol. 1"ZrOnled Eagles tourjacket and r Hr. other prizes. -55 Oyu R .ss TOP $13TiT LES s SELLERS aW y' s unkh ,� r •� 1� ' – Music " Dan Heniey Much Actual Miles OZZy Osbourn% Dance Mix '95 • irthda use OZZmosisPill By BOY ers To me Alants Morissette lagged Little Rear Faith Hill • V Mots Soundtrack Seal 11 Pulp Fiction - Hootie and the BSQMAish -Cracked Aear Vterw Charlie Mayor Lucky Man Lisa Loeb - Talls Shania TwaThrowln4 Ca Oefn Me l PLUS MANY MORE! Live PLUS MAMY MO E! IWIIIIIIII INt�1pRE�s $9 ,0 of IT11no� Steve Miller Meat LoatGreatestHits 1974-78 Bat Out Ot Nell pay osb(lurne - Biluard of Du oundtrack Reservoir Dogs - Vanous S Elton John - V1 Greatest Hits pay Dsbourne Diary of a Madman 1984 Van Halenr MORE PLUS MAN "--- .SS i ut�EuJ"� PRICE Garth Brooks Meat Lail Fresh Horses Welcome to the Neighborhood Mariah Carey - Daydream Janet Jackson - Design of a Decade t Goren Day - insomniac Alan Jackson - The Greatest Hits 85-1 95 Michael Bolton - Greatest MOAE!its 19� 1995 PLUS MAN l CT DISCS 0o CpMpA 50 000 �Ll� sOT4SA ALLYo JJJ% - Al, FREE �`�� CMrpla COUNTRY,LUES, OFF 6 So%9� wckw eI DANCED MUSIC, OFF ALL qE6. P W WORT ----- Iioo POP & OCK �'• /0X SE row. X whim awnnt�es wst. — � 5 dISC 4MaSSZC only ,�stsJOW .. ,98 "Your ciasslc Create 1r owe ...ever So fiflese box set SE 1050 Brock nu.9 unit if I Tel: (905) 837-1816 A each VQ,,P P ZA J�0 QJ�r � Q``���• A J4 �w yY. &'.,, A1'•�.��i��a "t,. t e1rl.Y ri1 i% : W Entertainment Dec. 1, 1995 Pickering performer nears end of Chorus Line PICKERING — A Pickering actor and dancer is doing his part to help people with AIDS as a mem- ber of one of the longest running Broadway musi- cals now playing in Toronto. Sammy Sny- ders, a Dunbarton High School grad- uate, has the prin- cipal role of Larry in the musical A Chorus Line at Toronto's Betty Oliphant Theatre which started on Nov. 22 and fin- ishes its run on Saturday. Snyders also serves as the dance captain on the production 14.25 TUESDAYS SAT. b SUN. MATINEES Ctic. 1o...nno. 1n n.. Tw "c sup . stir CASINO 1:30, 7:30 SEVEN 2:00. 7:00, 9:20 GOLD DIGGERS 1:40,3:40,7:10 IT TAKES TWO 1:35, 3:30, 7:05 NICK OF TIME 1:40,3:35,7:10, 9:15 POWDER 1:30,3:30,7:05,9:25 a � . Call us at the News at 683-5110 to find out 4,7 BE 06W r-1 team and worked for a month on the show's prepara- tion prior to its opening. "It's fantastic to be dancing in such a mega musical like A Chorus Line, and to be using the original Broadway chore- ography of Michael Bennett," says Snyders. "And, it's for such a good cause. As Ed Mirvish would say 'Who could ask for anything more?... Snyders, who began a profes- sional acting career at age seven, has had numerous starring roles in film, tele- vision and theatre, including The Pit, Tomorrow Never Comes, Huckle- berry Finn and Tom Sawyer, The Baxters, An American Christ- mas Carol, Jacob Two -Two Meets The Hooded Fang, Treasure Island and his lat- est engagement in THE TEA PARTY with Econoline Crush Tickets `20 Advance $25 Day of Show Oshawa Civic Auditorium Sat., Dec 30th 8:00 P.M. Tickets available at Oshawa Civic, All ticketmaster outlets, or charge 416-870-8000 or Wilson & Lee Music Store, 87 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa An Oshawa west Lions Production Don't forget to recycle! �� 0OUnt I Fine Indian Cuisine Ze.gtourant Fes' Daily Luncbeon Buffet; 17.000*�" 11:30 a.m. - 230 p.m. Monday to Satxu+day All yo. CAN Far Sunday Bruncb $7 99 11:30 a.m. - 230 p.m. All you LM FAT Scrumptious Dinner Menu 4:30 p.mr - 1:00 p.mr Monday W Sunday We Caner for A!l Your Parey Needs - CaQ For Reservations Today Pool Table & Bar 411 Menu Items Excludlhg t iquor Not Valid with Any Other Offer - No Cash Value , One Coupon Per Customer - Expires Dec. 31,1995 Mount Everest Restaurant _ J2951686_9879 _, 100 Westney Road South, Ajax GO STATION T'eE (905) 686-9879 Anne of Green Gables at the Sun- shine Festival in Orillia. He has attended the Roland and Romain School of Performing Arts and is now on a dance scholarship with the presti- gious Metro Movement Dance Studio. All proceeds from A Chorus Line will go to support the Toronto People with AIDS Foun- dation. For tickets, call the box office at 416-868-6868. 0•000000=0000■ rcenw, ■ �► AT f .* BUY ONE HOMEBURGER ■ AND GET ONE FREE ■ ■ With the purchase of ■ ■ large fries & a medium soft drink. ■ ■ 1163 Kingston Rd., Pickering ■ ■ (905) 839-5425 ■ ■ Valid until Dec. 30/95 ■ ■ Not valid with any other offer. ■ CELEBRATING i YEAR IN AJAX 1/2 PRICE CELEBRATION PEANUT BUSTER PARFAIT ALL BURGERS T ROYAL 7) �� FUDGE N' CAKE BANANA SPLITS 1/2 PRICE DAYS ARE HERE FRI. DEC. 1ST, SAT. DEC. 2ND, SUN. DEC. 3RD LOTS OF PRIZES, GIVEAWAYS S PRODUCT SAMPLING 250 BAYLY ST. W., AJAX `.MACKENZIE PLAZA r M� sFPW o,. CNINI�� CANADIAN 6U ,�• ALL YOU CAN EAT BRUNCH $ 7.95 WITH OVER 168 SELECTION ITEMS HURRY (GRILL. SOUP, SALAD, HOT BUFFET & DESSERT BARS) - Book your CAPACITY OF 400 SEATS ' PRIVATE BANQUET ROOM FOR Christmas ALL OCCASIONS j~ Party Now �� (Wedding, Business, Anniversary, to avoid Birtltiday, etc.) disappointment!! pP_ o , TAKE OUT & FAST DELIVERY 10% OFF ON CASH PICK UP ORDERS OVER $15.00 "r`G FULLY LICENSED UNDER L.L.B.O. Perserve your table in advance for ;pec at occas cn; and receive a FREE cake ana a FREE photograpn. LUNCH $ 6.95 (^,'u1v. --4) ;; 30(,.— -i. BRUNCH $ 7.95 (SAT a s r;.) 11 30arn. 3000 m. DINNER $ 9.95 'HUR) s a) .: - 930,),--1, DINNER $10.95 ,` M - SUN. a - DGDA S) 4 300 rn. - i0000.m. 20% SENIORS DISCOUNT KIDS 4 - 12 HALF PRICE TODDLERS $2.00 .r , "'�� 250 Bayly Street West Y Ajax (behind Pizza Hut) (905) 686-8881 Prices do not include beverages or taxes <_anci • ar• • sutmi -c t tc, (,�ti(Jr g*_ ,.vithout prior notice. P.1enu mcr/ than a,- according to se7snna0 chvice dR / l h V w ANT UE FAIR COME TO THE PICT"ING INDOOR ILEA SHOPPING IS FIJN FOR 1'HE WHOLE FAMMI :: Visit Santa at the Antique Market %, Over 500 Vendors + FREE Parking ;. Antiques, Collectables & Gift Ideas Be Part of The Fun - BREAKFAST BINGO Every Sunday 8:34 a .. -1t -45 a.ss. -- - Eztended hours Dec. 24, !.0 a.n. - It noon All Sasses speasored by Flea NarW vendors Great !rises to be Won Vender IMeirleu ("S) 421-0754 METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE Brock Head & 401 im Pickering T!#9INEWJ ALVENI- N K PK1UATj UEI.LIYn ZA 4 17fJ-rAliL L: OA g3@@E E L7 L7819 90 1 00" NO PST NO GST ADULT PACKAGE j� 5299 COMPLETE 20%�ON SKIIS, BOOTS, BINDINGS FF CLOTHING AND POLES ALL KIDS' ACCESSORIES S �� CLOTHING 3000 OFF30 /o � O OFF ' JUNIOR PACKAGE r r! TAUNTON RD. '' 5239 41L Open 7 Days a Weekf December 9tb to December 27th At the Metro East Trade Centre 1899 Brock Road, just north of the -*01 in Pickering # Lots of great gift ideas: 0 • Toys & books • Outerwear • Marvellous Max • Hickory Farms I and much, much more! •�,�'"' Christmas Clearance Sale December 9th to December 27th �,�,Hours: Mon. -Wed. 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.' T Thurs., Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sun. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (905) 427-0754 !'r`t't'vy1•�'1'f� t'hr t't R'..`,-•'.'P't�t f .-� , � ..�,'"t .-aj�••f^i.s��g��'a+-�i- f., COMPLETE C11RISTMA.S HOURS: ROSSLAND RD. Mon. -Fri. 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Sat. 10 a m. -S p.m. Cr f Sun. 12 noon -5 p.m. "r`G 432-6935 575 THORN, 70N (AT R0SS1A_N OSHAWA 41L Open 7 Days a Weekf December 9tb to December 27th At the Metro East Trade Centre 1899 Brock Road, just north of the -*01 in Pickering # Lots of great gift ideas: 0 • Toys & books • Outerwear • Marvellous Max • Hickory Farms I and much, much more! •�,�'"' Christmas Clearance Sale December 9th to December 27th �,�,Hours: Mon. -Wed. 11 a.m. - 8 p.m.' T Thurs., Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sun. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (905) 427-0754 !'r`t't'vy1•�'1'f� t'hr t't R'..`,-•'.'P't�t f .-� , � ..�,'"t .-aj�••f^i.s��g��'a+-�i- f., < a" PICKering councillors order new survey on longer Town hall hours By NI.ARIANNF TAKAC'S staff reporter PICKERING -- Town stat'( have been sent hack to the drawing hoard afier suhnut- ting a report to council which suggested there is "insufficient demand" tier offering extended hours of service at Town hall Council asked l'or a report on the issue Oct. 2. Several councillors noted at the time that the Town's current hours — 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. — are inconvenient l'or residents who have to he at work all da%, ofien in Toronto. They suggested having day a week u at least one hen Town oti ices would open earlier and/or close later. Statt were instruct - cd to survey the public on whether they wanted extended hours. For a three-week period beginning Oct. lh, visitors to the Pickering Civic Complex were requested to complete a questionnaire. Responses were received from 451 people visiting 12 departments. 10.9 per cent of whom said they would prefer extended hours. The report submitted to Pickering Council's executive committee hlondav con- cluded there's insufficient demand "at this time" and recommended the matter he fur- ther reviewed in 1996 as part of a propos-ed overall customer service %trateL,y. Ho%kc�cr, Ward I Regional Councillor Mauricc Brenner maintained the wron,• questions were asked in the wryer and the results were ,,kcued by lumping all the departments iogether. "At no point %%as the point of the resolu- tion c%cr put to question," he said. The coun- cillor maintained that what should have been asked was "do you want extended hours'''. instead of "would you find it more conve- nient to visit at a difierent time'?" Councillor Brenner noted that if respons- es From the departments with the most visi- tors were taken separately, the percentage of people who preferred extended hours would be as high as 28 per cent (treasury depart- ment) and 20 per cent (municipal bvlaw enforcement). He also noted that man\, citizens who'd want extended hours probably didn't visit Town hall because thev just can't make it durinL, current hours. For the survey to he trul indicative. he said, more than just the People who make it to the Civic Complex should he sur%rved. " 1 don't believe othe survey alread< , done) should he accepted as the feeling of the pub- lic at Iargc." \yard 3 local Councillor Enrico Pistritto noted that when he surveyed residents do o)r- to-door during the last municipal election campaign there was strong support for extended hour. A rcalty don't put much credibility in this survey," he said. Councillors voted to refer the matter hack to staff and have a hroader sure-, conduct- ed. Town mana_er Tim Shchicld said three months are needed to conduct a better sur- vey, since it will he a more complicated process and it %VIII he hest to wait until after the Christmas holidays fur the broadest resp )nse. bi Grayq Lot' I � • . � ea �a As Liquidators w - p�. SAN. s. fdo- s "Our New Hom, "Grandpa's best hat" Signed by Johnny Bower & Frank Mahovilich TERMS: 1 lVliAY'J LVUK Al YLJlLKUAY'S YlC1C,LJ! I r COLOUR PERMS STREAKS i i $40 $45 $47 1 REG. '60 REG. '75 REG. 7175- CALL 831-5366 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE L --_---------EXPIRES DEC. 3, 1995 11► ■1 e have been awarded bankruptcy, inventory clearance 10. & manufacturers overstock to offer for immediate disposal. "CHECK OUT OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU SHOP RETAIL "In the Slot" by Man "Wlaod 4M Only 4 o[ eat Signed l lnd d EdWon isa, Mastercard. no NOW O UP OFF TO70 O NEW STOCK EVERY WEEK NEW DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON... LIMITED EDITION PRINTS FRAMED & UNFRAMED (BATEMAN, CASSON, (NEW) ROMANCE, LYMAN TAM SAUNDERS, LUMBERS...) LAMPS, FURNITURE, COLLECTLBLES AND MUCH, MUCH, MORE... All sales final. b%w es rets e9. "Mabel the Sto%-a%%-av," Only 2 Signed print„ Thurs. & Fri. 5 pm - 9 pm Sat. 10 am - 6 pm Sun. 11 am - 5 pm 50 Church St. S. Ajax in the Pickering Village by Wysocki Signed Limited Edition, Framed double mat. "Family Traditions" ' V. Hwy. 2 U) cc Y ■ v >" g oRandall ., 0401 V. HOC.�'s`!'1F:li"1t .:'+SY. c'�.4'{F'e�:1t�1iZ.t•.�Y�t/!p�i Peewee `AA' Panthers' winning streak ends at six consecutive games PICKERING — The Pickering and David Lewis. Panthers Mr. Greek Restaurant major The Panthers got past Whitby 3-2 in -AA' hockey peewees won a home -and- the second of a two -game set. home series with Whitby before suffer- Steinke scored two, including the game ,ng their first loss of the season after winner, and Sean Grieve tallied once ,ix straight victories. G for Pickering. Follett added two The Panthers couldn't recover��� �rO assists, Steinke chipped in with from an early three -goal deficit ��, �+ one helper. Goalie Matt in a 6-5 loss to Belleville. V McMullen faced 26 shots. Steve Johnson scored twice, a .t In the first game, with singles to Andrew Pickering doubled Whitby 4-2. Goodine, Matt Steinke and�rJ�� Randolph and Mitchell each 'vlichael Mitchell. pC1At�O netted a pair of markers, with Assisting were Jason McAuley, Randolph adding an assist. Goodine, Jamie Follett, Clint Iiilborn registered two assists and Randolph, Chris Reed, Craig Hilborn Johnson had one. Golfers' discount book buyers tee off for Lung Association DURHAM — You can put a smile on at more than 40 Central Ontario golf the face of the golfer on your Christmas clubs. list and support the Lung Association of "The number of books available this Durham Region at the same time. year is limited...We suggest that if peo- The Lung Association is selling golf ple want one, they should call as soon as books containing discounts at six area possible:' says Lung Association execu- clubs with proceeds to fund respiratory Live director Janet Georgieff. education and rehabilitation programs in The Golf Privilege book costs $25. Durham region. For more information, call the Lung The Golf Privilege books can be used Association at 905-436-1046. Hockey ttingston Lid d NTRE GRAF Hwy. 401 GRAF 501 THE Nll ft A&tVr1ft i SAY, DO YOU SUFFER FROM TMJ? (JAW JOINT PAIN) We are looking for people to participate in a study of a new medical treatment for TMJ. If you suffer from pain related to your jaw joints and would like more information, please call: (905) 837-2247 or (905) 837-1500 DR. B. FREUND DR. M. SCHWARTZ HEAD & NECK THERAPY SPECIALIZING IN ORO -FACIAL PAIN orld 1< JUSTIN TIME FOR CHRISTMAQ111 At 1211 Kingston Rd. in Pickering * FULLY STOCKED IN BAUER, OXYGEN, CCM * ALL CHRISTIAN GOAL STICKS .... 3 for 2 INUNES ALL AT...................112 PRICE * VIC RHINO MASK ................ Now $179." * VAUGHAN T1950 CATCHERS X269.ss * [TECH GOAL MASK ............ NOW $249." reg. $359.99 ..........................NOW * ALL CHRISTIAN BLADES...............2 for 1 * LOUISVILLE TPS PANT.... ........ 99. _ - __- _. _...w w.. w.. e .., _ 900 " ♦ Wr.QPI=1 FR STICKS 5.500 ...2 for 39." ME O'S GRAF C NTRE GRAF GRAF SUPRA 703 GRAF 501 SUPRA 707 SUPRA 705 . Strong g • Strong JGRAF • Custom heat • Rapid mount Ligt WMOt . Lightweight mouldisystem • Reinforce side • Nylon reinforced RapW mount system •Affordable stitch boot • Plastic toe outers \ • North American '� •Custom heat moulding cut ■......, _._ rA ..:NOW TWO LOCATIONS TOINE SERVE ALL YOUR HOCKEY AND 1211 KINGSTON RD. ` DodalhA". 2129 DANFORTH AVE. PICKERING, ONTARIO1 Bfock W. TORONTO, ONTARIO 905 420 -PLAY 3 °f'"°°' (416) 690-3565 arl'�Mr 3 a 1111111F °'�"'ITEMS ON SALE NOW!!! VAU01IN ALL OTHER IN-STORE H 7''-- has °ckeY WOrtc� s the answer! With your ne re+tyit cardYowu~ocke.V �yor/a► N hint ,�toca have tom days Pur%, N r9tes. No miY - Yer. Anal tion fee uml easier PAGE 28 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1. 1"S � - -•' rr S SP(:)R Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. Tyke select Panthers win consolation tourney crown PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers Tormon tyke select hockey team cap- tured the consolation title at the fourth annual select tournament in Brampton Nov. 23 to 26. Pickering skated away with a 6-3 victory over Whitby in the consolation championship. Jamie Molony netted a hat trick, while Jason Dale, Brandon Crummey and Brent Shearer notched singles. The Panthers started tourney play with a 4-1 win over Port Credit. Chris Chappell scored two, with Dale and Andrew Wilkins adding singles. Ryan G y Daniels played well in goal. Pickering a then blanked Oakville 4-0 in OCIA111 the second game. Michael Broaderip, Wilkins, Molony and Chappell scored. with Daniels earning the shutout. In their final round-robin con- test, the Panthers dropped a 4-1 decision to the Barrie Colts. Wilkins scored the lone goal. Other team members are Darryn Carpenter, Kyle Speers, Mark Burnett, Damian Pavlidis, James McCardie, Daniel Prebble, Brian Darlow, William Mitchell and Kyle Stewart. The coaches are John Dale and Doug Daniels. Novice Raiders split league tilts AJAX-PICKERING — The Ajax -Pickering Raiders Yorkton major novice *AAA' rep hock- ey team split two games in recent Eastern Ontario league play. The Raiders fell to the Central Ontario Wolves 7-6. Patrick Milne and Brent Small each scored a pair of goals, with singles to Matthew Carroll and Brett Connolly. Assisting were Carroll and Michael Rocca with two apiece and Connolly with one. Paul Benson played a strong game in net - The Raiders thrashed Barrie 9-3. Small, Carroll and Connolly each netted two goals, while John Sc ymgeour, Matthew Thrift and Milne had sin- gles. Carroll and Connolly assisted on two goals apiece while Small, Joey McColm, Kyle Foster and Rocca had one helper each. In recent tournament action in Kitchener, the Yorkton Raiders were denied a berth in the semi- finals after dropping their quarter -final tilt by a close 2-1 decision to the Toronto Marlies. The lone Raiders' goal was scored by Kyle Tate, assisted by Shawn Coultice. In the fust game, Ajax -Pickering defeated the North York Rangers 3-2. Raiders' marksmen were Small, Connolly and Scrymgeour. Connolly and McCohn had one assist each. Wexford edged the Raiders 2-1 in the second game. Andrew Dissanavake scored the lone goal, assisted by McColm. In the third game, the Raiders pounded Hamilton 5-2. Small and Dissanayake each scored twice while Jason Winder potted a single. Connolly, Thrift, McColm and Patrick Milne each had an assist - Throughout the tourney, goalies Benson and Bryan Eustace were a formidable pair in the Raiders net. P Wanted: Leaf Tickets Good seats are needed for Leaf games. Will pay face value. Call 579-4400 Ext. 2207 (Tor. Line 798- 7672) Taking aim An Ajax Westney Heights Public School Wildcats player concen- trates on the volleyball during a semi-final match against Farewell Public School at the Regional Final Four Volleyball Championships in Whitby last week. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Novice `A' Panthers in nail -biters at Motown tournament PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers Nestle Ice Cream novice 'A' rep hockey team lost a close one in the semi-finals of the Fraser Ice. Rinks Thanksgiving Tournament in Detroit recently. The Panthers ended up one goal away from a berth in the final, dropping a dis- appointing 2-1 decision to the Huntsville, Alabama Chargers despite outshooting the U.S. team 30-12 in the contest. Michael Krasnowski scored the Pickering goal, assisted by Jonathan Moore. Pickering reached the semi-finals against Alabama after a close 1-0 win over a strong Allen Park, Michigan squad. Ryan Sabourin and Matthew Thompson shared the shutout in goal. Krasnowski scored the winning marker on a three - SCOREBOARD AJAX-PICKERING — Clarington, a team they'd PICI�10 gOOCEIi CI.IIB Powell 3. Shane Boyd. MVPs Andrew PO . She Super Centre 2 (Bi MacArthur. Tony Tw dedme, MVPs Iwo► e000er wsNls keen Nov. 26 6oyd) vs. Pickering Sio-Spats 1 (Jw*w Arnott, MVP Tony Trentadw. Kade Toonrshr) vs. Pickering SW �TE01MI610M Janina Amop; Homs Ogios Soil are4 (Travis llo by Sports 2 (Nadir Shira=I. Mark Baroant. MVP Mark Tkwader 2 (Christopher Mll~ 2. MVPs Jayden 2. David Lehey. MVP Travis Hendry) vs. Sporting Bsrcenq; Rowdies 2 (Orion NiMikws 2. MVP Breigh ,lohnson, Maria Caps) ver Sporlig Images 2 (Wk*nel Implies t (Mewlah Purehasa, MVP Mavrkk Punehaes). Camoon, Netashe Kagspk) ver Amberles CAio Clink riisraou. MVP Cameron Powell); Blimard 1 (Scott B11sbs, MVP Mark McFarlane) vs. Eagles t (Front Thunder 2 (Adam PTTOoMvie�Taylor Crabbe. MVP Jean OM t (Jose So^ MVP* Jose SW^ Dwyl KMM). Sbiers 7 (Christopher Wilson 3, Cory Scopel 2, Matthew Orseala. MVP Franc Granata); Slo-Spots 2 (Stuart Paul Reid) vs. Ouality Tune -Up 2 (Kevin Eraham, Dennison 2. MVPs Christopher Wilson. Jacqueline Ayres, Mathew Haiket. MVPs Stuart Ayres. Lindsay Jstlry Gra m% MVPs Kevin Graham Jellwy Graham); - Wiped) vs. PCCCA 2 (Adam McCosaehie. She Gues) ver KsWs 0 (MVP Ede Evd&Q. Uca s Club S (Jaclyn Stack 2. Damn man• I J M McConachle. VPs Christina Bray, Shawn Barrie Sharks fell 12-0 to Doody. Jaden Can. MVP Steven DkrwsW) ve. Ceaheey McCawehit). •OUNIT DMMOM 0 (MVPs Cody Purchase. Debbie Masan); Pickering PEEWEEOtVlgltlM Bsem's Bahwy 4 (Kevin BYlep 2. Mrnda-Lee Cassidy. SbSports 2 ploy Mulbr-Cherp, 81 ' Graham, MVP Hayss Dana 6 (MeMss Kolmki 3. Andre Vlomatl 2. Jamie Gerrard, MVP Kevin Bishop) vs. Rockets 3 Holly Muller -Cheng) vs. Premier Trophy t (Aralen Steven Mills) we. Binns (Ban Hunter 1); Johnson KJubn Drip 2. Michael Larlsrlon. MVPs Janes IMnter. Slwatl. MVP Jeams Fewaler). Controls 2 (Justin Garlba) vs. Kelon Group 1 (Brad Joesthon Poppe*); VsMMes Wide Forret 4 (Andrew IYOBOUTo ow"W" Mouse Atom Lightning allow just one goal in tourney, but still lose crown AJAX-PICKERING — Clarington, a team they'd game, the Lightning posted McCurdy, Mary Modeste, The Durham West defeated 7-0 earlier in the a 7-0 shutout victory over Nicole Monosky, Meaghan Lightning atom 'C' girls' day. Claringwn. Rocca, Emily Sand, Jackie hockey team came up just In the opening game, Team members are St. Germain and Julie -short of the title at the Durham West blanked Christine Upton, Tamara Strang. recent Barrie Sharkfest Barrie Mostly Hockey 6-0. Britton, Amanda Gifford, In league play, the In the second game, the Kalley Greer, Jeanine Lightning eared a 1-1 tie In the final game, the Barrie Sharks fell 12-0 to Habibullah, Mary Kerr, with Oshawa and blanked wale upea 1-0 by the lightning. In the third Amanda Lovell, Jazmin Chrington 6-0. way passing play with Cameron Watters and Cameron Clayton. In the first game of the tournament, Pickering was on the wrong end of a 2-1 score against Alabama. David Kerr scored the Ione Panthers' goal. Facesin the crowd The people pictured here, who attend- - ed a recent P'it*ering Panthers game, can win prizes from the Panthers. ICs part of a monthly promotion of the junior hockey club and the News Advertiser to run each month. N you're ' rrttt in this phot, drop by our olfioe at 130 Coram& cW Ave. in Ajax weekdays. We'll run it until it sells! Call us for (905) TORONTO R92mf17f17 details LINE Applies to Articles For 7987672 Sale and SaleonclesFor AUTO FOR SALE PACD+GST $ak only. Includes all paper buy, For $C�7V/Sale signs plus tips for (� selling your vehicle. Ask abut 1 It f J ;K' ,. AUCTION GOERS! S! Ca' 8-_75Z1,5 f-- Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.XAUC'nON f. Monday to Friday LINE 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday 367545 or fax your ad Clarlrgtor residents (905) 579-2238 BIRTH NOTICES 17T" Announce your baby's arrival and receive a gift certificate entitling you to $25 worth $47+uT of quality baby products. Careers ' 1 Careers 1 1 Careers 1 General General General General Sales Help/IMSales Help/ Help Help 1 Help 1 Help Agent Agent Oshawa is Whitby • Clarington This Week PAYSEVIS 1� Don't miss this opportunity to display your (business in the highest traffic area in Durham Region, Oshawa Centre Wednesday, January 10th Thursday, January 11th Friday, January 12th Saturday, January 13th at the Oshawa Centre Price includes display booth and advertisement in a special section Sunday, January 7th, 1996 11 eem1l 1 GeneH.1110 Iffl ral MANAGERS, TEACHERS. HEALTH CARE PROFES- SIONALS, Intemabonal oor- Doration expanding m Ontario Strong people skills, or have owned your business can(416)284-4493 [I � 1 General Help FULL training provided work part or full time. kwest $350. and receive up to 52000. why. Serious mgwhesonly. For more nto. 905 666-7758. AppoitAtaeeet bookers seeded. Fara extra afflottwy for C6rists s" Exptfxietaee perefterred bat sot e 01aa Mi11s Portraits (Call Janet after 4 pew 420-5111111133 BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE/MARKETING POSITION An Oshawa based diene/server marketing company, needs a Bilingual Customer Service Administrator. The ideal candidate will be a team member who Possesses excellent organizational skills and he a good communicator, both verbally and written. Computer skills in WordPerfect 5.1 is essential and knowledge of Excel and Word would be an asset. Mail or fax resumes to: Fax No. 1-905-436,-8944 l Personnel Department P.O. Box 130, Station A Oshawa, Ontario LIH 7L1 ADULTS 976 CHAT LINE Joking for oft phone mate, ream $70++/shift. Please cal for appointmi ll Mon -Fri. 10-5 416-754- 5183. BUY your own )ob. be your own boss. 100's d rolls Of vertical blind fabric plus the stamping machine. Be a vertical blind marwfactufwl Money) Moneyl $4500.00. Call Mac 436-09W or 1- 905.985.3699. MOVIE PEOPLE, Toronto's tastes, growing agency soaks extras for him and TV work, all types, no ow. req. Earn $7.