HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1995_04_02Ask about our Fos brad Able Offar w.aan�a Banqu�b Moatings Pardee 683-3210 Annandale Country Club XT CHALLENGE The News Advertiser invites students in Grades 7 to 12 to put on your thinking caps and come up with an award-winning advertisement. For details, see Page 16. �INNews • FKitchens PlusL� Mcrt-rwe. a,..tao pn. Thum r RL 2:30&A . tra0 p,a. set 9.W aka.-scoowa. Advertiser Sunday, April 2, 1995 40 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 40,000 Vol. 114 No. 14 di Police vers search the waters around channel markers in Durham. They're believed dead after heading out onto Lake th Frenchman's Bay in Pickering Friday morning for clues in e Ontario on a boat following a party. March 17 disappearance of six teens, five of them from photo by Andrew lwarnowslu Boat'perished'. cops E3 Cops announce publicly for first time that six youths likely died. on lake By LINDA WHITE STS REPORTER DURHAM — The discovery of a gas tank from a boat believed taken out on Lake ns Ontario by six missing area teehas led police to conclude "whoever was on that boat has "it's the first concrete piece of evidence that would suggest some accident has ocetrrW Durham Regional Police Detective Sergeant Tan Cameron said at a press confer -Friday morning. That's the fust time police have publicly reported it's unlikely the six are still alive. The five -gallon tank was found floating upside down at the water's edge near Wilson, New York late Wednesday afternoon. It's ee Y _F a bn 'positively identified" as belonging to the missing boat by its owner, noted Det. Sgt. Cameron. 'nue 14 -foot imitation Boson Whaler had about half a tank of gas when it went missing. That wouldn't have been enough to take six roans across the lake, he said. Police don't believe the boat. powered by a 25-borsepower ouudxmd motor was equipped Ses TEENS'. -Page 5 Your doctor is off workdaystwo this week By SAL BOMMARrrOt.. As a te:Stgt, 1 Ain have W seek ewer- - sFEctAro Tw NEws ADWRtissm DURHAM — Your family donor won't be re able ro tape caof you 'Ib„rsday or Friday as physicians are off for two of four unpaid Social Contract days they'll take in the next two imondts. The so-called .D— -.;]I days will affect about 500,000 people living in Ontario Medical Association (OMA) Diwict 6 which suckbes from Pwkermg m tine gest b BdlevMe is the east. All doctors' offices and clip will be closed on April 4 7 and 17 and May 23. gency medical cate at their nearest hospital dur- mdoing this out of clwic says Dr. Romas Stas, president of the Durham RIL 3, F See PEOPLE. -Page 3 Hwy. 407 here in six years By KEITH GILLIGAN srAff tuaorrM DURHAM — Motorists could be travelling along Hwy. 407 in the region early next century, 50 years ahead of schedule. Ontario Premier Bob Rae rolled into Whitby Friday morning to announce private -sector par niers will be sought to plan, design and finance a 62 -kilo- metre stretch of the 407 from Hwy. 48 in Markham to Hwy. 35-115 in Regional chairman Gary Herrema called the accelerated schedule for building the highway "the best news Durham has hod in years.- He ears "He expects construction work on the four -lane highway to begin in 1998, and the section between Hwy. 48 and Courtice Road in Clarington to be open by 2001. See HWY.-Page 3 Inside an me trews Editorial................................6 Sports.................................27 Classified .............................32 Phare lines General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Sincerely Yours 1-416-976-1991 InfoSouroe 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 The hews Advertiser regularly uses se�cled newsprint 934 + 7t GST = $1 heck oar fel Pale d a pale 21 tons Wb i PTC S IPOR G� El a. U IW Region closing in on '95 tax freeze U Politicians half per cent away from sparing you from increase in tax bill DURHAM — More police on the street could cost you an extra $2.25. That's the average Region tax increase local property owners face this year if between $475,000 and 5500,000 isn't cut from Durham's 1995 budget. The tax increase stands at .5 per cent before Durham council's finance and administration commit- tee looks Wednesday at ways to chop that to zero. WARS CORRECTION NOTICE in our Sears, -Expect More from Sears, 8 - page Hardware Sale pull-out, Sale prices start Thursday. March 30, 1995' flyer, on page 6, the 18 -speed Free Spirit AUTerrain Bike does not have a Shimano derailleur. The non -indexed gear system is only available in White in the Adult bike for Men and Women. The non -indexed gear system is only available in green in the unisex bike for boys and girls Also on page 6, the Youth's Free Spirit All -Terrain Bike for $119.99 is not a 5 -speed, but a single speed bike We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers DOWNIC wAuTI, Ja GUEST SPEAKER' MUSIC & MI'N'ISTRY PICKERING PENECOSTAL CHURCH 755 OKLAHOMA DRIVE APRIL 2 - 5,1995 SUNDAY 11 AM & 6 PM MON. - WED. 7 PM COMPUTER °PF* 1t•F 10 AY -OPV CONCEPTS SAT. /0 AX - 6 P.Y. SU K 110ON - 6 PSL ]bur Choice in Pa forastaa Systesm._ Comppa�qq Prrsario 510 CDS (38UX-33, 1996 4fI10N1B, 3 yr. wur. M Syskm bdow Include 2 yr. P&L warn, laid 4116, 4MB, VL IA4 fpy, 14' &UN1 IMS Mmkor DX33.345MB, SVOA Video, VL IDE 1271 DX33, 345MB, VGA Video, ISA IDE 1193 SX33.345MB, SVGA Video, VL IDE 1202 DX2/66, 420MB, 8V0A Vsdeo, VL IDE 1721 CDROM/2X, 16bit Saud, 4W apkra DX2/66, 345MB, SVGA Video, VL IDE 1629 CDROM/2X, 16 bit Sound, 4W spkrs. DOS 6-UNin 31 install 126 4 MG Memory UPBra k 226 Ph.: (9115) 837-1610 FAx. ow e37.2mm 1550 BAYLY ST. UNIT 17 PICKERING Regional council will deal with the budget on April 12. Committee chairman and Pickering mayor Wayne Arthurs says a police department request for 37 additional staff, including 28 uni- formed officers, is still included in the budget. Politicians have cut a request from the Metro Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (MTRCA) for 5400,000 to buy land in the Altona Forest in Pickering to $83,600. And, the Durham Hospital Council's request to set aside $500,000 in a reserve to help area hospitals has been reduced to $100,000. Mr. Arthurs says the hospital council's request is "an attempt to have regional government take a role in hospital capital projects. It's some- thing we're currently not involved in." He expects the finance committee will include the MTRCA and hospi- tal council requests in the budget for regional council to consider. "It will provide political debate," Mr. Arthurs says. "There's no guarantee they'll be in the budget when the budget (discussion) is over" All regional departments are at or below last year's spending levels. A .5 -per cent increase is "reason- able if it can be identified for police services. Beyond policing, any increase in unacceptable," Mr. Arthurs says. BREAK TUD9111AM C/4- t E W y TEST DRIVE ONE TODAY 0 OFFER rum oma wr fivm «Jr 9. Hwy. 407 speed-up `has FROM PAGE 1 electronically -tolled road, with Mr. Rae said the estimated cost to build users charged for the distance they east from Hwy. 48 is $1.5 billion, but added travel. .in our experience, that cost will come Mr. Rae said traffic congestion in down. Our partners will find ways to bring the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) costs down." costs business and industry about $2 A private consortium, called Canadian billion each year. Building the 407 Highways International Corporation, is will reduce the congestion and building the 407 from Hwy. 403 in "help with exports and getting our Mississauga to Hwy. 48. products to market. The entire length of the 407 will be an Mr. Rae said provincial Ministry `People FROM PAGE 1 TNM Nl:M AbVXX7L WSU?iDAX, APRIL 2,1993 -PAGE) i `,4 to be o0 d news' for Durham'' g of Transportation plans to finish the 407 in Durham by 2050 weren't good enough. 'I hat's too long. We can't wait that long." - Durham is "getting transportation without any cost to our taxpayers, Mr. Herrema said. "It's got to be good news for us." Gary In addition to attracting industry to Herr ma Durham, Mr. Herrema expects the highway will "speed up the plano - have had it with the NDP': doc Medical Society and a member of the District 6 executive. The government has reduced the amount paid to physicians. Either you end up working and Paying the money back to the government, or not working. We've decided to take the days off without pay," he says. Dr. Stas says the people most affect- ed by the move — the patients — are angry the provincial government is denying them the level of medical ser- vice they're used to. "People have just had it with the NDP, with all the cutbacks in all areas. The general consensus is the NDP has done a lot of damage to the province and the health -cane system in particular. People can't understand how a health- care system that's supposed to be one of the best in the country is crumbling.- Dr. rumbling "Dr. Stas admits the closings represent "a reduction of service to people" which is part of a "big crisis" facing health care. But the solution may lie in re-examin- ing the types of services which are cur- rently paid for by taxpayers, he says. "Is the Province going to be able to pay for these health costs for everyone? School upgrades coming DURHAM — More than $9 million will be spent fixing up schools here over three years, the Province has amounced. Of that amount, $7.13 million will Come from jobsOntario. The Durham Board of Education will receive $5213,000 from the Province and must throw in 1.1 865 000 for a total of repairs and improvernents to our educa- tional ietf wi ructum now, we are invest- ing in an important public service that prepares our children for the future." According to Mr. Pilkey, the provin- cial and local contribution will create 1592 person-years of work- . In 1996, the boards will together receive S2.4 million. If not, what services can be paid for?", He says doctors are working closely with the public to make sure they are aware of the closings. As many appoint- ments as possible are being booked before or after the Rae days, Dr. Stas says. Failing that, any problem of an "urgent" nature will be handled by emergency departments, which will be fully staffed, he says. Some parents settle ^_ for day care - others call us! " OMEN HOUSE APRIL 0 Blaisdale S& �°n Rd: Montessori�10Mi �. Schools 7-W - - _ Fr.e beinv firm Ages 18 months td8 ybard 545 Kingston Rd., Ajax 403 Kingston Rd., Ajax 415 Toynevale, Picturing Call (905) 686-5oos $70=1010. Thee Durham urhamRegion Roman SCatholicchool Board NO PAy MENTS9 NO INTEREST will receive FOR 6 MONTHS $1,915,000 and must pitch in • Enclosures 5375,000 for a : Patio ROOMS.rl,,,,l total of - Patio Doors $2,2X000 - shat-chan The finds will KEEP IN TOUCH be used to t1Al0 - 6uw�Cw slow i -.--' 5033 - tlejOr t�Al eAlelbel 5651 - Eritriranaerrt Caieda improve the safe- wnli eoxl -Anis ty, accessibility Spon" loll W tall and energy effi- yTris week nd Apx/Pfcbering I�'ews Achowthm ciency of slot - cw�..r. Alta - MNCO CarM.otrrg 52131 - %ma 00 U* 50� - t:arallen Faotbel ta�M schools. ' Windows "It's important 1 nf(isource • Additions that we don't a the - Pro *R w" 5137 -�� „ Roofing • Soffit, Fmia, Ewes • Entrance Systems • Sk mn Dims kids who will be Mumam Bas�a� J aiWMMV VI'Wralt�! Since, �9�1.9 using our scb°°h in the years toON CMOLL HOME taIMPROVEMENTS come," Allanya0 u showpoom d 906 Brock Rood South, Units 4 tit S, Pickwtg Pilkcey, MPP for• Onw waftle wih Scotiabadt Fiwrcin4 OAC. Aik comllarltar dO& 42 Oshawa, said. of c=ut be and it conpidol wits any other Chea 04880 4T__ —U. — ning for an airport in Pickering, which he predicts will be built by 2010. Oshawa mayor Nancy Diamond said the 407 "will open the north end" of her city to development. Infraswcture is needed to attract and accommodate industry and residential devel- opment, mayor Diamond said. "This is a major and magnificent piece of that infra- structure. It's linking us into the whole GTA" (formerly of West Hill) L er.ens ea. obalow ti nwdm Jr. nkneft PROVIDCVG TRADMONAL BURIAL R CRE.MATION SERVICES a "THE DURHAM PLAN" Immediate Burial or cremation services • Tramilsportauon of the Deceased • Fay Consultation O O IIICIt des: • Documentation • Minimal Cremation or Burial Container BROCK ROAD CHAPEL, ENQUIRMS PLEASE CALL �t.sr.eoaRood UUKOO.a,or4ot)raMW. (905)686-5589 CANADA HARDWOOD FLOORING INC. Hardwoods Hot!". TESSA 3/4" x 214' Precision Mining, 6 coats of Polyurethane top quality, Canadian made. prefinished 9 different$ 70 �. colours to choose from. 4 4t,t. 1050 Brock Rd. S. Unit *2s 420-3285 • ' Z :.;.(At Rear of B69.) Yon 481. 6-3 P _. . /.ma"* t C�-3 P w,. Plckerhm ow Inc* Ur -TA." 7-6 P ,R. *Dynam 1tel. Classified is exploding with great deals. From stereos and TVs to pets and farm equipment, classified offers readers all sorts of items for sale. Don't miss out on any hot deals. Read the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser Classifieds 683m5 1 10 Classified Advertising Department -. ..:x _. .. KEEP IN TOUCH =�eit� t1Al0 - 6uw�Cw slow i -.--' 5033 - tlejOr t�Al eAlelbel 5651 - Eritriranaerrt Caieda wnli eoxl -Anis aeeo. Spon" loll W tall Ot yTris week nd Apx/Pfcbering I�'ews Achowthm Sat - iatric. sox - Ow" slot - cw�..r. Alta - MNCO CarM.otrrg 52131 - %ma 00 U* 50� - t:arallen Faotbel ta�M - 1 nf(isource sole - COMMAlton � -� - r7aYn v -..o 11m503i Alae . RWW - Pro *R w" 5137 -�� ?w - Oehnie Caft Cbeirtee 7W .�� ed" �r *RIO, At sox► - ubn 81tt - ft"W ey MA t"o ?W Ajr�telrakyeiriaee sole s a iu. 8112 - EwAr y " 909i - Nake!► UP" ?w - &*ON, 683-7040'ChftkdWFk*Akr �t . ��n Al1/3 - sw cm W44 - w Nb0 - W41 - NIil01d Nodal UISM 5100 - INFOSOURCE DIRECTORY nt4 - AWA04W • . - - Sonya -1 8115 - E..ymclr frlu. 6051 - Orrinw cole9e updrle Sal arhi! salt . Cieetlr.9ooklieeprp . llllllllten . ,,. SAlrx - so 3 Wh � �' 5137 - Aj>1 ##Heil" �a 9erMoee I prpt011 Eller 5010 d Celt 03.7040 us ft =or sees - sips7 Upilift 5138 - AWAIlcMeriny MoChq a touch-tone or push ft 4-d a� not farrift button telephone that5062 SM - LOnAND • age cue - Raid •AAA' rwewy ' 50ii o o • ow - � emits tones. ICs a Coded your choice With tarts system M EE cal :ram twain the dk� Press • to ioeaeeefAjeicj a ■� LM - _ suo - Moor wrw t o%*Am room.ii Oshawa, Whitby and - 1h.�o tr 5401 - "imp" meiln Sul - t«ai FlIngeMaupd.t. (�erearpridea.rw111r) Ajax -Pickering areas. prOMW. your call. se4 - 1r1.i. Quiz -. ..:x _. .. Durham- firms throwing out potential profits with the trash 0 Practise the 3 Rs — reduce, reuse, recycle — and increase the 4th R as in revenues, speaker tells Board of Trade By SAL BONN LARITO SPFCIAI. TO TFiF NTWS ADVERTISER AJAX-PICKERING — Local com- panies can improve their bottom line by practising the three Rs — reduce, reuse and recycle. That message was delivered to a group of business people who attended an Ajax -Pickering Board of Trade envi- ronment luncheon at Swans Marina in Pickering Tuesday. Firms which don't currently have waste -reduction plans in place are miss- ing out on an opportunity to cut costs and increase revenues, according to Jane Rowbotham of Laidlaw A'aste Systems. "There's an opportunity for payback or return on your investment. You're (reducing waste) for a reason," Ms. Rowbotham said. Fine paper and corrugated cardboard are two good examples of materials which are commonly used bv business- es, diverted from the waste stream and sold for recycling, she said. "The value of fine paper is escalating. There's money in that (trash) bin," she said. A waste audit of one highrise office building in downtown Toronto, for example. revealed that one-quarter of the waste going to landfill from the building was made up of different types of paper. "It was being lost in the garbage and computer paper and fine paper has a value to it," she said. Hai ing a waste -reduction plan in place also makes sense from a cost-cut- ting point of view, business people were told, especially in the case of paper, which continues to rise in cost, but is often wasted by firms and their employ- ees. Companies which implement a three Rs plan will also find there's a reduction in their waste -disposal costs, said tits. Rowbotham. But the first thing businesses which dont already have a waste -reduction plan in place must do is conduct a waste audit. or inspection, of their office, store or plant, she said. An audit can take the form of a sim- ple visual inspection of the building by a designated employee, to one which is conducted by a team of specialists hired to do an in-depth analysis of the waste which is being generated. O Trent University at Durham College Summer 1995 Complete a Trent degree in Oshawa. Day or evening summer c ourses are offered in the following terms: • 8 weeks: 1 May - 28 lune • 12 weeks: I May - 31 July • 6 weeks: 4 July - 16 August For information or a txochure call: (905) 723-9747 or (705) 748-1229 The cost benefits will vary depending on the type of audit which is conducted and resulting waste -reduction plan, she said. "The better the plan, the better the opportunities which will he available. The same philosophy which is applied to a business plan can be applied to con- ducting a waste audit," she said. The audit should include an inventory of the types of waste being generated, the source of the waste, location of any recycling containers which are in place, as well as a review of material and waste -disposal costs. The information compiled by the company can then be used to develop a waste -reduction plan. Ms. Rowbotham said educating employees about the types of recycling materials which can he turned into profit for the firms is a key element to making the plan work. WALK IN " FAMILY DENTISTRY HOURS •Emergencies Seen in 2 Hrs. Daily 8 - 9 -Extractions in Hospital Sat. 10 - 4 -Cosmetic Bonding Finch i -Nitrous Oxide Gas Sedation *a t Y -Senior Citizens Considerations -Denture Services, Partials af 3 m -White Fillings - No Mercury ►twy. 401 1 Chemiclave Sterilization oueal 4,d ea" -1watr eme • 24 Hr. Emergency Pager WE COLLECT FROM INSURANCE CO.'S DIRECTLY, THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 2, I"S-PAGE S Teens' pal. 'Our crowd isn't complete' FROM PAGE t with lifejackets or oars. As Det. Sgt. Cameron spoke, six police divers from Durham and Metro Toronto were searching the waters around two channel markers at the mouth of Fretxliman's Bay near the bot- tom of Liverpool Road in Pickering. It's "quite possible" the teens would have tried to swim to those concrete markers — which are about 100 metres from the shoreline — if they had fallen into the water nearby, Det SgL Cameron rePorwd They could have also attempted to climb aboard those markers from the water tricycle or motorboat it's believed they took for a joy ride on Lake Ontario after leaving a party at a friend's house around 12:40 am. on March 17. It was "typical" of the missing teens to "horse around" on the tricycle, which Det SgL Cameron believes they took for a joy ride and returned on at least two occasions: around 9 p.m. March 16 — hours before their last fateful trip — and on March 15. If they "tried to transfer" from the motorboat to the tricycle, "it's quite like- ly they would have upset the boat," he speculates. Police are certain the teens were drinking the night they went miss- ing, which "no doubt impaired their And use the lake "is a dark, scary place to be" at that time of night, it's also likely the teems intended to go no further than those matters. They "probably went out to have some fun" — not to take a "journey" as police initially assumed. Had the teens fallen into the water near those guards, they wouldn't have been able to survive a swim further than 50 metres "regardless of how physically fit they were" because of the cold tem- perature of the lake and the amount of clothing they would have been wearing, Det. Sgt. Cameron noted. Admittedly, finding evidence of the teens' disappearance at those markers was a "long shot". Still, divers were expected to search from 10 a.m. until mid-afternoon Friday. If the boat was just a couple of feet under water, it would not have been spotted by a Labrador helicopter and Hercules C-130 aircraft which searched Lake Ontario the weekend following the teens' disappearance. Though someone was lowered from that helicopter to examine the tricycle when it was spotted that weekend, it wasn't pulled in because those searchers didn't understand its "significance," Det Sgt Cameron said. The tricycle wasn't located on later searches. As Friday's dive began, volunteer search co-ordinator Jude Lightbown broke into tears. She was comforted by Eddie Hatcher, a friend of the missing teens. `The unanswered questions are bothering me," be admitted. "'There are so many blanks. Our crowd just isn't complete, needless to say." Missing are Robbie Rutmbob, 17, Jay Boyle, 17, and Chad Smith. 18. all of pk*tring, Danny Higgins, 16, of Ajax, Dump fight money `well spent' By SAL BOMMARITO SP£CLAL TO THE ?YEWS ADVERTISER PICKERING — Two anti -dump battles being waged by the Town have cost taxpayers more than S100,000 in lawyer's and consul- tant's fees, according to a report to council. Despite the skyrocketing fees, however, mayor Wayne Arthurs says the money is being well -spent. "If council didn't feel strongly that we were doing the right thing, we wouldn't be doing it," said the mayor, following Monday night's meeting of council's executive committee. Last week, following a closed -door session, council approved fees totalling $106,183. A total of $93,777 has been spent on the Town's battle to block the Province's Interim Waste Authority from designating the EE l site as the preferred location in the Durham Region landfill search. The designated site is located near the existing Brock West dump, which is the subject of another lawsuit between the Town and Metro Toronto. The Town is suing Metro Toronto, which owns the landfill, for S3 mil- lion. That lawsuit, to date, has cost tax- payers $12,406 for lawyer's and con- sultant's fees. Mayor Arthurs said the lawsuits are primarily designed to stop the landfill sites. But failing that, the information being compiled by Pickering's consultants and lawyers should position the Town well to con- tinue its fight in the courts if neces- sary- It's not throw -away money. It's a very substantial financial commit- ment and we're not spending the money frivolously " Buffet Kirin SZECHUAN &CANTONESE CUISINE ? U I � -4 . �11111*1 & _� V-� * More than ISO drakes rtou�tilt� Akm ft s dbod, Avcro Snob S#&* MacKenzie Plaza 250 Bcayly St. at MacKenzie, Ajax r ,.gas tank from the boat`'believed to #gave carried six f.: :feens to their `' deaths Auto glass A car care ' - ` FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE FOR OVER 9 YEARS 1+i� • Guaranteed Highest quality glass i �s "� • Lifetime guarantee on workmanship . Ido. - -- • auto • marine upholstery Jamie Lefebvre, 17, of Scarborough and formerly of Ajax, and Michael Cummins, 17, of Oshawa Volunteer searches are continuing. Call the search hotline at 831-3230 if you want to help. COMPLETE CAR CLEAN IJP • interior shampooing & detailing • Exterior wash $ 3 stage waxing Complete bumper to bumper detail FPM PICKUP i DE MAY 4ts 1tieKOWE AVE. AJAX 427-4323 ���tOn Roofmg n4* C3 COMMERCIAL E3 INDUSTRIAL El RESIDENTIAL _ 265-51 1 O 0 REPAIRS O FLATS E] SHINGLES ------------------------------ '-OUT THIS COUPON AND SAVE! PAY"Ps I i PrI- MW 42 Crockford Blvd., Scarborough I L ---------------------------------- a. ING RGAIN TIRfir rNTo w•wwwx +::k it �i x aawr w ♦ . xe • Y 'Y""�'�"'• N'T PA Y FOR 90 DAYS *O A.Ce fr,;.o10 PAT=ff no 'N 1 Enn no DOWTN WE ALSO ACCEPT MOST NATIONAL ACCOUNTS. MW PASSENGER PERFORMANCE LIONT TRUCK ALL SEASON ALL SEASON ALL SEASON mc� Ptitii6�/60M3 sum pin/00snl4 S"M P20/75M $77A6 110"Vion" $Wn Pt16t3/60iR14 372A6 P236✓7=5 $I&" pan/mm sum PM/90010 $Mn 132ti6/76Rt6 $99-M Pun/you U7 P2weasm $nM P20inom Sum P2ai✓ 1-01 N O $77M =X10.60816 :111.66 rMs/1" 67.66 P2ti✓6liRRf6 $8L" urnmr" 3113.66 P22i✓M" ".01 P216✓606R0 x.01 L1f2 ur"Wo" � r31, OIL CHANGE , i BRAKE SERVICE, i ENGINE TUNE UP, "#"Cwww"WrdrYs hwWw Thrr+wrr4dw .WnMdlnwdsP.�rdtr Tlrrnswi�ic rdpo.sii d. .Iww. wpo Ump � � how.. • R,pYo.srl w av.M �awi d AmA.pC i adHd.