HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1995_08_024. HOME BY ..� rw�a.� lo.� iter tttti>w L 400 a rr- r a <420-4880 �P01-�tlo TR un crosT FOR RECYCLERS Columnist Larrai m Roulston has a list 3 4= of youcan give or take... See page 13 LIVE LOBSTER SPECIAL BUY 1 GET 1 FREE LLM $17.95 (Limited time offer) Kingston Rd., Pickm is g tME eanw of nou""K" t a Mw� Fur WA­WM e . TiAM ebk! 5 News Adveftiser Wednesday, Aug. Z1995 40 pages AMetroland Cammuv4Y Newspaper Pressrun 37,5W Vol. 114 Na JI Shills, thrills at Claremont rodeo I Trio chareed Injured cowboy refuses to board air ambulance after being stomped By JOAN RANSBERRY SPECIAL TO TW %1-A S 41)%hRT1S1-R PICKERING — A cow- boy gored and stomped by a bull at a rodeo in Clarcrrxnt on the weekend refused to he airlifted to a Toronto her. pi- tal, an event offwial reports. Bill Leggett, owner of Big L Roxleors, sari cowbov Ra,, McCormick sustained a head injury and was knocked unconscious during a bull riding competition, but wouldn't let medical officials talo him to hospital in an air ambulance. Mr. McCormick regained consciousncss. checked himself over and then refused to board the helicopter. "Hc got up and walked away. according to Mr. Lcimett. Thr rodeo company owner is not, however. impressed with the cowboy's actions. -We Pay for the para- medics and Net this fellow refused to take the help," says Mr. Leggett. "Why take the risk' Mr. McCormick came "head to head" with the bull during the Claremont Lions Club's two-day rodeo held at Barkc%'s Toad Hall. Property owner Dan Barkcy explained that, after on-site medical personnel assessed Mr. McCormick's injuries, they summoned an air ambulance from Toron- to's Centre Island. "When it comes to head injury, you have to tic %cry. ver% careful." Mr. BarkeN explains. "This guy was knocked out... Mr. Barkey is especially impressed with the air ambu- lance -response time. "They were here within minutes. It was quite a thing to watch." Mare than H,(X)O people attended the two. -da% annual event held to raise moncv for a local co mmunm project. Mr Leggett has operated the Garden Hill-basid rodeo business for man Nears. He ran two nxk-os this wcckcnd alone — one in Claremont and the chlor in the Halibur- ten area. The iric:ideni inolving the bull — known as Pincx:chio — and Mr. M Xormick. a Scarborough cowboy, was not the only injury at the Claremont rodeo. Another comlxtit(,r took a hk)w to an ankle. "CowboNs do take their knock,. none% Mr. Barkc%. The R(xico Association of Ontario oNcrsces all roxlco cents in the province. The provincial association also sets standards, including safer% rceulatio ns. "W'c follow the rules," repos Mr. Leggett. When it conics to bull rid- ing and other rodeo events, the rules are not to be broken. he stnc'sscs. -if Now refuse a medical check-up. you can't compete in other rock." It didn't take long for Ntr. McCormick to test the rule. And it didn't take long for the rule to test Mr. McCormick. After refusing medical help on Saturday. Mr. M::Cormick turned up to compete in a rodeo in Hal- iburton on Sunday. "He was refused entry. We heard he took himself to a hospital in Minden," Mr. Leggett repoirt,. A competitor hangs on to beat the clock during the Dronc event Saturday at a rodeo held in Claremont. Another compet tOr was injured at the event but refused medical assistance. photo by Andrew Iwanowski ___ - CLEAR v in Pickering J cocaine bust RCMP wraps up probe into crack cocaine operation PICKERING — Three men have been charged following a two-month undercover investigation into the traf- ficking of crack cocaine. Thr investigation came to an cnd Fri- day after a Royal Canadian Mounted Police undercover offit er w'as r4ibe i by two suspected traffickers at Pine Ridge Secondary Schox)l on LivcrTxx>I Road. They took more y that was to he used to hu% drugs. A third suspect was arrested near the scene. The nicn. aged 32, 29 and 21. were arrested withoxit incident, the RC%lP's drug section in Bow 'man%1Ile re fxxts. No shoKs were fired and a semi-automatic handgun was found near the hith PLEASE SEE BUST ... PAGE 3 Inside In the news Editorial... Shorts... . ..............................26 Entertainment ......................32 Classified .............................35 Phone lines General 683-51 10 Fax 683-7363 Sincerely Yours 1-900-451-3793 InfoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 68:3-3005 Auction Line 683-75.15 The Nevus Advertiser regularly uses recycled newsprint 93¢ + 7Q GST = $1 r � art V PA(:F.2-A-1'HF NF%S AUVF:R"1'ItiF:R, NFa1_ Al la'tiT 2. 1"5 0 "RUN AFFORDABLE PRICES EVERY AISLE Whnghouse WhiteMl►eOnghouse WWhiteWestinghOuse 22 =". sw s�► s�os w�*�+ - i auss a�vEs EFRIGIDAIRE 1 \ W"rER i ^.EAv'Y Tv c AASH PROGRAMS •, &A -ER LEVEL SE,ECTIONS AC-I(DN, I • 5 DOOR SHELVES • ICE CUBE BUCKET AND TRAYS • 5 FIXED SHELVES �—log • a DOOR SHELVES • :AIRY COMPARTMENT • E3G, BUCKE` • MEAT KEE PEP • iEGETASLE CRISPER • 3 ADJUSTABLE C c •�c WR a" SES'' 99wFREE 'YRS ON ELEMENTS YR !N HO(1E SERY!CE WIr1elAAeats+gnouse E SELF CLEAN t•SH �w w I iiGGRAM E A '.ARIABLE 'TEMPERATURE SETING$ -: JAY VENTING EFRIGIDAIRE 1499 COLOR 2611 COLOR TV FREE ;�„RGeneral Freezer • 30' SELF CLEAN • ELECTRONIC TIMER • VARIABLE BROIL • APPLIANCE Ol.'TLET • <-E'- ANC 2-6"ELEMENTS �:OOD SPOILAGE INSURANCE 5YRS.ON COMPRESSOR 1 YR IN-HOME SERVICE WE CARRY S. 7, 9. 1Z. 15 CU. 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"ER -SUCH .� _NiVERSAL REMOTE •BROADCAST STEREC 11 FEATURING XS STEREO SOUND • ON-SCREEN CLOCK SLEEP & ALARM 33TIMERS STEREO •COMMERCIAL SKIP •CHANNEL LABELINGCOLOR • CLOSED CAPTION am CAPABILITY i31 CIt WHIG AflE A; INCLUDING FREE STAND PIM Warranty 3 YRS. PARTS & LABOUR FROM aw 1540 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY BEST CHOICE PLAZA wAMN11� NORTHWEST CORNER OF THICKSON RD. AT n'n 30 days from your dm of purchase YW DUNDAS, WHITBY find "1e idents item in all respects and the WEEKDAYS 9:30 TILL 9:00 SATURDAY 9:30 tail oew reoutletic'o" guru TILL 6:00 tto heat the price of your pu dme is Ire+. P Pickering treatment centre cope's .1 in face of cuts ❑ `We have to look at our budget," says Mr. Cornish. program," says Mr. Cornish - (But) the last thing we want to do is While the operators of Fernie every item in the curtail treatment." House are conscious of spending, budget' says executive He says that when their budget of they continue to provide "pro-fami- y nearly $500,000 is cut, the centre ly" care programs for boys with trou- director of Fernie House will have to trim fat from the admin- bled backgrounds. 8 "- By STEPHEN I.ATEGAN FrAFT REPORTER PICKERING — The operator of a local residential treatment centre supports the idea of government restraint. "If you provide a good service, people will buy it," says Paul Cor- nish, executive director of Fernie House, a non-profit centre which provides board and educational ser- vices for teenage boys with behav- ioral, emotional, and social prob- lems. ""We are Polly confident that we'll survive" The Pickering facility has served youth from the child welfare stream since it opened in 1970. As with other social services, Fer- nie House will face provincial gov- ernment cuts of 2.5 per cent effective Oct. 1, which will be increased to five percent by April I of next year. "1� a have to look at every item in istrative side, which is the first to suffer from any kind of restraint." As a result, there could be a reduction in office supplies and maintenance, fax- ing instead of [sing a courier, and reorganizing schedules to combine staff trips. Forty-five per cent of the facility's budget comes from fees charged to users — the rest is paid by the Province. It is currently operating at 93 per cent occupancy (between seven and eight youth), and may have to be increased to % per cent to createume greater vol, he said. In addition, charitable partners may be asked to contribute more, says Mr. Cornish. Fernie House, which originally began in Toronto as a half -way house, is currently spon- sored by the Presbyterian Church in Canada. "Ultimately, you get into progam cuts. That wouldn't be desirable. (but) I don't see it happening in our Bust nets th"tee FROM PAGE 1 school. Two police officers received minor injuries fol- lowing a single -vehicle acci- dent. A surveillance car responding to an emergency call backed into a hydro pole and blocked the top of Liver- pool Road for about an hour. The suspects, from Pickc:r- ing and Scarborough. face ;several narcotic -related charges as a result of the RCMP investigation. They have also been charged with a variety of robbery and weapons -related charges by Durbain Regional Police. The undercover operation was investigating trafficking in the Oshawa and Pickering areas. Boys between 13 and lyears are given the basic care of food, cloth- ing, and shelter, but they are also taught socialization skills and behav- ior management. Fernie House works with a local school, which the youths regularly attend, on an educational program intended to support their reintegra- tion into the community. Other programs offered at the facility teach life skills, helping the boys work toward independence. A behavior modification program is given to kids who have had conflicts with authority. The teens are evaluated weekly by staff based on how they comply with the rules and how hard they work in their individual programs. Currently in his 15th year with Fernie House, Mr. Cornish remains dedicated to the service it provides. "1 will argue strongly that children who come into our care are children who need that kind of care." MUTUAL FUNDS INVEST NOW No cost to transfer holdings for better service and convergence. No cost for answers to your questions about mutual funds. Make the first of many good investment decisions CALL TODAY. MUL11 MUTUAL The Courtyard, Unit 16 Denis Ardagh 428-8613 t E� fitea Reliable. supervised day care at a home in your neighbourhood • Sate. conrtortabie environments • Re4able locai back-up nor Providers + Sbmuiating daily programs ►o4Cays or Alness e Trained. pro►essionai Providers • Complete NLsurance coverage + MordNy tome inspections • Income tax receipts &App4ed and, we welcome full or part-time care for children from 6 weeks of age! iliiaictta.er�eaa A Licensed Agency ff 1Y FOR INFORMATION CALL: 686-4816 THF NFWS ADVFRTtSF.R, WF.D., AUGUST z, i"_;-PACF. i A ! Dynamic Pools I& Service T be (905)831-Sv INI (7946) �n--- YES! WE ARE OPEN SUNDAYSWORF GET WET BUT DON'T GET SOAKED! 16'x 32' INGROUND POOL VST NCLUDED BASED ON GOOD ACCESS CHOOSE FROM 3SHAPES igMCO COMPLETELY INSTALLED INCLUDING - Excavation & hli removal - Start up chemicals - 2 stage concrete bottom - 9 deep end - Deluxe maintenance equip. - 3concrete deck - Deluxe vacuum equip. - 3 Tread S S ladder - 30 mil. custom liner with - ? HP Hayward filtration 20 year warranty system - Solar blanket - No construction - Deluxe aluminum coping subcontracting - PST Included - GST extra PST INCLUDED WITH PRICE PACE 4A -THF, NF.W% ADVERTISER. WF.D.. AUGMI' Z 19" V :SOCIAL SERVICES Ecker urged to fight for day-care O MPP acknowledges `essential service' AJAX-PICKERING — To ensure quality day care remains available, the provincial govern- ment must continue to subsidize wages workers in the field receive. That's the message about 50 women who work in the field told Durham West MPP Janet Ecker Monday at the Pickering Central Library. "With the wage -enhancement -grant, there's less staff turnover. In the last five years, the turnover has been minimal. With the grant gone, we'll be back in the same position as 10 years ago," a woman said. "I see a mass exodus from this profession" if the grant is elimi- nated, the woman said. "Who's going to be qualified to look after our children?" Another woman said, "With - Pickering students model. hot summer fashions Teen fashions were modelled by students from Pine Ridge Secondary School in Pickering at a Fresh 4 U fashion show held at St. Bernadette's Parish Hall in Ajax recently_ All proceeds went to the Humane Society. - photo by Andrew Iwanowski Bay News put into receivership AJAX-PICKERING — Shoreline Newspapers Inc., owners of The Pickering Bay News, has gone into receivership, owing almost S750.000 to secured and unsecured creditors. BDO Dunwoody was appointed receiver and tools control of the compa- ny on July 15. Revenue Canada is owed S91,000 for excise and GST taxes and asked for the appointment of a receiver. BDO representative Roger Groves says, "Shoreline owed a secured creditor, they didn't pay and the creditor asked us to go in and get their money." In addition to the gov- ernment, there are three other secured creditors. The secured creditors are owed a combined $477,566, while unsecured creditors, such as suppliers and former employees, are owed about $270;000. Shoreline has assets of almost $679,000, but S250.000 is the company's building and the receiver didn't take possession of that, Mr. Groves says. Included in the assets are 'goodwill', such as the newspaper's name and rep- utation, Mr. Groves says. The receiver will try to sell the assets and any money raised will go to the secured creditors first. However, a letter sent out by BDO and obtained by the News Advertiser notes. "At this point in time, it appears that secured creditors may suf- fer a substantial shortfall." The receiver hasn't decided how the proceeds will be distributed after the sale of assets, such as office furniture and com- puters, Mr. Groves says. The Bay News last pub- lished on June 7 and some employees were laid off in late June. A telephone call to the. newspaper wasn't returned. out the wage enhancement, care. It's an essential service", there's no incentive to but added all govern - go into Early Childhood Education. - Day -care workers receive a wage subsidy of up to $8,000 a year and many are concerned that the wage boost could be cut in the next round of government cuts. Ms. Ecker acknowl- edged, "We need day Janet Ecker went spending is under review. "I don't know what will happen (with the wage subsidy). Everything is on the board. I don't know what the answer is. I do appreciate the impact (losing the wage subsidy) will have," she said. The government wants to ensure parents have the choice between private or public day care, Ms. Ecker noted. Funding will change in Octo- ber for the 40,000 day-care spaces created under the jobson. tario training program, as the provincial government will pay 80 per cent of the cost and the municipalities 20 per cent. Ms. Ecker says reductions in welfare benefits will give municipalities the money to pay their portion. U �7. AUGUST. .: rte... •�� .w�.. v'� i7.ALb i1.. Y.. .� ? .J. W, .�t �pUR �T ST F 0 IMFT SRW ARD nt SUR went spending is under review. "I don't know what will happen (with the wage subsidy). Everything is on the board. I don't know what the answer is. I do appreciate the impact (losing the wage subsidy) will have," she said. The government wants to ensure parents have the choice between private or public day care, Ms. Ecker noted. Funding will change in Octo- ber for the 40,000 day-care spaces created under the jobson. tario training program, as the provincial government will pay 80 per cent of the cost and the municipalities 20 per cent. Ms. Ecker says reductions in welfare benefits will give municipalities the money to pay their portion. U �7. AUGUST. .: rte... •�� .w�.. v'� i7.ALb i1.. Y.. .� ? .J. W, .�t P Pickering girl credited with rescuing drowning pet O Potential tragedy averted when 10 -year-old girl saves dog, mother PICKERING — A Claremont woman pulled into her backyard pool by a 70 -pound boxer -was about to give up" on the dog when her 10 -year-old daughter yanked the fam- ily pet to safety. "1 was amazed. I thought it was terrific," Jan Hinchliffe says of her daughter Ashley's rescue. "The funny thing is, if you were to ask her to pick up Bandit right now. I don't think she could do it. "She wasn't thinking when it was all happen- ing, she just wanted to help.., Mrs. tlinchliffe had turned the sprinklers on the flowers surrounding her pool that morning when she realized too late the dog -likes running through the sprinkler. -I had just yelled, 'Bandit, don't". but it was too late. He ran through it and fell into the pool. I tried to grab him by his collar, but his wiggling pulled me in. - The n -The dog, thin in the back end and heavy in the chest. had been strug- gling to keep his head above water. "Ile probably could have held his own, but he was panicking," recalls Mrs. Ilinchliffe. -Ile had never been in the water before. - The dog -clawed all my legs and his front paws kept pulling my head under water. I was choking and gasping for air. "My daughter heard me screaming for help and came running out. She reached over the side of the pool and pulled him out." jI At the time, Mrs. I Hinchliffe -was trying to I turn him in the direction of the shallow end so I could pull him along. 1 was giving it one last try when Ashley came out. t would have given up on him. "I'm sure he would have drowned if she had- n't lifted him cwt." Jan Hinchliffe, left, was pulled into her pool trying to rescue 70 -pound Bandit, a boxer. Ten -year-old Ashley, right, is credited with rescuing the dog. photo by Ron Pietroniro TmEEKM $59900 t• Ilwi.fo. • 1,M -lM� ny R �tetA�rYW-V]ri r. tame P"ff • nr owC4P0*-30§W .�•t • Pere<a,l Aber with Rerowirg en,slr Ron MONEY • Reser View' Rotates to Clean Hanzoraal and �Attsel Vertical Surfaces - Ideal for Norf,e use also.K SALE thrl�rMiM $9999 7.0 AMP (Motor •&W*A e..rr.P. OW • Compact. FLA -Sze Carnster Req. `tom X69" $49"Reg -,.,,., ya„ f UMM - 8 -Poem Fbor-To-Ceibrg Attxt,ernent Set • Long 2A' Power Cord •C MPIMbraftomY - cbann�srnt30% man than a . . 1 Brush Up" r*6-� ra has . -' Model 94 °'�`" V"°` �° °"" - wphw,p °nry rasa Ds. e s rr - op��,,,,.. Fleg • s89w than Sarna ca,p.rMw 7z s«saav�rao- 14" rs w SALE 100ur rWad d. Owed, Kwrn` V Barg.1 . Pa,. °°°°"r seat Ez ,cr.rn- oust cua wa Cin t» tAb �n "us mm".�...rc- sompdWo Froin *319" . Nwn i� • Y,i.0 es" M VACUUM WAREHOUSE (905) 837-171 (416) 709-9393 FM- '111F: NEWS ADVER'TISM WFD- AUGUST 2• I995 -PAGE 5-A EI�REKA• The Bosseupright ■cnwlml . PWW*d M Motor , -&Pesition carpet HeqNAdA&M*M • Tnple Filtration Bap System SALE Reg. -129- $89" .6..,,e. cowm vAc MSI EUREKA' AfoNE YEAR ; ■,�,,,,_,,�C„ • Pere<a,l Aber with Rerowirg en,slr Ron MONEY • Reser View' Rotates to Clean Hanzoraal and �Attsel Vertical Surfaces - Ideal for Norf,e use also.K SALE $9999 7.0 AMP (Motor SALE • Compact. FLA -Sze Carnster Req. `tom X69" $49"Reg -,.,,., ya„ f UMM - 8 -Poem Fbor-To-Ceibrg Attxt,ernent Set • Long 2A' Power Cord i - cbann�srnt30% man than a . . 1 Brush Up" r*6-� ra has . -' Model 94 °'�`" V"°` �° °"" - wphw,p °nry rasa Ds. e s rr - op��,,,,.. Fleg • s89w than Sarna ca,p.rMw 7z s«saav�rao- 14" rs w SALE 100ur rWad d. Owed, Kwrn` V Barg.1 . Pa,. °°°°"r ss Ez ,cr.rn- oust cua wa Cin t» tAb �n "us mm".�...rc- 9� Froin *319" . M EUREKAo VACUUM CLEANERS ,arrss'oa ao ° 924 Kingston Rd.Pickering, Ont. o SPECIALTY WILD BIRD SHOP NOW OPEN CHECK OUT TODAY'S M A4 4 Pine Ridge i SpOCK Ro_T40RTM n �,.� ski � WQek LandScapin9 3 package Dea1S INCLUDES Free Delivery STARTER PACKAGE 24- Plants 2- Bales of peat moss 5- Bags of manure 1- Fertilizer 199 i DELUXE PACKAGE 29- Large plants 3- Bales of peat moss 8- Bags of manure 3- Rocks + 1 -Fertilizer $ 399 INSTANT PACKAGE 34- Huge plants 3- Rocks 3- Cu. yards triple mix soil 2- Fertilizer $599 + 1 FREE GIFT + 2 FREE GIFTS + 3 FREE GIFTS - PLANTING SERVICE AVAILABLE - ROSES PERENNIALS NOW ONLY BONUS - Buy S Plants that 88 and get a FREE return each /p 2 kg box of year. OFF -8Rose Food ALL AT NEW SHIPMENT OF HOUSE PLANTS HAS ARRIVED HOURS: Pine Ridge Mon--Thurs. g 9:00-6:00 Fri.: 9:00-7:00 ; Ami a a cwdm - �WWy Sat.: 9:00-5:00v. i cow CIL �ok EL Sun. 10:00-5:00 gmery atoTaarb ft oerra.CC•�p�� 16 -(Brock Rd N. (1 miN N. of 4011, Pickwinm Ont. Lt V 211) 683-5952/ PAGE 6 -A -THF. NEWS ADVERTISER, WF.D_ AUGUST 2. 19/5 Ajax-Pi&er lugMews Advertiser Timothy ,1 Whittaker - Publisher A Metroland Community Newspaper' 130-132 Caain ciao Ave., Ajax, Ont. About US _ EDITORIAL 4% 'Timothy J. Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor--in-chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Advertising Manager Alvin Brouwer Retail Sales Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday. Friday and Sunday. 1-10-132 Commercial Ave.. Ajax. Ontario. LIS 2H5. True publisher reset- es the right to classify or refuse any .advertisement based on his sole discretion. Pace sizes may vary slightly from published rate card due to mechanical requirements of different print- ers. Second Class Mail Registration 1897. Mail sub- scription rates Can. 1 -yT. $70 GIVE ffMjM=A% US A CALL General 683-5110 Neu Broom 683-5110 Distribution 683-5117 Classified 683-0707 (tiightline - 798-7672) FA Y 683-7363 Sincerer• lours 1-900-4i 1-44164 ext_ 34 I nfoSou rce 683 -AW) Real Estate and Automotive Sales 798-7672 National Advertising 493-13(x) Ti)e News Advertiser welcomes letters to the editor on topical issues. controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We rove the right to edit letters for length and legal reasons and to withhold letters domed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone num- ber for our information. Trey should not exceed one and a half pages in length. The News Advertiser rNCVregularly uses recycled newsprint oon t give up The story broke last week with a flourish: a tx)ne marrow doctor match had been found for Pickering lad Daniel Burton It is the first truly bright spot in a tragic story aMwt the boy and his fight against the leukemia that has rav- aged his body. Along the way, his plight sparked a number of groups and individuals in our communities to organize and prorate fund-raising activities to help find a suitable bone -marrow donor. But the story isn't over. And your help is still nett- ed. If we are to really help Daniel, we must continue the effort and see that others like him can be helped as well. At least one upcoming event in Durham is being organized in a bid to raise still more for the bone mar- row donor registry that helped find a match for lianicl. But the registry is expensive to maintain and the odds are still tont, for other potential recipients. Durham Region has already taken Daniel's coun- ,,L us fight to heart. it has shown that its genc'roxit% of spirit can help shorten those odds. Now it has an opportunity to create a legacy that will last much longer. Daniel and his family, suddenly, face a brightct future (alttwugh Daniel still has a long way to go) thanks to the thousands of volunteer hours that ha% -c go ne into raising money for the marrow registry. By continuing to take part in these fund-raising activities. or by organizing one of your own, you can ensure oth- exs may fund hope. as Daniel's family has. Sell lemonade- on your street awner, have a yard sake, visit a yard s;Uc, or donate directly to the cause. Your efforts now could help other people lii; Daniel later. And it might be someone you love. �•►,�,�.:/- NYRrtt TO THE NEWS ADVERI l51 R, 1 U Lo �1titt 1tC1AL AvE., Al �1i, L 1 S 2N5 OR FAX us AT 683-736 V TORY SPENDING CUTS Stop urban sprawl, b the budcyet in To the editor: Re: Torics spending cuts "necessary": MPP Most Durham Nest residents will agree with our MPP. Janet F-ckcr. Certainly, spending cuts are necessary. Our budgets must be balanced and the debt paid. '%Vc have to live within our means. No more champa_rie on a beer income. We need sound financial planning and efficient communities to attract investment. We cannot balance the budget h� only cut- ting social programs. The illiterate must he edu- cated: the poor fed, and the handicapped nur- tured. Our goal should be communities afford- able to the working poor. I' 1 No JUNK BEFORE DINNER, SAMMY ! Aw! BUT„ /7�II So why are we subsidizing the of fluent so they can move to new three -car_ family suburhs:' Why are we subsidizing developers and thr urtKin sprawl by which they profit'' In the interests of a frac economy and effi- ciency we should leave the task o>f housing an exploding population to small, private -sector entrepreneurs. 'They can provide the flexibility and innovation needed for renovations, intensiti- carion, n-�deyeloprnent and in -filling of existing urban areas to modest densities like Toroxnto's. Existing low-density urban areas are now ser- viced. No new sewers, roads and kh(x)ls are needed. Billions can be saved by cutting the subsidie that encourage urban sprawl. Some example are: provincial grants for regional roads. nev trunk sewers to service low-density oreeentield developments, super highways to help com- mulers abandon the city and sprawl across ttw countryside, and new st:ho ob; to serve new sub- divisions while inner urban schools are empty. Stopping_ urban sprawl is sociailly desirahle. environmentally necessary and the best way to balance the budget and revitalize Ontario. Lorne D. Aln ack, 1'. Eng., CNIC.. Clarernont by Steve Nease IT SURE WAS NICE OF MY FOLKS TO STAY WfTH THE KIDS WHILE a-, --,WE WERE AWAY yTHE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED- AAUU(:UUST 2, 1"5-rAy(:F. 7 -A PP %+C OWN OF p��,� * * W�p own of PickedngT * * ~ �(905) 420-2222 *(905) 683.2760 *1 TUES., AUG. 8 Council Meeting AUGUST 16 Committee of Adjustment C,wtnk,.tahlc Yard W: %tc m sscriA. will he ct4k-"i•%I ..7.aratcly Inrm rccyclahlc% and regular garhAgc in the tirhan Peat ..I Tw,n. (that arca v uth tJ C.uwc%mtm Riad 1). In,tn Atwtl I)r11 Io Ntwcrnhcr 211. 1995 DuttMe Mt. Mi,t d. Y, d Waw will he . 11crted .wily .wt the 1,46,wtng Mondays: At ewe Zit October Is. 2J. 30 September 24 No, twabrr a• 13. 20 A Fah ,i1c u,m .int,: x111 he iw'.. 'tH.uni.•1. „I Rr gharw. Clarorm,.rrt. Greennver• (: reewweed and Wh,%"ale un 1-11 1 ,, Nus ember e. 13. 20. Ilk.. Include leave.. Iw.uw and gardcn pl.iot., he.nchc.huJgc tltmming. and gran.. �Itryttrrg.. 1>.. -4 in ludo carth . uQ llo: F'I.Kc tg ick: a PIaUK hcK.. ho bcl Mask:(.. haval,".. ..Jwnt trash "wi% %r taal twat tw:rragcaMc hood1c% IMM kwtgt-r Man 1 metre in lcogth U, ntr hundk- Mmag caul tso: Plxc rnakYral...A A th.- r...rlwlc l.r t:i.i4-eta )w by 7 (tt .t m ..w the J%k .: rw-Nl M..nJay, D..: 11)4 J# mask-rn:�l. 006" q tagww t. w 7gMier ng MA mWe t21t .r t ).w Ina. hurwlli,•. 1wr ktwgax (liar I wtt+rc Rewember: Yard Waw has w he Iroc .A nk-tA. I. d wa le lir .rbc; If you have an,# gwe.t' w regarding this program. Pkarw contact the Town of Pickering #%SbUc tV►orlta `Ilepartment at 4-10-46-W or (d113_27M1. HAVE YOU PICKED UP YOUR COMPLIMENTARY COPY YET? Iwo& TOWN OF PICKERMG draft OFFICIAL PLAN June 1995 i M Jour 26.19". Tows 0,mi;tI mcired the draft (Nticn:d Ptah and ro&w%ed h'. arm Part of tht w -guts( cuawkanaw ptucess. W'c invor and wcktrwr ., 1 r cwer+rat7 nn Mr draft 1> ftrc1al Plan. I lic draft Offactal Plan as the IV" to a %cries of .1oLvairrlts rclem" as pan d '" Tows's rtt is ,d its ofrrctal plan, dw Pu kcnstl L%strrct Plas I Awave dws doaomm. a an at The pmbmsly rtc1c;ord dosrneses. m for :cher inhwmiotwt rrFardutit tSr PkArring DrIlm-t Ptah Relies. piraw;aR u- Tcaw .,( I%. -k-~ lillwtnter 13knotritgrot at (9011 420..M,' .r 1901; kill i- Imo. NNIL >ol'-Fit Pk!' agt !may a �-� VOt ASKED FOR IT t /'i. • YUl GOT IT! • = Omp in and F I I in a nIrOEH of aeetias � dieing your ft" tare bus suirnw. SP(/RTI ' PI('K-t PGA\It�S SI'E(-IAL EVENTS T,W_t&r1d S2.0s per dar or$10.00 per week 17 day.) P*sp.,v ►.tf Mocee'l or S_-1;0.00 for the wbolie %umaper i D.%VS .A N EEK I to .August I SO It 1 2 p.m. to 10 P.M. PINE RID(;E SE('l)NDARI S(11001. (;V%1N.A_Sil %1.%%D Ot'TD(K)R FIELDS ('inning Sown .__ Self -Defense (1inic. S"- tehoard/Ridlerblade demonstration 320-3621 131-1-11 TOWN OF PICKERING CIVIC HOLIDAY OPERATING HOURS MOND_ Y, .AUGUST 7, 1"5 CIVIC COMPLEX PRE-SCHOOL MUSIC ) 1 ALL PUBLIC INSTRUCTOR T z REQUIRED - FALL 1995 TOM '\ COUNCIL The D•partrn•nt of Culture and Recreation a looknq for a Knowledgeable. Erdhus astic and Creature Instructor to Conduce Pre -School Nus.0 classes at the Pickw,mg TOM of Recreation Complex commenc ng Orf Tk - genitor 19% Pro- School %A.sic curses PC'"q +gyp are offered to part.coants Mort ages 6 L11iiK' months to three years of age V,Ch.,ngr Appkcants must have a music background. tr �1Mttb>M and appropriate ettperwnce Neach^9 young children A Music Degree. and 11,110"%bersh.p in a Music Assocethon %round be Patna ed r JmadllQ ea to Appltc,pom nnav to obtained "rt. %wap• tew0e a Pltatten Resources DepMtRteM .MAN ae PWAOe orie The Esplanade. 7''atq kiMw Pdtenng. Ontario L1V 6K7 parr( a .71{td0 mown ram m 7Sund ctertwatlbR S. Au_ust 4.1995 %lo cr%5 aewat rcatiors iswtst be returned to roe arae tiro r y+aere Hutinen Resources 0spertnw- no NOW 9 a.m.-5 p.m. than Friday. August 25, 1995- OrNy tlteae lbftoyetw appWAinte mleaed for an rlterview will todbm m took fete ve an ,cunowledg„nnt. uww ell edea ..Ntonday. Aweust ?. 1995 luxe ,ptwe Successful appi.oaMs wtl be .epu.red to a veru. d et ad hat to the Prows" -. r �,w Smoke F •ee sra•f9te arras 17!r Env,ronnent- pokr_y An Equal Opportun'ty Er110b1- HAVE YOU PICKED UP YOUR COMPLIMENTARY COPY YET? Iwo& TOWN OF PICKERMG draft OFFICIAL PLAN June 1995 i M Jour 26.19". Tows 0,mi;tI mcired the draft (Nticn:d Ptah and ro&w%ed h'. arm Part of tht w -guts( cuawkanaw ptucess. W'c invor and wcktrwr ., 1 r cwer+rat7 nn Mr draft 1> ftrc1al Plan. I lic draft Offactal Plan as the IV" to a %cries of .1oLvairrlts rclem" as pan d '" Tows's rtt is ,d its ofrrctal plan, dw Pu kcnstl L%strrct Plas I Awave dws doaomm. a an at The pmbmsly rtc1c;ord dosrneses. m for :cher inhwmiotwt rrFardutit tSr PkArring DrIlm-t Ptah Relies. piraw;aR u- Tcaw .,( I%. -k-~ lillwtnter 13knotritgrot at (9011 420..M,' .r 1901; kill i- Imo. NNIL >ol'-Fit Pk!' agt !may a �-� VOt ASKED FOR IT t /'i. • YUl GOT IT! • = Omp in and F I I in a nIrOEH of aeetias � dieing your ft" tare bus suirnw. SP(/RTI ' PI('K-t PGA\It�S SI'E(-IAL EVENTS T,W_t&r1d S2.0s per dar or$10.00 per week 17 day.) P*sp.,v ►.tf Mocee'l or S_-1;0.00 for the wbolie %umaper i D.%VS .A N EEK I to .August I SO It 1 2 p.m. to 10 P.M. PINE RID(;E SE('l)NDARI S(11001. (;V%1N.A_Sil %1.%%D Ot'TD(K)R FIELDS ('inning Sown .__ Self -Defense (1inic. S"- tehoard/Ridlerblade demonstration 320-3621 131-1-11 TOWN OF PICKERING CIVIC HOLIDAY OPERATING HOURS MOND_ Y, .AUGUST 7, 1"5 CIVIC COMPLEX J01INHALLi ) 1 ALL PUBLIC tNt N I `!lei ( loNcJ TOM '\ COUNCIL %lEiV,TI\G Closed 1 \i:rlJaV, August 6. 1 Closed \Mamie 1u_u l ;, r V,Ch.,ngr �LmJ :`.. august 1 1 day, August 5.1995 1 p.m. -4 p.m. 7Sund OpenSuimFnday. Au_ust 4.1995 6 a.m.-9 p.m. ay. August 6,1995 1 p.m. -4 p.m. Saturday. August 5. 1995 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Open Sw im Sunday. August 6.199> 9 a.m.-5 p.m.Jay. au_ua - I l9� CIu.cJ ..Ntonday. Aweust ?. 1995 Closed N "In 7Lmervencv Fire Scr%ice \A, d! not rte atterteJ 1 l l e Hulldav Schedule. Saturday. August 5. 1995 Regular Ser\Ice Sunday. August 6. 1995 No Ser\h:e ' Monday. August 7, 1995 No Ser\irc T T TOP TEN REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD JOIN THE TEEN SUMMER READING CLUB AT THE PICKERING PUBLIC LIBRARY The library has air condWrng Good prizes from Blockbuster Video You can read at your own pace Good prizes at Harvey's You can see tree movies Good prizes from the Town of Pickering s It is an excuse for not cleaning your room 3 Good prizes from Movieplex 9 and other great prizes You can tell your parents that you are going to the library -- and mean it'. 3rd the number one reason why rou should loin the Teen Summer Reading Program at the Pickering Public Library It's SOMETHING to do!! For more information call 831-62651 ext. 243 TT��TT*T�*T Register Now Fall 195 Town of Pickering Fall Brochures have been delivered to each household by Canada Post. Y Register now for Fall programs, memberships and r workshops.. �\ Drop off Registrations , Pickering Civic Complex `'' Outdoors, across from ,j�Dt+Op the library. Box 1 The Esplanade .I% p Pickering Recreation Complex Box Front Counter 1867 Valley Farm Road r : Mail In: Department Of Culture And Recreation Pickering Cmc Complex 1 The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6K7 • Cash payments: Civic Complex, 2nd floor Rec Complex, Front Desk For more information please call the Department of Cu and Recreation at 420-4621 or 683-2760 M = -,=; ^_l N1 vILLAG Ib PICK k Capin;; .111 Photographers!.. Come out and 'sluxit' any of the 13 buildings. ;fumed stall A, v,olunteer>. Aondertul texture Sunday, ,)r nature. Shove us what i,, spet:lal to %ou in the August 13. 1M Nlu,.utn Village during your event 11 a.m. - $ p.m. mnino photo; ill he on d►splay during History in :\ nun" Sunda\. September 101h. Caiegone, are open to student, amateur.:amera lub memhrr; and protesslonal photographer.. Congratulations to lV94 tt inners - L iaru Sait odic of L iAering turd Pete ;Vrrl\ of Don 3 kni. cast of Brod. Road on H%%% in Greenv\txxi PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX PERSONAL TRAINING V 3,,,r.12e your fitness •.-sane^t -.-yday. peoples cirrie 's _ ­: ed to the Writ with .)_', 'amity, and persona -'ntments Tarte 1�1,ntage of our qualdied Prsonal Trainers Lr, Ud3new• Chris, anJ \ % snow you how to hest ,,se the precious little time rob nave tot fitness. To uecrease body tat,,nerease muscle tone, and increase energy levels• call the experts' 831-1711. 683- 1.11' A% R` 1'( ) -, V% • t'( it il, I'1:' : ti-1`)_OO to ti� 1 .O0 LI ltCn1ilnp, ,)n N:Xcl'111(.1 "." ..n .semi-1'ris ala• I NIk)IIda-* 1(1 112 hour lir (lay. N1.1\Iltl(Iltt 3 lycr 1'ec 1!1'%0,0O fur 10 Ie.nott�. 11ri%atc 1,V%. S4bns �lon�la} try I rlJa♦ ft)r I w� L, 112 htyur het' �la�. }���•: `1•)U.l)l) t.)r 5 li.'�1lJ IlA. }�tnr Ittayrr inf(trmauttn Mucase call Rcz!istr:ition m (905) -i_'O---Ih_' 1 TTT�T�TTTTT�� PA/:F. R -A -THF. NF%'% ADVFR7'ISFR, WF.D_ ANANT 2,19". d&r=" A 254e U I FIF �LQJV KWN%W Expect more from Sears offlAyIdW13 Kids' fleece set Boys' or girls' 2 -pc. polyest'er- coHo.. sets. Assorted colours, Pft screens. S, M, L (7-16). 9 MV Just V 01014s, rls' B T n polyeam 'm. s-� 6 Girls' COVE 0 denim shormalls '1/2 e price Boys- fleece shorts Anaheim Mighty Ducks - or Chicago Bulls Reg. 14.99. Each 7.49 1,12,16 Sizes 8-14 While quantities last! 14 s-1 a Cargo pants Boys' cotton canvas pants with side -elastic waist; elasticized cuffs. SEARS Evlxxt n1orc'.iYriN; .kYU's 2999 +a 1a 1ql Toronto ue Jays® jac et Boys' 4 -season style jacket. S, M, L, XL (8-18). 1299 Girls' jeans Copyright 1995 Sears Canada Inc SHOPSEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open Mon.-Frt 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m.-6:00 pin ., Sun.12:00 a.m.-5:00 P.M. - f- MMnl2 � Y u O t W t ■ t Sizes 8-14 While quantities last! 14 s-1 a Cargo pants Boys' cotton canvas pants with side -elastic waist; elasticized cuffs. SEARS Evlxxt n1orc'.iYriN; .kYU's 2999 +a 1a 1ql Toronto ue Jays® jac et Boys' 4 -season style jacket. S, M, L, XL (8-18). 1299 Girls' jeans Copyright 1995 Sears Canada Inc SHOPSEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open Mon.