HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1995_05_17i :�,.'SALE `ow roG '•�• gal -Oman - � i not rw NEWS Deficit worries Real People Pages 4, 5 7A.1 AW -'A Spears Wrestling' champs Page 37 a q! ONERM TAR BUFFET Wnvdond. da J!" L mr=W 509-9876 News Advertiser Wednesday, May l'/, 1995 64 pages AMetmlana Community Newspaper Pressrun 37,500 Vol. 114 No. 20 Fight for your school taxes to heat up p We're not twisting arms', says public board By LINDA WHITE ti�FAFI RF=PORTER VUKHANI — I hough school tx)ard,, here have promised not to nut on the boxink gl . —at least not ,.et the tight for your lars is "real" and is expected to heat up over another academic year. They were hired last the next few years. year to visit those residents and business own - "It has become a very competitive thing out ers eligible to change their tax support from there," Durham Board of Education assess- the separate board to the public board. ment review officer Michael Visconti told The Durham Region Roman Catholic Sep - trustees at their standing committee meeting crate School Board currently has one full-time NlondaN . assessment revisor. It will soon hire two part- \: th;,t m •tin_. tru�trr, a,re,ci tr r\tCml time revisors to combat stepped-up efforts by is public board to woo separate school sup - return to sender ji Christie Barlow returns a serve during Dtmmoore Park Sunday afternoon. Pickering Junior Tennis Club play at photo by A.J. Groen - - t �. K riles ! l i rlr-r>�ni�r�iN� ews A�,dvt porters. "It is trying, in fact, to take some of our ratepayers away from us," reports separate board director Grant Andrews, who personal- ly received a letter from the public board ask- ing him to redirect his taxes. That letter has been revised twice after the See SCHOOL -Page 3 Returning to Holland wonderful': war vet B_v LINDA WHITE STAFFREPORTER PICKERING — Returning to Holland 50 years after the end of the Second World War was "wonderful" for a veter- an who admits "it was like visiting another world." The land Fred Holder, 79, of Pickering remembers durIF IF - ing his war years was "nothing but buildings. There weren't any trees because they had all been cut down to build fires. 1 didn't recognize anything." The land he returned to was festive and alive with color as he and hundreds of other Canadian veterans helped the Dutch celebrate the 50th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day earlier this month. He and his wife Mary, 70, were billeted with a family in Fred Holder Zwolle, not far from the town of Apel- dom. That's where a huge parade was held to mark the anniversary of VE -Day and where Mr. Holder first heard the Inside news of the Allied victory. "There was a van driving around broadcasting something in Dutch," In the n4"" recalls the former Oshawa resident. Editorial.................................6 "A woman told me it was announcing Entertainment .....................31 the end of the war, but 1 didn't believe it Sports..................................37 till I got back to camp. I had a funny Classified ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,38 feeling drat it couldn't be so, that the war plumn lkwe couldn't really be over. When I was General 683-5110 back at camp, I finally believed it. It was a gra feeling," Fax 683-7363 Mr. Holder didn't return to Canada Sincerely Yours until that fall. During his wait, he was 1-900-451-4464 Ext. 34 reunited with his two brothers, the eldest InfoSource 683-7040 of whom was "wounded at Normandy. Death Notices 683-3005 The other, who served in Italy, was shell-shocked. I came out without a The Hem scratch. l was very fortunate." regulmily lases zecy The decision to figk in the war was- acwspelnt See RETURN -.Page 11 93t + 7t GST = $1 r7o� q`f X20 _.. s.:. ..._.... _._-^•...:,,�: •.. ��%: ms's' -T.". ":.... _. .. - :rr, .;�'�""CGc�., .ar.�Ki¢� - �'s""'"'i�a'�'-"w"`'�-•• .� :PA6k 7-A,THF NEWS "YFAT!sER.tiKV-, MAY 17. 1"S Newt Adverti; :..- : : -:...,.....ser & �ao6!!! 7� NOWLYNZFM "Partners I Poficin [tull-l—IIJ MAY 15 Motes MAY 18 AnartooH MAY 19 Motes MAY 20 Noox C,MTOPPH,S MAY 18,19, 20 10.00 am -9:00 P.M. WiTTEAK MAY 16, 10 am. -9 p.m MAY 15-20 CANM omcu "LEO" POLICE EM MAY 16 1-4 p.m. MAY 17 1.4 p.m. MAY 19 1-4 p.m. MAY 20 2-4 p.m. ]DONATION BEING MADE TO THE DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE COMMUNTfY SERVICE DIVISION FROM THE KWSMEN School tax duel rages in Durham FROM PAGE 1 separate board complained of incorrect statistics and an inference that students of a variety of cultures — in addition to Roman Catholics — were not accepted at its schools. Admittedly, "there have been complaints" from upset separate school supporters who: increase. In last year's provincial budget, the gov- ernment changed the basis by which boards within the same regional boundaries share the assessment of pub- licly -traded corporations. The assessment of pooled corporations will be based on enrolment, rather than on the number of taxpayers --- supporting each "feel we are on 17-1t Is tinvi 1g,, m board. their turf,"to take �... '. T h a t reported Mr. $30.00 Car Interprovincial `<>. change will be Visconti. some of our '" %`. phased in over But he CHOICE-HOMB iMPROVEM1El�i'!E'S , f`< `"r three years, defended the :2tepayers which means practice, saying away from f boards must be the separate board "has been `i 1S.. doing this a lot longer than we more diligent at maintaining current residen- ',e tial and busi- have. What : oarlr[�iirector Hess support, we're doing is balancing the playing field. We're not twisting arms or ubt�l in anyway mis- informing them. A good number choose to be public school supporters." (Both boards warn resi- dents to ensure their taxes are being sent to the board of their choice. If you move into a previously -occupied home or apartment, the for- mer tenant's choice remains in place unless you change it. If you purchase a new home, a `default mecha- nism' automatically sends your taxes to the public board unless you indicate on your property assessment statement to send them to the separate board.) In 1994, the public board's assessment review department generated almost $2.5 million. It costs the board about $190,000 a year to operate that department, including salaries and equip- ment. And the importance of that department, which was created in 1991, will likely i according to a Grant public board report. ews On "As well, the public board must be willing to com- pete with the separate board for Catholic ratepayers who have no children in either system," the report adds. Mr. Andrews admits the fight for taxes is a "con- tentious" one. "We have agreed to disagree on the Issue." Still, he is "looking very much forward to financial reform which will make funding more equitable," pointing to a recommenda- tion from the Royal Com- mission on learning to pool all undirected taxes and dis- tribute them on a per -pupil basis instead of sending them directly to public boards. If you'd like to redirect your education tax dollars, call the assessment office at the public board at 666-8800 or 1-800-265-3968, ext. 5400, or at the separate board at 576-6150 or 686- 1541. Better memory target of workshop DURHAM -- The Alzheimer Soci- ety of Durham Region has a big day planned Tuesday, June 13. From 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. a half-day workshop will be offered on healthy memory skills development, followed by the Society's annual gen- eral meeting from 12:30 to 1 :30 p.m. The workshop will be taught by Dr. Gary Challis, a registered psycholo- gist. Dr. Challis will look at what memory is, memory function assess- ment, memory training systems and some training techniques for healthy memory development. Lunch is included in the $20 regis- tration fee. To register, call 434-6195 or by fax at 434-6007. Visa is accept- ed, and companies/agencies can arrange for staff registrations to be invoiced. The event takes place at the Whitby Mental Health Centre, Build- ing 30 auditorium. !04- School t1 1 ■:M1:fTra1ii1l� 11Hrint 54% -OFF 100% au C F>litextt NVO • Z1 pe=ecarata clans • 10 year Gwnr+K pe; 21 " sq yd 99 s $ 9 •�(�, Limited Tim Offfer.�;`� \t r qe9 lNffL00RfA�fIION�f�' �.,,,.�- 735 sayly stat 420-6304 Picl(Just Eng (Just East of Brock Rd., South Side) SPRING SUPER SAVER People's Choice Home Impro, O 4 Weeks Delivery 35% OFF FREE PATIO DOOR tue a DaDevau D ter 0 • Aluminum a vinyl Siding • Awnlgs • Carports • Decks a Fences • Gerage Doors // Pbr��-�d����E�ncbsures /.��,, •'��-��'r^y,,,,���-�,��� • Skybles • Soffit Fascia D= e D - •� • SOIa/N1MS • Stanley Steel t Insulated Doors L• WE PAY YOUR DEDUCTIBLE uP To oo■ 3 Ib. Classic Black Forest Ham European Deli PLUSA $30.00 Car Interprovincial Clean Up Coupon Auto Glass PMA • Trough d Downpipe CAR CLEAN-UP SERVICE L • Windows Engne Shampoo $25.00 Fabnc Guard $75.00 'Wood Doss CHOICE-HOMB iMPROVEM1El�i'!E'S , Exterior Wash & Wax $35.00 kdoxx Shampoo 6 Dew swoo 909-6WIS47 Not Valid With Any Other Offer - Redeemable Till May 20195 Guaranteed Highest Quality Glass we HarDdle The Lifetime Guarantee on Workmanship Pik i Cad Free Pick-up and Delivery Your Irmi ance In shop work only, based on insurance pace. ■:M1:fTra1ii1l� 11Hrint 54% -OFF 100% au C F>litextt NVO • Z1 pe=ecarata clans • 10 year Gwnr+K pe; 21 " sq yd 99 s $ 9 •�(�, Limited Tim Offfer.�;`� \t r qe9 lNffL00RfA�fIION�f�' �.,,,.�- 735 sayly stat 420-6304 Picl(Just Eng (Just East of Brock Rd., South Side) SPRING SUPER SAVER People's Choice Home Impro, O 4 Weeks Delivery 35% OFF FREE PATIO DOOR tue a DaDevau D ter 0 • Aluminum a vinyl Siding • Awnlgs • Carports • Decks a Fences • Gerage Doors // Pbr��-�d����E�ncbsures /.��,, •'��-��'r^y,,,,���-�,��� • Skybles • Soffit Fascia D= e D - •� • SOIa/N1MS • Stanley Steel t Insulated Doors L• Stone Facing Z • Storm a Patio Doors `�- • Trough d Downpipe L • Windows FREE MATES S 'Wood Doss CHOICE-HOMB iMPROVEM1El�i'!E'S , ,•PSOPLVS DURHAM 909-6WIS47 :�L'6i A>Ibs-IlE 4 .; lfrti# iy f9051A66-A Pulatir S1141"Ies ONT1R/0 S -1 M147E MVP Hundreds of Decks, Shoes, Wheels, Caps, Shirts, Jackets ALL BRAND AAMES - 1794 Uverpool Road Unlit north of Hwy. 401) Pickeriq .� 905-839-2262 .s VAILOPDEPAVAILABLE the News Advertiser bring the news into ., focus for you i G BOCK HOUSES DOWN TO T a ldtoum t G !I GROWER OF QUALITY L" BEDDING PLANTS & MANUFACTURER OF R CONCRETE PRODUCTS E2 ' GURR BLOCK ESTABLISHED 1947 MARIGOLDS & ANY 10" DUSTY MILLER HANGING BASKET $8.00IFLAT $9.95 48-72 PLANTS/FLAT AWESOME MIXTURES MIX & MATCH INCLUDING OVER 10 VARIETIES UNUSUAL ANNUALS ALL WHITE TUBEROUS MARGARITA BEGONIAS DAISIES • 4" POT - 990 4" POT - 990 ANNUALS BY THE FLAT GERANIUMS $12.00 112 BOXES) 994 on 18 Fat $15.00 MIX & MATCH FROM SEED -314' POT 48-n PLANTSIFLAT ASSORTED COLOURS COKAETE 6A1111OEM EMU CONCRETE PLANTERS 2' BY 8" - $1.75 NEW IN CANADA SCALLOPED & RENIFORCED MANY STYLES $35.00 HWY r HWY 401 401 rx a ELLESMERE AVE a 9 x a �I a si racwkc tAWRENCE AVE TE a �lyuS�Q+ RD v +c a 4E.T.cE CELESTE DR TO WEENVALE TERRACE VEST ON GREENVALE 10 LIVIN6STON RD N. ! GU1DIID0 m 'HEN SOUTH 'O END Or STREET, BESIDE BRIDGE ��� #AIM111111 of 405 UVINGSTON RD N. WEST H&L/SCARBOROUGH (NORTH OF GULLDWOOD GO STATION -OFF CELESTE DR) OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK - WEATHER PERMITTING ` MON TO SAT 9-8, SUN & 14OUDAYS 9-6 SORRY WE DONT TAKE CREDIT CARDS 4 PAC i%N�aNS'A�,t ��;,��r ' �`';• r ' 0. . _ - �'. v >:..::. L L: Parents fear deficit will burden kids DURHAM — Jim Wood's three young children don't know about Ontario's multi -billion dollar deficit. But there are times when Mr. Wood thinks about the future and wonders how his children might ultimately be forced to bear the brunt of responsibility for the Province's fiscal situation. "It's not so much how it affects my family now, it's how it will affect my family in 10 years," says Mr. Wood, who lives in Newcastle Village. While the provincial party leaders all have deficit-reduction proposals. Mr. Wood isn't buying what they're trying to sell to the people of Ontario. "I'm awfully cynical- I don't believe what they say about the deficit. At this point. I have trouble believing their promises... Jim's wife. Mekxh''is also concerned about the future ramifications of the deficit, noting "down the road it will catch up with us and our children." However, she also holds out some hope that regardless of who is elected premier on June 8, deficit reduction will be given top priority. Parties not tackling deficit, senior says DURHAM — Bill Coulby hasn't seen any P:31 Pl-s from Ontario's three political parties for tackling the provin- cial deficit_ The Whitby senior feels the New Democratic Party isn't prepared to give up anything to cut the deficit and adds that if the NDP continues to spend matey the way it has, it will be forced to increase borrowing or taxes. "The kind of policy they have is if we don't increase taxes we can't increase social spending-" He agrees with the Liberals' plan to cut government expenditures, but does- n't think the Grits will be paying enough off the deficit. The Progressive Conservatives' pro- posed 30 -per cent tax cut isn't achiev- able. accwdiog to Mr. Coulby. S-FA NOTICE For our 24 page `The Great Outdoors Sale Flyer insert. Page 1, the illustration for the 3 -seat glider #98036 is incorrect. In our Sears, Expect More From Sears, Great Outdoors Sale", Sale Prices Start May 18th and end May 24th, 1995. On page 19, there are four ceiling fans shown at the bottom of this page. The copy blocks are on either side and apply to two fans each. Mw copy blocks are reversed". We sincerley apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers. -E� �.xpc c.t f7zor-e ftom Sears 3 -II CARPET INCW CARPET, PREIle UNDERCUS AND INSTALLA110N-1`� Choose from Berber, 'Hard Twist' velvet plush, texture cut ancl'kpop, styles. Only _.23.9949.99 sq yd. 128 69-59 78 m ON ri Nsdudes carpet, premium underp {,� del' °Ad'^aeo^ by a qualified contractor our choice j basic Nat surfaces only $ub pea, fixture movement is rat ind �ea'1On' hrrrwture uded Exna charge for stair4'>"; UWRDRAPE CUSTOM WINDOW FASHIONS 50% OFF* Choose ',^ mini b;rnds, 1/2" and I" horizontal blinds, 'Premiere' verticals, soft style pleated shades, carousel cellular shades and wood blinds. Savings apply to materials only, buk&alian extra. Sears can arrange -pallation by qualified contractors M map areas. SAVE 25% ON ALL CUSTOM-MADE TOPPERS USE YOUR SEARS CARD AND D0 t grad off- ro w� WDON'T PAY ML OCT '95 $25 "Wral f`o oPPSe5- No downrpay Coverings and In d on parnsetsr• No ��� oPprsved c►ed'r1, wink your Soars Cori. Preporrsterrt of rows. Ttrss after ends /Nor 24, 1995. Ark for ddais. SALE PRICES END WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 1995, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST CALL NOW FOR A NO -OBLIGATION 1 �-g N -HOME CONSULTA110N 00-625-0025 ca"nie,t 1"=. Seemcanado lnic. Expect more from Sears SHOP SEARS PICKERING Nlla re open Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p•m., TOWN CENTRE Sat. 9:30 p• n , &m. 12M a.m.-6.-00 p.m. JR' ' ITHE NEWS ADVERTILw& wBD.. mAy 17, L"s pAGE s•A Famiely sk( By KEITH GILLIGAN STAFF REPORTER AJAX-PICKERING — Leaders of Ontario's three main political parties have paid a great deal of attention to the provincial deficit during the elec- tion campaign. All three have made promises on how to deal with the budgetary short- fall, but is anyone listening? The Pedro family of Ajax is skepti- cal the winner of the provincial elec- tion will keep their word and follow through on promises to slash the deficit. "To tell you the truth, no 1 don't" think politicians will live up to the election rhetoric, says Humberto Pedro. "At election time, all of us know they have to come up with something to make people happy. What cuts are they going to make'' "They should be honest. They should say `we're going to cut this, this and this' so people know. It means they're serious. I don't believe what they say." Deolinda Pedro concurs. "They all have promises, but will the promises be kept?" Grill your candidates PICKERING wHC — You can grill and your provincial 922l;air7w, election candidates Thursday, May 25. Is (fie The Greenwood Recreation Associ- �p� ation will host an all -candidates' 'S Q Wit meeting at 8 p.m. I7 at the Greenwood�� Community Hall, west of Westney < Road and south of Hwy. 7. We Qe q For more infor- amua,, fl mation on the Mae meeting, call John _ Bryant at 683- -' 6877. cal pantie The Pedros believe the Ontario deficit, between $8 billion and $10 bil- lion, has to be reduced. Mrs. Pedro feels creating jobs and getting people off welfare is the best way to cut the deficit. If the next provincial government plans to raise taxes to cut the deficit, Mr. Pedro wants to know now which ones will be increased. And, he notes, cutting government jobs means more people would turn to Unemployment Insurance and social assistance for help. Mr. Pedro works in the construction division of Ontario Hvdro at the Picker- ing Nuclear Generating Sta- tion while Mrs. Pedro is employed at the Chrysler assembly plant in Bramalea. They're the parents of three daughters aged 12, 17 and 20. One of the more contentious issues to come up during the election cam- paign was last weeks ruling by an Ontario judge that provincial law dic- tating a couple must be of the opposite sex to adopt a child is unconstitutional. Both Pedros disagree with homosex- LESALE NURSERY GREENHOUSES rt Rd. N., Dunbanon 839-55 n For Retail Business rpt=o O �'iP TH THIS COL; ►. h t : (h t)tirch;, c 'If - rc�•cit a o)n�' h"K `lf plaits FREE � baa o to ot�t� .i�►►rr in and (3x'r* tss orl!► Owers of o lege variety of pererrids, herbs, owenng pots, p* pots and `fig baskets. Ixahad Mw Ny. 21 F d Ae. on W Rd, We help kids make the grade. For better reading, writing, math and study skills, give us a call. Grade Expectations will design a supplementary education program based on your Child's needs to hxmise interest, build self-confidence and improve academic performance for students in grades 1 to 13. CaU us today so we can show you how Grade Expectations can h Ip your child succeed. 1885c Rd. GRADE StAlle 103 420-9930 UWAh-al Pmfrs RIs �' keep prom ual couples being allowed to adopt and raise children. "I have nothing against those peo- ple, but to me a couple is a man and a woman. God created it that way," Mr. Pedro says. Mrs. Pedro feels, "Every child needs a male for a father and a female for a mother. It was the way 1 was brought up. I'm an old-fashioned person and on this point, old-fashioned is good." But, she feels, gays and lesbians should have access to benefits such as health insurance. a vings M From) '�.� � MacFadyen Aluminum • 1 Over 30 yrs. & Vlllyl Experience Best Prices For Top Quality Windows Of Any Style. Casements • Bays -D Bows •Tilts • Installation Guaranteed No salesperson. The owner will personally install your purchase with top quality workmanship. Satisfied customers from Scarborough throughout Durham Region. (Casement) (Bow 3 liar) ( rift Ac ' pr*:r t s,:ees) Toofp TeChIR-i� Vinyl Weld Window The 2000 Line Also: Soffit, Fascia, Trough, Patio Doors, acFadyen Alum)num & Vinyl & Stanley Entrances 905-686-3234 For Your Free Estimate Now. isIikil� PZ P P 1 •s ON ,db It P syr, 5 • . S, y8 — n oz. 0 ,a�ynalP',a • • . •s,de .. ON ooj� al AUTO Tororrlo EMt 691-2111 forth vork 695-5967 9042 CWWdWT waw. 0 VVlporM FWk +900 owrt.t St. South 01 Fit" lb -2 ."M 2325 K. St. 5070 Aw• E. 35 safe" St M rtwe South d KOV ,9 9`26 e� MSAf;.`; w1.ti Toro" 427-6075 242-5531 355 BMdy a. W 2325 K. St. E of WtMbM]r Rd AW S d lMr_ �_.r.� We Wokow An AION" ACOO". 370 won6St N. Rrtprporw Ptra tij itl Zerrts Cortpr Crrdt.' W 0 Timothy J. Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor-in-chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Advertising Manager Alvin Brouwer Retail Sales Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday. Friday and Sunday. 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario. L 1 S 2H5. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. Page sizes may vary slightly from published rate card due to mechanical requirements of different print- ers. Second Class Mail Registration 1897. Mail sub- scription rates Can. 1 yr. $70 GIVE UV A r 4 CALL General 683-5110 Newsroom 683-5110 Distribution 683-5117 Classified 683-0707 (Nightline - 798-7672) FAX 683-7363 Sincerely Yours 1-900451-4464 ext. 34 InfoSource 683-7040 Real Estate and Automotive Sales 798-7672 National Advertising 493-1300 The News Advertiser welcomes letters to the editor on topical issues, controver" matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for length and legal reasons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. AN letters must include your full Hanle, address and phone num- ber for our information. They should not exceed one and a half pages in length. The News Advertiser regularly uses recycled newsprint Many• yokes Hospitals in Durham Region have decided the best way for their voices to be heard is if thev become a chorus. Seven voices in the wilderness would get lost, but by combining forces the local institutions are putting forth one message in unison which cannot be ignored. Durham hospitals feel the provincial government has turned a deaf ear to their concerns in the last few years and are attempting to get somebody to hear their passionate pleas for help. The Hospital Council of Durham Region is attempting to educate the public with a vigorous cam- paign outlining the problems of growth and under- funding it is facing. On the other side of the issue is the Durham District Health Council which says all is fine with the world, but a trip to a hospital, walk-in clinic or doc- tor's office will show something to the contrary. Consider the shortage of beds, long waits, patients being transferred to other hospitals and even ambu- lances being re-routed to different locations in mid - call. It may appear the Hospital Council of Durham Region is headed in the right direction but it must take more steps to solve the problems it faces. Hospitals need to work together in not only seeking funding but joining to cut costs through creative net- working. Other industries and companies have dis- covered innovative means to trim - so too can hospi- tals. The growth pressures being felt by the seven local hospitals are indeed enormous and we can only hope the joining of voices will bend the right ears. Add our voice to the chorus. 30 COMMERCIAL AVE., AJAX, L 1 S 2H5'0R" FAX us AT 683-7363 Was your garbage bin full": To the editor: j With all the talk and concerns over the dump, the ecology and recycling, what I witnessed Sunday, April 30 really d6- turbed me. As I was coming home from work, we turned off Hwy. 2 up Linton Avenue in Pickering Village. As we approached Old Kingston Road, a woman in an older, gray two -door Cutlass Supreme heaved a halt -empty bottle of Coke right out the window onto the road! Did she not i see the large blue refuse container just feet away or was her garbage bin (full at home? I only regret I didn't get ber`licence plate nnmber.I wonder what the inside of ber house boles like Doesshe treat her own Property the sane way she does histo c V0t It's been said before the nig Pup the savironmtKnt starts with each one of ns. . ...., 5lraros G azare Aiax t t low ' , ♦ 1 } w.i.". w:tY. .M -'w MAY �I.M..: :. .w .w�,y �.5q 2.-: a..7n6.,W ��V•..-. •.. ...rw..s.s.a.s...... ... .,.. - _.. .. WRI7E TO THE NEWS ADVERTISER, ] Quebec issue isp itiful To the editor. aren't treated equally, then why do all Re: Quebec separation. labels have French and English on The thought of Quebec separating them? Why are there French from Canada is pitiful Immersion schools'' Isn't that If Quebec does win the vote and enough? The majority of Canada gets to separate, then a lot of the big speaks English and so, if we have companies will probably leave. This more people, why does he expect to would really be bad for Quebec's get all the attention? I feel we give ecaromy.If Quebec thinks it's going Quebec's needs plenty of attention to use Canada's money when it sepa- and it doesn't need anymore. If we rates, it's wrong. It will have to make keep giving in to Quebec, then the nest its own may. of Canada will suffer and not have When Lucien Bouchard was their needs met. reminded the vote had to be held in Mr. Bouchard is just wasting our 1995, he said, 'then that leaves us 10 time and money. What is the point of niomhs". By that one sentence you voting if you already know who's Can eft he's not prepared for the vote. going to win? If bk. Bouchard thinks Quebecers David ?.ale. aee 11 _ s i Many• yokes Hospitals in Durham Region have decided the best way for their voices to be heard is if thev become a chorus. Seven voices in the wilderness would get lost, but by combining forces the local institutions are putting forth one message in unison which cannot be ignored. Durham hospitals feel the provincial government has turned a deaf ear to their concerns in the last few years and are attempting to get somebody to hear their passionate pleas for help. The Hospital Council of Durham Region is attempting to educate the public with a vigorous cam- paign outlining the problems of growth and under- funding it is facing. On the other side of the issue is the Durham District Health Council which says all is fine with the world, but a trip to a hospital, walk-in clinic or doc- tor's office will show something to the contrary. Consider the shortage of beds, long waits, patients being transferred to other hospitals and even ambu- lances being re-routed to different locations in mid - call. It may appear the Hospital Council of Durham Region is headed in the right direction but it must take more steps to solve the problems it faces. Hospitals need to work together in not only seeking funding but joining to cut costs through creative net- working. Other industries and companies have dis- covered innovative means to trim - so too can hospi- tals. The growth pressures being felt by the seven local hospitals are indeed enormous and we can only hope the joining of voices will bend the right ears. Add our voice to the chorus. 30 COMMERCIAL AVE., AJAX, L 1 S 2H5'0R" FAX us AT 683-7363 Was your garbage bin full": To the editor: j With all the talk and concerns over the dump, the ecology and recycling, what I witnessed Sunday, April 30 really d6- turbed me. As I was coming home from work, we turned off Hwy. 2 up Linton Avenue in Pickering Village. As we approached Old Kingston Road, a woman in an older, gray two -door Cutlass Supreme heaved a halt -empty bottle of Coke right out the window onto the road! Did she not i see the large blue refuse container just feet away or was her garbage bin (full at home? I only regret I didn't get ber`licence plate nnmber.I wonder what the inside of ber house boles like Doesshe treat her own Property the sane way she does histo c V0t It's been said before the nig Pup the savironmtKnt starts with each one of ns. . ...., 5lraros G azare Aiax t t low ' , ♦ 1 } w.i.". w:tY. .M -'w MAY �I.M..: :. .w .w�,y �.5q 2.-: a..7n6.,W ��V•..-. •.. ...rw..s.s.a.s...... ... .,.. - _.. .. - �c a s,J s, :�.��' ,::5+?rz$'. ►''t:•hti'Fwt�=�� - n.dr i : a.: THE NEWS ADVEMISER, WED, MAY 17, I"S-PAGE 7-A P OF p�C� * �O�p Town of Pickering * (90.5) 420.2222 *(905) 683.2760 ]?ICIKE f aNiG* * MAY 17 NOTICE OF STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING * Pickering Race Relations * & Equity Committee TUESDAY JUNE 20, 1995 7:00 P.m MAY 18 COUNCIL CHAMBERS * Statutory Public Information PICKERING CIVIC COMPLEX MAY 23 (Tues.) The purpose of this meeting is to present a draft official plan for the Town of Council Committee Meeting Pickering. The Official Plan is a planning document that helps guide development in the Town A copy of the draft plan will be available for pick - MAY 25 up at this meeting *Pickering Public Library Board N -,„e if a person or public body that repasts a referral of a proposed decision in respect JUNE 6 of the proposed official plan to the "aria Murnvval Board does not mane oral subrn tssions at a public meeting or does not make written submissions to the * Heritage Pickering Meeting Town of Pickering before the proposed off ivsl plan is adopted later the year JUNE 14 Committee of Adjustment (i) the Regb^of Dtrhwn as me approval authority, may refuse fer the request to realln d pro or paits proposed decisbon the Ontario '* Munx;rpai Board. and. *' (a) Ow Ontario Muncrpal Board may drsmrss all or part of the referral YARD WASTE COLLECTION of the proposed devswn Compostable Yard Waste materials will be coikcted r y,,, wish to be notA.w or the aaoptron or enc— %eparately from recyclables and regular garbage in vopowd otfrcal ti+ you must make a wrven the Urban pan of Town, (that area south of,�::•:„r`�r• ;..•:.• Concession Road 3), from April 24, 1995 to The Twin of Prckarrtg .��`r f '` November 20, 1995. During this period. cornpostable No - -tor Departrnenf Yard Waste will be collected only on the following Pidtarr+gcrvrccomplex 1 Mono tha Eapttrrda ondays: if May 2-19 Setember 25 Pkxw V SK7tarw ,y June 26 October 16, 23, 10 i Jul it November 6, 13, 20 The For mora wv"einformatiort contact PICKERING July � Pkfrr+rrw o.paran.nt at f905) ago -oral 7 .� August 28 A Fall leaf colkctito service will be provided in the Hamlets of Brougham, Claremont, Greentriver, The Department of Culture and Recreation Greenwood and Whitrvale on Monday, �.. November k 13, 20. IS LOOKING FOR Do: Include leaves, hoose and garden plants. YOl!(TH) branches. hedge trimmings and grass H:: clippings. Do not include earth or sol. Target Age Group: 14-19 YEARS Do: Place in clear plastic bags, bushel baskets. Youth Staff will be there to provide Youth Program hampers, open trash cans or tied into manageable bundles not longs than 1 metre Information, and to conduct a YOUTH RECREATION .* it Length. Do not bundle using wire. AND LEISURE NEEDS SURVEY. * * Do: Place materials out at the roadside for Plan to join us collection by 7:00 am. on the above n<xed Mordays. May 17-20, 1995 Do.. Divide materials into quantities weighing not as we celebrate more than 23 liglbs.) or into bundles not POLICE WEEK .� longer than 1 metre. Remember. Yard Waste has to be free of metal, food waste at the ttk or other garbBe• Pickering Town Centre If you have any questions regarding this program. W6dr1mfty to Friday- 3-30-9.00 pm. please contact dile Town of Pickering Public Warks Sammy; 10:00.4:00 p.m. Depantweat at 421114631111 or 633.2760. Call 420-4621 or 683-6582 for more information! t ,t PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE STEAM UP &OPENING TOWN OF PICKERING Sunday, May 28, 19959 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. VICTORIA DAY - ,� MONDAY, NUY 229 1"5 '� c lir, db*” A . fir, May 22,1!!S Closed - tNotndav, May 22, 1995 closed � Town Council Meeting * Tuesday, May 23, 1995 <tQ1l»7ali iiL e SaturdayMay Z0,199s cloaca Holiday, May 22,1995 No Sunday, May 21,1995 Closed Monday, May 22,1995 Closed �, ': ` U4]ff. ,...; . ♦ The Museum's Gas R St 1 Barn will eSM= up' with workig K #P 4at3R,S Sataeday, May 29, 1995 1 p m.-4 p.AIL Open, Swint mift tra tion eltg w, altthentic sale Irwrl* Saturday, May 20,1995 9 0-.m 5 P.M. Sunday, May 21,1995 9 a.m.-5 P.M. Sunday, May 21, 1995 1 P.m. -4 p.m. Hwbge - miniature train Monday, May 22, 1995 Closed Open Swim Monday, May 22,1995 Closed : ♦ coreclor low raNwalr nwtta ,bill •-spr�kma nage sawities * Saturday, May 20,1995 Regular Service 5 ♦ Plant Show & sale Sunday, May 21,1995 No Service Emergency hire Service will not be affected by the ♦ Perlornunces by Pickering PWIllonwttie Orchestra Monday, May 22,1995 No Service Holiday Scbeduk. 3 km cost of Brock Road On Huy 7 * REGULAR OPERATING HOURS AND SERVICES WILL RESUME inr u iod, Ontario TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1"S 4204620 Or 683-8401 '' Barrier cut to improve drivers' visibility AJAX — In a bid to improve visibility for motorists, four inches will be cut off the top of a concrete barrier at the Hwy. 401 eastbound off - ramp at Harwood Avenue. Ajax council- ors have tried for some time to get the provincial Ministry of Transportation to either remove the barrier or reduce its height. The barrier makes it difficult for motorists getting off the highway to see oncoming traffic when they're trying to turn south on to Harwood. In early March, Ajax council was told the ministry was prepared to Shave three inch- es off the barrier. At the Ajax council meeting Monday, Ward 3 councillor Jim McMaster said, "Four inches is better than noth- ing, I guess." Ajax works director Frank Hull reported four inches will be cut off the entire length of the bar- rier in four to six weeks. The barrier on the west side of the bridge over the highway sepa- rates pedestrians from vehicles. How toP reP are for summer: 1. Come in to Eaton's. 2. Get the shorts. The sandals. The deck chair. 