HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1995_09_24r� HEY xis! Editor► Be the boss at your community O a� newspaper � _ 8 IN "M%wF,TleftwwSit VAnH Mw •Wad. 9:30&m.-80 pm 7tws. & Fri. 930 am. -1:30 pm. SIN. 9:30 am -5:00 Pin. Necws Advertiser Sunday, Sept. u. 19s5 ao pages A Metroland Community n...paper Pressrun 40A00 Vol. ueNo. » Pi'ockering's disabled fear transit cuts But, Town officials don't 'anticipate' reductions B. MARIANNE TAKACS STAF+ REPORTER PICK1 RING — Disabled Pickering resi- dent. launched a pre-emptive strike at Monda% night's Town Council meeting, hoping to ward off possible cutbacks in specialized transit services. Handicapped people are feeling "unset- tled and threatened" by tumors that Picker- ing will reduce or eliminate their transit service in the wake of funding cutbacks by the Province, said Margaret Reancv of the Disability Action Committee. a Durham - wide organization of handicapped resi- dents. The rumors have been fuelled by what has happened in Toronto• where the Toron- to Transit Commission has eliminated spe- cialized services for the "ambulatory dis- abled" — people who can walk on their own but have trouble going any significant distance. The TTC change will affect ambulatory The Ionacyle of the law Z - Z:: Durham Regional Police Constable Brad Lord Durham Public School in Ajax Thurs- Durst hams it up during a fun soccer day. game between officers and students at photo by Ron Pietroniro L - ---- - -- - - - Rollerblader kicks attacker in groin AJAX-PICKERING — A 16 -year-old Picker- ing teen was attacked while rollerblading through a park in Ajax Tuesday, Durham Regional Police report the girl was in a park in the Lincoln Avenue and Rotherglen Road area around 7:30 p.m. when a man jumped out from behind some trees and grabbed her. When the girl fell on her hack. the attacker e.A 74 got on top and pulled down her pants and his own pants. She then kicked the man in the groin with her rollerblades. The angered attacker then shook the girl and her head hit the pavement. She punched the man in the face and he fled. He's described as male, white, in his mid-20s with a muscular build. disabled Pickering residents who can take Pickering specialized transit service to the Scarborough border, but as of Sept. 24 will no longer be picked up there by the TTC's Wheel Trans service. "Transportation is a right, not a privi- lege," said Ms. Reancy. adding that reliable See SPECIAL... Page 3 Danny boy's big day is near Young leukemia patient ready for life-saving marrow transplant By MAR1AtitiE TAKACS STAFF R1--PI,RT1-R AJAX-PICKERING — The waiting's almost over for young Daniel Burton and his family, who'd been told the skm big day would probably never ccxne. On Oct. 4, if all goes as planned, the nine-year-old Daniel Burton Pickering resident will finally get the bone marrow transplant that is his only chance at life. On Sept. 28, he leaves Ins de tus routine at Ecole Catholique Notre- 1 Dame-de-la-Jeunesse in Ajax to enter hospital for preparatory treatment. In the news "He has to have total body radiation Editorial and chemotherapy to de-woy his own6 ................................ Sports """"""" "' 12 marrow," explains his father, Dave Burton. "'Rle transplant itself is just a Name Dropping....................27 transfusion. The marrow is transfused Classified .............................30 just like blood would be, through an phone lines IV.- General 683-5110 That seemingly routine procedure Fax 683-7363 will be the culmination of a frantic Classified 683-0707 world-wide search for a suitable donor sincerely Yours that began last January, when Daniel's leukemia returned after a three-year 1-900-451-3793 remission. Near the end of April, when InfoSource 683-7040 no match had been found in the exist- Death Notices 683-3005 ing files of bone marrow registries, Auction Line 683-7545 Daniel's parents issued a public plea asking people to have themselves test- SEE INSIDE TODAY'S ed to see if their marrow could save his PAPER FOR A SPECIAI, life. BRIDAL SECTION! See DANNY... Page 4 93e + 7Q GST = $1 . ► • . . . . . . . . . .. • • • • .. • , - . . , . . . • ♦ a i s . � . a A- .. &J ; . . _ _ . - . . \.. J A-4 PAGE 2-1'HE NEWS ADVER11SF.R SUNDAY, SFP7'FMRF.R 24, 1995 Committee to studysize of Durham Council 0 Regional politicians debate future of government structure and shape of Durham Regional Council in years to come DURHAM — Drastically reducing the size of Durham Cantil will be skxl- ied by a special cow established by Regional politicim TTiday. Durban Council voted 17-10 to have the commipee examine armmg the num- ber of n'pnese madves o 20 from the cur- rent 32 Ajax Counal w Roger Anderson pre - sensed the motion, saying "If we don't set an example, someone sitting in a sower in Toronto will tell as what to, do." But debase started catty in the foam for Regional comaliors, as it has simi- ATTENTION... ...Schools. Sports Groups. All Non -Profit Organizations. -Make big profrts on repeat sales... Wholesome. nutritious fundraisers with great value. Products supplied by Quaker (Gatorade. Chewy Gars. etc.). Schneider's (Hot Rods. pepperettes. etc.) Aunt Sarah's Chocolates and Confections (Loonle Bar) and other Canadian Companies. Please call to book a demonstration and receive your Free Product. FIRST CHOICE SPECIALTIES FUND RAISING 1-800-265-0689 or (705)932-2362. Colied FREE BEACHCOMBER SPA VIDEO Coll today for your FREE spa video on everything you wanted to know about spas, but were afraid to ask! �a • v;^ :w .,.�a sdpt 62'50 Seaway Pools ✓!< Spas Ltd. 25 Hentage RoaC Markham 294-8030 A 00-1 .,a,... MIV/A 9MGLS� NOW/ Le i,fow for AffAdtj Enol ish/Dressage 4 Western Lesson a CRY CertifiedInstructors GhowTraining-NOreeiRider Heated Viewing Lounge& IndoorNashroosia 2 Indoor/2 Outdoor Arenas Customized Boarding School slectives (905) 683-2862 r:rt:trs ►!toll ret 401 scar Accor coat, AJ►i "WINGS OF LEARNING" A unique store with a Speaal Touch 106 Byron St. S., Whitby • 666-4613 My marked GTA met in regional municipalities surrounding Toronto in mom weeks. Oshawa Councillor Iry Harrell opposed Mr. Anderson's motion. "Reducing councillors, I understand, is a popular decision to talar, considering The arena we're in. I don't drink (due motion) is necessarily well drought out." Councillor Harrell feels his col- lertgue's pian is "too narrow" became it only focuses on reducing the size of council and not the eomposkkxL The councillors held the special meet m_i.!7 rpt, ing to discuss various proposals for reforming government in the Greater Toronto Area. Regional politicians fell short of endorsing a 20 -point proposal from Oshawa Councillor Brian Nicholson, deciding instead to receive and file it and send it to other councils in the GTA for their consideration. His proposal would see school boards replaced by committees set up by Regional Councils, Councillor Nicholson also opposes the establishment of a body to govern the GTA and calls for the abolition of His proposal reads, m part. "Local government is best able to provide seamless and efficient service deliv- ery-Tbe multi -tiered systmt of munici- pal government must be replaced with a single tier in each municipal boundary.- W. oundary"Mr. Nicholson wads the Pbvnce to pay all welfare costs. -Ibe Ptovince mast undertaiae sa ces that are not rea- sonaNy the role of local govenmseot." Council was still meeting at press time. on new 1995 and prior rnodol Escort, Taurus, Aerostar, Villager, Windstar, Ranger, Selected F -Series. 0/0 4.9% VS. 11% BANK FINANCING - 48 MONTHS! Amow". Cost or Borrownnq of Coat of BorrovAnq at YOUR Financed 4.9% over bol months' 11% over 4a months $15,000 $1,548 $3,608 t , f ■ Financing $20,000 $2,064 $4,811 offers you great savin s!S3s'000 $ 2,580 $8'020 �OR CHOOSE CASHBACKS OF UP TO $1 500V -�wre.lp saaaroser,6a r.lsay atlw asatrop # wrrr alal+aa %d psi Faait 1erwAwrrc ryc leucitis �r.dr-t... (M�.r cls. as a.rp.iowsts.....�taeNa..pw�.so.de raaoe =rsfa r.,.we.pi, MS{.00 Nr arelMN wren C;sal arlarrF.oal a QOM m ieY mf b b wMa a RIM.lS Oe,n talwudwr»wsras dal► aafsr of nr taus rr aAiry.111.Ot(anAp1/fit. ts�4s►is70007e nal lCi4rtoea adco9 askamae ToalwiWOate typed a ZMA5M. GSTtapgrr m V rlaas d wl9ar.rr left" yLlidfwa.Mlf. l.aw{asL�dO ural MfiwOOerWs:O.100 p:0� a111Y poem, primMCeodeld<alters fiywraf falls d b N wr/�Il.�alpymrr Sw6rr FFORD SALES LIMITED 6 P No easy ride for disabled in Pickering, council- told IIICKERIIVG — Pickeiimg has a long way to go before it can consider itself accessible to the disabled, according a resident who uses a wbe:kbw on town streets. Marty Martel of Kingston Road told Picker- ing Council Malay about some of Ibe obsta- cles facing people who need wheelchairs, scooters or walkers b get around here. "ILare are quite a few (sidewalks) wbere the curbs are quite higb," he said, citing the . - 11111- rM s of Hwy. 2 and Glenanna Road, Hwy. 2 and Brock Road, and Liverpool Road and Halla Avenue. W PAGE `1 tg frit all Vice ''rritol" to disabled peu*. nit urged councillors to Ike sure specialized ser» X* are given prwrity even transit cutbacks mea be> Ode. Committee member h *mw Oladsoae told councillors scialkzed services are a feiiae" for the dNabied. "We should be moving rward, not back," she said urging the Town against ducing transit for the dim - 'Mayor Wayne Arthurs lid committee delegates icivincial subsidies are ►teed far 1995 and there will e no reduction lin special - ted services this year. He bid the situation for 1996 is it "unknown quantity", but dded the Town doesn't anticipate" reducing transit wAces for the disabled nest ear either. " .. "We feel satisned with 'ouncil's response concern- tg the balance of 1995 spe- ialized service and we hope will continue on into 1996 Without any cutbacks," him Villadson said In a later eterview. She added, howev- r, her group would be back efore Council next year it ny move was made educe service. 'REF Nest Spattr-so)- Sept. 26/95 7:30 - 9'00 p.m. Undasra ft the Wk of eneip in health s he dl* Patrice Brennan - RoL menu For More Info Call ("3T420-2662 THE TAI CHI & MEDITATION CENTRE 545 )Kingston Rd. (Pickering Vtffisge) 1n same sees, now Mr. Martel, people a Wheelchairs or scooters are in danger of tip- ping over when they try to negotiate a curb. Mr. Martel also noted that some public washrooms for the disabied are oiien difficuk ID use. Town suff and councillors told Mr. Mand that eves 0080 they are trying b get proper ty owners to make Weir facdides accessible, the law doesa't always give the Town onough power to force compliance. They assured him that in the Mn- - to Town staff will mains sure property owners deal with accessibility Pub - less at tee site pias stage of a developmeeL WALK 1N HOURS Daily 8-9 Sat. 10 - 4 ti FAWLY DENTISTRY •Emergencies Seen in 2 Hes. -Ein Hospital •Cosmetic Bonding -Nitrous Oxide Gas Sedation -Der*" Services. Partials �VVywte Fdkp - No Mercury •CNerrrClave St+erdization • • • • • ft 24 Hr. Emergency Pager WE COLLECT FROM INSURANCE CO.'S DIRECTLY TODAY'S News Adrerti SUNDAY SEPT. 24/95 News Advertiser • AkP Pkk • Ataerivra Egns PkL Iiway A ja><IPk'lt- ' Ing Apwfilck. • C NW111a 11re PkL Csbway A jUT & Food City Aju Nose A a" Aja • Kraft Wbat's Cooking Aja:/PkL LAblaws Aim Loeb Aja:Rld- • ! fiko Markdiar Aju/Piik • Whack Food Hart Aja:ffk- Save-A-Centre Aju/Pklt. Son AjorcL • Steer Centre A*fflld. ' l3dwad b ukM britel" wily Reniember, aft inserts, paper; can be. with The rest dyour newspaper through your blue box For infenustim on delivering SANT COBOURN Sunday's Carrier of ate Week is Sam Cobourn. Sam enjoys soccer, movies, bowling 8 swimming. Sam received McDonald's coupons compliments of ft News Advertiser. CongrahMbons Sam for being our Sunday carrier of 0* week 24,115 -PAGE 3 Call 583-5110 with your news items. BRAND NEW Scratch & Dent Furnaces BRAND NEW End Of Line Units Ce Baywood Centre • Ajax 105 Bayly Street . 905-683-4644 Monday -Wednesday 10am-6pm - Thursday & Friday 10am-8pm • Saturday loam-5:30pm Visa And Checks Acce~ � tall ALVIN BROUWER �r cel elle SANT COBOURN Sunday's Carrier of ate Week is Sam Cobourn. Sam enjoys soccer, movies, bowling 8 swimming. Sam received McDonald's coupons compliments of ft News Advertiser. CongrahMbons Sam for being our Sunday carrier of 0* week 24,115 -PAGE 3 Call 583-5110 with your news items. BRAND NEW Scratch & Dent Furnaces BRAND NEW End Of Line Units Ce Baywood Centre • Ajax 105 Bayly Street . 905-683-4644 Monday -Wednesday 10am-6pm - Thursday & Friday 10am-8pm • Saturday loam-5:30pm Visa And Checks Acce~ pu.1; 4-r4F vF.ws knvF.RTTSFR it. 140,%V. iFP'rF.V1tF.R :a. !4mF VW, whip disagree I Danny feefin on maverick Grit's 0 committee status u.a4X-1"K 3tINf1— laid TWWW 'T ft -m It I Onmrin Riding W Dao was being pts uftd and it McTdaglm says he woo ` t dkit' t happen.' � theme a iivary ttaeluhor Before he can be rew ader ail as punch ttmlt fw signed to the Heritage -Pring apnest a 6ederai cones tee, a Liberal UP M parked by but Liilttsai wcmid have to bea%w W i PWV, SkTeagne anted But. the government The %4P believed he rullip' c office say% the was heing castigated for MP ix mated nn -atlas against Bial C-41. the :dietary of Partiament legsslaoino mafrAnctd by L-.-munziwe. Jess patty [heat calls for On %40nda-, tier Bougber ientences for Mc -t gut was -rid he' 1 teats :Fam=ed at_aast been Cropped from the mcu gsoa¢t an ear. ` 1?ame ,( C'fImawn Cma- tier KCTeazne was I11211 -- t!X-A2 to :.-MMIUM atppi nUed tr) the.:PiG ant put 7n the Lihrm- am n owe m imumv, pri- brAv tnar'1v 'iecarne 1f hit --am- 6n arming. plu,tn against _-ahie the 'Ara'w-a -e .eatat:'fe paniea :3at aageree. 38- f^r A;ax. Picker Ing and trmcr; -j kmc:ny_t hem r. 1A, a.:hy iald M was ;- P=-• W icon tie'wVi infeased by gov ,em [y channeLi or kAe suer w h: p i >na aeS n a he - d etian ne i i as T S` (-%-N tem un w Iib the Her•srage and A & E FAV-&.-az a crNramaoee PAXX oata- .Sbie --im- As of + u .Jw. brN,c-.- panum *Satter: 1%,&,n ay er. . he w a ; ;till on the gave rnavnnes , the -qax lahrarf cnasnuaee. (0 taiimg the nc-+ :Z20Wn "Aa it :land, anw tie'; w I hrmt losing the old a memher ;f the Librar'• ane[, crnmzslrir c %W:4A h2ppe M The i ientap coauna me in the fuasr_ : drag t iuxpw dca.; wuz -monad aaam ane: i y.. 1 ;6wuiate.- refried to cornmunlca- k I c fear :';6 a.-_ k I n of the baht' and over%m tach ;office rad This-.- atalcam as the Canadian kat::.-, are] T ekcou=unl- tt bt; '�2ne ciaimz eati.:n; Cnmmission. the Cana ::in B roa&a_sting tsar a trt :cam. sr,: r, be (,r;,osat,00 and the sac r. t= i,r,, m rsl -r. Nac-xai R1m Board Mr. Mute- tie-" :.ittz- C v;L The Libc-ir. of Parka- ." scat cr wmittec IcMks -a► be : 121tr AIclzaee aider the h rat• m the par - IA :.a ; :. - be k2MM b1:14=gI LENANNA _ DENTAL GROUP D► Herr,! .�i:t:a-.. 1► 5ttp�ea 1�m5icti. Dc hr w a: -_ Kenna 's = are proud to an. -ounce the op�Ag -� 1� G?e•lanna R� ' We Wvicame Sew Patents k ,cies r.Pickering Medica] Centre 831-7366 a A New look For Bock To School The Family Hair Care Centre FROM PAGE t III late July. just after learning Darla had reiWsed again atboa a im- man& mmismon and was tin iliciv w survive. the Burtons were told a donor had leen kmd n"be adtb were micteflibie agammit him doling a ma rb_' says '_1�r. Sur - KW teailing that the day btdiote he and bels waifiee W= raid the good news the doctor had warned them am m hold ant too much WVe for a donor because Dwid's 'typiung' was tate and inure was ,batt The Burnes mfl don't )maw who the donor is or what couni:v he or she is hod Dmun don't wast to teieaee env itieut t[ * irnfarisosut becattae thea daa't want the donor to be used xamy. by my mesa Bat Mir But 's bwwkdae of the duoor z'pstrauoa and stash process lei hi® efl neheve the person W tnaV i.Z•/e IIS :chi i life 14 `alsM ft United 5 =S. F& 11rJtS I env .Anic n- ears ft--: ai�+et 94%e -k for a tar�ari br* ae ati�Ia In scatfian Daniel Burton. w ()Marr. we tura= ae." xveraae 18 when he's in I M ptiam Qx= as : kvxb and CAW,, r- ing bone marrow zea w%, -e -3e ° it --.gas >5 end s and v%0eo he recavec ==-_i lit -14 rbc_- ae<: to pubilc.2e party last Sant rda Dwae- i sic ph Jaesz+c Y-�; pr-�e, ie at+le � knout bl, me mm anng~i about 'W- years after the manspiant. It is thea he :_.ar--- :-meat is allowed to know the donor's IAG:Cf- if he dare ions Tr it. Ews far :r- all that has born rr-%taied is that the donor _ager a hospital somewhere the day before Daniel's mmspt A Ic ha -.e b-)rx ffar owv removed from a hip. A nurse nL'1-•tl that to pick it up and bring A to the The Hospital far Skit Qnldrm in Toroao where Daniel will be waiting. !f all wxf, well. Daniel will have io stay in hospital far to good' : Dad AUTOBOVZ Service Centre no AIR CONDMONiNG SPECIAL ALLY AAPIPIOVEQ i ^31 area Rb 11st _%W, of tae 40 I tot. L : 1i 3T~ F- cam.. c_ • as ftw� (90-4)686-8330 DO AM Of nK FOLLOWING PEJ<TAIN TO YOU? :1-i h-arwr a home computer or Intend to purchase, ne + dx- and y,,.: b -.:;d Uke ,,,ur children to learn -npu..-+� ^yt.'er9 ,w-rk aria use them frier timely w a x,v ^:I•ar cnY—bie kerning w-.- computers r i<R ch: Crer. and you have a child whc wind -nth -at3t f :� additx,ru help ir. reading. spclhng or :'r,u ha f- a pre w - .n{r andy :u're look, _ for r.�..yabie dear-L-sk ar,u,,zties in a smaL class rr-Ironmcnt - .'-,u mall your children m valuab;e after school ­%vttles because .:u beiieve that icecpirig them ,ctno- pr;r*dr.. pa-' ,f grr i1N up DID YOU 11210W.. -.PH OFFZX YEAR ROG1rD EACH �'S P1113Gawr ran CUSTOM . - TOC CAN El OKL AT ANY TIM. -PEP-48C Cao US TO REC ZVB A03M AWPORKA23M. lobs C •C ANING Ftm 370 Westnry Boal South, Ajar 1 25 Kin�r,n ltd- 11 G 61Dbcovfty 1 W Pi. kec . IR . , 90070 9 1een4 "At leaat four weeb o+ to WW be in isolation who he cadt bane vigmm- 2173?*. Button. "No sib} flogs, no friends-" One parent at a time will be alloyed to vm Daniel, but only after going through sterilization prme- dures. W1106010 nooar at the hospital are equipped wilh TVs and video games to help keep lonesome patients busy, and Daniel win be able to ace a sole of his bvorite "s - The transplaat will improve Darnel's chwce of satviving his can- cer from roue tD 40 per neat. accord' ing to doctors. There is a risk the donated marrow wo■I't grow inside his body or "graft vs, host disease^ will see his body reject the donor marrow or vice -versa. As well. Daniel could 1 dOF a ndapse of his Inticemn if the pie-aatesitwon radia- tion and c bemodarapy haven't tilled all the caterer rebs. o turns 10 on Oct "About two years aflar the tranas- spital for a Ide-sav- pmt you can start relaxing a bit, - w spiant. clutches a says Mr. Burton. Even then, espe- 3t an earty birthday CODY is the forst five Yeats, there is a chance the patient will develop o by Ron Pietroniro another form of cancer from the radi- ation and climiotherapy he received to eradicate the first one - The Burtons, however, are grateful Daniel has a fighting .mance. He is feeling "very good" right novo. according to his p1ber, and has been atxending school while waiting for his transplant - Daniel will be turning 10 on Oct 18, while he's in the hos- pital, so family and friends celebrated his biirtbdav early with a pwty at an indoor amusement centre in Oshawa last week. IRVING A. BURTON LIMITED Trustee in Bankruptcy THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR INITIAL CONSULTATION CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT Pat.RW tw OCS, ON FZ • , 'I .s 1 44 06 71. WE.l t K:X S' IsrE Lrr 8394981 83 9-8 981 839-8981 IL -'� yrs � = ALawe :i FF _MERLNG 25 O CUSTOM OVCM (O ORDERS o 0 COMOVO O �TxD •�LOMM O P10011. tiaolDet 3 ii COX SHOP EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOWMENT Hours are: �~ 477 6., U711at Mm. Weed 16 - pMastdKew**. Rar4 :i;un Fn if) - gP%!oi saner da,r Irl - 5FM naM Vlk am& iunra CkSsed MW 477-S4 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2* 1"15-PAGF 5 Walkers Take Back the Night to protest violence against women and children dren PICKERING About 350 women and chil- dren took part Tkff3day in Pkct ering's first ever Take Back the Night walk to protest violence against women and kids. "It was excel- lent, everything went as we had planned," says walk co-chairman Rita McDonald. "There were so many people who came to me who had never walked before and who experience for had predicted, tion from cheered them on. awmemm of vio- said what a won- them." Mrs. McDonald motorists who She said the lence against derful thing we Rather tbw cro- noted the wal kas often honked, walk achieved its women and chil- had done for the atkng baf5c prob- got a warm mcep- waved and goal of raising dren. community. It lems along the was a very power- Hwy. 2 portion e J[_1!MA0E_S OIC r CANVAS fnl and moving their wit as some J �(, PUT YOUR FAVORITE PICTURE ON CANVAS FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 90S•655.4735 SEAA9 M. .E.xyvct more from Sears Renovate now,... Save 10%K Installed X'irn-1 Windows -Sa%u* r haca on . 16nurnum puna ak of i wuxiov. „prn,riK, Installed Kenmore Furnaces Installed Entry Doors Save 5100 on an Installed Gas Fireplace Insert Sak ends Sunday. November 5. 1995 Installed Roofing Use Your Sears Card and Don'tpay' March '96 offer applies m selected rrmalled hour unptowemena, on approved credit, vnth your Seas Gad. $25 dekmal tee apples. No minunum purthase rtyiured. No 3rd party credit applcation. No down payment regtured. No prepayment of tires. Oder ends November 5. 1995. Ask Ax detai & CALL. NOW, TOLL FREE, FOR A NO -OBLIGATION IN-HOME ESTIMATE OR VISIT YOUR SEARS RETAIL STORE 1-800-625-0025 Sears Guaranteed Home Improvements Talk to someone you know" copyt* 1995. sawn Canada kX. The Meat People" Fresh Texas Style Chicken �� Back] Wingssat'�'' Ribs $ 49 $29 � 3%. �n�►Fsnsr oM.r wry seEcui sErsEMatn rlra o►Qr. Breakfast 49 I,,- Bacon lb.! Pork Side Ribs $199 >b. Swett 'n Sour Pork Side Ribs $ 29 t�h. Ground Pork #9C91b. co fry veal -r Cheese >!f 49 4 nX a, BeeF or Pork Stir Fry $$9 ,3 Ib. 'cenm cut Pork Chops $2, �_ 3 M. _10 (ft"V*$2" Bees M veal veal cu"ets SIMV" ni $549 $5" Sirloin Steaks 53 99 %. Pan -Fry Senitzeft S2M. 99 London Broils $2 99 %. Breaded Chicken Flingers $299 Ib. R"WWWRot Italian Sausages 5169 I�10IY =V= sour l n 01aASIO mu 9 LOCATIONS WCf, MG llcaMr PL Rd. l PICUMMG Ul-7961 Now We& & Thies. t7 Fief. !i SOLRAVLV IMab W PACE, 6 -THF, NEWS ADVF.RTISF.R SUNDAY. SF.PTF.MKFR 24. 1995 Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser 7104tY W 1 W Wer iW shiner A Maaal�d Cavity Ne.ap�ar lbANIC KENALUM. Bdror-ierief d Wedembr. Fes,, Sw&y 11 KXZ 130132 Carrsciul Ave Aja. t],t ALVIN �IOtl9Y�, Rani 1,rtrRer LIS 2R5 AM,Da ioammW t mwU3.5110 Fm6E3.7363 QP13_210 Burn0 ing issue It has taitea eight years belt ship lawyers with the C WFM lobacron 00111pa■ies bare Io■ad a way b d nt■eveat the Toba000 Co■bd Act. 'Ilse Sop mare Cam of Caadr. a a diockjoll dtnciaiM has err UMed ie lent► bsoniog iga me adverisimg- The Stfpreae CMM in a 5-4 decision, need loba000 eoeapnies have the tight ND sh ruse a legal podutct Me rurngm belag d�� 1999 dec�ioa by the fedQal go�rata- mew Yon probably won't see a piommadon of advertising in newspapers in this area beassw the Canadian Tobacco Coined declared that it would maintain the ban while it huddles in seetiogs with The Waal gov m rat about the potential cbaoges. 'Ibow d'hsaosiom win obviously I I F around creating a new law which will stand up to any more legal cholleam The disappoetmeac of atm -smoking lobbyists will be heard bag and loudly mal something is dome to change dos decision. The whole mess seems ham the fact that Section 1 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms sboves the bmtim of prod on the government to dearly dis- play why a law which of *ges on a ConsduldoeW right is jus- trfm io a free nation To The editor: recheck the location of my lioeace every Clary. the government failed to provide a compelling rm writing with regards to bow the time I jump into the boat while on a legal argument No beep the law on the books It is " I - - ive government of Ontario has ruined the fishing trip up north where the only that in next few months legislators discover a way e 3PPCM very essence of the specw sport of fish- clothes I've brought are a pair of swim anti-smoking groups. Lawmakers could invoke some stringent ng for me. Fishing is abort the ability trunks. I would rather send off S50 and guidelines and insist that sobaoco be considered a hazardous so escape to a relaxing and natural amv- get a tattoo on my forehead saying ,product, forcing tobacco companies to comply with the ih' where time can actually stand still. 'paid in full". .Hazardous Products Act. After all. for the past -decade our where millions of line day -in and day- An honest government should govarnment has been telling tis how hazardous tobacco is to out headaches of modern living just acknowledge the millions of people in our heahh and welfare. One suggestion has baa to marry pub- seem to go away. this province who fish only once or lic service so wbecco Wig. If a ccmpa-Far geoeratnns, it has bom the sim- twice a year and cut them some slack try rakes out a full per advert for a dgaueue product it 1� Of spot' reqnring little else but a Fishing shouldn't be about always must devote the same amount of space for The Lung �of a and wale: Until the recent � wworrying where your licence is, it Association or the Canadian Caner Society. Until then, we'll mandatory fishm8 hcenm should be about mindless relaxation. be waiting with bated Math to see who happens. This licence must be carried at all Mice Newtrrae times and I hate having to dick and pkkeriM Mr[rs'1N1 To TM NEM Ano ,130 CoI l;RclwL AvE., AJA34 LIS 2H5 OR FAX us AT 68X7363. 0 rfory attack on child care is appalling Sunday's best I won't be gone fishin' To the edits- In 1983, I bought my fire membership to a political party. Proud and honored to be a card carrying partisan, I began a course of post -sec- ondary education at a college and university. In 1985, I graduated with a diploma in carry childhood education and went on to the University of Toronto to study political science. Working directly in politics at the university level, I gained insight into the various struggles and challenges governments face. Later, I began working on varices campaigns, ensuring my political beliefs were shared,. I respected my a>Hbigues and learned that the government was me. More than a decade Mater, rm am class woman, an eariy childhood educator, a day - are operator, a parent using licensed child cane and a Progressive Conservative. I feel sharply diHaeot today foam bow I fek 12 years ago. I am appalled that dr PC government, in a short period of time, has proposed b dismantle a system that has improved in its level of pro- fessionalism and organization, and also improved in its effectiveness with respect to pig quality child care for chile ken. In fact this system is well respected and admired across the country. Finally, it impoved the ability to promote women in the Quality child care options allow families to work, buy homes, pay taxes and contribute to our society. Poor quality child care can force People to quit their jobs and possibly collect welfare. More importantly, it puns our children in a less than favorable situation. In general, licensed child care when compared to tnregu- lased, non -licensed child care has prove= so be of entente quality. The notion that child care is merely a babysitting service for feminists who prefer to work leads me to conclude that if women want to wok then let them, but don't expect our gov- ertment to pay for i. I find this both maedibly archaic and offensive. To add insult to injury, I was completely miffed by recent media reports implying that she minister and Premier Mike Harris felt that someone with a biological relationship could and should be the primary caregiver for a child whose perm rogtim mid case to wet or go to school. They indicated this biological con- nection would crease a stronger bond between parent and child. As an adopted child, I stress that this notion is way out of line. Are they sug- gating that parte who adopt children are not as adequwTe as those parents who ane biological- ly related? I hope not. If I chose not so wort and stay at home with our son Taylor, we Could survive. However, we would rent, not own our home, we wouldn't pay taxes, and we wouldn't eoosu me local fast food. Furthermore, we couldn't support local businesses and afford to shop hequendy at our local mall. By not supporting quality, licensed child care there will be serious f rmicial impli- canons some short-sighted individuals may not realize. Directing a community-based child care Centre far the last seven years has allowed me to become aware of bow important licensed child care can be. As a proponent of commumi- ty-based child care, I believe we have come a long way. Most community-based child pre Centres do not just provide child care. We develop our own subsidies to ensure all families participate, we develop extra programs to ensure all children are included in our pro- grams, regardless of their differing abilities and special needs- We provide families with a type of "extended family" that many young couples with children don't have. If the government ops for a cheaper farm of child care, such as the nou-licensed voucher option, it will not only raise potential problem from umegubsed care, it will essentially be los- ing many "invisible" services that are highly effective. Steve Houston Opinion We need an MP who can say "Yes!' See what happens when you lis- ten to your cousdpeeots? Ontario Riding Liberal MP Dan McTeagtee learned things the hard way this week after voting against his party's legislation regarding criminal sentencing procedures. For his efforts he was, ahem, `demoted' to serve on a Parliamentary library committee. It could have been worse for Mr. McTmgue. There was some talk be would be made responsible for the Parliamentary crosswalk in front of the House of Commons, or worse, chairman of the referendum 'Yes' side in Preston Manning's home riding. At any rate, Mr. McTeague is paying the price for ignoring established Parliamentary proce- dures and voting against his own government's initiatives. I've met Mr. McTeague several times, I've watched him play a role in several high-profile issues and I can say this: He should have seen it coming. He is articulate and outspoken. He wears his principles on the lapel of his suit jacket. He does what he says he's going to do. He listens to his constituents. If that's not a recipe for stirring up the Parliamentary poop, I don't know what is. Consequently. he got what was coming to him. But rather than send rebel MPs off to sit on obscure committees. or be charged with cleaning the coffee room, Prime Minister Jean Chretien should consider a theory class on politics for wayward MPs as a more effective means of pun- ishment. Think about it. Guest speakers, history lessons, French class, read- ing the Hansard, practical lessons on how to vote in the House (Yes! Yes Again! Yes! Yes! Yes!). In the end we would have MPs who are taught, using methods they can understand, the proper way to be an MP in latter-day Ottawa. And those of us back here in Ontario Riding could be proud of the person we sent to Ottawa, pre- packaged with 'Yesses', aware of the rule of Parliament, eager to maintain established tradition, ignorant of who the people want. Now that's democracy! That's representation by