-Frt 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m.-6:00 pin ., Sun.12:00 a.m.-5:00 P.M. - f- iq Ill EXTRA FIRM FIRM SUPPORT SUPPORT r 1 1 r M 10 � r i MEDIUM ' SUPPORT 1 v rr P� • ,.,; � or s . SALE - 4 6r s T l Grew Stam f S S. t 117 Lar - � .S Mao�e ` ! StOra e Draw e , „ ��' s r- nCI� 1MaDle 19 may. s i` 3lrare at ht4.: SALE w� or c� rMet�ar 4fan �rwin Y �►Cs 10 'C1�pQ� E f `natty- r� 5 7'HF. NEWS ADVF.RTISF.R. WF.D., AUGI,S'1' 2, 1"15 -PAGE Y -A ca wm 7 7 SU$184 T rI' .-1 w • ���.rl AJAX c�anawn FACTORY OUTLET the FACTORY OUTLET - Sleep Factory• � PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED HOURS SET L B AVAILABLE _ N �+ - 1 FREE 6 Mo. 1 LAY -AWAY i _ WE MAKE ANY 1 DISPOSAL Chi= MAT'TQOC-C A OLD SET wvwu way c :_CIM PAGE, if -A -THE NEWS ADVERTMR, WFD.. AUGUST 2,1". Festival raises move for leukemia victim y AJAX-PiCKEMG — You're h- od to Help fiord a bone marrow registry lo benefit a local boy fighting leukemia sod have fun at the same time. A Festival of Hope, A Dollars for Daniel even, is being held in support of Daniel Burton. The Pickering resident and student at Eeole catholique Notre- Dame-de-Wkunesse in Ajax, was diag- nosed with leukemia three years ago at age sm. Following an exhaustive and expen- sive search by his parents, a bone manuw donor was khcawd mceniy, just days after Daniel suffered a relapse. He is scheduled ID undergo a bone marrow transplant in September following extensive chemotherapy and radiation treatments. When Daniel's family went public w kh their plea to find a bone marrow donor last spring, Dave Burton said the chances of finding a perfect snatch for his son were slim because the number of willing donors on the registry at that time represented just one per cent of the population. The Burton family has tried to expand the Cana- dian Unrelated Bone Marrow Donor Registry by holding primde clinics. It costs atxwt S50 to test each person. The F cstis-al of Hope will be held Sunday. Aug_ 13 Goon noon b 7 pmL at Alex Robertson Part at the bottom of Sandy Beach Road in g. Aber of bands will perform, including Bad to the Bone (a George Thorogood tribute band), Mel Collie, Ken Smith, Jimmy Fraser, The Har- monitones and The Coppertones (a Met- ropolitan Toronto Pblice Band). There will also be a barbecue. clowns. pony rides, races and games. Prizes inside a Discman from Sony of Cana- da. Lego sets from Lego Canada. color- ing sets from Crayola and a day pass from Canada's Wonderland. Admission is S5, which gives you a chance to win numerous door prizes, including a Royal Doulton figurine, Campbell's Men's Pro Tradition golf clubs, a family pass a the Metropolitan SUNNYBRAE GOLF COURSE ",Durhams Best Kept Secret" ONLY 30 M*WnS FROM OSHAWA GOLF A POWERCAW SPECIALS Foursomes - Only &22.50 per person weekday Only &26.00 per person weekend after 11:00 a.m. Twosomes - Only &25.00 per person weekday Only &20.00 per person weekend after 11:00 a.rn. A9 prices include powrercart. 905-985-2234 �POWr for reservations. Coupon must be presented W at Pro Shop SONG sr � Offer Expires Aug. 15, 1995. 905-985-2234 Toronto Zoo, Toronto Blue Jay tickets and a Pickering Recreation Complex membership. The event is organized by Sylvia and Timothy Kopp. Sylvia is a student of Mr. Burton's, an adult teacher at the Scarborough Board of Education. Tickets can be purchased the day of the event or in advance by calling 416 - 724-7147. Flyers right at your doorstep... Read the News Advertiser 0 LASER SURGERY FOR SNORING CERTIFIED 'SPECIALISTS Dr. R Kassel MD FRCSC Dr. S Siomra MD FRCSC A Weavingwizardl y creations Weaving a creation with the Pickering Museum Village Weaving Wiz- ards had a mesmerizing effect on those who took part in the craft - making session at the McLean Community Centre library branch in Ajax. Here, Elizabeth Martins, 12, concentrates on getting her cre- ation just right. photo by Andrew Iwanowski P i miles north III' Mmnutn%ilie just oll' Durham Rd. �;7 r OE'E'N <X1,1 StINitilER - > /••cut tlrin,>; N CEDAR M 07- 00NC:SSi0 PARK 'Sign $3395 $1995 Solid Oak 6 pc. Bedroom set TAUNTON RD *-Sign $1995 FIVE $4595 $2495 POINTS MALL Cr $3895 6 Ac cossists of NeAwMow 4 Dresser, Mir—, Cbest �& 2 .Yue miles. DINING ROOM 111sr. HIGHWAY #2 = Bowmanville p WAVERLEY $895 Solid Birch 7 pe. Kitchen set $2195 $1495 le RD. CUT OFF $3345 401 Appn,xiimacl� 7 Mile. N„rlh „I -ll,l wasch b" sign,* • Ili-witi/id 1/0'k 70 Pool • !,�' !/c,lc' .tliniuttriz Go// I antastic children's water play arca complete with ; p.x>Is. water umbrella, mini slide, waiter cannons. Ask about our Summer Swim Pass PUBLIC SWIMMING Phone 263-8109 Park Hours: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. No Pets Please 00 THE NEWS ADVERTimR. WED, 4tx;usT 2. 199-r-PAGIF 11-A RENOVATION SALE ON OUR ENTIRE FLOOR STOCK NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS We are renovating our Pickering Store. We will show new lines this fall - of solidwood furniture and upholstery. "SPECTACULAR SALE" BEDROOM RC& how Solid Pine 6 pe. Bedroom set $3395 $1995 Solid Oak 6 pc. Bedroom set $3695 $1995 Solid oak 6 pc. Bedroom set $4595 $2495 Solid cherry 6 pc. Bedroom set $8495 $3895 6 Ac cossists of NeAwMow 4 Dresser, Mir—, Cbest �& 2 .Yue miles. DINING ROOM 111sr. Now Solid Oak 5 pc- Kitchen set $1495 $895 Solid Birch 7 pe. Kitchen set $2195 $1495 Solid Oak 7 pc. Dining Rm. act $3345 $2195 ONE OF A KIND ==s= Rm NOW solid Pine ward Robe $869 $595 Solid Pine 4 Shelf Bookcase $210 $139 Solid Pine TV/VCR Unit $605 $495 Solid Pine 5 Dr. Chest $715 $515 Solid Maple 4 Poster Bed $1295 $495 Sane w LPiolslery eat Maftnrss =2., _ VACUU16 2 LOCATIONS —30, 'SAVE' UP TO 60°/a • ovm s�,0000� I . r– n . - - I f1 I I`A 040 COMPLETE SYSTEM $689 YOU GET IT ALL! tvcxxxry u,t: LArl lone rxx-yver. twvvtlp. c FOR BIG HOMES OR HOMES WITH BIG CLEANING NEEDS 7 %A + + i 41 INCLUDES S5673-SS703 BONUS No Mess or Damage Professional Installation Garage Kit $69 Value jC----�,.._. Ilk • ' $991 30 ft. hose. hose hanger, crevice Only • • Most Homes A upholstery tool AJAX PICKERINO 29 Harwood Ave. S. 375 Kingston Rd. (Between Hwy- 02 and 401) 428-1030 MOBILE (On "wV. 02 at Rougemount) 509-3622 =2., _ VACUU16 2 LOCATIONS —30, .. a 6••••• 4 0 4 PAGE. 12 -A -THF. NFWS ADVERTISER. %F.D-, AUl UST L HM►5 0 AJAX — The lightning storm that areas of the Town, mostly in the cen- wires. Friday storm knocks :lit up the skies Friday evening tral and east parts, as lightning `The power first went off at 6:5o caused s number of power outages strikes blew fuses, two poles were hit p.m. and in most cases was restored ...Out power in Ajax in Ajax. " by lightning and, in several cases, by 9 pan - Hydro was interrupted in seven winds brought trees down on to _ EATON'S Great redtictlolls andor olle dav oti/v 4L / NO GST ol7 C earatice items. '71m -sda v ,ii owst 3rd. Z7 Lip to l O Co O� selected items storewide. Eaton's. 'We want to be r your store. • [Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded] •ruF: �F:K'ti lti� F:1Zhltil•:R. t1'F.D. 1l'Ia�sT 5.�1�M1?�P'�GE t�•s; V RECYCLER'S REPORT rove oTf recycled t int is chest During the first week of every ITEMS NEEDED• • Anything for search and res- • Quilting frame and stand, and magazines, requested by month, Recycler's Report brings you The Treasure Chest. This space allows residents to give away items that they no longer want. Likewise, those who wish to pick up something can advertise their needs. Last month, an overwhelming number of peo- ple wanted free computers. - .. If any com- pany in the area is upgrading its network and has computers that they cannot use, check the list of names under items needed. To use this service, call 420- 5625 during regular business hours. • Inglis washing machine 839-3721 • Household appli- ances and furnish- ings (particularly dressers and beds), maternity clothes, large cooking pots and pans, dishes and a stove — Jan at 686-7840 • Ladies bowling shoes, size 7 — 683- 5470 • Anything electri- cal in working con- dition — old radios, television, calcula- tor, refrigerator. t y p e w r i t e r, microwave also an cue operations - ladders, rope, sleeping bags, blan- Iafraim rwiston The RaoWer's Report kets, stretchers, medical equipment, computers and office equipment, radios, walkie- talkies, uniforms 404-2889 • Used computer in good working con- dition, large fish tank — 839-9561 • Used computer in working condition —686-2185 • Used computer in working condition —686-7174 • Used computer in working condition organ or piano — 839-6689 —686-8505 elp Of DURHAM – The Association of Parent Support Groups in Ontario (APSE) meets Tuesday Aug. 8 at 7:15 p.m. to learn more about dealing with children. - The group is for parents wor- ried about their children becoming • parents involved in drugs, alcohol. running away, dropping out, crimes or parental abuse. Call the APSE at 905-737-8034 or I -8W-488-5666 for the meet- ing's location or more informa- tion. "ONE STOP" EDUCATION ... one combined calendar Acoordinated approach toajuit c..u,.ui;nand continuous learning programs in one combined calendar. Look for your new calendar in local papers. Delivery begins August 20, 1995 j ham College urham Board of Education urham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board a'! �E O�ti For more information call Partners in Adult Learning at 9054204217 or 1-800-850-7371. "Lt used computer — 427-0075 • Used computer and other office equipment for non-profit organization, any auto -repair manuals of vintage cars — 686- 4727 • Used computer — 837-2422 • Used computer — 655-3770 • Used computer — 839-6280 • Used computer and pro- grams (educational and games) —683-1738 • Used computer — Barry at 420-4583 • Sewing machine, wing -back style chair and/or love seat. gui- tar — Darleen at 686-4158 • Five playpens, five high- chairs, toys and video games — 427-3946 • Old tube radios, radio tubes. test equipment, related books hobbyist — 839-1207 • Kitchen cupboards for a basement — Helen at 837-1054. ITEMS TO GIVE AWAY: • 2 -foot -by -2 -foot patio stones, bicycle parts (frame, etc) — 683-5470 • Couch and chair (need to be cleaned and recovered). crib- bage table (home-made, coffee- table size and shape), two foam - bed pillows (curved for neck support), two cassette tape stor- age trays, boxing gloves — Nancy at 428-2513. ,7:1 GREEN TIP: When cotton or linen table cloths are no longer suitable for use. cut to size and hem for tea towels or napkins. Blood donor clinic at Metro East Trade Centre AJAX-PICKERING -- You're invited to give the gift of life and help another when the Canadian Iced Cross Soci- ety. Durham Branch, holds a blood donor clinic Thursday. Aug_ 10 from'_ to 8 p.m. at the :Metro East Trade Centre in Pickering. All blood types are needed and donors are reminded to take identification. A second clinic will be on Friday. Aug. 1 I at the same time. Cail 723-2933 for more information. The Mein's East Track Centre is on Br(x k Road just north of llwy. 401. I S - • i . . , r . - . . PACE 14-A=141F NFNti AD%'F.R1T1SF.R. NF.D.. %I1(;UST 2. 1"5 Marco brothers are flying high The Marco brothers. from left Antonio, Luciano and Gian, went along for the nde at the Harwood Place Mall in Ajax during a recent side- walk sale while others turned out to find bargains and beat the sum- mer heat. photo by Chris Potts Little Shoe Shop in Ajax savesy ou money on shoes for the whole family Shoes are important to all of us and because we need them so often, it's important to save money when ever we can. That's why since mid 'March, when he first opened, Loucas Costara and his Little Shoe Shop have been busy serving customers from Pickering to Oshawa. Located in the plaza at 21S Harwood Ave. S.,The Little Shoe Shop has hundreds of different stvles of shoes for men, women and children at great prices to fit into any budget. From dress shoes to running shoes from Bellicci, Venus, Lilly, Brooks and LA Gear, you'll find exactly what you need. The Little Shoe Shop also has handbags and luggage as well as knapsacks which are great for those going back to school. Speaking of going back to school, new stock is coming for this important time of year and by mid September look for great deals on winter boots. Loucas Costara, owner of The Little Shoe Shop 0 Local church offers Bible school PICKERING — The Peace Aug. 28 and continues until Fri- the church at 928 Liverpool Rd., Lutheran Church will host a day, Sept. 1. It runs from 9 am. Pickering. To register, or for vacation Bible school program to noon each day. more information, call the later this month. The cost is $15 per child or church at 839-3521 or Lynne The program begins Monday, $30 per family. It's offered at Hester at 416-284-7265. BROKEN WINDSHIELD? SAVE UPTO 170e00 No Overcharge to Insurance Co. in ) �iAM issom . FREE OIL 837'-0607 -Based on Insurance Prices -All work Guaranteed - Call for details on Car clean ups! �n� � �. 831-7819 . 0 Bw any roa at St Clam s gook Pnce and ve'a 2w i you ft second roll tree. i ! Choose from over 20C boas. We nave more --': boas Ow any national compemor. -_ —40W ._ Oft Wires Satiuday August 5. 1995 O4+ erjwon %mm sea «emonm a LEVOLOW T 1" ft. J11111111111111111J11111111111111111VVer�� MONMO Umd t 1GNskm v1 BGf1d5 I IN* AD we name w1mn 10 b mc, A. be 0 Io b lila" G0ffidwist,011111 Paint less �oney Wal and Caft Lalex Rat oleo b . +roc ttnrA. tato aa mor bei edwo .$.Popov Laft sefyi Gim }est . s0e 0110tn vr0 rttv-0�pl� brAdwWr res oo.0 r,o OE.n .O.MrDb n 24 04Mt taws --- 2_ � �S& � Laft ftw A dmobie erpw .nmol . s.pebr wase ono De4o for MMY +oom Dine 4 moor a Mk of o am" s roans b'eaOU* tsrrreb r owe a mweem or1688137 . 7& 8ryrn1..00d A osdst+ 7171 o� cotows 0— w 60 "OU Aallu ft _5, Dpi br 4 _ 5r 56 PW br A s487-48;�" p00 .W I From 40" .Ade x 45' long to 9J ! � 72" .ate x 61" ams. Alroaaae Wood Stall i SO AvptN s. tvv5 In Vm•e avid bort' For.000 smq or bugs wo one bMb w atrkv a U proudly honour ft CAA 'Show Your ftp-- m 8207%4 Lea.00a, Ceor Ana MembeMip Card and Save' Program. i ft- Now It o,,, ndbiq A0* Stm C*s Orr ver best bueoo2 r DW "� No* otow(lon AwaWWI Nov 5 010ow top me ww AJAX PICKERING SCARBOROUGH Dist"" Aar Centre Pickering Too Cootie Apley Lane Shorting Centre 571 Wmaey Road higlrray 2 i uVef"ol 91 Rylander Ahd. 428.1608 839.2252 724.0781 in hobo for 4 _ PH ARNIA(,'H:'�"I'RE • • DRL'Gr STORI: PHONE NO: (416) 282-4223 • FAX NO: (416) 282-4391 91 RYLANDER BLVD., WEST HILL (IntheAbbeyWePtaza) OPEN Mon fn. 'Everv1. I' Nceso1 1.1 ill Candv 1.rs. (zhew SnaLi.9xan>-900pm. qday c )C am.�6.d) p -m - t. l' ' s IIi- 100 I I. ! I s. 1' hpore. SundaV 000 am-500pm -- Evev%du\' GYNECURE $1499 1 499 (1 day vaginal antifungal therapy) CORRECTOL $JT9 24's NOW CARRVING—. PROFTSSOR PURE WATER (I)L,aled water -Aca 11I1.�11II YI .MI Pre'"t-'s (IJ1IN ) TYLENOL $699 100's SHAVEGEL NOVAHISTINE 599 100 mL BARBASOL NOVAHISTEX 400 mL DRISTAN 24's S�99 With Free 99C Chapstick -- Evev%du\' GYNECURE $1499 1 499 (1 day vaginal antifungal therapy) CORRECTOL $JT9 24's NOW CARRVING—. PROFTSSOR PURE WATER (I)L,aled water -Aca 11I1.�11II YI .MI Pre'"t-'s (IJ1IN ) WE OFFER I FREE ISD k A) PRI S"I RI: l.1II 1'.k ,\SY 10,11 tP 1'I IP DA) S FREE DIA IN,17KN 'I R\ I( 5. 1M� 111�t:< N N7 11 ! "It1' I M1 I+ 11t d'\k 11i� I'\l :L I I Y �l • � \ f I III " SPECIAL (Nus Back Support $5999 1 -HE NEWS D%ERTISER. At!I:IIST 2. 1".5 -PAGE 15-A SA M91hoO EAM Expect more from Sears ■ save on all tires -Sears %level dediot an amount e%rcmenr to the GST trmn your total tae purchase Otte- appret to a slot* "terctlandtse only sn Sears Retail stores and does rat aWY to any mstaRSIOn c►larges SNectlon %"' +ary 5y Store Or— ..,r1S Se A�'! 1 . .. . Hey.... _—sm We have tires b Michelin, CLEAREYES SKINTIMATE Buy 1 SHAVEGEL Get 1 Free For women 5329 BARBASOL $199 400 mL MINE Shave Cream Bonus EYE DROPS 99C TOOTHPASTE WE OFFER I FREE ISD k A) PRI S"I RI: l.1II 1'.k ,\SY 10,11 tP 1'I IP DA) S FREE DIA IN,17KN 'I R\ I( 5. 1M� 111�t:< N N7 11 ! "It1' I M1 I+ 11t d'\k 11i� I'\l :L I I Y �l • � \ f I III " SPECIAL (Nus Back Support $5999 1 -HE NEWS D%ERTISER. At!I:IIST 2. 1".5 -PAGE 15-A SA M91hoO EAM Expect more from Sears ■ save on all tires -Sears %level dediot an amount e%rcmenr to the GST trmn your total tae purchase Otte- appret to a slot* "terctlandtse only sn Sears Retail stores and does rat aWY to any mstaRSIOn c►larges SNectlon %"' +ary 5y Store Or— ..,r1S Se A�'! 1 . .. . Hey.... _—sm We have tires b Michelin, CLEAREYES S�99 15 mL Y buy tires at Sears MURINE $99 EYE DROPS 15 mL MINE $399 EYE DROPS 15 mL (for allergies) WE OFFER I FREE ISD k A) PRI S"I RI: l.1II 1'.k ,\SY 10,11 tP 1'I IP DA) S FREE DIA IN,17KN 'I R\ I( 5. 1M� 111�t:< N N7 11 ! "It1' I M1 I+ 11t d'\k 11i� I'\l :L I I Y �l • � \ f I III " SPECIAL (Nus Back Support $5999 1 -HE NEWS D%ERTISER. At!I:IIST 2. 1".5 -PAGE 15-A SA M91hoO EAM Expect more from Sears ■ save on all tires -Sears %level dediot an amount e%rcmenr to the GST trmn your total tae purchase Otte- appret to a slot* "terctlandtse only sn Sears Retail stores and does rat aWY to any mstaRSIOn c►larges SNectlon %"' +ary 5y Store Or— ..,r1S Se A�'! 1 . .. . Hey.... _—sm We have tires b Michelin, " 1... � rJs l Uniroyal Goodrich, oy -- � Goodyear , Bridgestone, Pirelli and more. .� Y buy tires at Sears ��. �•�� ♦,� - ��i "e Roap Hd adrd 1rVQtrOn� 1 G rOlpr Or Nhy 'e' yQr hre rerJOir '•�r��!'S hen - ^Ove Roocs�cil,• � - �� 4ss,• ��� 011 �xd 3nL+ deer Guardsman` Pius from 39 99T*paytale GS P155-80A 13. Ea Reg 49 99 All -season teres have -5.000 km Tread Wearo.A Warranty •' 3000 ser Core)lese erM +a deans at suns examples, Silverguard Esprit' from 49 Pius we pay Me IM 99'r P 155/ 80R 13. Ea Reg 59 99 Aheason tires %ave 85 W kr- Tread Wearout Warranty 060OW ser pq ones %-~ are seen ones Superguard STR' from 78 PAIS we paythe Gs99r P205 75Rt tXL. ca Reg 83 99 Lx)M truck -ires for omck-1 vans and sport utlhly vetuctes ►6 '.)C ser Fr M wMW Service nckides corrlpete Irtspectan of 3 999 � and lues. p+us front axle akgrarlent adlustrnents. to marwtacturer's specribcatwts Sams .r,x�..ar's arw)�•r*.. THE KEY TO 4W GREAT SERVICE- SAU PRICES END SATURDAY, \ AUGUST 12, 1995, or where Sears Is open. Sunday Aug 1:+ 1005 %eerie auarmes last NErmam SEEAM Copynghr 1095 se0 s Corrado Inc F_tjttl llluli'f/ttlll —wIN- SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open Mon. -Fn It 00 a. m -9 00 p. m. Sat a 00 a. m. •6.00 p.m.. Sun 11.00 a. m -5.00 p. m PAGF. 1(#-A -THF NEWS ADd'F.RTISER. "ED- Xll(il,tiT 2, 1"5 La LecheWriter's club .......League meets in Pickering fix hosts picnic D Support group organizes event to celebrate breastfeeding AJAX — The local La Leche League will hold a picnic in celebra- tion of its breastfeeding members at Heydenshore Park in Whitby on Wednesday, Aug. 23 at 10:30 am. The La Leche League is a non- profit support group dedicated to empowering women to breast feed. Memberships run for one year and cost less than the equivalent of one month's baby formula. Mothers or pregnant women inter- ested in joining the league are encouraged to attend the next monthly meeting on Tuesday. Aug. 15 at 7:45 P -m. Meetings include discussions on the latest medical research and mothers' personal experiences - The league sells copies of the Womaniv Art of Breastfeeding. upon which it bases its meetings - Other books available through its lending library deal with child birth and care, and nutrition. The group is funded through book .ales and memberships. For more information on the league or the location of its next meeting, call 683-6185 or 666-2775. Old hymns at Pickering Museum Village PICKERIING — People can sing the old hymns of the church at Pickering Museum Village. On Sunday, Aug. 27, starting at 2 p.m., the museum's Chris- tian Bible Chapel will have an old- fashioned hymn sing to the accompa- niment of an 1890s reed pump organ. The organ was built in Vermont and was used in the Whitevale Methodist Church for many years. This type of organ could withstand the cold of Upper Canada's winters without being tuned. It had to be pedalled or pumped to be played. Soloists or instrumentalists are invited to volunteer for the event. Call Dave Marlowe at 683-9401. All visi- tors are welcome to join in the group singing. All houses and buildings will be open as usual from 10 a.m. Afternoon tea will be served in the village houses. Regular museum admission prices apply for this event. Adults $4, students and seniors S2.50, children $2, and families $12. For information, call 839-1734. Pickering Museum Village's local- ed on Hwy. 7 between Brock and Westney Roads in Greenwood. T X L'Rm OR PLUSH e thp SAX0i ti.ilucc/Erirnt? - ',...r the cr►orn:aocc and pest bola of e+tnae or d+c moor kwn al upper of pkath an % besut,lLi ,does ,:.u, &arum-, " foe Suatneeed ONE LOW PRICE 2 GREAT STYLES 8 P14*2 1 FT L ndeaush.,n and installxwn avatlabk .: w.l,t.>nal...i CUT 'ti' LOOP (�lrxiuru; and k>op sraaj .n high Wua1,n fiiament nybn •F s.rljtnt appearance rewnrnon •b r n . 20 F T. 'Undcrcushion and :r.stallatwn ava.lab c 4:. 1,', c �„na! sant PICKERING -- The Durham Writers &t Editors Breakfast Club holds its monthly breakfast meeting on Saturday, Aug. 12. The event runs from 8 to 10 a.m. at Swans Marina, Liverpool Road South, Pick- ering. Cost is $8 for members, CARPET P from Color Your World and don't pay the GWew] (ezduding under< nhion and lnStallation). 06 wdl deduct an amount equivalent to the GST from die price of Your 1 _ --- _ -no, ..:;.. $10 for others. It's for anya interested in networking wi writers. Register at 686-2085 (Ma jorie Green). t mX 'VERY BEST' 'BETTER' ) TU PLUSH OR TEXTURED SAXO NY , ( :rand E.rnt/ PLUSH OR 4.ictr>rv+t�erncnt) f TEXTURED SAXONY •' _� d-- l""i_ -(60 WAIYA" CI'aurus/(;1inesvillc) If rcaturcd saxrxfr.n s., • �( .lkX c either lu=urx3m thick 1) Ajtn Year -TM puramtral .sate wr.erraraar plush or the nowt casual loose f • I yearrprrk,rsance esuraneer U t, textured sawn in 45 decorator OIL L% PRICE a mr 2 LUXURIOUS STYLES ix19b BC:F Dupextr Stainnastcr Plus® nvion • vear perfornancc wairrainty s -443W 3 LA! �1 1 CE ` FT MAaWCEWSMIS 'L adrrsuisrn seri Damn ayatlahle ar uid�n,xaal ., ar CARPET FOR YOUR L TMG ROOM AND DUY NG ROOM I iCHO UR ICE 'Brie+ cm 300 sq. ft. Additional available at 1.43 sq. ti. Undereushbim and inuallation availabic at addititrrnl cast. a I .Best price guarantee 4.Sentce guaranree 2.Sat:sta&t.on guarantee 5.Up to 10year wear guarantee 3.Qualir. Rwranree Cana s beA value alue•••everyday. 4*"Wma PmAug, la Not,ouayaiaW:tAll siors De2iomay ad for as QlarantR1 401 w ST. W gGAYLY COLOR LOEB .WYOUR AJ” 105 Bayly St, W. 683m2O47 A IONGSTOH RD , 401 BERBERS - BERBERS *BERBERS •Fn,nt Starnauncr orlon to popular OkSn as .,de varwm of colors and pareerm •�rsled to &arm rncnr any uta m the home K,uA amer4 t•rrkir-z�c-- Fr0'" P�t, FT. 'Undcrcushwn and .rwAllatwn available At additional ic>sr, nCYWFor shop at home sav,m ZaH 1-800-CYW9940 Call rww for a free rw oblipuon in home appointment. PICKERING 705 Kingston Rd., Unit 18 420=2548 IF Lumber lost A shipment of lumber destined for Toronto was spilled on the north -side shoulder of Hwy. 401 east of Harwood Avenue last week, damaging trees along edge of the highway. The 43 -year-old Quebec -based truck driver reported to Ontario Provincial Police that he was cut off by a car, forcing the rig off the road. There were no injuries and charges haven't been laid, according to police. alis *vet visk ei " ENJOY *THE DIFFERENCE DOM, indsay photo by Andrew Iwanowsla ONTMJO CANADA You're only one hour away front a great adventure! BeauWul shops, paries, fivertront. restaurants. entortainment and moro... a Mdde solecNon with eX- ceUent service. business Improvement Association (705)324-7710 'S4Z�:) • .�`"� ' ori N~\ww���^ ! 1 � \� .... „,•'`• IMM•... .Y� Ontxio+large+t SE:CRET.. .. u-dergrou-A Cirri+llru+ Shoppt ...OPEM YEAR ROU`iD (705) 324-9574 - r�+we+r 14+0+r1 •Owl rwwl For core detub, car a Calendar of Events Arg. 2 12 The Case of 11,w (Awbous Cabaret Kawanha Surncrrcr Theauc Trckcts (I -MLA,- U)5-5143) Arg. 2 Crah Shove at Fairgrounds Aug. 12 Tn-Lake K2WArtha Anglers Bay, "i ournament 9-&5M4 Aug. 12 VK Co Pork Pruduccrs Barb -IL --Ops Co -county Ccrxre ('105) 329-6251 Arg. Ib -sept. 2 K1Wartha SurMrer Theatre Wingfield -3, Progress Aug- 2+ Rankin Family 5 p m Bob-aYSr'on Cortrrrunty Centre S29 5U,'ca Thi+ calendar Of - Cp of Even" hr ; been brought t n I -'OS 32-a-2393 LJ ONTAtPJO ` CANADA '-Kawartha ' w Summer T Theatre mac,_ Season The Case of the Curious Cabaret h.1, Greg Finnegan, August 2 - 12 Wingfield's Progress b1• Uan .tievdles, August 16 - September 2 Box office (705) 324-9114 or 1-800-305-5143 As lbe Academy TbeAlre, 2 ibrdsay SI. S Tealrim Co-ordiea w David Selby at 705-324-9113. 1*11F. NEWS ADVFR'nSER, WF.D_ AU( UST 3, ICK-PA(;F. 17-A Summer wildflowershighlight AJAX -- Outdoor enthusiasts at the later blooming wildflow- charge for children aged five are invited to see summer wild- ers, at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. and under. Interested partici- flowers up close and personal 13. pants should meet in the perking during an event hosted by the General admission is $2.50 lot. It's off Westney Road, six Greenwood Conservation Arm for adults, $1.75 for seniors, kilometres north of Hwy. 401, Greenwood features a look $1.25 for children and no Ajax. Call 416-661-6600. 42"x8' WHITE PAINTED FRENCH GOTHIC PICKET FENCE . 1-sa- pockets Pte-assembied painted spruce panel Three -coat exterior IaMx painted • FA" to Instal! C&H CHANNEL LATTICE CUPS & DIVIDERS - 2 -x2 -x@' - TW SPF lattice cap i dMders - Frame or dhnda lattice W"h e' C&M channel t k It 0.17 "A 1700 VICTORIA STREET E. (90S) S71 -S900 DIRECTIONS: From Hwy 401: Exit south on Thickson Road to Victoria Street E. Turn left on Victoria Street E. *rieea afMr krrtMt a, ,!N if tt+er aw +ell anwtttae wiMiw. Orr +w n+.�-.•r....rrw r r.a .•. G.w r«. ,..w �Ir. r r.r� r w•.+• r•r s w ...w. r ..-.-.r.-. r v ow. �._. r .... r-. w..... •.... r r_+.. oma. �.... �..� . e��M 1/....+•r.-r..Ar.�.r�w.•.N :.r uw�r�.rAU C_•r �...Yr ata vw HOW DEPOT 02/96 WH PRESSURE TREATED LATTICE • Neel for fent/rag. docks. etc • Use as a ctirttber tcw roves • clinch locked galvanized staples prevent rust 2 77 X477 FENCE BRACKETS - Oulck connections *lows easter planning 6 building 10& � a • MON. thru FRI. 7 AM to 10 PM • SATURDAY 7 AM to 8 PM • SUNDAY 9 AM to S PM WAW TO AAW v � OPEN SUNDAY 3:30 TO 5:30 P.M.! s4 LIPTON CRESCENT A 10... INSIDE a Our• rA.p Ta $234,800' 3610 sq K of Perfect ' t r i Ove►size ceramic kitchen, S apples . waaraA • a 4 bdrms. including king sin master bdrm. ' Custom on suite features step-up n�-ZSE marble to i extra large sep. - -- �e. stioum Main floor family room, den i IMndry 2 bay windows cerAral air. vac i ,, alarm r — _ landscaped INC SE1111111111SOW -- — 831-3300 { $aro MT BY 1E11ML ALL BRICK wmI RVMW PLVWOOD Std-FLOOMC a LOTS OF FIRST Lp " AJAX BACKSPUT $159,900 10W 8�� `gfG��(G�` baCksp-it FamfTy rm. i rec ` s� rm. woodslimm - NOT TUB O� included• Sunny patio. Central air Localed on a guest ssbeK _ - - steps to the we & parks. CAU STEVE FEARM 016 683-2992 It �a BUNGALOW -- THIS IS A STEAL!! $169,900 ' Carnpk" wxk,6ng �y •^' �-' - wm+ed kiL man washroom windows ' 3 spacious bedrooms Fridge, stove, washer, dryer. A -_> C a�mtt A hrdwd. floors -- - • 3 bedrooms fenced lot Fn bsnt. with wal4o- al fp_ bar A 4th bdnn. Cereal air& vacuum • Freshly painted ' Gorgeous private back yard ' Ttsaspkpw�rdcry home mast be seen b ' greatopportunity for the PLEASE CALL BARRIE COX* r _ 839-7649 - R�MW" + ROUGE RHEA REALTY LTD. s" CLASSIC THREE 831-3300 BEDROOM BUNGALOW _ A1, .n -law apartment FIRST PUd. :rdwood 'ioors and m rant 'hdrtron for only $134.900 = - a beautt ul treed lot and ' CALL FLO BETTS" OR CHRIS Blli1111%- ' — TODAY 416-283-1 SM or �. 1-800-663-1734 "WE GET RESULTS- RVMW ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD 66x228 FOOT LOT Priced to sell at 5119.000. Beautiful 3 bdrm. brick bungalow with a full csmt. Forced air heating. -.ardwood floors and POOL!! MUST BE SOLD! CALL BERNARD LEE* OR RICK s iI CHOMCY* 905-428-6533 RF/l/MKC ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. JUST LISTED! QUIET STREET This 4 bdrm. all brick ► , t , executive borne has a wonderful 22 foot main floor family room. 3 baths, main fir. laundry, huge master bdrm. with en suite and walk- in closet and in a great demand location. Value Priced at 5225,000. For I details call BARBARA EDWARDS* :. 683-2992, TODAY! MET§ 0UFLWE OR. rx nT 11W_ W ME POWER OF SALE! • Sblper size tot a deft • Addtion on back • M9in W. family room. • 3+1 bedrooms. • Full basement with rec room $143,000 TANNEWV 619-9500 l! ALL. THE BELLS A WHISTLES! Gorgeous 4 bedroom, 2,871 8% ft home with 2 Stom fow, mal n 11oor may, $229,W CALL BRIAN KOMM* 683-2992 RVAW OUALRY ONE LTD. FILTR. A TalRrees classic, the Ellesmere is available on the last lot at TaNTrees. A 4.430 sq_ ft. MarshaN Horne in Pickering's finest area. Loaded with standard features on a large 80x180, lot on Ashwood Gate. This home will aslo be available in Claremont and can be built on Fidders Court or your lot. so please call Tina at Marshall Horses, 509-3350 for more mformation- Y f, MAX- HOME; MUNI PRICE: t.no sq. ft. - great floor plan' 4 bedrooms . 3 bathrooms Master bedroom includes 3 -pc en suite Located on child -safe crescent Mn- fir. tam. rm.. fireplace 50% complete in-law cube A sup. erhtrance Fully fenced - close to school 6 park Fudge, stove, dishwasher incl. $142.900. Hurry' wont last! $142.900. GALL DAVID BEATON' AT 693-"92 RE/MK` OUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR $141,900 New listing Px*enng semi 3 huge bedrooms Approx. 1,600 sq. ft. Prime location New broadloom New roof New nterlock walkway Freshly painted throughout CALL DAVE McLEAN* 619-9500 �00 ,,ba• -, THIS IS A STEAL!! Great Ajax location �y •^' �-' - ' 3 spacious bedrooms Fridge, stove, washer, dryer. e,• : I�A�_ d dishwasher, freezer included. •Fully -- - $ fenced lot - — Double car garage • Freshly painted Full en suite in master bedroom - ' greatopportunity for the buyer! • Call for Private viewing• + DOUG TAYLOR** 831-3300 _ FIRST PUd. Lummuut3' organizahons can use vour I e1D AJAX-PICKEMG — Volunteers 686-2871 to find out how you can are the backbone of many cogtmunity share in the life of a boy six to 14 orb r :yeage from a father -absent use your p' ' , .•� �Informatidn AjAx-Pick `• -- in Sisters Association of Ajax- Interested in discovering information Pickering — Women who can offer a about your community? Volunteers supportive, caring friendship to a girl with good interpersonal skills are six to 16, a boy six to 10 or to a preg- required to direct clients to appropri- nant teen or young norther are needed ate community agencies. Call Joan Watson at 686-2661. to volunteer with the one-to-one Ajax Block Parents — Are you matching programs. Volunteers inter - ested in fund-raising and publicity willing to allow your home to be a committees are also needed. Call 428 - safe haven in a time of need? Vo4m- 8111. teers are needed to be Block Parents Boy Scouts of Canada — Scouting and also to help with the administra- is looking for leaders. Call OWASCO tion of the program. Contact Jay Gold- District Information Line at 683-2411. mintz at 619-1018. Canadian Cancer Society, West AjaxV 'P �mg Community Cane — Durham Unit — Volunteers are need - 1p seniors and d4abied ed to help with a 1 r F of activities: adults in the community! Spore two driving pests b treatments. helping hours once a week or even once a with special events, fund-raising and moods. Call Sally Longo at 686-3331 office work. Call 686-1516. for mime information. Canadian Diabetes Association - Ajax and Pickering Oral Hospi- Durham Region Branch — The tal — Mature, radiable voludeers over Durham Region Branch needs volun- 19 are needed for all areas of hospital teens for a variety of positions and to service. Also for fund-raising through help out at Bingos held every second the gift shop and cart, coffee shop, Sunday afternoon at Caesar's Bingo 4477 shop and bazaars. Training pro- Place, 88 King St. W., Oshawa. Call vided. Applications are available at Cathy Gartner at 436-6648. the gift shop and coffee shop. Child Find Ontario - Durham Ajax-Piekaiag and Whitby Associ- Region — Help to protect those who ation for Community Living — Peo- cannot protect themselves - a missing pie interested is volunteering, consid- child is everyone's business. Volun- er tutoring in the Student Centre Liter- teer for only four hours a month. acy Project. Tutors we matched with Training is provided for public speak - an adult korner. Call Linda White at mg and fingerprinting. Interested peo- 427-3300, ext 225. pie over 18 call 420-9917. Ajax -Pickering Red Cross — Chal- Children's Aid Society of Durham lenging positions exist with many pro- Region — Volunteers assist in the grams and services. Call Donna delivery of services Chamberlain at 420-3383. by acting as Special Arthritis Society — September is Friends to parents Arthritis Month andV and children, by volunteers are supervising family - required to canvass. access visits that On-going volunteers require court-ordered supervision and are also needed for by assisting with special events and special events throughout the year. pmjccts. Training is done in Septem- Call Lucy Perri at 434-7221. bcr. February and May. Call Jo -Anne Barbara Black Centre for Youth Ritchie at 433-1551. Resources — Adult volunteers are Computer Club — This non-profit needed for weekdays from 3:30 to 6 club needs volunteers to assist in the p.m. to assist in recreation and leisure club organization and membership activities, and tutoring. Call Ellen drive. Call Mark Carr at (416) 258- Schierholtz at 839-6131. 2550. Big Brothers Association of Ajax- COPE — Volunteers wishing to Pickering — As a big brother you assist people with emotionaUpsychi- ctwld really make a difference. P orrr: atric problems either on a one-to-one the Big Brothers of Ajax -Pickering at hasis or in group programs call Chris- tine Kent at 6864348. Training is pro- vided. Durham Association for Family Spite Imices — Enthusiastic vol- ` hateers interested in sharing a few hours per month with a child, teen or adult with a handicap are needed. Join them in leisure activities or provide respite in your own home. Call Mary Wilson at 427-3541. Girl Guides of Canada — Share the Guiding experiences with girls of today, become a leader! Call Shore- line Guide Shoppe at 427-2766. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario — The local chapter is look- ing for volunteers to help raise foods for research and edu- cation. People are needed to fill board positions as well as work on spe- cial events. Call 686- 1521. Hospice Durham — Vol noleers are needed from the Ajax -Pickering arca to offer support and friendship to ter- minally -ill persons and their families. Anyone interested in Hospice philoso- phy of caring call 435-5242 to inquire about training. Junior Achievement of Durham Region — Volunteers help the youth of the community develop an aware- ness of how a business operates from the ground up. Training and support is provided. Call Renee or Rita at (905) 644-7058. Kids On The Block — Volunteers learn to operate life-sized puppets and perform small plays in elementary schools in Durham to provide support and encouragement to students with di_cabitities. Call Card Hatton at 579- 0597. Kinark Chill and Family Services — Share your parenting skills and experiences with other parents need- ing support. Or. spend some leisure time with a special -needs child, devel- op hobbies and interests the two of you can share. Cor Wendy Swinden at 433-0386. Meals -On -Wheels - Ajax -Pickering Red Cross — Volunteer drivers and packers are urgently needed to help deliver this vital service live days a week. Span- 1 lr hours once a week. from 11:30 a.m. to I p.m., call Car- olynn at 420-3383. BINIGKM POR RENT Nihil leer, 3 bedrooms V%h mh. Arai. Sept 1. Goes b 401 6 arnP "Pis. AM AFfaRortet.E - CONVE NEW 3 slow. Mw alt to We Cloy to ani awia ' you dont wean read a v - atabd an a low tate cont lege yad ab 6W bW d and own lq m ire Blew. cant M NO c W clwar i hooks ra•�7oclq err` ra.l�nq` Nascour BULD YOUR OWN! Pickering btrl76rtg lot, 61 x156 ft. Being sold tender power of sale. Servim at properly line Bvira larocque, 428-7677. EMU TME POWECT STARTER 1 —4 ora . DnvAb Saud+ Apt" Papa ID nal• ♦ •,• PAMCOw 2 go" 3 Odin 2 Cads• 0" ktfan *0 aro to Wd Fi► bunt ahoodho.. I F I - . wo b Pwd 3 apparicas rckabd awn b we. ' mrrwralan awe $154,9W 9W SrOAN BEVOIGTOW 9Mrplon, eat -76n a • � NRS ACHIEVERS REAL ESTATE AJAX PICKERING (905) 428-7677 19051831-7677 'Saris ParW6G&r*Uh.-.� n...A.-. '$wd RdpranMMM "A>hodun OIOMdr r y • • • M42(61 wFAMM LET'S GET NAKED! :n e. MRAY Roy* BURNETT* �-3300 ��/�/� CHRIS 83 y 1 $ (4161283-1500 145)04663-1734 IWAAIn a great neighborhood' Features an eat -in kitchen with And jump into the four seater not tub in the gorgeous in C siding door walkout to a '5x20 deck, gorgeous basement tinshed rec room Thais !ust one feature of this with wall to bDw ,newfireplace . walkout toy tro, new 521000 $236,900 outstanding executive ho Four bedrooms, foucrttdths, jp�J pryEp pE�n FI RST L ,lit, �w Day window snmacutate careC for air, vac, ceramics and superb landscaping.Close to the an y gh ! Rouge and schools. only 5236.900. Call Chns today 153:121n. -M = tit MARY ROY'' R" 831-3300 VnMAW 831-7677 ~- T'iis Gnh ^•^"1e 'S ar, Md unit �': ' ` �c^__ _ "+Q ,•5: ' +S c custom-built open concept horse Goth . FIRSTLtd "w new go ace. c caeioc ^ ^ $13%900 S1699900 en suite and sauna. Cal now. the fish ataoc ida,ce ew fatc door a good s zec eat- r .:tcn .,r onvate dock are very hungry.t AcAierrrs Real Estalea:�c�a^ties n:s ec �ase_2,.. 3-,. 3 .a•.e ... w.. sr... Vic— I MARY - ROY* f ,� TERESA 8.31-3300 y VANDER -�— '• HOLST• 683-2992 — - - :ccated Nose tic :^e ;ar.: a•td it's irtvnaadatery � pre-stia!peC r; R ����� FI RST Realty ip.� f wve s tasteful decor. pTa $139,900 $13 9, 9 0 0 , r 3 huge bea t s ar zr Lid- ".paca.0 K'�ten wrm wak.:ut b yard, upgr _ -- — a --arpets new S •^;#t •-tic e - �, vander OUALITY ONE LTD. —"POWER OF SALE" �-: PAT= SEAN r ��� - - 1WW 18 LOSCHIAVO• �� 831-3300 e r MEMO - 80 Us ::MNEWAI W ■ Cartier 1.500 sq t:. . A : rom iiv rm. to FIRSTRealty PProrS, Jacuzz. three ;arK:�y sFaces. 6 209,900 144,900 ^ y. E K s . _, .a vs:, T ^.as w.. corset 2 Ltd. _ppira'tces. Also Hudson Model. 1,200 SQ. ft. uar as. extra air .c :asament Asking 5144.900. Try Rcal e.u•o 5ervice� ud9—Ke, Q011 721 1 IMMACULATE i BEAUTY . / ED KMAJA* WALTER '41 BROWN" 831-3300 ■Ir � Featuring or,gr: spa eu - a aK sta rase. YOU GOT IT!! RI ? - YOU GOT IT!! h01Iyw00d k w;r ,vd,K Me a T, N;r back South Ajax Detachee. landscaped deck. FIRST Ltd. fireplace Access 3arage ' ,cwse 2 -pc 8 ' $205 500 $189,000 fireplace ' 'Double garage. 3 bedrooms 3 baths. inn Mr laundry ;asre+,Jy "icoraieo cent air8 vac washrooms ' Asking price $189.000 Call EDon t hesitate to cau. Walter Brown" 831-3300 Khwala at (416) 743-5000 ..•. iC�•l.K� Krsaa ... C rafty kid When it comes to coloring inside the Imes, four-year- part in a craft -making class at the Village branch of old Andrew Hewidt has the activity licked. He's taking the Ajax Public Library. photo by Chris Potts PROVIDING QUALITY SERVICE SINCE 1977 OUR SALES STAFF HAS ON WE KNOW YOU AVERAGE 9.7 YEARS OF DON'T CARE SOLID EXPERIENCE TO UNTIL YOU KNOW ENSURE SATISFACTIONBriscoe Estates Ltd. WE DO CARE! CALL NOW 839-2121 21 licensed professionals FLORA "� %�+'�+K�t—r`- •>J�`_`. , "y WATERS' PILOTS AND HORSE LOVERS Cape Cod style home with double attached garage. approx. 2.600 sq ft. on 98.5 acres. with a horse barn and a 4.000 ft runway for small planes. Asking 5380.000 Cart Flora Waters at 428-2121 for - icre information nr RICHARD Mac LEAN' WALK TO LAKE IN AJAX 3 bedroom townhouse with 2 balconies and walkout to garden from rec room. 2 bathrooms. 5 appliances and much more for only 5126 400 Cali Richard Mac Lear 'or details at 839-2121 d. LIZ JUST REDUCED $137.700 Immaculate 2 bedroom semi, gleaming hardwood floors. bright eat -in kitchen and walkout to yard. Ideal for first-time buyer. For more information can Liz Peovski, 839-2121. r �s MICHELEELPM�11 A� JONES' NEAT & TIDY Detached, 2 storey all brick 3 bdrm. home affords you: gleaming ceramics, oak railings, cosy main floor family rm. with fireplace, sunken living room. Master bdrm. boasts full en suite. Keep cool in this air conditioned home. Asking $169,900. Cal Michele Jones at 8392121 for details. LYNN BLANCHARD' LOOKING FOR A DEAD UNDER 5145 JGt; vendor wd hold finaricng 10, below currert c —,s :ra7ra-g and convervent home on 1:4 acre lot Tall trees oat' 1.1c Tien and quick Z�ossess+on are nc:udec tease as+c STOP. CIRCLE. CALL' Walkout basement on this 3 bedroom detached home with man floor faro room and central air Sir'tgie car garage and much more for only St 58 IX Call Linda Cance ter detaiis at - _- t! ALASDAIR MCLEAN' iiimi�-di6 4r4__ PLEASINGLY ATTRACTIVE Nicely landscaped 4 bdrm. mode' wnveried ;C 3 Dorm. Three oaths, incl. 5 -pc. er suite. Features man floor aundry, central air, main !lour family rm. w,lkrepace. eat -in kitchen w/bukR-n appliances and wio to fenced rear yard. Asking $192.000. Cali Alasdair McLean, 839-2121 111 ��� - BRISCOE"' BETTER THAN NEW New broadloom & flooring, freshly panted, separate living & dining rms.. spacious kitchen overkooicng family room. Master with double and walk -n closets plus en suite with separate shower and soaker tib. 5 phis bedrooms, walkout lower level. Excellent value at $189.900. Call Anne or Ride Briscoe at 839-2121. INDEPENDENT MEMBER BROKER HERITAGE REALTY LTD. AJAX PICKERING 619-9500 831-9500 0 n 7�� �t � RETA- - BIGIONI -71C A KNOCKOUT • Demand area' Maplendge' over 2.5-�C sq. ft ' ' Distinctive decor' Meticulous gardens' Huge wraparound deck " 2 walkouts STOP. CIRCLE. CALL' Walkout basement on this 3 bedroom detached home with man floor faro room and central air Sir'tgie car garage and much more for only St 58 IX Call Linda Cance ter detaiis at - _- t! ALASDAIR MCLEAN' iiimi�-di6 4r4__ PLEASINGLY ATTRACTIVE Nicely landscaped 4 bdrm. mode' wnveried ;C 3 Dorm. Three oaths, incl. 5 -pc. er suite. Features man floor aundry, central air, main !lour family rm. w,lkrepace. eat -in kitchen w/bukR-n appliances and wio to fenced rear yard. Asking $192.000. Cali Alasdair McLean, 839-2121 111 ��� - BRISCOE"' BETTER THAN NEW New broadloom & flooring, freshly panted, separate living & dining rms.. spacious kitchen overkooicng family room. Master with double and walk -n closets plus en suite with separate shower and soaker tib. 5 phis bedrooms, walkout lower level. Excellent value at $189.900. Call Anne or Ride Briscoe at 839-2121. INDEPENDENT MEMBER BROKER HERITAGE REALTY LTD. AJAX PICKERING 619-9500 831-9500 0 n 7�� �t � RETA- - BIGIONI 831-9500 A KNOCKOUT • Demand area' Maplendge' over 2.5-�C sq. ft ' ' Distinctive decor' Meticulous gardens' Huge wraparound deck " 2 walkouts 4 generous size bdmis.Spacious kitchen' ' Fn*hed rec room' Oak bar +vrth b,k cabrtet Extras. extras" Reta Bkgron+ - Sutton Group Heritage, 831.9500 CLOUD NINE CONDO! . S97,500 only for pretty 2 "4;;�, bedroom suite. Perfect for seniors or executive couple! Master with en suite plus his and her closets. Large living CHANTAL area walks out to patio with DOWNEY* conservation view. Clean, whae kitchen with ceramics and built- 619-9500 in dishwasher. Laundry en suite with stackables. Cali Chantal to learn about the great recreation facilities' ?r, 5� 5 i g-9500. g DETACHED Wf'�- GREAT DEAL _ 1 L4 -LAW APT. 5142.900 $157.900 Detached raised R ^"_ge 3 bdr" t del - _Tie with, bungalow. 3 2 Car Gar bitting. fR1, bsrnt . STEVE & r-;aw apt Eat -r k.:. 3 wvo to deck. 2 baths, race curb LASZLO' tam rm w,m sky,.gm appeal. Shows 619-9500 & w o. firepace. ceet well. cent. air. gar.. air 2 baths Steve much see Steve RO N + :. MATTHEWS' 619-9500 PRICED Fy QUICK SELL ON A LARGE 65- WIDE LOT acious flue DedFoom mtn parking for 5 :ars New no efficiency gas ..�nacx yew shkrgied root. Freshly panted, hardwood floors throughout Call --'K . _- ..-r' -- ii .arcc+r' 6� �3C ;.r V3'1:'E.tS _ - SUSAN VINCENT* 619-9500 DEMAND 'JOHN SODDY' MODEL Gorgeous 'John Boddy' Sdverspruce - A rare find. 3 bdrms studio loft . main fir. tam, rm., 3 skyliaMs. french drs.. lovely 2 her deck. central air & vac.*** Beautifully decorated 3 4pgraded throughout. A must see' Call Susan Vincent Sutton Group Heritage. 905-619.9500. �wriI with oney r- Terry Bainbridge Community Banking Manager ,7a I k Ajax/Pickering Direct Deposit - The Cheque's Not i*n the Mail... Have you noticed an improvement in your mail service lately? You should. The Canada Post load is now lighter by approximately a million pieces of mail a month. That's about the volume of cheques from various sources, mostly government ministries, that is now by- passing the postal service and being sent electronically directly to the accounts of recipients. It's called Direct Deposit and it means more safety and reliability for us all. Direct Deposit is another of the many electronic banking services that have come about through advanced computer technology. Computer technology has allowed us to bank at midnight on an automated banking machine if we wish; it also allows financial institutions to calculate interest on savings accounts almost to the minute or to instantly credit a deposit you made in St. Johns, Nc%vfoundland to your account in :M c m treal . It is also what has made it possible to do away with the millions of paycheques that many large companies used to distribute to employees each payday. These. in turn, had to be dept)sited personally by each recipient. Now, with Direct Deposit, the company sends a computer tape to its hank in advance of each payday. The bank thin, withdraw, the funds from the company 's account and authonees that Utley he deposited, according to the information on the tape, to each employee's individual account. Usually, it will be done during the night before payday. Government Cheques As Well And now, most government payments can tk direct -deposited. You can even arrange to have your tax refund deposited directly to your account - if you're fortunate enoueh to be getting one. Think of the mountain of paper, the time needed to prepare cheque; and then stuffing and mailing monthly pension or family allowance cheques for instance' All that is eliminated now by electronic transfer of the funds directly to the millions of recipients. Probably, the most attractive advantage of direct deposit is knowing that the cheque will simply be in your account on the due date for as long as your direct deposit instructions are in place. It is also comforting to know that there's no worry about the cheque getting lost or stolen on its way to your home address by mail. And if. for some reason, you can't get to your bank, you know that the money's in your account waiting for you. That means a lot to many people. Entroliog Yoorse f for Direct Deposit If you haven't already received a notice from the Government with an enrolment form, you can simply ask at any branch of the financial institution where you bank. Most have these forms available and will be able to answer your questions as well. Many people have several direct deposited payments each month. It's a good idea to keep a list of the amounts and sources of all these. Then, if you move or change your account, you can notify them easily and quickly that a new deposit arrangement is needed. YOU CAN MAXIMIZE YOUR BOTTOM LINE NEW CHOICE Realty ISQ10 Ltd. • fA E fill B E R B R O K E R 837m 1054 -.-1 r. f , Ct'L-1►f_ -1 aC I- RA R4 VIAL LOT, KHAT MORE CAN YOU A SK? Pickenn,e. 4 bdrms. + nm fir den, parquet flooring. sep. living rm & dining rm.. huge kis. & w/o bsmt. Call Rad Casino', 837-1054. CHILD -SA FF COURT! This ideal 3 bdrnr, famih home has eat -in kit. with walkout to patio & large yard Master bedroom has a 6M 3 -piece en suite and the ' • basement is finished Call Ron Argae', 837-104. • "28 OFFICES IN NOT TOO BIG OR SMALL For first timers in Ajax 3 hdrms., bright & sunni. Fin. bsmt. + fireplace. appliances, 3 baths. CaU Raul Casino-, 837-1054. - 1_= 4,1.4.1 81:. UTY! • 3+1 hdrms. • LAtrge eat -in ka. - w/o to deck • Finished basement - Har6v(x)d floors - Wen kept home. To view call Lois Thompson—, 837-ies4 IJP i VALUEFFamdy y " MIM ����,., mtnt ost withfireplace JI S T !: Ft `.005 SQ. FT. "f mi KN Is = = r HOT' 1irr1 ' 1/0 T' 2 4+0r A liI A1JTYYBUILT LAADI.YG"IN ��� tI1L11 R ( Rf:f K- ter. • first Pu krrul,e - Reduced'.'.' • :.:r;e 4 bdrms. 3 baths PICKERING .4ja.r- W'W L)ut fivm ` • Greenhouse kitchen • 4 bdrnu.. 3 barks I )-signer kst.. centre Island < enced vard decks A x 3,000 Ppro u1 ft of luxun. Double txA circ. levels, ceramics in I reenhoust kitchtn • Open concept/jrench dows• • 35'deck - Idea! .wtdo ws r -Alda - handv u, 401 Call jr/y Sracee'••, staircase. It's • Coughlin. CaU Garry Frees**, "Spotless ". Call Garry Frieess. Call Jrdi Sssc«•••, 847-1ts4. 837-1054. 837-1054. 11 A 04W MOM t�ii i!o , Ct'L-1►f_ -1 aC I- RA R4 VIAL LOT, KHAT MORE CAN YOU A SK? Pickenn,e. 4 bdrms. + nm fir den, parquet flooring. sep. living rm & dining rm.. huge kis. & w/o bsmt. Call Rad Casino', 837-1054. CHILD -SA FF COURT! This ideal 3 bdrnr, famih home has eat -in kit. with walkout to patio & large yard Master bedroom has a 6M 3 -piece en suite and the ' • basement is finished Call Ron Argae', 837-104. • "28 OFFICES IN NOT TOO BIG OR SMALL For first timers in Ajax 3 hdrms., bright & sunni. Fin. bsmt. + fireplace. appliances, 3 baths. CaU Raul Casino-, 837-1054. - 1_= 4,1.4.1 81:. UTY! • 3+1 hdrms. • LAtrge eat -in ka. - w/o to deck • Finished basement - Har6v(x)d floors - Wen kept home. To view call Lois Thompson—, 837-ies4 IJP i VALUEFFamdy ANTEED! " MIM ����,., mtnt ost withfireplace ahs. fun en suite Offered at $157.500. • To view: tall Lois h Thompson", 847-10M. JE -ST REDUCED! _ Great value to this 7 roomff MIM ����,., open concept home. �^ • Illuminated kit. ceiling PRIDE OF OWNFRSIIIPAND • Family roan with fireplace -deck METICULOUS ATTENTION TO DETAIL • 14.04 • Fabulous decor --- 2 fireplaces. high -efficiency gas furnace, New driveway south facing yard! A beauty!! • Central air & vac. Coll Barbam K Silloth**, 837-1054. CaR Raw 837-IIS4 SOUTHERN ONTARIO AND GROWING94- • ill" Rtip" AMocisa f im •" Ilkolndomnr -- — 'A' i/ t1 V V 1111V1l 1U 1 W l.1 V dl DURHAM — The fishing boats and the smell of the ocean will be missing, but a taste of the tlandc p vAnc es can be bad in Ajax later this month. A full day of music and food will be on tap at the Downhome Festival, one of the It unmetr, even Roti the area, It's being lw_Scm*y ;Aug. 20, from noon to 8 p r Jtr1. lu the Gree�vood ClowG7 scion. Awa 1n There are more than 800,000 formier East Coast- IjAL- s fivin in Southern Ontario. 8 MARSHALL TRAVELL�•�,: The culture, music and heritage of the Atlantic .. rovinces will be captured with wagon rides, East SOUTH PACIFIC ; oast merchandise, a lobster feast, beer tent and ADVENTURE" trbecue. There will also be a dunk tank with pro- Join VAL & GALE on a personally escorted axis going to the Children's Wish Foundation. 24 day tour of: Among the musical acts Planned include T'he FIJI - NEW ZEALAND - ay Boys' Barbara Allen, Alex Clarke, Johnny and AUSTRALIA arson, Jenny and Josie, Alex Seaward, John DEPARTS FEB. 1, 1996 rine and a Piece of the Rock, Mackie's Barr $5X0 pp. bawd on twin accorr m. and, and Chuck Simms and the Homes Ties I Ind.: Airfares. tour, transfers, accommodation b Tickets for atitdts at $7.50 in advance or $9.50 breakfast daily. Loud dept tatter extra the Sao,- chikken a6od five to 14 ane $3.25 in Insurance coverage extra or $525 at the gale. A family pass (two Cal todayfor a ults and children 14 years and under) are $21.50 copy of rite full cinerary advance or $2950 at the gale. Tell.:14111111111t.W1267 CLOVERROM PLAZA For ticket locations, call the MCUO Tonmto and Tet ""WI X1 702 ltrhw, South r2on Comm-altim Authority at 416661-660, 18L "1111*"o Apr, Ont., LIS ally 03. Ont. Reg. $2741426 Get your home on the Internet! 35 Million Viewers on the World Wide Web. Check out our WEB site: http://www.the-wire.com/CKB/real-estate.htmi or send an E -Mail to:ckbmaz®the-vvire.com Chris Burnett Sales Representative RE/MAX Rouge River Realty Ltd. Realtor (416) 283-1500 1-800-663-1734 y (905) 509-3522 HOME SERVICE do .. - ' NA1VDtCAT $E11TIORS Please recycle this newspaper DJ'/. F. I -Xw" —4 1 . For the most up- to-date local news, sports, editorial T j shopping news, read the News Advertiser three tunes a week. 3,200 sq. ft. of superb home! Completely painted in fresh, neutral colors! 4 large bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a huge kitchen. Situated on a quiet court close to schools and all amenities. This executive home can be yours for $224,900. Immediate occupancy is available. Call JAYSON VANULAR, Sales Representative at Re/Max First Realty Ltd. $187,900 .� JACOBSEN BUILT .� ON 111' LOT ?ickenng, spacious 4 xkm., sunke- lVL rm with cathedral Ceiling. 18 _gated k:' overlook:- BRYAN RODRIGLES ,artily rm. with fireplace 11111emoer;e111111lir<-.3,,:a _e w o to private garden. Big ;e w, x°, c� ,PC rm - lots of storage RFimAX FIRST `Jew windows. root & REALTY LTD. ordlm. Lots of extras. t9O5) 831-3300 R UAL1 TY ONE LTD. JOHN KENNEDY' 683-2992 JUDY DENBY* 683-2992 BETTER THAN NEW Immaculate 2 years old All brick 2,724 Sq. ft. home 4 bedrooms, lots of upgrades, high -efficiency furnace with air, ceramics, solid oak staircase. casement windows, roman tub, terrific location. Listed at $239.900. DON DENNIS MVA 683-5000 QUIET COURT Great layout features large eat -in kitchen, family room with fireplace. 2 4 - pe., 1 -2 pc. baths. large master retreat Wirth walk-in closet and full en suite. Dut the best part is it's only 5169,900. Call John Kerutedy to try your offer. 905-683-2992. S159,900 - TOO GOOD FOR THE IN-LAWS!!! South Ajax ' Hardwood floors 4+1 bedrooms ' New broadloom ' 3 baths ' Eat -in kitchen ' Sep. entrance ' in-law apartment ONLY $136,000 3 bedrooms Finished rec room ' Huge rireplace Dining nn. & Ige. kA. Detached tome mins. to Lake Ontario and sh000ini RAVINE LOTS - GREA7 "P•CE' j•4; 900 - Freehoa :.oncept townhomzs. great ocat,c- ^fust to Offer tst trne 3 bedrooms - 3 oathrooms 3 appiwxes =at -in k4ohen with wale:., Separate dnng room Livng room over>ocRs •awns New ccrs,%,,i n - Peck your own colours and much more. Car fast to new Jute . rebilcock. at 683-2992 MIKE McCULLOCH* 683-2942 BETTER THAN NEW... AND CONVENIENTLY LOCATED If you entoy cosy winter evenings in front of the fire, then this home is for you. Outstartdung wall to wall brick tp., 3 bdrms., professionally finished pine bsmt., downstairs bathroom boasts a super Jacuzzi tub, walkout to large deck. This one won't last. Call Mike to view. IDEAL OPPORTUNITY This beautiful 4 bedroom backspht is located in a gwet family neighborhood. dining room overlooks sunken family room which boasts a natural gas fireplace. Six appliances included. Ready to move in. Call Mike to view this super home! ►* &. ,-V.. r 10. . r 1 , %,. • 4 4 . , • • 4 4 1.41`: .,ULiE TREBILCOCK" 583-2992 us RENT - TO - OWN Motivated owner relocating. Lovely semi situated In a quiet family neighborhood. Family -size kitchen, 3 bedrooms & fully finished basement. Call Mike before it's sold!!! Gxm) ovol�!(' t' SNIA, mommawl TO 0 Nol OFF tg 1"I'VER LEA 831-7888 am GRAND OPENING SALE, I % i 10THING LT To -OFF I\CLLDINGALL BRAND NAMES, ITMITED TIME ONLY 41 p 4 UPPER MIT— CE'N-TRE COURT. Mappipt5 420-8009 SAWN-— CENTRE NI -FI 831-6835 PlIALSI", If. LLNTI. ` JONES an DOOLEY INSURANCE BROKER OVER 20 YEARS LOW HOME INSURANCE RATES SAVE UP TO 50% PACKAGE POLICES - S200 DEDUCTIBLE DUiIHAM AREA WITH PROTEciii a mcows OISOOIMr FOR AGE 50 NEW 1101E • ALARMS • NO CLAMS FLAT RATE Long Distance FROM ""` ftesomen 299/memIlb C••r %mmC wkw m e Gob-by.rc�c Calling 1 epkiw*C-d4%W&'ah`- ,rvV s Save on addam al 2lM N.b....% q_ -I- � ow i Ir• all your olla7 bS da daft- attic. I& Na to..e ALC-OSH 1. Star Tr* Cs@A@ j*** PG e:po.ded servke to. Sam* vvbieb2• Oshawa, 2. _eS-aC B, -c- ^ew ** Bowaaaa.;ne, Newcastle, Comedy Mild Mid Fort Perri 3t llhwkslock atru ToIehopo I�•wnaau b Ar.'nc.wcnY w%carq.+ or.y�j (416)406-3977 tots rim FA AJul 11-1 M_irU 28 -August }_11c YCL!A: :=ARSErcic ACCPAC AUG. 8.25 MON.-FRI. 12:30.3:30 P.M. ALC-OSH 1. Star Tr* Cs@A@ j*** PG Sc iF. Suite Sam* Non* 2. _eS-aC B, -c- ^ew ** PG -'3 Comedy Mild Mid So -e x,t A New tees tots tots DESKTOP PUBLISHING V2 AUG. 8-11 Comedy Some Some Nome ALC-0SH $93 (12 HRS.) Sms Seas. `sent. * * * R4;PG PG -13 Drama � MudSame Some AUG. 28-SEPT.1 MON.-M. 9:00-12:00 P.M. 1** PG FRomComl None Mild Mild AUG.14-18 R D"'A So+ttt Eats, - Much 10. Mo;,th of Madness (new * * I R Horror tots tots Mild 9-00-12-00 P.M. ALC-OSH $115 (15 HRS.) BUY AN EGG McMUFRN i HASH BP7% Cash Paine 120 7�f 1 cent MON.-FRI. 1 GET A SECOND EGG McMUFF1N 1992 NIcUkmald's OwFwration 1 1FREE Jon -ACCESS 2.0 ;�, J 1 Arlin in this coupon - 1 ALC-0SH $115 (15 HRS.) 1 and when you Any awe MON.-FRI. 12:30-3:30 P.M. ALC-0SH 1 Etat McMdltn sandwich -WORDPERFECT 6.14NTRO. AUG. 21-25 LION.-FRI. Q& flash grown, the ALC-0SH $115 (15 HRS.) -WORDPERFECT 6.Oa4NTRO. 1 xrond En McMOt un Is MON.-FRI. AJAX McDONALD'S 1 free. Unit out toad its= -OUATTRO PRO. V.6 222 Bayty SL MON.-FRI. 1 per couvain. P., _ I 6062133 1 customer, per •BIL MON.-FRI. PICKERNG mcDONALDS 1 Please Present coup. 5115 (15 HRS.) 1360 Kingston Rd. 1 when ordering. Not ra1W 1 with any ether neer. 12:30-3:30 P.M. M5666 1 %la6d uttlilAun_ 31st, I Valid during breakfast hours only. 9:00-12:00 P.M. ALC-0SH anM INTRODUCTION AUG. 28 -SEPT 1 MON.-FRI. 9:00-12:00 P.M. ALC-0SH Advertising gets results! News Advertiser THE NF.N'ti AUVF.It'I L%Fll. K F0_ A 40411.1' 1. 1"-+-PAI:F. 2-:-A The Durham Board of Education's Adult Learning Centre is offering a series of daytime summer workshops throughout the month of August. The workshops will include Microsoft Office dt Perfect Office For Windows, Coreldraw v.5, Lotus v.5, And Progra1111ning In Windows, Visual Basic v.3 and many other skill related computer courses. This is an opportunity for you to learn many of the windows applications. -WINDOWS 95 - SEMINAR AUGUST 19 ALC - ADULT LEARNING CENTRE AUGUST 26 -:21 PINE AVE :EAST SIDE OF OSHAWA CENTRE OSHAWA, ONTARIO L'.i 2H9 TELEPHONE: (905) 579-1990 (905) 427-2165 (TORONTO LINE) FAX: '' (905) 579-9722 SATURDAY 9:00-12:00 P.M. C.S.TC. $40 SATURDAY 9:00-12:00 P.M. - C.S.TC. S40 C.S.TC - COMPUTER SKILLS TRAINING CENTRE 1400 BAYLY STREET ;EAST OF GO STATION P'CKE--1tiG ONTAR O TELEPHONE: (905) 420-5841 (905)686-7118 FAX: (905) 686-0175 REGISTRATION FORM GENERAL INTEREST COURSES The Adult Learning Centre, 421 Pine Avenue. Oshawa, Ontario, L1J 2H9 Tel PLEASE PRINT: Last Name First Name_ 905-579-1990. Fax No.: 905-579-9722 Apt. Street City or Town Prov. Postal Code Home Phone Business Phone COURSE NAME LOCATION: DATE: TIME: RIC PAYMENT: CASH CHEQUE: MONEY ORDER: VISA NO: EXP. DATE: HOLDER: ACCPAC AUG. 8.25 MON.-FRI. 12:30.3:30 P.M. ALC-OSH S265 (45 HRS.) COREL DRAW V.5 AUG. 8.11 TOES. -M. 12:30-3:30 P.M. ALC-OSH $110 (12 HRS.) AUG. 21-25 MON.-M. 12:30-3:30 P.M. ALC-OSH $135 (15 HRS.) DESKTOP PUBLISHING V2 AUG. 8-11 TOES. -M. 9.00-12.00 P.M. ALC-0SH $93 (12 HRS.) KEYBOARDING FOR COMPUTERS AMS -11 TOES.-FRI. 9:00-12:00 P.M ALC-OSH $93 (12 HRS.) AUG. 28-SEPT.1 MON.-M. 9:00-12:00 P.M. ALC-OSH $115 (15 HRS.) LOTUS 1-2-3/WINDOWS MICROSOFTOFFICE AUG.14-18 MON.P.M. 12:30.3:30 P.M. ALC-OSH $115 (15 HRS.) -WORD 6.0 -INTRODUCTION AUG.14-18 MON.-FRI. 9-00-12-00 P.M. ALC-OSH $115 (15 HRS.) -EXCEL 5.0 -INTRODUCTION AUG. 21-25 MON.-FRI. 12:30-3:30 P.M. ALC-OSH $115 (15 HRS.) -ACCESS 2.0 AUG. 21-25 MON.-M. 9:00-12:00 P.M. ALC-0SH $115 (15 HRS.) -POWERPOINT4.0 AUG.28-SEPT.1 MON.-FRI. 12:30-3:30 P.M. ALC-0SH 5115 (15 HRS.) -WORDPERFECT 6.14NTRO. AUG. 21-25 LION.-FRI. 9:00-12:00 P.M. ALC-0SH $115 (15 HRS.) -WORDPERFECT 6.Oa4NTRO. AUG.14-18 MON.-FRI. 9:00-12:00 P.M. ALC-0SH 5115 (15 HRS.) -OUATTRO PRO. V.6 AUG. 28 -SEPT. 1 MON.-FRI. 12:30-3:30 P.M. ALC-0SH 5115 (15 HRS.) -PARADOX 5.0 AUG. 28 -SEPT. 1 MON.-FRI. 9:00-12:00 P.M. ALC•OSH 5115 (15 HRS.) -PRESENTATIONS V.3.0 AUG. 8-11 TUE--FRI. 12:30-3:30 P.M. ALC-0SH $93 (12 HRS.) WIINDOWS 3.1 AUG. 8-11 TUE.-FRI_ 9:00-12:00 P.M. ALC-0SH $93 (12 HRS.) INTRODUCTION AUG. 28 -SEPT 1 MON.-FRI. 9:00-12:00 P.M. ALC-0SH $115 (15 HRS.1 PROGRAMMING IN "C++" -INTRO AUG. 14-18 MON.-FRI. 9:00-12:00 P.M. ALC-0SH $115 (15 HRS.) AUG.28-SEPT. 1 MON.-FRI. 12:30-3:30 P.M. ALC-OSH $115 (15 HRS.) VISUAL BASIC V.3.0-PROG IN WIN. AUG. 14-18 MON.-FRI. 12:30-3:30 P.M. ALC-OSH $130 (15 HRS.f WORDPERFECT 5.1 -DOS AUG. 21-25 MON.-FRI_ 9:00-12: DC. PM. ALC-OSH 5115 (15 HRS.) VISUAL BASIC 3.0 - PROG. IN WIN. AUG. 14-28 MONDAY 6:00-10:00 P.M C.S.TC. S120 WINDOWS 3.1 AUG.8-SEPT. 5 TUESDAY 6:30-9:30 P.M- C.S.TC. S105 MICROSOFT WORD 6.0 -INTRO AUG. 9 -SEPT. 6 WED. 6:30-9:30 P.M. C.S.TC. S105 AUG. 10 -SEPT 7 THURS. 6:30-9:30 P.M. C.S.T.C. $105 -WINDOWS 95 - SEMINAR AUGUST 19 ALC - ADULT LEARNING CENTRE AUGUST 26 -:21 PINE AVE :EAST SIDE OF OSHAWA CENTRE OSHAWA, ONTARIO L'.i 2H9 TELEPHONE: (905) 579-1990 (905) 427-2165 (TORONTO LINE) FAX: '' (905) 579-9722 SATURDAY 9:00-12:00 P.M. C.S.TC. $40 SATURDAY 9:00-12:00 P.M. - C.S.TC. S40 C.S.TC - COMPUTER SKILLS TRAINING CENTRE 1400 BAYLY STREET ;EAST OF GO STATION P'CKE--1tiG ONTAR O TELEPHONE: (905) 420-5841 (905)686-7118 FAX: (905) 686-0175 REGISTRATION FORM GENERAL INTEREST COURSES The Adult Learning Centre, 421 Pine Avenue. Oshawa, Ontario, L1J 2H9 Tel PLEASE PRINT: Last Name First Name_ 905-579-1990. Fax No.: 905-579-9722 Apt. Street City or Town Prov. Postal Code Home Phone Business Phone COURSE NAME LOCATION: DATE: TIME: RIC PAYMENT: CASH CHEQUE: MONEY ORDER: VISA NO: EXP. DATE: HOLDER: P%(,F 2( 1-7'l1E NEWS AD%ER7ISFR. "ED.. %I'(;tIs1 2. 1'r►: BEER & WINE AT 1/2 THE RETAIL COST now 5 N &gr m OROERs THE etikadT eEpt lop 1211 9211 Kilgstoo Rd. ( lost cast of 4mpmq ar-uu Pl"ing TSP(:)R S 1D. .5 sports reporter 683- Al R' Pickenn ' g s Lisa Flood strikes silver at Canadian ' swi n sham ionshi s PICKERING — Pickering's son for Floud, who attends named outstanding woman Lisa Flood continues to he Villanova University in swimmer at the 1991 and among the top swimmers in Philadelphia on an athletic 1992 Big East the country after an impres- scholarship. -- Champlomships• sive performance at the Earlier this :10 NEW 21" LAWN -BOY WITH MULCHER $349.95 Ajax t1 Pickering's only Lawn -BOY dealer PICKERING MARNE 5110. Fax 683-7363. pl summer. Fkxxd Academically, Floxld 1644 Raft SL swam to first is an NCAA and Bi,_ this past weekend, 837 -ossa East Conference Swimmim: in her stron,•est Durham girls dominate Cobourg event AJAX — The ry. Jennifer pante hot to handle. game of the day Ajax United opened the Scor- Chapman booted was against the L e s 1 i e jjr , with Candace in three goals, host Cobourg Investments Chapman putting while Cadi squad. Durham under -13 girls' MP in an insurance H a r r i n g t o n prevailed over soccer team, aug- marker• chipped in with Cobourg by a slits menled by several A talented select two and Nicole 1-0 margin. players from team from O'Brien one in a Christine Axe Pickering and Oshawa found the 6-0 romp. scored the lone Whithy, was siim- Durham team too The closest goal for Durham. unhcatahlc a< Finishing third ed school and Lisa Flood ( anadnan Swimming NOW summer. Fkxxd Academically, Floxld Championships in Winnipeg swam to first is an NCAA and Bi,_ this past weekend, place in the East Conference Swimmim: in her stron,•est women's IO(1- ; jwtst-graduate schol- eycnt — the 200 -metre hre;.La- metre breast-— ;trship recipient and stroke — the 23 -year-old ftv- stroke event at a tw(v-time G'lI : aca- I mer Pickering Swim Club the Barcelona + ;�._...f tdemic all-Amcrican. member posted a silver medal Grand Prix `nit She was honored as ellon in a time of two minutes swim meet. I Villanova's woman 3.16 seconds. As a member student atlhkete of the Flood was heated by 16- of the.ter in 1994.i year-old Winnipeg swimmer Riley Nlants V i l l a n o v a �y w Hood plans who garnered the Nvikicatc swim- a+� to go on to graduate gold medal in a time of team. she port- = = school at Villanova, Finishing third ed school and Lisa Flood but will delav those behind Flood was long-time Big East plans for a year in rival Guytaine Cloutier of Conference recor(N in the 100 order to prepare tis a chance 1Nontmagmy• (slur. and NX), -yard breaststroke and to make the Canadian The medal at the Canadian is an eight -time champion at Olympic Team to compete at championship is part of what the Big East Conference the 1996 Summer Olympic has been a banner swim sea- Championships. She was (:arm -s in Atlanta- tlanta NOW OPEN KESCO ELECTRIC SUPPLY LTD. 555 WENTWORTH ST. E. UNITS 9 & 10 OSHAWA, ONT. L1 H 3V8 Wholesaler Of Electrical TEL. #1-905-721-8400 Products To The Trade & #1-800-214-7282 Industry In Eastern FAX #1-905-721-9516 Ontario For 63 Years. WE HAVE EVERY MAJOR LINE • Federal Pioneer • Square D • Marr • Telemechanique • Hubbell • Panduit • Appleton • McGill • Ideal • Noma • RAB • Emergilite • Broan • Nutone • Eagle • Leviton • Ilsco • Scepter • Caddy • Sylvania • Philips • Thomas • Gould • Milwaukee • Amprobe • Juno and ABOUT 400 MORE SUPPLIERS!!! - FREE DELIVERY IN THE AREA CALL TO SET UP AN ACCOUNT J— WILSON HARMONY HWY 401 BLOOR - --�-------- ,/ FAREWELL WENTWORTH N KESCO W j E X 555 WENTWORTH S UNITS 9&10 ONE MINUTE FROM THE 401 100% CANADIAN OWNED We Have The Staff, The Stock, And The Service To Meet Your Needs. y a tournament in Cohatrrg this past Saturday. Representing the Durham Region S o c c c r Association, the Durham squad went undefeated and unscorcd up in in than k)ur- nsuncnt ,_suns. Plavin,_ a team from Ottawa, the Durham girls Lamed a 24) %ioo - TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY Ofiertng al Insolvency seMCes incltijdiN personal & corporate bankruptcjes A` OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 121-75N AJAX: K ra^-,aa Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG: 72 hang S' A'. 372-' 74: Sa'�•s_y 3 pve-`2M0f f -e^5 NaIa'bie James R. Yanch FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION Employers want everythiyou learneyin university. And then some. Ihnturn Cttlk-gc priwrams offer %'ou the skill, ancd knot%letls;e that t<xLe , c•nlploycr, %cant Hcta do %%c knuu' lie•causc• tee• on of enng prtn;ram, that are in (kntand in axle% , j(A) nlarke•t -.incl car gu.irantcc• io emrlloters that tnlr u ill ha%c• IIIc• c•clucation thty nerd. 7hw s the• /h(ri)am Ado antokc e Cdkxtse fntnl oyer 00 high yualaN. p4-40 u,cd ,kills training. diploma or ptt,t gracluatc courses. And this Fall eye art• r!( -:I,(- 1 to olfe•r thrc•t• n('N1 x -month rin International tial-% & Marketing, Network Management and 1 drool Age Clare Administration Get a head stlri in preparing for employment in the real cyorlcl this Fall! c=all for %our Calen(br At A c lance and ask about our joh placement track record. \fir guarantee }you'll be inlllrc•ssc•cl. Please call for your Calendar At A Glance. 1-800.461-0549 or (905) 721-3046 or e -mai info@durhom durhamc on.ca Get a head start on yaw career and call todayl dosses begin an August 23& PP .. D U - Educating You for the Real World. P"ERR4G SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION BANTAMANOOET DIYIs10N y 11: Pickering Men's Slow Pitch 22 . Watermaker 7; Pickering creational Baseball 11 vs. Rebound orts 8. y I& Picl soft Recreational BSS" M vs. Pickering Men's Skm Pitch 15; cycled Sports 8 vs. D.J. Dogs -Hot P Cart -Dunmore S. y 20: Pickering Recreational Baseball vs. D.J. Dogs S-. Recycled Sports 14 Waternrter 6. y 25: Pickering Men's Slow Pitch 13 D.J. Does 11; Pickering RecreeYwul reboil 9 ver walen+it" 7. y 27: Recycle Sports 19 vs. Pickering creational Baseball 6; Pickering n's Slow Pilch 1S vs. Walenrtslw S. DIVISION STANDDM As of July 27 un G TS W L T P L M S P. 13 11 123 23 L Ree. Ball 14 9 4 2 19 . Dogs 12 S 6 1 11 ycl d Sp 12 3 8 1 7 )srntsllar 13 2 t0 1 S BEHMA OIRLW T-aALL DIVIS10N LEAGUE RESULTS V 11: Durham Angola 17 (MVP Robyn ndford) vs. Kinettes 10 (MVP ek it+a PraddisW); Master 1I anie (MVP Dannyelle Brighton) vs. ;kering Ladies Slow Pitch 20 (MVP she Buffer). ly 18: Durham Angels 25 (MVP >oklyn Herbert) vs. Julie's Esso 23 VP April Harrison); Master Mechanic (MVP Sasha Ale -da) vs. Knettes 10 VP Danielle Douglas). ly 20: Julie's Esso 25 (MVP ssandra Rudolph) vs. Kmettes 23 VP Samantha Roberts); Durham gels 20 (MVP Malynn Cowley) vs. kering Ladies' Slow Pitch 17 (MVP tleen Cryan). y 25: Julie's Esso 25 (MVP Shanty resceaux vs. Master Mechanic 22 JP Emily Prior); Kmettes 20 'MVP manths Puddister) vs. Peckerirg t•es Slow Pitch 13 (MVP Cotleen Kay). V 27 Pickering Ladies Straw Pilch 20 VO Michelle King. vs. 10aster manic 20 (MVP Lauren Purcell); ream Angols 20 IWVP Sarah ming) vs. Kmettes 20 LEAGUE STANDINGS As of July 27 %M5 G w L T PTS nam Ang 11 6 O S 17 lie, Mach 12 S 1 6 16 r s Esso 11 3 4 4 10 I _.S.P. 12 1 4 7 9 rhes 13 1 6 6 8 M TE GnILS' DIVISION V 25. Custom Designs a (MVP enietle Demirr.o) vs. Pickering Slo- ,cr!s 7 (MVP Michelle Loci"). Class Eiectroriim 14 (MVP Tracy Smah) vs. cxenng Lades Recrea4ronal Softball MVP Alava Hubley). Carpet Towne MVP Kelsey Ferguson) vs. Time r•pentry 7 (MVP Rebecca Blum); ech Electronics 20 tMVP Sauna icrnosoni vs. Hollywood Movies 14 NP Trah Mahoney). IV 27: SuperCentre 15 (MVP Heseler 1:i -v) vs. Pickering Slo Soon$ 9 (MVP r za4 Tyler). Coldwell Banker 10 vs. :EB S. Utech Electronics 14 ;MVP N ory Hendry) vs. Carpet Towne 11 r." Alexandra Red); Tune Carpentry MVP Knsline Kelleher: vs. vwood Movies 15 (MVP Kia:," n.11ey). CENTRAL SOCCER LEAGUE UNDER -/0'E' DIV15lON (July 2s) AM GP W L T PIS x!ord 12 12 0 0 24 rungton 11 8 2 1 17 kering if 6 3 2 14 ^h Scrb2 12 6 4 2 14 st Rouget 12 5 4 3 13 dbV 11 S 6 0 10 haws 12 3 6 3 9 /h Scarb4 11 2 8 1 5 vnpic 11 2 8 1 5 x 11 1 9 1 3 UNDER -11 'P' DIVISION (July 20) AM GP W L T PTS rkngton 11 B 2 1 17 itby 1 11 8 2 1 17 9 York 11 7 3 1 15 x-ord 11 6 2 3 15 nh Scarb1 10 S 4 1 11 kenng 10 4 5 1 9 rdale 9 2 5 2 6 hawa 10 2 8 0 A Hearts 11 0 11 0 0 ORDER -11 •E' DIVISION (July 2s) TEAM OP W L T PTS Cobo rg 10 9 0 1 19 Ajax 10 8 2 0 16 West Rouge 10 6 3 1 13 Whitbi2 10 4 3 3 11 Pelerbwough 9 4 4 1 9 N. Scarb. 