HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1995_02_03NEWS Freak mishap not so rare Page 3 ENIERI UNUM New VOL-ume o music :Wage---=.:. �G-News A Friday, Feb. 3, 1995 40 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper V ENVIRONMENT NEW &selecdoll USED S ETES ®® 8304MI0 wt BAY SPORTS enrrr a � Y T** � i Hw* SPsektrktb ra0dk M Brock tad. S-, Pk ke ft OlLLNG11At1 m v6itiser Pressrun 35,000 Vol. 114 No. 5 • • AECB ri"pped fnuclear plant remlicensing By LEO ANTONELLI SPECIAL TO Tit& NEWS ADVERTISER PICKERING — They came for answers, but many went borne empty-handed. Over 100 people packed the Pickering Town council chamber Wednesday night for a meeting held by the Atomic Energy Control Board (AECB) on public Coneems about the Pickering Nuclear Gating Station. When the AECB renewed the plant's licence in December, AECB president Dr. Agnes Bishop said the regulatory agency had to do a better job of communicating with the public. At Wednesday's meeting. Dr. Bishop reiterated that pledge, but made it clear she and her staff members were only there to answer Conceit!%. "We are not here tonight because we are reconsidering our dec=ision," Dr. Bishop said. David Martin of Durham Nuclear Awareness pointed out the public had con- cems about the safety of the Pickering station after a massive leak of heavy water last December. "Public concern is grounds under the envi- ronmental assessment review process for invoking a full public environmental assess- Hockeyafternoon in Aj* ax Put:c carrier Brad O'Neil is chased by Vito and Ravenscroft Roads in Ajax on the C•ellamare, left, and Danny Harvey during weekend. a game of shinny on a pond at Rossland photo by Ron Pietmntro Water leak `no grave emergency' AJAX-PICKFIMG — The water supply for Ajax and Picimdog isn't likely to be affected by a kak in a line carrying some of the water used in the commmitim, Region owls say. A 30-intdt main feeder line sprung a leak on Rossland Rood just west of Cochrroe Street in Whitby Wednesday, Durham council works com- mittee chairman Jim Aker =parts. The line can tarry up to 12 million gallons of water a day during peak demand while another 12 million galloon► Dome fmm a supply plant on the Ajax lekefioat. Dwhoro director of operations Jadt McCorkell says, "We don't anticipate (insufficient water capacity), but we have no gnraraotees time might be some lower presstue. At this particular me, folks won't notice any diffeieaoe at a1V He adds, "We're donkful, if it was going to hap- Ss• REGION ... Pop 4 ment." Mr. Martin said. "Of course, the Catch-22 is the Atomic Energy Control Board is the gatekeeper. They decide if they are going to relinquish power. It's no surprise that they chose not to " Then Mr. Martin questioned the credibility of the AECB, saying most of its member% had See AECB ... Page 2 Poor parent turnout at kindergarten forum proof furor over: board By SAL BOMMARITO STAFF RFTO RTE R DURHAM — A poor parent turnout at a public open hour: on all -day kinder- garten Wednesday night is a sign the omtroversy surrounding the program has final- ly died down, Durham Board of Education officials contend. The school board hosted its first of three public: forums designed to get parent input on ways to improve the program, which has been in effect since last September. Two other open houses have been scheduled for Feb. 15 (Whitby and northern communities) and Feb. 22 (Ajax and Pickering). Wednesday night's open bouse was held for Oshawa parents and trustees. Inside School board staff have also colletted We comments of school administrators la the [news and � leachers, which will be Editorial................................6 compiled along with poems' inert in a Entertainment .....................12 report due out in May. Sports.................................13 But school board administrators far Classified .............................14 outnumbered parents at the first open Phone Ilnes house. And school board offixaals said that's a positive sign. General 683-5110 " Ibe turnout is an indication that (all- Fax 683-7363 day kindergarten) is not the burning Sincerely Yours issue that it was last fail," said Pat 1-416-976-1991 Prentice, the school board's early years InfoSource 683-7040 Qunior and senior kindergarten) dr�cer. Death Notices 683-3005 However, Oshawa�trustee Kathleen Hopper, an outspoken critic of the all- The News Advertiser day pogram, said pests . , naiubuft no" stayed away from the open house recycled newsprint because they feel the school board is 93v _r 7v GST = $i See WXED...Psgs 2 5-CALi . - You own the pbone • Free Week"W local calls • 65t per minute Fw Lb" seg pw Fls dr• SAI. Abe baeir 31/%ipstw hwm Fa dna. NM anile sAb w1s"W Av. local calls Oshawa / Whitby Ajax / Pickering Excell CommunicationsExcell Communications 837-1212 Cellular Plus Centre 57-1212 Approved Agent 843 Kinft St., W., Oshawa (Just West of Thornton) _ Pickering Town Centre (Lower level, Sean Wins) 13" jftlw tp „ PAGE 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, MS AECB credibilitquestioned y FROM PAGE 1 worked for the nuclear industry in the past. Dr. Bishop responded that it should come as no surprise that those knowl- edgeable in atomic energy had worked in the nuclear industry. 'That does not mean that they owe the industry anything. or takes away from their integrity as regulators," she said, Energy Probe's Norm Rubin said he wasn't concerned about how many of the AECB's members had worked for the nuclear industry in the pact. "I'm more concerned about how many still do, in effect, work for the nuclear industry," he said Most of the questions asked by the public were laced with a certain level of cynicism concerning the AECB and Ontario Hydro. And many of the answers were accompanied by a good dose of technical jargon. Ajax resident Bob Willard tried to get the AECB represen- tatives to tell him what level the agency accepts as a safe amount of tritium in the Pickering station's effluent but could- n't get a number. Mr. Willard pointed out that many international regulatory agencies were moving toward lower levels than what is acceptable to Ontario Hydro. AECB representative John Waddington said that zero tri- tium was an ideal goal, but unrealistic. As a regulator, we have to regulate at a safe level" he said. Another member of the audience asked if the Pickering facility could withstand an earthquake measuring six on the Richter Scale. Mr. Waddington replied the Pickering plant is in a stable geological area, but the station was built to remain undamaged should a quake hit. "In my opinion, the station will withstand a level six earth- quake." he said- After aidAfter the meeting ended, many in attendance still did not feel reassured about the safety of nuclear power. "I think so many of the answers, to me, were quite convo- luted and hard to understand," said Janis Mitchell, an Ajax res- ident and environmental activist. '"Ibey didn't give simple answers to simple questions." Pickering resident Keith Ramdeen felt the evening was a public relations exercise. "I don't think they answered the questions," he said. "I think they were skirting around the issues." Mixed reaction expressed FROM PAGE 1 only paying lip -service to their concerns. "A kit of people didn't bother coming because they think it's a doer deal. People feel they weren't listened to last year. They see (the open house) as the board going through the motions." The handful of parents who did attend the open house had mixed comments about the program. Beth Cubia, who has a son in the all -day kindergarten pro- gram at Harmony Public School. said she'd like to see the board revert to the half-day program. "My son is exhausted at the end of a full day," she said. "You have to wonder how much they're seaming." The kindergarten teacher is wonderful. She's really coat - mined, but if it doesn't go back to half-day I don't know if it's going to change anything," sbe added Darlene Griffiths, whose daughter also attends Harmony Public School, says she's concerned her child isn't eating properly at hnncbtiaue. "Kids at tris age need a4mvisim at lunch," she said. However, Mrs. Griffiths quali&d her statement by nymg "I can sex more advantages than problems with the program. The biggest problems am inoonhveaieaoe:s for parents." At the other cad of the spectrum, Chris and Todd Green said their son, whu attends E k Lmell Public School, is tuiv- ing in the fulWay kindergarten program. `"Our son loves it," said Chris Craea. "He's had no prob- "I pix the idea they're learning to go the full day," added Todd Green. "It's an easier transition to Grade 1 " Anne Gould, whose son attends all -day kindergarten at Kedwe Public Scholl, says the program has bemefided him. "I believe he's accomplishing more than my daughter did in the half-day program lash year. He wishes he could go all day, every arty" Mrs. Gould said she's helped her son make the transition into the program as a patent volunteer at his scbooL Kedron principal Tune Evans said parent involvement `5s credal" 1D the ptogroWs success. "Parents who an involved with the school are much more understanding about the prim. We use parerht volunteers for a variety of tasks." ,Despite poe ts' cocoanuts, kinde rpstem students have inte- grated well with older children during recess and kmcbdme, the principal said. Met AECB'$&(Wt Ve simple answers, aro simple questions' -= Janis Mitchell Cop guilty'of unlawful arrest By SAL BOMMARITO STAFF RFTOIrM PICKERING — A Durham Regional Police officer has been found guilty of misconduct by a three-member civilian board of inquiry. In its decision, the board ruled Detective Randy Wiles, an officer with the Major Crime Unit, "made an unlaw- ful arrest, without good and sufficient cause," in a case involving Pickering resident Cornelia Vesna of Douglas Avenue. Mrs. Vesna was arrested and charged with theft over $1,000 on Nov. 28, 1991. The charges against Mrs. Vesna, relating to items she had in her possession belonging to her estranged husband Brad Vesna, were dismissed in December of 1991. Mrs. Vesna subse- quently filed a complaint against Det. Wiles, the arresting officer. She testified before the board of inquiry last July that she told police prior to her arrest she would not return the items because she had a court order giv- ing her legal possession of them. When she failed to produce the court order, she was arrested. Det. Wiles, a 19 -year veteran of Durham police, now faces a penalty hearing some time this month. The penalties range from reprimand to dis- missal. The board also dismissed an allega- tion of discreditable conduct against Det. Wiles in connection with the same inci- dent. "The officer had a duty to make a rea- sonable investigation to determine whether or not there were reasonable and probable grounds that an offence of theft had been committed," the board ruled. "But the officer looked at only one side of the story," the board said. The board also found Det. Wiles failed to obtain a search warrant before arresting Mrs. Vesna. Det. Wiles's lawyer Bernie O'Brien says his client is pleased the charge of discreditable conduct was dismissed by the board of inquiry. However, Mr. O'Brien says his client will appeal the board's ruling on the unlawful arrest charge before the Ontario Court - General Division. s a victim :warm -outgoing in p t o g g .:DURHAM — A woown hired in .,son," says her One of the wheels bounced over n f vak accident on Hwy. 401 on the sale, a [text -door � ' the centre guardrail into oncoming kjm bottler Tuesday was a "warm, neighbor to the ! traffic and collided with Ms. mtgoW& friendly, beautiful per- dead woman and Worona's car, crushing the roof. It � ily. _ finally carte to a rest in the north Angela Worota, ditch of the highway. The other Runaway wheels _31, of Whitby,wheel landed harmlessly in the j 4eajoyed snownw- ;. south ditch, according to police. not unusual� �� a>gela diving The tractor -trailer, which and she was part of Agel a belonged to �1iy-hased Universal DURHAM — A veteran .....by, say�oe Worona in hushed by Oan PP mechanic part of the ArnCan IAd, was being examined enforcement officer with the o� from his home on Dymond investi�tios into the accident. Ministry of Transportation of ; ..Drive in Whitby,where Ms. A s who did Ontario says it's not unusual for O°�y P°k�'a� tractor -trailer wheels to conte loose .<morona's parents, relatives and not give his name, wouldn't com- on the highway. ,.*kods jam together Tuesday and meat on the ongoing investigation But according b Bob Macbestte, `:Wednesday to mourn ler death. into the ranee of the mishap. g "She made a lot of good friends "The accident is still under inves. enforcement co-ordinator for the „Wot�na. b the MTO's Oshawa office, it's ram that the yam' says �� y police and our own the wheels hit something after they Ms. Warora, who was single, had people. I've been in the business 22 lived come loose as happened Tuesday in Toranb std Oshawa at ver- years and I've never seen anything morning when a Whitby woman ions times before moving in with her like it," he says. was killed on Hwy. 401 near the >p°�' Michael std lEileetn. The woman's uncle says her fami- Ajax-Whitby border. She died instantly when the tar ly is "in a state of shock" over the "It's not the first time it's hap- ,she was driving was crushed by a accident, which happened as Ms. runaway tractor -trailer wheel Womna, who worked for a period. But they usually don't hit' anybody or kill anybody," Mr. Tveeday mocnitrng. attioe telephone company in Whitby, Machesnesays Police say two rear wheels was driving to Toronto on bueineaa Angela Worona, 31, who was :snapped off an eastbound tractor" Along with her parents, Ms. driving to Toronto in the 401's trailer and bounced into oncoming Worona leaves three sisters — two westbound lanes near Lakeridge traffic in the westbound lanes of who Hive in British Columbia and Road, was killed when her car was Hwy. 401 near Lakeridge Rod on one in Toronto — and three broth - crushed by two wheels that had At Ajax -Whitby border Tuesday ers who reside in the come off an eastbound ttaaor-trail- p10 Oslav0a0Wb1ltby area. er. - The MTO is not involved in the investigation being conducted by the Whitby detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police, which employs its own licensed mec�an- ics, Mr. Macheme atphi Ls. Fbiice say one of the wheels that came off the mar of dee eastbound tractor -trailer bounced over the guardrail into oncoming traff e while the other ended up in the ditch [tear dee eastbound lanes. "The wheels are usually on the same hub. One usually coarses off by itself; two usually don't come off together," Mr. Machesne says. Mr. Madresne says its not sur- prising the wheel crushed Ms. Womna's car. "The wheel would be guying at a quite a speed and they weigh between 200 and 300 pounds." he says. Under provincial laws, truck dri- vers must inspect their wheels and do a general inspection before get- ting etting on the road. WM inspectors also check trucks at weigh scales. "But we're limited in the amount of personnel. It's the responsibility of the owner and driver." by 'Too-- AITKENHEAD sales P'Wesmud" CRISIS 'he market is unstable, inflation is right around the orner, the dollar is fluctuating, the Far East is at war, our Husband is grumpy, the cat's sick and you've just card that housing prices are going to drop. Descripptuion of todays news? Far from it. These could be direct qquotes from three c6ffereat newscasts over the last 40 years. The more things change - the mom they stay the same. Don't lose your perspective by thinking only short term. One of societies stabilizing influences is the average homeowner. They bet on the future by locking themselves into a 25 year mortgage which takes a lifetime of effort to pay off. That's stability. And look around when times 4et tough. Who's sleeping a little easier at night? The homeowner with an almost paid off' mortgage - that's who. Forget the fast buck, the leveraging, the crisis that comes and goes. Buy piece of mind by investing in your future. Let me find you a home. SELECT THE BEST M.L.S. 619-9500 "T' sutton group -heritage realty inc. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY3,1995-PAGE 3 Farewell brother A Metro Toronto Police piper and color guard along with hundreds of area residents paid their last respects to retired Toronto sergeant and Pickering resident Gord Powell at his funeral at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Pickering Village Thursday afternoon. Mr. Powell, 47, inset. died Sunday morning when the snowmobile he was riding crashed through the ice on Dalrymple Lake near Orillia. photo by Ron Pietroniro PAGE 4 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3,1995 Pickering pair busted in pyramid scheme By RICK VANDERLINDE SPECIAL TO THE NEWS ADVERnSER PICKERING - Two Pickering residents and a Whitby man were arrested by York Regional Police following investigation into an elaborate pyramid scheme offering a SI -million payoff. Undercover morality squad detectives charged six people following a meeting at a Newmarket hotel last Friday. An officer who secretly attended the meeting said about 100 people showed up to hear bow they could make up to $1 million by selling "educational" prod- ucts. Constable Dominic Stilo says the operators told potential salespeople they could make 58,750 in the first phase by investing $1,250. The salespeople would sell the "educational" prod- ucts for $1,250 to two people, who would then sell to two more people until a chain reaction created a "pyra- mid" of participants. By the fourth phase, the lead salesperson could make $1 million by investing $125.000. The first educational product was a three-page book- let informing new salespeople how the pyramid system worked. Const. Stilo says other educational products consist- ed of "motivational- material similar to the paid -pro - graining shows on television. "They're trying to circumvent the law by selling a product." Const. Stilo says. "But eventually you run out of people and someone gets hurt. You need a tremendous amount of people to keep them going." Police anticipate more charges in connection with the scheme. Const. Stilo says police aren't charging people who simply attended the meeting. Charged with being a party to an illegal scheme are a 45 -year-old Pickering man, a 35 -year-old Pickering woman, a 32 -year-old Whitby man. a 53 -year-old Toronto man, a 45-vear-old Barrie man and a 21-vear- old Newmarket man. Region can meet local water demand, officials say FROM PAGE 1 surface," Mr. Silgailis says. "How serious the leak is we don't pert, it happens now" because water demand drops in winterknow, but any leak has to be repaired." During this season, about 12 million gallons of water are The leak is in an area where a subdivision is being built, Mr. used in Ajax and Pickering a day. Thompson says. "A gas line is going in. Whether developer Ken Thompson, Region director of engineering, says, activity caused the leak we have to investigate." "There's no grave emergency at this time. If it was mid -stem- The cause won't be known "until we expose the pipe. I mer, there's cause for greater concern. We feel we can meet believe that will be early next week," Mr. McCorkell says. the demand." Works commissioner Vic Silgailis told regional council Wednesday water reservoirs may be filled up and water re -1. � ECOVER � routed to ensure there's enough supply for Ajax and Pickering.UR The leak was discovered when 'water was bubbling to the . . February 12th CYwccL Visit the Pickering Flea // \ G� � Market On I ; . February 12ffi For Great Prize HEART! \ � / Giveaways r You could Win: A romantic Dinner on February 14 \ One of 5 -Honey Moon in Vegas- Videos \ j The Complete CD Collection of the 'King of Rock N Roll- "ibe First Five Hundred Ladies Receive A White Carnation Metro East From The KING Himself s.a_ __--_ On February 12 He may even sing you a Love song, SpF�� i 1IL single 1- -� L . v over a Double Bunk - Bed 1l9 Custom Made Sofa slogs Tabie 8 4 Chairs 3--bdi! — 1AP Wood P s1A0 .0 CQ"% Iff A 1A ?oP5 ..L.Afilm Expect more from Sears 4550% OFF SELECTED tiliARti-O-PEDIC" tiLGEI'SETS 2025 % OFF SELECTED YOUTHS' BE,I)ROON1 PIECES ALL MUSIC SYS7FMS ON SALE $220 OFF PORTABLE: STEREOS $15�40 OFF COMPACT INIt'SIC SYtiTENIS THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1"5 -PAGE 5 BIG TVSAV7NGS 2_...I.`..S $40,,60 OFF ?i1" ANI) 32.. T`..ti $60-80 OFF $50-80 OFF �S0100 OFF RACK SYSTEMS PROTECTION TV'S ALL MAJORAPPI.IANCES, VACUUMS, SEWNGMACHINES ONSAT.F 10% OFF 15% OFF .20% OFF ALL REGULAR -PRICED ALL REGI'LAR-PRICED ALL REGULAR -PRICED • WASHERS, DRYERS • CHEST FREEZERS • BUILT-IN OVENS • WHISPERTONE, t'PRIGHT • ELECTRIC AND • MICROWAVE OVENS • UPRIGHT FREEZERS AND CANISTER XACUUMti GAS* RANGES • 2 -STITCH SEWING • RANGE HOODS • K TO 150 -STITCH • BUILT-IN' MACHINE • CENTRAL VACUUMS SEWING MACHINES COOKING SURFACES • KENMORE' CANISTER • DIFFERENTIAL FEED SERGERS • DISHWASHERS AND UPRIGHT • REFRIGERATORS VACUUMS •All Vu cw. ed w,Aww be dans M a grafi.+, icasd wawcwr a—a" ea,aw as- ads. 