3. Open your Reveal The Deal Card... EATON'S have 10% to 30% Until Sunday,May 28th , Make a purchase and you 'll get a card. Just open it to find out how much ,you sage on Women's, Men's and Children s clothing, accessories and shoes, Toys, Bedding and Bath items, Housewares, Small Electrical Appliances, = Outdoor Furniture, Barbecues and more. Eaton's . We want to be your store. - :.- Goods Satisfoctory or Money Refu Fax your Billboard items of comm g events to 683-7363. va.:..' . �Lw•ni.-.lvsrr V. -_ .... ....�a..a rcJM.'i.... w .•a o•a.ar�. •.•• . .. ... �..� Victoria Day openings and closures AJAX-PICKERING — Following is a list of SUPERMARKETS: Major stores closed. what's open and closed on Victoria Day, Monday, TRANSIT: Ajax and Pickering Transit won't May 22. operate Monday. GO is on a holiday schedule. BANKS/ TRUST COMPANIES: Closed VARIETY STORES: Most are open Monday. Monday, open again Tuesday. many around the clock. BEER/ LIQUOR: Stores closed. GARBAGE PICK-UP: Neither town has garbage or recycling collec- tion on Monday. The Brock West Landfill Site will be closed. LIBRARIES: Closed Monday and reopen Tuesday. RECREATION: All recreation facilities in Pickering closed Monday. In Ajax, only the Ajax Community Centre will be open — from 4 to 10 p.m. RETAIL: Major facilities such as the Pickering Town Centre and Har- wood Place Mall closed. Some drug stores will be open. TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY Offering aii insoivency 9 services including personal & corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX: 50 i✓orr„e,c:a, Ave. 6' 9-'4173 COSOURG: -2 Keg S-101. 372.4744 moi► Saturcay & evec,�g apooir*rre^�s avaiiaUe James R. Yanch FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION Not Coven Mother Nature Can Get Rid Of Stains Like These. Try as she might she'll never be able to wash out our stains. To prove It we've developed exterior stains to withstand the worst of environments. After all. we're Canadian too. eh. We're so confident that our stains are as good as anyone else's that we bade them with a 100% satisfaction guarantee or money refunded. And if you really want to mix it up with Mother Nature, you can with up to 76 colours to choose from. 6%sue MW SAYE -%% Comes in mftvoa cedar W4 Wrot Our best value br 31a1 let and WN. 18WAgmd-1,11in of sold and a Sdrll-tr011sp01ClI wkiinY. As realer-mpefle t Spedaly tor- metaled for I mm and sk%. S NEW iECHNOLOGIf LWIMNG PRO iECi0 tib_ TINT BASE So come on In. Alter all, what's a weekend in spring wNtwut piddng up a stain or two. Check below for a shore near you. 'Sale plow based on discollrlls dr our eller-sale wke& sale ends May 30 'VS AJAX PICKERIN�i Our newest eftkx state. Rolecb and wWS=ofs wood. A sive rlor brWalbn for decks. Discovery Bay Centre Pm*erirV Town Centra Abbey Larva Shopping Centre 570 Weeb y Road I419lrway 2 & Liverpool 91 Rylander Blvd. 4=-1 sit 430-2262 72"781 144 ' THE N9WS MWERTIUK WW.,'IMA,Ir 17; tf91F-FAAW!-A Too Far... It's not fair that too many Durham residents have to travel outside the region for hospital care. An Educational Program of ©�,L OF 110illliNM Your Hospitals Working Together - o �dr i6,1 P5A E�� A qt 5 Expect nzorc front Seals Tale a n additional E�J the already - reduced price* af all men's, women's and kids' fashions including f00 twe r and accessories** Now's the time to shop and save even morel 'Excludes advertised sale items. "'Excludes jewelry and cosmetics. 4 do Or - ::�4\11 This Thursday, Friday,YS oni I Satu�Seafs rday • • " rday and • Sole prices end Sun day, May 21, 1995, while quantities last kL Y SEARS Expect more from Sears SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTREwere n��._Fri. ,0:00 a.m.-9:00 .,Sat. 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m,, _ .�. _ Sun. 12:00 a.m: 5:00 p.m. is s� �g7R Return to Holland0xE�"DVLtit7'1S1F.lt,�,i1UY'17,1t!!SlrAQEn-A Pbittersweet for veteranandhs wife FROM PAGE 1 n't a difficult one. `"There wasn't any- thing scary about it," Mr. Holder recalls. "I volunteered because the job I had was finishing up and I didn't want to go looking for another one." A member of the 48th Highlanders regiment, he served in England, Italy, France and Germany. He drove a carrier which transported five mine sweepers and an officer who "swept before our infantry came up." Mr. Holder recalls "only one really scary time" in Italy, when German forces heard the mine -sweeping machines and began shelling the unit, which found refuge in a nearby farm- house. Celebrations "brought back sad mem- ories for some," reports Mrs. Holder, who recalls a veteran who found the grave of a friend who had been killed. But it's memories of the young chil- dren the Holders will always cherish. "They would grab you by two hands throughout the parade and say, `Thank you, thank you'," says Mr. Holder. Fred Holder at VE -Day festivities "People were hugging us throughout the parade route." According to Mrs. Holder, students "have each been given a Canadian grave to maintain. They know far more about what went on with Canadians during the war than children here do." Mr. and Mrs. Holder, who returned home from VE -Day celebrations last week, were also impressed with a 48th Highlander pipe band established by the Dutch with permission horn Canada. Free Initial c0n.5ulta11"t' t)) expJ()t(: rcducuoll (,Ay our financial pressures and worries. Proposa& r Bankru tc Nr:angemcnts wi:h , rediio rs ' y!,)p mos::cga; :<pr_ 5'')p most legal actions -�"an with clean slate after legal I',iyments geared to your ability c: •arance in 9 months Itc tarn control of your assets r: r:ost cars) ,+cd affairs r "They wanted a living tribute — something that will be carried on and carried on — instead of a stone monu- ment," explains Mr. Holier. Mr. and Mrs. Holder began dating after Mr. Holder's return from the war and were married in 1946. They have one daughter, three sons, and 10 grand- children. The VE -Day anniversary was a proud time to be a Canadian, the couple admits. 'IV Canadians seemed to stand straighter than anyone else," notes Mrs. Holder. " fbey were very solemn. They were just outstanding." 'gu"rfd oe q �'e► o w H p Juniora�° ;°°°y - Kindergarten Pre -Registration Aldon Learning Centre The Durham Board of Education will offer Junior Kindergarten at the Aldon Learning Centre. 109 Burcher Road. Ajax. The program will run all day/2 full days each week. To be eligible, children must be 4 years of age by December 31. 1995 and reside within Durham Board of Education boundaries. Transportation to the program will be the responsibility of parents. A Parent Orientation Meeting will be held Thursday. June 22. 1995, 7:30 p.m. at the Aldon Learning Centre for those who are accepted into the program. Pre:-registraticm for the program will take place on a "first come first serve" basis by telephone only -- (905) 42ti-6-445 and (905) 6X3-SH02 Wednesdav, .June 7.199-5 beginning .at 9:34) a.m. Nt) pre -registration will take place N_1•)re this date. For further information. please call (905) 683-8802. Too L iffle... Durham taxpayers don't get their fair share of provincial hospital funding. An Educational Program of ©08MTAL coin of ounwifuM MNo Your Hospitals Working Together PA6E4 .1061ir-joERS�t�YE'Lq;'{ M1t i"1; _w + PONTIAC GRAND AM'SE COUPE AIR CONDITIONING V 150 HP 2.3 litre DOHC engine T 4 -wheel ABS 'F power steering T 5 -speed manual transmission V driver's side air bag V AM/FM stereo cassette V 24 hour Roadside Assistance PER MONTH/36 MONTHS PONTIAC GRAND PRIX SE SEDAN AIR CONDITIONING V 160 HP 3.1 litre V6 engine V 4 -wheel ABS • 4 -speed electronic transmission V dual air bogs r power- windows V sports appearance package V 24 hour Roadside Assistance P ONLY ATONTIAC YOUR s. &#,@A 'BMW on a 36 ,xx0 kale for Grand Am CoupoiCwwo Prot Sedan equq*od as deacrubed. A mowrNxn down payrrara of t3.58M.872 and i30WW5 swaMy daps ar! required. Sane milaape conditions apply. FmogN (S5M780). Nceru;e, msuranoe and taxes aro not wwkrded. Offer applies b 1995 new or darrrombsom nrodale. n I ardor or trod. may be neo --y. Dealer may aeMAease fa km Offer appYee to gLwWW retail euefornera 0*. LOWed time oder I PER MONTH/36 MONTHS may not berxxnbirted a wad with attar dbm. Sao your Daher for doWs- tSublsct to GM Card Program RWae. M arrd GM are MaarrM , tunra d marks. TM 049"NW Trade Mark of Geraral Mabry Corporsft% W foartoad LOW. .. 7r . QV* . yi nom, Billboard Billboard is a free feature for community events of a non-profit nature. To have your events promoted in Billboard, fax 683-7363 or write to the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ont., LIS 2H5. The deadline for Bill- board items is 10 a.m. the Monday prior to Wednesday publication, 10 a.m. the Wednesday prior to Friday publication and 10 a.m. the Thursday prior to Sunday publication. WEDNESDAY, MAY 17 SINGLE PARENTS: The One Parent Families Associa- tion of Ajax -Pickering holds its weekly meeting at 8 p.m. at Swan's Marina, 590 Liverpool Rd. S., Pickering. Education- al, social, sports activities and dances. 428-7433. DIABETES: The Diabetes Education Centre holds an information session from 7-8 p.m. at the Ajax -Pickering General Hospital, Harwood Avenue South, conference room A , west wing of the hospital. Bin Chin tells you what's new with the diabetic diet and teaches you how to incorporate sugar into your healthy meal plan. Call 428- 5269. THURSDAY, MAY 18 BREAST-FEEDING: La Leche League Pickering holds its monthly meeting for preg- nant women and breast-feed- ing mothers for information and support at 7:45 p.m. Babies welcome. 831-2017, 416-283-5044 or 416-282- 6462 for location. FAMILY VIOLENCE: The Durham Regional Police host a panel discussion from 7 to 9 P.M. to increase awareness of fami- ly violence and offer sugges- tions on how to help victims. Representatives from the crown attorney's office, probation services, family court clinic, and shelter for women will speak. It's at the Ajax municipal offices, Har- wood Ave. and Kings Cres. 683-9100 or 579-1520, ext. 248. BREAST CANCER: Reach to Recovery, a breast cancer support group for patients, family and friends meets from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Family Real- ty First building southeast corner of Bayly St. and Finley Ave., Ajax. It meets the third Thursday of each month. 686- 1516 (Canadian Cancer Soci- ety). RACISM: The Barbara Black Centre for Youth Resources, 910 Liverpool Rd. S., Picker- ing, hosts a workshop on Racism and the Media from 6 to 7 p.m. Guest speaker is Michelle Wynter of African Canadian Youth Initiative. All youth welcome, refreshments pro- vided.839-6131. • TEMNEVVIIA&VWWA1 ; W5Q..MAyl'7.AW&MGE.t3-A. May 17, 1995 BEREAVED FAMILIES: The Durham chapter of Bereaved Families of Ontario holds a family support night in the general purpose room at 44 Falby Cn., Ajax, from 7:15 to 9 P.M. Topic is the nature of grief. Everyone welcome. 1-800- 387-4870. FRIDAY, MAY 19 OSTOMY: The Victorian Order of Nurses, Durham branch, gives away free osto- my supplies on a first-come, first-served basis from 10 a.m. to noon at 58 Rossland Rd. W., Oshawa. For information, call 571-3151. SATURDAY, MAY 20 NATURE: The fifth week of an eight-week Nature Club for Kids is held at Greenwood Conservation Area, Westney Rd., six kilometres north of Hwy - 40 1, wy-401, on the Ajax -Pickering border. Games, nature walks, crafts. Theme is Recycling. $5 per visit. It's for pre -teens. Pre -regis- ter at 416-661-6600, ext. 203 (The Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority). POT LUCK: The Christian Life Centre, at the corner of Rossland Rd. and Ravenscroft Rd., Ajax, holds a pot luck dinner at 7:30 p.m. Games. 428-7028 (Gloria). The Kinsmen Club of Pickering's Family Fireworks Sale FIREWORKS FROM AROLT" THE WORLD Factory Fresh - 100% Replacement Guarantee Discounted Prices COME CELEBRATE WITH US All Proceeds Donated to the Community SAT., SUN. & HOLIDAY MON. 10 A.M.4 P.M. STRotw FNW MY. 82 - SAY OGES UA TRAILERS WEEKDAYS OPEN 3 P.M. - 8 P.M. WE ACCEPT RM -VISA CLIP THIS COUPON FOR A NEIGHBOURHOOD PARTY DISCOUNT 10% OFF ALL FIREWORKS PURCHASES OVER $100.00 AT ALL PICKERING KINSMEN LOCATIONS *10101 =J 0 GENERAL TIRE Dr. Kevin Tyber OPTOMETRIST • Dispensing of contact lenses and glasses • Evening and Saturday appointments available • Complete Family Eye Care 427-4144 15 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Whsercha.r (Between Hwy. 401 & No. 2) AccessiM. UR LATEF L OWN InA l c . ,M "Ic �. -_; � � �r+�oressroeut. M►ro t�ttllct 1211 Kingston Rd., Pickering IO QUALITY 420-4040 BRAKE JOBS GENERAL ALIGNMENT SERVICE AMERI*TECH ST 'N AVAILABLE 48 Month Free Replacement kZ, E Limited Warranty f Road Hazard protection Plan l S 8 T Speed Rated 6 100,000 km Mileage Rating 175,70R13 82S BW $57.50 185i70R14.... 87S ...... BW ........... S64.62 205;70R15 .... 95S..... WW ........... $82.57 205r65R15.... 92T...... BW ........... $87.75 Lrmbd Ourreses Awn0h le. Prue Subiecr b Ava.4Cd.ry COMPLETE EXHAUST SYSTEMS AVAILABLE LIFETIME WARRANTY FREE EXHAUST I $1050'E3=1 $1 NSPECT1t0N $1 2 0.00 rSanle - 40.00 �A� � rnoo vz, Chevere Carave� s+�. : ,• :. Safm Van Cavai er Beretta Ornn� S l a't S 600' (FWD) "5 i MO G'Soor-- io Centuryceiebn ty Lynx P ck,o Anes' Reliant' s'Jr Male„ va+ SKy'+awt C,tavor Topaz LebarO�' Cdt' Acclaim' ': 2MVar WA,vko Owoh.e SKy a,K Corsica Caia s � WD; Shadow' V,sta' ce Pwc -riaE.'S.is o'un "WWS wcvrn F 'e-za Grand A— Gera Caravan Sundance - ++ so 00k, t:v' ` 7*p Sur,.Nrd Acadian 'Jar) Voyager "_ra GradDne B.cra' 6000 Tempest Horizon' So'•,t9' (Van) Fuss temaw 3v Alm at. owe . 'Too Much! 10 fIt" Almost 1/3 of Durham residerns who need h hospital care end up OUTSIDE the Region, according to the Acute Care Study by the Durham District Health Council. Per person hospital funding in Durham is 40% LESS titan the provincial average; and, 60% less than in Metro Toronto despite our rapidly wi comrtltx•+� 9r'o r►9 Durham hospitals have cased beds reduced services due to provirtcial t limits. REI�ft Durham poliants should not have to overcrowdrg, delays and cartoelled =: J r W z >� �'` .cid Q ;� Ler 3 Bi F81P..". Ask your provincial candidate to support a fair share for Durham. An Educational Program of pOBMTAL COUNOL OF OURIIA11111 MMM Your Hospitals Working Together Tel: 905-683-4943 Fax:905-683-6453 Ajax and Pickering General Hospital Memoral Hosptal - Bowman ae Osnawa General Hospital Community Memorial Hospital, The Cottage Hospital (Uxbridge) Whitby General Hospital Port Perry Whitby Mental Health Centre ln��i�'Y�.�: i�i�l�vvll}�>,ei�is�'ri�e �Af q� � •. By REGINA PEZZARELLO srect,u ro ntE NEws wv©trtsat AJAX — It's more than a. little fitting that Ajax should celebrate a major milestone on the 50th anniversary of the Allied forces' victory in Europe. 0 • 0 That's because the town, which celebrates its 40th anniversary Of incorporation as a municipality this year, played a significant role in the defeat of the Nazis. You see, Ajax was born when the federal government opened a huge shell -filling plant that covered a whop- ping 2,985 acres. Defense Industries Limited (D.I.L.) drew workers from across Canada. During the plant's peak production, it employed approximately 9,000 people. Louise Johnson worked in the plant from 1942 to its closing and it was there that she met her husband Russell. "There was no town, just farmland," recalls Mrs. Johnson. "There was noth- ing between Pickering and Whitby. She filled shells and worked in the office as a shift clerk "because I actu- ally knew bow to type." Mrs. Johnson remembers that, just before the plant's •••••••••••••••••••••• `I typed the last quit slip and it was my own.' -- Louise Johnson closure, "1 typed the last quit slip and it was my own." But, she continued to reside in Ajax where she's lived in the same house for 50 years. With people came mail and with honored the British warship the H.M.S. Ajax, one of three ships . that defeated the German battleship Graf Spee in the Battle of the River Plate in Decem- Ken Smith ber. 1939. H.M.S. Ajax and her sis- ''' aX WaS ter ships became <such a symbols of courage and deter- s[>IIIal1 mination. ISCt? 1,11St After the Sec- :;;; and World War ] got tO ended, so ended the need for the <�C12OVP ammunition made ievelyone' at the shell -filling plant. But, the del- '' uge of returning veterans caused the University of Toronto's enrolment to sky -rocket to such an extent that the U of T set up an engineering school on the D.I.L_ site, turning buildings once used to make ammunition into lecture rooms, laboratories and dormitories. Professor L.E. Jones, current engineer- ing archivist for the University of Toronto, reports 4.966 people rcgis- tered at the Ajax division for the Faculty Waj(BtS btttla BIW. oil%"b 1� l fomes, VICwry me G%4V%PV , I„Mmiled, Aiegs cow photos CM019sy of Kien Smith ` need for a post office. The only problem was that the post offroe didn't have a name. The nick- names that had bees attached to Ajax, such as Ddvffk and Dilco, just didn't Seem appropriate. Archie MacDonald, editor of A Town Caged Ajax being made avail- able soon, recalls a contest was held to choose a name. The final selection - of Applied Science and Engi- neering in the four years after the war. George `Robby' Robinson was one of those students. After serving as an instructor for the Royal Canadian Air Force, be came to Ajax from New Brunswick with wife Robina `Bobby, on Sept. 19, 1946 to study mechanical engineering. "I met some good friends while going to school here," he recalls While still in school, Mr. Robinson worked as an engineer for Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation. After graduating in 1950, he formed Glenwood Construction company in 1953 and in 1955 opened a consulting firm Walvin Limited. lie is responsible ing the early years, every- body knew everyone. It added spirit to the commu- nity," says Mr. Parish, who was chairman of the <;4 historical board in 1972 and had a large hand in • • . composing the first book on Ajax's history in that year and helped put together the most recent chronicle. In 1973, when certain portions of Pickering Township were given to the Town of Ajax, including Pickering Vil- lage and Pickering Beach, the town U.I.L. provided the Allied forces with heavy ammunition like the 25 -pound artillery shells seen hanging from the roof of the Ajax plant. for building the fust office in Ajax, which today is the Bank of Montreal on Harwood Avenue, and he and his various companies constructed many of the businesses and houses still standing in Ajax today. In 1945, Ajax was home to 617 single-family dwellings, •••••••••••••••••••••• In 1949, when the U of T closed its Ajax division, the federal government turned the town over to the CMHC, which appointed three trustees to act as council, school board and any other government body the munici- pality required. Chairman of the three trustees was Benjamin de For- est Bayly, who was elected the fust town mayor on Dec. 13, 1954, just days before the Town was officially in.,—F—awm on Jan. 19 1955. Joining him on council was Ken Smith, who served from 1956 to 57 as the second mayor of Ajax, where he'd worked at D.I.L. in 1942. When D.I.L. closed he opened his own construction business and was encour- aged to run for council by his neigh- bors in 1954. "Ajax was such a small community that I got to know every- one," remembers Mr. Smith. William Parish was also one of the first members of council, serving the town for several years including six as mayor after coming here in 1951 to teach at Pickering High School. "Dur- grew to 16,729 acres — more than five -and -a -half times its original size of 2,985 acres. In January 1974, regional govern- ment brought a new political structure to Ajax. And, the two decades since have brought considerable growth to the town. Today, 60,000 people live in Ajax which in 1945 was home to 617 single-family dwellings. The growth and development of the community is chronicled in detail in A Town Called Ajax, a coffee table -style book that was the brainchild of the Ajax Historical Board and has been put together by many people, including everyone mentioned in this story. You iean order your copy now for $36 instead of paying $42 after it's pub- lished. Call the Ajax cot's depart- ment at 683-4550. .'.Y:r N q; �,,•1Cp iI�K�.., W. eq . � �" r.. ' iT . V RECYCLER'S REPORT Sportsgear needed for repla' Y St. Martins Anglican granted. For additional infor- lection. We have to take con- in government) and at the Church in Pickering is under- mation and to locate the par- trol of our resources for recy- same time create a beneficial taking an outreach program ticipating church or school cling or reuse. By compost- natural fertilizer for church to provide used sporting nearest you, contact St. Mar- ing, church members reduce properties. Join the green equipment to 15 communities tin's Church at 8394257 or valuable organics destined wave of recycling. For more to Labrador. Alan May at 509-1288. for landfill (or possible incin- information on composting Many churches in Ajax OOO eration if we have a change call 1-800-667-5671. and Pickering, along with Churches and schools can several schools in Pickering, also be partners in compost- D R. J E R O M E G I B L O N are joining together this ing. Students are actively month to collect the equip- composting their lunch ment which will be taken to a scraps and yard waste. is pleased to announce the location central area for sorting and pack- aging. Items most needed include soccer bells, hockey and baseball equip- ment, cross- country ski boots, skipping ropes, volley- balls, ski poles, sponge balls, footballs and running shoes. Shipment will be made to respec- tive communities in Nate June. Sports equip- ment is not available to the Inuit or Amerindian children of these depressed areas and This project will enable many of these kids to participate in sports after school hours. It's hoped our communi- ties can provide these chil- dren the opportunity to enjoy the activities we take for Church stewards should also become earth stewards and tap this knowledge- able source to gain information on how their congregation can trim the waste going to _landfill. Most churches usually have a suitable location to place a compost unit. Unless a mem- ber of the con- gregation takes home organics such as tea bags, sandwich crusts, apple cores and the like from church socials to his or her own backyard compo%tLr, all these will get thrown into a bag for landfill. Old flowers and yard waste are other materials that regu- larly get set out by church custodians for curhside col - of an office for his practice of Orthodontics at 1450 Kingston Rd. in the Pickering Square Plaza at Valley Farm Rd. This office is being established for the convenience of those patients who have been coming for treatment to the Scarborough office from Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa etc. New patients are welcome With no financial obligation Consultation by appointment Please call (416) 439-6222 Children, braces for teenagers and adults. TMNEWS Environment group meets DURHAM-- The School, 160. Rosa St. Durham Environmental Michael Elliott discusses Network (DEN) meets banning cosmetic pesticide Thursday, May 25 at 7:30 use. Call 509-3156 or 985 - p.m. at Port Perry High 3225. PODIATRIST Ronald J. Klein B.S.c., D.P.M. Wishes to Announce the Opening qt his Practice At the Pickering ?Medical Centre k.o WA Km V as • Custom F4XJt orthotic. ' • Full Veteran's Coverage - Sport% Medicine ? • Diabetic Fect. Corn & Calluses v -Children's Foot WHAT A BARGAIN: A Blue Jays Hotdog or Italian Sausage A Solt Drink " A Big Red Apple ALL $ FOR 2$1.95 FOR KIDS Rotary Club Ln support " the ,C,O a Vum ty pottitrileac px ogra n AT MdMILLAN ORCHARDS H%rY. 2 BETWEEN AJAX H VVIUTBY SAT., MAY 20th - NOON Tnl 49m PAGE 16-A•THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY 17, 1"S Three The Third 1 Ajax Beavers and Scouts Jid their part o help their Natershed by planting trees at Duffins reek during Natershed Neek. From eft to right ire Paul iAark Hebert, Jesse McCoy ind Chris '-eller, who lsed the ;vent to earn heir citizen - ;hip badge. Break the butt habit DURHAM -- You can learn to beat the tobacco habit by calling S.O.S. The Smokers Overcoming S m o k i n g (S.O.S.) support group meets from 7 to 9 p.m. at 40 King St. W., Suite 300, Oshawa on Monday May 22. Call 436- 1046 for more information. •caa orct,■••■a Relaxn wash sec Specializing in tT"` & up I.=at uP Jamaican style Jerk a skt $251 Cuisine Catering for R. 11415 .................... .all occasions Fun Head If t+Frave..�" Pat Henry FREE DELIVERY IN' AYA■■ANS_■ AJAX & PICKERING ON �<..,.,. ,.....,,,, , I ORDERS OVER $20 Ho.":Hours Mon. - Thum. to a. (, p.m. • • klondav-Fridat" 11 a.m.- 10 p.m. Friday ,o a.m.. K P.M. Saturdam, 8:30 a.m. -10 P.M. Saturday -:30 a.m.-2:3o p.m. Sanday� t>y apptNntment only Sat. %lorntng Breakfast 8:30 a.m. FLAT` Y2AT'E Long Dist--Arnce from Aumat, Bethesda, Bolton. T . • w ■ Y Brampton. Castlemom, $ 99 ` ' "' • a 12 Cu mnont, Cta*son. Cooksville. Gormley. e. M City, KleMarkham. Maple, Halton, Markham, month Nobleton, Oak Ridges, Oakville, Palgravc, Pact Credit, Richmond QLVS Save an additional 20% on Hill. Schorr srrl e suxdfvillc, suroetsviuc, all yOla other long distance calls Thominll, Unionville, Woodbndgc expanded service to: Burlington, Newmarket, Georgetown. Whitby. Oshawa districts. eIehop® (416) 406-3977 J�viS/ph ®IIVTEI(TA/y CAAAAM LTD. fladiie 1haek Pickering Town Centre location only! SKYLINE TREE SERVICE TREE PRESERVATION SPECIALISTS • PRUNING • REMOVALS 41k • CABLING & BRACING • FERTILIZING -EMERGENCY • MAKE SURE YOU'RE DEALING WITH A CERTIFIED ARBORIST! FOR All. YOUR TREE AND SHRUB PRUNING NEEDS CALL. FOR A FREE. ESTIMATE ONLY SKYLINE TREE SERVICE AND HAVE ONE. OF OUR CERTIFIED (905) 649-3778 ARBOIuSTS INSPECT YOUR PROPERTY •-----------•------------------------- ►� II• STEP IN SPORT �ai TH ►t TWO) OF N DANCIN' ►'• 'i 1 N NCE STUI)K) ►t 04 Registration starts MAY 1095 ii BEST FACILITIES IN TOWN �4 1lardwoxi f1cx)rs: profcssional sound & light... SPRI:.N, 04 ta:rrl;r. REGISTER NOW s1 rr�cF. 01 l t t;u:uantcc \,xtr,clt a plaxc C LASSF, 04 -Latin • Contemporary Rallrtxtm -jazz 04 ►i • Tap • Countn • Senior%, lids 04 • Rmk •n' Roll; Tango; Foxtrot; etc. ►� 5I'RS /%'/)l'RHAM10YRS i\ 1OR0.4'70REGI()h' ►� 20 YRS. PERFORMING R'ORLDWIDE" N ADULT & C111WREN' S PRO(:)?.1.NS oto' ►4 txOxl S(VIALTO PROFFSSR)XAI. LEVELS ar�onoRt999+ 04 can t be usa ►4 CI,I:B \1(:11'r .%1O]'rlll,l' wrtno�� II. 04 Doors opcn at 8.30 p.m. ►. 04 CALL NOW. (905) &17 -STEP RX37) m Bay Ridges Plae.a ►— -------------------- ----------------� Pickering Town Centre (Upper level; 839-3260 First come, first served. Ltd. qty., no Rain Checks. 'A opening► in V a W45 - Computer desk. With shelf for your printer, disks, software and other accessories. 26-8043 Accessories trot induced tamp 1415 Almond trimphone. Has 20 -number memory speed dial for frequently -called numbers. Features redial with pause. 43-548 sare'80 91M95 10 -ch. weather CB. Features LCD channel display, vol- ume control and squelch control to reduce interfer- ence. Installs easily in your vehicle. 21-1557 SAVE $90. 5 -channel stereo mixing con- sole. Features Glide -Path fader controls. 32-1200. Reg. 159.95 ..............sale 69.95 SAVE $50. 10 -band equalizer. 31-9082. Reg. 139.95 ......sale 89.95 HALF PRICE. PR080 headphones. Has in-line volume control, OFC cable and super soft ear cushions. 33-8352. Reg. 79.95 ...............sale 39.95 save99 66 T-160 VHS video tape. L per customer. 44-8615 SAVE $170. PRO -43 200 channel hand- held scanner scans 25 channels per sec- ond. 20-300. Reg. 469.95 .............sale 299.91 SAVE $99 pr. PRO 77 magnetically shield ed speakers. Available in black or white. Ideal for surround sound or small stereo systems. 70 watts power handling each. 40-8208/9. Reg. 199.00 ............sale pr. 99.91 PRIGCE sate 95_ p 6 -wheel Monster RC vehicle. 27 Micro -14 microcassette MHz or 49 MHz. Available in neon recorder. Ideal note -taker for sore 3 -disc changer with dual green or neon orange. classes, seminars and $100 40.15 cassette, AM/FM tuner 60-8914/15 lectures. 