HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1995_11_08HOME IMPROVEMENTS BY • • r.My cwi,.a & OpeNted rw servin Yw cm the+ - vtstt outs s"O"OoM -, 9116 tM.dc we" seum ow sewh or BW*) 420-480 News ;Santa Claus is ,coming to town Page 2 1 WEEK DA Y LUNCHEON SPECIALS from 53.95 LLBO Advertiser tiNI'ednesdav, Nov. K, 1995 44 pages A Nletrt�land Community Newspaper Pressrun 37,5011 Vol. 114 No. 45 Pickering Go-kart track dump suit costs over $1 million B% MARIANNE TAKACS ST NH k 0 )f: TT R PICKLRING — I.itp o cr. hay c already spent over $ I million on the Town's Brock West dump lawsuit against 'Metro Toronto and the Province, which is scheduled to go to court on Monday. "As of mid-Octoher. authorized pay- ments on this lineation exceed a mil- lion dollars, though not by much;' says Town manager Tim Sheffield. Pickering is suing Metro and the Province in an attempt to force them to close the Brock West landfill owned by Metro at Brock and "Third Concessions Roads, and to obtain compensation for See DUMP ... Page 2 Inside bs the new" Editorial................................6 Entertainment .....................24 Sports................................. 25 Classified ............................30 Pbwtne lines General 683-51 10 Fax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 Sincerely Yours 1-900-451-3793 InfoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 On the Internet at www.durhomnews.net 93¢ + 70 GST = $1 fined $60,000 in girl's death 'it means she didn't die for nothing,' says mom B,� IXNDA WHrfE '"l.%II KI f'()K 11K PICKLRING --- "Ilio mo ilicr of a 10 -,.car -old I'tckerinu, ctrl killed in a i;o-kart accident is rchcvcd her dauzhter's death has brought about hanges that may protect other,, from a similar trigcdy. "It means she didn't die (ur nothing." says Sara l'oun�,'s mother (;ail a. )'ounu, after a Belleville - arca go-kart operation was •� , on icted friday of five counts under the provincial Aniusement Dc%ices Act. Shannonville 11otor- sports Park Inc. of Shan- nonville was fined a total of S60.(XX) after it was con- Sara Young victed of operating amuse- ment devices without a licence. operating an amusement device without a permit. havin« inad- equate barriers for the track surface, having improper fencing and knowingly operating an unsafe track. It was tined S400OO fi►r the last offence alone and S5,(XX) fiir each of the remaining offences. It is the first go -track operation to be convicted under the Act. Mrs. Young calls the convictions "a triumph t6r the industry. Thev know there is a deterrent if they try to set up a track illegally. Our case set an See FINES... Page 3 Students divided over axing of Grade 13 By NATALIE MILLER SPECIAL TO THE NEWS ADVERTISER DURHAM — Local students have mixed reactions about the provincial government's decision to abolish Grade 13, while a Catholic teachers' union calls the move "short-sighted". But, Durham West MPP Janet Ecker says it "makes sense" to eliminate the Ontario Acade- mic Credits year for students entering Grade 9 in September, 1997. Sarah Slean, an OAC student at Dunbarton High School in Pickering, says "It's better to have OAC because it is a preparatory year that helps you get ready for university." While she hasn't overheard many peers talking about the change, she anticipates "most students (feel) 'less school, that's cool'." However, some teens support the decision to implement a four-year program. "Maybe: some are saying they don't want to (eliminate the OAC year) because of fear of change," says Dunbarton OAC student John See TORIES... Page 4 V, 11 PAGE 2-A•THE.NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., NOVEMBER 9; 1"S Dump suit may cost $1.7 million FROM PAGE 1 the environmental damage the dump has allegedly caused. Mr. Sheffield expects that by the time the trial is over in four to six weeks, the Town could end up paving its lawyers and consultants between S 1.5 million and $1.75 million. And even if Pickering wins its case and Metro and the Province are forced to pay court costs, its unlikely the costs awarded would cover all the Town's expenditures. "If we succeed at trial. I would expect we might get half a million," says Mr. Sheffield, explaining consul- tants' fees are not usually covered when court costs are awarded. According to the Town manager, judges typically award the winning party in a court case 40 to 50 per cent of costs. and in excep- tional cases as much as 70 per cent. Pickering could come out ahead financially if the court accepts its claims regarding damage's. In court documents filed last fall, the Town claimed $3 million for damages it alleges were caused by the Brock West landfill — in particular the pollu- tion of adjacent lands and contamina- tion of West Duflins Creek. Pickering maintained Metro and the Province should pay for the cost of cleaning up the environmental contamination and compensate the Town for loss of land value. It would he unusual for the full amount of the claim to be, awarded. "When one starts litigation and you want to make a financial claim you make a claim which you think is more than you're likely to get." says Mr. Sheffield. The Town manager notes Council's prime motive in pro- ceeding with the litigation was to get Brock West SAVE UP TO 40% ON TENANTS INSURANCE Non -Smokers, Claims Free. Alarm Credits, Age Credit FOR DETAILS OR A FREE QUOTE, CALL 683-9725 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 676 Monarch Ave. #13 Established 1978 Ajax, Ontario Zcpfi i� Yine PRE- CHRISTMAS SMI 20%-50%OFF DRESSES $25' PAINTS Feel'' $15" TOPS F�`�'' $10", 1 PICKERING TOWN CENTRE 1 \ 420-6280 closed. "We're mx looking for or expecting any kind of f riancial bonanza." If Pickering loses the case, the Town may end up having to foot legal bills incurred by both Metro and the Province. S pz�I& diwro"ce . shot" valvrnnParnvn3 FLAT RATE Long FROM Z 99 ntOnlll t� Distance Aatara, Bnite,J. Ballon, Bnmgoe OQ�� AJAX PET CARE CENTRE 1.'asll..wer�, Clrrrmnnl Two-way .,,f:. "BRAND NEW C ing Kknlrl,M.ple G.-I.Y. DO - IT - YOURSELF Iek kkj,- 1 GROOMING CENTRE 1 ;Bathtub & Grooming 1quipment Supplied 1 Take All The Time You Need 1 Professional Assistance Available ' ids Play Area 0penl 7 Days A Week "1OFF 1 1 1091 with this coupon 1 jCall For More Details 1 905-4-8160 1 363 Finley Ave., Ajax 1 1-----------------------J closed. "We're mx looking for or expecting any kind of f riancial bonanza." If Pickering loses the case, the Town may end up having to foot legal bills incurred by both Metro and the Province. S pz�I& diwro"ce . shot" valvrnnParnvn3 FLAT RATE Long FROM Z 99 ntOnlll t� Distance `�. Sa,c an addwC el 11Kon Pert Crnlit, Ri.hm.m.l Ili" :dl your nthcr long Jl�lalll'C calls ScM.ml.era, tinel�rn•r 1taeRrllle, �traet..illr 7L.rrnhill, l�nWn.Ille, w.,.-II.riACr �T �J expanded service to: whithy, Oshawa, r llowm:wnville, Neo'casih:, Port Perry & 11lackstock areas (M'adahie to Alai-Pickenng enharpes onhy eIehopo 416)406-3977 We're on the Internet at www.durhamnews.net J Aatara, Bnite,J. Ballon, Bnmgoe 1.'asll..wer�, Clrrrmnnl Two-way Cktrkaon. Cwly iIl< Klnt Chr C ing Kknlrl,M.ple G.-I.Y. Mallon. M.kh.e Iek kkj,- I).Aville, 1'.Itr..r `�. Sa,c an addwC el 11Kon Pert Crnlit, Ri.hm.m.l Ili" :dl your nthcr long Jl�lalll'C calls ScM.ml.era, tinel�rn•r 1taeRrllle, �traet..illr 7L.rrnhill, l�nWn.Ille, w.,.-II.riACr �T �J expanded service to: whithy, Oshawa, r llowm:wnville, Neo'casih:, Port Perry & 11lackstock areas (M'adahie to Alai-Pickenng enharpes onhy eIehopo 416)406-3977 We're on the Internet at www.durhamnews.net J P Fines should FROM PAGE 1 Important precedent. The whole industry was waiting for our case." To date, Sara is the only person killed in Ontario at a go-kart track. She lost control of the go-kart she was driving while rounding a curve, the vehicle left the track surface and slammed into a Permanently parked tractor -trailer. She had been vacationing with her parents and older sister in July, 1994. The Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations began inves- tigating go-kart operations just two weeks before Sara's death after learning of unreported accidents, notes Norm Benn of the technical standards division. Since Sara's death, more than 30 go- kart operations found to be operating unsafety and/or illegally have been shut down, reports Mr. Benn. A number of those are pend- ing prosecution. Mrs. Young says "For us, it's still very hard. We're out of shock and into the reality of living THEINEWSAPVERTLSER, WED, NOVEN"R R 199S•PAGE3-A serve as deterrent to unsafe tracks: .TP without her. But if what we've gone through prevents one more family — just one more — from going through it, then it's really, really worth it." Mrs. Young was pleased the justice of the peace — who denounced owners of the Shannonville operation for using ignorance of the law as a defence — used her daughter's name when reading the convictions. "He admitted the fines were never going to bring Sara back, but said he hoped they would serve as a deterrent." She encourages parents who take their families to recreation parks "to make sure it's licensed and has a permit, espe- cia!!y those small places near cottages. It's my biggest warning." In retrospect, "we didn't have Dr. Kevin Tyber OPTOMETRIST - -1 • Dispensing of contact lenses and glasses • Evening and Saturday appointments available • Complete Family Eye Care 427-4144 15 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax wh•Ncha, (Between Hwy. 401 & No. 2) Acc•ssibM J the eyes to see what was wrong" in because they were encouraging families Shannonville. "We assumed it was safe to attend." FPlease __ recycle this newspaper 13 PCs of Chicken Engine Shampoo a P,,, .. J� and Car Wash ''�' FREE U�IJ V•'4� 96 Harwood S. Ajax Interprovincial Wc -K ' ' OIL (s of 401) 683-1361 Auto Glass 837-0607 CHANGE INTERPROVINCIAL ' AUTO GLASS - IS 0 IrONIER 0 Clearance Sale Savings of up to 75%0FF' Choose from a Large Selection of SLIPPERS, GLOVES & OTHER WINTER ACCESSORIES Samples & Ends of Lines All Sales Ficial NEW MERCHANDISE ARRIVING WEEKLY This Week's Great Gift Idea... M&TOMPF, WOMEN'S & MEN'S -GLOVES While Quantities Last! Cash, Visa or Mastercard No G.S.T. No P.S.T. 250 Bayly St. W, (McKenzie Plaza) Ajax, Ont. HWY. 481 tAJAX) Z • of regular retail FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY THURS. 10 AM .8 PM SAT. 10 AM - 5 PM FRI. 10 AM - 8 PM SUN. 11 ANI - 3 PM Sale conducted by Nicholas Francis Associates Inc. New Location!! 65 Samor Road 1 block south of Orfus Rd. Toronto, Ont. Ixtw�l r 0 PAGE 4 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, NOVEMBER s, 1995 Tories get mixedrades for axing Grade 13 g g FROM PAGE 1 Lee. "It's working well every- where else" Andrea VanderNeut, a Grade 12 student at Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High Sdtool in Ajax, has mixed feelings about the change. "If they can pack every- thing into four years, then power to them. For some students it's great but for others who may be slower learners, they won't be prepared for college or university." Some high school graduates maintain Grade 13 helped them prepare for college and university. "Work habits that you gain in Grade 13 are absolutely invalu- able,,. says Fmmanuel Raymundo, a fust -year political science student at York University. "I wouldn't have been ready for university after Grade 12," con- tends Kevin Johnston, a fust -year business student at Rverson Poly- technic University in Toronto. MPP Ecker supports her gov- ernment's decision to chop Grade 13, saying Ontario is "about the only jurisdiction that offers it. In these times of budget pressure and constraints, going to four years instead of five makes sense." High school curriculum — and possibly that of Grades 7 and 8 stu- dents — must be rewritten, but youngsters will still be required to obtain 30 credits — though most acquire 35 before leaving high school after five years, she notes. "They have been using the extra year to retake courses and spread things out," she explains. "We are trying to focus resources in the education system in the classroom... Teachers and parents all agree we can do better. 'Ih1t's a major challenge with thc: existing resources" Tony White, president of the union representing Catholic high school teachers in Durham, believes the biggest challenge faced by the government is rewrit- ing high school curriculum by Sep- tember, 1997. Finally, he recognizes many stu- dents across Canada and the U.S. complete high school in Grate 12. But he points to American univer- sities which accept only "top-notch students and those which accept students of lower calibres. That hasn't existed in Ontario" CORRECTION NOTICE %�c %%ish to draw your attention to the lollowtrig error which appeared in our 'GREAT GIFTS- flyer. issued NoNeintwr Ist. Page 5. Norton Utilitie%. Price should he $79 99not S59 91) as shown. Norton Na,,igator, line -listed with above i, priced correctly at $59.99 We sincerely regret any inconvenience we may have caused you. The Business Depot Ltd. Call 683-5110 with your news tips. Theatre Durham Inc. p rrncn-s Arsenic & Old Lace A Roi.ickaig I xsi-Pacru c:k,mrds Nov. 10,11,12 'r :>unb2rton Fatrpor. L nae,; 1066 Dunharton Rd.. Pickering ..ickm S 10, Srniors. StudenL% SS Box Office: (905) 42,-5150 THE DURHAM BOARD OF EDUCATION 1996 BUDGET PROCESS Durham Board of Education Trust- ees invite parents and community members to participate in their 1996 budget deliberations. An open house will be held Wednesday, November 15. 1995 from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. and from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the Education Centre. Come talk about the budget process with Trustees and staff and learn more about the delivery of public education services. Following the open house, a com- munity input session will be held from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. Parents and community members are welcome to make oral presentations to Trust- ees. Presentations should be no longer than 15 minutes, including time for a brief question and answer period. A second community input session will be held Saturday, No- vember 18,1995 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. All budget meetings will be held at the Durham Board of Education Cen- tre, 400 Taunton Road East, Whitby, Ontario L1 R 21(6. Everyone is wel- come to attend. To register to make an oral presentation to Trustees at one of the 2 community input ses- sions, please call Lynda Smith at (905) 666-6402. Written presenta- tions are welcome anytime and may be sent to the Budget Committee at the above address. P Pollution Probe canvasses Pickering encourage the public and government to support By MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER public transit to reduce smog. "Even if they PICKERING — Pollution Probe will be in (take public transit such as the GO train) one or Pickering during the last two weeks of Novem- two times a week it will make a big difference." ber for a door-to-door canvassing blitz. Canvassers visiting Pickering will also be ask - This is the first time the organization has pub- ing for residents' views on pollution issues, and licized its fund-raising campaign before visiting telling them about Pollution Probe activities. citizens. The aim is to reassure the public, who Donations to Pollution Probe are tax - may be a little wary these days about deductible. opening their front doors to canvassers. Environmental issues the organiza- tion is currently focusing on include cleaning up the Great Lakes and increasing public awareness of the = - problems associated with smog. Pollution Probe director of develop- ment Shirlene Courtis says even "mod- erate behavioral changes" among the public can reduce the health problems f and global warming effect associated with smog. She notes people often move to places like Pickering to avoid city pol- lution and make a long daily commute _ in their cars. "What ends up happening is they . end up contributing to the smog."'` Pollution Probe is working to Dr. Gerry Spinosa ��ECO� TOF -One Dentist for your Continued Care -Comfortable House Setting -Evening & Saturday appointments available -Parking at the doorstep i S5 1 Rd.. I \orth ,II _'l -Hunter Douglas Vertical Blinds I A beautiful combination of easy maintenance l and excellent light control, Hunter Douglas I j vertical blinds are perfect for French doors, patio doors, bay windows, anywhere. Also ovailable from Hunter Douglas are horizontal blinds, Duette'Honeycomb shades. pleated shades, Silhouette window shadings, Lighllines-mini blinds, Vignette` window shadings & Country Woods blinds. Drapery Fabric, Wallpaper and Borders Complete that custom look from a wide variety of satins, casements, sheers solids, orinted cottons and printed shades. Matching wallpaper and borders in an array of colours aril styles add distinctiveness to any room. Better Shutters by Design A snap to MsW panels pop out Ior easy u.They won't fade &Mink chip peel or wtgcrack and will never need painting. The unique panel overlap offers improved insulation and Is totally waterproof. ��–- — — — — —900 — — — — ON NEIN ORDERS OVER ;500.00 UNTIL NOV.30/95 -- _ 'Tour Wird .r Diiewaday Cmtm- FREE 1 I SHOP AT SERVICE eulms a o 428-0937 � I ,•—�ar dD Old �Nfp�%on Rd � / X (Pi ,k�W VOWW 1 SFIOIMIIOOM MdIRf Mon. -Mid 1a5. Run. ! FC1", $& 10-51 _3 I . , , , I - , . , It . 1. . 1 1. L THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, NOVEMBER S, 199&PAGE S-A "Now the only thing I ut on 0 is a size 8 and a sml le.11 There's an eas j• way to lose weight fast - 411 m% h)c I%c had tr.,uhlc hetthng the htdvc I tried cicrvhmv .Ind rn,thuc .coiled t,. wnrA I lu.t uatldn I k,"11 the 1101•_'111 �,It E ru,tralcd .Ind Jcpr,:.oI 11..I. rc.IJti I,, 1.111 it yu11. that'. Micn.I Incnd mir-h,,cd ni, u, ISc\, r1, 11, 11, N : i_hl \Lut.r_:mens ( cnlr, I aduut I ,a h—law m hr.l 1111 IL..1 Lnlule. 14.1 1 hr --m"! ..n 11 '1 BIVfHIYINIII.� n 1111, idu.il lilc.n �, unl pn._..... AIM. 111111 1-1: and 111.1 h,_ w,n In I.Ict I 1..1 ,n �u hl--, U.P.. I hat'. right 1 I ... I SII r.mnd.,I hour mmlh..1 nh licl.rr 11 ILII. \%c1_•hl �1.nl.nxnlcm 1 o mr ,hc nr.l nm,, m ` ♦car. I ..u. .�;.1r .1 -vc v and 1 Iccl and 1-1, F.cncr than 111"A' eo Iii,cflk 11111. I n, ., .01„Ic I,, h.Irrw, me 111.1 .I.k \1•. !.. PICKERING WHITBY OSHAWA /"//w 1411V4 oo*k r! c :'44-e 1550 Kings4or, R 223 Brock (c�GSrtt 's. 555 Swncoe St S MFRS-�NAi.LEG NF -W MANAvc MEN" 42C-42'20 666-5050 436-2122 Get connected to the Internet. Call 683-5110. 1 9 Each 9 Reg. 1. "' ALL SOAPS 1/2 PRICE UNTIL NOVEMBER 18TH PICKERING TOWN CENTRE bo, LVWER LEVEL i Q CZ'%_A')I -807 PAGE &A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, NOVEMBER 3, 1"S Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser TI1flo-nn'J• "'ifnT.4KF:R. Publisher JOA.N'NF BURGILARDT. Editor -m -chief tiTE%'E HOt'ti-FON. Managing Editor BRUCE il.4NFORII..Ad%erttsmg m,,nager AlA IN BROV"TIL Retail Manager ABF F.W110 'RIE. Distribution manager A Metroland Corrtmumt% Newspaper published wednesda\. Friday. Sundae 1?lt-l.'Q Commercial Ave. Ajax. Ont. LiS 21- 15 0 Phone nti:-Sl ll) Fax: 6.S+ 7:6; 0p0n Make it work At places of business throughout Durham Region today, young terns have been given a glimpse of the future. That glimpse, how'cycr brief, may help push these students along a career path they otherwise may not ha\'e chosen. The reason: the Take Our gids to Work program organized by The Learning Partnership to introduce kids to jobs that may appeal to them. The program came under fire last week from it vocal group of Toronto arca teachers, who floated the absurd notion that it allowed businesses to infiltrate the classroom to push their own corporate agendas. Fortunatel\ for those of us here in Durham, the program has the support of teachers in schools across the region. And its notable that the program originated here in Durham three years ago. Along with the growth of high school co-operative education programs that allowstudents to -work" in places of business while carving diploma credits. the Take Our hid, to %fork program is one of the tew realistic opportunities for tomorrow s business and professional leaders to sec first-hand what its like in the workine world. «c all ha\e a respt,nsihility to sec that the best and bright- est of tcxfa\'"s high schtxrl students arc gi\en ever\ opportuni- ty to explore their interests. whether they want to he carpen- ters or aerospace engineers. There is no hidden agenda, and no corporate espionage at work behind the Take Our mitis to Work program. Conscquentl\. we should not only see that the program continues, but work it) further establish it in sch(x)ls and workplaces across the region to fully illustrate what is possible for young adults if they stay in school. It \'ou've seen the future of your industry or profession. we hope you've invited a young adult to view the horizon along- side \'ou. 4'ednesdav Letters: D verheard.. "We were sitting on pins and needles for quite awhile. And there's cer- tainly a rough road ahead." -- Dave Burton, father of ailing Daniel, who is again scheduled to undergo bone marrow transplant .'We never let her forget who her daddy is. We show her pictures of him and tell her stories." -- Debbie Young on the daughter of Jay Boyle, one Of six teens who went missing last March on Lake Ontario Base rates on my driving record To the editor: would he about four tunes the amount start. it a , c:rson turns out to he a rcck- As a fifth -\car male student at Ajax that I currently pay on the tamily vchi- less driver, then jack up their insurance, High School, I find the costs for car cle. This is a ridiculous amount for a but for young people like myself, who insurance frustrating. Haying a part-time young male to pay while tr\ ing to go to have never been in an accident and have job, at which I make minimum wage. i school. i went to driving school, no speeding tickets, it is completely could afford to bu\ a cheap car, but achieved 92 per cent on my driving test unfair to he prejudiced against us can't afford the insurance. and have a perfect driving record. %f\ because we are young males. 1 have been driving for almost two insurance costs should not he judged on That's exactly what the insurance years and have been on m\ parents other peoples mistakes. but on my' own companies have done: assuming that insurance for about a year. This is driving record. I would like to see a sys- young males are unsafe drivers, so we affordable for me, but next year I will be tem where new drivers are given the all get penalized for it. I would really going to college and will need my own benefit of the doubt and not slammed like to see something done about this. car for transportation. My insurance with such extreme costs right from the Kevin Hall, Ajax WRITE To THE NEws ADVEKmEj;,130 COM1MiERCLAL, AVE., AdAx. US 2H5 OR F.kx Pts AT 683-7363 — ■ Letters OuR E-MAn.ADDRESS lis NewsAd.new adurhamnews.net 'Trustees should stand firm on sex kit decision To the editor: 1 am writing in response to Steve Houston's Oct. '_, editorial. What have years of teaching safe sex and birth control brought us" a) Spiralling illegitimate births and sexually transmit- ted diseases b) Welfare dependency of underaged mothers c) Children under 16 hav- ing abortions without parental knowledge, let alone consent d) Relentless sniping at the conventional family e) Confusion about the true values and meaning of life, etc. Add to this a huge gulf between indulgence and commitment caused by value -free teaching, and it becomes ever clearer why young men walk away from unexpected pregnancies after their casual encounters. What a conundrum for the "teach safe sex" side. Years ago the pill and lifestyle abortions -upon - demand became their play- things, while condoms were ignored, exposing their dis- regard for the dangers of ter- rible and even deadly dis- eases. Their solution now•? A sheathing device with a fail- ure rate of over 10 per cent. These same educated experts are now proclaiming that sex with condoms is OK, in spite of the Russian Roulette risks. They want this taught to all students, even though North American polls have shown consistently that the majority is not involved in this pastime. Nor do school boards, boards of health, social agencies and all their expert advisors wish to limit the teachings for teens. Instead, they have repeatedly shown a desire to start as early as kindergarten. Here then are a couple of suggested solutions which, as a bonus, should help to keep out special interest agendas: 1) Let school boards fur- nish all parents with a one- page questionnaire, with access to the proposed teaching material, all as sanctioned by the trustees and handled through an independent agency, to ensure an honest result. Thereafter, limit the teach- ing only to those students whose parents agree. 2) If response is inade- quate, and if condoms are still the answer, display that message on school bulletin boards to avoid all the atten- dant baggage introduced in the classrooms; advice that abstinence before marriage is best, and protection is a poor second best but those who wish, may seek confi- dential instructions as to rec- ommended use and risks. Unprotected sex is utter folly. In this way, the democra- tic process will have been served. However, school boards are notoriously unde- mocratic, arbitrary and con- descending. Therefore, costs will no doubt be the excuse of con- venience, even as they squander money in every which way. Next, give us more time. For what? To continue their failed experiments and increasingly dismal results'' No. Trustees should stand firm on this issue and their decision. Lynda Meharg, Ajax It THE NEWS ADVEIrrIlSER, WED, NOVEMBER Sit 190IS-PA-G. E 7-A P OF * A,0 pc� Town of Pickering *0A (905) 420.2222 PIC11i:]ERING* (905) 683.2760 November 8 SITE PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE November 8 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT November 9 'RACE RELATIONS & EQUITY COMMITTEE November 13 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING November 16 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION y November 20 T WATERFORD GATE MEETING November 20 COUNCIL MEETING November 22 SITE PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE November 23 DUNBARTON NEIGHBOURHOOD OPEN HOUSE y November 27 T EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING y November 29 T COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT .V M NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS ON THE TOWN OF PICKERING DRAFT OFFICIAL PLAN TOPIC DATE & TIME LOCATION Greenwood & Area and Staxton Glen Wed., November B Greenwood Hall Settlement Boundaries 7:30 p.m. Whttevale Settlement Tues., November 14 Whitevale Boundary 7:30 p.m. Community Centre Brougham Settlement Wed., November 15 Brougham Hall Boundary 8:00 p.m. Kinsale and Balsam Tues.. November 21 Mount Zion Settlement Boundaries 7:30 p.m. Community Centre Altona and Green River Wed.. November 22 Green River Settlement Boundaries 7:30 p.m. Community Centre Cherrywood & Area Tues., November 28 Cherrywood Settlement Boundaries 7:30 p.m. Church Hall Urban Area Issues Wed., November 29 Committee Room, 7:30 p.m. Civic Complex Ecological Issues Tues., December 5 Committee Room, 7:30 p.m. Civic Complex Rural Issues Wed.. December 6 Brougham Hall B:00 P.M. All Interested residents, landowners. and business -persons are invited to attend the above noted meetings and convey their comments on the draft Pickering Official Plan. For more information, or to obtain a copy of the Plan, please contact the Town Planning Department at (905) 420.4617 or (905) 6183-2760- DEPARTMENT OF REQUIRED PARKS & t ` Crossing Guards FACILITIES and Rover (Stand - C art, REQUIRESa� By) Guards for laiiaaaaTEMPORARY `S our School 4tY,�N, CUSTODIANS �,�,,,,, Crossing Guard "mow to clean c—ara mty cenir �w Program +. App -1, must be available to a Application form] Can be rr °� work irregular shots and c-�,° �' obtained from the Human a�y,- —kends >a'+� Resources Department, 1 • yn .ii Application corms can be y �'�s� The Esplanade. Pickering rrnra. obtained from the Human sarera. and must be Completed :a,rr Resources Department. 1 The u.rr and returned by a,an a,ca Esplanade. P.1tenng and must November 27, 1995, to ,rrw aratr, be completed and returned by Doyle M. Carrs rein, a � November 15. 