2 10 2 6 2 6 ScWb. Blues /0 1 8 1 3 Malvern 9 0 8 1 1 UNDER -12'/ DIVISION prilly 2jr) TEAM GP W L T PTS Norse Searbl 9 8 0 1 17 Miller" 10 7 3 0 14 NII Rockets 10 6 3 1 13 Woadbri0ge 6 6 2 0 12 North Semb 2 8 2 3 3 7 West Rouge/ 8 2 4 2 6 Mek 1 9 2 6 1 5 M/ Cosmos 8 1 6 1 3 0111011fie 10 1 8 1 3 UNDFA-12 -A' DIVISION (Aly 29) TEAM GP W L T ITS East York 10 a 1 1 17 Aistl 9 7 1 1 15 Ify Hearts 9 7 1 1 15 Darlin" 11 7 3 1 15 IsCrtglorn s 5 3 0 10 VOWby 8 5 3 0 10 Ep ip" 9 5 4 0 10 N. Toronto 9 4 4 1 9 Etobiooke 10 3 4 3 9 We RouI 10 3 5 2 8 Turul 8 2 3 3 7 POW boo ough 10 2 7 1 5 York Jets 10 2 7 1 5 NY Azzurrt 9 1 7 1 3 Starts. Blws 8 0 8 0 0 t*IDEPI-13'PW DivlSioN (July 20) TEAM GP W L T PIS N. Scarp. 1 10 6 3 1 13 Alex 9 5 2 2 12 Whitby 10 4 5 1 9 Wo0cird 9 3 4 1 7 West Rouge 8 2 6 0 4 Pickering 10 1 9 3 2 UNDER -1S'/ DIVISION (July 29) TEAM GI W L T ITS Oivnpc 14 10 1 3 23 Tirol 13 a 3 2 18 NY Azzurri2 !3 7 3 3 17 Scarb. Bkues213 1 3 3 17 Lkromft 15 7 S 3 17 Peterborough 13 5 3 S 15 Efobroolre 14 6 S 3 IS Plck*WV 13 5 6 2 12 York Jets 11 3 6 2 a West Rouget 15 2 12 1 S Richmond Hill 14 'J 13 1 1 UNDER -14 A DIVISION (July 29) TEAM OP W L T PTS Isirvton 10 a 1 1 17 NY AzzurrZ 11 7 1 3 17 Otympc 10 7 3 0 14 East York 11 6 4 1 13 Peterborough 11 6 4 1 13 Pickering 10 2 4 4 8 NY Cosrnos 10 3 6 1 7 Oshawa 01 7 1 3 Crass& 10 C 10 C 0 UNDER -IS A DIVISION (July 21) TEAM OP W L T ITS VWNI 2 7 7 0 0 14 North Scarb-2 8 4 3 1 9 Cobourg 7 4 3 0 a NY Azzum 8 3 3 2 8 NY Covtw 5 1 3 1 3 A,ax 6 1 4 1 3 West Roupa2 7 1 5 1 3 AJAX WARRIORS SOCCER CLUB UNDER -SEVEN CJRLV DIVISION July 19: Maroon 7 (Marissa Chinn 5. Lisa Plenderteigh 2) vs. Kedy Green I (Meg Oxenholm). Fuschia 1 (Samantha Pegi r) vs. Orange C. Kinsmen Club of Ajax 3 (Kristen Johnston 3) vs. Intra Travel O. St. Clair Paint 8 Paper, 2 (IlAcheae Cammalten, Randi Walker, vs. Ajax Dairy Queen 0. Execu!rve Copier Systems 5 (Courtney CoIbcott 2. KeIly Johnstone 2. Courtnev Gray) S. AJua 0. July 26: Fushcia 4 (Amanda Morris 2. Samantha Vn Boxtel 2) vs. Ajax Diary Owen 3 (Nicole Grant 2. Fiona Priest). St. Clair Paint 6 Paper 3 (Rand Walker 2. Madison Daly) vs. Aqua 2 (Karlltn Gurr, Robyn Smith). Executive Copier Systems 10 (Alicia Levy -Stock, Hanan MacGregor 3. Courtney Colkcott 6) vs. Intra Travel 0. Maroon 6 (Lisa Plendorl"h 3. Alexandra Haggart 2. Marissa Chinn) vs. Kinsmen Club of Ajax 0. UNDER -NINE GIRLS' DIVISION July 20: Royal Blue S (Maty T. Faux 3. Kimberley p, Jarme Leigh Taylor) vs Fuschia 1 (Robin Goldman). Advantage Car S Truck Rental 3 (Emily Burns, Dan ela San Martin, Katie Tippett) vs. Swiss Chalet 2. July 27: Dody's Maid Sery ce 6 (Danielle Collins 4, Jenna Nrckletord. Nicole rQWr AM PODIATRIST .. i_.-:_"5 _1 Ronald J. Klein B.S.c., D.P.M. Wishes to Announce the Opening oy" _� .►� his Practice ► \l At the Pickering Medical Centre _�+ j)y K •Custom Foot (3rtholics IM; (iltninna Rd. o -Full Veteran's Coveragr a -Sports Medicine -Diabetic Fecl, Corn & Calluses Children'+ Foot Watts) vs. Payless Decks 8 Fences 0; Navy Blue 3 (Carley Pierson 2. Amanda Matttess) vs. Kinsmen Club of Ajax 2 (Jessie Dunn. Katy Swailes). AJAX ADULT RECREATIONAL SOCCER LEAGUE Results from the creek beginning July 24. WEEK NINE RESULTS Spurs 4 vs- Himark International 3; Cashway Lumber 3 vs. W.R. Grave Co. 1; Upper Deck 2 vs. Annandale Goll Club 1; Wildwood Travel 7 vs. KGF Insurance 3; Robinson Heating 4 vs. Advance Stan 4; Re/tlax Realty 2 vs. The Hai Clinic 1, AJAX OWnD SOCCER CLW ROomE BOYS Ray's Trophies B (Adam Albanese 4, Colin Rynberk 2• Timothy Stevens. Germain Mortes) vs. J Dickson Double J 0; Nelson Hobbies 4 (Kevin MacDonell 3. Dane Roberts) vs. Amsdon Fence 6 Deck 0. 110001E GIRLS Glassmith 5 (Samantha Tkalec. other goal scorers not available) vs. Pharma Plus 3 (Jessica Dolham• Michelle O'Keefe). SOUMtT BOYS Nelson Hobbies 1 (Joseph Carione) vs. Kentucky Fried Chicken 0; Balmoral Fish 8 Chips 6 (Matthew D1Quattfo 4. Scott Nelson 2) vs. Black Angus 0 SOl11RT GIRLS' Harrison H.R. Solutions 4 Sarah Hutchison 2, Tonnra Ian!e. Rachel Tanner) vs. Prevent -A Shp 1 (Sabrina Sontior); Esso Fr 'N Kleen Car Wash 2 (J*wn Costas. Jarnee Lynn Harrmgton, vs. Nelson Hobbies 0; Ballvclrfte Lodge 3 ;Laura Hines 2• Stepnar e S aey; vs Amcadon Fence S Deck ' rRachol Machell). UNDER -19 GIRLS Ajax Ray's Trophies 5 IJ -he 0-Bnern 2. Kris!er1 Jones 2. Megan Ne;son) vs. Whitby Thunder 1, Ajax Dickson Do, bee J 1 jDiane McIntosh) vs A(a■ Ray's Trophies C� Ray's Trophies 6 .Megan Nelson A. Kasten Jones 2) vs What, Rogers Cable 2. Rays Trophies 4 (Stephanie Sandilands 4) vs. Ajar Warriors 0. UNDER -11 GIRLS Harrison H R. Solutions 2 (Jackie White. Auk, MacDougall) vs. Whitby Bruisers 0. Harrison M.A. So:utions 2 (Danielle Taylor, Larissa Nicholson) vs Ajax Warnors 0. Harr son H P Solutions 2 (Lindsay Kobold. Jackie Wh,te; vs Whitby Wranglers 1. UNDER -13 GIRLS PAarma Plus .'wugmert 2 lAnee Young 2) vs. Sharkev s Warriors t (Meaghan O'Shaughnessy UNDER -17 GIRLS Anal Black Angus 1 (I the, Jewell. vs. Whitby Clippers 0. Alar Black Angus Freezes Beer 1 (Anne Marie Brissvr vs. Uxbridge 1. LADIES OPEN Nelson Hobbies 3 (Melanie Turpin. Carissa Graham. Lynsey McCullough) vs. Pickering Commercial Plastics 2 (Sherry Gray. Lena Zecchino); Nelson Hobbies 2 (Cathy Henderson 2) vs. Whilby Wolverines 1; Ajax Prevent -A - Slip 6 (Candace Gastis• Diane Tamburro• Laura Hampton. Lisa Phillips. Kristie Mckay• Andrea Ryan) vs. Pickering Elite Spirits 0. EASTERN ONTARIO BASEBALL ASSOCIATION SESSION LEAGUE STANDINGS (M of July W) TEAM W L PTs Oshawa 16 9 32 Whitby 13 10 26 Oris 13 11 26 Marww m 13 13 26 Ajax 12 12 24 Scarbarotrgh 11 14 22 Little Britain 9 12 18 EASTERN OfVIS10N RrCom Drawls 11 TEAM w L PTS NoMurrlbarland is 4 36 Peterborough 15 4 30 Por Hope 13 t2 26 OunNe 11 12 22 Kendal 10 16 20 Bowmanvie Itolded) 0 27 0 Top low looms from each division advance to Will, plsyons. 11 BannsKrclons11 WESTSNORE M1XED SLO-PITCH LEAGUE ,Scores from July 3C LEAGUE RESULTS Carpet Conal 15 vs. Evergreen Printers 0; Cavanagh Electric 21 vs B,nns Kitchens 18 ' B: Bayiy"s Restaurant 12 vs. RrCom Drains 6. Alliance Coil,s,on '2 vs. Needful Things 9, Greenwood Printers 16 vs Sutton Group 10. No,L.ne Plurnb,hg 22 vs R -Com Mechanical 12. Tridac Mortgage 22 vs. Jumbo video 9. Boom" Movers 17 vs. Century Contracting 16. LEAGUE STANDNGS As of July 30 TEAMS G w L T PTS Bedwit 11 9 1 t 19 Cont ry Con. 11 9 2 0 Is Cavanagh E. 11 9 2 0 is POW .4 P. 11 a 3 0 16 RrCom Drawls 11 7 4 0 14 Needful Th. -VS 11 7 4 0 14 Alliance Cor,. 11 5 3 3 13 Carpet Corral 11 S 5 1 11 say" Rest 11 5 5 1 11 BannsKrclons11 5 6 0 10 r ncac Mort¢ 11 4 7 0 9 Greenwood o 11 3 6 2 8 Jumbo Video 11 3 8 0 6 Sunon Group t1 2 9 0 4 RrcCom M 11 2 9 0 A Everyeen Re 11 1 10 0 2 Pickering Hockey Association FINAL REGISTRATION" ALL LEVELS OF HOCM-' August ` 2), 1995 6:30p.m. - 9:00p.m. DON BFIFR .MFNA ITWFED SPOTS MkUBLE PEE`VEE ( born 82'83) and NOX'IC.E ( born 86,'87) are a waiting list only Copv of Birth Certificate Required lutluxt:rd Dealer wJ 1fI7t� ii�> \\1)A9Ik("\(11!'Ir1\1\ii \ SPECIALIZING IN THE ,> INSTALLATION & SERVICING OF: 6 FURNACES r't • BoiLFRs ) a AIR CONDMONERS . ��_• GAS FIREPLACES - • DuciwoRK DESIGN & CLEANING IN INSTA-FLAME swrar oiway sou cin count CO.- t uw rwi treason r Fick: ESs & tic Call (905) 420-9593 24 }iotas Se -m rvice ervicirlg Pickering. Ajax i Surrounding Areas TIIF NFN'S AIWERTISER. KFI).. Al1CI'S l' 2. 199.5-P%CF 27-.% Softball novices defeat Malvern PICKERING - The Pickering novice -iris' select softball team earned a win over Malvern in an exhibition contest this past weekend. While no score was provided Pickering's Tara Blacoe posted an outstanding* defensive effort with key plays in each innin-. She also recorded a triple and a double at the plate. Brieanne Castelo bladed a two -run home run to give Pickering the win in extra innings. Jenny Burgess turned in a strong pitching performance with seven strikeouts. Castelo also helped out on the mound with four strikeouts. The Pickering -iris have played in two tournaments to date, lasing by one run in the championship game at one event. Team members are Tara Blacoe, Irlvina Blenman, Jenny Burgess, Brieanne Castelo, Michelle Evans, Andi-ea Fennel, Jennilee Froggyelt, Jodi Kagcyama. Sarah McFarland, Tarah Ross, Kim Moore. Arlene Slornka and Karen Woodward. For Tete Off )Re'Semations, CaU 1-800-346-5361 IS." - WeekdayS 18.50 - weeketlds at Holidaysd includinx GST) • 18 Holes • Golf Tournament% • Ihiving Range • Teaching Professional • Licensed Club House PoRTHoPE B a .PENRIN PARK H_1 1,7tTORLT, %TREET r()tTH 11CLIP A SAVE - QOW and a I I PICKERING COMPLEX i August 1415-16-1'��Sr AGES 9-11 U - W AGS 13-16 6:30 -10-30pm ' r _ _RAW A fieJA_ Dry Land Tr CiOSsroom S''/JAcuAB.f �rmx[5 On Ice Instruction ! �) Scrir m e Controlled t? T0TJkL COST 1NQUI MW. Bud Bower 905-W9-0671 Rob Benson 905-420-14M Bob Dam 90S -W5-8473 Doug Bc often 613-473-0283 BUD BONIER HOCKEY FACTORY APPUCATIONS AVAILABLE AT: SAoppon Drug MW r West Hill 265 Peat Union Rd and Rlavino Parts Plazc Uxkswa • M►itk, - I. Iana4Le4 ; THIS WEEK 4"u" 1\e -,vs Advertiser UCTION GOERS:: Durham Region residents can now get up-to-date AUCTION LISTINGS via our new dedicated phone lines. All auction notices that are published in one of our publications will automatically be listed on this phone line. For Auction Listings Call 683m7545 Clarington Residents 404-2615 r��;M ��-�-rnF� �F't��:�u�F.krisF'K.��F:n., a i:i xi �. ivy, SSC€�� Expect more from Sears c . -i • -. s±.�r—ems-r-�� _ ,..- _ .__ ����� f:.Zp('� 1 I11(�1('.�l'l X111 .x('111:1 SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open Mon: Fri. 10:00 a.m: 9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m: 6:00 p.m., Sun. 12:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. o 0 Y ¢o J (, 0 _¢� 3 ���� �ry(`I. A HWY.101 -. s±.�r—ems-r-�� _ ,..- _ .__ ����� f:.Zp('� 1 I11(�1('.�l'l X111 .x('111:1 SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open Mon: Fri. 10:00 a.m: 9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m: 6:00 p.m., Sun. 12:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. tid 94 LEBARON GTC CONVERTIBLE 95 STEALTH RT TWIN TURBO LOADED! 1995 NEON HIGHLINE Ll Payments are Plus Tax. Require Security Deposit. See dealer For Details. PA(:F, iA-A-THF. NEWS ADVFRMFJL WFD.. AU(;tk%T 2. 19"- CEo �a? ios ng Aug 5 95 .. ,,. L NDI Inti tiI-HIKI) IDE BACON,e J JAL (�,� AU I X%1[ T- — - ------ ----- -. . - . Wli()l.f•: ()R FiAI� i Bl' TIE PIIX'E '.'.lii Icg LO(I•-i.l I OF PORK R,a"),. � I BOLOGNA NA LAN rte, 1,;,JV ct,:�I�cz'.M SIA -ED L s:BG >� 4slli J \ LSH_ O. 0,AC .. rrA-I.IAN S'I'YI-IF: I r •RFA;t,'I.AR -MI_ FSKEF SAUSAGE +"1 I WIENERS'L$ 4.39 3.B J 3 PAC I.IlVII'I F'K(:_ CHICKEN CURF10M SUCED AT THI E nQ.I COUNIM NUGGETS 71J49I COOKED HAM las kg BOX BY THE PIECE 3 t�I.49 [s 43s Icg, g J 3 I -EL BOX 8.80 kg c "TASTY B� •C.ORNED BFKF-msmmmmAKETTES + 5 I ROAST BEEF .,3 ,,. MwwesNowes - 2� 8 .c• =f: •..Y .Di W opm pi ` %..Si AVf ���� OIMIEyAIUE 551. S..GOI b aTgp„ Tl?"k, m iwv � 7m- 0— ow Sb* ~-wo- OWSTON AD Wa . •m•No= _ lig-am. ald,. IWA� 1m -wpm BLEACH 3.6I-.JU(: -ani.�l�l1V �I.U:VI)1l IV!Vlt( WIN Ila :7011 ml. DOE 1.1i. wimm- •POLAR ICE 'LSI) iC .JAR urrn�. HA • SHAMPOO •CONITIONR •MOUSSE +�I# ism aS .� �■■�� • SHAMPOO K„ o OI�IBOT rIA f» z 4 �Q n. COLOUR CATION - 2� 8 l�. ir. •..Y .Di W � • � pi ` %..Si AVf ���� MorM ��� A 0 }� _ �• IIY.Y 1 JZ#11� o S..GOI b aTgp„ ' Mo �. iwv � 7m- .norc ms ao � �d P If SHOULDER & BLADE ARGE OR*ftAL ou -ARGE SiIE "Bs >QoSYS 4T rwE�DEU G�"Tp S �r�'AI.AD.4 — 2 1a 4g LB. 3.28 kg LB. PRE -COOLED "SWEET" c 0 SELECT YOUR OWN BAG OR CASE I OF 5 DOZEN 7.95 COB Zzl�w GIL� ,Ai Ck *WHITE -W. WHOLE WHEAT •20: ('RA('KED WHEAT •100 , WHOLE WHEAT -ENGLISH MUMNS Is•I • HOT DO(; ROI.Lti I As ) • HA.%(BL R(;FR BUNS 114. BREAD MIX OK -Aft F.& 169 •lUI('E UES�EKT J KETCHUP I L BO'I'fl E EELED �! O TOES4* r-- 1(RAFTCAMAD� ---- ' C HIZZ I 500 y JAR L--=s=O==T==s — r- MWCebu-- i MULTI -GRAIN I CHm9owERRS I s L-- �sTo—a¢��""�5---- W. VwA • CANADA DRY 2 L M •COCA-COLA75c mL BTL. ye• 069 - ('(x'A-COLA L E G E � � . � • c .k..N.&DA DRY &49/- .W 1A 'DRY DETERGE.\T •+ L LtTILA •d L REGLUY •J�« -2 L JUG •2�3 L BOX • L1TRA FLEECY SHEETS Box of 30 r . 199 C 179 C [_ KAN S 1~. K CANTALOUPES IAR(:E til!.F -'lKs- PR ESE�EDLESS • GRAPES c�w�t BA(: kg I.K. c C)W1V IiA(: L ltt ,x % MAMMAM OL 1SPAN NAVEI- 4DIZANGE S FxIIF A LARGE STZE'7`hc^ Ix�z r -------- KEuOGGI ANADA i • FROOT LOOPS I 4a 0 SOX i `— , ,1.• . , . . ,1 . . , I i . . v . THE NEWS ADVF,RTISER. WF.D- AUGUST 2. 1"5-►A(:F, 31-A (Y CO- UTA+ { a E'l�ti I'AI N�tiy� CARROTS L10 I_A- Inc n_v KAG 2o99 wvcwi .. � PEAti i� 99J't� l'UCl'MBER.�. � 19 ED LETTUCE ttAl('H • �� PRODUCT. . - •GREEN ONIONS •RED RADISHES S1IX OR .MAT('H i _39 F-A('H •-.• • � PEPPERS F II_L YOUR 0W2V BA(: 218 kg Imo. •GREEN -YIU-LOW -FLAT FII1_ YOUR OWN BAG 218 kg, t -R P%GF32-A-111F:NVItS %MF:R1*1SFR.NF0.. %11.3NI 2,199A Entertainment Pride of Pickering" 172.5 Kingston Rd. E. of Brock LORD BYRON setr..i ar shell Ca■.ki�t a.. obw rw yaw maims" rH.ft dab -'r000 Live Entertainment Thurs. Fri. & Sat. Ajj J oins Toronto exhibit r r# •- .ti l Ajax artist Carol Kapuscirsky puts the finishing touches on This is It: They are Now Firmly Planted — one of the oil paintings she'll display at the John B. Aird Gallery in Toronto until Aug. 26. The exhibit Is called Life In The Garden. photo by Chris Potts 0 Carol Kapuscinsky in `one of the big' art exhibitions at John B. Aird Gallery By AL RIVETT STAFF REPORTER AJAX — An Ajax artist is among a group of five taking part in an art exhibition next month at a major Toronto gallery - Carol Kapuscinsky will dis- play five of her most recent oil paintings during Life In The Garden at the John B. Aird Gallery in Toronto, on display from Aug. 1 to 26. For Ms. Kapuscinsky, the Toronto show is "one of the bir, ones" as it will allow her to showcase a series of paintings which has been in the works for the past two years. The series of Nigerian School Girls and Sun- flowers explores how humans are similar to other living things on earth. "I tried to create my ideal of how humans should be living in harmony with nature," says Ms. Kapus- cinsky, a 1989 graduate of the Ontario College of Art. Currently, she's putting the finishing touches on two of the series' paintings to be displayed at the exhibition. They're entitled This is ll They are Now Firmly Plante and Sundancers United. The idea for the series came after viewinc, a magazine photo of the Nigerian School Girls. The colors in the photos made the girls appear as sunflowers — something she wanted to portray on canvas. "The girls looked exact- ly like sunflowers with their bright yellow blouses they wore under their turquoise tunics." Ms. Kapuscinsky will he joined by Toronto -area artists Robert Epping and Ruth Read of Whitby. Mi - Chung Choi of Willowdale and Judith Welbourn of Scarborough. The John B. Aird :gallery is at 900 Bay St. (at Velles;ey St.). Gallery hours are "l ue_sday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Pickering actor busy as a bee D From playing chefs to coroners. Gino Marrocco is keeping busy on both the bicr and small screens PICKLRING — Whether hr's portraying a chef in a commercial or playing a part in a made -for -TV movie. Pickering's Gino Marrocco has been pursuing his craft with zeal lately. The veteran actor has never been busier in a career that has spanned four decades. Marrocco recently finished up shooting an episode of the CBC medical drama Side Effects. which was shot at the netw'ork's new Toronto headquarters. He's also landed some work on the big screen, playing a cameo role in the movie Tommy Boy with Sat - urday Night Live's Chris Farlcy and David Spade, as well as former SNI. alumnus Ilan Avkrovd. Earlier this year. Marrocco also finished up work on two CBS made - for -TV movies Between Love and lionor and Hohoken. Some of Marrocco's earliest work is showing up oo the small screen again. lie played a prominent role in the long-running CBC series Wojack. one of the first TV series made by PVAUD_2L I •' PR CE DINNER BUFFET' NM &AM t U pntx i scare1M 2ndtamertlufkt t 1Z price EVERYDAY 4 PJL - CLOSE I%c, �,rc T-w,or.*ia y�Ea -A *(3YT76 MUAK ,�euWS 666,2626 L EXPIRE _AIIG. 3195 — — — — — I ' I , Ziebart Tidy Car in Ajax raises cash for Arthritis Society with charity car wash Volunteers from the Arthritis Society and employees of Ziebart Tidy car, located at 195 Westney Rd. S. in Ajax, held a car wash Saturday, July 29th to raise money for the Society. Owner Chris Simpson said it was the first time they held the charity event and it was a great success raising over $200 for a great cause. Visitors also enjoyed hot dogs and pop for a small doina1m and left with a nice shiny car. ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 / I the CBC. about a coroner. Various episodes of the series are being shown on the network. Sandwiched in between all this acting work was an appearance in the newest advertising campaign by Swiss Chalet restaurant. In the commercial. Marrocco is seen playing the role of a chef. What does the future hold for you? Find out this weekend! liilta lett �u prniesmonat, raring psycrwc reapers can -If-vow your quesbons about Your Lore LAe rew Success Flelatioristups :rsres and Oftir tmpatanx Personal va rers Exk:M* f Free Lectures Cr blemms -tormaeve lectures on Near Death Experience MediUbw w�dlenW oSprt Guides Positive Think Th at .Moses PsycDefectives �O's Also e��barlg �Palrttstry Tarot �eilnornstrations' Lie lawacfire Nchic Yo>ewn Exoiore the many wonders of The Museum or Um ParanornWTM, the worlds first nwuseumo e into a genuine rxystal bolt �a Tibetan w,S-i bel Learn how to read your Learn the :,est and worst days for marryingCast =Your 1• r�ppe with CXWW vibrations... Discover your Destiny according to numerobgy Mold a powerful stress releasing ran stick Find out what secrets the shape of your nose reveaks about you its all here and a whole lot more' 5pecial Kid's ►tomer While you're having a reading, your kids can Speak to an snoozing talking eledrorrc wizard Rub Aladdin's magical lamp And even play an action packed haunted house video game where they are the ghost and their mission is to scare the people in it' Great dourly Doors tomes Enter your name to win Free Psycho Reangs Books Crystals .. Jewelry . Tarot Decdi ks . 8 under 12 Free Ngth Adult t free Parking Free Sante Dal' Re -Entry * Phowi ft Air Condilioned 4 Osy s Only! ,t Oow't hiss K! ommmmmmmmmmN 1 Fri: 1.10 a AllguSt set: 11.10 1 z 4,5,6,7 sun:11-t0 : 11-7 Whitby Curling Club; a15 Brock St N., Whitby IFS iiwy 401. Exit 410. North on Brock St.) 1 Dr. Kevin Tyber OPTOMETRIST --� • Dispensing of contact lenses and glasses • Evening and Saturday appointments available • Complete Family Eye Care 42T-4144 15 Harwood Ave. 5., Ap>t whe"C„■, Iflew*a Hwy, 401 1 No 2) ikk sybw The MoviePlex 9 ad that ran on July 28, 1995 in the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser contained an error. The ad should have read: FIRST KtiIGHT Showtime 9:35 We regret any inconvenience we may have caused the readers and also MoviePlex 9. l, EATERY �� ✓; OPEfI - EVERT DAY 9:30 all YOU CAN EAT FOR AS LITTLE AS YOU CAN AT HONE Breakfast Special (Daily) $249 Luncheon Specials Daily '595 TWO CAN DINE FOR $ 49 (Every Day of The Week) 13 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT$!9 (Everything on our menu (after 5AO p.m.) or less TWO BEAUTIFUL BANQUET HALLS HALLS ALL M MUSNE %9`0o per Petsott Pickering Town Centre 839-2507 v White Roser THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, AUGUST 2, 1"S -PAGE. 33-A FVr1V1_VffY E;LE AffAA 1ARDWARE MID SIZE GARDEN TQ.29 Choose from rake CultrvatOr or rouno poen! shovel With contoured hand grips Reg 4 44ea i KNEELING CUSHION Durable. hard wearing foam M construction with carrying h handle 16 3" x 7.5" • size. Reg 2 33ea. r ' • BEAGLES&eSPANIELShese friendly pals accent CM LY NG Reg. 7 88ea. 10" HIGH A Reg ' 88ea PAINTED CERAMIC DInL/I"C q ` 4" x 5" Wa Req. 9.88ea. W19 BROUTIF 24" STAKE BIRDFEEDER Poly resin or terracotta �• ' 4 styles to choose , • �1l from Reg 12.88ea. E • TUBULAR BIRDFEEDER i • Patina finish, 9 1 2- • high 2 styles E . I E ts iReg 26.88ea. IN f: rDENING GLOVES OURNTIRE SELECTION! from a vanetys In men'san's sizes •47-4 "pr %r GARDEN GNOME 3rge 15" tall A Brea 3c,:ent to any yard Reg 18.88ea KNEE PADS -cavy duty for those igh gardening & m :.sehold lobs 9 8qv, CRAR SELECTED CANDLES Choose from tapers & pl!!ar candles in a variety of colours. Reg 89 8 99e4 4XA SELECTED CANDLE HOLDERS io rtect to Decorate your some or as a gift Reg. 3 49 ' 8.99ea SELECTED WOODEN SHELVES Ready to decorate print. stain s faux to match any room In t 1, 12. 24 or 30" lengths ReC�uWr value once CA AMACRAME CORD I Genf BRAIDED CORD 50 yds Reg . 49roll f 0TMST CORD 10 � 100 rDs Req 9 99rou I P WOVEN POT COVERS everal styles s sizes to / >e+ect 'ror^ Req 99- • 9 99ea -- DNTN E SELECTION OF DISCONTIIUED '0i STITCHERY KITS ��' Choose from C ewei cross-stiV, & needlepoint kits :n assorted r sizes & subtects MAW EASY TO USE _SHIMMERS OPEN 1!� A brusr-on. fur coverage !Equio glitter paint Appiles to most S*X9 surfaces Over 25 colours to .r ChC`5P a_` p _ -' 29e3 sM m EMTIRE SELECT1oM OF DISNTI CONUED r 3 - %% STENCILS w Choose from assorted suo)ects M)FARWO, n borders or basic patterns. N pec _ g,_:;ea <� a MAGIC NQ nO FABRIC COVER White AL' A PRICING MAL' )CC :;A IN To* EVENT OE A PRICING •RCN 5 N N Sticky backed material that can be used to cover wood. plastic. �� shelves & more . . $ 18" x 1 1 2 yds AS • s ' Reg 549roo I I I • • 11 HOURS: '0i Mon. to Fri.N s 9:00a.m: 9:OOp.m. Holidays AI„ w.0 I OPEN Sat. Sun. & S*X9 9:00a.m.-6:00p.m.W9 NPo �t"I NWY b, HOLIDAY Unless '�\H�S�� � M)FARWO, S* ends August 9,19% EAT CANE TAKEN N 7„E N MONDAY ,� �aF, ANATiON A NNOOUC1i0N o< AO ERROR MOESCRI ��STRAiION NQ nO White AL' A PRICING MAL' )CC :;A IN To* EVENT OE A PRICING •RCN 5 N N AUG. 7 . GF QRECT N :. 8E LMAA- �ORRECt sca�Bo�aPicKEA�NG 0 $ 4IA., DEMAND ST MW t ESEO R.C, lT'0 STOCK WE RESERVE iNE aIGN7 TO LIMIT owM/!TIES 70 ISLAND RD. _111110 TO STOCK ON aANO N01 A, PRODUCT AVAIL A81 Al OUR port Union/401 ROIN:M RV',.f STORE i`�f:F.:i•t1A�"i'NF'. VF.tVyAll�'F:R7►INF:R.�WF.n.,.411{;1+�•1 ^_; I9�►: —�T1C.J->�CnrC! FOOD WITH A DIFFERENC ' RESTAURANT i SALAD BAR ALL HOLE MADE - souPs - sALAos -Ron =, / - CHI(S(HI -FISH - � �, • Fa I - �\ �. .. ' ;: �" � a . •Serves up to _ �; /,•'3 -� .:. • Cake features �, •� chocolate `udge 8 '- � �_. ��tocolate 8 rarnlla - soft sense . -- � 2so eat st w., � Ajax 619-0662 �� i't'iruf%�� ter �� �� Special Events E�•ER1� til'\[)Al• Prime Rib 1)inner� ooh � � �>�y_ t�pm - ll)pm! AI.1. K:�tiEK:�I.I_ Tr:.a�ts ?�` «�in�s (must br in uniform, some ronditiun-; �pph r.��N.R�- T��Fsua�� :�enior-� 1 n % OFF Ist>me cnnditit,n. appy KIZI"I'ItiH KR1�::11�1•�:�ti-l� E� erg Saturday 8: tiunda� 10 a.m. - -1 p.m. - ��-y;` l-tlNl Ka�l� St..at I.icrrpt►t,ll x27_ 2(�{� a SAPPHIRES Bar b Gnll - 610 Monarch. Ajax d27-7811 SUPER SUNDAYS ���r�9 'Jackpot Karaoke Putt for Dough Karaoke Klinko MAIN EVENT Sunday, Aug. 6th BUNGEE CORDING e c => �e ccs Nobody has more fun than the people at Sapphire's Bar &Grill / / / it�••'�/r ' bti_ lFALIAN CUISINE l,i,/nc• uur/ (•njul� uur untrkx,r /x�tiu• 1/x• rk•li,Gh(/irl utn(ucphrri• ones uur lunch u►rr! rlirrntr s/xriuik. .k,/�rufjittu cnstum(•n hare• u/uti!rts thr�rtt�/. • Caxual I)inin}; • Eintrrtainmc•nt Fri(.1ay 2k ti;ltuttl:ry • Call F(>r Krxrvati(>m 21 Celina Street, Oshawa 723-4176 To advertise yon Hot Spot Call Chris at 683-5110 Shooting a game of pool .s just one of the many things you will enjoy at Sapphire's Bar &Grill in Ajax. STAR If you're loolunh fur :� unlyue e•ntert:�n- doubt reappear In the future was Sarno mens experience. then look no further than 14•restling. Sal,phire's Bar &Grill in Aja:. heather says partidpants dressed in This club is becoming the talk of the foam rubber suits and attempted to knock town with its Sumo V�'restling, Human each other down. For men and women alike it Bowlinh, surfing nights and of course was a hilarious way to have fun. Karaoke singing. Another mazy event coming up Sunday, Located at 610 �iunarch Ave., Sapphire's August 13th will be Human Bowling where a is the cr(�ation of Art Bossio and partner brave soul sit., inside a big steel ball while Heather Scullwn. four friends roll him or her down the alley. "w'e wanted w create a place where peo- The Summer games take place every ple can have fun," says Art. "Iiere they don't Sunday night. One example is when you can sit around and drink, they participate and ride the wild surfing' machine while imagin- enjoy themselves." Ing your hanging ten on a big wave. Art says they hav(� the best sound system If you want something a little quieter, around and Sal:phire's boasts a 1'? ftx,t high then rack em up on one of their four pool big se�een Tti• where you ctrl watch sp>rting tables spaced apart so you won't be jabbed by events or see yourself singing Kar.�ukc . your neighbours cue stick. Every �L•ednesday and Sunday night, Of course, what restaurant wouldn't be aspiring singers have a selection of over 3,000 complete without delicious food. songs to choose from. tiorth Star Catering takes care of As an added incentive, participants enter kitchen duties and serves up great food and their name in a draw• and the winners com- can accommodate parties up to 200. pete for prizes Either by playing the Klinko So if you're laking for a place that will board or putting for dough. satisfy your taste fur excitement visit A special event from the past that will no Sapphire's I3ar & l;nll. Tel. 4'17-; 811. �� �, �nf� .t..� : �f i^,-"" I,i��e Entertainment o�lt.�ur + . `>,. `�����' ' tiundd� aftern�x�nc TAS � OR ' spend r few hour\ in the C(wrhard Patio � L' M �Vlr� � l: V L: wish a �rrieh of lisc entcrtainmcnl _=�n l TELLIVC; t t i1t'EKT tiFKIES from June t� to August 27, '9, tusrrn xl ref. r -u( en.(Rn rr n.a.cn I :IN► p.m. - $:Otl p.m. s+l. rre•� rs.\ /.\ (u-urr.R nus H/re n/e P/l'AERl.VG STUR? rt'/Jf.R.`. (l1-r1P mlrsit• to hold bands by and dream in a turopean setting and atmacphere ,Ic�t 2x. n 1.\ :. r� Iv, 2n � �( c. z ,.",..� .,.,,,�..., � 7:M,pm -FREE AIN11551(1\ `� p Pw nw.n inf .rwrllo� catl: � •Mlc i (►tt(►-1 �t �6 loin us joy hiO�t�Ht11 a drink, a .so/1g � �� r ' - , it stars• at the Puke � t ~!.131.6 �n;�--. . (905)6133-9353 tiillage Calufjard - (9(15) 427-67611 1 ' 375 Kingston Rd. (at Rougemount) t 509-9876 � 1 . ., ` ««. O� R EXPIRES AUG. 1tr95 t� � � tt� r_ ... ,-;•, ORIENTAL STAR � BUFFET 1 ' 375 Kingston Rd. (at Rougemount) t 509-9876 � 1 . ., ` ««. O� R EXPIRES AUG. 1tr95 t� � � tt� r_ ... ,-;•, 11 1 cam:11M carmen 11 �► ! Careers ORONTOchool of Busines?, 1450 Kingston Rd. PICKERING fit jrB, �p, 1 ;1 J1 ` JrJ �vJ ACCOUNTING IIM COMPUTERS STARTS AUG./SEPT. Leam the Professional Skills required in Today's Multimedia Industry. • Macromedia Director • Adobe Premiere • Animation • Video Editing • Sound Editing • Adobe Dimensions N .4 - Macintosh Courses For Graphic Arts Professionals • OuarkXPress • Adobe Photoshop • Adobe Illustrator • Digital Camera • Image Scanning • Colour laser Output Assstm M4 beavab*to 1 URHAM \ BUSIINESS A CO%W-MR COLLEGE IIT FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY BE AVAILABLE Some programs offered Oshawa Campus Call today for further information and FREE personal interview • %lord Pr(w"%ing YOUR CAREER STARTS HERE 434-8585 'he islanc Plaza VICTORIA • CJOUITLAM • VANCOUVER - BURNABY • SJRREY • EDMO%-ON SASKATOON • WINNIPEG •-AMILTON • M SSISSAJGA • - ;RON?C • tiORTio- YORK • SCARBOROUGH - OSHAWA• K'NGSTON • 37AWA- MONTnEAL LAVAL • .CNG'JE'. _ O :cSEC -A.- SAX ExPERIENCED snort or + cook experienced *a - Ss and expere+ced . • .er Afaaes Cortrnensi t wide exW once bf- :.-r• 70S -4R4-511' or Sea♦ i Cate in Breclxn MAPPv enWgiroc stovers And :,ar tenders "meed 0-Oww 1Ce An .riser AP pry n person 7,Y4 -'Wo" Q0 S Alter Spm AUCTION GOERS!! C�rharr Region residents can now ce: AUCTION LIS i INGJ Via oar 7ew ued1call ec ^o^e dines. Al! auction notices that are aoi spec in one our publications will automatica ly be listed or,, anis phone line. For Auction Listings U1683w7545 Clarington Residents 4042615 General General General I GenalM General I Ge eral Help Help Help I Help JI Help P 4-Z DRIVERS required CASTING requirements at EXPERIENCED Haust 1. EXPERIENCED HAIR- MOVE IT GENTLY " Lunt( &Short Term U.S a peak for feature films ist requiredfull and pnrt STYLIST wanted full time looking for swampers D: ssignments D -Z Drivers commercials. music vK*m time Minimum 2 years Ap- for Ajax location Must have (movers and drivers - A -Z .w local P d D Also. Cerlr tv series and commercial ply in person or call Nick 3 vears experience SO— D_Z license) Minimum 3 'ed Driving Instructer Re- photography Start part 723-0211 Evenings or clientele an asset Phone years experience Inter - ;"e0 Call Nancy at Ala. time as extras SoCsis and weekends 666-2125 Hair 723-1782 or 668.5441 Ask views - Aug 3. 254 John St -"egronai Driver Education smali speaking parts No Care Centre. Whitby Mall Ax owner W. Cishawa after 8 OOp.m. "05)686.2224 exp necessary. Free con Sults tion Call Obhawd 432.41134 SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 1 General Help_ SELL rT NOW CALL 583-0707 OR FAX 583-7363 HAIRSTYLIST full time or part time AftM or without Scruples One 831-6531 MC VIE =_Gate -o,^, :C t ta%test Jroweq .ee.• e+tr-n 'or Mm 6 . + Ax !,Am* S 49e• 'k +c •ea Earn %7 SIS M ;'t�iCrM •eCo^�e �NOrx 6 %� • 5226 m General 'ie: c CUSTOMER SERVICE / ORDER DESK PICKERING Large Pickering distribution facility has immediate opening for an order desm, ep. Duties Include processing orders taKe^ by fax or phone, data entry. tracing shipments, problem solving and customer service Excellent computer keyboarding sk,lis and pre•. c,us -elated exce-e~ce reo,-;red Please Fax or Send Resume to LIVINGSTON GROUP INC. Attention: Recruitment Manager 405 THE WEST MALL SUITE 600 TORONTO, ONTARIO M9C SK7 FAX, (416) 626-8775 Bonnie Togs Childrens Wear is GROWING' Now seek-:: ar exz e- e- ec . Assistant Manager . Floor Supervisor Able to work n a fast -paced environment. Apply in perslr. wt!, esume to. Manager Pickering Town Centre or FAX to Head Office (519)886-1413 Attention: Human Resources ORDER DESK PERSON Exoeriencec .=rend bdinguai for auto Darts Service in Whitby. must have oieasan: phone manrer. no saies. fLil time. For appointment call 668-5935 1" Help �ii I PART TIME ASSISTANT Required for E C E run home oaycare Genuine love for children a must Heron Child Care 2? 2- — Aiax AJAX Is currently looking for fulf time experienced kitchen staff Apply in Person 3-5 p.m. 100 Westney Rd. S Ajax. Transit Square P.A(:F..%-A-'I'HF: NE%%S AD1'ERTISER. W'FD., At!ill ST 2, 1"5 General General General General Skilled SkilledIM Skilled Skilled Jgf-7%illedo Help 1 Help 1 Help 1 Help Help Help Help Help Help Im CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser requests that adverisers check flim ad upon publication as News Advertiser will not be resoonstble for more than one incorrect Insertion and Myere shall be no Ilatidev for tan•trwi fm d any adver- tfsenierd Liabdily, for er- rors in ads is limited to the ar ixit pad for the space occupying the error All cops; K sublect to the av- proval of manapement of News Advertiser PART- TIME reception position available even- elas and Saturdays Apply to PloSelMnk Aral Hos. oxa 1905, 8.'49 1922 RECEPTIONIST required for Ajax Dental Office snnled Staff ful time. 25- 35 his sale even 8 sort* Sat s Sera reser a to Dtocovery 64. Dental 570 JJestnev Rc s e0 L Is 6V5 -- c.,[s Please RM' requxM 'cr mild ills cvlrnary PlehAC clinic in CShawA win established CIK-k-e dull trrvie satary soil" oer*hts Send resume SPEEDY eour ng 3 b- -msec rechanres lop Our - hAm arta App.cabrs _A- be oropPed or as 204 A'^S St or roes Sir -40-P St % START NOW Local TELEMARKETERS re- a n ce, companyhas positions quired Easy phone work 13551C011111gston Road, Available In all depart- days or eveninas availablementa MAXAAI%� Earn up to $14 82 Hourly wage - cash bonusper or fax to (9o5) 410-9379 hr .I guaDlied No ex- Carpet clearnng techrn- File ■7181 PO Box 481 penence necessary own clans also required with y�transportation required own vehicle 721.0021 c�arsCall Mondav only 404- FAMILY .dental practice x. Maki;0403. 9 00 - 4 30 gulled for 1w0 t yr Olds full time. Car. '.:ERT Lotus Wordperfect week Must be irieridv and sell rdtere Skilled $�ileSrtIp Skilled Valli five or work. No 1 Office 1 O 1N water. nD :t entDry. 9— P P ui8aouras. PA mw-T� HUMAN IIESOUwCEs v Now to SEcrETA1t1r Memorial Hospital. BOwmanvllle has an immediate opening for a Part -Time Human Resources Secretary to provide administrative and secretarial support 10 the Human Resources Department and other service departments. The hours of work are Monday -Friday 19:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.). or as required The successful applicant wilt possess: knowledge of and related experience in Human Resources Administration. excellent secretarial and wordprocessing skills. preferably utilizing WordPerfect 5.1 ,Advanced Level) and LOTUS 123: proven organizational sk!lls. good IrterDersonal. ana4l cal. ora: and written :Drnmunication sit:ils. and the ability to work or ,,Ar and maintain conficientalov. Qua ifled applicants are asked !c submit a •aume. -DrI we ice. by Friday. AJgust 11 1995 '-,-nae Resources Department y'tiemoria, Hospital. 3t)wrnanvr!le 9_4 -_ Lft*rty Street Seo?" BOwmarlvillp Ontario _1C 2%4 r. all awlicatrOns for then intertest put Ise that on hr 8105e selecled for an Interview will i "OCA: NOWTAL WW%MRltl.F 8 art fiat k: OP•NT-1557 OV.STU t brbdea tai "543!-1574 MADITENANCOE OPERATOR Required for major regional shopping Centre in Picketing. Must have a minimum of four years experience in all facets of HVAC equipment operation, maintenance and troubleshooting. Must be proficient in liquid Chiller operation. water treatment, heat pump systems and general building maintenance and repairs. This position requires a self-starter capable of working with minimum supervision. Reply in writing to: Adntinistr t� Oigl office .1 VANded a n ce, 1 Help certified full firm evenirlps 13551C011111gston Road, IF you are sngle or a sin- d DECOR Pickering Ont. ia1V IBS ale parent or separated or divorced with three years Clde transcrpl Start mod or fax to (9o5) 410-9379 work experienoe. you may enced non arnoker to care File ■7181 PO Box 481 lancer li « financial rials- Canoe of , you are over 45 865 Farewell St Oshawa No phone calls please. and have recently been and ret required call 43o. �` We fe•� diNW III - o* bE wm ad off you may ouaMy for FAMILY .dental practice !1.3tt Z tit !lowfew for an I3timVI"a training assistance. DIP gulled for 1w0 t yr Olds r+ygenrst IA days per '.:ERT Lotus Wordperfect week Must be irieridv and o -Base Word Accpac Bedford Autocad Verrill�.