14-1175 349and remote control opera- tion. 13-1263 ...ter •r i e.. '".f� 9 1'4"1 {i e 1 A 4• Vviq ... - . THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY 17,1995 -PAGE 17-A Tee one up for Big Brothers AJAX-PICK- ERING — Duf- fers can be do- gooders Wednes- day, May 31. That's when the Big Brothers Association of Ajax -Pickering holds its fifth annual cba * golf tournament at Thunderbird Golf Club, 995 Myrtle Rd. W. in Ash- burn. ,Foursomes and individuals are A raffle and other events such as putting and longest drive con- tests give partid- pants a chance to win prizes. Tee -off times are between 10 am. and noon. Cost is $100 per golfer which includes green fee, power cart and dinner. For more infor- mation, call Big Brothers at 686- 2871. at V0A� ENTRE DOD MARKET rrsiUtS EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY MAY 17TH TO SATURDAY MAY 20TH, 1995 FINCH AVENUE WE OFFER INTERAC"DEBIT I �� CARD SERVICE! �� PAGE ILA -THE NEWS ADVMLSI V.4,ED., MAV 170 IM Food and fun, cars and stars at Pickering Village Festival PICKERING VILLAGE — A parade and pancakes, music and motor vehicles are among highlights of the Pickering Village Festival Saturday, June 10. The festival runs from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. with a number of activities planned, including an arts and crafts show, live entertainment and a walking tour of historic sites. Events begin with a pancake break- fast from 8 to 10 am. at the Pickering Village Pharmacy on Old Kingston Road. From 9 am. to 4 p.m., an arts and crafts show and sale is being held at the Village Community Centre at the comer of Linton Avenue and Sherwood Road West. The parade, featuring bands. floats and antique cars, goes from 10 lo I 1 am. beginning and end- ing at Pickering High School on Church Street North. A sidewalk sale runs from 10 a.m. until 4 pm. along Oki Kingston Road. (Mach Street and Hwy. 2. Live entertainment will be featured on a special stage on Old Kingston Road from 11 am. to 4 pm. Among the performers planned are the Pickering High School Band. the school'! jazz band ana choir. the Picker- ing Concert Band, Dance Experi- ence, Jazzercise and the O'Brien Dance School. Walking tour - Of historic lova' tions in the Vil. lage will be con• ducted between I I a.m. and 2 pm. by the Ajax Local Aral Con- servation Adviso- ry Committee. A seniors' bazaar and lunch will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 4 P.m. at the seniors' centre at 27 Luton Ave., at the rear of the Pidming Village Amm& There'll be live entertainment at the Courtyard, at the corner of Old Kingston Road and Elizabeth Street, from 11 am. to 7 pm. Other festival features include clowns, fortune leg, ms's ,face painting, :pony rides, an mtkpw car display and an open house at St. George's Anglican at e southwest corner of Hwy. 2 and Randall ,Drive. The festival will be held rain or shine. Understanding Grief ■�� with Dr. Bill Webster sponsored by McEachnie Funeral Home Wednesday, May 31 st Ajax Community Centre 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Dr. Webster understands the grief process, from personal experience as well as theory. Widowed in 1983, he struggled to come to terms with the loss of his wife, as well as coping with many practical issues, not least being a single parent to his two young sons. He holds graduate degrees in psychology, theology and graduated with a doctoral degree in 1990. Acknowledged as a dynamic, personable and practical speaker. Dr. Webster combines personal experience with his knowledge and sense of humor to effectively communicate his message. Everyone is welcome and pre -registration is not required. The atmosphere will be informal, light refreshments will be served and admission is free. For more information call McEachnie Funeral Home 428-8488. All g EFFICIENT BY NATURE THE NATURE OF OUR WATER DEMI V'D • • • • • • • • • • • • Our water supply ,}stem must be reads to meet daily water demands. ��hile keeping enough water in storage loremergenc% needs. such as fire ti_,hong. Twice a da% )ur water demands reach a peak le%el, usually during the earl. morning and early e%enins hours. In the warm weather months. outdoor water uses. especially lawn watering. cause our water dernands to reach even higher peaks during those same time periods. The water we use for lawn and garden care, tilling swimming pools and doing other outdoor tasks. can add many millions of litres a day to our demand for drinking water. The Outdoor Effect To understand just how much additional water our system must pump, let's focus on the effect lawn watering can have on the demand. If only 5.000 residents watered their front and back lawns for 1/2 hour, they could use more than 5 million litres (or more than I million gallons) of drinking water. Imagine the strain that level of demand puts on our water system! We need the help and co-operation of every water user to avoid the demand that outdoor water use can put on our drinking water supply system. When watering your lawns please water according to these guidelines. Lawn Wattrin Gtudefines: Odd -numbered addrestm on add -numbered cA- endar days Even-numbefed address n on even number calendar days In addition, if the system faces critical shortages, lawn watering use will be restricted during the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Check your next water•bill for our "Efficient By Nature" information piece. It includes valuable tips and techniques for lawn and garden care with less water waste. Water Efficient Durham We've got it covered! o �i/p-to-•t�e-�ri�ate �esui�ts tgog 190 1,rJ0Xo4,v,. The Ajax -Pickering 95 News Advertiser ertiser Pop 509-5112 GARDEN SUPPLIES LTD. • Sandy Loam (Top Sod) • Mushroom Compost • Loam & Compost • Triple Mix • • Cow Manure • Sand (Fine or Coarse) • 3 4 Stone Gravel • Screenings • Patio Slabs • Rockery Stone �sass� Finch EKING TOTAL LANDSCAPE CARE a Iill Call today for a free estimate. • Interlocking Stone • Retaining Walls • Fpnrpc . nor lrc Residents feel at home at Cedarcroft Place By Peter Hughes If I had to choose somewhere to spend my J golden years then I'd choose a place like Cedarcroft Place. I,ocated in Oshawa at 649 King St E., this premier retirement home provides residents with the kind of services and amenities you'd find at a nice hotel. All your meals are included and served in a bright and spacious dining room. There is also a library with the feel of home and an eating area where you can sit down to a private meal when friends.and family visit. There is 24 hour nursing supervision with a doctor available at all times. There is housekeeping and laundry services and planned activities including bingo, cards, sing songs and pub nights. Administrator Marjorie Beattie goes out of her way to make sure the transition goes as smooth as possible in welcoming people here from their own homes. "Cedarcroft Place is designed in a way to make people feel at home," she explains. "we offer them accommodations to suit every need and they can decorate their rooms anyway they like." Colette Mousseau has lived at Cedarcroft since January and says she enjoys the freedom of being able to come and go and that she has made Playing Bingo is one of the many activities residents enjoy at Cedarcroft. many friends. "I love being around people so thii is perfect for me," she says. "I also love the staff. The are so kind and friendly.' Carl Carson moved to Cedarcroft 2 years ago after being told about the the place by his niece, "I was tired of living alone and doing my grocery shopping," he says. "Here everything is taken care of. It gives me time to enjoy life, go for walks, play pool cards. You never get bored here." 649KiMKing AA St. E.1 Oshawa 723.9490 ce, WW; ]rte "0W li QW MMM V COMMUNITY Head out for Home Week AJAX — Something old, something new and something for everybody is being offered at the 1995 Ajax Home Week. This is the 25th anniversary of the event and it runs from Saturday, June 10 to Sunday, June 18. Chairman of this year's festivities is Jim Leckey of the Ajax Kinsmen Club and he'll be helped by last year's chair- man Lon Hamish of the Ajax Rotary Club. Other executive members are trea- surer Dawn Flett, secretary Myrna Picotte of the Rotary Club and media relations by Martin Olenroot, also of the Rotary Club. Kicking off the activities is the popu- lar Home Week parade and children's best -dressed bicycle contest on Satur- day, June 10. Other events on the first day include the Ajax Garden Club's show and sale, the Friends of the Ajax Library book sale, and the Ajax Acro's gymnastics club obstacle course, all at the Ajax Community Centre on Centen- nial Road. A new event this year is a bil- liards tournament on June 10 at Rack `Em Up in the MacKenzie Plaza at Bayly Street and MacKenzie Avenue. Events on Sunday. June I I include The Run the Lake fund-raiser for Ajax and Pickering General Hospital, Music in the Park at Rotary Park, the Ghanadi- an International Society Imaginary Trip at the McLean Community Centre and a three -on -three high school basketball tournament at the National Sports Cen- tre at Whites Road and Hwy. 2 in Pick- ering. All the events on Sunday are new to Home Week, although the Run the Lake and Music in the Park have been held at other times in the past. The town's top citizen will be announced Wednesday, June 14 with the presentation of the Ajax Civic Award at the McLean Community Cen- tre. The Ajax Recreation Advisory Council awards will be presented at the same ceremony. On Thursday, June 15, there will be An Evening to Remember at the McLean Community Centre, fea- turing music and entertainment of vari- ous Asian cultures. This is a new event this year. Also on lune 15 the Home Week auc- tion is at the Royal Canadian Legion Ajax Brach 322 hall at 111 Hunt St. The Kinsmen Club's popular steak barbecue and dance is in the western arena at the Ajax Community Centre on Friday, June 16. Mosquitoes will do the swatting from June 16 to 18 at the Ajax Spartans Minor Baseball Association tournament at Cedar Park. Boys aged 10 and 11 will be taking pact Saturday, June 17 is going to be a busy day as The Ajax Local Aschitectw- al Conservation Advisory Committee will unveil a plaque to the 40th anniversary of the the Town and the building of St. Bernadette's Church, and the Ajax Radio Controlled ,Model Club will put on a model air- plane flying at its field south of the Volkswagen Plant at Church and Bayly streets. A new event is Wired!, an all -day tntls. concat at the Ajax Cammumity Centre, featuring eight to 10 area bands with musical styles ranging from hard rock to reggae. Another new activity is the Inter- OrganizaWu Resources Network Musi- cal and Cultural Event and it's being held at the Pkkenng Village Arena. The Ajax Boxing Club will host the hser-Pmvincial tournament at the Wan- derers Rugby Club on Harwood Avenue North. If it's raining, this event will shift to the Ajax Community Centre. Closing out June 17 will be a country line dancing party at the Annandale Golf and Curling Club at Church and Bayly streets. On both June 1 and 18, an art show of Pickering Village and Ajax historical buildings and scenes will be held at the Pickering Village Com- munity Centre at Linton Avenue and Sherwood Road West. Events begin early and finish late on June 18, the last day of Home Week. The Rotary Pancake Breakfast will be held at the Monarch Avenue soccer field, next to the Ajax Community Cen- tre. The Ajax Acro's gym club will marks its 20th anniversary with an open house at the St. Andrew's Community Centre on Exeter Road. .The Mayor's Derby horse race is at Picov Downs on Hwy. 2 east of Har- wood Avenue. A new event planned is an inter -denominational service featur- ing contemporary Christian music at the Ajax waterfront prior to the fireworks demonstration. The traditional closing of Home Week is the fireworks show and it will begin at dusk at the waterfront. Treat7za Pizza ML Reat You Eat Lille RM The crust is made of fudge and chocolate crunch. Add lots of Dairy Queen® soft serve, and a combination of scrumptious toppings. Choose from four flavors ... Peanut Butter Fudge, Strawberry Banana, Smarties®', or Skor�Candy Pieces. The DQ Treatzza PizzaTM is the only pizza that tastes better cold. 0TxARL 00Cc* 01MAmOnCAM, Vsk.WR"MnUSA •_ _�•• �••• 0IAVWES' ■ o MpNW VINWA d Sao* aw vin^ Nub SA 41 MW ••"WPWwdwMwkur.d<kww. aN►►OiwPilrwar�NM/ice+NML'it1�aYMYaeNM�wk �bw�MeNM�4MdMrM. Offer Available At: McKenzie Plaza, 250 Bayly St. W., 619-0662 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WEb., MAY 17, I"S-PAGE 19-A Fun fair at Lakeside P.S. AJAX – Lakeside Pub- 5 to 8 p.m on Friday, May lic School, 4 Parkes Dr., 26. A dunk tank is fea- Ajax, holds a fun fav from tured. Call 686-3014. F11ANK'S 37M ANNUAL FIREWORK'S SALE � 50%OFF NO GST & i !NO PST 100% Replacement Guarantee Over 220 Varities of FIREWORKS from around the world, factory fresh for you to choose from! • Scarborough - Candian Tire Stores • Ajax-Loblaws-Harwood 8 Hwy. 2 • Whitby Mail - Beside Arby's/Walmart • Oshawa Centre - Stevenson & Hwy. 2 • North Oshawa - Hy 8 Zel Plaza • Bowmanville - Canadian Tire FREE TREAT FOR KIDS SOLD ONLY TO RESPONSIBLE ADULTS t'`1�G'���it*'yl$•�1� A�I�IIIi�Q 11�11T•%17j+i�S �.. _. . . •.•.�1�. ^. •� :'.`.`.•�'•.^. ^. •r `s'r'•",1l'•'••s'♦`•�• • -r r r • r ►-a . r � � r • v r r r • f t r . t • r r r s s ♦ s • • • • • ` ET CREVRO ww } CAW BEST CAR! T SELLER• A �VALI� BCJI j)NNALL LAK YYS. BUY!nc i JtLL'Iw N, 07ORVvEE DRIVER S CHOICE AWARD 1 CAVAM BW CAVALIER BEST TI • T(� TH DOM S �': AND FOP":" Lam' - TOP TEN L --�_ ��-_'Ht tt�i 'IIMt iv BUY I� K,v�l NVv'J. a �nERIr N AU-ON^OBI�E AS50 -.e BEST VALUE — BEST CHOICE. - ... b w ; •r INT _ .� RODUC vnrr� . . THE_ < < utKt �•�;virl Er�;Guyc ALLemiyEW ___......_._. nVCKt Jth; j / "K�Itir 'r EA �E r / _SPOIPURCRASE ���TS.S TS ECOUPEPORTSAPPEARANCE PACKAGE 15 STYLED WHEEL COVERS. GENUINE CHEVROLET' SMARTLEA109 PLUS FREIGHT X595 ER MONTH 36 MARTLLEASE WITH A^J THS VAM SDOWN ` PAYMENT OF $ 1,824 OR EQUIV TRADE PLUS FREIGHT $595 AANDAIENT ZERO SECURITY DEPOSIT $300 AT .DOWN ENT PER MONTH 36 MONTHS.SECU���T $350RREQU RPEOD THIS IS A UMITED TIME OFFER 286ON DELIVERY ansnnUM YOU SHOUW KNOW TMS*. Pnce. lease for vehicle equipped as described Licence, insurance and taxes not includi, -d Offer nppLes to 1995 new or demonstrator models Vealer may sell or lease for less Offers apply to qualrf ed retail customers only Some mJeoge conditions apply See your Reale+ fur coed pons and d1 9 jils r:. _ • Burlington • Hamilton • Brampton It Mississauga Is Kitchener • Windsor • Toronto • Guelph • Oshawa------------- • the --� SlPPn Fnrtnry SOFA BED 1---1$299 1Wattn-3s I,k-r,.ara �kMadresses Fmm 14999 GOTTAG E � COUNTRY ROLLAWAY COTS From _.... $119 .; J CAPTAIN S BED ; -r— WOOD ?4 - 4 large storage drainers t= - SPACESAVER Frim- SUNK 21 = - 1 nu Ins .• afuattrl XYel una wkapk• finish extra 11IATES i-11- BOOKCASE I - BED �, , `� BUNK BEDS -� ' ' ' I ?large storage druu cm -mattrt;cses evra_ •0 $189 ^WPk waat&M Kilnk ,,,,r) 1 ftnulr extra Drauun tivraa STORAGE BUNK 2 laTe storage draux- s :$nlapk 339 �' naaurrsses ,a BAYLY C CLEMENTS Z O s6191315 4DA'5 LAM 6 PIECE BEDROOM SUITE � 0'1 • Nigbt stand • /lead Beard ; I - s y • A!i►mr y :I • Bed Frame Mubte DresserOnly • 2 CH010Eg .i .w W N0 GST 11 BED FRAME . I.IVERy �AREA� SLOW OE COVER P� MATIRES��, *16 �z 1 ,'Y i PAP SLUMBER REST ORTHO PEDIC $99 ��NG1.E ; �� '139 'AA7RESS V;7RESS SET $184 SET $224 DOUBLE.... 139 SET 234 DOUBLE.. 169 SET 284 QUEEN...... 169 SET 314 QUEEN ...... 199 SET 334 ��AP _ •.AP COMFORT SLEEP 1219 ORT HOPRACTIC SIN 11AT111M m,TRSswGE 6 9 SET $284 SET $364 DOUBLE.... 239 SET 404 DOUBLE.... 189 SET324 OUEEN......259 SET 444 QUEEN...... 219 SET384 KING._....... 419 SET664 YEAR YEAR GTY �•� GTY '•' ORTHO ELEGANCE ORTHO SUPREME SWAI $ swif $ SET $499 SET $554 DOUBLE.... 339 SET 539 DOUBLE.... 364 SET 594 QUEEN...... 359 SET 579 QUEEN...... 389 SET 629 KING.......... 509 SET 849 KING.......... SU SET 934 M:F.1I►[•16]1:1:10aLj'F.%id-]i � . TAUNTON z w z > c C ♦N T9 TowMow Rood West I 433-1052 f F Is I PAGE ?LA --TIM NBW ADVRRTISER, VYED. MAy 17, L"S ' The'FOR(111� DURHAM — Childhood can- cer — the num- ber -one killer of kids — is increasing and a regional organi- zation wants to take it by FORCE. Families of Related Cancer E f f e c t s l (FORCE), an Oshawa -based 1 branch of Can- dlelighters is with young cancer victims Childhood Can- Michael Starr those who just the FORCE cer Foundation Building in want someone to within Durham. of Canada, runs Oshawa. talk to. For more information Telephone Carole Dunn information on nights, school support is also and Heather the FORCE, call re-entry pro- available to Warkentin lead 436-584& rams and g parent support groups to address issues and concerns about cancer. The organiza- tion has been active in Durham since July, 1993 and meets monthly at the 1 I 1 QUA U T E . V, BEDS ON SALE In Downtown Oshawa Romantico :Sleigh Bed Special Sale $399 Queen Size PHILWE ACCEFTEA • Urion Complete Bed "W DQuhk Q= '149 '229 '249 ,%IATTRFSS EXTRA laQlestown Wood Daybed 5ak 1429 aFrOM Cradle to King Slze HOURS: MIM - Ties 94 CLOS® WED. TYam & Fri. f -f S@L 9:3ti -" CLOSED SUNDAY 81 Richmond SL W. ;Downtown Oshawa SAVE UP TO 40% ON TENANTS INSURANCE Non -Smokers, Claims Free, Alarm Credits, Age Credit FOR DETAILS OR A FREE QUOTE, CALL 683-9125 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 676 Monarch Ave. #13 Established 1978 Ajax, Ontario ,VERsaRr STARTS ALL CREDIT CARDS I Final entry date: Saturday, June 10, 1995. Contest open to all residents of Ontario, and older, except employees and suppliers of LOEB Inc. No purchase necessary -18 Years b age The will be drawn on June 17, 1995. Winnersnamposted instore es will be winning ballots , week of June 19 1995 oqnb= MoakY"ft. pxkaye of a with the Pvndyse of aof a paciuge of a �Qruarter Pounds 01 VAW or Loan) Pepsi or 7wUp Drinks Assorted Varieties 750 mL btl. 7.9f/loo mL (Plus Deposit) 24 x 355 mL cans 7.04t/100 mL IS94 5" Fresh Chicken Legs Back -Attached /lb o. Parlour Ice Cream Assorted Varieties, 2 L 2" 'riots "foc"" until Saturday, Maty 20, 7995. V" rrtsarw Via rwd m limit *., sir-'-------- --- ----------,.°' I Ember 90 111% The wi — -- — — —'1 ening ballats will be �_ J drawn on June 17, 1995. Winners, names will I .n�.s„E,IV"°"`"''0A I be posted in store, the week of June 19, 1995, I W___ Watt!rmeiun _— Watermelon Product of U.S.A. 2 99 mmft "MQ Sauce Assorted Varieties, 45S mL 79'en,. f.+�� P, :";:1 1 Peace of mind 3 At first glance, a tree in the foyer of St. Anthony Daniel Catholic i School in Pickering may look like Christmas -come -early. But the tree, decorated with white cranes, symbolizes peace. Here, Emma Gibson hangs a peace crane on one of the branches. i photo by Andrew Iwanowski Kinsmen sale can light up your long weekend Annual fireworks sale helps raise funds for community projects AJAX — You can put a bang into the Victoria Day long weekend thanks to the Ajax Kinsmen Club. The club holds a fireworks sale from Friday, May 19 to Mon- day, May 22 at the Ajax Marketplace, corner of Wesmey Road North and Magill Drive, and at the Harwood Place Mall, Har- t7 wood Avenue and Bayly Street. With the purchase of more than $100 in fire- works, you'll receive a 10-M cent dis- count and a free gift. Sale hours are noon to 9 p m. Friday and 9 am. to 9 PJ& may, Sunday and Monday. H u HEAYENR.� �. �AylAiii/iff/��IIII�/�Yp,1, Wsit with , W!{I got In th y HU MINGB/RD HEADOUARTIERS d McKenzie Seeds - Hummingbird ' Flower Mix Seed Pack Jumbo size $ f9 -----=_ ONLY ---Ea=------- HUMMINGBIRD FEEDERS E� 9 oz. Glass Feeder 16 oz. Glass Feeder mm9n1ird 24 oz. Strawberry Hurn cKvi 16 oz. resin (Red) vow P�ccra5e _ _ _ 8 oz. Window Feeder loot FUCHSIA PLANTS Great Natural Hummingbird Attractor Plant 4' -Pot �5 Reg. X2.49 _ FDR P Huge Hanging Fuchsia Baskets ,wr `" Flowers All ummer (Likes A Shaded or semi -shade Ana) = _ _ _ _ _ SA VE off AN sizes TRUMPET V-1NE ' X–C �t Addition TO Your garden. ShoNryl Vigorous. Hardy Climber With dusters of . Scarlet Trumpet Shaped Rowers in August. Self -Dinging i Suited In Sun or Partial - - shade. OWL $1299 PEREMMiMLL PLANTS A wife Annan" jValti And wio�a m Stop In today And Pick U_p A Fj A� H n arcs 45 "MJM AtVaCtDr Plant) a l7ry! Fbwer#Ig Plants Available Reg. *7.99 ` ii Anal PPlanters4* Pots �bk For [Fixed Now F499 YEAR ROUND BIRD FEEDING NEADd1ARTF>?S7 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., MAY 17,1915 -PAGE 23-A MMIIIGBI I ,t Arden G 9 all�ry . �1CKQAIN�. ►,;ill Wilk of Spring in our gr+ewVWU MI"- <<: IMPATIENS Box of 4 Reg. 1.29 THIS WEEK ONLY BBC /Box over 25,000 Plants Displayed on tables (Not Racks) GREAT QUALITY - GREAT SERVICE T'OAIATO [AGES Reg -0 . x1.29 SALE $$t _ r'- GERANIUMS -cascading Ivy r- r. 4" Pot Upright Zonals (Inclu(jing NEW Designer series) ,t 7 When Purchased By The Dozen f — _ — — —I�a_— — ('19") Mix i Match — — — MVE 30% On All Clay Strawberry/Herb Jars Reg. "9.99, "14.99,119.99 & "29.99 (squat s Tam sizes) FRU/ T TREE � � Yd drE - E - ,� %' FRE ----------------- --�_�� IIAPLE FREE SALE ng. � To NOW00 'PUrP* LW, -con pma Q CaftWLO l r"AWW nOM RW small UM $S ma 00 zm o~ ia.w� wrc~ SNW (wen crorwf -spa► 6211 cola.. orape. RMI. X6100 d 1%*C=CURIr RMI Fal Cawr1 HSP fly lli�illi Tl N1�1��d - - PINE RIOCE!! �f s IPAG924-A-TIM MM ADVZRTISM WXD, MAY Yl, Hills V COMMUNITY - Whitevale looks forward in celebrating past PICKERING — You're invited to one of the biggest parties in the history of Whitevale. Residents there are extending an open invitation to the hamlet's 175th anniver- sary. In recognition of Whitevale's pre - Confederation roots, the theme for the celebration is Preserving the Past for the Future in a Celebration of Rural Life. "This celebration is a once-in-a-life- time opportunity," notes Sandra Rider, president of the Wbitevale Residents' Association. "We believe we are laying the groundwork for our bicentennial — we are preserving the past for the future " Whitevale's recent designation as a Heritage Conservation District, won after a lengthy battle, will give residents an extra reason to celebrate. The district in and around Whitevale was once the home of Huron Indians. The ancient site of Canada's largest Indian settlement lies just a few miles from Whitevale. By 1800. lumbermen from what was then Lower Canada cleared area forests, sending pine logs down West Duffins Creek, a broad river at that time. Some of those logs were destined for Eng- land's Royal Navy in its defence against Napoleon. Following the War of 1812, John Major, an Irish immigrant farmer. set- tled on the 5th Concession — now Whitevale Road — where he built Major's Saw Mill and his first home. The area. known as Majorville. saw the construction of what is now known as the Whitevale Community Centre. The area became known as Whitevale in the mid -1850s with the arrival of 1996 Total cluawy Di=aler industrial entrepreneur T. P. White. It grew to a population of more than 2,000 with mills, factories, stores, churches and lodges. There was also a hotel, library, post office, school, municipal offices, bank, undertaker and brass band. But Whitevale's prosperity was short- lived, as many fires reduced its scale by the end of the 19th century. The only original business still operating is the feed mill. which itself was rebuilt fol- lowing a fine in 1961. T. L. Wilson & Sons continues to serve surrounding farms to this day. Federal and provincial government plans for an international airport and planted city of Seaton — announced in the early 1970s — threatened the sur- vival of Whitevale and adjacent farm- lands. Though neither have been built to date, Whitevale looked like a ghost town by the mid-1970s. Boarded -up homes and farms were commonplace and several century homes were demol- ished. Today, the area has a population of about 250. The festival is on Saturday, May 27 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more infor- mation on 175th anniversary festivities, call Barbara Gardiner at 294-4384 or Camille Jacques -Carr at 471-8096. aa���p���caaa�awa� :.warenc%s in children and to pruvidc a m1axing. ­"Iunahic environment ,n ­,, „ff,ce. Dr. (") Lean', ,.fficc ccnunucs it', Dr W ZA.', lixpress Adopt A Pet 10 (1 prilgram at the practice. I.vers VVtl� - «a three months we will give away pi 1v_ •� .r,;e, cuddly turfed animal (and 1JV - , �.- _,y ..,h,:r great .urpnscs) to the child ho I.x 10 t •w �� u rnteri thehct name the 10 ' , ratter. the whirler of our 7th •Y`y �i„r%` a •raeu. Sarah Seguin. got to take Dalmatian. Spa. (� (1 y ""C her and , W .omplimcntin droner for her ('7 R , anvil) at ('Aman- the Chinese �V food restaurant next kxw tc, our Ci,T,Fr ;mr'r;f� n! (� Y� Practice at 1.750 Kmg,ton Rd. (at Dr Lean. Valk%larm Rd. ) W,'- confident n YV R to rhe that Sarah ,s keeping hath her PICKERING SQUARE teeth and her Dalmatian's in " `"'� '"g" regular DENTAL OFFICE tom""" ""' gushing. 0 ) 420-1777 0 a77a00WWQv0ap v v'A Enjoy a r ri e tri HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING a rrcer mi We're the InsatGyp. ALL SUMMER LONG Oon't Pay until 7996 or get'200 off. ltW_ Una Heating & Air Conditioning Home & Design Centre, 1755 Pickering Pkwy. Pickerina. Ont. L1 V 6K5 PICKERING, AJAX WHITBY, OSHAWA 905-428-0333 905-436-3212 HONDA R1ImAG SALE. 1995 CIVIC SEDAN "Special Edwon- e Air Corx iboning. FtAl Wheel e Centre Amtrest & Cons01e e Digital Clock e Dual Remote Mirrors e 4 Speaker Stereo Cassells 58W ■ Financing ' 19W ACCORD sFn^N LX loft COI,PE LX NO CHARGE AIR CONDITIONING ONLY 14 IN STOCK 199' CIVIC DX COUPE "Limited Edition" e Honda Anti -theft Cassette e pek" Carpet Mats • Graphic PiraWipe e FLA Wheel Covers e Dual Air Sags And Much More $16,211 m.S.R.P. $13s888 'IS" ODYSSEY' NO CHARGE "Value Pachfage" : w vacs Tili t2ash • Custom Rool Rack cwpot Malls• ;1827. Retail Value 151n Stock ' 5.8% available for 24 mtl . on all new 19% Civic Sedans. E.G. $10,000 @ 5.8% is $442.30/mth. C.O.B., $615.20. Total note $10,615.20. 6.8% for 36,.M . & 7.8% for 48 mths. O.A.C. New – Plus PDI, freight, tic. 8 taxes. Pre -Owned – Pkis taxes dt lic. 905-831-5400 1-8oO-s & 4M2 970 Brock Rd., Pickering, Ontwio L1 W 2A1 95cm31�111LX Auto, Anti -theft Cassette. Only 18,200 km PI W7 $13,288 11MoMWAllo11 a Auto, Air, Dual Air Bags, Loaded PI W7 X19,488 "M0110oollffml "Cashmere,' P/roof. A.B.S., Only 19,527 km P1832 =21,288 os 00VW VM Orly 10.200 kms, 6 Pass., Mats, Pnvacy Tint, 52agm MSRP. S159 =26,588 96A000A0$1011 EOI Mi Air, A.B.S., Loaded, 'Bieck' S130 sa"' 0. =28,888 Auto., Power Groep. Dual Air Bags. 4 To CFrooe From 18,788 ACCOi1O S1 'CAshrtere* Aub . Phool. P1632. s spa .Ass. ot.l 9.0.. P't9p2. Alb LX bss'asek' P1N3 *I$,= ASC 10 sal lui m P19wu V111111 a.li l •1 GAM Auto..AW. ow P1612 *18AM AG0CWD SSD&N LX Wft 23.10GkmiP ll12 *146M CMIOGMMNLX 13,•O9blls P1N2 •12JW cnflo TwO�i m rMYiGb iL S TCN it e�olt-. Plav 8139M d1/P11'7�e 1�Cp pO�,t1r1L em tN Alwin P •1 e, 5 Ct SIC L tiOL SI w171. P168e •i 7,� A0001110 eXOAN EX Aub., Air, Powe Gmrlp. P1914 01594M ACCOti10 SEDAN LX T04 rat:.. 0129M P1914 s� *1zsu CMIC MATCH Oz Aub., Air, ortly1"W vsm Will, P'1961 A�avA�. is t 61.347 bras. P7 LowkMLAft•Sr8/8 Loaded.90M Air Funds needed or condition� • • • . will be critical. H By DONNA DONALDSON to restructuring; Hospital Council SPECIAL TO THE NEWS ADVERTISER g, and Memorial Hos- needs to be a more rigorous reme- Pital in Bowmanville is feeling the dy," says Mr. Armstrong. DURHAM—Condition: critical. "more subtler" effects with longer The hospital council recently Hospitals across the region are waits for services and referrals. feeling the effects of going under the However, Mr. Armstrong notes public aboulaunched a t ea oomi g crisis�n knife time and time again to trim the Province does realize there's a hospital care if the funding issues budgets which are already under- unique situation here in Durham, aren't addressed by the Province. nourished. pointing to its recent designation of a thinking "it has been building for quite regional cancer treatment centre in they haveegaood re ser icelly which is some time as the population contin- Oshawa and the expansion of the true. But they aren't aware of the ues to grow but funding hasn't Whitby Mental Health Centre. grown as fast," explains Jim Arm- "There is some recognition. But that qualityencroachnof serome," sayn Mof r. strong, director of the Hospital with the size of the problem there Armstrong. Council of Durham Region. The growth -related pressure on local hospitals has resulted in longer waits for service, a shortage of beds and transfer of patients to other hos- pitals that have space. Sylx�an tO The seven regional hospitals — V Ajax -Pickering General, Whitby Succi for u •General, Uxbridge Cottage, Oshawa `� � General, Bowmanville Memorial, 111 1..P . Whitby Mental Health Centre, and At SvIvan. %%.e pinpoint y(mr i hihl: Port Perry Community Memorial — have banded together to lobby for dcvcl"P ' perurn.dize l prc�gr:rnr .inti provincial funding. dCliver it in .r pkrtiit XV. tier Mid Caring "When you look at the growth pat- tern of the region it has been quite <rnrrcmnr<nc. (:all Svlvan, a��la�; a� high for the past 10 years," Mr. learn lure' "ve Carr help wrur (1111d. 3, Armstrong says. "As it goes on �. longer, we're reaching a point where it's adding too much demand on our KENDALWOOD PARK PLAZA services." 1801 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY He says each hospital is experi- 404-1818 encing its own problems related to the high growth of the region, noting that Ajax -Pickering Hospital is hav- ing to reduce services; Oshawa Gen- SYLVAN LEARNING CENTRE® eral, as a regional hospital, is facing f1roef-Ian emergency department squeeze;I�rtlrr.�rtld( etre jrr:l lite he.�►i►Irri►�L�. Whitby General is not only entan- • • • . gled in the funding issue but it's "clouded by the issue of its role" dueIIIIIQI0• ' • •N W ' T • 7 4 H ' ITIW VWSAWWAYA WA. *4 Dentures so natural... you'll never know the difference! • New Soft -touch' materials for sensitive gums • Precision partial dentures FREE CONSULTATION! • VJLr, 1992 Walter Wimmer, DD. Denture Clinic PICKERING TOWN CENTRE !LOWER LEVEL) 420.5020 , Toll Free 1.800-661.5020 Everyone reads and shops the News Advertiser! ACURA *10E A S T -DEMO CLE RO T 11 1994 - INTEGRA - VIGOR - LEGEND -1995 1995 LEGEND SEDAN LS 3.2 L, SOHC, 24 valve 200 hp V-6, 4 wheel double - wishbone suspension, leather interior; burled walnut trim console, 8 -way power seat, power sunroof with sliding shade, 6 pack, CD changer, 5,870 km. AS086. STARTING AT s44,900 - 5 TO CHOOS 1995 INTEGRA SEDAN RS 1.8 L, 16 valve DOHC, 142 hp, 4 wheel disc brakes, power windows, 2 -stage power door locks, 4 speaker, AM/FM cass., stereo with power antenna, remote trunk & gas release, 16,751 km. AS020 STARTING AT $18,400 CHOOSE FROM .: AOR 11WEGRA 1 1994 VIGOR SEDAN GS \ LEGEND.. 2.5 L, SOHO, 20 valve, 176 hp, V 5, 4 -wheel independent :\` __..: double -wishbone suspension,'MUST BE 'SOLf� 94 heated leather interior, all * 19INTEGRA COUPE RS Power accessories, fully appointed, 12,563 km. AP 113. t� " 1.8 L, 16 -valve DOHC, 142 hp, 4 wheel double wishbone ' STARTING AT8TiED� suspension, power windows, fully automatic trans., CFC ! 1019916 TL's FOR MMEDIATE DEWERY free air conditioning, AM/FM Cass. Stereo ' Plus Frt., PDI, lic. +taxes. STARTING AT =15,900 ® ,Acuff► CANADA'S FASTEST GROWING ACURA DEALER r -ell f LYAi IE TO DAf 1 905=428=8888 365 BAYLY STREET WEST HWY. 401 EXIT WESTNEY RD. SOUTH (TO GAYLY) AJAX L PAGE26-A•THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY 17, 1995 Fully equipped with CFC -free air-conditioning • Premium upholstery Power door locks, windows and mirrors • 150 hp, 16 -valve DOHC engine Dual airbags l side door impact beams • AM/FM, 4 -speaker stereo camette oodgrain trim • Passive 4 -wheel steering and morei fumy eqo4vw wm a'awerbif 3AL v-6 ease • amw wi -eb • Rear wud A8S " ARM bV9e msd&m r& aalaan • 130-wm. AM/FM swat tame wire 8 a w&M �f T�(!i.-bee ak�+tlsai� • Sit 61i� sear bescJk sat • n.ee� wr./ows a.�.sd Fay ga4Pei wltr 1151 X-mdw DOW mgl, e Seed d& dew M"u bear tut,acct an 1997 die CJwk b.diec scab • 60N0 t sba�rir • d��00f �osr Udw 4= 6WW1ng tar sat • Dd Nkft= aW sad Now TK BEST ADT0Wi1 R LLAW wARR1 NTY. 6 year/100.000 km Major Components Warranty with No Deductible - 8 year/ 130.000 km Emission Control Warranty on Selected Components • 6 year Rust Perforation Coverage with Unlimited kilometres - 3 year/80.000 km Comprehensive New Vehicle Warranty with No Deductible • 3 year/Toll-free 24-hour Roadside Assistance anywhere in Canadaontinental USA • 3 year Travel Planning Service. Call l -ON-387-0122 for huther informatwo. /C YM ONTA810 N&W DEALERS. MM= R EAM 110 WTTW CAR YW REALLY WANT. Sian peopir always read the bneprint And they always weir theirsarbeln Limited time oHrnrxpvrMai, it L'I4.iandrx.ludrLrcyht POI appinablrtaxnand lxnxt'SMiallvprxed Yi^lnma(.XJ'AAW) •'Spry,,lN,,Nnmrnv'1L'tlkAwavle"kv yiPathfndnXf 1AAQ91 of S3W1mo Lor .36 months DAC 1261104 down paymcm or equivalent trade due at /rat wSrun q OrLur 2{ and 48 month /ease terms a actable MdraRr rondrcwns apply a lwrthaar lot S?6 M mo&l shuw,n with (priruul rear fire citric, and h ndrr liar,, 15pecialimruductoryprice,S5Srntrabaa/C4lGi5AAQ01 %40*lihrn njASrnrijXf M.SRPSON) Dra/rrmaysell lorless --.-__--.---__ -- -- - _-__-- --.-„J ss+s • •- sus[: - 4yr, w -_..: �`:;: i,,...,..-. a _- ^+�.__ ..: ... ..,:—, - IEE EST VAN DEALT DF THE YEAR! !F11;11t: THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., MAY 17,1995 -PAGE 27-A 11711! A6 Zvi ) RUNNIN i n ALL frph ruAl STRO & SAFARI EXTENDED VAN F.,.)(rPPA(KAGE ENDED VANS FEATURE: o -charge running boards fight passenger seating, most tandard seating in class lost towing capacity in class 90 HP 4.3 litre engine most tandard V6 power in c6ss -wheel anti-lock brakes TAKE OFFER GM CAMMOMRS. Don't for et to use your GM Cord9earnings toward purchase of any GM vehicle! SMARTLEASE art customers use SmarKease. Talk to us about atom -designing a lease plan to fit yourspeciFic Is. You can pay zero down, lower your monthly mints or use your trade-in. We can tailor your lease any way you want. YOU GET ALL THIS ✓ air conditioning ✓ tinted glass ✓ 4 -speed electronic transmission ✓ captain's chairs ✓ cruise control ✓ intermittent wipers ✓ 24-hour Roadside Assistance ✓ GM 3-year/60,000 km no - deductible TOTAL TM Warranty CHEVY&GMC YOUR ONE STOP vM SHOP GMC Based on a 36 month lease for vehicle equipped as described A.m,nimum downpayment of $2809 and $325 security deposit are required Some mileage conditions apply Fre,ght 1$ 820), licensemutronce and taxes not included Dealer order o, node may be necessary Dealer may sell/lease for less See your Dealer for details tSubject to GM C=ard Program Rules TD and GM are licensed users of marks 'Registered Trade Mork of General Motors Corporation TD licenced user _ F • ,r l J,.It) ) J1 .I I I_I •• i It w 0.1 . t#4.Lo. ,�i i►1 PAGE 2SA-THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY 17, 1"S Over 250 money saving coupons: DURHAM DEPOTS Oshawa Oshawa/WMUW This Week Oshawa Flea Market Mikes Place Star Records Daisey Milk Lubas, Oshawa Centre Sweet Peoples, Oshawa Centre Jeifersons Cleaners, Lake Vista Jeffersons Cleaners, Taunton Rd. Bicycles Phys Faces, s Points Mail Raimes Conv 6 Video Brush Strokes Videos 4 All (KinRsway) Tullys, Lake Vista Plaza Golden Griddle, Oshawa Centre Info Oshawa, Oshawa Centre Country Bumpkin Ma & Pa's Country Store Whitby Country Style (402) Discs & Data suzie Sea Horse Thickson Food Mart Hasty Market (Roseland) Preksdoasl Sbee Repair W4it1p MaU Ambassador Video Max Aje0%dLer1sR Plewa "mrdw Co=ftry Styk OWY) Star V &M Once Upon A ChM Play It Apia Sports Smokers Corner Fast side Marcos Print Post Pickering Counery style (s:eek st.) 1A*" (Pl k. Fun Market) F"es, Mekaftg Town Centre OVER In Savings • iso of Durham's finest Retailers 0 Restaurants • Look for "YOUR" Copy of the Durham Region Treasure Guide 1 • Great dor the whole family! 40 � Available at the following stores Wednesday., May to To Reserve Your Copy Call: 579 ■ 4407 on r r7a ___1,i 11 y MANY 2FOR 1 Action and fun lined up with Durham boards of trade' DURHAM — The Joint Boards of Trades and Chambers of Commerce of Durham Region presents Cruisin' for Contracts `95. The cruise takes place aboard the Klancy II on Wednesday, T `N s Royal fund-raiser Linda Ned (left), Eline Auks and Darlene Scott (right) display some of the goodies on sale as part of a Royal Bank fund-raiser for the Tim Hortons Children's Foundation. The desserts were i prepared by Royal Bank employee volunteers-, Darlene has organized the bake sale for 10 years. In the photo below, Sarah Lim, 3, gets her face painted by Susan Panchan of Party Productions, who donated her services on during the Royal Bank's May 12 fund-rais- er. photos by Andrew lwanowski August 16 from 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. Tickets are $45 per person, $85 per couple and include transportation to the Klancy II from the Holidav Inn -Oshawa, Iroquois Park -Whitby and the Call the newsroom with your entertainment news TH MULCHER PKXEFM UMINE 1644 Barry St. Metro East Trade and Conven- Trade presents the 1995 Busi- tion Centre -Pickering. The ness Links golf tournament on cruise features four hours of Thursday, May 25 at Glen cruising, dancing, hot and cold Cedars Golf and Country Club buffet and door prizes. on seventh concession in Pick - Ll ❑ ❑ ering. The Ajax -Pickering Board of Tickets are $85 per person 'moi r ' L • or srieo and include golf, barbecued steak dinner, electric cart and lunch. Different sponsors are avail- able. For more information on the two events call 427-4470. lvvawre 2 areune z pace on ine nc P oririd_ LUBE, OIL & • FILTER Includes: • Install quahtv AC oil filter, lube chassis and * replace oil with up to 5 litres of G\l Goodwrench premium oil • Check and top -up the following fluids: brake. power steenng. windshield washer • Complete inspection: tires - air filter, coolant, hoses. windshield wipers, drive belt. battery. lights and indicators. DONE IN LESS THAN 29 MINUTES OR THE NEXT ONES FREE. •. tc�twe:,::Mw:4:�'•+':::u+^ �.ktsafo.idiaei.w.