1995, to Doyle Mxy of Human a,....rr M. Cameron. Manager of 11MOWp4 +.rwr lkrn.n Pisa roes. Tender for Road Improvements T-3-95 Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned department for then atkwe no later than 2:00 p.m Wednesday, November 15, 1995. The work consists of supply of the required materials, labour, machinery, kids and appliances for the excavation of the existing roadway and the placement of new granular base materials in preparation for .5 In of H.L.8 base asphalt for Concession 7 road, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the Town of Pickering. (Tender forms and specifications may be obtained by contacting Ihel Deparinlent of Supply and Services upon a mon-refundable payment of $15.00 per sel by cash or cheque made payable to the Town of Pickering. Lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted. The Corporatum til the Town tit Pickering Ikpartment til Supply and Services One The Fi+planade Pickering. Ontario, LI V 6K7 I'xK) 41211-4616 Vera A Felgemacher Jellrey. (•PPO. CPP. CMM I Manager til Supply and Services .CSN Or ncr TOWN OF PICKERING PUBLIC NOTICE F'uhhc notice of Intention to pass a by-law to stop up, close and sell k1 the abutting owners a portion of the road allowance known as Waterford Gale (sec sketch hclow) V )TILE Is hereby given pursuant to the Muntrrpal All. R S O 1990. Chap %145. section IM, that the Council of The Corporation of the T t -An of PiAcnng intends. at its meeting to he held at the Pickering lltilc Complex. One The Esplanade. Pickering, Ontario at 7 10 p m on %"ncmhcr 20. 1995, to pass a by-law to stop up, close and sell to the Ihutbne owners a portion of the road allowance known as Waterford The proposed hy-law and plan and description showing the lands Alcctcd may be seen in (be office of the Clerk of the Town of Pickering V the abuse -mentioned meeting. Council will hear in person or by his �r her counsel any person who claims his or her lands will he r:iudiclally affected by the by-law and who applied U) the Clerk tit be heard Any such person who 'Al.hcs to he heard should as sten possible make written u f•hcadon to i Bruce J. Tailor. A%I(T. CNINI ja:er L"bs •I t rnwa (Ierk .1 ,1xal«•ora Care. Pickering ('ntC Complex line rhe v putuide Pnkrring.r/atonic .-. t I) it rvn at Pickrrinx dies 4th day of Oc1l,ber 1"5, IARU W.-ItiTF. COLLECTIO."llat' t ''mptlstahle bald 'Aa lc 111:11Crtals will he „tllcocd separately liom recyclable,. and regular garbage In the Urban part of Town. Thal arca south of Concession Road 11. from April 24, 1995 to \,%einhcr 20, 1995 D)unng this period, cornpostahlc Yard \kastc will he collected only on the following Mondays: November 13, 20 A Fall lent collection scribe w111 he prosided in the Harnlets of Brougham, Clareinont. Greennver, Greenwooxl and Whitevale on 'Monday. November 13, 20. Remember: Yard Waste has to he free of inetal. flood waste or other garbage II you have any qucsUons regarding this program. please contact the Town of Pickering Public liVorks Department at 42046311 or 683-27(A). 1996 TAX PAYMENT OPTIONS 10 Convenient Installments The Council of the Town of Pickering has provided a tax payment option that will allow you to pay your taxes in ten convenient installments. Commencing January 1st. 1996 This installment plan will start January 1 st, 1996 on condition that your taxes are paid in full. To Enroll in the Installment Option For information about this payment option call the Treasury Department (905) 420-4614 Other Payment Options In addition to the above installment plan, you may pay your taxes by cash, cheque, Visa, Mastercard & by telepayment through 3E certain financial institutions. 40 DUMBARTON NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT & DESIGN STUDY As pan of the ongoing Development and Design Review of the Dunbanon Neighbourhood. a Resident Open House is scheduled for November 23, 1995 to be held at the location and time provided below: Thursday, November 23, 1995 3:00 pm. to 9:00 pm. Iwabhy of the Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade The purpose of this Open House is to provide neighbourhood rcsidcnis with an opportunity to review Final Development and Design Guidelines l r the Dunbarton Neighbourhoxxl prior to their consideration by Pickering Council. Planning Department staff look forward to answering your questions and/or receiving any comments you may have at this Open House. If you require any additional Information regarding this study pnor to the Open House, please contact Mr. Christopher Wong, Senior Planner of the Towns Planning lkpannlent at 420-4617 or h83-2760. JUENEE AST EXfi I UIT11114)N IS NOW ON DISPLAY NOVEMBER 8 - 23, 1995 IN THE AUDITORIUM AT THE PICKERING CENTRAL LIBRARY, ONE THE EsPLANADE, P Department of Culture and Recreation TEEN 1•01•TH PROGR %N1 i + :v scars !AW's- I -N TM tL� �wl-ril1()U1"- ijE\j)1, )'utcndt:c Ht�il i,h.,.1i Tuesdays 7 IX) - 10. 30 p n1 Brougham C•onununny Centre Tuesdays 8 uO - 11 410 p til. Easishore Coni nunity Centre Alednesdays- 7 (u) - I I w p til SI. Man High Schcol Fndays- h ?l) - Il):?0 p tit Easlshorc Colninunin Centre Fndays- 7:0O - I I.(M) p nn. $1.101 per .-t or 310.06'mm vead., ebersbrp wer Ftar o1n (ni nutwm Call 1131-111 Town of Pickering Kinette Club of Pickering and Loeb Glendale present ixtLUNCH WITH SANTA SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1995 12:00 moon - 2:00 p.m. $5.001persrifwk)c ENTERTAINMENT"W7 THE RUNAWAY PUPPET THEATRE Tickets available at the Pickering Recreation Complex, and Loeb Glendale (Dixie & Finch) For more information call &II -1711 or 683-6582 Department of Culture and Recreation J'E EN D:1` E f.RIDA)r. NOVL: IBLR 10, 1995 K -(H) p.m. - 12 midnight at the Pickering,, Rc, reataon Complex Ticket, alailahlc at Hieb tis:hools and the Pickenn-, R«reatil+n Complex i.04)/a(11an, e...ST(H)/Jour Ales I a-19 itears WEEKEND WATERCOLOUR WORKSHOP AT EAST SHORE COMMUNITY CENTRE INSTRUCTOR: SHELLEY BEACH DATE: DECEMBER 2, 1995 TIME: 10:00 A.M.-3:00 RM. V r.. $21.00/PERSON FOR REGISTRATION INFORMATION CALL 420-4621 M TAGS sd►-THE NLVS ADVSRr1tSM WM NoVEA=Fx a. 1"S Special -needs students may get more education assistants DURHAM — Additional help educational assistant to every one educational assistant for Brian Cain. }however. trustees may be on the way for students 166 students. Effective January, every 160 students. won't begin budget deliberations with special needs as the public that number will drop to one If approved, an extra 15 edu- until February, when the first school board looks at hiring educational assistant for every cational assistants would need to draft budget is expected. more educational assistants. 164 students. be hired at an annual cost of 'lite Durham Board of Educa- Staff is asking trustees to con- about S360.000, estimates tion currently has a ratio of one sider further lowering the ratio to superintendent of business 1,Ve "CAP kids make tfze grade. For hCttc'r ICaClII1 '.\ i iiiii I11.Iiii1110 Studd klli�,. Uti a Call. (�r;icic' FXhc'Ciaiic)r1� dill ci��i��n a �u�hl�tllt•nt.tn�ciur.ltic)n pro) r.irn hIPIC(l On \-()tlr Clldd'�, nor ci, tc) in�rca.c itltc'rc'�t. huilcl ��lt-Cc)nficl�nCc' and 1111DrO\'C' aCa(leillic hc'rtc>rnlanct' lc)r �illCic'I1i� Ill "T-.Icic'S 1 to ( ).:\.(.. ('all us today so n -e can shox%- -*-Ou ho xN- Gradc Expectations can help your child succeed. 1885 Glenanna Rd. (�1�. )1.; Suite 103 FA )11X :" 1: k I'1( )_\'s Pickering .r -A NINGENT CNtS 420-9930 Medical Centre – --- _- 18 s- 1 SUP pg� E �. _ states, spy• svH• Fay- Narrozu vas• �� Escape" by George McLean UNFRAMED signed publisher's proof "MVP" F.A.P. signed by Pat Borders err' FRAMED with a certificate of authentication. FINE FURNITURE, LAMPS, MIRRORS, COLLECTIBLES... TOO MANY ITEMS TO LISTH MATERNITY NA TRUCKLOAD SALE "While Supplies Last" T -Shirts from $9.95 Colored Jeans from 14.95 • Tights 7.60 Nursing Nighties 19.95 Cords 14.95 Nursing Bras 9.95 ' Skirts. Blouses 19.95 Stirrup Pants 19.95 Jeans 19.95 Dresses 39.95 Dress Pants 29.95 2 pc. Skirt Suits 59.95 aVests 14.95 Leggings 14.95 Jumpsuits 19.95 Denim Overalls 24.95 Panty Hose 3.19 Support Belts 17.60 FREE Gift panties 3 for 9.50 Sweaters 29.95 With This Ad . 350 DRESSES 3 BUSINESS SUITS IN STOCK $19.95 TO S275. 55 value with • 20% OFF LINGERIE purchase • S10 OFF THE SALE PRICE OF ALL Limit WILMA B. FASHIONS ` One R YQ OVER O R YQ i� G 5125 G T yt,,• , T 1N J Get connected to the Internet. Call 683-5110. C OFFzr 7pl." Bankruptcy, Inventory Clearance NOW UP TO 71 Limited Edition Art ,Ftoaert gateman N.S. Casspl Ca,t grenders `.est %t SaundeCs etc• TERMS: Payment by Cash, Visa, Mastercard. Sorry no cheques. All sales final. "Brass" Candle Stick Lamps with pleated Shade Thurs. & Fri. 5 pm - 9 pm Sat. 10 am - 6 pm Sun. 10 am - 5 pm 50 Church St. S. Ajax in the Pickering Villam I 9 .`Dusk,; • - by Trisha Romance Framed Double Mat NOW 139800 "Thunderbirds" by A.J. Casson FRAMED DOUBLE MAT Now $89700 f Hwy, 2 M in Y o ■ Randall V 3 H m v 401 f THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., NOVEMBER S. 1995 -PACE 9-A Z DAY FASHION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH AND FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10TH, 1995 � pES�V�DNE�U WE' , MppNL1GH �N�R 10D�SID WE'Rl �0 oQE p, EN uN by aw peiM i�l paL1.0 lQEa pl1D N►gS�1�.�+5 ZH �EC1�, 6��E Y0A1�EaEN 1 TAKE AN EXTRA p0 I n : 1 n . :MERCHMDISE PIR'U�ro ERCH�►►'�D1SC ;�'�'RpED�E��yIERCHAND�SE ALL ADVERT'S1.6,00epartalents: �A�jthe tnllow 1 1 1 N Uj"&1v 101WEA1 PAGE 0 -A -THE NIS ADVFRTI M WED, NOVEMBER fy 1"S Tsubouchi diet bland, bland, bland Tsubouchi Week 3: Rice. You can boil it, you can bake it, you can fry it. It's a main course, side dish and a dessert. I've tried 'em all. It's Day 17 of the Tsubouchi $91 diet and so far, so good. The staples are Joanne holding out well and I expect to have a surplus of rice, rolled oats, sugar, flour, short- ening and cooking oil at month's end. These would form a good foundation for next month's gro- ceries allowing me to purchase some more 'frivolous' items such as spices and additional baking supplies. The single greatest drawback to liv- ing on a diet grounded in rice, pastas and potatoes is that it's very bland. And with only peanut hitter, a few slices of cold cuts and some carrot sticks to choose from for lunch, it's very easy to skip a meal due to lack of interest. In fact. last week I skipped lunch three times. By dinner time I was famished so the rice looked pretty good. Still. skipping lunch was leav- ing me pretty lethargic in the after- noon. To remedy the situation. I caved in and spent S1.99 of my remaining SI I on mayonnaise. Eggs and tuna take on a whole new meaning in the lunch bag when they're joined by a little mayo. While at the grocery store, I picked up a loaf of bread, a dozen eggs. bananas, baking powder, baking soda and a bottle of no - name diet cola. Burghardt The bill came to $6.60 bringing the total spent this month on groceries for one to S85.82. One of the eggs, two bananas, baking powder and baking soda went into a batch of banana muffins for snacks. I was so pleased with my shopping trip Sunday I decided I could afford a small luxu- ry, so I picked up a coffee for 90 cents (iota] $86.72) at the local doughnut store before heading to Central Colle- giate West in Oshawa to watch my husband play football. I wasn't on the field two minutes when someone mentioned coffee was- n't on my list. You can't get away with anything. But even with the cof- fee, I've got almost S5 to do me the rest of the month. The next week will see me eating a LOT of cauliflower. I purchased a giant one on day one of my diet and more than half remains in the freezer. Looks like cauliflower soup for lunch. Nuclear watchdog added to Pickering nucl By MARIANNE TAKACSTAFFsREPORTER PICKERING — Durham Nuclear Awareness has been given a seat on the Town's new nuclear awareness com- mittee after having initially been left off it. But the Oshawa -based nuclear watchdog group will have to provide a representative from Pickering. Town Council voted Monday b add a DNA representative to the Picker- inggNuario Hydro Liaison Committee. The role of the committee is to provide a liaison between the Town and Ontario Hydro on issues relating to the Picker- ing Nuclear Generating Station. Its for- mation was fust approved by Council last December in the wake of a major spill of heavy water at the Pickering Nuclear Gerterating Swim Two weeks ago, Council's executive committee approved the eomposition of the liaison committee, which included Pickering -Ajax Citizens Together (PACT) for the Environment, but not DNA Ward 1 Regional Councillor Maurice Brenner brought forward an amend- ment Monday asking his colleagues to include DNA. "I think it's important to have them at the table," he said. But Councillor Brenner, Ward I local C uncillor Dave Ryan and Ward 2 local Councillor David Farr opposed another amendment from Ward 3 Regional Councilor Ride Johnson to require the representative of both envi- ronmental groups to be Pickering resi- dents. They noted the DNA member' e ar committee who could help the most may not neces- sarily be from Pickering. "We need to have the best people possible at the table," said Councillor Ryan. Mr. Brenner suggested councillors would be doing "a disservice to the community" by approving the residency requirement. Councillor Johnson, however, insist- ed it should be "a Pickering coomntiuee. "I'm worried that we might get alarmists instead of the best people," he said in explaining why he wanted non- residents excluded. Cotmcillors Sherry Senis and Enrico Pistritto and Mayor Wayne Arthurs sup- ported Councillor Johnson's amend- In a later interview, DNA spokesper- son Irene Kock said the residency requirement will matte it more difficult for the organirdt m to find a representa- tive, since none of the members of its current rent executive are from Pickering. However, she's pleased DNA has been invited to join, and said the organi- zation would find a member from Pick- eting 'who's wr7liwg to get up to speed" on nuclear issues to sit qt the commit- tee. • Q 1 l.:l�1�JG 1 Vl .11l►7Gl.►J l.Vl DURHAM - It's a scurvy list that issues. The most obvious thing is, how do social services minister Dave Tsubouchi you fit these foods into a menu? While has come up with, say local nutritionists. pasta and rice are good staples, there are Canada's Food Guide recommends at no ingredients on the list for sauces. least five servings of fruits and vegeta- "It's true, you can create low-cost bles a day, says Louise Couch, in prac- dishes by cooking from scratch and tice with two Whitbv chiropractors. doing your own baking,," she says. `But "This list won't go very far in 30 a lot of the staples are missing," from days," says Ms. Couch in reference to Mr. Tsubouchi's list — like flour, veg- the social services minister's much-criti- etable oil, salt, pepper, baking soda, as sized monthly diet. well as popular One head of let- tuce will only stay fresh a couple of days, she says, and there are no other vegetables to add to it to even make a salad. And there is no salad dressing, either. Further, 12 oranges and 10 bananas is simply not enough fruit for one month, she adds. Since most people `A lot of the are missing.' Dianne Elliot eat too much pro- tein, she had no objection to Mr. Tsub- ouchi's choice of beans and peanut but- ter, eggs and meat. However, tits. Couch agrees with Dianne Elliott, nutritionist with the Durham Region Health Department, who says the list doesn't take into account some important, practical condiments like mustard and ketchup. Ms. Elliott agrees buying in bulk is cheaper, but you have to have the space to store the supplies — and the cooking equipment to pre- pare the food. Many people on social assistance cook on a hot Plate. And transporta- tion becomes a problem if you're trying to carry 10 lbs. of potatoes and two kilograms of rice on the hus. Trying to keep fruits and vegetables Fresh over an extended period of time becomes a problem for a single person, she adds. "It's very difficult to use them before they go bad," she says, %*Quality Exhibitors with Fabulous Bargains/ `*FREE OS/2 Warp Presentations by IBM CANADA! %*FREE Internet Seminars Presented Continuously by Toronto's INTERNEX ONLINE/ `*Visit the EPSD/V CANADA Exhibitl `*Software Give-Aways Dailgl r►Plag Cool Virtual Reality Gamesl %*Acres and Acres of FREE Parking/ NOVEMBER 10, 11 & 12 Friday, Ilam-9pm / Saturday. Ilam -bpm / Sunday. llam-Spm Metro East Trade Centre. Brock Rd. & Hwy 401. Pickering C�.ra LANDMARK COMPUTER EXHIBITIONS VOICE: 1-800-265-7081 Pi, rk , I HOMCE WE'VE Stores for your home and your leisure! APPLIANCES ♦ LINENS + FURNISHINGS FABRICS + LIGHTING + ARTS & CRAFTS SPORTING GOODS ♦ SPAS ♦ RESTAURANT 1755 Pickering Pkwy. Ll V 6K5 905.427.4332 PmlId1G POWAY WY401 •" •' THE 14�rV'� �DVE'Th`I5E1� HE'D;1tiUVL►MEE1t'a;199S-PACE I I•. lefffARS& f:xpe l 111i"efi-U111 .S'C ar, RoadHandler° Y Touring 11mSeason tare 95,000 Km. Tread , + / . .� WeoraA warranty - r sears I sole, r„ IS SAVE Size reg. each , 49.99 JF 5/80R'3 9799 59.99 �/75R'4 '1299 69.99 f �./ / - % ` = .15'175F 1 15 99 72.99 r �'� d L J5/75R'; 12699 79.99 1 35 5/75F Ida 90 99.99 --• 0 5/70P'3 106 99 63.99 } A I rs, w Uniroyal 5 739'4 ' 13 09 69.99 r' 3 F, __:.:.y t,.: cr.::, al Y %5 70Ri4 18 99 72.99 ��! 3oodnch to provide same smooth quiet ride 1r 5'73R!4 23 oc 77.99 round in original equioment tires All -season tread design provides traction ,n all weather ` ..-aM+!.rr•,�a :r, - � conditions rsr;)^GC ;eves BEAT THE Or on all snow tires and installation charges • r ' ears wdl deduct on amount egu,vatent to the GS" 40M your tato; purchase Offer applies to :restock snow tires and rnstallat,or charges only Offer excludes Catalogue and Clearance Centre /�`y purchases, Deters tees. Delivery or Ma nrenonce r./'•- 1� I Agreement Charge Selec'orma car'. o,, rare Rood Ice'N' Snow N 11,1116111,111111111154145/80912 Features aggressive tread design for enhanced traction in all Winter driving conditions: ice, snow, slush and wet roads. Covered by 'no charge' Road Hazard warranty. AM saes Neft Gold at one low price.» 89" W.1r, hade+n•. Sears reg 99 99 with trade-in" Up to 900 cold cranking amps of optimum power. 84 -month pro- rated warranty including 24 -month free replacement. #50000 series • 'There is a $5 deposit when you buy a new ba„ery at Sears, refundable with the return of your old badtery for recycling SALE PRICES END SUNDAY, NOVEEMBEER 112, 1995 WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Copwight 1995, Sears Canada Inc. !{iIV0 rrt. nY fr r,rtt .4•ur:. SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.. Sat. 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. N 0 6■ 0 * HWY, Act SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.. Sat. 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. ]PAGE 12-A•THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, NOVEMBER t, 1"S Plan to kill local government `concerns' mayor ❑ Remarks by Ontario municipal affairs minister strikes chord in Pickering By MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER PICKERING — Mayor Wayne Arthurs is "concerned but not worried yet" about recent remarks by the provincial Minis- ter of Municipal Affairs suggest- ing the Progressive Conserva- tives want to eliminate the local level of municipal government in Ontario. Al Leach told a convention of municipal leaders recently that it's time to get rid of the current two-tiered system of municipal government (where Pickering, for example, is governed both by the Town of Pickering and the Region of Durham, with each providing different and some overlapping services and regula- tions). Mr. Leach suggested all municipal affairs should be run by the regional level. Mayor Arthurs describes the minister's statements as "pre- emptive", because the provincial Golden commission on munici- pal, government reform has yet to complete its final report and rec- ommendations. The mayor allows that while there is room for adjustment and for the elimination of duplication between local and regional municipal gevernments, local government is the one that can run local affairs in the least cost- ly and most efficient way. "There's nothing to lead us to Durham Freenet access available at Pickering Library ❑ Library offers on-line service for those who don't own home computers PICKERING — Access to the new Durhar_i Freenet is now available at the Pickering Central Library. A public access computer on the main floor of the library will allow Patrons to try out the Freenet and regis- ter online. Durham Freenet is a computer-based information and communications net- work designed to serve the information needs of people and public agencies in Don't Miss the Pickering Kinsmen Santa Claus Parade Sun. Nov. 12 1995 Starting at 2:00 pm ALA the community. It provides access to information on the community, as well as limited access to the Internet. This is an opportunity for all users to take advantage of the information highway, even if they don't have access to a personal computer at their home or workplace," chief librarian Sandy Cameron says in a press release announcing the new service. Library staff are available to show people how to sign on to the Freenet during regular library hours 10 am. to Please recycle! —"w Serving the Community's Greatest Need Letter Carriers will be collecting letters for Santa en route. ]PART ENO 9 p.m. Monday to Friday and 9 am. to S p.m. Saturday. The library is at One The Esplanade. believe simply wiping out tl local level of government going to provide that efficiency Mayor Arthurs says he hop the feedback the minister ge from the Golden commission at municipalities will make hi reconsider his views. fie adds Mr. Leach's stat ments sounded like "politic comment rather than a we thought-out strategy". W.C.B. • Are you an injured worker • Are you getting all you are entitled to? • Having trouble dealing with the WCB? IF SO WHY NOT GIVE US A CALL! FREE CONSULTATION CALL (905) 668-1880 THE COMPENSATION COMPANY "Professional Solution" TOYOTA Buy or Lease. Now's The Time to Camry lave! 1996 To Coroll -]Pius treignt, pay s taxes. "Based on 48 month lease plus taxes. First payment 8 security deposit required only. Instant Rebate Up to A d AA or even more $3REBATE ON VISION SOLARIAN ** SAVE Designer Solarian II $5 Designer Solarian $5 Visions Solarian $3 r"wr ...X F6x.iN Based on T[lC Vl.v♦c• ♦ �tst. You'll Feel Warm All Over When You See How Much You Save On Sweaters. or anytime. And the best part Is they're all 40-604%) less than at all those other malt stores. 111111(11%•41~ id' tilNl►•. 1►i c h►N►ti► Ivan, h►►vvi w r..1►► ► illy .h1r. n►t�� vary livan Muir to �UnrVf W I N N E ft 8. Slurp hours: Mon. to 1`11. 9:30-9:00 Pickering SuperCentre Saturday 9:30-01:00, Sunday 11.00-5:00 Liverpool I:dA Kingston Rd. (INN. ?) 8:37-0-320 Plus 15 other Greater Toronto locations PAGE 14 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, W®,r NOVEMBER 1;, 1"S Speak your mind on national unity at MP's meeting AJAX-PICKERIIvG — What should the fed- eral government do to keep Canada together? You can tell Ontario Riding MP Dan McTeague what you think at a Town Hall meet- ing he's hosting Thursday. The meeting will give constituents a chance to discuss last week's Quebec referendum or any Other issue of concern. It's being held from 7 to 9 p.m. in the council chambers of the Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esplanade. Call Mr. McTeague's constituency office at 427-6203 for more information. 11h h +.hen nn a>DA a6 ts 4-21el) $1329.95 S>� P= 12 tltA1" Sam Purchase the Som audio stern described above before I)noarttrer 31, 1995 and recer(r the Sony audrostanrd Sl'S350CA at no (Dura cogRegular retail value 99.95 Local support PICKERING -- tist Church, 8 Serenity Group holds a Kingston Rd., Pickeri group helps 12 -step recovery meet- The group deals w ing Friday, Nov. 10 at 8 addictions of all typ fight addiction pm. at the Bayfair Bap- Call 428-943 1 evening 69EEIAR69 L.VI)ecl mon". n Use vour Segs Card and Don ta 'til May'96 py 01lcralrinlic. 1() In,cJl4cl h.11u� :ur(I Patio Dkx,r.. (;4.1111,1 Air, l+cnnu,r4 Funn:ucs, (:ac Fir4lJac(•s, Heclrtatic Air (:lc:u►crs, Fl:u :urcl S11i11-lc Rlx,tiii- mul Rephic(-mem WinclOws, ten :►pprl/\­l (1 -lit, 4.ith ct/ur ti4.u% (::uci. S2:1(Ic•frn.J fir a1)pli4s. 1111. th-1 cnd, \rnl nlix-r 21. 111tr,. AA rin dct.uk 4- Save l0% i - �� i -. on Instidled o oil Virn-1 Windows 1►}tit�lllf'(l ,1 I Nilxlnw Igx•nnly,�. ll}titallf'(l F:ntr� _ hrntt�(>rc` Dottws -- ---_ Ftirnacr 'IT1 _ -_ 1 ` 1t' Flat Roofin, SCitIN Chub Members earn 1,000 sc�u-s ( hub I10I1LIS POIIlt_S On each Installed Home Improvement 11. 1 Ixx apllh t" plNl�il 491-`t1 I-XIIIAt\. ( NJ, I \.dxj t11/Ill \,N W. 1tx6, -\tuunxur) Ixul Ihwt• 44 SNA10 F.utl I IMNI Iwxul. tit -,us ( 7u1)1,4ant.11ll t_Kh Imtllk.lfhxtx Irnlx,nrnxtul1x11t:rtlxuth.av11+NIvlx11tic:uNa41taint. G•111. NOW, T011. FRFF FOR :1 NO-OB11G. 110N IN -1 iO'1IF. F:ti HNL-111. OR xisrr 1 Ot fz siARti 1tF"I:11I. �TORF: 1-800-625-0025 S(wN Guaranteed Home Improvements Triple Ml��i60% rearInS� Ilt,lhc protogtc and a remote Receiver control that will operate all varr carIlionens Even .�anr Soxnv 11 and %CR S M)%5 399.99 CD Player. i (1) Changer. Ilybnd Pulse 1)A(:. Ihsc Exchange (7)P(:265 299.9! Caesew Deck: bob B/C now reduction. hr -speed dubbing 7Ct6'32 229.99 lfaia Speakers: Magrretrcalh shtekled 220 watts Max SSC421A1 249.99 Stvrosad S/taktrx Centre channel and mar speakers. SSCR 150 149-M 11h h +.hen nn a>DA a6 ts 4-21el) $1329.95 S>� P= 12 tltA1" Sam Purchase the Som audio stern described above before I)noarttrer 31, 1995 and recer(r the Sony audrostanrd Sl'S350CA at no (Dura cogRegular retail value 99.95 Local support PICKERING -- tist Church, 8 Serenity Group holds a Kingston Rd., Pickeri group helps 12 -step recovery meet- The group deals w ing Friday, Nov. 10 at 8 addictions of all typ fight addiction pm. at the Bayfair Bap- Call 428-943 1 evening 69EEIAR69 L.VI)ecl mon". n Use vour Segs Card and Don ta 'til May'96 py 01lcralrinlic. 1() In,cJl4cl h.11u� :ur(I Patio Dkx,r.. (;4.1111,1 Air, l+cnnu,r4 Funn:ucs, (:ac Fir4lJac(•s, Heclrtatic Air (:lc:u►crs, Fl:u :urcl S11i11-lc Rlx,tiii- mul Rephic(-mem WinclOws, ten :►pprl/\­l (1 -lit, 4.ith ct/ur ti4.u% (::uci. S2:1(Ic•frn.J fir a1)pli4s. 1111. th-1 cnd, \rnl nlix-r 21. 111tr,. AA rin dct.uk 4- Save l0% i - �� i -. on Instidled o oil Virn-1 Windows 1►}tit�lllf'(l ,1 I Nilxlnw Igx•nnly,�. ll}titallf'(l F:ntr� _ hrntt�(>rc` Dottws -- ---_ Ftirnacr 'IT1 _ -_ 1 ` 1t' Flat Roofin, SCitIN Chub Members earn 1,000 sc�u-s ( hub I10I1LIS POIIlt_S On each Installed Home Improvement 11. 1 Ixx apllh t" plNl�il 491-`t1 I-XIIIAt\. ( NJ, I \.dxj t11/Ill \,N W. 1tx6, -\tuunxur) Ixul Ihwt• 44 SNA10 F.utl I IMNI Iwxul. tit -,us ( 7u1)1,4ant.11ll t_Kh Imtllk.lfhxtx Irnlx,nrnxtul1x11t:rtlxuth.av11+NIvlx11tic:uNa41taint. G•111. NOW, T011. FRFF FOR :1 NO-OB11G. 110N IN -1 iO'1IF. F:ti HNL-111. OR xisrr 1 Ot fz siARti 1tF"I:11I. �TORF: 1-800-625-0025 S(wN Guaranteed Home Improvements Triple Feature! So" Tdoitnxn television deliver the dea►tst. runt brilliant usages in the eniertainnnent i IMI Thi, '"' Shu stereo monitornneicer Imsts Ikep Black Trinitmn screen. closed c4bi n decoder ISP channel. steep Inner aurin✓vidtt, input and rernote control. 849 K}2NO ti NUS VAUV Purcha* a Sony K1'2'S10, K%27110 or K%nl5 hef(xe Ilem» her 31, 1995 and receive the matching Soxnr'R stand for ads $50 Regular retail value f i x) Mall: to x ijjcj)ne A)ti krxnv. Cop%nRht 1!015. Sears C mida Int. '"(ne up to a >txnti hi-fi 'At-1f:R for contplele en*IMjt IIf nxW rentals or time -shift W)rd Ings from uxrr st m)'11 The'- Ease SebuP Key kAW help, lrxr progryn the }:R's basic funs born or clack set. tuner prw and language ptefet 0 by d*a}ing ra,Y-to-u* on-screen nxsun. Moves :;: "9 SPECIAL 0 1lrrchase Sony hi-fi TILS 1'CR Vote Ikamber 31. 19% and mo w a Bonus 1H1nxnie (7xxxefmnn. saffl rptrord0,,ddtk4fjPo A)trios the Sony store Pickering Town Centre, 420-3224 rr X17 ng. ith es. S. Find yourself in stitches with Durham trillium Quilters Guild DURHAM -- The Durham p.m. at the Caribbean Cultural be held. All are welcome. Call Trillium Quilter's Guild meets Centre, 600 Wentworth St. E., 623-7892 or 263-2138 for Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 7:30 Oshawa. A mini -workshop will information. LEN/YOX WHOLE HOUSE DUCTWORK SPECIALISTS ._ HIGH �R®� ELECTRIC TO GAS CONVERSIONS EFFICIENCY TRADE EC YOUR P TO FURNACE —' 500 N' OR 25% OFF ON AIR CONDITIONING -- WHEN PURCHASED d1. INSTALLED WITH A NEW GAS FURNACE -- AFFORDABLE CONSUMERS GAS FINANCING PROGRAM •= B 11111u I HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING SHOWROOM OPEN EVERYDAY INCLUDING SATURDAY _ PICKERING HOME & DESIGN CENTRE PICKERING/AJAX/WHITSY BROCK RD. d1. THE 401, PICKERING 905-428-0333 = 0 &Clair the paint and paper people iAst 4 Offer Ends November 11, 1995 THE SAVINGS ARE REAL LUXURY SUPREME Satin Paint • A qed qtk* pant • 100's of pastd miours I A Ute salin labor paint Sltitabk br [many ares of your home ind xft bedrooms► Mv mttl<s, and dhft moms, Vim a rldt who* Utbh is denied OFF St Clair 1k LEVOLOW MONACO 1" VW Bads � CU" 10 A11rIIIXI 44 SkS R* b W IIOIIIC fto 20 dile ■ as a 7r Flee < 01 aro � !0• " a• R pont Ar•I•Dk to .Ire aria wiry. (t nt�e t>,i1id n 4W2,r36• Nin& SCARBOROUGH A alto k inom 100 Dap)ler cololtrs. 