HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1995_05_05ELECTION Hitting the campaign trail95 j Page 5 News �,SPORTS Gymnasts take title Page 16 Advertiser Friday, May 5, 1995 44 pages A Nletroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 35,000 Vol. 114 No. 18 Seniorbusted • after teen shot PICKERING — An Altona Road senior is facing a weapons charge after a teenager was shot with a pellet gun Wednesday. Durham Regional Police say ofihoers were called to deal with approximately 100 youths milling about E.B. Phin Public School on Altow Road around 3 p.m. As police began dispersing the youths, some reportedly crossed Altona on to private property. Upset the youths were on his proper- ty, a man yelled at them to get off, police say. When the youths shouted baric, the man weal into his garage and retuned with a pellet gun. When a 17 -year-old tried to inter- vene because a friend had been thneat- ened, the gun was turned on the teen. At that point, police say, the youth turned and was shot in the beck although the pellet didn't penetrate his clothing. Ibc seen fled and was shot at again, but the pellet missod Pblice still in the area were notified and sei wd a pellet gun and a 22 -diose rifle. A 79 -year-old man charged with pos- session of a dangerous weapon will .appear in court in Oshawa June 5. Inside M On news Editorial................................ 6 Entertainment .....................14 Sports.................................16 Classified .............................17 General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Sincerely Yours 1-900-451-4464 Ext. 34 14oSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 The News AdTertiser regularly uses recycled newsprint 934t + 74 GST = $1 Walking the walk Jacqueline Doherty is one of several children at the Helping Hands Day Care on Whites Road in Pickering who helped raise money for victims of the bombing of a federal btAdsng in Oklahoma City, Okla., recently. The kids participated in a walk-a-thon and various events, including a race. photo by Ron Pietroniro r uuiic � ciiuvi board tackles class violence ❑ But dismal showing at forum leaves officials hopeful that parents are satisfied with school safety By LINDA W'HrrE STAFF REKWTER DURHAM — A dismal response to a safe schools forum has public school board officials hopeful par- ents "are satisfied we have pretty safe schooLs." Admittedly, the Durham Board of Education "didn't expect an overwhelming response" when it invited community members to iden- tify safety and security con- cerns and offer suggestions on what can be done to keep schools safe, according to Jerry LeRoy, chairman of the board's safe schools commit- tee and vice-principal of Pickering High School. But the board received only two written responses to its invitation and not one per- son asked to speak to the committee at an afternoon and an evening form[ sched- uled at board headquarters on Tuesday. The forums were orga- nized to help develop a vio- lence -prevention policy — which must be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Training for approval next month and is to be imple- mented beginning in September - The policy is a Joey compo- nent in the ministry's pledge to address violence in schools, as announced in November, 1993. Policies must address the following issues: creating a safe school environment; incorporating violence pre- vention in curriculum; early and ongoing identification of violent students with the aim of providing help; a code of accepted behavior; proce- dures for dealing with violent incidents; dealing with the aftermath of an incident; Sea BOARD. -Page 3 `Terrorized' want neighborspit bulls g impounded MCKERING — Residents in a neighbor- hood "terrorized" by two pit bull terriers are -up in arms" because the anirrrals can't be ordered The most important issue for ILS slight now is impounding the animals," says Douglas Fulford, whose pet Chow -Chow was attacked by the pit bulls outside Rosebartlk Road Public School April 21. The Chow received 40 stitches to its neck, throat, chest and legs after the attack, which was bwken up by passeas-by. "Pleople won't go outside to walls without sticks," notes Mr. Fulford of Moorelands Crescent. wt's ridiculous." The pit bulls' owner appeared in Ontario Court, provincial division, in Whitby Wednesday on four counts of letting the dogs nm at large. The case was renhanded for a week to allow the owner to seek legal advice. Justice of the peace R. G. Harris refused to order the dogs [mpounded because "he doesn't have the power to do so," Crown attorney Stephen McGuire says of his request While the fate of the dogs is "open to the court, residents would rather have the dogs destroyed," he notes. Get yoxr 95 �boxe � service for only /md' 19 PLUS own your portable phone & fecehe 30 local caps home/m& for 3 monfhsl DAL u w tNa n awbha. to aft im sw *m br hair 1yax/Pickcring Oshawa/Whitby A� �t 837-1212 Cellular Plus ntm 576-1212 Pickering Town Centre (Lower level, Sears Wing) 843 King St., W. Quist West of Thornton Rd.)' Bell Mobility PACE 2 -TW MEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MAY S. 1993 Ift Ah AIM, kDDUESS: p, OF FAMII'Y WOIAO AAE IN PBp �1'� �'T10N-g0� MAS BADS SiWG TOWN f�E � � ' � "2 AD JIM ti erre u tnn vu�sl to ,vaa�bJtY tew; AW i10P1 s Trwd and y�yout PmOds �� iruerna book d vabtoc Cb m b °k°t8r 'd % di�nds o. aw f� ilx pi nt of all a the �« vhK'h d blopm nbe to the due d ;nvd a of ury Pt tl. amnadau°n d the Pett °1 res -Trckeu are ns� dr�sn, tw chu' desutuan Vie. and o c1x tesPo^ir� d.. fran �lR a Y ct T avclYha�� tf>e{ ,ur+t nce �s not U -Cl d r o releax ton .nth any Rrwed Pnu cteilauun & Nedfc � SK'ze, the ben r ,incurted to c the pn- "Mr c'uh I• acccptancr nom, .atuch nra es. ottrer tluu P�roNiAC►� 6Y PH�E damaK� YpQr;�FI � ant Capt' manner related to the mntrst. sw hi, t/ ll -F 1-1 .W er knower a • A 0 q g : �^�9 0 Ct�PCC�I Board fights school violence FROM PAGE 1 training staff in developing and maintaining violence -free schools; and strategies to ensure parents and guardians help develop and imple- ment violence -prevention policies. Boards were also advised in November, 1993 to develop proce- dures for reporting violent incidents to the police and the ministry. Though boards were told to have those procedures in place by last September, the public board here had been collecting data since the previous year. According to a report issued last June, 294 violent incidents occurred on school property in the academic year ending that month. That num- ber is considered conservative given the student population of 58,000. And while the board considers every incident a serious one, Mr - LeRoy says "only a handful' would fall into the top end of a scale rating severity — involving injuries which required medical care, for example. Most involved pushing and shoving between students, while some involved youngsters in possession of, but nor brandishing. a weapon. But violence is a societal prob- lem, not a school problem, reminds superintendent of education/opera- tions Doug Wilson. "We didn't cre- ate it and we don't teach it. We need the co-operation of students, parents and communities to address it." Inquest called in tractor trailer wheel deaths DURHAM — `Our family is A coroner's glad ... we feel that inquest has been it is necessary," called to examine she said last night. truck safety on However, she provincial high- said the October ways, three start date of the months after the inquest is a con - death of Whitby cern to her family resident Angela and others. Worona, whose "Someone car was struck by could die between a loose tractor now and Octo- trailer wheel on ber," she said. Hwy. 401. Ms. "We think some- Worona was killed thing should be in January while done right now. travelling on Hwy. There's not 401 near the Ajax- enough of a deter - Whitby border rent in place, when a wheel which is what we spun loose from a wally need." tractor trailer on - the opposite side of the highway. A similar tragedy occurred last month when a Brampton man was'killed. The inquest, to be presided over by Dr. Kevin Flynn, will focus on the design, installation and maintenance of truck tires and wheels, according to the dead woman's sister, Theresa Womna. THENk—v"AD,VEICIYSE1t-Mf?J%Y; MA 5; f".1PIAG" 'Ian factors- -contribute to increased -violence -- y DURHAM — Tough eco- time,,, notes Mr. LeRoy, who ::: ":`'':'::::>` ` `': vision and movies. For show. Students must realize nomic times, cultural differ- believes man weapons KidB qrt gl't y carry example, actors "ale shot but there are consequences to ences and the media are all to "for defensive purposes. ..guns easily are okay at the end of a such actions" blame for increased violence , at schools, public school board officials believe. When asked why violence is on the rise, Jerry LeRoy, Pickering High School vice- principal and chairman of the board's safe school commit- tee, points the finger to the following: • Economic times: "Kids are coming from homes where one or maybe two par- ents have kyA their jobs," he notes. "They don't know where the next dollar is com- ing from. Tension in the borne affects the kids." • Accessibility of weapons: "Kids can get their hands on a gun within a short BUY SELL They don t intend to harm anyone, but want to protect themselves" if someone assaults or robs them. • Peer pressure "has taken on increasing meaning. People feel abandoned...and have turned to their peer group for moral support and a value system." • Cultural differences: "There's a lack of under- standing for ewb other's cul- tures„ • Overcrowding: Schools built to accommodate 1,200 students must house several hundred more. • Media: Students are becoming immune to vio- lence in popular music, tele- t- Fort M u ELOZIE W AS 4 ci 8 to At�. C *MEMBERS OF THE TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD 'FULL MLS SERVICE AVAILABLE *OVER 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE DAVID JOSEPH PRESIDENT ® 427-1345 pQp Call 683-5110 with news items. IL 4_4 qjwe If your child's marks are below expectations, we can help. I or better readmg. v rating, math anti study s{:i{{s, gr-: u:, A :all. Grade Expectations will design a supplementary education program based on your child's needs to increase interest, build self-confidence and improve academic performance for students in grades 1 to 13. Call us today so we can show you how Grade Expectations can help your child succeed. 1885 Glenanna Rd. GIA)E Suite 103 PICKERItiG ' - EXI-11-��►��� ONS 420— 9930 ME1)[(:.•U_ (.'ENTRE LLAHNING CENT HES CASHw 11 -A S 1/Z"x4'x8' DRYWALL Note for every 3 sheets or 100ft' of 1/2'x4"x8' drywall you will need 100 1-1/4- of drywall screws or 1/21b. of 1-1/4- mails. 125-10301 4P9 Seconds COLONIST DOOR Moulded 6 panel design with the look and feel of pine wood grain. Assorted sizes. 115-90031 1PRRESSURE BOARTREATED DS FENCE Dressed on 4 sides. Graded for appearance. 075-00515 aY� 2 DAYS ONLY SATURDAY MAY 6 aAMto6PM SUNDAY MAY 7 LA10 AMtoSPM co"Cowm .I bM 3 99 s0. YD. Indoor/Outdoor PLUSH TURF Choose from 6 and 12' rolls. Green Or brown. 3 year warranty against fading. 302-00018 30kg lASMWAY CONCRETE STONE MIX !Ideal for building walks, walls, floors, footings or setting poles and posts. Also for heavy patching and repair of sidewalks. 203-20206 The easiest way to build a deck. No holes to dig, no concrete to mix and no mess to clean up. 204-20410 ML o -DISF AU �p 2nNUED 22111m__LL TOMS PRICIED 000Rs PRICED FSS PRICED TO CLEAR To EAR PRICED TO C To CLEAR LoW 15 1MeNtIfY�/ Rod. AX -1-800-809-3076 •905-2�7-!!31 PAX 905-427-9636 While Quantities last. Pries may vary after after May 7th. 1995. PAGE 4 -THE NEWS AM'ERJ ISER FRIDAY. MAv s toac PICKERING — Both eastbound A commuter waiting for a GO a.m. and re -opened about half an Police talk man from and westbound lanes of Hwy. 401 train at the Pickering station advised hour later after police talked the man were closed early Wednesday morn- police of a man standing on the out of jumping and took him to jumping off 401 bridge rng after a man threatened to jump bridge around 5:50 a.m. Ajax -Pickering General Hospital for off a bridge at Liverpool Road. The highway was closed at 6:25 treatment. Buy Z tlri�r,�s, fog- Aloin, C_ save C (or I1101'P f01' J10/111 save �o EATON'S sale Tfoinen's Fashions, Accessories and Shoes.' Today to Sunday, May 7th. (Remember, Mother's Day is Sunda; May 14th.) Eaton's. W e want to be your store. [Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded] (Eaton's No GST Home Event is now held oder untilSunda 6 THF NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MAY S, 1995 -PACE 5 Provincial election enumeration starts Thursday AJAX-PICKERING — Candidates won't be only people knocking on doors during the provincial election campaign. From Thursday, May 11 to Wednesday, May 17, enumerators will go door-to-door gathering names of eligible voters for the June 8 election. To be eligible to vote, you must at least 18 years on election day, a Canadian citi- zen and an Ontario resident for the six months prior to election day. Enumerators will carry identification, only ask questions related to voter qualifi- cations and they won't inquire about an individual's marital status or occupation. Each eligible voter will receive a Form 301, which indicates the location of the elector's polling station. If you miss the enumerator, you can reg- ister at the office of the returning officer in the Brock North Plaza at Brock Road and Hustling on the hustings Like most provincial elec- tion candidates, Durham West Progressive Conservative hopeful Janet Ecker has a busy schedule that keeps her hopping from dawn to dusk. A sampling: After last Friday's election call by Premier Bob Rae, she began Monday at 6 a.m. greeting commuters at the Pickering GO station, knocked on doors starting at 9 a.m., held a round -table discussion with Durham media at 4 p.m. and capped it off with a leaders' rally at Thunderbird Golf Club at 7. Tuesday saw her canvass- ing neighborhoods beginning at 9 a.m., at a fund-raising event at 5:30 p.m. and speak- ing to the Ajax OptiMrs. Club at 7. Sandwiched in between door knocking Wednesday, she tested her lungs in the Big Bike Ride for the heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario at ncxxt. Ms. Ecker wraps up the week by participating in Ajax Environmental Affairs Week clean-ups at Duffins Creek Saturday and the Ajax water- front Sunday. Her election opponents have equally busy itineraries. 'Talk atx)ut hustling on the hustings. rss More experienced at pounding the pavement, Durham West New Democratic Party incumbent MPP Jim Wiseman has opened his election head- quarters at 144 Old Kingston Rd. in Pickering Village, LIT 2Z2. Phone 427-7100; fax 427-7172. Somewhere to crash after a long day on the campaign trail. AZA 0 0 U News Advertiser Mr. Wiseman's 11(1 is also a place to greet prominent people, like Arlene Perly Rae• wife of you -know -who. She'll be, at the MTP's elec- tion headquarters at 6:30 tonight (: riday) fox a volun- teer appreciation night. Which brings to mind someone named Elilary Clinton. sss Ms. Rae's husband Bob will be here during the Victoria Day long weekend as guest speaker at an NDP fund-raising dinner Friday, May 19 at the Pickering Recreation Complex. There go our plans to open up the cottage. A Speak Up Ajax provin- cial election debate has been scheduled for Maclean Hunter Cable 10 in Ajax Tuesday, May 16 from 7 to 8 p.m. Durham West candi- dates Jim Wiseman of the NDP. Tory Janet Ecker and Liberal Joe Dickson will be participating in this live and interactive program. They'd better put on a good show. The Stanley Cup playoffs will tx; well under way by then. sss Just who is running for the NDP in Durham West? If it's Jim Wiseman, then why is campaign literature for lluron Riding New Democrat MPP Paul Klopp turning up in some mailboxes here? In case you're wondering, Huron Riding is in the Goderich area, north of Sarnia. Isn't running in one riding tough enough? Dellbrook Avenue in Pickering. You have until Wednesday, June 7 to get on the voters' list. Enumerators, deputy returning officers and polling clerks are still needed. If you're interested, call returning officer Rosalie Johnson at 686-2524. IF YOU'RE LOOKING TO BUY THE BEST R.V., STOP SHOPPING & BUY A JAYCO! Come to Leisure Stop's 1st AnnualJaYCO. WHOLESALE WACKY WEEKEND May 5, 6, 7, 1995 *Frantic 5th Wheel Friday *Sensational Travel Trailer Saturday (Free Gift valued at $750 - with every New Travel Trailer or 5th Wheel purchased from stock) *Sizzling Tent Trailer Sunday (KcmanmTopy,& screen room w/new tent trader purchase) NO FREE MEALS REAT NO -DICKER D Friday 9 am. - 8 p.m. Saturday 9 am - 6 p.m. Sunday 11 a m - 4 p m. n n 14662 Hwy. 48, Stouffville, Ont. GIG ® (3 kms. N. of Bloomington Rd.) ". (905) 642-4200 GIANT BRIDAL SALE 4 DAYS ONLY Thurs., May 4 - Sun., May 7 INCREDIBLE SELECTIONS OF ALL NEW BRIDAL GOWNS • SATIN • LACE • SILK` �a Also Available... Limited Selection r Bridesmaids/Mothers .. Hurry In! Limited Offer iL �a ry %. `► �b No lay-aways 9-9 Thurs. 6 Fri. &50 Wilson lson Rd. s. Sat. a sun. 9-5 Oshawa 6 d a v f PAC%'-WtWEWtSAb#rtr1S'E*�iti J1Y,M* A`Y5,'1945 NMI About U s Timothy J. Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor-in-chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Advertising Manager Alvin Brouwer Retail Sales Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday. Friday and Sunday. 134-132 Commercial Ave.. Ajax, Ontario. LIS 2115. The publisher resm•es the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. Page sizes may vary slightly from published rate card due to mechanical requirements of different printers. Second Class Mail Registration 1897. Mail suhscnpdm rates Can. l yr. $70. GIVE US A CALL General 683-5110 Newsroom 683-5110 Distribution 683-5117 Classified 683-0707 (Nightline - 798-7672) FAX 693-7363 Sincerely Yours 1-900451-1464 ext. 34 1nfoSource 683-7040 Real Estate and Automotive Sales 798-7672 National Advertising 493-1300 The News Advertiser wekomes let- ters to the editor on issues of interact to our readers. We rte the right to edit legs for length and legal rea- sons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All learn must include your full name, address and phone number for our information. They should not exceed one and a half pages in length. The News Advertiser regularly uses recycled newsprint Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser >} ;T'imothy I Whittaker - Publisher A Metroland Community Newspaper 130.132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, (hat. ♦ EDITORIAL Think twice Penny wise and pound foolish. Oshawa councillor Brian Nicholson's assess- ment of the current lot levy situation seems to sum it up nicely. The Durham Board of Education move to impose a development charge on both residen- tial development and commercial/industrial development, bringing the tab to $1,389 per res- idential unit and 1.07 per cent of the construc- tion value of industrial properties. In effect, the board may be cutting off its nose to spite its face. If they insist on charging the levy, in one case this week to an Oshawa company planning a $3 -million expansion, the company says it will go elsewhere. And it already has three other plants to go to so the threat is real. The board will receive approximately $30,000 for the levy if the building estimate is correct. They stand to gain another $30,000 per year in additional tax revenues from the expan- sion. If the Oshawa company follows through on its threat, the Board will end up with a big fat zero in extra funds and the City of Oshawa will lose 25 jobs and a $3 -million investment. If other industry across Durham Region feel the same way as the Oshawa firm, the result could be a devastating drop in an already soft- ening development market. We think the board should talk seriously with their municipal cousins to seek a solution to this problem. They can't afford not to. Info -Source Poll: Last week we asked: Do you feel spanking is an acceptable form of punishment for children? f��f `i Z.1 I�,J ui : 7k 0 1 THIS WEEK'S QUESTION: Have you decided yet who you'll vote for in the June 8 provincial election? YES: Punch 8026 TO CALL INFOSOURCE: NO: Punch 8027 683-7040 Do you feel the Durham Board of Education We asked, • is justified in spending $50,000 yearly on food at board functions? -- asked at the Hub Plaza FRANK DELLO "No, that's too much -- way too much." JANICE COUTTS "Pot -luck works real- ly well. Spend the money on kids." rtURMA BARKEY "No. They can bring their own from home if they need it io much." NARESH PERSAND "Definitely not. Put the money into pro- grams for the kids." Catholic alternate -day kindergarten on hold By LINDA WHITE STAFF REPORTER DURHAM — Separate school board officials are awaiting the results of the upcoming provincial elec- tion before moving ahead with studies on alternate - day kindergarten. "Everyone is in a holding pattern, waiting to see what happens," Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board superinten- dent of business Cleary Smith says of the June 8 election. A report on all -day, every -other -day junior and senior kindergarten has been sitting on the back burner since the Royal Commission on Learning recommended a "seamless day" for kindergarten -aged youngsters, Mr. Smith explains. Vh'hile the details on that proposal are sketchy, Mr. Smith believes it would "incorporate child pre into schools, to be staffed partly by teachers and partly by child-care workers. It's a whole different thing con- ceptually" from the current kindergarten program, which is offered half a day, every day. "So far, it's been a lot of talk," he adds. 'Ibere's been no direction from the Ministry (of Education and Training). Our board, like most boards in the province, are waiting for some direction." When the R o y a l Commission — created by the current New Democratic Party government — issued its report in late January, the board decided to "sit and wait" before moving ahead with its study. "We decided there was no point pursuing our talks when the ministry was already talking about a full-day, every -day pro- gram," explains Mr. Smith. While the board's report "brought together questions and concerns, we were going to forge ahead" and may have already targeted schools to pilot the revamped pro- gram this September. The board's report outlined a number of concerns raised by teachers, including: - the difficulty of estab- lishing routines because alternate -day schooling doesn't reinforce daily learning. Confusion and frustration could lead to behavioral problems. - a full-day program would bring with it pres- sure to fill the increased daily time with academic material beyond a child's learning capacity. - some children would require naps, creating a nightmare for teachers supervising those who are sleeping and those who remain awake. The board estimates it could save $766,000 a year — $428,600 of which is picked up by local taxpay- ers and the remainder fund- ed through provincial grants — by eliminating noon -hour transportation. The Durham Board of Education introduced all - day, every -other -day kindergarten last September. It is phasing in all -day, every -other day junior kindergarten, which will be in place at all schools by September 1997. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAX MAY 5y IM -PAGE 7 weather to put some finish - Road in Pickering Monday. photo by Andrew Iwanowski ,)/,,RENOVATION SALE Black ash imported wap unit Sots, loveseak chair in green bather Black entertainment + bar unit 2 pc. black bother suds "Wow" Large dherry erdertakiment unit wired Oak triple dresser "a steal" White day bed "as is no nmoWvW Oak bookcases "assembly needed" Blue rO"all comfort" Eurouropsew oak large {��wall llunit Imported black large wall unit European bed soh EXCUSE OUR APPEARANCE... BUT AT THESE PRICES THERE'S NO EXCUSE NOT TO BUY! Slack games table with 4 chairs Now S169 Now 5648 White 5 pc. dinette "a beauty" Now S338 Nott 53488 tight green rocker "somewhat soiled" Now $1" Now Soba Large 2 door wardrobe Now S583 Now $13" Secretary lift top desk Now 5288 Now $11" Glass top dinette with 4 arm chairs Now $G" Nor $I" Sofa and kweseat by Sklar "ligiht colour" Now $1148 Now S" Sofa and kwesed "tight striped" Now $78! Now $" 3 pc. glass table set Now $3" Nor $38! Rose club dwr "slghtly soled" Now $2811 Nor $1929 Solid cherry drop leaf table Now SM Nor $M Glider rocker in solid maple Now $36! Now 111" Trad. wing chair carved wood trim Now lla" PAGE 8 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER F R1DAV MAY S, 1995 Battling cystic fibrosis Bernice Tourout, left, was the top fund-raiser in the Second Storey Restaurant's dance-a-thon in Ajax, which raised 52,724 for the Canadian Cystic Fibro- sis Foundation of Durham. The event, organized by he Kinsmen Club of Stouffville, raised funds for research to help children such as Nicole Smith. right, who suffer from the disease. photo by A.J. Groen Hospice Durham training volunteers DURHAM — Hospice Durham is looking for vol- unteers who'll get a 24- hour course to tra;n them for worthwhile community service. The course is offered Mondays, June 5, 12, 19 and 26 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Ajax -Pickering General hospital. Hospice Durham is a ,non-profit organization pro- viding in-home support for individuals and families facing life-threatening ill- nesses. Volunteers aid fam- ilies by offering compan- ionship, sharing crafts and assisting with errands, recreation, child care and light meal preparation. To cover expenses, a S20 registration fee is charged to people who commit to one year of service and S40 for those who can't commit to a year-long tenure. For more information, call 435-5242. � .Education on meeting agenda jPICKEMING •- St. Mary's w1K" invites parents to the annual Parent/teacher association general meeting at 7:3® p.m. Tuesday, May 9. The guest speaker is Brian Miettinen Whose .. opic is .the Royal Codon on Learning. Also, the St. Mary's hnprov team wio be perform- '.:Ing erform' ing at the event and refreshments and door prizes ill be featured. Ir "I highly recommend this school for anyone who wants the very best for their child. " Mdher d Tanya age 3 Glaisdale Montessori Schools • a. - Ages, 18 months to 12 years • 403 Kingston Rd., 545 Kingston Rd., Ajax • 415 Toynevele, Pickering Call (905) 686.5005 ♦ TRAFFIC SAFETY Durham drivers fail seat -belt test D Tragic accident underscores need to buckle up DITRIIAM — Too few Durham motorists are buckling up, a fact dri- ven home by a fatal accident Satur- day. A one -day seat -belt check in Durham last weekend came up well short of a national target that hoped to find 95 per cent of motorists buckled up. In two hours, 12,683 vehicles were counted in four areas through- out Durham with a total of 85.4 per cent of drivers observed to be wear- ing seat -belts. The highest rate was in Pickering with an average of 89.1 per cent of motorists obeying the law. Oshawa claimed the lowest num- bers with 82.8 per cent of drivers buckling up. Durham Regional Police ar concerned about the low rate. Sergeant Rick Bates says people who don't buckle up are setting a horrible exam- ple for their children. "We're shocked that 852 drivers, in a two-hour period, were driving without a seat -belt," Sgt. Bates says. "People who don't wear seat -belts are 18 times more likely to be killed in a motor vehicle accident than those who do." For example, Robert Luke Gra- ham. 21, of Old Brougham Road in Pickering was killed around 2 a.m. Saturday when he was ejected from westbound 1987 Chevrolet 'orvette after it hit a tree on liwy. 7, one kilometre west of Westney Road. The Pickering High School graduate wasn't wearing a seatbelt. Police will be reviewing these results to see what future programs are needed to ensure more people buckle up. People not wearing a seat -belt can be fined $105 and receive demerit points on their licence. Mayor says school levies hurt business By Brad Reatime DURHAM STAFF An education levy being charged to com- panies that expand is hurting the City of Oshawa's efforts to drum up business. Mayor Nancy Diamond says. A recently -imposed Durham Board of Education levy could cost the City investment and jobs, the mayor told City council Monday night. "An existing industry wants to build a S3 -million expan- sion to their plant in Oshawa which will hying 25 additional job. " said Mayor Diamond. "They are so angry with the education levy they say they won't build here, they'll go elsewhere." Legislation allowing school boards to collect develop- ment charges was put in place in 1989, according to Gerry Rogalski, plant division planner with the school board. The Durham Board of Education elected to utilize this mecha- nism at the beginning of this year. To use the development charges, they must be charged on both residential develop- ment and commercia0industrial. The tate is $1,389 per res- idential unit and for industrial properties, 1.07 per cent of construction value. The purpose is to let growth pay for growth," Mr. Rogalski said. "It's an attempt to have development charges pay for new school development rather than people in already built-up areas." Durham Board of Education's chairman Patty Bowman noted the board of education levies are only 10 per cent of the lot levies charged by municipal and regional govern- ments. DR. JEROME GIBLON is pleased to announce the location of an office for his practice of Orthodontics at 1450 Kingston Rd. in the Pickering Square Plaza at Valley Farm Rd. This office is being established for the convenience of those patients who have been coming for treatment to the Scarborough office from Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa etc. New patients are welcome With no financial obligation Consultation by appointment Please call (416) 439-6222 Children, braces for teenagers and adults. �'Ye've got you covered three times a week! SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY • THURSDAY FR SATURDAY 197 2 Dog 3 Tae Kwon Do 4 5 SStEmmj Trainit m 905~320-4620 Tae Kwon Do Tae Kwon Do B�PASWNM :30txr� 1 O:OOpm � . lluy o7 D9 T�98 10 11 Your 5:30pm•10:00pm I Tae Kwon Do I Tae Kwon Do Tae Kwon Do 2 13 lats►40t7-1845 Islamic Foundation Prayer Da ��tttissI c:att ad. Y Y P" 4nom 14 75 76 17 18 Mof��s day Dog Tmittittg Tae Kwon Do Tae Kwon Do Tae Kwon Do 19 20 C0I0brifM 5:30pm-10:00pm 4 -Day Fireworks sale Front Parking Lot -+ FLU 21 21I 22 23 Tse Kwon Do 251 26 M dK 27 IIT overt ea Tae Kwon Do Tse Kwon Do 4 -Day Fireworks Sale Binp Red Cross Blood tit Donor Clinic ? •��,. EVERY SUNDAY - ,, FLEA MARKET 6 ANT OUE FAIR SPORTS CARD SHO'V, • RIDES FOR THE KIDS' 6 The All New "Gold Key Payment Plan" P r li -Plym°" f a The All New "Gold Key Payment Plan" BUMPER TO BUMPER WARRANTY & R ASSISTANCE FOR FULL TERM!!! ...All at no cost to you! Check it our now! OADSIDE I PLYMOUTH LTD. NORTH VILLA E CHRYSLER SERVICE OPEN 8 ALL DAY SATURDAY AND EVERY NIGHT 19 HARWOOD AVE. (Northof401) 683m535 Spcvi lSErvices —DOWN PAYMEtiTS DO APPLY. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS t Conditions do apply. See dealer for details. r li -Plym°" f BUMPER TO BUMPER WARRANTY & R ASSISTANCE FOR FULL TERM!!! ...All at no cost to you! Check it our now! OADSIDE I PLYMOUTH LTD. NORTH VILLA E CHRYSLER SERVICE OPEN 8 ALL DAY SATURDAY AND EVERY NIGHT 19 HARWOOD AVE. (Northof401) 683m535 Spcvi lSErvices —DOWN PAYMEtiTS DO APPLY. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS t Conditions do apply. See dealer for details. A&U'ttcEi�Os`ndi�i�ti7'is:ir'h'tn�Y,'I►��Y V HEALTH Laserstake hl*ghmtec looki*nsi*de your body By SU7.ANNE ILZ.4RU – SPFXWw To nE News AovFR-nsat DURHAM — The use of lasers is not reserved sok:- ly forscientists or Star Trek anymore. Durham doctors are using them too. Doctors in Durham Region working with lasers to help snoring, nearsightedness, and farsightedness are getting positive feedback from their patients. T h e most common reason patients go to a laser surgeon is sncxing. You might not think snoring is a serious prob- lem, but it can be a spnpto m of moreserious ailments. Doctor Frank Bravo of Whitby is an ear, nose and throat specialist who has been working at Oshawa General Hospital for nearly two years. The procedure he uses is called Laser Assisted Uvula -Palatoplasty (LAUP). It's a mouthful to say. but surgeons have had a high degree of success in elimi- nating snoring. LAUP only requires the use of a local anesthetic. is less painful than a procedum (kw with a scalpel, and takes only about 20 minutes. Most pc(Tle require two or three sessions with a surgcxm. sf ed four to six weeks apart. The operation could mean a patient getting a good night's rest lir the first time in years. Dr. Bravo h&-% performed LAUP for about a year. "By and large. 95 to 98 per rent of patient% do not have snoring. or such negligible snoring that it is rx) k ager an issue." says Dr. Bravo. Doctor Steven Cohen i% an ear. nese and throat spe- cialist and laser surgeon who operates at the Ajar and Pickering General Hospital and the Centenary Health Centre in Scarborough. lie is a member of the I.a%cr Safety Committee at Centenary, and has been using lasers for about five years. Ile has been performing LA(P for just over a year. The laser is an amazing thing. There are some things. like LAUP. that are done much better with the laser. ­ says Dr. Cohen. " !be other arra is small little Ic.%ions within the mouth in clue tongue or on the cheek that we have to take off. Sometimes the laser causes less swelling, especially in areas of the mouth where swelling could compro- mise the air waves... According to Dr. Bravo, the bser is used to cut away pan of the uvula. which is the soft, pink piece of flesh that dangles down at the hack of your mouth. '"Ibe uvula is the point of maxi- mum vibration. With the laser I cut away pan of the uvula to reduce or eliminate the snowing." Dr. Bravo says. Snoring, though annoying, isn't by itself a disease. Dr. Bravo recommends seeing an ear, nose and throat specialist before considering laser surgery to find out what is causing the problem. Dr. Cohen, meanwhile, says lasers can be used to help with much more than snoring. "Kelood is scar tissue the body pro- duces ager some kind of trauma. It's as though there's an off button the body forgot to press. Our treatment of Keloids is still not 100 per cent, and the treatment is still not consistent, but we've found that with the laser, the scar tissue does not grow back as quickly or to such an extent as before." Dr. John MacLeod is an ophthalmol- ogist who works at Oshawa General Hospital and the Toronto Laser Sight Centre. He explained nearsightedness and farsightedness can be cured by gauging the shape of the eye's cornea, the front part of the eye that focuses light to the retina, or back wall of the eye. Up until now no technology was available to perform such surgical won- ders. "It really is gratifying to be able to help people Play spons and do the other things that poor vision has prevented them from doing," Dr. MacLeod says. Cancer support group for families meets AJAX -- The Canadian Cancer Ajax%Pickering Hospital, Harwood Society for patients, families and Ave. S. and Clements Ave., room friends living with cancer meets from GOI3. Call 686-1516 for informa- Monday, May 8 from 7-9 p.m. at the tion or if you plan to attend. Millwork Home Centre in Ajax celebrates 45th Anniversary The Pink Panther was on the loose at the Millwork Home Centre in Ajax, Sat., April 29th. Sponsored by Owens- Corning Insulation, the Pink Panther delighted the little ones with a free stuffed likeness and a picture. This was just one of the ways Millwork was celebrating its 45th Anniversary. There was also hot dogs, pop, popcorn, balloons, draws and prizes. Shoppers also had an opportunity to take advantage of lots of in-store specials. Laser technology is being used more frequently in medical applications. Dr. Frank Bravo, a Durham -based ear, nose and throat specialist, uses laser tech- niques to cure snoring, for example. Laura Hawkins, 5, and sister Valerie, 3, visit with the Pink Panther. .•,q.o+errny:w`i'"��•..r�r....-.y,.4,:w�Ys'�"�'�'. �r.wa-•.»..-...-_.._-. _ . _ . . V Buckets, sponges are ready The Canadian Girls in Training from St. Brazil. The car wash is set for Saturday, Paurs United Church in Ajax will put a shine May 13 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Ajax on your car while raising money to help High School on Bayly St. east of Harwood build a Girls' Friendship Home in Cristalina, Ave. The rain date is Saturday, May 20. Walk or run scenic route for hospital AJAX-PICIERING — Area residents can help their health and the area's biggest health-care provider at the same time. Run for the Lake for Ajax -Pickering General Hospital is set for Sunday, June 11 when area resi- dents we invited to walk or dash along the water- front beginning and ending at Rotary Park in Ajax. Ajax and Pickering Rotary clubs and Subway stores are sponsoring the event, which includes a five -kilometre run at 9 am, a 10 -km run at 9:15 and a five -km walk at 930. Awards and medals will be handed out to the top finishers in categories for male and female participants under 14, 15 to 19, 20 to 29, 30 to 39, 40 so 49 and 50 and over. Everyone gets particYl; certificates. Ti>ere'U be a water station along the route, and refreshments and picnic facilities at Rotary Park after the race when the Joe Tiernay Band wiU per- form. Fees are $20 on race day or S 15 in advance for people who mail registration forms and cheques by June 2. T-shirts will be presented to the first 200 pre -registered participants. Application forms can be picked up at the Ajax Community Centre, McLean Community Centre. Pickering ReLmation Complex and all Ajax Public Library branches. For more infonniWn, call f-3isc BraUey at 427- 8811. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MAY 5,199SSPAGE 11 News Advertiser Grades 2-6 Student Challenge Mother's Day "'DEADLINE REMINDER: May 8, 1995- FINANCING* ON ALL1994 t� SE TRAS '=xa^pie j i O,OGG over � 24 months at 3.8°. APR I monthly s $433.36. COB I 1 5400.64 O.A.C. t voo-u000 25'h ANNIVERSARY . `% SPECIAL... e 49 • �nA. �uairty rots Can Go.nw Jr. , ' l l • Central Air Conditioning • Low Cost Financing • No Down Payment q1% I HEATING CONVERSIONS Window ELECTRIC TO GAS OR OIL CALL FOR YOUR Air Conditioners 24 Hr. Service . Since 1970 FREE ESTIMATE Our Specialty Certified Ener -Mart Contractor I� Pine Ridge Garden Gallery celebrates 1st Anniversary It's been a fantastic year for the Pineridge Garden Gallery on Brock St. N. in Pickering. They celebrated their first year of business with free hot dogs and pop, door prizes and fantastic deals on many items in their It was also the grand opening of manager their newest addition ribbon fo to the facility. Owners Nicole and Paul Ciampaglia along with manager Rick Peeman welcomed visitors to the new Clematis House featuring hundreds of different vines and Owners Nicole and Paul Ciampaglia help "It's been a fantastic year," says Nicole. "And we couldri t have done it without the support of our many loyal customers." So to give something back to the community for their part in making Pineridge such a success, they treated visitors to a BBQ and 20 prize giveaways that included trees, Blue Jays tickets and even bags of fertilizer. One very important reason for their continued growth and accomplishments is the staff. Nicole says the people who Rick Pecman(centre) cut the r the new Clematis House. work at Pineridge have to be happy people always with a smile for the customer and if they can't answer a question they know the person who can. Nicole also credits her husband Paul with the success of the business. Even though he is very busy with his Geoscape Exterior Design company in Markham, he always works hard to make Pineridge a respected and trusted name in garden supplies. For more information call 683- 5952. d � wr Fr, V t e iIL ou e /PAGE 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MAY 5,1995 B1%11b.o ... ar .. d Billboard is a free feature for community events of a non-profit nature. To have your events promoted in Billboard, fax 683-7363 or write to the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ont., LIS 2H5. The deadline for Billboard items is 10 a.m. the Monday prior to Wednesday publication, 10 am. the Wednesday prior to Friday publication and 10 a.m. the Thursday prior to Sunday publication. FRIDAY, MAY 5 CHOIR: The Serenata Singers perform at Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St. N. in Ajax at 8 p.m.with music including folk sacred. classic pop and songs from current Broad- way shows. Tickets are available at door for S5. 12 years and under S2. Proceeds go to Church Choir Gown Fund, 683-4721 (church office). SATURDAY, N11 AY 6 HORTICULTURE: The Pickering Horticultural Soci- 911 • I f 1 • r ♦ ♦ 1 • . I I r 1 / f 1 ♦ 11 f i l i ♦ f ♦ f i+I q:r rl ll, :. /r .+w.Ivw.r •a w., w-. .. an it .I r>rl.•.• ..i1.r,rl••1.1/r•r.:. ., .. ,, /, i. /: r.,r f rt /•N I.1 ety holds a plant and rum- mage sale at 10 a.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 35 Church St. N., Pickering Village. 839-7600 Barbara Twiner). SOUTHWOOD ANNIVERSARY: South- wood Park Public School holds an open house and dance to celebrate its 25th anniversary. The open house is held at the school at 28 Lambard Cres., Ajax from 2 to 4 pm. The dance is at the Pickering Recreation Com- plex, Valley Farm Rd. south of Hwy. 2 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m, Ticket, are 512.50. 683- 2535. BARBECUE: The Pickering Professional Fire- fighters, Parent Finders. Rubena Willis Counselling Centre Ajax and the Metro East Trade Centre present the May Fair Barbecue at noon at the Metro last Trade Centre. Hwy. 401 and Bruck Rd., Pickering. Dance, food. drinks, beer and liquor gar- den. Proceeds to Sylvia's residence for teen morns and adoles-Lent-s. NATURE: The third of FINANCING* 1 1 U' TIwn 'Exar-nfe S'-.. XC over 24 -onths at 3.8°o APP qW monthly Payment is 5433.36 COB 5400.64 O.A C - ■ Practice the 3 R's Reduce Reuse Recycle. Please recycle this news - paper NO FREE COFFEE NO COMFORTABLE LOUNGE BUT..... NO STORIES AND NO UNNECESSARY REPAIRS 3204 EGLINTON AVE. EAST AT MARKHAM RD. BEHIND CEDARBRAE EXECUTIVE AUTOS 416-269-2341 :4000 HR. DOOR RATE FREE OIL CHANGE WITH TUNE-UP 10% DISCOUNT FOR SENIORS _�.-� b�•rar..r♦.•41+Y/. .r ♦,.r r♦,.•,,, r.......'.', . ,•r.. ♦r re e,.•rr,/r eight-week Nature Club for Kids is held at Greenwood Conservation Area, Westney Rd., six kilometres north of Hwy. 401, Pickering. Games, nature walks, crafts. Theme is Birds. Craft is sun casts. $5 per visit. Pre -regis- ter. 416-661-6600, ext. 203. PUPPET PLAY: The Pick- ering Central Library, One The Esplanade, and the Pick- ering Waste Reduction Com- mittee horst All AMut Corn - posting, a puppet play to teach children about com- posting, starting at 10:30 a.m. Tickets are S1. 831- 6265, ext. 226. CABARET SHOW: Call- ing all Brits! Cabaret show at 7:30 p.m. at the Village Retirement Centre, 1955 Valley Farm Road -- in the Pub. Limited seating, tickets $12 (includes refreshments). 837-2611. ARTHRITIS: The Arthritis Society holds a yard and bake sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 1585 Townline Rd. N., Oshawa. Howse and patio furniture, appliances, toys and more. Proceeds to support soci- ety activities. 434-7221 or •3 SS. m4 May 5, 1995 725-6746. music, tickets at the door (at CAR WASH: The First 10 a.m.), 428-7459. Ajax Scouts Group holds a CANOE AND KAYAK: car wash from 11 a.m.-3 The West Rouge Canoe p.m. at the 7-11 store at the Club holds an Algonquin corner of Westney and Canoe and Kayak event. Monarch roads, Ajax. There Some events are: 9 a.m.-5 will also be a sausage cart. p.m. canoe and kayak sale, Rain date is May 20. 683- free test paddling; 10 am. at 6584 (Cindy Thompson). home in the wilderness; 11 WRESTLEROCK: Ajax am. getting into kayaking; 2 Lions club presents Wrestle- p.m. kayak touring; 6 p.m. rock 95 at the Ajax Commu- multi -media presentation --- nity Centre at 7 p.m. Street viewer sees four seasons of fight match, steel cage plus Algonquin park with history, 10 man battle royale in the tradition and nostalgia. Bar - steel cage. becue and refreshments Midgets will be there, live available. �s , 4 Z' M N PhotoOfYourMom (106 Hefei r RING COURTESY OF: jEWELI.ERs L fl 1 I11 -�1` i ! I .I 11 I I♦ r 1 1♦ I I r !� � 3?r� !I r t I I II ,�I ` I'' 1 1' 1 I l l 14 * _W4 - KA, .'b 4 b I. Ir b f. I: /. . / I,' Ir I. { 1'♦'♦. { {♦♦'11{'•♦l• i THE NEWSADVERTISER FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1995 -PAGE 1'. M Congratulations Jlm Carter a dynamic resident of Pickering's Forest Glen Community for the past v 1welve years, and with nearly two decades experience in mortgage financing. contract law and 2 directing global marketing programs, Jim is ideally k Pni i j inrkwi to rurnu w -la 1 40 sat. (Af,6 rhick OPiElilj h $ 0, 14 OjjS os ay 1:30 to 81 Cir) 4. ;:dft PRESTIGIOUS HIGH RISE CONDO IN NORTH WHITBY Beautiful 1 1 2yea: ,),c iiq6sc - , xury corner unit eat;r kilcrien, glass encicsed solanum. 2 bedroom ensuile laundry 8 all appliances A �Gta,01 1500 lot $149500 S2A nowju�oous j.% 3" 00 aL 2 i sr%eef C 837 tee' oier at 'a,%k Jim 3, ..... -900 AO - AL "Es'l icy Wof fie 'MTEUIDICK J0411A Safe. il^;Sponsmd by: .Wp�fian Bank & *Cooper, Jlm Carter a dynamic resident of Pickering's Forest Glen Community for the past v 1welve years, and with nearly two decades experience in mortgage financing. contract law and 2 directing global marketing programs, Jim is ideally k Pni i j inrkwi to rurnu w -la 1 40 sat. (Af,6 rhick OPiElilj h $ 0, 14 OjjS os ay 1:30 to 81 Cir) 4. ;:dft PRESTIGIOUS HIGH RISE CONDO IN NORTH WHITBY Beautiful 1 1 2yea: ,),c iiq6sc - , xury corner unit eat;r kilcrien, glass encicsed solanum. 2 bedroom ensuile laundry 8 all appliances A �Gta,01 1500 lot $149500 S2A nowju�oous j.% 3" 00 aL 2 i sr%eef C 837 tee' oier at 'a,%k Jim 3, ..... -900 AO - PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADYERTIBER-FRIDAY, %MY 5, lflS Entertainment I Kick upyour heels The gltter of Holywood made its way into Lester B. Pear- son Public School recently. Here, Cheryl Loughlen per- forms in a gymnastics routine. photo by Ron Pietror-iro I:I1lll: Don't Dress for Dinner, hurry out to the theatre ❑ Herongate play offers evening of laughter DURHAM - Tick- ets are still available for Herongate Dinner Theatre's current play, Don't Dress for Dinner. The comedy closes May 13 and tickets are selling fast. It features ever- changing plots and counter- plots. Heron - gate is approximately seven kilometres north of Hwy. 2 on Altona Road in Pick- ering. Prices start at $30.95 per person (taxes included) for dinner and show. 0 Parking in NJOY THE 'M FAI CARMWNAUIS1, ;A r E SAWCHECK OUT OUR DAILY LUNCH DINNER SPECIALS AKE-OUT • CA ERING • i:1231JAGUAR �r r =i -Si zi ___..: z4'i...........`s-3Tsza4?'C' iiz t aa=i-:i_'=Tu's�aii�Taar _ 3?i 'r'sir �a? NORTH AJAX PICKERING EAST Reg. Large 1340 Kingston Rd., Hub Plaza Curry Chicken 3.99 5.99 705 Kingston Rd., Whites Rd. Plaza Curry Goat 3.99 5.99 Jerk Chicken 3.99 5.99 Jerk Pork 3.99 5.99 Oxtail 3.99 5.99 Roti • Chicken 4.50 • Goat 4.50 • Beef 4.50 ' Fish Dinners 6.50 Fricassee Chicken 3.99 5.99 Soup 1.50 2.50 Patties .85 Stew Beef 3.99 5.99 Ackee 4.99 6.99 Festival 2/1.00 Dumplings 2/1.00 rFried Fritters .65 tt Rice A peas 1.50 with gravy Tropical Ice Cream 1.50 Cakes 1.25/slice Fresh Juices - - ...and more Delivery on orders 11500 ornvwp SAWCHECK OUT OUR DAILY LUNCH DINNER SPECIALS AKE-OUT • CA ERING • i:1231JAGUAR �r r =i -Si zi ___..: z4'i...........`s-3Tsza4?'C' iiz t aa=i-:i_'=Tu's�aii�Taar _ 3?i 'r'sir �a? NORTH AJAX PICKERING EAST 6 Harwood Ave. at Highway 2 1340 Kingston Rd., Hub Plaza SOUTH AJAX PICKERING WEST 465 Bayly St at Westney 705 Kingston Rd., Whites Rd. Plaza BREAKFAST SERVED 6 aM14 I LN. FREE BREAKFAST ROUND FOR THE • MONTH OF MAY WITH THE PURCHASE � OF ANY SANDWICH OF EQUAL OR GREATER VALUE. STOP BY SUBWAY TO PICK UP YOUR LUNCH TO GO AND TRY A FREE BREAKFAST SANDWICH OR BUY A BREAKFAST SANDWICH AND GET A SECOND ONE FREE. GET LUNCH TO GO STOP FOR BREAKFAST GET LUNCH TO GO STOP FOR BREAKFAST GET LUNCH TO GO STOP FOR BREAKFAST Sat. May 6th. & Sun. May 7th. 9am-6pm 12 -spm Durhem Region's finest auto boutique. 3p0u4Wjiny in collectable die-cast cars, invites You to attend our Grand Opening Celebration this week-endl Stop in this weekend, check out our unique auto gifts and enter our Grand prize Draw for a 1:12 scale 1958 Red Corvette Convertible valued at more then i 150.00 1 Made of die-cast metal. this beauty is g_ -m 14' ". has more than 130 parts and is mounted on a special cornrnemorative base. own your own Corvette today ... aimplY complete the draw ballot below and deposit it in the box located in our store. Good Luck, • 13160 -Cast 1♦n M ac~ • Fine Art Prints • Plastic Models - Classics - Indy Car • cooks • Auto GMM - t_7tOtiGi - trucks ' vlda0a and... - Antiques - motorcyles • Clocks nwch, nwcf# nrwal NASCAR - bicycles • wearing Apparel 1032 Brock Street South, Whitby (2 blocks north of the 401) Win a 1958 Corvette Convertible 11:12.ce" me -ON") Name r Address Phone( 1 a.w.....e..a,N.r„ l1011/ •♦SII•Ir��♦♦�r�r�..IIIr�IrI�.•I�r�ornar+r..Ira���.I•Ii.�t�.I.ir�III.I.IIII.III'Ilrr...r.•.•♦♦rI♦r♦♦II♦r♦r♦♦♦r1♦•♦11♦♦♦♦1•♦♦♦♦♦♦111♦ as'�i;'T+�.. .....„,-n!..yen!.m..:+-.......n....,........a.:.........:.�..,,.r.. .....,.. z, .+,r-,.z�. .,�.. .,..; ,7 .• ... .� -...: i 1, w. _ .: St fy'. J: =. .�..-._ .._ _---i•+�__. __.