�:y:u+�ctiicles.i'biaid GST e 2 Dakr mar sdl for les '999s* 11'79"* 1116 04 ""' LIFETIME WA RA ON BRAKE labWociag AC Deko Bake Pads. Includes: • Replace front pads with AC Delco Brake Pads, including brake fluid • Inspection of master cylinder, calipers and rear brakes • Machining rotors extra, if required • While you wait service. ' .*rabk to am GM w:hicla f�kww wmnn ceras brA, pads far as long as au am aur v6ude. PST and GST a= Dealer mar Al far las See deakr tar d:ta h �l u GM APPROVED PARTS AND LABOUR COME WITH A 12 MONTH WARRANTY WITH INSTALLATION. Includes: • Install quality AC spark plugs • Check air and fuel filters, belts, hoses and PCV, ignition wines and cap • Visual battery check • Electronic engine analysis • Road test • While you wait service. ' WOO* W mit GM sehKim. bdudes pbum n plugs. PST and QST extra L aler mar A for las. +Q�Y���4�_ _ °c. - .:. iM:,.. ....._. ..... ._.. _.►...,. ..s'%L`�MA'ia..vw� "t'i1r �...;..,,,tt=s'�.+N'..- . s11495' MUFFLER GU AS TM FOR YOURKLL OWN • 1 year guarantee on "all other„ parts and labour • Complete replacement of intermediate pipe, muffler, tail pipe and clamps • All labour included • Specifically designed for GM vehicles • All makes available • While you wait service. ' Applies b 87-89 &K"d AvaliM 4 minder. PST and GS r M& Dealer may wo far ksc Entertainment John Allan Cameron comes from down east to Upper Deck o Baa Breton's ambassador brings Maritime music to Ajax bar cexf month AJAX — Cape Breton's musical ambassador will bring the sounds of the Maritimes into Ajax next month. John Allan Cameron, a fixture on the Canadian music scene for more than 25 years, will perform at the Upper Deck Sports Bar Saturday, June 17. Show time is 8:30 p.m. The Ajax date is part of a series of summer and fall shows for the trav- elling troubadour who's played nearly every folk festival in Canada during his long career. In addition to a series of dates in Ontario, Cameron's personal appear- ances will take him to Prince Edward Island for a show with Canadian fiddling sensation Ashley Maclsaac on May 29. Then he'll hook up with Maclsaac for another date in Nova Scotia in July. The Cape Breton -born singer, who now lives in Markham, has recorded 11 albums during his career, but he's most known as a complete performer and for his showmanship on stage. Cameron's also been a featured music guest on television over the years, making appearances on the Tommy Hunter Show, the Irish Rovers Show, along with numerous others. He also hosted his own TV music show in the '70s. Since 1990, he's recorded albums on the Ajax -based Margaree Sound label, and released his latest album Wind Willow with the label that year. Wind Willow received airplay across Canada and in Europe. Tickets for John Allan Cameron's show at the Upper Deck are $12 each. Only 100 tickets will be sold by advance sales only. No tickets will be sold at the door. The Upper Deck Sports Bar is at 527 Westney Rd. S., Unit 'C', Ajax. For more information, call the bar at 42S_786 1. Pickering resident Den Laffey proudly displays the Roy Tash Film Awarded given to him for his cam- era work for television news coverage. Film award for local man PICKERING — A Pickering resident won a major award last mom& for his work as a cameraman with a Toronto lvevisiaa network. Dan Lfty, of Clarlmota s, was the 1995 winner of the Roti' Tash Film Award. It was p ueatod by the Canadian = of cluezomrWhers for his canna Work an the TV New swY RM S9�- The award is pte.+alted for moat outstanding ckmmudog- TY in leieviaioo news by a Caraffm camels person and tPtseft the greMlest rt=pWan out cm oxvive in dw mm&ry for news canna wodk. The caUony nook piano at the Shmaton Ceatrle Hatars mon BalhMm a Toone on April 30. Laey bas been a nava ®meraman for Gklbel TV sins t was on the air in 1974. He pevioudy woo the Roy Tash kward in 1976 for his camera wort nova ft forest &W year DrYfn a nosh= on0M A resident of C bmtnortt for 19 years, he and his wife 6M4 a potion, have two chr'Idtea — Donovan, 12, and IMU[k% 6. Songs of the season in Pickering PICKERING -- A festival of music is being held Saturday, May 27 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Isaac: Jogues Catholic Church, 1148 Finch Ave., Pickering. Choirs and con- gregational singing are fea- tured. Call 831- 7225. V,,THENAPS 0.V 'W4,XJP-*W.4P*#6W^-A de or Pickering" 1725 King5gon Rd. E. of Brock LORD BYRON saw&sbak Cadle"S" wf a rar Y4W A*b9 MWdwm,ft Flsr.ea us entertain you ",�► throne times eac week John Allan Cameron MIXED RECREATIONAL _L1 ANNANDALE GOLF d COUNTRY CLUB Accepting Team & Individual Entries )FAM IN info 31/9 Hotline 683-02481 • -�7reat j'ourseo'To The Best This Weekend fine joo4 super, service, and great entenainment Complete your special Business Lunches - Mon. to Fri. evening by dancing to ' j the music of 3 D nner Specials v� ' 1 t Sunday to Thursday - dinner%rn„n -7 April Nori a P r i ' riday &Saturday -dinners rrom 12 p v. appearing May 19, 20, 26 & 27 4'rivak moms & banquet Fannies Available tar Any ooasion - Open 7 Days A Week - We Abo Casty, Bq; or Small "'. 1305 Pickering Pkwy, (in Pickering Corporate Centre) ' For Reservations 420-7577 tl•I ttl■ t� tl• tl• tll� tl• tl• t1t� tlt� tR■ tl• tl, . 1 t 1 LICK'S BBQ SIX PACK ' are NOW AVAILABLE! FOR AT NOME �t OR ON YOUR WAY L TO THE COTTAGE: 1 Bring in this ad an V 1 receive $2.00 OFF 1 your next Lick's BBQ Six Pack 1 1 Expires May 31st,199S 1 and 1 FILL OUT OUR BURGER POLL BALLOT TO WIN 1 1 A HOMEBURGER A WEEK FOR ONE YEAR! , HOMMMON'S toe %posh 1 PICKERING - 1163 KINGSTON ROAD 1 Join us to celebrate our 15th Anniversary G Lee Sterry from "The Edge" and Tony •' Nave from Oshawa Travel will draw the winning ticket for a trip to Florida on Sunday, May 28. FAZI09S DINNER SPECIAL Fresh bread, caesar salad, veal parmigiana with pasta 95 Sunday, May 28 Ipw only 33 Simcoe St. 14 Oshawa 571-3042 H%v •2 < w w T —�Pk.z Join us to celebrate our 15th Anniversary G Lee Sterry from "The Edge" and Tony •' Nave from Oshawa Travel will draw the winning ticket for a trip to Florida on Sunday, May 28. FAZI09S DINNER SPECIAL Fresh bread, caesar salad, veal parmigiana with pasta 95 Sunday, May 28 Ipw only 33 Simcoe St. 14 Oshawa 571-3042 IPAGB 32 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., MAl-17,19" xaraoke Congratulations to Bev Hammerling Winner of the Pickering Town CentrelPeople's Jewellers Mother's Day Ring. Bevis husband Lorne submitted the photo above, together with the following lines about his wife. "After having been a 'Mom' to Fluff (white cat) for 15 years. Skipper Aog) for 11, and Dirk Iblack cat on her lap) for 4 years, my wife will be celebrating her first Mother's Day (and her 35th birthday!) with our miracle daughter. Erin, born September 2. 1994" We hope the three of you (and the pets) had a wonderful Mother's Day. kVotilal trot Tnli,rrtt 7 .1.3-7-1121tt Wit.. :jnx 683-611 i i I{.(;L1S11 144Fx IER /✓: v• :viii Fid CUP Fly, k bun -, , I.i% 21st Il). ) 11.111. 11 altichcstcr��hnited SP�CIAL .. as $1 .00 OFF Scottish Breakfast OA !NIGHT O,Y Y ! l�WO 116-1111f191111aLtZo 411U tau rAanwas, owners of The Diner on Harwood invite young and old alike to enjoy the nostalgia of life at a 50's style eatery. DIVISION OF: C INTERNATIONAL COMPUTER � _,t BROKERS OF CANADA INC. Import/Export We Bring You The World $1,279.00 �.; ,, ,;,= $999.00 INTEL 466 DX 166 System 4 VLB Motherboard 86 SX/25 System 4MB RAM Memory S IBM Motherboard 540 MB Hard Drive 44 MB 3 1:2" Floppy Drive 4MB tons of Ram I M8 VLA Video Card -= 170MB Hard Drive !4 SVGA Mon for 0 28 N'I 1 M6 Video Card I" Enhanced Keyboard �, Mouse 8 Pad Also Ask Us About: 486 SX25 Complete System 999.00 486 DX 4-100 Complete System 1499.00 'Excellent Pricing on Pentitum Systems. Financing Available WholesaleiRetail 2 yrs. Parts & Labour Warranty 3480 NIcNicoll A e., unit #14 1'NON1•:: (116) 292-510 0 Scarborough VAS: 1416) 292-0193 JL 4 4 Diva 1 1 BUY ONE BUFFET DINNE JR - AT '9.99 GET A SECOND BUFFET DINNER FOR... Coupon valid Monday to Thursday Limit 1 coupon per customer Present before ordering not available on pickup or delivery Not valid waA ot►wr d1aCOunta 375 Kingston Rd. (at Rougemount) 509-9876 1.0 OFFER EXPIRES MAY 11M5Saw 1 FEED A FAMILY OF FOUR 14 44 1o. Includes - _ �*, 4 reg burgers. �\t• � 7 4 small fnes, ' 4 16 oz soft -drinks & 4 sundaes. o No Coupon Required 250 Bayly St. W., Ajax 619-0662 Enjoy the great food and 50's fun /M#W CWSWJ FS7AURAMt j3qf f.191L 40SE Buffet ADULT QULD - ADULT CHILD Lunch Dinner LUNCH (3 9 yra olid" pINN \ s yrs. r>tal Ileday r�i/q �i. /�� 1teo. 11x5 95 4595 1/:;Dora-3ADµa •il a i Seat.*Wpa 11,00 a.m. 300 pa, 695 �•7i� MW m. 111:00 0lw BRUNCH SS 99 $8 9 95 f Sat. f15un 95 95 • • 11 OO am 3�OD p.m. 5 ���AY Y Saturday Luwb Buffet 99 ( � T� a c 4:30 pat 11.00 p.1 3 6 More than 168 choices ��jj` may/�/ �//�//� �//t Including lobster, salmon aleak. prime tib, muaSel. fiug leg%, shrimp. tilig ribs. 1T/D �trl/G/ J/. l'/VI�C��/IV Peking duck. salad bar. devserl &ice cream bar. etc. Mean nu nwy chge acclxdin9 to yeaaxlnal choices. Am�A�AM 4� � 'Toddle rl $2.00 MacKenzie Plaza ' sertirorr, 10% 1 srnunt 250 B— 1 St. cit Ma_Le_ ,ie, Aic�x 686–AAn .., -e.. •..ra..o < ..a.vw. r..e..ty.aa„�,... _. .:. _.- - ,.::«.4.5 ...w..`.�'J."r: ..,,�....- To Advertise contest 1 . in the Hot Spot to aid feature AIDS please . hospicecall, DURHAM —DEBBIE You can belt out one of your favorite singer's BURNS tunes and raise money for an AIDS hospice next week in 683&s5110 Ajax. James House Durham and or fax your Theatre Durham are combining to ad copy to the present Dress Karaoke Co Contest Satur- News Advertiser day. May 27. Proceeds will go to James Fax: 61 0" House, a hospice (being estab- lished by the AIDS Commit- ! = • :rem • tee of Durham. Participants are urged to g JoinwonTuesdays For '"'a°i'•• ftl� FOw i• our r rJ•,• OL dress up as their D.1, s Nile favorite singer and perform onet nbp SOodays III are special. from rt ti: of their songs. Fndm Come on 48p.m. is Prizes will be �"n' J=Fram ». . :::nom awtarded. b�DJ SWNWBy r ow Cr.� it t � 9am Music is su P- ALL. urrER KAMOKE EW silt' to win ease ren OR 90AD n DE � in Whe ir . plied by Star - Inc. BE00ME am" at 9:10 Pm uesL qC:NTREFIELDS It's being held is ACE ' ' •BE at the St. Andrew's Com- munity Centre at , 46 Exeter Rd. in Ajax from 8 In a world of p.m. to 1 a.m. ' There'll be a Are you readyacool change? cash bar and Every WednesdayNight cold buffet. Tickets for the 9 • event are $8 in advance and $10 at the door. Call 686-5242 ANN for more infor- ACTIOUS mation or tick- 1211 KINGSTONRD. ets. Congratulations to Bev Hammerling Winner of the Pickering Town CentrelPeople's Jewellers Mother's Day Ring. Bevis husband Lorne submitted the photo above, together with the following lines about his wife. "After having been a 'Mom' to Fluff (white cat) for 15 years. Skipper Aog) for 11, and Dirk Iblack cat on her lap) for 4 years, my wife will be celebrating her first Mother's Day (and her 35th birthday!) with our miracle daughter. Erin, born September 2. 1994" We hope the three of you (and the pets) had a wonderful Mother's Day. kVotilal trot Tnli,rrtt 7 .1.3-7-1121tt Wit.. :jnx 683-611 i i I{.(;L1S11 144Fx IER /✓: v• :viii Fid CUP Fly, k bun -, , I.i% 21st Il). ) 11.111. 11 altichcstcr��hnited SP�CIAL .. as $1 .00 OFF Scottish Breakfast OA !NIGHT O,Y Y ! l�WO 116-1111f191111aLtZo 411U tau rAanwas, owners of The Diner on Harwood invite young and old alike to enjoy the nostalgia of life at a 50's style eatery. DIVISION OF: C INTERNATIONAL COMPUTER � _,t BROKERS OF CANADA INC. Import/Export We Bring You The World $1,279.00 �.; ,, ,;,= $999.00 INTEL 466 DX 166 System 4 VLB Motherboard 86 SX/25 System 4MB RAM Memory S IBM Motherboard 540 MB Hard Drive 44 MB 3 1:2" Floppy Drive 4MB tons of Ram I M8 VLA Video Card -= 170MB Hard Drive !4 SVGA Mon for 0 28 N'I 1 M6 Video Card I" Enhanced Keyboard �, Mouse 8 Pad Also Ask Us About: 486 SX25 Complete System 999.00 486 DX 4-100 Complete System 1499.00 'Excellent Pricing on Pentitum Systems. Financing Available WholesaleiRetail 2 yrs. Parts & Labour Warranty 3480 NIcNicoll A e., unit #14 1'NON1•:: (116) 292-510 0 Scarborough VAS: 1416) 292-0193 JL 4 4 Diva 1 1 BUY ONE BUFFET DINNE JR - AT '9.99 GET A SECOND BUFFET DINNER FOR... Coupon valid Monday to Thursday Limit 1 coupon per customer Present before ordering not available on pickup or delivery Not valid waA ot►wr d1aCOunta 375 Kingston Rd. (at Rougemount) 509-9876 1.0 OFFER EXPIRES MAY 11M5Saw 1 FEED A FAMILY OF FOUR 14 44 1o. Includes - _ �*, 4 reg burgers. �\t• � 7 4 small fnes, ' 4 16 oz soft -drinks & 4 sundaes. o No Coupon Required 250 Bayly St. W., Ajax 619-0662 Enjoy the great food and 50's fun /M#W CWSWJ FS7AURAMt j3qf f.191L 40SE Buffet ADULT QULD - ADULT CHILD Lunch Dinner LUNCH (3 9 yra olid" pINN \ s yrs. r>tal Ileday r�i/q �i. /�� 1teo. 11x5 95 4595 1/:;Dora-3ADµa •il a i Seat.*Wpa 11,00 a.m. 300 pa, 695 �•7i� MW m. 111:00 0lw BRUNCH SS 99 $8 9 95 f Sat. f15un 95 95 • • 11 OO am 3�OD p.m. 5 ���AY Y Saturday Luwb Buffet 99 ( � T� a c 4:30 pat 11.00 p.1 3 6 More than 168 choices ��jj` may/�/ �//�//� �//t Including lobster, salmon aleak. prime tib, muaSel. fiug leg%, shrimp. tilig ribs. 1T/D �trl/G/ J/. l'/VI�C��/IV Peking duck. salad bar. devserl &ice cream bar. etc. Mean nu nwy chge acclxdin9 to yeaaxlnal choices. Am�A�AM 4� � 'Toddle rl $2.00 MacKenzie Plaza ' sertirorr, 10% 1 srnunt 250 B— 1 St. cit Ma_Le_ ,ie, Aic�x 686–AAn .., -e.. •..ra..o < ..a.vw. r..e..ty.aa„�,... _. .:. _.- - ,.::«.4.5 ...w..`.�'J."r: ..,,�....- EDUCATION T ~ i " `" _ -- - - - - - - - . _ THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY l7, 1995 -PAGE 33-A Science studygives birth to Marseille �k. Cadarackque Public School students, from left, Michael Chase, Monique Nelson, Bryce Kwan and Jove Malcolm display the robotic arm created for their Marsville project. photo by Ron Pietroniro D Public school students take inter -planetary view with creation of imaginary community on Mars AJAX-PICKERING — Science lessons are out of this world for some local students. That's because they recently had a chance to work with engineers from Spar, Canada's leading space compa- ny, as they studied the planet Mars. The public school students — from Cadarackque in Ajax, Gandatsetiagon and Frenchman's Bay in Pickering, and E. A. Fairman in Whitbv — were required to solve a host of problems as each school created its own Marsville. Waste management, food, trans- portation, communications, heating, recreation, temperature control and water supply were among the issues students examined when creating a habitat for a Martian village. Six Grade 8 students at Cadarackque, for example, were instructed to design a communications system for a Mars colony. That meant students had to consider the distance from Earth to Mars in selecting a satellite, as well as what size antenna would be needed, reports student Bryce Kwan. They also designed, built and pro- grammed with Lego -Dactyl software and materials a Mars Rover, capable of holding a miniature camera. The rover was required to tilt, pan, turn, CERN QUEEN C�i(PS HeRes a `1 Ca7c), 1 If 1 o R zw �tl I ,►. { . at The'Dini On:Harwood.ift..1 1FREE 1 A visit to The Diner On Harwood is a ' sauce from a family recipe dating back Iv(? 1 Coleslaw with every visit to a kinder gentler era. take-out Order Of :years. � 8� Chips �! A time of family, simplicity and when .a Children aren't stuck yvith the same oldJ f pgef expires Y 31/'95 friendly smile was filled with sincerity. children's menu at The Diner On Harwood.[ "We wanted to create a 50's style family They can have anything on the menu in a 1� T81(e Out Speeisl 01111y .� diner," says owner Ted Manikas. "We smaller portion for almost half the price. 1 0" FISH a CHIPSI wanted it to be simple, comfortable. We Also if something is not on the menu,' 1 i,..1n the Ajax Pim 4., want our customers to feel at home.- says Ted. "And If we have the ingredients 1 190 Harwood Ave. South Both Ted and partner Gus Uminiatis did we will make it for you.": 1 Soullh Of 401 EaA Ajax, Ontario a lot of research to get the right look which For breakfast the "Heaven on Harwood- 6.4-427-6726 arwood" r 27 c�nc includes a combination of pastel colours, special for $3.95 features 3 eggs, choice of L_ �V GV checkered floors, a chrome stocl bar and the ham, sausage and bacon, Texas toast and --_----- trademark jukebox in the back. #tome fries like you've never tasted Of course what has made The Diner'On 'anywhere else. Another family secret. LT A Harwood a success singe opening Feb. 6 is . ; For those watching their calories there's tIctit-_ k,I- the food. the Dieters Delight of 2 poached eggs, whole -ills_� "Customers love the food because of the wheat toast, fresh fruit in season and of 61 taste and the huge portions," says Gus. "We course with all breakfast selections, fresh - give a very big plate and what you cant eat brewed coffee. ee. nu on Events You can take borne,";..;:Students are always welcome to come On the menu is the oldies but goodies for lunch and enjoy the selectsim of tunes on GOLF -PUTTING including sandwiches both hat and cold, the juke box from the 50's to the 94'sCONTEST lunch and dinner specials including soup or The Diner on Harwood is located at 1. 64_ May 17th - 8 p.m. salads with favorites such as Ale. w York Harwood. Ave. S and .is open seven days a Presented bv: Steak, meat loaf, lamb chaps, souvlakii weep Tel -�=L Premium Beer Co. home trade burgers and spaghetti with a ? : :" GRAND OPENING 'x \\l.v. \lam \ \ \ .}\�. it FPO PARTY K G �� June 1st - 6 p.m. r` 1✓' `� "A Motion's Event" STYLE FAMILY •WN ' GOLF TOURNAMENT DINNER! (Favmbrooh Goff Course) • . � ,; J O BURGERS �RE g tltttlle 11th UR FRIESFRESH CUT • EVERYDAY (Call for details) • • FASHION,� U EVERY SUNDAY SHAKESDAILY ' �. Prime Rib Dinners BREAKFAST :" w Fulb fere, ftp i 12 d to Nttat ItapaUdX. , ar col slogs LUNCH SPECIALSs • , ted mittrewerr ao on top. 07 WW Rd y (5-10 p.m.) OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK J.wtyS�d���0y1� y was R011g! �\ M\Ji ad N' rM 1 Unw Ali. • • HARWOOD AVE. v�4 \ Z;iii• >emu ftm M& PAM 41 � 1400 Bay ly SL (at Liverpool) AJAx 427-3251se 00 anymercti `•0 05837-2366 .4- move forward and backward and vary its speed, notes Jove Malcolm. (Other Cadarackque students partic- ipating in the project were Mike Chase, Monique Nelson, Kim Balvers and Rebecca Razak.) Through on-site visits and conver- sations on the Information Highway's InterNet and SchoolNet, Spar engi- neers acted as mentors to students. "After we presented our conceptual design, we found we were right on track from information provided by NASA," says teacher Carol Elion-Pat- tenden. Students from 36 schools recently set up their Martian villages with the help of their mentors at the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto. Students in Vancouver. Edmonton and Montreal were linked to the centre through fibre networks and video conferencing. The Canadian National Marsville program is a creation of the Washing- ton, D.C.-based Challenger Learning Center and the Ontario Science Centre with support from other science cen- tres across Canada. It invited the par- ticipation of all schools. Meanwhile, Mrs. Elion-Pattenden's class was the first intermediate class from Ontario to participate in an Invi- tational Science Olympiad Competi- tion in Louisville. Kentucky late last month. Students were invited to the meet, which tested building and laboratory activities, after faring well at a similar competition in Scarborough in Octo- IICT. Team member` were Nathan Zak, Adrian Miescher, Julia Cornish, Erin Lamont, Allan Spears, Bryan McLe�!se, Tope Akinbivi, Rvan Bell, Muneeb Yusuf and Donald Hughes. Though they didn't do as well in Kentucky, "they came back eery excited and moti%ated.- says .%lr%. Elion-Pattenden. Exceptional kids honored DURHAM -- The Council for Exceptional Children. Durham chapter, hosts its annual dinner and awards night Wednesday, May ?4. It kicks off at 6 p.m. at Heyden- shore Pavilion, Whitby. Students, staff and volunteers from both Durham school boards will be honored. Call 427-2866 (Suzanne Godin-Galipeault) or 666-6331 (Jim Hunter) for information. LASER SURGERY FOR SNORING CERTIFIED SPECIALISTS Dr. R Kassel MD FRCSC Dr. S Siotttnra MD FRCSC 905-723-8551 Oshawa "BIG RED BOAT" WlQ1Wn ANNOUNCED! The Pickering Town Centre and Goliger's Travel Ltd. are pleased to announce that the winner of the Trip For Four on Premier Cruise Lines' 'Big Red Boat" is A. Pesarchuk of Oshawa. Congratulations and have a great trip!!! t PAGE 34 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY 17, 1"S `(THE FOOD TERMINAL" I'll ('NW P( SHOULDERS 1.18 kg M=x --499 'G'"' -'-A%ADA-SKINLESSSrgF"yw:a —\ -vVMVIt lJM HALF .NC DENTRf SI IfFC aF4Y)ycn tiM(7KFI3 HAMSLB •ARCTIC GARDENS - FROZEN• CANADA FANCY It,• a .AREA- SA. cHGZEN SME TS 14 "ILAN BRAND I "7 -FA 1�l/!! CHEESI�: J 30.E 7AC PACs CANADA - HOLIDAY *BAR BQ SAUCES ml. FI()'r-rl.F: •SALAD DRESSINGS2.-,o mi. FI(>TTl_F •MARSHMALLOWS 2MI K FIA( �wwK ww/ • p` )E'er. N?DL.SANA M P 'IEA S PERRIry$ BASILIC 'OMODOO SAUCE �4 j� 60G mL .,AP 2W mL t a2 mL BT. E A i ..•.,,w .�... a+.74 Sr,-$.�`.L ;. u-�x. gi'y.'FY': .', ,. .•- ^:'^.av:,5.,w.+M r..tiwsr:wao^• ... .- .. �.. .., ._ .. _ .__, .... .T'°w.e„�_ .,.... ._ 9, LOIN OF O PORK .-L��,. WHOLE OH HALF ' ITENDERLOIN END OR RIB END) r_ 3.28 k!; h The22 Promise se GFCM Milt --� t�oouctoF�iCE M of LL j LI3. PRODUCT OF ON?ARiO si rr rtlrxl�er( PROfiIC JF CANAGA 'aESM Op FNEViOUSL� FaOZEN � Powe erne wes OF=RESHNEVERFpOZEN �IF74 /�ZEM SHAM4ESS AiG7•Cwx(1e SHOULDERSF Ft1.I.hTwP439•;;LB1iVV•--Q LB •ARCTIC GARDENS - FROZEN• CANADA FANCY It,• a .AREA- SA. cHGZEN SME TS 14 "ILAN BRAND I "7 -FA 1�l/!! CHEESI�: J 30.E 7AC PACs CANADA - HOLIDAY *BAR BQ SAUCES ml. FI()'r-rl.F: •SALAD DRESSINGS2.-,o mi. FI(>TTl_F •MARSHMALLOWS 2MI K FIA( �wwK ww/ • p` )E'er. N?DL.SANA M P 'IEA S PERRIry$ BASILIC 'OMODOO SAUCE �4 j� 60G mL .,AP 2W mL t a2 mL BT. E A i ..•.,,w .�... a+.74 Sr,-$.�`.L ;. u-�x. gi'y.'FY': .', ,. .•- ^:'^.av:,5.,w.+M r..tiwsr:wao^• ... .- .. �.. .., ._ .. _ .__, .... .T'°w.e„�_ .,.... ._ 9, "ILAN BRAND I "7 -FA 1�l/!! CHEESI�: J 30.E 7AC PACs CANADA - HOLIDAY *BAR BQ SAUCES ml. FI()'r-rl.F: •SALAD DRESSINGS2.-,o mi. FI(>TTl_F •MARSHMALLOWS 2MI K FIA( �wwK ww/ • p` )E'er. N?DL.SANA M P 'IEA S PERRIry$ BASILIC 'OMODOO SAUCE �4 j� 60G mL .,AP 2W mL t a2 mL BT. E A i ..•.,,w .�... a+.74 Sr,-$.�`.L ;. u-�x. gi'y.'FY': .', ,. .•- ^:'^.av:,5.,w.+M r..tiwsr:wao^• ... .- .. �.. .., ._ .. _ .__, .... .T'°w.e„�_ .,.... ._ 9, ,BO4',' D PLANTS FLOWERS VEGETABLES OPETUNIAS *PANSIES • TOMATOES • PEPPERS • MARIGOLDS • IMPATIENS • CUCUMBERS, ETC.lk �b %fib �� OR �r• MATCH • - . FJL EA. , 12 BOXES. FAIRLEE DRINKS Y�MANN'S MANNAI E� EA .LE BRANOSPRINGPARKLING SWEETENEDcoNOENSEDWATER • MILK EA ii��" ml JAR _. 3DC �L TIN M. 1 . ! BOX PRICE ?9¢ EA RECT icgOM ON' GROWERS IUpcLOADS DAlly .ERANR MS 10 re 1 REMARK ORCRARLc n VAGARA BRiMtO Ry)E ROSE BUSHES e� w - h�'F. wN c eco a �R E .q, 8� ■ ■ 1 MA'UE= R 'AD 71C W Iv •TQP.SnIL /(����J a aJPEAT�. THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., MAY 17,1995 -PAGE 35-A L '01 2 -PLY BATHR -�, TISS OOM BROCCOLI I-ARGE 16 ROLL --� VALUE PACK '�; LARGE • PAPER -ORIGINAL a BUNCH TOSIZE "18s"69. WEL y y Jr- URGE 8 ROLL LIMIT VALUE PACK PKG. A MAJFS'A o<� BUNCIi, AIS °ALMiIOINE ME` NE`, °ROOIICT OF L TABLE DISH •DEODORANT .�% `-CM-^E UE A NAPKINS �_ LIQu1D •A.`TT•PERRP u.._r PI-A1�ITAI •CHOCOLATE CHIP *SHORTCAKE •DIGESTIVE COOKIES 400 jr PK(.. ___REAM PIES :;.uo K PK(;. 3S, -L 5r, _ Ems. ; -5 , YAM'•, I I V N EA •YOGOURT F LAT ()F 12 x175 R -runs •ICE CREAM HUGE 4 L PAIL PRODUCT OF FLORIDA F;XTFtA EAR(;F; tiI'l.E; TUMATOE S FILL YOUR OWN BAG Si _ LB_, 1190 U-')F'OS'A RIrA +cCG.C- JF >.�(,E :Awl -� GINGER (� 139 � _B n�CW, . RR iMJtL W-115 -1•� _1 • CANADA DRY —RED EMPEROR BOX OF 2 6s 2 L DOTME • COCA-Co][AR . �.,L TW :L. I G ES H kw I FII.I_ YOUR OWN RA(;991 WM1T 9m / 5 BTL 014E CAM Llw LWT , ](.8.� FOLGERS INSTANT PRODUCT OF CAIFORNN PROOUC? OF MEXICO COFFEE COOKIES 79TORTILLA P T TA O a(oM� s LIMES CRYSTALS • 250 g PACKAGE • g /Hoof EA C IiIKP'S LEMONS ��„ I slzE A1:1 MARGE SLZE SSs VEGETABLE S , �«n ;-,9 (S7�� OS ..A74CH LARGE 19 tl. oz. TIN YOUR OWN BAGS 18 I.BOWN E.t C5O A U •GREEN ONIONS BANANAS awl; *RED RADISHESo.wA LARGE oRiGnvAL BLAVCIES v SOUPS 15'.A. KKK OR MATCH (.39 EACH) FOR 8B ke � LASAG A CORN '-*Am . KIWI FRUIT �'�r► 9�E =�: FU I. YOUR OWN BAG 818 kW b I.B. 808 PACKAGE OF 6 �. M I.B. STA CUCUMBERS 1# APPLES NO ig PACKAGE SGT YOUR OWN dw FII.[. YOUR OWN BAG 2.18 Iwo ILML •DEPM I-ARGR 8= COOKING P;AG�M BAMM EIT GRANOLA BARS 4OM43mS PEARS Aoscwrxm szzzs F.1►. 10 LB. BAG FILL YOUR OWN BAG 818 bw I.B. r------scr x--- --- - - , r ----m- --- --- ---- -- i r--- ---- -----1 1 Iu101F011p CgA11C0A1 1 i HONEY NUT 11 1 RITZ 1 ;BRIQUETS ' CORN FLAKES - 1 11 CRACKERS N1 I ,.,, 1 1 210' / 250 9 90X • r1 MG =1 L—$-� --$----- / --------J L---�t——p--- ��—�---�—moi—SiM�E il7K 11i 1 �— PMMSI FWKFRO(VAMYVp10OAT.MY110i w FESERYE TIE NW TO UMT r. II99. • - . FJL EA. , NAYA NATURAL FAIRLEE DRINKS Y�MANN'S MANNAI E� EA .LE BRANOSPRINGPARKLING SWEETENEDcoNOENSEDWATER MILK EA ii��" ml JAR _. 3DC �L TIN M. 1 PRODUCT OF FLORIDA F;XTFtA EAR(;F; tiI'l.E; TUMATOE S FILL YOUR OWN BAG Si _ LB_, 1190 U-')F'OS'A RIrA +cCG.C- JF >.�(,E :Awl -� GINGER (� 139 � _B n�CW, . RR iMJtL W-115 -1•� _1 • CANADA DRY —RED EMPEROR BOX OF 2 6s 2 L DOTME • COCA-Co][AR . �.,L TW :L. I G ES H kw I FII.I_ YOUR OWN RA(;991 WM1T 9m / 5 BTL 014E CAM Llw LWT , ](.8.� FOLGERS INSTANT PRODUCT OF CAIFORNN PROOUC? OF MEXICO COFFEE COOKIES 79TORTILLA P T TA O a(oM� s LIMES CRYSTALS • 250 g PACKAGE • g /Hoof EA C IiIKP'S LEMONS ��„ I slzE A1:1 MARGE SLZE SSs VEGETABLE S , �«n ;-,9 (S7�� OS ..A74CH LARGE 19 tl. oz. TIN YOUR OWN BAGS 18 I.BOWN E.t C5O A U •GREEN ONIONS BANANAS awl; *RED RADISHESo.wA LARGE oRiGnvAL BLAVCIES v SOUPS 15'.A. KKK OR MATCH (.39 EACH) FOR 8B ke � LASAG A CORN '-*Am . KIWI FRUIT �'�r► 9�E =�: FU I. YOUR OWN BAG 818 kW b I.B. 808 PACKAGE OF 6 �. M I.B. STA CUCUMBERS 1# APPLES NO ig PACKAGE SGT YOUR OWN dw FII.[. YOUR OWN BAG 2.18 Iwo ILML •DEPM I-ARGR 8= COOKING P;AG�M BAMM EIT GRANOLA BARS 4OM43mS PEARS Aoscwrxm szzzs F.1►. 10 LB. BAG FILL YOUR OWN BAG 818 bw I.B. r------scr x--- --- - - , r ----m- --- --- ---- -- i r--- ---- -----1 1 Iu101F011p CgA11C0A1 1 i HONEY NUT 11 1 RITZ 1 ;BRIQUETS ' CORN FLAKES - 1 11 CRACKERS N1 I ,.,, 1 1 210' / 250 9 90X • r1 MG =1 L—$-� --$----- / --------J L---�t——p--- ��—�---�—moi—SiM�E il7K 11i 1 �— PMMSI FWKFRO(VAMYVp10OAT.MY110i w FESERYE TIE NW TO UMT r. 7 } ENT! NTHLY PAYMENTS T v s I :- PLYMOUTHAJ LTD. NORTH VILL ECHRYSLER SERVICE OPEN 8 ALL DAY SATURDAY AND EVERY NIGHT 19HARWOOD■535 AVE. (North of 401) "PAYMENTS PLUS TAXES SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., MAY 17,1995 -PACE 37-A e —6REW YOUR OWN . BEER a WINE AT 1 /2 THE RETAIL GOUT PHONE 5 Oma" po wNUTE WELCOME BRM HE THE BRErIIaT BEER SHOP 121%h80 W°fdi1 SPC)RT- Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. Dundas & Thickson, Whitby 723-8507 Pickering wrestlers national champs of Greco Roman By AL RIVETT SPORTS REPORTER DICKERING — Two Pickering grap- plers powered their way to national titles in Greco Roman competition at the (-anadian Senior Wrestling Championships .at Brock University in St. Catharines Sunday. Kerry Ashley, 19, and Sean Pierson, 18, captured gold medals in their respective weight classes in Greco Roman wrestling in which grapplers use only the upper body. They represented the O.:hawa Olympic Wrestling Club. Moreover, their performances earned Ashley and Pierson number -one rankings in their weight divisions for the upcoming Canadian Olympic Trials for Greco Roman Wrestling in Thunder Bay in February. Ashley, an OAC student at Pine Ridge Secondary School, defeated Andy Hutchinson from the University of Calgary by a close 6-5 decision in the final of the 52 -kilogram (114 pounds) class. Hutchinson, a native of England, earned a silver medal for that country at the '94 ♦ BADMINTON Commonwealth Games in Victoria, B.C. Ashley won two other matches in order to qualify for the championship tilt. Meanwhile, Pierson — an OAC student at Dunbarton - High School — captured t Ah the Greco Roman title at 68 kilo- grams (150 pounds) after ; defeating z ,• Mike Smith Of the University of Western T, Ontario in London 8-2 Ker Ashley in the final. Kerry Y However, Pierson's toughest test came during the semi-final clash with Donevan Young of Hamilton. Pierson prevailed 54 over the former Canadian university champ in a match which needed overtime to decide. Their achievements at the senior national level are all the more remarkable consider- ing the fact Ashley and Pierson were the only high school wrestlers at the champi- onships, compet- ing against more experienced rivals, mainly from university programs. It was the first taste of senior - level wrestling for both local grap- plers. I.ong - time coach Stan Tzogas believes Sean Pierson this is the first time two wrestlers from a high school club have won gold medals at their first national senior meet. "I don't think it's ever been done before. It's unprecedented." says Tzogas, who's coached Ashley and Pierson at the Oshawa Olympic club for the past five years. For Ashley, the senior Greco Roman crown caps an outstanding season. He cap- tured both the freestyle and the Greco Roman titles at 52 kilograms at the Canadian Espoir Wrestling Championships for grapplers 19 and under in Saskatoon in March. He's also the reigning Lake Ontario Secondary School (LOSSA) and Ontario Federation of Schools Athletic Association (OFSAA) champion, winning the provin- cial high school title for a second consecu- tive year at 54 kilograms in Hamilton in March. Ashley moved up into the tougher 57 - kilogram weight class at the Ontario Espoir Wrestling Championships in London in March and still managed a bronze medal. Meanwhile. Pierson earned the bronze medal in freestyle wrestling at the 68-kik>- gram weight class at the national espoir meet. He's also an 11 -time provincial wrestling champ, winning the '95 Ontario title at the espoir level in his weight class. Pickering Recreation Complex Pickerion.E!tennis teams laved the weekend twosome PICKERING — Three Pickering Brent Chin 8 beat Nadeen YtLcufal" 6- , Recreation Complex junior tennis teams 3.6-3 in under -l6 singles. won matches played in three different Donny Crumb was defeated by leagues on the weekend. Cameron Lore 6-2. 6-1 in under -18 sin - The complex boys' inter -county trav- glen. elling squad defeated arch -rival J.C.C. In under -18 doubles action. Christian Valley Tennis Club of Toronto 7-3 in Carere and Andrew Roszkowski split sets: the complex's Scarborough Tennis sets with Tim Barradac and Shane Carter Federation girls' team beat Kiwani 5-6.6-3. Wood Tennis Club 42-9 in games: and the complex's STF boys' squad downed the Stephen Leacock Tennis Club 41-37 in games. In boys' inter -county matches against J.C.C. Valley. Pickering's Alex Bittermann split sets with Adam Wexler 6-2.3-6 in under -12 singles. In under -14 singles. Mike Glenney beat Steve birman 6-2.6-2. Christian Carere and Andrew Roszkowski defeated Samir Ismail and Dave Srour 6-2. 7-6 in under -16 dou- bles. Gena Tranquada downed Jeff Lipinski 6-1.6-0 in under -18 singles action. Delmer Snagg was defeated by Josh Borenstein 6-1. 