�.q.KY BrVM mOrW� b sd d.rs Yhodon dsirdrd W ra Ir.. W Ars t pds I' HOST CARS & UG+ff TRW(5. . p.dc grton itnAy i $15.96 �•� ,nrAdcbm- .d. wdar�� q6 �� ' 73•.Addb.lY..arnm. �9"11 . � s746s suss l LMW�.UW ,. Of6*0ft- . J L �.uaT .�,d. a.......A�.�a ------------- FAOWL YOUR FAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIffM/L Y CAWWM AR � CENTRES to PMaa MW PAGE 6-T11t NEWS ADVER' h9E* SUSDAY, APRW2;`f"S About Us Timothy J. Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor-in-chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Advertising Manager Alvin Brouwer Retail Sales Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday. Friday and Sunday. 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario. L 1 S 21-15. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. Page sizes may vary slightly from published rate card due to mechanical requirements of different print- ers. Second Class Mail Registration 1897. Mail sub- scription rates Can. 1 yr. $70 GIVE US A - CALL General 683-5110 Newsroom 683-5110 Distribution 683-5117 Classified 683-0707 (Nightline - 798-7672) FA X 683-7363 Sincerely Yours 1-416-976-1991 InfoSource 683-7040 Real Estate and Automotive Sales 798-7672 National Advertising 493-1300 The News Advertiser welcomes letters to the editor on topical issues, controvmial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for length and legal reasons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publkatdon. All letters must include your full name, address and phone num- ber for our information. They should not exceed one and a half pages in length The News Advertiser regularly uses recycled newsprint RSH Sim 7- V EDITORIAL The high road? For better or worse, Durham Region has figured prominently in the lavish spending spree of late being enjoyed by Ontario Premier Bob Rae's New Democrats. This week, transportation was the government's theme as Premier Rae personally committed money to expand GO Train services and then came back to the region to tell us the new Hwy. 407 in Durham Region would be built 50 years ahead of schedule. The benefits of Hwy. 407 will be seen in many forms. For businesses and manufacturers in Durham. the new 407 will provide a vital alternative link to move goods. For traffic -weary commuters, the road (even though it will feature electronic tolls) will pro- vide a welcome respite from the morning rush on Hwy. 401. Premier Rae estimates the cost of the Hwy. 407 project at roughly S1.5 billion, but softened that with a prediction that the private sector partnership he seeks in construction of the highway will move to bring that figure down. And Durham Regional chairman Gary Herrema's cheerful proclamation Friday we're getting this gift "without any cost to our taxpayers" simply isn't true. The S1.5 billion will be covered by all of us in Ontario, regardless of where we live. Though Premier Rae's timing of this announce- ment smacks of electioneering, it is clear that Durham Region needs Hwy. 407 to relieve a growing traffic crisis. For that -- the increased flow of goods and people and subsequent job creation -- we wel- come the move to speed up its construction. But we're still not fooled by the shameless pre- election tactics of Mr. Rae's government. V VILLAGE BUSINESS Town's support has contributed to success To the editor. In response to Dan and Linda Gardiner's letter of March 26. 1995: I too, as the owner of the Fox and Flowerpot Pub in Pickering Village, have had a tough fight to keep my doors open for the past six years. As the chairman of the Pickering Village Business Improvement Area and an active member of its beard of directors since the BIA was established, I also have great faith that Pickering Village's commercial area has Help feed They're average people, just like The majority of us — everyday folks [tying to get by in the '90s. AN that separates them from the W9 of us is the fact they can't quite scrape up enough, they can't live bum cheque to cheque because they don't Ser one. They can't make ends meet. They're the people who [teed local food becks to keep them alive, b make sure their children don't go to bed Over 9,000 of them turned to the SL Paul's-OnThe-Hill Community Food �fa� last yew stomachs �Y stomacha get assistance from the Ajax= Pickering Salvation Army Family Services Centre, which each mouth shown major signs of improvement - So much faith in the Village do I have that when the opportunity came for me to move my business to greener pastures a year ago, I chose to stay in the Village. Although the progress has been slow, many changes and improve- ments have taken place here. New street entrance and street signs have been erected. The Village Walking Tour Guide has been beautifully updated. A cement business directo- ry is being maintained and regularly those who provides sustenance for about 100 families who have 130 chil- dren. Some people who turn to St. Paul's or Sally Ann only need help one time to put food on the table. Perhaps the handout will save them from getting the boot out of their camped, squalid apartment from a land- lord unsympathetic to their problems, unwill- ing, maybe unable to wait a couple of days for the rtmt cheque. distributed. Some planting of trees along Hwy. 2 took place last sum- mer. New Christmas lights for the streets were purchased and installed last December and this summer, Old Kingston Road is scheduled for a complete facelift None of these changes and improvements would have been possible and none for the future will be possible without the support of the Town Council for Ajax. I for one would like to say thank you. I see the fotnrP nr D:.•Yo.:.... Village as a bright one. Our ot*c- live is to bring back a sense of com- munity for the people who choose to live in and around Pickering Village. With the mix of businesses already operating here and those that are looking to locate in Pickering Village, we are slowly meeting that goal. We were all sorry to see the Gardiners leave us and I wish them well in their future endeavors. Mary Kroetsch _%,AA can't feed themselves blake purdy Froink gNews Editor's . Wk Others have to reach into the food banks' shelves on a more regular basis because their own cupboards are bare more often than not. Could be that the recession has stolen their jobs, stripped the clothes off their backs, taken the food off Their table. Those victims of this recession, if they're not living inside your home, are living down the street or around the cooter. They're your neighbors, your former work colleagues, friends who no longer call — too put down by their plight to pick up the phone, too ashamed of their status to ask for a handout. This Faster, the season of sacn- fice, please make a little sacrifice Yourself, if you can. When you're shopping for all the fixings for your Faster feast, picking up chocolate bunnies for the kids, pick up a few extra items of food and drop them Off at fire halls and supermarkets designated as food bank pick-up VM later this month. Help your needy neighbors. They're regular people like your- self. THE, NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 2,1995 -PAGE 7 Look for this feature every other Week where various health concerns will be addressed Ramkalawan taking martial arts world by storm Stephen Daniel Ramkalawan took the martial arts world by storm when he competed in 9 tournaments last year winning 5 firsts, 2 seconds and 3 third place awards. "He has a lot of potential" says Cees Keukens, Master Instructor of Rising Sun Academy of Martial Arts and himself a world champion. "He has his mind set on what he wants to do which is compete and win.:" Ramkalawan, 26, started his Martial Arts training at age 13 and after competing for six years began teaching. "Although I love competing, my heart is really in teaching," he explains. "I enjoy building people's self-confidence through martial arts." After four years he was drawn back into competition by wife Angine who was actively competing. In 1995 he plans on competing in as many contests as possible while still teaching at Rising Sun Academy of Martial Arts. Aeax Twin Dragon KungFu & Kick Boxing Ltd. � Visit the club on April 8 from 1 and enter to win a one year membership in the Grand Opening to 4 p.m. and meet founders Michael draw. and Martin McNamara. Twin Dragon credits its success to the quality of Also meet 3 time world their classes which consist of not only teaching and an champion Paul Biafore who will be excellent cardiovascular workout but the one on one signing autographs. training. View classes and demom--tratirms TWIN DRAGON KUNG FU KICK BOXING LTD 14-24 CHURCH ST. S.. AJAX ONTARIO LIS 693 TEL. fW 42&4M **HOME OF WORLD CHAMPIONS A A ASK ABOUT OUR INTRODUCTORY OFFER JOIN US AT OUR GRAND OPENING SATURDAY. APRIL 8, 1995 FROM 1:00 P.M. TO 4:00 PJM. MEET 3' TIME WORLD CHAMPION PAUL BIAFORE VIEW - 1. - OUR NEW GYM 2. - IN -CLASS DEMONSTRATIONS 3. - TESr YOUR ABILJTY TO KICK 4. - KICK BOXING IN THE RING \ BrThu Advadsenlim To Our Caand ie` op mit On April & For A Chtmw To Win A Fine Ow Year Membaahip NA ADDRESS HEALTHY BODY - HEALTHY hUND FM SLff EfiEf" FtIBRE, P�ROTE�N � ,, RADAeLECLEA" 9 ; - - CIM&MAOMW WINS IN 1661, PERSONAL PURIM RS � BIOOCGRADAM Q OVER 37 YEARS INTHE T3 CLM AM TESTEDDNT BIJ;S&WSS pROOMLISTED W HLWW SfIOPPERS GLIDE ADD YEARS M YOUR LEE, AND LIFE TO YOUR YEARS FOR MORE DETAILS 1� 839-7972 FAX: �j TM 839.30 Stephen's slogan for the year is can be sure that it will be an "COMING ALIVE IN '95" and you exciting year. Healtk Food & Fit>tess Shop NHF ULTRA FB EXTRA STRENGTH t -r �ur���r� rrr• �:=r_Lz-rr�r•, m� .with this high potency lipotropic formula. For use with a weight loss plan. 90's Sears reg. 20.99 SALE 17.99 SAVE r $3 We're located in SEARS at thePickering Toum Centre 42x8000 Ext 545 OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 15, 1995 1 ib j ird , - I d tills kwwd far iw in CWMW C"Wip t has ii. emelt NM FACIAL SKIN CARE AHA peels • Rejuvenating and Anti -Aging facials -Y N N Acne and problern skin treatment Deep pore cleansing Blackhead removal • Hack treatment • Teen Facial Yonka :Natural Skin Care Call for an appiL. or brochure M.F. Veloira (905) 831-2688 982 Ramble Ave. NE MOVED ' `%CC'1/C1=EP/4TH OUR NEW LOCATION IS AT 1050 BROCK RD. S. PICKERING 837-2906 • HARO • WHEELER • MAXAM • PARKPREE • IRON HORSE • RALEIGH • MIELE • PHOENIX • AND MANY MOREL Reg. =39.95 NOW =29.95 1068 BROac RD. S. IN f 9, PO(EMNG Ova sm 06' 19 SWOE ST. S. 9 Klfg OSPAWA 721.1869 ,OVERHAUL Reg. ".95 NOW $69.95 HWY. an The Ulthwte Workout! ,.,,, - T' . .. - .. . •., a workoutprogram is because it b, .—es boring. Not ours Ne have combined over 2.000 .-am knowledge to briny you 'The Ultimate Workout.' In it you wilt experience a structured and interesting program of self defense, fitness and fun. Our exutin$ classes are taught by highly trained Black Belt Protessionalsr whose goal is to help you become the best -,hat you can be! Through martial arts training, you will enjoy increased Flexibil- ity, energy and fitness while relieving stress, for a lone ;t -i ► vt life' Call :.IOW! "Martial .lits is rine to jut Kicw 839-5000 SUPER KIDS KARATE • Face Norfolk Square, Pickerinq • Eyebrow 31ash tinting • waxing • Paraffin treabinents • Body w"M • Make-up AppBcatfons • Make-up lesson • Manicures • Wedding moka-eivers Treatrnents for all kinds of slom with emphasis on aging, sagrV and piobW, skin. We use exclusively Clayton Shagal products- Fogappointrnient or information Joanna 420-2211. • UNIFORMS • HEAD GEAR • HEAVY BAGS • CHEST PROTECTORS • GLOVES do MORE CALL FOR SPECIALS -219 e Do You Have Any Of These Waning Signs? • Backache • Headachesl%graines ` into o . Arthritis • Fatigue p �, ' ., , • Stillness of The Neck • Numbness Of The Arms, Harris. Fingers and Toes ' • Do Yow cnidrm Suns Fran Any Of is rears of k . : t The Following? gwifie *t9 , ? i' • Earaches • Asthma Service in Tormb b area Dr. Mary Ann Franko m ak axe • Recurring Colds -ta urcbO . drove ow f.a iW OMs. Cell For An Appointment The Abow Signs &V tMnn Rr40d Emp" °` #04 &IM 683-7735 To **W ProbWlty vwm d sn -:est+ TWIN DRAGON KUNG FU KICK BOXING LTD 14-24 CHURCH ST. S.. AJAX ONTARIO LIS 693 TEL. fW 42&4M **HOME OF WORLD CHAMPIONS A A ASK ABOUT OUR INTRODUCTORY OFFER JOIN US AT OUR GRAND OPENING SATURDAY. APRIL 8, 1995 FROM 1:00 P.M. TO 4:00 PJM. MEET 3' TIME WORLD CHAMPION PAUL BIAFORE VIEW - 1. - OUR NEW GYM 2. - IN -CLASS DEMONSTRATIONS 3. - TESr YOUR ABILJTY TO KICK 4. - KICK BOXING IN THE RING \ BrThu Advadsenlim To Our Caand ie` op mit On April & For A Chtmw To Win A Fine Ow Year Membaahip NA ADDRESS HEALTHY BODY - HEALTHY hUND FM SLff EfiEf" FtIBRE, P�ROTE�N � ,, RADAeLECLEA" 9 ; - - CIM&MAOMW WINS IN 1661, PERSONAL PURIM RS � BIOOCGRADAM Q OVER 37 YEARS INTHE T3 CLM AM TESTEDDNT BIJ;S&WSS pROOMLISTED W HLWW SfIOPPERS GLIDE ADD YEARS M YOUR LEE, AND LIFE TO YOUR YEARS FOR MORE DETAILS 1� 839-7972 FAX: �j TM 839.30 Stephen's slogan for the year is can be sure that it will be an "COMING ALIVE IN '95" and you exciting year. Healtk Food & Fit>tess Shop NHF ULTRA FB EXTRA STRENGTH t -r �ur���r� rrr• �:=r_Lz-rr�r•, m� .with this high potency lipotropic formula. For use with a weight loss plan. 90's Sears reg. 20.99 SALE 17.99 SAVE r $3 We're located in SEARS at thePickering Toum Centre 42x8000 Ext 545 OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 15, 1995 1 ib j ird , - I d tills kwwd far iw in CWMW C"Wip t has ii. emelt NM FACIAL SKIN CARE AHA peels • Rejuvenating and Anti -Aging facials -Y N N Acne and problern skin treatment Deep pore cleansing Blackhead removal • Hack treatment • Teen Facial Yonka :Natural Skin Care Call for an appiL. or brochure M.F. Veloira (905) 831-2688 982 Ramble Ave. NE MOVED ' `%CC'1/C1=EP/4TH OUR NEW LOCATION IS AT 1050 BROCK RD. S. PICKERING 837-2906 • HARO • WHEELER • MAXAM • PARKPREE • IRON HORSE • RALEIGH • MIELE • PHOENIX • AND MANY MOREL Reg. =39.95 NOW =29.95 1068 BROac RD. S. IN f 9, PO(EMNG Ova sm 06' 19 SWOE ST. S. 9 Klfg OSPAWA 721.1869 ,OVERHAUL Reg. ".95 NOW $69.95 HWY. an The Ulthwte Workout! ,.,,, - T' . .. - .. . •., a workoutprogram is because it b, .—es boring. Not ours Ne have combined over 2.000 .-am knowledge to briny you 'The Ultimate Workout.' In it you wilt experience a structured and interesting program of self defense, fitness and fun. Our exutin$ classes are taught by highly trained Black Belt Protessionalsr whose goal is to help you become the best -,hat you can be! Through martial arts training, you will enjoy increased Flexibil- ity, energy and fitness while relieving stress, for a lone ;t -i ► vt life' Call :.IOW! "Martial .lits is rine to jut Kicw 839-5000 SUPER KIDS KARATE • Face Norfolk Square, Pickerinq • Eyebrow 31ash tinting • waxing • Paraffin treabinents • Body w"M • Make-up AppBcatfons • Make-up lesson • Manicures • Wedding moka-eivers Treatrnents for all kinds of slom with emphasis on aging, sagrV and piobW, skin. We use exclusively Clayton Shagal products- Fogappointrnient or information Joanna 420-2211. • UNIFORMS • HEAD GEAR • HEAVY BAGS • CHEST PROTECTORS • GLOVES do MORE CALL FOR SPECIALS -219 e PAGE $-THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 2,, S-pnnglecture Berl es can helDreen thumbs In arden g g AJAX — Spring has sprung, summer months. and Picov's Greenhouses is The series takes place Satur- offering a free lecture series on day, April 29 and Sunday, April Planning and Installing Your 30, from 1 to 4 p.m. Water Garden to help people Dr. Bob Johnson, curator of prepare their yards for the hot amphibians at the Metro Toronto Durham program to help tots with speech D Health Council seeks help planning support services to meet needs DURHAM — Preschoolers need- ing help with their speech are the focus of an upcoming project which you may be able to help get off the ground. The Children's Services Council and the Durham Region District Health Council are looking for peo- ple to help plan a full range of sup- ports and services to meet the speech and language needs of preschoolers. Parents who use preschool lan- guage services are sought, as are representatives from a variety of agencies which serve children in the region. People will also be needed to con- sult with parents who use or need speech services for their preschool- ers. Consultation could include ques- tionnaires, telephone interviews and focus groups. If you're interested in lending a hand with the program, call the Children's Services Council at 433- 4100 or 683-4089 by Thursday, April 13. Volunteers needed to fight cancer DURHAM — If you have some spare time and want to feel good about yourself, you're urged to volunteer for the Canadian Cancer Society. The Cancer Society is looking for peo- ple to help out with door-to-door canvassing dur- ing April. Volunteers are also needed to assist on Blitz Nights April 23 or 24. For more infor- mation, call the Canadian Cancer Society, West Durham Unit at 686-1516. 0 Zoo, will discuss How to Look a Gold Fish and Japanese Koi mation. After Critters in Your Pond. Show, with koi breeders from Limited seating is available. David Tagliatela from Tetra Nigata, Japan displaying their Picov's Greenhouses is located Pond, New Jersey will also high quality koi. on Hwy. 2, one mile east of Har - speak. Call 686-2151 or 1-800-663- wood Avenue in Ajax. The seminar will also include 0300 for reservations or infor- 'fou could win $25 Do you recognize the picture at left' If so, fill out the ballot below, tell us where it is and mail it to: Guess Where c% of the News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS &!'.5 Last week's winner was Andrea Douglas, who identified the Old Liverpool house. My guess is: CORRECTION The Wilson' T -Stun iUustrated on page tg of this week's Kmart flyer vnll not be available on time due to supplier's inability to ship. Flainchecks will be issued upon request. The $59.99 Folding Lounger featured on page 3 is not as ilkistrated. Actual design has no wheels. On page 81. the item illustrated should be 8" 'Mighty Morphm Power Ranger' by 'Irwin Toy'. Description and pace are correct We apologize for any inconven ence this may have caused. Kmart Canada Limited t'V n 711111 O'W&ZT TT ■ 1■11111 no NEW I NAME ■ '■■ Isis ONE I ou'■■ ■ 111118111111111111111 ■ 1■ �■■ v v i I i s v .au to Exaelieni a in Computer Training MICROSOFT' WINDOWS MICROSOFT WOTtD TOR WINDOWS MICROSOFT EXCEL TOR WIlVDoWS MICROSOFT POWERPOIlIIT LMS 1-2-3 FOR WINDOWS WORDPHIMU FOR WINDOWS LEMN MD IMPROVE YOUR COMPUCER SKILLS WITM A WEEK FREE COliNSELLING AVAILABLE EVENING CLASSES Phone: (905) 509-6131 Fax: (905) 509-6133 345 Kingston Road, Suite 103 Pickering, Ontario L1V 1A1 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 4 p.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 12 noon FOR MORE EM GAIT.: (905) 509-6131, 9 a.m. -10 p.m. P ♦ COMMUNITY THE NEWS ADV !riiSER SUNDAY, APRIL 2,1915 -PAGE 9 Easter food drive helps families with bare cupboards O Residents asked to remember less fortunate during Easter campaign AJAX-PICKERING — You can play the Easter bunny to area needy people. The Ajax -Pickering Salvation Army and the St. Paul's -On -The - Hill Community Food Bank for Ajax -Pickering are both holding food drives in April. Food for the St. Paul's drive from April 8 to 23 can be left at Pickering fire stations on Bayly Street west of Brock Road, on Hwy. 2 at Rosebank Road and at Dixie Road and Finch Avenue; at the SuperCentre at Liverpool Road and Hwy. 2; LOEB Glen- dale Market Place at Dixie and Finch; the Bay Ridges IGA on Bayly west of Liverpool; and Food City at Harwood Avenue and Westney Road in Ajax. All donations to St. Paul's are used in Pickering and Ajax, notes food bank chairman Esther Lucas. More than 9.000 people turned Music to her ears Eight-year-old Jacquelynn Huxhoki of Pickering played her guitar and sang along with Kideo during their recent performance at the Pickering Town Centre. The popular trio brought their positive mes- sage and wreverent brand of entertainment to an appreciative young audience during the recent March break photo by Celia Bronkttorst Kick up your heels to fight heart disease O Dance for Heart event to raise money for heart disease research AJAX-PICKERING — You can get your heart going and help fight beat disem at the same time. Mademoiselle Spa in Ajax hosts Dance for Heart Monday, April 10 with pro - coeds going to the OuNrio Heart and Stroke Founda- tion for research. "We're thrilled about Madoiselle Spa's pmtid- pation," says foundation Ajax PRick Parisotb. Participants solicit pledges after picking up registration forms at the dub on Westney Road, one block south of Hwy. 401. The event will run from 6 to 9 pm. on April 10. . Call Chantelle Boudoux at Mademoiselle Spa at 427-2971 or the Ajax HeaR and Stroke Foundation office at 6861521. to the service for help last year, she reports. Food sought includes canned fish, meat, stew, pasta and fruit, powdered milk, juice crystals, cereal, flour, sugar, baby formula and items suitable for a child's lunch, such as pudding cups or cheese and biscuit snacks. Mrs. Lucas says, "People can give us money if they want to. It's always acceptable. We can use it to buy stuff when we run short. We're grateful for anything peo- ple give us." The next major food drive is at Thanksgiving, she adds. The Salvation Army Easter food drive runs from April 14 to 18, with a goal of collecting 12,000 pounds of food. Salvation Army Family Ser- vices Centre director Paul Carew says items most needed include juice, pasta and sauce, peanut but- ter, canned fruit, vegetables and meat, powdered milk and cereal. About 100 families, including 130 children, turn to the Sally Ann for food each month, Mr. Carew says. The hope is to collect enough food to carry the organization until its next drive at Thanksgiv- ing. Food can be left at Ajax fire stations on Monarch Avenue south of Bayly or on Westney just north of Hwy. 2. The Salvation Army will pick up the food at the end of the drive. Neither the local Salvation Army or St. Paul's receive dona- tions from the Daily Bread Food Bank. Call Mrs. Lucas at 839-7909 or Mr. Carew at 686-1264 for more information. PAGE 10 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 2,1995 ♦ FUND-RAISER Back seat drivers welcome at car rally AJAX-PICKERING — Wanted: Rally dri- vers. Back seat drivers welcome. That's the rallying cry of the Canadian Progress Club. Pickering -Ajax Women. It's looking for drivers to participate in its first car rally, to be held Saturday, Alay 6 — rain or shine. Cost is $25 per vehicle, which must include a driver and navigator. Back seat dri- vers will be charged $5. The rally starts and finishes at the West Shore Community Centre on Liverpool Road South, Pid:erine. Che in time is 1 p.m. and the rally begins at 2 p.m. Occupants of the first vehicle to cross the finish line will be awarded $200. There'll also be a prize for the best decorated vehicle. A din- ner, dance and awards presentation will follow at a cost of $12.50 per person. There'll be a cash bar. The tally is open to the first 100 vehi- cles to register by Friday, April 21. The Canadian Progress Club is open to men and women who care about others and who want to make Canada a better place to live. lI�Y1F i B 1 i tY •� DD11119111 HE, This 'hands on' Clinic is highly recommended for all AS:MiBA houseleague coaches. Have some fun, meet some other managers/coaches from your houseleague, and learn how to run some really great drills. LOCATION: Lincoln Alexander Public School TIMES: Choose from 3 Sessions: 9 - 10:30 a. in.: 11 - 12:30 p.m.: 1:30 - 3 p.m. COST: 52.00 at the door PREREGISTRATIO:` BY TELEPHONE IS REQUIRED TELEPHONE: RUSS HI*TCHISOti AT 619 Each chapter raises money for local charities and all contribute to the Canadian Special Olympics. Since it was founded in January, 1994, the Pickering -Ajax Women Club has raised $30.000. It has donated money to numerous organizations, including Ajax -Pickering Gen- eral I lospital. Denise l louse, Pickering Ilockey, Association and the Town of Pickeriag's Senior Snow Removal program. For more information. 410-752-4450 or 416-330-6055. 