'AMaiosiaa waro. Saws am wranw-:rdali.. . by *.did ooanadw- in weer seas Use your Sears Card and don't pay 'til July 1995 ON FURNITURE; * IWOR APPLIANCES, VACUUMS, SEWING MACHINES AND HOME ELECTRONICS Copyngr"'995 Sem CanaW Inc. „ExdW= pow �d ba* 6wk" down payment required minimum purchase regwed NOprepayment oI taxes NO3rd port' credit application Dslrred o4w, on apiproveA cnida, wilt your Sears Gard. $74 odaini-Inrtion h» app's- Thi- offer andr Wadne-day, Febnowy IS. 1995. liquidation items in Clsorgnw Cerarw and Cataloyus pu jmm are torinc'.dod in ibis oRer. AA hr ...A SIM SUNMY, F8.5,, M5, VA&E CALWM LAST SEAM Expect morefrom Sears SHOPSEARS PICKERINGTOWN CENTRE We're open Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PAGE 6 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3,1995 Timothy J. Whittaker .Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Advertising Manager Alvin Brouwer Retail Sales Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager A Metmland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax. Ontario. LIS 2H5. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. Page sizes may vary slightly from published rate card due to mechanical requirements of different printers. Second Class Mail Registration 1897. Mail suh- scription rates Can. 1 yr. S70 GIVE US A CALL General 68 s-5110 Newsroom 683-5110 Distribution 683-5117 Classified 683-5110 �Nightline - 798-7672) FAX 683-7363 Sincerely Yours 1416-976 1991 InfoSource 683-7040 Real Estate and Automotive Sales 798-7672 National Advertising 493-1300 The News Advertiser welcomes let- ters to the editor on issues of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for length and legal reasons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone number for our information. They should not exceed one and a half pages in length. A)��The News Advertiser regularly uses NLV recycled newsprint In the dark The Atomic Energy Control Board had all the right things to say late last year following the heavy water spill at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. But on Wednesday night it effectively lost any credibility it might have had in the eyes of the people living in the shadow of the plant. Regulates from the AECB held a public meeting in Pickering as part of its effort to "do a better job of communicating" with the public. Instead, those in attendance carne away rare convinced that the feder- al atomic energy regulatory body was here simply to take part in a public relations exercise. And that is simply unacceptable in a cornmunity that has informed itself (through watchdog groups like Durham Nuclear Awareness) about nuclear power. Citizens in the communities fed power by the Pickering plant carne prepared with articulate ques- tions and comments. But they were, essentially, insulted with unnecessarily convoluted answers that skirted the issues. As an example, one resident attempted to have the AECB say what the agency accepts as a safe tritium level in the plant's effluent. The answer. "As a regulator, we have to regulate at a safe level_" The AECB faces two challenges here, boat of which are entirely within the agency's control. First, it must not only operate independently of the nuclear industry, it must appear to operate independently. Second, it must be more accountable to its decisicxrs on Durham Region's nuclear plants. Only then can the people in Durham Region begin to more readily accept nuclear power's place in our fives. Tie Ajax's birthday party to Canada's To the editor: In response to Janis Mitchell's letter regarding the lack of community support for Ajax's 40th birthday: If you thought it was so important, maybe you should have been the leader and organized the big day. In times of fiscal responsibility I think it would have been inappropriate for the Town IrnfoSource Poll: Inst week we asked: Should an inquiry be held into the Durham Regional Police investigation of the Christine Jessop murder? yeS 3 No 6601v It 1E 34% l I MIT Would you be willing to pay additional taxes as a measure to help reduce Canada's deficit in the upcoming "federal budget YES: Punch 8026 TO CALL INFOSOURCE: NO: Punch 8027 683-7040 to put tax dollars into an individual celebra- tion for the Town's birthday. That doesn't mean that we forgot or don't care. It means that the Town has a responsible focus and pri- orities for 1995 and beyond. I would much rather see a joint celebration with Canada Day at the beautiful site of Rotary Park on a warm summer day, (at a time of year when life is not as stressed as it is during the holiday season), or during Home Week. If it doesn't happen that way, I'll expect an invitation to your celebration, Mrs. Mitchell. T.M. Slater Ajax Do you feel safe sharing our highways e asked. with transport trucks? -- asked at the Ajax Plaza MARGO HUMPHRIES "I'm always afraid of trucks. They aren't as manoeuvreable and don't stop as quickly." JIM WELLS "It is an issue with the speed they travel and their numbers. And their mechanical condition is also an issue." DON IONDERMAN "They aren't as well regulated as they should be. And their mechani- cal condition—is it checked often enough." MARY MAWHINNEY "It does (concern me). They drive too fast. It's frightening." Billboard Billboard is a free feature for com- munity events of a non-profit nature. To have your events pro- moted in Billboard, fax 683-7363 or write to the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont., L1S 2H5. The deadline for Billboard items is 10 a.m. the Monday prior to Wednesday publi- cation, 10 a.m. the Wednesday prior to Friday publication and 10 a.m. the Thursday prior to Sunday pub- lication. ep Factory FRIDAY, FEB. 3 w / CHINESE NEW YEAR: The Chinese Heritage and International Language School holds a Chinesex New Year celebration at Eastdale „, , .:: Collegiate and Vocational Institute, ' " ...*W. 265 Harmony Rd. N., Oshawa.. r' s •'' '' .w -- Tickets are $5 for seniors 65 and over, $5 for children four to 10 and $8 s for children 11 and over and adults. For tickets call (905) 579-3628 (Mrs. Ho), (905) 430-8642 (Mrs. Chen) or (905) 432-7684 (Mrs.=- Couple pleads .�f• �� :�µ �� ;, ��,; � w _ . � � ..� for return of video of baby D Second family has treasure taken from ;,�,with any matching home during break-in y '� mattress set v purchase PICKERING — A Pickering cou- ple who had their home cleaned out 30 25 `' 20 15 10 T 5 by a burglar are appealing to the ban- .ems. +rw. .. .rte .. .rte 5 � dit to return a valuable video which MCI& EWM was stolen. ORTHO LUXURY 0 THO PEDIC 0RTHO PR AN COMFORT SLEEP ORTHO PEDIC SLUMBER REST The tape, which was loaded into a camcorder stolen by the thief, con- tains "precious" footage of the cou-239 lee ple's young daughter born in W71R 0^4sW-1-4 -,*Ss December. 1259 ss December. wb ,169w 39 As we had taped the earliest SET :424 SET :394 SET '314 SET :284 SET 5224 SET'184 moments after her birth and during DOUBLE 279 SET4� DOUBLE 259 SET 439 her hospital stay, this tape is invalu- QUEEN ..... 299 sETw4 QUEEN ..... 279 sET474 DOUBLE. -209 sr 374 DOUBLE...189 sET324 DOUBLE ... 169 5ET2Eu DOUBLE ..139 sE-M4 able," says Portland Court resident pNG.........S09 SET 759 KING......... 459 sums QUEEN.. ..239 sr 4m QUEEN.... 219 SE -W QUEEN ..... 199 SE -3u QUEEN.... 169 SE'3-4Earl Johnson The break-in occurred on the morn- ; ;< ing of Friday, Jan. 20, according to NA IFS BED CAPTA/NS BED CAROM MIGN SO FUTON DELUXE RITON ECONOMY 8M Mr. Johnson. The couple discovered TW the home had been entered through the kitchen window. Among the items stolen were the •.wy� ` _ :� camcorder containing the tape of the : S . �„• �,,,,, S ,, �,,,. S109,r... S r,......■, $�,.�.�, $ child, as well as electronic compo- 18 219 �«.. .,....... 179 ..�,,,., 249 179 Rents, pieces ed by the thief to carry and a hockey bag likely used STORAGE BU_ ff WOW SWESUM DAYM~ .NSM /R18MO OAAMA /AaYfig the items from the home.accwft The couple is hoping the burglar ,.•�., _- , will realize the tape is of Ito value. except to the family, and return it, no Ilestions asked. Another Pickering couple who had " : 28 2 s'339 s 1 �^•••^�^« '109 '29 a2� videos of their children stolen News. �s Year's Eve got some of them returned after a similar appeal in the News I.;. Advertiser. BAYLY C-3 • • ' . , TAUNTON CLEMENTS i February s In z Heart and Stroke °is`ov`" P' FA.: z z Month `ire ``'"�` � � z emol J Q<•. = O 1 N ® oCKEW1Al ttAoR Mli d. 10.6 v' 1 l�t♦1 CNEdIES ,�"V�, soar,► 11-3t AAU ST"i U1 MtA111[) Please give. Chang). SATURDAY, FEB. 4 SOFTBALL: The Pickering Girls' Rep Softball League holds try -outs for its novice girls' division (born 1981 or '82) at the National Sports Amusement Centre, Whites Rd. and Hwy. 2, from 9 to 10:30 a.m. 839- 6387 (Phil Wickware). WOMEN'S SOCCER: The Pickering Elite Soccer Club holds summer registration at the Pickering Recreation Complex from 9 am. to 3 p.m. The club offers recreational soccer for women over 19. 619-9052 (John THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1995 -PAGE 7 Feb. 3, 1995 Parsons). SOCCER: The Pickering Soccer Club will hold registration for its sum- mer session at the Pickering Recreation Complex (upper level) from 9 am. to 3 p.m. Proof of age and health card number are required when registering. brrprvvt gyow odds d%4rnit Canada i r 1 kA s PAGF 9 -THE NEV* ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3,19" .. AJAX - 'Tl�e 'Ifurhsm vie -based . ......: The gip ihotds breast - Angata�daie Caats.tr� iGlab> ..... speakers. �tsYt� trs+ Ile* r Grp ae tt arch �d �fi ee ayty in, taull�g a e bns�iae �preneur fag 'hame for a breakfast Thursday a4 each maatb Streets, Ajax. � $10 a+rrtf vr�tco*t*. Catt .24 s meet mg next ` 'hars�iay.: ..... ; ran ?:38 to 9 a.m. at t 40W brew aid.. 0195 rmali+aaa. COMPLETE CENTRAL VACUUM ' SYSTEM $689 VACUO . 2 E— 2 LOCATIONS a+ ¢ H.401 .2 • 3 = Hwy. 101 a 3 " YOVGET- '-� oa 4V r- Mains lE BONUS No Mess or Damage Professional Installation Garage Kit- ONLY S� $69 Valt:e 9 r :0 R hope, h..eh—," MOST HOMES AJAX PlICKER-MG 29 Harwood Ave. S. 375 Kingston Rd. (Benomen and MOBILE ton Hwv. 82 M Rouaemount) 428 1659 �) k 509-3622 VACUO . 2 E— 2 LOCATIONS a+ ¢ H.401 .2 • 3 = Hwy. 101 VACUO . 2 E— 2 LOCATIONS a+ ¢ H.401 News Advertiser Grades 4-6 Student Challenge Some good news Newspapers report all sorts of news. Some is good news about positive things happening in the community. Some is disheartening news about things such as crime and disease. We challenge you to find a `good news' story in the news- / paper. Describe in less than 50 words what makes it good news. The winner will receive a pizza party for his/her class. Send your -•^-~--K�_^- - entry to: P't I----------------------- Support -, i Clip to Save sou ht for PU UP THE PHONE HOW AND g CALL FOR A FREE parents of II I MARKET EVALUATION kids with ! ! special needs DURHAM — Kinark Child and Family services needs volunteers to provide emo- donal support and to Of special Deeds children in Dtuham Region. Anyone inter- ested should call (905) 433-0386, ext. 17. open house at Exeter - AJAX - Exeter High School, 80 1Falby Crt. in Ajax, is holding a Grade 8 par - eats' night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. out Wednesday. Students grad- uating from ele- mentary school sad their parents are welcome. Information on integrated cur- riculum, Grade 9 revaluation, extim- ctmicular activi- ties and art elec- tives will be available. Call 683-8125 for information. 8✓�Y -' Homeseller I know you're thinking about selling your home I fast and for top dollar and I I need an aggressive agent 1 _ with a unique marketing I program that attracts I buyers. I am presently working with over 1001 I qualified buyers right now and one of them may I want to see your home. In fact I have several new I and innovative marketing programs that I'm sure will I interest you. So " up the Mone now and call 831- I 3300 for a No -Obligation Free Market Anal tys's and 1 start Dacking, and remember if at any time you are I not happy with our service you can cancel your 1 1 listing contract With us at no charge. 1 I hope your home sells fast. Glen Price I P.S. Several of our listings have sold for 98% of 1 I asking price in less than 30 days. I wOowR ELP METE EAL FIRST REALTY 831-3300 Each office Ind"wndontly owned and oporated IV PRESENT THIS COUPON TO GLENN PRICE I I When you meet for your Free Markel Ana"Is I I offer expires 0212e1sGlenn Price I 1995 All Rights Reserved 1 Clip to Save I IM Ndettaa I to soliek properties Needy listed. THE NEWS ADVE ISER MIOAY, fBBRUARY 3,1,W.1 -PAGE 9 Nuclear emissions below limit: AECB PICKERING — Residents living near the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station were exposed to a fraction of the proposed legal limit of radiation doses from emis- sions in the last quarter of 1994, according to the Atomic Energy Control Board. Public radiation exposure levels published in the AECB's Radiation Monitor indicate residents living near the plant were exposed to 3.2 microsieverts (an internation- al unit used to measure radia- tion doses) from Oct. 1 to Dec. 31 of last year. As a comparison, the radia- tion from a single X-ray is around 70 microsieverts. The proposed legal limit for radi- ation doses from emissions is around 1,000 microsieverts per year. The average Canadian is exposed to 3,000 microsiev- erts per year from natural background radiation. The radiation doses pub- lished by the AECB are for people living just outside the station boundary who are at their homes 24 hours a day, drink local water and eat local fish and produce. Radiation doses would be less for those who live farther from the station and have dif- ferent eating habits. The radiation doses were calculated using data from the analysis of air, water. milk, fish and vegetation in the local area as well as data on emissions from the sta- tion. Anyone wanting more information can call the AECB at 1-800-668-5284. GREAT WINTER GETAWAYS! DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Casa Marina, Puerto Plata ALL INCLUSIVE! (standard oorni Monday departures Feb. 13 t .,199 For Sunday Feb. 12 departure add $30 per persor add S70 depart re tax 11 S S10 Dominican tax pard bcalty Blue Bay Club, Cancun ALL INCLUSIVE! (jr erste) Thursday departures $12M Feb. 16 1 week For Sunday Feb 19 departure add $50 per person add S66 departure tax Re MAARTEN Maho Beach & Casino (standard room)1 Sday aturdepartures Feb. 11 1 week add 565 departure tax CUBA Club Guardalavaca, Guardalavaca ALL INCLUSIVE! tytarry�•d •,cr-+; Monday departures Feb. 13 1 week add S64 departure tax U S S11 Cuban tax Vaso Melia Varadero, Varadero (Standard room, Monday departures !110 Feb. 13 t weak add $64 deoanuiv tax u S 511 Cuban tax pajc ocauy Farallon del Caribe, Manzanillo de Cuba ALL INCLUSIVE! (standard room) Monday departures Feb. 20 1 week%0 add S64 departure tax. u S Si i Cuban tax paid localy Eats Trailer) Aaarastna • Eats Citi PAlmd Pralam - East Niels lar }at attain any maw Missanas� nnp1w A■wipa Ei�ss��CYC �t� Im addeltatM tisM as year Sams Card • AM fermi wrampoo k salt be ebmW n 41 1m Eras Ciel0 Raaaisa a atttyMalsa1 1 "'1Atslt-Atwy" ft" its. oro smokftnn M b oro siw.-albft>r a�l..t low" Prices shown w"i de mwduip airlare from Toronto, hotel ^N^ airafi holid are via Air Transat, oslooept Marizarlino pie Cuba Monday Sq is are via Royal Airktes. Air Transat Holidays OnL Reg. 00412996. Pickering Town Centre 420-7600 4WPROTECT YOUR VACATION WITH VOYAGEUR TRAVEL INSURANCE — WE RECOMMEND IT! Prices and dates shown are those available at advertising deadlines and are subject to being sold out or change and to a surcharge by the operator without notice Prices may vary depending upon date of travel. accommodation selected and are per person based on double occupancy unless otherwise stated. Terms and conditions applicable to these offerings are those detailed in the suppliers brochure(s). " ineYidad: Q&T.. bansportsdon tax and lass. arty itsins of a personal mature. unless specified. This offer may not be valid in conjunction with any other discount or incentive offered by either Sears Travel or its supplier(s). O Copyright. 1995 Sears Canada Inc. Ary reproduction without the written consent of Sears Canada Inc is prohibited. NOTICE TO TRAVELLERS Travellers should be aware that different living standards and practices and different standards and conditions with respect to the provision of utilities, services and accommodations may exist outside of Canada. Sears Canada Inc. d b.a Sears Travel Service. Ont. Reg $2264141 101MA A% .F.Vect more from Sears PAGE 10 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAI', FEBRUARV 3, 1995 WA Ev r��er thin 's y g beachy Lincoln Avenue Public School students, from left, Amy White, Michelle Smith and Dacon Delaney, enjoy some cool treats during the Ajax school's beach day held recently. The day helps students chase off the winter blahs. photo by Andrew Iwanowski PAY NO GST NO PST JUST WECAUSE 0 0 . Send the FTI)' Big Hug Bouquet ti This bright ceramic mug, with plush teddy bear, says ••I care" — for special occasions... or just because! FROM Your Professional Florist FOR QUALITY, VALUE • SERVICE PHONE BAY RIDGES FLORISTS INC. 1215 RAYLY STREET 839-2949 Pbone orden ,aepwa a Al m.ior chaW cAra. K D"Y OEI NERES FROM OSHMA TO OAKVIU.E V RECYLER'S REPORT Take a look in the treasure chest By LARRAINE ROULSTON EN'VIRO`'ME%`TAL SPECIALIST The Pickering Waste Reduction Committee and the News Advertiser offer The Treasure Chest which lists free and wanted items. Until Ajax's new "All Rs" reuse facility becomes a reality, the Treasure Chest is a good way to exchange articles. To place an item in this monthly space, call 420-5625 during regular business hours. WANTED 1. A folding walker with or without wheels — 683-380.1. 2. Cribs (anv size). chest of draw- ers. doubic hed — 0K.1-32:1. 3. Kitchen cupboards — Jan 686- 7840. 4. One 10 -to -12 -foot wood banister or railing, woman's adjustable cane and a metal kitchen utility table — 839-1407. TO GIVE AWAY 1. Large chest freezer — (Oshawa) Sharon 436-5094. 2. Colonial -style, two wooden chairs in need of repair — Jan 686- 7840. COMING EVENTS Feb. 28. 7:30 p.m.. Pickering Recreation Complex — PACT's gen- eral meeting. Bob Rae. Lynn McLeod and klikc Harris have been invited to explain how each will solve the garbage problem if elected in 1995. GREEN TIP: Candles will gener- ally keep their shape better and burn much longer if thoroughly chilled (kept in the freezer) before using. CORRECTION: The telephone number for the Recycling Council of Ontario was misprinted in the column regarding RCO's Feb. 20 one -day workshop entitled "Maximizing and Sustaining Participation in Backyard Composting Programs". For informa- tion. call Jane Snyder at 416-960- 1025. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1995 -PAGE 11 Former mayoral candidate cleared in court By BRAD REAUME DURHAM STAFF OSHAWA - Businessman and former mayoral candidate Larry Dupuis, 53, was found not guilty on a charge of common assault stemming from an incident at an Oshawa convenience store last April. Mr. Dupuis was acquitted last month of dangerous driving in connection with the same incident. Another two other charges were also dropped in provincial court Wednesday. "I'm very pleased and relieved," Mr. Dupuis said. "I wish this was over before last fall's election. I thought I'd do better in the mayor's race without this hanging over my head." Justice David Stone said touching someone to gain their attention is not assault. Court heard that Mr. Dupuis, after spotting a man who owed him money, followed him into a convenience store and confronted him regarding his lack of pay- ment. Evidence given in court sug- gested that Mr. Dupuis might have touched the man while sug- gesting to him that they move outside to speak privately regard- ing the matter. "classic case" of an attempt to gain someone's attention and thus Mr. Dupuis was innocent of the charge. "We've been landlords for 20 Larry Dupuis All witnesses agreed the con- tact was not violent or threatening. Justice Stone said the incident was a years," said Mr. Dupuis. "We're reasonable people. I'm going to pursue enforcement of the judg- ment of debt that already exists." Mr. Dupuis said it is too early to tell if he will run for the mayor's chair again, though he says he's fully aware there are 33 months left in the existing term of city council. Mr. Dupuis said he is still con- cerned about the lack of leadership in Oshawa. � i�a Woman assaulted, choked 'OSHAWA - A 20 -year-old man has been charged in connection with an assault on an Oshawa woman. The man, of no fixed address, faces assault and threatening death charges. The assault began just after midnight on Jan 30. Police say the accused and the woman were walking along Oxford Street in Oshawa when the man kicked the feet out from under the woman. jumped on her and began to choke her, say police. She got to her feet, but was assaulted again before a passerby inter- vened The woman suffered injuries to her head, body and neck. Family loses everything in Oshawa fire By BRAD REAUME D1:R11A.M S`rAFF OS HA W A - An Oshawa family is holed up in a Whitby motel with few possessions after fire swept through their Bloor Street home last week. "We're still in shock," said Lisa Randazzo. "The insurance adjustors said we'd be lucky if we can save even 10 per cent of the things in some of the rooms." Adjustors have not yet decided between gutting the house or tearing it down com- pletely and rebuilding. In the meantime the family of five is living in cramped quarters, uncertain of their immediate future. "We were taken in by our friends, Rod and Sue Kammerer, right after the fire," Mrs. Randazzo said. "They took us right in, fed the kids, and removed some of our immediate worries. I'm very grateful to them for their help." Fire department officials told Mrs. Randazzo temperatures in the home reached more than 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. The fine was likely caused by a cigarette which fell or was knocked into a sofa bed and ignited. The result was substantial damage to the contents of the home as well as struc- tural damage and extensive smoke damage. "Videotapes melted into the VCR which melted into the top of the television," said Mrs. Randazzo. "The plastic shower curtain and loops melted into the bathtub. The fire- fighters were amazed " Insurance adjustors moved Mrs. Randazzo, her husband Raffaele and their three children, Michelle, 5, Kimberly, 3, and Isabella, three months, into a motel for the duration of repairs, which could take up to three months. Ms. Randazzo said her hustxin d drove by the house just after the fie and chased away people be saw picking through the remains. She fears some possessions which are unac- counted for may have been looted from the home. Most of the home's contents were removed shortly after the fug by the insur- ance company to see what was salvageable. "The two older girls are quite devastat- ed," said Mrs. Randazzo. —Fhev aren't tak- ing it well. They're upset about losing all their Christmas toys." Hospital official faces assault charges WHrrBY - A Whitby General Hospital official will face assault charges this summer. Durham Regional Police say Marc Kealey, vice-president of -community relations and development at WGH, was charged with assault with a weapon, assault and threatening bodily harm on Sept. 7. A pre -hearing court date is scheduled for June 27 in Oshawa Provincial Court at 9:30 am. Mr. Kealey's solicitor, Michael Boland, has asked for a general division judge and jury to hear the case. A publication ban on the proceedings was instituted on Sept. 12. Take control of your retirement future! Please join Fortune Financial and Jerry White, Personal Financial Expert for Global T.V., at a complimentary seminar designed to answer all of your RRSP questions. Together we will review: O Canada Pension Plan - A Bleak Future ♦ Alternative RRSP Investment Ideas - ♦ 95% Tax Rebate on this Year's RRSP ;. w;-♦ How a Financial Advisor Can Help You Achieve Your Goals - ♦ Pre Budget Tax and Investment Strategies How to. take full advantage of RRSP Rules and -' Pay Less Tax Time: F "s 4 Wednesday, February 8, 1995 - 7:30 P.M. Location: ♦ Oshawa Golf and Country Club • X60 Alexandra Street Oshawa Ontario ; FORTUNE For your no cost reservation call F I N A N C I A L (905) 428-5725 SETTING TOMORROW'S STANDARDS... TODAY "'"°Ili�iiMi�tlllr�llt�+et�•, .. __. _ _ PAGE 12 -THE NEWS AVVEMnSER Arts and Entertainment .......................... it'�'kSd`°' 4° � dam �T� a dPo,��g ....................... Victims of Luxury: Alternate pop with ethnic flavor The Victims of Luxury are on their way, says band member Yaz Atout, of Pickering. The band is made up of Atout, brother Kareem, Ken Griffin and Andy Ghandour. Get out and sing or dance DURHAM - The Sweet Adelines are looking for some sweet vocalists. Durham Shores of Sweet Adelines are holding an open house at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays in February at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church (lower halls 32 Wilson Rd. N., Oshawa. No musical experience is neces- sary. Call 576-0769 (Carolyn) or 509- 5371 (Gail) for more information. ❑0❑ AJAX - Holy Trinity Church, 91 King Cres. Ajax, is hosting a Valentine's dance on Saturday, Feb. 1 1 .from 8 p.m. to l am. Cost is $12.50 per person, which includes late evening refreshments. For more information or tickets call 683-3863, 683-8533 or 428- 3755. CORRECTION M our Maxi Drug IM valid from February 2nd to February 81h, 1995, on page 5, the toNowing items should have read as I011ows: BRADOSOL -.99 with coupon OTRIVIN - 1.59 with coupon WEBBER GLYCERO DERMINE - 3.99 with coupon WEBBER VITAMIN E - 5.99 with coupon. Our apologies to our customers. mum 02tK. By AL RIVETT STAFF REPORTER PICKERING — Yaz Atout and his bandmates in Victims of Luxury (VOL) have no time to waste. VOL, a Pickering -based contempo- rary pop band, trittered precious little of it away recording their self -titled album at a Toronto studio last summer. The recording, released on the A&M Hypnotic label in December, has been a critical success, complete with world- wide distribution, radio play on Brampton -based alternative music sta- tion CFNY-FM, and the video for their fust single Tie Me Up in heavy rotation on MuchMusic. The album was made at breakneck speed, taking just under a week to record the 12 -track CD. But, that fran- tic pace suits Atout just fine. "I don't want to waste any time." says VOL's lead vocalist and guitarist Atout in an interview at his Pickering home. '"Ibe shorter and quicker we do the songs, the better I like it. One of the songs (Sugarbush In) was written 10 minutes after we arrived in the studio. We recorded it and put it on the album. I wrote the lyrics on the spot. It's the same way we made the whole record. We knew what we wanted to do. We've played enough live shows to know what we're doing. "Too many bands take too long to make an album. By the time they get around to hearing it, they've lost that spark. We didn't want to do it that NW6LL(Aly Fd 7:06, 935, Sat -Sun. 2Z. 7:M. 936. Mat -Thea. 7%, 935 N TM MOUTH OF MADNM � FO. 7:10,930. SiLSun, 2:10.7:10,9.30 Mon -Thus. 710,9:30 DEATH & THE MAIDEN Wy Fd -This. 925 LEG� CIV TM FALL ow F6.7, 9:10, Sat-Sut 2.7,9:40, Mat -Thus. 7.9-40 Oil= i DINNER (PG) F1.720, 9:10, SiLaw 230.720.9:10. Moa -Thus. 720, 9:10 FM FROM NOME THE ADIIiMTUM OF YOUAW DOG (F) Fli. 720. SILSut 220, 720. Mat -Thus. 720 IrGHILMDER W: TM sORCENER (Aly FO. 7:15, 935, SILSwk 2:15.7:M 936 Mat -Thus. 7:15.936 Alk Mae Ar ,O�lai lab I �ugt LLaa -rime 1..1.. C.tr..- Bo�olrLJ1(p>•.. mor your ?Ioitntine 's �sn»Lr Dally Lunch Buffet %.95 Vegetarian & Non Vegetarian Mon. -Sat. 11:30 - 3:00 p.m. Every Sunday Special 18.95 Dinner Buffet Take Out Available Closed 3 p.m. -S p.m. dally Mon. -Thum 11:90 a.m. 10:00 p.m. Fri. -Sat. 11:30 a.m.-11:00 p.m. Md. E way." Don't get the idea VOL's swimming with the mainstream. The band is blaz- ing its own trail in the poprock genre, says Atout. He refers to VOL's music as "alternative pop with an ethnic fla- vor', utilizing instruments such as the sitar and tabla drums to add "spice" to the sound. "We still play contemporary music. But, (the instruments) make it more interesting to listen to," says Atout. VOL's style, more than anything, evolved through the band members' own roots. Atout, brother Kareem Atout (keyboardist, from Scarborough) and Ken Griffin (the drummer, also from Scarborough) are of Arab descent, while Andy Ghandour (bassist and vocalist who also lives in Pickering) is of Pakistani heritage. "(Our Middle Eastern heritage) is the main reason we get away with it," says Atout. "There's an honesty to the music and it's not a contrived gunmick. People look at us and know it's not contrived." VOL was not an overnight success. In fact, the band formed 10 years ago and, for eight of those years, was like many other suburban bands trying to make a name for themselves. Atout says it was VOL's independent record- ing effort called Too Cheeky two years ago which opened the doors to its cur- rent success. "The indie album created all the label attention. We were doing show- cases in Toronto where we would invite all the A&R (Artists and Repertoire) people from the record labels who stand at the back of the hall and drink free beer. We did that for about four months and we were signed by A&M Hypnotic Records." VOL is currently playing concerts across southern Ontario — a strategic move in support of the album as it "makes more sense to go where the people have heard our songs," says Atout. The band's next date is at Ultrasound in Toronto on Feb. 17. A cross -Canada tour is in the works in the spring. In the interim, VOL plans to do another video for the new album's opening song called Wrong. Atout says the band members have begun writing for a follow-up album, but they won't be going into the studio just yet. When they do, don't look for them to do anything similar to the cur- rent album. They don't have time for that. "It's important for us to find angles to make our music unique. We don't want to do the same things on the next album. We want to keep our integrity, he says. • f odnws Every w..r.nd All Sats A9 Ag" $425 L"".. V. r w. ate. POPTS CURLING Ontario qualifiers left for men's rinks By JIM EASSON 'ECIAL TO THE NEWS ADVERTLMER AJAX-PICKERING —The ndow of opportunity for inandale men's rinks to qualify the provincial championships closing as the season rolls Only three chances remain for inandale rinks to earn a berth the various Ontario meets. The en's zone playdown is in mon on Feb. 11 to 13. For men ,er 40, the intermediate zone trnnetition is set for the Tam vHOCKEY Heather club in Scarborough Feb. 18 to 20. Lastly, the Silver Tankard event, which accommo- dates two teams per club, is at Annandale Feb. 26 to 27 and represents the final provincial qualifier for men's rinks. D:3❑ Annandale will host the annu- al St. Valentine's Jitney Saturday, Feb. 4. Mixed four- somes will play two four -end games. Rinks can win prizes based on their game points. The event ends with a dinner and Novice Raiders get!,, strong goaltending in recent action AJAX-PICKERING — Gijn. Justin Hall, Gavin The Ajax -Pickering McCrorie and Ryan Raiders TD Bank major Gemon turned in a solid novice 'AAA' rep hockey effort. team recorded a win, two The TD Bank novices close losses'and a tie in came up short 4-1 against recent league action. (khawa. McConnachie The Raiders skated to scored the lone goal a 2-2 tie with Barrie. for Ajax -Pickering, Goaltender Sean assisted by O'Sullivan was bril- Lynden. liant in preserving In a key match - the draw. Chris AAA up, the Raiders Papalia and Matt beat Barrie 4-1. Pernerowski RRID Sawyer was the were the goal offensive star, scorers, with assists to netting the hat trick. Brett McConnachie, Derek Lynden added the other Lynden, Brian Wilkins and goal. Chipping in with Andrew Sawyer. assists were Wilkins and Ajax -Pickering dropped Pernerowski with two a 1-0 decision -to apiece, Martiniuk and Richmond Hill. Netminder McConnachie with one Gordie Brettel was out- each. standing as he just missed Barrie scored a late goal the shutout. The defence of to spoil O' S u l l i van' s Kyle Martiniuk, Tyler Van shutout. Axe sharp as Canada Trust scores win over Plaque Attack AJAX-PICKERING — Canada Trust cashed in for a 9-1 victory over Dr. Afoo Plaque Attack in a recent Durham West Girls' Hockey Association atom -peewee house league game. Christine Axe fired a hat trick and Ashley Black net- ted two goals for Canada Trust. Singles went to Amy Black, Amber Desormeaux, Sarah Signoroima and Jessica Armstrong. Erin Giraudy, Ashley Desormeaux and Karen Delmonte all registered assists. Solid performances were turned in by Kelly Stewart, Kim Moore and goaltender Jennifer Aprile. Ironer sign-ups t Salurfty PICK RING – le Pickering iccer Club will ild registration r its summer ssion at the i c k e r i n g ecreation )mplex (upper vel) Saturday am 9 a.m. to 3 CORRECTION NOTICE In our Sears, 'Fitness Month at Sears, sale prices start Thursday, February 2, 1995" flyer, page 9, the toddlers booster seat, 068058, reg. $17.99, on sale for $14.99, and the ride 'n rest head support, 869002, reg. $26.99, on sale for $21.59 will not be available for the promotion. We regret that rainchecks are not available and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers. dance. ❑❑❑ The last of three draws in Annandale's men's competitive league is now under way. Teams play each other in round-robin action within their own division. There are six divisions, and each foursome moves up or down a bracket depending on its results in each draw. After the last of the three draws is played there's a double knock -out draw to determine the club champions. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY3,4"5-PAGE 13 0 0 HeartHealth Myth "19: "I've been a heavy smoker for over 40 years. I'm too addicted to quit." %lost people think that the d,'rs ` easier smoker hay the Ww,rra d,.n(r+hn qunuuX,n.­ ag \v% research. however. shows that smokers oyer fi5. who Smoke at least 25 ri�ratettes a das, hasr the must wt cess m quittmg .Ind of (nurse. there are health benefits a gn inz up smoking at am age. It realh n artier 101late to quit. } Ut I ktill Il dwires Amk MMw vin rem& riven r - 1994 WFALM RR 1992 VOYAGER _ --� n , 6 raw, rr, Ww 2". a=x � LE WAGON - sem, a Maes. x are. a �-' ere". 7 am, 0a r� n "W -Y, c T.,11 a^:. 4" as.. 21 -e --WS l ' 7!^'r, 7 .3 -ft! ? =l:: •^[:t! _ ..l or$, roe e'a,7 X -t Liy tray Qac. over sas. `*" ser "cam nrraa ae,r - - .�+� sata ea; : `.14. 7IT S Sat Slat ... $ser; :.: wF1l ^. :ay: -+e erea,'eoa M 3W7 -rTl, r� `,a! -"'•i S� e7 rL:s Y•S vv 7!G eroae ;ver. aaa+ot ! 7Cry ;ass aea :es c' 3a e -:e a -- s. - rx seam : wn .a-ar'v -I QJC: grrlt s•a sa ng systr, �:wes. o+rd'p0mes 'es sJWW?at-= seat _ 1994 CHRYSLER — 1992 GRAND �-- LEBAROM GTC CONYe " - 4 VOYAGER LE �— cv _ S:Yror it r'ee eve a : �! -V sr -� at. a wart a nes at x. a '•'�` :see : saes a aye s eroas. a M. ITK'S SQ a•sat `. Ser; !'tai a i7=1 a eel La araegs I' see^sg. ase =71. M":ax . =!-f� .+ MIS.: -. se .^-n WN ass a -� Vr'N On ?a eta ae'3; 'Jq :"KV _� �r W"sem; ••ee .tre41. y raegas werew.•ra-As WSW. w "S. owe. sen. sree Ax ~t aca- :"I or. a -'ss, i'.. ems-/, $arm : c',--- - _ _ � Im t -a a -11,'- - 3-M a'!"ry. ....ra `m7 [acre.[, Cc!' NAM [NLD. try ':.i w X" :' 1M w x :lyre= -et. s•scx^ qm, lrrs sane L 1993 INTREPID - 19L9E0 R — WAGON 40oor,1 *0, tons 00 Ons. aa. 00, rA 6 pvw, tvW" ov. = 00. -V sr. --'-- '` per, 0. son P. preM, of Wt. 0. s« , a serer, a Braes. er =c,;. anOai a ��••� �•---+'- eMndOee, R *ft, D. 17+11k " of p. Ill am, a SK:L OW n nw% QJ! awn Daae coned. MIA[ can, "pe - " 4" aa, *" "an y^";, Ta erfeae amen, 41 fw cede. OVA * Vend - aeimc * rA gess, vW reee Seam a ow h" IMMM Va nneoa a seeas, 0191, rod ao, wca a r". 5,t r vr, Ns fn. in me k plate d boy WIN d* fa; peels of lam7 sea. 7 mL aEas.we s* orli 4rX mis. &=W. go. VV 64.900 -,ei WE NEED TRADES 1992 GD L I`, VOYAGERRSSE (� 6 ryireG tate eilael one. eua. Q0, ane raetaf, la mm P. WK >K cmd. &Mrs M 0 _ a'Oe4 tk stiaets awe asned, AiifY fab, N O REASONABLE - "MW" 4% Icer sl "detoat bh �°w�W��`�"F4 -� syentp;w phone of *"ena frt v deg OFFER REFUSED . 'PAGE 14 -THE NEWSAIDVERTISER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1995 :uuern oz__ce State of the art equip 'y 'ull time No evenings Fax resume to: (416) 740-5359 We Dry You diedly, to assemble our pcdum year round. For delete send sell addressed stamped envelope b: LEISURE TWE MANUFACTURING 16715-12 Yonge St., Unit 344, Newmarket, Ontario. L3X 1X4 PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IN PERSON CudcUe Up panion Locking for some warmth this season? Find a snuggly friend in the pet section. Someone's Waiting for you! News Advertiser 683w0707 Fax. 683-7363 BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICUMARKE ANG POSITION An Oshawa based client/server marketing company: needs a bilingual customer service administrator. The ideal candidate will be a team member who possess excellent organiiabonal skills and be a good communicator, both verbally and written. Computer _iu in VYordperfect 5.1 is essential, and knowledge of Excel would be an asset. Mail resume to: PERSONNEL DEPT. P.O. BOX 130, STATION A OSHAWA, ONT. L1H 71.3 OR FAX TO: (905) 4365944 EXPERIENCED TELEMARKETERS REQUIRED - Ajax area - Work from your own home and make outstanding Commission. No selling involved. You will be making appointments for our sales people. Preferences will be given to persons with experience & fluently spoken English. Call Vaughan at 14500-432-4145 PANTRY MAN HOME PROVISIONERS LTD. AJAX GENERAL MANAGER / MACHMW SM - $65 K Nsafr as" postcon now avai9ble lex a motjwoad sel- dharbr b menage a high On* madene 61od riling op- elabon, wile Mvepa Ad 15+. Prevow machine sloop epi Pari "09 a mull. ri girnairg dtpbma helplurl. Fax resume to: Geri Graham (905)0331-4922 Graham Personnel S•rvim Ltd. q. ... ... ..• ... ... .. ... .. .. -..-ter -•••--n-r ...-.. v .. .. ..... .. .. .. .. . .. FACTORY HELP For Pwch Press, Spot and Tg Welding and As- sefit�lyyOperations. Day and night staff. , AI. •rhe. A. B.tI t, IF you are woo Or a slips Night shift prerntxn. Pent or separabd or di• "cod wile gree yeas work Apply in Pelson t0: experience. you may qu wy PRECISE TOOL for huncia aseistarve at it AND DIE LTD- you are over 45 and haw re. dLLNGNAY RO o"'lly been laid o6, you may rlCl(ER/IG, ONTARN Lance, DIP/CEERRT_ Lotus, worOKfsd, 0 Base. Word, Accpac. Bedford, Autocad, abd Verafrra, Pa9enwker, Har- vard, Corel. Campu bt Pro mm grang aril Sysiams-An- • stye,. Pascal said C. h0M1 Phobawp. Ouark Expeee °V and Bualrator. Durham &ai- 3010 ColOge,127- LANTANA- Maur Ladies waabd 10 be Part tvuo) oro-coeo WANTED Tan Drivers in Ajax area. Call InrrN6ayly (905) 427 16W of a dynamo direct Irarrr. L M us slicer you b au be ooaeafr/ so" gown lift of high ladies fashion quaky biOgm Sallim and home dmanaorwob& m. Export gid. S� +9 provided. Cal Clrry Harper (O1436.0820. Fem NEEDED 7-26 EARN EXTRA MCOf1f1E Travel to exciting dies: New Y*K Paris, Call for (Xx1subliOn.3 42 6715 SCHEDULE co-ordinator, %Wmwkobv experience, to work tram hones in Ajax. ToWmwksbm also needed. 683-9177. SCHEDULE co-ordinator, btrrwrk" an --b work kom home in Ajax. TOMmarkalrs alw needed. 6839177. ..-'.lao...MiOWWM. +-.ter•.- .-.�....w. X130 -_ 4001 Part time Rsospaorret for Dr.'s ollae. Ped" Rd. 4-10 frsJwssk. Everwgs /Saar. days Reply to lily 07107, Oshawa Tha Week, PO. Box 481, Oshawa OnL Lt F4- 711-5 11 mash old and 2 dogs - we rased sanenoae Wed. Thus. Fri. niyhb and coca sional Sat. . my home, Ajax Ajacall aft -MM. EXPERIENCED babysit- br required in our hem. 3 days pr weak to 1 and 4 yr. old. Brock Rd401. 426 7276. HOUSEKEEPEW NAN- NY for 2 school aged clMderr m I have current diver's frcer". live-nlw- out (906)477-1828. LIVE I1410ul iron smaidrg MMM for 3 yr. old and 6 maulu old. sones hoae- work Ifirurrer OLEO T Caaada s faaba Wes Pcken 4 509,4798. IM'owig Pyr Plan has darns b Canada, and re- LIVE out nanny, *A him quer- mss ^vft r man- Mon. - Fm in my Nee hakes. 22 maMk old and 8 mon8a ages in yaw area. Out- "andinw chi TOL yam. commissions. no inwstrra.nee, no deliveries, PART Ilene daycare ngaitd 6A tem". ml (9016) 471- for 2 acfaolage children, 2079, 9arr41pm does, to Lard Durham Prrbfrd Sd" please call Carol 696 Skilled 1135 2102. s BABYSITTER -Needed lei my home for 3 daldd ESTABLISHED Ajax company is loobrg for a skilled p. tiara with cpiiputer/n ex. perierwe to start kwa- diatay to replace sial) member 9" on nut" leave. May lead to pernaa- faeM Polon• Pleaw send resume A salary expects - bons to Fib #7112, P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, Deus L 1 H 711.5 roe. Pat time hours, am 00 an needed, west LyndNWlaNby. Call REQUIRED a loving re- sporribb,raon.erraoldag person b care for 2 In yr. old a 6 moan old in our horses Begirnirg March Mon: Thee. 2-5 pm. ref. a ncpl. required call 436- 3141 363141 k—r .evswr. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my lion by pediatric nurse claw b Part, large yard. any ape walaofrue Lrv«pod / Be* 837-1 o16 ECE Wil# Provide a warm rrRfalrrg MNrOM1M[ Mlh many nwa9 opporkw• lice. Eagsrienced and rN- erences Warden / 401, (416) 757-5107 EXPERIENCED, reliable daycare avard" in my home. 401/1-tarvrood. Call Brands. 427-3454. PRIVATE home, c!! Fbrdble hare. Ref«Os available. YWefrty/Raaads- Call Mane see 36e4. WHITES RdJFnehfrieray. Look- Wq kr re maauvssayy from honrm "for gyaourr dha#d? Wall. look no lurfrr.. NRN provide rsk- meras rsbrwmm it need - ad. wry reasonable raaim shit March 1/.95. Pbaee 0Cal a'M1114" at 416292- ... FIREWOOD Excel" 9ARy hadwood. Gua- 9AsaueCL CA gandesWL Hotels! nwmmw n wd Free, wood X2246 Fire. Hoe w MOVM SALE S50 law cord, Spill and delivered. Wde suppi" 1W Call G all day Sat anddSun. - 6119-i3M SELL `IT NOW CALL '683-0707 OR FAX ''683.7363 wrwe Ore unr I show you WW I can do for you Cal Gad._434-0222. (012WS) Carpet Brolm. 