HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1995_08_23sr V1111111101111111 11 � go aMiM►.iM�`i 420-4fr0 • " ^ A &,W9*% MA SA JE jos831-2088 Kt�iz ews Wednesday, Aug. 23, 1995 48 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 37,500 vol. 114 No. 34 Touch-up Hidee the Clown paints the nose of 17 -month-old Michelle Evans as the tots mom Penny looks on at the fifth annual Inside In the news Editorial ................................6 Entertainmerit .....................24 Sports.................................28 Classitird ........ ...................30 Phone lines General 683-51 10 F ax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 Sincerely Yours 1-900-451-.379:3 IriloSourc e 683-7040 Death Notices 68:3-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 The News Advertiser regularly uses recycled newsprint 9:3c+7cGST =S1 for a tot carnival at Baltycliffe Lodge in Ajax Saturday. Also featured were crafts, games and magic. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Pickering fears `major setback' from provincial But, acting mayor Still finds a silver lining 111% STEPHEN LATEGAN � i X t ki F't)RTF:R PICKERING — There's hath good and bad news in expected provincial funding cuts to municipalities of 20 per :cni. Acting Pickering Mawr Maurice funding cuts b. transit systcm. Councillor Brenner expects the Town will have to trim any fat in its budget without a major impact on the public. For example, municipalities may he tixced to look at a transit authority across the Greater Toronto Area as a way of eliminating duplica- tion, which he considers a positive move that will likely he necessitated by the provincial gov- Brenner says. -I'm not happy with the , ernment's fiscal restraint. Otherwise, cuts, but I am happy with the savings" "governments become complacent," he the Prcn ince and taxpayers will realize. says. There is no way of knowing_ how the ..., With an "inventory of services", budget cuts will affect Pickering, he Councillor Brenner says he is certain the says. but the Town w ill "have to make Town can find savings of 10 per cent. very drastic decisions" to deal %ith them. He notes council will begin its public He adds the impending cuts, %learned`+- deliberations over the 1990 municipal - \moi budget in January. A proposed document of by Municipal Affairs minister AI Maurice will`be available for puhli: restew so res - Leach on Monday. could he a "major Brenner See PROVINCE... Page 5 setback" to Town services, such as its 4, X :10ir 1, 0 J -INL A ­md� - JL 9 A11L dLJ Teen hit by bottle may lose an eye PICKERING — A teen may have lost the sight in tme eye atter ate. was struck by a broken beer bottle in an attack here early Sunday morning, police report. Two teens — one armed with a stick and the other with a beer tx►ttle — gotinto an argument with four other youth. in a park at St. Mar- guerile Bourgeov. Catholic School on Mcadowview A%enue around 1:30 a.m., Durham Regional Police report. Thr teen struck in the cyc with the herr bottle was taken by ambulance to ScarM)rough Centenary Hospital. where he Immediately underwent a two -and -a -half hour operation, his father report. "It's unhkcly hell have sight in that cvc." Ih►u; Taylor says of his sun Stephen. "He may have to have a glass eye. who know.. The Dunharton High School grad- uate is taking a year off from schtx)I Io earn money to attend univcrsitr next fall. He had just started a new job Saturday and was. walking home from a party when he was attacked, according to his father. Doctors also removed "shards of glass" from the teen's face, notes Mr. Taylor, who says a plastic surgeon visited his son Sunday. A second teen who was with the victim received stitches to his head. while other friends were struck v, ith a .tick during the confrontation. A 17 -year-old Pickering youth has been charged with assault with a weapon, aggravated assault, posses- sion of dangerous weapons and breach of probation. A 19 -year-old Pickering man faces four counts of assault with a weapon, as well as possession of dangerous %%capons, aggravated assault and assault causing bodily harm. WIN ONE OF • SEVERAL VACA110NS • SEE PAGE 2 o•••r �_♦_Tssv PwF%'SADVE*MSER_WFw ♦nr-nc•r,)a ame ,MP backs c1'am*P­d6wn'­on­dea By CINDY UPSHALL DURHAM STAFF DURHAM — Local MPs Dan McTeague and Alex Shepherd say they support denying federal licences and passports to parents who don't make court-ordered child sup- port payments. "I have nothing against having a person's privi- Durh am welfare • - cases dip again 0 Region Ori cial `very much enthused' more people `moving into the wage-earner bracket' DURHAM — The number of welfare cases in Durham dropped in July, the third straight monthly decline. "I'm very much enthused," says Tom Edwards, chair- man of Durham's health and social services committee and Whitby mayor. Seeing fewer children on welfare and "persons and P►E�,. __ families moving CIAL into the wage- earner bracket �GAINS;;.: `<<:;Qq pleases me to::::>:: ><: no end," he TW adds. In July, the, F1-YERS number of cases 114 -TODAY -t- in Durham fell by 60 to 10,795. MVIS Abeit set a .5 -per cent decrease from June. The fig- WEDNESDAY arcs last month AUG. 23/95 r are also down leges restricted if they are not sup- porting their chil- dren," says Mr. Shepherd, MP for Durham Riding. Mr. McTeague, MP for Ontario Riding, agrees and says "having a child is a respon- sibility that can't be off-loaded, no matter if the parents divorce" "Child -raising is a life- long responsibility," he says. Justice Minister Allan Rock told a meeting of the Canadian Bar Association in Winnipeg Sunday the federal government is looking at new ways to help provinces collect payments from non-custo- Dan McTeague significantly over July 1994, hews Advertiser • Tours of Pkka* PkL when there • Square Boy PicL were 11,134 sears AkxiPick cases. Bwom Depot Ajax?icL While the ' Factory Carpet PiidL ile w t1i odwelir--mEee- number of peo- ' Tbe Brick Ajax ple getting Gen- Pham'Pam AjaxTick ASHLEE NICHOLL e r a l Welfare 0 Transit Shoes Wednesday's Cagier of A s s i s t a n c e Real F.9ate Ajax?kL the � lee decreased, Fam- Link Cessars Ajax I�icholL Ashle enjoys e i 1 y Benefit Niework A j, ?kL ro blad ^l swimming A l l o w a n c e • P,=vat Ajax and horseback riding - cases rose mar- Ayseery Pain Ajax Ashlee received ginally. In July, • square Boy Aja McDonalds coupons there were oonVi ments or the Mews • Delketed to xiecled 6suW& only Advertiser. 7,224 cases, an Remember, all inserts. Congratulations Ashlee increase of including those on glossy for being our Wednesday three over June. per, can be recycled withcarrieIN The drop in th- rumof your newspaper welfare cases through your blue box11 • M' 1 comes as "a bit Recycling program. of a relief' for+ For information , News Mr. Edwards, on delivering f �,,., f� because .oar Durham has budgeted to advertisingw„ll M . I f. five fivers. spend five per P P call AL�'1\ � wsawe" + cent less on BROUWER ` welfare this at year than in 693.5110. + 1994. REtKM - • ten, dW CMS Q. Question of the Month IName: Phone: IAddress: City: Pr,ode: ' Please mail44our answer b: Call Reform Party of Canada Ontario Riling 290 Harwood Ave. S., P.O. Box 21081 OR 686-0278 Ajax ON LIS 7H2 Please leave your (To join the Reform Paft inckide a cheque for $10) name and address The Reform Pany of Canwk neither suppods nor opposes capital punishment. Our policythel Car sdiare WX%W decide. ri e_ OPINION dial parents. He said licences and privileges, such as fishing and pilot's permits, could be restricted, as well as passports. "I think it's about time," says Fran Sorensen, president of the Ajax -Pickering chapter of the One Parent Families Association, a national organization with 25 chapters across Cana- da. "If they can't be pushed to pay up any other way, then do it this way," she says. While the issue of child support is important, Mr. McTeague says the gov- ernment should be careful ­11iF THENFWSi ADVF.RTISF.R. WXV.. AtXiU.N 2, "ftf;F 5-A .. be'" Ad ares when enacting its plans, to is that this is a problem keep it gender -neutral. with just fathers; it's not Ms. Sorensen agrees, anymore." noting that a few years Mr. Shepherd says the ago it was dads who were government is also work - paying support, but now it ing on payment guide - is becoming more preva- lines, based on income, so lent that women are also judges can award appro- helping out. priate amounts of child "Joe Public's perception support payments. MUTUAL FUNDS INVEST NOW No cost to transfer hokkVs for better service and convenience. No cost for answers to your questions about rnutLid funds. Make the first of many good investment decisions CALL TODAY. MULTI MUTUAL The Courtyard, Unit 16 Denis Ardagh 428-8613 SUMMER SAVINGS Hunter Douglas 0 4 S0� FACTORY REBATE 2e & 3e wLj00 Homer uougias /O ROLLER SHADES 3 3'Off For More Great Energy Saving Pro�ucts Call 'Your Wsrl low Decaraaing Centre' 28-0937 FREE SHOP AT HOME SEFMICE BLINDS i DRAPERY __ NCR (88 Old Kingston Rd, Ajax (Pickering Village) SHOWROOM HOURSe Mon. -Wed. 10-5, Thurs. A Fri- 10-6, Sat 10-5 0 PA(:F. 4-A-'I'Hrt NF'N•� nUty th Rfttit'R, WED-AUCUST Li, M5 flel I our child le rnP gy• O Your attitude may be the key to your young one's learning By LINDA WHITE sTAW W043 rtnt DURHAM — Shiny never binders and back -to -school clothes may help a child gear up for another year at school, but a parent's atti- tude could be the key to helping a youngster learn, experts advise. "You can really shut a child down by comparing them to their brothers or sis- ters or to the genius next door," says Durham Board of Education superintendent Barry Vail. "Not all kids are athletes and not all are outstanding academically. We have to cherish what they,can do. Set a goal that is important to that individual child. Are they making pnvress' How do they fare compared to the average child in their class'r if your child is gifted. for example, find out what's being done to challenge him and ensure he's not bored. "ft's a teacher's oblig- ation to provide for all chil- d r e n _ whether they learn fast or ; learn slow.- Sir. Vail explains. That's why it's important "to establish a two-wav communication link with your child's teacher in the first few weeks," says Mr. Vail. "Call or send a note to show you're interested and that you tare, even if every- thing seems fine. It may help nip a problem in the bud" He also encourages par- ents to become involved in their child's school by vol- unteering and attending community council meet- ings. You should also attend open houses, curriculum nights and parent -teacher interviews. `Parents and teachers have the same goal -- the success of the child.' -- Barry Vail "Parents and teachers share an interest in a child." Mr. Vail notcs. "They have the same scold — the success of the child.- W h e n talking to your child about school, ask open- ended ques- tions. "You'll �. get the same response a ' . every day if \'� ~ you ask, 'How was s c h o o l today'' Instead, ask what they learned at school that (Ly and if they did any- thing special. Extra -curricular events such as sports, drama, year - FLAT RATE Long Distance FR0%1 r� Savc an ..klkw.nal 2l)C Two -Way Calling Month .�.._t.%.t.i-..-.kt.A.. 4 kale r ln,d,p�e... kb....d JIM all Vo oth., "it, 1•.�R. Yr, 4,e,r,•.,l♦r 71. bdL t r dh, expanded mice to: N hitbs, thtaaa, t;UNmxnxille, KeNcaxtl., Port Perm S Black.+lock area., x. a:a:,.e oo rya.-P'uwrW actwgas aN'1 elehopo 16)406-3977 TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY Offering all insolvency services including persona & corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721.7506 AJAX: 50 Co,�-eroai Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG: 72 Kang Si. W. 372-4744 Saturday 8 evening appointments available James R. Yanch FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION books and school newspa- pers can also play an impor- tant role in a student's edu- cation, because "it gets them involved in something other than just book learning," maintains Mr. Vail. At home, a child should have a quiet place to study. "Establish a realis- tic but regular time when a child will do their homework" — • whether they're studying for an exam, finishing school work or reading. Unless a student has unfinished :. 2 � Ar work, Mr. Vail encourages them to take a break from school work on weekends. "Parents usually rest or do something different. Chil- dren should too." Parents who don't speak French but whose children are enrolled in French immersion are encour- aged to read to them in English. "That doesn't confuse them," according to Mr. Vail. "We want them to be strong in their fust language. - Though some parents may be intimidated about going to their child's school, they're encouraged to "break down the barrier. Find out what you can do at home to support your child's learning at school. And if you've had a bad attitude about school, try not to con- vey it to your child." Finally, remember that it's natural for parents and children to be nervous on the fust day of school — no matter what grade your youngster is entering. P s THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED.. At I(;UST 23. 1W5-P.A(;F. 5-A P rovince should learn from Pickeri*ng.o Brenner FROM PAGE 1 Mike Harris that Ontario is bankrupt, Mr. ing on old budgets," but by opening budget is for granted." idents can have their say before the budget Brenner says the Province should take a les- talks as if there was no money available, He says he doesn't believe in the "easy is passed in January or February. son from Pickering. He points to the fact then Iooking at sources of revenue and how way" of dealing with less money by raising In response to comments by Premier that the Town is in the black not by "build- best that money should be spent. "Nothing taxes. 40 Nuclear plant radiation d atlon uses but don't push panic button By STEPHEN LATEGAN sTAW REPORM PICK RING — Arm residents were exposed to more radiation from the Pickering Nuclear Gener- ating Station in the second quarter of the year than in the previous ftw months. But, there's no cause for alarm. The blest edition of the Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB) Radiation Monitor reports that for the period from April 1 to June 30 of this year, pm - pie living close to the Pickering power plant received a radiation dose of 4.1 microsieverts, corn - pared to 2.7 in the previous quarter. The "radiation dose" is a measure; of the quantity of radiation absorbed by the body. A miaepsievert is one millionth of a Sievert the unit used in mea- suring radia ico The dose is twice the amount received by those most exposed to the Darlington Nuclear Generating Station, which was 2.0 nucrosieverts for the same period. The year to date level f(w Pickering is 6.8. To put the numbers in perspective, the dose from a single chest X-ray is about 70 mimsieverts and the AEC B's proposed legal limit for the dose from nuclear plant emissions is 1,000 a year. The aver- age Canadian is annually exposed to 3,000 micmwverts from background radiation like that caused by the sun. According to the AECB, the numbers would typically apply lo people who live just outside the nuclear station boundary, stay at their residence 24 hours a day, and who eat and drink lora) produce and water. The further people five from the plant. the lower the radiation dose will be. Most residents would receive much smaller doses, the board says, as they live much farther away from the station. The dose's are n>easured by analyzing air, water. milk fish and vegetation in the local amt. as well as data from the measured emissions from the sta- Further information is available from the AECB at 1-8(X)-668-5284. Pickering boy saved from drowning PICKERING — A mother and son may have saved a Pickering boy from drowning in a backyard pool on Monday. Five-year-old Ryan Lee was discovered after noon at the bottom of a pool on Chartwell Court by Annette and Matthew Thompson, who pulled him out and performed CPR. Ryan was revived by ambulance attendants. and taken to Ajax -Pickering General Hospital_ At the time, he was listed in good condition. Durham Regional Police Staff Sergeant Sandy Ryrie says there were many adults and children at the scene when they arrived. Staff Sgt. Ryrie doesn't know how long Ryan had been at the bottom of the pool. BROKEN WINDSHIELD? SAVE UP TO 170.00 No Overcharge to Insurance Co. IIlrmaitgnonnA,-Pq_*enncLev-2fvgI ..- - use ' AUTOMOTYE • ru *Base.--, !-sza^ce Pr ces •All work Guaranteed • Caii for details on Ca,, clean ups' 860' Brock Rd. S. 837=7819unit sit Pirke'ing. Qn, �.ipr I* lak' GK vht.„ :*'earl' NMR UI/f\l ki raixl with Ihaal aianu. 'MT timet red It:llarrlf~trdc-up Rime ,bit, IR7k11 f1K reaxdlnK ketun�. leiter peat ��r a gran int 1 r1 mltarlcaek reander ,Aldi WR Noise tgrraktt wxdinl;l. rand l:a%hick"awn Indii 50" —7 4AI limn m this N 111 ovd6N rim It iCaum, IO d1Wft+,. VMI% VnIs Kidd r111L•t' reAjax Ml. e\knkkd hadkn 2krt im 1, will nlgn1UtAt I W,119 ' ►� err. �1. Emerald. • Kutm-, Lu,trou, Pearl. 40 (,old Iewrller% and Chaim %% a!t he% and More' -A Baywood Centre - Ajax 105 Bayly Street - 905-683-4644 NonWv 'rVeC1reS0av 'van -60r -• -ra 3 =^ca. "3^ ?c_ Sar rA ':x- 5 Kcr Visa And Cnetks Accepted JI Arkklhtr grew rde:a tnan %,r,,' It. .t IQ charnel owd" ptkme with Prn,,�Kand rw t' rm: KuN).nkd :n1 %TAI ikrk Jdw wth eXA Nim3rd"t- u;,k rttm der d�11a% and dual alamts lour h,in>tr— honk utikz vT'ul EXAMPLE OF 41 •' ON THE RETAIL DOLLAR Aetall PrKe sloop _4 i7 M�._ CD PLD~ PIM— L[ h 1kv,:1 Ra\ i bwa �i�nmll .arc drta�h.thie Mol u.. ye:ai�rcnr.tere+l,gwaUrn. We Kno%%- bots, To Uslen! Pickering Town Centre, 420-3224 .A •� r JI Arkklhtr grew rde:a tnan %,r,,' It. .t IQ charnel owd" ptkme with Prn,,�Kand rw t' rm: KuN).nkd :n1 %TAI ikrk Jdw wth eXA Nim3rd"t- u;,k rttm der d�11a% and dual alamts lour h,in>tr— honk utikz vT'ul EXAMPLE OF 41 •' ON THE RETAIL DOLLAR Aetall PrKe sloop _4 i7 M�._ CD PLD~ PIM— L[ h 1kv,:1 Ra\ i bwa �i�nmll .arc drta�h.thie Mol u.. ye:ai�rcnr.tere+l,gwaUrn. We Kno%%- bots, To Uslen! Pickering Town Centre, 420-3224 .A PACE 6 -A -THF. NEWS ADVF.R1'ISFR. WVn • ickering iVew�kwertiser J. Whittaker Publisher rod Community NewspaWr ommercial Ave., A!6.x, Ont, AboutUs7 EDITORIAL WPW ISS a QUM Ilh � . Timothy I Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor-in-chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Advertising Manager Alvin Brouwer Retail Sales Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday. Friday and Sunday. 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax. Ontario. LIS 21-15. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion- Page size may vary slightly from published rate card due to mechanical reNuirements of different print- ers. Second Class Mail Registration 1897. Mail sub- scription rates Can. 1 yr. S70 GIVE US A CALL General 683-5110 Newsroom 683-5110 Distribution 683-5117 Classified 683-0707 (Nightline - 798-7672) F.a 683-7 363 Sincerely Vours ]-90()-451-4464 ext. 34 I nfoSou rce 683-704() Real Estate and Automotive Sales 798-7572 National Advertising 493-1300 The News Advertise welcome letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers- We reserve the right to edit letters for length and legal reasons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone num- ber for our information. They Should not exceed one and a half pages in length. The News Advertiser regularly uses recycled newsprint Dip In demand While the Mike Harris government moves to cut welfare benefits, tighten eligibility criteria and root out welfare frauds, quite another picture of welfare is emerging right here in Durham Region. Demand in the region fell for the third straight month in July, continuing a general downward trend over the last year. Durham health and social services committee claim= = Tom Edwards is optimistic with these latest figures and suggests people are finding jobs to get them off the welfare roils, ` Further, the decline in demand provides relief for Regional officials, who have budgeted five per cent less in spending on welfare this year. Taken in context, this latest decline is marginal and won't reduce the current financial demand on the Region by much. But, when calculated over the last 12 months, the numbers illustrate a slow but steadv drop in the numbers. In total, there were 339 fewer welfare cases, which add up to substantial savings for Durham taxpayers. The picture here in Durham provides a perfect illustration for the Mike Harris government in Ontario on the eve of its controversial cuts to welfare benefits. Cash-strapped governments will save money by spending_ less, but the best solution is to create an eco- nomic climate. where jobs, hope and optimism are at the core. Mike Harris has said on many occasions since tak- ing office in June that Ontario is open for business. If that's true, then the best program for reducing welfare demand is one which encourages busin�e l0 invest, to create jobs and motivate its talented pool of labor. If that's done, the welfare 'proble=' will take care of itself. �� L�•��� 'WRrtE To Tltr N:ws AD%RTtsR130 COMMERCIAL AVE-. AJgX, LIS 2H5 oR FAX us AT 683-7363 V SCHOOL CROSSING Let's not play roulette To the editor: It would seem that the works department and the school board, possibly because of a tack of communication, could be putting at risk the lives of our children. It was brought to my attention that the hours of the croasing guard on duty at the Westnev Road and Sullivan Drive intersection have had their hours changed. The new hours had the guards leaving their post at 3:30 p.m. L.B. Pearson School, in the five years that my daughter has been going there, has had a final bell at 3:30 p.m. It would be physically a'�C BYou missYouR Ror1iERS WHILE THEY'RE AWAY AT CAMP, 54MMY? impossible for her to get out of class and cross a dangerous intersection while a guard is on duty. I`umerous calls to the works department and the school have so far resulted in the hours being delayed to 3:43 p.m. This is not accept- able. The guards have always been there until 4 P.M. and have stayed on their own time in bad weather to make sure that any children who have been delayed get across safely. Playing Russian roulette with loaded con- struction trucks travelling in that vicinity is not the position l want my children to be forced into. It is a dangerous enough intersection with a guard on duty, as I have witnessed on many occasions. If the cut in hours is due to monetary cut- backs. somebody better find the extra money fast. If it is due to an error, there had better he some communication between the parties con- strued as school starts in less than three weeks. F_ditor's Note: A .spokesman with the Torn of Ajat's ►corks department says officials there will monitor the situation and mate changes if needed Barbara Tye Ajax by Steve Nease P THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED- AtJ(;USl- 23. IVK. -PA(;F 74 C NOF P/ A,0 R.!.I* z - Town of Pickering ]PIC(905) 420,2222 * 9ARING (905) 602760 *;Jer AUGUST 28 Hydro Commission Mtg. PARKING LOT EXTENSION DICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX T-5-95 Scaled tenders will be received by the under -signed department fair the above no later than 2,N) p an wednesdav, Au�rt,st 40. 199j 11ae wrxk coati tsts cat the in,tap:Yican of storm sewer and APPuncaaawrs and the et,avattt,n and platentrm of eramlar 'A' nuaenal in Ixrparabon for cMlcrete ,urbs aryl asphalt pav, wni. in accmdance with plans and ,(,felt-K:LLIUIb pre-pYHf by the Town of Pickering I -der firms and vlattn- I.,.atiorn may be obtained by ,..ntacuag the Deport -mess ,r `iupply and Services •Pon non-relondablc payment of 4: s (N) per sot b) trash or i, +w made payabir to the 1 • n of Pickering "vN or any tender Not .-..-ssatdv :accrptcJ I hr Carpratra d flat IF— a d Hckmmc I icpuirtwrll d Saliall attitttseas sun Ow Thr F'laeadr Rc►rrift (lalane I IN Oak" sur -IS4616 1 r,, i FeiRtfaclter k(Frea. t F'r )X".., ( AIM 1 APPOINTMENT OF FENCEVIEWERS The Town of Pickering hereby invites ap- plications from persons interested in acting as a Fencevitwver. A Ferxeviewer is required :o artaitratc fence disputes between neighbours and arc paid $40, per arbi- trauon plw% mileage You could he required to arbitrate to about three di,pules each year The term of the appointment ,)t a Feacevlewcr will be It, Novernhrr 30, 1997. Any persons Interested in applying fox appointment a. a Fencev,ewer shouW ,uhm,t a letter of interest I, the undersigned no I.,icr than Friday, ti.•rotrttdicr 1. 1995, Bruce Tavlor, 1�f(T, C 11�f Town Uerk Town of Pickerint One The Esplanade Pickering. Ontario 1.1V W7 }•.-I.RD fri".-t.STE* COLL ('77O.'V nnpa,.tahk Pend wa is +anrt.-raafs -111 h, :.•11c wd--Ismjwly Ill rc�y,labkc and rer•.alar rarhagc ,n IIA Urhan pert ..I i +n. ohat wcu v,Wh ,4 l ..oa.-.v.,a R,ud 1). It,wn Apr.l 24. 'VS I,. N.wclnf.cs .m. 110)* tiurtor th., pcn,d wa.t...I]h.the AuC" 2111 lla-tahrr Ink 23.30 tie{aleaahrr 2t N."raahrr 6, 1 4. 20 \ ball k�1 ,,•Iles u, n, vas a.r w,ll t.c pa,,. aJr,i .n the Kroa Chaaa, Clarrmnni, l:reraarivrr, l.rrenworad aaad v�lailrvale an enalwr A. 13. 211. Krtaeadarr: Yxd waste lass w A lr,•c .4 +notal, feast waste .r .Msec ):.0 h,.,;c If )aw have am questions rerardin� this pra.Kram, please contact the Town of Pica -rine Public Norks l iclarrinarot at 4211-4h411 ur FIW CA for Enuin JIUD :SRT MOWN p Number" -I3. 1995 Spomrrd umber"-?;.199;Spomrrd �- Tetra of Illicit"" Qptttairft of (Mbar i kvtmni U" of t)kkniq Abit Mars 'fieal Lab IOr EKrlta' Emin furs arabin it x ibr FM `p MW..a.g liths!: lassie far hrin ahrmiits al TOWN OF PICKERINC LABOUR DAY HOLIDAY OPERATING HOURS NIONDAV. SEPTEMBER 4, 199: 1 t, Increasing development in and eventual neighbourhood design pressures the Dunbarton strategy Neighbouncoxxf (see map) has The Planning Department has pmmpted the Town to initiate a I reviewed the material obtained review process for the purpose through the April Workshop and of formulating apprc�pr�te devekopment and design has scheduled a Neighbo6rhaoxnd for guidelines for the area the evening orf W�T 13, 1995. As an initial stage of the reviewThe purpose of this Neighbourhood process, a WI was held Meeting s to summarise the on Appnn1 22nd, 1995 to provide comments and suggestions received neighbcwrhocad residents with at the Apnl Workshop, and M an opportunity to contribute to present various preliminary design the preparation of guidelines stralegiars and options. Discussion t , , , of these strakj yes and options will _ help us to formulate a set of s - gumkgmes which would reflect the - - goals and obtecnves of both _ neighbourhood residents and the picked -up at The Planning Town. Sunday. September 3. 1995 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday. September •l. 1995 Closed I !Monday. September 4. 1995 The Dunbarton Neighborhood I J . DOWNTOWN STUDY AREAOnta _ DOWNTOW1l COME rio 1 1 Vhl�' arc! i� Meeting will be held on: MW Ito W 7EmcreermcvFire Sen icewill nix he atfmleday Wednesday. September 13, 1995 _ Saturday. September 2. 11195 Ra:Lular from 7-00 p.m. to 9-00 p.m. Service Pickering Library Auditorium (second floor) f Pickering Civic Complex _ One The Esplanade j We encourage you u, attend thals a ; I rr,ghbourtxx,d merttng so that - -- •a� your Input can be trk:orpa,ratr'd into the study ria ,+ , pn,ces. --K [kpatVrnent titaff look h•rward t, answering vtmr yUrihcam, mW tX reretvtrgt; an a/eemrnts ' you may. have concerning HLLs Study. If vow an umabir to itlrrki the Neighbourtxx d Methnjr, or wish t, D(a,eapT�A Itscuss the Study an general, pIt.rc ontact Air. C`hris4her FZ1 as, _„Eg;,�{KO� t ioummy wa SanPlanner, of w f the Ton s k ... BEYElOr1Emy L DESIGN rIannsnr Derartment at 4'SI-3h 17 ,w 1,VFjJW AE� FIW CA for Enuin JIUD :SRT MOWN p Number" -I3. 1995 Spomrrd umber"-?;.199;Spomrrd �- Tetra of Illicit"" Qptttairft of (Mbar i kvtmni U" of t)kkniq Abit Mars 'fieal Lab IOr EKrlta' Emin furs arabin it x ibr FM `p MW..a.g liths!: lassie far hrin ahrmiits al TOWN OF PICKERINC LABOUR DAY HOLIDAY OPERATING HOURS NIONDAV. SEPTEMBER 4, 199: 1 t, , Mr 3 14 + Closed Monday. September 43 I tr<)5 Chised TON1 cou\cii. Mb:b:nm; Downtown Core. The aim of the include several presentdtions to Tur Ja . leplenIN-r t 1 ! , , land use and urban design Workshop and Design Charrette. guidelines for the Downtown The Workshop is planned for late Saturday, September _2. 1991 Closed operational strategy for key Sunday. September 3. 1995 Closed t1: nosy. Seplcnitx•r •l. 1945 N„ ['tuner �Aonday. September 3, 1995 Closed Borooah Hodgson Architects Inc., time and location of both of these SL,nda\. 1a• Icmht•r 4,11W CIu,rJ events will be published closer to Study, which is anticipated to be t , , , Saturday. September'_. 1995 I p.m. --I p.m. map below identifies the Study the Downtown Study is provided Open Su lm Friday. September 1. 1995 6 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday. September i• 1995 1 p.m. -4 p.m. Saturday. September 2. 1945 9 a.m.-5 p.m. picked -up at The Planning Open Swim Sunday. September 3. 1995 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday. September •l. 1995 Closed I !Monday. September 4. 1995 Closed I J . DOWNTOWN STUDY AREAOnta _ DOWNTOW1l COME rio 1 1 Vhl�' arc! i� MW Ito W 7EmcreermcvFire Sen icewill nix he atfmleday Schedule. Saturday. September 2. 11195 Ra:Lular Service Sunday. - pIcmt+cr ;. 1995 No Sen ice Monday. September 4. 1995 No Service PICKERING DOWNTOWN SMIN The Town of Pickering has started Into tne,tutiy, and are encln.iot;ett an urban design and land use to participate in the review study of the lands identified as the process. These opportunities Downtown Core. The aim of the include several presentdtions to study is to reestablish appropriate Town Council, as well as a land use and urban design Workshop and Design Charrette. guidelines for the Downtown The Workshop is planned for late Core, and to develop an September, while the Design operational strategy for key Charrette will be held during precincts within the Core area. A November. consulting team, lead by Marksun Specific details regarding the date. Borooah Hodgson Architects Inc., time and location of both of these has been selected to conduct the events will be published closer to Study, which is anticipated to be the scheduled dates. completed by early next vear. The Additional information regarding map below identifies the Study the Downtown Study is provided Area. in a Bulletin that will be posted at i'ukirnng residents and land several fawn facilities or can be .owners will have several picked -up at The Planning ops ,rtunitl. s �,, pr vidv input Department located at Pickering PiCKERING DOWNTOWN CORE Civic Complex, One the A DESIGN AND LAND USE SiTE /"� E.splanalde, Pit kenng, J . DOWNTOWN STUDY AREAOnta _ DOWNTOW1l COME rio 1 1 Vhl�' arc! i� ipen tram s 141 a.m. to 4 341 a P.M. %londay to Fnday. i rte more information regarding the Downtown -tudv. please contact '%,Ir. t; i, •' £' i (:hnstopher Wong, Senior Planner of the Town', Plannt L4,i artment at � - I 4211-4e, I or hit3-`.7All. IHAVE YOU PICKED UP YOU COMPLIMENTARY COPY YET? TOWN OF PICKERING draft OFFICIAL PLAN June 1995 (;r lune -'b. 1995, Town Council received the draft Otyloal Plan and endoncd Ific next part of the can -gong consultation process We invite and welcome _sur corn encs on the draft Official Plan Ibe drat I Official Plan is the latest in a senes „m ,iocumcots reica,atl as part of Ihc• Towns mnic-A of its official plan, the Pickering District Plan. 1'., obtain this document. car any of the previously released docurnews, or for tur,her, information regarding rhe Pickering Dissn':1 Plan Retie. please call ilia• Town of Pic kenng Planning Department at (9[15) 420.4617 tv (905) bit i - „M) REGISTER NOW and �1 Enjoy A Healthy Family Lifestyle The Town of P9ckenng provides every member of your family opportunities w participate iii y activities, progratm% and events that pronlow socialiration. a r healthy lifestyle and enjoyi ent of leisure time. Recreation Compex 683-65a2 Register now for Fall Programs 31cer Alults 55 Years Plus 42C-6598 Spaces are Limited PARTICIPATE IN PICKERING �"' Pickerin 01 Mu_, um Village IM X~ • rued tr ,,in us tori Hymn Sing Sunday", August 27th, 1495 Come litt your voices f_ and sant; the old songs �— of the church from '_ p.m. to 4 p m Pickering %Iuseum Villa:;r -- is located on Hwv". #7 in Greenwocid between A-- Brock Road and Wil stnev, Roan'. For more information rlease call (Q0,) 426-4ti20 or h :-S-wi PICKERING MUSEU.4v1 VILLAGE rth.tsrnts History In Action Sundav, September 10th, 1995 11:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. featuring "Stitches In Time" Quilt Show & Sale 11 Antique toca,temporary quilts exhibited _ handst,n quilt Acus ate. for all ages 3 I ARGE [:RAM do COLLEC nBLES MARKET FAMIL'a WAGON RIDES L MUSICAL F\TFRT.\I\\1F.\T \T THF B:\\LST:\\u 1901) bt33-8401 or (90 5) 420-1620 tin r.,,t r Hr, a ries m N.. •, r' ,at l �rcrm..,,,f PAGF X -A -THF. NEWS ADVF.RTISFR--WM AUGUST Li, I".; This Friday, Saturday and Sunday only. To get you in a par ty mood, Eaton's Pickering is giving you 10 % Off Come celebrate Pickering Town Centre's 10th Anniversary Beach Bash: 0% off all regular -priced and clearance merchandise* • Double stamps on your Vanity Fair Club card • Daily draws to win 12 pairs of Vanity Fair underwear • gree delivery on all furniture and major appliance purchases of $250 or more. Plus all our other great offers right now: • Our Five'll Get Ya Six deal on kids' clothes and shoes, toys and kids' books • 25% off most denim for women, men and kids* • 25% off Jockey for Her and for him • No GST on all home items.