110 N (ci:�)T PLS OR GET INSTANT CASH DISCOUNTS) �= tr WYORK� a Authorized I ieating ani a,- Ccnc honing 1 ;,�.. i Dealer Authorized I I ( 0,%tiL.'0ERS GAS 1111111111111T.14111c 1 cj 1 j aa M - m, FURNACES AND AIR COIIMMOINFrRS. AIR MILES '" Travel Miles for both products and service. OAC b 7udiad h rMs A dopmd"De -sawed. Par w" do Jamary 2nd 1986 Nd aPpicaWe n con*mem wO1 WY dw York filen PaAgodwn York daNers only ' AIA MILES NTERNATIONAL HOLDMGS Used wow aLo%wty. I I1b Celebrate Our Anniversary We Guarantee LALAH'S 5 In Scarborough & 3 High Quality Products At The C.O.S.M. BEEF to% .'PATTIESw The Pickering Town Centre is pleased to announce the following winners in the recent "It's Raining Savings" $2,500 Shopping Certificate Giveaway: M. Corriveau, Whitby; T. Masek, West Hill; A. Houston, Ajax; B. Birman, Scarborough; M. Bandura, Scarborough; L. Holy, Whitby; B. Jaksa, Whitby; P. Brown, Scarborough; R. Gordon, Ajax; A. Burt, Peterborough; I. McMillan, Ajax; H. Summers, Ajax; G. Furlong, Scarborough; E. Nave, Oshawa; H. Whitehead, Oshawa; B. McMillan, Ajax; Y. Breen, Whitby; G. Bromfield, Scarborough. KidsBreak `95 Coloring Contest. FOUR AND UNDER: Melissa Yetman, Shane Wright, Matthew Lake, Stephanie Singleton, Megan Renshaw, Justin Moncreffe, Sharon Hoag, Joshua Davis, Shannon Kennedy, Sumeet Gounder. FIVE TO SEVEN: Jennifer Adams, Evan Lamprea, Katie Cornish, Chris Bunce, Samatha Yip, Vincent Lee, Vance Lee, Alana Williams, Alex Kidd, Terri Summers. EIGHT AND OVER: Daniel Garratt, Ashley Irvine, Adam McNamara, Laurie Scheniman, Avneegh Jain Surinder, Heather Jamieson, Katie Sharp, Angelique Knights, Megham Fitzgibbon, Hiren Patel. D. Johnston of Whitby, and S. Mackay of Pickering are the proud winners of our two home gyms, courtesy of Champs. They were given away during our recent Health & Fitness Event, held Feb. 22 - 25. Specials In Ainx TIGER MALT3/4 NORMAN SUE CHOW MEIN 3 Former MD on sex rap has pretrial PICKERWG — A 33 -year-old for- mer doctor accused of fondling a 24 - year -old Pickering woman will pro- ceed to preliminary trial, general divi- sion, next month. That decision was reached after the victim testified at a preliminary trial, provincial division, Thursday. Dr. Charles Im, of Willowdale, who was granted a restricted medical licence to practise optometry by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario while under suspension, is accused of sexually assaulting the woman while she was being fitted for a contact lens. The alleged assault took place at Public Optical, 1163 Kingston Rd., Pickering, on Oct. 6, 1994. Dr. Im's preliminary trial on the sexual assault charge will be held Friday, April 21. He also faces one count of breach of probation, which will be heard Tuesday, April 25. THE NEWS ADVWMER SUNDAY, APRIL 2,1195 -PAGE 11 SAVE UP TO 40% ON HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE New Home, Non -Smokers, Claims Free, Alarms FOR DETAILS OR A FREE QUOTE, CALL A" Don't fall for bank investigation scam Established 1978 DURIiAM — Police are warning area residents not to fall prey to a scam requiring them to withdraw substantial funds from their bank account to assist in a so-called investigation. The scam involves phone calls from a man identifying himself as a bank employee or police officer, Durham Regional Police report. The man asks the person he's called to withdraw substantial funds from their account in order to assist the bank in an investigation. Fie asks the person to describe what they'll be wearing so he can identify the party when the funds are withdrawn and turned over to him. Ajax residents are asked to be particu- larly wary after an elderly woman in the town received such a phone call Tuesday. If you receive a similar call, you're advised not to comply with the caller's request, but to call police immediately at 6133-9100 or 579-1520. We're adding something new at your local TD Bank* A trust company. Until now, if you've been looking for a local bank branch that can provide banking services and wealth management services like Investment Management and Estate Planning & Administration, you wouldn't have found it. You would have had to make two stops; a traditional bank branch plus a trust company. And so we at TD decided to make things a little more convenient for you. We've combined banking with TD Trust's wealth management services. Drop by our branch or any TD Bank for more information, or give us a call. TD Bank & Trust Pickering Town Cent 1355 Kingston Rd. (Highway 2 at Liverpool Pickering, Ontario (905) 831-2873 1-800 748 0259 re Rd.) 683.9725 PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 676 Monarch Avo. #13 Ajax, Ontario TERMIND Edvcotionoj y MANIA DAYS Thursday, April 6 - Sunday, Apr* 9 Be a LEGO Maniac Come and build GREAT models with the buckets full of LEGO bricks that we are bringing in for this special event. There will be lots of DUPLO and TECHNIC. as well as LEGOLAND pieces. Build anything you can imagine, the wilder the betted Enter our free draw for the LEGO Flame Fighters set (LEGO 06571). s There will be 15% off all LEGO !s Purchases p.s. you are allowed o,td your favontr LEGO - owl wo PICKERING TOWN CENTRE +1-6287 PAGE 12 -THE NEWS ADVIRT=R suN1D" Adana_ Billboard SUNDAY, APRIL, 2 GREEK FORUM: The Greek Community of Oshawa and Du, trict hosts a free Religious Youth Forum at 2 p.m. at St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church, 1221 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 433-1442. GIRLS' HOCKEY: The Durham West Girls' Hockey Association holds an early reg- istration for next season from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the O'Brien Arena, Pickering Recreation Complex, Valley Farm Rd. south of Hwy. 2. New regis- trants require a photocopy of birth certificate or baptismal record. Cost is $240 for first daugther and $225 for each additional one. MONDAY, APRIL 3 RUG HOOKING: The Ajax Rug Hookers meet at 7:30 pm. at the Ajax Senior Citizen Friendship Centre, 46 Exeter Rd. New members welcome. 428-6532 (Michelle). FUN `N' FITNESS: An evening of aerobics and refresh- ments called Fun 'N' Fitness will be held at 8:30 pm. at SL Paul's Uniled Church, 65 Kings Cres., Ajax. It's for men and women. Cost is $3 a night and proceeds go to the church. Call 6834740 or 686-0258. PARKINSON: A general meeting of the Parkinson Foun- dation is held at St. Mark's United Church. corner of Col- borne and Centre Sts., Whitby, at 7:30 p.m. Call 666-8576 or 668-6580. TUESDAY, APRIL 4 QUELTERS: The Durham TrUl lium Quilters Guild meets at 7:30 pm at the new Caribbean Cultural Centre, 600 Wentworth SL E, Oshawa. 683-5135. LADIES' CLUB: The Tuesday Morning Ladies Club meets for aerobics and crafts from 9.15 to 10:45 a.m. in the HMS Ajax Room of the Ajax Community tt 7 • w niers should take note of this meeting PICKERING -- Area residents who want to brush up on their writing skills can take advantage of an upcoming The Durham Writers and Edi- tors breakfast dub meets Som 8 to 10 a.m. at Swans Marina, 590 Liverpool Rd. S., Flickering on Thursday, April 6.. Fee for members is $8; non-members $10. Register in 686-2085 (Mar- jarie Green). Centre on Centennial Rd S2 session. The club meets every Tuesday rooming. 68641258. CALORIE COUNTERS: Canadian Calorie Counters, a non-profit weight -loss organiza- tion, meets every Tuesday at 1400 Bayly St., Suite 16A, Pickering, from 7 to 8 pm. 509- 1168 ( Sandi). SENIORS' TALK: The Tues- day Morning Discussion Group meets at the Ajax Seniors' Friendship Club, 46 Exeter Rd., at 9:30 a.m. Guests welcome. 683-7799 (wise). FEAR: The Free From Fear Foundation support group meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Information and educational material for people suffering from anxiety disorders (panic attacks, pho- bias, anxiety, agoraphobia, obsessive compulsive disorder). The group meets the first and third Tuesday of each month. 831-3877. FELLOWSHIP: Ladies in Fel- knvship Evening (L.I.F.E) is at Bayfair Baptist Church, 817 Kingston Rd., Pickering, at 7:30 p.m. Cost is $2 at the door. Guest speaker. music and crafts (waft kits $1).839-9325. GENEALOGY: The Whitby - Oshawa branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society meets at 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria of Henry Street High School, 614 Henry St_, Whitby. No charge.i All welcome. 683-2476 (Man- on) Ma - on) or 723-7460 (Bessie). HEALTH: A free information night is being held at 7 p.m. at Ajax -Pickering General Hospi- tal, Health Education Cense, for Be Healthy. Be Trim, a 10 -week healthy lifestyle program start- ing April 11. 472-8477 (Mar- garet Devor). FASHION SHOW: White Dove Rebekah Lodge hosts a fashion show by Prime Time Fashions in the auditorium of St. Paul's United Church at 8 April 2, 1995 per p.m. Everyone welcome. Fash- ions will be on sale. Proceeds to the lodge's benevolent work. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 BLOCK PARENTS: Picker- ing Black Parents meet at 7:30 p.m. All welcome. Call 839- 7445 (Brenda) or 509-2234 (Cathy) for meeting location. FASHION SHOW: The Dun- barton-Fairport United Church Women host a Relance spring fashion show at 7:30 pm. at the church, 1066 Dunbarton Rd., Pickering. Tickets are $5 per person and are available by call- ing Heather or Doreen at 839- 3411. PROGRESS CLUB: The Canadian Progress Club - Pick- ering meets at 7:30 p.m. at Dakota Bob's Restaurant (for- merly McGinnis Landing Restaurant) in the Home and Design Centre, Brock Rd. and Hwy. 401, Pickering. New members welcome. 837-0711 (Bill), 839-9890 (Rod). CAMERA CLUB: The Picker- ing Camera Club meets at 7:30 p.m. in room 2083 of Pine Ridge Secondary School, Liver- pool Rd. north of Finch Ave., Pickering. Laura Sawodny dis- cusses infrared photography using black and white film. 831- 8907 (Harvey). YWCA: The YWCA holds an annual meeting and reception to celebrate its 50th anniversary. The reception begins at 4:45 pm., cake is served at 5:05 pm. and the meeting follows at 5:15 p.m. 576-8880 (Eva Martin Blythe). OSTEOPOROSIS: The Ajax - Pickering Osteoporosis Support Group meets from 1:30 to 3:30 p -m. at the Durham Regional Police Station at the corner of Brock Rd- and Hwy. 2, Picker- ing: Use the rear entrance. A pharmacist will speak. 683-3948 (Marg), 420-9197 (Moira). SAVE The Crown Jewel ut' 7 Niger alte:nsting Eastern or Western i 0oto Canbbean Cruses from Ft Lauderdale pew coupue a Nweh 25, I= * April 0 Mw a 1,IM 29, t c U NAR D Nat Am.Y.b1. ams d New AlwpsbN outside (Cat. F a( G) i AIWAjlby (Cat. C d( D) c� $1149 POO &%( $1319 ' 5212 pp Ckhparh" km �^ PP AJAX TRAVEL OW CENTRE 8718 Morwdt Ave., Unit 8, Ajax Ont. (905) 00 PMoro n•r P TM V$ Cagaan dose- bawd an dm" oompow r. orad on ntwr boot W =* afte t spy 9t IM. ~own wArdip wN. dUh m noo hum bmxftm Cat C peft •aeon plot and wNp wY d4p.neenf upon caft9my i daft bookW. k ocpodM eorMgeed;>* ! oabh r aprref b aiae(�y at emu or boalUp Almd r, I I I f.rd. d nmm CR4w4Ont Roohhoeon OM91la Fobniory ]4. IM • P Social safety net discussed at forum AJAX-PICKER- ING — A federal politician and a social services advocate will dis- cuss Canada's social safety net here April 20. Ontario Riding MP Dan McTeague and Josephine Grey, the executive director of Low Income Families Together and a member of the Ontario Social Safety NetWork, will speak on Ile Beleaguered Social Safety Net at the annual gen- eral meeting of the Social Devel- opment Council of Ajax Picker- lo8- The meeting starts at 11:30 a.m., at St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church, 35 Church St. N., Aiax- Tickets are $15 per person, which includes lunch and membership in the Social Development Council. Also planned are the election of the council's board of directors and officers. The Social Develop- ment Council identifies social service needs and works for their acquisition. To reserve a place at the meeting, call 686-2661 before April 12. Prior registra- tion is necessary because seating is limited. E�WPILAF READY CA$H T"ReMMIN C, FREE E -FILING WITH TAX PREPARATION CJ E -FILE ONLY SERVICE AVAILABLE LJ RFFUND CHEQUES WITHIN 14 DAYS (MOST E -FILED RETURNS) L'J READY CASH WITHIN DAYS LJ PROFESSIONAL TAX A ACCOUNTING SERVICE AVAILABLE ALL SERVICES DONE ON LOCATION AT ACY7" PICKERING TOWN CENTRE (NEAR DOMINION STORE) 1155 KINGSTON RD PICKERING OUT. LIV 188 PH. (933) 837-05rA FAX (905) 837-5089 OVEN SUNDAY THROUGH SATURDAY (MALL HOURSs �- Canadian Tire 41 1' -71 - PICKERING 10WW • 2.00 ErN owwrU VAMe Charge Apples a L%*mas%r oi fiber r------------ COUPON — — — — — — — — — — — — - Canadian Tire ' PICKERING I I I Clip out this coupon S enter to win � • RACING CAPS • RACING JACKET (, Or,y) (SEE DETAILS IN STORE) j NAME ................................... ADDRESS .......................... .......................................APT............... 1 11 CITY ................................... RME...... ......................................... ............COUPON ------------J Pickering "�� Station to Friday 6:00 a.m. to 8:30 am. SERVICE � -asaA. - s p.ae. 0MHOURS Sun. 1 o am. - s pinn.. ' -9StlMDAYS Pickering Store On 839m8l2a. 1300 Kingston Rd. (AT LIVERPOOL) PICKERING ® ® = i "E NEW&A6VftftERSUNDAY, APRR:2, I"S-PAGE 13 BEST CHI"OCE DECOR -REST w e r r o HIGH GRADE 0UAL{TY FABRIC , h=� saECIAL COVED :Nqm ft -W, (For, id • COVERED DECK • SOFT EDGE • 3 SEATER • BUN LEGS • ACCENT V..599 BOTH PIECES MODERN TRIPLE WATERFALL A -9 OWN 0 I OVOUT % "6. 11 �:..■.�•m.�■■: •Sri_ r vu wacln�y ADD ATOUGH OF 9910" TO YON FAWLY WM FEATURING A STEEL — FRAME AND BEAUTIFUL ,,, Lr�"�� ✓ DECORATOR FABRIC r YOUR � � r rt_ y CHOICE r ALL 3 each i PIECES ,WWI 'WWI PAIL I S E R 3 CONU A P10"M OLUCHI® OAK To VCADC (nil I I— . ang)"Oom- CASH & 60" Unit Queen Size „y I rej-, t �I GREAT GREAT VALUE YA'�UE INCLUDES • W!.PROR • DOOR CHES— EAOO BOAPALL 6 . • z ti�GH--Aa��s • a�EAcHE� OAK = tisr Q�� PIECES \AA : •;: OVE T DCHOOSE 75 FFM �► `TABLE AND l 4 CHAIRS L �cn no STOM Im • Remote Conrd • XS Stereo sound • On-screen dock • 3 jack video audio panel • Aub color control all wwwwc M 3 YRS. PARTS AND LABOUR . ',,, n CaY• dM• �.� w•M�n� r( om yeouCr of purehaN you firr0 IM rd•ntrcal (,�,�t�: Ram in aU r•ap•ets antl IM sem• ., _^ tum• •ntl contlrtrorra for Iw• �:' money of any other r•taA oulNt Chore• 10 beet ":,g:;,y El••I pwrant•aa the Pnea or your purcha•• r• trM. PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 2,1995 Healthy tips for waist watchers DURHAM — Linda Omichinski, author of You Count, Calories Don't, will discuss how to shift the focus from dieting and weight loss to healthy liv- ing at a community forum Thursday, April 27. The event, sponsored by the Durham Region Health Department, will be held at G.L. Roberts Collegiate Vocational Institute in Oshawa at 7:30 p.m. Ms. Ornichinski is the creator of the HUGS plan for life-long health. A registered dietitian since 1983. Ms. Omichinski has a degree in nutri- tion from McGill University in Mon- treal. Her home base is Winnipeg but she travels throughout Canada pr(wnot- ing the HUGS lifestyle program which has been adopted by health profession- als in Canada, the United States, Great Britain and New Zealand. For more information, call Dianne Elliott or Lori Pinkerton at the Health Department at 723-8{21. .WINTER RECOVERY - spiNG sTART-up am's a 0401 -step Saw to isdp your Iawa tate - hese 60 site::eases- 1. Hesry.ptiea d trio+: abtdd be spwad,~ tie ta>,ro m speed up 61sisg. If Pik* of sttow we flowed to Sire: trot! they melt a tlteif oars they cas care yss dilates. 2 Very �ernuy testo�e fatlas bfsrcies, eacumulned dot r arta pk de6 pulp F and Pon of ks 3. Stay off yew lawn R it's aM well and :peaty wait OEM it ftma up bdaee you slat say more wart as t A 11%m your lawn is dried. Beatty taloe aid •osaRll) Ittosit it so om dad lea glad atter saastl det nae ttmsovot Do am ra6e too vitoaoustlr it this pout of yes win S. 1f! wom a nowber of iterae-tlnr Cycles daint at wilima yaw lawn sadaaa may be roseaW now It's a toad ➢dee to 6. Fid is low sseed bre amn. 7. Do ym fim awwi W MAs tied bts done wbaa your lawn is *w a>gldy &*A Out bt SIM tsipt111111asr ash ae iLawmi t M 'llllis "� � �! �ttta'f� ttaaatc►ttir c4atitWoa ad itaitille,` tealeatDer so =in Jae atie6Rtairlit. _. �rlah�rtt:s LANDSCAPING 'InterlocktngStow Specta&ts' 3 YEAR ` .. WRITTEN INTERLOCK YES...BU, LIKE PLANTS TOOI Spring All Spring Clean ups Planting Fmm :TS sax OFF - Sime k tw sim UP TO 25'X. OFF UP TO 4,000 SO. FT. OF LAWN AREA CALL 427-8612 EWr" April ISM i FAMILY DENTISTRY IN PICKERING o DR. P. GOODMAN & DR. S. WEINER �e & ASSOCIATES IN HOUSE ORAL SURGEON & PERIODONTIST EMERGENCIES SEEN IMMEDIATELY EVENINGS & SATURDAY BY APPOINTMENT SENIORS DISCOUNT DENTISTRY WHILE ASLEEP AVAILABLE NEW PATIENTS WELCOME 839=59,51 927 LIVERPOOL R0. SOUTH (LIVERPOOL b BAYLY) 11 TIP OF THE WEEK AND STRIKES ARE :NEVER A PROBLEM I created a holder for my garden tools that's become quite a ,amversation piece. I sunk a four-by-four fence post two feet (60 centimetres) into the ground and steadied it with concrete. Then I attached a country -style mailbox on top with four wood .crews. The mailbox is perfect for storing pruners, trowels, hose nozzles. twist -ties and garden gloves. Instead of being kept in the shed at the bottom of the yard, small tools are now close by. To dress it up. I attached a half -basket filled with impatiens and lobelia to the wooden post just below the mailbox. f.pIVIVtO MASTERS Lawn Care Specialists Organic & Environmentally Friendly Programs! 1.VIOST LOTS $ l 2U00 �r Call Peter �,allon for more details 686-1436 pixie — Finch �erntal Office 83 , 1 -3603 Dr. Nay Petroff .A. oos Dr. Jonathan Shalnhouse ss�. oos Nssfslq lrw0kV4 a •*WyrsA IrS1S=•EtM1SAl1 yAPPONI,WIVALW • 21 Hi PAGEit S6i E• C06Ei�80101tG • Nili01lS OIDE GURU= •ffl=10o111DRRICit,G-alFAtxn,6-FAQ YNfflB • EAST FAI'�I(PI.ANS • ILL NSIIiIIiCE PLANS ICCB� f.- Dlxle-Flncfl Dental Office 1106 Finch Ave. E. Unit /3. Pickering 1331-3603 WSA is in the Ai • Did your lawn look like a mine field last spring.9 full of holes and up -turned sod or did you notice patches of dried out grass last summer? Well don't blame it on the little gnome night attracts or searing summer droughts. Chances are that you have been invaded by white grubs and the holes are caused by skunks, moles and birds as they dig for their spring delicacies. In summer, large patches on the lawn will suddenly dry out as the grubs eat off the roots just below the soil surface. Often you can lift off pieces of sod because all the roots have been destroyed. White grubs have become more numerous in recent years. They include the larvae of June, Japanese or European Chafer Beetle. If you lift the dried sod you will usually find the large 'C' shaped grubs, I" - 1 12" long with whitish bodies and brown heads that have been eating your grass. These grubs overwinter deep in the soil below the frost line and come to the surface to feed spring through summer. To repair damaged areas, apply a quality lawn top dressing and reseed with White Rose grass seed. To prevent further damage and control existing grubs an application of Iron Plus® Lawn Food and Insect Control in early spring or late July, will eliminate the grubs and keep your lawn beautiful. CJ�,S ApV/►WTAGE LAW/; ? i Q `SSIONAL SERV SERVICE The number one reason why we're in the business. 3 great lawn programa to choose from. Prices start at just 1290 per application. Call now for your lawn analysis, then take advantage of our special. Other services available, aeration, seeding, sodding & mowing. 1995 PRE -PAYMENT OFFER: L PRE -PAY your 1995 service by May 1 st and receive I S X. OFF, . DURHAM'S ADVANTAGE LAWN CARE LTD. Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax 579-5409 Pickering 1-800-434_6091 FOR GREAT SERVICE AND A LANDSCAPE TO BE PROUD OF u THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 2, I"S-PAGE 15 tiz7il�41411A!21is in the Aiis j..al..� ',T(b .. CARE OF PERENNIALS When planting make sure all of the roots are well covered Perennials do not need to be coddled; however they do and the plant is anchored securely in the soil. Water in well need a certain amout of care to keep them disease free and with a transplanter fertilizer. beautifully growing. After the initial watering, water whenever the loll appears When preparing soil add 20 kg. of composted manure, one dry. Water early in the day, soaking the soil well and not just large bale of peat moss and 1 kg. of garden food for every sprinkling the foliage. Moisture on the foliage mere than 24 100 square feet. Good drainage is essential. hours encourages plant disease. n 4 1 • • r 'A LaBelle's Garden Centre •111 w. Some perennials multiply and grow larger over the years and may require the occasional division. You will benefit too by having twice as many plants for ,your garden or to share • e+d A%PWS s Md aMelvg 'Me Crowe o<d& caro WINTER PROTECTION ;5 is Emwe ad WA as w a dw* at t2" -u-. Proper winter protection is the key to the survival and bush. The ��... ..: ...� health of your rose ,• OMPLI v o • 1 YEA Ri WAI grafted on to a hardier root r, r 'A LaBelle's Garden Centre •111 w. Some perennials multiply and grow larger over the years and may require the occasional division. You will benefit too by having twice as many plants for ,your garden or to share • Roses should hill a wr soil MON FRI. 9-s ve Ge 4288585 • e+d A%PWS s Md aMelvg 'Me Crowe o<d& caro WINTER PROTECTION is Emwe ad WA as w a dw* at t2" -u-. Proper winter protection is the key to the survival and bush. The ��... ..: ...� health of your rose ,• toots of the Hybrid Roses are v o • not as hardy in our area therefore the Hybrid roses are grafted on to a hardier root ame CAN may stock. However, the tender 362 KINGSTON RD. W. aiA Via`°" must branches �` sou exposed and must be well covered with a =w= mound of soil and about one font high over the branches to BE insulate them against extreme cold. This should be done in late October or early November. Care must be bushes taken not to expose feeder roots between g during the mounding process. Additional soil should SPRING HOURS >t be brought in to cover the roses. About mid-April, remove this mound as soon as the soil has dried out a li 124" d 'th 12"-24" TIPS N ROSE GROWING 1. Choose a sunny location and set plants 2430" apart 2. Plant in rich soil consisting of a third peat. a third composted ixedSmanure and a third soil well mixed- te ' Ste 3. Plant the graft (the swollen knob at the base) 1" below the soil surface. This prevents frost from heaving plants out in the spring and helps protect the roots from severe cold. 4. Water and firm the soil around the roots so the soil won't settle. `— - :--_-- Step 2 �" leaving the rose high out of the soil. 5. Water with a liquid transplant fertilizer such as White Rose Transplant Fertilizer 5-15-5 with Roots' to develop a strong root �, rL `'� -�;.��'w.••; t a1 ,-Wm vus t `�� A �.4 FEE LtiGAtiDWATERL'�iG 1. Roses, because of their vigorous growth require a fertilizer with a BETE�µ' r' - high ratio of nitrogen (Iron Plus 12-48 is ideal). Apply at a rate of 4 oz. (100g) to J�- - 10 sq. ft. (1 sq. m) and work lightly into the soil around each bush 2. Feed the roses as soon as the soil is workable in April and again about the 19th of each month until July. The latter feeding is important to ensure a good show of 18 kg bag of .M�`�;r blooms in late summer or early fall. 3. Roses need a good soaking once a week (more often in extremely dry and hot rr' Premium Plus—_ =---- weather) to maintain vigorous growth. Avoid soaking or splashing the leaves as this RE Ultra � � — _ ___ — may encourage the spread of black spot or mildew. Z1-7-7 18 kg bag of INSECTS AND DISEASE The ideal way to prevent insects and diseases from destroying your roses is the use of Sugg. Premium Plus 3r"' a general purpose rose spray or dust about once every ten days as a preventative measure. Black spot. easily identified by its name and mildew, a grey-white powdery Retail 637.99 Weed dr Feed dust on the leaves. are the most common diseases. Plant mites and aphids are the worst 21.7-7 insect offenders. 602 Step 3 s,, 649 99 PRUNING YOUR ROSES -- 1. Spring pruning is most important to ensure an abundance of flowers for the season and should be done as soon as the roses am ,�' — �'� � arC A unbilled in spring. First, remove all the smaller and weakened branches right to the base. Leave only thmi: w five of the strongest �� 12- to canes. These canes should be a green colour. (If black or brown. they have winter damage and should be cut back). Cut the green 1� S - canes back leaving three w four buds, usually at the 6"-8" height. ingrown. `—� The top bud should point out so that the bush will not be ,.