HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1995_07_30Ask about our Free Head Table Offer Weddings Banquets Meett� SPOT-ts.............................................1 1 p `► / 683-3210 Annandale Country Club 'Setting off for_ cyberspace 1W See our traveller's guide UPNews Advertiser Internet poll Its all on page 4 = _ 1014 &qft Aad L The Fanik" MA Sion tloas: Mon Wed 9 30 a m -8 00 p m Tlwxs b Fn 9'30 a m 8.30 p.m Sal 9 30 am -5 00 p m. QM6 P/Ci�E_e111 ' • ews Advertiser Sunday, July 30, 1995 28 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 40,000 Vol. 114 No. 30 • inhl*t and run Charges lai* Claremont crash sent cyclist to hospital for 10 days PICKERING — A 42 -year-old Pickering man has been chareed in a hit-and-run accident which seriou%l% inured a cvchst earlier this month. A man turned himself into Durham Regional Police the next morning as a result of publicity. police report. Following an in%estigation. the man was charged with dangerous ►inning causing bi►di- ly harm and failing to stop after an accident. On July 9, a 39-,,car-oid Scarhx►rough cyclist was travelling nonhhound on the right edge of Inside In the news Editorial...........................................6 SPOT-ts.............................................1 1 C la,sif ed.......................................21 Phone lines General 6S3-51 10 Fax 7'C3 Sincerely Yours 1-900- 451-3793 Infosource 683- 7040 Death Notices 6t8 3-3005 Auction Line 6n i 7,545 Auctions at vour fingertips Oshawa -Whitby and Clarington This III,% and The Ajax -Pickering News .Advertiser now have a phone line where current auction sales will be listed. Call M3--545. or from Clar- ington call 441-3-2615. The auction notices w ill be updated on a daily basis and _ the public can access the information 24 hours a day - A1l auctions that are published in This %% eek and the News Ad%ertiser will be automaticalh listed on this phone line. Information recorded on the line will be listed from the date of newspaper insertion until the auction. The News Advertiser regularly uses recycled newsprint 93c + 7c GST = S1 e_i_.�FOOTW A. Altona Road north of Conc. -i near Claremont around 6:08 p.m. He was struck by a southbound passenger van Which had pulled out to pass another car. acc(xd- ing to p)lice. Tik- cyclist was taken to Nfarkham-Stouffv1lie Hospital by ambulance and later transferred to Sunny brook Health Science Centre in Toronto. He remained in tk)spital 10 days with internal injuries and cuts and bruises. The man was wcanng a helmet, which police credited with sa%'ing los life. The Pickering man is to appear in court in (7sh:,,% Pickering moves to take high-tech messages B% STEPHEN LATEGAN ST4FF RFiN )k' F k PICKI RING — As cit% officials in North York deal with a slowdown of producti%ity due to an inundated %nice messaging service. a pro- posal to install a similar system has been appro%ed h% Pickering Town council. The supply and istallation of the VtifX2(.K) Voice processing s%stem. which will replace the Town's traditional switchboard. will be installed by Cal Ipro Canada at a cost of S -i 1.321. The same system is used in over 150JW mailboxes. and is used h% the municipalities of rt,rontu. Mississauga. Markham, Peel and Ncpear,. It is the current messaging -system for Pickering Transit. One of the advantages to residents calling the Town will he a ,y -hour information line which will allow people to ohtain information on any- thing from garbage pick-up to local taxes. And councillors will he able to retrieve mes- sages from anywhere, making it easier for them to respond to calls. Bruce Taylor. Town clerk and member of the steering committee to initiate the implementa- tion process, says the VMX200 system was cho- sen because of its compatibility with the Town's Please see VOICE ... page 2 A. ,1- EAR C UOUSAft' Storytiome, quiet time Eighteen -month-old Andrew George decided to have a rest during a Storytime session at the McLean Community Centre library this week while his mother. Suzanne, stays nearby. Story time sessions at the library are a popular diversion for kids in the community during their summer break. LEAR t X2.5 photo by Andrew Iwanowski PAGE 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. JULY 30.1995 P �= Voices stem to make town more accessible A little elbow grease Mark Chadbourne (left) and Tal- lim Bacchus pull steel rods out of a truck during a Habitat for Humanity project. They were working on the restoration of a Pickering home on Annland Street recently. Former Gover- nor General Ed Schreyer was there as part of his Splash of Color... A flay of Hope work project. photo by Ron Pietroniro PART-TIME STUDIES IN OSHAWA Gertrude Hendrihs. ;,� Product demonstrauir, ()„hsA English and sexuilogs "Even after l graduate from Trent. 171 continue to take courses. / look JOrward to them. The) certainh make nt� hjJ more interesting and I've made some Kuud friends. I think it's been broadening.” For more information call 1905172_3-9747 or 17051748-1229 FROM PAGE 1 current phone system. The automatic sys- tem will allow callers to obtain information and register for programs. It alto allows for expansion in the future. Margaret McIntyre, a telecommunica- tions consultant with McIntyre Telecom Services who was retained last year to assist the Town with its voice processing requirements, is now looking after the man- agement and co-ordination of its installa- tion. She says it will shorten the Town's response time and let staff "get problems resolved more quickly." She says the North York system, which recently faced criticism, is a good one, but City employees there "don't use it proper- ly." When someone calling the City presses zero on their touch tone pad for a live oper- ator, they are simply dumped into another mailbox because no one is available to answer it. This will not be the case in Pickering because the Town will ensure an operator will always be standing by during business hours, Ms. McIntyre reports. To ensure calls are returned, "our system will be monitored (by computer) to ensure each employee is answering their mes- sages," says Mr. Taylor. Pickering's new system will have a brief trial period in September, involving select- ed departments and councillors. If success- ful, it will be expanded to all Town offices by October. The overall cost of the system's purchase and installation, including consulting ser- vices and tax, is $52,693.68. 1994 TOPAZ GS 1994 TAURUS SHO 1994 TAURUS GL White. auto. ac. ar-Lfrr stereo. alum. Red, the ultimate road car, fully loaded. Silver, #1 selling fam ly sedan, fully wheels & more. Excellent family car. incl, auto, p. moonroof, only 14,000 km. loaded with low km. 22.000 km Stk. #8555 ONLY 1091'7 Stk. #8507 ONLY x28,888 Stk. #8490 ONLY s 16,495 1994 ESCORT LX WGN 1994 PROBE GT 1994 SABLE GS Blue, air. auto. am/fm stereo & more. Silver, 5 speed, fully loaded. Only Dark green. Loaded induding p -seats, pw, pd!, tilt. only 47,000 Km. 42.000 kms. cruise, amlfm cars. b rnore. This is a dream car. Stk. #8386 ONLY s 11 ,998 Stk. #8558 ONLY 516,988 Stk. #8523 ONLY s 1 65995 1994 MUSTANG GT 1993 TAURUS GL SIW 1993 FORD TEMPO GL 4 DOOR Black. only 13,000 kms, auto, pw, pl, tilt. Mocha, great family vehicle, fully loaded, Green, two tone. alum. wheels, air, auto, Cruise, arrm'tm cars, a real sharp car. only 30,000 km. ps, pb, pm, stereo, luggage rack, air bag. `Stk. #51084A ONLY S19,995 Stk. #8320 ONLY A 5,495 Stk. #8393 $7,995 1993 AEROSTAR XL SPORT 1993 FORD THUNDERBIRD LX ' 1993 VILLAGER LS Black, nice van w/auto, air, pw, pdi. Burg, loaded, pw, pill, tilt, cruise. arrvfm White, 6 cyl, fully loaded, including quad am1m st. cass, plus more, low km. cess, plus more & more. buckets & power sunroof. ONLY ' 1 4,795 Stk. #8251 A $14,399 Stk. #8271 $20,795 1992 FORD ESCORT LX 1992 EXPLORER EDDIE BAUER 1991 EXPLORER XLT 4 dr., white, ps. pb, air, 5 spd, great car. Green/tan, the x1 sport utility vehicle, Grey, fully loaded & ready for vacation fully loaded & waiting for you. time. Stk. #50123A $8,888 Stk. #8481 ONLY A 8o995 Stk. #8400 ONLY s 1 5, 888 1991 AEROSTAR XLT EXT 1991 ESCORT LX WGN 1990 CHEV CORSICA Mocha, great family mover equipped w, pw, pd. Silver, auto, air, cruise, amttm 73,000 krn. White, only 79,000 km, auto, air, am/fm air, amlfm cars, tilt, cruise, running board., & more, great family car. Stk. #5067A ONLY s 1 4,188 Stk. #8314A ONLY `7,695 Stk. #50334A ONLY.559995 1990 FORD AEROSTAR XL 1990 TOYOTA CAMRY LE 1990 BUICK SKYLARK 7 pass., air, auto. cruise, tilt, cassette, Blue, auto, V6, air, loaded. Real sharp White, V6, auto, pw, pl. ps, am/fm cass. V6. car. & wire wheel covers. 65,000 km. Real Stk. #50475A $95998 ONLY, 11;988 sharp car. ONLY.S8,888 'FOR RECONSTRUCTIVE CREDIT CALL SIMON. YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD FORD STORE 1780 MARKHAM Me MAMOROUGH (Just North of Sheppard)193 3077 P Taking note of a good story The Pickering Public Library kicked off an informal summer reading program at its central branch recently with a show featuring Peter Hurley, who portrayed characters from the past- Here, he plays a haunting tune on the flute. Sauna sparks $ 10,000 blaze in Pickering Z� PICKERING — Careless use of a sauna is blamed for a townhouse blaze on Thursday night. The basement sauna room was used to store yai ions household items, according to fire officials. When the owner's father left the Bayly Street house, he inadvertently left the timer switch for the sauna's heater unit on. When he returned an hour later, around 8:30 p.m., he found firefight- ers battling the blaze. Inspector Matthew Seward of the Pickerini, Fire Department says the fire was contained to the sauna room dur- ino the two and a half hours they were on the scene. There was lit- tle water dam- age. he says. The $10,000 damage included $3.000 in dam- age to the sauna r(,)om's contents. There was mini- mal damage out- side the room. according "to reports. . THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. JULY 30.1995 -PAGE 3 Pickering firm makes a move forpower By STEPHEN LATEGAN The other coir► MIT REPORTER PICKEMG — A local power com- pany is competing against Ontario Hydro for electricity sales. Eastern Power Devebpers will com- pete with seven other non-utility power generators from across the province as part of an "hourly market experiment" by Hydro. The experiment, to last until year's end, will allow independent power companies to bid against one another to provide electricity to the provincial power pool for a particular hour, day, or week, rather than on a long-term basis. "We want to know about the system that's evolving," says Eastern Power Developers vice-president Greg Vogt. The company produces electricity from landfill gas generated from the Brock West dump site. The company currently supplies power to the Cherrvwood switching station, one of the largest of its kind, which feeds power to prams of Pickering and Darlington. Despite the bid by Eastern Power Developers. Mr. Vogt says he doesn't anticipate the company or its competitors to actuary be taken on to supply electricity. lie expects Hydro's experiment is simply a test of the market in its move toward possible privatization. Evert if the company did win its bid. the administrative costs would far outweigh any profit. "(But) it doesn't hurt to play." he says. explaining that it will be a learn- ing experience for both the bidding companies and Ontario Hydro. patties taking part are Trans Alta Energy of Ottawa, West Coast Energy of Fort Francis, Canadian Niagara Power, Dow of Sarnia, and Lake Superior Power and Great Lakes Power, both of Sault Ste. Marie. Ontario Hydro expects a total of nine companies to compete for the sales. Currently, the public utility's gener- ating business units compete internally to sell electricity to the provincial power pool. " lite Ontario government is commit- ted to a five-year freeze on electricity rates," said Environment and Energy Minister Brenda Elliot upon announc- ing the plan Wednesday. "We will con- sider all options for meeting this goal. The hourly market experiment will give us a good opportunity to study the impact of competition on power l-„ "The experiment also will help Ontario Hydro and other suppliers in the province rain valuable experi- ence in a ctonpeti- tive market." she added. Electricity sold through the tem- porary experiment is expected to account for between 140 and 180 megawatts. which represents less than one per cent of provincial energy require- ments. AUCTION GOERS!! Durham Region residents AUCTION LISTINGS via lines. All auction notices t our publications will auto phone line. For Auction Listings Call can now get up-to-date our new dedicated phone hat are published in one of matically be listed on this 3-7545 ¢I'IdRr/D£ • ,tC'?r►£ Ct1"17ttq • � c°d�'`�c s£7e'rr'Je£.5 • '%�£ s0'.�r s�o� CITY OF OSHAWA _0W_ 41 G � Saturday, 4 Aug. 5, 8:36 a.m. Vi Join us for a fun -run along Oshawa's beautiful KoAarus trail. The 8 km. Mcl aughlin Run is sure to challenge the seasoned th competitor or the aspiring runner. �H �l1 • Refreshments at finish • Change rooms Rt showers at Donevan Recreation Complex 0,4407M Y Pick up your application form today. Availahle at :ome -t spotting goods stores, City Recreation facilities and the Civic Auditorium Complex • Flury Fee $15 July 29 - August 4 � $20 Race Day Race Day Registrations at Donevan Rec Complex, 171 Harmony Rd. S. between 7:00 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. Volunteers needed... If you would like to get involved in this community event please call 725-1111. This event is presented by the City of Oshawa, V Department of Corrtntunity Services in co-operation M with Oshawa This week Newspaper. t� S ,ES • 2W d-2iM7 • * Bunk Disposable Diepm—adli1 * Bt11t Disposable Tr k*V Pants * Flit 3 F[tled clort Diapers.. * Baby W4= * ird" WW * Bravado Nosing Brat * Pod P" & Acoettoritt No d"KFM - fkw mb M s EB 3N FIN" Ave., Unit 5, Ajax 428-1919 W MIik tine- - FrL 10-6, tat. 10.1 Flyers right at your doorstep... Read the News Adwrtiser IRONALD MARTINO & EION FUNERAL DiRE%_ .. Wes: Fit;', I Family Owned and operated A t....•jr � V ll and Comparefore You Decide :.5' Bmcs %aa DICKERING .ter boric a d' 58& • ~� ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JA traveller's guide to cyberspace =a Your input counts with us. Please take a few minutes to complete the Dews Advertiser's Internet Poll. 1. Call InfoSource at 683- 7040. 2. To answer the questions below simply punch in the appropriate four -digit number on your touch tone phone. Do you currently have a connec- tion to the Internet at home, school or office' YES: Punch Box 9987 N O : Punch Box 9988 If you answered YES to the above question, how many hours/week do you spend on the Internet: 1-5 hours: Punch Box 9989 6-10 hours -Punch Box 9990 10-20 hours: Punch Box 9991 20+ hours: Punch Box 9992 If you answered NO to the above question do you antici- pate serekint an Internet con- nection in the next six months' YES: Punch Box 9993 NO: Punch Box 9994 Whether a current user or not, what is the most important fea- ture you are looking for when seeking access to the Internet through a service provider: Price: Punch Box 9995 Quality of Service: Punch Box 9996 Set -Up fee: Punch Box 9997 Technical Support: Punch Box 9998 Please register your answers before 9 a.m. Monday, July 31 Watch for the results of our poll in next Sunday's News . Advertiser- - - . - - _ . - . - . . By PATRICK CASEY SPECIAL To THE NEws ADVERTISER John Taylor had heard all the hype. He'd read about it and even seen some of it as well. But the 33 -year-old just decided the best way to find out more about cyber- space was to surf the 'net firsthand. And that's exactly what he did near- ly five months ago when he wired his P386 DX40 IBM clone to an Internet on- mp service and started cruising, as it were. Several years of dialing in and out of bul- letin board services had become tiresome for Mr. Taylor, who's been with the YRBE for the past seven years and currently is in the multi -media department. And as talk of the Internet (which is basi- cally a huge network of some 10,000 com- puters linked together around the world) grew, so too did Mr. Taylor's curiosity. "My mother. actually, had gone down to a computer store and bought me a book on the Internet and that's where it started for me." said Taylor, who hooked up with Internet Direct. a Toronto-based company that pro- vides him with a direct connection. "Yes. the hype certainly had something to do with it. but nowadays. wherever you go in our work- you have to be as computer liter- ate as possible and I think this really helps. It's a real experience on the Internet, to tell you the truth, and I think it can be useful on the job. "But the time sure flies when you get on, that's for sure," he added. You start looking for some- thing in particular and then Ta lo! you just can't help but get sidetracked. And what you `<?> were looking for ends up not being as interesting as what you find." :<'<?`'SpO Mr. Taylor, wisely, took e* E his time committing to a ser- vice, doing some much-need- ed background work first. There's just so many compa- nies hoping to entice your news dollar while all, it seems, offer different avenues at dif- pppUh ferent prices. Internet Direct is a service '''house Seared to the new user. For about 5230 a year, you get all the necessary software needed as well as two hours of computer time per day. It's a conve- nient plan, considering others charge by the minute, a proposition that can be shocking at month's end when you receive your bill. The problem with some companies, like Words defined0 : From the Internet and informatie n highway to com- mercial services and bulletin boards, the realm of cyber talk could give even the most Computer literate a migraine. The News Advertiser would Woe to try to sat out some of the confusion, break- ins! down -,come of the harriers with a common-sense, po>;nt- fam aplxaach. L'`_rV_XN T • The Irnernet is the largest network of computers in the w•or d. • ('O nsenative estimates have the Internet numbering I million machines and 20 mil- lion users in more than 130 countries. • A further _10 to 40 million users have access to the Inter- net thnxigh &x -m w mail. • L'se of the Internet includes E-mail. news and news groups, file transfers, daLthase info, conversations and technical assistwice. WORLD «IDE WEB • C'c>nnmonly referred to as the Web. it is the fastest (Vmwing sector of the Internet. • The Web consists of a home page or front door to someht)iy's Intemet offering. • Anything you desire — entertainment, learning. advertising, movies, sound bites, photowaphs, sports and even pornography — can be kxa[ed on the Web. CONNECTING TO THE I'N'TERNET • Different services of the Internet are available through different kinds of connec- 60FIS. Large Canadian bulletin boards offer Internet services. - Companies offer direct Internet access. - Large U.S. commercial services are available in Canada. A good refm- ncae for these and other services is the Canadian Irniernet llar> &"k The following is an overview of the three major online players: BULIX TIN BOARD SERVICES • Small and independently operated. usually catering to a Specific kwerest. - !dost are free but larger ones tend to ask for donations or a small fee. • There are some 150,000 BBS in North America with 15 mithon daily calls. • Services include games, files and kx:al message cen- tres, chats. debates and tele- confertxx cs. • Many are now offering acCess to the Internet for addi- tional charges. CONLMERCIAL SERVICF-S • I .:urge and highly central- ized networks are profit dri- ven. - Ccrit about S 10 or more Per month plus additional charges for online time. - Subscriber estimates range anywhere from three to six million. • Services include stock info, news -wire feeds and newspapers, limited access to Internet. DIRECT INTERNI•:I' ACCIF:SS • A decentralized network links thousands of smaller networks the world over. • Cost of network Providers vary according to use; 5100 to $400 per year. • Services include unlimit- ed E -Mail and anything you couldn't fund anywhere else. Prodigy and CompuServe, is you can't access the World Wide Web, which is the most intriguing aspect of the Internet, with- out an additional charge;' says Mr. Taylor, who purchased his first computer back in 1988 and added a modem to the system two years later. "I mean, you're getting charged for half of their extra services, like looking at newspapers and encyclope- dias. Plus, the content is very American and that isn't too appealing for a lot of us in Canada." So far, Mr. Taylor has assembled a list of favorite web sites to visit, including the ESPN sports home page England's Telegraph newspa- per and a coffee house in Italy where you visit patrons who have arrived to down some java. The expects sa the y re ar� about 300 new sites coming aboard ever day." he pointed out, "and it's just growing so fast. I think in the future the Internet is going to be almost as important as having a telephone. For some people, it's easier to type out a message than it is to say it." E-Aptct more from St uns X150 off KenmoreO Installed Central Air Conditioning WW%I0/1 � 0 01 also" WIN W �� - -- -""Mango 50 offA _-- '1100 offs Installed Plus Installed Viml $Cn Roofing N1 Indows ;)(J ji off taring app6r+ t,) a hart ��77 -%o rnK L, hc� ,i on a Ill IJL&.d installed -oof of 50 or rrnxe rrnnrmum of i w tndow oprntng, FJIn. D(xx1 hundies of shingles Offrn clot not apph to prettcx>s % myned contracts Overs cannot ha• used in cortlurtaton with any txher coupcm, dva aunt or sprctal offer Sale prices end Wednesday, August 23, 1995 (:A11.'SOW T011. FREE, FOR A :NO.OBIIGATION IN-HOME F:S'TI'NATE OR XISIT MMR SEARS RETAIL STORE 1-800-625-0025 Sears Guaranteed Home Improvements Talk to someone you know Copyrigfa 19%. sears canwa Ino. :•,..