HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1995_02_01W�F-F-7777 -77 -7r -'711M THE ONE WE'VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR IS HEREU PICKERING TOWN CENTRE Nims Mishap kills snowmobiler Page A3 FEA'TURE' ' '' Waging war on heart disease • • MAT MN1TT 1 JEANS $19." 1 �o� a N Kingoamn Rd.' WI -2086 two -------------- M Pi&J01K Wednesday, Feb. 1,1995 44 pages 'AMeroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 37,500 Vol. 114 No. 5 Parking relief for GO train users PICKERING — There is now parking relief for motorists unable to find a spot at the Picketing GO station. As of Monday, Jan. 30,139 parking spaces became available in a designated area in the southwest section of the mall lot. between Eaton's and the Pickering Corporate Centre. Signs have been posted indicating the loca- tion and motorists are asked to only park in the designated area The extra spaces at the mall are needed because the 1,219 parking slxHs at the GO station fill up quickly each weekday morning. GO Transit is looking for property near the station to develop for additional parking. Until a new parking site is found, the spaces at the mall are available. Pickering Transit has installed new bus stops on Pickering Parkway to carry passen- gers to and from the train station during weekday morning and evening tush hours. During weekday non -peak hours and Saturdays, buses don't run along the parkway See PARKING... Page 3 ._,-?��--rte _a id .�►�il Rafaranrinm laic vnn vnirn �' tl �=opinion • • onfederal Fatal crash on 40 1. A tarp pavers the crushed passenger area of a car in the wesibourtd lanes of Hwy. 401 near Lakenidge Road yesterday. The accident occurred around 11 a.m. Sob the story on pa" S. photo by A.J. Groen V i AJAX-PICKERING — The Taxpayers' TAXCOPA spokesman Janice Frampton. Coalition of Pickering and Ajax (TAXCOPA) Results of the referendum will be presented is asking taxpayers to participate in an to Ontario Riding MP Dan informal referendum on the upcoming federal budget. The referendum question asks: "If the upcoming federal budget causes any increase in taxes, do you want your elected Member of Parliament to vote for or against the proposed bud- get?" "This is the best way for the people of Ontario Riding to send a very forceful message to our elected repre- sentative as to how we feel about < e J�J ee � Lw Janice Frampton taxes right now and bow we want to be repre- sented at the budget vote in Ottawa," says V COVER STORY McTeague. Eligible voters within Ontario Riding, which covers Pickering, Ajax and Whitby, can have their vote counted by going to the TAXCOPA booths at the following locations: + Pickering Town Centre and Harwood Place Mall in Ajax — Saturday, Feb. 4 (10 a.m. to 6 p.m.): Sunday, Feb. S (noon to 5 p.m.). + Pickering Flea Market (Community Services Booth at the Metro East Trade Centre) — Sunday, Feb. 12 (10 a.m. to 4 p.m.). Chasing the lottery dream BJSAL BO "AMM sTAWt«aFoatm DURHAM - The cM* it the television cammt=W is sWkW a smrao Inden, *ft no ImW chairs oa a tropical island bead edd docks in their hoods. A cakhy ttme plays in the bKkpawd abog wilt the dtAm wees of a taoehss sum ntoer, as the viewer's senses are bom- barded with the images contained in the Onono Lottery ;Corp«afiw (OLQ comoteraal. Mw nxwvgm conod oed ane V, both dtrea and sttbda a l)dary bcbt equals a chmoe at 11me- +1d9m. iodepeadence, happmms and all those other qualities Mhich dude the avenge woddag stiff '*:Nb today's ever-marasog competition for the enfmiw Y� •. ` , Soh GAUSUNG... Pa" 3 Inside 777. Editorial..............................A6 Sports...............................A22 Entertainment. ................. A 18 Classified ...........................A23 Phone Nnea General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Sincerely Yours . 1-416-976-1991 tnfoSour ce 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 The News Adtertiser X17 uses recycled newsprint 93*+7*GST =$1 8 4,tr PAGE 2 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., FEBRUARY 1, 19% 1,7 Tourists' money tarAmted 1�1 g B% KEITH GILLIGAN SlAFI- RITOR1FR DURHAM — The Region's first tourism co-ordinator hopes to increase revenue generated by visi- tors, to Durham to $500 million a year. almost double what it is now. Patti %%atson starts toda% as Co- ordinator of Tourism and Visitor Services for Tourism Durham. a new component of the Regions Economic Development Department. Tourism generates about S100 million annually in revenue in Durham and regional chairman Gar .% and economic development commissioner Pat Olive would like to see that jump to S5(X) million a year. A know we can increase the S -W) million in revenue in tourism." says Mr. Olive. "The challenge is to make S47M million. Tourism is a ver big sector (of the Region's econom♦ ) "There are a lot of good things here in Durham Region." says Ms. Watson. " 1 want to work w ith whats already been completed by the Tourism Association of Durham Region (T'ADR). I want to take that work and reach $5(X) million." She hopes to "tie the urban and rural that Durham is known for" to attract visitors. For the past four years. M, Watson has been the tourism co-ordinator for Victoria Count\. which includes Lindsay. &obcaygeon and Fenelon Falls. Prior to that. she was a marketing represen- tative with the Central Ontario Travel Association.inereasing tOurism is important because "the wa% it is with the econom-, and the dollar, were not hringing in industry the way we use to." Mr. Herrema sa\s. • Wt: have to bring people.*' CORRECTION NOTICE White Rose Flyer February 1 s141995 PLANT FESTIVAL Page 13 WICKER FURNITURE CLEARANCE shard awl& 113 to 112 off Priam slow. am axlec.•t We apobow1.aw -R Oft Mm ea».d b «w .. PORTABLE Abu C,�ia -zoo� ICE HUTS ...... 'O KNIVES BU ;s Aurgsdr dw O ' r3 �J 7 r • _� •: moi; ► _ z American Capp Q �� 1•IQ1�1w.ww. Ham Wd Mff fta3.oa..MrT Hwithig _w� IO COLEMAN k,. - - - - - WTech Rogue OO Caps. DISPLAY SHIMANO 800�s Res, too 00 Awl*O No CANISISIENNA �9 F1SFIiIrG RODS Rymg 21 Kodak '60iCOOL.AEg : T .Lune �t.�......... .....40% COATS WKWANG Rune X00 MAGUTE FLOATER SNITS Nbe �w 0 M a* an— me SOOm A4tis ll_ lee Auger ALL/ .APPY ICE ANGER Peso" Pawner loom_..... 2A9 Asst LumsNMI P, r sr Bottom Line ,�� �hope �� �o rift $4 WA W►ootle Down $j'!Q7 Rah Fiidem � Ylift Jackleft 9oot:s ftb2 l,BoFWL= West@ A*xa— Cuit 1Nbr lox�s31 Golft Rei ww ea& Moira 8" 2VLogger Reece401 Oalglatal _ v Ckid" 0 Ice Piwlcs off CodetWfool ;00 Laa+osae MPirler�Q :00 Shierno Corioie g IMatig POW. Pae ft* n*fiv w000 W M&W Reel i1w � COtIlt ChON& 9A $O8e Dm ubam Em em Shl 12 palot 2soo_�% : Coleaaa a �Ch*s 9" Off Shi.77 lheldc, I -• Huma!•*k d Taft ft 1,eol�- 9100 DarrraerOar} �Mia� at • IluntlrU Booms !'moo Rotalion w� �IO1111� s1 Faber _ u r W -SG e _ i► We've Got over 1,000 4ppp, , • Giveaways for our shoppersN ON A♦ . ► ` t. • • • - •.. _ _ Pooling their resources Instructor Tamara Wood gives some rescue technique pointers to, from left, Winnie Lau, Stephanie Tan and Stephanie Taylor during a pre -bronze medallion class at the Ajax Community Centre. The stu- dents are taking part in the pro- gram to make them more profi- cient in the water. photos by Celia Bronkhorst J",-ifo),'J .. Mil of JA.1 jIr'►I I/.i;♦r:I'r��aY ♦ i THE NEWS ADVERTISER, -WEU., FEBRUARY11,1"SwPAGE Sportsman, gardener, famiflyman f'while snowmobiln 'good rlend' to many PICKOUNG — An avid sportsman, gardener aqd family man killed in a weekend snowmobile accident will be missed by many who knew him as "a friendly guy". This Friday's get-together of the Pickering Working Men's Hockey League will be "a quiet night at the arena" because "everybody in the league has lost a good friend" in the Sunday death of Gordon Arthur Powell, says a man who'd been planning an April golf trip to Myrtle Beach with the deceased and several others Mr. Powell, 47, a retired Metro Toronto Police sergeant, was snowmo- biling on Dalrymple Lake in Carden Township near Orillia around 11:45 am. when the machine be was driving broke through thin ice, report Coboconk OPP. The Carden Township Fire Department responded to the call and conducted a search of the ice but were unable to locate Mr. Powell, of Millbank Road. OPP divas searched the lake for the missing man Sunday with similar results. The body was finally located by divas around 10 a.m. Monday mom - log, according to Cobowut OPP com- munity services off ter Catslabie Dave Fletcher. "Ehe body was located new the south end of the lake near where the s owmo- bile went down," Coast. Fletcher says. Divas discovered the body in about sbtand-a-hall' feet of water 150 a 200 feet ham shone. The search was ham- pered by "a fairly strong scream and a lot of woods," he says. Mr. Powell's body was taken to Pelerbotvugh Civic Hospital for a post mortem exaID111a10n to determine the cause of death. Police say Mr. Powell was snowmo- bding with a Mend who witnessed the accident. The Mead triol to assist Mr. Powell and fell through thin ice, but was able to make his way to shoe and call for help. Snowmobding was only one of sev- eral activities Mr. Powell enjoyed, says Kevin Haim, a pal for a couple of years, "He could never fit enough sports into the day," says Mr. Hann. "He played a lot of sports — curling. bew- ball, sboich, hockey." Mr. Hann and Mr. Powell were Aw �`. teammates last year in the working Powell when the two got together last men's league that plays every Friday week- night at Don Beer Arena While the two "He really looked forward to the golf weren't on the same squad this year, and the sunshine but he had to plan it they remained good friends. around his work. He wasn't a great "He kind of summed up what our golfer but be loved to get outdoors. His hockey league's about." says Mr. Hann. love of the outdoors was evident by his "Although be had a competitive spirit, love of gardening." he was more absorbed by the social Mr. Powell, whose personalized aspect He'd stay in the dressing room licence plate was DND LON — short till the end talking with the guys. for dandy lawn — started a lawnkeep- "Friday nights are usually reserved ing service following his retirement for good 6iends (to get together) for a from Metro Police after he'd put in 25 good laugh and a good time. This eom- years with the force. ing weekend's going to be a quiet night "He was very meticulous about his at the arena. Everybody in the league's lawns — his own and anybody else's lost a good hietd-" be looked after," says Mr. Hann "That Mr. Powell also bowled in a kind of says it all abort his whole char - Wednesday night league at Celebrity aster — neat and orderly, from the pol- 1 anes in Pickering, curled Friday after- fished cowboy boas to the shine on his nouns at Annandale Curling Club in car." Ajax, played in the Pickering Men's But, Mr. Powell had another great Slo-Pitch League and coached a love, his friend recalls. "As much as he women's team in the same loop. loved sports, family always came first." "He always said his fust love was Mr. Powdl is survived by wife Gail, baseball," recalls Mr. Hann, who dis- grown daughters Julie and Kim, who cussed the April golf trip with Mr. live at home, and his parent& s� s� MENE NEWS sss, SEEN ONEW MWE PAIRW ��flu Raft nt Party knows dW Hw budget can bell I !n3y. _wWloutrWv1 gt&xm1IMES IPaul Martini wNL_ • crush us with taxes If we don? stop hkm ' I• continue wastekd spending Y we don? stop Alfa. e force interest rates to skyrocket H wle dont? stop him. • a I ' • cause our dollar to drop evert lower If we tan? stop hat. • discourage all investors and lenders if we dtin? stop him. row W CAN STOP PAUL MAl1fIN 1 Fax the Minister of Finance at (613) 995-5176 and teN him: "Cut govenunent spencOng and k wtsr our taxes. " Call your tiAP Dan McTeague at (906) 427-6203 andgive him the same message. ' ' For more iMormelion about the Retontl Party cal (905) 686-0276 asst asp � � � � � asp � Esta � � as, asp �__________________� Tito PNloe 981 s 1340 KkV@Ion Ad. at LftmOtiam t ■ulf ONra Pickering T6wn Centre 'Fooc[Cowt" WMre Fltt+th Is The TasM Footlong or naiad at Uro Reg. pl ' Come visit 1 our newest krcaWn 1 ' MCKERING TOWN CENTRE 1 ' Food Court 1 GMT OW of equal or lesser price ' One Coupon per customer. FREE with the purchase 1 LOffer expires Feb. 28, 1995 of inedlurrt drink ni NEW 11111110 01111111 ri ti 011111 rni rri Itri tri ri ri Mae all Parking break for commuters FROM PAGE Al and the nearest stop is at Liverpool Road and Pickering Parkway, in front of the corporate centre. Motorists with a valid GO ticket or pass can ride free on Pickering Transit. Those without a GO ticket or pass will be charged the normal Pickering Transit fare of $1.30 '. for adults or $1 for - students with a valid ID card, and the GO fare for their destination. A GO group pass won't be accepted for a free ride. Check the Pickering Transit times posted at the Own station for bus times and routes. Overnight parking at the Pickering Town Centre isn't allowed. Call GO Transit at 416-869-3200 or Pickering Transit at 683-4111 for more infor- mation. Help Paart Piekertrog, Ajax Back to Worts HIRE YOUR NEIGHBOUR Interior Painting: 3 Rooms for only S199.00 Hardwood Floors 55.99/sq. h. installed PAGE 4-44THE Nr*WS.Q%WAT1tSEif^Ea., FRRRUARY 1, 4"S, V COVER STORY Gambling counsellor has clients `addicted to lottery tickets' FROM PAGE Al ment dollar, government -run lotteries, ranging from Lotto 6/49 to Sport Select's Pro Line, also offer an inexpensive form of entertainment, according to OLC offi- cials. It's those two ke% elements of fantasy and entertainment combined that make lotteries one of the most popular pas- times in Ontario, according to the OLC. "It's like you see in the lottery com- mercials." says Oshawa resident Roberta White, while purchasing a loiter% ticket at Sak's Fine Foods on Hunt Street in Ajax. Mrs. White says she spends an average of S 10 per week on lottery tickets. "1'm not a real gambler. 1 do it for the fun of it." she says. A distinct advantage lotteries have over other forms of entertainment is that they appeal to a wide cross-section of the population, according to OLC officials. In other words. the popularity of lot- teries transcends gender, age, income and education. Take Pickering resident Doug Ding, for example. The %eteran staff sergeant with the Durham Regional Police he was a casual loiter-, pla�cr in Scptemher of last year when the unimaginable happened. A didn't play lotteries on a regular basis,"* he explains. "Then one Saturday morning 1 ran out of milk and went to the store. I decided to buy a lottery ticket and it turned out to be a winning ticket." Mr. King's win- nings totalled $170010. He says the money "makes my lifestyle more comfortable". The Ontario Lottery Corporation, meanwhile, is cashing in on the lottery craze that's sweeping the province. The OLC says that on average, players spend about 56.33 per week. That populari- ty translated into total sales of $ 1.88 billion in 1994 — an increase of $221 mil- lion over 1993 total sales. Of that total, $941 million was paid out in prize money, to the players and $562 million went to support Ontario hospi- tals, voluntary social service organiza- tions, as well as various sport. recreation- al and cultural activities throughout the province. But, while the Ontario government goes out of its way to promote every- thing that's good about the lotteries they operate, there are some negative aspects l'J ,W USC\ Ottawa, t7flt8f10 Canada 5B1 Canada (613) 234-6'827 My contribution = is enclosed. (PasltLted cloques ane welcww1 (Please pent and macaw Apt. No and Postal Code) Regist OM morkier 006 4758 09 10 WHAT DO THESE SEEDS HAVE IN COMMON? ...NOTH 1 NG. Weall *end Ww the survival of diverse seeds. Support uses Seeds of Survival Program. U S C��G Canada Unitarian Service Committee of Canada Building tomorrow ... today FeunOed M N ur Hadwwnin. C C w IM .,�i�:`•MV9w�:�,�M.'ns'{:�e,.Ut...hl.r. Vit, 4�..... w'..'Yw 't'Lr:e.iW.+a .. ... .: . _.._... . to the games. There's no doubt that lotteries consti- tute a form of gambling, according to organizations which help people kick their gambling addictions. "I've dealt with a lot of clients who are addicted to lottery tickets," says Nick Rupcich, a compulsive gambling coun- sellor with the Canadian Foundation on Compulsive Gambling. And the irony that profits from gov- ernment -run lotteries are used for the betterment of the community isn't lost on Mr. Rupcich, who deals with the neg- ative aspects of gambling through his clients on a daily basis. "The government is looking at the economic picture rather than the social problems". Hydro proposes design changes in nuclear plant PICKERING - Ontario Hydro says equipment modifi- cations are needed at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station to avoid a recurrence of a Dec. 10 heavy -water spill. "We're confident that these modifications will elimi- nate the causes of the incident," says Pierre Charlebois, director of the power -generating facility. About 140 megagrams of heavy water — enough to fill three swimming pools — was released from Unit 2 during the spill and contained within the plant. An Ontario Hydro investigation of the incident con- cluded the spill was a result of a design flaw in the heat transport system's pressure relief valves. Rapid opening and closing of the valves caused cracks in piping about 30 feet long and three inches in diameter, according to the investigation. Hydro is proposing to relocate the pressure relief valves and eliminating the extensive piping needed on all Pickering units. The design will be submitted for approval to the Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations and the Atomic Energy Control Board. oP5 EA 1A ? GS �'.1 jJE'CI 111(J)"C' f I'OI )1 SPCi1 S No problem getti even 114"Req. 19.99 ng started lest days Diehard All Sizes SS off Noma• 12' booster cables. They stay flexible even in the coldest weather. #47201. 1 Warranty derails at Sears TW IUTO SALE PRICES END WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 G HWY2 a pJ O Y U W 3 m HWY 401 Expect more Featuring up to 900 cold cranking amps and 165 -minute reserve capacity. Backed throughout North America by our 84 -month warranty' including 24 -month free replacement. #50000 ser ^ere s a Ss aeoos+t wren ycu ouy a new tatte,y at Sears, retundabie wnr tee retu• of vow- oid battery for recycling 74 ""." $25 off 10/2/55 -amp automatic battery charger for 6 or 12 V battery. *47714. FATS�� 1995, WHILE QUANTMES LAST copyright 1995. Sears Cerlade Inc. VISIT OUR AUTOMOTIVE CENTRE AT SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE Phone 420-8000. We're open Mon. -Fri. 8:00 a.m: 9:00 p.m., Sat. 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Sun. 11:00 a.m..-5:00 p.m. THE IfEWYMMEMSER, WED; FEBRUARY I, t9 J%GE S-A Freak accident claims w ' oman s life on Hwye 401 AJAX - A motorist was killed when a trac- struck the vehicle, crushing its windshield and highway before coming to a stop against a parked on the shoulder of the eastbound 401, tor -trailer lost a wheel on Hwy. 401 at roof and trapping the driver inside. chainlink fence about 750 feet from the acci- just west of Brock Street in Whitby, as emer- Lakeridge Road overpass near Ajax Tuesday Whitby Fire Chief Tony VanDoleweerd dent scene. Whitby Fire Department and the gency crews were responding to the accident. morning. confirmed the accident claimed one victim, a Ontario Provincial Police in Whitby respond- Traffic was snarled in the westbound lanes A westbound Pontiac Grand Am was woman, who was the driver of the vehicle. ed to the accident, but the victim was pro- as crews worked to remove the body from the struck by a runaway wheel from an eastbound The car skidded into the guardrail for about nounced dead at the scene. vehicle. Interested motorists stopped their tractor -trailer around 11:30 a.m., according to 500 feet before coming to a stop just east of The driver of the tractor -trailer didn't real- vehicles along the Lakeridge overpass to get a eyewitnesses. The tractor -trailer wheel was the Lakeridge overpass. After striking the car, ize what had happened until about a kilometre look at the accident. The identity of the victim travelling at a high -rate of speed when it the wheel bounced on to the shoulder of the past the scene of the accident. The truck was was unavailable at press time Tuesday. OPTOMETRIST DR. BRIAN HADDEN, O.D. DR. SHELINA KHALFAN, O.D. • PRIMARY EYE CARE • OCULAR HEALTH • CONTACT LENSES Family Eye Care For All Ages NEW PATIENTS WELCOME TEL. (905) 513-1252 We recommend your first full examination by age three. 596 Kingston Rd., W. Ajax, ON L1 T 3A2 � Feb. 19/95 � HEART FITNESS SW/M Make a Splash With Your Swimmers.) You and your swimmers can participate in a tun -filled 1i2 hr. srono,, F -W swim and help raise funds to bent Canodo's •1 killer - heart disease and stroke. treryase who Takes Tin PkEve wkts ... r Just for organizing the event. you can earn a terrific tank top. rYour pool has an opportunity to win great pool prizes. tr Your swimmers benefit by earn- ing great prizes and comparing Owk fliness levels with others of the some sex and age group. Dive In and register vow pool toddy! See your local Heart and Stroke Foundation OfRrx or call (416) 4W7100. ext. 337. i�aera♦h " r•iur ptimcf .va snnu I l.no�d�. raruvas.. n Q.nuu • '1l ilio. P& We bmw you to AWA a tt8rbs of Much Thur. at 8 p.m. thm Fib. i Mr. In Thu VMcid m Gurdon Banquet HW * 00 RanM Dr., Alex CONDUCTED BY: J. Ridtards A. Cwwn OOS6IM12 Cd aft 1 p.m. I 30 .tall , wss SET 1424 DOUBLE ... 279 sus QUEEN ..... 299 SET w4 Z�� 1189 25 "M , J smss 239 SET $394 DOUBLE ... 259 sETa QUEEN ..... 279 sET 474 KING......... 459 sET 7w CAPTAINS BED J •nope - �; � `.O- $219 © Lrd\ --s —-: J WUil 8 SET $314 DOUBLE ... 209 sET 37 QUEEN 239 sET 4o TOM X109 147 COMFORT SLEEP w1ki 1169 Iffi-iFiss SET 1284 DOUBLE... 189 SET 324 QUEEN..... 219 SET 3m 49 NO Tpx"� k with any matching mattress set purchased 10 r 5 • YW ..,,. r1T~ GT1 ORTHO PEDIC SLUMBER REST MOEss w--aEss SET $224 SET 1184 DOUBLE... 169 SET 284 DOUBLE... 139 sE-234 QUEEN..... 199 sET334 QUEEN..... 169 SE7314 HITDW Dalff Fb7W I i .:r 1179 1249 In U ' WE MAKE ANY SIZE MATTRESS HOURS AYAIIA ' FRE ' LAY -Al oisvo OF OLr AV 41l I:1fAr11111 TAUNTON w ' Z z N F � t 9 Timothy J. Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Advertising Manager Alvin Brouwer Retail Sales Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager A Metroland Communitv Newspaper published every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario. L 1 S 2H5. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. Page sizes may vary shchtly from published rate card due to mechanical requirements of different print- ers. Second Class Mail Registration 1807. Mail sub- scription rates Can. 1 yr. S70 GIVE USA CALL General 6S3-5110 Newsroom 683-5110 Distribution 683-5117 Classified 683-5110 (Nightline - 798-7672) FAX 683-7363 Sincerely Yours 1-416-976-1991 InfoSource 683-7040 Real Estate and Automotive Sales 798-7672 National Advertising 493-1300 The News Advertiser welcomes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for length and legal reasons and to withhold letters deemed not flit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone num- ber for our information. They should not exceed one and a half pages in length. The News Advertiser regularly uses recycled newsprint N C)�UO` O � C Shout it out loud Some day soon we'll all wake up with a bad hang- over. Chances are the culprit will be Canadian finance minister Paul Martin. Mr. Martin and his crack finance staff are getting their pencils and erasers out to try and figure out where the revenue will come from in the next federal budget. There should be plenty of furious head scratching at those meetings. You can bet the farm that the first place the finance wizards will look is in your wallet. We are certain this is the last place the average Canadian wants the govern- ment to put its hands this year. Rumors persist that the budget will hit RRSPs, which are definitely off limits. RRSPs, like some of our coveted social programs, are sacred and an important umbrella we're crouching under should the national pension system run out of money down the road. if you want to let Mr. Martin know how you feel, call, write, fax or speak to your local MP. You could go to one of the many forums being held in the area. One of the most is on Feb. 15 when the Taxpayers Coalition of Pickering and Ajax is hosting a no -more -taxes rally at the Metro East Trade Centre in Pickering. Guest speakers include Preston Manning, leader of the Reform Party of Canada; Dave Johnson, finance critic for the Ontario Progressive Conservative party; Diane Francis, editor of the Financial Post; Jason Kenney, executive director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation; and Linda Leatherdale, financial editor of the Toronto Sun. People in attendance will be able to let the honored guests know how they feel about the upcoming budget. Before that dreaded hangover hits, get out and let the Liberal MPs, know which things are off limit%. Who knows, maybe he'll get the message. Rotherglen unsuited to residential area To the editor: Residents of North Ajax are dismayed by the lack of action at a recent Ajax Town Council meeting with regard to expansion of the facilities at the Rotherglen Youth Detention Centre. We feel it is simply inappro- priate for such a facility to exist in a residential setting such as the Westney Heights PUD Community. Kennedy House, the company which operates the facility, quite clearly stated that the Rotherglen Centre is "a facil- ity under the Young Offenders' Act". We feel that Ajax council should have appealed last December's ruling by the Ontario Court, general division, which effectively ordered the Town to issue a building permit to allow construction of expand- ed premises for the centre. With continued residential growth in the area, it is wrong for Rotherglen Centre to be establishing a long-term pres- ence on this site by constructing new, expensive and larger facili- ties. We commend regional coun- HE TRIPPED O' VERIHE� VIVW "' GAM E WIRESAND PE UNIT KLON HIS FOdfi ' ::`-?4�;�,yaSy►�,:...