� FSS. 2. Summer pruning is required to keep the roses blooming all summer. flowers spent. cut the entire branch back to the first outside (,1=_,,,�• t l M 3 ; When the ars the.a� facing full -surd leaf (it should have about 7 leaflets on it). Don't cut too close to == -- - base of the leaf as there is a bud chert: that will form the next flower. 3. Climbing Roses need only the winter damaged and small, weak canes removed and ING YOU 18 kg bag a may be left at the height you desire. depending upon their location. FAUTIFULPremium phor' SPRING t l SUMMEId PLANTING AND _ PRUNING ��� �y I PRUNINDEPTH After the floPlant the cost ."• 12-14- !$AV now 3 5 of tinestrvogSAW cuwes roman spent. fadebush so that the petals dropswollen graft is l" below smaller andbr=hes entire branarea weakxned branches t back tthe soil surface. haveve been Crust outside full-sized lea(About right al d1e bate. 7 h� • Roses should hill a wr soil MON FRI. 9-s ve Ge 4288585 • e+d A%PWS s Md aMelvg 'Me Crowe o<d& caro WINTER PROTECTION is Emwe ad WA as w a dw* at t2" -u-. Proper winter protection is the key to the survival and bush. The ��... ..: ...� health of your rose ,• toots of the Hybrid Roses are v o • not as hardy in our area therefore the Hybrid roses are grafted on to a hardier root ame CAN may stock. However, the tender 362 KINGSTON RD. W. aiA Via`°" must branches �` sou exposed and must be well covered with a =w= mound of soil and about one font high over the branches to BE insulate them against extreme cold. This should be done in late October or early November. Care must be bushes taken not to expose feeder roots between g during the mounding process. Additional soil should SPRING HOURS >t be brought in to cover the roses. About mid-April, remove this mound as soon as the soil has dried out a li 124" d 'th 12"-24" 428m8585 tit SUN. 9-5 AJAX Generally Floribundas are very hardy. The rod varieties are the hardiest. with the least hardiest being PAGE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 2,1995 News Advertiser Grades 7-12 Student Challenge Design an advertisement Advertising is an important part of the News Advertiser. It pro- vides an opportunity for busi- ness to send its message to our readers. The News Advertiser chal- lenges you to design an adver- tisement promot- ing an upcom- ing event at J=' your school such as a spring concert. book sale or grad dance. The winning entry will be printed in the News Advertiser. Send Your entry to: Deadline April 19 Safety course for nature lovers ❑ Learn how to handle bear attacks, berry and mushroom poisoning DURHAM — If spring cleaning mens wiping the cobwebs off your raosping and hiking gear, a wilderness safety course may be tailor-made for You - Offered by St. John Ambulance, die course offers infocmatioo on cold exposure, bear attacks, burns, gunshot wounds, broken bones, dental emer- and mushroom rod berry pot - It also offers tips on improvis- ing f m -aid supplies, sbelters and sig - nailing for help. The 30 -hour course is held over two weekends at St. John Ambulance at Harwood Place Mall in Ajax. It runs May 12, 13, 14, 19 and 20. Fri- day classes are held from 6 to 10 p.m. and weekend classes from 8:30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Cost is $110. It's open only to those who have completed an Emer- Boxy First Aid or Standard First Aid course. For more information, call 434-7800 or 1-800-267-1032. 1' 4 t1t r Ces l led Cenera� AccourtaMs Individual 8 Business Tax Returns Capital Gains Election Accounting ' Bookkeeping ' Payroll F'' FILE SERVICE 6-676 MONARCH AVE. AJAX, ON DENTURE CLINIC: REPAIRS (1 hr.) ' Relines ' Complete, Partial Dentures LOWER DENTURE STABILITY NEW PERMANENT, SOFT DENTURE LINER FREE CONSULTATION William Steil, DD, F.C.A.QA) 84 Old Kingston Rd. W. PICKERING VILLAGE, AJAX 683-4294 After hours 428-8801 Enjoy • HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING a F EE ""," the 1ns1ds Guys. ALL SUMMER LONG Don't Pay until Labour Day 1995 Bbl OD Heatlsrs%y A Air CoersiclIM onl is Home & Design Centre, 17SS Pickering Pkwy. Pickering, Ont. Ll V GKS PICKERING, AJAX WHITBY, OSHAWA 905-428-0333 905-436-3212 incredible savings on such items as... tunic tops blouses $8.00 11$15.001 stirrups pants $12.00 $15.00 H 0 U S E SALE Friday Mar. 31 st noon -7 p.m. Saturday Apr.1 st. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday Apr. 2nd. 10 a.m: 4 p.m. AWBUISM CORFE-CtgN Eaton's Spiny launch tabloid, Inducted in this nets aW - Wednesday, parch 29,1996. Please note the toio": Page s - Cotton mock -neck top, available in sizes XS. S, M. L Designer Insert pages - &anca Nygard Striped Knit Tee - top is available in petite sizes only. AN other items on this page are rat available in saes 14 and 16, due to supplier's &*my problems. Inadvertently, the errors listed appeared in our aitmtlsing. We sincerely regret any inconvenience or =* sion to our customers. EATON' S ADVERTISING GDHREGTIUN Eaton's Spring Launch tabloid, included in this newspaper - Wednesday, March 29, 1995. Please note the following: Page 23 - Linen 2 -pocket shirt $45, is not available in indigo colour. Other colours avail- able as advertised. Page 36 - Print skort is incorrectly priced, price should be $17.99. Inadvertently, the errors listed appeared in our advertising. We sincerely regret any inconve- nience or contusion to our customers. EATON'S I I ' • i H h e BiG 10x 13 Three 8x10Fs ,ve 5+7s ..� �ccc�ccc�c�,�y nnuuunuunuuuuwr� Four 3 x5s V 25 Wallets 62 Keepsakes Pius SEE SELECT& ORRR INSTANTLY, NOT IN WEEKS. PROOF SHEET so you're certion of what you ordered. 6. S,.O,er:" 'ee y id x pe, xrsor Davab,a wrier portraits are taken Nc ~ on the cumber of eWSA.+ed baeacliwe par tarrWV. but oMy one adweroseo coMCOon per subtut Your Ctraoe of pose aria o9o9muna A SkwW poem taken for a, - Dowse -aI 1 on -0 no ob*gSWn b pun. Portrat ow" apprWurnYe. THIS AREA KMART HAS A PERMANENT STUDIO OPEN 5 DAYS Tues. -Fri. 1 O AM -7 PM SaL 10 AM - 6 PM PICKERING (Kingston Road) MR. .. o '75 y -F Shish kebob ASK ABOUT OUR DA Y tUvCH SPEC INCLUD5OUVLAIU E LUNCH 2 Souviak, Sticks, Greek Sand, Choice of French Fria, RKse or Roast Potatoes ................... sn One piece of Chicken FiUct, Greek Salad, Choice of French Fries, Rice, :6>N Roast Potatoes .................... — 1.1mo UCLN sticks, 0 Choices icken suwts ltd Of gut8et Grilled Cheese. 0111 2 s with , jboVe Fries, SoftD�ik' s. ddS 1 C eam. _h-at LFA,STCK I -IN -FR I 7 Come and Try Our Variety of Traditional G: & Canadian Cuisine. Mr. Greek... We're not good fast food "We're Good Food a FAST 75 Bayly St. West For Ajax X Reservations , (905) 683-7400 littlQ iAM" On 1ilt4*o;:i✓�7�i' HWY. 2 HWY. 401 GAYLY ST. W. MR GRBtJC 1ilt4*o;:i✓�7�i' Entertainment Local bluesman tickled pink Singer/songwriter Rick Washbrook is keeping busy with a host of musical projects. 0 Pickering entertainer Rick Washbrook has a lot on the go these days and there's no end in sight PICKERING — A Pickering singer/songwriter is working steady on the "Toronto bar scene with no end in sight. Blues guitarist and singer Rick Washbrook just finished a week- long stint at the Silver Dollar night- club in Toronto as pan of the Cana- dian Music Week Festival which cli- maxed with the Juno Awards in Hamilton last Sunday. Washbrook notes only 150 per- formers were chosen for the music festival in Toronto after more than 1,500 auditioned for the annual showcase of Canadian musical tal- ent. Washbrook and his band The Orchestra calls for volunteers PICKERING The non-profit, — The Pickering volunteer ofches- P h i l h ar mon i s tra, in its second Orchestra is cur- year of Operation, rently recruiting is looking for concert musi- people who'd cians and volun- like to play in the teers. band or help out Concert recital PICKERING — A fund-raising recital is Planned this Fairport United C bursft at Duaberwn- The recital is being arganized to ben- efit the chtmch. It begins at 8 pin. Trombone soloist Julie Homs Bergers and vocal group Joyful Noise perform. Admission is free and donations welcome. Call 839-7271 (Jo!ce)• at concerts. For more information, call 839-7474. Warriors were recent musical guests on CITY -TV's Breakfast Television. Show host Ann Rohmer praised the band as "extraordinary", beams Washbrook, who has been on the Toronto music scene for more than 17 years. As far as his recording career is concerned, Washbrook reports two of his songs — Whiskey Drinkin' Woman and Hidin' and Peepin' — were featured on the Celebrity Blues compilation CD recently released by Grant Fullerton, host of Q107 -FM's Blues Hour. Washbrook collaborated with Glass Tiger's Wayne Parker to pen Rescued By the Arms of Love which was a top -10 single in Canada in 1993. The tune also earned him a song- writers award as it was one of the top 10 most played Canadian songs in `93. He's also had four independently released singles which enjoyed chart success in the early `90s. KUMON mRiH Don't let common 'math amdety stand in the way of your child's success. Discover the KUMON Method of learning mathematics. KUMON is an individualized after-school math program that, over time, can help children aged 4 to 15 in math and develop superior study habits with just two 30 -minute classes each week KUMON offers an affbrdable nmxv * tuwion and is a year round pnogrant.-so clMben mwr be enrolled at any time. with a cwttlbrtable daily work load and some parental guidance, you're sure to see results. Put the program that has helped ntiMi n of students worldwide to work for yokr child - call KtlMON UX$ayl Programs that get RESULTS! Them an 4 Kuson Matt Con reW locased in Aim and 2 Cenites in Pkimb For amm I MR da cal, (416) 4+90-17!!4 or t -a00.667-6�4. • The 1QM4CW weeding IN Is also awiraOls ac seuwe cerNres. irandtiss oppwterNtles are araMeOM. AJAX MEDICAL BUILDING 601 HARWOOD AVE., SOUTH, SUITE 208 AJAX, ONTARIO LIS 2J5 (945) 686-4439 TORRANCE MEDICAL i VEIN CLINIC 2930 EGLINGTON AVE. I- SCARBOR000H, ONT. MW 2E4 (416) 438-8000 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 2,1995 -PAGE 25 April 2, 1995 IF YOU HAVE DEBT PROBLEMS WE MAY BE ABLE TO HELP OVER 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IRVING A. BURTON LTD. TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY AND FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS. NO CHARGE CONSULTATION. KELLY DEY, TRUSTEE 1550 Kingston Rd. 201 Consumers Rd., 107 Kent St. Suite 210, Suite 204 Whitby Pickering Willowdale 839-8981 491.4644 430-4800 Ka.res �I Nail Care // Spring &Summer Special Nail Tips._. s40 Pedicure.___. -._-.'25 Waxing 1/2 Leg._...._519.50 [ander Xrm_._$10.00 Full Leg Facial & Bikini....._ 530.00 Waxing ..... _.-__.68.001 PRESF-NT THLS AD FOR 20% OFF DLSC(xJNi l.xpires April 12/95 irwca"DJ K 420-4067 , inside I'[IINZA 03 1:0M I Sand -v Beach Plaza, L _ 477 sayty St__ Pickering I Ajax 6 Pickering General Hospital 01 Ep Strategic Planning Community Consultation Sessions Are you interested in the future of services and programs al you community hospital? The Ajax and Pickering General Hospital warmly invites you to participate in is Strategic Planning Process All members of the community are welcome to attend the following meetings. Wednesday April 5,1995 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 p.m. Ajax and Pickering General Hospital West Wing, Ground Floor Conference Rooms or Thursday, April 6, 1995 7:00 p.m. fro 9-00 p -m Pickering Central Library Auditorium - 2nd Floor Pickering Civic Complex Copies of the draft strategic Plan Summary are available ftm* the Community Relations Department, Harwood Avenue Lobby or call Community Relations at (905) 428-1407. 25th AR ` � SPECIAL... 61- 00 OFF 2200 Central Air Conditioning • Low Cost Financing • No Down Payment HEATING COMIERSIONS ELECTRIC TO GAS OR OL CALL FOR YOUR 24 Hr. Service - Since 1970 FREE ESTMIATE Certified Ener -Mart Contractor if ,al n b m Be 4S M r fit., „ r a s-- � � z � - - - -' ' wr ..,.+.�.�.�.w� .�f-�*MR.�>� �"�'R IAN�atriK�► .. . _ _. _ ,,,...„v. PAGE 26 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 2,1995 - SHOP OUR STORE FOR • • PASSOVER re; r r • Ll r from the Tropics .42/kg . Ila JUMBO ROW*WR5 �.SH grade A 45-5 Ib. a.+erage Z.j4 /ky� original powder for laundry ice+ ^°"! 36lcar L49 12box BATHROOM LIs TIOM 2 ply white ri prol.'- �cor�PVesident's Choice TIA An► V fliY ;dlkh OC 0 asn ..,t " Ib. Limit 2 boxes per 6r il/ order. IZ97 2d x 355 mL lira 47t/ W pnL limn 2 ooass P- kw* order rMMMMMMMMMMMM%=I I M LFMA �W. er rr....�.s.d.ri... , sa..�—+i.�-.r.... i Kraft brick pkinaIgh+ � additarwl � quantities �� 1 250 S pk9 1 Limit ons pkg. per casQon. Limit art coupon psr customer. ' Capon voCd urw�i SaM,rdar, April B, r99s d Pido.rirg ' PFices alkidive until SaUmby, April 8, 19 5 at Pkkwing ~S� SupercerNre only. Sk a reserves the right to "t quardifia F.7 3 e, ':€�J1!�§s%'�` �•�' tee• �: LEBARON OTC CONVERTIBLES I 5 n PLUS NE'VE GOT 'El E MUST SELL IFM TO__. GST PST Asa" NO FREIGHT - NO AIR TAX - FULLY EQUIPPED • f " "— _ AUTOMATIC IN AM Vr CONDITKNM ALL INCLUDED V5 -a ,'OMA- C *AP ?AG -AM %M (-ASSET-CE -POWEQ W!NDO%VS -POWEP DOOP LOCKS -POWER ROO: - ' „ SE I_0%_;P0'_ -PL, S VUC^ MOPE '98I-1[• Of FKtc.y Wx.aMY A..L b0 VOYAGER & CARAVAN SE NU FREIGHT - NO AIR TAX - FULLY EQUIPPED c ....�- INTREPID HIGHLINES � us Cr a PLUS ^, GST PST NO FREIGHT - NO AIR TAX - LOADED t SE aOWt"P W ^,DO'.vS DC',rEP DOOQ _OCKS P,„_ V. C- .._ aV' Fully Equipped ACCLAIM HIGHLINE sw ilk AM 1995 NEON HIGHLI IE AIR .. BAG Z t al PLUS GST PST NO FREIGHT , - NO AIR TAX - • FULLY EQUIPPED CANADA'S FOREMOST COMPACT CAA IN A CLASS BY ITSELF y—c,y. !a- - -aav5 -Ar.1 n.1 Z-EPFC -PCWEP STEERING 'M4rK orfxrorwa..anrr a. ,. ., _A=_ _a6'Z�PWAP_.y ESvti •Av01.1 ....'• ��K •P.?5 utapr VILL E PLYMOUTH AJA%X LTD. NORTH CHRYSLER SERVICE OPEN 8 ALL DAY SATURDAY 19 HARWOOD A 683535 ■ AND EVERY NIGHT (North of 401) `pvc;ai ssunkc% 0 at Fit d. 81 to m r! �.'i.1e>>r,r 1"y y. ►.`�'.�'I�41? 01 •7t:�7►+ PAGE MTHE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 2,1rrS SP(:)R 995 , • 1 ORR MW MAKE YOUR OWN GREAT TASTING WINE FOR LESS WN 130 A BOTTLE!! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ®s 9 -os 2B2 YONARCII AVE AJAX Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363• JUST NORTH OF WI. V BOWLING • Young Pickering keglers among province's best PICKERING — A 10 -pin youth bowling team from Celebrity Lanes in Pickering won its way to the provin- cial championships in Guelph recent - IV. The Celebrity Lanes boys' combo team of Daryl Pascoe, Jason Fetter and: , Adam Cunliffe — one bowler from each of the senior, I junior and bantam age groups — quali- • Pied for the Youth Bowling Council Provincial Finals at Bowlerama Lanes in Guelph. The threesome finished in the top five at the provincials with each bowler rolling above his average. In particular, Cunliffe bowled two games with a score almost double his average. A bowler with an 88 aver- age, Cunliffe rolled an average score of 165 in the two games. The team of keglers first had to compete at the zone finals at Kennedy Lanes in Scarborough to advance to the Ontario finals. At the zone play - downs, the Pickering team ended up first, finishing more than 250 pins ahead of the second -place squad. The boys' combo bowling team from Celebrity Lanes participated at the recent Youth Bowling Council's Provincial Finals in Guelph and came up with a top five finish. Pictured are, from left, Adam Cunliffe, Jason Fetter, Darryl Pascoe and team coach Wayne Fetter. The combo team from Celebrity Lanes was formed after the YBC Saturday Morning 10 -Pin Bowling League held its combo team competition. Pascoe won the senior title, while Fetter was the junior champ and Cunliffe rolled his way to the bantam boys' crown. The team was coached by Wayne Fetter. The squad thanks Celebrity Lane owners Jan and Ed Froman for their time and support. Swimmers in S nC Clinics for kids y with hoop dreams to make nationals DURHAM —Young Gagers can DURHAM — Durham Synchro Club's 'A' swim- mers had great success at the Eastern Divisional Swimming Challenge at the Etobicoke Olympium recently. Competitors from across Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba included many m national teamembers, as well as Olympic medalists Sylvie Frechette and the Vilagos twins. All three Durham teams, comprised of athletes from across the region, placed in the top half of their respec- tive age groups at the high- profile meet and qualified for the national champi- onships at the Olympium May 6to13. This is the first time the club will send three squads to the nationals and the first o ey u , p seventh in routine and sev- enth in championship. While no swimmers won awards in the compulsory figure competitions, marry Durham athletes placed in the top quarter or top half of their age group and showed marked improve- ment over their provincial results. Pigskin players pursued DURHAM — The Oshawa Hawkeyes Football Club is currently recruiting players aged 17 to 19 for its entry in the Great Lakes Football League for the coming season. The Hawkeyes will open a training camp in May, fol- lowed by regular -season play from June to late August The Oshawa dub will provide all equipment for the play- ers. For more information, call Iia Bunting at 4334618. Cost is $50 per player. Interested players can register i the first nigbt of the school; r----4 •- --- I BILLINGSGATE 1 1 FISH & CHIPS 1 • a 1 °I FISH & CHIPS 1BUY 1 REG PRiCE1 SECOND ORDER 1 ' I 905 686-0901 1 1 46 CHURCH S.S. SOUTH OF i8 ------ .----� Bantam Panthers roaring good year comes to an end PICKERING — The Pickering Point -getters in the series for Panthers Allen's Foods major the all -Ontario finalist Panthers bantam 'AA' rep hockey team were T.J. Hill with four goals and was swept in the best -of -five one assist, Charlie Ontario Minor Hockey `�G A, Maclennan with one goal Association provincial O and four assists, Greg finals by the Orangeville �� �¢ Burnett with two goals Flyers. a and two assists, Jeff The Panthers lost the Hales with two assists, first game of the series at 9f, �,�. Greg Miles with one goal the Pickering Recreation I0CIA1%O and Tom Spencer and Jeff Complex 3-2. The next two Galea with one assist each. contests in Orangeville were won This season, the Allen's Foods easily by the Flyers by scores of bantams posted an overall record 7-2 and 10-4, thus ending a good of 44 wins, 22 losses and four season for the Panthers. ties. • TIME • QUALITY • GENTLE DENTAL CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU WF ARE AVA -kBIE TO SF3tVE YOU WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS WE r PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 7L HON To FMF2CXNCY CF2V1CF a.J ��. JV✓ar a bUSIUN, DENTIST * Youth Program - Ayes 7.15 Years * 14 Non Contact games f * Season - May tttragh August * Days - Mondays through Thursdays * Times 6:30 pm to 10:30n• Ajax Community Cente Registration: 75 Centennial St., Ajax FINAL Ma 6195 For further information contact: REGISTRATIONJim Darlow 905.686.4286 10:00 am Hary Bunton 905.686.1576 -...,y t4 -a .. . wr. , �1Y,t'1niy111u►y�4 -., _ . refine their hoops skulls at an time teams have placed in upcoming basketball school com- the top half of the Eastern * ing to Pickering. Divisionals. The Durham Basketball School The senior squad, for girls and boys in coached by Debbie Sands, Grades 6, 7 and 8 picked up ribbons for plat- Aieks off Tuesday, �r• ing fifth in routine and fifth April .4 ati:i in championship. The 12- W o o d l a n d s • to -14 team, coached by `"Centennial Public Elena Podolsky, won rib- ;.,School from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. bons for placing sixth in The school will run tight two= routine and fifth in the hour sessions instructed by Mike championship. The 15 -to- Jovanov, a high school and col-' 17 squad, coached by >lege basketball coach for 1:5 H 11 L ndmark laced ;;,�.� o ey u , p seventh in routine and sev- enth in championship. While no swimmers won awards in the compulsory figure competitions, marry Durham athletes placed in the top quarter or top half of their age group and showed marked improve- ment over their provincial results. Pigskin players pursued DURHAM — The Oshawa Hawkeyes Football Club is currently recruiting players aged 17 to 19 for its entry in the Great Lakes Football League for the coming season. The Hawkeyes will open a training camp in May, fol- lowed by regular -season play from June to late August The Oshawa dub will provide all equipment for the play- ers. For more information, call Iia Bunting at 4334618. Cost is $50 per player. Interested players can register i the first nigbt of the school; r----4 •- --- I BILLINGSGATE 1 1 FISH & CHIPS 1 • a 1 °I FISH & CHIPS 1BUY 1 REG PRiCE1 SECOND ORDER 1 ' I 905 686-0901 1 1 46 CHURCH S.S. SOUTH OF i8 ------ .----� Bantam Panthers roaring good year comes to an end PICKERING — The Pickering Point -getters in the series for Panthers Allen's Foods major the all -Ontario finalist Panthers bantam 'AA' rep hockey team were T.J. Hill with four goals and was swept in the best -of -five one assist, Charlie Ontario Minor Hockey `�G A, Maclennan with one goal Association provincial O and four assists, Greg finals by the Orangeville �� �¢ Burnett with two goals Flyers. a and two assists, Jeff The Panthers lost the Hales with two assists, first game of the series at 9f, �,�. Greg Miles with one goal the Pickering Recreation I0CIA1%O and Tom Spencer and Jeff Complex 3-2. The next two Galea with one assist each. contests in Orangeville were won This season, the Allen's Foods easily by the Flyers by scores of bantams posted an overall record 7-2 and 10-4, thus ending a good of 44 wins, 22 losses and four season for the Panthers. ties. • TIME • QUALITY • GENTLE DENTAL CARE ARE IMPORTANT TO YOU WF ARE AVA -kBIE TO SF3tVE YOU WE WELCOME NEW PATIENTS WE r PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 7L HON To FMF2CXNCY CF2V1CF a.J ��. JV✓ar a bUSIUN, DENTIST * Youth Program - Ayes 7.15 Years * 14 Non Contact games f * Season - May tttragh August * Days - Mondays through Thursdays * Times 6:30 pm to 10:30n• Ajax Community Cente Registration: 75 Centennial St., Ajax FINAL Ma 6195 For further information contact: REGISTRATIONJim Darlow 905.686.4286 10:00 am Hary Bunton 905.686.1576 -...,y t4 -a .. . wr. , �1Y,t'1niy111u►y�4 -., _ . P THE NEADVERTISER SUNDAY, AMM 2,1".5 -PAGE" Pickering WS Figure Club skaters sharp at competitionsetitio PICKFRIPC - Pidaming Figure Skating Club mem- bers fared well at several recent competitions. Pickering skaters turned in top performances at the club's own Home Club com- petition. Results were as follows: Pre -Preliminary men - final: 1st Stephen Rapson, 2. Matthew Smith. Introductory Elements: 1. Kendall Tyler, 2. Breanne Allen, 3. Mandi Parkes. Elementary Ladies - final: 1. Michelle Paradis, 2. Erin Pikrock, 3. Jennifer Ball. Pre -Preliminary Ladies - Group 1 - final: 1. Teri Alexander, 2. Michelle Frazier, 3. Courtney Allen. L Pre -Preliminary Ladies - [iTnup 2 - final: 1. Stephanie Paradis, 2. Alexandra k chardson, 3. Danielle Preliminary Ladies - Final: �. Amanda Elliot, 2. lbandiwe Hazel, 3. Amada airy. .Junior Bronze Ladies - Inah 1. Mhairi McDowell, 2. Adrienne Pratt, 3. Melissa 3firnshaw. . Senior Bronze Ladies - 5nal: 1. Devon Snider, 2. ksheefa Sarangi, 3. Mandy ChaPman. Junior Silver Ladies - fnat I. Maria Weber, 2. Tara L eetharl. Preliminary Mixed Dance Pairs: 1. Lisa Gilroy and Matthew Smith. Senior Bronze Sob Dance: 1. Stephanie Paradis, 2. Amanda Gilroy, 3. Stefanie Tomei. Junior Silver Sob Dance: 1. Adrienne Pratt, 2, Devon Snider, 3. Amy Thimphour. Senior Silver Solo Dance: 1. Julie Diemert, 2. Lindsay Satterthwaite, 3. Natalie Gilbert. Gold Sob Dance: 1. Nicole Thomson, 2. Tara Leetham, 3. Sarah Hewitt. Bronze Artistic Ladies: 1. Nicole Thanson, 2. Asheefa Sarangi, 3. Trista Steel. Club members also took pan in the Inter -club competi- tion with many skaters earn- ing medals. Preliminary Ladies: 4. Thaniwe Belgrave-Hazel, 9, Amanda Elliot Junior Bronze Ladies: 10. Mhairi McDowell, 11. Adrienne Pratt Senior Bronze Ladies: 4. Devon Snider. Junior Silver Ladies: 3. Maria Weber, 8. Tara t� SIMON � � jjPIADME ULDEN at/TA lftw ALL YOU CAN EAT I%i LUNCH BUFFET Soups, salads, pasts, breads di rolls, 9 9 1 taro hot entrbes, assorted deU cold -cuts, desserts 1. Arrrbase I &daub LUNM BUFFET at l resr4r price of SA99 6 rneceipe the 1 2nd caro hmcb balffee for 1/2 PRICE Available Mon. -Fri. l l a.m.