population! That's effective government! Lucien Bouchard could use a few lessons in that regard. Then, only thea, would we have a truly united nation. HEAVY DUTY STEEL BUNK BED 1LOR TRAWOLUS :REO TELEVISION 37" STEREO TV QUEEN ANN COFFEE -;.,OR END TABLES tz: PAGE S -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 111"5 Hearing-impaired student awarded scholarship O `Exceptional9 student shmm $1;000 with Whitby peer Pi(aRM — A No school grad- uatle *bo "excelled in all aspects of school and eommtoity liife" despite a severe bearding loss is this year's recipi- em Of dents. P for San. Adam SudFo s of Phn Ridge Sec- ondary School has beets aw►aded the K.D. Munroe S11:1111111:1111111111TSW die Durban Board of Education has atmotmoed. The scholar- ship is pmeent- ad annually b a sdifdent who is physically I handicapped, hearing Adstn 1 impaired andlar I visually Sr"ings impaired Mr. Spellings suffers from severe bilateral hearing loss which causes him severe difficulty in hearing and in speaking dearly. according to nomina- tors_ Still, he mammined a high boors average and participated in drama as an actor, organizer and fund-raiser. He organized the first drama festival ar Fine Ridge and was one of the leading actom as well as advertising campaign dum- tor. -Adam is well-respected by his leachers and hip peer group and has an excellent sense of humor." his nomina- our wrote. Mr. Snellings will shag the S1.000 scholarship with a Whitby student who is also hearing inVaired. Award candidates must have anended a Durham public school for at least two years and be graduating from a sec- ondary school. including Sir James Whitney School in Belleville and the W. Ross MacDonald School in Brantford. the larger two catering to students with special needs_ Candidates must also be cotinntting their sutdies at university or college. The award is in honor of Ken- neth D_ Munroe, who served as the board's director of education from 1971 to 1983. When he retired, the board established the scholarship fund to rec- ognize his outstanding side to educa- tion for 37 years. Maple Riddgge Dental Office 831-3603 P. �, MA M 006 Yel�n ODs N k"T" Instant Bingo winner makes instant trip to lottery office PICKERING — Ontario Lottery Corpora - Andrew Thom$ wouldn't tion's Toronto prize office believe be had a winning Tuesday. louery ticket until he Mr. Tboms, a 33 -year - had the $10,000 in old Sony Canada his hada. Ltd. service man - "It's gotta be," ager, was on his the Pig resi- lunch hour when dent kept repent- he bought the tick- ing to himself .: <° v <::;::; et and scrasched it in as be drove his car to discover be immediately from had woo. the Scarborough store He and his wife Joan where he bought the plan to pay off bills with hila nt Bingo adba to the their prize money. The Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser celebrates National Newspaper Week The Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser is celebrating National Newspaper Week (Oct 8-14) with a spacial contest for students in Grades 5 through 8. You can be the Editor for a day by answering this simple question: How do think new technology will change the way you get your news :' Deadline: Friday, Oct. 6 at noon Send your entries to: News Editor for a day clo News Advertiser Canadian Tire lumc U111,1111111' PICKERING BASIC • Up to 5 Wes of 1 OW30 NuGdd oil • 11AoiOrrloaer Oil fEw • challis kAxk lion PICKERING 99* Mod Dors Ervin Chop ASK AaOUT OUR DEFFROW PAYINEM PIA, Pickering Store 9-8124 1 non Road at livefpool Flyers right at your doorstep in the News Advertiser! FALL CHECK-UP High value package, using genuine Volkswagen parts. Covered by twelve months / 20,000 km. service warranty LIMITED TIME OFFER - sm moot:t,s Em 9 9 5 Offer ends Dec. 31195 Genuine Parts A Service WE WILL GIVE YOUR VOLKSWAGEN A THOROUGH 26-POWT CHECK -M, INMUDMG Supply and Install ❑4 spark plugs ❑Air filter❑Oil filter Carefully check ❑ E iectronically analyze engine performance and emissions B Adjust engine idle and fuel mixture Compression test engine and give you written results (gasoline engines only) E3 A;' fluid levels ❑ Cneck radiator coolant strength ❑ Load test battery, check electolye level and battery cables ❑ Adjust cables (where applicable) ❑ Drain diesel fuel filter ❑ Lubricate door hinges and hood latch ❑4 litres of quality Autobahn Motor Oil []Set of points (where applicable)�� Adjust, analyze, test and lubricate: ❑ Aitemator charging rate ❑ Adjust windshield washer jets ❑ Operation of heater valve and adjust control cable ❑ Condition of coolant hoses, pressure test radiator cap and coolant system [3 Distributor cap, rotor and spark plug wires ❑ Tension and condition of V -belts ❑ Operation of rear window defogger (where applicable) ❑ Block heater (where applicable) ❑ All interior and exterior lights ❑ Thickness and condition of brake pads, discs and rear brake lining ❑ Condition of all 5 tires and inflate proper I sures (01 OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC. Experience the Owasco Feeling • Proven to serve you best since 1972 • An I Care" and CAA award winner iR== • Saks, service, leasing, body shop, all makes •Rentals in Canada, USA and Europe, overseas dNive nSap 1425 Dundas St. E., Whitby (905) 686-6410 TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR TRADE! P M =1•\0=M=1ra0::1' Visit us al the Oshawa Horn• Show Sept_ 28 - Oct 1 195 0 SEPTEMBER MADNESS viol 11 k1lif an all cruises booked with CANADIAN HOLIDAYS CRUISES ENCORE CRUISES PRINCESS CRUISES (CRUISE ONLY) CARNIVAL CRUISES Must be booked before September 30, 1995 Q UM IM AJAX TRAVEL ru1rch Q eCENTRE 676 , Unit 8Ajax Ont. 5 683-4800 Applies to new bookings only. Sale ends September 30, 1995 Cruise must be booked and confirmed with deposit on file- Port charges and taxes extra. THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2.4, 1995 -PAGE 9 ' ANEW CORK, AND -` A NEW WAV TO SAVE4;r J;AY RIDGES ICU ASSORTED VARIETIES Heinz Beans or Pasta 2/ .9 3r3rQnttl ASSORTED CHEDDARS or UOZZARELLA Bright's Cheese Bars 4 mog 99 am 7- 4111M 4 MA. -s M 41. - PRODUCT OF U.S-t.. EXTRA FANCY GRADE Red or Golden Delicious Apples 79 10. ■ 1.74K9 ASSORTED. FRESHLY BAKED Fruit Danish 169 Package of 6 .Mt CUT FROM CANADA A AA AAA GRADES BEEF Eye of Round Steaks or Roast Z99 "Kg BITTNER'S. EYE OF ROUND Pastrami or ComedBeef long 88 3.99,1b. THESE EXTRA FEATURES ARE AVAILABLE AT BAY RIDGES IGA ONLY. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LWIT OUANPTIES PRICES EFFECTIVE FROM SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 24th UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 30th. 1995 'PAGE. 10 -THF. NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. SEFTFMRF.R 24, ISIS. Student enrolment figures climb this DURHAM — Durham last year. "It's just oumand- tor," she says. Tuition for one College is Mowing the lead mg," she says. "We feel very year at Durham College is of schools amm the region fortunate." Fust year enrol- $1,360; university tuition can with increased student enrol- ment is up 13 per cent, with cost twice as much. The cur- ment for the 1995/96 year. an additional 262, bringing rent economic situation has Mary Lynn West Moynes, the number to 2,345. Ms. more students applying for executive duector of comma- West-Moynes suggests financial aid. Bonnie Pickard, mcatiom and development increased enrolment figures senior finswal officer for the for the college, retorts OW could reflect low nation fees. college, is estimating a 5 -per enrolment at 4,209, an "It would be foolish for us cent increase in the amount of in itine of eight percent over not to consider this as a fac- Ontario Student Assistance year at Durham College prl� its, majority of students being "Our Facuhy have u4mcat- To dace 2,300 applications single. This year, however, it ed that we have an older pop - have been processed with appears there is an increase in ulation than we ever had another 500 more expected older student& befa-" for this year. Approximately 95 ceiver cent oaf aid. cants The student population looks much like it did last year, with an equivalent ratio of males to female, with the Can ym tail when On picture at left was b*en? If so, fiN out the beNot hemnw, WN us where it is and mail it to: Gutss Where i c% of the News Advertiser, 130 t Commercial Ave., =, Ajax, OM. L1S 21-15 Last week's winner was Patricia Lemon of Pickering, who v identified the Courtyard in Pickering Village. My guess is: PRECIOUS PLATES `N THINGS 4"5 Westney Rd. N. (N. of Hr 2) :AJAX 68&-185 •Ir TAKIIl% ORDERS "HEROES ON ICE" #1 -Wayne Gretzkt- S2 -Doug Gilmour #3 -Mark Messier (Delivery Available) BE BRADFORD EXCHANGE DEALER Serving Durham Since 1983 • COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICES INCLUDING INTERLOCK WALKS, PATIOS AND DRIVEWAYS • FULL PLANTING SERVICES • WRITTEN 3 YEAR WARRANTY • SENORS DISCOUNT AVAILABLE 427-9015 AmwAGvw�TM • Coatings Canada PolyuroMono Sprayod Protection AMAGUNW is an exckalm Carradim dbbtbuw of pofyure0arre COWN syslet. for a wide variety of apprcarom in ft kldlXMW and dcnreetl r martats on metal. wood and concrete whore corrosion, abrasion or ingot proler ion is requked. AMMOUMW is looldrg for aggressive and ertwprisirrp business people to loin our existing doWer network in a number of key naricet8 throughW Canada. As an ARMAGUMW dealer you wN have comprehensive corpora% support N chidrg sobs and technical training. Our deabr package inckides an required spray equipment (excludkrg or and power%. promoboral material a" with an ewkmve deMw territory. K you aro interested in a solid Investment opportunity in a leading edge Product with minimal competition. qa now. wwoews tie wen as investor managers are encouraged to respond. An inquiries remain stncffy confidential. Please call us at (403) 460-3000 Fax us at (40) ata.= or r mN your inquky to A.E- (Areft) Bryson. Preeiderrt wed 13erreral wneBer sue eaa2 Pr Wasko .l Bldg, 7 st. Ams Sbeet, st Afbsrt, Mherb TO 2l4 f4 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 19WPAGE 11 11, ealth-Rite " MURRAY D. STROUD StsM Farm is rw ' ' Royin' .: ,M .M. Warrister, Oolicitor not Notary volic 7gef"C AJAXa y rW AX MURRAY D. STROUD • LAW OFFICE wnrj a ft 356ItIffMMOI RM stir. sten PKXBWWX, off.70MUM (906) 5091353 •Eft TL 1Y IA2 FAX M 5050M THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 19WPAGE 11 11, ealth-Rite " PRESCRIPTIONS StsM Farm is rw ' We Deliver - 428-171104 W. scat Andrews 75 BAYLY ST. W., AgM Fid., Stift 2W AJAXa y rW AX Pkke", Ontario L1V IA1 Bus: 905-509-1167 To 'list your trop -profit group's upcoming events, information must be submitted by 5 pm. the Wednesday preceding Sunday 1ubb- catiw To have your events prumoted in Bill- board, tau 683-7363 or write to the Ajax-Pick- ering jax-PickBring News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 ANNIVERSARY: Mount Zion United Church, 3000 Conc. 8, Pickering, holds a church anniversary with a service at 11 am. followed by a lurncheon, and a 7:30 pm. ser- vice followed by a social hour. 649-1337. ARTS AND CRAFTS: Greenwood Conser- vaum Area hosts its Fnfth Annual Arts and Crafts Festival from 9 am. to 4 pmL Wagon rides, children's activities. It's off Wtstney Rd- six kilometres north of Hwy. 401, Ajax. 416-661-6600. EFFECTIVE SPEAIONG: The Christopher Leadership Courses of Canada's effective speaking and self-confidence courses begin this week at 110 Ash SL in Whitby and l l l Simooe SL N. in Oshawa. Register at 427- 5169 or 430-618. CRAFT SALE: Pickering Museum Village holds its end of season sale from 11 am_ to 4 pm. Handcrafted gift items at n%luced prices. Free admission on sale day with any purchase. Located on Hwy_ 7 between Brock and West- rey Roads in Greenwood. 683-8401. TROPHY DAY: The Ajax Spartans Minor Baseball Association's banquet and trophy day is in the HMS Ajax Room, Ajax Commu- nity Centre. Players should wear their baseball sbirts and conte at the following times: 9 am. to 10 - T -ball minor; 10 am. to 11 - T -ball major 11 am. to 12 - rookie ball minor; 12 P -m. to 1 - rookie ball major, l pm. to 2 - mo6quito boys, Alcaw Division; 2 pm. to 3 - mosquito boys, Molitor Division; 3 pm. to 4 - mosquuito, bantam and midget girls: 4 p.m. to 5 - peewee boys and 5 pm. to 6 - bantam, midget boys - AUDITIONS: Pickering Players theatre troupe holds auditions for its production of A Sleeping Beauty from 2 to 5 pm. at the Pick- ering Recreation Complex. Valley Farm Rd. south of Hwy. 2.420-2507. - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 POETS: The Writers' Circle of Durham Region hosts Poets in the Pub every other Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. at The Courtyard Pub, 109 Old Kingston Rd, Pickering Vil- lage. There's no cover charge. Poets and songwriters wishing to read or perform should call Dawn Hembling at 831-7737. CANCER SUPPORT: The Living with Can- cer support group for adults, friends and Emu- ly meets from 7 to 9 pm. in Roan GO 13 in the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital, Har- wood Ave. south of Bayly SL Enter the new wing and take the elevator down one floor to G level. It meets the second and last Monday of each mond. 6861516. IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE CALL CHRISTIAN ANN AT (416) 798.7672 AUDITIONS: Pickering Players theatre troupe holds auditions for its productim of A Shaping Beauty from 8 to 11 pm. at the Pick- eting Recreation Complex. Valley Farm Rd. south of Hwy. 2.420-250x1. TUESDAY, SEPIEMER 26 PARENT SUPPORT: The Association of Parent Support Groups m Ontario meets every Tuesday at 7:15 pm. It's for parents worried about their children becoming involved in drugs, akoboL running away, dropping out, crimes or parental abuse. Call 905-737-8034 or 14800488-5666 for location. DISCUSSION: The Ajax Senior Citizens' Friendship Club holds a discussion group at 9:30 am. at 46 Exeter Rd Ptia Hurley dis- cussm the Medic,. -al Man. 619-0135. LEARNING CENTRES: Pickering Pente- costal Church, 755 Oklahoma Dr., begins an after-school program for students aged sok ID 12 who attend Fairport Beach Pudic School, Our Lady of the Bay Catholic School, and Frenchman's Bay Public School. 839 -1302 - AMNESTY: The Amnesty International, Pickering/Ajax chapter, meets at 7:30 pm, at Pickering Village United Church. 300 Church SL N. The program is on Haiti. with special music by Glenda Varty. 839-3969. AQUARIUM SOCIETY: The Durham Region Aquarium Society holds its monthly meeting (usually the second Tuesday of each month) at 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria at the rear of RS. McLaughlin Collegiate, 570 Steven- son Rd. N., just south of Rossland Rd.. Oshawa Guest speaker Paul MacFariine dis- cusses catfish. 8314)940 (Ty Fisher). CANADIAN CLUB: The Canadian Club of Durham Region meas at noon at Holiday Inn, 1011 B loor S t. E_, Oshawa. Guest speaker Tayce Wakefield VP of Corporate Affairs at General Motors of Canada Luncheon S 15 for members, S 16 for non-members. Reservations required 655-4530, 668-2484 or 6862535. INFERTILITY: Infertility Information in Durham meets at 7 pm. in the Regional Health Department offices in the Lang Tower of the Whitby Mall, corner of Thickscxm Rd and Hwy. 2. It's for people having difficulty getting pregnant, undergoing infertility treat- ment or involved in the adoption process. Couples and individuals welcome. 623-2511. SCHOOL VIOLENCE: Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School's parent - teacher association hosts its monthly presenta- tion at 7:30 pm. at 80 Mandrake St, Ajax. A Police Leaming Centre representative will dis- am Diminishing Violence at the Secondary School Level. 427-6667. PUBLIC SPEAKING: The Pickering Pow- erhouse Toastmasters Club meets at the Rougemont Public Library, 1340 Rouge - mount Dr., Pickering, at 6:30 pm. (416) 287- 3635,(905) 686-6154. WEDNESDAY, SEPIIE BER 27 CAMERA CLUB: The Pickering Camera Serving Your Favourite Imported Beers "13 Beer's On Tap" LIVE MUSIC THURS., FRI., SAT. NIGHTS PUB GRUB DAILY SPECIALS 14.95 PI�OR683-9353 Club meets at 7:30 pin at Pine Ridge Sec- ondary School, room 2093, Liverpool Rd. N. It meets September though May. All levels of skill welcome. 83141907. EM . The Women's Club of Durham holds a incasing on enttepencul sbip with Body Shop maer Linda Dean Tyn- dall at Regalis, 1305 PWW ing Parkway. Net- working at 6 pm., dinar at 6:45, with presen- tation to follow. S25 for club members. S30 for non-members. 721-9088 or 837-6655. MENOPAUSE: A Menopause Information Session is held firm 7 b 9 pm. at Pickering Central library, One The Esplanade. A public health nurse, mtritionist and doctor of natur- opathy Dr- Anke Zimmermann discuss the Myths and Mysteries of Menopause. Men and women welcome. Free. Register at 831-6265, exL 243. ALZH[IIMER.- Alzheimer Durham holds its Ajax -Pickering Family Support Grog meet- ing at 7:30 pm. at the Caregiver Relief 00 -ren, 487 Westney Rd S.. Units 19 and 20, at the corner of Clements Rd W.. Ajax. 576-2567. COMPUTERS: Macintosh Users East (MaUsE) meets from 7 to 10 pm. at a new location in the lecture theatre of Henry Street High School, 614 Henry SL, Wbitby. The top- ics are Cellular Modems and an Internet update. The group meets the fourth Wednes- day of each month. Its for owners and users of Apple Macintosh personal computers. All wekoame at no charge. 433-0777. AUDITIONS: Pickering Players theatre troupe holds auditions for its production of A Sleeping Beatty from 8 to 11 pm. at the Pick- eing Recreation Complex, Valley Farm Rd- south dsouth of Hwy. 2.420-2507. THURSDAY, SEP EN BER 28 CHRISTIAN WOMEN: The Ajax -Picker - ng Christian Women's Club meets from 9:30 to 11:15 aimat Gallantry's Banquet Room, lower level, in the Pickering Town Centre. Home decorating ideas by Wally. $4.50. Free babysitting available (S1 for first -timers). Reserve by SepL 26.427-0619 or 428-8505 before Sept- 26. ENVIRONMENT: The Durham Environ- mental Network meets at 7:30 pm. in court- room #1, 132 Church SL (Church and Tem- perance Streets, enter side door of fireball, upstairs), Bowmanville. Guest speaker Irene Kock: of Durham Nuclear Awarentas discuss- es the nuclear fusion facility at Darlington and other local nuclear issues affecting Durham Region. All welcome. Free. Bring mug for coffee or tea 509-3156 or 623-8814. LEARNING DISABILrrIES: The Learning Disabilities Association of Durham West holds its annual general meeting at 7:30 pm. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. 35 Church SL N., Pickering Village. Annamaria Maecarone of the Children's Services Council discusses services available for children in Durham Region. 686-1790. Why Pay More? Brand Name Quality at No Name Prices For Your Sleeping Comfort Visit our Factory Direct Showroom Free Delivery, Free Disposal of Old Set. 1698 Bayly st.. Unit 1 Pickering BAYLTS Great Food' creat Prices 1235 BAYLY ST. 420-5412 FRIDAY, SEPT. 29 CONCERT: A classical concert to benefit the Dunberton-Fairport United Church is held at 8 pm , featuring Spanish guitarist Jute Luis Bieito and organist Derrick Lewis. Free admission, but a collection will be taken The church is at 1066 Dunbenoo Rd., Pkk crb& 839-7271. CLOTHING SALE: SL Martin's Anglican Church, 1201 St. Martins Dr., Pickering. holds a used clothing sale and white eiephat from 7 to 9 pm. To dornase items, call Barb at 839-4769. ADDICTIONS: The Serenity Group, a 12 - step recovery group, holds its weekly meelirng at 8 p.m. at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd. Pickeing. It deals with addic- tions of all types 428-9431 (Jim). SATURDAY, SEPT. 30 DANCE: The United Way of Ajax -Pickering bolds an Italian feast and dance at the Picker - mg Recreation Complex featuring stand-up comedians from Yuk Yuk's. a live band, silent auction. balloon burst and spot dances. $35 per person, a portion of which is tax- deductible- I -or tickets, call 6860606. BIRTHDAY PARTY: The Pickering ReQe- ation Complex holds its 12th birthday party from 10 am. to 2 pm. Barbecue, kids' perfor- mances. balloons and downs, giant butbday cake. 831-1711 or 683 -6582 - READING CIRCLE: The Pickering Read- ing Circle meets from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. at Orchard Villa. 1955 Valley Farm Rd_ Picker - ng. It's a free program for children who wish to read to an adult in either French or English- 839-3032. nglish839-3032. NATURALISTS: bickering Nannalists view fall fauna at East Point Park_ Meet at 9:30 a rn at the parking lot adjacent Io the Scarbor- ough Sewage Treatment Plan at the south end of Beechgrove Rd (south of the C_NR track_%). south of Lawrence Ave. E. and east of Mom- ingside Ave. (416)267-4803 (Jeff Warren). CRAFTS AND BAZAAR: The Pickering Village Seniors Club holds a craft sale and bazaar from, 10 am. to 3 pmL at the Pickering Village Senior Citizens Centre, 29 Linton Ave.. Ajax. Crafts. bake table, plants, books, quilt draw. Lunch from 11 am. to 2 pm. is available for S3_50. 683-16-59 (Toni). CHILD SAFETY: The Durham Region Health Department and Durham Regional Police hold a car seat safety clinic to teach patents the importance of using child restraint systems properly from 10 am. to 2 pm. at the northwest end of the Oshawa Centre, Steven- son Rd. and Hwy. 2. Drive through a check- point lane and receive a free, no -penalty inspection of your system. 579-1520 (SgL Paul Malik). GARAGE SALE: Multi -family garage sale at Oko Gas Station (Fairport Road -Hwy. 2) from 9 a.m. to 3 pm. Proceeds to Pickering atom 'A' hockey team. Rain dare is Sunday, Oct 1. IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE IN THIS FEATURE PLEASE CALL CHRISTIAN -ANN (416) 798-7672 PAGE, 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 24.1995 Awards honor great Ajax, Pickering coaches DURHAM — Behind every good athlete and every not -so -good athlete is a great coach. Outstanding coaches like Pat Barns, Mike Keenan, Pat Riley and Vince Lombardi get the big backs for their coaching saviors and all the glory. Right here in our community we plenty of great coaches wiling in obscurity. T h i s area has a rich sporting bnkwy and behind all the tradition are hoots of unpaid dedica- tion by local coaches at all levels of sport. To help recognize the constant coutriba- For the latest sports results, read the News Advertiser three times a week tions of coaches in this area, the News Advertiser is joining the Coaching Association of Canada and 3M in the Community Coach Recognition Program. The program is designed to honor coaches who expend an extra effort to help develop athletes and sports in our community. There are many worthy can- didates throughout the area; now all they need is someone to nominate them for the Community Coach Recognition Award. This award will be handed out monthly with four winners chosen for the 1995-96 sporting year. A selection committee will choose four outstanding candidates after reviewing all the nominations. The four winners will receive a formal certificate and lapel pin. Photos of the winners will appear in the paper. also nomination form will appear in future editions of the News Advertiser and reminders will appear in upcoming papers. Nominees can come from any sport and winners will be judged on the following criteria: - demonstrates respect for officials, opponents and parents, while cuing a phi- losophy of fair Play; - believes in the all -rated development of the athletes, on and off the playing field; - is an example of a positive image of ooachiog; - has the ability to improve the athletic performance of a team or i Is; - applies relevant coaching techniques. Send the completed nomination forms b the News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, US 21-15. rr S S P(:)R 1 I rt.ro' iUxa"""'' I IyVl11TE I 1 "A errs NOLMTaassox I AlAVE, AJAX I Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. ! ®'�"° =MLIn Pickering girl leads soccer team Legion peewee Red Sox impress in Ontario ball to national showdown In P.E.I. I PICKERING — The Pickering Red Sox Royal Ogborne combined for a strong mound effort. Walders Canadian Legion Branch 606 allowed only two hits, while PICKERING — A th while the oapool will member of the North major peewee 'AAA' rep recording a strikeout: Megill Pickering youth is on her consist of squads from York Cosmos Soccer baseball team just missed the gave up only one bit: and way to the Maritimes British Columbia. Club for the past three final at the Ontario Baseball Ogborne finished the game next month to compete Newfoundland, Quebec seasons. This yew, she Association championships in with six strikeouts, yielding against the best soccer and P.E.I. was the highest scorer Waterloo recently. only three hits. squads in the country. Savarino has been a on the team. Pickering dropped a The Red Sox Bianca Savarino. 13, �:; close 4-3 decision to �, blanked North of Twyn Rivers Drive, is host Waterloo in the �+CKFaVW_ London 10-0 in a member of the North semi-final contest. ' first /Qthe York Cosmos girls' -` Brandon McMillan ~'.";� P i tchge res order -15 r c p bashed a homer for Megill, team which won the the first run of the right to compete at the game. Gerohn Lanns crushed Ogborne. Canadian Soccer a double while Jeff Tobin sin- Mike McElroy and Walders Championships in gled to earn an RBI. Other combined for the shutout. Prince Edward lslarid on singles were produced by Defensively, Scott Grundy the Thanksgiving Day long weekend in 4e Tom Broadfoot and Dave and Chris Obergfell each after w- Walders. Defensively, made difficult fly ball catches. ning the Ontario Cup Broadfoot was brilliant in Catcher McMillan threw out a last week_ , centre field, while Walders base stealer at second and Cosmos defeated and Craig Megill turned a tagged a runner out at home Scarborough West double play. Catcher plate to keep the shutout Rouge 4-2 in the Ontario Cup final at Burlington. McMillan threw out one run- intact. At the plate, McMillan ner attempting to steal third smacked a triple and two sin- Savarino, aforward- and another trying to steal gles to lead the charge. midfielder, scored two home. Red Sox pitchers Hitting run -scoring singles goaalls to pace North Walders. Megill and Nat were Obergfell. Broadfoot, Ontario's under -15 girls' representative at the nationals will play in a pool with three other teams — Prairies, Nova Scotia and Alberta — Bianca Savarino of Pickering is !headed to P.E,1. to play with the North York Cosmos at the Canadian champi- onships next month. `-_ --- photo by A.J. Groen GIRLS WANTED The Ajax Ringette Association: is looking to fill the Bunny Division Girls - up to Age 7 (1988 born) Our other divisions also have a limited number of spaces. Applications would be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. For information call: Don 686-6653 Janice 686-5222 McElroy, Megill and Tobin. The Red Sox lost to host Waterloo in the second game. No scoring information was provided_ However, Pickering rebounded to edge Burlington 2-1 in the third game. Pitching a steady game were Walders and Ogborne. Catcher McMillan threw out two run- ners taking lead-offs at first base and one at third on a bas: stealing attempt. Broadfoot started the game with a single. Megill hit two singles and drove in a run. McMillan and Robin each banged out two singles, while Lanns had a triple and a single. McElroy added a single and an RBI, with Brandon Cowie chipping in with a base hit. The Red Sox peewees post- ed an overall record of 41 wins and six losses. The Red Sox are managed by Paul Ogborne and assisted by Harry Cowie and Andy Obergfell. OHA JUNIOR A HOCKEY OPENING GAME Tues. Sept. 26 8:00 p.m. Watch Exciting Junior A Hockey Every Tuo"ay at the Ajax Community Centre P W Z W Z H 2 0 r.: W Z W H Z a r.: cc W Z RIGHT HERE RIGHT HERE RIGHT HERE RIGHT HERE RIGHT HERE 1996VOYAGER RIGHT HERE • •; Z Z m m m Fun 96 46, ,.12lu r • y f.. M �I x" :: 4 cc �J7� 1 S 'NF 1 4j422* ILOW; rOrDetails m Tp, m 0 z -m m m .3 !r F z W Q NEW ---, ei www ■ww Fun 96 46, ,.12lu r • y f.. M �I x" :: 4 cc �J7� 1 S 'NF 1 4j422* ILOW; rOrDetails m Tp, m 0 z -m m m .3 !r F z W ---, --. - - ' -` W , _ I-- \ _ _ , — --- VILLAGE - Z PLYMOUTHCHRYSLER Ire,pt See ear �e!ais aems,t iJ JJt : Asl dov, n ar ealll !rade Pius la -es dealer RIGHT HERE RIGHT HERE RIGHT HERE RIGHT HERE RIGHT HERE PAGE, 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1995 Glendale P1 laa vG — The Gk2dale Tennis Club bossed its 1995 wow championship fnals IM Sad>1day. rem In she men's singles match, Matt Avison defeated Milne 7imquads for the title. Meanwbk Sonja Natola champS earned the ladessiggles crown after defeating Jennifer mcaned C`renli M in the final. Fred Wbcrh and Mart Avisoo defeated Jon Pdeira and Earl Johnson in the men's doubles title match. Evelyn and Kelly McNabney prevailed over Card Pleat and Karen Gans to win the ladies' doubles clnampi- ons*- Finally, Muloe and Gina Tranquada beat Earl Johnson and Gloria Rdwis to win Gle dale's mixed doubles title for this season. v.