-� a r • wr a r.+., i,i�� .•w.. ti i +v.wMw. �,•� � . . i•ar ► � w i•rbr T - THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY A 1"519 -PAGE S Dog's near -drowning prompts call for common sense ❑ Protect your pets this summer By LINDA WHITE STAFF REPORTER DURHAM — Pool own- ers are reminded to "use the same common sense with animals as they do with small children" after a dog nearly drowned in its backyard earlier this week. "Pools are a big prob- lem," admits Oshawa and District Humane Society Inspector Betty Van Seters. "Solar blankets are espe- cially dangerous because dogs lose their direction and panic when some- thing's coming over their head." The News Advertiser contacted the }Humane Society for summer safety tips after an Ajax resident reported the near drowning of her neighbor's dog early Monday morning. "My husband and I were both sleeping when we Guess heard the most horrible sound you could imagine," recalls Robin Bell. "It was a scream, the kind you hear when a dog's been bitten. " Mrs. Bell yelled out the window to the dog, who was quiet for a few sec- onds before the splashing of water could be heard. Mrs. Bell and her husband Brad quickly ran outside, where Mr. Bell leapt over a six-foot fence with the aid of a chair. "He grabbed the dog by the back of the neck and pulled it out of the water. It was pretty dramatic." reports Mrs. Bell, who calls her husband "a hero." Other neighbors didn't hear the I a.m. incident Ix -cause they have air con- ditioning and their win- dows were closed. Mrs. Bell notes. The owner of the dog is on vacation and both a neighbor and boyfriend have been watching the animal. V7U 0>0 ere . -'ou could win a coupon book! My guess Can you tell where this picture? If so, fill out the balkK, tell us where it is and mail it to: Guess Where do of the News Advertiser, 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. US 2H5 Last week's winner was Auguste Denoarine who iden- tified benches at the Ajax Community Centre is: Call Steve Houston at 683-5110 to find out how to pick up your prize While Mrs. Bell doesn't "want to cause any trou- ble," she's concerned other dogs may fall prey to the dangers of pools. How do you best protect your pets from pools? "Put a fence around it and make sure (animals) are on the other side," advises Ms. Van Seters. "Walk around the fence every week and make sure they can't get underneath and haven't dug a hole. Check under any shrubs lining the fence, too." Water is "a big draw" for dogs, who may "just want to go and have a drink. If the water level's a little low, they may fall in." The summer poses other dangers: D Leaving dogs in the back of a car while you're doing errands "is a real risk. Even when windows are down, the air is so heavy," notes Ms. Van Seters. "Pets are much happier being left at home" — with plenty of water and under a shady tree, in an air-con- ditioned house or in the basement of houses with- out air conditioning. O Letting a dog hang its head out the window as you're driving "may seem like a lot of fun, but there are bugs and gravel flying around that they may swal- low or get into their eyes." O Putting dogs in the back of pick-up trucks is equally dangerous because their paws can get burnt from the floor of the truck. If you must transport your dog in a pickup truck, put it in a blanket -lined crate secured by bungee cords. "They can't dump out. It's the absolute best thing," notes Ms. Van Seters, who says harnesses are often too tight or too loose. O Finally, dog and cat owners are reminded that "food goes rancid much quicker in the heat and ani- mals can get very sick when they get into garbage." Canned dog food can go bad if left out too long and also draws flies. "7be best thing to leave out for a dog is dry dog food and a bucket of water," says Ms. Van Seters. • PACE 6 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 30, I"s Timothy J. Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor-in-chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Advertising Manager Alvin BFouwer Retail Sales Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday. Friday and Sunday. 1-10-132 Comrnercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario. L IS 2H5. 'isle publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. Pace size may vary slightly from publisd - he rate card due to mechanical requirements of different print- ers. Second Class 'Mail Registration I S97. !Mail sub- scription rates Can. I )T. $70 GIVE GWA LS a CALL W General 083-5110 Newsroom 683-5110 Distribution 683-5117 Classified 683-0707 (Nightline - 793-7672) F.A X 683-7363 Sincerely Yours 1-90G4514464 151446-1 ext. 34 I nfoSou rce 683-704( ) Real Estate and Automotive Sales 798-7672 National Advertising 493-1300 The. News Advertiser welcomes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve tlx:. richt to edit letters for length and legal reasons and to withhold letters deemed d not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone nur ber for our information. They should not exceed one and a half page in length. The News Advertiser regularly uses recycled newsprint Up to business The ball is now in the court of private business. For a long time people in Ontario, nay across Canada, have been crying about government wasting money on projects it had no business funneling money into. The newly -elected Progressive Conservative govem- ment has kept its promise to cut spending by deciding to stop funding non-profit housing. it's a move that has met with considerable opposition from those groups receiv- ing the funding, and understandably so. Sure there was a month or so from the time the Tories took office until they started slashing the deficit, but electing not to fund hundreds of non-profit housing projects came as huge surprise to those people expecting a handout from the government. Some projects were close to breaking the ground, but now it's a waiting game. We, as taxpayer, cannot expect the government to fund every project that comes along; somewhere the spending has to stop. Unfortunately some groups and organizations are going to lose out in the short term. For some, fund-raising started and ended with the government. It was too easy a cop-out to go knockint, or. government doors for their e -ash. Now thev will be forced to find alternative sources of income. Too often we hear of government -funded build- ings going way over budget. We suspect it's because contractors are trying to get the most money for their work, if they were forced to deal with private enterprises we bet the ousts of constructing and running nem -profit housing would drop substantially. Land developri, and the like appeared to be taking advantage of g(wemment generosity to get more money than the market could rea- sonahly handle. We think the Tories realize this, too. One day soon so will the people crying the blues. .....,\r/ WRITE TO THE i\ Ews ADvERTLsM 130 ComMERCLAL AYE., A1Ax, L 1 S 2H5 OR FAX us AT 683-7' 6 3 V UNEMPLOYMENT His the ue is for by qPaidand me To the editor: It is unfortunate that your pub- lication allowed Wayne Rowe the opportunity in his letter to whine about the supposed injustice of the Unemployment Insurance Plan and the "unfair advantaees" received by students such as myself. Mr. Rowe does not appear to have a specific grievance — he is merely frustrated with being unemployed and does not know where to lay blame. I would suggest that Mr. Rowe look to himself before he attacks others. He expresses irritation that an inquiry into the status of his Unemployment insurance claim should take more time than he expects it should. lie then proceeds to suggest that civil servants who have to deal with people such as he should themselves be made unem- ployed. so they might realize that waiting for one's U.I. cheque is frustrating. Ile fails, however, to realize that he is complaining about a cheque which comes from people such as yourself and myself: The taxpayer. Perhaps Mr. Rowe should express a bit more gratitude to the civil service and the working pop- ulation for giving up our money so that he might support a family in his hunt for a job. ♦ COMMUNITY SERVICES Mr. Rowe's accusation that students are unfairly favored is preposterous and unfounded. Ile states that there are jobs only for students, and intimates that these make up the bulk of all jobs. This is false. On returning to Ajax from the University of Cambridge, England, where I have just com- pleted my first year, I was able to find a non -student job within one week of returning. In my search for employment, I found that the majority of jobs, including those available to those who have no degree, were target- ed more towards people who would be able to work past the end of August than to those whose would be- of a more tran- sient nature. Mr. Rowe fails to realize that there are plenty of jobs available. but perhaps his dignity preven!s him from working door to door until he finds a better job. I would suggest, then, that Mr. Rowe cease whining and examine the world around himself, and instead of making such comment -s about the civil service and stu- dents, he should be pleased that he receives any bentfits whatso- ever and express gratitude for those whose diligence enable them to pay the taxes which fund his U.I. cheques. B.W. Parr, Ajax Town's treatmentofsenior citizens shocking To the editor. I was shocked to read that Ajax Town Council will he charging seniors to use the recreational facilities. The revenue is so badly needed by the town that they target 235 citizens age 65 and up. We live in an age of cutbacks in our health-care system and keeping our seniors fit and healthy is more important than ever. Other fitness facilities in the area have off- peak periods -- hours, days, months that are not so busy. Surely, these ideas could be have been looked into. Forcing our seniors to remain locked within their own age group benefits no one. I know the people of Ajax and 14rge them to phone or write their councillor or sign peti- tions. The seniors in this community give countless hours in volunteer work. Your Ajax hospital is a prime example. If you, like me. are not a senior then they are your parents, grandparents etc. 1 know you care. M.M. Langan, Ajax A tangled mess RCMP and Durham Regional Police offi- cers nabbed three suspects following a robbery on Hwy. 401 Friday afternoon. The suspects were collared after an acci- dent near Pine Ridge Secondary School on Liverpool Road north of Finch Avenue, Pickering. Above, Pickering Hydro employ- ees and police detectives try to pry open I the trunk of the car. photo by Stephen L.ategan E�WILDWOOD FORD USED CAR '95 CONTOUR GL Air wore Sa 04d50MC3 = wxcS�r,"w-r; $169795' rota at rear 195 RANGER SIC 4X4 Mill. S3P•P- '�i'.7M 'yi` $269995�iw—� rota as tear CHALLENGE SAYE 7% ON ALL USED VEHICLES NO GST! 1991 PROBE LX 195 TAURUS SE Loaded, auto, V6 aSSYX V"_ ti w � � $10 995 520,995• , -� b.. w .... Plus taxes Co - Want m 8sbn" Manvwd r a AY A Cawt Wft FOR fts" papetbw OWYI $1 S am 2.9% BUYILEASE HERE... SERVICE HERE Entitles you to trr, IUbe. oil, & filter for as long as you own the vehicle. 1993 ESCORT Sporty 5 spd. Stk. P478 s7, 995,��� Plus taxes it1�..iaE/�li 1995 ECONOLINE $20,999 White, r loaded Plus taxes 1993 TEMPO GL 4 door, low kms. $11,1495 Plus taxes 1992 TAURUS GLS Only 2 left $10,995 Plus taxes 1994 TAURUS GL Station Wagon Stk. P508 $14,995 F Plus taxes 1993 TAURUS GL $12,995 Loaded, Stk. P497 Plus taxes 1993 AEROSTAR Air, auto $139995 Plus taxes THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 30,1995 -PAGE 7 Recycle this newspaper � ,)[OR QUALITY GUARANTEE SEE APPROVE & ORbER INSTANTLY. • tit W apprinc cern Ixrc on a urlor monitor. • l t W order only what you want. • l l ►L' Icjlc with i Frrr Custom 1'ro,of Chccr .�..t, rlt .♦,�. ;�i., .,�; �rrr,..,a Subrec' hr M S6 70 Der De+s.r' pavadr arras+ p -",a*, are ta.r tic �-M r '•+. ^urY>a• .�v.rwc 'Ah. *•s pC -ar V W -X" One a&lens*d C01100101+ pe' UAW- *-0 —0 M VlrJ .,rK: 'w�T•r.• �t7ryfgr.. Dries !yi.+r `rN '7ptrOryl Dnr'ra^ --IMr-+n• w^ •`^ 'Y`.t..^_ `^ „'^T..r 9...rY •. ..-...c THIS AREA KMART HAS A PERMANENT STUDIO OPEN 5 DAYS Tues. - Fri. 10 AM - 7 PM SaL 10 AM - 6 PM PICKERING (Kingston Road) A •� This weekend vise A ()NTI'40 L.1W 1is ?�!. You're oRh• one hour awat• from a great adventure.' iii: L7eA 0CAt t ADMIRAL thr b CONFERENCE CENTRE , :GL'.iLJi:. -,r. �I..:ae == `�:arr.s ;Ef......y� :.�►�.n......P�•ts� 'S s. ;�:rS :z 3Sp1G. • .y :rs " ea.J.. / 'S ekwe� raw Rwaau sa..� »s-.b.e / Fm Dmw 440=wd@0~ Rantr / A� CwJsreft" Fdah— ^F� — .1ccammAoa ao w !.5N T o / Fw80 Rwtvaa / Bri Qaa$y Foal A Swwm ,4y -se &; p r+^oww/ SraL! .Nast Rte �.+.eA.'.t...SLS SNA.:.:r � � / S/eaneffiiw SANAW Se—ch •..e tr.� �.a•Y bast LR. a 1. Ludas.. Oatarta. K9V 41t2 T>cL: (Ws1s-> -ia r.�ac: c'W 328-3"66Prot tea: fs �..tt :-x300-�.6�-:�7G wniTrqr.yhawartha Summer ; • t. �! L . Theatre '9S !- Season Anne of Green Gables GROWING TC SERVE `OL SE' -ER bt Dona.ld far+on & \Orman C•arnpbe.i OrWA ORTO+4 ZCcsEE a DCN6TS June 28 -Jul% 15 •EXCA.aw vVis-9Rca" `ocos • Run For Your % A .NATXDW� •oar .-AsRiC.ANC • MJ(E E" DEL 4LQ0•EAJ% MEA'S I b:.4.::: •:�ontti. Jul% 19 - Jul% 29 ''°°° ao-s E"'TERU'""'E" The Case of the Curious Cabaret •GLCSAL PET FOODS. DOLLAR CRAG: • r,* BEER 5'CeW-OSE ONE RESTAURANT 1 �•, i;-eg -nnegan. August 2 - 12 . jv�o%% � ARiE' 1 • kocwusTER .,oEe I R inglitld's Progress • RECYCLED S"T5•SUaWAr i bi Dar, \eed!ec August 16 - September 2 • gUC-AR N SV4CE' Bur (fflke ('05) 3.14-9114 or 1-800-305-5143 ` At the Academ% Tbestre, 2 Lindsm. St. S. For more detail an Co-ordinator David Selby at 705-324-9113. PAGES -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. JULY 30,1995 Editor's Note: The Ajax-lYcker- ing News Adver- tiser is now run- ning Billboard items once each week in our Sun- day adilion cover- ing events for the upcoming seven days. SUNDAY, JULY 30 TEDDY BEAR PICNIC: Green- wood Conserva- tion Area host% a Teddy Bear Picnic from noon to 2 p.m. Take teddy hears and other stuffed animals. picnic lunch and blanket. Games, activi- ties. craft,,. Meet in the parking lot. It's off Westnev Rd_ six kilome- ters north of Hwy. 401. Ajax. Geral admis- sion is S2.50 for adults, $1.75 for seniors, $1.25 for children and no charge for chil- dren aged under five. 416-661- 6600. MONDAY, JULY 31 BIBLE CAMP: Holy Trinity Anglican Church. 9I Kines Cres., Ajax, holds The Dancing Sun Vacation Bible Camp from July 31 to Aug. 4. 9:2(1 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily. lt's for chil- dren aged five to 13. Bible stories. music. crafts. dance. drama and games. all with Aboriginal themes. S5 per child (snacks induded). Call the church office at 68' -2563 to reds - ter. leaving the child's name. are and phone num- ber. Show up on July 31 with $5 and fill out regis- tration form. POETS: The Writers Circle of Durham Region hosts Poets in the Pub every other Monday from 7 to 9 p.m. at The Courtyard Pub. 109 Old Kim_ston Rd.. Pickering Village. There's no ever charge. Show your poem or sone to Terry Dav when you arrive and he'll include vow in that evening's lineup. 610-M-2. St' PPO RT GROUP: The Livim• With Can- CCr support group for adults, friends. and family meets from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m at the Ajax - Pickering Hospi- tal. room 6013, at Harwood Ave. S. and Clements Ave., Ajax. Guest speaker is dieti- cian Judy Gibson. 686-1516 (Cana- dian Cancer Soci- ety, West Durham Unit). TUESDAY, AUG. l PARENT SUP- PORT: The Association of Parent Support (groups in Ont'uio meet,, every Tues- day at 7:15 p.m. It's for parent: worried about their children b e c o m i n g involved in drugs. alcohol, running away. droppin: out. crimes or parental abuse. Call 905--3'- 8034 or 1-800- 4SS-5666 for location or infor- mation. SENIORS: The Pickering Village Seniors Club meets every Tues- day from 10 a.m. to 4 pm. for crafts and pool at 29 Linton Ave., Ajax. 683-8460. FE1%IAI,E TEENS: The Bar- bara Black Centre for Youth Resources offers seminars on The Female Mind and Body for girls aced 13 to 19 even_• Tuesday and Thursday from 2 to 4 p.m. until the end of August. 910 Liv- erpool Rd. S.. Pickering. 839- 6131. COMPUTERS: The Ihrrh rn West P.C. Association holds its annual general miecting at 7 p.m. at Annan- dale (K -4f & Curl- ing Club. Church Give gift of life at blood donor clinic :1 Local branch of Red Cross aims to collect 300 units of blood PICKERING — Your chance to give the gift of life will come on Thursday. Aug. 10 and friday. Aug. 11. 'rhe Durham Region branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society will hold a blood donor clinic on both days at the Metro Fast Trade Centre on Brock Road from 2 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Their goal is to collect 300 units of blood. All regular and new donors are urged to come out as all blood types are needed. Donors are reminded to bring identification. For information, call 723- 2933. St. and Bayly St., Ajax. 839-4813. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 2 CAMPFIRE: Greenwood Con- servation Area hosts A Campfire History of Green- wood. Story- telline. Take m.'trshmallows. General admis- sion is $2.50 for adults. S1.75 for seniors, 51.25 for children. no charge for chil- dren aged under five. It's off West- ney Rd.. six kilo- metres north of liwy. 401. Ajax. 416-661-("X). PICNIC: The Durham Region Health Depart- ment and the Durham Region Breastfeeding Coalition host a picnic in support and celebration of breastfeeding from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Rotary Park at the isomer of Brock St. and Burns St. W.. Whitby. Anyone who has breastfed. is breactfeedin,_ or thinking of it is invited. Children welcome. 686- 2740, 723-8521. FRIDAY, AUG. 4 B 1, O O 1) DONORS: The Ajax -Pickering branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society holds a blood donor clinic from 1 to 7 p.m. at St. Bernadette's Church, corner of Harwood Ave. and Bayly St., Ajax. Goal is 100 traits. Donor identifi- cation necessary. 