-2 p.m. 815 Liverpool Rd., Pickering 837 00231 ri���risr. r•�aan�a�a�a�a� Tease recycle this newspaper I HOST A STUDENT FROM SPAIN THIS SUMMER ,ring families are wanted in open their homes to Spanish dents for the month of July. attend English classes .uring the day. Lots of activities :)r host families as well. or more information on this cross cultural experience KUY HAMILTON DYNES (945) 428-2525 '85 per weep renumeration provided for room and board. THE / LANGUAGE WORKSHOP L tam. 4. Adrienne Pratt, 8. Devon Smith were second in the Smith was third in Preliminary Mixed Dance Snider. junior bronze mixed dance. fireskate and fust in elements Pairs: 2. Lisa Gilroy and Senior Silver Sob Dance: Lisa Gilroy was fourth in in the pre -preliminary men's Matthew Smith. 5. Lindsay Satterthwaite. 5reskale and third in the ele- category. Senior Bronze Solo Dance- Gold Solo Dance: 4. Nicole ments m the pre -preliminary Meanwhile, Amanda 3. Amanda Gilroy, 5. Thomson, 8. Tara L.eetham. ladies' division. Thalia Bihon Gilroy was third in freeskate Stephanie Paradis. At the recent Minden meet, was fourth in freeskate and and fifth in elements in the Junior Silver Solo Dance: Lisa Gilroy and Matthew second in elements. preliminary ladies' division. SCOREBOARD ONTARIO CENTRAL REGION R INGETT'E Oshawa 9 2 5 2 6 Whiby a 4 3 1 9 SECOND -ROUND STANDEMS Markham 0 2 6 1 5 Oshawa 1 7 1 5 1 3 SELLE'N DIVISION PETITE'C MAJOR DIVISION Oshawa 2 7 O 7 0 0 TEAM a W L Marldern T PTE TEAM a IN L T PTS PICKEAR o MEN'S BASKETBALL LEAGUE 7 6 1 Ajar 7 4 1 Scarborough 0 2 12 Omanre 9 10 Ajax novice 18• • 7 0 2 6 2 2 16 12 11/1STLAS ORIISION VAN& S - romdtoEb -March 27 8 3 S Sunderhrw 7 1 6 0 0 6 Mariposa 9 2 Whitby novice 13' 9 4 2 3 3 4 2 11 8 GAME ONE Mdiimis Lmlinp 41 vs. Ebyda Carp. 37. Pklawln0 4 0 4 "KNOB 'C DIVISION 0 0 Scrti-ough a Markham 1 9 2 4 2 3 4 2 8 8 TOP SCORERS McGintic AsYiy Jams 11. John Gals 11. Bob Rm 7. TEAM a W L T PTE Oshawa novice 'B' 0 1 53 5 Ekydr Bi Boson 11. Domlun e ch 10. Bob Bradnt 7. Madden 9 7 1 1 15 Whitby 1 9 1 6 2 4 GA9E TWO Richmond Hil9 s 3 Aja 0 1 11 PETITE 'C' MOR DIVISION kn Van Kempen eivince 41 vs. Riad 6 Vem ce s Pu3& s 3 Manvers 8 3 3 1 2 11 TEAM a S Oshawa W L T FTS TOP SCORERS OTairebg • 6 5 2 1 11 Van Krrpat Raw Yang & Gell Janes & Ron Farrow 2 s Emianom 7 0 7 TWEEN'V DIVtsm 1 0 sWhitby 2 8 0 Aja+ a Redmond Hi a 5 1 2 5 3 0 4 4 0 11 10 8 7. Rod & V.'s: Ry Fac 11. Janis Milner 10. Al Sairata & GAME THREE TEAM O W L T PTs Sunderland a 3 4 1 7 Galarays Eatery 51 m Mud Hen's Br & Gro 45. Whitby9 6 1 2 14 MaAchem 2 a 3 4 1 7 TO► SCORERS Pkkail 9 9 4 3 Pon Perry 9 3 3 2 3 10 Eniannre a 'C 1 7 0 2 Galway: Rarely F16 wall 11. Bruaa Bnrd 10. Ted rJHearn Ajaac 9 1 7 TWEEN'C DMISION 1 9 NOVICEMAJOR 3 TEAM 0 Pon Perry 9 DIVISION W L T 7 1 1 Pts 15 7. Mud Han': 9bwe Leahy 22. Kevin Warr 10. MCN TEAM a w L T PTs Men. -M 9 7 1 1 1S -MASTERS DIVISION . DAME ONE Vem A Rolls Place 80 vs. Manana Patlaao se. Richmond HA a 7 0 1 1s Whitby 0 6 3 0 12 TOPSCORERS Oatnaas • t 0 Lindsay • 2 14 Markham a 3 4 1 7 Vern 6 Rod': Denver Delay 31. Wayne Gmadiq 22. Dodge 4 1 3 11 Whitby I a 1 6 1 3 Becidad 12. Sundwlrnd • 4 4 Nolasrlrw• • 0 8 Ajar 1 9 0 0 0 0 i+arrarnae Patloft Rignows Wales 19. War Warr 13. Col+ 4 4 • a NOVICE'C IBNOR DFVIS1014 EaMar 10. Whdby • 1 4 3 5 TEAM a W L T PTs GAME Twp Ajrr • i S 2 4 Oreea 9 8 0 1 17 EW%d 1loldh 64 va By Soorb 5& Ernisi wee • 1 S 2 4 Whitby 3 9 7 1 1 1s TOPSCOREAS Mandnern • 1 6 PETITE Ir D/NEIOM 1 3 Ajoc 2 9 Fbdwnond His9 s 4 0 4 6 0 10 • El Rod; Dave Jaaao 23. Conrad Dens 16. Nov TyMl 15. By Sport: KenN R sDaniel 21. Janes Lodr10. TEAM a W L T PTS Erairrwre 0 1 • 0 2 aAIE THREE Port Perry 9 a 0 1 17 Mrlposs 9 1 • 0 2 ASG Catrrws 53 va Pww" Aub Servos S0. tlMrlby 0 S 3 1 11 BINw MAJOR DIVISION TIP SCORERS Plelwlry 9 4 a Ajax 2 10 TEAM a IN L T FTs ASG: Vtrron Fiseoe 18. Views Yards 13. Cern Fords 9, 9 2 4 3 7 Apr 12 11 1 0 22 PwwV* EN -- McLaan 20. Brent Suivern 13. Orr Tayhor 9. IT'S TIME FOR THE GREAT CANADIAN MATURITY ............................. &..TRAVEk.S.H0W.1 METRO TORONTO CONVENTION CENTRE •MON. APRIL 3RD 8 TOES. APRIL 4TH • 9:30aM - S:OOvM ADMISSION.. Ifi ONLr A LOONIES The First 500 people each day are eligible to win a Caribbean Cruise for two! visit the sights of St. maarten. St. John, St. Thomas and The Bahamas. MO/EaAY, APRL 3 Hear Leading Lady CAMILLA SCOTT perform 'Embraceable You' STAR PERFORMER JOHN MCDERMOTT The Juno Award nominee for vocal- ist of the year who has achieved platinum sales worldwide will be per- forming twice daffy at the show His backing band includes the brilliant fiddler/step dancer from Cape Breton, Natalie MacMaster. The first show each day is at 11:30 am, so be sure to catch it on your lunch hour • OVER 100 EXCITING EXHIBITS • FABULOUS DOOR PRIZES Presented by... 4 l Jf o L CAa4[ytstEAOaIArMEwS1MNEiL AOIIREpTEswtla FREE shuttle bus from Union Station courtesy of... OCR== BOWLING Test your skill on our, . � 4lanes - of 5 pin 4 � • bowling! Y <7. a, TUESDAY, APRIL 4 Live Performance from the cast of FOREVER PLAID! • EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS • TRAVEL VIDEO THEATRE . _ - . - - - - - ' . . . . . - .. -1 _ - _ . ... . a - - - SPONSORED BY- CANADIAN YCANADIAN WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS e A BELL MMUTY APPROVED AGENT TH E ONLY WAY TO GO. Bell Mobility Produced by... Y 1B ib M� 21 7 a Au F. h� r� - -- - rr f � r ...1. St,.f•^-� � .a.s +.w w PAGE 30 -TELE NEWS AIJVERTBER AJ�f DAY, APRIL 2, I"S KPAF- GENERAL FOODS • PAFKA� 6 & t t QI C,,,1.=1 3 LB. TUB SWANSON FROZEN ASSORTED SIZES EA O Imo p GE JUICE 355 mL TIN 5 LENM' TROPICAL SUN FROZEN PUNCHES {�y � AJC' �:X_ A— NA -JPA'. • SELEC,'_., FLA;OJG_ � •� 11 -APPLE -ORANGE •� JUICE 9 1 u is EA Knob Hill Farms Pre -Easter Specials =THE FOOD TERMINAL" ave Money! CANAD' �- *MONARCH . ALL PURPOSE FLOUR 8 kg BA(: • UNCLE BEN'S CONVERTED RICE 2 kg BA(: • ST. LAWRENCE CORN OIL V_, 3 L JUC: u _ aMdlS ASSOOM SPICE ISLAND ASSORTED a : Jra A i, i •TED �ARVEs.,�Ac MENU XPRESS COCONUT RAC RE RS r SEA-GLO SEAFOODS - FROZEN PACIFIC CHUM SALMON FLatiIX)M w(:IIT -7v L_E3. FROZENHIGH LINER - -FISH IN BATTER •STICKS -FRIES *CAPTAIN SEA KINGDOM 7(X) K H(>x -HADDOCK FILLETS too •c PACKAC;F, -COD FILLETS aoo K H4(),x ' Fis atEer V -A-2199 ARi & TO SERVE M /� WE S SOUPS EAt�V iI. Azso�Q'E_ A `;aA__KA_1 EA rr.n a w I I NOYRs 1ABOEl Nw: S vec R A91•K 10 � � � ��� � � � �� � � �� - unf!•IEI�• - �- r0190M S* NIP�M /� - «�L: �N wn A• PENMANAD - �� OLKIE VALLE E.n ~•��".10.1 2n }' 222 w11i�ar � - GMIAW 1rE 1wr SNACOE-iff90Mp� `• � N" 4M r0 9 y� aE7NM1DE wnr �� MgC1[Na ~ pd nL TURKEYS °h • ROASTING �•�- K"'NSCHIC Mt JKA15LYFROZ<N ENWNGS 2 A ka COFFEE CRYSTALS 5s49 �j 49 -COLD SPRING FARMS FROZEN YOUNG OVEN-READY UTILITY GRADE • 6-16 LB. "G.•2 BIRD LIMIT •FRESH NEVER FROZEN OVEN-READY GRADE A" • 2-4 LB. AVG. • 3 BIRD LIMIT • DUCKS •KING OVEN ROEADYROZEN UTILITY GURADE •4-5 LB. AVG. • 2 BIRD LIMIT A 2. l S kg mm .; LB. raAFT 'spa•' :- 4 :E::.:alREP E �BarB a-.:•:-.: 19 SAUC � 1.49,sAI_4JDs,99 FOLGERS GROUND COFFEE 3 �� 300 g VA(: 1,A(_, LIMIT' JSIUJL'JLWA2 FRPEOE R aaa urE �uwE(;CunEo A.R7 ER , 2. 9 E, -� x.99 • u V'1"1' 2 E. BOTTLE • RC C OI..A 24 c 355 mL TEFIS :1 CAtiF. LIMIT CASE , API -LA $ j •.JUICES • DRINKS _ 25, -z K -- _ o79 ,THE NEWS ARVERTLSER SUNDAY, APRIL 2,1995 -PACE 31 STRAWBERRIES OF[I(: .N',\I. F:x,rRA Fui-i- PIN'T� N V :1 PINT L.IMIT I>EVF # 69 Nl"SN}woo.., GRAMCUCUMBERS CELERY SELECT YOUR OWN STALKS k, M EA. FOR 1 . =QOOLC K +xr+- NA i PROQS IC- X TA FICA 'iffR lM GINGER 4NW Q. CUCUMBERS11 S�G-I' YOUR OWN 425 EACH) y •FRUIT CUPS `� NJOU BEANS •PUDDING CUPS =" PEARSj9) PACKAGE OF 4 1>Icc. FQL YOUR OWN BAG L74 ® FIIL YOUR OWN BAG 218 tt.a MALTED MILK BANANAS ROMA ROBIN EGG LARGE ORIGINAL BUNCHES TOMATOE S 1 ke BAG .86 11R tL B F LJL YOUR OWN BAG 1.74 z -m # >,� `H'''O1`ATO 711!9) G AeWUI[ r POrrATOE S ��A11]p/IC$ .,m ml. 7'u�t `� �`�~ - 10 LB. PAPER BAG 3Ei.DCT YOUR OWN F,- 7oi Ca�i NAVEL LARGE SIZE COOKING MSS ORANGES O1 oms 12A 540 EI BOX tan SELFJGT YOUR OWN toot 1 O LB. BAG -- -----M7) ---------------------------- i--- cmu�o ai& -- ------ ---i r- pzi lir----- - r---- I ' 1 GENERAL WLS NATURE VALLEY LOW FAT I SPECIAL 8 CRESCENT 'GRANOLA ; t 4n9wtE ROLLS B , .. L-- ----------. v--- --1 L- STORE 1,69 — s wsTo�a�Ais:ssFw PRICES EFFECTIVE FROM Sill AFRLtf TO SAT Vft W WE FEWK THE W*(T TO LER . . . _ . - . - . .. • . • . . a a a a . • a a r . a .. a a . a ............ ... . . - _ . _ - _ - - . . . . . . . . . w e h . ♦ . . . ) I h, i , h - I I . l . PAGE 32 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1"S, A..a-aSau Wawa na0r1140- aA•rarHaa hAtIk nehelas.WhlfhwJ'_Isrinnfnn That Wow* and Ainx-Pickfirina Nears Advertiser, Combined Pressrun of 126,000 ever; TORONTO SCHOOL OF BUSINESS�IP4CDI TRAIN FOR PICKERING CAMPUS 11 IPGRESS Courses starting no%*: Programmer Analhst liml Computer !Maintenance Technology • LAN' S% stems Technol(Wy I'L I •Office Administration Phetwr .ourwh in an enc" �,. n could kaw" n as little as 1f1 months._. and it all begins with one 1*— caG. 0 1 ...an load to a atc�bi"lle-- atter in as little as 9K COURSES STARTING APRIVMAY Legal Administrative Assistant All Secretarial Programs Micro Computer Business Applications (M.C.B.A.) Dental Chairside Assisting Accounting and Computers Travel and Tourism (Oshawa Campus) Hotel & Restaurant Operations (Oshawa Campus) Bar & Beverage Management (Oshawa Campus) tf you are 43 vean of W or older and recent!% laid off you mat quaff for trm" moUnce from the provincial goo mm"A. • Financial ku stance nuv be A%aaAk • Pre ERVIovnlem Readiness TramwM N'dl Teahth You Hoa to Get a bb Will a :Z:� TORONTO iW i School of Business �` j�ta� Helpi��(,ilid a �ellta: Life y }r atl�S PICKEMG (905) 420-1344 14ia Kh4pfn RAL, Safe 17 lkkWIIRL Oattarb LEARN TO TYPE <4mpk Yt K"bom ft •ort► 6a ear trotig 411111" kolas •M AI / SRdaaa Cal S once reWWA ,hit work Mrd rawer: 105 Ba* SL Ajax, LIS 7K7, in parson Statue Coir. Ary 12 R n — (706)464.6111 CRUSE S!W ion Form 5301 moo 0o tt PW N WW roeior� llrio rhriroa.h. F+rI eA 1SOC-13 al.moarr Swvba-Fur or Part tirw peopb alaft maatFlaml tfiigud or auxidwola,*Werisnoed a plur.l ra" ity Imm A 1 part rima pooAon ava l - "fox rawer or hair to (M 831-3M. • 'Micro Computers and Business Applications • Computerized Accounting • Nord Processing; Y(" CAREER STARTS HERE OSHAwA 434-8585 � island aza v CMM - CoarA , W • YAMC ;UNEP. • 3L9XV1 . SUWE" - ED"TOa • SASKATOOR VONKG • McaLTak - IrSSLSSkIGA - TOR MTC • MOf1TM VM- SCAR/OROIIGM - OSMAMA . KW.ST011 - OTUM • MONTREAL LAM . LORGUEUIL - OIAKC - HALIFAX Cpl Caner DwOo m" NISUfts Lid Vocational Programs Coordinator Temporary Contract with potential for permanent You are a self-starter with knowledge of vocational training, and able to design detailed program outlines, consult with industry advisors and complete the appropriate government documentation. This position requires excellent written and interpersonal communications skills, and computer literacy. The successful candidate will require transportation, will report to the president and be stationed in Ajax, Ontario. Interested applicants may appy by mail or tax no later than 9:00 A.M. April 11, 1995. `01 WNW NANAGENEM N STIME Suite 404, 95 Sayly Suet West Ajar, Ontario L 1S 7x8 Facsoide: (905) 427-2558 ow CONTINUOUS LEARNDIG SpringlSummer Course Calendars ' ale through local papers and registration begins the week of April 2. Register by phone with visa or MasterCard, 721-3000 or toll- free, 1-800-461-3260. Call the Contin ms Learning Office for more information, (905) 721-3052. arEFAM kW III= 4 WOW quit °nou goal wonm for lora brm oornmiloonL L.aavo wa- sp, 420064. For PWwilp Tari Co. DINIM 14109115 AIRo kerwd A -Aub ma A s k Cal 686-1515 DRIVERS WANTED IN AJAX AREA $2.00 per deliv- ery, hours avail- able call Jason at 693-2497 KC7 DURHAM Continuous Learning would like to invite you to submit teaching resumes for the following areas of expertise: Basic Anatomy & Physiology Business Statistics Critical Care E.C.E. Environmental Human Services Counsellor Palliative Cane If you have an idea for a NEW General Interest course, please submit a thorough course proposal and attach your resume for consideration. Quote file number and send resume to: File *: 1463 Secretary, Continuous Learning P.O. Box 385 Oshawa, Ont. LIH 71_7 We will be contacting only those applicants being considered when posiuons become available. NNE s 0 P U R E S P R I N G W A T E R. II�1D)1NDR.SIIT CONTRACTOR ngtiied b deilAer spring ,orate, Prod111M MIM and biodaprK%ble soap 3 dbanirap produces b Aortia. olioab and story wiMlirl 75 km ratios o1 Djb@m. ro" petietm a; F f 62.000 ill inti b Mie kldipand I t 0cnvacbr. Good owwunilir for to right individual b ataPand aaiafifp falls. Pktats� dativar'festana b JAP Abwwfly ab Ste. Anw's Pwo SM WNW Canpaty. 7160obW Sam D*^ odwmL EXPERIENCED GM PARTS COUNTER PERSON Required in the Pickering Area. Please cal 8013 GOULET 683-6181 Sheridan 9L E CAULU 6 = LTD International coatpany looking for motivated, reliable team players to work part-time hours for full-time pay. APPOIINTURNT CO-ORDXZATORB needed. Room for advancement. $10.00 ++ incentive bonuses. Telephone sandy 905-937-0844. we per ro ba r b aaRabM ar Fob* Vora, toted. For dd* rood salt aaltia e1I ala WW awdopa tar. LEISURE TME IIAMlFACTURNG 16716.12 Yang@ St -Aft 344 NwnrlWkK Ontario. L3X 1X4 PLUK DO NOT APPLY N PEM M d A LAMM Callafan 6 K nrsad aarnioM ooarparlI is mdag for u 044 aldt .0 vim•rb Wo fah. n absty. teb aro am of to boom r " ooahp.IiM in Ow AssW ylowihp i►• a marry o to raw. Emes. hm vmwq proMet EM- not a L Ea1i pariwhoa mur lana adwrIowWWt and in- oases pobn6oL Thi ie a w gomb buWwM coop no door b door or WWI-- a k0wo only ftm oriel ills} grdy and a good work @$a reed apply. Core &fan fa an appombn d at 576- 7676,16. 7635. LEARN TO TYPE <4mpk Yt K"bom ft •ort► 6a ear trotig 411111" kolas •M AI / SRdaaa Cal S once reWWA ,hit work Mrd rawer: 105 Ba* SL Ajax, LIS 7K7, in parson Statue Coir. Ary 12 R n — (706)464.6111 CRUSE S!W ion Form 5301 moo 0o tt PW N WW roeior� llrio rhriroa.h. F+rI eA 1SOC-13 al.moarr Swvba-Fur or Part tirw peopb alaft maatFlaml tfiigud or auxidwola,*Werisnoed a plur.l ra" ity Imm A 1 part rima pooAon ava l - "fox rawer or hair to (M 831-3M. • 'Micro Computers and Business Applications • Computerized Accounting • Nord Processing; Y(" CAREER STARTS HERE OSHAwA 434-8585 � island aza v CMM - CoarA , W • YAMC ;UNEP. • 3L9XV1 . SUWE" - ED"TOa • SASKATOOR VONKG • McaLTak - IrSSLSSkIGA - TOR MTC • MOf1TM VM- SCAR/OROIIGM - OSMAMA . KW.ST011 - OTUM • MONTREAL LAM . LORGUEUIL - OIAKC - HALIFAX Cpl Caner DwOo m" NISUfts Lid Vocational Programs Coordinator Temporary Contract with potential for permanent You are a self-starter with knowledge of vocational training, and able to design detailed program outlines, consult with industry advisors and complete the appropriate government documentation. This position requires excellent written and interpersonal communications skills, and computer literacy. The successful candidate will require transportation, will report to the president and be stationed in Ajax, Ontario. Interested applicants may appy by mail or tax no later than 9:00 A.M. April 11, 1995. `01 WNW NANAGENEM N STIME Suite 404, 95 Sayly Suet West Ajar, Ontario L 1S 7x8 Facsoide: (905) 427-2558 ow CONTINUOUS LEARNDIG SpringlSummer Course Calendars ' ale through local papers and registration begins the week of April 2. Register by phone with visa or MasterCard, 721-3000 or toll- free, 1-800-461-3260. Call the Contin ms Learning Office for more information, (905) 721-3052. arEFAM kW III= 4 WOW quit °nou goal wonm for lora brm oornmiloonL L.aavo wa- sp, 420064. For PWwilp Tari Co. DINIM 14109115 AIRo kerwd A -Aub ma A s k Cal 686-1515 DRIVERS WANTED IN AJAX AREA $2.00 per deliv- ery, hours avail- able call Jason at 693-2497 KC7 DURHAM Continuous Learning would like to invite you to submit teaching resumes for the following areas of expertise: Basic Anatomy & Physiology Business Statistics Critical Care E.C.E. Environmental Human Services Counsellor Palliative Cane If you have an idea for a NEW General Interest course, please submit a thorough course proposal and attach your resume for consideration. Quote file number and send resume to: File *: 1463 Secretary, Continuous Learning P.O. Box 385 Oshawa, Ont. LIH 71_7 We will be contacting only those applicants being considered when posiuons become available. NNE s 0 P U R E S P R I N G W A T E R. II�1D)1NDR.SIIT CONTRACTOR ngtiied b deilAer spring ,orate, Prod111M MIM and biodaprK%ble soap 3 dbanirap produces b Aortia. olioab and story wiMlirl 75 km ratios o1 Djb@m. ro" petietm a; F f 62.000 ill inti b Mie kldipand I t 0cnvacbr. Good owwunilir for to right individual b ataPand aaiafifp falls. Pktats� dativar'festana b JAP Abwwfly ab Ste. Anw's Pwo SM WNW Canpaty. 7160obW Sam D*^ odwmL EXPERIENCED GM PARTS COUNTER PERSON Required in the Pickering Area. Please cal 8013 GOULET 683-6181 Sheridan 9L E CAULU 6 = LTD International coatpany looking for motivated, reliable team players to work part-time hours for full-time pay. APPOIINTURNT CO-ORDXZATORB needed. Room for advancement. $10.00 ++ incentive bonuses. Telephone sandy 905-937-0844. we per ro ba r b aaRabM ar Fob* Vora, toted. For dd* rood salt aaltia e1I ala WW awdopa tar. LEISURE TME IIAMlFACTURNG 16716.12 Yang@ St -Aft 344 NwnrlWkK Ontario. L3X 1X4 PLUK DO NOT APPLY N PEM M d 110 General General Help 110 Help CAU QUAlIIMM D 1111MUMTld ifICKESIMCIAJAWWAMMwoWH WE NEED: Males/Females General Labourers Assemblers Packagers Safety boots required. WE OFFER: $6.85 to $7.05 per hour Direct Deposit to your account weekly 4% Vacation paid weekly Paid Statutory Holidays Previous applicants need not apply. rtennews to be held in Pickering. Til: (416) 292-2282 REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY EXPERIENCED PART TIME WARRANTY CLERK for busy Chrysler dealership. approximately 20 hours per week, hours negotiable. Contact Doreen at 683-5358 Advertise your riPainting & Decorating Business Here! MANAGERS $209"o ff you are ambitious, sell directed and seeking autonomy to let your expand as only you are able, then we need you! We are currently seeking several vandidates for our extensive manage- ment training program. If you are looking for an exciting career and not just a job, then please call 1-416-553-1513 toll free between 9 a.m -10 a.m only. DUDS N SUDS Mature laundry attendant. Part ime evenings and weekends. � ly within 105 yly SL Ajax. EARN UP TO $513 By assembing 90 pairs of stylish beaded earrings year round. at home NFC Sena S A S E x ACCEX C.LC.K. CRAFT CORP., 23 Connie St Ext 4255 Ont nt. M6L 2H8 (416) 247-0310 FaX News Advertiser 70.7 683-7363 83 7363 DOORS 'RUS GARAGE DOORS OPENERS INSTALLATION Sales. Service & Repair 905-837-0949 DUCTWORKinstalled, moved. relocated Etvedsrx salsa. Free eeMtrMe. 13oc- troWbc air dearlors, hir rnglb-s. ft Small jobs. Cad Paxil 425-0295. DUCTWORK instaMod. -aveCrelocaled. Exe " rates Free eebnab a Elec- trostabc air cleaners. hu- mrdkers. Bid small robs. ;all Paul 428-0295 K A 0. RENOVATIONS Decks and fencing. cislorn casement renovators. '-rafting services. (905) 66& K.C. Aluminum Siding, soffit eaves, facia. vnyl and alurtlmum- Low, low prices. Ouaity i/ 0winanship (:all Kevin at (905)831-3194 rAen TING 6 decorating, basement renovations, decks, lawn pool swimming pservice. Rokabb, bort est & quality Senor � o, mates. 666-5701. J.S. ARMSTROWA EV. INC. Spoeiatizirhg totem homes, rerhow- rs, new Idteflorlo. wind- ws, basemennts, bad- s. Repass and odb- over 15 Yom e,Moni. Free osYityrs. Cal 905.686.2362. ROPEAN We special. will renovate, you bell,, M. or kitchen ods, ao as loon Iles. Good Po- nces and satiafaction ranteed. For kips eels- sa call D. Dylafa 72s► - 3 MLL's General radon Inc. RaoidenYW Corm mmal, inflow ext inor ausetirn wrxk orb ffmmi w". I and wallpaper etc. oil work over 11.000. roncee available upon WL Cal for fres oeY e. (905)4096-2183. COMPLETE renovations and improvements. addn- bons. bossism %r__%1 baex-. carpentry. dry - "al. Pax a . owamic Mos. saueeo. Free eserrlolea Cal Eupora 432-2159. KB.CARPENTRY Kilctlon ' 8ae+ ' General Rapes 'Renovallm' Retrofit for fes 255 Yfs Exporionos l.icartsad carpal lierw 106-Ci2,2T/0 C a R Manlsrrnce Budding repairs and renovaborlo electrical, pkwrAx% Ceramic Mss. carpentry. From amend repass to m for renovations Fully guwarAow. kee ees- maw. (906)e6e-3300 Mill CONSTRUCTION Carpentfy. ung Elwin". PPkmt" Fancec.Doda. New Additions.Rwmab". 011atily Work GlnrartMd Rs1.,Ciorr" ahs Drag Mialdw of BBB WA JOHNSTONE CONSTRUCTK111 Hera repaxs a awrasom dada, bmlt.. tatfnns., windiw saaxty bars. "IL al kin wok a arwgriny txxna. CM 8869182 VAZ GENEPAL CONTRACTMtifia LTD. AdMialls, Batt dc - ON, BIMIIMMMis, Celalnic Tice, Hlydeood hoots, RwkTria,wkldows, DO=! Ysa ACM. Cal Matin Fa Estill" (i05) 6835616. FENCING Decks, chtvrt ink, iron, drilled holes, set posts. For Free EsWoes Cal sieve (905) 509.5077 Moble (416)409 6456 OCs l NFnMXT tpM InteriorOr repairs, renovations and construcbon. Fast and clean profession- al work guaranteed. Crag, GWI913 Large or small pot hobs in you driaway or pill" la ?Are your dolt tlairK (storfll Of $Wtwy ) In flood d repairs 7 Cal Bill at , (416) 346 1016 for to dependable sumo, I Aftywhere in ftlo Greater Toronto crest, Fully Insured b Borded ELECTRICIAN. 34 years oxponsince. licensed. no al lob too an. tam service. excellent rate, any ekactn- Cal work Can Ian 693- 1303. ELECTRICIAN- Licensed ori do all types of elecuical work. Reasonable rales. Sarson discount Fast serv- ice Cal Alex at 433.7632 DECORATE for the Now Year. Help Me Rhonda's knbnof Decorating, parrK- ing, wall papering, curtairs. drywall, impeccable work at a low Cwt Many refarenc�- e.. Free ostimaw. Cal 4166-3x58. DRywAu and painting, boardrhg,tapirg,Uxering. rwrovaborlo and repairs. Small jobs. 15 years ox- porkence. Free estimates, Serving Durham and out of town area. Ken 434-4500. TMS PAINTING & DECOR ktlenor b Exterior European Workmanship Fast, dears, obatile SerY1Ce. 420-0081 AJAX Moving Systems - full serviose. moves, appliance and Piano specw0fs. Fiat =rale or holy. We now have lad storage units. Now oflenng free box" with novo Park and load special. steAng at $99 and up Cal for i t,,m*oo . 725-0006 or 427-0005 tq n HARRY -0 -THE - MOVERS - Move big Of small. we price them all Free estimaw, seniors discount start Holes moves Pianos moved. also appliances. Comparable raw. Call 432-2850. MEN with Largo truck will do household mows, roof dential, commercial. ercial. Al typos of moves. Cal Carl or Jane 427-2856. MICHALSKI MOVING - houses, apartirsnle, ofiiow appianas and piano spe- cafist Free wardrobe serv- ioe. Uownood, insued Fra* eswralm Cal 436-7m. MOMAN MOYMG SYSTEMS ora nal rrolo anyllsng, anyedwe, xVW - commercal or residential. Padkagi g, storage and taxes available, Saver a mid north discounts. Fra elloOm 571-0755 CARPET Inellalalk" - 25 yam oxP«iance, restrall ing, our speciality Free sob - show. D a N Durcen, 9e7- 1799 or 9197--1000 WHITBI TILE AND !MARBLE PmfcssKmal ccram,c the waers. auaraotaod CnstaOatioits visit our showroom at : 103 By roe St. W3itbv 6W 1280 MATURE responsible lady to dean your 1101 a co- nes. No job too big or too small . Cal. kava message 6861781 RELIABLE HOUSE CLEANER Willing to d0 Vautxnxg Dmb%. Kitchens. Bath - roans .110015 etc Reasonable roes. MWorool�oyy. . Bu-waeldy CALL M957 KST GROUNDSKEEP- ING - lawn wmng. spring and fall cloon-ups. trim- ming. rimming. garden work. Free guota0on. Cal Ralph. 905- 427-9558 or fax 905-427- 4709 LAWN & TREE CARE. Free Estimates -talons from $23.45 -Trees from $36.05 Mowing, Aeration, Pruning Seeding, Sodding (905) 837-2388 (416) 781-5943 Gunn-Diriean Land- seaPirg, spring do -ups. Pruning now booking far interkucl9ng, garden waft, dads a gardonti. free esti- malss. Call 723-7WI. POLTI� ONE LANDOCAJMMC Cotwt+ANT Stoic rano^*. 3rcx .41cn ref. sooar9 I ovm pabm eliveeays. 