$151hr. Wodk guar- antaad. We place people on movie sets every day. Call Susan 416-961-2226. INSIDE SALES/ CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Supplies Canada Co Is a leading supplier to industry of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, safety and materials handling material. More than 10,000 products are marketed through our 600 page annual catalogue. It you nave... 2-4 years inside or outside sales expenence v,Customer satisfactionexperience v Order entry, quotation and computer experience Higher that average level of en usiasm r' Technical or industrial product experience v Excellent written or telephone English communicative skills 4 Excellent French communicative skills a must Then we would like to talk to you. Your responsibilities will include inside sales calls, technical product advice. out -bound sale approaches, customer database building or maintenance and customer relationship development. Please forward your resume, with salary expectations to: Human Resources Supplies Canada Company 33 Fuller Road Ajax, Ontario, L1 S 2E1 or Fax (905) 683-0209 No Agencies Please CANVASSERS WANTED to sell the Durham Region Treasure Guide. Excellent remuneration. Students and adults preferred. Call John Leonard. Oshawa/Whitby/Clarington This Week 579-4400 or Ajax Pickering News Advertiser 416-798-7672 NEED HELP FAST! We're a small advertising firm with a blue chip client list. We've got more work than we can handle at our present size and are growing rapidly. We need 10 very dedicated hard working associates Will train call Victoria 905-728-8181 Salary / Commissions / Bonuses CUSTOMER SERVICE News AdveAiser requests that advertisers diii th& ad upon plaicaWn as was Advertiser will cad be respmsele for more than om finconed wise" and there shat be no liability for ron-insertion of any adm- psemem Liability for er- rors in ads is limited to the wow paid for the space occ "ti the error. Al Dopy is sutiled to to ap- proval of m rlapment of News Advertiser. EXPERIENCED Servers and Kitchen Help required part time (weekends and evenings)- Apply in person, 2.4 p.m. weekdays, Don Cherry's, 843 King W. Oshawa. (No phone Calls 0 -)- HAIRSTYLIST required with clientele, want to be your own boss. Also Full- faria/part-tirne Nail Tech to- quifed. 837-1236. Yl Seem" atall :/pia abtrt"Ct kppu==t steal be s i lble, orga a" and tulle 2r ries" can Dyssw at (les) 721 -MMS or tax ("S) 721-W*4 MATURE STUDENTS and homemakers wanted for part tines telemarketing. Trairtkg provided. Call bet- ween 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. 619 -Mi. W Th Com. E7E-E -604% ESTHETICIAN NANTEDFOR RENTAL OF ROOM CALL JOE 831-6531 HOLIDAYS ARE HERE Tis the season for EXTRA MONEY. If you could use it, we could use your help.Full time only. Call Mrs.Claus 905-728-8542 INDUSTRES INC. Is seeking a his motivated, self rested individual work in our mi tenance dept. incumbent must qualified to is with service j control power. electronics Ls Please submit resumes to the at- tention of Julie James, 5151 Sim- coe St. N., Osha- wa, Ontario. LIH 7K4 No phone calls please. START NOW -hal company nas ops''• yrs avad= in all departments Earn up to 514 82 per In it qualified No expenence necessary, own transportation required Call Monday only 404-0403. 9.00 .430 TELEMARKETERS needed Must rave exoerence good phone maturer, flil le hours Call 905-427.2977. ask for Ian Office 1 Help IF you are single or a sin- ge parent or separated or divorced with three years work expenence, you may 'jualay or financial assis- tance of if you are over 45 and have recently beer. lard off you may quakty for !raining assistance. DIP, CERT Lotus. Wordperfect. 0 Base. Word Accoac, Bedford, Autocad. Ventura Pagema.e• Harvard, Cor e'm . Coo.j!w P,ograrrvmmg and Systems Analyst. Co- Dd. Pascal and C Photo- shop, ouark Express and Illustrator Durham Bus. -ess Computer College 427 3010 ARE YOU AFRAID....... to make money - to find an exciting , working enviroment 7 to develop new relationships to succeed IF YOU ARE ,WE DONT WANT YOU AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER The area's best read publication Is looking for someone who has what it takes WE OFFER : Salary with competitive commission . Ground floor opportunity at one of the most respected printing and publishing firms. Unlimited potential. Send resumes to Alvin Brouwer 130 Commercial Ave.. Ajax LIS 2H5 or fax at{905)619-9068 • Business to ' Firewood • 1 Business SKIDS 4TH LEVEL G A Doc- w ^ardwood b sdh- keep^ ac: urtmg fur, wood ^fixed. pre tit or oro - bons up -to tis ggvernm•rt ■e- delivery ava,albei renfinances. WC8. oudgets. a,ge S sr^an loads Limoen- qSh now. etc Manua, cr time -,"w call 96S'430 Skilled -uaobed- Dmpl:teriled Calk 9c5- r11r 3 EM e6-73,8 Help 1 Firewood Flea BE Market T.O. nim DaSed truck rq has for A2 drivers. snortiong '+aids 'USA- D -,vers' ab - straw. police search. l CC medical a must Good equfprrnant. excellent rates. pad layovers. safety bonus Drovrded Call Chanes 2.16-740-3111 Hospill 1 llledical Dental DENTAL Reception W Dial Surgery part -lime. may lead to full-time, computer expen- ence. typing 6owprn required Please send resume to Dr Fenwick 4C K,ng St W Suite 502. Osnawa L' H 1 A4 Daycare 1 Wanted CHILDCARE for 3 child- ren required in our home. Harwood Hwy 2 every Wed.. alternale Thurs.. starting Jan 427-0215. LIVE-IN babysitter for 2 children, ages 6 8 1 year. Brock/HwY 2. Pickering, starting Decembercall Wendy (905)428-27743. af- ter 6 p m. Dtavcare • Available CLOSE to 2 schools. fenced yardlnon smoking. hours from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. located Daniels and Bran- nan. Call Laura 428-1231. EXPERIENCED cavegiv- er Westin". north of 401 Now schools, pot Hot nu- tribous meals, TLC. fenced yard, comfortable environ- ment Call 428.0097 EXPERIENCED Mom of 3 available to babysd full or Prtkening ea rt'Bch A Bayly; 686.4730. MONTESSORI DAYCARE In my home Reaaonahlc rales Newborns 1u Idvc ycan 631-6176 A GREAT DEAL Top quaury seasoned 'J-1woOd at low onkel FREE DE -';V ERY Serving Rcker ^g. Ajax. WNIby and Osnawa Call DURHAM FIREWOOD 427-4741 BROOKLIN FIREWOOD �� s•aGs^e: ` tea's Bfusn cords. '!ace Cords Ind K.r1ing of quality sea- ;xtecfirewood Fast s.endly service and Ire* delivery Please phone or leave message (905) 655- 5490 or 655-6797 BURN 'ne best. APPLE WOOD •8' long t year old twin brand orchards. 905- 967.4563 FIREW000 quality sea- soned :6' hardwood, cut. split and deliveredstarting at 5185,bush cord. Limited quantity Call 705.944- 8801,7pm -11 pm FIREWOOD Excellent quality hard- wood. Guaranteeo. extra long time fully seasoned. cut and spit Honest IweMlMew Now From delivery. Kozy Heat Firewood (WS)753-2246 MOVOG SALE $50 tate cord, IAS spill and Miyefed. N le supplies Lw- al Getty 6 -*n all day Sat. and Sun. 619-1363 RREWOOD, TOP QUALITY. seasoned hardwood at low prices. Free delivery. serving Pickering. Aiax. Whitby. Oshawa. call 427.8250 or 427-1734 FREE Hardwood kindling for pick up 202 South Blair SI.. Unal 032, Whitby. FIREWOOD excellent quality. hard firewood, one year seasoned, cut and split, oak. maple, beech, ash- Free delivery. Ajax. Whitby and Pickering. 663- 0709 FOR yaw rnoge 3,5u wJsre- S! '5 computer desk 54.., couch $W. bunk bed SAC 905.427-27!3 Articles PKII for Sale Pair „I Ky8 i" struts. 18112.! St60 well see for $810 tits 196: 83 Datsur 200Sx Call Abe at 663.5117 cr 427 1637 eve 20 HORSEPOWER air Compressor Cal 668- 0853 5 pc Brass d glass dew. 5310. walnut coffee d and tables $t95. 2 oax and ta- bles. 5100. sola 6 char $250. bedroom suite 5395. Werlammerit unit. S45 small taoles 525-S65 each microwave. S115. many other Mems. (905)697- 3532 7 112 FT Arctic plow. 4 - way electric hydraulic. ex- cellent condition. 5850. Call 705-277-2387 allot 6 p M. A GIFT OF FITNESS. Complete Home Gym. HeavyDuty Equipment. lymp Oc weights. fixed E.Z. cud barbells, and dumb- bells, racks dnctuded. Pec deck, knee extension. Lai machine bench press, in- cline 8 decline bench. Flat bench. Shoulder bench etc Sell for less than 1/2 eso- mated value. $2500. Might consider selling separately Call Kirk at 432-1863. A REPOSSESSED satellite system. one $35. monthly. kx*x*V programming. Free insristala6onand warranty 905- 655-3661. ACUS-CHALMERS 5hp, dual -stage snowthrower, 5500. Wood -grain utility cabinet. S30. Frigidaire 12.5cu.11. freezer, $175. Twin -pedestal desk. $75. CCM computerized euer- cycle. $100. AN excellent condition. 905.723-8799. ASHTON•DRAKE collec- tor dols. with car ificale o1 authenticity and Original boxes.Mary and her tomb $80., Elizabeth, Catherine. Sparkles, Bubbles. Christy. $70 each., Joey SSD. Call 905.697.3521. r' i"AGWWt IM IflIL>yl!! AVMrrOM ffaM F, IDLE =911P.1141"S Articles For Sale Articles I For Sale Articles W11 For Sale ArticlesFMI For Sak Articles For Sale Articles For Sale Articles EM Wanted Articles 9n, Wanted • Pet�NW� , Boards", BROYHILL large 7 piece D.J. Equipment. dual LAP top and printer, Pack PINE entertainment cabs- RCA 52' big -screen TV. TRIP to Flonda/Bahamas - ANTIQUES Absolutely. UNWANTED Scrap metal PERSIAN kittens. real & for X-mas Purebn sectional. neutral colours. turntables. cassette deck, and Bell 486-OX50 extend net 58'X60'. 22'deep $500 $2000 Complete satellite 2 -nights Ft Lauderdale & Purchasing furniture or an- picked up, fridges, stoves, washers, dryers, cars, trucks, now with flat faces & loving pr A-1 cond11 $500 Call amp, speakers micro ed warranty software. with 579.3952 system Panasonic receiver. day -cruise to Bahamas, 3- ythmg old Scientific instru- etc. Call (905)430-9013 sonalities. 905-349-1140. 728-5661 phone. stand, 28 light. corn IBM portable bubble Jet POOL table accessories. $1500 1987 Pontiac Sun- night stay in Freeport & 2 ments, china. silver, adver- we':a ^c ­ - - - - 3 carrot. rids etc 51900 o to o 686- printer. 51800best otter bud. $500 as is King-size more nights Ft Lauderdale being, toys. decoys. dolls. WANTED all old radios, all e Poodle Pup SNOW White pn CARPET ,A 1 Prices, buy 7967 or 683-6438 905-665-1861 16 cues. snooker, waterbed w/drawersrs'tot For more into call Dennis milk bottles, collections or sizes all makes, any condi- registered, shots. Reaso steer wholesale Free m- numbered balls, rack etc, a compartments. book e 9 p 905-723-4574 estates Call Robert Bowen tion Phone alien 10 am 905- able pace. Loving p stallation for free estimate DINING ROOM suite e MOVING out -of -province Best offer Toshiba mi- case. new motionless mat- Antiques (905) 655.8049 728-1439 613)473-2189 homes Call ( 61 tali Sal (905)4322750, or so,ro oak inciudeds hutch Sale Panasonic stereo. crowave $75., Couch/chair tress. $400 Hitachi 28' TWO twin size ultramauc grookbn pager (416)980-9697 buffet, table with 4 chairs $250 3 -piece chesterfield. $100 Excellent condition consul stereo colour TV, beds, like new. moving WANTED to buy -rider fumi- LHASA APSO pups. gre (extra leaf) asking $1795 $750 Fridge. $450 Stove. 905-839-9675 must sell $1.500 or best df- WANTED --Super Nintendo. lure, glass, china. col- house petnon shedding, ni Carpet Broker, 100'-` 697-3323 $325 Washer dryer. S275i $300 Grey 3 -piece wall er pair Cali after 6 p m With games it possible. lett bles. memorabilia, watch- allergenic, health guarante Nylon thick. plus- stain re- each Dining room set. QUICKIE RX design unit wRighting. $200 Moffat 579-7737 Call 905 579 9975 es. etc. Single pieces or payment terms avadabl sistant carpet For 3 rooms. ELECTRO -COM COM $125 K-tcnen set. $80 TV whee chair. brand new. stove Wcontinuous clean estates Call (905) 723-7834. (705) 786-3124 only $369 00 Price in- PUTERS - penaum 75 8 stands. S301each Lawn- never used. Mastercrah oven. $150 Pioneer SX650 WASHERS. dryers. fridge. crudes 3C So yds carpet. Meg Ram 850 Meg Har" mower, 4"months aid, snowblower 3 horsepower stereo receiver w/Telefun stove new and recondi- Christmas Christmas Christmas deluxe pad and installation drive 14- SVGA monitor $200 Bureau. $5C A, 2 cycle 905579"4992 ken speakers. 5150 Moffat tioned, $225 and up for re- Trees Trees Trees in your home Free quota quad speed CD Rom conditioner. 8008t„ 5200 1987 Chrysler Daytona. R.C.A. 18' SATELLITE Hotpoint full -capacity dry conditioned washer, $175 and up for reconditioned bon in your home No in- Sound Card & speakers $2500 certified 1984 Hon- DISH, rece�ve�. & remote er. $100 905-987-5774 dryers. $175 and up for re - no payment for one furl year. Daniel. 1-80C Ram 486 DXa 00 8 Meg Ram Ram 850 nardrive 2X da Goldw9 $3250 cern- I, d 905 o8z 5492 Orn up is •75 channels avail ( 7 I I t 8 save message conditi"Ovesonls fudges and Moves Also can operated CHRISTMAS TREES 00 217-0104 speed CD -Rom Soundcard e o c area ab a Ines reso u to C D. Sound 5850 call 725 CARPET MILL DIRECT speakers- monitor & canter fences. decks. etc Li- 8708 tensed for over 20 years. sit wont guaranteed tar g1749 DX2 66 5850 LE - Collier MOVING SAm ovations Fully guaranteed. 100': ",,On !Ck r o (905'4342802 e-cvaoke speda. tables. Kar SET OF RIGHT HAND - stair resistant carpet ,or 3 titins. rec rooms and base- to aZke sng-along. etc E'9- DUCTWORK installed. rooms only 5349 price in- EMS --achene for sale 16 Business .1J tmpru�e!! ruts ED, Tommy Army • 655 dudmg, 30 square yards. Caa excellent condition rr GO- Guos. 03-pw 1.3.5, carpetpad, labour Free asK­, S4X O B O Call NEW and used filing cabin wood. only used twiceput estimate. Arnold 1-800 905404-2818 ' '� `-_- only 55999 while chased for 51400 ask.ng 401-5557 1 yrno payment. ring ENGAGEMENT n quantities last Lateral and $1100 432-0069 no interest For 1 full year storage cabinets also avail- we':a ^c ­ - - - - 3 carrot. able Computer steel and GE Range. avacadc, 5150 washer and dryers Ste" nhenson's Furniture and Cut Your Own or PreCut Spruce & Pine Appliances. 227 Court St. Oshawa576-7446 WHITBY - Thickson Rd. Exit off 401, North 5 miles to . -74 WEDDING gown size 26. Conlin Rd. then East t mile OR 2 miles West of 5600 Beadwork, train. Durham College headpiece $75 3 red Open Daily 9 a.m.-7 p. m. bridesmaid dresses $80 each Washer & dryer BOWMANVILLE - Waverley Rd., Exit off 401, $450lpair Call 434-1338 North 12 miles on Durham 57. after 6 30p m 41 CARPETS idle of carpet. pear-shape. plus 12 bnni- wooden desks from only 191 655-4774 TOSHIBA . -- T1s' Open Dally 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. -- new stain re- ants. appraised 55200. S79 99 New and used WASHER & Dryer. year warranty YAMAHA rand piano tease carpets on hand. I will ask -g $2200 o b o 432- chars 'rom only $4999 rye . Hol New vain ty ebony G' senes Beautiful Cut your own $22 any size includes G.S.T. 1 - Speedy Business Centre. pini^' s'.ac•abie with stand, Rent to own by phone for tone Excellent carpet 3 rooms. $3x9 Price 89 9 05 Fresh Cut trees 510-522 includes G.S.T. includes carpet premium 668-0800 excellent COrior asking only 56 75'week Call 57/� Asking $800C Calll 9 905- FUR SALE ' Ladies mirk $750 Call 905-686-2958 1413 427.1479 FREE TREE BAILING pad, experl instauaticn last „a, e^c,-. 1• with tox tnm NEW. ELECTRIC skooter. de;rver} free estimates 30 aro machin ha, Size 12 �e•e- -"'r wry banery — WATSON TREE FARMS (905)263-8858 9 Christmas Christmas Christmas yards Norman 686-231a charge r. puronased m Juiy Blush Color A-1 condition ,ar 542aC asking S3300 Trees Trees Trees FREE CandyCanes for kids FREE pine boughs & cones CERTIFIED HOT DOG 5.500 term a28-6836 custom wheei chat, for up P g CART sa e i= HIGH :able bids- Poo• to 15C lips S70C 839-2676 S_: test offer please p,ct., e gyuahl 7' GO Or Cavi Sly --9002 OFFICE ^esk SIOC 4 RECT' D S S 18' D gital da- resss S45 eacn. 20' CHROMALOX FUR- Satemte Systems 150color TV S5C Antiques NACE e - es tri 5 :hannels. CD quality plc- bed S145 4 occasional it e,a-s 15 blowans. lure and sound Rent to trains 1900s dresser. 51. DOC BTU. S•OC hot own by phone from only 5100, oak 'zzker $195 water rank ess than 2 years S4C -onth Can 571 1413 Call 905-6973532 - od GWS L S5C 579- HITACHI stereo T4' y C:othes dryer Inglis. elec Asn' 10 Own V.r CHROMALOX 4C amp phone fpr only $975: week Inc 560 Cou race. 434- - ••' .lis .t " ,,or _ •;,mace Cali INGLIS .t4t3 w th 4^ gallon hot watt INGUS stove 5350 G E OAE FURNITURE to I ms`s w k 54JC o c c Ca ' . :d, a, e ,fi )I- 3914 F" :;" SSOC excellent of pntano's oldest and y- , won ng cordmr ai^•ond gest manufacturers is now lose COMPUTER CHRIST- colour Combined p^ce ding direct to the pudic MAS pecia s OX 25E s $750 Cat !90542"-4425 Eg oak pedestal table and -- DX4-OCs S 499 FURNITURE ring •oonh 4 =hairs $949 7 h double 580 'UUs S, 650 , Pentiu r. a ar 51450 12s 5: pedestal and 6 chairs 750 100'5 5 950 Marching^`9 piece dining $1499, cannnonban beds 52.099 Most systems room set indudrng china torn 5399 Over 20 stain ^ It arree j oaded a megs ram BSO cabinet 6 chats and got choices a' sdrd, no (J dnvsts. 4 speed CO Roms, geous dining table Abso- veneers Tradrtiony Wood Windows '95 etc Get a lute brand new MUST wanking 905-985-8774 $365 with a neeww system Canon color for SEE' S245C Call 619- yPIANOS / GRANDFATHER 2059 Lots at used products too c JCkS " Du• -a-- a ;rs1 TO HAVE YOUR CHRISTMAS TREES DISPLAYED 486s 386's 286 sfrom KENWOOD TOWER OF wises,-^ se -New ano ud S'95 complete and guar- F -..:Epi 20C watt remote "nos Not sure' Rent to CALL 576-9335 OR 683-0707 aniseed at Ciarmgton Com Stereo package Dual pas- ow^ apt size v t. grand pater. 164 Baseline Road. setts. 5 itis;. CO Dtayer. ,dt�c}vtat keyboards YREMEN Bowmanvilie. .Just east of tower speakers Rent to DOUS SAVINGS ON NOW Tetep Piano Works 433- _ tris Fly.nG Dutchman Haei ow- by Dhone for only 1491 697.3059 $7 50weex Can 571.1413 D I R E C T O R Y New Advertiser FaX ��� 683 7 363 N"O EPVAM • ovements ' ove ants • overnents ' Handyman • Painting & • Moving dt • Flooring, e • Driving • • • � • e s Decorating • Storage • Carpeting • • Schools 'MISTER CHEAP'.Home C & R Maintenance Build- improvementsrec rooms.in mg repairs and renovations taw apartments. ad(laions. electrical. plumbing, ce- fences. decks. etc Li- ramie tiles, carpentry, From tensed for over 20 years. sit wont guaranteed tar small repairs to maior ren - Free estimate can Ernie ovations Fully guaranteed. 905-404-8170 tree estimates (905)668- anteed lowest 905- 725- 3300 lets will renovate your bath- titins. rec rooms and base- Mr. Brush DUCTWORK installed. For Hume or I moved, relocated Excellent Business .1J tmpru�e!! ruts rates Free estimates Elec- trostatic air cleaners hu - TOMMY'S HOME IM- PROVEMENTS- carpentry, HANDY HELPER- snow- plowing, intenorlexterior painting, repairs, clea- nups, and yard work. Dis- count for sensors Call Bert 428.6800. HANDYMEN - Snow re- moval, carpenter, plumber, drywaller, rooter, retaring walls. 4 men available to meet all your household re- quirements for repairs/ maintenance/renovations midifiers Big, Small jobs no lot; too big. tree esti- Odd lobs, 512/hr. Free esli- Call Paul 426-0295 J -S. ARMSTRONG DEV- mates, call Dave 723-3014 STROKE of brilliance, your INC. Specializing in custom them all' Free estimates, paint, wallpaper. Free esti- EUROPEAN life special homes, additions, renova anteed lowest 905- 725- mates, references, Call lets will renovate your bath- titins. rec rooms and base- ' • Plumbing (9051 432-8802. room or kitchen walls as mens apartments Residential appliances and piano spe 8334 web as floor tiles Good ref- and commercial Serving erences ano satisfaction yrs Region for over 15 AAA -LICENSED yrs Free consultation Call PLUMBER available All guaranteed For tree esti Jeff 9054285706• mates call D Dykstra 725- your plumbing needs. 