�aer WPM=t =A RW= LRA0IOE sTMO� ���- •X eeMM011 — TddW- MotW s 3 3 0 102 104 i 1184446 Ow. 6 3 3 0 100 1a s VEAIr 01P Litasttaoetl P. t w 5 L 0 T 1 RF 72 IM 64 Fn 11 Ballon Gitottp 6 3 3 0 122 160 6 COW Conal 6 1 6 0 92 106 2 gvtLM PL s Naafi 7MM s 6 3 1 3 0 O I= 01 07 at 10 0 Flom Mtn 6 1 6 0 e2 121 2 RRaaw daltta 0 3 3 0 st a O ps:1�80r111A L A000A1M 11MIUMMOMr ODW O� OMM tOdtwttttf 3 3 0 11 77 s Atte 1T %"dad speAa 11 R 1044ftadsr 7. Ane. 27. MWMCal 0 2 3 1 01 06 6 P1eMarrie Mans sk•POdi 12 ver. Raywla4 spmM 10: 041" RttA 6 SmeromFL 2 2 8 4 4 0 a 07 5 a 4 Pkkl q Rbsararl Onedw 0 12 ver Dl Dep44d Dae M 2 Cid-0 rw-&Am&21kYArms1wr12vLDlDap& 1EA11 • NVL Fk§04 Cattaaaelt E i W 4 L 0 T 0 O/ 137 RA a Pts 12 M 01o«P 12; pa rte+ NAalam 7. Cwyr coat. 2 4 2 0 06 a • Atte. 31: PkktAtr Mw1b sb•Psdt 31 ver, Rovj a4 Spsti 17. sapL R 121ML0 - PkMslq Matta sk•Pllt /< ver AM** tlMao s 3 3 0 100 W s PkltsYq Rasaas. . OaaaYd l At ordalble ,Dentures... One Good Reagan 7b Smile! DENTURE CLINIC REPAA n 0 tu.) • Rekww 'Con PaAial Denttxas LOWER DENTURE STABILITY NEW PERMANENT SOFTT DENTURE LINER WUm Step, DD, EC.kQA) U Ole! Kingston Rd. W. PICKERING VILLAGE. AJAX 683-4294 Atlar hours 42848801 IF • TIME QUALM • GENRE CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU WE ARE AVAIJAKE TO SEKVE YOU 11PE NVELCOIKE PTEu, PATiF_,%-rs WE r PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 24 HOUR EMFSGIFS'CY SERI7CE 3 Harwood Avr_ S_, Alai, Ontario (South of Hwy. /2) 1 DR. JOSEPH A. MISKLN, DENTIST Coil► qsAes- to test a lils"e_ rAll —'41 M 10X%$ Three Sx 103 five Sx 7s i�. fee. .. .. � si r '. • � ?9 �i � ti y Six 3 :xss� _ 25 WoNeh 64 Keepsakes %#1 PLUS 12 1-0 sEE mwRm a FREE Portrait ORbER IItSUlay. _-HoAday Cards spec, tee of S6 00 tw person parade when porn'aes are taken No Imus on the number of aoverusW coascuons PW tamelybut ony one aWerosW cosecaon per VAWC, Your choke of pose and background AWmonai poses taken for opbonM portrait coaacvon caro, no obYgason to purdtase Portree sizes aWo.inve "iOry beckW=na a,ratl.fti. at no soamorw e — 9 - THIS AREA KMART HAS A PERMANENT STUDIO OPEN 5 DAYS Tues. - Sat. 10 AM - 7 PM PICKERING (Kingston Road) A �f The Glendale Terris Club will host its annual gener. al meeting at the Pkkering R,eacation Complex (room one) on Saturday, Oct 28 at 10 a.m. All members should anend as there'll be changes so the constitution. The club's year-end dance is slated for Victorian Crardens Saturday, Oct 14. Tickers are available fnxn executive members_ BLUE sox ADDS MORE FIBRE TO DIET! Region's Recycling Program Now Includes New Materials, New Directions! Your Blue Box program has now been expanded to collect new materials - mixed household paper and boxboard products. There are also a few changes in how Blue Box materials should be prepared for collection. ,flew Materials f fted Household Paper includes items such as computer and writing paper, envelopes, magazines, catalogues, paperback books and junk mail such as flyers, coupons and brochures. Ploce loose in Blue Box with newspapers. Boxboard includes shoe boxes, detergent boxes cereal boxes, paper towel roils and other similar packaging. Remove liners, handles and food residue: flatten, bundle & tie with cardboard in bundles no forger than the Blue Box, place in or beside Blue Box. Now directions 0 Newspapers and mixed household papers are now to be placed loose in your Blue Box, = tied and = in plastic bags. o Containers (cors, bottles) should also be placed loose in your Blue Box, = in plastic bags. 0 Only cardboard and boxboard should be tied in bundles. Place in or beside your Blue Box. 4 For more Information call Durham Royioa Works Department at (905) 668-7721 or 1-800-372-1103 P Imaginative Ways To Pop The Questionjo elebrated as the most romantic (ITday of the year, Valentine's Day never fails to spark the desire for sweethearts to send flowers or heart -shaped boxes of chocolate, or ask their beloved to marry them. Proposing marriage was once as simple as dropping to one knee with diamond ring in hand, but times have changed ... while getting down on one knee is still an option, many grooms -to -be (and sometimes brides-to-be) are finding delightfully inventive ways to propose. According to a recent poll in BRIDES & Your New Home magazine, 92% of brides-to-be felt that the way their fiance proposed was perfect and they wouldn't change a thing about that special moment. (Of those who were disappointed, most said that they wished their fiance had surprised them with a ring instead of accompanying them to pick it out.) The sky's the limit when it comes to marriage proposals, revealed the BRIDE'S poll, from the subtle slipping of a ring onto the girlfriend's finger during a romantic film like "Cinderella." to a more comple. approach such as organizing a scavenger hunt with clues that lead all over town and eventually to an engagement ring. The reason for this increase in creative proposals: "Couples today are marrying later in life; the average bride is 24, her groom, 26," says Barbara Tober, editor-in-chief. "They've had more time to prepare for this big moment—a moment that they will remember throughout their married life." (Cow. on Page „) I Ad IQ a 0 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1"5 -PAGE 15 ..r -W-,�d_ — T - d D 6 i • PAGF: 16-7'HF. NEWS ADVFR7'ISF.R SUNDAY, SFPTFMBF,R 24, 1995 1978. The Year of the Crock Pot. A wedding gift is a sign of the times, and in 1978, the crock pot was a hot item. 1 know -- 1 received five of them. When 1 opened the first one, 1 was delighted. "Wonderful!" I said with enthusiasm. Since bah my fiance and 1 would both be working all day, it seemed a perfect solution to slaving over a hot stove after a long day at the office. "Great!" 1 gushed after opening the second box. Unlike the first one, this one had a removable linter, so cleverly, I thought 1 could do non -messy baked potatoes in the first one while a tasty pot roost simmeared in the immersible one. Perfect. Crock pot number three presented a new challenge. "Thanks so much," 1 said, thinking 1 could make dessert in it -- if 1 could find space to store it in my limited cupboard space. Barely managing a smile for crock pot number four, 1 squeaked out "Oh, you shouldn't have!" -- and meant it. Unwrapping the fifth box simply sent me into a hysterical fit of giggles. RENTALS 6, SALES 0 Let us help you make your wedding and reception as pleasant and worry -free as possible. Renting Saves time and money. 0 p 33 Harwood Ave. Ajax, r 683-1'702 i Guess what everybody in my family got for Christmas? Taking an unofficial survey of friends, I discovered 'five' seems to be the magic number when it conies to duplicates (gointupticaft?). One recent newlywed got five cheese betonds - all identical. That's practically enough to open a kitchen shop. Flashing back to the 'Slls, a not -quite -so newlywed received five clocks from well-wishers. And she still has every one of them today — only because she couldn't sell them at her garage sale. Now she's waiting to give them as gifts -- to people she doesn't like. Another couple was inundated with platters -- enough, in fact, for a family of heavy eaters to use as dinner plates. Trust me. When that inner voice is telling you. -Everyone could use an extra platter', it's lying. There is an an to buying wedding gifts -- to buying any gift, for that matter. Some people delight in taking the time to choose the perfect gift, something that reflects the unique personality of the person we're buying for, and at the same time speaks to the giver of this special boon. They'll search and search, haunting the malls until they find that one special, perfect item. For these artistes. giving is indeed ranch more Pkwurable than receiving. But like everything else in life, we're not all artists. On the other end of the scale, we have those who couldn't cane less what they give as a wedding gift. On the way to the ceremony, dressed to the nitres, they dash into the nearest department store and head straight for household appliances. Who knows what ultimately catches their eye -- the box with the brightest colors. the biggest package. the yellow sale tag? (These are the same people you see about 3 p.m. Dec. 24th, leap -frogging from one shop to the next. Christmas list trailing behind them.) Here are a few tips to remember when shopping for that special wedding gift: • If there's any doubt, buy small. It's much easier to squirrel away a ceramic ashtray until Aunt Lucinda comes to visit than an eight -foot artificial palm tree. - This is not the time to take a polmttcal or social stated. or to try to change something you view as a weakness in either the bride or groom. No 'Thank you for not smoking signs' for couples who share a pack a day, no pasta or bread makers for couples who eat out seven days a week. It's about as thoughtful -- and as useful -- as giving a blow dryer to a bald man. - If you visit the couple's home and it's decorated in stark white with minimalist furnishings and abstract art screaming from the walls, pass on the Lax -trammed nteedlepotnt pillows or the straw hat festooned with dried flowers. - Before buying bedding. ask what sine the bed is - Remember, you can never have too many towels - Finally. ask if the beide is registered (This does not refer to pedigree papers, but to a Bridal Registry.) Back in the Year of the Crock Pot. of was unusual for a bride to be registered with a bridal registry -- hence. the five slow cookers For the uninitiated. a mgany keeps track of all the gifts at that particular shop which have been suggested by the couple. including their pattens an china, silver and crystal As each item is purchased. it is recorded on the registry. thus cutting down on duplication. A more informal variation on the theme is an old Dutch custom -- kind of a do-it-yourself substitute. The bride and groorn take a small notebook and on each page write a suggested gift idea. The nwtcbook is then circulated amongst friends and fxmly who tear out the page of the gift they select Semple, but effective. The only flaw lies in those well -washers who choose to bypass the system. When a conies right down to it. when in doubt. give money. While some sav it's not a very personal gift, it could be argued that there's nothing Impersonal about helping a couple buy groceries, splurge for a night on the town. or pay a dental bill. It sure bats five crock pots ■ J �•� �•Iri : f_1:j : f A Let the professionals help make your WEDDING DAY a success with packages to suit your every need. Packages from $999.00 with: * No mileage charges " Free SATLN ALBUMS 1 bridal 2 parent * Free MAKEUP artist for Bride & Bridesmaids * 1 free 11 x 14 in addition to package booked with this ad Let the professionals at ROBERT WYLDES photography take care of your special day, 573 NORTH SERVICE ROAD, SWE 107, MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO L5A 36 275-418 ... BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 1 )P&yRAgainVal - Second hand consignment shag Business, Pleasure Evening Wear CBrnida:1F ashions. Qt"ity Selection • Ladies Fashion • Bridal Boutique • Jewelry • Maternity wear and much, much more K- 401 - E t 11111*St. Vim Mon. - Wed. 9:30am - 6pm Tbum. Fri. 9:30am - 8pm Sattlyday 9:30am - Spm Sundry by apP►tr 282 Monarch Avenue, Unit 20A, Ajax (905) 683 - 3833 Appointment required for incoming items ( From page 1) Here, from BRIDE'S, the latest news In proposals from across the nation: Romance in Motion. A Washington Transit Advertising employee was annoyed when a bus cut in front of his car on the freeway, but what the advertisement on the back of the bus displayed really slowed him down. It was a "Happy Birthday" message from his girlfriend which included a request, "Will you marry me?" Scheming with his boss, the girlfriend had arranged for the ads to run on five buses. But it wasn't only noticed by the groom -to -be: The Seattle Times ran a story about the proposal before the couple told their families—whoops! A Surprise Inside. A San Francisco bride was surprised to see a proposal addressed to her flash on the scoreboard at a 49'ers football game. Her ring was concealed inside a box of Cracker jacks a vendor handed her at just the right moment. She said, "Yes!" Lessons in Love. A seventh - grade teacher in Georgia was startled one Valentine's Day when a giant box covered in red hearts was rolled into her science classroom. After reading a card that promised her three wishes, and tapping the top of the box with the magical Cupid's arrow, out popped her boyfriend with a dozen roses, a box of candy and an engagement ring. Have Carrot Will Marry. Easter inspired one groom -to -be to get a jump on things. He donned a rabbit costume and hopped on over to his beloved's house where he presented her with a carrot out of the basket he was carrying. The tip of the carrot sparkled with a carat of another kind—a diamond engagement ring. And a Side Order of Happiness. While they were on vacation in Nashville, a man from Alabama decided he would propose over dinner in the well-known Opryland Hotel. To make the moment unique, he enlisted the assistance of some willing staff members who supplied him with a copy of the menu to which he added his proposal in the same style print! Other Ways BRIDE'S Readers Have "Popped" The Question: On a banner trailing behind a plane at the beach; announced over the public address system at any big event; in a poem rolled into a scroll and surrounded by a ring: in a crossword puzzle self-created; while having their portrait made together. Surprising Places to Hide a Ring: In a helium balloon, a seashell. a box of brownie mix. a Big %Iac box, an ice cube, a clear ornament on the Christmas tree. tied around the neck of the bride-to-be's dog. �- WEDDING PORTRAITS NOW BOOKING FOR -, 1996 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, I"S-PAGE 17 Who Sits Where? A Guide To Seating Remember musical chairs? As the music stopped, everyone scrambled for a seat, leaving one poor soul standing. This haphazard approach won't work for a wedding, although an anxious bride may feel tempted to let chance, rather than place cards, determine where guests sit. To help her develop the most sensible plan, the August/September issue of BRIDE'S Magazine offers these expert guidelines: Seats for all. When selecting a reception site, couples should ask how many tables are available, where they are positioned, and how many guests can fit at each. Then they can reserve spaces for family, and seat guests accordingly. Place cards? Buffet -style receptions do not require formal seat assignments, but if the reception features a served meal, a seating chart and place cards help things run smoothly. Guests' names should be written on both sides of place cards so those across the table can see and remember them once they've been introduced! The bride's table. Often, the bridal party is seated with the best man at the bride's right, maid of honor at groom's left, then the rest of the party at their sides, alternating men and women. But other acceptable options do exist, including a cozy table for two --just the newlyweds. Family matters. Parents. clergy members and other close relatives usually comprise a family table. A modern-day etiquette note: Divorced parents should be seated separately, each hosting their own table. BRIDES dr Your New Home Photography by ickering \--LChuck Shurnilak i Award winning Photographer J Chuck Shumilak R110to `VERPOOL HUB RDA 1905) 831-4305 1298 "Rockwell" of photography in Pickering .'' Chuck Shumilak is to wedding photography what Norman Rockwell is to art. At least that's the reputation he's established for his work. For something a little different in wedding photos, Pickering Photo is the place. Mixing traditional, fun and new, Chuck and Debbie Shumilak create award winning photography. As owners of Pickering Photo, a camera and framing store with a custom designed studio, Chuck and Debbie are ready to meet your photographic needs. The large studio allows Chuck to photograph the complete wedding party as well as entire family groups. By establishing a good working rapport with the bride and groom, Chuck is able to produce quality work. He says that when he gets to know the couple personally, they are more relaxed and natural, which shows through in the pictures. Being flexible is an important aspect of photography. While the Shumilaks can take traditional photos of the church, park, home and reception, they are prepared to accommodate the wishes and needs of the bride and groom. The Shumilaks also do wedding videos and offer a complete bridal film package. For more information call 831-4305. -' - Wed 4, filrN-6 N %e A -N DY F V F_r PAGE. 18 -THF. NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1995 .Ono. Music is a major part of your wedding, and should be planned and selected carefully. Music helps create the atmosphere. Special songs will make the wedding uniquely your own. The music should be determined by you and your fiance, keeping in mind the type of guests attending, the budget you have to work with and any restrictions of the church. Beverly Clark's book, Planning A Wedding To Remember, offers this advice when selecting music for your wedding ceremony: Today there is a wonderful variety of music. Combinations of instruments are available, such as harps and violins. You are not limited to only a soloist or organist. The music should start about a half hour before the ceremony. Usually, instrumental music is used to set the mood, with a solo sung just after the mother of the bride is seated. This lets people know the processional is about to start. WW REFI' A BANQUET HALL WHEN YOU CAN HAVE YOUR BIG DAY IN A COUNTRY CLUB SETTING • Book your wedding with Complete Dinners from $12.50 per plate. • All inclusive packages $44.95 per person ANNANDAU COUNTRY CLUB , Church St. S., Ajax:; ._ (905) 683-3210 ='bt We cater for wedding parties from 4-400 The processional will begin usually with an instrumental composition, sometimes a solo, which has a good regular beat to walk to. Once the attendants have reached the altar, music which announces the bride is played, commanding everyone's attention as you walk down the aisle. This selection can be traditional or contemporary and either an instrumental ensemble or solo. One or two songs may be played during the ceremony—any more would be too many. Finally there is the recessionai, which should be more upbeat and a slightly quicker tempo. Canada's Finest Selection of Tuxedo Styles n K. _ and Accessories Now you can buy the gown you only dreamed about at a fraction of the original cost! Bridal attire. prom gowns and after -six ensembles taken on consignment. Call us for a private appointment to view the gowns we have in stock. VALERIE S MYTH (905) 839-5335 r THF, NFWs ADVF.R7'ISF.R SUNDAY, SF.P7'F.MBF.R 24, 1995 -PAGE 19 —Finding i ne Dress Of Your Dreams - Once you've J your theme, find the dress of your dreams. All brides look beautiful. The most important thing is that you feel beautiful. It's your special day, so choose something that makes you feel that way. Select the perfect gown with these tips from Planning A Wedding To Remember by Beverly Clark: - Start looking early. You will need to order your gown four to six months before your wedding, or even earlier if you're having a bridal portrait done. - Determine Your style. Start by looking through the latest issues of bridal magazines, saving the pictures of the dresses you like best. Note the name of the manufacturer. or the bridal issue, on the picture. It makes for easier reference later. Find out from your church if there are any restrictions regarding off - the -shoulder or low-cut gowns. Next consider which style would look best on your figure type. - Set your budget. Determine what you have to spend on your gown and accessories. Wedding gowns vary in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand. Be realistic about what you can spend, and don't forget about your headpiece, shoes, special full slip, etc. Your cost can rise very quickly with the addition of these extras. - Find a reputable salon. With your budget in mind, start looking in bridal salons. You may want to call ahead since some require appointments. If your schedule permits, try to shop on a weekday. You will get better service and won't feel rushed. - Bring your mother or a friend. It's always more fun to shop with your mother. sister or best friend, you will want their opinion. However, don't confuse things by shopping with too many people. Ask a friend who has tastes similar to vour own. - Brink accessories. When shopping for your gown, bring ?vim eoe4# 4e,,-Ze & r r1se aad dam. 66" doalae& 4w 4A4Ce4 # a&Ccct&d aad A4e%t oa #4ewer4. %k& ,w4a& & a ~-4-a-Asad 44e,"446e. 5 &goat eaca uEc 94!�'awte, "4444 a -Mead& aad d to yoct�t eolosvc %a yetlet " eaa Moak& ya wt # as A aa&i d aad Mcuv4i4&e a4 a ea91t & 6c. Core VISIT us AT T3fr SRIDA L s3 fow OfP. CALL VICTORIAN TREASURES ( 905) 737-0428 shoes similar to those you plan on wearing, and a strapless or backless bra, if you have one. The salon may or may not have bras, but will usually have a full slip to try on with the gown. If you will be wearing a special necklace, earrings or heirloom gloves, bring those with you. - Finding the perfect dress. Bridal salons stock many, sometimes hundreds, of sample gowns, and finding the perfect one can be overwhelming. It's easiest if you enlist the assistance of a helpful sales consultant. She can narrow the selection down by showing you appropriate dresses once you tell her your budget, the date and type of wedding, and the style of dress you prefer, or show her pictures of gowns you have selected from magazines. THUNDERBIRD GOLF V40184 AND COUNTRY CLUB r Ashburn, Ontario LOB 1A0 YOUR WEDDING m OUR RMOM STAFF WILL Gv MATE A DAY TO MEMBER e OVER 25 YEARS K PERIENCE - ALL MEALS ARE PREPARED WTIH BRIDAL AND ON THE PREMISES BY WINTER BANQUET CATERING OUR CHEF WEDDING - LANDSCAPED BRIDAL PATH - FULL AIRCONIDTTIONED WONDERIAIND AND GARDENS FOR THOSE ROOMS WITH PANORAMIC SPECIAL PHOTOGRAPHS VIEWS OF THE WE HAVE SPECUL - THREE BANQUET ROOMS GOLF COURSE RATES JAIN. - FEB. BOOKING NOW FOR 1996 "I ''- CALL 1-905-686-1121 EXT. 202 CAROL %AGISTER OR SANDRA PATERSON WEDDING CO-ORDINATOK� Romance • Clea rin Only minutes away Everlasting Memories in a Quaint Countrn, Atmospbere Breathtaking Scenery Ac. ornmoa attng yJ 350 hY the Fireplace p or on the Covered T 4 M41 ONUS I Terrace Semi- : * ' to alr-inclus�t e • �.. _ I wedding 1900 (,oncemori 8 ;' � ` •f`' a pac�ksg - Qnd Rd 'Forth of a -) sra East of Brock Rd , Pickering Qlai 649-243 PAGE. 26 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDA)', SEF TEMBF.R 24, M-5 Some people are j*ust mean o be Many people believe in fate. That everything happens for a reason and that if it's meant to be it will be. It may seem like a romantic notion to the believer or an unbelievable fantasy to the cynic, but there are people who believe that somewhere in that vast world of ours is that person we are meant to be with. So if it's true and we find ourselves in the presence of that special person to whom we've had an unrequited bond, then it should make believers of us all if we fall in love. There was a time when two such people would have shrugged off such a theory, believing more in the fact that a relationship never goes deep into our hearts. If we're lucky it touches it, but it is never fully enveloped. Heather Kincaid and Steve Rav had both been married before and found themselves once again searching for that person who would share their lives, share their love. Both came from the City of Peterborough. They had mutual friends and would see each other occasionally at social affairs. Heather was seeing someone at the time and Steve being the gentleman didn't choose to interfere though he had a desire to get to know her. When Heather was once again singir she lamented to her best friend that she just couldn't find a nice "%ti Steve Ray and Heather Kincaid are planning to tie the knot in front of friends, family and hundreds of shoppers at the Pickering Town Centre Bridal Show It was then that her friend told her more about Steve. Shortly after. this same friend was with Steve and he was discussing the fact that he couldn't find the right woman. The friend told him Heather would be interested in meeting him. Now you might say that they didn't meet by chance and that they started dating as a result of a friend "fixing them up". Of course that may be true but what followed was a strange sones of events that has to make you wonder if that wasn't all part of the master plan. When they started their romance Steve was living in Aurora and Heather in Peterborough where she worked at a local radio station. "We just saw each other on weekends but two weeks after we started dating I got a job offer at a station in Newmarket only three kilometres from where Steve lived," she explains. "We then started seeing each other M A R Y KAY�� MARY KAY ASH Company Founder * WEDDING SPECIALIST A Personal Experience k a Mary Kay Skin Care Facial, youll be given individual attention by a professional Beauty Consultant. Together, you will determine which skin care formulas are gest for you to create your personal Beauty Profile. Youll receive a complimentary facial and learn the Latest in makeup artistry to achieve a glamour look that's delicate and believable. Skin that looks healthier and more radiant. That's the ,promise of Mary Kay's advanced, scientifically based skin care system. Five simple steps. Five results -oriented products. Uniquely formulated to respond to your skin's specific needs. Uncomplicated, but uncompromisingly effective. FEATURING: COMPLIMENTARY MAKE-UP APPLICATION PRIOR TO YOUR SPECIAL DAY. PERSONALIZED AT-HOME SERVICE LOOK YOUR BEST, ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE, WITH THE BEST... MA Ry KAY Deb Caissie (905) 427-4142 Independent Beauty Consultant every night." Heather left her job after 10 weeks and while looking for another moved in with Steve. Soon after fate moved its hand once again and both got jobs in Durham. Steve in Ajax and Heather at a radio station in Oshawa. But that's not the end of this unusual chain of events. They had to sell the house in Aurora and look for one in Oshawa. They listed their home and soon after got an offer from a women who lived in Oshawa but the sale was conditional on selling her house so she could move to Aurora. Intrigued by the fact that someone from Oshawa wanted to move to Aurora and them from Aurora to Oshawa they each looked at each other's homes. The woman from Oshawa loved their home and they loved hers so they switched properties. "The real estate agents are still shaking their heads about that one," says Heather. The couple have lived together for a year and a half now and they always talked about marriage but never set a date. But just as this was meant to be Heather was approached by one of her clients, Andrea Kelter, from The Pickering Town Centre. Andrea was having a bridal show at the mall and wanted to cap it off with a real live wedding She ;asked Heather if • together Stephen and her would like to be the lucky couple. "I told her she was crazy but would talk to Steve about it," she says. That weekend they attended the wedding of friends in Peterborough and when the bride's garter was lofted into the air to a crowd of outstretched arms it made its Way to the open hand of Steve. He then looked at Heather and said "I guess we've got to do it now." So on September 30th, in front of friends, family and hundreds of close personal shoppers, these two love birds are going to make it official and tie the proverbial knot. After, they will be having a reception and hopefully next summer will take time from their busy schedules to enjoy a honeymoon. For the ceremony Kavar Jewellers is giving them their rings, The Bridal Path is providing the wedding gown and the Body Shop is doing her make up. Tuxedo Royale is supplying the formal wear for Steve - Heather and Steve have said they've never had an argument and when you meet them, it's not hard to believe. "We have so much in common," he says. "We don't disagree about anything. We like the same food, the same musk, we also have a great sense of humour." V--*;— —A-11.1 page -11.1 I 1 wan NEW FASHION AW"vS FASHION DESIGNS Awan's produce exquisite designs for any shape and size. fabulous fashions don't just happen they are created. One of a 1''; kind garments handcrafted in Whitby, -kRvan's offers custom designs for all )ccasions whether the individual is 71:Manning from Fashion magazines without r pattern or just a picture in on the :Iginal design. .Mrs. Awan began by :--.aking sketches to determine what will ')e hest to suit her clients. One of her u,V P ::lost special services is directed to the c-derly and the handicapped. Rush jobs • ;. .ire Awan's Specialty. All kinds of ' a Iteration services are available. z Custom design wedding gowns, bridesmaids, mother dress, prom dress tic business attire. For the most exquisite of gowns and dresses custom made especially for your special day. Let the Fall be the start of a "New You" by letting "Awan's" design a style for you that r is affordable yet only one of a kind. Awan's can design the most elegant of evening wear to the most trendy in career wear. Bridal gowns are our specialty & rentals are also available. %kFor appointments call; (905) 655-4748 W1 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 19 5 -PAGE 21 Fi*ndi*ng true love in the elevator o 1 e Do you remember the way you felt when you first met your husband or wife? That indescribable sensation in your heart, that moment when you knew this was the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. For many, these strong emotions smoulder away. But for some those sparks maintain a warmth of caring and intimacy that endures forever. Ask any couple that have been married 20, 30, 40 or even 50 years. What keeps them together goes beyond what can be logically explained. It starts at the beginning. That first fateful meeting. The moment that changes both people's lives forever. When Henry Jacobsen and his family moved to Canada from Sweden 32 years ago they were looking for a better life in a country that had much to offer a hard working young man. He soon began a career as a spray painter in an autobody shop and today owns his own business. But we're getting ahead of ourselves. Let's go back to a fateful day one year after his mother, father and two brothers moved to an apartment complex in Scarborough. It was a warm summer day when Henry was about to ride Henry Jacobsen and wife Lynn will be renewing their wedding vows at the Pickering Town Centre Bridal Show. At right, the newlyweds 30 years ago. up the elevator to his quickly as they had met they apartment. parted company. But before the doors were to But for Lynn, who would close, a young woman, long hair eventually become Henry's love. tied in a pony tail, was running It was a moment both will never for the same elevator. forget. As the doors started to close 'That same week we met at Henry could see that the pony the apartment pool," says Lynn. tail was going to get caught "We talked and spent time between the two sliding panels. getting to know eachother. Thinking fast he grabbed Henry then asked me to go to the doors to stop what would the drive-in." have probably been a very After that first date they painful moment for the woman. were inseparable and it wasn't She turned and thanked long before they were talking him, talked briefly, and as about getting married. Create your own Taste Delights for all occasions Our services are designed to make every event a pleasurable experience by providing freshly made, aestbetically pleasing, and delicious taste delights for all occasions. We ensure customer satisfaction. Reasonable prices allow you to select to your budget or tell us what you wish to spend and we'll create a menu to fit Relax - let us do the rushing! We'll deliver all items to your door on time. r---- --------------- ------------ � Offer valid from Sat. Off Sept. 24 through till the 0% Catering end of the Bridal Shove• I order I L------------------ Oct 1/95 -------J 2 & M cater;nq CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS FOR CONSULTATION CALL DEE & MIKE PINCHERS 19051404-9715 But there was a problem. Henry was 17 and Lynn was only 15. "We asked my folks if we could get married but they said no," says Lynn. "They said if we felt the same way when Lynn was 18 they would agree." But the next summer they were married. Today they recently celebrated 30 years of marriage and have two sons Jerry, 27, and John, 29 and two grandchildren Jeffery, 7, and Sara, 5. They are also going to celebrate something very special on October 1st at the Pickering Town Centre during The Bridal Show. Henry and Lynn are going to renew their wedding vows. For the event The Bridal Path is providing Lynn's gown. The Body Shop is doing her makeup. "I originally wanted to renew our vows when we celebrated our 25th anniversary," says Lvnn. "My mom and I used to talk about it but it never happened." The idea still stuck in her mind and when she was approached by the show organizers through her friend Donna Harden of The News Advertiser, it seemed like a great idea. Of course she had to convince Henry. While he wants you to think he's just going along for the ride, it's one that he wants to take to show that he loves his wife just as much today as he did when they first met. Continued on pate = $gIDAI P - Located in the historic Vanstone Mill in friendly Bowmanville - Small town individual service with a "smile"! - Relax & select your dream gown in our very private upstairs boutique Present this ad and receive 25% off your headpiece (not sale items) with gown order. Offer expires Dec. 31/'95 SEE A SELECTION OF OUR GUWN'S LN THE FASHION SHOWS. AS w'ELL, THE BRIDES AT THE w EDDI.NG CEREMONY ON SATURDAY & THE RENEWAL OF VOWS ON SUNDAY WILL BE WEARING "SWEETHEART" GO`ANS DONATED BY THE BRIDAL PATH. (905) 623-0351 116 King St. W., (at Scugog), Bowmanville Directions: 401 to Waverly Rd., north to Hwy. 2, turn right one block then you will see the Mill on the north side of Hwy. 2. i• y++ PACE 22 -THF. NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24.19". • Meant to be together Continued from page 21 Like two bookends, Heather and Steve need each other to hold together their precious love -for each other. Life can be a strange and wonderful experience. A journey of discovery and unexplained phenomenon. Maybe you don't believe that there's someone out there for you. But believing there is means that love may just be the most powerful force on earth. Just ask Heather and Steve. True believers who are making the most important committment two people can ever make to each other. Congratulations to you both. We'd say good luck but we know that luck had nothing to do with it. Fate is a sure thing not based on probabiltities but on powers mere mortals will never be able to explain. Finding true love Continued from page 20 "We don't know too many couple that are still together after 30 years," says Lynn. "We thought it would be a romantic thing to do." They also both agree that marriage is great and it gets better every year. They also agree that marriage is important. They believe it's more than just a piece of paper, that it's a committment of love and devotion. Together Henry and Lynn love travelling, especially in their 46 foot power cruiser that takes them to places on Lake Ontario and someday Florida - The also enjoy listening to music. dining at nice restaurants and :pending time with friends. Lynn says Henry is a true romantic who never forgets special tccasions and loves surprising her -with flowers, jewellery and trips. You might wonder how this couple handles the hard times. Well they handle them like any couple that cares about each other. "We just work them out," says Henry. "We talk about what's bothering us and solve our problems." It's this straightforward approach and seriousness that epitomizes what makes a marriage successful. A combination of romance, trust, caring and hard work. It's a formula that works for many couples. It's a formula that has resulted in a heartwarming example of the chemistry that keeps two people together for 30 years and god willing many more years to come. From a chance encounter in an elevator to a loving ascent to a relationship that works even during the ups and downs of life, Henry and Lynn deserve our congratulations. You're an inspiration to us all. V mann i 64� - ;a&"eu�e FABULOUS EUROPEAN STYLES CAKES CAKES • PASTRIES • CATERING 'WEDDING CAKES I SWEET TABLES BRIDAL SHOWER CATERING o Visit us at THE BRIDAL SHOW and find out about our makeovers for brides and bridal parties pICKERING TOWN CENTRE NECTAR C T A R 420-8697 Natural Bath, Face and Body Products. • Nectar is a proud sponsor of World Wildlife Fund • %lore than R(X) pure. and supports WWFs work vegetable based. affordable products. n to save wildlife and wild T • %oi tested on animals.t'' places across Canada and WWF F t onAnkna • Em ironmentally caring- around the world. 