420-3383. SATURDAY, AUG. 5 NATURE: The Pitkerin- Natural- ist,, hold a Shore- birds and Iraagon- fies field trip. Meet at 6 a.m. at the southwest ismer of the Pick- ering GO Station parking kat Liver- pool Rd. and Bayly tit. Contin- ues until dusk: run or shine. Take a lunch. hat plenty of flu- ids. 655-5761 (Brian Ilenshaw•). list it in Billboard To list your :;non - profit ,:::gr o u p's upcoming events, infor- tnation must be submitted by 5 p.m. on :the Wednes- day preceding Sunday publi- cation. To have your non -prof - It events pro- moted in the Billboard fea- ture, fax 683- 7363 or write to the Ajax - Pickering News Adver- tiser, 1311 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont- LIS 2115. ��Canadian Tire PICKERING BASIC SUPREME Includes: Here's what we'9 do: Up to 5 litres of 1ow30 - Install up to 5 litres of 1OW30 SUPREME oat NuGoid ad 'Install a new Motommler ad filter Motomaster ad tiller* Lubocate the chassis Chassis lubncalwn PLUS perform vial checks. ' Fluid levels5 t ' 6eRs 8 hoses aes r Mast cars ' Wpers - Envuo charge ' Exhaust. shocks. CV Dooh -Most oars Ertvruo ,:AN of JPt:.QADED '� BCANC 'NAME MC'DG :%�' PREVENTATIVE NI -A NTENANCE " Check !rakes ' Rotate tires ' Check exhaust ' Check shocks, struh I " Check air filter " Check Melts & hoses 9 ' Check hoci lights & lamps ' Top up fluid levels - Most can ' Written estirncdo - Emso charge 5 4 CYLINDER Here's what we'll do: 9 Poo 1w „ comp,Ierlmed engine T �Aost cars Q+drsis wtlh porrouf Inspect air Mar and PVC vdve t ttpwo. spark pkigs with MotomaNrr V -groove spark Most n pkMp cars Mott gas r,apect dlre suior cep, color. tgnlNon **W and cog BOSCH ' r a Pdnum'Dark piL,. n 7 Most Mod rl You'llget.- -Quicker ipWion -Top AmWonlcio icy -SM0CNser ogcoierc/ion SERVICE Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 9 P.:X__ OPEN smHOURS �oam-pm SUNDAY S to -5; �j [PICKERING ASK A 40"' ,..f't< OFITMA i PAYMENT PLA Pickering Store 839-8124 1 J00 Kinston Rood cd Liverpool 3M, p THE NEWS ADVE1tMM SUNDAY, JULY A 1995 -PACE 9 Exp lore `neat world' of fish and streams AJAX -- Greenwood Conservation Area continues its summer of activity =j �u with another Kids' Nature Club: The Neat World of Fish and Streams on r Saturday, Aug. 12. rF The event features a walk in the S. a Skipping class With her mom Wendy looking on, tour -year-old Nicole Bird takes off while taking part in the Skip- ping Club at the main branch of the Ajax Public Library. photos by Andrew Iwanowski creek and arts and crafts. Take rubber boots, nets and magifying glasses if you have them. Cost is $2 and includes general admission. Parents can accompany children at no chrage. Participants are to meet in the park- ing lot off Westney Road, .six kilome- tres north of Hwy. 401. For more information on the nature club event, call the conservation area at 416-661-6600. `� ' , `� • • , • / , FORD J� :10• ;1 e - APPLY TODAY AND RECEIVE 5% SIGNING BONUS TODAY ON ALL PARTS AND SERVICE INVOICES '30 DAY, INTEREST FREE WITH WILDWOOD CREDIT CARD SE=R _ 10%_ �_ & *MTUMaoL-Moar�stiMTMCM-WHUVOUwrr mv Fai na R cosi IG —A-101 SrS1TrM AIR CONDITIONING — SUMMER SPECIAL SUMMER WTO TRAMS FLA M Am SUMMER SPECIAL. TUNE-UP PRIICINQ SERVICE TOME -UP For most ow vt' CA" & •" T • Inci udes I doffmwcm Il.t7..+flt+hrs 14 '_I • Cylinder ISroe ' ft 'd. 499P.5E. I I adjusting th ScryiancN,es: IV Wells e ! ! 1 I ! bands & • + • ~ ! °"u"" int ooairq tam 6 C Tinder 6995linkage syste"s for bdtii. Tat I I w dr) I I i I I• Clean the screen and air I red:7tor and red cep up to rt, .wwanfl " dw do" bw n"breather art deez rucoolm CNN* 10" Sind T# ft 995 Tigl�n eatwOr..eo►eM 0 ! I $ Cylinder $ ! � Replace pan gasket I oef roster for proper opnatioaL Mup�ct , 7iFwn nrte�ns•r � wave►itnr o�+ra r�. wW d BacRefill with Motorcraft trans ,l, non. i i�asr•s tirad" mann (FREoe — — — E,Pns Aso 695 1 I —EXMA; — =fifes A,4 695 (I V,= ars 3 q t --� �r2s A..g y 9E ! f1 a id — — = .mss A,,g „-5 I Z101 sawazl 77M Z. - a • a L6 I I I liff kwJL' • aE 91'M - - •" 1 683m7O4Or (Long distance charges apply in somenfosource areas) QUALITY CARE µ here the QualifN ( .,nhnu,�* Oshawa Centre Cinemas ....7022 Ajax PaY*enng Soccer ......5143 Association ...6019 HOROSCOPES Wtu Cinemas �Y ....7023 Ajax, P(ckenng Softball ......5144 Caesarean Prevention .......6020he� /Pickenn Cinemas Ayax, 9 ....7024 La Leone League ...........6027 ". Today's Birthday .... ..5020 Pickering Moviplex 9 .. .... 7025 Reach to Recovery ' Anes . ..................5021 Oshawa Little Theatre ....... 7026 I I (BreastCancerl.. .. 6022 Sweet Adelines 6039 Taurus ...................5022 Gemi. , Whitby Little Theatre ........7027 Ajax Bridge Club 6000 Learning D(sab(i,ties Association Durham Wnters.'Editors ...6040 ...................5023 Cancer Durham Shoestnng Performers7028 Oddfellows, Rebekahs (Durham West) 6023 Homepreneur Group .....6041 ...................5024 Leo ................ ...... 5025Oshawa Weekly Video .... ......5029 Rogers Community 10 .......7030 .......6001 Legion .... .......6002 Myalgic Encephalomylms Ajax Block Parents .6042 Virgo ...................�� Association .....6024 Home Business Association Libra .....................5027 . Fibromyalgia Support .....6025 . 6043 Scorpio ......... ........5028 . Epilepsy Parents Support ....6026 Parent Finders 604.1 Sagittarius Sag Capricorn .... 5029 ... ....5030 Midland Wal n ...........7283 Parents of Teens 6003 Osteoporosis Su000R •���� 6027 Busyness Networking Group Of Aquarius .................5031 AI -Anon, AI-Ateen 6004 \� ,��clubS Whitby ...... 6045 Pisces ... . . . .............5032 Alcoholics Anonymous 6005 Poets in the Pub .........6046 ' I I Women's support group of Durham I t Major League Baseball ......5033 Community Care ...........6006 S.O.S 6007 Oshawa Revenue Toastmasters Club .....6028 I I ' Toronto Maple Leafs ........5034 (Smokers Overcoming Smoking) Oshawa Toastmasters .....6029 649. . . ...................5001 NBA ....................5035 COPE (Depression) .........6008 Macintosh Users East .....6030 About Crimestoppers 604' i Pick 3 ...... . .............5002 5003 Pro Sports Update . ... Oshawa/Whitby Update ....5036 Canadian Calone Counters ...6009 First Oshawa ITC Club ..6031 Crime of the Week 6048 Super 7 ................ .. One Parent Families ........6010 Lottano ...................5004 Local Lacrosse ............50,38 Local Baseball Parents Without Partners ..601 t .............5039 . ... . . . ...........5041 Living with Cancer Support Group it rets & TOtS ' ' ADVERTISERS ' I Proline ...................5042 (Durham East) .............6012 •���, ....;. " Oshawa Generals ..........5043 Living with Cancer Support Group ` Execu-Care Home &Office 810 Joke of the Day ............5016 NFL .....................5044 (Durham West) 6013 St. Marks United Church .....6033 Care -Givers 1 Quote of the Day ...........5017 glue Jays .................5045 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Youth of Simcce United Church 6034 .......8101 Anscot Contracting Trivia Quiz ................5018 CFL ...................... 0 6 Durham .... 6014 .......8102 Local Hockey ... ..........5047 Durham College . ..........5051 Update Emotions Anonymous 6015 AIDS committee of Durham DASH $ �l\�\�`�,�\����a� Erotica Video ...........8103 Vallillee Wide Format Products AAx/Pickenng .......5137 Group ....................6016 . ..... . Ltd. 8106 Enwonmentt Canada ........5556 . A/ax/Pickenng Hockey .......5138 Raiders ,AAA'Hooke y ' " 5139 ' ' ' ' Multiple Society ....6eni Clanngton Walking Program ainme AVE Entertainment ......$107 Ajiax/Pickering Dolphins ......5140 Friends Ontario Friends of Schizophrenics Ontario Clarin Older Adults 9 ..6036 Emergency Plus /fyax/PiCkenng Rirlgette .....5141 (Durham Chapter ...........6018 Oshawa & District Ostomy .. .6037 Oshawa Senior Citizen's Club `CPR" ...... .$111 . . ' ' ' Aliax/Picxuerirtg Baseball ......5142 Saturday dances ...........6038 Once Upon A Child ......8118 r•ir s..M cors srMs y..• ..r..M.w ,rw row •ra• *%WX aww ■•w aVft ori "MW W" MW oar MW or omre son• oiw ra"oe rrrr cirri .m Www ow •r"r aonr Worn WM ono: war ower r ars WMU owao PAGE 10 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 30,1995 Hospice Durham offers training course for volunteers O Course teaches participants how to provide home support to families PICKERING — A volunteer training progam will be offered by Hospice Durham. The seven -week course is offered every Wednesday from 7 to 10 pm. beginning Sept. 6. Volun- teers will learn how to provide in- home support to individuals and families facing a life-threatening illness. Volunteers provide companion- ship and emotional support for hos- pice families and may assist with non-medical tasks. I Training will be offered at the Village Retirement Centre at 1955 Valley Farm Rd_. Pickering. The registration fee for those who commit to at least one year of volunteer service is S20 to co%-cr course materials and expen_.es. The fee for those unable to commit is S40. To register, or for more infi- rm3- tion. call 435-5242 or 837-2106. �--j F'11;1 0 Le ":6 ! Unique Designs ! Quality Nursery Stock CALL: (905) 686-3869 or (905) 649-5247 'G IF o TIME • QUALITY • GENTLE CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU WE ARE AVAIIABIE TO SERVE YOU WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS WE 4V PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERV -WE 3 Harwood Ave. 5.. Ajax. Ontario (South of Hwy. 02) 7 RR 1i1, Ashburn; Ontario LO IA6 DR. JOSEPH A. MISKIN, DENTIST Everyone reads and shops the Hers Advertiser, �.AUTOBOVZ Service Centre X& 1031 Brock Rd. (Just S. of foe 401) P--wim «a*-+�.+• Pkker m. Our. Ll W 3T9 (90n 6R6 -&T10 Attention New Parents is your baby between 3.8 weeks of "ge. f 1s W* colicky?. We are looking for bottle-fed infants between 3.8 weeks of age to participate in a study involving a new formula for colicky babies. For mex information please contact., Oshawa Clinic Research i Group MUSCOVY DUCKS Goes= WEEKLY ARRIVALS BANGAMARY #&AftOF FRESH FRUITS BUTTER FISH T CARIBANA CELEBRATION SPECIALSH & VEGETABLES ASSARISLANDS FROM THE We Guarantee High Quality Products At The LOWEST PRICES!! SILKY b JUMBO BRAIDS LALAH'S CURRY C.O.S.M. BEEF TIGER GUYANESE PRIDE CHOW 3/ PowDENR 5.99 PATTIES 1 DOZ BAGS341 3.99. MALT3/1099 ML MEIN 35.99 IM11 T CASE OF 24 14.99 .99 NU PAK DRY PIGEON YUCATICA FROZEN OVALTINE NUPAK FROZEN GREEN TRINIDAD ORANGE st GRAPEFRUIT PEAS 3/CASSAVA 398 ML 111111,99 LARGE 8.99 PIGEON PEAS 9 JUICE 2.4 9 567 G Sao G1 .6 19 oZ. EVE ACKEES CHOICE COD FISH KING FISH MR. GOUDAS SALT WALKERS WOOD JERK SEASONING 4m99,LBWG 4.99 2.99 1 k ¢ 9 .99 3,2 g 2.99 CO �■ M I LO NU PAK GREEN PIGEON TROPICAL TREETS ICE CREAM MR GOUDAS CONDENSED FOOT .89� LARGE-1kg 5■99 9 PEAS ¢ 16 aZ..99 1 LT. 3.9 9 MILK 1n39EA- _'r_'T_ _ -..a � - - am m _.- _ 300 ML For the latest sports results, read the News Advertiser three times a week THE NEWS AbvEkrisisR SLTiDAY, JULY 30,1995 -FACE` 11 rr S POR S Al Rivett sports rep . orter 683-5110Fax 683-7363. -- - - - - MAKE YOUR OWN GREAT TASTING WINE FOR LESS THAN '3"A BOTTLE!! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 61196_ s ® as�ONARCH KVE�� Vicki* Keith Munro forced to halt lake crossing ❑ Ajax marathon swimmer suffers severe stomach cramps, forced to stop her ,quest for a triple crossing of Lake Ontario AJAX — The goal of an unprecedented triple crossing of Lake Ontario has elud- ed Ajax marathon swimmer Vicki Keith Munro for the time being. Tier latest attempt at the feat, which started on Thursday morning, was halted 7 BASEBALL after the 34 -year-old swimmer began to develop severe stomach cramps and nau- sea. She was approximately 14 miles into the swim expected to take four days to complete. "She tried for some time to continue, but she felt it was wise to halt it," says Gaymarie Brown, the spokesman for the swim. Ms Brown added Ms. Keith Munro was at a loss to explain why she developed the cramps which cut short her third attempt at a triple crossing. "She's still a little bewildered. She hasn't come to any conclusions as yet_" Most of all, Ms. Brown says the swim- mer is disappointed in not being able to carry out of her goal to complete the triple crossing, while raising S300,000 for her favorite charity — Variety Village in Scarborough. "it was an extremely disappointing sit- uation for Vicki, not only for her person- al challenge, but for the kids. She was really emotional about that point. She really wanted to raise the money for the children," says Ms Brown. She adds Ms. Keith Munro has no immediate plans for another attempt at a triple crossing of the lake - Ajax Spartans rookie selects champs at Barrie tournament AJAX — The Ajax Spartans rookie select baseball team captured the title at the Barrie Minor Baseball Association Rookie Ball Tournament on July 8 and 9 with a thrilling 9-7 win over Oakville in the final. Adam Groome carried a big bat with a single and double for three runs bat- ted in_ Adam Shah smacked two sin- gles and a double for an RBI, while Stephen Ross Budai singled twice for two RBI. Game most valuable player Jordan Matthews had two singles and a double for an RBI and Robert Morris and Kyle Tate each contributed a single and a double for an RBI. Red Sox peewees edge Spartans for league victory PICKERING — The Pickering Red Sox minor peewee rep baseball team went head-to-head against league rival Ajax Spartans with the Red Sox pulling out a 4-3 win in a close match recently. Pickering pitcher Michael McLaughlin earned the win with a strong perfor- mance on the mound. He also did some damage offensively with two hits and three stolen bases. Scott Gray sexored the winning run and also had three stolen bases. Also contributing for Pickering at the plate were Phillip Lacombe with a sin- gle, double and three runs batted in, including the: winning run. Also scoring was Stephen McEachen. Catcher Lacombe also made the play of the game when he threw to second baseman Brandon Ridding to throw out a base runner in the btxtom of the final inning. laymin Parrnar, Chad Campbell, Andrew Hopkins, Aaron Schell and Ridding also posted fine outings in the field. With the win, the Red Sox improved their Eastern Ontario Baseball Association league record to 14 wins and six losses. In the semi-final tilt, Ajax ran roughshod over Barrie 9-3. Ali, Morris and Tate had two RBI, with one RBI apiece to Anderson. Brody W Chisholm and Cunliffc. 1�rj Tate was named the MVP of the game. .} The Spartans started°=%' the tourney with a 10-0 romp over Georgina, with the mercy rule invoked after the fifth inning. Ian Aspinall, the game MVP, and Morris each spanked a double for three RBI. Tate recorded two singles and a double for an RBI, while Eric Cunliffe popped two singles for two RBI. Jesse Adams hit a single for an RBI. Ajax and Oakville played to a 4-4 tic in the second game. Game MVP M(xris smacked three singles for two RBI, with Adam Ali and Groome posting two singles and an RBI apiece. Adam Anderson and Adams sparkled defensively for Ajax. The local rookies also played to mother tie game in the third game, settling for a 3-3 tie with Guelph. Groome scored the tying run in the seventh inning for the Spartans. Cunliffe earned N1 VP honors. "At the end of every marathon Vicki always says `never again'," she says. "She really believes it can be done, but she's not committing herself to do any- thing like it again." There was a silver lining in the midst of the disappointment for Ms Keith Munro as the marathon swim garnered tremendous support. However, the total amount raised for Variety Village won't be known immediately, explains Ms. Brown. Previously, Ms. Keith Munro had post- ed a successful double crossing of the Great lake and five single crossings. PIC1tF,RMG CO August 14-15-16-�7 AM 9-11 t30 - &VM AM 13-16 6r30 - ICU*m RAM 1'1I rfib&L Dry Land Ti-.� >WOOft7 yA�ir , s A rC3 On ICo limdruCtion ! SCtimrnc>l�s ConfioNd � . TOTAL COS?twoo :L900" �< lNG WES. Bud Mwer 905-W9-0671 Rob Ben" 905 -AW- 14,36 Bob Dom 905-M-&73 Doug Bato*en 613-473-M WD BOWER HOCKEY FACTORY APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE AT: Shoppers Drug Mort Nest Hill 905 683=4800 UM RM��_ AJAX TRAVELC�`'''�CENTRE (� 676 Monarch Ave Una 8 Arax Ont Whether it's a cruise or a resort, active or intimate, your honeymoon will set you on the path of discovery. Quiet beaches, glittering nightlife, the excitment of world class cities, create your memories the way you want them. It's your honeymoon - it's your choice. Applies to Air 8. Hotel Vacation Packages. Guises and All Inclusive Packages PAGE UMM NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 30,1995 SCOREBOARD PICKERING SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Whitby 6 3 2 1 10 SOWRT OIRLS' DIVISION Pickering 2 7 3 4 0 9 July 5: Picketing ladies Slow Pitch 15 Dadinglon 7 3 4 0 9 (MVP Karen Khederlartion) vs. West Pickering 1 7 1 5 1 4 Rouge Cycle 13 (MVP Maxine Warriors 7 0 7 0 0 McDonald% The Turning Point 15 (MVP TINDER 11 DIVISION Devon Paget) vs. Pickering Slo-Sports 6 TEAM GP W L T PTS (MVP Heather Wowk); Coughlin Homes Whitby 7 4 0 3 15 15 vs. Cherrywood Roofing 13 (MVP Uxbridge 7 4 1 2 14 Sha^nor Whig when). Pickering 7 3 3 1 10 July 7: Discovery Plate Child Care 21 Ajax 6 0 6 0 0 (MVP Rebecca Jamwet) vs. Pickering UNDER 17 DIVISION Sio-Spots 13 (MVP Anunda Wallace)! TEAM GP W L T PTS The Turning Point 8 (MVP Melinda Orin Tung 6 6 0 2 20 Parker) vs. Re/Maw-Frank Steir0 users 6 Whitby 8 6 1 1 19 (MVP Brook Jamieson); Cherrywood Pickering 7 3 2 2 11 Roofing 13 (MVP Nicole Bruce) vs. West Pod Hope 7 3 3 1 10 Rouge Cycle 5; Coughlin Homes 14 Alex 7 3 4 0 9 (MVP Tanya Taber) vs, Petro Canada- Cobourrg 5 2 2 1 7 Whites a Oklahoma 6 (MVP Kerrie Sa9og 6 0 6 0 0 Hope); Treco-Dawn White 12 vs. UNDER -15 DIVISION Pitkerkg Ladies Slow Pitch 11. TEAMS G W L T PTs July 12: The Turning Point 12 (MVP Darlington 7 7 0 0 21 Clea in Peak) vs. West Rouge Cycle B Pickering 6 5 1 0 t8 (MVP Kanis Wiber). Treco-Dawn White Uxbridge 7 5 2 0 is 12 vs. Cherrywood Roofing 11; Oshawa Turul 5 4 1 0 12 Discovery Place Child Care 20 vs. Dyruweb 7 4 3 0 12 Re/Mex-FrroNt Stainhausen 7. Cobourg 6 3 3 0 9 July 14: Isclues" Laws Slow PAch 11 Ajax 7 2 5 0 6 (MVP Sarah Cummings) vs. Coughlin Port hope 6 2 4 0 6 Homes 11. Whitby 6 2 4 0 6 Jug 17: Coughim Homes 19 (MVP Saran Ajax Kerry 7 1 6 0 3 Riley) vs. Treco-Dawn White 6: The Pick. village 6 0 6 0 0 Turning Point 12 (MVP Sky Liddell) vs. UPIDER-its DIVISION Cherrywood Roofing 10 IMVP Lauren TEAMS G W L T PTS Boodromi. Pickering Ladies Slow PRM 8 Oshawa 'urul 6 6 0 0 18 (MVP Karen Khederlar,an� vs. Petro eaker-urul 6 4 0 2 14 Canada - Whites and Oklahoma 2, Ajax 7 a 1 2 14 Petro-Canada-Whires and Orushome 23 48*uptor 6 4 1 1 13 (MVP Chnsime wahece vs. Re.Max Orono S 3 2 0 9 Frank SteirtHausen 10: Discovery Piace WhIll 6 3 3 0 9 Child Care 12 (MVD Lau•on Go.dsme- Was Rouge 6 2 3 1 7 vs West Rouge Cede 9 ,MVP Asn,ev portuguose 6 2 3 1 7 Fawcett Brock 7 2 4 1 7 July 19 TrecC tea.- Vill '9 (MVP Ca.ttioe 6 0 6 0 C Laura Cozlo.sk vs Petro Canada So900 7 0 7 0 0 Whites and Oklahoeno 41, West Rouge Cycle 7 vs. P,eke•.r; See Spores C AJAX WARRIORS SOCCER CLUB •,dela, • Coughs- .+omits ' 5 Mvp lamas -BOYS' HOVSE LEAGUE N.co,e MGC.;,xn, we Re Mak-':rank RESULTS Stel-ousom '2 UNDER-RVE'a' DIVISION Jury 21. Doccti," Pbce Child Care ' 3 July 10: OC- Express 5 Joao Mein 2. (MVp Stefan♦ Paozzolo, vs. pK:kering Just --salk3s 2. Jr. Jon- Kest vs. Lades Silt. = tcn 15 MYP Devon Fc -es' G'ee- purple 4 Zachary Guar•. weavr 2. Ao,o- Ward. Adam Ju,y 24-•aco-Cs.- Wn,to 12 MVP Sucnana- vs S,D.aY Sa ndwicnes 3 Bell.* Ca-pbe vs pe Mo. i"I r■ (Marne.-,onom, Done' C Connor, Jed S1e1-41se1 , ,MVP Ma -v A-- Re a Drcl' uto-s,rance 5 C•-+at,,,ac!; coughs- "cruet '3 MVP .Luke Piroccn, 2.:andon K.otchapaw <- Andrw. A-araa G,r,ngna- vs 'nit '_•Hing ch,--, vs. Sky Biu* - Orange 5 Kre Pan. '; VVP Stopnany Mea -a• ­C . A -strong 2. Kevin Sokoto 2. Matinees .-..herryw3Ce Roofing •3 ;MMP Kust,ne D1aM10• vs. So-aas C, Re. Max 2,Colin Siavador vs Picke• -; -ad,es Sic. Jr. Case, Michael McCulloch, vs. Navy pec" 9 MVP -anya Ma-o-ey wos• Blue - Rouge : yele •2 MVP Ma•ga•e. Sr -%-!i July 17 DC- Express 2 :Junior Wast its Para S ^,alar. 3-u 8 -S., - -saikos vs S■,, awk, -. Forest MI. =s A,• Nicoo.., E•,ca :a •e vee . Gree- - �•^a- Nvk..3s- Gerntu^. P ckr -; S o - Sports • 5 M, p ' arv- :are . as i's Do.DW ns.,rahcll -. Segv,- vs '4 c, ry Puede _-.o Care Po Ma■ •^�t-y �-ase 2. Marthw 12,MLP A-n,e 3o•oc- Jcn-etch♦ Z. •ev. Ke -y. M�cnae uuiv 25 2-e­vr_oc Pani nq •- .s McC .a-_' Robe,' Ban Ge vs. Sub.av was: Provge �,vc.a 9. potro Canada- Sand.•: -es -. Be. .