100'x. Nylon kick, plual,stam resistant carpet. For 3 rooms, only 9389.00. Pn0* nrJuda 3D Sq. r& carpel daknoe pad and nsta9alan in your home. Free quotation . in your hone. NO O roK no pay- ment for ons frA yaw, Una Dec. 1995. Dana, 1.80P217- 0104 CARPET your horse at dis. court prices. IOD% nylon, sten reeia - Prim ncludes. Dad and neblfacra toad hick at (09006) 430-0651. CARPETS - lob of Wert 10D% nylon, new Oban w leeee car; on Neared. I wi carpet 3 rooms, $349. Rice radixen carpet, perrakrm Ped. Orupsrt nsfa660n ba delivery, be esbatslw (30 yards). r4arrraan 8662314. COMPUTERS - NEW 488 DX 88 mutlnaeaa speeds with MKrowR leant sib trip- $1996. Resale ayalanes from r low as $250. Lap bps trona Sm. Now pridrs from $175. Our oveAlaade lo pions an bar - *Oft is NO at « Clark"on Caniput- Claimance 16 King SL E., Bowuraami o 897.9069. FRIDGE, slave, ealalw, dry«. miaarave, dbh- )tobNe, a baadde.22 3 -1111 ibrace, rwodsbvs, 3 Mbwisions. kitchen. fablddnrs, more. 606 WM leave message. OAK44NE FURNITURE. Why Pay law Pry One of Ontaio's olds! and Ia- 9Oa man) aur.rs is now soling direct to It public. Eq. oak pedseW table der ext. and 4 Windw► desks $tyle., 8' oak doable ped Osla dw eel and 6 diners $1429. Cennonbal beds, $299: Over 20 stain cheic- as -all sold, no venters. Tradilor m Woodwodit 906.986.8774. Apartment size 36" high, beautiful cortfrAion, $2,000.00 0 B.O. SOFAILOVESEAT Floral pattern. ANTIQUE U pholste chair (80 yrs beautiful condition 686-1767 THER Clocks -Durham's largest selection -New and used piarlos. Not sure? Rent to own, apt. size, upright, grand, digital, key- boards. CLOCKS- FEBRU- ARY CLEARANCE on all 1994 stock, Thep Piano Works, 4331491. THE FUTURE IS HERE TJ Satellite TV and Secun- ty, proudly introduces the new 18 inch saleflite dish .Up b 150 charnels . Apt. dwell- ers. home owners. cottages. RVs, boats, etc. SPECIAL 57675.00 installed. Visa. MC., financing available. 905 - WASHER AND dryer 5150_ bog chest freezer S10o: L -draped couch with pug caul tied 5350.: 2 brass and glass tables $20: brown redbror $100: leath- er office Chair $50: gas Pool healer $100: golf bag and cart $30: bedrsofa brown $200: 66019677. WASHERS, dryers. bridge, stove. new and recondl- boed. $225 and up ler to- - ' bonsid washer. $175 and up for recokdiim dryers. $175 and up lex reconditioned rdges and sbvas Alw can ops'afed noraMner and dryers. SMlpfneMon's Fumwhrs end APpiarnces. 227 cart St, Oshawa. 5767446 WEDDING band $50. queen size bed and all ac- cessofes $1300. Inge pic- fue in trams suitable for fiwngroam $25 5764367 V PICTAppliances wanted working Or not Fridges, stows, wasters, dryers. Abo want- ed pock up truck and utihty tradsr of flatbed reasonable 905 427-2713 BOOKS and pets wanted Preferably in large quonAoas. will trade ler anything in my store. Books Pets and Things. 216 Dundas St E Whitby CLOTHES, FRIENDS. FASHION . wants on con- signment. Erdal Goitre. Flower Girt Dresses . and First Communion Dresses. Also accepting children's clo6wg for tr new, store cal Lucy 1166 410D WANTED - olid and an- tique furniture. anything old. Sciehitd hnstruments. China, silver, advertising spots g toys. decoys, dogs. milk, bottles, collections, or estates. Call Robert Bowen Antiques (905) 655-8049. Brooklin. WANTED - used wedding gown for coraiglnentSizes 14-24. Sargeart's Rentals. 4331113. WANTED CAMERAS - old chiri and 916. Pwal- lery microscopes, tele- Moopes, binoculars and to - WW OwniL Clock wru es, fufniirs, ariyltiig old. 432-1678. WANTED to cam - older " * giw Islet, m emorabia, lraldasM Cal 906 723.7834poem « eWnles LOST-OFWQ* at. fag e 1383. Please call 606-3640 SMALL rosary fournd, bus clop. 420.0638. LAB Pups, malellemale, working dwitipa ham raised, . shol. h*%*" guaranteed. 905- S794MM TEAM OBEDIENCE villein you i you dog are bugm to work es a Iwm. Next dam (puppy A no - We*) cart Feb.11lt A 22nd (day). Evening Day, and Sat dashes available, with rna l classes guarrMeed. Cal 43111-0(01. 86 FORD TAURAS WAGON - New Transmis- sion, Ties and Exhaust. 52200.00 O.B.O. Call (905) 579.9037 1900-1986 cars, lease to own. Everyone qualifies. On UIC9 WCB? MA? No inter- est no credit check. $345 down. 6665-7428 1985 Pontiac 6000 LE wagon, 8 -passenger. VG auto.. loaded. Woody -side panelling. showroom con- dition, was $3295 now $2995 certified. Hurry on this one. 4 more rice cars to choose from. Call 427- 9722 anytime Russ. Open 7 days/week indoors. Big Town Sales. 1986 Laser Daytona XT, fully fully loaded. T -bar Tur- bo, good miles, one owner, good Mean running car. Was $3495 now $3295 certified. Hurry on this one. Call 427-9722 anytime Russ. Open 7 days/week indoors. Big Town Sales. 1967 Hyundai Excel, good Ares, good battery, runs well, sold as is $995. 420- 6262. 1981 GMC Beauville van, seats S. including steeper seat turning carndiion, re- quires some work. Asking $1000 o.b.o. as is. Call 721.2991. 1907 Beauvige Van. Fully loaded full size passenger van, $7500 or best offer. Cal and ask for Ross and Lida 905-434-7509. 1993 Pontiac Asuna Sur, runner (Tracker), black, 4X4, convertible, 5 -speed standard, arrVfn cassette, asking $11,800. Call 985- 1011 (leave message) 1987 Polaris Indy 600 L.E. Excellent condition, 96 car- bide studs, new slurs, hard th rnb warmers, excellent running motor. very reliable. New siders and track. $3500 obo. You won't be dtsap- Ponbd. 905-985.8039 Slew. 111111 Lavaaer tib. z door. WANTED . MOBILE loaded• automatic, extra HOME For 2 weeks. July dean- cetbfied. $6000. Cal 1631/95. Must sleep six and 728-0817. be in good condition. Wanted 11181 Sunbird LE, air con , 4 door. 74.000 kms.certafied. 1986 Beretta GT, 6 coridsr, auto. a7. so. New brakes and tires. Cer- tified 1987 Pontiac 6000 L.E. Will AtAo.(905) 666 0967 94 CADILLAC ELDORADO Triple yellow, Low mileage. Florida car no rust certified, full power sunroof $4.500.00 O.B.O. 686-1767 APPROVED - bad or no credn. 1960-68 vetscNs- Corthed or as is. AP- PROVED. Suralhrhs Auer. 6e6.9237 OA.T. 1992 Ford Tempo, 4 dr.. auto , green with grey in- hrat. 23.000 km. Certified $7900. call Pet« 723- it 23it 55 or 434.7564. PRE -OWNED ars and trucks. 1991 Pontic SurDud SE, 6 cyl.. Losd•d 79.000 kd.. while. (1.496.. 19M Pontiac Surlvd LE, 4 CVL.r. cast.. 56.650..1980 Sierra 4 door, 6 cyl.. aa, td, Crum. cast. $7.9%. +989 Sena 4 dr. 6 cykn- der. r. * cruse, caw. 56,995.. 1989 224 6 CYL. W. 11111. cries, ass. S7.295.. NO Swot GLX 4 dr.. 4 cyL, auto, S5,995.. 689 Firefly, 4 or.. aao. $42%. 1868 Jeep Laredo 4 x 4. auto. kmdsd.d 59,495..1989 Chet As- tra ar, Pas. 7 stator. $9.496; 1980 lurvna Euro, 6 cyl., 72.000 IW.. icadet. $8,995. Many. May Mae to chokes tram . Cab Ca Aub Carle, 65 King SL W, At Midtown Mal, Otalliarra 0;-579.26116. DEAD OR ALIVE -FREE flowing ler scrap. used or abordored ars a trucks, thy. pick-up, op Pricer paid (41Q 2111-1MI1 DK" OR AIX" 'FREE towing for scrap. used «abaridawd rare a tucks. 1111% pick-up. oP Ppm Paid- 34" 111115 CHEW, *1111 1 corrtitorh, new Into in Do- oemtber,new paint, dud a* hatwt, new box bwr, extra Met of cm* iii rims .Ask- ing $0000. Pies" tat Rhonda 619-9500 9-5 Or 427 0035 agar 5:15 P.M. 09 G.M.C. 314 extended cab 35o, loaded. auto O.D., A-1, low form. only $13,500 tan., 2632575 80w. by a Clean. Well Behaved Family. Please call (905) 434-0431 1 111 bedroom basement apt. , $500/mo. Plus hydro. Near 401. Available March 1 434-3942 after 2:30 p.m. 1 BEDROOM basement apartment living room, Large ktcen, 4 piece bdn, appkanoss. Privets err trance Oshawa Skipping Cents. area 726-5570 2 bedroom bas arrirht apt. for rent available irwm- di1My. New, carpet 5686, month. call for details 427- 7768. Pitkerng. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE. LY - in Whitby apt building, spacious carpeted. newly panled apt*. with balcony. Close to bus. stropping. a1 utilities included. FirsVlast required. No pets. ores bdrm. $625. 2 bdrm. $725. 3 bdrm. 5775 tall 430-0134. AVAILABLE OWDIATELY Bright row I bedroom base- mexaWrtmierr. Fr4p,Stow. Heal Hydro. Cade. Car" Vac, at nclidsd FIA an kid all. aak apboaards. Mum M to appreciate. 5696.00. Cities b bks Mass Fe*&M Rsroruewo180nr7214 492 PIC:KFr11NC.- Fir Rrxnt Bright. Clean, revdy renovated. bachelor Apt Separate err trance. new kitchen. new balL Utiles and Parking nduded. $550 / mond. Can 837- 1415, Call CLASSIFIED for friendly, professional, personalized service AJAX - ore bedroom basement apt. quiet spa- G10u'a. 4 pc ball oan, Wait - dry. cable. all nnclunnw. clove to all amenities. $625 available wvfo"ty. c 663.0799. Non Smoker. „ 401d- AJAX - Harwood . 1 be at>Z room basement apartinent. clean. bright, air condiored. laundry. parking. 5495 ncki- sive. Cal (905)2761115015. AJAX south - W9e4 brit clean. 2 bedroom basarrwt apartnent. separate en- trance, Laundry. no arrvokirhg or per, 11695 pin 1/3 uob- ARYwill be happy ties. Available Maras 15. car t0 help you with all (905)426-7298. your classified AJAX Odors Tower, - spaoiohn aoar>ments• 910111111 advertising needs! building, dam to shopping. 4ot, d Go. Pod, sauna, auaa, 2 2 CALL TODAY. bedrooms, Immediately, March i. tipD G' 6l- - 576 9335 8571 until 7:30 pain. AJAX- 1 bedroom bass- FaX.579-2238 ram Aparitiril , separate entrance. a/G Mailable for CLEAN flafrhiMfwd one bed- na►ernolom0 singlio with no roan baMenatint Suitable for pets. awilabM mow 111M. our person. ANdrip $550 cam 8e3-3e9t2 rrowimt. Non Mmiol.r. No pats. Available it.- illy. AJAX- Larger Oe�comi Wliby. 1369718. WOO bamt Apt up art 4 app.,CIA,C/V, part lar- HARWOOD a fFwy 2 - rtiMlte a / u ilia mished Pact- basenwN jiunior 2 bed - tat Aad 5750 iriclaive, rO°m' 4 no pow kit"Ust 5675 in - raf available imrrtedWly climbs uelkWicable. Avail- 426 -7072 able wonedowly. 066- ALTONAfBNEPPARO 7092. largo one bekboaat, fur- LIVE M h co rilyt Ismaili - aid larch 1. prole- US"" in North Odwv ia. Single. $650 niori8ily lawTwo bedroa(m aprtnarM n firevlaoe, air tandton@4 tum house;t 1/2 bail bo - central vac, able, sepwal* Plw. $950 Par lnicfiln awM4 eniranoe. 509-2491. lrtbleftarct kL 725-9991 33 & 77 FALBY COURT 2 & 3 bedroom apartments in family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 applanCesn laundry facilities and underground parking included. From $743-$833. 686.0845 weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. SELL R NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 MAIN floor of house for rent, 3 bedrooms, use of pod and 1/2 of driveway. Close to schooWsbes. No dogs. Basement and ga- rage excluded. S875/mo. all induscve. Available March 1. 579-4653. NEWLY renovated - s 1pa- rate entrances. 2 bedroom. basement. washer. dryer, fridge, stove, da, div, 1 Parking spot, dose to GA bun stop. unties nc�laided. 1200 sq. h $925hrXXad , lirsVtast requio Feb 15. 11905) 428-832S. NORTH OSHAWA-south Tautbn. PAAGOWS+nr.osSt area in 12-plex, two bed- room. Parking. u sibes and cable included except hy- dro. Laundry facilities. Newly Renovated . Avail- able Martin 1 N5, 5M Ocif month. Ftrwi ask. No Lease.Call (905) 5762982 North wain oshaw Avail" anter. 2 bed ocm newer '2 plot A-1 ora. rusrdoM, bakbA', parkmq appkuu'es. awe , aundry tac. vine. SM duaral C4M w r24 -2115C OSHAWA - one bedroom apartment in 17 Quebec St $430/month plus hydro. Available ammedialely First 1:2 of last required. Cap Steven (905) 571-3229. OSHAWA - your cat a wel- comd ImmaCuiai two bed- room Two level apartment in darning olds' dulloMx. Large and spacron wrhuge IOWPknne floats $750 . I? u" - Ask abouat no ret increase spam 905-7230997 OSHAWA 1 bdrm 561 -5569 2 bdrm - 9 CWWA" units. Includes heat. cable. hot wale(, par". new appliances. T~ pays hydro. 4364708 or 4048222 OSHAWA North - One ant Pickering 1 bedroom. base- ment Apartrrent. Liverpool Rd./Hwy. e2 separate err francs / laundry. parking and lots of storage $1500001 month ,kisne. Call (905)509-1651. Pickering Liverpool / 401 3 bedroom , condo , 1 I/2 baths 2 appliances. near GO, PTC., available now. 5950 incl sive. no pets call (416)609-2732 PICKERING- I bedroom bsml. Apt.. RougMrrtouM / Dyson. first Last Feb. t art w ckmmw $550 all after bpm. 509-1163 WESTSHORE Largs. Wight 1 bedroom, base - merit apt Large. dean est n kitchen. Laundry. lot, Of rlight . Nonsrihoks'. ival no pats. March 1st 5695 a ndusrve. 837.78M SOUTH AJAX 2 bedroom bassrnsnt aciartment 5625. month nckniw. Arlt wail tart required. Laundry Parking available arwnedia".. 6815- 2M 862336 afW 5 p m TWO large bedrooms lot rent with fridge. sloe. Laundry, parking rock, on a quiet erset. Oshawa. S-,= 72S-0067 VACANCIES! Call Ihe am stop nw w shop fair a BET- TER selection. DURHAM HOME RENTERS. (905) 428-1278 minimal fee. LANDLORD'S ADVERTISE FREE" WHITBY - tags 2 bedroom studio apartrnsnt w/bakony. sap. cam. room and kvwng. room, parking for 2. 6795 . utiles. Call 666.4321 6511 4623 or 416-269-5"9 WHITBY - One bedtoom apartment ler rent. 5525 per month plan hydro. tsV last required Also 2 bed- room 5625. Phone days. 725-8911 evenings "66- 4016. WNITBY-lbedroom pat furnished baserrent apt., sutable ler quiet. worlung matureperson 5500 month, available now (905) 509-06,13 two bedroom, available nr WHY twit wit you can own eediatefy a February tst. your own from lex Ica than Fridge, stove, u"m nclud Her - ad 7232094 You tiiwCb" Call Davis wY OSHAWA Nath - Ora and lurk sale' Tip. a. two beroonr, available En- Sinal Realty (19911)) LLdt radia" « February IM. (2 �w «(905) 6166 3211. Fndge, MoveuMMs ndld- ad 7232094 OSHAINA, 2 bedroom $689. in %J*X with laundry 111110111- Includes aciFIncludes u W ss, 2 ap- Cawrmni*rM b and �city bus taunt. AvaiaDle Feb. 49:5.0677. OSHAWA- keen, quiMl, 20 -pleat, 2 bedr5894,I 5, 1 bedroorri 5806. palling. appi8r-, UW- irckd- ad Available Fob 1 or bar. deposit nMgoliable. (Sin- corW) 579-9127. OSHAWA Courlioe Town ire, one bedreorrh ground War of how, newer awes, Gepleos, wwlkoul b back yard $560 part mo. link. Available now. 428-3271 PICKERM Village, - 98 Church St S. new Our - rushed bachelor in apt building, own 'try, l un - dry, Parking. cwt, ro Pel dose to Go, 905.509.2038 «4162"1610. PICKERING - BROCK a HWY 2. Seaufilul bight and WW 2 Dedman walkout b"w w It apwftg M, do" to tI ; Fir - mr and Picltr- irg taraiL F " and ull)- lieM included, non- unokefs,$700 fmnut Available March 1.6tr6-1860 PICKERING - two bMdoari beMerwt apaArant scar tai* etlrana. 4 appliances, SM inckaive. call (906) azo -a776 «(906)639.4666. 3 bedroom, main levet. Boor A trrdvisw. Close to 401. Pint loos. Fridge. Move, dalkaaaiw. $800 + 1/ 2 utilities, Call 404409. AJAX- 3' 1 , - ns. 2.5 batt famWy room wailrs- place. ahrm systifm, c v., Irnwd yrA schook nw- by. Available now Cal (416) S86-6722 at (905) 0636004. AJAX - Ores bedroom. appiarross. Mkt garage. Large bard, 119011rd Pod. Avail. Mar. 1. $1100 rnanity + NikMs. Car W& 066.3637. AJAX by to lake, komary four1omd-m, air con., akY- lighM, school bus, $1300 monthly + initis.. (416) 330- 4750 leave message. ASSIIME without quardy- i g micargag*, $114,000.00 at 8 1/2 % li 11-97, Odw- wa 4 bedroom haute, ape Apt., be throoms Priced $124,900 =1 CaWina Lo- Pez, Su1bn Group 436- 0990 «42641274 "'ME f4EW5rA1DVlKRTISBR FAfDAY, FEBRUARY 3;1995-PAGE'15 AVAILABLE at Markham 3 Sheppard, maim Level of 3 bedroom bungalow. Ga- rage, air conditioning, 4 ap- pliances, large yard. in quiet court. $825 pkis pert utilities. Available March 1. Days 416222-4700 even- ings 905-472-8187. BAY RIDGES 2 Storey, 4 bedroom, 1800 sq. rt, new noorKry, paint, carpet, 4 new W pliances, private laundry, fenced yard, deck, no smokers. no pets. 5990 plus. 213. 831-7239 BAY RIDGES 2 storey. 4 bedroom. 1800 Sq. A. new flootirg. paint, carpet, 4 new ap- pliartm, private laundry, fenced yard. deck, no smokers, no pets $1050 plus 2/3. L 839AW BEAU VALLEY- 3 bed- room bungalow on quiet court. finished rec-room. double drive. close b schools. bus. ref. hist / cast 436-1034 BELIEVE iT =500 Down. Why rate When you can own a Wrd now 3 or 4 bedroom woo detached home on Lugs lel. Cat (905) 6236549. BOWWAW41LLE war!ed responsible couple or srn- g o person to rent a cute newly renovated. 2 bed- room bungalow, frdibng Lake Ontario. Rel requai , 1- and last $750 plan ubl. available now. (905) 639- 5746- N.WHITBY Spotless 3 .1 bedroom bungalow 2 baths. garage. large yard WW sale regfibahood $975 plan Pas 579-4479 NO DOWN PAYMENTn Good «e cat'- Good pb� you ran buy for the once of reit wlwle prices and rats an drown. Cal Do* or Brant ConrnunAy Financial. %6- 6805 OS14AWA - Luxury 2400 sq. R 4 bedrooms. central awl, vac. 2 112 bate, double ga- rage N W. area. Furnished - heg0bable, unfurnished - $1500 pin. Phone 723-8392. OSHAWA Downtown 3 - 1 bedroom.available Match 19t Brad bored throughout d healing $845 Plus utibibes can (906)988-4808 PICKEiiING 3 bedroom seams, class to Go, 2 aP- piances, S10951Mplus ublrbes Math 1. 905-839- 3069 PICKERING, 4 bdrm. home near Flea Market appliances included. firs i Last Available now 51060 Plus unites. 8395746 PICKEFVW_ For Rem, Clean. newly renovated bachil« Apt. Separate sntran. New Nichol. rrw bath Ubkbee and Parking rr luded 5550 / month. Cad 837- 1415. SOUM AJAX Detached 3 bedroom 2 story , attached ga- rage , fenced yard, rec-room $10001 month plus ublities. Mel Knight 831-2VII WHITBY 2 Ibedrocran tsar d lenconte dvw *9 $743+ uM t*s. Avail- able March 1 at to be ar- ranged 666.6933 after 6 Pm - WHO says you cannot al- told to buy a haw, 3 bed- room bwtou se tarniss for $4601mayh. (P a 9 3 bed- room bungalow carries for $7150 /moral+ (Pan Pkas mon. Cal Mark Sleplay, Reflux Acolord 5763111. XTRA, Ms. nod all MbMA it M-Ipp faywto born $810. 2 and 3 bedroom hones. Cal Thomas C. Pike. Sales rap., Rarriax "ad Realty Ltd. 576- 3111. -Why renrY Buy! VALLAIM PEAK - CO-OPERATIVE HOMES INC. Are now accepting applications for 3 bed- room Townhouses. Some availability April 1.1995. Market rent only. $927.00 monthly plus utilities. Applications may be picked up at the Co - Op office at 1990 Whites rd. Pickering, Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 4:00pm RESPONSIBLE FE- MALE looking for unfur- rsshed master bedroom. 4pc. en suite, cable. use of kitchen for Feb.28C1 Reler- ence available $500/mo. Erica 831-8428 CAPITAL Properties would like to offer you the best in Oshawa La" Spacious 2 and 3 bedroom town homes. Starting at $700 Cal John Zvguks 4361384 now n DUFFIN'S CREEK CO-OP 1555 Finch Ave. Townhouse 213DRM.-$754.00+ 3BORM.-$844.00+ 4BDRM.-$949.00+ Pick-up Apps., Sat..Feb.4'95 gam-2pm Ifo CALLS! 1a St40W AJAX Furnished roan lot rent in clean quiet hams. le+vdry and uthan included. Close to bin and iroppshq Non srroker ava labN xnnne- dhately. 5400 Per month 6867260 AJAX - Furnished room Shared accommodabons. 590.o0/wesk. Parking, Laundry. close to GO. bus and 401 Call Pat (905) 427-7113 ALTONAISHEPPARD- large rurnished oom in don ack a hone for ma- cre firinployed PersoNs4d- ent. Cable. Bus. Parking. Share separate kitchen. bathrooms. $100.00 weekly. evenings SM. 2459. In quiet new tone. Near Gerrard and Roseland Kitchen A T.V. privelbges. Preferred non-smoking Is - mule. $3001 month. Cad 725-7563 A iai= EAST OSHAWA-hare to share. own two rooms. UAIi- bm Parking, and laundry n- dk,ded. i 450.00/ rm«iti. norahemoksr. Call (905) 433- 1597. 331597. St4GLE HALE seeks r--Wnolorg, protessrofal W_ r aparrioun haw. site, gay tarnished. Pnvaae bath garage storage , Air derson / RcMMlard available row 430-5666 WHITBY; Ilot w to share Thickson 7 Dundee arae. 5 appisrom air induaiv/. Inn r1i*distaiy $400 month Cal Sb- 430-2150 AJAX - Two bedroom Con- do. 5 appliances. pod, Mauna, whirlpool, freplecs, $925 monthly. Available M d, kL Call Al, 420.4316 aaer 6. EXECUTIVE furnished suites, complete with dish - as, linea, teleply«r etc. Fur w of re: facilities. Pfimw Whitby location. $1 SM. plan. 906-652-5126. $ X) SO FT. commercial space. King St. Bowman- ville. includes 2 parking spaces. water. 2 Pc. bath. $hoo 1350 sq. n. rndudes water, part of heat and hy- dro. front and rear entrance, store front on King St. 4 Parking spoor. 51300 1950 sq. ft, includes water. part neat and hydro. King St. Bowmanvilfe. 2 rear en- trances. one front entrance. 6 parking spots. 51750. available Immediately. call 623-4428. ask for George of Lunda. FOR LEASE - Whitby Corry menial Space. Appro 1500 sq. R plus tot For up to 50 +elides outside. Situated at a bust intersection. Ideal for multiply uses $1500.001 moven, utilities . T I. to be discussed Call ager 7 OD p.m 905.6664 t a3 BEST RATES BEST LOCATION Storage Uovts 6 office, >t»�e available from S7S Imo Located at 401; Park Rd.. Oshawa. 24hr access, plenty of free parking 723-1191 CLEARWATER fully !ur- nnhed mode homes, dub house. heated pools. hot hubs. is . law 20 minutes to beaches. NHL Hockey. Ska Jay beat". dog and horse racks Children wel- coma. available March 18. Less than morel. Cal 1-813 S38-2123. CONDO for rent wee. of mach 25-Apnf 1 St Pe- irsbug Beads. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths. hid pod faakoes. beach front 5750 U.S Cal 430.6621 GORGEOUS - 3 tedrocm condo. close to famous Clearwater bead+. foot la cuzzn. 880. private yard. available Now - Dec. for into and to view photos 6869646 Or 579-3788 OSHAWA - 5 acres, with farmhouse lex Lease. Rdson road. north of Taunton, good for small landscapel garden business. AGR. zoned, (416)286-0313. $137,900 OMhawa (Grand- viewYperrydowl area). dw lashed, 2 storey, gaage,n- law apt. inground pawl. 4 plus 1 bdn.., 2 walkouts, gas heat, dose to a1 amrtf Ase. Cal 5714M& AJAX - Manure area. 3 Bedroom Bungalow . uridr Total Reriovsdon. New Wiradows, Siding, Heating, Electrical, Roofing and Plumhbing. Whirlpool tub and large kitchen. To be completed Approximately MARCH 1195. $139,900. Call 6864384. NO AGENTS PLEASE!) FROM $6%900.K Brand raw 12,3 bedroom tondo's tip to 1442 sq 1. AN Sepfrale entrance6. Cal -tow for mote QQ )6234M , . , ....... .. ... #I - . PAGE 16 -THE MEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 199S OPEN House. Sat. Sun. 2- 4. $129.000 BowmanvilleA bedroom 2 -storey, 2 baths, garage, fag heat, brick fxe- place/insert, pone through- out. Upgraded kitchen and baths. 