282 MONARCH AVE., AJAX (905) 686-4043 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, I"S-PAGE Zi Ordering Flowers Without A Botany Degree Every day, there's a customer who picks up the phone, calls a florist ... and gets completely tongue-tied. It's not due to a phobia of phones, flowers or florists—it's a communications barrier. Most consumers aren't familiar with the names of the wide range of flowers available. By following some simple tips, consumers can order flowers with confidence and without surprises. The American Floral Marketing Council (AFMC), an industry -promotion board dedicated to reminding consumers about the role of flowers in our everyday lives, offers some advice. ' "Florists make things easy. We take phone orders. We make each ` arrangement individually. We deliver. And we know that we're usual) � y delivering more than flowers—we're delivering feelings. So we want the h flowers to be just what you wanted," said Charles F. Kremp III, florist and AFMC chairman. Two Dramatics And One Traditional, Please �•,a " i� One arrangement is for a grandmother who loves gardening; the other is a r centerpiece for an elegant dinner party. How to communicate the difference? ` 4' •~ Use these tips when working with your florist: When ordering floral gifts. describe the recipient's personality type— oo romantic, - antic, artistic, outdoorsy, traditional or dramatic, for example. The florist �:an match the arrangement with the personality—and the recipient will 4, real 1% respond to the gift. ti If the flowers are for interiors or entertaining, describe where the � Arrangement will be placed. An arrangement for a mantel will be different from a centerpiece. Consider oivin the florist w rp t g y our own ase or container. ' Nl�'hen giving flowers or ordering for yourself, ask for specific colors or :Olor themes: pastels, bright and bold, all white, etc. (cm+aau«i on vim,;, J, �� �� �`� -� -� �� ��► � � _� �� ' `fir `��► �>�r ��► ``� �� ��► -� �+'� ��+ �� ��ii �� �`�r -� The Honour of Your Presence 1s Req��ested. Rodeway Suites is the perfect hotel to host your wedding party and guests. All of our 100 spacious guest rooms feature two double beds, a three piece bathroom and a kitchen/eating area equipped with fridge, microwave and coffee maker. A complimentary continental breakfast is provided daily in the main lobby. Located in the north end of Oshawa, we are within minutes of Parikwood Estate, Cullen Gardens, Trillium Trails and Kedron Dells Golf and Country Club. For reservations and group packages please call. RODEWAY SUITES - DURHAM 1910 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OSHAWA, ONTARIO L1 G 4Y3 CTT''1 (905) 404-8700 or toll free direct 1-800-701-4148 UA PA(;F 24 -THF NEWS ADVE1t'nSFR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1995 (Cont'd from page 23) Special Occasions Mean Special Attention People often equate special occasions, such as weddings, with flowers. Some tips on If the florist has never worked at your ceremony or reception site, make sure she working with your florist on weddings include: or he visits the location. • Before contacting your florist, select the date, time and place for your wedding • Consult selection guides for ideas. Your florist has bridal books to offer and reception, and know your colors and styles of gowns. Then, arrange a guidelines for colors, flowers, styles, designs and Hower varieties. preliminary meeting. Discuss your general design ideas and begin to develop a • If you have any unusual or personal requests, don't hesitate to ask Sketch budget that will meet your needs. ideas, cut out pictures or take photographs of flowers and share them with your • As you get closer to the date, meet again with the florist to complete the details. florist. By c ornrrxmicating with your florist, you can be confident that your wedding The florist should have specific suggestions that fit both your taste and budget. flowers will be just what you hoped for. k r a- If You Don't Have an Uncle in the Diamond Business... we're the nett Dat thing. For the Kavar family. owners of Kavar Jewellers in Pkkaing 'Town Centm, rating the extra step to help create a 24 -Karat wedding is just part of the service. MW family, m the jewelry boniness for 17 years, has donated a diamond set - a center stone with channel settings - for the bride and groom at next weekend's Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser Bridal Fair. But then, quality service and workmanship - wally in custom- designed jewelry - are the buzzwords at Kavar Jewellers, who opened their Pickering Town Centre store May 11. The family also owns a factory, so customers get the best of both worlds: custom jewelry, from the finest in jewelry designers, at manufacturers' prices. Along with custom jewelry - sets and singles - a jeweller right on the premises can also remount old siones (or choose a new stone for an old setting) b give a new look to an old lam- For the highest in jewel quality, the finest in custom design, and factory prices, direct to you, visit Kavar Jewellers, located on the lower level, in the Eaton's wing or call the stone at (905) 420-9527. KkVAS J EW E L L E R S *: ISPECIALIZING IN... SKIN CARE PRODUCTS • COSMETICS iBEAUTY SHOWS PRIVATE CONSULTATIONS • WEDDING MAKE-UP For further information call... ALOETTE OF DURHAM WEST 427=8021 .1. '- --A ------------ CO PM ------------- i ',WEDDING I 1 I FLOWERS...i GMING MARRIED � I 1 ' I ' •I Book Your I , ' 'Wedding I I Flowers Early And Save 50 I - I OFF OUR REGULAR BOOK ' PRICE I "Coupon Expires Oct. 31,1995 I - ------------CG;Pox - - - - -- ----- Trillium Florist � o 17% LIVERPOOL ROAD, PICKERING (Across From 831-0753 The ftw Stme) DAILY DELIVERIES ABOARD "THE TRILUVMOBILE- • FROM OAKVILLE TQ OSHAWA P Now that you're engaged, you'll rant to share the exciting news rith close friends and relatives. My not surprise them all at nce by announcing the ronderful news at an ngagement party? Here are ome engagement party tips om Beverly Clark's book, 'lanning A Wedding To An engagement party has aditionally been hosted by the ride's parents. However, the arty may be hosted by you and )ur fiancd. Other engagement arties are sometimes hosted by ie groom's parents, relatives or ose friends. It's a perfect )portunity to introduce the two [milies and friends of the >uple. The engagement mouncement is generally made wring a toast given by the ide's father or her fiancd. A ast is the perfect way to licially fill the guests in on the kiting news, especially when e news may be a surprise to Pm. The groom's father or her friends may want to join in on the fun and toast the happy couple. Remember these tips for your engagement party planning: • It is a must that you both attend all engagement parties. • Gifts are generally not given, and should not be expected. • If a guest chooses to honor the occasion with a gift, accept it graciously and send a thank -you note. • The party may be a luncheon, brunch, dinner or cocktail party. Any type of party would be appropriate. • Avoid hurt feelings by inviting only those guests that you will also be inviting to your wedding. • Invitations may be extended over the phone or by written invitation, depending on time and formality of the party. • If formal invitations are sent, and it's not to be a surprise for the guests, then the invitation could read "in honor of Susan Petty and Robert Townsend" or "Please join us in celebrating the engagement of ... " • If the engagement announcement is to be a surprise 11,11cRo�al lhm ltt Mom6m The Royal Doulton Store Pickering Town Centre is pleased to present to you... A selection of the finest china & crystal at our everyday low prices. • Be sure to stop by to register & enter our Free Draw for a Royal Doulton figurine, -Always & Forever". • Take advantage of two days discounts on selected items • Receive personalized service • Helpful and knowledgeable staff Visit our beautiful store. PICKERING TOWN CENTRE 420-3801 0 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SErMMEER 24, I"S-PAGE. LS for the guests, then the invitation should be a general party invitation, not mentioning the couple's names. • Thank the hosts of your engagement party with a note and a small gift, flowers or a dinner invitation. UNIFORMED PROFESSIONAL CHAUFFEURS WMM FORMAL.STRETCH & SUPER STRETCH LUXURY LiMOUSIAIES l I /--1 26"544 77- Introducing the WE ARE THE CAKE EXPERTS all New Portrait Cakel OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK YES! Have a life -like portrait o your next special occasi WE DELlVE cake!! �- At • UNIQUE & TASTY • Our company makes fresh baked goods, such as -� Pies, pastries, donuts, muffins, tarts, cookies... • Design wedding cakes, Birthday Bridal Showers, or any Custom order. i 7 Parnell Ave., Scarb.`� V E0 `YOUR EVENT SPECIALISTS TABLE, CHAIRS, CUTLERY Glassware, china. Incredible linen selection, champagne fountains, table skirting and much more. 361 MARWOOD DRIVE OSHAWA 571-1011 • TABLE & HALL DECORATING • DECORATED ARCHWAYS AND GAZEBOS ALSO AVAILABLE TOR. LINE AJAX & PICKERING 428,3466 In PAGE 2&THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAV, SEP7'E.MBER 24, 1995 a. 101 30 I `' ` - A •„:.� F 0 Come out for a real Fd1 In The Ballot To Win 0��11 -Wedding, SauwdaY, • 1 of 2 shopping September 30th, 4:45 sprees at PTC • 1 of 3 pairs of theatre P� 'A ha ddinnero�Y" ticActs to Listen as a s P aonple renew their One Of of 30 PTC MaRTi I & ROSSI vows after 30 pears of Shopping (:ei�ificates - shared life, Phos Much Mores • is . • , • t ► • Name d.rapp*v%..&* Hello and welcome back to Name Dropping, the special events coisunn– Jobn Broombnd well mach the century mark on Sept. 27. Best wishes on John's 100th birthday come from wife Eleanor and 'The Kids' — y�• Margaret and John, Len and Jean, Jaclt and H e l e nJohn Broomhead , Eleanor, nine grandchildren and 15 ►meat-grendchilditen... ewe Eileen and Walter Young had plenty to smile about on Sept. 23. The ,1 couple cekbrat- ed their 53th ' anniversary that day and they tooth turned 76. Eileen and Eileen and Walter Young Walter were born on the same dav, in the same year, in the same town, in England Wishing them all the best with love were Gary, Mary, Marilyn, Jake and Jdiinee... "Happy 25th anniversary Mom and Dad. On Sept. 25, Stephanie and v Tom Vineham will celebrate 25 wonderful "'I Years together. Sending best The Vinehams wishes and love are daughter Kathy and son Tom." On Sept. 22, ,w ,� Daddy's little prinem turned one. Wishing 1 Kiab Reid a happy birthday ! .. . were Mom, Kiah Reid Dad and broth- er Boyd, with hugs and kisses from 95 MAZDA 626 i98 a i4 KINGST Samantha Fortomaris turned three Sept. 21 and celebrated at McDonald's With fatuity and friends. Wishing her a happy nl—Y Samantha were Mooney Fortorrans and Duddy_. Fernanda Dambney turns 40 Sept. 29 and her family wants to [aloe sore the world k n o w s. Wishing Fernanda a happy 40th birthday are sister Anita, Fernanda her husband Daubney Paul and their children Daniel and Carrie, Moan. Dad. F•ernranda's children Melia Jacqueline and Sarab. boyfriend Andy, his son Matthew, and Sparky the dog... A family r. says. "It's hard to believe our big boy Shawn Heigbway cel- ebrated his first birthday Sept. 20." Lots of love, hugs and , kisses came ftm Daddy. his Shawn family and Heighway Mends.. w One of the beauties in the Aldridge hoa�c turned eight Sept. 12. mss,. Diana, who's M Ca-ade 3, had a pizza party with her pals. k Wishing Diana IL _ a happy birth- Diana Aldridge day were Mom Janis, Dad Dave, sister Cassie and Kith'... Sept. 21 was a big day for Alastair Samuels, because he turned four. Love, kisses and happy birthday wishes came from Mom, Dad, Ganga, brother Jonathan. sister Sheba, all his aunts, uncles and cousins... The Calm Reaper edged closer to Kings Crescent in Ajax on Sept 22. For Michael Boyce, 40 isn't only his hockey sweater number, it's also his age. Happy birdiday gmetings came from loving f a in ill y . "Oldtimers t - hockey leagues ` are comin' to get ya," his bimily_�-• Michael Boyce }sappy Mr& - day wishes went out to Jennifer Oliver on Sept 19. She turned five with best wishes from Mom, Dad, JenniferGiver sisters Sarah and Victoria and brothe MaUiew... The little cutie in the Gill home has turned one. Chelsea cele- brated her ` birthday Sept. -� 20 and wishing – - r her all the best - with love were Mom Violet, Chelsea Gill Dad Dave, brother Jesse, her Nannies and Poppe, aunts, uncles and cousins... Colleen and ... Bill Watson are happy to announce the engagement of their daughter Nicole to B r ya n Reichel. Nroole i. has coura- geously decid- ed to leave the nest on Aug. and mar Reicnei 10, 1996. Congraatlatious and wel- come to the family Bryan. Love ftem Moms Dad, Danielle, Dustin and Norm. -- "Sept 25 is a special day in the Vickers' home. That's when Allison and Elizabeth turn a big six! Wishing them lots of krve and hoping their birthday wishes come true are Mommy, Daddy, Caitlin, Sheba, Alastair and Jonathan Samuels THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1995-PA<:F. 27— Kelly, Caths, Tricia, Nana, Gmndm all their anus, uncles and tonsils, and Teddy, too."... Allison and Elizabeth Vickers Alan Jones celebrates Sept. 24, because t" he's turning one. Helping him have fun are Mommy, Daddy, brother Adam, his N a n n yAlan Jones , Graeu- aunts, uncles and many friends. "Happy birthday Sweetie. We love you." his family says... Look who's Sweet 16. It's K r i s t e n Aquanno who celebrated her birthday Sept. 21. Happy 16th wishes came from Mom, Dad, Amber, Kristen Aquanno N a n a , Grandad and Dave. "We hope all }your dreams coax true." her family says -- September is an exciting month for Devin Regan. He turns five • on Sept 24 and is starting his first year at Lakeside Public School. Kevin Regan Birthday wish- es come from Mom, Dad. sister Lindsav, Grandmas, Grandpa and frienris... On Oct. 14. Michelle McMullen and R a n d y Brunatti will wed at the Church of the Assumption in Erinsville. R. I Michelle is the Randy Brunatti daughter of and Michelle Sharon and the late Vince McMullen McMullen and Randy is the son of Anne and Bruno Brunatti of Ajax.- - Pahicia Bwry of Pickering and Kates Barry of Debs, B.C. are pleased to announce the engage- ment on Sept. 1 of their son Richard to Darbm Cassidy, the daughter of Maria and Allan Casddy, all of Delta... "After apendog a fin -filled sum- mer fish, swimming and playing T -ball, Bryan and Trevor PaUeism we getting dawn to the serious business of celebrating birthdays. Trevor tarns three Sept 24 and Bryn turns sot OcL 3. Their pard family sends these two won- derld goys iota of Trevor and Bryan Patterson Tracey and Stephen Hamon cel- ebraied one year of marriage Sept 17. In a message to Stephen. Tracey says, "As we celebrate our first year together. we can only look beck at what a great year we've had. Our love will continue to grow and one day soon so will our family. Happy anniversary Hon." Stephen tells Tracey. "It has been a wonderful first yea of marriage.- He also has a poem: You make ate laugh you make me smile you mean everything to me you make live wurthwhik.'-... Stephen and Tracey Hamon That brings us to the end of another edition of Name Dropping. If you have an item you want mentioned, call us at 683-5110. fax 6&3-7363 or write to 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 21-15. The deadline for submissions is 11 a.m. the Tuesday before publication. We're not responsible for lost or damaged photographs. If you have a birth to announce, call the classified advertising department at 683.0707. . ' 1 M J11 I mal gxad V V kRj (905) 831-3949 on the 401IrENN11111 401 & WHITES RD. SP�CI.�I PAGE 28-rm NEWS ADVEIMSER SUNDAY, SF.PfEMSF.R 24, M5 STERAKE. 3_7:i kK NFiAPpET 3riE r. Y. - 3 49. SLICED IVE BEEF ONTARIO -FROZEN CANA_D IAN • BLD AE • SHOC IL.Dgt A ■T 4-39 kg i_S l L7AJ cONTARIO -FROZEN LE OR HAI..F�V'I�E G'HOPS�I-'��IC■RJ�N OF PORK5-07 1 PIZZA 1-2 kg BOX OF 12 • pr M�..E, -= BE_ :QCCKE� EN"I'R�E5A dI� SS L c GERBER JUNIOR JUICES 213 mL B0 -1_E E REAL !;(In g BOX e 11 1 — KELLOGG WAFFLE EA �TART EA 30G. dJx � II L49 �) •SHAMPOO •CONDITIONER 300 enI- PA3-rn-F. •POLAR ICE 250 UJAn be V,.A_ f(IJAK • QUALTY PACKERS 70V CLUB BRAND • FRESH • h1APLE LEAF BRAND • 35C g VAC PAC • COSh1AfR CANADA • MOVIDApis ' D4 D4 ai • • 8J 1 1 �+�• 1 • I • • t• y, ' 1 • �R•Z,- vJA�'r PACKERS C_ '5 SR OS1.1A iF CA` ADA ORE L FCR' E 1 1 � .1 19 � 1 1 . • =ACKE C 3 5RAr,0 N FRCZE CLEAR'. [EV: • CUST01.1 S `` ,CED A THE DEL CJ',TEn • Dv.. BRANCS • FA^,TAS-i,,MAZ 1 1 1 ,1 , • Y�94E a•o l I �� ' �� �� - �� Cox* VALkw 49 VWSTON FID Gem Rte/ S..I - �� om �a 8 - wpm wOEw M., 00, CMILAw AVE CMEFAW S7 ` 222 mow• r OEFW%AM E * .v.'* ""` ..._._'`7T,fy.�Rac, wr...•,w.�ya'!4•�.arw•. 4.39 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO LEEKS ORIGINAL BUNCH PASTA SAUCE Ex;�_ IDES "BONELESS" CROSS RIS s9v� 5.49 lkg IF PROOLICT OF OWARC FRESH s APLE LEAF FROZEN LB. NEVER FROZEN SHAWLESS PICNIC SIIDPSYS AT THE DELI COk PORK SHOLTMFRS E STocaA=E D 2.18 kg LB. 500 g �� �Jsq 218 kg JUbM`O SIZE ITE GARLIC CLOVES FILA. YOUR. OWN BAG ` 1.52 kg LB. VIEW F LOo P4 Y pGNRT� AAq JKON vOL� 2AM5 LB PQTATDES�j.• 1L 1'%J W�"-iU U V • 7'�vpgIL n s $1 t1_ oz_ TIN 2 L 24 1355 mL TINS II - 001, I'HF. NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SF.PTF.MUFR 24, 1995-PA(:F. 29 PR PLUMS I -URGE SIZE -v fJR c SAG LB.0 xrr_ °POOUC' OF �1^ ARID GRA'ki�IY 5'N I -T ii 'a ARGE S,ZE . AhAOA n 4PPLES 1 F �. GREEN CARRAG.F EA SELECT YCIUit CIWN _04 kK 5 BTL 3 CASE FOR , ..wiT CASE � "F N: NM c I "4-^r A.. Ch• oo c Mi- III, - .t ••I `, VINEC'AR 1 :SA�,.S •79' PIE FILLING /Ly.,` KIWI FRUIT�at •W 3 . , -, • ZZ11II mL BONUS TIN 10,69 �ISTERMIN' ARCTIC 1 .....,, 099, -MIN- -F RES, AM MOUTHWASH r------------- SLICED POTATOES 1 45 y 111200 y PACKAGE I CMRISTIE BROWN CO. pRR��M 1 cRACKERtS L — IN-STORE RETAR si 19 ILAAL DET' Ll"'. S U !1i C' COCn:YC TS 9 • PRODUCT OF U.S.A. • x 1 • CALIFORNIA • PRODUCT OF U S.A • at • CALIFORNIA • EXTRA LARGE • PRODUCT OF U S A • CALIFORNIA • JUMBO SIZE Js • a• 11 • 11 1 • PRODUCT OF U S.A • CALIFORNIA • LARGE SIZE 24s • PRODUCT OF U S A. - of • WASHINGTON - LARGE SIZE . 11 • PRODUCT OF ONTARIO OR U S A • LARGE ORIGINAL 9UNCHES • SIZE '3s • PRODUCT OF U S.A CANADA EXTRA FANCY 00 0• "101" 11am all 11 •PRODUCT OF CANADA • NEVw CROP • PRODUCT OF ONTARIC •FANCY GRADE • FIRST OF THE SEASON IDI. 1 •_ 1 1 1 VII 1 • POTATCIO E SCr% LARGE 50 LB. BAG i GENERALINLLS CEREAL HONEY NUT CHEERIOS 525 g BOX 7��l—S---- PI -I&THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. CEPTEMRF,R 24,1995 To place your ad 24 hours a day call: 1800.360.1483 10F'REE PriM Ad •FREE Voce Greeting 9FREE Yes * Retrieval ADVVffM7 Tau. dark. handsome guy 1. 39 Seeks ls6. wrat you are Me me. you nay tank ant is to short to wonder whether of Mottle; would be tun BOX 25156 TALL GOOD LOOKING Tai, ,good looking mels age 16. t'ur outgoing. great sense Of Auma Looking to, sine For 1 odg pm- sdle eafo s 0 BOX Z 012 CURIOUS COUPLE Clean aeracnve couple ages 18 ed 20 Seeking e' and clean nu topkmg dna :ached R w'trte cuaus temaw, sane no M' Pit, atgeee s file mad games ow 23914 FIRST TINE AD - -,,Y, 3C-rsr singe 'am Saks s"lly friendship wmr wit rwtdeC. out- cloor5v Dep* of -aces. 'of Cardsfiikrg and tolea- a nor *rmw enc no sac w bar sce,t _ rP ' :jr"M dodge iso BOX 2790 LOOKING FOR .�c.'tg to t^a• :D mom i. Nweue eat suc, e or siege ,wc s Nor sC m aacre*t encounters w.- a 33 was, aid a vk -4w 1- 'j, -ea and easy gang Orr'* r ass. Nc enc eipeclec BOX 2308' BACK TO BASICS 5 • 1651s . bnaeda Smokw anc socio anmkr E,toys country mustSed living Ancor own . plays Oft0l sense of ,urs D'oleesonallf emV of ,noon r Saving w nk -taro X r u+ civ 5'.- we- sa' SCh and rtlwKr is r_ -N -vewga ares wens OX w - will B 23670 FIRST TOE AD Var,ad 1 tae 32 -o4king lex a cour'e y *^,kir ro. e•,c D,ntws Must be dal- arc 1- -,w BOB 2776 POWTMER5 ma wo tw m w 2t oou to's D w O =in" wr4w a Wer4ww -M, •nisi arc •a nustaarc am 5 Ir and sw* kir a*S^r ne s F rev dark and 10 doorr0 NII 2]051 FOW TIME 'COUPLE Sass coestw in ser 30'1 for a eesC-e'e •^carer DbtNsor' s a ren' 1111011123049 1 NEED NEI My, -,ft liw" a vron'a, to •coc c.' 3w rtatfonsnip ,f you ars a A to Wo 2L to 3C =&" View dwdr and are row"M r awfiop,ng a -; rum rale Tac r. rase =i BON 23971 FEMALE RANTED Manses coupwf ire 21% sin* s Of curious Mrs IJI _00111 !ow ..male 2C to 35 Ili Do :lar ono dtioat Swtaa Caters xvr BOX 21 S17 GOOD FRIEND NEEDED S••a,grr .-is %wait 52 'navy ant rid aowvg -ors dant w9 wasion and Wig o,. b e 0 Sews a s•raprt rc•es' :o.- .arm trend INd ;lee es yaax DOX 23926 FMST TIME AD I oung mrsow cap sea ng .awe Is No we age 18 to 25 for cme 25- "a 'neriesm She s 19 fnd i am 24 We we o party enc Pars M BOK 23824 PW TIME A„ My Nusbare and dash M rtntpny a s eeeaoent Is %in" r a 3C to, therwlsvp Dm ov mdse Mus be n goof 'teiT -.or so aeaf and enfoyr dedrwn �p2 23105 FIRST TIME COUPLE Couple '8 one 19 seep sAft0ted wins" to k 23 a r,w* shp and poabe Niseaahp casnerim and .r.r, • ae.au .rv.wn fie,- ,.n,w Respond to an ad Ysm by ta0lrrg 1.900. 451 . 3193 HANDSOME WHITE HALE I'm 31, 5'8 1501 . nary, flow hair and blue eyes, hal est art a ring personakly ,tweeted in shier. a5 some Whe we some special Enpyt dant rig and torte rsaton Single moms in we cane BON 23M AC1WE AND RT rm a 28 year old gay +flit who en ys working out, hiking. roserbiadng and playing tenors .odcng to meet a gay +ab 25 to 25. wrrc has nlegrmy and a sorts of Ano ' rm sincere. outgoing. hard wok% sand 6 an. 165 tis. wt 01- Fw and brae eyes LOW me a message and 1 gets you a CIA BOX 23M CASUAL ENNOOWfTEMS 38 vW ad Is maw in When Neon Attract". deer. *ww to awe sabre Sf 1sof Ses" mascubx U or gay mak Mist: attractive. over dnsCNK fir arta statue for Casa enco rears BOX 23772 DURHAM REGION '-+an-sore b mak ooki g tx another a -we. 18 to 35 you mus: he g«: oo.Arg ,asc ire and Cense BOX 23im LOOKING FOR BUDDY 29 year at Is nese. 100I a a +nerd to leo rungs amend t Duman, area you 1s* lee 25 a 3C ntc MOM a,d pecuk activities 0410" NOW oh.' r orpn; BOX 237" WY OS14AWA MALE ' 3 51w ' 50fpts Yah' feeNeI dunceeNense Wnvrsaeons sow =0 ting[ to an or mV mrd or in try rear Seeking uselu, bell toy. 18 to 32 to Dancer and spm# kir' se,a*-*knew snit snr dao- pis Ire a -,wre :ail BOK 21754 O WPAM REGION Mfd 3C s attached. N kir. out two 6 191 5"" sane low 25 a tnenQ:rkt -eatrors'ne L'Wacium. Clean and oric wt BOX 27758 SEEK MALE FRIEND Moak age,_ proeeron If 'ora kir 'tom OF Asx aw. trarewd. Wes oafs W^ forms 'lege and ram not sgflaeane Must be statin -f mdaporgent means no orl,gs BOX 23750 PUTT HOPE YALE ' aatg skin Darst. sea fin same a '*so" ,phc).m%ors and "saw ,aahorsnc SOX 2rM HAP" HALE SEEKING `Damp wNa mens 33 L ooking f W 'ngo wP m -ur 19 ic 3C Pan : De ties; a"c r.Twcirry NOK 23719 TALL COOL DRINK A'ra_'tive 5 e Is mar wand .at to 'mer M same or gall -kir -, a am -nage guy E win lee bin wars. I[ " is sounds Ire iI am a message BOX 2M, GAY WMTE MALE '9 t>lua eves hiWrew. tiwe or' Woe ewes of Now ovwtwwpht Loo" tie Dew nesse below • 9 art 30 to W "Prors Ennfoys -- games movia erwiq out Moav oamC b nines wicwn F _�.... .BC1 SC+i MEN SEEKING WOMEN ROMANTIC GENTLEMAN ,rpt wrvw few 32 good sins or'liumor M in be or .we 'eOCtaY am (yn - 'r diapers Loa" a se- gs, lot nW 25 b 3' a laq term 4 in n ul- C as soon as Dosses Cat bay. de mat awry BOX 25171 5156E SM met 23. "Oiff. buel 4th fns ono w+pyi s, mord on sem arta tavwf. mgI Lao" a an aRam" 1icenest end Car- r'O lamest 19 !c x wdr emu, elo for - oncsnc or f abc-_- p BOX 25165 by farm coo-1a111trjt Sanas fepbo$ orvy. BOK 8178 SEMM MODS Dwacad what mals. 37 6.25011 brown her. broom "as Looking a a lot , 30 b 37wool someone for a sen ous r"t,cr hp Race unimportant BOX 25150 TRY ME YOU'L LIKE OE Very young 40th. very saw 7 days a week dnrg ant der- romal over t escape tc Ins great Ou- doas Seeking a sum pane lady CWrP-. leg" 1D 40. b On alf W OWL I Ifai : Won low are out fere NOK 25/41 VERY ROMANTIC Single wane maw. 21. 5"0 190111 whc s nvsneYy inclss*aI rw& gam ala handsome Low 4rhboac mnorrg gcwg, b*sew 'lately end pee Se" a Wn . do Nnnale. 25 to 34 10 paftON AN $ki wain someae a %woftnp. ommto 80K 75143 GENTLE BEAR Sngk .rise met. 32. wacky m*wn g'•' nova" r''14Ap Nal alec- bwou. good some d humor ,was mow". 1sAng beats, 4eta aro of , Weng for a Sege wrier sjww 38 k 48. Wwwo and "p BOX 25144 SEEKING LADY .,,voiced mar 51. r-'0' 1451s not sad bar soese _oallng a Nay 40 C Sc •r 'ne esrC feadrg to reeuonuvp *.w As sports Duhww am pleft d BOB 25140 DIVORCED MALE 7'voicsd wvss mase 'rid 3C s famer, Entails int outdoors. goals mlovesbfn#f arses s Dow corbomefft ttema n M-1010,1 and statq b co ori mist Seamg siessr wmw 28 b 40 BOX 27771 LOOKING FOR YOU Araetic, seriew. 35. Wm s11arN, long waft owl gong out or sayrrng n Seeking ht. SOKW'*. non smoking worrier 25 x 35 b kwosnp leers o No aditwNc BOX 25135 YOU AND ME ORLY very carting maw 5- ''F ver eyes, etm1,1 oda count, skrg canes. m^tw,4 'k+Wltp ora the gdod ttwgt n ne _e6 neer and w nakalw leas i6 cam BOX 25130 MON SMOKER MALE - my name is Sora. a u,memy graduate not, sew -are wrier wring 'hale or -want; a goin wtf. 56` 135 aouna, sem Now brown 'tale and !:kA eye dor pocket and ONW ]polls wing wife or Awr lady Scess om*i .mer 4D" BOX 251311 IEIE 1 AM -wee . am bI mew. 6t ow to soh ■ttr A Nwcwk secreoaf go* V .Ares to ravel moves 3,011 4u. SIC Would No to meat A wOnwih a spy M geed nnrs wand BOX 2SIr 70 W11 TO EAR'" rear I'd, wnrle mats. 511 Prow, nae -r:wr eyes, annoy robnyclea and mom x'lmes Slang a ohle lwa*e 18 to N BOR 25137 Siomme HONEST 4u yeer aid. eacaaa3 ee6 ood. non amem mon drewbarq a 1 Nr+ase a a leg arm ='W' k'W 80X 2St70 SESOM TLC Swrota ora a0s mat ats" a sonde mr4xumm. Caring lemur 25 b 4C Musson Wase geed osewreesa. . Cit deg and quash time rt n SSW a gong ono new -,Sri ^_ C g" TM a Clea BOR 21470 COOL LIKE rMT ,old an ab normal. 10 yw old Rae seeks emaY. r 710 19, for an tewsiae rawbortsvp MEr w drama and Sr Trek BOX 21445 IMDERSTANONG D-ortwc ow mals 37. 5.9- -.85 111 eyes, wow, hall. employed sew of one nine year Old son Eli" ria, - Says. home cooked own. naw& M3Wg. sports, cycling. etc HOp,ng to -ear from Ma wave modner of ale or sage woman 33 e 4C to possOe 'aatrothp BOX 27016 SEEKM LADY 25 year did siege ones gu". 57 14C po.,nCs. not me the bar scene _ootung o a single Nay 22 to 27. sen Must like moves carslong weks and ones leo %W role Looking for relationship or VOW- sfkc BOX 27911 HYPER AND FUNNY Sngw ones mas, green eyes brown flu 23 oro is out a a tun M -w but a also turf workn,, am kiowig a A Dos - sae reaborsrip or a temuw 19 to 25 who likes dancing, rung walks and sports BOX 279M EASY GOING! Spontaneous Smite mile 28 Mare brawn nae arc "ai Enyoy a variety of aawaes and willing to try now ones I fie o go Dirt or j st stay at tome 't Ins ntaa6 ya. pease give lea wk BOX 23813 SHARE LEE WITH ,andsomeitakan decent now marred. 5 10'. 19C ponds, very t Mn smoker. nondrinker sensitive. opts milled. IOHy, and romarlffr I anpy dives up nari. camping. fishing. marnal arts Look,ntis to( attractive lady 2E to 38 Singe mom okay with similar merest BOX 21367 OPEN MINDED ROMANTIC Mr old white mal enpys wows. dubs. music and spool& Nos to have fun. average bonds S"UN Wn gle while temaie 19 to 32, with s,rtt*a iMeest BOX 2707 WART OF GOLD Anractne. romantic 35 year old single niee male Enjoys drug out. dam ng going to moves and country drives Seeking that spool lady to pampa and eryoy, We win BOX 23144 WHY NOT? Sincere. attiaccve nue. 32 Wish to meet a sum, attractive, tenure under 34 0 you are SpOntansout, somses lom doy-sh. condonable in cut -or snorts and a bikes, as wee as dressed up for a"M on She ern. I would Me to hear from you Francis Inst BOX 2SM WHAT A CATCH one I an a 41 Par old single "mals. good klnkn9 srrd t Looking for a buiNU mw made and al ON =82 SMY WHITE SALE Nd inti fa bar fmnle, ac 11ng for someone b spud We ae1, s gist Aavrg to go dU all the tim. I am 56' 175 pounds. Drown half nnth grant+ eyes BOX 23M FUN LONLEY GUY Estadligir whiffs mals. 31. 6.250 Ds. Put of acsn: *a haug. bnmg and " al Seeks what to Wer 20 to 30 over SQ mooken to sin build for, ­ tel► sotst BON 231015 DAD SEEKS COMPANION Fairy anrachw and Wan to we dssrwd l anisry end ssnsaw. 