­3as 3 �ian Spittle. W^ees a Cklehy.,a 19 MVP Me amine B•endr 3ec•ge. nary, Br.--,-. vs. tea- vs Ro Max -Frank Sto,,"a Ise' Navy Bk.e -. D,"* 2 .Kp* A! -Wrong, 14 _ ouq-„n -3^+os 2- MVP Tnresa Bret. . -ee•g vs. PurDie 2 Zachary 120 .s -•ecc-Dow- white 3 MVP Weave, 2 A.iisc- Apr-, 3 UNDER -SIX'S DfvtSION SOUIRT GOALS' STANDINGS July 2C Sta• Video* Raw -*tore. vs As at July 2s C,A-qe _. p..•p ie 3 Bra-. 2ecke.l 2 TEAMS G W L T PTS peer 'soon* vs. Navy Blue • Josep. Couignhe -win •2 9 2 1 19 Trentsaw B..•^s S MTrspr. 2 Grant+. 'um,ng ciani 1 • 8 3 0 16 Long, -a -e -co Pauq,. -• vs 3o.a 2 �e-v.00c 11 8 3 0 16 Came13n Ga- a -a. Ana- Botter,cge Dn6 cavory 12 7 5 0 !a Agva 3 ,JC"•ey Azzol,n, A-erew P Ladies SP 10 5 4 1 1/ Ouineriron, Adrian Williams, vs K.rmr+en S10- Sports '1 5 6 C 10 0, Dpt,nr;St C';ib 6 :A.ea aourl.e 2. Wase Rouge '2 4 8 0 8 'rrvar^v Jones 3. Tana Saion,a va. Sky Der What • 1 3 8 0 6 Blase C F. S*,e.11 3 B 0 6 UNDER -SEVEN'S' DIVISION Poac Canada • • 3 9 - 6 July t t- Sky 5 _e 4 A,z,ew Szn-.t.. MENS DIVtS1004 STAN011 Chns1cp-0, .e•ecvre. S:e.e- (As of Jury 2) Rate'! •+a•rccc vs. V 'Jac 99 3 TEAMS G W L T PTS (M,chae Baric o. Brock MacKenzie, PlatinumPlatm Fro, 13 8 4 17 Chnstconor Rainy. , O•ange 3 Branco- Bayrys 11 6 1 4 16 Druce, Brandon Wood 2 vs. Purple Mux raer. s B.. 13 6 5 2 14 Gla 6 ;Josn„a Gerive 4. Alex Snnea. Dakota Bobs 11 6 5 C 12 , Marc Son• a vs. Pent•arvc 0'. Keiry Gree - Se -a Spa •2 4 6 2 t0 t (Mat•hew :-erne, vs R&Max Quoley Mua"or sBlue •3 5 8 0 10 3":. Forest Green t ;Masan Lues'; vs. .one Stu t2 4 7 1 0 Aqua t ,Philip G•, fen). Pict Man,^ .3 4 11 9 Ju,v 18 AQ -a B Derek Gregorac■ 3. wOMEWS DIVISION STANDINGS C-nstopner Morns 3. Phis p Gntt n• (As of July 2) Be-,Arvn-anghammer. vs VideC 99 -. TEAMS GW L T PTs Ke -y Green 2 (Andrew - iarley, Mario RKInardaon Sp 11 9 1 1 19 Maicall I vs. Goie 1 (Marc Sarrw. Sky Srv1 ca Far 12 5 5 2 12 elve 2 Andrew P.eg,mbal 2 . Lerner Swna Spa 9 2 6 1 5 Spon. 2 Drew Dewca. Dynan Dr yr vs Bayry s 10 1 7 2 4 Pentran e J AJAX WARRIORS SOCCER CLUB UNDER -EIGHT'S' DIVISION BOY!' UNDER -11 DIVISIONSTANDINGS Bargain 'ire A C 2 ,Anerew riry.e 2. As of July It vs. White Z ,,Joshua Fort, 2 . AC.,a TEAMS G W L T PTS (K,.e McLester vs. Double J Dickson C. Nation, Lust 8 6 2 0 1B Keiy Green 4 ,NK:nolas Williams 4, vs. Play 11 Agan 8 5 2 1 16 Sky Blue 2 (Randy Wilsor•, Darryl King,. Sky &ue 7 5 2 C 15 Navy Blue 3 ,Xavier Mar:,nez. Darren Mclean -turner 8 4 2 2 14 McCioy, Daniel Sutherland; vs. Forest Mamas N H 7 3 3 1 10 Green 1 A,onso Telb!. CPT' B 1 6 1 4 Juiy 18 Navy Blue 7 (Joshua Fude 2. Purple 8 C 7 1 Xavier Martinez 4. Darren McCloy, vs SCORING LEADERS Bargain Tire A C. 1 (Andrew Whyte TEAM GOALS Kelly Green 4 (Nicholas Williams 2, Sea^ Ryan Phwichand 24 Randazzo, Scott Doucette; vs. Double J EnkG Martinez 15 D,Ck Son 0; Aqua 2 Jason Laschitz, Andrew $mitt+ 13 Jesse Prgkovsk,; vs. Sky Blue t -Michel! Keith Jones12 Earle,. Forest Green 4 ,Alonsc Tello 4; Blandon Wetzel 11 VS, While 4 (Joshua Forth 4• Showsamswer 10 UNDER-WNE'S'DIVISION JoshuaSchiMr 10 July 12: FGA Process 1 (Joseph A.elle; Ryan Greyorack 1C vs. Bdondo's Market 1 (Steven Karcn); lee-AcVai Mayalona 8 Soccer Conection 1 (Shane Weal vs. BallydMe 0. DURHAM TIER 1 SOCCER LEAGUE July 19: FGA Process t (Russell 'A' DIVISION - LW4MR•IiSNE Bradkay).vs. Forest Green 0; Ballychtte 3 TEAM GP W L T PTS (Michael Kam, Stephen Mootoo, David .Apx JCL 7 7 0 0 21 - ,Michedl vs. Bitondo's 0; Kinsmen 0 vs. Oshawa Kicks' 6 2 0 18 Ajax Home Hardware 0. • h M ng of te c Matthew King, 10 gets in a game of tennis at the Ajax Community Centre courts recently. United Wildcats post 2-1 win over Peterborough AJAX -- The Ajax trnited Leslie Investments NV•ildcats Girls' under -13 rep soccer team were stili able to pull out a 2-1 victory over Pe(ertx)rough last Wednesday night, despite a lacklus- tre effeirt. The winning marker came in the last five minutes of the contest when Candace Chapman placed a perfect shot into the net on a free kick for her second goal of the came. The Ajacians also received fine efforts by Hilary flesp on defence and Cadi Ilarrinizton at the midfied position Affordable Dentures... One Good Reason To Smile.! DENTURE CLINIC R£PAIPS I' - - • :--cwn;_.Ote . ,,,,0 - _ %mes LOWER DENTURE STABILITY NEW PERMANENT SOFT DENTURE LINER FRcE CiOtvS.,l'A' ON R thin Steil, DD, LCACAi 1 84 CIC K ngston Pd 1N P1CKE?iNG ......L= -C= AJAX 683-4294 d .. :_-s - '3-_ photo by Andrew Iwanowski IRVING A. BURTON LIMITED Trustee In Bankruptcy THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR INITIAL CONSULTATION CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT PICKERNG OSHAWA •1 � '�• el 1 .11 �1 1560 KNiGSTW7N RD. 107 KIM ST. 10 M ST. WEST MIMIC)AT941011 Mm� � 4alA DnD4 Enjoy I B s HEATING AND i AIR CONDITIONING FREE We re Vu :rlsule Guys. ALL SUMMER LONG Don't Pay uririf 1996 or gel 1200 off. B�lEW00D Heating S Air Conditioning Home 3 Design Centre, 17SS Pickering Pkwy i Pickering, Ont. L1 V 6KS PICKEPING, AJAX WHITBY 0SHA'44 905-428-0333 905-436-3212 5TH ANNUAL JANETVILLE 4X4 OFF ROAD .JAMBOREE & TRUCK PULL AUGUST I 1 TH9 12TH913 TH RETURNING THIS YEAR- MONSTER TRUCKS: "BIG FOOT", "CAROLINA CRUSHER", " EXCALIBUR" GO FOR A RIDE IN A REAL MONSTER TRUCK! THE "CRAZIESTt1 DEMOLITION DERBY AROUND! RACING STARTSWITH 11A.M. SAT. A SUN. MUD BOGGING - OFF ROAD BUGGIES &TRUCKS REGISTRATION & TRUCK PULL 2WD & 4WD TECH. ENTERTAINMENT WITH 8 A.M.- 1 OA_M. LIVE - FRIDAY NIGHT SATURDAY NIGHT A "CENTRE LANE" & The Wolf 101.5 FM live The Wolf 101.5 FM Karoke Band & live Karoke Band "SCARECROW" a tribute band CAE• for John Cougar MellancamP '"�To "DS"" for CAMPING $45 INCLUSIVE UWR Admission Only $10 Fri. Night, $15 Sate, $15 Sun. D 5 PORT PERRY � ,, SPONSORED IN PART BY: Norcom Cellular -Bell Mobility RS.Auto Parts, The Wolf HWYY ,A �� 101.SFM, Robbie's Rental, Artik Signs, Snap-On Tools, Van b Truck World, Off Road MACKSTOCI REG iEnterprlses, Clarington This Week, Undsay This Week, Millwork on c7 Pickering figure PICKERING — Pickering Figure Skating Club members made the grade at the club's recent test day at the Pickering Recreation Complex. Those passing tests were: FIGURES: Preliminary: Jennifer Wagner, Melissa Coady, Laura Conlin, Katherine Mcisaac, Ashley Gomes; First: Aliki Yorgiadis, Anna Papaconstantinou, Matthew Smith, Thalia Bilton, Rebecca Parkes, Jennifer Chorney and Lisa Gilroy; Second: Amanda Elliott. Thandiwe Hazel, Josie Lee, Teri Alexander, Diana Ball, Dana Easton, Alexandra Richardson; Third: Linda Joyner, Kerry Martin-, Fifth: Asheefa Sarangi; Sixth: Julie Diemert, Tara Leetham; Seventh: Sarah Hewitt. FRE F SKATE: Preliminary: Thalia Bilton; Junior bronze: Diana Ball, Warriors remain undefeated AJAX — The Ajax Warriors Yummv Donuts under -12 boys' rep soccer team remains undefeat- ed after three recent vict x in Central Soccer The Warriors improved their league record to six wins and a tie with victoric,-s over North Toronto. Pcterboroueh and 'Alutby Irotluois. The Yummy Donuts reps tilankcti the North Toronto Nitro. 5- 0 with goalkeeper Adam Bakerman making several ke v saves to earn the shutout. John Livingstone led the way with a pair of ooals, with singles to Kristian llalkias, Shaun Phillips and Andre V UX-enL The Warriors then defeated Peterborough 3-2. Chris Walker, Phillips and Livingstone were the goal scorers. Ajax earned its sixth win of the season by beating Whitby Iroquois 3-2. Chad Cockburn, Halk-ias and Vincent pro- vided the scoring. Other members of the Ajax squad are Tejane Gibbs, Michael Brown, Corey Sevier, Joey Saltarelli, Germaine Smith and Bartek A0401,SltL . . .. ne THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY.W 1W_1,MGE 13 skatersput their tests on ice s a_ us at Dawn Snedden, Danielle Demerino; Senior bronze: Mhairi McDowell, Kerry Martin, Amanda Gilroy, Melissa Grimshaw; Junior sil- ver: Asheefa Sarangi. DANCES: Preliminary: Dutch Waltz: Laura Weiss, Rebecca Greenbury, Kalai Pitts; Canasta: Melissa Coady, Danielle Turney, Kendall Tyler, Breanne Allen, Joanna Glavin: Baby Blues: Katherine Mclsaac, Pamela Spencer, Ashley Gomes, Stacey Timmers, Katie Ellis, Katya Milanoski, Heather Wood; Junior Bronze: Swings: Leah Brewer, Pamela Spencer, Shannon Crossman, Emily Gaudet, Erin Seeley, Courtnev Allen: Fiesta: Leah Brewer. Marcia Strong, Shannon Crossman, Jennifer Ball, Jennifer Cahill, Emily Gaudet. Erin Silcock, Jennifer Chorney: Willow: Michelle Frazier, Jennifer Chorney, Karen Conlin, Danielle Demarino. Senior Bronze: Ten Fox: Teri Alexander, Aliki Yorgiadis, Rebecca Parkes, Anna Papaconstantinou, Michelle Paradis; Fourteenstep: Alana Reid, Meghan Tearne, Alexandra Richardson, Diana Ball; European: Josie Lee, Stefanie Tomei. Junior Silver: Keats Foxtrot: Amy Trumphour, Carolyn Johnston, Devon Snider; American: Amy Trumphour, Lesley Robert, Amanda Gilroy; Rocker Foxtrot: Linda Jovner, Dana Easton. Senior Silver. Paso: Asheefa Sarangi, Julie Diemert; Starlight Waltz: Melissa Grimshaw. Gold: Viennese Waltz: I.isa Taylor, Trista Steel; Quickstep: Trista Steel; Argentine: Trista Steel; Bronze Rhythm: Nicole Thomson; Dance Variation: Residents feel at home !I at Cedarcroft Place By Peter Hughes If I had to choose umewhere to spend inv golden years then I'd i choose a place like i Cedarcroft Place. Located in Oshawa at 1"49 King st E , this premier retirement home provide resid-its with the kind of services and amenities you'd find at a race hotel All your meals are :ncluded and served in a bright and spacious j dining rox)m There is also I :, library with the feel of ,,me and an eating area w here you can sit down to a private r-eal when friends and family visit There is 24 hour nursing .upervision with a doctor available at ail times There is houvekc-oping and !aundry services and planned activities including bingo, cards, sing songs and n -ab nights. Administrator Marjorie Beattie g,ies out of her way to make sure the transition goes as smooth as possible ;n welcoming people here from their i , wn homes. "Cedarcroft Place is designed in a .. ac to make people feel at home.' she ,.rplains -We offer them accommodations to suit every need and -1,ev can decorate their rooms anyv%a% they like Colette Mousseau has lived at Cedarcroft since January and says she enjoys the freedom of being able to come and go and that she has made Ceeawe•• an ce^ls er co re c re • -a-v s,,: sta^c _y anc.e Ota ore Sea -e Ac- -a�rax- many friends -I !ove being around peopic -. t^is ` is perfect for me, she sa% -, II also 'I've the staff The are so kind and friendly Carl Carson moved to Cedarcroft 2 years ago after being wld about the the place by his niece, -I was tired of living alone and doing my grocery shopping, he says. -Hers ever ­ ung is taken care of It gives me time to enjoy life, go for walks, play pool cards You never get bored here" 649 King St. E.. Oshawa M9490 "C*WcfteV" AM ywe alio k we eanorns • COMFORT, CONVENIENCE & COMPANIONSHIP • Full Time activities director, daily housekeeping • Air conditioned, beauty parlour, 24 hr. supervision • Supplementary nursing services available • doctors office on site, chapel, personal laundry service RESPITE AND CONVALESCENT CARE AVAILABLE For a personal Tour Call X23-9490 Yanave Beatt a :AC r ns:raio, Sarah Hewitt. Weber, Julie Diemert; Silver- 683_ ARTISTIC: Nicole Thomson, Asheefa Junior Bronze: Maria Sarangi. %363 LENANNA DENTAL GROUP Dr. Henry Alban, Dr. Stephen Minsky, Dr. Howard Kanner are proud to announce the opening of a new Dental Practice. * We Welcome New Patients & Emergencies Pickering Medical Centre 35 Glenanna Rd., Pickering, Ontario 831-7566 "The Meat People"" Wednesday Only New York Striploin Steaks $99 lb. snvE •iso m. Boneless Butterfly Chops '31b. Breaded Pan Fry Schnitzels $29 31b. SAVE si.0o Ib. Macaroni Salads 69 Ib. � Pork Tenderloins $ 49 51b. WHILE SUPPLIES Breaded Chicken Fingers $99 21b. SAVE si.00 IbI.. Future 1 lb. Onion Rye Bread $ `9 loaf Boneless 1 Chicken Breasts $41b.49SAVE si•So ib. Marinated Sirloin Tip Steaks $ 99 SAVE Ib. si.So lb. GREAT ON THE 1t AQ Meaty Pork Ribs s41b. J a9 Ground London Pork 4 Broil $299 99 1b99. SAVE ` Ib.f .901b. J Stnokies Regular, BBQ or Honey & Garlic !249 SAVE si.00 Sale Begins TUESDAY August 1 ends Saturday, August 6 Edam Cheese 4-9 lb. Product of Germany NOW SERVING SOUTHERN ONTARIO WITH LOCATIONS INCLUDING 1794 Liverpool Rd. Pielcfair Plaza PICKERING 831.7961 thesis: Tues. I.+, wen. K T6ors. " Fr6 " sat. " nwr s N $ Q * H Ma1MOa 4 ■ Mem S U i Cc SAYLY PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 30,1995 `4 REFRIGERATOR ALL i� DISHWASHER I SPECIALLY PRICED FREE Heavy duty motor • '� , , • Soft food disposer i I •Automatic rinse agent i • Removable cutlery basket BRAND NAME BRAND NAME FAMILY SIZE BUILT IN DISHWASHEI ?=-;IGEZ-o LARGE SELECTION FRoM ON DISPLAY FROM - . yr.4'RA .:.tn.:.aLEVIM KATE; .E,,'E: �TEM�E;AT' IFE •SE;E�T'AO O c SE -TAGS C o - •'a' AC110% •: %A* VENTING ( BRAND NAME WASH S'TSTEM F _ — 24" RANGE $7FRIGIDAIREJ w FROM - -- FOOD SPOILAGE INSURANCE 5 YRS. ON COMPRESSOR I YR. IN-HOME SERVICE V9 26" COLOUR. - TELEVISION - - • 181 CHANNEL TUNER • CLOSED CAPTION DECODER • ON-SCREEN DISPLAY r$ VIEWING, • SLEEP TIMER- AUTO SEARCH • CHANNEL MEMORY • REMOTE CONTROL FREE 3 YRS. PARTS i LABOUR WARRANTY ALLISER 0 00com Ql it'attoll I L■ ;NA MATCHING LCbESEAT 8 CHAIR AVAIL 121 7�119 — 7 • c ^--- sE BEli E •aT sns p q y J jakAd 3 C 7 HQ SUL CR '"14,.s: •-' ��. ifs. - . � ..:3 .��. r sit a. SG► _ - --- —_ - FREE � t 4 �T� //�� •` ��I Zu Y � 26" COLOUR. - TELEVISION - - • 181 CHANNEL TUNER • CLOSED CAPTION DECODER • ON-SCREEN DISPLAY r$ VIEWING, • SLEEP TIMER- AUTO SEARCH • CHANNEL MEMORY • REMOTE CONTROL FREE 3 YRS. PARTS i LABOUR WARRANTY ALLISER 0 00com Ql it'attoll I L■ ;NA MATCHING LCbESEAT 8 CHAIR AVAIL 121 7�119 — 7 • c ^--- sE BEli E •aT sns p q y J jakAd 3 C CHOICE BUFFET & LIGHTED HUTCH TABLE i CHAIRS AVAL/ MAGnus C TO ACCOMMODATE: • TELEVISIONS L *STEREOS • VCR'S AND MORE 19 F -• ra• THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 30,1995 -PAGE 15 .. •10 Im AI* • Canadian made • Supe` soh and ALL Comfortable Hardwood frame79 PIECE HEAVY DUTY 7 "A STEEL BUNK BED " , ATd av7s T �I YOU �I- jc E mericarta 0 EXTRA FI ` SUPER FI IC�ng Kod ALL SPECIALLY ti PRICED �a `•ba +�I r _ v 1c = .:-ala �. • �,�v� • .,L�� i HEADBOPJ*l Q* lfi ff TABLE — v► UNBELIEVABLE VALUE BEST CHOICE T C N DUNDAS ST. WHITBY BEST CHOICE PLAZA NORTHWEST CORNER OF THICKSON RD. AT DOES NOT APPLY TO PREVIOUS PURCHASES DUNDAS, WHITBY QUANTITIES LIMITED WEEKDAYS 9:30 TILL 9:00 • SOME ITEMS NOT EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED SATURDAY 9:30 TILL 6:00 • SPECIAL ORDERS REQUIRE DEPOSIT • SEE STORE FOR DETAILS • ON SELECTED FURNITURE • DOES NOT APPLY TO ADVERTISED ITEMS • MINIMUM PURCHASE OF S600 BEFORE TAXES • TAXES MUST BE PAID AT TIME OF PURCHASE 1' within 30 days from Vour • AD ADMINISTRATION FEE APPLIES o3te of purchase you find the :� SOFA • CftlRo LTMES Jll • Im AI* • Canadian made • Supe` soh and ALL Comfortable Hardwood frame79 PIECE HEAVY DUTY 7 "A STEEL BUNK BED " , ATd av7s T �I YOU �I- jc E mericarta 0 EXTRA FI ` SUPER FI IC�ng Kod ALL SPECIALLY ti PRICED �a `•ba +�I r _ v 1c = .:-ala �. • �,�v� • .,L�� i HEADBOPJ*l Q* lfi ff TABLE — v► UNBELIEVABLE VALUE BEST CHOICE T C N DUNDAS ST. WHITBY BEST CHOICE PLAZA NORTHWEST CORNER OF THICKSON RD. AT DOES NOT APPLY TO PREVIOUS PURCHASES DUNDAS, WHITBY QUANTITIES LIMITED WEEKDAYS 9:30 TILL 9:00 • SOME ITEMS NOT EXACTLY AS ILLUSTRATED SATURDAY 9:30 TILL 6:00 • SPECIAL ORDERS REQUIRE DEPOSIT • SEE STORE FOR DETAILS • ON SELECTED FURNITURE • DOES NOT APPLY TO ADVERTISED ITEMS • MINIMUM PURCHASE OF S600 BEFORE TAXES • TAXES MUST BE PAID AT TIME OF PURCHASE 1' within 30 days from Vour • AD ADMINISTRATION FEE APPLIES o3te of purchase you find the j UY 2` �:� _ v •� _ #.' � _ 4 a � . p � a+�-�,+ moi? 7. . .777-- Paymects are Pius Tax. Require Security Deposit. See dealer For Details 1995 NEON • HICHUME 2` �:� _ v •� _ #.' � _ 4 a � . p � a+�-�,+ moi? 7. . .777-- Paymects are Pius Tax. Require Security Deposit. See dealer For Details 0 TRE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 30, 1"S -PAGE 17 a _. e:1a'c:Kenz`les.celebr ate 70th anniversar For Alice and Colin Wright, July 27 was a special day, because they celebrated their 49th anniversary. Wishing them many more are daughters Elaine and Kathy, sons-in-law Bud and Nathan, and grandchildren Matthew and Sara... .» Name dropping Hello and welcome back to Name Dropping, the column bitten by more than our fair share of mosquitoes. While we scratch, you read— Aug. I is a very special day for Millicent and Andrew MacKenzie of Pickering. The couple celebrate their 70th anniversary and wishing them all the best, with hopes for many more, are their children Jim, Ed, Millie and Jean, 13 grandchil- dren and 14 great-grandchildren. "Nowhere beats the heart so kindly as beneath the Tartan plaid." Love always from daugh- ter-in-law Mary and family... !V ilicent and Andrew .1.1a,: _ A special event for trig Thompson family happened recently, as five eeneration-s gath- ered. Hazel Thompson was there ,.vith son Tom Thompson Sr.. ,_randson Tom Thompson Jr.. _real-,rtnddaughter Amannda Thompson and great-great- ,randdaughter Ashley Thompson... Five generations of Thompsons A long-time Pickering resi- dent marked her 60th bu th- day on July 29. Wishing Margaret Hughes a happy birthday were husband Barry, sonMar reg Hughes Trevor, his 9 wife Cheryl and their daughter Hannah, daughter Nilawan, her husband Bob and their daughter Erin, her Mom Barbara McLeod of Creemore, sisters. brothers, nieces and nephews... .— "Lots of love and kisses to Jesse McKav on his third birth- dav Julv 30. Thanks to Oma Degen for the early birthday pre- sent — the fishing rod made it possible for him to catch his first fish. Celebrating with him will be Mom. Dad, brother Kurt, Oma Degen, Grandma and Grandpa McKay, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends...... Lyndsay Wilson and Shawn McGuire Katherine Gilchrist has a rea- son to celebrate on Aug. 1. That's the day she'll turn nine years old and wishing her a happy birthday with lots of love, hugs and kisses will be Mom, Dad and sister Paula... friends. On July 16, there was a family party in Valerie's honor. Happy birthday hugs at+.d kisses were sent to the `big' girl from Mommy, Daddy, sister Laura, Gramma, Grampa and uncles Paul and Alan... ." Congratulations went out to Steven Brown on July 28, because he turned seven years old. Love and happy birthday wishes came from Mom, Dad, Scott, Ryan and Braveheart... Happy birthday greetings will be heading toward Brandon Saville on Aug. 1. He's turning eight years old and wishing him a happy birthday with love, hugs and kisses are Mom, Dad and lit- tle sister Chantel... Katherine Gilchrist Nlargaret and Ken I'onsonhv announce with great pleasure the cnga,_ement of their daughter Michelle to Bradley, the son of Jude and Treasure Gorisalvez. on July 12. Best wishes from all on the couple's future happi- ne�.... Stever Brown Some friends write: "40. the legend continues for Penny Mowatt. Birthday wishes from Geri and Bob "_-. ire and Chartei Saville Look who's turning seven ,ears old already. It's K,.le Bartlett and his birthday is on Aug. 4. "It seems like it wasn't very long ago that you were only crawling and now dummy and Daddy can barely keep up to you big iuy_ We love you tons and wish you a great birthday wit:, :our friends at National Sports. Your brother Joshua and sisters Amanda and Heidi .a, 'Ilapp� super duper seventh birthday K', Jesse McKay, second from left, with dad AI!an, brother Kurt and friend Jacelyn Kovacs On June 10. Lvndsav Ann Wilson and Shawn Kellv McGuire were married at the Amberlea Presbyterian Church in Nckenn,.,. Lvndsay is the daugh- ter of Sandra and Gary Wilson of Pickering and Shawn is the son of Jeannette and Leo McGuire of Toronto. Kelley Ludlow was the maid of honor and brides- maids were Tracy lavage, Annette Foster, Annette Robertson and Simone Ross. The flower girl was Samantha Nelson. Chris Minicola was the hest man and ushers were Rick Kingsley. Gerard Karse, Brian Karse and Scott Wilson. The couple honeymooned in Ilawaii Penny Howatt Michelle Ponsonby and Bradley Gonsalvez .