4913 RESIDENTIAL - commer- Complete renovations tial, sunrooms, windows, Guaranteed lowest prices' doors, siding, decks, rec No lob too small" (905) rooms, kitchens, bath- 4322913 rooms, skylights. DrywsM ALVIN SAMEDAY repairs and ceramic tile. PLUMBING licensed Dave 655-5271 or 719- plumber no lob too small AJAX Moving Systems - full CARPET Installations -25 services, moves, appliance years experience. restretch- and piano specialists. Flat ing, our speciality. Free esti- rate or hourly. We now mates. D & N Duncan. 987 - have heated storage units 1799 or 987.1800 Now offering tree boxes with move. Park and load special. starting at $99. and / Removal up. Call for information, 725-0005 or 427-0005. ExImiflniced cmu Movers Bargain rates, hordes, offices, apt. etc. Pura moving. Padang avail 423-0239 266-5513 Free pick -up and drop Off (416) 287-3060 Health Em Beauty Don't Forget OshaWa/Wlilitbl This Week Classified Dept is open for you convenience every SBI. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad 1970., no lot; too big. tree esti- Please Call HARRY-O-TVERS - Move big or small, we price • Party • Services P ease read your 576-9335 them all' Free estimates, shows are fun' Lettuce serving Durham Region to anteed lowest 905- 725- seniors discount. short notice MAGICIAN, down friends. help. 839.7057 or 728- AXIS. Antl-Stress atudlos Ltd. moves. Pianos moved, also ready to entertain for any one appliances and piano spe 8334 appliances. Comparable rates Cs11432.2850 age, any occasion. Birth- da s romotions o n- rr r• • Health B 1970., no lot; too big. tree esti- • p — rags. fund raisers Magic esu() SIGON Construction Ltd., mates. great prices. guar- • Moving & MICHALSKI MOVING - shows are fun' Lettuce serving Durham Region to anteed lowest 905- 725- • Storage houses, apartments, offices. help. 839.7057 or 728- AXIS. Antl-Stress atudlos Ltd. 19 yrs. Additions, sun- 2507 appliances and piano spe 8334 376 Kingston Ad., Unit 17, Pickering decks, patio doors, win- cialists Senior and mid RABBITwants work doing Dull-hodv anxnatherapy massage: 1/2 hr $3994 dows, rec-rooms, flag- MEN with large truck will month discounts Licensed, magic for children's parties 0nen7dt s/week drywall, basement apts. rec stone, free estimates. 905- r ' do household moves, rest- insured Free estimates and all occassions Havey toom, painting and deco- 576.5760, dential, commercial An Excellent service Call 436- my own magician Call Er- No appulntnlent necessary rating, cerartvc tiles Call types of moves Call Cad or 7795905-509-6877 Tormly at ( 905 1420 -8105. Jane 427.2856 me 668.4932 0 Arts 3 I Artsis Arts dr Automobiles Martsl4 Apartments • I Crafts • Crafts • I Crafts For Sale I Wheel Drive I I For Rent CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALES are printed here Wed. Fri. & Sun. To place yours, call 576-9335 or 683-0707 Fax 579-2238 Oshawa/Whitby/Clarington - This Week Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser t Automobiles • owmobiles Wanted SNOWMOBILE TRAILERS ' Automobiles CARS FOR CASH! We for sale ancient Wilde Sales. ' ouy used vehicles Vehl- 655-8010 For Sale cies must be in running condroon Cal t 427.24+5 Apartments 1988 CHEV CAPRICE, or come to 479 ;ay St 1 ' P wagon, 307. loaded with East. Alax at MURAD AUTO For Rent options. extra 3rd seat, ex- SALES. Gellertcondition, $4700 cenihed.579-5799 1993 Astro Mini Van ext p s . pb.. p dl , new tires 'brakes. a/c, 98.000k's 8 passenger, $15.200 060 Call (905) 721-0878 Trailers RICE Lake area. 40' mo- b le home B lot deck. shed. furnished, fishing, swim- ming, Reduced to $27,500 Will sell separately Call 1905)697-2634 4TH ANNUAL CHRISTMAS SALE & OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun. Dec. 2 & 3, 9:30 a.m, - 2:30 p.m. S Dried flower arrangements, tree ornaments. ' stocking stuffers, crocheted rugs and more ... as well as a wide assortment of gift baskets! ' 1220 Rigby Dr., Pickering 4 Sincerely iOtlfrS BaSkets and Fine Gifts 905- 839-6450 Located off Liverpool Rd. N. COUNTRY CHARM & TREASURES r� 3RD ANNI'AL CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW' December 2nd, I Oatn-21mt 1988 GRAND PRIX LE. fully lol mint condition. Hwy driven 185,000 kil Grand new brakes all at ound, including calipers Brand new Kenwood 10 Disc changer ant deck, 2 10- speakers in box, and amp $8.900 434-1738 1988 PONTIAC TEMP- S ST Certified, real nice condition $3895 O B O Call Monday to Thursday i05 723-8838 11 Tudor Ave., Ajax 111'. orf HwwtxxL ti. of 4ol) ed $13.500 ce ii , (_Jiunir) rrAl,ti-,.id-,rn)irurli�'mr ,f�` f� 1�9 dr. . auto, 0a , 1104OW ICHEVY ll ? OW . well Sacr irind-tit-line dt-n s xl Sar 100/0 iii -sintained. 52.675 cent. ed Please Call 623-6955 titins .111 (xircluvry auto., blue On Nue, 68,000 fTCnszksw+`4Fe+�YM.yC 1989 G M CELEBRITY 5171 leave message. Wagon 135.000 km ps, ¢� .1->!T Jwi� Jt?►' :b air, root racks amRm ' COME JOIN US FOR O tereo. excellent condition. t ANNUAL CHRISTMAS OPEN MOUSE i.�.ertitied. (4500 abo 6WSet. -366 & Sun., December 2 6 3. 10-4 1375 Everton St., Pickering' steno cassene, hue power -' (Rosefield/Finch srea) h 1969 HONDA Accord LX, 1 i off on till '. spd loaded, only 70.000 •m.58965 certified NO ..-�y�rM,ri� 'ST 404-1235 CRAFT SALE 1909 TEMPO 2 to choose ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH from 5 speed a alllorttoc. both w/air a 6 ronin war' 65 Kings Cres. Ajax, ranty. very clean. no rust. Sat. Dec. 2, 9 am - 3 pm. $3495 Brock Auto Sales. BrockTaunton. Pickering. Many outside vendors. Free Admission 905-427-6110, CyfirKleIT (2.0 litre). ABS AIC, 1991 Iwsssan Stanza. C'RAFF SAI.E Hwy driven. 150.000 turns. $6500 farm, certified. Ex. st N. DEC. t cellert condition Call T N'ILCE DRIVE, AJAX 905)666-2747 FOLK ART, VICTORIAN CRAFTS, AND 1992 CHEVY Lumina 4 OTHER GREAT GIFT%. COME BROWSE door 35.000 km. rent ton- atan, sill under warranty. AND HAVE A COFFEE ON I'S. kc. cruise Asking fan Wagorh, low rnifeage, $12.500. Call 905-6W 90.000 miles. Needs Bide awe FOLK ART SA" 1992 TAURUS L Auto MORE Hared -painted gifts, ornaments, etc... V6 AM/FM cassette. power Sat. December 2 10-4 minor, at bag. 95 kms cer- Sun. December 3 10-4 titled. $7600 firm Call Jen 49 Hawkins Crus., Ajax 905 432-7046 1993 Bo . Buick Regio silver. 4 Automobiles door. p w p d .pis., p b, air 6 II I Sale condiiing. tidrV6, excellent For Condition, 106.0001l rt t 509 FOR SCRAP T -WRECKS TOWING 24 HOURS 1 HR PICKUP Call Andrew 416-282-3169 Pager: 416-426-0817 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE -FPEE ''o -ng for snap ..sed or abandoned cars trucks 'M pack up. top prices paid. up to 3100 (416)281-3499 (416)281-9804 Trucks for Sale 1900 NISSAN K rg Cab. 120km. $1SJi: as is Call 905-619-1966 1989 Ford 1r2 ton. F 150. 5 -speed standard */over. drive. very good condition. 300 cul engine. p s . tint endows. custom can nsor. running boards, many ex- tras. $6900 o b o (905)404-9283 1991 BLAZER Excellent condition, C@nitied $15.800 080 low mile age. 905-723-8838 Mon day to Thursday 1991 FORD Ranger XLT. extended cab Excellent condition. loaded. auto. V6. air, 93 000 km $9.995 OBD Call 728-7242 1991 MAZDA 92200, 5 speed, arrom cassett. T. cover.tlox hrier.sltding rear window, extra tires. (stun- merhwnter) new exhaust / brakes 56300 OBO (905) 432-8491 19W Cher. 112 ton Wr T. 4 3 L.V6. 4 spd , auto. pulse wipers. SRW. box kner, new P235 lyres, red on red. 105.000 KM. $12.500 or 080. 905-579- 5413 1907 FORD XLT, 4x4, dub cab. fully loaded, new ball Ants a U -Pants in spring New aluminum Leer cap $7900. Brad 697-3140. I 4 ;" Drive 1904 DODGE CARAVAN, Suasrool, air, pw., new paint ties. etdraust. $2000. cen.. OF best offer. Call 655- 5271. TIM FORD pickup. F150, 6 cyl.. 5 speed Stan- dard power steering, poen of brakes. sliding rear window, 149.000 kill.. $4,500 or best offal (905) 663-0464 Miller 6 p.m. 1990 AEROSTAR extend ed 3L, air. tilt Guise. AM/ FM cesselle. low dins. pri- vacy glass. no rust, no GST, 7 passenger. Asking $9499. Cwt 905-434-7317, 1990- 150 DODGE RAM VAN, 318 EFI, H.D Susp. $4995. cert. or best offer. 579.9619. III GMC SAFARI , black, loaded. excellent condition. 8 pass., running boards, etc. $10.500. see it, make offer, 576-2396. IN2 CHEV Cargo van. 3/ 4 ton, 305, excellent cool tion. $10,900. certified Call 433.7686. 1992 OMC SAFARI SLT van, 7 passenger, touring edition, loaded'r running rds, boanew ares, and brakes, 94.000 kill., $14,900. 725-6926 AJAX - 2 bedroom, ap- pliances. separate laundry. full bath, parking, available Jan Ist $725 per mo inc (905) 509-1927 AJAX - lovely, spacious 2. bedroom basement apart ment in year-old house, separate/private entrance and alarm, parking $850 inclusive (905)428-0395 AJAX one bedroom basement apt . pnvate en- trance. minutes from Go No pets, non smoker. S595i mo hrstilast Available Dec 1 427-7604 AJAX- Two bedroom basement apartment, sep- arate entrance. 4 pce bath. parking. laundry. close t0 schools. shopping No pets. $700. inclusive 427-9032 AJAX Oxford Towers Spacious apartments. Quiet building, dose to shopping. 401, GO Pool sauna 1 and 3 bedrooms for Dec . Jan 3 -beds 683-8571 until -30p- 1 -bed 683-8421 BEDROOM Wheelchair accessible unit available immediately in a seniors building. Medical Documentation required. PLEASE CALL 683-9269 SENIORS APARTMENT 1 812 BDRM. ALL INCLUSIVE Nice seniors only building in Pickering call Les at William. Peak Co-op 905-837-2920 WHITBY - BLUE WATER PARR 1 & 2 bedroom suites. broadloom, 3 appliances. 101 KATHLEEN ST. W Mon. -Fn 9 - 7 . Sat. -Sun 12 - 5 (905) 571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED. 1 - 2 bedroom. .ocated on 350 Malaga Also 1 bedroom on 946 Masson St From $550 monthly all nclusive Call anytime. 905.576-6724 1 and 2 bedroom. located at 309 Cordova Rd. no pets. please phone 579- 2387 1 i 2 Bedroom apts in Oshawa and Bowmanville Starting at $600/month. tridge a stove included. with laundry facilities. No pets. Call 434-2407. 1 -BEDROOM near O.0 , 1 stAast all inclusive. no pets, t car only. available Dec./Jan 5554 monthly Cal 433 -2484- -BEDROOM lower du- plex near O.C.. quiet, brightclears, new kitchen and bath, carpel. blinds. takil . Docs. $765 irscNsive. Laundry avail- able. 728-7850 2/3 beutoorn apartitnenls, 8 story building, dose to schools, library. South GM plant Available inrnediale- ly and Nov. 428-6328 1- 7pm for appoin irnent 3 BEDROOM apartment . Oshawa, Hamnony - dive area. Townhouse style MW wly12st. References. Available ap- prox. Dec. 10.655-4490 965 SIMCOE ST. N. - one bedroom apt.. avaNabke Dec. 1. $575. all widusive. Also 3 112 Swoops S., one bedroorn, $475. 2 -bedrooms $595.728-2969 Large 2 bedroom b ment. Newly renown quiet area, for si working person. $650. '�THEI'�lf9�!>IR�D/KY; D�EC�1):k'1915-PAIG''*E'3�l • I Auctions I AJAX Wesiney and Hwy 2 modem clean self con- tatrwd one bedroom. Sal rate entrance, central val ai,. ceramic. bus u doorfor responsible working non smoker References. avail- able Jan Ist 5580 nclu sive 686-2067 AJAX. Wesmeyi401 base- ment apartment. above ground, private entrance. $650 inclusive. available Dec 1st. Call 416.497. 9620.905-686-8863 AJAX -1 bedroom base- ment apt Quiet mature working person. Non- smoker, no pets "ties included. S600/month. 1st and last. Available Dec 15. Call 427-7513. AVAILABLE om- DIATELY, in Whitby Apt. building., spacious. carpet - ad, newly tlainNd with bal- cony, dose to bus, shop- ping, all utilities included, first / last required, no pats, 1 bedroom $625, 2 bed- room, $725. cuff 43D -0134 - BEAUTIFUL new 2 bed- room apartment. Ros"Kill Garden area Whilby. $750. including hoot. hydro, cen- tral vaclair, cable. laundry. On bus route. 905-Bil 7963. BROOKLIN 3 -bedroom tpant+nwa dxs mai, floor Of triplex, also tied silting room on second floor. available now, large yard. close to shopping. 655- 5539. Small 1 -bedroom, newly -renovated apartment, hidge, stove, ring washer. No pets, non-smoker. FwsVlast t1450+utilif)es 905-64913896 :AST OSHAWA 2 -bed- --- -'----- room in QU1911 8" fill Call 905137 $551+111ydrolrnahth, tstAast. atfler 5:00 PnL no pees. Available Jan. 1196 cad 728-7273. SAT. DEC. 2 6 P.M. AT MYLES KING AUCTION HALL 33 HALL ST., OSHAWA All consignments wel- come Chesterfield suite, occasional chair, oak coffee and end tables. modern glass front china cab- inet like new cosi 5900 . two parlor chairs, wardrobe, rocking chair, oil lamps. chest of draw- ers dressers. beds. Sory VCR, color t.v, Pioneer stereo Sys- te^ like new, 1956 R,, -non double barrel ,-,)tgun. 1940 rifle. baby cradle, gas lawnmower, large quantity of brass, ­,,stal. miniature fig- i•',res, coins, linens. beddmg, wing back nalr, doll collection. 'fuss is a large sale. an to attend Sales 4ry Monday. Tues- ,.p:a / . Thursday Satur- !a,, 6 p.m Myles King Auctioneer 725-5751 723-0501 Apartments EA 1 For Rent EAST OSHAWA, _H^ car^ casemerr apt pr,vate nuance. •arge Lata ra•t sundry faiths quiet •e 'enhal are, 5450 1 st a ast available Jar +. 434- 5768 HOUSE FOR RENT S:,a.. Ala. Baa_thu oBdrool nom. single ga- aga, fully tented yard %ear like Ava,lableimme- d atefy S' ' OC per mo piers .!lubes 683-2840 LARGE 2 BEDROOM. air - Bcwm.anville '^t., pie paAl spacelaundry room. Urge art^,^enm Wing -.1om . $720 mirth lint lsl, awl Dec 1 683-0709 6237320 NEW 3 bedroom e. washer, dryer, back- , al quiet mature area. -:far downlown Oshawa. t inclusive first'last, avail .icle Dec 1 430-6336 NON SMOKING work rg r Jam' ire ,e:rVOm seg' bntatned basement walk gut .own entrance. close to amenities. $50c referent es. Deposit (905) 839- 8561 Avavabie Dec NORTH WHITBY 2 -bed- room casement apartment, private entrance. Irving room wibar fireplace. full kitchen. fridge. stove. a- piece bath. parking. pool. patio. cable. $800 indu- sive Ref req 905-427 5466 ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments mmediale possession. prefer couple. Oshawa. central location. fridge, stove, carpet. shop- ping plaza, bus stop. iaun- dry facilities. 725-2642 after Spm ONE BEDROOM avail- able Dec Ist in nice, quil apartment house, $450 per month. AN udlties an park - Ing included. Laundry available Sorry, no dogs 164 Brock St. E., Oshawa. Phone 571-5291 for infor and viewing appoxtment. OSHAWA 2 bedroom 5689, in "ex. Includes heat. hydro, appliances. parking Laundry available on site. Corsverkent to 401 and city bus routes. 433- 0677. OS14AWA - t -bedroom basement apartment, rear Sirncodaive, separate alk wout entrance, bright. spacious. $5=mWth uW this inducted, available im- medialely. CaN 728-2255 OSHAWA 2 a 3 bedroom apartments, available at 888 and 900 Glen St. Close to schools, shopping and G.M. llbli ies i uded. FlrsVlest required. Call 728- 4993. OSHAWA - one bedroom. Heat, hydro, fridge and stove Included. Gose to all amenities. Available Jan. list. $592. firstAast 434- 6411. OSHAWA brand new bight spacious bachelor basement apartment by Lake Vista plaza, $500+ utilities, washer/dryer. Available DecAst. Female preferred. 725 8829. CALL 683a154� Clazaylon residents tall,142615 6 ' Personals • ' Personals /\cyult E_r�tF�rf��ir�m�f rpt rc�r L>haCGrpOtC�or�tlo mores Prlvc�,C l_ocyroic rs. AryvOrllV rte'>t S �'--�>•.-♦�'�IewS Days 12pm-lam / Nov Hire Apartments For Rent psmt rapt Sep, ent profes stonally finished . plenty of parking. ',arge yard S50C ^cludes heat Available Dec 5 433-1962 OSHAWA . ;s. !o G M ^ewe- c_ :- ). 12 a 3 bedroom apartments ava,. able Cap 905-428-5723 PICKERING Bnght 5 Deorxm basement apart - men! Close to GO non smoker no pets 5675 plus 1i2 utilities (905)837- 6661 PICKERING area - edroom Il ing room eat -,r iwcnen, laundry, 2no door tlupiex, parley- own entrance. 5900 ncil Ava,,able Jan 1st 905-420-5199 PICKERING arge 2 bed- rco_ �a,,rt 5 ap pittances, central air. private entranceclose to GO shopping 5825 nciusive 905-420-6440 evenings TWO bedroom, Nelson St Oshawa Heat, water and barking 5650 per month Phone 723-7115 WHITBY new bachelor separate entrance. bus at door Would sue single per- son $475 istlast Avaiiable mmetoately, Cali 905 665- 0949 WHITBY - 3 bedroom apt. Close to all amen -ties Available Jan 1 $680 plus utilities Appliances indud- ed Laundry facilities 404- 9130 WHITBY - targe 2 bed- room basement apt. Ap- pliances and utilities m- duded. FirsVlast required. Available Jan. 1. $6701 monthly. 686-2264. 111 HrraY - REGENCY PLACE APARTMENTS Serwts Complex - 1 beftoln apl. available for Jan. Excellent kXcaOiori. AN uAllbes included For app. call 430-7397 WHITBY, 2 bedroom apartment, stove, fridge, parking, $600/month. First & last. No pets. Available Immediately. Call 668- 2248. WHITBY- 1 small bed. room basement apt. Suit- able for mature working adult. Call 1-905-509-9913. WHY rent when you can own your own home for less than you thinil t Call Dave Haylock Sales Rep. Re/Max Summit Realty (1991) Ltd (905) 668-3800 or (905) 666-3211. Houses For Rent WHO SAYS YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUT A HOUSE' 'r.•m y.v-' mnnth v.r c her $'+rxr II ,illi call Nl 434 6919 1-1800-134"275 Fre. C.tl N„ Jn.. r, • ..m.-nr I can Nt•Ip' %LARK tiTVPt Pi Un- k.ruup..F,..r1 Rin lh Il WHITBY AVAILABLE =entrap ccaton :arge :ngroom and t icnen First and asp No -pets $950 in- cJusrve CaY Gem 905.666- 4085 JJ54 SaETA-Gl_RCU S• JC peg err u e oom freehold wits, cr-,ral air garage. fun casement. 3 bathrooms Ir -.meds occupancy Barry Hirabayashi Remix "restyle 416.347.1111 1 ST CHOICE AFFORDABLE HOMES! WHY RENT? BUY! No oovin payment. No problem' Let me show you how ' Mort. Pay. S700 0 A.C. Call Thomas C. Pike Sales Rep, Remail Accord Really Ltd 576-3111 2 bedroom 2 bathroom bungalow, finished base- ment with storage. dose to shopping, 401/Go/schooU park, central air, plus utd. 668.8537 leave message. 3 BEDROOM BUNGA- LOW. on 1 acre lot, in lovely downtown Brooklin. %695 per mo. plus utihill no appliances, available rimmed. call Nome. 11.5 prn 905.696-0948. 3 bedroom house. East - dale area, fenced yard, 1 It 2 baths, available Jan. 15 Firstllasl. $925 plus utili- hes. Call 432.1268. $13.500 ce ii , 19" Chev Nova. au- 1940. formal certified, 4 door, ongmal 70.000 kms, alt. 1993 Ford Taurus. 3.8 V6. stereo, mint condition, auto., blue On Nue, 68,000 (4950. Phone 1-416-559- km, air con.. $8500. can' - 5171 leave message. tied. 723-1155 or 434- 1996 moss 700 Zx. 7564. 5 speed, local electronic 1993 Saturn SLI. due. 5 - system expel working speed A.B.S., air, cruse, condition, $4700 certified Or best offer 905 T28- steno cassene, hue power FOR SCRAP T -WRECKS TOWING 24 HOURS 1 HR PICKUP Call Andrew 416-282-3169 Pager: 416-426-0817 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE -FPEE ''o -ng for snap ..sed or abandoned cars trucks 'M pack up. top prices paid. up to 3100 (416)281-3499 (416)281-9804 Trucks for Sale 1900 NISSAN K rg Cab. 120km. $1SJi: as is Call 905-619-1966 1989 Ford 1r2 ton. F 150. 5 -speed standard */over. drive. very good condition. 300 cul engine. p s . tint endows. custom can nsor. running boards, many ex- tras. $6900 o b o (905)404-9283 1991 BLAZER Excellent condition, C@nitied $15.800 080 low mile age. 905-723-8838 Mon day to Thursday 1991 FORD Ranger XLT. extended cab Excellent condition. loaded. auto. V6. air, 93 000 km $9.995 OBD Call 728-7242 1991 MAZDA 92200, 5 speed, arrom cassett. T. cover.tlox hrier.sltding rear window, extra tires. (stun- merhwnter) new exhaust / brakes 56300 OBO (905) 432-8491 19W Cher. 112 ton Wr T. 4 3 L.V6. 4 spd , auto. pulse wipers. SRW. box kner, new P235 lyres, red on red. 105.000 KM. $12.500 or 080. 905-579- 5413 1907 FORD XLT, 4x4, dub cab. fully loaded, new ball Ants a U -Pants in spring New aluminum Leer cap $7900. Brad 697-3140. I 4 ;" Drive 1904 DODGE CARAVAN, Suasrool, air, pw., new paint ties. etdraust. $2000. cen.. OF best offer. Call 655- 5271. TIM FORD pickup. F150, 6 cyl.. 5 speed Stan- dard power steering, poen of brakes. sliding rear window, 149.000 kill.. $4,500 or best offal (905) 663-0464 Miller 6 p.m. 1990 AEROSTAR extend ed 3L, air. tilt Guise. AM/ FM cesselle. low dins. pri- vacy glass. no rust, no GST, 7 passenger. Asking $9499. Cwt 905-434-7317, 1990- 150 DODGE RAM VAN, 318 EFI, H.D Susp. $4995. cert. or best offer. 579.9619. III GMC SAFARI , black, loaded. excellent condition. 8 pass., running boards, etc. $10.500. see it, make offer, 576-2396. IN2 CHEV Cargo van. 3/ 4 ton, 305, excellent cool tion. $10,900. certified Call 433.7686. 1992 OMC SAFARI SLT van, 7 passenger, touring edition, loaded'r running rds, boanew ares, and brakes, 94.000 kill., $14,900. 725-6926 AJAX - 2 bedroom, ap- pliances. separate laundry. full bath, parking, available Jan Ist $725 per mo inc (905) 509-1927 AJAX - lovely, spacious 2. bedroom basement apart ment in year-old house, separate/private entrance and alarm, parking $850 inclusive (905)428-0395 AJAX one bedroom basement apt . pnvate en- trance. minutes from Go No pets, non smoker. S595i mo hrstilast Available Dec 1 427-7604 AJAX- Two bedroom basement apartment, sep- arate entrance. 4 pce bath. parking. laundry. close t0 schools. shopping No pets. $700. inclusive 427-9032 AJAX Oxford Towers Spacious apartments. Quiet building, dose to shopping. 401, GO Pool sauna 1 and 3 bedrooms for Dec . Jan 3 -beds 683-8571 until -30p- 1 -bed 683-8421 BEDROOM Wheelchair accessible unit available immediately in a seniors building. Medical Documentation required. PLEASE CALL 683-9269 SENIORS APARTMENT 1 812 BDRM. ALL INCLUSIVE Nice seniors only building in Pickering call Les at William. Peak Co-op 905-837-2920 WHITBY - BLUE WATER PARR 1 & 2 bedroom suites. broadloom, 3 appliances. 101 KATHLEEN ST. W Mon. -Fn 9 - 7 . Sat. -Sun 12 - 5 (905) 571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED. 1 - 2 bedroom. .ocated on 350 Malaga Also 1 bedroom on 946 Masson St From $550 monthly all nclusive Call anytime. 905.576-6724 1 and 2 bedroom. located at 309 Cordova Rd. no pets. please phone 579- 2387 1 i 2 Bedroom apts in Oshawa and Bowmanville Starting at $600/month. tridge a stove included. with laundry facilities. No pets. Call 434-2407. 1 -BEDROOM near O.0 , 1 stAast all inclusive. no pets, t car only. available Dec./Jan 5554 monthly Cal 433 -2484- -BEDROOM lower du- plex near O.C.. quiet, brightclears, new kitchen and bath, carpel. blinds. takil . Docs. $765 irscNsive. Laundry avail- able. 728-7850 2/3 beutoorn apartitnenls, 8 story building, dose to schools, library. South GM plant Available inrnediale- ly and Nov. 428-6328 1- 7pm for appoin irnent 3 BEDROOM apartment . Oshawa, Hamnony - dive area. Townhouse style MW wly12st. References. Available ap- prox. Dec. 10.655-4490 965 SIMCOE ST. N. - one bedroom apt.. avaNabke Dec. 1. $575. all widusive. Also 3 112 Swoops S., one bedroorn, $475. 2 -bedrooms $595.728-2969 Large 2 bedroom b ment. Newly renown quiet area, for si working person. $650. '�THEI'�lf9�!