�a�h.•. .;w�+ � ..: tia,..> ro:. rw� .. .:-t,�� . ,: •,r.�e:.,��%; . .r+e..:+:;wu>a..., .. � ..., ,. 0114. 1 / N �t cillor Roger Anderson and coun- cillor Jim McMaster for their clear stand against expansion and for being in favor of an appeal of the court's decision. We feel that it is unfortunate that other local representatives chose to remain silent. Ralph Golberg Ajax Taxpayers' Association by Steve Nease P ;►t , \Ce I.t, . I, r I . . 14, ,, .v.•i: t 1 r» . i yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy ��y,,r, THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, FEBRUARY 1, 19yy95-PAGE 7-A * *N OF p�C �k ,�o * �, Town of Pickering �Z * (905) 420-2222 IPPIct i I E_,j (905)683-2760 %ING DOG TAGS 1995 Just a reminder that every person who owns a dog must ensure that it is and registered with the Town PROPERTY TAXES For Beginners.. ensure April l A. The cost of licensing a dog h the for a spayed or neutered dog and $20 for all other dogs. Dog tags may he purchased at the Civic Complex from DUE `SQUASH * Mlorma o Friday. hast a.m. to tag. puri For more inl'nrmalion on purchasing a dug tag. please call 420. * 4615 FEBRUARY 23, 1995 Tea prnalty for not acquiring a dog tag is 520 per offence, OPEN - and this will be strictly enforced t after April Ist. It is the The first of two installments of the INTERIM L"ix bill is due HOUSE rasperosibility of the dog owner to ensure that their dug is this month and your cheque and stub should be mailed to licrnsod. the Town will net he sending any notices to dog �,wners reminding them to license their dog. P.O. BOX 340, PICKERING, ONTARIO, L1 V 2R6. Wier regulations of the Dog and Cat Bylaw that are of Don't Get Squashed! interest are: * If paying by VISA. kindly telephone several days before the q * , All dogs shall he kept on a leash and under the due date. We will hold off processing until the due date, if 'On The Courts At The contml ofsome person when the dog is on land requested. �k other than that of the owner. Pickering Recreation * - Every owner of a dog shall have the dog inoculated The telephone bill paying services of several Banks and Trust Complex a rabies vaccine at least once every twelve Companies can also be used to pay your property taxes. �C moxnhs. .L I Eery owner of a dog shall remove ex�mrn nt left Payment in person can be made to the Cashier at the So Join Us NOW And Donal Miss Out T by the dog anywhere in the Town. Municipal Building, One The Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario. C 4 No owner of a dog shall allow the dog to howl or L IV 6K7. MEN -S/LADIES- SQUASH 1 y, T hart oxcesstvely. OPEN HOUSE WEEKFeb. 13 to 16,9:30 a.m. to 1 l a.m. J� T y 5 No person shall keep, own or harbour msec tttaa Our telephone number is: Equipment Provided. T two dogs in or about a dwelling unit. (905) 420-4614 Don't miss this terrific opportunity at * the Pickering Recreation Complex. �N OF p� E'OUR MOR, OF L/(:•ASH INSTRUCTION *�9 Camp Counsellors Landlord - Tenant AW) PI -,Y -V EE * °e For more inli rinauun coriuwl the ` • Recreation Complex at 831-1711 or 6X3-6582 * Required Information Session * o, � March Break & A public meetingto discuss 11W Summer Camps �k Pic", t ntvio landlord and tenant issues. LIV 6K7 February 21, 1995 Camp Counsellors * An Elates gvomtt* required for March 730 - 9 p.m. Empbyw Break and Summer Camps. Applicants Pickering Central Library * must have experience with children 3 to 12 �c leticwrbr«ttbIM The speakers will include MtrtirplFtt *mor Years of age. pea * ftacy A4ft iftimim References required. representatives from Housing * pli1efed"o0illilL1ed; ""' Submit applications/ biles.°. , Help Durham �,G,�,�,�,��„� resumes before: Rent Control and ,y toseMliatxltsdlle February 10, for March Break,ak the Durham Community Legal Clinic T March 10, 1995 for Summer Camps to To register for this free program call T I it aoe. DMana M f aHmeron, �ttr"-1-&OWC 2 T yT T y� T y* yT T V o uman ext. MWArm vAbe Resources Caapon:®red by the Durham Community jc Legal Clinic and the Pickering Public Library• .. • ❑ ..,: • ❑ �jc CANADA COMMEMORATES NOTICE_ THE 50th ANNIVERSARY OF ALL PUBLIC SWIMMING WELL 0 THE UNITED NATIONS BE CANCELLED. - In celebration, the Department of Culture 8t Recreation is planning a ZVE "Heritage Day Festival" to be held at the Pickering RecreationTHURSDAY FEBRUARY 9195 A WAM �Q n�"'offers pre -paid odmivilon to al pubic and adult J� y Complex 1867 Valley Farm Road, on Saturday, February 25tH, This h t9 =m cion Indoor Pool and etre Recreation Complex Pool. T T 9:00 AM - 5:60 PM p inck+des the use of tris mernberstup cnangeroom taciiities y 1995. We are requesting organizations that wish to celebrate their FOR ADULTS oft- . T cultural heritage. to contact the Town of Pickering, in writing, by FOR THEL.O.S.S.A. MeaidMwMewltj+sa.ararr�leron. �alumyI - n testtbsr�l era February 3rd, 1995. Please identify the name of the organization, SWIM MEET Jm-Mw.. Aa: Am xrrsep., oet.-ueo. representative's name, phone number, and what crafts, artifacts, SEASONAL SWIM FRSSES, JAN.1 -MAR. 31, 1995 y costumes, music etc. you would be able to showcase at this Festival. SUNDAY FEBRUARY 12/95 'SlxmnInC1ude CM 0•'0• T For further information please call: (905) 420-4620 or fax (905) 420- DUE TO A SWIM MEET Tom = nuo g UA x 's Pleas 4 [ Please forward this information to the following address: & Town of Pickering ttmaw >.:n = VA�` `: °: Department of Culture &Recreation WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 16195 Call The Recreation Complex One The Esplanade OR AM - 5:00 P.M. y Pickering, Ontario FOR THE D.Y.s.S,A. at 831.1711 or 683-6582 ... yyT L1V 6K7 SWIM MEET for more iflformatioll ••••' ❑LAI,•T * �TT��� yy yy yyyy yy yyyy yy `PACE a -A -THE KEM ADVERt ftER,' 1eW, FEBRUARY 1, 1"S Man slashed with ice scraper "Off "Ulm Wim AJAX — A fitness centre member at the Ajax Community Centre was slashed with an ice scraper after an argument with another member Monday, say Durham Regional Police. Police say the 49 -year-old man was in the M&2 S� UP sauna at the centre around 10 a.m. when anoth- er man walked in and slashed him on the head and leg. The attack was the culmination of an ongoing dispute between two fitness centre members. police say. The victim suffered a two-inch gash on his scalp and a two -and -a--' half-inch gash on his leg. He was treated at Ajax and Pickering Hospital and released. A 50 -year-old Ajax man has been charged with aggravated assault and assault with a weapon_ seImlaions,d fashOn outerwear, accessories and winter boots. Save up t+0 30P% on seleched shoes, That goes for Factory Outlet, too! EATON 1234 5676 9012 "'0r"''EA7°" ATON I S GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY REFUNDED jselectioe ~arms by store) «��:� . ,,.... .. .. '�"c" ., a r7Mlbs+Y9sti*i�: "i.LN�,lirhoL •ar.... •. ,. THE,NEWSADV,E1kT1SER4 WED, I;EBRUAR,Y,I{ 1995•PAGE 9-A Janahealthy,Ir AJAX — She's. happy and healthy, run- ning around like a normal youngster, but that wasn't always the case for Jana Healy, six, of Ajax. Before she had surgery to repair a hole in her heart, Jana couldn't run around with her friends and she look tired. Jana was born on Oct. 2, 1988, with two holes in her heart. One hole healed itself about a year after she was born, but the other contin- ued to grow. Jana's mother Janet says a pediatri- cian at the Toronto General Hospital diag- nosed the problem two days after the birth, calling it a heart murmur. The second hole was discovered when Jana was about three years old. "It had always been there, but it had grown to two to four centimetres. The doctors said it would have to be repaired, but they wanted to wait a year," says Mrs. A Healy. Jana's condition, called atrial septal defect, involves a hole between two cham- bers, or ventricles, in the heart. Jana's heart was "over -functioning" by beating too fast and flooding her lungs with blood, recalls Mrs. Healy. "She was a pretty sick little girl." The surgery was performed last June at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Without the operation, Jana would have had a lifespan of about 30 years. "It's the kind of thing that can get worse," says Mrs. Healy. Now, Jana can expect to live to a normal age. Jana was home four days after the surgery and was running around with her buddies. She's "thrived" since the opera- tion, growing three inches in the summer. "With heart patients, their growth is somewhat behind," Mrs. Healy notes. "She was pretty tiny. She's grown a lot and she's about the average height for a six-year-old." Jana's health dominated the summer of '94, as she had four abscessed teeth removed and then broke her left leg leap- ing off the top of a slide. "We spent the whole summer going back and forth to Sick Kids," Mrs. Healy says. In addition to bringing her health back, the heart surgery also brought Jana two new friends — rabbits Cherry and Chocolate. "When she was going in for the surgery, we told her she could have anything she'd like when she was out of surgery. We asked what she'd like and she said a bunny." For the next month, Jana is serving as the honorary chairman in Ajax and Pickering for the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation's fund-raising campaign. Your dimes and time needed in February ❑ Your help is needed to join the fight against Canada's number one killer AJAX-PICKERING — You can join the fight against the number -one killer of Canadians with your time or dimes this month. February is Heart and Stroke Month in Ontario when volunteer canvassers knock on doors to raise money for life-saving research work. Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation Durham West area co- ordinator Christina Kalchos says, "We really need to raise the money" because the organization is feeling the lingering effects of the recession. "It's been a tough year for fund- raising. We really appreciate the support we've received over the last three years of the recession. This year is the first year we've really been hard hit by the recession." The door-to-door campaign goal in Ajax is $31,((X) and in Pickering $28,500. The Ajax goal is higher because the chapter has been around for five years while the Pickering chapter is just two years old. Approximately 75,000 Canadians, including about 28,000 Ontarians, die each year from heart disease or defects and strokes. About one in four Canadians, or six million peo- ple, are affected by some form of heart disease, stroke or disease of the blood vessels. Heart disease and strokes cost the country $17 billion annually in med- ical care, lost wages and disability pensions. That works out to $629.10 per Canadian per year. About $37 million is spent annu- ally on research or about $1.37 per Canadian per year. Mrs. Kalchos notes very little money goes to administration. Only "nine cents of each dollar (raised) doesn't go to research or public edu- cation. The money is going to a good place." More than 650 people will be can- vassing in Ajax and Pickering over the month, each going to between 20 and 30 homes, and more volunteers are always welcome, Mrs. Kalchos says. "Between 30 to 40 minutes of time means a great deal to us. They have all February to canvass. "If (people) can't give money, they can give time. It doesn't always have to be money. We're volunteer driven. We always need office vol- unteers," she says. People who are missed by door- to-door canvassers can drop off donations at the Durham West office at 835 Westney Rd. S., Unit 4, Ajax. Last year, a man posing as a Heart and Stroke volunteer tried to solicit money in Ajax and Oshawa. Legitimate volunteers will carry a white canvassing kit with a full- color logo, wear a heart -shaped but- ton with the foundation's logo in the middle and have a supply of infor- mation on heart disease and stroke. Call the Durham West office at 686-1521 for more information or to volunteer. soasm i. -el '#,- COMPLE7M d OUTCOMES SURVEY The Durham Board of Education invites interested parents and members of the community to respond to its draft document on Completion Outcomes for students. Outcomes is a term to de- scribe what students are expected to know, be able to do and be like by the time they leave schcwl. The Durham Board is moving toward outcome -based education as a result of the Ministry of Education and Training's 1993 docu- ment entitled The Common Curriculum, Grades 1 to 9, which out- lines new directions that education must take to help students suc- cessfully meet the challenge of a changing and complex world. Out- come -based education will he implemented in Durham Board sch«FIs over a 3 year period beginning this year. The Durham Board has worked with teaching staff, students, parents, community members and other boards of education to develop a draft set of outcomes in 7 important categories. The Board now is asking parents and community members to comment on the draft document and make suggestions for revision. If you would like to participate, please contact your local public elementary or secondary school for a copy of the outcomes and a brief survey which should be completed and returned before March 3, 1995 to the school or the Durham Board of Education Centre. Jana Healy (holding her rabbit Chocolate) needed surgery to repair a hole in her heart. With her are father Dan, brother Donal with Cherry the rab- bit, sister Caitlinn and mother Janet. Salve tt> mm Man maolN)►r E.r '. ,k •.'nr ryC yws brrp pnrcnu K Qs .Tri yY Cancer Research Foundabw, Norm Easter- pntanc Kingston General Perinatal, K,nggton Bellev-iue mt. sinal Perinstai. Toronto St_ Joseph's Perin". London Sudbury General Perinatal, Sudbury T" Children s Chantv Invest 5,000 In Your RRSP For Only 140 After Tax* Save an extra 40% in Federal and Ontario taxes on your RRSP contribution with an investment in DGC Entertainment Ventures Corp. (EVC). Invest in Canada's high growth entertainment, communications and EVIL related high-technology industries including CD-ROM, laser imaging and virtual reality. Advisors to EVC include directors David Cronenberg, Norman Jewison and Allan King, plus 23 other industry leaders. Shares purchased prior to March 1, 1995 may qualify for credit on your 1994 tax return. EVC is sold in Ontario by licensed Investment Advisors only. DGC Entertainment Ventures Corp. *Savirxp range from $4 015 for investors with 529,591 in taxable income to $4 bW at $6, MA in taxable incorne when your Entertanrrent Ventures shares are coitnbuteci to an RRSP, provided that the shares are not redeemed wrthn 5 yeas. This advertrsernent should not be con- sidered as an offerng of the secuntres referred to, whK,h may only be sold by prospectus. A copy is available through securmes dealers licensed and qualified to distribute these secuntie-s. Read the prospectus caetuay and consr>M your prolessio" advisor before nvestng. This investment may be suitable for OV -term rwestors and those wiing to accept the risk thereof. To find out more, please call your Investment Advisor or call EVC at: 416 -972 -1158,14300 -EVC -1159, evc@io.org Or fax the following information to: 416-972-0820 Name: Address: — City: Postal Code: Tel. Res: Tel. Bus: Ontario PAGE 110 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., FEBRUARY 1, 1995 Billboard WEDNESDAY, FEB. 1 ABC WORKSHOP: This is the last day to register for the Durham Chapter of the Association for Bright Children workshop, slated to take place on Saturday, Feb. 18, from 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Christian Life Centre, 1030 Ravenscroft Rd. (at Rossland Rd.) in Ajax. Cost of the workshop for each family is $1.5 for ABC members and $20 for non- members. Charge for the keynote address only is S3. 728-4274 (Ann Fishman). SOFTBALL: The Pickering Girls Rep Softball League holds try -outs for its squirt girls' division (born 1983 or '84) at the National Sports Amusement Centre, Whites Rd. and Hwy. 2, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Try -outs will run for four to six weeks. 427- 8013 (Roger Young). RAMADAN: The Muslim month of feasting begins. All Muslims who want to join in an evening of congre- gational prayers during the month of Ramadan should call (416) 269-8562 or (905) 831-6599 (Alimamy Bangura). THURSDAY, FEB. 2 NATURALISTS: The Pickering Naturalists hold their monthly meeting at Rouge Hill Public Library on Rougemount Dr. south of Hwy. 2, beginning at 8 p.m. Deborah Metsger, a botanist at the Royal Ontario Museum, will discuss how plant adap- tations for dispersal and survival have been used by humans to create objects of ornamentation, in a presentation entitled Seeds In Disguise. Take your tropical plant souvenirs for identifica- tion. 427-1655 (Dale Hoy). CYCLING: The Touring Concept Cycling Group's general meeting is at Henry Street High School, 614 Henry St-, Whitby, at 7:30 p.m. Guest speak- er is Eon D'Ornellas. 420-4275. BLOCK PARENTS: The Ajax Block Parents Association holds a general meeting at 7:30 p.m. in the Carruther's Room of the Ajax Community Centre on Centennial Rd. Everyone welcome. 619-1018 (Jay Goldmintz). Southwood Park reunion marks school's 25 years AJAX — Calling all former staff, studem and parents of Southwood Pads Public School 1n Ajax. In eckbration of its 25th aooivetisary, die school will hold a rasion in May, which will %aum a number of Cheats aharinng a guawr cengtry of e1Lcdkoce in academics, arts and athletics. The event kk:ks off Friday, May 5 with a fm fair, from 6 e 8 p.m. at the school 281 ambard Cries. h will be fol- kmed by an open house on Saturday, May6km2to4pm The day will culminate with a party at the Pickering Recur+ amu Complex, foam 8 pm e I am Only 600 tickets are available on a first-come, first- served basis, at $12.50 per person or $80 for a table of eight For ticket informaatjen, contact Gay Adair at 683-2535, Neil Simpson at 683-4941 or the school at 683-5230. Feb. 1, 1995 FRIDAY, FEB. 3 CHINESE NEW YEAR: The Chinese Heritage and International Language School holds a Chinese New Year celebration at Eastdale Collegiate and Vocational Institute, 265 Harmony Rd. N., Oshawa. Tickets are S5 for seniors 65 and over, $5 for children four to 10 and $8 for children I 1 and over and adults. For tickets call (905) 579-3628 (Mrs. Ho), (905) 430-8642 (Mrs. Chen) or (905) 432-7684 (Mrs. Chang). KUmON M Don't let common 'math anxiety' stand in the way of your chid's success. Discover the KUMON Method of learning mathematics. KUMON is an individualized after-school math program that, over time, can help children aged 4 to 15 excel in math and develop superior study habits with just two 30 -minute classes each week. KUMON offers an affordable mtondW tuition and is a year round program --so chidnen may be enrolled at any time. With a comfortable daily work load and some parental guidance, you're sure to see results. Put the program that has helped mutons of students worldwide to work for your child - call KUMCNd today! 1OKUMON Programs that get RESULTSI There are 2 Kumon Math Centres' kwA td in Ajax and 4 Centres in Pk nit For moot irdorrmation caN, (416) 490-1724 or 1-800-667-6484. - The KUMON heading Program is also available at some centres_ Franchise opportunities are available. BiWay celebrates grand opening in Ajar P g After growing demand if the amount of business m BiWay customers in they did is any indication the Ajax area, the company of the future of BiWay in granted their wishes by Ajax, the store will be opening its 244th store in great success. Canada at the Harwood Promising the lowest Place Mall. prices on all of their items, Operations Manager everyday of the week, Bi ohn Burns says the Way is happy to be in Ajax turnout for the store's and no doubt shoppers are ring was fantastic and just as grateful. in if I On hand for the official ribbon cutting ceremony there BiWay President Art Smith, employees Debbie Altim and April Kewell, Ajax Mayor Jim Witty, Store Manager Dan Keyes, employee Sandy Blanchard, Operations Manager John Burns, employee Corrol Ann Bums and Mertager-In-Training Gene Roberts. Wanted Hometown Heroes The News Advertiser is seeking your help in locating hometown heroes. On April 4th we're publishing a special section featuring people who have added a little extra to your community. A Hometown Hero can be a person who has dedicated years to coaching hockey. Or, it can be the crossing guard who spends a little extra time with children. Hometown Heroes come in all shapes, sizes, colors and ages. We need you to tell us who you think is a Hometown Hero. On April 4th we'll publish a story and picture on each of the 50 Hometown Heroes we've selected. The hero and a guest will be honored at a dinner to be held at Gallantrys in the Pickering Town Centre. The hero will receive a commemorative T-shirt and plaque. Write us and tell us in 250 words or less who you think deserves the distinction as a Hometown Hero. We'll notify those chosen by March 16. Address it to: Hometown Heroes, c/o The News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, US 2H5. Hometown Heroes is sponsored by the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser and the Pickering Town Centre. Nalr/Plc *F ty 409, News Advertiser NOTICE OF STUDY COMPLETION Highway 401 Expansion From 1.6 km East of Whites Road to Westaey Road THE STUDY The Ministry of Trauaportatx m (MTX)) Its completed a study which rn 6 the expansion of Highway 401 from 1.6 km East of whites Rood u the Town of Pickering to Westacy Road in the Town of Apx. Regional Municipality of Durham. The proposed works iscladc construction of mew eastboand and westbound collector roadways and rehabilia, tion of the existing express lames from 1.6 km East of Whites Road to Brock Road, the construction of serni- Pertmanent eastbound and westbound transfer lanes at Brock Road and the construction of a fourth easit , - d express lame from Brock Road to Westney Road. Rdated works include extension of the existing CNR overpass to cross the proposed collector lams, new median barriers, high mast lighting, a4ustmeaa to existing Fantle. stormwater management enhancetmems, visnal screening along portions of the railway corridor, landscaping and provision for a furore freeway traffic management system. THE PROCESS The study followed an approved planning process. As required, An Environ hal Study Report has been pre- pared and is available for review at: Ministry of the Environment and Energy Ministry of TU-P-Ufi- Central Region Ovalnvar4 4th Floor Central mon' Freeway Ener Atrium Tower, 5th Floor Toronto, Ontario M4H IAS 1201 When Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M IM offwc of the Oak office Of the Clerk The Re*mW Municipality of Durbant Town of Pickering 606 Ranked Road East One The Esplanade Whitby, Ontario LIN 6A3 Pkkcring, Ontario LI V 6117 Office of the Clerk Town of Ajax 65 Harwood Road South Ajax, Ontario LIS 219 The review period will unnisate an March 17, 1995, aper which ante the Ministry any Sart eonur caoa. These is a opporumity at nay time during the Provecial Highways Class EA process for public ePEL If yon fed that, aper cahwgeg with Afro stag, Zenon envsrommemal caaoeras rtonaiu v resolve4 it is Parr right lb rcgrest that the project be subject to an Individual Environmental Assessment. The decision rests with the Meister of Environment and Energy - COMNIZI S we are interested in hearing MY comments or ooatxrm you may have about this study. With the exeepaon of Persona1 ialormaaon, all comments will berme pan of the phr X record. Please contact: Mr. Peter Ohackeris, P.Eng. Ms. Suva Siera", B.E.S. Senior Project Manager Environmental Plainer Central Region, Freeway Engineering Central Region, Environmental Section Ministry of Transportation Ministr of Tmasportation 5th Floor, Atrium Tower 51h Fit=, Atrium Tower 1201 wilsoo Avenue 1201 wilsom Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M 1.18 Downsview, Ontario M3M 138 Td: (416) 235-5567 Tel: (416) 235-5549 O Ontario y • • • • • • • • • • • • r • ► ter• •- •.