24'•«10 x-mr rWit" 10•, W *%ths up b 140• end knptln uP In �� A 0 •� 108•. pdnQ us Yon treauilemaks Ar 8 4 tgrM4S1 swI WM611 Me 31-M611. eaeI 44%641.,1.!!I »rna)opms ■ 611 4,401 T33Vh 611 e.r 4M 641 ILD THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, NOVEMBER 41995 -PAGE 15-A Our Entire St FAB I bvr1j kl 0 C4111m, [ARREST FASRIM FAMIC MSTROUM P�417FRNS N01ti I � � 14/9` 5 N Of HERE'S 6xou�t. p .HOW IT WORKS; metre of sele Buy 1 full fabric at Fabricla of s cted nee9ular Price ncts and get the xt 2 absolute! Choose from these S) DIOR CREPE 1 I ;cm wide ()ur Req. 1499 m BUY 1m GET 2 FREE! PRINTED CHALLIS 1 1 x m w ide. ()ur Rvx 6 9x m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! NOVELTY SPORTSWEAR 1 (h m wade Our Reg. 9 9x m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! COTTON PRINTS -� cm wide ()ur Req. 3.99 m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! _ 'jasmine' JACQUARD SOLIDS xm wide Our Reye :Z.vx m BUY Im GET 2 FREE.' PALACE FAILLE PRINTS Icm wide Our Rug 1..4x m BUY Im GET 2 FREE! REVERSIBLE JACQUARD PRINTS xw Fit OurReK :t,v.xm BUY lm GET 2 FREE! BOTTOM W EIGHT :I�.m wide ()ur Rug 'uxm BUY im GET 2 FREE! CHALLIS SOLIDS 17, m w ide ()ur Rey 9 QA m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! _ ( RINKLE CREPE Solids & Prints i7—m ..1de ()ur ReK ;,)x m BUY Im GET 2 FREE! )ecial Selections of y FREE! Asst. WOOLS & WOOL BLENDS 1 igcm wide Our Reg t, lQ 9x-24 9x m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! HOLIDAY SPORTSWEAR 1;4)(-m wide Our Req 4 99 in BUY lm GET 2 FREE! _ FUJIETTE PRINTS 137, m wide Our Rug to 14 99 m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! DRAPERY CHINT7 PRINTS 13;cm wide Our ReK 141411 m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! DECORA FORS' CHOICE Solids 14 -km w ide (her Rug i _ 9x m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! NATURAL JACQUARD UPHOLSTERY: 1;, -r -...,du In white do utt-white Our Reg 12.99 m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! 1" SHIRRING TAPE ,Z,ordi ()ur R,"s1. —C M BUY lm GET 2 FREE! DURA -STITCH THREAD 1S()0m Our ReK 4 qx ,,,tie BUY I GET 2 FREE! POLARTEC' FLEECE. SOLIDS I5(km wide. IOf)-, ,-n)I.cstcr. (kir Re 1499 Bt Y I m (.'ET 2 FREE' 1355 Kingston Rd. Pickering Town Centre 839-5990 - I YOL_NGER LOOMING SKIN TILAN YOU ENTR THOUGHT POSSIBLE BEGINS IN EIGHT DAYS PRIMORDIALE Visibly Rcvt.:i�:r, joluttun For Flit fvu time, Lanc6me"s patented `anocapsule Technology" blankets the sk:n with • 30 times more &)=ically Pure Vitamin E, a na;lral free radical neutralizer •A patented lipo-hydroxy-acid comfortably exfolutes surface skin Visible results begin within cight jg• s PnmordWe helps to insuiate skin from premature aging factors. The appearance of surface lines and wrinkles is delaved and diminished SEE YOURSELF GROW YOU'N'GER LOOKING. PRIMORDIALS V"My ec r t sabdiow 30 =L• 549.00 GIFT -WITH -PURCHASE With any LANCOME purchase of $20.00 or more, you will receive at no extra charge, a 6 piece -gift, containing: •BIENFAIT TOTAL CREME, Total IaA Well -Being Day Creme, SPF15, 15mL t` •EFFACIL, Gentle Eye Makeup Remover, 30 mL •ROUGE ABSOLU, Hydrating Long Lasting LipColour, Matte Neutrale 1 •ROUGE ABSOLU, Hydrating Long Lasting LipColour, Brun S4tpia oul _ •MAGIE NOIRE, Eau de Toilette, Vial -A LANCOb1E LIPSTICK CASE Your purchase entitles you to one stamp on your Cosmetics Club Card. 2er valid until November 26, 1995, or wht a quantities last. One gift per astomer 9SHOFFIIIIISSIVS DRUG M ®i Offer valid at the following store(s): Pickering Town Centre 1355 Kingston Road PICKERING AJAX PICKERING SCARBOROUGH Discovery lay Centre Pickering Torn Centre Abbey Line Shopping Centre 571 westney Road Highway 21 Liverpool 91 Rylander Blvd. Z'wr the paint and paper people 428.1608 839.2252 124.0181 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, NOVEMBER 41995 -PAGE 15-A Our Entire St FAB I bvr1j kl 0 C4111m, [ARREST FASRIM FAMIC MSTROUM P�417FRNS N01ti I � � 14/9` 5 N Of HERE'S 6xou�t. p .HOW IT WORKS; metre of sele Buy 1 full fabric at Fabricla of s cted nee9ular Price ncts and get the xt 2 absolute! Choose from these S) DIOR CREPE 1 I ;cm wide ()ur Req. 1499 m BUY 1m GET 2 FREE! PRINTED CHALLIS 1 1 x m w ide. ()ur Rvx 6 9x m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! NOVELTY SPORTSWEAR 1 (h m wade Our Reg. 9 9x m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! COTTON PRINTS -� cm wide ()ur Req. 3.99 m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! _ 'jasmine' JACQUARD SOLIDS xm wide Our Reye :Z.vx m BUY Im GET 2 FREE.' PALACE FAILLE PRINTS Icm wide Our Rug 1..4x m BUY Im GET 2 FREE! REVERSIBLE JACQUARD PRINTS xw Fit OurReK :t,v.xm BUY lm GET 2 FREE! BOTTOM W EIGHT :I�.m wide ()ur Rug 'uxm BUY im GET 2 FREE! CHALLIS SOLIDS 17, m w ide ()ur Rey 9 QA m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! _ ( RINKLE CREPE Solids & Prints i7—m ..1de ()ur ReK ;,)x m BUY Im GET 2 FREE! )ecial Selections of y FREE! Asst. WOOLS & WOOL BLENDS 1 igcm wide Our Reg t, lQ 9x-24 9x m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! HOLIDAY SPORTSWEAR 1;4)(-m wide Our Req 4 99 in BUY lm GET 2 FREE! _ FUJIETTE PRINTS 137, m wide Our Rug to 14 99 m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! DRAPERY CHINT7 PRINTS 13;cm wide Our ReK 141411 m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! DECORA FORS' CHOICE Solids 14 -km w ide (her Rug i _ 9x m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! NATURAL JACQUARD UPHOLSTERY: 1;, -r -...,du In white do utt-white Our Reg 12.99 m BUY lm GET 2 FREE! 1" SHIRRING TAPE ,Z,ordi ()ur R,"s1. —C M BUY lm GET 2 FREE! DURA -STITCH THREAD 1S()0m Our ReK 4 qx ,,,tie BUY I GET 2 FREE! POLARTEC' FLEECE. SOLIDS I5(km wide. IOf)-, ,-n)I.cstcr. (kir Re 1499 Bt Y I m (.'ET 2 FREE' 1355 Kingston Rd. Pickering Town Centre 839-5990 - I YOL_NGER LOOMING SKIN TILAN YOU ENTR THOUGHT POSSIBLE BEGINS IN EIGHT DAYS PRIMORDIALE Visibly Rcvt.:i�:r, joluttun For Flit fvu time, Lanc6me"s patented `anocapsule Technology" blankets the sk:n with • 30 times more &)=ically Pure Vitamin E, a na;lral free radical neutralizer •A patented lipo-hydroxy-acid comfortably exfolutes surface skin Visible results begin within cight jg• s PnmordWe helps to insuiate skin from premature aging factors. The appearance of surface lines and wrinkles is delaved and diminished SEE YOURSELF GROW YOU'N'GER LOOKING. PRIMORDIALS V"My ec r t sabdiow 30 =L• 549.00 GIFT -WITH -PURCHASE With any LANCOME purchase of $20.00 or more, you will receive at no extra charge, a 6 piece -gift, containing: •BIENFAIT TOTAL CREME, Total IaA Well -Being Day Creme, SPF15, 15mL t` •EFFACIL, Gentle Eye Makeup Remover, 30 mL •ROUGE ABSOLU, Hydrating Long Lasting LipColour, Matte Neutrale 1 •ROUGE ABSOLU, Hydrating Long Lasting LipColour, Brun S4tpia oul _ •MAGIE NOIRE, Eau de Toilette, Vial -A LANCOb1E LIPSTICK CASE Your purchase entitles you to one stamp on your Cosmetics Club Card. 2er valid until November 26, 1995, or wht a quantities last. One gift per astomer 9SHOFFIIIIISSIVS DRUG M ®i Offer valid at the following store(s): Pickering Town Centre 1355 Kingston Road PICKERING PAGE lb -A -THE NEWS ADVERInSER, WED, NOVEMBER t, 1"S ♦ RED SHIELD APPEAL Salvation Army needs your commitment today to help others tomorrow AJAX-PICK- ERING — The Salvation Armv wants you to Help Us Help Others. Volunteers are needed to can- vass door-to- door for Sallv Ann's Red Shield Appeal Monday, Mav 6. Sherry Senis. chairman of the local 1996 appeal, says, "The Salvation Armv does some very good work. We tend to think of them at Christmas and thank God thev do that. But ser- vices are ongo- ing through the year. .. The donations gathered during i C 0 the Christmas appeal "aren't enough to main- tain the Salva- tion Armv through the whole year. That's why the blitz," Ms. Senis says. The appeal this past spring raised $18.000 in Pickering and S12,000 in Ajax. Ms. Senis would like to "try to double, triple that", but adds "anv improvement over the past year will be a success. Both towns end up benefitting." Among ser- vices offered by the Ajax -Picker- ing Salvation Army are a food bank, thrift shop and the Family Services Centre. The Metro Toronto divi- sion, which takes in the Ajax -Pickering Sally Ann, col- lected $8.8 mil- lion during the 1994 appeal to fund emergency shelters, suicide prevention ser- vices, language classes for new- comers, hospi- tals, pre -natal and post -natal care and summer camp for chil- dren. Many of the Salvation Army's services are partially funded by the provincial gov- ernment. "I shudder to think what's going to happen, the way the Har- ris government's going (with funding cut- backs). Maybc people will be falling through the cracks," Ms. Senis worries. The hope is to "blanket the towns" for the one -day blitz, so hundreds of vol- unteers are need- ed, she says. Helping Ms. Senis on the campaign com- mittee are co - c h a i r m a n Julieanne Jar- dine, Jim Wise- man, Anita Witty and Bob Mitchell. To volunteer or for more information, call Ms. Senis at 905-831-6000 or public relations co-ordinator Rhonda Nar- rawav at 905- 837-7769. FA CTORY CLEARANCE SALE SAVE � OFF UP TO ORETAIL PRICES 4 DAYS ONLY! ALLSALES FINAL VOGUE BRA FACTORY CLEARANCE 1540 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO THURS. NOV.. 9th 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM FRIDAY NOV. IOth 10110 AM - 9-W PM SATURDAYNOV, Ilth 9:00 AM - 6.00 PM SUNDAY NOV 12th 1000 AM - 5:00 PM •TANGAS •BRAS *BRIEFS *BIKINIS eBUSTIERS *GIRDLES *CONTROL TOP BRIEFS N+S 1540 DUNDAS STREET EAST, WHITBY (IN THE BRICK PLAZA) NW CORNER OF DUNDAS ST, E- Ntr TWCKSON RD. H&R BLOCK® THE INCOME TAX TRAINING SCHOOL INCOME TAX COURSE cURRICUL01l During the 11•walkhaseseof students will study P income tax preparation including current aws, theory and appl CLASSES ARE NOW FORMING ENROLLMENT s cpo� and classes November 13 A choice of nttq afternoon and evenna �swns are available. ANYONE V�, ENROLL. APPLICANTS need vnurrar>ess to team about 3r" ST�IDEIVIS WILL RECEIVE 9to X ce7rh�k, o/ e>�ort eWewt as as Me Stock. IoV wrm H&R Me course mer C0nl�'to' oil ''_'�olment rKK 9oaraIee �QS� DPW more a15 co`es These ace ,��s�adOn� rt+salme� paYlrl a3P�Vaiable Iced H_&R BLOCK KNOWS TAXES AND HOW to teach them. Om irrstrudors are exy [inured and are experienced BLOCK personnel wto make each session an excAmg experience+ dmsc,won sessiom, reverence matenats and irmudfm!s ;ring reg'utabm tams and schedules I FULL DETAILS]AREASCLOSE AS Yiepptw% Just call lHeLa as 10 Gasslocatinates. tuAan. erc Actspacesiiw�N e�s,re r the schw For more information call: Oshawa/Whitby/Clarington Ajax/Pickering 725-4563 686-1395 69EEAnSS 1� 4~ on selected Levolor' window fashions 'ExcaGtwr verticals are available in a wide range of colours, textures. 'Riviera' blinds offer excellent light control and privacy. Save 45% on 'Heriilage' 1 or 2" wood blinds. 7 stains, Whit Alabaster. Save 45% on 'Cryst ale' pleated shades -in a wide assortment of beautiful fabrics and designs. Save 255%s on selected custom draperies and more Save % on custom drgxnes, bedspr>eocls. and by treakrienls. Save 35% on sheer draperies. There are Ixitidreds of fabrics and w6xs- linen, wile, printed sheers anc more. *&ivivs q30r to rx,deriats xx* rxslalaron e,da. sears our, anuxje;n dla m by etas:, Harem Use your Sears Card and Don't pay'til May /96:NO minimum purchase recftt;red No 3rd p" �t ��� No down paymer requ;r,eci No prepaynX%t of kaoees Deferred offer applies to custom wincbw fashions, on neck with your Sears Card. $25 deferral fee applies. ClFfer ends Nov. 24, 1995. Lr kkdion it rrns in Cleoranae Cenhes and caci6 rte purdxses are riot induced in this offer. Ask for details. Sale prices end Wednesday, November 15, 1995 CALL NOW, TOLL FREE, FOR A NO -OBLIGATION IN-HOME ESTIMATE, OR VW YOUR SEARS RETAIL STORE 1=800=625=0025 � ntr�rn COPr'9ht 1995. sear, carwdo Irrc. R� R• MADE AND WEEMENINNOMR- SERVICED BY lnq& 461 AUTOMATIC WASHER • 2 automatic cycles • 2 water levels r • self clean lint filter By• self balancing inner pp►IR basket • single action ���� agitator ANp ncluding full manufacturer's warranty MORE469 ,Z V91 • THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, NOVEMBER 8,1995 -PAGE -0-A THE FAST -_ TRA BEST CHO[CEvEK TO 1- i aaSAVIN 1 q0 R MADE AND 34" COLOUR SERVICED BY STEREO ELECTRIC LEVISION DRYER • Optimum Contrast Screen • 3 cycles- Colour Picture -In •Auto dry _ Picture" • 6.2 cu. ft. drum • Master Touch •Top mount STEREO COLOUR Universal Remote L�f lint screen TELEVISION • Broadcast Stereo IRiWI includng full with dbxt Noise manufacturer's warranty Reduction/SAP 32..r~.mq 9 LESS RCA SCRATCH 'N' SAVE UP TO `100 09 (PP.LALLISER, CONTEMPORARY BLACK & BRASS BEDROOM 1 1 INCLUDES: DRESSER • MIRROR • HEADBOARD • ONE NIGHT TABLE • ARMOIRE & EXTRA NIGHT TABLE AVAILABLE LARGE SELECTION OFi ail ..i .4y -..B+I :.ZED ._ry�.�_ ice_ r:. irrC 'OL is .I •ray '� irk ��� �� `� ,y, ''���` ' � t �. �I�{J` ..fir �•�' y� • �� �''�I# i ( { ' • -r. � .. I V . BEST UWE all ..A N wilt 30 days morn your dale of p xdwa you rnd w, l 1 i I l r e item in r rupKb and fhe same Wm and • • aorrSim rts for less money as arty ower recd otOK Best aerice yrmwan b Deet to price or your padme is t w PAGE 19-A•THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, NOVEMBER S. I"S 1995 STEALTH RT TURBO AWD t DOHC � spd manual. till '.'tnse. p w p dl, 0 S. p +—'rors. 18 chrome wheels. her seats. AM FM ;ass aua,, auto temp . air cond -ucr —.ore Six DS32 SAVE 11500 1994 GRAND AM SE 4 DR. 6 aut- p.s., p b.. air Gond . tilt. S�0 cruise, p w.. p ll , cloth buckets console. AM FM Cass. & more Only 27.400 miles. 0 ER MONTH " MONTHS Stk 9P4445A SEE DEALER _ FOR DETAILS 1993 CONCORD 4 DR. 3.5L. auto.. p.s . p.b., p.w.. p.dl., tilt, cruise, auto temp air, p seat. AWFM 1269 Cass.. traction control. alum. wheels, cloth buckets. console & more. PER MONTH 48 MONTHS Only 37.300 miles Stk aN699A SEE DEALER 1993 OLD CUTLASS CIERA 4 DR. 4 w 3:.• V6. auto . p s . p.b . tilt, cruise, air $ ccnd p w p ll alum. wheels. 21 191 AM FM sass cloth seats & ^ ore. Only 28.100 miles PER MONTH 48 MONTHS Stk. aP4483A SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS 1992 CARAVAN LE TT, 3.3L. V6. auto., p.s.. p.b., p.w.. pall., . seat, tilt, cruise. air cond... AM/FMp14'41"8 88 Cass . sunscreen glass. 7 pass., overhead console. floor console & PER MONTH more 1 owner Only 52.900 miles 48 SEEMONTHS Stk --V4514 onn neTALa e .. , . , 11 . .. t 1 . . . . . RIGHT HERE 1996 VOYAGER BRAND NEW V6, auto., p.s., p.b., 7 pass., air Gond.., anti lock brakes, floor mats, roof rack, dual air bags, storage drawer & more. ONLY $252.88 PER MONTH SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS 1995 JEEP LAREDO 4X4 c cyl- ,,it, cruise. AMFM sass wheels, select Irai acy glass. Goth seats 'e Bai Fact War, Ava, rP448C ONLY 5459.88 Y F 48 MTHS SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS 1993 COLT 4 DR. cyl., auto , p.s., p.b., cloth buckets. in4 ��2811sole. AM'FM Cass. my 27,900 miles. k vP4465A PER MONTH 48 MONTHS SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS 1992 SPIRIT HIGHLINE r�_, _ _ .5L, auto., p.s., p.b., AWFM Cass., tllt, $168 88 ruise, cloth buckets, console, air ond... p. mirrors & more. Inly 31,400 miles. PER MONTH 48 MONTHS tk uP4425A SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS 1993 GRAND VOYAGER SE 3 3L. V6, auto., p.s., p.b., tilt, cruise, 7 sz68� pass., p mirrors, air cond.. One owner. Only 50,800 miles. MOUTH Bal factory warranty available. 48 MONTHS 48 Stk. •aT646A SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS 1990 VOYAGER SE AN V6 power, auto., p. steering, p. brakes, cruise, running boards, air Gond.., 7 SALE pass. seating, AM/FM Cass., plus more. $ 1 owner. Only 45,000 miles. Bal. Factory Warranty Available. Stk. 4P4467A VILLAGE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER HWY. W1 III THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, NOVEMBER & 1995 -PAGE 19-A Block Parents meet AJAX -- The Ajax Block Parent Association meets Thursday, Nov. 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the Ajax -Pickering United Way offices, 95 Bayly St. W., Suite 407, Ajax For information on Block Parents, or to take part in the meeting, call 427-2054. OVER 30 YEARS OF y JEWELLERY CRAFI`S'VIANSHIP LOCKETS & CROSSES 10K & 14K Silver & Gold Filled f TREASURED MEMORIES Cherished for a Lifetime'. STARTLING FROM 529." See our large selection in Lhe latest designs. Numerous sizes available. / 132 HARWOOD AVE. S. 0 1 = The Ajax Plaza 683-0407 • Watch & Jewellery Repairs • Layaway Now For Christmas • Appraisals & Remounts • FREE Gift Wrapping Proudly serving our Community For 30 years. Everyone shops the News Advertiser! BREAST IMPLANT RECIPIENTS CLAIMS FOR FINANCIAL COMPENSATION If you have breast implants, you may be entitled to financial compensation. This simply means accessing an existing claims fund. No lawsuit is required. But you must act now to meet the deadline for claims. ,To assert your claim, or for more information, please call this toll -tree number: I-800-461-6166 Sish*nd, Cromal-ly, I2ley & Dowler BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS id's safet week Parents... {e�y Safety come out and PtV g8► ,' • SO 0 safe' sate" satet S afety samet l bring your kids to talkS a►{e y . y to your community sa{et l safety education awtl officers. They'll be at a{ety r their display (upper level, abet near info booth) from: MONDAY=SATURDAY November 6-71 To DISCUSS COMMUNITY SAFETY 0 NAME ADDRESS: I PHONE• Enter your ballot in the box xhibit set up at the police m Sat. ` upper level by 6:00 p. Nov., 11th. Winner will be contacted have phe°.In names and agree to he ► published. PAGE 20-A•THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., NOVEMBER 9, 1"S Wrap things up with the United Way AJAX-PICKERING — If you love wrapping presents for Christmas the united Way of Ajax -Pickering has the perfect volunteer job for you. The United Way is looking for people to work at its giftwrap- ping kiosk Dec. 2 to 24 at the Celebrities serve Pickering Town Centre. proceeds from the wrapping service will go to the Unit- ed Way. There are 164 volun- teer "shifts" of four hours — three hours on Sun - All will operate from 9:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. and early volun- teers will have a wider choice of time slots to till. A 45 -minute training ORU tiession will be rovid 'd at days — to be filled. The kiosk up hot dogs to help David Farr and ALS Society PICKERING - A fund-raising day for David Farr and the ALS Society is being held this Saturday (Nov. I]) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Lym- bird Lumber Home Hardware, 477 Kingston Rd., at Rosebank Road. There will be a barbecue with hot dogs and soft drinks from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The hot dogs will be served up by Dave Devall and Ken Shaw of CFTO television news and Picker- ing Councillors Dave Ryan and Maurice Brenner. All proceeds from the barbecue and five per cent of Lymbird Lum- ber Home Hardware's total sales for the day will go to the purchase of a wheelchair for Pickering Ward 2 Regional Coun- cillor David Farr. The councillor fell ill with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, more commonly known as Lou Gehrig's Disease) shortly after being elected in the fall of 1994. Coun. Farr has a long history of dedicated volun- teer work for community orga- nizations such as the hospital and public library. He has chosen to continue his Council duties for as long as he is able. REGLAZE YOUR BATHTUB'. IW5 Ta - Regular 1� $299.95 k* ares a" Models, til: MW cohm 1-800-807-7901 f ouft fua CHO-STNhS SHO« & SALE 1: The Rij4e St NDAY %0% EMBER 1? 12 %00% To 5 r+t ADMLisHt% L.DO Oini .si FDI; (bdudn Rcftestanrtu, Hand -made. Orivinal Wor6 in Fine girt. Falk Art, Potten'. N'ecn ing. W0odcan-ing & more. Fesh ram dso iecWe: • Tea Room • Carrotkrs • .A Country Store • (nngerbread cookm • ter Pnxs The kids will low our own "Mr. Grinch" ...he cuts a real "ocean" snowflake. STUDIO GALLERY 3%4026 V � co.r.a...u� ■.; CORRECTION NOTICE For our 8 page For one weak only you can But the GST flyer (sale dates: Nov. 6-12/95) On page 4, the audoMdeo realver 828238 kmfrecty quota a GST saving of $91. It should reed: Plus, aw $35 GST, We sinow* wat any nxiewenie m On nay terve coised our CtJSiflmws. Sears Canada k — p the mall. Wrappers will have their choice of four training ses- sions on Saturday, Nov. 25 at 9:30 or 10:30 a.m. or Thursday, Nov. 30 at 7 or 8 p.m. Anyone interested in helping out should phone the united Way at 905-686-0606 and ask for Dana. c� V.A MOLTEz22 I emn /3 hoa douPSntnths P.luzi secruVale0.1$1215irefeIt" 5etteht,,oSit $ ■.a Don't forget to use your GM Card Earnings toward the purcfuse or lease of your next GM vehicle. Dual air ba 9s • 1.0 Zlectric Lato� `.& i2IJjectioh as * 4 -wheel ABS 05-" Satic attitude 2.2 litre engine Peed transmissi• �$�ceaient Easy entry front seaton . TRear SPOiler r unk release Yo• sAould know this: Licence, taxes and insurance not included. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer. Other lease terms available. some mileage conditions apply. OAC. See Dealer for details. Subject to GM Card program rules. • TD and GM are licenced users of Marks. ♦ COMMUNITY Santa Claus is PCZ — You'd better watch out because Santa Claus is s coming to town. The jolly old fellow and his reindeer are riding in at the end of the Pickering Kinsmen Santa Claus Parade this Sunday, Nov. 12. Tile parade begins at 2 p.m. at Vaughan Willard Pub- lic School at Dixie and Glenanna Roads. It trav- els along r Glenanna to ` the southeast w comer of the Pick- ering Town Cen- tre, where it 'Vi uld arrive around 3 p.m. ..71 This year's is the 29th Santa :laus Parade presented by the modal Kinsmen. There are about "1 Oth coming to town le' 55 entries, including seven marching bands. Candy canes will be handed out to children along the route, and the post office will collect letters for Santa The parade also marks the official arrival of Santa at the Pickering Town Centre. He will take his place at the mall's centre court at 3:30 p.m. Ajax Santa parade Nov. 25 AJAX — Santa Claus will roll through Ajax Saturday, Nov. 25. doing an early check to see who's naughty and nice. A Disney Christmas is the theme of the Ajax Lions Club's 30th annual Santa Claus parade. Send vour letters to Santa THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED.. NOVEMBER 41995 -PAGE 21•A ANNIVERSARY" I BUTLER Entries are still being accepted:- a , �, CARPET CLEANING at no charge. This year's parade SER VI CES l begins at noon, with formation I ' FREE "I on Mills Road. It will head east I CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT on Station Street to Harwood I Get 1 set of stairs steam cleaned absolutely Avenue, south to Kings Crescent bctote I FREE with $50. order - a $15. Value Find u YC tum into the Ajax Plaza, travel front Btio . 1r, & a�n' (cannot he u%cd in conjunction with any other offer) low P,, rhe gec along the of the plaza, I GV `be return to Harwood by Pharma l (905) 686-9160 Plus Drugmart, turn south into Must Present Coupon Expires: the Harwood Place Mall and dis- I Upon Cleaning FRFs PICrUPAN-) OFI.IVERY ON A.RFA. R'iG5 Nov. 20/95 I —behindWal-Mart ———— ————————————— — — — — — — Following the parade, Santa will be in the mall to listen to the wishes of children. Staff from the Ajax post office will collect letters for St. Nick along the parade route. Letters should be addressed essed to Santa Claus, North Pole, 11011 0110. To enter the parade, call Dave Cawthome at 429-7459. THE FEOAONAL 110"AWALITY OF DURHAM AND THE TOWN OF AJAX NOTICE OF STUDY COMI ENCEbENT ANDq „ t PUBLIC PARTICIPATION WORKSHOP PICKERING BEACH ROAD IMPROVEMENTS CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN AREA A3 A3 CORRIDOR LAND USE STUDY - WEST AL ASSESSMEMT Major rrprovements to Picxer ng Beach Road w be reeu red because of the fut„re w;dernng a' Highway 401 and population and employ—ert growt^ in the 7o* -'S A3 and A7 Developmert :1 c - Areas. !mprovements w'rc'ude o full irterchorge w*- -wy 401. P;ckering Beech Rocc nor,- of Boyly Street w n oecome a Region of Durham ar'erc road at the time or the interchange construction. A report commissioned by the 'Ow^ of Alex, -he P�ckerng Beach Road Environmental Assessment Precursor Study (June 1995), recommended that two corridors for an ;mproved Pickering Beach Road be the focus of further study. Therefore, the Region of Durham, in partnership with the Towh of Ajax and the 0 -torso Mir stry of Transportation is HI(*IWAY 2 TOWN' OF fAJAX/- fAY 401 AchNa Road 1 GAYLY ' STREET vl STUDY Q AREA • O � g LAKE OWAR10 undertaking this Study !o assess the erwronmental impact of each cor-.icor. 'n:s wl resu;t .n the serection of a preferred corridor and design for future p ckerng Beach Rocc. The Study w'. be completed in accordance wit- the 'Class Environmental Assessment for Municipal Road projects" ;the Class EA) and falls w thin the scope of projects descrbed in Schedule 'C' of the Goss EA doc-ment. At the end of the Study, an Environmertai Study Reoort (ESR) *11, be prepared for the project and filed *7!1 the Regional Clerk c -d wi' oe made avatiable for review ay the pyo'c for a thirty (30) calendar day review oeriod. f no outstanding concerns are brought forward during the rev,ew per;od, the Region of Durham may proceed to design and construction. If Concerns relative to the Study cannot be eso ved. a person/group may request that the M n,ster of the Environment and Energy 'bump „p' the project to on nd vidual Environmental Assessment LAND USE STUDY Concurrent with the selection of a preferred Pickering Beach Road corridor will be a review of the A3 Development Plan land uses for the lands west of Carruthers Creek. Originating in 1993 as the A3 Corridor Land Use Study, the completion of this Study along with the EA process will determine appropriate land uses for the corridor resulting in amendments to the Ajax District Plan and the A3 Development Pion. PLIBM PARTICPATION WORKSHOP A Public Participation Workshop will be held to provide the public, interest groups and government agencies, with the opportunity to make comments, identify issues, and provide additional information relative to the two Studies. The Public Participation Workshop will be held on: TI soft. IlovMleet !S. loos km 700 pa► to 000 pw Aloe Ca—Wb Centre - tib Alan Rooms 75 Centennial Road, Ajax, Ontario (Formal Presentation at 7:30 p.m.) COMAWS OR QWSTIONS? Additional meetings will be held during the two concurrent Studies and further notification will follow. If you have any comments or questions, or require further information about the Class Environmental Assessment or the Land Use Study, please contact: Garry Pappin, B.E.S., C.E.T., Project Manager Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Tel: (905) 668-9363. 300 Water Street, Whitby, Ontario ON 9J2 Fax. (905) 668-0221 Mike Wilson, C.E.T., Project Supervisor Regional Municipality of Durham Tel. (905) 668-7721 P.O. Box 623, 105 Consumers Drive Toll Free: (800) 372-1103 Whitby, Ontario ON 6A3 Fax: (905) 668-2051 Peter Tollefsen, Director of Planning Town of Ajax, 65 Harwood Avenue South Tel: (905) 683-4550 Ajax, Ontario LIS 2H9 Fax: (905) 686-0360 Tony Prevedel, P. Eng. Director of Transportation V. A Silgail'is, P. Eng. Commissioner of Works PAGE 22 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, NOVEMBER 8, 1995 Reliable. supervised day care at a home in your neighbourhood • -fe comfortable environments • ;:�,,hable local back �v for Provider s • �' mulahng dally programs days or illness • tired. profession/ Provides • mplere nsurance coverage • 4t,rthly home inspections ",*.0me fax receipts Supplied and. we welcome full or part-time care for children from 6 weeks of age! _wft match Prue flame all Care A Licensed Agency FOR INFORMATION CALL: 686-4816 .� f Fly With us in cyberspace at www.durhamnews.net lir- WEGRA AN�v jE • 2 __ �. �iff * PER M0jVM A FAN AST/C OFFaEsRI _ buybut $2200 DowWaywad rtaquiW, plus FRT r & PD1, fires month • & y n�uirai, CMAC, sa dealer jut sreww owrvrs a iw •oawos LJULLJ(../CJ/ US by Mercury Marine MWY 301 1990 MERCURY 1992 MAZDA B2200 1988 OLDS DELTA- v SEDAN DEVILLE TOPAZ 0 ROYAL"M BASELINE AO m C miles fully equipped, Air conditioning, automatic, sun Box liner 5 spa, very dean. EXCELLFN%WARRANnFS n eco/ OLIAav+urn n A n 1994 CADILLAC 1990 MERCURY 1992 MAZDA B2200 1988 OLDS DELTA- v SEDAN DEVILLE TOPAZ ROYAL"M C miles fully equipped, Air conditioning, automatic, sun Box liner 5 spa, very dean. Fully loaded 74,000 Km ee;ger interior roof. Sale Price !ruCk SALE PRICED `5,990 $7,990 ON SALE 1992 CHEV 1992 MERCURY 1994 PONTIAC1994 PLYMOUTH TOPAZ GS SUNBIRD LE SUNDANCE tit Ion pick -W. 950 V8, qtly 4 wdoor. automatic air 4 door, autanaoc, air " automatic, air ody 90.000 km. conditioning, only 38.000 km. oan6w"g, 30.0' km. conditioning, only 38,000 km. ON SALE --'7.990 111,490 SALE PRICED 1991 FORD 1993 CHEV BLAZER 1988 PASSPORT 1989 BUICK TEMPO L LT 4X4 OPTIMA REGAL LTD, 4 _ 4 door, automatic, au, 69,000 Top model. VWW myna, 4 door, 5 speed, 4 M. 2 door, V6. Loaded Ortly km. %" op0on aval". 