- .. _...w.11er ice© 1117.711111111©•+� a.w.....e..a,N.r„ l1011/ •♦SII•Ir��♦♦�r�r�..IIIr�IrI�.•I�r�ornar+r..Ira���.I•Ii.�t�.I.ir�III.I.IIII.III'Ilrr...r.•.•♦♦rI♦r♦♦II♦r♦r♦♦♦r1♦•♦11♦♦♦♦1•♦♦♦♦♦♦111♦ as'�i;'T+�.. .....„,-n!..yen!.m..:+-.......n....,........a.:.........:.�..,,.r.. .....,.. z, .+,r-,.z�. .,�.. .,..; ,7 .• ... .� -...: i 1, w. _ .: St fy'. J: =. .�..-._ .._ _---i•+�__. __.- .. _...w.11er Make MOTHER'S DAY Easier With a Hk"VACUUM OR CENTRAL o VACUUM CLEANER "' COMPLETE SYSTEM No Extras Needed. r5881 I You Cr UAW N AJAX 29 Harwood Ave. S. (Between Hwy. 02 and sol) 428-1659 Ik v 2 a t. OPEN 7 DAYS �A'A A 4-A 4 Sale Ends May 14/95 .nn wwa r .,n. are r tl•NreC • ' a 1 COd PICKERING MOBILE �� (On 3Kingston Rd. Hww n+ Hwy. Nn at Rougeounq VACUU1W509-3622 � 4_2 LOCATIONS —3111' 8 r_�'�,A; I Ivy 1st Toronto East Realty 10th Annual Community f dZi STREETSALE Saturday & Sunday May 6th & May 7th RAIN OR SHINE Participating street in your neighborhood. AJAX PICKERING • Addley Cres. • Kirkham Dr. • Anton Sq. • Brightly Dr. • Lachlan Dr. • Bentley Lane • Deverill Cres. • Rotherglen Road North • Benton Cres. • Genner Dr. • Sykes St. • Harland Cres. • Simms Dr. PICKERING STORE o STOREA WIDE (.1-OLIZAAMINC0017A) Irom Irc AA P_ An I Li 0 Quantities IN STORE ITEMS ONLY EVERYTHING IN THE STORE � OFF LOWEST TICKETED PRICE: UNBELIEVABLE SAVINGS cc < w. KINGSTON RD. cca HWY. 401 INCLUDES S5671 -S5645 BRUSH VAC We -Af • Eleetr+c Vanaxn ELITE UPRIGHT wrti Mainng Tools Reg. 'I 99°• • E [ f_—v'­-a'? '?rj r ^,+,o SALE PRICEer is • W waN c urvirg Gwi br r r S-169 Reg. `4 j ` Ind gnOWWY • C.rs vans I. - ;0200 otiose • 2 s+d•d a,an.d eoga AJAX 29 Harwood Ave. S. (Between Hwy. 02 and sol) 428-1659 Ik v 2 a t. OPEN 7 DAYS �A'A A 4-A 4 Sale Ends May 14/95 .nn wwa r .,n. are r tl•NreC • ' a 1 COd PICKERING MOBILE �� (On 3Kingston Rd. Hww n+ Hwy. Nn at Rougeounq VACUU1W509-3622 � 4_2 LOCATIONS —3111' 8 r_�'�,A; I Ivy 1st Toronto East Realty 10th Annual Community f dZi STREETSALE Saturday & Sunday May 6th & May 7th RAIN OR SHINE Participating street in your neighborhood. AJAX PICKERING • Addley Cres. • Kirkham Dr. • Anton Sq. • Brightly Dr. • Lachlan Dr. • Bentley Lane • Deverill Cres. • Rotherglen Road North • Benton Cres. • Genner Dr. • Sykes St. • Harland Cres. • Simms Dr. PICKERING STORE o STOREA WIDE (.1-OLIZAAMINC0017A) Irom Irc AA P_ An I Li 0 Quantities IN STORE ITEMS ONLY EVERYTHING IN THE STORE � OFF LOWEST TICKETED PRICE: UNBELIEVABLE SAVINGS cc < w. KINGSTON RD. cca HWY. 401 L PAGE 16THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MAY S, 1"S Localevmncousts hel pMetro East s uad win Ontario title %r. AJAX-PICKERING — Area Individually, Nicole Liphardt, third overall in the senior 3 Jonette Martin, of Ajax, was gymnasts turned in outstanding of Ajax, captured first -place division, placing first on bars, fifth overall in senior 3, finish - performances at the Women's overall in the senior 3 bracket. second on beam, fifth on floor ing third on bars, fourth on Provincial Gymnastics She was first on vault and floor and eighth on beam. beam, 12th on floor and 15th on Championships in Newmarket exercises, second vault. last weekend. on the uneven In the senior 2 Local members of the parallel bars and a , c a t e g o r y , Winstonette Gymnastic fourth on balance M i c h e l l e Association in Unionville beam. Schuberth, of helped the Metro East squad J a i m e _ Pickering, was . win the team championships in Rawlings, of Nicole Jaime Jonette Erin Michelle third overall the senior 2 and 3 categories. Pickering, was Liphardt Rawlings Martin Sitarski Schuberth with a second on SPORTS Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. Pickering High athletes bars, third on floor, fourth on vault and 12th on beam. Erin Sitarski, of Pickering, was fifth overall in senior 2 with a third on floor, fifth on beam, 10(h on vault and 12th on bars. Liphardt, Rawlings, Sitarski and Schuberth attend Dunbarton High School in Pickering in the High Performance Athlete pro- gram. burn up indoor track to win fifth Queen's meet AJAX-PICKERING — Pickering High School athletes were on track at a meet in Kingston Saturday. Buoyed by gold -medal perfor- mance by Pickering high track squad captainsLayd Rouse. Uevon Davis and Ricardo Wade. the school won an unprecedented fifth consecutive team title at the 21st annual Queen's University Ahanni Meet. In the senior division, Rouse had a stellar day, winning gold medals in both the 100 -metre dash and the 110 -metre hurdles. His performances earned him male track athlete of the meet honors. His time in the hurdles is currently the best among active seniors in the province. Louwen Allen placed second in the senior boys' high jump, In the junior division, Davis continued where he left off last season with gold -mesial perfor- mances in the long and triple jumps and a third-place finish in the 100 -metre dash. Junior sprint sensation Amberley Small posted the fastest time in the 100 -metre dash at 10.8 seconds to win the gold medal. James Arnold placed sixth, while teammate Dwayne Soverall was seventh in the 100 - metre sprint. Kevin Browne won the bronze medal in the 110 -metre hurdles and was fourth in the junior boys' long jump. Paul Gleeson placed fourth in the 400 metres and David Grainger was eighth in shot put. In the midget boys' category, newcomer Wade rocketed to gold in both the 1(X1-rnetn dash with a clocking of 11.3 seconds and the 101 )-metre hurdle in 14.3 seaxx %. Ile placed second in the long jurnp in the 100_rnetre hur- dles. Jammal Andersen was fourth in the 100 -metre hurdles and Lucas Fraser seventh in the 100 -mete dash In the midget girls' division, Anieka Jarrett placed fourth in the 100 -metre sprint. Sarah Cranstoun was third in the junior girls' triple jump. The Trojans are preparing for the annual Lake Ontario Secondary School Athletics Track and Field Championships at Oshawa's Civic Fields May 17 and 18. Aj*aci*an wins pile of track medals 0 Banner indoor season -for runner in high school, provincial competitions AJAX-PICKERING — An Ajax .athlete has been tearing up the track as a member of the Dunbarton High School team. At two high school indoor meets, Krissy Liphardt ran to a pair of medals. At the North York High School Invitational Meet at York University, Liphardt ran to a gold medal in the 400 -metre race in a time of 59 seconds. She also posted a silver - medal perfor- mance in the 60 -metre dash in a time of 7.57 seconds at the Caledonia Meet at York U. As a member of the Oshawa Ktissy Liphardt Legion Track Club, she's won medals in every indoor meet she's competed in this season. At the Bantam Midget and Junior Provincials at York University, she won the 400 -metre race and finished third in the 200 -metre sprint. At the Juvenile/Senior Provincial Championships at the University of Windsor, she won both the 200m and 400m events. She also pulled off victoriess in the same events at the Legion Provincial Indoor Championships and at the Provincial Legion Qualifier, both hosted at York University. mcc;]m GLUB ESUMU MlVt f�AJAZ, QXTAM Due to circumstances beyond our control, the ball distribution that was to take place on Sat. May 6, will now take place on Sat., May 13 - between 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at the Ajax Warriors Soccer Club House. 3ESTIN Career Fair Choices For Chanqinq Times THURS., M/ FRI., MAY 5 SAT., MAY 6 at the ,�`� y %� -15 EXHIBITORS - "Come and talk with the career experts" COLBORNE COMMUNITY SERVICES CO-ORDINATOR, COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES Colborne Community Services, a multi -service, community mental health program, seeks a leader for our Case Management Program. The Co-ordinator is responsible for planning, organizing and monitoring the day to day operation of the program, which provides services to approximately 100 clients and employs five Case Managers. We are seeking a skilled team leader with knowledge of Mental Health Reform and community based case management. Minimum qualifications: Degree/diploma in a relevant field (Master Degree preferred), and six years supervisory experience in a mental health/case management field. Salary Range, $40,000 - $44,000 Please send resume t0: Colborne Community Services Programme Director 413 Dundas Street East, Unit 42 Whitby, Ontario, MN 2j2 Family a Crimirw Law required for 6 month matemity leave position, commencing July 31, 1995. word Perfect 5.1 essential. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resumes by May 19, 1995 to: Brian S Korb, P.O. Box 518, Oshawa, OM. L1 H 71.9 AZ Drivers requited sin- madialely for long and shat temp anoti menu in Cana. da and U.S. Current Ab straat a must pis ICC and Criminal Search for U.S. Appy in person to: Global Human Resource Centre, 398 Bayy St W., sum 4-7, Ajax 10'00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. or call (906)4262625. . , - . . -• , . . . .. F.-.-. ... s.. . ....... . 4..e, 1 16 ASSISTANT SERVICE MANAGER Opportunity available to loin our highly successful team at this fast growing progressive dealership. Successful Candidate will have at least 2 yrs. GM, experience, be dependable and have excellent customer relations and moti- vational abilities. Remuneration package includes company benefits and will be commensurate with experience. Please send resume, telephone or fax: MICHAEL BOYER PONTIAC BUICK. 715 Kingston Rd. Pickering Ont. L1 V 1A9, Att: Wm. Morewood or Ed Boyer (phone) 905-831-2693; 416-796-7989; (fax) 905-420-0299. 1"5 DRAFT PICK BE OUR FIRST ROUND DRAFT CHOICE! Work alongside us as we service the Best Clients in the SPORTS 8 ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY. Needed: Hardworking, serious associates. e Great opportunity for graduates. • Great Incentives for those who qualify. CALL NOW: 416-441-0911 NOTSL/RESTAURANT/ BAR MANAGSNSNS INSTRUCTOR Require minimum 4 yrs. practical experience. Teacher/training experience an asset. Nail resume to: Toronto School of Business, Oshawa Centre, 419 King St. W., Oshawa Out. LiJ 2K5 or fax 9OS-433-8962 PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR We are a gromg Inlema0onal Food Mortufatiurirg Company in the Ajax area and otter a compeiWe mage and berxeft package. 1 you are a sal starter wilt a ninnium 3 years sir pervaary expenerlce, some post notandary Wuca- ion, and are baking ler a said flflm send your re- sume in corlfidam b: Lorraine Gates Hunan Resources Manager MOTHER PARKER'S TEA 3 COFFEE INC. 2530 Stanfield Road. Mississauga, Ont. L4Y 1 S4 International company looking for motivated, reliable team players to work part-time hours for full-time pay. APPOINTNIlNT CO-ORDINATORS needed. Room for advancement. $10.00 ++ incentive bonuses. Telephone Denise or Chris 905-837-0844. AUDITIONS or +models. dancers. singers and bands Cal (90S 427-9136 AZ Diver required for gravel and flatbed Expen- enc* a must Clean ab- stract bstract Cap or leave mas- sage 723-9448 ask Ion Russ or Kellv ...- requxes uemioneo, tors to $ep Gifhwae at Florio Partes. No invest - Ie No deiveree, no Iscol- ctons Cap Linda 905- 720-6766 or 519-2567905 F.;KU St 5MP JOBS! Earn 5300/ $900 weeky. Year round positions. Hmng both men/women. Free room and board. Will train. Call 24 hrs I 1-504-646-450Q Ext. 100C-18 DEMONSTRA70PS want- ed. in department stores and malls. no experience, new Product 435-4432 Car Required EASY INCOME. Work from hone. for free mfor- mabon send S. A S E to PO Box 31066 .475 Wow- ney Rd. Ajax Ontario. L 1 T - 3H0 EXPERIENCED haeatyl- tst required Also chair for rent Call Pat at 683-7821 HAIRSTYLIST WANTED Full - part time For busy Pickering Salon 831-3205 HEALTH STORE Piciw9 Toes Cent ROquires Petition wlfi 3 tMS seer r", U ton. pbmcd 420-3262 LITTLE People's Playschool. reglnee an aw sislanr supwvror b cover ..WIN a Must haven see super- visory O*WiSFM. 2 ysels eKarc ion Skills good port► 40 heee s. per oak salary b be diseursed. Positiori b ben July 3 , do -V dela May 2E. Plass- send rs suns to : 33 Falby Crt. Ajax, LIS -3R3, Attention Swwvw MATURE d Friendly per - am required i medalNy b cook dean a stow at Mrs. vanelli's Pizza a Italian foods. Pickering Town Cents. $7.75 b start Apply in person only, after 1 Pm. MATURE superintendent couple for seniors oorhplsx in W hiby for July 1. Good communcapon. man- terance, and cleaning skills required. Apartment salary and berfelits. Call 906ae6241W. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MAYS, 1995 -PAGE 17 PAPTYLITE 3:fts 'ea %r- ing a unique collection of candles and horn* decora- tor accessoes requires -oreultante for Party Plan sales_ No investment or do. kvries, outstanding com- nuesioms Cap Davie (9051727-6490 PERSONAL inNhdant re- quired FermAw quidrplip- gic needs part -limy, anend- ant ler Personal ae*Oiince.' h,okseh,old tasks Drivers h - ogres an asset. capable of :'m^9 wage negotaabxe 686-5841 STOP sru66rrs! • sw�^„• rv.. r. +++^ ro y S x • srr+ow„•o. ,.,moo•. ro Cos 10 Con p t.I.rrixrli,n/p • 4-M 'nv.e.xw nn^ ricwg,ves Cali :oory news- wfi tv. 6Pftbw 66-4 • PW- D,d..s,mr aicp.rsuors or". Disse SUPERINTENDENT re- quired for north end apt. building. Mature coupe bondable, rMerwwes. Sal- ary plus 2 bed apt. Reply File 07148 Oshawa Whitby, This week- P O Box 481, Oshawa L1 H 71_5. Superintendent te- guired 24 townhouse corn- Plex. handyman a expert- end'ed.Polect ler sans-ro- bred couple. Live -m post - bort Cal 4351088. roorrsom ouoian Appiea6ora, .sem Catttp it es in Phos narka133 NuM lbdL can Ren, 0whara ertskr e Computer CONaea, 447 Now ninny Fuw Part time 1Rtntibls hours. Crdo. Day 1 p.m. or 7 p nL Fri- day May 1$ 1986. CON Shirty 427-6297 or Jane 837-2150. WORK from home com- piewv simple si+rwy over the phone. FT/PT, $14Jhr. on fins taNk lune. No exp. required. 906.427.389e. XEA DX wanted students. full time summer employment. marketing se- lected. Xerox products in Durham Region Sales Training Potential Earning potential of SWC -900 oveek. Motivated individuals need only appy Fax resume lb (905)665-0109. BILINGUAL Ine oosao, available You must have reception and customer service experi- ence and be computer Mer. ate Telemarketing experi- ence ,a an asset Please Submit resume to The W NUM Group Inc Fax 14%) 837-5009 Attention Lynda Sleeman. IF you are single or a single Parent or separated or d- vorced with 11'hree years work expenenco. you may CPa ler h"ricial aa*rafance of if YOU are over 45 and have re- anay been laic off, you may quality for training assis- lance . DIP/CERT Lotus. Nordpertect. D -Base wad. Axpac- Bedford. Autocad. Ventura. Pagemaker -w- vard. Cale. Computer Pro. graimm" and Systems An- alynl, COW. Pascal and C Photoshop, Ouark Express and illustrator. Duman Bwa- nim COMPLAIN Col. 427- 3010 LEGAL Secretary with minimum 3 years *xpen- ence m lisgato✓bm.fy law required for porn dnenr 2 day,week ombon with $11 busy law firm. Please contact 10rs. Barley at 86- $671 OFFICEICOST CLERK. full time *squired rTme- diately. by local manulac- smer, must be farrrkar with networkrng, amipro. torus. first Choice PI&A" submit resume at 153 crown Crt. Whitby LAB ASS!S-AN- eou•� for maternity leave. in fast Paced lab in Oshawa July 17 - Dec 18. 1995 'len, Puncture. specimen han- dling. ECG. Holter. PFT Excellent customer service and organizabonal stuffs 2 years experience feces. sary it interested please eave message with Mrs Sarelk at 1905)624-2589 Axt 257. PART time Hygienist leeeed for maternity leave Send esume to File •7158. Oshawa Whitby This Week. P O Box 481 Oshawa L 1 H 71_5 L,VE-OUT -.i-r, _ a a says week for 6 month and 3 year oid. Courbw home Must be caring, pa. JM1t have own trarrpona. •ion Norrsmolfer light housework. •et«encse. 4321146 leave message DAYCARE d-, Age we,- co-» --up or oars -ire also suwwierb"w Strada Lan* A whites Rd Cap Cathy 831-3212. DAYCARE. any age 2 spaces as -A June 1 Full or part-time. non amokinq homy Lob of daily activi- ties Excellent references Nancy W OL 697a EXPERIENCED say are avarlable Nestrhey Y easy access b 4C• ^ear school. :arks fenced mrd Hot nu. "fill" ^eas. snacks LC v4sonable, rates 428.0097 SPECIAL NEEDS Chdd- ren oo.;nq 'or someone Cann% responaitxe. expen. OnCed. to work with you Child. call Shannon 42a. 3476 heave message SALES ADACINIS MA"I You will provide sales support and admin- istration for the Ontario Chamber of Com- merce Group Insurance Agents.Recent Group Insurance Expenence is an asset. You have exceptional computer skills in- cluding spreadsheets and Desk Top Pub- lishing and excellent written and oral com- munication. You are outgoing, friendly and Organized. Send your resume and salary expectation to : P.O. Box 344, Ajax, Ont. L1 S 3C2 ENTREPRENEUR AGENTS WANTED IMMEDIATELY for a New Compagr just salted in January of tris yew. Earn. ng $7.5% incoms. Now U" applications. Cal LYNDA 905-432.0369 bo AvpoirM nw* EXPERIENCED Auto Body Estimator needed for busy collision and rust shop. Also Production Manager who works well with others. Appy to Maaco Aub Painting. 710 Wilson Rd. S. Oshawa or call 579- 4000. SIGN PAINTER required, ler translucent and metal appl-lions. Apply in per- son . Provncal Sign Serv- ice Ltd., 375 Frahkcom St. Ajax. Ontario. BEST deal in Durham, Top quality hardwood at low prices. Stock up now, for next winter. DURHAM FIREWOOD (906)427-4741 FREE firewood skids a Pests, one month only, delivery available. Call bet- ween 6.10 p.m. and leave message. 430-9013. Compaq desk Pro 386 computer. 85mb, fwd drive 5 a a quarter a 31/2 loppy. 2 nib of ram. Asking $ 375 OBD. Cal sw-5864. 18• Industrial Floor Scrub bar. 2 buckets. 3 wringers. buffing pads, brooms. mops. etc. $250 o.b.o. 435- 0801. 8 0..- 4,• R&LAB.IiTHChiEiiS"VENUSERF4USkAlf,4"VSAM. ------- . YAROSALE MEN'S -r- handed, golf SHEOMAN - quality barn IN$ Plymouth Reliant MAY 6, 7S A.M. - 2 P.M. Bookshlehies, tables and chin, patio furniture and more. 821 HANWORTH CRT. (OM Breda in WastShore, Pickering) 2 X20 ' SHIPPING Con- CAR tow dolly, towing tamers• good for Shipp" ' lights and straps inclined. ads storage. tools. farm 3800. Call 427-5053 after dubs, bag i cart. 26' co our style sheds, built on site. SPRING OPEN HOUSE 8 CRAFT SALE PERSONAL PRO C- SE, auto. 4 cyl. 2.2 fief in - TV, Panasonic Stereo! to- 8X8 $60. GST inckrded. Friday May 5, Sal May 6. 10 am - 2 pm. TION, Dog Course, taught jecbon. pe, pb, am.tm stir. ceiver/speakers, men's be- Other sizes and display 1220 RIGBY DR. PICKERING by law Enforcement Dog so, nice dean car, Colafisd, cycle. 20 gal. aquarium 1, available. Call 905-508- (Liverpool north Of Finch) Trainers. Laws, Theory, i Practical Application, Limit- 51995.688-6183 stand. 837.2475 4961. Gi6 baskets. dried flowers, candles. and more. ed Entry Call Recruit Dog 1967 Dodos Colt, blue, 5- MENS DESIGNER cloth- SOFA and malehing leve south b Bums St (3rd Training, (905) 619.9028 speed standard, radia, ing. Over 2000 articles with more sinning daily. We seg -L fins quality, traditional style. with wood trim, al- PRIVATE Stable offers tape. new fires, brakes, muffler, good condition. one Articles . • • Hugo Boss. Harry Rosen. most new. maifiee 3990. ' • now $2695 certified. 4 board. individual feed pro- owner, $2800. certified. Pole. Gant. Britches. 668-4063 lecables. memorabilia, • gram, box stags a outside. 725-0599. Crossings, Guess, Levi's, phenson's Furniture and Single stay stay to 7ler.Cal anytime a ... r , r.... .i._ .,,._ showroom condition, p es Ctrs (416);!;71 6Pm' days 839.9443. COMPUTERS and and more, ices start: WHITE fridge $375, solid CARPET IA -1 Prices, buy ens NEW. USED. BISHED. 9 pre s125 (w/s/ $35 blazess $19.. ahs irts 57; casual pants $8, jeans pine coffeelend tables ohrect wholesale. Free in- free905)432 o) to color ink )eta at X25 $p17, shots $8 ; plus plus 5325. 2 yr old fndgwseN- s�lla�i (for 75esti te mate Lots resale. 24 pine print- to GGED VE -PLAYS in Whrby and cleaning stove $1500, new Couch & chair (heater. vin- PaW (416)98D-9697 ens. New DX40's color 51.099, Everything see for yourself. You won't brabr, rechner) 57800. sol- Carpet Broker. 100%, guar- anteed. Clearance Centre believe the prices. Take Hwy, 2 to Thiclkson Fd..Go id oak bedroom suite 52000, modern 7 pt kitchen Nylon thick. plush slam re BOwmanviNe 697-3059. south b Bums St (3rd set 5500, solid teak 7 pc sistmt carpet. For 3 rooms. 164 Baseline (East of Lib lights . tum left. felt plaza dining room suite $650. 8 only 5369 00. Price in- "I on lent. Call 404-2063 for Ma Nn k.r.., .-n,.t. cities 30 Sovds career . now $2695 certified. 4 $750. Duncan Phyte dr _ deluxe pad and installation iN suite $725. Cherry din -in your home Free quota- hng table w/4 high back bon in your yohome. No un - Chairs $450. Antique table serest. no payment for one w/6 chairs $675, NEW full year. Daniel, 1-800- Hunter green couch d chair 217-0104 31150. Beige couch 6 fencing. $4,595 Meets lo- Chair 5575. Cream colour CARPET your home at dis- couch i chair $375. 2 mar- blNWass end tables 5250. Count prices. 100% nylon. Small practice organ $75. liar resistant. Pace includes Singer sewing machine Pad and expert rstallabon. WANTED - old and an- EARLY BIRD SPECIAL ng lessons. 428 8188. 1967 Daytona, 2.2 hire en- lique furniture, anything 16 x 24' rectangular Kayak Onlanos oldest and lar- gine• red colour, 130,000 old. Scientific instruments, pod includes decks i PUREBRED BLACK La. lens., one owner car. As is China, silver, advertising, fencing. $4,595 Meets lo- brador Retriever, AKC and condition. $2300. Please Sporting. toys, decoys. cal by-laws 2". warranty. CKC registered. Available cal (905)571-2027 dolls, milk bottles, collet- 1-800-668-7564. Pickering/ for Weeding. 905-885-0716 1998 Tempo L, 4 dr., 5 bons o estates. Call Robert Ajax, phone 416798-7509. Ask for Al. PIANOS+GRANDFA- Btlaen Antiques (906) 655- 8049, Brookkn. POOL OPENING TIME! room suite $1975: 6 Pc' cent miles. Excellent clean WANTED to bis - older Y Sterling at $99. 10 Pt sere- • 4 ' 1 running car. Was 32995, WANTED CAMERAS - ice. Serving Durham Re- . now $2695 certified. 4 old china and lass. iewel- anon. 427-6973. 81750. Over 20 stain ,-h..., . h. Why Why pay retail prices? One $40. sold apartment size Call Nick at (905) 430-6551. WOMEN'S Des�oner Oshawa_ 576.7418 o e 3. 1 WASHERS, dryers. fridge, lery, microscopes, tele- PIANO, day. sergeants, Rentale ix. Ask or Louis• (905)655-3331 choose from. Call 427- Onlanos oldest and lar- stove. new and ri•cordi- scopes, binoculars and re • ,, 1983 VOLKSWAGEN 9722 anytime Russ. Open 7 _ manufacturers bond. $225 and u p ler re- labed items. Clocks. watch , :. .ays/weeklndoors. Florida5 aspeed. e4 Big selling drethe public. Conditioned washer. 5175 es, furniture. anything old. best *tier. 6861767. lentashape, dr. Town Sales. Eg. 7 pc. solid oak dews- and up for and up reconre.ditioned dryers. and ue torn 432-1678. PIANOS+GRANDFA- AM / FM stereo, Certified. ' �s to choose from. Call ' room suite $1975: 6 Pc' ned and conditioned fridges and WANTED to bis - older Y 2.2 year cid female sols. $2000 O.B.O. 905-885- 1991 Honda Civic DX, 2 sold pone bedroom suiteAlso corn operated furniture. glass, chhvna, coo slack d White.Free to a 0716 Ask for Al. dr. hatc hback. 81,000 km., 81750. Over 20 stain washer and dryers. Ste- lecables. memorabilia, good homer.Callrably toloss Rent or Purchase Cal to- he GERMAN S auto., am/fm cassette, choices, al solid, no phenson's Furniture and Single stay stay to 7ler.Cal anytime Chad- showroom condition, veneers. Traditional Wood- Appliances. 227 Court St. or estalas Cal stir 5 at T21-2790 or leave t Brougham. 4�d. V6. $699 56900 o best reasonable worlung 906-985-8774. able Ida in 72. gam �. 7834. message. td. Finished in a nice 2- ff C II P le 72 ph>.rd delivery. free estimales (30 ing nes, wedddresses. par- PIANO, day. sergeants, Rentale ix. Ask or Louis• (905)655-3331 r. a e r t 55 tone grey. Decent miles. 434.7564 tndge b stove $475. Air APPLIANCES- Super Clothing Discover Durham apartment size. FREE To Good Home, or Excellent dean running toque double bed 8 dresser 5200. NEW Armon CARPETS - lots or carpet Regions largest selection of 36- high Mason i Rixh. Male kitten 9 weeks old. / car_ Was $Ms.. now w%2 right tables 3300. NEW 1000•, n nylon, new stem re- gkaht woman's resale y best *tier. 6861767. • Crafts Grill eat X95 cert.. 4 mos nice Automobiles Hidkory 5 n5 �e carpets on hand. I will fashions. Save b 75% PIANOS+GRANDFA- hard or softtr� Grey with ' �s to choose from. Call ' room suite 5/100, pc carpet 3 rooms. 