• �. • • e •. .. . .. .. .. • . . . . • . . • . . . • . .^• . / . ► .. .f ,.,..1 .. . .`A •1� ..^,ter'.'.'. .. _ THE NEWSADVEwr][SER, WED, FEBRUARY 1,'1995 -PAGE 11 Tax coalition iftosts anti -tax rally in Pickering AJAX -DICKERING — Taxpayers Coalition of Adwring and Ajax is hosting a no -more -taxes rally Wednesday, Feb. 15 at the Metro East Trade Centre in Pickering. The rally, which will be held at the Brock Road facility from 7:30 to 9:30 pm., is one of 18 the Canadian Taxpayers Federation is holding across the country to fight rumored tax increases in the upcoming federal budget. Sign tax petition at mall AJAX — You have a chance this weekend to peti- tion finance min- ister Paul Martin against increasing personal taxes in his upcoming budget The Ajax Taxpayers' Association wants people to sign its petition calling on Mr. Martin to hold the line on taxes, says co- ordinator Ralph Golberg. Residents can sign the petition at the Harwood Place Mall on Saturday, Feb. 4, from 10 a.m. to 6 pm., and Sunday, Feb. 5, from noon to 5 pm. Guest speakers include Preston Manning, leader of the Reform Party of Canada; Dave Johnson, finance critic for the Ontario Progressive Conservative party; Diane Francis, editor of the Financial Post; Jason Kenney, executive director of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation; and Linda L eatherdale, financial editor of the Toronto Sun. Representatives of the federal Liberal cau- cus, and the Ontario Liberal and New Democratic Party caucuses, have also bee invited to attend. The speeches will be followed by an open public forum. "Canadians have hit the tax wall and are in the mood for a tax scrap," says TAXCOPA spokesman Janice Frampton. '"Ibe (Jean) Chretien government is wrung Fortune Financial Group presents... FREE MUTUAL FUND FORUM Saturday, February 41h,1995 OSHAWA HOLIDAY INN - 1011 Bloor St. E. Anytime 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Meet & talk with representatives for over 200 Mutual Funds -Working Ventures -Global Strategies •GT Global -Canadian International Group -AGF Management -Dynamic Funds -BPI Capital Management -Mackenzie Financial -20/20 Group -Fidelity Investments -Trimark Investments •Templeton Management -Fortune Financial Retirement Services Time invested at our Fund Forum could be the best investment you made. Our on site tax experts & professional accountants from the firm of Stephen Sutherland and associates will be available to answer your questions. OIN,UNF ', C I A L To Reserve vourrseat Call (905) 4205725 Richard Price, Debbie Morgan, Ken Richards in thinking that taxpayers will once again rol over withcut a fight." Tickets for the event are $5, which will bt used to offset costs of the rally and nations campaign. Tickets will be available it advance at the TAXCOPA booths a Pickering Town Centre and the Harwood Place Mall on Saturday, Feb. 4 and Sunday. Feb. 5. QD_ AJAX o ORATORICAUL CONTEST FrOPTIMI Friend of Youth ST CLUB ORATORICAL CONTEST FOR ALL YOUTH IN AJAX AND PICKERING VILLAGE The OPTIMIST CLUB OF AJAX is proud to announce the Annual Optimist International Oratorical contest for Ajax and Pickering Village Youth ANDER the age of 16. The contest is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 21, 1995 at the Ajax Community Centre in the H.M.S. Ajax room - south mall. The official subject for this year's contest Is "Listen to me". Contestants must speak on the subject between four and five minutes. Scoring is based on personal qualities, material organization, delivery, presentation and overall effectiveness. First, second, and runner-up winners in each division will be awarded medallions. In addition, first place winners will be eligible for further competition in the zone and district competitions with the top prizE being a $1,500 scholarship. For more information on the contest, please co^tact Optimist Jrr. Meek - 427-6252. w • �:^ ,ya,,�„ s•w1^Rad1s:a�o�n.41�i�'�+^'9„ PAGE 12 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., FEBRUARY 1, 1995 Picture perfect Mary Bird gives her poodle Community volunteers ti get message on credibility O Annual meeting of Durham volunteer administration group takes place next week in Pickering PICKFRTrTC - Nan Finmson, exec- utive dimxoc of the Disaess Centre of Derham is guest speaker at the Annual (>elimral Meeting and Luncheon of the Durham Region Association for Voiunim Administration. Her topic is credibility of the volun- Ieer manager. The event takes place Thursday, Feb. 9 at Victorian Garden, 60 Randall Dr., Pickering Village (Ajax), from 11 a m to 2:30 p.m. Present and former members of DRAVA and guests are welcome. Cost, including lunch, is $25 per person. Registration with payment must be received before Feb. 1, with no refunds available after that date. Contact Heather Tim at Fairview Lodge, 668-5851, ext. 49, or write to 632 Dundas SL W., Box 300, Whitby, LIN 5S3. r HELP US REACH OUR GOAL Support the 19th ANNUAL. BOWL -FOR -MILLIONS February 3rd to 12th at Celebrity Lanes, Pickering Join one of our Challenges to help raise funds In support of our Little Brothers: Media Challenge ""' Mayor's Challenge Bank Challenge ""' School Challenge Business Challenge ""' Restaurant Challenge Register as an Individual or Sponsor a Bowler! Raffles, Prizes & Lots of Fun! UMBRA SHADES LTD. DURHAM NEW COUNTRY KX96 Thanks to our Lane Sponsors to date: INNOVATIVE AWARDS LAIDLAW WASTE SYSTEMS LTD. DeBOER'S FINE FURNITURE NEWS ADVERTISER MR. LUBE DIANNE GAMEK ARTIST IMMEDIATE COURIER & DELIVERY SERVICE PICKERING ESSO CAR WASH & TIGER EXPRESS For further Information, Sponsor Sheets or to Register your Team ct or Yours", contathe BIG BROTHERS ASSOCIATION OF AJAX-PICKERING, 226 Harwood Ave. S., Ste. 02, Ajax, 686-2871 Aw .�:i'�iC�°;�'i�':�sy.-;1e:.,�:N�N,y.+•pi,��m.:: •+.i.. ii4.�i�ani,4:J4-..-swV,mw.-,a....Jarati.A,1:.,:•ae�.3.w....<.::.:t �..... .. __... ... ... �.. _ . 1 r� A..;- JONES - DOOLEYFeb. INSURANCE BROKER week 0211 pop media OVER 20 YEARS item #68058 toddlers LOW HOME INSURANCE RATES booster seat reg. 17.99 sale 14.99 SAVE UP TO 35% item #69002 ride n'rest Package Policies - $200 deductible heat support regular Durham area with protection & discounts � "item sage 21.59 'item not availaaila ble for SENIORS AGE 50 & UP SAVE UP TO 500/6 the Promot1on' Sears apologizes for Appointment. • any inconvenience this may have p427-3595 .m. Westney Heights caused its 1 _ 'fwk • _ _ cuslomers. HELP US REACH OUR GOAL Support the 19th ANNUAL. BOWL -FOR -MILLIONS February 3rd to 12th at Celebrity Lanes, Pickering Join one of our Challenges to help raise funds In support of our Little Brothers: Media Challenge ""' Mayor's Challenge Bank Challenge ""' School Challenge Business Challenge ""' Restaurant Challenge Register as an Individual or Sponsor a Bowler! Raffles, Prizes & Lots of Fun! UMBRA SHADES LTD. DURHAM NEW COUNTRY KX96 Thanks to our Lane Sponsors to date: INNOVATIVE AWARDS LAIDLAW WASTE SYSTEMS LTD. DeBOER'S FINE FURNITURE NEWS ADVERTISER MR. LUBE DIANNE GAMEK ARTIST IMMEDIATE COURIER & DELIVERY SERVICE PICKERING ESSO CAR WASH & TIGER EXPRESS For further Information, Sponsor Sheets or to Register your Team ct or Yours", contathe BIG BROTHERS ASSOCIATION OF AJAX-PICKERING, 226 Harwood Ave. S., Ste. 02, Ajax, 686-2871 Aw .�:i'�iC�°;�'i�':�sy.-;1e:.,�:N�N,y.+•pi,��m.:: •+.i.. ii4.�i�ani,4:J4-..-swV,mw.-,a....Jarati.A,1:.,:•ae�.3.w....<.::.:t �..... .. __... ... ... �.. _ . 1 r� A..;- Ready to bowl for millions The Big Brothers Association of Ajax -Pickering holds its 19th annual fund-raising Bowl -For -Millions from Feb. 3 to 12 and among those getting ready to knock down some pins are, in front, Little Brother Michael Brady, in the middle from left, Brendan Loughran, Justine Nault, Erica Lada, Krista MacPherson and Doug James, and in rear, Big Brother Wally Harpur. Interested bowlers should call the Big Brothers Association at 686-2871. THENEWSADVER'f W FFBRUs;t}r},}9�S.rAGE Province provides $63,000 for -abuse cou sel�i-n ' - - g In Darhai DURHAM - Catholic Family women and their children in Durham service, and assist in getting the in Services of Durham will receive Region from ethno-cultural back- mation out to the various ethnic c( $63,000 from the Province to provide grounds who have been abused. munities. The remaining $2000) i counselling services for abused women In order to provide the best service be used to address the current wait and their children, Oshawa MPP Allan possible, Catholic Family Services of list for counselling of women who h Pilkey announced Monday. Durham is setting up an advisory com- experienced, or are experiencing, abu An annual grant of $43,000 will mittee of people from various ethnic and Catholic Family Services of Durh enable the agency to provide "cultural- cultural backgrounds. The committee is at 670 King St. E., Oshawa. Call 7. ly-sensitive" counselling services for will provide advice in developing the 3513 for more information. Take control of your retirement future! Please join Fortune Financial and Jerry White. Tk Personal Financial Expert for Global T.V.. at a T complimentary seminar designed to answer all of r your RRSP questions. Together we will review: Canada Pension Plan - A Bleak Future �► Alternative RRSP Investment Ideas Jerry White 0 95% Tax Rebate on this Year's RRSP 4 How a Financial Advisor Can Help You Achieve Your Goals �3► Pre Budget Tax and Investment Strategies + How to take full advantage of RRSP Rules and Pay Less Tax Time: �O Wednesday. February 8, 1995 - 7:30 p.m. Location: 4- Oshawa Golf and Country Club 160 AI A. S V exan tTeet, Oshawa, Ontano FORTUNE For your no cost reservation call F' N^ N C t A L (905) 428-5725 SETTING TOMORROW'S STANDARDS... TODAY Y A • v-- , i ofistr 1otr R WvwY s•ryks in ft apnahr as Atuctlormw a L40dow wo wPP sys. Uls taftubm Inventory and nwb as sac I widar wa — do ttd a Tenant Aot IMMEDIATE INVENTORY DISPOSAL SO Church Sta South, FOR SALE INFO. CALL 619-2323 _DOOR�I[tASHERS 1 per to first 20 customers A by aX Sebe" Issued Price _ $135.00 NOW ,tea. ALASKA CRUISE 1 week AUG. 22, 1995 from: $2,034.00' Cdr. p.p (cruise only) SPECIAL GROUP Departure on board Houand America Lines MS. STATTENDAM 0 PAY DEt'05rr by - Feb. 17, 1995 and save 28% ->ff reg. brochure rate. CAU. TODAY ia 905-428-1328 Reg. *2741426 I. MARSHALL TRAVEL 702 Harwood Ave. S. AJAX. ONT. .. by nM y Cyd;,; Val 11ndla Acstaurant LL&( 'Fiw. IwWe Cub:. ENJOY OUR HOMELIKE ATMOSPHERE Daly lunch Buffet Vegetartan 8 Non ian Vegetar Mon. -Sat. 11:30 - 3% p '+ �p+•9, Evarp Sunday �.9 Dinner Buffet $v Taut an ke md Est In domed 3pn - 5 pm daily Yon: TINT: 11:10 am. 10A0 pin. FrLSaL 1190 a.m. -11 �0 pm. Sunday 4:00pin. 10:00pin. 1 160 Ki goon Rd E. A n A A 7 4/ lift �JQIJIZaT z-,- loft IMerlll�a hslclude: �' hr.z AL o► CL TERMS: Payment MI Cash, Visa, Ma WCIMA Amsx. Sorry no p111 c ial chaquas. AM wM PAGE 14-A THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, FEBRUARY 1, 1"S YMCA aims to make new connections 0 Youth Employment Service needs new co-ordinator DURHAM — The YMCA Youth Employment Service is looking for a project co-ordinator for a new connections pro- gram which will create a permanent youth network. The program, funded by the Multicultural Council of Oshawa/Durham, will provide high school -aged youth the opportunity to communicate their employment needs and con- cerns on a variety of issues. Potential candidates must be interested in multiculturalism and anti -racism, between 16 and 24, unemployed and out of school for three months. Candidates with a Grade 12 diploma must be unemployed and out of school for five months. A fugal community forum in early April and a report on youth issues as they relate to multiculturalism will conclude the project. The forum will be open to community service providers. For more information about the position, call Philip Brown at 427-7670 or Lee Fraser at 668-6868. TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY Offering all insolvency services including personal & corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX: 50 Commercial Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG: 72 King SL W. 372-4744 Saturday & evening amintments availabie .lamas R. Yanch • w=AVA11 ar�l.uu.a Ia1171 $P�' DB m Relaxers (Tu a up Wash & set (WA. • a up Jamaican style Jerk =25 ""`' =12 .:: Cuisine Catering for B..�d.............. ..... ...._.06o °< all occasions F..n Herd or %V .. ..'so pay Henry FREE DELIVERY IN SA'fi,'RDAYS ONLY .�,AX & PICKERING ON You could .vin . compkle ORDERS OVER $20 lwI %e ic. FRFF. (W- k f {O11f5 ...e...,. J—luded) D"L.M. +., the .t.'r . Mondav-Friday 11 a.m.- 10 p.m. .. � _,. ,�.. i+"y`��yir+�"';R:"11F+r%!^i�?a'�Ibb%+�Ax�'Af'�10M��.�141.W."y,:�kx.wa.',.�c.ds.a•.Sa.�X�.r:,.5,:d:•yr..a�.-.r.w;:.Rita.....:..,... _.. ... ,--., k CRIME THE YEWS ADVERTISER, WED., FEBRUARY 1, 1995 -PAGE 15-A Three teens charged in rash of break-ins PICKEPJNG — Durham Regional Police have arrested three young offenders in connection with a rash of break-ins in Pickering. Police say the break-ins occurred over a span of weeks in 1994 and 1995. One 15 -year-old youth and two 16 - year -olds, all of Pickering, are facing numerous charges in connection with the break-ins. Their identities ane protected by the Young Offenders Act. ROLLER HOCKEY LEAGUE MAY 1995 NOTICE TO ADULTS 6 DIVISIONS REGISTRATION DATES FEBRUARY 4 & 5 9:00 A.M. till NOON THE RANGE 926 Dillingham Rd., Unit 3, Pickering, Ontario NEAR Don Beer Arena NO WEEKEND GAMES 1TCI{ETS V SOLD AT: THE NEWS VERTISER C _Vlassax-e Th erapv • WHU%ASH, CAR AccumwT INauRffs • WORK RELAn-D INnam • STRm REuu. REIAxAmN • Spai rs [NmRiEs • HEADACHES, M=AINES. PAIN RELIEF Registered Massage Therapists EMM MOVAM • LM EVE M3APPCOOMEMn AMLAM 90 Old Kingston Road (905) 428-7800 1601" !Win a trip to �l.ORIDA compliments of Fazio's and Oshawa Travel to for dehils � Y Ask about our "737" SPECIALS FA .10'S Osha ac. S. Police use pepper spray to subdue robbery suspectect AJAX —Durham RegionalPolice used pep- He was arrested following a robbery at small amount of cash was paned over. per spray to subdue an armed robbery suspect Pennyworth's Department Store, 41 Harwood He was arrested on Barnes Drive, a short dis- Saturday afternoon. Ave. S., around 4:10 p.m. tan ce from the store. Officers subdued the sus - The 33 -year-old man, of no fixed address, Police say a man entered the department store pect with pepper spray. was charged shortly after an Ajax department and demanded money from a store employee at fie is charged with armed robbery and store was robbed. pos- knifepoint. The man then fled on foot after a session of a dangerous weapon. PAGE t -A -'SIE NE%LV ARK>WWIS , rfP_1 fjk81tV4*x 1. iggs t-. ...::.. ..... Billiard Buzz CAW president Buzz Hargrove lines up a shot during a visit to the Lions Club of North Cichim . Th—.4— ►1. LJ....-- .-- .a-- — --� ----' - - . . . New exec for Whitby Chamber of Commerce WHITBY - Allan Faux of Victoria Green of Stanhand Ltd, Faterprises Ltd., Bruno Scanga Del ine and Toucbe is the new Bob Johnson of Real Life of Scanga and Associates and president of the Whitby Design, Bob Lawrence of Wendy Stevens of Trillium Fine Chamber of Commerce. Lawrence Consultants Inc., P&" Gifts. In a swearing-in ceremony LeBel of the Town of Whitby, The executive serves one held Thursday, Mr. Faux Joyce Marshall of Jo No Mar year. replaced outgoing president Lynn Woods of Marshall Right date for speech Macklin and Monaghan. Mr. Woods is now chairman of the local mamba. Also on the Whitby cham- ber's 1995 executive we fust via president Dutra Saroeatatt, second vice president Linda Bond of The Minacs Group, third vice president Judy Cogo of the Royal Balk and treasurtx John Pace. Chamber directors for the Yew inch Ian Berge of Robb Bakker and Bergin, Terry Fennessey of Royal LePage, on media image makers DURHAM — A story in Sunday's News Advertiser gave the incorrect date of the next meeting of the Canadian Club of Durham Region. Best-selling author, former newspaper publisher and natiion- al television and radio aommen- Nor and currant president of the National Institute for Media Studies, Arthur T. Doyle talcs Nasty note from rejected job seeker WHI'T'BY - Durham's Regional Government received an obscene Tetter at its Rossland Road head- quarters id Whitby on Jan. 25 from a person upset he wasn't hired. Using many four-letter exple- tives, the anonymous person did not sign the k aer or deliver it by mail. It's no surprise the person was passed over for a job, according to Inspector Walter Hall. "He says he had two years com- munity college experience, but he about "The Secrets of Media Image Makers" Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 6:30 p.m. at the Oshawa Holliday Inn. New members are welcome ID the meeting, which is open io everyone. For more information, call Marguerite O'Connor at 686.2535. The News Advertiser regrets the error. can't spell," Iosp. Hou said. Police are still investigating the naughty note. Shotguns stolen WHITBY - An array of shot- guns and rifles were stolen from a Whitby residence Friday night. The break and enter took place at a Lupin Drive residence at 8:30 p.m. The robbers took the rifles from a locked case. Some of the rifles were consid- ered antiques, but police don't have a total value of the stolen property. :)W W91 Better than inklets. Smaller than lasers. 0 Raven SHIM Printers Only FIVE tiCNES WIDE and completely SILENT while waiting for input The very affordable Raven SLIM printers offer -laser sharp- output while taking up less desk space than a notepad PCLI and Postscript versions available %29" veryone reads and sho s f t ..4 the News Advertiser STAR Strategic Asset Allocation A LEADING-EDGE RRSP PORTFOLIO, SELECTED FOR YOU. With Mackenzie's new STAR strategic asset allocation program, an RRSP Portfolio is scientifically selected to mea your needs. The STAR questionnaire first establishes your goals ... and how much risk you're Prepared to assume to reach them. STAR then matches your goals to one of a number of portfolios with the right mix of mutual funds, structured with the goal of building most consistently rewarding long-term RRSP investment performance. For more information on STAR from Mackenzie - and the difference The Final RRSP Frontier can make to you - pk.asc can us today at the number below. MONEY CALL JOHN PRICE t CONCEM(905) 428-0244 The Moncy Ma uScmcnu No* : Invest wisely: Important information about the STAR asset allocation program is contained in the simplified prospectuses of The Universal Funds, The Industrial Group of Funds and Ivy Funds. Obtain copies from an investment advisor and read them carefully before investing. Unit values and investment returns of each fund within your STAR portfolio are not guaranteed and will fluctuate, as will the overall market value of your STAR portfolio, reflecting changes in the value of the underlying funds. v 1 0 Raven SHIM Printers Only FIVE tiCNES WIDE and completely SILENT while waiting for input The very affordable Raven SLIM printers offer -laser sharp- output while taking up less desk space than a notepad PCLI and Postscript versions available %29" veryone reads and sho s f t ..4 the News Advertiser STAR Strategic Asset Allocation A LEADING-EDGE RRSP PORTFOLIO, SELECTED FOR YOU. With Mackenzie's new STAR strategic asset allocation program, an RRSP Portfolio is scientifically selected to mea your needs. The STAR questionnaire first establishes your goals ... and how much risk you're Prepared to assume to reach them. STAR then matches your goals to one of a number of portfolios with the right mix of mutual funds, structured with the goal of building most consistently rewarding long-term RRSP investment performance. For more information on STAR from Mackenzie - and the difference The Final RRSP Frontier can make to you - pk.asc can us today at the number below. MONEY CALL JOHN PRICE t CONCEM(905) 428-0244 The Moncy Ma uScmcnu No* : Invest wisely: Important information about the STAR asset allocation program is contained in the simplified prospectuses of The Universal Funds, The Industrial Group of Funds and Ivy Funds. Obtain copies from an investment advisor and read them carefully before investing. Unit values and investment returns of each fund within your STAR portfolio are not guaranteed and will fluctuate, as will the overall market value of your STAR portfolio, reflecting changes in the value of the underlying funds. v ♦ e.► r r r r rr r r w w w w w w ............,....., r, �. _- 14EWS'A� KrISEK, Q'E`D ; I�l�il/tRY"1; 19 5 -PAGE 17 A ASHLEY'S HOME CLEANING SERVICE ..SINCE 1988 HOME SUPERVISED &INSPECTED EMPLOYEES INSURED & BONDED ALL MATERIALS & EQUIPM PROVIDED . e • Topsoil • Sand 8 Gravel • Natural Stone • F'rerrood • Landscaping Supplies F Patios & Decks F Waterfall 8 Pond Supplies AUTHORIZED UNILOCK DEALEI BROCK RD. N. PICKERING o k2 ac t 1 ( 401 LOOKING FOR A HOBBY SHOP? • R/C CARS, BOATS, B64 BANOUET... BARRELS AIRCRAFT - IMMEDIATE DELIVERY and Courier Service Inc - immediate - Rush I - Overnight - Same Day Authorized Con;rnercial Dealer for Canada Post Corporation 427=7733 • MODELS LN Banquet Rooms (Cont'd) ® Bar Fixtures • TRAINS, ROCKETS A L BAR CENTRE Co • PAINTS Yea„... V'.N• w,!/r „r•, 4 ,.pE[.,, y, +: ..,_.v.....• :.1111•.. . �•.:., YE Or ,: •PARTS/ACCESS. .. _• [.[.•=.F E..E•�...�.{„r t...�,�,.<^,..„n�,.�. � Y•'•opO•,an fap•r• •x4114 Nn K'.: •an•�- ar/w—• • SERVICE/REPAIRS -1:7 .1111 11..11 `•. ., ••.Fv•iE 4, v'vaE:F�.rG vN-M•••w a, 71ElLRUN GOLF CouNTAr CIU/ PICKERING HOBBIES LTD M _k E-KnRSa rECFnpr< nloc•�,ccrrsu,rarra.a,.ae.E u+awrw • S•• '.•a,o, 4 x ^SOC �! Y�E C N a,• � �ypi •'M L 1271 KINGSTON RD. (W. OF LrVERPOOUyal” o ,' !s• " „e•,o 7 'o. " � .4on-.••rr•aa, u-�ME2f4212 0004S N3) Bar,,, ART ^\ ART � a•1wo-w .,• .711.03 T H O M PSO N ••RsaEwAGOLF CLUI . E • .... , ,. ,,..� .1111 Bar► ARENA vMlE J,Ea••rrprO a•Ia5 S11/ ^x01 t••••. E t Jw{..n...b ll{ 7117.33 •.. r..y r.. cr..,. c.••. SUMMER HOCKEY LEAGUE M•- •• '-- "" STARTS MAY, 1 ST. . rE• EE4r•,"CEIAG •gip S M TEAMS AND INDIVIDUALS WELCOME•• �E A�• Dear RQpN IIoDO iNN - -- 1474 Eiayly St. Pickering ..r.,.�., --- — tr1,•71 �dye rt i e o r. 839-4425 usm - Wk SWANS .MNQUETIp ­-w-ft T410m 62• ,� • TAM-NEArKA C0UNTR11 CLU/ `- *' WEDDINGS SANOUETS / BUSINESS MEETINGS EKtir.":°:•, Theirs OUR; ,�'.M� `;,�,VR fOE,. a b• .1111 a You f�CfS � a '3o rw. ---- - ---- •� J choose » w ••w w.•- •r SEI Ew,rE•-ua,Fr• .•ECEo.c •w try. y,.•a.a� E SEI ap,rf• sf,{rr •�FCEDWI. Sff .: v!•- SF cel r' ••I .k J�rG • ' 1360 Kingston Rd, Pickering MTV Cu/LaEC CLU/ - - Hub � FOur door9 f rote WEDDING RECEPTIONS 420-73991 � P MEET NGS DANCES A r r co -•,mw ..c • . , o rrca. WHY REPLACE') '^^' MM RCF MICROSYSTEMS MICRO CONSULTANTS SINCE 1976 • MULTI-USER OPERATION SYSTEM • CONSULTING • CUSTOMIZED PROGRAMMING —= — • TRAINING • DESK TOP PUBLISHING & TRAINING • DESKTOP VIDEO PRODUCTION • NETWORK INSTALLATION & TRAINING • MULTI MEDIA COMPUTING SPECIALISTS ILE LFAF CRT, WHITBY a DO YOU NEED A MAGNIFYING GLASS TO READ YOUR YELLOW PAGE DIREC TORY?11 JkWiet;imB • Information i Treatment Centres RICHARD A. O.NLEY" 11\KIIKID 1c„K 7rTA%T Twrtely Cost Ef/ectiw service I r{Y IrnttAl C,•n.ultAtk n • ,. unary( A AuakM,I 645-3013 Wa.,t•nJKa R. • E.{S.1'-E>, Fa. • r{t,{J6 Add.c .on Owreacn •.rr.•.a, •.a roe,.... 1x5-113,1 SIM - ENFOSOURCE DIPFCTOr✓ • __ - • east .• �.-�. 6Vo A7conoics Arrnymous VOWNESTERGOLFCLU/ ---- /y� /•WAV ,rr.A•�I. 7818•x80 REPMOW,•J•LaOaf r•E OOwr rl Ct•*,O[+S{•N„ES DlUNVV0O0 CARPET CLEANING CAPACITY 140 WARD MALLETTE Advertis; Direct El�54LSS Urfa Mr0,:1• [ .�aw(c CHARTERED ACC(R,NTA.YTS �' • CARPET& '"`•`° ..�« n�E...,,_.e E •Acc nuna(a %wf,ujt • Ia•ar,.r,`rrry Pail UPHOLSTERY CLEANING • in.47.<wS .,r, 1.41 ,r. I.,=W1 •,J ,E+,,.,.,n r 654757 I rand F •aw„nnA M 4<d.— c Ire,, Q7,nrn X off” S wv coS • CARPET a FABRIC GUARD ' • RESIDENTIAL a • . COMMERCIAL • GUARANTEED SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES 420-4583 iotca' 1 ,00r APPROVED 1 OF MORTGAGE CORPORATION • I'dow1y to - ke- Eyes Adrke 1ST 3 2ND MORTGAGES Residential - Commercial Loans & Lines Cd Credit Debt consolidation Equity take outs Self Employed • ••!o• 683-8241 Few: (/a) 0134M 1621•nt9ood S•, AInI OAC - Pur.hax In,r,E,AaEw.m NEE, ,,,r,•a,. E„E.Mraf• 769-34r ®BW Codkig Equipme & 9RACE9RIDGESystem HUNTSs7LLE 230 IMadteba st 2 Elio SE. 645-5215 789-4469 FIND OUT WHO SELLS IT_ AJAX/PICKERING TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ?eG�c uttk t/riac #vwre"ive- .x�cdcd �wa�aaed u44 lucc$e takcw advaKtagc e� tic maally a� tlrld .aus �ru�lteatleu. %a qtt ac t!e 6a�cdivageW eesll... ROYAL LEPAGE �illlllllllllllifillll tAEaN EefeBe services Ltd.. fteeb ' r e I Lois Weaver Sala R.PB.