* Eaton's. We want to be -our store. "Some exceptions apply For No GST offer, we'll deduct an amount equivalent to the GST from the total price of your purchase. Details in store. [Goods satisfactory or money refunded] IR • 7'HF NEWS A610R9'ISF.R, WF6, Al1COSl' 2.'1 1"5-PAGF. 9-A P Under the Be*.backlash over new hall By STEPHEN I.ATEGAN STAFF Rf3OMM PICKERING — The recent approval of a bingo hall at Hwy. 2 and Dixie Road conflicts with the Town Centre West study, say members of the Liver- pool West Commtmity Association. And, it could create traffic chaos at a busy intersection that's already seen its fair share of accidents. The Town Centre West study plots the futtire of Pickering's care after two years of input from the business coaunu- nity, landowners, planning experts and community members and associations. The study's blueprint suggests "the sort of development that would really oPickering �assocra- t n �B� "This is the last frontier for office space in Pickering," says Carol Bam- ford. "And it's desperately needed. So (the bingo hall) in effect throws office development out the window" as the nest of the Hwy. 401/I1wy. 2 corridor is already built up. Tom Melymuk, Pickering's deputy director of planning, notes the study des- ignates the arra as a "mixed-use neigh- borhood", allowing for a combination of commercial. recrteational and residential wuctur+es. However. Top Rank's bingo hall will July storms pull plug on Pickering Hydro low outage record PICKERING — July's storms did more than damage trees. They ruined ,Pickering Ilydro's record for the year. Until the end of June, Hydro had a record low number of outages compared to previous years. But power outages that affected 5.200 households in July for an average of 3.5 hours due: to two major storms have driven up the year- toAate figures. Most of the outages, 69 per cent, were: the result of a severe wind and rain storm on July 15. which began around 3 a.m. Another 19 per cent occurred d on July 13, when a lightning storm hit around 6 pm. The average duration of the outages in July of last year was considerably shorter than last month — *q .7 hours, the same as the awTage for 1995 to date. However, the actual number of affected customers in July 1994 was higher than this July — 6.060. In total, 88 per cent of power lasses in July were due to weather conditions, 10 per cent to defective equipment and 1-5 per cent to tree contact Grades 1 - 6 7:00 p.m. Sharp "Wben Megan first started at Blaisdale Montessori School she couldn't read. It's not even the end of term and she's reading children's novels." (motber ofMagan age 7) nabdale Montessori School n Bl545 Kingston Rd., Ajax Children New to Montessori Welcome Ca11686-5005 deviate from original height and cover- age requirements for the area. Bylaw amendments recently approved by Town council allow for a one -floor building (with a two-storey height), and a lot cov- erage of 20 per cent. The planning guidelines specified a minimum of two floors and 40 per cent lot coverage. As a result of council's approval of Top Rank's bingo hall, there'll be a "small building stirrounded by p�ga � Mr. Melyn a sea of He says the planning department rec- ommended against the bylaw amend- ments as staff believe it is "unponant to uphold (planning) principles." The perking issue is a major concern for the Liverpool West Community Association. Even with council's v21 -day appeal period which follows approval of a parking lot that will take .�MB public notice of the bingo hall's up about 80 per cent of the bingo hall 'appeal approval. The association could appeal property, the 600 -seat facility will have<: to the Ontario Municipal Board or the ,r only 190 parking spaces_ f pOSS1b1E' Gaming Control Commission. Despite the fact that Top Rank - expects only 130 customers per day, Mr. and Mrs. Bamford are worried com- merce will be driven away from neigh- boring businesses because of the greater demand put on already over -stressed adjoinirig pwkin8 lots. Increased car accidents at the inter- section are another concern As of April of this year, there had been six reportable collisions at that location. Mrs. Bamford says the association is considenrig action it will take during the Dr. Kevin Tyber OPTOMETRIST •asp suing and 9Of conlad las • Evening and Saturday appointments available • Complete Family Eye Care 42T-4144 15 w1,.00e Ave. S., Ajax tNt..+cnatr (netwwt N1ry. 401 i No. 2) Acc.st.w NOWYOU I RE COOKIN".1 CLEAROUT PRICES ON ALL NEW IN -STOCK 1995's FINANCING UP TO A FULL 48 MONTHS on new 1995 and prior model Escort, Taurus, Sable, Aerostar, Villager, Windstar, Ranger, Selected F -Series. O* 4.9% V5. 11% BANK FINANCING — 48 MONTHS! O Amount Cost of Borrowing at Cost of Borrowing at YOUR 4. Financed 4.9% over 48 months' 11over 48 months SAVINGS 515,000 S1,548 53,6084m9 . Financing $20,000 52,064 54,811 offers you great savings! 525,000 52,580 56,014535,000 $3,613 I 58,420 OR CHOOSE CASHBACKS OF UP TO 115001M SEE YOUR ONTARIO FORD &MERCURY DEALERS MAKING IT EASY FOR YOU TO BUY NEW1., NOW! -Financrrq acrd casMuk otfen me mutually eack.rve 4 9% financing of* avalable m all rrew'95 and prior Exon. Taurus, Siwe. Aerate. vii W�ndsta, s r 120,0W financed a 1 9% per imam equals $4S9 00 pr marts for 48 months Cost of bore $ Ci r and Sema ;Ik9uur Cao, non dresersl le on n a a m parch b months on a rwmc ,rept borrow" ICO 8 1 n 12.ON 00 Toto arrrormt to or repad n 122.Ofi400 Dawn payment may be regwred ONr avalabk on new cava purchases hon Oeakr urryemttcry only lumped tion off" tWeth rebate kashback) taken. the amount trwrced is L1a500 (520,000 less uslrba lel at 110% (m August 11. 19951 epuals S478 00 per month for M months and C 04 m$445000 Total amount to be repa,d s 121 9SO 00 GST s payable on hell amount of purchase pare before caYrback deducted f Represents the tool of the K monthly merest payments See dealer for deals Ormarro FMOA P 0 fb, 2000. Oakvdk Onwro l6l Sk4 MI:E 111-A-7'HE NEWS ADVER11lSER. WPD— Atl(;tN'T 21. 1"9; •MACARONI & CHEESE 170 g BOX •POT PIES KM OR 200 g BOX F.& KATC9 4 l•LOQfC ��,�I . emrcv 711 bMN Ise M $70AU o oAM L TIN 388 mL TW09 FA_ SCHNEIDERS CASEFOOD j? 1 ' ^NS 011,[11 � GE JUI(�;E r� 00 SOUTH MZM PUNCHES EA. Knob Hill Farms "THE FOOD TERMINAL° CHICKEN LEG QUARTERS ' Ilk 1.52 kX S LIMIT 69 IB. 1 CHICKEN" TLIiKEY V DR` C-.N='TICh"S ,,�/� DRCMSTi('Kc � J PURPOSE •ALAS&AN SALMON STEAKS •IDAHO DRESSED RAINBOW TROLT R(In K RAC: VA - 1 9 , . NABISCO BRANDS - -YSON FRCZEN •AI'LMER KETCHLP I I. l;Irriz� !CHICKEN GOLRNIET DI'. rN7ERS ASS0RTED SIZES 49 •R.%Bl MIA •vl )I v1 �1 —WR :F'T NISEI) PICK -EES I.Ait(:E SIZE �' ,J ' JAR F:A. 2s99 r--- &Wm cAkz -- VOREAL FORTAVIVE I 300 mL BOTTLE L------ '---- ■' "ED NEVER FROZEN o�smsoo” �,_.NRAO.3Yy L o THF. NEWSADVF.RTIMP. WF,D„AUG(lti'1'�i, IyyS_PAGF. 11-A 0 BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP SROAST +5.93 kg LB. 9 OFW� OF B vw•a sv(3K PPWVKKltYn�p�l sawrowaa = 2 �a�q n i.e. SAI SAD ✓ �oa,c-:.c �,-uvc BROCCOLI _RAGE OW -TML 9UW-.. . •TACO FIEST:� e�x •ML\I •S'L?ER TACO SIIff.ILs 197 r LDM ��,_'Kl 1 1 I k 9� -A LARGE 10 LB. POLY BAG "Poouc,'OF WQVOaa�ouC- o s • ;qhOE SwEE' GREEN A uh � PEPPERS PAN:z_4Q Y -ARCA WE7s .p LB .aRGE ORC hAk 3�ric ..ewn.ra «Z&kG TACO %Ml S o 4S -RC DAIRv q qh ----M� •gig cCH UYN ACKERELI •cm'I.+ce t, sE NN11VV • CANADA DRY mLuL •COCA-COLA Kimml m s -L IVVDEPOSiT C POTATO CHIPS • PETAARIE S FILL YOUR 'TOWN BAG 2.18 Icg ?40XOR MATCH LEMONS sl LIMES 6_g1 APIGE SiZE 3. .,,�� >� KIWI FRUIT Plitt-('(>OLt:[) •'tiK F: t: I"' b� C OIRINT 10 �;�t' YOl'lt Ow -N F 'it LOBI A.SS()FI'[ I) PASTA .500 ¢ PA('KAC'E t ESPRESSO COFFEE � • ... poi •. i\'�S ,. f_ a". ,e r,-ae , ��- ': •'S '•�.' .r ii .... PAGF 12-:1-T111F: NE%S ADYFR-11SF.R. N F:D., AUGUST' 23. 1"5 Ajax activiti1 r a.arses ear u or AJAX — The always popular days. Tales for Twos runs from Storytime program is again 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. and Books being offered this fall at all three for Babies from 'branches of the Ajax Public 11:15 to 11:45 .Library. tbess a Sons begin the week of On Thursdays, Sept. 25 and end the week of sessions for chil- Nov. 13. dren three and over Storytime lets children six and are from 10:15 to under bear stories, play games, 10:45 a.m. and do ftngerplays and enjoy music. again from 11:15 to - Themes change each week. 11:45 a.m. Sessions at all branches are At the McLean Com - free and operate on a drop-in munity Centre branch, a ses- basis. sion for children four and up is At the main branch on Mon- held Mondays from 1:15 to 1:45 Guiding �~ movement looks for k leaders PICKERING — The Girl Guides of Canada - Bayridges District are looking for adult volunteers to become Spark, Brownie or Guide Leaders. For more information, call Margaret Donaldson at 683- 1108 or Sheena Dowdell or 427- 19 5 37-19: 9. RE BEACHCOMBER SPA VIDEO Coll today for your FREE spa video on everyMting you wanted to know about spas. but were afraid to ask! dept 6250 Seaway Pools 6 Spas Ltd. 25 Wend ;o � ;aC L•erkha.^ 294-a03C �'_1 -f'_'�s• __ 3•IIi,EVS _ SAVE � � !1P Q Wood Gas TO Electric Corn 75 Pellet Eventhrng Reduced H, At Leas, 10: ONE DAY ONLY Starts at noon Thugs. Aug 24h c.a ro-epfac- DROP IN AHD PREVIEW "Regency, Vermont Castings, Instaflarne, Herita Ie" i• � 0 p.m. and for youngsters three and older on Tuesdays from 10:30 to 11 a.m. On Wednes- days, Tales for Twos is from 10:30 to 11 a.m. and Books for Babies from 11:15 to 11:45 a.m. A session for kids Four and older is offered Thursdays from 10:30 to 11 a.m. At the Village branch, pro- grams are held Mondays from 1:30 to 2 p.m. for children three and up. on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 4 p.m. for four years and older and on Wednesdays from 1:30 to 2 p.m. for kids four and over. There's a family Storytime every Thursday from 7 to 7:30 p.m. Space is limited at all three branches, so participants will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis. Parental supervision is required for all drop-in sessions. E � D' ■ I ' K, 7aw— r :hL I N mff unIRYE FINAL 12 The main library branch is at the corner of Harwood Avenue and Kings Crescent, next to the Town hall, while the Village branch is on Church Street north of Hwy. 2 and the McLean library branch is in the commu- nity centre at the southeast cor- ner of Westney Road and Magill Drive. For more information on the local library programs, call the main branch at 683-4000, ext. 26, the Village branch at 683- 1140 or the McLean branch at 428-8489. 0 0 0*knIa 10 r) lwam wo t.t E 11111111111 • IJr. tMr. la lkAff4i ,.r t T r 2 f_ � i fel � rpNTH CALLERr inter�home '�. dinette yarrery catliry of Bedrooms WE WILL SELL EVERYTHING TO THE BARE WALLS 04m% rc3p 404p% 4FF E 1',E'IV Y'ty/N ALSO CLOSING - KING KOIL , ABBEY SAUDER * KING KOILPOSTURE PROFILE 0,01_11, 11„,. ORIENTAL . MATTRESS & BOXSPRINCs +e PERSIAN & RUGS awu��r a • LA►NALOUNGER e LEA BEST CHAIRS • LA -Z -BOY ` .. DISTINCTIVE • DECOREST ` w BROYNILU 0 1 AAJAn- "e ' a J 01 Icc V )urham► College DURHAM —Durham College opens its THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED- AUGUST w3, 1915 -PAGE 13-A the college, set the tone for the academic make their first week a positive experi- doors for another school year on Monday helps students .6nd officials want students to StartSmart. year, foster both social and academic bonds and identify preventable attrition. ence, one that reinforces their decision to -come to Durham," says Michelle Nichols, School stall and the Durham College �tartSmart :.:,..'Student Association (DCSA) have. initiated As the new academic year begins, we're already planning for the entry of some the school's vice-president of post -sec - ondary programming and continuous a StartSmart program p _gram to orient students to 2,000 -plus new students and we want to learning.. Kids going back to school? (Want some big, fat juicy deals?) EATON'S Five Ll Buy any 6 things for kids — now including toys and kids' books — at one time and get the lowest -priced one free. On top of any other offers or deals until September 10th. 25901 off most kids' denim.' Buffalo, Bugle Boy, Fame, Attitude, Retreat Blues. Freer KidCareTM Photo In the Children's Wear department of most store: 2 for $12 98 Girls' & boys' turtlenecks, toddlers' fleece crew tops & bottoms. 2 for $1698 1 D. Boys' fleece crew tops & bottoms, girls' cotton/Lycra leggings, toddlers' thermal August 26th to September 3rd. (While quantities last.) cotton tops. Lots more double deals in store. Eaton's. We want to be $5 off kids' Levi's's jeans.* s3 off toddlers' Little Levi's. Bonus Kids Club cup. When you loin our Kids Club before September 10th. vour store. *I ]Goods satisfactory or nxmey refunded.] _:.-;AL- PACE 114 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WFD_ AtICUSTa I".; • pECYCLEN'S REPORT Recycling paper a better choice than letting it go up in smoke O Paper mills lobby municipalities to extend paper recycling efforts among their citizens Since the provincial election, th idea of incineration to deal with oui garbage is once again being dis cussed. A national paper indus- try environmental council is totally opposed to Ontario municipalities signing long-term con- tracts to supply paper fibre to incinerators. "When Canada is the world's largest importer of waste paper: when the recycling markets are there for all household fibres: when the value of the paper far exceeds its calorific value: it makes no sense to burn," says John Mullinder, executive director of the Paper and Paperboard Packaging Environmental Council. (cereal boxes, etc.). mixed paper, and books into its Blue Box pro- grain. ro- m gra. A large chunk of that so-called garbage is paper, and the mills want as much as they can get. Two years ago approximately $15 e per tonne was the contract for loose corrugated cardboard. Today, the price agreement for corrugated cardboard (depending on quality, how it is baled, larraine roulston The Reader's Report distance travelling. market demand etc.) fetches approximately $200 per tonne. The Paper and Paperboard Packaging Environmental Council (PPEC) is a national coalition of producers and converters of paper-based packaging into boxes, hags and cartons. Its member mills rely heavily on waste paper to make their products. The avera_c recy- cled content of paper - -We haven't supported the based packaging As infrastructure through invest- shipped domestically in Canada in ments in million -dollar paper mill 1994 Aas 57 per cent and much equipment to see it 211 go up in smoke." The paper industry. after changing many of its mills to accept postcon- sumer paper, has been lobbying municipalities to expand their fibre recycling efforts with some munici- palities achieving good paper diver- sion rates. Beginning next month. Durham Region will be including boxboard CORRECTION NOTICE We wish to draw your attention to the following error which appeared In our 'BACK TO SCHOOL'- flyer, issued Augus' 23.' 9:4-5. Page 6: COLORADO JUMBO 350 TAP BACK-UP. No 28016. -nils is an interna drve. not external as depicted by to artwork. We sincerely regret any inconvenie we may have caused you. The Business Depot Ltd. ADVERTISING CORRECTION Eatons Denim Event Book, appearing ,n this newspaper on Wednesday. August 23. 1995. pease nae the totlowhng Page 2 - Copy VXXAd read - For entre Ist of exceptions Details in store. Page 14 and 15 - All 3 styles of nylon bags are incorrectly described copy should read - black brown khaki or burgundy Also all 3 styles of pebble -gran bags do not have leather tum as stated ATTITUDE baseball cap will be available August 28 Page 18 - Vanity Fair Meao-Fibre crop cam,. boy pant. Cotton sleep T -Shirt. and boxer. Cotton ribbed camisole and bdorn, all items will be available August 30. Page 19 - Vanity Far Cotton ribbed camisole and boxer. Cotton Jersey henley Top and boxer. Jersey drawstring pant all Mems will be available August 30 Page 22 ADIDAS relay cap Style ir 201059 will be available September 18 Page 23 - NIKE Air Mada (lower right corner) will be available August 25 Page 28 - RETREAT Cotton Denim Shirt. 39 99 Anil be available Sept 1 Page 35 - Casio Student Scientific calcuator Model FX-250HA 15 99 will be substituted with Casio Model FX82 Super. 13.99 liths Model has the same features as advertised model) Back page - 25% off all Jockey for Her for Him, There should have been aline which staled Factory outlet merchandise is not included ,n this offer ktadvertently the errors listed appeared in our advertising We sincerely regret any nconvenwice or confusion to our customers. SATO N'S household paper packaging is 100 per cent recycled content. Canadians have proven that when the opportunity to recycle arises, they will do their part to reduce their dependency on landfill and incinera- tion. Municipally subsidized incinera- tors require large volumes of feed- stock and will compete for a limited fibre supply, the council says. Z)J :1 GREEN TIP: Before purchasing a greeting card or a box of stationery. look for the recycling logo. You aren't recycling unless you buy recycled' SADROO'S GRCKER�' SUPPLIES LIMITED fEa>t t- Wet Indian Fad F Sriceo Fresh Indian Vegetable-, -Jelebi Also fresh %%est -1,adoo Indian pastries -Barri 1725 Kingston Rd. (905) 686-8999 • Seminars. for:;:.:teengirls PICKERING Semi- Tuesday, Aug. 29 and nars for teen girls are Thursday,.'Aug..31 from being offered in Picker 2 tot 4 ing next week the Barbara Black The Barbara Black Centre is located at 910 Centre for Youth Liverpool Rd. 5, Picker - Resources hosts The ing -- Female Mind and Body Call .839-6131 for for girls aged 13 to 19 move information. Enjoy Car ne, r ' 1 3 EHEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Ca rrier FREE We re the Inside Guys. ALL SUMMER LONG 00411'11iPay until 7996 or get "200 off. RMOLEMOD Heating & Air Conditioning Home & Design Centre, 1755 Pickering Pkwy Pickerinq, Ont. L1 V 6K5 PICKERING. AJAX WHITBY, OSHAWA 905-428-0333 905-436-3212 RADIATION MONROR PICKERING NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION Second quarter 1995 (April 1 to June 30) This information is provided by the Atomic Energy Control Board, Canada's nuclear regulator. Radiation dose due to emissions from the Pickering Nuclear Station. Dose is reported in microsieverts (NSv), an international unit used to measure dose. — April 1 to June 30, 1995: 4.1 — previous quarter: 2,7 — YEAR TO DATE: 6,8 Dose from a single chest X-ray: about 70 Note: Natural background radiatlor the annual legal limit for station emissions, and the dose from atypical X-ray are provided for reference. E^-.ssions are in addition to background radiation. The radiation doses due to emissions are for the most exposed persons living near the station They would typically apply to persons living just outside the station bouodar; who, are at their residences 24 ^ours a day who drink local water and eat iocai fish and produce The doses were calculated using actua data from routine analysis of air water fish and vegetation samples, as well as station emission data Most persons would actually receive less than the doses indicated because they have different eating habits or live farther away from the station. Radiation doses decrease significantly as the distance from the station increases Less than 2% of the radiation dose received from the station was due to liquid emissions, while the remainder was a result of airborne emissions For further information, please call us at 1-800-668-5284. Nota Pour ohlenir une version franpise Ire ce hulletin, veuille: communiquer avec nous au num ro ci-dessus. Atomic Energy Commission de controle Control Board de I'dnergie atomique Canada TIfE NE"S.aI;S 33, 1995 -PAGE 15 -Al CHEVROLET • GEO.OLDSMOBII,E tie early 'y5 Ulearout brings you Big Selection and Big Price Reductions on all brand new cars, trucks and vans. This is the one you've been waiting for. Get in now! 1995 CAVALIER COUPE - CANADA'S BEST SELLING CAR 5 YEARS RUNNING • Jual air hay, • 4 -wheel ABS • 2.2 litre MH en,-,ine • rcchninT front hucket peat, • rear :ear hear duct, • tnmk rcici e 'i No charge Sort Appearance Package and Remote Keyless entry!* 1995 CUTLASS SUPREME SEDAN • .:ua airo ��ht'c! .�R • ;.l litre V6 mzint• • ;- pced auto_ 1919�tic trtn<tni�siim • r conditionin- 95• leer a mlli , • i%%cr do,)r liick, • 'At and -ui�c • ,�1 Fit �trrcii _..r ',il',; � .. i •. la��C'rrC• • a�llt t��latn�, rC:tf .C• it 1995 OLDSMOBILE SS • NOV(,,�t i ,�h.trr� .ual n• +'►heel ABSAES • ,.�n c:,,:ne • s peed autom r- transmimion • conditioning • 'c:nore kede, enf-% • r wav 1xiwer drivei, scat • i', •N er w lndow•, • ,k,-., .. ,e- GETTA BERETTA 1995 • ,lnver'.,side air haw* • 4 -wheel AK;, •' ' litre L1 MH engine • ,reel manual tr urmission • .iir conditioning • rear deck spider • rcchning tront bucket seat. • ANIIH 1 stereo • rower dimr hx:ks 1995 LUMIN N "BEti T BU Y" - CONSUMERS DIG' ES T • "ncr'• ,1.c .or I.i, • - .ihccl A!'- ::i% \ r cn,inc • .reed aut nmriL ' C !n�mi>-ion • M FM Merec -i.� crit' 1995 METRO COUPE CANADA'S FUEL ECONOMY LEADER • .:. it .lir ha, - • litre L I TRI en,ine • -m-d m.inu.li A LEMT11D TIME OFFER FROM YOUR CHEVROLET GEO OLDSMOBILE STORE YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS: Prices, ixx vchicic� itiluirral as descnK-d. Licence•, in>uran:c and is tx,t inciLkled. later alplic, to 199i new (x dLirm) straux nuxkL,. llrakr may sell or le ti tur 6v, l'ffersamly to qualitied retail customers only. \onic• milt:age c,wJmons aptIv. 'xv vour D k-alcr torr cixxlitims and details. Vehicle,+ may rxit he exactly its ;Kiwn. PAGE I&A-l'HE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED- All(:ltti7' 23, 1495 Tfirr=*ngwaste could win you an award from Durham 13 Dominations are being accepted for top waste reduction efforts DURHAM - If you or your company have taken a leading role in cutting the amount of garbage heading to landfills, Durham Region wants to hear from you. Nominations are now being accepted for the Region's annu- al Awards of Merit to organiza- tions and individuals making a ' Paint aeat%out *I* QaTftes WWI POW 1 �,.� E1�e110r Aoyit Sab Woe or 01 Gko r 337 aimisk 1 �t "`Satre Uaee or -ASSIC _ 11 sty Gim fq-,A.'�! 7 1A A 7 significant contribution to the field of waste reduction. The awards were first pre- sented in 1990 and to date 11 have been handed out Categories are outstanding industriaUcommercial initiative and outstanding individual. Criteria for outstanding industrial/commercial award includes employee education and awareness about waste reduction, cost savings, the scope of the effort, innovations in cutting garbage and the com- plexity of the task. For the outstanding individ- i I i A • ual, the award recognizes a per- son's hard work and persever- ance in reducing waste in the workplace or community. The awards will be presented at the Durham works depart- ment's annual Industrial, Com- mercial and Institutional Waste Reduction Seminar in Novem- ber. Companies and individuals can nominate themselves. Deadline for submissions is Sept. 29. Call Elaine Collis at the works department at 668-7721, ext. 5308, for moats information or for an application form. NoOmbi& Us for Sunwoft Wallpapa ChMe rom ore, s." Book ace+ and in-st)a Dafterns we re mot* n4 au Dre-DegcC w&fDam- and Ooram onty i ...Good Paint for less Money Fabrk � Wall & (eirmg Wall & Trim Latex W� l Blinds ' * *Latex Flat �11 Ins � �C� � «a *_VD°Oo OOon '+bbne and �arC�'e nc:uoeC NOn-Raymq _ aDrr n ardbDr * yr Re QTv Mw and •^Sr to c ^+eCt r r� C scr,.Dpa01G .,o 0"o ensn .0m br s es sues x &W, to ' Ct e ac Gears p v C retr x r tt15 0 r t •ser haYeDle ArsMtk- it 24 ;A' 4r!. 00ff HMide Latex Primer or Latex Gelling itch► I. �Ff_G,SiVti.� tt''•rIa iii s,. K)r xdr erx::x ,r •c 'e► _renoush �errtec canal.. en awste teatts.r� art .t'r •_.._ Buy 5, Pay br 4 9 ee oh+r+G P soartr enc : eerc z rronwre s.rtece Gears w. art- ..ata J U1,6aflakes DavWng yourcen-, ca_ 11C 817t, Buy 5 Pair br 4 Exterior Wood Stains 7* test Quaft tot song and knees En,•tances ana preserves the txauty d W00C Sero transparent ane sokc tux .n ;& NNS Dar Ina A FCe WOOC SON or !encs No ox team Jur puekty r. Mn wice Avaaap.e w ReCv.O(K :eClar anC Wa,nut :'cam \d 5. Day b, 4 1" Yrtyl Wnefian Blinds U SM fu* to %ice home `•xn 2C, wax • 45- frOfTl Cny to 72" woe • �4- Ong Avauaare in w� lie (3n(3 ivory' 2 ' a 45' s.99 ;:-.v. :'+w. ► 2-n 'W. 6� 129 ="W. 61•_ ma -- -- - - iC.Y 11.b -�.1�-_ s.� _ •:•".4._�t-_ x.59 _,n �1rr o�•. 11.59 8.59 'seti4r 6� :12.19 14 ; "N. -CN'. a.» 4e*. 64'.12.29 t."W. 4[.•_ 6.-69 `-E'.4. 6r_ 7.79 )+'.4. -r1, 7.911 as-ro., 7.59 - h, W. 7.99 ' 6:-*. 6t : 1s 99 7.94 '�=•Wi N% 52.9 •'x'lr. 64-.17-119 415'" 9.27 _ � • W. 64'_ t.]9 _- % 64•_ IS." 45'. 110.2! 6t'_ S.46 r,ykc61'. 2C-*- 64'" 555 6E*W. 84% Zi 96 LOS 36. 5110--105 rok. 54 am D10W :ice (and kW S1ekG �1 �1/ir y1e��t ® � Jr ac m Stock raint _. wi4mve ana Dana: AJAX PICKERING SCARBOROUGH 040" IM Castle ftkerisl Toes Cattle oky Use swpiq Costae S71 Waste" Rat N*Way 2 A Liaerpel ft Aylas/er IN. 428.1608 839.2252 724.0711 e (dl P(Q,tnj1V'd vw `U'40�3�03 ° U V 420 flj(�A UI Mj��N Watch for our ads! ___] t-amuy Shoe Shopping ... mWenence * FACTORY SMHOE MARKET ssWCAWAF r1sir PRE -FALL VWw Conoplefie Car Carrs Ce hi es SAVINGS! � GIGANTIC WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE ON ALL MAJOR TIRE BRANDS. SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. _ OIL CHANGE I BRAKE SERVICE -� md.iiliEs 4 Wft od yeff"Or Pua.ty Cakol :,110.. a ne. ...�• a +... i•+r..�..... ,..�- f�Ott. Wb- *1595 r ..�......�........ i fi 04 F. _ LV 3r: 91 VOTM THIS COLOOK CQw F>♦.rv, Sr 30/75 COME IN AND MEET OUR FRIENDLY 1� BARGAIN TIRE STAFF FOR THE BEST DEALS ON TIRES AND AU. _ ■ r 268 FAIRALL STREET S sIAIII TIRE JAL 1183) 619-1128 Your Complefr rimer.." ' a = Alrft +oRepair Centre Aavwrsor we""M.w ' ^h4^ WMEM Our graduates don't just get ad' ploma. THEY GET A GUARANTEE. lturhart t rllc,�c hrr �r.un. ratter ­tl the sk;l!. and knuulL-dgv that IrK!a . rruhlrntr� ��an1 Ifrr�� der Net.• kn4)w fk-iaux• ac fleas un )ttc•rtng hr: );;rants 111,1( arc• In demand in r ]h market - and c• 'uarantc•c• 1.: cnthhncr. that tr111 %kill ha,,.- the ,ducitio n I&I nk--d 7hut !hr lltui,llr►t .j11tu►tt1(ye'' Chu r l.c trent r �%c•r tw 1 f igh Ffualin. jcth-ti>r-Lk,_d .kilk tr:unin dol mea r tr I'' ,.t ,9rlduatc• ct ur,,o. N, And this Fall w e an• ; tk a.k•d to l uift * litrrr nt•q ,,t , .t. rNINI-_r.it1l1,1 r T)rfrmlMs in International salr', & Marketing, Network Management and Schtx)l kgr (:are Adtninitrltti(lin ( .eta head .tart ut prc'I)anng ft )r t.•mhlr n mc'nt in the- real tut rrld . this ac•htrnllx:r: (:all tier ctlur Calendar At A Glance' and ask alx>ut our 1tth hlarement track rect>rd. VC guarantee you'll he imprC.16 d. PteOSe CON for your Cplenckr Al A Glance. 1-800.461-0549 or (905) 721-3046 or e-md info@durham.durhomc on.ca Get a head 51011 on your co/em and cal todayl closes begin on August 28th. Educating You for the Real World. e Finishiner touch b Raffi Youseti, 5, plays with Discovery Toys while mother Lorraine and brother Austin look on, at the Pickering Firefighter Fund Raisng Barbecue last Saturday at the Metro East Trade Centre. photo by Andrew lwanowski "ONE STOP" EDUCATION ... one combined calendar A coordinated approach to adult ed;4..L •,t arui continuous learning programs in one combvu•d calendar Register Now! urham College urham Board of Education urham Region Roman Catholic Separate Si hool Beard DURHAM P 905-576-6150 905-721-2000 905-579-1990 - 1-- Awtntd $2Pi00 �m Washes carpet fibers mins hot tap water aed . cleaning sOhrtlOO '• Ready to use inuantlr - no faucet hook-up • Includes carpettupholstery deterwat 1 lnclud_s stair/upholstery VACU M REPAIRS A PARTS Special! Complete overhaul & cleaning only $29.95 1 Just mention "S ad Menton this ad HWV x IffieTM blilwiiii !IV Elficiart Vacuwn THE NEWS ADVER'nSER, WF,D- At)("T 21. 1995-PA6:F. 17-A NEW LOWER PRICE! NOW ONLY - Allwk- Amok rr ' .df�r f f WrYomelf 3 Inlet Kit Extra $49A No Mess or Damage Professional Installation ONLY ,% 99 MOST HOMr`S Garage Kit % S69 Value 29 Harwood Ave. S. (Do.- Hwy.l2 •nd 401) 428-1659 mss. a se -anga. : PVC0 �. S -or^•gra - AJAX % PICKERING 29 Harwood Ave. S. (Do.- Hwy.l2 •nd 401) 428-1659 MOSUE \(on D 375 Kingston Rd. Hwy 22 a Rougemount) 509-3622 c .�. ; VACUD14i�� 4— 2 LOCATIONS—* 2 i 71 • e.nfleDentisu AdWN ds, -and Great To help you �_ �— �_ Convenient care feel at ease:' - with you in mind: ✓ ultrasonic✓ New patients cleanings !• "% �_� \� welcome ✓ Soothing `- f l ✓ We file & accept nitrous direct insurance oxide & - payments general (you oar only portion anesthesia `� y net covered br plan ✓ Virtual Vision��� ✓ 5�r discount for glasses & stereo senior citizens headphones to `acne-dav help you relax 3 r "� ✓ appointments for ✓ Autoclave sterilization emergencies ✓ :amazing intraoral camera ✓ White fillings for ✓ Complete preventive, back teeth restorative & cosmetic : ✓ Impacted %isdom dentistry teeth treatment ✓ Saturday appointments Call for your free cosmetic consultation! • Learn hoxv tooth whitenin,. porcelain veneers. and other cosmetic procedures can make vour smile look bn' Lhter. 0 CALL NOW 33-1432 ® 172 Harwood Ave. South, Suite 101, Ajax PACE t8 -A TNF. NEWS ADVF.R'1'ISER, WED.. AtI(:tts7' 2.4, 1"K Peacefulprotest of 40 violentcrime set for Sept.6 in Durham DURHAM — Wetmea and children include a speech by Oshawa Mayor are invited to join together in a peaceful Nancy Diamond. Refreshments will be am available for a nominal fee. On Wednesday, Sep. 6, the Oshawa The walk begins at 7:30 p.m. and Durham Rape Crisis Centre holds its ends between 8 and 8:30 p.m. when a third annual Take Back The Night walk free concert starts at the Memorial Park Events begin at Oshawa City Hall, 50 bandshell. A show of ruck rhythm and Centre St. S., with free face painting and blues, folk and harmonizing will feat= balloons from 6 pmL local artists. For more information or to Opening ceremonies at 7 p.m. will get involved, call 725-2241. Ajax postpones changes to library hours AJAX — The introduction of Sunday main library branch on Sept. 10 with the service and changes to branch hours facility open from I to 5 p.m. The have been postponed by the Ajax Public branch would have opened every Sun- I-ibirary. day until a week before the Victoria lite new service and hours were set Day weekend in May, except for Sun - to begin Sept- 5, but have been pushed days on a long weekend. such as back until mid-()ctob r. Th.trtksgivin,. The delay will give library patrons a To accommodate ttx: Sunday opening chance to voice their opinions at an without increasin_ costs, hours at the upcoming public meeting. The date, three Ajax lihrary branches were to time and kxation of the meeting will be change Sept. 5. ('all the library's admin - announced in the near future. istration office at 683-6632 for more Sunday service was to begin at the information. Waterfowl festival takes wing DURHAM -- People will be flock- ing to Darlington Provincial Park on Sunday. Sept. 17 for the first annual Darlington %%'aterfowl Festi%al. At least, that's what organizers are hoping. Intended to celebrate our natural heritage by promoting awareness and appreciation of waterfowl through interactive and educational opportuni- ties, the event will be held every near on the third Sunday of September. The event, which will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., promises to be a fun - filled day of activities for the whole family. Local artists, photographers and wood carvers will display their work, on -sits demonstrations will include decoy -carving, wood duck box build- ing for families, waterfowl banding and retriever demonstrations. Local conservation groups will have displays set up and expert volun- teers will lead hikes and waterfowl viewing. The feature artist for this year's event is Cyril Cox, who will be work - Ing on a special project on site. An original oil painting by the artist will be raffled off at the festival. Admission is $6 per car (unlimited persons per vchicle). For information, call 336-2036. Fashion Preview Stock, OKt Entae In Store blillc)ck Ow ?A�RNS NIL SJL_Ila SAV E SA for CA r R�rtn�'��y�+Y dOf'� sp► ►,�'w'^b«,,,rn N01Y $ �� Air fGSr �xNKyw O 0 OFF Our Reg. Price On Our Entire Reg. Priced NEW FOR FALL'95 Fashion Collection Sale in effect August 1.3-29, 1995 on nu%% Fall'95 Fashion Fabrics only, excluding promotional goo ds and ends. Sorry, no special orders. 1355 Kingston Rd Pickering Town Centre 839-5990 %lastert and •`, Asa •t ("A AP �WA VP 03 4MV, to) 4 P 9 11) ThtE3e�t in SeIE>o tion .enol Price :�n���here LI PC 1 • • 1 1 0 I i i Check Our Pnces If.1111011 R �11 �11, tr • , 1 SUMMER SPECIAL DO IT NOW! 1 11 SERVICE TUNE-UP 1 1 1 4 95 1 1• Includes adjusting the bands & 1 I 1' Cylinder49 1 linkage t `1 95 y 1 1 • Clean the screen and air breather 1 • Replace pan gasket J. 1 66 • Refill with Motorcraft trans fluid I CylindI 1 I 1 er 6995", 11Plus taxes�� 1 Most vehicles 8 95 1 1 t I Expires I ' 1 Plus taxes Aug_ 30/95 1 1 Cyl i n d e r 9 1 1 Most vehicles — puts. Moat "hw" Expires A4 3W6!5 5 Aug. M9 1 xpires — — — — — — — — — — — — - IPl�staxes 6 — — — — — — — � 1 I --------g ---a • • Ae W"W PNoec can ria be _ _ _ crn,oaw.in any oM K QUALITY CARE Wteire the QuautY i Whitby Civic Recreation Complex 0 � End of Summer Fitness Pass L1 51.26 Per Day We're offering the Fit Pass for the months of -i--+ Autust and September. QJ Your $77 entitle you to fitness or aquafit classes any time, any day. any program. Participate with Q7 leaden certified by the Ontario Fitness Council, Canadian Aerobic instructors Network and the YWCA and take Mhantage ofthis End of Summer 0 Offer. 4-111 Get your End of Summer Fitness Pass and commit to get fit! Hot Summer ...Hot Special! �-+ From August 8 to September 15 • S5 Day Pass EYou can enjoy the use of the Health Club at the Whitby Civic Recreation Compkx for a low price E of $5 per day. Choose from an extensive range of uatee-ofAhe- 0 art cardiovt Odar and weiglu training equipment. Spend a while on the gravium or cross aerobia trainer. Drop in today or call 666.1991 for details SSS Rossland Road East, Whitby, ON Fashion Preview Stock, OKt Entae In Store blillc)ck Ow ?A�RNS NIL SJL_Ila SAV E SA for CA r R�rtn�'��y�+Y dOf'� sp► ►,�'w'^b«,,,rn N01Y $ �� Air fGSr �xNKyw O 0 OFF Our Reg. Price On Our Entire Reg. Priced NEW FOR FALL'95 Fashion Collection Sale in effect August 1.3-29, 1995 on nu%% Fall'95 Fashion Fabrics only, excluding promotional goo ds and ends. Sorry, no special orders. 