142' fenced yard. pla ycentre. 905.623.2376. TWO STORY AJAX.Exec- utive home for long term x1 - vestment. Unspoiled walkout basement, overlooks playing bald, great polenbal.assurr able mortgage. $203.900.00 can (soy) 666-9153 $ OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS $ Active or Passive Distributors Revolutionary new products. Share in profits from T.V. sales. Investment $7500. (TAX DEDUCTIBLE) 1-800-981-8674 24 Hours/7 days CALL NOW! WHITBY - $129.900 beau Public tiful brick bungalow. 3 bed- • Money • e ' ' rooms. large eat -.n kitchen, Notices lovely lot, with 10% down -11 carry lex only $1022 per $5 o00S25 000 to lend from mont xtdudmg taxes Ted S50 monthly. CAN Doug a Houghton Remax Summit Brent, 668-6805. Comm u" 668.3800. Financial Services. WHITBY -3 . 1 bedroom . BORROW $10.00) . pay as family living / dining. 20ft little as $110 per month., deck new wnrdows. roof. oa.c. Call Jerry, 668-7200. vinyl siding, heated in Free consultations. Anbu.s grid Pool Best reason- Irwesbmerls Ltd. able offer No ag" 666- :p Sale Great Oppo un*V. 4252 MONEY problems" Debt OPEN HOUSE SAT 8 consolidation. credit ar- SUN 2 - 4, WHITECLIFF rargertlenb. Pew budget (COURTICE) a bedroom TICplit planning. credit repair. FREE back 3 washrooms, CONSULTATIONS Ontario Credit Counsellorsw (Oshawa - masonry fireplace. Sas TpptlD) 4351425 heat walkout from kitchen fsunkh') Open Lamm Call to deck. Oversized d0ube OBTAINING A LOAN IS garage $194.999 433- NOT GUARANTEED. 5041 SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES. OTHERS DO NOT ' ,� .- IS SUGGESTED THAT OFF -SEASON "OU INVESTIGATE 30 After February 5,1995, Ajax Mini Storage will sell by Public Auction, The following accounts which are deliquent to cover the cost of rent and expenses. JUDITH LANGILLE PATRICIA TI W NGS ARLENE HUMES Any of the above tenants may pay amount owing and redeem their mer- chandise at any time prior to the auction. -HOROUGHLY BEFORE Brock RdJ Hwy.62 SIGNING ANY CON - 5124 000 lo.ely 3 bedroom TRACTS Legal townhouse. rec-room. ga- 610 Notices rage. quiet Street aural complex. C Hunt R.E Lid-Reaaor (416) 481-2233 • .. . PICKERING GO 3 bedroom k wrv+ouse like new. mat- EnboPerwu woman page available with low rare „eek •... busy estab- and low down payment lrshed cltrm.c. client low 6104.900 (906)837-0568 over 100 daily. Suitable for Nail echnicsan. reMxoka Condos qsL et. cal Rosanna sig - 1520 for Sale2639 ESTABUSHED dart Satin WHITBY Saiminds lu xu- :p Sale Great Oppo un*V. ry one bedroom. gyre sou Owner Movaq. Please Cal na and pod. We ilw.thout (905)579.7317 ater 6:00 appliances. awd rrnme- pm $125.000 8 tea Cal Dally Dm (905 6669735 or FOR SALE - compile auto (9015)473- = body shop equipment fsunkh') Open Lamm Call 906) 668-0853. after 6:00 Lots for can GROCERY / CONVEW IENCE. Wel maintained business. with great n - OFF -SEASON cone. lxobt. Excellent HWY OPPORTUNITY' location in se Halibuiion COUNTRY highlands call Jaasre Plug BUILDING LOTS (705)286-2381 or (705) Buckhom-5 min from 489-3731Bowes 8 Cocks Lode. water at cen b Realty Lit. TrentiSevern d Sandy Lde. Only 10%donwt. OSHAWA .Duk for sae. From $/9.900. Cal now all equipment rrcluded (613) 662.1679 $7500 O.B.O. call Ards 432-1011 A notice to all creditors in the Estate of Gertrude Wlrkzynsid. Anyone having a claim against the said estate is to provide proof at the address below before February 15,1995. After such date the estate will be distributed without furdw notice to Creditors. Timothy C.R. Var ular 1450 Kingston Suite 13 PktrmMing, Ontario L1 V 1 C1 owe rout owN,P.n1 .. - time business. 39yr. old Nehoix Mark lor p wm S soo bA prior-ewitlded d»ribtdoa. kala stn Wer wooded trailer IoL Good b get started. cal (905) raid nand beach. ti A - I/ 606/117 Mort. -Fri. 9.5 2 h. tram Oshawa. 416.431- 1555. SELL 1r NOW CALL 683-=7 OR FAX 683-7363 e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . ESTATE AUCTION SALE Feb. 4 at 6M p.m. Myles King Auction Hall 33 Hall St. Oshawa Modem and anitkim furniture. rehigeraior and marctirg stove, velvet chesterfield and love seal, glass top coffee and end tables, swivel chars, dressers, chest of drawers, 2 bedroom suites, barn scales (good condition), china cabinet, sewing machine, colecllble plates, approx 45, VCR, colour TV, a parlor stove, antique kitchen cupboard, ice box, wicker furniture, large quantity of crystal, china rgumes. tools, TERMS CASH Myles King Auctioneer - 725-57511 or 713-0501 650 Auctions 720 Deaths AUCTION SALE FEB. 4/ 95. 6:30 P.M. Pethick Auction Barn, 2498 Cone. Rd. 06. Bowman - wills (Heydon). Each week we have a large as- sortment of antique and nodern tumduue. appkanc- es. bola. wlecLbbs and many od w imsressrg and unusual items. Vwwrng from 5 p.m..Sale time 6:30 p.m. Terms aro cash. Visa. MC or kmler- act For more rile. cal 1- 905-263-4252. Sale mar► aged and add by Garry K. PowNI Auctions, Ap- prNsals and Liquids - Voris. MEMBERS WANTED To form an Orange Lodge form '"Is UP Call (905)663- 3196. 905)6833196.Russal (905)728-8625. Andy (905)985.2870 SEEKING an ermergeac and htman lot Valentines. warm and caring gentleman wmh a sense of humour who ertpya a variety of acaness and w a nal -smoker. The so wgebc and fit wain in her 40s would love b meet you. Reply Fie 07111. Oshawa NMrtby Tho Week. P O Box 481, Oenawa. L1 H 71-5. SMOKER'S NEEDED to take pin .n a Research protect for New Treatment for Ourttrrq Smoking. For mal into pease can 1906)427-5749. IMMEll DATING Serwcas are al dd- ferent Partner Search im you select allracbve. probe- s.orel, sr.piea who adereat =and have some fun. Persorul nnatrJxrmg, afford- able. ffordable. long arm nkatrawhpa. Cal for m y tree broclxre, uldh no obligation or pres- sures to pin at 6032414 an - ROMANS 7 VS. 3 So then, I while her hr'sbaind fivath, she be married to artoth it man. she shat be Called an adulteress. Jesus at Scaftro Ngtl Holiday Inn 7:30 pm. Jim CCaampowl 1-705324-2364 IRVINE- David Cume. at Toronto General Hospital on Tuesday January 31, 1995. Da- vid Irvine in his 50th year. Beloved husband and best friend of Sandi Keith. Son of the late James and Ethel Irvine. Dear father of Michie at home. David of Oshawa and Stephanie. Brother of Olive Smith. Barb and her husband Gary Evans, Jean and her husband Vin Walk- er, Winslon Irvine, Ken and his wife Carole Ir- vine, Herb and his wife Linda Irvine, Winnie and her husband Mice Tobin, Darlene and her hus- band Bnan Gibson and the late Mae. Brother- in-law of Brian and his wife Maryanne Kelm. Bev and her husband Dave Rivers, Bonnie Paimer. Danny, and his wife Debbie Kelm, and many ntices and nephews. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, 124 Icing Street East. Oshawa with funeral service in SL Thomas AnglKan Church, W brook on Saturday February 4 at 11 am. Cremation Thomton Crematorium. Memorial donation$ 10 the Heart Links (Tharhsplant Support Group) would be ap- preaaled. Visitation Commencing Thlrsday 7-9 p.m. and Friday 2. 4 and 7-9 pin SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 THOMAS, Kenneth Gerald - tragically entered into rest in his fifty fifth year. Beloved husband of Danielle. Loving father of Lesley. Brother of Alex in South Africa. Brother in law of Card. Myra and Jimmy also of South Africa. Will be sadly missed by Doug, Carmen, Sandra and Michael Wentzel and aunt COee. He lived and enjoyed his life one day at a time. May he rest in eternal peace. Please read your classified ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be responsible for more `. than one insertion in the event of an error. Foran audio version of the all current death notices received for publication in the News Advertiser or This Week, call 683-3005 or 405-6591 (Clarington residents). This complimentary service provides detailed information for notices placed in the previous 7 days. 'Ilem i__ .. - -'1W . 9] Biel 01 Wit Ilk D I R E C T O R Y Fax M3 News Advertisernow 683-7363 tMPLETE CARPENTRY specializing in renova- 1s, basements, trim, ,wn mouldings, doors I windows. 15 years ex- ,ience. Free •senates. GCB CONSTRUCTION Interior and exterior repairs, renovations and construction. Fast BG PLUMB- ING Water well punpirlg sys- tem Drywall and panting, board- ing.tapng.bxtunng. renova- hons and repairs Small jobs. 15 years experience. Free estimates. Servxg Dunham and out of lows ares. Ken IN Derek 726-45M. and clean profession- Repairs, alterations' new 434-4500 al work guaranteed. work' gas' NaWns Interior I Exterior Paint- Cra' 686-1913 snit draire. ng, Wall Papering for good HOME IMP TIT g+ rel Bob pines, good work Cal Mel SPECIALILISTSSTS 905 576-6553 Experienced Cres Movers Bargain rales, Manes. offices. apt., etc. Pierer nerving. Pad" avalablo THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3,1995 -PAGE 17 A CLEANING LADY avail- MAGICIAN, clow, friends. able, excellent references 15 ready to entertain ler any yrs &*_ WINdean err age, any occasion. Birth - bre house xtdudirg Fridge/ days. pronobo- openings. stove $50. Please call 839- hind rapers. Magic shows 3378. are full Let" help. 839 - ARE you having problems 7057 or 728-8334 find" bin• to dean your RABBIT wants work home? For prolessanal doing home cbarwg Cal Helen's magic kr dxldr•n's parties (416) 969 097 a ( ) glome Services today. 427- and all occas.rons. Have my Additx , basements, own Cal Emre baftoams kitchens. TUDOR ROSE RENOVA696-2959 - decks. fences, hardwood TIONS quality carpentry. floorsouafil)t Workman- elecir", pkorhtl% drywal. ship.Ressareble Rales. decoraM9• complete ha1e Free Estinnales. off" services. Free eea MOODY CONSTRl1CT10N makes reasonable rates. No CALL NEE (905)837-2195 job bo small. References. Cal 723.1409 anyone. 8 R Manortance Systems residential. com ercal TWO Handyman to Mantle Adrg ntutrrtarta. Eloctr►- all your nor `0 pauneng and d pk-wh— or general r•- small npm - Clunky work nagaan. HARRY -0 -THE -MOVERS - 041. 6664932. ARE you having problems Move bog or small. we Pres findng tine to clean your h adng wrth Pro Phonics, them all' Free estimates. home? For proles$Kxw • seniors discount. shortnotice two cleirwg cal Hebra -s • • « .. moves. Pram• moved. Han• S•rvow today. 427- herr. Call Mr. Brush 571- Comprable ratan. Cal 432- 1041 MICHALSKI MOVING - 2860ExprinccW cleaning TEACHER •ml C:tor :c - medial math, in your hang. do MEN with large Wild veil do Lady win clean you hoes W*h9 a su0rb job Rea- grades 4.10. Cal now for householdNwith moves. r•wd saubl• tabs cal Patricia appl 430.3951 (have message) WALLPAPERING and tonrer`erCW Al types of 420`2964 after 31x' SELF -TUTORING !a pantrhg. 9 ex years perience. moves Call Carl or Jane RELIABLE house cleaner. children adults Succeed ,n repirng Ws O A news a jI1�Ro • • of ressoritDle rats. by Oto quality work. at reaaor`sbis all work guaranteed. Author 427-2656 WIN do vacuuneg, dusting. h adng wrth Pro Phonics, p�aS Cil for lee sees. job a two mel at S35.00f • of Book Walpaprrg Mads ELECTRICIAN-1-ccereed well lutdWns, bathrooms and ,n math with Rapicabon ales. Visa herr. Call Mr. Brush 571- • s - • Easy' Cal Dave Taylor. Col- MICHALSKI MOVING - floors etc., reasonable (tables). KG to Gr. 9. Mot~ ccapled (905)6663300 6453 raw or hourlyy We now have « You World. (Whitby) 435 houses. aparvr,ents. offWAM. l raise. tllfeeky, buwsekty, vabonal. Canadian. (905) lesbd storage urvw Now CARPET tnstalabons 25 CA Mario o8o8. Free Estimates •pail +o•• and panto, mor". Or occaraallY Call 6869153. BX DGET ALL Pro Pamtrng and move. Park and IoW special, shrsrg at f199. and up. Cal A Free wardrobe service (905) 6196957 HOME • • ' Wallpapenig- stucco call- ng. general repass top s • M.— Lrow`a•d, ensued Free •se- mouse Call 436.7795 �� 427-0006. SCHOOL •4 lessons and lest $105. -10 Lessons $150 -Full Coarse $270 =see pick -up and drop oft (Al 61287-3060 DEL WORDPRO PLUS Rewr TIS Word process.x3. spread sheets. DTP, personal and business projects, fast proles- seonal services. reason- able rates. (905) 619-0680 TYPING SERVICES -Flyers. txochures. resumes. essays. prog"Jorms,graphec des". Letterhead, oopyeng available, Fre• quotes, dekv ery. Pick-up (906) 430-6821 anytime leave message v COME (( Y. AND WORSHIP •• These Churches invite ti you to attend their WORSHIP SERVICES U TO ADVERTISE YOUR SERVICES : CALL JANICE AT 683-0707 Y h ,r.. •• ,:�•:% flew weals Rd. ill. FMKY CHUF t WORSItIP 11:00 am. SMtady Sunday Sift od, Supervised Nursery at that tune M1383 PICKERNG STANDARD CHURCH A COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH BROCK RDJHWY. 07 93r-0126 Sunday - Sunday School 10:15 Worship 11-00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. Wednesda 7:30 Bible Study Bible Club for Children & Youth To Advertise your Church Service Call Janice at 683-0707 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN 35 CHURCH ST. N. PICKERING VILLAGE 683-7311 Rev. Ken Rowland Worship and Church School 11:00 a.m. ® Everyone Welcome CHURCH OF CHRIST CEDAR ST., AJAX 1 sunset north of 401- west of Harwood SUNDAY - BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 WORSHIP -11:00 A.M.1117:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY • 7:30 BIBLE STUDY THE BIBLE IS GOD'S WORD - i83-2477 JESUS IS LORD. 0.1 quality work. at reaaor`sbis 9aprnsrt Apts raW. 20 +s, discount to sen- .Ret roorrs, pfixnbl VAddlerns ELECTRICIAN-1-ccereed well 'ors. Cal 404-9669, AJAX Moving Systems - full •rvo••' moves' appi4 o• • • , , • . dfyw. do all types of electrical DECORATE for l e Now Piano I*j; Expensrita. . Reasonable rates. workle Year. Help M• Rlronda's raw or hourlyy We now have Fie Estmates Seniors di•cauq. Fast sarw lnwrior Dw"atrrg• Pw* lesbd storage urvw Now CARPET tnstalabons 25 CA Mario we Cal Aunt at 4337632. w l wok t otlrmg free boxes with years exprenc•. reseetct► 905 6194663 it low cwt Many rwrenc- move. Park and IoW special, shrsrg at f199. and up. Cal ng, our sp•culay Free •w rare. D 8 N Duncan. 987- 1. Fres •abralss. Cell for nlamation, 725.00M a `799 a 907-`800 �� 427-0006. SCHOOL •4 lessons and lest $105. -10 Lessons $150 -Full Coarse $270 =see pick -up and drop oft (Al 61287-3060 DEL WORDPRO PLUS Rewr TIS Word process.x3. spread sheets. DTP, personal and business projects, fast proles- seonal services. reason- able rates. (905) 619-0680 TYPING SERVICES -Flyers. txochures. resumes. essays. prog"Jorms,graphec des". Letterhead, oopyeng available, Fre• quotes, dekv ery. Pick-up (906) 430-6821 anytime leave message v COME (( Y. AND WORSHIP •• These Churches invite ti you to attend their WORSHIP SERVICES U TO ADVERTISE YOUR SERVICES : CALL JANICE AT 683-0707 Y h ,r.. •• ,:�•:% flew weals Rd. ill. FMKY CHUF t WORSItIP 11:00 am. SMtady Sunday Sift od, Supervised Nursery at that tune M1383 PICKERNG STANDARD CHURCH A COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH BROCK RDJHWY. 07 93r-0126 Sunday - Sunday School 10:15 Worship 11-00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. Wednesda 7:30 Bible Study Bible Club for Children & Youth To Advertise your Church Service Call Janice at 683-0707 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN 35 CHURCH ST. N. PICKERING VILLAGE 683-7311 Rev. Ken Rowland Worship and Church School 11:00 a.m. ® Everyone Welcome CHURCH OF CHRIST CEDAR ST., AJAX 1 sunset north of 401- west of Harwood SUNDAY - BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 WORSHIP -11:00 A.M.1117:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY • 7:30 BIBLE STUDY THE BIBLE IS GOD'S WORD - i83-2477 JESUS IS LORD. 0.1 • PAGE 13 -THE NEWS, ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1995 I I Lie, FROM 8.20% 1 st Mtge. 950/6/2nd, 3rd • Rental Properties & Cottages • Re -financing • Debt Consolidation • Rural Properties • Self-employed No Income - No Problem Prime Deals Below Bank Rates Fast Professional Service Since 1975 CALL TOLL FREE 686-2557 Improve Your Environment ResiderTfi VC0rTwnerciial Cleaning - Carpet cleaning - Painting - References avaiiabie Insured & Bonded LI; LLAL r�- �IiZSI��ti1 • ; ontact Lenses • Binocular Vision • Perceptual Testing • Dispensing of all Types of Frames & �ontam 1885 Glenarma Road, Suite 212. Pickering, Ontano, L1V 6R6 M5303,683-1175 Oshawa Certre, Slevensor Road, Oshawa• Ontario. L1J 2K5 571-3220 DISCOUNT WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE SPECIALIST Multi -ply stainless steel waterless cookware, lifetime guarantee. 6 mo.. terms. Revolutionary new style vacuum cleaner will outclean anything, terms. BOTH PRICED 100'S OF DOLLARS LOWER THAN THE CO�TI I CALL BOB 576-5363 fol ADVERTISE IN THIS SPACE CALL JAIVICE AT 683-0707 �Now's The Time To Focus On Your Business" Monika Volpe: pampering clients from head to toe x41 410 r � . By Beverly McFarlane Who doesn't like to be pampered? F_stheucian Monika Volpe has yet to find anyone who does not. Monika is in the business of pampering. Her salon, Monika Volpe Skin Care is the place where you would almost believe the word was invented. In esthetics for nine years and for the past four years, operator of her own salon, Monika goes all out to ensure clients experience something special when they enter her establishment. Now located in Suite 202, at the Pickering Corporate Centre, 1305 Pickering Parkway, the Monika Volpe salon is warm and inviting, decorated in tones of taupes, golds and white. White wicker accents add a vibrancy, with a fresh flagrance to futish creating the mood The inviting atmosphere is evident from the moment you enter the reception, right through to the treatment rooms, where conadtation and treatments take place. Add to that, the rich aroma of fresh-baked goods served with your choice of coffee, tea or juice mrd the salon becomes a second home you're in no hurry to leave. While the atmosphere is warm aid friendly. it is also very professional. as can be concluded by the fact that word-of-mouth referrals have sustained this business for the past four years - The service-oriented salon specializes in facials. manicures. pedicures. tinting. waxing and make-up applicmion for bridal parties and photographic shoots. Monika herself describes the Sothys skincare line from Paris as "beautiful. with natural The businesswoman adds, "In the '90s people are losing touch with personal service. Here we give a little extra We take pride m knowing what the customer wants and we offer added touches". For example, some husbands will call the salon and order a gift certificate for their wives, which will then be mailed to the individual. With Valentine's Day just around the corner, a gift certificate for pampering at Monika Volpe's is an especially appropriate way to say "I love you". A variety of gift certificate packages range from $40 to $150 for "the works". There are a number of facial treatments offered depending on the skin type. For example, placenta treatment has a healing effect on the skin while the AHA fruit hydroxy treatment restores the skin's elasticity and restructures the skin's surface for a fresher. more youth complexion. The facials, which last for up to two hours, include a variety of GARDINERS DUCT CLEANING, CHIMNEY SWEEP & EAVESTROUGH CLEANING Hook-up $34.95 $5 per vent FREE Airside Cleaning, min. 10 ducts r?;; Chimney Sweeping only $39.95 GARDINER DUCT CLEANING 9"'R & CHIMNEY SWEEP (416) 282-;,, Z2da . 1305 Pickering Parkway Suite 202, Pickering • Facials • Tinting • Manicures • Waxing • Make-up • Pedicures • Massage Products • Sothy's Skin Care • Gewohl Foot Products Gift Certificates available by Phone or in person OPEN NIGHTS/SATURDAYS (9o5) 420-9557 31E �1 masks for the individual skin type. Steaming of the skin, extraction, plus a 20 -minute massage of the face, neck and shoulders, with essential oils, arc also included- As ncludedAs Monika explains, her job is to first evaluate the skin, then to provide the right treatment for the particular skin type. Tbere are many other semces. Under soft lighting and with classical music playing in the background, clients can enjoy what Monika describes as a great stress reliever: a one-hour body massage from head to toe. For pedicures, products by Gehwol are used at this salon. As for manicures, these include a massage, full polish, paraffin wax treatments, which benefit sore joints and muscles while softening the skin, and even such extras as cleaning the client's rings, with a special jewelry cleaner. Aside from the personalized service offered to clients, another appealing aspect of the business is the fact that Monika and her staff are constantly upgrading their skills through seminars and shows, keeping abreast of both the new products and techniques in the industry. You m*bt expect that to be pampered at the Monika Volpe salon is a costly exercise. but that just isn't the case. The majority of clients are average working i g women from 30 to 40 years old who appreciate the suers relieving and rejuvenating services offered; as well. there are teenagers who frequent the salon. especially for waxing and even some seniors who value the facials. Clients are everyday people, Although the salon opens Tues. to Saturdays from 9 am., with the help of call forwarding, staff will be available for after -boors appointments if need be. As Monika says, "Our hours are whenever you want us to be hie." Each month Monika Volpe offers a special: For February, clients receive $10 off a facial. in March 10% off the waxing services. Another valuable extra is the salon's networking system. It refers clients to dermatologists or plastic surgeons if that type of service is ever needed. Supported by her husband John, Monika is thrilled to be able to offer her services to the community - as the business that it is and in the instances when it donates gift certificates to such worthy causes as the Big Sisters auction. If you haven't yet experienced the talents of Monika and her staff, you're invited to call 420-9557 for a brochure to be mailed. or to orange to visit the salon. SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF NOMA SNOWBLOWERS Price includes setup & delivery to Ajax, Pickering arca. 855 Westnev Rd. S. • AJAX, Ont. 683-%21 THIS PROFESSIONAL STILL MAKES HOUSECALLS... �--f"-•`�.r as Your time is valuable. So why waste it shopping for the right insurance and investment products? 