«nlodw Ra/kwYd Re/I Etwta S/t - 235 Bayly Strew West. Unit 8 Ala, ON LIS 3K3 CALL 683-5110 ASK FOR DIRECTORY SALES a )•, ,A fitie Foods 8.0ifis Pearson Lanes 1031/ Mary Street W. Whitby, Ontario LIN 2R4 905=430-2480 s�, by Elizabeth 'VV ,+`lr Haug l� Inexpensive Quality Gifts • Country & YICIOrtan Mice, Bunnies, Crafts 6 Accents • Scented Candles - Throw Rugs • Spices & Jams • Gourmet coffee & Tea . • Lace& Linen •Alghans, Beddngs &Accessories • Home Decorating Consultants • Folk Art • Saags & Wreaths • Wood Furnishings • Dried and SINE Flower Arrangements B•rasl 956 Dillingham Rd., Pickering 839-6333 f TOWING t& RECOVERY IMMEDIATE SERVICE 15% OFF \YOUR NEXT '70W _ • M1Gi:LBaB • 6ENt$iA( Rr_PAIF78 • ALL MATES 6 MI10” JyA-p�� ��Jp ��'►�J�p.� 12, McMASTEI� A,►�_ • CLNAR FOLK -STAR JAN[TORLA1. SFR%7CE.S FI lid \II I RL IE.%%I":♦IED. - U.0 i �IOH 11 %%I it OR[ \1 ,! R\ R I • I:1O.%kA4 %LnYE1L F. L LE_%m-m. FT (K)OR %F Oil 1 W: A, w F:T-LI N,N • XH:H <IF F.D FT./N7R 1, H,L%lillm. • l'ARI•E'r .TF \N CLE\\I�/: . W INll 7v\ CI E:NI%4. • Cillo "I RI ( TI0N CI.kA%-L n • Rt.VDYGRR0LL (905)683.9(.06 . /,f-�FAr L\FIkMH RCF ILW ♦ t AUTO DOC �' • DISCOUNT TO CAA MEMKR5 • REP"ISTO MOST DOMESTIC & IMPORTED CARS a TRIuCKS • PROPANE SERVICE 4rr� • WRITTEN GUARANTEE 'L iL E•, with A SmideP Vii" I FR EE LOCAL TOWING 201FEir URN 15 •AJAX R6MW FIRST �" r aur YARY ROY 905-831-0 9o5_s�s_3��n B7Z00K1li1'7C-'W,—\�0N PHOTOGRAPHY 641461- DISC JOCKEY SERVICE 1%Or— MUSIC FROM BIG BANDS ACCOUNTANTS • WEDDINGS • PORTRAITS • BOUDOIR MOBIIN-HOME 687.5883 nu. ,.. a•x..,{. 645-3021 :c on Gimgr,c" Newe John R 91",geEd . V. 645-5255 , e .. ,.•+... 789-7601 ,L Onley. R,chard A 789-7890 s ra m. a ac.c• o• 645.3013 789-0055 Turrbu' A'ar 762.3214 789-2921 nestcon Clark •• -. 4 + . or 645-1692 a DO YOU NEED A MAGNIFYING GLASS TO READ YOUR YELLOW PAGE DIREC TORY?11 JkWiet;imB • Information i Treatment Centres RICHARD A. O.NLEY" 11\KIIKID 1c„K 7rTA%T Twrtely Cost Ef/ectiw service I r{Y IrnttAl C,•n.ultAtk n • ,. unary( A AuakM,I 645-3013 Wa.,t•nJKa R. • E.{S.1'-E>, Fa. • r{t,{J6 Add.c .on Owreacn •.rr.•.a, •.a roe,.... 1x5-113,1 SIM - ENFOSOURCE DIPFCTOr✓ • __ - • east .• �.-�. 6Vo A7conoics Arrnymous VOWNESTERGOLFCLU/ ---- /y� /•WAV ,rr.A•�I. 7818•x80 REPMOW,•J•LaOaf r•E OOwr rl Ct•*,O[+S{•N„ES DlUNVV0O0 CARPET CLEANING CAPACITY 140 WARD MALLETTE Advertis; Direct El�54LSS Urfa Mr0,:1• [ .�aw(c CHARTERED ACC(R,NTA.YTS �' • CARPET& '"`•`° ..�« n�E...,,_.e E •Acc nuna(a %wf,ujt • Ia•ar,.r,`rrry Pail UPHOLSTERY CLEANING • in.47.<wS .,r, 1.41 ,r. I.,=W1 •,J ,E+,,.,.,n r 654757 I rand F •aw„nnA M 4<d.— c Ire,, Q7,nrn X off” S wv coS • CARPET a FABRIC GUARD ' • RESIDENTIAL a • . COMMERCIAL • GUARANTEED SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES 420-4583 iotca' 1 ,00r APPROVED 1 OF MORTGAGE CORPORATION • I'dow1y to - ke- Eyes Adrke 1ST 3 2ND MORTGAGES Residential - Commercial Loans & Lines Cd Credit Debt consolidation Equity take outs Self Employed • ••!o• 683-8241 Few: (/a) 0134M 1621•nt9ood S•, AInI OAC - Pur.hax In,r,E,AaEw.m NEE, ,,,r,•a,. E„E.Mraf• 769-34r ®BW Codkig Equipme & 9RACE9RIDGESystem HUNTSs7LLE 230 IMadteba st 2 Elio SE. 645-5215 789-4469 FIND OUT WHO SELLS IT_ AJAX/PICKERING TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ?eG�c uttk t/riac #vwre"ive- .x�cdcd �wa�aaed u44 lucc$e takcw advaKtagc e� tic maally a� tlrld .aus �ru�lteatleu. %a qtt ac t!e 6a�cdivageW eesll... ROYAL LEPAGE �illlllllllllllifillll tAEaN EefeBe services Ltd.. fteeb ' r e I Lois Weaver Sala R.PB.«nlodw Ra/kwYd Re/I Etwta S/t - 235 Bayly Strew West. Unit 8 Ala, ON LIS 3K3 CALL 683-5110 ASK FOR DIRECTORY SALES a )•, ,A fitie Foods 8.0ifis Pearson Lanes 1031/ Mary Street W. Whitby, Ontario LIN 2R4 905=430-2480 s�, by Elizabeth 'VV ,+`lr Haug l� Inexpensive Quality Gifts • Country & YICIOrtan Mice, Bunnies, Crafts 6 Accents • Scented Candles - Throw Rugs • Spices & Jams • Gourmet coffee & Tea . • Lace& Linen •Alghans, Beddngs &Accessories • Home Decorating Consultants • Folk Art • Saags & Wreaths • Wood Furnishings • Dried and SINE Flower Arrangements B•rasl 956 Dillingham Rd., Pickering 839-6333 f TOWING t& RECOVERY IMMEDIATE SERVICE 15% OFF \YOUR NEXT '70W _ • M1Gi:LBaB • 6ENt$iA( Rr_PAIF78 • ALL MATES 6 MI10” JyA-p�� ��Jp ��'►�J�p.� 12, McMASTEI� A,►�_ • CLNAR FOLK -STAR JAN[TORLA1. SFR%7CE.S FI lid \II I RL IE.%%I":♦IED. - U.0 i �IOH 11 %%I it OR[ \1 ,! R\ R I • I:1O.%kA4 %LnYE1L F. L LE_%m-m. FT (K)OR %F Oil 1 W: A, w F:T-LI N,N • XH:H <IF F.D FT./N7R 1, H,L%lillm. • l'ARI•E'r .TF \N CLE\\I�/: . W INll 7v\ CI E:NI%4. • Cillo "I RI ( TI0N CI.kA%-L n • Rt.VDYGRR0LL (905)683.9(.06 . /,f-�FAr L\FIkMH RCF ILW ♦ t AUTO DOC �' • DISCOUNT TO CAA MEMKR5 • REP"ISTO MOST DOMESTIC & IMPORTED CARS a TRIuCKS • PROPANE SERVICE 4rr� • WRITTEN GUARANTEE 'L iL E•, with A SmideP Vii" I FR EE LOCAL TOWING 201FEir URN 15 •AJAX R6MW FIRST �" r aur YARY ROY 905-831-0 9o5_s�s_3��n B7Z00K1li1'7C-'W,—\�0N PHOTOGRAPHY 641461- DISC JOCKEY SERVICE 1%Or— MUSIC FROM BIG BANDS itTO PRESENT DAY • WEDDINGS • PORTRAITS • BOUDOIR MOBIIN-HOME SERVICE 428=8767 PAGE ii -A•'1 HE Nle ADVEISER,D, FBRU1, It99'5 Entertainment Young singers dream in technicalor AJAX-PICKERING — Three area youth choirs vied yesterday for a chance to share the stage with for- mer teen idol Donny Osmond. The Young Singers of Ajax, the Duffin's Bay Chorus of Ajax and Pickering's Pine Ridge Community Children's Choir were among troupes competing at the Pantages Theatre in Toronto in the semi- finals of a search for choirs to appear in the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat from May 31 to the Labor Day weekend at the O'Keefe Centre. Of the 32 choirs competing last night about 15 will be selected for the finals on Feb. 28 and four will German A Hungarian Cuisine BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE j6— Sun. Brunch 10:30-2:30 Tues. -Fri. 11:30-2:30 & 5-10 p.m. Sat. 5-10 p.m. Sun. 10:30-9:00 .Located in the Courtyard of Pickering 'Village 109 Old Win Rd.., AfaX (905) 427-6760 Serving Your Favourite Imported Beer• i Pub Grub t -y iike �itcsic �hurs- �hru .+r►unlu0 683-9353 109 Old Kingston Rd. IN THE COURTYARD (PICKERING VILLAGE) Calling all night clubs, restaurants and entertainment destinations! ill Atot xxtlerri 44 writ fit-, Ajax 683 -SM ENGLISH FREl1ITER LEAGUE LAW via sasearse Sat., Foe& 4th - 10 atlas. NOT7S FOREST vs. LIVERPOOL . $5 cover 9f1E NATIONAL 5 NATIONS RUGBY Sat., Feb. 4th - 12 noon ENGLAND vs. FRANCE $5 cower APPEARING LIVE Fri., Feb. 3rd R Sat., Feb. 4th FLIM. COUNT IRA BES BAND 9 p.,m l a.m. be chosen for the show. Choral challenge co-ordinator Margaret Livingston notes the final four choirs will be split into two groups of 46 and each group will perform four times a week. Young Singers of Ajax director Anna Lynn Murphy reports choirs selected have a significant role in the play. "There's a fair amount of stage work. It's not just a little appearance. They appear at the beginning, middle and end of the play." Each child in the four selected choirs will receive a $50 a week to cover expenses on top of meals, chaperones, transportation and cos- tumes, which are provided. t1t1 t1 91k 7 IF WIh T T TIN%& ■ ■■MIN ■■■ I ■A■■ ■ ' ■ ■ IMI■ ■ ■ ■ I v ' ■ ■ ■ r ■ ■ ■ I■ I ■ ■ Ir ■ 1 EES ■1 , ■ ■ ■ I■■ ■ ■ I ■'/ ■■ NJ V 1 ■ Z A- <J AJ Al Excellence in Computer Training MICROSOFT WINDOWS MICROSOFT WORD FOR WINDOWS MICROSOFT EXCEL FOR WINDOWS LOTUS 1-2-3 FOR WINDOWS WORDPERFECT FOR WINDOWS LEARN AND IMPROVE YOUR COMPU'T'ER SKILLS WrIMIN A WEEK FREE COUNSELLING AVAILABLE COURSES START FEBRUARY 4, 1995 +r xt u t E turopean f labour of Zoe Tourtgarb JJuh It's more than just an English Pub. that day the response to the place has popular is Friday nights featuring curry In fact it's more like an English, Irish, been fantastic. dishes prepared for the pub by a local Scottish. German Pub and that's exactly Extensive renovations were done to the resident who hails from Bombay, India, what owner Loo Smyth wanted. 72 seat pub which also boasts a patio Of course, everyday you can enjoy `It's a pub for everyone and what we during the wanner months which also traditional British fare which includes have done is create an European style pub serves 72 in an outdoor setting. Steak and Kidney Pic. Scotch Meat Pie where customers feel relaxed and have a "People really love the atmosphere and Shepherds Pie as well as good time." here." explains Leo. "You can conic for Ploughman's Lunda. One look around and you can see an intim drink with a special person or There are also daily specials memorabilia from Britain and Europe and a night of revelry with family and reasonably priced at $4,95. on tap arc 13 different drafts including friends." "People come from all over to the ones from England. Scotland, Ireland. Monday is darts night downstairs at the pub says Leo. "While some are from the Germany and even one from Australia pub and from Thursday to Sunday you neighborhood, others come from Oshawa Of course there's also many brands of can enjoy the talents of AI Matthews, a and Toronto." bottled domestic beer available. regular visitor to the Courtyard Pub. Also The Courtyard Pub is open Monday to Located at 109 Old Kingston Rd. in from time to time other special guests Shy l l a.m. to I am. and on Sunday Pickering Village, The Courtyard Pub entertain the crowd. from 11:30 a.m. to I a.m. For more opened on St. Patrick's Day and since One night that has become very information call 6113-9353. ttmri 4.4: 'Iso Smyth pours out a cold one fnae a SmithW1Ck's tap. Wkwa t drafts he has on tap at The Courtyard Pub. �lt.`M':?ti li w �'�"M�� i`ii'"�R"IF"•� 'CItT�w, ifr7,C ' ,: � VA. the 13 • Phone: (905) 509-6131 Fax: (905) 509-6133 345 Kingston Road, Suite 103 Pickering, Ontario L1V 1A1 10 Office Hours: Monday -Friday 4 pm -10 pm Saturday 9 am - 12 noon FEED A FAMILY OF FOUR Only 1 3 99 I ndudes 4 reg. burgers, 4 small fries, 4 16 oz. soft -drinks & 4 sundaes. No Coupon Rosquired 1 1 250 Gayly St. W. an Ajax Ra,a 'em fryie:l P(x1I and Pub Billiards and Entertainment • Full menu until 3 ata • Open 7 days a week • Break the office party nit. cue up a mat tun at Rat:k'cm up' •Shuf ICNard. P—stx)p, darts. TV (905) 619-9881 20 Bayry SL unit 20 (McKetvle P6vA.1 •l '89-99 GET A MOM BUFF" � In NITER FOR... Valid Mo Mel C=n* I coupon par to not tPromort baton not available on pickupo�deism ry 375 Kkillown Rd. (at RaugsnWNMq 509-9876 COUPON _ — O"t to pMa fns. fns Riggh school students can learn first-hand lvI —Senior high school students horn the Durham d of Education will learn first-hand about suturing a and placing a broken limb in a cast during an upcoming rear day. The event, slated to take place Why, Feb. 22, will (e students an opportunity to learn about high-tech and com- inity health careers. It is being co-sponsored by Durham ,liege and Oshawa C -al Hospital (OGH). Claremont T 4 SEASONS COUNTRY CLUB VALENTINE'S r j WINE - DANCE - DINNER PARTY T • By the Flickering Fireplace • LIVE BAND SAT-FEB-11/95 t 8:30 - 1:00 A.M. •rser Y i Ph. for reservations � f s 649-2436 x� $3000 x Fy: PW droit �flflfll I Wi Lamm 1W 25 pounds and now has more energq N heap op loilh her hechc law prachce -800 230 -TINNY Pickering 831-6160 Students from Grades 11, 12 and OAC will take part in two half-day sessions. The fust will deal with high-tech health -cane cancers and will take place at OGH. There, professional staff will introduce students to a variety of career opportunities. Dr. Kevin Tyber OPTOMETRIST • Dispensing of contact lenses and glasses • Evening and Saturday appointments available - Complete Family Eye Care 427-4144 15 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Wheekh i (between Hwy. 401 & No. 2) Acce"bw THE IVF,V}'S A,DV�JtTIS", r,�]P ,FEfUAItY 1, 1995 -PAGE 19-A about health careers The second session, dealing with community-based health- care careers, will take place at Durham College, where students will rotate through three workshops. Healthcare professionals will discuss their carders and answer students' questions drmng a panel discussion. 74 KING ST. W. OSHAWA r GROUND ,COFFEE 1. 1"S Knob HiR Farms "THE FOOD TERMINAL" 1#1 WERE WORKING HARD TO HELP YOU CUT YOUR FOOD BILL.' Save Money on Meats, Fresh Produce, and Groceries! - .1 MT. r.Txd . . . SHOULDER & BLADE STEI KS ---u mmff Z -c ----- IMOUTHWASH L-- ="=`=====--- �'�t•.�' .. ear..k;:'.:b�dr,'�, .n: �*'������4AIM"wr ��ur'�K"iu�L �'+a`{k.�'f �1i't�.:x:,.a.��w. w��n+.+.ww wr+Y�•�a+•a: v :`�w e•i:'a5,4vi."lara�:�ea.:.� .. .. .. -- .. �• ,{� " 'N FRESH NEVER FROZEN F L G OF POR WHOLE OR HALF NO CENTRE STEAKS REMOVED 2.18 kg ONE asm aFEM7 LOW The 14mmmmum molar 41�1/V PRICE Promise 4L� of Pork fP�c'lulel: �' LB PFt000C f OF ONTARIO PRODUCT OF ONTARIO FRESH PRODUL? OF O TAFOO FRESH NEVER FROZEN NEVER FROZEN SHAMa-ESS PICNICM FRESH NEVER FROZEN PRODUCT OF CANADA PORK BUTT SIIOl1 DER �� ��ULDER FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN R AKS<39■g LS 2te RK HOCKS PORK SME Rigs 1 t 7d kg LB / 3 95 kp LB PRODUCT OF U S A PARSLEY ARGE ORIGINAL BUNCH I CEREAL 1 Men= r— i�ooasc� IMMM -GRAM 1 BARS L_ -- --- 'Ir DAD'S COOKIES 1 41w1•wew I LARGE SIZE COCONUTS CELLO WRAPPED • ffi�v A PRODUCr0F LIMES &jJVPRC=(�� RmTARGE SIZE ExTRA LARGE 32s' � �� -ooesc� -- I 1 •FROG L PS 1 1 YlI01l AiTItI M>•M -FROM.O. B E��1�T��1\TAC .64 kg 5 LB. lzffr 71 - FOR La PRODUCT OF PRooU F OF „ s A. OF c -a a!C, YAMS -B 979 t;, GINGER a 39 a7 LB 439.E 9 • PRODUCT OF U S A • at GRADE • LARGE SIZE ' ! A • va 'M► WASHED i TRYED SPINACH • GREEN ONIONS •RED RADISHES MEM o*t NIAMc-H JIMUM OCH 1"25 PAGE 21-A i PAGE 22, -THE 1!ilEVV9 AI�vEgCl .» EI?.,.�'�$ii't� i 1, I914.S� SPOR----------------_------- TS Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 BEER i MANE AT 1/2 TW RETAIL C09T v►10eE 5 ettteuTE omma yrs -- - wEtCOaE THE NEWT KEA SHOP 1211 Uino�ton Rd (Just WW a U"rpool) 1s1e Pkkwinq �W�� Trogans''grbad g sets sights s o n NFL ANTAMENORWORLANAMN C] Football star signs Alphonso says he was told by than other recruits, they say I can pretty Bowling Green team officials he could much fit into either the defence or the With U.S. university be playing either an offensive or defen- offence. If all goes well, I'll he starting REGISTRATION By AL RIVETT sive role with the Falcons next season. in my second year there." SPORTS Ri PORTER While they believe hes mature enough The Falcons play in the National to start in his freshman year at the uni- Collegiate Athletic Association Mid - AJAX — An all-star football plaver versity, he may decide to wait a year America Conference at the top division I 1995 . , with the Pickering High School Trojans before making his debut on the field. level. Alphonso plans to study commua S- in 1994 will sign a letter of intent today "Bec:)use 1 m physically more mature nications at Bowling Green. to play south of the border next year. Terrance Alphonso, an outstanding outside linebacker and tight end with the Trojans last fall, signed on for a full ath- letic scholarship with Bowling Green University in Ohio. -'I feel great," sacs the 6'6", 231 - pound Ajax resident. 'It's a great univer- sity and Fm very happy to have the opportunity to play in the States. It's one of the best schools in the Mid-America Conference. I wanted to play in the States so I can go on to the NFL some- day... Moreover, Alphonso notes the prospect of going to a smaller university with a good football program definitely %waved him in the direction of Bowling Green. " I wanted to go to a smaller school. In a big school I might get lost in the shuf- t1e. It's more of a family atmosphere there,'* he says. Alphonso was recruited by Mike Faragelli, the offensive co-ordinator with the Bowling Green University Falcons who recently signed on as head coach of the Canadian Football League's Toronto Argonauts. "We spoke a lot," says Alphonso. "He's been recruiting me since last year. He came to the school and to me house last week. Coach Faragelli has been great. 1 kind of hate to see him go to the Argos... Bowling Green was not the only American university vying for the ser- vices of Alphonso. Twenty-four other schools recruited the talented 20-vear- old including Syracuse. Michigan State. Indiana and the University of Pittsburgh. v HOCKEY Traded Panther returns to haunt former team PICKERING — A former Pickering Panther, now with the Thornhill Thunderbirds, came back to haunt his old team in Metro Junior `A' Hockey League play at the Pickering Recreation Complex Sunday. Former Panth captain ] Govedaris, who was traded along with defenceman Joi Juhola to Thornhill last month, scored a goal and added an assist to lead the Thunderbirds to a 5-2 victory over the Panthers. After a scoreless first period, the Thunderbirds broke out to a 3-2 lead after the middle stanza. Thornhill added two more goals, including an empty -net marker, to settle the issue in the final frame. Mike Tilson and Jason Reed scored for the Panthers, with assists to Jeff Ranich, Scott Lewin, John Gallagher and 4ndrew Mayeda. John Barber took the loss in goal for the Panthers, facing 30 shots. The Panthers' league record drops to 8-28-1 for 17 points. Pickering is last in the league's Bauer Division, I I points behind sixth-place North York Rangers. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1995 10:30 A.M. TO 1:30 P.M. AT AJAX WARRIORS CLUBHOUSE (ACCEW FROM REAR OF AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE) 683-0706 COST: T BALL $7500 ROOKIE BALL $8000 ALL OTHER DIVISIONS $85" TTENTION JAX SPARTANS T BALL MINOR (Cftm wb a IN9 birth dale - aged 6 at Dec. 31,1995) wit play h the 1995 ASMBA season oontilgerll upon: • sufficient diamond spat j sufficient number of managaskowhes a • sufficient player regi*ation, and - I neansmy due to diamond spat reekictions, T flaI Minors an wiling to play some or an gams Saturday momings PICKERING SOCCER CLUB -AN O' will be holding registrations for the 1995 Summer season on Saturday, February 4,1995 Saturday, February 18, 1995 ',,Saturday, March 4, 1995 — ��•': 9-011 a_m- to I In m AT TIE MfaRM f M1111M COIIirM ON TIE IlM'ER IEYO, %aagt im timbtinevtrisIrearnisc*v w*01pM tANtofa�er tisk NaMen�ini uk� e�Yriq. ANYONE INMESTED IN SPONSORING A TEAM, PLEASE CONTACT MARI BLAIR AT II39.4M. WE NEED YOU!! N YOU ARE INTERESTEI) IN PLAYING REP, PLEASE CALL; BOYS GIRLS Ul a Imes 83,-0294 1912-DmCamo UIW* Dalt: 831-9156 P BEER i MANE AT 1/2 TW RETAIL C09T v►10eE 5 ettteuTE omma yrs -- - wEtCOaE THE NEWT KEA SHOP 1211 Uino�ton Rd (Just WW a U"rpool) 1s1e Pkkwinq �W�� Trogans''grbad g sets sights s o n NFL ANTAMENORWORLANAMN C] Football star signs Alphonso says he was told by than other recruits, they say I can pretty Bowling Green team officials he could much fit into either the defence or the With U.S. university be playing either an offensive or defen- offence. If all goes well, I'll he starting REGISTRATION By AL RIVETT sive role with the Falcons next season. in my second year there." SPORTS Ri PORTER While they believe hes mature enough The Falcons play in the National to start in his freshman year at the uni- Collegiate Athletic Association Mid - AJAX — An all-star football plaver versity, he may decide to wait a year America Conference at the top division I 1995 . , with the Pickering High School Trojans before making his debut on the field. level. Alphonso plans to study commua S- in 1994 will sign a letter of intent today "Bec:)use 1 m physically more mature nications at Bowling Green. to play south of the border next year. Terrance Alphonso, an outstanding outside linebacker and tight end with the Trojans last fall, signed on for a full ath- letic scholarship with Bowling Green University in Ohio. -'I feel great," sacs the 6'6", 231 - pound Ajax resident. 'It's a great univer- sity and Fm very happy to have the opportunity to play in the States. It's one of the best schools in the Mid-America Conference. I wanted to play in the States so I can go on to the NFL some- day... Moreover, Alphonso notes the prospect of going to a smaller university with a good football program definitely %waved him in the direction of Bowling Green. " I wanted to go to a smaller school. In a big school I might get lost in the shuf- t1e. It's more of a family atmosphere there,'* he says. Alphonso was recruited by Mike Faragelli, the offensive co-ordinator with the Bowling Green University Falcons who recently signed on as head coach of the Canadian Football League's Toronto Argonauts. "We spoke a lot," says Alphonso. "He's been recruiting me since last year. He came to the school and to me house last week. Coach Faragelli has been great. 1 kind of hate to see him go to the Argos... Bowling Green was not the only American university vying for the ser- vices of Alphonso. Twenty-four other schools recruited the talented 20-vear- old including Syracuse. Michigan State. Indiana and the University of Pittsburgh. v HOCKEY Traded Panther returns to haunt former team PICKERING — A former Pickering Panther, now with the Thornhill Thunderbirds, came back to haunt his old team in Metro Junior `A' Hockey League play at the Pickering Recreation Complex Sunday. Former Panth captain ] Govedaris, who was traded along with defenceman Joi Juhola to Thornhill last month, scored a goal and added an assist to lead the Thunderbirds to a 5-2 victory over the Panthers. After a scoreless first period, the Thunderbirds broke out to a 3-2 lead after the middle stanza. Thornhill added two more goals, including an empty -net marker, to settle the issue in the final frame. Mike Tilson and Jason Reed scored for the Panthers, with assists to Jeff Ranich, Scott Lewin, John Gallagher and 4ndrew Mayeda. John Barber took the loss in goal for the Panthers, facing 30 shots. The Panthers' league record drops to 8-28-1 for 17 points. Pickering is last in the league's Bauer Division, I I points behind sixth-place North York Rangers. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4. 1995 10:30 A.M. TO 1:30 P.M. AT AJAX WARRIORS CLUBHOUSE (ACCEW FROM REAR OF AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE) 683-0706 COST: T BALL $7500 ROOKIE BALL $8000 ALL OTHER DIVISIONS $85" TTENTION JAX SPARTANS T BALL MINOR (Cftm wb a IN9 birth dale - aged 6 at Dec. 31,1995) wit play h the 1995 ASMBA season oontilgerll upon: • sufficient diamond spat j sufficient number of managaskowhes a • sufficient player regi*ation, and - I neansmy due to diamond spat reekictions, T flaI Minors an wiling to play some or an gams Saturday momings PICKERING SOCCER CLUB -AN O' will be holding registrations for the 1995 Summer season on Saturday, February 4,1995 Saturday, February 18, 1995 ',,Saturday, March 4, 1995 — ��•': 9-011 a_m- to I In m AT TIE MfaRM f M1111M COIIirM ON TIE IlM'ER IEYO, %aagt im timbtinevtrisIrearnisc*v w*01pM tANtofa�er tisk NaMen�ini uk� e�Yriq. ANYONE INMESTED IN SPONSORING A TEAM, PLEASE CONTACT MARI BLAIR AT II39.4M. WE NEED YOU!! N YOU ARE INTERESTEI) IN PLAYING REP, PLEASE CALL; BOYS GIRLS Ul a Imes 83,-0294 1912-DmCamo UIW* Dalt: 831-9156 U11 Dante ilffles 8398294 U11 -Bob Tarm 4�•6p18 U11 -Joe ftw U13, M P66 1-906649.2518 U15,ie8 skm 839.2346 UI3AWda 427-5)41 U114D0o 831-4415 U14C*AbeMAy 416755)-8271 UI6 M Towles 839-3003 FapTg0trb0paW AtSWN .Sale* Fft" 4,1995 ICIM tame Antuel Cup Dana Used soccer et *meat s being on June A IN5, hduring "TR8A* calected atUse Registralotns b Bernd b well be a-Akie at RegishAm for needy d inin in Zambia. Donations $25.00 per wiple. W be Waal* a mepted. r1 ..?.5i...y:?LS+.`��"i......, '., .. •:,-oJ.i• hay:+�:SY:'++n''�1M.'sr?'�r�Yr'i±'MYi`S; �k'lk?kd'`GK"K*:�"4Ii» ^'� ^�'f.'�5'�' "�%tl�eJC:i..+4i`.3o' lC.lw'3l•rCe'M. @e as�ir;yp�y@,r'N�� '+i,�,;'.'..... ,., .... .., w --_ Jews Advertiser 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, LIS 2H5 683=0707 Fax 683-7363 TORONTO SCHOOL OF BUSINESS OSHAWA CAMPUS picene yourself in an exciting new careers N a if happen in ar tilde as fix monis._ and'A all besirs with one phone cal. every Combined Pressrun of 122,800 every Wednesday P4 CDIMGMSSnWNFW Courses starting now: r B • Programmer Analyst • Computer Maintenance Technology • LAN Systems Technology • Office Administration i a • 'Micro Computers and Business Applications • Computerized Accounting • Word Processing 434 560 King St. West 8585 OSHAWA ' The Island Plaza .