'iso trsnmrg, gnaw c-Amr 10ixg cxaaNAs FREE CONSULTATKx4S 40 Sowavas (ey)asti...Yt =as (ees)oe4reau- THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1995-PAGF. 33 popMMMIMIM EASY INCOME Work FULL time hairstylist HAIRSTYLIST with then. from home For Free info- deeded $Whr . profit shay- Iola wanted for established mation send S A E to ing to start. Benefit plan Salon. Great business op. PO box 31066 475 West- and good working condi- portaroy for creative. motl- ney Rd ". Ontano LIT- tans Positions available in vated, individual Call Lynn 3H0 Pickering/Ajax. For miler- at 725.4321 EXPERIENCE HAIRSTYL. IST and Estetechan re- quired immediately in Whb by Wage plus conirtgsion. Cal 430.3156 EXPERIENCED em brordery machine operator for evening shift. Alex. Call Allan or Cathy 428-3525 FLEXIBLE HOURS - If you are a enthusiasticmo- tivated otivated and reliable person with excellenl communica- tive skills and previous sales experience. we have a position with potential growth in our company Please appy to TP Corp PO Box S24. Whnby. On- tario LIN 5V3 view, please call 906-693- 3650 or 905.831-2196 REQUIRED Full time $8.00. to start. full benefits holiday pay Vacation pay Birthday pay call 831-2196 ask for Donna HOME WORKERS URGENTLY NEEDED! lip to ftSM al" maeing sur wculam. Nc expenence- trap ng a suppl,os oroillow, :.'p rime von r :are dor RUSH SAS -!o: Maplewood dwhwd" P.O. Box 30601 Oskaw. Ont. LiJ iia SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 Tree rerncvat S prur- ng.2s "ears expen- wice cal 72f-7546 or 939- 1659 MAGICIAN, clown bunds. ready to Mlertain for any ago, any occasion Birth- dayspromooms, open - rigs. fund raiews Magic shows are tun' Lettuce help eJ9-7057 or 726- 6334 RASSITwants wore Gang magic for cvldren s parties and all occasaans rave my own magician Cad E- ne 668.4932 A OUAUFIED +^c pero ced elementary school teacher available in at suDlects, easy. after 4 30 Prn )Neekends. suinnrr Cal 839-8246 DRUM; ESSONS Private lessons available for be- ginners. rea- sonable ^ates Cal 428 -200 - SCHOOL -4 Lessons and test $105. -10 Lessons 5150 -Full (;parse 5270 =,ee pock -up anc drop of! (4 1 6 12 87-3060 �E- =AS c;z aEF +NCS By E -FLUNG = ss E-hirng,Computer- zed Tax regrrne.Pre. pared by a professional accountant JUDY K„KS,S- 3A 420-2081 aporaw tax a birs+riess dCCiol-^tng "'n"c" avauabie NCOME TAX Prepara- tisrMeeolng and ac- ^ -rC sr .,ces Reason - 1: r:es :all Robert at Don't Forget Ajax Pickering News AdFertlser Classified Dept. is open for your convenience even Sat. 9.30 to 3�0. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 683-0?0? SAVE YOUR FRUSTRATIONM Bring all your papers to the Qualified Accountant at MoneyCare Consultants kncial Planning, Accounting, Tax, Marketing 0-2440 (Tlte Suaercentre Mall. Pjckerinal e• r PAGE 34 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1995 SPRING EXPANSION Accepting applications for U -tiles, part -fame -no door lo door. -no telerlmalketirg -kA trailing provided •adhrarncerrnerN opportunity SeriousarI'-, lSonly please. 666-4660 TAXI DRIVERS Wanted FULL t3 PART TIME 831-2160 TELEMARKETERS NEEDED. Well versed on phone, motivated. reliable people needed. full rime and Pail time. $7 per hr. sahary .430.9264 EXPERIENCED Pool Service Tectxrcian needed for Durham company. Per- sonal tuck or can a bora Car (905) 4207666 for apps WORK AT If M)KE we pay I- illoocey to among" ow Products. Easy work, No e�wisww asasowy For FREE deter. e SAAE to Rwye Star 6rlerPrrisn - last rid. Sats tt3. p U Pfobiaiy 0st Uv ars CHIEF OPERATING OF- FICER. Durham Free -Net Inc. n scheduled to go on- line to the general pudic on Jure 14, 1995. We are looking for a very special person to initalty play a key role as a volunteer prior to assunnng the salaried role of Chief Operating Officer. The position requires an experienced manager, a well rounded generakat who is capable of imme- dalety gerong directly in- volved in the proiect man- agement and fund raising functions. Along with the ability to mobitze and work with volunteers the ideal candidate will possess a good -or" knowledge of computer networks. A profi- ciency in public speaking and case presentation are also necessary attributes. This compeUOon w open to ar Residents of the Durham Region. Business plan available at main hbranes. Apply io Durham Free -Net frit. P.O. Box 26071 206 Keg St East Oshawa. Or- ta. L 1 H 1 CO OR by IsMail to john_rormen a No org IF you are angle or a margin parent « "paroled or dr voiced with tree years work experience. you rrav quality for financial assistance of it you an over 45 and have ne- :erilly been lad off. you may quality lex tramng aesa- tance. DIP/CERT, Lotus, Wordperfect. D -Base. Word. Acco-c. Bedford. Autocad. Ventura. Pagom er Har- vard. CaN.ler Pro- gr�mrg and Systems An - *at C.obd. Faecal and c Photoshop. Caark Express and Ieiatralor. Durham Blear mess Canvuw College. 427- 3010 SM -1000 COMMIS- SION per referral to debt reducarion program, saving home owners 4070% on mortgage ritereal. debt and hab4hty. Also save 45% on heating costs. Save 40% on cellular phone. Whole- sale price leasing on any car/truck. Save 50% on fresh produce. Free Senear at Harm" Creek Got Course. 7:30p.m. each Monday. Oshawa Port Per. ry, 986-0757 Whitby 43D- 8904 308904 ENTREPRENEUR DIS- TRIBUTORS WANTED IMMEDIATELY for a New Company that has just started in January of this year. Payng up to 60% Bonus. Now taking Appli- whom. Call LYNDA 905- 432.0369 or STEVE 705- 932-7080 for Appointment NEW HOME SALES Expenenced,icenced RealEstate Reps re- quired by New Home Sales i3 Marketing i ompany for new pro- ject in theWfrtby, Oshawa area. We offer COfT1pQbAYe CorTlnsS- sum. referral program b bonus Incentives. Please tax resume to Tram Real Estate Urnited (905) 837. 2555 or call Pam at (905) 837-0085 Cost Accountant - Temporary (Maternity Leave) Required Immecately to periorrr day to day cos' a=x nvng activities, riidlrg account reconaliabons, period end processing,. AN vouchering (inventory), auto fleet admllllstrabon, retail tax remittances, data entry and inventory revaluation. The successful candidate will have lee abtitty to perform financial analysts and preparation. year end audit schedules and pnysCai alventory. we require an energetic individual who must possess good organizational stalls. have the ability 10 roan 1D (;hanging prior ties and meet critical deadlines. we are seeking a person enrolled m a CGAICMA program or a community college graduate with previous experience in a manufacamrg a=nbng ennronnent. Kr,owrleoge of manuface/mg vanarloe accounting ar asset. PC skulls are essential. If you, are Interested it purswng this challenging position, rewrnle, with salary experatms to DEAL INDUSTRIES (CANADA). INC 33 F,ilier Road Ajax, Ontario L'S 2E1 Anerbon Human Resources Department Fax (905; 683-0249 (No Agencies Please) those aciollcanis selected for Interview wl' ta contacted. RECEPTIONIST -ENTRY CLERK Required for a* mantift"W" can""_ The respoinslbdides of this position are vaned and include answering the phones. prcessing Orders in computer and invoicing. Applicants should have basic computer experience. Snake Free Office. While we thank all applicants, only fie ones being cosidered wig be contacted. Please fax resumes to (416) 291-005 A BILINGUAL Accounts Ra eivablMiCredR Clark is required by run Dkrfam SllAw. work from hone. ago anhdRegm dsse oil hawsais The suic, ya,ggsi�tt at Nese 5 years eeq�eortoloe doral and profaaional in wleCtonr a• wN as ea- ix1MrM camwarea0on prbiN»rs- N you an well ahft in both Erglidh and moliwtsd, eneftu F/and . This is a 3 - 6 sialic and hate ammoment -aonth contract DMS• people ale7s we an wig Plea submit your resume b fain you n a Ids salsa b The frYhses Group frc�,esontabw. krwrisdale 905 8373000 « Faxx 906; 837-5009 Atbn- poodions awns-abhs. BiYn- tont rids SleoMhrh guefem a Pts. Cal 905- 104.2061: Fax 905-433 1541, 9-4:30. Direct Pub IIM1lM Adw4rdo a ChseNed DspWthsot h yid OWM! 3 46 lei&* 600 A -M uta go* t ae M3♦?�7 a 1hr Pane a/ 4W !fait It M3'?363 PART-TIME Sales People wowwn transportation Sanpiy arrange high de- mand swviu contracts in residential areas. Hurry b lock up your own iemlory (905)427-aG12 or (905) 723.3833 PARTYLITE GIFTS FMA Featuring a unique collec- tion of candles and home decorating accessories is seeking consultants for Party pan sales. No invest- ment or delivery, outstand- ing commmission. Please can Heather (905) 723-2896 CAR STEREO/ ACCESSORIES INSTALLER Experienced with tools preferred, but will train person with related skills. For appointment call between 8:30 a m. and 4:30 p.m 668-6429 Large Tobe Manufacturing Company Seeks the following • Gage and Fixture builders mm. of 5yrs exp. APp1Y in con- fidence to 2533 Rena Rd. Mississauga Ontario, L4T 3X4 orfax (905) 676-0735 BUSY DICKERING DENTAL OFFICE Reoures Full Time recepboW Evenings required Please call Irene at (905) 839-5951 DENTAL Re-spoomst. lull time, Preference given to ra lxleaea expeneroW on ABEL. Aceaahb Reurvable 6 HARP Cwt Pickering of- fice. flexible hours. $Ome .venomp and occasional Satrdeya Planers car 831. 4706 CAREGIVER - Whifby home.prolessio al coupe 2 boys 2 yr/ 4 yr olds. part time rotating days 6 am Light duties. own transpor- tation. ncirr amoker. rotor - minces 433-7868 EXPERIENCED TELEMARKETER WANTED We are looking for a- self- mohvated, articulale candtdale who can sell over the phone. In return, we will provide an environment with friendly & supportive , supervision, competitive pay & more. Call Fred Eismont, Classified Manager a7s-e33s 'FRANCIS PErSONNFt S111i P.C. lelfeatwF i bolls INDUSTRIAL PAINTER -the ability to mix own paint general labour work involved -dayshifV full-time opportunity -Durham Region area DIESEL APPRENTICE MECHANICS -4th year with fleet experience -available immediately -shift work DATA ENTRY OPERATORS •10,000 keystrokes required -afternoon shifts available For consideration please send resumes to: Francis Personnel Services Inc., 500-11 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, Ontario L1G 4137 Fax no.: (905) 5764698 TRACTOR TRAILER Ideal Roofing CoR t.. LtdF .a�manutacturer of steel roofing and siding is presently searching for a licensed 'AZ Track Driver in the Oshawa area. Must have 3 years driving experience with flat bed. rack and tarp and be capable of leaving on 2 to 5 days trips. Please send resume to : claoae Lavaaate, V.P. Haalalla Reseurces, 1"s Michel street, Ottawa, Oatarie. 1B]E 3R2 idCal f001'i" idcnl rculikem int CAREGIVER- Required for two young boys in our home Light housework Refwenas Morday to Thursday. 8:30 am - 5:30 pm e26 -4M NANNY/ HOUSEKEEPER. 3 cfriden. cook. %xibie haus. Yoe in or out. drivers kerne. "W. Iowa pixx between 6mid 9pm 509-1126 PART TOE babyeiner needed b come into my hone. weekdays, must have a car, 619-0635 asekwhde or evwnngs PART fere help warned in private hos, talurg care of children. Mothers with Children welcome. Call evens g& Jerry, 905- 831 - ON& RELIABLE deyran, six- CsNwd refwenwes, mals and snacks. 2 openings available. For more infor- mcad 837-2039. RESPONSIBLE, rellsble. 10 -mg daycare, clam. etm- "ang, smo *' hand, 18 Vasa ex�wiwlod, Noxa We hours, babies webonhe, references, Vaby Farm) Mapr Oaks. 686-7954. VENDORS WANTED Gaffe, produce, anopia, etc. New iMoor/---door market, operiog weakwwds starting May. Northbound 35/115. Cal (905) 983- 9640 VENDORS llanbd with kkA Vegetables. trcpieals, house Owlits,and water pants. Plane caN Louse, at 905-M-1110116( 9331 « , - BEST deal in Durham' Top quality hardwood at lows prices Stock up now lex next winter DURHAM FIREWOOD (905)427- 4741 FREE firewood skids 8 panelsone mond orgy. delivery avadeb a Cal bet - wen 610 p -m. and Wave menage. 430.9013 ROKA LUMBER I FIREWOOD C81TRE 4'X8112' $60.00 418116' $65.00 ESTABLISHED ism Days 705-M- M1 Emit 90543444 Flee Daliwry To Oshawa Air STAFF Local Architectural / Engineering firm is ex- panding and requires building design staff for a variety of interesting projects: Structural Engineer 8 -10 years experience with design, specifi- cations and construction administration for industrial , commercial and institutional buildings. Project Architect Minimum 5 years experience with design and production of working drawings, excel- lent presentation skills and proven experi- ence with AutoCAD will be required. Intermediate / Senior Architectural D"igner For design / drafting of institutional, indus- trijal, commercial and social housing using AutoCAD. Construction administration ex- perience would be an asset. Submit resume to: Barry • Bryan Associates (1991) Limited Architect , Engineer, Project Managers 11 Stanley Court, Unit 1 Whitby. Ontario L!N 8P9 Telephone: (905) 666-5252 EXPERIENCED FORK LIFT/OVERHEAD CRANE INSTRUCTOR TRAINER Join our growing team of Instructors • Do you enjoy the freedom to manage yourser • Do you mind traveling and some out-of-town work? • Do you mind working the occas ana weekend? Regwred mature uldrvtduai wth recognized instructional background in the material halldllrg field. Must have several years of experience on all types of fork lift trucks, e.g. sit-down counterbalance. narrow aisle reach and swing reach. - Ove, head crane experience an asset. It you would like to pm a fast growing company and have the above qualifications, we offer a generous salary. benefits, imnal trailing and car allowance. Resumes only accepted - Far (4f 6) 2940-3727 Previous applicants need not reapply. L,,TTextFork Training Limited 90 Nashdens Road, Unit S20 e Sixrboraglt, Ontario. M1V 5E4 26' ZENITH colour N.. good working condition 5300. Golf Dubs, full set right. metal Woods. $200.. 432-1863. APPLIANCES-Owew fur we microwave. Admr ral almond host free fridge, excellent condition (905) 6e61725. CARPET- Are you paying too much for carpet or furni- ture urnrture re-uphitsierxng? We will beat any **him* guaranteed. Large selec- bon of samples. Feel ares b call p anytime. For your free estimate tail (905) 6193663. DOG house. inside * en - sans 36' wide. 44' long. 28' high. insulated. sho rod. vinyl walls Never been used. $125 839- 1357 GRAND OPENING - Everything for your horse. 38 King ST.E. 26 Con,oie cofoW TV 5275. 4 pcantique bed- room suite $400. aural ar- mor w/2 night tables 1300. Matic lacquw 5 pc queen bedroom suis $1100. NEW 5 Pc. quem bedroom suite $1100. beige couch a char $575. NEW hunter green couch ti chair $1150, mar- ble top end tables $250. Small practice organ $75. dryer $150. fridge 5375 . while fridge tic ,love $575. gold fridge w/self-leaning stove 5675. Duncan Phyk dining table w/4 chairs $660. cherry drhing table so, 4 cairs 5450, 6 pc. during suite $450, 8 pc pore dining suss $700. Sharp electron ic typewwiw $125, 1 corn- puten wvprir-er, 1 offce desks, t executive chairs, secretary car. best offer. (905) 579-0626 I MOVING - NEED to sel chrome 8 smoke glass e: lenaion tables w/4 chairs, keyboard organ wil bench, Khroler love sol and high back wing chair more. Please call (905)62: 5155. OAK/PINE FURNITURE Why Pay retail prices? Or or Ontario's oldest and la gest manufacturers is no sairg direct to the Pkhlil Eg. 7 pc. solid oak dinirx room suite $1975; 6 p solid pine bedroom suit $1750. Over 20 staff choices, all solid, n veneers. Traditional Wool working 905-985-8774. PIANO - Baby grand, et cellent condition. $1,95( Dining room, antique wa nut, 9 pce. $1,450. 6 pci bedroom. antique. 61.25( (905) 6605727 PIANOS/GRANDFA- THER Clocks - Durham' largest selection -New an used pianos. Not sure Rent to own, apt sizr upright. grand. digital. ken boards TREMENDOU' SAVINGS ON NOW' Tele Piano Works. 433-1491. SHEOMAN - quality bar style sheds, built on six 8x8 $649 GST nd udet Display at Lymbed Lurnbe Kxhgslon Rd., Phckenn Ont or car 905-509-4961 SMOKE top drag table, chairs. 3 pc. matching wa unit. moving. $1000 o.b k Microwave 550., . After p.m. 905-619-0767. WASHER/dryer, G.E Er oore. heavy duly, 7 prof washer/ 6 Prog. drys beige. 6 yrs. old. $450+p 432-1601 WASHERS dryers. frdgr stovenew and record boned, $225 and up ler n =xit«ad wrasher. Si7 .rod up for recondtore dryer. $175 and up for n condsoned Iidges an stoves. Also con operate washer and dryers Sas dhenson s Furniture an 4Wbanoes. 227 Court St Oshawa 5767446 VACUUM packxg ma chine. $3800 2ogt. Hobo ^rater, S30o0 Meat Pat ^achne. $33000 Electri waw heater. $120 Oflic Gums. $45 each Elects 7xMW. $350 Two bund oyes Move. 5250 area shelves. Six) 726-2255 WANTED - old and ar tique furniture, anythin old. Scientific; alotlreenp chis. salvor, adventeirwy spat ig. toys. decoy, dots. mitt bottles, colon: hod «..tate. Cal Rob« Bowen Antiques (906) 665 eo49 Rromian WANTED CAMERAS old awha and glass, jewel lery, m icraecopes. lose scopes, bur oculars and a laced items. Clocks. oath as, turn"*, anything old 432.1678 WANTED to buy - aide furn"o, glass, china, col iectible 1, mwm«abilra wattles, W. Single pied or estates. Cal (905) 723 7834. BASIC, Nance and Opo Oshawa Obedience Asso cation, begin April 4. Sloe Handing starts Apr. loth To rogisbr call Bev at (905 436-0868. a er� t OUNTRY CRAFT' SNOW SUN., APRIL 9,1995 er 60 exhibitors - For all your East gift and home decorating needs. Jubilee Pavillion, in beautiful Lakeview Park, Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, tp.S Ips. at the lake. info. 434-55 CARPET /A-1 Prices, buy TEAK c oswfdb and two direct wholesale. Free in- domes to rtatch. Talk wstailal xv on for free estimate coffee tables and buF eL Call Sal (906)432-2750. or Suihble for rise rooWCot- Pager (416MO.9697 lage. Also large meidierie ar, Cpet Broker, 1 00%, cabinet 427-1999. Nylon Owl pknh, stain re- WICKERTABLE,soWd haft Loop.lent F« 3 roans, with chains, only $369.00. Price in - co dilon, regular S1.5oo, dudes SqY� Pel asking 5300. 50e-0333 deluxe Dad and iratalabon n you hams. Fra quota - WOW MART. Bowman- ton . in y --r 11011,.. NO in- vi$e's txdy SMALL BUSI- bred no payment ler Cir NESS wicuBATOR and to year, until Oae.1995. most INNOVATIVEDarrel, 1-800217-0104. 3 SUCCESSFUL FLEA CARPEThome at dis• Your MARKET le growarg sgani count prices. 100% nylon, w;tb shin r000twt Price includes o � our 50 pad and expert wo"i ton. NEW SPACES. We offer Cal Nick at (905) 430.8651. tae furl bins storage, full CARPETS - lob d cwPN, alarm sysfem, co-op ad - 100% nyhon, new stain r• Prugram included in rent, leaea carpets on hand, I will no long ben canlrwL carpet 3 rooms, $349. Price Urdqus MOVIE SET irriades carpet, pnwnwrn DECOR and 0000 TRAF- Paid, expert Ye"Imag ,int FIC. We also offer a lug dsivery, fres sWneba (30 Mirage Of IxieY nrvcm yards). Norman Oe62314. at vary reasonable rales. Don't era this one lime COMPUTERS MOVING CMM" b BE WHERE SAE - aeawhg Out 286's THE ACTION IS. Visit any from 5155., 386's from Sunday at 182 Wallington SM i" Fill- ,lets of new SC W. or aN Bob - To bre - and used moat«s form 905 427 4419. 5119., everything is guar- PIANO- bats rand, ar"ad - yes we do *4 excel) excellent condition, row systems. 161 Batelne Rd. E., Bowmamvis. 897 Dining room, antique walnut, 9 -pike. =1450. 6-pce. bedroom, antique, 51250. t�05• 6t30-5727. DOG house. inside * en - sans 36' wide. 44' long. 28' high. insulated. sho rod. vinyl walls Never been used. $125 839- 1357 GRAND OPENING - Everything for your horse. 38 King ST.E. 26 Con,oie cofoW TV 5275. 4 pcantique bed- room suite $400. aural ar- mor w/2 night tables 1300. Matic lacquw 5 pc queen bedroom suis $1100. NEW 5 Pc. quem bedroom suite $1100. beige couch a char $575. NEW hunter green couch ti chair $1150, mar- ble top end tables $250. Small practice organ $75. dryer $150. fridge 5375 . while fridge tic ,love $575. gold fridge w/self-leaning stove 5675. Duncan Phyk dining table w/4 chairs $660. cherry drhing table so, 4 cairs 5450, 6 pc. during suite $450, 8 pc pore dining suss $700. Sharp electron ic typewwiw $125, 1 corn- puten wvprir-er, 1 offce desks, t executive chairs, secretary car. best offer. (905) 579-0626 I MOVING - NEED to sel chrome 8 smoke glass e: lenaion tables w/4 chairs, keyboard organ wil bench, Khroler love sol and high back wing chair more. Please call (905)62: 5155. OAK/PINE FURNITURE Why Pay retail prices? Or or Ontario's oldest and la gest manufacturers is no sairg direct to the Pkhlil Eg. 7 pc. solid oak dinirx room suite $1975; 6 p solid pine bedroom suit $1750. Over 20 staff choices, all solid, n veneers. Traditional Wool working 905-985-8774. PIANO - Baby grand, et cellent condition. $1,95( Dining room, antique wa nut, 9 pce. $1,450. 6 pci bedroom. antique. 61.25( (905) 6605727 PIANOS/GRANDFA- THER Clocks - Durham' largest selection -New an used pianos. Not sure Rent to own, apt sizr upright. grand. digital. ken boards TREMENDOU' SAVINGS ON NOW' Tele Piano Works. 433-1491. SHEOMAN - quality bar style sheds, built on six 8x8 $649 GST nd udet Display at Lymbed Lurnbe Kxhgslon Rd., Phckenn Ont or car 905-509-4961 SMOKE top drag table, chairs. 3 pc. matching wa unit. moving. $1000 o.b k Microwave 550., . After p.m. 905-619-0767. WASHER/dryer, G.E Er oore. heavy duly, 7 prof washer/ 6 Prog. drys beige. 6 yrs. old. $450+p 432-1601 WASHERS dryers. frdgr stovenew and record boned, $225 and up ler n =xit«ad wrasher. Si7 .rod up for recondtore dryer. $175 and up for n condsoned Iidges an stoves. Also con operate washer and dryers Sas dhenson s Furniture an 4Wbanoes. 227 Court St Oshawa 5767446 VACUUM packxg ma chine. $3800 2ogt. Hobo ^rater, S30o0 Meat Pat ^achne. $33000 Electri waw heater. $120 Oflic Gums. $45 each Elects 7xMW. $350 Two bund oyes Move. 5250 area shelves. Six) 726-2255 WANTED - old and ar tique furniture, anythin old. Scientific; alotlreenp chis. salvor, adventeirwy spat ig. toys. decoy, dots. mitt bottles, colon: hod «..tate. Cal Rob« Bowen Antiques (906) 665 eo49 Rromian WANTED CAMERAS old awha and glass, jewel lery, m icraecopes. lose scopes, bur oculars and a laced items. Clocks. oath as, turn"*, anything old 432.1678 WANTED to buy - aide furn"o, glass, china, col iectible 1, mwm«abilra wattles, W. Single pied or estates. Cal (905) 723 7834. BASIC, Nance and Opo Oshawa Obedience Asso cation, begin April 4. Sloe Handing starts Apr. loth To rogisbr call Bev at (905 436-0868. a er� t OUNTRY CRAFT' SNOW SUN., APRIL 9,1995 er 60 exhibitors - For all your East gift and home decorating needs. Jubilee Pavillion, in beautiful Lakeview Park, Simcoe St. S., Oshawa, tp.S Ips. at the lake. info. 434-55 I I ' • , , ' 11300 , , - , I THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1995 -PAGE 35 1 1 , 1 400 Ain$ MUSTANG CONY.,very tow km, fully loaded YEAR ROUND CR�r�M SHOCall (90j5)tr579-6t� •2°°.00• GRAND OPENING 1991 Camaro while APRIL 8th & 9th 74.000 ern, T -bar, loaded. auto. one owner, mint con_ For information call dition, $10,500. Call 723 9781 after 6 p.m. 723-5539 or 728-9788 1991 Honda Civic DX. 95.000 km, excellent con - eyes check Pked, Pd. lolly guar- dition, $7800. certified. r 579-4755 anteed. available now.t- 905.2638614 ' ' 1992 Geo Metro. 2 door N GUNIEA Pig, FREE with kb, automabc. Only 44000 1906 GRAND AM 4 door m show room Condition, lugs. Call 420-6261- auto, finishe din a nive 2 $5500 or best over. Peter Your dog Ione s� and black. only7231155 or 434-7564. ofEEthe garbagew Use da 95000 kms., excellen30 CERTIFIED Vehicles DOGGIE DOOLEY WASTE clean, good running car, available . from $2.995 to DISPOSAL SYSTEM. Life- N+RY on "s o• was $12,595. 1992 GMC Siena , time guarantee ball, avail. now SZ695ne. certi- 8 able in 3 sures. 9am - fieri call 427-9722 an �. auto.. air. $12.595.. 427 -iiia 7 days (906)723.5413. 9Prn �n 7 dyas a week 63,000 $8.895_ . 6O 1991 ' • •, Cavalier RS. 4 dr. auto, air.Wanted LHASA APSO pupa, non 6 cyl., $7,495. 1990 Char hedddranon aNergaM. 1987 PONTIAC Grand Lumina Euro. 4 dr. auto. harrie raised, hohse train Am 2 - air, $7 695 1990 kine.. ronaac Attune sun - rumor (Tracker), black, 4X4, convertible. 5 -speed standard, am/fn cassette, asking $11.300 Call 985- 1011 (leave message) Mg started. Iheaah guaran- tae. - 2.5 1. 5 spired stau d with sport •jeep Wagoner L payment terms avail- de. (705) 786-3124 pack- age including power wind. a loaded. 995. 1990 , SURO Dog Training• in Ows• power locks. cruse contr blueing pa Beretta GTZ, 5 speed. $7.495.. 1989 Cavalier program. tNorltirg kx is and new paint job. In re Z24. 6 cyl. 5 speed, $7.495,. better relabonstW bet- osisril condition. mijog we 4 mem vans to ween dog and owner. 