>IR�D/KY; D�EC�1):k'1915-PAIG''*E'3�l • I Auctions I AJAX Wesiney and Hwy 2 modem clean self con- tatrwd one bedroom. Sal rate entrance, central val ai,. ceramic. bus u doorfor responsible working non smoker References. avail- able Jan Ist 5580 nclu sive 686-2067 AJAX. Wesmeyi401 base- ment apartment. above ground, private entrance. $650 inclusive. available Dec 1st. Call 416.497. 9620.905-686-8863 AJAX -1 bedroom base- ment apt Quiet mature working person. Non- smoker, no pets "ties included. S600/month. 1st and last. Available Dec 15. Call 427-7513. AVAILABLE om- DIATELY, in Whitby Apt. building., spacious. carpet - ad, newly tlainNd with bal- cony, dose to bus, shop- ping, all utilities included, first / last required, no pats, 1 bedroom $625, 2 bed- room, $725. cuff 43D -0134 - BEAUTIFUL new 2 bed- room apartment. Ros"Kill Garden area Whilby. $750. including hoot. hydro, cen- tral vaclair, cable. laundry. On bus route. 905-Bil 7963. BROOKLIN 3 -bedroom tpant+nwa dxs mai, floor Of triplex, also tied silting room on second floor. available now, large yard. close to shopping. 655- 5539. Small 1 -bedroom, newly -renovated apartment, hidge, stove, ring washer. No pets, non-smoker. FwsVlast t1450+utilif)es 905-64913896 :AST OSHAWA 2 -bed- --- -'----- room in QU1911 8" fill Call 905137 $551+111ydrolrnahth, tstAast. atfler 5:00 PnL no pees. Available Jan. 1196 cad 728-7273. SAT. DEC. 2 6 P.M. AT MYLES KING AUCTION HALL 33 HALL ST., OSHAWA All consignments wel- come Chesterfield suite, occasional chair, oak coffee and end tables. modern glass front china cab- inet like new cosi 5900 . two parlor chairs, wardrobe, rocking chair, oil lamps. chest of draw- ers dressers. beds. Sory VCR, color t.v, Pioneer stereo Sys- te^ like new, 1956 R,, -non double barrel ,-,)tgun. 1940 rifle. baby cradle, gas lawnmower, large quantity of brass, ­,,stal. miniature fig- i•',res, coins, linens. beddmg, wing back nalr, doll collection. 'fuss is a large sale. an to attend Sales 4ry Monday. Tues- ,.p:a / . Thursday Satur- !a,, 6 p.m Myles King Auctioneer 725-5751 723-0501 Apartments EA 1 For Rent EAST OSHAWA, _H^ car^ casemerr apt pr,vate nuance. •arge Lata ra•t sundry faiths quiet •e 'enhal are, 5450 1 st a ast available Jar +. 434- 5768 HOUSE FOR RENT S:,a.. Ala. Baa_thu oBdrool nom. single ga- aga, fully tented yard %ear like Ava,lableimme- d atefy S' ' OC per mo piers .!lubes 683-2840 LARGE 2 BEDROOM. air - Bcwm.anville '^t., pie paAl spacelaundry room. Urge art^,^enm Wing -.1om . $720 mirth lint lsl, awl Dec 1 683-0709 6237320 NEW 3 bedroom e. washer, dryer, back- , al quiet mature area. -:far downlown Oshawa. t inclusive first'last, avail .icle Dec 1 430-6336 NON SMOKING work rg r Jam' ire ,e:rVOm seg' bntatned basement walk gut .own entrance. close to amenities. $50c referent es. Deposit (905) 839- 8561 Avavabie Dec NORTH WHITBY 2 -bed- room casement apartment, private entrance. Irving room wibar fireplace. full kitchen. fridge. stove. a- piece bath. parking. pool. patio. cable. $800 indu- sive Ref req 905-427 5466 ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments mmediale possession. prefer couple. Oshawa. central location. fridge, stove, carpet. shop- ping plaza, bus stop. iaun- dry facilities. 725-2642 after Spm ONE BEDROOM avail- able Dec Ist in nice, quil apartment house, $450 per month. AN udlties an park - Ing included. Laundry available Sorry, no dogs 164 Brock St. E., Oshawa. Phone 571-5291 for infor and viewing appoxtment. OSHAWA 2 bedroom 5689, in "ex. Includes heat. hydro, appliances. parking Laundry available on site. Corsverkent to 401 and city bus routes. 433- 0677. OS14AWA - t -bedroom basement apartment, rear Sirncodaive, separate alk wout entrance, bright. spacious. $5=mWth uW this inducted, available im- medialely. CaN 728-2255 OSHAWA 2 a 3 bedroom apartments, available at 888 and 900 Glen St. Close to schools, shopping and G.M. llbli ies i uded. FlrsVlest required. Call 728- 4993. OSHAWA - one bedroom. Heat, hydro, fridge and stove Included. Gose to all amenities. Available Jan. list. $592. firstAast 434- 6411. OSHAWA brand new bight spacious bachelor basement apartment by Lake Vista plaza, $500+ utilities, washer/dryer. Available DecAst. Female preferred. 725 8829. CALL 683a154� Clazaylon residents tall,142615 6 ' Personals • ' Personals /\cyult E_r�tF�rf��ir�m�f rpt rc�r L>haCGrpOtC�or�tlo mores Prlvc�,C l_ocyroic rs. AryvOrllV rte'>t S �'--�>•.-♦�'�IewS Days 12pm-lam / Nov Hire Apartments For Rent psmt rapt Sep, ent profes stonally finished . plenty of parking. ',arge yard S50C ^cludes heat Available Dec 5 433-1962 OSHAWA . ;s. !o G M ^ewe- c_ :- ). 12 a 3 bedroom apartments ava,. able Cap 905-428-5723 PICKERING Bnght 5 Deorxm basement apart - men! Close to GO non smoker no pets 5675 plus 1i2 utilities (905)837- 6661 PICKERING area - edroom Il ing room eat -,r iwcnen, laundry, 2no door tlupiex, parley- own entrance. 5900 ncil Ava,,able Jan 1st 905-420-5199 PICKERING arge 2 bed- rco_ �a,,rt 5 ap pittances, central air. private entranceclose to GO shopping 5825 nciusive 905-420-6440 evenings TWO bedroom, Nelson St Oshawa Heat, water and barking 5650 per month Phone 723-7115 WHITBY new bachelor separate entrance. bus at door Would sue single per- son $475 istlast Avaiiable mmetoately, Cali 905 665- 0949 WHITBY - 3 bedroom apt. Close to all amen -ties Available Jan 1 $680 plus utilities Appliances indud- ed Laundry facilities 404- 9130 WHITBY - targe 2 bed- room basement apt. Ap- pliances and utilities m- duded. FirsVlast required. Available Jan. 1. $6701 monthly. 686-2264. 111 HrraY - REGENCY PLACE APARTMENTS Serwts Complex - 1 beftoln apl. available for Jan. Excellent kXcaOiori. AN uAllbes included For app. call 430-7397 WHITBY, 2 bedroom apartment, stove, fridge, parking, $600/month. First & last. No pets. Available Immediately. Call 668- 2248. WHITBY- 1 small bed. room basement apt. Suit- able for mature working adult. Call 1-905-509-9913. WHY rent when you can own your own home for less than you thinil t Call Dave Haylock Sales Rep. Re/Max Summit Realty (1991) Ltd (905) 668-3800 or (905) 666-3211. Houses For Rent WHO SAYS YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUT A HOUSE' 'r.•m y.v-' mnnth v.r c her $'+rxr II ,illi call Nl 434 6919 1-1800-134"275 Fre. C.tl N„ Jn.. r, • ..m.-nr I can Nt•Ip' %LARK tiTVPt Pi Un- k.ruup..F,..r1 Rin lh Il WHITBY AVAILABLE =entrap ccaton :arge :ngroom and t icnen First and asp No -pets $950 in- cJusrve CaY Gem 905.666- 4085 JJ54 SaETA-Gl_RCU S• JC peg err u e oom freehold wits, cr-,ral air garage. fun casement. 3 bathrooms Ir -.meds occupancy Barry Hirabayashi Remix "restyle 416.347.1111 1 ST CHOICE AFFORDABLE HOMES! WHY RENT? BUY! No oovin payment. No problem' Let me show you how ' Mort. Pay. S700 0 A.C. Call Thomas C. Pike Sales Rep, Remail Accord Really Ltd 576-3111 2 bedroom 2 bathroom bungalow, finished base- ment with storage. dose to shopping, 401/Go/schooU park, central air, plus utd. 668.8537 leave message. 3 BEDROOM BUNGA- LOW. on 1 acre lot, in lovely downtown Brooklin. %695 per mo. plus utihill no appliances, available rimmed. call Nome. 11.5 prn 905.696-0948. 3 bedroom house. East - dale area, fenced yard, 1 It 2 baths, available Jan. 15 Firstllasl. $925 plus utili- hes. Call 432.1268. 1582. Artykno. package. 97.000 Hwy curt . firm. Cal (9p5)725- 111110 Olds Fcnnza, red, 2-� for $ale door heldtbadt. aura, ami lin c *soft, 180,000 bits.. 1964 HYUNDAI Scoupe, 1977 TRANS".eltnl $1250 as is o.b.o. Phone 2 door automatic. power Deni condiiors, iso 6.6 -litre, aulwrtatic � (905)433-8050 or 655. ( 905)404 -1 stearimg power brakes, AM/FM Gas .. sunrod. certifiable, $4000 o.b.o. 1966 PONTIAC Acadian. 14,000 din, 2 years warm Caen 905.725.8506. grey. 2 dr.. 4 sil new ty W, $9995. 905 -034 - tires, Wakes, exhaust. 8767. 1980 5 Lith Mustang. duldh. new rad and Ptoses. auto.. 40,000 din on new $1000 obo. certified. Call 1994 Pontiac Sunbird I.E. engine. Needs Saye work 985.8985 or 723 9368. 26.000 din, whips. 4 door. 4 Asking $1000. as is or best 1967 Cavaker 224, auto. CyfirKleIT (2.0 litre). ABS AIC, offer. Call 905- 723-2474 yr, 160.000 din. $3,400 brakes. autorn ild OBD. Call 579.4570. steno eassel9, power door 1902 TOW14E LaMau lodes, certified, dean. Thunderbird. hYlyboded. 1967 Cly Celebrity sta• $11,500. Phone 905-987- new exhatut. oug, slanw, fan Wagorh, low rnifeage, 3839. 90.000 miles. Needs Bide amlhn Cassel tlh, good body oak. Ago" $e50. (905)683-8227ceirlilliedo.b.o. wo*kV eondition, $1900 Cale 686- $5 FMro, 86 Tours. 84 Mustang 83 Chevette. 78 1964 Canal 350, p.w., 7967. 1967 CUTLASS Supreme Fairrrhorst. AN ceni6ada. Must be sold. Best offer. P -s., p.b., errVfm t assetle. $1700. Cal 579-8146 Brouglim. 305 auto., mint 579.2886. condition, black ext.. grey 1965 Ponfiw SunNrd int•, dual exhaust, sxnlRm, CONVERTIBLE 1984 Wagon air conditioning. air, ps. pb. pill, smoke -hew. Su nbird. 2 -dr., black. new radio, $1150 as is or best 5540D as is, 905438-0190 ti-, new brakes, new milk offer. Call 728-3181. 1967 FORD TAROS G.L. fter. p.w., locks, rod. 1966 AEROSTAR, XLT, 6 cyl.. O is $1200. One owner. (905) 831-5955 192,000 km. 5-spd. Stan - dard, $2900. 428-9858 silver Auto, 8 cyNllder, $3,600, also wanted old 19W Oldsmobile Optimal pONnAC Suanbrd, V6 for Coca - Cola vending ma- Very dean, 4 cylinder Ill parts only. 88,000 original drevs 8 S&MItiaing signs - Gary 571-1558 totnatic, rebuilt engine. $2650 certified O.B.O. Cell tun. Take as s $400. 436- . .579.0804. 6244. FOR SCRAP T -WRECKS TOWING 24 HOURS 1 HR PICKUP Call Andrew 416-282-3169 Pager: 416-426-0817 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE -FPEE ''o -ng for snap ..sed or abandoned cars trucks 'M pack up. top prices paid. up to 3100 (416)281-3499 (416)281-9804 Trucks for Sale 1900 NISSAN K rg Cab. 120km. $1SJi: as is Call 905-619-1966 1989 Ford 1r2 ton. F 150. 5 -speed standard */over. drive. very good condition. 300 cul engine. p s . tint endows. custom can nsor. running boards, many ex- tras. $6900 o b o (905)404-9283 1991 BLAZER Excellent condition, C@nitied $15.800 080 low mile age. 905-723-8838 Mon day to Thursday 1991 FORD Ranger XLT. extended cab Excellent condition. loaded. auto. V6. air, 93 000 km $9.995 OBD Call 728-7242 1991 MAZDA 92200, 5 speed, arrom cassett. T. cover.tlox hrier.sltding rear window, extra tires. (stun- merhwnter) new exhaust / brakes 56300 OBO (905) 432-8491 19W Cher. 112 ton Wr T. 4 3 L.V6. 4 spd , auto. pulse wipers. SRW. box kner, new P235 lyres, red on red. 105.000 KM. $12.500 or 080. 905-579- 5413 1907 FORD XLT, 4x4, dub cab. fully loaded, new ball Ants a U -Pants in spring New aluminum Leer cap $7900. Brad 697-3140. I 4 ;" Drive 1904 DODGE CARAVAN, Suasrool, air, pw., new paint ties. etdraust. $2000. cen.. OF best offer. Call 655- 5271. TIM FORD pickup. F150, 6 cyl.. 5 speed Stan- dard power steering, poen of brakes. sliding rear window, 149.000 kill.. $4,500 or best offal (905) 663-0464 Miller 6 p.m. 1990 AEROSTAR extend ed 3L, air. tilt Guise. AM/ FM cesselle. low dins. pri- vacy glass. no rust, no GST, 7 passenger. Asking $9499. Cwt 905-434-7317, 1990- 150 DODGE RAM VAN, 318 EFI, H.D Susp. $4995. cert. or best offer. 579.9619. III GMC SAFARI , black, loaded. excellent condition. 8 pass., running boards, etc. $10.500. see it, make offer, 576-2396. IN2 CHEV Cargo van. 3/ 4 ton, 305, excellent cool tion. $10,900. certified Call 433.7686. 1992 OMC SAFARI SLT van, 7 passenger, touring edition, loaded'r running rds, boanew ares, and brakes, 94.000 kill., $14,900. 725-6926 AJAX - 2 bedroom, ap- pliances. separate laundry. full bath, parking, available Jan Ist $725 per mo inc (905) 509-1927 AJAX - lovely, spacious 2. bedroom basement apart ment in year-old house, separate/private entrance and alarm, parking $850 inclusive (905)428-0395 AJAX one bedroom basement apt . pnvate en- trance. minutes from Go No pets, non smoker. S595i mo hrstilast Available Dec 1 427-7604 AJAX- Two bedroom basement apartment, sep- arate entrance. 4 pce bath. parking. laundry. close t0 schools. shopping No pets. $700. inclusive 427-9032 AJAX Oxford Towers Spacious apartments. Quiet building, dose to shopping. 401, GO Pool sauna 1 and 3 bedrooms for Dec . Jan 3 -beds 683-8571 until -30p- 1 -bed 683-8421 BEDROOM Wheelchair accessible unit available immediately in a seniors building. Medical Documentation required. PLEASE CALL 683-9269 SENIORS APARTMENT 1 812 BDRM. ALL INCLUSIVE Nice seniors only building in Pickering call Les at William. Peak Co-op 905-837-2920 WHITBY - BLUE WATER PARR 1 & 2 bedroom suites. broadloom, 3 appliances. 101 KATHLEEN ST. W Mon. -Fn 9 - 7 . Sat. -Sun 12 - 5 (905) 571-3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED. 1 - 2 bedroom. .ocated on 350 Malaga Also 1 bedroom on 946 Masson St From $550 monthly all nclusive Call anytime. 905.576-6724 1 and 2 bedroom. located at 309 Cordova Rd. no pets. please phone 579- 2387 1 i 2 Bedroom apts in Oshawa and Bowmanville Starting at $600/month. tridge a stove included. with laundry facilities. No pets. Call 434-2407. 1 -BEDROOM near O.0 , 1 stAast all inclusive. no pets, t car only. available Dec./Jan 5554 monthly Cal 433 -2484- -BEDROOM lower du- plex near O.C.. quiet, brightclears, new kitchen and bath, carpel. blinds. takil . Docs. $765 irscNsive. Laundry avail- able. 728-7850 2/3 beutoorn apartitnenls, 8 story building, dose to schools, library. South GM plant Available inrnediale- ly and Nov. 428-6328 1- 7pm for appoin irnent 3 BEDROOM apartment . Oshawa, Hamnony - dive area. Townhouse style MW wly12st. References. Available ap- prox. Dec. 10.655-4490 965 SIMCOE ST. N. - one bedroom apt.. avaNabke Dec. 1. $575. all widusive. Also 3 112 Swoops S., one bedroorn, $475. 2 -bedrooms $595.728-2969 Large 2 bedroom b ment. Newly renown quiet area, for si working person. $650. '�THEI'�lf9�!>IR�D/KY; D�EC�1):k'1915-PAIG''*E'3�l • I Auctions I AJAX Wesiney and Hwy 2 modem clean self con- tatrwd one bedroom. Sal rate entrance, central val ai,. ceramic. bus u doorfor responsible working non smoker References. avail- able Jan Ist 5580 nclu sive 686-2067 AJAX. Wesmeyi401 base- ment apartment. above ground, private entrance. $650 inclusive. available Dec 1st. Call 416.497. 9620.905-686-8863 AJAX -1 bedroom base- ment apt Quiet mature working person. Non- smoker, no pets "ties included. S600/month. 1st and last. Available Dec 15. Call 427-7513. AVAILABLE om- DIATELY, in Whitby Apt. building., spacious. carpet - ad, newly tlainNd with bal- cony, dose to bus, shop- ping, all utilities included, first / last required, no pats, 1 bedroom $625, 2 bed- room, $725. cuff 43D -0134 - BEAUTIFUL new 2 bed- room apartment. Ros"Kill Garden area Whilby. $750. including hoot. hydro, cen- tral vaclair, cable. laundry. On bus route. 905-Bil 7963. BROOKLIN 3 -bedroom tpant+nwa dxs mai, floor Of triplex, also tied silting room on second floor. available now, large yard. close to shopping. 655- 5539. Small 1 -bedroom, newly -renovated apartment, hidge, stove, ring washer. No pets, non-smoker. FwsVlast t1450+utilif)es 905-64913896 :AST OSHAWA 2 -bed- --- -'----- room in QU1911 8" fill Call 905137 $551+111ydrolrnahth, tstAast. atfler 5:00 PnL no pees. Available Jan. 1196 cad 728-7273. SAT. DEC. 2 6 P.M. AT MYLES KING AUCTION HALL 33 HALL ST., OSHAWA All consignments wel- come Chesterfield suite, occasional chair, oak coffee and end tables. modern glass front china cab- inet like new cosi 5900 . two parlor chairs, wardrobe, rocking chair, oil lamps. chest of draw- ers dressers. beds. Sory VCR, color t.v, Pioneer stereo Sys- te^ like new, 1956 R,, -non double barrel ,-,)tgun. 1940 rifle. baby cradle, gas lawnmower, large quantity of brass, ­,,stal. miniature fig- i•',res, coins, linens. beddmg, wing back nalr, doll collection. 'fuss is a large sale. an to attend Sales 4ry Monday. Tues- ,.p:a / . Thursday Satur- !a,, 6 p.m Myles King Auctioneer 725-5751 723-0501 Apartments EA 1 For Rent EAST OSHAWA, _H^ car^ casemerr apt pr,vate nuance. •arge Lata ra•t sundry faiths quiet •e 'enhal are, 5450 1 st a ast available Jar +. 434- 5768 HOUSE FOR RENT S:,a.. Ala. Baa_thu oBdrool nom. single ga- aga, fully tented yard %ear like Ava,lableimme- d atefy S' ' OC per mo piers .!lubes 683-2840 LARGE 2 BEDROOM. air - Bcwm.anville '^t., pie paAl spacelaundry room. Urge art^,^enm Wing -.1om . $720 mirth lint lsl, awl Dec 1 683-0709 6237320 NEW 3 bedroom e. washer, dryer, back- , al quiet mature area. -:far downlown Oshawa. t inclusive first'last, avail .icle Dec 1 430-6336 NON SMOKING work rg r Jam' ire ,e:rVOm seg' bntatned basement walk gut .own entrance. close to amenities. $50c referent es. Deposit (905) 839- 8561 Avavabie Dec NORTH WHITBY 2 -bed- room casement apartment, private entrance. Irving room wibar fireplace. full kitchen. fridge. stove. a- piece bath. parking. pool. patio. cable. $800 indu- sive Ref req 905-427 5466 ONE AND TWO bedroom apartments mmediale possession. prefer couple. Oshawa. central location. fridge, stove, carpet. shop- ping plaza, bus stop. iaun- dry facilities. 725-2642 after Spm ONE BEDROOM avail- able Dec Ist in nice, quil apartment house, $450 per month. AN udlties an park - Ing included. Laundry available Sorry, no dogs 164 Brock St. E., Oshawa. Phone 571-5291 for infor and viewing appoxtment. OSHAWA 2 bedroom 5689, in "ex. Includes heat. hydro, appliances. parking Laundry available on site. Corsverkent to 401 and city bus routes. 433- 0677. OS14AWA - t -bedroom basement apartment, rear Sirncodaive, separate alk wout entrance, bright. spacious. $5=mWth uW this inducted, available im- medialely. CaN 728-2255 OSHAWA 2 a 3 bedroom apartments, available at 888 and 900 Glen St. Close to schools, shopping and G.M. llbli ies i uded. FlrsVlest required. Call 728- 4993. OSHAWA - one bedroom. Heat, hydro, fridge and stove Included. Gose to all amenities. Available Jan. list. $592. firstAast 434- 6411. OSHAWA brand new bight spacious bachelor basement apartment by Lake Vista plaza, $500+ utilities, washer/dryer. Available DecAst. Female preferred. 725 8829. CALL 683a154� Clazaylon residents tall,142615 6 ' Personals • ' Personals /\cyult E_r�tF�rf��ir�m�f rpt rc�r L>haCGrpOtC�or�tlo mores Prlvc�,C l_ocyroic rs. AryvOrllV rte'>t S �'--�>•.-♦�'�IewS Days 12pm-lam / Nov Hire Apartments For Rent psmt rapt Sep, ent profes stonally finished . plenty of parking. ',arge yard S50C ^cludes heat Available Dec 5 433-1962 OSHAWA . ;s. !o G M ^ewe- c_ :- ). 12 a 3 bedroom apartments ava,. able Cap 905-428-5723 PICKERING Bnght 5 Deorxm basement apart - men! Close to GO non smoker no pets 5675 plus 1i2 utilities (905)837- 6661 PICKERING area - edroom Il ing room eat -,r iwcnen, laundry, 2no door tlupiex, parley- own entrance. 5900 ncil Ava,,able Jan 1st 905-420-5199 PICKERING arge 2 bed- rco_ �a,,rt 5 ap pittances, central air. private entranceclose to GO shopping 5825 nciusive 905-420-6440 evenings TWO bedroom, Nelson St Oshawa Heat, water and barking 5650 per month Phone 723-7115 WHITBY new bachelor separate entrance. bus at door Would sue single per- son $475 istlast Avaiiable mmetoately, Cali 905 665- 0949 WHITBY - 3 bedroom apt. Close to all amen -ties Available Jan 1 $680 plus utilities Appliances indud- ed Laundry facilities 404- 9130 WHITBY - targe 2 bed- room basement apt. Ap- pliances and utilities m- duded. FirsVlast required. Available Jan. 1. $6701 monthly. 686-2264. 111 HrraY - REGENCY PLACE APARTMENTS Serwts Complex - 1 beftoln apl. available for Jan. Excellent kXcaOiori. AN uAllbes included For app. call 430-7397 WHITBY, 2 bedroom apartment, stove, fridge, parking, $600/month. First & last. No pets. Available Immediately. Call 668- 2248. WHITBY- 1 small bed. room basement apt. Suit- able for mature working adult. Call 1-905-509-9913. WHY rent when you can own your own home for less than you thinil t Call Dave Haylock Sales Rep. Re/Max Summit Realty (1991) Ltd (905) 668-3800 or (905) 666-3211. Houses For Rent WHO SAYS YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUT A HOUSE' 'r.•m y.v-' mnnth v.r c her $'+rxr II ,illi call Nl 434 6919 1-1800-134"275 Fre. C.tl N„ Jn.. r, • ..m.-nr I can Nt•Ip' %LARK tiTVPt Pi Un- k.ruup..F,..r1 Rin lh Il WHITBY AVAILABLE =entrap ccaton :arge :ngroom and t icnen First and asp No -pets $950 in- cJusrve CaY Gem 905.666- 4085 JJ54 SaETA-Gl_RCU S• JC peg err u e oom freehold wits, cr-,ral air garage. fun casement. 3 bathrooms Ir -.meds occupancy Barry Hirabayashi Remix "restyle 416.347.1111 1 ST CHOICE AFFORDABLE HOMES! WHY RENT? BUY! No oovin payment. No problem' Let me show you how ' Mort. Pay. S700 0 A.C. Call Thomas C. Pike Sales Rep, Remail Accord Really Ltd 576-3111 2 bedroom 2 bathroom bungalow, finished base- ment with storage. dose to shopping, 401/Go/schooU park, central air, plus utd. 668.8537 leave message. 3 BEDROOM BUNGA- LOW. on 1 acre lot, in lovely downtown Brooklin. %695 per mo. plus utihill no appliances, available rimmed. call Nome. 11.5 prn 905.696-0948. 3 bedroom house. East - dale area, fenced yard, 1 It 2 baths, available Jan. 15 Firstllasl. $925 plus utili- hes. Call 432.1268. PAC1E?�771� NEW91tDi�rflBLlt►Y; �' �491ib lleustes .� Nooses Rooms For Rent For Rent , For Rent 4 BEDROOM 3 Level WHITBY 3 bedroom bun- S. AJAX CLEAN BRIGHT. house In Pickering 2 bath galow with garage and lin- accommodation for non rooms, fireplace, fenced (shed basement available smokerlull use of house yard. $050 plus utilities Immediently $995:month + Including+ kitchen, laundry. Istnast Available imme- utilities, first/last No pets $350 per month (905) 619 diately 839-0453 723-8985 6536 or (416) 806-2831 4 BEDROOM bungalow, WHITBY near GO, 4 bed - Yl large eat -in kitch- room + private basement SOUTH AJAX en. large fenced lot. living apartment with appliances Furnished room for rent, room with fireplace. $900 3 bath $1250 + utilities mo plus (905) 4380501 Call 519-753-5918 available Immediately 162 WOODCREST AVE., WHY RENT '?Nc money 5400/me or $100 wk all Oshawa across ,tom down Ow,, your own Inclusive Laundry avail Woodcrest School Three home. kke new. lodge. able. Non smoking student bedroom, with in law apart stove. S750 incl , all but Or prntPss�Onal ment. SI 050 per mo. plus ut, phone bedroom asking 427-4973 ties Available Dec Ist. S61 900 Call Ken Collis, 02 C Id ell B nk r 728-9414 Florida VIC" a Mortgages, Pub is Pu is ublic • ReflWs • Insurance NMI Notices • Notices • Notices ATTENTION Snowbirds GORGEOUS 3 bedroom 3 bathrooms townhouse condo. close to famous Clearwater beach. pod, ja- cuzzi. BBO private yard. available Now -April for into and to view photos 686 9846 or 579-3788 CLEARWATER, fully lur- nished 23 bedroom moble homes. heated pools, hot tub. lennls. minutes to beaches. Blue Jay baseball NHL Hockey. dog 8 horse tracks Children welcomed Less than motel. (905)683- 5503 Telepnone(4161593 12 or o w a e Eve 1416)591-9366 AJAX. Dec 31JanHousing Shared ' , Privat�`� 1 rnes Atcomodation pec c:^,s clean approx Wanted le 2000 sq it . large deck. 3 oaurrvvr•,o. P,r„y�..