5349 Price on Winer yp�, y� THER Chicks - Durham's tiger stripes. Cal anter bpm. VENDORS WANTED, 427-9722 anytime muss slack queen bedroom sub x carpet. premium Hees and pawl wear. largest selection -New and Gradwtion Dresses- to 576 8332. Brookknf Country Mar- Open 7 days/week indoors Stt00.Best offer 579- Pad. expert installation. fast shoes. jewellery. access*• used pianos Not sue? Rent or Purchase Cal to- he GERMAN S • DISPOSAL SYSTEM Life- 0526 delivery. free estimales (30 ing nes, wedddresses. par- Rent to own. apt. see. day. sergeants, Rentale ix. Ask or Louis• (905)655-3331 at PW a Roes. C K.0 registered, sg Town Sales APPLIANCES- Super yards) Norman 6862374 ty and evening wear An upno t, grand. digital. key. 850 Wi son Rd S. Oshawa (9061721.8066 Crisrmupan bloodline. fest 1985 TOYOTA. Corolla. Clearance Sale an all COMPUTER i PRINT- exceptional Womens Bou• ague where you spend less boards TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON NOW Telep 433-1113 shots. tattooed. Ready to fully loaded, as is $2400. new matm aPPtr+rrces irf dudrg scratch i dent 12 ER. 366 with VGA colour and always look Your very Piano Works, 4331491 maw cal D. D*Wa 725 - 90, Call 263-8514. Negotiable call (WS) 683- - It host five relfigera- nKx"I&. Dos 5 o and word- best Shop next door for PINBALLS FOR SALE roWmg, siding, skykgMs KEEP you dog waste out 9711 len. from 5480. Hank s Bloa E perfect 5. t , S585 Epson childrSimilar s wear CLOTHES O cv1END wear Great ler nine or cottage, to from. e t 1 s 01 the • DOGGIE WASTE 1fa6 Cavorter Wagon. gone Unpliaroes. a Urst 6 Oshawa (tlervnd Dot matrix printer 3100. FRIENDS FASHIONS. 123 NS,23 ,«a4 choose sWtw as w, as S300.00 • DISPOSAL SYSTEM Life- great car, just cer0- n r9 Mu lbmech) 728-4043 Richard Days. (905)430- Brock St. S Downtown for information call 905 r%,m- and raravatiom time guarantee bag. avail- led, 114K $2495. 434• si timishas A spring time 5615. Eve. (905) 831-9833 Whitby Cal 668-4 434-8294 leave mom avaiteble. (905)579- able Ida in 72. gam �. 2874. D I R E C T O R Y News Advertiser GCB CONSTIMICTWN Interior and exterior repairs, renovations and construction. Fast and clean profession- al work guaranteed. Crag, 686-1913 J.S. ARMSTRONG DEV. INC. Specializing in custom homes. renovations. new kitchens. windows. base- ments, bathrooms Rapers and additions. Over 15 years experience Fro* estimates Call Jeff, 906.6662352. 'MISTER CHEAP",Hon• improvements. red roorne.r taw apartments, additions, deckscwenr�•d toovei 20 AJAX Fane• And Deck 11 wok guaranteed for no* estimate call limo* Wood Fences, Chain Ink. 905-404-8170 Custom decks. Dog runs. Pod enclosures, Repairs Corstruignon L lo existing fences. Over 19 yrs. Add•ar. sud•cb. 17 yrs of lwnds on axile- Pallid dol�ors�w�hdows• re- ow eierlce. Cal 668-8587 or mattes' tiOS 763y60 427-8245 Wim Bi wool wails, free osbwmn. Cag Btiebeape lite S662742 EUROPEAN We special - DUCTWORK installed, nate will renovate you beth. moved. felocated, roan. or kitchen wast. as wet as AmUse.tilt. Good ref- EXCONW4 rates. Free esti- erenC•• aYaahaC*Ofl ban mates. Electrostatic air guaranteed. For Ire• •sti- cearters, humidifiers. maw cal D. D*Wa 725 - ft, Small job$. Calif Paul 4913 428-0295. NOWELL'S General WJVTAGE Contracting. COnbac$Or Inc. R*Did•r1tia1 roWmg, siding, skykgMs and Commeraall interior ducks. fW CW kilCfwns, and etdww Custom wok bathrooms. pill- , Proper" mainterlarlce• waterproofing repair$. Point: and wallpaper sac. Fully Guaranteed. Toll l0% off worts over 0.000. Fie 416-550-5922. tea. Rlikils available upon {905)s23 6391. 19*Mwt cap for or" "a- 11119• da6lddriW Spri glial (905) 404-2183. K_C. • B MASONRY daNMX. Irii -nil" g, garden Over 150 hone owners C i R Mrrllerwlo• Buildingstarved in '94. Brick, block r%,m- and raravatiom A dlonflay r6p•irs. Free it1•CblCal, pkrrbig, ceramic si timishas A spring time ca'p""try. Fran small discounts. Refererfoes to major rwlovations. avaiteble. (905)579- e•ti 3811. "boost. ( Dedts, Pefb dors, i larleaa OwMyr dssiptad b 8twY ylour�NM*w blind a afi Free Commdtaem (906) 619.2106 WIS07107 Fax 683-7363 ROOM TO IMPROVE Rough,' Carper" kltenor 8 Exterior Pon" C•rmw Tiles ysPWA rsY kbm Dywa / >aDitg call Scott (905) 619-1663 Mite CONSTRUCTION Electrical Frion,Dadls, New Quaint Werk Qwwft d Rsf.,Corrpown pncM Mel to of ON (M)427•4234 DRYMIALL INC. Ind. Comm. Res. Spe Askring in Drywall k%W Sswdio T•B•r C•YYtge To S Ceibtys 4 motes. Free estimates. Cal Charlie (406) 42741606 (416) 600ur284 Peyer, Afl$r 8 (416)806.899Q BUDGET HOME IMPROVEYEMTS Bas moffl Apia., R•r. roans. plunbirtg, Addi- tiorr, electrical drywall, 15 yrs. Experience. Free •sbywft call Mona (906) 619-M. TOTAL RENOVATIONS. glass block. spral stairs. Skylights. etc. Want sone" special ler your in or outdoor renovation protect? Call Alan 619- 0516 • HANDYMAN With pick up Muck will do add jobs, dean up garage, yard. Small motivig Imo, grass cut - cal vc aoOM TUDOR Row Renovation i Handyman Service. Ouafly k9rp•I�y, •le, ,, , pkmbirlg, drywral, pairtMlg i d --*A e. ConPlel• farrlalolioe wrork. small job• w•kae•. Rwonabl• raw*, wlerrroes. 723.1466 anytimw. ELECTRICIAN- Licensed wi do all types of tile, iul work. Reasonable raw. Sections di•earhL Fast service. Cal Alex at 433- 7692. BOB'S PAINTING Sc•nc, cscc,.nt tc 25°, 'lt1uA! 6 alts � prof l erjd I � kr Job sakslai an • Free estraies c -83 39 508 DRYWALL and tin ticardrg,taW4r Mxtis�i 4l reravasors and repels. Sinha jobs. 15 years ex- p•rim . Free oebrnaw. Serving Durham and cut of loan awe. Kan 43446M 411, almw"l m Free esfnlaMs Groat Rates Professional Senfjoe 4X7 -3X46 TO PANTING i DECOR Interior 6 Elkft - Ewqm P Fast, dean, reliable service. 420-0061 y( ) AJAX Moving S> spa - ILA Ae CARPET Wets &Wm - 25 sor.10". moves. and piano specialists. Flat years experience. re rale or hourly. We now have eeetching• our spec- ty heated storage units. Now Free estimates. D i N ofFsmrq h•• boxes wdh Duncan. 987-1799 or 987 - move. Fort and bad special. 1800 starMg at Sao. and up. Cal ler rdormWion. 7250005 or 427-0005. • • Cres Mors a. as so dc. PiMlontorig Pad" awaisele. _ HONEST, hard working day, raw $40-965. Phorr anytime. Wave message. 576.4367. CUSTOMER ORIENTED LANDSCAPING DESIGN INTERLOCKING STONE DECKS 3 FENCES GRASS CUTTING HOME RENOVATIONS = N0 TOO 905-728-0682 GUNN-DUNCAN LANDSCAPING, Interlock gardens and decks. Free ester sates. Cal 723-7361 HARM -TME -MOVERS CLEANER-- -- 1 Mow b a i prior ff1•ra or Freese aY*. to toe VlranMg tNTERLOCKMO SIMCK, •sniora Qrscourrl. short notice DIMbg. WON, BYf1- fe0raa ♦1008 ale *_VW weNtwyra. Pool. moves. AN moved alio rant Ca14.92 Wim Bi wool wails, free osbwmn. Cag Btiebeape lite S662742 rl• MEN vim Ibuck willCALL / occosiandir ` w JORAY HOME SERVICES ItouaMnM ves do morwri d•r1tia1, commercial. AN gross i trirwrwg, types d moves. Cora Carl a t lawn uyle, Nralizirg. ma , lord", Jorw 427-2e66. lun workers, Cal 5o9- MICHALSKI MOVING 23". - 11or•• aprbmlersY orfs•* • METER POST HOLE. so- aPPianoas and Piano sp► guyed post holec so&V d ow mid. posts in eorlcrels. most wrong dribpostsKST GROU MEEP. -MOObrs per• 665- irlst1ed. Free esOmaW. MG - awn wta g, awat- 0100• Erod*rM •rvioa. Call 436 11119• da6lddriW Spri glial PYE'S PROPERTY 7795. daNMX. Irii -nil" g, garden Mill ler all your town ant wok. Free quotation. Call garden care cal Dave at f+l01INTAM MOVING SYSTBIS We will mous anyfhkg, free inform Cilim"WAsl or wadsfgll PadoM strap and bases waiakls. S~ i mid morlh dacwxdL teres •Milrebs. 571 -USS Ralph, 905-427.9556, fax 427.7666 906.427-47M - MAGICIAN, tdomwi friends, AERATION (Core typo). nw* to entertain ler any NO* ben•icial ho yah ago. only occasion. Bal h - law n. From 330.00. Book day, promotions, open - now and receive free lila, hind rasters. Magic spring hernias ng. Call 427- show• are fun! Leduce 8612 or 7253033. help. 830-7067 or 7M 8334. RASSRwants work doing magic ler duildra a parties and U couYiais. Have my oto, mllgieirt. til Er- nie 0664932. SCHOOL -4 IBSSOns and test $105. •10 Lessons $150 *Full Coarse $270 Free pick -up and drop off (416)287-3060 V Garag e Sales & For Your Garage Sale Package Yard Sales For Classified Advertising at 576.9335 or fax it at 579.2238. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1995 -PACE 19 CHEAP GARAGE SALE aARACE y aiovIDra SALE 853 Vicki Dr., mestshae/oklahoma area) Saturday / Sunday May 6th & 7th GARAGE SALE 912 Finley Ave. Ajax. GARAGE SALE Follow signs. Set. 3 Sun. 6 & 7, 8-3 p.rn Kids toys, Tykes. ids clothes. O'sheho Koch, etc., 1773 Brorte Square, ( Kingston Rd, / Liverpool area. Sat. May 6. 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.Childrens roller 1718 Kirkw)od Lane Pxkenng,(off Hlghview) t. etc.bars ink. i t*9h char, ekes bar snk bore dmfs and household awns Some furniture included, Raindale May 131h-1411 blades, broadcast spreader, china Saturday May 6th . 8am Y Y bakeware, toys, lots more. Y Furniture, Household, baby Mems, books & more. GARAGE SALE GARAGE MAY 6, 9 GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE 4 JALLAN DR., Ajax, 8-2 m. p 1891 Bicro LArea Set. May 6, 8:30 -4:00 Sat. May 6, 8 30 - 4.00 pm. Chan saw, taWechahrs, cdleaerd tables. kActmen Arms, Pickering ( Glen 2 antique English bikes. Ski eqh more. 29 Carrick Ave. Ajax Y N. -Left on CoughlinR orlto.Carndi) 1885 Bicroft Ct. Pickering fireplace. baseball hal collection. motorcycle helmel. Assorted knickknacks. toys 8 treasures for everyone (Glenanna 8 Bowler) furniture. crafts. cods, 8 much, much more. GARAGE SALE -Sat. May 6, 9 a.m. ANT GIGIC YARD SALE Sat May 6. 9-1 p m MEGA ' 3 HO1KE8 ' FULL 1245 Maple Ridge Dr. 611 Stonebridge Lane, Pickering 650, 662.654 COGNAC CRSS. vw r•na, :,c-.w4ssl MOVING SALE 3 1247 Maple Ridge Dr. Pickering (LiverpooU Finch (oto wh,tes Rd s of 401) Hug's selection, baby'tems. boot's clothing. Llys. tons of Kidscloll 6,," 3 4.:iar, carps, soup. Fiser Pip, Bicycles. turniture, household gems. etc. lots of great deals. Fisher Fence bys. car seats a str000rs, o * • me" char. much moa Evsryrnrvl excellent condeon sat May 6 (8 - 3pm) Rain or Shine May 6 & 7. weather permitting. 17 Andrea Rd. 4ard,voodCbvera9el MULTI STREET GARAGE SALE Sat May 6, 8:30 am -1 pm (Rain date Sat May 13) Westney/Lakedriveway area, Ajax 9 STREETS, 40+ HOMES (Walker, Kipling, Humphrey, Hdhng, Hawkins, Gamett, Simonds, Vale, & Miller) Hosted by: Lois Weaver, Royal Lepage 427-6522 365 Marine 1982 CHEV VAN.350 4 BOAT for sae. 14 h tuber - boner new brakes, rob", plass. 45 horsepower new leafs. 11.500 or beet Chrysler. tilt trader $25M 0111- 723-2225 after p.m. or beet over. (905)436- 1"41 906)43619x4 VOYAGER Cara- van 5 passenger, aubn*1- K. air. excellent eatdpion. early certli@d 726 t 725 1985 Plymouth Voyager SE ern van. Aub. 2.6 titre env*. cruise. Ps. pb. ami tm e1M@O, good clean run- ning van. Was 113995 now SU95 cert. Hurry on ars one Cay 427-9722 anytime Russ Open 7 days/weok ndoors Big Town Saes 1 1977, 24 Foot. Tem Taurus, awning. an, fury NO. microwave, $4.99. or trade for car. 721-2759 28' TRAILER Located in Park, Peterboro area, Sleep six full bath, kitchen deck, canopy, 668-2315 3 O Autc Parts �} & Reoa rs AL" Tune-ups 8 n*w repairs Labour vihr Mobile service avail" 420-69" 355Motorcycles Open 910 9 by appt. Monday to Saturday Motorcycle, Auto and very COMpetathm. Property rates. Call Jonaa.poolay Insurance 6rolw (905) 42746B6 400 Apartments For ?en; 1 BEDROOM APT. For rent $475.00 AM 1 large bed- room for rent $350.00 share kitchen / laun- dry bath Ist 3 last 420-7418 1 -BEDROOM basemehL "I - l' - I laundry, 3pc. both. cable. palung. sprats entrance, responsible, non, smoker, no polls. May 15. 3645 inclusive. 637-1602 2 bedroom upper apsa- ne1L Stove, ridg♦, heal - M No pole. $400'monMty. first and last. TownMel Adelaide. Door* 7239330. ADELAIDE & Stevenson 2 bedroom basement apt. Avail" June 1st. $00W month. UW*n included. Large lolchnarl, fully cwpet- ad. laundry avaitabe. Cal 4361456. AJAX - 211adroora ba9anmrN 4 apple, 4 pa. batt ivig, dining. tido anlim no pal, no fllaolelg allos6r .teas. Yon, wouste 1, fele., ballast. $730 inclusive. 120.970! or 42B•- 7097- aper IS AJAX - naw ;I-portair Igal 3 bdmL, 4 apple.. ca., civ.. $900. utTiess id. Rel- erwtces. Feeblest. Pat 427-7113. AJAX -large 2 tmadrulgml bs@eltlarlt. ape entrance, adrIpwb' i $700 int. THE LAKE 1 bdrrm. bent apt., slits Mchm, le redly, $500 incl iio. Firdillee g ssgle, workrpirNrs pidWnd.Ju 1. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE 839,825 BEM AVE. (Pickering ) Saturday May 6, 9am-3:30 pm Antiques, Tools, Appliances, 1984 Firebird. Sat. May 6, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 40 Leach Dr. Ajax (Plckermg Beact: Rd: Bayty area,, Large & serial" Items. Ram date: Sat. May 13. WWIT8Y - BLUE WATER MRK 1 8 2 bedroom suites, broadloom, 3 appliances. 101 KATHLEEN ST. W. Mon. - Fri. 9 - 7 , Sat. - Sun. 12 - 5 (9055) 571.3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED. AJAX. 2 bedroom base- ment apartment IN AJAX. separate euarhoe, prrlonq no pe*, nonornoker, 786tS month Available June 1. 426-7643. AJAX, June 1, newly painted 2 -bedroom. walk- out basement. now tran@- portatan, sfwppng, full washroom. appliances, $650 plus utlites. Fret/ last. (906)427-7406. AJAX, Large 2 bedroom basement apt in quo( area, near shopping. schools,. appliances, private en- trance, parking, $625 . 12 ublbets. (906) 6863201 AJAX, very clew new 1 bedroom basementsr peraar entrance. Packing. ISVI tit reMronces. $7010, 6866647. WNRESIOwldpilormr avail" ,Ani► 1. One bed - town 90 contailad, own enrarice, ridgralove, non SOM mf*. Fk" �Cal 420- 0125. AVAILABLE from lst n pointed apartmentthilby Apartment �� pcoringyc Clone to Bur. Shap - No Poll. 22 Bedroom 6725.00 Cal 430-0134. BASEMENT one bed- room s ll conlened. Pidt- ering plihrlormg, +able, $ bvw. ridge. no pub, non smorr. IsMast. 831-7579 406 81W St. E. 1&2 bdrma; I - 'I, cwPdw. Poft Fif7t / N6t. aw 6 $650 mofllry. Avail June 1. 723 -*875 July1, Plenty of pail use of backyard, no irhekdas heat. water. .ter.. $720 phi hydro, CLAREMONT. small 1 bedroom aparnrionC above ground• newly renovated. 2 aPPhance@. 3 pc. bath. separate, drivewaysops- rate entrance S5001mOMh plus urlM@. FasYlast. 6493996 - COURTICE, clean, bright. raised 2 bedroom base- wq . 4 pc. bath, edge, skive. shared laundry. parking, "Waw ermarce. ubhmoe Includes sm monthly kalAast Nor► smoker preerrod. Call Thaw 404-8347. W dtby large basement apL. one beiroorm, pufan9. shred Wntby, clow to an amerhitaea $600 incdwrve. Fw"imL Avdabb Juno 1. Call 434-8201. LARGE bright 1 bedroom apartment separate em tarce. dace to bus route. trahaiaaher, parking $575 inoksiw. Available Jtae t 434.2575. lentdor abpuild-- m�M' e � �OOTranlau$I�soy taeiltiwe�. Cal 623-8737. LIVERPOOL MWY#2. basement ap nPri- i5�oo'arrmgl.�f600 �; awiabb Jus* 1st 90S 637-1466. OEM- basement apart- ment in executive flame, sprat ulelfrs , pim-.* confrel air, central vat:, $6D0 imckrive. Av. June or Judy 1. 420•-9197 MARY/ADELAIDE arOeawa General bedroom mort. available June 1. $660. Bachelor available immediately. $40D. In- cludes a tibYeelcable. park- !ng' Suit resporaibleJwork- iug Parson. 8663641). NEAR OC, new semi - manloor 2 bedroom apart- merit1Aboveground bass- merit asemot apartment $700+ 1/2. 436-07T9d4363206. MULTI -FAMILY GARAGE SALE ALLIIN CIRCLE, (BrocklPcker;ng Parkway area, May 7. Raindate: May 14, 8-4 p.m. STREET SALE NORFOLK SQUARE Sat. May 6, 8:30 am start Whites Rd. and Stroud's Lane bicycles, clothing. baby items, and more L400-61 Apartments F0+peRent NORTH SIMCOE at Rus - It. Newly renovated one bedroom apt. in 12-plex. parking, ubkose. came an nck+ded. Laundry tecimee. SSOt fw*VUst. available June t 57629M ONE BEDROOM Plus den available for Jule and July in luxury condorrerrxm. Excellent recreational facilities and in -suite features at decanted rents. Please call 61%i- ' ' 05HAWA - large clean quiet bachelor apartment S45000 a1 inclusive awl able Ju* 195 1 bedroom apt. Boterrtan- Mao 7600 in0hrne Jura 1/ 96. Cal 906.623-4702 or 067.1963. OSHAWA - ale bedroom aParmtet $630 monthly, inclusive. 304 Srricoe St. S. Available, May 1st Fist A 12 of lost required. Ca Steven (905) 571-3229. 5096 tars ki4b,e. 1 belle - 56BD; 2 b6nl - $619. Cbml% 9 gifts. r1rJw dsNlast cabin, hot wow psift aw eppim m. CLEM l Cust h we norx, one , tied bedroom SM and $870 Hoot hydro. ridge, •love. Laundry bCObao. 723- 2M. PWKERI78 - Cban, ono M Babb uraaa included, - no pub. mese, nor► smaller, b0sK available A* bt sm all -2151 DICKERING VHLLAGE, cozy Mk aprrnarnt in gust adult 4 plex,riuteble 1a -40 mWuo quiet Working Pe►wn• "So inc. imn*diably. R9brrioaa 509-2375 PICKERING, / bedroom basrm*rt apartment sp- are* «baric., prldrq. no pals, nm smoker, ovailabb 8 parson DICKERING, Aron Fhb Sheppard area. sou con. taw+ed. large 2 bedroom basement apartment. pr, veto entrance, parlung, 11800 monthly incisive Can res -aeon PICKEMNG. Ambelea area, t bedroom, base. menC angle working per. son. septa* entrance. as ueaase ndudng cable. fast last. available June 1 11625. 4202839- PICKERING. wines Rd. area, bright 2 bedroom basement aprtrt*nL 4 pc beat. tauhdry, septate erh. trance, uthsos included s7Wmordh listlasl Await - able, Juno 1 No ped. no smoking 831-7018. PICKERING large t bedroom. living room and Iulchon. private w*anro.4 applianoeo. at. quiet area. nom-emokor Available May tel. $660 d half ubhtes First/ last (9o5)s3a0o1a. PICKEIING-2 bedroom tip. snt close to schools. GO. public herW Available now rirsviaal/ref. Sew month (905) 831-76M Eye.. (416) 284-5711 days. OUIEfaporne bedroom man hoe PdaL Fprkirg $50oh1 W -W. iw. Ret � until 1990. 723- S. AJAR. Large bright 1 bedroaw bamt. apt, es in non►emakeir. n$7o�' menet &wad" .Meir 1. Miefmab 6/9xM SOUTH AJAX New 2 bedroom baso- Ment Apt. Gas !Io- OM pall ft ap- piallees Sep. entrance 1st A last $800/ month. no pets, 683-0529 TWO BEDROOM apt� stow, Wxxky parlong, central locaton, now Comm Center, 401. $670.00 plus hydro. NOPE SMOKER. availme imme- debt% 5767066 TWO storey apartment oshLarge 2,,bedr0000m. 5696 mated te Juno 1 tit. Incluclas garage 404- 1614. MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE May 6 and 7, 9-4 p.m. Millington Crs. (Westney Heights) YARD SALE - 49 Chadwick Dr Ajax. (Hwy. 2 Westney Rd.) Watch for signs. 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.Sat. May 6 Rain or shkne.Ex- erClse equipment. baby Items. knack knacks, odds 8 ends. WESTNEY /Hwy e2 one bedroom basement apart- ment. separate er+trace. 4 peebathroom, would suit one porton. non smoke. no pia. helest reler@nces July fat $600 inclusive 427-7537 WESTNEY/HWY2 bright. 2 bedroom betionwnt ca- b@. u- I . 4 Pc bath. seperale entrance. latntry. working portions. avadabe June Ist $780 No ped no timakng, 4211-1428 WHITBY - 1-bedroorn apartmanL Separate on - trance. Laundry faciees. Parking, firwAast rslow - on Nor►timokr. no pub Available unmedia*1y. $625 inclusive (905)420- 2842 WHITBY - ona bedroom north of Go, man floor. chaB►oarrivingdkiorrlRarolidwdwoodbu*" IISM Milo". Avad. June 1. 6663161 or 7239340. WHITBY - two bedroom apr8tient mot floor of house. available Jur i. 1020 nckmve. Includes use of yid. CAN 866-1477. WHITBY, duplex, mam hoar, 3 -bedroom@, big 100-1 paring, large yard, SM 2 -bedroom bases we $000 firsulast. Both plus James. 058-67@6. WHIM n*drn bight "Borah t bodroan boas m*st, titr.stiad air, park, suit servile, rorrtnloAr. TPacborVDuadr., tt660 at i@:rwiw. 606.8691, WHITBY- blight 1 -bed- room pr9mwt in 4 Nor- eyoompbx Juw I.L C. Wal to t I ; g it g. bur, H� *r 9068. WHITBY- Large 2 IwN, 1 001, Ahr ebb May, SM 1110rmhrnalin- ti=M. cal 4304= alter Spin WHITBY- Itarwhod 1 bad- FndgWsbwperfung, Laun- . dry leciiiihos. Avail" mmotha Bas.-SM"TM WHY rent vs*n you can own Yyo�uu own have for bas ltf erl you Ihitt7!! Call Dave Heylock i sinti,Sales� o(r(@300 905) Lid. 1 baurodrm hone for rent South Pickering, applianc- es, available Juno 1. $1100 plus utilities. 619-3009. 3 bedroom. 3enu detxned none. Darkv4sneworthh. Oshawa. udran close to take and school@, nest/la@t required to501rrmond h plus utrhties references re. qured 649--3875.. AJAX - �akevtowex,phng area. 3 bodroorro. I L'2 tofu, available July lst. $900 nKing Ay. t yr litaeo 863-4471 AVAILABLE Jung, 1 3 bedroom 2 storey house, quet creat kdgelstove. IN Yard. ample Per". - earn extra intorno w. bachelor apannnont in basement $850-utdihes Call 963-6374 eave mos - sago Sam -90- roan ANON 25W sq 11.2 12 bath.cietrar am case. marl Moor ifuhdry afe.2 ce, gragw.No powl yr Mani - MUM *MW -S1450 . uMi- aaa.Av dabte July 1 sL Ref- sfww .CaN (416) 297- 0061. SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 OSHAWA 3 bdr brine bung. tented Yd, gar Bborwison area. SM - use.F.L Aval uay 15 2 bdr - • sem Skxx WI. son area. SM - All lc . L Avail June 1 Man floor of hone. 2 bdr. Aguas St SM nil Avai. June 1 M* . stove incl_ CJlll 436 -OM OSHAWA- nice bunga- low. 5 bedroom, 2 bot- raame. 2 lulchens. 2 fug rooms Nice docs laun- dry. news home, largo backyard Please call 728- S501, 265501. 433•.4160 PICKERIN4 4 bedroom mon floor. 4 appkances. Cho" to schools, shopping. 401. 1975 pis 2/3 Late", Frit last references. Juno 1 (906)420--9171 RENTERS own you van hon* for Was than se00. Per month. Cora John Minn. Sale@ Rp., Remax Summit Roayy,9064MW,3801). WHO clays you eanlot 6111tord all btyr s ham? 3 P A mt1 iownholm qF rim for $**Dorm. (P 6 1) 3 bedroom brxgabw talfiaa for 5760 *me (PI19 pore mon. Cal Mark shpk+y. RMMax Accord 57'6.1111 orNi.QO. RENT TO OWN F reek Tuwetowen to a uet areWest. nevi to a Per► MOVES $2000YOUN l.ina Fir her I month, while sou build dour down pavmenl ASPENM"o 434-2014` PAGE 24THE.AlEMiS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, ,MAY 5,199S -------------------- ►�------a.a.a.�a.�a.a.a.�a.a.a.���a.e,��e,�a.11 ;; SPRING FASHION SHOW., 04 ►i COURTICE HIGH SCHOOL 04 ii WILL BE PRESENTING SPRING ►4 �� FASHIONS FROM 14 AREA STORES ON i 04 THURSDAY, MAY 11 AT 7:30 P.M. 101 04 ►11 TICKETS AT THE DOOR ►4 11,41 1717 Hash Road, Cour-ice 04 News Advertiser Classified Dept. open every Mon. to Fri. S* a.m. - BAB P.M. Sat. 9:30 - 380 call 683-0707 570 Perst: MCMANSWIN LIVE a PERSONAL 1MTED #I IN CANADA EVANLY RAYS LIVE t ON .1 LOVE GIFTED URATE MONEr ACCURATE CAREERSW PSYCHICS 1-900.451-4065 24 1445 V 9W— .!- DATING Services are all different. Partner Search lets you select attractive, Professional, singles who mre -I you and have some fun. Personal matching, af- fordable, longterm rela- tionships. Call lot my free brochure. with no oblgabon or pressures to Mn at 683- 2414 anytime ALERI - Julian and Nat tz Chafe) are thrilled elcornc their precious s Blip Michacl Thomas, b pril 9, 1995 at 5:18 p. cighing 6 lbs. 2 ozs. Prr -andparents are Gerald a lona Chafe of Ajax a tntino and Yolanda Valeri .obicokc. Many thanks to athy Chapman and the si Ajax/Pickering Ilospital. ST PETER, Anthony- On Wednesday, May 3,19%, in Blackstock Ontario. Anthony St. Peter, dear son of Leo and Darlene St. Peter. Brother of LeRoy and his wife Kerry. He will be greatly missed by his tam- iy and friends. The family MI receive friends at the McEachnie Funeral Home, 29 Old Kingston Road, Ajax ( Pickering Village ), 90542B-8488 from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 pm. Friday. Funeral service in the chapel on Saturday, May 6,1995 at 1 pm. Interment Pine Ridge Memorial Gardens. V&v!4 %pace .