�/ Skilled $�ileSrtIp Skilled oagema4er Harvard Cor- 1 Kine to Frle97roa 7sha- 41 Computer P.ograxnrnrnq 9�t P CAREGIVER- my hone .arid Svslems Anaivst Co- !:tOl pal .. phab TOOLMAKER expe" PARTYLITE GIFTS. has arc just launched their unique enced for lixtlures Whrtbv Whop Ouark Express and ch rlsymas Co4coon tk;strabr Durham Buri -less Computer College Party plan saws I Fle .. .altos consultants in IM area No nvstnwnts or ]•kvenes Oufstandrrp orrifnasaons Ple•se til -4e67h•r (9061723-20% .,,ca•an 906 723-5871 SELL IT Now CALL 1683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 A medium sized. Pickering based. consulting Engineering firm has an imme- diate opening for a permanent full time CADD OPERATOR / DRAFTSPERSON The successful candidate must be experi- enced in the use of AUTOCAD Version 12 with Ad CADD Civil Site Software. ( COGO. Design. DTM. Earthworks ) Manual drafting experience is also required. Please reply in writing by +0 Aug. 20095 to file a 7195 Ajax Pickering News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave. Ajax, OM. Lt S 2H5 11 � .1 VANded COA REOUIREO HARP dlcorasng drvwail rM0 certified full firm evenirlps rales C4111432-2850 8 Satiadays References d DECOR required New grads in- CARE GIVER wanted in Clde transcrpl Start mod our home. mature experi- August Send resume to enced non arnoker to care File ■7181 PO Box 481 for 2 12 yr old hens 3 865 Farewell St Oshawa lova. week drivers ht— OM LIH 71_5 and ret required call 43o. .'Pes of moves Call Carl or 0607 FAMILY .dental practice CAr"V r (five out) re- 'equires an expel k>ncM gulled for 1w0 t yr Olds r+ygenrst IA days per Non-smoking Carnq d en- week Must be irieridv and � e'q'Start Sept S Mi able to work ac a Item F,, Barn -ppm Wesiney da ver Phase forward re. P—Pri%croft 686 °:37 Kine to Frle97roa 7sha- 'A 'Itis W— PC Boa CAREGIVER- my hone 48' Oshawa Ontario L7H part -this .10 da irs•rtanth is no weekendsrid horyiys, ster" Sao S You r~ a blast providing for our 2 d 6 yr Olds Nor smone- +t reforences VAvibv Brook- wood 436 '408 ERMN &PROFESWO -�- `4, _ �- It's always best to know who you're dealing with. And these local people are your neighbors_ They're always here to help gout0 0 • i oc • • I I-crD41•tf4et •1 1 r�pro>frff%ees •I I Ir"Iaroventents GCB DRYrA` • 13 , .bar co" VAZ GENERAL tras:.N'e"113'r. CONSTRUCTIONnq 4 A%0nre'. cro- CONTRACTING .ario^s P•olessiona+ •.- LTD. ^'e'•C' Ind exter'Jr stirs at. compesnve pries Ado•ions Baths K11ch '•Da rS 'on^_vahC^s `o a awe eswnaie ,:ae an 3'1C �onsr..rC•,o,. Gas' expel• grr 5,12-84..^0 •ns 3asemerRs Ceramic and :ea- pr J745S-Cr1- Tiles -at-wood Flom SIGON:.nam cnon _b gocts'nm ;ors Decks 3 W [ • k i' ^'@2 _ ae•r ..nq �y,•rff,am Regan ' J6a Acpp Craig. 686-t 9'3 es Additions suroecks CARDEN'Rr r.lh` 3"s-rrclows •ft ...at, _,"-- r-• 5--"-'x ugr n`+Csr:,nec•31t- deCxs jai •^ion: nw^,r --.w!n -0- �^��'6:. .sexara o .s A. EUROPEAN : e speGel- ;ws ".rr" • c. -s ti xt DUCTWORK 5'A ,re wei AS toy 'kms ;.x;c 'e! ^rJ�e^ 'eiOGa!fd E...eae^• "'e-ces enc S,[!s LrCilor +res �'ee •5:;r-'., Sr•< Eerc gU.erAnteeC 'Or 'r£C esI •�s:a ac ,,• ..e.,re•s •n,aar•s call _ Ovkst-A `25 �ahers B.G jm-.obs 40• - _., PAS. L•'_'r J145 R&R DRYWALL Boarding Japing exture Spray l -Repair Work ! -0:.al, ty Drywal' work Call Richard i at 434-7836. JS ARMSTRONG DEV INC Spec,aliz,no n Custom harries Additions reno,Atkxns re< rooms Ana basement aperlments Res- idenbai and commercial Serving Dumam Regan for over 15 yrs c•ee - -..til Jeff 905-686- 2352 'MISTER CHEAP -ane mprovementsrec rooms In law apartments acidrtorts fences. decks 2tc Li- censeC 'o' fiver 20 years all work q,yaranteea for Free estimate :ail Ernie 405-404-8170 C S R Mamtenwncx Buuanq •epees enc rerrova!Iorn eVeChiea: plufrainq :.e+emK ,-es .:Arpentr, From small •epa,rs to maror renovations Fully q,arAnleera ',ee estl- M&M CONSTRUCTION „arpenm, Rooting lecinca --lur nnc Fences ;leeks '+esu Gua h ty, Work Guaranteed 905,427-4234 BUDGET HOIMIE iMPROVEMENTS Basernen: Apls ;ec-rooms plumbing Additionsa ectnca. dr JAa!; 15 yrs Experience i �•ee a�, . _ 316 f.+a•c (905) 619.4663. cel. (416) 560.4663 SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 :ec•s ^ar .Ink rn dnllec notes. set Dosis For Free Es"r'iaies :ail Steve 90: x,'9-51." Moate 416 409 - THE 0tr TILE MAN (905) 839-2757 :'+gJl SCWOCMDY J A S ENTERPRISES -eravatons fences. decks -.aserttenis inground Spunkier systems auaw, workmanship at reasonable pnces john (905, 427- re. e Handyman HANDYMAN Will ;rick jr, truck will do odd lobs. clear, up garage. yard. small moving rocs. grass cut- ting. fence rcpors cal: Vic 428-8907 • • Painting bMovie • House • I "�'d►""x' • 1 Decorating r.M g • House • ,a caning 8 Storage • Cleaning • Cleaning • I Landscaping HANDYMAN ' - • Pon•rw. Tb15 PAINTING FIRST dlcorasng drvwail rM0 from 5150.00 rales C4111432-2850 .ahons exoert lawr carte d DECOR Moving b re -W ,anCxaanq soap rernov- & Eee"o' Storage ,. rw.e truck sabstacriorr, nterfor repairs and mnvl Prolessionauv in. «1 ouart•Ka call Tyler �cii EU^JDear; Work, dnsnip stalled `. Fast. Mean. .'Pes of moves Call Carl or P,-, y rt 1 - _Electrical Electrical 420-0081 tics LAWN spray S•rvic• u GAILLIND `" POs _itroi . nsed n .. pats _a;•rt•ed and n 4 Suir•d Oath" services aver. MAID SERVICES +Dir ^. at "k7ji726 tt5? MISTER POST HOLE .w SUMMER SPECIAL ouirw post hill•• '"°`gyp°5 FREE Cleaning ninth bookings of weekly 8 OO6n " `°"Cf°`e fR� ^- bo -weekly services Inquire for details ring .or your home WWI personalized • arty E,ECTRiCIAN- _.cens+c and p-'-slonal service for over a decade • Services • Flying u m an rbcs or rectrca re. -MA Services 1 H , 1 Fry :>-: , -J; .,rk ore -,sombre sates 1` Expenenuxd � , h• � r_.^ Fors! �� .foss Mo ers 1 683-7515 a r .. 4wv ,{ ;at at2S nor es _ 'il Ries ap etcmor �( • painting 8 w thnoric I, • 1 Flooring. 1 ► • Carpeting • �ecorating • 1 4231-o2�v i 2 1 t.S6-5513 l�l �wr �rn A,, arc painting AM tailabons - 25• -TARRY-O-THE- vean experience re- WAnpapcco ling or exrA VCIVERS Move big o streechng. our speaeirty for stuoto ceuw. genera Hall we once them all' Free estimates D 6 N ePAin lop quabn work lee estimates seniors Duncan 087-1'99 or q87 easonADie rates 20', :,scounI short notice 18W .^• 4C+a-0769 -. Ponos raved also LIAR WOOD PAINTING u DECORATING Free estimates Great Ratessio Profesnal Servicee 427-3246 DISCOVERY FLIGHT appliances Comparable FIRST Jualrty carpets from 5150.00 rales C4111432-2850 wholesale prices Sates Per person Moving b re -W Anda installation Re - Storage MEN with large truck will Io household moves, res, stretches aoorinq repairs and mnvl Prolessionauv in. Ow bookn9s wE ACCEPT aenhal. commercial At; stalled And quAranteed it AOS) 721-0054 = 1= .'Pes of moves Call Carl or P,-, y oving ysterns f E ..Ane 42'.2856 MICHALSKI MOVING rouses, apartments offices Moving b re -W appliances and piano spe Storage ,;ialists senior and mid- month discounts Licensed -AX M S insured Free estimates till xce4len1 service C.,.i 436 Services. moves. appliance 7705 Mrtbile 718-0142 rid no I— FI' pa specla r at •Ale of hourly We now have MOUNTAIN heated storage units Now MOVING SYSTEMS .)ffwing free boxes with ^ove Park Ano bad special We will neva arlytt anywhNE. anyti!i1a. starting at $Q., and lip Core x �nlormaeon. 725-0005 a ..arnmerc�. --f resiol l ancxagnlq �:orage aril dcxES 42' -: SELLING A05 .ivadave Senor 8 -c month 571-0755 YOUR HOME? inquire about our HOME FOR SALE PACKAGE 68.'4-0707 YOU DESERVE iT wrhit a team!!! ^usband and wife Ata keep veli dome Sparkling while you enjoy new found lesure time vacuuming, "ing °hors. Excellent rates Treat Yourse'' Cr11 Ingr_� 424-7042 YOU DESERVE IT What a teaxi t Husband and wile will keep your home sparkling x?vle you enjoy new found leisure time Jacuumrrlg. dusting floors. ballimor, s A mor - Excellent rates Treat Yourself call Ingrid 424-7042 • 1 Gardening 8 • Landscaping INTERLOCKING BRICK. drlveways. walkvuays pool. PAboS steps retaining walls Iree estimates call Brickscape Inc 668.2742 Gonia Bweeoyaws li►•.c Com -14, 5rie. sow. �oc•nxr Of dicer .xt liege `sir ow•a6 Wye' iblx• know ..nr Uig MAGICIAN sawn friends '?adv to entertain lot an, age any occasion Sim, lays. promotions open Ings. fund rarsers Magic shows are fun' Lettuce help 839-7057 or 726 8.334 RABBITwAnts work corn -WW for children s parties ,nd all occas9Wrt5 Have ^yy own nmgiaan Cal Er - Driving • • Schools SCHOOL r4 lessons and test $105. •10 Lessons 5150 *Full Course 5259 Free pick -up and drep Ott (416)287-3060 W Skilled THF. NF.WSADVF.R-1'1%FFt. WF.D., AUGUST 2, ICK -PAG F. 37-A help Help SkilledA�Zftnw� Aultmliil� AubRlobiles ApBrtRINIb Help I I le I AUTO TRANS TECHNICIAN We are looking for a G.M. CLASS "A" MECHANIC who is productive/quality conscious B wanting to work in a busy flat rate shop. Call JOHN SAVAGE - at ,COWAN PONTiAC BUICK Bowmanville 623-3396 e °ft;' EXPERIENCED NANNY fof Irve-m Out m PCkirrng 2vr old.Nonentolter. dean Boerne Duxes sole charge of children and housework Most everwgs weekends tree To start November 1. 1995 Sento! •e3irtw dnvng record. let- ter (with ret I photo to 42 crocorwd Blvd Scat Ont VIP 7%cl LIVE IN 94bv Men ft - ,00,1 to West Indian tam. .v Ravenscroft and West- - area 4Z- 2974 LVE OUT '.tinny, ler 4 yr ..d 10 and 9 ono boy. start Sept 5 7 30 a m. S p m. -v,n smoke, B4Yly-Live* Dodi $31-2791 ✓e -out nanny to case for 2 xvs I • 2 It 3 vn ole! AIC ret tsce4m Harmahw 4a1u4fe area Sept start r, li hmr M -F 730em- 44opm 404-2097 even- ,nt. +iw It 30pm IyANNyrHOtSEK E E P- ER ,,ve Trout. required Dy Droksvohao family m Deer :tee« 4fax In, 3 a 2 w old ,nd infant Relera"es r*. 1,urea Starting Sept S =a. '►sum. to 905837- 9 ' Flee BEIGE sotabold - to". only 2 yrs old. stat Apt. V00 427-8758 toWift Soo 1905 SUZUKI Quad Rac- er 250 liquid coded. 4- wheeier $1500 o b o Also Bolens LTe ridnq lawn tractor. electric start. 36 In cut with 3 new blades 5600 obo gee -3183 after bpm 3-sp k d standard trans. mission with new 3 -speed Hurst Compolibaon Indy iloor Shtha 5200 o b o x65-31&3 aha 6 p m 4-wh .* medldal walk., Iseel attached'r brand new oa+diaon. S25o qo5 985 2568 Lave mrssaw AFRICAN ;MPORTS Avoid raw prices. buy direct tom Ithe Importer Handr4alted Cloy Potwv Handwo✓en Straw ba "I's Ath x o kht porting 1405142' 0201 AIR CONDITIONERS (wirdoxr units, and dehw- mkaitiers. sakes sa.vice and tads M. gturante.s Aval- able. 1416) 726-4057 Piot BABY FURNITURE 8 AC- CESSORIES, cribs. highchairs, playQens, strollers. Change tables, etc. must be in good Condition 668--4100 WANTED - Curio cabinet Cal 432-7133 after 6 p.m. ANTIOUES Absolutely. Purdu" furrwhle or art- ytting old. Saenahc n9tu- itheMs. Chna. silver. adver- telg- toys. drays. dolls. milk bottles. collections tar estabs Cal Robert Bowen Antiquas (905) 665-8049. Brooldin WANTED- 20-401b baby car seat. Must be in good condlion. Cal 430-8921 Arftlft Foto SBIe PIN Pools, S" DRUM LESSONS HOT DEALS! BAR- GAINS GALORE - le x Private lessons 24' rectangular Kayak pod available , rea- includes decks a fertCing sortable rates. sa.595 Meets local by- laws 20yr warranty 1 -Soo. Call 6667564 Phckenng�Atax 42&2000 phone 416 -798 -wog HITACHI 31- stereo TV . Lost 3 loaded Rent to own by • 1 Found phone ler only S9 75!w4t Call 571 1413 KENWOOD 22OW home stereo system 5-Dosc CD playadual casseae Tow. Of speakers Only $7 5J'wk Rant to own by phone 571. 14'3 MANUFACTURER'S Clearance Patio doors lnew, 54399 6-SA49 6- w u..vus U vine, or akwnwMrm 433-' 730 or ' !t:0-851-8421 MENS Size 11 Bauer skakes S25 one bhp, -pack $20boat cover for 14 1.2 R boar 1160 "5-2r..6a MORTAR=etrhent "veer gas POwered good oc" - bor $'20C Call 435-5267 OAK/P!NE FURNITURE WFI WY retia Dr' es>' Orn • A�allable 1 For Sale DAYCARE 4wallabfe in 'vrlg home Hot nutltous ^worts large fenced Vend. '+sv access to 401 Wost. -tui Rd N 428 0097 EXPERIENCED daycare t. adacle In my hOmis. ^.iraoOd Ck!ments. ref "ad call 427.5103 any. PLAY AND LEARN PRIVATE SCHOOL ACeS 2.5. �entral ""lax locahon. 'a!f D;y program ;;r 5 OayS/weeK �xceflence In eary Ohlldhood education Arl. musk. phonlCS. math sc ence 668-5173 for Severriber 24'j;'�5iar EMFirewood FREE FIREWOOD, SKIDS A PALLETS HardwOod and softwood mired Free delivery avad- able n the local area. 20 smart goads available too - 120 skids and pallets 10 large loads available 300- 400 skids and pallets.June and Julys special offer, call now 905-430-2887 leave Ia'ssnge SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 Anho Ws Wfm Kar.W baby Grand Piano. lounge small desk S char Fn"- dar upright haters, W gallon electric waw ,eater Call 436-34116 BE COOL"' Ar condition- ing Serwce, to Can Wind. ow Units a Central Ar S25 3 up By licensed 1echn,- :�ar1 Jaol 432--565 Carpet Broker 100 e. Nylon thick plush, stain re- sistant carpet For 3 rooms only 5369 00 Price In - dudes 30 Sq, yds carpet. deluxe pad and n9tanallon in yah home Free quota - ton in you hone No in - teres,. no payment (or one IWI year. Daniel. 1-800- 217-0104 CARPET you Thome at dis- count prices IoO1.,� nylon stain resistant Price nckutles pad and expert Installation Call Nick at 19051 430-6551 CARPETS - lots of carpet, 1001. nylonnew stain re- lease carpets on hand. I well carpet 3 rooms 5349 Price includes carpet, premium pad. expert installation. fast delivery, tree estimates (30 yards) Norman 686-2314 COMPUTERS NEW 3 used Complete systems with printer from 5299 386's with 4 megs from 5555 Authorized Internet provider Local calls from Newcastle. Bowmanvdle. Oshawa. etc Inquire at Clannnglon Computer. 697 - Desks, chairs, "writers. office partitions. (Iced as is). Call 683.1841 P xlaDje dishwasher30 ..scan stove clapboards a _.aYNM1cc r,,AIChwi9 �amp6 rugs, knock k^Ack1 '.mo- de ntq lutCMtn 6a6-1666 SHARP stereo Tv Great picture tee tdekhrsny. Rent 10 own Dy Phone ler only S6 75,wk CAN 571- 1413 SHEDMAN - quality barn style stleos Dolt on site 8x8 $649 GST cockaded Other sizes and display available Cal 905-509- 4%- 1 SPECIAL BUY- Patio doors. only 30o akwnwnun avalabw - 5 h $275 6 1 5295. 8 ft 5330 433-i736 oh !-80,851-8420 TEAK DINING CABI- NET ;hutch a Chest 1 for sale, almost new $1100 of best offer (9051. 428-1931 V386SX computer VGA - 1441 Color Monitor a mouse. MUlblont Printer (Start. Computer Speakers acittrix) Dos 50. programs. asking $1000 o b o. Call (9051579-3741 leave mess WASHERS dryers. fridge. stove. new and recondt- boned. $225 and up for re- conditioned washer. $175 and up for reconditioned dryers 5175 and up for re- conditioned fridges and stoves Also coin operated washer and dryers Ste- phenson's Furniture and Appliances. 227 Court St.. Oshawa 576-7448 APPLIANCES. wanted working or not. Fridges. stoves. washers, dryers also active partner required to start up appliance store investment required 427- 2713 message COCKATEIL M1X" '2 VON tamMv Det est June 17 - vun,ieryeikw headr,ed ch.eMs PIUCks Dun crest Reward 5200 (416, 261- 8902 FOUND r,nr-,row nng with 3 Wass ke.s sfarriped number of k.vs Found Tudor AwmGeoige St Ajax Ar. Owner may d,,A=t 427.8463 FOUND 2 cats in m. W1rtes Rd a South 401 area. Ray and white. ap- prox 2wr a yr .short vim -ed 42? 2"''? CCM "ICE" BIKE Plckenng Village Reward Gall 683-9033 • 1 P?!S X115( KEEP :our coq waste out of to oarbag. Use A DOGGIE DOOLEY WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM urs time guarantee, ball. Avail - Able in 3 sures gam - qu n 7 days 1905,723-5413 PUREBRED MIN ICY black m1 poodle PUPPWS Homy. raised. very afbc- bonate ready ho qts no Pa - .,r... I?- -49A Automobiles 1 1 for Sale 1979 .,new Camaro new 350 . with headers Black 10 rust W a Ds Pb am -fm Cass we,, good condition First S65C takes It Mus! sell 4085-8985 1980-1986 .:ars lease to own Ewervone qualities On URIC' WC8' MAI No ,nwesf, no credit chock From 5275 down 570034 Onurno LTD 1476 Notion % 686-7428 IS" 1EVETTE Rett condition' Power steering. power Wakes low, mileage,. new tires two-tone due very well taken care of Aub Asking 51200 Will certify Call 432-7133 1984 Monte Carlo SS. while with blue interior. 27 000 km, loaded no T. roofstored during winter Call 436.7605 1985 cord Tempo. 4 dr white auto 51000 as is Call 9311 -3239 1985 OLDS Cutlass Ciera Brougham 4 oto V6, buck- ets. console fully leaded. new, exhaust. certified $2895 686-6193 $985 Z 28 Good running condition $2500 cert or best offer as Is Call 433- 9437 ask for George after 4 30pm 19M Pontiac WW LE. V6 auto, loaded. Good dean running car Huey on Ids one 528% con 2 to Choose from. Call 427- 9722 anytime Russ. Open 7 Towweew Sales,indoors Big Choy Capnc& pas - eke ger bon wagon. .Air p.b.. p.s. Needs Mile to car - b4 3 -55 o.b.o (906) H•7 Tempo L. 4 dr aulD.. air, pt. pb . amthm. Destro "Wes. Good dean riarlrrg car Was 12695.. now 12295 certified 3 more nice cars to choose from Call 427-9722 anytime Russ Open 7 days week/ Indoors Big Town Sales 19N Sent. 2 dr arab . solver grey radio. low istudenSOLO«.9,r".dt car for 54250 GST r+ckdedA 6s" 9236 1992 ACURA INTEGRA. 5 speed. loaded. ewe9ant condition. 515.000 0e0 call 50"717 1992 Geo Metro 2 dr 5 - spit cert 53900 19x6 Buck Regal 2 dr auto air can $5400 Cas 729.0917 1993 GRAND PFM LE, fully loaded. Sea Cam green. air , p/W. C%,40, left p/!, r/mt- ors, rally wheeiS. am/ I m :assett stereo. u0 - graded nterior pack- age. new oral only, 60.000 highway miles. only $12 '< Call Rob 905-831-5396. 1991 r'orroac WOO LE 4 dr oc canew 56400 or beat ..asonable offer 6 month *amanrty Pelt 721 "S5 or 434--564 87 CHEV sport 2 dr hatchback 5 speed. So" R7 VW Jona. auto 4C ,ICw clow car s37s5 97 ,or+da. CRX St. tett pore, "lot mint. low kms $4995 'Pectrurm 905-716.1020. 116-264-79-41 Honda Accord dr. auto. 191LI. S75C b O GOa(I Wrong COnd. %ew baMmuMler Call ft TAKE A DRIVE TO DARR"LS WHERE YOU GET MORE CAR FOR YOUR MONEY 1990 Ods Culla+ S.prerrr th4rlatonal white 4 door, automatic. icily loaded 09"display+ew display ' Meche- len tires t" windows 82.000N s n int. $109% 19W Chew CA.A:w bur- aundv. 4 door V6 air new res very dean s57% 989 Cadillac Sudan D.- Vrlte white wit burqu/dv nw", arty loaded. Car 490 roof gold package gold seal tires. one of a M,rd 512.995 1969 Fad Ranger P.C. �c V6 5 spa. 78 000 original k S blue with grey high rise cap very clean $5495 19814 GMC Satan Conversion van. burgundy, silver two lone fully loaded 2 5 4- fec^ "he 144 JCC% s oohs aria drives new S89W 1969 Z-24 Cahtalr, a, *note automatic fulM1 loaded, new paintnew whip letter tires 'like new 56695 1985 Z-24 Ca'✓aker Grew. 5 spa. $5495 1988 Chev Cavalier Yyagon Orhqh. red with black•nten- Or aUlomabc a., 69.000k 5 S545C 19" Buic% :entury 4 Poo, au- lDmathc. with air Wovwn with tan .nter,a 1 i 2.000k s $4395 1988 Nissan Sen- tra. 5 spa red with grey in. lienor $3395 1988 Olds Calais 4 door automatic. maroon with same Interior Quad 4 69.000 vlgin ll k s. air. new Wes. 56395 1987 Jhe, Celebrity. gold with tan interior. 4 cylinder auto. with air 119.000%s 53695 1984 Z28 Camaro bright red. 305. 5 Spd holy load- ed. T -Dar roof. CD player white letter tires. 52995 cert or 52500 as is AU CARS CERTIFIED AND RECONDITIONED BE. FORE WE SELL THEM DARRYL'S AUTO CEN- TRE. 170 BLOOR STREET EAST, OSHA - WA CALL 436.3522. WOLF'S BIRTHDAY SALE - "Oh Happy Day Lowest prices on 41 fine pre -owned centred auto- mobiles. Some examples. 92 Su nbwd SE coupe. loaded. 90 kms, now (8.888. 91 Tempest. air, 82 kms. blue and solver. only $7,195. 92 Pontiac LeMans S.E. 90 kms. pristine while. jum $6.695. . 91 Cavalier. auto. air. great car lex 15.1951. 90 Mustang, load. ed. arab. beaualul. $6.495 90 For Vet, air. 5 speed. lantasac and tact 16.995.. 92 Coo 5 aptod. 85 kme. super spoaal $4,995. 89 Olds 88 Royale. pilrfecl 129 kms. how $6.950. ae Caprins Estate Wagon. loaded. only 54.996. 90 Grand Voyageloaded perfect 105 kms. W.505. 88 Capncie LS, loaded. DeaWIW burgaidy. only 90 kms. $6.495. 88 Pty- mtouth Horizon. auto. aro oldw y owner. real 55.000 kms $3.900 a8 Grand Phil red and silver 135 kms. S6.945. 8° Grand Pnx SE absdu4sly loaded and beautiful. 56.995, a8 Ce- krbnty. are auto. 115 kms 53.495. 90 Jimmy. loaded SI0.257. 85 Cavalier type 10 92 kms runs perfect 51.995 86 Lynx 5 speed. $1.6% 85 Dodge extended converted van only $1.995 90 Alto loaded. sit- and 9r" 19.850 See you at „Radar Auto Cants 155 King St Most at Mdlown MalOshawa. For great prices and happy cisal) - ers Call 579-2886 Open �-r da" Aut obiles w�tea CARS c Pour rentor or cane r 4 East A,- ,: rN'„tiA-- 4,-.. SALES WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE = = E E to" ler scrap -:..d or aban0or+ed C. "mole ' ;a tttp prices ;xG 1416)281-3499 Ri1 4 * � ext e 1967 .n --p YJ 4X4 6 .✓' standard Sopa sort a ^era 1gpo. 160.000 km Inc rust ores since new New tires Roese trader n !" S'OOC ca! .05-3183 Arte, 6 : T 19W PLYMOUTH Yova- 9sur V6 ' passenger auto 155 KM au con certified S8'OC 905 986 1 Trailers '9&) Prowler 35 R nailer 2 tp au m, $9000 Loaded Great Buy Prune Oshawa 1917'.':4 ^64,3 1999.Hi-LO TRAILER showroom condaior sleeps 6 3 way trudge oven pks lan 3 PC bath excellent 'or :owing. 5'S -W ='9. • Marine 16 ft Maxum Bow r,der boat custom trader 50 Ho force engine low hours excellent condition S65oc 1905',725-2371 BEST Ride on the water 1995 175 Hydra Sport Walleye boat. olive well. bort well, rod locker 2 fish Bid- er. 41 tb thrust Ironing mo- tor 130 Hp Johnson Out- board Motor stereo. rod holders. Serious inquiries only 623-9107 2 bedroom. located at 309 Cordova Rd No pets Please call 579-2387 or 5766724 1 BEDROOM bamt apt central Whitby, 1575. in. ckides Babb to laundry. avadable Sept. 1. 1i2 Bedroom apt in Cishawa and Bowmamkoe Starill at S600rmontt, Mdge a stove Itckded. with laundry factli0es. Call 434-2407 2 -BEDROOM basement aperl.W,. Aug. 1St. dose b Go tan. Krldten, stow. fihdgt. washer, drYa, lant ot " room wstI ate bar No smoking. ro pets 831 - ism 2 -BEDROOM basement apartinerd. Aug. 191. Clots to GO tan KAc!isk . stove. edge. washesdryer large Wing room wh4para11/ bar No smoking. no pets 831- Aardvark' With Just S1o0 Initial deposit and a com- bned annual household Income oI about 570.000 YOU Can likely own an ow gant, detached home or a 50 a 60 h let on a 011110k34e Ctaftasc' So why not pay off you won mortgage n- soad of vour Landlords' And what about the &Md- vark'> `hat was Nast a erx to get at rw lop d the at - hod ads Caa Dory now at 905428-5505 or WS -42' Cv?55 ALAX Argtlbnght two .,-hdroom baseman AW- -iont large kitchen kwehg- 'oom' 'm.Otace la indry :-Ring private entrance -dudes Well S"M A.A,I >,apt 1st Scott. 4' 6480. y056 w ahw Spm aoi -A& A25- ALAX ' -bedroom base- -- end. appliances. rc. pr, -site stance 'Muses from ;o. me pets rar.an ovw t ass mfr w 0 sept 1 42- A,iAX bedroom base - 'whit apartment lurnwad W mfakr. person SSM w nth no-an,oit,rc no urs NI utktios WWJ I d M 4,4 AJAX eraakiff 2 $lam cow even alto ; uA kitchen and bath Separate omrw" satarad aundiv arc k arab o Oc• 5675 mach plus 4 , lists 833-5223 A,.AA- .'yestv/y and r.wv - new bachwoor 40 on bus este separate erhtahce a ovac mon smoke, vf- -kpr ,&s i45a math 666 DE' =„Ax- 90C soft ba4ei"4Mt apafoiwtt, pr as ere N orrice Da, N'^q launi7 v ow to arms bob, 3575 „4xts6 rhpudsC A.Akabe Ser! •s! 4281S3c A -AX Dsautiru boche/a apartment '»w Rem. Ca- bta. ubl -=it inceti osn- ^at are wic Private en- trance. $695 mhonth "NW non s`oee' ,905142 73-4 A„ A X used ilaserriMt apai'trnent with onvate on ince available mrime- AW,, mollerabiv non irtloker u(,1 cable hpu- -irve S60C 42' eave nrressaw 433-6676 ev time: AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE- LY- clean Wight 1 bdrn+ apt near Oshawa :,,ric xntre eat -vin I.itchen 'ridge. stove 4pce oath. fenced veru'parking suit- able for s,nghe mature !e - male 5575 ,npudes ubN- IleS Q05-430-4193 AVAILABLE IN Whitby Apt buicing, from Aug ' spaciouscarpeted. newly Panled wrath balcony. Close a bra, shopping, all utilities Included. first last re- qureC no pen 1 bedroom 5625 Z bedroom. 5725 cad 430-0134 CENTRAL WHITBY. I -bedroom apartment in upper floor of nome. very dear,. tight 8 quiet. ail Jtildie5 included Fridge stove cental air. parking Non-smoker. hrstilast required, S65O+month 668-8779 •Ai11W'eIWD/ MIa1EIli'1l'S Large 2 bedroom baso- ment apartment. Avail - Sep Ist Sepexale trance. laundry. and parkng large badryard. 6700 includes uMdm cable No smokers HWY 2 /WESTNEY Quiet 2 bedroom basement 1500 sq. R.. 4 appkanres. sep- srale entrance. FP. non- smoking adUft only. no peat. s760 par mo Sep 1st 427-153° LARGE furry. 1 bdn" apt. WestrgyiHwy, 7 Beautiful Cowdry 900 , 2 wraolwtrS to para. fireplace $675. Avail now, isttastno pets 649-5134 PICKERING. New bachelor apartment avaif- able for single individual Separate entrance all n- nkasive Call Mrs Rrthards (416 +2946625 NORTH OSHAWA. 1 bedroom apt ava"ole rm- msdiaWv 1 bedroom act avanabb Sept 1 S55C monthly nciudes hxdge stove ubkte6 And par+iir; 432-7652 OLIVE/RITSON 411 up - Pe duplex ' tailor "go stove Am bath waster over soouft no pen. avail immediately $595 nclu- s,v. RderW'Ces Oshawa 404-x352 Tor (4-6,269- 9248 ONE BEDROOM -Z.80 - Ment apartment. South Ajax. Cups. to Lake Arm - able Sept 1 Retwwces $600 motth dui yeas 666- 4605 of 00,. 3-S5 ONE bedroom a041"tnw+t lerrent neer GM Cas 9tH -438-40229 Monde ir - Frd,. - 9 D -h OSHAWA 2 b.droo!h apartment. ata labie at M aid 900 Glen St Clore " schools shopping -so G M mom nqudec .sol last regains Cad T26- ates South end hi -rise tklrm 5n. t -in Lhrgi, - v, Ir L l ude. lxer. .-h Mr �ih w.oM. �.rrk�rL T rw:.s 436-b'00 CLEAN 'smile DU"" Lwra*a north ono two a Ihhre. tearoom �ncIudes How hydro hope stove LA./hfty '.curses r✓a'Lable - 32^114 OSO4AWA - JOHN CEN- TRE Street .Ar9w bacn.,cr apartfrient s.&i able August ISM 5445 'mo utkbos ncrudea Go Arect ID Ripe At 420'2--0 ..ov Streit' a call 905 404-40604 PICKERING viL..AGE �v Iwhowaw -ta,n !foot ape I a 2 oeaoom ..sun roof" r 4LOM 7!ptex ,on sr"cke arc 5600 S65C 66.E '1064 MCKERING VILLAGE ,;, .Inc 1,,J": ^� roent tip 4,i r, nh >„ cordo. puking all ��, :uses hu,i.•J 1.v etc �.cup.,n;, l,.ulthl: 1uzu„ PICKERING a,ge 1 oeo- room apt main floor .ery Wight. vefv Quiet street 3 houses up from crench- mans bay Walkout to large backyard 4 piece wash- room laundry fdcihtitis. Parking Available Sept 1 $725 hrstiasl -equ,rec Can pm.' -405-854-1098 PICKERING Liverpool and Bay1y soaaous ' bed - 'Jan basement apt Park ,nq. Aid. pose to everohng Available Jct 1st 5650 Can 831.2855 Brightly lit 2 bedroom basement apartment West Shore areaquiet street no pals 5695. all inclusive Available immediately Paull 416805-9997 PICKERING Whites'4ot clean . tight 1 bedroom basement Apt sop @n - trance. full kitchen. air. laundry. parking. utilities included. non-smoker. hrstv Last. 5600.. avail Sept 1 837-0227 PICKERING. Uverpoou Bayty. 2 -bedroom base- ment apartment. close to schools. a/c. separate en- trance. $775/month mciu- sive. nor -smoker protto d Available Sep 1 420- 9792. PICKERNM Whites Rd., 401 a/sa. large 1 bodroof basenxnl lex quiet non- sn+oku. separate entrartot. parting GA $6solmonffn inclusive. available rmme- do" (906)031-1282 PICKERING- 1 bedroom basement in quiet home sut working single $660' month rhrkabwe Available Sopt. tat Call (9D5)420- 2054 PICKERW_ bonatikr spa - acus 2 bdim bumf apt. car- peted "woughout lovely kitchen. dinlette f,wrMny room jots of storage Sa00 mon Avail Sept 1St 4206 1598 PICKERING- Irq new v -en- owted. ! bdrm bemir apt separate entrance 4r •aunor'r S700mor .,. 'st a ast Mature wor..rq gd 8 2 le Preferre3' 44 - al- ley 6,1 T A!TSONE Jaee- small u? per 2 b*1 2 app own entrance $46C- nvd: Ist last Man 'loor 2 bdrr 2 4000 5725 15111tast 434 SI i5 ONE bedroom '-,odem apt CaamMCa k•lc-.in ,3- Iand. Menotti door •aun ny no Pen "on 3111"►4+ 'set ,est s65C-cfusnnh Cap 430-255' WHI'BY- Drx;Iht attractve 2 barn basement .Partrnent 1200 tp R ser=PrMirh4d audry i,r0014" br00a :oom p,aniirhq. hone set s^q- quiet area crooe to �c schocis and downtown• Awad 'qui '+On smo.N pn.fevrod S775 inclusive •905+666 Is WHITBY- W'gi'm oacrwp .apf Ir '41C:or.an sh✓1. 4 PN• avaAabw soot ' SAX ndudss .✓tit lits 'rrdgr Stowe and owmrg Crat'al %C Den '25-'268 P'CKEM'NG 4!L.AGE- 96 -hurcr. St S kr- dor Dacteior ^ APt bulOng "„`can 4w,try i4unWry pY. ng pose 'o GO ho pen 5695 St35r' •rhth+srw. qCS .-'iw.2r1'ra WHITES GAYLY Large one �scroor+• broaClcomi�C n- cluOes cacie 3.r. -V',- tuts. avadat" r^meC 151 last sec eMranco 83? -071:1 _ear, coon Mna1TES RD.40/ tats coin basement Seoa=ar enrranc. pa,M+nq .4urlrv. $60C rclusive, Awa,aPM Seoie^'oew, 8374635 WHY '"I wine, .Ou :err own your ournn..ie for Noss than you Tv nk- ;ail ':ave Kaw1o,k Saes Rei ae.Max Summit cea", 19911 _IC 905, 668-38Lti Mouses 1 For Rent 3 BEDRCCM storey house w anacnec Garage gas heat Alit, :entra, au 3 oathiooms snot sec. on kvrlg room immeotabe oc- cupancy no app:iancas good area of Bowmanvhne moments from 401 $975 month Call (9051is233543 3 BEDROOM house 5 years did. Midtown Mall area, s750imonth plus uW ties References required 725-1525 M Oruae+o f OlOetI and tar - Daycare Daycare • Available • Available gow "w""1aC°"" a maw so" duct to SW public =9 oar Pedestal tad. and -. chars 584Q ' It doubler _.nd.stal and 6 chars INFANTS -12 YEARS OLE In car. sale. fun home 1+499 cannonball beds ""m $3" °i" 20 'd ='loicea an soledo. ro .,neer, Traditional Wood. tioltrontrMt wnk,nq 1105-Qg5-8-74 Leerned M.C.S.S. PIANOS'GRANDFA- rates Reo9rpls, flllppbit hours,CoA r DURHAM PROFESSIONAL MOIE DAYCARE -HER `.socks Durham ,rgest sM.ct"n-New and cad Piano& Not sure" 5M1207 j//i P rnl to own tip air. unight, wand �" ktv- ooarOt TREMENDOUS Daycare Articles ;AV1NGS ON %CW Telep nano Works 173140• • A�allable 1 For Sale DAYCARE 4wallabfe in 'vrlg home Hot nutltous ^worts large fenced Vend. '+sv access to 401 Wost. -tui Rd N 428 0097 EXPERIENCED daycare t. adacle In my hOmis. ^.iraoOd Ck!ments. ref "ad call 427.5103 any. PLAY AND LEARN PRIVATE SCHOOL ACeS 2.5. �entral ""lax locahon. 'a!f D;y program ;;r 5 OayS/weeK �xceflence In eary Ohlldhood education Arl. musk. phonlCS. math sc ence 668-5173 for Severriber 24'j;'�5iar EMFirewood FREE FIREWOOD, SKIDS A PALLETS HardwOod and softwood mired Free delivery avad- able n the local area. 20 smart goads available too - 120 skids and pallets 10 large loads available 300- 400 skids and pallets.June and Julys special offer, call now 905-430-2887 leave Ia'ssnge SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 Anho Ws Wfm Kar.W baby Grand Piano. lounge small desk S char Fn"- dar upright haters, W gallon electric waw ,eater Call 436-34116 BE COOL"' Ar condition- ing Serwce, to Can Wind. ow Units a Central Ar S25 3 up By licensed 1echn,- :�ar1 Jaol 432--565 Carpet Broker 100 e. Nylon thick plush, stain re- sistant carpet For 3 rooms only 5369 00 Price In - dudes 30 Sq, yds carpet. deluxe pad and n9tanallon in yah home Free quota - ton in you hone No in - teres,. no payment (or one IWI year. Daniel. 1-800- 217-0104 CARPET you Thome at dis- count prices IoO1.,� nylon stain resistant Price nckutles pad and expert Installation Call Nick at 19051 430-6551 CARPETS - lots of carpet, 1001. nylonnew stain re- lease carpets on hand. I well carpet 3 rooms 5349 Price includes carpet, premium pad. expert installation. fast delivery, tree estimates (30 yards) Norman 686-2314 COMPUTERS NEW 3 used Complete systems with printer from 5299 386's with 4 megs from 5555 Authorized Internet provider Local calls from Newcastle. Bowmanvdle. Oshawa. etc Inquire at Clannnglon Computer. 697 - Desks, chairs, "writers. office partitions. (Iced as is). Call 683.1841 P xlaDje dishwasher30 ..scan stove clapboards a _.aYNM1cc r,,AIChwi9 �amp6 rugs, knock k^Ack1 '.mo- de ntq lutCMtn 6a6-1666 SHARP stereo Tv Great picture tee tdekhrsny. Rent 10 own Dy Phone ler only S6 75,wk CAN 571- 1413 SHEDMAN - quality barn style stleos Dolt on site 8x8 $649 GST cockaded Other sizes and display available Cal 905-509- 4%- 1 SPECIAL BUY- Patio doors. only 30o akwnwnun avalabw - 5 h $275 6 1 5295. 8 ft 5330 433-i736 oh !-80,851-8420 TEAK DINING CABI- NET ;hutch a Chest 1 for sale, almost new $1100 of best offer (9051. 428-1931 V386SX computer VGA - 1441 Color Monitor a mouse. MUlblont Printer (Start. Computer Speakers acittrix) Dos 50. programs. asking $1000 o b o. Call (9051579-3741 leave mess WASHERS dryers. fridge. stove. new and recondt- boned. $225 and up for re- conditioned washer. $175 and up for reconditioned dryers 5175 and up for re- conditioned fridges and stoves Also coin operated washer and dryers Ste- phenson's Furniture and Appliances. 227 Court St.. Oshawa 576-7448 APPLIANCES. wanted working or not. Fridges. stoves. washers, dryers also active partner required to start up appliance store investment required 427- 2713 message COCKATEIL M1X" '2 VON tamMv Det est June 17 - vun,ieryeikw headr,ed ch.eMs PIUCks Dun crest Reward 5200 (416, 261- 8902 FOUND r,nr-,row nng with 3 Wass ke.s sfarriped number of k.vs Found Tudor AwmGeoige St Ajax Ar. Owner may d,,A=t 427.8463 FOUND 2 cats in m. W1rtes Rd a South 401 area. Ray and white. ap- prox 2wr a yr .short vim -ed 42? 2"''? CCM "ICE" BIKE Plckenng Village Reward Gall 683-9033 • 1 P?!S X115( KEEP :our coq waste out of to oarbag. Use A DOGGIE DOOLEY WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM urs time guarantee, ball. Avail - Able in 3 sures gam - qu n 7 days 1905,723-5413 PUREBRED MIN ICY black m1 poodle PUPPWS Homy. raised. very afbc- bonate ready ho qts no Pa - .,r... I?- -49A Automobiles 1 1 for Sale 1979 .,new Camaro new 350 . with headers Black 10 rust W a Ds Pb am -fm Cass we,, good condition First S65C takes It Mus! sell 4085-8985 1980-1986 .:ars lease to own Ewervone qualities On URIC' WC8' MAI No ,nwesf, no credit chock From 5275 down 570034 Onurno LTD 1476 Notion % 686-7428 IS" 1EVETTE Rett condition' Power steering. power Wakes low, mileage,. new tires two-tone due very well taken care of Aub Asking 51200 Will certify Call 432-7133 1984 Monte Carlo SS. while with blue interior. 27 000 km, loaded no T. roofstored during winter Call 436.7605 1985 cord Tempo. 4 dr white auto 51000 as is Call 9311 -3239 1985 OLDS Cutlass Ciera Brougham 4 oto V6, buck- ets. console fully leaded. new, exhaust. certified $2895 686-6193 $985 Z 28 Good running condition $2500 cert or best offer as Is Call 433- 9437 ask for George after 4 30pm 19M Pontiac WW LE. V6 auto, loaded. Good dean running car Huey on Ids one 528% con 2 to Choose from. Call 427- 9722 anytime Russ. Open 7 Towweew Sales,indoors Big Choy Capnc& pas - eke ger bon wagon. .Air p.b.. p.s. Needs Mile to car - b4 3 -55 o.b.o (906) H•7 Tempo L. 4 dr aulD.. air, pt. pb . amthm. Destro "Wes. Good dean riarlrrg car Was 12695.. now 12295 certified 3 more nice cars to choose from Call 427-9722 anytime Russ Open 7 days week/ Indoors Big Town Sales 19N Sent. 2 dr arab . solver grey radio. low istudenSOLO«.9,r".dt car for 54250 GST r+ckdedA 6s" 9236 1992 ACURA INTEGRA. 5 speed. loaded. ewe9ant condition. 515.000 0e0 call 50"717 1992 Geo Metro 2 dr 5 - spit cert 53900 19x6 Buck Regal 2 dr auto air can $5400 Cas 729.0917 1993 GRAND PFM LE, fully loaded. Sea Cam green. air , p/W. C%,40, left p/!, r/mt- ors, rally wheeiS. am/ I m :assett stereo. u0 - graded nterior pack- age. new oral only, 60.000 highway miles. only $12 '< Call Rob 905-831-5396. 