94,000 km. 16,990 ON SALE� '2,990 $7,990 1992 PLYMOUTH 1991 PONTIAC 1991 PONTIAC 1991 FORD ESCORT A SUNBIRD GT SUNBMD CONV. WAGON LX ' ,i..1. w& 4 door, automatic, air cond., 5 spd., loaded, Wade, grey only 25,000 km. interior. Fully loaded, only 487km. Automatic, 4 cyl., loaded, only SALE PRICED Sale Price 58,990 111,990 75,000 km '7,990 aleorge dave - - UTO tY . j=686-3505 F 479 Ba* SL E. Between Harwood dt Durham 23 Ts. "; eraity, ltf� Uurttarn Rcgioutiilic, 1977" r RECYCLER'S REPORT Nov. o mar s the Recycling Council of Ontario's 11th Waste Reduc- tion Week (WRW). Support your mayor in the great WRW challenge — will it be Pickering or Ajax that sends the least amount of residen- tial garbage to the dump dur- ing November? Tricks are being weighed weekly so progress reports can be publi- cized. Both Ajax and Pickering have informative displays this week, offering draws for a compost unit and other prizes. Thanks to employees of LCBO and The Beer Stores, you can donate used sporting equipment at any one of these outlets. Drivers of garbage trucks and recycling vehicles are on the lookout for householders who put out the least garbage and the best -filled blue box THE NEWS ADVERTLSER, WED, NOVEMBER 4 I"S•PAGE 23-A P ow 9 s a good time to trim your waste at curbside. Earner this week, Peewee, the tittle composting Puppet, visited Pickering's Central Library for early heading hour and entertained students at Ajax's Lakeside Public School on Com- post Tuesday. Today, Zero Garbage Day, classes from Sir John A. Macdon- ald Public School in Pickering attended a garbage -less supermarket tour courtesy of the Bay Ridges IGA where they learned about reducing waste through good pur- chasin nab' challenge to identify the dif- ferent types of paper that are now acceptable in blue box collections. Ajax students have been encouraged to pro- larraine roulston g its. Pickering elementary schools have been given the 0” CW R 1NOTICE OF mote Zero Garbage Day with an idea of their own. During the week, you can look for environmental videos on Tril- lium Commu- nity 10 and Rogers Com- munity 10, lis- ten to WRW trivia on radio, and read the conservation message on Ajax Hydro bills. Goodwill Industries in Ajax will be providing additional space to accept more materials received during the week. To participate in WRW, Scotiabank at Whites Road Plaza in Pickering extended its used book sale for the United Way. This is a good place to buy a book for the reader on your Christmas list. Patrons of the Brewer's Retail, in the same plot, can take a calculated guess at the number of bottle caps in a basket. And, doughnut shops are displaying 'Lug -a -Mug' signs. Mobile Vacuum, as in past years, offers a dollar value on any equipment that gets taken in this week. Both retirement centres in Picker- ing are proud of their recy- cling efforts, therefore a con- test has been arranged to see which one is doing the best. The new Rougernount Co-op is hosting a display and TOWN OF PICKERING of T, A PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING "' CONCERNING A REVIEW OF THE DEVELOPMENT CHARGE POLICIES OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING DECEMBER 11, 1995, AT 7:00 P.M. TOWN OF PICKERING COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CIVIC CENTRE ONE THE ESPLANADE, PICKERING, ONTARIO BACKGROUND Town Council passed By-law No. 3854/'91 on October 7, 1991, which enacted development charges and policies pursuant to Section 4 of the DeveloRment Chars Act_ This by-law as amended on November 1, 1993 by By-law No. 4338/93 expires on October 8, 1996 and, accordingly, the Town is initiating the process required to replace it. Section 6 of the Act requires Council to conduct a review of the development charge policies of the Town, before passing a new development charge by-law. In conducting this review, Council is required to ensure that adequate information is made available to the public and to hold at least one public meeting for this purpose. MEETING PURPOSE This meeting is being held in order to inform the public as to the Town's current development charge policies, to obtain public input relative to preparing new policies, and to review the proposed process for the adoption of a new by-law in 1996. Members of the public will be given an opportunity at the meeting to make representations regarding the Town's Development Charge policies. AVAILABLE INFORMATION To ensure that adequate information is made available to the public, a document entitled "Background Document Pertaining to a Review of the Town of Pickering's Devekl'pment Charge Policies" has been prepared. Copies will be available upon request, as of November 15, 1995, from the Clerk, Town of Pickering, One the Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario, L1V 6K7, Telephone (905) 420-4611. As well, copies will be made available at the public meeting. Comments expressed at the December 11, 1995 public meeting or received in writing by the Town Clerk at the address indicated above, within tlhiM (301 days of the public meeting. will be considered in the review of the development charge policies of the Town and the subsequent preparation of the Town's devebpment charge proposal. COMMENTS OR REQUESTS Any comments or requests for further information regarding the review of the Town's development charge policies may be directed to the Town Clerk at the address noted above. Bruce Taylor, A.M.C.T., C.M.M. Town Clerk events for its tenants. To recognize Community Clean-up Day on Saturday, WRW organizers suggest you place unwanted articles at the end of your driveway in the hope that someone else can make use of them. If they don't get picked up, it is each person's responsibility to take in their items to give away some- where else. Be sure to place a `free' sign beide them. Let's strive in 1995 to incorporate 3Rs into daily living. JONES - DOOLEY INSURANCE BROKER OVER 2C YEARS LOW HOME INSURANCE RATES SAVE UP TO 50% PACKAGE POLICIES - $200 DEDUCTIBLE DURHAM AREA WITH PROTECTION & DISCOUNTS DISCOUNT FOR AGE 50 • NEW HOME - ALARMS • NO CLAIMS TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY Offering all insolvency services including personal & corporate badnotcies <� OSHAWA 122 Albert SL 721.7506 AJAX: 50 Comme CZ Ave. 6' 9-1473 COBOURG: 72 Kng St W. 372-4144 Saturday & evening appointments avllal:Ie .James R. Yanch FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION R' e Y i I,. '44() i\ lav �'e A Few t,,naurs To Improve Fcu4 Ties. .0 17" Italian 6-raduated Ilcrrin;iN)nr Chain Iincly craltecl in 14 Lt. ultl. bi Ilan(lmalc 1)u1141c lupe L'hain 14 Lt. 18". Nlatcliin; hracelct and carrin=s al:o availahle. d Clamorous "Z I.MV N,:,W cc. 14 Lt. �latchin hracelel antl hoop carrin�s al:o availAle. Ma�hH r„r «.r,��, �.K�Ivii I'I( XFRI\(. I0\X N ( FN FRF iw)ii 42i) -88X)4 PAGE 24-A•THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, NOVEMBER 8, 1995 f:11t t 0 er ainflient Call the News Advertiser at 683-5110 with your entertaining ideas r School choirs invited to I Student cabaret hits spread Christmas spirit ❑ Christmas Choirs contest invites kids from Ajax, Pickering to sing in spirit of the season DURHAM — If Christ- mas is 'for the kids', it's only fitting to ensure that it's 'by the kids'. That's the feeling behind a Christmas Choirs contest sponsored by the Pickering Town Centre and the Children's Wish Foundation. School choir throughout Durha are invited to partic pate in the even which features three levels: kindergarten to Grade 4, Grades 5 through 8. and high school. There is also a cat- egory called Specials for smaller choral groups. Each live performance at the Pickering Town Centre will be recorded. apes of the winning choirs in each catego- ry will be played on local radio stations throughout the Christmas season. he top choir overall ill receive an electron - keyboard for its school, while a photo- graph of each participating choir will he displayed in Asthmatics draw on experience for art competition DtTRHAM — The Lung Association of Durham Region is inviting auhmat- ics of all ages and their caregivers to take part in Inspiration in Asthma, a world -%✓Vide art compeutlion. The competition gives asthmatics and the people who care for them a chance to describe asthma and utcrease general awareness through their art. Entrants can submit paintings or drawings which depict arty aspect of asthma. All entries must be either a painting or drawing and must not be larger than 500 millimetres by 450 millimetre to be considered for evaluation. Photographs, collages and computer-generated images won't be accepted. The contest closes Jan. 31. Call the Lung Association of Durham Region at 905-436-1046. ADVERTISING CORRECTION Eaton's Holidays - Women insert. which appeared In this newspaper.Wednesday, November 8. 1995 Please note the following: Page 8 - Attitude shiny T-shirt, $29.99 and shiny shirt. $50 are not available in silver colour ONLY. other colours available as advertised. Page 12 - Knit stirrup pant, $30 is priced incorrectly, price is 524.99. page 18 - Linda for Eaton's crossback chemise $19 and page 20 - Vanity Fair poly charmeuse pyjamas $59 will be available November 13. Page 21 - Vanity Fair yam dyed tunnels. Baseball shirt $25 is not available in all stores. ktadvertently, the errors listed appeared in our advertising. We sincerely regret any irtconvertierice or confusion to our customers. I E ATO N'S the mall's Hall of Fame Christmas by the kids/for the kids Wall. There will be a Chil- dren's Wish Wishing Well at the mall. Children will be invited to throw a Loonie into it for a wish. Choirs will perform Saturdays, Dec. 2 and Dec. 9, beginning at noon. Other dates will he announced. For more information on how to enter the event, cal 14 34-2110. hue MAJIL 011117 )w UWAIMMIN N qp at Xw #1 �•�''f .s�r71►r cit r • •-1 R'.. .rS-U4 *Visit a participating Durham Area Olco station. Fill up with a minimum 25 litres and receive a valuable coupon for a FREE flame -broiled Whopper sandwich with the purchase of another flame -broiled Whopper - sandwich at the regular price ON E(i.YNi• V 0/4C OE f.4E•. 14 CJ.,p0.rA4crYS5 SCor�e in and Visit Utf ' �� New Size e New Look * N Meru The Best Breakfast in Pickerinaf FUR ch & Dinner Menu �lb'a+ R'<: ,>. �5 iy/,.�u�i y ,. i, �� l /G.'+•'7°.l!!.. M C Y Halms Ltia) p'1� 8 Caul �) �.�� �C905) sol the stage this weekend AJAX -- A cabaret show featuring a little something for everyone takes the stage this Friday and Saturday at Archbish- op Denis O'Connor Catholic High School in Ajax. Students at the school, at 80 Mandrake Dr., host the fund-raising cabaret producation featuring pop- ular songs, dancing, jokes and skits Friday, Nov. 10 and Saturday, Nov. I 1 at 8 p.m. It's to raise money for the choir Vocaleeze, which will perform in London, Paris and Brus- sels. Tickets $5 for adults, $4 for seniors and students, and $1 for children aged under 12 years. Call 427-6667, ext. 2026 for more informa- tion. # DiTeRRc�Neca� GSI Come In And Experience The Taste Of The Mediterranean Rotisserie Chicken Cappuccino Falafel shish -Kabob GRAND OPEN NG SPECIALS BUY ANY PITA BUY ANY DINNER GET A 2' 1/2 Price GET THE 2"' 1/2 Price with this ad/dine in only)with this ad/dine in only) Conveniently located at 1450 Kingston Rd. (at Valley Farm) (905) 839-0443 G/i,1 Gll1 OPEN EVERY DAY 990 AA YOU CAN EAT FOR AS LITTLE AS YOU CAN AT HOLE Breakfast Special (naay) Luncheon Specials Daily $595 TWO CM /���� DINE FOR $1349 (Every __I Of The Wnk) EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT$j)99 (EvegWq on our menu (dUr 5:00 pm) Or Im TWO BEAUTIFUL BANQUET HALLS ALL WLUSIVE $5900 per WSW Pickering Town Centre 839-2507 WOW M a G/i,1 Gll1 OPEN EVERY DAY 990 AA YOU CAN EAT FOR AS LITTLE AS YOU CAN AT HOLE Breakfast Special (naay) Luncheon Specials Daily $595 TWO CM /���� DINE FOR $1349 (Every __I Of The Wnk) EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT$j)99 (EvegWq on our menu (dUr 5:00 pm) Or Im TWO BEAUTIFUL BANQUET HALLS ALL WLUSIVE $5900 per WSW Pickering Town Centre 839-2507 P THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, NOVEMBER 5,1995 -PAGE 25-A Panthers pick up first home victory By AL RIVETT SPORTS RIEFoRTM PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers finally broke the home - ice jinx and added another point on the road during a successful weekend of junior hockey action. The Panthers outgunned the vis- iting Oshawa Legionaires 6-3 at the Pickering Recreation Complex Friday night. Then, Pickering journeyed to cottage country for a date with the Muskoka Bears Saturday and escaped with a 3-3 tie at the Bracebridge Memorial The club's fust home victory of To advertise in this space, call the News Advertiser at 683-5110 the season was especially satisfy- ing for Panthers' head coach John Blackburn. "We didn't know when they were going to do it and we were getting worried about getting our first home ice win," explains Blackburn. "We've also been playing some good teams at home, like the Wexfords and the Thomhills. But, it was nice getting the fust one out of the way." The Panthers improved their regular -season record to four wins, six lasses and four ties for 12 points in the Metro Junior `A' Hockey League's Fast Division. Pickering trails third-place Markham Waxers by three points. The Panthers played a full 60 minutes of inspired hockey against the cellar -dwelling Legionaires whose record dropped to 2-11-1 with the loss. Pickering led 3-2 after the first period and extended that margin to 6-3 at the end of the second stanza Matt Iierhal, Jason Wilson and Everett Morris all scored their first goals of the season for the Panthers. Other marksmen were Anthony Cornacchia, Chris Hunter and Graham Horne. Meanwhile, in the Muskoka contest, Pickering trailed 3-2 after two periods, but tied the contest in the third period on a powerplay marker by Horne. Wilson and Jamie Jeanes, with a shorthanded effort, also scored for the locals. Goaltender Joe Sorentino con- tributed two assists to the cause. Sorrentino got the start in the cage in both weekend contests. The Panthers are back on home ice this Friday when they tangle with the undefeated Wexford Raiders at the Pickering Recreation Complex. Ciame time is 7:30 p.m. SPORTS Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. METRO JUNIOR'A' HOCKEY LEAGUE EAST DIVISION STANDINGS (As of Nov. S) TEAM OP W L T OF GA PTS Wex ord 15 15 0 0 80 30 30 Thornhill 14 11 3 0 84 35 22 Markham 14 7 6 1 62 61 15 Pldw" u 4 4 4 45 ilio 12 Wellington 13 4 8 1 46 59 9 Oshawa 14 2 11 1 40 87 5 PICKERING PANTHERS SCORM LEADERS PLAYER/POS O GO A PTS Jamie Jeanes (C) 14 8 9 17 Anthony Cornacchin (LW) 14 9 7 16 John Gallagher (LW) 14 9 6 1S Chris Ryan (RW) 14 1 10 11 Richard Spooner (D) 14 2 8 10 Jason Wilson (RW) 14 2 7 9 Kyle Martin (C) 14 2 5 7 Chris Hunter (D) 14 1 4 5 Jell Bain (C) 6 3 1 4 Stephan Koechlin (D) 9 0 4 4 John Cartile (0) 14 0 4 4 Graham Home (LW) 12 2 1 3 Jeremy Murphy (C) 13 2 1 3 Stu Vandergeest (RW) 12 2 0 2 Matt Hemal ID) 14 1 1 2 Joe Sorentino (G) 13 0 2 2 Michael Pinkney 14 0 2 2 Everett Moms !LW) 3 1 0 1 LEAF TICKETS WANTED Will pay face value for Toronto Maple Leaf tickets, greens or better. Call Bruce at 579-4400 (Oshawa) or 798-7672 (Pickering) and ask for Ext. #2207. Football champion Dunbarton in East Bowl semi-final By AL RIVETT SPORTS REPORTER AJAX-PICKIRING — The Dunbarton High School Spartans have their sights on the Trinity College School Bears after capturing the Durham Region senior high school football crown in Oshawa Saturday. The Spartans will meet the Independent (private) school champion Bears from Port Hope in the Fast Bowl semi-final contest LO. at Oshawa's Civic Stadium on Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Spartans' head coach Peter Kaiser admits his knowledge of his East Bowl foe is limit- ed. However, he's aware Trinity has a veteran line-up and an outstanding running game led by Cameron Snaith. In addition, the Bears are undefeated with a mark of seven wins and no losses. "All we know about them is that they're a big team, they have a running back (Snaith) who has scored 19 touchdowns in their league this year and they like to throw the ball," says Kaiser. He'll make some adjustments to tighten up the Spartans' defence against the Bears' aerial attack. "We're going to make some allowance for their passing game.- However, ame„However, Kaiser says, at this point there's only so much his team can do in preparation for the contest "When you get to this stage of the season, we'll play our game and they'll play theirs and whatever bap - pens, happens. It's all new territory for 99 Dunbarton, undefeated in Lake Ontario Secondary School Athletic BAB T. S Justst west off Brock Rd. (905) 837-0653 a.W league play with a mark of 5-0, was favored over the defending champion Pickering High School Trojans in the LOSSA senior final. Dunbarton pre- vailed — but just barely — in a come - from -behind 24-23 win over the Trojans in a game decided in the last minute of play. Dunbarton quarterback and place kicker Jeff McConkey nailed a 35 -yard field goal with 57 seconds remaining to wrest the .S.A.LOSSA championship away n �t from the perennial champio iTrojans. _ The Spartans recov- ered from a 23-7 deficit at Will � half-time to post the victory over the Trojans. Dunharton scored three touchdowns and added the crucial field goal in the second half. McConkey and wide receiver Jason Connell scored second -half majors, while McConkey had three converts in addition to the field goal. Theron Walker scored a touchdown for Dunbarton in the first half. However, in the LOSSA junior final, the tables were turned as the Pickering Trojans dumped the Dunbarton Spartans 27-0. Pickering High earned a berth in the final after whipping Oshawa O'Neill Redmen 38-7 in the semi-finals. Meanwhile, Dunbarton earned a berth in the championship tilt after a 16-8 victory over the Oshawa Paul Dwyer Saints. c.Essa�s S /I\ NOW REGISTERING SEMI -PRIVATE DAY • EVENING • WEEKEND CLASSES AVAILABLE PRE-SCHOOLERS; WELCOMI All Red Cross, Preschool di Colour levels available wft ca carr 430-676'a Pickering High School Trojans Chris senior football championship in Oshawa Woolcox sends Dunbarton High School Saturday. Dunbarton won 24-23 and meets Spartans ball carrier Theron Walker to the Trinity College from Port Hope in the East turf, as Pickering's Sean Quinn (18) arrives Bowl semi-final game in Oshawa Thursday. on the scene during action in the LOSSA photo by A.J. Groen Please LWgle this newspaper REGISTRATIONWINTER CALL NOW •SESSIONS PICKERING SWIM SWIM FUNDAMENTALS CLUB FOR KIDS 4ZZk If you would like to try 16-45 min. sessions out for our competitive Smaller classes club (min. Grey Red Cross (min. Duck or Red, Red level required) Cross IeveLs required) Lots of fun too! C.tll Ruth till '+i; N t„i, Wpm) ('.III Cathy -1 0 -b -(1i DOES YOUR CHILD SMILE WITH CONFIDENCE? CALL 839-5000 LANA"A FAMILY CENTRES I JPAGi 264,THE Yib'=-AD% Ri Y116 VM,V OViDdi M A�, l99S Dakota Bob's record first victory in ladies' basketball league action AJAX — Dakota Bob's recorded their short as Bank of Montreal held on for a first win of the season with a hard-fought 33-30 victory in Ajax Ladies' Basketball 34-28 victory over Glenn's Auto Service League action. in Ajax Ladies' Basketball Bank of Montreal got into foul trouble to League action on Oct. 25.allow Glenn's Auto Service to close the Joanna Reardon scored All . gap to within three points when time ran 11 points for Dakota out. Bob's, while Debi Bonar. Julie Hughes scored 11 points for Bank netted 11 for Glenn's Auto of Montreal while Anne Whitehead had 10 Service. for Glenn's. In the other game, Bank of Montreal In the second game, Upper Deck Sports continued their winning ways with a 30-19 Bar dominated the entire game against a win over Upper Deck. Julie Hughes scored short-staffed Dakota Bob's squad to post a 10 for the bankers. Rhonda White hit for 21-9 win. seven for Upper Deck. Lori Lomberg scored 10 points for In action on Oct. 18, a second -half Upper Deck and Lisa Morrison had three comeback by Glenn's Auto Service fell for Dakota Bob's. Local firefighters FAMILIES GROWING lack enough spark STRONG TOGETHER in hockey defeat AJAX-PICKERING — The Ajax/Pickering firefighters hockey team lost a hard-fought contest to the Scarborough firefighters 8-4 recentIv. Harold Davis scored a first -period goal for } Ajax/Pickering and Jim Nash. Bob Halliday � x} •,- " ,�-:1 and Kevin McDonald tallied in the second stanza. , , , Bill Goddard recorded three assists in the CALL contest, while Bruce Compton and Colin TRIAL PROGRAM $24.95 .Arnott added one helper apiece. The local blaze busters play in the Southern MARTIAL ARTS Ontario Firefighters hockey League. CANADA The Ajax/Pickering firefighters team is spoon- FAMILY CENTRES sored by 1.OEB Glendale and Minute Muffler. e Door F 154510 FR(Al INSTALLED plk COMPLETE RANGE OF WINDOWS SERVING ONTARIO SINCE: 1957 OCTOBER SPECIAL COLONIAL SECONDS FROM apply Ltd. EXTERIOR t ` GARDEN DOOR a $11FROM INiI'AIIF.D HARDWARE. 1Nt3.1 VED INTERIOR $ "00 FROM 154510 FR(Al INSTALLED plk COMPLETE RANGE OF WINDOWS SERVING ONTARIO SINCE: 1957 OCTOBER SPECIAL COLONIAL SECONDS FROM apply Ltd. P Peewee Panthers selects hot in exhibition hockey action PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers Arnts Loam Supply major peewee select hockey team has recorded five wins, one loss and one tie in exhibition play so far. The Panthers began North York select league play with a resounding 9-1 win ov Uxbridge. Ken Stevens and Tony McMulkin scored two goals each, while Brandon Marks, Joey Pandolfi, Michael Karakolis, Chris Bryden and Jordan Hutchison added singles. Karakolis, Steven Costa an Marks each earned two assists and John Reid had one. Pickering jolted Unionville 10-3. Scott George led the way with a hat trick. Assists went to George, Hutchison, McMulkin, Costa and Reid with one each. The Arnts peewee selects blasted Ajax 6-1. McMulkin and Hutchison each scored twice, while Karakolis and Stevens tallied once apiece. Bill Antoniadis had three assists, Hutchison, Stevens, Marks, Reid and Costa one apiece. The Panthers earned a 3-1 win over Unionville. Karakolis, Hutchison and Marks scored for Pickering, with assists to McMulkin, Karakolis and George. The loss for the Panthers' peewees came against Whitby by a 5-1 count. George scored the Ione goal, assisted by Costa. A rematch with Whitby ended in a 3-3 tie. Pandolfi, Hutchison and Marks scored for Pickering, with lir fn d l�C1AT�0 Minor peewee Panthers lame Jaguars in lea(yue tilt b PICKERING ---`The Pickering Panthers Bell Canada minor peewee 'AA' rep hockey team finally notched a victory over a tough Richmond Hill Jaguars squad in league play in Richmond Hill last Friday night. Missing three players due to injury or illness, the Panthers came up with one of their best showings of the season to post a 3-1 win. Two unanswered second -period goals by Scott Billing paved the way to vic- tory. Mark Rogers and Evan Georgievski drew assists - James Cummins opened the scoring for the Panthers, with assists to Ryan Phelan and Georgievskii. Goaltender Chris Franz kept the team in the game during the fust two _periods. Luke Gregoire took over in the third and withstood an 18 -shot Richmond Hill barrage to preserve the win. Peewee Panthers off to quick start PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers Mr. Greek Restaurant major peewee 'AA' rep hockey team is off to a flying star in league play after record- ing three wins in a row recently. The Panthers mauled OnItia 6-0 and 6-1 in a two -game series and defeated Richmond Hill 3-1. Paring Pickering against Orillia was Jason McCauley with two goals and three assists. Michael Mitchell, Sean Grieve and Andrew Goodin managed two goals apiece, with single markers to Matt Steinke, Craig Lillie, Jamie Follett and Clint Randolph. Danny Lusina SCOREBOARD PK3RS (Efr OLDTIMEIWCKEY L1EAO11E LJl!'AGIIE STANDSM (As of Oct 2n Tam OF w L T OF GA PTS Kdghi s e 7 0 1 40 1e is Bey Dukes e 5 2 1 41 27 11 Bey Sports e 4 3 1 36 31 0 Fysm a 3 3 2 37 34 e Blacklands e 2 3 3 27 26 7 Flora e 2 4 2 30 36 6 Solid Wood a 1 3 4 1e 30 a Rangers e 0 6 2 17 4e 2 LOSSA CWW COUNTR nAY CNPH)NIttirs 1"s 1. R 8 McLaughlin W. tr 2 Dtbrtrt 33; 3 Uxbridge 22-.4 O'Nae 16; 5 Port Perry 14; 5 St Mary M 7 Paul Dwyer e; S Eaetdais 6; S Flow dP k 10 Monsignor J Persyme 4. 11 Donovan 2; 11 Father L J Austin 2; 13 Anderson 1; 13 Sinclair I. MIDGET BOYS Chris Harriss, Brock. 18:00; Ryan Kendall, MM RIdP, 1L-42; Mets Hamilton. Port Parry. 10:05; Ryan Greer, R S McLaughlin, 10:10; Scott Dhadbolt. Duabrlon, 19-29:Seth moicolm, Donovan. 20:01; Mike Stavin, R S McLaughlin, 20:23; Vince M10141114Father L J Austin, 20:23; Drandan Greenbury. bunbarten, 26:46; Mary Gould. Exeter, 20:51; R S MaLaughiin - 40; Ounbarton - 42: Pine Ridge - 70; St Mary - 101; O'Nall - 115; Anderson - 125. JYN1O11 GIRLS Jenny Cramm, Uxbridge. 17:52; Vicki Leeming, Uxbridge. 17:54; Kerd Ann Robinson. Du nbar%^ 16:11; Kim wells. Duaborton, 14:13; SarahMlddMbroot, Ounbsrlen, 1e:S« KNu atan Toomset, um Db irtor , 16:64; Kim Coates, Port Perry. 18:55; chipped in with three assists, while Steve Johnson, Chris Reed, Craig Hilborn, Randolph, Steinke and Follett had two helpers each. Grieve, Lillie and Mitchell earned one assist apiece. Goalie Aaron Gray turned aside a combined 29 shots in both games, including a 6-0 shutout over Otillia. Meanwhile, the Richmond Hill con- test turned out to be a much more defen- sive battle with Gray called upon to make 28 saves. Johnson, Mitchell and Grieve were the goal getters. Randolph had two assists, with Follett, Reed and Paul Cain adding one each. Andr« Iwwr, SL tttery. 1e:14; CoUwnn" MlkytaN, Pb» No^ 19-M Llas Denser. St Mry. 16:21; Dumbarton - 1e; Uxbridge - 40, St Mary - 65; R S McLaughlin - 04; Port Perry - gut. JUNW11 Days Jeff Fyfe, Paul Dwyer. 22:21; Ryan McHale, Father L J Austin, 22:25: Alex Wordley. Port Perry. 23:20; Seca McAnerh. R S Mc Laughlin. 23:44; JeR Evens. PWARidge. 23:53, Mike Harper. Eastdale. 24:02. Seants Lair"oe. R S McLaughlin, 24:07, Erica Poe, Paul aw Dwyer. 24:20; slHumphries. DtwbarteR 24:43: Kelt Stewart, R S McLaughlin. 24:53); R S McLaughlin - 36; Paul Dwyer - 61; Eaetdais - 4e; Dunbertoe - W. Father L J Austin - e6; Sinclair - 111. SENIOR all" MNanle Bryon, Uxbridge. 22:02; Moaghan Thorne. Paul Dwyer. 22:32; Cralyn JohnNal , Dumbarton. 22:45; Camels Djokolo. R S McLaughlin. 23:00; Two Kuchmak. O'Neil, 23:08; Susanne Ogilvie -King. Trafalgar Castle, 23:20; Susanne Kramer.r. Duwbtsa. 23:55; Kathy Henna. R S McLaughlin, 24:06; Jessica Campbell -Roger*. Brock, 24:32; Molar"McArthur. R S McLaughlin. 24:531; Dunbarton - 3e; R S McLaughlin - 36; O'Neill- SO; Uid~ - 62; Donovan - 112. SENIOR BOYS Lucas Hayes, R Sr McLaughlin, 2497: Stew Drew. R S McLaughlin. 24:16; Frank Lerad, Paul Dwyer, 26:47; Aaron Keating. R S McLaughlin, 20:52: Dais Pollard, Courtiee. 26:56; Tom Chambers, Port Perry, 27:00; Iain MoLoan, Port Perry. 27:10; Chris Trowin, O'Neil,e 27:53; Neil Scott, Ajax HS. 27:54; Roney Rodrigus, at Marry. 20:09); R S McLaughlin - 1S; O'Neil - 47; Port Perry - 71; St Mary - 90; Uxbridge - 127; Dunbarton - 137; Father L J Austin - 165. assists to Darryl Malandrino, Karakolis and George. The Panthers doubled Ajax 4-2. Stevens scored twice, with singles to Malandrino and Hutchison. Karakolis, Pandolfi and Bryden had two assists apiece, with single helpers to McMulkin and Hutchison. MARTIAL ARTS CA NA UA" 47, . ' TRAINERS OF DOUG GILMOUR AS SEEN IN THE TORONTO SUN GET ST/! -1 -, r ---?TEE:) W" DAY 839 - 5000 C '�"�tt>�lv1�s AbVE�; ilv�if','rfo`vt�rt�Ett`tt; ila��,-� Interested in a career involving COMPUTERS? Durham College programs offer you the ~kills and knowledge that today's emplovers want, backed by a guarantee that thev can rely on that'c the burhanr :lelvanta,,e! Chootie from over 60 high-quality, job-focused,diploma or dcgcc courses that run from 8 months to i sears. Programs such as Office Administration - Legal, 'Medical, Seactarial, Executive, or Office systems, Business Administration and mano m v; manv more. too quahfv for Financial Assistance. This September come to Durham College and start ro prepare for employment in the real world! Please call for more information of Get a head start on your 1-800-461-0549 or career and call today for 905-721-3046 or a -mail January 8th enrolment! infordurhom.ca :D =RA M L L�t�7 Educating You for the Real World. Everyone reads and shops j the N eNvs Advertiser You ARE INVrrED To ArrENiD Outs PREFmsHm HARDWOOD FLOORING SEMINAR: HOSWM By CARPET TOW NE & UNIVERSAL FLOORING ZQpjc TIME: • WeAT To LOOK FOR IN FRL, NOV. 10, 64 P hL BUYING WOOD FLOORING SAT., NOV. ii, iris PAL • DIFFERENT GRADES SAT., NOV. 11, 1-3 P -M- • INSTALLATION AND SALES TIPS AJAZ LOCATION ONLY • PRODUCT APPLICATION DOW �. SSV pF .19C: i PAGE 29•A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, NOVEMBER 8,1995 SHOP BY BASKET & SAVE' S2 DEPOSIT N6 •'I'O'I' i2F:Al)1"" tT'I'II.I'1'Y (:>rZAI)I-: TEWING HENS CO -0- , No I.Ii_ 069 °A NA m�TnURTIF.REOLOC: � MEAT PIES JL/ _'1:3 LfIAN r•mI THE M/RCW SE os s MI6$ 'E FOOD TERMINAL' o 'n y C••NAOP • MIX <)R MAT(' I I .i I.IMI•I' _EA. Lam\■ ■Y\\ TYSONFROZEN • FISH N F RIE ICKEN DIN EL i i.. r..... c 1 ,tom _.. •,_.z_ :.. _i •00 •iL CM10N — ' i I 649 0891 )EA_ 1 =o• �MO ZZARFLLA �AI.AI� •�J CHEESE m •�I'Itl\I. 