+�ld�lillt�d Ftar an audio version of all of the current death notices received for publication the Ne%vs Advertiser or 11iis )reek, call 683-3005 or 404-6591 (Clarington rc dents). This complimentary service provides detailed information for notices plat in the previous 7 days. :ueur w FROM 8.6% 1st Mtge. 95%/2nd, 3rd • Rental Properties 8 Cottages • Re -financing • Debt Consolidation • Rural Properties • Self-employed No Income - No Problem Prime Deals "ow Bank Rates Fast Professional Service Since 1975 CALL TOLL FREE 656-2557 OUR HOST Tuvu INT?AGMYy UWTED PERSONAL CARE WORLDWIDE PACKAGE HOLIDAYS • GROUPS SELL OFFS • CRUISE SPECIALISTS AIRLINE AND VIA RAIL TICKETS CORPORATE TRAVEL SPECIALISTS FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS PLEASE CALL 619-2012 ccs WY Strom Wast. Alta B•twwn Harwood A Monarch tBaywood CaMnl SHARPENINGAU SEASON SKXTE From the end of hockey to the beginning of baseball season. COME SEE US FOR A COMPLETE LINE OF UNIFORMS & TROPHIES -SHIRTS •SWEATS, ETC. tf ct 73 Hunt St., Ajax ' GIS -2975 * • eanc��lc•s P,r�-MEs �,ta aussr No RISS * LEAVE THE WON TO US" 14M B" SIL, Unk 16A, ' Phone 837-6768 *********** WET BASEMENT? • Waterproofing • Drain Repairs Master Lic. #D30 1 "ll"' SINCE 1921 FREE SERVICE CALLS - 686-0011 You'll breath easier after a visit by Gardiner's Duct Cleaning Dust can be more than just an annoyance if you don't do something about it. Not only will it be a constant source of work come cleaning time, but it will also irritate your eyes, throat and cause you breathing prob- lems. That's why more and more resi- dential and commercial customers are calling Gardiner's Duct Cleaning to tackle this problem head on. Sam and his son Scott have been cleaning heating and air conditioning ducts for four years and they advise anyone who has not had them cleaned for a long time to get it done as soon as possible. It's a procedure that takes very little time compared to the amount of time you'll enjoy clean dust free air in your home. The large truck mounted 18HP vacuum unit shown in the photo above packs more power for those tough jobs he encounters. Of course he still has the portable unit for those places that the truck can't get to such as townhouse complexes. The procedure for both is simple. .Sam first closes off your vents and makes an opening in the main duct. Then, while the vacuum unit sucks air into a holding chamber, a hose is put into the upstairs vents, one at a time, and blows the dust and dirt into the downstairs unit. They also use the air snake method which ensures ducts are com- PICKWAY TRANSPORTATION 691 wets iwe Www Pickeeiq, Osiris LT w 3G: (905) 420-4574 Private transportation for your precious little ones Door-to-door service Mini school buses with seat belts for safety Cellular phone in hus for direct contact with driver Service available to Montessori & public scbools in Pickering and Ajax Also to and from Day Care Centres and Nursery School Programs in the Pickering area Reasonable rates plus family rates Ages 1 yr. & up Register early for September 1995. • vk^ , �aAOJNEa �r SWEEP �28Z•329� 4f snake method is when a device is inserted into the ductwork where its mobile head reaches into every inch of your duct work scrubbing around to dislodge dust and debris. "Dust will not only affect your health but ruin furniture and draperies," says Sam. "Having your ducts cleaned cuts down on cleaning and adds life to your furniture, car- pets and drapes." There's a Spring Special avail- able now. Hookup is $34.95 plus $5 CWT •N. am RAKERT 619 fl kWun Ra e &%WJETASW OF SCOTLAND IN PICKERING• We SPECIALIZE in... OLD COUNTRY BAKING all dose M the premises. Will iuwa for ar SCOTITSH MEAT PIS, we also BAKE the TRADMONAL... STEAK PIES FORFAR BRIDIFS MORING ROLLS ABERDEEN BUTTERIFS PLAIN BREAD POTATO SCONES & the tar" se►ectwo of cakes this side of the -CLYDE- FROM THE FREEZER ENJOY SQUARE SAUSAGE AYRSHIRE BACON BELFAST HAM VEGETABLE ROLL BLACK PUDDING WHrM PUDDING DUMPLING & at cause ***HAGGIS*** offer expires on May 31st. Sam also does chimney sweeping and his prices are very competitive and the service is always friendly and courteous. So if you are sick and tired of your home being buried in dust, call Gardiner's Duct Cleaning at 1-416 282-3292. Customers from Scarborough to Oshawa have relied on his service and are now enjoying a healthy home environment. Isn't it time you did too? BRIAN FORDHAM DRIVEWAY nLANDSCAPINGIt Interlocking Stone Specialists SEALING AND 'Pm PATCHING F W OF Residential & Commercial PISA 1-(800)-387-0894 STONE ''' (905) 725-7443 SANDERSONn MONUMENTCO.I.TD. Manufacturers of cemetery and civic memorials' since 1872. of Our iZ 11 showroomoom s or home appointment ession ff available Darlene Elosner (905) 4274366elp K 1 (800) 461-0282 !2 Old KhKsim Rd. A)as FROM 8.6% 1st Mtge. 95%/2nd, 3rd • Rental Properties 8 Cottages • Re -financing • Debt Consolidation • Rural Properties • Self-employed No Income - No Problem Prime Deals "ow Bank Rates Fast Professional Service Since 1975 CALL TOLL FREE 656-2557 OUR HOST Tuvu INT?AGMYy UWTED PERSONAL CARE WORLDWIDE PACKAGE HOLIDAYS • GROUPS SELL OFFS • CRUISE SPECIALISTS AIRLINE AND VIA RAIL TICKETS CORPORATE TRAVEL SPECIALISTS FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS PLEASE CALL 619-2012 ccs WY Strom Wast. Alta B•twwn Harwood A Monarch tBaywood CaMnl SHARPENINGAU SEASON SKXTE From the end of hockey to the beginning of baseball season. COME SEE US FOR A COMPLETE LINE OF UNIFORMS & TROPHIES -SHIRTS •SWEATS, ETC. tf ct 73 Hunt St., Ajax ' GIS -2975 * • eanc��lc•s P,r�-MEs �,ta aussr No RISS * LEAVE THE WON TO US" 14M B" SIL, Unk 16A, ' Phone 837-6768 *********** WET BASEMENT? • Waterproofing • Drain Repairs Master Lic. #D30 1 "ll"' SINCE 1921 FREE SERVICE CALLS - 686-0011 You'll breath easier after a visit by Gardiner's Duct Cleaning Dust can be more than just an annoyance if you don't do something about it. Not only will it be a constant source of work come cleaning time, but it will also irritate your eyes, throat and cause you breathing prob- lems. That's why more and more resi- dential and commercial customers are calling Gardiner's Duct Cleaning to tackle this problem head on. Sam and his son Scott have been cleaning heating and air conditioning ducts for four years and they advise anyone who has not had them cleaned for a long time to get it done as soon as possible. It's a procedure that takes very little time compared to the amount of time you'll enjoy clean dust free air in your home. The large truck mounted 18HP vacuum unit shown in the photo above packs more power for those tough jobs he encounters. Of course he still has the portable unit for those places that the truck can't get to such as townhouse complexes. The procedure for both is simple. .Sam first closes off your vents and makes an opening in the main duct. Then, while the vacuum unit sucks air into a holding chamber, a hose is put into the upstairs vents, one at a time, and blows the dust and dirt into the downstairs unit. They also use the air snake method which ensures ducts are com- PICKWAY TRANSPORTATION 691 wets iwe Www Pickeeiq, Osiris LT w 3G: (905) 420-4574 Private transportation for your precious little ones Door-to-door service Mini school buses with seat belts for safety Cellular phone in hus for direct contact with driver Service available to Montessori & public scbools in Pickering and Ajax Also to and from Day Care Centres and Nursery School Programs in the Pickering area Reasonable rates plus family rates Ages 1 yr. & up Register early for September 1995. • vk^ , �aAOJNEa �r SWEEP �28Z•329� 4f snake method is when a device is inserted into the ductwork where its mobile head reaches into every inch of your duct work scrubbing around to dislodge dust and debris. "Dust will not only affect your health but ruin furniture and draperies," says Sam. "Having your ducts cleaned cuts down on cleaning and adds life to your furniture, car- pets and drapes." There's a Spring Special avail- able now. Hookup is $34.95 plus $5 CWT •N. am RAKERT 619 fl kWun Ra e &%WJETASW OF SCOTLAND IN PICKERING• We SPECIALIZE in... OLD COUNTRY BAKING all dose M the premises. Will iuwa for ar SCOTITSH MEAT PIS, we also BAKE the TRADMONAL... STEAK PIES FORFAR BRIDIFS MORING ROLLS ABERDEEN BUTTERIFS PLAIN BREAD POTATO SCONES & the tar" se►ectwo of cakes this side of the -CLYDE- FROM THE FREEZER ENJOY SQUARE SAUSAGE AYRSHIRE BACON BELFAST HAM VEGETABLE ROLL BLACK PUDDING WHrM PUDDING DUMPLING & at cause ***HAGGIS*** offer expires on May 31st. Sam also does chimney sweeping and his prices are very competitive and the service is always friendly and courteous. So if you are sick and tired of your home being buried in dust, call Gardiner's Duct Cleaning at 1-416 282-3292. Customers from Scarborough to Oshawa have relied on his service and are now enjoying a healthy home environment. Isn't it time you did too? BRIAN FORDHAM DRIVEWAY nLANDSCAPINGIt Interlocking Stone Specialists SEALING AND 'Pm PATCHING F W OF Residential & Commercial PISA 1-(800)-387-0894 STONE ''' (905) 725-7443 CORRECTION In this weeks Kawt Ryer the lolfiowkg «rola taw Occurred: on psye B do "BII i Defier' $59.97 came esker is riot as Illustrated. 711e laal bWq sold don not have a clock. On pays 9 the Main Pteture or the 'kllagas' Co- ordinate is kleamM The Nava shown in thb picture are 'Colour Ciassies' eoordhabs. We apologize for arty kwwmnier" Ibis may haw caused. Kmart Canada LWAW ����Immmmnmml ...-1970 BROCK f ROYAL LEPAGE PICKERING I�nnunonn°°0° 683-1790 III EMR• 3-,v1q LW.. Rodu. 36 SHARP CRESCENT, AJAX Only 4 years old, located in north Ajax ' 3 bedrooms ' finished basement ' perfect starter home for vouna family THE NEWS ADV'ER71SEN FRfDAY, MAVIS,,1"Sr-PACE 21 KIDS/ADULTS EARN EXTRA MONEY HOW? JUST BY DELIVERING AJAX PICKERIING NEWS ADVERTISER PAPER ROUTE(s). CAN YOU SPARE 1 OR MORE HOURS A DAY, ONLY 2 DAYS A WEEK, N THE AFTERNOON? IF YOU CAN, THEN YOU CAN TURN SPARE TIME INTO PRORTABLE TIME. SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOME WITH A JOB THAT WILL HELP YOU 1) BUY THOSE LITTLE EXTRAS. 2) GET HEALTHY EXERCISE 3) MEET LOTS OF NEW PEOPLE CALL TODAY, 5794407 AND FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN EARN EXTRA CASH AJAX.'PICKERIVG NEWS ADVERTISER Durham SavemAmLife Prepares You For Emergencies A certain amount of self-confidence comes from having the proper skills to be able to save a person's life in an emergency. We all know that emergencies arc unplanned and occur when we least expect them. Knowing CPR (or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is important for everyone. Parents, teachers, friends, workers, people with elderly parents, people with friends or relatives with a diagnosed heart condition could find themselves in the position where they must help someone because of a life- threatening emergency. Durham Save -A -Life teaches those skills and leaves you confident that the skills you have learned on their course have prepared you well for those emergencies. With many years of experience under their belts, Heart & Stroke Foundation Emergency Cardiac Care RepresentativOnstructor Trainer Jane Froggatt and Instructor Michael Harding began Durham Save -A -Life. With their belief that quality CPR and First Aid instruction need to be available to the public their motto is CPR Training at its Best. While the primary goal of Durham Save -A - Life is to maintain the highest possible standards in CPR and First Aid training. Michael and Jane both emphasize the fact that the agency offers competitive rates. Michael points out that "individuals looking for the training should compare rates; however, they should also keep in mind that "cheapest is not necessarily best". If you are shopping around for a CPR or First Aid course, Jane encourages everyone to "ask questions about the content and the Length of the course they arc interested in, and the qualifications and years of training of the instructors teaching the course". Durham Save -A -Life offer public courses in Ajax and Oshawa. Mote, however, that a group of friends, relatives or co-workers can have a course taught privately in heir home, office or at one of Durham Save -A -Life's locations and at times convenient to the group. They teach many courses to School teachers after hours right at the school and, similarly, Dental offices have their training in the office after hours. As Authorized Providers of the Red Cross as well, Durham Save -A -Life teaches First Aid Courses to Red Cross Standard. Jane explained, "After quite a bit of discussion and research about First Aid training we felt that Red Cross First Aid standards are the closest to our own for quality teaching. The CPR component of Red Cross First Aid courses is virtually identical to Heart & Stroke guidelines for CPR and, therefore, did not cause a conflict for us. We have been very satisfied with the feedback received from course participants". Following is an outline of the different courses taught by Durham Save -A - Life: • Basic Rescuer CPR is a 10 -hour course designed for Health Care Professionals, Lifeguards, individuals that work with the public, those with family members at risk or just with an interest. The course includes CPR and Choking procedures for Adult, Child and Infant. Risk factors for heart disease, healthy lifestyles and warning signs of heart attack and stroke are discussed in detail. • Infant/Child CPR is a 6 -hour course designed for Day Care Workers, Nannies, Parents and Grandparents. This course includes CPR and choking procedures for Infants and small children and techniques on child proofing your home. • Basic Rescuer Retraining is a 4 -hour course that refreshes skills learned on a Basic Rescuer Course. • CPR Instructor courses are offered as needed and are 20 hours in length. They require that participants hold their Basic Rescuer card for at least one Experienced Cross Movers Bargain rates, homes, offices, apt., etc. Piano moving. Packing available. +333 • Confect Lenses • Bwx=Aw Vision • Perceptual Testing • Dispensing of all Types of Frames & Contacts IMS GWwtfta Road, Salle 212 IIIIIg, Onswio, LIV BR6 8311114M M1175 Osl - Cern, SMwraon Rad Oshawa, Ordeft LIJ 2K5 571-M year prior to this course and, in this course, Jane teaches the skills required to teach CPR at all levels. • Standard First Aid is a 16 -hour course and is what lanes calls the "all you could ever want to know about First Aid and CPR and more course' . It includes CPR at the Basic Rescuer level and First Aid skills including bandaging, splinting, head injuries, bums, poisoning, and more. Flexibility is another important factor in how this business operates. They offer courses at all levels every month and are run in the evenings and on weekends. To reserve a seat on one of their courses, book early. Jane explains, "The courses fill quickly and many people book two months in advance just to be sure they have a seat. We also feel that talking with a trained instructor is much more helpful to the individual than talking with a receptionist who probably could not answer specific questions. We get many, many calls and it takes time to give everyone the personal service we feel is so important and to help each person select the best course for their particular needs". Durham Save -A -Life participates in Mall Displays and Demonstrations throughout the year. The next presentation will be May 7, at the Ajax Welcome Wagon Baby Shower at the Ajax Recreation Centre on Harwood South. Local residents will have the opportunity to talk with instructors, see demonstrations and find out what is involved in some of the courses. If you are interested in knowing more about the courses and their costs, it is worth talking to Michael or Jane at Durham Save -A -Life. You can reach them at (905) 686-9737 or (if Ajax is long distance, call) 1-800-733-03%. RETAIL INTERIORS INC. • Iwar 11116- irg a deign • stone 9xtwing collbacth • artwork / v CALLUS V TO FIND �/ OUT HOW OUR DRAWINGS & PLANNING EXPERTISE WILL PUT THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS INTO YOUR BUSINESS ACCOUNT WHEN IT IS TIW TO EXPAND OR RENOVATE14 CALL 837 -MM A GROW WITH US DURHAM SAVE - A- LIFE offers courses in CPR & FIRST AIDqf AB Cow= tav& under tic gidebs es of the HEART' and STROKE FOUR MIM Courses avarlahle M all levels in Aju A Oshawa lus&uetww of t" Highest Quality • brfatdChild CPR • Baric Rexuer CPR • Sta%W First Aid with CPR • Retrlvir " • Bookings for privam gros ps availabk If homrctor 9tmlificatim uvadabk DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS WS)579-2222 HUWG :ASEs1EKr vInyI r efeo as o aa. TMT.Acno/i • PICTURE WINDOWS • BAY a BOW WINDOWS •INSURANCE CLAIMS • PATIO DOORS • STORM DOORS • NEW CONSTRUCTION WINDOWS • GLASS a SCREEN REPAIRS MOBLE SHOWROOM WAYNE HUTCHINSON 605 KING ST W SA! ES SERVICE a OSH^WA. 0#47^$710 NS7^�LATION "' 2L3 (9051579-2222 GARIDINERS DUCT CLEANING, CHIMNEY SWEEP i EAVESTROUGH CLEANING Hook-up SU.95 $5 per vent FREE Ars+de Fusee Clnring, mr. 10 *Xts ;;1rrr+rley Sweeping a11y'3Y.t1S .o f i' GARDIIII DUCT CLEAPOIG � 4 CII■1NEY mm (4161282-3292 SPRING TUNE-UPS FOR LAWNMOWERS SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF AMEN REAR TINE ROTOTILLERS SALES & SERVICE 855 Westney Rd. S. AJAX, Out. 683-%2l CONTRACTING NO P.S.T. / NO G.S.T "APRIL SPECIAL" Wood, Vinyl DoorslWmdows Basements, Deeps, AWftions po All Other Home Improvenwft (905) 839 -Ml Suite 202, PTckering • Facials • Tirift • Make-up • ftdicures Producb 0 Massage • So n Cwe on CertlRcabs avON" by Phone or in person OPEN NK*MTSISATURDAYS mm 420-9557 = "PACE 22 -THE NEWS A1sVERRTI'S£R FRIDAY, MAY S,-"95 2 LARGE rooms for rent In private house, quiet negh- borhood,no pets.non smoker, close to bus 8 shopping centre Call after 5 (mon-thurs) 837-2052. AJAX - quiet home, lur- ntshed room, bath, laundry and kitchen facilities. Cleanlqutet abstainer wel- wrre. References requred Call Pat. 427-7113. AJAX, Furnished room in air conditioned adult home,Close to bus stop, shared facilities, non- smoker. 686-4842 CLEAN furnished room.Westshore and Bayly, parkulq. cable, all facilities. separate entrance, very Private. $400 mo. 839- 4271 ONE FURNISHED room, Two unfurnished rooms 905-831-2395 PICKERING. Dixie :Finch quiet -lean executive tome. full use of house. good neighborhood. non- smoker. available inx, $400 month 420.2196 OUIET person for large room in private home. Use of cooking taobses b laun- dry Frstrlast required S35W.Kinth for room plus own food costs 434-4672 A.. A X n --y sh.,,e won 1 over person Parking laundry" 8 air 5385 month wwJuwve Non smoker Good location Call (905 686-7313 or (416) 041-2538 CHRISTIAN Male has house to share with someone of Like mind 8 pirricopsls Great location S375+'month. everything in - c kxied 434-8665 NORTH OSHAWA 3 bedroom house to share $350 per mast". 17 uALi- Ms. close to shopping and but route cal anybnM 435- 8264 PICKERING 4 bet:-oo- ncme on 1 acre lot to share. All Inclusive. $450 monthly Avail Immediately. Female preferred. 831-0311 PICKERING - make your best move and save mon- ey by sharing a Christian hone Don't miss the Isere - bb of great space, private yard. par" laundry. walk to Lake (near Go) Mary Klassen 266-3993. PICKERING. single work- ing mother, looking for tams b share 4 bedroom house, hon-smdkeir. Call (416)286-1616 6 am -4:30 Pm. ROOM for rend in 3 bed- room townhouse, use of fstAibes. btu at door. close b Go. $35&n**. FrstAast. A.W. Im modfJure 1. 837- 0107 AJAX t bedroom cordo over looking lake. 5 ap- plianc4e, hf*O ce, pod• lentis mob. Available June 1st S775/monih. Call 663.0486. WHITBY desirable Sail - winds overlooking lake. gorgeous 2 bedroom. 2 th, sat -in kitchen, baloo my, pod. $1175. Vivian Riva (416)2'29-4454. E • 1 4 Montlss Free PAW - Downtown Oshawa, 400- 3500 sq. It available. Park- ing and great exporrrror. Beat reeMY fabs. Call 434- 2447 or 666-4132. DOWNTOWN Whitby. Dundas St Approximately 400 sq.h. office and up to 2500 sq ft. bay space C-3 zontng. Call 666--kMi. InduStrial 463 Un;ts 401/RITSON - 1,500 or 3.000 sssgqq ft Drive m doors, officesh traffic. loft of parking. 5550 net. 434- 5555,666-7777 3 -BEDROOM cottage on quiet, sheltered bay. boat access to Bay of Outnte and Lake Ontario Great fishtrnZq swimming area. Outside plumbing. S250Iweek Call 613)354-9216 BARRY'S BAY- H K Cot- tages. boats. beach. fishing. unpolluted water, store, take-out. playground on premises. May/June dis- count. 1-613-756-2746. GREAT fishing and family holiday on Rice Lake. 1 hour from Oshawa. Modern 2 8 3 bedroom cottages. sandy beach. playground. children's program. boat 6 motor. Low Tandy prices, may 1 uweekend oltaavclaails- R.R, s3. H Mgs. Ont KoL 1Yo(705)696.2601 SMALL. Muskoka Lake - Braceor,dge area. excellent swernmi ngboa onglfshing. Large 3 bedroom family collage. S549/weekly Call 331-,765 TRENT RIVER, Lake Sey- mour Woodland Estate. tamy househeepr+g 01- togas. 3 pc, bath fishing. pool. beach. slore,play- ground. 90 rrws Ne Picker- dng. 14500-367 2044 ELOTIM CLEARWATER - f ,' noshed mooiie homes. Aubhouse. heated pools. not tubs. terms. just 20 mouses to beaches NHL Hockey. Blue Jay baseball. doq. Norse sacks :hddren we)come, less than moW Call (905)683-5503 GORGEOUS - 3 bedroom 3 bathrooms townhouse cordo. close to famous Clearwater beach. pod. h- ours. BBQ. Private yard. available Now - Dec for into and to view photos 686-9646 or 579-3788 N. OSHAWA. s129.Wo Recently totally renovated. 2 story ravine tit hard -Roos finished base- ment 2-4pc bass. garage. dirung room greenhouse, kitchen Owner has been transferred must sell . Peter Neal. Sales Rep Gude Reafty, 723-5281 as acre farm. Marmora - pond, modern hoosemany extras 5125.000 Cal Hot le Woo. Dan Baw man. Broker. (613)472- 0440 or (613472-25% at - IW 6pm BEAUTIFUL detached bungalow. 3 bedrooms. ret room, deep lot 599.999 wM only 5% dose will car- ry for $900 per marl! n- tkdrg taxes. Ted Hough- ._ Homax Summit 668- 3800. BELIEVE IT SW Down. Why will Whanyou con own a bond now 3 or 4 bedroan snyle IJetarlNd have on hyo kill. Cal NO tl n45W ferrshed backsplit. 3 bed- froo e. 2 - 4 piece bath- rooms, jaccuzzi, garage. hew Irnead lot, gas host- ing, tautly room with firs plece, WgNWUt to pato. many exist, 579-2219 COUNTRY Home. Custom fruit in small Village mirnules from Whitby. Needs sane ntenor finish- ing. Make oiler as is. Asking $184.900. (906)6554602. FROM 369x900 Brand new 1,2,3 bed. suites, condos. Up to 1442 sq it, Bungalow style. Call 623.6649 ROYAL RESORT Fenelon Falls • Balsam Lake canoes, paddleboats, kayaks, mountain bikes, indoor pool, sauna, whirlpool, games & exercise rooms. Great fishing - boat & motor rentals. VICTORIA WEEKEND SPRING SPECIALS 3 NIGHTS 4 DAYS 2 NIGHTS 3 DAYS '225-3791 P.Pidble 1175-2590 p.p./dble Includes Dinners & Breakfast. Accommodations range from comfy to posh with private saunas, whirlpools & fireplaces. Lots of various pkas. - Spring & Summer. 1-705-454-8004 or 1-800-461-1420 MUST set! 2 bedroom raised bungalow %nth 2 bedroom in-law. 2 fridges. 2 stoves, washer, dryer 5117,500. Negotiable 721-9746. Open House- 1285 Pine- hurst Ave MAy 7, 1.3pm. Raised bungalow semi. in prime oshawa location. with professionally finished basement Apt. Only $114.900 Cal 721.2370. BEAUTU`UL 2 storey family home in quiet Cour- b r Court Backyard serene like country. Tastefully landscaped, dock and good quality Ioscat 3 bedroom. 1 extra in tits► men, 2 skylights. Living room, separate dining room. sunken fairly, room with fieldstone fireplace. Master bedroom with Ria -man tub and separate wnower 3 badrs. erceeent •iwghbourood. Main floor sundry room inside en. trance to double gerage Priced at $189.000. no eondtbanal oft Cal 432- 3172 for appoernlfrelnl THREE BEDROOM brick house with single at- tached garage. Irving room / dutrsg room, est in kitch- en, mows Roar family room with fireplace / herdwooe floor Circular oak staircase. 1-4pc. 1 2pc, on suit bash. CIA. FAG. Large fully fenced lot. $133.000 Bloor /Town- Cne after 430 43306S5 THREE bedroom bunga- low. fireplace,walkout, at- tached garagea . nm of OC Close to schoolslshoppwg private sale. Asking $136.000.436-1220 WAVERLYtBASE LINE treeroid townnonie 3 bed- roomm, Aug possession. 4 appliances. call Sat. a Sun '12-S p.m. 607-0126 Only 5 available. WHITBY CHARMER Open House, Sat Sun May 6 b 7 12-4pm or by appoints 0/14 L 3 bedroom. family room, fully knishod basement. CIA. FAG, black ash hardwood Adoring. large pis lot. on Cul-Do- Sac ul-DsSac architecturally de- stgned nrdevout. Out- standing Showpiece. 24 Genn Court. 905-430- 0155 SAILWINDS Whitby, lux- ury endo itsMdirg, one bedroom. 941 sq. fl, in" extras. 666--3114 WATERFRONT CON MPMTY, 2 acre lob in beautiful Pon Perry, Lits 5155,000., Cal 14 Estate 427-0390 or 426-2215 $3500 fullpprriced, Seekxr- ed wooded Thaler ldf,r. sandy beach gwonogd 1/2 hr from Oshawa., (416)a31.1555 LAKEFRONT tit Sy38mmee9nnW Also with dutiful A REAGE on bwrehip Rd., Zero downpaynent and Ill morph. 686-3430. WATERFRONT sites available. Quiet trailer perk on take Ontario now Tren- lon. Greet fishing and sal - Shattered dDck- Ing. Prices from $9900. 416-757-4944; Weekends 613.394-0863. 33' Shamrock on Che- mong Lake at Bridgenorth. beautiful site. excellent condition, new 28 ft deck. new 30 ft awnsi modular fiberglass 4 Pc battwoom. $7500 (519)578-6363 BEAUTIFUL South Lake Tent and Trailer Park. san- dy beach. playground. store, rec halt, conte shop. Chnsmm in July Hal- loween to August. Hay rides etc. Water view tits available Family camp- grourd, seasonal rate $815. Minden. 705-286- 2555 RED SETTER RESORT - Trent River rear Havelock. Excellent campground. Large fully serviced softs from $78&season as 2-3 bedroom from $330 - $375 t -005-4360e07 or 1-705-778-3096. AAA Consulting 8 Loan. Financial consulting Sety- ices for any purpose. Also LOANS. Auto, emergency, consolidations, vacations. furniture. fust time borrow- ers, but macs, etc. Good or Bad Credit. Bankruptcies welcome. 8:30 am-9:OOpm Mon-SaL 416.6:10.0012. BORROW $10.000 , pay as tittle as $110 per month., o.a.c. Call Jerry, 668.7200. Free consultations. Anubis Invesbrents Ltd. MONEY problems) Debt consohdatiom credit ar- rangements, personal budget planning, credit re- pair. FREE CONSULTA- TIONS. Ontario Credit Counsellors (Oshawa -Tor- onto) 433-1425 OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT GUAR- ANTEED. SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES. OTHERS DO NOT. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS. Mortgages. �5801 Insurance SAVE A LOT of money, on interest payments. on debt including a mort- gage No up front odsb! Its a copy written program. Save on a few other servic- es and products, call for n- brmabon.436.2557 ' v�sL Bf �R `Fp PARK lPrivate and spacioLLs `�R Pba� campsite located on 1 Pigeon River. Access to Trent Severn Waterways. Family Recreation Program Come take a look! -%I&K's Beaver Trailer Park Ltd. Omemee, Ont. (705) 799-6221 One mile north of Omemee off Ilwy. 7 TRAILERS FOR SALE ONSITE NOTICE TO CREDITORS i OTHERS m the Estate of ADAM DOUGLAS HANNAN, tlecaud AN DsrMons having ciamlw against the estate of ADAM DOUGLAS MANNAR. late of tle Town of Ajax, in the Region of Durffam. Sales, rt who died on or above ft 22r1d day of April. 1985, are he" nobled to send pardulars of some to ser udent¢ed on or bosom the 1st day of Ay, 1905, aur ental time tlr estate sell be distributed with regard ony to the dams of which dile inden greed shat thrn have notice and the x4 mired Will not be table to my person of whose can they, shall rid then Love notice. Doled m Ajax tM 301n day of April. 1991 Swan E. Bradwo/N, Emwiebt 3 Crabase Larne Ajit, Okst, LIS 3Na ESTATE AUCTION SALE SAT. ,MAY, 6 AT 6:00 PM MYLES S KING AUCTION HALL 33 HALL ST. OSHAWA Antique and Modem Ftunitute plus lUuf w num boat,reckw chesterfield & chair ( like new ) 2 occasional chairs, coffee & end tables, drop leaf table, 4 chairs,3 an- tique center tables, hall table, Victorian Antique Love seat, 3 piece antique chum set (oak), sobd oak sideboard,mefble lop washstand, wall dock, antique trunks, 2 rocking chairs, 3 butter presses, set of Limoges china ( approx. 60 pes. ) wooden planes, oil lamps, milk bottles, 4 pc. pine bedroom suite, ( cannonball bed), 14 K. Starcraft Aluminum boat, with 9.8 Mercury ( good condition ) Linen, china, tools, etc. EXCELLENT SALE PLAN TO ATTEND TERMS: CASH MYLES KING AUCTIONEER 725--5751 CHANGE YOUR Life for- ever" Develop Income of $10.000 / mo., or $1,000.000/ year. Call to qualify. (416)960-2682 Recorded message. JEWELS by Parklane has an exciting new business opportunity selling ex- quisite fashion jewellery. Be your own boss. Work pan tkr WUI lime. Have fun while your earn. Cal Linda (905)666-4049 Color Your World Business Opportunities available across Canada, including: Pickering Whitby Richmond Hill Newmarket Stouffville Beaverton Campbellford loin A Winning Team' Investment from 580,0004300,000 CONTACT US TODAY Color Your World Franchise Manager 10 Carson Street Toronto M6W 3R5 1-800-387-7311 (416) 259-3251 Achdg elder iastrvctions ad aetboriraeion of vibes idacsu A piuipals. we wiA sell as detail MIXED ESTATES • 6ANKRUPTSTOC'KS • CONSIGNMENTS • OAK • PINE • MAHOGANY FURNITURE • 4k MULTI MEDIA COMPUTERS • CATALOGUED JEWELLERY • COIN COLD E(TION • ACCENT ITEMS • LAMPS • SPORTS MEMMIABIIIA • PRIMITIVES PRECIOUS MOMENTS • CHERISHED TEDDIES • RUGS • PEWTER • DOLLS • ELECTRONICS • FITZ A FIAVD • SILVESTRI • SCHMIDT • STAFFORMIRE COLIECTDON • MAJOR TORONTO ART GALLERY INVENTORY WtOVER 20 LE PRINTS PUBLIC AUCTION SUNDAY MAY •7AT12-WNOON (PREVIEWII:•$AM) HELD AT: THE PICKERING SPORTS COMPLEX 1867 VALLEY FARM RD. PICKERING Panel Luting Over I IIx) ITEMS have been assembled for this Exduswe sale nffenng to mclude: Lite. Collection of KAISER Sump. Brava Statuary. Tiffany moaner lamps. Dvkh Figurine Largs, Glaswae, Cranhan. Crystal. Ceramics, Signed Musicals, Egypian 24k1 Gold Perfume &xtke. Delft. Spode. Collector Plates, Vasa Vases. Signed Sports Collenitilm Silver Cadleshs. Gun Rcplwas, Samurai Swords. Unique Wood Carvings Sanyo A Bell Cordless Puska Stereos, Radios. Wicker tat4a. Vases. Baskets. Austrian Crystal Miss, English Pewter Indian Starnes Belgium Sasdskxc Carvings, Berisx Pater Musicals, lags. C.in A Balk nae offering (ESTATE LATS) Fradlin Mm See, Silver. Oua icy of Gold cum d the world. Framed Nares Uncut sheets. FURNITURE: A large Collection of LORIS XV. CHIPPMALE. VI(IMIAN. OUEEN ANNE. ayk sold Had Paved Mahogany, Oak, A Pme. Exqumte stars to dndude: R.4i Top. A Lady Writing Desks$ On= Cahtxts Occasional tables, Hall Coreoles A Minas, Bookshelf. tslydrnw Cab. Sake Chorus, Eales, Pedestal, Framed Mesas, Sm#ers Stud- eec. Mw Mahoprtv Doll Fumuure and Collator Dolls, Topxs. Figurines, Catagen. Glmrare. Cat eon Cows Die cast cars, Sai.um cental Vora, comports )ars nc Musical grabber hank, Water A Wrought iron Tables. Vacs racks Busies fig. COMPUTERS Wx 414h. Muhl media, Pentium. Notebook. Priem Name A ('oirgaf, IBM nee. CATALOGUED JEWELLERY: Dumord Rings. Ruby. Emmld. Sapphire, Droner rings, '«dnaria- 14.184, Italian Gold Charts Braczkts amngs Culture Peals Watdws. Silva. 241 Gold cam nc LIMITED EDITION ART 'CHRISTINE MARSHALL -AJ. Cain. A.Y. )actim, J.E.H. Ma Donald, v L umer. Thom Tb m on. R. Bateman. T Romance. N. Bladwdl. 1. vwArebrrrg, I Joy, K Kirby, L (,xc anc. J Luim tiers. Glen haus, W C-ampbdL Banque- N. Blackwell. Trinidad. Tan. Owxuy (if Spau An. Nurieras other An in Qu. Panels- brims, Studio Prints, Dorn. Acmft Musemi Framing on all I,, !-An Manu rttrc items len ixrnieritks b nraieen . A Mus abed Sak I— (oh. Uta. W t as per fviued Q anw,um, d. INFORM AT10% slh NX l -h2 NO BUYERS PREMIUMS, NO SURCHARGES, Sehird to Prior sale. redenpiva additions A Dektam wuhim wtoc until sak time PROFESSIONALAUCTIONEERS INC. IMAGINE A Celebration of Talents and Culture Pine Ridge High School Thursday May 11195.7 p.m. Cafeteria Tickets $5.00 Students $3.00 Classified Dept. open every Mon. to Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 8-00 p.m. SaL 9':30 - 3:00 Call 683-007 if, CREATIVE male, 35, single father, tikes the outdoors, quid evenings and the simple twrigs n Me, starting g Me o and looking for a best friend and lover to sham it with. SY 1o3S JOSH) ATTRACTIVE, intelligent trot A ......................... C male, 27, with he a k a , looking for a woman. 20-35, • Press 9 in the Main Menu who values thrse qualifies and Ilenw;hsomeone JOSH) and Exchange Messages live! AMBITIOUS white male, 32, self-employed, enjoys cars, • Talk to someone new now and movies, quiet evenings and To place a free ad casual dinners, us. looking for an ' ambitious. outgoing DATE TONIGHT!! active good-looking. blade. profes- sinal, interested to meeting tag. professional that is mler- ested in fun, travel, theatre. lady who's emotionally secure. • M this sounds Mee you call me, no games. SY 1047 (COB) 30.45. It, to enjoy the above DOWN-TO-EARTH single mom, late 30's, seeks gentle- and go from there. SY 1090 JOSH) ONE -WOMAN -MAN seeldrrg a money. you need me SY intelligent and iovable. 52- VIRTUALLY sane, almost $oral worker. bolas for son- EXT Sit'. 115 be. -145 be.. 46-54. one -man -woman. sincere. lov- owe.down-top earth woman. TRANSPLANTED English possible rslamorrhq. SY 1116 well bed. amPb1W and Tien- SY 1076 JOSH) girt. 57, divorced, 5'r. 170 able, separated, while male, 50, 5'9blonde hair, blue 5 eyed, 155 los., wishing fora , , lbs.- employed, no dopers • 1 WIDOWER dad, while. 52, lovable slim lady who enjoys established, horse, brooder, 4. grad sumo of humor, non-smoker, seeks loving, movies. spontaneous adven- country and '505 music. hold - dedicated. M Mdrerm am lovas hors. ging. lion. anraco", ture and the odd rod break �� ng hands. dims out, movies. SY 1048464 professional, independent, IoM the other side of reality. attractive, independent classic music, occasional "mnlcul alee. ,th9. 1 would likll a e to � • Call Anytime • 24 Hours • 7 an, quiet year shshort, writ" ACCESS ANYWHERE IN female who likes to have fun and grid bines. I'm skin. whole Days A We4 and good locking. 1 think. CANADA!! Frkndship or retabonshop. SY Here's how to use the service: 1653 JOSH) L Select the ad(s) you wish to respond to and make note of the four digit SY "mailbox" number that SELF-EMPLOYED, separated aPpeats at the end of each ad you are interested in. male. t50 lbs* . non- 2 Using drinker, smoker, enicys 8 a touch tone telephone call 1-900-451-4464. any time of the day. movies. scuba diving, car vac- I Once you are connected -follow the simple instru coons. You will have the option of responding to a Mg and most sports, waukl like 1C ad or browsing voice mailbox to meet female. 28.35. Single opted 8 greetings from Sincerely Yours advertisers within each calego- mothers welcome. SY 1059 ry- Go ahead. try the service out and see bow easy it is to use. JOSH) Need assistance? Call 14MW5514067 anytime between 10:00 a.m. to 12 midnighL 7 days. You YOUNG looking, fit, while will not be Chat for this call. For male, 45. 5'9". medium twill. 8� persons 18 years of aW and over. enjoys tennis. golf and walk- TV a Sldsae men, mat kms } dMtren. haws, ourldooN. not ing. looking for a white or r ^r - rW 4 cc e% N T* To place a free ad • , , Mack female. 5s, or shorter. good-looking. blade. profes- sinal, interested to meeting tag. professional that is mler- ested in fun, travel, theatre. call Toll Free • -551-0 30.45. It, to enjoy the above DOWN-TO-EARTH single mom, late 30's, seeks gentle- and go from there. SY 1090 JOSH) wEsr Indian guy. 31. proles- money. you need me SY intelligent and iovable. 52- VIRTUALLY sane, almost $oral worker. bolas for son- 1019 JOSH) Sit'. 115 be. -145 be.. 46-54. down-to-earth mak, 20, 511' owe.down-top earth woman. TRANSPLANTED English possible rslamorrhq. SY 1116 well bed. amPb1W and Tien- SY 1076 JOSH) girt. 57, divorced, 5'r. 170 JOSH) cially stable, seeks slim COUNTRY gentleman, 34, lbs.- employed, no dopers • 1 WIDOWER dad, while. 52, femaleany age who enjoys established, horse, brooder, 4. grad sumo of humor, non-smoker, seeks loving, movies. spontaneous adven- sena• of humour, sincere. dedicated. M Mdrerm am lovas hors. ging. lion. anraco", ture and the odd rod break searching for that special, arsenals, enjoys reading, sem- professional, independent, IoM the other side of reality. attractive, independent classic music, occasional posdrv• special lady. SY 1061 JOSH) woman, nom-sevoker, wing to I - it des. smoker. can my mail PockernglAlax area. SY 1111 AFFECTIONATE. et•lfgrt. OO , on mutually tuF& box SY 1012 JOSH) low) makwo 27 sinvgl" whom mow, . woo. SY INT PROFESSIONAL father of SINCERE, hoc mak, a"- ny �mmow L while mat•, two. family-oriented• non- rated. 49. kxlatgfor fun loving ng. seeks non-smoking attract" and affection- Me uncoloser. seeks ¢lorsa who enjoys dancing fend sums. 2132, b pamper and ". 55.9166 lbs., lows rotririkwan�a pee- dining outemale . S0 non - spot usY- � smistrdMW lead- W and mod d MO n s, sage $*te -term total bag ipnlehrlp, smoker am an occasional teled •Irip. SY 1062 "Pecaly coag' and tr out- mal have a sense of honour drinker and very romarnse, for tow �n smoking attractive, positiondoors, and position for Me. SY 1094 friendship and poesibl• rW- bla k who black mak who s isd. slfectionale, �aoII lemale GENTLEMAN, 56. divorced, f�hols SY 1819 ale �inESy and for hwvdslnp, reWioship. SY non-smoker, non -drunker. HONEST, snare, firs, maim. W. who is tooting for bind. 1071 JOSH) enjoy all types of Activities. 37. 54'. 130 be. modvatuc. female, non-smoker. 20 26. EASY-GOING. •arty se's. se*iang a lady, age unwtpo- Ivan all the toys. boat. tiro hof between 5' and 5'5', part•, non-smoker. social drinker, lane. who's honest and *on- rods. •rtpy bostrg, wooko xt eMelgwn, emapam orvalo and affectionate male who enjoys etre, for froandshop and con- in IvAduoka, camping g, dant Sy 1063 quiet times logwhor. trawl. personal SY IOSS (O$H) ng, dnkrrg out. wait. looking MRO PROFESSIONAL, sn le, g rcr daig• nature walks and a EMPLOYED, angle father of for relationship or friendship whit male. mal•' 30. physically N, aid• range of I. Seating 2, while. 3e, lows kids. out- SY 1120 non-smoker, enjoys cycling. friendship first for a lasting door sports, long walks, KIND, �, attgcbv* gwtle- Irav9inp and the outdoore, rdasarlrp. SY 1079 (OSI) moires and pit s"from• man. 51, sales •xewtrv• n ohs"' ops GENTLEMAN, 42. attradkra, and cuddling, looking for Piclow world likeb meala door psingle, �' ^�si^Oker' sM-aware• , female. If you want to get lady. 35.50, someone who tamale. 26-30witty. (OSI) wo.' cairns. F - � � for vp. p— would like 10 be treated sp•crl VERY attractive, muscular, unable, ntelfiq*nt, series of bb rWtiaelkp. SY 1011 because she weld w ao«ial wMs, maim. early 20's, seeks human. Soot sim, a&adna HANDSOME. sincere. easy to me. SY 1121 dtsuew daytime wmmwtws bdy fromd for mwutgll rate- going. single male. estab- RIN4A)V01C mak. 23, dole, With leffmise. 19.10. good per• 110n'I ;. SY 1010 JOSH) fished. no dependents, 34, hew rd worker. fun-bvmvg. e*- sonality is Al bg assts. ST rut Ron, 34• looking for a prat- 6'2'. 190 lbs., seeking an educated, shy. looking for 1067 JOSH) ty gill, loves to travel. enjoys a0raetive. considrab. kmsig •nIF,") die. angle knw" TALL, while mals. 65, etrpys limping. the outdoors and tem ie with no dependents. any. to watch 11 1 , s, Place travelling and much more, quid •verge at ham. Aad 27-4, to share in low and ft with and have political would Mee to mew a %mai rorki g can. Wes a mese SY 1007 dabbles. SY 1023 around the same age, for >agiss' would iia b hew from EASY-GOING, attractive. . OUTGOING sngk mals, 37, *wKbhq. SY /0M SY 1011 Q wham mal", 31, mie Dkbld ST. 137 b., otvpys cu door FARMER, separated while -HEARTED, sincere, blue-eyed, brown hair, nice sports, wn" and dancing mak, 37, 57, 140 lbs., ahorl attractive. Christian male, personalty, independent. I and quid is igot at home, bruin hat. " brown eyes, see" a special lady. 24-34, you're interested n mooing looking br knob. 30.. with a non-smoker, sawl Mincer, la pambb I 'dMNP' lasting som*oe >�bti and you are some d hurnaw and a pse- Yk•s � going web b a mbbonshp. SY 1002 rib ,]coot Untie* Mr canpeg son for lie, for Misr' --' ' gag ail for rinnr, TALL attractive man who drmcmg a a dty a/ d. SY liptWip. SY 1NI24 (OSII) miovies, having run k wMoys grill tinmee and kMNi 1aM JOSH) r0lltltti ato-attiw mob. 21, %mob. 3040. SY 11M IIsi Oon�di°n. would ike PROFESSIONAL, single. 6', aim built, btu eyes, dark MATURE, suradiv, single, to meet a slim female. ST while male, 63 '", interests blonde hair, who enjoys whole mob, 19, kid" bkillam 10p include mrelixcyeMg, sloiro9, returns want on thebeach, knob, 18-25, chid okay. for DOWN-TO-EARTH caring camping, outdoors, fishing. music, movies and ryd plan Inanmil , an iloom � �• 51. 57, young al h*art, Me. Looking la'aingle while having Iun. bobs for female momsM ad 9�fc Sr loves da ndng, mow m umce ft %mals, 2421. ST 1100 (OS+) for a meawngrul rslasondip. 1070 OJE outdoors, diming mlf and much EAST -GOING, affeetionale Sv I= joSt1) 30, E blar more, would No to mad sm- male, SS, separate!, 544, of 2 leers. ito subsports castle, honest, fun loving smoker, road duiiar, enjoys avid bitdy bigs, rid ob lama%, fob's mew and fou quiet It style, nature and seta, seeks %Nab, nature take is course. ST music, seeb oiaiw isdolm". 30-40, � mom w dwmk tOMU -EYED, single while BLage" SY 1101 JOS) EXCEPTIONALLY attractive SY ion (ON" nab. 30. lura ham, enjoys ONCE bilarn and a Mos shy, bnab, 49, Paula, Illaade, who HUMOROUS, sung%, while country and weaWn music, divorced. 4`11', Am oak. 28, III - fast cea. sPo s elhidr•f► himmomars, i' will war- tic evenings. looking lot a tag nOwe �y�roaM . she lovas maintain and' i•d interasts, looking for a good-looking, tall 9"w'""" warps. loolsp forsingle, nig, i idsresbd *M CA *Mils six binds, M* a wily only, 49-55. who a honest. Wt". 1 �W 32- fY 1005 ad dspweifsn% and woAag caring, and wnjoys Uma good 40, who loess roxwse• and SHY honest. sincere, 32, who thinks when Harry Met 9rgs n ilfe ST 2230 (06M) lok or cuddling, for bstiag Tatou d one, looking for a Sally wss a gad movie. ST ENERGETIC, slim. estab- l 1072 womsan, 2S-32, who likes lle(Ml) idhs'taxa%, 40, S'0', who dmni tavd, LEr spring be Mo, dWao- spoft hormobecit Wig• pic- SENSITIVE, aol•ssanal snjoys ih0, boding " five, honed, doiNn to marlh. less6 long walks, cmaM and mob. 20, AL blue Ms. Min- and romhw times, bolrg for fid, ksgim, whim ante, has a sans• of bu mour, lot ning brown hair and witty a tall guy with a son" of 20. 6',170 ie•, Yes a ddoars, fasetb% heleforsdsq SY 1000 sense d humor, seeking an human. indslio, and sn- swo". swmating, ro mantic ((O0SH►► aaNe, acing hands, 28-33, teeny, for tun tress SY 2257 ddtnars bakes for FRIENDLY, happy and ss:y with Christian roots, who HONEST, attradive formal*. binds. SY 1073 4 u yew Old Ded bf>bng br xy trthjoys nduf% apo daraiy and 6W. 21. seeks responsible. xateh. I you re attractive, long dtiws. ST 1113 mature-xidsd real, 22-28, 39, 5'r, on' � spab ow aim s. a/sdiasMe HOkEST, humorous, sip%, who enjoys spores, music. especially teals and Jays, and romanfe. Mrs wait a male whit malls, 34. deo loves to noww daldrp and So adnic- �'lif Dal a �andrg, danced havvee wbe affochimt1i OW � LLOOKM kir a girl r� ig mot, dhaw Mwatr and a good some of MM Of sera• el hiassour and b kook int play head games. rm 4Q qrd ove Ings of nines, look- hepar. Sr 2250 S1071 like dancirog, going out for rrgg for a lady for a brg-wx d M• INDEPENDENT, sincere and Irons•1 sloe el waft and a acedy d oUsw wWionsfhip with sons with a good OUTGOIMa, mots, Ze idare . SY 10M (O®HI) tam• interests. Sr 1002 humour, single female, 47, !nMots spa%. aA3oars n26, SINGLE wmo xab. 30. liar. (001) tempts soxsaa with sane for lasting ing and music, ••ekinJj a mn•r.Pathobgiew liar, seeks DISTINGUISHED, estalo- 55, 51Y, qualities, a ueYkan SY 2101 ketol•, 25-6, fit, S*Odin, fr"d"a taraa% 2540. fids•d, very active, aomatsa- ship. (COB) PROFESSIONAL, NAOutgoing. lot friendship andft SY 1075 wi h low ♦sleax and sub• tdaftid tsavisps wits to ��: hv• enjoys cycling.p?Dd tan, social drinker. ymod angle whi% I 1 23, wk - ( Mo cape gid and spwn&V music, seeking clammy lady. w0 single wM@ mads, 23-20. 00--INhiby Thai Week, AjsltfPidWN H%aa Ada~. Clwigbn This Week d Northumberland Nowa aseanem no liability for Ow oortwt or rapt' to any $most* Yom adrwlssmsnL The advwiaw assrnes aomhpa% habiily, for 0e oon- brit of, and all repias to any advwtowrent or re , , I noossag , and for any elaims made against 0a above newspapers as a r"A fared. The advwb w agrees to ixidrtni1y and held On pubiilabon and Metakdf Commuily Newspapers and its Wnpbye•" hwmbss for all coma, •agora a liabilities and demagme nese III from a caused by the publication or � PaOsd by 0se attvwisw or any reply b wdh advsrbMnant By using Sinosrdy Your 0a advwtissr agrees not b tti84M� %IapHwtsa fame ibw, lad massa or addles in ftaiAar gleNrsg ma/jags. Snow* Yours reserves 0a right to twin. F@Wict or t, I any adlMf anent or d wsgl the a%pay in which an ad is pipet with a sense of humour, no dependents, who is career - minded and knows what romance is all about For friendship, poesible relation- ship. SY 2262 PETITE, bonds. prol•aional lady looking for tad. 45-55. soulmat• I enjoy mature, walks. music, dances. I seek a man to love and to sIsm my we wth. SY 2213 INDEPENDENT, attractive bnn ore. 43. 5-5'. oomlonabie on loans and fancy dress, humorous and harvest, enjoys dunces oboe art, aAum and travel, no head ganms. hnrvd step first. SY 2294 JOSH) HONEST, single mom, 31, enjoys cuddling and nice weirs walks. leaking for a single dad or someone who klvos foods and s very monan- bc If you want to know more about me. cal my, mailbox. SY 2265(054) INDEPENDENT man, am". very amractive, wine female. 41, very les+vg at hear. enjoys music, dancing and the out- doors, belong for hiondshop with a irk. 3D-45. SY 2260 TRUE bks. loyal too, sines d humour, 50. 5'6', 160 tbs.. widow. smoker, aminal lover, movies, quiet evenings. searching for lmoWhmm male panty. SY 2267 JOSH) PROFESSIONAL, single, black female, 30's, a"" warm gentleman for friend - Shp. SY 22M PROFESSIONAL female, envo)a cilsoing and ars. ltery handy', hopes to meet a romantic fireman wth a '69 Comoro, who loves summer him honesty aid enoenly are a mum. SY 2273 EASYGOING, down-to-earth, single, Whole female, praNe- sional, 30, enjoys sports, music, movies. the outdoors and travel, soft male coun- Mrpwf, 2635. ler Ism. friend - possible �• HELPI My Mommy is driving me crazy. She takes m• to movies, the beach, park and tcbogpsriig. (I need a break) She's fun, has a sense of humour. 26. tan and albacsir•. She needs a tall, non-sook- �f� guhy, 25.36. Sr MALES. 38-45 my qn to .ou is mei Don't be d•cerved by sae longe pocks" or the plan wrapping, for aisodo two a a lovely present. made in 19% frrlsm snf TLC SY 2centy. sensitivity and 281 INTELLIGENT female, mid SO'%. looking lor mak. tan. in Nos 50's, a smoker and must be caring and bottom mmma- racatvon • niponam. In Na m I can offer sincerity, loyalty and kis of Anteroom. SY 2212 PRETTY and potile single mom who enjoys We with a Passive attitude and has many intwoW, would like to roost mob. 30.40. mud be aurae- live, athletic, with a good sera" of h rnour and gooM nal". SY 2294 JOSH) HUMOROUS, single, whit• tamale. 33. seeking single. established, professional ovale. 3515. who erjbye long walks quiet avow- . homers - e< candled diners and bub. bie baths, for friendship and poasibk rWbarfep. SY 2200 JOSH) ATTRACTIVE female. 4a, divorced. two boys, enjoys golf, curing, miring, wants. hockey and baseball, also and We theatre. see are mob with senator et*raals and a possible commitment. SY 22M ENGLISH lady. your 40's. slim. N. Attracts. go" some of honour, snob stable. sin- cere, tan gentleman. for I etd- stkp. SY 2291 ATTRACTIVE, single moan. 35, blonde ham, hazel ayes, smoker. nondrinker. enjoys country music, looking for a good-looking rain, 30.40, for lmdg and a poem" rate- tiorrshrp. Single tallows wel- come. SY 2207 JOSH) INTELLIGENT female, Mud 50's. looking for mak, 14 in his 50's, a smoker and mad be car" and believe coxso- iotcakon a wrposlad, in ioluo 1 an osm srmandy ad its d a- & ST 23• INTELLIGENT, attractive Mads, 49. ST. no tlilitrece sacker, nodal is that enjoys quad VaMyla, nekw•, Muse, country drives, seeks male, 50., for a king-Ienn "datioe- ship. sae is wygo. alae lionals and hoaQ. Sr 2317 THE NEWS ADVERTISER'Yv'RIDAY, MAY 5, I"S.PAGE 23 .. TV a Sldsae men, mat kms } dMtren. haws, ourldooN. not No bar sosn•. sinpls fathers r ^r - rW 4 cc e% N T* weldor , SY 2379 (OSI) SINGLE white male, 21, brown hair and eyes, enjoys long wants, movies and quest nights, seeks female, 18-26, that a alba wwb and udr- standing, single moms wel- come. SY 2300 SHE'S A KEEPER, tall, aim, ►� '� soy _ Y —4 •` good-looking. blade. profes- sinal, interested to meeting tag. professional that is mler- ested in fun, travel, theatre. quiet tines and conversation, 3545. SY 2632 DOWN-TO-EARTH single mom, late 30's, seeks gentle- man for relationship, must be family oriented. kind, easygo- n9, who Mees manes, country drives and good conversation SY 2667 JOSH) Looking for a Dale Tonight 4MI ke(L FM 918 (lot m4 mfflt (OSH) INDEPENDENT, attractive, single mom. 29. enjoys Mo, love and lots of laughter, ses,b romantic gsntWnan and best fn•nd. 30th, to gel out ant live We to the hA"al SY 231110311) TWO single moms, one blonde has. blue •yes. 5T. the other 5'10', brown haw, Iooierg Ior angle who males. single father O K . to watch alupe miowa. go dancing and have agood tare SY 7337 ACTIVE 46, divorced, slim, 5�-. sones of humour, s*stang a tail gentleman who is sin- es. - ri and knows what he wants. 40-50. 0Y 2351 Jam) INDEPENDENT. ad". aim, attractive woman, good sense of humor, see" subsist, son - core. calf gentleman. 40 for frwidsfnp SY 23s7 (0311) INDEPENDENT lady amrac- lMe. mtd-50's. would like to meet sncere gentleman, non- smoker. 55 -vary 60 S. IM's chat SY 2351 JOSH) 1960. dependable motor. no smoke. axceller+t interior, needs some body work. Lookup for humorous. easy - gong co -drover. No room n trunk for omicbanal bag". SY 2359 HEDONISTIC ye ap-Ast. 40. 57', lemals. smiler, looking to caireu with a xbrome. self.aware, creative, vg ian- an mak. 40.4.5. e"0ty. per- sonal growth. echo -11" . - name and g a must. SY 21111113 FEMALE, 5'3', single mom, 24, trioses, looking for a man, 22-26. enjoy outdoors, lag walks, move* aid thedres. SY 23M (OSI) SINGLE, white female. 37. Mo" for a male. iron -snick - w, 3715, who a alfocsonse, ike* country marc, dares and ooliage Ms, could Mad to alei term rwaMaalkp. Sr 2357 ATTRACTIVE,poMo, irMsOi- good. single, whim kxab. 31, bdwp ION arms uh" a" 30-1, who is' , . a0ec- IN"*. family-oroMod and likes the ouldoo s. gating, movies, country Hives and camint Fork iud. SY2RI4L16�)amo0w Of $ 34, 5 5- brown ha.r blue eyes enjoys waking. talking. camp ng, dancing. moves and du- ng. pks much more Looking for gentleman. 30-45. same interests. for friendship and plead'• relationship. SY 2369 ATTRACTIVE. slim. otgom% energetic. single parent. 28, loves to oukbm. s•sia+g en soUbb~. Attraictive. pnyse- cally N. honest, nor -ung male. 28-40, for friendship tial SY 2371 JOSH) FEMALE. 22. non-smoker, brown hair, Drown -eyed. orjoys wales, wrens and reari- ng and the occasional night ad, looting for a while mad. 22-28 SY 2373 YOUNG kookng, sig*, who* female 29. 5'6'. 115 lbs employed• great interest in movies, enjoys anernatm* musts, warainq We dance or arty typo. playing pool. cycling and carnp+g SY 2374 ATTRACTIVE ferrW. In, fors. loving. 