1355 Kingston Rd Pickering Town Centre 839-5990 %lastert and •`, Asa •t ("A AP �WA VP 03 4MV, to) 4 P 9 11) ThtE3e�t in SeIE>o tion .enol Price :�n���here LI PC 1 • • 1 1 0 I i i Check Our Pnces If.1111011 R �11 �11, tr • , 1 SUMMER SPECIAL DO IT NOW! 1 11 SERVICE TUNE-UP 1 1 1 4 95 1 1• Includes adjusting the bands & 1 I 1' Cylinder49 1 linkage t `1 95 y 1 1 • Clean the screen and air breather 1 • Replace pan gasket J. 1 66 • Refill with Motorcraft trans fluid I CylindI 1 I 1 er 6995", 11Plus taxes�� 1 Most vehicles 8 95 1 1 t I Expires I ' 1 Plus taxes Aug_ 30/95 1 1 Cyl i n d e r 9 1 1 Most vehicles — puts. Moat "hw" Expires A4 3W6!5 5 Aug. M9 1 xpires — — — — — — — — — — — — - IPl�staxes 6 — — — — — — — � 1 I --------g ---a • • Ae W"W PNoec can ria be _ _ _ crn,oaw.in any oM K QUALITY CARE Wteire the QuautY i NO LAYAWAY No HOLDS ER' BY THE ROP MAKER OF ADS VALUE! • 2 FULL WIDTH VCIi VER IRE SHELVES .TWIN CRISPERS • 4 FULL WIDTH FIXED REFRIGERAT OR DOOR SHELVES •ADJUSTABLE ROLLERS INCLUDING: 10 YRS. PARTS AND S YRS. LABOUR ON COOLING SYSTEM 41s w. ter. � T� 599 f , • '11w I& - WASHER _DRYER • 2 CYCLES • -.,LL SIZE • 2 RINSES FAMILY DRIVER • HEAVY DJTY • ?''SH -TO -START SAc7E'� STAR7- ma, j PAOY 299 FREE "— FULL MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY T PC. MODERN DINETTE I ADLt VVI I M I to I UrItU ALL TOP, COMES WITH 6 MATCHING HIGH BACK CATHEDRAL PCS. STYLE CHAIRS ;j 9 9 i FIRST COME SOFA • THF. NEWS ADVFR•I'ISF.R. WF.D.. AUGUST ?i. 1995-PAGIE 19-A STOREWIDE SAVINGS! F• , 5 RACK POSITIONS SOFA 6 LOVESEAT NO PHONE ORDERS DEALERS PLEASE _ AdmiralMADE AND W �vffdp� FOI l= eCLES %SE AGENT DISPENSE lJ7RK'�:" m l as ALAIORD 29 X3 9 SPECT/ OFFER — 3t� 3PA--E FABRIC ;!!'H MA' -RING STRIPES " BUY SOFA s I _OVESEATAND 3ET MATCMING CHAiP i 99T Icn SLIMUNE R -I 46,111II II �,,, _I HIMPlu I UM STEREO LOADED WITH FEATURES COLOR TV INCLUDING 3 YRS. PARTS AND LABOUR WARRANTY AT HOME SERVICE TV Mom a UNIVERSAL REMOTE ., • 13 JACKS NEW MODEL 1-0 BEST CHOICE DOES NOT APPLY TO PREVIOUS PURCHASES 1540 DUNDAS ST. E.. WHITBY LARGE SELECTION OF DAYBED AND BUNK BEDS AVAILABLE •OUANTR1ESLUTED • SOME ITEMS NOT EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED SPECIAL ORDERS REOUIRE DEPOSIT :ONS �WR DOES NOT APPLY TO ADVERTISED ITEMS W4 M PURCMSE OF IM BEFORE TAXES TAXES MUST BE PMD AT TE OF MADIASE •OAC. • ADIIIINISTRATION PEi APPLES � ' BEST CHOICE PLAZA NORTHWEST CORNER OF TwASON RD. AT DUMDAS, wHrrBY WEEKDAYS 9:30 TILL 9:00 SATURDAY 9:30 TILL 6..00 PRICE GUAAAMME ' v d ntu, " r n a# a , i am Ya n+a eY oua�ca� es•+ n as rosvecu am me Aft A& A& _ tam s ua a mm" FINI att+a' .'4W what. gest ctnca pwra ee ees to beat tM w" y p s amuse a tree • • 'PAGF 2f1 -A -THF. NEWS ADVERTISER, WF.D, AUGUST Li, 1".; N!F JWOM19,IMPROVEME Prepare your home for the cold weather __y.- _ . _ Even though weather stripping, caulking and putting plastic on windows are beneficial heat saving measures, insulation is still the basis of a good energy savings plan. It may be hard to believe but insulate it. winter will be here before you There are a variety of know it and as a homeowner you insulation methods available to will have to deal with the the consumer. Those methods inevitable plunge in include: temperatures and should be - Loose Fill - Comes in large making a list and checking it bags and is poured between attic twice. joists. Used primarily in attic Only your list won't contain floors holiday gifts, it's an accounting of things that need to be done so that energy and money aren't wasted on heat that leaks out of your home. From insulating pipes to weather stripping doors and windows, the chores are piling up for people concerned with lowering their utility bills and protecting their home. Although there are many things that can be done to a home to get it ready for winter. here are a few projects that stand out: INSULATION One of the misconceptions many people have is that weather stripping, caulking and putting plastic on windows is an adequat- substitute for insulation. Even though those measures are beneficial, insulation is still the basis of a good energy savings plan. If your house isn't properly insulated, it will cost you more in the long run to leave it as is than to Blankets and Bats - Bats come in short lengths and blanket.- come in long rolls. This type of insulation is easy to install and offers options such as vapor barriers and backed insulation. • Rigid - This hardened foam or polystyrene is easv to cut and shape, but it can also be flammable. It is recommended that gypsum wallboard accompany rigid insulation installation. - Blown In - Used primarily on walls that are already finished. A hole is cut in the wall, the insulation is blown in and the hole resealed. There are two kinds of blown - in insulation: foam, which fills all crevices and then dries: loose cellulose or mineral wool, which may settle and leave gaps in the coverage. —Oqqqww,— d Interlocking Stone Speclahmg FREE GARDEN! ,--�` UP TO 300 sgJft OF TRIPLE MIX SOIL i ACCENT ROCKERY STONE INSTALLED TO SUIT YOUR DESIGN WITH ANY PATIO OR WALKWAY BOOKED BEFORE SEPT. 30/95. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE AND DESIGN ................ • Pipe Insulation - If any parts of your plumbing system are exposed to freezing temperatures, they should be wrapped in pipe insulation or protected with electric heat tape. Remember to insulate hot water pipes as well to prevent heat loss. Choose insulation based on R -factor, which is the number assigned to the insulating qualities of the material. The higher the number, the more efficient the insulation. Also, be careful to ensure that there is nothing toxic or harmful in the insulation you install. WEATHER STRIPPING No matter what type of weather stripping you use - foam, rubber, felt, etc. - it is important that you install it correctly. To maintain the seal and ensure a snug fit, weather stripping should fit the seal well, but not be too tight. CAULKING Caulking is another method used to seal up leaks. As with insulation, there are a variety of types to choose from: • Oil-based - cheaply priced, can't paint over easily. • Latex -based - Dries fast, remains flexible, easily painted. • Butlyrubber - Lasts longer, unusually flexible, expensive. • Polysulfide - Long lasting, adheres well to paint. - Silicone - Most expensive, longest lasting, comes clear or pre -coloured, not easily painted. Before picking a type of caulk, insulation or weather stripping, evaluate your needs and make the choice that will benefit you the most both in your pocketbook and utility bill. More ways to save enervv You can see wasted food or paper but you can't see wasted energy: it can go to waste quietly and invisibly. There's no telltale mess left behind only a few numbers on your utility or fuel bill that could have been lower. Here's a few steps to save even more energy. • Keep doors shut as much as possible. Keep drapes closed on sunny windows in summer: on shaded windows and at night in winter. • Keeps drapes open on sunny windnws in winter. • Keep your thermostat at 20 degrees celsius in winter. For each degree below 22 degrees you set your thermostat you save 4 percent on -your heating bill. Consider using the "clock type" thermostat that automatically lowers the ttrmperature at night. Use an electric hianket instead of heating the whole house' • Keep heating and cooling filters clean. - Don't heat or cool unused room,. Close them off. - Cut appliance use in summer as much as possible. Be sure clothes dryers .ire vented to the outside. Always turn off appliances and light_, when not in use. L[as-iic ��f*an ent,enE� y JOHANNUS BOOTS "The Dance" SPECIAL $295 Give 20% off on custom framing with this ad. Expires Sept. 3/95 Harwood Place Mall AJAX 427-1663 • Keep your attic vented. Attics can reach very hot temperatures in summer. Consider installing an attic fan to flush the hot air. - Fix leaking hot water faucets. One drop per second leaking from a faucet wastes 650 gallons of water a year - as well as the energy used to heat it. • Keep refrigerator and freezer defrosted. Ice build up means more work. But remember that self - defrosting units use up to 50 percent more energy than those requiring manual defrosting. • Use your oven more for cooking. It stores heat so it uses less energy than surface "burners." Avoid "oven pt-epint;" while emking, though. - Use fluorescent lights where possible. They produce about four times as much light for the same amount of electricity as incandescent bulbs. U 0 tco 'Y Roofing Inc. Ar 4 f1f DUme r SERVICE : FMI D COMMERCIAL [] INDUSTRIAL D RESIDENTIAL D REPAIRS D FLATS C1 SHINGLES 265-5 11 O *FREE Industrial Roof Inspection * 25 YEAR SHINGLES FOR SAME PRICE_ AS 20 YR. 41 HOME., THF NEWS ADVERTISER, WED- AUGUS 1' 2.3,11995 -PAGE 21-A PROVEMENT.- Preserving wood floor is easy if y -out e, the right precautions High-tech finishes have made wood flooring practical and easv to maintain. Preserving a beautiful finish is easy with the following guidelines from the National Wood Flooring Association: • Place mats and throw rugs at doorway exteriors and interiors to help prevent the tracking of grit dirt and sand. • Sweep or vacuum wood floors regularly. • Never wet -mop a wood floor. Water can dull the finish and damage the wood. • Wipe up food and other spills immediately with a dry or slightly dampened towel. • Put plastic or fabric -faced glides under the legs of furniture to prevent scuffing and scratching. • When moving heavy furniture, protect wood flooring by slipping a piece of cloth or pile under the legs or covering each leg with a heavy sack or half a milk carton. • Never use sheet vinyl or tile floor care products on wood floors. Self -polishing acrylic waxes cause wood to become slippery and appear dull quickly. • Never wax -urethane finished floors. • Do not excessively wax a wax -finished floor. If the floor dulls, try buffing instead. Avoid wax buildup under furniture and other light traffic areas by applying wax in these area every other waxing session. • Remember: cleats, and high heels can dent any floor surface. • If wood flooring is in the kitchen place an area rug in front of the sink to catch water. 1I� �,-l=1 1 1111 ' _� t . 0"71 �.�In A vq LARGE SELECTION OF DISPLAY & FLOOR �`'' �'• ' MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM ~< ' ' �_ - - --`_ - I • TUBS • WHIRLPOOLS .- - - ,�.. " • TOILETS • SINKS -SHOWERS tee•_, _ ilt _ ` _ - _ : ` ,� F• FAUCETS AND MUCH, MUCH, MORE BOOK YOUR COMPLETE BATHROOM RENOVATION BY SEPT. 23, 1995 & WE'LL PAY THE TAX FOR FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATION & QUOTATIONS ON BATHROOM ;OW-am RENOVATIONS -CALLUS FIRST! 10-t 7 PlumbinglIlMa SCARBOROUGH DICKERING 1198 KENNEDY ROAD 1099 KINGSTON RD. ais 7sA.IGAA 905 420.5330 tassmere N c m 3 � ,IC U Kin ton Rd. 7=• PlumbinglIlMart o furniture mall 3 1I� �,-l=1 1 1111 ' _� t . 0"71 �.�In A vq LARGE SELECTION OF DISPLAY & FLOOR �`'' �'• ' MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM ~< ' ' �_ - - --`_ - I • TUBS • WHIRLPOOLS .- - - ,�.. " • TOILETS • SINKS -SHOWERS tee•_, _ ilt _ ` _ - _ : ` ,� F• FAUCETS AND MUCH, MUCH, MORE BOOK YOUR COMPLETE BATHROOM RENOVATION BY SEPT. 23, 1995 & WE'LL PAY THE TAX FOR FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATION & QUOTATIONS ON BATHROOM ;OW-am RENOVATIONS -CALLUS FIRST! 10-t 7 PlumbinglIlMa SCARBOROUGH DICKERING 1198 KENNEDY ROAD 1099 KINGSTON RD. ais 7sA.IGAA 905 420.5330 tassmere N c m 3 � ,IC U 0 top— F- o F- W o � TAX* To Help Lis Celebrate Our Anniversary You Will Pay N4 G.S.T.* Between 71MAnd STAT. AUG. 12"/930n Any Beam Central Vacuum System, Hoses Or Power Brushes m Complete System With ' Air Driven ower Head From *39alE9 PLUS We pay the G.S.T.• o l '(Discount Equivalent of G S T. Components May Vary Will Be Gwen at Point of Sale, ®,t=Vacuums Plus 1271 Kingston Rd., Pickering CZ North of the Supercentre W (905) 831-2326 on. FINAL 4 DAYS SALE ENDS, SUNDAY, AUG. 2T' GET ONE Choose from a Giant Selection of Beautiful in -stock Wallpaper . and Borders! The Waf(paper Centre ® PIC�KERsaylySING ® Plfdcering (Just West ; OnKk Rd.) ®� SRI W31162-0W31162-0SAT SAL 93116S:31 foe aW .sa►ea. OSHAWA 5 Points Mall Super Store Outside Mall - (Pleat to Rogers video) Taunton Rd. at Ritson 728-6866 WN.-FRL 9:30-M • SAT. 9:304A PN 9"M•�.r ea. . _a Kin ton Rd. 7=• in the o furniture mall 3 0 top— F- o F- W o � TAX* To Help Lis Celebrate Our Anniversary You Will Pay N4 G.S.T.* Between 71MAnd STAT. AUG. 12"/930n Any Beam Central Vacuum System, Hoses Or Power Brushes m Complete System With ' Air Driven ower Head From *39alE9 PLUS We pay the G.S.T.• o l '(Discount Equivalent of G S T. Components May Vary Will Be Gwen at Point of Sale, ®,t=Vacuums Plus 1271 Kingston Rd., Pickering CZ North of the Supercentre W (905) 831-2326 on. FINAL 4 DAYS SALE ENDS, SUNDAY, AUG. 2T' GET ONE Choose from a Giant Selection of Beautiful in -stock Wallpaper . and Borders! The Waf(paper Centre ® PIC�KERsaylySING ® Plfdcering (Just West ; OnKk Rd.) ®� SRI W31162-0W31162-0SAT SAL 93116S:31 foe aW .sa►ea. OSHAWA 5 Points Mall Super Store Outside Mall - (Pleat to Rogers video) Taunton Rd. at Ritson 728-6866 WN.-FRL 9:30-M • SAT. 9:304A PN 9"M•�.r ea. . _a PACE 22; A -THE NEWS ADVF.RI'l%F.R, WF0, A11CUST 23, 1".4 Oi r a 1995 INTREPID 3 X V6 auto cloth twci Pts a P mrrprs ALOL F M :ass ,,; -. , WOW only ItK*ba. n+essage xntre dua air �a,s air s358"* -One a -lnrp 'tN +D, -^c s8 nwo. 1995 STEALTH ww*- athel' buckets tdt 6 spa p w P o i P sea mase AWFM .:ss 1B- dttxne wheels, equalizer p mirrors. prvacy glass 8 "'e Stk 9C SM Balance of Factory Warranty available to 1993 DODGE SPIRIT WZ. M.. s� . Jne owner. Loa with only PRICED r.ueS P4225A TO SELL 993 DODGE DAKOTA PICKUP Vc, auto . p.s., p.b., power V„naows. PRICED ocks Air. V6 LE interior one owner w,in only 9.687 miles. Balance of TO SELL warranty 7557A '995 NEON z 2 Ol. 4 cO . 5 spa. cloth seats aetay SALE & moft S bags plbrakes ° 7 w' $109888** 1995 SE VOYAGER �.— t. V6. auto. p s. p b, mt. chase. air Fond 7 6 TO CHOOSE FROM PaW Silla". rod �, p m�r,ors. M*FM FINAL & m, ,� S.,, -a.� warranty CLEAROUT 1992 GRAND VOYAGEUR :ane owner hrty loadea absokdely PRICED 'n,nt connrbon with only 31.200 miles Salance of `a�or� warr Slk .V4446 TO SELL 1990 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIM ANLZ� " 2 5 L, 4 C0. auo . ps . P b. tit SALE crimsseat , air Fond., fold Oobu rear !� 888* seat AtWFAt Fars . Dockets +1 7� consote 8 more SM r V4395 v 1995 COLT 1 u 4 cN., s spa p1brakes cloth a .vyt sea, � �R�. clic oa,; s SALE s 10,588** - vs. Slk OCTA 1995 GRAND EROKEE rust epurpped 4 OL engin. auto P b, P D P -rrm tin. cruise A AfFM ass.. Cloth seats tog Lamps Wier+ tri,- LarMO rinrrx S more Stir IP4421 1992 CHEVROLET LUMINA APV Loaned. one owner low km PRICED 539A TO SELL 9 1A • 1993 GRAND VOYAGEUR LE _, a One owner. ,,, y loaded only PRICED 3x;.000 mwleS T543A TO SELL 1991 PONTIAC SUNBIRD AMFw caSS.. cl th ebur ts: PRICED S&.# tes ' °wr>C only 47.700 TO SELL VILLAGE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER W.W Mother oall s Pickering resident Shyam Mahadeo has vegetat'je garden resulted in these mon- quite the green thumb when it comes to ster sc ,ashes, measuring 76" and 78" gardening. His deft touch and care for his long. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Traininor proc,ram offered by Hospice Durham D Local volunteers are needed to make a commitment DURIIAM - Ilospice Durham holds a volunteer training program «'ednc%da. , SepL b for interested residents. Meetings run from 7 to 10 p.m. for seven weeks. Registration is S20 for volun- teers who make a one year commit- ment, or $40 for those unable to commit. The training sessions are being held at the Vil- lage Retirement Centre, 1955 Val- ley Farm Road, Pickering. For information, or to register. call 435- 5242 or 837- 2206. l ARSHALL TRAVEL "Service is our Specia j ASK CHERYL ABO)U F 4 EG. x 2741426 C.RI rISI::S OA' .SA L Iaf (*-1tPber .S/rrc-icrl i srrilirrt;s 310A.4 MC11 Ot' I'll .V1 -_4.S " rriglrt - 84r,rrther-rr Ceir- pbetrrr f•rcrcu: - _S! he S_ (XI (.ilrt_ l.�'!'I_ ctir/irrc= r-r,at Ii>.rrratu x AL MARS11A _ TRALVEI. 70' 1LSR%(N)t).%%E. S_. l� ��-f28-1zJ)8 ® Ontario The Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services seeks applicants to rill one vacancy on the Durham Regional Police Services Board. The Durham Regional Police Services Board governs the regional police ser- vice and is responsible for setting the police budget and policies. The seven - member board meets once a month and members are required to attend other related meetings, training sessions and conferences. A small honourarium is given to each appointed member. Candidates should have an understanding of policing issues, experience in policy making and budgeting, some volunteer involvement in community organizations, and knowledge of the Durham region. Any resident of the Regional Municipality of Durham interested in serving as a provincially appointed member of the Durham Regional Police Services Board may apply by forwarding hisiher detailed resume to: The Public Appointments Unit The Ontario Ministry of the Solicitor General and Correctional Services 11 th Floor, 25 Grosvenor Street Toronto, Ontario M7A IY6 Fax (416) 314-3536; Tel (416) 314-9335 Resumes must be submitted by September 6, 1995 THF NEWS ADVERTISER. WFV_ AU(;UST Z3, 19 -PACF, 23-A Bank's bucks boost Durham Region's Bureau for Excellence D Canadian Imperial initiative to promote the growth of Bank of Commerce the region's economy. The Bureau for Excellence is donates $5,OW to encouraging the development of a Total Quality Commitment through - regional agency out the manufacturing, business and DURHAM — The Bureau for service industries. "CIBC's donation will be used to Excellence in Durham has received create a resource library of articles, a shot in the arm from the Canadian books, tapes and videos that exem- Imperial Bank of Commerce plify the Total Quality Control con - (CIBC). sept," says Jim Cuthbert, manager CIBC has donated $5,000 to the of commercial banking for Oshawa Bureau for Excellence, a community and district area. Request for Public Opinion on the Proposed Nursing Home Annual Licence Renewal of Community Nursing Home, Pickering In accordam-t- with ttir Nursing Homes .A&•t. public opinion is bring req--ird prior to a final decision bring made on the above. If you have corrrmrnts or opiniorrs and wish to bring them to the attention of the Ministry of Health. vow may submit them in writing by addrr-,sing thrm to: Ihrm-tor. lir.idential tirrvicrs Branch Ontario llinistry of Health 57(1) Yonge titrert. 7th Floxwr North York. ()ntario (416) 1 -Ii -7 ".1.57, by tirpivrnbrr '.5, 1994 Mase irxhrdr the name of thr nursing horse and quote Pro ir'" tlo?:yti on all written submissions. Thr I)irrctor will oY>nsider all submission. before making a final dreiskm_ L Reliable. suptn-ised day cart at a home in your neighhourhood • j.3fe comfortable emrronmenrs • S',muldhng daily programs • T-aned. professana/ Providers • Monthly home inspections • �3c4hable local bash �p for Providers ",'lidays or illness • � , nplefe insurance coverage • 1 -,'orae tax receipts supoiie d and, we welcome full or part-time care for children from 6 weeks of age! Wft Wach fthwHonromcm A Licensed Agency FOR INFORMATION CALL: 686-4816 PAGE 24 -A -THF NEVUS ADVFR'I-I%F.R, WF.D.. Al)(;l)S7. 23, 1995 Entertainment KumbayaFestivalhelps LJ All -Canadian line-up entertains to raise money for AIDS Committee of Durham By STEPHEN LATEGAN STAFF RFFownER DURHAM — A local AIDS support group will benefit from proceeds raised by a renowned music festival. For the first time, the Kum - FOOD WITH A DIFFERENC RESTAURANT i SALAD BAR ALL NOTE MADE SOUPS -SALADS -ROTI i BEEF - CF XKR - FISH - ETt:_. —1 u.lcr Kar •ani:% 1, h il; W e've boxed the savings for you. Her t SAVE To 1 Y2PRI(:E on Boxed Novelties C>1 250 Btrty SL W_,AM A -1o-nRR, �Ilinc&ster Arm; c Special Events MURDER MYSTERY September 9th GOLF TOURNAMENT September 25th Fawnbrook Golf Course Call Lisa for Details EVERY SUNDAY Prime Rib Dinners only slogs (4 p.m. -10 p.m.) BRITISH BREAKFAST Every Saturday & Sunday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 5495 1400 Bayly St. (at Liverpool) 837-2366 Aug. 23,19W AIDS group baya Foundation has selected the Well fund, a service which pro- groups across Canada AIDS Committee of Durham Region to receive a vides emergency financial The seven -hour, all -Canadian portion of the money raised by its festival. assistance to Durham AIDS victims for medication and musical show will be held Saturday, Sept. 2 from 5 Incorporated in 1992, the committee provides individual food, According to Trudie Reid, p.m. to midnight at the Molson Amphitheatre at and group counselling, promotes good health and offers a library executive director of the AIDS Committee of Ontario Place. More than 100 musi- of books free for use by the pub- lic. Durham, chosen one of 53 cians and groups will be fea- Money donated to the group recipients of money from the 1995 Kumbaya Festi- tured, including Blue Rodeo, Jane Siberry, Murray by the third annual festival will val, last year's event raised McLauchlan, the Leslie Spit go toward its Emergency Living $5,000 for each of the selected Treeo and Billy Newton -Davis. Ale The Oriental Star 'Buffe Telephone pledge lines will b open to take donations across th country. The foundation's target thi year is $250,000. For more information on thl festival, call the Kumbaya Foun dation at (416) 515-1683. The AIDS Committee o Durham Region, located at 2(y Dundas St. E., Suite 209, Whit by, can be reached at 905-665 0051. ITALIAN CUISINE 4 / 6,me and enfiw our outdoor patio. the dc/,�hlful atmosphere and our luarh and dinner specials sopraffino rvstomen bare aluay> enpqt-d • c .Isual Dining / I ntcrtainmcnt Friday s Saturdry • < .III For Re.rn at is )n.. 21 Celina Street, (hhawa 723-4176 misis1 ,Lfa'x - Delicious food and a comfortable At Oriental Star, people enjoy the fact atmosphere have attracted people to the they can eat as much as they want and will Oriental Star Buffet in Pickering since it find the service is also very friendly and the opened more than five years ago. prices very reasonable. For added Featuring more than 60 items, the buffet convenience, staff will serve seniors and has something for everyone from soups and children right at their tables. salads to chicken, beef, szechuan, shish kad de The restaurant is licensed and seats 175 bobs I 1 1 1 1 375 Kingston Rd (at Rougemount) 1 509-9876 1 1 OFFER EXPIRES AUG 31'9_ an —1 TO ADVERTISE IN THIS SPOT CALL 683-5110 an alerts. Open 7 days a week from 11 so it's no surprise that Oriental Star BuffetJPPHWS BIR & GRU am. to 11 p.m., the lunch buffet is served from 11 a.m. caters to large groups with a special price for to 3 p.m. for $5.99 and on 'Saturday and groups of 20 or more. They give a 10% discount to seniors too. Mon.: Pool Night Sunday it's $6.99. Dinner buffet from Mondayto Frida is Y There is takeout available and you'll Tues.: $2.50 Specials Wed.: Jackpot Karaoke - $2.00 $9.99 and on the weekend it's $11.99. It receive a free order of chicken wings with every order you pick up. Thurs.: JAM NIGHT features items such as lobster, crab legs, shrimp, kettle fish, chicken shish kabob, The food is always fresh and this Fn.: DJ Dance mussels and pepper steak. Children eat for half restaurant is a perfect place for a quiet dinner for two or an evenin with a g Sat.: DJ Country Dance price and they'll love the desserts. You group of friends as Sun.: Jackpot KarZ $2.00 and them can enjoy chocolate mousse, Black well as get togeth� ers with co - workers. I- — � — .� — LUNCH AND DINNgR Forest cake, rice crispy squares and four , SPECIALS t flavours of ice cream So visit the Oriental Star Buffet at 375 Steak Sizzler b595 I{mgston Rd. or call 509-9876 t t �$t oo OFF with this ad. — — — A. 610 Monarch, Ajax 427-7811 V'r ntertainment C Long live the King I impersonator Jimmy Walton belts out a tune at Boyer Pon - in Pickering during a promotion at the local car dealership. 5 fans stopped by to see the entertainer warble his way Light popular Elvis tunes. pus editions t for next onth 'KERING — Theatre Durham old auditions for its upcoming_ coon of Peter Shaffer's FAuus. -outs are set for the Picker im_ eation Complex on Tuesday. 5 at 7:30 Call '> � s will be hursday, it. 7. It is erative that pie taking read the play prior to the audition. vailable roles are for five men l 17 to 60, four women 20 to 60, five performers of either gender, some movement skill, to portray more information and to obtain , call 420-3237. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Aug. 23, 1995 Word and song for the family at museum event PICKERING — It's described as a lively celebration of word and song for the whole family. The Word Is Out `95 will bring together storytellers, musicians, poets and performers for an afternoon at Pickering Museum Vil- lage. Presented by the Writers' Circle of Durham Region, the event on Sunday, Sept. 17 will showcase the talents of people throughout the area. A highlight of the event will be presenta- tions by the Children's Muse Program, a performance group that encourages children to express themselves through poetry, story- telling, drama, art and song. Writers will read their work, and books. T-shirts and mugs will be sold. There'll be a barbecue and baked food. The Word Is Out takes place from noon to 5 p.m. Admission is S5 for adults. S2.50 for seniors and students. S2 for children, and S12 for families. Pickering Museum Village is three kilometres east of Brock Road on Ilwy. 7 in Greenwood. For more information, call 4-14-6932. LI _1 J PICKERING — Old cars and hymn sings will be featured at Pickering Museum Vil- lage this weekend. Antique and classic cars will visit the vil- lage Saturday from 1:30 to 3 p.m. as part of Autofest •95 celebrations. On Sundav, an old-fashioned hymn sin,o and social will be beta from 1:30 to 4 p.m. Light refreshments will he sen ed. Visitors can take a picnic lunch and spend the afternoon strolling through the home.. barns and businesses of yesteryear. The vil- lage is open from I 1 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is S4 for adults. 52.50 fix stu- dents and seniors. 52 fix children and free for pre-schoolers. A family pass is S12. For more information, call 683-5-101 or 420-3620. ANNANDALE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB (Church St. South at Bayly Street in Ajax CANADIAN CONCERT SERIES CtJMMt N6s JGI: w.,6iy. dO t 1 M Qt N 61 ThursdayThursday Thursday August 24th I At19tist 331stSeptember 7th GPM Doors opat Doors open at Doors opsrf N 8:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M. a:00 p m. $22.00 AdvwbmAQ(LUkcX-v--d $20.00 Advarwe $22.00 Adv (Ucisrwed Event) Everett tt (LicwA*d Event) TICKET INFORMATION gess483-3210 Tkkets available at toasts locatkma: Annan" Cod A Cwsfry Chftf Disse A Deb ,Nilsen i tae Ltd Mac Sloe Shift SUedt CMunSf SL Snt^ Aju 6115Dut" SL E, Whitby 17 Sisoee SL K, 0"m 1725K - Nd Pidwh PM 132,7915 72S479i 127419! TARGET YOUR MARKET: If you're a business who is targeting the entertainment seeking public of Durham & Northumberland, you should advertise in Backbeat, Durham's Entertainment Authorit}'. GREAT RATES is TARGET MARKET CAUL US AT (905) 683-5110 1'HF NEWS ADVFR'I'ISER. WED.. Ati(:t)S'1' 2.3. 1995-PA(;F. 25-A MOTOR CITY CLUB PRESENTS aw I" eara m "&, Pat -.n.N.. DURA 19 ac L—TE)f Ove �0 M�nufKMllw Distpl�s /wrj►/trw Gr /Ngnbjr Csalr Toots BF Q m d i, W'm a \Deed Florbn Ytc. Pertonnmoe ylWorenlft Spms mow" Gil Iffeadoz*rsMO&g a9l tl% Now COLONEL SAM DRIVE, OSHAWA SItt15t", 4i"at 27 Admission - $5.00 ( 10 AM TO 5 PM) Children 12 and under free LIMA EVERY DAY 930 ILK - YOU CAN EAT FOR AS Ln1TLE AS YOU CAN AT NOW Breakfast Special (Daily) Luncheon Specials Daily $595 TWO CAN DINE FOR $ 49 (Every Day of The Week) 13 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 99 Evo"ing on our menu 'after 5--W p.m.) or less TWO BEAUTIFUL BANQUET HALLS ALL INCLUSIVE S5!DW oe, meson Pickering Town Centre 839-2507 I CRt 1 Auest 18 - 24 MPAA -FENE XL_W_E ,:CMiSE SEX & -"w AiERAuE ;a otic %�C li4tWrRtn AttV>r A Thar Mix! lets I tion. 2. 3.icK a e �re :IeaC "ewl ** R Western; lots i Some i Soma v7'.. t'IB&YyiN93�1'tt'6 (tit w) -thtt tea jCWidyrM311tM.d I Mid 4. Nobody Fool **** A Duma M.�a , o:s Sora ISi%L$A >r\t A TttrE3ar fats Loss Soros 6 3 -yMac so,! It PG -13 Comedy Mild ' Mucn Soma £sensor I0d iitiltf Scene 8. Ttie Mar of the House ** PG Comedy) Mild Mild Mild . WwriTaTige {rlerlrj> irlr tiE3 Sams am 10. TarK G,r' new ** R SC,F Much Mucn I Much ------------------ BUY AN EGG MCMUFFIN 3 HASH BROWN t'a.h % slue 1 20 41 cent GET A SECOND EGG Mc MUFFIN 1992 %tctkmald's Corporation FREE (`fl Just bring In this coupon ■ nd rhtn " bur ont ' Egg.McNurnn sandvkh j k $lash aro.rn, th. w". ' ' second Egg McNuftii b - AJAX McDONALD•S , tree. Limlt one rood Item 222 Bapy Sl per Coupon. per 68&2137 cusbtner, per vis1L i PICKERNG MCDONALD'S plsee presentoeupm 1360 Kingston Ad- -h- .re. arderlow Not yaw afteer.rrtr. 1 td 31 9%j. Valid during breakfast hours only. PAGF. 26-A=1'HF NFNS AD%'F.R'I'ISF R,. WFO, AUCIN-J' 23, 1995 You're in vited to see h PICKERING ._ A special trip back in time is being offered by Pickering Muse- um Village. On Sunday, Sept. 10 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., History in Action will offer family activities and entertain- ment. This fall fair will feature Stitches in Time, a new addition to the annual event, with over 40 antique and con- Dear Customer: temporary quilts from the com- munity and the museum collec- tion. In addition, visitors will be able to take part in an old-fash- ioned quilting bee. A crafts and collectibles mar- ket will have over 20 vendors displaying their work throughout the village, including wood- en toys, floral crafts, folk art, jewelry and istory unique clothing. For children, there'll be a full day of pioneer games such as potato sack and three-legged races, tugs of war, water relays, skipping, croquet, horse - The News Advertiser is pleased to deliver your paper three times a week_ Effective with our August 23rd collection, the voluntary collection charge will now be $4.00 for a four-week period (that's less that 35 cents per issue). Of your collection charge, $2.00 goes directly to your carrier. The other half is used to off -set the SUBSTANTIAL increase in the cost of newsprint and re -invested in our carrier incentive programs, which ultimately benefits you, the reader. Thank you in advance for your continued support of our voluntary collection program. Your hometown newspaper I Ajax -Pickering A�j J rs tough out thete! Remember Your Gam in action in Pickering shoes, as well as a variety of hands-on activi- ties. The journey back in time will also feature a gas and steam barn, with demonstrations of steam engines and threshing all day. Operating saw mills and vin- tage automobiles will also be on display. Bandstand music and wagon rides will be offered for the family. Visitors can take a picnic lunch or enjoy a barbecue and CANNONBALL B1 Furniture Mail -`905 420-8311 1099 Kingston Rd. at Dixie visa Hours: IAon - Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-5 com roast. Admissiol $4 for adu $2.50 for sen and $2 for c dren. Call 683-& or 420-4620 information. 683m7040 404m2623 HOW TO USE INFOSOURCE (From Clarington) 1 Call 683-7040' or from Clarington call 404-2623, using a touch-tone phone or push button phone that emits tones. It's a o free call from Oshawa, Whitby, Clarington, Ajax and Pickering. 2 When prompted enter the 4 -digit code of your choice from the directory provided. fosou FOR A COMPLETE LISTING OF BOXES 5100. 1 rce, HOROSCOPES Oshawa Centre Cinemas ....7022 Ala r,'Prckerin9 Soccer .....5143 JVhdb Cinemas Association .............6019 no Y ......7023 Alax'Pickenng Softbwi .. - - - ..5144 Caesarean Preverr wn .... . 6020 M>N Ki i Today s Birthday AjaxPickenng Cinemas ......7024 -• - 'La Lecke Le �,'1��4 _ ,Anes ��Px�cehng Mrnnplex 9 ..-..-7025 � ...........6021 ' -.,.. � ,�:, Oshawa Little Theatre .......7026 Reach to Recovery Taurus 5023 Whey Little Theatre ........7027 (Breast Cancer] - 6022 Sweet AdelineS ..... - . - .6038 ...... • ' Durham Shoestring Performers7028 Alax Bridge Club .......6000 Learning Disabilit;es Association Durham Writers/Editors ...6040 Leo ..................... .. .... .. ...... ....5025 .5025 Weekly video .... 7029 Oddfellows/Rebekahs ..... _ .6001 (Durham West) ............6023 Homepreneur Group .....6041 Virgo ....................5026 Rogers Community 10 .......7030 Oshawa Legion...... • 6002Myalgpc En cephalomyls AJax Block Parents ..... - .6042 Libra .......... . ..........5027 Association ....... ........ so24 Home Business Association 5028 Y�9� Support ......6025 Scorpio ......... Fibroin GCIARMEETINGS Epilepsy Parents Support ....6026 ......................�3 Sagittarius ...... . .........5029 Parent Finders ..... . Capricorn .................5030 Midland Wal n Osteoporosis Support .......W27 ....6044 wY 7283 Parents of Teens ...........6003 Business Networking Group of Aquarius ................5031 AI -Anon, Al-Ateen .6004 _ Pisces 5032 • , • , Alconaics Anonymous ... 6005 <: ual:k. Poen in the Pub . 6046 Women's support group of Durham • • . • • • Major League Baseball ......5033 Community Care ...........6006 Oshawa Revenue Toastmasters Club Toronto Maple Leafs ........5035 S.O.S. . .................6007 ............. .......6028 .. , . 649 sons n ToWtop �a„Y,,,•w-amo ; 5001 NBA .....................5035 (Smokers Overcoming Smoking) Oshawa Toastmasters .......6029 • Pick 3 ........... ...5002 Pro Sports Update ...........5 COPE (Depression) ...... ...6008 Macintosh Users East Super 7 .. ................5003 Oshawa/Whitby Update ......5037 Canadian Calorie Counters ...6009 First Oshawa ITC Club ...... 