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Get Started! a ,AN �tUyr4rnnw rtinat;S? - • Corlputer,7ed Accounting • Ne'wcm SP-clallst (CNE -3) T�- • :,orhputer Maintenance Technology • Of'ice Adi-quitstrah(xl Financial assistance milable to those who qualify Scarborough Oshawa (416) 291-6662 1-800-993-9993 r'.' < CDI COLLEGE r•P•/uru.P GF 805/NESS E 7E:HtiOL03y iOON' OAr ON ' YORE ' • , • MON NOV 13C • )CAr'ONS in AM 6 PM NOW HIRING FUTURE SHOP'S GROWTH OVER POSITIONS EARNINGS THE YEARS • DISTRICT MANAGERS SaOK • STORE MANAGERS $65K ` • MARKETING LIAISONS $50K -• •HUMAN RESOURCES SSOK • MANAGERS IN TRAINING (MIT) $35K - ---• • SALES REPRESENTATIVES S30K -- • ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS $24K • DISTRIBUTION STAFF S21 K CUSTOMER SERVICE REPS SISK PRODUCT MERCHANDISERS SISK • : JMPUTER TECMWAL SUPPORT SISK COMPARE WHAT FUTURE Representatives from p•rsonrr SHOP HAS TO OFFER 6 opwatxms man /noel rat will • mIP Pew T.a,,,Q P• v_ • P -Icy or IN~1 r mlm wm_ be preswlt to meal you, 9" M . E11A,4 a MPANwv,.-r, cwP turthw Was is son 4 ar6swer • Empl"w oi,c.,RaA I your Qlraslwmn We urge ym carne on Mon.. Nov. 13 a I a 10 a.m -6 p.m. M the Ramada Neel O.V.P15hepparE. General General Careers IE CareersIm Help Help INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICAL PRODUCT SALES 4 (ient'.a:: h c.t r,:u!': n,, r, m.,i ; ir,tnCal and electronic, manufacturing Company ,cel,, an experienced sales representauiie Gotid compensation. car allowance. I)ynamtc products ()uisianding optxrrtunEt) Candidates must hace cxNrience In wiling electrical or electronic products to industry Please +end resume to: THE PRESIDENT 10 Spy Court, Markham, Ontario L3R SH6 em-0.,tt, 12 Progtradln v� S4 GnV@ SL N. —OBC 576-9175 OUAU IMI General IM General Help Help CRUdNEY SWEEP We have an immediate opening for a reliable individual to be trained by us as a professional CHIMNEY SWEEP. The key individual we seek must have a van or pick-up truck with cap in presentable condition, be well groomed, fit and not afraid of heights. $400 - $450. per week to start. FDr an interview call MAGIC TOUCH CHIMNEY SWEEPS at 686-1414 Beauty salon requires LICENSED ASSISTANT MANAGER Must be: Professional Conscientious Motivated Hourly/Commission BI -weekly bonus + profit sharing Call Vicky 723-7323 DEPT. STORE PROMO Now hiring F,7 8 P/T.positions to promote a major Dept. Store's account card. Successful applicants must be outgoing and dress in business attire. Tmg. provided. OSHAWA • BOWMANVILLE • AJAX • PICKERING • WHITBY $94510 / Hrly. + bonus. call head office 1-800-661-2118 1 - 7 pm. GENERAL LABOUR FULL TIME Hardworking, ambitious, strong, to work for manufacturer with steel related products. Must be flexible for shifts and able to work overtime. Starting $8.70/hr. Reply File #f7178, Oshawa Whitby This Week, P. O. BOX 481, Oshawa, L1 H 71.5. An East End Advertising Co. dealing with SKI RESORTS 6 HOCKEY CLUBS in Eastern Ontario this season is looking for people to fill a variety of positions immediately. Call TRACY at 441-8542 for personal interview. m General Genera Help IM, Hel Coffee Shop requires Drive Through and Sit Down Staff Full,/Part time for new location opening in Pickering. Donut and bagel experience. Resumes may be dropped off at 981 Brock Rd. S. Unit 7, Pickering INSTALLER/TECHNICIAN Small, growing company involved in the installa- tion and service of communication systems is looking for the right person. You must have a valid, clean driver's license, be a self-starter, able to travel and are personable and neat. Experience in communications would be an asset but is not required. Resumes will be accepted up to Nov. 24/95. Please fax or mail your resume to: SDC Inc., 1175 Squires Beach Rd., Unit 116, Pickering, Ontario L1W 3V3. Fax# (905)683-0829. Attn: VP Operations. PLEASE NO PHONE CALLS. ASSISTANTS needed for ligfx paperwork. No experi- ence necessary. Average S2/piece. Earn s10o0 weekly. Work at home at own pace (free delivery). To obtain application send self-addressed stamped envelope to D.H.L. Express Enterprises, 4936 Yonge St. Suite 244, Toronto, M214 6S3. BOOK REPS. . Metro, Oshawa and surrounding areas. Schools, businesses and libraries. Vehicle re- quired. $350 - $700 week - y. No exp. necessary. Call Joe or Donna 905-985- 8491 or 905.721.9679. CAR buyer wanted $250/ week plus commission, full or part-time. Oshawa 6 sur- rounding areas. Must have own vehicle, good commu- nicabon skills. Must be me- chanically Inclined. Duties Include: will buy cars and trucks for employer from private individuals for re- sale. Fax resume only, at- tention Doug Moore (705)674-1760. CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser requests that advertisers check their ad upon publabon as News Advertiser Milk not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion and there shall be no kabilily for non -insertion of any adver- ksement. Liability for er- rors in ads is IiNed to the amount paid for the space occupying the error. AN mpy is subject to the ap- proval of management of News Advertiser. if _ THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, NOVEMBER 8,1995 -PAGE 31-A on,General General General General General Office Office Office Office Help 1 Help Help Help Help Help Help Help I Help CLEANERS wanted. RE- LIABLE, CAR A MUST, mrlst he bondable- have stable work history Bring resume for interview on Fri. day. November 10 llam- 1pm to 671 Annapols Ave Oshawa DELIVERY DRIVERS rl.al Aiax Picx-.r.ng Small car requlled II pad 'time Aft Eve Call 11 am -12 noon pm- 4 pm Mon -Fn only 428-2150 ••�•��• •���� MATURE STUfJf ^J 1';MOVIE f'FUF'LE. niton RELIABLE enthu­lsf Iv.,m..makers wanted for ti-,; ':r,tr,•,! growing agency n^d avaiarik, people re POSITION AVAILABLE earl time telemarketing seeks extras for frim and TV quned as background ac full time or part hammy provided Call het work, all types, no exp req fors and SOUS for busy tall time, with or without ween 9 a m and 5 p m Earn $7 Sil Work 'p,arand winter schedule Ideal 6196991 anteed we place pe r.ple for retirees, pensioners, clientele ers ie sets every day students. home mak on movie etc HOSTHOSTESS required Call Am Pro Pla:e•nent CALL JOE for night ,hilt 11-7, Friday b Call Susan 416.961.2226 492 91$19 831-6531 Saturday nights Expert PART-TIME Bus person. See page 7. ence preferred, not . se expener.,e an asset. apply EXPERIENCED telemar Lal Apply within Tim �Hor in person 49 Old Kmr1•,ron (Pickering ton's 674 K,nrlston Rd Rd. Ajax k ere", tie 1:1-d Guaranteed Pi,Aenn9 edtition only) S;!hr up to $101hr r bonus I-'. Friendly Oshawa ofhre INTERNATIONAL Health Call 905438.1540 R 1 Agent . , ••,pany ur HAIRSTYLIST be9-ntly seeks New Super -el"hoSs Rent a chair and visorvisor Wanted] 6 full time. 4 ' :rease your income In Part time people Call I tire. Joseph or Julie. 723- Boo-8or -8880 '161 JANITORIAL Service HAREX Uesyns Int, is ...k' — . ,..' 5.sales ex io•.K,^•; an experienced ecutive •Nnh proven expert individual on a part basis ence in Janitorial salty,Fx who has experience in the ce ]lent compensation and screen printing If fabrics advancement potential All interested parties '9051470-8553 please call ,or in interview LADY r+�mmy'dn Jewary at (905)4'J3 and ask blr Mr Ki,k Harris .. -T PT sales reps ' ighis ._ —jrt at F,ri III Christmas Season 1415; EARN .L to S550 a week' HELP WANTED! Easy 284-1243 bVF •,.1 people to make w' d"' Fx ::ay' AS . ,,i ery (necklace, brace- sembli- pn., r, ;cis at Mme' :.ts earrings) Job available Call 1504 129.9227 Ext '051 to coast from your 479 H 46 -Ile No experience ^ceded Send a sell -ad- HOME WORKERS 'dre%sed stamped envelope URGE EEDED Kevenchris Corp , 991 57500 y mat^.son Blvd E Unit 95. rnaiiing o •L:,,lars No nEF e00. Mississauga. on expBrel training & i L1Vl : J3 s,,Pphes provided ESTHETICIAN •equired r'l to rent room in n,c Ca11666-285? MODELS NEEDED Fema e : jeti 7-26 EARN EXTRA INCOME Travel to ex^(ting cities New York Pans Milan Call for FREE consultat ,r 430-5715 FREE WEEK NOV. 6-10, 1995 FREE Starter Kit FREE Samples FREE Brochures FREE S20 Gift NO START UP FEE' MAKE EXTRA MONEY Partrfull time. Sell where you live or work. No quotas, no inventory. No car necessary. Great discounts, call now to book appt. We bring beauh home START NOW l oca -lvailable r' all depart. ^lents Earn up to $14 82 _r rr .' qualified No ex- ;enence necessary. ;w^ 'rail ,ria Uon rpdune0 r,anl "f prday ,rig 4^,4 43C TWO FULL TIME s r:r - J!e ade r -city, • . arc 'err��ir.� •., mmed,ele/ I 'No fu., :,n e h,, -,,,/pills,. •ors n our Computer Dept Y'. a I"PonS.b l -hes ill nra.de workicg n custom er service, lata ertry and ^,outbound teiem,ar-e' "1 The two SUCC es Sfu tar"' Tates will be sen motivated Personable, have strong "ommunirations sk and •degree of inderstar-1^g n 1 2.3 'or windows Spoke and wrnen E^glisrs a re �essity T,ese two erlry -we cos,'—s pay $8h, .'le sl ,ike •'' ,hank a PORT TIME - "se til apply however - .Ilk Express only (rose candidates ,. '.a,l Heather ,n A,ax it 683- ceded 'or interview will be '140 contacted Please send 'e. PT/FT TARTyour Iw^ s"me to Peter an Ganse- wmx. M I Ma^ager •s -mess wah rid, PPI 49 M,IIs Rd A,ax money down Car is a must Ont L S 7L3 Call Cheryl at 436-2719 rertuires a Secretary to work In a fast -paced environment. The Individual must be proficient in WordPerfect 5.1, have knowledge of WordPerfect 5 0- and the ability to Nork on a Novell based network systern. Respond with resume r)n or before' November 17, 1995 Jr, McDermott & Associates Limited, 1305 Pickering Parkway, Suite 704, Pickering, Ontario L1 V 3P2 Attn: Mr. David Baffa We thank all applicants and advise that only those considered for employment will be contacted ACCOUNTING CLERK RLQLIRLD °ermanent. full tlrre position available with an established auto dealer ship Post secondary accounting education and previous automotive dealership experience Is preferred. Reply by fall only to: The Controller (905)668-9734 ORDER DESK SALES CUSTOMER SERVICE a rr; j'?SS�•6 Y:.c;:r,y =;,.T,Na;.f ^, aiax 'las do opening for a self- -notlyated Indivlduai with excellent communication sk lls and vert detail oriented Clerical sk.,'s -mandatory Salaried Cail Dave Damanc i�ers l Manager 683-2040 or fax resume to 683-2075 COMPUTER/ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT Individual required by medium-sized company located in Pickering. Experienced In spread- sheet & database software and preferably net- works Responsibilities will Include production of dally reports. Inventory & accounts payable. Salary commensurate with experience Please respond to File 7245 PO Box 481 Oshawa L1H 71-5. PROCESSING CLERK: Light material handling. some data entry for electronic service Dept DATA ENTRY CLERK: Must be experienced, some extended hours call for appointment 905-668-6946 Paden or separated or With pick up truck Will Sales Help/ ,,Iced w,tr , .ee years 1 Agent '. )rk experTay Improvements r d rarcial ass- . is' s and commercial Serving -celot I you are ,ver 4_ C,S- RIBL;LCrI d ^ave ecel bee ,5i-. . , �Profe> IJ oe I , —ay :l `or ousness whr� is, ­j assistance DIP -PT are n.erested ory - netw LcTus PJ rd0ei'ec•. Base disTndu!ion it interested Autocac. ver !.ra. apply r persor !o -06 Col t9e—ail— ^larva•d Cor porne St eel Whitby on Com,. -'�• Programming November '5 '995 Take 7 Systems Analyst, Cc- Hwy .,, 'GBrock 5••$1$11 Pascal and C Phdtr FOR YOUR HOME - op Quark Expre$$ and go past b-- ,too ,stator C .•^ar^ Bus, ighis ._ —jrt at F,ri -ss Comp Wer College. a^: ':5 5 :^ 'he tor! PRJ. E YF NTS- carpentry , side Reyisiratior owp,s at -,ervices -roves appliance Sra'p Please Sales , tris ad .1. ,cu 1 yelp Agents ;it, —all no lob too big. uGGKirvG pest. � � or ban rooting, flooring, ceramic ^g Can now 432-17359 free estimates. great prices ...nous inquiries :r I Free estimates D b N I& PROFEMONAL w who you're dealing with. And these local 11hbors. They're always here to help you! Z r J News Advertiser 68"707 Free estimate call Ernie rooms, odd lobs. disposals 905-404 AI7n Aemni— ll "'i_7nn0 NIR. BlIti Painting X �V (:encral Contracting 'ESsx)nal ifoperty tila:nienarice Repairs & Renovations Free Estimates (1110 571-6453 GCB CONSTRUCTION Interior and exterior repairs. renovations and construction Fast and clean profession- al work guaranteed Craig, 686-1913 JS ARMSTRONG DEV. r' Handyman HANDY HELPER - wp.rwing. r,tr•,ciaxle. riot painting, repairs, ci.a rips, and yard work Dis- count for seniors Cay Bert 428-6800 HANDYMAN INC. Specializing in. custom With pick up truck Will homes additions renova- do odd jobs clean up 683-7363 11 Improvements 1 1 Improvements and commercial Serving moving jobs, grass cut - Durham Region for over 15 ting, fence repairs I 1 Improvements 1 • Plumbing Moving & e Flooring. I Chimney Int & Ext painting, paper & • ' Sweeps vinyl hinging, spraying. 34 Storage • Carpeting MISTER CHEAP' •• - FOR YOUR HOME - TOMMY S J'.fE ALVIN SAMEDAY PLUM - • • -•-s - _ CARPET ii-:' - I^!s.•.,•^s.m Busine— PenovaDone -lir PRJ. E YF NTS- carpentry , •• BING - , -.-re, ' - -,ervices -roves appliance ye) , .car .rice. re - law apartrieets•additions, pentry. drywall. painting, drywall basement apts . rec ;it, —all no lob too big. and piano specialists Flat stretching, :.,,• speciality fences deck. etc LI- rooting, flooring, ceramic room, painting and deco- free estimates. great prices rate or hourly We now Free estimates D b N sensed for e.,.- 20 years, tile, remodel or repairs rating. ceramic tiles Call 725-2507 have heated steraye ..tits Duncan 987 1799 a 387 an work guaranteed, for Kitchens. bathrooms. res Tommy at 1905 1426 Now one, n tree coxes8105 rn m 1800 Free estimate call Ernie rooms, odd lobs. disposals 905-404 AI7n Aemni— ll "'i_7nn0 NIR. BlIti Painting X �V (:encral Contracting 'ESsx)nal ifoperty tila:nienarice Repairs & Renovations Free Estimates (1110 571-6453 GCB CONSTRUCTION Interior and exterior repairs. renovations and construction Fast and clean profession- al work guaranteed Craig, 686-1913 JS ARMSTRONG DEV. r' Handyman HANDY HELPER - wp.rwing. r,tr•,ciaxle. riot painting, repairs, ci.a rips, and yard work Dis- count for seniors Cay Bert 428-6800 HANDYMAN INC. Specializing in. custom With pick up truck Will homes additions renova- do odd jobs clean up I rec rooms and base- small ment apartments Residential garage, yard, and commercial Serving moving jobs, grass cut - Durham Region for over 15 ting, fence repairs yrs Free consultation Call Jett 905.428-5706. Call Vic 428-8907 MAJOOR'S Painting & Lettuce Decorating Ajax 683-5879•M1. Chimney Int & Ext painting, paper & • ' Sweeps vinyl hinging, spraying. 34 yrs experience in Residen. tial Commercial & industri- CHIMNEY, sweeps and al. Fully insured Referent repairs, liners installed, gas C & R Maintenance Build- es available rid oil Free estimates LICENSED MASTER PLUMBER. Avdiidbie %x work, reasonable rates. spi lai- zing in bathroom renova- tons call Wayne 905-686- 6647 MPainting & Decorating TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service. 420-0081 a Ing repairs and renovations reasonable rates 427-9794 electrical, plumbing. ce- MR. HUMIDIFIER resi- • Flying ramie tiles, carpentry. From central humidifier sales and IM • Services small repairs to major ren- service Free in home esti- Electrical ovations Fully guaranteed, mates Call 686.3559 Iree estimates 19051668- 3300 DUCTWORK installed. moved, relocated Excellent rates Free estimates Elec- trostatic air cleanershu. midihers. Big. Small jobs. Call Paul 4280295. EUROPEAN tile special- ist will renovate your bath- room, or kitchen walls, as well as floor tiles Good ref- erences and satisfaction serving Durham Region for guaranteed. For free esti 19 yrs Additions, sundecks, mates call D. Dykstra 725- patio doors, windows, rec- 4913 rooms. flagstone, free esti mates 905 576 57EO VAZ GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD. Additions. Baths, kitch- ens. Basements, Ceramic Tiles, Hardwood floors. Roots Trim, Doors. Decks 1 Visa Accep. Call Justin For Estimates (905)683-5818 SIGON Construction L13, ENTECH ELECTRIC Services Inc Commercial. industrial and residential Master electrician 15 years experience Have your electrical needs met pro- fessionally Call Ross (905) 427-4373 1411L] Plumbing AAA -LICENSED PLUMBER available All your plumbing needs Complete renovations Guaranteed lowest prices! No lob too small!! (905) 4322913 wi ove err e 7 veil -.:)ec al. starting a' $+9 and ..p Cali for ,nformatiorHouse 7?5 2AWA or 427 n006 room Cleaning MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS ire,-_.-,-t.- a^vw^ere a y me mrne•c ai or resi a �:,.-ag rg storage arc aces u., aoie Senior 6 mo -or'^ rscanm Free es•:r^ates 571-0755 Experienced Cross Movers Bargain rates, nomes. offices, apt. etc. piano moving Packing available 423-0239.119)) HARRY -O -THE -MOVERS - Move brig or small, we pnce them all' Free estimates, seniors discount short notice moves Pianos moved. also appliances Comparable rates Call 432-2850 MEN with large truck will do household moves resi- dential commercial All types of moves Cali Cart or Jane 427.2856. RELIABLE HOUSE CLEANER 7IIIN . , . a,.,." r;. D'sting. Kt.^ars Bath- rooms -'(cors etc Reasoni rates, Ni 3I-sil Monthly JCcasioraly CALL 905-619-6957 e House a House • • Health, • Cleaning • Cleaning • Beauty %ajillr-A ND t MAID SERVICES FALL SPECIAL FREE Clean -g t,, :. z---, -yS yeekty 8 bl-week y services Inq.,re for details. Canny for your home with personalized and prefessienal service for over a decade. (F„Ily bonded and Insured 683-7515 e Party, • Business • Sevices • Services MAGICIAN, cicwn -en-s er:e'tai, for any ANSWERING Service • Snow age. any occasion P— Birth L v ..r .oice —a-, bcx '• • Removal days. promotions, open. S5 mo Incluoes private ngs, fund raisers Magic nun tier ,4'6 287.5295 shows are fun' Lettuce help 839-705' or 728- P334 Music, Dancing Instructor r JAM sessions S -r -jay nights' Blues. Jazz CAFE KOKOMO 15 Albert St 1 • Oshawa If you can play call Phil or John 579 -CAFE or 723-1265 • Health • Party • Services • • Driving • Beauty MICHALSKI MOVING -hous- • • Schools rs. apartments. oPoces. apple- NATURAL HEALTH PRO- ances and piano specialists Senior and mid -month dis counts Licensed. insured Free estimates Exceilentser vice Call 436.7795 MDrapes, pholstery BARTLEY'S Upholstery, I 905471-5331 I Upholstery fabrics and sup. pies. commercial & residen- tial rurmture. Boats plains, RABBITwants work doing autos. customizing restora- magic for children's parties lions of autos and tine and all occassions Have antiques Free estimates my own magician Cash Er workmanship guaranteed nie 668 4932 Call (9051 6973532 SCHOOL •4 lessons and test $105. •10 Lessons $150 -Full Course 5259 Free pick -up and drop Ott (416) 287-3060 DUCTS that may provide eneCtwe reiiet from aches, Dams, stiffness For more !o—alor, call 905-579- 4. 04 R qt;: ESS.JhA� - : or nut-n� rira50nau,c Can )05. 42c--9459 eave message Don't Forget Oshawa,' %'hitbv This Week Classed Dept. IS open for vour convenience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified :fid Please Call 576-9335 A.Brs. Anti -Stress Studios Ltd. 37h Kingston Rd L'nit 17 Pirkenng Pull-hi,XI% aromatherapc nias�agc I ; hr 3`+ +�+ (4,on 7 d,1cs Werk No appointment necet sarc 905.509-6877 PAIGE 32 -A -THE NEWSAiDVIXTLSE>R, WEm, NOVEbMM &,'JW$ EM Ffelp/ Skilled Skilled ,are Articles Agent Help Mi Help Available For Sale LIFE AGENTS Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance Plan . Broker looking for Associates. Send resume to: P.O. Box 344 Ajax, Ontario L1 S 3C2 Skilled Help CLASS A MECHANIC And ,,. ;ro, yearApprentice re- quired for shop in Pickering.Drop off resume or fill out application at 1547 Bayly St Pickering or Phone (9051 420-1389 SLITTER OPERATORS Small film manufacturer requires Experienced Slitter Operators to work on weekend continental shift. Please send resume to: AVPEX INTERNATIONAL 300 Toronto St. Newcastle, Ont. L1B 1C2 Att: Bob Tennyson ENGINEERING CAREERS tome' .o metasedk- I :andidates with tool g die and stamping ick r, und. You will be familiar with GD&T. idkr � Autocad. progressive tool and fixture ncepts Toolroom experience is a definite -set Forward your resume in confidence to Engineering Manager L & L Tool Inc. 248 Simpson Ave. S. Bowmanville. Ont. LIC 2J3 Hospital Hospital Hospital me dicaMental-8 MedicaUDental MedicaVDenta! Physiotherapists (Full/Part-Time/Contract) )o you like the idea of acareer in a rllulti-disc iplinary 'cam -based environment? Come join us' Opportunities now exit to rotate through our medical/long-term care, surgical and ambulatory care programs, all within state-of-the-art facilities. The successful candidates will he licensed or eligible for licensure in Ontario, possess the ability to function in a team -based environment and demonstrate well developed communication and Interpersonal skills. `Ire offer a competitive salary, generous berTeflts package, flexible hours, educational opportunities and a warm, friendly wort. atmosphere. The Hospital is prepared to discuss additional incentives, including relocation In(Vo r tccommodat1on assistance with suitable• (an di dates. 't you are interested in the above position, please "ubmit your resume, in confident I•, to: Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, Human Resources Department, 47 Liberty Street South, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 2N4. Telephone: (905) 623-3331 ext. 5181. Fax: (905) 623-4088. tilemonal Hospital, Bowmanville is an equal opportunity entplover RELIABLE. non-smoking sitter. with 8 yrs exp will provide full part time TLC, any age welcome, receipls ren provided Whites Rd 811-1605 f Employment Wanted GAS I tier 2T Looking for work wdh gas fitter 1 or 2 Call Dan MacDonald 728. 1,579 Leave message • ' Business to Business 4TH LEVEL C G A book ec ac- ,luntmg tune ' 'ns UP IC tis. government ,,mittances- WCB budgets. ,ish flow etc Manual or 7uter¢ed Cal'. 9o5- 318 ' Firewood ABSOLUTELY THE BEST " - FALL SPECIAL ..a avrseasoned hard :• od, cut. split, delivered. icked for only S70. face 'ra Sahsfactior guar - 'eed Country Lane Gar '• n & Forest Products 5-728.610 A GREAT DEAL Tip wood at low prices FREE ,ei•very Serving P,cke• ,g ^Tax. Whitby and 0,1awa all DURHAM FIREWOOD 4'4' i'IREWOOD ;uaiity sea 'a•dwooq cut ,^hand delivered stdmnq S'e5rusr cord Limited a, t", Can 70t 944 FIREWOOD F.- « --,d Guaranteed. extra -g time fully seasoned -ut and so-, Honest measurement Free delivery, Kozy Heat Firewood (905)753-2246 FIREWOOD MOVING SALE spilt and delivered "NIlde supplies last' Call Gerry 6.9pm all day Sat and Sun 619-1363 ROKA LUMBER & FIREWOOD CENTRE 4 X' X'2 SFT, ,- 4 X8 X'6- $65 00 ESTABLISHED 1963 Days 705-277.3381 Evenings 905434-6665 Free Delivery To Oshawa Area SEASONED HARD FIREWOOD : ut 6 V 3p,e ;ties^ ash oak P-ee aeiivery.Aa. P,ckr -,� Whitby 68"+-:-)9 Flea Market ALMOND REFRIGERATOR. arge like new. 5295 Mec chest 1•eezer $175. both workirg well 19051 831- 5295 ANTIQUE Victorian couch. chair and ottoman $350 for Skilled Daycare Daycare the set New love seat Help Wanted 9eq Available 5200. Walter Campbell Limded edition prints $150 0 b.o Call 619-2739 CLASS A mechanic with ford experience required oy dealership east of Oshawa reply to file *7142 PO Box 481 Osnawa Ontario LIH 71-5 EOUIPMENT rent compa- ny seeks motivated individ- ual Wim knowledge in die- seugas engines. welding fabrication. elecirlcal. by. draulics. propane license a plus. good ariving record and own tools Send re. Sume to Ftle * 7241 P O Box 481 Oshawa, Ontario L1H 71.5 MECHANIC. class A re. quired for busy Firestone store in Pickering Call 905- 831-3121 PRESS OPERATOR, for Multi 1250 and AB Dick 9810. min 5 years expert ence fax resume to (905. 831-6722 SHEET Metal Fabricators Assemblers. Must be ex perienced in using power brake. shear and able is work to close toierances Fax resume to (905;430 1841 HERMITAGE AREA. Rothergien 'Hwy *2. full time daycare in my horse. any age welcome non. smoker, sate loving envi. ronment, reasonable rates. call Gad 619-3610 LOVING caring nanny for our 3 year old daughter Come to our home. own transportation an asset References required Call 420-2653 NANNY , housekeeper re- quired for 2 year old and 1 month old full time Picker ing area References Call 905-427-8480 Daycare 10 Available DAYCARE ava,labie Monday - Friday Brock and Finch area ask for Betty (905; 683.5278 Three months and cp. lots !, TLC. 13 years experience Daycare availabel in my home, full-time, any age welcome. lots of activities, reasonable rates, Whites Rd /Oklahoma. Can Nancy 837-0934 IN MY HOME, responsible mother of school -aged children. full/part-time, ref- erences available. TLC. rN outdoor activities Call Lau- rie 905-683-8576 MINGO'S PLACE DAYCARE Mingo's Place sate care. Thinking of daycare for your child 'Visit Mingo s' 'Your child will thank you 535 Rougemount Dr Pickering (905) 509-1976 BED, Waterbed, (Super single size It in excellent condition $150. 831-2013 SOFA & love seat. brown, excellent condition, $300: coffee table, excellent con- dition. $100 Call 905-509- 3790 Articles for Sale 1 Pair of KYB Gas struts, retail $160, will sell for $80 fits 1981.83 Datsun 200SX Call Abe at 683-5117 or 427-1637 eve 22' PIONEER chain saw S75 computerized exercise bike $100, 1977 300 John Deere snowmobile $400. 6000 Btu air conditioner $100 905 432.3815 ARTICLES for sale in ciuding dresser $165. sharp electronic typewriter 5150. Cosco rocker, limper wdh toy tray $35. Antique articles include large but- ternut dresser $350. small Ouebec dresser (18991 $285. blanket box $195. -ahogany coffee table S95 2 mahogany lamp tables 5145 each, oval walnut coffee table (ex coed) $200. 11 It pine artique store display counter $500, note some antique articles require TLC (905)831- 0318 Pickering, pease call before 9 p m F__PI C_CP I NG ] LIFT TRUCK EiPr1r- Aa,k hnh;r, 3000Ibs capacity 1Oft mast. S6500. Includes charger call Dave 839-8124 before 5 pm. CARPET .. N . d-..• A wale. Free in- stanahor Ic' free estimate .;all Sal ,9051432 275C or pagerr416,9809697 Carper Broker 10011, Ny,,, -• : rain re sistant carrw For3 rooms. only $369 00 P -ice in- -Wtles 3C Sq yds carpel. :w -o cad and installation y'.:• home Free quota. ',fir m your home No in 'erest. no payment for one till year Daniel. 1-800 217-0,04 CARPET MILL DIRECT cat^ resistant carpet •or 3 looms. only 5349 price in c!uding 30 square yards, .rrpet. cad .labour. Free -;timate Amoid 1.800 4)1 8004J1 5557 1 yr no payment. •to interest -.. For , tun year CARPETS lots of carpet -Ynr new stair .e ease carpets on hand. I will carpet 3 rooms. S349 Pnce rctudes carpet premium pad, expert installation, fast deiiveryfree estimates (3c yards) Nom,an 6862314 CERTIFIED HOTDOG CART 'o- sage .i>k g 522-� - �ffer l offer call 579-9OC2 -0h1PL'TEP- 12 =a, machine S49-349 _aser Carr S59 4 _as�r 1201/ dpi SI.999 a� CD S snd 5279 Draws 5399 (9051 683- 7332 COMPUTERS RESALE 386•s - color $395 Co, plete IBM systems from S199 Complete new Dx2 66's 5999 1005-. financing available Clanngton Com �uler 164 Baseline R6 Bowmanville 6973059 CONTENTS SALE, aaybed. kitchen set. electric lawn mower wrtn cord, weed eater, t v vides stand, cedar picnic table, bar with stools, excellent condition, brother knitting machine, Ribber motor, garter car. nage, singer bulky ma- chine. with ribber, Yarn $3 00 cone. English 3 pc snooker cue with case, snooker box and memora. bilia and accessories Zig Zag sewing machine, 2 years old Reasonable off- ers 668-7638 COPIER - Xerox 1040. 6 years old. $15.000 value, asking $1050 (sacrifice). Works very good, new drum, dry ink worth $1300 included 436-6880 after 4 DINING ROOM suite, solid oak includeds hutch, buffet table with 4 chairs (extra leaf) asking $1795. 697-3323 Garage/ Garage/ W11 Yard Sales MR Yard Sales GIANT CRAFT SALE SAT. NOV. 11/95 28 O'Dell Crt. Ajax, (Harwood/Emperor) 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Clarington residents call 404-2615 AUCTION SALE SAT. NOVAII - 10 AM Auction of Antiques and household . held at Wilsons Sales Arena. Uxbridge Walnut dining table. qateleg table & side- board, wrought non table & 4 chairs (glass top. white leather seats). armoire. pulpit long Bethesda United Church).ant. chairs. ant sofa. dressers, blanket box. cedar chests trunks. bed- room suites. piano & stool. sleigh 7 horse bells, washboards. churn, maple sugar molds,brass railway ianterns. oil lamps. tools, 'Golden Rose -china, Bridal Rose, Nippon. Lim- oge city Cornflower. crystal, plus much nye Call for full faxed list TERMS ,;.ish. Visa. „ . ......ac VIEWING: - inn Sale GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Div. of 1081454 Ontario Inc.) Gary & Nancy Hill R.R.91 Sunderland Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 Toll Free 1-800-654-4647 AUCTION SALE SAT. NOV. 11. 