906- 797-2855. $2200 or best offer. Also available 4 x 8 moose from. $5,295 to $10,595. Two Nissan Pul. 8194 401, Go. Pool.sai2, barb trails) with ooadat box sars. white or red. 88 Chev • • • frame. 900 Ib capacity lector and s ieve lis $asp Cal Celebrity wagon. 6 cyl. ceded. extra seat tow kir_ ' I ° 9 p m. (905) 831 0318 $6.995 Many other to AJAX South - one bed- 'oom BRIGHT brw bedroom up- dvosio from Cart -Car bsmtapt.. separate entrance, laundry facilities, 1908 Hyundai Excel, mord Aub Centre. 155 King St 1979 GRAND PRIX. Condition rust sea, leaving tires. ehdhaust country. Newbody W. At Midtown Mal. 579- 2888. good. motor n 1° scab' pain► job Cas 905.427.3855 e llerit., kis loadedfrar, Y Sunroof. $2100 certified 93 Toper 2 dr.Auto,Air 000 or 1x991 cava 728- (9o5) 72& 1420 Am­FmCass.aport rens. 169 indoors ft own Sams OO kms.warranty, 1984 OLDS. Custom 1909 Cavalier. 2 door. S sF - . 86.00D kff" gxcal, 39•�•no GST (905) 728- 3227. >umw station wagon (full . fentrurxkrg, dean car. xddng. Lassa ler 365000 wed ) ince. I condition s40o0carMled.433-1787 APPROVED - bad or no hroughout coni -credit rust. co- w plooth°' Came 1650 •113 credit 1980-89 Pericles AJAX Westney Heights - AVAILABLE from May 1st in why rertn Two bedroom Whitby Apartment Building COURTICE 1 bedroom basement Spacious, carpeted newly one bedroom basement apartment, central air, ga- painted apartment with Ba( rage. lands-rped no cony. Close to BUS. Shop- SeQafal9 erdrance. downpayment. Genies forprig. All Utilities Included. parking, kilchen, $795. per month. Call 905- No Pets 2 Bedroom. appliances 3 pr bath, 86 63141. 5725.00 Call 430-0134. 5650 Includes uhFies AJAX North - Very clean 2 PICKERING - Bachelor Available ifnnredlelely bdrm bs"d apt. for SirKJIW basement. non smoker. 432-3618 working person. Quiet/non $175 includes utilities. No {xtw „ �fe smoker SE , uWilleslcable pets Weekdays after 7 included N o pets 5675/ mttly. Avail. May 1 686- pm.. weekends anytime (905) 420-1945 HARMONY OI ve Oshawa 4997 • 2 bedroom basement apt.. ba&okx Private criteria FULLY furnished and Parking yard. fireplace. AJAX Oxford Towers - equipped basement apart- Dar available April 1, 6595 plus SPaexeus apartments, quiet ment near A ax r 1 'W401 1;2 utilities Cam Jean 578- btxld�rq t Working a" pre - 3652 or Paul 416-690- 8194 401, Go. Pool.sai2, Jerred. entrance. CHEVETTE. 1986. aur 3 bedrooms. May 1 8 June 1 6838571 683-5322 laundry,Separate pe References 3600 rxaVlaSt. LARGE new 2 bedroom, until 730prn. 427X55 basernent Apt in SAjax AJAX South - one bed- 'oom BRIGHT brw bedroom up- walkout C/A. 5 appkances $750 al vidusdve. first bsmtapt.. separate entrance, laundry facilities, per ievei of Victonan home in Pickering Village 4PCe last. noxi -smoker no pets parking, avail. May 1 $600 bath. eat -m kin. backs crib available April 16 or May 1 `WSVIRst non smokers no conservation area Minutes Cas 905.427.3855 AJAX - spac*vs • bed- P448 6863717 after Spm to 401 $675/inclus ve. MCLAUGHUH room wio basement apart- weekdays (9o5j686-3560 MCL Iwo bedroom Square DROP by and see Tle new merit. Llvingroom, kitchen 1995 Tgershark Water. bath. No pets. Cableipark- crafts. Pelican Paddkeboab ng included $6ftmtHy and utility traders at Clark's 427-0915. Cats. 12730 Sdmooer St.. South of Port Perry. 985- 9312 370 Recreational Vehicles Camp Ground Member- ship. !nfetmme into coast to coast 199011 US '� Canada. $1,00 per night paid CENTRAL WHITBY 2- 3 do. spacious master xtdoor bedroom Apt in tripkht. JOIitieS included, except DooYD.ark)nq. 24 M aeixrrn- cable. parking available. flit 7,2 ba" large bakx>- near GO asking $875 8 nY NW end unit. $975 all $900 Cu 6660617 ink. beast. 7239258 CLEAN •bedroom $G0o WE WHITBY clean 2 bedroom $620. uskbes nduded. small apt. one bed., basement building.cam aPoan�trneml 43Mid cog34 apt -1100 Sq. ft, Sep. 8ee9 entrance, gas fire- nlars beCrX�' 4pc win mod- CCNDC SHARE Om , 4 appliances. C/A. 11.14 wr OeCrWr :rs: J= Pared windows, t0•., nonpool _.WS 00 must mitt 5495 AJAX .4114eo gr r'_ smoker no pets S60.5hn "JI -N, . Silna, es- IaSt 0895 JS 1-000.236-0327 nnaculate 2 be,-,. aksave Arv+o 619-2536 erase, tennis. Sea,nty 1111110111111111 hesemerc 4 appkcanls ONE BEDROOM 7ase- ob d parking, noFURNISHED - ilex new Affordable-+er•i spar tree+•• arakype A ' ' • . S700 ncluuve Availablern tX'd• Ibasement rtrmnls/yrnoe rsooldtt. 37400. Bila 579 1999 Ford Tempo L. 4 dr.. Saud stnd., pg. %. a Or as is. AP. Auto. PROV6669297D '81 FULL a X 4 SLAZ- • `40W Lyras Papizzo 428- •7W ba&okx Private criteria :ail 429 ADrd Ist. $525 includes 1 6c� plea, a., are OW catts.. one owner O.AS TWane ER rebkArt JOS engine transmission.Y Iaixtdry. utrksea, cede n- 9'.71 arwood oark,nq. Cable. private en - arms k 'd9s and stove. 1905 HYUNDAI gv Good dssn rtnnrtg car Hurry ort tie oras Was CHEVETTE. 1986. aur back drib. lilt. new 1 Asa K.. ower wvn 'e- AX - Available imarw croPraw.itchenene, mi - near 401. �:ut'YBayly '34-4623 food cdnde N 5-90d Itandrod nePP trnow fres. Call . $2695. arta Call Wmaticbaboom. Dower sleeting and Pant brakes ernes. Pads. pads. quiet area of N �*ail �Y. closer b didaatieiy merge dean walkout . Clo p10 PuDIPc transit n 4iaat OSHAWA vie O,"oem 'ew rad. debChade taw 7.9 Russ 7 ' Client 7 brakes, 433-11. certAted, 31.300 4331176 no oil leaks 38.500 best all anrrrees, dpc. l>•b riip. rid, smoker r' 90 S575 (905N27.0283. arts. -�efWonc,es Mc. -partn small nevPer e9h F, dock. 480 wan le -wood speaker, indoors ft own Sams ons own 35.500 rakes A Serious ^. stove. stdk age lake CAN 905-427-9047 600 ` �. xddng. Lassa ler 365000 0500 with SWOO. erg 1999 Hyuhdac Eacel CXL. 'M Mercury Topaz. quires only Call Saw, at plooth°' Came 1650 •113 leave message APARTMENTS . i " L VERD70- 3Av 675 00 d Sublet for 763577 tOop withotR. 579-9689. 4 dr 5 *pd.. bias eWaM. 36,000 km, a di sub. Vis (9%) 721-28Q May 1 d ASAP AJ- Westrney 14eiphls. bedroom 2 nod 2 bac} uidr0o7 ma,n e.e or ,de6)571-GV5. leave maa- isk ler D0w9q d lisped. d wwlb, never Was. 3� P°w d � (906)63Y-9162 day, dean ar t 2 bed- � a'9fi rte' * Y Panted srW mss• A Appliances Laun- sags ager 6-at1-n3o. 4n431".2.apt. rad rad, exhaust and DaeEvy •� 1M � J�Ir SLE, 63tit1sl ext 4t6p sok eon 9 � � tndgsi oarPeyd. M en Yard and �arki dry ng 16 Pontiac 6000 LE, 4SWW Good clam car. eaoo9snt nAw" Conditon. 14SK, 1155: eller e p m. 434- 7564. 4 x 4 a dr . V� tone. des and grey 30.000 Wayne stove, waslior/dryer. Le . trs„cy fit � No Does 4;!6-0675 Clone q Schoas anC Shepps 3950 OC - i•tk• FFirsVi.ast $2000 o b.o. 66&-4W- Jul. asking 322.000 034- Pvk-1g $695 . t/3u01. two regwnd Die 12a(ms. 8901906.579.7576 686 1668 xGe4erht oorhdilgn. 32895 Ct. 666-x163. <ZV Z a De t4 0 MASTECTOMY BOUTIQUE A-D.P- Certified Fitters • Breast Prosthesis • Post Surgical Bras • Post Mastectomy Swimwear and Appropriate Lingerie. 1050 SIMCOE ST. N., Suite 108 Cao for appointment 433-0122 "Have you had your break today" AJAX 686-2133 Spring, Summer Programs & Events Recreational Complex Memberships Summer Camps, Swim & Skate The Town of Pickering (905) 420.4627 Rohm & Haas JLook wha Manse Rd. West Hill 284-4711 -1 Give to the Cancer Society Coughlan Homes Building quality for over 35 years 25th • rK L!"e: (95) fs3 51 ,•w•P•a,... Sm (115) 57t1i- %C "••"' Fats: (%S) 576-25C "Helping to turn hopes into triumph over Cancer" GARRITANO BROS. LTD. /'►� General Contractors & Institutional 427-7703 881 Nelson Street, Oshawa, Ontario L I H 5N7 Home Relief HEALTH SERVICES INC PROVIDING HOME CARE & NURSING SERVICE • E,DERLY • D SABLED • NEW MOTHERS • ATTENDANT CARE • PAU ATtVE. CHRONIC 8 CONVALESCENT RNA -E -CME'; . V R&NG -CIWS • -CSP'-A, S GOOC SERVICE • P4CF-ESSO W .5 •'„JuMFUSCS RN1 • QKU • -Wh Tare Ade '•dii.na im Sevtr" ProPissE' ;REE ASSESSME%- wA"&E 472-0709 - daffodils do. �\Living proof I��wunwluluuun ROYAL LEPAGE Allow %ft- III LUL. Reafter, ull mom D Stanch ManWw R.sidenRd Red Esld. S41ntVICos 'Historic Post Manof- 1970 Brock Rood Pickering, Ontorio L IV 1 Y3 Bus: (905) 663-1790 Fox: (905) 683-8888 Res: (905) 4204320 ROYAL LPMGE REAL ESTATE WtMES UD., IIROXER that cancer Ca[1 be beaten. 759 Kingston Rd. W., Pickering 686-1694 '� ♦• • � . J i .e r r Compliments of. C:AAS � FCA -C:A AL A LOCAL= President, JOHN KOVACS .Sec. -Treasurer DAVE BROADBENnT 1425 PHILLIP MURRAY AVE OSHAWA .723-1187 NANNIES A COMPANIONS INC SINCE 191_6 Ell -1 G•e•k�r�.e pe•y� �- • Full 8 Part -Time • Live -In 8 Live -out • Long 8 Short Term NANNIES FOR CHILDREN 8 COMPANIONS FOR THE ELDERLY 619-3331 144 Old Kingston RD. Bute 10A Ajax, Ont LIT 2Z9 GOA to get to Me Go -Train in a hurry call • Wheelchair van available 837-1111 24 hr, service s-- I �yL `r. �• �e�� � / 1\e-� fA ss'w � rtl �' ii .S .��. --' Jta�� - - - - - - - - � .� �.�_ a -- .►'r ►. I w .. ,,.. - _ saCrcasl>.xr- PAGE 3&THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1995 ()\SHAK'A WHITBY large one bed- room basement triplex. 4 �omdh cad hi -rise. appliances, fireplace, no 1bdrm $569: pets, separate entrance - Available May 1 $585 plus 2 bdrm - $619 util. Call 4266652. CleanAarge suites Indu- desheat, cable, hot water, parking, new appliances. Tenant pays hydro. 436.6700 or 4044222 OSHAWA North - One . two and three bedrooms. available April Ist. May lot. Fridge. stove laundry, ubb- be's inctuded.723-2994. leave message. WHITBY - one bedroom apartment available. April 1 Fndge/stove, heating and parking. $565. month- ly. Call 430-0959 or 723- 2e57 FINCH/WHITES - Pn- vale 1 bdrm, bsmt. apt. psrkrng near shopping. available imm mile. $550 inclusive. Cali Harry (416(41)2&3-7392 6416) 72 �3W.� Jennifer 33 & 77 FALBY COURT 2 & 3 bedroom apartments in family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and underground parking included. From 5743-8833. 686-0845 weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. VMrMY - BLUE WATER PARK 1 & 2 bedroom suites, broadloom. 3 appliances. 101 KATHLEEN ST. W Mon. -Fn 9-7,Sat.-Sun 12-5 (905) 571.3522 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED. OSHAWA' 'irPC " 0o rr+gg al onps' Cozy 2 Ddrm.apcu in dvrmng older duplex. Feesdee Parking pnvaN ontrarnce. 2 clones of 11,10111.151ec sps. one N r Otter rp- ad thltougfnout the ter an anOnlnOka Iofl etlrustic pre floors. Fbrda coding in kAchen w/tmrnaculale ap- pYarkcas oa . tasteful Eng - 2 stalls roan bathroom wrposstbie laundry hookup s750. Cab tttccome Must have good credit history. isalut After 7 p.rn oolsct (5191942-3664 OSHAWA. 2 bedroom 5669 in %-plea with laundry bciltsee Includes +Abbas 2 appisist-, parking Con - vestment to 401 and City buss rases 4330677 OSHAWA Mary St N. 2 bedroom n 3-00. nick $" heat $590im , Call (706! 437-2924 evenings or weekends MCKERING - one bed- room bassrnemt apartnwx. Mepuce. kitchen. 4pca loot. shared laundry no Mb 5625 . 1;3 utilities Avail +rinsed 420-5635 PICKERING ' bedroom twt, urge hvvtg morn and kitchen. pnvab arttrance.4 aplxltamea1 air. et k}aarea. nors- smoker Available May 1st. $650 6 had blest , last. 639.0018 PICKERINGI bedroom basament burg room 1 ding room with fireplace Large kadkvt. 3 large skx- age doeela 01 631-1979 VACANCIES! Cal the one mop rental shop for a BET- TER aelec0on DURHAM HOME RENTERS. (905) 428.1276 nwwnal tee. LANDLORD'S ADVERTISE FREE" WESTIEY HEIGHTS AREA- one large, clean bnfoorn basement apt for tent, separate entrance. bas,c 4*bW cee. non- smoker, no peas. A must see' Available May 1st . (905) 427- 6190. WHIT gr�A.A� •Ur,iS'1eC oacnear untunnne0 one bedroom. avatabM from 5525 Clean. onset mode1n. close to retail and transd. parking. Laundry. rto pets 416263.8030 or 416-617- 9392 WHY rent whom you can own your own nom, for lees thart you ON 'I" Cal Dave Haylock Sales Rip Pauax Sunmit Realty (1991; Lid (905) 666-3800 or (905h 6663211 ADELAIDElMARY 4. bdnn 2 baths 2 app . laundry hook-ups, par" tenced CIO" to school. hoepstal. tranimt To new 433-2093 sleeve message) AJAX 3 bedroom sem. briny oungalow available Apra 1. 5665 ranslllr Dk+s utilttiea Cali (416)264-- 0296 AJAX Wratr 47111% clear bnght 3 harm.. S ap- pkanus. 2 5 bath dsdk. to . garage. 5995 . uW 6815-1668 AJAX 3 -bedroom de- tached house finished basement w�freplace. sur go* car garage$10001 month pis cooties. frsrJessV references. no pub. May 1 427-8479 AJAX- HARWOOD 410. 3 bdrm roan floor $1 000. plus uAkbes cac. extras Also 1 Ing bdrm basement gas firepWce. eK. $700 plus utrktres. both available now. (905) 655- 6991 THREE Bedroom - duplex gas funace. ail wood skive, P.4. -in backyard, bus at door. Sinoos / Bloor. $660 plus. WAut Astarences. Mote n this weskend. Cal bel- srssn 7. 9 p.m (906) 576- 77W 767703 RENT TO OWN F niekoM Trtwektres a a geiel trexeat. nest to a pink YOU IN.$2000mo,TS Lice Free for 4 nkmah, while sou build sour down pa�raenl FRET NE« HOME SLMINAf - ( 90, ► 427-860 BEUEVE rr $500 Doan. Why rent? When you can own a brand new 3 or 4 bedroom single detached home on large lot Cal( (905) 623.6549. FARMHOUSE - lust 15 mm north of Bowmanville 3 or 4 bdrm, immediate oc- cupancy, reasonable For viewing, please call 576- 0418 or 263.4549. NEW DUPLEX PICKERING 2 or 3 bdrm, 4 now eppYBnoeS, kg oak kilchen, pmrafe laundry, walk to schools, shops. Go. available April 1.2 bdrm $700 plus, 3 bdrm $950 plus utilities, No Pets 831-7239 OSHAWA - Thee Bed- room Main Floor Sere near O.C. Large Kitchen and- Yard4 A Hard Wood Floors Oumt Crescent $795.00 plus Utilises. Available April 1 st. First/Last. Call (905) 725-1912 or (905) 432-1010. OSHAWA - 3 bedroom townhouse. appliances, parking. dose to all amen.. $950 inclusive. Available May 1 726-8878 anytime with message Oshawa -3 bedroom bul- galow,n law aptAmple parkng•close b schools 8 401.5900/month.1st and last . uslibes.Avadable May Ist.Call 579.1889. Oshawa -main floor 2 bed- room . walkout den.3 ap- pliances,pine floors.gwet neighborhood. pa rkmg . no V$795 . 112 utilities. 404-8499 or 725-5579 THREE bedroom semi available. Pickering Town Cense area. (416) 444- 7391. WHITBY available May I. Spacious 2 bed., newly decorated, large kitchen and kvirgroom, . No pelt. $750 ind.. Call Grim, 666- 4085. 664085. WHO says you crtnot afford to buy a hove? 3 bedroom townhouse car- nes for $460imoNh. (P & 1) 3 bedroom bungalow carries for $780 /month (P&I) plus more. Cal( Mark Stapley, Pa(Max Accord 576-3111 or 686.474 CAPITAL Properties wood like to ober you 6ne best in Oshawa Living. Spacious 2 and 3 bedroom town homes. Starting at $700. Call Larry or Cathy 579-2149 NOW • X430 For°Rnr,; AJAX . fumishedlunfu nished room av&W)W Ap 1. in 3 bedroom home Close to amenities. Suil able lot rwn-smoking working(single Pelson Us of laundry. 75 426 2144. COURTICE. 3 bedroom townhouse, available im- LARGE room secon mediately, close to Hwy 21 Moor, near Pidken g Tow 4ol. Please call days Centre, quiet mature pei (905)686-1424 or after son. $400 inclusive. 42C Spm(weekends (905)683- 1975 before 3 P.M. 2852. (416)283-0647 after AJAX on the lake fus 4 p.m. niched room with spectak W view, laundry.hitcher For more classified 4� bathroom. cable it tum to page 39 ie sin 5500 indusiw FOCUS ON BUSINE eaturein9 SS FAdvertis You'll breath easier after a visit by Gardiner's Duct Cleaning annoyance if you don't do something about it. Not only will it be a constant source of work come cleaning time, but it will also irritate your eyes, throat and cause you breathing prob- lems. That's why more and more peo- ple are calling Gardiner's Duct Cleaning to tackle this problem head on. Sam and his son Scott have been cleaning heating and air condi- tioning ducts for three years and they advise anyone who has not had them cleaned for a long time to get it done as soon as possible. It's a procedure that takes very little time compared to the amount of time you'll enjoy clean dust free air in your home. A new addition to the company VINER DUCT MAINemm se that Sam bought two months ago. Inside is a large stationary vac- uum unit that packs more power for those tough jobs he encounters. Of course he still has the portable unit for those places that the truck can't get to such as townhouse complexes. The procedure for both is sim- ple. Sam first closes off your vents and makes an opening in the main duct. Then, while the vacuum unit sucks air into a holding chamber, a hose is put into the upstairs vents, one at a time, and blows the dust and dirt into the downstairs unit. They also use the air snake method which ensures ducts are com- pletley rid of dust and debris. The air snake method is when a device is inserted into the ductwork where its mobile head reaches into every inch to dislodge dust and debris. "Dust will not only affect your health but ruin furniture and draperies," says Sam. "Having your ducts cleaned cuts down on cleaning and adds life to your furniture, car- pets and drapes." There's a special available now. Hookup is $34.95 plus $5 per vent. Sam also does chimney sweep- ing and his prices are very competi- tive and the service is always friendly and courteous. So if you are sick and tired of your home being buried in dust, call Gardiner's Duct Cleaning at (416) 282-3292. Customers from Scarborough to Whitby have relied on his service and are now enjoying a healthy home environment. Isn't it time you did too? TUU NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRI�, 2,1995 -PAGE 37 s��T�r vs AM. FM I -- - [I' 111FATSMON Not%�ES�BcTF'LOA! EXPERIENCETIO- ,LO '1 L•D.FASHTON'HUIVIE G,OUIFING --w-nnRE-AL-L20,OF OURS ENTREES ARE MADE TO':ORDER: CO, Aw IP, BEFILL$ �FORVTHE�KIDOvAjn�mnE SEIITIOR"S'_`1T0%OFr,'ALL�T'HE �IiLYSAMMMASTM& LUNCH SPEC AST, SERVED 1V W, COULD r PAW,,,7 tul =�,ON�ku OMNI OOD TP =04. -L .' RT_ IDN S PAGE 313-7'#�11E NEWS ABYFR'ISER S1;NDAV APJt1L 2,1995 Meeting the right person is too Important to leave it up to chance. Call Metch Metes to meet screened compatible singles. News Advertiser Classified Department open every Mon. to Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 - 3:00 Call 683-0;07 A +Ib BEDLEY - Bill and Kelly (nee Steele) are thrilled to announce the arrival of their first child MICHELLE CHRISTINE on March 22, 1995 at 8:08 p.m. weighing 8 lbs. 7 oz. Proud grandparents are Bill and Brenda Bedley of Markham and Marlene and Jack Hart of Ajax. Many thanks to the staff at Ajax Pickering General Hospital. WELCOME TO THE WORLD Malthew Wiliam wiLhed ARM MCPWW I became a big sister of 4:08 am on Sunday 5 Ih March. Bom at Mar101em I Stoullvie Hospital my baby brother weighted 71bs. 6 oz. My Mommy Sue Davis- McPhaden and my Daddy BA Mcphaden are very happy he is here sale and sound. P.S. Matthew, thank you for the Lion King tape Love Megan. A first grandson for Ruth Davis of Scarborough and Will Davis of Orilla, and a fourleerih grandchild! for Jade Ill Phaden of Pickering. He is welcomed with love by many Aunts. Linda and cousins. Special thanks to Drs. Arnold, Chang and nurse Linda. Thanks be to God. ' To place your plersoriligized In Memriam, `icall 683-0707 end let one of our �r1i V r�srvt cion WsorS help you Vma Www For an audio version of all o the current death notices received for publication in the News Advertiser or This Week, call 683-3005 or 404-6591 (Clarington residents). This complimentary service pro- vides detailed information for notices placed in the previous 7 days. SANDERSON MONUMENT CO. LTD. Manufacturers of cemetery and civic memorials since 1872. 11 showrooms or home appointmenst available Darlene Bosner (905)427-4366 1 (800) 461-0282 32 Old K*vwm Rd. Ajax KIND, caring, attracttve INDEPENDENT, attractive HUMOROUS, single white NON-SMOKING, honest, DOWN-TO-EARTH single ATTRACTIVE, prolessional gentleman, 51, sales exam. brunette, 43. 5'5", combrt- female 33 seeking singfe intelligent, attractive, 5'9", mom, tale 30's, seeks gen- female, 43, non-smoker, fit OF five in Pickering, would like to meet a lady. 35-50, able in jeans and fancy dress, humorous and hon- established, professional male, 35-45, who enjoys blonde hair, blue eyes, 30, divorced. one child, no tleman for relationship, must be family oriented, looking for same, ler friend - ship, possible relationship. someone who would We to est enjoys dancing, native "yaks, quiet evenings, ernollia baggage, a won- kind, easygoing, who likes Please call mailbox for be treated special because art culture and travel, no romantic candlelit dinners derful sense of humour, movies, country drives and more into. SY 5674 she would be special to me head games, friendship and bubble baths, for loves mom• books, camp- good conversation SY COUPLE looking for Clean. SY 1821 first SY2264(OSH) friendship and possible ing and 4uel times• friend- 2667 (OSH) white female, 18-23, for FUN -LOVING male. 23. HONEST, single mom, 31, relationship. SY 2285 ship first SY MS casual encounters. SY white, hard worker, fun4ov- enjoys cuddling and nice JOSH) AFFECTIONATE, intelli- 5676 JOSH) ing, well-educated. shy. evening walks, looking for a ATTRACTIVE female, 44, gent female, and 40's, inter- GAY male. 23, looking for Avm look rg for employed• white, single dad or someone who divorced, two boys, enjoys asked in someone rrho an same, 18.24, for casual single female only, b watch loves kids and is very got. cur ig, rur run wake, contribute to her tete, enjoys encounters. SY 5677 Melrose Place with and romantic. If you want to hockey and baseball, also dancing. lift 0>e0 . travel SINGLE lady looking for JOSH) have political debates SY know more about me. cal reeding, rine dining, dant. and who knows what, look- single stralot tamales, 40- COUPLE, 35, seeks lentils 1823 my mailbox. SY 2265 mg and We theatre, seek- ing for a honest male ler a 50, for fnnenhdshwip and out- and other couples for fun OUTGOING single male. 37 57- 137 lbs., JOSH) ing sincere mals we simi- possible relationship. SY inns SYZH7 encounters, healthy and enjoys INDEPENDENT mom, lar interests and a possible PROFESSIONAL black discretion a must. SY 5678 outdoor sports, wiring and active very attractive. white cannrtrnent SY 22M LEO, 22, attractive man of Ismals, seeking profession- (OSH) dsneng and quiet evenings female. 41, very young at ENGLISH lady, young 4C S. one, 6111fil fishing. cards. al black male, for friend- ADVENTUROUS young at home. looking for Ismals, heart, enjoys music, dan c- slim. fit. attractive, great pool. HOW$ and 40, 1 go strip. SY 3219couple, 30's, seeks dis- 30+, with a sense of ing and to outdoors, look- sense of humour, seeks to college, looking for a A refined, well-educated creel, slim, attractive humour and a passion for ing for friendship with a stable, sincere, tall genes. male for a serious relation- lady. widow, in late 60's, Ismals ler intimate sncown- We, for triencishVrolation• mala. 30-45 SY 2266 man, for friendship. ST ship. SY 2347 kiss music, theatre, travel- tars SY S611 ship SY 1824 (OSE) TRUE blue, loyal bo. sense 2291 ATTRACTIVE redhead, Wig. no desire of marriage, GOOD-LOOKING white ' YOUNG, attractive male. 21. 6. slum buill, blue eyes. at humour, 50, 5'6'. 160 lbs, widow, smoker. Sim, ATTRACTIVE, single mom, 35, blonde hair, hazel eyes, warm, highly intelligent. seeks a successful, seeks gsr+tteman kxxnpan- ion. Call, kKs meth ler ooh- mals, 34. 511-, loclkng for male couple for discrete dark blonds hair, who lover. enjoys country music, smoker, non-drinker, enjoys wealthy, well-educaled fee. SY 3220 (COB) encounter, days only. SY enjoys romantic walks on bowling, movies, quiet country music, looking ler a workaholic gaMNman, 39- OUTGOING, sincere, in Its the beach, music. movies evenings, searching for good-lookng man. 30-40, 50, with a deep sense of good shape. single, white CLEAN-CUT, muscular, and just plain having tun, long-term mels pbrtr+u. SY for Mardi p and a possi- ir"iM and generosity, to mals, 28, non-smoker, moo, whpb mals, 40 years NON-AGGRESSIVE. 33. ooc!s seer ng a fable, looking for female for a 2267 (OSH) ble relationship. Single share on laughter and its. enjoys tle outdoors, amp- young 5'6-, 140 to.. soak• = I- '�^e! ma a hard- aflsebcnaM, slim lady. 30- msannglul rel$lormsfwip SY PROFESSIONAL, single, w* fathers elom oe. SY 2297 SY 2342 ng. cycling, sports. cow" mg female, for discreet «orlong, looking for honest. 38. for Its+ and quit limes. 