1y t mus.' 2C b 30 N0 had games phew baa. N"wf and frim. dark No. brie eyes. ST. 165 paras Emay We. of ecnon. da1- den and mki auk Nsaraeon OW 23MS AST LOOKING Genuinely nim 9q. hesw4 ill non snakrg. 38 year od dwoiced maw who aUy Cares about lee and keg you ses lend. wa 3C to 45. single.nne trWe ala nr- eased r ,nig BOX 23W FOI/D One WAN mat 51sT. 18C pounds rum' stlractiw teslas and a Deet W" of !kms _ria am Spats and ouasoa atxotsw ,-oow% lir kir sMachi. M pros. 25 to 35 Kids are -=or* BOX 23111111110 EUROPEAN MALE Single wham evalwan maw 4C S''1• ISC pounds Enow mases. -alvnt'i and disnew LOOUg for fpneae to add a spar' 'n my -te Do not wart any of, -. swmo" wit a ptaaeam are deem Samar wnc is nor and 4awig to be sen aw Stew t moa ~ mm emy neve bang. , '410o+E we+ a pcb^ a -0 W so BW 2374 HOPELESS 408ANTIC Seeking a ady. beruee^ 4C arc so, to shah* romantic eve ngs walks and taft Somas can on am end eiiI; "coop in a ellaaah9 I am bu," I comDassw and ft" to aim" l'tew a greet senator Arne ed sin are +roues am 23072 HONEST A SINCERE Single 5T Isar roe. Me ayes ria+ smear 3' sin In arc som- we Good ores o nurser low N te,gln and bwp ORION c w he md*Dm modes aria aw"m Loolog b flo 410ho and PoerbM ,sa;ionsnc BOX 27077 MACHO HALF ' otigri, mmgk fe wan Poo K am c tomo wee nowseeks attract" Nreae kir 31110 Hatt sleds Must be ori mg N asaw me we we in I11gl1 sale Now Minae win some dough saved up n ora Sleds wan Cleo me BOX 23M CALL NOW A ,,ca snCwe PeCWvp guy Leekng for an oras, caring Una*. 31) ;1 writ snow barbec.,es good :0"Wrisaaon. ons"tq ,i and .we BOX 27079 SNCHE AND HONEST Singe wase 'rias. 29. 5' T 170111 R1y ernbloI I wishes to Yarn 1"" with someWN aWCeat sfoy canpng. 4aneetae dewes csttetsn, names. laic and wry ft" at Moa -r ser. of amp .aka *maw 24 b 32 all sffdw qU► ass 80223M BELIEVES N QUALITY hard -orarp ms". aetw 1 b on ahead l owm Dt4t - I a lucre Litt 9 a M type of Conon wit not to part a the yean atead. IlpMft bang end calling . W" waft on To tlsscR fa rau". the awr ant confer ortde n awr 902 2W VAIESSA CALL DAVE -k. Vanessa, Vks s Dave nwDos 21515 1 mdsW yw Ynone number so -wase cal again BOX 27050 SOW MALE _ aowi g o siege iwwN amok 29 to 32 yeas at wonng wema wr good sense v^,^w 40 HEAD GAMES 901 27052 FNRST TIME AD rogue writ tutee 21 pas aid. 5'"- 1651% w r dark haw green eyes, woang a a sew single lotjala. 19 1 25 Tt awes to haw tun pay poo and go to mgrs ens ;,e dship. DoasbM rMaaoranip 901 23854 ACTIVE AND ATTRACTIVE 22 year old make 4e4lrtg lsmale Pillow 19 ant 215, tW slays carping. sports arc quiat ro anuc ewwgs a Mme o v the own BOX 23M SINCERE EXECUTIVE 44 year old. singe. SYCCeaftd. spartan*% stele Enjoys dining, dancing, travel arc romance Seeks pe0wraalegem lady BOX 23W EMPLOYED AND SINCERE i ooking for warsc female to Pure some !ane win rm 5' T. 38 r good physical condition, hope to fid III erne, rum a deme ki sen most weeleras. Dying !c "ave a good Awe fa a sten. BOX 27166 FOREVER YOUNG w 1 am a tea dark, vine. amacmfe eve 49 but my both mr1kCaU is a mistake Lows spats. dancig, drivers. sit - Looking for a goddess who a atm*w, honest. and len An for leg term mage Simi one Pease respond BOX 23M VERY SEXY MAN Going to University In Toronto, confident and assert -e, caring am tunny romantic and extremely ath!ehC Looking a s bmaie who s srsw for kw4- ship and mabye Romance I am 25 you an be below 18 and 29 BOIL 21444 SINGLE WHITE BRIT Male. 31, healthy, 170111 ST bode hair. Nue eyes I or" any activity. including evenings out and in, wars. dives. raves. traveling Looking for a skm. attract". carp ornale. 25 to 33. with W" nrntt a he -k Vg aro possible ria• so shp BOX 27110 VM MOT W IINWW b ince. Am, "" Poll. I I , NJ eltalrtgad Bat rnloviaa ca► versasal d-ang tMatd Ne Ib a w an allay tanale, atlracbw femur lir r*Wt orahlp. 004" aro. BOK 23M 1 F I If NOSES Owdreea 1** mals, 37. F. 26ML brow has and Wyse loosing a a to We. 30 to 37. for senrab NlseOrwsp Ram uwrpwwt NOK ZEN LOVE TO ORial East krden mals. 46 "ors. OMWS%d. Looking a a Caribbean woman. W figured, Peruser the spas of 35 and 45 for 11 a dstkp woov up e IN will lane .000 ship Non smoky and socisl drinker BOX 21482 AO1DFl1 WOMMa WANTED rm door 39. 6' 170lbs Plan eyes and Pur, look 25 Omnng. dorsi' music. ehoorog Ps". dere and allW, Lo" a ergs or dknI " I lemaa. 20 b 36. to reel and rove a lex of fun Pedaling, Alas area BOK 23M LOOKING FOR LOVE Sr" wrote mel*. 20. 6 bande Par. flaw ayes am basing for good tires and Caner a.wwga at rano able BOK 229'36 VM SKY MALE Sngle alar* mW. i3-. low king Wow nor past my Ma/dsr Work stesay "I No a ane nwesw n ruee011g wdmar to 9: Cut 10 srosns r out b erne ret a my fifty guy NOK 23127 LOOKING FOR YOU tree. 30. Wang a M armua ria .x+Mpor'arK hNw a hes Tamm am Zoo MEW TO OSHAWA ki acti" singe while male. 23. who svop ag wa0s, cycling Omc- ing and quiet ewnrngs at hats watcring mows Swop a %mea- 2C to 2& win same rmwesl and sere of hiwnor a line I"tp 801123031 NOMEST AND FUN Sege waw +tab, orderly (10I d Looking for I*" whoa IN We. IW wnots Carnong-orwo dares aro damp. NOX2W' SUBWAM MALE C2 M old mw stet U to 25 fir ked tema-e for let loge'rws on @wrings and weekw , BOK 21363 OPEN am= "Cim Awrap. tiny wale mals. air Wall Will* of 140 0, mckv bold eewdw ora twang, r"W two wonug WW MMMOuL who snlova We Looking for a single. Mia- *dale. 24 to 4C. rum ne own sans of purewas No Pat paten. BOX 27122 SKY AND LOKKJI' GI1r Yowp. 54 year OK Tit-, 100 pleads Lie denCi g, damp ak 9�4 le them mbrt, e ge, Now ant maet Smoke and acwi 3hmm Saekrg a tally. whc w 47 b 51 oV swMe NOMM, sem b medium hold BOR 27923 SOW WWM MALE - Ma b ager A ver 2C to 25 wino a wry tip4nt rrew11a0 WAS -ockay, ftm% ranprp must be swc" NGR 23110 IIEALJSM FUN GUY 29. SS. ped medun bore ARM" with grew UK 00 b iKV am haw Alt, No Vatalastlad I you No b wire and dine a nus ski sack AV" led ON Car 80X 2" OMSHAWA AREA LADES 35 s,ngle 511-. Iwi kip leafy Ran SOON om m 30 b 40, or dorso of NMOWnp n OMam also any, 1111011 23M SPUNKY SPONTANEOUS 33 separated mels. S't I-, 190 be . we snort blown ver. My a" gwtg Me a 9r mm of Amer and boas Feat a" am fill n we Seekep an alrame and ambkwed woman, wino rias a Tat sues or mummer aria a hear of ked it S' inave ad. Pam at am 2706 NO DEPENDENTS ST 190 be mai, snort dark nu. be* eyes, no dpendWAL neo he* working -ooag a an attractive woman oro also work' and ants b be t eased or, rwped ala "an the ammor sine deserves. Prier no CrdNr BOX 23M COME SAIL AWAY' ' AM mgt captain of ■ 28 h. Mesar s Meldrg a A war VA% gam, 26 b 32. 55' to 6 Want someone for lun in the sun and WOO star light dtgrsg Sage mors Wellcome Dom rocs greasing 90X 21399 BIG TEDDY BEAR 5 " . 1901s prtysca9y N_ ors to work out tate Mees watch mores, sped quiet kme aet a lemak , am a hope ass romantic So" a woman oro muss t teawd like a queen BOX 23110 NEW N TOWN Said. 23 year old man, blw eyes, long hair, tan 5'10'. 160 pounds Looking a a fenete 20 a 30. dont eine kdS BOX 2381 i How to respond to an ad 1PAfter listening to the simple instruc- tions enter the mailbox number of the ads you want to access or browse all greetings randomly. You'll hear a greeting with the Sincerely Yours ad and the person l behind the greeting. Voice greetings are added to the system every 24 hours. So you can browse through the new advertiser greetings before the Sincerely Yours ads appear in the newspaper. Listen to greetings of people that interest you. If you like, leave your That person will hear your message when they call in. clec" ora- music lad Oeste. Poaw be an animal Now and non smoMa. BOX 27113 SENIOR WNIo LADY Sailor wham lady. sae. . a somm prftW in wily 70's, non smoky and s0c M drinker. I haw a good Sam of hteawr and like animals. Enjoy navies. "*Mo. N, music. gardenrg, drlrg out and QLW everwgs at home wt*y and Pickle. i c, i -1 oe. BOB 237!1 W"M ARE TOUT Co s4erod Mbacbe, $ 0 sufficient, Sam. 5'8" single white female. appow 19 "01 reeres*ra Wafnate mane* cottage lie. theater. travel. music. snarng a good mal wet a flee Dale of van. See" fall, to killing, non smdup malsa good was. 1, 1 leg farm BOK 214M SEEKING COMPANOIN rm 66 year old widow, looking to meet a nice companion ciw I am 5 1M Dkai I gram "a origin 135 I Shad w a ram ilwt era ,-ft sin, good sense o1 humor. 65 plus ha-frn6 a nice car going for wag news Not a drinker serial drva r ory a is lave mwage BOX 21400 LOOSELY LADY .ortely lady wry 7C& seeks lately polar s Enoys er, travel. ewe. 0* Ing Cut or stay enq none Must ham good sense Of U ar and me arwaa. ran emhor BOX 21419 HANDSOME WIDOWER 62 yea old rune r.111 male Mor care non san4 and "I drnkw Seek to mets someone tow egehist is S A 90 *A%mo !ady who wes 9ardenvg travel and ww to Senous nowes 901121421 ACTIVE WASP WIDOWER Active Warp wa awe rare and car oww Nen sraorw ane W avow Word aw to mat angle turns Nay age up to IS& a maul wepon ed don loot -am" include muse. 9wdrw i; hwoy- mer *-Ig -gum -" Out id *ft" ee teras BOX 21393 1 AM WIDOW Danah aWe II Puawvng BOX 21351 WIDOWER Singe rune weo-e 65, word ora a companion Looking to a wnife wine acv enc s ,ice BOX 21344 ONE THING MK SM Anracowe. to, poass- SO* Iady. 49. wtenenely WCuts, finny "0* 14 non 29WW SOWN di -" L009V to '"Nigoa-'Draw man a this* *" ems. I ele P*Ag1 voleft at Mean someone a conaarNmsnip or namoratvp BOX 25176 NEW N TOWN Belem looking for torr meat am Z2. Mm adult eyes are liar. wry sen AM aRatave. bed fa OUOMM masa end MM Lookvg a Santora. 22 b 27. must on 'oft It you am the beasL waw a ma- nage BOX 25172 LADY OF EXPECTATIONS -adlf wit expects am stew gena*r0 or cube, 48 a 511. aft Won Mw to no a w0y of Barr, , Must ee Mft4tfcwty rdapeid*N am Down a cove at shined 'to RW" NOB 25174 RMI LOVING widow, ndapendo 58, base Ie. Would We k snare * we tun bung gem - ms NOK 25197 LOOKS NOT IMPORTANT ami a sports RMd@6 SO" .nae emae. 32, SS, 235 Da Slang an haat[ One women well. 32 to 40. ant anyI heck". bike ndI walking, ray' on pod and mows Oshawa ala a keno- si o ,waorstip BOX 25160 WANTED: 'MAN Single white lemate. 21. looking a single while Male. 1910 25, woo enjoys tong walks by the lake, romantic swwwnge he ON sane must a" chtde/1. Mem soeor a srardsltp and possba ree- baahip 901 25162 YOUNG, AT HEART .onsly, lady who a wry yang 0 nor, bills 31rltxg, drug out or W quiet "WW95 Looking for ag, mean mele with similar neem. a Cmpewaruhp 55 b 65 BOIL 25151 THE QUIET MAN Us~ O'Mara bo" for John Wayne. Irish Colon. SWF. separated. Pretty bade. Wtte Looking for a guy with high mores and a great sense of nrnor. Look' wound Oetnney net BOX 25148 WARM SINCERE CARING t you are an unattached mar. 38 IC AS, bong for an Waae- gent pc&u a larkil family wenu ad. anrac ir-e woman 40 with a sans Of humor who FIRST TIME AD c -anc,auy md"firs ll eracavt new age 35 Agnostic honest and S a e one feu*orsleD or . ncere SawimM SEEKINGMEN_, estaOUsw anra-`ve : 1S pose b average :,,ic wOra, BOX 25166 YOUNG MALE .eft good coiling a ewe r WHITE MALE S rg,t ewe soaking snob Dir- f 9,nr want to meet -r ne, young worar, A;, is 5C . lei voce bell a man W •' e^_-%hC and tlossOke relahorWfo rrnabor 901 25161 BW 25166 CAFOOG NUIYDUAL - mil- name a Rack i SEEKING RELADOkSMP - tacill .6. 165 am 35 years ad. raw a son we twaar,, pounds olikrtg 1c. -ne- Dve• 3o a you are canting ano raw" l" r the Ostawa trawessic :af BOX 25123 area :eve is meef someone below 29 and MALE SEEKING COUPLE 8, serua, made 5 BOX 25156 II n; •:, panne• c• coupe 26 years old. ATTACHED MALE 8 atachee maw seeks bn-_* -dA• o.R eyes good looting and ht aWaded lemaw a *sv ecounrs I am BOX 25126 hr cw,g linloy spars moves and lots more M WHITE MALE Age 23 so" other mass BOX 25161 fr.,om Pick#• ng - %• r^ope for d,screw BRANS COUNT lee y* wobgent attractive' etca,nle•s BOX 23917 Do you like ar' mats the outdoors. nave a LONELY HEART Mare rill 30's professone sense ;' ,;trill , Shy-oderate'v rectus -e. Seeks caring. amacwe strangle appear'ng and dwdtsd -one maw. 34. writer saeu .K1,•ar. aearg male. 35 o 50 Enoys swrmmng. waft 21_ ' -: is sure :.• 'cn+wrows BOX 25163 and rooves. No rto re Dar scene dugs or EASY GONG MALE Eas} gong. 31 yen lee one "g-- stands Serious replies only BOX mawpar. time ernq,neerng st.,derr rum ar 23lM.w esUbks d gree I or" wales r the park MALE SEEKING MALE 27 year old good he outdoors theakir and quiet evenings rope r7wm -air acing b seekng a Ear, curious b meet someone to move forward with a ser. Nets 18 to 3C Wart soredne for fun Imes or ous restonshtp Have a Ki' rc one, Ir6' want Curran ey,or Must, De :wan and discreet so wore is sna•e ' nr BOR 25164 SOX 2371 KIDS ARE GREAT • eoo, are a sage wuN MALE SEEKS SAME =Arse • -ne B, curious tenure. mid 3C s. attiacme slim. active hon adadio mee. 35 Seefrinc PR same for dt- estioye and CwN won yang children. and aaeelfenccunens BOX 2375 CMOURG AREA MALE 29 510". 150ts . need a corrim,ftnerll please cal. me You won t be asamonrec BOX 25155 aoo r Sas. blue syn. seeking N mak or Isar YOUNG AT HEART V7rdowev, 62. 150 nous ie b 30. to good tunes Piease tespord pounds. 510'. smoke Would like to MM a om name and nunoe BOX 23862 son lady 52 to 63. for a kingasung r"bon- DU0111AM REGION 2A year old male. wkb stip My interests ie dancing. Dwdvwv erg dark hdark syn. wkrg s very good kiolook- ie walks camping and mary more Serous rig for wrath" Si and maslculele mer under replete only !cease Oshawa area BOX 25157 35 onty BOX 23164 N THERE Nice person oolong fon someone FUN LOVING English. gay wine mW seeking age 28 b 35. who likes to walk. going a coun- A gay while mel* 18 to 24 0OW9 for re som*0 try drives dining out and having fun BOX in Boamnanvie as with crmrlort -01101 25153 pod John Laron. slrnfid and fast bad Am MISSING LOVE TwC well established gentle -a b v couch poatoe type win blue eyes discrele encounters and piosslbw men. int i door and outdoor acwnes Seeking the Company of two slender femaleswho lalstbntshp BOX 23M appreciate tie frier toys of Me and T LC Into by farm coo-1a111trjt Sanas fepbo$ orvy. BOK 8178 SEMM MODS Dwacad what mals. 37 6.25011 brown her. broom "as Looking a a lot , 30 b 37wool someone for a sen ous r"t,cr hp Race unimportant BOX 25150 TRY ME YOU'L LIKE OE Very young 40th. very saw 7 days a week dnrg ant der- romal over t escape tc Ins great Ou- doas Seeking a sum pane lady CWrP-. leg" 1D 40. b On alf W OWL I Ifai : Won low are out fere NOK 25/41 VERY ROMANTIC Single wane maw. 21. 5"0 190111 whc s nvsneYy inclss*aI rw& gam ala handsome Low 4rhboac mnorrg gcwg, b*sew 'lately end pee Se" a Wn . do Nnnale. 25 to 34 10 paftON AN $ki wain someae a %woftnp. ommto 80K 75143 GENTLE BEAR Sngk .rise met. 32. wacky m*wn g'•' nova" r''14Ap Nal alec- bwou. good some d humor ,was mow". 1sAng beats, 4eta aro of , Weng for a Sege wrier sjww 38 k 48. Wwwo and "p BOX 25144 SEEKING LADY .,,voiced mar 51. r-'0' 1451s not sad bar soese _oallng a Nay 40 C Sc •r 'ne esrC feadrg to reeuonuvp *.w As sports Duhww am pleft d BOB 25140 DIVORCED MALE 7'voicsd wvss mase 'rid 3C s famer, Entails int outdoors. goals mlovesbfn#f arses s Dow corbomefft ttema n M-1010,1 and statq b co ori mist Seamg siessr wmw 28 b 40 BOX 27771 LOOKING FOR YOU Araetic, seriew. 35. Wm s11arN, long waft owl gong out or sayrrng n Seeking ht. SOKW'*. non smoking worrier 25 x 35 b kwosnp leers o No aditwNc BOX 25135 YOU AND ME ORLY very carting maw 5- ''F ver eyes, etm1,1 oda count, skrg canes. m^tw,4 'k+Wltp ora the gdod ttwgt n ne _e6 neer and w nakalw leas i6 cam BOX 25130 MON SMOKER MALE - my name is Sora. a u,memy graduate not, sew -are wrier wring 'hale or -want; a goin wtf. 56` 135 aouna, sem Now brown 'tale and !:kA eye dor pocket and ONW ]polls wing wife or Awr lady Scess om*i .mer 4D" BOX 251311 IEIE 1 AM -wee . am bI mew. 6t ow to soh ■ttr A Nwcwk secreoaf go* V .Ares to ravel moves 3,011 4u. SIC Would No to meat A wOnwih a spy M geed nnrs wand BOX 2SIr 70 W11 TO EAR'" rear I'd, wnrle mats. 511 Prow, nae -r:wr eyes, annoy robnyclea and mom x'lmes Slang a ohle lwa*e 18 to N BOR 25137 Siomme HONEST 4u yeer aid. eacaaa3 ee6 ood. non amem mon drewbarq a 1 Nr+ase a a leg arm ='W' k'W 80X 2St70 SESOM TLC Swrota ora a0s mat ats" a sonde mr4xumm. Caring lemur 25 b 4C Musson Wase geed osewreesa. . Cit deg and quash time rt n SSW a gong ono new -,Sri ^_ C g" TM a Clea BOR 21470 COOL LIKE rMT ,old an ab normal. 10 yw old Rae seeks emaY. r 710 19, for an tewsiae rawbortsvp MEr w drama and Sr Trek BOX 21445 IMDERSTANONG D-ortwc ow mals 37. 5.9- -.85 111 eyes, wow, hall. employed sew of one nine year Old son Eli" ria, - Says. home cooked own. naw& M3Wg. sports, cycling. etc HOp,ng to -ear from Ma wave modner of ale or sage woman 33 e 4C to possOe 'aatrothp BOX 27016 SEEKM LADY 25 year did siege ones gu". 57 14C po.,nCs. not me the bar scene _ootung o a single Nay 22 to 27. sen Must like moves carslong weks and ones leo %W role Looking for relationship or VOW- sfkc BOX 27911 HYPER AND FUNNY Sngw ones mas, green eyes brown flu 23 oro is out a a tun M -w but a also turf workn,, am kiowig a A Dos - sae reaborsrip or a temuw 19 to 25 who likes dancing, rung walks and sports BOX 279M EASY GOING! Spontaneous Smite mile 28 Mare brawn nae arc "ai Enyoy a variety of aawaes and willing to try now ones I fie o go Dirt or j st stay at tome 't Ins ntaa6 ya. pease give lea wk BOX 23813 SHARE LEE WITH ,andsomeitakan decent now marred. 5 10'. 19C ponds, very t Mn smoker. nondrinker sensitive. opts milled. IOHy, and romarlffr I anpy dives up nari. camping. fishing. marnal arts Look,ntis to( attractive lady 2E to 38 Singe mom okay with similar merest BOX 21367 OPEN MINDED ROMANTIC Mr old white mal enpys wows. dubs. music and spool& Nos to have fun. average bonds S"UN Wn gle while temaie 19 to 32, with s,rtt*a iMeest BOX 2707 WART OF GOLD Anractne. romantic 35 year old single niee male Enjoys drug out. dam ng going to moves and country drives Seeking that spool lady to pampa and eryoy, We win BOX 23144 WHY NOT? Sincere. attiaccve nue. 32 Wish to meet a sum, attractive, tenure under 34 0 you are SpOntansout, somses lom doy-sh. condonable in cut -or snorts and a bikes, as wee as dressed up for a"M on She ern. I would Me to hear from you Francis Inst BOX 2SM WHAT A CATCH one I an a 41 Par old single "mals. good klnkn9 srrd t Looking for a buiNU mw made and al ON =82 SMY WHITE SALE Nd inti fa bar fmnle, ac 11ng for someone b spud We ae1, s gist Aavrg to go dU all the tim. I am 56' 175 pounds. Drown half nnth grant+ eyes BOX 23M FUN LONLEY GUY Estadligir whiffs mals. 31. 6.250 Ds. Put of acsn: *a haug. bnmg and " al Seeks what to Wer 20 to 30 over SQ mooken to sin build for, ­ tel► sotst BON 231015 DAD SEEKS COMPANION Fairy anrachw and Wan to we dssrwd l anisry end ssnsaw. 1y t mus.' 2C b 30 N0 had games phew baa. N"wf and frim. dark No. brie eyes. ST. 165 paras Emay We. of ecnon. da1- den and mki auk Nsaraeon OW 23MS AST LOOKING Genuinely nim 9q. hesw4 ill non snakrg. 38 year od dwoiced maw who aUy Cares about lee and keg you ses lend. wa 3C to 45. single.nne trWe ala nr- eased r ,nig BOX 23W FOI/D One WAN mat 51sT. 18C pounds rum' stlractiw teslas and a Deet W" of !kms _ria am Spats and ouasoa atxotsw ,-oow% lir kir sMachi. M pros. 25 to 35 Kids are -=or* BOX 23111111110 EUROPEAN MALE Single wham evalwan maw 4C S''1• ISC pounds Enow mases. -alvnt'i and disnew LOOUg for fpneae to add a spar' 'n my -te Do not wart any of, -. swmo" wit a ptaaeam are deem Samar wnc is nor and 4awig to be sen aw Stew t moa ~ mm emy neve bang. , '410o+E we+ a pcb^ a -0 W so BW 2374 HOPELESS 408ANTIC Seeking a ady. beruee^ 4C arc so, to shah* romantic eve ngs walks and taft Somas can on am end eiiI; "coop in a ellaaah9 I am bu," I comDassw and ft" to aim" l'tew a greet senator Arne ed sin are +roues am 23072 HONEST A SINCERE Single 5T Isar roe. Me ayes ria+ smear 3' sin In arc som- we Good ores o nurser low N te,gln and bwp ORION c w he md*Dm modes aria aw"m Loolog b flo 410ho and PoerbM ,sa;ionsnc BOX 27077 MACHO HALF ' otigri, mmgk fe wan Poo K am c tomo wee nowseeks attract" Nreae kir 31110 Hatt sleds Must be ori mg N asaw me we we in I11gl1 sale Now Minae win some dough saved up n ora Sleds wan Cleo me BOX 23M CALL NOW A ,,ca snCwe PeCWvp guy Leekng for an oras, caring Una*. 31) ;1 writ snow barbec.,es good :0"Wrisaaon. ons"tq ,i and .we BOX 27079 SNCHE AND HONEST Singe wase 'rias. 29. 5' T 170111 R1y ernbloI I wishes to Yarn 1"" with someWN aWCeat sfoy canpng. 4aneetae dewes csttetsn, names. laic and wry ft" at Moa -r ser. of amp .aka *maw 24 b 32 all sffdw qU► ass 80223M BELIEVES N QUALITY hard -orarp ms". aetw 1 b on ahead l owm Dt4t - I a lucre Litt 9 a M type of Conon wit not to part a the yean atead. IlpMft bang end calling . W" waft on To tlsscR fa rau". the awr ant confer ortde n awr 902 2W VAIESSA CALL DAVE -k. Vanessa, Vks s Dave nwDos 21515 1 mdsW yw Ynone number so -wase cal again BOX 27050 SOW MALE _ aowi g o siege iwwN amok 29 to 32 yeas at wonng wema wr good sense v^,^w 40 HEAD GAMES 901 27052 FNRST TIME AD rogue writ tutee 21 pas aid. 5'"- 1651% w r dark haw green eyes, woang a a sew single lotjala. 19 1 25 Tt awes to haw tun pay poo and go to mgrs ens ;,e dship. DoasbM rMaaoranip 901 23854 ACTIVE AND ATTRACTIVE 22 year old make 4e4lrtg lsmale Pillow 19 ant 215, tW slays carping. sports arc quiat ro anuc ewwgs a Mme o v the own BOX 23M SINCERE EXECUTIVE 44 year old. singe. SYCCeaftd. spartan*% stele Enjoys dining, dancing, travel arc romance Seeks pe0wraalegem lady BOX 23W EMPLOYED AND SINCERE i ooking for warsc female to Pure some !ane win rm 5' T. 38 r good physical condition, hope to fid III erne, rum a deme ki sen most weeleras. Dying !c "ave a good Awe fa a sten. BOX 27166 FOREVER YOUNG w 1 am a tea dark, vine. amacmfe eve 49 but my both mr1kCaU is a mistake Lows spats. dancig, drivers. sit - Looking for a goddess who a atm*w, honest. and len An for leg term mage Simi one Pease respond BOX 23M VERY SEXY MAN Going to University In Toronto, confident and assert -e, caring am tunny romantic and extremely ath!ehC Looking a s bmaie who s srsw for kw4- ship and mabye Romance I am 25 you an be below 18 and 29 BOIL 21444 SINGLE WHITE BRIT Male. 31, healthy, 170111 ST bode hair. Nue eyes I or" any activity. including evenings out and in, wars. dives. raves. traveling Looking for a skm. attract". carp ornale. 25 to 33. with W" nrntt a he -k Vg aro possible ria• so shp BOX 27110 VM MOT W IINWW b ince. Am, "" Poll. I I , NJ eltalrtgad Bat rnloviaa ca► versasal d-ang tMatd Ne Ib a w an allay tanale, atlracbw femur lir r*Wt orahlp. 004" aro. BOK 23M 1 F I If NOSES Owdreea 1** mals, 37. F. 26ML brow has and Wyse loosing a a to We. 30 to 37. for senrab NlseOrwsp Ram uwrpwwt NOK ZEN LOVE TO ORial East krden mals. 46 "ors. OMWS%d. Looking a a Caribbean woman. W figured, Peruser the spas of 35 and 45 for 11 a dstkp woov up e IN will lane .000 ship Non smoky and socisl drinker BOX 21482 AO1DFl1 WOMMa WANTED rm door 39. 6' 170lbs Plan eyes and Pur, look 25 Omnng. dorsi' music. ehoorog Ps". dere and allW, Lo" a ergs or dknI " I lemaa. 20 b 36. to reel and rove a lex of fun Pedaling, Alas area BOK 23M LOOKING FOR LOVE Sr" wrote mel*. 20. 6 bande Par. flaw ayes am basing for good tires and Caner a.wwga at rano able BOK 229'36 VM SKY MALE Sngle alar* mW. i3-. low king Wow nor past my Ma/dsr Work stesay "I No a ane nwesw n ruee011g wdmar to 9: Cut 10 srosns r out b erne ret a my fifty guy NOK 23127 LOOKING FOR YOU tree. 30. Wang a M armua ria .x+Mpor'arK hNw a hes Tamm am Zoo MEW TO OSHAWA ki acti" singe while male. 23. who svop ag wa0s, cycling Omc- ing and quiet ewnrngs at hats watcring mows Swop a %mea- 2C to 2& win same rmwesl and sere of hiwnor a line I"tp 801123031 NOMEST AND FUN Sege waw +tab, orderly (10I d Looking for I*" whoa IN We. IW wnots Carnong-orwo dares aro damp. NOX2W' SUBWAM MALE C2 M old mw stet U to 25 fir ked tema-e for let loge'rws on @wrings and weekw , BOK 21363 OPEN am= "Cim Awrap. tiny wale mals. air Wall Will* of 140 0, mckv bold eewdw ora twang, r"W two wonug WW MMMOuL who snlova We Looking for a single. Mia- *dale. 24 to 4C. rum ne own sans of purewas No Pat paten. BOX 27122 SKY AND LOKKJI' GI1r Yowp. 54 year OK Tit-, 100 pleads Lie denCi g, damp ak 9�4 le them mbrt, e ge, Now ant maet Smoke and acwi 3hmm Saekrg a tally. whc w 47 b 51 oV swMe NOMM, sem b medium hold BOR 27923 SOW WWM MALE - Ma b ager A ver 2C to 25 wino a wry tip4nt rrew11a0 WAS -ockay, ftm% ranprp must be swc" NGR 23110 IIEALJSM FUN GUY 29. SS. ped medun bore ARM" with grew UK 00 b iKV am haw Alt, No Vatalastlad I you No b wire and dine a nus ski sack AV" led ON Car 80X 2" OMSHAWA AREA LADES 35 s,ngle 511-. Iwi kip leafy Ran SOON om m 30 b 40, or dorso of NMOWnp n OMam also any, 1111011 23M SPUNKY SPONTANEOUS 33 separated mels. S't I-, 190 be . we snort blown ver. My a" gwtg Me a 9r mm of Amer and boas Feat a" am fill n we Seekep an alrame and ambkwed woman, wino rias a Tat sues or mummer aria a hear of ked it S' inave ad. Pam at am 2706 NO DEPENDENTS ST 190 be mai, snort dark nu. be* eyes, no dpendWAL neo he* working -ooag a an attractive woman oro also work' and ants b be t eased or, rwped ala "an the ammor sine deserves. Prier no CrdNr BOX 23M COME SAIL AWAY' ' AM mgt captain of ■ 28 h. Mesar s Meldrg a A war VA% gam, 26 b 32. 55' to 6 Want someone for lun in the sun and WOO star light dtgrsg Sage mors Wellcome Dom rocs greasing 90X 21399 BIG TEDDY BEAR 5 " . 1901s prtysca9y N_ ors to work out tate Mees watch mores, sped quiet kme aet a lemak , am a hope ass romantic So" a woman oro muss t teawd like a queen BOX 23110 NEW N TOWN Said. 23 year old man, blw eyes, long hair, tan 5'10'. 160 pounds Looking a a fenete 20 a 30. dont eine kdS BOX 2381 i How to respond to an ad 1PAfter listening to the simple instruc- tions enter the mailbox number of the ads you want to access or browse all greetings randomly. You'll hear a greeting with the Sincerely Yours ad and the person l behind the greeting. Voice greetings are added to the system every 24 hours. So you can browse through the new advertiser greetings before the Sincerely Yours ads appear in the newspaper. Listen to greetings of people that interest you. If you like, leave your That person will hear your message when they call in. clec" ora- music lad Oeste. Poaw be an animal Now and non smoMa. BOX 27113 SENIOR WNIo LADY Sailor wham lady. sae. . a somm prftW in wily 70's, non smoky and s0c M drinker. I haw a good Sam of hteawr and like animals. Enjoy navies. "*Mo. N, music. gardenrg, drlrg out and QLW everwgs at home wt*y and Pickle. i c, i -1 oe. BOB 237!1 W"M ARE TOUT Co s4erod Mbacbe, $ 0 sufficient, Sam. 5'8" single white female. appow 19 "01 reeres*ra Wafnate mane* cottage lie. theater. travel. music. snarng a good mal wet a flee Dale of van. See" fall, to killing, non smdup malsa good was. 1, 1 leg farm BOK 214M SEEKING COMPANOIN rm 66 year old widow, looking to meet a nice companion ciw I am 5 1M Dkai I gram "a origin 135 I Shad w a ram ilwt era ,-ft sin, good sense o1 humor. 65 plus ha-frn6 a nice car going for wag news Not a drinker serial drva r ory a is lave mwage BOX 21400 LOOSELY LADY .ortely lady wry 7C& seeks lately polar s Enoys er, travel. ewe. 0* Ing Cut or stay enq none Must ham good sense Of U ar and me arwaa. ran emhor BOX 21419 HANDSOME WIDOWER 62 yea old rune r.111 male Mor care non san4 and "I drnkw Seek to mets someone tow egehist is S A 90 *A%mo !ady who wes 9ardenvg travel and ww to Senous nowes 901121421 ACTIVE WASP WIDOWER Active Warp wa awe rare and car oww Nen sraorw ane W avow Word aw to mat angle turns Nay age up to IS& a maul wepon ed don loot -am" include muse. 9wdrw i; hwoy- mer *-Ig -gum -" Out id *ft" ee teras BOX 21393 1 AM WIDOW Danah aWe II Puawvng BOX 21351 WIDOWER Singe rune weo-e 65, word ora a companion Looking to a wnife wine acv enc s ,ice BOX 21344 ONE THING MK SM Anracowe. to, poass- SO* Iady. 49. wtenenely WCuts, finny "0* 14 non 29WW SOWN di -" L009V to '"Nigoa-'Draw man a this* *" ems. I ele P*Ag1 voleft at Mean someone a conaarNmsnip or namoratvp BOX 25176 NEW N TOWN Belem looking for torr meat am Z2. Mm adult eyes are liar. wry sen AM aRatave. bed fa OUOMM masa end MM Lookvg a Santora. 22 b 27. must on 'oft It you am the beasL waw a ma- nage BOX 25172 LADY OF EXPECTATIONS -adlf wit expects am stew gena*r0 or cube, 48 a 511. aft Won Mw to no a w0y of Barr, , Must ee Mft4tfcwty rdapeid*N am Down a cove at shined 'to RW" NOB 25174 RMI LOVING widow, ndapendo 58, base Ie. Would We k snare * we tun bung gem - ms NOK 25197 LOOKS NOT IMPORTANT ami a sports RMd@6 SO" .nae emae. 32, SS, 235 Da Slang an haat[ One women well. 32 to 40. ant anyI heck". bike ndI walking, ray' on pod and mows Oshawa ala a keno- si o ,waorstip BOX 25160 WANTED: 'MAN Single white lemate. 21. looking a single while Male. 1910 25, woo enjoys tong walks by the lake, romantic swwwnge he ON sane must a" chtde/1. Mem soeor a srardsltp and possba ree- baahip 901 25162 YOUNG, AT HEART .onsly, lady who a wry yang 0 nor, bills 31rltxg, drug out or W quiet "WW95 Looking for ag, mean mele with similar neem. a Cmpewaruhp 55 b 65 BOIL 25151 THE QUIET MAN Us~ O'Mara bo" for John Wayne. Irish Colon. SWF. separated. Pretty bade. Wtte Looking for a guy with high mores and a great sense of nrnor. Look' wound Oetnney net BOX 25148 WARM SINCERE CARING t you are an unattached mar. 38 IC AS, bong for an Waae- gent pc&u a larkil family wenu ad. anrac ir-e woman 40 with a sans Of humor who asekng lnateSi Prillaman with good morals. a i g man of " years. who is aRaCaw, easy one woman man 59 to 65. Interest include gang and enjoys per". for ken tishp wad. ng b hI l -_ 0. OX 26142 LADY Looking for a hand anrg to bump mm, 35 b 45. of Ww" RUM and Sia i1W mAdoas I am 42. S and also 125 pounds... BW 25145 HONEST AND BINCERIE Easy gong urge C. tt*dit wlsse rrele. rhe Wt Ff. lin. WIN of buten. I af" dancs gone out to mores and good eonuorsabar Looking for @no" whits mala. 50 b 60. with smMY arrests. BOX 25147 M M M TOWN You n not wrappW sip n tub physical appearance alae. conversation and coo owbily n searael. You an ambsora. Secure and hoe a good heart I am a 34 year old pralese0ie41 'a ON ft" a that spacai guy Enpy simple Ilwgs. a want in he park or cuddling rip with a good move Looking a my best hero. someone I Can share my M ra- bons wren 801123CM HONEST. FULL OF LIFE Single wmra let cels. 29. hA"and b" Very &*am", dark Prowl her and blew syn Seesaw. down Io suet. ndepeioem with no Oapanj0e16 and ria rib head games Lookig a a rolia good Arend. sr" runs man or same quail. ses Wan someone who envoys ntse. ronwt• IC doom "weft, at For If wt by Ores possible relationship BOX 21514 N TICK._ X00" a sm" sakes' Look no mate I am 19, wim brown and eyss, woo 120 pound& 56' Ltw sporte aomwt am Will moves and a romantic rlpht r. home Single 110I wilt 6 raw old abv 9 X 25133 LOb1I1NG FOR NR RIGHT Must kill* kids• sports. dancing ..in a leddy bear build. twtaeen 30 to 31 1 am a 29 year old full IP wwdsingle base weh brown eyes whoa ate bvirr, encore and norest BOX 25134 SKMCEME WARM HEARTEDAtracdw, sn core. sprawl timate. 34. non smoker, wood KN a mew a IP MO. non swag, nee. 20 b 45. a atetiddjp dM and pmaDb king teen ielaaarwtp I untie a 9nd swnw d fetal and eal0y tbnicrtq. wmnmrng, wallung, reed,% mown. dreg out. pMS. at 901122102 FULL OF LIFE Proffsoagnnal black tamale wort white maw. 25 to 40. must naw a sense of 1U ori lee dreg out and dance g Must be '+sash BOX 25125 ACTIVE 45 yew ad. 5-r. sim bonds, nags eves, nave a sensed Anna Mn oulgong f- . , sorwcrne Saes. hornet and sincere. 