6-0 in tuxier-18 singles Play - Meanwhile, in girls' STF action against Kiwani Wood, Rheeanna Gaskin and Gianetta Savarino, of Pickering, beat Teresa E xW* and Michelle Manly 8-2 in under -12 doubles. Cassy Clayton and Nicole Doiron defeated Heather Fawcett and Jennifer MacDonald 10-1 in under -14 doubles. Jennifer Vasic beat Allison MacDonaigh 6-1, 6-2 in under -16 sin- gles. Bianco Savarino defeated Jennifer Bashem 6-1, 6-2 in under -18 singles. In boys' STT play against Stephen Leacock, Pickering's Devin Kiyonaga won by default over his Leacock oppo- nent 6-0 in under -12 singles. Madw Glavic was defeated by Jason Lore 10-9 in under -14 singles. second best in province AJAX — A Pickering High School duo was sec- ond best at the 1995 Ontario Federation of Schools Athletic Association Badminton Championships in Cornwall May 4 to 6. Competing against 40 other top senior boys' dou- bles teams in the province, Jon Roegele and Hugh Read improved on their fourth - place finish in 1994 to claim the silver medal at this year's OFSAA champi- onships. After winning five match- es to advance to the final, Roegele and Read met an attacking Toronto Riverdale Collegiate twosome of Nhan-Phong Trieu and Edwin Quan in the 'A' championship. The Pickering High pair was defeated 15-5, 15-7. Roegele and Read weren't finished for the day as they were pitted against Brian Eng and Alex Yu from Timmins in a match to decide second place. The Pickering High duo responded with a 15-7, 15- 11 win to lock up the silver medal. The Pickering pair started Play May 4 with a 15-6, 15- 8 win over Greg Politis and Aron Bryk of Atikokan. The following day, the pair won four consecutive Pickering High School badminton players Hugh Read, left, and Jon Roegele captured the silver medal in senior boys' doubles play at the Ontario Federation of Schools Athletic Association Badminton Championships in Cornwall May 4 to 6. photo by Andrew Iwanowski games to. advance to the Simon Chow of championship match May 6. Scarborough, the Pickering Roegele and Read defeated pair cruised to a 15-2, 15-2 Jamie Dawson and Rick win. Forger from Levack in In the semi-final, Read northern Ontario 15-9, 15- and Roegele met top -seeded 11. John Durdan and Sid They then scored a 15-7, Trefrak from Niagara Falls, 15-9 win over Pembroke's eking out an 18-17, 9-15, Ryan Behm and Phil 15-10 victory. Nieman, who represented The badminton duo thanks the host region Eastern Wayne King who has Ontario Secondary School coached Roegele and Read Association. - at the Harwood Badminton In the quarter -finals Club for the past three against Raymond Tan and years. Beach volleyball loop needs players AJAX-PICKERING — A mixed beach volleyball league needs playas and teams for some ftm m the stat this spring and The Mixed Recreational Beach Volleyball league hopes to have 16 squads to compele in the loop which begins play at the Annandale Golf and Country Club on June 5. Each team will have two mea and two women on the court at all tines. Games are played Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Tkusday nights from 7 to 9 outdoors on the Amble gEowrds. TFor more information, call Mike FAwads at 683-0148. 'ASH S - - ADULT SUMMER LEAGUE' Ajax Community Centre Olympic Ice Surface A - D Divisions Sunday night 7492-8374 or Tuesday 497-4845j PAGE 39 -A -THE NEWS ADVENMER, WED, MAY 17,19% e VISA News Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, LIS 21-15 683=0707 �.• Fax 683-7363 I'IITala TORONTO 1450 Kingston Rd., Suite 17 Pickering ► t err, your aipiorno in 3 or 10 Months III. acme programs offered only at _�shawo Campus Cdl today for rur-.^.er information and FREE Personal interview Microsoft Office experience is sought ky more employers than aKy other sofi'u are application. Learn bou, to use the power oJ. ♦ 97I. DIOUS - Operating S} -stem ♦ S ORD • Ubrdprocessing ♦ EXCEL - Spreadsheets • POWERPOIVT - Presentations ♦ ACCESS • Databases All of our programs feature: - ♦ Professional instructors ♦ Modem, accessible facilities ♦ Up-to-date equipment ♦ One computer per participant We offer a full range of programs tailored to both Beginners and Experienced Users. Courses start soon!! DIAMOND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE AJAX (905) 427-1922 COLLEGE STUDENTS f9bWWft working in our summer $13AM• Mty thrwo August. Did you? - PON for kdwview 77.6,9411 e.oe. S week and AISX-Pickering News Advertiser. Gonlbined Pressrun of 1ZZ,5UU every Combined Pressrun of 122,800 every Wednesday 11 OEM 11Careers I Is k rA FA IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A HOT RESTAURANT MANAGER'S JOB... WE'D LIKE TO GRILL YOU. CASEY'S IS FULLY THEMED CASUAL DINNER HOUSE AND AMERICAN STYLE BAR THAT PROVIDES A VARIETY OF QUALITY, GRILLED, GOOD TASTING FOOD OFFERINGS AT AFFORDABLE PRICES, IN A UNIQUE, RELAXED AND FUN ENVIRONMENT. IF YOU THINK THIS IS YOUR KIND OF PLACE WE'D BE DELIGHTED TO MEET YOU. PLEASE SEND YOUR RESUME TO: Not your ordinary meet a potato joint! Send resume: 1608 Dundas at E. Whitby, L1 N 2K8 Attn.: Genera! Manager RAINBOW ENVIRONMENTAL CO. now hiring commission sales, eam between 5250 - S500 weekly, vehicle a must. Apply in person Thursday 2 • 5 p.m. 4OP4., Si 1450 Hopkins St. Unit 102, Whitby. m carr x4 University and college" ,'";, — ry s students welcome.; rlvvy ar F4CD1MGRESS TRAIN FOR Courses starting now: • Programmer Analyst • Computer Maintenance Technology • LAN Systems Technology • Oflice Administration • Micro Computers and _ ,r Business Applications • Computerized accounting • word Processing YOUR CAREER STARTS HERE 560 St. OSHAWA 434-8585 The Island Pazast VICTORIA • COQUITLAM - VANCOUVER • BURNABY • SURREY - EDMONTON - SASKATOON - WINNIPEG - HAMILTON • MISSISSAUGA • TORONTO • NORTH YORK • SCARBOROUGH • OSHAWA• KINGSTON • OTTAWA- MONTREAL LAVAL • LONGUEUIL • QUEBEC • HALIFAX DISTRIBUTORS (WESTERN CO.) Canada's Largest Fashion Fabric Distributor requires a Store Manager immediately for its location in Oshawa, Ontario. If you are friendly and courteous, a hard worker, possess sewing skills and have experience in retail Store Management, we want to talk to you! Interested applicants please reply. forwarding resumes to: FABRICLAND WESTERN CO. ATTN: Paul Pifko 76 Miranda Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M6E 5A1 ALASKA Summer Jobs, Eau up b $A000 bhig Mw Swomlh Sekran see. on s. Am Now! Saloon operr soon. Carrtiukon, cersrriaa of bld. /-m- 7"-MU rid. 5.176, 24 hors. A SM nwwhcU" -nipeny in Aiarr -*am yrral Isbowra b work in plant. S7.0Mv. Apply in parson to PROVIMUL SIGN SERVICE. 375 Rarwoorn SL, Ilex. Arby's Canada Inc..s currently seeking mature, energetic and enthusiastic persons to fill Full 8 Part-time positions, at our new Ajax restaurant located at Harwood and Hwy. tt2. These positions would ideally suit homemakers or those re- entering the work force. We offer: premium wages flexible hours friendy environment If you want to be part of a new and exciting beginning and you meet the above criteria, you can appy in person at: Between 12 noon to 8 p.m. at Ute Ajax Community Centre, Duffin's Room, May 18th a 19th All previous applicants please reapply 75 Centennial Rd.. GONlest k's betterout here. 'fits on" 7 ft V peaks" luchwitas sitldaH sand veeltist9 lis 9 teach leedbg aui museedillug asii _9 11 Of lerk2 to said attack truclts, `wM fare WW/Ii ant recdtlidts sreee –ili s a ed wti7 be ante P t11ilt p to se tis. Itreefems expesieuee sm Operating Aller sielNnls trucks and iterlt Oft, as well as ' SkM are sssieus. PHaase In w— resume ails s elery expeegbeus t« File • 7MM, _ . Oabawa W hitbY This Week, P. 0.2" Ni Osltiiws, Lt)Et 7L5 C.Y+. '..+,5.lR.1h' �"�,>a. .a.- ",.. "a'1141i. ":.Ty. . :. .:: X.E ..'. � '«.. ... •b+mYa./ii._`s.� -.�:y' ._. .1....... ... i'ri.�,r:.�w-.a o:.an'•'�r.-". -`�'i#:..»...'7'-" .. e-. A RETAIL INVESTIGATOR career awsds you with Ca- lais kweelip lime in dr Durham An- WO pro- vide krd Gaining aria dr opp«frity br advance. msnt Sur*v woos is i6.0Wv kr Novice Irweel- gaton. NOW and waa- kwW work is regind. To apply, lax your resume to 41662"imi. or by and to 195 The West Mall Suite 406, Ebb coke. ont, M9c 5K1. No cab please. C&N ra4oree Dewanwa- lam b sad GiRsan at ms HoParkas. No invest. .101 No kwbww Miew"0141t 7294M Of 5194W79as. General General O Help 11 0 Help General 110 General 11 O Help 110 Help rbgANS keys & engraved gifts OPPORTUNITY: Full-time Management Position WE OFFER: Challenging Career with an industry leader On the job training Salary plus bonus package Employee discount plan QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum one year experience in a retail environment Team Player Winning attitude Flexible schedule ;t you meet these qualifications and are looking 'or an exciting and rewarding career with one of the best retailers in Canada - come in to our Sears Keys 3 Engraved Gifts, Pickering Town Centre. AUDITIONS for models. ;a^cers singers and ^,nos Call (905) 427-9135 DPAPERY Store needs :,,,, Ume help for Fridays d z.ilurddys. YOU must have ,.penence n d" business have excellent corn - skiffs. 428.0937. EASY INCOME. Work from home, for free infor. ,nation send S.A.S E. to P.O. Box 31066 .475 West ney Rd. Ajax Ontario, L1T- 3HO EXCELLENT EARNINGS Part-time Evenings 53N)/weekly salary + bonus & commmsions. Complete benefits package includes medical/health, paid holidays, vacations and much more! Position involves managing a professional telemarketing office for an international company in the nearby area. Must be mature, capable individual. No experience necessary. Complete paid training program provided. Also exceptional advancement opportumhes for growth oriented individuals. Hours: Monday -Friday, 4-y p.m. Saturday 4-2 p.m. For information, please gcall 430-7510 during above hour. GREAT OPPORTUNITIES CASH DAILY -.BONUSES 111 • Dickie -Dee requires Ice Cream Vendors AREAS ARE GOING FAST -r SIGN-UP NOW''" DISTRIBUTORS WANTED H • Exciting product, rww to the Canadian market • Excellent potential client base for both men and women • Product is backed by a 10(r4 guarantee • Initial investment onlv $200 • Ideal for part time or -full-time employment • massive earning potential for distributors NOW! Call 1-800-837-1088 CRUISE SHIP JOBS! Earn $300/ $900 weekly. Year round positions. Hiring both men/women. Free room and board. Will train. Call 24 hrs. 1-504-646-4502 Ext- 1000-20 LALAt5...Earn $ repre- senting Aioette Cosmetics. Full lime earnsrgs n part time hours No dNivery. no nventory, free traming please cal 427-aMI GENERAL LABOURERS. regmrred immed for ware- house work. Days / after- noons. Whitby / Scarbor- ough locations Long / shat tennis avail. $7 Moi hr 1 yr verifiable work experience and safety shoes a must. Apply in person between 9 - pm at 2100 Ellesmere Rd •208 Armco Labour Lease ( Markham i Ellesmere) Previous appitcants need not appy Fax News Advertiser OM0707 F ;A�-7�R.3 GCB CONSTRUCT1011 nter.cr and exterior -epamrs, renovations and construction. Fast and clean profession- al work guaranteed. Craig, SM1913 THE TILE MAN ." .,irpod Rd at = -x .s Say (905)839-2757 ='sect out our showroom by appaelment ling 'eamc Dies etc Cheap, Cheep. Ajax Fence And Deck Hood Fences,Cham link, Custom d•cks.Dog runs, a..ol endosure•.Repairs b `Xdhrg tenomover 17 yrs 31 handsixi eipererce. aN t 66 e567 a 427-0245 CHI CONSTAWTION al home renovations, sprig sDecirl on docks, all custoni work. Uceneed Lar - Ponies, no sUdsnt news. Free estimates. (90 l,4 8611. Mobile 41.414.'10.2. COTTAGE RAI9NIttt, block Or wood fo� Perstraighteriimg, moor krAb conaefe shaelre retttinirg walls. Cam Gary (905) 686.9666, (706) 657.9400 DUCTWORK installed. moved. relocaYd Exos- rates . Free sebrtNss, past. trostatmc ori cleaners, hu- midllmers. Big. Sn WA Jobe. Call Paul 428.0295 FAIRWAY HOME IM- PROVEMENTS - baswnertt apartments, bathroome, kitchens, hardwood III= - Ing. c"aM-,V" II=-Ing.c"aM-,V" tiles . n9 Guaranteed wak- Q1anshD. Free estimaM, Tom. hone (905)BU-1333 Pa2er(416)377-NW K.C. i B MASONRY Over 15o hole owners se nd In 114. BtidL block a .:hlrrney repom Fre* 0@1i mates 8 sprig orate dis- counts. Referefcee avail- able (906)579-3911. LICENSED BRICKLAY- ER all masonry repairs from totndaUons to chirn- rays Including ml•rlccking store, flagstone. and ce- ramic Me. Cal Todd. 726- 3689 TOMMY'S HOME IM- PROVEMENTS- carpentry, drywall. basenerit tips.. ret room. pordws b docks. ce- ramc ales. Cal Tommy at 420-8105 J.S. ARMSTRONG DEV. INC. Speaall prig in cusbm h10Mlee, renovatl0rie. row krtderms. windows. base- menb• bath -rooms. electrical, pkna itim Repairs nd add tomo. Resider" and wrri- nwcal Over, 15 years *WO" - once. Fre* estimates. Cal Jeff. 906.6862362 -MISTER CHEAP'•Home improver arks, rec rooms,n law aparbow b, additions. fences. decks. etc. Lt- ' . for over 20 years. all wort guaranWd, ler Free esbmale cal Eme 906.404-0170 SIGOsentirgN Corers Asn Lid., 19 yrs. Atddilliore, srndaeks, patio 1' ' wirdMvra reo- ►Monts, fes, kora See - .906 -5754M EUROPEAN We sp•aaFiot, will renlixiallat or Inelien wiam�i, as WON W Moor like. Good nebrarcM and saaslecom gLrrarMs•d Icor kee .tiorri - hal D. Dykah 725-4913 NOWELL'S General Contractor Inc. Residential and Con•reraiaL interior and extoll im arslom work Property mainbnana. Paint and wailpgw •le 10% off work over $1.000. Relsrane" available upon equal Cam for free as► Inaba. (906) 4D4-2183. C a R MainMnancie Building repairs and renovations abekieal, DYwrlib rigceriow tiles cwpor*y. From small repairs to major rwgwkons. Fuy gwranbed, ke* esti• males. (906)6663300 K&D RENOWORKS Dudafencing6 bail mens albaMnlroo�itbi mConpbft residential rerrovelion sw- vim. Pkntbirig a •letk". Cluakty...otw cairns ii- kilit, moi+ gwranfte. 906 -OW 9231. Decks path iiodn. • fences. Gusmty designed to IN your urown blendCA MtIII! of"Wt a Illestrle Fr•• Consuftnew (905)619.2105 ROOM TO NIPROVE RtwghFifashed Carpentry Irllenor 6 Exterior Pawing Ceramic Tiles :lepar58 Installation Uyvial / ftpirg Call Scott (905)619-1663 Mw G115TRwrlloN 1 Carpentry, Rixillitg ENckical , Pttrnbtrg Forim.Darks, New Attdlitim.RMtovrionii, Queft Werk amaraw RM.,CanpMxwe Dig Mrxreor or BBB pos)a74234 BUDGET HOME Basenerd Aprb , Rao- rooms, pknmbig Add► tio 5 yrs• Experience Free eslimabs cd Mom (906) 619-M. CONTRACTING LTD. Ad6lions, Ba9ts, Io1dt sm. BMemeds, Ceramic Ties, Hardwood !bas, Rods,Trim, Doors. DedIS ! Visa Actep. Cal Judo For EstinaNs (905) 683- 5619 DELZOTTO WOOD FENCING Decks, chain link. Iron. dnW doles. set posts. For Free Estimates tali Steve (905) 509-5077 Mobile (416)409- 6456 JAS OMPRtSES Renovations, fences, decks,basements, wir- ing, rearrangern nts, Quality Workmansship at Reasonable Prices. John (905)427.0444 glass bbek. spiral stairs. skylights. etc Want sorts" special for yaw in or outdoor renovation protect" t" Call Alan 619- 0516 CLEAN AIR, wrmdiaoriit9: spring sentwe and Dover walk Free Dick -up and de- Nwry $65.00 6wmiors ds- coLnL aLAomobve service available Phone 631-1961 or tax. 631-5601. HANDYMAN - llawstcariff, yard d-nW. b mwm .Any cow gene a workow Cal Ging 6964 9 With pick up !luck will do odd jobs, dean up garage, yard, small Moving jobs,, gla�ss� Cut- IIII call fence repairs �90T ELECTRICIAN Licensed Wdo all types of eleceicai work Reasonable rates Senor dawunt. Fast service Call Alex at 433- 7632 BOB'S PAINTING aa6t 6 -,of 6 er„: Salt w*r Fe wrwes •839-3508 itiliAJlt#OO11 til AlIMIN 0RATM Free estimates Great Rates Professiatal Service 427-3W4A DfMA'WrIlf� .b a Exterior Bost Prices Free Esamates Call Merle (905)706-1437 TMS PAINTING dt DECOR Interior b Extenor European Workmanship Fast, dean. reliable wrote. 420-0081 AJAX Moving Sysl•ms - full services. moires. appkanoe and Piano ripecialiets Flit ran or hourly. We now have heaW storage unit Now Olsenng fns• boxes win move Park and load special. starting at 999 and up. Cal for nkxmaeon. 7250005 or 427-0006 Close meters BMW ra w, (1Mllla6, omioal, tip., dc. Piano Pad" avaia0la. _ Move hg or sinal, vie Price Mon a! Free sebr aliffe Melons &WWW •hut "; Moves. Piwios ncve4 abo appawce*. CMnparabb rafts. Cal 432-2960. dharNetl moven, rater denial, eor nereial. Al types at moves. Cal Cad or Jare 427-2966. MN:HALSKII MOVING - h0ires, aimirm MiOoe, Senior amend m monM d*cm b. Lwwe•G, insured. Free eakmaba. Exo*BW service. Cal 435- 7795. 367795. mOVMG SYSTBIS Its ri mow arytlwg, Cww Padiagnpy stage and baso awlabla So= i and month 6orouft► Five sdwei*L M 401 56 r , , , i, ,. ) ) r t n i J! f' 4if':.•..4.'4 t f THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY 17, 1995 -PAGE 39-A NEED EXTRA MONEY ? WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS ? 6 PEOPLE REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY TO WEAR & DEMONSTRATE FINE JEWELRY Qualified Fashion Advisors will possess management capabilities, entrepreneurial skills and a desire to help other people achieve their potential. Earnings unlimited, flexible hours, bonus- es and more. Call LADY REMINGTON for more details. (416) 438-0731 HELPER REQUIRED FOR COURIER Fast paced heavy lifting , transport required 905-686-9236 MATURE COUPLE e- gwred for superintendents in adult bUftrg Apartment ncl ded and wages nego- trade send resume to File 67165 Oshawa This Week PO Box 481.0shawa. On. taro. UH 71_5 MODELS NEEDED Female Ages 7-26 EARN EXTRA INCOME Travel to exating cities: New York. Pans. Milan. Call for consultation. 430-5715 stale quires part Ume receptionist for Friday nights 8 Satur- days ComPuter exper- Once a must. Cap Cheryl at (905)432.72!x) Rwaurant i�l AJAX Positions Available for • cooks • servers • bartenders Please apply in person to: 235 Bayly St. Ajax. PART TIME at home As- semble my products No Gimmickshonest pay for honest work 'cull need a small room n unfinished basement Ian 834-5493 WANTED - expenenced hairshfist for Andys Famity Nair Center. guaranteed wage - commissim. Imre. drate position Call 723- 8030 GAILLIND il-I MAID SERVICES WINTER SPECIAL FREE Cleaning with boco rgs of weekly d bi-weekly services Inquire for details. Caring for your home with personalized and prolessional service for over a decade. Fully boncec a -c nswec, 683-7515 CARPET Irwtalabons - 25 yeah experience. to- stretctwg. our speciality Free esenebs. D 8 N Duncan. 967-1799 or 967- 1800 MUST SWAY dols MAW i1R111111"M 'We gWadw Cttttiplls i1)IMIIg SWVN . WWWI II�YYeNdy MW"' OWMlio * Dint do*, hal • B til dllr (906) M7121 KST GWXMDSKEEP- MIG - lawn cuftl% aerat- dearsps, eirm+ng geidut work. Fre* wotabon. Cal Ralph, 905.427-9658, fax 906.427-4709 AERATION (Core typN. Higlmly bereicial to your lawn. From 580.00. Book row and ratelve free OP M brYYan¢ Cal 427- 66/2 or 723`3M GARDEN roto NMig and Lawn maeM•nsnce and ro- PdwMm Cal JM579 1385 LANDSCAPING, Interlock gardens and decks. Free estimates. Call 723-7361 anveways, wekways, Prod, Pabo• / slops, r•owiiny rms9s, ke* •elm•tm, call BndLsr IF a Inc. 6962742 MISTER POSIT HOLE, air geed post Ilse spiting of posh In conereb. 666- 0400. MISTER POST HOLE. au- gured pat halos. asNI g of poet in conerew Meet Morrwomws price. 665- 0400. PYES PROPERTY Main, ler al yaw lawn and garden care ram Dave at 427-7663 sires, WAMW w, BOOM, Pdit fen, u dexo , lra►i ws aft ftr flew f milift Now in Kk&Pb�u MAGICIAN. uown '..ends 'eadv to entenam for any age, any occasion Birth- days. Promotions. open- •nqs. fund raisers Magic snows are kin' Leduce -dio 839-7057 or 728- 5334 265334 RABBITwants worm doing ^lax or cnidren s parties and aN occaaeions. Have MV own ugciart Cal Er - roe 6664932 • • •• SCHOOL -4 lessons and test $105. •10 Lessons $150 *Full Coarse $270 Free pick -up and drop off (416)287-3060 HotJ snTNIG - Pole. aid plaits accepted Daly. week or tonNV' Any sea- son. Cal 6964325. CARE AIDE personal Care, light house keeping, car. Call 839-3575 S PAGE b -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY 17,1995 TELEMARKETING REPS 2 Positions open for aggressive up -beat telemarketers. Mon.-Thurs. split shift, 9am-12pm & 6pm-9pm. Friday 9-12 kill / part time enquiries welcome &10.00 /hr. salary. Headset & Terminal exp. an asset. Contact...... Telemarketing Manager 420.4860, ext. 224 CLASS AZ D1tIVERS years experne-ce. an abstract. Police trance. I.C.C. mod- . Local Hwy. & long PHONE (905)725.9324 1,1120-- Office IF , ^, are sr>g e a a s: -9e parent of separated or d I vorced with ewes years work 1 experience. you may quality lor financial assistance of it you ars over 45 and have rw candy been tad off you may lqualify ler training assis- tance. DIPrCERT. Lotus. Wordprfec, D -Base Nord. Accpac Bedford Autocad, 1 Ventura. Pagemhaker Har - I yard. Carel. Computer Pro I grammng and Systems An - &W Cobol. Pascal and C Phobshop. Quark E nits$ and illustrator. Durham Bkw� need ComputerCoaege. 427- 1 -• (ATTENTION SAES PROFESSIONALS ' MCI .Long Distance. a national iagent representing Unset Carxnurt•caborhe required several top mord+ saws agents Work from tow home tug or part time Top eommosions b top pro- euoers Full Isom provd- ad Previous expeneq in Pw Fong dstance industry preferred For further Mor- wnason Cal .hm Ot lama 1 - WO -267-4353 OF you never want to worry about ixxey again. can for fan apprnbnent Not ML M Cal Lynda. 432-0369 IF you never want to worry about money again cal for an appintment Not MLM. ' Call Lynda. 432-0369 Skilled 135 Help AZ DRIVER required for food co. located m Mark- ham Cay work- Moat have 3 yr veritable work exp. . current abstract and safety boots. Apply between 9- 2pm. at 2100 Ellesmere fid. W206. Mem I abour ,ease (Markham I Eles- mere).prevaus applicants need not apply. DZ DRIVERS (3) regtaed for Paper Co. located in Scarborough. Long farm . $11/hf. Bereft Road - ranger experience delk to asset Mut have 3 yr. won- fiable work exp., current Abstract and safety boote. Appy between 9-2pm. at 2100 Evesmew Rd. x209. Aaneo tabour Lease, ( Markham / Eflesmers). Previous applicants reed flat appy. PLASTERER roque d lit aedlatelyr. Expenienw a must Must speak English Nuenty. Tranaporlabon available. Cam (419) 587- 1670. SIGN PAINTER required, lair ManAkroerlsnt a* m appikaMons. Apply in pr- een Plovitr;Al SO swv- ice LId., 375 Frankton St, Ajit, Ontario. ULenbrook, Lenbrook is currently accepting applications for the Position of: CREDIT COORDINATOR We are looking for an energetic, results -oriented individual who will he responsible for the day-to-day management of a well- defined portion or the company's trade receivables. Candidates will he expected to consistently deal with custorncis in an assertive, yet sensitive manner. the successful candidate should be self -motivated with strong interpersonal skills. Some credit experience-French/linglish bilingualism, and experience in the consumers electronic industry would he definite assets. If you are interested in this position, or know of someone who would be, please submit your resumes before •1lresday, May 23, 1995 to l.enbr(mk Industries Limil(vl Human Resources - Mile #310 631 Granite Court Pickering, Ontario 1.1N'3KI FAX tr: (905) 611.6936 No agencies or phone calls please. We will thoroughly review and consider all resumes although we arc only able to respond to those who arc selected for interviews. We thank all others for their interest. Lenbrook Indrtstries Lrrnuted is commuted to employment equity Buying Or Selling With Classifieds Is A Breeze Looking trar a unique riven or some quick cash) The classitieds / are your one-stop source for I buying or selling anything from hot plates, to heaters. �i4(v d 1ews Advertiser ""70' Fax. 683-7363 CLAg9rFiI0 DURHAM'S ENTERTA AUTHORITY -------------------------------------- BACKBEAT ----------------------------------------------- Is looking for some cool, hip,motivated people who aren't afraid to get paid for their efforts. WE ARE LOOKING FOR... FULL AND PART TIME ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVES for commissioned based work in a very rewarding and fun environment. Send your resume to BACKBEAT 130 Commercial Ave. Ajax, Ont. L1 S 21-15 or fax: (905) 683-7363 SIOLLED LABOURER "KIM" ler vwma "". Must be medianically n- cti 0 . physically it salt led and not auad of hard outdoor work Farm experwnce prermed. TrasporrYon a must Please rapt b Fie #7163 Osh iwal This Week. P.O. Box 491. Oatmeal. Omtado. 111.11114 71.5. DIRECTOR, PHARMACY SERVICES Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville requires an innovative, results -oriented individual interested in being a key participant on our health pre team. Reporting to the Vice -President. Patent Services, you will be charged with all aspects of our Pharmacy service. The successful candidate will possess a Baccalaureate of Science Degree in Pharmacy and licensure, or eligibility for licensure in Ontano. In addition, you will have proven leadership and facilitation skills: good knowledge of current management, utilization and TOM principles and practices and strong human relations. team budding, organizational and communication skills. Computer literacy and good knowledge of applicable labour relations statutes, etc. round out your background If you have the qualifications for and are interested in the above position, please submr four application to the Human Resources Department not later than 400 p.m. on MAY 31, 1995. Human Resources Memorial Hospital, Bowrnanville A 47 Liberty Street South Bowman ville, Ontario LIC 2N4 We that* all applicants for their interest out advse that only those sele:*,ed for an !^ P,view will be contacted. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, BOWMANVILLE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Dental office requires Accounts Receivable Person, full time. Must have dental exp., and be computer literate. Please send resume to: Dr. N. Dobney, 19 Queen St. Port Hope L1A 2Y8 Art: Pat PART time hvaensr Mondays. Thursdays and every COW Saturday, Please cal Gad 427-1443 110111 NANNY Part -Worn. 3 child- ren. non-smoker appor rmetNy 4 hn daily . 5days per week. no weektrds Own transportation Pick - airing. (906) 509-1379 165 Daycare Available DAYCARE available in my home. responsible rtd- vidual with yeas of elpen- Once. fun. caring environ - merit nutritious meals & Shhare areaa� 939 -5790 or leave meesage ENERGETIC male look- ing ler Labour position or yard manwriance and clean up Call 905-571- 4932 EXPERIENCED PIZZA MAKER W time, call 839- 4th 1 OUTSIDE VENDORS WANTED, ler Smokiin Market Low rates. Ael tor Laaeo at 905)656- 3333. BEST der n Durham! Top quality hardwood af low prices. Stock up now br next water. DI FIIN10 FIREWOOD (906)427-0-41 FREE firewood akide & palels. ane r aNh Ca. deivwy aveftle. Cam bet ween 610 P.m. and beta message. 430-9013. 3 PO sectasl sole *=@I - lent oanctY, 6450 or bee offer. Cal 06--1797. ADULT al with basket all new SM. hal after 5 p.m. e39-21110. WASHER & drew to 5360 o.b.o. dryer nada minor rept r. Ladwe bob $/0. Call 120.0830 SALES & LEASING REPRESENTATIVE Experienced We offer: .Good renumeration .Group Benefits Dt wham Mazda 1250 Dundas St. E., Whitby, Ontario Or Call: Julie (905) 686-2256 CLEARANCE SALE, solid oak desk $1200, whits fridge $375, apartment size fridgetslove $375, almond Indgetslove (self-cleaning) $1100. two 3or stoves $751, 24- antique stove $50, port- able dishwasher $150, ar- moirt2 night tables $300. antique bedroom sel $400, black bedroom set $1100, solid oak bedroom suite $199. apc country Idlchan set $695, pecan dirtirg mr its $975, task ding sunt $660, Duncan Phyle table $725, teak harvest tattle w/ 6 chairs $695. chiefly dining set $525, modem kitchen set $500. 4pc livingroom suite $725, new couch chair$995, couchichair $300, recliner/vibrating couchchair $1500, pine colrse/erd tables $325. oak collee/end tables $450. 12 wooden chairs $401, Wass floor lamp $60. Wass coat tree $40, cone in, make an offer. 579.0626. COMPUTER i PRINT- ER. 396 with VGA colour monrter. Dos 5.0 and word- perfect 5.1, $595. Epson Dot matrix printer $100. Richard Days. (905)430- 5615. Eve. (905) 831-9933 COMPUTERS IBM 396'S Complete from $595 starter systems - IBM model Sas complete $249.00 Claring- ton Computer 697.3060 DO you want to make money? Asphalt and nbr- lockng brick seating units mous on a double axle trader. ler more •Woo., lion rt233416. DRUM LESSONS Private lessons available, rea- sonable rates. Call 428-2000 RUNNING SHOES WITH AN EXCELLENT TRACK RECORD SEEK LACED -UP TYPE WHO LOVES THE GREAT OUTDOORS. Ej STORE & DONATION DROP OFF: 76 HARWOOD AVENUE SOUTH, AJAX SRLE FOR BRRGRIN HUNTERS $alis ceetain, $1.09/ymr,4. an paidn"W s mw/ � 26 is 20, both from S25. 24 s 36, both fe«• $35. AN m&W be Sale. KINGS COURT 109 KINGSTON RD., UNIT 7, 428-9454 $10. DENTAL CLEANING. Durham College Dental Clow needs pab&nW 18 yrs. plus. 3 yrs. b Psince clear".m wast clear". sokers, we OW collo drinkers. Pleas Can Clinic armrdaslet ler details (any 1 week of school teta. 721.3074 ext 3073. 2 Pc. leather Oda & low shit mint cond.. o8 ,Anile. Mat eel. $15011. Queen mo s box pc,c, mapiin p table & dens, good con - $150. Tun we bed & muslMsas no head bond $150. Hur- ry' won't last . (906)433 1647. A NEARLY NM, Salsl. We, system repoeeeseed ming. endY VC2P der saambMr. Free ietdeMat & w--* Only its. Pr field n toYl cost. (906) Ws,. 3961 ~orpital aH'tahil>l�f► Mail nactanary, Also mtajor appianee repair, nasrname rare. CAN 432-7596. ANTiOUEs- amhoire s94S.; waAhAtArnd $245; drelaw coNAe table. Pr - bur table, hall tee, 110"board. oak $Awing ma- dwwAnnk; Also gasps door opener, tew7111w" dd& i -P. 9W dobe $110.4302$60. Kenmore. ?ridge 17 cu.ft.. Kenmore stove. 30', 10 months old, $900 ob.0. Call W&7759. CARPET /A-1 Prices, buy daact wholesale, Free n- stalabon ler Mee estimale call Sal (905)432-2750. or Pager (416)99NM7 Carpet a 100%. Nylon thick, posh, araan re- switarw copal For 3 rooms, only 6399 00. Prion n- cl doe 30 Sg. Ids ryPIK definer Pad and itOfa9aYon in your honkie. Fwe quota. lion . n your has No in- terest no peyme nt ler one Mil year. Daniel. 1-900- 217-0104. CARPET yas home at lir court MMM. 100% nylon, shirt reuetent Price rndudss Pad and e, It imAtemAMon. Cal fief af (906) 430.9651. CARPETS - leu of carpal 100% nylon, new, stain re - lane earl an hand, I wd Capel 3 town. $949. Price inch+dae carpet, pr - Pad. ex; " installation. fast delvery, Mea @"R"s (30 Yads). NWn 9962314. LEFT liarllsd 909 dubs. 1 Royal Goliath No.1 value $130. 1 Taylor media No. 5 SM. 1 Full ser d fors. Nos to W dge am Hogen Sig- fhsks0 dib. Prig 1250 la 11 dubs. Plow 729.7(101 IOava message. rt.r� '' e'.74.� � n,%�h� v..r:. '. ariiM�!P2 �. -' , �"yp'y..• •.. .'^ ..... «. -tic r J.T3.cai,�r.r�.x..xw.Pu..- s....�...._ka- y> ..... ....w•ai�...r...:�rir.ri�V..�wr+..... .. .. � .-. �........ FOR SALE. Men's Sutiki 12 speed racing bicycle. large frame. $100. (905) 837-2327 HORSE stalls, dsassem. bled. almost new, rolling doors plus Steel bar wind- ows. As" $1500. negoti- able. Cal Ken alter 6 p rr. (905) 995-9060. Holpont stove. 5 years new almond colour. mnt condi- bon. $300 or ben offer. AAffXXM s 0?WM it. Chip & Dais d room stens wide chars. Easft sen Cameo etpueh & r► older aides mity Skim -1 1 Y 0 whilburn gL, Whitby, or phots a (JnUMV old al and Iar- 9b mrxfatknm a now direct b sr publiic. ranpr - ria $1975; solid talk 6�pc,c. $so= o o, dwices, all solid, no vwwm* ior Tradtal Wood. workii 9064a5 -M4. UPRIGHT Good Condition, must 4111411114700 Computer 468, CD, 170 m HD,SVGA, sound �3MwS1075 PIANOSIGRANDFA• THEIR Clocks - Durham's largest selection -New and used pianos. Not sue` Rent to own, apt. size, upright grand, dlglat, key- boards. TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON NOW Telep Piano Works, 4331491. SHEDMAN - quality bam style sheds, built on site. 9X9 $649. GST included. Other sizes and display available. Cal 905.509- 4961. SWIMMING POOL SUPER SALE Liner rips or replacing. Call to BOOK NOW - All pool work - kmsurance claims weloor e. t-NMIP-FlXR (1.000-747.3197) SUPER Sale on super sized rol gerators by Cros- ley. 20.24 cu. It. Ful 5 yr. parts and labour warranty. 10 yr. compressor. Hank's Appliances. (905) 728- 4043. 264043. WEDDING DRESSES - Good selection. S$ hun- dreds under retail. CLOTHES FRIENDS FASHION, 123 Brock St. S. Downtown Whitby. can 669-4100 APPLIANCES wanted, working or not. Fridges. Moves. washers. dryers. ALSO ,ranted, house & ga- rage or barn. reasonable to rent Long lease 905427- 2713 DESIGNER lades cloth- ing ler consignment Sum- mer. casual & business at - two. No appointments nec- essary. Quick Orn over CMdren's designer cloth, - mg also wanted. Earn 13. Can Ire Nbr9n Repeating 579-9912. 3555 Thrckson Rd. N. Whiby USED FRIDGE i STOVE- prefer while kilt WO (1620 cubic R) eeceL lona condition. from foo MhOpe i easy wart oven Call (905)725-9593 or (906)725-9o09. WANTED - old and an tique furniture, anlift old. Scenmac instruments. c aria, salver, adwrONflg, sporting. toys. decoys, doh, mit bottles, colec- til. or eetatee. Can Robert Bowen Antiques (906) 656 ao49. Brooklin. WANTED to bury - older furnrbne, glass, daw col- Iecbbles. memorabilia. --(dyes. at. Single peps or eetetee Call (905) 7'23. 7934 Arts & (♦ 1Crafts I CERAMIC Bisque- ready to decorate VwJorlah, Old World Santa, garden, na- tive Indian and pedestals etc. New pieces $1.00 and UP Opera every SOL. 103 Pm Ceramic Warehouse 1333 Boundary Rd. lint 2 Oshawa. (906) 725.6700. HUGE Card & Comic shm Jule 11th a Abbe Panton, Od awa. Forbbls4. Cal len at 91>s-43&6=. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 18' x 24' octarquier Kayak Pool Includes decks & #Nice $4.595. M"b W cal W- 2OW wrr04 1.9004<88.7S94. PiekmW Nat. Phos 4167967608. POOL OPENIM TIME! Starting at $99. 10 pt serer ios. Serving Durham R► Bion 427.6111 BASSETT PUPS, (tush ta4Pb ) 6 weeks 011, lady b go, (706) 324-9996 BOARD,daily birrmiL , 11 $door awyA, rad. Infantility abeseplere. $25Wmtty. Calif Tory. t9W) 420.1027. BOUVIER Des Flanders CKC MPOW d. 5900. As sorted cdotas. Cam anytime, 99005.7 aw 626 nit Mon. - SM Idefto 9� tenni year old Bichon ale, would make mpanion f« senior emaker. Call 427- r 7.30 p.m.UBHOUSE - •AN Needs Under One w offering: Doggie , flexible hours: g. Do -it Yousell «Longhair and dea specialty: Junior ppy Obedience sses for Puppies 9 ks and up: Call for re information at 51683-7852 or Si837-2364 EP your dog waste out f the garbage. Use a OGGIE DOOLEY WASTE I_POSAL SYSTEM. Life - ,c, quarantee ball, avai- ,., 3 sizes. gam - 9pm. dn,s (905)723.6413. ,'ENS- to good serious ingtiones "all 68&3642. ,,ASA APSO pups, ,,., house pet. non -,,,mg, non allergenic. 7,11 guarantee. (705) 3'24 S,,AWA Obedier ce As. on presents Hyball egikty classes be im- MMon. June 5. Basic pre-trial classes begin ,os June 6. Advanced siratan only. Call Bev ,,)5- 4350868. PURE bred German ---ward pups 1« safe. March 22. 1995. Blade i :,on. 4 males. 3 females "N to go. Cal (905) 619 - PUREBRED Male black . adar Retriever. AKC i CKC registered. Avai- ler stud $civics 905- u; 0716 Ask for Al. S'UD DOG available _..n,ty East German Dnerd. Papers for „arts hips. for 4 gonera- s. cleared chows. fog, ad with Cstrong Deaub with lyKC. WnWped. .5 , 426-9140 '9a:.-:986 cars. lease leo E+e(Yore quakhm. 11RI6•o WC87 MA7 No ,vest no credit dark. 45 down. 570034 On - LTD 1976 Notion Rd -:-7428 387 Chev Cavalier -. excellent corndnbon, 4 rider. a1c. Pis. pD. pw, p `18'000 notes $1095 Cor- -d 686.6183 •985 Ford LTD wagon. 4 vs sub.. Ps. Pb. amlm '*0 sw*Wrd dean rur- g wagon Was 52495 . $1095. Cert.. Cal 427- -':-2 anytme Rtes. Open 7 ::,s weekrnndOOrW. Big .vn Saks '985 LeBaron GTS Turbo, a r 5-spd . loaded. expt- clean running Car. Hur- on Bisons. Was $2495 w St995 certified. Cal 42--9722 anytime Russ. :Den 7 days week indoors. B.c Town Sales 'X85 Mazda 626 Little to . rtity 200.000 lens. Good 11c, standard. Asking 5a0C fern 433.7912. 485 Pontiac Acadian. q,od Condition, runs well. as.o00 km. certified last year 5950. 906.6862946. 1986 Pontiac 6000 Le Wagon. V6. air. buckets. console, fully loaded. elt- ^e11en1 running Car. bill sed 52895. 666-8,83. 1988 Camaro. mint candi- !,on 50.000 it,,, automid. cylinder, ttsl.njerlad, ne. res. red vel mteno; nor-$mP driven. asking 57900 o, Will -My. 436.1515. 1988 Cavaker- gpp_ tktion. Must sWK. 1 do -or' clean interior. 4 Cylinder. Asking $2600. (905)484- yundai Excell Start, dard, $1H 7% cw*Ad 184 Olds Firenze, $1195 Cert. cart, t1982 9Pon 13000. $1495 cert. 1980 d .$995 • Citation. SM apt, 55995 aPson .. IM Grain Hieb* ri $1295 as is. 1981 pay Van 975995 as is. Ken 404. 1988 PONTIAC-Tertlpeat ex sub, air. $Mao eat., excellent Condition. 434- 1455, 1990 SU- nbird Le, 4 -door auto, 67,000 km, badWd rust poled, WNW Wgrey interior, excellent Condition. 55995 CMfad o.b.o 433- 1787. 30T 0- _ . Trailers 1f81- Cavelier 4 door. all 1981 35 it Dutchman. tomatic, air, anvirm radio, one owner, non smokers, 73,000 km, dean , owll loaded, air. large size car. $6995. Call 666-4416 fridge. 2 bedrooms. 3 bunks or ow. GM8-4796, and one queen size, 3o ft. 1993 Chew Corsica, aw'r"g' ill bath, deck in - 44.000 km. 3.1 V6 aubnrat- cl ded. Excelent condition. ic, red with red interior. $18 900 . 686-8208 Sandy $9250 or best reasonable' Johanytime. offer. Cal Peter 723-1155 1992 29 it. Layton Douse of 434-7564. tram. an Gond., 22 It awn - 1993 GRAND AM SE, 6 rig' etc.etc. loaded. Asking eYl„ loaded. very good eon 514.000 o.b.o.. Call 66& dibon, 46,000 km, $11,500 6099 after 6pn certified. Telephone 728- TRAILSTAR hardtop Vag - 0762 or. sleeps 6 and has fridge, 1993- special edition, log stove, double sink. Torsion acy subaru, fully loaded, bars and mirrors included. low kms, $16500 o.b.o. Asking $1500. Call 432- Call 686-5657. 8405 65 CHEV. CITATION 4 Dr., 4 cylinder, auto, like / ' new, only, 68,300 kms. • - ' $2150. Certified. 623.1463 owwwwwo 91 Ford Taurus LX. Four Dr. Sedan. 119k km. load. ed $8500. Phone 905.697- 2120, DON'T Miss this one! Champaign coloured. 1992 Plymouth sundance, one owner. mint condition. 35.0001m, only $7,700. CAN 430.9247, LIQUIDATION REPOSSED AUTOS 905-420-0785 SPRING IS HERE and yrs Who to ht this road in a quality used vehutle from Corti -car. Cana in and we our selection nctud- ing: t 992 Pontiac Lemons, 4 dr., auto, special at $5.999., 1991 Pontwic Fre- Hy, 4 dr.. auo. 43K. $6.595.. 1990 Suzuki Swdt GLS. 4 dr. auto. special $4,899 , 1990 Chew Cavafer 2 dr., auto. red, $5195.. 1990 Chev Lonna. Euro, 4 dr.. auto. $7,150., 1990 Chair Capra Classic, loaded, 58,995., 1990 Fad Aoro- star XL. $6.450. 1990 Ford Probe LX. Gcyl.. or, red. $8.195. 19x0 Beretta GTZ, whoa. loaded, $7.495.. 1969 Maier 4 It 4, 4.3, 6 Cyt. red., loaded. 67,795. 1969 Cho Astro Lt., loaded, low K's. $10.995.. 1968 Cho Ce- lebrity, 6 Cyl., auto, air. $4,995. 1968 S-10 Pickup, $4.995., 1988 Nissan Pul sar SE. auto, ao, T.tope. $7.495 Many others to Choose from. Vile buy. sol. consign, and rent to own Opal 7 days a week. Come and see us at Cerill 155 King St. W. At Midtown Mal, 579.2886 JOHNis AUTO Tune-ups & minor repairs Labour $30.00 hr. Mobile service available 427-7"3 PARTS 1986 Pontiac 6000 STE 2.8 fuel infected mulb port engne. 90 km $750 o.b.o. 432-3363 . i . • 14 n fibre glass fahrg beast. 40 h«asfl, Joh- am with fish Gds a til Excellent coo win $1900 o.b.o. Cal ant 6:30 576- 04n PROP a SKEG REPAIRS - Fibreglasa supplies. West System Epoxy. boat Pant. Oshawa Glass Fibre, Pro- ducts Lb.. 341 Durham Crt. Oshawa. 905-579-1433 EARN RN 5399, bachelor apartment. nclodas Indigo. ,love. haat. hydro A Paring. No pets Available July 1 Cal 986- 1163. 1 - 2 bedroom, located at 309 Cordova Rd. also available 1 a 2 be -.. at ISCRAP CARS � s, Please 946 wet s7�9- W a u -r or r� r r� rs 2397 « 576.6724. r�� 1987• Ponbac Sunbrd. �+�t- Mot condibm low rrukeW. Rtlscue TyjAj� amllm steno. cieAked. Ask - %M1 pay cash int $2695 or best offer. 683.7301 «4261979 attar Pict -up anytime 6P. on. 500 S.428-7,iet OS 'nuns + u thus. lot a fast Cal 6636880 for apposti WANTED ^tint DEAD OR ALIVE S PICKERING 2 bed- • E, hbwbng for, room basernent apart- _ _ morLdom b all amnestic, facitass. non-arnoker, no SW pluok Amiable Jim i Cal 839-9627. I(416) M -3W ' 2 bedroom in visage of Coborte. (1/2 hr. Cows E. of Oshawa). Clean. bright ' wesmng distance b stores, sch od bus at door. tricip. allows. parkmIll. laundry, m- curity buildirg, play area. 1977 GMC In len pickup. SW plus ultiities. Second 132,000 miles. 305-Ve Ronth In e or new liiving- standaid, 3 speed $700 fOo^ -qlg 10 qualified be - form. 576-6174 �L 905-344-7317 be- kore7 p.m. alit AJAX - now one bedroom basement apartment w/ walkout S.S.. full basVkitch- en, shared laundry, park- ing. All inclusive. $625/ monthly FirsiVlast 683- 9639, WhmtrneylHwy 2. two bedroom basement apart. ment, kitchen, private en. trance, use d laundry lacdi- ties, storage, close to Go and 401. 5740 in905) Call Jim (905) 619- 2009 AJAX -Large ora bedroom baserrherx, parldrg, laundry, budge, s trance, bve, aeperate err 5600, Paul 420 2971 AJAX Harwood Bayy,2 bdrm. bsmt. apt $750 month.. plus 40% Utilities. Idose to all amerh/ies, very Weil Jute 1, no pets, cal 420-1281 LJAX- 1 h.lrnnm menu apartment, separate entrance, parking, cable, laundry. no pets, responsi- ble. May 15/95 $600 in- clusive 427-1752 after 60- AJAX- One bedroom basement apartment hr, eluding utilities, parking• separa19 entrance. Avail- able innadsafely Rent $540.00/ month. roar high- way and bus routs AVAILABLE. Immed 2 tedroorn Inidu406 Pair", Open House Thurs May 18. 68prm. 107 Weingbn St Apt 3. Whdby. 68&7870 AVAILABLE from May 191 in WNby Apartment Budbrg. Spacious. carpeted newly painted aparsrant wdh Bal- cony cb0o"a to PO OM AN ltd Incluided NPets. 2 Bedroom. $725 00 Cal 430.01134 BEAUTIFUL one bed- room basement apertrrrent NW Oshawa Close to bus/ shopping All usfties. 4 ap Pkances. air/cable, private dmre/entranot. S660/m" 72S-6789. 406 Bloor St. E. 1 8 2 bdrm gwbrherds ur;1 am. Pill". ablltes included Fist i bast $575 a $675 mPnthy. Avail June 1 8 July 1 723-5875 Brand now t bedroom basement apt Separate onranu.Aoigemard a hwy 2 Avaaable Jus 1st t>< a last Non smoker. Cal 509-5848 CLAREMONT- newly renovated ore bed above ground apL. 2 app 3 Pc bathroom, W. entrance. sop driveway. S500/mo plus us' . F"If laW. 905.649- 306. DIXIE & GLB4ANNA 2 bedroom. bsttM. Mcho a bathroan. Sep eft pkg cable, us", laundry 5750 /mo. 1st I het, ref. no pets/ satolorlg. suit wor" adults FN4CH and Fairport large one bedroom basement apartment dean, bright. sopraM entrain. laundry. cabls. $600 per rnc. (416) 25"184 GR93" ST N O"WA 2 bdrm $670. Apprs, imundl fenced yail near schools, stropping, Churches. Parldng for 3. 688.6146 LARGE bight Journal bachelor apartment close to 401 and Oshawa Contra. Kitchenette, utilities indu d - ed. Non-smoker. $5001 monthly. 579-1130 after 7P.m. N.W.OSHAWA- large bright I bedroom basement apartment. completely ren- ovated. preferred non smoker. no pels. $750 all Incisive. 573-4563. NEWLY RENOVATED. clean, t bedroom bsmt. Apt. W.Oshawa, separate enhance. parking. kitch- en.bath, laundry, 1 non- smoker, no -pats. $550 in- cludes utilities 571.4362 ONE bedroom unfurnished apt available June 1. 5460' month. Near O.0 Can 576 4973. OSHAWA - 2 bedroom apartment available at 808 and 900 Glen St Close to schools, shopping and G M. utaties included w last required. Call 728- 4"3. 26-4993. OSHAWA - large clean quiet bachelor apartment $450.00 al rlciusive avail- able June i/9S Cal 9M_ 623-4702 or 697-1963. OSHAWA South end hwtiWe. 1 bdrm - S%9: 2 bdrm .$619 3 bdrm - $725 Clearoarge sores In- dudes 6-dudes heel. cable. hot wa- far. pill now Twilafd pays hydro. 413tib700 CLEAN lamely buildmq. Oshawa north, ore . two bedroom $570 and $670 Her. hydro. ledge. s,ove Landry facilities 723. 2094, OSHAWA, 401. avaiabie June or July 1 bedroom $675. 2 bedroom at $675. includes parking- heating, want. hydrd Bkaltirrg Only 9 years deli Call (9061723- 9875 or (416)225-7456. OSHAWA, One bedroom basement. Partiality fur. hired, prkrg. laundry. airpenle entrance. dos to GM, avadabie immediately $540 mckirve. FirstHast 571-3097 PICKERING - B4yly;Go. executive 2 bedroom apart- nwLL 2 macre polaosiorh ab non smoker. no pets. available Jus Iii. $875 Pius u blibes. 420-1277 PICKERMG VILLAGE. cozy attic apartment, in quiet "A 4 plex.sutabte for angle mature quiet "c"lung person $550 inti immediately Relerencee. 509-2375 PICKERING, I bedroom basement apwfmont sop ante entrance. parking. no pet, non smoker. available July t. Working Denson preferred. $39--2782 PICKERING/ GO STATION rge 2 bdrrn brM. ap iparats entrance, i no", no pet. Aa a-yrnt. Some babys g avail. 5775 nd. W drily a bleed yard Cal 905-420-2472 funised basenhent apart- ment pmob enaanoe. Suit abstanr.. SM mo uM- assinoklded 839.1779. TWO bWdroan baso ennt apt, separate entrance. HWY ZA%%W rwy Clean 1 CAblele. $8PplusJuftun and Availableune 1/ bedroom upper. bright. mss' wmrtieflly . No pets, non- WESTNEY/HWY2 bright, 2 bedroom basement ca- ble, Utilities. 4 PC. bath, -We* entrance, laundry, working persons, available June W. $780. No pets . no smoking, 428-1428. WHITBY - large 2 bed. room in clean 6 unit build- ing excellent location, well maintained. $696 monthly inclusive CaN Tony 579- 8707 or Nino 668-7303 Avadable June 1 WHITBY - two bedroom apartment, walk to Go. Brock/Watson, southof 401. Ftrsi/last. $700/mthly Call cowed. 416-466.1291 or 905-509.1520. THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., MAY 17,1995 -PAGE 41-A PRINGLE CREEK CO-OP is accepting applications for their waiting list for 2, 3 and 4 bedroom units. Large playground & spacious units. Near all amenities. Please call 666-2008 or visit 95 Crawforth St., Unit 85, Whitby, for further information. Office hours, Mon -Thur$. 9-5 p.m. No Subsidy Available WHY rent when you can W . own your own tome f« we • less than you Bonk')" Cal Dave Had. (9 ) 66les R� RENT TO OWN Re(Max Summit Realty (1991) Ltd. (9195) 66&3800 «(905) 66&3211. r A 6 I• I 3 Bedroom hone available imme6ately for rent or rent to own in Prcksi n i Fox Hollow area. 2 1/2 bath- rooms. athrooms. fireplace, double garage. CV. 5 appliances 6 window coverings. Approx 161X) sq It $13501mo.. uti. 905.4262061. AJAX - 4 bedroom . man floor laundry. June 1st. (905)294-4010. (906) 619- 3511 Leave message AJAX - Besubkul, Aorh. 3 bedroom. rearGda/op- pingischool, 4 appliances. fireplace. deck. park. July lot. $1.000 Oka V2 uf1Ms 686-3586 AJAX - Owes bedroom house. 1 12 bans. garage. stOSdmonliy Lmldm AvaAabN invrrnediatil 416-724.5064 BEST deal in WHITBY 16 years old, 1500 scl ft and basement 6welned. garage. 18 x 18 deck, shad. large lot 7600 sq. Ill rood slow. air conbb«wlg. 4 op' ploram, quaet court $1050 plus u Wfts Available lily I . Cal 666-2375 BLACKSTOCK area" 4 bedroom. 2 1:'2 baths. now I.M. 5 new appkairel". pond. trout steam. $1400 plus u 1shill No pet. no smokers Relerenceo. AvadabM July 1 905669- 0071. Finch a Whites Rd 3 bdrm . Parking. Detached home. 2 upper krveb Avail ,Aly 1st. 6975 . utilities Call Jeo Woo Lal at 416265 857IYrry 416283.7393 W 2 A 3 bedroom apt n house $800. 51100 wnck,d- rng utilities. 1 acre lot backing onto Rouge Val- 1" alley (905) SO" 13 UVERPOOL/40,_Mw Moo. 3 bedrooms. paring. 4 applances $950. Baa► rent 2 bedrooms. seper- ate entrance. parking. 4 appkances. June I.I. $725 (416)284-4219 STOP RENTING! _ :\_ - KO 1DSWK PATE EMV Goad a*W Good job) You Can buy for fe price of refit whit prices and raft are down. Mining or liblemat, counno d` pboo 64 6604"9 r rn rrr�ri rive nh,,M n fluviiumJur h Cma-.t urmmiin+p $2000 110%,ES YOU I1 Livr Herr Inn J month, .. hd. ­ir hind I-ro pa.mrnt (905) 434-2014 OSHAWA- 3 bedr90m ,owriouue 6875 manlMy inclusive convenient loca- tion. Available July 1. (9051427-3763 DOM AAA above average gwt wee furnished room. NAL soN401 On bus lone 660 week nckdoo TV. talars. hslew, prkmg 72S8ti6 AJAX - rooms ler rent, cow to all - on- tie Ga6- Sam All fumeahad / unfur- nished bdrm, in 3 bdo townhouse. share as fee Laos" and Cable included is 6 last read S325/mo avad. vn- Km or Steve 90569& 1233 leave mos_ saw BROCK/FINCH - bright large furnished room. yard parking. cable 6350/ monthly Frst/last fie& 0006 or 8360594 AJAX- urge hong to shah. Wee nolov Hwy 2 area Close to GO and Transit. Fumused or u - lurniahed room. Quiet neigfhborhood. knmeduare occupancy awlable. Ail i - cksrve $400N month. (905) 683 8092 AJAX- Room ler rent In Cordo. shared taakbw. koolorg for a ghael . mature non-smoker. Available June ,st $4M mordh. 427- 0066. BRAND NEW. on to W" market in Prduemg. ExwpbonMy, safe, rawly ronowsh d.dom No GO A NTC. Plesee Ca/ 6836719 PICKERM - make your bot move and saws mon- sly by sharing a Ctwistran home. Dont miss lhht bene- l4a of 909 space, presale yard. Pilis foundry wak b take (nth Go) Mary PICKERIN6.2 untur- nised romm pnvao baton• quiet emew idly. private, 2 -BEDROOM bawMsnt ' gMWWl, Satin Oshasma, -t-. July let $650. tib Perms $600 mwn8- home for kmflan $60p, y atickow. Avail" Jure 19S Plymouth Voyager 1.571-0110. SE mini van. Aub, 2.6 ib AJAX Marwood / 401. ergine. cmliat, pe, pb, arW Avant* WM*C tai*, 2 kn stereo, good clean run- beftroom a 1 bedroom sing van. Was $34% row basonq aprynerl. $660 $2995. cert Hung an this a $650 ncksrve. Utilities ora. Cas 427-9722 anytime neklded call 416286 Rum. Open 7 dayWwoo k 6732 indoors. Bp Town Sales 54Wper morh8h 72629703160 AJAX . lergelmnodtrn IMtett malt a ktmhale. O.C. 1.000 sq.11L apartment ta- THIO "OF"aprtinerht Couzzi, bepluo, oak full t i an, laundry. pa". s.s.. 4 $76Wmtly. Awl. June 1. y. 571.8276. 683-6160, leave RWUD a. AJAX - now one bedroom basement apartment w/ walkout S.S.. full basVkitch- en, shared laundry, park- ing. All inclusive. $625/ monthly FirsiVlast 683- 9639, WhmtrneylHwy 2. two bedroom basement apart. ment, kitchen, private en. trance, use d laundry lacdi- ties, storage, close to Go and 401. 5740 in905) Call Jim (905) 619- 2009 AJAX -Large ora bedroom baserrherx, parldrg, laundry, budge, s trance, bve, aeperate err 5600, Paul 420 2971 AJAX Harwood Bayy,2 bdrm. bsmt. apt $750 month.. plus 40% Utilities. Idose to all amerh/ies, very Weil Jute 1, no pets, cal 420-1281 LJAX- 1 h.lrnnm menu apartment, separate entrance, parking, cable, laundry. no pets, responsi- ble. May 15/95 $600 in- clusive 427-1752 after 60- AJAX- One bedroom basement apartment hr, eluding utilities, parking• separa19 entrance. Avail- able innadsafely Rent $540.00/ month. roar high- way and bus routs AVAILABLE. Immed 2 tedroorn Inidu406 Pair", Open House Thurs May 18. 68prm. 107 Weingbn St Apt 3. Whdby. 68&7870 AVAILABLE from May 191 in WNby Apartment Budbrg. Spacious. carpeted newly painted aparsrant wdh Bal- cony cb0o"a to PO OM AN ltd Incluided NPets. 2 Bedroom. $725 00 Cal 430.01134 BEAUTIFUL one bed- room basement apertrrrent NW Oshawa Close to bus/ shopping All usfties. 4 ap Pkances. air/cable, private dmre/entranot. S660/m" 72S-6789. 406 Bloor St. E. 1 8 2 bdrm gwbrherds ur;1 am. Pill". ablltes included Fist i bast $575 a $675 mPnthy. Avail June 1 8 July 1 723-5875 Brand now t bedroom basement apt Separate onranu.Aoigemard a hwy 2 Avaaable Jus 1st t>< a last Non smoker. Cal 509-5848 CLAREMONT- newly renovated ore bed above ground apL. 2 app 3 Pc bathroom, W. entrance. sop driveway. S500/mo plus us' . F"If laW. 905.649- 306. DIXIE & GLB4ANNA 2 bedroom. bsttM. Mcho a bathroan. Sep eft pkg cable, us", laundry 5750 /mo. 1st I het, ref. no pets/ satolorlg. suit wor" adults FN4CH and Fairport large one bedroom basement apartment dean, bright. sopraM entrain. laundry. cabls. $600 per rnc. (416) 25"184 GR93" ST N O"WA 2 bdrm $670. Apprs, imundl fenced yail near schools, stropping, Churches. Parldng for 3. 688.6146 LARGE bight Journal bachelor apartment close to 401 and Oshawa Contra. Kitchenette, utilities indu d - ed. Non-smoker. $5001 monthly. 579-1130 after 7P.m. N.W.OSHAWA- large bright I bedroom basement apartment. completely ren- ovated. preferred non smoker. no pels. $750 all Incisive. 573-4563. NEWLY RENOVATED. clean, t bedroom bsmt. Apt. W.Oshawa, separate enhance. parking. kitch- en.bath, laundry, 1 non- smoker, no -pats. $550 in- cludes utilities 571.4362 ONE bedroom unfurnished apt available June 1. 5460' month. Near O.0 Can 576 4973. OSHAWA - 2 bedroom apartment available at 808 and 900 Glen St Close to schools, shopping and G M. utaties included w last required. Call 728- 4"3. 26-4993. OSHAWA - large clean quiet bachelor apartment $450.00 al rlciusive avail- able June i/9S Cal 9M_ 623-4702 or 697-1963. OSHAWA South end hwtiWe. 1 bdrm - S%9: 2 bdrm .$619 3 bdrm - $725 Clearoarge sores In- dudes 6-dudes heel. cable. hot wa- far. pill now Twilafd pays hydro. 413tib700 CLEAN lamely buildmq. Oshawa north, ore . two bedroom $570 and $670 Her. hydro. ledge. s,ove Landry facilities 723. 2094, OSHAWA, 401. avaiabie June or July 1 bedroom $675. 2 bedroom at $675. includes parking- heating, want. hydrd Bkaltirrg Only 9 years deli Call (9061723- 9875 or (416)225-7456. OSHAWA, One bedroom basement. Partiality fur. hired, prkrg. laundry. airpenle entrance. dos to GM, avadabie immediately $540 mckirve. FirstHast 571-3097 PICKERING - B4yly;Go. executive 2 bedroom apart- nwLL 2 macre polaosiorh ab non smoker. no pets. available Jus Iii. $875 Pius u blibes. 420-1277 PICKERMG VILLAGE. cozy attic apartment, in quiet "A 4 plex.sutabte for angle mature quiet "c"lung person $550 inti immediately Relerencee. 509-2375 PICKERING, I bedroom basement apwfmont sop ante entrance. parking. no pet, non smoker. available July t. Working Denson preferred. $39--2782 PICKERING/ GO STATION rge 2 bdrrn brM. ap iparats entrance, i no", no pet. Aa a-yrnt. Some babys g avail. 5775 nd. W drily a bleed yard Cal 905-420-2472 funised basenhent apart- ment pmob enaanoe. Suit abstanr.. SM mo uM- assinoklded 839.1779. TWO bWdroan baso ennt apt, separate entrance. HWY ZA%%W rwy Clean 1 CAblele. $8PplusJuftun and Availableune 1/ bedroom upper. bright. mss' wmrtieflly . No pets, non- WESTNEY/HWY2 bright, 2 bedroom basement ca- ble, Utilities. 4 PC. bath, -We* entrance, laundry, working persons, available June W. $780. No pets . no smoking, 428-1428. WHITBY - large 2 bed. room in clean 6 unit build- ing excellent location, well maintained. $696 monthly inclusive CaN Tony 579- 8707 or Nino 668-7303 Avadable June 1 WHITBY - two bedroom apartment, walk to Go. Brock/Watson, southof 401. Ftrsi/last. $700/mthly Call cowed. 416-466.1291 or 905-509.1520. THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., MAY 17,1995 -PAGE 41-A PRINGLE CREEK CO-OP is accepting applications for their waiting list for 2, 3 and 4 bedroom units. Large playground & spacious units. Near all amenities. Please call 666-2008 or visit 95 Crawforth St., Unit 85, Whitby, for further information. Office hours, Mon -Thur$. 9-5 p.m. No Subsidy Available WHY rent when you can W . own your own tome f« we • less than you Bonk')" Cal Dave Had. (9 ) 66les R� RENT TO OWN Re(Max Summit Realty (1991) Ltd. (9195) 66&3800 «(905) 66&3211. r A 6 I• I 3 Bedroom hone available imme6ately for rent or rent to own in Prcksi n i Fox Hollow area. 2 1/2 bath- rooms. athrooms. fireplace, double garage. CV. 5 appliances 6 window coverings. Approx 161X) sq It $13501mo.. uti. 905.4262061. AJAX - 4 bedroom . man floor laundry. June 1st. (905)294-4010. (906) 619- 3511 Leave message AJAX - Besubkul, Aorh. 3 bedroom. rearGda/op- pingischool, 4 appliances. fireplace. deck. park. July lot. $1.000 Oka V2 uf1Ms 686-3586 AJAX - Owes bedroom house. 1 12 bans. garage. stOSdmonliy Lmldm AvaAabN invrrnediatil 416-724.5064 BEST deal in WHITBY 16 years old, 1500 scl ft and basement 6welned. garage. 18 x 18 deck, shad. large lot 7600 sq. Ill rood slow. air conbb«wlg. 4 op' ploram, quaet court $1050 plus u Wfts Available lily I . Cal 666-2375 BLACKSTOCK area" 4 bedroom. 2 1:'2 baths. now I.M. 5 new appkairel". pond. trout steam. $1400 plus u 1shill No pet. no smokers Relerenceo. AvadabM July 1 905669- 0071. Finch a Whites Rd 3 bdrm . Parking. Detached home. 2 upper krveb Avail ,Aly 1st. 6975 . utilities Call Jeo Woo Lal at 416265 857IYrry 416283.7393 W 2 A 3 bedroom apt n house $800. 51100 wnck,d- rng utilities. 1 acre lot backing onto Rouge Val- 1" alley (905) SO" 13 UVERPOOL/40,_Mw Moo. 3 bedrooms. paring. 4 applances $950. Baa► rent 2 bedrooms. seper- ate entrance. parking. 4 appkances. June I.I. $725 (416)284-4219 STOP RENTING! _ :\_ - KO 1DSWK PATE EMV Goad a*W Good job) You Can buy for fe price of refit whit prices and raft are down. Mining or liblemat, counno d` pboo 64 6604"9 r rn rrr�ri rive nh,,M n fluviiumJur h Cma-.t urmmiin+p $2000 110%,ES YOU I1 Livr Herr Inn J month, .. hd. ­ir hind I-ro pa.mrnt (905) 434-2014 OSHAWA- 3 bedr90m ,owriouue 6875 manlMy inclusive convenient loca- tion. Available July 1. (9051427-3763 DOM AAA above average gwt wee furnished room. NAL soN401 On bus lone 660 week nckdoo TV. talars. hslew, prkmg 72S8ti6 AJAX - rooms ler rent, cow to all - on- tie Ga6- Sam All fumeahad / unfur- nished bdrm, in 3 bdo townhouse. share as fee Laos" and Cable included is 6 last read S325/mo avad. vn- Km or Steve 90569& 1233 leave mos_ saw BROCK/FINCH - bright large furnished room. yard parking. cable 6350/ monthly Frst/last fie& 0006 or 8360594 AJAX- urge hong to shah. Wee nolov Hwy 2 area Close to GO and Transit. Fumused or u - lurniahed room. Quiet neigfhborhood. knmeduare occupancy awlable. Ail i - cksrve $400N month. (905) 683 8092 AJAX- Room ler rent In Cordo. shared taakbw. koolorg for a ghael . mature non-smoker. Available June ,st $4M mordh. 427- 0066. BRAND NEW. on to W" market in Prduemg. ExwpbonMy, safe, rawly ronowsh d.dom No GO A NTC. Plesee Ca/ 6836719 PICKERM - make your bot move and saws mon- sly by sharing a Ctwistran home. Dont miss lhht bene- l4a of 909 space, presale yard. Pilis foundry wak b take (nth Go) Mary PICKERIN6.2 untur- nised romm pnvao baton• quiet emew idly. private, smoker. Pickering. 619- RENTER1i- ci o n Y1>w dmrin ale, Who kitJwn / W -&V. -t-. July let $650. 1509 «4162860649. home for kmflan $60p, oak b GO, $115 wk. bel / non enhPMWr. 427-1538 TWO BLOCKS from Go �' ' Ca/ Jots Arnie SaleW Rep•, RWnfhar SunnhN last Wle1 WIIp2111 non, mom• 057-0666 person n dean. quiet KWG 1 RITSON, area, 2 btdroom basement Apt., basement, are bedroom, kwnwhod, $110 week May RaaMy 906 e663800. THREE BEDROOM laundry, PrkM uiktas 15. 2 bedroom upper. WHITBY- specious 3 bed- heti to Idhre with am included, available now. $660. ma. (July leL) 686• room, 0at-11 kdoeln. main W-. ria-rnbker P1111- er$480 54Wper morh8h 72629703160 boa Iawi ndry ear IMtett malt a ktmhale. O.C. LARGE 1 bpe�id�room apart- THIO "OF"aprtinerht kdouble warn i. ossCall Pati 8975 430• $400. available invinednle- sent, very do** to Osnawe Creek Pik selling. 3213 y. 571.8276. b m al smersbes. n. from Large 2, 1 1 a I, n. SM GO. Al usrbs rneklded. $6130 a mon8h is No kat re- Includes gra Feng gllred 8683852, available June 1 a4 404- 1614. LARGE basement apart - mom, 1 bedroom in N/W WESTHEYMM - Large Oshawa, lookng lex quiet two' "I gwkvent w/ person n dean. quiet kvirgroom and dinwg Minna. S".* ;i6 roan SkkV glass door to 1 ear parking, shred leua- dry, fridge, slow included. private badryardtdaiblW $550 Jaren~ requeod. drivewa V. $70WMI*. 428- Await" J 1. Cal 725- uly 2925. / 1 ROSSLANDKiARDEN 2 btd►ooa 2 bafnrosm. laundry. 5 apptrram, air1 uncla`iwAo a avaanredlY NW Mat SM per Mo. Marta 3623. inekdad. 430-7313 J 10911 e 4 Months rise Rent - Downtown Oshawa. 400- 3500 sq R avaiable Park - ng and great exposure Best renal rates Can 434. 2447 or 865.4132 DOWNTOVM Whitby. Cuindas St ApproxwruWy 400 sq ft. Place and up to 2500 sq R bay specs C-3 rorwrg. Call 0845-3361 011IC1[ 89AC C AVAILABLZ 50C sq ft. Exceilent location. Brock Rd. 8 Bayy. Heat 8 hydro included. $45aa/ mon. Call 686-2075 401 RITSON - 1,500 or 3.000 sq It, Drive n door. offices. high tralic, lots of Parking. 5550 ret. 434- 55%. 13667777 BARRY'S BAY- H K Cot- tages, boats. beech. ksrg, unpolluted water. store, rake-okl, play9rouW on prernses. May/Jus Cis Count 1-613.7562746. GREAT hohmV and farrsy holiday on Rice Lake. t hot- from Oshawa. Modern 2 a 3 bedroom C DO99W sandy beach. Playground chldren's program. boat 8 motor. Lown tarfMy prices Maylong weekend awsil- able. SuFFntleayeemeerreghpWe, Cp�agWW R.R. (7M06►e96Z6a, K[>L MAY " weekend gets - the Kawar$m (Pe- Clow, Pe- n) IoM ho ht hohwtk�epirg oo9apea. AN con enehees. $195/aet- kand vgt- vapargnclee available. 1-706.877-,2159 TRENT RIVER Lab Sey- rrhar, Woodk d Estate. tomillY housakeeporg O01 1aGm. 3 pe. bath. is k pool. beach. $bre Pl grand. 90 min. rVe Picker- ing. 1.600,767.2044. CLEARWATER - hly kr-air oonhdiliored "to- bile oobile honra. clubhouse. healed Pools, hot it" iso nie, dam b basch s and mrtayor attractions. F, ", shown n you home. Children wukare, less than I . Cal (906)603- 5603. GORGEOUS - 3 bedroom 3 bathrooms townhouse condo, close to famous Clearwater beach. pod. la- cuzzl. BBO, private yard, availab a Now - Dec. f« info and to view phots 68&9846 or 579-3788 N. OSHAVVA, $129.900 Recently totally renovated, 2 stay, ravine lot, hard- wood floors finished base- ment. 2.4pc baths, garage, dining room , greenhouse kitchen. Owner has been transferred. must salt. Peter Neal. Sales Rep. Guide Realty. 723.5281 AJAX WESTNEY Heights. 3 bedroom brick detached. finished rec room, air. deck. fireplace. vacant. 5147.000. Pnvate No agents please (905) 372-7464 AWESOME DEAL!! Three bedfOOM tastefully renovated in good family ^eKpbourhood in North ::entral Oshawa Close to Schools. shopping and -isprtal Contains com- oietely "Wale apartment. .ontinuotsly rented for :ash 0 years and presently :cupwd by responsible "merit desiring to stay. Mortgage carries for lees Tan $200 per moo If with 5'4 down at curre" ntsrest saes Sacrifice at 6.17.500. This rare op0or- 'urwty must be seen 579- 5415 BEUEVE IT 1500 Dow. Why two' Nhen you can own a brand new 3 or 4 bedroom single detached hone on iMw lot Cal FROM $69,900 Brill -ew 1.2.3 bed. suites. condos. Up to 1442 sq ft. Bungalow style Call 623-6549 NO QUALIFYING- ^. Jownpavmenc 3P1geoya 3 tearoom 4nd and Gor- aeoks Whitby compos. all dick. 2 -car garage. central air. 2 1 2 baths and more :4/ Frank "1410h0m. 432 - Durham CLakty R E OSHAWA- N E 3 torn+ b,* quiet street Ise room 5 app now carpet b paint Fenced yard with shed As- sumabbe MRTG a 1,4% 432.1848 Only $119.900 PICKERING - newly Coleco - rated detached bungalow with bent apt Irentak an- cone f7001mc 1 3 bdrrth new windows. fireplace. Caen Have May 201h a 21st 1 per-4pn 905-420- 48S3 05-4264853 TOTALLY RENOVATED 2 bedroom house. 1 1/2 bata, new wtnng. Pkrnt, ing. 3 skylights. convrwent ,o $,ores and schools. $92.900. Oshawa area. 404--2683. 7230471 WIfTBY CHARMER OPEN WOUSE, Sal 138h 121• or by aPDoirhrnMnt 3 bedroom. family room, kr bushed basWr'of., CIA, FAG, biack ash hardwood Aootng large pie lot. on Cil -De -Sat. arch . leckmaly deared -bWout. Outstanding Showpiece. $159.900 24 Gerrit Court. 906.430.0156 WMITer Mot be, Sewn! AbsokllMy "snuff g• 3 bed- room. 2 sbrsy gleaerwih9 hardwood and ceramic low" Noor family, Odor wiM�_irWplace and walkout to pat, maser fabulous clot« and lard- x>eWg. only $156,800. Ted Houghton Remax summit 866-3600. SAILWROS Whdby. Bux- Lrry Condo buddeg. one bedroom 941 sq R, many exam 608.3114 PAGE 42 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., MAY 17, 194S • • ,Auctionst r WATERFRONT COWtIM- TY. 2 acre lots In beautiful Fort Perry, Lola $155.000.• call 14 Estates 427-0390 or 428-2215 S 7,500.00 I! Lakefront cottage lot 83'y 200' in Peterboro Co. on med size lake. Lot is 4 1/2 min canoe paddle from public boat launch. Lot is water access only 434-6635 i57' r Sites BEAUTIFUL South Lake Tens and Trader Park. san- dy beach, playground, store• rec hall. cofbe shop. Christmas in July. Hal. lowe'en in August Hay rides etc Water view lots available. Farruly camp- ground. seasonal rate $815. Minden. 706-286 2555 RED SETTER RESORT - Trent Raver clear Havelock Excellent ca aurid Large fully serviced saes frorra s795,season Cortap- m 2.3 b ectroom from $330 $375 1-905-436080. or 1_705-778-3096 WATERFRONT sates avadade Oure( trader ppaark on Lake Ontario clew Tie iron lion. Great hsrung and sail. boarding Sheltered dook- rng Prices from $9900 416757-4944 Weekends 673.394-0663 _5vO" ro 1erxA from era a orada . Can new or Brent. 666.60x1 C.00maty Financial Bervkom. AAA 6 ^a^ F ,ancaaa consiAing Swv- rces to any purpose Also LOANS Auto emergency 0onaddabons vacations krntre first tree borrow - ars business, alit Good or Bad Credit Bankruptcies welcome 8 30 arn-9 00prn Mon -Set 416630-0012 BORROW 510.000pay as rattle as s - 10 per month. c a c Free consultations Amu les urvasnnanb Lid Mortgages and Loam lance 1973 668-720D MONEY woDlems) Debt consolidations. cre dirt ar- rangenents personal pasdwFREE CONNSULTT TIONS Ontano Credit CounwM ors (Oahawa-Tor- aaol 433.1425 IS NOT GtIAR- ANTEED SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES. OTHERS DO NOT IT IS SUGGESTED TMAT YOU RMSTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS. IF Youlre loolarg for lina i- cial Irssdons arta it Dy- nnrrc now business; not an M1.M. Call Ptrl 721- 1759. Patricia 40"M, &%a 4839157 for apps. now. LOOKING, for a horns basad busine"? How does $10.000/ wild or 1 I illio fliaer sound? Change yotir We forever. To gat starttd GO. 416- 32"720. 16312"720. V MatcicJ1&ftsw 1110;*w0»r*P1 Is IN hitt o haat to bm k W to titflnw CoN 11CIeefa/ to MM Cfillt/MNiI L SALE, MONDAY MAY 22, 11 A.M. PETHICK AUC- TION BARN, 2498 CONIC. RD. 08, BOWMANVILLE (HAYDON) This year at our annual Victoria Day Sale, we have a very nice se- lection of quality an- tique furniture, glass, china & collectables, to include: walnut framed settee w/ matching side chairs, oak 9 pc. dining rm. suite. walnut highback sideboard, walnut 5 dr. chest w/mustache pulls• walnut parlour tables, walnut framed wall clock, oak armoir, full -top desk, 4 dr. file cabinet, oak beau - front china cabinets, oak Victorian hall stand, oak 4 pc. stacking book case, oak 2 dr. stacking book case, oak rock- ers. 2 dr. oak china cabinet, oak 1.4 cut drop-leaf table. 