27. intelligent, out- doorsy. angle pare t, seeking an attractive. atrk tc. him . estabarshod, rugged. dark, haired. white male. 28.38 nor-sngker. who enjoys the good thminvge in Ms, SY 2375 Jif) TALL, 5T, dim, very amac- We blade who's looking for a long-Mrm i.labomlrp, enjoys travel. boding. along and on. line and toe skating and mao- lf you aha Beare. 3412. san- W trousseau. take a chance. I atm. SY 2371 JOSH) ATTRACTIVE, intelligent. skim. 47. good sense of humour, enjoys dancing. Music, travel, the outdoors, many come rtrests, look- ing Mx an h,rrst, alracove, Man. 47.53. who ontop the timer thugs in Irl•, no head games. Sr 2371(OSH) COUNTRY woman, 31, snghe dam. atar%ig ids ow, sisek- SINGLE Lady kxturiq for single straight females 40.50, for friendship and outings. SY 3217 PROFESSIONAL black female. seeking professorial black male, for friendship. SY 3219 Arefined. well-oducaled lady. widow, in late 60's. Ickes music, theatre, traveling, no deems of manage, seeks ger, remain companion. Call, let's meet for coffee. SY 3220 MOB) OUTGOING, snore. in good shape. srigle. whose male. 28. non-smoker. enjoys the out. doors, camping, cycling, sports. country and rock music, seeking a female for friendship SY 3223 JOSH) SINGLE lady kmolwig for single straight females. 40-50, ~- eased in movies. music. non - so or desss SY 3227 SINGLE mak. 30's seeks sin- -ie 'emale up to 40. SY 3228 S7AAIGMT. single, white e^ale 36 wants to expand •-4 of friends onto flross. '• eridshnp and fun SY 3229 JOSH) WIDOW. gentleman, in good health, nun -smoker, non- dnrww erjcys home 4o wav- eirngtrhands. like would nke too madN a a Christian trgYn widow with similar no SY swo (COB) HONEST and clean, easy- going senor. looking for friendship and oonpervorprp. envoy slaying home or going out. SY 4012 SENIOR woman. 5'S'. shin build. good heads, wakw+q :or tion -smoker, tail, fit, easy. 9-V 9 -ft—, for compo, ipWiq. rho likesquiettarns. occasional and marry ours. SY40ptre WIDOW. senor. wort -smoker mai -drinker. enjoys lona ale. quiet. happy personality. Ctrrwn. would Moe to mad gendaman with similar moor - •as who would Me to enjoy lots, day by day SY 4067 JOSH) ATTACHED, amractrve. pro- tionow" Maio. 30. very clear and discreet, seeks an attached female for dtscraal ommraara. SY 5671 JOSH) YOUNG 30's. stable mak ooh plc. seeks sans,. for friwvd- sMp, many vaned interests. gardening, country music, movies. computes and g l- togd+ers. passe" cal in&* x fa more moo 3Y 5612 ATTRACTIVE, professional tenale. 43, non-smoker, ft. looking for same, for friend- ship. possible relationship. Please can maiboa for more WAD, SY SQ4 EASE* ONML IM 111 12 '24 month Wase. 1 st a secvity WWW. O A.C. 01beir I khaw terms available Kingchurch I�' Mt Your • • e-• rn%,E Z% -r nr Ar,"aAVvrKIIJGK PKIUAT, MAY 3. 1995 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .� ROYAL LEPAGE AJAX 1111111111111111111111 235 BAYLY ST. W., Real Estate Services Ltd., Realtor AJAX Aim Higher.,, GLORIA MANAGERL 4271111111111116522 15 ONTARIO ST. AJAX $168,500 GEORGE COUTTS** 427=6522 OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY, MAY 6 & SUNDAY, MAY 7, 2-4 P.M. This is an exceptional home. 2,1 bedrooms. 2 bathrooms, central vac., ceAtral air, large dining room, eat -in kitchen, coal)wood stove, 2 fireplaces, large garage, 5 appliances. Fully finished basement. Virtually a maintenance free exterior. Sun room. This home is specially equipped for the physically challenged. Good financing package available. Come, have a look or call George Coutts", 42'-6522. GAIL DALL' 427-6522 FANTASTIC FANTASTIC DEAL! ONLY $189,900 For this lovely home. 4 bdrms., family rm., huge kitchen, laundry rm. on main floor & much more. i Call Gail for details. SOUTH AJAX BEAUTY ONLY $184,900 Includes pool, private lot. New kitchen & baths +++. Call Gail now. L 1:- My-. 7% MTGE. AVAILABLE On this Ajax beauty. Only $155,000. Buy now while the price is right. FOR SERVICE "PLUS" CALL GAIL DALL AT 427-6522 LOIS WEAVER* . Fully detached - Ajax location - 3 bedrooms - Family kitchen - Fireplace MULTI -STREET GARAGE SALE SAT., MAY 6th, 8:30 a.m. -1:00 p.m. (Rain Date Sat., May 13th) 9 STREETS - 40 PLUS HOMES Westney/Lakedriveway area - Ajax (Walker, Vale, Kipling, Humphrey, Hilling, Hawkins, Garnett, Simonds & Milner). "DEDICATED TO SERVING YOU BETTER" CALL LOIS AT 42 7- 6522 T k-NKS FOR THE POSITIVE COM_ME.N-TS FROM "OUR COMMUNITY MEMBERS-. Since we have received many calls thanking us for the I:RE E lung distance calling Royal I.ePage would like to thank all the people in the community for their delightful comments such as: * Royal 1..ePage is a full service company giving directly back to the community. * What an unselfish way to get your company name out there and to contribute to the locale. * A wonderful way to help neighborhoods save on long distance. * A thoughtful company doing yet another thoughtful thing for :heir community. KATHRYN PARISH* 683-1790 ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! . a Outstanding quality from top to bottom. W �' Gleaming hardwood floors Tevelled french doors *Gas fireplace has exouisile mantel * vaulted ceiling in the 22x16' } family room 'Eight seater hot tub 'Central air and vacuum. Don't miss out on this $229,900 exceptional home! YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SPECIALIST! CALL TODAY FOR A FREE MARKET EVALUATION MORTGAGE SALE! 8.875% Wilma Tanner* - -"I.F.k • •Ir -z-r. 1:J%$1011rnlwnrsTF= 5127,900 - Delirious Deli,.i•ws condo apt. in the lake front Breakers'. $134,900 - Bungalow semi, basement apt., big lot $152,900 - Fresh as spring, 3 bdrm. detached with hardwood flours. Lakeside. $159,900 - Westney Heights. Smart buy! Detached finished basement, gazebo, pool. A SNOMICASE NOPE * Overlooks greerq)aoe • 3.400 sq. 1t on premium W • 4 bdrms. pka kbrary • Hat bb kxlge deck • ExWskve kendscapng • open Sun. Call tea.. END UNIT TOWTHIOUSE Simply stunning. Lakeside area. r FOfiMER MODEL: • $35,000 less'. • sparkling Jr. exeufive • Plush basement Air, central vac. • Child safe area • sensational •saes rte{ resentatrve Evelyn Regan* ' Totally renovated ' 5% down - $6,495 I _ ' 8.875% mortgage Carries for $1033.00 04 per month * HOME SHOWS LIKE NEW: ddo 25% doom • 25% down _$59,500 r = 848,250 • 8.875% mortgage ' 8.875% mortgage rx Carries for Carries for 145 $ 9.00 $1189.00 per month per month Main floor den • Walkout basement ' Ravine lot ' Large bedrooms Sparkles throughout * Open concept "Associate Broker ._ I r yk r ■ NTE R■ O RS MAY 5-14 O-Jff* 1 Oshawa * Whitby • Clarington HIS WEEK '& P -&-f News Advertiser A Metroland Publication 865 Farewell St., Oshawa, ON L 1 H M5 Timothy J. Whittaker, publisher Tel.: (905) 579-4404 or (416) 798-7672 �—• �O �tb less e fE6 �, ,ou1d'Parr' ti F;nance packag - e ou --iwV Ae�i g0 9 package oft s to to$etbe� Lodsc� Garages` unique featu di duct acc �o- \ I - iDeatbe� .ted ost ;s _ ;s available at Ovccs °f the to village homes the g�'e features �e 10 ;s n°'�� cocnmu_ detacOOC hes ds through one °f a l style of I I Successful b3c," is only s c;al unique ty Homes the off er►ng Norrie first Phare A n atd sang. Jeffery rural Courtice. sing 6 native mayce a je({e a Mable inking• Priced tce Crus heart of Pular •1 f wh ch 24 unit% are ice Crus can be Co" �� in the took hts m°art motive group ;;� yr1 Ot'l7 "v;llage at Co infoatio C�icalee pity Jeffery ern in exclus °f ''nve Furthe tre aQ a the WaY jo;n� then► ;n an unity °f m S119 es ren or ly how' laces con►m o{ fro at the sal ce ay lce Road fam' of four ar P existing ve d�es'g° obtainer South of lugwa to co view Ings ve within the The innovates vain �v1e Road, lustust Past ps centre Y°u carat the encla ce C�Ss;nhed village s. lAaf sang A01 east J" to the saved model hO detail C° SernrdeS ff the cost °f ,t come i and go°ur fully der if the art e� x�es can these pND unt y the for y jeff S c° t of see only ctUjl 'Rome ;n this village cotnrnttn$� site eX�� hshin$ We and C.0 1432-3 je ith t inhe fer►ce• bt svide- tiara P�Se comp _kms 1►ome ._...red w __.nce• -A 00 VA91 a Y.,rests aw `u0ty yCOW i,. *C �St %, toy also app, .• - is ax �y ate t o�—°d��i �jxo lam RY w A v r PAGE 2 NEW HOMES i NTERgRS, I m CALL TOUR INFO HOTLINE 4T.. .� v ��• (905)...666 0 .. .. n.....+i. .:..+,.7Ynrw�n•.wm... .... - ..4;vfiw. ..w]Gi:w•�idri/�vXW wv..v'�':. ... T SMOOTH OLD- FASHIONED CEILINGS 12" BASEBOARDS, . VICTORIAN HANDRAILS, CROWN CORNICES AND CEILING MEDALLIONS COUNTRY STYLE UPSCALE KITCHENS: ;. TOTAL HEATING COSTS: $17 PER MONTH Twt% nrnnnnRM - ! .. r�'i'Yulli'til!'y','k'z'<. +.� + •.r .<^s�•u�w'r►r�w�►'t s:•yy.,p..-vs....a� s•. e � t r :'r k6 .. � ., _ _. �.. .. «.. .. _. _ - P - " _s `- � !"�'�.• mrd =�1 - i77. - �.,,, 4F.7.. . 7 s �r. ------------- t 4 _ S' �Y. MAW Dshawa's Smart Tov nous 3 bedrooms • S applbnm • Qtaiitp ik"W cab a' piece beth plus powder • Air conbtioring • Rnid • 12' cadW • Inrnedf■os possession Sat in one of Odwsals most gine locsdor>as, PARKYEW GARDEN s tis so KjcH To oFM Close do shoppi� s+thools and a1 arra arnar>lirke Qa Thome Move! ry in Idod�an be:amantWHEN • OffiaHMRS MwtDTlmIpm-8pm Sat and Son. 12 pm m S pm, C6cd Fridays. 1133 RtTWH RD. H. I 'SEE SALES REPRESE -IATTM FOR DETAILS Pal. II Ai 1 111:1111►: fl.�►l l l' 1 \ (l, [ 1)f:►) � -•r,�► FE. ITUR 1"\G Open clad} 10 am. to 5 pm. 6,01,1' • (J "111,1.\_(; • 1)1111.1.\"G K 1.\•GI': Call: (705) 652.-0801 or 97 Queen Street. Lakefielci 1) j j()ji j; --- -----_ - _ _ - -- - - - --- - --- _ ---- -----_ _--- ---.� 1 -800-561-6383 MapleRun Homes value is hard to beat 1 The timing for buying a new home has hardly been better than right now at Parkwood Glen. This MapleRun Homes' community offers one of Durham Region's best and most beautiful settings and great homes at great prices — a combination that spells great value. Located in north Oshawa next to a natural wooded setting, Parkwood Glen features 16 home designs of homes to choose from, including bungalow and two- storey layouts. There are now three model homes to visit and see the features and design workmanship MapleRun Homes brings to this exclusive community. One of the models is the stunning Parkwood, a 2,610- sq.ft. two-storey home that will dazzle you the minute you walk through the front door. There the foyer opens to circular staircase and you see features like the dual column separating the living room and dining room areas. You will also be amazed by the large and functional kitchen that features a work island with breakfast bar, pantry, plenty of cupboard space and a large, bright breakfast area that has a sliding -glass door walkout to the rear yard. Immediately next to this area is the family room that has a gas fireplace and large picture window to usher in plenty of sunlight. Also on the main floor, there is a powder room and a laundry room that has a door to the two -car garage. At the top of the circular stairs, the upper foyer which is open to below offers great access to the master suite and three other bedrooms. Passing through double doors, you enter the master bedroom, which features a windowed sitting area and a large walk-in closet_ The master ensuite features a shower stall and a comer, oval, step-up tub which is also framed by windows. What impresses most is how bright this large home really is. The builder has made sure each room features either a large window or several windows make make it bright and attractive. Homes in Packwood Glen are available on 40- and 50 - foot lots. Prices range from $139,990 for a bungalow on a 40 -ft lot to $213,990 for a beautiful 3,050 -square -foot tNvo-storey home on a 50 -foot lot. There are still large lots (up to 182 -feet deep) available as well as ravine and wooded lots. Also available right now are three great move -in packages, which provide buyers with a choice of 7.9% financing on capped three-year mortgages of up to S 100,000, five appliances or upgrades to kitchen cabinets and ceramic floor file in the foyer, kitchen, breakfast area, laundry and all bathrooms. Occupancy is available as early as 45 days on some standing inventory. Features you will find at Parkwood Glen include all - brick exteriors, 800 Series Colonial doors, space -saver shelving in all closets and pantries, trimmed archways, French doors in the kitchen pantry, minor sliding doors in the foyer, porcelain fixtures in bathrooms, oval tubs and gas fireplaces as per plan. Another great bonus is the setting of this beautiful community. Parkwood Glen is located in the Ritson- Taunton Rd. area and is near all amenities including a major shopping centre, public and separate schools, medical facilities and near public transit and major commuting routes. Recreation opportunities around Parkwood Glen are second to none. There are several challenging golf courses nearby and it is adjacent to Ss •NTERRG�RS published bl-weekly, with a WQrrAIM ... total -ptesstYi of 200.000 publisher ��' at WS Farewell ben awa ttelephone number 379-4404) and Is one of the BROW RWIVOM . p WbAsnd Printing, publtrhtr,g and rbatrlbutgroup o suburban newspapers with ,dl.trf6uron In o hawa whnAbir, Monk= un Ajax. Pickering, Clarindton. SRI= Scarborough and Port Perry. Reproduction In whole or In .John Dymuspart without prior written featuns oonMdtant ' Permission from the publisher As prohibited. The publisher 111 Smith the rt*t to ($ossify or Photography on his refuse sadvertisement b' ole discretion. ,y Camp Samac conservation area and the Oshawa Creek to Conlin Rd. Follow the signs west to the sales office, Valley, which offer plenty of space for activities like on Edenwood Dr. Office hours are Monday to Thursday camping and hiking. from 1 to 8 p.m., Fridays from I to 6 p.m. and weekends To visit the site, take Ritson Rd., north of Taunton Rd., and holidays -from 1 I a.m. to 6 p -m. ....: .app w, .. � fat J .-��•,- .c.. _ _ The Parkwood (centre) Is one of three model homes at the MapleRun Homes' Parkwood Glen. PEND A 11rFIF TIME WITH ONE OF OURf . a. MODE IL SX' N. J !i Yi t}. I ITHE PARK WOOD 2st0 So -T izo2.goo Best Value Single Family Homes On 40, & 50' Lots In A Beautiful Wooded Setting In Oshawa! 900* FromG.Q.T. Included 399up to 3.050 sq. ft. At Parkwood Glen. we have three fabulous decorated models for you to tour. We're a brand new community. tucked into the natural landscape of bah the Oshawa and camp Sana( Consen anon areas. Here you'll find 16 all4wiek bungalm - and 2 -stow designs• some featuring treed ravine lots. Right now. if yoj purchase during our special event. you can choose one of our spectacular bonus packages! _Aw ,51 Ile Boom Mon.-Thurs. 1-8p.ot Ftidn• 16p.m. Sat. Sun. d Hol I la.m.bp.m. • To ga" Pnhb- xti ia►s 1rpRxaWr fa &U6 PFW. led Antic wbni n drain %-lou me EsOE Choose from One of our FABULOUS BONUS PACKAGES* su"Bp BY. MAPLERUN HOMES 9t5 J4 PAGES NEW HOMES & NTEFMM, 1895 Builders blitz Kids' Safety Village Oshawa -Durham Home Builders' Association member Jamie Maclnnis (standing on ladder) works on the classroom built by the home builders' group for the Kids' Safety Village in Whitby. A new world record? Probably not' But that didn't stop the Oshawa -Durham Home Builders' Association from erecting and finishing a full -featured brick classroom for the Kids' Safety Village project. The Kids' Safety Village is an initiative launched by the Durham Regional Police Service. in co- operation with local service groups, for the benefit of all children in Durham Region. The village, which will be visited by every child in the school system, is intended to foster awareness in youngsters to prevent accidental injury and death among children. The Oshawa -Durham Home Builders' Association committed to build the classroom facility entirely with labor and materials donated by association members. "This underscores the builders' commitment to the communities we build," said Stephen Kassinger, local builder and president of the Oshawa -Durham Home Builders' Association. "Every member readily agreed to assist us when they were approached." Over the course of two weekends at the end of April, the home builders donned hard hats and work boots and picked up the various tools of the trade to build the classroom. "This will be like a Mennonite barn raising. There will be a flurry of activity and, at the end of the day. we will stand proudly by the newly erected structure." the builders' association president added. "It is encouraging to see the level of community involvement and dedication exhibited by our members." The Kids' Safety Village is located adjacent to Kathleen Rowe Memorial Public School, in Whitby. The full use of the facility will begin in the fall. However. trial runs begin this month. Oshawa -Durham Home Builders' Association president Stephen Kassinger donned his hard hat and picked up his tools to help build a full - featured brick classroom that will be part of the Kids' Safety Village in Whitby. e A BeautiW Parkside Community of Luxur Detached H'nmeq n S(1 ' G Q 2 2 THE SIERRA $1%,990 0 HWY 2 $ 1 FROM 1 61 905-404-2186 Sales Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 1 - 8 p.m., Sunday 12 - 6 p.m., Closed Fri. dt Sat. Prices and specdkatiom are subject to ctwtpa w"bv, notice. E. b O. E. •Talal living space N AAs" eLow sr J HALMINE 101 • M E s vr., •e•t!•M"+ s P'y;, .�v r-lM'P.r e � aE rw(e'A •: + APs; �-.F. x. s.s Ka.a ah3?kwraY t+iR^wms.w•ra y, rl a to -C 1990 FOR 1950 SQ. FT. CEDARBROOK J_. PICKERING $I P.4 110" 1 j 401FAWffre, PICKERINGw4aft'0% -:4 F0_13 o 0 -Master bedroom vviltb dUka JWW Plus b"sb enstute -Kitchen with double door powery & we eked breakfast arint -Ekpni double door entry ft citindw staircase -Enormous WWI), room with go Areplace jr1A EN ERGREEN - 2800 SQ FT - LOT 21 •Master bedroom with double doors, sitting area, plus 5 pc. ensuite 41uge kitchen with pante and o%ersized breakfast area -Gorgeous double door emn to to% er and sweeping staircase -Enormous famil.% room %tith dramatic gas fireplace 4 To -Attractive double I ' -Catrnect kitchen web dap pea" plin barge Mager bedroowt With duke area. Plus 5 pr- eandele -Decorative cobunns & bare US& IN large fivift ronnt BIRCHWOOD • 3320 SQ FT - LOT 16 -0% ersized kitchen and breakfast area with french door & pantr-, •La rge fa Hugemil} room, plus 2nd floor sunken famih room • Huge master bedroom with Wish 5 pc. master ensuite -Dramatic double door entry. large fo,.e'r & sweeping staircase A 1�ff M. POPLAR • 3155 SQ FT • LOT 14 -Large family room, plus 2nd floor swd" faugly retreat -Dramatic double door entry to circular staircase -Kitchen with double door pantry, plus large breakfast area -%faster bedroom with sitting area, plus step up oval tub in ensuitt MOM - THURS.: I PM - 8 PM FRI. CLOSED SAT. & SUN.: 11 AM - 6 PM 905-509-44741 PAGE t NEW HOMES i MERd6, 1995 Z*Z*It* �.�MAZNIK HOMES IN OSHAWA... HDISCOVER THE LOCATION AND ALL NEW DESIGNS ►♦j YOU'VE DREAMED ABOUT From N H• POND, PRIVATE COURT & FOREST LOTS ►�j* 4 NEW ALL BRICK DESIGNS ►♦j• INTERIOR LUXURY FINISHINGS ►♦j • IDEAL LOCATION NEAR ALL AMENITIES N • UP TO 2,287 SQ. FT. H• DON'T MISS OUT ONLY A N LIMITED NUMBER OF LOTS N AVAILABLE IN THIS FABULOUS �yGSWAy LOCATION O� ♦ .EEuf. SITE HOURS. YON. - THURS. � 1-7 P.M. FRI. CLOSED HSAT. - SUN. 12 - 5 P.M. SITE OFRCE Sar"118 TOWNLINE RD. NORTH s BLACK NORTH OF Get close to mother nature. AOEwoE 1WAvRO FOR MAtN■c HOYEB RUNIK HOMES Aroeow SOW. ♦ �Z�Z�Z♦Z�Z♦Z♦Z♦Z�Z♦Z�Z��♦Z�Z�Z{♦Z♦Z�Z�Z♦Z�Z♦Z♦Z�Z�Z�Z� Z*Z♦ Z* -*;�I I C r'L-- 1,4 FOR ALL BRICK SINGLE HOME 1,638 SQ. FT. 2 -CAR GARAGE ON 40' LOT ,QSHAWA W sMOOVER WEW ADEILADE KM 401 Nllw :.w...r�•w.♦.re•♦.ara as..s'RlAta.Pt4_i_y1..0AYi•1.d: f��q+i1.f64D.TJK'Sd""w. ,. .. �— G1tF.ATn " V I TOROKM k OWAM ASSOC1ATM 1 L XY%JF JILi.aAA A • Only the Village of Brooklin combines an idyllic __7 countryside location minutes north of Whitby with the charm and ambiance of a small hometown community; add heritage -inspired homes loaded with exceptional features and the result is Ontario's most successful housing community. Discover Tribute's Village of Brooklin today! �,ras r u-epiaces Interlocking or Paved Driveways o Breakfast Bar, Pantries *Parquet Floors k 4 and Microwave Shelves ::*Country Porches r U PAGE 10 NEW HOMES i NTERKM, i9a r4wWw *x4mXIne0 sad Iatariors WarTaniy program aims to improve home quality The Ontario New Home Warranty Program has one primary aim — to prevent construction defects in new homes. The benefits of achieving such an aim are two -fold — it ensures satisfied and content home buyers in Ontario since they will enjoy quality construction and after-sales service in their homes, and it reduces claims costs to the warranty program and ensures the financial health of the program's guarantee fund Realizing that it can't accomplish the goal of building defect -free housing in the province on its own. the Ontario New Home Warranty Program has taken a leadership role in developing a number of creative partnerships within the residential -housing industry. The Ontario New Home Warranty Program conducts training workshops for various segments of the building industry. works to make architects and engineers accountable for technical audit findings and conclusions (especially in condominium construction) and works with manufacturers of building materials. A closer working relationship is also being forged between the program and municipal building departments, which are charged with the responsibility of inspecting new homes to ensure that they meet the requirements of the Ontario Building Code. The Ontario New Home Warranty also produces comprehensive technical reference manuals used widely across the residential -housing industry. The Code and Construction Guide for Housing, for example, which sets out and illustrates Ontario Building Code requirements in construction sequence is being adopted by many provinces across Canada. The program also provides a wide range of consumer pamphlets and brochures on new housing. All this is coupled with its high-profile activities of publishing the annual Hone Buyer's Guide to After Sales Service, and selecting a builder in the province for the Ernest Assaly Award — given annually to one builder for the best after-sales service. Those efforts combine to try and achieve the Ontario New Home Warranty Program's mission: Excellence in providing new home warranty protection. To obtain a free copy of the 1995 Home Buyer's Guide to After Sales Service or What Every New Home Buyers Should Know contact the local Ontario New Home Warranty Program office or call toll free 1-800-668-75(14. THANKING OF G A MOVE'S Find your new home in New Homes & Interiors To advertise call 579-4404 or (from Toronto) 416-796-7672 1 ON 02 iNIDE 1io'lirly!"I"M Ti�nhomes in We SW !10 op (905)434-3696 Sda Ottt $ flours: Mton. - Thum.1 .8 p.m., R. b Sat. Gomed., Sun. 11am. - 6p.m., Puns and spaeiesaorm are sWpee to c1wq. s Nr A noses E 6 0 E Ko WoMed Pullman, Sas Y� alas rap i(X delays I U:•�.edrn = OubpIN •A� a.. low 1r samw * aar :. awa . ONEW aa��ar Q oVO�SR w MGIN11,.p1 • =$= M M" 1-1 come a oe sebila a a vwmN t 111 1111�1 = Md pond ddmmmp �r�ll lnN•, p, I� .ri 1 n s olurt Wh, iti. H-omes of J. loin us as we celebrate the opening of 31 traditional style komes, nestled in a quiet cul de -sac, in Whitby s prestigious West end ravine community. Traditional I.uxur% Traditional Luxury Freehold Toxvnhomes Detached Homes • Established ranine community • Traditional spacious design • No maintenance fee's • Only 16 units anailable • Discover the Royal Difference • t hoose from 15 traditional homes • All clay brick omrnors • E%tablislxd ranine community • CZw to mayor hWbwa w • Discoper dx Royal Det ,A ONE , g �-:— sFs : t � ,�r�-swParv!'!�' ►�i r'i�Co:+�,t .P9�x r,1 e r e..i ► V i � • c r s. a..._ .�.1, v. ra r.�r, artr-r�M'L r s -a rA�iti s• • .. In Whitby QAgCgX'S CSXrl Harrz • .Wew- Tian. -11.a - 8 j.■. • Fn"W - ctaaEn • Sar. Sas. Zf& Had4rr- 11 A.M. -6P.t. • aa�s oaaarw * aar :. awa . ONEW aa��ar Q oVO�SR w MGIN11,.p1 QAgCgX'S CSXrl Harrz • .Wew- Tian. -11.a - 8 j.