10 A.M. $70 Taunton Rd. E. Whitby Excellec' furniture sale with new sofas & chairs. loveseats. swivel chairs 7 pc diner 2 vinyl sofa sets, silver pcs , an- tique settees, chairs. 3 pc wall and new car batteries. new tools. dressers, 6 pc pine sofa set. Sklar sofa & chair, Maytag washer & dryer, plus much more Viewing Fri 1-6 P m Terms Cash, Visa WC & Debit Card McLean Auctions & Liquidations 686- 3291; 576-7550. Don't Forget Oshawa/Whitby This week Classified Dept is open for your convenience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 576-9335 AUCTION SALE, SAT. NOV. 11/95. 5:00 P.M. PETHICK AUCTION BARN, 2498 CONIC. RD. s8 BOWMAN- VILLE. (HAYDON) Each week we have a large variety of an- tique & modern furni- ture to be sold includ- ing oak, ash, pine dressers, bedroom suites. dining room Suite. chesterfield suites. Collectable glass & china. lawn & garden equip , tools. approx 1000 comic books. 100 pcs of Cornflower glass. de- coys. crocks & lugs. spinning wheels. Far- fisa organ, 1977 Ford 12 ton truck, 1989 Ford 12 ton truck - homemade box trader and lots more inter esting and unusual items. Large sale, viewing from 4 p m Terms are Cash, Visa. MC or Interact For more into. call 1-905-2634252. Sale managed and sold by Garry K. Powell Auctions. Appraisals & Liqui- dations. pleati.t new ; p in. starting time ESTATE AUCTION SALE Antiques. Ccllecta- bles & Household ef- fects Sunday. Nov 12. 1100 a.m (Viewing 10 DO) MacGregor's Auction Hall, 182 Wellington St. Bowmanville Take 401 to Waverly Rd Exit & follow 57 Hwy north 2 km to #2 Hwy , turn east to 1 st lights. turn north on Scugog St & follow signs. watch for WOW Mart Flea Mark,;t & MacGregor Auc±ions, This Sundays Auction at our new location features articles from an Orono estate, plus quality inclusions from the past to the pres- ent, partial list in- cludes oak sideboard, Queen Anne style buffet, Empire style chest of drawers, stenciled cottage chest. Cecillian Piano, washstands, new chi- na cabinet & curio shelves, tea wagon, misc. tables (kitchen, canole, coffee & end etc) misc. chairs, rockers, sofa etc., bedroom set, dress- ers & chests of draw- ers, book shelves, or- gan, old coins, pic- tures, new rings, country collectables (Granite ware, crocks, jugs, kitchen collecta- bles etc.) Quality se- lection of glass & chi- na, pressed glass goblets, pitchers, dishes, Flow Blue etc., oil lamps, tools & se- lection of articles found in & around the home. This is an ex- cellent auction with many rare, unique & useful articles. Plan on attending & view- ing our new location (dress warm), we are still renovating). Call for all your auction needs. MacGregor Auction Services, Mike MacGregor 905-987-5402 905- 987-3664 CORNEIL S AUCTION BARN Friday Nov 10 at 5:30 pm 3 miles East of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 Thr, property of the late Mary Cayley of Lindsay plus Mrs Shirley Millard of Little Britain plus others - 10 pc Mahogany Dining room suite,Oak dining extension table, Washstands. Oak sideboard. Cranberry hanging hall light. 3 antique hanging lights. 4 Lindsay Creamery Milk Bottles. Staples Oshawa Dairy. Walnut hall table Bed chesterfield, refinished pressback rocker. Walnut 1/2 moon tables. 6 pine captains chairs. coffee & end tables, Oak 3 section staking bookcase, Antique dressers, Console colour TV, Co -oil lamps, Oak hall table, 2 door refrigerator, apartment size dryer, Cast iron antique Cabose stove, Bar stools, Hall Vee, qty. Avon bottles, deep rock well driller, approx. 12 beer advertising signs, (some luminated), Approx ten 12 & 20 Guage shotguns, 12 guage Savage Semi automatic, Remington Model 6, 32 Cal. Rifle plus a qty of china, glass, household & collectible items. Don & Greg Cornell Auctioneers R.R. N1 Little Britain (705) 786-2183 GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTRE NEWTONVILLE Nov. 101h,Fri., 6 p.m. S,. ,lig 'he contents tman Hope and Canton i. 3 pc antique bed - suite. with wash - 1. two 5 pc dinette attractive 2 pc. 'r•sterfleld suite (tufted 'a:�• try print). occasional ,•s, buffet, loveseat chair, writing desks, uter desk, computers Ing Ner, prospeed bridge set. chord old sewing machine. ,rit radio, Canterbury, ; .i,sware. china, cross olive stemware, queen chrome set, lamps, ser, end tables, fridge. e, microwave KNr f vac gurney cook - 12 speed Fion excel Vitamaster ex?rr,,se •ow machine. weights. 'a, case. luggage, bed - several baby articles, trous antiques Terms approved cheque D. , visa, interac Auctioneer Frank Stapleton (905) 786-2244. SAT. NOV. 18 10 A.M. Large antique and cc ahLs auction at Olr W Main St Bobay( C -plete contents of shop, antique air : oak furniture, C ,a. east roast p flat farm sc e51a farm wa norabilia. china I �•'r , store top desk. A•^:sh quilt box, hai 'a^i-s. 2 coke mach "." dreds Of Irleresting antique items. I it 10 a.m sharp ction rings, no res( h, -firs moving. Orval McLean Auctions Ltd. Orval and Barry McLean, Auctioneers (705) 324-2783 fay J. 1 - r warm, sale me ie Call )-461-640'1 to sale SAT.. NOV, 11 10 A.M. estate app,:,,,x 'ire, some antiqu ,ntlty, of tools, gla a at estate of I -an Gartshore - ; - St, Whitby Near las on Palace St )CO station W I 'mer Mechar *,:Met 8 PC dining st Duncan Fyfe tal r 4 chairs, buffet a I cabinet. 3 pc chi ad suite, lamp tab, :• piece modem till suite, chests, dre. 14 bed, sewing rr and cabinet. copy GE auto wasehr a woods upright fret crowave. Tv. beddir glass and china. ha larder tools, gas lar, Ayr. Roper 8 rip - ; Ablower, antique tc r safe, 20 gara( / Winchester shotgu R Ithica level M45 Terms ash or go( e;ue Real Estate - exc:ellent 3 bedroo nn;k bungalow on parkld Selling Apprx. 60' to 14 et- central air, paved drl and newer windows, di Cached garage Selling a is subject to trustee al proval Terms $5,000 sale Balance ash or ce titled cheque in 60 day! Don't miss this opponund to purchase a good hom in Whitby, Property show by appointment. For Ilye or to view call McLean Auctions 14=461-6499 or MS -324-2783 Barry McLew Auchonee 10 A M. Our 27th Annual Slot -Da Auction at Orval McLear Auction Center - Undsa) Accepting all makes of srawmobiles, 4 to 4, all ter rain vehicles, trailers, trac• lots, noting lawn mowers. Vehicles, bring to barn. Daily 9 to 6 or all (705) 324-2783 or 1-800461.6499. Illecl- via•s )eon f an- ana- inmo- ales. gon- :abr Ines, t THE.MEM A'DVER7UM WED., NOVEMBn 41P)&pAGE 3a -A Articles Articles ' Articles For Sale For Sale For Sale Arts b Arts 89 Automobiles Automobiles Automobiles • �' i For Sale Wanted I Trailers Crafts • Crafts For Sale SNOWS OARD for sale. " t )afllevpr 6 bindings. paid CRAFT SHOW ,••w never used. pard -rn will sell for $Soo can 7TH ANNUAL -'J 1'314 alter 4pm USED Saxaphone. in DURHAM COLLEGE • •' • i'•"I crindihon Amati FALL- CHRISTMAS ✓-.r ��,:e. with case and all .r•.r' inert: Woo exr-ept CRAFT SHOW `!•'r,nable °ffer roll 668- Sat. & Sun. Nov. 11 & 12 4c, VIRTUAL REALITY for 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 'urns 2000 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa . •-mo model Includes .ewnre. aud,orvideo inter. . .i,, module, adapter, ca r':, s. S79`f 00 or best offer ��yy �y,iYyti a�IapytI dr,µ y.`y `, 831.2380 WAREHOUSE SALE 'J ..0 t new. jsed and an- ';ue furnishings, desk,. ressers. tables. chars 8 ?!'ire Great Prices with an irlditional 20% off l New I 'e Furniture. Mar:Kenzie aza. in Ajax 250 Bayly St :7 686-6332 YAMAHA grand piano r,ny r; t ,enes Beautiful DININGROOM KENMORE - ' ' : 4ua,iiy A ,k,m,q S8000 Call 905- :;200.723-9928 fe, .,•;: ruin table. 5 s"!e r, side mage and 4271479 P,•,mavrg 4,rniture or an. chairs. 1 armchair, 3 extra range, very good condition. ything old Scientific instru. COUNTRY CHRISTMAS leafs, asking $1150 Very asking 5890/par Honda Info. 434-5531 CRAFT SHOW good condition (905)519- 2283 22r„ watt generator, likeM Articles SUN. NOV. 12/95, 10-3 P.M. Needs work good parts new condition. asking f Wanted JUBILEE PAVILION 90014 fibreglass canoe, rood condition, asking rising. toys, decoys. dolls. Lakeview Park, Simcoe St. S. Oshawa. :;200.723-9928 ANTIQUES Absolutely. Over 60 exhibitor, with a fine selection KENMORE WASHER/ P,•,mavrg 4,rniture or an. of crafts, Christmas gifts and al 1 F R good ything old Scientific instru. home decorating Hems. 'on. Uerlera, tndge, ments, china, silver. adver- Info. 434-5531 CERTICAR AUTO CEN- TRE. Retailers of fine qual ity preOWried automobiles We now have financing available and 31 fine auto- mobiles 1988 Sentra std coUDe. no k excellent 51995 1990 102 kms 4 dr white ST 195 1388 Pontiac 500.,0 air, 134 kms $4,445 1991 Cavalier 124 black oeauty 5 spd $8 495 1991 Cavalier 2 Cr coupe 100 RICE Lake area 4C' , bile home 8.ot. heck, shed. famished. fishing. swim ming, $30.000 Will sen separately Call (905)697- 2634 otorcycles kms air, auto. 56 665 1991 rising. toys, decoys. dolls. 1979 vamana 750 special B..i'k Century 127 kms. Trucks deeds work it good parts oaded, perfect. 58885. milk oo•tles, collections or bike 5195 st, Call 576 '987 Burk Century 134 for Sale 8332 after 6pm or wee ms 'oaded. $4.195. 1989 esta'�s Call Robert Bowen •ends after moi P yin,uth Acclaim sir. ex- -ellen $5,195 1990 Sun 1977 GMC PICK up. 1 2 ' 379 Yamaha 750 Special ,,, d Le (2; air, 100 kms, fpr y ,ylmr]er automatir Needs work good parts 411.995 7987 Caprice p s p b $1700 certified bike 5225 obo Call 576- ; assn. black .oaded Call 725-3460 8332 after bpm or wee - S; 495 1990 Tempest (2) a ) - � .- � e 'Po ids after noon -I 1 au, auto. excellent. 1584 DODGE CARA- air aura exce err sale S5.995 1991 Olds Calais. VAN ,ur-r,o` a.-. Pw new. 5500 Call 404-6579 4 dr loaded. $5.495 1990 S•.',':C cert . 1980 rhev ' OWmObileS _,mpest '2; 31 air, aur, plc,, 52200 cel call rood air utilitiesutilities�.nct U .2 2 mon town nonsmoker -+cellert $5.995 1991 655-:271 $7 5Q'week Call 571-1413 ',,ds Callas. 4 dr loaded, 4 Wtleei Drive 5625 Dec 1 686-1832 >'395 1992 Sunbird SE. 1988 MAZDA 82200 1985 iNDY 4(,u rorar,s i.to 83 kms 58995 1999 Pic- c, Car _ ske-, Srowr^ore x:erort corn ,rd Probe Auto. S5 395 am -fm Cassette. 150K cer- dit,or, nc1 udes rew hel. ' -488 Pontiac Tempest h excellent condition. met 52000 O B O Can 5-1.995 1989 SunDird. S4.100 optional cap 404- 436-5887 eave message •et'l 54.995 1989 Cava- 0975 -ondlion S'C 500 :• nest --r station wagon 55,495 o'• -a ', 'e°`"^?"- •r.CKs - St From SSSG •mor'm,y all -9--2886 1989 -.rd 'Q -ton, F-150 Apartments 6824 5 sceed standard &,oven A ' ' For Rent CERTICAR AUTO CEN- dnve. very good condition. Inc, s,ve Cali an m yti e TRE. pe,a� e , -1 .;.a l•.+ 300 cub -c' engine, p s . tint message CASH for SNES Sega. --sow^ed fully Certified ve- windows. custom sun visor. 'RENT TO OWN.' Pick. .les now has ,nancing ^ 31 vehicles sale onced rimming boards. many ex err-, n,,rgalow a-ge 4- 19P,4 S - pa, a.•. 2 8. ;'as 57300 o b c bedroom upper ^ear - toellerr 52'?5 kms 19051404-9283 amenities, just renovated ..�88 POr•,ar 6000 air C 1 9 e^ 1989 F :•d SC L. • roughou! Available m- •.Ao, '30 km Sale $3.395 _ -peed ^`anudl with mediately $895 plus ' yr old. couch love seat 8 a� rising. toys, decoys. dolls. / _• 1989 -- -- - - •+ •m -992 SumDird SE 82 9 - air and cruise. Argy cap Duncan 1416, 250-939' hair used for 3 weeks milk oo•tles, collections or ' 1 , ; , Kms aaded IS air an. mill Teal Now Se 495 1991 Cavalier Z24 '24.DOOk s ask.rg 54860 S650/MONTH - ^e area inly (Navaho) mauve. toi- it. sink 8 tub 668-2613 esta'�s Call Robert Bowen :5800 cert,fred 725-634x, 3 1 black beau 5 spit Call (905EZ---1579 e+ery•^ -; - .led peon setts. 5 disc CD player, Antiques (905) 655.80x9 1989 CAVALIER Z24 'educed S% 195 '991 19530 hev. 11 ton N T 2 oedroom apanment .n 4 KENW000 TOWER OF Brooklin . ,,,^w . - - _ Buick .enrury Lt^, �Oadea. a ) - � .- � e = ex near Boys Club ELECTRIC 'rj',vF R 200 watt remote $35. sharp 2 x 300 elec- GARAGE, CRAFT & GIFT SALE ^ tion. '! 6. auto. options. • e new S8295 1987 Ca- - ' " 'p' ' ' -.s_ SRV! ^e• Frdge stove. adrk:^g. JIN- uwd once new batteries Aereo package Dual cas- APPLIANCES, wanted • I'•-'1' t� men's 10 speed bike S15. Ask ^^ i4,50C Please Call ie 'er Classic !C+'Cal black wipers ccx -ew P235 Ives. •ed cr red lies. o dons A,a able and charger. 51600 GE setts. 5 disc CD player, w^'king ;• ^ot. F*idye. t �I• •` - -� - •- t• t• K 905 839-5530 and and loaded reduced 54.995 1990 Tempests i21 '05.000 KN S12500 cr Dec' 723-0392 Washer, dryer, white Ike tower speakers Rent to stoves. washers. dryers tilt. \,n 11, lila`m -2D.m. 1969 SAAB "e','A GD an air aura exce err sale OBO 105.185-3564 1 - 2 bedroom. o new. 5500 Call 404-6579 own by phone for only 4272713. ALSO FOR �g COglfiC Cress Pickering opt r,ry new S4 54 995 1991 Oids CalaS rood air utilitiesutilities�.nct U .2 2 mon town nonsmoker or 3:; Ma a;a As, ' 'n9 $2195 ob.b 905-683- $7 5Q'week Call 571-1413 SALE reconditioned wash- 4 Wtleei Drive 5625 Dec 1 686-1832 Gro pe tient 'C7 x^•; loaded CERTI CAR AUTO Masson ELECTRO -COM OSHA. KITCHEN ers. dryers. sloves,$150 8 -I) tiff all (raft Sc };tit ttrm� !ess,onal paint excellent SF 395 WOW .1P,, Probe CENTRE -era e•s Ct - Dedroom on 946 y`JA 4a5P1!_ 6fi 9 Meg Ram cupboards. r .. European up 3 month warranty 427- MERIT -ondlion S'C 500 :• nest ai' auto 103 Kmti fantastic o'• -a ', 'e°`"^?"- •r.CKs - St From SSSG •mor'm,y all 546 HD CD-ROM Sound- -"- " sink 2713 6824 .Mer 905-a3C-571; or 905- sporty ono 'as' $5595 and +ons 199' C^w Asn^ Inc, s,ve Cali an m yti e card amp SpeaKers Mouse, complete won S'JGA mons- for E user style Almontfloak L she Pe Upper 9ft 8mches by BN message CASH for SNES Sega. Pets/Supplies/ ' Boarding Automobiles 1 1 .97-5026 1990 F)rd Taurus, V6 198, Buick Regdi LM . loaded 134 Kms super sale extended. 97 K'^5 $' 3356 ?988 GMC Sala, oaded. 905-576-572a 1 Bedroom acts �r Oshawa quality printer 5!695 DX4100 with 850 Lowers Bit 21nches by 5ff 3C'; >aTurr t.ry srat,on. FOr $ale cr,s« '35.000 kms ac 53995 989 P'y-ouih Ac- $7500 '969 Voyager Tur. an; Bowmanv,lle Start-, Meg HD $1,795 Pentium Smches 5900 Call 905 CO Rom videu Wilet. and o s p D p dl c m am/tm claim a,r. am excellent ca bo air 7 pass S6 595 at St5G0-morin 'edge 3 90 starting at $1599. Phone 6190027 systems Trades and con- LHASA APSO ✓.... •- 1985 Ponta_ irt:rC 1965 . .asserts 4drrr askn a g now Sit 995 1992 Lemans. c 1987 GMC =ergommacu- stove moulded wornaurdry 905 434 2802. Toronto LAP ! ;; and printer. Pack signments welcome Tie �, 9rea' ;use ; . non � air conditioning. g §5400 430-9396 aurc censer. ^ow 54 53 1989 Sunbirr, LE ;ate 53 895 '988 GMC 'ac,Nr,es %c Deis Ca!I 434 air a86 DX50 extend- Video Game Store. Osh.a. shedding, non allergenic. 'alio 5'300 as s or pest firm Coupe. aur" very Dean. Sierra SLx =aden' & t^ 2407 ENGAGEMENT RING ENGAGEMENT air ed warren software. with ty. wa Centre 725-0202 health guarantee, payment terms avertable (705) 786- Offer Call 728-318' 1990 ubaru Legacy S- mew WChelmS S4195 '989 cap S7 995 ' 390 Cnev 1 -BEDROOM tar 0 C ?•"r • -'i • Jdi"•• IBM portable bubble Jet 3124 spee"• excellent •nrenor Caprice Estate Na n A - Cheyenne Pr,sure cold -. ding, 'st, '•" printer. §1800, best offer UNWANTED Scrap metal 19116 Buick and exier or. new hoc^e h, n k•^s or. $a 285 9 y 57 995 ?989 Blaze' 026 sora :, e• - ' 5925. appraisal papers in- 905-665-1861 PfcK._•r, .,. 'ridges. stoves, COCKAPOO, 6 POOOIE Centurya 'ins. c 'c '.p.w es Pc 199C :..mora. air 127 km,. s a . 4 $9 950 574-2986 last. no leers ar $554 cluded Asking §800 O b O warners, dryers. pis, ry ap^cot puppies. mor shed- no.., auto. 1' S.000k •, �'►a '50.000 -••• controlled Must De Seer. new !res mcius.e avauabw Dec 'st Call weekda• s 6-9 30 I Drn. NEW.ELECTRIC skrorer, trucks etc Call (905)430- ding good woitn child- paint. rust DroofM. N• el $7900 436-9244 §6,395 firm Come see s CERTICAR AUTO CEN- Jan 433 ?484 weekends after 12 905 neve• .,seAi with bar,ery 9013 ren.needes Also Stud lent condition. $2250 cent 1991 Cadillac Sedan&^ed err Cemcar Auto Centre. 'S5 TRE. '�•.' �'` • `" ^'" 837-2542 charger. purchased in July lied Call a33-? 787 K.^; St W Oshawa. at :entified crocks and 2 LARGE •, tit. 2-ievN c 9 for $4240. asKing 53300 WANTED type service avadalDe cats Devine mutt condition tike M� grow^ Mau Call 579- vans Cas 1991 Chev Astro 2 ce , .� apartments ENGAGEMENT nn custom wheel c.^air. for u p - any of Hampton 2&}2%7 1986 P ,Ige Ares wagon g new 115.000km make me 2886 Open Sundays"Citirstomer extended ioag 97 near O C 1 ava' .n- wrndrg „e.•ve 2 3 prrot, to 150 lbs $700 839-2676 ntlirg m0tcnzed vehicle for PUREBRED German Wordy a ge panelling auto. an offer 51a.BOC One of a 'scar where customer 19 k -s $' 3.950 1988 GMC IMC I mearately. t avai,aDie pearshape plus 12 brill,- c children Also used Ntnten- ire he`d D puppies Parents DD raga Extra k.^; -23"8838 boring their f-,erds' Sala• loaded give awe ;i Y Jar 1. st or §850 ants, appraised $5200. OAK ; -iffee table $100 do or Super Nintendo Call hip checked Large boned cls running wagon Was rnow 1991 ski aut RYAN- KEEPER AUTO price 1989 'Joys- lucl i mento rcW66- as-mr 52200 obo Tnsha ' Bia(:K acquer and chrome q Glenn or Christian -Ann black, Old. de -wormed. q 5229 52295 now §'895 certified $ fir, tic. boll« V5, automatic. 2 C' SALES - � BPOCK �• ' 7 p geur err 7 Dass, c^ 5 '„rpo 433 apdiances 666-9453 Romance Limited Edition diningsuite $350 Black 723-7175 vaccinated, great tempera- All Brock longed In excellent confit- ti r. •py 9u5oeo-iE:-' '28 Kms Sale price §6.695 pint Ice Castle* lacquer coffeefa ments S325 to loving cars in on sale Call 127 9722 anytime tion asking 59, 700 cern. After' ncurs 905.668 :954 1987 GMC Cargo van high 213 bedroom apartments 8 framed asking obo q Officedeskdesk WANTED to buy - drier homes 905.263-1066 tied 4305004 ask !or Murray Gard ! K + but cler•ect $3885 story cuuding close to 432-8919 (solid walnut) $250 4 'u•^ ^-•e glass, china. cd- Russ Open 7 dayvweek nanc,ng T'ades we�come. -..-n GMC Sorra SLX V8. schools library Scum GM ENGAGEMENT RING 14 ca•al 4,.•'; .,Tr, 65Carat=Y dressers $25 each "20* co- lout TV. Baby swing S35 lecnbles. memorabilia. watches, etc. Single penes Automobiles 'doors BgTown Sales 1991 CAVALIER, : dr 4 au1C .,r A;• rtir cars. Free one year power !rain warrarr y r '993 Aerostar XL. 1 paged 'K"ih marching Si 'OC Cap $' 995 '990 plant Available mmilidiate- and No. 42�c328 ' pear shaped dlamond plus Leather sofa $250 leather or estates Call (905) 723- for Sale 1986 NISSAN 300 ZX new tires, 93.0CC KM due V6 auto air. running Che, Cheyenne 250. V-8. y .D a0ooi r matching 8-chamond 14- love seat and chair 5450 7834 ad«^, a.ce ^! wcrk.r, on grey. excep^enaly boards, S?2.9.5 1992 auto 200 Kr -•s 'educed carat gold wedding band Antiques. Bed $145 China md,tion, 54700 certified clean 563040 or OBO 905- Cavalier 4 dr auto. air S7 550 1989 Blaze' '26 Appraisal value $4500. cabinet 5295 4 chairs. WE buy antiques and dd- buya 1979 El Lino' moo' 1x' 000 905-728-1582 985-3564 Cass 9.K -s $8'95 92 lumina E✓^ 4 k.^s air. auto. 4 x 4. 59050 ADELAIDE AND MARY ask.ni $2500 for both dresser §100 Oak 'ncKer err fu Wel pay cash. DC am.fm. 21one paint. 1991 PLYMOUTH Sun- dr oaeld. 70kms $12 995 91 Cava- best 1985 Ply B- ;^• -eJloom apa^ O 8 O 905-655-8516 §195 Call (905) 697 "353? 905 -839-1772 52500 839 7666 19416 OLDS CUSTOM are ;Cc' - nage a/c Ir 4 Jr auto. art -3K• --s Voyaguer, one owner 92 inert 5650 Der month in - ENOUGH skate sharpen- OAKIPINE FURNITURE 1979 PONTIAC Sunb,rd. �`�'se• fuii s ze. B Da. exce,ient condition. S5.80C 57395. 90 Ford Temp- 4 -ms, air. 4 Cyr' must be Cludes rear aria water now Cad 723- int repair equipment to 4 • Pv Wr a r«!ail e One V PrC. ' Arts & v6 88 0_` .' girai km to, Berger, stolon wagon, un dercoated. wet mantmned. 40i_g34t dr auto as. stereo '36 kms. 5499_ 990 Oids seen $3 995 firm 1978 Crew Cab Duauys w4h avarlb,e 2223 Mor . Fn 8.4 3C Start own business, own of arios oldest and lar • Crafts parts only. take as is 5450 160,000 km 53300 cent 1992 TAURUS L Auto Cierra SL 4 Jr loaded over size box arc SL DOC in Home Some inventory Will y gest manufacturers s now t C 436-6244 � V6 AIA FM--,usatte power 140 k^•s $6295 99 ccrC new ;,res 52 295 as is For AJAX arge one bedroom assist training. selling up selling died to the pudic led 905-571-08% mirror. err Dag. 95 K^s cer- 17150 •: :yi ai,lc sx'ec line A.a••^r^t 5650 monthly, equipment. 589000 b o 905 576-4094 after 5 Eg oak pedestal rade and 4 chairs 5849 7 1t double 1980 5 litre Mustang, 1966 Pontiac 6000 2 dr filled. 57950 00 Ontario- wtr :ap '^ S16-4- these and other used vehicles come see us at hrsuast. references. non - C 905 ^7 Costo rock•rfum r 1 pe Dress pedestal and 6 chairs 51499, cannnonball beds $35. sharp 2 x 300 elec- torn 5399 Over 20 stain tronic typewnter with extras choices, all solid. no ribbons and corrector tapes veneers Traditional Wood - 150. change table $18. working 905-985-8774 upright dresser $165. PIANOS/GRANDFA- men's 10 speed bike S15. THER Clocks - Durham•s antique articles include 2 largest selection -New and antique dressers $350/ used pianos Not surer $285 2 blanket boxes $300/$195 childs - Rent to own, apt size. a, ro . 40.000 km on new V6 auto art, good clean wholesale 905 432'046 198, Ford Escea _ I 5 sod -ass ... 4 ,. Cerncar Auto Centre. 55 smokers ad i )4a - 4466 engine Needs some work unning car Hurry on this 1993 Buick Rega. silver, 4 $1895 A. .:ars K -; St W Oshawa at - - 1984 BUICK Regal en- Asking S1200 as is Of best one Was $2895 now door p w p d p S. P b. air and ready !_ gc -~ M o!-wn Man or call 579- AJAX - sunny . clean quiet. offer Call 905- 723-2474 52495 Cend,ed All cars in -conditioning. V6. excellent 1994 intrepid ES Black, <dB5-Cert,pr, where CUs20-1980 1 Ddfum,sheduntur- each. 1t ft. pre antique stock on sale Call 427 condition. 106.000k S lion, a/c, electronic dash. mets send their friends' rushed w o to private vara. 1986 Cars. lease to 9722 anytime Russ Open 7 $14 AOC certified. 509 • kms.. 7 passenger, cruise, entrance good ne,gn own Everyone qualities On URICv WCB7 MA? No days week ndoors Big Town Sales 1940Varl AJAX 2 -bedroom base - ' rood air utilitiesutilities�.nct U .2 2 mon town nonsmoker interest, no credit check, 'n9 $2195 ob.b 905-683- 1993 PARK AVENUE owner. 515800. Call 420- 4 Wtleei Drive 5625 Dec 1 686-1832 From 5275 down 570034 1967 Cavalier Z24. auto. mint luny loaded S18.50C 55 19" 5 LITRE MUS- AJAX. YORK St ore bed - Ontano.LTD 1976 Notion air. 160.000 km $3.500 080 Call 579-4570 also, Kenw000. quality- stereo s stem for car 11 Learn to make beautiful 1980 CHEV CUBE Van. room basement brignf. back rocker $95, mah °ga- upright, grand. digital, key- boards. TREMENDOUS Model with gold plated Rd 686.7428 door. Complete with fan Y ccs 52.000 value. 1;2 euai wheels. new motor, clear. in quiet home, stor- ny coffee table $95, 2 ma- SAVINGS ON NOW! Telep • Lost dr 1984 BUICK Regal en- 1987 Dodge Caravan, price 263-2446 auto, ps. PC. 52500 839- 7666 age. yard, parking $550 in - clus,ve Realty -Pro Mgmt Satellite Systems, 150 Plano Works, 433-1x91 ' • Found gine 8 body in mint conch- P� 1994 intrepid ES Black, S40 /month. Call 571.1413, 433-0270 each. 1t ft. pre antique PINE cabs- Sunbird Convertible. 5- lion, a/c, electronic dash. Berger• u� or best olfr, loaded mint condition, cer- 1986 GMC ta'cube van, as is New tires, battery and store counter, needs work. Note some anti ue arfides entertainment net 58'X60', 22'deep 5500. kms.. 7 passenger, cruise, low mileage. certified. Ask- certified. Call (905)986- plied, alarm, phone, original fully reconditioned. 25k on AJAX 2 -bedroom base - requires T.L.C. (905) 831- 5733952. dog, part Sheppard, husky 'n9 $2195 ob.b 905-683- Can 905-428-9858. owner. 515800. Call 420- 9 cooler, brakes, exhaust, entrance, large windows. 0316 Picketing. Please call PLEASURE for a lifetime. (Dalmatian?) Black collar. 7301/905-428-1879 after 19" 5 LITRE MUS- 4505_ newly painted, all fibreglass full bath, walk to GO, non - before 9 p.m. Learn to make beautiful no tags. Call 427-0332. 6pnn TANG, 75.000 kil., new 1993 Ford Taurus, 63,000 WMI•TER VEHICLE STOR- box, overcab storage. ex- smoking, no pets, 1 st'last, MERIT sic Piano for sale' 1984 PONTIAC Acadian 91,000 ori mal km, runs 9 good. $600 as is. Call 571- AUiORWbIleB9R gin, For Sale AfiltomoblleS For Sale km,. 3.8 V6, air, Cass.. AGE- November - April cellent condition, 58.000. $750 inclusive. Clovis 905 - AGE W -love, heats 1500 sq. h. Cartier 1 mu Walls, Prince 8 Wilks of Model with gold plated Toronto $500. Call 905 - door. Complete with fan 427-2256. package, asking $600 or REMOTE VHS VCR, 181 best offer. Call 436-7594. channel on screen display. HIGH cable bills? Poor Rent to own by phone picture quality? GO DI- $2.50/week. Call 571-1413, RECT! D.S.S. 18' Digital SHEDMAN - quality barn Satellite Systems, 150 style sheds, built on site, channels. CD quality pic- ture and sound. Rent to 8X8 SPECIAL- $599. GST own by phone from only included. Other sizes and S40 /month. Call 571.1413, display available. Can 905- 509-4961 1964 Camaro, 350, p w., tires, new front brakes, new 59500 obo Call Peter 723- g area. Limned 905-686-8644x476-8pt- 831-3300. p.s., p.b., am/fm cassette. battery, excellent condition. 1155 or 434-7564 space space avarlade. 831-5555 6735. $400 as is. O B O. Call $2000. Call 579-6746 55,500 or Dost offer. 839- Oct 20117. Answers to Fred tion, 510.400 certified. Call $1150-tubhhes Suzan HITACHI Strom Camcor- AJAX large. 1 bedroom (905) 683-2658 1876 BLACK BEAUTY! 1984 SKIDS 8 Pallets for fire- 1967 Plymouth Voyager 3 basement apartment Cen- 1984 Ford Tempo GL. 2 wood, x predu8or Sunbird Convertible. 5- ' Automobiles litre, dark red. 124,000 tral air, cable, laundry. All dc, 4 cyl. 5 Bpd. Ps. Pb, am/ as is New tires, battery and speed. p!w, pilo new tires, TR� kms.. 7 passenger, cruise, inclusive. $650. monthly. fm Cass., hitch. Very dean a no nut. 192,000km, $2900. • 7231325 54850 certified. firm. Call time offer call (905)430- lady driven vehicle. Must beFAX Can 905-428-9858. 9013 721-9663.First and last. Call 905-683 seen- $1900 obo, 905-985- SMALL PELLET Stove, faces loving personality. lots of colours 10 choose CARS FOR CASH! We table Absolute brand new, 0799. 3719. • : must sell $2450. Call 619- y used vehicles 1988 PLYMOUTH Vogya- AJAX Oxford Towers - 2059 5741201, ring des must be in running cl geur, v-6. 7 passenger. Spacious apartments. quiet 1984 PONTIAC Acadian 91,000 ori mal km, runs 9 good. $600 as is. Call 571- AUiORWbIleB9R gin, For Sale AfiltomoblleS For Sale condition Call 4272415 or come to 479 Bayly St East. Alex at MURAD AUTO auto, air, one owner. yearly rust checked, super clean, 735 000 kd.. $7.200- 427- building close to shopping 401. Go. Pod, sauna, 2 and 3 bedrooms for Dec.. 6824 0262 HIGH QUALITY home REWARD, S Aiax, 6 month SAL Jan. and Feb. 1 683-8571 gym practically new, asking WATERSOFTENER. Aq- old Male Kitten. Black with 1984 Pontiac Sunbird. $1300. O.B.O. Call 728- uakne, automatic, complete small „ohne patch on neck 8 Newer clutch, runs good, 8176. system, $800, GE Range, chest., missing since $400 as is. O B O. Call avacado, $150 (905) 655- Oct 20117. Answers to Fred tion, 510.400 certified. Call $1150-tubhhes Suzan HITACHI Strom Camcor- 4774 (905) 683-2658 434-5486. der. Deluxe model. Free carrying case. Rent to own SKIDS 8 Pallets for fire- pick-up 1985 PLYMOUTH RE - by phone for only $8.75/ wood, x predu8or • PeWSupPllesl LIANT - $900 or best offer week. Call 571.1413. m brio- ' Boarding as is New tires, battery and kern, delivery avaialbel, alternator. 132.000 k!I call LIVING ROOM SET, 3 large 8 small loads. Limited • 7231325 PCs Italian $1750. Match- time offer call (905)430- PERSIAN kittens, ready ,ng 9 piece chning room set 9013 now and for Christmas, flat 1985 Plymouth Tunsmo. y including china cabinet, 6 Chairs and beautiful dining SMALL PELLET Stove, faces loving personality. lots of colours 10 choose as is $900 or best offer Call table Absolute brand new, under 1 year old, no chin- from (905)349-1140 (905)433-4091 or (416) must sell $2450. Call 619- ney needed $1400 Can 265-2872 2059 5741201, 1989 Astro Van, 7 -pas- until 7 30pm, senger, fully equipped, 2- AJAX detached house. 3. 1 1 11 tone grey, excellent conch - 1 bedroom, plus basement, CASH• ::on low kms.. $9000 cert,- garage, 2 baths, living, tied Call 579-5434. dining,'tamdyroom, walkout yr for • cars 1992 CHEV Cargo van. N kitchen, fenced yard, near 4 ton, 305. excellent condi- PIazaSChool, appliances, & trucks tion, 510.400 certified. Call $1150-tubhhes Suzan 433.7686 (905)686-1152 evenings FREE TOWING 1992 GMC SAFARI SLT available immediately 130 min. van, 7 passenger, touring AJAX, LARGE One bed - pick-up edition, loaded, running room basement apartment, days boards, new tires, and separate wa'kout entrance. brakes, 93.000 kd , 514.900 parking. 