1'11 help you make the best financial planning choices ... at your convenience. At The Prudential, we are committed to Taking Care of People with inewwauve products, sound financial advice and top quality customer service. Call me today, for infomuation about: lastwance: lavestimewts: • life • Annuities - Heahh • Mittal Funds - Home - RRSP•s - Auto • RRIFs - A career with the Prudential ...and residential mongages rThe Mandk MBA 7'Yh e rdeatil d America MWIW 400 Wastney Road South, Suit 101 Pruldelttild Ajax, Ontario LIS 713 tanwa•ce a Til: (90S) 427-4060 Flinwiel services Fax: (90S) 427.0549 • Fresh Flowers • Extensive Dryed Flowers • Unique gift items City Wide Delivery Open Mon. - Sat. 9:30-6 109 ad Bingskin ltd. CALL (in the Court Yard) 619-25 ... , .... , , . i , .. , r .. .. , ...... i ........ .. .. .......... ..... ...... . THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FERRUARI) 3', 1995 -PAGE 19 WARM -hearted, caring, attractive male, 33. seeking that special woman, 19-30, to spoil and pamper. Serious inquiries only. SY 1586 (OSH) ATHLETIC, attractive and very romantic single father, 30ish, is looking for a single remake, age and race unim- portant, you won't be disap- pointed. SY 1647 (COO) SUPER, sexy male, very lonely, seeks that special sexy lady to share the king- dom with the magic of romance and passion in mystical relationship. SY 1658 (OSH) HONEST, very attractive, white male, 37, non-smoker with baby blue eyes. rat n8- the bar scene. enjoys quiet romantic evenings and loves most sports, looking for a sincere, romantic, while female, 30-40. with similar interests. SY 1685 (OSH) YOUNG looking, ht, white male, 44. 5'9', medium - build, passionately enjoys tennis, golf, cycling, long walks and new country music. seeking fit. Shapely female. 5'4- or shorter, to share the above and go from there. SY 17041 (OSH) SINCERE, dependable, sm- gle, while male, 38, 5110', 160 lbs.. enjoys music. out- doors, dining and quiet fries, looking for a lemale ler kie xww. P - .. ,o, rela- bonsill SY 1736 (OSI) CHRISTIAN white male. quiet. single. 36. 5'9 160 be. average kabrg. work - n9. easyga^g• ked. eonad- srale. loyal, who enjoys movies, dinners, dancing, sports, outdoors, seeking a mar riagrminded Christian wh to lemale, 30-36. SY 1737 (OSH) KEEP the fee going! British Columbia single parent 3e, good shape, good mind, enjoys baseball, canoeing, native art culture and my music, no head games. expects- , or disappoint - or , lope to how from a flow lady to share some time with! SY 1738 (OSM) STRONG, attractive male, 26. with so much to give, seeks a lemale, 20-35, to pamper and romance. SY 1739 (OSH) HONEST, established. easygoing male. 44. V. 156 Itis., with a sense of humour. looking ler a sur core, affectionate, shm ady who likes music, the out- converse- Ionsf r as good le notation - Shp. SY 1740 foss ESTABLISHED, sensitive, affectionale, non-smol ng, dark make. 35, enjoys casual dining, quiet evenings, all music, wishes to most an ambitious, energetic and tihcen, singye while lonsols. 2630. SY 1750 ADVENTUROUS single male, 32. good botarg, ohm. blue-eyed. intelligent, look- ing for a very attracts, %n woman. under 30. with var- ied interests. Prefer dark hair. good figure, a ethnic goups. Colles? BY 1752 SEPARATED, single. whits male. 39, 57, Nils 29.1 We Ole Leafs, the Jays. rock 'n' roe music, country and On bkss, looking ler oonm we who is honest and has a serer of hunaur, ler owww SY 1 )Must lilts lode CHEERFUL mal*, 30, 6', t go lbs, buss ho k, Ntlgmw. intimacy, looking ler a Is. 57"., 2535. in b ave aawn build, h in u ove FUN-LOVI male, 31, enjoys movies. sports. swimaling and fun *nos. seem a , , and quiet Nmde. 25. 0 ler I�srkdMk4 and a po*sbb rsbtawrtq. BY 1761(OMq SINGLE. while male, 30. SIW, 156 bill brovwt hem, green vies. bw a MAIC. the outdoors and long wain. ihdspwhdwht MkW 32-30, who has a good +klei+9 voice and kares lraradts fw (aOme rrolalionship. •Y 1762 YOUNG Seeeks, 200. enjoys k a 3Y Im fOSN; HONEST and humorous male. 39, divorced with 3 4-1111 n not hoig with IM, low so kinds d spores walks, movies and rock F ovie. I am a smoker but non-drinker. would like to mast an Iton*sl hin4tivoq (wOOoB0m1�aan, 30-45. SY 1766 HARDWORKING, single mats, 33. attracbw. otllgo- ong, &nf, ouldoons and bowwkng�a looking for a slim, attractive knob. 25.34, honest, working for friendship first, po*wbN remoormho, BY 1769 SINCERE single, while mile. 39.6'. 2/o b*., smok- e CALL ANYTIME e 24 HOURS A DAY e 7 DAYS A WEEK Here's how to use the service: 1. Select the ad(s) you wish to respond to and make note of the four digit SY "mailbox" number that appears at the end of each ad you arc interested in. 2. Using a touch tone telephone call 1416-976-1991 any time of the day. You must be within the 905 area code to access Sincerely Yours tc1cphone service. 3. Once you are conacctal follow the simple instructions. You will have the option of responding to a specific ad or browsing voice mailbox greetings. from Sincerely Yours advertisers within each catcgo- ry. Go ahead, try the service out and see how easy it is to use. Need assistance? Call 14;60-55141167 anytime between 10:00 am. to 12 midnight. 7 days. You will not be charged for this call. For persons 18 years of age and over. or. looking for sincere. warmhearted, shrn, attrac- tive woman who would like a quiet relationship. SY 1767 ESTABLMHIED male. 32. professional. 67. 160 be.. athletic, handsome, seeks slim, wf - airy. 25-34, with no dependents. irsereae I on lora-term rNationehip. SY 1760 BACK in town, athletic male, 28, S'9-, 180 Iles., good shape, blond, blue- eyed, employed, enjoys nigher out and quiet times at home. would like on memo an attractive. hurrlovng, alfrol borrow lady. 25-35. for pos- sible mMbwofip. SY 1769 GIVE me a chance, good hearted. sentirnemd, rseee- tive single. while make. 31. 6', loyal, good sense of humour, kalorg for a angle lemale, 25-35. SY 1773 OSH ARE the lubes crazy or am I doing som Wwg woo, 1 If someone anosre would give the mals. 26. tanbni: nerd. lace and body a chance, they might be pleasantly amptesd. BY 1774 NEW Year's wish list: One loving and caring lady for 37 -yew -old English father of 2 to spend fun lima and great conversation. Single moms wdm Is. SY 1777 SINGLE male, 32, with a good sense of humour, allecleonals, kriuhg and car- ing and an all around rice guy looking for a single woman. 22-31. for a long- um rslstiorhafhq, sora son - am conn *nwN es soon es p000ible. sY 17N1(ONO ROP dead gorgeous! If that is you, 30-34, sexy, refined and intelligent. I don't play games, but I low to play, you are garq to want to know more. For (mOOor!e� into. call. BY 1707 ESTABLMIED single male, 37. Chnflul atebd* low*►' its, New country IN, *pow in' - ' llowards dWwenl lemal*, 2535, somewhat slim, for ileum eorltmit- ment. Single moots WW- oomm SY 17041 rtgls AFFECTIONATE. while mils 2e. Inrdl crfatp and estabfi*hed, enjoys movies, drntws sports. no Mad games, looking for ffri�enfd)ship first. BY 1788 HALE. 32. 11i 170 tie., ttalsctlar bold w joys srork• log out renrid arkt, bokig for a sensitive and rive abmart410. Sy 1787 HONEST, while mato. 21, non-swm*w, seskIng %mWe, 10.22, who sNtjoy* "sifw rwovea. oanpitg and oakloor @cow"@ ler an hon- est kwKk hip or frbbm- ship. BY 17069 SINCERE orale, 39.6. 100 lbs., seeking an older wom(an0fforr "bondsp. BY SINGLE Cathokc dad. 88, 5'6', vigsbrian. note-smok- w. ariet with a good seri* Ira vMumaL 'catWMg tleitn, bolhig for a tamly oriwhlid, kind, sny-gong, P+M �lr 20-40, lot eompaniomhhp maybe mote. SY 179s SHY single while male. 24. looking for single white female. 19-23, who likes music and walks on the beach, ler long term rele- bmehip. SY 1791 INDIAN male, 33. attractive. seeks slim, good-looking grill. for friendship, SY 1712 fes) PHYSICALLY Irl, single male. 35, established, responsible, looking for a passenger who likes Sunday afternoon rides in Ohs country an a froom, le. drive-in movies, all fires, weeks in the woods and ooey corner tables. SY 1793 EASYGOING, ndepa dere, energetic and intelligent mW. 34. rib trial , arrisy with one dependent. Although I am not a sport antic, I do enjoy hockey and baseball, looking for someone with similar inler- ssts. SY 1794 [OSHI) ESTABLISHED. sWaraled. seroiwl affectionate, non- smoking mals, young look- ing S1, enjoys casual dining, quiet evenings, all music and *wake, wrfw to mat afeemsale. 35-50, to than aw SUCCESSFUL,Yprofession- &I rofessn-d male. down-lowrth. mid 30's, never married, lows W, Yves in the country, lives a fast lifestyle. I want to meet a female Counterpart BY 1796 FATHER of one. divorced, 41, 5'5", 140 be., l0oltsg ler a down-to-earth lady, 30.40, for an honest relationship. Spa m* ales only. BY 1797 sm CAREFREE, happy -go - marks. 30, single dad. 511 , who Ilia dsrlcirg and l he outdoors, would lis to meet fwnale, 27-35, who enjoys dr same, *wipe and ((mpo�rroHfgqwe.4 1.& . SY 1788 MO a lord tirncow mob. 884 Physically fit esab- 1whod, fun and outgoing, sssks an frontier let -loving and down -b -earth Nmol* for Itilortdtlm0 and a ponibb rale41andtip 201881(&1* HONEST. t Nmmue. long K v*ft Huls, 34, SMe law b have a gnat time, enjoys boiling for a andafd atad ovstnitgs at horns, hoIfir aoNrrabiorwp with ss of ale sane intsreslle. SY no (004 SPONTANEOUS. single, while mals, 23, looking for a single whits I *. 11124, romanwho nwe, waenjlks, camping and movies, for friettrNlup and a possible rslefondrp. BY req (oaq HONEST, single, whits male. 28. tall Caring, d*oendabN, estabfeled, enjoys sports, dining, movies, music and martial ones, smoking an boon[ and caring woman, 24-36, no ppheaadsHd1► gain**. BY 1204 �MICERE, sigts male, 56, smoker. V. 100 tw, etjoys movies, country, home, sharing and clorsg, -Wwg a slim, it -41s. r ng tidy tut wanes red loll and Is able to love in return. BY 1805 GENUINE, hopelessly romantic knight, searching for damsel to pamper. Willing to swim your most isngUwess to win you favor. my cape is poised b cover the muddy waters Inst may bias you. SV 1006 COUNTRY male. 47, divorced. no ch ifirm , 57'. brown hair, brown eyes. camping, good country music and anb*ne. bolorg for lady, 35-44, children grow ^ up phase. ler kw+a ship first, p" Or relatill strip. SY 1907 ('Diff) HONEST, sincere. easygo- ing. single Dad. 29, enjoys the outdoors and quiet evenings. Would like to most an aablahed, caring lady with similar interests. Must tike ~on. SY 1811 [OSH) SEPARATED male, 34, great sense of humour, okoory9cen% wilds sloe k car racing. baseball, hockey, bowling, seeking a female for long term relationship, possible marriage and tans► If TI 1nMSH) 2 ) ACTIVE. Ctrhaban mala. Zen 6', aMdesc. average-loolrhg. looking for similar female ler a relationship. SY 14113 JOSH) DO you enjoy dining out outdoor activities such as door W minim and g, n to the cottage or peel a quel evening at home, single white mile, 36, looking ler a singie whits fsneN, 28-38. imterestmd n IrwmddhiP, pos- sible reMbmm*hq- BY 1814 Humorous, single white mils, 43, 57, horrost hard- workrp, secure. lova the outdoors, come" me. odinp, 5 6', 115 Ips -145 lbs 46- 54. pointrble rwtionship. SY lets (OSH) SINGLE male, 31, brown hair. blue eya, would Yee to meet a slim, attractive lei ale. lot friendship, poses- ble relationship. All reprise answered. SY 1117 (OSH) ACTIVE, divorced woman. 45. 5'7', slim and blonde with hazel eyes. is looking for a sincere and honest 40.50. SY 2007 EPENDENT, attractive brunette, 36. 5'8", single professional mom, non- smoker. with a good sense of humour, would like to meet an honest, sincere. white gentleman, 35-45. 5'9-., for friendship first. SY 2100 ACTIVE, fit, ohm, prola- sional, single (no kids), who lemale, 36. 56', 115 an.. enjoys travel. mountain Wkng, inning, crowooun- try ,long (not rib spectator sports), seeks similar man. SY 2190 (OSHA WAM, affectionate, 00 My plump, white female, 37, who lova animals. the out- doors, movies, and quiet romantic evenings. seeking a sincere, secure, manage minded, white male. 40.49, to share my dreams with. SY 2211 PETITE, of ady. honest financially secure, non- snaher, widow. with a van- ety of interests, wish" to meet a gentleman, 5665, nor -un , for carporrar ship, possibly more. SY UNIOUE, 51— blue-eyed brunette, attractive inside and out doves honest, sn- com man who is good look - ng on to outside and also has an awaresve do ar. 2S 36. SY 2234 (COO) DOWN-TO-EARTH lady kwkmg for a companon. 45- $5. must be honest snows and trustworthy as I am. who's looking for a long- tormdanres. ti"and relationship. I enjoy drives, someone to enjoy kb with. SY 2248 (OSH) SINCERE, single. white lemale, 19 non-smoker, looking for a non-smoking. single, white male, who wjoys gang to the movies. bingo, walks, playing cards, camping and Swmning. ler hiendshiplioiabonshp SY 2250 (COB) SINGLE mom of three teens. 36, enjoys country music, romantic dinners. drop rg, camping and quiet evenings, lolung for a all gentleman, 35.40. honest, with same interests. friends first, possible relationship, single dads welcome. SY 2251 SINGLE morn. 22, not phys- ically, perfect but sweet kind and a happy-go-lucky woman seeking a patient man who loves a tittle gid, must have future goals, looking for a commitment. SY 2252 ENERGETIC. slim, esab- kstd kenele, 40, Sr. who enjoys dancing, travel. boat- ing and romantic times, looking ler a tae guy with a sense of humour, intelli- gence and siraerily, ler fun is SY 2257 HONEST, attractive hints, 571r, 21, seeks rat; , 11 , This year, try Sincerely Yours!! / t� LerNy 1 , mrs A ► \I � 4 4 U e •� 0 iC ilie "This year play Cupid for yourself! Sincerely Yours is the '90s way to find the perfect Valentine!" movies and dining, seeks physically At forriale who DISTINGUISHED, estab- edhed, vverry�la�ctio. 55. SV. alloysYYoni *eClal drunker, good WdIMA and gkw-1 1, S2 - SCARED silt widow wants to rejoin life, 52 years young, not let not thin, tied of being afore, winker. him mtrhr. TV oeeasiorrl traw M, Ne. Must low &Mnt&W. seriouasnhrsseplip only, no g int SY t?10�. Friwhds makOe-midsd mals, 22-28, who enjoys sports, music, movies, dancing and the ouldoom. mule be aflaeYort- ab and have a good mm of humour. BY 21119 INDEPENDENT, sincere and honest, with a good sense of humour, single 1e -die. 47 Seeking some- one with same qualities. for last ( g ; lahonship SY PROFESSIONAL, oiAgoinS single while lemale, 23. seeking single white male, 23-28, with a sense of humour, no dependents. who is career -minded and knows what romance is all about. For friendship, poser ble relabonslrp. SY 2262 PETITE. blonds, profession- al lady looking for WI. 45- 56. salmi I enjoy nab". walks. music. dancing. I seek a man to love and to share my We with. SY 2263 INDEPENDENT, attractive brunette, 43. 5'5-. comfort- able in leans and fancy dress. humorous and hon- est. enjoys dancing. nab" art, culture and travel, no head garmse. rn rNfthip fast SY ZN4 JOSH) HONEST, single nom, 31, enjoys cuddling and nice evening weeks, kokng ler a single dad or someone who loves kids and is very romantic If you want to know more about me. tail my mailbox. SY 2265 (OSH) INDEPENDENT mom, acme, very attractive, while female, 41. wry young at heart enjoys music, dancing and Ow outdoors. looking for friendship with a male. 30- 45. SY 22" TRUE bls, loyal too. sense of humour, 50, 5'6', 160 lbs.. widow, smoker, animal lover, enjoys country music. bowling, movies, quiet evenings, searching for keg -term male partner. BY 2267 (0" PROFESSIONAL, single, black lemale, 317x, soloing Morrill gsnadntan for friend - stop. SY 23h FINN loving =VW man. 2e. 5'41enjoys long walks, camping, gardening, movies, mottings at hams and Ohs outdoors, lootuq for a family oriented male. BY 220 PROFESSIONIAL fsmals, enjoys cycling and cars, bwy Aidfill hopes b rnW a romantic: fireman with a 'lie Cawwo, who loves ernt- mw lin, hwewly and artow- Ily ale a nano By 2Y.73 EASYGOING, down-to- onot h, sigl*, im- -- Nnw e. proNssional. 30, enjoys outdoors and trawl, seeks mule oaaMwport r fun.29-A fo rWiwwat poubb h+k4 Woodall ByX17S HELPI My Mormy is d*AV no crazy. She likes no to 1. In beach, park and tobogganinV. (1 need a break) She s fun, has a sense of humour, 26, all and attractive. She reeds a UK non-unokM Mrrfovirg guy 2535. BY 2 (ONO MALES, 3645, my gin to you is me! Don't be deco -d M the MW pm*- op of to plain wrapping for iridis two is a km* pre- sale, made in 1958 from airy caTLC.sY 2291 and lees d INTELLIOM forromi mod So's. oolong ler male, tall, in No 50's, a smaller and must be caring and believe com- noinicalsm is Important In return Ca, offer smcety loyalty and lots of aaenbon. SY 2282 CAN'T believe !'m doing this Warm-hearted. inde- pendent single mom of two. 38. 5'6-. brunette, slim. loves WADI r. dancing, Star Trek, long weekends and golf. seeks male. 30'9-oarty 40's. for friendship first SY 2203 PRETTY and petite single nom who enjoys Ye with a positive attitude and has many rhire ats. would Yee to meet male. 30-40. must be attractive, athletic. with a good sense or humour and gentIs nature. SY 2204 HUMOROUS, single. white female 33 seeking single. established, prolessional male, 35-45. who enjoys long walks, quiet evenings, romantic candlelit dinners and bubble Deft. for friend - strip and possible relation- ship SY 2295 (0511 SHE'S A KEEPER, tall. slim, good-looking. blonds. proless.onal, interested in meeting all, professional Out is interested in fun, trav- el, theatre, quiet tures and conversation. 35.45 SY 2632 DOWN-TO-EARTH single mom, late 30-s. seeks gen- Ownan fat relationship. must be family oriented. kind, easygoing, who Ickes movies. country drives and good conversation. SY 2667 (OSH) SINGLE lady kobg ler sn- gle straight %males. 40-50, for friendship and outings. BY 3217 WIDOW, gentleman, in good health. ran -smoker. noes drinker. enjoys home life, traveling, romance, ItoidrIII rtt I would No b rood a CWWbon widow with f(a�mOOiBllia�r nNres880 a. BY 4 IIDIIEST and clean. sway- ggooing senior, looking lot fYerdship and composition - Shop. -*IV Sbyrg honr or Will 01A BY 44162 WAR of the Rossi! Attractive, athletic, non- smoking busmoswnen, 40. tvarld lilac b most an a*ac- live %male who will give and receive attention. Please I=994 (tire(OONO for more into. SLIM male, non-smoking. mid-50 s, would low to inial an understanding, caring, established gentleman of means, 50-75. for enjoyable good times. Plias call mailbox ler more info. BY 5290 (Oso 30 recent Toronto toms" couple, sodding other for friendship. Mrs country try music, grdwr ing, Yahtzee. Please call mailbox for more into. SY Ism PROFESSIONAL male, 27, looking for same for friend- ship, possible relationship, non-smoker. SY S563 GAY male. 23. seeking same. 19.. for friendship, possible relationship, enjoys dancing. movies. socializing and quiet leisure time. If this sounds like you) Respond. SY 5564 (OSH) SINGLE female, late 20's. seeking same. for friendship andlor relationship I love outdoors, travel, music and romantic dinners. Lers have a coffee and talk_ SY 5625 MGM) MALE, now single, late 40s. seeks two. 35-50, for encounters, discretion assured. SY 5640 (COO) OUTGOING female, 26 blonde hair. 105 lbs., hazel eyes, looking for same, for encounters. SY 5648 ADVENTUROUS, clean. discreet couple. 30ish, look- ing for an adventurous. attractive female. 20.40, ler discreet encounters. SY 56.9 HEY ladies! Have you ever had an urge that can only be fulfilled by a blond male. 23. 6' tall and muscular? Let's go for coffee and talk some- time. Don't be shy. drscre- tion assured SY 5650 MALE. 42. looking for a tamale or couple for discreet encounter SY SM OUTGOING, attached whle male. 29 slim and attrac- tive, seeks female, 35-45. slim and attractive. for encounters, deadness and discretion assured. SY SW YOUNG couple seeks out ,oing female. any age. for nbmaa encounters Discretion is a must SY SAO (COO) MALE, m4-30 s, physically and mentally in good shape. looking for a physically fit female for friendship and romance Please call mail- box for more into SY 5661 GAY male, 18, looking for same 18-50 I'm 5'10'. 136 be. s . brown hair, blue eyes. interested in casual encwn- tars SY 5462 MALE, 28 5 10". 170 be. brown hair, blue cyan *sok- ing lemale. 