« Cori,ratulations go out to Joyce and Bill Burgess. On July 25, the two lovebirds celebrated their 25th anniversary. "play you have endless years of happinea,. Have fun at your party." Love from Carrie atx! Brenda... July 17 was a big day for Valerie Hawkins because she turned four years old. Although she was covered with chicken pox. Valerie enjoyed her Lion Kin,, p:x)l party with family and Joyce and Bill Burgess NO CHARGE AIR CONDTIONINto OR EQUIVALENT CREDIT. Oft a FO Kyle Bartlett That brings us to the end of another edition of Name Dropping. If you have an item you want mentioned, call us at fax 66-1-7303 or write to 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, - Ontario, LIS :H5. The dead- line for submissions is 11 a.m. the Tuesday before publication. We're not responsible for lost or damaged photographs. if you have a birth to announce, call the classified advertising department at 683-0707. I IT JUST FLS RIGHT '95 MX -3 PREGDiA1 KMGSTON AO W PAGE 12 -TRE NEWS ADVEWISM SUNDAY, JULY 34, 1"S LAMB tiHc►l 1wR �IL till UIRF.MSTICK'S S'l ttill ll()RK S11101F_ ��_ R.IB :1.73 kx I _H_ fin I AAL FROM ONTARIO PACKERS FRESM NEVER FROZEN Hf OF PORK 22LOIN` kg PACKERS TOWN CLUB BRAND FRESm NEvER FROZEN r17.AL1 AA -W SALUSA"]E DOPRRCHESTER OOZEN CHICKEN T4qUC.C.]Er]rS kg BOX 30ZV 'OUALJTYPA�KERS TOWNCLJ8 BRAND-;:POZEN 12 ]aft; -rA.--, rV HIF:F-F- STEAKETTESo�tt 5 tuN.-I)l JF, -%.;s S1 j(' F:1)tF nA SIDE 13,ALC"r*4 t f EIA Ell i�nE LEAF BRAND - AT THE DELI COUNTER HYTHUEPIFAIK ?-18kg WAXED 1301,OCxNA -ED .3.2S kg 1.49 I.R. a WIENERS I PAIIXWrF =R . (VSM).M SLIM) AT THF DELI MUINTFR B THE PWC Y i E &28 ke.49 L& COOKED HAM EL2c_Go�vC ,D�m CRUSETOEM FSLj-CPECMAST-711�RE ADE1LM ROAST BEE! F &0 CO IU-i �M Pt j KRAFT CANADA - KRAFT ASSORTED SXLAD DRESSING I -AR(; E 54x) mt- BWrrLE 77 MARGARINE1.69 'OOKIEs 14E 1 W - COLGATE PALIAOILIVE - JAVEX Ma" N M-1161 3� &%I -SHAMINK) -(ONDITION-ER •rM :11111I_i.myrnj•: I'M ,u14 -POLAR ICE 2 -NI I g.IAH -SHAMPOO : CON131TIONEIR MOUSSE KA_ [L -ES SHAMPOOi1 Id'1llV. CONDITIONER N R � 450 mi, PAyrn.L ra j J)i C"Daul�q ONE APPLICATION 5, NOYINS CHEESE 13A] U-AR(;E 907 g PK(;- x 2 V, I.I.MVIF A 59 zlk. 111115t.. secoamem F'(K)D n 3 12179 tuN.-I)l JF, -%.;s S1 j(' F:1)tF nA SIDE 13,ALC"r*4 t f EIA Ell i�nE LEAF BRAND - AT THE DELI COUNTER HYTHUEPIFAIK ?-18kg WAXED 1301,OCxNA -ED .3.2S kg 1.49 I.R. a WIENERS I PAIIXWrF =R . (VSM).M SLIM) AT THF DELI MUINTFR B THE PWC Y i E &28 ke.49 L& COOKED HAM EL2c_Go�vC ,D�m CRUSETOEM FSLj-CPECMAST-711�RE ADE1LM ROAST BEE! F &0 CO IU-i �M Pt j KRAFT CANADA - KRAFT ASSORTED SXLAD DRESSING I -AR(; E 54x) mt- BWrrLE 77 MARGARINE1.69 'OOKIEs 14E 1 W - COLGATE PALIAOILIVE - JAVEX Ma" N M-1161 3� &%I -SHAMINK) -(ONDITION-ER •rM :11111I_i.myrnj•: I'M ,u14 -POLAR ICE 2 -NI I g.IAH -SHAMPOO : CON131TIONEIR MOUSSE KA_ [L -ES SHAMPOOi1 Id'1llV. CONDITIONER N R � 450 mi, PAyrn.L ra j J)i C"Daul�q ONE APPLICATION 5, NOYINS Ifts 60404,0111111 111115t.. secoamem 16. 900. Sw ilm low 9— sp- %. spa Som to= 7 41�� wourpoIllos, Nowfooiloon ow nowTooms, o•E ND 1. 111111001111 — - so- xw ..• � VISION a. -ft. AD r_ . 81= - am•nI M ANSDOWKIF S, d I an - wpm A� t em - now looms % - wpm "UPON ftm - wpm I.IACOF,. 9 50. em - spin SMVFAWN M wrl 1w, 111111110016T wpm lim - aim pw - aim -KEP.114,: 15URHA�.I A,% A DURHANI N(JATH T,�:RONTO CENTRAL DOWNTOWN RIVERDALE U SHOLTI.,DER 1� I..STE b THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 30, I"S-MGE 19 3.28 kg COD - 6! Irsm '"iClc uC•Of Olv'AA!O � BROCCOL _AaGE O/:1(,INA( ExWI -ARGE Sia '9s SALADS _ 9'9 LB LB PRE -COOLED "SWEET" , m C� 0 R N SELECT YOUR OWN BAG OR CASE OF 5 DOZEN 7. 95 COB r1r—� PARSLEY � atir . aa,E ;ui,;•,A,, g, a � GINGF_R�� P • •WHITE •60': I$ HOLE WHEAT -201,('RA('KED WHEATi •100': WHOLE WHEAT •ENGLISH MI.TFINS i&s *HOT DO(; ROLI_s ;g�I - HANBL-RGER 111".%S, s. BREAD M11 UK i ",F -A -169A LEMON Ill NIOUti�;i: .JUI('E UH ��F KT_�o PEELED TOMATOES 28 oz. TIN r -------------• - KRAFT CANADA ,M I CHEEZ A ; WHIZ 1 500 g JAR I MULTI -GRAIN CHEERIOS • CANADA DRY 04 r162 L BTL. •COCA-COLA 7so ML BTL i ;199 — � 40C.A-COt.A(1 BEVER.4(:E 'l A -NADA DRY O Z wo. UJ NECTARINES, GARLIC( CLOVES /r.0) I 99 ` 1i3., C()('O1LTs I�1N"I:XIN -ABC' LAUN RY DETERGENT •+ L Lusa •s L REctI_ AL L JUG ;HEETO, CARROTS i • L•LTR4 FLEE( EETS a11x nF � � 1-/ ►l.Y "�►'' 299 299 ow c;k)oAll, C t- ][--'A _N S F� Itz s �N t %N- 2479�=��9 \ PEAS �� ;�- t L"CUMBERSJ9 CANTALOUPES •Kt).LV`1:-I�_,}PA >1,��. I.:1x(:F: til"/.F: "IS,-• HEARD LETTUCE 769) -PRODUCT OF U. S.A #1 CAUFORMA C" . -(:KI:F:` •Kt:uFt_��1F: eCREE: O -N, lO S �1 SEEDLESS GRAPES LD •RED RADISHESFI11 Yu'tom 3_:! k /1t.S11X OK �1.\1't'H .:;y F.At H / .90L.. . . .. � •(.'(�)I�.I)F'\ I)F� j ill>l'ti vW�•:F'i' l:Ft!•:i•�\ APPLES PEPPERS F'tI.L, YOUR Ow'\ BA( :118 � �.H-- �'II1. Y()L'R Owl K.-1(; _ IS kg FROM THE CAPE ONTARIO - #1 GRADE LI: c \A<EI. •G mim • VE:1.1A)W •! 1:11' .. _.1111K gd GES BEANS 261IN Y R(:E SIZF: "7'Z+" )•a /1. 111. YOUR Ow N Elm; •L IS kg i.K. WATERMELONajii LARGESIZE�-.-s..~7 - 18 [.B. AVG.SELECT YOUR OWN F LSELECT YOUR OWN r----------'kLE --------- r----------- KELLOGG S CANADA , •FRooT LOOPS 'I BRIQUETS, 5 g BOx I •FROSTED FLAKES •2 :' I ' 52S9 BOX I LARGE 10 LB. BAG 11.5 kg BAG PRICES EFFECTIVE FROM SUIT AXY 30195 TO SAT AUG 5116 _ WE fIMERVE THE RIGHT TO LW PAGE 20 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 30,19% i. old t. is i �i Diam ad of colke and fried& 9, !+torn Scotia. Mouses!. ptoq, Blackstock, Hampwn. Imo, cowtice, 04arwa and by. loudly, over these 65 years dw& Dorothy and Arlington seen their [amity three children ind *I> a diverse and Noes group, in ke nine gond- ren and II great - "ami went and Wt for orae another, lied with the love feat 65 yeas aga the key to the :wily and rkhatas of ' tartfelt urian, You* family friends coograudue _ �iszann s -count on We g cakcx 7a6r,I1w European S194r • Cakes • Pastries • =:9ht Lunches • Caterin9 • `lt etidirty, Comes (905) 6864043 ��- 1,10rldreh Avenue. t nit 20 1 . l jal- Ontario 0 w !1MOC61,5- , "' 'M ­ LN�j -� UNNERSA &UMOUSINE ArPUSONAL SECIJRff Y lyinj I"CORPMAM SPEMILISM • AIRPORT SERV K;E ••_+.ax N: A -,C -M-__ . WEDDINGS NM M RENT M • GRADUATIONS \ • [h.hc.6: GI.naMarc • CONCERTS • Tabkm 0tim. Linens . THEATRE • CORPORATE • BUSINESS • ('suklatxa A Anhcs om • • • • FI:•w•cr Stark%. Rwntuns • -ktkl mu'h nx'rcPaper (416) NO -2774 COME t7SrrOUR SHOWRoosf Rob Far (905) M-6473 3 Harnccx:d Avenue. .47,,L: Chauffeur otr�e (905) 42a 5466 Nen+ rr* N.., , s„I .4 x' Too Fres 1400.572-5446 Limo TEL: (905) 683-1702 ^r'ersortah: ea ; .r— N� PICKERING TOWN CENTRE aanEaterHalls c � (905) 839-2507 )N TWO BEAUTIFUL CLUSIVE BANQUET HALLS .R .PACKAGE 0 9 Unlimit� Time p RSE MEAL` r. :.: Beer. Wine, AiI -Pen gar wRh 0 4.4`"g .,,ei •e w ,� �rnPi'Men axes and Gratuities �SOO n sea•�•rt sw �r Lary Coffee and Te at Midnight Service 4.,-. 7veddz.9 A41 9C Deco,, %_fie G'• I CATERING I'TUXEDOa4� Pickering Town Centre SPECIALISTS R s FORMAL RENTALS 6 SALES `r1 Across from Holiday Inn. Oshawa \\ For more into. Ca11433-0211 l 1! w -A 111 Rentals Q r� from �w t0 � y r. 11 �A, Cana Ja'% Finest Selection Of Titk*dn SAlr� And AcrrtiIIurw., ('a11 905-831-0222 Ask For Danny orDave A - Romancer Charm !.JI' n trio r \ F:I.rrlasttng Ade"wrtes to a Q/ uni C w . 3e •tr, q Breazhtabrig Scenen Accuw:n. ,: trt hC 4o ` � h� t he F trep"-e or w. the O _%rasaas Coe:tetn C&b (':nrrrd Trrr:k-e. Seer: - u• al! n4lus1Vr 144-ddwg Packsej Wo Com 3 (2nd Rd. N or,r East Of Bim. 649-243.6_ WHY RENT A BANQUET HALL WHEN YOU CAN HAVE YOUR BIG DAY IN A COUNTRY CLUB SETTING Ask about our FREE Head Table offer • ii ,)i, %tour wedding x ith Complete [-)inner- fnom 512-50 4 = per plate • .til inclu�-ire .4 packagt-�542.00 per pervm j ANNANDALE COUNTRY CLUB C HLRCH ST. 5., AJAX 683-3210 Ae cater for wedding i artit-s from 4-400 go and badly i eddft Will Like -i -Se e: A&. and Mrs. Don While of Whitby are pieaaed to armounm tole engagement of their dat*lter lkly Asa to Paul 9 -ip ” Decker, awn of Mr. and !Mfrs. Al Decker of Grafwn OThe wedding will take place June i, 1996 at SL Stephen's Gaited Church in Awa DAP£R Fh;-�Rr lir The"r l Paper Factory t Your One Stop f Parti Supph Shop • WEDDING INVITATIONS • WEDDING FAVOURS • THANK YOU NCTES • DECORATIONS • BRIDES BOOKS • BALLOONS • GUEST BOOKS • TOAST GLASSES • PRINTED NAPKINS • CAKE KNIVES • PLUME PENS • NETTING • SIGNS • SHOWER III STAG PARTY COMPLETE ('OI,OI'R CO-ORDINATION -- 42o-5768 705 KINGSTON RD. (SE CORNER OF WHITES AND KINGSTON RD.) i. me ...� 4NG•.J1%L9•cn1 aazn -3VtruAT9 JULY JV, 1995 -PAGE 21 • ✓�.� -� a*• s ,�,ys � a+ y °)'r.. �'�' „n � 9�,; �.:,. .a��'� �: 4 3•s ;, r0 e t W'. Romm Renovadons Lath "Over 35 Years Experience" *YOUR HOME DNPROVEMENT EXPERTS" REPLACEMENT WINDOWS AND DOORS *HOME IMPROVEMENT* Specializing In: • Drywall and Fine Carpentry • Ceramic and Vinyl Floor Tiles • Wood Deck and Wood Fences • Carport, Balcony and Porch Pictures and References Available ALL WORK GUARANnED CALL BOB: (905) 420-3044 OYER " DEARS SERVICES AVAILABLE EEPER/E1110E ; �" � POOL BUSTERS D "Who ya OAC F�fwaYe04 / jesia wrrw YOUR ALSO SPECIAL2ING IN: FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 905427.6292 EAST END TOPSOIL Quality * Top Soil * Triple Mix * Peat * Manure j * Aggregates 619-96331655-8553 PICKERING NAZE l a `T a cos ror •[JOF fUNNITUAE STOP! Don't throw out Tel old sofa or chair. Give a new hfe with High Density- Foam. We cut and install or oremises. We also do reupholstery and manufacture new custom furniture. Come visit us at 16W Bayty Street, w.0 west 31 Bros ac•erN) Mon.,Twr,Wea.'^am.ba.•+.."+as.:^ ....;-7p.m. IF YOU WISH TO ADVERTISE CALL BILLY AT 579-4400 ext. 2304 1 Kr &TW l i Al coi�sTlRucnoDv i •HOME IMPROVEMENTS • BASEMENT APARTMENTS 428 -ala `, HOME IMPROVEMENTS 1 i ADDi T IONS • 2ND FLOORS • BASEMENT APT BATHROOMS. PLUMBING • DECKS.FENCES l i WIRING •TILING • DA ELKS, WE SUPPLY PERMITS & PLANS 1 REFERENCESb P!CT•�RES AVAILABLE l FULLY INSURED •ALL WORK Gi,ARAN-EEO 1 _ _ 97 Church St., Ajax l �pv� N 00 The Doctor W �, Says... ,� It's Time For ., Your Annual �gp5� gg�.1272 Check Up! Application art Appliation e9 May to July 9 'Lata �+�*� • Early Summa F°'°11Zef FertBirer Payments • B.oadaar woad • Broadleaf Weed O} Contrd Control "6.73 Application .� sapfrmee.�aoeer • �ntanzer Fertrlizer • All pay�nenee du. at U.�e of _ • Broadlea/ Weed application f;ontr He Prim ating andAirConffitiolimff "We won't be undersold" i pRtM HEATING C���' 24... J0�619.209C Prim Heating has a 24 hour service so you'll never have to worry about being without air conditioning during these hot summer days and nights. � If you're shopping around for the best price to beat the heat this summer then you should call Prim Heating and Air , Conditioning. For 25 years, Ken Primrose has been installing the best in central air systems for customers all across Durham and Scarborough - "I run a family business and we take pride in the fact we give our customers an honest job at a very, competitive price," he says. "When I give a free estimate I stick to it. There won't be any hidden costs and about winter this tir-­ ;• .r, Prim if there are any problems they71 be dealt installs Weathermaker Iurnace and does 'with right away." oil to gas and electric to gas conversions. Ken knows that people are always They also install electric air cleaners and shopping around for the best price but he humidifiers. has a solution to their problem. Ken says he keeps his overhead low "I will beat any price for a comparable and passes those savings onto his �roduct," he promises. "There's no need to customers. He also offers a 1046 discount twk anywhere else." to seniors and an annual maintenance • Prim Heating has a 24 hour service so contract for furnace cleanings and air you'll never have to worry about being conditioning start ups. without air conditioning during these hot Ken Sys he enjoys his work and adds summer days and nights and also will fix ;that every job is different. window air rnnditioners. "I like 1e " he says. 'And they like the fact that I supervise every job to and they all come with a manufacturers ensure it's done to their satisfaction. warranty. That's important to me and them." Also while you may not be thinking For more, information call 619-2090. DL RH atii �'��ItiDO�ti'S 8� DOORS �� s7s-2222 ^ASE IE M• :on+orr S«ecaor =f TIL7JC�0•i +rM 'IKnOo+n 6 ,^,non • °'"" PE MNDCuvS •�� • 3AB 3 Bt;YY'NSfi�GWS ^ �PAr•CE "LA MS •=a=C DOORS :-.AM DOORS • ti- N �3NSTaUC'iOfi M NOCVrS - CLASS 6 SCREEN - ♦ •cco.:ac FREE ESTIMATES .M dvAVNE NVTC►MNSON 8+ie +.. +.:, •:- w NS'4.n' 1] (9os) 579-2222 IX>K)Rti .3\17 I ()K 111 FIfiAO;;E 'EaMS f ►nafbro..r1. � ar 4o a •ane+rQ tar esar,—.-.ap. PYTHON Il'WLDiNG SLIPPL.IES INC. Isoel 420-0188. -1-800-463-5899 PRIM HEATING tQr AIR CONDITIONING _ 24�HQUR P_R_OM_P_T S_ER_VICE_ ICONDfTIONING � I FURNACE I START-UPS CLEAN OUTS I �4_ g_ _9.5 _� �_S_3.9_ _9.5_, ' We Install -Air Conditioners •Furnaces 619-2090 25 Years A Durham 5; �. � yht From The He.trth Ct:�turn 13uiltrtrP�ldcts b Ezpr'rt �,1�Isunry Services c. Masonry � - contractor ff You Wish To Advertise On This Feature Call Billy (416) 79&7672 d - up ro 2.000 sp. 1t. - 7•r. ncM�dad G.S.T. �/� soV _ TOTAL Prim ating andAirConffitiolimff "We won't be undersold" i pRtM HEATING C���' 24... J0�619.209C Prim Heating has a 24 hour service so you'll never have to worry about being without air conditioning during these hot summer days and nights. � If you're shopping around for the best price to beat the heat this summer then you should call Prim Heating and Air , Conditioning. For 25 years, Ken Primrose has been installing the best in central air systems for customers all across Durham and Scarborough - "I run a family business and we take pride in the fact we give our customers an honest job at a very, competitive price," he says. "When I give a free estimate I stick to it. There won't be any hidden costs and about winter this tir-­ ;• .r, Prim if there are any problems they71 be dealt installs Weathermaker Iurnace and does 'with right away." oil to gas and electric to gas conversions. Ken knows that people are always They also install electric air cleaners and shopping around for the best price but he humidifiers. has a solution to their problem. Ken says he keeps his overhead low "I will beat any price for a comparable and passes those savings onto his �roduct," he promises. "There's no need to customers. He also offers a 1046 discount twk anywhere else." to seniors and an annual maintenance • Prim Heating has a 24 hour service so contract for furnace cleanings and air you'll never have to worry about being conditioning start ups. without air conditioning during these hot Ken Sys he enjoys his work and adds summer days and nights and also will fix ;that every job is different. window air rnnditioners. "I like 1e " he says. 'And they like the fact that I supervise every job to and they all come with a manufacturers ensure it's done to their satisfaction. warranty. That's important to me and them." Also while you may not be thinking For more, information call 619-2090. DL RH atii �'��ItiDO�ti'S 8� DOORS �� s7s-2222 ^ASE IE M• :on+orr S«ecaor =f TIL7JC�0•i +rM 'IKnOo+n 6 ,^,non • °'"" PE MNDCuvS •�� • 3AB 3 Bt;YY'NSfi�GWS ^ �PAr•CE "LA MS •=a=C DOORS :-.AM DOORS • ti- N �3NSTaUC'iOfi M NOCVrS - CLASS 6 SCREEN - ♦ •cco.:ac FREE ESTIMATES .M dvAVNE NVTC►MNSON 8+ie +.. +.:, •:- w NS'4.n' 1] (9os) 579-2222 IX>K)Rti .3\17 I ()K 111 FIfiAO;;E 'EaMS f ►nafbro..r1. � ar 4o a •ane+rQ tar esar,—.-.ap. PYTHON Il'WLDiNG SLIPPL.IES INC. Isoel 420-0188. -1-800-463-5899 PRIM HEATING tQr AIR CONDITIONING _ 24�HQUR P_R_OM_P_T S_ER_VICE_ ICONDfTIONING � I FURNACE I START-UPS CLEAN OUTS I �4_ g_ _9.5 _� �_S_3.9_ _9.5_, ' We Install -Air Conditioners •Furnaces 619-2090 25 Years A Durham 5; �. � yht From The He.trth Ct:�turn 13uiltrtrP�ldcts b Ezpr'rt �,1�Isunry Services c. Masonry � - contractor ff You Wish To Advertise On This Feature Call Billy (416) 79&7672 • .,...a...a ...,,r. kio.wr� . rvsrrtm fwcro crTl►LTAV 1111 V 3/t. 1995 11 Careers 11 careers 1 1 Careers 1 1 Careers J11 Careers 11 Carvers t 1 C� 1 Im °gip TORONTOI School of Business 1450 Kingston Rd. PICKERING EXPEWENCED "S -40000 ^ sor' aulFs t ,,c .cede :.srunw service -W.00Alg & R.wa*rnt -ear• and ;roup OWrtam- cs wring-ecnriques _eaoersr�p sru.:s Comm - nicabors w^:ten and ver - Zi. cr QAnzabomm Z:t g and .nbour-ac'-! axed •eremar.ectrc Pieria send resurnes 1C M Moore Duman Cortege Marageanent Centre '6• ,?trrtpur A,enut WNTS .}iLriC _ • ti 5A.- No prions• ACCOUNTING COMPUTERS 5� Ill ra.•e a ro rice ,a; �,tec � teweer. o.- xege s •hew ' 2-16 w.eea M. cro-ComIxaw S,krs :'ertrfi- cate is for 5-Q. 4tartxtg every tour weeks this ind- vidua. prograr- DurrQf or qui curri l aw%rs to pbs requiem; -ot:rs & hordlPer- fectfor please call . 901_ -2 * 3300 Some programs offered only at Oshawa Campus Call today for further information and FREE aersona internees General 1 Help A -Z ,RIVERS loqured for _ons &short Term l S ars.rmentaOnvi rs for Coca. o & :�4sc Cert aec Dmrrrg Instrucivr 40- qured „ail Nanc, a Alam Regrona 0•.w Education 005 6862224 AUCTION GOERS!! Crnnmr n n,n G\ n -n•; /vin r In-•o-nntn � : nes � 5-V. W, i;:. VC, •pow gel �6, A�� �,;_ 1 �C l;^ .r �C' ryrvey n�• n /^,n nr1G'�res. we, �ti VUv ,� 4 CJ • W L�U vv.Eu r w y��' �! n•�1 r` �n•,n th n. nese- n n.nnGn n n . r 171; VVV:�V� Illi llVeV lll4. 4 V Ir VV •.�i� V•W ., Ol a O• VV n n ..nn. n: nn' , I inn 1� 5-i Ili i p�J vci.0"� WII c:.i•,,at.�.c r' ss: o s p 0 e e. For AictIor, listings Cal! 683m7545 Clanngion Res4ents 404.2615 1 General ASSEMBLE AT HOME Earn to S600twll Crat•,s sewtng• toys. woof. Jewelry etc Be Daic for assembling 1416208-3025 24 hrs CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News ACverttSer requOVS 'het advertisers Ch" ,flea- ad Alon p itxkCatior as 'yews ACvertiser will nd be 'esponslise for snore than or* ncorreo Lnsertior and there shall De nc rabdi y for iron-rnsertior of any a" !,semen.-kiwity for er- •ors r ads is IrnW !C the amount para for the space xcupytng the error All :ovv 6 Stew to ,he K - ora& of T,anagement of %­,�-. - Y' DADDY O'S GRILL- Feu time experienced waitress cashier day shift Appy it persor 98' Brock Rd S Pickenno 906-420-2547 EXPERIENCED DRIVER =or - zza de re -y OPERATOR "Make orders over -e phone Computer 'urn l a'^y 'e:.. sec Call 427.2829 EXPERIENCED HAIR- STYLIST wanted full time for Alax location Must have 3 years experience Some U'entele an asset Phone 723-1782 or 668-5441 Ask for owner Growing manufachm requires an organized sed - starter, experienced in international shipping. Your experience must include freight negotiations, custom and broker documentation, and the ability to work in a fast -paced, computerized environment. Interested candidates please forward resume to: Minacs & Associates 915 Sandy Beach Road Pickenng. Ontario L 1 W 1Z5 Quote File 0 1, 30 ESSUMEN raA 905-837-5009 v* dlarrt all candfUes ty their rwerest hottrtewir o* those candidates to W Irtterwevited wdl be corxacred. Un,GenGeneral Heral elp IM, Help A Famous Gourmet Restaurant Chain We are expanding and now have op- portunities for ambitious individuals for the following positions Full and Part time . gr•,rl fries • zashfer • ^.reS50r Please apply In person Mon July 31 & Tues. Aug 1 between 2:00 8 5 00 pm. 1163 K.