•• fireplace, hardwood floors. 3 bedroom house wanted 51075 plus. No pets Pre- to rent In the Harmony; fe- non -smoke, Dennis Olive area Oshawa Please Morgan, 428-'F'8. 831- call 723-7175 9500 AJAX term .n centra A;ax casement. no ap- pliances. ava,labie Dec S'250 negooable plus ublr, nes Call Joa^ Rogers Re - max Ouahty One 905 683- 2992 AJAX + oeorocm a - -e-,-ed yara. S1130+ utim,es Gall 416-284-8321 AJAX 5 yrs re,:. „ ,us end -unit 3 -bedroom townhome 1 5 -bath. fridge. stove, Immaculate Available Feb 1 sll $975/month Call ,,,or n M, Carlen, Remax First Realty Ltd 905-831-3300 AJAX t,,I, . •- main floor, $935. utilities. avarLable Dec Is: No Pets Can 905.420- 1281 BOWMANVILLE 3 bed- - ga,ow 2 4PC pairs. finished tot to bottom Immediate posses- sion First and last months rent S80C plus uhb.ties 434-8489 7286378 EXECUTIVE 4 bedroom Wi. clOu ble car garage. 'i 12 wash- rcoms 1-epiace and act pi,ances Available Jan 6. 96 no Deft $14CC "10 Can (416 430-B54' 1416 3'5-6W FOR LEASE 3 bedroom ror" it Oshawa $880 xt f month plus ufil, toes. available Fet t 1996 First d 'as' references re- Ouired .all 728-946, Mon -Fn 83C-430PM LIVERPOOL/401- Mai^ : -ieo:f•o. s pane,"; 4 appliances. 5925 'a' utilities Available Jan Ist. Call 1416 284-42'9 OSHAWA. N E 3 Bed- roor- : Da"s finished basement. central air. available Immediately. $85C per month 723-4276 OSHAWA. 2 bedroo- brick bungalow main floor . Laundry room storage In bsnit . nicely decorated lots of parking. $700 includes heat. available Dec 5 .433-1962 PICKERING Dec 15 or Jar I 3 -bedroom house. no stars. suitable for retired Couple or small family with 2 children, big yard bus Stop m at corner. Lakeview A 1 condition. storage shed 4 appliances. air, no pets (905) 509-6952 PICKERING WHITE'S RD. Three bedroom, cen- tral air, main floor family room, fireplace. large fenced yard, available; now. $1,300 Lynne Papizzo 428-9766 PICKERMG. 3 bedroom main floor, 4 appliances, $950 plus 112 utirbes. Jan I St. occupancy. Call (905)427-9794. PICKERIll bungalow. lower floor, West Shore area. 2 large bedrooms. fenced yard, parking, near schools and Go, available invriedlately $675 Larry 190509-1264 or (905) 316- 4977 THREE BEDROOM 4 / 3 pc. washrooms. quiet court. $900 plus. Available Dec 15. Jan. 1 or Feb Ist. 579- 9167 WHITBY 3 BEDROOM backsplit , family roan available Jan 1. 96 $975 monthly. plus.,And bachelor apt. in Ajax in country horse SSW monthly, a" IndU- sive..668-6980, 655.4107 Townhouses For Rent QUIET Boum Oshawa 3 tea ' wnhouse it family complex 5950 mo all in- clusive Close to schools and shopping 435-1088 NORTH OSHAWA. 3 bMdroom Towi in -ell maintained tamely ) mplex. freshly decorated with Frig stove close to all dmerxbes, on site Mgmt of- ' Ce call 728-3777 L'JXUoy LIFESTYLE D0,! miss Jut )r unique oppor- ty to move Into a ind new luxury •::nnhome In pres- Jus Whitby IOCa- i Completely up - +led with finished I-rmlyroom Call CharlieBafTfen (905) 686-5675 artiouse, in wen main- frrted tamlly complex ides all utdlbe5. 4 ao antes. parking dose to xis and ah amenities 122 Colbome St. E. Oshawa For appt. 4343972 Rooms for Rent 2 FURNISHED 'dams lot si�j- C :aunory Kirch on pant. imng room. park ,ng utiktNs included. 5375 $425 Can 666-5213 after 7pm or leave message AJAX clean. carpeted .)or.• ,r quiet adult hone. Use Of x,tchen, bathroom and laundry facilities. ca- ble, non -smoky- S80iweei famished 686322' AJAX lose tc as anent 'es La..ndry and Dark,ng available Very spactous $340 a month Call 427- 3177 AJAX room for rent In clean quiet home near GO Share all facilities will- one person $325 month non- smoking ava' lmmed preferred 686-7522 FURNISHED ROOMS. to rent Clean, close to Go and Shopping non smoker, $75 weekly 686-5409 LIVERPOOLIBAILEY 2 private rooms with bath for one quiet non-smoker Share equipped knchen, aunary Walk to GO 837- 0556 LIVERPOOUHWY. 2 large room on first floor $400. quiet responsible persons No pets Call 420- 1975 ONE FURNISHED bed- room for rent Pickering Vil- lage. all inclusive. non smoker preferably. $350 per mo. Negotiable (416) 761-8436 or (905) 427- 3601 PICKERING - Available Dec Ist. Master bedroom ensude In gorgeous new home. Use of kitchen and laundry, parking $400 per mo Call Marla 686.0007 ROOMS FOR RENT Per Month or Week Whites Rd/ Oklahoma Clean. bright house In lieu required No smokers Hydro staff welcome (905)420-0042 TO SHARE 2 bedroom ar-31-e^• r Alax po^! parking. $500 per mo Ist last. all included (905) 619-9046 AJAX. 4 bedroom execu ' ee '-e parking, laundry. all the extras' private use of lamly room, nonsmoker no pets $375 plus. 428- 9214 AJAX Westney,HWY al -a .a•ge home to snare. Close to GO & Transit S3751monthly All Inclusive Call 683-6092 TWO ledlooms available -7-P s huge L-shaped master Dedroom will, pm vate 4 pc bath). cable. shared kitchen. Irvrngroom. end laundry facilities Use f entire house except ta- -0yroom References -valable anytime First ist $565;mo Inclusive ne- : )fiable 434-3976 FURNISHED townhouse 5,_- ^tar floor faun. 'y central air. pod park g unities included Non oker 6350 per me 434- . -168 NON SMOKING female •e'e-red --final 10 .hare 3 bedroom house nth same Laundry tac We, tson/Beatnce $400,•mo nave message 905 723- "49 or 905 435 47% OSHAWA ` ,n,shed room cer'•a 'r -anon. male or 'male welcome s30o -',onih inclusive. available -eci,atill Phone 579- 80A PICKERING BrockP cii I-, 'hare -novalec�homte with 1 Dth- . beautiful liv,rig quarters. "ion-SrmO " no Pets. amble :lar: - Ist/tast f350 -nor'- nclusive 905.428- 3341 ROOM p -is s�1'ing •oum Launa-, aid cable indUd- ed Bright and spacious $400,month Available ,m- rmeo,ately Leave message 6832273 EMColldonrrtiums For Rent EAST HAMPTONS t- Oeo'oom condo 5 ap- Priances. available Jan t SI 1sinast. S800.utihties Can 905-683-1049 leave mes- sage GARDEWRossland Whitby. luxurious one bad room. 5 appliances. pari mg, locker rec lac. S850i Uo al rid sive Available QUALITY D Angelo Mulh- eve N W Oshawa 3+2 bedrooms. kitchen over- looks lamilyroom with tire. place. 2 walkouts. nground pod. 3 baths. FAG. in law potential. 160 Goodman Dr $171..500 Call Sheila Mc Laren Sutton Status 436 0990 A-1 $1,000 DOWN Oe- -ached 4 bedroom. Oshawa $99.900 Shows great. freshly painted and carpet- ed Ron Matthews Sutton Group. (905)619-950C BOWMANVILLE 5 Spry Ave 4 oedrocm side -split. 50'x100' lot. attached ga- rage double -drive, new carpet. Oct.rwindows Flo( ida room, gas fireplace. landscaped. close to schools. $158.000 For rota viewing 905-778-6879/905- 623.9525 after 5 CUSTOM BUILT home. 3 bedrooms 'we bath- rooms, hn�streic family room. double car garage. me, also 32 acre fafor sale r905) 983-9025 BRAND NEW HOMES. 58'5 :e, -nortr, why remme, Starting at $119.900 No West Oshawa. 3 bedrooms. high efficiency, gas neat. R- 40 instill Raised bungalow. only 5 left. others from ter $104.900 Call PeNeal. Sales Rep . Guide Realty, 723-5281 LaMar OSHAWA Rossnd- mony Spacious three bedroom ravine lot, seper- ate income apartmem, ga- rage. gas heat. $122 000 Call atter 6 0 m 1.905- x76-3189 POWER OF SALES" $94 4j,-, Poll buy a de- tached win 3 bedm roos. ret room. 2 baths. only 5'e,. down and S750 monthly n- ck4ng taxes Ted Hough- ton Remax Summit 668- 38M PRIVATE SALE- 2 bed- room bunga,ow Immacu- late Huge comer lot, dW- bie driveway. finished txssernent. oil tuma e, New w n1ows. hardwood floors. ..Dilated plumbing 8 fix- 'ures Many upgraces gt19.900 107 Highland m coer of Highland a Ghd- axil. Please call 905-432- 8863 (No agents pease) SOUTH AJAX. 3 bed- room home immaculate condition. finished base. ment. all amenities. many upgrades. 4 bathrooms. accesslole to Catholic 8 Public schools. call to view 905-683-9398 immediately or Jan 1 416-' Townh � 663-3006 Office 8 • ' Rebel Spa" THREE BEDROOM 1 1/2 baths, rec room, forced air 4 Months Free Rent - Downtown Oshawa. 400- 3500 sq h available Park- ing and great exposure. Best rental rates Cali 434- 2447 or 655-4132 IDEAL 1 person professional 350 sq. h finished office with signage exposure on Wesney Rd in Alax $5 PER MONTH 905-509-3581 kxk"W I • Units BAY UNITS In small in- dustrial plaza next to Osha- wa Center High ceilings, over head doors Parking, utilities and air compressor included Month by month Truck parking hydro avail- able Call 576 2982 gas, central air• many ex- tras. bright, clean end unit. In North Oshawa Walking distance to shopping and amefuties. Call 436-6047 Money to Lend BORROW $10.000 pay as little as $110 per month.. o a.c. Free consuttabons. Anubls Investments Ltd Mortgages and Loans since 1973 Call (905)668- ' Births ' Births 7200 MORTGAGES - Good, bad and ugly Financing for any purpose, rates from 595% All applications ac cepted Community Finan tial Services 668-6805 MBusiness pportunifies BODY SHOP, Long estab- lished business, air com- parer, spray booth etc only $1695 monthly Available immed 725-1171 LOCAL pizza franchises for sa'.e Excellent income potential Establish 12 years $110.000 Some it - ng may be available Call Al 905.728-4444 LUCRATIVE Local turn- key opera:- in busy mall For details. call Ken Vickery, Coldwell Banker R MR Real Estate, 434 1255 PINE LOFT, 'urmture it accessory store. estab- lished 18 yrs. Inventory. 901, proven operator profit asking $149.000 fax (9051 853 5967 TERRITORY FOR SALE. IN DURHAM REGION, luc•ai've b"s^ess sport sexed by major Brewery.m vestment required. senous nqurreres only 905-428- 4707 TIRE Company. buy your self a job and business Successful Sales/Service Co looking for Darner or total sale Call 905-642 4404 WHOLESALE CD-ROM Darnbu crsr ps avauable Wide van" of tines Excel- lent business opportunity Reta4ers sell for you Work around your current sched- ule Roy fevenngs) 905- 728-2599 Personals rem, ADULTS ONLY Gins Over 18 Seeking Older Men 1-9W-451 3638 ext 704. S3 29/ni must be DURHAMCREST INC. (formerly operated as a Community Residential Centre under contract with Ministry of Correctional Services) NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION seeking same to assume CMHC MORTGAGE of approx. $160,000.00 and CMHC OPERATING AGREEMENT. Residence location: 15 Division St., Oshawa, excellent condition with 5 offices, sleeping capacity (23). Furnishings & equipment to be sold separately. Direct inquiries to: DIANE ENGLAND (905) 721-1277 IN the matter of the business operatim act of Ontario and in the matter of Amalgamation of M.P.M.S. Construction Limited & Multi -Pavement Maintenance Services Limited notice. Take notice that M.P.M.S. Construction Limited having its registered office at 1114 Meadowlane Cres. Pickering Ontano L1X 1St+, intends to amalgamate with Multi -f at enlent Maintenance Services Limited in accordance with the terms and provisions of the business corporation act of Ontario, unless a creditor of MT%l ti Construction Limited objects to the amalgamation within 3U days from the date of this notice. Dated this 30th day of November, 1995 Roger Guindon, President of Multi -Pavement Services Limited. IN, the matter of tilt - 1, t ilt'act of Ontario and in the matter of Amalgamation of M.P.M.S. Construction Limited & Multi -Pavement Maintenance Services Limited notice. Take notice that Multi-i'avement Maintenance Sen -ices Limited having; its registered office at 1113 Meadow•lane Cres. Pickering; Ontario L I X 1571, Intends to amalgamate with M P%`1 Construction Limited in accordance with the terms and provisions of the business corporation act of Ontario, unless a creditor of Multi -Pavement Maintenance Services Limited objects to the amalgamation within 30 days from the date of this notice Dated this 30th day of November, 1995 Roger Guindon, President of Multi -Pavement Services Limited. • e- I Announcements U. -T11 Arrlolncemtxlts CHARITIES, SPORTS TEAMS, SCHOOLS We have a Fundraising Opportunity using the Durham Region Treasure Guide of Savings. For more info. call John Leonard, 905- 579-4400 or 416-798-7672. Oshawa/W hitby/Clarington This Week Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser DURHAM REGION TREASURE GUIDE Makes a li-ilreat Christmas C.-ift' Call John at 579-4400 or ask }'blur paper canner SPORTS TEAMS, SCHOOLS & CHARITIES I o oking for a fund raising opportunity for the fall ? Call John Leonard at OSHAWA THIS WEEK 579-4400 18 T tone BEST PLAYMATES hires 8 ' Registrations • ' Reglsiratio ns • ' Registrations its ' 900-451-6088 ext 272. • S2 99rmin, 18.. Touchtone CALL Local Girls. get names 6 Mme numbers 1-900-451-5566 Ext 253. $3 49/min 18.. Too & tone COUPLE'S seeking sin- gle mer' lots of numbers 1- 900-451 5566 exl 697 $3 49mm 18.. T tone COUPLES i SINGLES Dance b Relax every Sun day evening Professional DJ Music from 50's -90•s Complimentary Buffet The Siren file Club 39 King St E Downtown Oshawa 433- 1556 OLDER women seeking single men• lots of phone numbers 1.900-451.3638 OKI 259 53 29/ minute 18+. touchtone PSYCHIC Answers Rated et in Canada Answers to love, money. career $2W minute 18+ E R P.A I- 900-451-4055 - 900451-4055 PSYCHIC Answers Rated at In Canada Answer to love. money, career $2 99/ minute 18. ERPA, 1- 900-451-4055. "ALL WRAPPED UP BEFORE CHRISTMAS" LEARN TO SKATE/POWER SKATING REGISTRATION Ajax Figure Skating Club Kids' Skate Program for children ages 3 and 4 1!2 hr. programs available on Tuesday. Saturday and Sunday. Canskate Program ages 5 and up 1 hr. program available Wednesday and Saturday Power Skating, to enhance Hockey and Ringette S offered on Sunday All Programs commence January/96 Registration at the Ajax Community Centre Sat., Dec. 2,12-2 p.m. For further info. please call 663-1753 Don' Forget Oshawa/ Whitby This Week Classified Dept., is open for your convenience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your j Classified Ad Please Call 576-9335 OBTAPI NG A LOAN IS NOT GUAR- ANTEED.SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES, OTHERS 00 NOT. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS. IT'S A BOY! NORLOCK - Mike and Linda are pleased to announce the safe and joyous arrival of CAMERON THOMAS weighing 8 Ibs.. 13 oz. on Tuesday, November 7, 1995 at 11:52 a.m. Ih:anna and Michael are very pleawd as well. Proud grandparents are Thomas & Sally Norlock of Pembroke, Ontario and Tom & Lorraine McCallum of Pickering, Ontario Special thanks to Dr. 1). Henderson & Dr. W. Ah Now and all tht: nurses & staff of the 1_atxtur & Malcrnny ih:panurcnls of Ajax•Pickenng Hospital. x 0 G4 aragSalese �� Sale Yard Sales Call Classified Adverfising at 683-0707 or fax it at 683-7363. TMN•N1tW�F�A�1'�PAia►tirA3�t+s�AG�331 . BU N -'r CUS Advertisin1-0 S1 ES g Feature F01 • Contact Lenses • E: -,ocular Vision • Perceptual Testing • D spensing of all Types of Frames & Contacts 1885 Glenanna Road, Suite 212 Pickering, Ontario, L1V 6R6 839-5303,683-1175 Oshawa Centre, Stevenson Road Oshawa, Ontario, L1J 2K5 571-3220 SioWe� Yjour$ Tasktls and Dine qi is Christmas Sale & Open House Saturday, Dec. 2, 1995 Sunday, Dec. 3, 1995 9:30 am - 2:30 pm 1220 Rigby Dr. Pickering Catalogue Available DELIVERY ACROSS NORTH AMERICA FAX 3C 40 639.7421 CSR ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Is doing your accounting making you crazy? Are you intimidated by all these government forms? Do you think you may be paying more tax out than is absolutely necessary? WE CAN HELP! All bookkeeping/computer services available. Call Christine for free initial consultation, 905-428-1540 COIF MfM OUT WM W NI MY FULLY EQUIPPED GYM AND GET WTO THE BEST SOF YOUR uFE . tAalesslvallrtsl roualsaAr6rswnl RaclaAm • rrrrealcctAaroMelsra t rarelawolel .. • gar6aalwxAaA>E may" •+� • FORM.MMI-cpam A • ALLOASO uulanncAK T►::: >. • Alf YWUPTOTIEQMLLBNrT sti. Enjoy great sound, security and a warm car from Mobile Electronics Owner Dave Kip invites you to visit his store and select from the different models of remote starters, security systems and car stereos available. Cold weather means getting into a cold car in keep in your car. the morning. Not one of life's favorite pastimes. A basic system starts at $149 and includes a Wouldn't it be nice to be able to warm your shock sensor, door entry alarm and siren. car up without ever having to step outside your Upgraded systems include features like a home while at the same time enjoying your panic alarm and a feature to prevent carjackings. morning cup of coffee? Well you can, with a remote starter from "With this feature, if someone takes your car away from you, the engine will shut off and the Mobile Electronics in Pickering. alarm will sound 45 seconds later," says Dave. I Located at 607 Kingston Rd. just west of "They won't be able to restart it and the thieves Whites Rd., owner Dave Kip invites you to visit will be far enough away to ensure your safety." his store and select from the different models If you appreciate great sound then select from available. the many quality car stereo systems available both "Living in Canada is definitely a great reason in cassette and CD players. to get a remote starter," says Dave. "With the With name like Sony, Alpine and Rockford push of a button you can start warming your car Fosgate you'll know your favorite tunes will up while sitting in the warmth and comfort of sound great while you re driving around town. you home." Mobile does all of the custom installations Another option to add to your key chain can right on site and gives a one year warranty. All of be a keyless entry system. Push another button the systems come with manufacturer's warranties and your doors unlock automatically. No more ranging from 1 yr to lifetime. fumbling for keys while your carrying the "There something to fit everyone s budget," says Dave. "We also offer financing and layaway groceries. These systems start at $199 and have a range plans to make purchasing the system you want of 300 ft. Systems with longer ranges are that much easier." See staffers Dave, Donna Holmes this available Your car's safety is also a concern of Mobile Christmas shopping season and ask about their Electronics. markdown prices and gift certificates. They have the best in alarm systems to For more information call 420-6808. protect your investment and the belongings you , I . . . . SPECIALISTS IN CAR AUDIO & SECURITY Sales Service & Installations Under New Management *REMOTE CAR STARTS* OTHER BRAND MARE! y ^' '.RA RS A ANE. z -:YEP SYSTEMS OO•.W'cx�P�,SWFERS PLAYERS . c• - t . M• • .. v a.0 = `. XIRITY SYSTEMS (LESS ENTRY SYSTEMS 607 Kingston Rd. ' ArirlilA �py5! •o51 M N'^rtes �C 420-6808 WON ;o GARDINER'S DUCT CLEANING, CHIMNEY SWEEP & EAVESTROUGH CLEANING 11"; _,� S39.95 - S5 -_z- vent CHIMNEY SWEEPtNG ONLY $44.95 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Snake method USed. (416) 282-3292 j Grooming & Boarding since 1945 By caring Animal lovers • Pick up & delivery available • 15% oft grooming with ad, 1 time only. ( kA Sheppard) 416-284-6318 DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS (gos) 579-2222 CASEyE,R Complete Sws 8e'W&'on of TV ACTION Vinyl Wr,doDoors • PICTURE WINDOWS • BAY 6 BOW WINDOWS •INSURANCE CLAIMS • PATIO DOORS • STORM DOORS • NEW CONSTRUCTION WINDOWS • GLASS & SCREEN REPAIRS MOBILE SHOWROOM WAYNE HUTCHINSON 696 MING ST W. ALES, SERVICE & OSHAWA. ONTARIO S INSTALLATI& L/J 21-3 MOW 679-2222 Introducing... A Complete Family Support Service • Professional Nursing • Home Support Services • Special Needs Services Serving Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Pickering i.ry�-:."!t,.):.:/t.CtrlD .��1.��.�.a�I�J�.`.��•+�;r. it 1. ^.'.,'.d 4 PAGE 34 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FlUDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1995 ' Deaths IN MEMORIAM SANDERSON 1rt MALE.\T CO. LTD. M19anutacturers of cemcten. and civic menxmals since 1872 11 shim worns or home appomunenst available Darlene Bonser (905) 427-4366 .a 1 (x0(1)461 -02x2 32 (111 K..0 4- kd. %j ­ To place your personalized In Memoriam, call 576-9335 and let one of our professional advisors help you. This Christmas, remember your loved ones with a Christmas In Memoriam Tribute. TRIBUTES WILL BE PUBLISHED WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1995 To ensure your tribute is included, call us by noon on Monday, December 18, 1995 Price is $47 + GST Call Classifieds 683-0707 me & ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN 35 CHURCH ST. N. PICKERING VILLAGE 683-7311 Sunday School, Supervised Nursery Rev. K. Rowland Service 11:00 a.m. Everyone Welcome AIYBER111-EA CHURCH 1820 Wh,rey Firf rJ FAMILY CHURCH WORSHIP 11:00 a.m. Sunday Sunday School. 13 Supervised Nursery at that time 839-1383 C 1t1RCH OF CHRIST k:I?I)AR S-1%, AJAX 1 street north of 401 - west of Harwoo, SUNDAY - BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 WORSHIP - 11:00 A.M. & 7:00 PA WEDNESDAY - 7:30 BIBLE STUC THE BIBLE IS GOD'S WORD - JESUS IS LORD. 683-2477 PICKERING STANDAR / CHURCH Community Methodist Brock Rd. at Highway #7 Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m. Bible Study and Bible Club for Children and Youth. Come and Worship 837-0126 To Advertise On Our Christmas Service Guide, call Janice at 683-0707 "Lid 1683 -?040 1404-2623 HOW TO USE INFOSOURCE 1 Call 683-7040, or from Clarington call 404-2623, using a I (From Clarington) touch-tone phone or push button phone that emits tones. It's a ` free call from Oshawa, Whitby, Clarington, Ajax and Pickering. nfo rce 0 2 When prompted enter the 4 -digit code of your choice from the directory provided. so I FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF BOXES 5100. I Oshawa Centre Cinemas....7022 (Breast Cancer) ............6022 Sweet Adelines .........603 I Whitby Cinemas ...........7023 Learning Disabilities Association Durham Writers/Editors ...604( Ajax/Pickenng Cinemas ......7024 Durham West) ..6023 I Today Birthday ...........5020 Ajax Bridge Club ........ ..6000 ( � - - � � � - - • Homepreneur Group 6041 Pickering Moviplex 9 ........7025 Myalgic Ence halon !itis Ajax Block Parents .......604, Aries ....................5021 Oshawa Little Theatre .......7026 Oddfellows/Rebekahs .......6001 P Y � Taurus ... ................5022 I Oshawa Legion .........6002 Association . 6024 Whitby Little Theatre ........7027 Fibromyalgia Support ...... 