031 About Crimestoppers .....6047 Lottano ..... ..............5004 Local Lacrosse ........... ,5038 One Parent Families ........6010 Durham P.C. User's Club ....6032 Crime of the Week .......6048 Local Baseball .............5039 Parents Without Partners ....6011 NHL .. .................5041 Living with Cancer Support Group Proline .... .........5042 (Durham East) ......... ...6012 ADVERRSERS Oshawa Generals ..........5043 Living with Cancer Support Group Joke of the Day .........5016 Quote of the Day . ... , . _ , 5017 NFL .....................5044 (Durham West) ...6013 Execu-Care Home & Office 8100 Trivia Quiz ................5018 Blue Jays .................5045 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Youth of St. Mark's United Church .....6033 Care -Givers CFL .. 5046 DurhamSimcoe United Church .......6034 ............8101 6014 Anscot Contracting Local Hockey ..............5447 Emotions Anonymous .......6015 • • • • • • .8102 Durham College ............5051 :<::><.:::<.:::::; Erotica Video .... 6103 :n4: . . . AIDS committee of Durham DASH � <x.:»;:; AjaK^ckenr)g update .......5137 6016 Vallillee Wide Format Products rckeri Hockey Group ......... Ltd. . . Environment Canada ........5556 n9 Y .......5136 Multiple Sclerosis Society ....6017 8106 Raiders AAA' Hockey .......5139 8107 Ontario Friends of Schizophrenics Clarington Walk' Program ..60.96 AVE Entertainment ...... A/ax/Pidcering Dolphins ......5140 p .6018 9t � � Emergency AAXIPickering Ringette .....5141 (Durham Chapter .......... Clarington Older Adults ......6037 9 cy Plus Oshawa b District Ostomy Oshawa Senior Citizens Club "CPR " .... 8111 A/ax/Prclrenng Baseball ......5142 '........ . Sabxday dances • • • • • • • • • • •6038 Once Upon A Cnild ......8118 wwK .w.� wwa www aww wwM wies wwa aww wwM wew www awe wave Mim www awe ... wws www a.1101 arm seer www www 41011W 111110111 waves waw 10111111t sM wwr www woe eeww wws awn aww .,w,w wrw wow mm ■ww .rr a, Pickenngbantams' in hunt PICKERING — The A -plus Software minor bantam Pickering Red Sox have won the right to represent the Eastern Ontario Baseball Association in the provincial chain- pimships- The Red Sox earn the berth when they defeated Peterborough 42 in the EOBA final Tuesday. The five -game playoff series saw Pickering defeat the Whitby Chiefs 9-4 in the first match -up. Maw 1.1-nhdley slammed a two -run triple, Ron Badma had an RBI triple and Mike Roga hit an RBI single. Chris Lawrencx and Jeff Murphy both singled. For the latest sports results, read the News Advertiser three times a week Pitchers Jason Schwabe, Kael Racioppa and Mike Roga combined for the win. Red Sox hurler Ben Gooch led the team to a 10-2 victory in the second match against the Clarington Orioles. Pickering established an early lead in the second inning with timely hits and speed on the base paths. r! Singles were generated by Racioppa, Roga, Hindley, Schwabe, and Todd Laidlaw for a 7-0 lead. Fine defensive efforts included a centre field fly ball nn down by Racioppa and a catch in deep right field by Bathia. In one play, THE NEWS ADVERTISER. W'FD" AUGUST 23, 19".. -PACF. 27-A P for'Ontado baseball cr own Neiiah Bunyan -Sampson caught a pop -fly and ran to first to get a second Whitby run- ner. The Sox proceeded to play the tough Oshawa Legionnaires in an exciting extra -innings marathon which aftc Pickering won in a 9-8. Pitcher Mike BA Roga threw seven strikeouts. A sacri- fice single by Lawrence put the Sox ahead 8-7 in the seventh before Oshawa battled back to tie things up. A ninth -inning double by Gooch, a single by Racioppa and an RBI for Roga put Pickering up 9-8. An impressive catch by SPORTS Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. A Pickering Powe - dale under -12 pa,er kicks the t :l cast a Scarborough Olympic r;ame opponent during recent soccer league action at Dunmoore Park. photo by Ron Pietroniro Pickering under -12 boys power into under -13 final PICKERING — The Pickering Power LOEB Glendale under -12 boys' soccer learn ruched the under -13 finals Of a tournament near Kingston recently. Pickering played its fust game of the Kingston Township Ambassador Cup Tournament against Dixie and came away with a 2-2 tie. Scoring were Nicholas Vieira and Frank Jonke. In their next game, the locals ham- Inered a team from Greece, New Y(vk 7-1. Leading the offence were Jerone Mills with three goals and Jonke with two. The Power boys then thumped Kingston 9-0, as Jonke hit for four goals, Chris Gaimou two, Patrick Lamanna, Ainsley Eyitene and Vieira one each. The Kingston win put Pickering in first place in the under -12 division and qualified the team for the under -13 semi-finals. Playing the Kingston Township under -13 squad, Pickering prevailcd I- 0 on a goal by Jonke. With only 30 minutes' rest, Pickering then played in the final against Dixie and dropped a heauthre:tking 1-0 deci- sion. Pickering Power players are Ryan Kane, Adrian Stocking, Brent Ching, Daniel Tommiska, Frank Jonke, Jer(xte Mills, John Cassidy, Ainsley Eyitene, Chris Gaimou, David Ufford, Patrick Lamanna, David Vavalla, Aaron Chinn, Trevor Small, Nicholas Vieira and Micheal Phillips. Coaches are Danny Cassidy, Derek March and David Vieira. Bunyan-Sampson in right field ended the three-hour game. The undefeated Red Sox got a bye into the finals, needing a single win over Peterborough in the final two games. Pickering bats, however, fell silent in the first game, an 8-0 loss to the Tigers. Pitcher Robert Milne threw effectively in The second game. Lawrence initiated a key double play, had three of Pickering's four RBIs and hit two singles and a triple. Mike Roga slammed the door on Peterborough with three strikeouts in the final inning for the 4-2 victory. To advertise in this space contact the News Advertiser at 683-5110 Pickering teen tries out for British soccer team PICKERItiG — Christopher Stewart has gone to England to chase his soccer dream. The 16 -year-old left last Friday to try out for a youth squad run by the Bristol City soccer club, a team in England's second division. Stewart admits to being nervous, because "This trip could decide a lot of things in my life — if I stay or come back for a scholarship (with a U.S. university)." Ile'll be there for three weeks and possibly longer if he makes the team. "1 still want to go to school. If I can go to school and play. I'll stay. If not. I'll come back." Stewart says. Earlier this month, the midfielder played on the Canadian team that competed at the World Cup Under - 17 Championships in Ecuador. The Canadian squad lost the three games it played, but two of the squads in its pool — Brazil and Oman — reached the tournament semi-finals. Stewart's tryout in Bristol was arranged by national team coach Tony Taylor, who knows the coach in Bristol. This tryout is Stewart's second in Great Britain, as he had one with the Glasgow Rankers reserves in March. "It was a really, really good expe- rience. I was asked to come back in the fall, but I didn't like the coach- ing, so I decided to try another team. It was a good experience to .1• NEW 21" LAWN -BOY WITH MULCHER $349.95 Ajax & Pickering's only L awn-fty delver PICKERING AMARINE 11644 gayly SL Christopher Stewart see how the British play. The coaching is better in Canada. There, we just did shooting and playing. -they weren't teaching me anything while I was there,' Stewart says. Making the team would be a thrill, as "English soccer is a big part of my life. My parents are Scottish and we watch English soccer all the time." If he returns. Stewart would be entering Grade 11 at Dunharton High School. For Ter Off Resrnation.. (all 1-800-346-5361 16.50 %crkdjvs 19.50 Srckcnds rk I lolida} s.i ukdwl;in; �sr, • 1S Ilolr. • (k)lf Tournamrnt_s • Driving Rangy • Teaching Professional • Licensed Club House 'PORT HOPE .s• PENRYN P.-VRK x. 1c-r(Ku.c srtzEET M)tTH Bring SAVE ,�9 ° °I'"� one plays t� with this ted. If your child plays on an ASMBA team, YOU are automatically a voting member. Plan to attend! _ = = _ = = _ _ _ _ = = = 700@ IPA, WKNEMIX M00N AXAM COM R0082" MET= ' one 0} us LS as srwrt as ad of US.'t 11111 s 711111 _1111K s: s =-_=:-=t--=- PAGE. 2tt-A-THF. NEWS ADVERTISER- WFn_ Al lta!t'r 1,1 some 0- OPTS A�-�: Pickering Rep Softball is now accepting coaching applications for the 1996 season. The Association will be looking to field Teams in all Girls Divisions and all Boys Divisions. The Association will also be accepting nominations for several key executive positions, (President, Treasurer, Registrar, etc; ) If you are interested in applying for one of these positions or would like some further info please contact Liz Keith 420-9049 or Roger Young 427-6013. 0 Got a 9-1 score? Fax you sports results t Al Riveb at ��+.pp��OJ V-7,% Safe on the sack The ball arrives too late for the third base- Slow Pitch League at Kinsmen Park this man of the Young Guns squad to tag a past Sunday. Ray Ban runner during Premier Health Club Division action in the Pickering Men's photo by Andrew Iwanowski Pickering novices make rinal of softball t PICKFRIIG — The Pickering Sport Togs novice girls' select softball team finished a fine season by qualifying for the champi- onship final of the recent Pickering tourna- ment. The Pickering girls won i their first three games of the y tournev, defeating - Mississauga `'alley 9-6, Ty Milton 10-3 and Erin !Mills 10-9 to qualify for the championship final. They lost their fourth game to Chingacousy in a valiant effort. 1`o score was provided. Pitchers Jenny Burgess, Brieanne Casteio and Tara Ross combined for a total of 2R strikeouts during the tournament. Ross and Castelo both hit home runs for Pickering. Jenny Burgess was selected as the team's most valuable plaver. During the season, the squad participated in four tournaments, qualifying for two champi- onship finals and one consolation final. Team members are Tara Balcoc, Davina Blenman, Jenny Burgess, Brieanne Castelo, Michelle Evans, Andrea Fennell, Jennilee Froggett, Jodi Kagavama, Sarah MacFarland, Kim Moore, Tara Ross, Arlene Slomka and Karen Woodward. Coaches are John Burgess and Bob 1 oodward. REP TEAM TRYOUTS A 11AY Iloncisonc cc acil.%�• ::. VLn Nov AA Aug. 31 5:30 6 30 RM Ajax C.Cifi) R ck S1umy 428 8337 %IaJ Nov A A Aug 28 7 008:00 PVT A;ax C C (T) Frantic Rolxns. 427-0910 Min. Atom AA Aug. 28 6:W-7:00 P.`i, Ajax C C i I:) B:,! �eufles 427-9077 VSaJ. Atom AA Aug. 31 6:00-7:00 P.�1- AJAX Cm torr c'cxtdlo 428-3834 Vitra. Pw AA Aug 28 8:00-9 00 P �i AJax C C.(E i B:li c'a:rol: 42' 615t, Maj P w A A Aug 31 9:00-10:00 P.M. Pt.Jt �-'tl lage T,, Balcarns 686-2962 Vain Rant. AA Aug 28 9-00-10 01) P%I ,\fax C CT) Raa J.ncs 686 3678 Maj Bant. AA Aug 29 10 00 11. 00 P.M. PI'A Villagc Vic:: u'-g�; nK 3-4S N Nit.lget A Sepr 8 5 30-10:30 PA! AJac CC.t1{ Ker k'.:c h)7 2223 N1t.dgct AAA Aug 30 06 '.! ix) PM P:d. `tliagc :,r•:u:n r. h.'O 4';1-2 TrvouLS for AAA are helei in 2c -, t ­ ...,ri. th— D: 4._:.._ u._.-�.__. • --_-' _- _ r further information regarding tryouts, please contact htarg Enroll. 427-7228. All player must be registered in order to tryout. For information on other tryout dates, please see notice at A!ax Arena.. or , ontact coach. Ontario Hockey Schools ADULT HOCKEY CLINIC FALL SESSIONS September 5, 12, 19, 2611-- 9:00 P. m. -10:30 p.m. (Pickering Complex Arena` Delaney l Rink c_-=� t_J • Playing once in a while? Y Emphasis placed on skating techniques • lilaking a comeback? puck handling, shooting and passing • Late starter? • Complete goaltending program • Want to acquire coaching tips? ' Nightly games "This program was designed for Those adult leisure players tbat want to refine their skills, get some exercise and bane fun.' -Program Director CRAIG CHANDLER 'Required - Full aqui CALL TODAY TO RESERVE (905)839.3794 z $100.00 (Includes G.S.T.) Payment by August 31" including face 111 P THE NEWS AD% ERTISER. WED.. At1AIST23. 199+-PAGF, 29-A SCOREBOARD 7 7 13 13 O 0 14 14 Espte Aeeu at Sports 7 Mides Wetter-PWwitg 7 10 11 1 1 S non Dods), Sport Togs 14 (MVPs j I , a &Marry Partington) vs Century 21 Keek:o MI I I1rr9 6 13 1 rz—PICKERNNi BASEBALL ASSOCIATION O CreNive Paint o Paper 2 1 B O 0 Trophy Factory 11 1 13 17 vs. FloinMVP Waters 13; Duthem Ang@iB 20 TALL DIM610N Comere 2 18 0 0 4 4 Mnxlhens Bladr 17 7 7 3 17 SYS' OIVISaON Ajax 18 0 Is 0 0 W TEAM W L T ITS T TEAM EWEEWDIVISILON �0. Cank" 21 -Flora Vmletws 1S (MVP Mende Paint Paper Plus Dakota Bob's 1S 7 8 0 14 Bay Dukes 14 vs. Bell Sygma 2 (MVP Brent CENTRAL GUNN SOCCER LEAGUE 4 2 Toyer Panlbe Buick 6 0 16 Lib" Liberty Mutual Insurarncel S 3 T 0 PTS T 2 Fawc@M; Bete Sygma 19 vs Morgan construction 13 (MVP Mark George); ;Premier Trophy 16�y (as d Aug. S ARP 14 4 Ambodes Dental CMI; 13 7 0 26 Trust - PTC 10 S 3 23 Sierran Spa 16 6 8 2 14 I - - While); Premier 10 1Syp9 TEAM GP wR L T-111 Routes (� » Scoff) Sport Sport Togs 14 RA PTS MacNeil i Roberts /3 - - PW -ft ARob 10 7 9 0 1 26 2t Plaque Patrol Dental Venhretrend 11 7 O Phuiterig Phob �rdhens Blue 17 7 10 0 14 Pickering Martinai 16 S 11 Sol (fes Konsta Hrsimaki); Carpet Scarborough 13 13 0 0 Se 6 39 Licks Licks g Optitnisl Clue S 9 9 3 19 Corp- Bnmrnr Pod i Spa p 9 6 T 3 222 g 0 10 WOMEN'S LEAGUE STANDINGS Towne 14 vs. BN Sygma 14 WW Ank r MaMtra). Teem Number One 12 vs. BM Sygma 7 (MVP Coin Pickering 2 13 Aim Warriors 13 11 7 2 6 0 77 18 33 kikering Now Choice 8 7 9 7 2 19 � Ilornda 9 8 2 1 21 19 Week en6rgAug. IS Ellenzwei Bell S 91: Sygma, won by default over Apx lhuited 12 S 7 0 0 30 14 31 21 Is FramingArt Canine 11 2 Is p ~� F� S� 9 9 0 18 PIS L odge. Whitby 13 S 8 31 Alar nriwi Molds 8 R. Bursey Reel Eetab S 12 13 2 2 14 12 rinikV Lk*r*sd 7 9 2 16 Pkhardson Ego Sills 14 9 4 1 SmnA Food Far 15 6 7 2 pORTNCanada YORK WOMEWS SOFTBALL LEAGUE Pickering 1 12 / 0 1 1111 67 4 ROOKS BALL OMMON Petro Canada 7 9 2 16 14 Bay1y'9 14 S 7 SOtURT ONKW REP DIVISION WON P4uge 12 1 10 1 9 Se 4 TEAM w L Y PTS Dull rin Games Room Dfkouml Paint Canis 7 7 10 1 15 2 13 Oisma Spa 13 3 91 7 (Swellings as d Aug. 1 S) EAST uNDER-is TEAM DIVISION Eddie Savcie Meet 16 Fuss Pet Foods 6 11 12 0 14 ATOM GIRLS' DIVISION (Ag I b 1 TEAM W PTS OP Oshawa 11 tet 9 L T RF RA PTS Aulody I IS S 0 830 30 Boyer Pontiac Buick 3 13 0 2 12 WM Electric if ) vs. Durham (�P TerMuris 1 1 0 19 18 1 0 36 Scarborough 10 8 1 1 1 1 36 24 10 15 2S 25 g Visile spdt8 4 2 BANTAM OIVIdON 6 Angels (MVP Leen» Morison); Sport Tops 10 n); S OshawWAftya Jshaa* 19 14 5 0 28 Whitby 11 5 S 1 24 24 16 Subway Srndatehse 13 4 3 29 TEAM W L T PIS n MVPs Amy Paegort OernieMe GuMeuy rs Mrlsyi Pk koer g 8 19 12 6 1 2S Etobicoke 10 4 S 1 25 30 13 Pickering Phdb 12 7 1 25 Pet Vaki-ft' rkup 15 2 1 Flarrrss 10; Central 21 -Flora Waters 14 vs. Durham Peterborough 17 8 7 1 17 Piekrirg 9 4 5 0 2S 25 12 Bob Currie Aub Lesailpl0 10 0 20 Swiee Chalet 10 b 3 23 angels 13; Sport Tops 10 (MVPs Brodie Pallet SM. SlouthriN 19 6 11 0 16 Peterborough 9 4 S 0 19 27 12 p;ckering Tosm Come 8 12 0 16 Pride, Hunk' 10 7 1 21 M is haMe Laurence) vs. HFM El, A ie 10 (LNP Erie* Picturing w 18 3 14 1 7 Nath York 8 t 6 1 14 26 4 Mighty Mokrra Dental 7 12 1 15 Oueiy Tune-up 9 7 2 20 Pta11) Marshal Homs 1S vs. HFM R —, 6 (MVP Shan W C *ouvg ZO 3 16 1 7 West pope t0 0 7 3 t3 28 3 Boyer Pontkse Buick , Shoppers Drug Most 7 7 13 13 O 0 14 14 Espte Aeeu at Sports 7 Mides Wetter-PWwitg 7 10 11 1 1 S non Dods), Sport Togs 14 (MVPs j I , a &Marry Partington) vs Century 21 Keek:o MI I I1rr9 6 13 1 13 Boyar Pounce 6 O 14 ( Ashley Marsh- Homes loo Pickering S1 yu O 0 Trophy Factory 11 1 13 17 vs. FloinMVP Waters 13; Duthem Ang@iB 20 M �DGET 7 � '�'� $OOM � Togs 19 (MW AshNy TEAM 1M W L T ITS DIVISION TE/IMI TEAM �0. Cank" 21 -Flora Vmletws 1S (MVP Mende Paint Paper Plus 1 0 >s n Designs w 4 2 PTS Prrtehard) vs. Marshall Homes 10 (MVP Jessica Pride Finandsl Corp 16 4 0 32 Art Thompson Arene 11 S 2 22a4 Palmer);Angels 12 Nie Zorn) vs Notion Auto Body 14 4 2 30 Hoult a lefrreN 11 7 Elac�� n Ca 4Q Marshal (MVP Saran Cvs. Piriuertrg Plgirrp Fields 14 6 0 28 Mudhens 10 6 O 22 Routes (� » Scoff) Sport Sport Togs 14 Mauro's Cr Care 13 7 0 26 Pickering Sic Sports 7 t0 2 (Ashes Crnl. C MFM 20 20 (MVP Christina Phuiterig Phob 11 9 0 22 Hpcoe Credit Union S 12 1 1 15 11 17Electr.e Stterpkss) vi Durtwn t 7. D Angola Victory Fin Equipment I1 9 0 22 S. Andrews State Farm 3 15 0 6 DIVISION STANDINGS TEAMS Boyer Pontiac 9 10 1 19 lel"ERING SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION G W L T PTS Durham Angels 16 10 6 Printing Unlimited Future Kids - CorrpuM 9 7 11 12 0 1 16 15 MEWS LEAGUE STANDINGS 0 20 Marshall Homes 16 9 6 1 19 Certlhad Has" i Air 7 13 0 14 Week erwng Aug. t8 TEAMS G W HFM ENuxre t6 7 5 4 18 LOEB - Glendale 3 15 2 8 Platinum Freght 17 12 L 4 T 1 PTS 25 Century 21 -Waren 16 5 8 3 13 Sport Togs 16 2 a 6 10 L' •fit R E r� 1 Celebrity Lanes Y.B.C. 963 Brock Rd. S. Pickering 5 & 10 pin (ages 5-18) Registration 1-1� :)in - Sept. 9, 9 a.m.-12 noon It;I .� : oin - Aug. 26. 10 a m.- 12 noo t Registration Fee: S12.00 Cast per week: 2 games - S5.00 3 games $7.00 For Information Call 5 pin - Christine - 839-4690 10 pin - Celebrity lanes - 831-2920 P�cREF sKaI r^-:1 AUDLEY ROAD STABLES FOR RIDING PROGRAMS Children 8 yrs. & up & Adults 656-4641 AJAX Call for info. & tour appts. w ."REGISTRATION NEW MEMBERS ALIG. 24195 7:00-9:00 P.M. PFIRM MEMBM "7 DEADLINE AUG. 1&55 PICKERING REC. COMPLEX (upper level main lobby) KIDSKATE - FOR CHILDREN 3-5 YRS. OF AGE CANSKATE - A C.F.S.A. Learn to Skate Program (for children 5 yrs. of age and up including a special needs program) JUVENILE, JUNIOR THROUGH ` TO SENIOR Level Skaters ICEBREAKERS - An Adult Learn to Skate Program PRECISION A ADULT COMPETITIVE SKATING - (Tryouts Sept. 5, 8, 12 & 14, 95.) FOR MORE INFORMATION ON ANY OF THE ABOVE `I PROGRAMS, CALL THE RF.S.C. OFFICE AT 420-4117 _) N- �' ��, i\, i, "� •--~ int 601 KINGSTON RD. (905) 683-1209 Learn the �-t of Stained Glass Duilijain 10 3 01d Miligxton 11o.td 1'ic•.ke•riMMg % illage ErIS t SIE 1 RO'S LARGES 1 MLSK' CE%THE 10 wk. Beginner Courses Starting Sept. 12. 13. • �1> prop idt.- 1 • qtr, cirscounts Li h., Spaft ces Book Each Music -LESSONS NOW E1ROLl11G FOR SEPTEIER LESSON' SHED[LES OVER 40 QUALIFIED INSTRUCTOR'S TEACHING ALL STYLES OF MUSIC FOR PIANO * GUITAR * WOODWINDS * BRASS VOCAL * DRUMS * FLUTE * VIOLIN AND MUCH MORE... OVER 200 GMT. -ARS ON DISPLAY & T11OUS:Ati1)S OF MUSIC BOOKS 905-428-6266 ** 905-428-8792 PAGF. WA-1'HF NEWS ADVFR7'ISFR, WED- AUGUST a ari. IMPROVE YOUR JOB EMPLOYABILITY JUMPSTART YOUR CAREER! Durham College Continuous Learning offers Certificates in Business, Computers, Technology and Health Sciences programs, as well as Diploma programs. All are accessible through our part- time learning courses Need a boost in your professional development' O-er 500 course offerings for Fall '95. • ,w r Don't 1%'ait - Register 1o%% 4A ' For information or a Fall calendar endar J: -� call (905) 721-3052 co ., t URHAM COLLE Educating 1-0u For The Real %Vorld 1l//1;z--WF&PfII//J�,Yj; ■ Learn a NEW skill! ■ Increase your tax KNOWLEDGE! ■ CONVENIENTtimes & locations! Starting soon! H&R BLOCR For more information call -.t 686-1395 ,1Lr c he only studio in Durham with a staff of professional adult teachers' rhe Studio of Dance & Performing Arts • BALLET • JAZZ • TAP • MODERN (I.S.T.D. & LIMON) LYRICAL • MUSICAL THEATRE- DRAMA • MODELLING • BOYZ KLUB 3 Years to adult R.A.D. & I.S.T.D. exams Competition & performance opportunities With The Gold Medalist INTA Kids Dance Co. 307 Brock Street North, Whitby 666-1528 • Artistic Director: Inta Leja Registration: August 30,31 - 1:00 to 8:00 p.m. September 5,6,7 - 1:00 to 8:00 p.m. L ' fQ book dour f>a r�eg�s On MONTESSORI LEARNING CENTRE OF AJAX PRINCIPAL: Dorothy Graziani A.M.I. 77 RANDALL DR., AJAX (in St. George's Anglican Church Hall) Please look us up when you are searching for the best school for your child. Even Montessori Schools differ in offering (e.g. Drama, French, lunches, skating, swimming and cost). We take children from 18 months to 10 years for full days, half days and some other options. (After hours supervision 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.) VISM US AT OUR OPEN HOUSE Being held on AUGUST 31 and SEPT. 6, 6-8 p.m. 90YI 14 � A tea ages Looking for something a little bit different? Try baton twirling. . ohllitness and competitive *` All and coaches -ecreationel are O.B.T.A certified. CALL NOW: (905) 837-1293 s DANCE STUDIO INC. - -� (416) 686-5797 �\ _ 5-0 %_EST\EY RD., S, MAX 011 -SC riTRY KAY PLAAZA • BalW - Jan . Tap 3 years and up. • Main level entrance Ath lots of wen • 4ral recitals, tical �_ • Special adult classes. Irl parking • � ,--iu student photos. • ��mpedove classes • Fifly qualified staff (no student teachers). • Easy hEas Y PaYb plan available.SP �Y equMed teaching t� AJI saqa n Cld infant emergency. . ^�aSOnabb rental recacost In@S.AltSOW*& era arwlwanc�f'3 Pius f� Sava, rK^wa,- �S DANCE DOLLARS KI COUPON VA I v VAI 1. F Ati COMBINATION BALLET — JAZZ — TAP CLASS ALSO REDIUSAABLE FOR I PAIINKI f TOES CLASS; (JLPO% r Xr•fwf-, NC AC..�AI. if"::ifH\fl' 1IViIA\. DENISE LESTER DANCE ACADEMY CO. 1550 Bayly St- t'nit 24 & 25/1134 Kingston Rd. r')905-839-3041 Serving Pickering for 23 yrs. with Students dancing on Broadway, at Wonderland. in Commercials, Industrial & operating studios of their own. _ • Winners of many, many medals, trophies + overall awards in - Canada & the U.S.A. Save the • Exam work covered in regular classes. • coChildren n ' Year end recital, we work to keep recital costumes inexpensive. trophy winners. •Competitive groups. • Best lyrical group award. • All classes suitable for Males & Females. Pre -Ballet 3&4 yr. olds. Combination 5 yr. olds. Ballet - 6 yr. to advanced. Tap/Jazz 6 yr. to advanced. Pointe - by audition only. Advanced Modem - Advanced dance background required. Acrobatics 7 to 11 yr. olds. Acro for Dancers 13 & up. Highly Qualified Teaching Staff Denise Lester - Member SATO Ballet Tap Modem Choreographer Award Winner 88,89,90,92,93. Suzie Cunliffe Brown - Associate - Ballet Member of Tap Modern Choreographer for Wonderland Wendy Matos - Associate Ballet Member Tap Modern Cindy Willems - Associate Ballet, Modern Member - Tap ,Beth Given - Associate Tap, Modem Beth & Christine Gold medal winners Registration Held at Bayly St. Studio Returning Students Tues. Sept. 5 & Wed. Sept. 6 10:00 -12:00 5:00 - 8:00 New Students Thurs. Sept. 7 5:00 - 8:00 it 7411F NEWS ADVERTISER, WF.D„AUGUST 2.4.19”. -PAGE. 11-A __M Yt x ♦ 't REGIST-.RA T1 b Fg ,y 4,-..-L,-._, -o� 4- y Quality Training In A � ��ok Caring Environment 0 llkoa * ONE Teacher: Terri Robitaille B.F.A. Dance (hons) * Best Price on classes, costumes, recital, etc. * Small classes (max 10 students) * Sprung floor for safety * Special classes for Adults & Teens * Family discounts TRIXI lo% OFF. -� TO ALL trtl'P,G 1���I;, Ballet ages 6 & up DANCERS & TEACHERS . An appreciation and N.S, G I L D A I I I :1 1 - understanding of music are developed along with Our Store is Ideally located in strength, muscle tone, Pickering Village Square MIRELLA balance & grace. (corner of Hwy. #2 & Randall Dr. ) PLAY AND LEARN PRIVATE SCHOOL Ages 2-5. Central Ajax location. Half day program 2, 3 or 5 daystweek. Excellence in early childhood education. Art, music, phonics, math, french, science. 668-5173 for September registration. e u �n�e�smer SCHOOL of DANCE, M.B.A.T.D. CLASSES IN: BALLET tit TAP * JAZZ * POINTE * Ages 3 yrs. to Adults * Qualified teachers W*a*M OF B-A.T.D. STAGE * Annual Recital & Competitions SCHOLARSHIP * BADT exams 94-95 "Congratulations to All Dance America winners in New Orleans `95" Registration = Returning Students Thurs.. Sept. 7, 4-8 Fri.. Sept. 8. 10-1 New Students Sat., Sept-- 9 — ' `11111111111111MI43 Station St., Ajax Three rano Dance Artrcrka "`mow' 686-0141 DURHAM DANCE t, & �r 1z; AEROBIC WEAR � Pickering Village Square I 60 Randall Dr. Ajax, Ont. (9 05) 427-0443 REE D COME IN & SEE OUR FULL SELECTION GA i1;I BA OF BRAND NAME PRODUCTS AT COMPETITIVE PRICES. Creative Dance Dance Beginners ages 21/2 - 5 ages 5-7 zz AV NUT" Stimulates the child's Introduce the gild to the -zr Ay zzzzzz� of movement & music enthusiasm of Jazz and �„ 2200 Brock Rd. # 17 (in the Dellbrook Plaza) (90S) 428-9906 i while developing the joys of Creative Urtn�� rf R �rmlrt% lrts •Jazz *Tap •Ballet •Acrobatics • •Musical Theatre • REGISTRATION FOR CLASSES August 30 August 31 September S 6:30 - 9:00 Beginners to Competitive - Ages 2 1/2 - Adult - Year-end Recital - -Competitive Rates - Family Discounts - - -Dance Exams (C D T.A. - R.A.D.) - r. -Limited class size - fi 7Op 7 9 Sao CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION AWRK'AN DANCE AWARDS (905) 428-9906 (416) 284-1320 Quality Training In A � ��ok Caring Environment 0 llkoa * ONE Teacher: Terri Robitaille B.F.A. Dance (hons) * Best Price on classes, costumes, recital, etc. * Small classes (max 10 students) * Sprung floor for safety * Special classes for Adults & Teens * Family discounts TRIXI lo% OFF. -� TO ALL trtl'P,G 1���I;, Ballet ages 6 & up DANCERS & TEACHERS . An appreciation and N.S, G I L D A I I I :1 1 - understanding of music are developed along with Our Store is Ideally located in strength, muscle tone, Pickering Village Square MIRELLA balance & grace. (corner of Hwy. #2 & Randall Dr. ) PLAY AND LEARN PRIVATE SCHOOL Ages 2-5. Central Ajax location. Half day program 2, 3 or 5 daystweek. Excellence in early childhood education. Art, music, phonics, math, french, science. 668-5173 for September registration. e u �n�e�smer SCHOOL of DANCE, M.B.A.T.D. CLASSES IN: BALLET tit TAP * JAZZ * POINTE * Ages 3 yrs. to Adults * Qualified teachers W*a*M OF B-A.T.D. STAGE * Annual Recital & Competitions SCHOLARSHIP * BADT exams 94-95 "Congratulations to All Dance America winners in New Orleans `95" Registration = Returning Students Thurs.. Sept. 7, 4-8 Fri.. Sept. 8. 10-1 New Students Sat., Sept-- 9 — ' `11111111111111MI43 Station St., Ajax Three rano Dance Artrcrka "`mow' 686-0141 DURHAM DANCE t, & �r 1z; AEROBIC WEAR � Pickering Village Square I 60 Randall Dr. Ajax, Ont. (9 05) 427-0443 REE D COME IN & SEE OUR FULL SELECTION GA i1;I BA OF BRAND NAME PRODUCTS AT COMPETITIVE PRICES. & rhythm Jazz ages 6 & up Funky Hip -Hop is combined with traditional Jazz techniques in this FUN class which develops rhythm, co- ordination, fitness and confidence RETURNING STUDENTS AUGUST 28th & 29th 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. NEW STUDENTS AUGUST 30th & 31st 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. 73 Old Kingston Rd. (Pickering Village) FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL TERRI 683-5767 r----------- 810tim * $ 1000 *' i •roomy. TursCa m 0.wemesoay -10 OFF *Thu -Jay • 102 am -7.00 p.m TEM Dollars Off Any •FrW&y 1000am-&-WpnL Minimum Purchase of 1�1000am5QDam sfty. I $75.00 or more (905) 427-0443 e " ; w,akJ.mka s any uaones Pmswv IOt iHcoupon wan purd,aW - L ------------j '' 401& Creative Dance Dance Beginners ages 21/2 - 5 ages 5-7 Stimulates the child's Introduce the gild to the -zr natural love for all types grace of Ballet, the of movement & music enthusiasm of Jazz and while developing the joys of Creative imagination, co-ordination Dance & rhythm Jazz ages 6 & up Funky Hip -Hop is combined with traditional Jazz techniques in this FUN class which develops rhythm, co- ordination, fitness and confidence RETURNING STUDENTS AUGUST 28th & 29th 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. NEW STUDENTS AUGUST 30th & 31st 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. 73 Old Kingston Rd. (Pickering Village) FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL TERRI 683-5767 r----------- 810tim * $ 1000 *' i •roomy. TursCa m 0.wemesoay -10 OFF *Thu -Jay • 102 am -7.00 p.m TEM Dollars Off Any •FrW&y 1000am-&-WpnL Minimum Purchase of 1�1000am5QDam sfty. I $75.00 or more (905) 427-0443 e " ; w,akJ.mka s any uaones Pmswv IOt iHcoupon wan purd,aW - L ------------j '' 401& PAGF 32-A-7'HF NEWS ADVFItTISF.It. WFD„ AtIta1ST 23. 1".4 Y - Pickering School of Ballet _ > Dance Academy A . 51 Durnford Rd., Scarborough a � - (Port Union / Hwy. #2) 416-284-6784 Director: Karen Davies - Thomas . National Ballet School of Canada n " *Join now and Receive a Free year _ _0bCM* r faH TEDDY'S for a younger child - 5 yrs. or Younger' - ` LEARNING . - - CLASSES IN: Classical Ballet CENTRE R.A.D. and Cecchetti methods iSu'01? ~ wz ^Pointe and Repertoire 1235 RADOM ST. `' r= Modem, Jazz, Spanish, Flamenco DICKERING Music for Young Children ' ;�&fffis'ing came RECREATION HALL Music for Moms and Tots Has vacanoes for September in our Nursery School program. Adult Ballet and Aerobics �� ti•n' s '" FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASESelf -defence classes CALL EIRA MARTIN (905) 839.6472 or REGISTRATION: AFTER SEPTEMBER 6th also at ��� sss3-0707 Sat- Sept. 9, 11 am - 2 pm ( 839-2120 CALL NOW FOR MORE INFORMATION Tu,eylb Ar+rns"'ersary -� 7aujuelirre's ScFcoolof 'fiance MUSIC o FOR d YOUNG CHILDREN DESIGNED FOR CHILDREN AGES 3 AND UP Music for Young Children offers group instruction In piano including singing. rhythm. ear training, sight reading and con vosing p Graduate with. t/TI�J - Jade t Piano - P-eftmrnary Redirrlents Small classes - parents tnckjided ,quire about lessons beginning this Fan PICKERING Muriel Arbuckle - 831-1220 Carta Anne Corcv - 420-8830 AJAX Joice McKay - 683-8432 Tamm,, Gibson - 686-1643 M ry � .l�aazll;e d is quickly and successfully developing into an energetic and personalized skating school. Accomplished skating programs have been offered for the past 11 years in the Durham Region. The popular Laurie's Learn to Skate is geared towards 2 year olds - adults, beginners to advanced, figure skating 8 a skill development program for hockey b ringette players. FALL _REGISTRATION The next 10 week session begins the week of Sept. 25th. Early registration rwll 9iwarRte your sprit. MUSIC -Y CLASSES r ` Supported with ROYAL CONSERVATORY OF Ingrid Yen MUSIC WORKSHOPS Music Studio Saturday A.M. Classes Preliminary Rudiments REG. DEADLINE Grade i Rudiments Grade 2 Rudiments SEPT. iM Grade 3 Harmony e7..Ms oomamaaoe frown Sept* 23 - May e •M, F-MIURRIDT1319M•1 1•:• PL4NO LESSONS • Award winning Piano Teacher in Pickering • University Graduate Major in Music Performance e Proven results: 90% of students won top standing in Music Festivals, Exams and Competition • Specially tailored program to suit student's need • Limited space available for September i9os W 0v of 997 i3 Ontano Ltd.? Jazz - Tap • Ballet - Pointe :SII cLtsc� a:r lrasci ()n BritL%li A%.%(K-iati()n ()f Traclk-r% ()f DArking li-kl'.D.) Syllalxl.. Agc% i ycar� t(1 Adult Spvctal Tut -n anti Adult class-.. JACQUELINE'S SCIIIOOL OF DANCE OFFERS: y • ( - unrrttr+n. • N; 'ring Itrcttal vmuritK l� In. under • \� ,rk%lu r% �. it ATI)- *s-, 11 -Alm, •—mnu.-r 1'rrf(xtning • f a -W Tnp%t<1 ,� r.i /err. ! ,zm '1 tile- `.1fW W1.11 11'.1Urt ( 4L-S3BAnI —IN '425 RiTl'Rti1ti1(i !i"-1),ENT% r; * :i(1g - O - ; (x) - H (, Wedding' 5 9.30 - 1lc(Ill int - * Winner of - - ?� '* 7� F- ;:(x) ti•lx (, 2 First Gold f I J N (X) `) - 10 00 - 12 1 X) Jim Medals. - d1 Aln}Ptlm k) The Hub 14"-1 (Mal)4,rlkl.) it IiK 15(.dfwi•cclrrn,kx) t i' _ KFS •P 't IC13I ' KA -11N -W11111 A IS A 1 0 00AN► DANCE CEN OSRF 1755 Plummer St. Unit #12 • (B,sde Pickering, Ontario L1 W 3S1 Kids Tel: 837-2528 Worid) Director Tammy Roberts Tap * Jazz * Ballet * Pointe * Kinderdance Adult Classes All Classes Taught By Professionally Qualified Teachers * Tammy Roberts - R.A.D., D.M.A. Come see our * Lynn Ahmad - R.A.D. Dancers perform rfor at doFritha King - R.A.D. The Pi Town Centre ALSO OFFERS August 26 ' R.A.D. Ballet Exams (Royal Academy of Dancing) Competitions in Canada and United States *Professional Workshops • Annual Recital * Summer School ' Returning Students Aug. 28, Aug. 29, Aug. 30 * New Students Aug. 31 b Sept. 1 From 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 each evening s 5 News Advertiser' 1301 Ave., Ajax, LIS 21-15 683=0707 Fax 683-7363 aw+ew 'I'HF NF.WSADVF.RTI%F.R.WFD..AU(;#J.W '2.'i. 1995••IAGIR 33•A . Combined Pressrun of 122,800 every Combined Pressrun of 122,800 every Wednesday 11 careers 11 career I 11 Carers 11 carers 11 carer: ME Career: Im carers 1111 carte= 11 careers School of Business P Computer Programming & Business Applications 1450 Kingston Rd. PICKERING t! r r,I ' �rtl 1 J� ELECTRONICS COMPUTER & NETWORK TECHNICIAN • COMPUTER SUPPORT SPECIALIST FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY BE AVAILABLE Scme programs offered only at Oshawa Campus Cal! today for further information and FREE -e's—a r1P-.1eA SERIOUS ABOUT YOUR FUTURE? GET THE SKILLS YOU NEED FOR TODAY'S JOB MARKET • CDwun SERVICE nailoc" • DATABASE ADMMSMTOR • COMptM PROG1tAMAtER a ADAAIMSflUTIVE ASSISTANT • PROGRAMMER ANALYST - oma MANAGBt • NETWM ADMMS MIM - BOOKKEEM "COMPUTERIZED ACCOt1NTING CLERK - ELKTRONICS 1E04NIGAN PROVIDIE YOU WE • FREE CAREER CONSULTATION - LATEST EOtWMENT 3 SOFTWARE • ONGOING STARTING DATES • FINANCIAL AND INFORMATION' • DAY OR EVENING CLASSES - SUIS WARRANTY • WlAIiIED IRMLICTORS - JOB SEARCH ASSISTANCE i C_ DI COLLEGE want you[ From us you will requires •"t° r°' of BUSINESS 3 TFCI1`N0.0Gy MORE THAN 125,000 GRADUATES SINCE 1969 ®MONTON -10ROM . IIW&I . SASNAW ON . GUM • Moilmli I . LoiG". ". IAVAI • MKSISSAUGA - IMMLTON - OSHAWA - IIWAMN . WiliMM. NAWRY . VAWoi - SURREY - VKTORIA - CALGARY tDl Cals,e of laiess i Tigur✓ Astissare wry be -.ilk i ei,ik Oshawa - ftity - Clarims"is THIS WEEK 'News Advertiser AUCTION GOERS!! Durham Region residents can now get up-to-date AUCTION LISTINGS via our new dedicated phone lines. All auction notices that are published in one of our publications will automatically be listed on this phone line. For Auction Listings Call 683m7545 Clarington Residents 4042615 Train for the careers of today and beyond. Register now for diploma programs starting in September ✓ Computer Skills ✓ Computer and Supervisory Skills o�rnanclai assistance may be available to those who qualify Call for a free consultation with our Career Advisor and start your future. today. AJAX (905) 427-1922 MARKHAM (905) 940-9100 MISSISSAUGA (905) 238-6422 DIAMOND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE Registered Private Vocational InSllri.te NON-MLM NETWORK "— MARKETING PRE- General 1 Ge Her' I General General General General LAUNCH Revolutionary Im Help P 1 Help 1 Help Help 1 Help sharing plan for aver - and above average so obs in one Property "vers Call 24hr. inlor- NAJRSTYLISTwanted. ^ 'X,? '4161462.7487 Supenntendentr We need Experienced with clientele Self -Motivated superin- Personable, Inendly and tendents who know that the 1 Generaldependable Great oppor bottom kne is the only ming Help tunrty, Pickering area. Call that matters If you are hon - 905 -839-3511 as[. hard working. have mechanical aptitude. can -sell- a person on renting ADAMS SERVICES and are competent then we want you[ From us you will requires receive field -leading com- CLASS AZ DRIVERS pensation We pay the most 2 yrs. exp.; I.C.C. Medical, and expect more! Please Police Clearance, Clean at)stract, the real opportunity to ad - FuWPart time. „afCe ,„thin the organlza- tion Fax resume to Call Randy or Carol (416)441-2625 430-2204 'r�'r REQUIRES SERVICE ADVISER Automotive background required, experience pre- ferred. Self motivated person with above average customer service skips deeded, for our busy 7 day a week service centre. ALaQ required part time Scuttle Driver / Janitor Pleasant hard working person with dean dm(rtg record to work shifts, evenings / weekends. Apply with resume to Service Dep.. 1300 Kingston Rd., Pickering T`•akoatoy. MAT VAC.' COU s M STAFF 11 P -M. - 7 A.M. FRL AND SAI. 3PJL-iiP-%L MOAT. TO FRL CALL ("S) i31-1971 Capture our expertise! Increase your job possibilities! Employers want up- to- date applicants! Continuous Learning (fifers v(Tu the .kill~ and kn()wledge that t(xlay'. rmplover. want. ('h(x)%c from user 5(H) night sch(x)1 : lur.c, offered this Fall i995. Register N*0W Call 905- 721--41011 or 905-721- 31152 for a calendar. L IL- DURHAM F.duk Athnv l,ru F -,r the KrJ1 4S nrld. Continuous Learning is offering Firearm Acquisition Certification this fall on the following dates: Sept. 16 b 17. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Oct. 28 & 29. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Nov. 25 dr 26.9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. CODE HUNT 1902 FEE: 5131.12 Register Now! For information call 721-2000 ext. 2496 Educating you for the real world ii■i<_Gene p General �Hel'p r' 1 Help 2C AZZ DF1IVE2 MUST HAVE ..ONE YEAR EXPERIENCE ..ICC MEDICAL ..CLEAN ABSTRACT ..CRIMINAL RECORD SEARCH CALL 905-725-9324 WE ARE HIRING! 4 POSITIONS TO BE FILLED. Door to door promoting isurvey. No selling, no commission. Evenirxls $15 /hr. Call 905420-4880 Car a must. PAGE: 4 -A -THE NEWS ADVFRTlSFR, WF:D, AUGUS•1. 2i, 1195 GeneralGeneral General ' Help 1 Help , Help dr S"CWrWtS $DRLM MART PICKERING TOWN CENTRE REQUIRED MIIMEDIATLEY Experienced franchise POSTAL CLERK Part time Apply in person to Sandi Wood We have an immediate opening for a reliable individual to be trained by us as a professional CHNNIEY SNEEf' The key individual we seep must have a van or pick-up truck with cap in presentable coriftorl. be well groomed, fit and not afraid of heights. 5400 - SM. per wtaek to start For an ■ terview tall MAGIC TOUCH tHNANEY SWEEPS at 686-1414 AGENTS required to mar- ket an emergency roadside service New company in Canada that pays Msrduy income Inqunes Phone or fax 705424-2455 EIGHT week Profess+onal Fklnstry and Business Pro- gram. •hree week 70por- kax1Y Fl"ry Course Part MTM even,,q course In- hor video courses IMen- a" ?ming start your own business work at horns or snoc k1,1w !ria secrets. lnOw !ne tools. know Mie trade Career sc^o, Fora Des,gr S2 SIM- COE ST S. Oshawa (SM 436-1991 Tranng assistance 'ray oe avaw- able r you are over 45 and recently led Off ROOF INISTALLIMS tded. Sitting Me- nses needed to be W" for ilea akJ- urn roofing Brake metal workng ex- ence a must Ref - res needed Travel area Cal; Brac BEL -DEN HOME D PROVE- tNaa ASSISTANT ECE teacher required for Ll People's Play School In Ajax to be- gin Sept. 5. For more info. call 428-9909, ask for Tina. CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertise► mwesls that advertisers check for ad upon pubYca9otl as News Advertiser wil not be Iesponsit* for more than One ntxxlect insertion and there shall be no iabdiy for noir-ir►serlort of any adver- ttserrlerrt. Uability for er- rors in ads ti krttifed to Pte &Tarn paid for the space ocm"" the ems. AN M IS $tibiad 10 the ap. pmval of manageTerx of News Adver1off DOMINO'S Pizza now hu- mp management ca ndi- dates. part carie Data mak- ers and drivers. Please ap py at 300 Dundas St E . Wh'fh or call 430-0030 or 683-9993 EXPERIENCED SNORT ORDER cook wanted good wages. appy, In Per. son. HaWX0 House Restau- ram Port Perry Requires Cleaners. days and evenings drivers license an asset. 683-4134 6;;;;al IMI Office ' Ge He I ' 5WWWI IM, �^HejpIM, Help Help DI nnrwrlivuat wanted for Now HIRINGI Counter busy vlff,itby salon. Salary staff. Must have customer Pius commission. Contact service experience as well Melanie at 665-0279. as keyboard knowledge HELP NEEDED. Replace Students gang beck to Col- lege. 5350-$700/wk. Call Ray 985-8491, 721-9679, Velrcie required. NOUMEEPEll~- Wine, approx. 3 afternoons/ week for busy family with Good silos. Rou- gamoc"t t a ml,Reler- ences.905-509.2W7. IIMIEDIATE position wamhouse/customer serv- ice. bilingualsend resume to MENTOR, 13M Bound- ary Rd. flint 10. Oshawa, Ontario L I J 6Z7 MAKE aid. SM eEasy telephone wak. Easy sales. We will train. Full and Dart -Ura . Salary pie bonuses. Adults and senior students. Days and even - rings available, Phots 427- 2620 (Class Rus Carpals) MODELS NEEDED Female Ages 7-26 EARN EXTRl1 WC01E Travel to exciting Ltibes New York. Pans. Mian Call for FREE consultation M5715 dOVIF PFAPt F T- -s fastest growing agency seeks extras for film and ^V we need athac,,ve People to play the following Dans. upscale business ype I"u" and farh•lel. '*sm•n. poke• persons. HAIR -STYLIST wanted J•1• rv" fashion rrlOd•Is 'A or p•rt-hme-'Mf1' Vuak- Or swrms�rt models, My sed Salary von coni we Earn S7 -11/50x Work sen. call 427-9738 Djars"toed Call Angio• 416-961 2226 Call The Dry Cleaner at (416)925-7770 or tax your resume to (416)923.9135. REQUIRED FOR SEP - TENSER, Small private school in Ajax, Part time Position approx. 4 his per day available. Person to paPare a soros kilncn, dui ties also include kilch•rt tidy p. Applicant met be aware of or prepared to team correct food handing procedures. For further into car The Principal at (905) 428-3122. Some Permanent weekend and full Oma positions open. Should have transportatim. and be available year round. Call Mon.- Fn., 8:00 - 4:30 GREENWOOD MUSHROOM FARM 655-W73 START NOM - Local company has posmona available in an depart. Monts Earn up to $14 82 Der hr if qu~ No •x. p•rienee necessary, own transportation required Call Monday only 404. 0403. 900 430 TAXI DRIVERS and van drivers re•d•d. fid or pert toil•. must be over 25. contact Bev 10 am - 3 p m U-4aiy - Fraley. 571- 1331. for neerwew if BUSNESS ASSISTANT part time tele- ketedbusiness stant required ediately- Must able to work I own home. I full use of a *hone, and 3 an excellen mand of the flexible and pay Plan is negotiable. Call (905) 509-5904 or fax reeulne tO (M) rRENTwwr wAV.M is now socepting applications for school Pus drivers for the BOwmarMNNCourbp area. Experience nduding a doss B licence praklrred but not necessary if rater. can L reg or WA #T= afternoon & night shift. Apply in person. Plaza Restaurant & Tavern ass llarwelei s., 683-4281 11TRFSSFS r WArrFIM E.ap•nenc• preNrred Also most ss•s Apply wthn �sAwvpwe. 3060 Garden Fax News Advertiser ?Q7 683-7363 DUCTWORK installed, moved. relocated Excellent rates Free estimates Elec- trostatic a., cleaners, hu- Mkdd•ers B.g. Small jobs Cal' Pa- 026-0295 TOMMY'S HOME IM- PROVEMENTS- carperitry. dry"! Dasement apts Tec room porch" & decks :e- raimic ties Car Tommy at ( 905 ,420-8105 V.1.P Home Services we otter 1 stop shopping so why look turther?) Special- izing in home cleaning. grass cutting and ramming windcw washing. eaves- trougnmg driveway seal - ng. For tree estimates Call 427-26E7 J.S ARMSTRONG DEV. INC. Speaalkzing in custom homes addl!ions, renova- tions, ret rooms and basement apartments. Res- idential andcommercial Serving Durham Region for over 15 yrs Free consu!ta Dor Call Jeff 905-428- 6706. 05-42&5706. 'MISTER CHEAP* Home improvements, ret roorns.in law apartments. additions, fences. decks. etc Lr censed for over 20 years. all work guaranteed. for Free estimate call Ernie 905-404-8170 'rnprovemints SIGON :,.xlstn,ctior Lid, serving Dumam R•¢on 'or 19 yrs Additions. sundepks pabo doors. windows. rec- rooms flagstonw tree ash. mates 905-576-5760 EUROPEAN •le speaal- -st wen renovate your bath- room or krcnen wags as well as nocr ties Good rel- erences and satisfaction guaranteed For tree esti- mates can D Dykstra 725- 4— repairs and renovations electrical, plumbing ceramic tiles. carpentry From small repairs to major renovations. Fuiy guaranteed free est, mates (905)668-3300 Fal iliilmoroverlllr,Is AJAX Fewce and Deck . wood lances. main Ink. custom decks 30g rum. PW enclosures. •spans to existing lances Over i years of elands On eltpen. once Call 666-4955 of 1- 8061i9A-8160 •� Handyman HANDYMAN .awn cam. yard cleanup garbage re. moves Any oeMr general work. paining. enc Call Greg at 6e6-7699 • ' Painting 6 • Decorating Flying.® Moving Services • Storage HARRY-O-TME-MOVERS Move tug or small, we price '-em all' Free estimates, �lnwrs discount. snort notice ^oves Plaros moved. also appliances Comparable rates Call 432-2850 MEN will large truck will 30 household )loves. raw- Cid"bal, comfrlercial All types of moves Call Carl Or Jane 427.2856 plumbing r a u e Moving & MICHALSKI MOVING electrical. ENTERPRISES a Storage nouses, apartments, offiaopliances and piano � wall Palating, dry walling, uausts Senior and mid- rrtost household peaces, repairs, small lots t2 Ft Cutwa Van Will move )mon discounts Free estimates ImateS, almost anything' Very cont- Excellent service Call 436- IIanO welcome pertdive prices Call Pager 7795 Moble 718-0342 4-4663. Call Phil at 41-416-553-5144 (5105) 420225 AJAX Moving S MOUNTAIN 560-4663 'n9 ySt'140 -fun MOVING SYSTEMS services. moves. appliance TMS PAINTING and piano specialists Flat We move any vI rare or hourly. We now hie argnere, anytime LJCLvOR heated storage units Now Comme•cal0 rrsdenaa Handyman n oMerng tree boxes wnh Padragmg, storage and tabes Interior & Exterior move Pari' and load special, available Sena & mW Month starting at S99. and up Call European Workmanship for inm forationa dismu^•s F,ee estimates. 725-0005 • ' Flooring, • Carpeting CARPET Installations - 25 years experience, re- strelthing. our speciality Free estimates D & N Duncan, 987.1799 or 987- 1800 WANTED - EXPERIENCED professional telemarketers. Apply in person to 'Clean plus Carpets', The Finley Centre. 937 Finley Ave- Ajax. Ontario. Between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m Phone only 0 you need directions. 427- 2620. Full and part time positions available. DOHelp IF you are single of a Sin- gh parent or separated or divorced with three years work experience. you may quality for financial assis- tance of 11 you are over 45 and have recently been laid off, you may qualify for training assistance. DIP/ CERT.. Lok., WorW1•rkd, D -Base. Word. Accpad, Bedford. Autocad. Ventura, Pagemaker, Harvard, Cor- el. Corrlputer Prograr^nning and Systems Analyst Co- bol. Pascal and C. Photo- shop. Ouark Express and Illustrator. Durham Busi- ness COMPOer CO". 427-3010 LEGAL Secretary. 5 Vows mrn"nUM workng expen- plc• required in nlatrmo• mill, trim nal, word perfect arta PC Law. Pickering. 831--0000. Salla HpfAV* EARN extra money now Recnutng demonstrators ')r beauelul kine of owl . great hostess program Christmas Around The World provides 5300 kit. 're• tranng. tree hostess iff Eam a weekly My - check now until Cnnsf es Also booking panties Call Now 1 8010-37%.XMAS House Cleaning LISE Cleanng,excellent rates,lust give us a caftwe wilt make your house shine By week or every 2nd week Supplies provided Call 432-7583 PROFESSIONAL House- cleaning available for Wed - Thur - Fri mornings References available. Phone between 4- bpm 435-1048 Gardening A LarldscalliN INTERLOCKING BRICK, driveways, walkways, pool, patios / steps, retaining walls. tree estimates. call BnckscapeInc. 668-2742 MISTER POST HOLE, au- gured post doles, setting of posts In concrete (905) 665-0400 RECEMxiOMW/ WORD PROCESSOR AJAX Our well established client requires an individual for a 3 month Contract with an opportunity for full time employment. The ideal candidate must be professions with excellent skills on Word Perfect 5.1 for DOS, and Microsoft Word 6.0 for CALLTARA TEs(.: (43L6) FAX: (416) 29*4*47 am= ' Sales • F's� Agent EXPERIENCED Rltdarl sales help •quo for fab- nc store in Pickering. Only, those knowledgeable in -both' sawing and retail need apply. For further n- formatlpn call (416) 206- 5223. JOMVMCE FOODS. is seeking mature. reliable. erwg llc, full MTM sales dark Must be able to work anywhere n Durham Re- gion Apply with resume to JOhmnCe Foods. 1801 Dundas St E Whoy in tie Kendlewood Ptaza PRINTING COMPANY n whillby requires a motivated tug time salesperson to service existing Cho and build up new, clientele Fax resur.re b (905 432.1813 REAL Estate Sales Peo- ple, no board twos, no desk lion. only S125/ yw Call Ron at 683-9063 Cas - am we Alpha R•Mty. House Cleaning IM, Sales H All WHITBY NEW HOMI BUILDER Requires a Sak Hest/Hesless to assist oft -ski tial& poseur to tit September 2. Put -time hcwrs w some flcXlbilit) required. tiease sr resume to File #71" P -O. Box 481 Oshawa, Ont L1 H 71.5 • Par • Sevico PIANO APT sae. Ua Tisch. Feendn Provn Ann finish. cushlo encs. very good condi! `1995. 3 b o432-3381 Ir• 5 Mon - Fn 7231 E•�•Lw� Drivir Schoo JiCU�SCHOOL -4 lessons and te: $105. Party •10 Lessons 515( Services *Full Course $255 Free pick -up and dre � off (416) 287-3060 MAGICIAN, clown friends. ready to entertain for any age, any occasion. Birth- days promotions, open- ings, fund raisers. Magic shows are fun[ Lettuce help 839-7057 or 728- 8334 RABBITwants work doing magic for children's parties and all occasslons. Have my own magician Call Er- nie 668-4932 E•]4'Busines Service SHIATSU Therapist to( ng for treatment space established health clinic club setting Available i mediately Please lea "wastage 686-3703. fFice Help Skilled SkilledTIIF. NF.%'S ADVERTISFR, "'ED- AUGUST Lt. I9"-PA(;F. 35-A Daycare Flea Articles Help Help J[04 Availableam Market • Lost & Automobiles Autorrabik9 Aulortlobiks For Sale • Found EM For Sac! For Sale � 19 Warded AQII ITV U&-rAI C AJAX, SOUTHWOOD Kitchen stave 1 a mond. ex - - - caving daycare cement cond , E250 o.b o y �ya4EotaiFURNRURE- ladles geld wed- 1989 Cadillac Sedan De. TAKE A DRIVE TO Growing Pickering Firm available, SummeriSep- of Ontario's oldest and MaeO One nor in Pickering tCalll elatherRoyallublue, door, DARRYL'S WHERE temper. openings.Black d Decker battery Requires nts 683-A0call Ja- lawn mower. 3 yrs old Bast manufacturers snow (905)43rY2964 174.000 km, oil changed loaded FOR GETOU MORE RMOPIEY. Hardly used. $300 o.b o. ming direct to the pudic. every 5000 km since new. OPERATIONS PERSON Cal 683-8369 Eg oak pedestal table and FOUND, grey & white fe- Immaculate condition, 1991 Lumma APV, van, 4 chairs $849 7 tt doubt male kitten r 5 black with IMeno fu FOl1ND u Counter sales Preparation & control of order flow • Inventory maintenance • Shipping & receiving • Operation of saws & shear Direct or related experience required. Please apply In person to 965 Brock Rd. S. Pickering No phone calls please. b"" Aircraft parts manufacturer has Immediate requirements for lathe, mill and CNC operators. Comprehensive wage and benefit package. Must be willing to work shifts. Please contact: JEM CANADA Margaret Walsh 20 Progress Dr., Orillia, Ontario. L3V 61-13 or Fax ( 705) 326-8688 EMSkilled Daycare Help • Wanted TABLISHED plumber 7u,red who is familiar r commercial and resr- nhal work Required for rv.ct won, Must have n,c,e Please call Bram ,_..,2e ..-lawa Company JIreS MILLING MACHINE & ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS Call 9051 576-4359 Wd . Aug. 23. and -hurs-. Aug. 24 ONLY. "ween the hours SEWING- AtACHINE OPERATORS Ckain, awdern mie• plant locat- ed is piekering. ho44rly rate plus 111111ieerr vverk bonus - Must be experienced - Call Ca Mos ,gas) 420 -*784 ''ct! METAL 114- ALLER, nknenum 3 ,xPenence can 905 - between 9 am- 4 F,I ,,ANTED small and e engine mecharve, ex- nce reawred Own 905.9859312 need- ' Daycare • Wanted AILING mature nannies ve out care for 3 child - yrs 2 yrs 9 months, 2'Church. Ajax Call I" "Re Sep Stan Caregiver for yynites,Okla- noma area. lir 5 & 3 yr old. that attend Fairport Beads P S • 114richtm,e & aper school. 2.3 days wee -K Children mutt be picked .:p .rid dropped on at the ,ehool It you we exp- - ,nCed with children, warm. 1w1g and can terve nut" OYS .meals and Snacks Please call 839-4636 FOR : boys. gong to Fair- wrt P S One in grade 2 -.nem JK 7 30am-6pm. 5 :airs/week LISA 68 831-79 "•e^r'g' LOOKING 'ur Mn Doubt- • re' Warm. fun. creatuve .tnd expenericed Care-gr'w terrific kids, u 8 yr ^rotherl :liter our NOrhe- 4oSsiar,d/Thickson 730 a m 5 30 p m Mon - Fn S225/wooh 579.4568 6-9 �m NANNY required for 4 . 'Acini n In Newcastle. ages 1.7, 5 and 2, my home. burn ' •re 7 30 a.rh until ap- "0" 6 P m Start irrrne- ateiY 728-5167.6-4 D m �• eve 9875776 Card Siete to area. daycare 4edod for 2 children 2 3 Llrys/wwek WIMn rxalK,rg istance to Lincoln Nexar , Daycare • Available 4011WHITES RD Rekatme daycare, CPR framled, hot nutritious CATERED lunches. Separate Sleepin] lj QlI , lots of plat/ area, IrvoutdOorS. MuSt VISIL wont be dl5appomle0 Cal! Mary 839.6812. Daycare • , Wanted MKING MR MRS, MOTFIRE Trained nanny req• Live in or out. crock rd. 8 finch area, girl: 29M./ DOy: bmth.l golden Whey . 25yr'5. Must �11X`ak fluent En*A, have min. 10 yrs, exPer., be & and EXcelWW salary f right ',nail ref, 6 re5unje to: 50 Tebw road M0,111fim ant. L3R 1E5 Aft: M5, Adams Or fOX to :(905) 4774879 All applicants treated confidentially ALLY'S CHILD CARE Not lust a daycare. but a child enrichment centre. *2 ECE stall & assistant 14 week menu plan rout- ings 'parties crafts •cir- cles, etc. Cone out & let your child be the judge. Two spots avadabe over 1 year. Liverpoomayy Ally 905-420-6278 L... ATTENTION INFANTS. mother of 2 w/6 years ex- perience as a caregiver will Provide a SlImulating/warml loving environment for you Please tell mom & dad 427-0630 DAY CARE EXPERI- ENCED Pelson located at Brock Rd HWY s 2 phone 905-683-5653, call bet- ween 9 am - 2 pm Regis. tered with Wee Watch DAYCARE avadable Monday Fnday Brr ck and Finch area, ask for Betty 1905) 683-5278 Three Tonths and up. lots to TLC 13 years experience DAYCARE Available n home. experienced nom. roasorabie rates. -1 smoke,. White's Rd and Bayly area 509-0674 ECE. NON SMOKING mother avium Provide daycare I Our home huge tenoed yard. batk,ng onto Park. WhiteS/Stro,uds area. 831 7612 EXPERIENCED Nabysrtter required. Man F- 3 30prn to 730pn. eopK.e,, it xpen. once a flow Call 427- 8234 no calls after Bgm Mon with ECE exp provd- ng diddcan in her home. full NO days program FMted yardlunches. snacks. ouchgi Cam app. 'k;5 RI' "55 NANNY / HOUSEKEEPER required for 16 mon old RN CPR First Aid. non- smoking. Orvr t•ar -.Oonabon a mist Seeking Nnerg••C. hones;. rehabie individual t0 rnintatri loving and stimtiat- ,ng env,romrment Mon Fn ('1x`5'427 <il r,rm.9pm NORTH AJAX Mover at 4 with 8 yn expenence in Child carewill provide rek- able kTnog daycarie rot your chid, n my none. stain" Sept Non Smoker. mon- :tois Munche, lots of toys. Church St N area, 427- 67-5 SOCIAL 'Aorke, '6 yews experience will Can lot children of all ages Hair. wood/Mwy 2 area star" Sept 51,l, Cavi 4C- YW SOUTH AJAX, 'ttmann Cres. matter at 3 will can t,1 1.2 3 1.2 year olds. 'minced yard. large -,av- -am. Close to Park ar l schools. meals provided 8 30-4 30 ;hembiei Please contact Mrs Serpantson all c'9-2771 Ahites OkiahOma, expel meed daycare avail Ni ages. starting Sept 5 Cali Firewood AMAZING DEAL! SEA- SONED HARDWOOD at low prices Apple. ash, ma pie. hickory Serving Puck enng. Ajax. Whitby and Oshawa. DURHAM FIRE- WOOD 427-4741 FIREWOOD Excellent quality hardwood Guar- ane feed. extra long timfumy seasoned. cut and Spit. Honest measurement Free delivery. Kozy Heat Fire- wood(905)753-2246 FREE FIREWOOD, SKIDS & PALLETS Hardwood and softwood mixed 'Free delivery avad- able In the local area. 20 small loads available 100- 120 skids and pallets. 10 large loads available 300. 400 skids and pallets,June and July's special offer, call now 905-430-2887 leave message WHITE, KELVINATOR, 30' stave. with oven tinier & clock Excellent Condition $200.428-6579 ' Articles for Sale 4% DX33, 4M Ram, MM HD 15- DAEWOO SVGA Monitor. double speed. CD Rom. 12/1.44 FLoppy, Drives in a nxd tower. So" - were . Games . More New 52650 asking 51700 ob o Call 668-194o. APARTMENT CONT- ENTS fa sales some col- lectibles. moving. must sett. Call (905) 576-7012 after 6 pm BACK TO SCHOOL SAV INGS- ri teens and boys quality ciothring, boys size 8 to mens triple XXX Large Over 2000 an cies to Choose from with more ar. hi^^g daily We sell top de- signer labels at well below wholesale prices From ca. sual to cress cloMing Pac- es Stan learns from $9. shirts $6. ties S3. shoes $9 blazers S/9- suns $29. Jackets from S15. plus. Plus. pus Salesrnehs Samples. end of Ines aria store cb3e-o ts. (all new of course) are also available at Rugged Replays. Dur. nems Only upscale new and next fc new clothing store for ^ten teens and Dogs. Take Hwy 2 b TI%Ck son Rd n Wrwlpy. go South to 3rd light .Bums St I turn left. first plaza on len Note we are now accWwV fait Clothing Open Man Salt Can Steve for more Into 404 2063 BE COOL"' Air condition- ing Service Cats. Wind. ow Units 6 Central Ar S25 i �p By licensed 1t1CMi- cLar '.;ail 432 -565 CANYCORDE11i New w,m owl man wiarrygy horn ,reit $496 - or rent to own lir only, $5 9S/wk (',all 571 14.1 CARPET At Prices. buy dreg wholesale. Free in- stillator, for free estimate cam Sal (905)432.2750. or pager 416,980-W147 Carper Broker. 100%. Nylon U,,k. b,,h Stan r, satalx carpet For 3 rooms. only 5369 00 Pip n- cluoes 3o Sq- yds carpet. OMuxe 'tad and installation in your hone Free quota - bon n your noire No in - WOW, no payment for One full yew. Dari ill. 1-800- 21- -800- 21 _ .4 CARPET your home at dis- count paces 1001% nylor,. stain resistant Pip rick d" Pad and extort tnstamabon Can %ICK at'905� 430-6551 COMPUTERS. compete used IBM systems iwpnnt� ors from 5349 396's with punters 5555 New 48633 5949 486 DX2166 SI.275 CO Rom kits 5189 pnntar $100 28 8 modems $199. WES 44- VGA . olor rnoni- ton $195 Suit the mtemet S29 9:, Dr -one 697 3060 DESK '_., sale. 4 drawers .all with shetl attachment great for students. 5100 ,batt cn�•cnn DRUM LESSONS Private lessons available , rea- sonable rates. Call 428-2000 ELEGANT, Marble fade. purchased at 'The Art Shop in Toronto. New $1700. askIlg 5900 OBO. a must be seen. 430-0.322 HAIR Salon furniture . stations, pump chairs, Sinks & units. shampoo chairs. reception desk. Dryers, and much more. call (905) 430- 3156 Kenmore washer &dryer, 5450 pair Fridge8 stove. while. $1300 pair 1 year old Call 723-0957 MOVING SALE RCA 33' I v $'99. queen bed $450. Ikea sola 5399. AIWA ster- eo 5,399 • 728-1539 Pedestal and 6 chairs $1499. cannnonball beds torn $399: Over 20 stain chokes. all solid. no veneers. Traditional Wood- working 905-985-8774, PIwNpSIfsRANDFA- THER Clocks - Durham's largest selection -New and used pianos. Not sure? Rent to own. apt size. upright• grand• digital. key- boards TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON NOW! Telep Piano Woks. 433-1491 SAVE Money on home entertainment Create your own horse theatre for less man the price of one nigh out on the town Complete systems Installed from Only $15 50hvk Call Steve 571. 1413 SHEDMAN - quality bam style sheds. built on she. 8X8 $649 GST Included Other sizes and display available Cam 905 509- 4961 STEEL BLDG factory Sale' Save thousands on 24 x 36 30 x 36. 38 x 66. 72 x 120 Lxnded supplies. care erect/delner Ends 8/ 31 tail Pete 905-6493722 TeaCner'S workDoM,3 sun able for Sr Kindergarten 10 T 4 Cafes 906831 5-5- TV/VCR COMSINA- TIONS T qty romote 20' screen Rent to own by phone for only $7 SQtwh Can S" '4.3 V3tKSX :Denputof VGA 1441 Color Monitor & mouse. MwbfoM Purl ter (Star) Computer Speke•s ildtnxt Dos 5.0. PMWS"15. asking 5 / 000 o b o Can (905)579-3791, 100" "less A-1 We pay SS CASH SS tOr TV .S snot. gold I"i 0"--s.gutain.CO-S ar,ylh,ng you nave buy bath 7p,On_ 121 Brock St S. 430-36W We service an major household appwwes re- fr,gerstors, washers and dryers. lreeaen. %roves. dt M&% ers. gas appunc- as Free eshmates 7 days a week 905µ2b-%589 Whete apps nc," washer. 5300. gas dryer. 1250 !S500 for per) rani0gara_ for. $50c Stow, S 1 oe Package Price $1000 can Articles Wanted ANTIQUES Absc,utety. Purchase" hunrtre d an- ythrng old SwrWic instru- rm k . China Silver. aOiler titrhg. toys. decoys, dogs. milk bottles. CWections o, estates Cam Robert Bowen Antiques 1905) 655-8049 Brookim CASH PAID for navies. video ;ames & systems. TV's & VCR's. also VCR ci0anng and adjusterwts available Piease phone 404-2',0 WANTED to buy - older furniture. glass. Chula. zol- bc ales. memorabilia, watcn- s, etc S,rgle peals d Arts & • Crafts CHRISTMAS IS COMING rah Sale- 4 Sundays m sept Fishermen hand .vts, beautiful dolls, cross ,Vch wan plaques, and --ore gifts Come see 91 Garrard Rd Whitby i2 lights east of Tfkckson) 905-434. 5289 DRESS MAKERS Inven- tory Clearance 50% on fabrics, lining, remnants. bridal. laces. head Pieces. patterns. knitting wool, sik and dried flowers, jewelry liftings craft supplies- Aug 26th & 27th 1995. 9am- 3pm Carolyn. 7 Empson Crit 683-2519 Master rand & Visa accepted POOIS, Spal HOT DEALS! BAR- GAINS GALORE - 16' x 24' rectangular Kayak pod includes decks & fencing. $4.595 Meets total by- laws 20yr warranty 1-800- 668-7564. PickenngfAlax, phone 416-796.7509. app ox months old. very affection- ate FREE to good home. Call 420-0085 FOUND- 4 six week old krt- teas. Free to a good home. Please call 420-9118 LOST -Grey short haired cat- Downland 6 Whites area. White under chi & on belly. No collar. has been micro chipped. Please call 839-8394. Ron,PeftrUPOW Bord" 'ALL YOUR K-9 Needs under one Woof • at K-9 Klubhouse in Alax Obedi- ence classes starting Au- gust 29th, evening and daytime available at rea- sonable rates Enjoy our fun and easy rranrng ses- sions for puPp,esidogs of all ages Also available Grooimng and Doggy Day - Kate For more into Can (905) 683-7852 5t 0.500 Fnancir avail able. (905)435.7627/ (905)420-5057. 1909 Honda EXI, top- of - Ow line. white. 5-spd. std.. original owner. lady driven. excellent corwxtion. 140.000 ken $7800.666-4354 19W COROLLA 5 speed. one driver. low Iul., best off- er (905)420-1535 1991 EAGLE PRE - WERE, LE., fumy load- ed, air, leather interior, 4 dr., excellent cond. looks rims. doves like new, $7500 (905)263-4011 1192 AEROSTAR sport. XLT extended., quad cap- tain's. cruise. power wind. ows and doors. aic. secun- ty system Excellent condi- bon. $15.500 623-500 1990 ASUNA SUNRUN- NER. 4 WD. 5 spd , con- verbble. black. ainlbm Cass 63.000 ken Regular man- tenance Asking S995C W,II certified Ask for Cary 905138 0196 GOLDEN Retnever pups. CKC registered. first shots 191 BLUE ESCORT Ready M GO' Cam 436-2911 wagon. standard 5 Spred. a dr excellent _ondebon KEEP your dog waste out $8500 two 428-758' of the DOGGIE garbage Use WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM Life- 0rre guarantee ball. avail able n 3 sizes. gam 9pm. ' days '905 72354.3 OSHAWA OBEDIENCE ASSOCIATION -resents oastc & utility classes sun- irg Sept 12 tri. and Puppy. basic 4 •,ovice classes Starting Oct 2nd fa mon mformabon CM Bev at 435-00" gin,' Automobifort ll 11.0 fide C,Alass. Excel- 4nt rurmrrfg conditgn. taw mileage "10 fist 52.000 00. 16 IOot deck matte. 150 hp. 53.000 00. 697 19" 19wism can. ktase to own Ewryore qualities On UWCn WCB, MAS iVo nteresr, no Crede Check From 5275 down 570034 Onteno.LTO 1976 Notion Rd 666-7428 196• BUICK SKYLARK Excement Condition cwetr4 bed. $170C 00 or bast peer 728-9348 or 7265NM9 1963 Chevy Cerebr V, 4 odor 'V6. steeeo. Pis. pb. p, w, tin thee, bucket con - Sole, new Darr.. excellent condition n4"or. $1995 :enned o b o 686-6.83 1905 ,e8aron GTS turbo. 4 or hatchback 5 sot trails waded Good mean rn car Hurry on encs orx j1', A Certified Call a279722 anytime Rust Open 7 days reek, rnocon Big' -w,, Saws 1985 Mercury Cougar red, auto all ps pt. 52500 1968 Plymouth Robwt grey. auto ps. Po, min+ ass S'495 576-1385 19.5 S..ca GL Wagon new Drakes- new axle new CV boot mew, battery. no. rotors. AsK:ng SSW 000 Good running ar Can 4,L'-9155 1906 >iebnty, Eurosport. V6. 4 door, ice cod air. black w grey interior, hull options Steno, factory ak,- "' mags Certified $3595 Low Kms 686-6183 .!W Mercury Capri, $1000 686-2569 '91% Mustang. V6. au- k. miiibc. air. sunroot fuiy waded. 2 door win hatch, excellent condition 1 own- er.S2200. Car 434-4512 19.16 OLDS CIERA BROUGHAM fully loaded. bucket$ console. 4 Jr. V6. excellent condition, was $2995 now 52795 certified ( 905 r 686-6183 1996 Pontiac 6000 I.E. 4 or V6 auto PS. Pb. Pw. P locks. am'fm stereo Cass Only 132.000 km. new paint. was 53295. now S2995 cert. Cal 427-9722 anytime Russ Open 7 days week5ndoors. 19@7 Jeep YJ. 4X4 6 cyl S 5 -sod. sots 8 nartl tops. 160.000 ken . no rust. oiled since new, New tires. Reese trailer h dch 57000 cert 9853183 after 6 p m 1968 Optima. 4 speed. certified. asking $1500 579.5749 1989 Ford Probe. 135.000 kms. 53500 o b o 404- 2117 4 dace 4 Cyl. auto trans a,, ':orhd. 0 steer. PD Drakes am 1m cassette AP brake system. pow- �XXS Only 56.000 ken g^" teal with matching .^ very, clean . OPA 076 1987 HONDA A : Irl Lx - 4 door. marc. cruise control. a^.'m Cass. one owner. '-t clean Fw shed n +-a-npsigne gold with "., w kiss matching mtm r "� :ertihod K ePA 071 SA - NISSAN ti+.•� Van 5 pass air automatic tans Cass P windows Oen.. super clean. cNMied. lint met ,.. and silver, maac" IPA 072 1988 HONDA + 5 speed, armrtm . fully cert only . - 000 km Saner met •ora #PA 073 1986 CHEVROLET 3 A X 4 :omplete -R• V8. auto 0 steer rakes 'aG0 needs :Ile work Jelcert. . ePA J56•A . P-ce _ PELESHOK MQ TQq� (►_,tAX_ LTD. S09 Bayty St E. Ajax, Ont. 683-6300 1994 C._b Tempo. 4 dr auto. air con 30.000 xm S890C a best offer Peter 723-1'55 or 434- 7564 EXCELLENT z,. ncj ion. 1964 Dodge 600 ;rev. -cater steenrug, -ower Drakes ots d new -arts. asking SI.000 hr^ 3;.3-8794 GIANT ANNIVERSARY SALE!' .Ve are overload- ed win aver 50 quaky pre- owned vehicles and we need breathing morn' Come �n and choose your next car from Cert,car where Customers solid their friends and relatives 8 min vans. 19W to 1992. starting at 53.995. 7 Cavaliers. 1985 to 1991 starting at 52.995. 3224 Cavaliers still" at 55.995 1993 Es- cort LX. loaded with 50.000 km . S9.495 . 12990 Fob Probe LX. 6 cyl , air. red and fast. 56.995. 1990 GMC S-15. 6 cyf auto, low k's. 58.495. 1990 Grand Prix LE. 4 or , loaded, low k's $6 995 . 1990 Dodge Shadow, auto. air low K's. $4.995 1990 Biazer 4 x 4. 4 3. auto, loaded red. 510.995. 1989 Caprice classic station wagon. loaded. nigh k's. excellent runner at 1987 price. $5.495 1988 Jeep Wa- goneer Ltd loaded 57.295. 1989 Dena 88. Royale. ailed. nice. nice Car. $6.995 1988 Jimmy. 4 x 2 6 cyl. loaded. $7.295. 1985 Dodge 600 convert ible. mint. 54.995. 198' Firebird T -top. 6 yl auto. 53.995. 1984 Lincoln Town Signature, leather, slider, and only 107,000 km 53.795 More to choose from at Cerbcar Auto Cen Ire, 155 King St. E, at Mil- town Mall, Oshawa. 579- 2866 grey mY loaded. 3.1 V6, 99,00ok's. 511.995 1991 Mercury Topaz LS, teal, with grey Interior, fully loaded, 121.000Ik's. 55895 1990 GMC. Safan van all wh" drive. burgundy with bur- gundy Interior. fully loaded, 76,000 original Ks. Hard to find. $13.500 1990 Choir cavalier burgundy, with grey interior, new pair/. V6. new bees, air, tip. IA, am/fm cassette. $5795 1989 Chev cavalier, 4 door, auto with airburgundy with grey interior. onginal parts. 11 s.000k's. 54900 1989 Chet cavalier 2 door. grey 5 speed, new paint, new white letter tires, custom stripe. 85.000 ongrnal K's. 54950 1989 Ford Ranger Pick up. 5 spd . V6. blue. with high Ilse cap. 78.000k's. S59% 1989 GMC conversion van bur- gundy grey two tone. fumy loaded. 4 captains chairs and a benCl, that :Urnsin10 bed '4 1. 0001- s 58900 '908 Olds Calais 4 door marool will, •maroon ~- or. air tin. ar Im ccasssette. ^Rw tires. 69.000 ,ngnal .'s $6350 1988 Chev -avaker two doorauto mew -aint. very Clean 53995 - 368 Olot Firenza. 4 door autorma6C ,eery, clean, grey with .Nue ntenor. '17 OOOks 53995 19@8 'itssan Sentra 2 door au- '-•nabc red. wit^ ;rev in. '. 101 126.000k s $3995 3@e Nissan Sentra 4 door. speed rb nim -pity, 0- -01 187.000k s 23395 167 Chrysler LeBaron T S . holly ioaded. Ms ..On Dr, mar00r1 )' 000h 53495 1996 Nd Aero Sw Conversion u wry clean V6. • i -looks bench seats into huge Dec 95995 186 Toyota tr,ca extruded n. red. .;� .n:te cap "" sra.: 5 speed 41 OOOk s 54495 1966 las a4Z very two 2 door a0sd. T-bir roofnow c ant and stripes. V8. 56800 19@6 Cadiilx C -,arrin very rare. 4 000'. ,ut0 V6. ku•y csxsso. rose - mood .,ml burgundy. -tether nterror 54.000 WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE 'FREE' towing for scrap, used or abandoned cars trucks the pick-up. top prim per. Lip to $100 (416) 281'3499 MOfTruCkS or Sake 19N GMC, short box. 5 speed, standard. AM / FM. stereo cassett. asking $4500 000. 72345464. 1992 LADA NIVA. 4 x 4 Excellent conditionlow li- ~ers Great off road dr",tng. Asking $5495 cer- lifted Phone (905)57fr 9656 1995 GMC 1/2 ton, regu- lar cab. ting box. V-6. p s. p b . 7.000 fill . Askng $16.500 579-3140 MOTrailers HARDTOP a^r rade.-Ice- box water hook-up Stove Skteps S. excellent condi- tdn S' 50C OC 430-609.+ • Marine 16 FT STARCRAFT BO- WRIDER 90 no Merc 2 tops. spare pop. trolling Palo. trailer. 