1/4 cut oak buffet, carved walnut buffet Circa 1840. walnut carved tea -wagon, pine chimney cupboard Circa 1850, pine comer Cupboard w/2 doors, pine flat -back cupboard. Remington statue, pine hooded cradle. Mason & Rlsch odano• Young -Chang 'rano & bench 2 yrs. old. spool bed, oak la - lies dresser wroval -amed mirror, oak machinists Chest. church pew, many other Chest of draw- ers. Man. Inlay Bonnet chest, shaving mir- rors• electric organ, wash stands, lots of collectibles glass & china, many other in- teresting & unusual Items This is going to be a large sale of many quality pieces Viewing from 10 a.m. Sale Day. Terms are cash. Visa, MC. Debit Card. For more info. call (905) 263-4252. Sale managed and sold by Garry K Powell Auctions, Apprai- sals i Liquidations. MOORE - Danny. born Juiy 22 1946 Penny. bon Oct 9 1948 Searching for brth parents JohMCatnben 1Har ition) or relatives from Brougham Call 705.924- 3475 PARKER, Vernon George, Suddenly at home Monday May 8,1995.Bom in Crest, Sask. in 1926. He was a veteran of W.W.12. #12 DD C.A.A. Refired from Johns -Manville, to the town of Hastings. Beloved husband of Vivian Aileen (Thomson). He leaves his children, Vemon and Betty Ann of Guelph, Virginia and Dict Winter and Valerie and Norman Blade of Ajax, Victoria Lawson of Bramalea and Veriene and Michel Gignac of Pine Hill ,Que. Loving Poppa to 18 Grandchildren. A private family service was held at Brett Funeral Home. Burial at Trent Valley Ce- metery, Hastings. Dewrrf Zaw Lan-. For an audio version of all of the current death notices recen-ed for publication in the News Wv ertiser or Thu \reek. call 68-4,M" or 40•f- 6591 (Clarington residents) Thi, —inplimenim% ,�c n icc pro%ides detatted dntirnnatlon for nom-cs UBUY N SELL SSU ,,oUa FpR gFF.4S 4S A gFti, I LUXURIOUS 3,000 SO, FT - 1 1 bedrooms 3 baths centravac & air. VTB 70/.. 65' lot $259,873 or Rent 1.595 v JUST UNDER 1,600 Std. FT. 4 appliances main floor family room, oouble garage Call now to view .'EMBERS OF THE ORONTO REAL STAGE BOARO DAVID JILL MLS JOSEPH SERVICE AVAILABLE PRESIDENT _VER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE ®_ 427-1345 ©U©. � AUCTION NOTICE _ MIXED ESTATES • BANKRUPT STOCKS • CONSIGNMENTS PUBLIC AUCTION THURSDAY EVE. MAY 18 AT 7.0 PM (PREV. 6 PM) HELI AT: THE HOUDAY INN, OSHAWA 1011 SLOOR ST., OSHAWA (AT HARMONY) OVER 1M TTEMS TO INCLUDE: FURNITURE • COLLECTIBLES • SILVER • CHINA • GLASSWARE - SPORTS COLLECTIBLES • COMPUTERS - PRIN7ERS • SIEREOS • PHONES • COINS - JEWELLERY • CRYSTAL • OVER 2N LIMITED EDITION PRINTS - NAME BRANDS: KAISER • SILVESM • SANYO - EMERSON • IBM • COMPAQ • EPSON • FIn do FLOYD • SCHMIDT • BELCARI • PRECIOUS MOMENTS • CHERISHED TEDDIES • KOSTA BODA • DURHAND • SPODE • TRISHA ROMANCE • Terms: Cash, Visa, MC as per pasted & announced. INFORMATION 416-2.6-1762 NO BUYERS PREYNJMS, NO SURCHARGES Subject to prior sale. Redemption, additions & deletions without notice until sale time. PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS INC SANDERSON MONIMENT CO. LTD. Manufacturers of cemetery and civic memorials since 1872. 11 showrooms or home app>intmenst available Darlene Bosner ("5) 427-4366 I or I f8(0) 461-0282 32 Old Kin1•. m Rd. tja% , .s. >.x..c:vc.+-.•.�... •. .r..:+lsrsr.w-:-'R��� w-�n•: , .F..._,,_.<,..., ....�.._,...._ _ ...._ G5 EA /RoS L jvct 111ol'efi-olll S Plus") All -season tires with 75,000lan tread wearout warrantyt... From mok Anikk ww $10 off fire w •h _omputer generated tread design for enhanced traction on wet, dry and snow.covere� s.,rfaces NI AOOO series 1Compler• dao,!•, �i ;. ,.-. 5" Each 13 eey. s6,99a.99 Solve 30'X8 on this all -season performance tire with on 85,000 km tread wearout warranty?. 21 sizes available. 1174000 series Reg. Prices Shown are Sears Prices THE KEY TO" GREAT SERVICE" SALE PRICES END W®MESDAY, MAY 34, 1"S, WHILE GUAM MES LAST CaPyrgkr 1995. Sears Canada Inc. - I::� jxct ntcu c' fi c,nt .Sc'cn :r VISIT OUR AUTOMOTIVE CENTRE AT SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE Phone 420-8000. We're open Mon. -Fri. 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m,, M11•», Sat. 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Sun. 12:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. �1t'll �.Illti.11l.; 1 iiJ 1{Ut1),II1lIC S�ihlllu'II CREATIVE male, 35, $in* father. likes de ardours, quiet evenings and the simple Ihirhga in file, starling Me over and looking for a best friend and ,over to stare N wish. SY 1035 ATTRACTIVE. nteligent male, 27, with a kind hearl, Waking for a woman, 20-35, who val- ues these qualities and wards someone to share her Me wish. SY1042JOSH) AMBITIOUS white male, 32, self-employed. under the impression that honesty and s,ncenly are the thing of the past, d you are a young lady who can prove me wrong, leave a message. SY 1047 (COB) ONE-WOMAN4AAN seeking a one-man-hvoman, sincere, lov- able, separated, while male, 50. 5'9'. blonde hair, blue eyed, 155 IbS., wishing for a lovable slim lady who enjoys country and •505 music, hold- ing hands, dining oul, movies. SY 1048 SUPER, sexy male, very lone- ly seeks that special salty lady to share the lungdom with the magic of romance and passion in mystical relationship. SY 1054 JOSH) AFFECTIONATE, Intelligent, mature, 27, single while male, musically Induned, hardwork- ing, seeks non-smoking female. 2332, to pamper and spill silly. For I endal kead- ,rig to relationship. SY 1062 IOSH) ROMANTIC while male. 37, 5'2'. 140 Ibis., shwa bloverrh lair, it" brown eyes. nor -smoker. social drinker, likes fisting, gong to walks, dining out, quiet nghl at home, having fun. Waking for *male, 3140, forcomparronsow SY 1069 COUNTRY entleman 34 ♦ - - r.r.r- -,'r ; : , ;: + ?,i,i... • ... .'e•e #WMNEUSADVI<1lTISMWIED,MAYIT,11"S^GB43-A Press 9 in'the Main Men and Exchange Messages someone new n( TONIGHT!! 14464 Call Anytime is 24 Hours • 7 Days A We( ACCESS ANYWHERE IN CANADA!! Here's how it) use the service: 1. ScICL'l the ad(s) you wish to respond to and make note of the four digit SY -mailbox" number that appcars at the end of each ad you arc interested in. 2- Using a touch tone telephone call 1-900-4514464. any time of the day. 3. Once you arc conneacd follow the simple in%vwtionns. You will have the option of responding to a specific ad or browsing voice mailbox greetings from Sincerely Yours advertisers within each catego- ry. G1 ahead, try the service out and %cc how easy it is to use. Need assis;artce? Cal) 14410-551.4067 anytime between 10:00 a.m. to 12 mjdnighL 7 days. You will not be chargal for this call. For person IS years of age and over. - , ver gle, wide male, 40 from Ss young, S6', 140 b., ooww g female, for discreet aKr- • noon enoaxden, pleas a1 -mailbos � for more info. SY 5013 VERY cute gay male, 27, 40r* N�� seeks attractive male, 10.30, ��►Y looks and personality very ! mepaj , no green. SY 6605 GAY while male looking same, cleanliness and dmcw A .y ten assured and expected. SY 5662 JOSH) FRIENDLY gay nab, 47. look - wig for door real casual encouxr lens. SY 5613 A gentteman but not a pussy cat, 51, seeks female, lot �T���� ��l ed and ion NEW and as. used. SY aspected and assured. SY 57M JOSH) IMPROVED HONEST, black male, mid - 317s, handsome. dean, looking for allecsanale and attracrve stiU only remake for discreet encounters SY 5720 JOSH) NEED a ch'dto Are you $1099 ��Yn Need to be treated like a queen If so. then call this passionate male, 30hsh. per minute who is in search of a sensual while female, 20-35, for inti- mate encounters. no male calors. SY 5726 JOSH) e�1 Lire th M and omen HI, my name Is Anne I'm attractive. outgoing, love to work out, bolang for discreet Looking fora Date Tonight tete with same Sr 5754 5754 SINGLE wove male wound like to meal women Over 40 for dis- creet. casual encoumdan. I'm I 26 and would like to how kat ' you SY S75 (Ol MALE. 26. seeking same. T- 3h4 rwi4ol SY 57S6 faldlJ�(t DretL Kesa 9 iv the nam meta 6/AIE. 57, sin. 170 lbs.. 5'8 . divorced. no children. 1991'er nhrhute Smoiwled by 1M51 Inc employed. enjoys the out - very open-minded and adventurous. would like to meet lady or couple who have 3-dar imar". for posattele liw • • crq-term relationship_ SY 5757 TRUCK dr t 9 b 4 a an established, horse broader, romantic woman for a pos- standing. carnq, prdessiorul, smoker k am an occasional enjoys cuddl,nq and Ince bonsn�p Single lathers eel- enjoys walks writing and ooert_rrnrided Ismale. mel be sense of humour, sincere, sitde long-term relshifer p, 28, enjoys spots, music, the drinker and wry rommWc, fpr we el walks. looking fpr a come SY 2297(Ogq reading and the occasional able to cross the border SY searchingfor that special, mdsl haw a aero d hamar cu ldoors, creeks attractive, all trenAship and possible role- single dad or someone who INTELLIGENT female. mrd P and pa=On for MO. SY 10M while female. M30. for bio a SY 1819 biros kids and is maid out 8. SY ler a wfiy 5756 JOSH) attractne, independent wry rornarr W's. lookrnq for male. tab. n man, 22-28. ST 2379 ATTRACTIVE couple, and nonan, neo .smoky. willing to GENTLEMAN, 58, divorced. linsendship. p" I'l relation- HONEST, sneer. while mob. to I you want to know more his SD's. a an+oker and newt be YOUNG baker g single, whM 0 s seeks twnab. 2530. for non-smoker, non-drinker, oft. SY 1108 (OS'af) 37, 5'6', 130 IDs , mechanic, about me. rat SINGLE cdlaborale an mutually, Nulla- my rrharEox. SY rang aril believe omunura- female. 29. 5'6'. 1 1 S IDs � �i9 to uiyio d/sureet eroouren SY S7S9 ng sbkondrp. SY 1077 �tti a8 types a activdes. SINCERE. single male. 56, have at wire by, boat. two ha 2266 JOSH) Ilan a empatard, n r*U f can employed. great nt•r•el n straight females. 40-50. for JOSH) PROFESSIONAL white make, seeking a "• or smoker. 6'. ISO Iles . renpys hods. enjoy bealbg wookeeds INDEPENDENT man. ler- , cher weevily. IDyaay end lab movNs. enjoys altrnotnre friendship and outings ST SHY. single. while nab, 34. v attralCleve and affection tient who's and es mhyovas, country, home. isle- n Muskoka, camping g dant- very athadiv9. wMe Ismafe, d aMrwpn. SY 2316 music. leve rdrh- a 3217 very wanchwg employed. e 5'0' 140 b. ern 44 all. , 5'9'. 165 bve ., los Ile for frhrhdshhp and ooirnprhion- col sre•ler g and cag a shim, ng, dreg out, waft. Waking 41, very yang a hart, rpys INTELLIGENT, attractive any type. playing pod, cycling PROFESSIONAL black Dgood sew of hrihper. and most of the t n it, sem- SY 1066 JOSH) ht, single. caring lady that for retabormOW a friendship music. dancing and the oul- bia de. 49, S'Y, rho clrldien. and Sy 2374 female. ofensael hugs ATTRACTIVE so" I a many, wof , Waking to net *specwajr �� and � oea- EMPLOYED. single tater d 2. hrards b Rave sisal ler• and a SY 1620 dogs. looking to friendship amndtr, aDlyd drwdw. enjoys ATTRACTIVE trenuifa. H. fun- OyCk malls. la 1ri,nddfq. SY bmale d aniir galaY*a age doors. seeking attractive. while. 38. loves kids. outdoor able b love n mwm SY 1110 KIND. tang, atacble gran with a make. 30.45 Sr 2266 quiet WON*. nature. music. loving. 27, intelligent. out- 3219 uewrpbmard sT S76010SM �� . spoils, lap waft, moves and FAMILY man. 41, father of man, 51, sales executive n TRUE blue, loyal too, sena* d country drives, seeks made. doomy, single parrs, so," A retrad, w•Feducand lady, GENUINE- affectionate. ort , mia%o ehp. Fat fmwg hang and alddrq lino, looking for that reprecral would Yee b meal a Rumour, 50. 5'6', 160 IDs , 50., lora www n We 5C's. Inn music, male wmh warm heart and for ler lrer w a I ��1Ag' WiMe•fm rekerior, an rWacwve, awddc, hornless. t076 Jam) loolrg you want Lady. 30-40. must be a note- lady. 35.50. someone who widow, smoker, arm" beet, ship, who a essY9m allot- established, rugged, dark. ahreatrre. trav@@M no dile• d slow. easy touch, seeks a EASYG0WN *arty SD's, nor, W 90 log~ Nor estop• smoker• encore• a pWm a! would W b be tnaked special enjoys courry music. bowing tranale and horwsl. SY 2317 halrod, while male. 28-38. marriage. seeks gentleman good natured, tun gal who smoker, social drier. allot- possible mL*on•lip. SY I= kds and a real poser for ale. because she wmssdd b e spcial movies, quiet evenings. JOSH) ren -molter. who eehtoyre the co pafean Coe, lots mass for espy a heavenq message Dy HANDSOME, snore, easy- for I endeNp- possible erg- b the SY 1621 sear ler term mala INDEPENOENT, attractive. konab male who unjeyre gewel going, single male. erstab- lsnlm rebworhdh g. ST 1111 FU*AD111Nt• male. 23. wady. pwrtrh�ST 22617 IOYs JOSH) 9s n Ne. ST Y37S OUT ST 3220(t:Os) good dwueel. SYca' 5'�JOSH) Clean am wnss logreanr. trawl dancag, (�) single mom. 29. en file, OUTGOMIG, soon, n IisMd. no dependents, 34. PROFESSIONAL, singe, hid wales, tun • woW PROFESSIONAL, single, love and less d wry aaac- shape. srigke Mae waft and a dads range 6of marec 'Y, 190 Iles., seeking an who* mala. 35. rpoya week- educated. shy. looking for black female. 30'a, seeking rorrurdic Isa an sticks TALI_ side sen, .vel nab. 20. ARE you a hurredinern Triageman stuck f a knit abr anractiv. coradwAo. loving rends at Me college. dung out or *a d, wIW. ante lernals warm gentlemen ler hwxb ip, I iso . 30d to get our � a long tteerm relationship. doors. �campu'gr circling. as tons" aMab be female with no dependents, or jird orhang mows, Waking only. b wall 11 1 , Platy SY 2M live He b Ila bAwd. ST 2316 ST 1079 (DSM) eryOya [awl. 00•Yh¢ skip spore, oarwy and rod[ muse. Dop*r•d Me a lady. the GENTLEMAN, 42, aWactiw, 27.34, b shwa n love and Pe. for a single while Iremab, M with and have political PROFESSIONAL ferrate. JOSH) and n-krw and we skating emokng a lemale for trend- las. aaechat hen ant dociew skm. rho -smoker, "I -aware. Sr 1097 36. wdh swhiar enlei a. SY debaya. SY 1623 on" cycling and cars. tiry TWO serbe mare, ale blade and mor• O you an arecvr•. dhhP Sul 3223 JOSH) warm. coring, r•spectng, m0- EASY-GOING, attractive, 1112 OUTGOING single maw. 37, handy', hopes to neer a hw. bks *yet. 5T, the cow 34-42, srrdriharres4IN . take SINGLE nab. Will. free. all "Written understand* ST coring,whitemale. 31, me ,, build, BLACK mob, wry hotbowe. 5T. .. onjol o 137 be/or ronan dollc fireman with a 10 '69 5.', brown haw. for a chancre. 1 am SY 2376 gle%m ole. til b 40. SY 3228 COUPLE. mid -30's, seeks ulable, ntNkgenl, weese d hi�g hamar. semi= obm, acrachw bklreyre, ni d, Drown Harrce gwtd groat cook, los ouoor, sports, doming adricaganCamara. W ndd Cfw fovea summwr Ingle viiia maks, singe (CISH) STRAIGHT, single, worts Other couple for fun and by two nor mewwhVW We. personalty, nd•pendreM. It plays squash, tenors and qu l evrwiga at hoot- kick- lun, honesty and fnurfy acre father O K , to watch stupid ATTRACTIVE, mpNgent, Wnale. 36. wards to esoaw encounters. must bre open- bnship. SY 1010 06H you're nlerMed n ~mg wegld trarahg, 47 - hi dot n I g g for female, 30•, with a a mud. SY 2273 wh11 gD dnc"mhg andve bsib haa slim. 47, good sense of circle of ends. fitness. minded. clean and decrol rM Pon, 34. bolrg a I soneona spreaal and d you am female with snldar Intervals. sew d hu ec r and a pas- EASYGOING, dwrrto-ewnh. good line SY 2337 humour. enjoys dancing. tre}1ohp and fun ST 3229 ago unimportant no single h g rt. lienee b trawl. ry0yf mW good broom Yee camping. g. SY 1114 JOSH) sto W. lot kwxk hpNeW single. we female, prises- ATTRACTIVE, M. 5•1'. nds- meso. savN. she outdoors. JOSH mon. SY 5713 (06tH) camping, the ouldocers and drncrg at a day aa, call. SY SI6CLE, whb mi, 26. nlw- larlrp. SY t=4 JOSH) sanal. 30. enjoys sports. ponderer, professional. white mrhy oder w1r*as. kwlrhg ATTRACTIVE lemsab. 28. 5-r gleet so" at hale,Aare NOM J ailed in music, sports and YOUNG, attractive mab. 21, more, movesle , the outdoors eale, dxwncwdonanakw , n, for an honest attractive urs, 125 be. blonde. Waking lilt a working. cit. Wave a mea - CHARMING and fun-bvrng ~ adMes. Waking for a 6'. slim buds bit* an e),w dark d travel. srere. male coaly ricin -drinker. enjoys books, 47-53, who reryM oy . farm, female to have discreet sage. would Iwo b hear team ss'll"• wtob nab. 36. S'Ia. sirgb, whwe female. fear . blonde hair. who enjoys lorpon. 29.35, lar fun. hmid moves. trabeft reeklsrho at hags in hire, no hand gwaww encouuen with myself and you SY 1011 160 be., enjoys muse, dome. goal -aim ad. attractive and rowhanbc waft on Mie beach, stop and possible i•laeonh•hp, to collage, soW" &Umcl ie, SY 2378 JOSH) ssgle good mob � hSY andsome, JOSH) WARM-HEARTED, mincers. Ivo shag twdn, Dia ring, caning. Mud have no deepen. music. movies and Fst pin SY 2275 Jet. non-smoker. 35-45 SY COUNTRY woman, 31. WIDOW, gr�^an, n attractive. Christian mW, MO$ wwaa, IOGbp ler a sin• I I SY IIIS OSN ereetwig ( ) having lin, 1001•nn9 ler lelmalre 11EV! My Mommy a driver 23q nom. damp W over. heath, shorn-relllakr, non- skinned. reretabkshed. Areal arelwhg sp•al lady. 24.34. Owe.hpiissl Mai• Who Me TALL, awac vo. while make. for a nwarrhgfui ralWorhsshp. me crazy. She takes me to CLASSY. outgoing, gang. skew. a Sfeaon urn. muss leve rho drrdrr, eehpya home ike, car rraid, anaehed, wield liure b for j1o.. ,, I Iowa q, bredrg b laugh, for I it I q bang 32. Jewish. "N -employed, Sr 11a25JOSH) moven, the beach, park and established lady. 46, 5'6', dean, horsrere mkbom not sib wm0. bwhwwre, hwhdf. meet shin. atvadhw female ID a mk*mohip, SY 100 b a wlatwnokp. SY 10M byd and caring. locking for tet IoDwhg. (I need a brawl[) inW&slod n Alpena strung. bar mom. sig a IalArs w•l- would Yr b mreel a Chnown under 35, lex dkeaeal rsomoo- TALL, attractive man who PROFESSIONAL, angle. My servile,servile,, non-sncelesr. 22- Sheoggtun, has a sense of dwhang, travu I boats and cone. SY 2370 (OSN) dnd l Wil sunnier wd~$. slip Sr S7i6 enjoys quiet mare and iwrelr whit• male, 6'3'. IMr••ts 35, for marraag•. One chid hoar. 26, fel and Mmcbm. college int, would W b mass USU while, wab, 21, brawn ST 4ab=) ATTENTIVE, senaltive man eo comyn 2= would Iia include i9 . �. stay. SY 1110 She Iwo a W. non-weolrg, a whine. Ihr, i and a fun- haw and •yes, enjoys long HONES and clean. easy- nvdes two adventurous to m•N a atolls tannate. m ei�g. OstlOrs, bgwp' ase- BOOM whJlo nab, 31, 6'1', WARY, bring, anract ve krAovng guy. 25.35 ST 22M loving gentleman. SY 2350 www maven and items mow gong -- Waking br arrhd women b er plore position b IM Looawsg for Ingle white 170 lbs., brown beer. Ihwheel, female, 49, peke, blonds. who Own lWM •eels Iremlale, 1x26. [lass is +tov and oorpsernwrrlwp, enhpy tare poor a 11rrere. SY 5766 DOWN-TO-EARTH a %mob, 20-26. SY 110(OSIQ loving and monogamous. «nj p I , It. travel, ami► MALES, 30.45, my gill b you ACTIVE 46. divorced. slim, aNed one" anuh d dralandh-- W"q hor V%rwa. SY (OSH)W M makek- . 30. loo rin9 EASr-GOjJj aMrectiaW enjoys sIt,- my woman. tic w•nengs. looking for a is me' Dal be I , I by 57'. snare d taw4w. ere . ng, sills m wwo ma sr 4M ng for an allecMd lady. an make, 51. 57' yourht at tart, ll waSS, anparated. S'6', whjoyw >rob o1c., srenluhg a good-looking. Ia� gwdbman Ia Wr package or la pion a WI grenUmom who a sur 2300 SENIOR woman, 5'S', elm race. 2445, lo put spank outdoors, &wq all � � senior, eiloid *Wm wtpys smgb, while female. 24.34, only. 49-55, who is honest. mapping. for reeve las is a as. hadred and knows rallied PROFESSIONAL, ambrYrm budd. good b*aW Waking for back i lee my w. very doss more. wu, A be to mall tw quiet lifestyle. mate• &A sIr and allrachwo. wish caring. and njoys the good lm* prsee I, meds n 19W he wants. 4450. SY 2351 and imnigers, phidows b -I non-smoker, tall, Id, easy- and dssa Sy SM lie care. homreet, fun bhring music, seals a bmab. 40+. same gwktws. Sr 1110 ltaaggslt nPre. SY22X(OSM tom a*I- y, senMhriy and (OOH) female. 24. loves animals, SPM gamk tar o -W- STABLE and s/nc tr, gay, female, lot's naw and et klwlde Ptaseale nsbco•nahiP. o" EN RGETIC. sal, saWnhW lob d TLC. SY 22M NDEPEIDENT lady, a0rac- reading and 1009 waft. M ar>�. sito Plfs tjuss taxes wMe lealafe. 36 year old. nature tat its cow". BY BY 1101 P" HUMOROUS, single, whit* bwseb, 40. S's. who enjoys INTELLIGENT female, mid tie. mid -50's, would Mo to inler•elnd in gife ng to aloha OKasionall danciw9• threat►• sake Maas Idy, 26.46, ler low (oaq ONCE bion and a WN, shy. mad•. 40 years young. n•• dlen". trawl. boaling and 5101•. 1ong ko moire. tall, in mress aiwsw gibmrh, nao- m• leader. pm me a al Sr A OaWouAtll�� a� � eoupan whop, good b - BLUE -EYED. divorced. 6'1', i mala, 20, dspadedn, wpreig and mwih- tames, looking to a kis Ws. a weaker and wad be smoker. 5S-wty We. M's 22M (OPS+ ACHED Pale► and a ptseubb mkbonhslap. I Mg*. 30, � uihdn hhraorals ilaigrll oil war- down to-•anh. enjoys ad- tats guy with a sons• d amg rd brefrew mmueass dot Sr 23M fOMgjo. �b�� bglr UMd �. � � � Nd wsalts midi and m�. wn a ind iMrwts, looking for a dews. lie musk and quiet hunw. w. ihlaligrw• and sw lean w wporferd. In mbo I am FEMALE, s3', dame, ••ret an af6aehedAN I" CFA Spoft Ow COQ old wwfnrn music,ddesj I & i bmwls, luta a wise swamp al my =wwy lana. am*. Ion km WMIL SY 2257 der •noisy, loyalty and Isle 24, smoker. bdwt for a mag wg lar m ft. 2634, S` W-67, land* far 6stam•' entxauswa 3Y � answered. sr ern Ia- womb A ss ad sad ret sr /1»town "MST, awadiw t•mab. d allfnsoh 77Yt 22-26. enjoy ostllows. beg mild wodt w1L ba Idds, mo- SY son JOSH) ddtg, 6 mi mabd Pbw CIL who Nlinlas wen Marry Ibt EDUCAIED,- Pfd*Ssio,W. 5'0', 21. sorb o, 11 . PRETTY and pretile single walks, www= amt Iaawma vwwatior, romance, cid SY 1016 Say on a genal eaeva By **earn 6acdws vary heeud ma oawnded maks. 22-20. waw who enjoy w Me wit a BY 2!M(OMR hodby, wnjny wod Waft and SHY, hoa•st, sienc•ra. 32, 11faQ[[OO��qq saner, i and abpK naw who enjoyw !Pete. mimic, po.ikm• ammo w4 halt many SINGLE, wbde female. 37. Ile. mddssna Race wompa- tatlar, a bokinB ler se fENBITIVE, Paol•s•lonsl osdar, nowdwAm male wilt nmafes dww4 and Ili• add• tnntrer•sss would No b wAN bdwN bra lack fsal cam r tont. no Boston. BY a= YOUNG 33r, awe wltr Dr. woman. 2532. rnhw fdtw lam• 2!, Illln nyan Nli► asoral rabw and m0 doors. wad len as•di0rsde wale. 30 40, owl len aNmc e, 37 46 cab w aeeltarde rant brown hair and wally alb, wwdd No b mind and haw a good wow d lie. aihletie. with a good Pas memo, lotto" L14MMNED woman. Pb• sseeta-.Iw b�q am bing wi t � •caw d Jw~. s6Mwt am W50. wsh siailtr "fine. innE .312151 s*nw d lurnar and Berle and oalp Bin, could led le a •ryoys Yaawn. wambd �y wi. his a snow of IrstmOuw, ler erne. ari'A mum• n 5r Illm p� NDElaE1DEMT, wirewm and ndtrn Br lila (OMQ lag lora roiabonahlp. Br romance tine, maiIis with CArsNE lim roots. who HOST, huno a . anile. Iwnnd. win a good awe of w HUMOROUS, swop. wbdo 23q s000r• arhPobllo. 1450, comPudws end §* IOBHI By /MN n1wit jgoy6 million,sPwrwaiy and w6nin Haab. 34cab lovas b hiannolr, single bmalo. 47. Inwai*. 33. wnekitg wingle. ATTRACTIYE. Pi. OAW welt -•moor. social drinker Plow all ON&= LOON= b a gid b•I dos► EI**kv BY 110 Ami• a PW tiw, Mop dw ualitg amnio with •ora edmbkked Po kn SMmL M%n, whin female. 31, and mmmmft. Sr Dio- SY silt nT Ploy head games- im 40. G MAN. 25, silgln, wet oil, tbenerlt #halm seed quabis. Jor a bmq mlatm 31-16. Who atYsjm brit oda, boliq lar sawBle Min sttllo ATTIIACT111E, Prawsionai Me dancing. W" call for M• uala Iamw i♦ Wil •w.Mpt ar hon, balk- who sr22M (t:OB) quo envwnwtlt romantic aw 30- . who a bolnd. aAse- WEPBNMff trOman loch. knob. 43. nawsmobr, lit, BN► -till 26der 1 Jar, a LI ler, feng-Iwm PROFESSIONAL. Anoint dh& db a wall kftb bels, banal*. 1 lad ins for • asradme maks. 29. bsinto lor •awn, Ion blessed - of m atsd a v • dt OIhK wg while _a seek a�ryoCwB an dddm 1. awalatr111111 have . illfi• whip. P«ei r namM1li�yrcpw6hiP la Aon mlMonalnP wMe somre d Mn wet%b whin femdR 23 twofekhwwn�dshiP tail Pwwible likes ca calamity ST 2M (000 mvies. _ SINGLE whin stale, 30, ba ! lo p1aw sIPad lbom*. ST � Ilards worse iafrals. Br 11M2 r sew d61 M... nno ATTRACTIVE onia . 44. camping• lriwudsbiP bad. di 0 a sad 1n�a Sr li�I6 (OBIQ a � sib Sr 11104 call nsailoo: ler won mar Pafhsolnp�t6ipd lir. anb Mir bkm Ma lolling for a � altlWMi 4 dspwAwss, who a earner- div,re•d. tura bop. enjoyn sv2 (OMB FENALE, 16. sr, . 11s bi COUPLE baking for dean, .lh k. sent 661**m alsd stub bode 20-32. ib a draw, wry active. s6, s'0'. •Injpye minded and know. what got. eunilg nrmmB viola OlJlls molal d 2 36 emmn kali. Wawlpa/ mini s� a 1D► casual diril *IwinBa, w�B b selddoon, quill *am awgla oycknt good conversant. romance in sell aboud. For hockey and bwbaN. also 5'S, brown hair, bks •yw, al uattivnaiy wbtdarlawmftm me asps liflo lad atsslllom wako/a. Br 11tH social drinker. good music, friwndehq, Nin Nom► Nsedw9, Iia mI �N !wp �0. id-& am* for a male. 16.25. sal knsehi GAY Orale. 23, for wail, Sea wa0 ale• , jjnt �y�r bay..s�pw� wk. sr 2m and low eadFo aetq •w• mil drnc- waan and din, gnaw. Wd ndtmdo4 fpal6 in same. 10.24. for usual MINE, aintb dad. 50. and bhwtbb, S 2'•sS.115 B*-- PETg Dbrnde. pd•aialY am mile rash weir wisasls ig plea rnlds cam. Lodinp Will loyd ad Ind Bas snmurdwa it Si7/ (Oilq CLUB TRRAANSPLANTED Ergliseh whin s11', 170 ba, pole - 116 ba, 1664. powbb rete. lady bokug for tis. 4S-55. and a possible afmnlilnnM ler gKdimm. 3445 Sana to go ant and have him. By COWIM 35. -Wm bmab Jleml 67, dvmrad, ser. 170 610"E lmidn ahaoatn Iiasltlnit SY Isis (0" souk"l•. 1 enjoy nafur•. arm ird I ler *Woddup send 27M and other Coupes for fun stable, music, I seek a ENGLISH Lady. young 4Ws.lbs., •rwpbynd, tq depufo- 52, 3 ~,t M�Mb � ER dad. . seeks bring, man b low andel to don my skit &Sao n, pw sew tONQ �� SY 33rd it Latin I v0kmlatig a s noes. ST WO (OMQ dark SAM swan d larawr, Iong form rowkmwhip. By howl sin, attractive, W with SY 72i2 d Idrmotr, awe e4abb, fid A/T11AC11YE, sltrt nnnagoing ilbiBws suwaafha WAIL ra W N young cow d•dcatsd. Bl i awo Fee&& laws 1101' gyp, p"; . redwt, INDEPENDENT, anracir• own. W gedfem m lar biwnf W-90 e. smvb Pser K 0, 21/11111 Mq Pb. awe. oda draasl sam, Wr saailec wwK GENTLEMAN, 4S, Yt, leve special lady. btuwlle. 43, 67. 11 11 -aloe st*k SY 22M bra b a ddoom salting an SNE A KEEPER, td, dm, amompoa Sr s6Mt t� tkidar, smoker. a0 my mallNo. III goodkfaltd6 knit �Alsem oma BY this in sand fancy drove. ownjoyi 35 blalle Isoit single mom, Mabishsd riwdiw, phyaf Boob IoolwY. bknnsds, PNNa Dox !iY 1010 faa, bila d m and mpin (OB1q eye. C* it haled. rowwnmokip sisal, wlrwed w ta•atint GOOD LOOIaNG tnfhila tnlda ( awe d Isldr6sea Lwlstti for SNICEfE. hand nab, ape dancinh0 [sake al. PAM and smoke. nose4rialmi whpya what. n 40, ler kiwndtlnq 6iff W. PlolaeiaW led i6 velar- 34. Fll'. bdag ler wM ole PROFESSIONAL father a someone b tough wkh. By U64 49, bol' for him bring Cowl no had gwma, bland country music. looking for a SY 23'ft (OBH) ole n kion. traveL VO&WO. Pe ler dish to encounter, Ica law doll Iii 110l0NO tamale who rnpys dat►cinq *4 fess. SY 2241 SlooaboMg mon. 30.40. ler FEMALE 22. von -smoker. Wird amen and DOWANS 6M dip only. By sof VERS Daaidstat•. under- and dinnt Dat. 10.50. nor*. HONEST, ruga mom. 31, 1 iwnolhq and a pooft oda• brown hair. brown -eyed, 36x5. BY am CILEAf4411T, muwulw, me. OahwealNkhiby This Week AouPMwing Mom AtMAasr, Owing-- 710 Work 8 Nlorltmrrhbsslard Nos aMMMS no bmbkY br Iw conitnrs 0 nilly b any Sioway Yaws atdvwlnwsan L The advntier amwme oonhpbla fabiq/ ler Ia oonnI d. and adl tmpien b any andwrbow msnt of rooardWawuawwdabpya and ler any c6bmse [[Inds atainat tlnn atbotrs rnswspepws Y •real tlnnrnol. The aduarlwr aiwn b ittfntrrnily ahnd hdd low pnbicin and Nsme'-- Coemntrtily Haampmpws and iu M141trywa Iarss I ler a coals, athywhsnn [abuse and dwllpa roram r c is or o6rwal advw=,,Q�gw eNanP Na tea& b wlydn« sir ad�a Pia- ��i By ultig Since" Yaws. ca setMwtiw aW*m not b Ina m IdMler lofeplwrno number. loaf rare or aldiwa n hi Am Mewg mnaapo, Siownty Yars rwwva gal 1l 17m,l. ' 0 1 D PaTlO FURNITURE able ' 1/� Florol Imbreilo I Resin leclining Choirs L 491WMd -' Al ~til 1 y` 14 31eleciic TAM Alk OWN PAS Oft Quality Mix & N Warrant Service AL C'"SUM M ■�'II[►1►7�► �jA� ��/=i��I'�� �J�«►��►��\�� _`� ONDAY 10-6 TUESDAY 10-6 WEDNESDAY 10-9 THURSDAY 10-9 FRIDAY 10-9 SATURDAY 9-5 SUNDAY 12-5 5120 Dixie Rd 905-625-0457 8 5teelccse Rd W 905-415-9055 979 Brock Rd. 905-420-2908 Cdill VISA M? STFR(.ARI) INTFRAC IN .f1 IUI'.ldtf[i t WHAT A FIND... ����'��Q` , 1 ! j' A BUNGALOW IN 5 Q� PICKERING QG a� .., ,\ `'�'� — _ r Great location in An6wioa Huge fini �!� shed bassimme �.rr uw tra , & office or bs wlmftm Mg bsdroon needs are! • Modem family size ktM+an with built-in dishwasher * Asking $192.500 PLEASE CALL BARRIE COX* 839/�-/7449 Vl RNER REALTY LTD. This Marshall Home is 2,330 sq. ft., Waded with goodies. It is ' located in West Pickering triose to the Rogge. It Is available . for $249,990. Drop by and have a look TINA MASON* 905-509-3350 �rQ S N,1 �! x 0M AM TW STLL `,�.�, �; • -.'�- 52,E dOtf11L :� ati0fMlty s ail brick drled M 4, 1 1 1 In We0my HtliplNs for =153,500• CALL RICK CHOMCT* OR BERNARD LEE* 839-7449 0 8QLP��Oilt ii. C7 11EROTAOS * Just aider =.� M. & executive indsa, .. cownufft * Bropen Idl d wNh breelaa I area A *00 to yard. * twain floor faro. nL wfth theraroetd conga ga fp- * Good -sin maalar w1m en suits i walkdn eines$ * Modem, custom decor throughout * $207,0001 •IACAIJEL.YNN TANIEW 619-9500 1' r�aaI DISCOVERY BAY • 2AW sq. ft. ' 4 bedroom; 3 bathrooms Main floor family room with marble fireplace ' Main floor don • Greenhouse kitchen with w/o cis • Sparkling ingrourrd pod • Steps to school, parks & lakefront - ' $254,900 CALL BRIAN KONDO* 683-2992 WMW GUALRY ONE LTD. RLTR. 3/8 OF AN ACRE X Beautiful pike of land X 3,400 sq. R X 4 big bedrooms X Fridge, stove, washer, dryer X Professional landscaping X Chandelier X Much more call now PATRiCIA X REABURN RRS 683-2992 CUALM ONE LTD. RLTR. SOUTH AJAX $252,300 - 42 FT. INGROUND POOL! vslepstolsks + 3 belt ✓ FiNdesd bassrrrart ✓ in hardy room For J haler now laundry V P olseelon Illy landecaped DM lift a gn me deal! CALL NOWW DAVID 0"TOW (905) 683-2992 WMW at1Atm ONE tm mm ft ✓ FFmft cs ywA Uoras ✓ 4 MdCpM ✓ llasOrass mes"es ✓ lMgs wso bot Id ✓ irnYsa f icily roan so ✓ Oak $Vaasa I/,Largs ale laleirsa ✓ TMs floras M red Isd CALL DAVE MoLEAer WA4r n� t ROUGE MM NEWY LM _ FWAM LM OPEN- 600 sTROUDS LANE, IMCKERING Of4011101111!! 11110r A ZAT. i i1NL, ON 20 t 21, Op x = DREAM HOME "O • • 1-3 RM. $234,M r O O�5 11111111011011rasr pd 90 ettalew Over 3,500 sq. R of IIv ft Waco 311n roaal bbaaffrs� bdnns., • R opMoe, U*10" - • 3 washrooms, porch * Oversize true greenhouse kiteh ��� - - - • etr few t kftclrsrr walkout to deck t * Brick fireplace in tam. nn. bedrom * Library i party -size roe rm. 4 � ' 3 yM s * Heated inground pool Is larprovearsala. TMs hones N a Jll1I sae, a$ `y' • CiMair, vac, alarm 8 morel • ` ' A showplace Inside A outi A mud ase sERGI50N• - . • Endlerlt llliO hloarofd 831-3300 831-3300/686-3330 ' fs 3/4% MORTGAGE AVAILABLE UNTIL 1999! DaTA1rLORe* e 621-3200 CALL RICK AT 831-3300 FOR DETAILS.FIRST Realty R MW RAVINE LOT, - PICKERING 8.873% MORTGAGE FOR 5 YEARS 4,400 SQ. FT. Wx John Boddy built colossal castle. Special edition, „ oversized "Eagleview" model. Mammoth 3rd fir. retreat - Greenhouse kit - SUNDECK- PRIVATE YARD LIBRARY 6 DEN - Rare opportunity for a fine home & grest location. CALL STEVE FEARON* 683-2992 RV/Yl C' t WHAT A FIND... ����'��Q` , 1 ! j' A BUNGALOW IN 5 Q� PICKERING QG a� .., ,\ `'�'� — _ r Great location in An6wioa Huge fini �!� shed bassimme �.rr uw tra , & office or bs wlmftm Mg bsdroon needs are! • Modem family size ktM+an with built-in dishwasher * Asking $192.500 PLEASE CALL BARRIE COX* 839/�-/7449 Vl RNER REALTY LTD. This Marshall Home is 2,330 sq. ft., Waded with goodies. It is ' located in West Pickering triose to the Rogge. It Is available . for $249,990. Drop by and have a look TINA MASON* 905-509-3350 �rQ S N,1 �! x 0M AM TW STLL `,�.�, �; • -.'�- 52,E dOtf11L :� ati0fMlty s ail brick drled M 4, 1 1 1 In We0my HtliplNs for =153,500• CALL RICK CHOMCT* OR BERNARD LEE* 839-7449 0 8QLP��Oilt ii. C7 11EROTAOS * Just aider =.