6025 Home Business Assoaabon ..604 Gemini ...................5023 Cancer ... ................5024 Durham Shoestring Performers 7028 Epilepsy Parents Support ....6026 Parent Finders ..........604 Weekly Video .......... . ...7029 Leo ......................5025 Osteoporosis Support .......6027 Business Networking Group of I Virgo .. ..................5026 Rogers Community 10.......7030 United Survivors ' g ...........6051 Whitby ................604. ILibra .. ..................5027 Parents of Teens ...........6003 TOPS ....................8004 Poets in the Pub .........604E Scorpio ..................5028 Al -Anon, AI-Ateen ..........6004 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Ajax -Pickering United Way 605( Sagittarius .. ..............5029 Alcoholics Anonymous ......6005 Capricorn .................5030P, Major League Baseball ......5033 Women's support group of Durham Aquarius .................5031 Toronto Maple Leafs .........5034 Cornrnunity Care ...... �.�.... .....6006 Pisces I ...................5032 NBA .....................5035 S.O.S. .......... ...6007 Pro Sports Update ..........5036 (Smokers Overcoming Smoking) Oshawa Revenue Toastmasters6028 Oshawa/Whitby Update ......5037 COPE (Depression) About Crimestoppers ( p ) .........6008 Oshawa Toastmasters .......6029 6047 Local Lacrosse ............5038 Canadian Calorie Counters ...6009 Macintosh Users East .......6030 Local Baseball .............5039 One Parent Families ........6010 First Oshawa ITC Club ......6031 Crime of the Week .......6041 649 (spona«.a ny raa�hap c«11".a+sr�s15001 .................... Durham P.C. User's Club ....6032 NHL 5041 parents Without Partners ....6011 Pick 3 ....................5002 ..........5042 . Proline Living with Cancer Support Group 7 ..................5003 Oshawa Generals ..........5043 Lottario ...... .............5004 NFL 5044 (Durham East) .............6012 Living with Cancer Support Group Blue Jays .................5045 w�. CFL ...5046 (Durham West) ...6013 Execu-Care Home & Office 810( # Local Hockey5047 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Youth of Care -Givers ............8101 1 • • • . � ......... Durham 6014 St. Mark's United Church .....6033 Joke of the Da .........5016 Durham College ............5051 Anscot Contracting 810e Day ' ' ax/Pickenn Update .......5137 Emotions Anonymous .......6015 Simcce United Church .......6034 n9 • • • • • • ' Quote of the Day ...........5017 � g P Erotica Video ...........810: NaxlPickering Hockey .......5138 AIDS committee of Durham ...6016 �« Trivia Quiz ................5018 Vallillee Products Ltd. ....810E Raiders 'AAA' Hockey .......5139 Multiple Sclerosis Society ....6017 AVE Entertainment ......8107 Ajax/Pickenng Dolphins ......5140 Ontario Friends of Schizophrenics Ajax/Pickering Ringette .....5141 (Durham Chapter ...........6018 Clarington Walking Program ..6036 Emergency Plus "CPR" ...8111 Ajax/Pickering Baseball ......5142 Oshawa & District Ostomy Clarington Older Adults ......6037 Once Upon A Child ......811x; i Environment Canada ........5556 A%ax/Pickenng Soccer .......5143 Association ...............6019 Oshawa Senior Citizen's Club Call for Less 800: Saturday d ... " " " ? Ajax/Pickering Softball .......5144 Caesarean Prevention .......6020 y ances 6038 La Leche League ...........6021 Reach to Recovery �.. .1.. ,... MM � MOM 1Aa- . W laaaaa MOM aaaaal aaa *W0 aaa- O.. arw a i a MM Won Ip x C 1t1RCH OF CHRIST k:I?I)AR S-1%, AJAX 1 street north of 401 - west of Harwoo, SUNDAY - BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 WORSHIP - 11:00 A.M. & 7:00 PA WEDNESDAY - 7:30 BIBLE STUC THE BIBLE IS GOD'S WORD - JESUS IS LORD. 683-2477 PICKERING STANDAR / CHURCH Community Methodist Brock Rd. at Highway #7 Sunday Worship 11:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m. Wednesday: 7:30 p.m. Bible Study and Bible Club for Children and Youth. Come and Worship 837-0126 To Advertise On Our Christmas Service Guide, call Janice at 683-0707 "Lid 1683 -?040 1404-2623 HOW TO USE INFOSOURCE 1 Call 683-7040, or from Clarington call 404-2623, using a I (From Clarington) touch-tone phone or push button phone that emits tones. It's a ` free call from Oshawa, Whitby, Clarington, Ajax and Pickering. nfo rce 0 2 When prompted enter the 4 -digit code of your choice from the directory provided. so I FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF BOXES 5100. I Oshawa Centre Cinemas....7022 (Breast Cancer) ............6022 Sweet Adelines .........603 I Whitby Cinemas ...........7023 Learning Disabilities Association Durham Writers/Editors ...604( Ajax/Pickenng Cinemas ......7024 Durham West) ..6023 I Today Birthday ...........5020 Ajax Bridge Club ........ ..6000 ( � - - � � � - - • Homepreneur Group 6041 Pickering Moviplex 9 ........7025 Myalgic Ence halon !itis Ajax Block Parents .......604, Aries ....................5021 Oshawa Little Theatre .......7026 Oddfellows/Rebekahs .......6001 P Y � Taurus ... ................5022 I Oshawa Legion .........6002 Association . 6024 Whitby Little Theatre ........7027 Fibromyalgia Support ...... 6025 Home Business Assoaabon ..604 Gemini ...................5023 Cancer ... ................5024 Durham Shoestring Performers 7028 Epilepsy Parents Support ....6026 Parent Finders ..........604 Weekly Video .......... . ...7029 Leo ......................5025 Osteoporosis Support .......6027 Business Networking Group of I Virgo .. ..................5026 Rogers Community 10.......7030 United Survivors ' g ...........6051 Whitby ................604. ILibra .. ..................5027 Parents of Teens ...........6003 TOPS ....................8004 Poets in the Pub .........604E Scorpio ..................5028 Al -Anon, AI-Ateen ..........6004 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Ajax -Pickering United Way 605( Sagittarius .. ..............5029 Alcoholics Anonymous ......6005 Capricorn .................5030P, Major League Baseball ......5033 Women's support group of Durham Aquarius .................5031 Toronto Maple Leafs .........5034 Cornrnunity Care ...... �.�.... .....6006 Pisces I ...................5032 NBA .....................5035 S.O.S. .......... ...6007 Pro Sports Update ..........5036 (Smokers Overcoming Smoking) Oshawa Revenue Toastmasters6028 Oshawa/Whitby Update ......5037 COPE (Depression) About Crimestoppers ( p ) .........6008 Oshawa Toastmasters .......6029 6047 Local Lacrosse ............5038 Canadian Calorie Counters ...6009 Macintosh Users East .......6030 Local Baseball .............5039 One Parent Families ........6010 First Oshawa ITC Club ......6031 Crime of the Week .......6041 649 (spona«.a ny raa�hap c«11".a+sr�s15001 .................... Durham P.C. User's Club ....6032 NHL 5041 parents Without Partners ....6011 Pick 3 ....................5002 ..........5042 . Proline Living with Cancer Support Group 7 ..................5003 Oshawa Generals ..........5043 Lottario ...... .............5004 NFL 5044 (Durham East) .............6012 Living with Cancer Support Group Blue Jays .................5045 w�. CFL ...5046 (Durham West) ...6013 Execu-Care Home & Office 810( # Local Hockey5047 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Youth of Care -Givers ............8101 1 • • • . � ......... Durham 6014 St. Mark's United Church .....6033 Joke of the Da .........5016 Durham College ............5051 Anscot Contracting 810e Day ' ' ax/Pickenn Update .......5137 Emotions Anonymous .......6015 Simcce United Church .......6034 n9 • • • • • • ' Quote of the Day ...........5017 � g P Erotica Video ...........810: NaxlPickering Hockey .......5138 AIDS committee of Durham ...6016 �« Trivia Quiz ................5018 Vallillee Products Ltd. ....810E Raiders 'AAA' Hockey .......5139 Multiple Sclerosis Society ....6017 AVE Entertainment ......8107 Ajax/Pickenng Dolphins ......5140 Ontario Friends of Schizophrenics Ajax/Pickering Ringette .....5141 (Durham Chapter ...........6018 Clarington Walking Program ..6036 Emergency Plus "CPR" ...8111 Ajax/Pickering Baseball ......5142 Oshawa & District Ostomy Clarington Older Adults ......6037 Once Upon A Child ......811x; i Environment Canada ........5556 A%ax/Pickenng Soccer .......5143 Association ...............6019 Oshawa Senior Citizen's Club Call for Less 800: Saturday d ... " " " ? Ajax/Pickering Softball .......5144 Caesarean Prevention .......6020 y ances 6038 La Leche League ...........6021 Reach to Recovery �.. .1.. ,... MM � MOM 1Aa- . W laaaaa MOM aaaaal aaa *W0 aaa- O.. arw a i a MM Won Ip To place your ad 2.1 hours a day call: 1 .800.360. 1 483 •FREE Print Ad V FREE Voice Greeting r FREE Message Retrieval THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1995 -PACE 35 .•k -1, - r- -, Y4MNL'AA Respond to an ad by calling 1.900.451 .3793 How to respond to an ad IAfter listening to the simple instruc- tions enter the mailbox number of the ads you want to access or browse all greetings randomly. iffYou'll hear a greeting with the Sincerely Yours ad and the person behind the greeting. Voice greetings are added to the system every 24 hours. So you can browse through the new advertiser greetings before the Sincerely Yours ads appear in the newspaper. Listen to greetings of people that Interest you. If you like, leave your IThat person will hear your message when they call in. •.taardrgtneeapeorerrce.91OX25495 ._ + ......, • a^,v •. .. _-..• ... :: ......: .... ,.._ ..r•,- Ydfr-11 .:r.:, r BOX 25250.-.-: -.- - '::v err,oasv ," , 9 BOX 2675 GIRLS YWOMEN SICU OF GAMES. Se -km, rare v'k.:•e Ira, ivro ftf" skrq �vweno Derry d, fou:� y � dn: LKyL. eddy wu LX- fm r. rye uvr aGA 2656• COLLEGE STUDENT. A3 -,C.;* write male. ! �1• for sd+rew* dIc earth ,^- •o dtoer>ar+ts wno CARPE DIEM _esbran woman prates c, ear, ,u' all^, knows what he warns In isle sponunious and deeply caring Se -we it mases and ATTRACTIVE LADY ' rnu are a Singe While!er"3k lege student. 5- D,,wr -air aro ave, .;a:y 10 bves to nava 3 goof rr^e BOX 26424 sr_, :-slc.e• e .. spc•'r pool. lett D SEEKING MEN aneam *no will dPpreCnak a 47 year old who will my Wb Cal rte BOX 26110 ink, Y.; a"'3^am air ache "ares' ayy. avrg, aadcaR. 90urak*'emye. 18 b 22 ^d Wts dkoen IRISH MALE FIT. 6 'iii! 's a,,i 38 dTwr Hair 'r. !p dancing and Tov:es See.', '".e minded �' hien recreancr:a� Tia■ BOX 26574 of M games and w es theater travel list" and LIKE TO CUDDLE :avga 3'.•3'nve vdk,Dh,as. 27 with yang chkhen and need Canmrh o k SII +a fa Mends v p sscke eiaoorrsh0 BOX 265M 0 .- -.e easy go,. rtteJagi .xKwg will V and - :.�r.0 s,yti x.;.:er-.:r.:ee•..'•; sr;w w""=_ catrnfv muse. etc BOX 2479 yea• tilt :'' brrette -oar rt' I,r an attruptuo mus- WA rot in hsapponnan BOX 26563 SEEKING tx.pER WOMEN. �er'famar ?E +'Ve: alkct:onate *male !a 1reMswp..,,,^am regor NEEDING SOMEONE ray ter -a a oc■.^g - 44. 5 C seeking an average. easy gag. SEEKING MR RIGHT 'm 59 52- and sepa2ted I alar male 2 b 35. rho is res, oval and fen ro be SICK OF GAMES. i? &a• x 'ager A nio. pole 0 into• over : 3srr a es 5s .n rno are pen BOX 26426 sa-e r ris`3wa Y.s! '•e 3nmas me ^a o- .a, estabkslk0 man, 45 to 57. wro Ike$ lag kite ,wntry musk walks. ga". animals. eating out we, BOX 26413 ;mal ane hr ,,r w-ee map Seeking honest and minded for 7ncrete jay1me encarne s in hire ^sham TAKE ME AWAY ••:m. t all This '-ook: , ';, a ng. flsnmg. wu^try -Usti: .00k!r, or someore ^ me great outdoors. Sense of Humor a occasonally Non smover preferred. xcasdnal SINGLE AND SEARCHING Icln attractive. yo m- swicere woman was^, 3xieaaleS mart' nobles and area ,00dboa a,-:3 great Msdnarrry BOX26W w,mW of +,eanS r •trrr 3114 d •dmarce 3'a 31 n 'ale }:'s 10 early 40z No !read games BOX •:r s poker prelet Fne dsh0 tirsr please drww aav-oWi,'o se same m a geneeman, no IW 'ocI a^, c sr e, ; T ax psi al. Practical varied me asts = e v ervp it Srngie moms war DESTINY MAN am loo v g b Somme a wn0 s waY he tr rl rW warn BOX 26M 26539 = r !6129 .0 older than 55 BOX 26496 and down 'o earth Seeks a sincere. *" town or come 9012650 acTive aro ?ca ^ner•ted. Must be a 'n,e comes, an NEW IN TOWN Srrw -••,p;,near waste map 2s CURIOUS AND ATTACHED 8, curious w".ne :�R vOU. Single white lei 18.Oshawa area WHERE ARE YOU' Sw;c mciher. 57 sem. brown ^oven gneema^ 45 o.s r, a O" ,elabonsvp FIRST TIME A0. 5,1e, ware maie. 5r 35. 155 no Fairly independent, w eveaAe own decsiora 5 -- '>; a rc., ; -r nares. arlectronate'emane. 'ell, e :? `.. - :-: e,5 zror' cnestrut 'all . �,zryfiwg Searc'wrg to Sloane. canny Tin her Prue eves _".nq for Mr agm. Wow Ere BOX 27{24 x,. -Cs n'arf eve •c 'eaf 1,om air mellgent. we i u rpt ay2U a ask b eq lookvg ro� a In,e yo- 2C b 30 Ion Irends'ec 3rd •7w sines Erwv dare Seen ; same 'cr r, die ?rroumers. 'ne•Nsnv -Pre '8 to 25. b sham good Imes Mast espy be a9me d 23 b >o Must x vncme. rnaest 0mahc 3 ar DOUBLE YOUR CHANCES ? satgle styksn, sept slyml ie navaed. adracsve. urge whte'rvrwe 25 to 37, rf[ -ed all Tois 'essmal as .air kc x aye v ncI 3 xktem nor Is nig must .roses sAdoor ra'•s BOX 26415 or walksBOX art xssory "+ore wen Darner Eppy danony. B - < -„Bolting and romance BOX 26781 enrol app love No Lust neared bhp! d Sia ix eve. Born To tiara. aerated professional roman al aid yet saes wee sperdrg'me with intends rygor .color a • 28 nate a mraalas SINGLE FATHER. 35 N -r Sic` re moves and open Inner atnr. BOX 26W '.= EPENdihn FEMALE ice "X267 Jac- lemae. y,ose a,yhes I rave She Imre BOX 26502 Lookng br energetic. mk&iyent. attractive Proles acre BOX 2654 aald ata am a marnarmt go gm BOX 26M win it os ak,e eyes WHITE FEMALE. a- r amarnrc ; i :»• :4 . .y„ . 'of s.nge Jack make. 28 to 4C Must SENSITIVE FEMALE .dolkdg cc• sincere mr hMn Sorel. estabkslk4 as rand rorx Guys. 38 4 4? W FULL FIGURE PLEASE Ma",ed enactive maie. 45 SEEK RODEO GIRL he talked air 'awga•e :'ares kgr v wr, wr -me 'mi v Times as well as Time wC 9th wn^e'r"a e " s. n, '^r anctne•'ema.', get arcs g and sows events. BOX 26712 ort acomcate -­-.00ked'ood, wren conversa 'Leal hlertsvp oosvde erg tem, kelaborsirq B0: 26402 `.9' -5)Ibs ."w' -a.• Prue nips. carr aeectorwe. n ;, awa r '.c w^+o?• 'C '995 tap Sia r'w- 4d hid a So"! adv am arrkg. s;R�porTiw and pasvor ate Seeorr, wanar oth Sarre ^li. BOX 26419 bge^rer with BOX 26571 SPECIAL FRIEND 9 -: ms keNte '*map 5 ' - ICY FINER LIFE- Seekag E aoPw grnemar: ari ' •: 55. wnc s'narcmaAy ndaDgrdem kens. hockey games. country music I m 52. h heavy Ties. bre amts. a+tlurn9. grO^9 and recevng o HONEST. FULL OF LIFE Sit* were :snake 2§ .u; rgurx ro^r anracnve dark ram nakr due ?res %gureee. seeks amentid ful'¢fid ary'ron Oshawa area br trrendvnro am 2xreek rTima'e encaumars Age had seen you at fire Cron mom but r get Mur wase need *c sceak ro nu aloin o'aase KIND HEARTED SALE ;.rrge wr,re -.ae 3,e '? •?� to +% ;••,v- ^a�• aro.! eves. Seeks canna . .. ; cossess a nig! code M efts and epen sive. a d It you fire r ung. atstean d a use. down to earth. ndeperider! no depery umocit BOX 26552 'woad BOX 2489 '% dar,co a-:, en -wic, ;eo.a , single wnae 'emale r the sae age group to, rne.,pylc ': then *,e wv,e. drx+g. dancing and warn. Wel WA BOX 26137 Bene. hid tiro •reed games .00kr,'a romanlc STRONG GENTLE TYPE Ma.a 41 6 M lohwflg, TENDER COMING CME. 29 ar old pfkssraal. Irae ?rpt '^• n 2'. wrc enicrs -e x.'k7oo5 rt', star o•;ssb!e re'atonv'o BOX 2470 . -r+ *'mart a laded drsklcto BOX 26M SHY SENSITIVE FEMALE m 26. 55. Short brawn good humored single while male rr1ln sm lar 3 alk atretic yMassmal ares animals. of garderwrg salge ware ma a _^jars 'noun ram btu. v skwq waA: art Six' Times 31 •fire BC 26409 PETITE WOMAN ? e -A c'; �:dwn nv" 'eilnk 'Or _KING YR PoGHI. S•r+yKe whine lady 46 perk her :r^w^ eyes e,'rCY +etrg darog mOries. two. YYaid like n meet 501rkXye who wtyryi rnus,C- nivel and Skurg 5etoo:r, •Har :ctc:y woman t0 CafnOerg. •wpm And getting Prat 'a 'tie wee.ert MEN"' _ t• ev e< ;et.s b' ell pay ie mAMn: trots e'Eol' prtfgr n&aer err, . '. ^•'CI ',ass:. affecip'aa. nappy and lkA" rko coding and •Jin everigi Sedag TIonei frKtm romanic il-ke, . on wake, tdl'narwv arse. posy. slfwer my ahectiens or Mus: Oe. Sage. ,t *4 Looking,'a a aft wrr, smear, veli BOX 2491 .m, sa•,4x nteresls a Similar nw fiEKING ;rngrar 48 to 52 who Ickes To party Hae $ to 34. to PosNde retatonsnro No head de mWiaisn0 BOX 2401 aroeg wakS. Vval ata be aeectionaa Kds EROTIC TYLES :'ear ascrxt 30 so^kee+ng ler `a 31ENg .gear •a'ner: games crease BOX 26154 owe" t -a^es rase BOX 26101 games year BOX 2493 ACTIVE. Wtor. Sar wOkAa like n men WWW. 5C aav +a, *kat x 28 o tZ norvmckr dtelerieC meman seep ; 3^-3clrre 3c,ernuwus �ady 1x, i7910ERElY SEEKING. tures: ^a•^. rev. > NGLE ENGLISH ROSE S/-, "5 pad. dards r --.a _cd v , la a Han : ' : and 0, ai on LIKE TO PARTY- 'wo snnv a .hk! remail hands.ro ft"le a , e R Sit ung too zr gN wmain,N ma. oa, ar n smoker and 0. lie, Banc. fiwater P.dra Social dm r BOX2625 BOX 26551 ROMANY C FATHER. 1, sentsne. srry 'arw of Irtrs Age's* a saner 80X 244 ' CARING PERSON .,m;.:a ca a genre rCAfNG Wv y v- "euw v�y; .: y w;y a. tar w tie 'a Hare re 'S Sirsr g sane 23 •r ea• 36 to b. win, good mfryns. Enjoy dan+ag• Mleds. 19 b 23. who way Drs. 'omarce and good SEEKING YR RIGHT a--acsw +nae mmtam. N. Tic x•kcrs tin aurdoo. :oakr ; �arorg and Sin mar :ew.r , a'r �. eraag Mnare ;i b 45. br ng. ti o• c:as *aM 2' :r .ndtr. for aws BOX 21410 3C 'or n+eresr*o and possbY more BOX 2457 LADY WANTED Black 'tma,e see■ '- •: -rmD" aro 4uo w BOX 26522 Imes Must be srowe and les. BOX 26191 wowing mmannc whine riae. 25 to 35. wro Is knarr• Tine w41 that SPOON someone r W00 d .ens+ lancukO and possible org horn 'wat or,ship EXYwY 'roes nem en :AscrOw Is a -0 ATYRACnVE YALE 39 5-•.- .58 bounds. 'e-ae •:• '.- augrxr arc 'mnr 'unreme^! -ASTNG RELATIONSWP Serge dura mrnye. 47.CUTE : ,Tett a sire inge rhv4 mak s5 ro 6C. WHITE FEMALE S�ngk wore 'e'r'a a :9 m0 m g k rt' sou 'nate am 54' Down hall Yue 10yv msTbkslkd and knows arra re s dornQ wnln h3 like Must bre Crklerw Wmals and eve W@ dW 25 b � must eve dyaen, xkrev muse :mrrr ; b Sanas saianskp. rb Had 9ama BOX xvA ]arorg. music. +rovkes drrnq du 7uer at rntiwae pea ■ a am kill Oars sox 26471 Sias. Yes c ;. Tooe :or,-atiwr. was Time$ xray Mus x ensY 9on9 aro eaAM. 25 enol .-0 BOX ., *Ibwlskp I spy movies. rales dnng ayes how" sal camp, ndkes: Irrlu non smoker I BOX 25252 LOOKUG FOR ROMANCE >ngle awe -aa oar 'male WEEKEND FATHER. A rt' aeran" *ar 39 wd :als+cp' arc a^c.Aa ie A" To, a pray %man smreerm 'a o 21 -no secs eve anOwsandrq and sow a sais"y my Haft .3dkk q ser ong 26415 SEEKING '^e meaning of We aro a ovine' to : aM plat earnings a1 home BOK 26S69 r ' DESPERATE Pre. Single ti*Y '9 w T titin occas" dwkmr am no" smakmrq dr ananr t iqt is by me hrtpace RIs being LOOKING FOR MAN nonan seeking man lex hard Tile air 5•s! J it ca, •e,asorsrp colrpnas BOX 2M $19 b a rc< ansa , fir. .no s seat' Phys :acv r sol ways ,omarce Mus' be who a -Qw wit ow r nIp f me at wrovs PCs %SK and Ism reiaaaWip" f sou need ore and mmatn4- len r -, :'.es May sake Years se sense o ••:.r ." aov blew "as. 5'6-. ,Team build I" No marriage corded -ar 21 to . "no Seeking grb a eeman. 28 33 r you hw You are mr sou mase. pease, call to keep the em ATTRACTIVE SUM -!e,Ipnt. Mining act 42 MrnwYv sacre w4m ^w liver rings it ft good BOX 266 SINGLE BLACK YALE : " .18511i aI build. Personal growth BOX 2410 LOOKING FOR YS RIGHT i+qe one •ram. 29 went so do BOX 25153 DURHAM REGION. wv■te +Hale. 30. vAry all acirke har0r s a •mut. Fntrdenic a a Good plana I ster, , 25 enc nw •o Oshawa BOX 2407 '9 .-r vs a verve d Anna. mtls ower .•raw* 30X M70 ram BOX 24AT GENTLEMAN ONLY Attractive. ,adjacent NO aaen . Bany itraS ,."vas ad many swee d hmaro Oliverime ests Looking or an N"cwa, wwbc Miessong amaecc s trncKBrwg. Spon enol wv Out bew act ws '.oaag'y a sngle krmam. Z3 toHart anrxsve `, ':" '6`_ eou,Be y'Jvn qtr brow eves a mash d ■ aiesa Has kids BOX 26W oak, , -+.e' ^Pre: to ro 35. for dxttw gr bgene,s BOX 26572 LDOIOIWG FOR YOU 3r'ema,t easy X --;a Osraw i , ea - war a xr'kng :addbg, gong out IB 'EXT BOOK SCORFIO Afiracirt strar0omv Dick ha irons Dru,erre with our eau. ST 130 pours main who has Por o ONW iso BOX 23M 30, tuncoss hire us, Wwr, cocky. fin b be we READY SET GO :o w nemwonr 'low tga e_ SEEKING FUNoo N and actwg mem and navnp r,n 5aw:,v; a wnte'emam. tic 2' •..r.kc 39 but locks Conn to 37 , oles bud Slowing a gods w• 25 to 40 Must to ,asaDI 11. CONSERVATIVE. CARING Energac alnactvli pro- rd that okovs p,rsica agne,as And 90011:roes da•v 'air• :.e ern. in wry good mage Enjoys ows amq• -am low 36 lot cau,a ercoueers or of good !Imes and cns.om •mytnsnro BOX 25Z2 -:4rS 3nC'aV CMS. I m Dees'briitehm. aklcu i - are'ahgM a yell aN a Single awe aye. 3C otAgmn9 and w9olr We I enjoy the OubO0r5. wankel. dancing. or" and a wide varieh of music and IesLOnai : ,OrCPC wm!e 'MIN. buts drag Out. anorq. Emlew. nvO% ell OoAdOdslog walks. BOX 265« ESTABLISHED MALE ^dost. 25. 511', 165Ds. Mrytnirg nam pkarvg odd to to pn+nre,amt Seeks was bautiM .omar 2r, to 3c no drown PdevOoti 'welomlrD ,anro'r evenings as as well a3 waarg &rout Ih hrepup 7acrnror, ass:r,ac i mw BOX 1675 w s .ONELY 561011 Fuc of trergv 'Ieldoly and IDs. S' Bow40 oan sports Have a Pie yes make JWwdam find a not 2 snekdg a PIM Cfrdw+.elcon,t BOX 26115 amor gardening end Swimm ng Would like to Intel an uikadrd. otAgorg duetu, nm sr,esw r. ra maie slow Is •..m Imaw 24 'c 21 M,st a," B^n9 drrcag oumoon Tit Timms BOX 26547 doa win cess D A na a tnoo our mrvfed &nth 749 OX 2ar-w1M sit a paYRA air ysrae nakre BOX 2475 BOX 1K73FRIENDS/SPORTS MIDDLE AGED GAY MAN a ,xavu. mcOde aged D AY PARTNERS - c.. sek'■dg 9enr ce pus. Cdftrdl pain serge whilOX LOPE MY imam 36 ms BOX 2530 ATTRACTIVE HALE Saws u17 r 'seam 5615E OF FKXaOR-1; Tingle r :9tH 010 rare err a , A ^u otrrg b a tarrwr 'ra• shim nonsmoker gCwd sen" Of hrilorla • lnwK we oouoo mbwtsl BOX 23M and kook noungw. Intepllrq,ant nth one tier Seeking single while IgM wed' one Son random FIFTY YEARS YOUNG. Single rhe Mien. aeras- live, wimp iTwa.w ac^ve win: a grey sense of 35 aka 1A,st wka sadg tirrarr4 dreg k,aearg in melee EeepR Must be a prO*uaw MKft be pntlessrony sit m. as attiaLtvt. !,ohms. •ice gull db :s sa wasmA and Mvatus .cout'a, a nA was sa•++ar :sranacklnstcs erpy The aadoas ''b' ww7v sokak9 and him Brwi9 1 role, re •rd a SW LONELY WIDOW c,cols ginrmr waimea ran Sill who Is n STr rantgeL b to 42 I*$ sorkso a Masa laawg for an altretank slevare mr. SO to h rob". ougag spwunsoA. ud. W to %rall ria Mane BOX 26R I h t'1 who ores to av* Lader 35 BOX 2510 lie NEW IN TOWN iaq,a wrka mat <- 7olsswal. b,aa ats tmw ham leu' BOX 2617 am SrEC1AL 'ai maw n *w"Ins Sens MASKPAW'l Mare 33. s0wnn oriented tow- , "• e^aes _. r 4C. to So wcoumws •mvr air, ca, raleSt. sin. nary cwt. 64 t- 68 Nar1 4 Pre Ireaneo wC wndar bong can 1 m Is an ernre. was groomed. (hams and wrNrg b sure fine firm :tie d. his n an "orwiN&g Is 55. who win music. dwtorty mows and Worts 55. ou,wh w inches oho' goose, YOX 252A sol and DATING. Are ra oawg 'o some Born :ntereIN r sy,as' terns as s d Pm rs" M sore 25 c 35 'c• 'r,wearo and oo$3" %lata rid ua • good !lime Serious 'ack s/y'm�ho� °lease - : D '2s 1Xk.res financially Aicure and m 1m -;,w wiaary pgefrle WIwDY saw BOLI 247{ ACTIVE. Bbnoe. naive lyes 45 son. 5T LOdwng and Sart a W ndy'k Wel. Ivan Al mer m an above looking 23 old, aro reef. Sam" 2C b 35. aft a pmYsrCair fe ennif reaF b M Sinn. onance BOX 26473 Sfp ''_nits RnQ wales obiw 'Jan Sees y mow umo simulating ocrows"or' anppraomn setae d'kma '�oyesp9 rm, Haat ata ntR'nbar `.,Y•w�a Lea sty BOX 263rD side air. +wt' mm ark BOX 2SM .0%ELY ATTRACTIVE Saga whte lemam. 