1991 r'orroac WOO LE 4 dr oc canew 56400 or beat ..asonable offer 6 month *amanrty Pelt 721 "S5 or 434--564 87 CHEV sport 2 dr hatchback 5 speed. So" R7 VW Jona. auto 4C ,ICw clow car s37s5 97 ,or+da. CRX St. tett pore, "lot mint. low kms $4995 'Pectrurm 905-716.1020. 116-264-79-41 Honda Accord dr. auto. 191LI. S75C b O GOa(I Wrong COnd. %ew baMmuMler Call ft TAKE A DRIVE TO DARR"LS WHERE YOU GET MORE CAR FOR YOUR MONEY 1990 Ods Culla+ S.prerrr th4rlatonal white 4 door, automatic. icily loaded 09"display+ew display ' Meche- len tires t" windows 82.000N s n int. $109% 19W Chew CA.A:w bur- aundv. 4 door V6 air new res very dean s57% 989 Cadillac Sudan D.- Vrlte white wit burqu/dv nw", arty loaded. Car 490 roof gold package gold seal tires. one of a M,rd 512.995 1969 Fad Ranger P.C. �c V6 5 spa. 78 000 original k S blue with grey high rise cap very clean $5495 19814 GMC Satan Conversion van. burgundy, silver two lone fully loaded 2 5 4- fec^ "he 144 JCC% s oohs aria drives new S89W 1969 Z-24 Cahtalr, a, *note automatic fulM1 loaded, new paintnew whip letter tires 'like new 56695 1985 Z-24 Ca'✓aker Grew. 5 spa. $5495 1988 Chev Cavalier Yyagon Orhqh. red with black•nten- Or aUlomabc a., 69.000k 5 S545C 19" Buic% :entury 4 Poo, au- lDmathc. with air Wovwn with tan .nter,a 1 i 2.000k s $4395 1988 Nissan Sen- tra. 5 spa red with grey in. lienor $3395 1988 Olds Calais 4 door automatic. maroon with same Interior Quad 4 69.000 vlgin ll k s. air. new Wes. 56395 1987 Jhe, Celebrity. gold with tan interior. 4 cylinder auto. with air 119.000%s 53695 1984 Z28 Camaro bright red. 305. 5 Spd holy load- ed. T -Dar roof. CD player white letter tires. 52995 cert or 52500 as is AU CARS CERTIFIED AND RECONDITIONED BE. FORE WE SELL THEM DARRYL'S AUTO CEN- TRE. 170 BLOOR STREET EAST, OSHA - WA CALL 436.3522. WOLF'S BIRTHDAY SALE - "Oh Happy Day Lowest prices on 41 fine pre -owned centred auto- mobiles. Some examples. 92 Su nbwd SE coupe. loaded. 90 kms, now (8.888. 91 Tempest. air, 82 kms. blue and solver. only $7,195. 92 Pontiac LeMans S.E. 90 kms. pristine while. jum $6.695. . 91 Cavalier. auto. air. great car lex 15.1951. 90 Mustang, load. ed. arab. beaualul. $6.495 90 For Vet, air. 5 speed. lantasac and tact 16.995.. 92 Coo 5 aptod. 85 kme. super spoaal $4,995. 89 Olds 88 Royale. pilrfecl 129 kms. how $6.950. ae Caprins Estate Wagon. loaded. only 54.996. 90 Grand Voyageloaded perfect 105 kms. W.505. 88 Capncie LS, loaded. DeaWIW burgaidy. only 90 kms. $6.495. 88 Pty- mtouth Horizon. auto. aro oldw y owner. real 55.000 kms $3.900 a8 Grand Phil red and silver 135 kms. S6.945. 8° Grand Pnx SE absdu4sly loaded and beautiful. 56.995, a8 Ce- krbnty. are auto. 115 kms 53.495. 90 Jimmy. loaded SI0.257. 85 Cavalier type 10 92 kms runs perfect 51.995 86 Lynx 5 speed. $1.6% 85 Dodge extended converted van only $1.995 90 Alto loaded. sit- and 9r" 19.850 See you at „Radar Auto Cants 155 King St Most at Mdlown MalOshawa. For great prices and happy cisal) - ers Call 579-2886 Open �-r da" Aut obiles w�tea CARS c Pour rentor or cane r 4 East A,- ,: rN'„tiA-- 4,-.. SALES WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE = = E E to" ler scrap -:..d or aban0or+ed C. "mole ' ;a tttp prices ;xG 1416)281-3499 Ri1 4 * � ext e 1967 .n --p YJ 4X4 6 .✓' standard Sopa sort a ^era 1gpo. 160.000 km Inc rust ores since new New tires Roese trader n !" S'OOC ca! .05-3183 Arte, 6 : T 19W PLYMOUTH Yova- 9sur V6 ' passenger auto 155 KM au con certified S8'OC 905 986 1 Trailers '9&) Prowler 35 R nailer 2 tp au m, $9000 Loaded Great Buy Prune Oshawa 1917'.':4 ^64,3 1999.Hi-LO TRAILER showroom condaior sleeps 6 3 way trudge oven pks lan 3 PC bath excellent 'or :owing. 5'S -W ='9. • Marine 16 ft Maxum Bow r,der boat custom trader 50 Ho force engine low hours excellent condition S65oc 1905',725-2371 BEST Ride on the water 1995 175 Hydra Sport Walleye boat. olive well. bort well, rod locker 2 fish Bid- er. 41 tb thrust Ironing mo- tor 130 Hp Johnson Out- board Motor stereo. rod holders. Serious inquiries only 623-9107 2 bedroom. located at 309 Cordova Rd No pets Please call 579-2387 or 5766724 1 BEDROOM bamt apt central Whitby, 1575. in. ckides Babb to laundry. avadable Sept. 1. 1i2 Bedroom apt in Cishawa and Bowmamkoe Starill at S600rmontt, Mdge a stove Itckded. with laundry factli0es. Call 434-2407 2 -BEDROOM basement aperl.W,. Aug. 1St. dose b Go tan. Krldten, stow. fihdgt. washer, drYa, lant ot " room wstI ate bar No smoking. ro pets 831 - ism 2 -BEDROOM basement apartinerd. Aug. 191. Clots to GO tan KAc!isk . stove. edge. washesdryer large Wing room wh4para11/ bar No smoking. no pets 831- Aardvark' With Just S1o0 Initial deposit and a com- bned annual household Income oI about 570.000 YOU Can likely own an ow gant, detached home or a 50 a 60 h let on a 011110k34e Ctaftasc' So why not pay off you won mortgage n- soad of vour Landlords' And what about the &Md- vark'> `hat was Nast a erx to get at rw lop d the at - hod ads Caa Dory now at 905428-5505 or WS -42' Cv?55 ALAX Argtlbnght two .,-hdroom baseman AW- -iont large kitchen kwehg- 'oom' 'm.Otace la indry :-Ring private entrance -dudes Well S"M A.A,I >,apt 1st Scott. 4' 6480. y056 w ahw Spm aoi -A& A25- ALAX ' -bedroom base- -- end. appliances. rc. pr, -site stance 'Muses from ;o. me pets rar.an ovw t ass mfr w 0 sept 1 42- A,iAX bedroom base - 'whit apartment lurnwad W mfakr. person SSM w nth no-an,oit,rc no urs NI utktios WWJ I d M 4,4 AJAX eraakiff 2 $lam cow even alto ; uA kitchen and bath Separate omrw" satarad aundiv arc k arab o Oc• 5675 mach plus 4 , lists 833-5223 A,.AA- .'yestv/y and r.wv - new bachwoor 40 on bus este separate erhtahce a ovac mon smoke, vf- -kpr ,&s i45a math 666 DE' =„Ax- 90C soft ba4ei"4Mt apafoiwtt, pr as ere N orrice Da, N'^q launi7 v ow to arms bob, 3575 „4xts6 rhpudsC A.Akabe Ser! •s! 4281S3c A -AX Dsautiru boche/a apartment '»w Rem. Ca- bta. ubl -=it inceti osn- ^at are wic Private en- trance. $695 mhonth "NW non s`oee' ,905142 73-4 A„ A X used ilaserriMt apai'trnent with onvate on ince available mrime- AW,, mollerabiv non irtloker u(,1 cable hpu- -irve S60C 42' eave nrressaw 433-6676 ev time: AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE- LY- clean Wight 1 bdrn+ apt near Oshawa :,,ric xntre eat -vin I.itchen 'ridge. stove 4pce oath. fenced veru'parking suit- able for s,nghe mature !e - male 5575 ,npudes ubN- IleS Q05-430-4193 AVAILABLE IN Whitby Apt buicing, from Aug ' spaciouscarpeted. newly Panled wrath balcony. Close a bra, shopping, all utilities Included. first last re- qureC no pen 1 bedroom 5625 Z bedroom. 5725 cad 430-0134 CENTRAL WHITBY. I -bedroom apartment in upper floor of nome. very dear,. tight 8 quiet. ail Jtildie5 included Fridge stove cental air. parking Non-smoker. hrstilast required, S65O+month 668-8779 •Ai11W'eIWD/ MIa1EIli'1l'S Large 2 bedroom baso- ment apartment. Avail - Sep Ist Sepexale trance. laundry. and parkng large badryard. 6700 includes uMdm cable No smokers HWY 2 /WESTNEY Quiet 2 bedroom basement 1500 sq. R.. 4 appkanres. sep- srale entrance. FP. non- smoking adUft only. no peat. s760 par mo Sep 1st 427-153° LARGE furry. 1 bdn" apt. WestrgyiHwy, 7 Beautiful Cowdry 900 , 2 wraolwtrS to para. fireplace $675. Avail now, isttastno pets 649-5134 PICKERING. New bachelor apartment avaif- able for single individual Separate entrance all n- nkasive Call Mrs Rrthards (416 +2946625 NORTH OSHAWA. 1 bedroom apt ava"ole rm- msdiaWv 1 bedroom act avanabb Sept 1 S55C monthly nciudes hxdge stove ubkte6 And par+iir; 432-7652 OLIVE/RITSON 411 up - Pe duplex ' tailor "go stove Am bath waster over soouft no pen. avail immediately $595 nclu- s,v. RderW'Ces Oshawa 404-x352 Tor (4-6,269- 9248 ONE BEDROOM -Z.80 - Ment apartment. South Ajax. Cups. to Lake Arm - able Sept 1 Retwwces $600 motth dui yeas 666- 4605 of 00,. 3-S5 ONE bedroom a041"tnw+t lerrent neer GM Cas 9tH -438-40229 Monde ir - Frd,. - 9 D -h OSHAWA 2 b.droo!h apartment. ata labie at M aid 900 Glen St Clore " schools shopping -so G M mom nqudec .sol last regains Cad T26- ates South end hi -rise tklrm 5n. t -in Lhrgi, - v, Ir L l ude. lxer. .-h Mr �ih w.oM. �.rrk�rL T rw:.s 436-b'00 CLEAN 'smile DU"" Lwra*a north ono two a Ihhre. tearoom �ncIudes How hydro hope stove LA./hfty '.curses r✓a'Lable - 32^114 OSO4AWA - JOHN CEN- TRE Street .Ar9w bacn.,cr apartfrient s.&i able August ISM 5445 'mo utkbos ncrudea Go Arect ID Ripe At 420'2--0 ..ov Streit' a call 905 404-40604 PICKERING viL..AGE �v Iwhowaw -ta,n !foot ape I a 2 oeaoom ..sun roof" r 4LOM 7!ptex ,on sr"cke arc 5600 S65C 66.E '1064 MCKERING VILLAGE ,;, .Inc 1,,J": ^� roent tip 4,i r, nh >„ cordo. puking all ��, :uses hu,i.•J 1.v etc �.cup.,n;, l,.ulthl: 1uzu„ PICKERING a,ge 1 oeo- room apt main floor .ery Wight. vefv Quiet street 3 houses up from crench- mans bay Walkout to large backyard 4 piece wash- room laundry fdcihtitis. Parking Available Sept 1 $725 hrstiasl -equ,rec Can pm.' -405-854-1098 PICKERING Liverpool and Bay1y soaaous ' bed - 'Jan basement apt Park ,nq. Aid. pose to everohng Available Jct 1st 5650 Can 831.2855 Brightly lit 2 bedroom basement apartment West Shore areaquiet street no pals 5695. all inclusive Available immediately Paull 416805-9997 PICKERING Whites'4ot clean . tight 1 bedroom basement Apt sop @n - trance. full kitchen. air. laundry. parking. utilities included. non-smoker. hrstv Last. 5600.. avail Sept 1 837-0227 PICKERING. Uverpoou Bayty. 2 -bedroom base- ment apartment. close to schools. a/c. separate en- trance. $775/month mciu- sive. nor -smoker protto d Available Sep 1 420- 9792. PICKERNM Whites Rd., 401 a/sa. large 1 bodroof basenxnl lex quiet non- sn+oku. separate entrartot. parting GA $6solmonffn inclusive. available rmme- do" (906)031-1282 PICKERING- 1 bedroom basement in quiet home sut working single $660' month rhrkabwe Available Sopt. tat Call (9D5)420- 2054 PICKERW_ bonatikr spa - acus 2 bdim bumf apt. car- peted "woughout lovely kitchen. dinlette f,wrMny room jots of storage Sa00 mon Avail Sept 1St 4206 1598 PICKERING- Irq new v -en- owted. ! bdrm bemir apt separate entrance 4r •aunor'r S700mor .,. 'st a ast Mature wor..rq gd 8 2 le Preferre3' 44 - al- ley 6,1 T A!TSONE Jaee- small u? per 2 b*1 2 app own entrance $46C- nvd: Ist last Man 'loor 2 bdrr 2 4000 5725 15111tast 434 SI i5 ONE bedroom '-,odem apt CaamMCa k•lc-.in ,3- Iand. Menotti door •aun ny no Pen "on 3111"►4+ 'set ,est s65C-cfusnnh Cap 430-255' WHI'BY- Drx;Iht attractve 2 barn basement .Partrnent 1200 tp R ser=PrMirh4d audry i,r0014" br00a :oom p,aniirhq. hone set s^q- quiet area crooe to �c schocis and downtown• Awad 'qui '+On smo.N pn.fevrod S775 inclusive •905+666 Is WHITBY- W'gi'm oacrwp .apf Ir '41C:or.an sh✓1. 4 PN• avaAabw soot ' SAX ndudss .✓tit lits 'rrdgr Stowe and owmrg Crat'al %C Den '25-'268 P'CKEM'NG 4!L.AGE- 96 -hurcr. St S kr- dor Dacteior ^ APt bulOng "„`can 4w,try i4unWry pY. ng pose 'o GO ho pen 5695 St35r' •rhth+srw. qCS .-'iw.2r1'ra WHITES GAYLY Large one �scroor+• broaClcomi�C n- cluOes cacie 3.r. -V',- tuts. avadat" r^meC 151 last sec eMranco 83? -071:1 _ear, coon Mna1TES RD.40/ tats coin basement Seoa=ar enrranc. pa,M+nq .4urlrv. $60C rclusive, Awa,aPM Seoie^'oew, 8374635 WHY '"I wine, .Ou :err own your ournn..ie for Noss than you Tv nk- ;ail ':ave Kaw1o,k Saes Rei ae.Max Summit cea", 19911 _IC 905, 668-38Lti Mouses 1 For Rent 3 BEDRCCM storey house w anacnec Garage gas heat Alit, :entra, au 3 oathiooms snot sec. on kvrlg room immeotabe oc- cupancy no app:iancas good area of Bowmanvhne moments from 401 $975 month Call (9051is233543 3 BEDROOM house 5 years did. Midtown Mall area, s750imonth plus uW ties References required 725-1525 PAGF. 38 -A -THF NFWS ADYF,RT1SF.R, WF.D„ At1GU5T 2. 1"S ForRent ForRent I Amolt,oditiDl► I I usesanYmFw Salle To Lend • I • 1 • I rim, I Tenders Tenders Tenders 3 Bedroom 2 storey. 2 and WHITBY - over 200D sq. ft PERSON to share large IMMACULATE bungalow a halt bath Available Aug 4 -bed Ilving'famdv/dining- Pickering home, own bath- shows incredible pride of 1st Westnev Road '401 rooms 2 1/2 baths. gas room. cable. $475 831- ownership Over 1/2 acre S1195 all incka,ve 14161 heaVttreplace a/con . 7707 lot in heart of Pickering.88 439-6869 o even- window coverings. $995. 320 a b .to wgs.(416) 497.9620 lu u6kltes FirsUlaSt. 430. COfIdOr111rRefit S t Townmorkri Station a re and Centre 3 -BEDROOM south I lilts wdTown king dislance Oshawa. Lakeview park. WHITBY EXECUTIVE. 4 to 2 eilementary schools fenced yard. su ndeck. full bedroom 2 story housecul- and 2 high schools. both appkarlces, newly painted ly detached. garage. WHITBY -near Go. one Catholic and Public. Over Sept 1 S", WX IV - utdt- tenced yard. c ; a. 5 ap- bedroom plus den Fudge 3000 sq. ft of kung space. ties krstuw CoNect pkarlces. $1250 plus stove. excellent condaron. 8 rooms on man floor. ch- BORROW $10.010 pay (519)680.7323 available Aug l .call 905- Srymo, all inclusive families in kitchen, wash as 140 as $110 per rlldriMt.. 433 72,4Avaaable a �l rooms and tiring area. Oak ties.•. Free corsultatlarts. Frank 4t6.740.Ot... aper hardwood aws n Mr aff bed. Anutin Invesenls Ltd. 6 p.m. 906.856.6318 rooms, rvr,groom and k- kAortgages and Lostw brary. Brcadown in randy- since 1973 CaN ,terry morn. 9 h. ceings in bed- (905)434-2070. / �' rooms and Iwngioorml oak wFh" SPM amscctbng in kvilln room. OSTAN" A LOAN Cmere fx�ene newly parMsd. 1S NOT GUAR - 4 Months Free Pont- Maslen bediom wrM, ensu- ANTEED. SOME DorurHovrn Oshawa. 404 de and walk -lin closet. Park. COMNI PAES 366M sq h. available Park- Mae sell . over 1/2 acre N CHARGE UPFROIfT ing and groat exposure lawn. 400 h of cedar hedg- FEES. OTHERS Best rental rakes Cal 434- 6 ft hal 16 mature ma- DO NOT. IT IS n9 AFFOADABIE HOMES ' 2447 or 655-4132 pies one macre apple I TOWnhOMM CENTRAL WHITBY- newAV Ir- Lot has Paltlttibity lex WHY RE LE 8111' ' For lint renovated- 3 offices & re. severance wee 44 X 320 ft No down oaltmerlf ceDtror+- f750M10 or 2 o1- 11u Al Window ooverrnga. No problem hces $ reception. 5520W fixtures and sa4lkle dish TENDER FOR CLEANING CONTRACT FOR THE COMMON AREAS AND OFFICES OF A 6 STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING ,EALED PROPOSALS cleary marked as to contents ywiN be received by the xecutive Officer until 5:00 p.m. TUESDAY AUGUST Nh- 1985. Specifications are available from our Office. at 121 Ash Street m WHITBY. The LOWEST or any Tender not necessany accepted. bard of Directors Irigni Co -opera this Homes Incorporated 21 Ash Streetof Ontario 'INVITATION TO BID BIDS for services listed below. addressed to the: Distribution Manager Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser 130 Commercial Avmue CAPITAL Propen AN Inclusive Cal Vic Lewis tncluded Would � like to vouawa the 432-2000 porta, At 52so 000 a Aron t •' Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5 Spacious 2 and 3 bed clam last Long Cal S'itnb at � OnIMIjOlS will be received until August 14, 1995. town, hones Starting at965-3555 «965-47749477t p SMO CAC s79-2, ao Nnvtr IDEAL Contract commencing August 28. 1995. P- Prolessional 5104.900- Are you look- Work consists of counting. bundling. and 360 sq n 1nshed Otho• Grp 1« a renovated pock CHAIR Ia rent at Chez Marlene war Design. f25o delrvenng papers. flyers. catalogues and with srrg,agw exposure 3 AJAX 3 bedroom, mala- f',+^9+Iow _ooms month 661-04"9 other products. wrapped In plastic to 1bo 5950 4n rndurve or tee Rd ,n Nax new o,tchen hardwood - 111I r =rN ,mors. wawcut 10 a private GOLD UNLIMITED specific drop locations. Deliveries to be our RER MONTH -'-.ole void aro a good area mefrt o Are you bokrcp completed W11fUn 1 1;2 hours Biter AJAX - �p+u!. 2 pdr,•t GA 905-509-3Ul ••'incubi Give no acid for an allnr,arwe •olurdnl recemng products For more information. appkanCes `pod lariat ' -.plot' you miss tt Pow How abdur A Cansdan contact the Distribution Manager at the ward S62_ month pus '.eaf Sales Rep Gude Re 9 V! Ild- ava,L,pie Galt +olve to J,•�� .Wv -23 5281 company are, strong bassi- above address. Lowest or any bid not �il 905640-"43C .xefigt t 'less td,rca Great Oppof- rtPr'oStv9r+hJ aeCeDfed 8 Oanaw, Park" • r , , • Storage Same wHv p4v tent. .r you can tun,ty CW 17'051 277- Bit f62Smo 6 •• • _ aMoro S900rn"a own i�1 _._-. .'toter^ :roper duple. win%akPcketrg 5 level backsl ,,,l ORGANIZE vour own I Coming Coming n,pn •ddn -lew t S45.- me Ap- . r r • -i')00 sq Indus 'Al finish" 2-brob~ b+fr m f,oih or hn• CW• l Events rem, Eveflts prances par.'-: nick.*" . ecce 3 e4ctr,c 12 ■ 14 tier+, ap ime ht 6 75% 6.9 lenced vapid NNr . r r . �,ace Boors Idea truck awes, n 42-u lo service rpovi track r•CIXd Unique drstrtbulc+r schools Q05. 726 -0079 D„pis $76-0496 a ships Available 725- saesare04Condos /SipSi 576 a- 10cim 2 ben sof011i Call NOW room house ! ",no THREE • r..:. - _ I aye room %WW4c �n b4Ck,arC lownno,�s for Sok � M10uStrtil PROPERTY MAhage,rient be._!` accoss 1T7S- Gil w,OVd "a-^ •.: • Units ieasrrry and rental agomv 9 S. `°, 9!6698 un all a.r `.. My peEADOwVALE let- firs. franchise bpi sal. 12 uresis Cosh A odr^ house urnthouse c- 1- ore in Oshawa 1994 *I ab - 5",' '• •^ -. -. INOUSTRAIL comvnle, Cauntr v h ar,q SQOC r ullh. _ . -_111 m x on bedroom plus den t OSo sews• 001W 530.000 2200 sC" Ala Wil tra,r 125 MC I ties t,40C stove and Oran- .Nestrev rd Avadabw now s0 h Fapllol,i• viers t0 n r,quries wash•, ,nciuded Simcoe ,« sale « reM CoA 14161 t»ikrrgs. car. Wal -n :ern- T' .A".'0� x• - St N A.a:iabie Oct +st I t Rooms Z_,_ _- Iry 5 appkar,ca•. indoor WAO&I'l tw Fie t - Or n :wkNtc Early possessionublfe 1120000 Pmab .ale 9o5- 10011 Till Notices Welcome t1�-, • I k0 wco+ie Stun!s 4 ,a. aer�;s 367 PATI Personals ffni Personals CMD" 1MENwT -tan hom Durham Co" aIGcF +ING VILLAGE 92 • "� �' Good KO" Points mal 2 Will, to bus • .. Can Due b the Price Sao use of houseWooChurch Sl 2 bdrm 2 both wh4e ol"c" and lash' trvef Ca (hltsrde CLEARWA'ER h.nv lu- room pent Haase indoor .•w• . - ^ 3BG '•ee4 back rand finned ar condleofwd mo- pod , vac 1118000 Deft K Ilk t. I ntorlltyy ,malum. �, Drie nonws Ckabh«a•e A.A,l HW, Ist'9S 1906, =r•�•••••w1• :IMM ryatr'O pools hat tubs Ion----- F...a..c.al • is clow IC beaches and r.M t AAA Av*rAge quer ma!or attractions tlndos ,eu 1urn,shed room w. shown r your •,oral Lots for On iC• Cl- bl-•s ,ne 165 aree,come iess Sale _m ' w •,!.!r ncrudes ,�abie than moot all 1653 '25-341E 550.3 A„AX _nhvrnrshec room --..__- •EAUTIFUL ataiding .of 'or rent n ciean aures CLEARWATER rut, her- for Mix or cotTag• in KAN nowt :, a .arridry utit s nrsh•d air :«,Obon ea mo button Joe aCle web, 350 :Aow enc, P. SM•e tJr brit Mr -les Cwbhouse 1rt ove W&W A s•asor ac s .,t Mat" work,nq per healed gods rot rubs ten- 0005 Sprr+q ad Lake Good son )ni, !von ental•• nrs Cn»e to Deacres ane 'shiny 0`44es 10 town e.a,lable immed Sax •nap, attractions p1 oros 531 500 V'endon will had m„r:• :v -2&; shown m ,our hone mortaAge with $6 OOC Au AX ;,-oroom lent! own : hridrr .wc ane -ess OL-- -ty 05-44' 28M Lund. •:.u^ S pr -de Da? T.an mow 006.683 WA'ERFRONT :ummur, share •,!cner S uundr. 55.;:3 Incie par.,nq rx>r. srnok- n 'N a Pori Per*v sOectacu 'em,aievet rr -lose,• GORGEOUS 1 Deoroom lar 2 sue lots -t+ hat'" OY+A,hA. 3 tearoom bran _9 Pr- a ec .� G< hcw SA' 3 bathrooms !ownhouse gas 405 42'-0.990 or gatow rntr basemen! me 428-3-5a cendc c:ose to lames aptlt"W1 A, appl,ances inCkjo d S9o5 mCr7 Excellent Centra location Clearwater beach'. pool !a- osrAvia .e ^,ears 1cLaz BBG a,vate vara Jut -Of -Tonin Vr.,trr r„ rhe H,Av THANKS TO ST. "rrr,I. H„i. yprnt. JUDE and the .',,u Milk, male nw ear , . red hurt of Jesus . m-th:ng and wh•, favors received. .h.,w. nw the %,.]% t., the sacred Mart rr,nh 1n. ,du11.. N,•u }esus be adored „h. p;nr nlr flw d1- giontkkd. loved ,nr ,;Its to rorgl%r preserved .,nd target all tat i. - ughout the world :.I.� to nw Ind ..,u s. and forever Oh ,,• it, With nw pin all ed heart of Jesuas. n.t_Imr` ,K n . :.fr 1 I. for us St Jude e..lnt n, !h-tn, t. u for "- _ar of the hope- rs rn-thing and ..m- pray for us Say !Irm ,mer m,•rr Nut I prayer 9 times a 1"%,r Want to Irw by The eighth day .rp.lratlyd tnYn c,w ,, prayers will be matter N', brat rhr -versa regardless matenai dl .,re-. ni.n -ow hopeless your hr I leant to bpi e..th '.ttlon seems Pub - .'„u and my i.,% -1 ,sire Cion rri L. c• pe pin your l'•-rpetu_ill '- - J A N 'hank. t, •r a C.r16e3- n,_ y.ya1P M^ark;• ,.o,n ! 4.4'".0w NO. Dec !or 4 I Droperties ,;rontrd. A prr..m 0SHAVVA-3 Ocrm sem sins ban• s ,,acne- .ase �ntc ,.. _ .., ,new photos rn,it pr,w thi, pra.er erose to schools shoolbng uundry s Darkrig nC:wded <o< _ ._ _ �., .,�� MSITPIrs OnalS Park brge vara «,qn! spa phone 8 able hoo.-up in ,-e - cOR SALE -Mee bed- ',,r , con. cutltr d.1., :101A nteno• ova; place avadabie nnmed,ate' -' fate homes room country home ,r -iah- •„th,,kit a.k,og t„r Sept ,s! slo5dm«+ - ural ., non snit epi only 560 I I "or Sale bursa, Situated be.fult!LAIV CALL _...a, Grits. thrir l,'r.11. .-Atter thl, per weel, call anvume �n an acre with pond sur- �i third div their t. i,h fumes 8 Home numbers rolwided by maple trees wd' he• Wanted no t -900 -amt -5566 E❑ 253. PICKERING Tree Dec L,verpool/Batey- Twc 5 LEVEL s,l"O.t 5 bed- ideal retirement home $349 min. 18- Touch rmttrr h,,., dlfficuit it room townhouse close tc morns bath ensuite snare rooms 1.4 pc 1-3 pc . 1. Close to torr doctors and tone nt.it tie and prom'.' to I t • t F u� owr ,,en epi a efenc- kitchen Laundry deck gut hd•p,lal. lake accesS rue 2pc bathroor,s, air centra! puhlt.h this dialog a, es st�as: a.a.ub,e Sec: one ou•et e-oioved non- vac. double garage. elec- appkances 'e• SS79500 LOOK'NG for female bet- .,k,n .�. thrlr fa.nur •s• SOO' o, -.:s 686-23&9 sr-r,.er � - '.556 r?" '^< ^%6 weer 20-35 to share t • trrouc garage too n- ha, been granted I nn0uncemeet3 DICKERING GO- 3 bee OSHAWA fumtsned ground pool Close to all +veer, vacatrbn with Met • e wee. of Destination I i. detached pus ,n -taw sure room sundry. parking, amenities Vere clean Cottages sep entrance. cair big lot $85, week !emale Pre- Great nerghbourh,xe I For Sale hforthem Ontano:USA we THOUSAND ISLAND carpo'! rent whcee or sena- ferred Available now Call Flexible r-los,n Askin .;t, decide Please send 9 9 CRUISE- Alexandria Ba �at24.6-750-0'30 576-0926 evenings o Si69000 if;0 Goodman, 'scent photo. Phone r NY Saturday August 19 leave message 432 't16J NORTH OF BELLVILLE- 2 along wxM a note to 701PICKTAROT. Numerology. Au 1995 S8900 inclusive sem 2 12 3 Odra. R� for rent Mature per- loges Rosslarid Ra E Box 370 v sem 2 1 2 baths hn taunt modem Lakefront Co was. Clalfy0 ante Live Other destinations sched- son non smo.e, ho ALL BRICK 7rplex. ex- fully equipped. share with Wh,iby LIN W3 Psychics Look �mr you hr 4 -Pkg revery tier ��- pets yuxwcs sled Return luxury mot« - sac. S app Close to Ge 5400'month Fernale pre- cellent location WhrtbY fainly « trends A bargain OLDER women wantingkre 18. 5399 per mnule coach, paddle steamboat. ferrel a•vate washroom Close to Downtown at 574900 Call Darren t- 1-904870-2770 Ext 716 cruise lunch on board PTC& 401 N,'S 6 no pets S,c- s fads 401 and GO Vey dates lots of phone -451-0403 numbers 1.900-451.3638 cruise boa[, tour of Bolds Sept?-S1tOC^ std 905- ,,ell maintained. 3- two Castle raffle, prizes. kar. 831-8758 ext 259 S3 29• minute 18doo-- Shared bedroom oafs 2 Cozy Camper touch tone 420- 52 video Call 905 - PRIME norm Oshawa _ l I ACLorllodatlon stone the paces. plenty of I Trailer Sites 420-0252 a 905-&39-5746 ,windows. Large corner b1, bedroom home 4 pis large y 9 car driveway sep en - new tamdyroom master trances. natural gas heat- ensurte refe ences S120C 5295/mon. - Downtown RED SETTER RESORT monthly 668-'719 or 430- Oshawa high rise. all con- Ing. appliances. laundryTrent River near Havelock 5376 dit,onln cable h ro in- faWrties sep meters. New- g yd Excellent campground ly renovated carpeted Luded Non enol•' pre- _ Lanae fully serviced riles SC--" AJAX Pays Close to ,erred Available Imine- itself on Great oDPor from $785,season. Coltag- tun ty at S t 99 900 Dont lake. 0 bedroom over 1900 drately •.I .:all 571-5895 Miss out Call George a es 2.3 bedroom from $330 sq h, „cry clean. lust paint- . 5375 1-905-436-0807 or ed $130& month 416- AJAX- student seeks room- Pete at 905-666-5578 for 1-705-778-3096 515.978E male female nevismoke, 2 apps to view bdrm apt, $400 share utift- les 1.613-2248604 SELL IT NOW CALL ss3- r 070 OR FAX `G83- `�363 •i�"1 •i� SPORTS TEAMS, SCHOOLS & CHARITIES Ltxtliing fix a fund rai-sing oMvrtunitN for the fall Call john Leonard at OSHAWA THIS WEEK 579-�I407 Births I Births PATCH .._.... JOSEPH DANIELL JENKINS SALSDON Arrived on July se, 1"S, at 3.40 a.m., tipping the snits at • lis-, • ea. Proud parents and Dan and Monica (see George) and big Mother Trevor. Best wishes from graodparentslArrith and Mary Salsdon of Lindsay and Lee and Judy George of Marystowrn New- Eoundland. Thanks to the helping hand at the maternity staff at Ajax Pickering Hospital and spectral thanks to Dr. wai Ping and Dr. Nana Weber. Deaths I Deaths - yd'- :xVc eic u05 Traeiey. Sall/ announce time Dlrtf" ,ia death, of mel' son. Devon 'homas. July 29. ' 995. -e ,air always tie renwMerW ry his Mom 8 Dad. his grandparents. aunts S uncles and the tam iry orcle at '101^,e nr hJ^.'tem Irelarld. Private bural was field On Sea\1)1.ks( )\ MOM uE.l, r ( 1). LI 1). ,,t cenknen and ! t u. 11trn �, �r:.l 1. I .hrlunknn..,r !i,vlte aatp„uunten.I .1c,uLlhle DDIr1ok• H. -i,., 1111151 -i".-4.ihfv 1 11NNh 461-11215: _, Nil kim--.b u, HJ \i.n SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 News Advertiser Classified Department is open every Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to s:oo p.m, call 683-0707 to place your ad or fax it "3-7363 Don't Forget Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept. is open for your con- venience every Sat. 9:30 to 3.00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 683-0707 TENDER FOR CLEANING CONTRACT FOR THE COMMON AREAS AND OFFICES OF A 6 STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING ,EALED PROPOSALS cleary marked as to contents ywiN be received by the xecutive Officer until 5:00 p.m. TUESDAY AUGUST Nh- 1985. Specifications are available from our Office. at 121 Ash Street m WHITBY. The LOWEST or any Tender not necessany accepted. bard of Directors Irigni Co -opera this Homes Incorporated 21 Ash Streetof Ontario 'INVITATION TO BID BIDS for services listed below. addressed to the: Distribution Manager Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser 130 Commercial Avmue CAPITAL Propen AN Inclusive Cal Vic Lewis tncluded Would � like to vouawa the 432-2000 porta, At 52so 000 a Aron t •' Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5 Spacious 2 and 3 bed clam last Long Cal S'itnb at � OnIMIjOlS will be received until August 14, 1995. town, hones Starting at965-3555 «965-47749477t p SMO CAC s79-2, ao Nnvtr IDEAL Contract commencing August 28. 1995. P- Prolessional 5104.900- Are you look- Work consists of counting. bundling. and 360 sq n 1nshed Otho• Grp 1« a renovated pock CHAIR Ia rent at Chez Marlene war Design. f25o delrvenng papers. flyers. catalogues and with srrg,agw exposure 3 AJAX 3 bedroom, mala- f',+^9+Iow _ooms month 661-04"9 other products. wrapped In plastic to 1bo 5950 4n rndurve or tee Rd ,n Nax new o,tchen hardwood - 111I r =rN ,mors. wawcut 10 a private GOLD UNLIMITED specific drop locations. Deliveries to be our RER MONTH -'-.ole void aro a good area mefrt o Are you bokrcp completed W11fUn 1 1;2 hours Biter AJAX - �p+u!. 2 pdr,•t GA 905-509-3Ul ••'incubi Give no acid for an allnr,arwe •olurdnl recemng products For more information. appkanCes `pod lariat ' -.plot' you miss tt Pow How abdur A Cansdan contact the Distribution Manager at the ward S62_ month pus '.eaf Sales Rep Gude Re 9 V! Ild- ava,L,pie Galt +olve to J,•�� .Wv -23 5281 company are, strong bassi- above address. Lowest or any bid not �il 905640-"43C .xefigt t 'less td,rca Great Oppof- rtPr'oStv9r+hJ aeCeDfed 8 Oanaw, Park" • r , , • Storage Same wHv p4v tent. .r you can tun,ty CW 17'051 277- Bit f62Smo 6 •• • _ aMoro S900rn"a own i�1 _._-. .'toter^ :roper duple. win%akPcketrg 5 level backsl ,,,l ORGANIZE vour own I Coming Coming n,pn •ddn -lew t S45.- me Ap- . r r • -i')00 sq Indus 'Al finish" 2-brob~ b+fr m f,oih or hn• CW• l Events rem, Eveflts prances par.'-: nick.*" . ecce 3 e4ctr,c 12 ■ 14 tier+, ap ime ht 6 75% 6.9 lenced vapid NNr . r r . �,ace Boors Idea truck awes, n 42-u lo service rpovi track r•CIXd Unique drstrtbulc+r schools Q05. 726 -0079 D„pis $76-0496 a ships Available 725- saesare04Condos /SipSi 576 a- 10cim 2 ben sof011i Call NOW room house ! ",no THREE • r..:. - _ I aye room %WW4c �n b4Ck,arC lownno,�s for Sok � M10uStrtil PROPERTY MAhage,rient be._!` accoss 1T7S- Gil w,OVd "a-^ •.: • Units ieasrrry and rental agomv 9 S. `°, 9!6698 un all a.r `.. My peEADOwVALE let- firs. franchise bpi sal. 12 uresis Cosh A odr^ house urnthouse c- 1- ore in Oshawa 1994 *I ab - 5",' '• •^ -. -. INOUSTRAIL comvnle, Cauntr v h ar,q SQOC r ullh. _ . -_111 m x on bedroom plus den t OSo sews• 001W 530.000 2200 sC" Ala Wil tra,r 125 MC I ties t,40C stove and Oran- .Nestrev rd Avadabw now s0 h Fapllol,i• viers t0 n r,quries wash•, ,nciuded Simcoe ,« sale « reM CoA 14161 t»ikrrgs. car. Wal -n :ern- T' .A".'0� x• - St N A.a:iabie Oct +st I t Rooms Z_,_ _- Iry 5 appkar,ca•. indoor WAO&I'l tw Fie t - Or n :wkNtc Early possessionublfe 1120000 Pmab .ale 9o5- 10011 Till Notices Welcome t1�-, • I k0 wco+ie Stun!s 4 ,a. aer�;s 367 PATI Personals ffni Personals CMD" 1MENwT -tan hom Durham Co" aIGcF +ING VILLAGE 92 • "� �' Good KO" Points mal 2 Will, to bus • .. Can Due b the Price Sao use of houseWooChurch Sl 2 bdrm 2 both wh4e ol"c" and lash' trvef Ca (hltsrde CLEARWA'ER h.nv lu- room pent Haase indoor .•w• . - ^ 3BG '•ee4 back rand finned ar condleofwd mo- pod , vac 1118000 Deft K Ilk t. I ntorlltyy ,malum. �, Drie nonws Ckabh«a•e A.A,l HW, Ist'9S 1906, =r•�•••••w1• :IMM ryatr'O pools hat tubs Ion----- F...a..c.al • is clow IC beaches and r.M t AAA Av*rAge quer ma!or attractions tlndos ,eu 1urn,shed room w. shown r your •,oral Lots for On iC• Cl- bl-•s ,ne 165 aree,come iess Sale _m ' w •,!.!r ncrudes ,�abie than moot all 1653 '25-341E 550.3 A„AX _nhvrnrshec room --..__- •EAUTIFUL ataiding .of 'or rent n ciean aures CLEARWATER rut, her- for Mix or cotTag• in KAN nowt :, a .arridry utit s nrsh•d air :«,Obon ea mo button Joe aCle web, 350 :Aow enc, P. SM•e tJr brit Mr -les Cwbhouse 1rt ove W&W A s•asor ac s .,t Mat" work,nq per healed gods rot rubs ten- 0005 Sprr+q ad Lake Good son )ni, !von ental•• nrs Cn»e to Deacres ane 'shiny 0`44es 10 town e.a,lable immed Sax •nap, attractions p1 oros 531 500 V'endon will had m„r:• :v -2&; shown m ,our hone mortaAge with $6 OOC Au AX ;,-oroom lent! own : hridrr .wc ane -ess OL-- -ty 05-44' 28M Lund. •:.u^ S pr -de Da? T.an mow 006.683 WA'ERFRONT :ummur, share •,!cner S uundr. 55.;:3 Incie par.,nq rx>r. srnok- n 'N a Pori Per*v sOectacu 'em,aievet rr -lose,• GORGEOUS 1 Deoroom lar 2 sue lots -t+ hat'" OY+A,hA. 3 tearoom bran _9 Pr- a ec .� G< hcw SA' 3 bathrooms !ownhouse gas 405 42'-0.990 or gatow rntr basemen! me 428-3-5a cendc c:ose to lames aptlt"W1 A, appl,ances inCkjo d S9o5 mCr7 Excellent Centra location Clearwater beach'. pool !a- osrAvia .e ^,ears 1cLaz BBG a,vate vara Jut -Of -Tonin Vr.,trr r„ rhe H,Av THANKS TO ST. "rrr,I. H„i. yprnt. JUDE and the .',,u Milk, male nw ear , . red hurt of Jesus . m-th:ng and wh•, favors received. .h.,w. nw the %,.]% t., the sacred Mart rr,nh 1n. ,du11.. N,•u }esus be adored „h. p;nr nlr flw d1- giontkkd. loved ,nr ,;Its to rorgl%r preserved .,nd target all tat i. - ughout the world :.I.� to nw Ind ..,u s. and forever Oh ,,• it, With nw pin all ed heart of Jesuas. n.t_Imr` ,K n . :.fr 1 I. for us St Jude e..lnt n, !h-tn, t. u for "- _ar of the hope- rs rn-thing and ..m- pray for us Say !Irm ,mer m,•rr Nut I prayer 9 times a 1"%,r Want to Irw by The eighth day .rp.lratlyd tnYn c,w ,, prayers will be matter N', brat rhr -versa regardless matenai dl .,re-. ni.n -ow hopeless your hr I leant to bpi e..th '.ttlon seems Pub - .'„u and my i.,% -1 ,sire Cion rri L. c• pe pin your l'•-rpetu_ill '- - J A N 'hank. t, •r a C.r16e3- n,_ y.ya1P M^ark;• ,.o,n ! 4.4'".0w NO. Dec !or 4 I Droperties ,;rontrd. A prr..m 0SHAVVA-3 Ocrm sem sins ban• s ,,acne- .ase �ntc ,.. _ .., ,new photos rn,it pr,w thi, pra.er erose to schools shoolbng uundry s Darkrig nC:wded <o< _ ._ _ �., .,�� MSITPIrs OnalS Park brge vara «,qn! spa phone 8 able hoo.-up in ,-e - cOR SALE -Mee bed- ',,r , con. cutltr d.1., :101A nteno• ova; place avadabie nnmed,ate' -' fate homes room country home ,r -iah- •„th,,kit a.k,og t„r Sept ,s! slo5dm«+ - ural ., non snit epi only 560 I I "or Sale bursa, Situated be.fult!LAIV CALL _...a, Grits. thrir l,'r.11. .-Atter thl, per weel, call anvume �n an acre with pond sur- �i third div their t. i,h fumes 8 Home numbers rolwided by maple trees wd' he• Wanted no t -900 -amt -5566 E❑ 253. PICKERING Tree Dec L,verpool/Batey- Twc 5 LEVEL s,l"O.t 5 bed- ideal retirement home $349 min. 18- Touch rmttrr h,,., dlfficuit it room townhouse close tc morns bath ensuite snare rooms 1.4 pc 1-3 pc . 1. Close to torr doctors and tone nt.it tie and prom'.' to I t • t F u� owr ,,en epi a efenc- kitchen Laundry deck gut hd•p,lal. lake accesS rue 2pc bathroor,s, air centra! puhlt.h this dialog a, es st�as: a.a.ub,e Sec: one ou•et e-oioved non- vac. double garage. elec- appkances 'e• SS79500 LOOK'NG for female bet- .,k,n .�. thrlr fa.nur •s• SOO' o, -.:s 686-23&9 sr-r,.er � - '.556 r?" '^< ^%6 weer 20-35 to share t • trrouc garage too n- ha, been granted I nn0uncemeet3 DICKERING GO- 3 bee OSHAWA fumtsned ground pool Close to all +veer, vacatrbn with Met • e wee. of Destination I i. detached pus ,n -taw sure room sundry. parking, amenities Vere clean Cottages sep entrance. cair big lot $85, week !emale Pre- Great nerghbourh,xe I For Sale hforthem Ontano:USA we THOUSAND ISLAND carpo'! rent whcee or sena- ferred Available now Call Flexible r-los,n Askin .;t, decide Please send 9 9 CRUISE- Alexandria Ba �at24.6-750-0'30 576-0926 evenings o Si69000 if;0 Goodman, 'scent photo. Phone r NY Saturday August 19 leave message 432 't16J NORTH OF BELLVILLE- 2 along wxM a note to 701PICKTAROT. Numerology. Au 1995 S8900 inclusive sem 2 12 3 Odra. R� for rent Mature per- loges Rosslarid Ra E Box 370 v sem 2 1 2 baths hn taunt modem Lakefront Co was. Clalfy0 ante Live Other destinations sched- son non smo.e, ho ALL BRICK 7rplex. ex- fully equipped. share with Wh,iby LIN W3 Psychics Look �mr you hr 4 -Pkg revery tier ��- pets yuxwcs sled Return luxury mot« - sac. S app Close to Ge 5400'month Fernale pre- cellent location WhrtbY fainly « trends A bargain OLDER women wantingkre 18. 5399 per mnule coach, paddle steamboat. ferrel a•vate washroom Close to Downtown at 574900 Call Darren t- 1-904870-2770 Ext 716 cruise lunch on board PTC& 401 N,'S 6 no pets S,c- s fads 401 and GO Vey dates lots of phone -451-0403 numbers 1.900-451.3638 cruise boa[, tour of Bolds Sept?-S1tOC^ std 905- ,,ell maintained. 