■. • Fn"W - ctaaEn • Sar. Sas. Zf& Had4rr- 11 A.M. -6P.t. F-$ CARRIE . FOR Z 0 2 ascent ' 1. a H Q PAGE 12 NEW HOMES i NTERKM, 1995 New Hozames eL31mtl Interiors ftewdeliveryinspection is a vital part of buying a home Eager new home buyers anticipating their move -in date are tempted to hurry the pre -delivery inspection. Too often the Ontario New Home Warranty Program (ONHWP) hears about new home buyers who rush through the pre -delivery inspection and miss the opportunity to acquaint themselves with the operating systems in their new home. The main purpose of the pre -delivery inspection is to detect missing features, unauthorized substitutions, unfinished work, defects or anything that is not built in accordance with the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. Typically conducted with your builder's representative, the pre -delivery inspection does not have to be an intimidating process to new home buyers. Take the time and be precise while listing on the Certificate of Completion and Possession (CCP) any problems you find in your new home. You should also note any items you have accepted as is. This certificate is a key piece of evidence that dates and documents problems, proving they existed prior to occupancy. Warranty coverage begins on the date of possession or occupancy. New home buyers receive their warranty certificate and a copy of the CCP at the same time since it is now a part of the combined form. First-time buyers who have never conducted a pre -delivery inspection should prepare a list of items to be checked. Be organized and work your way through your home floor by floor. Bring along a friend or someone who is familiar with the pre -delivery inspection and who can offer fresh eyes. While walking through the house, make certain all upgrades and options you have selected have been installed. Bring along any documentation you have regarding these requests to confirm the correct colors and style were delivered. Starting inside your new home, examine ceilings, walls, floors, doors and windows. Check for obvious defects such as gouges, cracks and dents on finished surfaces. Baseboards and doors should be well -fitted. Drywall should have no noticeable seams or evidence of nail pops. Walk along the floors and ensure there is no excessive creaking or buckling. Plumbing fixtures should be free of chips, while faucets and showecheads should be caulked and in good working order. Home buyers can perform simple Nests like flushing toilets or turning on taps to check water pressure and temperature. It is also a good idea to take along a night light to test electrical outlets and a candle and matches to confirm the smoke detectors function In the kitchen, check countertops for scratches. Turn on the range - hood fan and light. Open the cabinet 'doors to make certain they are properly fitted. While walking inside the house, check that the forced air registers are not covered by carpet and that they are not located below a thermostat. The pre-dehvery inspection is the perfect time to ask your builder's representative how the mechanical F, 0Z T "., IM M 0M BY AUBREY LEBLANC ventilation system works in your home. Understanding your ventilation system and its proper operation and maintenance is the first important step to not only controlling indoor air quality but protecting your new home warranty. Problems arising from homeowner neglect are not covered by the ONHWP. Locate the switches for ventilation and circulation fans normally found near the thermostat. Locate and ensure the supplemental fans and switches in each bathroom or in the kitchen are operating. If you have a ventilation system with an open air inlet, make sure the hole in the basement wall is never blocked despite the possible occurrence of a draft. Examine the basement for cracks in the concrete walls. While in the basement, check the furnace and water heater. Ask your builder's representative for basic instruction on the rules of operation and maintenance. New home buyers frequently forget to tour the outside of their home during the pre -delivery inspection. Brickwork and masonry should be free of cracks and the bb� d�, doors and windows properly caulked. Examine the grading to ensure the land is graded with a gentle slope away from the house to channel off rain and melted snow. Siding should be securely attached. Open and close the garage door to make certain it does not stick. Check to see all the shingles lie flat on the roof with no uplifted corners. Don't climb a ladder, but bring along binoculars to check on anything above the ground floor. Home buyers do not automatically lose warranty coverage because a problem is not listed on the CCP, but if damage is listed it will avoid any later disputes. AUBREY LEBLANC is president and registrar of the Ontario New Home Warranty Program. THE:.COMMUNITY YOU CAN AFFORD, TIS VALUE YOU CAN SEE! For a dream home in the ideal community, come to Abbeyw#,xxi in Whitby. 7. .,Here, homebuyers can choose from a wide range of beautiful designs, with incomparable features and superior finishes second to none. See why more than 120 families call Abbeywood home. -4 Call for more information today, or visit the Abbeywcxxf sales office this weekend. • _°.=MODELS OPEN . 2 IP990 P7-�-N�JE . RF" E I _ e ~ ` OCSSAND YD .r �y I VOGUE 1�1 L'111�1'YI\1 LM1�1 �• �., r 00d0-:7 %550111 'A. LM 'Lin geode. Prices 8 specifications subject to change. E. 8 O. E. Sarre Premiums do apply. PRI:-,-\Ill---R COM,Ii TNIT1' alip, " ♦.\�1 �i "1►4,7aK,,,.. 'aN.w a+.ala iVIU�% + ' -ra a,.� , ii7Ai+U�..lwaa+ �� ,ta �,.'; a a � �. �• "�`�ian .' +`�� � �Mi�`+iia I VW WAW- "i�'aA +' '�`,..., +�+�►.aa+atr �. •ata.+a". '�'Oir.+ ♦..♦..�� �"yrr � • � s.�� �'+���� rah 1\y_�a�♦+a+-`"\ �1i,�' af-"Mi ��b��aa���� �' \.�\t1,+tM1it+�NN\'► "a+��larait{\+Y Ham` 'art � � •;•� L �'� +�` ��•' � lltN. 11M 1 _ gyp. as �"' ' _ �•..� , � � � � .- -.rte._ �..7z - - Perfect Home Deg' � a7 Select. bungZws or 1�home's with cathedral ce-- ., SJA coun1 1separate living and dining master.. ms with jr PerfectCountry Living sitting areas and a grea In Harrowsmith you'll find a whole new lifestyle. Great open spaces; Town and country charm; warm streetecapes and�1 ,e designs. conservation!mJoy acres of 66 pat6 andw-16--n b" in neigiamuring Harmony creek OFFICE HOURS -,.62=*1 6,jtej fi� only � HO�IE�CALL (W5) 725-118 up to $150,000 for 3 year twn to qmkkwd 6qml ONI N',K 3 1-1`-F-1- I PAGE 14 NEW "ONES '& MiTER10RS, I9®5 Ncw Horrzcs� grid X=tcriors Victoriaville Mansions offer luxury for less Conveniently located just north of Hwy. 401, Brownstones of Pickering offers elegant freehold townhomes at an extremely affordable price. The initial release features 18 homes and it is very attractive, especially for first-time home buyers. Qualified purchasers can move into a beautiful home starting at $109,900 for only five per cent downpayment. There are six different models to choose from and all have an attractive number of luxury features inside and out. From the outside, you find architecturally -designed landscape areas, complete with walkways and plantings. The outside of each home is all clay brick and vinyl accented with key detailing. You also get fully -paved asphalt driveways and wood, sectional garage doors. Where space permits, there is direct access from the garage to the inside of the home. Inside, you find decorator textured ceilings in all rooms except the kitchen, bathrooms and laundry room. Bathrooms get full -height ceramic tile in bathtub enclosures and mirrors that the full width of the vanity. The master ensuite includes tub and separate shower stall. Kitchens are functional and spacious with quality- stvled kitchen cabinets and counter tops. Some models feature breakfast areas with sliding -door walkouts to the rear patio. Energy-saving features include "steel -clad - insulated front entry doors, high -efficiency gas furnaces, exterior walls are insulated with a combination 1118 and attic ceiling fully insulated to R3?. Prices start at $109,900 for the 884 sq.ft. Arlington and range up to $146,900 for the 1,416 sq.ft. Rockwood. Prices include stove, refrigerator and dishwasher. The sales office is located at 1635 Pickering Parkway. To reach the sales office, turn onto Pickering Parkway from Brock Rd. For more information, call (416) 609-7285. Time to buy is now Buying a new home requires planning, say industry experts. No one can be expected to know everything, so it is critical to get help and advice from qualified professionals. Before starting your search for a house take time to determine your financial capabilities. The mortgage you can obtain and carry comfortably is based on your income and expenses. A financial expert will be able to provide you with information you need to figure the amount of your mortgage. Knowing your price range can save you a lot of time, energy and especially frustration during the selection process. Once financing is in place, you should carefully select a builder. You and your builder share a very important goal — making sure you enjoy your home long after you take possession of the keys to the front door. The best way to get to know the type of home a builder delivers and if it feels right for you is to visit model homes and builder sites. It is also important to select a builder that will help make your home -buying experience a positive one. Contact the Oshawa -Durham Home Builders' Association for the names and phone numbers of the profassional builders in the area. Association members must adhere to a strict Code of Ethics set down by the Canadian Home Builders' Association and are committed to professionalism in the residential construction industry. Another agency that may be able to help is the Ontario New Home Warranty Program, which rates builders in the province for after-sales service. You can reach the Ontario New Home Warranty Program toll free at 1400-668-7504. T r NEW HOMES a NTEm m, 1995 PAGE 15 New HOaczfts aad Zat4ftrlors Victonavff le Mans ons offer Iuau for less 0 "Location is a key factor to wise real estate investment," says J.R. Faulkner, contract manager for Victoriaville Mansions. Faulkner has just opened a "luxury for less" model home/sales office to showcase his newest project, which is to be built at the corner of Dundas and Garden streets, in Whitby. Occupancy is for fall of 1995. "We expect to sell 300 homes in eight weeks, just as we did in Peterborough over the winter months," Faulkner says. But what has been causing the excitement? Homes for under $100,000! Luxury for less! Home buyers looking for great value may say, "That sounds too good to be true. How is it possible?" Well, the builder is the Tribe Group, a consortium of trades and material suppliers where each partner shaves a little off his price to save a lot for the purchaser. "Victoriaville is not being built so much by business people as it is by construction people," explains Faulkner. "Our president is an astute professional engineer. There is a team of committed engineers, trades people and building materials suppliers that has put their money into this project to prove a point — luxury living for less is very achievable in the 190S.- Faulkner 90S..Faulkner goes on to say that technology makes this possible. "New homes are better built homes. Our homes are best built." Faulkner explains the company's homes are all concrete for true structural integrity, for true fire separation. They are also totally sound -proofed and completely waterproof. "And, yes! I am excited," he says. "We have a formula that is welcomed and embraced by downsizers, seniors, professionals and first-time buyers. We could architecturally rebuild Ontario for the coming century — low-rise, luxury for less, worry free and more." Faulkner is a five-star, certified R-2000 builder, acclaimed, imitated and featured in Canadian national magazines. He has been a prolific infill replacement home builder of "monster homes" in North York and Toronto, transforming neighborhoods to the extent that coachlines now tour those streets made over by him on their site -seeing tours. Faulkner is still building mansions, but no longer just for the rich. He brings to the Victoriaville condo homes attention to detail and all of the technology he incorporated into his million - dollar monster homes. Features like extra -height ceilings, 40 -oz. carpet, decorative Victoriana !mouldings. The effect is stunning and one marvels that these homes are being offered at luxury for less prices — an 810 sq.ft., two-bedroom home sells for $87,900. "And there is no wasted space," adds Faulkner. "No staircases. Our homes operate on one level." What home buyers get lends credence to Victoriaville's ad slogan — An Incredible Miracle in Housing. Every condo has its own 94 per cent high -efficiency gas-fired furnace, which will heat a two-bedroom floorplan for $17 a month, year round. Each home owner controls his own heat, hydro and air conditioning. Windows and exterior French doors, manufactured by FCI, are rated No. 1 in terms of energy efficiency by the Canada Research Council. Victoriaville Mansions, it should be noted, is perhaps the most environmentally -responsible home development in the country. "Wood isn't as important as it used to be in construction," says Victoriaville's contract manager. "We use metal studs now. And our handrails and crown cornices are crafted from high density foam. These are better building materials... ask any carpenter who has to cut a mitered corner and he'll confirm what I say." He continues, "Our exterior walls are coated in a super -material called Durock. Not only is it gracious and dignified, but it holds the heat in better than brick. It is an acrylic application, which makes it totally impenetrable by moisture and more resilient to Canada's temperature extremes. "We even have recyclable garbage chutes on every floor," he adds. Recent reports indicate that new home sales are in a terrible slump in Ontario. But Faulkner counters that the problem is less recessionary in nature than the media reports. "Look at our reservation cheques," says Faulkner waving a thick file folder. "People are a lot more careful about their purchases ... in everything. They are more discerning. They want more value for their money. They want homes that are unique and extraordinary, but priced right for the `90s. "Prepare to be amazed," says Faulkner. "Victoriaville Mansions are luxury for less." For information on Victoriaville Mansions, call 666-0255 or drop by the spectacular model home in the A&P Plaza, across from the Whitby Mall. �. a 12T Ti a • PAGE 16 NEW HOWS i O ER10K IM Neve Homes sad Iate�rlors More coolilng from i less energy Homeowners purchasing high - efficiency central air conditioners as replacements for old units will not get the energy efficiency and lower electric bills they expect if the indoor coil is not replaced at the same time as the outdoor unit, according to the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute (ARI). Most residential central air conditioners and heat pumps are split systems with both indoor and outdoor heat exchangers (or coils). High efficiency air conditioners that provide more cooling with less electricity consumption are available now. Many homeowners, however. will not get the efficiency they expect because they fail to replace the entire system. Most of the existing indoor coil units are not suitable for matching with a new high efficiency outdoor compressor unit. The result of this mismatch is often a combination that performs little or no better than the old unit. The efficiency of a central air conditioner is rated by its Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER). The higher the rating, the more efficient the unit. A homeowner who purchases a unit with a 10.5 SEER, for example, may end up with a unit whose SEER turns out to be a 9.0 or less if the indoor coil is not replaced with a new coil that is properly matched to the outdoor unit. Those who opt for purchasing the new higher efficiency units should ask their installing contractor: — Will you be replacing the indoor coil with a high -efficiency indoor coil to ensure the unit's high efficiency? — Does the new indoor coil match the manufacturer's specification for the installation of the unit? — Can you verify the efficiency of the combination to be installed by showing me its SEER rating in a listing such as the ARI certification directory? rl"'HINMNG OF 1%X,& — NG A MOVE>*o Find your new home in New Homes & Interiors To ad*ertise call 879-4404 or Oram Toronto) 416-788-7672 1 MODEL HOMES NOW OPEN P, v.: via :.;. BliCKINGH _N1 The Camelot Gate 3 152 W n $199990 1990 FROM I -- 1_. Beautiful Detached Homes on 45' 50' and 60' Lots Real character in a new home is rare, but you'll find it today in the innovative designs at Buckingham Gate * Here in a fabulous wooded setting bordering a beautiful ravine with mature trees, Buckingham Gate goes beyond the ordina 4 * Each hone offers an imaginative, open concept design rglucting genuine style and personality * Dramatic cathedral ceilings * An abundance of windows everywhere you look * Unique staircases with plant shelves * Gourmet kitchens with pantries, built-in desks and breakfast bars * Fabulous built-in entertainment centres with fireplaces * Special computer areas and more At TO VIEW THESE BEAUTIFUL HOMES , Call Helen Moreland or Nelia Ferreira a 905-619.6741 (�= or905419 742 , �/ 'Where Tradition Meets Innovation" 'only 2 homes ava"ble at this price J OUNKN'= common Just Priced Itself Into Yo ur Marke t. * 0 The Brookside. Elev. B. 2270 sq. ft. $231.990 And Home for Home, You Won't Find a Better Neighbourhood. • 6new&*u Single Family Homes • 3 and 4 bafnm a on 50' lots From Only • amtenance-Eft "M1 Windows • direct -vent gu fir+eplaee 1219990 • arcititecburaily controlled wammity Homes up ?0' 2860 sq.k. � Saks «� Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 1-8 pm * - Fri_ - Sun. b Hol 11.5 prn (905) 428-0939 A �rnEs 1cm Nancy Dyck �.+o�t . • ww. m S G- as.* �CI.wO � • Blrsss s��s AT >M 1.1 • tax TOM alfrtw rw�" wr�e c ups MAN coNNUNAT r W c953 -w CC N�'t BBiip 00 N WS h=80ft SMW • ilhmfti ssailaWip Includes: • Family room • 3 bathrooms • 35 oz. carpet • High efficiency gas furnace • Custom landscaping W: Til 484 -IM Sdn Olttet Hours: Monday - Thursday 1 pm - e pm THE eRM9SrONE 1,aso see Fr. FRokr >n� Fridays Noon - 5 pm ktekidn Seo t�eMM area . tt d ttrMrtl " s- sen Rwnwmww fm dWA. "'liw�oYa-.M--.Rww TAO &A NEW MMES & 59TEF10RS, IM PAGE 17 THE VFAR no= In the early eighties, people were YEAR A --W 4114XVOWTArla 1982 THE PRICE $ 991900 • THE YEAR 1992 Oft us oo. But those who overcame their nervousness have been well rewarded. Today, homebuyers have many of the same opportunities: 0 Mortgage rates are at their lowest point in over 20 years. 0 The inflated prices of the late 1980's have been adjusted to reflect real market values. 0 Builders are offering outstanding incentives. 0 Special financing is s readily available for first-time buyers. 0 4000;oor Of course., these opportunities are only for a limited time. As the economy THE PRICE $ gradually recovers, and demand for 1981 9 0 0 housing 'increases, mortgage rates and prices will rise; and builders will no longer need to offer such attractive incentives. So M you've been waiting for the right time to look for the home of your dreams, the is NOWT Visit a builder or realtor who Advertises in Ajax-Pickering This Week NOWS Advertiser -K Best Homes New Homes THE PRICE $ for All the news on the new home market! 900.w And be part of history in the making. 0 at y PWAISNEWHOM&NTEIVOK INS Builders have to get tougher to boost sales STORY BY DONNA DONALDSON New homes just aren't selling and it's not because of high interest rates or high prices, says Hugh Heron, builder and chairman of the Ontario New Home Warranty Program. "We can't listen to people telling us the only reason we're not selling houses is because of interest rates," Mr. Heron told members of the Oshawa Durham Home Builders' Association at their monthly general meeting. He noted that over the last five years during the recession we've experienced interest rates as low as six per cent. "It's tough to get sales today and we as professionals have to get tougher," said Mr. Heron and cited a recent study that points to new home buyers being "turned -off" by the lack of professional sales people on the sites. "We're having some sorry times today and we have to pull ourselves up by the jock straps." However. Stephen Kassinger, a builder and president of the Oshawa Durham Home Builders' Association, points to another factor for the slump in new home sales and takes "exception" to the remark that unprofessional sales people are the only reason new homes aren't selling. "It relates to the market share but not the overall market. Consumers will go buy from somebody else (if they don't like the way they're treated) and right now they're not buying from anybody," noted Mr. Kassinger. "The existing real estate market continues to be repressed, affecting people who want to move up." He said people can't sell their homes "even if they wanted to" because they bought at a time when prices were high and would now lose equity in their homes. "Prices rose too quickly and too far" which came to its peak in 1989, said Mr. Kassinger. "The Sj market swings on a pendulum. This time it swung too far in one direction making prices unrealistically high and then it swung the other way ENERGY SAVING TIPS How can I tell if a water heater is energy efficient? ABy law, all oil or electric residential water heaters (those with a capacity of 20 to 100 US gallons) sold or leased in Ontario must meet minimum levels of energy efficiency. Gas residential water heaters manufactured after Dec. 31, 1992 will also have to meet minimum levels. Standards are reviewed and raised every few years. The Canadian Gas Association (CGA) tests gas and propane water heaters for performance and safety. The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) develops performance standards and tests all oil and electrical products, look for the CGA label or the CSA labels on products purchased or leased. A point to remember is that legislation regulates minimum efficiency. The minimum is now about 57 per cent, on average, for all units. The efficiency of electric water heaters averages 90 per cent. However, electric water heaters are usually the most expensive to operate. Gas water heaters manufactured after Dec. 31, 1992 will have an average efficiency of 57 per cent. Averages are presented here because the minimum efficiency depends on the size of the water heater. Many manufacturers produce water heaters that are more efficient than what is required by law. Some dealers and utilities provide rebates or incentives to encourage people to buy more efficient models. We suggest that you check with your local utility and fuel supplier. These Energy Saving Tips are brought to you by the Ontario Ministry of Energy pnd New Homes and interiors. — now — making prices unrealistically low." Mr. Kassinger notes that the pendulum is about to start to swing again and costs to the builder and developer are starting to increase which are passed onto the new home buyer. "If you want to buy a house, today's market is not one you're going to see for a long, long time," he said of the low prices. "If you're in the position you should take advantage of today's market and buy now." Mr. Heron also talked to ODHBA members about the Ontario New Home Warranty Program which he said is a "good homebuilder's best friend and a bad homebuilder's worst enemy". Mr. Heron, 57, was born in Scotland and later worked as a tradesman, carpenter and estimator before coming to Canada at the age of 29. He set out on his own business in 1979 which has now grown into the Heron Group of Companies. His latest development is Williamsburg Of Whitby which boasts single-family homes situated on Rossland Road. Ontario New Home Warranty Program chairman Hugh Heron says it is tough to sell a new home today, so "we as professionals have to get tougher." KJNGSWAY FOREST I , / 1 The Balsam 1116 sq. fL 30' Lot $133,900 The Kiimt W 1710 sq. 1 39' Lot $177,000 The Fairport 1545 sq. fL 30' Lot $154,900 The Darbnm 1775 4 fL 48' Lot $181,900 The Chesley 1594 sq. ft. 34' Lot $167,400 The Essex BIS 2139 4 R 48' Lot $189,900 Ilia .1 p mo me nt u Be 116 bgk-fw watourts. M8018y �ainr 2 - 7 Nc.'Le/ . �FrWay, It,,,,_ c>r �t a3s-stat e +n LAM! ONT Aa The Dan moor $181,900 ftim••n t f t f 1 cpUK"1'ICI�. I I I folk- I IT'll *FREE! All Brick •FREE! Oversized Garages *FREE! 5 Appliances *FREE! Landscaping. SEMI-DETACHED VILLAGE HOMES FROM MODEL HOMES SALES OFFICE HOURS: ww12w . Tluwwf2v 1 .7 rrl or by appdnft D05)4324 or Toll Free -SOG-8984 tilij BIN I • 0 AeS4iodbl Do6tiratina . .• ' 1 ._ 11�� v ��l �,� ��� � e�.�:.. `\1�♦I//,y. �;,, . .../Irk.. � f,-� , �. ./ yam. w r �� ww w�a.a�..�. II�Nf-In �I�ni11M��� , ��' •`�•'.`,. �7►: 'ij , ' _� � ry��,.�.��, wa +rw.i r_a.� • .r _ _ Y ` [?I. off..• r�/r!7'w IfY«� �w �r. r.. .�s�,/. =.��� ��.�., �^ NP wi w.s �.wru n� w•.. �..� . w 1 � ��:. : �r lw_ ori'`__ - - :'ll I-'1"sl N__ _ .;�� � — _ • _1 X11 ilf! _ �i� -. •r-. a-"--;_-t.;_�'t�Y.11lnlulnlullnlnlilnlll�lll �- •ii�ntllliii�iiiiiiiili�i� ,� moi rw. L 1 • .. ...r .. , J.���.r.YM - / • - �7w ' .�— ....' I 1 -� . : .7 _.Y Y--.. ,�'Y7�ltllil 11111 �lilfllllllll�� -,;L n s�`�\` Ic- wo mow ttttt� I ►�attttft 4 .r 9 fa r_v e PAGE 20 NEW HOMES & INTERIORS, i gg5 d► " .2-qy F, E ay ..� y,a • _ 'S-.. - ..- _ STK �•,[. x.X `\^ #4 `4i -.. "�(_;: 1 OWN ONIES COtAmumrry Ax HOI� GALO'" ft. 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