� M. & executive indsa, .. cownufft * Bropen Idl d wNh breelaa I area A *00 to yard. * twain floor faro. nL wfth theraroetd conga ga fp- * Good -sin maalar w1m en suits i walkdn eines$ * Modem, custom decor throughout * $207,0001 •IACAIJEL.YNN TANIEW 619-9500 1' r�aaI DISCOVERY BAY • 2AW sq. ft. ' 4 bedroom; 3 bathrooms Main floor family room with marble fireplace ' Main floor don • Greenhouse kitchen with w/o cis • Sparkling ingrourrd pod • Steps to school, parks & lakefront - ' $254,900 CALL BRIAN KONDO* 683-2992 WMW GUALRY ONE LTD. RLTR. 3/8 OF AN ACRE X Beautiful pike of land X 3,400 sq. R X 4 big bedrooms X Fridge, stove, washer, dryer X Professional landscaping X Chandelier X Much more call now PATRiCIA X REABURN RRS 683-2992 CUALM ONE LTD. RLTR. SOUTH AJAX $252,300 - 42 FT. INGROUND POOL! vslepstolsks + 3 belt ✓ FiNdesd bassrrrart ✓ in hardy room For J haler now laundry V P olseelon Illy landecaped DM lift a gn me deal! CALL NOWW DAVID 0"TOW (905) 683-2992 WMW at1Atm ONE tm mm ft ✓ FFmft cs ywA Uoras ✓ 4 MdCpM ✓ llasOrass mes"es ✓ lMgs wso bot Id ✓ irnYsa f icily roan so ✓ Oak $Vaasa I/,Largs ale laleirsa ✓ TMs floras M red Isd CALL DAVE MoLEAer WA4r n� t ROUGE MM NEWY LM _ FWAM LM MILLIONAIRE'S 11110r A Op x = DREAM HOME "O • • An abaci ft�gm °' s. • Mit am farary r O O�5 11111111011011rasr pd 90 ettalew roaal w• aMWMs9n* • R opMoe, U*10" - • 3 washrooms, porch kiteh ��� - - - • etr few snelosun ® • Full on sulb In master ' * FI/ fWrM rec fe0w ftl$$ • bedrom �,... *Over $150,000 In recent 4 � ' 3 yM s larprovearsala. TMs hones N a Jll1I sae, a$ `y' • CA sl ale i vee • Ganes door 411141 ► ' • A mud ase Y JOHN MONIZ* - . • Endlerlt llliO hloarofd 831-3300/686-3330 ' DaTA1rLORe* e 621-3200 W/MW R MW + ' ' y FIRSTI'� FIRSTFUL 8.873% MORTGAGE FOR 5 YEARS 1PAG9 2 -TIM NEW ADN'M ISM, WED., MAY 17,183 RF First Will Get GU TEED!! * We Will Sell Your House in 90 Days or Pay 50 G 1 fir•- .._, � � I 44.3% Pickering/Ajax (TREB - M.L.S. Listings Sold) i 40 March, 1995 lM< 30 $144,800:: DEMAND "EVER DRIVE" 3 bedroom bungalow with separate 2 bdrm. naaw $129,900 uwite! Huge bright hdlywood We & 4 appls. Gas Just listed! New windows, flooring & carpeting in this 20 fireplace, newer gas furnace and central air too! lovely unit access door to underground parking�kaar>ds n Thoupgrades. Direct ermy to attached ,r oversee garage' ��. 7.8% 6.0% 4 4.2% 3.6% 0 -- _ c`s CM, 3 0$ E $138,900 $143900 Stunning 3 bedioam on private court home take comb i.iNsok yy.U ride t. urine on this aiat .� eo = - Eat-inki then! Lots of cupboards! Dart This hww has speas. large roans. Feelers: ant air. m Q 32 O C • wafikouA t0 24iered deck! a Ip., a hoywood styb kit & latxAms tensa yard. Cal belay & N V z cc cc Q • Bright home with taxed yard! � �+ you to ^ri� - a terrific pure b rais N.. _ ,. $139,500 $229,600 $172,500 5129 500 $129 500 Approx. 1.500 sq. ft. Large country kitchen, John Bodily 'Bndewootf silualed on a premium lot. Fuy - Bright Irerrrily hwo - 5 appliances ;,aced - Over 1.300 4 ft. - 3 bdints 'tanked & landscaped. SpoMss 3 bdrm., 20' *mom with 'Ilan fiokr In* room ■tlh kepiew - Central air conditioning' Great family community finished basement. 1uf an suite ban. 19' lam. min. +fp. Man Irlaundry, bm t • 3 wedsocr, walvA biissow - 5% down moves you drywaled & painted. handy b schools, shops & park Spary'kg � kibtwn - Start now - start herern Famiy aria ndudn sdwdvpwks. 2.100+n R. C NpW* ttpWadadt walkout • Four large bedrooms �'�0 This north home r 800 $147,800 c. 2.000 to It. far your Located n quiet residential area Short wait b baserrtarit with in-law apeMlent. ktlercofn, alarm Tast slay decorated with ceramics, ask staircase tamiys use. large salt -n kkhen ildten W01 W/o to deck. Sep. the lake. H Tot, syslerrt. gas fieplaCe, fully ierloed yard. Cali 2,233 �9 mm suite off ntOrplan f mWN &dining rooms. 4 -Pc, en rgrvMW kitchen ,u� rem Today. 831-3300. • F & cent. vac. included a must see home. ONLY:_7AW DOWN :182,800: JUST REDUCED! $174,8001 $159,800:! This spacious DET 2 storey home has 3 Country retreat - n town! Unique 3 bdrm. bungalow on Pidkw* Wlage beauty is utidentsarey upgraded an Win , 3 bathrooms, freplace in living room, 66x195 1t. W. wood and ceramics throughout. 2 quiet asecant overb*ng greenbe� 3 befha . Pen 3 bdrm. on beautitiy IaridsCeped naw bloadoom plus. plus, Plus. skYWft beY window, twttiedral ceilings, and more! hil master on suite, brick fireplace n mail floor 1�amn� � � � kitchen, paAy-slze ret room basals Jelaiza DA master bdrm., Wshed rec room wdh room, bright famdy-s¢e kiohen, waltout to pebo. bride a Pine wal>rtspotgrlgl "Keep 0001 woodstove, cert. vac. Wa1W 10 bee -shaded dedk & Ready and we"! (� gorgeous!) this surmter. ' rertlra) air too!" gazebo. Just in time fa Surma t Realty" Ltd. 1885 Glenanna RPickering You OVI I You $5O) THE NEWS ADVEM SFZ WF_n_ L&AV ty_ i4min— ti my a JUST REDUCED TO $164,900 3 bedroan house with upgraded broadbom. Master bedroom contains 4 -pc. bath + work-in closet, 3rd bedroom with b! bookcase. Family roam with fireplace, CAC, double drive and attached garage. 5152,888 $7,400 down. Simply gorgeous tftis home sparkles. 3 spacious bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, man fkw family room wih new pool. cabana, shed and deck. PRICE - LOCATION - PRICE $152,500 Super Starter apporturiq at new bow Dace' Spsoitis open corroepl. 4 bdmt MLO -level in desrable Glendale an Enpys WV kit. Mrceranc kis.. 2 fps-, gas furnace, athedial oeixg 2 skylights 6 mature landscaped lot. Hu.^y & cal for al the details. PICKERING 831 -3300 AJ" 686-3330 798=7288 TORONTO ;129,900 Terrific semi! 5 appliances, renovated kitchen, central air, hardwood floors, 4th bedroom in basement. A must see! $139,900 Luxury freehold lowntrorne - 2 years new, ceramic entry - upgraded broadloom. Open concept Wing - eat -in kitchen with w/o, fully fenced premium let. Huge master with semi en suite. Exceptional buy - will not last. $359,900 Spectacular lakefront property! Over 3,100 sq. ft.' Open eorreept AW plan' Massive btchen with sun room! 2 walkouts b premum lot! 4 bedrooms . as oversved. 2 12 belhs. Wel-marrtained - original owners - ureplaceabW $302,900 Ravine lot in Pickering!! Loaded including nanny's quarters. Reduced to sell - won't last!.' $149,999 Well located 3 bdrrn. with fin. basement has central air & vac, many extras!! :169,999 LOADED!! THIS HOME HAS iT ALL! ideal location, main floor family roam, 3 skylights, woodbuming firwlece, full en suite in master bedroom. Central air vac, plus more! ON This degW t o�rtie� a �� loom three bedrooms, maim fir form. um. yftsplaM large Wien wtiek cabix ts, upgraded buoadoorrn, central air, large !rand wilt petio, and s tors ** decorated wotigbtre a►NS1se,9oo. Super 6.5'161Aortg=ayeEAp4 bedrooms. Approx. 2AW sq. fl Main floor family room wih *Vlace. Large eat -m ktldten. Neutral decor. Cal now, 831-3300. ESCAPE THE HUSTLE ow your own -go-away' dose b the tilt'. A oompNlNy nrrnL, Ym fuse bedroom raiaad Ixuiprow sifixaled Cit an 3,0 toot iinftwie Feeases e" ksdnarn overlool-g ria W, MI. ea. Mrd b srlerbdarxg pard, Isrga nraalar bdrrn Mraiftrp w3, 8 iepltoe. N ler txe aaadabM pia d Sta4,900! ArMfl ON "W -MA MMMI Great 4 bedroom, basement aparlmertL Fully fenced kill and interlock brick Marry extras irx*rded! Cal now, 831-3300. SPACE S QUALITY TIIROUGHMr. A bseublul fanny home in Pidcering's -Amba W. Feaksea fees largo bedrooms, spetiors kiloher►, man tour fanny roan 00 treplaoe. 1101110A b a WW Covered pafo and a Arita yad MrpCNseiaral hndtCapng Stow pride d owtirsl trCrrgfxaxN Priced to sal at St 86.000! Gorgeous detached 3 bbeedroomm22 storey wih many Wades. Large ed -in kildieri, walW from drtitg room to patio. Central air conditioning. Pmkssiustely finished rec room with bull -in bookcases. Located on a quiet orxt but near sho;wg 8 GO trait. For a complete information package on the above homes or to book a showing, call us at 831-3300 and start packLAing. * PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT FOR MORE DETAILS qilSELL WITH REALTY WORLD EAST AND While in service PLUS SAVE BIG - Full MLS Service excellence - International Recognition - Unique Marketing Concept REALTY WORLDIM - N Advertising East Real Estate Ltd. - Real Scope Kiosk Display 1099 Kingston Road, Pickering - Local Advertising 5 Pickering 905-831-6000 -Professional Sales Representatives 200 Whey 905-428-6000 - Home Warranty -Job Loss Mortgage Insurance Toronto 416-724-9494 "Please call for appointment for further details" AGENTS ON CALL 24 HOURS A DAY NO WAR TfllE LIVNIC!!! _ EXECUTIVE AREA �P�i �r ,NIST RENOVATED H� fi� �g — *--Ns BUDGET PRICE! 5� ��1► f/!/ �. 50X150' LOT ts' . room, family sized kildtert, charrn ( r s r finished rec room wdh dl '� ,.� f �, „� Fully finished home with tam 5-k_, Heart-warming ear thisbung.H1S Ind -'s a rough in fireplace. 3 baths, '� _ - `� . rm., wakes to custom deck. s -i6m 3 bedroarrS diY room 1ruil trees,extra bdrrn. on lower ComforlaL�le tschools & eam Sized kart 6 levet, (replace. Prestige area. custombuit deck. Best ' !'= :l • f the lake. Call now, - - fp. y price of its kind. �. 1 - ^9 by in liv. nn. Why rent, 831-6000. _ 31 6000. • ��,, <,; _ $6,500 down _..:` $239/week. 831 6000. RELAX AND ENJOY t PEACEFUL SETTING 9�p� ROPE YOURSELF '�. You've worked hard! Time GE ,�". Victorian charmer, mistom �d� SPACE to enjoy lie and be r� +' - buil reproduction. Oak ��5' Ie Te executive a :r sparkles. Open pampered! This superb '` �"#� , fkwring on main fkior, oak !-!�: (rondo Mows sunset views �' `" .:.'" �' kill.. natural wood trim. Concept. sap• den, grand -. — master bedroom, fireplace, and has 3 walkouts! 2 �:- t- k - reclaimed bridle fireplace.�^-�"- tastefully designed kit., enjoy parking spots too! ; R K_ huge deck, 2 walkouts,oven spec -- e inside & outside. $166,000! ! 45x198' lot. ! 4 831-6000. 831-6000. *AGINCOURT• 'WEST ROUGE'�p 'MAPLE RIDGE' Lot 76x156'. 3 bedroom, - -A great family home. ' Large 4 bedroom home finished basement. Sunny Spacious 4 bedrooms on a located on quiet and safe solarium added on. 2 stone cul-de-sac. Walk to TfC, t - ® st. in North Pickering. _ fireplaces. A great farrMy and schools. home or investment Professionaly finished r Beautifully landscaped with basement wilh separate 2 walkouts to huge deck '' -� 8311 X000 side eii trance. and fenced yard. 831-6000. NO CONDO FEES! FOX HOLLOW EXCELLENT ASSUM. Solid freehold home in BUNGALOW! MORTGAGE A' :sought-after area. This 3 � NGS Only $184,900 for a court �""" °'� �---� e S� / .r � "" _ � Over two thousand sq. .x ,� bedroom has a bright located home With double a s ` — ft. property on premium ;`` separate diming room, =r 9� a huge pie �! `-`-- lot with self-contained air, finished basement • Mary extras. This could be tat ed Y 91; I•. and 5-a too! II t the arra you've wanted. so in-law apt., huge family 9e - pp may! rrn. with fireplace. inspect. a 831-6000. ' 8316000. _ "FOX HOLLOW LOCATION" `ouALm ANDcLAss" d'' Qv - "TOTAL RENOVATION" h; "DETACHED WEST SHORE" For the dnscrmr-dng buyer _ :, +' WHY WAIT. Vendor says sal. 50' lot x. who wants and expects S, _ ' Everything is new, just move � tf� + + walk to take, schools, quality n everything, �.� n. Beautiful 66x139' mature hardwood floors, on suite, �; . Custom finishings construcfion throughout. All new kite ' y - �. aw, sep. side ent. IiinishlingsThis home bath, brdm, etc. This is a _� Vaulted main floor , (las it al. Cal b5- beauty 831 X000. cal now!! $144,900. details. 831 X000. .." "- 831-6000. "PROM MAPLE RAGE" BIRD WATCHER'S �. BUYERS �. air, vac, Icer Y' 9y ¢P Get it all $SS upgrades, Cent. ,� DELA ' FIRST -TWE round hardwood S i �'„ ��; Spacious 4 bdrrn. home. tam. Why ant? Buy this 2 storey, ,, 3 bedroom, separate din. 5-m, ins Pte, _ �: rm. with fp. 8 bar overbokng 'i ; FAG 8 gas fireplace, cent. air, floors, walk to schools, -{- shops, etc. Plus 7.75% field & trees. private and i } sep. self-contained apt. mortgage. Call for deta�... rU peaceful, profess. landscaped K windows have been „ 831-0000. interlocking txrdk. Show and replaced, single att. garage. • sell. 831-000. - Asking $169,900. I831-6000.LM BY - f. Custom build LAKE 5 f3DRY. - $239,900 �� WALK 5-0 SCHOOLS y01f i ,,.- Huge lot, 83' wide, dose �� A SFIOPS bu gelDw mer 2,200 sq. ft. 5-A - to sdlools K strops. "" Hugey.�� �,y.� _ 'T" . A �/, ft. frdwd. fyirl, pie, q�� Itis � r�`. ._ _ 2 � "`,' wakott bese1rmlit, �" ; �""' r. ". Loaded �� C •AC, tri$, ',.ceilings>.,., Main IRM don, , deck, sokrawn, T I , More, or brag us W Pte, ,, CVAC, parents retreat. cabinets, IMP fernCed IDI. ' Foe ""Bons. Possible fade i1 No hordes behind this Gine. 931.6000. - plan. 831-6000. a Shows bear *. 831.6000. TAKE YON PICK PENTHOUSE LNM �- 2 A 3 bedroom oardos - � Over lK 3bedroonr �, A IST 7W ellillym tet ID chose hm AN dWdecGfta K 3 Beauliul home does to mel, upp-1 r 14 included. Low 2 1 an suile schools A perk loaded wily car'in fees, low teroes, S upgrades, 1ld& tin. me no, dose b slaps bviews i $Insets. kms. M10��D slow: kip kit, scads. 931.6000. 831 X000. ! � _ ceramic Ars., e0 or brdm. 831000. THIS SHOULD HAVE YOU LAUGHING ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK 905 831 =600 SELLING? CALL REALTY WORLD -EAST * BASED ON $200,000 SELLING PRICE AT 6% COMMISSION WP ti Mow THE NEM ADVEIrMEF4 WED, MAY 17,199&PAGE S At Tonnina., we definitely have what it takes to move you. Like innovative designs, quality workmanship, and standard ",luxuryfeatures. Althis plus 25 years Of Outstanding buMng expertise add up to I0i001c homebuyer satisfaction and more. For the best move you'U ever make, visit our community of Westney Heights in Ajax. .Or call the sales office today for more information - 44 1 A, IJ to art tan an Uxur JMODEL HOMES NOW OPEN'-. .1 it -�5 -7 E717 E7 M —r-3 r r7 I �4,,qt A- I IT. -z-r aF �Vard All the Time s. VENDOR WANTS TO MOVE Now! J Quiet crescent location PM. J New 2 -pc. bath and rec rm. with fireplace in bsrrt. J New neutral brim. throughout J Don't wait - call today! THE ORIGINAL GUARANTEE "When you're buying or selling your home with me, if you become Unsatisfied with me or my services, 1 will CANCEL any agreement we have establisbed " GUARANTEED! "Oh, and as the heading states, I've been providing this warranty for years ". GREAT EAST ROUGE LOCATION J Premium sized lot - 155' deep J Huge multi -tier back deck J Ceramic floors J Sunken man floor famihy room with all bridle fireplace. GREAT ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE! 7.5% J Lakefront luxury with full amenities J 2 bedrooms J 2 baths J Carries less than rent! AFFORDABLE HOME OWNERSHIP ,J Walking distance to Whitby marina, recreation centre b 'GO' 44 appliances J Immediate possession available v Family sized waiting for an offer EXCELLENT SOUTH AJAX LOCATION J Upgraded and renovated J4 bedrooms, 2 baths J Finished recreation room N 7 3/4% assumable with quagication. 'JACOBSON" BACKSPUT IN PICKERING J Pool -sized 45x144 h. lot' J Hardwood and ceramic floors J Walking dstanoe to schools, parks, recreation Centre and J Priced to sell today I $229,900 FAMILY -SIZED EXECUTIVE J Fully upgraded with cent. air, cent. vac, hardwood, ceramics, security system, J Fumyaded broadloom finMed basement with full beth J,W move right n! GLOVER MVA Asst. Manager/ Assoc. Broker _- HOME! 619-9094 Stunning newer home in demand North Herm, 619-9500 De iced vAth great floor plan. Wont Mast! C 619-9500 ONE OMRER NOME s?2lt m Move in & plant your own garden. This 4 bdrm., 3 bathroom home sparkles! Color coordinated throughout. Plush bmadoorn, gourmet kitchen. Man floor family room plus fn. rec rm., CAC, CVAC. Quiet residential area. Cal today, Eleerwr Stand field, 619.9500. ANGELA HOFFMANN* 2811-M BACKS ONTO CANSERVA7Iplq!! Gomes 2.100 4 R. ma" home in gesbgtous south Ajax. Beewd upprades, very Private beds yard. Horne of d drslitcliad CALL ANEW A FOR cons NWA" 416-U1-91100 TEXAS SIZED LAWN Oversee your spacious larm with pride- in this executive 2 storey home. Perfectly situated on a private court. Beautiful sat- in kitchen with wakout to large deck and 10 person hot tub. French doors, hardwood floors, ceramics, fin. bsmt., double garage. All this for only $195,000. SUTTON GROUP OMEGA REALTY (416) 281-9500 PETER MUELLER BROKER/OWNER EEEVO WITH MUELLER. RiST T11E BUyM wp s4 quid t tourtlocabon Ce>tttedrai� CALL ANGUA FOR pAon MffAs s AT 416-s61-gig00 SMTTON OROMP OA/EM THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY 17,1995-PAGE 7 WATERFRONT. ITS COTTAGE TIME �� .► Great buy on Trent System. 2 decks, boat , slip, garage, safe swimming; fireplace 8 more. Only $126,000. GROUP RETIREMENT PAT RETI`�thcri� CLARK* OPPORTUNITY!!! INDEPENDENT MEMBER BROKER Fantastic all brick home with double garage, 3 04Gill HERITAGE REALTY LTD, bedrooms, 2 baths, huge deck, gorgeous 619-9500 home. Only $158,000. 1 hr. drive from Ajax. EERY BAY BEAUTY!!! AJAX PICKERING This immaculate home boasts approx. 3,000 sq. ft. of quality living space & al the Call Pat Clark at 619-9500. extras: inground pool, Professionally larrdscaped, ceramics, air, vac, intercom, 4 i 9500 83 -9500 baths a much, much more! Hurry! Call Cathy McGill today at 619.9500! PICKERING _ 'VILLAGE r- 63X150' r LOT = l LOOKING FOR POWER OF - A BUNGALOW All brick 3+1 SALE 9W. STEVE _ LASZLO* BASEMENT bdrms. Very V+1 bdrms., eal brick in a RICK ���' very nice 9 MENARY* OPEN HOUSE 619-9500 a sail Ron Matthews, motivated moor to cutin For more information on mese """"� 619-9500. Large, aN SUNDAY, MAY 21, 2-4 P.M. vendor. or other bungalows. dont 619'95 SOUTH AJAX $137,900 brick. 4+2 bdrm., hesitate to call anyt me DETACHED ON HUGE LOT $159,9otivated ow. Only Ron Matthews. 619-9500 74 MEDLEY LANE (OFF RANDS ROAD) 00 mner Spacious 3 bdrm. bungalow on huge 100x150 ft. lot. Fireplace, Bach. apt addition, $144,900. $149, 900. Private yard. 2 walkouts to deck. Up to date decor. Drop n severance potential, woodslove n rec room, 2 baths, eat-inc kAhen. Must see. a call for details and directioru11! Sieve Laszlo. 619.9500. r MONICA y ` ECKART LAURA ` LARGE MATURE LOT DETACHED WITH IN-LAW APT. DESIRABLE GLEtDALE AREA! MARKS* $135,900 $141 JO <. This detached. 2 storey. 4 bdrm. home features gas Detached 3+1 bdrm. raised bungalow Large del. 4 level badcspkt. 3 bdrms. + 3 hearing, dble. attached garage with opener, motion 619-9500 or a large lot n a great area 2 baths, 2 bdrm. apt. Huge living room with sensor ightng, finished bsmt. with buxlttt bookcase a ?fireplace. cent. vac., fn. b5mL, new kit., fireplace, hoilywood kA. with at to pot mfg, multi fxeplaces, cert aa, cert. vac. AND HUGE PRIVATE LOT! w,o to deck, greet curb appeal. Steve deck Fam. em., cert ac, great area.upgraded root. windows, furnace, brdtn. a 110"19. $199.900 - Rouge River kx�tiom 3 bdrm. det. bungalow with man floor to" m,., aszb, 619-9500. Steve Laszlo, 619-9500. FRANK qty home shows taste a style. Cal Frank and Monica et-law suite, gas fveptace. steps to lake a beach!! Shows extremely well. u LOURENCO* at 831-9500. DOWM*, MENARY* & �* to Detached brkck, 4 bdni . 3 belhs, famiy room, den, fireplace, cent. air, kart. vac. 50 ft. lot, double caren suite has sapwaower le shand step-up tub. Shows Call Jmes a 10++. a906) 615411M before irs gone. fr a SEE FOR YOURSELF } ' SUNDAY! --- <k - 3,000 sq. ft + great 1,500 sq. fl. finished basement in Ajax by the lake. Main floor den; famal dining, huge OW-in kittrhen diet 3 times the serflike... JAMES %/centre Wautd, walk-in pantry & caMamia CARR* CHANTAL a9h9• Also, 4 bathrooms, security, GREAT VALUE - 619-9500 DOWNEY* � Sitsy an extra $S�900 AJAX!DatKhed bdT:1,800 sq. tt.. Man aoor te�i * ed rrrldttr roan►, kfetacted hick, 3 619-9500 p.m., at 23 Parkes Drive. Call Chantal for ~3 bedrooms, open `ird1s, cotc t, s19 s8o` °0 ar a. 4otl a. rartoed p4quid more at 619-9500. �Fireplam Iola Cd r JUST MOVE IN! dr a v sem-dNacNed on COIJMRRYOIRIriALOM-ACRE largelot, e" GRACEGwpm burigabw ft attt garb of CW ntontl FST THE els in LOOK FERE! w ,, Sloulrvie. Al brick home with ootniry trortt poach, One of the nicest models d We pen once t J Court rooms; 9 locatkn Mtftb ups,, huge oorrtlry tat. tatoak o0oatds a Ub b GRACE location J west back yard J open cer>cept hone J across 6DtIt to pw JORGENSEN* WX desk sep M dun. ark trtAtood curs taupe open JORGENSEN* J ,611 JMEn sUile with �r sh w s step UPwith CO�tub4 Why rent? oorkoept Mu tm. vitt bock fp Opelk wood eteiacaee b th Walk.in doset J Generous bedrooms J "-finished - 686-5153 ban"'Huge rec mL wAv°°de'°ae, 3►2 bdimL, 3 blit'`, 686.6153 bsmt. J Cent. air J Double drive A garage. Just fisted a pkwtbiy for etdw kk., FAG klrrtace, cant aw `acro higfk a" x, $172.900. CALL bmK ,tut tfdad rT add"° arkly r�9, 619-9500 a�fw .ioffFnlafl� aAus F1Fll «oet Ofi•O,ii� CALL dMlCt ,afowooasM. lALsi tRltlll. ftlM��0lsliA. sutbn &MI1P Chaait: RmW fro. slatlon (croup Classic Realty Inc. Spring Gardening This article is provided by local Realtors and the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) for the benefit of eonimmers in the real estate market The days we getting longer, the weather's warming up and city and country gardeners alike are just itching to get out there. Now is a good time to do some ground work, so to Weak, to prepare your lawn, flower beds and garden for the months ahead. The bard work you put into your yard now will pay off handsomely when summer's really here. The months of April and May are the best ones to give your lawn its first fertilizing of the year. You may not be looking for a golf -green effect with your lawn, but you do want one that can take a pounding from kids, toys. pets and lawn furniture, and that will show off Your garden to its best advantage. A fast -acting fertilizer will green up your lawn before you know it, but it might not stand the test of time. And the grass could become dependent on fast fixes of fertilizer and develop a "lazy" root system that can't survive without them. A slow-release fertilizer containing sulphur -coated urea or natural -source nitrogen is a good bet for long-lasting results. A good-looking lawn needs three main nutrients - nitrogen to make it green. phosphorous for healthy roots and potassium for hardiness. At this time of year you can get your lawn off to a strong start with a formula like 21-7-7 applied at 2 kg/100 sq. in. If you make two applications about six to eight weeks apart you will [educe the danger of burning your lawn. Aerating your lawn will open up soil that's become compressed over time by heavy foot traffic and scores of rain showers. Grass roots will be crowded and weeds can flourish. The plugs of earth removed by an aerator leave lots of little holes that cave in and loosen up the soil. Dethatcbing will take care of the matting caused by grass rhizomes that grow out of grass plants to start new ones every inch or so. The problem with thatch is it can make it difficult for air, water and fertilizers to reach the roots, and can also encourage insects and disease. You can dethatch with a rake, or rent a dethatching machine that cuts through the thick mat and lifts bits and pieces of it to the surface Experts recommend this process be done onl once every three to five years. If you're counting on a glorious display o colour from your annual or perennial flowe beds, start working the soil now. It should substantial enough to support large plants, ye light enough to allow roots to make their wa / downwards. It creeds to be able to hold moisture but avoid becoming waterlogged. Regular additions of organic material such peat, old compost from plant material an manure will improve the soil's consistency �. 2 car gar:: en. Ile. laund and tem. rmc , tornrel N. 6 din. rens. creating air pockets, which help the soil retain water and oxygen, and preventing the soil's tendency to pack down. Spring is generally not the best time to plant young trees because most are dormant only until very early in the season, and planting can be traumatic. If you have to do it now, choose one in a fibre pot that can go straight into the ground, lessening the likelihood of transplant shock and damage to tender roots. New trees over two feet tall should be staked for at least the first year. Summer -flowering vines do well if they're pruned SIDAWAY* r—� .�..r.C...�-- � - ►zi�"� —. --� -�' `'mss.: vigorously in early spring, and spring -flowering shrubs like azalea, lilac and clematis can be pruned immediately after they've bloomed to give them a whole summer to develop next season's flower buds. It can be daunting to look out on a bare, brown garden at this time of year and wonder what the summer will bring, but inspiration aplenty can be found in gardening magazines and seed catalogues, at flower and garden shows and at local nurseries, where staff will be more than willing to answer your gardening queries. Call Graham at 683-2992 ROMWAII III, Quality One Ltd. Rltr. 3 BEDROOM HOME IN AJAX $1399900 Bright eat -in kitchen New carpets ' 5 appliances Close to schools, Go Transit Huge 125 foot private lot ' 2 Bathrooms This Property is a must to see and won't last'" 11117taiiti. tC7 A 1 G 1.94 acres, unique LIMITED REALTORa ' 71,fi"trewm 1 . - y".: . -- .. _1 — I ,.e vt4 T= NEWS ADVE MSER, TED, MAY 17, U"S-PACE f IL . _the HolidayVictoria Dayto Due � � 22 May Mondayq Wednesday Noon - Proof Ads Process Colour Front Page sp oon Thursday _ Non -Proofs 0�77 04 AL'- 1, v.N�..\4•✓..+/r '�TUM.lr .tia.•.. .. .:•r•v�.r... _: ..r:w•��.Y"� --tiif� �: �....... ::` ,T.�.'��.1: ..v --r ;rdiw.••.\.�,• .wi. Ir. N•r - .�. iN-�I)�t��lR� M�:. N„w'. i..r .'.".q rLLJ � .. r %V q� ': • '�r" ' nti.Y.,'. .�. �... • R=..::. 4t r...��i ..Yla� • ,i#`y.>. i:.•_�. .M/: •..�1~ �.. � 3 ^�..-! : '� Oshawa • Whitby • ClariagWa THIS WEEK News Advertiser Vs. V �` `• �_ a .(905) 879-4404 TOR. LINE (905) 798-7672 FAX (905) 432-1635 hd i J vv. r. -C v.N�..\4•✓..+/r '�TUM.lr .tia.•.. .. .:•r•v�.r... _: ..r:w•��.Y"� --tiif� �: �....... ::` ,T.�.'��.1: ..v --r ;rdiw.••.\.�,• .wi. Ir. N•r - .�. iN-�I)�t��lR� M�:. N„w'. i..r .'.".q rLLJ � .. r %V q� ': • '�r" ' nti.Y.,'. .�. �... • R=..::. 4t r...��i ..Yla� • ,i#`y.>. i:.•_�. .M/: •..�1~ �.. � 3 ^�..-! : '� Oshawa • Whitby • ClariagWa THIS WEEK News Advertiser Vs. V �` `• �_ a .(905) 879-4404 TOR. LINE (905) 798-7672 FAX (905) 432-1635 hd i J ?AGE 10 -THE NEWS ADVF,ETISBR, WED, MAY 17, IM GREENWOOD 5 MILES TO 401 Relax and enjoy this country family home on 1 ac. overlooking spectacular view, sunsets. 3 bdrms., 3 baths, in-law apt., out buildings, country but close. $279,900. Debbi Jefferson, Sales Rep. OOLDWELL BANGER - LEE REAL ESTATE 905-477-2223 You may find the key to your dream home in our pages Three 'I Times Each Week fq�� 1171q�� 11111��� i=- i= ■= i= T != N n r i:,o nn NEW CHOICE Realty Ltd. MEM BER BROKER 837w1054 61 \EILSO\ AVE\CE SPRING IS HERE! 1411 ROI Gni(l v'i �tllVF<' "1t2ST0VFPATH CIRCLF, And this lovely 4 bedroom home is 870 WEST -SHORE BLVD ,,._,SOr- waiting for a new owner. Main floor • "�*:: ' '� ,; family room, new carpeting, new 85 18 BAINBRIDGE DR. 318 NtORRISH RD. kitchen floor and windows. Walk- 26FMMY ST x out to huge deck. The perfect blend of comfortable living, choice BAILN W°tIAD SQ. location and affordable price at 8 DEA\SCROFT SQ. $166,900. See for yourself Sat. 2- ft.FWEROR St—JM 4 at 612 Stonebridge Lane. Can't 62 FRAZER RD. wait? Call now (905) 509-0318. - Con/cept 100 B -B -C Realty Inc. N n r i:,o nn NEW CHOICE Realty Ltd. MEM BER BROKER 837w1054 61 \EILSO\ AVE\CE 7 PINEMORE CRESCENT 1144 RIDGEWOOD CT. 1411 ROI Gni(l v'i �tllVF<' "1t2ST0VFPATH CIRCLF, 92 THORPCRES. 870 WEST -SHORE BLVD ,,._,SOr- WILL,14M ST. 186f►ASHF�tDDR- ;__ IM BAI\BRIDGE DR. 85 18 BAINBRIDGE DR. 318 NtORRISH RD. 4.'� 75A-**W;%&DO&:ST 11Si MA"CO1;RT DR WL DJ100 26FMMY ST x _; t.062 MOORELA\'DS CRES. 1a0i BAILN W°tIAD SQ. }773 iEtO\ SQ(;}ftFs 8 DEA\SCROFT SQ. 1',17 3050 ELLFS.%tERE ft.FWEROR St—JM 580JL EY", DRIVE 62 FRAZER RD. 315-193 LAKEDRIVEWAY 51 :.._ 721 HI'L}YfFW.. 1618 MMOR OAK 894 LIVERPOOL RD. 1024 LONGBOW POWER OF SALE - Inground pool - 3+1 bdrms. • In -law- apt. • Pickering Call Judy Stacee••s 837-1054. WHITES✓EYER DR. Dm,tsmt apt, 4 bdrms-, 4 baths, 7 apple. Fan- rm. w4implace, 2nd floor laundry, newer eorpet, child -safe cul-de-sac street Call Red Casias*, 837-1054. JUST REDUCED! Massive ceramic kuduen with w/o to fabulous solaritar. Olen staircase to fin. bsmc, 2 fireplaces with heatilWors. Thio home is loaded wide outstanding upgrades & features. C.a Ron Arpte•, 837-1154 NEI LSON & SHEPPARD - 3 or 4 bedroom - Fin. basement fireplace - Main Jfr. den • Big vard Cal lu dy SAWW*.., 837 -IRS SOW WILLIAM STREET - with Claremont quality custom built on 1 acre backing to trout smam, pond & woods. You must see it. Call Garry Free"•, 8371054. - GOING WEST? Scarborough detached plus 2 bdrm- basement apt, double garage, all appls. Perfect for in-laws or rental. Bus in front Call Raul (,as * 837- 1854. FORGET THE COTTAGE! 16X32 pool on beauutifu/150 h• toe with interlock patio & wood deck. This home has huge fan rm. %ariek P. Ige. eat -in updated kit. & jun. bsmt. New hrdwd Jars. in IN. & din. ems. Call Rom Argue*, 837-1054 "HOT OFF THE PRESS" bomaculate awe owner how, 3 years new - Cbeghlan Beano Swoke fim pet fiat 3 bidruirs.. ►wfmL ns, WAP. & bay window eat -in kit, woo so yanL Cera Lois rhawpan•! 837-1054. EAST YORK STARTER Brick 2+1 bungalow near East York General Hospital. Fin. bsmt, wAvoodburning stove, appis. tgtdatedt Nice! CAN Bw6we K Swik•! X837-10511. _ ...•,,....,...,.........ter...,... ,.. _ �...:�•..M....k ..�.,... _. .. 24 WRIGHT .4. CRESCENT, AJAX Backs on park 2 walkouts, finished redgames nm S Upgraded top to bosom. Seeing is believing. Cera i .. Garry Fnw***, 837-1054 VENDOR SAYS MOVE! Reduoedr Back to park quiet court, 3+1 bdrms--, CAG AL &ME. want to flea market own coure. A real gem! Cal Lois 7keayrsa••, 837-11511 SCARBOROUGH - MEADOWVALE/401. Gorgeous country dray throughout this spotless home! Floor to ceiling corner fireplace in living room, Can Barbisra K Swidt•! 837-1054. AJAX - 428-7677 PICKERING - 831-7677 111 !AGB 1i2 -THE NEWS ADVEWME31, WED, MAY 17,1995 BW.10tfr kiAlm p� x�� ��ILf1♦ WOW!! ITS A 10++ Super detached home! Cent. air coed., cent. vac., 3 washrooms, 10x20' deck, interlock walkways. ceramic it hardwood floors. built-in appliances in ea! -in kitchen and more. Only $176,90011 7 - PRICED FOR 1ST TIME BUYER $121,500. Asking. Spacious 3 bedroom 2 storey home. 2 new washrooms. renovated from bottom to top. Private fenced lot, located on a quiet. pretty street in north Oshawa. This is a beauty. It won't hast. Call now for an appointment. A- THWKING OF SCARSOROIGH A fireplace that says relax' Every" about this 3 bedroom bungalow is perfect. Front to back, top b bottom. Features large eat -in kitchen, renovated bathroom, tasteful decor, in-law potential and truit trees an added bonus. A must see! GREAT BEGNNffM This beautiful 3 bdrm. home has upgrad carpels, modem kkhen, 6 on' bent and located on a quiet crescent. Some of the exit bdude: Cental air ('94), tree sun deck J move in! Price $149,800. NORTH AJAX $19!,!00 •Pid0toop*W '4bbes,241>c,129G • Ih ft btu =AWL sin. • E" M•, efo deck 'Holliprle =lot,k*laced •Nd1t6iPaftelm b4popt wt i. 1 4 BEDROOM - S. AJAX - $169,900 This charming 4 bedroom home is situated on a mature treed lot. There is a finished rec room, 5th bedroom and summer kitchen. This home also has 2 fireplaces and 3 washrooms. Cal now! y �•b �- e _ 6 GORGEOUS PRESTIGIOUS COMPLEX $133,950 - 3 bedrooms, large master, access door to 2 underground parking spaces from finished basement. Walt to consenation & lake! SPACIOUS 4 LEVEL SDESPLfT Beautifully landscaped 50020' fenced I kgro and pod. 4 bedrooms, huge fanny room rec room. Scarborough, $244,400. COIF SEE FOR YOURSELF 3 bdrm. bingabw foaled in Oshawa. Hart Moors, ceramic floor a ilfanoe, finished rec w1Tt walkout to deck Sepemb side end Only $148,500. PRIVATE LAKE PICKERINGM ' Custom-built ' 263 ft. of lake front • Over 2 acres • Prof. landscaped, lots of trees .Open concW •Sk-Ilights • Hot tub • 4 car garage MUST BE SEENT 34 OF AN ACRE OF LAID WITH A LOT OF TREES 3,400 sq. R. ' 2 car garage ' Interlock aftance • Basketball const 4 bedroom ' Professionally lantlsm ed Man floor family room with fireplace Cal now for the view of this beautiful home. 0Ari \ WIN RICH IN LITTLE THOM THAT COLT ' CWL sir tad. • 3 Minis bdrmc ' Febubs bMm near We l sdra* • Nib b duel los din. na No los pot frn bat. to fared deck • DW* prod densly • Supr 1110. M • Odr 041,90Q MINEW—MMUN WA901. —sr GREAT PICKERM LOCATION SOUTH AJAX DETACHED nice GMndde ham. 3 bedlon is, A effieoe, 3 bedroorres, eat-it$1Wde�n, fru *we, S A=K:y gas furrfaoe, central air, large beds doubt driveway. Power of Sale; needs double driveway, ad -in m - cal now. T.L.C. But a grid buy - cal now. NEWER NOME WITH ALL THE "UPGRADES" This gorgeous 3 bdrm. home has a beautiful finished rec room, large eat4n kitchen with fireplace, large sundeck, over 1,300 sq. ft. and is very nicely decorated. Call to view this home. $149,000. BARGAIN BUY ONLY $144,800 This 3 bdrm. fully detached all brick home sirnpty won't last. Has a walkout to a great deck, a fully finished recreation room, an extra washroom & more. Easy to see, simply cal. 7.15% MORTGAGE UNTIL Jtl1 E 1999 "• Save CMHC fees plus thousands of $i$•••. Cal today for detW 4 bedrooms, big master, surny sunken family room, new bloadoorn f!, high effiaency fumacelcent. air, fn. beret., fenced, prime Pickering! PRETTY AS A BUTTON11 = HoHsfzJsf!IALL PRICE bdrm., main floor firmly room & ! undfyApprox. 2,400 sq. ft.! Plus finished basement, Meat -in kllCltaff. double t�f � fully lenoed lot, double attached garage, 3 WP bdrms. tip a 1 bdrm. down. (creat bar In raga. A must see! LAC8f10n! Locaflon basement. Try your offer whit you can. Only $194,9W. Or* of Ajax's best oMerirxis! ; _ OUIIUTY L IVW NEAR WATERT Spoils 3 bda hmae VA t linty D11u baa- •Fen►rmleeay�, 64=s rrir wlilmt P*Ab Mead beck Id wl dldd • Miter bbm hs 2 pc.