3- two Castle raffle, prizes. kar. 831-8758 ext 259 S3 29• minute 18doo-- Shared bedroom oafs 2 Cozy Camper touch tone 420- 52 video Call 905 - PRIME norm Oshawa _ l I ACLorllodatlon stone the paces. plenty of I Trailer Sites 420-0252 a 905-&39-5746 ,windows. Large corner b1, bedroom home 4 pis large y 9 car driveway sep en - new tamdyroom master trances. natural gas heat- ensurte refe ences S120C 5295/mon. - Downtown RED SETTER RESORT monthly 668-'719 or 430- Oshawa high rise. all con- Ing. appliances. laundryTrent River near Havelock 5376 dit,onln cable h ro in- faWrties sep meters. New- g yd Excellent campground ly renovated carpeted Luded Non enol•' pre- _ Lanae fully serviced riles SC--" AJAX Pays Close to ,erred Available Imine- itself on Great oDPor from $785,season. Coltag- tun ty at S t 99 900 Dont lake. 0 bedroom over 1900 drately •.I .:all 571-5895 Miss out Call George a es 2.3 bedroom from $330 sq h, „cry clean. lust paint- . 5375 1-905-436-0807 or ed $130& month 416- AJAX- student seeks room- Pete at 905-666-5578 for 1-705-778-3096 515.978E male female nevismoke, 2 apps to view bdrm apt, $400 share utift- les 1.613-2248604 SELL IT NOW CALL ss3- r 070 OR FAX `G83- `�363 •i�"1 •i� SPORTS TEAMS, SCHOOLS & CHARITIES Ltxtliing fix a fund rai-sing oMvrtunitN for the fall Call john Leonard at OSHAWA THIS WEEK 579-�I407 Births I Births PATCH .._.... JOSEPH DANIELL JENKINS SALSDON Arrived on July se, 1"S, at 3.40 a.m., tipping the snits at • lis-, • ea. Proud parents and Dan and Monica (see George) and big Mother Trevor. Best wishes from graodparentslArrith and Mary Salsdon of Lindsay and Lee and Judy George of Marystowrn New- Eoundland. Thanks to the helping hand at the maternity staff at Ajax Pickering Hospital and spectral thanks to Dr. wai Ping and Dr. Nana Weber. Deaths I Deaths - yd'- :xVc eic u05 Traeiey. Sall/ announce time Dlrtf" ,ia death, of mel' son. Devon 'homas. July 29. ' 995. -e ,air always tie renwMerW ry his Mom 8 Dad. his grandparents. aunts S uncles and the tam iry orcle at '101^,e nr hJ^.'tem Irelarld. Private bural was field On Sea\1)1.ks( )\ MOM uE.l, r ( 1). LI 1). ,,t cenknen and ! t u. 11trn �, �r:.l 1. I .hrlunknn..,r !i,vlte aatp„uunten.I .1c,uLlhle DDIr1ok• H. -i,., 1111151 -i".-4.ihfv 1 11NNh 461-11215: _, Nil kim--.b u, HJ \i.n SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 News Advertiser Classified Department is open every Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to s:oo p.m, call 683-0707 to place your ad or fax it "3-7363 Don't Forget Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept. is open for your con- venience every Sat. 9:30 to 3.00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 683-0707 AJAX 3 bedroom, mala- f',+^9+Iow _ooms month 661-04"9 other products. wrapped In plastic to 1bo 5950 4n rndurve or tee Rd ,n Nax new o,tchen hardwood - 111I r =rN ,mors. wawcut 10 a private GOLD UNLIMITED specific drop locations. Deliveries to be our RER MONTH -'-.ole void aro a good area mefrt o Are you bokrcp completed W11fUn 1 1;2 hours Biter AJAX - �p+u!. 2 pdr,•t GA 905-509-3Ul ••'incubi Give no acid for an allnr,arwe •olurdnl recemng products For more information. appkanCes `pod lariat ' -.plot' you miss tt Pow How abdur A Cansdan contact the Distribution Manager at the ward S62_ month pus '.eaf Sales Rep Gude Re 9 V! Ild- ava,L,pie Galt +olve to J,•�� .Wv -23 5281 company are, strong bassi- above address. Lowest or any bid not �il 905640-"43C .xefigt t 'less td,rca Great Oppof- rtPr'oStv9r+hJ aeCeDfed 8 Oanaw, Park" • r , , • Storage Same wHv p4v tent. .r you can tun,ty CW 17'051 277- Bit f62Smo 6 •• • _ aMoro S900rn"a own i�1 _._-. .'toter^ :roper duple. win%akPcketrg 5 level backsl ,,,l ORGANIZE vour own I Coming Coming n,pn •ddn -lew t S45.- me Ap- . r r • -i')00 sq Indus 'Al finish" 2-brob~ b+fr m f,oih or hn• CW• l Events rem, Eveflts prances par.'-: nick.*" . ecce 3 e4ctr,c 12 ■ 14 tier+, ap ime ht 6 75% 6.9 lenced vapid NNr . r r . �,ace Boors Idea truck awes, n 42-u lo service rpovi track r•CIXd Unique drstrtbulc+r schools Q05. 726 -0079 D„pis $76-0496 a ships Available 725- saesare04Condos /SipSi 576 a- 10cim 2 ben sof011i Call NOW room house ! ",no THREE • r..:. - _ I aye room %WW4c �n b4Ck,arC lownno,�s for Sok � M10uStrtil PROPERTY MAhage,rient be._!` accoss 1T7S- Gil w,OVd "a-^ •.: • Units ieasrrry and rental agomv 9 S. `°, 9!6698 un all a.r `.. My peEADOwVALE let- firs. franchise bpi sal. 12 uresis Cosh A odr^ house urnthouse c- 1- ore in Oshawa 1994 *I ab - 5",' '• •^ -. -. INOUSTRAIL comvnle, Cauntr v h ar,q SQOC r ullh. _ . -_111 m x on bedroom plus den t OSo sews• 001W 530.000 2200 sC" Ala Wil tra,r 125 MC I ties t,40C stove and Oran- .Nestrev rd Avadabw now s0 h Fapllol,i• viers t0 n r,quries wash•, ,nciuded Simcoe ,« sale « reM CoA 14161 t»ikrrgs. car. Wal -n :ern- T' .A".'0� x• - St N A.a:iabie Oct +st I t Rooms Z_,_ _- Iry 5 appkar,ca•. indoor WAO&I'l tw Fie t - Or n :wkNtc Early possessionublfe 1120000 Pmab .ale 9o5- 10011 Till Notices Welcome t1�-, • I k0 wco+ie Stun!s 4 ,a. aer�;s 367 PATI Personals ffni Personals CMD" 1MENwT -tan hom Durham Co" aIGcF +ING VILLAGE 92 • "� �' Good KO" Points mal 2 Will, to bus • .. Can Due b the Price Sao use of houseWooChurch Sl 2 bdrm 2 both wh4e ol"c" and lash' trvef Ca (hltsrde CLEARWA'ER h.nv lu- room pent Haase indoor .•w• . - ^ 3BG '•ee4 back rand finned ar condleofwd mo- pod , vac 1118000 Deft K Ilk t. I ntorlltyy ,malum. �, Drie nonws Ckabh«a•e A.A,l HW, Ist'9S 1906, =r•�•••••w1• :IMM ryatr'O pools hat tubs Ion----- F...a..c.al • is clow IC beaches and r.M t AAA Av*rAge quer ma!or attractions tlndos ,eu 1urn,shed room w. shown r your •,oral Lots for On iC• Cl- bl-•s ,ne 165 aree,come iess Sale _m ' w •,!.!r ncrudes ,�abie than moot all 1653 '25-341E 550.3 A„AX _nhvrnrshec room --..__- •EAUTIFUL ataiding .of 'or rent n ciean aures CLEARWATER rut, her- for Mix or cotTag• in KAN nowt :, a .arridry utit s nrsh•d air :«,Obon ea mo button Joe aCle web, 350 :Aow enc, P. SM•e tJr brit Mr -les Cwbhouse 1rt ove W&W A s•asor ac s .,t Mat" work,nq per healed gods rot rubs ten- 0005 Sprr+q ad Lake Good son )ni, !von ental•• nrs Cn»e to Deacres ane 'shiny 0`44es 10 town e.a,lable immed Sax •nap, attractions p1 oros 531 500 V'endon will had m„r:• :v -2&; shown m ,our hone mortaAge with $6 OOC Au AX ;,-oroom lent! own : hridrr .wc ane -ess OL-- -ty 05-44' 28M Lund. •:.u^ S pr -de Da? T.an mow 006.683 WA'ERFRONT :ummur, share •,!cner S uundr. 55.;:3 Incie par.,nq rx>r. srnok- n 'N a Pori Per*v sOectacu 'em,aievet rr -lose,• GORGEOUS 1 Deoroom lar 2 sue lots -t+ hat'" OY+A,hA. 3 tearoom bran _9 Pr- a ec .� G< hcw SA' 3 bathrooms !ownhouse gas 405 42'-0.990 or gatow rntr basemen! me 428-3-5a cendc c:ose to lames aptlt"W1 A, appl,ances inCkjo d S9o5 mCr7 Excellent Centra location Clearwater beach'. pool !a- osrAvia .e ^,ears 1cLaz BBG a,vate vara Jut -Of -Tonin Vr.,trr r„ rhe H,Av THANKS TO ST. "rrr,I. H„i. yprnt. JUDE and the .',,u Milk, male nw ear , . red hurt of Jesus . m-th:ng and wh•, favors received. .h.,w. nw the %,.]% t., the sacred Mart rr,nh 1n. ,du11.. N,•u }esus be adored „h. p;nr nlr flw d1- giontkkd. loved ,nr ,;Its to rorgl%r preserved .,nd target all tat i. - ughout the world :.I.� to nw Ind ..,u s. and forever Oh ,,• it, With nw pin all ed heart of Jesuas. n.t_Imr` ,K n . :.fr 1 I. for us St Jude e..lnt n, !h-tn, t. u for "- _ar of the hope- rs rn-thing and ..m- pray for us Say !Irm ,mer m,•rr Nut I prayer 9 times a 1"%,r Want to Irw by The eighth day .rp.lratlyd tnYn c,w ,, prayers will be matter N', brat rhr -versa regardless matenai dl .,re-. ni.n -ow hopeless your hr I leant to bpi e..th '.ttlon seems Pub - .'„u and my i.,% -1 ,sire Cion rri L. c• pe pin your l'•-rpetu_ill '- - J A N 'hank. t, •r a C.r16e3- n,_ y.ya1P M^ark;• ,.o,n ! 4.4'".0w NO. Dec !or 4 I Droperties ,;rontrd. A prr..m 0SHAVVA-3 Ocrm sem sins ban• s ,,acne- .ase �ntc ,.. _ .., ,new photos rn,it pr,w thi, pra.er erose to schools shoolbng uundry s Darkrig nC:wded <o< _ ._ _ �., .,�� MSITPIrs OnalS Park brge vara «,qn! spa phone 8 able hoo.-up in ,-e - cOR SALE -Mee bed- ',,r , con. cutltr d.1., :101A nteno• ova; place avadabie nnmed,ate' -' fate homes room country home ,r -iah- •„th,,kit a.k,og t„r Sept ,s! slo5dm«+ - ural ., non snit epi only 560 I I "or Sale bursa, Situated be.fult!LAIV CALL _...a, Grits. thrir l,'r.11. .-Atter thl, per weel, call anvume �n an acre with pond sur- �i third div their t. i,h fumes 8 Home numbers rolwided by maple trees wd' he• Wanted no t -900 -amt -5566 E❑ 253. PICKERING Tree Dec L,verpool/Batey- Twc 5 LEVEL s,l"O.t 5 bed- ideal retirement home $349 min. 18- Touch rmttrr h,,., dlfficuit it room townhouse close tc morns bath ensuite snare rooms 1.4 pc 1-3 pc . 1. Close to torr doctors and tone nt.it tie and prom'.' to I t • t F u� owr ,,en epi a efenc- kitchen Laundry deck gut hd•p,lal. lake accesS rue 2pc bathroor,s, air centra! puhlt.h this dialog a, es st�as: a.a.ub,e Sec: one ou•et e-oioved non- vac. double garage. elec- appkances 'e• SS79500 LOOK'NG for female bet- .,k,n .�. thrlr fa.nur •s• SOO' o, -.:s 686-23&9 sr-r,.er � - '.556 r?" '^< ^%6 weer 20-35 to share t • trrouc garage too n- ha, been granted I nn0uncemeet3 DICKERING GO- 3 bee OSHAWA fumtsned ground pool Close to all +veer, vacatrbn with Met • e wee. of Destination I i. detached pus ,n -taw sure room sundry. parking, amenities Vere clean Cottages sep entrance. cair big lot $85, week !emale Pre- Great nerghbourh,xe I For Sale hforthem Ontano:USA we THOUSAND ISLAND carpo'! rent whcee or sena- ferred Available now Call Flexible r-los,n Askin .;t, decide Please send 9 9 CRUISE- Alexandria Ba �at24.6-750-0'30 576-0926 evenings o Si69000 if;0 Goodman, 'scent photo. Phone r NY Saturday August 19 leave message 432 't16J NORTH OF BELLVILLE- 2 along wxM a note to 701PICKTAROT. Numerology. Au 1995 S8900 inclusive sem 2 12 3 Odra. R� for rent Mature per- loges Rosslarid Ra E Box 370 v sem 2 1 2 baths hn taunt modem Lakefront Co was. Clalfy0 ante Live Other destinations sched- son non smo.e, ho ALL BRICK 7rplex. ex- fully equipped. share with Wh,iby LIN W3 Psychics Look �mr you hr 4 -Pkg revery tier ��- pets yuxwcs sled Return luxury mot« - sac. S app Close to Ge 5400'month Fernale pre- cellent location WhrtbY fainly « trends A bargain OLDER women wantingkre 18. 5399 per mnule coach, paddle steamboat. ferrel a•vate washroom Close to Downtown at 574900 Call Darren t- 1-904870-2770 Ext 716 cruise lunch on board PTC& 401 N,'S 6 no pets S,c- s fads 401 and GO Vey dates lots of phone -451-0403 numbers 1.900-451.3638 cruise boa[, tour of Bolds Sept?-S1tOC^ std 905- ,,ell maintained. 3- two Castle raffle, prizes. kar. 831-8758 ext 259 S3 29• minute 18doo-- Shared bedroom oafs 2 Cozy Camper touch tone 420- 52 video Call 905 - PRIME norm Oshawa _ l I ACLorllodatlon stone the paces. plenty of I Trailer Sites 420-0252 a 905-&39-5746 ,windows. Large corner b1, bedroom home 4 pis large y 9 car driveway sep en - new tamdyroom master trances. natural gas heat- ensurte refe ences S120C 5295/mon. - Downtown RED SETTER RESORT monthly 668-'719 or 430- Oshawa high rise. all con- Ing. appliances. laundryTrent River near Havelock 5376 dit,onln cable h ro in- faWrties sep meters. New- g yd Excellent campground ly renovated carpeted Luded Non enol•' pre- _ Lanae fully serviced riles SC--" AJAX Pays Close to ,erred Available Imine- itself on Great oDPor from $785,season. Coltag- tun ty at S t 99 900 Dont lake. 0 bedroom over 1900 drately •.I .:all 571-5895 Miss out Call George a es 2.3 bedroom from $330 sq h, „cry clean. lust paint- . 5375 1-905-436-0807 or ed $130& month 416- AJAX- student seeks room- Pete at 905-666-5578 for 1-705-778-3096 515.978E male female nevismoke, 2 apps to view bdrm apt, $400 share utift- les 1.613-2248604 SELL IT NOW CALL ss3- r 070 OR FAX `G83- `�363 •i�"1 •i� SPORTS TEAMS, SCHOOLS & CHARITIES Ltxtliing fix a fund rai-sing oMvrtunitN for the fall Call john Leonard at OSHAWA THIS WEEK 579-�I407 Births I Births PATCH .._.... JOSEPH DANIELL JENKINS SALSDON Arrived on July se, 1"S, at 3.40 a.m., tipping the snits at • lis-, • ea. Proud parents and Dan and Monica (see George) and big Mother Trevor. Best wishes from graodparentslArrith and Mary Salsdon of Lindsay and Lee and Judy George of Marystowrn New- Eoundland. Thanks to the helping hand at the maternity staff at Ajax Pickering Hospital and spectral thanks to Dr. wai Ping and Dr. Nana Weber. Deaths I Deaths - yd'- :xVc eic u05 Traeiey. Sall/ announce time Dlrtf" ,ia death, of mel' son. Devon 'homas. July 29. ' 995. -e ,air always tie renwMerW ry his Mom 8 Dad. his grandparents. aunts S uncles and the tam iry orcle at '101^,e nr hJ^.'tem Irelarld. Private bural was field On Sea\1)1.ks( )\ MOM uE.l, r ( 1). LI 1). ,,t cenknen and ! t u. 11trn �, �r:.l 1. I .hrlunknn..,r !i,vlte aatp„uunten.I .1c,uLlhle DDIr1ok• H. -i,., 1111151 -i".-4.ihfv 1 11NNh 461-11215: _, Nil kim--.b u, HJ \i.n SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 News Advertiser Classified Department is open every Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to s:oo p.m, call 683-0707 to place your ad or fax it "3-7363 Don't Forget Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept. is open for your con- venience every Sat. 9:30 to 3.00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 683-0707 schools Q05. 726 -0079 D„pis $76-0496 a ships Available 725- saesare04Condos /SipSi 576 a- 10cim 2 ben sof011i Call NOW room house ! ",no THREE • r..:. - _ I aye room %WW4c �n b4Ck,arC lownno,�s for Sok � M10uStrtil PROPERTY MAhage,rient be._!` accoss 1T7S- Gil w,OVd "a-^ •.: • Units ieasrrry and rental agomv 9 S. `°, 9!6698 un all a.r `.. My peEADOwVALE let- firs. franchise bpi sal. 12 uresis Cosh A odr^ house urnthouse c- 1- ore in Oshawa 1994 *I ab - 5",' '• •^ -. -. INOUSTRAIL comvnle, Cauntr v h ar,q SQOC r ullh. _ . -_111 m x on bedroom plus den t OSo sews• 001W 530.000 2200 sC" Ala Wil tra,r 125 MC I ties t,40C stove and Oran- .Nestrev rd Avadabw now s0 h Fapllol,i• viers t0 n r,quries wash•, ,nciuded Simcoe ,« sale « reM CoA 14161 t»ikrrgs. car. Wal -n :ern- T' .A".'0� x• - St N A.a:iabie Oct +st I t Rooms Z_,_ _- Iry 5 appkar,ca•. indoor WAO&I'l tw Fie t - Or n :wkNtc Early possessionublfe 1120000 Pmab .ale 9o5- 10011 Till Notices Welcome t1�-, • I k0 wco+ie Stun!s 4 ,a. aer�;s 367 PATI Personals ffni Personals CMD" 1MENwT -tan hom Durham Co" aIGcF +ING VILLAGE 92 • "� �' Good KO" Points mal 2 Will, to bus • .. Can Due b the Price Sao use of houseWooChurch Sl 2 bdrm 2 both wh4e ol"c" and lash' trvef Ca (hltsrde CLEARWA'ER h.nv lu- room pent Haase indoor .•w• . - ^ 3BG '•ee4 back rand finned ar condleofwd mo- pod , vac 1118000 Deft K Ilk t. I ntorlltyy ,malum. �, Drie nonws Ckabh«a•e A.A,l HW, Ist'9S 1906, =r•�•••••w1• :IMM ryatr'O pools hat tubs Ion----- F...a..c.al • is clow IC beaches and r.M t AAA Av*rAge quer ma!or attractions tlndos ,eu 1urn,shed room w. shown r your •,oral Lots for On iC• Cl- bl-•s ,ne 165 aree,come iess Sale _m ' w •,!.!r ncrudes ,�abie than moot all 1653 '25-341E 550.3 A„AX _nhvrnrshec room --..__- •EAUTIFUL ataiding .of 'or rent n ciean aures CLEARWATER rut, her- for Mix or cotTag• in KAN nowt :, a .arridry utit s nrsh•d air :«,Obon ea mo button Joe aCle web, 350 :Aow enc, P. SM•e tJr brit Mr -les Cwbhouse 1rt ove W&W A s•asor ac s .,t Mat" work,nq per healed gods rot rubs ten- 0005 Sprr+q ad Lake Good son )ni, !von ental•• nrs Cn»e to Deacres ane 'shiny 0`44es 10 town e.a,lable immed Sax •nap, attractions p1 oros 531 500 V'endon will had m„r:• :v -2&; shown m ,our hone mortaAge with $6 OOC Au AX ;,-oroom lent! own : hridrr .wc ane -ess OL-- -ty 05-44' 28M Lund. •:.u^ S pr -de Da? T.an mow 006.683 WA'ERFRONT :ummur, share •,!cner S uundr. 55.;:3 Incie par.,nq rx>r. srnok- n 'N a Pori Per*v sOectacu 'em,aievet rr -lose,• GORGEOUS 1 Deoroom lar 2 sue lots -t+ hat'" OY+A,hA. 3 tearoom bran _9 Pr- a ec .� G< hcw SA' 3 bathrooms !ownhouse gas 405 42'-0.990 or gatow rntr basemen! me 428-3-5a cendc c:ose to lames aptlt"W1 A, appl,ances inCkjo d S9o5 mCr7 Excellent Centra location Clearwater beach'. pool !a- osrAvia .e ^,ears 1cLaz BBG a,vate vara Jut -Of -Tonin Vr.,trr r„ rhe H,Av THANKS TO ST. "rrr,I. H„i. yprnt. JUDE and the .',,u Milk, male nw ear , . red hurt of Jesus . m-th:ng and wh•, favors received. .h.,w. nw the %,.]% t., the sacred Mart rr,nh 1n. ,du11.. N,•u }esus be adored „h. p;nr nlr flw d1- giontkkd. loved ,nr ,;Its to rorgl%r preserved .,nd target all tat i. - ughout the world :.I.� to nw Ind ..,u s. and forever Oh ,,• it, With nw pin all ed heart of Jesuas. n.t_Imr` ,K n . :.fr 1 I. for us St Jude e..lnt n, !h-tn, t. u for "- _ar of the hope- rs rn-thing and ..m- pray for us Say !Irm ,mer m,•rr Nut I prayer 9 times a 1"%,r Want to Irw by The eighth day .rp.lratlyd tnYn c,w ,, prayers will be matter N', brat rhr -versa regardless matenai dl .,re-. ni.n -ow hopeless your hr I leant to bpi e..th '.ttlon seems Pub - .'„u and my i.,% -1 ,sire Cion rri L. c• pe pin your l'•-rpetu_ill '- - J A N 'hank. t, •r a C.r16e3- n,_ y.ya1P M^ark;• ,.o,n ! 4.4'".0w NO. Dec !or 4 I Droperties ,;rontrd. A prr..m 0SHAVVA-3 Ocrm sem sins ban• s ,,acne- .ase �ntc ,.. _ .., ,new photos rn,it pr,w thi, pra.er erose to schools shoolbng uundry s Darkrig nC:wded <o< _ ._ _ �., .,�� MSITPIrs OnalS Park brge vara «,qn! spa phone 8 able hoo.-up in ,-e - cOR SALE -Mee bed- ',,r , con. cutltr d.1., :101A nteno• ova; place avadabie nnmed,ate' -' fate homes room country home ,r -iah- •„th,,kit a.k,og t„r Sept ,s! slo5dm«+ - ural ., non snit epi only 560 I I "or Sale bursa, Situated be.fult!LAIV CALL _...a, Grits. thrir l,'r.11. .-Atter thl, per weel, call anvume �n an acre with pond sur- �i third div their t. i,h fumes 8 Home numbers rolwided by maple trees wd' he• Wanted no t -900 -amt -5566 E❑ 253. PICKERING Tree Dec L,verpool/Batey- Twc 5 LEVEL s,l"O.t 5 bed- ideal retirement home $349 min. 18- Touch rmttrr h,,., dlfficuit it room townhouse close tc morns bath ensuite snare rooms 1.4 pc 1-3 pc . 1. Close to torr doctors and tone nt.it tie and prom'.' to I t • t F u� owr ,,en epi a efenc- kitchen Laundry deck gut hd•p,lal. lake accesS rue 2pc bathroor,s, air centra! puhlt.h this dialog a, es st�as: a.a.ub,e Sec: one ou•et e-oioved non- vac. double garage. elec- appkances 'e• SS79500 LOOK'NG for female bet- .,k,n .�. thrlr fa.nur •s• SOO' o, -.:s 686-23&9 sr-r,.er � - '.556 r?" '^< ^%6 weer 20-35 to share t • trrouc garage too n- ha, been granted I nn0uncemeet3 DICKERING GO- 3 bee OSHAWA fumtsned ground pool Close to all +veer, vacatrbn with Met • e wee. of Destination I i. detached pus ,n -taw sure room sundry. parking, amenities Vere clean Cottages sep entrance. cair big lot $85, week !emale Pre- Great nerghbourh,xe I For Sale hforthem Ontano:USA we THOUSAND ISLAND carpo'! rent whcee or sena- ferred Available now Call Flexible r-los,n Askin .;t, decide Please send 9 9 CRUISE- Alexandria Ba �at24.6-750-0'30 576-0926 evenings o Si69000 if;0 Goodman, 'scent photo. Phone r NY Saturday August 19 leave message 432 't16J NORTH OF BELLVILLE- 2 along wxM a note to 701PICKTAROT. Numerology. Au 1995 S8900 inclusive sem 2 12 3 Odra. R� for rent Mature per- loges Rosslarid Ra E Box 370 v sem 2 1 2 baths hn taunt modem Lakefront Co was. Clalfy0 ante Live Other destinations sched- son non smo.e, ho ALL BRICK 7rplex. ex- fully equipped. share with Wh,iby LIN W3 Psychics Look �mr you hr 4 -Pkg revery tier ��- pets yuxwcs sled Return luxury mot« - sac. S app Close to Ge 5400'month Fernale pre- cellent location WhrtbY fainly « trends A bargain OLDER women wantingkre 18. 5399 per mnule coach, paddle steamboat. ferrel a•vate washroom Close to Downtown at 574900 Call Darren t- 1-904870-2770 Ext 716 cruise lunch on board PTC& 401 N,'S 6 no pets S,c- s fads 401 and GO Vey dates lots of phone -451-0403 numbers 1.900-451.3638 cruise boa[, tour of Bolds Sept?-S1tOC^ std 905- ,,ell maintained. 3- two Castle raffle, prizes. kar. 831-8758 ext 259 S3 29• minute 18doo-- Shared bedroom oafs 2 Cozy Camper touch tone 420- 52 video Call 905 - PRIME norm Oshawa _ l I ACLorllodatlon stone the paces. plenty of I Trailer Sites 420-0252 a 905-&39-5746 ,windows. Large corner b1, bedroom home 4 pis large y 9 car driveway sep en - new tamdyroom master trances. natural gas heat- ensurte refe ences S120C 5295/mon. - Downtown RED SETTER RESORT monthly 668-'719 or 430- Oshawa high rise. all con- Ing. appliances. laundryTrent River near Havelock 5376 dit,onln cable h ro in- faWrties sep meters. New- g yd Excellent campground ly renovated carpeted Luded Non enol•' pre- _ Lanae fully serviced riles SC--" AJAX Pays Close to ,erred Available Imine- itself on Great oDPor from $785,season. Coltag- tun ty at S t 99 900 Dont lake. 0 bedroom over 1900 drately •.I .:all 571-5895 Miss out Call George a es 2.3 bedroom from $330 sq h, „cry clean. lust paint- . 5375 1-905-436-0807 or ed $130& month 416- AJAX- student seeks room- Pete at 905-666-5578 for 1-705-778-3096 515.978E male female nevismoke, 2 apps to view bdrm apt, $400 share utift- les 1.613-2248604 SELL IT NOW CALL ss3- r 070 OR FAX `G83- `�363 •i�"1 •i� SPORTS TEAMS, SCHOOLS & CHARITIES Ltxtliing fix a fund rai-sing oMvrtunitN for the fall Call john Leonard at OSHAWA THIS WEEK 579-�I407 Births I Births PATCH .._.... JOSEPH DANIELL JENKINS SALSDON Arrived on July se, 1"S, at 3.40 a.m., tipping the snits at • lis-, • ea. Proud parents and Dan and Monica (see George) and big Mother Trevor. Best wishes from graodparentslArrith and Mary Salsdon of Lindsay and Lee and Judy George of Marystowrn New- Eoundland. Thanks to the helping hand at the maternity staff at Ajax Pickering Hospital and spectral thanks to Dr. wai Ping and Dr. Nana Weber. Deaths I Deaths - yd'- :xVc eic u05 Traeiey. Sall/ announce time Dlrtf" ,ia death, of mel' son. Devon 'homas. July 29. ' 995. -e ,air always tie renwMerW ry his Mom 8 Dad. his grandparents. aunts S uncles and the tam iry orcle at '101^,e nr hJ^.'tem Irelarld. Private bural was field On Sea\1)1.ks( )\ MOM uE.l, r ( 1). LI 1). ,,t cenknen and ! t u. 11trn �, �r:.l 1. I .hrlunknn..,r !i,vlte aatp„uunten.I .1c,uLlhle DDIr1ok• H. -i,., 1111151 -i".-4.ihfv 1 11NNh 461-11215: _, Nil kim--.b u, HJ \i.n SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 News Advertiser Classified Department is open every Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to s:oo p.m, call 683-0707 to place your ad or fax it "3-7363 Don't Forget Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept. is open for your con- venience every Sat. 9:30 to 3.00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 683-0707 Or n :wkNtc Early possessionublfe 1120000 Pmab .ale 9o5- 10011 Till Notices Welcome t1�-, • I k0 wco+ie Stun!s 4 ,a. aer�;s 367 PATI Personals ffni Personals CMD" 1MENwT -tan hom Durham Co" aIGcF +ING VILLAGE 92 • "� �' Good KO" Points mal 2 Will, to bus • .. Can Due b the Price Sao use of houseWooChurch Sl 2 bdrm 2 both wh4e ol"c" and lash' trvef Ca (hltsrde CLEARWA'ER h.nv lu- room pent Haase indoor .•w• . - ^ 3BG '•ee4 back rand finned ar condleofwd mo- pod , vac 1118000 Deft K Ilk t. I ntorlltyy ,malum. �, Drie nonws Ckabh«a•e A.A,l HW, Ist'9S 1906, =r•�•••••w1• :IMM ryatr'O pools hat tubs Ion----- F...a..c.al • is clow IC beaches and r.M t AAA Av*rAge quer ma!or attractions tlndos ,eu 1urn,shed room w. shown r your •,oral Lots for On iC• Cl- bl-•s ,ne 165 aree,come iess Sale _m ' w •,!.!r ncrudes ,�abie than moot all 1653 '25-341E 550.3 A„AX _nhvrnrshec room --..__- •EAUTIFUL ataiding .of 'or rent n ciean aures CLEARWATER rut, her- for Mix or cotTag• in KAN nowt :, a .arridry utit s nrsh•d air :«,Obon ea mo button Joe aCle web, 350 :Aow enc, P. SM•e tJr brit Mr -les Cwbhouse 1rt ove W&W A s•asor ac s .,t Mat" work,nq per healed gods rot rubs ten- 0005 Sprr+q ad Lake Good son )ni, !von ental•• nrs Cn»e to Deacres ane 'shiny 0`44es 10 town e.a,lable immed Sax •nap, attractions p1 oros 531 500 V'endon will had m„r:• :v -2&; shown m ,our hone mortaAge with $6 OOC Au AX ;,-oroom lent! own : hridrr .wc ane -ess OL-- -ty 05-44' 28M Lund. •:.u^ S pr -de Da? T.an mow 006.683 WA'ERFRONT :ummur, share •,!cner S uundr. 55.;:3 Incie par.,nq rx>r. srnok- n 'N a Pori Per*v sOectacu 'em,aievet rr -lose,• GORGEOUS 1 Deoroom lar 2 sue lots -t+ hat'" OY+A,hA. 3 tearoom bran _9 Pr- a ec .� G< hcw SA' 3 bathrooms !ownhouse gas 405 42'-0.990 or gatow rntr basemen! me 428-3-5a cendc c:ose to lames aptlt"W1 A, appl,ances inCkjo d S9o5 mCr7 Excellent Centra location Clearwater beach'. pool !a- osrAvia .e ^,ears 1cLaz BBG a,vate vara Jut -Of -Tonin Vr.,trr r„ rhe H,Av THANKS TO ST. "rrr,I. H„i. yprnt. JUDE and the .',,u Milk, male nw ear , . red hurt of Jesus . m-th:ng and wh•, favors received. .h.,w. nw the %,.]% t., the sacred Mart rr,nh 1n. ,du11.. N,•u }esus be adored „h. p;nr nlr flw d1- giontkkd. loved ,nr ,;Its to rorgl%r preserved .,nd target all tat i. - ughout the world :.I.� to nw Ind ..,u s. and forever Oh ,,• it, With nw pin all ed heart of Jesuas. n.t_Imr` ,K n . :.fr 1 I. for us St Jude e..lnt n, !h-tn, t. u for "- _ar of the hope- rs rn-thing and ..m- pray for us Say !Irm ,mer m,•rr Nut I prayer 9 times a 1"%,r Want to Irw by The eighth day .rp.lratlyd tnYn c,w ,, prayers will be matter N', brat rhr -versa regardless matenai dl .,re-. ni.n -ow hopeless your hr I leant to bpi e..th '.ttlon seems Pub - .'„u and my i.,% -1 ,sire Cion rri L. c• pe pin your l'•-rpetu_ill '- - J A N 'hank. t, •r a C.r16e3- n,_ y.ya1P M^ark;• ,.o,n ! 4.4'".0w NO. Dec !or 4 I Droperties ,;rontrd. A prr..m 0SHAVVA-3 Ocrm sem sins ban• s ,,acne- .ase �ntc ,.. _ .., ,new photos rn,it pr,w thi, pra.er erose to schools shoolbng uundry s Darkrig nC:wded <o< _ ._ _ �., .,�� MSITPIrs OnalS Park brge vara «,qn! spa phone 8 able hoo.-up in ,-e - cOR SALE -Mee bed- ',,r , con. cutltr d.1., :101A nteno• ova; place avadabie nnmed,ate' -' fate homes room country home ,r -iah- •„th,,kit a.k,og t„r Sept ,s! slo5dm«+ - ural ., non snit epi only 560 I I "or Sale bursa, Situated be.fult!LAIV CALL _...a, Grits. thrir l,'r.11. .-Atter thl, per weel, call anvume �n an acre with pond sur- �i third div their t. i,h fumes 8 Home numbers rolwided by maple trees wd' he• Wanted no t -900 -amt -5566 E❑ 253. PICKERING Tree Dec L,verpool/Batey- Twc 5 LEVEL s,l"O.t 5 bed- ideal retirement home $349 min. 18- Touch rmttrr h,,., dlfficuit it room townhouse close tc morns bath ensuite snare rooms 1.4 pc 1-3 pc . 1. Close to torr doctors and tone nt.it tie and prom'.' to I t • t F u� owr ,,en epi a efenc- kitchen Laundry deck gut hd•p,lal. lake accesS rue 2pc bathroor,s, air centra! puhlt.h this dialog a, es st�as: a.a.ub,e Sec: one ou•et e-oioved non- vac. double garage. elec- appkances 'e• SS79500 LOOK'NG for female bet- .,k,n .�. thrlr fa.nur •s• SOO' o, -.:s 686-23&9 sr-r,.er � - '.556 r?" '^< ^%6 weer 20-35 to share t • trrouc garage too n- ha, been granted I nn0uncemeet3 DICKERING GO- 3 bee OSHAWA fumtsned ground pool Close to all +veer, vacatrbn with Met • e wee. of Destination I i. detached pus ,n -taw sure room sundry. parking, amenities Vere clean Cottages sep entrance. cair big lot $85, week !emale Pre- Great nerghbourh,xe I For Sale hforthem Ontano:USA we THOUSAND ISLAND carpo'! rent whcee or sena- ferred Available now Call Flexible r-los,n Askin .;t, decide Please send 9 9 CRUISE- Alexandria Ba �at24.6-750-0'30 576-0926 evenings o Si69000 if;0 Goodman, 'scent photo. Phone r NY Saturday August 19 leave message 432 't16J NORTH OF BELLVILLE- 2 along wxM a note to 701PICKTAROT. Numerology. Au 1995 S8900 inclusive sem 2 12 3 Odra. R� for rent Mature per- loges Rosslarid Ra E Box 370 v sem 2 1 2 baths hn taunt modem Lakefront Co was. Clalfy0 ante Live Other destinations sched- son non smo.e, ho ALL BRICK 7rplex. ex- fully equipped. share with Wh,iby LIN W3 Psychics Look �mr you hr 4 -Pkg revery tier ��- pets yuxwcs sled Return luxury mot« - sac. S app Close to Ge 5400'month Fernale pre- cellent location WhrtbY fainly « trends A bargain OLDER women wantingkre 18. 5399 per mnule coach, paddle steamboat. ferrel a•vate washroom Close to Downtown at 574900 Call Darren t- 1-904870-2770 Ext 716 cruise lunch on board PTC& 401 N,'S 6 no pets S,c- s fads 401 and GO Vey dates lots of phone -451-0403 numbers 1.900-451.3638 cruise boa[, tour of Bolds Sept?-S1tOC^ std 905- ,,ell maintained. 3- two Castle raffle, prizes. kar. 831-8758 ext 259 S3 29• minute 18doo-- Shared bedroom oafs 2 Cozy Camper touch tone 420- 52 video Call 905 - PRIME norm Oshawa _ l I ACLorllodatlon stone the paces. plenty of I Trailer Sites 420-0252 a 905-&39-5746 ,windows. Large corner b1, bedroom home 4 pis large y 9 car driveway sep en - new tamdyroom master trances. natural gas heat- ensurte refe ences S120C 5295/mon. - Downtown RED SETTER RESORT monthly 668-'719 or 430- Oshawa high rise. all con- Ing. appliances. laundryTrent River near Havelock 5376 dit,onln cable h ro in- faWrties sep meters. New- g yd Excellent campground ly renovated carpeted Luded Non enol•' pre- _ Lanae fully serviced riles SC--" AJAX Pays Close to ,erred Available Imine- itself on Great oDPor from $785,season. Coltag- tun ty at S t 99 900 Dont lake. 0 bedroom over 1900 drately •.I .:all 571-5895 Miss out Call George a es 2.3 bedroom from $330 sq h, „cry clean. lust paint- . 5375 1-905-436-0807 or ed $130& month 416- AJAX- student seeks room- Pete at 905-666-5578 for 1-705-778-3096 515.978E male female nevismoke, 2 apps to view bdrm apt, $400 share utift- les 1.613-2248604 SELL IT NOW CALL ss3- r 070 OR FAX `G83- `�363 •i�"1 •i� SPORTS TEAMS, SCHOOLS & CHARITIES Ltxtliing fix a fund rai-sing oMvrtunitN for the fall Call john Leonard at OSHAWA THIS WEEK 579-�I407 Births I Births PATCH .._.... JOSEPH DANIELL JENKINS SALSDON Arrived on July se, 1"S, at 3.40 a.m., tipping the snits at • lis-, • ea. Proud parents and Dan and Monica (see George) and big Mother Trevor. Best wishes from graodparentslArrith and Mary Salsdon of Lindsay and Lee and Judy George of Marystowrn New- Eoundland. Thanks to the helping hand at the maternity staff at Ajax Pickering Hospital and spectral thanks to Dr. wai Ping and Dr. Nana Weber. Deaths I Deaths - yd'- :xVc eic u05 Traeiey. Sall/ announce time Dlrtf" ,ia death, of mel' son. Devon 'homas. July 29. ' 995. -e ,air always tie renwMerW ry his Mom 8 Dad. his grandparents. aunts S uncles and the tam iry orcle at '101^,e nr hJ^.'tem Irelarld. Private bural was field On Sea\1)1.ks( )\ MOM uE.l, r ( 1). LI 1). ,,t cenknen and ! t u. 11trn �, �r:.l 1. I .hrlunknn..,r !i,vlte aatp„uunten.I .1c,uLlhle DDIr1ok• H. -i,., 1111151 -i".-4.ihfv 1 11NNh 461-11215: _, Nil kim--.b u, HJ \i.n SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 News Advertiser Classified Department is open every Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to s:oo p.m, call 683-0707 to place your ad or fax it "3-7363 Don't Forget Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept. is open for your con- venience every Sat. 9:30 to 3.00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 683-0707 •,!.!r ncrudes ,�abie than moot all 1653 '25-341E 550.3 A„AX _nhvrnrshec room --..__- •EAUTIFUL ataiding .of 'or rent n ciean aures CLEARWATER rut, her- for Mix or cotTag• in KAN nowt :, a .arridry utit s nrsh•d air :«,Obon ea mo button Joe aCle web, 350 :Aow enc, P. SM•e tJr brit Mr -les Cwbhouse 1rt ove W&W A s•asor ac s .,t Mat" work,nq per healed gods rot rubs ten- 0005 Sprr+q ad Lake Good son )ni, !von ental•• nrs Cn»e to Deacres ane 'shiny 0`44es 10 town e.a,lable immed Sax •nap, attractions p1 oros 531 500 V'endon will had m„r:• :v -2&; shown m ,our hone mortaAge with $6 OOC Au AX ;,-oroom lent! own : hridrr .wc ane -ess OL-- -ty 05-44' 28M Lund. •:.u^ S pr -de Da? T.an mow 006.683 WA'ERFRONT :ummur, share •,!cner S uundr. 55.;:3 Incie par.,nq rx>r. srnok- n 'N a Pori Per*v sOectacu 'em,aievet rr -lose,• GORGEOUS 1 Deoroom lar 2 sue lots -t+ hat'" OY+A,hA. 3 tearoom bran _9 Pr- a ec .� G< hcw SA' 3 bathrooms !ownhouse gas 405 42'-0.990 or gatow rntr basemen! me 428-3-5a cendc c:ose to lames aptlt"W1 A, appl,ances inCkjo d S9o5 mCr7 Excellent Centra location Clearwater beach'. pool !a- osrAvia .e ^,ears 1cLaz BBG a,vate vara Jut -Of -Tonin Vr.,trr r„ rhe H,Av THANKS TO ST. "rrr,I. H„i. yprnt. JUDE and the .',,u Milk, male nw ear , . red hurt of Jesus . m-th:ng and wh•, favors received. .h.,w. nw the %,.]% t., the sacred Mart rr,nh 1n. ,du11.. N,•u }esus be adored „h. p;nr nlr flw d1- giontkkd. loved ,nr ,;Its to rorgl%r preserved .,nd target all tat i. - ughout the world :.I.� to nw Ind ..,u s. and forever Oh ,,• it, With nw pin all ed heart of Jesuas. n.t_Imr` ,K n . :.fr 1 I. for us St Jude e..lnt n, !h-tn, t. u for "- _ar of the hope- rs rn-thing and ..m- pray for us Say !Irm ,mer m,•rr Nut I prayer 9 times a 1"%,r Want to Irw by The eighth day .rp.lratlyd tnYn c,w ,, prayers will be matter N', brat rhr -versa regardless matenai dl .,re-. ni.n -ow hopeless your hr I leant to bpi e..th '.ttlon seems Pub - .'„u and my i.,% -1 ,sire Cion rri L. c• pe pin your l'•-rpetu_ill '- - J A N 'hank. t, •r a C.r16e3- n,_ y.ya1P M^ark;• ,.o,n ! 4.4'".0w NO. Dec !or 4 I Droperties ,;rontrd. A prr..m 0SHAVVA-3 Ocrm sem sins ban• s ,,acne- .ase �ntc ,.. _ .., ,new photos rn,it pr,w thi, pra.er erose to schools shoolbng uundry s Darkrig nC:wded <o< _ ._ _ �., .,�� MSITPIrs OnalS Park brge vara «,qn! spa phone 8 able hoo.-up in ,-e - cOR SALE -Mee bed- ',,r , con. cutltr d.1., :101A nteno• ova; place avadabie nnmed,ate' -' fate homes room country home ,r -iah- •„th,,kit a.k,og t„r Sept ,s! slo5dm«+ - ural ., non snit epi only 560 I I "or Sale bursa, Situated be.fult!LAIV CALL _...a, Grits. thrir l,'r.11. .-Atter thl, per weel, call anvume �n an acre with pond sur- �i third div their t. i,h fumes 8 Home numbers rolwided by maple trees wd' he• Wanted no t -900 -amt -5566 E❑ 253. PICKERING Tree Dec L,verpool/Batey- Twc 5 LEVEL s,l"O.t 5 bed- ideal retirement home $349 min. 18- Touch rmttrr h,,., dlfficuit it room townhouse close tc morns bath ensuite snare rooms 1.4 pc 1-3 pc . 1. Close to torr doctors and tone nt.it tie and prom'.' to I t • t F u� owr ,,en epi a efenc- kitchen Laundry deck gut hd•p,lal. lake accesS rue 2pc bathroor,s, air centra! puhlt.h this dialog a, es st�as: a.a.ub,e Sec: one ou•et e-oioved non- vac. double garage. elec- appkances 'e• SS79500 LOOK'NG for female bet- .,k,n .�. thrlr fa.nur •s• SOO' o, -.:s 686-23&9 sr-r,.er � - '.556 r?" '^< ^%6 weer 20-35 to share t • trrouc garage too n- ha, been granted I nn0uncemeet3 DICKERING GO- 3 bee OSHAWA fumtsned ground pool Close to all +veer, vacatrbn with Met • e wee. of Destination I i. detached pus ,n -taw sure room sundry. parking, amenities Vere clean Cottages sep entrance. cair big lot $85, week !emale Pre- Great nerghbourh,xe I For Sale hforthem Ontano:USA we THOUSAND ISLAND carpo'! rent whcee or sena- ferred Available now Call Flexible r-los,n Askin .;t, decide Please send 9 9 CRUISE- Alexandria Ba �at24.6-750-0'30 576-0926 evenings o Si69000 if;0 Goodman, 'scent photo. Phone r NY Saturday August 19 leave message 432 't16J NORTH OF BELLVILLE- 2 along wxM a note to 701PICKTAROT. Numerology. Au 1995 S8900 inclusive sem 2 12 3 Odra. R� for rent Mature per- loges Rosslarid Ra E Box 370 v sem 2 1 2 baths hn taunt modem Lakefront Co was. Clalfy0 ante Live Other destinations sched- son non smo.e, ho ALL BRICK 7rplex. ex- fully equipped. share with Wh,iby LIN W3 Psychics Look �mr you hr 4 -Pkg revery tier ��- pets yuxwcs sled Return luxury mot« - sac. S app Close to Ge 5400'month Fernale pre- cellent location WhrtbY fainly « trends A bargain OLDER women wantingkre 18. 