^gston Rd Picker.ng (905) 839-5425 EARN SSS AT HOME We pay you drew to assemble oda products icer round Por 7!!.irE _ ,v * S:&—C*C 5-,r LEISURE TIME MANUFACTURING 16715.12 Yonge St.,Suite 344 Newmarket, Ontario. L3X 1 X4 PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IN PERSON EXPERIENCED nstruc tors needed in Wirdaws & 95 (introductory & Ad,ancedl Access. Word Powell C.G. and vrsi.ai Basic prograr.m,ng as well as for KevWdryng. dBASE V Lotus '-2-3. WordPerfect 6 ' Lord Area Network Odta Cotn- mu icabons GroupWise and Internet Please send resumes to A Whynot Duman College Manage- ment Centre 1610 Cham. Dain Avenue Whitby On- :ano LAN 6A7 No phone el,au-les .lease FREE DEMOS NEW METABOLISM BREAKTHROUGH' WANTED 53 PEOPLE TO LOSE 5J0 POUNDS BY LABOUR DAY' CALL 1-800-806-8W) SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 FUND Ratsrng Assistant Ata. A good detarl perxx who s a wil-starler. etpil enced in office manage- ment with good computer and written commurnoa- tio ns Wks It you IM-ve on challenge can work or your own and are looking to ease yourseU into a new ;career in the not-for-profit sector this is the job for yo. Must be good at working with volunteers and great on the telephone Six month renewable cortract Resumes should be mated or taxed to Innushare Charitable Trust 239 Wel- lington Street Whitby. ON N 5L7 or faxed to f9o51430- 653 (Phone hest) GIRLS WANTED from On- tario. between 6 - 19 to :.orrpete in this years 1995 'oronto Pageants Over $15.000 in prizes and Schotarshrps Cal today t- 800-367-2125 ext. 240 GIRLS wanted from On- tano between a19 to compete in this years_ 1995 TORONTO PAGEANT. Over S15 000 in prizes and Scholarships Call today 1367-2125 ext 216 IM, He, General P -OR SALE- HAIR SALON EOuiPMENT- staboll pump d'a" areis & urab. shampoo chews. reception desk. manrciwe tine. drv- ers & r%uch more call (905'.4.90-3.56 NAIRSTYLIST nolo or female wanted huM lane pert bra sabry plus com- riva r SM -2127 Ere Silia6'c MAC TOOLS Join the tastest grow - Ing mo0tte tool oompany m Canada Dtl�,ior- srrps available. Apprlc- am should be self ,to- tivWed. ^.ave tecMncal aptitude and safes or Dimness expenence Nor !ranchtse ococr- nxllty. investrnellt re- wred Financing avatl- able. Call Mac Canada •ec-,.lr �r 1.800-353.535. Management Positrons available Retail expen- ence essential The Craft- ers Maraetpiace 905-6e6 C'-4 MOVIE PEOPLE Toron- b s 'asIll growing ager, seeks extras for Iran & TV work All types & ages No exp rep Earn S7-S15.hr Chrfdren welcome Wom Guaranteed' Call Liz at 41696' 2226 RECEPTIONIST required for Ajax Dental Office BOOKKEEPER/OFFICE CLERK Permanent full time position with an as tablished auto dealership in Pickering required immediately. Must be self-moti vated and perm various tasks with ti- de supervision. Previous dealership exp. and Post -secondary accounting education would be an asset. Reply by fax only to the attention of 'The Controller' 905-668-9734 IM,SamsSol" HeW Agent ®IAgent SALES REPRESEN?A11" RMUff" Pickering VW Is seeking an individual who wants to make money. Must be honest. neat and willing to work Fax Resume to Sales Manager (905) 420-8550 1 Ge Het l 1 General P Help FREE WEEK JL lY 31 -TO At GL'5T 4" lit sim full Nae "Op s. Jim - ui ,,l.c suit up fa Mahe Cara nonce part or lull time C A, ,u cwrlta: Set arf cm ver. 4,5- or wort %o '„Yu• :,o nweriory, ir= we (arms — bell bDaw Can %oar to boot Chrw-ma lad 004 61.4 Iii -4 WANTED Reliable help for every Wed. even- ing from 6:30 to 11 p.m. to clerk auc- tion sale. Must be alert and have good typing Skills If interested call 905.683-0041 or 985-8161. WANTED CREW :AP- -AWS part tinw workfor a -'efor newspaper in Dur - ^am Regpn It wxeresaed :-al Roger Matlar. 68&2231 VMRK AT 90i11M Net oil Yee dbNy to ssrrrola orw pteetae. Emey est Me el wrimew mastery tar RICE rattails tato SA-S.E. to Five Star Enterpnties 00 Lwarp" Roll ser 213 PleYrle¢ oat. LIV 4M ce 1 Help P IF vow are anise or a sin - 6I• parent or separated or divorced with tlree years work experience. you may Wath for fr4w"l Asaa- tance of if you are over 45 and have recently been lard u off you quality for training assistance, DiP CERT Lobe, WordPerfect. D -Base. Word, Accpac. Bedford. Autocad. Ventura. Pagemaker Harvard, Cor- el. Computer Programming and Systems Analyst Co- bol, Pascai and C Photo shop. Quark Express and Illustrator, Durham Busi- ness Computer Coeege. entad Start hit tine. 25- -2' 3c' ., 35 hrslwk even. & some Skilled Skilled Sats Send resume to 10 Discovery Bay Dental 570 Help Help Westney Rd S w9 LAS 6V5 no calls please Social Work background an asset for full time torr tract position with Big Sisters as Youth Outreach Worker - assisting youth in their search for affordable h -Aing Must have vehi- Cie Appy to Jeanne at 555 Wentworth St E Urat in Oshawa L 1 H 3V8 START NOW Local company has positions available in all depart meats Earn UP to $14a2 per hr it qualified No ex. perience necessary, own transportation required Call Monday only 404- 0403. 9 00 - 4 30 A.G Simpson Co. Ltd. a major metal stamping supplier to the automotive indus- try, currently offers the following opportu- nities In our Oshawa facility. TOOL & DIE MAKERS Vast experience in troubleshooting, heavy blank dies and deep draw dies make you an ideal candidate. A minimum of 5 years stamping experience is desired. We offer a competitive wage package plus comprehensive benefit package. Applic- ants must be available for a 3 -shift opera- tion. Please forward your resume or completed application to : Human Resources, A.G. Simpson Co. Ltd.,. 901 Simcoe SLS. Oshawa, Ontario L I H 41-2 _ THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 30, 1995 -PAGE 2.; SaMs I�Ip/ an,Sales �� �� Articles Articles Articles Agent Agent Aglsrlt Me6eallpeneal • Available , or Salo ;M1 For Sale I For Saleffm Wanted P GAS Sales PARTYLITE GIFTS has RE Agents required in Scar., lust launched their u pique , n Estate Saks deo- pie, no board fees, no desk Ajax. Pick. Whitby. Oshe- Christmas Collection, ( feae, only 51251 year. Call rra. Full trainnkig Provided. Party plan sales ) . Re- Ron at 6839063 Cas - j9(,5)4244360; (905)946- quires ooneultants in this 80neWAIph6 Really 1515. area. No investments or stoves, washers dryers. AN ages welcome. First Ad deliveries. outstanding MGKWx. Skilled gest manufacturers is now Corina Please can ttell 16r (905)723-2996. 10 Help Skilled Help ckdes 30 Sq. yds carpet. AUTO BODY- Sanders A b start uP appliance store. Skilled milliliters needed. 710 Wdson Rd S.. Oshawa.10 at onso�Mlifc21 Help nanhl DAYCARE available near St Catherine De Sena mrik 7 PC. DINETTE set. 6 carpet Broker, 100%. OAK/PINE FURNITURE- APPLIANCES. wanted school on Keeble Cres. padded high back chain, Nylon thick, pkish, stain re- Why Pay retail prices? One working or not. Fudges Wesbiey a Roseland arca, bleached Oak table top, sistant carpet. For 3 rooms, d Ontanos oldest and lar- stoves, washers dryers. AN ages welcome. First Ad with leaf. (Nearly New) only 5369.00. Price in- gest manufacturers is now also active partner required CPR. Receipt3-7571alreferenc- Asking 5499 a beet oller. ckdes 30 Sq. yds carpet. selMig direct to the public. b start uP appliance store. e es. Cal 683-7577 Cal 432-1601 deluxe pad and inslalation E oak 9 Pedestal table and investment required, 427 - � EXPERIENCED daycare ABOVE GROUND in l� IKin Free quota- in 4 chairs $849. 7 it double 2713 message available, m imy home. POOL. 30x15. Saw., in- lien your home. No in- pedestal and 6 chairs WANTED . Curio cabnet Harwood / CIO W ts, net dudes sdw blanket A roll' 1191 , no payment for one full 57499: cannonball bade Cas 432-7133 after 6 p.m avag.. call 427-5403 any- er.Pump, Call ler details, year. Daniel. 1-soo- 217-M 04. fom $399: Over 20 stain choices. all sold, no ANTIQUES Absolutely. trine. 683-6254 or 420-8000 ext.545 ask for Victor trade ro. guarantees avail veneers. Traditional Wood. Purchasing ttmxsre or an- _ smoking -Minimum two years exp. CARPET at die working g0rrg� y3774 ything old. Suenafic mstu- ma•x with medical back- AFRICAN IMPORTS. Avoid t pries � nylon, fated Mems Clacks. watcm es. lumitue. anythrg old menta menus. china. silver. adver- grou d, will Rd.A SfieP teen! ix�. buy disci from sten reeishnt Price rnckides PIANOSiGRANOFA- beirg, kit's. decoys. dolts. pard area Hot lunches the l i-lim Handcrafted ped and eimert installation THER Cloc bot8es !actions pets Rellerenolis r' am 6ca Atex Norm Cap stove. 5300 each white In. crafts A outdoor activities. Clay Poftery. Handwoven Call Nick at (906) 43016651 Durham s largest selection -New and . Cd or estates Call Robert Bowen 9<is washer dryer Siso is) Call 6831841 SHARP 27- sereo TV Rec. 6. weremoss given. SOaw baskets. Ahrkiko Inn- -,.--r--•uct- used pianos Not sureo Antiques (9051 655-8049. .....,-_..,• CDA REQUIRED. HARP • / vftnted 831-0087. porbrig (905)427.0200. CARPETS - loft d carpet Rent to own, apt size. Brooldn AZ DRIVERS REGIRRED -Full and part time positions Certified lime. evenings Sabi -days. Rekine, Antiques. mom Kanabe EXPERIENCED reiabie daycare available n my AIR CONDITIONERS nylon• scan re > 0/1 �^d• I will wrKj t grand. digital. key- boards TREMENDOUS WANTED CAMERAS - Knmedlately required. New grade. in- CAREGIVER( LIVE OUT ) ►bine, rderances available dowon unitspale) and � 3 rooms. $349 Pnce SAVINGS ON NOW T step d'y crirna 9� lei lermicroscopes. tab available tide Vanticnpt. Start mid ourAla tome. for 2 Harwood1401 Call 427- and intkrdes Carpet. Premium Piano Works. 433.1491 y. oscopes, -Long haul and kcal August Send resume to happy d"b'en. 4 yrs. a 6 3454. trade ro. guarantees avail Pad. expert nsia4abon. last ter 'with ref Photo b 42 Crockfwtl scopes txrnocilocklam and re- -Minimum two years exp. File :7181 P.O. Box 481, months. Non-smokrxg• wenn A energetic shit LOVING Christian Granny able. (416) 726-4067 Pick- ening delivery. hes estimates 130ectricdishwasher. portable 30' fated Mems Clacks. watcm es. lumitue. anythrg old -Abstract, police Clearance arxf ICC 866 FarewellSt, • mid Oct exp s ref remwe<l would love b care ler you yards) Norman 686.2314 electric stove. cupboards a 432.1678 medical required. Ont L1H 7L5. yp•,r-Q&."1 ebb ones No�anbke•. o Mori F 7 VIKING drshwaspw Kenmore Desks. chairs. typewr tars Oouri ` k -knacks demo- WANTED- 264015 baby ALSO RECRUITING FOR ONGOING NEED FOR DURHAM REGION CUSTOMERS -Metal Fab Press Ogerator Automotive experience required •Entry. Level 0. A. Positions Customer service experience with Stroh FAMILY dental M1R 3C2 area 20 ARTICLES FOR SALE paO•d Rem to own ov awe 2^vr wararr, ' 80c. $ partied smaA goads 4vada- 100 analytical SkIIIS. requnea an experienced LIVE IN Babysitter re- 120 skids and pallets 10 Elecrrorvc typewriter nit^ pore t« wHr S9 7Sa SPECIAL B_ Past 568 �� pere^ngAdx -Licensed FQdff OtlelratOrS I'+Y911- 1 - 4 days p« , !arae loads available 304 ribbons baht' •xker wrth Cali 57'-'4.3 doors orvy 31C .iiuniArn p'or`e 41s'og--5no gored fa West Indian .prix- toy tray 3 wooden chid avarlabk 5 h S2K 5 R Shift work - automotive JIT experience week Mau" be kiendiv and y Raven c,oR and Weu- 400 sk,Os 4o DAIII June able b Hawk as a team and Jwys Speaa Deer all gat" Play Der evOnRow KENWOOO 22OW none $295 8 '1 $33C 433-' T38 ff Lost dihey area 427 2974 infantcarsit :ha6 ^referred. player 0100" forward re- raw 905-4342667 save Cage stereo system 5 -Gil CC " T-:5'842'Found sumo Ic F4•i7i94 0lnr LIVE OUT nanny lex 4 yr r-r.ss.-uge tabio. dre•ew Antiques - payer I,,.r cae•erk 'ow- TEAK DINING CABi- i wa This ween p0 Box oil gin and 9 no boy. start '•quisrng Som• work .n- .r speawen Orhry $756 a• NE' .Act a 7wt sv aiified applicants may contact: - Jud• oak ^4+ dor butw� Rent to own by phone 57•- COCKATEiL 'MA7t- ae1 parva. Cream L1H Sept 5 3C4m Spm ' Flea sae aimosl new S"3G x FRANCIS PERSONNEL "5 non smoke• Bahr -V»,- nut aes•w east air oda- 1413 lies 5rr -a05i 426^•931 rep pinny per *at .'i:ne Pool 831-270• Market gin. a hoop beck chairs 7+an very SERVICES INC. R.N. recurred pan time b :ran cedar chest. watm.1 MANUFAC-UREP-S WAS"ERS or vers Inoge crv,e , >p ipke40w Vww wah Surgeon s office VenH %AMvvMOUSEKEEP- 306 G A, 33 4 Me AAM be-owd Inwor air Row-kararu pasty 1x '% stove -+ew and second, aewartl 5200 4' 6i 26' - 500 tt Simcoe SL N., wagon , trailer 90c new 5 5399 6 54414 s punctve eiiperienu pec- ER vie -your. required qt' SVGA Coroir monitor D o�'4 5400 vOur choice d nrin tiorh•d. 5225 are �p for •e- 6n02 Bank of Nova Scotia Building ..spry Cali 576-5311 or prolessior-,r tam+r n Deer sow Card 1 4A FD 5400 c�t1' PI•as• CAN D. Conditioned e4srler S' -5 Oshawa. Ontario tax 576-0015 reek Aiax for 3 a 2 r old 500 554 bre a A - 905 83'.r_3.9 0, awmnu- 433-318 or and x 'or recondalorwd FOUNO :-,,omne •Ing CARPET A -f P-ces lou '-90485' �� Yyrs S'3 and up for re. wrC• 3 brass ,evs starrnp•d LIG 4R7 and intent Re4r.nd.• re NEW A -cancan Standard r • 7uired ShrDna Sept 5 bael n,b -WW4. never (**Cl wnok•aie F•ee ,n- MORTAR ;einem m,.M I;C ndit x - Y109" 4.1C •riamplr '3f revs Found Fax (905) 5764698 Fax resume to 105-837 mor S'5 :a4663J559 �t� 1Or tree *Wvnak sbvri Arse Mm operate udor A,w GoorQe St A,, Phone (�) 436-6 'tXi• 4 -whew, -od", walker -all San '905'432 2-50. or 9+s pISM Z good col waarer and dryers Ste- a.ea tiw^lir •nay contact • - (seat adapted grand new pager 41611649697 son f150C ±a11 a35-5267 pynson S Curnture and 42- 4463 con*,.Or 5250 905.965 Appkances 22- Cohn St. 2568 *a vieme•sap Oiihawa 5'6-448 ..27NL77 F. 2.7 News Advertiser- 707 683-7363 Eon, imptbvlr•ortts ro • YnprovelffmM • M M Improvtlmenis • ' ' ImproveAlents • f i Electrical . Moving i1i s Moving dr 4 iaroening A . Party • Storage • Storage • ' encs, ao,rg • Sevices EXPERIENCED NANNY Rellerenolis r' am 6ca Atex Norm Cap stove. 5300 each white In. olhce partitions (used as 'm9lutd,en 601566 car seat Must be n good for live- out in 619-0394 9<is washer dryer Siso is) Call 6831841 SHARP 27- sereo TV Condition 'all 430-8921 9.6. a N oid mo kA -,.--r--•uct- each Great condition 579- stcrage rti: x.es r.adde Great picture tree tlekvery doors. dean license Duties sob iriii ikiwa :.tarn% 5945 or 1905) 7'30791 HA;R SALON ECUIP- Rent b own ler phone for�POOIS. Merlin s Party charge of children and , Firewood Antiques. mom Kanabe MENT- stations pump only S5 75 wk ;all 571- ' 4' 3 spa housework Most evenrigs baby Grand Piano. lounge glans snks 7 irib. sham- 0S34 moves Pianos .Tnovea also Appliances, Comparable weekends tree To start Nue small IOU a dies Fndgi. poo chaps reception des. manicure table Jryem a $HEDMAN - ;uality ppm HOT DEALS' IIAR- November 1, 1995 Send FREE FIREWOOD, da,r uprght ',eep, 60 much more Cas r �'� style Sr Ts burg on site GAINS GALORE resume dri r ^9 ecoid et- SKIDS i PALLETS 9albr a-eCTlC water hwter 3'55 8X8 5649 GST included Oe+er 24 •ectanqunar Kdvar 000i ter 'with ref Photo b 42 Crockfwtl Hsardwood and sdhwood r'i'led Free delve Cali 435-3x86 s es ad dispiaY available Cas W)5 -509 - 'nudes ilea's 3 tercrnq Blvd Scar Ont y ava4 able able m tt1! kxy HITACHI 3'' stene0 -V 495• $4 595 Meets *Cal Ov. THE TILE MAN MAN ••�7 iii _lvermoi �c a: - ,,_--e"� a� (905) 839-2737 �I :ut Jut S•Yni/JOr" by DOORS 'R' US 3ARAGE DOORS OPENERS INSTALLATION Sales. Service 3 Repair 905-837-0949 -MISTER CHEAP- x nmproverrnents, rec momrs.in law apartments addittions tences decks etc L,- cenaed lex over 20 tows. ail work guaranteed ler Free estimate Call Ernie 905-404-8170 DRYWALL taping, stucco, plaster repairs. T -bar ceil- ings. and basement rend Marlon• Proressranal re - subs at competitive prices =or a tree estimate call an expert Bis .a2-8409 SIGON Constructan La serving Durham Region for 19 yrs Additions sundecks. patio doors, windows. reC- rooms, flagstone, tree esbr mates 905-5765760 EUROPEAN We special- ist. will renovate your bath- room. or kitchen walls as JUCTWORK ristalled. well as flow tiles Good ref- - .ed. relocated. Excellent erences and sabstaction , -s. Free estimates Elec- guaranteed For tree esb- anc air Cleaners, hu- maces call D Dykstra 725 - tiers Big. Sinal jobs. 4913 P41114,'8 -02i15 C b R Maintenance Building repairs and renovations R&R DRYWALL Boarding aping 'exture spay repair Work Cuality Drywall work Call Richard at 434-7836. ARMSTRONG )EV INC. Specializing .,stom hones. additions. ..mans. rec rooms and went apartments Res - 'tel and commercial • nq Durham Regan for I.... t5 yrs Free consulta- 4 Call Jet, 90S -666 - electrical. plumbng. ceramic Wes, carpentry From small repairs to mator renovations Fully guaranteed. tree eStF mates. ;905)66&3300 AIR CONDITIONING AND Healing Service and sales, 20 years Experience. Rea- sonable rates. Exceptional Quality 6867339 MAU CONSTRUCTION Carpentry Roofing Electrical . Plumbing Fences Decks. New Additions Renovations Quality Work Guaranteed Ret .Compekanve pricing Camper r BBB (905)427.4234 BUDGET ROKE DIPROVE34ENTS Basemerx APts Rec-rooms pkrnbin g. Additions electrical, &VWW 1s yrs Experience. Free asnrates all Mario (905) 619-1663. Cel. (416) 560.4663 IMPRO��EMEN-TS bsmts, apt additions. bathrooms a kitchens ceramic fifes hardwood Moors a staircase panting a wallpapering PETER 683-1072 pgr.141 ti) 374-3n +N VAZ GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD. Adddlo s. Baths. k/ch erns. Basements. Ceramic Tiles. Hardwood floors Rods.Trun. Doors Decks' Visa Abxep Call Justin For Estimates (905) 683- 5818 DELZOTTO WOOD FENCING Decks. Chain link, Iron, drilled holes, set posts. For Free Estimates call Steve (905) 509-54077 Molle l416)409- 6456 GCB COMSTRUCTMN Interior and •lienor repairs, renovations and : onstructan. Fast and clear, Profession- al work ;La'a-:ed: Craig. 686-1913 K.C. Aluminum c.d--..- ,.' .. BURGLAR. RLRRMS Installation sales & service gree Es, -a,-s (905)428-9464 :..AX Moving Systems - lent 50vrce3. moves appiance and }Ano specwists Etat •Ate Jr nonny We ria. nave Hated storage ,ruts 'Vow offenng hep boxes w.tr, move Park and Dad spec wArvv ale 595 AM ,,p Hyl nor niornuSon. -25-0005 or 42-4)05 AIN un r I Cross Movers , - I '<:-A rates 'ndnne5 I1 ;!(iC85 ax r1k r panC'iovin7 FUNCASTLE McwIS NG S-Elrs i Ii AN _ .ir •rh•np repay to enbli for ar, age adv xcasior B,r-- uea.a --c-0 -res � RENTALS rywvry ir•vm1•r t _,• -......, For all occasions. .-,.y'•�•ia^d 7r 7s0.r'C�: 'iarrns, -,.--r--•uct- Indoors Jr Out- stcrage rti: x.es r.adde F.sosnsa _4^oi.�rS :-�rh¢y �.ao.rs iOwr doors. Sprnkler systems Oiiality iriii ikiwa :.tarn% F-- -,•a 571 -0 7� ~'ll` at 4ii/ahr•aK iAnveat .:arisww Merlin s Party ivwkrllansrip at redsondbie =-,839-5349 0M rt es • Flooring, INTERLJCK hG BRICK 905- (� Experienced -, ` • ' Carpeting Invewa,,s wA,■wdMs poo, 509-1203 ELECTRICIAN- _,censed will Jc alk a eiectrw.,w tulles work Rsaiscountsonable rake Senors discount Fds: I Cross Movers , - I '<:-A rates 'ndnne5 I1 ;!(iC85 ax r1k r panC'iovin7 I� I [,,"I - 2- CARPET experience eau experience t apace steps retainnq wa� 5 '-lie nix -!dies �! Sru>s.:.ioe �: 568-;-4, Ii AN _ .ir •rh•np repay to enbli for ar, age adv xcasior B,r-- e Cal Ale. at 433- 7&12�42213-1211,d-rte Ir =a�,nC 3v?:a} ;tretcrung Jur speca, -, estimates „ A % 3krlcan 967-1799 ^x 98'- MISTER -CS- -*X-= au- gixed post -,AM so" ofI�I posts - .:oncrete 905. Ja vs prom011orS ape"_ rias ^.-a •a tiers Mage stlows .irerur.� .e[tuce war pang pasenents. inground • 665:.•:?k' 'iec 339--057 orJ 833s J A S ENTERPRISES -iARRY-0-TME- Painting 8 CARPET- 3A­Ej a N- NO TIME ': ao t voursaif, RA8B!-.7:s-:s -enovatiorls, fences. decksnew ' MOVERS - Move big or STAL-A- ON Discourt `lire i Bobcat .r^ .fever icv war pang pasenents. inground • Decorating small we price them all prices "Makable and quavty poet lone ->d 'Ahng, pow- Temic 'or arldren s carnes Sprnkler systems Oiiality Free esbmhdles. Seniors xnstalasor `.eel 'or tree es- lir sweeendless .;dP p'hg 'i and All JC:.ass,ons a.ecr ivwkrllansrip at redsondbie abil�tes food -ates. Glenn. ,mY �� -'dCic,an ;ail cr- prices John 19051 42'- discount, nonce 433-4,:25 96--9929 any- 0S34 moves Pianos .Tnovea also Appliances, Comparable • House • Cleaning Nue • M. Driving • ' andynlan • HANDYMAN With picA u; tnudk will do odd )obs, clean up garage, yard, small moving jobs. grass cut- ting, fence repairs call Vic 428-8907 1111" WOOD PAMTIIVG d DRICORATWG Free estlma;es Great Rates Professiona! se-oce 427-3246 TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior 8 Evenor European Workmanship Fast. clean, rei.aole service 420-0081 ate' Call 4U -285o • • Schools MEN wins large truck wile do household moves res,- dentdi Commercial All tYPes of roses Call Carl or Jane 42-2856 MICHALSKI MOVING - I.A.1ses apartmerib. Offices appi,dnces and piano spe- cialists Senior and mid- month discounts. Licensed .nsured Free estimates Exceileni seance Cali 436 7795 Mobile 718-4342 CASTLE CLEANING Your whole house cieaned.or Ask about our partial cleans All floors hand washed 428.9'765 fully bonded and insured •'NYA Pal•ty • Sevices SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 S&B DRIVING SCHOOL -i lessons and test $105 •tJ ! essons S150 ,Full Course S259 -ree Pc, _p and drop (416)287-3060 PAUL LY -1 n[. I�G..J AV • 4n• wa:� ov..v�.,.