19.25. SY 51111 MALE couple, 30's. lookinip nor sans male couple for friendship only Interests - dnnal movies. muses and weekend get-togethers Please call mamm ler more moo SY 5664 (OSH) FEMALE looxrng for same for discreet encounters. SY 5665 MALE, 38. seeks female, SY 56" (OSH) INDIAN male. 33. attractive. seeks Shm good-look!ng rLPlease call my mailbox more into SY 5667 ATTACHED. attractive. pro- fossional mals. 30. very clean and discreet, s , ' an attached 10rnate for discreet encounters SY 5671 (OSH) YOUNG 30's, stable male couple. seeks same, for friendship, many vaned interests, gardening, country music, movies computers and get-togethers. please call mailbox for more into SY S672 OSHAWA male seeks male house male ler I aMsnp or more. For information call mailbox. SY 5673 (06N) ATTRACTIVE, professional lemale. 43. nori-SMok4WL fit ktobhg for same, for hand - ship, possible relationship Plains call mailbox lot more info. BY 5874 COUPLE too" for dean. white tamale, 18-23. for casual encounbrs. SY SM GAAYt male, 23, looking for same, 18-24, for casual wrouners- SY 5677 (OSH) COUPLE, 35, scab lsnnts and other couples for fun encounso s, wO V and dis- (c(rrepeStiMMo))n a must. BY S67S FI7I oVWQ mall 48. S. looking for a lasting ow rmgM relationship, dis- 1creetilo�n assured. BY S679 YALE moving to Oshawa aria, at, kooks 35. dant skim sets, casks gent hon - met. M mals kisthd uw 46. who works out or works �owmal ah only. BY ADVENTUROUS young oalpto We smeks discreet Short, attractive Immals for intimate encounters. BY SHM11 GOOD-LOOKING white more, 34, 5-11 ', too" ler male couple for discrete encounter. days only- BY sm CLEA*CUT, muscular. sin- gle. irglen while mats, 40 years young, 5'6', 140 On.. seek- ing I ler dearer star - noon encounters, please ale mailbox Nor mon into. BY sa3 OdowvlNhiby This Wormi AjaxlPidwig News Advertiser, Gar The We& A NortwrnberWdws Neassures no Imbiiy lot the content or reply b ily any SnowYours advwfssmwt The adw~ assume completeYabily ler the oormNeN of, and a1 responm*s b any adver- Isstrlerhl of r000rd*d message and ler any, cleimr made aQdn O mavr�N "Thb Wsek se a nwlt d s - . The adwrfisw sWe*s b ndome ify and hold too pubbcaim and MakoW W Catlhurry Newspapers and les empbyess hwmbn for tai owls, ogmnr . Yibikse and dwn- p aa McAng hon or caused by, the pkbllcabon w rsoorbrt placed by t e schen low or wy m* b such advw8*wtwtl by using SmrwMy Yours, Me admbm aR*se not b bm heAm I Il , number, Int rmm or adbrss in hialhw g:a ' message. Oallltr N*W y This Wsek reserves oto w)/M b navies nestriat w arewl wry adwris*nt*nt w dwtg* sur Cabgay m itliuich an ad is pYsed PAGE 20 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, FEBRUARV 3, 1995 ...................... ROYAL LEPAGE ■ ■IIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - Real Estate Services Ltd., Realtor Aim Higher.,'m GLORIA DAHL MANAGER HISTORIC POST MANOR 7970 BROCK RD. PICKERING 683-1 790 JOHN CRAWFORD* - SYLVIA Nothing speaks for success like a - proven track record" $374,` KYLE �` WHEN "ONLY TTHE BEST WILL DO" 4,000 sq. ft. of executive elegance on 683 -1790 a lot 85x 150'. 3 en suites. A walkout ■ � bsmt., 9' ceilings, ceramics, hardwood floors, "dream' kitchen. Over $100,000 $��� 800 t 1, n upgrades. By appt. only. f FABULOUS p _ FOXHOLLOW r. 2,100 sq. ft. brick. Bramalea built, 4 bdrm., main floor ►;( �..�I.. - laundry and family room with $1E9.900 - JOHN BODDY'S PINEBROOK" fireplace, air, premium ie lot. x'900 P P P BIG HOUSE FOR YOUR GROWING FAMILY IN AJAX Loaded: Central air, vac., gas fp., 5 appliances, built• n gas Separate living & dining 2.700 sq. ft.. 4 I)drm., 3 bathrooms. huge krt., open lam. B80, upgraded b"m., neutral decor, landscaped, deck, 8 Ile. rm.. spadous foyer, master has 4 pc. en suite, garburator, garage door opener, 3 fxirms.. 3 balhrms.. yam. rooms. Extras. cep. shower 8 tub. Double car garage and much more. rm. and much more. Y HELP! NEED RENTALS!!! 1 have rental customers looking for DONNA Pickering, Ajax $ country homes from LIG 9U $900 to $1700/mo. Call Donna Light% 683-1790. HEATHER CULLEN* 683-1790 $259,900 FABULOUS CUSTOM-BUILT HOME Located in a great area on a super private. premium lot overlooking greenspace. in-law suite in walkout basement tall now . it won't Iasi. Heather Culler*. 683- 1790 AIMING HIGHERT~ KATHRYN PARISH* Sales Representative Royal LePage Pickering is pleased to announce that Kathryn Parish was both Top Lister and Top Producer in the Pickering Branch for 1994. Kathryn has conlnuousy been an Award Wmner and Royal LePage boles forward to celebrating her achievement at the annual awards function in February. Kathryn wishes to express her appreciation to past clients and boles forward to providing ony the best service to future customers in 1995. You can reach Kathryn by calling (905) 683-1790. $104,500 THIS ONE HAS IT ALL! Everything you need to set up house, new bathroom, new windows, renovated kit., 2 + bdrms., cosy rec a room with woodstove, 5 appliances, cent. air cond., maintenance free exterior. Only $5,225 down. ARLENE HEASMAN* 683-1790 $M,000 $1168,5W STUNNING 4,025 SO. FT. HOME RARE 4 BDRM! SPOTLESS! JOHN Sought after Ajax locale! Massive Beautifully decorated' Newer EVANOFF* master retreatHuge sunlit kitchen, opens to family room with kitchen' Hardwood floors! 10+. J. Mexican tile! Master en suie!! J. 683-17N Evanoff'.416-284-4751. Evanoff%416-284.4751. --, CALL • ■ Qs� _ LONG c- � ;.`�y= a � �■ i DISTANCE ..,, FREE :.... ... FAMILY WAR THIS HOME HAS R At.L -- — -- I SUPER VAUIE • 2+300 OPEN HOUSE Beautiful 2 storey, 4 8 314% mtge., man fk. JUST awk �:• SAT. FEB. 4,1.3 PJM. bdrrrt. home has tam. rm. tam. rm. with fp. b walkout Country gY1e kitchen, 1300 GROVEDALE COURT f (416) 626-8000 North Pickering 4 fp. d� rm. ftr. laundry. en suite in master `. newer broarJoorn, mail , Other extras too to bedroom, familykitchen : . > / i '�� """�' fkXx h1�....��,�.,, iet street, bedrooms - Lot 170 ft. deep �� ROYAL LEPAGE '�'�'1 QV ' t1Aain floor fanNly room " miss. Call Lilian Buhl', and more! Call Janice i ""S"0'°"s" 5 appliances neg. Laura Quiet cul-de-sac. Jeff'' 6831790. Grant, 683-1790. „� »...•..,�..,.........,.. Gardner', 683-1790. ��'. 016831790. * INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY -z„uw NET M %'Umm FROM "AAA” TENANT AJAX OFFICE CONDO AsIdng $247,900 for this equity builder. Tenant pays all expenses. A WISE CHOICE Pf }f CALL BRIDLEWOOD BACKSPLIT _DOv G ✓ Olj7 CE** Original owner offers upgraded gem at lowest (905) 683-179b price in desirable area. Don't miss this one. Doug Joyce** 683-1790. 0elightinRrCustomers & Clients since 1967. —Associste Broker 'Sells ReprgerMilm KATHRYN PARISH* Ten Years Royal LePage Experience #1 in•Listings & Sales 1993 & 1994 • =•• Call * 4 spacious bedrooms Today * Central air and central For vacuum A * Fox Hollow community Free * Premium lot * court location Market Evaluation! ••.^, , 111. 11 . . , . . . . . . , a , •mac N--IF-F="��C��-;� JAN. 27 -FEB. 5 -7 ♦.YZ po, fashioned Village of Siof 'mfleet. t611 Im K #vatd fee g detail PDOOK y .tip , there -awe i+l: ft s is the ht3�se wra�paseaw`-irk, atf LY s ttf isltt l�'- si ` r t feed' ,�r} ... of t�tear. Ytw Qt '' err .x... �- .vee � 1 ' .r • ' yrs 1� Z 1.. A KKate r i;llLi'�i!=` S Y y � 'Y•�� lfi . ��, Y 11:5 11 •i-xiri�i:3r,�3k2>�ids:c'eJ�'�_r.ii-14`.u,(3��A, . �:r3�e , - .,:.. ....._> .•5� a., � _ . Oshawa Whitby Clarington This Week News Advertiser A Metroland Publication 865 Farewell St., Oshawa, ON L 1 H 7L5 Timothv J. Whittaker, publisher Tel.: (905) 579-4404 or (416)798-7672 PRESSRUN 200,000 r R z N •ti Mfg '� - •. •� �..�. �.. „',a: 55 X <' G :..¢✓- A A PAGE 2 NEW HOMES 6 INTERIORS, 1"5 r ill )]a 0 ' Lots jw I i ___!t'� 2 LARGE 50' LOTS Tawe one look at our Builder Feature Homes and you too will discover that these Homes have numbers that will move you. THE RIDGE -T fur Numbers Will Impress You1 The new home value you want is here! Goose from the 1913[ ft. Glencairn priced only $175,900 to the 2193 sq. ft. Ivanhoe priced at only $i7g,goo. OFFICE HOURS Mon to Thurs 1 pm - 8 pm Sat and Sun I 1 am - 6 pm, Closed Fridays CALL (905) 725-1181 'limited time only up to 55150,000 for 3 year tenn to qualified buyers. 'SLv sales representative for details UeO.1 . WHERE THE PAST MEETS THE FUTURE Model Opening 1 This Weekend Bose were the days. when space was plentiful, neighbours greeted each other, and good old fmitioined values thrived. Now they're back stain at TribWe's Village of Brooklin, with four brand new models. Each one of these magnificent 4 bedroom designs has all the comforts said unexpected luxuries today's families so richly deserve. To discover yesterday's ambiance, visit the models of Tribute's Village of Brooklin today. "W-111-. • SAGE 4 NEW HOMES & NTERIDRS, i9a Flu tol -A IP 0 so 1.715 "00 Vf" DARTMOOR $181,900 SWM 0 to ftify v/1/ �� Open Co S Cathedrak i Fu OpOpen y n Cath( L s I jw Gas Fireplaces in Fam il Family Rooms Solarium r P'Solarium Kitchens -P'Fantail Windows 60 ,:?'High Efficiency Gas Fwam "&W*W mw;w LP' Heat Recovery VeWftlor 0"n SHERWO 0,P C&R' 800 Series Trim and Doom e Ensuite Baths wfth Soaking Tubs �e Main Floor Power �O 00 Walk-in- Chnft jib ALDE RSNOT sin 6-3 A 41 0 V OMWA z KING ST F, t 04WV 21 LAKE ONTARIO -IEWANAES 4 WEf>1IpFI,S.1"15 PAGES New HoZ]M4MM acid IsitCriors Choose your home builder carefully scour By ALazu U3RANC Many consumers become embroiled in the home buying frenzy that can overtake new home buyers. The purchase of a house is a significant investment requiring unhurried homework and the first and most important step a new home buyer can take is choosing a reputable builder. The Ontario New Home Warranty Program (ONHWP) defines a reputable builder as one who registers with ONHWP and enrolls every unit. A reputable builder oversees all the stages of construction and makes every effort to ensure a home buyer receives a home that is free of defects. The consumer should avoid rogue builders who try to circumvent ONHWP. Although these builders are a minority, their unwillingness to adhere to legislation should send loud warning signals to consumers. A home built by an unregistered builder would still be protected by warranty but there would be fewer safeguards involving good after- sales service and receiving accurate warranty information. Locating a builder who has built both good houses and a reliable reputation begins by consulting the Home Buyer's Guide to After Sales Service. A free, annually updated publication compiled by ONHWR the Guide rates several thousand builders on their after sale service and provides quick, alphabeticalized listings for home buyers to use as reference as they visit the subdivisions where they prefer to live. Checking out a builder's reputation is as simple as knocking on a door. New homeowners are normally very willing to crow or complain about their choice of a builder. These homeowners are living with the builders' successes and failures. The homeowners' experiences give insights into a builder's workmanship and after sales service. Discovering how quickly and efficiently a builder completed repairs should provide invaluable, first-hand information to prospective home buyers who want to make a wise decision. Once new home buyers begin their crucial research they quickly realize the quality of a home correlates to the quality of its builder. A builder should be willing to divulge where previous projects and homes are located and remain helpful to the home buyer who shows an interest in owning a well built home. A builder should also have a constantly evolving knowledge of the construction industry and be able to discuss housing needs with a neophyte home buyer. wnMES ►il l a. 4NTER�ORs 1OM0MT J. WtnrrAttlt publisher H:vas DA1111Foo advertising manager Monique Lea real estate sales manager Jour C. DUAMM editor PAm MDRXW SUM front cover photography and design 1fEw ROPES t nrTMORS is published bi-weekly. with a total pressrun of 200.000 copies. at 885 Farewell St...Oshawa (telephone number 579-44041 and is one of the Metroland Printing. Publishing and Distributing group of suburban newspapers with distribution in Oshawa. Whitby. Ajax. Pickering. Clarington. Scarborough and Port Perry. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission from the publisher Is prohibited. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. Ideally, the home buyer wants a builder who treats the Ontario Building Code as a minimum Of constructioq standard while routinely going over and above the requirements. One method of determining the work ethic of a builder is to solicit comments from present owners, family and friends who have recently purchased a home. Compare the after sales service programs available from builders. Three and six month follow-up inspections and five year guarantees on materials and workmanship are some examples of after sales service packages offered by some builders. These after sales guarantees are a sign of reputable builders who are confident about their work. Local home builders' associations, bank and trust company seminars are another excellent source of information to the home buying public. Practical workshops on how to buy a new home, the importance of the pre -delivery inspection and how to maintain a new home are often advertised. Take the opportunity to have all your home buying questions answered by various experts in the home building industry. The marketplace can seem like a labyrinth of options to a new home buyer. Since purchasing a home is a major expense, consumers should never feel rushed into a decision when looking for a new home. Take the time to assess your needs against your wants. A room -by - room check list of your must have's and wants establishes your priorities. Educated consumers make sound decisions that they can live with. For a free copy of the 1994 Home Buyer's Guide to After Sales Service, write to the Ontario New Home Warranty Program, c/o Grenville Printing and Management, 25 Scarsdale Road, Don Mills, Ontario M313 2112. For information regarding ONHWP contact any regional office or call 1-800- 668-0124. AUBREY LEBLANC is president and registrar of the Ontario New Home Warranty Program. ONLY AT HIGHLAND GARDENS OUR EXCLUSIVE IN-HOUSE MORTGAGE PLAN FEATURES: *No Mortgage insurance! ;..*No Administration Fees! eNo Application Fees! eNo Appraisal Fees! -10 Year Warranty Included YES! You can step to a quality Kassinger Built Home AND not have to worry about a rate kw-" e for 3 YEARS! Spend them enjoyingyour new home, k secure in the vmfedge OW Kisinger Built Homes holds the HIGHEST RATING from the Ontario New Home Warranty Program. Also for only 15,000 you 1 can upgrade to 8-2000 standards. All single fatuity homes from the low S160's. ■ E q'Itt P AN VA HO GAGE NGE y SE SOA SM v �NI►N_NOtJ14) N O ,vE e,1G) S9 �f1N EXGt PA r�S l'S s'7 9 �+ pVE t �0~0pipo A0 of X1N.: Isl1 5 $ yo S� nt+t'1 se Uah Heron S e'0 i. p,J W'X N �� yds �� �tl S ,► � 0 dAt S v O Its z 5�ocss vim' �• a►t�'`s Z� Mt5 � dost�ny co^' ��i'"y(tJ►RS' ;►'°°" ""''' p%3Ist"Na� 3 �-us Y4v �9 t iii man was iii iii iii The Stirlingg "Winner of the R-2000 Home of the Year" . aout� I pm V dirk `M1w�p t►s 7ir■edly 2 pm 'til dudL l wl a 3/qo -HREE YEAR I.Y OPE! RTGAGE ww F 91 PAGE 6 NEW HOMES & INTERIORS, 1995 V I L L Jp What is Bovkfianville's best riewhome'buy? Theasaver Ls�c�ear: Schickedan"z .4he affordable neWIN'home,elder. A met commuhit qy, -XFqile B10m— Village, is a grest: Olwe- to raise your ' it '- So visit th4sales office 'um*%vMend: Ad get elanville's betterthy. IV FROM UP TO 2650 S -A L 94XA 441 is PEW, PW -,,MON - TN SAT m HWY. 401 10, H Ho 4D NEAP OQ 6: P. 14 —i; I Powcas. TIMES AM CONDITIONS SUBACT To C#MNW VRT~ NOTICE 1.60 E Ul LVit AK "94 NEW HOMES & INTERIORS, 1995 PAGE 7 The Parkwood - 2610 Sq.Ft. - Elev. "A" s 199,990. 4, X! ti PA F k '�V . I . . . . . '.. r.* qj RF %.Tll..I.. CFl,.FRR� F,A 0 - A [a ;fMATll,kkqsA 1 1 YA I $I I sun goo =a 50 FT, LOT-1637�EMI' _ l l' �'�l �l•t 1►� ��JL ,Asjil }' 111 !IlIRO � � 94 PRICES STILL AVAILABLE - 75i OF PHASE I SOLD CALL: 19051 728-7 1 1 7 or 1 -800-743-0545 II(,I Kl "al f,',I ti_ 12 P',l. I„ e hv1. %1O,, iO 111, I I»� Ii> 8 I, -,l ssaPti €•�'�:� •� iii a: ia�" 1•�•i �� ,Asjil }' 111 !IlIRO � � 94 PRICES STILL AVAILABLE - 75i OF PHASE I SOLD CALL: 19051 728-7 1 1 7 or 1 -800-743-0545 II(,I Kl "al f,',I ti_ 12 P',l. I„ e hv1. %1O,, iO 111, I I»� Ii> 8 I, -,l NEW HOMES b INTERIORS, 1995 PAGE 9 AL A ZI Qac Mir Ale Aft i l77 4M="" wiNy R iYM NIS YOYI1 M. F� MA1 �1 M N1 W � f/Iw YAO� N rlwew M /OM IIR � I 1.-1 =1 • W W� I HWr 401 i s i•�t d�u.o PAGE 10 NEW HONES & INTERIORS, 1995 �; • � NEXT TO A HOME BUYERS! LAST 2 BEAUTIFUL PARK. HOMES FULLY LOADED. BMSTOWNL IN A TRAFFIC FREE COURT. Ow � IN A FULLY LOADED l_, S �L f' ;-, ��-, ALL BRI(I�SINGLE FAMILY HOME. ON A 30 OR ., I_1 � 40 FOOT LOT. 2,066 SO. FT. GST INCLUDED LUXURY PACKAGE `B' All brick, 50', 52' lots Ceramic floor the foyer - 30 oz. luxury broadloom - Raywal kitchen cabinets/microwave shelf Moen taps, kitchen & bathrooms - Casement windows throughout One piece stone window ledges - Wood burning fireplace & heatilator Classic trim and doors including closets - Exterior side door from laundry rm. Solid oak handrail for basement stairs "'""" Site Hours KAON-THURS. 1-7 P M. �� �' WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS 12-5 P.M. 6684340 M AZ N I K HOMES P_ WL, : cwa:.%. BUCKINGHAM Pr CmWot Gate 3,152 sq.Jt. 1990 21 :289,990 FROM 1151inawm &mt>< ful Detached Noires on 45; 50' and 60' Lots Real character in a new home is rare, but you'll find it today in the innovative designs at Buckingham Gate Here in a fabulous wooded setting bordering a beautiful ravine with mature trees, Buckingham Gate goes beyond the ordinary * Each home offers an imaginative, open concept design reflecting genuine style and personality Dramatic cathedral ceilings * An abundance of windows mnywhere you look * Unique staircases with plant shelves * Gourmet kitchens with pantries, built-in desks and breakfast bars * Fabulous built-in entertainment centres with fireplaces * Special computer areas and more MMII TO VIEW THESE BEAUTIFUL HOMES DMCALL (905) 619-6741 "Where Tradition Meets Innovation" Visit our decorated models for full details.-- R_NB 'RIDGE - .P ; PARK . MACONN 17 The Diamond - 1.471 sq. 11. • Single Family Homes From ''"m x/46,990 !sl 7990. 40 Minules From Tie 401 Wawa Go Station • FREE Refrigerator, Stove, Washer, Dryer & Central fir. LPMAMZLLWA I ift7 � sm „m» � TOQiALFE PWDVSEIIS.PIIQf IMVBXrAMAIE�TOQMtef WRHOUTNOICEE,iO.E,SBIBCTEOLOTS NEW HOMES 3 INTERIORS, 1995 PAGE 11 w You know how tough it can be. Rover"s looking for a doghouse. And you're going with him. But finding just the right place is difficult, especially when you're new in town. You need a newspaper that can do more than just show you homes. You need a guide. Something that can show you everything you need to know to make an infor ed decision, from the' best veterinarian to the closest obedience" R school. And every fine ` 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is, hydrant in between.- PAGE 12 NEW HOMES i WTEFAORS, 1995 Village of Brooklin blends the old and the new Now, live New Horses sad Interiors Continued from PAGE 1 Floorplans are bright and spacious and filled with features today's homeowners desire. You can see all these comfort and convenience features in the four, fully - furnished model homes, which have just had their grand opening. And just like in the old days, when neighbors made new residents feel welcome, the Village of Brooklin has a community co-ordinator who is ready to answer your questions about the community. Amber Frost, a lifelong Whitby resident, gives home buyers details about Whitby and tells them where they can find schools, churches, shopping amenities and recreation facilities and makes them feel at home almost immediately. It is hard not to fall in love with the Village of Brooklin once you see it. It is a family-oriented community where you will discover old-fashioned values blend in with today's modern amenities to delight your senses. To visit the Village of Brooklin sales office, go north on Thickson Rd. to Winchester Rd. The sales office is open Monday to Thursday from noon to 8 p.m., on Fridays from noon to 6 p.m. and on weekends from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, call 686-5441. reside Lifestyle from 1159,9001 New 01l11t7.,b1,,1wo V x1 0' byl,,, <ioliie k7ige plP-,rb(lfreo c')".o ►lne up to 900 t. deep! SPECIAL MORTGAGE PACKAGE!r ['em• Hou -e: 4 he.lnx+m _',_'�'.y.rr. home �� irh r.trh�Ylrtl ceilin;,� hsint.:/.lininy: nx+m, tantih nxxn with fircplLrcrsh Fn tote �1 a F:uh tr+an >2105XQ. 2 NEW PLANS! AW �, )v '. a � PREY�IE�' B>✓'N'GALOVI' & :. `. �'�.'�-�,�. `'. ? STOREY DESIGN'S. a ,littcn nt � it (01`1411 plans to nn K -,i rxim bung: flows to 4 l�c'.lr+x+Rl two-,R+rt'1 Classic %'icn+nans up to.i lavish 2„ti60 scl.tt. ' � r,•,�rrt the I'll'` LIVE IN' PORT PERRY, u t rrti,utt�• . A STORYBOOK VICTORIAN' la,e COMMUNITY. c' (,tt_�l�o- I��,r•t I��nu. .1 laketront town with a hospit 1. �-hrx�ls, shr{rclirnc�park,.tnd pla�gr+atnds that cherishes its %•tcnman rtxus. Salm & Presentation Centre: 114 VVirrr'street. Port Pem Ont.,ri,, L`+I h: 1..,iI i4CI W6 ill• - • 0prn M.•rxl.n to Thur..i.+r ti••n to i 1•m. S.mtr,i:n Sc 14unJ:n l I .rm to i pins W'e're to the hrart ,4 Rwr Pern +nrrkw+i,tnt; Lakc PORT FROM 401: Take the Rnak Start WTurbs exit rsl_1 n,xth to the-7A/P.xt Prrn exit. t..