40 t 5c. BOR 25130 MISSING THAT SOMEONE 'm a 34 ,area Isms". ow quet arra a name, good mars Ltt4lwg for to species men rm WOK sin mel aria ria rib !sad own" kwe my Me Just noOYitg a M right gray b sw my Ma we NOR 25131 TALL. TAN, TONED 'all. tan, toned, very l nCWA. open nwoed. wt0 1, OOP 35. singe who I Will" to mat at. sm, gee who mew 31) to 40. we sane quallrs, u our C. 160 pounds Want someone woo 4rNOys nseAgwr CawWS3bM I r active aria enpyng We moors and oul. BOX 25311 NOMEST GENnEWN -oast srtcera gen 1lamen with tiny rmoge Lady. 47. *0 many And vaned interests $eat mato up such "WAMM oro enoyl ab arer M*. Loring for III Iest. stabs. 9trtlwtttat+ a posSOO leg rm C4dartaewlt 1 1 shoal .ldulds 9* aw, an and dreg sm 25124 MO HEAD GAMES vour9, bock eery, saw. VA. 42 year old JorwiI Wit cattfpfww, . fight bio■n eyes, 12511 very romantic SPWOreous and very re 00. is dNOWMte sang a track sago. Jamaican mel* wno a M shro ki be lowed. t way he mould be bead Muss be wry romantic. with a gnat sense of !Who and ave kids Dont be laid ID call BOX 25121 NONEST MAN WANTED Divorced woman, "outer at two. 39 yaws 04 My iewests we ssnglng, refidi g, anmatscreative writing, pose ry and dancing Want we ki mw sarbone. 38 b 45, with a sure Of Amar, wlo s atnj4 bang and honest I am 5'3'. green eye& Frown nary and a rat overswrght. Frlenclift first BOX 25122 LOOKING FOR ROMANCE 1 am a very romance. single white lsmials, a yang 58. 5'r. wh bade haw Like country muse and love b dance Looking lex a VA* maw. 5010 65. who will treat a lady we respect. BOX 25125 VIVACIOUS Vivacious, fun loving lady. 50 VOWS yang. I am a mouton bice. Skier and runner Like pleasant conversation, quiet evenings at Mole etc Seeking a special rale for permanent relationship. BOX 2396 BOB. CALL ME! Thi is Joame. Sorry I got ,he wrong "us number Pease cal agar. I rope to hear from you BOX 23907 ATTRACTIVE ROMANTIC Outgoing, blonde, p1016Ssioral bier. 42. win a zest a Me. Lae dancing, mise ting walks. farcy and collage hie Seeking an honest. romantic. non srtaaig mak. 3810 45. who IS 511 talar Looking for tnendift wading to relationship, 801123M INTELLEGENT FEMALE indtYbrldem goal Cliff. ented, university educated, non smoking. attractive 26. 5' 10". mbden bund• no aapsn dents Vaned interest ndudng aAdoor saw ties and International Wawi If you are a tall srralary ambitious. 25 to 32, single wise male, please respond BOR 27911 PREFER OVER 35 You ie til and maelYgent happy and brave. but missing a significant other. To fid *t more about me. calf ft MAY,, bar and see what dti limited space could no d ier BOX 23915 Gishawa/W hahy Thr► Wxk. Clanngton Tbu Vy ;k. Alux/PwAcnns: Ncw s AJvmuw r. NtMuwslserlakl News said Markctplacr aseiwrses h, liability for fell, Crown orf, or rcrAws u, any advcrusemicnu. awl suds liability nI caclu avcly with Lbc aidvert wr of. or respuri4nls Ili. such AdvortL.cmcnb OJiawa This Wxk may, in fu sole JI%:rCIl m clwiFc. rescct or delete any pervnal aJvcn,w;ncnu, whwh n Jeans inapyuopI All a&crusas must record a vowc greeung u, acampany feu ads amts without voice arectiap may ni-A appear in Si wxicly Yarrs When you reslkwid to a Sincewly Y,wrs al, your ph osc bill will se*Icxt a chinned o(S2 49 per rims se An aversigc 3 willow call couvi $7 47 Rc.Mkm ices will Isar pcsxasal dacrpuiom of ailveruscrs and arc ahle u) III a v1 'e mad wsessagc To I a rewew yowl rd kir yah aasea w m via*, rials 14MW13B-56Ogg 24 Yrs w day [-A enl leo and you possesses similar gwoes, pease call BOX 25149 BEAUTIFUL BLONDE Blue eyes, rML bokng for a man age 35 and cp. b have nun and good bees with Must like Childen be tag. dark and Divorced bw4 k SC, medum build, would rule well built Looking to hear from you. BOX to near from honest, caring gentlemen who 25151 Hues danorg. country must, f thing, car pig• SINCERE MAN WANTED Warm hearted mah- wafk5 a" the war. glidchildin and pees a of ruc. would we to mat that special guy. BOX 25132 am 36. interests are dining out. dancing, ACTIVE AND FIT Nurse. ran smoker, ripe- manes. cuddling. giving and race-rg lots of ate charact*w, varied interest intrude trawl. raw burg care. Looking for someone 38 to Seeks self sufficient gentleman companion. 45. aft has a slue of humor and a hart of age up to 65 we similar am bAn and a good gold BOX 25152 car- BOX 2701 ACTIVE AND ROMANTIC Female age 30, 57 YEAR OLD RETIREE Divorcee. single for nature low. great sere of forma, fun to be 20 years. 57, rad Nu, a bit overweight but Ort would kke Ile pleasure of your company good baking Like big band and broadway, for frandshp Lookup for someas age 30 to show music. I am a non smoking chnsan who 35 Must lace children, noel smoke. social ei400 wine occl sioriay wet dune Looking drake BOX 25154 for compatible comparison wit lows artarWs FUN LOVING MON Fun loving. responsible BOX 2101 mom I am 36, well established, working, YOUNG AT HEART Artist. bu%inou lady is &Waekw and selgb Looking a a non snjok- asekng lnateSi Prillaman with good morals. a i g man of " years. who is aRaCaw, easy one woman man 59 to 65. Interest include gang and enjoys per". for ken tishp wad. ng b hI l -_ 0. OX 26142 LADY Looking for a hand anrg to bump mm, 35 b 45. of Ww" RUM and Sia i1W mAdoas I am 42. S and also 125 pounds... BW 25145 HONEST AND BINCERIE Easy gong urge C. tt*dit wlsse rrele. rhe Wt Ff. lin. WIN of buten. I af" dancs gone out to mores and good eonuorsabar Looking for @no" whits mala. 50 b 60. with smMY arrests. BOX 25147 M M M TOWN You n not wrappW sip n tub physical appearance alae. conversation and coo owbily n searael. You an ambsora. Secure and hoe a good heart I am a 34 year old pralese0ie41 'a ON ft" a that spacai guy Enpy simple Ilwgs. a want in he park or cuddling rip with a good move Looking a my best hero. someone I Can share my M ra- bons wren 801123CM HONEST. FULL OF LIFE Single wmra let cels. 29. hA"and b" Very &*am", dark Prowl her and blew syn Seesaw. down Io suet. ndepeioem with no Oapanj0e16 and ria rib head games Lookig a a rolia good Arend. sr" runs man or same quail. ses Wan someone who envoys ntse. ronwt• IC doom "weft, at For If wt by Ores possible relationship BOX 21514 N TICK._ X00" a sm" sakes' Look no mate I am 19, wim brown and eyss, woo 120 pound& 56' Ltw sporte aomwt am Will moves and a romantic rlpht r. home Single 110I wilt 6 raw old abv 9 X 25133 LOb1I1NG FOR NR RIGHT Must kill* kids• sports. dancing ..in a leddy bear build. twtaeen 30 to 31 1 am a 29 year old full IP wwdsingle base weh brown eyes whoa ate bvirr, encore and norest BOX 25134 SKMCEME WARM HEARTEDAtracdw, sn core. sprawl timate. 34. non smoker, wood KN a mew a IP MO. non swag, nee. 20 b 45. a atetiddjp dM and pmaDb king teen ielaaarwtp I untie a 9nd swnw d fetal and eal0y tbnicrtq. wmnmrng, wallung, reed,% mown. dreg out. pMS. at 901122102 FULL OF LIFE Proffsoagnnal black tamale wort white maw. 25 to 40. must naw a sense of 1U ori lee dreg out and dance g Must be '+sash BOX 25125 ACTIVE 45 yew ad. 5-r. sim bonds, nags eves, nave a sensed Anna Mn oulgong f- . , sorwcrne Saes. hornet and sincere. 40 t 5c. BOR 25130 MISSING THAT SOMEONE 'm a 34 ,area Isms". ow quet arra a name, good mars Ltt4lwg for to species men rm WOK sin mel aria ria rib !sad own" kwe my Me Just noOYitg a M right gray b sw my Ma we NOR 25131 TALL. TAN, TONED 'all. tan, toned, very l nCWA. open nwoed. wt0 1, OOP 35. singe who I Will" to mat at. sm, gee who mew 31) to 40. we sane quallrs, u our C. 160 pounds Want someone woo 4rNOys nseAgwr CawWS3bM I r active aria enpyng We moors and oul. BOX 25311 NOMEST GENnEWN -oast srtcera gen 1lamen with tiny rmoge Lady. 47. *0 many And vaned interests $eat mato up such "WAMM oro enoyl ab arer M*. Loring for III Iest. stabs. 9trtlwtttat+ a posSOO leg rm C4dartaewlt 1 1 shoal .ldulds 9* aw, an and dreg sm 25124 MO HEAD GAMES vour9, bock eery, saw. VA. 42 year old JorwiI Wit cattfpfww, . fight bio■n eyes, 12511 very romantic SPWOreous and very re 00. is dNOWMte sang a track sago. Jamaican mel* wno a M shro ki be lowed. t way he mould be bead Muss be wry romantic. with a gnat sense of !Who and ave kids Dont be laid ID call BOX 25121 NONEST MAN WANTED Divorced woman, "outer at two. 39 yaws 04 My iewests we ssnglng, refidi g, anmatscreative writing, pose ry and dancing Want we ki mw sarbone. 38 b 45, with a sure Of Amar, wlo s atnj4 bang and honest I am 5'3'. green eye& Frown nary and a rat overswrght. Frlenclift first BOX 25122 LOOKING FOR ROMANCE 1 am a very romance. single white lsmials, a yang 58. 5'r. wh bade haw Like country muse and love b dance Looking lex a VA* maw. 5010 65. who will treat a lady we respect. BOX 25125 VIVACIOUS Vivacious, fun loving lady. 50 VOWS yang. I am a mouton bice. Skier and runner Like pleasant conversation, quiet evenings at Mole etc Seeking a special rale for permanent relationship. BOX 2396 BOB. CALL ME! Thi is Joame. Sorry I got ,he wrong "us number Pease cal agar. I rope to hear from you BOX 23907 ATTRACTIVE ROMANTIC Outgoing, blonde, p1016Ssioral bier. 42. win a zest a Me. Lae dancing, mise ting walks. farcy and collage hie Seeking an honest. romantic. non srtaaig mak. 3810 45. who IS 511 talar Looking for tnendift wading to relationship, 801123M INTELLEGENT FEMALE indtYbrldem goal Cliff. ented, university educated, non smoking. attractive 26. 5' 10". mbden bund• no aapsn dents Vaned interest ndudng aAdoor saw ties and International Wawi If you are a tall srralary ambitious. 25 to 32, single wise male, please respond BOR 27911 PREFER OVER 35 You ie til and maelYgent happy and brave. but missing a significant other. To fid *t more about me. calf ft MAY,, bar and see what dti limited space could no d ier BOX 23915 Gishawa/W hahy Thr► Wxk. Clanngton Tbu Vy ;k. Alux/PwAcnns: Ncw s AJvmuw r. NtMuwslserlakl News said Markctplacr aseiwrses h, liability for fell, Crown orf, or rcrAws u, any advcrusemicnu. awl suds liability nI caclu avcly with Lbc aidvert wr of. or respuri4nls Ili. such AdvortL.cmcnb OJiawa This Wxk may, in fu sole JI%:rCIl m clwiFc. rescct or delete any pervnal aJvcn,w;ncnu, whwh n Jeans inapyuopI All a&crusas must record a vowc greeung u, acampany feu ads amts without voice arectiap may ni-A appear in Si wxicly Yarrs When you reslkwid to a Sincewly Y,wrs al, your ph osc bill will se*Icxt a chinned o(S2 49 per rims se An aversigc 3 willow call couvi $7 47 Rc.Mkm ices will Isar pcsxasal dacrpuiom of ailveruscrs and arc ahle u) III a v1 'e mad wsessagc To I a rewew yowl rd kir yah aasea w m via*, rials 14MW13B-56Ogg 24 Yrs w day [-A Romare Renovations Ltd. "Over 35 Years Experience" •YOUR HOME EWPROVEMENT EXPERTS" "FALL SPECIAL" REPLACEMENT WIDOWS AND DOORS *HOME IMPROVEMENT* Spedagzing In: • Drywall and Fine Carpentry • Cerasic and Vinyl Floor Mks • Wood Deck and Wood Fences • Carport, Qaleoay aW Ptereit Picbnres and References Atrailaele ALL WORK GUARANTEED CALL BOB: (905) 420-3044 OYER 2s YKARS SERVICES AVAILABLE EXPERIENCE �r POOL BUSTERS: 'Who roc . c rrwr slaia0lr leeteea O.A.C. CAP" DMCrLY wrr" YOuR ALSO SPECIALIZINGSPECIALVC IN: t FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 905.127.6292 KILPA'I'RIA.K CONSTRUCTION • HOME IMPROVEMENTS •BASEMENTAPARTMENTS 428-8785 HOMEIMPROVEMEWM AcIftons • 2nd flows - Basen+em W. tBaa,.-V •• �g � VVE SUPPLY PERMITS a PLANS REFERENCES a PICTURES AVAILABLE FULLY INSURED • ALL WORK GUARANTEED 97 Church SL, Ajax J. n:L r I I. JOR � Lam`~ �\ I �_ • F SOLID OAK & CI#ARYW. SOLID FIJRMITUREjj � $Qltp • AMISH MADE SOLS • FINISHED IN OUR OtlMN PLANT SOL® CUSTOM FURNITURE. RS"ES A COLOURS HCKEROG MOUE A DESIGN CENTRE 1!117% PICKEFWC MMMY COLDER OF fWRD A a01. PICKERaIGI 427-1381 FULLY LICENSED d1 INSURED NSTALLATION SALES & SERVICE TO • ALL MAKES "EATING, AIR CONDITIONING d REFRIGERATION AUTHORIZED COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL NATURAL GAS 1?EALEF Toronto Durham .... CLASSIC AIR SYSTEMS CEMENT SALE PER BAG Pick -A -Mix 2890 Brock Rd. N. Concrete Pickering, Ontario Ltd. 683-6501 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1"5 -PAGE 31 FREE DESIGN Brighten up part of your life STAINED GLASS Door and Side Lights Choose from in -stock or have a custom design of your choice. Order Today or plan for Christmas and Spring Installation over PAT 619-0606 Expe�r le Years I* 4 ZC"r 1'+ $ �0* -=�"-�,1 �_ � ie tiesitd ta►•sbtiw t tmtt Ritki 11111"M duo. i Ihlasldara�nt3 ti If7w da eill9r elbrolass the ' I! yeilr e�ttriied IAW E ®iws OW Mom at !fie Wa Fa.smm0&whm&w to vii" rigs keeptaK hie.=a1w is mq&im Via- the sunmw ld awe t* AM11iing of s Ir -ft, Nerll�t y*w ca tebw drapes attid farni- ibmry tet aFREE LOW -E • jr.ola the 1a�iemt. $I"rel: P41 NA The Doctor ��, Says... o It's Time For Your Annual (905) gW-IV2 Check Up! 2 • L� S�wrwrp payments • �,o.� �... of`ard" $26.75 Apparaaow � .s'°""'�.'°"'°'ti..<mr Aa psrlaar le 4w ar aata al • Sroatawf Iftw t:onliriiii up to ZING aa. n. • 7% G.S.T. itlelletha DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS rw!5) 579-ZMHim :&%m NT Caro* a Sewctnn d TILT-ACTI011 . PICTURE WINDOWS • BIR' 6 BOW VANCOWS • INSURANCE CLAIMS • PATIO DOORS 1 • STORM DOORS • rE W CONSTRUCTION MNOOWS "' LASS 6 SCREEN aEPAIRS VC&. ,�•` wG opal FREE ESTIMATES W"14E HUTCHMVSON SM KING ST w SALES. SER%ncz a OS"AWA '�aTAFt/0 INSrALLA"',% taeeR 579-2222 Plumbing For You Ltd. " iour Bathroom Specialists " tidies / Service / Renovations S.pecializing in Plumbing Repair Parts Open 7 Days a week I 21 Hr. Emergency Service 1050 Brock Rd. Unit Pickenng. Ontario- L 1 %1V 3X•3 (905 ) 837-1350 I :1u Nrck'% special - M1% off lim price an any Nnir PfL.trr or Mown f+u4: tL: SILVER CARPET & RUGS SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION • INCREDIBLE CARPET AT aa+ �,�, • INCREDIBLE PRICES vNT OUR -For Free Estimates s,+owRoom CALL: SILVER CARPET & RUGS 683-4292 (AJAX) C� FACTORYFNO LTD STOP! Don't throw out that old sofa or chair. Give d new life with High Density Foam. We cut and install on eremtses. We also do reupholstery and manufacture new custom furniture. :ome vw us at 16W B.yy SUM. KAI wag CO Bwdc(PCkarng) Mon Tues, Wad 10 a m -6 p m . Tfwrs Fn 10 a m •7 pm.. Sekrdsy 10 am 5 p m (9061696AJM or 579,'1718 PAGE 32 -THF. NF%'S ADVERTISER SUNDA\', SEPTEMBER 24, 1995 .w Ism (C' I e We'll run it until it (905) sells! Call us for TOLM RONTO details 798.7672 I& 0&� AUTO FOR SALE PACKAGE Sale sigm plus bps for vehicle. Mit our auarafM! 1100=100=1001=100= TORONTO 1 1450 Kingston Rd. School of Business , PICKERING IIT f1 � (,,j, r f1 • �' ' , �'� ..� C J Can Change ELECTRONICS Your COMPUTER FlNANCIAL & NETWORK ASSISTANCE TECHNICIAN MAY BE AVAILABLE COMPUTER ► sortie programs o SUPPORT 0h*Ca SPECIALIST C"1Of1f0`tt"t1°r "mnabort and FREE personal Interview L.enbrook Personal Communications Group, a marketing, ,ales and national telecommunications product distributor, t, currently setiong for a: SALES AND MARKETING ADMINISTRATOR The successful applicant should have a post secondary education; ,trong interpersonal skills and a positive and enthusiastic attitude. Strong keyboarding skills and proficiency in Word/Excel. Excellent verbal/written communication skills. Bilingual FrenchiEnglish) is a definite asset. Main responsibilities include: • Handling of 1-800 Customer Service Calls from End-users. Dealer Saks people, Service Centres. • Processing of Dealer and Service Centre orders. • Message Centre and Administrative Support for the Personal Cornmuniauimis Group. If you are interested in pursuing this challenging opportunity, please subunit your resume by October 6, 1995 to: Lenbrook Industries Limited Human Resources - File #316 633 Granite Corm Pickering, Ontario L1 W 3K1 Fax: (905) 831-6936 No agencies or phone calls please. We will thoroughly review and consider all resumes although we are only able to respond to those who are selected for interviews. We thank all others for their interest. Lenb►ook Industries Limited is committed to employment equity. 100 uuo Rei Yui Call 8 a.m. to 8 P.M.4 Monday to Friday 9:30 ax to 3:00 pAL SAY or fax your ad (905) 579-2238 BIRTH NOTICES Amarine your baWs arrival and tIBCe ve a gift certlficale ordWM you 10 $25 worth ,of quality baby productL $4 7 -N7T care" I Mina Camas 031 calms Get Started! a • _�'� �.�'e� � • �rograrnmer Analyst • imputerzeC Acceun*ing • Network Specialist (CNE -3) • ., rnputer Maintenance Technology • Office Administration financial assistance available to Ulose who qualify Srough (416) 291-6662 325 Milner Avenue • Reach for Your future 'Oshawa (905) 434-8585 560 King Street West COLLEGE OF BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Local manufacturer requires experienced Manager to design, develop and update packaging. You will supervise material handling and shipping and receiving. Qualified candidates please forward resume to: Mimes 3 Associates 915 Sandy Beach Road Pickering, Ontario L1 W 1Z5 Quote File #135 ■ Fax 905-837-5009 ■ ■ ■ We thank all candidates for their interest, however, ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ only those candidates to be interviewed will be contacted. GeneralGeneral Genera l 1 help 1 Hato IM, "sip C a • repidne Dwnon- walon 11 ant tanners al requires CLASS AZ DRIVERS WANTED- LICEMSED CLASS A DIESEL MECHANC - Ffr 2 yrs. a*.; I.C.C. Medical, Police Clearance, Clears abstract, Full(Part lime. Cant Rarely or Card 49a?204 lions paraea No iriveet- rrwrL No rlalil�wiaa, no ooF lecili". Call Linds 905- Q TIRED of Ca enuWV? Lao1Q+p for an appcx —Y ID kAy 1106ze Yoko proven pow,t ub.r stub'- tr - eead n gerwig eiperi- once wih a misty of LAN, WAN and durweerver ar- chaecaaes7 YouYe Art M pans+ wo m bakrip lorl Orgerwation Mow" a an rAwriaaonalty recognzed de.ebper d hurian re- souce mwm9enwnt sys- Iowa. our rienb rick,de seas of North Anrnca's Wg••t pubk and wrate orgenzreons. We r"re davek�pers With at least one year d proven Power- bdidw expwwiw. A bea- grawA in C or C— and m- mrianty with ckenitserver ardrtemwes are pretwred. Send your resume to the sauna d Ura PrGalp, organization Merin. P.O. Dox SK 10 Winchester Road East, &ookin, On - taro LDS tib DOWNS Pizza now hiring dnvem to ow Ajax OW Picker" locations. Paid cash motly. Please apply in person or ear as$-eee3 or 831-0030. wa pay Ym dN' b s@e1tabb err ploduucas yur round. For dak will ant attd ested draped arwalWe b: LEISURE TWE MANUFACTURNG 16715.12 Yong SLAft 944 111 --- am 01de b- L9X 1X4 PLUM 00 MOT MKY M PEMDN G•rserai General 1 Help IM, Help Par Expea more from Sears CANADA'S LARGEST RETAILER HAS OPENINGS FOR THE FOLLOWING PART- TIME CHRISTMAS POSITIONS •COMMISSIONED SALES • RECEIVERS I STOCK • ALTERATIONIST • MAINTENANCE 'EXPERIENCE IS AN ASSET A household name for generations of Canadians, Sears Canada Inc., has earned its position as the retail industry leader through its commitment to customer satisfact on, and excellence in training and development of employees. Retail experience an asset. Must be available for days,evenings, weekends Apply in person to the Human Resources office Monday to Friday, 10 am - 4pm. at SEAR'S Pkkaring Town Centra 1355 Kingaton RCL E Pickering, Ont. Sears Canada Inc. is an equal opportunity employer five tit ill OvWPM wbo WON. but only town sdutad for ilwvbor vA be txatto- 1r I� MW*l' General THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, I"S-PAGE 33 He* Help Imr!Ha1P mIGenienel Help IMI Help Gen.Irall Gistrilerall olMioa Hellp This estrr brei Mdt1N Includes kicking and racking mod trsdr loading and unleading and ptersties 4* [o rkIlIlts and stock ttr ck& did euiistes want bare fammillarky h>A1 dtippiss ani sedw !eosedum and will be &We to alt q to lis lis. Plew"M elrpn*uee In arms isg Order licking "make and lurk ailtol, as well ss tool/atea' •kion am desire& Please lestwasld •wsn•e sad salwy tem Fit 0 7131% Oshawa w> kby This wefl»ek, IN a tx 4M Odums, zss 7u BILNNGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. • Must be Ikrertlly Mriguel (French and Engle h ) • 2 yrs. experience in a progl•sskv hardener service ertvlrontral • Expenence entenrng otdo / to V an on be syn tem • PC experience - Labs and blcrosoll ogee an as- set • Excekirl phone mariners Please fax Cherie at (905) 831-8134 MANPOWER TEMPORARY SERVICES CUSTOMER Neu•s Adverk r requests riot advefbgws check ries ad upon plrikcakon as Notre Ai•lefOSer will not be re6pWW* for more than one ncoi,W rlseraon and there shad be no kab" for no ni+swaort d fer any ad- tileffsrt tawity tux ro- tas n ads is -'*w ID fie WOO pad for the space occupying the error. Ali Of rs s too to the ape proval of management Of New Advertiser UUARAKMW HOURLY WAGE Do you like talking on the phone... Then get paid for it! If you can work Monday -Friday Spm-9pm A Sat. 9:30-I:00pm. Call during shift hours, Debbie at 420-5883 (Pitiurino ar Carol at 430-7510 (vAday) GROWDIG CSOWANT Is recentty ex nded to Osha 1 to service ex ing and nev tantele in the (stem Regan you are sport: nded and kook I for advance can MM (1105) 7XN54s MAC TOOLS Join the fastest grow- ing nlobie bol company it Canada. Dis *Aon: sftips ahraiable. Applic- ants should be sent Mo- tivated, stave ledw11Ci aP%k& and sales or business a"iertce. Non frartclnise OFW- ". Qaed. Financing avai- able. Cal Mac Cando 1.1100353. MATt11E STUDENTS and PAWrE$n required h homern••n wanNd la pro . brush A roe. and part nim• t el•merk•ti f o way man Vehicle r•- Tra•wq Provided. Call DN- Mored Call "it -free) (416) as 9 a.m and 5 p m 550-5922 or MMA23-6391 6194W swEMiENDMi w quired for quality 26 unit condo. Quist •nvtronmera. Maintenance experience prelwmd. Bondable, reler- •nces. Must live in. Two bedroom luxury apartment WM edncluded compensation discussed during interview. Repl, to: Fie #7220. Osha. we 1M4by This Walt, P. O. Bar 481, Oshawa, L1H 7L5. CANADIAN JOB Ex- CHANBE - For that price of a Plnotme ear. place you► own job postings or fesurs on an eledronie hootin, aeoassi6la aaoas Canada for one month. For more i " torte olon and free aoft- wars. Madwindoea Con - tats John Eriott, 906-430- 9B7e. or fart 905.430,=. TPAVEL !!. n R ULTANT Ems® caphxale vacom Salary + camlicsion Fax. or Mai Reunite ID Goigers Travel 1355 Wrpflon Rd. Pidterrg, Ontario. L1V 188 Phone 905-420.3233 Fax. 905-420-7256 JOCUS Educational joys o 1-800.661.5169 Margaret Ferns, in your needarm Inst remade ewer area. JOCUS rsrrtes 300 . o area. Plea,• till 427.0036 WAITRESSES wanted, tWl educational toys. C"'W"e puzzles. crags 65'/. ar • Darnter required for and pen eme. apply n per. son 10 The Kerry M, 967 under $15 loin us and tnwwlkxw" and metal 8P- Westney Rd S . Apex 426- supplement your 1-* n- Omsbans 5awv cdmrw+- B -M -ontact voor cone 1-800.3614597 SOSW wish apanence Ap- WANTED fT°•p. PHARMACIST required. * n p•rsom 10Prbvinp•r women a Nor TV tjomrn Pert aNorth Oshawa Service 375 Frarit- . m-69—. Myers. moves Pharandhymidren .* rinadycy � own born Cas 416-9126.1410 L61i E C T O R Y INVENTORY SERVICE LTD. Part-time inventory counter posiljons available We are looking for Gndidales with • S1rag malh ability- -7 day a week avaiabi- ity rtdudmg eves. / wmaks ds. •Own Vanspoitalliorif (For 8 k.an asset) • nefrable, outgoing wakens. We Ofktr. • Canpebbve houAy Seery • Ft/ Paid training <Wmurdy for advarlcenlernt. I you want to be a player on a winning team, cal Wed./Thurs. aller 1 pm. or fax resume b : FilJnafl ResoLAlbS DAham PeterDOrOUgh 199 Wentworth St. W Suie 1t4 Oshawa, Ort L1J 1P4 1-905-432-2549 WOM was no= n•• w r•• dm* b al umbo sw'wrlt to Easy wail. Me e»Pwtarl, fh•e••••rI For Ruff emaa •rad SA.sE r Rs• star Erleepts•s this Lwwp•I Ill, SW 217, Fal d Orth LIV rip PTOfd IT Help RECEPTIOIaST 'Person F,"W. we Ajax office. Word Paned, 2 months temporary Position. re- quired amnK%•Mly. Ask W PW 693-6M. scrallaoRour,H smoke free office requires Clark weh basic co"Vuj•r ON" n- once. Fax r•sumgs (416)291-0045 RECEPTIONIST Mark- ham company movirq to Ajax, outgoing fnQrviduals for reception, secretarial, customer service support. 1 year experience. word perfect 5.1 or 6.0, knowl- edge of Lotus. exmlo 1 typing. Car (906)513--sr33 ask for Susan. EXPERIENCED RISURANICE BROKER Required to service Sta*11091le area -Full or part wi e . Please send resume to: P.O. Box 36, niax Onl- L1C 3C2 WEGU Canoe Ire., manufacturer of custom moulded lubber products, is currently seeking a Qualified ACCOUNTANT Appkcants should be at an intermediate or senior level Iowards obtain ng a recognized Acciicur g Degree. Working knowledge of ACCPAC and Lot- his o-tis 1-2-3 in a manufacturing entinronmerlt would be a dehrle asset. Responsibiltttes include gen- eral Iedger to fin0rictal statements and system administration including accounts payable and cash management Resumes, only snouid be sent to WEGU Canada Inc. Attention: Hurnar Resources opartnwnt P. O. Bohr 567 1Mfw1Dy. Oniterm LIN SV3 or fax resume to: (WS) 668-3414 Only apPlrcantsi selected for inetntews wad be :ontacted FaX News Advertiser 707 683-7363 • ' ' �tTtProvements mlirnprovementsf • ' ' Improvements • 'Handyman • ' Painting R • Moving dh . House Decorating • Storage • Cleaning GCB CARPENTRY, rough hn- hsh, framing, addhbons. CONSTRUCTION mks Daaet++•rit, hrin•rork, baseboard. doors. wind- ,-Iterwr and exterior ows. root ravens. tree esti- :pairs, renovation rriaegs B41 Jr 427-6212 1d construction. Fast �C clean profession- wcrK guaranteed Craig, 686-1913 MISTER CHEAP -.Home ,rcvements. rec rooms,n apartments additions. conn decks. etc Le - Sed tpr over 20 years. work guaranteed for e estimate can Ernie -4Z48!70 RENOVATIONS, Cabi- netry- basements. Kitchens, • Chimney Carew Additions. Caw Co. 432- • ' • Sweeps 6865 SIGON Construction Ltd.. serving Dumam Region !or AJAX CHIMNEY SWEEPS 19 yrs- Additions. sundedks. woodial chimney Cleaning, DRYWALL and pantrs% AJAX Moving Systems kill boarding. W-% —rev SIrViCi6. moves, apioh— renovations and repairs and piano apecisksm Fiat Smarr jobs 15 years e, raw a nonny We now nave penance Free estimates, heated storage hugs. Now Serving Durum and out of a•^^g free Oozes with town, area Kar 43445,Cmove Park and load special Starting at S99 and UP Carl :or information 725-0005 or 42- W'_ MARRY -0 -THE -MOVERS Move big or small. we price them all, Free estimates. FT."' Gardening 8 • P.andscaping • • %'orsiischools wfacyrel� :ic. !1t,1� Law, Yerrreno b �alal•L' �dmCa Rosi Gao.r•n Pvwr>{ ti iia' t; Shorn.# R.Urtsv was. _hc Adbommod •os,839-5349 e senors discount. short nonce ARE yo.- havingprODlem15 aR, 1 tit NCA I HLXI: au- movee Pianos moved. also finding the to agar your g'u`ec pos! Maes semny it appliances Com n concrete 905, rates Call 4T„ ^g5C Comparable nomel For protessiona �y v hone ,oeenng call tai" Is MICHALSKI MOVING - Home Services today 427 r 1 patio doors, windows. rec- pest screens and caps in- rouses, apartments. offices 10th • Party one. tree esti- appliances and piano *_ • Services AJAX Fence and D•Ck - �t stared, chimney rebuilding aatsrs Senior and mrd- QUALITY HouseCiBaning- a tone nates 905-576.5760 and repairs FREE ESTI- • Moving & Tam discounts Licensed. prnaery by two adws 9 es and decks, WRY'S MATES 686-7741 please • Storage nsureC Free estimates rs e once ^eh t MAGICIAN, _;own friends. r Ink, wrought iron, CERAMIC nuns. Over 17 years of TME �esshonal expenence. Tiles, marble b vin)A tows. 666-4955 or 1-800- Qy� 15 6. yrs. experience. ST PRICE IN RE_ Excellent references 8 t>uabry work guaranteed SIGN rough, ting n soft. For tree estimates Cal l trough, yang. doors, Duby •n tows. Guarantee. 20 -.:rs experience, call (905) 686-3974 1987-1043 or (905) 4171 DUCTWORK installed ButDf3ET HOXE IMPROVEMENTS Basement AptS., `ec-rooms, Plumbing, Additions, electrical, drywall moved, relocated. Excellent rates. Free estimates. Elec- trostatic air cleaners, hu- midihers Big. Small jobs. Call Paul 428-0295 EUROPEAN tie special- ist, will renovate your bath- room, or kitchen walls, as well as floor tiles Good ref - leave message if no a- erences and satisfaction Excellent service. Call 436- references, guaranteed. ready to entertan for any ewer call Mara ,z V.,r "'-J:ri; satisfaction Duties include any age aoccasion Binh - FREE HOOK UP CUBE VAN 12 FT. Witt move almost anytMngl Very DEV. INC. customthas,Specializingaddio$6.99 in custom nes, additions.. .stove rns+0a out days. promotions, kings. r,,nd raisers open Magic ars, bulk making. invoicing. ­:b.,airs renovators, rec rooms etc.. etc - and renovations • • Plumbing competitive prices. Call Pager 44 .MFlooring, Floors washed, no mop many vay snows are runt Lenuce Serving Durham Region for • -...,rs to major renovations. ••a16553-5 •ed, Carpeting and more n eip 839-7057 or 726. "s (905)668-3300 67'Oi- c3sonabie was 571-3864 8334 MOUNTAIN or 037.51?£ LICENSED PLUMBER MOVING SYSTEMS CARPET Installations -25 yrs RABBITwants work sang available. All your plumb- we w4 move anthng y. experience. re-stiatMng, our specwory Free estimates D ng needs Guaranteed anywhere, arrynme lowest prices! No fob too corwrnerodlormsow" 8 N Duncan. 987-1799 or gn05 i, (9', 432.2913 P.sckagng, storage orb times987 1900 waubw SenaA mid more FIRST Quahry, carpets • Painting & • Decorating F M,. Conditiorl ALL Pro Painting and 15 yrs. Experience, erences and satisfaction BLACKWELL Free estimates guaranteed. For free est - CLEANING call Mara "'aces call D Dykstra 725 --DUCT 4913 Fall Special I9o5) 619-4663. J.S. ARMSTRONG FREE HOOK UP cel. q16 I ) sso 4663 DEV. INC. customthas,Specializingaddio$6.99 in custom nes, additions.. per vent C n R Maintenance Building and ars, bulk making. invoicing. ­:b.,airs renovators, rec rooms etc.. etc - and renovations bt apartments. Res- (416)609-9966 "-:ncal, Plumbing, ceramic idenliW and commercial. carpentry. From small Serving Durham Region for -...,rs to major renovations. over 15 yrs. Free consutta- r • n n guaranteed, free iso- tion. Cal Jeff 906412111- "s (905)668-3300 67'Oi- Only:, Wallpapering, ntenor'exte- nor. stuom ceiling, general repairs• top quality work. reasonable rates 20% seniors discount CM -9669 71 NIR. BRUSH Painting & Home Renovations i Protesvonal Pnopem Maravlance 24 Hr Emergency Repairs Quality work at reasonable rales (905)571-6453 oisco�m Free esw Utes 571-0755 Expenericed Clio" Movem Bargain rates, homes, offices. apt. etc. Piano moving. Padung ava WW - MEN with large truck will do household moves. rwA- dential, commercial. Am types of moves Cam Carl or Jane 427-28M wholesale prices Sales andior hnsMiation. Re- streecYhes, repairs and vinyl flooring. Professionally in- stalled and guaranteed. Phone 434.2685 RELIABLE HOUSE CLEANER WIN to do Vammng, D"19 Kdctnens. Bata rooms -floors etc ReasorlaDle rates Tugic for children's partes and ail occassnons. Have my own magician- Call Er - nee 668-4932 SPA RENTAL, Six per- son round nob tob Avail- able daily. weekly or wee- ' LITOR --gyred ro teach :acuius to a grad• '3 iti,dert It interested Plea" .:ar atter 6P r^ ash b. W • • Driving • • Schools SCHOOL -t lessons and test S1p5. •1C L-essons 5150 *Full Course 5259 Free pick -up and Crop Ott (416)287-3060 fiend Start a new party trend' call 905-404-9970 • • Business or 1 900 755 3365 • Services • SIC. Da11t819 • HOUSe • Gafdef�j119It • • ' kmkucbr JAS SPECIALIZES • Cleaning • ' Land7GaPNIJ administrative assistance G tot Vie small business per. GUITAR PLAYERS seek- - m - -PROFESSION- AL HOUSE AND OFFICE CLEANING Very low rates, as low as $30. Regular 1 or 2 person team. 4344478 ATLANTIC ATLANTIC TREE SERV- 'ng Stevie Ray Vaughan son a today at 905_668- OS 668 - 4526 for your tree estimate ICE. Serving ,you 6 Picker- (Specialist) I Can help show, and lel Job Assisted Seer. mg area Tree trimming, you his style Can Rick Washbrook 905 683-6719 � •take are a all your tree removals, root leading, business needs No job too cutting, pruning. 