53200 090 days 427 7411 Eve 576 932: 11193 KAWASAKI JET SKI XI -50 CC. low noun. as.,-, $5 500 (905, 433- 2Q4'i Canoes &Kayaks J)w 20C new S used :arrow grid KavaKS. tail prance of rentals. I euros bleu s. 5 new stock All must go 'lyes- %uge Bear!' $Caltic"jIJr. Z`W 3C Oct ' :.ail aiKer on l'ae.a• S KavaV 1 -MOO -661-14-14 or (-o:)hl+- 1144 •goal K s. 55495 ' 983 PROP % SK E G REPAIRS adillac Seville 4 door F,bregass supii cast ,.toemalbc 030#0, cno- System Epoxy. Dost pant nate, brow,,, wit?, same r Oshawa Class Fibre Pro. S",.. oi.cfs ltd 3.1• C„r^air^ All CARS CERTIFIED Cit Oshawa 905 5T9 AND RECONDITIONED , BEFORE WE SELL 'HEM DARRYLS AUTO CENTRE. 1-0 SLOOP STREET EAST OSHAWA, CALL 436- 3522 OPEN THIS SUN- r �« Dav ' A.:torrobiles A tomobrk5 Wanted ' Wanted CARS FOR CASH' we rev your veh,ue Cao 427 J4', or come to 479 Bay:-; St East. Ata. at MURAD AUTO SALES Apartments For Rent RAVINE xury basement apartment 1400 sq ft of ax. living in Pickenng Pn- •ate entrance. walkout tasement. ground level. wool. 1 -bedroom, 3PC batt) = rst/Last. $850 Firm No Pets. Oct I Call 905-686- +726 2 bedroom, located at 309 Cordova Rd. No pets Please call 579-2387 or 576.6724 • PA(:F. %-A=1-HE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED, AUGUST2.i, 1"K 11 Aparlinents 1 1� 11 Apwr tt`sflAn, t Houses 1 T • 1 Rau ice A 1 1 �t"'kF,r s"�,k • 1 ' 1 o�«�wm 1 BEDROOM bachelor basement apartment. suit- able for 1, non-smoking, private entrance, all inclu- sive $450/month. FirstAast. Call (905)434-6352. I Bedroom apts in Oshawa and Bowmamille. Starting at $600/month, fridge & stove included, with laundry facilities. No pets. Call 434 2407. A MUST SEEt Oshawa 2 bed. apts. in 3 -unit contam- porarY ung. Clean, WW and secure. Laundry. private Yat on bus rove. 5685 & 37404m. in- ckt5rve. No pets. 66&1432 (pease leave message) AJAX - large/bright two bedroom basement apart- ment. large kitchen. living - mom, fireplacelaundry. parking. private entrance. Includes uhl. 5775. Avail. Sept ist Scott. 416-480- 8056 or after Spm. 905- 686-8257 AJAX one bedroom base- ment apt with walkout t0 yard. 4 appliances, clean. bright. no pets. nonsmoker, available mmediatey $550 plus ubadres. (416) 724-8062 AJAX 4 bdrm bsmt apt Sep IrvirKyOtntng room, 2 baths. Irg kitchen, 4 appl. Fully carpeted o' a. own laundry, park- ing private entrance Sam 1905}686-48{D AJAX. Harwood Clements. I bedroom basement W. septate er+hance. court , cabon Close to ew*gvwng No pets Available now 5575 is . festlast 436- 2951 AJAX a,ge clean 2 bed- room basrrient ape, if wit 4 pce washroom, llkrfldlY. p&n:rg cable of utile In- akrdrrd 1st4ast $700Amnon A. a,; Sept 1sVOct 1st 696-4'03 AJAX large . bedroom basement walkout Sept rare erfranCe. 4 app . orl- tral arrvac. parking. 1stfla"t From $700 int Non-srlok ng Avail Sept Ist 429, It -2 AVAILABLE taMfE- 09ATELY Large 2 bod- roorn bnpince. A'C 4 alp prances. separate en- hance. patio. gardenfur- Iwo or not. S65c . 1.3 juelies 668-5721 AM 1258 AVAILABLE BOIE DIATELY. •n Whifty, Apt building.. spacious. carpet- ed. newly panleo. with bw1 cony. dobe 10 bus. Shdp- ping. all u.W.U&" ndyded. brSt Lief *Qu-f*d. M pets. bedroom $625. 2 bed - r -.d... S'25 can 430-0134 AVAILABLE OCT 1. 2 bedroom apes . fully crDet- ed . Laundry or, premhnes. hits with balconies Blow Wilson area. $704 mclu- stw. 72' .1178 AVAILABLE SEPT 1 De- luxe bachelor apt ap- pliances a,c. Laundry tac Suit protessrona, Th,cx- sonrDunoas No pets. non smoke, 1 sVtut Can 434 - BASEMENT 1-bewcorn. see -contained, Picker ng, parking. cave. Stove, fridge no pets. non- smoke- references. 5600 inclusive, first a last. Cad 831-7579 LARGE casement sepa- rate entrance, kitchen, air close to GO. mall. 401 No pets, no smoking 5450 Ist/last. Imrtediately. Victor 420-6863 BAY RIDGES large 1 - bedroom basement. private entrance, stove fridge, tire. place cable. parking Available Sept 1 $600. month. After 4pm 839- 3919 BRIGHT, new furnished 1 - bedroom bachelor apart- ment. tndW, stove, washer. dryer, separate entrance. Westney/Hwy 2, S595.' S month inclusive. Immediate possession, non-smoker, no pets (905)668-4960 Brock Rd./Malor Oaks. new 2 bedroom basement apartment. Spacious. sopa. rate entrance. $750 in- cludes utibbes and laundry. Call Zhore (905)427-3680 SAM RON01 A MAST TO SEE 2 rooms available Exceptionally well kept home With AIC. fee Ill. gym, big screen TV, etc. $40fJh to Cal FARN or ED (906)429.4210 or (41i)1i417p BROOKLIN. One bed- room bachelor basement apartnhent, mph smoker. Clow. quiet. heat, hydro. cable t.v., inckided. Avad- abe Sept. Ist. $475 pw mo. 66g -ow CENTRAL AJAX -ground Moor 1 bedroom, kitchen, kving room. 4 pc. bath. tiny Iumished, cable. new car- peting, pnvate entrance. 683-4754. CLEAN 1 bedroom. 5600. L40 an 2 bedroom. $650, utilities included. Small apartment budding. Sim- coe a Mill area Can for ap- pointment ppontment 435-0129 DELUXE 3 BEDROOM in well kept apartment building. in Port Perry. 15 ran norm of Oshawa. Large living room and kitchen, balcony with slid - ng doors. over 1.000 sq fl living space Ideal for re- bromerY or Those who enpy Waft Irving 5640 plus hy- dro. Available Sept 1st. Cyt 985.7349 or 728- 2255 EAST Ajax -1 bedroom basement apt Suits angle tersoh.doM to Go & shop- ng.5600 ` 3 utilities Available trnmedatey Cyt Joanne at '905) 6.9 9500 LARGE 2 BEDROOM apartmerm available King art Firison. upper duplex. Parking, findge. stove. heat and hydro $730 inclu xe btAasT required 1.416281- 9303 after 4 p m LARGE bachelor apart- ment. own rntrance. GM South area, laundry and utilities Included S48C Ist last t nimook to Suitable ler one person 579-7977 Picke- g- !off Miry 21)*- . Ir Large basement aW 2 roomsiape diving wtCn on 4pc* bathroom $575 prwato erwance Cal 686- 051: LARGE Jne bedroom air corn parking. Laundry fac Sep entrance, no pets riot Smoker rw 5550 ahclus Avail Oct 1 721 -OM Modem 2 bedroom, $545 mon inncNJde" uhlit,es, 2 Appkances. parting. Piet clew unit Cal 5767697 Mr apporntrner" NEW oasernerit apartment n Whitby Largo itacnen, both. 1 bedroom+. as uskheS Included $600 mouthy. Singlenon-smoke- pre- fe-eo 6A&A262 SIMCOE north at R s - Sem. 2 bedroom in 12-plex. parking ut:Iibes. cable ,n dudod except hydro Laun dry tiC.i•tieS Newry reno- vated S66arnontr First Last AvaraMe Jct 1 No `ease 5762982 NORTH OSHAWA bedroom apt avail invne- diatety . SSSo month bedroom apt avail Oct 1st 5580 Includes fr.oge Stove. utilities & park.ng &W-761-2 OLIVEIRITSON area. up- per duplex. t bon tnoge. stove. 4pc bath. wa"n!r' dryer in sateno loots. avail mNmedUtefy 5550 indu- srve References.. Oshawa 644-4074 lays Tor (4 c 2c9 9288 correct eve ONE AND TWO oedroom apartments, im sedate possessror, prefer couple Oshawa. central Iocabon fridge, stove. carpet. shop- ping plaza, lou stop. laun- drylac :es 725-2642 CLEAN family building Oshawa north- one. two & three bedroom. Includes Heat hydro. fudge, stove. Laundry facilities available 723-2094 OSHAWA, downtown up- per 2 bedroom duplex. newly renovated. equipped. S590month plus utilities Can 725-3090 or 723 7542 OSHAWA- tired of looking at dumps) Spacious 2 bedroom apt , loaded with features $750. Inquire about potential $50 drs- count 905-436-1442 PICKERING - Twin Rivers 1 large fumrshed basement apartment. own entrance. utilities. parking, cable, laundry included $600/ month Available Imme- 4katel y 509-2662. PKXERIIG 2 bedmorn large renovated basetrlenl apatt!rtent, hull balh, shared laundry, appliances, no pets, dose to GO sta- Ion. Available Sept 15, fftstAast releflazhces, $750 IflCllldeS Utilities. 427-•479 PICKERING, Bachelor apt., close to Pickenng Centre. available imme- diolefyr newly renovated in- duding utilities. non- smoker central or. fuN bath SSW .839-4537 PICKERING. Deluxe I bedroom. 4 appliances, goumet kitchen. walkout to garden. $700 Inclusive. Call 420-7653 PICKERING. large 1 -bed- room bsmt $600 all Incu- Sive. kitchen, 4pC. bath- room, living room. laundry available Sept 1, no pets Smoking 619-9634 PICKERING. Whites Flinch. bright . newly reno- vated 1 bedroom basement W!O, to rahnne. seperate entrance. parking, laundry. central air / vac., no pets. non-smoker. SLAT singe professional male Sept t . 5675 mdusave 905-837. 0218 Pickering- Hwye2:13rock, I and bright 1 bedroom basement apenmert Pn- vae enhance Non- smoker prefer mature sa- ge -student S61:10'10.1h Phone 428--06'9 PICKERING Liverpool! K,osno- 2 bedroom base merit W. separate en- ••ance, non-smokers nd. t Dir +e appkrnces Avai- able Sept 1 $700 Irsetast 420-9501 Please leave message SMALL 1 bdrm. tornt apt. 5600 Ano and cable Tv. con or, vac, Uthbes, doll to Petticoat Creek Conser- vation (Whites R7 S of 4C1 Cal (905)639 9411 South Oshawa 2 bedroom duplex apt avaa Oct tat $550 ^onRn Call Ron Clark 9oS)576-0586 or 705 '86 2774 eve TWO storey aoartrnent Oefewa creek oast setting Largo 2 bedroom $695 Includes garage, parking Available Sept 1st a Oct • st a;,.t • E • a WESTNEY, 410. Hwy e2 2 bedlown. bea-W new. apt 4 PC both brand now ap- pkoncas. asking $695 a C' jlc ori Ck 42q d'ti WHITBY BROCK-S of 401. Inge 1 bedroom apt in triplex. walk to GO. srw Inst 5595 cal Cooed 905- SO4-SX or 416-466-1291 WHITBY, basement bachwor apartment. 1 DiodL Nom Go train. duplex. w. pnvate entrance. newly decorated Laundry taCtk L ties Mature adult SAW, ^wit' 668--634 WHITBY, urge 3 oed- roOm: Triplex Peet Canty location. "so,naudes heat water garage, wor- aige appiki. larrldry tacA.1 es rot required. no Per, 4.6,486-0189 WHY rent whan you can own your own home for less than you m,nk')'r Cal Dave "look Sales Rep Re/Max Summa Realty (1991) Ltd (905) 668-3800 Houses 1 For Rent 3 bedroom. 2 storey 'doge stove. centra airvaC. West ney 6 40' S95C . uuknes Avail Oct 1st '905)428- 7003 1FFORDABLE HOMES ! WHY RENT? BUY! ND dDwn payment, No problem! Let me show you how! Moll. Pay. VW O.A.C. Call T91/feaa C. Plats Styles RIP, Rottalt Acewd BOWMANY1LLE. 34nd- room house. 2 baths. rec foom. garage. faced cog, l 50ltnonth pplus utilities. Gas heat. phone (9067-1627. BOWMANYILLE north end. 2 bedrotin. dafa1, raised bungalow, 4 air dunces. AVC SeSolmonth phis ulikties. Available Now 1 CaN(906)697-1739. DETACHED 3 bedroom house. TownMe/e2 for two, 5975 pus utikties Raspon- Sibk, tenants Sought 263- 2337 POSSESSION 2 bdrm bungak large from deck b y, space.0uiet dead e street. Call Albert 905-839-8520 905-831-1022 NO OOwN FAYSeDn r Good -a& 7 Good foot You can bury for Rte price of MR wh" prices and rates are down. Dow or Brest, r FbameekiLL kti60-6"f OSHAWA-spanu os bright teen bachelor apt . too 1100r, close to all arrrrxees. uIl included MaryrElgin E $425 Also Bomwamnlle- spacious bright clean 2 bedroom house. k1^m9 room. ran n kitchen. park -9. garage. min floor. 6 tar Old. OPPOSAe ort Close Ib ar rnMrbes Kmgsvww. Foxftunt 5775 ut4 mdud ed Private entrance 905 831-395 c PICKERING. man floor 3 bedroom. shared Laundry. appliances. walung (IRS Mance to Go station. no pets. TIMILLast. rMerences. $950 includes utilities Available Oct 1 427-8479 PICKERING West Shore area. 3 bedroom. main floor bungalow. wery clean. C4A. aviowe- Sept $975 m+onen Pius uriltkn. (905) 420- 459e PICKERING 3 bedroom Sam. lop loon. car it. arr/ vac. Share laundry. Yard,ublrtres CLOSE TO GO S89SAmnon Sytw any tree (905)731-9500 ext 12e SOUTH &ax. detached 3 bedroom, garage. rec roorn. 3 baths, broadloom. fenced zarta. Sap t possession. S112Smonth plus utikties fetnences 61M-41661 THREE Bedroom house fpr rent. North Oshawa. nice area. $800 pun uokNs. m, laW. references Available Oct (st 579-6935 Or 579- 8452 WESTNEY a 401 HWYe2 4 bedroom, over )ver 2000 sq h , double garage. largo ceramic ki Icnen 4 brand new ap- ollances, huge hardwood :amrry room with fireplace. 2 1/2 baths asking 1200. 14 rimer Beyer N Net _vy yow crwt4 afford t. bey a l riuMc' W Ca.Y" I C_ Help, l 8, I„ Muxa. S47ilei,. L 8, wrnr 1J.7i/m„ 1 8, huxysl". S7W. m„ FREE MFO RMAT10% I st tart huyri. %ela„rrr Call %,,.. - 24 H..ur. Nark tikapte. Full Tines Sul A...rr.Aa kalMa A...ed k:.di. ).ul S7M)1 I I , r 6116171 1 A Townhouses 1 For Rent 3 bedroom townhouse. south GM. $925/mo ubldies included Firstllast required Avail Sept. Ist Cad 435 1088 3 BEDROOM. 1 112 BATHS. north Oshawa, close to schools and shop- ping. 4 appliances. 5835/ mo plus utilities. firsVlast Available Sept 1, 666- 9421 AJAX - THREE BED. CHURCH ST. AJAX, ROOM, 3 baths, livirl9, 450 -621) s.f_ offices newly dining and family . washer. decorated & retail space dryer, Indgs and stove. from 1,000 a s I. available Available immedial". immediately- Brock Rd. $1100 per mo. 427-6784 frontage- fehshed 2.400 s.f. days. we. 579-5625 office avadabfe now. Bev CAPITAL Properties Rosnar at 416-444-7391 for weld We ko offer you the krter details. best in Oshawa Living. room, 2 Storey Spacious Spacious 2 and 3 bedroom Gig! i BON town homes. Starting at SbMp SW $700. Cal 579 2149 NOVy! bedroom basement apart SPAOOUS 3 BEDt10011 I FIMHOUSE IN WELL MAINTAM FAMILY COMPLEX INCLUDES ALL UTILITIES, 4 APPLIANCES, PARKING. CLOSE TO SCHOOLS AND ALL AMENITIES. 122 COLB0iif1E ST. E. OSHAWA PLEASE CALL MR APL 434-3972- »NlrrrEo to rem- 90;1 gp or small bear for storage by responsible person. Must be secure and dry. Whitby ares. 668-5061 (nwssags) SALE OR RENT- 1200 sq It mdustnat'conmeraal unit in Phckenng, 1885 Clenerrts Rd. Unit 220 Ol- feCe, mezzanine. wash - roans a dnve-m rear door Marry extras. Best loca6m in complex 6 34% mon gage "Ielobe Can 686 1835 A 1 for Rent cottagies A Mofor Rent AJAX, two unfurnished rooms, own washroom. share kitcheh/laundryAubk- t,es. cable rnckided Non - smoking matureworking m awson S4251mon428- 7482 or C' 7564 DECENT, clean room, re- '-'geator and beth. share kitchen, amerrbes. $90 and up Parking, Port Perry a Oshawa 726-9759 p 433- 781, PICKERING Sim" room we cable, use of kdchw waft to P+clu ring Generm Ing Station. Go. PTC S34C pw mo $I 70 111 l Phpie 420-4318 REQUIRED IMMEDiATLEY Large unhwnesled room in quilt None. use of taaNirle" 5125 aronenly. Retiforenets available. Integrity Mid erg lrwi Dors a must. tail 42516019 ROOMS FOR RENT Per Month or Week Whites Rd Oklatann Clean, brlgfu Clouse in lieu required No SmoKers Hydro staff welcome (905)420-0042 JK UTH AJAX- Gov+, quarttowi house. acpod, kitchen, laundry. students OK. non smoking Cal morNeven (905)686-1361 I Shared 1 Acconodation SOUTH 01 Minden. Davis Lake prwalte 3 pun ted - roan. Includes television. peddle, oON & canoe $450 weekly Available Aug and Sept Call '9O5 509-9913 Ral PAIIIIIIIIIII CLEARWATER luey fur- irio air conditioned -o- bale homes. CYYDnouse. hoatad pools. rid hubs. ten- rts. Close to beach*$ and motor aRractip+s. photos shown n your hone iitldrM welcome. eta trkan motel Call (905)68-'i- 5503 GORGEOUS 3 bedroom 3 bathrooms townhouse cordo. dose to famous ClerrvaNr beach, poo- M- CUZ21, Beor pnv&le yard. available Now - Dec. for Ito and to view photos -.fill" ".4f -- "`t 3'58 gin, Pnvale Mottles Far Sale 2 . t SEDRROMS. brick bungalow. 2 kitchens. 2. 4pc baths. norm root. 200 WV service. 859 Mary S N Oshawa. askhng S 119 800 can 725-0838 S LEVELslidespkt. 5 bed- room. 1-4 pc . 1.3 pc.. 1- 2pc bathrooms). a,. central vac. double garage, olec- trOntc garage door. n- .)"ord pool Close to all emontbes Very clean Groat neighbourhood F exibke dosing Asking 5169.000 160 Goodman 432 1863 AJAX araterkont share T1� SPE(:IAL-D TI\ IV • 111& BROCK RO. S. OF SAYLY. 1,2000 (M1)- 4000s.f. (m2) immediate possession. For sae ca ease Call Bev Rosner at 416-441.7391 for further details. SALE OR RENT- 1200 sq It mdustnat'conmeraal unit in Phckenng, 1885 Clenerrts Rd. Unit 220 Ol- feCe, mezzanine. wash - roans a dnve-m rear door Marry extras. Best loca6m in complex 6 34% mon gage "Ielobe Can 686 1835 A 1 for Rent cottagies A Mofor Rent AJAX, two unfurnished rooms, own washroom. share kitcheh/laundryAubk- t,es. cable rnckided Non - smoking matureworking m awson S4251mon428- 7482 or C' 7564 DECENT, clean room, re- '-'geator and beth. share kitchen, amerrbes. $90 and up Parking, Port Perry a Oshawa 726-9759 p 433- 781, PICKERING Sim" room we cable, use of kdchw waft to P+clu ring Generm Ing Station. Go. PTC S34C pw mo $I 70 111 l Phpie 420-4318 REQUIRED IMMEDiATLEY Large unhwnesled room in quilt None. use of taaNirle" 5125 aronenly. Retiforenets available. Integrity Mid erg lrwi Dors a must. tail 42516019 ROOMS FOR RENT Per Month or Week Whites Rd Oklatann Clean, brlgfu Clouse in lieu required No SmoKers Hydro staff welcome (905)420-0042 JK UTH AJAX- Gov+, quarttowi house. acpod, kitchen, laundry. students OK. non smoking Cal morNeven (905)686-1361 I Shared 1 Acconodation SOUTH 01 Minden. Davis Lake prwalte 3 pun ted - roan. Includes television. peddle, oON & canoe $450 weekly Available Aug and Sept Call '9O5 509-9913 Ral PAIIIIIIIIIII CLEARWATER luey fur- irio air conditioned -o- bale homes. CYYDnouse. hoatad pools. rid hubs. ten- rts. Close to beach*$ and motor aRractip+s. photos shown n your hone iitldrM welcome. eta trkan motel Call (905)68-'i- 5503 GORGEOUS 3 bedroom 3 bathrooms townhouse cordo. dose to famous ClerrvaNr beach, poo- M- CUZ21, Beor pnv&le yard. available Now - Dec. for Ito and to view photos -.fill" ".4f -- "`t 3'58 gin, Pnvale Mottles Far Sale 2 . t SEDRROMS. brick bungalow. 2 kitchens. 2. 4pc baths. norm root. 200 WV service. 859 Mary S N Oshawa. askhng S 119 800 can 725-0838 S LEVELslidespkt. 5 bed- room. 1-4 pc . 1.3 pc.. 1- 2pc bathrooms). a,. central vac. double garage, olec- trOntc garage door. n- .)"ord pool Close to all emontbes Very clean Groat neighbourhood F exibke dosing Asking 5169.000 160 Goodman 432 1863 AJAX araterkont share T1� SPE(:IAL-D TI\ condo With teacher Pnwate AJAX! Sacritical must Sol bathroom. balcony. fire- immediately' 3 bedroom place. indoor pool. kieclzzi tOwnhOt" by lake. 1650 sauna, tennis, all appkanc square feet. thousands in as. A'C. parking Working upgrad- $119.80000 person. non-smoker 5450, Cary 905-619-0,362 month 427-9577 AJAX Professional male tc AJAX All crick. 3 -bed - share horse wrin same All room, 2 Storey Spacious arrenabes Must like pets. and in immaculate condi- plants, parkmg &bus stop non. Inck/ding a beautiful t No Drugs 905-686 1214 bedroom basement apart ever meat. with $600 monthly FURNISHED room in 3 mcorTne Calif 428-0132 bedroom home. neutral decor. accessible to trans- BEAU VALLEY BUN- portation. available Sept 1._ GALOW, 5189.900. 2.2 prefer working female. nor bedroom. Den - W/O, 4pc - smoker $400 per mo. 3pc Hct tub, rec-room, ga- 428-9724 rage, 5 car parking, must be seen 723-9950, 723-0707 Oshawa- Adelaide d Har- mony Female to share BEAUTIFUL 2 Storey, Townhouse with same Use $105.900. 3 . 1 bedrooms, of all facilities. Non rec room, garage, walkout smoker. 5375/mon 1st/ from dining room to fenced last 434-9791 yard 5% down. $900, month includes taxes Ted PICKERING gay room male Houghton Remax Summit frill to share 4 bedroom �-� house with all amenities. S3501month Call grand new semv& single (416)925-9872 Box 4222 detached homes in Osha- wa and Bowmanvdle 5% Office & A cash back to qualified pur- • 1 Retail Spate chasers Call (905) 723. 2305 4 Months Free Rent- CENTRAL WHITBY, Downtown Oshawa. 400- Prime location, dose to GO 3500 sqh. available_ Parc- &401, shopping, schools. ung and great exposure good condition' 2 bdrm,- Best rental rates. Call 434- plus finished basement, 2447 or 6551132. $132.900 66"537, leave message CHARACTER & CHARM!! 1 1/2 storey detached brick and aluminum um home in do- sirable WE Oshawa. Ong. nal wood trim and hard- wood floors throughout. New plumbing andwrong, F.A.G. heating. SGWO to deck with fully fenced yard. detached garage. Fmished basement with bath. Ouiet street close to hospital, stihods & parks. List price $123.900. Cal 729.4699. IMMACULATE bungalow shows incredible pride of ownership. Over 1/2 acre kA in heart of Pickering, 88 ft. X 320 11- minutes to Go Station and Town Centro shownis Via" diistancce to 2 elementary schools and 2 high schools, bot Catholic and Pu Over 3000 sq. ft of living space. a rooms on man floor. ce- rarrtcs in kitchen. wash- room and dining area. Oak hardwood floors in all bed- rooms, Itvingroom and li- brwy Broadloom in family - room, 9 fl cedings in bed- rooms and kvngroom. oak wamscothrhg in Irvmgroom Entire home newly painted Master bedroom with ensu t and walk-in closet. Cen- tral air. electronic at clew- er. Park-Itke setting. over 1/ 2 acre of lawn. 40C fl of ce- de hedging 8 h W. 16 mature maples. one mature apple tree. Lot has pos- slbiAy for severance into 44 X 320 h hies At wrrhdow cOverr7gisfro-Os and saf- ekte drsh included. huge covered porch At $254.900 it wont last long Call Slim at 905-985 3555 or 985- 4 774 $101.900- Are you look 'N for a renovated bntk oungalow 3 bedroi rNWr klcher hardwood- lOos. walkout to a private back yard and a good area k*madlale Gwe rte a call before you mass a Peter Neal Sales Flap. Guide Ra- alry 71.5281 OPEN HOUSE Sat Aug 19. 1 pm-4pm 1655 Pop penaood Gate Oulssanldtig executive family none. Shows to perfection Over 2500 sq ft plus perealy, tn- ished basement Hugo country kitchen, emb area -oak c;+sii+«IY, iyrld counter. hrepiace Ovar- "oks huge deck -built-in :1.Iriches ant peaclow park Man loo also boasts sun- ken Irvwtg room w/French .,w 9. Separate do- - roOm w%FrenIch doors, powder room, laundry room Fervi room has cozy hrepiace upgraded broadloom a IC* callings Master bedroom MAL41 en Safe. walk in closet, 3 ad- *" -&I bedrooms. 3.d washroom on upper Boor Located on a quiet Street in Phckerrnq, rankles to schools. Go station 8 Town Centra CA. CV. tufty fend, covered hot poach. tastefully landscaped At $208.000 Dont mass our Call Suzanne (905)427 - POWER .x sae Newcas- tle $139.900.00 Over 1800 square feet, man floor family and laundry room. central air. double garage Cddwell Banker 4-_ :--- Condos 1 for Sale LUXURY BUILDING, large condo, 1445 sq ft. 2 bed- room. 2 baths, plus den, 5 walk outs. 2 underground parking spaces, 6 ap- 0,ances Lots for Sale 15.6 acres- North of Whitby Coronation Rd., north of s7 Hwy- Budding permit & septic bed Ok-d Well & pond All fenced !476)282-0599 WATERFRONT commun. IN in Pori Perry, swtacu- lar 2 acre lots, with natural gas. (905) 427-0390, or (905) 428-2215 A Vacation Properties $3500 full priced. Seclud ed wooded Trader lot, good road sandy beach. fishing. 112 hr from Oshawa (416) 431-1555 1992 TROPHY mobile home, 40 h. If 8 ft. with 10 ft. and 17 fl, bpow. located in Cedar Park Resort,(905- 263-8109) Id t 31 just north of Bowmanville,/in- cudes stied. deck, awn- ing,fuar4ure and applianc- es, year round. Inquires call (705) 322-1231, asking 523.900. Excellent condi- tion. M1 Trailer. Site$ 19N0 Starcrafl Hardtop Camper, sleep six. has allow rigged for propane and ii, dri- i . Good con- dition. Asking 51000.00. 905-43M4373. amMoney to Lend �N�=ti►Nfa To low/ from rife moond". Cull Bek; or sver16 660-6 of C.w�-7 BORROW $10.000 . pay as 14% as $110 per month . o a c Free conwMatiom Muds Investments Ltd Mortgages and Loans Since 1973 Cas Jerry ;905 434 2070 MONEY problems Debt consokdatatns. credit ar- rangements. personal budget ptarrwng, credit s- par FREE CONSULTA- TIONS Orrano Credit Counsellors 'Oshawa Tor orlo) 433-1425 OBTAINING A LOAN its NOT GUAA- ANTEED SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES. OTHERS DO NOT... t$ SUGGESTED THAT OLDER women wer date". lots of p numbers 1 -900.451 ext 259_$3 29/ m inu ie, r wrw i, ivumerwogy, vas. Cla"ance Psychics Look into you, bane 18. $3 99 per ma oonO.eln2>•m F. • ompanic YOU INVESTIGATE T1� SPE(:IAL-D TI\ THOROUGHI-Y BEFORE SIGPNeG IN THE qf)'+ today ANY CONTRACTS :hitnnel 43 at S, 9 olid pm - and Cllartnrl • Business 1 Pportunitles IF -114 I CHANGE Your LA* Forty- 1-WNI-667-OI 17 er One MW,on Dollar lm - tore Sales Peope'E, hepnneurs Networkers People who an tired of routine jobs and careers earn whue you keam We Wil trap you how to devel- op a 510.000 scone in 30 days. and a -Aron doors In less Khan a yew. fused on prolix Sharing Cal now to Cluatt/y (416) 324 0720 FAST FOOOIICHICKEN WINGS exceaent location established repeat C,-ShJm M base. Sale" 8-1OK wea a gnat tartly business C.+! S!►r - �+R 0830 DATING Seances aro ddlerenI Partner Se lees you select &mac professional. singles nENest you Peri matchili aMorOab++. term relyronships Cil my free orodhun, with ot`gabon or pressure, rem,Registran tio• ' Regtstratu "REGISTRATION SM&& REGISTRATION IS BEGINNING CONTINUE TO WATCH THIS COLUMN EACH WEEK FOR ALL YOUR "REGISTRATION" NEEDS. WHETHER IT BE OSHAWAIWHITBY THIS WEEN AJAX/PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER OR CLARINGTON THIS WEEK ONE CALL CAN DO ITALLY CLASSIFIEDS 576-9335 OR FAX 579-2238 f AUCTION all 683-7545 c AUCTION SALE SAT. AUG. 2ti/95, 6:30 P.M. PETFMCK AUCTION BARN, 249I CONC. RD. N BOwMAwilLLE (HAYDON) his week we have a rge variety of an- e and modem fur- dure, from a Scar - Vo home, to include hesterfield suite, droom suite, di- mngroom suite, coffee A end table set, col- lectable glass and china. lawn and gar- den equiprnent, many other interesting and unusual items to be st,iri For info. call ? 51 263-4252. 'dewing from 5 p.m. -Wins are cash. Visa. .," or Debit. Sale .,,-.aged and sold by ,,,•y K Powell Auc- ns. Appraisals 3 .utdations. Please I us for all your auc needs, your place, ours Please rote p m start time. qe sale. someth- ery"ne I AUCTION SALE THURS. AUG. 24TH AT 5:30 P.M. 970 TAUNTON RD. E. WHITBY 'e are seing two es- tes from Oshawa us others, including oVtarns beds. cabs its i(mks, office ;sk wing back ,ars table a Chars. ereos, small radios, .w mattresses. com- ,le, tea wagon, box haler dishes, pots d, ins 5 pc pine bed - m suite thke new). 7A ;ak chars, oak lea! table, china Itinet good bed rster!ield. Conlput- ar ,es. JOY sticks. players, sump ;s video camera. ^rr 8 end tables, n.)nt ac plus many 1e/ drbC*S. viewing rti from t p.m ^s :.ash visa. R& Debd Card Mc - an Auction S Liqur- tions 905-686- �' or 905 -432 - ;STATE AUCTION GRIST MiLL AUCTION CENTRE NEWTONVILLE, AUG. 25TH, FRIDAY, 6 P.M. ,g an estate from Mope. and Whit - DL walnut bed - Suite (com- 3 pc bedroom vanity dresser, " 'nut : hest, large 1 oa, table, 8 an. Chairs, &w. .elle Cane rocker. -man hall table, pan Indian Car - washstand, drop table, plant stand, ler what not, es. glassware, a, dishes, quilts, all appliances, 2 owaves coffee ' as, occasional ta- recliner, antique ,terlield set, etc. is another large 'ion starting at 6 Terms Cash ap- .ed cheque, visa, Auctioneer Frank Stapleton, (905) 788-2244. (N4 -2x1 S I- UP to dale ESTATE AUCTION SALE, COLLECTASLES a HOUSOKKD EF- FECTS SUN. AUG. 27, 11 AAL (YIEW110M 1010 it AGRICUL- TURE CUILDN1G, OfWM FARr- GROILXVS TAKE Imm HWY. TO MW ST. Onola a FOLLOW SKINS This Sunday we am selli irw contplele contenfs tram ate hoot of the was Leila worry of Orono. Partial list includes old pits, cupboards, how front china cabinet (enc). 2 drop Nat gab leg tae bles, knee hole desk. 2 maple desks. mist. I& - bin. parlour. kitchen. part" etc). 4 pcbed- room set.. mist. dressers a chests of drawers. washstands, book case. mrsc chairs. Lary Boy. pressbacks. spoon racks. parlour etc). couch a Marr, old tench, piano stool. apple poorer, kitch- en contents. glass a ch,- na, oil lamp. old Lights. mirrors, radio. old clocks. 7 pc bedroom set (pitch- er bowl etc), mist. Pic- tures. OrWtals by Drum- mond a Morton, carpet balls. lowts, old books 3 does. several old games a lays. 2 olid to skt•m shovels.order tools a' hardware. washer a dry- er. P&A many more an- tle6, you would expect to find around an older hornet Call for an your auction needs Mac- Gregor a West Auctions Mike MacGregor 905- 987-5402. Junior West 905 983 5556 Sat, August 26th, 10 a.m. Selling the tractors. machinery, equip- ment arta household efteets of Ross and Glow Todd, RRa1 Newtonville, farm lo- ,�ated on 5th cone. 3 tines east of Newton- v,he Road. (yYatch for signs) . JD 2010 Gas • aC1or, w/Koehn cab. D 1010 Gas tractor, - D -ay wagon (16 it. ) _ D- � Mower (2 knives h), JO - 3 Itrrow p)wvv (3 PM). Chain- saw JD cultivator (3 Pt, . , old disc, bob iieighi, water trough. c: ,Us snowtence. 30 ;reel post, Burdizzo pi e•s, blanket bores, quilt, 2 park benches, ac, ordian (48), wicker r;'C,ker, collector plates. Hat rack, en - r. ante mirror, etc. Note: This will be a short sale starting at 13 a m. Farm sold. Owners moving. Terms Cash, ap- proved cheque. Auctioneer - Frank Stapleton, Newtonville, (905) 766-2244. Thurs.evening Op.m. and Sat. g 10:00a.m. es,' collectables, n home furnkh- wctions At won rs AucYwt Man 1/4 mile west of Ae ttWarnw on Hwy A2. 005.356-2106. ,all to book your sal r for details on cu int auctions. AUG. 23 6 P.M. Quality sales at Peter- borough Auction Cen- ter Peterborough (2 miles East on 07). Ex- cellent modern and some antique fumi- lure Completer prop- erty of Gerard Mrleau, Peterboro (Giving tip housekeeping) and others. Modem dining surle. queen ann la- dies chair. desk. queen am coffee and end tables, china cab - net, microwave. c`tests, dressers, ex- cellent Chesterfield. gold bed chesterfield, Large kenmore refit¢ erabr. moeat almond auto washer and matching dryers (all like new) good Sola and love seat, row smoke glass collate and end tables. at - moire. walnut tables. not pont almond auto washer. hit pont al- mond 30- sett clean stove (both like new) Drown Indge and stove, color. I.V. air ::trtditioners. dehu- -1,drher, electric and pc wer mowers, bicy- .:. as, exercise brace. ;arden boi glass. mina, 1991 Dynasty. 0 Hyundai sonata p m sharp Don't ..,ss thts goo: sake Info 745-SW7 Orval and Barry McLean Auctioneers Call now to list your sale on site or our FRIDAY NI( IIT :fit'(,I's t ';1- f N7EVl• () P -M- SALE - P.liit. 1011 BLOOR STREET, OSI [AMA over s15o,000 worth in merchandise w liquktate, axils, Sanyo ek-cirunirs, furniture, gym machinc-s, %crullers, tcnu, computcrs. 1 )u,,l stcpI cr,, gym hikr,. ski m.lihutcs all , nnpuR•nzcd, I,ahy str,,IIcr,. tent,. S.invu ,.nniutic•r, Sang„ hiNnc CI) ,tcn-n>. CI) r:uhns, �.myn & Sony curnllc„ l,hunc, ntachinc% \ i.illcr II)�. inn} >.myn wulknun,. I Editu,n, dulh, T\' \'CK stand, cutfcc C cod t.&ics, ,wcasional furniture. Llrrll c.thlnet,, krtnccnw-arc. i Ixs kitchcn innnl:y dining ,ct. 1 dt.u,y I.unj,,, hr -cad nuchlrlcs, cnffcc 111.1, 11111c'. ,ct. ra Jin,, ,ost.ils, tgi intics, 17 lit ha ,ca,.i ull%-r% %rl+. "Its' I.+K µtsc'Ilery, dcL,t,ond dinner olio},. ilu,ter, j„irrciain cast,. li,h IN -11. %%.adw%, toy,. WIII/ kill, i411111MIL•r%, dinncrN.iri. iltc„ ,cls. Rill ,.irr%, cam,tcr ,it,, kitchenw.lrc, ,n,.ill j,l,li.mcc,, car k :nun. nncrhi,t) for L—Wrynmc Tcrn„ Cash. \'n.i. �1.i,n•rrar, Never miss the oppon ty to pay your respects again! For an audio version of all of the current death notices received 'or N anion in the News Advertiser or This Week, cd *05 or "I (Clarington res�rrts). This complimentary service Provides detailed informatmn for notices placed In the previous 7 days. Brought to you by the following funeral homes:.4&osh- Werson, kMong. W.C. Toam. Wfichnie, !Natrino & Sons. Morris, :Northwa-ak kccettorf SANDERSON W01t %It %T ( k ). Ixt). Slanulacturer% of centeicr,n jrW civic mcirrrxmals smicr 1R7?. 1 1 showrtxwm or homer appoutitincrtm avatlabic Darkmr WwArr (905)427-4366 1 t 114)11 i 461-02X2 L_ cud wuri,.. ria k,n. To place your ;personalized 1n Memoriam, call 576-9335 and let one of ow professional advisors help y0u. MUSSARD Mary •Slbeoni At the Alax a,ckenng Hospital on Tuesday. August 22 '995 Mary in her 82nd year Beloved woe of the (ate Monty Mussard and Harold Slbely loving modes of Tom 8 his wife Pauline Sibeon. Bill 3 his wile Fayelenore Sibeon. Jack 8 his wife Brenda Sibeon. Bob b his wife Deb- bie Sibeon. Uairylou 8 her husband Ron MonWon and predeceased by Richard Sftw Lovii remem- bered by grandditen and great tpanddradren Srsler Of George 8 his wale Helena Longmire The famify rid receive friends at Ute McEadxtre Funeral Home. 28 Old Kingston Road, Ajax I Pmckemg W - lap 'I bran 2 b 5 and 7 to 9 pm Wed. August 23 and 10 to 11 a -m Thin, August 24 Funeral Blass al 1130 a m Thursday August 24 at St. BemadeRe Church. Ajax (Comer of Bayly and Harwood ) In- ternment at St. Francis de Saks Cemetery Parish Prayers we W held at foe Funeral Home on wed at DORSETT Charles Fredenck Passed away Wetly on Sunday August 20. 1995 in his 84th year Fred. beloved Wsbandl to Amy. loving Ww to Doug. grandfather to Glenn and Greg at brother to Trim. The family win receive friends at W-Eacfvee Funeral Home 28 Old Kingston Rd iPickenng Ud- lage Ajax. 905-428-8488. from 2-4 and 7_9 p m Tuesday Funeral service in the chapel on Wednesday August 23 at 2 p m- Interment Erskine : emetery The family particularly wishes to express Marr thanks to the caregivers at Rosetiank Vila for their kindness THP NF.WSADVRRTISFR, WF.D..AUGUST24. HIS-PAGF.37-A •i 1 Arcaellho111ia1e •i � Aaoalll mom • e e kcarlotl *w one of our classified AD—VISORS today!! SPORTS TEAMS, SCHOOLS & CHARITIES I-kxnkin4 for a fund ratsmg opportunity for thr tail ' Cats John Leonard at OSHAW'A THIS WEEK 5'9 --Um ! Births go eirths MATHIESON - Ian, Andrea and Victoria are pleased toan- nounce the arrival of their last sibling, a sister, Emily Char- lotte Pychyl Mathieson. She was born Wed. Aug. 16, 1995 and weighed 6 lbs. 2 oz. Su- san and Duncan would like to thank Dr. Norma Baker for all her help. [411:111 Accainstodtfgns 0 a '-%,C-Mta•dariaas It • ' ACcbmsodations e• ' iccalteodg= ae ' A%-OteilldQatipl!S Dear Customer: The News Advertiser is pleased to deliver your paper three times a week. Effective with our August 23rd collection, the voluntary collection charge will now be S4.00 for a four-week period (that's less that 35 cents per issue). Of your collection charge, 52.00 goes directly t tough out there' to your carrier. The other half is used to off -set Rem ember YourCamer the SUBSTANTIAL increase in the cost of o \ newsprint and re -invested in our carrier \1 incentive programs, which ultimately benefits e you, the reader. - ' Thank you in advance for your continued support of our voluntary collection program. Your hometown newspaper Ajax -Pickering Ir Don't Forget Oshaa a, Whitby This Reek Classified Dept - is open for your convenience rVery SaL 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Clas_.iffed Ad Plrae (:all 576-9335 i SELLLN G YOUR CAR OR i TRUCK? Showcase it across Durham Region. Call Classifieds at 571&9335 or fax 579-2238 PAGE WA -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED-AtRAIS1. 