—Cifll � � s tp,�,. VICTORIA - COQUITLAM - ,kW01LW.. - S:JRaAe�r - S,;SKY - EDMONTON - SA.SUTOON V WMNPEG • HAMILTON • MSSISSN" - TORONTO - NORTH `M . SCARBOROUGH - OSHAWA - KINGSTON - OTTAWA - MONTREAL carm in . LAVAL • LONGUEUIL - QUEBEC - HALiFAx C01 Career Devetopnxultt MrsbOAlS Ltd Choose From Our Exciting Career Options: /Legal liecretan/p Hotel a Aem::ntr tiem Medrol office Restaurant �(� AridrR Marpgemenit 1{�.� W01d1 weoes ': ehairside Jr7`�l� lRocsirs .;.mations AwAsrt CmepMer hop a ` =Travel i Saw titanic Tdi16 a CaNrpMen Secretary I . If you are 45 yarn d ase a older and rerettdy laid of you wy quaify for training asidance frim the provincial pint aced • Firsaclal AtsMme may be Avaiable • Pe Empleyeuat Radians Training Will Teach You How to Get a Mob Not all courses available at all campuses. UMT Yotm Oculi WIXOM eft small mount of rebrhay FREE trainig. tCd �it (905) 6199--2622 or Voice tel (416)331-9056 BASIC $30.00 RE -CERT 520.00 CALL 686.452 TORN School of Business I I t r OshawdWhiby This Weak is looking for tele - marketers who want to work on a part time basis soling features for the real estate and automo- tive sections. Candidates must possess excellent telephone skills. Previous telemarketing experience neces- sary. Candidates must be able to work indepen- dently and possess creativity and initiative. Hourly wage + coramisdon! Please send resume to: titin Fsltelaw►oap tiff., Oa60w4t, out., LIN 711165 "W N. Los 110 General Help Durham's Entertainment Authority is looking for a full-time, motivated sales representative who needs more than the average 9-5 routine. Backbeat needs someone who has experience in the entertainment and/or advertising . and marketing environments; and also someone who's not afraid to have fun and go places. Send resumes to: 130 Commercial Ave. Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 or fax to: (905) 683-7363 Slid or 41h grant. Must bye able b use ACCPAC,Lohn , Woordperfed,sofMmre and prepare frlen- cal statements. 6 month corttrad position with potential for pemwlent en byrrent. Applywith Flo 8 7114 Osheas This Wook P.O. Box 481 Ls HwR Sat AJAX GE ERAL MANAGER I MACH Ill $56 - $65 K Newly, ceded position now amiable for a m*n1od s ti dM IN b mrupe a NO q s ft machm a lool fitting op - will matapa deg 15+. Previous module shop ax - F . r a mud.;: ginrirg diploma Mfphd. Fax resume to: Geri Graham (soy) 931-4922 Graham Person not Services ltd NEED EXTRA CASH Laced" "atn atlt�it In a movie Paid Cash Dally Earn up to $30,000 3 months fhsfling salmon. Also construction, can- neries, oil fields, plus more. Call 7 days 1-b04.6/6-IS13 etd.100K-01, inns ooa a ext owaaehs Top watily Pa �d r�duab hom bw locates. Myoma Can do k. Cao and sample our product Please calf Fbwrloe e1905,011-00117. CALL Today. start tornor- row. TelemrkeMs wanted for rapidly expmxkV turn. Our 25 posiYors avaibble. Guaranteed hourly YaW p1lue bonuses. 2 shdb available. Ambitious people creed onty apply. Ph" 433-9ees. EARN tilt From hoar. Free ink package. Send S.A.S.E. to •113-8 Midbwn Dr.. Oshawa. Ont LIJ 81.2 EASY INCOYL Work form home, for free inrarmatbn send S.A.S.E. to P.O. Box 31056,47S Weelney Rd.Alax Ontario, LIT-3HO 1?9,$-1pAGE P -A, CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE We currently have a vacancy for an experienced CUSTOMER Service Representative. The successful candidate will possess 3-5 years experience in a sales order desk function in a anufactunrlg environment. MW responsibilities w+Il include dealing with distnbuton and direct CUSTOMERS in a proactrye selling manner, order entry, plant work order generation and order expediting. Other assets could include knowledge of PC usage and productive scheduling expenence. ACCOUNTING CLERK Part-time position available 2-3 days per week The successful candidate will have experience In customer boiling and all accounting functions up b tnal balance. PC spreadsheet and word processing capabilities is a strong requirement. Please send resume to - IN UNISTRUT CANADA LIMITED 585 FINLEY AVE AJAX, ONTARIO LIS 2E4 rRC WTZN 1C YOUTH SERVICES YOUTH & rAKILY COUNSZLLOR (Contract Position -5 =the) Full -Time Counsellor (Therapist) required to provide the following: ' Assessments Individual. Family, Group Therapy as req'd Back-up Case Management Successful applicant must possess a Post - Secondary degree (preferably at a Master's level) in one of the Social Services with a minimum of two (2) year's experience with adolescents and their families. Applicants most be avail. for evening hrs. Send applications prior to February 15, 1995 to: E. Craw Xneciative Director 1lzoateaec Youth services 1150 sfiacoe tat. S Oshawa, cat . xam SLS OLIN ttELILS WANT "a NOW— De you mra - 11I y on tho phot»? Our lisle -survey room offers a no pressure enWonmerd with absolutely no sales quotas and more fun than a job should be. We have %wanted hourly pay whetter you work hA or pert time. Choose your own hours 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. or 5.9 p.m. You're never seen ad- vancement potential like Mtis position to fill... Dont delay ... caY today and schedule an in- terview b change your future. CM LON19 430,75=09 RMISJOTHMANST Needed in Pickering for growing rehab chain. • Full benefit package • Modern office • State' of the art equip. • Full time • No evenings Fax - ism - to. - (416) 740.5359 PAGE24-A-THE NEWS ADYERTIll WED, FEBRUARY 1, 4"S 100 Careers 100 1 1 Put rommF in the picture with proven career training from OBC C,,Business-Medical •Legal •Specialty programs • • • • Enrol now for a February start - - Financial assistance may be available • 54 ('entre titn-rt \. -=OBC 576-9175 ll IIRR) B( 11.1E.1J (ULLL6L -.100 Quattro Pro (Windows) Feb.l5-Mar. 22 : ,_ ^O 'rhe 39 noun PCr C,Dl will Cover Vlbrlaheefs. Notebooks. Moth unctions. Database A iolyas. Graptres and Macros. Paradox (Windows) Feb. 16 -Mor. 23 n 39 r,ah,s Pornapa^'s will cerci Dolobase Desil Dil Entry and -dC" Sortwhp and Indexrhp. Reports and Lobets. Farm and Irttroduclory Pr�� Retail Marlogerrwnt March 6 - April 26 aV the end of T6 Drograr- Port oonts will have dervisill key r'honagernent skits and vvri be on 'het way to devglaping a cor prehenil txsness Pion for their porticulor business They will have oeMebped inportant anplytiCd skills as part of their training. RfNad Front -lire Servico MaY 1 - May 29 ndN"duou a-*enl "vs Dra9•C•^ win leorr now fa handle clstor+ers and c0r-Vkr1l h Drotess,onatti and e' ec•very and w it develop skills or -*owing areas eau,nng imDrover-,ll• ^rhe worxa ace staff OFFIC1Fjs for HERITAGE SCHOLAR- SHIP TRUST FUND. No experience. Ask hila! Karl, "6-2981377 Excellent Income clearing Carpets, must behard wak- ing, sell starter, will train right vbrvdual. For full tune Position .opportunity lex ad- vanCemenl call (9l 433- 38W EXPERIENCED Hanstill required. full or part time. Minimum 2 years. Apply in person or can Nick or Dana 723-0211 Evenings or well kends 666.2125. Harr Care Centre. Whitby Man. frie"y persou red immediately to cook and serve for fast food restaurant Experience a must $7.75 hour to start. Apply in person only after 1pm Mrs. Vaneli's Pizza Pickering Town Centre. - MODELS NEEDED Female Ages 7-26 EARN EXTRA INCOME Travel to exciting sties: New York. Paris. Milan. Call for consultation. 403715 RECREATION DIRECTOR - 6 month to cover a mat may, leave required for 100 bed king term care fadfiry. Must have a dooma or degree in recreation as required by the king hemi care standards. Previous experience in a big tern care facility required. Please apply in writing n► mediably b the Administra- tor. Metro Toronto Legion Village. 59 Lawson Rd.. West F6n Ori. MIC 2J1. PART TWE -Full lane. No experience needed. Students welcome. 40 people required to promote our discount travel services. Salary plus borxn. Cal 905 686.8462 SCHEDULE co-ordinator, lelemarkeeng experience to work from home in Ajax. TelemarketwS also needed. 683.9177 SCHEDULE co-ordinator, blemarkewig expervence to work from horse in Alex. Telemadwilews also needed. 683-9177. aro Sysbms An - RIITSW . � ft sq. . alyst cli 1, Pascal and C. `carpetedspace P►wbshop. Ouark Ex= Or 1500 sq. ft. . 2 offices. and Illusbalor. Ourham Suer war rhouswg. overhead X10 CanPAer College. 427- rolup. High traffic volume . lots of parking. 434-5555, 6668990. SECOND income coroulb ' ants Inc. s tooting for saw morvabd, organized ^rued• EXPERIENCED Wasps.. vale l r part tern sell am . Pie needed for in tome del pbyment. PIeaN call (906) onstabne. No door so door 839.6376. erg• all appPr► booked. $1800/m9h. guar. TELEPHOW surveyors ardeed rmwrpm. Cal (906) hlrih - - $7hr. guararased. 430-17• Must haveablaude wse e n phone. l Cal (905) 4309357. TRAVEL consultant We are seeking a candidate wish a ESTABLISHED Ajax mnan rn of one years ex. company is looking for Pew" as a Travel Corr, akimed bookke•psr/ncep• sukant lex a diem withe ave bonist with comp all ex. Durham Region. If you pos- Penance to start irnve- sess extensive experience diarty b replace stiff with the Saber System and 1-160 9-9 on MMG" Ry have the ability to work in a have. May lead b pemve- fast paced envlrorm•n4 we rent posits^. Please send would Mie b speak withyou . resume d salary expects. Contact Judy L. Smith, fiors to Fite #7112. P.O. Box 481, Oshawa. Ontario Phone (906) 579-2911, Fax L1H 7L5 (905) 5796050 SELL IT NOW 2290. MODERN Endodonrc office in Plickening k>�ng for a der" assistant leave, Cal Lrie Am fraternity au 831-45". Pert rise Riiebill, d lar Dr.'s olmoe. Nelson Rd 4-10 E �Y+• RMi�go s• Oshawa This Week. PO. Box 481, Oshawa Ont L1H- ns 11 morhar old and 2 digs - we red sornerW* Wed. Thin. Fri. rode and occa. sional Sat. my home. Ajax. tall 6868878. LIVE K104a non smoking nanny nor 3 yr. old and 6 moral old, some housework, dinner Preparation. West Pd wng. 509-4798. LIVE-IN OR LIVE -OUT Nanny Warned for 3 Boys ages 6. 3, t. N.N.E.B .0f Equivalent plus Etperr, once. 7 am to 6 pm, over nights required, house work. dinner prop. Drive's License A Mint. Plies• Cats Aiax (905)427-7453. NANNY for two year old, live WE Call between 9 6 p.m. 427-9431. 46ill VWJ%L.L.=n 683-9333 Cr 436 -OM e� Slhei i"n CHEVe•K OUNNOW CRONIN aw LTO LICENSED RIBO Person required for local Whitby Brokerage. All enquiries confidential. Please reply to: File #7113 P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, Ontario UH 7L5 PART eine daycare required close lo Lord Durham Public School. pies" cam card 686 2102. PICKERING - loolong lir call lull terve babyaiter in my home. Days .Mon - Fri. 2 lol live, out preferred. Phar after 7 p.m. 837- 5624. • '=ki•''i+�Ar.hteo'rec'.ab�L de SS'>}d'e 4"!.a►; '1�7e 9'.'^�?`f?w;,Aa`iaiS:4�!S'd"$:'#k*'ar:Nb^�:"Z+"•s.3t'i�.ve.�!C�6•'°3l"'�.n ^,. ..,w+• -<. 165 Daycare Availahle All ages. Superb daycare. . Experienced/ fo#mbl•. Movies, Parris, craft, large Playroom, tnpd . Lois rants. Ajax . 6868719 CHILDCARE in my Picker. ing home by qualified E.C.E teacher. Starting immediate- ly, 18 months and up, Ill no/Bayty area. Cap Linda at (905) 420.9041. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home by pediatric nurse dose to Parks, large yard, any age welcome Liverpool / Bayly $37-1016 EXPERIENCED, reliable daycare available in my home. 401/Harwood. Call Brenda, 427-3454. RESPONSIBLE. reliable. loving daycare, dean, stroll lating, smoke-free home, ie years experience, flexible hours, babies welcome. ref- erences, Valley FamVMajor Oaks. M6-7954 'Firewood FIREWOOD MOVING SALE $50 face cord. cut spill and delivered. Wille supplies last all day Swat, andSuSun. 619-13M ROKA LUMBER 8 FIREWOOD CENTRE 4'X8'x12- $60.00 4'X8•x16• $65.00 ESTABLISHED 1963 Days 7052773381 Evenixp 905434.8665 Fnt1e Delivery To Oshawa Area 4-31)(10.5)(15 Tires 6400. paw. Bucket seats. 5200 Headers, dual ex- haust nor Chevy PIU. $200 Ca9 6862021 CAMERA package - Carr on AE -1 body.Makncn zoom 28 - 80 . Caron 5o mm and 135 mm Iwo, $495. 031-5775 FOR Safe - peg pong table. S75 Couch and dhow. S30. VYafw sopmer machine. $150 Trampoline hams and pods. S40 Cal 420.9715. NORDIC TRACK exercise machine 303 basic. Sym old like new reg $600. as" 5400. Cal 905 428-3942 P.C. 286 includes Wind- ows 3.0 Wordperfect 5 1. I:nen 123, amply ac- courvelg, and Norton. Backup disks included. 5350.00 Cal 420-6256 for Sale: 5' BABY Grand Piano. dark wood. older, excellent coni - tion, moving to smaller .house. asking S1995 or best crier. Cal (906) 509.51". APPLIANCES- Super Clearance Sale - New gall electric sbves, nwingeralors. washers, dryers. Hank's Ap- pianoss, 191 Boor E. Osha- wa (bl Mu blech) 726 4043. CARPET - don't buy any where els• uhM I slow you what I can do Ill you Call Gord. 434-0222. (0120%) Carp" aroklar, 100X. Nylon tock pkr•hAtein resistant carpel For 3 room, only S389AD. Pres kwkdss 3D Sq. yds cerPOL dakme pad and nsOrefon in you ham Free quotation . n year Irorrne. No ^heel to pat merit kir ons kir year, u d Dec1995. Denial, 1-800-217- 0104 CARPET yaw hoer at dill. Count prices. /0111% nylon, SIM msids Price nirdn pad and eltpsrt ivetmaron. Cal Nidi at (906) 430.8551. CARPETS - loss of carpal, 100% nom, new slap n Ions earpe4 an hared, 1 will carp" 3 rooms, $349. Prins includes coripal premium pod, BWwt ima ill last delivery kali eslinalss (30 yards)• Norman 8862314. COMPUTERS - NEW 498 DX 66 m lirrrda specials with Microsoft hone suite plig. 51,995. Resale systme. nom m low as $250. Lap MPS from $495. New prnler . from $175. Our overfeeds low - pries are low - quality is high at Clrigbn Compul or Clearance Centre, 161 King Sl E., 8ownrrwiae 097.3069. i RYTHING Must Go' e An Offer' Moffat fridge stove $575,two 30" es $150 ea.. 9 Pe din - suite $650, cherry din - table a chairs $450. near Phyfe table d ,Is $700. glass kitchen le $too, dining table w/ et 8 4 chairs $650. oak w front china cabinet 7" pine finish kitchen e w'2 benches. $175. _6' colour TVs $250 26" Console colour TV small organ $100. hunter green couch a S1200 - Beige Couch d $575. 2 marble top I.ables $275. bed a r�a5er 5400. queen size 5125. two 5 Pc bed - suites $1150 ea . 4 tique bedroom suite 5 drawer wood chest er 5150. wood gen- L•^ ,.ns dresser $175. dresser S 135. 3/4 A• 3 mattress $150. office -.s.s. chairs. files and ,., 436-3904. FRIDGE. stove. washer, microwave. dish- o..,-.ne,. 3 couches. 3 coffee !,7 . ,s 3 beds. 2 stereos. dstcve. 3 televisions. table/chars, more. E = 8878 leave message. FULL Ongm hunk coat, size - = 1,11 s sheep skin coat > 40, both in excellent "bnn Sega master sys w games and accesso. e•, Hasherrdry&r.427-7436 0AK'OINE FURNITURE- ..•etail pnces., Orbe ^terlos oldest and lar- , manufacturers is now c direct b ted Public. ale ocde" table dw +^C 4 Windsor chars i--° 9 oak double pedestal :. ext and 6 Chores 51429. onoall beds. 5299: Over ;Iain chaces -all sold, no ..ens Tradrbonal Wood - VS -"6-8774 PIANO 4:arTerr sl:e 36 Mgh, beautiful condom. 52 000 00 0 8 0 SOFA /LOVESEAT '3, ,arte,r ANTIQUE pnpiSlwp char 180 yrs old) eeauOfu l corrdbbOn 686-1767 4NvslaRANOFATHER xis Dum ins largest se - New and used pianos a %. ,O Rent to own. apt. e prght grand. dig". .twarcts CLOCKS- NUARY CLEARANCE on 1994 sock' Telep Party - rks. 4331401 =ENT a hot tub lot your eemeart on Valentine's. ctnc or propane spas. 1sh-Splash. 4274226 7H.E FUTURE IS HERE Satellite TV and SeC1r Articles ^ 0o Automoboes 3 GJ Wanted cor Sale BOOKS and pets wanted. 1991 Honda Civic DX. 4 dr., Preferably in large quantities. 54,000 km. 5 -speed, am/fm well trade for anything in my cassette stereo. tilt steering. store Books Pets and li f11 blue n colour $6900 Things,, 218 Dundas St. E. Peter 723-1155 or 434-7564. im 1986 Olds. Gera. 4 dr. 4 cal. WANTED - old and an- PRE -OWNED ra! e� Vick.% toque furniture. anything 1991 Pontiac Sknbrd SE. 6 cyl.. old. Scientific instruments• b� 79•� b1. wheel 5aA95., china, silver. advertising 1990 Pontiac Surblyd LE. 4 cy,. sporting toys. decoys, dolls. art, tags., 56,650..199E Serra 1 milk. bottles. Collections or door. 6 CO.- ar, loll. cruise. sass.. estates. Call Robert Bowen 57.995. '989 Sierra 4 Or. 6 tylia Antiques (905) 655-8049. der. ay. loft, cruse, tags.. Brooklln $6.995.. 1989 Z24 6 cyL, ar, bl . WANTED - used weddin cruise, cars. 57.295.. 1990 Swdt gowns for consignment. Sizes GLX 4 d.. 4 tyl., auo, 55.995.. 14-24. Sargeanrs Rentals. Iga9 Firefly, 4 Or.. auto, 54,295. 4331113 t988 Jeep Laredo 4 x 4, auc. WANTED CAMERAS loaded•d59.d95..999ChevAs- old china and glass. Jewel- ;ro. arc, pia. 7 Sealer. 59,495 lery. lery, microscopes. tele- 990 Limina Euro. 6 cyl.. 72.000 scopes. binoculars and re- kl.. Icaoad, 58.995. Marry. many fated Items. Clocks, watch- ,here to choose horn .Cert -Car es. furniture. anything old. Auto Centre. 55 K �t W. At Midtown Mall. Dssnawa. 432.1678. x905)-579.2886. WANTED to buy • older fur- ty. S9200. Can 579.8249 niture. glass. china, cdlecti• Mame mmosags. bles. memorablia• watches.am ' etc. Single pieces or estates. loaded, automatic, extra Can (905) 7237834 doon. Oef�`'d• swoo. can LOST Grange =4t. ;ag x 1383 Please call 686- 3140. SMALL rosary found. Meadowvale/Sheppard bus stop. 420-0536 DEAD OR ALIVE FREE towing for scrap. used or abandoned cars a Tucks.lhr.pick-up. lop prices paid 416) 281-34" 290 PetSlSupplieSJ J O Trucks BOartling 1 for Sale BASSET tioUnc aipp.es 89 G.M.C. 34 extenoec ca sale. 5300 4368439, 350, Loaded auto O.D. A-1. ENGLISH Riding lessons, low kms. one $13.500 tart, experienced instructors. gen- 2632575 Bow, dl, horses. reasonable ribs. Whitby area 4037 LAB pups. rnateilertate, worklnq Champion liras. home raised. CKC shots. hipa/eyos guaranteed. 9o5- 579-6038 TEAM OBEDIENCE - where you A your dog are taurjnt b work as a loam Next classes (puppy A no- vncei start Feb .IIIn A 22nd (day). Evening Day. and Sat. classes available, with snit classes guaranteed. Cal 4300025 86 FORD TAURAS WAGON - New Transmts- von. Tires and Exhaust. s2200.00 O.B.O. Cal (9051 579.9037 1980-1986 cars. )sass to own Everyone quakhos Orn UIC? WC87 MA" No inter- est no credit check. $345 down. 6867428 i - proudly introduces the 1986 ACADIAN in exce" I 18 inch sate6wedish .Up condrtan. no rust. new pant '50 channels.Apt. dwen- 3 speed auto. asking $1660 home owners. cottages. cortifned call 404-8732 or _ • s boats. etc. SPECIAL 728-4972 installed Visa. 1986 Olds. Gera. 4 dr. 4 cal. - Mantng available, 9o5- auto.. air. a wim, low mites. 75�r good clean running car. 'VIDEO CAMERA. Full sized' 4 more nice clean Cars to choose from. _ ^ardl., used. Perfect Can 427-9722 anytime Russ. ng conddtion.Comes Open 7 days week Indoors. rate entrance. 4 apphances, Big Town Sales. ":trig case. 2M. battery 1987 CADILLAC Sedan ,,1C battery charger. Instruo- Devote This auto has most bons manual and all cables -25-9634 of this,extras Owl you world hrsVlast. Non smoker, No expect to knit in a such a WASHERS, dryers, fridge, car" In exceam condom. stcve new and reconcile -$6500. Askeng as s. For more into. 721-2974.. boned. $225 and up for ho- Rd./Hhry.02 . separate an- conditioned washer, $175 1987 Hyundai Excel, good and tires. good battery, nuns up for reconditioned dryers. WON• sold as is $995- 420- $175 and up for redbndroorhed 6262' Indges and stoves. Also con 1981 Berretta, leaded• exeei- operated washer and dyers. Mint cortdi6or, 51,000 km.. Stephernson's Funikre and balartos of 8/100.000 warrant_ Appliances, 227 Court SL, ty. S9200. Can 579.8249 Oshawa. 576-7448 Mame mmosags. 1N1 Gvalisr RS. 2 door, loaded, automatic, extra doon. Oef�`'d• swoo. can Please read 726-0817. your classified ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the event of an - error, J 19x2 CHEM LUMINA 4Dr. , V&, Ps.cn ss, air, owelent Wnd lion. $9900.00 Call M05) 51'6 9 84 CADILLAC ELDORADO Triple yellow, Low mikago. Florida car no rust certified, full power sunrod S4,5oo.00 O.B.O. US -1767 APPROVED - bad or rho aulhdl 1900-89 vetwi". (:artiled fix p r. AP- PROVED. Surenhine Aub. 6869237 O.A.T. It • -- 1987 Beaw4We ':an Fully loaded fuel size passenger van. $7500 or best o6w. Cal and askfor Ross and Linda 905-434. 1967 Polaris Indy 600 LE Excellent condition. 96 car - beds studs. row slurs hand thumb warmers. excellent umng motor. very reliable. New sliders and track. $3500 obo. You wont be disap- Ponnlld 906985-8039 Stew. I BEDROOM basement apartment . living room• Large kitchen 4 piece bath. appliances private en- trance oshawa Shopping Centre. area 726.5570 2 BEDROOM apartment in quiet area. 5685 includes fridge. stove. heat, hydro. laundry facilites and parting. Wi1sorYObve area. Avaable lmvmedately Days 2638389 evenings 2632522. 2 bedroom basement apt. for rent available rmme- diallo y New Carpet. $685. month. call for details 427- 1788 Pickering. AJAX - Bright clean. 1 bed- room basement apartment separate entrance, separate laundry area, parking- alt Pittances, tun balhoom, close Pit - to everything. nonsmoker, no pets. 427-7436. AJAX - Hanwoodr4ot, 1 bed- room basertnwu aparliment Clear, bright, air rnndtroned. laundry. parking $495 imckF sive. Cal (905)278-e808. AJAX south - large, bright than, 2 bedroom baow wrw aparbrw t. separate en- V-- laundry, no smdorg or pets, $695 pkn ltd uI& ties. Available Mardi 15. Can (905),11121111-7290%. AJAX Central dean bright 1 bdn, bill All 4 appbanc- w. sspsrats entranos, Noor• b ant smsromi $575 plus ubibm 905 6838768 AJAX Oxford Towers - Spades apartmwnb. quiet building, does to shopping. 401, 8 Go. Pod, sauna, 2 bedrooms, Iffewd "y, March /, Apt I. Cal 603- $571 uwh 7:30 pm AJAX Oxlord Towns -Spa cicus apartmwnls, quiet bialding, blow b slhopp, 401 and Go. Pool, sane, 2 bedrooms, Inurthsdiatsly March I. April 1. Can 683- 6571 i nY 7:30 pm AJAX- 1 bedroom base- ment Apartment , separate entrance. a/c. suitable for norn-smoking sir,* witll no Pets . available now $550 call 683-3892 AJAX- Largel bedroom W/O bsmt. Apt. sop ent. 4 app..0/A.CN, part fur- nished / unfurnished Park- ing. IN (last $750 inclusive. ref. available immediately 428-7072__ AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE- LY - in Whitby apt. building. spacious carpeted. newly painted apts. with balcony. Close to bus. shopping, all utilities included, First(lasl required. No pets, one bdim. $625. 2 bdrm. $725, 3 bdrm $775 Cal 430.0134 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY BNnew, ' ceacc cors meed aparlmeM. Crxdge•Slove. Heat. wydro. Cable. Several Vac., all included. Full size 4tt:hen, oak cXWards. Must see to aporecate 5695.00. Coss to bus roule Firs: A ast. gston/Bloo49105.721.1492 AVAILABLE mmedlatel,- Oshawa. one bedroom apt. 1n older home very clean. no cele. 5500 per month. ubk- "" included. Firstlast to- 7uired. Cal Shelley at 579- =521 Mon - Fri 9-5 p m PICKERING- For Rent. Bright. lean, newly renovated. ciachelor Apt. Separate en - new kitchen. new ^.alln _'tribes and Parking included 5550 / month Call 837- •415 Call CLASSIFIED for friendly, professional, personalized service 33 & 77 FALBY COURT 2 & 3 bedroom apartments in family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and underground parking included. From $743-$833. 686-0845 weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. NEWLY renovated - sepa- rate entrance, 2 bedroom. basement. washer. dryer, fridge, stove, da. uv, t Parking spot close to 1,x0 bus stop, utilities included 1200 sq. ft. $925/month. first'last required. Feb 15 (905)428-8325. NORTH OSHAWA stuth Taunton. Russett/StmcoeSf area in 12 -flex, two bed- room. Parking, ubloes and able included except hy- dro Laundry facilities. Newly Renovated Avail- able March 1/95 $66800 month FlrsUlast. No Lease.Cal (905) 5762982. OSHAWA - your cat is welt. come' Immaculab two bed- room two level apartment in Charming older duplex. targe and spacious wvtxrgs loff/" floors. 5750 . 102 utroft- Ask about no rent increase option 905-7238997. OSHAWA 1 bdrm - 5569 2 bdrm - $619 Clearft" units Includes hog. cable. hol staler. Darling. new apptiarxes. Tenant pays hydro 436.6700 or 4044/222 OSHAWA North - One and I•wa bedrooms, available vrn- ^+ediately a February W. Fridge. glove, uaiibes ntbld- ed 72320114 ^SHAWA. 2 bedroom 5669. 9•plox with laundry facis- ties. Wxkx*s ulYmes. 2 ap Plunces. parking Convsrvw+t to 401 and city bus fouls Avad'hbie Feb 43306^ OSHAWA-Vv ,shad bachelor Apt St 17 weekly or $487 -dl apphances Perking. laundry tackles included Deposit nsq 576769 OSHAWA Costes Town - line, one bedroom ground floor or hare. rococo aria. -- fireplace, walkout to back- yard. . $550 per met. Inc TINA will be happy a,•y-w ,,e to help you with all your Classified advertising needs! CALL TODAY! 576-9335 Fax. 579-2138 PICKERING- Sell contained I bedroom basement apart- ment. 3 Pc bath. parking. close to all amenities Call (905) 6868905 SOUTH AJAX 2 bedroom basement apartment $625 month inclusive first and last required, laundry parking available rmmedately. 686- 2338 after 5 p.m. SOUTH Oshawa 7-27-5 Wentworth St. E. large 1 and 2 bedrooms, close to buses and shopping Avail- able immediately. Feb a Mar Cal 721-9722 or 434- 5183 between 9-8 p.m. THREE Bedroom man floor of bungalow Nice. clean, quiet area - Hary ony/Olive. 