10% off bog a too small i loners, fly. • with this ad fury insured. ars, bulk making. invoicing. Free estimate. call Gerry etc.. etc - 619.1363 ENV= l may,,,. wdk+arir lflc - ; .� r rhsv.s+rra . a • PAGE, 34 -THF. NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1995 �I [Ml � 1 �1 sal • s � 1 ForSSaaie 1 F�s.l 1 For Sale POO Hel. • If you love sales... • If you thrive in a team environment... is R your focus is on outstanding service... LET'S TALK ABOUT YOUR FUTURE AS OUR SALES MANAGER! We are seeking the right person to fill a very important role in our newest showroom opening soon in Pickering. SMITTY'S FINE FURNITURE IS LOOKING FOR A PERSON WITH GREAT COMMUNICATION SKILLS TO LEAD A HIGH PERFORMANCE, CUSTOMER - DRIVEN SALES TEAM...IN ONE OF ONTARIO'S MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME FURNISHING STORES. SUCCESSFUL APPLICAMTS WILL ENJOY: - an exciting future with generous renumeration - attractive employee benefits - extensive and continuous training In all aspects of home furnishings and sales - a professional, friendly atmosphere To arrange a confidential interview send your resume to SMITTY'S FINE FURNITURE. ATTENTION: BOB GRAY 170 -3rd. STREET, HANOVER, ONTARIO N4N 1 B2 or if you prefer, FAX IT... 1-519-364-5304 FINE FURNITURE A FAMILY AFFAIR SINCE 1949 Office Help IF you are single Or a gW parent or separated divorced with three Y work experience, you quality for financial assn tante d it you are over 4 and have recently I&C off. you may quakfy f training assistance, DI CERT . Lotus. Wordpert D -Base. Word.Accpac Bedford. Autocad. Ventura Pagemaker. Harvard, C a. Computer Pr and Systems Analyst, bol. Pascal and C Shop. Quark Express Illustrator. Durham ness Computer 427.3010 1 H6p / Ag li$ ' YOU won't believe it' F nally a hair rejuvenat that does work 85%. cess rate Proven for nag, balding. fine limp ho etc. All natural 100',6 ey back guarantee. C 432-0369 AGCREssIVE People needed for spots prornoron. 6 weeks of row kekng-$5000 a more Scales experience, a must Cal (905)428•-4707_ W11 Sales Help/ gent sin- LOOKING nor hardworking ng r Dusrness entrepreneur type year people Who want to make may a serous ncma o a Win 5- or full arta basis Serious 5 nquneS only 432-4369 oeen STOP! Ask yourself o' Where will I be and what P will I be doing 5 years from t. today, h I continue what I an ' doing now?' We have 3 - safes positrons to M which Cor can develop into manage - °p t - meet for the right person C - You will. attend 2 weeks d Photo d classroom training, be Bus guaranteed an income to Sian (discussed at inter- Colege, view). be given the oppor- tunty to advance rapidly into management (on mem promotion basis). be given Tweeks of in -tied training o WWdY be bondable. 10 - gal age or over, ambitious, d- dependable, high school ion graduate a better, have a sac- reliable car available for Dun lul-time use, be sports r. melded. For the right per. M011 sores this is a kfetrra op - all portunity with an �ntema- tional company that is a sales leader n a field For a Per- sonal interview please send your N Brunelle Box 411, ry. Ort. L91 1G4 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGIST/JOB CAPTAIN Architectural Technologist with 5 years minimum Job Captain experience. Applicant must be able to develop a complete set of working drawings including interior detailing, on Autocad R 12. Ajax Location, Position available immediately. Please fax resume: 905-428-0230. Most be able to read and interpret blue prints. Five (5) years minimum experience in the medium to heavy plate and structural steel industry. Required immediately. Please call (905142&-1980 or fax your resume to (905)428.6933 CLASS 'A' Mechanc ro- quired. fuel infection and front end etperhencs an asset Call 43C ----. TEC"WCAL SALES - Datnbuto seeks represen- table. Auld power (pneu- ma tics) experience neces- sary. for femtory Picke-V to Kingston Please send resume to Doreen Steven. D a D Industries. 510 Rowntree Dewy Rd Unlet 5. Woodbridge Ont L4L BM2 or lax b 905-051-9767 No phoria cls please Im corn o n oil 1 tYarit9d CREATIVE, erhterprawg individual looking for lora or short term proiecis Background whrLrdes train - ng computer produrls and word processing Recapeve to new challenges Cal (906)'42(1-2980 ENTHUSIASTIC AND RELIABLE 23 year ofd male (Grade 12). see" entry Ievel(apprenthceshhp ; , , Strong rtnechtm k- cal adkMS call Lee 905- 427.0987 IF YOU need a construc- tion sera superintendent BBS -Sats of (nue a row with 15 Ins; exp , rm avM- lookng for new caftm 906 able wthnuAetsiy Please 706-2684 or 905-085.0930 al (905) 434-3252 or after c4mcwtve -atesi 'OS -'42-6475 1 RIP Firewood RECEPTIONIST WANTED. for Dental caret. Pan ora, temporary. some expen- enc prefer Marl o drop off resume m Or Mer- in Kauren Attentwn Su- san tlrq~,. 235 Bayly St W Al"., L IS 3K3 No ayeare • 1 Wanted CARE GIVER F1EOLW4ED n S Alex hone, for 1 1/2 a 3 yr old, Start and of Octob- er. 7 30 am - 4 3C pm (AIC 314-1031 days 905 -427- 33'9 eve MATURE, rekede. caring and mobwateo caregr~ w quwed wmmediatefy in our homy Car 4eferneel Non- fumorung Call (905)316- 2297 or after S. (905)509- 549_ CAREGIVER, -equred for 2 three yew olds. n my home - somn Alin. RaHer- ences reqund Bar 683- 52?' LAKESIDE P S. reliable. brag W, 'r regiarad n our home !very clear the $clod) for 2 kids ages 2 t' 2 and 5 $250rweek ideal wa,abw for a parent o lids attending the scud P',iax =a' a25--233 Daycare Available Skilled Held Help DAYCARE AVAILABLE n my Home sate dean. NTERUNK FrerghI SYS - form formerly, CP Express Transport requires mo- chancs win class -A- fi- censes for our Pickering 10- cation o- cation. For applications Pick up at 910 McKay Fid Garage, Pickering Ontario LICENSED MECHANIC Required Immediately' Cal 905-433- 0981, Ask for Vs- trtl or apply at 1280 Sdm- coe St N Oshawa Oust south d Taunton) PART TIME office worker required WP 51 neces- sary t interested please tax resume to (905) 683-0817 PLANT Manager, wnme- diate opening, company with 30 employees, 8 years minimum experience re- quired with custom Painting On plastic automotive parts Knowledge ol Pill" uhyac- ton moulding a plus Send resume to Human Re- sources, 765 The Kdngs- way. Peterborough, Ont. K9J 6W7 o tax (705)742- 6111 rackxrhe to Its CAD designer with auto Pon Per- CAD experience for auto or fax to Mollie tooling. Calk . - .. (905)723-5871_ . . . non smoking. plenty or lur Hwy 2 and Cth,vc h St Ca 686-8252 DAYCARE avadab4 clean/sale. non smoke fenced yard. snacks an lurches provided. Bayndc as Pickering Call Gar 83'.5611 MOTHER OF TWO wi provide daycare in m home, 14 yrs expenenal tun loving family enviror hent, Call Diane at 42( 8639 RELIABLE DAYCAR available n my home, e) penencetl non-smokin former Nursery scha teacher. excellent refererx as . receipts given. Live pod ! G onanna. 420-3984 WHITES / 401, 2 exper entad mons providing sate , fun envrron.nent.re efences. first aid. CPR, be fore / after school Jac 831-9448 1 Employment BOOKKEEPER --Over 2 years experience, looku to take on now clients 905-683-7024 4 . AMAZING DEAL' SEA. SONED HARDWOOD at low (rices Appal. ash. mepq hickory Serving s Alex. � and Oshawa DUFetAM FIREWOOD 427.4741 FIREWOOD quatty see- sored 16- hardwood. cut. stir aro dekvered. starting r SIftbush Cord Linked lu&,dfy Cal, 7175-94a. 8801 7 p m It p.m FIREWOOD Ex- N I qualify hardwood Guar. anteed. eta king time fuly seasoned cut and spirt. Honest measurement Free oeurvery Kozy Heat Fire- wood 1905)753•,2246 ROKA UMBER a FIREWOOD CENTRE 4•X8'X 12' $60 DO 4x8'x1E• $65x ESTABLISHED 190 Days 705-777.3381 Everting• 905.434.6165 Free Delivery To Oshawa Area ' Flea Market 7 PC White latgk»r, bed- room sura asking $300 OBC Cal 905-427-8247 BABY Stuff, Fisher Pop nigh chair. swing & tub Toys. shoes a much more Queen size waterbed mat- tress Inner & heater $50 Cal (9o5A28-8002 HEAVY duty washer & d�. $100 each Cal 831 VIOLIN IN CASE, excellent condition. $500 new, ask- rrg $400 429-359' Articles 1 for Sale 1 Parr of KYB Gas struts, total $160. wrl sol for $80 fits 1961-83 Datsun 200SX Call Abe at 683-5117 or 427-1637 eve 386 NOTEBOOKS from $650: used colour monitors from $150 Complete IBM systems from $249 new DX2/66 from $899 , mufti - media 2/66's from $1,059 Arrrvdng soon, 386'5 4m RAM. DOS, mouse, colour monitors $585, upgrade - able New 560m Hard Drives, $239. 486SX40 motherboards, $99 Dealer5) enquiries, welcome (905) 697.3060 a 571-4629 A REPOSSESSED sat - efts system, only $35 0 monthly. Including pro. ng grammi g. Free nstalatiort C8 and wsmarty. 906655- 9661. . THE STUFF STORE 50% OFF SALE September 22 - September 24. 50% off Comics, video games, CD's and assorted cards. 100 Lupin Dr. {Garden SL and Dundas) Whitby, 430-4651 PATIOUE CIUU IS KING i QUEEN SET ) $1000. epproton sly 180 yrs. old. al 420-0639 A irriaues - 9 pc.. di- rtingnom so, excellent. $1750: 112 moon table �: mttpazirhe table 545: crheat ol draw.rs US: treasure rl $75: copper boiler tenet table $150: Also 2 end tablet $1101. dr huttrdifier $85: piano bench SBS: maple rocket $120. night table 535: Newt t ower $85: golf dubs 575: electric srwwdower $96.4302650 APT. tndge $100. apt stove 575. 1 yf old dryer S250. ttl..tn.e oak ato- Iterimeirt unit $375. wather $225. dryer $200. ndusUhal washer a dryer M. prac- hoe organ $45, wnerp desk & dhahr $100. Colonial floor dock $125. cherry diner $475. 9 Pc. •19-W Dining Suite $1750. Pedestal table. 4 thaw: SAW. our, Can P" Table. 4 dlerrS $550. black Mode n table. 4 theirs M. -PAS . om table. 6 cern $375. couch s175. sectxxw couch $600. couch, chair. ,Owes". W"cY $650. new couch a thaw SM. safabed. swwel rocker $600. 5 PC, angle oak bed- room suae. boa a mrew $71X). wardrobe $150. bar urrt $75. 0 bwtlm - 0 unit $65. txrw k ole- end rade, $275. oak coffee. and W tilts 53/6. Rosewrood col - be. end taloa $325. 18 so Mountsn tidies 6275. lamps, pictLrq a more 579-0526 BEAUTIFUL 9 pace oak dwwg mom set. S1800 Grrthoe a Guaira. Meted edition. handcratted Porce- tan dogs. signed. dated. $60C 434-3895 CARPET A-1 Prices. buy *.act wholesale. Free n- flelaaon 10, itee slums" al Sal (905)432-2750. or pager (416)9980-9697 Carpet Broker, 100%. Nylon thick plush. sten ro- t carpet For 3 doom,. sty, $369 00 Pince n - dudes 30 Sq yds carpet. deme ped and neraaaaorh n your home Free quota, tion n your name No n- frest, no p4ry ito I for one till year Daniel. 1-600- 21i„';4 CARPE? SALE savings up to 65% carpet and no wax vinyl flooring from $3.95/ sq. yrd and tap. Direct from carpet mill. for free shop at home call (416)616-2182 CARPETS lore d carpet. 100•b nylon. raw stain re. ease carpets on hand. I will carpet 3 rooms. $349 Price includes carpet, premium W. expert nstalakori fast delivery. free estwnates (30 yards) Norman 686-2314 SOLID OAK DINING ROOM suite. 4 cane back Chairs seats 6 $1.895 Stereo cabinet $125. face deck S80.697-3323 DINING ROOM SUITE, table extends to M 12 pea We, or small enough for 4 people. 12 chairs, solid oak, Asking $1,900. Tele- phone (905) ele•phone(905) 509-1717 FOR safe, 5pc washed oak ding room set., dou- ble mattress and box spring kitchen table. James 683-7793 Ajax HIGH cable bits? Poor Picture quality? GO DI- RECT! D.S.S. 18' Digital Satellite Systems 150 channels, CD quality pic- ture and sound Rent to own by phone from only $40lmonth Call 571-1413 HITACHI Shim Camcor- der Deluxe model Free carrying ase Rent to own by phone for only $8 751 week. Cal S71-1413, SIDE-BY-SIDE almond Iridpe. stove, dishwasher, Microwave $900. Call (905) 831-5546 STEREO, with CD dual assent reeotver speakers Sew.. Chris cabirtat $250. set of chins $75. all 1339- IrM or leevft message. WASHER, dryer. top of the ince. 20 b. capacity 1 1/ 2 years did. $650. Call 663-1716. NOT DEALS! B GAMS GALORE - 11 24' mcUrg w wyak I incudes decks a fent $4,595. Meets local taws. 20yr. warranty. 1-1 66&7564. PiekennWA phone 416.7967509. LAM .1 Four FOND - peir of prey tion ggeeec on the be HITACHI stadtirp washer Articles at Petticoat Crack. Pte and eryef, 110 vol. W. 1 Woo t� 839-3715 size. n new -- ---- , mosommommor- ing 5750: titiecl older spin CHRISTMAS CLASSIC • washer on coasters and ANTIQUES Absolutely. 1 Blood Speed Queen dryer on Purchasing furniture or an - puppies for sale Fust coasters• 110 volt exceleM yttkng did. Scwmk instru- cries. Vol Chocked. ow~ $2501psr. • 2 mr- mets, china, silver. adver- CKC REGISTERED S cronraves, cheap. After s p.m. 579-5252. t 1dYs. days, dolls. nan Husky pups, one m ORGAN, serious 1300 milk bottles. collections or one kir, . champion JUDY'S BwDAL rental - estatac. Cal Robeit Bowen parents hips and 4 Affordable wedding gowns Antiques (905) 655.8049. clear. Reedy now. I to rent or buy, large selec- Brookrirl. shots. dewomrod. wn tion of sizes and styles. for APPLIANCES, wanted guarantee. (613) 395-55. appointment Call Judy. 905-5791782. Oshawa. . or not. Fridge, Do YOU love your hien to- Menoelssonn Porro. stoves washers. dryers. Then make him he" KENWOOO TOWER OF ALSO FOR SALE noondr- Board will us so you POWER. 200 waft terrible borrod washers. dry- dry- relax. 2 stats avadabl relax.W5-6 stereo package. Dual cas- ws.stoves.$150 a up 54030 sent. 5 disc CO player, mond �Y . 427-2713 tower speakers. Rent fo 1 Yard Sales DOWT PAY pet s own by pharte for only prices, for hedgehogs w $7.50/week. Cal 571-1413. (MAKE $$ Now accep ry �� dirott with MOVING SALE new 3 pc. romhen's a Mdklron'S tall Cxeat Pat for d leather sofa. dresser. rrw- and water do"- No ap- ren with allergies Si c o -wave cart. loather arm Oowhlrmarit necessary Quick tum over. E &C Consign- easily kept. n ham cage Pet males $' char, kvg-g-. kitchen lade a cnarrs and merit Bay Ridges Plan y Stock also si more 509-5482 Pickering. can (905) 839- Netlhone 905-1 11599554 OAKA4W FURNITURE- wANITED - Nordic Trac Mlhy retail p�1 One tread M 1. good condition. d Ortara's oldest and (ar- ges,g �� P �lreasonably txrces 723 Eg oak pedestal table and 4 duns $649: 7 ft double pedestal and 6 chairs $1499: canrwonbY beds kirn $3/9: Over 20 son dhoces, al soled. no veneers Traditional Wood- working yup-yere r 14 PIANO for sale. VWd kema upright. very good condr- ton. asking $1.000 (416) 281-9359 PIAItOSIGRANDFA- THER Clocks - Dsum+arm's largest seleciron-New and used ponos No sure? Rent to own. apt size, upright. grand.' digital. key. boards TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON NOW' TeNrp Piano works. 433.1491 WANTED to buy - older tum sure. glass. cwa, cd- fac hblea. memorabilia. watches. etc. Single P- or estates Call (905) 723 7834 WOMEN$ FASHIONS Now is the time to bong your fall and winter doNrg to CLOTHES FRIENDS FASHIONS Dunhams lar- gest seieceon of women$ conshgrxneM fashions, 123 Brock St S Whdby 666- 4.00 Arts elk • 1 Crafts HORSES BOARDED door arerve. daily tum personalized protest care. $250 per mo. F blestone Fame. 4 Groan Rd. Boamerm 263-8816 KEEP your dog waste Of •e gartlage. Liu OOGGIE DOOLEY WA: DISPOSAL SYSTEM ! fpm. 7 days (906)7 5413. With Ad. Save al Oct 3195 OSHAWA Obedience soaaeon. next classes start eery October Fa formation cal Bev at / 0W PUREBRED Rothvi pups Parents CKC re herd. 7 weeks ofd, al+oa, tats done. remo 831-695 (P*Cker PIN BALLS. Poo, table. CHRISTMAS CLASSIC shine boards A1e oo es. Crag safe, Sunday Lvov SHELTIE (mind cc rca . games Ewgr" 12. 10 am 4 p m Krgy puppies for sale Fust for run at home over the way College. 121x1 Leland cries. Vol Chocked. writer Call 434-8294 or RO Oshawa vendors 'F 673-0283 PLAYMATE THOMAS Wanted- Contact Enka Sk&Aa 433-1144 Ext 209 1 1 Automobil ORGAN, serious 1300 lett Si colour glow' cop t. no refit POPULAR COY somww beer rek,aed 683- Christmas COO Show. Nov 65.4 12 at " Jubilee Pardon .n 1'!30 MODEL A section tea 0 Lakenew Pak, ion n RECONDITIONED sin- Oshawa Over 60 exurb - finishing.a� I naw a to- Menoelssonn Porro. las. Some Spam angdabW heart id stele d excellert condiew a tune, Tat;-- $4' 434-5531 $5.000 00 060 Gerry ! S90C o b o 5 -seater sofa a +» char. mckigod, very corn aa� tortable, Good condition 6300 0 b Dorsa 576 1 Yard Sales 1 Yard Sale REMOTE VHS VCR, 181 channel on screen display Rent to own by prone S2 50lweek Cal 571.1413 SHEDMAN - quality bam style sheds. butt on site. 8X8 SPECIAL- SS% GST included Other sizes and display available Cal 905- 5094961 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN Tues. Sept 26 at 6:00 pm 3 miles East of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 The Estate of the late Eileen Clevland of Oshawa, plus others - Corner cabinet, bed chesterfield, modem loveseat, console colour TV, oak coffee and end tables, Hoover vacuum Cleaner, Chrome kitchen suite, portable colour TV, Stereo set & cabinet, cedar chest, table & floor lamps, wooden rocking chair, modem 2 pc. hutch, war- drobes, Beaumark Automatic washer, GE dryer, plus agty. of small electrical ap- piances,bedding, rock -narks, glass & Household items. Contact Dan or Greg Cornell Auctioneer R.R. 01 Little Britain (705)786-2183 YARD SALE SAT. & SUN. SEPT. 23 & 24, 9 - 4 57 WINDSOR AVE (off Harwood in Ajax ) Rain or shine Handmade cushions, misc. items (I : CALL 683a1545 V (� *dale auM30f1 liswgs cm42615 Tuesday September - 6 pm St. Mary's Hall, Hwy 7A E to 35 Hwy. Gd north to 10th line, Manvers Twp. Go eas one mile -or- From Lindsay Hwy 35 soul to 10th line of Manvers. Hard top camper trailer, portable jointer, planer, oil lamps, C moss cut saws, lanterns, table saw, furniture, high top harness, coins, Coke cooler, fire hose. Many more consignments still coming in druee ICentrrc - wotrti«t>Kr �+•••� ci•s) 555'5555 6 Aulonwbila For Sale 1980.1966 cars, lease to own Everyone qualifies. 0n URIC-; 1NC87 MA? No 'Merest, no credit check, From $275. town. 570034 0ntano.LTD 1976 Notion Rd W-7428 1981 VOLKSWAGEN Rabbit Convertible. New roof. fres. brakes and Get- haust. &aupunkl stafe0• good corwifori. $2360.00. call 905-420. 7267 1965 EUROSPORT Very good cort6bn! Ft/y loaded, rebuilt hummis- sion,car babied by owner. 140.000 knees, certified. $2.500.00 090 tall 906- 728.0045 190S Honda CivicGL, 4 dr. 5-spd. standard. low miles. good down rurrMq car. Huey on 1hf$ am. Was $2695, now $2395 tars hed 4 more nice tars b choose from- Cam 427- 9722 anytime Russ-.Opanee 7 s indoors Big Town Sobs 1985 Plymouth Turiamo, as s Woo or bast 011e. Call 905)433-4091 Of (416) 265-2872 1985 Pontiac WW LE. V6. 4 (Jr. excellent cnbdifon. tiny loaded. $2795 ow*Ad with warrarely 666-6183 1985 PorMec Grand Am. 2 Jr 4 cyl. budets. conaola. excellent dean little run - 'mg tar, $2195 cert. 6116 - 6183 1966 BLACK SKYNAWK $I~ wagon, as a Only ... kms. needs world on enquire and body $700 00 080 WMby/905.6665212 1967 Topaz GS. 4 Or auuo . air, wndpws. clop acts. an 4m .tree`. good --can axvwng tar. ►limy an Yvs ore Was $2695. now $231;15 Called. 4 More rkte :ars to dwass from Cal 427-9722 anytime Russ. )pari 7 days/weM indoors. 9r9 Town Saha 1Cavalier. 9" Chevy .erre. 2 dr standard. 5 - speed Very deer Hwy ,^les 52500 tartifred 9MIS39-1357 1989 Dodge shadow, good condition, $2900 Cal 721-8948 low Subaru Legacy. 5 - speed, excellent mtenor and exterior, new Miche- rts. P roof.P.w. Ps Pb. 50.000 km. must sem, $8200 436-9244 1991 Mercury Topaz, ex- .:e4ent Condition. 100.000 .ma . lady of 4 cykn- :Or. arc, auto. extremely re ,able car $5000 Call 4051430-6W 1 1992 �'-avafer air. auto. iw km5 , Sam 1992 hryslw Dynasty LE. loaid. -a. warranty. $7995 1991 ARC Sonorna S-15 ax .coded -cab. 5 speed, only, (3995 1991 Crev Lumxrra .'34, Loaded. only $10.9% 39' Cavalier. air. auto. 3.000 kms 57995 1990 and F 250 4x4 peck up 5 000 kms . $12995 1990 'ds Gera LS. loaded, A wrwN 67495 1966 Re- tnt only 107.000 kms 2495 These and other ,'eat values available. ldes welcome. Ryan- - deter Auto Sales. 517 7 *ock St N Whitby. Cam A5)666-0627 after hours all Murray (905)668-0954 '992 Geo Tracker LSI, (a, auto, psi p0, Security .stem, aMvtm Cass, rus- rooted. 80.000 kms :..king 59900 Mark 905 - CANADIAN 11RE Ajax Safety Inspections $49.95 Car & Light Trucks Ajax 683-2277 1992 Taurus L. mint con. ":'On. PS, P.b., air, arMm assehe, cruise, tilt steer. "'9. 100.000 km., $8900. X05) 723-8293. 1993 Sunbnrd LE only =' 000 km.. 4 door. auto, I., Locks 8 trunk. SAO. ass , led. exeessret Conde - ,n $11,500. (WS)294- u16 1992 Torrnpo, 80,000 km, 4 1r autO. ar, cruise tem. V6, S'100 Obo. Pow 723.1155 434 7564 ' 1 Adomobiletf For Sale CERTICAR AUTO CEN- TRE presents over 30 cer- tified rune Pro.owrted autos at fantastic safe prices. 1992 Pontiac LeMans, 92 kms.. auto. pristine white, sale $5,890 taxes ind. 1991 cavalier Z24, bledd, 5 speed, perfect. 135 km $8,975. 1991 Sprint, Aulo. 85 lots, 4 door, $5.195 8 S. Wood $4.666. 1980 Beetle GTZ lertfas9 r $6,996. 1980 Tempest LE, boded, while i sive, Prags, Md sharp $7.795. 1990 Suatwrd LE, sub. air, low kms. $6.550. 1980 GMC S-/5 sub, 4.3, Palm white. 108 km. $6,985. 1990 GMC S", whit .leen, high burs., $8.850. 1988 voyageer absolMhc mint 4 clikede, turbo. air, Now $6.996. 1990 Trans Am GTA, 177 lurell loaded. lag m bleak WOW $8,500. 1980 Amount mini van. ahteeeerrt 140 kms, sale $7.985 ram. 19th Pont. 801X1 spo8sas. tiler. M, 133 kms.. $4,508. 1987 Dodge 600. imensow Isle. whlb i burgundy. 99 lana. mus be down ti seen $2.986. 1986 Aries dean i race. $2.495. For more good - good s- aw good provnas es come e us at 155 King St. W at HiAowen Mem or Cal 579-- 2686 Oben Sunday,. WHITE Cavelier 724. loed- ed. 5 sPeed. Seavod. 96,000 kne 1 owe w (women, non- smoker). warranty. $9.750 Obea. Loom message (905) 7261316. =Zk1l ttlafHled your vehx:y Car 42' 24 Or comae to 4 79 Bayry East. Al" at MURAD Al, 7O SALES CARS Ton s's »d tib. 1100 on arty car Give us a ca for your unwantedvehicles. Lets talk. Anything, A us first. (905)509.5584 (416)571.2155 pgr (4161375-0105 SCRAP Can 1 Trucks wanted tar cash Any txn- dibon. Free removal also other scrap metal piqued UP Call anytime. Oshawa 723-7512. WANTED DEAD 0R ALIVE 'FREE'towxngto( serail. used or abandoned cars trucks the pick-up 4 prices pad. upto 5100 (416) 281-a499 Trucks 1 for Sale 1976Blazer, 4X4, body good, $2600 as is. 725- 6696 after 4. 1987 GMC PICKUP, WRANGLER edition, auto. Ps. pb. running boards acrd cap, rust proofed. excellent shape, 149 K, asking $6' SW Call Jim, 430-9119 1987 Jeep YJ, 4X4, 6 cyl. standard 5-spd., sol 6 hard tops,160,000 km., no "L oiled since new. New fires. Reese trailer h itch. $7000 cert. 985-3183 after 6 p.m. 1909 GMC 1/2 ton Wran- gler. V-8 aura, stereo, tape, exCelent condition with cap end running boards. (905) 683--4564 1991 GMC Siena SE steepsids pick up, 350, V8, auto. black w/grey interior. fully loaded. plus spore wheals, tinted glass. box loaf, low kms, went-mam. taired. AWOV $12.900. Cora G.org. (905)666- W49. wlheel Drive IMM IMA 11 Atbr ' 1987 Plymouth Voyager 3 little. dark red. 124,000 kms., AJAX, 1 bedroom base. 7 passenger. cruise. $5200 ment apartment. kitchen, livirgroom, OBO.Ca11721-8863,trance, separate en- fridge 8 stove. No 1908 DODGE LE Van, Pets. Call 428-7822 or 11 passengers. air. prey 248.2689. pol. tile -steering. HD trailer hitch,N phorbe-CS AJAX, 401/Harwood. / ante^- nas, Customized for camp bachelor $525. 1 bedroom basement $550. utilities in 603 xcellent condition, luded, available imine. $13.90000 cant 60 S Call (905)428-8406 or ( )2868732. 6780 CLEAN family building. meet. 2 appliances. sepa- AJAX, spacious 1 -bed - �, cargo , full 1 Trailers kitche" • dishwasher, beth, entrance, wall- to- w * gas private entrance. parting, plus 'utilities firsUlast, no bus, in prirale adult home. 197Y 22 FT.Golden Fal -Also hone o share. (906)666-1214, ape Bpm. con• sleeps six, 3 piece bath, two fridges, good AVAILABLE RME- Common. $2500.00 tam 1- DIATELY in Whitby Apt. 9069861089 afW Wpm budiS •• spacious, car- ed. newly painted. with bel- 36� BEST RDE on to wow 1995 Hydra sport 175. mea Ole blue on ow on. 130 HP Jdaeon. !1 D eMuat Johnson troling motor CWr+9 dark tva well. bat wall. 2 fah faders. rod locker. stereo ark! trader, $17.500 Coll 623-9107 Canoes i Kayaks Over 200 new 8 used canoes and kayaks, tall , I - - woe of rerltiYs, demob, Mems, d now stock Al mew go. West %uqe Beach Scamt odo. Sept 30 - Od I Cori Alitawgwut Causer k Kayak 1-800-661-1429 or 170511635-119.1 HEAVY Duty boat trailer. t, 12 wxh who". new -Oarngs. new bean rig times. $750 00 Also 50 Horse Power Marc moeor electric start $550.00 can 90`_-435 24t' 1 1 Apaotttttetm Rent 1 AND 2 brdroorn, loco ad at 309 Cordova Rd and also 946 Masson St. Oshawa No Pets Plena am 579-2387 or 5768724 1 BEDROOM oacheor. 2 appliances. Laundry. car- POtrd. Paonng. beautiful setting, NON-SMOKER, $410 per mo 5 76- 7055 1 Bedroom apt$ n Oshawa and Bowmanvdle Starting at $6001month. tndge 6 stove ndudad, with Laundry tado" No pets Cam 434- 2407 BEDROOM Urge Living dirwlg room. dose to 401 stare 6 tndge, fenced yard. first /last, ca Joe at 433- 4130 or 728-5501 2/3 bedroom apartments. 8 story budding. close to schobls, library. South GM plant Available immedeate- y and Nov 428-6.328 1- 7pm for aopontinent. AJAX - one bedroom basement apartment. sep- arate entrance, cable. rhon smoker preferred. sorry no pets. $600 inclusive. days 683-1661. ask for Joan. eve and weekends, 683- 8407 AJAX - Westney Delaney, spacious one bedroom basement apartment, sep- arate entrance. dining. Irv- ing roam. aril 4 piece bath- room. no pets, tion smoker $600 per month, est and last. References required Please call (905) 6861179 AJAX two bedroom apart- ment. private entrance. $750 also one bedroom available, share kitchen and washroom, $375. available October Ist. 428- 0798.284.8268 AJAX. Gose to hosprtw , 1 bedroom basement apt. wrath sauna 6 targe kitchen, sap. ale.. 8 parking, non smoker. $600 man". hest U last. 428-2834 Cony. dose to bus, shop- pmg. all utiibss included, I bedroom 11625. 2 bod- roan. $725.ce1430-0134. BACHELOR APT. - Oahe wa ewer. Phvate entrance. Pwrlteq. close to Transit $450Imo. lines ndudwd. Available 4 --dM" 725.7860, BAS� BACHELOR $530.00 all inclusivesures non-smok- ing single Avatlabe crone diatefy.South Ajax. parking and WwKkV Included 905- 427-70&7 BRIGHT spacious dna bedroom Plus den base mwt apt Sep entrance. leuirdry tacihhes. available Od. t $575/mo. includes cable References please 434.5430 rave rromage. BROOKLM - area bed. room bachelor basement aot.. deer, quiet• good psrkwS uolrbea enehudod. Non-amolear. avaitada em- mrdiaey $44amo tlse- 0646 COURTICE, clean. bright. raised 2 bedroom baae- morw. 4 PC beer. kedge. stow, shared WLWWrY. Parking. g I "Mae monthly 6rstAwa. Non- smokers li $to d. cam 404-8347 DELUXE apses ilex n ex- ecuaw nano stone fire peace walkout Spacious Parking n garage Pitker. ng. (905149.5465 DOWNTOWN W *TBY - -g one bronoorm. $650 per --to nekarw. Oct IN. Two bedroom. $735 reclusive Avadable Oct lot Parking schools. s, Pudding. be last (905) 669-:009 EAST Alai -1 bedroom basement apt.Suits single Person.close to Go 3 sr-op- ping hopping SSW 00 . 1/3 ushers Available rmme6aWy Cam .Apwe at (905) 619-9500. ar Craig 686.4510 LARGE BASEMENT APT., separate entrance. 3 Pc bath. snared Larnty. CA, parking. reneger person preferred. $575 ushbos. n- ciudec 434-6759 LARGE bngrtt one bed- room apt SOP. entrance. $sundry tac.. breptace in kv- ngroom. Cants! Park, Rossland. no smoking. no pets. $55a mo nelurive 7259248 TWO 00&0, -An - Oshawa. Sil per month. laundry. Parking . treat. wale, nt7k,d- ed Available Oct 1 655- 4076 Leave message LOVELY TWO BED- ROOM, Lrvmg room, hre- place, eat -m kitchen. tndge. stove and laundry facilites. $725 00 all inclusive Aval- abfe unmedatey' 905-434- 8781 LUxugy 1 BEDROOM apt with tamely room E fireplace & CA, available Oct. ..North west Oshawa. Ros•4and 8 Thornton. Must be non-smoker, no pets. $850 per month inclusive 432-7553 NICELY 000Orated one bedroom, private entrance. parking• heat water includ- ed. $595 Also large tut - noshed badiefor $495 in- clusive SM811 bachelor $425 inclusive 433-5550 / 576838. NORTH Oshawa em - maculate cozy small base- ment bacheforene Rea- sonable. Clean working to - male preferred Non- smoker, share kitchen. with single working female owner $375.1aundry and parking 5.763741 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPI -EMBER 24,1995 -PAGE 35 /IIAp J11" �" /11"x' ,11" ,11 "P wFNTHY ' BLUE MATER PARK 1 & 2 bedroom suites, broadloom, 3 appliances. 101 KATHLEEN ST. W. Mon. - Fri.( 9- 7, Sat. - Sun. 12 - 5 9- SHELTERANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED. WOULD YOU PREFER TO Own? WITH ONLY $1000 DOWN Why not own a brand new tally Detached Home. LET ME SHOW YOU HOW, CALL (905)6234549 NORTH swrAm on Russell Ave. 2 ' ' Pim in 12-pfaz, parkinl ubiMs. hy- dro.cable included Laundry t> *" n f688leeeeorgfhFLast. No tam. $7(2882xse ONE bedroom basement apt., (Possible aro) spe- cious, own entrance. SSW utdrhes included. Alan. Non-smoker, no pets. Available now 61%4M23 ONE BEDROOM bene I rent apartment. lege eat/ in kitchen. now Pant and carpet. 1stAae , no Pets $625 00/plus Call Babes 416-29&3993 PICKERING 2 badroowt targe anrattive ae condi- likened sap corwaered brie mem apat7wt Prefer weet nor-srmoking working portion NO bats Paso ofrc- as $750 00 905.631-3655! tdedr/6lpm OS14AWA - 2 bedroom apwiarnerrL available at 686 and 900 Glen Si- Close to sdnools, shopping and G.M. Losses sokuded. w last required. Cal 728- 4993. 264993. OSHAWA - 2 large bed- room. aPprox. 1300 sq. h Appliances gelded. Fudge. stare, dishwasher. air con.. utiles. 5975 mo. 905179.lroM OS14AWA 2 bedroom apanno , crown. 269 Cor- dova Rd.. SOW Oct 1 ntdr- tea and parking included Phone 726 -WO or 725- 9278 OSHAWA antra, One beedroorm, plus ken base- ment. garage. Dackyaia. Pill". Landry . $685 n- 0- Call (905)420- 2220 OSHAWA EAST, akin RITSON AND TAUNTON TWO bedroom apt., walk - bachelor suite, completely One bedroom apartment, ing distance to GM, new private. spacious, nicely parking. laundry and utile- building. $650 plus -hydro. decorated. intrnediatefy ties included. $550.00 per Available Oct. 1.lnvre- includesubk- monde. Cal905.576.3264 diately. Call 666-5674 or ties end at, ties and appliances, 666- RfTSON Etelahs. 1 bed. 404-1850. 1168 or 726-3654 full bath. basemeV apart- WHITBY - huge one bed - CLEAN family building. meet. 2 appliances. sepa- room basement apt., SW. Oshawa north. one. two a rate entrance, Oct 1. $425 entrance, wall- to- w * gas three bedroom. Includes: plus 'utilities firsUlast, no fireplace, all inclusive, suit Hest, hydro. fridge, stove, pots. 434-6M single individual. Available pa g Laundry tacdtttes available. 723-2094. OSHAWA, 1 Bedroom b loft, upper 1 t2 floors of duplex. separate entrance. WxxkY, parking, first and last. 905-668.0034 OSNAWA, dean main Poor. 2 bedrooms, braaMam nook with walkout. 2 car Periling. close to POW amonieiea. $800:mondr m- duseve. (915)725-2421. PICKE/IBIT Liverpool and Baly spacious 1 bed room bnernex apt. Park- ing, arc. close to evaryewg Available Oct 1st. $650 631.2855 PICKERING. bachelor with fireplace. in Christian home Surtabte for 1 per- son. laundry .ufRras in- cluded. rens to GO & 401 Immediate occupancy .$495 Mary Kiassen .286- 3993 PICKERING. Whites Finch. tngrrt newly retro r1, 1 1 bodroorn tomernom W/O to raw*. separate en- trance. parking. Laundry. carinal airrvac . no pets. nOn-amrOltar sMfable fpr 1. need preferred $650 nrJu- 7th 905-837.0216 SEMORS ONLY- 2 8 3 bdrm. Apt. Georgian Man- sions, spacious, bus at door, dose to stop peng.Avaiable Nov.1, call (905) 579-9016. SNORT TERM rental. Rossland/Stevenscen, fully furnished and equipped apartment. 