1825 (OSH) black female 30's seeing (OSH) ATTRACTIVE, fit, 5'1', and rode music, seeking ■ afternoon encounters. sens,ty I relationship trmendstnip, Inas MW6w- DOWN-TO-EARTH male, warm gentisi leo ler friend HONEST lady 46, kind- independent, prdessional, fomale for friendship. SY please call mailbox for SINCERE maw 5 9 31. r-L"encs is a must, lows ship SY 1051 (OSH) 38. easygoing with a good ship SY 2268 hearted with high morals, white female, divorced, 3223 (OSH) more into. SY S683 . who loves 10 laugh and chiaron and animals. likes DIVORCED white male- 36. son" of humour, looking PROFESSIONAL female, seeks sincere intelligent non-smoker, non-drinker. STRAIGHT mother with a COUPLE. 25bowN for a have good times looking slim ladies, single or single father o' two. enjoys the ler a single, white fsmaks, enjoys cycling and ars, gentleman with character br40Ys books, movies, trial toddler would iia to meet female or couple for fun ler slim female, 25-32 (chid wants. 27-35 Wil you al? outdoors, movies, thptre, 28.38, who is looking ler a 'wry handy". hopes to who enjoys Me better lit* sing, weekends at to oat- other single mothers with times. Discretion a must okav who enjoys the out- SY 1040 golf and fishing, patient, serous releionst , trial most a romantic fireman for friendship and long-term tags, seeking. attractive. it bddsrs also. SY 3225 SY r,694 (COO) doors and cottage tete. 4x4. HONEST and caring white considerate, believes in first. Ajax area. SY 1832 with a '69 Camaro, who commismont SY 2302 non-smoker, 35.45. SY WOMAN 30. eryoys sports, VERY cuts gay male, 27, boating country drivesfor -"'ale good sense of commitment and to abday (AJA) lows aummsr bun, honesty PRETTY, whits, young 2349 music, Poopls• taking but a seeks attractive male, IS- ihendshc first SY 1000 humour. enjoys country to compromise• seeking and sincerity are a must female. 30. 5'6', slim CLASSY, outgoing, slim, bit too shy, seeking a 30, looks and personality MOTORCYCLE riding, tom- music. moves, sports and similar in a' SY 1052 SY 2273 brunette with a good sense established lady. 48. 56', fnend/wrtparticn. SY 3226 v m very portant, no gams* par.oc sought by happy, quiet warnings. seeks ROMANTIC male. 19-2C EASYGOING, down -to- of humour, enjoys dancing. interested in NOina �rnp. SY 5685 successful entrepreneur, tsmale 45-52. with similar kkes to party and have fin, earth single, white female, dining out orating and We dancing. trawling, boating GAY white male seeking 44, adventurous with inter- interesis. ler friendship and ices luds. smokes. looting EXCEPTIONALLY attrac- professional, 30, enjoys theatre, seeking dark and ­ " 9 Me, would Nle sane, clearness Arid dis- oats in outdoor sports and possible relatwnshup Race ler single white lemale, 18- tive female. 49. petite, sports. Music, movies, Ile haired, white mals, 30-35, to meet a sincere, honest cmbonassured and exped- acbvmes, working out. div- 'in"^pMWT SY 1041 OSH 22. who Ickes to have fun blonds, who enjoys dant- outdoors and trawl. seeks with to same interests and and a tun k>rng gentleman WIDOW, gentleman in ad SY 5682 JOSH) Ing, gconversation and ATTRACTIVE, intelligent with Possibkhty of relaill 27 heart, ship SY 1053 ing, travel, romantic looking for male counterpart• 2!3.35, for lune hnendstwp lows animals, for Inland- SY 2�(�) FUN, , good health, non-smoker, FRIENDLY male, 47, neat picnics SY 1026 male witr a and for a woman 2435 SUPER, sex male, w JOSH) aokng y very evenings, a good lookin tall ntle- g, ge and posible wfationsfhp . SY2275 ship, passible relationship. SY2303 attractive, white female, 20. 5'4•, 125 lbs., non-drinker, enjoys home for discreet casual encounters. for is reef FIT, honest. sin black who values these quakb e. lonely seeks that special man only 49-55, who is SINCERE, attractive, slim INTELLIGENT female, Mid who is sick of the bar life traveling, romance, fiokig �� would � b gentleman but not male. 39, 180 lbs . 5'9-, and wants someone to sexy lady. b share the lung- honest. caring and enjoys female. 42. 5'8', enjoys 50's, bokirg for male, tai, scene. seeks a white male, meet a Christian widow' with pussy tai, seeks p s Mare her lite with SY 1042 tom with the magic of man -smoker, enjoys travel- 9 the things in life SY 9� n9s romance, good converse- in his 50's, a smoker and 20-26, non-smoker and similar interests. SY 1010 female, for asud erwcouri- casual i^D biking and music look OSH romance and passion in 2236 JOSH) bat, car racing, biking and must be caring and below who is active, employed, (COB) (COB)HOM iters, discretion expected ing for temaile. 30.45 witr, EXCITING and fun -loving mystical relationship SY 10541 ENERGETIC, slum, estab- most sports, seeks an hon- communication is impor. educated, sincere and for arid clean easy" and assured. SY 57ed similar interests, ler pose- white mare 22. 5'8", loves fele long-term relationship dares. the outdoors and DISTINGUISHED, estab- ship fished female, 40. 5'B-, who enjoys dancing, travel, est, sincere, passionate male. 5'10'+, b share my tant, in return I an offer sincerity, khyaty and kits of romantic, a possible relationship. SY 2339 going senior, looking for JOSH)smals, 36, sincere. race unimportant int SY starts seeks female, 19• Gstmed, very active, 55, 5'8-. boatwg and nornmarwtic times, lies and interests. SY 2277 attention. SY 231i ACTIVE. 46, divorced, sign, ftwxWD andCompanion- 'hip' or honest. seeks the same. JOSH) 23. who wants to be loved, enjoys ryclinq, good con- toting for a hal guy with a ItELP! W Mommy is idria- INTELLIGENT, attractive 5'7•, sense of humour, going0A Sy 4W enjoys movies, cards, danc- CREATIVE male. 35, single cared for and is into sports versation, social drinker, sense of humour, intelli- ing Me crary. She Woes ms blonds. 49, 57, no chit- seeking a tall gentleman SENIOR woman, 55-, slim ing, sports, for frtoridship, father. likes the outdoors, and long walks SY 1043 good mom, seeking classy tidy intelligent and lovable. pence and moonily, for tun b movies, the beach, park drbn, smoker, social who is sincere, honest and build looking possible relationship. SY quiet evenings and the sin- OSH pie things n lite, starting life EMPLOYED male. 30, 6'4- 5'2•-5'6", 115 lbs. -145 lbs., tines SY 2257 HONEST, attractive female, and bboggarrrg. (I need a break) She's fun, has a drinker, enjoys quiet lifestyle, nature, music, knows what h waits, 40• 50. SY 2361(0** for non-smoker, tall, Sn3 J� PASSIONATE mals, mish, with 4 old bo 46-54. Possible relationship. over and looking ler a best Year y, muscu- SYII 58", 21, seeks wlponsiDb, seines of humour, 26, WI country drives seeks mala, CALGON can't take me ow-goag gentleman. ler looking for sensual whits fiend and lover to share it iar. very athletic. he say E(�, 31, brown mature -minded mals, 22- and attractive. She tends a 50+, ler a long-term rola- away, can you? An you 35- quietcoiii t G!imrie occasional h^�• 20.35, for intimate with. SY 1035 (OSH) I'm good looking. interests �• blue ayes, would Mia b 28, who enjoys sports, hal, iron -smoking, km4ov- ing SY bonshp, whol is 45, pleat Sam of humour. Medw � coln- afternoon oncourrial no BLACK, educated male, are camping, canoes, art 33, looking ler a profession• and SPo�•sa�n9 sincere meet a slim, attractive music, movies, dancing and the outdoors, must fele guy, 25-35. 2280 p6i� alfecionds and honest SY male. 5'7•-6, Sian f�k � 5'4', single mom, ready b byato.dancing. 1Ytng pp male talar:. SY ern JOS"► al, easygoing, fit female, female for relationship. lemrek lot fiiericift. Pte- NO rsW Al rpk s affectionate and have a MALES, 38-45, my gdt b �106H1 pPEENDENT, attractive start 'if* over again. SY W WIDOWER, 62, 150 lbs., R, would tin b abet a BLACK male, mid 30's, 20-32, for companionship. Mothers welcome. SY 1046 P• Sy 101i JosN+) OLE -WOMAN -MAN, seek- cowered SY 1117 good sense of humour. SY 2251 you is me! Don't be aaoalwd by Me large pack- *Vb mom, 26, enjoys Me, few and lots of leughter, 2762 A 32, bonds, TT slim h aim , bra l0"¢ fun, 5'11', 150 easygoing. lbs looking to moot an SEPARATED mak, 40's, ing a oneman woman, sin- dW wtrte, 52. lovable, aa-smo w• $asks swing. INDEPENDENT, mincers honest, age or tlib pain for inside there is a� snake romantic pantlertlan but fribnd, blw♦ybd, professional ' �s gyp' � �' long albcYonals, irlindad 5'9•, 180 lbs., have 40 h. care, separated camping trailer, smoker, while mak• 50, 5'9•, blond !Mg elfin, diet• and with a good sense of humour, single pwesnl mads in 1958 from and 30iah, b gat out and We Iib b to mom al one 11w►yeergd would Ota bout an iambi- tealta and ashy blow, sari female, for encounters, Odh area Sy sm likes yard sales, visiting hair, blue-eyed, 155 lbs., tiwo, probasiornal, ndlepbn- lamals, 47, smoking soros- aim*, sonsikvily and Ids hAwt SY 2311 flout, musical and stable Gus40 i � Pbsas. Sy LADES and coulphes, last hiendm, ler oma- wising la a lovable slin lady dent. positive spacial lady looking one with sane qualities, ler of TLC. SY 2261 AFFECTIONATE, sinowe, non -lemoldng rnsls, 30.45, you noshes to a touch of one relationship, mature who enjoys country and Pickering/Ajax area. SY a lasting relationship. ST ONTELLJGENT ismale, mrd single black female, mid to become my intimate spring with an exquisite female only, no head 50's music, holding hands - all M" 2261 C06) 50's, looking ler mob, tel, 50's, very energetic, friend. SY230JOS1Q massage and T.L.C. a games, alcohol or heavy ming mut• Movies. SY 100 SINCERE, honest male, PROFESSIONAL, outgo- in his 50's. a wwlw int hbsMry and honest, suis SNGLE white bmale, bkw wet groaiid, it and drug problems. SY 1037 HONEST, romantic, single soperabd, 49, bo" for ing, single "ferrels, 23, mast be caring and below World". few. compel- toyed, blonde, medium long ATTACHED, attractive, Geo 3Ga• 572s SM Bleat ! dad, 40, with a sense fun loving female who of humour, dedicated and enjoys dancing and dining aesking sangb while mals, 23-26, with a sensle pip communication is im r• tant. In return 1 can other iorisliq, from a rrfrb male, 50-60+, lows build, b for �,my d male. 30� SLNI, single male, 39, SB', bleu eyes. I leve in Is can- caring, looking for a best out, 40-50, non-smoker. I drinker of humour, no dependents, isinoarily, bvalN and kills of _ old music fravab� and SY 2725 whits male, 18-25, or hiandshi p possible rete- clean and fit' ese� es a�� � W � ted hoed, lei, fele 30's seeks Nmals, for dim try, few tag walks, boat- If and a lover, 35-45, am an occasional who is carver -minded and attention. S 2N2 Y TWO single moms, one YornMip. sY23161ila" cal oncourfts, Sy SM crest and sensuous core- qA and would who does not mind bang and very romantic, for 1Mp. working{olitill knows what IGrn9na fed PRETTY and polite single blonds hr, btee eyes, 57, GOOD-LOOKING, slim, panionship, why am I like to most lady, 35-41, treated with respect and kW4d* and Pm$bk rola- wive is a non-drinker. SY understanding. SY 1041 kondip SY 1111 abouill. For bonds*, poste- fele rowaidrp. Sy ZN2 mom who, enjoys He with a positive attiWde and has to cher 5'10', brown heir, looking for single while pelta while bomb loolag for a $lim, good-looking, YOUNG W stable mole s' adv why are you interested 1010 foot fel HONEST, sincere, whits A�TW dmmiorW, male, 37, 5'6', 130 lbs., PETITE, blonde, rotes- P lady looking mm interesW, would iia males single talars O.K. whit male, 18-26, for tMadish s it's Wk. SY 6M 6th GENTLEMAN, 42, non- p GENTLEMAN, 40, byes mtec11 ". ►neve sl Mins lois, sional ler tall, 45-55, I b mut mals, 3040, must be b watch stupid mows, go f possible rola- moo' �f' �- GOOD-LOOKING, well smoker, looking for a single, while mels, Aft Me bod. boat, two hot rods, enjoy soulmats. enjoyy attractive, aMrNc, wile a dancing and haw a good SY 2265 (one try music' conil built, attached male, 30, brtnaI for, quiet bines. SY Oxoutdoors, 10th ing campig non-smoker. boating, weekends in nature, wales, music, derwLr- ing. I seek a man b love good sones of burner and gentle nature. SY 2204 fins. SY22il Oo�ONCEO SHE' A KEEPER, iall, aim, lens and et•to Mors, � lookingfor open-minded f niab for RESPONSBLE, romantic seeks pretty, shapely lady, Mulsk*A camping g, dent- 28-43, for a relationship. I ing, dining � waft, look- and to share my life with. SY 2182 (OSH SLIM angle mo#w of one, wfnite knolwirg itx a oornpalron lion love, prolasaional��gteres in MEOW y tall. professional I pmow irwfo sY lifTZDox for or li nalss wild, orotic erncatanMre SY 5771 mats, early 40's, enjoys music navies and Mine out- have a lot b alter a woman. ing for reletiornhip a friernd SY 111120 SINGLE West Indian girl. 18, boning ler sing je orals, non-smoker, social drinker, enjoys dancing, that is interested in fun, () SY 1050 JOSH ship• 26, looking for a sincere, mals, 26.35. 18-25, must erw- oul loors and kawkng, sY 27A1 walkin , travel, Oshawa travN, #moo, quiet Imus 35-45. areas 2310 �wration, sY4fotrn•Mo•e" - OshowaWtilby This Week, A)mul"ackering Now Advertiser, Clarington This Week a Norww inberlwid News assumes no lability to the conord or reply, to any Sincerely Your* advereesrtwit The adireram assumes mrtiI t I itlity ler the eon sm of, and ON repies b any o6ortai runt or recorded message and for any claims made against tie above newspapers as a resua thereof. The advertiser agrees b irnlemrily and hold On ptinicaion and Mello w! Commriily NWAPWWS and ite emplcyeos formisss for all costs, expenses, kablllies and damage sexAng from or caused by the publication or recording placed by to advertiser or any reply to such advertisement By using SinosMy Yours, the adwstiset agrees not to have heifer telephone number, hest none or address in hishor greeteng massage. Sewowaly Yours reserves w fright b revise, restrict or Cancel arty advertisement an charge the category in which an ad is placed. PICKERING - Single room, with cable, use of kitchen, walk to Pickering Generating Station, Go, PTC. 1940 per mo. SM. trweeldy. Phone 420.4316 ROOM OF room and board. Large room, S350rkno. plus food sip .. WE Osha- wa. Available insnedialely. Use of all facilities. Quiet person. 134-4872. ROOMS FOR RENT PER WEEK / MONTH Sunny bright home, Whites / Oklahoma Hydro Staff welcome (905)420-0042 ' . COURTICE- 5 year old home. air conditioned. raised borhgalow, likes to be shared by preferably per#- Av e%�u s as possible. Please call 404-2164. Oshawa -a second person to share house.all ameni- boo.dsck offdininngg area -S340 negotralr reduction for idit work. Cad Reg at $79-0413 PICKERING - Albnalloy 02. separate lvrgroom, bath. bedroom. Use of WtAwYus" . Fres cabled parking. Looking for wok - ng person, call after 5 p.m. SObb217 PICKERING - Whrtesl401, room r a bodiooin house. own 4 pcobath. no smolk- trig. na peb. swo per mnonri FisVlaat required. Reteenose. 420--J62e HOUSEMATE WANTED mature. non-smoking, pro fsavonal. Share spaaaa hair., elegw* knw ifed. pmrate bath. parkmgAaun- dry. Andersort Roasland. Fvsslstt 43D -sae& PICKERING- Shared accommodation. fwatry renovated. will go fast, dose to Go. Pic kers g Town Cor". 663.6719 Whitby Largo -Victorian nonenon smoking prdes- skanal.mcku0es hoot.hydro a cable.s4141non1t,Close to trained a shoppng.Cad (416) 599-1962. 4 Months Free Rwt- Downtown Oshawa, 400- 3500 sq R available. Park- ing and grORL oxposuro Beat rwihl raw. Cal 434- 2447 or 665.4132. ATT: Businessmen, Law- yers, Accatntanlo at.. near City Hol. 3 sop. min fkor offices. Kikhwwft. wash- room. full bousme , Scar paved parking. Fast pw session. C4tly $660 pkv w., s79IOto.Bops RhtoF y Ina (PAMCW). PATSOW401 •lit, 1500 eV- R co"msrdal / Wmknoi- led apace, door in Wirt of - foo. High olpOMre, low cast 43681M or 4U4 - &x MONTHS Free rot 011ie., 4%, - N. , O.e. la. SM It. trio roolrlo ago- and Moor, *=now****. leu•, perones, bn^ dun $5001"10.434-2443. C BOWIIANrILLE . 250 Ica IL Profile idyls sionW labia. No per 11101x1. Cal Bob - TO kwe (905}27- 44/ 9. '471 COTTAGE ler vol, 3 bed room , IAbfasbn Labe, era. Md -i, boat and moor ire clud•d. for mon in limo. bon call 1-906832-9140 SCENIC Piclon - 2 bed- room obroom kaNy kfismoij a0elp- as, 3 pce, boll. great fsh- eg, boo" and saimhihF Ca1(9m) a3w7sm. 0 TRENT RIVER, Lake Say-' moor, Woodland Estate, family housekeeping cot- lages, 3 pc. bath, fishing, pod, beach. store.play- ground, 90 min. We Picker- ing. 1-at)0-357-2044. GORGEOUS - 3 bedroom 3 bathrooms townhouse condo, close to famous Clearwater beach, pod. W cuzzi, BBC), private yard, available Now - Dec. ler info and to view photos 68&9846 or 579.3766. 2 bedroom, den, living. room. dw groom, central air. 1 1/2 bathrooms, park- ing, Oshawa Fk>eP4al area, 1445 sq. R. no pals, adua bldg., 905-726-3013. SAILWINDS Whitby. lux- ury condo bulking, one bedroom, 941 sq. It, marry WAV". 666-3114 WATERFRONT COMMUNTY, 2 acre lots in beauNW Port Perry. Lots $155.000.. Cad 14 Estates. 427.03W or 426-2215 ST. PETERSBURG. Isla del Sol, 2 bedroom, fully • equipped. Bound Ibor villaLOIN • • on beach. pod. )actor, golf, toms, booting. fishing. sleeps 6, $375 U.S. weekly. $3S00 full priced. Seclud- 839-7571. ed wooded Trailer let- good road. sandy beach. fishing, 1/2 fr from Oshawa. (416µ3t-1555 ABSOLUTELY beautiful 2 storey, 3 bedroom. 2 baths, gorgeous kitchen, plus for- mal ding room. roc room, wakaut basement garage, only 597.500. Ted Hough. ton Romax Summit 666 3900. ADORABLE CAPE COD $139.000.00. wooded con- servation area, near Lake Stxg09. 1.400 sq. R . 3 bdim. 2x6, r-20 wale, high. efficiency gas furrow. H,R.V., gas lireplan. 1 2pc . 2 4pc. on sur* battle. AFFORDABLE Lake On- tario trailer sites near Tren- ton. Fully serviced. mature Woes. shollsred docking. waterfront fibs available Full price Moxas 56900. brms. 416-7571944. CAMP GROUND has fully serviced trader sass avail- able on Soh Bay. 5625 - ssason May 1 - Oct 1 20 min from Pilon (90)434- 8927 evenings. rough -in ClV, oak kitchen, 906-96&9106 CAMP SITES - Because of now pert for the AFFOhipABLElAI>OR first bye n 25 years. see- ABLE. MEsoy soul camp sAw avaiatls meM, P, io 50x110 do(. On *rte, orad traders also shows 10., 5146.900, ler sale. For mitre wro cad slow totes. Frank Hawes. 1-(7'05) 799-6221 Boovw Sutlon Group Claim 430- Taoist Park Ornerre , 9000 AJAX South. 10 Bdland Money 3-bdrm tockspkt. quiet to Lend osom riser school. park. hardwood floors. fireplace, lowly tomb -room. AAA Caleultag a Loan. $163.000. (905)666-1325. Financial consid" Sorv- (416)3462692 cos, for any purpose. Also LOANS. Aub. emergency. AJAX - Wostrey Fkw" - oonsobdabons, vacabons. 1950 sq.lt IMMACULATE %Wwk". drat Mia borrow homre. 3.1 Dolan. large was, business. et. Good or dock. in 1- -1 walkway. err Bad Credit Banluuplcres o bunt wrseperab entrance welcome. a 30 am,-9:00pm A second iulcan. Hard. Mon -Sat 416430.0012. wood floors $197.50Ohhr gobable. OPEN HOUSE BORROW $10.000 . pay as SUN. 1-4 PM. (905)427- bills, as 5110 par month. oats, o.a.0 Cad Jury. 6667200. F ALL bndk Vipiox-excoowd Mulby location. Close 10 downtown. schools, 401 and Go very well man - tuned . $two bedroom spits. 2 oozy stone 9ro- pl, plenty of eu lendows Largs corner 9 -car dn- vway separate sntran es. natural 9- heating- aP Ounces. laundry babb" aid ssprate niters. N ow - ly rstowted-carpol and br ndaf". Assumable 7 114% teed mortgage. Pays ed ot! grog Who a gropporaur" at $20e.900. Don't miss out Call George or Fhb &1 906- 436/610 or 906466Sb67 for appt to era kieverhdors ma.bd a.g alnte. co DOOWWMAMVRAF, roI om, k2hoV2 ballsW, prwann bakt. blhadoss Pte - Call 6250342. seem tale naw 1,2,311aar9' tmr4o's up Ila 1442 eq 1. Al SepMaM 4lttatt, Cr ane Mor wow idawofort. NORTH Oshalw. 4 bob tilos" girt 4 PC WINAW i irhir4 1 pas lino, at. arsiao patinas od IK wale out duck, iniollod rwcree- bon wilt Sal brld►oom 8 3 pe belt upgrades thraph- 00 ohl Astoshg $249.0. Car 571- 2599 aft 6 p m NO AGANTS. OSHAWA - Norrrws.L 4- 11 01, 2 barn, OA low af, irihp, siding, flow wind- ows, dock los, rosrovelsd washrooms, $149,900.w ow (9O6µ.961619 OPEN HOUSE April 1. 2 (1:30.4.100ppm.) OSHAWA Etat- 4 bed- room brick house, living, dining, 2 kildhww 2 bolh- roorre, fnsw . b•ent ga- rage. R•lki d $137,900. e Cad Gln 426.4701. lbssons. nee CanwuMtikw inwsMMs Ltd. OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT GUARANTEED SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES. OTHERS DO NOT, IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CON- TRACTS NEED Money? A lob? Good Luck? It has worked for others, it ran work be you, Mystic Messengers, Power Stone Pendent. . Send $14.95 Plus Self Adressed Stamped bus# - noes envelope to: Mystic Messenger. 5709 Old Sar gog Rd. N., RR41 Bowsrarr vide.. Ont L1C 3K2. PRAYER TO -THE BLESSED VIRGIN, never known to fail, O most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, blessed Mother, Son of God, immaculate Virgin, assist me in necessity O star of the sea help me and show me here you are my Mother. O Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heav- en 8 earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to secure me in my ne- cessity (make re- quests ) There are none that can with- stand your power. O Mary conceived with- out sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 times) Holy Mary I place this cause in your hand (3 times) Say this prayer for 3 consecutive days and than you must publish 4 and it will be granted to you. Y.J. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favors received. May the sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified. loved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. O sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us. St. Jude, work- er of mirscies, pray for us. St Jude, Helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say this prayer 9 times a day. By the eighth day your pray- er will be answered. Publication must be promised. Y. J. MORTGAGES i LOANS • 1st a 2nd wi gWas up b 11% • Imes a a" war dao easy psprnat • Lens -any ple"m easier rpakr YMW X.A. Odrnw, 40444 or 1J00401-3Ns Canwiawwns Am Fee NOT DOG Cart ler sale $3000.Plwlw 631I15e. Loewe Mnmpo. 670 MT® e1 M CJAOA)A EVAILY MY$-tr4f 1 •0le.1 LOVE MOIEY CAREER ►S1fChtICS 1-YOO�i1r066 PAMPER YOURSELF B*),y a rablong mos - sopa by mob a9Mhdort 1 am. - I p."L Out Cal only Car Toll Fro 1.416-5604M DATOG S we ON in r.hkL P --I m Search ba you select aaraclive, probmor*L simples who ihh. . you and haws sores Palm . afm t dsbl Wig term re ammupL Cal br my M brodwfe, with no obfg--- or piesosfws to join at 6W 2414 arwahhr. SOnMKMe boner *M the Pie you've boon ttbenry and fired been look& * - CONN TOGETHER Todoyl 1,M"7-0117 '1`Wlr Nei VYt ansvta•M•�coio rtinulrv:sr r.se■■ .. •.. 'SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 Congratulations Durham Residents! It's amazing what your recyclables can make! • The Plastic Pop Bottles collected last year for recycling could be made into 448,800 new T-shirts - one for every resident living in Durham Region. • Newspaper recycled last year would fill the Hockey Rink in the Oshawa Civic Auditorium Complex 35 times from the ice to the top of the sideboards. • Corrugated Cardboard recycled last year would make 15,885,000 new large pizza boxes. • Paint collected and distributed through the Paint Exchange could paint 260 new 1500 square foot homes. / • Drywall recycled could be used to build 86 new 1500 square foot homes. • Motor oil recycled could provide 37,756 cars with an oil change. CowposisSits Mew ZgZU, More than 6,7010 composters . were distributed in 1994, this brings the total to over 33,500 since 1990. For more information on Waste Reduction programs, please contact the Durham Region Works Department at (905) 668-7721 or (416) 869-3751. O •oe••sr, vvj/ a e• • s • Funded in cart by the WsTMy of Environment and Energy :DURHAM: PAGE 40 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, APRIL 2.1"S �r 1 F Ah tr Your Choice Wagon or Sedan'. 0 3.OL, 6 cyl.,, auto., air, AM/FM cassette, dual air bags, block heater, tilt, speed control, light group, floor mats, tinted glass. #SG 122. 4.9%" Finandng UP TO I mo. TER 3L, auto., air, AM/FM cassette, cargo area cover, rear wiper/washer, luggage rack, tilt, speed control, light group, floor mats, dual air bags, tinted glass. #SG170. B UlY g oo� lease 4 . 9 %" Finandng UP TO t mo. TER Sale price - plus fit, ac., applicable taxes. " 4.896 inancirg. 48 mth. term. Example: $10.000 at 4.996.48 mth. berm. Payment $229.84. cost otborrowing $1.032.32 OAC Based on 24 month Red Carpet Lease. $2.000 down pus applicable taxes & frt., 1 st mth. and refundable sewity required. Option to purchase at lease end. 50,000 Ian free. OAC. - - 261=3311 KINGSTON RD. (AT- ND AVE.) SCARBOROUGH W14d sreal►nottosxaatyas11worarsd