►, -A through dnsnnwn to the lakt*onr an.l turn ,m W'atrr St. w 114. Mk E� + RIE, T T+,11AN(:E w•ITIA VT Nt)rk.E__- by Picture Homes C'laerrr�• l'a'tortizn Hipin rt In An Authen& Old OntartO Setting. WE WELCOME BROKER CO-OPERATION! , GWinrck. ReWsk+ & Associates Inc..Integrated Marketing. Advertising And Sales Consultants M 1 I I I H 0 M E S P R E S E N T S DECORATED MODEL HOME SALE YOUR FINAL •central air-%AXRMxi x=FJ •Cattral vaaxrn * WFM, havem. •Malan landscape *Paved A*h* Driveway *Existing Igh fixtures *Existing window coverings •Existing wall Me inp •Existing 10da appliances on some models. !Plus Many Other OVrade Featunsl $237990 I CALL 905-a31 2221 FINCH VENUE TO ONE BLOCK EAST OF RM31 IIT ROAD SALES OFFICE HOURS MYON TO THURS.12 NOON TO 6 PM FRIDAY 12 NOON TO 6 PM, SAT 10 AM TO a PM CLOSED SUNDAYS ..:•i.•rr�a�a�.' --- . NEW HOMES & WERIORS,1995 PAGE 13 E L I On Sat & Sun February -4th & 5th, from noon to 5 P m, Tormina Homes is havh'ga pirP.y a C.841brate their 25th Infliversary, A. and to introduce the GRAND OPENING OF 6 NEW MODEL HOMES at Kelloryn Meadows in Whitby! With dramatic foyers, bright kitchens, cosy family 'rooms, and spacious master bedrooms with lavish ensuites, these gorgeous models offer excellence in craftsmanship and value. This weekend don't miss the party at Tormina's Kelloryn meadows; or call for information today. 5 17 � ar #M.Fs- . •L'.. - ,� _ t•�I �- . _�'- l KJ . tom_ _.. ._ U ___ p j 5 5 5 SQ. FT. r::�r r -7f 7 r nMMM[MrM l, The Prinoetoa - 2570 Sq. FL PAI KAON - THURS 2 - 7 PM FRIDAY CLOSED SAT A SUN 12.6 PM 905-686 3071 TAUNTON W. W.2 3 Sq. M MEL PAGE 14 NEW HOWES i 1NTER1ORS, 1995 New Horrzcs a33rzd Irzttomriozrs • New homes must 1,1 HOMES ONLY beh- affordable i � �� Remember the days when Mom and Dad could afford to buy a new home on one income? Most of us can only dream. "Fewer and fewer families today are finding themselves able to be in the position of buying a new home,'- says Stephen Kassinger, a builder and president of the Oshawa - Durham Home Builders' Association. "Nowadays it takes two incomes and there's more struggle to get a down payment and to make payments and it's unfortunate." But Kassinger says builders are currently tackling many issues such as lot levies, building codes and GST that all add onto the costs of a new, home. Across Ontario the raw costs of building a home (such as lumber, bricks and mortar) are all within a few dollars of each other, notes the president. "But we're still significantly higher (in this province). Ontario is amongst the highest in any jurisdiction in the country and the reason is land," says Kassinger. "It takes longer for us to go through the approval process than it did for World War I1. The cost of corralling through the levels of bureaucracy and levels of government in Ontario all adds to time and cost." However, he says home builders are working to keep costs down for the new home buyer to make that "dream" a "reality". "The largest component to land costs are the lot levies paid to the region, the municipality, public utilities and now, school boards," notes Kassinger. ."Depending on the municipality, that means somewhere about $14,000 on each new home and we're trying to limit the increases.", The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is also added onto the price of new homes and yet resales are not taxed. He notes that building code changes are made to ensure the safety of the occupants, but now many of the changes — which may provide comfort to the new home owner — do not improve safety in any way. Builders working to keep home -buying dream a reality STORY BY DONNA DONALDSON "We think consumers Mortgage and Housing ought to have the choice Corporation the average of what's included," he sale price of a home in says. O s h a w a New home buyers for 1993 was $137,000 started to see an increase compared to $55,000 in in cost about 15 years ago, 1979. he explains, which was a However, Kassinger "slow and gradual says builders will process" of various parties continue to hammer away adding more and more to at the increasing costs the cost and complexity added to new homes to which has given the high enable that dream of prices today. home ownership to According to Canadian become a realit%. TO TO CLEAR! 3 0 DAY OCCUPANCY! FINAL SALEof'94s from $179,900 to S214,900! THE KENDAL: 1 ONLY $179,900 Artist's Concept JEFFERY HOMES THE MILLBROOK: BASEMENT WALKOUT, MAGNIFICENT PREMIUM LOT: 1 ONLY $214,900. Armsconoevt ALL 4 HOMES BUILT! Walk through your new home. Choose your kitchen, carpets & colours NOW! AN INCREDIBLE UXBRIDGE OPPORTUNITY! Live in the picturesque friendly riverside town of Uxbridge with over 200 community and professional services & facilities including schools, health care, shopping, golf, riding, arenas, everything your family Creeds, right next dont! Call (905) 852.9118 CLEARANCE HOURS: Monday to Thursday 1 pm to 7 pm Saturday, Sunday & Holidays 12 noon to 6 pm Prices subject eo charge v+itiiart notice. Mormation coned at press time. cwkv k. Repelski d Assoaaks Im. kdeyrated Mwketirg, AdveNsng And sales cons+,hena M KEVN QWLE noorsns arc. Take - 47 to Brock St. W. in the heart of Uxbridge, tum left at the clock tower, and follow Brock to the The Meadows of Uxbridge Clearance! --------------------- --- o.rt se, rr, MIA= V;v ----------------- r.. UAridge 0 1�1 IL N t; 1, 1. I't 9 M11 NEW HOMES 6 INTERIORS, 1"5 PAGE 15 Ncw H430XIM4MM arzci Iritcriors `Special house' a dream home come true STORY BY JOHN QUARTE Owning our dream home is something that most people look forward to at sometime in their lives. For most of us that dream comes as a bigger or more luxurious house. For some, a dream home is a place that looks after their special needs and allows them to live a normal life. It is safe to say Bernard Flanagan never thought his dream home would feature an elevator and specially -designed kitchen cabinets. But after a 1990 industrial accident left him wheelchair bound, those are exactly the features Flanagan's dream needed. To realize this dream, Flanagan commissioned Kassinger Built Homes to build a house that was not only wheelchair accessible but allowed him do everything from cooking his own meals to enjoy a shower. The 24 -year-old man has now moved into his dream home. "We sat down with him and went over his current home," explained Stephen Kassinger as a guided a tour through the home. "We discussed the things he liked and didn't like and proceeded to design a home that met his needs." The project started at Kassinger's Highland Gardens, community in Courtice. Flanagan visited the remarkable Stirling model, an R-2(9)0 home employing leading edge design, materials and construction techniques. He liked what he saw. "The house uses basically the same layout as the Stirling model home," Kassinger said. "We just had rework the stair configuration a bit to accommodate the elevator." The rest was pretty straightforward. To allow Flanagan access to all areas of his home, there is no carpeting and doors were made slightly wider than usual. Light switches and door knobs are a little lower than those in most homes. Most of the rethinking came in the kitchen and bathroom areas. To allow Flanagan complete freedom in his kitchen (and Kassinger reports, he likes to cook), counters are approximately six -inches lower and the kickplate has been extended approximately four - inches. The kitchen sink is shallower and the lever -type faucets make it easy to operate. Space below the sink and countertop stove have been left open to allow Flanagan room to manoeuvre his wheelchair. In the bathroom, the vanity design has been altered and the shower allows the wheelchair to roll right in. Like throughout the rest of the home, switches and controls have been lowered to make them easy to reach and operate. Flanagan's home features all the attributes of the Stirling model home, being an R-2000 home is high in energy efficiency, improved air quality and environmental friendliness. The home features a heat recovery ventilator (HRV), which Kassinger includes in all its homes. HRVs run 24 hours a day and work to remove stale indoor air and replace it with fresh air from the outside. It also uses the Elan Series home electronic network, which allows homeowners to access their existing audio and video equipment from any room in the home. Flanagan can also operate his front door simply by picking up his telephone. A home security system allows the homeowner to see who is at his front door on any television. "The adjustments and alterations we made were not significant. We try to do that with all our clients in making changes wherever possible to give them the home they want," Kassinger said. "The biggest change we had to make was to include the elevator." Even there, the work required was straightforward. Kassinger contacted Robertson Elevator, in Pickering, and the company informed the builder of the dimensions needed to install the device. "The need for more homes of this nature is increasing," said Kassinger. "People with special needs don't want to live in institutions. They want a place they can call home." Mas v spd Wim sAW * "p Wish ulkL E i O.E. *b&da 300 Sq. FI. s1Fis" lwwr laid. " Isdda 100 $ F1. sl FWdW LPm Iwd. .+._-.�..ws.....i+.i,.rw..a:. .s,s...,.n�.a.�..j_ ...✓.rm...•.I-rs�.r-it ire..i•st.vsbL'.r.w�.r.ar.rww�..P....sv+ur.. _ �.__�_._ _ _ . -. ... .. .-_ .. .... _ ......r.. ., �.-.. ; :-�}+i•tf.� rVAse inim" mmta i mltewjrw, -ivvb FRAM BUILDING GROUP IF YOU ' • . . . This weekend Fram proudly shows off two fabulous new model homes at Glenayr, in Whitby. Miles ahead of the competition, these distinctive designs boast elegant European elevations and superbly finished interiors. To tour models with flair visit Fram's Glenayr this weekend. Free Bonus Upgrade Packages Choose one of the following spectacular packages* �N,rin 4 COP CM nV. i US SQ. FT. ` PACKAGE#1 • FIRST l PGRaDE KITCHEN CABINETS • CERAMIC FLOOR TILE IN THE FOYER. KITCHEN. BREWXST AND Lal NM PACKAGE #2 PACKAGE #3 • N XTL RXL OAK STRIP FLOORING • 4 JET WHIRLPOOL Tl B IN THE Ll� ING ROO11. DINING/ IN THE ENSL FFE AND R(X)NI, M110 R(X)NI • ONE SET OF FRENCH D(X)RS • OAK sT %IR1, IN N all R U • l PGR kDE TRI11 P %W(1 F FIN!�H F,m $196,900 1958Q.o $231,900 o 2853: T` WMP°Y""' IMOSMS tIpL:11AY•iPY Also Available All Clay Brick Detached Homes On 45' Lots Starting From 'L� 4 $1819900 E �-d PRIVATE � CUL-DESAC.� LOTS ,. AVAILABLE • Wild dot der. See Mks (1 , P 111Ft 4R INdL � .. �1G7'ON FIEV. s sss �, . FT. TM MT)U N. o . Ci wosswoRom ► "W. 2 Hwy. Nt F,m $196,900 1958Q.o $231,900 o 2853: T` WMP°Y""' IMOSMS tIpL:11AY•iPY Also Available All Clay Brick Detached Homes On 45' Lots Starting From 'L� 4 $1819900 E �-d PRIVATE � CUL-DESAC.� LOTS ,. AVAILABLE • Wild dot der. See Mks (1 , P 111Ft 4R INdL � .. �1G7'ON FIEV. s sss �, . FT. New Horries sad Interiors R-2000 home program has gone " green" The R-2000 Home Program, which sets standards for the design, construction and use of technology in homes in Canada, has gone green. Technical requirements have been expanded to make R-2000 homes environmentally friendly - inside and out. R-2000 specifications already cover virtually every aspect of construction, making R-2000 houses cleaner, quieter and less expensive to heat and maintain, even though they usually look no different than conventional homes. They include high levels of R-200� insulation, energy- efficient windows, insulated doors and are C high -efficiency heating systems. quieter are also high standards for ventilation and air filtration, which together with a device called a heat recovery ventilator (H RV) assures a continuous supply of fresh air into every room. This means the home can be made airtight, which prevents drafts, heat loss and uneven temperatures, and prevents mold and mildew caused by moisture getting into walls and ceilings. It also keeps out pollen, dust and other irritants, reduces food and pet odors, and limits outside noise. The "green" requirements say more recycled and reused material must be used during construction and that toxicity and contaminants inside the home can be reduced by the kind of materials used. Frank Gianone, chair of the steering committee of the R-2000 Home Program in Ontario, said R-2000 homes are the most energy-efficient and comfortable houses in the world and the new technical standards make them the most environmentally -friendly. "There's growing awareness of environmental issues and these new technical requirements address those concerns," he said. "They look at the impact of the house on the environment and at the environmental conditions in the house." The new requirements make R-2000 houses environmentally friendly inside and out. Inside, the new standards reduce toxicity and contaminants caused by many kinds of carpeting, paints and varnishes, adhesives, coatings, and the particle board used for kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities. Carpeting must not cover more than 50 per cent of the floor area, including the basement, unless it is free of glue, used without an underpad or with a low - toxicity underpad. Natural fibre carpets of wood or cotton are not restricted if there is no underpad. Liquid coatings and flooring adhesives J 1 e must be water-based, made for use indoors, or meet standards set by Environment Canada. Kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities musts be made from manufactured wood products, must use formaldehyde -free particle board, meet international standards for particle board, or have all exposed surfaces sealed with a water-based sealant. To lessen the impact of the house on the environment, builders must use recycled material for at least one application in the homes house. If the builder chooses to work aner, with insulation, for example, fibre ® glass insulation ad more must be at least 50 per cent recycled glass, cellulose insulation must be made from 100 per cent recycled paper, and mineral fibre insulation must be at least 50 per cent recycled. Roofing must be made form recycled metal, paper, wood fibre, plastic or rubber, and sheathing and drywall must have a high degree of recycled material. Fibreboard must be made from recycled newsprint and wood fibre, waferboard must be manufactured from fast-growing trees such as aspen, siding must be made from factory and sawmill waste, and drywall must contain recycled gypsum and newsprint. Studs and trim must be made from sawmill cutoffs and waste and be free of formaldehyde. The new requirements also call for builders to reduce the amount of water used by showers, toilets and faucets. The new standards are good news for everyone concerned about the environment and the millions of Canadians with allergies or sensitivities to chemicals - at least one in four, according to the latest figures - says Susan Clinesmith, manager of the R-2000 Home Program. "The cause of these allergies and sensitivities can come from many sources but it's suspected that some improvement could be made by paying more attention to the way homes are built and the materials used," she says. Partners in the R-2000 Home Program are the Ontario Home Builders' Association, Ontario Hydro, the Ontario Natural Gas Association, the Ontario ministry of environment and energy, and Natural Resources Canada. Participation by builders is voluntary and there are more than 500 in Ontario licensed to build R-2000 houses after going through an extensive program of workshops and training that includes the building of an R-2000 house. Further information is available from any licensed R-2000 builder. environmentally friendly inside and out " NEW H WS ti WrERKM ,1"S PAIGE 17 PAIGE I* NEW HOMES i INTERIORS, 19% New Ha►r=aes arzci Is>iteriors New homes are a great investment Buying a new home is one of the best investments you can make, Not only does it increase in value, you get to enjoy it every day. That's something you can't do with cash in the bank or some fancy mutual fund. Builders and real estate people have been saying it for years. Now comes evidence from the federal government's Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation (CMHC) in a recently completed study into house prices over the last 23 years. They found that prices in what is called the Toronto census area increased by 556 per cent and that when taking out the effects of inflation, houses prices in real terms rose by 57 per cent. That's a gain of two per cent a year over and above inflation. The survey also showed that the average price in the Toronto census area in 1971 was $31,882, which had jumped to S208.852 by 1994. The Toronto census area covers not only Metro Toronto but the area as far west as Oakville and Milton, as far north as Newmarket and Aurora, and as far east as Pickering and Ajax. Further east, in the Oshawa census area, which includes Whitbv and Clarington (Bowmanvillc), the figures were just as impressive. Royal Bank says', y, cost of owning a home is up The proportion of income spent on home ownership went up from 33.1 per cent to 39.1 per cent in 1994, based on average costs across Canada, according to the Royal Bank of Canada. Rising mortgage interest rates were mostly responsible but higher prices - particularly in British Columbia - also contributed, said bank economist Steve Stinson. In the greater Toronto area, the cost of owning a home went to 43.7 per cent from 36.4 per cent in the same period, based on a median household income of $47,300. Mortgage payments, heat, electricity and municipal taxes are factored into the calculations. Insurance and maintenance costs are not. The bank uses a five-year mortgage with a 25 -year amortization in its calculations and assumes buyers had a 35 per cent downpayment. The average price of a house in the Oshawa census area in 1971 was $23,508, which had risen to $140,554 in 1994. That's an increase of 498 per cent and a real gain after inflation of 1.6 per cent. The Toronto area prices ranked fifth in house price increases in 17 of the biggest housing markets across Canada, the Oshawa census area prices coming in at nine. But a CMHC official said the two areas were likely comparable, given that prices in Metro Toronto itself would have boosted the Toronto figures overall. Top of the list of house prices was Vancouver, which recorded a whopping 1,043 per cent increase. Rounding out the top five were Victoria at 831 per cent, Thunder Bay at 690 per cent and London at 572 per cent. Comments CMHC, "These rates (of increases)... are market -wide averages and are only rough indications of the experience of people owning homes in this period. "For anv centre, location and style are always a critical consideration which determines whether a home's value rises faster or slower than the market average." Differences in house price trends over the last two decades are attributable to demand and supply, says CMHC. "Pressure on prices by incoming population and constraints on land availability are among the most important factors that have influenced prices in Toronto and Vancouver... and Oshawa." The federal agency says "timing, timing, timing" has replaced "location, location, location" as the main consideration for purchasing a home in rapidly growing markets. t) 1)7. 2 � NJ i WiB E m� 1 :0) TA% ! V�> I V.,J 0 F� M r. TN kF 1 rJ .0 If You're a first-time buyer, we have the perfect home for you,, You'll fall in love with our quaint homes. Architecturally co- ordinated exterior colour package featuring real clay brick. Molded 800 Series interior doors. Pedestal sink in main powder room, solid oak handrails and spindles, 2x6' construction. For information, call today. This is a wonderful opportunity for YOU. 404-8200 OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 1-4PM adt W r C Hwy. E fJ 401 �� S00aA -14 VNDNCE ���s 4 NEW HOES i INIERI0RS,10" PAGE 19 EXECUTIVE HOMES One of the reasons you should consider a move to Sundance West are our large, ex- ecutive lots. Each one of them averages 50' in width and highlights the distinctive new designs offered only by City City Homes is famous for! This lovely community of stately homes and spacious lawns is located in Oshawa's desired northwest area without a semi or townhouse in "site"! Our lovely show homes are decorated in warm Homes. These include a southwest style and show off wide range of bungalow and $ the homes marvellously. An two storey homes. In- P.�a 18 hole golf course is con- 16900novative new features in- F'O1O9veniently located across the 7 clude built-in buffet/servers, built-in bookshelves, plant shelves, recessed lighting, wall sconces, authentic greenhouse kitchens, sunken family rooms and skylights - all quality features street plus shops and public transportation are dust steps away. Visit our show homes on Thornton Rd. north of Rossland today and discover for yourself the difference design makes. "Our reputation is building! 99 OSHAWA TAUNTON RD. D � Q EY VALVE z 2 ON O YROSSLAND RD. Q U O HWY 2 2327 SO. FT. 1 n\l Nf11 �►N^ �'h reS��1 Monday to Thursday 1-7 pm Sat., Sun. and Hols. 12 - 5:30 pm Closed Fridays or call (905) 728-5639 Prion and specifications subject to change without notice. E. & O.E. Prim and iMormition correct at PraasO , . PAGE 20 NEW HOMES & INTERIORS, 1995 I - - 17� X IK 0 GALOW DESIGNS :x. R Z-""-, - �ZSIP TACU m 7- A, 3- -0 "'117. OSHAWA CRERK IKM 1" 0 %I P%. I ul