23, 1"5 1 �SM tin 0 few 0pa �9Q y� °rtee oto IV FREE Print AD r FREE Voice Greeting V FREE Messaa Retrieval Call 1-800-360-148924 h'rs. a �► to t� your rtew ad what Pale. 25, bnow~ and Iwo Enpys ours tdoo. drat Ms, cewdlekgfa d nm. and a pad player. Race mol I P "Went. BOX nM WOrdd Dom b MMA lee M A Mm ft soma TALL COOL OINK(. Attractive. 611- bi male. Kill = 2M form d we. em 2X771 dw" arid poet emw% Looking for an Mal ►AMY $WIRY MALE Whit mak. 20 years dd e0K 21117 LOOK We Clan. Atraere corpk. ISN 2Qs. Who ib b moat da same or qty mak. Fats ol Pu, tat beR. wMtt 1 this n mg oft manIVE � 3D r" aM, enolips with a and stomia Specht times a FOR FUM ONLY AmirS99 4sa Couple 30•R she Oipit IH[ fa st r46 a � d how � laraala. 23 b 71. � s Aro s e,1 6't' and 190 pdmds Enpf M spook and low Soolong101111 whilefad. IS b Ata woes, 23. es, bdwtp b aMRadtad. b,cutous famra b pit us for tun wm William. Me O1Df a and QIaI• Am spays yM esu, laevo a nrssage- BOK tA77 23 GOW MLE.19. blas 4iMS. tbrtr( dos- an Loo sgcrl man, laolwtg b attrapre. addMc. sonar sp caml mi Seeks same a brarws Amok e0X 2371 COW SAL AWAY! Still -d a ?e foot CapMn yell I I M waning for a wale, berg gala ape 26 sd d need pans UK 2 LOVE TO OFiETL East khan male. e6 years. to pony SE 11 O FTIIL Dior while mak. We 30's OESPERATEL SEEK= George. last naltte sons* hIg ht, Lo*N b hem k1Y W@ man b shaht ons! nth e0K 2M I OIX UN. I want a man with a WANTED: rd INTELLIGENT FIBIMLE mdopadottl. p ~. university *&a". itionsnalift b 32.5'S b 6 :al. for fun n the sun via tranquil SAO � SOPWM$d. q for a CArbben woan m. full- figured. bftmw fat ops of 35 ab 45. for frand and a tamer of Mo. Lie mashy hwg and oul- door unknown In 1967 had on Lee Ave, in Taoft dfMrmain A, 19 aM 3D lid, gat bgWw Erpvs vdw genies movies. dare dew mad a docent howl Aught At t AIL res to bq. not too old. 30 to 40 and not too scary 26 ye 5.10'. soft bat c dents Varied rNenwtk nckdrig ou door ac staraght CTMon monis Welcome Check race peeing IOK 2t3p she loading 40 b a lora term ylllplthp Abri- aLleaas Also We most marc and rid MJ#f No new country I drink and smoke SO" and waked as A akar to Bodo 6 M1 Wwbd Dmnb* Ave roue Any oam fi ton plane pit- out Mostly looking for ;mimate encounters Dwaeom Will 2"N phase BOK 21483 and nlematnrW If" 0 you are tat. so LOTS OF LAIICIfS. Marred man seeking mar. lady smmer and Now aster 1110111 2"n A -.. black Attractive female. ap and rap umaowom Single hws tact e0K 21548 askAw NOMEST, SWEET, CAVING. single. while lemak. 2t. bobnq for a s rgk. wise mak. 25 b anodous. 25 to 32 year old. single whole phase respond 11048 2448 MO a WW with great Wil d hamar Must row A good neat. s good moo Slid emy • mak 5"" WMPWW Mtp My AnW@sts are ltomo k eUP 27756 1'M MTI. LONESOME. %A ares cry" in pat COUPLES OR 91GLES. 31-V M -M awecttdd rale aMkrg COOK of won Lie's get togMlt 32. who has a groat sense of humour. a good per LOOKING FOR LOVE. WMfs we WAS outings Race And boas urnmp0rant Ln'e m Cumam Region e01214M basebas and terns LODkng for f Awaslvp and Das4M reletbnsfp wen tamale. age 25 b 40 rON A woo are nM surWrle W da 5Tr 170 bs . toWN attme. Myo,- fttA n place. i you a loon, MOK ZM SIIW SEEKS COUPLE Average 30's male r and a rid rfb head &y a Want sane- ora one frrerdsho dry possMty A rtlatonshp 3a year at sank mom. !m bmg ra ocila ca". rt0mu And lug Crary a LOaI@ MINDROM so*. ar"amro Wer roque per- sonarry :ooknq to the same koro T,,sc and on2m SHARE WITH E. Single. rate professional are tri tight pat Int give, you TLC SM 2370 Mo 2OOE Sagla. hL sdtab - ,. no dopes � a satglet DMcteeon sratrse 21 eDX 21110 SIICERE WAI WMMTM.: am 18 aro worm of hu. sane n man. 3510 44 Sense d Arron a r kr@ in the Cc" area BOX 73778 aDr>dttri dually TM A>? 'r .JOkmg to milk'. 'e x Also lows mAle. 30. rbn-sntowr hoes 144 dWOors. hknq 'ravr;mg and cycling satm; donuts. 3e, 100" for a roman nob kiss ft* wad her ler FIRST ME CQ/LE. Fast too AAradwe cow IRElE ARE VW. Cort derod aLtrac,ee. Sem. III fry a0meaw webs adventurous. tun and hon- est. 54'. nave blonde nae. due ryes and wro- AAA QUALITY. Attract W"C MOK. tat while female. 30s Seeks tall. good b Oris b ro We or the edge Box 2140 smelt Wrte lems.e .5 b 32ne dom do4 ydasonaav n or the peck of a m'ycicto dnw-n 'navies tat * *"W '9. mak 20 Srkan a or b Ct/buf sufficient. slim. 5'8'. single Wnrte '•male, Mg to same BOX 214" non-smoking prdessgnak mak. wile is If VERY NCE WIN. Seer, mar goon x unwarsry e"obVaO ''0n -smoke, otic loves Ne BOX 21486 f a,ks in roods and easy gong unciaryw Adeenmre SOX 23746 *"Os '6 10 22. for lr "calor CkanYMss A mW am, retp0na wit prone number a gmAcnon qtly wniment Interests akmudt Cawap Me. Victors. ea+kat. mus" OWN A g'wd TALL. DARK A HANDSOME. Single. White 10 Ob bokng !a A 26 to 36. must D. and sincere, rias a sense d hwmw Aid rip to ! in-awnb duet hue - I dv ria assert w Car- y . 26 -year -06J. prdes ATTENTION BARB. " s Jon i dnon I get your BCx23'S6 natal nm a tow boNe d rnM Seeking tat. Sun gena•man. suttessN aaeligra and have S good tense x outdoors :o0knq lMISI and posit tonsno eOJI 2373! eq. h;r and errtromery Offset[ -ownfo a laov ■,c ,sit .a ': ••,endsmp and maybe npvs cycling nog Waam ono Woo CV40vow Stekng Mrartme. snga. prow lump s Jt.ase ware a message n mans- tics 2499 BOX 23747 COUPLE SEEKS COUPLE. Clan awact'w. opo -wise bong roil -siva, q male b good tents. DOoer rumour Must •nay outdoor aclm hes BOX NO HEW GAMES. I in 25 years dd. blow ta^axe 90121444 este '@make 2" to 3C van of to tp Ingram or MAN SEEKING WOMAn. Sacovawd who nw MUD* rwk:rg me sane, age 2510 45 to, mrm rste fo cou w, al Dwm a a mud big term BOX 21411 MMK SEEKING COORL rT a 66 -"W -W rokv d 21487 FIRST TIME AD. E Tooted, si rho !•male. and brown eyes I Me govV the 7M go, and •o ak kmd SINGLE 1WITer GU► an , 3 �a OVO, sm. r"'e -tale 5 ?• • 95 tics possa a euao ane BOX 11481 MEW TO OSHAWA •:,u,^ 40 sr. 58" sop 39 sY 150 Cs tws 29 ,ore -cc sports espy naaf!tr :ooh mf so" IOX23744 bo irn is mea A nice. coon caaosno" ; ,m 5 gle, W" bbd. 44 no fil Kim I Enprs maws. arvJ im A cb aersa' 226 Wile does ! gay •tread ;Smn BOX 23741 gat. non-a/ncee• LadunS •y saga Wow '•maw 5 IF r non. Wr"te INCycte oke we 116 Mr So","; or aro Ants someone fro a ,0nts1. rnrhtr aft has a sense at humor INDEPENDENT. SngM mon n.aturo. shirt ant!• happy dtposm" enc dors b eat^ Servs sr". tat. bode. grey eyes wenm 135 Is. I Would lie A nu. clean. QuO genroww good senat CO. •spa cents mOOCydp at r obpl conwr sato. Seeking make MOPELESS ROMANTIC.."in; for s Aon come, Awraoe N09V and AA@nr: Ir rros^0 Best Cang,wo-A, 30 b AS: WnC is tic new IAast low noon :Omry for , w q tern No w Pmo^s rot :rcamansnc BOX 23737 Anbun 65 pks. morn a nct Car gong for king :anon we same oda sets BOX 21M wVna no Z7 year old wile tarty, non.p las inn' Jus.K-Xt ,^ c IM 21446 OLDER FEMALE WANTED. / Inc Nfrio of otws IF snare C"Mo mo honk sulci as Col 1" ""W` Voris locos Lars sat ono' -P to,s•+c BOX ZMI EUROPEAN BACXGROIM Mr seaks'r COUPLE SEEKS COUPLE. Afrtctwe caple r rides. rid A ltrerker. socia Jrmt@r JMv 1 OW49 ATTRACTIVE LOVIK'. v,gke watt 1eataM ^^c A sella awntte. Coring. nleapm "Ine 241 woo a rtklertSbed n medlar. must. r yw„I y Wow -m '9 um A: oder a-$ wsr •emat b Dfra BOX 2148! kir mg cora age to b X Should 01 044" hlefad l our aft 3C s sena anorw "r• ,rt0ed COI(}• fa Tr ane'rwn,os^c IOX23740 2$.eaK '-tSsagP BOX 11440 ' , brow 'Mo and n jockyk MI Nya Calsus Jr din:: yr as s cit 7 a,v'vp BOX 2140 SPELL ESTABLISHED -art me 2^ s a '' ' 5C SEEKS SPECIAL WONAN -bum; 7 WKu, n^I^ Sww 3e, 45 5 6" '60 IN Wood at Tn 0e^ anC mm b srwt tw good tw% r Ma •,t^ A M rw Oct sKut at ,rINVOOF t mart GOOD FENDS NEEDED. c•,en0y Cafebean CanKMe =WW n mid 4C S. in fwd of Some xsACle l"ars!+b Enkoylwo" ofk al muse moven And Owe• ^1;ny *home J Orvy M• :z-3 a "A"ft IDX 23729 SEEKING PERFECT GUY. SmgN. wise to b tnpvs a "alto Jwdoor tDok 4e, !n'ta to maw a ret *ft" 4C 10 SC arc s iow T We a `. - '4: ocu,ds and rib ill" elea0rs "tio to mamtd or sono. for pod W45 *•tafwdsed prase •eso0rd wtr ,ane and pmaM 2 ,pe BOX 21502 stat 25 :nw go+,d b mows. Pill q art rc ataea'ger't Hr ok"w s 'rr brat Ord ..)Iw� up SAW" ar-, 'raw. 20 b 3C rt" $and aer7n' pod So -r d Humour •areal And r -C snow tis' Sen; TDganwr :,eftnp im it Ilan stops box 27752 SEMSMYE. 29 morsa s, Y we Not tin. kava are 'r1N10s. NC 'Ormadb 'rob rwakprWps Box 23761 17TH.: STEW P Y d s Sue I Ion Ye, DPale M •ahs Sf"a , rho ^Ila 72 to 25. we �meres:s BOX 27770 ewaas 90121444 sue r^Mf I gots MI 2101 flonr,q Yotm •ur and a wily fI'st d nlrrMw ROMANTIC. CUTE BLONDE �,1-palati A0 mad clone 21IS1 Te :sew a raasagt n 144 makE$J X121548 HONEST SINCERE LADY 4' gar oat yin FEMALE WANTED %ood tin owe 29 b 35. Wr Y rr�a vbre MW :Mrykb NDE GU' 4,~ -ft wow "ale good b*,; a- fr '15 IN, wCov muxLlt• build Zooms M Soliw; av" !wmake 26 b 33. we :nrlstgn rook W,C rTmKr•e peals males and Carol Enprs !ln VERY ATTRACTIVE. Urn mom d one. rim of � �,S Sorkin an ft aw bow d ek rrsar�c��paeple w our be r 001 raw lopes of mus[. mows ratty I" _,_S ft" enols na•..rt f00raarafy and log dile,'. sox 277% _q uncwq, trwo sod du'a. amam,C 1Mwt 26. 5'T, meow, ,lar ant vols man Marts d aomwa» MALE SEEKING LADY +a ga11 the b nowt w 'td a@C pan Stns vnavc Mad Act LOOKING FOR MS MIGrHT. ' •- Z3 yms obi ,om;'Or A 144 900M Of, age 49 to S3 only we, W. b she, and can for the good mop in Novel Logtuq for a wmp male aft a H and a now. Z710 35 aft Us ha Sairtogether in or pin tmwa e0X 23767 and •Y.:,mg •flfv'slo, "Me how dam vol kA ona• -h9w"! Oto' on;'rin Maus!*.91 !*. Oshawa IOX 2150m brow- +.a, ti -LA 1eyes entoy sp. quiet Mt if YCL Ane'0*96 Srbw anng And have around Otrae0 0emle pavers rwnle.a 'o d lays e0cr 801 2149 MRSInaE.:9 7,JW Wa. •I We 4,t. ayes a•eA LFTs MAK P^ irgfe Ono -ane. 3C t 5Tr ire".^y ar roma Ano oauataM 90^9 put BOx n7Q RADIANT SMLE an 35. 5' 's0 a, wr a son,ur rmernn ;neasr •espOnd SOX 21]3S SINGLE WKTE FEMALE .alai Iwo. 5 age 32. okav BOX 21507 WORTNII' PROFESSNONAL. NLa Is OM EN I rmwn t Amar 26 b 33 eat a, Wild ry sonso S ns0a• Sefton uv ft ,erica rot olAdoo s E••prs Soong 2010 140 :oarg RIAU tE MITE .'o" ,or or wnaCtwe sr 0 a -r-oc Dkre #"C tend@. 1 e b 25 Piano mustac•r gond W" ■mr a •apsa smut leve 4105 low rm rid dao fnndae gree, no dger10a is Entity horseback radon. affo% ran. •at oft oak nq t0 meet an aOupio, . single, prdessora � nods rmc rays nar"A 10amam4lr And 101Iq Ano mf t WOO SWAM a urge tam" 25 to '•and4tp aI BOX 23725 yl Ane tae t law tun a you as "meow Cao ; cm a o-*OKVCWS Stales mrs�v@ to. Wrote nolo we a hales. Cann -.ate a r pnmenten 37 to ss You an Aroil-intake. om:o 6 atraetw tang. N morale. Rom lamAfydr, error UPR 214% ACTIVE AND FT. i orcea " 5!' *65 bs 35 ice u,wba:am x" and DOalere neWontrtt BOX 2150' REALLY GREAT GUY N- a : ,los pat Wrap -tae ao'Oa 'ae bale top b^ denier -W a vent-ascuap tend wool Cprpanbrn 901 21449 r •b, for a brio !VM mwwwv MR 21VT ehted you vale, `t.ndtNO at new a DOsarr SINONEN-HEARTED. -e T mat: Oshawa. arwe Antd ft phr�sro is Enovs quos wros Son ,tin ACTIVE AND RT •rip malt 34 S ' 70 IV . re0unte s w•!^ 'OmNa $tnouf Cern only TEACHER WANTED. "r ; am a tlrcaaws male MU OF UKE - m d rem anter saactonsa. mors 'wry Sit and WY !uN d we, 36 -ger- oWCoo r do BOX 21511 SERIOUS MOWS Cowry aft wu in u gay ttmsle n mry lice wb rias e a ban oat a orae,, newt la '0 w- mntaog -n aw'''wr -Act 'Mac. bow" r re at Tap Steve affix- nom•trrIT ifs M $opa w a tOaH, N. p toting, bOmN a't 'W"N AU WWW coat 17721 LADY FEND WANTED. _Joon to met IWO age 28 so," AAOA"q for wore, 0.-C~ a gat mae age 25 b 35we is wry,; to%so no trod fdt.f tamer we 2 boys .Oo iurq to, rant wr w+o fur, klvag, holt bower stn single row so" mora lar w c uaag I ;ft b -t pe, I all bgww Must toe antras an !he, 'tart '•+'at. 3C to a,, now be clan and N "NO mt0i'm am 'omwmc twat- YJUng b a Sooeon'f am 53 dren`K no d@oerdwlI 5*r ftMON Mull! be sec -me ',AV b mgt ft a And kid-fW~ Deal Yat 'wad gapes �-0aonq for someone 35 two sa, b ye, 744 low b Ant gable We BOX 21513 ntw, gwnes F•vndsnkp hist ani iron M's BOX 2146C VERY HAADSOME. ' vneWly sacwe. DnoHa Sngfa Woo tNnele 25 No 36 Nr sail oro@, BCS 'Co -AWrndehp Na Mub* VWWW p SOX ' 75 POwm haw a good p0 So am and rata Siwe, Jmy Law lath Dosabae Nb da¢on tit •'ave SOX 21465 OWAAM REGION •lane@wee 20 ON Ot mr to 45. 901 21424 OPEN AND HONEST. Sogar. wile to We 31. HONEST. IRLL OF LIFE. Sop. •mile '1nrlNe. ILA-fiWood were n gory BOX 2140 FIRST TIME. 3.�~. aeacntd !Wmaw Ago pre, mar no'sat.aa vara ore an aertr wkamc we inivess Saw's x ptap 2111113 FLIT GUY 6 ' 1La Ds -ntdn ar marc s-ouba SPWM A ado 45 b 53 wit• no OdpwtdMts And p'^ l prase : D, •rwrd V AV •we,. ase afowg o, o mar n gob DA~ Re. b@ mudaes •a, 18 Ifa •Igweo be, imsrq. light dour mar And "Ask 29. and bend wor, Aeacar dart brown nae and blot eyes Sero". down to 5 T and W" dwmw,gM • in horn ham INAN, Alra$tme so" D. a d-euola leen 'T.0 tarp kmw 35 b 45 Writ a rmNgerbar o, e- artq Jrw 0a nor Ne Dkve ads Soon n sogia tema,e '1 prAtlI tnos'c BOX 2212' oder must be b 3C V good bot K mteac.+rv,e and 0st+eM goy .ant bf asap ssneew. dw b-owA. edpNk" Looanq b a gentleman rRn same dua,tws W A 9la earth a imigio derN we x OlMdtrns dna no, odic head gangs .aot"g to, A rome•ec. good ode -.b a _11aMnOf ala se,," a n ' Pteasr •-sJunc ,.Lr;cer SOX 248 x k aid adrlctwe 1012146' PULL OF LIFE So" -no •Wait 36 5'''' 125 w,me b 25 sLm Immo wmr I pod "nee d nwnour WW" ',v cvTDeloM aif oleo YOM leg's MAN ung 4C s mil lows .as VOW _oaag to A good WOman'. seratwv -d tbveoc BOX 21475 LOOKING FOR FINAL 6 200 es ". I" Of lkaew •tic owls ^_x wen", cot tl WOW. tingle fere -tale or taxa *MO" wTr onxK, WOMAN SEEKING WON" 4^a,xwd acw Is. nambp - and M am a vamll' X "xerlsk gu x =:,Cs BOX 215M '9yt.wae Maki, b hawk Say get• -my and Ot 9yadOv roan Jo anile IOI�� No do and xrst ~on. BOX 2140 ATTRACTIVE ERE s-^�w rno temW. ' Want IoNowd Who trC, s marc. lost dn� mNi brig wales aft FJ herndstp lost r tame,. M tacks btwbut eA•nale '6 '0 .. hwrest- lost ntfucl g dung as craw ar W-A•:rmg a BEET AS CHOCOLATE bei. dare handaD/me BOX 23717 GA1 OSHAWA MATE 9t 158 0� 49. S Z dependents ler s socmal pas OOesir c SOX21514GOOD arc x asrm more TOR LOOKING mbwH .00w,9 1'r manly Y.ta 'emir ." 'C .'S t >"aro me s sa'ca •�"+rs wM SOX 214Q Std more Int at.0 a Ovorq falter - ^q 10r atlm@orne me a ere, so+smw at SASY OHIO HONEST Int 41 goon Oct. ma,1n. Drop^ va brow• Hges r@q+ 26C Sands SS MA, DOIMtOa w"t e'fOrasts. iia dafcnq in 44M mrmw uDr aster kkat N-ek Annd tales •,mwYd ACbtwes ood LOOKKV L IQ' F� FLS ` _ 04 26 rfki oat, bol O Int a 1~ and q and g heartwd. 46-ywa'ab. Winne INrlalf laanfls I ELEVES M QUALITY-fdwoten mak oN stir r0. A• • '-a owsor I 9 and s CM 91111 LAW sir --'sort rt Swby at Nestle- -xaq esoocw* on members d mit and 'awl stets A OdNW tlOyiav 16 b 32 10 pan 5teong loot snort game^a^ or smog M -Jnr^ -watgns SOX 21451 mg for M,na!t wm smaar interests sports, someone of same rno J 144 !o VIVO mk oto b 9a ~ lowird 5ANn a •,pita :deo, SOI 2150 4' 1010 Whp'Mlaf C 5C *am a poc 'w -4d be, aid Wo' Nr moors ,C •Y mat NV Shy C COMPANIONSHIP �. �rDrpd. MRf !OmW. SZ florws CJekrg and bit, tales Give role a CM 214&4 dananq "Wel. artlDmg and a romarwe M •e-C'A$e b mf y01 y pwsJr w'1c wrts •c pat, b ttw SMAC von m FUNNY AND ROMANTIC.:5-yea• - single wA'p Taw 6' and awragf •a0,. h.• i ^g adv w•C• -OWS M restricted m .•s BOX 23-A J.r f _rarkt SOX 2141 5A-'Ipvy-tri AIC bop q dean swrMdM. loo ATTRACTIVE MOM. _'3 yewad lows to Clarice •m' 4 B07 21463 WOMAN SEEAING WOMAN iliachod B. 1 "On blow' SIC Carol W" Wali. r 'ire NmcC mw : ;„r,!•y •tie .ar rt gent We A O+on,r S~ d 'valour a^_ . Ces CARtMG AND SHARING. am a sngat .,,a MALE SEEKS MALE Ala&dd D.-alo ;omN Anorrw 5 11;w a af4cned mat@ 90121482 1•q wml oAd 1"AanOd vA:ues i -ester. good ansa of tit~ alias -00 xim" draws CAmp. OLfdoor AobwUa and duvet waits Jr Ogtr Loo" 20 01A 101741611 OAM owerwe'gf1 ad age M 5 901214M RTIHI'GENTLEMANGENTLEMAN'rowC w b Role a te,- GENTLEMAN LOM ng b 2110 26 rwa 00 tomr •• now sense =' ,,'^b"r-d'^MM' swert^g a •t,aon- mar -OWN 'a ill" *MW agt M b 30. r:- gong A d MAgorg Keds art rot A 24 -YEAR-OLD py nw dark rl a o two and lows aon@1s Swwu spK N Avco ClI *an one br b 3C floor dt soot •hp mAle n CO" WON me M qy5 ' e dM A B, C40A Amar. ag1 19 to 2S C"VnM sacro a v s1 p+Oast espo•d wa pnorw n p womr rno a actio swan" abkHc w silt IpI 21509 ..,y Drnet. • w` A navy KAg0Avl .>sv y.A fro wry good bong. a Dwham ROgon. wants M mast D.nAtes bl-"= of nfaal6l gay Rei IM Some, bm ryrlm' am e a roar s rod@ that Counts sox 2"44 FWjC xss,pw ,•v,Tor•srp BOX 1]7'15 FUN AN ROM KE imQN 01,41 tefmae ZC mN BOX 23157 ANYONE M for Owing. hones. maw -twitual Ar AAA wtoc 3C oo ic y� a^: taeaafkln ern^OX OPEINMCED SINCERE u .+Nob r_ 6' '3C f Ort^ Cl wade now rouC .t •$ meet 'n'r - - BCA : A - Ju mus w • Ati goof wkmq m aOwrwsted. a MALE1SIG SINCERE WARE HEARTED, Jhradano bo•dO vr. QNq b a single rate Run roil- OUT THERE N Mold home, k eg clNr Gar twmaMs. IrOW 35 writ oWins Dawes J-ralop",g sic I orris nerd BOX 2146' 21 somwne •r.,tltw and ".oaten • •- r se,st d E A r GAY O WA GAY 735HAkWA MALE 9 51 r 15C 1Dt MN+y 0urym ftmae. let •dogs spans coin waAs ar,C fomnrtc ernogs s hnyne co",Laes ur SWANK Nlbtwr l; 1022 Want sorrwrke ar,c ares ro 10 b Wondemam: .A -;,ng O AM n rlarostee�alWard REALLY GREAT GUY A -•acme, sant. rime Iwnour ^uue , a C ^rVAN rn:s '+CAo g muse � ' ;orad: 3ancnng const co owsmont ape ^rot Ind ONn tamrf' mugs .30" for ante. swimming and fwp Cle.we, �raogs BOX 23711 m leas message E 2S3C •'+wt 250SO tar' arfd a re, •or arac oto 28 Doc 25 Saran -4 tort., tomo 2 b 28 DA E SE ;_ : -.: BOL 2' 5*0 MALE SEEMING an of r • • AAA 1wns "WK NO On my mrd a n my hwalr 0oy toy '9 t 32 to -*A silos -an 38 b 45 Wen sir rdrvs•s 'or -w SPICERE WARM HEARTED m t8 -ave o^i LOOKINsom-G FOR YOU. k "f 23. a qty tum wl$ .s OhvsCafr •rt ,-d are: 'ur'N^ I;n ro y VC, W -, .�•-ar 5c � `<5 era• +cue alae .. �, , :c me _A" -ml Dilor Aro sOc" ar- s.•,stmre •: -- a^.: s^r pOOpf 7J _.- c r. c oc scr b+ano-sf,t+ sox t14sa NE4liH CONSCIOUS. •n and srm. 39. no ardWr la. ;�ml Dnow rues ua s r Lookn+g lu 141k1.r, •r . sofa 2010 3C. Set d t1et t1 r7a S-atie BOX a^e 21512 x^r s:•^�•-a 'esOdnC'J ac, nth BOX 21572 G000 FRIENDS NEEDED. podarof ' "e"dY tame a =•az< :u BOX23754 l deptndtr.!S. non -Smoker. ora a n toms. sOrrn@Or, coos rmorf@s1 smam sttrA[tr1 at, 10haea WCM3LB0117751 CleeO.Jnlor .a,» c; 'teorw snttro. wb t^FYS G'y eves evo N SOMEONE SPECULL :;yea ad good,Dok ng •e ' •C ONE WOMAN "k ' a 2`+74, -cc m- `- T 23-reanee r nwK ct some gxt't. cs 'esu we •.ave •v -w OIIMAM REGOt Me 3C s Attac.'ad a curous coot:,q quos -mg. nrkmg !tie •lgtre , t is cis A yes+. 8012714/ a good rl 16tH a Cal pmbo,"r saau J^•aC:ve -A e 3 := years my r.wmis am •ryr ave alre. wake,; 5C los :lea -vroed Vic $,ncee Seew+g a' 9 x a god a�•. �- we a good -'•rod 9012141 ma,e 6 195 0s Seek.-; same Duan 25 for I.* rc „XAG-Ire tlrracsre, dear as Tdprep Sellas :ntNagfnt Odom ro-tarts anent. -.r WEALTHY MALE WANTED. A«3C1N! 28 years S T 48 53' blonde Italy, to ane saendnq cme we ! a soawaw:porta to 24 yea• x •ema a k.e :z'eneg 10 muse: MORE THAN CuaouS. r s r name ca,0t. S and cert BOX 23759 ;@- a a^ w se^se J' %mow -no Smarts sane ^Tin: BOX 21155 ofd bbrde rants to be p tmpe'ee and s"eC of to Soaks submMame q@@rPOO�ryes�njoy *Aon ono theaw. q ".Ave SrDW "a�• loris eyes a good•r Jro 175 �''r';. •at,'-; 'hnnlS wars r !re, -,Dore,¢- setas Clsc•le sery. Sea xmakw 18 tc 3: 1c SEEK MALE I=gENQ wsre aged prdessalry SEEKING PERFECT GllY. oleo name a Chnstutt a BOX 37 r -ort be teer�mrted and OrA9 tree BOX 23767 tunas Nt oAMq Al ro-w b anfoy a11I camp �< _a, BOX 21177 wr D$a t r VOLro,. dart any :nAs•et � .,v.'� BOL 21515 ore x treat oonrr stouts 1:s Nut p Doer mooed Du! M:t:ent rat S r ^, S -1e 2: s ye, s ' 4 J raC need mw oro torr n AIAW •et ^aret.e iris Juts � Am t9 years Jac i We ro me mows. st gorg sy. INDEPENDENT. md'g7enden! run bwng, w^ore ori s t -Y Looking ,Jr ,%- o, !e Wlb w anonaa. a sntcera. Yfonts! ark: Jr Me !amen DAZ SEEKS NrbIO FAINLY ORIENTED. Mar b ws Bas ren and MASS Age Nt race nor significant Ill De d atlparnde m means no drags BOIL ng -C-e for 3;,*f m emngs and gang out fa y a^tc :.n^rt Seoknq Once male. 19,0 25 Chnman IemAle. 51 .00,1119 to someone of side tt mteresw leave yo. -;•-r ar,,; numa t bemwe Clsoed y ane sent' rya an: _ rem Cie _Joting 0r A stice,e good COUPLE SEEKS COUPLE Ate- as w couple bM75lej same age. fa MMW*nshc And pastae ong art I wit return your as BOX 23735 most, s no mad ;am -es n yrs• Am' poasEte alien ^ rAO.r- a.-ACNO re, S 45 sties stens ;^le ode" Co, -CO- TORT HOPE WILE Ju g slam bb de seek- HEAD NO MEAD GAMES -are, esu to radar ma arm rolataza.,j I Mpy a ;.:1er �ae M,,,! x Ac we p resa.m Clnsan BOX 21120 Ort it dad !aaary --n, nave da•w "a,r D:x eves. 5'9' 165 powtids E,pys eve r r or ^.,oro a t sat an 6 atie "'C Ma:tia: w^ :;:. ^aa aro . am b r evr. ac ,- :.: _ BOX 2376 ti *Avec yes to ha-esnp am t,;n Ylease cave risme ane Mxre s .r o cz xt ac we wt back to :nq same for a x•e�: rvcl,nlens and possEr t.,a*,,..'V, BOX 23753 massage i am a divorced. rhrte tamale mq- JOE OE VIM Act &-me. mbellgem lady 39 I * c A..e: -s:_ w r BOX 21477 NEW TO OSHAW A :. r mar 6 •• SAW. X gzc p,. a_ :. ,: ;cs;ce BOX 21471 HAPPY MALE SEEKING. ' Pq rnae more 33 llleagw bit own N heam i npy music Of as types romantic dinners at home of gNg at Die Jk,s. rare v Ewapean descent Loves natao ON home, OPEN MINDED. • ,Ae . wry romantc singe dewdents. smaer Seeks acnes, and arrg temar 2!!c 35 for king oaks Dong wet will FIRST TIME AD.:,aw^.tc-ea^r 5 r 17: dos eWys r aa.•n _00 48'01 5019e white -3:e ' i •.; 3C as z be ,Cog and mcvies I am Attractive, saxere aro rasa swuwt. Seeks awe,, tors as - w9ashad geMeman of s non9 suDsance sprit of ehhawa:'whnthy sports and going opt to dinner nerltst and truutoortry BOX 23719 honest LDoko; for fne,csho And mAybe relabOm pe de vwe. breadm of we, and betel An A rvgner This w::k CI -In.. Thr, w:;k may. nn ,v ,.,k drvr. u.n rfungc ra w;,•►, Af.ak Lj,nj: %-, AJ.,-nl. •r. arwl %4IrketpL_- i..wna', rw. Ir:Jrhry hic the :,,nrcnl ,.1..t rcpl- U. Iny :rlvanr.amanU .:and .ueh h;IMhry iiia es.lu.r �� ly with (tk• advc,11- lax't .t ,kkrtc any pery coral alveruxm.•nk, r1uaA a ,k cm„nA{+lx,yxw; All :dvcru.ar, muM r.a,v,l. v,.r$c ream • u1 aeo-m v th- rGlcot a F E 1'a+n charf"r .0 t_ S4 It•r mmol. An avcrAEc 3 mmuk- call eov� S7 i7 R,•,p, taJanu will tk-ar „d perveul ,k-.rknptm.m...; vrn,.: n arAJ ,r:..trlr lu I-, a ren.. n,..J n.; .._a�,- .11..r ra•.yw,rnknt. ad, Ad, r th. -1k 9w""lflfl fray m1 Altlkx m S-crefy Y,t %%'h,-. you r-.hp.nd k.: u1. %wh xlv: rtn.arrw•nl. IhhawA Tl Jrnacr•ly Y.Aurs ad. ),morn p Aro: IQ u Tn rfianCr "r renr„ -ur Ad- f- : -1-i rr wr, i. r. , III 3-FANt-4-'S-:644 24 h.,ur, aria♦ FREE PRINTED AD REE GREOETING ICE FREE 11E ONCE A RETRIWEEK 4L Call 1-000-360-1483 to place Hour ad 24 hrs. a dati. IPlease have your ad written down hefore you call) if Your ad will appear for at least 4 week,. IV You may place an ad In one of our dating, sports pariners/fnends or seniors categones ft i, important to record your free voice greeting inulxdiatcl,. This allows callers who browse to hear your greeting and respond, even before you ad appear, in the paper. "'hen recording your greeting. reinember to give a complete description of yourself and the type of person and relationship you seek A thorough, honest greeting well produce she best results. 1p You can retrieve your messages free of charge once a week You may retrieve rnessages more than once a week by wiling the 900 number. There is a charge of $2.49 per minute. Respond to an ad by calling Y044 1-900=451-3793 After listening fu the simple instructions enter the 1113aillrllx number of the ads you want to access Hx hruwut all greetings randomly. You'll hear a greeting with the Sincerely Yours ad and the person tvhind the greeting. rVoice greetings are added to the system every 24 hours. So you can browse through the new advertiser greetings before the Sincerely Yours ads appear in the newspaper. Listen to greetings of people that interest you. If you like• leave your response. That person will hear your message when they call in. Ajax, Pickering residents near the start line for Terry Fox Run C1 Run participants carry on Terry Fox's legacy By STEPHEN LATEGAN STAFF REPORTER AJAX-PICKERING — The loss of his mother to cancer led Brian O'Connor to get involved with the Terry Fox Run. The 1995 Ajax event organizer, who's been involved in the last seven of the 15 local runs, is expect- ing record participation this year. Last year's run drew between 275 and 300 people and raised $16,500 for cancer research. On Sunday, Sept. 17 at Rotary Park, Mr. O'Connor is expecting close to 400 participants to raise S2(),000 by running, walking, cycling and rollerblading. The Ajax Kinsmen Club will put on a °> h a r b e c u e when the hand Pink Cadillac will perform. Runners will he provided do candy bars by t Cadbury and kranola bars by €1. General Mills. Among run It i participants will ; he a 'Terry's E l Team' member who's survived I �� cancer. -1 find it to be a powerful motivator for people," says Mr. O'Connor. "People say That person can do it, why should- n't [9 The organizing committee is cur- rently looking to recruit members for next vear's event. Those inter- csted are asked to call 430-0466. Charlene Quinn has organized the Pickering Terry Fox Run since :993. She lost a teenage sister to .cancer and more recently her hus- ,)and had cancer. She also hopes to raise $20,000 LASER SURGERY FOR SNORING CL:RTIFIE D SI'ECIALISTS It Kassel MI)i FIZCSC 1�=• S Siomra MID FIZCSC 905-723-8551 Oshawa QoEARS h-vPect more_irom Sears CORRECTION NOTICE _n our Sears. -Expect More From Sears. A -great Selection of Back To School Gear" ''r• on page 2 the 6 Levis jeans $49 99 '-ach (not available in all stores should read: Vlomen's Levi's jeans $49.99 each (not available in all stores). O"e sincerely apologize for any Inc onvenience this may have caused our uslomers. through this year's run which starts at the Pickering Recreation Com- plex. Last year's $16,000 doubled the previous year's total raised. Ms. Quinn expects more partici- pants than last year when nearly 300 people took part. Younger partici- pants may be able to take part in a relay. Harvey's charity barbecue will offer a hotdog and soft drink for $3, with proceeds going to the Terry Fox Foundation. Both the Ajax and Pickering 10 - kilometre runs will take place between 10 a.m. and noon, and will be marked off in 2.5 -kilometre seg- ments for those wishing to take a shorter route. For more information on the Ajax run, call 430-0466. In Pickering, call 839-4372. THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED.. Ali(:US'I' 23, l9"f-PA(:F, "-A ' PAGE 40 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED- AUGUST 23.1915 4-100NkZ VId Of A �o screw 10.5'DOS A22 Dud S� C and Power Coat, 11 WO e 1 Two P( u Sound Card .1161A� Iap°`K , r Demme SpeerMono V1111114111111111re pwwwwk Demme Speed CD-ROM Mm1lw.di. M $96"' `4490 Chizee Prefect 11 Owed Speed "14i.. MeeliMedie wt Cmwew aic-4� Ow s36O*MNP D"k MECH 4" L.& wa�rior 11 ft 80 • $58" �:..�- 198" S3 PCI video card IM • *129" i 387sx-25MMz nlafh-co s NI5 to 1 14 486dx2-66MMz CPV *76" 4s6dx2-80MIiz CPV 3.5` Floppy Driv% 4Z CPV Cooling Fans " 1 9 WinBoost Mach64 2M D ss41" WinTurbo MacbG4 2M V $314 VLS Mach64 w/2M VRAM *258`8 0M_PUTE 1 4a116dx ftrWum Upgradable MdMft- cera .128k Cache Memory .Mini -Tower W/Power Supply 22OW .1 .44MB Floppy Drive Super IDE Controller SGOMB Haid Drive. AMB of Fast RAM ^ -CPU Cooling _ -101 Enhanced Keyboard SVGA Video Card .14' NI H, -Hes Monitor .PC DOS v6.1 w/Drsks a Manuals .MS Compatible Mouse Two Years of Warranty parts and labour AN16 6rs111Ns .4i64b4- i "mo#z f 2"; wDoft�Mftt".z ofs� r Oftft offAft 0 ft _ MspftftrftAw2�• Mt�is is •� n `���• sCW1 .Pentium Mbtherbosrd •256k Cache Memory -Mini-Tower W/Power Supply 22pW -1 44MB Floppy Drive .E -IDE Controller d5W16 Hard Dritro v cnnanCeG Keyboard _7- -PC1 Video Card w/1MB -15" N/ Hi -Res Mprwtor One &-Directional Printer Port Two High Speed Serial Ports 06c55p) -MS DOS v6.22 */Disks b Manuals MS Windows v3.1 */Deeks 3 Manuals MS Compatible Mouse Two Years of Warranty parts and labour 90"Z Of 98L MI.M.1. 1MMIi/= 14� 00aH.1. 13=Wz 2U& 48Wx Pentium Upgradable Mopwerboard .Per bum Modxrt w .128k Cache Memory --,bk Cache Memory Ahn, Tower case W/Power Supply 23OW #Ain& Tower case W/Power Supply 23OW U .1.44MB Floppy Dnve .1.44MB Floppy Drive I) - Super IDE Controller'- _-IDE ControllerFest RAM 12GS Herd Drive ' • r COt9 .SMB of Fast RAM CPU Cook"v •• .� 101Keybboard d � � � .tot Enhanced �'�"; • - VGA vdeO Carry Keyboard SVGA A K* Jam\ . PCI Bus SVGA Video Card wr1M H, -Res Monitor 5- NI H"Us Monitor .14_I4bps Fax4kbdom •1is.lArbps Fax/Modern Speed CD4VO / Quad Speed CD-ROM Drive tJ'A6bit Sound Card 4 16trt Sound Card j -CD T Cand Speakers 1 Microphone and Speakers arpton's % Encydope*a .CD Titles: Compton's '95 Encyclopedia Mad Dog 11 -Star Trek 25th Anniversary Mad Dog 11 .Star Trek 25th Anniversary Rebel Assault .48 Game Pack Rebel Assault .48 Game Pack PC DOS v6.1 */Disks 8 Manuals _MS DOS v6.22 w/Desks & Manuals -MS Windows v3.1 w/Desks 8 Manuals MS Windows v3.1 w/Disks & Manuals S Compatible Yooa�Morse MS Compatible Mouse and labour Warranty Paris and labour Two Years of Warranty parts -aooul: 7558." oillommew z 2488: •4d"x4-1 boo/ hz 7 65&" »penoom i "mmz 2648e *48"x,&lso1"ur:'1858."-ponflom 133411iWM80 PO■#"= .Hilt 108-90 CM1 s bdofwd Demme Speed CD-ROM, a"" nel Owed Speed CD-ROM% heal-im speeke.m '318 powai 16108-1N 4" s W1111•2W 1 Ut298M IJO LL -34W "M M 394" Rebbo1 Akz�wlt Zg r Trok 25th Anniverr_ Mold D" 11 comwpt'aa's 1atMractivo Wing Cow mein4lor 111 Aftemse Cm "I pOOM 1, 11 Morons 40 tioa040 tick Tho 7th Swest JwrNrMaw rreloct Marr aa11 —awed tummy ewmay maera Stools Direct Pickoring is currently hiring Wo have oponings for: Cashiers and Solos Ropreswtatives If interested, fax in your resumo. Fax: 905-475-7089 Attn: Human Resources Sane 4w HMM ri.. ARKHAM TORONTO Some products not exactly as illustrated We reserve the right to limit quantities Denison SL N 1 r: G.S.T. and P.S.T. are extra 3 Prices are subject to change Without notice S*& Ave. °° Cott change > All prices are cash discounted sbo Dm� st. unn i7 318 cod SSU P1� R S T 0 -IR -E-31 Sale ends 1st September 1995 FAX (908) 475-i� Atli Street 31ICKERING sto Rd• arc � Kin9 c Uft CL N ei y Hwy. 401 •7824, TEL FAX: 0' 0 11 •DI .LI •1 •1 r J PMPFPP�p S Ol t� L A X10" PLUS$ Beautifully renovated 3 bdrm. New 4-piew i bamt 3 -pc. bath • Super rec rm, gas stove W/o to landscaped patio Private, mature yard with YAG • Prime S. Ajax area $174,000: 6'19-9500 ONLY $97,500 This much sought -aft 2 bedroommodel N spolless. • +' y include: on aft ..:. laundry, 5 appliances, - K elf ;. tourL CALL ATTENTION NOW BUYERS BRIAN KONDO* CUT YOUR MORTGAGE 683-2992 PAYMENTS IN HALF:" i� Why not be your own landlord & W.MW earn while you own? Very nice separate in-law apartment, includes 6 appliances! Prime location near transidshopph4 3 schools! PINCED TO SELL - $169,900 - DON'T OILY ANYTHM UNTIL You s;EE s" 4, . _- TM NOtaMt 19N617!! CALL HELM MASON• V For An Appokbowd (9051 $31-3300 or 4 686-3330 R6.MIC 'f FIRST Ltd. p 2,230 SQ. i �• ` AJAX $-I 98,S00 �i BaMM 4+1 bdrm bridr. hoate wit part fin. baatt. Sap. dam tea., king site alb bdrm .-. t - kilelten eft waft" tv pard. R Fam fall. wo faIF' ara, very . wad helik abaaft brand naw. r Call I air OOIIdNb0lallg Quat stinal, sups to schools ti '.r Parts - CALL STEVE FEARON* 683-2992 RVMAr - OUALRY ONE LTD. RLTR. - AU Sw1., AUG. 27 1-3 RM. IN ONO AXVIILLIE iou,hane nit is located The at Brise Peak Mona easy access For 53,995 down i 5593.79 Pit par. mx d you could be in your comhon • Baths on to a Wowed • t bedrooms - t i FoisNed basenknt Asking 579.900 t - PLEASE CALL BARIC CO)r FOR OtNUMTKM 905-W9-74" R .MW ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. THE LAST OF A KIND IN TALLTREES These horses are unparalleled in design and built by tfarshar Homes with respectful attention to every detai!. The imbergrove• is a classic 4.576 It design Scarlet sq. with •., 0Hara staircase, offered on an 50 Ashwood Gate kit for 5463.000. TINA* (905)-509-3350 �► OPEN HOUSE SUN-, AUG. 27, 2-4 P.M. 1165 TANZER, PICK. $ONLY $4,500 DOWN AND S995/MONTHLY Pbl Beautifully kept semidetached none in Pickering. Located on au*t cube -sac. Large family- s,zed kitchen, extras include - - central air, central vac, air cleaner. walk to GO station CALL BERNARD LEE' OR RICK CHOMCY' 416-286-3993 or rC 905-428-6533 RVMW ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. PERFECTION PLUS... LOADS OF - QUALITY AT _ $199,500 • Professionally decorated .- • Big bright kitchen y..,..4. •4 bdrms., 3 baths 6- `"Huge masteden suite + sitting area *Main flr. family rm. + laundry �;• - .,. Separate living & dining ,� *Plus walkout beswearti t 'Call today BARBARA EDWARDS* ;+ 683-2992 r J PMPFPP�p S Ol t� L A X10" PLUS$ Beautifully renovated 3 bdrm. New 4-piew i bamt 3 -pc. bath • Super rec rm, gas stove W/o to landscaped patio Private, mature yard with YAG • Prime S. Ajax area $174,000: 6'19-9500 oor family room Double garage . Priced to sell! CALL DAVE McLEAN' ' 619.9500 r HERITAGE REALTY LTD. HOT ENOUGH YET? SPLISH-SPLASH Located in the desirable area of West Lyrtde. Features a huge lot, inground pool, central air, large country kitchen, entry from garage, new f00}, neW furnace, large rec. room, fireplace and marry more extras! For a personal viewing call Douce TAYLOR** R�MRC FIRSTLY" LOVELY suNc:At.ow PRESTIGLarge floor IOUS QUEEN'S COMMON 1,700 sq. it. home nestled in luxurious area. White oak, formal home. 500 series door. Garage door access. est -in kitNten, main laundry. Truly a pldstare t view. Call Teresa Yander ' Horst for your appointntertL Home evaluations available. Tetresa lfartrler Hagst' < . � (905] 683-2992 � R�M�C" OUALfTY ONE LTD. RLTR. SOUTH AJAX $129,900 X Two kitchens • X Two bathrooms - X Separate entrance ^" X All brick X 2 fridges. 