1 bed, 1 batt. don. pwfu% Oct 15 b April 30. No srrtokin Viedis. $750 firstiaot. 434.6635. COURTICE - Spacious 2 bedroom apartment. ground Poe Private en- trance, laundry ::IIs, parkwk% no Pets. gee fire place. sot matureworkrg people. $775. ndusive. FwWast required 432- 3710 Nov. 1, $650/mo. 668- 0896 WHITBY, very deur large 1 bedroom apt., dose to 401 & thidtson. $595 UW ties included. private en- trance . avows Oct 1. rest / last.. 905-686-0179. WHY rent when you care own your own hong for Ions than you Pankle" Cam Dave Hill Sales Rep. RN44ax Summit Real (1991) Lid. (905) 6663800 or (905) 6663211. / 1 For Reertt CUTE. 2 bedroom txngr low. stove . fridge. avael- able Nov. 1 Central Osha- wa. no smoking, no dogs, / 1 Hous" $750 month . utilities First For Rent 6 :ast. at 725-7062 $S$8U1LDERS CLEARANCE SSS Save up to $15.••• Now vow can afford to buy a new single fund} home From SI 19 -(AX) io-A Jnwn Call 19051623-6549 • 1 Tendeers• 1 Te^ddiri; • 1 Tenders • 1 Tenders • 1 Tends, TENDER NO. 95-51 UNNAMED ANDERSON SITE PUBLIC SCHOOL TOWN OF WHITBY PRE QUALIFICATION PROPOSALS have been received from General Contractors and Mechanical._ Electrical and Masonry Trade Contractors. interested in tendering on this project and a list of Contractors who have been invited to tender is available from the office of the Architects. SEALED TENDERS from invited General Contractors only will be received in the envelopes provided, by THE DURHAM BOARD OF EDUCATION PURCHASING DEPARTMENT 400 TAUNTON ROAD EAST, WHITBY. ONTARIO LIR 2K6 until the closing time and date: 3:00 P.M. (Local Time) Thursday, October 12, 1995 Tenders for Mechanical and Electrical Trades are to be received at the Durham Bid Depository, 2001 Thickson Road, Whitby, Ontario until the closing time and date. 3:00 P.M. (Local Time) Wednesday, October 11, 1995 Drawings, Specifications and Tender Documents will be available only to invited prequalified General Contractors and to invited prequalified Mechanical, Electrical and Masonry Trade Contractors, on and after Tuesday, September 26, 1995 from the office of Moffet and Duncan Architects Inc., 5052 Dundas Street West, Islington, Ontario, M9A 1 B9 upon payment of a refundable deposit of Two Hundred Dollars per set ($200.00), in cash or by a certified cheque, made payable to The Durham Board of Education. Deposits will be refunded subject to the return of all Tender Documents in good condition. Plans and Specifications will be on display at the Durham Construction Association and at the Toronto Construction Association. Tender submissions from General Contractors must be accompanied by a bid deposit in the form of a Bid Bond and a letter of Agreement to Bond, as outlined in the Tender Documents. The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. Dennis Homeniuk, C.P.P., CPPO Maltager of Purchasing M.P. Graham, P. Eng., Superintendent of EducabonlPlarlt PA(:F ,WTHF. NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1995 Houses Houses Houses 1 For Rent i 1 For Rent AM IT For Rent 1ST CHOICE AFFORDABLE HOMES! WI1Y RENT? BUY, No Let me show you how' Mon. Pay. $700 O.A.C. Cap 7homn C. Pike Sala Pp, Parnas Accord Raspy Ltd. 5763111 AJAX, 3 bedroom bung., NORTH Oshawa. 3 bed. close to schools• parking room townhouse• close to and laundry. available Oa. schools. shopping d bus, Ist. $935 plus 50% utilities $875/month plus gas. (905) 576-4178, leave Available immediately. Cali DECENT, deanroom. re- 723-9911. CENTRAL location - 2 NORTH OSHAWA, storey house on quiet street. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, Thi b« root- separate on heat. $650/-9. FirsNast. dining room, kitchen and 434•t470 a 436-9900. bath. $695.00 plus utilities 7810 or 9e5-9761. 905-6862216 COURTICE - detached 3 PICKERING - 3 bedroom bedroom 2 storey. 4 baths. appliances tin OSHAWA - detached 3 -51 • HOLE • THAT ARE NOW PAR 4 SAVE ON DAILY ? PLAa �o GO IS GOLF URNOWc SPECIALS RUK VW -1 - - Lesson 10 _ r A ■ . Avadabie 7►aoss from Holiday lin. Oshawa by For more info. prolessxxials Q ca11433-0211 I 1 I - 1 I KILPATMCK I CONSTRUCTION I • HOME IMPROVEMENTS 1 • BASEMENT APARTMENTS I I 428-8785 N HOME IMPROVEMENTS Additions - 2nd floors - Basement apt- Bathrooms • Plumbing • Dedcs/fences 1 r( Wiring - Tiling • Drywall I I WE SUPPLY PERMITS ilk PLANS I REFERENCES ilk PICTURESAVAILA1 1 FULLY INSURED B ALL WORK I GUARANTEED I 1 1 1 97 Church St., Ajax I ! - - - - - - - - - - - - = -I H Roonn AM Flit dW 1 For Rent 0 For Rent SUPER semi• 3 bed- AJAX Unfurnished room rooms. 3 appliances• for rent in clean quiet fenced yard, available int- home. da. laundry, uhl. d mediatety. $690 plus until- cable iicklded. Shore bath ties, gBacking onto park. 8 Nut. Mature working par- 721lo5 ffi23�stance to Lake. son 'only. Non smoker, available imined. $400' THREE BEDROOM bun- .wild . 6867260 galow. garage. East Osha we. available October $900.00 plus utilities. 1- 905-436-0438 Housing Wanted RURAL EXECUTIVE HOME. 3 bedroom in the Bowmanville / Brookna area. 416-412-1020 (Busi- now ask for Marty) 1 TownhoWn PORTER WOODS 3 bed townhouse in family complex. $950Vmoall in- ciusrve. Close to sdools and shopping 435-1088 LIVERPOOL BAYLY 3 bedroom townhouse $886 plus utlktws. Isoast. no gets. available Nov W. Cal 839-9446 NORTH OSHAWA. 3 bedroom Townhouses in well maintained tanaly, complex. !re" decorated with Frig'stove. dose to all amt' . on Site Mgmt of - !ice can 28-3"7 PICKERING 3 bedroom. $10=1 "I plus utilities Credit Check. Wendy Cor- turdlo Renux first 931 - AVAILABLE %ov 1, large 3-0eoroom. 2 -beth. garage. large lot. cow iOClrOn, 4 appliances near Oaerwa Carrier. $925 . eclairs (905)430-1103. AJAX -Large -star bed- room available irnnwdiaW y. dose to bus and all R�,J,R,,,,,N,,I,11.�SM SUITES ` wipiele Will dSAeS, bienS, we*" dc. RA use of rec. fac. Pnme Wfty bicati0I1. S1500F (905) 9"128 anwirress. da, laundry. A- garage. air. - fished basement, lanced bedrooms. appliances, parking, garage, deck. a yard. $1.100 per mo. plus utilities. Available Oct 1st huge yard, em„ try location. rNshetl. $425hrgrMh. 428- 831-8632 after 6 p.m quiet Street. $950/mo.. r♦ DECENT, deanroom. re- available Okx. 1. Oshawa Ingerator and bath. share COU"TICE, Oct. 1, de- 721-2162. Pickering 905- stimmo. utilities induced. tached small 2 -bedroom 509.1927 Oshawa. 728-9759. 433- house with very large yard 7810 or 9e5-9761. 2355 after 7 p.m. and large data~ 2 car PICKERING - 3 bedroom Private home. Now bus/ Sjare" with Ian' S8501 bungalow with carport. Ousel responsible "arnait. month. FirstAast. 576-3206 wry. 3 appliances. dot smoker. shore bsavkilcMn fatalities. SIM weefdy, Strait- COURTK E- Main and non-snoker No pets So= Alex• unit beiim. wig hove to upper floor of house. 3 mo plus utilities. Jose 905 - bedrooms. 2 car garage. 839-8539 ii1■r+ediate. $875 mo plus 2/3 utikile& Ismast 666- RENT to Own' 0 lots 1168 or 73651 2& detached her ons on Park $ide ad da sac 20 EXECUTIVE home in rrxnutes east of Scarbor- WHO SAN'S VO( Oueen's Common Whitby ough Town Centro $1450' CANNOT AFFORD approx 2800 sem 11. $12501 month First/lost Leave TO St Y A HOt SF7 month Fnstilasst. fOOrer'Ces message for Don at reCu vd Bowmanvine (9o51428-5506 %n IN— Page"/.' (9051623-4375 evenings or 1 t'an Help' (6'31476-3688 RENTERS -Own your own i Br 'n �-< n"' FOUR BEDROOM pp•` bungalow for $725 DS PM of executive house. near per rM Call Jdxh horns. +Br ,-tttwiv� SwS; m„ Oshawa Cenho.oentrai air. Sales Rev. Remax Surrmat lit umr hrvcn rrk„mr ci • y ' 11." laundry tadkties. avwlabie realty 66&3800 Slari �tapte. Oct 15 or and or oil .$1050 SMALL house ion rant. Full Trm� Silk. kwauec Plus Ubleties IrK Wre (905) sutrucker tebie for or con, R, %I...%,. d k, ,11, ;.W 8341884 "actor Large parking area 4"r.+t 11 "Nlw-4'41 LIVERPOOL ttWyS 2. 8 (905N28-0824 ,f no an- :AKERIDGE 2- 3 beormm, 31°e leave message AJAX THREE BED- bungalows references ROOM ^anti door Sem 4 � $850 ,u7-2039 SOUTH PICKERING. 3 appliancesprivate fenced Plus 2 bedroom. 2 bats. yarn. lots d Pill" Avail- NORTH 1MHRBY 5 t Spot- Duigoow. atxe Ott 1 firsviast kiss 3 .t bedroom burip- $4.300i'mc evadable whme- $940 00 ndusive 905- 2 txm+s. garage. large dietary Cap Goorw Courts. 42760%a"' Yet safe -"9nb ` hox $99500 plus cap 427.6522 Royal LePage 579-44-9 R E Services -51 • HOLE • THAT ARE NOW PAR 4 SAVE ON DAILY ? PLAa �o GO IS GOLF URNOWc SPECIALS RUK VW -1 - - Lesson 10 _ r A ■ . Avadabie 7►aoss from Holiday lin. Oshawa by For more info. prolessxxials Q ca11433-0211 I 1 I - 1 I KILPATMCK I CONSTRUCTION I • HOME IMPROVEMENTS 1 • BASEMENT APARTMENTS I I 428-8785 N HOME IMPROVEMENTS Additions - 2nd floors - Basement apt- Bathrooms • Plumbing • Dedcs/fences 1 r( Wiring - Tiling • Drywall I I WE SUPPLY PERMITS ilk PLANS I REFERENCES ilk PICTURESAVAILA1 1 FULLY INSURED B ALL WORK I GUARANTEED I 1 1 1 97 Church St., Ajax I ! - - - - - - - - - - - - = -I H Roonn AM Flit dW 1 For Rent 0 For Rent SUPER semi• 3 bed- AJAX Unfurnished room rooms. 3 appliances• for rent in clean quiet fenced yard, available int- home. da. laundry, uhl. d mediatety. $690 plus until- cable iicklded. Shore bath ties, gBacking onto park. 8 Nut. Mature working par- 721lo5 ffi23�stance to Lake. son 'only. Non smoker, available imined. $400' THREE BEDROOM bun- .wild . 6867260 galow. garage. East Osha we. available October $900.00 plus utilities. 1- 905-436-0438 Housing Wanted RURAL EXECUTIVE HOME. 3 bedroom in the Bowmanville / Brookna area. 416-412-1020 (Busi- now ask for Marty) 1 TownhoWn PORTER WOODS 3 bed townhouse in family complex. $950Vmoall in- ciusrve. Close to sdools and shopping 435-1088 LIVERPOOL BAYLY 3 bedroom townhouse $886 plus utlktws. Isoast. no gets. available Nov W. Cal 839-9446 NORTH OSHAWA. 3 bedroom Townhouses in well maintained tanaly, complex. !re" decorated with Frig'stove. dose to all amt' . on Site Mgmt of - !ice can 28-3"7 PICKERING 3 bedroom. $10=1 "I plus utilities Credit Check. Wendy Cor- turdlo Renux first 931 - AVAILABLE %ov 1, large 3-0eoroom. 2 -beth. garage. large lot. cow iOClrOn, 4 appliances near Oaerwa Carrier. $925 . eclairs (905)430-1103. AJAX -Large -star bed- room available irnnwdiaW y. dose to bus and all R�,J,R,,,,,N,,I,11.�SM SUITES ` wipiele Will dSAeS, bienS, we*" dc. RA use of rec. fac. Pnme Wfty bicati0I1. S1500F (905) 9"128 anwirress. da, laundry. A- ities and cable included. Working person only. Non -1 Shale smoker. famished or unfur• ACCOMOMN rNshetl. $425hrgrMh. 428- 2144. DECENT, deanroom. re- 3 BEDROOM executive home to share, fill ax401. Ingerator and bath. share Bosrnriarlvills, near 401. kitchen. amenities. SW and stimmo. utilities induced. up. PaAwig• Port Perry 8 Clean, responsible aid Oshawa. 728-9759. 433- mature. 697- 7810 or 9e5-9761. 2355 after 7 p.m. FURMSNED room in CHRISTIAN FEMALE has Private home. Now bus/ house to shore in Piclierm shopping. Colour tvRes- Ousel responsible "arnait. phone. Female Ton- Share kitchen, k9. backyar4 Wsidry $375. -0671 smoker. shore bsavkilcMn fatalities. SIM weefdy, Strait- WF shere 2 bedroom apt. able xrvr1e*ral)' 723- Alex• unit beiim. wig hove to 9655 see to apps' 1 min &K;T • 1 RtshiI spm 4 MonMn Free Plant - Downtown Oshawa, 400- 3500 sq. h. available. Park- ing and groat exposure. Best rental rales. Cap 434- 2447 or 655.4132. IDEAL 1 Person professional 350 sq. ft finished office with signage exposue on Was" Rd. if Ajax. $500 PER MONTH 905-509`3581 ON. aGmp mp mei WANTED TO RENT. Go - rap or space for car 6 slnep r 10101 yds, it Ajax I PickenN area. 905-683- Wis. WANTED TO RENT. Large grans wooksl or from Gobus. Ajax plata $430 Dem to rept` sppliarioes. LIVERPOOIMWII. 2 par mon"+ phone i emus reasonable 427-2713 $400/mo includes ufiktrs. 701st. Oki Large room. on second hllr floor for quiet responsible SHARE quiet dean 2700 to Poison 420--1915 sq. ft oxeClfive hoer, in • with per - o xx Can 42one 2436 MNDUSTRIAL I roorr for rer! -n large t- hOHae W"On. IaUri- dry lots of spade. Cable n ck+ded $10orweMk De- ponit required 436 -SM avaiade mir"odsoly, SENIORS ON THE GO! Lou Lott For Sale For Sah AGRICULTURAL LANDS FOR SALE Ontario Realty Corporation is offering for sale 2 parcels of Agricultural land in the Town of Whitby P'ropefly 1M1O7-th104 104± ase d agricul ral ketch wilt a Rajden(W Dwdkq PlWO V #NW4= 203± atae6 d agricul"kind %lilt Rlisiderlial Dws" For complete details regarding the lands and to receive an information/submission package please call, Joe Clasadonte at (41615854786. Prospective purchasers may enter upon the properties for inspection on Wednesday October 4. 1995 between the hours of 10:00 am and 12:00 pm. An ORC representative will be at 1120 Columbus Road West to answer questions. Please note that entry into dw residential dwellings will not be possible at this time. Offers to be submitted on Thursday, October 12, 1995 before 2.00 pan. THREE bedroom louse to unit Of rem at 899 Nelson St approx cabs. nn snicker. no p stun. Pickering no pals. Includes 600 sq If with office space • 1 OPP • 1 ppppwat.p Available ertrrrOatey $450 and workshop. or as stor- n0l. Wy Cap 631-8776 ane Spade Call 434-5494 or r4owngs 5741840 For Pad 19WINDUtea 36W sq h ATRIAL `" bo- "The Meat People" AJAX. LUXURY . AC. 3 boom 2 baths. ensure laundry . strap. balconyy. $995 Desi avrfable Oct. 15. 619-0049 am Nolding, ex"s perkill large Oxon[. Nelson and Wawfto $l. Osfuwa. close 10 401. slollnq at $675 net par mo Phone 432-7223 or 728-507 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Claremont Golden Age Club on Brock Rd. in Claremont plays Euchre on Tuesdays. Contact Mrs. Jean Drake at 649-2309 for more information. Rouge Hill Seniors Club, 464 Kingston Rd., has Euchre every Wednesday at 12:45 p.m. and every Friday at 7:45 p.m. The first Thursday of every month, "Bring a Lunch" and meet some friends. Tea is available. At 1 p.m. is the club meeting with cards and other fun after. The third Thursday of every month is a Pot Luck Lunch followed by at meeting at 1 p.m. Pickering and Village Seniors, 29 Linton Ave., Pickering Village. Club meetings are at 2 p.m. on the second Wednesday of the month. Regular activities include bridge, euchre, pool and craft classes Mon. and Tues. at 1 p.m, with quilting, knitting, sewing, painting cloth and embroidery. For more information call Mrs. Lusted at 683-5816. South Pickering Seniors Club #1753 at Liverpool Rd, south of Bayly Ave. Open from Monday to Saturday with billiards, bridge, clogging, level 1 & 2 Country dancing, shuffleboard, badminton, 5 pin bowling at Celebrity Lanes, crafts, darts, horseshoes, cribbage, club library, bingo, euchre, chess, pinochle, poker, table tennis, carpet bowl- ing, dances, trips and home cooked lunches. Executive and members meeting every Tuesday at 1 p.m.. Open to all Pickering residents 55 years or over. Come out and join a friendly club. Cost $12 per year. For more information call 420-5049 or 420-6588. Franchise opportunities exist for the Durham Region. Contact Jacques 905-576-6328 If you wish to advertise on this SENIOR'S SPECIAL Community Calendar of Events call Carol 579-4400 Ext. 2303 or Billy 579-4400 Ext. 2304 i =F=Sdif- , , Prlu►a4For Saki , PrwakFor Sale WINTERIZED house keeping c�ag•s On besu- trful Balsam Labe. Ave"* year round. Welcome $nowmobale riders and sk ers For into. cap 1.705- 9871230. 0 Vac. PAO" ATTENTION Snowtmds GORGEOUS 3- bsdroom I bathrooms ownlnouss condo. close 10 fa"kOu's Clearwater beach. pod. h- cuzzm, BOO, private yard. available NOw-Mril- ror into and to view phofos SW 9846 or 579-3786. CLEARWATER. hrNy fur- nished 2-3 bedroom mob" nomes. heated pools. hot tub. tennis, mrMltes 10 peaches. Glue Jay 1 11 1 l NHL Hockey. dog 6 horse ^acks Children welcomed. Less than molal. (905)683- 5503 2 STOREY BRICK, 4 ren- ovated,shows ��1ly, lot 45 x 213.251 Townfine Rd north. $129.000.00 cap 905 571-0181 or 576.4193 S LEVEL sidspkl 5 bed. MOMS. 1-4 pe., 1-3 pe., 1- 2pe. bathrooms). air. canthal Wake, double 9arape. elec- trorrc garage door. in - Pool. Close to all artrsniliss. ver charm. Great i q S 69 000 Goodman. 432-1963. 3 bedoon hors, relic roots, garage. gas haat. central M vratkoat to private hnoad yard. 5114,900. Ted Wa over 112 8aas�park�samg, 92 x 150 kir-. 3 bedroonns, one bathroom. all ap- pliarhr . trsrnendOu val- ue. 5159.1100. firm. Tele - oh -m 1`1011 a (at 3) 949-0134 LARGE ranch style brick bungalow, 2 -car garage. bam, in ground pool, paved driveway, lovely basement apartment and match more. Hardwood bush. 22.23 ecr• es. LLbetwe my selling on Hwy. 7 Lindsay and Ornemee. Exrallenl water. 5229.9oo. firm. Phone (705) 324.1783. NE Oshawa, beautiful semi, completMlf redone, 3 bed. rooms. 2 bairns, rec room. $119,900. Bornrs: New bridge a $tove. all for detaxils ,k* Lee. Durham oualiryp geNIy Inc. 432-2000. $/04,800_ Are you ktoh- ft for a renovated brick burmgalow. 3 bedrooms, new kddW, hardwood - 110—. walkout to a -— beck yard and a good area. Immaculate. Give me a al bel— you miss it Peter �BRep. Guide Re NW Oshawa. 2100 sq. it 4 bedroom 649 Whistler Dr 5179,000. NO agents 576- 9349 Open 7693n House Sat/Sun 2-4 pm PICKERING - John Boody - Forest Brook, 3 bedrooms. 2 1/2 baths. custom builtpantry, hardwood floors• fireplace, Swimming pool. and appliances 5238.000. (905) 420-58M WHITBY (Centre St. W Roseland). quiet bourhood. 3 bedroom Wn- galow includes/2 bedroom basernem :parinent. 61200 I long m pkrs ubibm- Avail" Oct I, rlotsmokM no Pets. (905)770-7475 NMIColulas for Sale $101.1166 AJAX tondo. Grsartharse slyfe lutchen, 2 bedrooms. sauna. pod. holtub, 5 appiarhces, sunny n/w exposure Mary Wright coowm Bsrmke r 427.4200 Lots Money For Sale To Lend 536,660.40 minutes to Oshawa 3/4 acre lot with lake access, an resclar" arm. Call Lome Scanlon, (905) 434-5222, or 427.1177. WATERFRONT commun- ity in Pon Perry, spectacu. lar 2 acre kNs, with natural gas, (905) 427-0390, or (905) 428-2215 MoneyMA to Lend - SORROW $10,000 ,Pay littl as little as on $110 per mth.. o.a.e. Free eansultaban. Anubis lnvsstrnwft Ltd. M0n9e965 and Loans since 1973. Call Any (905)434-2070. MONEY problerns? Debt COnsokdatio ns, cram ar- rangements, personal budget plarvwnn cis& re- pair. FREE CONSULTA- DONS Ontario Credit Counsellors (Oshawa -Tor - Onto) 433-1425 OBTAMiG A LOAN IS NOT GUAR- ANTEED. SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES. OTHERS DO NOT. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SKMOM ANY CONTRACTS, A 6 FIGURE "COW_ Abandoned for non MLM .Net Walking opporhrnity. First of its torrid. Tatung the country by storm. I need --Z� hrs. � call 428- 4701 EARN daily. witeldy and monthly Wncornes by lsell" grOM yoursM► and helping others do the same 1-000- 618.3118. THE NEWS ADVF.R'nSF.R SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, H95-PA(:F, 37 ................ ••3-1005 •w-«•• SANDERSON MONUMENT CO. LTU. Manufacturers of cemetery and civic memonals since 1872. 11 showrooms or home appointmenst available Darlene Bonser (jos) 4X7-4366 14300) 461-0282 M 4 He K -M n.• a4. A is WESMRIIAM , Thomas Richard ( Member Branch 606, R.C.L.: Member 481h Highlanders Association ) in his 70th year, passed away on September 21, 1995 after a start illness. Tom Westerman, beloved hustuW of Dorothy: Dear father of Dorothy b George Downey, Harold & Judy Weslemtan, Tom aS June Westerman and Susan and Frank Heath. Also survived by 9 Grandchildren and 1 great grandson and sisters, Gladys MdGW b Joan Goodwin. ResbN at Ronald Martino b Son Funeral directors. Brock Road Chapel. 1057 Brock Rd. Pidwrirg ( Just South of the 401, East side ) 905.686.5589. Friends may visit Saturday from 6.9 p.m. and Sun- day from 1'00 p.m. Until time of service. Funeral Service and comirift in the Chapel Sunday at 2:00 p.m., R.C.L. Poppy Service Saturday September 23. at 7:00 p.m. in leu of Mowers donations may be made to the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 606. 1555 Bayly St. Pickering, L1W 1L7 arag Ss e ,�. 5 'X For Your nta es�Yas - Cal Adva won mg at 683-0707 or fax wt at 683-7363. GRADE EXPECTATIONS LEARNING CIN -TRE GrAde Expectations Learning Centre offers supplementary education for students grades I to OAC. Students are instructed by qualified teachers in a classroom setting. They also have access to our resource room equipped with computers, books and educational games. LOOK FOR OUR OPEN HOLD AD UNIC,'H W W- APPEAR IN OCIC)S1E];;. IN THE AJAX/PICKERING NEWS AD%TXIJSM THE PEANUT CLUB There's a new way to party and play in your neighbourhood! GREAT VALUE FOR YOUR ADVERTISING DOLLAR KIDS CALENDAR will reach your market effectively each month DONITMISOUT11 For Further Information Please Call Carol Scheffel at (416) 798-7672 or (905) 579-4400, Ext. 2303 4 Ak&=N AM c JCTAl3FR 7 The Peanut Club is not your average playground. Designed for children from 6 months of age to age 7, this unique party and play facility features a large variety of exceptional toys and play apparatus. This safe and fulfilled environment is available for either open daily play or private parties. Parties All Inclusive - pizza, ice cream cake, face painting, plates, napkins, balloons, cofree and tea, staff to serve the food and clean up the mess' You can also pay the basic rental for the club and bring in your own food. "All parties are private, only you and your guests and The Peanut Club staff will be at your party. You have full use of the club for 2 hours. Daily Play Open to the public to come in with your child to meet new friends, experience new and different KindernastiC Kids & Choreography Plus 360 Sayly St. West rte- -�-- Gymnastics, dance and crafts Ages - Walking 18 years * 401 UJ N Unit #1 � BAYLY S. 360 Sayly St. N., , Unit 1, Ajatt or call 427-5543 For more information Call 427 - K - KID 0 opportunities and just plain have fun: biondav to Friday 9:30 a.m. t03 P.M. Tuesday 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. & 6 p.m to 9 P.M. Saturday & Sunday 9::30 a.m. to I2:OC p.m. Cost Familv with one child, first hour $5.00 Anv additional time :52AX)tMax. $ .00 for the day') Family with up to 3 children, first hour $S.00 Any additional time $2.00(max. $10.00 for the day' I eiNew•"Peanut Programs!! -Children ages 2 - 5 years old meed to he toilet trained) • Snack, free t -shirt, games, themes. wings, stories, face painting • Drop off l Parents may leave h •S classes - $69.00.16 classes 5120.00 •.%Iondavz, TuesdavF �41, Wednesdav 0 P+ 4YGROUND — THE 4� Lau INDOOR I • Daily Play • Private Parties • Peanut Programs • Summer Camps •PogT't Night BAYWOOD MEDICAL CENTRE LoebJBaywood Centre (between IDA 3 Video Dynasty) 95 Bayy St W. Ajax -2238 9-:v, - 11.:311 s.m- or 1 , - r.m. •::.�'.E. Supen-L:ed - Brenda Shp-dden E.C.E. 'Re ister early "New" Gift certificates Great gift idea for birthdays or Christmas can be purchased in $if). $25. or $50 amounts. Summer camps For the months of .July and August. Monday to friday 9:30 a.m. to 12-1Y) p.m for children ages 2 to 7. POG" Night Every Tuesday enjoy daily play or join in our POG T" tournament, the "Champion" receives a prize' We provide the children with milk caps to play with during the tournament and keep to take home. Snacks Snacks can be purchased at the club such as juice, pop, cookies. chips, crackers or candies. is too z 4 If your child's marks are below expectations, we can help. r lvffcr rcacung writing match atxl +t1l,h .kill.. G..c m, a .all Gradc FXixrt.rnrmn well deign a - plc mcntan cducan..n pri•grans Ixi cd un v<ntr nkl, nccck r., rnrrc•.L.c anrcrc.t. Ixuld clf- nficknic and ul1(,ro%c a.a.lctnrc fx•rt,,rnuncc f.<r .t.plcnh m ,;r..Jc. •.. , , Call us today su We can show you how Grade Expectations ISMS Girnanna Rd. can help your suite 103 PICAERIN<, child succeed. MEDICALCENTRF GJADE H:XPEC. ENFI NS 420-9930 LEARYW, CEWii S • PACE :116 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1995 owwkwwnPersonalse ' Personal s Carpe `0 1F you have contacts in EVER 0-44 about using Aushaft, I can show you a dating service or just how to develop residual in- finding out more about come. Cap Bob 428-2847. them? Now you an call for IIIItID SERVICE FOR a free brochure with no SALE. Privately owned. V— Or dA911111M . Full Cap for details. 426-7786. Dios, photos. high compa- trblity standards. great val- ue d very sincere. For sin- • ' Personal glee seeking their special someone Partner Search 663-2414 (message) any - BEST GAYS numbers 1- time. $6)0.451-5566 end. 697. &EST PLAYMATES $3.4*min, 18+, T -tone. names t e's 1.900 -451 - CALL Local Girls. gat 6086 sift 272. S2.99/min, • reales i home raxM»rs. 18+. Touditm. 1-900-451-5566 Ext 253. $3.49A w . 18+, Touch tone. OLDER women wanting dates. lots of phone numbers. 1-900-451.3638 ed 259. $3.291 niunrle. 18+. touch tone. PSYCHIC Answers: Rated el n Canada. Answer to love. money. career. 52.981 minute. 18+. E.R,P.A., 1- 900.451.4055. TAROT, Nuerology. Awes. Clairvoyance. Live Psy- chics. Look into yow future. 18+. $3.99 per mirwte. 1- 9008702770. Ext 716 Matchmaking... the old fashioned way. Meet that •Someone Specor for romance OrScreened a tle. R1trOduCtll7n5. Never miss the opportunity to pay your respects again! For an audit) version of all of the Lufrent death rttltices rm-eived fox puMiutio n in the News Advertiser or This Werk, call 683-3005 or 404-6591(tlarkoon residerNs). This co npimirriuryservice provides detailed infixllration for nutx'es placed to the previous 7 flays. Bnxlght to you by the fcllklwiflg funeral hoxmes: McIntosh-Anderscxl, Armwnxlg, W.C. Toon, WEadmir, Martino & Soots, Maris, N(xtow-Boot, Accitaone YOUR AUTOMOTIVE PRO�ONALS CELEBRATING OUR ANNIVERSARY s k• AShc LOVEOFDERv CE FLATS • TRES OF ALL KINDS WHEEL ij aawZor TRUCK CARS OR FARM Eos A $3495 � • *ME SELECTION OF BRANDS 8 S¢ES M STOCK MOST CARS • PHONE DISPATCH • COMPLETE AUTO 6 TRUCK BRAKES REPAIR $7995 FRONT -SERVICE THAT NEVER SLEEPS" %995 REARS MOST CARS Eastem Tire Service & JSK Auto Care 40 759 Kingston Road West - AJAX y s ;etween Brock Rcad 6 blur Stree, _Ar'AS1e South Suds) 905-N6-1694 A c -SINCE 1973" TIRESa t J 369 FINLEY AVE. AJAX, ONTARIO 1 683-5675 Just south of BAYLY 15/70x15 Freestone .9°O - LT1235175X15 STEEL TEXY R45 100°°..r 185/60X14 SS10 a` ~$,8600 LOW PRICES ON THE COMPLETE LINE AND ALL INCLUDE INSTALLATION BALANCING & DISPOSAL •�� i'r77MUNR #9 . A$TT.MACKENZIE AVE., AJAX . . ,. A Caruso Auto Caruso Auto in Pickemng is here to stay. That's what owner Phil Caruso wants people to know. `Our customers are very important to us,- he says. -We want them to know we plan on staying in business for a long time. We won't disappear when you need us most." Phil believes in giving his customers an honest job at very reasonable rates and guarantees his work 100%. 'We go out of our way to keep our customers happy; he explains. -Without them we'd be out of business. - Located at 1895 Clements Rd. Unit 177 beside United Auto Parts, Phil says their commitment to their customers means they own the shop they work in. Proof that they plan on serving their many customers for a long time down the road - 'We are also here to save our customers money and we offer specials all the time,' he says. From now until October 31st he's offering 15% off all parts and a free ride home when you drop your car off. There's a $69.95 front or rear brake special on most cars and an oil change with Quaker State Oil and a Chrysler filter for $11.95. It's also a good time for a radiator flush and fill before winter for $39.95. Customers always receive a free estimate and you authorize all of the work to be done. That's all part of Caruso's honest approach to doing business. For more information on their many services call 686-3803. BROKEN SAVE � 70,00 WINDSIAIEL[3? UPTO No Overcharge to Insurance Co. :.r,.,C,,,,e MN NIAMgLOMW + r«410 -Ar I + + • Basec or Insirance Prices • All work Guaranteed • Call for details on Car Clean ups! 4TERPROVINCIAL 860 Brock Rd. S. BBC AUTO GLASS Unit #1 Pickering, ort. 837-7819 BRAKES OIL & FILTE TONT OR BACK CHANGE $6900 61195 COOLING TUNE-UP FLUSH & FILL 6 CYL. $'02000 $A =01 THREE BEARS AUTOBODY n U 2 (905) 619-2327 WERE YOU EDUCATED OUTSIDE CANADA? ICAS evaluates education documenh from (ther•countries to Canadian standards to art" with applications for jobs, further education or h.wmigfaft . APPOca lon Io1r113 may lie oitlek— from 111 Bond Street (Dundee and Yortps area) or by caitp 26E-7464 or toll tree 1-800.321-6021 ICAS International Credential Assessment Service of Canelo CONTOUR TRIM COS FEERM a 1101 COVERS Ii - POP OUT CONTOUR SDE • LX PROFLE NIDM • COlOIAi KCM FLUSH i10IAIT BRAIQ: •/RSP AAM OII LIGHT -SME11 GEL COAT OR PANT FLASH FLASH ALL GLASS REAR DOOR Kr N•i 11 ' MW.5 Srxwm FEENGM AS Lott As 111M UN lil m llom •CALL �FOA�APPafTW • LIV EMA9LE • LiFETK ■AMAM" E RANG TOM COM LUM SUNMI M ',yEtr ALut9N FRAME CLAMP sTrLE- OSHANAPICKEANIG SCANOfiOUGli 10 3100E st K 1E1 triod(iD. s, 14%MMMAID AYE ad sin=s) Xd bad Rt POdtom) to wsrl or Tai loa kI p lAMMb soay 9055746868 90543487J1 I 416.7545001 " X IS_ 40 =ice. C Free Estimates Complete Collision Service & Refinishing To Cars & Trucks Frame Straightening • Rust Repairs • Insurance Claims • Car Rentals Arranged Open 6 Days A Week ALL WORK GUARANTEED tX if 11111100F I' A irl-dal Event Of Th day and Sunday. Seo OfAW/, Umij • • We RequestThe Pleasure Ot A" �'- `' N* ! ` r � t Y � iii %iI L iVilf1!; lm�M •,:, Oki i ers . I ®� f rw,� i' aat 4b a Tw'0 Pairs of ticked �` _ PairCOM +�►th a ,,� `°" Of Your Company.... - ME's', . .. ^ s asRAd,,VG yy"AT' a he Ceremon , F - uMB�E c At t nca�d T "� PASES OFAS' He Cher Gail =` "FL a / d l �MAA6 U -Tet an t� o••.• \ T�.Sc. e� W�Ii�am Rate ••••by MAI satu*teMber A9a� ''''••4040 Co. :hl�� & at 4:45 Pam �Y rden At Centre w as r;,a;�.� )Wn P1 In The C�a t e ,. ,, -� Vons ale erg T� faf • �1 � mckTo Brdal Fashion Shows r �, �rColFT S cam,g .ms's SaturdaySeptember.3.0�. , na► avE "AWAY�'m�n �, 0c FAQ 1:00 P.M. and 3:30 .m. S,, 4te;y�,, tOber �S - w (A p oM►in �.. sY of Sunday October 1 s proX. 3.p0 �fth/Qne 2:00 pomeaws Advertiser At s — PAGE 441 -THF. NEWS ADVFR11SFR SUNDAY. SF.PTEVIRFR 24,19"- 0 It F1 • • -FINAL CALL FOR 1995 ESCORTS BEAT THE 1996 PRICE INCREASE: BRAND NEW ESCORT LX 3 DR HATCHBACK • 1.9L 4 CYLINDER • AUTOMATIC • AIR CONDITIONING • POWER STEERING & BRAKES • DUAL AIR BAGS • LIGHT GROUP • ALUMINUM WHEELS • DUAL ELECTRIC MIRRORS • REAR SPOILER • CD PLAYER • AM/FM STEREO • PREMIUM SOUND MONTHS OR •rP�Ul LEASE TION TO RCHASE AT AC= =Wf1 • 7A\ . BRAND NEW 195 ESCORT LX 5 DR. HATCHBACK BRAND NEW ESCORT LX WAGON • 1.9 L 4 CYLINDER • AUTOMATIC • AIR CONDITIONING • POWER STEERING & BRAKES • POWER DOOR LOCKS • DUAL AIR BAGS • LIGHT GROUP • ALUMINUM WHEELS • DUAL ELECTRIC MIRRORS • POWER DECK LID • REAR SPOILER (5 DR.) • LUGGAGE RACK (WAGON) • AM/FM CASSETTE • POWER WINDOWS SIDE A� cbCK Tdn 24 MONTHS OPTION TO PURCHASE AT LEASE END •I• • 1.9 L 4 CYLINDER • AUTOMATIC -AIR CONDITIONING • POWER STEERING & BRAKES • POWER DOOR LOCKS • DUAL AIR BAGS • LIGHT GROUP • ALUMINUM WHEELS • DUAL ELECTRIC MIRRORS *-POWER DECK LID • REAR SPOILER (5 DR.) • LUGGAGE RACK (WAGON) • AM/FM CASSETTE • POWER WINDOWS O RII• 24 MONTHS OPTION LEASE PURCHASE AT LEASE END Plus freight, licence and applicable taxes. Rebate applied to sale price. Lease based on 24 mo. plan lease. $1500.00 down plus freight, Uoerx:e and applicable taxes. option to purchase at lease end 50.000 km free ret4xlrtaae security nepos� s25o required O.A.C. .I=. • 261=3311 Heritage Ford has THE PLAN �- Ask about it or