22. HEART OF GOLD. Empoyed. 'aw mrd 4C's PM" Tin lerye ,,ge firm to depends a of In,,', and for SOrmeake. 40 0 SO. df a action BOX 25271 LETS WALK TOGETHER Por smiling singe while awape blooming 90210mm rem wars Dblr% darhan; 3.m rues anon conning gwt STARING QVER Mm. 42.63- ury ^err and eves, and v heac gmw BOX 20% 'Svc CASUAL ENCOUNTERS marred *wait 'c tMa4 •a -all tine ;'av earnba at lin. seeks main. 20reemn. . res a Warp hwr WalO W a man d Sala Wmak 48 57 besot dad. oro.! tier ano aMs .me Seeking ad ova tmh gMM'r9s Senlu g a +tiny yWait 90213ish lop" 'wnam. 2: s 24 w64 toner wton mpened ane neralaw Enjoys h bead' n sum mer good +roves. grtong music Aro ung rales tN" COWBOY _co■dg v gar -w b UN my saes: aewrueat m v 29 wry awl" rd 5 8' Seek:r; xw' ed^^ attacra dvc'ew l•wr:mM BOX 26777 Mus: evil darnpny moria. She outdoors a to nlydst Possiblereaeord 0 BOX W6 paalmes M edacAeor. Is a moot, no dnirer and ho 3r uar Organic pews peer BOX Will an sdgm wam% got. dancing and Sang who make 45 to 57. for fawdsho sol Possible *a- sem. !aria fa w*.s r ll"ISI a NO nod gree Seeks r aQanve rdnan. sir b w¢ir build ort, ter �amr,ad satisfaction and titc'eior Sire FIRST TIME AD. A-• aCtvt :orae. JO's. ste.rg rvmae !c BOX 26"9 . HELP" Mohrs haw rank Moo rm teed d - g WANTED Eumdpw single rryte mae 6 U-1 Hak tiornswD. BOX 25271 MISSING THAT SOMEONE rvae knew. 34, ova v torg' BOX 265" DeovMed d Be HONEST A SECIWE..l�ne mar. good odrlq say -wa aMCs BOX 2416 KIND AND SINCERE Wk :9 5.'0... ! . 'u a call. "win of gud thou!d BOX MAS YG401G MALE a,ae ort- *ail r+drr:' a! �•. v- : sorry FIRST TIME COUPLE x s ' a'c + • '3 • ammy always hung me b ea park' I need '"" small for my 'Hammy b taker! me d hw 3r ; 4C 'impdy+B Looking lex one 52 . DiaiOe neer Me eyes. 33. stn Iemyo find 4 by 4's. � WM poet Times a 'tine 'no aood mows loowdg ra ma gag _Aotung b Iiia: sMoa IedY who s Sean sol d n A a!te['aorak rearyrr ,Tusca4v arJrmd std aka a tram n acts v . CsNa.a 5-argn atmq sip sr/r sol wh. rah da- Box 2636 i ens setw>r; , - .raw^. a An cr s a w a roses f 25 Cyan ass aro dmCrnfn A mus BO x e Ti needs a $boom filled BOX MST country ruse Duh w regon BOX 2649 pedal mar I m harms . sham am nor rkc read 'a rho aOaeM Enjoy ,wilily, w and a Tia armry d aero- ea r 25 040. me & al BOX 2W1 w" d sports Seeking a ,w smoking 2t f 15 b arrow sol spod'a tmrd7np POStrom ma dem MEW TO SCBE 3 *am 72. fair, w d a �r 26710 ;BEAT EXPECTATIONS co, yg an nmest. lin. frk •nth. DUMAN REGION. Searching br my faithfulA d genies 104 my Nt 10 bOWng ngln 9tH b k 29 plus BOX 25274 you eve SEPARATED FATTIER 3C ova Wier d eves Wonshd BOX 26W owe 24 cur"; .00vng b sin BOX MISS FIRST TIME AD A^acnes a^ •r -am 35 6 '-• 'r••', -Peds .•;e•,saw r tc 39 host be M sol open b ..•*+s1vp trees Sack scam. 3s :o 45, amglope ad down 0 sloe war .00a+g ora :Pre. tom can. Irrg Younger adv LOOKING FOR YOU Nhow main age 21 seekrg a ESTABLISHED GAY YALE A ockii o +,asaw 2ytts _x. -: Mac'ld • one I m 34. fuves murc. Mft par" will • =,rr9 active r� a butt wload BOX 2669 a tin. rot nb nand games I am a single wrote Win*, 36. niearn build host MO sive d nulla sewtaad a Braced d any root Wan sant" b gw who s V sol 'ions m 53' Pre+ bfnte hw mdde toad mae s seew:, a mwd a Parww wpy'r.;rc, 'nqr lewgY zo and also lie drug that once scan * Dvc'vror Aswoc Lt aPeCad Oww a area BOX 26569 474ACTIVE FEMALE ;A wqued. ardich . 34. BOX 2f W sur o w again, llm-W 61s BOX WIS S R YOU. Gw11e cslo" haw d 2 bps would ut aro mq cen eyes 1110111:111467 HELLO PRETTY LADY. ;ImiessaW. sriga oM Pillow nC ase,r,a s and no jeers am 2611 LOOKING FOR FUN. S. :'_rc,.:-..,,cY 'Tig ` .. Tia• eves ve^r ht and active. win miry mer BEAUTIFUL BRIIHIETTE remale,. 24. seeks heavy, tic awe sat grM woman fm W bosh arts. darn maie a;s m a at. nrrraec D,arsar .e+ mwv FW LOVING GAY MALE E 6 safe Akw evk c' a :' :_ roes ca,O'v ; ?e To 35. air evtrwg X' gong. kms. camrDmn4 ewvnmrg Qrorg and g sue erg+sans. pn1 ummgs adwlcN And Seo roam ' 95 4 2; 5 Dmrit'os w'MY mm^9� Pr'op9na. any rove an : 2 fid ato ale gwms "be ANTOYKETTE. °leue :J me.: "Iss Sian apmw w 6 190 bs Enjoy dancing. moves Snag bt d mmz Seeking a cloned amactve sraoeh may 30's 4C Cal me. '11 7at spews Iran a C a sr.+eNry 7a*am see" a cwn sn we aro Cdal, I- gov mum. 20 ro 35 enjoy a wide bgw*,s Box 2656 COUPLE LOOKING. .:r ■:^, 'Ar a to -a -e remat cker ,h S m+ar ynalteyy, secin tai m 9th mw. n be �""640 �n� N705 •nedum dwk Harr. tender ovmq can rd Sin overings ad" at hole Seeking a Tingle wM2 +snW. 35 b" with n M a s BOX 2460 vwwv of spores 'must and walcnng ►e occaawa Delwee- 2_ and 25 'a lemma aro tun gr 0gent- notion ro dependents..on r� it w- sarong for as coll. BOX tf pa SINGLE, y male 23 build, sports music, pulddore. t•avel Looking !or sane h ares* BOX 2639 LOO( NO MORE 3l thea d11 bad roup eh n7rwg k) a � 5m BOL 2619 ars Mut De Clean and ong•wee Discretion a 26537 a compavonskp. Poll bin *W -hip No head times OshoobTool are. BOX MW HEAVYSET FEW Seek$ Jack a ista k man b trnerdsh0. psside matartmro I plepr, a man in enjoys attractive. hwas. tang bmale, 19 b 27 .laic similar SHY. HONEST GUI'. 30 ,ear old ah a male 5. I 510" 9011% ales basebM And kids INaAd like 1c nater, Set Tema e. 25 b 37 Fror0i a4L Dos LOOIUKG FOR N YALE NRwe Is *raM. good Ito vg 5'. � 'Sats goof Pape strarglns acting _dJtg -nut BOK GENUINE MAN WANTED AEaC.eO pnytssanm A ;Opp FRIEND. LOOkrg 1a a pug man. 20 0 les and tans rhos 175 b 115Dc. I m informed r,aereste b kllydstaD a mletidnsrlD BOX 20Y lernak hones.' and rad rang Not to I e bar scene. love mows. and de fine life very easily meet stip eraeonsrw BOX S64S2 for sane. to casae and t erdsrl p to 3C raI ' c _ IS sCrva. a wt ove lag wales"fw_. bendy m w +rc are canmemd b a elatimstkp BOX 2657 n d1/emrX o*,ft and arab like o storm my We was BOX 261p DAD SEEKS ►ART140L Fauv atracne !nm 20's to 30 s. awed Honesty and senvtiwfy a must lens Phased and nab like b sham my bre ad Ye se BUSIESS WOWMu a ggedy vrdwnt 5'8 150 !ren Tin- d quenrers Dscrle on 5 s0 see and gaarawed SOX 2ig8 BI CURIOUS MALE '9 sats boa r dvk ' unIO Saets acacrmid mea r1f Is o Agary nlrhoraa Seeks and genuinely, caring 'cr posses 'tial dnshro 3 A REAL RELATIO SW. Divorced. arractive whom Sia CURVY AND ENERGETIC Woman needs man ax 40 Mk gams Dtease Pre *a" mm. dark hart tat spent' person BOX 2635 NO GAMES PLEASE Single whim mak. 40. win len fineoyfle rear x. minded. IDs wee Baa Seeks 9a Bae See s Apen mrdk. attacave frterteael - n rte -a.es ro *sur a nouales Bamanvek aw BOX 116520 :. 4: ,eeKag germ SMIN age wen nod m not carrying a Dag of rwLWs Good dancer. join and compandtsnq, fm 43, very active and int rrobu. gakdwi/g and wnkng due eyes. 5'9". t651Ds Eryoyrs ore aro allecia oribrw ad I am rub am restoration BOX 2rdK on; brown her pas my shoulders bkyegavtsk lyes SMn rinks$ *moat. o travel and win muiwly ant emolanaoy •era cr g Oemre stwD OW"On a miss BOX 2465 SOME xTRA SPECIAL 2 to mak 2B masculine HAPPY BIRTHDAY man attractive d cuneus .nte'emae cola c c a tool w a a d cufus upnEu Wes a1 lads d muSc BOX 16551 . a man who s reekgen. nave, non smdarg land LONELY ROMANTIC MALE Age 63. 1650x. 51C' and a we Dona mnsudm Saekrg good bang lemae 30 1a honest srcere. alwg bwg as P rs wur BOX 2HSt Seeks same. 25 ro 35. o and pas prrvp b give my + Board mal spew) birthday j LOOKING FOR SOMM Cutous, kin bwog and king 9 Must like ken. BOX 26451 tun loving, net smoke semi retired Enjoys onm9 at. travel. poaaig, was ealesgs WotA11 Nle b men rim any. pts aorwp_ Pace no games w e a rap shorn wove b DAD SEEKS PARTNER Fart anractwe, was remain. oakTors, won 0 h me tiasrte .sins nig wales. dnva Tun sines y time. d present tie Has amrays ranted Sours .e run 1c BOX 2611 d r Sary. srrgk black lady seeks Mans. Tin. .fire' M bwg. embildi ed single black main who Net SINGLE DADS WELCOME Sincere. trwdly serve d Masa. attractive. 5'5". Was. Tingle 50 to 58. la img term telaW%ft BOX 2670 tree Iron thy" n h Cumin mega BOX 2524 Aran hair eyes 2C b 3C dewed ' Dud ed rrwawh & mus a mod please vara neaMy ad nen. Balt tw. 2 a0pieaakes serve lnriior No and gam No toad Banes BOK 264i! wan len OU an'ac ATTRACTIVE COUPLE Clear.. be bred enol yrve bre n resin. MY Yidbbes ern mom e d ". Saekrg Ifra51 gentem r. 25 SHY SINGLE YALE. am 3t . 51 t', dtnde her. ltK NEW TO AREA 20 Year tb male. ! ookrg for kmale. ?9 0 23 b Titre An Arnes and Bares due ayes 5'9.166 pares Enjoy tie Pro aVernm. NEM TO SCENE. 3 Ra Ajo Bae maie clean. 'e cower 3C calks. dun, 'email. arcing. must and qrn dnlers. No hod games b 35 lie nice woks. muse. mom, darrug pe enjoy camping, $pons. doves. ro n everm gs 26 b 33. who a hakst $inose, arm wufC eirww% Race W"Pora!x BDX 26575 lwdmn and I m tib *IAD 45trAM- BOIL 25TBt a issecr yluger whim m m to sow me rasa nave m,SstC 0. for n s No 2. c 30. Mr prrvare encountws fid BOX 26Qt ease BOX 26541 SINGLE FEMALE, 24.57. easy gang whowe. quiet MEM N TOM Looking for woe rhea map. 20 to cOmrook�a mlotori p BOX SINGLE ■M MLE I m all energetic. fin join motivated. gowlwe nWe. 28.6.175 Ds lie Ek WANTED: GENtOK MAN Ore very special aoY M. fmbnK Ong Nee mlYamhp Rerad. a Med No tenres a games $Ea1gl1 acting. Wa9r ill" Fnendift!■sL possde'daaavhG BOX 2472 dogs Married. 45 year or SPEM LADY WANTED Marra aa.5 single. d *rand ace guy 21 b 33 WPM M• Sino amNYs waling• Baro g and tib the bar ROMANTIC GENTLEM Srnwle. GI gvd man. 50. Saes a non St'tck►9 0dY. 40 b 52. aro ways dAdoas. t0veay Dun Isles and berg adwafr nth a nesponee saes. saga inn 29, V. rim. NEW SCENE white roam, 27 � Sto9 with brown oDkw ftOr ttacrec. I e nv 0rk wtt ways music imoleea airy dews and 4 scene. SkgMly overweight Smoker from No g long; walks. moves. staining owns, auceak enol tle us Seewrg a twNly. lel athaCi a rMe kmum who Droan tar. Dew eyes elle pus Tia+ equals soaah'g y sdamad oodt g so brown brown eyed 35 for Inendsnp and : e*mw LOX ma CONTENT AND CUNWS. Lady 50, plolesssaMl Bnasndl. NIX 2W HONEST i CARING. Single while female. 25. now&d&WO= IM297S sssvewe MksetadYe BOX 2191 SEWIE. no mem. 24 OMWgd Bait a w rety d TEDDY BEM LOOKING. lnidWrKlent tnMa onver acting Seeking casual wrcyamWursawrom Same 9 9' Osawo emecra aro asslred BOX SN6N wady. s ed omanoe vabrn D assured BOX 2rv45 . ^ a itis for Me. rlemrid a ptrsprlY gmwA file.ltt0k4g "7 b an empbyad sargW Balk male. 25 b 32. IN da NEW N lOWll Shy. singe elle malt. 23 attractive. 5'10', dg due eyes. dell ham. whole ted way mmat' rvaimi Im" mus� ata sing So" aM wtn " Beim 5'6.200 Es. Sid. brdrn her. SEEKING ►All Gal male. 35. SaMs sank for Serious OaU g maks n 9m oota iY, yuM wmnt9s M rho s Itptmst Pray ad good hrlbik. a Tic. long ad owpasmew smwq -0 kmalm Ive. ambyed wwo. 21 b 27. BOR 31M down eyes Enjoy, bare Me, o ld0a Pak wokn0 tneMstkp. Oossdle rekal11nskp ktqures eine and the wWilae a 1. BDX aw LI IONG FOR ROMANCE Roewlre alractvk Tin hdlg' G RELATIONSHIP. LASTING IIELATtOMSHI► Single. slum. whole atactire. 18 a 25. dlo has al tlm above gm6ties Single BEAST CALLING BEAUTY. Surglt colt• onpys Spans. WW& haat rams m life Daadl, Weekend and dew". Hold worker IdOlerg b stelae* b start a tru Me wft BOX 7BIY sly. No gams BOX MW YALE SEW CO�AI/I1. 31.01 Pfd tarvsldlreA ;le whole le mye, 35, W. slim, ekth soni Mark Wnlala. 40. Laoletg b slave He's Pbasums with q and worms to Ive Ye b as hAea. mans wee cruises m motorcycle, also 9uw Dines at home. G1WK. mAa teaedS Pray masa,. Eln*A Seeks maie lstimprm tq b 35. br kcasual yr djae eyes and no d4prdela Loolay b a son, yfglt dkk aye. 40 b 60. -M ser IhUmk" la calla BOX 2W74 TENDER LOVING CARING. One very spatial Looking lot 00 white k **. S n. sar,anleles6 .each dancing. SPo*S• each okays cemlDrny d+k^9 ouC impleme. ~ ' b the Dtattam ARE YOU OUT THENNE7 I'm a 62 can ole rave, aAectorak, wiw, p b 39, kr a sewaa elk tio^SnP. BOB 1962! akrml alelaWlp. BOX16a1 hear IIDEisTANO1G tWale. 37, hawi IIr em eFls. 37. b 0lY- � jon �• Iamilt• � inti W' ro lmtd gat"u Sellas rlgwles 0rM BMW? ATHLETIC, SENSITIVE and snare loves d Me! good mortes. quer evemrgs together No !sad ger: BDX 21651 mIglON MOX XW Forty RALIAN YALE. F air 61^. t65pa, m sidle lernale 57. bokug to an afleUfnate man SEEKING COYPANON. I ami a S0. Itllaniidted, attractive Malde. OOem b wth. I bre ifa. way UmW Etnpys neral. ho �� ab ctaldan. Hopi b Ilew from an �� r6 a InOneSt =tglr ma►, 32. Was. W" her. Ile qna Enjoys Walley, la wake AWM*A a *. 35.6 W1.2OOIxL lift a {Ysrem kir k erdk SIIGIE BLACK YALE 33.51P.190 Ds , wry br rsy eAgarg love sports and leafs. Would ars b Seely sere for nal enmueels BOX 2pM NEW TO SCENE Single reek male. 30. bdetg lex bre Dandy muse and cad games, Mus de an horst man. m Med gams please. BOX 21269 augl ter. long wales. moves, soft LaoY+y loth Irdtitrindly employed 9wllwtlw. 35 b 42, la aro file clamay B0N XM NOUNNES. Ewnpoyed, dkOrced whim muse am ppeky. Satins a Sam. anew woman i5 bal Im DtNoOY mWlafaD� toed a bury les kmlale. 25 b 40. FrldS111p rest Sar n paews. o meet OftM wgh MO M YEAR OLD WOW g m ek% crnparvor,, 65 to country !nehhhp ad pol sAle reYAYM1tp till Somme all* leo mkjkwdV, Imam YMN SERIOUS Ih 6'.155nia bl0r M n. hen eyes a smoker , ma 2p. Serglt wens aakar. BDK 2i1M PDsslMr IefaAaMAP. NIX 2iM1 30. N gam. 9� bOtry rlkmSs, ale ,e tb 30. No and ravini 7o yens dt. who ekes Dawning. +ark at ' wars ro sale Ilea rail me, 10111650 FULL OF LIFE. Single rYde Iwlale, hid IPO ries, SBr EIi WANTED. YYarm Rwflk ttKainw d two. trdlb hole b ttleeR amt specW 9tfY I m 36, male. and occasional daiw. I have lea *aper dentS. br WKIOMER. Feracldy secure. 61. ST, 1BSbs I damm�g, wales smmw S Mm" aid lamp be SHY SENSM YALE I'm 29.61'. bowl hair, bile eyes. wnpkyad. Seamy Most, sincere attractive n good shape. lookng br Iswstships a * sow males, straight acting and stag N Maryks thal mho ve musli . watching sports. drag olA evenings Mir. Non smokes, sows BOB 53sh. kndepenedari fin Idling, Mks b fake rams, ine,to am hong DIA dancing novas, a4 4 looeAg kr sngta rhe Ilenak, age 27 b 37 pus. enpy M a" Looking b a wean n her off faVs aiM s hmak. 20 b 33 Far nal¢ mares. ronamc PSX iMY r BOX 25215 Linker. mee. FEMALE. Reined ma YALE Sown jo r ,anise and ltbras. br clack male, 40 b 55, loving giving and receive lots of tender loran care. 9th ^9 senoln reY9andw BOX WN ADVENTUROUS. Rlgpk Yet Iww^a sscae with saNa Oeraa. brag ed std a Possible mm6we P Kids ,aaY LOX 2ia1 ATHwho W with an ATHLETIC YALE. 34.170 eye E Dutch. Mown eyes. light hath, 150 palms. Enjoy WOW hole ragman a sting and f4wldslt�I�I2M COYPAIBON Its soleeae 3B b 45. vim hes a d ACTIVE. Leaflws a T aadoe. This single falw s advaar• and IN 2647 W" TO EARTH. Ouet single while mak. 21. encu r actianang ala hold. latkrg ax a masataa, saagN a Ing huskyqu lewd, 25 40. elks v alleg mtsc aid derckg. * ro meat a 55 a 72s b t4a pounds, BOX F011 LIFE Low ritlnolA end b IMLooking kKky man h"Ye adder, logs ed musage. AM Id a hal d gold LOX 25152 W E OM FEMALE atbacbw 21 you old WAR ouS. MO oadW aid lP� Saks attrxM SIIG4E WHITE MAL. Single aft Utak. bdmg b S$Owg an Mist ad aid 9 srigle'aLMa bmak• 19 b 22. has r leres6 n music ab romifWC guY with a k who wiles al �'s FMENDYouTO COWANM. Divorced fern 1Sewung You a Sam. Dusrkss unwatL a hefty man ken be.* we alk dwwtdet Lookwg la a mals 22-26 female who Mo b balete gun Mrs r th n aline McS1Y1a• od"g Iron Skog• sailing and going. Slfgle whte female. 2910 35 who enles sports. nndwe5. *fig taA Petra aces rri0brbydM and 9oA' evenegs. BBOX 260 DISCREETOdDAYTIME While. ehow arly 30mak. Durham area. 5'4*, SWIy overweight. hormst. with r Mas for IM Vwisw 511 BOX 2614 ad Aar, ad vny a1gP Ims old I have harem eyes•� lives• BOK 7x217 DOWN M E MTTHL 33 aur old black mea, weld iM Looting for *Scan da*m wcw air. n Ilk DAun dean, down o earth gwdeman good MAN OF WIS0011 F nail, canpanon, Successful, I love moves. romance. and detarg No had IDX 26571 MINER BEAUTY. PasNaule make. bre LOOKING FOR RN. mak. 29. lex w to nkreri krnabs. I Ove ids, bhp maks, region. Looking for g safe and casual. morals. age 53 Non drinkercial and Soout mborous, a cave f1wellso wdWM b my kb. �'g to shale. we bekeve we can have l Sit: hath and BOR 24425 EE OEM WANTED. Energetic. 56'. 39. wlgle SEEKING ca!!Dng and musrc. Losing and can Seeks atrac sing lie for attractive maimed a skgk ahle tamale for Casual and X YOUNG AT HEART. 63. 150 prods. 5'10' SKID Se a muss LOX 25300 o tr maw and E�� y � e interested, pease ivenYt and bve. Slrgk Balk lanae, 50. BOX 2615 COZY AND WAIN You hove a ksepface b daft n whoa female. seelon0 a solar mak who naw moue Cies, doss calrmy skis, at. Ward someone bl ire 0-0 with a qos for inner beaky BOX 21450 JUST DATING. Black Whole. 37.5T. Sm. I18 its, waura BOX 26ao FATHER OF NO O Seeks 24 b 27 Year old woman We o hal. Snekw, web Nle b man a slen taoY. 52 b 63 did Lor long fasting'nabonsmro. Interest as call BOX 25310 57 YEAR WIDOWER Durham area, young at S hat d dW a hid day M work a out m Ilk sill ads. Nn komship. possible long b m �pndV. LOX 20117 n very' good shape ad MnCk" wail an eueleM bate. nlovla. sporjs Sim ,work aro Ines ankle, and could win a genne' marl s Inelet Eryoy ttk^9, pMography. *mals 1 Situs da'to*n4 gAidwrg, keg rake. aiho nie heart, good and 200 1 looks hie RonMm 5'tr and 2 I drove a cwt Fpcjaytt dkaard. �� WilltOnkdlll " my my her. proYcbr. I am you kdY. 50. LOX 16516 BOX FIS QST. an IrlWdnk , nawtldlw. p b 661 i Tia an a&$" 4 cul. Ladrg for krerndshq L-A p� black met, 34 m a fishy 215Its BOX 2W1 STILL SEARCHING. Segal wW maile. 31, eRoys al se, Os area more. Sorbus replies only pease Oshawa use BOX 2M NERYOUS. First time Bang the very nervous. s tial tlancing. travel, D0alknq. nonsmower. Social dancing. oali wd 01E Metal of 3B, IM 7ntPaM of on. faM alba. throb b a o45. BOXIiS71 SLEEPLESS N OSNAWA Recycled 41 yea ab spuds. moria. quer ars. good conversation and EASY GOBIG GUY Single guy Wag b meet a love country music. Wintaneous. easy gown; d drunker Looking for someone early 50's BOX n Me. Seeks al marl who can apples• IlivinaW man 10X 11101 38 main. *MOW g� N4 Pole -el- non smohw. enjoying Me. Sed ng SY gar 1lrnale. 301sn rah Qr woman age 3p b p. bit rtertdsnV ab Parable Nle rgerested. Please hal l rot A's day. I only toed 251!1 a heavy am_. d ChMIMI vUas, for railing PETRE ATTRACIWE rd Mm b 90 b 4104 a guy loahlhly Ila the ctnleal iN, tw wplr. k, nifty jdw,t wnwnt`. and \lath hahllily rc.,L c%cjo,,vcly wllh 1t1� adveruser hm• w R\I1kilNknt.\ l,k..wlh aJverlrwment\ O ha.a "i♦ l e\hawa/Whash TIN. Wvx;k. Clan! •sin ThLv Week. AIaJYNukcnng Nrw\ Ativcnih\•i. NcknliurllM rlarNl News a1h1 AlukclpLlcc 1 \iamc� lin All moist record a Norio: FR\llny. lit Acl'tkmpal,y their ail - Ads W IIhtN,t villa greetings nuy INN aPy,l'af ,n S,IKcnely Y~, When y„u rcywwd ask a Sowornely Your, al, y,w,r IrkiNw MII WIII Week may. m IL\ MII� tlscn'1l/war 1: h.111F1'. IL'yrcl or tickr any yh:rMrr1:,1 atv't'nlvl'maelll\ which ,1 rlttm\ Irlu iyrr,q,rtak advertiser% renews r, an sola ni� w kcw.ammwer voiceaicall A9'1B-56Y4 $7 47 Re\P,Nrlcnu will Wul Pcr.,wuI &%c 1pitana.� lellccl a charge NI S2.49W minute. An avalrage 3 minae call l,. U err 1 2.4 boars a day 'It* v 'Bobo a Mao rr F1 7ew 0 Mill TREE IbTAME TREES LT 5,z' I TALL .. I I I " a LN 3 ON F, SIN• 4 1/299 1. T Sat n 7"POT - 1 -,0%;-00 r7 D" (W739) dL37 11 1 St. CIWAVAL WON UNVII !Albl 766-20M mir nod vAmb) ssn"tIGA I - �712Blvd Blvd WON M -M Womm) wtorray I Victoria Strom E mi 17fmann if I IT � Tr 611 POT I PT �{ Y' a 14 n1:11 III, !i�INITIJLI MON. thru FRI. 7AM to I OPM SATURDAY 7AM to 813M • SUNDAY 9AM to 5PM • CHRISTMAS EVE 9AM to 5PM *CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY -CLOSED BOXING DAY • NEW YEAR'S EVE 9AM to 5PM CLOSED NEW YEAR'S DAY 101111111111111111' 7_77 -rT-. mr-.1 Oshawa • Whitby • Clarington THIs WEEK a �,�,News Advertiser A Metroland Publication 865 Farewell St., Oshawa, ON L 1 H 71-5 Timothy J. Whittaker, publisher —F- M 1 4=30 SQ -0 S TO.: (905) 579-4404 or (416) 798-7672 DECEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 10 ROY TOIaRPO 1I11111ilLTA PRESSRUN 191,511 REEK I AEM OVER ) AJAX ! Now, h ee Fes-ftexl-re Giffis add to the Royal Creek suOcUSS that's sweeping the East! Royal Creek has just launched a double knock -out in both Ajax and «'hitbv... a to« -ening achievement in price and design that can turn renters into proud owners in an instant! Both the woodland community of Harwood Forest in Ajax and Park Place in Whitby's important new town centre offer an extraordinarily creative series of townhomes THESE ARE THE PRICES NO ONE CAN BEAT! ...In Harwood Forest in Ajax, you 4 - can own from just $766/mo. P&I for 3 years with 6.9% financing. Woodlot and walk -out towns are z'�rom $114,990. In Whitby's Park Place, just $729/mo. is all it takes to own with 5.9% financing for 3 years. Towering Towns and Two -Way n=xTowns are from $109,990. Bode communities offer an attractive $500 initial deposit, a 5% total r 3d0wnpayment and late summwr tib Y fall closings. #uiL.Et3,�•_c.=�4.".'!e e:aaf++r►+a+; 4a ..,..,yw.l.ra.l4 a to i� v.,+►i{a il:d3s.J•' i;iii from 923 to 1,567 sq. ft. The star is 'The Manor, shoxNn here, combining open concept pizzazz and the breathtaking vaulted ceiling tower master ensuite. Park Place also offers the unique Two-uay Towns... the only townhomes whose back is just as impressive as the front! In fact, it's hard to guess which is which! 9 AND MW CODES THE CHRISTMAS +GIFT Take your p* of an two` of thicse Flee Festiveifts: y • Five free appliances • 6.9% financing for 3 yrsh • $3,000 cash back on yclosing "No premium woodlot & walk -out lots (Ajax only) a r s'yy' yeti..' iii.,,gat-111�f►ttal�l.,►.,•te., PAGE 2 NEW HOMES & INTERIM, 1995 owmanville"s .. � A .tea♦ �.- �. f5� �.� F . t key +Guaranteed For 3 Full Years rou nven or r �oFV The Ka itl i n Grou pTAA ... 4 L P, WUM : n p M ° ' Model Lot Sq. Ft. Monthly �, Price j.. Block 28 .. � A .tea♦ �.- �. f5� �.� F . t key +Guaranteed For 3 Full Years rou nven or ASPENL K�dbftft MI aM Y o" iNY il 0 a r �oFV ... 