5399 per mnule coach, paddle steamboat. ferrel a•vate washroom Close to Downtown at 574900 Call Darren t- 1-904870-2770 Ext 716 cruise lunch on board PTC& 401 N,'S 6 no pets S,c- s fads 401 and GO Vey dates lots of phone -451-0403 numbers 1.900-451.3638 cruise boa[, tour of Bolds Sept?-S1tOC^ std 905- ,,ell maintained. 3- two Castle raffle, prizes. kar. 831-8758 ext 259 S3 29• minute 18doo-- Shared bedroom oafs 2 Cozy Camper touch tone 420- 52 video Call 905 - PRIME norm Oshawa _ l I ACLorllodatlon stone the paces. plenty of I Trailer Sites 420-0252 a 905-&39-5746 ,windows. Large corner b1, bedroom home 4 pis large y 9 car driveway sep en - new tamdyroom master trances. natural gas heat- ensurte refe ences S120C 5295/mon. - Downtown RED SETTER RESORT monthly 668-'719 or 430- Oshawa high rise. all con- Ing. appliances. laundryTrent River near Havelock 5376 dit,onln cable h ro in- faWrties sep meters. New- g yd Excellent campground ly renovated carpeted Luded Non enol•' pre- _ Lanae fully serviced riles SC--" AJAX Pays Close to ,erred Available Imine- itself on Great oDPor from $785,season. Coltag- tun ty at S t 99 900 Dont lake. 0 bedroom over 1900 drately •.I .:all 571-5895 Miss out Call George a es 2.3 bedroom from $330 sq h, „cry clean. lust paint- . 5375 1-905-436-0807 or ed $130& month 416- AJAX- student seeks room- Pete at 905-666-5578 for 1-705-778-3096 515.978E male female nevismoke, 2 apps to view bdrm apt, $400 share utift- les 1.613-2248604 SELL IT NOW CALL ss3- r 070 OR FAX `G83- `�363 •i�"1 •i� SPORTS TEAMS, SCHOOLS & CHARITIES Ltxtliing fix a fund rai-sing oMvrtunitN for the fall Call john Leonard at OSHAWA THIS WEEK 579-�I407 Births I Births PATCH .._.... JOSEPH DANIELL JENKINS SALSDON Arrived on July se, 1"S, at 3.40 a.m., tipping the snits at • lis-, • ea. Proud parents and Dan and Monica (see George) and big Mother Trevor. Best wishes from graodparentslArrith and Mary Salsdon of Lindsay and Lee and Judy George of Marystowrn New- Eoundland. Thanks to the helping hand at the maternity staff at Ajax Pickering Hospital and spectral thanks to Dr. wai Ping and Dr. Nana Weber. Deaths I Deaths - yd'- :xVc eic u05 Traeiey. Sall/ announce time Dlrtf" ,ia death, of mel' son. Devon 'homas. July 29. ' 995. -e ,air always tie renwMerW ry his Mom 8 Dad. his grandparents. aunts S uncles and the tam iry orcle at '101^,e nr hJ^.'tem Irelarld. Private bural was field On Sea\1)1.ks( )\ MOM uE.l, r ( 1). LI 1). ,,t cenknen and ! t u. 11trn �, �r:.l 1. I .hrlunknn..,r !i,vlte aatp„uunten.I .1c,uLlhle DDIr1ok• H. -i,., 1111151 -i".-4.ihfv 1 11NNh 461-11215: _, Nil kim--.b u, HJ \i.n SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 News Advertiser Classified Department is open every Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to s:oo p.m, call 683-0707 to place your ad or fax it "3-7363 Don't Forget Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept. is open for your con- venience every Sat. 9:30 to 3.00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 683-0707 OY+A,hA. 3 tearoom bran _9 Pr- a ec .� G< hcw SA' 3 bathrooms !ownhouse gas 405 42'-0.990 or gatow rntr basemen! me 428-3-5a cendc c:ose to lames aptlt"W1 A, appl,ances inCkjo d S9o5 mCr7 Excellent Centra location Clearwater beach'. pool !a- osrAvia .e ^,ears 1cLaz BBG a,vate vara Jut -Of -Tonin Vr.,trr r„ rhe H,Av THANKS TO ST. "rrr,I. H„i. yprnt. JUDE and the .',,u Milk, male nw ear , . red hurt of Jesus . m-th:ng and wh•, favors received. .h.,w. nw the %,.]% t., the sacred Mart rr,nh 1n. ,du11.. N,•u }esus be adored „h. p;nr nlr flw d1- giontkkd. loved ,nr ,;Its to rorgl%r preserved .,nd target all tat i. - ughout the world :.I.� to nw Ind ..,u s. and forever Oh ,,• it, With nw pin all ed heart of Jesuas. n.t_Imr` ,K n . :.fr 1 I. for us St Jude e..lnt n, !h-tn, t. u for "- _ar of the hope- rs rn-thing and ..m- pray for us Say !Irm ,mer m,•rr Nut I prayer 9 times a 1"%,r Want to Irw by The eighth day .rp.lratlyd tnYn c,w ,, prayers will be matter N', brat rhr -versa regardless matenai dl .,re-. ni.n -ow hopeless your hr I leant to bpi e..th '.ttlon seems Pub - .'„u and my i.,% -1 ,sire Cion rri L. c• pe pin your l'•-rpetu_ill '- - J A N 'hank. t, •r a C.r16e3- n,_ y.ya1P M^ark;• ,.o,n ! 4.4'".0w NO. Dec !or 4 I Droperties ,;rontrd. A prr..m 0SHAVVA-3 Ocrm sem sins ban• s ,,acne- .ase �ntc ,.. _ .., ,new photos rn,it pr,w thi, pra.er erose to schools shoolbng uundry s Darkrig nC:wded <o< _ ._ _ �., .,�� MSITPIrs OnalS Park brge vara «,qn! spa phone 8 able hoo.-up in ,-e - cOR SALE -Mee bed- ',,r , con. cutltr d.1., :101A nteno• ova; place avadabie nnmed,ate' -' fate homes room country home ,r -iah- •„th,,kit a.k,og t„r Sept ,s! slo5dm«+ - ural ., non snit epi only 560 I I "or Sale bursa, Situated be.fult!LAIV CALL _...a, Grits. thrir l,'r.11. .-Atter thl, per weel, call anvume �n an acre with pond sur- �i third div their t. i,h fumes 8 Home numbers rolwided by maple trees wd' he• Wanted no t -900 -amt -5566 E❑ 253. PICKERING Tree Dec L,verpool/Batey- Twc 5 LEVEL s,l"O.t 5 bed- ideal retirement home $349 min. 18- Touch rmttrr h,,., dlfficuit it room townhouse close tc morns bath ensuite snare rooms 1.4 pc 1-3 pc . 1. Close to torr doctors and tone nt.it tie and prom'.' to I t • t F u� owr ,,en epi a efenc- kitchen Laundry deck gut hd•p,lal. lake accesS rue 2pc bathroor,s, air centra! puhlt.h this dialog a, es st�as: a.a.ub,e Sec: one ou•et e-oioved non- vac. double garage. elec- appkances 'e• SS79500 LOOK'NG for female bet- .,k,n .�. thrlr fa.nur •s• SOO' o, -.:s 686-23&9 sr-r,.er � - '.556 r?" '^< ^%6 weer 20-35 to share t • trrouc garage too n- ha, been granted I nn0uncemeet3 DICKERING GO- 3 bee OSHAWA fumtsned ground pool Close to all +veer, vacatrbn with Met • e wee. of Destination I i. detached pus ,n -taw sure room sundry. parking, amenities Vere clean Cottages sep entrance. cair big lot $85, week !emale Pre- Great nerghbourh,xe I For Sale hforthem Ontano:USA we THOUSAND ISLAND carpo'! rent whcee or sena- ferred Available now Call Flexible r-los,n Askin .;t, decide Please send 9 9 CRUISE- Alexandria Ba �at24.6-750-0'30 576-0926 evenings o Si69000 if;0 Goodman, 'scent photo. Phone r NY Saturday August 19 leave message 432 't16J NORTH OF BELLVILLE- 2 along wxM a note to 701PICKTAROT. Numerology. Au 1995 S8900 inclusive sem 2 12 3 Odra. R� for rent Mature per- loges Rosslarid Ra E Box 370 v sem 2 1 2 baths hn taunt modem Lakefront Co was. Clalfy0 ante Live Other destinations sched- son non smo.e, ho ALL BRICK 7rplex. ex- fully equipped. share with Wh,iby LIN W3 Psychics Look �mr you hr 4 -Pkg revery tier ��- pets yuxwcs sled Return luxury mot« - sac. S app Close to Ge 5400'month Fernale pre- cellent location WhrtbY fainly « trends A bargain OLDER women wantingkre 18. 5399 per mnule coach, paddle steamboat. ferrel a•vate washroom Close to Downtown at 574900 Call Darren t- 1-904870-2770 Ext 716 cruise lunch on board PTC& 401 N,'S 6 no pets S,c- s fads 401 and GO Vey dates lots of phone -451-0403 numbers 1.900-451.3638 cruise boa[, tour of Bolds Sept?-S1tOC^ std 905- ,,ell maintained. 3- two Castle raffle, prizes. kar. 831-8758 ext 259 S3 29• minute 18doo-- Shared bedroom oafs 2 Cozy Camper touch tone 420- 52 video Call 905 - PRIME norm Oshawa _ l I ACLorllodatlon stone the paces. plenty of I Trailer Sites 420-0252 a 905-&39-5746 ,windows. Large corner b1, bedroom home 4 pis large y 9 car driveway sep en - new tamdyroom master trances. natural gas heat- ensurte refe ences S120C 5295/mon. - Downtown RED SETTER RESORT monthly 668-'719 or 430- Oshawa high rise. all con- Ing. appliances. laundryTrent River near Havelock 5376 dit,onln cable h ro in- faWrties sep meters. New- g yd Excellent campground ly renovated carpeted Luded Non enol•' pre- _ Lanae fully serviced riles SC--" AJAX Pays Close to ,erred Available Imine- itself on Great oDPor from $785,season. Coltag- tun ty at S t 99 900 Dont lake. 0 bedroom over 1900 drately •.I .:all 571-5895 Miss out Call George a es 2.3 bedroom from $330 sq h, „cry clean. lust paint- . 5375 1-905-436-0807 or ed $130& month 416- AJAX- student seeks room- Pete at 905-666-5578 for 1-705-778-3096 515.978E male female nevismoke, 2 apps to view bdrm apt, $400 share utift- les 1.613-2248604 SELL IT NOW CALL ss3- r 070 OR FAX `G83- `�363 •i�"1 •i� SPORTS TEAMS, SCHOOLS & CHARITIES Ltxtliing fix a fund rai-sing oMvrtunitN for the fall Call john Leonard at OSHAWA THIS WEEK 579-�I407 Births I Births PATCH .._.... JOSEPH DANIELL JENKINS SALSDON Arrived on July se, 1"S, at 3.40 a.m., tipping the snits at • lis-, • ea. Proud parents and Dan and Monica (see George) and big Mother Trevor. Best wishes from graodparentslArrith and Mary Salsdon of Lindsay and Lee and Judy George of Marystowrn New- Eoundland. Thanks to the helping hand at the maternity staff at Ajax Pickering Hospital and spectral thanks to Dr. wai Ping and Dr. Nana Weber. Deaths I Deaths - yd'- :xVc eic u05 Traeiey. Sall/ announce time Dlrtf" ,ia death, of mel' son. Devon 'homas. July 29. ' 995. -e ,air always tie renwMerW ry his Mom 8 Dad. his grandparents. aunts S uncles and the tam iry orcle at '101^,e nr hJ^.'tem Irelarld. Private bural was field On Sea\1)1.ks( )\ MOM uE.l, r ( 1). LI 1). ,,t cenknen and ! t u. 11trn �, �r:.l 1. I .hrlunknn..,r !i,vlte aatp„uunten.I .1c,uLlhle DDIr1ok• H. -i,., 1111151 -i".-4.ihfv 1 11NNh 461-11215: _, Nil kim--.b u, HJ \i.n SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 News Advertiser Classified Department is open every Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to s:oo p.m, call 683-0707 to place your ad or fax it "3-7363 Don't Forget Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept. is open for your con- venience every Sat. 9:30 to 3.00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 683-0707 pin your l'•-rpetu_ill '- - J A N 'hank. t, •r a C.r16e3- n,_ y.ya1P M^ark;• ,.o,n ! 4.4'".0w NO. Dec !or 4 I Droperties ,;rontrd. A prr..m 0SHAVVA-3 Ocrm sem sins ban• s ,,acne- .ase �ntc ,.. _ .., ,new photos rn,it pr,w thi, pra.er erose to schools shoolbng uundry s Darkrig nC:wded <o< _ ._ _ �., .,�� MSITPIrs OnalS Park brge vara «,qn! spa phone 8 able hoo.-up in ,-e - cOR SALE -Mee bed- ',,r , con. cutltr d.1., :101A nteno• ova; place avadabie nnmed,ate' -' fate homes room country home ,r -iah- •„th,,kit a.k,og t„r Sept ,s! slo5dm«+ - ural ., non snit epi only 560 I I "or Sale bursa, Situated be.fult!LAIV CALL _...a, Grits. thrir l,'r.11. .-Atter thl, per weel, call anvume �n an acre with pond sur- �i third div their t. i,h fumes 8 Home numbers rolwided by maple trees wd' he• Wanted no t -900 -amt -5566 E❑ 253. PICKERING Tree Dec L,verpool/Batey- Twc 5 LEVEL s,l"O.t 5 bed- ideal retirement home $349 min. 18- Touch rmttrr h,,., dlfficuit it room townhouse close tc morns bath ensuite snare rooms 1.4 pc 1-3 pc . 1. Close to torr doctors and tone nt.it tie and prom'.' to I t • t F u� owr ,,en epi a efenc- kitchen Laundry deck gut hd•p,lal. lake accesS rue 2pc bathroor,s, air centra! puhlt.h this dialog a, es st�as: a.a.ub,e Sec: one ou•et e-oioved non- vac. double garage. elec- appkances 'e• SS79500 LOOK'NG for female bet- .,k,n .�. thrlr fa.nur •s• SOO' o, -.:s 686-23&9 sr-r,.er � - '.556 r?" '^< ^%6 weer 20-35 to share t • trrouc garage too n- ha, been granted I nn0uncemeet3 DICKERING GO- 3 bee OSHAWA fumtsned ground pool Close to all +veer, vacatrbn with Met • e wee. of Destination I i. detached pus ,n -taw sure room sundry. parking, amenities Vere clean Cottages sep entrance. cair big lot $85, week !emale Pre- Great nerghbourh,xe I For Sale hforthem Ontano:USA we THOUSAND ISLAND carpo'! rent whcee or sena- ferred Available now Call Flexible r-los,n Askin .;t, decide Please send 9 9 CRUISE- Alexandria Ba �at24.6-750-0'30 576-0926 evenings o Si69000 if;0 Goodman, 'scent photo. Phone r NY Saturday August 19 leave message 432 't16J NORTH OF BELLVILLE- 2 along wxM a note to 701PICKTAROT. Numerology. Au 1995 S8900 inclusive sem 2 12 3 Odra. R� for rent Mature per- loges Rosslarid Ra E Box 370 v sem 2 1 2 baths hn taunt modem Lakefront Co was. Clalfy0 ante Live Other destinations sched- son non smo.e, ho ALL BRICK 7rplex. ex- fully equipped. share with Wh,iby LIN W3 Psychics Look �mr you hr 4 -Pkg revery tier ��- pets yuxwcs sled Return luxury mot« - sac. S app Close to Ge 5400'month Fernale pre- cellent location WhrtbY fainly « trends A bargain OLDER women wantingkre 18. 5399 per mnule coach, paddle steamboat. ferrel a•vate washroom Close to Downtown at 574900 Call Darren t- 1-904870-2770 Ext 716 cruise lunch on board PTC& 401 N,'S 6 no pets S,c- s fads 401 and GO Vey dates lots of phone -451-0403 numbers 1.900-451.3638 cruise boa[, tour of Bolds Sept?-S1tOC^ std 905- ,,ell maintained. 3- two Castle raffle, prizes. kar. 831-8758 ext 259 S3 29• minute 18doo-- Shared bedroom oafs 2 Cozy Camper touch tone 420- 52 video Call 905 - PRIME norm Oshawa _ l I ACLorllodatlon stone the paces. plenty of I Trailer Sites 420-0252 a 905-&39-5746 ,windows. Large corner b1, bedroom home 4 pis large y 9 car driveway sep en - new tamdyroom master trances. natural gas heat- ensurte refe ences S120C 5295/mon. - Downtown RED SETTER RESORT monthly 668-'719 or 430- Oshawa high rise. all con- Ing. appliances. laundryTrent River near Havelock 5376 dit,onln cable h ro in- faWrties sep meters. New- g yd Excellent campground ly renovated carpeted Luded Non enol•' pre- _ Lanae fully serviced riles SC--" AJAX Pays Close to ,erred Available Imine- itself on Great oDPor from $785,season. Coltag- tun ty at S t 99 900 Dont lake. 0 bedroom over 1900 drately •.I .:all 571-5895 Miss out Call George a es 2.3 bedroom from $330 sq h, „cry clean. lust paint- . 5375 1-905-436-0807 or ed $130& month 416- AJAX- student seeks room- Pete at 905-666-5578 for 1-705-778-3096 515.978E male female nevismoke, 2 apps to view bdrm apt, $400 share utift- les 1.613-2248604 SELL IT NOW CALL ss3- r 070 OR FAX `G83- `�363 •i�"1 •i� SPORTS TEAMS, SCHOOLS & CHARITIES Ltxtliing fix a fund rai-sing oMvrtunitN for the fall Call john Leonard at OSHAWA THIS WEEK 579-�I407 Births I Births PATCH .._.... JOSEPH DANIELL JENKINS SALSDON Arrived on July se, 1"S, at 3.40 a.m., tipping the snits at • lis-, • ea. Proud parents and Dan and Monica (see George) and big Mother Trevor. Best wishes from graodparentslArrith and Mary Salsdon of Lindsay and Lee and Judy George of Marystowrn New- Eoundland. Thanks to the helping hand at the maternity staff at Ajax Pickering Hospital and spectral thanks to Dr. wai Ping and Dr. Nana Weber. Deaths I Deaths - yd'- :xVc eic u05 Traeiey. Sall/ announce time Dlrtf" ,ia death, of mel' son. Devon 'homas. July 29. ' 995. -e ,air always tie renwMerW ry his Mom 8 Dad. his grandparents. aunts S uncles and the tam iry orcle at '101^,e nr hJ^.'tem Irelarld. Private bural was field On Sea\1)1.ks( )\ MOM uE.l, r ( 1). LI 1). ,,t cenknen and ! t u. 11trn �, �r:.l 1. I .hrlunknn..,r !i,vlte aatp„uunten.I .1c,uLlhle DDIr1ok• H. -i,., 1111151 -i".-4.ihfv 1 11NNh 461-11215: _, Nil kim--.b u, HJ \i.n SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 News Advertiser Classified Department is open every Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to s:oo p.m, call 683-0707 to place your ad or fax it "3-7363 Don't Forget Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept. is open for your con- venience every Sat. 9:30 to 3.00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 683-0707 u� owr ,,en epi a efenc- kitchen Laundry deck gut hd•p,lal. lake accesS rue 2pc bathroor,s, air centra! puhlt.h this dialog a, es st�as: a.a.ub,e Sec: one ou•et e-oioved non- vac. double garage. elec- appkances 'e• SS79500 LOOK'NG for female bet- .,k,n .�. thrlr fa.nur •s• SOO' o, -.:s 686-23&9 sr-r,.er � - '.556 r?" '^< ^%6 weer 20-35 to share t • trrouc garage too n- ha, been granted I nn0uncemeet3 DICKERING GO- 3 bee OSHAWA fumtsned ground pool Close to all +veer, vacatrbn with Met • e wee. of Destination I i. detached pus ,n -taw sure room sundry. parking, amenities Vere clean Cottages sep entrance. cair big lot $85, week !emale Pre- Great nerghbourh,xe I For Sale hforthem Ontano:USA we THOUSAND ISLAND carpo'! rent whcee or sena- ferred Available now Call Flexible r-los,n Askin .;t, decide Please send 9 9 CRUISE- Alexandria Ba �at24.6-750-0'30 576-0926 evenings o Si69000 if;0 Goodman, 'scent photo. Phone r NY Saturday August 19 leave message 432 't16J NORTH OF BELLVILLE- 2 along wxM a note to 701PICKTAROT. Numerology. Au 1995 S8900 inclusive sem 2 12 3 Odra. R� for rent Mature per- loges Rosslarid Ra E Box 370 v sem 2 1 2 baths hn taunt modem Lakefront Co was. Clalfy0 ante Live Other destinations sched- son non smo.e, ho ALL BRICK 7rplex. ex- fully equipped. share with Wh,iby LIN W3 Psychics Look �mr you hr 4 -Pkg revery tier ��- pets yuxwcs sled Return luxury mot« - sac. S app Close to Ge 5400'month Fernale pre- cellent location WhrtbY fainly « trends A bargain OLDER women wantingkre 18. 5399 per mnule coach, paddle steamboat. ferrel a•vate washroom Close to Downtown at 574900 Call Darren t- 1-904870-2770 Ext 716 cruise lunch on board PTC& 401 N,'S 6 no pets S,c- s fads 401 and GO Vey dates lots of phone -451-0403 numbers 1.900-451.3638 cruise boa[, tour of Bolds Sept?-S1tOC^ std 905- ,,ell maintained. 3- two Castle raffle, prizes. kar. 831-8758 ext 259 S3 29• minute 18doo-- Shared bedroom oafs 2 Cozy Camper touch tone 420- 52 video Call 905 - PRIME norm Oshawa _ l I ACLorllodatlon stone the paces. plenty of I Trailer Sites 420-0252 a 905-&39-5746 ,windows. Large corner b1, bedroom home 4 pis large y 9 car driveway sep en - new tamdyroom master trances. natural gas heat- ensurte refe ences S120C 5295/mon. - Downtown RED SETTER RESORT monthly 668-'719 or 430- Oshawa high rise. all con- Ing. appliances. laundryTrent River near Havelock 5376 dit,onln cable h ro in- faWrties sep meters. New- g yd Excellent campground ly renovated carpeted Luded Non enol•' pre- _ Lanae fully serviced riles SC--" AJAX Pays Close to ,erred Available Imine- itself on Great oDPor from $785,season. Coltag- tun ty at S t 99 900 Dont lake. 0 bedroom over 1900 drately •.I .:all 571-5895 Miss out Call George a es 2.3 bedroom from $330 sq h, „cry clean. lust paint- . 5375 1-905-436-0807 or ed $130& month 416- AJAX- student seeks room- Pete at 905-666-5578 for 1-705-778-3096 515.978E male female nevismoke, 2 apps to view bdrm apt, $400 share utift- les 1.613-2248604 SELL IT NOW CALL ss3- r 070 OR FAX `G83- `�363 •i�"1 •i� SPORTS TEAMS, SCHOOLS & CHARITIES Ltxtliing fix a fund rai-sing oMvrtunitN for the fall Call john Leonard at OSHAWA THIS WEEK 579-�I407 Births I Births PATCH .._.... JOSEPH DANIELL JENKINS SALSDON Arrived on July se, 1"S, at 3.40 a.m., tipping the snits at • lis-, • ea. Proud parents and Dan and Monica (see George) and big Mother Trevor. Best wishes from graodparentslArrith and Mary Salsdon of Lindsay and Lee and Judy George of Marystowrn New- Eoundland. Thanks to the helping hand at the maternity staff at Ajax Pickering Hospital and spectral thanks to Dr. wai Ping and Dr. Nana Weber. Deaths I Deaths - yd'- :xVc eic u05 Traeiey. Sall/ announce time Dlrtf" ,ia death, of mel' son. Devon 'homas. July 29. ' 995. -e ,air always tie renwMerW ry his Mom 8 Dad. his grandparents. aunts S uncles and the tam iry orcle at '101^,e nr hJ^.'tem Irelarld. Private bural was field On Sea\1)1.ks( )\ MOM uE.l, r ( 1). LI 1). ,,t cenknen and ! t u. 11trn �, �r:.l 1. I .hrlunknn..,r !i,vlte aatp„uunten.I .1c,uLlhle DDIr1ok• H. -i,., 1111151 -i".-4.ihfv 1 11NNh 461-11215: _, Nil kim--.b u, HJ \i.n SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 News Advertiser Classified Department is open every Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to s:oo p.m, call 683-0707 to place your ad or fax it "3-7363 Don't Forget Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept. is open for your con- venience every Sat. 9:30 to 3.00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 683-0707 SELL IT NOW CALL ss3- r 070 OR FAX `G83- `�363 •i�"1 •i� SPORTS TEAMS, SCHOOLS & CHARITIES Ltxtliing fix a fund rai-sing oMvrtunitN for the fall Call john Leonard at OSHAWA THIS WEEK 579-�I407 Births I Births PATCH .._.... JOSEPH DANIELL JENKINS SALSDON Arrived on July se, 1"S, at 3.40 a.m., tipping the snits at • lis-, • ea. Proud parents and Dan and Monica (see George) and big Mother Trevor. Best wishes from graodparentslArrith and Mary Salsdon of Lindsay and Lee and Judy George of Marystowrn New- Eoundland. Thanks to the helping hand at the maternity staff at Ajax Pickering Hospital and spectral thanks to Dr. wai Ping and Dr. Nana Weber. Deaths I Deaths - yd'- :xVc eic u05 Traeiey. Sall/ announce time Dlrtf" ,ia death, of mel' son. Devon 'homas. July 29. ' 995. -e ,air always tie renwMerW ry his Mom 8 Dad. his grandparents. aunts S uncles and the tam iry orcle at '101^,e nr hJ^.'tem Irelarld. Private bural was field On Sea\1)1.ks( )\ MOM uE.l, r ( 1). LI 1). ,,t cenknen and ! t u. 11trn �, �r:.l 1. I .hrlunknn..,r !i,vlte aatp„uunten.I .1c,uLlhle DDIr1ok• H. -i,., 1111151 -i".-4.ihfv 1 11NNh 461-11215: _, Nil kim--.b u, HJ \i.n SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 News Advertiser Classified Department is open every Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to s:oo p.m, call 683-0707 to place your ad or fax it "3-7363 Don't Forget Ajax Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept. is open for your con- venience every Sat. 9:30 to 3.00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 683-0707 I'liF NEWS ADVERTISER, WFD_ AtICUST 2, I"5--PA(;E: Jr)- 1 2 DAY AUCTION ALICTMIN SAti Area eneft- ANTiOUE Geist am Freak THURS. AUG. 3RD tits�latew FURNITUREi MON. AUG- 7TH A� ire. ("S) 70641:31" AT 5.30 P.M. OWUN44 "Oar 5-4 - year 8 Icedining room su- 870 TAUNTON RO. Augaat 4d4 and some it" 4 centre tables, E. WHITBY Pei/ay, 4wee V m location. wooden kitchen table, Approx. $20.000Each AUCTION SALE, targe buttet, 3 bedroom uality Selling the attractive SAT. AUG. 5/915, Day, Tradesman q suites, magazine table. bus & blades. Makita, B tumis" from a Whit- 6:30 P.M. PETHICK hand carved rocking y D Vermont American. by home and the cont- AUCTION BARN, chair, blanket box, ce- Porter Cable. Stanley ants of a Hope Twp. 24M CONC. RD. so dar chest. sewing table. .asaw Sawzal, aroulaf hone: 5 pc. maple di- 90WMANVXU washstand. crystal 8 chop blades, router nette. 5 pc. while di- (HAYDON) chandelier, upright baby drills countersinks. Shi- 2 I Each w� we have a rand piano.e. earn lit 3provinci paugers. screwdriver chesterfield. large variety of antique val depression. tee ensemble, Quean bits. kitchen tents. air and modern furniture. satin, glass. silver and -an,esses. 1984 Che- bed, white provmclal collectable glass and chira vy Bus. plus many other dresser and vanity china, lawn and garden MODERN wholes Limited Edition desk, antique rocker, equipment, many other FURNIITURE ar• approx. 60 pieces of oak press rocker, 4 pc interesting and unusual grandfather's clock. 3 art try A.J Casson, Tom bed suite, pump organ. Mems to be sold. For piece French provincial Thomson, Laura Berry, rapt. chairs, spool bed. info. call (905) 2(>3- chesterfield suite. 3 Seerey Lester, Les Tad. brass iron bed. glass- 4252 Viewing from 5 door refrigerator, and James Lumbers. John ware, dishes. china, p.m Terms are cash, matching stove, au - Joy and more Note crib. high chair, several Visa MC or Debit Sale tomatic washer and Time 5 30 p m Excel- occasional tables. an- managed and sold by dryers. tools, garden ,em sate All tools are hque 3 pc chesterfield Garry K Powell Auc. 10015. lawn furniture. new selling art. for 15 (ornately carved) corn- tans. Appraisals & L!q. kitchen dishes and mm5 every hour. View. of carved display unit, uidahons. Please all us small appliances. bed - ,ng Thurs from 1 p m Yamaha PSR 6300for all your auction ding and linen and Mon from 3 P m electric keyboard needs, your place or This is an excellent Terms cash. Visa. MIC. (54.000 00 new) ours sale- plan to attend. Debit Card McLean loveseat. 1950 fndge. MON, AUG. 21 Terms cash No re- Auct.on & Liquidations ae"hi stove, wood serve. 905 686 3291 or 905 stoves, air conditioner. PURILIC AUTO Myles K nq Auc? oneer 432.2&,•, bikes pressure sys- AUCTiO1V AT -25-5751 723-0501. M 7,S -f7 tem, beaver planer. PETERIOROUGII ORVAL IMCLEANr workbench, tadders. AUCTION CENTER AUCTIONS or o1c. This is a wry inter- (An Hwy 5-7. 2 miles it-000-46146Meating asset c^ Plan to East of Peborough) 4!!end Terms: Cter ash, TWO DAY ESTATE approved cheque visa About 40 cars, trucks. 4 AUCTION Irlterac x 4's. vans. boats. motor Thurs Aug 3. 6 p.m homes, traders. riding T ,o� A jr, ? 6 P '"lawn mowers etc. Marry Myles King Auction We models. Cad now !o Mall. 33 Hall St. consign you vehicles Oshawa- Consign early for adver- The estate of W Camp- rising ben 53 Elizabeth Sl.. Enjoy C r� r C rri arner �9*1' �,`, �114 HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING FREEt We're the Inside GWs. ALL SUMMER LONG Don't Pay until 1996 or get 1200 off- RRML W00D Heating A Air Conditioning Home & Design Centre, 1755 Pickering Pkwy. Pickering, Ont. L1 V 6K5 PICKERING, AJAX WHITBY, OSHAWA 905-428-0333 905-436-3212 I;ORRECTION We inadvertently advertised u service that we no longer offer. In our July 30195 catalogue. 7kLwY�omevepoF l�Ir�rUdfc�� /ler or way s lyfor ay bwaat+"gena fir MW foray lttnic convil . «fwi, This Week Classified Dept - 1s open for Your convenience ever} SaL 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 5'6-9335 SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 Wt fl� `Qui MY GAME iS ROMANCE. Single, white male, 21.6'2-. with brown hair and eyes. Enjoy romantic nights, going out dancing or spending quiet evenings at home. Seeking single, white female. age 20 to 24, looking for the same. BOX 21383 FRIENDLY GUY, sin- gle, white, professional, 32. 6', 180 pounds. Enjoys outdoors, reading and music. Seeking single female, 25 to 35, with sense of humour and diverse taste. for possible relationship. BOX 21384 ATTACHED GENTLE- NIAN, 36, seeks attached female. 30 to 40. for dis- creet relationship. BOX 21385 COSIE SAIL AWA t'' Single captain of a 28 foot vessel is searching for a water loving gai, age 26 to 32. 5' 5" and 6' tall. for fun in the sun and tranquil starlight cruising. Single moms welcome. Check voi:c greeting. BOX 21389 GOOD LOOKING MALE, employed, age 32, smoker and social drinker. Looking for .in attractive, sincere and passionate woman, over 35. Interested in casual ect-togethers for fun. cxcitrmrnt and adventure. BOX 21391 VERY ROAi.ANT1(' MALE, 25 scars old. 5'9", 185 lbs.. Itx,ktrg fix female between the ages of 22 and 26. Enjoy walks, movie's. candle- light dinners. would like to meet female that enjoys the same. Into fit- ness. BOX 21396 OPEN-MINDED, 52 - year -old male. healthy. average looking and in excellent physical condi- tion. seekin, fcmalr HONEST, Ro %IAN- TiC, single, white male, 34. 5. 1 1' . 170 Ihs.. non- smoker, enjoys the out- doors, sports. cycling, howling. monies and romantic times. Lookin, for a sin -le. white female. 27 to 35` who enjoys sim- ilar interests. If these are your interests. please call. BOX 21414 mw FIRST TIME AD. Single. white male, age 33 and �'I I", looking, for an open-minded and hon- est, single, white temale. at!e 25 to 35. Like the outdoors, fishing. ,golfing and movies. No head :amen and a great sense of humour. BOX 21417 CLASSY. Physically tit, muscular, single. white male. short dark hair, brown eyes, 6'. Enjoys romantic nights, sports, movies. Seeks single, white female, 19 to 30. BOX 21418 MIDDLEAGED MAN, average. white, with sta- ble lifestyle. not into one night stands, looking for old-fashioned woman for a possible long term rela- tionship. BOX 21422 AMBITIOUS, ATH- LETIC, 36, 6', 200 lbs.. dark hair and eyes, well established and indepen- dent, into travel, skiing and golf. Would like to meet women. 25 to 40. for socializing. conversa- tion and companionship. single moms welcome. BOX 21425 HONEST WHITE MALE, single. age 27, brown hair. brown eyes. looking for single white female for good times and possible relationship. BOX 21430 OPEN - MI N D E D %IALE..Attractive. single male. honest. affectionate. social drinker- smoker. looking F„r sicridcr wi,man�BOX 21433 KIND-HEARTED, stn- gic. white male, 24. 5'9'-, blonde hair, blue rvcs. 150 lbs.. caring and kind- hearted. non-smoker Enjoys the outdoors. boating, skiing. quiet times. Lookin : for female. 21 to 24. for h,,n- rs! relationship. BOX 214.14 LOTS OF LA(GHS Mar seeking married or single lady with a creat scnsr of humour. \fust have a etxxJ heart. a _txxd mind and cn)i,y ouring,,. Race and to >ok% unimpor- tant. Lisc :., .. RON _'14?S R0 %I kNTIC. CITE BLONDE. Outstandingly attractise, petite, honest and caring. Enjoy% dining. dancing. travel and quiet romantic times. Lix-oktn•• for a tall gentleman, age 44 to 53 only, with hair. to share and carie the eo ,od things in life. If you are honest. sincere. carina; and have similar interests. ple.i,v :-rspond. BOX 21335 LADY, 46. hi,_h murals, seeks sincere. honest. intelligent >:entlerrian who enjoys the better life, for friendship and possible long term _,inmitment. BOX 2139: 1ACIOt S LADY. 1 am an honest. caring_, nun -smoking, full-fie- ured. Ca6hhran lady who would like to share my music. walks, tine dining. spurts. etc. with a ver'. special. caring_. non- smokine, intelligent, sin- eie male. Want someone who is romantic, intelli- gent and _•encralk loves lite. BOX 21397 PETITE AND ACTIVE, 33 year old woman. Pickering area, into pho- tography, cycling and nature. Seeks honest, gen- tle and compassionate man. nun -smoker, approximately 27 to 39. Single dads welcome. BOX 21-M ATTRACTIVE, YOUNG FEMALE seeks male who likes sports, going out dancing. to the movies and romance. BOX 21402 SINGLE MOM, 20 years old, looking for someone to do things with, calling from the Oshawa area. 5'7" and 150 pounds with brown hair and brown eyes. Looking for West Indian man. BOX 21404 VERY ATTRACTIVE, 40, 5'5". 120 lbs.. 2 chil- dren. interested in a sensi- tive. financially secure. generous and caring indi- vidual for happy times. 1 enjoy many things, out- doors, music, theatre. children and laughter. BOX 21407 SWEET AND ('ARING, single. white female. age 19, looking for sin,lc, white mule. ly to 25. who has a great sense of humour and glxxl person- ality. to share s, me time with. BOX 21415 INDEPENDENT, tun loving. white. Christian female. 51. looking for somteone of same age. for compannioriship and posm- hie long term relation - snip I enjoy a quiet fife. dust be active. Yr ,tis!.::" Christian. BOX 21-4211 HONE:Sf 8. R()%IAN- TIC. sinelc, white female. 3O looking for white mak. jer 30 to 4i), who cn)ovs mo%ic,%, _,un - try music. lon_o wall., ,in ic bcAch, has_to be hon- -,t and caring. look;n for )mcone around thr :i,'^..:•► t arra. BOX 2112,= Ft LL OF LOVE. Romantic and rood hcan- cd. 3h year old. white female. mother of 2 Ltx.ktn_ for a gotid heart- ed man with A coo d sense of humour. honest,. and Nalue.. between ages of and 15. I'm on the Plump Side but very : ud- dls and full of love. BOX 21424 SINGLE, lr�HITE FEMALE, 29 years old. single mom of three young children, slim. blonde hair and Breen eves. Totally devoted it) her children but missing that special Nomeone in her life. Seeks male. 3l) to 40, prefers heas ter art males. BOX 21.327 Rt BENESQUE NON- SMOKER. Sinole. white female, age 45, ,eek intel- ligent. fun loving and pro- fessional or business per- son. Age and appearance unimportant. quality very important, usually prefer younger men. Love music, theatre, movies, good home life, interior decorating and just hang- ing out. BOX 21431 RECENTLY JOINED LIFE. Just ditched a loser, looking for a win- ner. Pretty white female, 24, seeks a mart who will appreciate me not try to change me. I'm outgoing, great sense of humour and fun loving. Enjoy "fun" dates. Must be attractive and under 30 with the same qualities. BOX 21437 ACTIVE WASP WID- OWER, home and car owner, non-smoker and non-drinker. would love to meet single. white lady. age up to 65. for mutual support and com- fort. Interests include music. gardening. handy- man. driving. walking. rating cwt and tredin_ the hinds BOX 21393 LONELY LADY, early 70'., seeks lonely gentle- man. Enjoy TV. travel. theatre, eating out or stay- ing home. Must have good sense of humour and like an.;ra; non - BOX 21419 H.%%DSOME w IDO %%- ER, e,_ years old. white. retired. honest. caring. non-smoker and social drinker Seeks someone for togetherness. a sclf- suffictent lady wh(, li;.cs s!ardenin_•. rravcl and quiet tir.'r, r, us BOX _14:1 N1 \LE: E.EKING FE %I %LE. 1 am a F)anrsh male from Pickering seeking a lady compan- ion Hopc :.^.r_i- in •.,•u s,,tin BOX 214111 TALL, MID 411'S. Discreet male seek+ cuu- plcs or females for dis- creet =et -together. Must be hcalthv. agr and size r ^:�urtant. BOX 21412 GOODH EA R T E D FEMALE. _l -year-old rnother of one looktn_ for friendship with fun yet mature pe: * ­n. n, 19 to _:�O- BOX 21413 CO( PILE SEEKS MALL. Couple. mid 30"s. clean, attractive and fit. loukin,• for clean. white. physically fit bi- nule. age 21 to mid 3[1's, for ,.is:err: relationship. BOX 213x8 DESPERATELY SEEKING. Looktn, for Geor,e. last name unknown. In 1967 lived on Lee .Ace. in Toronto and worked as driver for Beckers %lilk. worked Danforth .Ase. route. Any information please con- tact BOX 21518 WOMEN SEEKING WOMEN. North .American Indian woman seeking another North American Indian woman. Hope to _et together soon. BOX 21432 )III :�_o C am • �L :_.,jam. •�. S. o& f; 1 r I X79 _ Da III 14 PI SET 1 I 6 OUT! �1► G= 5120 Di Rd 905-625-0457 DOORS OPEN TODAY AT 10 AM 3014: � " 10 PIECE SET 36. ROUNO mm MALEsy4f Now $17" :rsy::sowes as:w � Tis s17" a:hSr oa,ows RRsw Now • �L :_.,jam. •�. S. o& f; 1 r I X79 _ Da III 14 PI SET 1 I 6 OUT! �1► G= 5120 Di Rd 905-625-0457 DOORS OPEN TODAY AT 10 AM 3014: � " 10 PIECE SET 36. ROUNO mm MALEsy4f Now $17" :rsy::sowes as:w � Tis s17" a:hSr oa,ows RRsw Now wLs $40 43 RDUMO OtARS TOS 1ARLt 5,10640 Now $100 VWAWWOSLO"* WIN� I" Now $195 III 91 s 1/2 TOMLEM[ UM SLLA s Now $25 7 1 TOMI ENS tM NKLLA s sod( 71 Now $50 71 JACQUARD of cLORAL Now =65 00 7 1!!UA MOULA ;2"Piew $75 R Ir umx mmft OR naft" StNaw $87" !I cuswinNc S"? cus"Im s� Now 2" link STAMM* 04" Now $12" STAMNO CH" sywdt Now $15 CTWffLfimS QfI sscu wl a wm Sj�x Maw $12" ssca� owR 0;;;kNow $25 Wrk 101 ir Aw g.44&V' Pf I Vic All! �. �- _ — ,■ 41 $ Steelcase Rd W 905-415-9055 3 ULM 0 WED AUG 2 ... 10-9 • - THU AUG 3 ... 10-9 EN FRI AUG 4 ... 10-9 HOLIDAY SAT AUG 5.....9`5 • s SUN AUG 6 ... 12-5 979 Brock Rd. - 905-420-2906 CASH VISA INTERAC MASTERCARD