•..... +..� .�... Durham Region residents can now get up-to-date AUCTION LISTINGS via our new dedicated phone lines. All auction notices that are published in one of our publications will automatically be listed on this phone line. C:TION 0ER.%Ch!! For Auction Listings Call 683=7545 Clarington Residents 404-2615 IF You WISH TO ADVIERM ON A ,. gleyow ONE STOP nils FEATURE �,: CALL BLLY 41i1~T98-7672 EXT: 2 YOUR AUTOMOTIVE ` a' ' AUTOMOTIVE GUIDE -.7 Pst CELEBRATING OUR 10THANNIVERSARY Van & rIPmck 3 , NEW & USED TIRES World CONTOW TRUCK CAPS F111181111i Boz Co�sls LOVE Everyone wants to be an and Iadder racks. The also ° FLATS individual. Thev don't want to do window tinting and new JAf�#R � be the same as everyone else. for this season, they will The same holds true for install leather seating, do �e sEp',,cE Y their vans and trucks. They custom striping and 24 K gold ':°7l":rfi7EN�w7WN� .7r�' : 15► IICUi 3nA1! Gr •Cl7tIG Wt .r want them to stand out. Make plating. �+�.��,� •NFA�4a7UNC]� C-+iT1VLOP a statement about their -People like to customize TIRES OF ALL KINDS • P TRUCK. CARS OR FARM EQUIP ?ersT al - their van or truck and make 199 X64995 • WIDE SELECTION OF BRANDS That's - why those people their own personal b SIZES IN STOCK :ildDr SIO ...ave been shopping at Van & statement," says Barry. "Our Truck World since 1973. full line of accessories means • PHONE DISPATCH With locations in the possibilities are endless." _ • COMPLETE AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR Oshawa, Scarborough and Van & Truck World "SERVICE THAT NEVER SLEEPS ® Pickering, this speciality shop stocks items for trucks from nas everything you need to all of the major truck makers `actor.. T,rE j -f Ire % JSK :�� Care -hake your pride and joy an including GM, Chrysler, Ford, rING eye-catching original. Toyota, Isuzu and Nissan. �1 59 Kingston Road West - AJ AX t = y g' y AS _:W r: FIBERGLASS -twet- B,x■ a 7 xrr Sloe n f The Pickering store is "We stock a very large �Q ^s an. S r; ocated at 1050 Brock Rd. inventor},' says Barry -'And if WNW BOARDS G..�APJu'YE� V9 905-686-1694 South and Manager Barry it's not here we can get it in a 19811 Dwyer says ever since they couple of days.- PICKERING opened five years ago their Van & Truck World will AUTO BODY LTD. • A ` • shop has been a favourite for do all of the installations and TMILER INTCIIES LouHOOD amrrten and women looking for if you want a complete van __�__v __`��_ _,� • everything from small conversion, you'll be referred - accessories to having their to their location at 1670 AVE EC_ =Eti- ehicle completely made over. Simcoe St. N. in Oshawa.- s� • _:_� ��'�,P� "We sell everything here,** Your imagination is your = -ays Ba -We have running only limitation at Van & 1900- rrS'• b 5' FaOr •r,raPrar A._ MAKES A MODELS• _ :.oards, hood protectors, truck Truck World. Call 8:39-8771 . . aps, roof racks and much and find out how you can tore.make your vehicle different EXTANG TOM COVER LUND SUNYISORS The store also has box from the rest. VW r.--- ------, :ners. ln-riders. tool bnxeq Sry..0 ON PRESENTATION OF HENRY QEWARDINS - THIS ADVERTISEMENT AUTO BROKEN SAVE YOU WILL BE DISCOUNTED W I N D S H 1 E L D ? Up TO $170.00 YOUR G.S.T. & P.S.T. ON• - - - • NC Ove,charae tc InSUra^ce Cc ' ALL COMPLETE AUTO (Wirll-•dWasher•II ,. •'30.00 BODY JOBS. �-- _� - • • 0 ,- � OSrAw� PICKERING 5CAR90AOl1Gh 1 �� - • ►� 'E70 SKa S' k 1050 BROCN QC S., 11M MD -QC 6E L ---------A = 1 - + + .. . + E=aUv-vSty {En Eras Aa *0�LWM r : x Maas o1'araon 4C ,;d N k So& FREE ESTIMATES 2si-o2°' 9^5�70b868 9905.8308^ 415.759.5001 EXPFIE UNIT R9 _ _ r. _ i�.aranteed • >e;a s . r. C.: .ps' 42 8-22444 377 MACKENZIE AVE.. AJAX 860 Br;,CK RC. S. BBC (w5)683-9040 Unit --1 Pickering. Ont. 837-7819 is EL THREE BEARS Free Estimates YOU CAN ADVERTISE IN AUTOBODY 0 ' Complete Collision Service THIS FEATURE & Refinishing • To Cars & Trucks $ QO ( .00 FOR AS LOW AS -� Frame Straightening 4 •Rust Repairs Ocomplete , • • • Insurance Claims PER `SEUNIT 20B paint EK • Car Rentals Arranged _ y Which Includes 4 X 61/2 Editorial 282 MONARCH AVE., AJAX • Open 6 Days A Week (905) 619-2327 . ALL WORK GUARANTEED 4-- e Lt�•t 8�obks THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 30,1995 -PAGE 25 • Found i I For slle Auto�b� i Autaflooie$ ' Trailers / ' TP—WVUSL W t I A For Rat I �F„Rent FOl1ND 2 dab n awe 194 Horwda iriul9s Rd. & South 401, area. gay and M its, ap- pox. 2yr. & 1 yr. illicit haled 420-2332 �' 2 MALE Shi-TztAA= Apso, while 3 blae111br I 8 black ball aha de- wormed. $300 each.. 263- 2481. 63 2461. COCKER SPAIef-L pies, roodir kw I v p hornas August 3, $MO. Cal 6Si-96'71 KEEP your dog weals out of the garbage. use a DOGGIE DOOLEY WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEMI. Lit - ane 9uaar+ee bel, avec able n 3 sizes, 9wn - 9prs, 7 days. (90517235413. iwm Win Ie� a and twonsw 9 weals old. sdWV $125. 613.336-2239 a 905- 723-6264. PUREBRED. MIN / TOY, Mack MI. poodle puppies. Ho" raised, very allsc- Wrwls. resdy b go. no pa- ptds 723-0464 1943 Acadian, eacelnit n.vwwg shape. $750- As s. Cal 579-5727. Accord LX. 4 dr. auto., air, anise, Pa. pb. 81114". New point Good dean running tar. Was 32695.. -tow =2495 cert - fied. 4 more twice Cars b elwooee from. Cal 427-9722 0 Russ. rdoois. Sales BT rig 7ooi INS CAMARO 2.8 fin, v-6. high hwy li ants% $1.300 a bell offer. 1994 Chow S-10, 4 cf4., 5 speed, ori, sm4m raaeeb, box bri- er, ner, 310.0w tom. 666.5096 1N5 Ford Tempo, 4 dr. wAwile sub.. $1000 as is. Cal a3i-3239 INS OLDS Cutlass Ciare B-aubran . 4 dl., V6, buck - Oft, eaweola, lily loaded, now exhaust. carubd $296.663x/63 IM7 CERTIFIED 724. Cavia, 2.6 L. V-6, fret R l CWC origin Cvrrww, 40 - IM death and nsaoC( ask- ing 32.000. (906) 603294 1967 Chew Caprice a pas - saga station wagon. Air p.b.. p.s. Needs Was to cer- tify. $2000 o.b.o. (905) 433.3582. 1W7 Tempo L. 4 dr. auto., a., ps, pb., arMrn. Decant mdse. Good clean nitrtirtg car. Was (2685., now 32495 certified. 3 more nice tars b choose from. Call 427-9722 anytime Russ. Open 7 days ws W Indoors. Big Town Saes. 17tH I.MARON QTS. auto • maroon ederw and inforim good condition. $2,700 or bast otter. (906)426--0677 190 Sprint, 2 dr. auto., sivw 9fe1. rade, low ��dr for 34250. GST indluded� sm. 1fI12 Geo Moro. 2 rt. S. spd., earl.: $3900. Ila Built Ragd, 2 dr. auto. air . Carl $6400. Cal 726.0417 191 PortOae 6000 LE. 4 dr., at.. taess0, $6900 Cr boat rvism see oler. 6 mowed- war -nye Pater 723. 1156 or 436-7564. 87 CiHE-V, sprawl 2 dr. haldtbeck . 5 MOW. $95., 87 VW •Jetta. auto MC, nice dean car, $3796.. a7 Hada. CRX.SI, id, powv 9001 ntnL low loris $4995. Specrunn 906-716-1020.. 416.269-7037 Blaisdale Montessori School OPEN' HOUSE DATES all at 7:00 p.m. Ajax 403 Kingston Rd. (at Rotherglen) 18 mos. -6 years * convenient for Whitby parents * close to the CO station * part-time programs available. Tues., Aug. 1st, 7:00 p.m. Tues., Aug. 15th, 7:00 p.m. Mon., Aug. 21st, 7:00 p.m. Wed., Aug. 30th, 7:00 p.m. Ajax 5.35 Kingston Rd. * huge classrooms " spacious grounds 18 mos. -Grade 3 (9 vears) Wed., Aug. 9th, 7:00 P.M. Wed., Aug. 23rd, 7:00 p.m. Pickering 415 Toynevale Rd. I South to Hw•v. 2 GREAT VALUE FOR YOUR ADVERTISING DOLLAR KIDS CALENDAR will reach your market effectively each month DON'T MISS OUT! For Further Information Please Call Carol Scheffel at (416) 798-7672 or (905) 579-4400, Ext. 2303 CANADIAN TIRE Ajax SM" Inspecdons $49.95 Car dr Ught Trucks Ajax 683-2277 TAKE A DRIVE To DARRYL•S INHERE YOU GET MORE CAR FOR YOUR MoNEY. WAWO DEAD OR ALIVE "FREE, being for soap, and or abor domed tar, hew lt.. P"W. by pnm pad up 10 $100 (416) 2e -M 27' PRoinm Located near Bobcay- geon, new rug, toilet, upholstery, full deck, shed, tools, N, table, Good Fishin'. 416-696-4065 98111.N1 -LO TRAILER showroom C01 44101 sleeps 6, 3 way fridge, oven plus fan, 3 pc. baht. excellent for , $16,000-98364105 LlGN7wE1GNi COMW CAMP, last trailer, very good condition. kill size add on brit ows sbrapa oompersnent $BSO. (am) 639-4279 PROP ti SKEG REPAIR$ - S r Epoxy � Main-. lqfpl Wei wo Oshawa Glass Fibre Pry ducts Ltd, 341 Ourrtam 19M PLYMOUTH 'Jaya .Oshawa. 905-579- gour,V6, 7 1433 auto , 1 SS KM. ate. ng , 2 bedroom'. located at 309 cersl00 ed. $87 906 966- Cordova lid No Pefs S21S Please tail 579-236; or 5766724 A\N=3►`10 A East off Rougemount) Blaisdale Montessori School Pickering has programs for children from 18 mos. -Grade 6. The open houses listed below are for 18 mos. -age 6. For information for children grades 1-6 please call 509-5005 * part-time programs a,ailable * A.M.l. trained teachers Wed., Aug. 2nd. 7:00 p.m. Thurs— Aug. 17th, 7:00 p.ms Tues., Aug. 29th, 7:00 p.m. * I)ID VOL' KNO :' ... Blaisdale Montessori School was one of THE FIRS7' 'Montessori Schools to open in CANADA! * A.M.1. trained teachers. * Spacious classrooms. * Part-time programs. Call 509-5005 (Pickering) or 686-5005 (Ajax) AS v t7 Blaisdale Montessori Schools This is what every parent is lookm-q for The children LEARN while they socialize and have a GREAT TIME - Mother of Sarah. age 3 T(Kldlers IS nit )ndr- i � car> Prr:s,htxt1 i ti f -w -o (cars Elrnimur% 4radc•� - 1-0 ' Bbtsdale .kh inlrw til k Ill x )l %%,i? t int• tri the FIR. -i1 MO.N ENSORI sCHol)b in CANADA ' A .N1 I tracheo ' INpaLlous grmtn(t, See listing above for the open house nearest you! CAU 509-5005, Pickering 686-5005, Ajax "1:06 • 1 0 t91N 1 M V - BLUE 1NATER PIIM_ 1 8 2 bedroom suites, broadloom, 3 appliances. 101 KATHLEEN ST. W. Mon. - Fri.9 -- 7, Sat. - Sun. 12 - 5 (gg SHELTERANN�AnDIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED. 1 BEDROOM bent apt control Whitby, $675. in- cl des cable, lafawax available Sept. I. so$- 902 132 Bedroom apt in oeho.s and Bowwwsnvile. Starting at $SM land, fridge & shwa .hckrded, with Landry lac4isss Cal 434-2407. 3 bdmh by evel, 3 unit apt 1 11 . Now ask loon.g. buip, stove. 2 inn. to OC/ Akd No "ft, 1 sVtaet Available so", I st. S676.32/mo . ubl. 579- o66a SFJJL .R 1111M I Aardvark' With dust Sloo initial deposit and a corn- bned annual household incorne of about $70.000 you can likely own an ele- gant detadled home on a 50 or 60 ft Of on a parlwde ctrl -ds -sac+ So why riot pay off you won mortgage in- stead of your landlord's - And what abort the aard- v*W That die pit a tick to get at the lop of the al- phable"y-opted c xxa. fid ad. Cal Dory now at 905428 -SSM or 905.427- 0056 ADEWDEJSancoe area, large are bedroom. second floor. Qkad tripe. $47S -no includes hest wawpark- rq cal 579.5162 AJAX :ergs one bed- room baserneM apart -eft. aw, cable kakswdry. 4 pile Carr. sperate entranos al rdkorve $650 663-C799 AJAX - large/bright two bedroom basement aW- ment large kitchen. Irving - room, fireplace. laundry. parking. prtva* entrance Includes util. $775 Avail Sept 1st. Scott, 41&480- am 16-4648056 or after Spm. 905- 686-M7. AJAX - WHY RENT? detached 2 bdrm + 1 bdrm. basement apartment, central air, garage, landscaped. NO DOWNPAYMENT. Camas for 5795 per month. 905.686639 AJAX, 1 bedroom. balk our base, wsrd apt a. , ca- ble . store fridge. burttry. perking. rworw-srnoker. no peb.$600 426.9469 AJAX. 1 -bedroom base- rrwsnt apartnervt. konw.rwed. for mature person $sm month. no -smoking. no pets all ;fibbed included. Phi" : all 6' 9--526 WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 13 6:311-8:31) p.m. AJAX ACRO'S SUNINIE:R AUDLEY ROAD SCHEDULE: STABLES There are still some spaces This is a crovernment licensed available f(,r our SUNINIER facility and a memhCr 772 �(xxi CAMPS�iurin^ the month of standing of the Canadian AUGUST. h=all registration will be Equestrian Federation. the held: go%erningbody of all equestrian )R RETURNING activities across Canada. Also we GVNINASTS: are the homy of the Ajax Pon% WEDNE:SDAYI AC GIST 23 Club. a member of the Canadian 10:00-2:00 P.M. Pons Club. AAD This tamik run huslness otter, the THURSDAY, AUG[ ST _'4 hit hest standard. of Instruction on 6:30-8:30 p.m. sate and comperiti%e horses. OPEN RE:GISTRA-rlO\ 10%% 11,CCEPTI`G (FOR ALL): REGISTRATIONS FOR THE: WEDNESDAY. SEPTE NIBER 6 FALL RIDING PROGRAM 6:30-8:30 p.m. Visitors are ahx a-ss -,%e Icomr` but SATURDAY. SEPTE EMBER 9 please phone Sandra. the rro`•ram 10:00-12:00 P.M. co-ordinator at 686-4641 ?or an AND appointment. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 13 ACRO'S GYMNASTIC CLUB AUGUST CAMPS F:( (iatN 3 kt G. 8-11 /? ►:Illi p.m.- 4:1111 p.m. A('RI) DAN(_F AUDLEY ROAD STABLES _ , l:. 14-18 9AX) a.m.-12:t11) HUNTER/JUMPER _ P.M. At( .21-2; 9:00 HORSE SHOW �(m IPETITI% t: - MINI ELITE �_�-,- Sal. SI/i11• August 9:00 a.m.-IZAA) p.m. Public Welcome/Free Admission 1 REI -C'OM r ^, I G.14-18 Now accepting Registrations for ti ' •• 9:00 a.m.-12:00 P.M. 1:00 p.m.- 4:00 P.M. ;- Fall Riding Program') At G. 21.25 686-4641 AJAX _ , 9:00 a.m.-12:00 P.M. 1- t 1:00 p.m.- 4:00 P.M. REC- CAMPS, LESSON W TO ALL �—, At*(:. 8-11 1:00 p.m.4:00 p.m. LEVELS � lfwe42 . YEAR PLEASE CALL 427-0036 ROUND FOR MORE INFO!!! PAGE 26 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JULY 30,1995 gin, For _gads or 9051 666.32+' j " Ame�ts 1190 Olds Cutlas Supreme AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE- PICKERING- Kingston A Inter,.atvQl. while. 4 door. LY- clean bright 1 bdrm Liverpool bright apartment. automatic. fully loaded, apt., near Oshawa civic new applainces, air. pod. digital display, new Miche- cents, eat -in kitchen, walk to PTC. prefer non tin tires, tinted windows. fridge. stove. 4pce. bath, snooker. 5550 Aug.l. 427- 82.000k's. mint. $10.995. fenced yard. parking. suit- 782 7183 1-976 6'416505- 1990 Chew Cavalier, bur- able for angle mature le- 6883. gundy. 4 door, V6, air, row male. $575 includes ubli- ONE bedroom modem tires, very clean. $6795. lies. 906-430-4193. apt. ceramics. kitchent is - 1989 Cadillac Sedan De- AVAILABLE IN Whitby AVAILABLE lard, french doors, laundry. Ville. white with burgundy binding. from Aug.l. no pefs. not snicker. tell interior. fully loaded. car- spate, carpeted, newly last. 5650 ncuaive. Call age roof. gold package ponce. with balcony. come 430.2557. gold seal Wes, one of a fund. St 2.995 t989 Ford to bus. shopping all luelties WHITBY• bright bachelor Rarxler Pick up. V6. 5 spd first / last re- Awed. no pets. t bedroom apt. in Vidoriart alyb 4 78.000 original k's. blue $625. 2 bedroom. $725.ca1 plex. available Sept. t with grey high rise cap. 43D-01 5430, includes uNities, very clean $5995. 1989 fridge. stove and parking. GMC Saran Conversion EAST Ajax -1 bedroom Firstilat. No pefs. 725-1266 van, burgundy, silver two basement apt.Swts single PICKERING VILLAGE- 96 tone. Filly loaded. 2 S. 4- lap per son.close to Go A shop- Church St. S.. hen.. elven. Chrchbachelor tech engine. 144.000k's tech png.$600 - t 3 utilities m apt. building cols and drives new, Available Aug t St. Call Own entry. laundry. park - S8900 1989 Z-24 Caval- Joenne at (905) 61 x9500. ing. close to GO, no pals. er, atnile. automatic. lolly ortc loaded. new paint. rww white letter Ores. We new. 56685 1969 Z-24 Cavalier Grey. 5 no. $5495 !988 Chew Cavalier Wagon, bright red with black asteri- aautomabc air. 69 tX)Olk s. 55450 1986 Buick Centum 4 doorau- bmatic. wM.h at. brown with tan mlrrior 112 OOOk s Sae.- PS 1988 Nisar Son - 1A, 5 el red wine• grew n - WHITES RDJ401 I bed- room bassrriertt Separate entrance, parking. laundry. 5600 inclusive Available September 8374M WHY rent when you can own your own home for less than you ewnk'i" Cal Dave HavloCk Sates Rep Re'Max Sumrw Realtv .19911 LW ;905- 668.3800 RE_-)N0(-m0NEC BEFORE WE SE__ '-Etil DAR. RYLS AU'C CENTRE in BLOoR STREE' EAS- OSHAWA CA._ 436.3572 wc�; s BIRTHDAY SA,E -Oh -appy Day' Lowes: pnces on 41 brie pee -,vmed certified auto rrwrr ..es Some exampWS 92 Sumord SE coupe kasdeC 9C k -M row $e ase 91 Temps: as 02 kms blue anC setwr onvw S6905 32 Pontiac -OMaro SE W kris pi a* w"* put S5 645 91 Cavalier auto air west car .a i5 •95 9C Mustang i0e0, ee A. -W, beeut&A SS -'5 3C P'Obe v6 ax 5 %Do*C tartasbc and last S6405 411 Geo 5 speed e5 ,-» super sbec 4 u 995 69 Clcs 6e Ro„a,e perfect 2� xmi6 row SE 950 89 :ap*ice Estate Wagon -.30C ono, $4995 91C GranC 'voyage, ioadrrc Pwlec' of x.^ts SIC Sas 98 ;.4pnu _= loadedi Oer..titui Purg"cw orvy 9C ems 18 495 9e P'vm+oumr ^,Or ; Or auto one eaer'v owner re. 55 00; kms S3 30C 86 Grand P• x •ed AMC sdwM 136 a -I's $15 495 6e Cranio ;I -x SE aoso- xanv caoec and beaubrr se 995 8e :•e,e0nty Air A-tc 45 ..-,* S3 495 9C -,mr� oaOeC SIO 25' 85 :w.A.w type ' : 92 kms •,,rs Derlec: S 995 W _rnx 5 stet S 695 85 :.Odw errs converted va- On,v S• ?95 9C Asvc AaO- se silver and grew $9 85.: See you at ::erticar A.;tc Centre '51 Kms St Nes: at Midtown Mal. cmnay.d ;or great prices and happy customers ;ail 579-2886 Oven Surxta vs ! WApartments oFor Rent AJAX. 80C. so ft basement apt Eat n K,tcnen.separale entrance.suitec for single Occupancy park,nc central Imr» _ 5550 Leave rnes- sakk► n -.834245 AJAX bedroom base- ment apartment available Aug t $80C Incluslwe parluna Laundry Call 5', 6- 4' 78 ea h •message AJAX. spacious one bec- room three piece bathroom above ground close to transit Pamdv area must see AUC 1.426-1615 AJC; 300 soft basement apartment. private en- trance parking aundry close to amemues 5575 utilities included Available ep S! • S! 428-15W AJAX beautiful bachelor apartment rte* hone Ca- ble -.til appliances. cen- trai wirvac private en- trance. S595'mon71 single nor smoker (905)427- 7374 OSHAWA 2 bedrooms apertrlwnt avilide At NO and 90c Glen' St Comae b echo,, sx+oppng and :k M utilities WAAWC Ise past reWned Call '29- aQQ3 OSHA%%A South end hf- M bdrm - $nom l Oran ii-litir site, Include, twat...• r. N't water. F+ar►:^w •urns. I-,Tu4ncrn. 4.6-6700 C-EAN !a-mt, bu••Oimq Oshawa •,ore• one tvrc A 41.00 beoroom ncuOM "104: ^vdro fudge move -airntrr raditi1113 available 2-4 4 OSHAWA . JOHN CEIw TRE Street „arge bachelor apartment ary- able Augurs: at 95 5495 mo utilities •ncludted Go OreC to super At 6202-"0 _C rc Suet o Call 1905 PICKERING .-go 1 bed- room 40 mean floor very bi q vwv ouiet steel 3 noises wP irom Gnerteh- marn bav Waaia:t in urge txackvarC 4 piece wash- room iaundrr taCdiby, Parking Avaaabie Sept ' S -2s fwulav reK,:ued Cas xr ..00IS-854-",)Qe PICKERING `,.Wpco, am baNw spacious • bec- room basonvent apt Park 'N a c aces to ererv7vrwg Avaaab* Oct tat 5650 Cal 83' 2%5 Mv Ch in- ;,-w^ "rc prJbwar- L4t true SI 004. now Mor =aur S'X A = Call ?mons C Pito sales Rep Remax Accord Rea ty _td 575.3111 AJAX 3 bedroom m&n- floo, S%C di ,nuusive PA"" IC X1686'666 A..AX 3etacwed 2 storey 3 tearoom, 2 1 2 path fre- Pi- 4 appliances. double garage mrtn tc an amwn- rtiba S' 25C pia Sept ' 1W0' A- 0535 AV& LABLE Aug 1st NE AM,, For Rent Acoarodartildatim Priv*• Tenders • ' Tenders rjfTIT TendersFw Sale SOUTH AJAX - Clean, PERSW to share large detached 3 bedroom, ga- Pickering_ home, own beth - rage, rec. room. 3 baths, room, cable. $475. 831 - broadloom, fenced yard. 7707 $1,125 per mo. plus utilities. References. 683.8661 SOUTH AJAX- Close to take. 4 bedroom, over 1900 sq. ff., very dean. fust point- ed. 51300rmonM. 416- 515-9786. WHO says you CNN afford Imbuy a hone? 3 bedroom townhouse car- ries for $16acflorllh. (P a 1) 3 bedroom bungalow carries for $780 /month (Par Pitts more. Cal Mark Stapley, PaWax Accord 57611111 or 616.4749. A For Rent ' TOW"hoUS" CAPITAL Properties would like to over you the best in Oshawa Living Spacious 2 and 3 bedroom town homes Starting at $700 Call 579-2149 NOW CENTRAL PARK and Beatrice Close to shop pini. schools and park area All Appliances ►,ciud- M Ckaat private bao,warc 5900 plus utifbea Avad- abie Sept :195 Call Bill Wamw 1905 436-0628 SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 P,CKERINGWlwlasS 40', 3 bedroom town- house underground park. :rc newly decorated. S'021- mo Plus utilities Firstlest. Avail Sept 1. a 6 21SN-'983 ''vree bedroom Aµx Ciem,er+tsHa"- ..00c Soue. No Appiianc- •-s. 5'050 Pius tillues -.alt Steve At (4.6 626 .992 '•)m gam to Spm SHRRE BUN6RLOW i quiet court, Asking 155 inclusive. Incl. 4 )0. Partially turn. OM. non smokers. Call Ken PRIVATE: 251 Townline Rd. 4 bedroom, 2 storey, 45' x 213' lot older home, everything new inside, $129.000, fridge, stove. shat closing. Call 576- 4193 days. 571-0181 WHY pay rent, if you can afford 5900lnionih own Piclia ng 5 tsvel bats Wk finished 2 -bedroom be - ment apartment, 6.75%, (906)420-Q48. 