5700 per mo plus ubkbes. Available Manch Ist One bedroom basement. nice. clean. $450 plus ubltbe6 Avadableranytime 726-315a VACANCIES' Cal the one stop renter stop ler a BET- TER selection. DURHAM HOME RENTERS. (905) 428-1278 r"mil l tel, LANDLORD'S ADVERTISE FREE" WHITBY large 2 bedroom studio apart Tont w•balcony. sopdr" roan and kvwng- -cm. Parki^9 for 2. $795 - ulMees Call 666-4321, 655. 4623 or 416269.5449 WHITBY One bedroom apartment fa rent. 5525 Par month plus hydro. WAW rl,- gtared Phone days. 725- 8911 evenings 668.4016. WHITBY 1-1 bdrm apt .S550 + hydro 1-3 bdrm.. apt. $875 + hydro available now Contact G Miller 619-0228 nc..rr•a• vi..ge xe to shopping more and Packer- Church St S new furnished WHITBY-lbedroom par 1, ba"I"" n buildrwy Owrn furnished basement apt.. entry. laundry. parking. Included OesKing/Harmonynon- Clean. no pe. close b Go. ts sortable for quiet. working 905-509.20W or 416284• mature Person. 5500 1618 month. available now (9051 PICKERING - BROCK a 509-9913 HWY 2. Beautiful tight and WHITESMWY.Ir2 Private 1 large 2 bedroom walkout bdrm bsmt. apt park - basement apartment close Ing near shopping. available 0414 IMMACULATE 1 bedroom basement apt N.E. 000 l Soperab entrance .4pe bat, Carpsbd, laundry. suiF able for 1 , frit Aast $475 inclusive, 4350448 LIVE 84 the canny; beaub- kil sst' in North Oshawa. Two bedroom apartmint in farm house, 1 1/2 batty, fire- place. 5950 psr month, avai- abM Mardi ML 725.9991 PICKERING, LIVERPOOL / FINCH t bedroom basement agar lineew for rsnt, cable. k/ bat, Party ks"e'llsd. Park - Ing. No smoking. No pool $525. inCk$Wvo. Cal 837- $325. MAIN bor of hags ler rent 3 bedrooms, use of pool and 1/2 of driveway. Clow b ach-Wsaea. No dogs. Bassrn•nl and go - rags exckmW 5a75Ano, aI nclusiw. Available March 1. 579.185,1 PICKERING BROOK RDI401 Basement apt for raw with separab enlrance. LAi m 8 C" Included. Available March 1 sL$600. Can alb, 6 p.m. 619-1731. Ask for Dawn. 401. Pine 9oors. Fridge, atovs, dishwasher. $sop . V 2 utk'1 Can 404409. AJAX - 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, family room wt/rres- plaee, alarm system. c.v.. 1, ,- yard schools roar - by. Available now. Cal (416) 585-5722 or (905) 6836004. AJAX 3 bedroom bugalove, PfCYwkq Livorpoch / 401 3 0274 to shopping more and Packer- March 1. 5600 Incknive cad CLEAN 2 bedroom apt. 1n in9 transit parking and uWa Harry 141612837393. Jenrrf- 6 plex.King/Harmony area. Included OesKing/Harmonynon- er Lal (4161283.6570 Cline b schools, bus, shop smokers.$700 firstilast 9500 Ping. Parkhngllaundry. Ap evadable March t. 6136 1650 WHY rent when you can own pbances. $550 pin hydro PICKERING - two bedroom your own horns for less liar FirsVlast 404.8388. basement apertrnent sepa. you Mink?" Can Dave Hay - CLEAN furnished one bed- rate entrance. 4 apphances, lock Sales Rep. RewMax roam basmwrw Suitable for $775 Inclusive. Can (905) mi Summit Realty (1991) Ltd. one Person. Asking 6550 420.0376 or (906) 839.4856. (905) 6663800 or (905) 666 hrsVlast. Non smoker, No Picko k 1 bodroom. base - 3211. pets. Available mrrediilille Whitby. 436.9719. moot Aparlmel Liverpool • 5006-1163 Rd./Hhry.02 . separate an- / ' FURWSHED sed contained trance / laundry, parking and • - one bedroom basement lob of storage. $600.00/ txlzzi, BBO, pr VON yard. apark ne !t laundry lacilillies• moth ncluswe. Can CONSULTATK*M. Orteno bus service at door, sutabb0)509-1661. Credo Caewsatirs (OsMws Taronb) 4331425 3 bedroom, main level. lex non smoking k+nwk. 579- SW 8 Grandview. Close to 0414 IMMACULATE 1 bedroom basement apt N.E. 000 l Soperab entrance .4pe bat, Carpsbd, laundry. suiF able for 1 , frit Aast $475 inclusive, 4350448 LIVE 84 the canny; beaub- kil sst' in North Oshawa. Two bedroom apartmint in farm house, 1 1/2 batty, fire- place. 5950 psr month, avai- abM Mardi ML 725.9991 PICKERING, LIVERPOOL / FINCH t bedroom basement agar lineew for rsnt, cable. k/ bat, Party ks"e'llsd. Park - Ing. No smoking. No pool $525. inCk$Wvo. Cal 837- $325. MAIN bor of hags ler rent 3 bedrooms, use of pool and 1/2 of driveway. Clow b ach-Wsaea. No dogs. Bassrn•nl and go - rags exckmW 5a75Ano, aI nclusiw. Available March 1. 579.185,1 PICKERING BROOK RDI401 Basement apt for raw with separab enlrance. LAi m 8 C" Included. Available March 1 sL$600. Can alb, 6 p.m. 619-1731. Ask for Dawn. 401. Pine 9oors. Fridge, atovs, dishwasher. $sop . V 2 utk'1 Can 404409. AJAX - 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, family room wt/rres- plaee, alarm system. c.v.. 1, ,- yard schools roar - by. Available now. Cal (416) 585-5722 or (905) 6836004. AJAX 3 bedroom bugalove, PfCYwkq Livorpoch / 401 3 0274 man bon shows Mm new, bedroom . cordo 1 1/2 dsooraled , jacuzzi, private baths 2 appliances, twat onoance, utilities included GO. PTC.. available row, $1200. call Lucy Babson , $NO incksiw, no psis can Sunken Group Hsrings 619- (4/6) NO -2732 9500 PICKERING Viings - 98 AJAX by tke fork•. lux ury Church SL S. Now knotwd lourbaloom, air con., lkY- brJwbr apartrrrrt hulbrg, lighw school bus. $1300 own entry/, laundry. parking, mm" + utlities. (418 330 dean, no pots. Clow to Go. 4750 Wave missal (905) 509.2038 a 4162114- $50 monthly. Call Dag or 1618. ASSUME without qualify - CONDO low rent wook of Ill mortgage. 5114.000.00 PICKERING- 1 bedroom at a 12 % tin 1997, 4 bed" boml. Apt., Rourgemount / room houw, 3pc. ,4pc., be Dyson. last Int Feb, t a1 81rOW* Priced 5124.900 indutve MW cam a11er apm. calif Calabria Lopez. SWbt 5006-1163 Group 436 -OM or 428- 26 0274 THE tr&S A6' IkiTi }, *Vbl fib �L'ACR'Yl; It➢4S PAGE 25 -At WILLAIM PEAK CO-OPERATIVE HOMES INC. Are now accepting applications for 3 bed- room townhouses. Some availability April 1.1995. Market rent only. $927.00 monthly plus utilities. Applications may be picked up at the Co - Op office at 1990 Whites rd. Pickering, Monday to Thursday 9:00am to 4:00pm BELIEVE IT /500 Down. Why rent' 'Nhen you can own a brand new 3 or 4 bedroom single detached home on large lot. Cal 1905) 623-6549. NO DOWN PAYMENT'/ Good credrt) Good ;^,c' IOU can buy for the once of rent. white prices and rates are doom Call Doug or Brent. Community Financial, 668- 6005 OSHAWA - Luxury 2400 sq n d bedr•77nq cantral ax/ vac. 2 1 2 baths, double ga- rage N W area. Fumrshed - negotiable. unfurnished St 500 plus. Phone 7238392 PICKERING- For Rent. Brgrr, Clean. newty renovated bachelor Apt Separate en- trance New kitchen. new bath Utilities and Parking included. 5550 i month Sall 837-1415 PICKERING m+r floor of three awoor-• bugalowall appliances nice yard. air. close to GO Non smoker 5875 a 1.2 ubkoss hrst'ast avail Feb est. (905439-0018 SOUTH AJAX' Detached 3 1 2 story . attached ga- rage .fenced yard. rec-room $1000 / month plus utilities. Mel f(^ig" 031-2273 WHITBY - clean 3 bedroom town - home. walk to Go. fenced yard. pets welcome. S1000 mo.+ utilities First last. Available Immediately. Dea- nne 432-1569 XTRA. x^a, read an about .t Mo,tyage payments fron $81 C 2 and 3 bedroom homes. Call Thomas C Pike Sales rep. Remax Accord Realty Ltd. 576 3111 -Why rent'' Buy' 3 Bedroom townhouse. freshly panted Close b schools and amenities. In- cludes stove. refrigerator and an ublhbes. 576-4875. CAPITAL Properties would like to offer you the best in Oshawa Living. Spacious 2 and 3 bedroom town homes. Starting at $700. Call John Zvgults 4361384 now 't DUFFIN'S CREEK CO-OP 1555 Finch Ave. Townhouse 2BDRM--$764.00+ 38DRM.-$844.00+ 4BDRM--$949.00+ Pick-up Apps., Sat.,FebAM 9am-2pm NO CALLS 100 SUBSIDY THREE bedroom townhouse, South GM, 5895 per mo. an wckm e. ISM est retired. Available irnnedtakily, Cat 435-10911. AJAX Furrlisheed room for rent in dean quiet hone, laundry and UMtiee inol udsd. Clow to bus and stropping. Non snickeravaiabW now do" . /400 per month 68672W AJAX - Furnished room/ Shared accommodations. 190.00/week. Parking. Laundry- cline to GO, bus and 401 Call Pat (905) 427-7113 ALTONA/SHEPPARD- large furnished room in dean adult Home for ma - us employed person/stud- ent. Cable. Bus. Parking Share separate kitchen bathrooms s100.00 weekly. evenings 509- 2469 . ..i•, EAST OSHAWA­,oUw leo share own two fO-X"ns Utk- ties haring. and laundry n- cluded. S 450 001 month. non-smoker Sall (906) 434- 1"7 Pickering opportunity to live ,r a Christian hon* Speciou and bright close to GO. walk to Lake Parking. Laundry 'aatrtxn. cal Mary Wasson at ReMax Rouge R ver Realty Ltd 2815-3M SINGLE MALE seeks non -snorting. :) :tessronal share spacious house. ow gantly furrvsh*d. private bath garage storage . An- derson ; RoeeharW avaiade now 430-5566 WHITBY: k+ome tc share Thi_kson , Dundas area. 5 appliances an inclusive. Inn, medtawy 3,400 month call Steve 43012150 I � 2 tearoom canoe. 5 ap- Pkantes. heat hydro and parking close to an amen.- t•es 4.adable Maroh 1 Photo 686-4269 after Spm. AJAX -wo bedroom cor- do 5 appliances pod. siuha. whirlpool hreplate. S925 monthly. Available March Ist Can AI. 420.4346 amw 6 FOR LEASE - Whitby Zorn- mwcral Space Appro ISM sq h. Plus lot For up to 50 vehicles outside. Situated at a bust Intersection. ICl" for muntply uses 51500 00/ month. utilities - T I to be discussed. Call alien 7 0 p.m. 906-666-4183 BEST RATES BEST LOCATION Storage Urrb a oflce $lilies ava"I from -S75 Imp Located at 401/ Park Rd, Oshawa. 24ty access. plenty of tree paining 723-1191 5137,900 Oshawa (Grand- view/Cherrydown area). de- tached. 2 storey garage. n - law apt., irground pool. 4 plus 1 bdrm. 2 walkouts, gas heat• close to all amen - ties Call 571.6685 AJAX - Mature area 3 Bedroom Bungalow Under Total Renovation. New Windows, Sitting. Beating. Electrical, Roofing and Plumbing. Whirlpool tub and large kitchen To be com- pleted Approximately MARCH 1195 $139.900 Call 6864384 NO AGENTS PLEASE" FROM $69,900.00. Brand new 1 2 3 bedroom condos up to 14x2 sq h All Separate entrances Cain now for more Information (905)623-6549 OPEN-•nese Sal ^ - 4. 5129 000 Bowmanvnse_4 bedroom 2 -storey. 2 baths ,arage. f a.g.h , Wx k free acehnsert. pine through- , jt Upgraded kitchen and caths. 142 fenced yard. c,aycenl a 905-623-2376 PICKERING - 4 betirorxn executive home Firk:JV Fair. Pon area. Backs onto ravine. Cough lam Bkult. Upgrades gabs Peaw Call 420-0963 to cow. No Agents Please" TWO STORY AJAX Exiii Ati a home for long •Win n. verstrr*nt. Unspoiled walkout bmaknsnt, overlooks playing field. great polinbal.assun- able mortryage. 5203.900.00 tall(905)686-9153 WHITBY - 5129 QOC beau- lihl back bungalow 3 bed- rooms. barge eat -in kitchen. lovely lot with 10: down wilt carry for only sI= Der month including taxes Too Houghton Rerrax Sum, 1 668.3800 WHITBY -3 I bedroom lama v living I dining. 20h deck new wxrwdovrs rod. vinyl siding. heated in orouhd pool Best reason - No o8w No agents 668- 4252 Brocx Rdj riwy e2 5124 X ovNv 3 Oed earn townhouse. roc -room. ga- age quiet Street. small complex C Hum RE Ltd A"" ,41614ah-2233 PICKERING ,C 3 bodroorn tOwnno se eke now That - gage available win low rate and low down payment 6104 9oC 905,837-0568 • WHITBY Sadwrtidg - luxu- ry one bedroom, gym. sau- na and pool. With without appliances, avail. xnmw- diately. 5125.000 a up Cad Days 1905) 666-9735 of (905) 473-3322 OFFSEASON OPPORTUNITY! Bmom LOTS Suckhomt-5 men. from Lodes, walker access to Tmili Ssve i 6 Sandy Lake. Only 10% dorm. From $19,901. Call now (6131692-1679. a. • 53500 fill pries-seekWsd wooded trailer lot Good CLEARWATER - fully, fu• road. sand leach. fWwg, 1/ nehed mbbls of, qua 2 her. from Oshawa. 416.431- hot". hosted pools, hot 1555. it" Isrlhie, just 20 metros III beaches. NHL Hockey, • . Blue Jay WNbal, dog and • horse tads. Children weH tone, available March 18, Wes than miobf. Can 1-813 25•001114MOOD b bind Mom 538.2123. $50 monthly. Call Dag or Brent, see -mm, cmemsehwy CONDO low rent wook of Financial Services, march 25-Aphl 1. St. Pe- BORROW $10,000 pay as 1hlrabua9 Beach, 2 Osdroomt, , kite as $110 per month.. 2 boas, lull pod heiitiss, o.a.c. Can Jerry, estill baaeh harts. 5750 U.S. Can Fres consultatlons. Anbu t 43P6621. Invstrnomb Ltd. (WFMOUB - 3 bedpan MONEY probleme7 Datil condo, close to famous corwokdabors, credit ter- Ctsarreabr bilaeh Day, jl rartgsmaMs. PasamN budI FREE txlzzi, BBO, pr VON yard. Plemrhi'9. credit repair. awdabW Now- Doc. for rib CONSULTATK*M. Orteno and bview Owl" 0869818 Credo Caewsatirs (OsMws Taronb) 4331425 a 579.37110. A �_ , ,• P� •;%t'" ��'f •'� `r.�1n s:.:1:-aLr� ,�s%rr�.t�a�r'r' • :��r „� y'1'•I PAGE 26 -A -RFs N§WS ADVENrISER4 r $ 4 Deaths - �575-- To Lend i !, LW� 720 OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT GUARANTEED SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES, OTHERS DO NOT IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CON- TRACTS MORTGAGES 6 LOANS 15 S 2nd mortgages up to 95% Loans -arty purpose Lines of credit with low monthly payments Investor inquiries mvded TANNER FINANCIAL LOGO Oshawa. 404-9336 Out of Town. 1-800.881.3923 ESTABLISHED ria.r Sa.or For Sale Great Opporturxty, Owner Moving Please Call (905)579.7317 after 600 pm FOR SALE - complete auto body shoo evwprnent (tumkev' Open Lease Call (905) 6WO853. after 6.00 ori GROCERY / CONVEN- IENCE Wel' ma:ntamed business with great in- come prolft Excellent HWY location m the Halrburton Highlands call Jessie Pflug .,7051286-2361 or (705) 489-37378owes A Codes ReaM Ltd OSHAWA De.' ler sale. an eaj,pmen, included $7.500 O B O Call Ards 432-1011 A notice to all creditors in the Estate of Gertrude VAlczynshi. Anyone having a claim against the said •state is to provide proof at the address below before February 15,1995. After such date the estate will be distributed without further notice to creditors. Timothy CA Venular 1450 Mi gston Road, Sutb 13 Pickering, Ontario L1V 1C1 $ OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS $ Active or Passive Distributors Revolutionary new products. Share in profits from T.V. sales. Investment $7500. (TAX DEDUCTIBLE) 1-800-981-8674 24 Hours/? days CALL NOW ! RONNIE PROPHET SHOW 8 DANCE 8:00 P.M.. AUCTION 10:00A.M.- SATURDAY FEB. 25TH. Everyone Welcome. at the Holiday Inn. (Har- mony Rd i 401) Osha- wa Auction -Free Show i Dance S45. The Auc- tioneers Assn of Orr tano..rs hok*V rte annual competition for novice d experrmced auckoneers This is a Live auction ruin a variety of articles for sale to the general public. Great fun' and. a chance to hear many of Ontano'9 forest auctioneers com- POW for the top prize The ban. quet follows the auction at 5100 cath the stow 8 dance starting at a.00 For more details calf. Ross McLean (905)576- 7550 or Joyce Norris (905►95t-1621. 1650- Auctions AUCTION SALE FEB. 4/ 95. 6:30 P.M. Pethick Auction Barn. 2496 Conc. Rd. e6. Bowman. vrlle (Heydon) Eacn weer we have a Largs as- sortment of antique and •-,odem furniture. appliam- es tools eotlegbles and many other interesting and unusual deme Viewing from S P.m ,Sale lime 6:30p.m. Terms aro cash. Visa. MC or Litter - a. For more rMo. call t- 90SQ%3.4252. Sale man- aged and sold by Gerry K. Powell Auctions. Ap- praisels and Llquids- tlons. MEMBERS WANTED To form an Orange Lodge form 19yrs. up. Call (905)683- 3196.Russell (9M)728.8625. Andy(9o5)9e6-2870 PERSONAL, PRIVATE "'PSYCHICS"' Get answers now 1-900-451-6894 must be 18+ .................. PSYCHIC CAMILLE. tarot card, palm, aura. crystal bag reader. reurde the separat- ed. Available for parties Danforth and Victoria Park (416)691-7490 SEEKING an energetic and Lit rnan for Valentines Warm and caring gentleman With a sense of tx,nour who enjoys a variety of actiik" and is a non-smoker This energetic and 6t woman in her 4as would love to meet yoush. Reply File 87111. Oshawa Whitby This week. P O BOK 481 Oshawa. LIH 7L5 SINGLE WHITE MALE 34 YRS OLD, ATTRACTIVE AND ACTIVE, SEEKING SINGLE ATTRACTIVE YON SMOKING FEMALE FOR POSSIBLE LONG TERM RELAT1pNSHIP PLEASE REPLY TO FILE •7064. OSHAWA THIS WEEK PO BOX 461 OSHAWA. ONT L1 H 71_5 SMOKERS NEEDED lo tare pa -1 in a Research Project for New Treatment for Ourtting Smoking For more info please call (9051427.5749 DATING Services are all drf- ferent. Partner Search let you select attractive, proles- srOnal. singles who merest you and have some fun. Personal matching. afford- able. long term relationships Cal for my free brochure. With no obligation or pres- suras to )oin at 6632414 an- YWM ROMANS 7 VS, 3 So then, if while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress. Jesus at Scarborough Holiday Inn 7:30 pm. Every Sat. Jim Campbell 1-705-324-2364 GOULD, Mervyn Alex- ander at the Alax- Pickering Hospital on Monday January 30. 1995. Mervyn Alexan- der Gould In his 85th year. Beloved husband of the late Stella Christina Hill. Loving father of Barry and his wife Maureen. Dear grandfather of Ryan, Jennifer, Janet and her husband Kink Figueira, Nancy and David. Brother of Fen Gould of Toronto and the late Ruby Cooper. Mary Poulton, Bud and Vern. The family will receive friends at the McEach- rtie Funeral Home, 28 Old IGngston Rd. " (Pickering village). 905.428-8488 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Wednesday. Funeral Service In the chapel on Thursday February 3, 19% at 2 p.m. Inter- ment NobleODn Unded Church Cemetery Fri- day February 3. 1995 at 11 a.m. Donations may be made to the Durham Regm Lung Associatan. JUNKMI - Doris Elaine entered into rest Mon- day, January 30, 1995 at Oshawa General Hospital. In her 83rd year, wite of the late Roy Junkin, sister of Ilene Whatman of Lind- say, and Edna Oswald of Cleveland, Ohio. Loving mother of Claude Junkin of Otta- wa, Vemon Junkin of Bowmanville, Joyce Junkin of Lind- say. Lorena McGill of Campbellford. Audrey Hunter of Toronto, and Glona Bedore of Hampton. Survived by 17 grandchildren and 24 great grandchil- dren. Visitation will be held February 1. 1995 at W.T. Towe Funeral Chapel, Whitby, On. 2- 4 and 7-9. Funeral Service February 2. 1995 at 11:00 a.m. fol- lowed by burial at Riv- erside Cemetery, Lind- say, Ontario. Please read your classified ad on the first day of publica- tion as we can- not be responsi- ble for more than one inser- tion in the event of an error. IT'S A BOY: Sean Peter Power was born January 16, 1995 weighing in at 6 lbs. 10 ozs. Proud parents are Wanda and Jeff Power. Sean is a little brother for Sarah. Special thanks to the matemi- ty staff at Markham-Stouffville Hospi- tal. DEATH NOTICE LISTINGS To lister to death notice information that has been received too late to publish in this newspaper, call 683.3005 or dial 405.6591 (Ciarington Residents oily). All death notices that are published in the News Advertiser or This Week will automatically be listed on this complimentary phone line. News Advertiser Classified Department is open every Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 500 oo p.m. Call 683-0707 to place your ad S* a1 Ws ADVERTISER, WED., FEBRUARY 1, 1995 -PAGE 27-A susiNrbb & PROFE5519NAL -moi- . I R E C T 0 R Y It's always best to know who you're dealing with. And these local people are your neighbors. They're always here to help you! 1 • :� M111F / aLETE CARPENTRY ELECTRICIAN- Licensed will ahnng nreno vatpns. do all 1 Ms of electrical rents. trim, crown work. Reasonable rates. mos. doors and wind -Seniors discount. Fast serv- e ice. Call Alex at 433-7632 years experience.. estimates Call Derek ROMEIMPROVEMENT SPECIALISTS Additionsbasements bathrooms. kitchens, lecke fences. hardwood 1M,s OuaMy Workman- snio Reasonable Rates Free Estimates !+_�v ;OryS'PUCTuJnI a _;. NEIL ;9051837.2195 WILKINS HOME _,,,., , ::P.; 'ooms =a -men( apartments 'or free estimates )0,:;) 619-2105 Maintenance Systems ". clen tial, commercra: ,1-z maintenance. Electrm- I y�,mbing or general to - 't needs t•parRlg or �- ^q, call for tree eW Ursa �.rled (905)666-3000. 5N Construction- car. roofing. electnW, p, drywall. bast a speciamv. Snow I. residential com- 10% discount of hes .-owing. WI 427-4234 ,,tails Member of the BUDGET HOME IMPROV1titENTS �Care�! Apts 'ieC . . "n5. plumdtgAaararis eleClrlCal, drywall 15yrs Exoerlence Free Estmates call Marro (905) 619-4663 VAZ GENERAL CONTRACTING nom Fomes. addi- ' ons. Baths. ktchens. as~ts. Roofs. Ce- 'amic Tiles. Hardwood :ore. Windows. Decks call Justin (905)683-5818 =C X20, . IID IN ED. OTW NEWS ADV. CONSTINICTipN terior and exterior pairs, renovations Id construction. Fast id clean profession - work guaranteed. Craig, 8661913 145 tiical,gpl Icy cadrYw�' eating, urtmbrgmlpletig }pmts e services. Free esti- is reasonable Tabs. No too small. References. 723.1469 anytime. SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 .CENSED MASTER PLUMBER Will do repairs/ renovations. NO JOB TOO BIG call Paul 686-4636 pager (416)-589-7601 ALL Pro Painting and Vlailpapening. stucco cerl- irg, general repairs, top quality work, at reasonable rates. 20% discount to son- rots errotsCam 404-g86o DECORATE for the New Year. Help Me Rhonda's Interior Decorating, paint. ctg. wall papenng, curtains. drywall impeccable work at a low cost. Many r•krenc- es. Free estimates Call 6553458 Drywall and painting. board- ng.tapng.textunng. renova- tions and repairs. Small pbs 15 years experience. Free estimates. Serving Durham and out of bon area. Ken 434-4500. '#*iWUUC PAINTING 8 DECORATING Free estimates Great Rates Professional Senesce 427-3246 '10 Iry e?JJWl3JNpalim N xTUATES Mork GREAT RIC-ES' Call Chris 1905) 619.0747 It Awl me alas imialtl rownte TMS PAMITING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, dear. reliable service. 420-0081 WALLPAPERING and paintingc years experience, all work guarantied Author of Book 'Wallpapering Made Easy- Cail Dave Taylor Coke Your World. (Whitby; 435-0606 Free Estimates. •15 Moving.. AJAX Moving Systems . full services, moves, appliance and piano specialists Flat rate or hourly. We now have heated storage units Now offering free boxes with move Park and load special. starting at $99. and up. Call for information, 725-0005 or 427-0005 HARRY -O -THE -MOVERS - Move big or small we once Own all' Free estimates. moves. Pianos moved Camparade rates Call A=- MEN with large tuck will do household moves, resider til. commercial. All types of moves. Cam Cel or Jane 427-2656 MICHALSKI MOVING - horases, apar!r-rants. offices. opPWXM and Plano sps al- ist Free wardrobe service Licensed, naured. Free •sC- maMs. Cam 436.7795 MOUNTAIN MOVING SYSTEMS we w��i '*Cva a'yt'nn�. anyMwe. anytime coiwm.r�ia� x :. Packaging, slersge and tioxet araubie. Somr i rind rriorr *w4vrts. Poe esti,, its 571-0755 CARPET installations - 25 years experiince. restretch- sl our specialrry. Free •sb- mates. 0 & N Duncan, 987- 1799 or 967-1800 A CLEANING LADY ava*- able, excellent references. IS yrs experience will clean err Ore horse including Fndgo stove S50. Please call 639- ao7A ARE you having proclaims finding Orme to clean your home? For professional name clomwg cam Helens Home Services today. 427- 1nA1 Aric you nava g proosems fcKWV Woe b clean your home? For professional home ,!earwig call 1loks 's Hare Services today. 