5600 Istflast. Ron. i • • • 725-0926 683-7398 PAGE 34 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, ' Apartments Apartme For Rent I I For R WOULD YOU PREFER TO OWN? WITH ONLY $1000 DOWN Why not own a brand new fully Detached Home. LET ME SHOW YOU HOW. CALL (905)623-6549 • WED.; NOVEMBER 4 MS' nts Houses Houses Rooms Private Homes Private Homes Business Businr ent I For Rent I For Rent I For Rent I I For Sale I I For Sale I Opportunities I Opportill AJAX t•eawfr ra_^= apartme^• new home Ca OSHAWA -' Ise W G ht bl newa 1'• 1 � 1 ST CHOICE AFFORDABLE HOMES' WHY RENT) BUY, No jow^ ; aymenl No problem' Let me show you how Mort Pav 5700 0 A G Call Thomas C. Pike Sales Rep. Remax Accord Realty Ltd. 576.3111 PICKERING VILLAGE nt1 ,,, park Iw,. close .SCh LARGE room lur rent. c,,.e h doable maculate cozy small base- ng. close to schools, tress- o 8 buses. cable included i ludedWhitbyP1UVATE SALE v panted. quiet $850 plus S85 week call 666-4279 '.on unnnes Available mme. or 668 A375 leave mes- Oshawa four bedroom country home d,ately Can 839-2512 sage Close to all amenities, double PICKERING. 2 -bedroom house 1t.• •ant garage, on RITSON & OLIVE, rooms for rent snare kitchen attached heated garage. Lot 100 b g g y large, private lot. Altonai 8 bath parking avalla 150 feet. New high efficiency Finch area. $900 monthly ble668-4253 Of work 905-316.3755 Plus utilities Call 831- 401. PTC, available imnle. oil heat and central air. 3195 ROOM FOR Totally fenced rear yard. PICKERING- bungalow. dlately $895 +1/2 utdrties I b h f Start making money today withTeleLink's fast growing pager selling concept' • High margins • Sales support - to Dealers & individuals looking tc move into the telecommunications field. Call 416-493-1333 Taal_ "k e. un, appliances cen 1. g 2 6 _ RENT 00 Us all t e ront door. Wes( Shore tral a❑ vac. private one bedroom apartments ava-1 area 2 large bedrooms. trance $..95 month single able Call 905-d2A5723 g In IUXU Settle sfenced yard. parking near luxury t Call to view e I Personals ompanion non smoker sosla27 UP OSHAWA- great for student or 7374 � bedroom _ schools and Ga available apa•r-•?-• i•adable any mmedately 5675 Larry young person $95 905-434-8493 CALL local Guls. get APARTMENT ' r rent for time Unirties and park nq 11051509-1264 or weekly or $400 names 8 home numbers EVER thought about usi You' : - '- single per incl 289 Crrdeva Rd S68' • it so �05016-49-7 QUALITY Dare •,�„ • 9 It 1x00.451-5566 Ext 253, a blahs service or 728-6420 0. 7:5-9278 • , monthly J S3 49/mm 18+. Touch finding out more abc son. Hwy 12. Brock— Up- leve' N W Oshawa 3+2 Mone tone. SOUTH OSHAWA 3 Cnns at (905) 427-7868 y stays. separate e^••once PICKERING / VALLEY • - r-adroc^• semi bam� as oedrooms. kitchen over. TO Lend them? Now you can call 1 (big yard well Iitl. 2 bed. FARM rw •wt. be::•_ � : f e .oat. finished basement, licks famdyroom wdh fire. COUPLE'S seeking sin- a free brochure with rooms 6vmgrOOm kitchen gle men. lots of numbers 1- pressure or obligation F '100 451 5566 ext 697 bids. photos, high comp 53 49/min, 16+. T tone tibillty, standards, great v, OLDER women seeking ue 8 very sincere. For si single men, lots of phone glen seeking their spec numbers 1900-451-3638 someone Partner Sean ext 259 $3 29/ minute 18+. 683-2414 (message) an touch tone time AVAILABLE IMME- vic audilonum S875+ De. lathed s heat, ca. avail- y to Sta we come * est can 905.83' 1250 BEDROOM BRICK YOU INVESTIGATE PSYCHIC Answers Rated DIATEIv, Whitby A. Cached 3+3 bedroom. able ec 1st. lstlast. (905)420-0042 $t in Canada Answer to RESPONSIBLE averac bu-,drg spacious carpet- PICKERING joper Hoc•, fenced garage. near Glaze 5825+unhtles Call 725- BUNGALOW THOROUGHLY et. Medical $ 5,12 or 728-6177 BEFORE SIGNING love. money. career $2 99/ fun loving guy seeks g ed. newrr painted. with ba b 995+ Can BY AUCTION minute 18. E R P A . 1 with same qualities 35 to e et. den ar- Anna 686 5877 WEST .')IAN •'1` ANY CONTRACTS q cony close tc bus. shop- prances work sheer laun. WHITBY '? bedroom bun- `��• ed spacious single Sat.. Nov. 11, 1 p.m. at 400-451 4055 for dating and possible r ping a, utilities iricluOed dry 1st last, n dogs ova, AJAX 3 bed oor^ main 90 - ^ garage and tin- room, laundry lac Thick. 208 High St. TAROT, numerology. Au lahonship Call 576-8224 first :as' required no pets able Dac 1st 505.•2 '+ fl- 4 appliances. close to 'snea basement available son.rDundas Whitby $375 WhitbyMortgages,C'arvo ante Live write file • 7235. 1 bedroom $625 2 bed- utilities Call 905831 6104 schools and shopping. 1st of Dec S1 050,month + me Can 728-6563 = 'e COn'9r.t5 acrd toots. EM psycn�r-1 Look into room c-25 can 430-01.34 utilities no pets 723 8985 Insurance 53 33 mon r u - park avail Dec 1 5795 ^ m Don.'I miss this lure 18- alus 52E-320' ...,nrmm ��XJ 8702'70 BAYLEY/KROSNO PICKERING 'ddlage. •- WHITBY. ? betlrodm oe� / I Shared rt. �dt]rnry to buy a home. La - mar a^' Dark AJAX r^ght dean 3 bed 'o -n- garage Ower QCCOtTIOdation Auctions) Or call for MORTGAGES vvw. fpor, age ya•d garage ^ nose to a amemt,es c.-ngalow. 5 ap- Cres 3 Dedroom sem. and a ' : a ,ger Financing for FAX YOUR • t , walk GC ' rodeo batt. 905686-A905 Dl�ances. $85 month plus across from park. available - appointment CO .city purpose, rates from w c •c beck J•c^wasner - Jan 1 96. S975. 8 1100 + AJAX !,.rn.,r�rO,wdur- ' Ar, - 95--. An a I canons ac - 2'3. first J• 619-6536 monthly 905 668-6980 Dp, a. Lound^,. 11 `50 .ndus,ve. Pickering arae - bed 905-655-4107 ^ s^e cdrm �n 3 Will MCLEAN -epted Community Finan avadabe Dec 1st 905-63'- --nt apt Many AJAX etaChed 3 bed ^�'^ townhouse. snare all lac AUCTIONS al Services 668.6805 e 1710 =xray Avadat-e Dec • s me. 5 appliances d nes cable included 1-800.461.6499 tloupie-garage. Hreplace. TOwnh )uses `rst'last r d S350,mo B ' Business BEAUTIFUL -adr•. spa 5665 •-,onth •s: and IaSt eq' Refer'l Sul' single easement. near scnoo+ ret- For Rent avail �mmed Kim Steve S104900 - in - I BU$Iness Business aou< ;.-dr�rm apt pluserences. tstlast 5•'00+ 905-686-1233. leave Ties. ^^ a renovated bite. PPortunities loft 25torey house Utf, work ^9 adult Cal' 420- Available Dec .Jar Call Opportunities I Opportunities bungalow 3 bedrooms, nes lie Nov DocK;a f 4349 9056839063 PORTER WOODS- 3 9e new .rc^en hardwood Nd'st cA.' pec !cw^ro„w r tame AJAX 4 bedroom execu- 90533d 3373 AJAX- bear AJAX. bedroom Oe y P parkin faun 0 x alas ttie boors. walkout to a ovate e $1 ^52 complex 5950 mo all m 9 Shal�lee r� COURTICE AREA. Te pudding Unl,hes ti e' •.m � De• I an lite extras' private use of back yard and a good area month plus a hhes dyad C d sh CbSe t0 SChpp15 tamely room non-smoker Immaculate Give me a can M L' �•,�� G S included Near bus, shop- and sh g very clean p Dr,V r . • able Dec 1 avDhanc. dean 435-1088 suit working professional before you miss n Peter � very croon 8 ongnt SBvu Ding 8 schools Ower nice es fenced area Ava able Timed ate- yard. Lynn Pa- AJAX. bedroom back 5375 plus 428-9214 Neal Sales Rep. Guide Re - Plus as available Dec ' vazo 42A 9766 Tuesday. Nov. 14 Wednesday, Nov. 15 first d :451 required 404_ IY 683-6/45 ^ ... Ravine. a ap- AJAX. P-ofessional male airy 723-5281 r auances$950 month' plus 7:301�rt - 9;00 am 05T after d AJAX ;, 825 sC y D 1. tr s^a a some with same. OSHA WA, $t28K, 3 + 1 7:30am - 9:00am SPACIOUS 2 -bedroom :bknes. available Dec DOWNTOWN WHITBY apa..-.•,_. "2a' , 4"Dedropmg. 2 (4161 369-7862 all arrlenrnes. must like pets detacne-: aungaiow close Dortu I-Miguels Hci rttony Creek s^ a aero^ P Oshawa neat 2 Darns. m laundry family 6 plants. parking pus S Go to all amenities, 50 x 100 hydro ncludetl walking 1rt lace. 5 apphances C AVAILABLE DEC 1ST. lie drugs 1905 686-12'4 lot, optional in-law apart Golf Club Restaurant J Gear. 2 bedroom anytime all distance to mall. bus Ava, � L,.... ':,w^house 2 bea evenings � D inclusive Avail anyr�me A. garage'rell near study ss merit. hardwood floors fire 325 Westnet Rd. S., j able Dec 151. Call 427- shopp,n h. room's. family room, place Call 1905?420-2653 J 1(?00 Blow- St. E.. washer b dryer 69-a.a40 9 g' ghway 5'090.PERSON to snare Home. Ajax tishpux7 83x3 pr 575 3?4<" 'rvm9 dining. 2 I'2 baths '^5L1a5t 9051669005 rtirstlast :905)427-7405 central air and vac. Calrfor- own bedroom, plus full run FROM $96.900 3 S 4 anytme ONE BEDROOM ,-art nw shutters 2 parking 24 of house 5400 per mo bedroom n me.. rec room MP p r� .��s 1i��N =P"•.a ; 1,,'awa. AJAX 'v..plex 2 bdrm .GA Available tmmediatel aro t TOPIC: CMSE WHITBY ^,shed -^� Tom. - hr security Walk to P+cke• Y garage fenced yard. gas A ItltaT�Ct base- wear amenities aou. cnrac .ie: a':•'• DOW targe ing Town Centre Go buti 683-2273 neat. with 5% down. pay- � ��)�lmilt9 meat apt vel spacious cable appliances non yard $850 month plus References required •^encs from $850 monthly smote• no pets $55C in utilities. available Jan Is:_lud,n taxes Ted SpCmw,red b J.C.N.. Distribution Inc . Uundry lac Datkya•d and Si.$1300 per mo 13317225 CottdOminlUmS 9 C :• Daho N^^ smoker tic pets dumve 725-8448 Cas 19C564G7a3G / fougnton. Remax Summit omplinxxniary C<rntincntal Breakfast NORTH OSHAWA, 3 For Rent e68-3800 All rc.� D..nOas W^ •by TWO S a pedro0m apart- ALMOST -«wbeaunful 3 to ;^ 7pw^^•._sr.<, n For quaNcatlons and reaemdasm can (905) 656-1117 All tra..>+e S600mc '28- ')shawa C•eex, park ,rm, in Oshawa wen mamta,ne- tamely WHY RENT? No money 65%3 setting Large 2 bedroom Large rooms.yard b deck 2 complex. freSMY decorated OSHAWA :.t dry 6•+i r�u: Or,wr r,w•" your Own HUGE casement apart- 58'- tc 5 25 any 4 pain• bathrooms gas heated with Frig stove dose to all La•ge re•1,00r^ condo- home ke new t,,dge. ,,, $35I Includes park ^^, Available nowS880 per amenties on Site M of. mimium, available Oct 1st, stove. $750 incl asK.rg � Business e a stove Private Available Immediate' 6 •norm Plus utmtkes.no d �^r fridge. stove, dryer. dish $61.900 Call Ken Cous entrance use of yard 110 Y D cgs }ice cal! 728-3777 Nov Is, 404 6'4 aldose Fntlge6s ^v r- avail washer 5650.nytlro or CoWwell Banter, 728-9414 Opportunities Deis. s $70 available Call 721, -0373 NORTH 'Dshawa 2 bed- $750 Inclusive 15L1asI OSIIH r Ri:a1 r [i7t10101 1yi� Dec 1st 3700 induswe TWO STOREY. lie ped r -- •:w^rouse 4 ap 436-0278„_�(r r Call 436 3,435, rc - ^ ap000 n quiet AVAILABLE immediately phance5, near all amen- Townhouses DAILY CASH FLOW W COURTICE Large 2De0- neignobumootl. urge Irving r^`• - '.orae for rentties. very dean $65plus for Sale=reateC r y;;,,•awn MLM jfroar basemen• room, deck parking no clean^ nice areaCall 576- J Office & •tome based business FuIITgIS EEK 'dews Ad�rel 6L71•l apartment laundry. references Istlast 8642 Sam Spm or 683- neat 7285993 a • 1 Retail Space :ramngsupport Into line t- ap 4al41es included alas- Av&lable immediate' 4851 NORTH WN j&,C s 1100-3522850 ode immediately 1stlast bY. q 5695 inclusive Call even. THIS AD WILL BE •-rad end t1t' town INVESTORS wanted for no pets 5650monm d33 BEAUTIFUL 3 -bedroom 4 Months Free Rent home, sunken famdyroom NEW "at,ate ung -distance Northumberland 4799 Ings TED. 32 y'll .. w^•ouse. 3 -baths. A' X 25 G.wr•,w^ Oshawa 400. fireplace cathedral cell- qu e! non- walk closet garage to run in a ax nov.8ih8 telephone service for Dur- LrVERPOOL/BAYLY. 3 Smoke• 1 2 pain up- faunally nice yard. wa* - I 3500 sq tt available Park Ings, sky �ghts, fully ham 8 G TA Reply In con- bedroon case,. apart- pick up frorm Nov.I ing and great exposure deocrated. deck fenced fldence tri File 7246 PO `j,`{['C Tient. S95C all inclusive �' floor of Private Wane all amenities Stt00.,, Best rental rates Call 434- yard. 2 112 baths. caa, and NEWS $-coe/ROss�and area ties Call 728-0337 Box 481 Oshawa L1H 7L5 Call 83' 1258 2147 or 6553132 more $162 900 No agents p Owl entrance aa. parking 1t)0"o REVERSED.Include contactnele hone NEAR � C - new tst'la 1 $650 BUNGALOW Wnrtby 3 . 905-666-1648 .. sepxve entrance eat -In aundy room fenced yard. pace. 2 walkouts. mground use of basement for washer kitchen. parking_ AC S70C ES aNLY :%is route. close to all ROOMS FOR RENT cool. 3 baths. FAG. in-law OBTAINING A LOAN and doll one car garage Plus 1 3 utflrres Dec SM t e imenines., no pets Avaa Per Month or Week potential. 160 Goodman or IS NOT GUAR - Hydra and gas and all ap 416-69' 5202 lble Dec 1 $895 plus unll- $171 500 Call Sheila Mc- ANTEED. SOME Whites Rd, Oklahoma phances incl $700 mo hes (905,263-86n, Clean. bright house Laren Sutton Status 436 COMPANIES Available Nov 13 95 PICKERING 3bedroom 'i0990 CHARGE UPFRONT Phone 655-3379 days, or oleo''''" appliances S SOUTH Oshawa Went. In lieu required FEES.OTHERS 655-3510 evenings y pare Included close to 3 -BEDROOM �w wcnr Cedar area. quiet No Smokers DO NOT. IT IS 9 se, e ed ^at. O C Cl -court. 3 -bedroom sem, de. H d f} SUGGESTED THAT all amenities For appoint. EXCELLENT 3 5 mor ny. , 'in sited base FOR 420, Townhouses marc • :Or 2 bedroom ilio Ava,:abie Immediately � for rent apartment wrtr v age 8 576-83'2 for appt ^en t woodstove par stove 5750+ 12 All fenced yard, garage avail "Marchant Proner- abte Dec 1 666.5500 Days. E,r, 400' 430-4615 atter 5pm NORTH Oshawa m - maculate cozy small base- ment bachel0rette Re- sportslbie clean work - ; fe- male preferred '.on smoker snare k,!r,cn wen single working female owner $375 ,a.nary and parlurlg 576-3741 utdlhes Call 434-6691 or ONE BEDROOM $G00/monm Can 6863605 Dec 5875 + utilities, Bank Ret Required, 905-666- tteS'WE LOVE KIDS 3367 or 905-831-0947 Harry COURTICE main floor. 3. bedroom includes utilities, WHITBY 3 -bedroom. ST100 available Dec 1st. broad -loomed fudge number WHITBY Townhouse for race 3 bedroom tfinishedance rec-room, low maintenance lee $109,90000 Bring off. ens 666- 1954 nvlestment RP Property WEEBDDIES stlast Ca11432-3618 stove gas heat. w;c to LIVERPO6D AYLY TREMENDOUS Invest - EAST OSHAWA 3 -bed- backyard. garage Avail- I Garage & mens opportunity 3 -units, room bungalow. fenced able immediately Call 668- StOli9! 52000/month, massive in - yard. triage. stove, Sal + 0478 weekdays. 430-7046 room backsplit. 1 1.'2 -bath, sulated workshop, garage utdlhes Call 434-6691 or alter 5pm $G00/monm Can 6863605 71/2% financing available 432-6481 INDOOR STOR Cab Paul Bird Sutton Lash frl8nt apartment SOUIn WHY rent when you can LIVERPO6D AYLY WHITBY, s acous townhouse D 3 bedroom AGE boats. cars and traders. Group Classic Real 430- h Alex. Close t0 Lake Avail,Owl, your Own home for less thar you thml fit' Call spacious main .floor 3 -bed- Patio off family y roan Ga - Clean, d secure Call 9000 1 able Nov 15 References aces Dave Hayl Sales Rep room backsplit. 1 1.'2 -bath, rage Playground Near (705) 357-2406 AJAX. single person re- $G00/monm Can 6863605 Re�Max Summit Realty u auntlry, parking, close to amenities. 5950. Available NORT Port Florida (Port Lots for Of work 905-316.3755 991 Ltd 1905; 668-3800 401. PTC, available imnle. Dec 1 668-8110 FlOrlrli M Sale OSHAWA 2 bedroom or 1905; 666-3211 dlately $895 +1/2 utdrties 2a2-0599 vac. I�ItiIS bedroom. 125r sq lt du- plex newly renovated 4 $689. in 9-plex Includes Rec centre, swimming 905-479-4676/831{6431. � Rooms 156 ACRES heat, hydro. appliances, Laundry available ' Houses N.PICKERING 5 -bed- for Rent ATTENTION Snowbirds Wilding permit 8 septic lank ok, all 0435 on siteing on site went to a0t For Rent room detached new house, GM, schools. shopping, gas GORGEOUS 3 bedroom lensed, well 6 pond, North ' PefSOr181S and city bus bus routes. 433• upper. 2 -baths, 4 applianc- AJAX. single person re- 3 bathrooms townhouse of Whitby, Coronation Rd. . rot bath, $1,000 per mo plus 0677 NORT Port Florida (Port es. available Immediately quired to share 2 bedroom condo, close to famous North of Hwy.e7. (416) Charolette area) furnished BORROW $10,000 . pay ADULTS ONLY 1 To view call 905 839 monthly, call 905-619- 2848 Clearwat beach 2a2-0599 Gids Over 18 Seeking Older OSHAWA - Be the first to occupancy this completely renovated two bedroom, $695 mo. Includes heat and hydro, parking and laundry available. No pets, 111011 smokers, Call (905) 831-0030 OSHAWA basement apartment Olive/Rltson Blight spacious newly decorated one bedroom $500. monthly Inclusive Available Dec 1 or Jan t Call 1-416.512-6414 CLEAN larnily building, Oshawa north, one. two 8 three bedroom Includes Heat, hydro, triage, stove. 6985 after 7 pm. bSnl apt. laundry, utilities, parking included. 686- et. . pool• I& cuzzl• BOO, private yard. ADOPTEES ! BIRTH OSHAWA close to North 0435 available Now -Apel, tot into IMOney Parents & lamely members, GM, schools. shopping, gas FURNISHED ROOM FOR and to view photos 686- 9846 or 579-3788. to Lend Canada wide national re - heat. appliances, whirlpool RENT, great for young le gisrtry and search assis- bath, $1,000 per mo plus male, HWY.e2 8 401, non- NORT Port Florida (Port tance 1-800-871.8477. Dec. Ist. 725-5304 smoker preferred, $400 Charolette area) furnished BORROW $10,000 . pay ADULTS ONLY 1 .OSHAWA, extra large 2- monthly, call 905-619- 2848 1 1/2 bedroom mobile home In nice adult park, as little as $110 per month., ora c. Free consultations. Gids Over 18 Seeking Older bedroom. 125r sq lt du- plex newly renovated 4 Rec centre, swimming Anubls Investments Ltd Men 1-900-451-3638 ext new appliances, new car- pet b vinyl, $895 utilities in- cluded Available Dec 1 Call 571-2757, 6-8 p m OSHAWA, available now. 3+1 bedroom, fridge, stove dishwasher, laundry hook- ups. 2 bathrooms. garage. gas heat. $975 month plus parking Laundry facilities 3/4 utAlties 428-5745. evadable 723-2094. pool Close to shopping Mortgages and Loans 704, $3.29/min, must be and Golf. available for sea. since 1973 Call Jerry 18. T -Ione. son. Call (905)723-0300 (905) 434-2070 BEST PARTY GIRL'S MONEY problems? Debt numbers, 1-900-451-6088, consolidations, credit ar- ext. 748. $2 99/min, toFAX I uch- rangements. personal tone, must be 18 budget planning, credit re- • • ADS pair FREE CONSULTA- BEST PLAYMATES TIONS. Ontario Credit names 8 IL's 1.900.451. Counsellors (Oshawa -Tor- 6088 ext. 272. $2.99/min, 579-2238 onto) 433.1425 18+, Toucbtone. AVCtI0NG0ERS!! up�otle AUCTION LISTINGS via our new deiafed On Ips. All auft races mat are pishd in one ol our pub6dioos wiV autmti�Vy be ii�d o0 Ibis phooeline, For 68317545 X 0n rSft, 4*2615 61 t THE NEWS ADVEirriSER, WED, NOVEMBER 9,1995 -PAGE 35-A s ' Registrations a ' Registrations a 1 Registrations EM Births 1 Births ' Deaths a 1 Personals a ' Personals s ' Personals WANT TO JOIN A FUN SKI CLUB? NORTH STAR SKI CLUB NORTH STAR SKI CLUB FOR KIDS ' ADI ll:r DAY 1(it WEEKEND TRIPS " SKI PROGRAMS FOR CIIILUREN AGED 9-18 ' Al;UIX MIllWEE.K GETAWAYS SKI SOME OF THE FINEST RESORTS IN ONT:1R10 AS WELL AS QUEBEC AND NE UNITED STATES - ' SOCLV. EVENTS ' OPI{N 110USE AND INFORMATION NIGFIT TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 ), 1995 7:00 RNI.-9:00 P.M N%'IIITRY CIVIC CF.~TRE RECREAT110N (;t)MPLEX I.OVr'I:R I.F.VEL 555 ROSSLAND ROAD EAtiI' FOR MORE. INF0RMA"1'I0N CONT.SCS r JOIIN MARTIN AT (905) +30-88-8 North Starr Ski School ul. 1; .J EGISTRATIO SMILE! REGISTRATION IS BEGINNING CONTINUE TO WATCH THIS COLUMN EACH WEEK FOR ALL YOUR "REGISTRATION" NEEDS. WHETHER IT BE OSHAWA/WHITBY THIS WEEK AJAX/PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER OR CLARINGTON THIS WEEK ONE CALL CAN DO IT ALL!! CLASSIFIEDS 576-9335 OR FAx 579-2238 y. Congratulations to Kelly & Mark McCrae on the birth of their son Laine born on Oct. 18/95 at 5:30 p.m. weighing 9 lbs. Proud grandparents are Maureen & Bob Foxton and Harold & Murt McCrae. Great grandparents are Rex Merritt and Margaret Foxton. SANDERSON %10%1 NIENT CO. 1:rD. Manuta(turen 1,t cemetery and civic memorial~ since 1872. I I shuwr(aans ur h,,ine appcnntinewo availahle Darlene &,nscr 19051.127-4366 I t X00) 461-02x2 }_ OIA Rd. %1a To place your personalized In Memoriam, call 576-9335 and let one of our professional advisors help you. \( •\'(•1 Itlt•... I 11, • , ,i )1 )„11111111 t 11 , I ),I\- `,-( ,I It I , - ,I „'t I, .Ia,I III' 1,( if :11-1 :1t1(li( )1-1 ( A :111 OI tlr,-• ("1111( nt (It ;1tl1 n( )tit rt•(I( )v ptiI li( ill( )ti in (lit- A(I-,"t•rt i.t•r c )r I lair tK"t•t•k, (:ell 683-3005 (,r 404-0659 1 (It•.1111 n( )t is c• infc )rn�-iti( )n 683.3005 :1111 r I)rt xx-t 11111 Int" (:rllin.L� tllix t 404-6591 lir( )t1gllt t(, -•( )t1 I)v tlit• I( )II( I1,( )t11--,: \I( lilt( )x11-:1nt1t r�(,rl, :lrrrlx[rc )fig, \X" < •1'c )�� n, tilt 1:.1( 111661 NI.Irt 111<, �\ ti( )IIx, tl( )I I-Iti, "�( )fill( Illt-!.III( )11, :1( (t•t I< )rl<• H 0 R 0 W W Na W >a 00Q (Ao 3>- W Z� Zy rcW WCC vo E6 Q .:oma .:oma .:�Act: ro.:,Amommodellilm CHARITIES, SPORTS TEAMS, SCHOOLS We have a Fundraising Opportunity using the Durham Region Treasure Guide of Savings. For more info. call John Leonard, 905- 579-4400 or 416-798-7672. Oshawa/W hitby/Cladngton This Week Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser SPORTS TEAMS, SCHOOLS & CHARITIES Looking for a fund raising opportunity for the fall ? Call John Leonard at OSHAWA THIS WEEK 579-4400 •----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ^-^------- ���������1� N Oshawa • Nh:th) • (laringtoo ��' H 04 ►4 �= `�" 04 durha 04 THIS WEEK04 04 �"' ` a,� " ►t _ ►4 ii �'� "�=' ii 0411,4111�41 ►tom 04.. ►4 P4 114 ►t ►� ►1 H 04 ►. jj N ►1 RVICE H 04 04 Get yourself hooked up to the1-4 N ,4 / N N WORLD WIDE WEB!! N N N H • No Busy Signals N N H • Full Internet Access N N N N • FREE 7 day -a -week Customer Service 7XN N H • Flexible Rates N N • Personal E -Mail Address 'ionor call576-N N N • Web Page Services Available •• N PAGE36-A-THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, NOVEMBER 8, 1"S rrcit-tb trrtc.I IVt UNTIL SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1995. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. 0 W rr TIRED OF PAYING OFF THE LANDLORDS MORTGAGE? T WHY RENT? LITTLE AS $7,000 DOWN! ONLY $970 PER MONTH! * No maintenance fees * Spacious 6 open concept * 3 bedrooms. 2 washraoma * 22 ft. renovated kitchen * Cathedral ceiling in living room, 8 ft. glass walkout to patio * Rec rm. - wainscot d wood trim * Appliances and more! * Huge pie -shaped lot in the heart of Pickering! RICK SERGISON* 831-3300 RVMW` FI RST Realty '� •� '�'" 2,000 Sal. FT. NORTH AJAX ` $178,900 Beautiful 4+1 bdrm. home full of upgrades. Approx. 2.000 sq. ft., main flr. family 3 laundry rooms plus fin. bsmt. - 2 car j " garage - cent. air - cent. vac - "" Jacuzzi tub - Alarm system - �= Intercom - California ceiling sundeck - 4 washrooms. Great location, steps to schools 8 -CALL parks. STEVE 77 .rs FEARON* 683-2992 R .MW oUALITY QNE LTD. RLTR. G ; •„ 5164,000 OPEN HOUSE!! �� Q. '^ ��yt�P `T ' SAT., NOV. 11, 2-4 P.M. 20 CE NTREFIELD DR., COURTICE 1 ncredibk value for this junior exec. hone neer the Q' OshawafCourbee Town ine Open concept kithenRamily room at back of house Fam. room irrlds marble gas fp- hrtfvrd firs. 8 cab to 3 level deck ' Men iurn lot - 4925 x 113.66 feet Ceramic entrance thru to k;tctxn +�1??.:i�i; • Call Barrie Cox* for directtions, 839-7449 RVMKC°° ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. $174,900 APPROX. OSS 1,955 SG. FT. impeccable 3+1 bdrm. home, modern throughout. Est -in FP PSG Q -^:hen with walkout to huge ,e -shaped. pnvate lot. Fp. in - 'amily room, ground floor .aundry. ceramics, colonial doors. skylight. 3 washrooms total 6 car driveway. You'll tail in love. CALL ANGELA HOFFMANN* 683-1088 suffm LGROUP omega realm Inc. ONLY $29900 DOWN PAYMENT.! Pickering - MUST BE SOLD!! Excellent 3 bedroom home with family room and fireplace, antral air, central vacuum and satellite dish! Wont last! Only $1,149 monthly (P&Q. CALL BERNARD LEE* or RACK CHOMCY* 41WA6-286-3993 W ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. FABULOUS: $239,900 Elegant executive 2 1R storey home! Four bedrooms, four baths and a third floor retreat AN the luxury features you would expect. Loafed on a quiet crescent this home is utaperb! For this and other homes that represent "value Plus" cap Oris today! CHRIS BURNETT* (416) 283-1500 (905) 839-7449 or 1 -MM -663-1734 24 hour payer RVMW ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD., AD I "Aaaociale ofala r am Immaculate, upgraded 3 bdrm. home on mature IoL Remodelled 4 -pc. bath with ceramic floor, hardwood and upgrd. cushion fir. throughout. Separate dining room, main floor laundry and large deck. $128,000 JAC6IUELYNN TANNER* 619-9500 ONE WORD NEEDED... "IMMACULATE" This 1.850 sq. ft. Ajax beauty comes fully loaded. Large hollywood kitchen, family room with fireplace, 4 -piece en suite, casement windows, ceramic flooring and much more. Won't last long at only $172,900. CALL BRIAN KONDO* 683-2992 RIVMW - OUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. R EXECUTIVE ELEGANCE!! Gourmet. greenhouse kitchen Formal dining room with french doors Double door entry to cathedral foyer • Sunroom with spa Mn. fir. ram. room with fireplace 4 bedrooms (master has dressing area 8 en suite with roman tub) Bask in your im►estmeM Call BARBARA PRESTON', CGA 619-9500 PRICE, PRICE, PRICE! $169,800- 2,000 169,800-2,000 SO. FT. RIP ROARING VALUE! 4 large bdrms. + 3 bathrooms Huge master includes 4 -pc. er suite + walk-in closet Spac. b bright eat -in kitchen Main floor family room 6 fireplace Main floor laundry room Central air b central vacuum Fully fenced - less than 5 yrs. old. Call DAVID BEATON* (905) 683-2992 RVMWI" QUALITY ONE I.M. RLTR. 139,900 J New price Gorgeous Ajax property bedrooms, detached J Premium lot v New broadloom d Great Starter home �l Priced to sell fast!!!! CALL DAVE McLEAN* i PRICE' • Discovery Bay - Ajax • Walk to lakefront • Eat4n kitchen • 2 washrooms • Great price $$ • Interlock front walk • Close to parks, greenbelt & lake • This is priced to sell • Don't delay - call today DOW TAYLOR** 831-3300 RF/MW eIQeT RiaelltY r Z - N H ''�► tjrought to you by 1 tris N` cvk & the Nei f S 1 // / 1 4 : S 1 5q (From Clarington) nfosou rcee I TToda s Birrday ...........Aries502, Taurus ...................5(¢2 Ganini ...................5023 Cancer...................5024 Leo .............. .....5025 Virgo ....................5026 Libra .....................5027 Scorpio.................. 5028 ............... Sagittarius .5029 Capricorn .................5030 Aquarius .5031 Pisces ...................5032 649 Mpww W 4 T~wr Cw—v+mwa.) 5001 Pick 3 ....................5002 Super? ................... Lottaho ...................5004 I Joke of the Day ............5016 Quote of the Day ...........5017 Trivia Quiz ................Sot s Envinonrnent Canada ........5556 Oshawa Centre Cinemas ....7022 Whitby Cinomas ...........7023 Ajax/Pidcsring Cinemas ......7024 Pkksring Moviplax 9 ........7025 Oshawa Little Theatro .......7026 Whitby Little Theatre ........7027 Durham Shoestring Pedoriners7028 Weekly Video ..............7029 Rogers Community 10 .......7030 Major League Baseball ......5033 Toronto Maple Leafs ........5034 NBA .....................5035 Pro Sports Update ..........5036 Oshawa/Whilby Update ......5037 Local Lacrosse ............5038 Local Baseball .............5039 NHL .....................5041 Proline ...................5042 Oshawa Generals ..........5043 NFL .....................5044 Blue Jays .................5045 CFL .....................5046 Local Hockey ..............5047 Durham College ............5051 Ajax/Pickering Update .......5137 AlawPickenng Hockey .......5138 Raiders AAA' Hockey .......5139 gfar/Piclwnng Dolphins ......5140 Alax/Pickenng Rinne .....5141 AiaxlNckenng Baseball...... 5142 Ajax/Pk*&hng Soccer .......5143 A*vPickanng Aims Bridge Club ........... 6000 Oddellows/Rebekahs ....... 6001 Oshawa Legion ............ 6002 Parents of Teens ........... 6003 AI -Anon, Al-Ateen .......... 6004 Alcoholics Anonymous ...... 6005 Women's support group of Durham Community Care ........... 6006 S.O.S. ................... 6007 (Smokers Overcoming Smoking) COPE (Depression) ......... 6008 Canadian Calorie Counters ... 6009 One Parent Families ........ 6010 Parents Without Partners ....6011 Living with Cancer Support Group (Durham East) ............. 6012 Living with Cancer Support Group (Durham West) ............ 6013 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Youth of Durham .................. 6014 Emotions Anonymous ....... 6015 AIDS committee of Durham ... 6016 Multiple Sclerosis Society ....6017 Ontario Friends of Schizophrenics (Durham Chapter ........... 6018 Oshawa 3 District Ostomy Associa- tion ...................... W19 SofmaN ....... 5144 Caesarean ProvenOon .......6020 ..... � La Lech& League ...........6021 :3",x�''>.} a Roach to Recovery :> }} :;':; I ....�...,.e .�w .w,. sew �.... �....,.. ww, a.. +.. SW�t A wdeli.. � �. Win . .win. HOW TO USE INFOSOURCE 1 Cal 683-7040, or from Clarington can 404-2623, using a touch-tone phone or push button phone that emits tones. It's a free call from Oshawa, Whitby, Clarington, Ajax and Pickering. 