429-7347 LARGE Rrn + tO APL or 9051 666.32+' Cam s a Odor automahc WesneyFCc Demon MEADOWVAL• maroon +� same interior m Beautittx Country slmnG. 2 q. WILSON ! OLrVE. new 2 ouact 4 69 000 anginal k s ralioirs IC patio. %*Piece bed0orr• available nrne- air new tiro 16305 1907 A. 5675 A.A.now 1st/lass diatelv.5750 ria Plus hvdre Chew Civebrity gold with_ pati laundry availbie, call Nick W . W a4 hinder &.11ca' Sept 1st SI05&mon . use ' x05'-436 9448 w,r Air -a o00k 3 53695 1964-2e Camaro. bright N OSHAWA br-oi f extra large 3 bdrrntx+rmt MI -nate blouses rsc 305 5 mod. tum. wad- -toner kvtrtgrC PrvFor nArl Rent VC --par root CD Player entrance Non amoliw no Poe POO' air aPlx •nor wrkte letter ores 52995 Polls corse to All y++erwses ment apartmentown en- oar or 52500 as a Aa_. Ourrsar'+ coae9e S90C er+ , cul 427-78275585.incus�.e S5 -0C'-9166 CAPS CERTIctEC ANC ck»ive single work,r„ adult Sept RE_-)N0(-m0NEC BEFORE WE SE__ '-Etil DAR. RYLS AU'C CENTRE in BLOoR STREE' EAS- OSHAWA CA._ 436.3572 wc�; s BIRTHDAY SA,E -Oh -appy Day' Lowes: pnces on 41 brie pee -,vmed certified auto rrwrr ..es Some exampWS 92 Sumord SE coupe kasdeC 9C k -M row $e ase 91 Temps: as 02 kms blue anC setwr onvw S6905 32 Pontiac -OMaro SE W kris pi a* w"* put S5 645 91 Cavalier auto air west car .a i5 •95 9C Mustang i0e0, ee A. -W, beeut&A SS -'5 3C P'Obe v6 ax 5 %Do*C tartasbc and last S6405 411 Geo 5 speed e5 ,-» super sbec 4 u 995 69 Clcs 6e Ro„a,e perfect 2� xmi6 row SE 950 89 :ap*ice Estate Wagon -.30C ono, $4995 91C GranC 'voyage, ioadrrc Pwlec' of x.^ts SIC Sas 98 ;.4pnu _= loadedi Oer..titui Purg"cw orvy 9C ems 18 495 9e P'vm+oumr ^,Or ; Or auto one eaer'v owner re. 55 00; kms S3 30C 86 Grand P• x •ed AMC sdwM 136 a -I's $15 495 6e Cranio ;I -x SE aoso- xanv caoec and beaubrr se 995 8e :•e,e0nty Air A-tc 45 ..-,* S3 495 9C -,mr� oaOeC SIO 25' 85 :w.A.w type ' : 92 kms •,,rs Derlec: S 995 W _rnx 5 stet S 695 85 :.Odw errs converted va- On,v S• ?95 9C Asvc AaO- se silver and grew $9 85.: See you at ::erticar A.;tc Centre '51 Kms St Nes: at Midtown Mal. cmnay.d ;or great prices and happy customers ;ail 579-2886 Oven Surxta vs ! WApartments oFor Rent AJAX. 80C. so ft basement apt Eat n K,tcnen.separale entrance.suitec for single Occupancy park,nc central Imr» _ 5550 Leave rnes- sakk► n -.834245 AJAX bedroom base- ment apartment available Aug t $80C Incluslwe parluna Laundry Call 5', 6- 4' 78 ea h •message AJAX. spacious one bec- room three piece bathroom above ground close to transit Pamdv area must see AUC 1.426-1615 AJC; 300 soft basement apartment. private en- trance parking aundry close to amemues 5575 utilities included Available ep S! • S! 428-15W AJAX beautiful bachelor apartment rte* hone Ca- ble -.til appliances. cen- trai wirvac private en- trance. S595'mon71 single nor smoker (905)427- 7374 OSHAWA 2 bedrooms apertrlwnt avilide At NO and 90c Glen' St Comae b echo,, sx+oppng and :k M utilities WAAWC Ise past reWned Call '29- aQQ3 OSHA%%A South end hf- M bdrm - $nom l Oran ii-litir site, Include, twat...• r. N't water. F+ar►:^w •urns. I-,Tu4ncrn. 4.6-6700 C-EAN !a-mt, bu••Oimq Oshawa •,ore• one tvrc A 41.00 beoroom ncuOM "104: ^vdro fudge move -airntrr raditi1113 available 2-4 4 OSHAWA . JOHN CEIw TRE Street „arge bachelor apartment ary- able Augurs: at 95 5495 mo utilities •ncludted Go OreC to super At 6202-"0 _C rc Suet o Call 1905 PICKERING .-go 1 bed- room 40 mean floor very bi q vwv ouiet steel 3 noises wP irom Gnerteh- marn bav Waaia:t in urge txackvarC 4 piece wash- room iaundrr taCdiby, Parking Avaaabie Sept ' S -2s fwulav reK,:ued Cas xr ..00IS-854-",)Qe PICKERING `,.Wpco, am baNw spacious • bec- room basonvent apt Park 'N a c aces to ererv7vrwg Avaaab* Oct tat 5650 Cal 83' 2%5 Mv Ch in- ;,-w^ "rc prJbwar- L4t true SI 004. now Mor =aur S'X A = Call ?mons C Pito sales Rep Remax Accord Rea ty _td 575.3111 AJAX 3 bedroom m&n- floo, S%C di ,nuusive PA"" IC X1686'666 A..AX 3etacwed 2 storey 3 tearoom, 2 1 2 path fre- Pi- 4 appliances. double garage mrtn tc an amwn- rtiba S' 25C pia Sept ' 1W0' A- 0535 AV& LABLE Aug 1st NE AM,, For Rent Acoarodartildatim Priv*• Tenders • ' Tenders rjfTIT TendersFw Sale SOUTH AJAX - Clean, PERSW to share large detached 3 bedroom, ga- Pickering_ home, own beth - rage, rec. room. 3 baths, room, cable. $475. 831 - broadloom, fenced yard. 7707 $1,125 per mo. plus utilities. References. 683.8661 SOUTH AJAX- Close to take. 4 bedroom, over 1900 sq. ff., very dean. fust point- ed. 51300rmonM. 416- 515-9786. WHO says you CNN afford Imbuy a hone? 3 bedroom townhouse car- ries for $16acflorllh. (P a 1) 3 bedroom bungalow carries for $780 /month (Par Pitts more. Cal Mark Stapley, PaWax Accord 57611111 or 616.4749. A For Rent ' TOW"hoUS" CAPITAL Properties would like to over you the best in Oshawa Living Spacious 2 and 3 bedroom town homes Starting at $700 Call 579-2149 NOW CENTRAL PARK and Beatrice Close to shop pini. schools and park area All Appliances ►,ciud- M Ckaat private bao,warc 5900 plus utifbea Avad- abie Sept :195 Call Bill Wamw 1905 436-0628 SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 P,CKERINGWlwlasS 40', 3 bedroom town- house underground park. :rc newly decorated. S'021- mo Plus utilities Firstlest. Avail Sept 1. a 6 21SN-'983 ''vree bedroom Aµx Ciem,er+tsHa"- ..00c Soue. No Appiianc- •-s. 5'050 Pius tillues -.alt Steve At (4.6 626 .992 '•)m gam to Spm SHRRE BUN6RLOW i quiet court, Asking 155 inclusive. Incl. 4 )0. Partially turn. OM. non smokers. Call Ken PRIVATE: 251 Townline Rd. 4 bedroom, 2 storey, 45' x 213' lot older home, everything new inside, $129.000, fridge, stove. shat closing. Call 576- 4193 days. 571-0181 WHY pay rent, if you can afford 5900lnionih own Piclia ng 5 tsvel bats Wk finished 2 -bedroom be - ment apartment, 6.75%, (906)420-Q48. 429-7347 'Condos for Salle ylSer,ry apartment WOW room sem Close to all 'Speoe MEADOWVAL• no pets 169: ail incknave ury pen ho se�oondo. orr be den 1050 4 Montle Free Rent - Downtown Oshawa. 400- 3500 sq. it. available Park- ing and great exposure. Best rental rales. Call 434 2447 or 6554132 IDEAL 1 person professional 350 sq ft Mash reed curios with sigge exposure on Wesley Rd n Ajax PER MONTH 905-509-3561 CIVar • 8 1 Storage Space 4000 sq h industrialtrrc space 3 Mec12 x 14 ge garadoors Meal true■ repairs 5760498 or 725 95(73 room plus sq. R Fabulous view. 10 R. 006. s. door. wall tsur► dry. 5 applanon. nidoa parking. Early possession. 5120.000 private sats. 905- WO-1357 05WO.1357 PICKERING VILLAGE - 92 Church St. 2 bdrm 2 baa► room pent house. indoor pod. rec. fact, 5118.000 Avail Nov tsl/95 (9051 668-6327 TENDER FOR CLEANING CONTRACT FOR THE COMMON AREAS AND OFFICES OF A S STOREY APARTMENT BUILDING EALED PROPOSALS clearly marked as to contents will be received by the xecutive Officer until 5:00 p.m. TUESDAY AUGUST 8th- 1995. Specifications are available from our Office, at 121 Ash Street in WHITBY. The LOWEST or any Tender not necessarily accepted. baar �d off Directors b rkiold CO -Operative HOrrteS Incorporated 21 Ash Street. by,, Ontario IN • 'BII51111Sf opon TERRITORY for sale. re- locating family. soe" sea-motrvated individual b operate a wall estadished spats promoborns in Dur- harn Region. Investment re- quired with excels' return 19061432-0[i42 Lots for go Sale WA:U:C1tiOnS. BEAUTIFUL Budding lot I,, home or cottage n Hai- bu7on One acre with 350 on le water 4 season ac- cess Spring led lake Good be" Minutes to town 531.500 Vendor will hold mortgage wrm S6 Wo dCwr• Coil ,-70jJ47­�e% WATERFRONT cOrnmun- tv In Poet pwn, apeetacir Ar 2 are los wet natural rj ,gas. 9CS, A27 -039C. or • Umf3 aryl 428-22,c INOUSTRIII cannier- 4 DUt-01 ay. 2200 sq R n Ajax on ' P?•oyterbes Wwlev p Atradable now le sale or resit car (416; 40' -+_ rA Cottages for Rent COTTAGE for •ant Stur- gvco '_alis 2 bodmom cot- tage with sleeping calor sand beach. 5330.week 705 '933. 3C Trent riven- 4woodtand Es- tates lamely rvouse keeping cofagas. 3 pce flat' pod. beat, sites. playwound oro muff -101thi ast Picker - Rooms � We- Elm, Starting July4 , for Rent El 1 t L,� .C4 •coni for rent n house .aC. Rer•;ats v,are •ulcnerr bathroom yard Owtxr accucied Centra, Oshawa 5350m+c alt A: x leav0 nrsasage '25 'C-4 AJAX JNurnifinsd room for rent in clean quiet hone Q& laundry Jet A ode nUuded Share bath a wt Mature waling per son Orly Nor srHoke, a wa.iaDie -mod 14000 mons` 686'26[ AJAX. two Jntumished ,coma own• washroom, snare kitoherrrlaundr} ubl,- ties. . _-Ae included Nor1- sme""g mnatur! "On"ng Persor $425 Montt' 42e- 0482 cv 42--'564 Bngnby lit 2 bedroom Oshawa Spacious 3 bed- ylSer,ry apartment WOW room sem Close to all Snore area 3uw street. amen'tes. S89G month - no pets 169: ail incknave utikbes Cal or leave mm- Ava,iabie rr^rned,ately sage at 5767454 Pau'4. 6-805-999' OSA WA -3 bas semi. PICKERING Athites,4C1 close to schools. shopping. Uean br,ght • bedroom park arge yardbright spa- basernent Apt Sepen- GOUS Infrio, Avau trance full K:tcrlen air. Sept 1st SI05&mon . use laundry parking utilities C.0 72'-9212 nCkrdkd 'KW -smoker first' last. S60C avail Sept t PICKEaNG - a oar* mouse 83'x:22- (less baserne t) 4 Poe - 2 PICKERING quiet family Poe POO' air aPlx •nor ho rie 1 -bedroom base- smoker preferred Kingstor ment apartmentown en- 8 ..eirpool Awad Aug 1 trance taunary. park:nG , cul 427-78275585.incus�.e S5 -0C'-9166 eirsUlast. single work,r„ adult Sept 83 41 6 505-6883 1 9 83'-056 PICKERING GO- 3 bed PICKET NG. 1 bedroom detacrned pus in-law sate . m baseent it quiet home seP entrance care big lot wit working single $650 carpor'^ •enema* noie or sepa- mann Inciusi we ri vand Doe Sept 'st Call (905)420- PICxEiom NG off I..iverpoo 2 2064 bdrm -lain floor no PICKERING- beautiful spa- Parking close to amenities c,ous 2 bOrm bsmt apt car. 8 school sommonm Shore u pete-C throughout, lovely tilltle9 ' St last kitchen dinette Camay_ -- ""- room, lots of storage. 1800 PICKERING. 3 bdrm. mon Avail Sept 1st 420- semi 2 "2 baths tin bamt. 1596 4 -pkg . newly dec cul-de- sac. 5 apple Close b Go. Excollent Central location Oshawa wry dein A quiet. prlvAw entrance tram street, hill bath A k,tcrwn use laundry b parking nuuaso Phone A cable hook-; in place available imimnedQW- ly. non smoker Only. W per nurse' all anytime Bnar "6 '635 OSHAWA- furnished room Laundry. parking. $85 week female pre- temed Available now Call 576-0926 evenings of Shared accotntxlabon S2951mon. - Downtown Oshawa rmgr rtse air con- ditioning caoie hvarc in- cluded Non smoker pee- fer,ec Available ^rre- dialw. •e' Cali 51'-5895 MATURE person non - smoke, new townhouse furnished S800•month Pickering Days (416)369- 1305 or evenings (905)839.2126 North Oshawa shared ac- comodatans 3 harm town- house $400 inclusive est Iasvreferences Available Irrimed PTC A Oct fvvS A no pets CalS-6t88 Sept i-SItOG• ubl 9%- 0314758. v:I ,Ir - w tr,>*aka, rw,i,rNI •-eeart1Far•tke.. CLEARWATER - twit, ht- wir,ed air conditioned mo - bite homes ckubhouse heated pods h01 tube tan - ns Gose to beaches and major atIractions. _- -shover In Your MO" cr"er wolf oew less teal mow Cal i905b8,i- sso3 GORGEOUS 2 bedroom 3 bathroomn3 townhouse Condit close to tamws Clearwater DeacSn pod A- awirn BBC: private yard evadable Now - Dec ler nfc d10 :O view pnCtoa fqe in, Privateornes Por Sa* 5 LEVEL s0esptit. 5 bed - moms 1-4 pc 1-3 pc 1 - 2pc Datrooms . ad. central vac. double garage etec- tronic garage door. a- ground pool Close to all amenib" Very dean Grea: netghbdxhood Flexible closing Ask:nq S169000 160 Goodman 432-' 863 BEAUTIFUL 2 1!'2- storey name 3 bedrooms, central Oshawa Formal dining - room finished pine Ion. re- radelled kitchen. 4 PC bath, new gas furnace Jan 95 -arge verandaw'back deck detached garage. $1200M 906-723-4256 MUST SELL- Apple Mdl dstrict. detached 4 berm backspid, rec room 2 bathrooms welt sell for $5000 8 .,ssume existing mortgage of $115.000 Phone George 613-389- 544e Kirnglilonl $104.900- Are you look. ing fa a renovated brick bungalow 3 bedrooms new kitchen hardwood floors walkout to a private back yard and a god! area Immacuiale Give me a call before you miss it Peter NOW Sam Rap, Guide Re - Pally, 723-6281 ' , ♦ . MA4iBURTON Thine bMoomr corttry 1tome on acre with pan Frye ap 0kance' Minutes 10 town and teach Terms ;' 7Ji_ "'S set- 1196E Cottages For Sale COTTAGE- Lakefront wa- ter access. off *,owvard Lake south of EsAke, oro whey Park 3 ,ears old Mary extras. Below est at $4 7 50C Information (".43o -4-3c unit jury ypR-.. OF BELLVI LE. 2 •Hadar^ -Alief+ont comeges ',.Iv equipped share war •amity or If A bargain &1 $74 9(X :al Darren 1- 6-,- 'Camper 'ratio Sties RED SETTER RESORT. Twill Fiver near Havelock Excellent Campground Large ?Wry serviced sites from S7R1-saason Cotsag- 06 2 3 bedroom from 1330 - 1375 ' -905-+36-0607 or 1. •n,c. Tia-'Y`oc Money to Lend BORROW S' O OOC pay as little as St 10 pew month . a c Free consultations Antis Investments Ltd Mortgages and Loans since '973 Call •lorry (9!761 434-2070 OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT GUAR- ANTEED. SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES OTHERS DO NOT IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS 1 'Business pportunities CHAIR for rent at Cher Marlene Hair Design. 5250' mon C•. 6A3 -{M99 ORGANIZE your own business from home Child to service w:proven track record Unique distributor. ships available Call NOW (9051 576-0116 PROPERTY MANagement, leasing and rental agency franchise for sale. 12 years m Oshawa. 1994 net ab- sentee owner 130.000 Will train, 125.000. ktqurtw b (403)245-�13. 2 DAY AUCTION THURS. AUG. 3RD i YON. AUG- 7TH AT 5:30 P.M. 870 TAUNTON R0. E. WHITBY Approx 520.000 1984 Chevy Bus Each Day Tradesman quality bits b blades Makita. B A D Vermont American, Porter Cable. Stanley Jigsaw Sawzal, circular A chop blades, router dnUs courttersnus. Shi- paugers. screwdriver bits, K1!C.i1en tents, air mattresses, plus many other articles. Limited Edition art: approx. 60 DieCes at art by A �-_asson, Tom Thom- son. Laura Berry. Seer - try Lester, Les Tart, _amen Lumbers, John joy and more Note Time 5 30 p •n Exce - ient sale. Ail tools are new, selling art for 15 mats every hour View - ng Thurs from 1 p rn and Mon. from 3 p rn Terns cash, Visa. M/C Debt Card McLean Auction A ..qusdatiorts 9C5-686-3291 or 905- 43: 2836 TWO DAY ESTATE AUCTION Thurs. Aug 3. 6 p rn %r s A,.. ^ ^ -• 1. Myles King Auction Hall, 33 Hall by, Oshawa. ?he estate of W Camp- bell 53 Elizabeth St . 6e ,e,. e A NT)QU E FURNITURE 8 pce dining room su- ite. 4 centre tables, wooden kitchen table. arge buffet, 3 bedroom suites, magazine table hand carved rock.-.; chair blanket bcx ce- dar chest, sewing table. washstand, crystal Chandelier. upright baby grand piano, imoge, carnival, depression, satin, glass, silver and MODERN FURNITURE grandfather's clock, piece French provincial chesterfield suite. 3 door refrigerator, and matching stove, au- tomatic washer and cryers, tools, garden !cots, lawn furniture. kitchen dishes ana small appliances, bed - ling and linen This is an excellent sale, pian to attend, Terms cash . NG re- serve. Myles King Auctioneer 725-5751 723-0501 INVITATION TO BID BIDS for services listed below, addressed to the: Distribution Manager Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser 130 Commercial Avenue Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5 will be received until August 14. 19%. Contract commencing August 28. 1995. Work consists of counting. bundling, and delivenng papers. flyers. catalogues and other products. wrapped in plastic to specific drop locations- Deliveries to be completed within 1 1/2 hours after rececvmg products. For more information, contact the Distribution Manager at the above address Lowest or any bid not necessanly accected SPORTS TEAMS. SCHOOLS & CHARITIES ! AX46ng fur a fund raimng uprxirtunity fur the fall Call John Leonard at OSHAWA THIS WEEK 379--3.107 ' Personals fil OLDER women wanting stws. lob of phone numbers 1.900-451--I&M ext 259 13.29, in-line IS. Ieucr tone TAROT. Numerology. AJ- ras Clavvovance Live Ps cl'acs Look rto rout M 4rt 18- S3 99 pot Tnule ooc-e's_170 Ext 716 TAROT. Numerology. Au - L, we u- Live Psvcfkca Look nuc vat ler :ure 16. S3 99 per exat 1 mpalrlions • :1Gztxh ate MMiN OW ngN WSW K bo /IlpOft711t to IBM R up to Chance. Cil Match Mattes t0 meet Screefled Compatible - WV" r r REDeaths SANDERSON 110%t ME%Tco. 1.711. NfJllufacturdrs t cdtncten arkl civic nlrn„Ni:ah since Ifo':. I 1 show-rootns or I and appointrnrnst availahle Darlene Hol ner 11.415 1 427-4366 i r 1 18001 461-4)2x2 32 t ild Ainxaon Rd. %J,, • ' Personals SEL IT NOW CALL Local Girls, get mme CALL names A honumbers .L 1-900-451-5566 Ext 253. FAx S3 49/min. 104. Tisch OR torr. '##T Don't Forget ?flax Pickering News Advcrti-ser Classified Dept_ is open for your conve- nience even- Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your CUssified Ad Pleww Call 683- 07/707 Please read your C18SSItled ad on the first day of publication as xv cannot be respon- si&e for mom than one insertion in the evW of an ■ THE NEWS ADVERTISER SCN'DAY, JL -LV 30, 1995 -PAGE 27 Stand the day relaxbW, sight-smin& strolling, and cmiung— Alexandria Bay, %Y and Gananoyue, Ontario. Saturday, Angwt 19, 19"- $89.00 Incl des return luxury a Morroach transport Alexandria Bar puddle Steam Boat C-ruise lunch buffet on board cruise twat admisision to BON.DT Ca%tic TAMC. priuS, karaoke. and %idea! Other dectinuiom scheduled' ('all 1 9115 1 3=11-32-92 or i%_9) R39-5 736 If you wish v to advertise Call Billy at 416-798-7672 H ILPBTR.I-K CONSTRUCTION BA's. v= �.- s•a.,. ", `.. 4211-217115, HOME IMPROVEMENTS ADO, TK>NS -?ND FLCJORSI • BAtiEMENT APT M aATMROOS -PLUMBING - DECKSiF ENCES WIRING - TIL WG - DRYWALL WE SUPPLY PERMITS 6 PLANS REFERENCES& PICTU5+£SAVAr_ABLE FULLY NS.J RF [) Ate, WO.in ,- 11.4^%" ED 97 Church St-, Ajax If you wish to advertise on this SENIORS SPECIAL Community Calendar of Events Call Carol 579-4400 Ex. 2303 or Billy 579-4400 Ex. 2304 SENIORS .t " You're on Top of The World "SENIORS SPECIACHARMONv ULA-FRiaCE(after 5:OC pm.)Ss12a00 For 18 Holes cm JOT 1 - J ACross'from ,A; ay Jnr Jshawa For more anfc Dentures so natural... you'll never know the difference! • IfI a n a W ano n ow ww'" r .r New So ft -touch t materials for sensitive gums • Precision partial dentures FREE V.- 4w .. - - - Cimic PICKERING TOWN CENTRE 420-5020 -Toll Free 1-800-661-5020 Buffet Kirin mo ADULT NLD LUNCH f& I., m 04 Mon.-Fn. S3.95 1,L-00 11.-00 a.m.-3:00 P.M. - BRUNCH ; Sat--Sun.Q95 V+ 54.95 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. ,. KI" DINNER :oc"!nus A Mon.-Thurs. 95 55 9� 5:00 p.m. -10:00 p.m. Fri, Sat, 1 395 6.95 4:30 p..-'M*L-:00 p.m. rn00 p SENICIPS 7II&DOCCIUMT-?QDDtM 52.00 = -a x .oc xua btvmpn or as Sesta a :: Zqt •tnu -Oct 250-252 McKenzie Bayly Plaza St. • • • • • • mo PACE 29 -THE NEVI'S ADVERTISER SUNDAY. JULY 30, 1995 03 YOU WI !1 THE PLAN II � � �,� CHOOSE � RY 2 YEARS VVith Fords new 24 month ease. you'll enjoy reason- abie payments based on about half the pace of the car you choose. fee yourselt trom long- term cebt Atter 2 years you it have three excellent options to choose'. With the P.ar�. you pay :axes based o� only 24 months wor!r- of payments nsteac of 36 or 48 ^-onths worth. -ora guarantees the future .alue of your car after 24 YE RS months so that vour options are open' THE PLAN Ask about it With The Plan. you'll always be driving the latest in automotive excellence for performance. safety and style. Just imagine. you can start talking about what your new car will be before your neighbours get used to the one you have With The Plan, most com- ponents are still under warranty during the first two years. VVith a 24 month Plan. you can change your vehicle to suit your changing needs. 2660 KINGSTON RD. (AT MIDLAND AVE.) SCARBOROUGH 261 ■ 331 i *At the end of the 24 month lease, the lessee has the option to return the vehicle or purchase it. Some conditions apply. Vehicle must be returned in good working condition with no visible damage, subject to normal wear and tear.