427- 1041. GAILLIND ,- MAID SERVICES WINTER SPECIAL FREE Cleaning with bookings of weekly & bi- weekly services. Inquire for details. Carklg for your home with personalized and professional service for over a decade. A I`Fully bonded and insured) 683-7515 I I b IIMt TO GALL CASTLE CLEANING LTD. WE DO R ALL! DUSTING. VACUUMING. BATHROOMS, STAIRS. KITCHENS. LAUNDRY ROOM. OR WE DO SOME... DUSTING AND VACUUMING OR KITCHEN AND BATHROOMS. It all depends on your needs and your bud- ! We bring everything a need to clean your home from top to bottom, and we even hand wash all the floors. (some Thursday time is available. but call soon. It goes fast.) Fully bonded 8 Insured Please call 428-9765 Experienced Geanmq Lady will clean your house. doing a superb lob. Reasonable rats cam Patrraa 420-2%4 after Spm fAX CLO^MVS 4LSC AY5 BALLOONS. PRi.'E5.:000 LOOT BAGS. FACE PAINTaa((, POWER RANGERS, reA(srC MAGICIAN, clown friends. ready to entertain for any age. any occmon eirth- days promotions. opencg5. fund raisers. Magic shows are lues' Lebxo help 639- 7rK7 lar »A-A.zza RABBIT wants work dowv ring, for children s partes and all occassions. Have my own magicren Call Ernie 668-4932 SELF -TUTORING for children. adults. Succeed in reading with Pro Phonics. rn rtlath with Raplication (tables). KG to Gr. 9. Mot- vational. Canadian. (905) 6669153. SCHOOL -4 lessons ana test $105. •10 Lessons $150 -Full Coarse $270 Free pick -up aro drop off (416)287-3060 TYPING SERVICES -Fivers. brochures. resumes. essays. protects. lorms. graphic designs Letterhead. copying available. Free quotes. deliv- ery. Pick-up (9051 430-5821 anytime leave message SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 -1 r. ..'r V r' .. -rl . l is .'t t . `$ r a r t t a BLACK HAIR PRODUCTS AT MIIIOLESALE aPRICES W. M.ny, Many more In sure spoolals For best . . results advertise with the MP -01110 News Advertiser delivered at your door three times a week 3 0 PAGE *ArXWNEWS ADVEF4XM2,WhD, F94RUARY 1, 4"S ��� AND ONLY THE ORIGINAL MINIVAN STORE CAN nrrrn y Ad 99+ urru lPRKbUlUL; 001 1 Ul Ur Int TLRl 24T Package incledec - 1 --WaW fmd dual air boo • Standod side hnpwt beams • Air • wu tramnasion • 3.0 L W6 engine mwijiw Irmimill $m fawn rem 07 * Front wheel drke e Roof rack E, O.d.. THE ORIGINAL MINIVAN STORE. SEE YOUR LOCAL CHRYSLER DEALER. *CHRYSLER *Pwm mdWes ShOfK"osbw ompW adWw m tau of olm dirsfmm OrfsW cam. W*rA&GST. huexdWnb* (5810), kmm, kq"",mfmv= mdmm LjmW*mAw. m STAR—m— m d w%M. D odw odw may be muW mow sd for ks. Soo Wer fix fth. t I "S (wVWa Mopme ;(039fWAymmm 1 ***** D rll —zz LL RICK AT 831-33M TO RECEIVE Y01,111111 FREE NPURCHASERS SAVINGS PACK!" HOME BUYERS - Interest rates are changing! Call now for a free list of "The 7 Critical Questions To Ask A Lender" before you sign anything. CML JM NOW FOR A INft Rep I With "Assoclift I *"or M, -'awns L 3� $1539900$ Curb "Pool is It. tow Lap 3+1 Win& 1w ath op wkilichm Fd In oft room RM bM b", 1ink rMim This Super cleein how hes a" upgrades, elm Mac, buw In dishwaft, welk to JOHN MONIZ* 831-3300/686-3330 WMW FIRST Lnwn" T MOVE IN!! I -r. OPIUM 111N)UCIEW • UWely no" WP lot • Now custom do(* • Hardwood floors • Beautiful custm decor • Fm. basement with 2 pc. balk • 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • PRICED TO SIELLI $159,900 JACCOJELYMN TANNER* 619-9500 WALKOUT BASEMENT! This new north Ajax listing has upgrades galore! Try greenhouse kitchen addition, fireplace in the tam. rm., oak parquet flooring, 2 walkouts on to 2 decks, deep lot with gorgeous landscaping & much more. Only as" $174-500! CALL BRIAN KONDO* 66* -21992 QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. DIVE INTO SUMMER! $189,900 Beautiful 3 bedroom in Pickering! Cathedral ceilings, (replace, central *1 Proiessbwly finbw easement! ot 45010', good size, fenced in! Separate family room! This is a must me! CALL SHARON CHISHOLM* 4 -VIEWING! 683-2992 IF R Kvi Oi< QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. THE AFFORDABLE DREAM $194,900 WAKE UP TO BEAUTIFUL LIVING Fol REAL WORLD PRICE ti 2,526 square led"model borne" Four Lwp bedroom ind. huge rnstr. N Main floor Mxwy Main floor faraily room Main door latirmiry Woodix-ing Areplace AN sdwob in immdisae WON Many upgrades CALL DAVIII) 1111"70W AT DRIIAN-CMT111110411111111111151 ��KC QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. $179 90041M LIS= 4 40 Im lot Double plotasoiW Imscape hardwood ti Idlafsrr and dr*q rom New ciervanks Iming 4 wont coveaed dock Don't W" " Onelff CALL DAVE McLEAW AT This Is your am how ♦ Lots of cot air Fahy MM ad*W% th Wme 3 skyNgltlsm dllTlwsasllar Ful on sulft b mulleir bedrom 3 speciate becimme 13wadwoom Open wricem A caud ass i1K,900 • EacelleM Pkllarirg location DOW TAYLOR'* NOW = BEAUTOW *134JMI A�L Beautilully renovated remodeled kitchen it Shining hardwood Separate entry to workshop in bsmt. Mature treed lot across from park! CALL RICK-61UICK.1 RICK SERGISON* 831-3300 kt1m M' FIRST'S PEW" MAK AT NOME? NEED MORE SPACE? LIN" Great value for a large Senior Executive home in Aiax. Located in the prestigious "Hermitage". A main floor library would sure make working at home a possibility. Then after a hard day's work relax in your own roman tub. This 4 bedroom home also has 8 huge upgraded kitchen, central air cond, gas fireplace A much more. CALL STEVE FEARON* 683-2992 IROMM- �LTR. QUALITY ONE I.M. R - PERFECT IN PICKERING $154,900 • Beautifully upgraded • Oak kitchen • Gas host central air • Upgraded broadloom • Now roof 1994 • Finished basement • Truly -move-in condition" • Plus ... Great 'nr. "n in desirable Chendaie community PLEASE CALL BARRIE COX*, 839-7"9 r.1, I 1RVMh-&- ROUGE RIVER REALTY L DEVOTED TO EXCELLENCE! AMBERLEA CHARMER BRIGHT AND CHEERFUL HC�� $178.900. Tastefully decorated and immaculate 3 bedroom brick home, frAshed recreation room and workshop in bawrient Draw kitchen ample sized for a growing family. Central sk, oft. An inviting home onquiet cracerc Try 5 or 10% 5 dom -A CALL FLO BETTS*' OR CHRIS BURNE'm 416-243-1500 RVMW ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. 1.6 ACRES 350 foot by over 200 foot lot. Trees, hm & more trees. Only $166,900. Vendor so" 9ML Many more country properties availabiL CALL BERNARD LEE* OR M= CHONCTS' FOR DETAILS 904-428-6533 6533- OR 41 ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. $1539900$ Curb "Pool is It. tow Lap 3+1 Win& 1w ath op wkilichm Fd In oft room RM bM b", 1ink rMim This Super cleein how hes a" upgrades, elm Mac, buw In dishwaft, welk to JOHN MONIZ* 831-3300/686-3330 WMW FIRST Lnwn" T MOVE IN!! I -r. OPIUM 111N)UCIEW • UWely no" WP lot • Now custom do(* • Hardwood floors • Beautiful custm decor • Fm. basement with 2 pc. balk • 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms • PRICED TO SIELLI $159,900 JACCOJELYMN TANNER* 619-9500 WALKOUT BASEMENT! This new north Ajax listing has upgrades galore! Try greenhouse kitchen addition, fireplace in the tam. rm., oak parquet flooring, 2 walkouts on to 2 decks, deep lot with gorgeous landscaping & much more. Only as" $174-500! CALL BRIAN KONDO* 66* -21992 QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. DIVE INTO SUMMER! $189,900 Beautiful 3 bedroom in Pickering! Cathedral ceilings, (replace, central *1 Proiessbwly finbw easement! ot 45010', good size, fenced in! Separate family room! This is a must me! CALL SHARON CHISHOLM* 4 -VIEWING! 683-2992 IF R Kvi Oi< QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. THE AFFORDABLE DREAM $194,900 WAKE UP TO BEAUTIFUL LIVING Fol REAL WORLD PRICE ti 2,526 square led"model borne" Four Lwp bedroom ind. huge rnstr. N Main floor Mxwy Main floor faraily room Main door latirmiry Woodix-ing Areplace AN sdwob in immdisae WON Many upgrades CALL DAVIII) 1111"70W AT DRIIAN-CMT111110411111111111151 ��KC QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. $179 90041M LIS= 4 40 Im lot Double plotasoiW Imscape hardwood ti Idlafsrr and dr*q rom New ciervanks Iming 4 wont coveaed dock Don't W" " Onelff CALL DAVE McLEAW AT This Is your am how ♦ Lots of cot air Fahy MM ad*W% th Wme 3 skyNgltlsm dllTlwsasllar Ful on sulft b mulleir bedrom 3 speciate becimme 13wadwoom Open wricem A caud ass i1K,900 • EacelleM Pkllarirg location DOW TAYLOR'* M SELLS HOMES FAST AND FOR TOP DOLLAR CALL NOW AND START PACKING'. S89,900 Priced to sell, this condo shows very well with upgraded broadloom and neutral decor. Close to school. shopping and GO Transit. Call 831-3300. ONLY $7,995 DOWN' .-•- Y Iia S159,900 Fully detached 3 bedroom. finished basement with bar and 3 piece washroom, house is freshly painted and has upgraded broadloom. Call 831-3300 ONLY 56,240 DOWN* $124,800 Great starter home! Super bright and clean with open concept, eat -in kitchen. en suite laundry. walkout to 30x12 ft. cedar deck, fenced yard. Call 831-3300. „71/J,/VV Great income potential, large rooms, eat -in kit., central air and vac. Sep. fenced -in inground pool area. many appis. included Call 831-3300. Main floor family room with fireplace and walkout to deck, recreation room in basement has gas fireplace and walkout to the pod. Call 831-3300. John Boddy home. over 2.000 sq. ft. on a premium lot. Huge family room with fireplace. 2 walkouts, central air and vac. Call 831-3300. ONLY $365.25/WEEK" ONLY 5388.09/ WEEK•' Large entrance and spiral staircase, upgraded broadloom, complete privacy backing on to ravine. Cal 831-3300. nvlllc la ull CF611y 1a6111V ulc KWO Vll a Vuly kuye lot, complete basement apartment with a walkout and separate entrance. Cal 831-3300. Tribute built, 2,659 sq. ft. central air and vac., alarm system, intercom, 2 -tier deck, fully upgraded with breaf oJdng view of Pickering. Cal 831-3300. amw t 5q. rr. rwm ooams worioerrw view of the Fake, finished basement with walkout, hot tub and games room. Call 831-3300. $139,900 Great 3 bedroom freehold with semi -en suite. eat - in kitchen, walkout to deck from dining room. rec room in basement. Tremendous value! Call 831-3300. $179,900 Beautiful all brick. 2 storey on large lot. interlocking driveway, finished basement, main floor walkout and bay window. Call 831-3300. ONLY $3.23/WEE -_ i• = - ; ��_� r - S216,900 Stunning executive in "Fox Hollow-, large kitchen with greenhouse. ground floor family room with fireplace plus so much more! Call 831-3300. 4,000 sq. ft. of living space! Ceramic in foyer, kitchen and baths. Lovely hardwood in living, dining, family and bedrooms. Decorate, lots of extras! Cal 831-3300. GLENN PRICE Sales Representative 831-3300 Located in the South Rouge area. minutes to 401 and lake. beautifully landscaped. eat -in kitchen. 3 bedrooms. pride of ownership. Call 831-3300. VNLY 3334.5WWEEK" -_ i• = - ; ��_� r - S219,900 Wow! Panoramic view of lake/bay! 3 walkouts to rear deck! Main floor family room 8 laundry. 4 bedrooms. finished basement. all the extras!! Call 831-3300. Gorgeous 4 bedroom Coughlan home backing on to ravine, inground pool, all the extras are found in this beauty! Cal 831-3300. When you list your house with Glenn Price, either you are 100% satisfied with the service that I provide or YOU MAY CANCEL YOUR LISTING WITH ME AT ANY TIME. 14999900 1 invite you to contact me at Beautiful estate with stunning grounds, driveway my office. You have nothing, lined with mature trees, trout pond, pool, hot tub absolutely nothing, to lose. You and so much more! have m w g Call 831-3300. y word on it. ERE WWI \, FIRST REALTY LTD. � � •,l .^ , / CALL O /REALTOR 905 831-3300 �' d INDEPENDENTLY OWNED k OPERATED , 7885 GLENANNA RD., PICKERING 905 686-3330 I ......6 , e SOUTH ROUGE $189,900 Pride of ownership! By the lake, parks & school, lovely 3 bdrm. sidesplit, finished top to bottom, central air & vac, private patio on beautiful 85' lot! CALL 831-3300 AND ASK FOR THE DUTY AGENT. 11 UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING $595,000 $83,100 gross income with an assumable $400 mortgage at 8.5%, make this 11 unit building a (anti investment property! Desirable location in derr village. CALL THE AGENT ON DUTY 831-3300 STUNNING END-UNIT$133,800! PICKERING! Don't miss this freehold x10 townhome! Approximately 1200 sq. ft. Wing space with upgraded carpet! Separate living room and dni room! Eat -in kitchen! Nice rec room with walkout to fenced ya Excellent location! Excellent value! CALL 831-3300 ANC ASK = T-4E:D!lr` AGENT 'Look No Further*. 4 bedrooms, large eat4n kitchen, main floo famPy room, separate diming mom with bunt -in china cabinet I a finished basement with se tie entrance. Priced to sell. CALL 831-3300 AND ASK FOR THE AGENT ON DUTY GREAT BEGINNINGS START HERE Popular Glendale area " Large fainly sized lot •• Finished th ougtotR " Great family locawn Open corn eWcOwdral ceiling " You must see fhis hone CALL 831.3300 AND ASK FOR THE AGENT ON DUTY This is not just an average home! This one is very proud Fireplace, curved staircase, finished recreation room Children walk to school and lovely park. Askinc $176,000. CALL THE AGENT ON DUTY, 831-3300 PICKERING CUL DE SAC Coughlan built former model home ' Upgraded broadloom 9 ft. ceilings on man floor ' Central air & vac. Solid oak staircase open to basement ' Ceramics - kd., foyer, bathrooms The list goes on - call for details. CALL 831-3300 AND ASK FOR THE AGENT ON DUTY. 7*- ITS A BEAUTY WITH LOCATION Spacious man floor with family room. Separate dn. room & hostess kddw with walkout to deck & private lot, master bdrm. has walk-in closet & 4 -pc. bath, fabUous finished basement in knotty pine. professionally landscaped with riterbdu g brick, access to garage from house, cent. vac. Don't hesitate. all me now. P. S. A bonus; hardwood floors on man floor. CALL 831-3300 AND ASK FOR THE DUTY AGENT. Short walk to Lake Ontario shores from this spotless all -brick end unit. New carpeting & freshly painted, access door to 2 underground parking spaces from professionally finished rec room! CALL THE AGENT ON DUTY, 831-3300. PICKERING VILLAGE CHARMER' S1 64,90G' Located on 59x130 ft. fenced mature lot! Updated windows, furnace, roof! Extras like central air, 5 appliances, 2 kitchens and 2 bathrooms! Don't miss this one! Walk to schools! Access ,o 401 & GO! CALL 831-3300 AND ASK FOR THE DUTY AGENT PREFERRED LCCA' C'" immaculate & tastefully decorated. featuring curved oak sta ceramics through to kitchen, covered deck, main floor family rain floor laundry. 4 bedrooms. 2 bay windows. central air. i vac. Many extras. Close to schools & shopping. $214.900. CALL 33'-3300 AND ASK FOR THE D�,'Y AGEti' ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 7.9% TILL 1999 - ACT NOW!!! •• Mn. down, save $SS, assume mortgage •• In-law suite with separate entrance •. Premium lot with ingrouxl pod .. Hardwood floors •• walk b lake - marina - schools " Call today 'For the Positive Move' CALL 931-3300 AND ASK FOR THE DU TY AGENT, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $169,900 Fantastic dean 3 bedroom, detadlid 2 sbrey with an at garage. This node, hone ofeis a large farniy sale gree) kilda with workout b deck and garden. Formal separate room. Gorgeous me room w4h fireplace and wet bar. B "ALL 831,3300AND ASK FOR THE DUTY AGENT %anu.ml nvw�, U rn w. $177,500 .. This spacious home features an eat -n kildien overlooking the family .. room. Large mortgage wih 4 -pc. on suite & walk-in closet. Other .. features it kide 2 car garage, upgraded broadloom, fireplace & large .. .. stn dock. CALL 831-3300 AND ASK FOR THE AGENT ON DUTY AMAZING 8.9% - 3 YEARS! Quality built Coughlan home Guaranteed trade-in on your home Prime South Rouge area Approx. 3,000 sq. ft. Double oak spiral staircase I Innr2dac - hnn*Aw rvilrbrnmir flnnre AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT! S1iiy." ' Truly one-d,a-knd 'Home of true craftsman ' Quality wood & ceramics' 3 bedrooms, 2 baths rid. Jacuzzi off master bdmh. 'Skylights. hrowd. floor, cathedral ceiling, bay window 'Fnished rec man & woodstove 'Wio to very unique piano shape deck & gazebo ' 66 x 195 treed lot, also included, playground & separate hued workshop! 'Oversize garage +loft. 'Too much CALL a31-3300 AND ASK FOR THE DUTv' AGENT "THE POSITIVE MOVE" GUARANTEED! Approx. 2,400 sq. fL " Family size kitchen ., 4 large bedrooms " Baca on greenspace ,• Main floor familaundry rms. " Only $214,500 CALL 831-3300 AND ASK FOR THE AGENT ON DUTY 4 spacious bdrms. " 23' master bdrm. + full en suite bath 18' greenhouse kitchen " 20' main floor fam. rm. + fireplace •• Large foyer with skylight "3 bathrooms '• Deck off family room .. Central air & vac. Fully fenced A landscaped I I Viol. CALL 831-3300 AND ASK FOR THE AGENT ON DITTY With all the talk about new contribution limits, potential RRSP investors in their early earning years with less money available to contribute, may be tempted to think that a small investment each year of even $500 is of little significance. Not so. As we have seen before in our consideration of the value of saving, the earlier saving starts. the more there is to gain over the long run. Getting Started It's always effective to have a goal to work toward. Try this one on. Supposing you were to invest S500 each year in an RRSP for thirty years at an average annual interest rate of 10% (for the sake of an example). At the end of that time and, assuming you made your investment at the beginning of each year, you would have with Terry Bainbridge Community Banking Manager Ajax/Pickering RRSP'S FOR BEGINNERS saved over $90,000. That's better than if you had not saved at all because $500 seemed like such a small amount. The question is, what sort of investment would you choose for a $500 yearly contribution? Beating The Obstacles There are a number of RRSP savings programs among financial institutions today that are designed to facilitate saving. They make it as convenient and hassle -free as possible. For instance, you can now purchase an RRSP on an installment plan so you don't have to put out a lump -sum contribution all at once. It also helps those who prefer not to borrow to make an RRSP contribution. If you're using an installment plan, you arrange to have funds automatically SS Oe .vn• ... :.+.... e t o thec1 that tQ .. Views Adv�ei is r d theft advertising dollAr! � < ,,, { Rea$ Estaw 3�ws: X.- transferred each month to your RRSP and placed in any of a number of savings vehicles from a daily interest retirement account to mutual funds offered by some financial institutions. Many can give you the flexibility of being able to redeem your savings at any time. At a rate of saving of say $40 to $45 a month and using this automatic transfer arrangement, you would hardly notice it and, by the end of the year, you'd easily make your $500 goal with interest earned to spare! In this instance, you would probably be advised initially to use some form of RRSP designated savings account. Eventually, you would work your way toward an investment such as a term deposit or even an RRSP guaranteed investment certificate that some financial institutions offer for a higher rate of interest. It Pays To Save ... You might say to yourself. "What effect will a $500 RRSP contribution have on the amount of tax I pay? Well, it could mean money in your pocket. The actual benefit to someone who makes an RRSP contribution is a reduction in his or her total tax payable. The tax you save can be used in several ways. For instance you can use it as part of another year's RRSP contribution. In that way you'd have to put in less of your earnings each month for that year. Or you could just use it to buy something you otherwise might not be able to afford. Not bad for a beginner! //`/��°FIRST REALTY o3300II � ,�LTD. 686-3330 Ell 1E AI's honest, straight forward approach to real estate has put r` r nlrr where he belongs - "Above the Crowd." Re/Max First Rea'ty Ltd. proudly welcomes him to its expanding team of k me professionals. Al can be reached at 831-3300. W S raM W r1 FRost�sllER 1M0 VALLEY FARM #1607 • 906 sq. ft. • 1 bedmorn + den • 14 -pc. beth • Locker • 5 appiantm :129.900 1610 VALLEY FARM #1619 • 12M sq. it. • 2 bdnn. + den • 2 paddng + locker • 2 4-lic. baths • 5 appliances :178,500 1810 VALLEY FARM #1620 • 1,500 sq. ft. • Shows lice model • 2 bdrm. + den • Marble, Jacuzzi • Comer f�1'-unit • 2 parking & kickers • 5 YY== �^ncm 0- - OPEN HOUSE 1880 VALLEY FARM #11620 SUNDAY FEBRUARY 5TH, 1:30-4:30 P.M. Tour of Recreation Centre • Free floor plans CALL SEAN LOSCHIAVO' 831-3300 - CONDO EXPERT A4'4R0y= * 831-3300 .j- "SCUGOG AREA" Four bedroom Tudor style home with beautifully fin. bsmt., wet bar, large living room, cathedral ceiling, fireplace, beautiful view of hills 8 lake, English gardens on a 100Y= panoramic lot. Great value for 1209,900. i JUST LISTED! ONE LOOK (ANLL DQ Style, quality 6 value is what you will find in fhis four bedroom all trick home, comes with amular staircase, formal din. rm., main floor family room & laundry mom, tastefully decorated throughout, backing on to perk land. NORICIA BAMBRIDGE* • Full -Time Real Estate Representative • Winner of 8 Top Sales Awards • Over 5 Million Dollars in Sales A DREAM HOME SITS ON HUGE LOT 50X200' $149,900 This is a very rice bungaim Shows excellent, new hwdwood floors, boedloan, ba#froom, deck, renovated kildren, quiet residential area. ft k to the lake. A must to see. LOVELY HOME 2,626 SO. FT. LOCATED N EXCELLENT AREA HERMITAGE This lovely 4 bedroom home is full of upgrades. Double door entry, cathedral caing ceramie throughout, acnes lo garage, security system, main fir. laundry, more! Priced at $229,999. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 2,300 SQ. FT, NORTH AJAX $199,999 4 bedroom all brick home with an oversize kitchen. Large bedrooms, upgraded ceramic throughout, main Nr. laundry, terrific location, walk to new community centre, schools, shops, transportation and squeaky clean. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THESE HOMES CALL NORICIA BAMBRIDGE E .. El 59 �I j1i\ -A -1 1 _ 1 - Sk rv*v decor - 9" street appeal 8eeuW fi* boded starter' - - Fru rt beaffa - possUein-iew F* IM NOW bas0rnu1 - Spacious ialdwm -b e* era. wM rvapiece . Security systeerr, cerrtrai at, nowdedd • 4 bedroan - 2112 Oeths . 3bediv m 2112 bels - iesnedfaMe poss�iord - Cal Skwo till, 831,9,900 - Cal Stere MK 831.3300 �. _ �� �•!�Imo-! �Y• _ /i MS � i2 uir. v iin•�iv a :m ,� •a '�+ rum... ...-...t._ - lkceant -mug be sato - Om 3,000 sq. 2. - WON ba pion Main loa den - apodous cools sues - Peesriiaaa int d location M pooh saed h ch m m As - 212 WO GL SMrrr ill. 631,9300 ' • Deal lye areas fins hon+sc - 3,0110 4 t. of 1sarEy-wbbaeaaaasl llppasc�r 4,5 0 sq it +fill welaout b�ss�ent Ew*ft dde ftftwO ost 8iiloot IaorMeps, quoirrt fi+oM pad► 8 bells - 8 bedeaaa1-41 Il rig When- 0�1 aasMinEe room - inaedble Sand - Hwrtrwod dararnic ifoasrg-�firepiace • Custom hen - wraparound deck . home go noE IMP054 oirt: By IFF M - Fdy a cm a "Modal HorW - unique & boded in ane d Durham's finest addresses La1fi SiNrE .831 00 - Col Stere m 8m-= - Cal Slove MUL 831-M =1 7 PwmwFIRST s r AW_ mind a REALTY RRST CLASS Personalized Servi�'o' Min � LTD. 831=3300 FREE market evaluation ------------------�aals:Rspn«nsah: iwoeisiair�slrsi ------------------- ------ ---�• M00 •�•r'�M1�'Mr•��IM'X11/1/!1�/•,�01�w•��Ir•��r�...-•'rr��1 r.,•.�I•.1MYMr����rr�MOrrV�irM�r�rvr�/�rwr��lww�.v.L,rYcr.M�r.R� r...r...r.4•1�.•.r.•L•:•••••.�.•t•.•••• ::..5.. • . i..• � ► I r�1 w e•,q �' •► ,.1 ♦ t. It t ► •moi rt'"� r r1 ..&W 1 r 1'r 1' •1- 01 t� e16 •w1 (:►41 :ZL 114 V. 1 of �I INVESTMENT N YOUR FUTURE Approx. 1.12 acres in Whitby. Spacious 4 bdrm. ranch style home with 2 bdrm. bsrrt. apt., has own entrance. IrtlrnedaAe possession. EMra L arocque, 42:8-7677. PICKERING VILLAGE CHARM! This bvely family horse situated on a huge lot is loaded with everything & beautiwly located within walking datance b all amenities, special features include mn. Or. lam. rm- with fp..CAC, CVAC, hardwood Rxoucghoul. & much more! Cal now! STOP - CIRCLE THIS AD! "Only $ $104.900 " South Ajax SpacioustaM dais "3 bedrocii, " Eakin Mchw •' Finished bsn. Chwba, IFF p " Cal PC= maw "PRIME PICKERNG AREA" ON A COURT.! Sidespkt home absolutely beautifully finished from top to bottom. 'Single car gar.', central air, fireplace, e0 -in kildw & huge bill, flexible closing, call on this one row!! Cheryl Kostka, 831-7677. GREAT STARTER HOME 3 bdrm. det raised bug. with fully fn. bsmt & gas fp. Large eet-n kit. wMh side est., second kit in Writ. - Great polerOW for in-law apt. Cal Amis or Corn Blakelock, 428-7677. LYE N 7W VLLAGE Oudly d brick sideepil. 3 + 2 bedrooms, double garage, al new wirtfin wa, roof and furnace. LaW lot wlh deck, mail fltxrr $snip room. LocaIk I L.ocsW Cary Peds, 831-7577. NATIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICE AJAX P" 428.7677 -AnodilillA 011 PICKIMING P" 831-7677 MARTY STREETER Assistant Manager FAMILY REALTY FAMILY REALTY r-MsT coir. 683m8542 '— LUXURIOUS LIVING LOT LOVERS: FOR $198,000 . Prime Pickering Aiax detached on a a ' location. Premium lot, ` 137 ft. deep lot. Fully 4 oversized bdrms., finished from top to 1 fin. bsmt., approx. bottom this home 2.200 sq. ft. All the features central air, to and whistles, I replace, a huge deck hrdwd. firs., Ige. eat -in and more! Just greenhouse kit., listed at I romantic fp., _ masterpiece kit. last! call Marty Call Mike Streeter', 683- Newman', at MIKE 1683.8542. NEWMAW _ ALL THE BELLS & WHISTLES! $324.900 This Pickering Village home is great for the extended family. 4 bdrms., 2 kits., 4 caths, main fir. fam. �. with fireplace, wlo to J pool & hot tub. CAC. CVAC. sec. system more. Call Tedd Gooden'. TED 683.8542. GADDER* HE WHO HESITATES IS LOST! Spring is just around the corner. If you're contemplating selling your home in the spring, why not subject your home now on the market for maximum exposure. c -a Katherine Chisholm today for a free KATHYmarket cHISHOLrrR",evaluation 8542. PAULA MATYS Manager 83im424PICKERING 2 GEORGE IBANEZ* 01 MOREEN STILES' BRIGHT AJAX HOME This beautiful home features an eat -in kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 4 baths, master bdrm. with 4 -pc. en suite & walk-in closet, double car garage. Fin. basement with kit., bedroom, washroom & rec rm. Great for long tens house guests. Call George at 683.8542. GREAT START Start the year off in your own home in Pickering. All the appis. are included in this lovely 3 bdrm. home w/fin. rec rm. & convenient 3 -pc. bathroom in the bsmt. y Cent. air & aping make this a super deal at 5144,900. Morw.. Sales' 831-8542. ANNOUNCEMENT BRIAN BONNAR JOINS FAMILY REALTY FIRST!. Paula Matys, manager is pleased to welcome Brian Bonnar as the newest member of the Ajax sales team. Brian brings 14 years of real estate experience. For all your real estate needs call ,. Brian r Bonnar, Sales Rep., BRIAN ' 905-683- BRNAR' 8542. ATTENTION LARGE THE "ENCLAVES" N LOT LOVERS: PICItERNG You'll love this 3 bdrm. Stunning executive Aiax detached on a a ' home, approx. 