2 When prompted enter the 4 -digit code of your choice from the directory provided. FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF BOXES 5100. - (&roast Cancer) ............6022 Leeming Disabilities Association (Durhar" West) ............6023 Myalgic Encephalomylitis Assoda6on ...............6024 Fibrornyalgis Support .......6025 Epilepsy Parents Support ....6026 Osteoporosis Support .......6027 United Survivors ...........6051 Oshawa Revenue Toastmasters6028 Oshawa Toastmasters .......6029 Macintosh Users East .......6030 First Oshawa ITC Club ......6031 Durham P.C. User's Club ....6032 St Mark's United Church .....6033 Simcos United Church .......6034 �•y% {:: Claringion Walking Program ..6036 Clanrigton Older Adults ......6037 Oshawa Senior Citizen's Club Satur- day dances ...............6038 I I Durham Writers✓Editors ...6040 Homepreneur Group .....6041 Ajax Block Parents .......6042 I Home Business Association ..6043 Parent Finders ..........6044 Business Networking Group of Whitby ................6045 Poets in the Pub .........6046 Ajax -Pickering United Way 6050 CWJIE STOPPERS About Crimestoppers 6047 Crime of the Week .......6048 ADVERTISERS Execu-Care Home & Office 8100 Care -Givers ............8101 Anscot Contracting .......8102 Erotica Video ...........8103 Val lillee Products Ltd. ....8106 1 AVE Entertainment ......8107 Emergency Plus "CPR" ...8111 Once Upon A Child ......8118 1 Call for Less ............8003 durhamnews.............. 9999 Support group aims to help kids cope when loved one diagnosed with cancer 0 West Durham unit of Canadian Cancer Society hosts four-part program AJAX-PICKERING — Helping children cope when a loved one has been diagnosed witik cancer is the aim of an upcoming support group. The Canadian Cancer Society, West Durham Unit, is hosting the four- part support group for children aged seven to 18 whose parent, grandpar- ent, brother or sister has cancer. "It's good for kids to be around other kids who are going through the same things," notes group facili- tator Linda James, who worms m the bone marrow transplant unit at Toron- to's Hospital for Sick Children. "Tbey'11 see that they're not alone.- The lone"The group will examine such things as medical aspects of the disease, such as why a person's hair may fall out during chemotherapy. It will also look at how a child's role in the family may change, especially older children who may need to take on more household chores, look after younger siblings and therefore have less time to spend with friends. It aims to help a child deal with their emotions, as many feel guilty and afraid, notes Ms. James. The support group will be held Mondays, Nov. 13, 20, 27 and Dec. 4 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 91 Kings Cres., Ajax. Pre -registration is pre- ferred. Call the Canadian Cancer Society at 686- 1516 for more informa- tion. N 121Q� 0 theV�°: • •'JriIAISl LOTI'OJj " fatt-OfII:E(t LINDA CLARKE• =, -- WHAT A BEAUTY!! ONLY $154,700 Unbeatable value. Large 3 bedroom home. Walkout basement with office, separate family room with fireplace, upgrades galore, air 8 vac. Ask for Linda Clarke at 839-2121. J.. ! r JUST REDUCED! Spacious and charming. built by 1~ W1987. Main fir. "c", sep. W" rm., family rm. w,,p., formal dung -n. with h4ich doors opening to sun roan, gourmet kir, fin. rec room b sep. 3 room in-law apartment, deep dble. garage. $297,900. Cat Arne or Rick Briscoe at 839.2121. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Pickering -Industrial condo, 1,778 sq. ft., suits automotive uses other than body shop, $125,000. Restaurant, Pickering Town Centre, 144 seats, licensed, recently renovated, $150,000. Ajax - auto parts, turnkey opportunity, well-established, $28,000. Call Bill Thompson at 839-2121. LIx aPEOKI' ` QUALITY ++ -Chiavatti tiwIt home of approx. 3.200 sq. ftof gracious living with gleaming hardwood 8 ceramic floors. Prof. finished basement, party room, wet baa, fireplace 8 woo. This fabulous home is only 5329.000. For more into. please call L¢ Peovsk at 905-839-2121. - - PAYING RENT? _ Why not be your own landlord! This home has 3 separate units. Live in one and let your tenants pay your mortgage in flds 5 bedroom large lot home. Close to to 401, shops b schools. A*ing $126,000. r DICK BRISCOE" FIRST TWE OFlow Rare opportunity in South Mme. trashy decorated. The peeled blend Of oaltfortable inside a outside lk:,g. choice location8 affordebiily. 3T muNwmi deck with hot tub. Cal Dido Briscoe at 1339.2121. • S" gep iessrolM r AnoOlft Broh m h7K - a� FEALTY C ` LTD. 686=33301A ,r N - EXCEPTIONAL BUNGALOW -5299,900 7' FOR THE GROWfNG FAIMLY Approximately 2.600 sq. M, room for everybody. Featuring main floor N'brary, family sized kitchen £' t `r,-% This qualdy butt 2.000 sq. ft. bug. is located r ' z street with al sewer and waver. 9' j AL WALTER with walkout to 30 ft. deck, 4 baths, master has �QWN** walk-in corset, finished basement with new _ ceilings, trkxly sensational custom kit. Hrdwd. a - ceilings, sensatMuniional HUTTON* ceramic flooring, gas fp. plus more. Perfect for - broadloom a sauna a wet bar, main floor tawdry, entertaining a living. Close to parks and the lake. Cal Al Hutton at RelMax First for details at 631-3300. central air central vac. $249,900. -� EXCEPTIONAL VALUE!! " ;. Quality built 3 + 1 bedroom detached home, quiet Child safe court, large kitchen, family room with 9� _ - ' brick fireplace, master bedroom has 4 -pc. en suite, professionally finished basement with GRACIOUSLY KEPT SOUTH AJAX - $174,900 This home has it all! Court location, bedroom and rec room, custom deck, nicely Love and care Were taken when planning a RON* decorating this delightful home. From the custom JAAN premium pie -shaped lot, main floor family landscaped and fenced yard. A must to see. Call JACQUELINE** ora` kitchen to the beautiful landscaping this KRULL* room, fireplace, cent. air, fin. bsmt. Don't JOHN MONIZ* 831-3300 property gleams from room to room! Onty ROUTH wait call now! Jaan Krull, 831-3300. $184.800. 71 ZZ "COURT LOCATION' - e LOOK NO FURTHER!! OVERLOOKS CONSERVATION - $229,9001 "PrtEM1t1M Lo r _-V* PJCJM g on dH- - - -- - ' STEPS TO LAKE - S150,500 LOUISE what a start. 3 bdrms., oversized kit, fin. rec rm.. Just listed - spodess 4 bedroom on a gorgeous pie- PAUL served lot with walkout basement. Child sate court ''o°'°' 2-%5 as R Our* c°"p't RON ms apppoAfiO wM cent GEOFF window, treatments. CAC, upgraded bnkn., gar. MICALLEF* door opener, interlock walkway a more. You won't location on short walk to Lake Ontario shores. N KEELER* Approx. 2.300 sq. ft. with many upgrades. Shows SHUTE* "ave �p1i�"° w WALKER* .,m To "m y Rin shtoGwO be disappointed. Cal Louise M. Micallef, 831-3300. hke new' Paul Keeler, 831-3300. ftkx 33 -Zhou r � - s AMAZING START. A perfect marriage of the young and old. New PARADISE FOUND! 7 acres rirneval forest with 200 old trees, p buiidirtg & - LOOK NO MORE ' Quiet court mon Greenhouse kitchen Cent. a` - cent. vac ' 6 appliences • lot LYNN • JOE modem open concept kit.. 3 bdr., . 2 1/2 baths. 2 Ips-, 2 car aa' premum lot newly renorated .. JOHN many 11X1'+ tall. Road through to pond sfes, privacy, seclusion. Just 20 mirwles 2,500 sq. ft. Pool -size � • Jacuzzi tub LOCH* : sysor gar.,1 PITINO* Walk to Rouge Park lake and skdhools .. d wont last! C to Pickering Call John AAcCarten. 831-3300. FAlarm apAp. • Lynn McCulloch-, 831-3300. $159,900... Call 831 Joe POW. �y��+� p�/ SUM T IN S,�Scf� LACI VERU W\Y� 519 s� P S AG `L \ �6 ' semi-det. w/3 bdmis. • family site kitchen •i+ rw • K �. walkout ' rec room w/brick fp. d GORGEOUS ESTATE PROPERTY wet bar ONE WORD SAYS R ALL OW O Ir �99,gD0 .. -- ' dose to lake and parks area - 4 + t bedraarts • • ' Quiet country how backing an to gall cane a OEr erid. porch w/entry to beaulikAy decorated throughout Wile ncrerfort man - pand haaa beserrhuht nannys quarters. gar. • master watt 4w- an suites bns. saws a a fireplaces. hardwood Doors ks i Roy* • caH Mary for more ' W" lot Mrd be seeM Call Bev for all the details. 696-3330 detalis ' cal Mary for more detds SEAN LOSCHI"O*.., CONDO EXPERT' • 831-3300 AF.- i flEw LISTfl18 - =119�M0 LOCATION - LOCATION - LOCATION ill IIAGhIOIJA - $164.500 Pidarig - 1880 *ft Fawn t1M - DieoW" Pba. anu g - Growled 10 BAIWNA CRSS, A DANFORTH) - Dwdied brick burp low - 3 bdrift - 5lerrting Scarborough 2 storeyr MISPLUS JIM Cado - west vow Shows b perfection - new upgraded • hardwood brick sun wilt piwala drive 1. meg - Shwn exced - very wet kept. Huge treed lot . 4OX1361ler tf 0PAvis home IOOMBd n 20 HWMN Qe. Very o pith O" 9 1 jh bq M11dm Sk IMM room,IftM1tQ ��L � 1M&k main SOor delyf,IlfOs. Ht"mMfler bdan. brdtm., mirrored doors, french Icon 10111111111,11. beveW glass doors, comics �! ! maup�, wan S . 2 4 IF + pig spaces & bmt pear 52 ft - New ask kiL, now roof, updated -'Now driveway, updated furnace, furnace (breed gas), new SGWO, new cent. air lige. private yard, 2 baths, alum. New front window fascia s eaves, gleaming hrdtM- Hutt. air, Dent. VAC, MOM, Origirwl owner Ills., fn. bsML Must be seem af11nQ t1lN� yOQ1adM 911101% Iodw 831-3300 f1111�C /11 a.QM MM QOM fin. Fort nt01r irdo. ,iOMN . 1,100 sq. It. - 2 furl behoorns - eat- Exalud in pot. Cal Sean Undiiiavo' (905) ow . y R in het. VacuM, must be sold. or (41% 798-7288. • S" gep iessrolM r AnoOlft Broh m 4 Mayor helps them make their Kase Pickering Mayor Wayne Arthurs was on hand recently for the offi- cial opening of Basket Kase in the Pickering Town Centre. Cele- brating their business venture with the mayor are Clive Cozens, Ashleigh Cozens, Brittani Coz- ens, Ceilidh Cozens, and Marion Cozens. Directors sought to head drive for AIDS patient facility DURHAM — If you think Durham Region needs a residence for HIV/AIDS patients, James Nouse Durham is looking for you. James House will hold a public meeting at St. Andrew's United Church, 71 Simeoe St. S., at Bruce Street, Oshawa. Wednesday, Nov. 15 at 7:30 p.m. for people interestcd in seeing such a facility in Durham Region. Anyone wishing to be on the board of directors who's able to spare four hours a week is invited to attend the meeting. section is also in cyberspace. We can help you get there. Call us at 683-5110 ANNOUNCEMENT... PEYTON MUG WI Naw Chow Reeky U& is pleased b wakwoe Peyton Ding b their olive. Peyton has Wways been a by producer since staitirg his career n reel estate 7 years apo. Peyton Mulles ar he new and pest ciente from central, norih and eat MWo to coy I ct him &V me at (416) 502- 1238 or (906) 837-1054. MM DW, 83r, P. Erg• I Sabi pAwomted" in I M NEW CHOICE Realty Ltd. MEMB ER BROKER 66AXTHAT' S YO L MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE invited to hear discussion on `Battle for Public Education' DURHAM -- Durham Region resi- dents are invited to take part in an information session regarding The Battle for Public Education this week. Ontario Federation of Labour Edu- cation Director Jim Turk dissues that topic on Thursday, Nov. 9 at 4:30 p.m. at Eastdale Collegiate Vocational Institute, 265 Harmony Rd. N., Oshawa. It's hosted by the union represent- ing Durham Board of Education sec- ondary teachers. All are welcome to attend. There is no charge. For information call Pat Jermey at 668-7100. .. � � . a •• i X299- goo a�.'r.�". +�!�.71 I � 'M R 179- 900 S 1 R4- 9fifib 9154.900 left, rig BEFORE. IT'S GONE! • 4 bdrm. executive home THE PRIME STREET IN SUM SCARBOROUGH BUN :ALOM HERMITAHERMITAGEBY THE COLF COURSE! • Ba(b on rr, l,,rr,trd rurmr area \ ' 4 n„rm pmfr.cvunulh /in, nrth nature truth & tarots rvwrii 16s.(2 ft. tngnntnd pmol • Open %tarn a,r n, bsmr. "plus" • Nru hemp & filler \f - 1L v.. OV 12. /-4 P N. „i SUN-NOV. 12, 1-4 P.N. 1797 PARkAIDE. DR.. • Rea __d auk *4t hrn 1060 LONGHO14 DR- PICA7:RING" • Sparkling Bran htrme PICKER/ NG ' A spinal pn,pe n Cal! Ron ArRae•, 8.17•/0.4. /,4tn &,dh "Tunhn-k.. Tall err Limp . , d pr rd Bright whirr kit ,parkir, Mr uum rile, (.+',h•rnur shnitrn (/age ma.orr /u/I r".war hath nn,„Brrrnrng fIRp/W 1, , (rnl. ale, trrtl 1'w. K"/agf Cmyu< „pen t ,wu r(n drsrgn w d r ,rprnrr ( all A4 Uacre*'• A17-1054. . Open t,mt rpi lum rm bn, i I( CalllydvSturer••• A(-•10.54 LINE", 1j7- s� ASSUME MTGE. K/DS'DELIGHT - & MOVE LIV AJAX DETACHED Ptrkernt,g lowahrruse. 3 144' deep lot. 3 bdrins. + blirnis.. s/,trr/ess c'leim d fin. bstnt. L-shaped liv. rvrcv. lin. h.cn,t. V% /j) u, M. & din. Rr jam. wilpark. affordable. Ju.ct like ern( to kit., walk /o back yard, Call Raul Casino*, RAUL appliances. Call Raul Casino*, 837-1054. 837-1054. _ ME` BEFORE. IT'S GONE! • 4 bdrm. executive home THE PRIME STREET IN SUM SCARBOROUGH BUN :ALOM HERMITAHERMITAGEBY THE COLF COURSE! • Ba(b on rr, l,,rr,trd rurmr area \ ' 4 n„rm pmfr.cvunulh /in, nrth nature truth & tarots rvwrii 16s.(2 ft. tngnntnd pmol • Open %tarn a,r n, bsmr. "plus" • Nru hemp & filler Arlwrutr rrrtrmd r A stain to bvnl • A(1 net' w'indotvs & nnrf • All phut ,drub thein • High eflirrent, furriarr • Cerama hull & loo hen • Rea __d auk *4t hrn • Main flr dot & laundn RON 'ON Built-in mi(n,wave & di.shrva.sher • Sparkling Bran htrme • Mat hid garage Call Ron ArRue•, 8.17-10.54. Cal! Ron ArRae•, 8.17•/0.4. Sates Represerrtetin - Ammciab &oke► — &oiwX)wrw . 04, A ROUGE DREAM BEFORE. IT'S GONE! • 4 bdrm. executive home • 4 hedrrwrm etrrutive hone • Finished bsmt. • Apprnx 2.1(X)sy p Skylight. CAC • CAC..ceturm s%weni • Gas firepla, e Z S1't12h1.1.�G. _mwr7,74 nn B11RM.Frrsh 1s low as $275 per week. C'erantit c lot /over through rip ~ Close to "GO) Traill. kttrben �4r,lkour to /rnrrd 3 bdrin. with 1'44fd. litinierhate pinse.C.tnrq, jenced yard. Pickering. Afac Call Garry Free***, Call Garry Free***, • ` ` 837-1054. 837-1054.' )'oto BE TER LOOK A ROUGE DREAM BEFORE. IT'S GONE! • 4 bdrm. executive home • 4 hedrrwrm etrrutive hone • Finished bsmt. • Apprnx 2.1(X)sy p Skylight. CAC • CAC..ceturm s%weni • Gas firepla, e • Step-up tublsep. shower • Grrrnhausr knrhr„ • Greenhouse kit./pantry • Partialh finished bsnit.iompkie Thoauvldv in upgrades Call Lots Thompson**M-e all Lois Thompson" for today, 837-1054. . a fist! 837-1054. NEAR THF. LAKE.... Nice 3 bdrnt. townhouse finished top to bottom! Assumable mortgage - 2 car parking! Location!! CaU Barbara K. Smits**, 837-1054. rw nsd'% w a,,r% i•n�sni�msi.» 480sd an 6% coy itti•w it Pickering citizens mum on Town voice mail system ❑ Nobody called Town to take part in voice mail system survey By MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER PICKERING — The Town's attempt to survey the public on a new $67,000 voice mail system for Town offices it's considering buying has been somewhat of a flop — or perhaps a glowing success, depend- ing on how you look at it. Pickering hasn't received any complaints about the new system, but that's because nobody has both- ered to phone the Caller Survey Line set up by the Town and advertised on the Town of Pickering page which appears every Wednesday in the News Advertiser. The survey was to be part of a trial run of the new "integrated informa- tion and voice processing system" conducted at Town offices Sept. 10 to Oct. 8. The trial was carried out on 35 phone lines in offices includ- ing those of the councillors, Town manager, executive director of oper- ations, clerk's department and bylaw enforcement department. However, a survey asking Town staff what they thought of the set-up was completed. and statistics on how the system was used were compiled. During the trial, callers had the option of using an automated atten- dant system to put them through to the line of the person they wanted, or of holding for assistance. Over the test period. 1,904 calls were sent to voice mail when the line being called was not answered or busy. Of those calls, 552 or 29 per cent were abandoned — the caller hung up when a voice mail greeting was heard. At least 868 callers left messages in the voice mailboxes, and 185 requested personal assis- tance. Survey forms sent to 35 members of Town staff brought 24 responses. Staff comments on the system were mixed, and included: * "I love it. 1 can leave a message and explain myself fully. With a per- son writing down a message you are never sure of what is being passed along * "I prefer speaking to someone directly rather than the voice mail. To date, have not seen how it is of that much assistance." * "I find the system useful after hours and picking up messages." * '"These systems can be frustrating as a staff member calling. Will the public be more frustrated7" Town clerk Bruce Taylor has rec- ommended Pickering purchase the system. But Town Council's execu- tive committee declined to discuss the purchase last Monday because only three of six councillors and the mayor were present. "This whole question of voice mail as we all know can be some- what emotional," said Ward 2 local Councillor Dave Ryan in asking that the matter be deferred. Your Home Oughta Be In Pictures! If You Agree, Tell Your Agent You Want To See Your Home In f�s-,Palfr�► iews Ad.v= Estate IS A HOUSE SOLD Yi T BY AN AGENT WHO ADVERTISES F WITH News Advertiser REAL ESTATE A fond farewell Durham Regional Police Staff Sergeant Joe Loughlin (centre), with wife Lynn, is congratulated by Durham Regional Police Association President Brian Curtis (left) as as the police veteran is honored for 26 years of service with the police service. Staff Sgt. Loughlin was among others toasted for their length of service at a recent awamds dinner. photo by Carl Ferencz COUNTRY COTTAGE VILLA NEW Custom,, stunning oungalow ,v th fuwi cit option or parent reS�CEn.�c. filled open concept choice of formal principal rooms, library, exquisite detailing throughout, mature treed and private 75x150' lot in premium location. Call to view. Mode' `err 3389.000. TINA MARIE MASON ASSOCIATE BROKER TINA Wr,IE MASON. t Associate BroKer (905) 831-9500 HERITAGE REALTY INC. Sales Reoresentatrve "Associate BroKer DETACHED 4 BORMS. ONLY $142,900 Clean well kept 4 bdrm. home on a beautiful ravine lot. Dble. drive with Ige. gar., 2 baths 3 cent. au. Call Steve Laszlo', 619.9500. 1 DETACHED WITH IN-LAW APT. - $149,700 Beautiful detached 3 bdrm. with in4aw apt New paint ti carpet, mn. Of. laundry, sep. din. rm., new gas furnace, gar.. dble. drive, 2 skylights, 3 baths. Creative fin. awed. Cat Steve Laszlo*, 619.9500 ■ VIIIIIIIII, SHEILA EARL' 619-9500 DETACHED 4 BDRMS ONLY $94,900 Detached 4 bdnns., new paint 8 carpet. Ige. kit. 8 din. nn. Must see. At new windows. Steve Laszlo*, 619-9500. GRACE JORGENSEN• (905) 686-5153 MARTY STREETER* 683-1088 DON'T WALK.... Run to the nearest phone and call to view this extraordinary 4 bedroom home! Features include new broadloom, central air, window coverings, all appliances, family room, fireplace and more. Only $185,000. Call Marty Streeter*, 683-1088. - sidn PAPm%entstiivs " Associate Broker SZg99 -_ _ __! -a: � •jib s� LOOKING FOR LUXURY? _~:s beautrtt. = - x -c:cw acme .n a;cKenng is truly a gem Finished top tc bottom Four bedrooms, full en suite, new broadloom, new windows. interiock driveway & walkway Lovely landscaping with fountain in back yard Freshly panted and decorated. Open house. Sunday November 12. 2.4 p.m. Sheila Earl. 619-9500 HOT NEW LISTING SO HOT, NO PICTURE! WESTNEY HEIGHTS BEAUTY • Interlock driveway g walkways • All brick home, over 2.000 sq. ft. • 4 bedrooms, 3 baths • Solarium style kitchen • Entrance from garage to main floor laundry • Priced to sell, $179,900. Call Grace Jorgensen', (905) 686-5153. SUTTON CLASSIC REALTY INC. 'When opportunity opportunity knocks, don't forget to answer!" Wise choice for value conscious buyer is this lovely 3 bedroom Ajax detached. Features finished rec room, central air, central vac, large fenced yard and beautiful landscaping. Won't last! Call Marty Streeter', 683-1088. Warm up to minter In Front of Your Own Fireplace! Wednesday, December 6 Full Process Colour! Deadline: Wednesday, November 29 (Please supply inside shot in colour of fireplace wall) Oshawa o Whitby 9 Clarington �Olpic beil THIS WEEK News Advertiser $69/spot $55/spot 20 SPOTS ON A PAGE (905) 579-4404 or Tor. (416) 798-7672 y r -h W Wednesday, December 6 Full Process Colour! Deadline: Wednesday, November 29 (Please supply inside shot in colour of fireplace wall) Oshawa o Whitby 9 Clarington �Olpic beil THIS WEEK News Advertiser $69/spot $55/spot 20 SPOTS ON A PAGE (905) 579-4404 or Tor. (416) 798-7672 y y—_ News Advertiser REAL ESTATE R•2000 OPEN DOUSE in BRIGHTON Detached Retirement homes - R-2000 from $134,900 on 66' lots in fully serviced town subdivision (only 1 mile from Presq'uile Park). OPEN HOUSE - Saturday Nov 18 - 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Brighton - Go south from main intersections stoplights on Prince Edward St. approx. - 1.2 km to Applewood sign, then left on Stephen St. - follow signs. tR R-2000 @ ONLY S65/sq. ft.. View this beautiful R-2000 home - 1753 sq. ft. priced in our brochure at only $154,900 including 66'x 145' lot in fully serviced subdivision. For Sale - R-2000 split entry 980 sq. ft. each level, vaulted ceilings, hot tub, oak kitchen, deck, drywalled basement, and much more - $134,000. FREE BROCHURE of R-2000 detached from $134,900. Custom computer designs, free Prof. Engineer consultation. See 2 new types of combination heating systems. - heat for approx. $250.00/yr. Learn why R-2000 is the home of the future. LET US MAKE YOUR DREAM HOME A REALITY. GORDON TOBEY DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 1-800-544-0535 or 613-475-0618 .�■1:1} A.w.r. ..r/VE . . . ...r. .,. Irtdapanell 10 1h 0 OW - Far* Pickering 906.831.4242 FAMILY NAM /lax 906.683.8642 Scarborough 416.439-1660 "IMMEDIATE POSSESSION" Det. 3 bdrm. home in move -in condition. Fp. & w/o from main flr. tam. rm. 4 -pc. en suite, 2 car gar., maintenance -free back yard. 1.525 so. I If Mm 401 to C.C. Tran 401 & . Listed at s $164,900. Westney/ Ritchie. Jay Selda. 1 (416) 439-1660. JAY SELDA* CAPE COO IN AJAX This stunning ? bdrm. Cape Cod home with fp, in tam rm and mn fir. laundry can be yours by Clnstmas' Large lot on a quiet street in great-eghborhood. Many extras: Scows to perfection sued at $174.000 For yore nfo cal Elizabeth at 6a3-asa2 ELIZABETH OUINN* RENTERS PLEASE READ THIS!! Chances are d you are paying a rent of $1.100 you are paying the same as a person with a mortgage of about 5140.000 and you say you can't afford to buy. Please give me a call to see just what you can afford!!! John Harron. 905-683-8542. �!r JOHN P HARROW r _: BACKING ON TO OPEN SPACE! Approx 2.600 sq h - large roans) 4 bdrm . 3 baths and master bdrm. en sute with step-up oval dib & sep shower. Cestan designed kit. W/o from kit or mn fir tam. m. to 2 k4el deck backing on to open cp=-c !Aas:_' =7n. also has Wo to sep deck CAG. CVAC Bryon CogNan. 905- 683-8542 BRYON COGHLAN* WATCH THE SUNSET FROM YOUR BALCONY 2 bdrm Tndel condo 1.200 sq. tt. 2 parking spots. Locker and much more. Relax by the indoor or outdoor swimming pool For more details or tins great lifestyle Irving please call ^,-orge at 683-8542. GEORGE IBANEZ* 'TIMES HAVE CHANGED" THINKING OF DOWNSIZING W`ai never *ir-e ; , sell your large; neine and move to a (smaller home, than now' Free up some :ash. enjoy ide more and prepare for-etirement. The opportunities in this mark?'piace are limitless. For an nfcr ori liscussion on this or any real -2State matters. please ,all Terri Chambedarn at X416; 439.1%0 - TERRY CHAMBERLAIN* CONDO ANYONE? V 2 bedrooms J 2 bathrooms v All appliances J Move -in condition. J View of lake `1elral decor For more info. call Katherine Chisholm. 905-683-8542. -- _M KATHY CHISHOLM* BUY TODAY! or a buyer broker presentative to help egotiate your next home urchase, call Mike Newman, amily Realty First Corp. For II the details, advantages 8 avings phone 905-683-8542. MIKE W. NEWMAN* S249.800 RAVINE LOT! BUNGALOW! idem' Gorgeous large 3 Broom bungalow on quiet eet Hollywood We form size :en features walkout to deck. chen overlooks family room h open brick fireplace Grand ng and dining rooms feature tttedral ceilings Call Marvin Nest at 683-8542. `70 MARVIN WEST* W_ --Salla Repwrt W"dw -ucwww kni"tt t Z � t t x' ROGER ANDERSON Broker/Owner # i 1 11 JULIE RANDY TREBILCOCK" MILLER' raDWill - I San GERRY PATRICIA X. THATCHER" REABURN' SHARON LARRY CHISHOLW SEENS' t s T AL BARB •� RYNBEEK' EDWARDS* d l4 DEBORAH ROSS ARMSTRONG' WATSON* ^ 1 jr .tea ''► k MIKE LOUSE HOGAW ROD' s STEVE FEARON• For, ILBRIAN SUZANNE KONDO' TOLLETr FREEHOLD TOWNHOME! END UNIT! JEFFERY BUILT BUNGALOW $189,900! WEST OSHAWA - $6,875 DOWN Economical gas heat, ne maintenance fees! Absolutely stunning home finished top to bottom' Beautifully finished basement' 3 generous otters large eat -.n kitchen, open concept living Detached, raised bungalow, finished top to sized bedrooms. appliances, flexible 'oo' , formal dining room, 3 + 1 bedrooms, 3 baths. bottom, 2 washrooms, 110' deep lot backing possession. Carries less than rent Try y%, sl,ectacular family roonvgas fireplace, double car on to greenbelt. Located on a quiet street in garage. central a -r, vac, air cleaner. Thousands west Oshawa. Carries like rent. Vendor very offer Only $137,900 ;-i in iandscapmg and driveway' This is a must motivated. -- -ome' Call today for your personal four) HOT! HOT! HOT! Quiet court location! 146' deep lot beside beautiful parkland! Walkout to large 10 x 20' deck, large master bedroom with dressing ALL THE THINGS YOU WANT FIRST AD area, vanity, sink and walk - Main floor tarnily room with hr ,acP Incredible 4 level sidesplit to south Ajax. Fnrshedrec room wrthoffice o 4mbedrxm Completely renovated, offering 25% home in closet. Eat -in kitchen. 3 washrooms Cent air --- location occupation and dining room. separate in-law Eat-inkitchen. S164 apartment $169.800. Only $142,900! Wont last. Sep -iv & inn rms Ca2k , RAVINE LOTS! GREAT =;,• LOCATION! Great price - $144,900. Freehold concept townhouses with walkout basements and ravine S169,900 lots NEW LISTING 3 bedrooms - 3 bathrooms Absoiutefy stu ^c -aoe -ane will, huge _ 3 new appliances :-earn kit . exler5;ve use of ceramics, parquet Eat -in kitchens with walkout LUXURIOUS LIFESTYLE -arble & grar�e'tiroughout tits beauty Approx Tints home sparkles from top !o bottom. • 50C sc " 'Ireviace en s„ rte door to gar ^^ - Separate dining room :7veriooks private park 3 bedrooms. 5 hone. etc Wor as' a' tI s once I aophances, gate security and more _Iving room overlooking ravine �\ Call today to view. nn NORTH AJAX! BACKS TO PARK! WESTNEY HEIGHTS, AJAX BRIGHT Immaculate all Ubeck 2.45C sq tt. GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD OPEN CONCEPT beauty. sits on a premtur^ 12E lott backing on 13 greenbelt park Huge eat-ir kitchen. 5.54.506 Thr, ­-. --:ea- 3 bedroom home snows This 3 bedroom home to north Ajax features ey, well 'here are upgraded carpets, ceramics, new floc^^9 throughout, The eat -in kitchen cvers¢e family room. could fac�lrtate ^atm 9l, `Icor library addition Beaut �, :andscapwng 7P Cal-:,„cnc, a finished basement - open overlooks the family room, 2 -tier deck in F:xa!ed a nutet part of the crescent. w+m stone walkway A rare �px''u^', ';r _ private back yard. Easy access to 401 8 GO tnts location. Offered at Mrd « ; e s a pans Transit. Must be seen' =- - _ - 1.3201 SC FT -- SOUTH AJAX - $189,900 A GREAT BEGINNING!! YOU WONT BE DIS PPOINTEW! Wonderful south Ajax sidesplit located on mature Premium lot, just move in and enjoy! 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, pie -shaped lot, main treed lot, backs on to greenspace. This home Updated kitchen and bath, treshly decorated, floor laundry room and family room. Dramatic features gleaning hrdwd Ill . fin. rec rm. with finished recreation room, central air 2 storey foyer. A lot of house for the price. custom fp. & w/olo garden, renovated kit. & baths, conditioning and more. For further $229,500! sparkling neutral decor throughout. Call today information, call today. $148,500. ;.. t %Ill ' -!t%, ,'m 1 JUDY DON DE1l DENNIS* i i DAVID ANNE -MARIE BEATON* NIELSON” -7 w CHARMAINE MIKE McLAREN' McCULLOCH' DAVID MARG MdNTYRE' BEATTY* .•.w- •ate► - HEATHER PAUL DIS 't Ef1F1 [r :. _. 0 0 0 0 SPACIOUS EAT -0 KITCHEN 4 BDRYS. - APPROX. 2,000 SO- FT. -$169,500 WNRBY - 4 BDRMS. 1,500 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms with finished rec t)Ifers every0irg you need! 4 bdrill 3 balks, Ige. ONLY $154,900 room, located on quiet crescent, popular eat n kit., mn. fir. fam. rill mn. fir. laundry, formal Check out the features: eat -in kitchen, man Westney Heights. Super pie -shaped lot, lvidn. inns., trench drs., ceramics, cent. air, upgraded floor family room, master with 4 -piece an gardener's delight. Easy access to schools. brdm., dbie, gar., part. fin. bsmt. & much more! The suite and a finished basement. Call today! A must see! next move is yours. Cal for more tido. today! WALLY RESERVED FOR MAGEE* OUR NEW AGENT _', JUDY DON DE1l DENNIS* i i DAVID ANNE -MARIE BEATON* NIELSON” -7 w CHARMAINE MIKE McLAREN' McCULLOCH' DAVID MARG MdNTYRE' BEATTY* .•.w- •ate► - HEATHER PAUL DIS 't Ef1F1 [r :. _. 0 0 0 0 SPACIOUS EAT -0 KITCHEN 4 BDRYS. - APPROX. 2,000 SO- FT. -$169,500 WNRBY - 4 BDRMS. 1,500 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms with finished rec t)Ifers every0irg you need! 4 bdrill 3 balks, Ige. ONLY $154,900 room, located on quiet crescent, popular eat n kit., mn. fir. fam. rill mn. fir. laundry, formal Check out the features: eat -in kitchen, man Westney Heights. Super pie -shaped lot, lvidn. inns., trench drs., ceramics, cent. air, upgraded floor family room, master with 4 -piece an gardener's delight. Easy access to schools. brdm., dbie, gar., part. fin. bsmt. & much more! The suite and a finished basement. Call today! A must see! next move is yours. Cal for more tido. today! WALLY RESERVED FOR MAGEE* OUR NEW AGENT