2 stoves _ X Washer/dryer X Shows very well Call now _ PATRICIA X REABURN* 683-2992 R�Mkc QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. $199,900 . Just reduced ,Great price Prime Pickering area If ,Quiet court! . Premium pie -shaped lot , Gorgeous 0 bdrm. home . Absolutely loaded!! Approx. 2,100 sq. ft. Main fl ONLY $97,500 This much sought -aft 2 bedroommodel N spolless. • +' y include: on aft ..:. laundry, 5 appliances, - .,.window coverings Complex"iincluldes pool, sauna, sec room 8 /lfMlia tourL CALL BRIAN KONDO* 683-2992 i� W.MW oor family room Double garage . Priced to sell! CALL DAVE McLEAN' ' 619.9500 r HERITAGE REALTY LTD. HOT ENOUGH YET? SPLISH-SPLASH Located in the desirable area of West Lyrtde. Features a huge lot, inground pool, central air, large country kitchen, entry from garage, new f00}, neW furnace, large rec. room, fireplace and marry more extras! For a personal viewing call Douce TAYLOR** R�MRC FIRSTLY" LOVELY suNc:At.ow PRESTIGLarge floor IOUS QUEEN'S COMMON 1,700 sq. it. home nestled in luxurious area. White oak, formal home. 500 series door. Garage door access. est -in kitNten, main laundry. Truly a pldstare t view. Call Teresa Yander ' Horst for your appointntertL Home evaluations available. Tetresa lfartrler Hagst' < . � (905] 683-2992 � R�M�C" OUALfTY ONE LTD. RLTR. SOUTH AJAX $129,900 X Two kitchens • X Two bathrooms - X Separate entrance ^" X All brick X 2 fridges. 2 stoves _ X Washer/dryer X Shows very well Call now _ PATRICIA X REABURN* 683-2992 R�Mkc QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. $199,900 . Just reduced ,Great price Prime Pickering area If ,Quiet court! . Premium pie -shaped lot , Gorgeous 0 bdrm. home . Absolutely loaded!! Approx. 2,100 sq. ft. Main fl LOVELY suNc:At.ow PRESTIGLarge floor IOUS QUEEN'S COMMON 1,700 sq. it. home nestled in luxurious area. White oak, formal home. 500 series door. Garage door access. est -in kitNten, main laundry. Truly a pldstare t view. Call Teresa Yander ' Horst for your appointntertL Home evaluations available. Tetresa lfartrler Hagst' < . � (905] 683-2992 � R�M�C" OUALfTY ONE LTD. RLTR. SOUTH AJAX $129,900 X Two kitchens • X Two bathrooms - X Separate entrance ^" X All brick X 2 fridges. 2 stoves _ X Washer/dryer X Shows very well Call now _ PATRICIA X REABURN* 683-2992 R�Mkc QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. $199,900 . Just reduced ,Great price Prime Pickering area If ,Quiet court! . Premium pie -shaped lot , Gorgeous 0 bdrm. home . Absolutely loaded!! Approx. 2,100 sq. ft. Main fl SUCCESS OF HOME IMPROVEMENTS DEPENDS ON SEVERAL FACTORS This article is provided by local Realtors and the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) for the benefit of consumers in the real estate market. If you're planning home improvements, it's worth knowing that kitchen and bathroom renovations are still the best bet for a healthy return on your investment when you put your house up for sale. The kitchen is the most heavily used room in the house and often the one most in need of improvement. Renovations can involve drastic changes to the structure of the room, or be as simple as revamping the look of old units. According to most experts, kitchen renovations have a good potential payback. And you'll fare almost as well by beautifying your bathroom. But before you start knocking down bathroom walls or taking apart that old closet next to the kitchen, you should know that painting the interior or exterior of your home can also lead to dividends. There are any number of factors that can affect the success of a home renovation or improvement project • First of all, you must have a budget, and be able to stick to it as closely as possible. 'Those handcrafted floor tiles you've just come across certainly would look nicer than the vinyl flooring you planned, but they'll add hundreds of extra dollars to your flooring bill. • Don't take on any part of the project yourself unless you're absolutely swine you can handle it Mistakes can cost you dearly, especially if you have to call in professionals to finish the job and repair the damage you've done. Sloppy workmanship will quickly devalue your investment. • A paint job may seem like a quick and easy way to add value to your home, but that potential could rapidly disappear if you opt for an outlandish color scheme with limited appeal. If the purpose of renovating is to enhance your home's selling potential, you want the finished results to appeal to as many people as possible. • Be prepared for a time when your home and your life are turned upside down. Any job well done takes time, and ranting about the mess won't make it go away. • Know who you are hiring to LU work for vou. 1,C11, tilewillrenova- tors pro- a- BROKERAGE?? prI bably have to . Call Canada's undisputed #F1 Commercial Realtor have a local business All replies held in confidence licence, currently • Professional training, management, resources e Please call: Alastair Strachan, Vice President there are no (416) 4949500 certi-fication or or fax resume to: liken -sing I Royal LePage Commercial R.E. Services Ltd. require-ments (416) 4949444 they have to 'neet. INNAL LEPAGE • Do your home- �Inolininig 0-0 EW !-.b• L" R` work. Ask around for re commendations from friends an neighbors. Asl the reno-vator for re-ferences and where vot can see ex' amples of thei work. Chec1 them out. • Get quotes fron at least three different busi nesses. and ge them in writing in specific de tail. • Don't he tempter to make a cast deal. You won' know if the jot will ever gei finished, and there's no gua. rantee of after- sales service. And finally. there is one home im- provement you shouldn't be toc quick to jump into in the hopes of making extra cash when you sell your house: a swimming pool. According to experts, the chance of it paying back your investment is zero to 50 per cent. L J �n -MMI INDEPENDENT MEMBER BROKER HERITAGE REALTY LTD. AJAX PICKERING 619-9500 831-9500 ONE OF A KIND' COUNTRY LIVING! Jnique property backing on to 3�ingalow Duffin's Creek and surrounded y conservation lands. Cosy I with finished SHERRY basement overlooks golf HOOVER* course. In an area of larger 831-9500 homes on a 75x475 ft. lot. $219.900. Call Sherry Hoover 831-9500 for open house dates/times or for your private showing. 831-9500. • DETACHED ONLY $132,500 STEVE 5 BDRM. 3 bedrooms, 2 LASZLO* $149,700 baths, fin. bsmt., Det. 5 bdrms. up, Cent. air, aft. 619-9500 fin. bsmt., 65 ft. lot, garage, fam. rm., over 2,000 sq. ft. South Ajax. Must see, amazing Steve Laszlo, deal. Steve Laszlo, 6 619-9500. 19-9500. • sws RApraMntwtM 011e I&L . alai=N111 M • 2 Nnals„ so. • llilltslt%2*Wts • $Odom �► w aro lh ><77! fw $179 slrrwatpsr atsab PORT PERRY BUILDING LOT • Backing on to canal on Scugog Island, 10 mins. to Port Perry • Septic bed already installed • Building permits available Call 683-5000 w CALL ONE OF TIS SPECIALISTS!! �C tKATl1Y6" ftPoeft" =: LJssssM �ssiliat AasMttt Si Aw tion" d tM pop ralssl I waft —U::"ganul—IgI gi Lphm * glop 7� 11� in. ..• � sow ' opow .... SOWN ..W IN wra 011e I&L . alai=N111 M • 2 Nnals„ so. • llilltslt%2*Wts • $Odom �► w aro lh ><77! fw $179 slrrwatpsr atsab PORT PERRY BUILDING LOT • Backing on to canal on Scugog Island, 10 mins. to Port Perry • Septic bed already installed • Building permits available Call 683-5000 w CALL ONE OF TIS SPECIALISTS!! �C tKATl1Y6" ftPoeft" =: LJssssM �ssiliat AasMttt Si Aw tion" d tM pop ralssl I waft —U::"ganul—IgI gi Lphm 1 ,r�� t " . MEMO-'°�WOUL :L. �,3 :;. '`iaLSkS,_ Znil eak� , =M �: 1885 Gienanna Rd., Pickering r • y f • ; . y.. _ PICKERING (90s) 831=3300 24HOUR REAL ...ESTATE 686=3330, IN= H 0 .:: CAR/TO R. w le) 798=7288 FEATURE HOMES r OR A FREE HOME< EVALUATION CALL US FIRST! ELAOE BUKALO' JUST LIKE NEW! NO FLAWS! Over 2,500 sq. ft. located on an oversized 176 In this sparkling 4 bedroom Foxhoflow daTiond, ft. lot! Fabulous family kitchen & 4 spacious premium walkout basement lot (hard to find), bedrooms for only $229,900. Have a look greenhouse kitchen, custom 30' cedar deck, 3 today. Call for details, 831-3300, bathrooms, mn. fir. fam. and laundry rm... Call to JOAN CAMPBELL' ART FOWLER' view this gem... $248,900.831-3300. DON LESLEY" SEAN LOSCHIAVO' r ORK BAMBRIDGE' SAW* EASTERBROOK' NORM MARTIN" GLENN M 11 cdUEENIE' -r 5151,900 GREAT STARTER 5129.900 - • Nicety affordable 'st trr+ers S- rd oetached home COUNTRY CHARMER • ve tial decor •Large 8Cx'B' " Ic' • _ass rar K mm 'c • K.rcner pantry yi dishwasher Central ac • Wood floors throughc • Lar, i , '_curt,-,' K:!aW . � jlty fencedlarge deck • Master bdr^ walk -!r :iose':_r suite • Gose to 401 GO transd, stores • Dvwsized set, garage • A — st on Y, --,r lost' WENDY CORTURILLO• DOUGLAS CAIN' Start now - start mere' Call for details. 93PETER MELISSIS' STEVE MILL'' -3300 --a' :eta s �3' 3v C WALTER BROWN- NORIC'_4 BAMBRIDGE' ABRIAN ODONOGHUE* JOE DIT NC' f, w S 189, 900 s 172.500 AJAX BEAUTY WALKOUT BASEMENT _ 1 -arge 4 bedroom x 2.233 sq. ft. • S-aat beginnings r- aw potertial _ e . =;e shaped lot • = rmal irv- din. rms. • •. ce family area ( uralkc ' to targe deck • C,lzxd r 0* staircase • 3rKpt, clean home • year schools, shops, partes. Opt Cent. vac • Corrie see • Cent. ail Make an appt today' HELEN MASON' GARY FUSEL_" � Ills • Sews oxirane% we" "a" `. le'ads 931-3300 G_E vN PRICE• BRvAti it, - = _ _ erra - --- k44 �t _ 'F .W —M - ; RON GORDON- SALLY McRAE' ,4 qON RC PICKERING WEST HILL BORDER JOHN SODDY BRIDLEWOOD S149,900 S22-: 900L Beautiful 3 bdrm. 20' master w tt ` U en Detached 3 bor— - aracrled garage, approx.'.50C s.; suite bath. 19' family room . fireplace Ma.- "oor 21 living room . fireplace, updated kitchen Big lining laundry'. basement drywalled & Ca:nted Large. area. Walkout to patio 2 bathrooms, appliances, cent. premium lot fenced & landscaped. Handy to MARGOTJOHNSON-vwLLP�' JOHN McCAn"EN' vac 8 more rckided Call for details. 831-3,300 schools & park. Call for details 831-3300 RICK SERG:SON' CLOVIS S' _C S' -.3•-..-! ice.. - i � '� BILL HIBBITS' LYNN McCULLOCH' r -' GEARY WHITE' JAYSON VANULAR' SPOTLESS BUNGALOW DESIRABLE GLENDALE JUST LISTED S214,900 S157,900 -s v Rare find! Lovely Pickering bungalow features Spotless 3 oedroom feat:,res catnedra ceilings, bright, family kitchen, mn. fir. laundry, finished rec sep. forma! d nrng room, f r sled rec room with wet room with fireplace & walkout. 2 decks - a must to bar, fireplace, cent air & vac. plus appls., kit. BEV McLEAN' MARY ROY* see. Call for details, 831-3300. Excellent value Call for details. 831-3300.RON SHUTE' DOUG TAYLOR" r 1 AL HUTTON' LOUISE MICALLEP GEOFF WALKER* JAAN KRULL' CLOSE TO LAKE $ GREENBELT A LOT OF HOUSE HERE! Desirable South Ajax location, has walkout basement. Over 1,900 sq h in South Ajax, close to Lake. man floor sliding walkout from dning room to deck, master W* room with fireplace. man flax laundry, large eat -in bedroom has walk-in doset and wal through to 4 -pc. kAdterl, huge masler wA1 en skr4e. REDUCED TO SELL FOR NANCY POUNDER" PAUL KEELER' baQvoom. Asking $149,890.Cal for details, 631-3300. 5167,500! Cal for details. 831-3300. VALERIE P LGRW JOHN MONW 'Sales RepresentatFae "Associate Broker t{♦y''{ a� ' Achievers offers `rock solid' service Stability is important in any business. Achievers name has been symbolic of stabil industry. In a business where market co fluctuate, Achievers has offered its clients r So, it is only fitting that a real estate com known for its stability has joined The Pru For 10 years, the "We are also fortunate to it in the real estate have put together a y group of agents who editions constantly work very hard to stay ock solid service. on top of what is happening in the pany which has been industry, which is dential where "rock changing very, very ' fast." solid" is more than a motto — it is a business philosophy. Stability is why agents remain with Achievers. Not just personal stability. But the fact that Oldman believes is his staff provides professional stability. Elvira Larocque has been with Achievers from the start and she says any company can have a motto, but it is a completely different thing to run a business by that philosophy. "Commitment to people is very important in this business," she says. "The company wants us to go the extra mile for our clients because that is the service xx they deserve.•. Trish French agrees. "Honesty and integrity is everything. There must be a strong trust factor between you and your clients. That is 01 important to Bob and it is important to me.' The stability of Achievers hasn't gone by unnoticed by its competitors either. In fact, during its 10 -year history, three real estate In 1985, Bob Oldman left behind the security of his carter to start a real estate business. His ideals for a successful company were not solely hinged on profitability. "My goal was not monetary driven and i had no mvths about ,_,ettin!, nch." sa%, Oldman. "I wanted ba,ic things I t` wanted to feel part of the community and 1 wanted a business built on strong ethics, ttr� which is very important in order . for us to put ourselves and our ' clients on stable ground." He knew there would be rough spots in the industry and, in order to ride out those rough spots, he had to bring together a group of people that was dedicated to providing the best possible service to chents...all the time. NRS Achievers Real Estate Ltd. was founded exactly on those beliefs. The company philosophy reads: -NRS Achievers Real Estate Ltd. is founded upon a philosophy of respect — respect for our customers, for ourselves and for each other." As Achievers celebrataed 10 years in the business, that philosophy and ceaamitment bolos more true than ever. "My instincts tell me that today's market conditions dictate that we focus on the client," says Oldman. "We (real estate professionals) must exceed client's perception of what they want and what they need. We will only be here five years from now, if we focus on the client. That's the most important part of the real estate deal." The success of Achievers has been its team of real e s t a t e professionals. • Oldman says the stability of the company and the fact that man of its agents have been part of the Achievers team _ for five years or • more means a lot - to people. "We have • earned the reputation for ' being very stable, • very professional and focussed on - - servicing the customer," • Oldman says. companies — Admiral, Majestic and Nlastlower — have merged with Achievers. "Bob run, this company the way I used to run ours," says Jill Savard, who operated Coldw•ell Banker Admiral Realty with partner Ken Brown. "The stability of the company and the broker made it clear this was the only place to come." With 10 years of successful business behind him. Oldman is not about to slow down. With that comes the amwuncetnent that Achievers has joined The Prudential, a company with offices in 20 countries around the globe and a "rock solid" reputation in insurance, investments and real estate. Most Canadians are familiar with The Prudential name and, in fact, one in five people already do 19 business with The P r u d e n t i a l subsidiaries. 1995 — NRS Oldman says, "We are joining a Ceieb company with a 1 Oth an reputation that precedes us." Nk' h i 1 e .agents like ion Vivian are glad to see two g r e a t companies working together. "Our clients are our clients," he says. "But when (The Prudential) sign shows up, they have the feeling of stability and commitment that comes with the name." As Achievers enters is second decade with new name, there is ptimism from "veryone involved. "The Prudential has oven itself as a company committed to .—providing dependable, quality service," Ken Brown says. "And that is how we "Solid as a rock is in alignment with our own image in the marketplace," adds Trish French. Oldman says Achievers clients won't see any difference in the way company does business. "We are going to continue doing things and conducting business the waN %%e have done it for the past 10 years," he says. "New name. Old values." 95 —1THEPRUDENTIAL ACHIEVERS . `REALTY debuts in Durham Region ACHIEVERS rates its niversary 3tIo 1985 — NRS A EWERS REAL. ESTATE tout ARE YOU READY TO FALL N LOVE? R'E'N'O'V'A'T'E'D' 3 bedroom, 2 bath bKksl* in freed selUng. Huge 'oath' i '. 0r4 newer roof, riemlal windows, SHNILEr & bahoom & more! Fie. Tudor roc nn. has TRRSW Acorn fp. Call Mrs. Free 831-7677. FRENCH r t = ►_Vmm AS101C $179,900 Ex XNent P!rdkering location, 4 bedroom, detached, finished basement with w/o, main low family room with (replace. To COLLA' i view call Coin or Arne. 428-7677. ANW LOTS OF LOP! One d a kind 3 bedroom famrty Home on pre lot tat backs on to greenspace Eat -in kit with side entrance. 1 4 & 1 2 -pc. baths. MARILYN single gar & lots of parking. who to patio WOOD• from tivrclp room, fnistted bsrnt & mors! 'THE ULTIMATE SCENARIO' Gorgeous John Boddy Estates sokt level have with who to beaut;W gardens, smWesM cuslorrazed xnterW dnrre & tr. entrance N ns belt & whistles S379.ti00 To visw hal Joan Matson at 831-7677 POWER OF SALE Picturesque 61x156 loot budding lot in Pickering. Servom at property kne. Elora Larocque 428-7677. v JOAN HUDSON' ELVIRA LAROCQUE ROUGE VALLEY LOCATION Well built 2x6 construction Forme wM beautiful back yard & mature trees, fn. top to bottom nd. 5 4& 2 -pc baths, gas & wood fps., mn. Or. family & laund. ions., w10 kit. to deck. Call Joan Hudson, 831-7677 JOAN HUDSOM QUIET CRESCENT LOCATION & CLOSE TO EVERYTHING! Don't miss this 3+2 bedroom all brick beauty! Fn. from top to bottom & loaded with CAC, tp., mn. Or. tam. m., fenced yard, en suite !Jath & much more! Do not delay! Call me today! MARILYN WOOD' SETTING? Great curb appeaY. 3 bdmts., 3 bafhs, Wo ea1-i1 'OAK' kit walks out t0 surdeck & garden, Ige. ley ferltxid yard hada b mature trees. Cal Mrs. French, SHlA1.Er i TRRSH' F:EIICH CENTURY HOME CIRCA 186667 Claremont, one of a kind, fulf of chhann, 4 0 bedroom, 2 storey brick, restored, modem kilctten & batt, main floor farnity room, GAYLE open concept. great for Battering of family GAM101P & Mends. Call Gayle Gannon. 831-7677. SWPLY CHARMING Detached 4 bedroom !,orae :ver 2.100 sq. ft.. man floor tamely 3 Gundry rooms. fireplace, 3 baths, double gar, prem>Nxn lot. extras. $169.90C an Saranne. FA61JL045 -J01119000r 'ton* Ew 11sPray WN 9 ncaam and a home aur fp halt nay a* iW prrrc0la roars spaaws u, en- t rand & nup tall sora 10 rtP i traisApovew 4a bo, & awrtrar am. 3.400 sq STEVE' & It., kir k at a tic pnoa spits vat. Cal ►bat CHIERYL- CWO Itaaeta. 8:111-W7 KOSTKA AJAX BUNGALOW Itimm aloft, newer broadloom, targe ear- n 6*fla and I 1 ree room. Mae in co No Cal Ji or Ken, 428.7677. HOT TUB! 3 bedroom home in tluiet area of Ajax. .RLL Nicely finished rec room and 3 -piece bath SAVARD n basemerR, owner transferred. Jill or KEN BROW Ken. 428-7677. � � `• 1;n . FIRST -TWE BUYER? MOVE RIGHT N! 3 bdtm. Horne has been renovated fop to boom, new gas kart, new wt.. near ban orn glass scow GARY & Jaarm, mar floor laundry greet r>agtxxlrood PEW bo. Cal b view. Gary Peds 831.7677 GREENBELT LIMING bedroom, 2 storey. 3 revers fnrsnec. nckades most appliances. souM Arax xkaDon, Close to schools, attractive BI design. Great vakae. LEG f IT—S I'll TREED RAVINE ELEGANCE' 3 39 acres wren 20 teat on tine Rouge ower, spotless arstom+ bkyit. over 3,000 sq. It. of " space Elva Larocqus. 42&7677. AL TIE E ITFU S - PAVW LM 2 9EDn001111 ikAw. RA:wALKOU7BASENW. OUIET CUL DE SAC zap 4* ,duns. to jaars Y ye ane ria oasis Pool size rot, move in condition, 3+1 -- nes. -RAVe ribs Sr y W r. z" XM brill ft bedroom, 3 baths, ceramic: entry, trach & Mons. beaarrlr lwakee & (req XPrrec Anne STEVE' & lights, fireplace & more. EMra Larocque. Wilibl6 mpwmd & *w a be aeea rave a -lun CHERYL' j 428-7677. mhsmtta,aniAw CAC-mrKaW831-757 KOSTICA �►'�.A�"` �`.e".` r 5,15, z CATHEDRAL. CEILINGS - OPEN CONCEPT WITH 'flREPLACE ROUGE AREA' In rrxnaalaw 3 bdrm hone is In a D(Nne Prtke rn Alarm system - Jeraar stove B B O ' loll Gose to SdWIS sicDDr>9 & d)urche5 SDS Cahtomia shutters ' trench doors ' fireplace sunken kv. rm wdh smN oro Io private deck & trees STEVE' & Inert ' garage door opener ' beautiful treed EI yard eat -n lat. Sep do rm. & psi hn bsmt Woe CHERYL' LAR, air! iet EMra Ldroc Cal Steve Kostka. 831-7677 KOSTKA . QUe, 428-7677 JILL SAVA CI _KEN BROIRN' 1�IKO.IT BASBOff A 51 TO LAKE ONTARIO 3 bdnn. traN t with eat -in -A'aa Gus ret rm Naar gas 4.. rrckrdes appK . wndtgs Ow -ove!. dM 10 su:troats, pudic & SM Neutrar deCM P111101111!men Cal Jan or Carrs at our new oegrininp P"*falAtlrevrxs ReW 428-.'577 TDONHOUSE SPECIALS S' 29.90[ Sorg , Y or � aix & CA% S"5.300 :li* :r -wre-Ttc. rnr^atualeHorne S111.30C Ps badt5 or m saw wax Cal Jour Ola" or a iw 3f to nrior+es LOCATION! LOCATION' LOCATION' 9,9menc urn, renm cvatec -cc .c bcrto. M backs on 10 detachee Tonnes. 3 W4bsdrro w 2 baths. Enna arocque. 42& �a ■ BEAU VA__Ev- OSHAWA �•estge street "azure area. F-xceOhonal nor* r :ark- rke setting on ELVIRA7px*' " lct Cat for details, Ehra ELVIRA LAROCOUE' lar ue 423-767' LAROCQUE' BRAND NEW LISTING TRY $9,000 DOWN Solid brick Scarborough bung., 3 b drms. + 2 bdmhs., in-law suite, 6 appls., cent. arc, close to Town Centre, schools, and trans. Call John Paton Now!!! r AMAZING BACKSPLIT CLOSE TO METRO ZOO Move right in, dnmaculate. 4 gracious bdrms.. ground Or. tam. nn., wito to secluded patio JOHN area, hdrwd. & ceranacs. kit. oA tam. rm.. cert. JOHNr428-7677PATRICIA PATON" air, donne On gar. Cal JoM Paton Now!!! PATON— 11 MAW MA ocq . -A UNIQUE HOME • ROUGE VALLEY AREA v 9eaub!u, clone 3r 2 storey grand entrance -eats to the 'ornd air rm s. & s . inn f1r. aund , +oro JOAN lot. to private balk .art. tam room open to let.. HUDSON' 3 baths. Cal Joan, Hudson, 931.7, 6 �� �.� Seas .1 .� IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE VALUE OF HOMES IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, CALL FOR YOUR FREE MARKET EVALUATION TODAY!! PATRICIA . MANN, . SUCCESS OF HOME IMPROVEMENTS DEPENDS ON SEVERAL FACTORS This article is provided by local bathroom walls or taking apart that old Realtors and the Ontario Real Estate closet next to the kitchen, you should Association (OREA) for the benefit of know that painting the interior or consumers in the real estate market. exterior of your home can also lead to If you're planning home dividends. improvements, it's worth knowing that There are any number of factors that kitchen and bathroom renovations are can affect the success of a home still the best bet for a healthy return on renovation or improvement project. your investment when you put your • First of all, you must have a budget, house up for sale. and be able to stick to it as closely as The kitchen is the most heavily used possible. Those handcrafted floor tiles room in the house and often the one you've just come across certainly most in need of improvement. would look nicer than the vinyl Renovations can involve drastic changes flooring you planned, but they'll add to the structure of the room, or be as hundreds of extra dollars to your simple as revamping the look of old flooring bill. units. • Don't take on any part of the project According to most experts, kitchen yourself unless you're absolutely sure renovations have a good potential you can handle it. Mistakes can cost payback. And you'll fare almost as well you dearly, especially if you have to by beautifying your bathroom. call in professionals to finish the job But before you start knocking down and repair the damage you've done. LOCAL REALTOR ACHIEVES NATIONAL RECOGNITION OSHAWA JULY 24TH 1995 - LORN SCANLON FULL TiME SALES REPRESENTATIVE WITH REMAX REFLECTION REALTY INC. has been awarded the Accredited Buyer Representative designation by the Real Estate Buyers Agent Council (REBAC). a national oroanization addressing all aspects of consumer representation in real estate transactions. Scanlon recently completed the educational requirements for the national designation at an intensive four week seminar through the Re/Max Satelite Network. Designees trust also complete specified practical requirements and submit evidence of completed transactions in which they, have functioned as a buyers representative before being accepted in the designation program- -Until very recently. the vast majority of real estate agents worked as exclusive agents of the seller", explains REBAC president, Charles M. Dahlheimer, "and most buyers were unrepresented in the purchase of a home. Today, there is a definite trend toward buyer representation, spurred on in part by the strong efforts of consumer advocates such as Ralph Nader and organizations such as the Consumer Federation of America and AARP. It is our purpose to provide a nationwide registry of agents who not only call themselves buyer representatives but who have had the training and experience to deliver the sen ice ethically and professionally. That is the purpose of our designation program." Scanlon is affiliated with Re/Max Reflection Realty Inc. in Oshawa and has also achieved the Registrated Relocation Specialist, 100% club with Re/Max, Platinum Club with Re/Max and was ranked #49 in Canada by Re/Max in 1994. REBAC was founded in 1988 and currently has over 4.001 members in all fifty states and Canada. Approximately two thousand REBAC members in forty-seven states and Canada have achieved the Accredited Buyer Representative designation. A�,I in nom Sloppy workmanship will quickly meet. devalue your investment. • Do your homework. Ask around • A paint job may seem like a quick recommendations from friends and easy way to add value to your neighbors. Ask the renovators home, but that potential could rapidly references, and where you can disappear if you opt for an outlandish examples of their work. Check th color scheme with limited appeal. If out. the purpose of renovating is to • Get quotes from at least the enhance your home's selling different businesses, and get them potential, you want the finished writing, in specific detail. results to appeal to as many people as • Don't be tempted to make a cash d possible. You won't know if the job will e • Be prepared for a time when your get finished, and there's no guamn home and your life are turned upside of after-sales service. down. Any job well done takes time, And finally, there is one hoi and ranting about the mess won't improvement you shouldn't be too qu make it go away. to jump into in the hopes of mak • Know who you're hiring to work for extra cash when you sell your house you. While renovators will probably swimming pool. According to expel have to have a local business licence, the chance of it paying back yt currently there are no certification or investment is zero to 50 per cent. licensing requirements they have to DDD NEW CHOICE Realty Ltd. MEPAB ER BROKER 7=10 4 L111 -t1 RI �( f Ajax 3 hedroo,lt. storm• !urnut, huge kitchrrt, 4 baths. 4 appliances. linish,d basement & lireplac c. Call Raul Casino*, 837-105.1 IRFSIft,/ lit 1111)1,' Beciuhlul y room yuohn , onsirut ted humie. premium lurrst mere lot. opera ,court use ti, basement plus %cpuratt• viuiri vise to b -em ent C'erunut hall & Allihen. hugs, cores deck. Siltt % ,41cvu' CaU Ron Argue * 837-1054. "28 OFFI A } IRP GARUEAI R a Altt�s 1%eli,t;ht 149deer 3 ,"argon & liriuhed ,,uienrertt. open c 4,110 rpt rout. appliuncrs. Veno en "isle Ixlt11 r41 muster ludtr,orm Call Raul Casino*, x37-1054 1'. 1l! 1 ( 11; IR11 R' • i + l hedrnnmt.V • 11h, kit. to dec'k/Jivtc'ed i.rrd • f intslted bast-ment • Ilarzlwood & (erat,ric r7oo ., • Call Lois** today, 837-1054 t TIRO TO i1( lh.1 < ret K1 ' 1clrge hock nod Gorgeous all brick tilt F.ttt-in kit(hen fahitlous larize lots South ' Witlkout to ptuio Rouge area - Pickering'a " Bt/; hedrooms nicest conununi/N.. • * ('harming linished hstnt Call Barbara K Smith " ARGUE' * Suprrh del or 837-10.14 Call Row AMve*. 837-1054 ES IN SOUTHERN ONTARIO AND G • Saatas RaPMWalatiatat '• A =611le WOW *** &OWdOmw L0 Ri a�-- JIL ( 111: C A THiS ONE OUT! • Approx(X4. 1.6sy. It. • 3 hedroums til • hamuli' rwnu with lirepluc-e • 14ulkuut hu.Vrnient • Firelleirt neighborhood • Call Loss** today, '3.`t0]►�fii 837-1054 t POOI_SIDE PtRTIF_S... higrr,taul INN,/ surrounded bis pretty ganleras•, su/x•r 3 bednxnn ILXRe, /Wait floor family mons. fenced school -IM11-1-11211111. close bV Imillinlillilill Call Barbara K Saw k * • 837-1054 IOWING'.8a".sM0% em"Okli,„ r - _ rHF( ATHIS 01T' I ,' Jf N11.I"it1) **PE.�77lrt - - i Rl.All(,IM S • ! -dated 3 bdnR bunralow A JOH.\ WHY)) IN PI A[, R 11 \'(I � � � PIC ERI A'G • Ka, is on to grrenbrlt • f im. bsw-. evra bath =.1164 sq. ft. beauri �` f i rrgrren - nuxiel LotA Nest to the CN LOCA TION ' rit sus • ( tuth crilireg m fcnn net rower Tridrl gtutliR r ret dear! rnJ street. basks Pair • i,�uth P:rkrrirrQ tlaullr. l(uin fly. Gturtd. with full securim 2 * 1t chert slxu-e, wonderftdly *CapJtadvStacey`'* 837-1054.STACEE JUDY• :erre. duneemn wmtwrrhdrm Call Jaady Stocee••* parking. Call Garry Free*** . . ilctttnotu horny. can Garry Free•** v 1.1 7-1054 837-1054 3 7-1011 107-1054- L111 -t1 RI �( f Ajax 3 hedroo,lt. storm• !urnut, huge kitchrrt, 4 baths. 4 appliances. linish,d basement & lireplac c. Call Raul Casino*, 837-105.1 IRFSIft,/ lit 1111)1,' Beciuhlul y room yuohn , onsirut ted humie. premium lurrst mere lot. opera ,court use ti, basement plus %cpuratt• viuiri vise to b -em ent C'erunut hall & Allihen. hugs, cores deck. Siltt % ,41cvu' CaU Ron Argue * 837-1054. "28 OFFI A } IRP GARUEAI R a Altt�s 1%eli,t;ht 149deer 3 ,"argon & liriuhed ,,uienrertt. open c 4,110 rpt rout. appliuncrs. Veno en "isle Ixlt11 r41 muster ludtr,orm Call Raul Casino*, x37-1054 1'. 1l! 1 ( 11; IR11 R' • i + l hedrnnmt.V • 11h, kit. to dec'k/Jivtc'ed i.rrd • f intslted bast-ment • Ilarzlwood & (erat,ric r7oo ., • Call Lois** today, 837-1054 t TIRO TO i1( lh.1 < ret K1 ' 1clrge hock nod Gorgeous all brick tilt F.ttt-in kit(hen fahitlous larize lots South ' Witlkout to ptuio Rouge area - Pickering'a " Bt/; hedrooms nicest conununi/N.. • * ('harming linished hstnt Call Barbara K Smith " ARGUE' * Suprrh del or 837-10.14 Call Row AMve*. 837-1054 ES IN SOUTHERN ONTARIO AND G • Saatas RaPMWalatiatat '• A =611le WOW *** &OWdOmw L0 Ri a�-- JIL ( 111: C A THiS ONE OUT! • Approx(X4. 1.6sy. It. • 3 hedroums til • hamuli' rwnu with lirepluc-e • 14ulkuut hu.Vrnient • Firelleirt neighborhood • Call Loss** today, '3.`t0]►�fii 837-1054 t POOI_SIDE PtRTIF_S... higrr,taul INN,/ surrounded bis pretty ganleras•, su/x•r 3 bednxnn ILXRe, /Wait floor family mons. fenced school -IM11-1-11211111. close bV Imillinlillilill Call Barbara K Saw k * • 837-1054 IOWING'.8a".sM0% em"Okli,„ In Oshawa • Whitby • Clarington ft SE ei THIS WEEK re �i ve I a i ®ice r�y�.yy Lf �illio�'• pl !! �1H10- t1ve Gates to OPEN HOUSE News Advertiser O EAA RAVAGANZA Friday, July 21, 28, August 5, 12, 19, 25 6 weeks of terrific Open House properties for sale! 1great prize to be won each week WEEK PRIZE 1 2 BLUE .JAY TICKETS 2 $75.00 DM. -ER VOUCHER 3 GOLF GREEN FEES FOR T«0 4 4 W'ONDERLXND TICKETS 5 $ i 5.00 DM—ER VOUCHER 6 2 BUT JAY TICKETS Just stop by and visit an Open House every weekend, fill out a ballot and you could win one of 6 prizes. Rules and Regulations: 1. Entrants must be 18 years of age or older. 2. One entry per person per Open House. 3. Winners will be notified by phone. 4. Winners agree to pick up prizes at Oshawa Whitby This Week and agree to have their names & photographs printed in This Weeks' newspaper. Realtors To book your space call: (905) 579-4404; Toronto (416) 798-7672; Fax (905) 432-1635 9 9t y y, S.IT, v�o�v..wrMb,iLe� ' Y + , / . 11 �o - c Y -!�' ROY''- •_>_ �- FLO BETTS** 831-3300 X41 905-831-8613 TOLL FREE 1-800-663-1734 M0 rIrICE OF HALES, tl WMY. Locates w a great ne'd'Dorticoc 3 bdrm. ranch bungalow situated on a 50 ft. lot in an area of �� > bumaan i ltitdter we wwall � a ,,il *14%900 $134v9OO w homes. ,° St p e � °w p. a ROUGE RNER REALTY • FI R ST � �� t� °i""' "'h was to wall bnd frceplace. ne» hardwood floors, gas furnace, et. Call today. Scarborough. Mrer.ry wlldows. new bay widow. nnrnamsarely cared for and LTD - faithfully Oecaraled rlloulo Plied a sell at $149.900 Oshawa TOLL FREE.mole- HEAD OF THE CLASS! SHIRLEY MAXMIELL I I ' i -r Brolcor/OwnerIE!_ CHRIS = 576-5300 � ? ' ' S 6u 2NET 1500 _ T* 1-800-361-5498 (4 .. 1-800-663-1734 ITw-CaDly caBc `_. ""ee GeC'OG+*C.nga,cw w"' "'2? DeOroCr^. Wan hn,SheC basemen! d"7 Srrairy Maax•t!!specious urng an- .- nng cornotnatior ovay hnisre,- recepiace Owet Court location. Ice Cold air ^,i;,s 'Dorn wit' gas :)u. -NN hreptace anc a separate eXerase S259,,900 S1517900 !"numerous upgrades and extras ail at a price you ROUGE RIVER REALTY ;wage of a •e: na-:c rec ; onescan afford $151.900 Cap Chns today I.M. S = PAT= ■ .y W. 7 WALTER BROWN— _ � ■■■■ r; � 7 11862 831-3300 Now ■ a :■■■ s � R i�1� �atu ■■■ i - : a r. 2 s =�= ` 5202,900 138.500 c ex Ira e, t As a 44.9Wet.t2 ='P 1 � Ltd. •� c�4 w i pp�e yea eats oa m basrr•tent Asking Stu.900 Try .cal l�aasr %crv4T lYL _ vour -fterl Call Patricia Yam,0.tory t3rnkx 19051 723- - Im. now SHIRLEY MAXWELL rAMM - rsaG�rw' vo' vow Broker/Owner : W .:ats ..w SEAN 576-5300 ' • 1�atu.t . .rtoo�^"i LOSCHIAVO* ;Zp . The Condo Expert 1-800-361-5498 831-3300 plus a cos_ -•-r. Sb.rlan rl7 Kacner S,: -.Ke- RM` 5-9190 j� Tndel built - FrobiSher Mode: 906 sq. ft. 1880 Valley .Naxu - - ( S126 900 Farm, Unit 718. Large 1-1 bedroom. 2 car parking, Realty :@pa•a1E sem , _ -- .:;. _ ____ _ secs �, J a `/ � 5 appliances. Shows 10+. • Also 1,500 sq. ft. Ff R ST Ltd. ccmcr una. $210.000 VISIT . CEDARBROOKE SITE MONDAY - _ ' :::: t .THURSDAY =- =•! =�' -8 P.M. EDITH a - r e Iy SUNDAY 12-6 P.M. CSANYI* ,;� ''-7V'�- �' ' A CALL 434-5222 or 427-1177 (905) 404-2186 Y IL 71 - _ ;,:- R/M,p��/s ` „A' THE LIFESTYLE YOU DESERVE - Uniquely different -- affordabl aced REFLECTION t Bedroom from $114,900 W S� New release of 50' lots y p Natty kw— ft. 2 bedrooms from $1 30,600NE Limited number of extra deep lots 712 Rossland Rd. E. (Rossland E Garden Whitby) �,�TS, - Beautiful new two storey designs By Appointment only MODEL HOME now open