4 L P, WUM p M ° ' Model Lot Sq. Ft. Monthly �, Price j.. Block 28 Evergreen 3 1007 $696 $112,990 Aspen 5 1127 $714 $115,990 Redwood 8 1403 (mw&) $813 $131,9901 Block 29 Redwood 2 1403 $794 $128,990 Aspen 3 1127 $721 $116,990 Evergreen 4 1007 $696 $112,990 Maple 6 926 $677 $109,990 Aspen 9 1127 $733 $118,9901 Redwood 11 1403 $782 $126,990 Mountain Ash 12 1575 $800 $129,990 Block 30 Chestnut 6 1301 $764 $123,990 ASPENL K�dbftft MI aM Y o" iNY il 0 a New Horses arzd Iriteriortts Jeffery Homes wins 1995 sales and marketing award Last week. Courticc Crossing earned Jeffery Homcs the 1995 Sales and Marketing Award from the Oshawa - Durham Home Builders Association. Courticc Crossing has been a very successful community for Jeffery Homes. This didn't happen by accident. Jeffery Homes conducted extensive research into the history of the Courtice area when planning Courtier Crossing and conceived it and marketed it as a separate community — one where families could easily enjoy all the amenities of the nearby city while appreciating country surroundings. Jcffcry Homes is aware that the company cannot base its marketing approach on its past reputation as a builder. While Jeffery is know for its high-quality. affordable homes. the builder hclicvcs that it must continuously search for innovative ways to improve the product the company offers and maintain it to the highest standards. That appr().ich is evident in a sign at the i(� ! t)uality cann"I he tnNfICCIC l !,11- it Musi h-' f`l: PRA. ea - into it from the beginning." That policy is shared by all the people who work on a Jeffery Hornes project — from the tradespeople to the sales representatives. Also key to the success of the community is the use of model homes. Jeffery believes strongly in the use of model homes as part of* the marketing strategy. According to the builder. in model homes potential buyers arc able to see firsthand the features they will find in their new home. Courticc Crossing features six models. all professionally decorated and landscaped. The Courticc community is also popular because it appeals to a variety of people. First-time buyers. move -up buyers and empty -nesters. And each home features the same high standards of* quality for which Jeffery Homes is known. With a variety of styles. home sires. floor plans and price ranges. there is indeed a home for evervone at Courticc Crossing. Thr S,dcs and by Scott Jeffery, of Jeffery Homes (right), receives the Oshawa -Durham Home Builders Association 1995 Sales and Marketing (SAM) Award from Ron Robinson Jr., president of the local builders group. Scott accepted the award bn behalf of his father, Wayne Jeffery. Jeffery Homes is a family - run business which has served the Durham Region for over 26 years. Y YA W N .+G S� INTEFZI4C::>F?S TDAOTSY J. WHI TTAIKER publisher BRUCE DANFORD advertising manager Monique Lea sales manager John Duarte features consultant MW Bouts E nVTZR10Rs is published bi-weekly, with a total pressrun of 191.500 copies. at 865 Farewell St.. Oshawa (telephone number 579-4404► and is one of the Metroland Printing. Publishing and Distributing group of suburban newspapers with distribution in Oshawa. Whitby. Ajax, Pickering. Clarington. Scarborough and Port Perry. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. NEW HOMES 8 INTERIORS_ 1995 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 NEW HOMES & INTERIORS, 19% New Hozzzes aril Interiors Debut of a great partnership Oshawa Mayor Nancy Diamond graced the opening of Coscan's new residential community — the Heights of Harrowsmith, in northeast Oshawa. The 500 -home community is being built by Coscan Development Corporation. which has been building homes in North America for over 40 years. John De Groot, president of Coscan's Ontario Business Group, and Tony Whitaker, vice president of sales and marketing for Coscan, announced a fundraising campaign which will see Coscan donate $1 for each of the fust 1.000 visitor guest cards completed at the 4 0 EL Sales Presentation Centre in support of Junior Achievement's The Economics of Staying in School education program. Principals of Coscan will also be giving their time to teaching students in local Oshawa schools the benefits of continuing education. Rob Tudor, of Junior Achievement, said he was "thrilled about the generous campaign organized by Coscan." De Groot added Coscan "looks forward to forging a strong partnership with Junior Achievement and we believe firmly that education is the cornerstone for responsible and caring community life." 40' Lots Coscan looks from the Driving up the steep hill on Grandview St. N. to Coscan's newest building site, there is a I'ecling ol' tranquility — of leaving the tral'fic and stress of city life behind. The Heights of Harrowsmith offers a secluded hideaway in north Oshawa, up and away from everyone else. You can't help marvel how this community is so close to all amenities. and yet how far away it feels. Close to the border of the Harmony Valley Conservation arca. there arc cross-country ski trails fir the winter months and hiking trails. playing fields and picnic areas to enjoy all year round. The first thing to admire, as you pull up to the Coscan sales office, are the elegant model homes jutting out of" the snow- covered :round. The exclusive architectural designs command your eyes to study the high - peaked gables and intricate brick detail. As you open the door to the model homes, you step onto the glimmering ceramic tile in the entrance ways and you are immediately greeted by the warm and inviting atmosphere. The comtiorting essence of cinnamon follows you as move from one expansive room to the next. The interior of- the homes at the Heights of Harrowsmith boasts elegance and ingenuity. MPE hilltop Creative use of space is eviden in the floor plans, which alloy for an abundance of closet spact and extra storage under the stairs The large living rooms anL kitchens are made even mon dramatic with nine -foot ceiling - on the main floor. Sunligh streams in through the mangy windows in the bright, airy greenhouse kitchens, warminf the breakfast areas. The decorating by Mikt Niven is absolutely outstanding From the whimsical windom coverings and wallpaper ti, handpainted accents and even < mural gracing the walls, the character of each room and eacl model has a distinct personalib and charm all its own. This hilltop community o winding streets, lined with these innovative, affordable homes P destined to make the Heights o Harrowsmith a popular site fo prospective home buyers. To experience the Heights o Harrowsmith for yourself, visi the brand new Sales Presentatior Centre and Model Homes locates on Granview St. N., one blos4 east of Harmony Rd. and jus north of Rossland Rd. it Oshawa. The sales office is aper Monday through Thursday from 1 to K p.m. and on weekend! from I I a.m. to 6 p.m. The sale! office is closed on Fridays. Foi more information on the Height! of Harrowsmith, call 725-118 1. om 1466 - 2070 sq. o m 1858 - 2 638 sq. [IMMEDIATE CLOSINGS AVAILABLE 4 appliances Main floor fa Double car oily & laundry room room ort settings Fireplace in family e entry • Private co • Oversized lots E i 0. L Sam w.�de ap*. i 111L'1.'11:�;•r,1M1I''10,11 s F A 1 � til 4A, il- n . R l package Choose a acka c fa FREE • a of these Festive Gifts! But hurry! This holiday special is available on fifteen townhomes only ... and .it all wraps up on Dec.', 22. • s ' ' b 41 LA .►. Tali, - 41 /Ma FROM IUSF FOR 3 $500 initial deposit • 5% down Lafie summer/early fall clesinas NOODLOT & WALK -C rOWNHOMES how AF 40 _ y ; Abu ST/C F REE GIFTS! ®• 4 i JAM vmmm�a =tea L./ .9w. I rI / t �V � L �- --- -- H C M E S Late summer/early fall closings P MIMING TOWNS ND 2 -WAY TOWNS ` .9" T�IIIIfON� PAGE 6 NEW HOMES & INTERIORS, 1995 New Homes and Interiors Construction indust value of treesknows the Trees are a to the growing softwood. including spruce, pine and fir caused the price of lumber to more than paradoxicalHO e n y i r o n m c n t a 1 which grow quickly and are easy to double over the past few years, while issue for the movement. But many harvest and replace.. Despite clairns to the inflation has been virtually nil. This has re s i d e n t i a 1%%� Q of those old mature contrary, the forestry industry has made an effect on every new home buyer since construction �VVneighborhoods were tremendous strides in ensuring the lumber is a significant component of the industry. Trees "`' new subdivisions at sustainability of the l'orest and will plant cost of construction. The building are one of the BY STEPHEN one time and the many trees tier each one harvested. Very industry truly loves trees, they are our b u i I d i n g KAS914GER developer was the one little goes to waste, after the boards are bread and butter. Occasionally some industrv's best who planted all the trees. In almost all cut from the tree, the remainder is used must be sacrificed to make way for friends, and people's homes, but rest assured however, that whenever possible, we try to save as many as we can. We know you love trees too and want to live amongst them. sometimes one of our biggest headaches. Since most homes are built with common framing lumber. the tree is one of our most important raw materials. But the demand for forest products and the intrusion of development into wooded areas has caused grief for some interest groups. And this has driven up the cost of new homes. Some people prefer to buy a used home rather than a new home because the resale is in an established neighborhood with mature trees. Yet new developments cannot be built in worded areas due ODHBA announces new board The Oshawa -Durham Home Builders Association has announced the list of proposed Board of Directors tOr 1996. The board executive includes: president Ron Robinson Jr. of Ron Robinson Ltd.. past president Stephen Kassinizer of Kassinger Built Homes: vice president Sue Hillebrand of Deloitte & Touche; and second vice president Jamie klaclnnis of CitN Homes. The proposed board of directors includes: Bob Annaert (D.G. Biddle & Associates); Jim Bathe (Kissinger Construction); Fred Petrich (Donevan Fleischman Detrich); Peter Saturno (Midhaven Homes); Joe Thompson (Dufferin Custom Concrete), Stephen Shine (Stephen Shine Solicitor); Rod MacLeod (CMHC); Tom Jedemann (Consumer's Gas); Craig Stevenson (Homes Plus/Rogers); Brian Collins (J.D. Barnes); Rick Tranquada (G.M. Sernas & Associates); Peggy Brown (G.E. Capital); and Brendon Eatly (Eatly Drafting & Design). -�y�P�J,tA - DV Ry9 o cases. far more trees are planted in a subdivision than were removed. Canada is blessed with abundant natural resources and one of the most copious is our forestry stock. Canadian lumber is exported worldwide and forestry is a significant job producer domestically. Trees are a renewable resource. All lumber used in homes is for engineered wood products, particle board and similar products. Wood is a very responsible material as far as efficiency is concerned. it embodies three times less energy than steel which is a depleting resource. Furthermore, the manufacturing process of wood demands 25 times less water than steel production. Restrictions on the torestry industry have This is ST1-'PH1-_'N KASSINGER's final mes.cggr as the out -going president of the Oshaxa- Durham Home Builders Association- The Heights ofe rHarrows a J" New T AW 44 &no- Wing- In Oshawa awmlln a P- ar ise of Cire-en, surrounded by Conservation lands, C4reenbelt and the Harmony Creek ravine... High on a hill overlooking Oshawa and the blue waters of Lake Ontario, Coscan's Heights of Harrowsmith offers ISO- the perfect natural setting for a community of timeless Victorian and Neo -Colonial inspired homes. Mere steps from rolling green hills, Harmony Valley Conservation Area, meadowlands, and a deep -ravine with a babbling creek, this new home community offers you so much to enjoy in a day, you'll want to stay a lifetime! NEW HOMES & INTERIORS, 1995 PAGE 7 30' Detached Homes Starting from A9w4;P900 4-) �:�_ , iso �4% # �: °° UP Alp, OFF MIS - z7 win ..... ... . ... 4 'Ungs are a stan I! High Main floor Cei dard featute. SALES OFFICE Monday to Thursday 1 :00 PW P"t Friday Closed Z Weekends & Holidays -11:00 -6:00 P -10 Call 905-725-1181 * an selected 30'& 40' lots - rill F-2 40' detached frorn $149,900 50' detached from .,$179,900 WA W 0 z S EA 01 HWY. 2 HNIM. 401 PAGE S NEW NOIRES 3 INTERIORS, 1995 Time to invest in a new home Everybody has to live somewhere. When you rent a home, your monthly payments go towards paying off somebody else's mortgage. However. when you buy a home, your payments go towards paving off your own mortgage. While you are acquiring a substantial capital asset. you are also getting security of tenure, low-cost accommodation for your retirement. control over your own living environment and pride of ownership. As inflation increases your home's value, every penny of that increase goes into your equity — and there's no capital gains tax to pay. Over the past 0 vears. high levels of intlarion have given a lot of home owners a very substantial nest egg. Even if house prices only increase by one or two per cent a year, that adds up to a slow but steady increase to equity. E%ery time you make a payment on your mortgage, you're also increasing your equity. Any extra payments you make help speed up that proccss. While rents generally, increase with inflation. mortgage stay relatively stable over time. After the mortea�_c has been completely repaid. a homeo\%ner's monthly costs drop substantially. All that Is left are utilities. taxes and normal maintenance costs -- a total HCII hclow rents for comparable homes. All these things combine over time to give homeowners .uhstantially greater net «orth than renters. Except for a few cases where people bought in overvalued markets at the height on the interest rate spiral to the early 191SUs, owners end up better than renters in the long term — even in a low inflation environment. Prepared by Clavton Research Associates Ltd. for the Canadian Nome Builders' A.%sociation. For more information or details on specific markets contact the Oshawa -Durham Nome Builders' Association. IF AA, NEw HOME IS IN YOUR TITRE L00lk t0 New HOIY'leS ,$t Illtovico 'S To advertise caU 579-4404 or (from Toronto) 416-798-7672 J New Hozaes sad Iat�riors Housing should benefit from brighter economic picture Economic indicators in Durham . "I don't think you'll see a quick because GTA municipalities are so Region appear to paint a picture of swing back. and maybe we don't dependent on each other, any changes financial prosperity for the corning want that to happen, but we see must be made carefully. "If we get it year, say financial forecasters. positive trends. Two years ago we right it will benefit everyone." "You can see it in the pulse of new were at the bottom of the curve, but 1 With Canadian political unity development, new business starts. think there is a real opportunity to stable for at least the next 12 months, From what we see, the trend line is take advantage coming out of this the federal government on target to moving in an upward swing," said cycle." Creasor says. meet deficit reduction goals and the Roger Creasor. The Royal Bank The possible merger of diminishing risk of a recession in the senior vice-president was in Oshawa municipalities in the Greater Toronto United States, the forecast for 1996 recently while presenting the hank's Area into one super -government looks bright, says Royal Bank bi-annual economic forecast. could also create positive economic economist Nancy Woodall. On a national level, the Canadian spinoffs, he says. "Anything that Interest rates are expected to head economy finally appears to be occurs across the region that lowers downward while the Canadian dollar crawling out of its post-recesssion the overall costs for taxpayers and upward, she says. While economic hole and is on the verge of making a businesses is going to have benefits" growth stopped in the first half of the financial comeback — albeit a such as new business and job year, it has since begun to expand and gradual one — in the coming year, he creation. is expected to gain momentum in the says. Creasor cautions, however, that coming year. f- .yam �< f • r _4.The Shelby tt 1642 sq. R. $181,900 /%• F t !' Dn DETACHED HOMES IN AN FOREST SETTING!,. 30to 48' LOTS! 1116 to 2255 sq ft -Open Concept ! • Vaulted Ceilings! • Energy Efficient Features! } -Spectacular Window Walls! -Bungalows & 2 Storey designs! w - R Add"A+a E 4 OSMWA J 4 "W2) HWV4M 0 a PA 2,917 Sq M, n Ft for just $ 9,f NEW HOMES & INTERIORS, 1995 PAGE 9 990 • OMMODEL' HOME NOW NWWWW An Amazing OPEN Value in prestigious White Cliffe Estates in Courtice e Park lots & 50'lots available -D Great location in mature area 2 • Full customization available IHWW ROM Call for more information:cc ADAMS I O - �; DFL 905-404-2186 2 — GLEN ABW 0 Sales Office Hours:s: & cc R BL Mon .-Thurs. 1 -8 p.m. �' - N mg: C ffi x Uj cc Sun. 12 - 6 p.m., Closed Fri. & Sal. 401 aW PHASE II Riws IE REGENCY 2917 GAGE 10 NEW HOMES & INTERIORS, 1995 NCw Homes S1i41 I11t4_-Z"2O3ts ---►rtrT#�'s'Me.�`C4.9tl6''-f�:•r,�;,.•�tF.+}4!RTeAI�PlK�b.r.a::•.... -.... Builders'.nasociation recognizes industry excellence The quest for better housing -iy Canadians Causes home guilders to develop innovative fume designs and Communities. the Oshawa -Durham Home Builders Association recently -ecugnized the outstanding ichrevement of local home guilders with its second annual awards eyenim, During the awards evening. the ODHBA presented four major awards — one for sales ind marketing- and three to recognition of outstanding member Contributions to the association and the community. The bre, "inner of the evening_ vNas Jeffery Humes. ,,%ho recciyed the prestigious 1y95 Sales and Marketing A%� and to recognition of the most outstanding sales and marketing presentation of a nex\ residential Communit\. Ser, ing the Durham Region for 20 years. Jeffer Humes has a rating of E\cellent with the Ontario Novy Horne Warrant\ Program and is wrdcl,, kno"n for its high quality homes and outstanding customer ser, tce. Jeffery Homes believes they Cannot approach toda, 's home purchasers based on the Company's past reputation as a builder. but must continually "search for innovative vA ays to improve our product and maintain the highest standards." The 1995 Community Service awards were Presented to Peter Abraniczuk of' City Homes and Valiant Property Management. Stephen Kassinger of Kassinger Built Humes and Rob Lupton of Millwork Home Centre. All three winners are well known for their community in\ olvemcnt. Of particular significance this \car was their major contributions towards the Schoolhouse. built by the Oshawa -Durham Home Builders .association at the ne%\ Kids Safety Village in Whitby. The Osha\& a -Durham Home Builders Association initiated the annual awards competition last \car to promote housinL, de•rl-'n anal .lual;t%. cxCcllencc within the association and service to their Customers. The award nominees arc judged by third -party judges from Oshawa. Ottawa and Toronto. They were very impressed with the high quality of the award-winning presentation for the 1995 SAM Award. Judges were also impressed by and gave high praise to the presentations by Kassinger Built Humes and The recepients of the ODHBA 1995 Community Service Awards were (clockwise from top right) Peter Abramczuk of City Homes, Sandy Lupton accepting for Rob Lupton of Millwork Home Centre and Stephen Kassinger of Kassinger Built Homes. Presenting the awards is ODHBA -resident Ron Rcbins,,- Jr. Melody Homes. are not Just building houses, nut Members of the Oshawa- are building homes where Durham Home Builders people can live. play, rest and Association take pride that they watch their families grow. al A 21 LOWE I age] 0 1111 It's hard to visualize_ Yhow unique it is here... ou have to see it." Ken and Marjorie Harding's decision to purchase a condominium at The BreakersII in Ajax wasn't made on impulse; they had bees NN looking for two years for something different "At The Breakers II we found the best combination of value, comfort and quality - a real balance of elegance and economy." With panoramic views and lots of natural light, the 9 remaining suite designs at The Breakers II range up to 2,612 sq. ft., and most feature a balcony, terrace or solarium. "Beyond the windows," says Marjorie, "are the lake, parklands, and downtown Toronto in the distance. The full moon on the water is absolute- ly gorgeous, and living on the lake, there's always a wonderful breeze!" "Shopping, the hospital, and other amenities are close -by. We can jump on the GO Train, enjoy a stress -free ride and be at Union Station in 35 minutes," Ken adds. The Hardings examined construction quality and were impressed with the finishing details at The Breakers II. "We've earned the best that life has to offer, but we aren't the rich and famous. This is luxury at a reasonable cost." BURNERS II i TWO BEDROOM SUITES TWO BEDROOMS PLUS DEN„, "w Fro$ir 129900 Fros � F$row` , (905) 619-8800 SAIF.S OFFICE HOURS: Sat. & Sun. Noon to 5p.m. Mon.-Thurs. IOa. m. to 6p. m. Closed Friday ORMINA bbb, I HOMES IN THE CLASSIC TRADITION AJAX & WHITBY NEW HOMES & INTERIORS,1995 PAGE 11 MEV E Mr%%A T Whether it's Ajax or Whitby for your new home, Tormina offers you the BEST HOMES in the BEST LOCATIONS and the BEST DEALS in years - NOW is the VERY BEST TIME to buy a fine Tormina home! • High Efficiency Furnace with Gas Fireplace • 2x6 Construction • Conventional Roo(Not Trusses) 16 "centers not 24 ' • All Clay Brick Look at these Quality features: • Ceramic Flooring Throughout, in all Bathrooms, including Bath Enclosures • Trimmed Arch ways With Upgraded Trim Throughout • Series 800 or Classic Doors Throughout • CasementWindows on Front Elevation • Quality Kitchen Cabinets • Walk Out Basement Lots Available On Some Models. Price From B�GAL WSL OPEN TO� 4 In Ajax HaImes from 1470 - 2570 Sq. Ft. Homes up to 3555 sq. ft. In Whitby - Homes from 1840 - 3555 Sq. R. 01 WhyTake A ChanceMON. - Tl�URS. 2.7 PM FRIDAY CLOSED SAT. A SM.12 -SPM BuyFrom The Best For Less! 905-683-8749 MON. -,fURL 2 - 7 PM FROXY CLOSED SAT. i S1JN. 12 - S PM 905-186-3071 SALO ■ I BAB IW Z HWY. 401 Homes up to 3555 sq. ft. In Whitby - Homes from 1840 - 3555 Sq. R. 01 WhyTake A ChanceMON. - Tl�URS. 2.7 PM FRIDAY CLOSED SAT. A SM.12 -SPM BuyFrom The Best For Less! 905-683-8749 MON. -,fURL 2 - 7 PM FROXY CLOSED SAT. i S1JN. 12 - S PM 905-186-3071 07 of TAUNTON 7 6 A -MI"; 4 ;