3,000 sq ` 137 ft. deep lot. Fully ft., 4+ bdrms., 3 finished from top to 1 bathrooms, huge tam. bottom this home rm., fp., unique loft, features central air, gourmet kit., skylight, I replace, a huge deck almost 114 acre x 69' and more! Just wide W. High eft. listed at furnace, casement $164,900. WWI win -downs, 4 114' last! call Marty boDboard, Streeter', 683- $324,900. Sophia 8542 Tan, 41443& MARTY SOPHU► TAN' i. ISM or 41d- STREETER' ifa .. 38447666. ■ UNBELEWALE VALUE N PICKERNG OfILY =14{,900 Everything you need is right here in this all brick, 3 bdrm. Pickering home. You get an eM4n kit., tin. bsmt., 2 washrooms, cent. air and al appis. for this low price. Definitely won't last! Call Jan JAN Buttery, 831- BUTTERLY' "' 31 4242. OUR NEIGHBOURHOOD SPEf,W,ISC" Saha RaprewnWre"Asaociab A n1mr _I '. "FUS"'•fi��7 T REALFY WOR6DfA&T NOW OFFERS:COMMISSION FEE While maintaining our excellence in service PLUS - International Recognition • - Full MLS Service - Unique Marketing Concept ' REALTY WORLD - N Advertising / East Real Estate Ltd. - Real Scope Kiosk Display ' 1099 Kingston Road, Pickering - Local Advertising Pickering 905-831-6000 - Professional Sales Representatives Whitby 905.428-6000 Toronto 416-724-94% "Please call for appointment for further details" AGENTS ON CALL 24 HOURS A DAY Ask us about homes with mortgages available at 6 3/4%9 7%9 7 3/4%, and as low as 5% down payment. Ifyou're selling we'll find you a BUYER: Ifyou're bu in we'll find you a home. *M E4NNIk ToOPPORTw T ° ' "LOW MAINTENANCE FEE" Q• q� 4 bdrm. +den almost 4,000.:( �� E I'�` WHY PAY RENT? 4 bdrm. Condominium Al "• -rte. townhouse 'Overlooks .., ' Almost t!4 acre landscaping' °- �• ' = -�•- - � 'Gourmet kitchen' ,suns.. window ' 2 en suites + 2 baths•., ,` coverings, fridge, stove, $80,000 in upgrades her, dryer, central vac., $170,000 below cost �a �� ceiling fans, etc., 831-6000. l s149,900!' -t ASKING $136,900 o� You can afford this home on prem. pie shape mature Excellent value in quiet mature area. Good lot. 84', hardwood floors, size lot. 3 bedrooms, main floor family room rem. kitchen! Finished rec VISIT OUR KIOSK IN THE �. cue �I plus den, central air, swing set & playground CaM amenities. PICKERING TOWN CENTRE equipment. 831-6000. - - ForE� �Y TMS1�2�900L CREAM Spacious, �eTHE wCaROP! 4 �5�5�� _> � AMAZING VALUE!'. '.: t When you see the O T Excellent home for fist �bdrm. bea,tty! Par amenities of this upscale time home buyers. 2 _ _ bion. hardwood and ��assic residence, you storey, finished basement, ; pine floors. 3 skylights, 2 a 1 2 baths. �• �: � py 9h 9�+II be astounded at the ' - fireplace, 2 walk-in closets. p ince! Large lot with pool Central air & vac.. single - .gam. Colt for �: ; etc. gest location too - and waterfall! more details. -,� Call now! Call Steve now!! TEA WITH THE QUEEN CRISP 'N CLEAN!!! STUNNING BUNGALOW Queen's Cormm exec- Nap Immaculate 4 bdrm.. an Gorgeous 3 bdrm.. reno. 6 Oo utive home, dtartrpion of �v�,. brick. high telt. r _i�, top to bottom n last 4 class.streamlined kit �n °��. Presidential master bdrm. - � years. High eft furnace. Private den. Kit. to drewSensationally spacious marble fborng. backs on for, bdrm. fit for King b 'amity room with fireplace. o parkland. Finished bsmt. Queen. Stately dn. rm. all for unmatched Loaded with upgrades -- - Cal to be crowned. - quality. 831 M. 1 LARGE LOT - GLENDALE PRIVATE A PARK -LIKE 6112% ASSUM. `i $157,900. Lovely 3 bdrm. Huge custom home MORTGAGE ^= home. 2 bathrooms, hroos, eat -in featuring facilities bdrm., large 0_ formalies for two ("- • , -e =- din rm, H master with an kitchen, floor -to -ceiling families. Superb in-law apt.: suite. 2 1�/2baths. 2 fps - Nick fp. Cathedral ceilings. or office set up. 4 baths. 2 finished bsmt.. skylights, walkout Io large yard with fireplaces, hot tub, pool. central air. Hot tub, inground 16x32' ingrou nd pool Heart of Pickering. pool. large lot. 831-M. Only 5 t 89,900. "START THE YEAR SIDESPLIT BEAUTY 50x200' LAKE AREA FRESH" Wel maintained with lots of �� LOT "F 4 bdrm., 2 storey on quiet ' ., built-ins, large mhs., $19,000 down. Don't pay crescent, central vac. + air, fndW bsmt. with 3rd lye balance till you're finished nice house in desirable bdrm. or den. New L building. Nice area in Ajax, area. Colt now forquick windows, double attached vl walk to lake, on bus tine. closing. *Move up 10 garage $159,900. tCoallno details on how this larger home. Cal to $249,900 2 i 3 BDFK COIDOS PRESTIGIOUS �l POOLSIDE SUNSETS WHY RENT??? �• LOCATION • 4 bdrms., 2,500 sq. Q' 5 ' low nhaintlerwrbe tees• 3,000 sq. R., lumuious • Prd. decorated• g� _ saes. ._ t u�ies' home n a quiet ' I,re treed a" '- a r ilr � 4 bedrooms + mbe • Cox.. �, Opiance5 inckXW ' Plaster Ca `- „ • 2 beftooms + balcony den,Ho4vood • Loaded with upgrades' _.' = `� • Close 10 401. GO, schools- kitchen, family room wkh fireplace, plus much more. • Ht� SEMS, Brokid Owner DON DENNIS* Merkel Wilue Appraiser Market Value Appn STEVE COOPER' TERRI SONNAW DON RIC!' + 'Sekrs Rep ra•arMIR - "Aeeochile 0 DIN "'Brolleeif w F:=M$Wjji SHARON 14117CtMSOW MCNAELALEXANDER' PAULE WHITELEY• NAT SCOOE' BARB VACOCA• BARRY FAROUNARBOW s RAY 011lGH• WAYNE SEMS' Managerl+Owner RUWA N N 40 96 W x 4 T FASHION won't Miss +Gut DIi X49 HUGE DOOR _ X"1ZI2ES :-C� IVE—A—MAYS.: INDEPENDE HERITAG AJAX 61 9=950 �5 E HI A ALL I t,IT] r ' Famili CAROL E. ' Prow KUDLA ' Prow Assoc. Broker for y .. w Pru vi TINA . Ker Tm BOWEN* Call homes a 619-9500 E S�� r- Y" 1 u.gW do Z _ 3 SUSANThis on a wdtN VINCENT` s 0 619-9500 ;rip;� CO �5 E A ALL I t,IT] CAU REALTC CAROL E. NEST. KUDLA BEs'r iv Assoc. Broker Cl DARM GLOVER" MVA 619-9500 r- Y" u.gW do LS NEW I 3 car wraps, hardwood a s' stairways up and down, ma $279,900. Cd Ion McLeod, a MEMBER BROKER REALTY LTD. PICKERING 831-9500 )YER'S CHECKLIST FOR ING THE RIGHT AGENT: e to the most properties in your price range Ii ize you with the area AGENT - [ with all the information you need you with immediate financial qualifications mortgage you with discounted interest rates O.A.C. nt you fairly and honestly our interests first Bowen ® 619-9500 to receive a list of mailable in your price range today. ji _ ALL DRESSED UP AND WAKING!! [ 4 HETTERSLEY DR. Ajax beauty is as attractive inside as outside! Situated 1#49' lot, 2 fps., 2 wlos to ige. deck, cent air, ant. vac., dent gas furnace, NxW. firs n txalh. upgraded IdL and jsrnt, so cosy and warm! Beau t t* decorated complete :Worn balloons and drapes. Many, many more extras! A kgmrtW Susan Vincent', 619-9500. L SOLD OUT AGAINI i Lir SEVERAL CALLS A WEEK FROM OTHER rORS tNQUIRING ABOUT WHAT I'M USTIIKG 11 THATS BECAUSE MY VENDORS ARE THE NFORMED AND MARKET -WISE AT ALL TIMES. MAKE A SMART MOVE CF.ITBRATING 22 YEARS AS A REALTOR l.h�' �'y k•► !. } tif� 1�4R.M,ti1�rh *,1k M ► lk i , ► • I • v ► 44Y.0 I V t. r * • '•'p�' Catherine 619-9500 1'M 2,576 SQ. FT. BEAUTIFUL! I come with 4 targe bedrooms, am closet space bountiful and have a whirlpool tub. My gorgeous west exposure kitchen backs on to the largest natural park in North Q America and I have a skylight above my breakfast. You may bird watch from my 18 ft. family room with a f cathedral ceiling. My side by each liv. rm. and din. rm. are well proportioned for loving family feasts. There is only one of me, so hurry!! PLEASE CALL TINA MARIE MASON, Associate Broker TINA MARIE New Home Buyer Consultant, Author MASON `SHE TOTAL NEW HOME PURCHASER SMARTS" 19051 831-9500 "CONDO WITH A LAKE VIEW" $97,900 -Great condo in ► Discovery Bay with a fireplace, indoor pool & hot tub. Located LAURA by conservation area -Priced to MARKS* sell!! Call Laura Marks, 619- 619-9500 9500. f BARBARA PRESTON* CGA 619-9500 All the toys come with this super 4 bdrm., 2 1/2 bath home in demand North Ajax! Oodles of ceramics! French doors! Central air & vac! Security! Heated irground pool & sundeck! Interlock walkway, h ! CALL CATIMONNE YcGILL TODAY AT 619-9300 JAMES CARR* NORTH AJAX Det. bride 3 bdmms., 3 baths. family room with fireplace, main floor 619-9500 un s, �" � °,tet to dock, fully fenced yard. Call James Carr at RON MENARY* 619-9500 SHOWS A 10 PLUS Spartd ing clean raised bungalow, newer •oof, many new windows, french doors, upgraded k4chen, double entry doors, separate rear entrance to fully Washed basement. double drnreway. Call Ron IT'S A W9WR! - $148,500! Exceptional 3 bdne. detached bedcspit on 56x100' lot! Features $ria cathedral ceilings: 1 u . firs.; pine walls & sione fireplace in rec rm.; interlock drive & patio: large country k;Orhen: 12x24' itgroknd pooL.. close m GO Tran, schools & shopping. This is a must see! Cal Barb at 619-9500. JUST LISTED! Ajax beauty r ckidw bey windows even concept kit.lfam. nn.; rh basement ceramics; mirror doors; master willh 4 -pe. an suite & his & hers closets com air, cent. vac.; modem kL; built -m; Berber & plL sh carpets; urniquie interlock, dedu►9 & pond in back yard. We*" Heigf4S special at $199,70. Call Barb at 619-9500. your dirm (OAA Cel for details. DoM Glover, elm= tf HOME FOR TM NEW YEAR strip flooring, r & w ire throughout, soil oak curved narble fireplace, full waftw, the list goes on. only 831-9500. ELEANOR STANDRELD* 619-9500 CHANTAL DOWNEY* 619-9500 Smo AM by tie WW DsWW 1 bdw apt. on 2nd W&vL S applimcm 7% iiterest rale '9 gldl 9M EEka�nor sta in assum n6i9- 9508, OPEN HOUSE WITH A VIEW! $92,400 for a fabulous one bedroom endo with a terrific view of South Ajax & Lake Ontario. Also: appliances, fireplace, central air & more! Drop by for a peek Sunday 2-4 p.m. at 189 Lake Driveway, Suite 402 or call Chantal, at 619-9500. RANALD - NEED WRE SPACE? Now is the time to step up to the great family home. Check these McDonald* bi euex 4►1 bdrms. main floor tam. and laundry rooms. 3 balwoorru, double garage, central air and vacuum, rare 619-9500 wwwoned "ec rm. '"fin wtools rim". Ca now for more details. Ranetd LtDonald. 619-9500. LUCY BATESON** 619-9500 "JUST LIKE NEW" $106,500 Lakeside location, two bedroom apartment, two 4 -pc. baths, tastefully decorated, fireplace, central air, balcony. Pool, sauna, hot tub downstairs. Four appliances. Two deeded parking spaces. Call Lucy Bateson, 619-9500 or 683-5311. A HUGE PIE SHAPED COURT LOT NEW LISTING Stunning 3 bedroom executive home on a huge lot. Professional landscaping, fully fenced w/o from greenhouse kitchen to large deck and hot tub. This home also enjoys hardwood floors, french doors, ceramics. Loaded. Asking $204,900. SUTTON GROUP OMEGA REALTY 3 (416) 281-9500 PETER MUELLER BROKERIfOWNER �UIOVE WITH MUELLER (416) 410.9500 f x N Classy, traditional 3 bedroom. Extra special main floor family room. Marble foyer & fireplaces. central air. great deck. Luce Bateson � ,,o)c. Broker - 619-9500 Unique country bungalow only 15 min. to Pickering. 1 1/2 acres. Scenic paved Rd. 7 years new -- loaded 4,000 sq. ft. space $329,000. Garry Free 837-1054. Garry Free*** Broker M%ner - 83i-1004 is from the Country Village Collection of Marshall Homes at TallTrees. This home is available on a 72' lot from $299,990. For more information please call 509-3350 and ask for Tina**. Tina Marie Mason** 509-3350 Exceptionally clean and beautifully decorated 4 bedroom home in Ajax. Walkout basement to fully fenced yard. Bright eat -in greenhouse kitchen with large pantry. Main floor family room with fireplace and new broadloom. Call Peter Mueller at (416) 410- 9500 or (416) 281-9500. � peter Mueller Nr 0%knPr • 116, 1110-9.500 a �°c Gorgeous 4 bedroom executive. Full brick 2 storey enjoys 4 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths, cornice mouldings, hardwood floors, decorated top to bottom, central air/vac., security system. This home is loaded with goodies. Asking $228,500. Call Peter Mueller at Sutton Group Omega Realty Inc. at (416) 410-9500 or (416) 281-9500. Peter `lueller it Proker'Owner • 11161110-9500 Marshall Homes Maplewood model is available on Twyn Rivers from $279,900. Please visit the sales office at Twyn Rivers and Ashwood Gate (west of Altona) or call 509- 3350 and ask for Tina**. Tina Marie Mason** 509-3350 1711 Aberfoyle Court. Super 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home in north-west Pickering! 152' deep lot! 21' kitchen! Main floor family room & laundry with door to garage! 2 tier deck & safe, separately fenced inground pool! Only =217,900!!! Call Catherine # McGill today at 619-9500. Catherine McGill* -116) 019-9500 7.7% Mortgage Available All this for $172,900 main floor family room with fireplace, 3 large bedrooms, master en suite, main floor laundry, large kitchen, 2 car driveway, fenced. Judy Stacee 837- 1054. Judy Stacee*** 837-1054 This Bungalow has become so popular at TallTrees that Marshall Homes has designed a new one from $299,990 and you really should see it. The same bungalow with a fabulous loft is available from $349,990. Please call Tina** 509- 3350 or visit the sales office on Twyn Rivers west of Altona. Tina Marie Mason** 509-3350 ..ir.� •♦y,1 ss► 0two i,se�Ir,r:ai►r`f.,tj(`,�1�{K�,i�i�ry�f isf11 11 s . s•i,��r, ....��.• •.�... .. 7 ►1��' } f;�i�� t , , i�J',.1,�!►,iri.�:.. ,. PJ�1►'►I�4� 1 Urs 1N ♦� 1 ♦ j fr i ♦ .♦.� ►1 �.. ► r . a . i _ e r l .a♦+i.♦, ♦ ,►.f,oi�i�a�ijT t♦i►i�.ti{Oe� ►.Y,iA♦I no�oe'+. a 1�{ 2; CARL FOX ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD TORONTO, ONTARIO, January YOU in 139 1995 - The election of Carl H. -1 Fox, FRI, CRA, CLP as President of the Toronto Real Estate Board for the your 1995, was announced at TREB's 75th Annual Meeting on Thursday, January 12. ci Mr. Fox is an Associate Broker withme Sutton Group Fox Realty Inc. and has served as a TREB Director for seven years, most recently as vice- � President. He has been active in the Toronto Real Estate Board O pages o since 1967 and has served as a Director of the Ontario Real 3 Estate Association and Canadian Real Estate Association. w Elected as Vice -Presidents are Marilyn Baubie of Daniel Gargarella Real Estate Limited and Santee Leung of Santee x Realty Inc. The Toronto Real Estate Board is the largest real estate board in Canada with more than 22,000 members in the Greater News Advertiser Toronto area and 1995 marks its 75th anniversary. LAURA BEECHGROVEare1450 KINGSTON RD. MARY ANN MacLENNAN PLAZA _ ' _ 1 st TORONTO STE.1 SHEPPARD 11; . Broker/ 4697 KINGSTON RD. - EAST REALTY PICKERING Branch Owner 284-4500 420-4200 Manager An Independently Owned and Operated Member Broker of Coldwell Banker Affiliates of Canada ,+ C r, "BETTER THAN NEW!!! s SOUTH AJAX ;186 900 COSY, 'LUXURIOUS LIFESTYLE IN THE SUE BOND i163,rl99' i WARM. A MATURE LOT ( HEARTOFPICKBEAU' MAL JOHN VASILOFF Sales Representative —PREMIUM 166' LOT— This home has character, large Tarraa •P _ �PDrm Saks Representative Mse424.4200 Otftliiin ins 3 bdrm. dei-rarrsWe eat -in kit., walkout to deck, man 1,900 sq. it *6 tertwo of 420-4200 butt a orry 3 ym new! krgsccably floor laundry. 3 baths. skin 1p. broerMaiang contort. Snibm $ dotierS fin from top to bottom & keded and an oversizedr, much rec tie vs, gas b *Jam=. 'euro. w/Wgades! Gageous fn bsmt JANICE GARNETT more. Call Mann* TtrrcW for MAXINE TUCKER kocrw .,� & �;wamics. 24 -hr JOHN VASILOFF Prre Pickering location near Wines Saks Representative more info at 420-4200. Saks Representative semniv guard & sysrem -Snnfwg Saks Representative Road Cal Janice Garnetr.420-4200. 420-4200 4204200 .new :r me & -_1v 4215-+2CC 420-4200 .w �. �'• r^ rte`` ._ _ �• ^ems GORD BROOK �� �' - PAT STURCH Saks Representative ft. Salesentative 420-4200 ???HOW MUCH WGULn You 4D —JUST LUSTED $104.a99t-• 420-42 00 PAY??? FOR A GROWING PAINS? –LOTS OF 'THOUSANDS SPENT tk1 1,700 sq. It., 3 bdrm. burg. on a - ROOM TO ROAM HERE! < , UPGRADES' �r+r large o bead lot with a Spaces d on half an �Mw 5�• a bdrm.s D t � spectacular view. Features a fn. acre' Country atmosphere yet .. _ houghout „� Too bsmt. wfn-law potential, oversized short Wali to school. 5t>opprng. 5 numerous ro W Dewabe end unt f, gar., well established neighbor- MONA YOUNG mins. to Oshawa! In-law suite & CAROL GOUGH �„ng Imams w o Walk Go wont JOHN VASILOFF hood, cowenerit location. Cal Sales Representative more. Asking $199.000. Call Saks Representative Wsr' :all John Vaskif to derails. Saks Representative Moria Young•, a20 e200. 420-4200 Carole Gough', 420-4200. 4204200 42C -42M 420-4200 BILL OOSTERHOLT SR. BRUCE BROOKS -� ' Saks Representative sales 420.4200 420-4200 _ BEAUT>rFUL 3 BDRM HOME MATURE AREA tlIUL1c TO _ NORTH AJAX BEAUTY $167.900 CON'.,ERVATION AREA Irrmac. 3 bdem. home on premium Ytw M feel at home when you see Unique 2 sturey home wNrb lot bedwg on b parkland. this well cared for bright spat bsmt., spacious eat4n kd Features furry th bsnM., large eat - 3+1 bdrm. bung. Newly wAxA-n appls. + wb to deck in kit., Ige• deck rwtWl-et berldtes renovated belttroom, new carpet mm fur. laund., fam. rm. w/fp., 6- ROB GORDON & more. Close to schools & teeming hrdwd. firs. erg arP K MAMNE TUCKER DG en sude n master, centt. air, 1lssociale Broker sltoppfg Only $169,900. Call � � BLL OOSTERHOLT JR SWU R RON CRep tslve ktt+dten. Cal MW* Tucker' for � Rep vert Gordon' 420.4200. ercom, alm. 900. 420-4200 Keith KN', 420 4200. 4 Rg-4200 420.4200 more kIf o at 4204200' 420-4200 I Sa ANNDAVIS MA IES �D� MARY WRIGHT TROY VARLOW ANN OOSTERHOLT Reptuato"sentative 420 420 200 420.4200 00 420 420-M 420.42 x LAMMR DODSWORTH ROBERT GORDON CAROLE GOUGH GLORIA MONTG01110 JACK MUIR AILEEN MURPHY NANCY MCCOY 8dM Rep�eanatla � � '� � �� S 4204200 'S" PSpre" AMS Broiler M_ Gorgeous 3 bedroom home, ceramic floors, upgraded broadloom, french doors, walkout. CAC, finished basement. To view please call Sandy M. Dudley* 683-5000. ;ands- M. Dudley* - ! !'S RE'; 683-5000 J. Boddy Home, all the bells and whistles, must be seen to be appreciated. Gorgeous kitchen. skylight, bay windows, walkout to cedar deck, finished basement. fireplace, approx. 2,300 sq. R. Also for the growing family $213,500 - New Price, 7 room Evergreen model. quiet court, fireplace in family room. Sold on exceptional Service Plus Results. Flo Betts** 416-283-1500 or 905-931-8613 24 lir po--cr. k-; is a beautiful Victorian type home with a second Victorian elevation available. It is available from Marshall Homes at TallTrees from $319,990. Please call Tina" at 509- 3350 or visit the TallTrees sales office at Twyn Rivers west of Altona. Tina Marie Mason** _ __A= _--- -- This home is over 2,500 sq. ft. with open concept design. It features a circular staircase to upper and lower level, with neutral upgraded broadloom. 4 large bedrooms, two step up tubs & separate shower, large deck, & immaculate. Come see for yourself. Call Mary Roy* NOW 8.31-3300 or 686-3330. )1arti Roy-* s" i "';[If) nr F;RFd-I'll 12`2() Stunning million dollar estate just waiting for you to come in and add your special touches, over 4.500 sq. ft. of pure elegance. Main floor oak den, main floor master bedroom with custom en suite and a custom Binn's oak kitchen. 9lultiple custom fireplaces and a fully finished walkout basement to deluxe golf course. Call for a private showing. Douglas Cain* 831-3300. This is not a misprint $639,000!, Douglas Cain* rales Roprr<entative - at Altona Forest. Close to the Rouge River Valley and all amenities. Starting from only $137,990. Available for Immediate Occupancy. For more information visit our Sales Office on Rosebank Road just north of Sheppard Avenue or call THE KAITLIN GROUP at (905) 839-5550. r.irgauL vax xariei v vara Staircase to large foyer, luxury en suite with step up tub, separate shower and vanit Hu k y.ge oa kitchen, main floor family room, library and laundry rooms. Bright and beautiful. This showpiece will not last. Call Paul Rayment• at 683- 2992 Paul Ra%-ment* _...e......, ............�... wvac w 3uIuu,N • Private fenced yard ' Dining room • Complete with fridee. stove & built-in dishwasher • Favorable financing is available This property is a must to see and it must sell"' 83 Call Graham Sidaway• 6M - 2M Grallanl Sitia«, a - California open on the inside, billy upgraded with premium pie lot and cedar deck. The builder's 3,600 square foot home is available for $369,990. Please call Tina Marie Mason" at 509-3350 to book a view- ing appointment. Tina Marie Mason** PAL-VIAIW9 L' Brought to you by: West Show WHEN: Wednesday April 5 - Friday April 7 TIME: 9:30 AM. to 9:30 PM WHERE: The Pickering Town Centre WHO: If you are a Real Estate Agent, Broker, Builder or affiliated service, you're invited to participate! Take advantage of this opportunity to meet potential Home Buyers & Sellers all under one roof. If you are a Real Estate Agent, plan to be there ith a selection of resale homes available in Durham Region and abroad. Electrical is ,available' It you're a builder in town, or out of town, tell Pickering Town Centre Shoppers what your Community has to offer in New Homes. Whether you're a financial institution or affiliated service. we will have a market for you too' PRE -SHOW SUPPLEMENT Sunday, April 2nd (prerequisite for show participation). DEADLINE FOR ADS: TUESDAY MARCH 29TH. The News Advertiser to supply: I table and 4 chairs and linen DEADLINE TO RESERVE BOOTH: MONDAY MARCH 27TH. Call us today! (905)579-4404 or Toronto(416)798-7672 t e best ew J;�t: xts k als homes? nNew Homes & Interiors, which has a To advertise in call 579-4404 or .AtALit01l�t TNRlp#tONa•MOt�IlST .. • WORK YOUR OWN HOURS IN YOUR OWN HOME GET PAID ACCORDING TO YOUR RESULTS e ADVANCEMENT OPPORTUNITY PEOPLE WITH A POSITIVE OUTLOOK AND DEDICATED TO RESULTS RESPOND TO: 180 Station Street, Suite 22 Ajax, Ontario L1 S 1 R9 W. FRANK FRANK REAL ESTATE REALr01r LIMITED REALTOR 683-7777 or 831-2056 ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT " HOW Ww. 4� GINETTE CAMPBELL' ANNA KOSTOPOULOT JACK FUDGE, Manager of W. FRANK JACK FUDGE, Manager of W. FRANK REAL REAL ESTATE LIMITED wishes to welcome ESTATE LIMBED wishes to welcome ANNA GINETTE CAMPBELL as a member of the KOSTOPOULOS to the W. Franc team. Anna W. Frank team. As a Top Producer for the brings a wealth of experience as a Real past eight yyeeaars and a brig time resident of =very Estate professional with an extensive the area, very well versed in the knowledge of the Scarborough/Pickering Aj x/Pickering market and her experience areas. Anna's dedication and experience and dedication will make Girwe a valuable gives her a unique understanding of the asset to anyone wishing to market or home seller's and buyer's needs. Past and purchase a home. Past and present clients present clients may reach Anna at (905) 683 - may reach Ginette at (905) 683-7777 or 7777 or(905)428-9406. (905) 4274". JaNs 146VOSMIUMe MAKESURE YOU GET CALLS ABOUT YOUR LIST S 1 DONT MISS THE ` ,CHANCE i TO ADVERTISE IN News Advertiser ll (t CALL 519-N OR TOR. LINE 79 11 �62 151%7% �AF 0•� Q Interest �/ 1, Q Interest II Rate Rate •• 2,500 sq. h. Marty modern upgrades. private 2,800 sq. h.. Protessior4y kitshed basement, tons entrance b 2 bedroom basement apartment. Why of modem upgrades airThisane won't rent when you an own your dream today. Find out =x%ionm how. Cal us at... last. For Pie sttotarings can ... John or Nlkl Grigoriadis Solid Choice Sales Representatives (416) 461-9900 (905) 837-2880 ................ ■ PUT YOUR mm4mm WHE 1 RE YOUR r1A 7SL 0 '01 AS. C11M HOUSE ISin NEW CHOICE _:L 3 VAIN Realty Ltd. MEMBER BROKE R •M I'll • i RATE 837=1054 �_--For s w JUDYSTACEE***••• 4� _ GARRY FREE _ _ RAUL CASINO' _ter, .. _'✓.. �.l $129,900. Only $824 mo. Perfect 3 bedroom, 3 baths, $137,500. Mortgage available at 7.7%. Beautiful 3 5199,900. Carries like rent with basement rental, finished basement. 2/3 car parking. Call Judy bedroom home in most popular complex in Pickering. Scarborough, 9.25%. 4 years + 2nd at 11% assumable. Staeee***, 837-1054. Gas heat. Garry Free***, 837-1054. 3 bedroom bungalow. 2 bdrm. basement apartment, sep. entrance. Raul Casino*, 837-1054. LOIS` RON ARGUE* BARBARA THOMPSON** SMITH** $194,900. Room to grow & rent below. 2 families can $179,900. Spotless kept home in great location. 572.x• $3.500 down - 4 bedrooms, appliances, gas live for the price of 1. 4+1 bdrms., separate full Basement has in-law apartment. Many extras included. heat. Clean and close to everything! Barb Smith**, basement apt. Over 2,900 sq. ft. living space. Lois Ron Argue*, 837-1054. 837-1054. Thompson**, 837-1054. :, _ ` • i f r - _ ' 1qwm= / RUIN $279,000. Work at home, swim indoors, big, big lot. $194,900. Large 3 bedroom home by the bay in $149,900. Semi, 3 huge bedrooms. Hardwood floors, Backs on greenbelt. Custom. Call Judy Staeee***, 837- Pickering. Enclosed courtyard facing the sun. Nearly newer carpet/kitchen floor, appliances, remote 1054. new. Garry Fret***, 837-1054. controlled air conditioner. Finished basement. Raul Casino*, 837-1054. LOIS RON ARGUE' BARBARA TFIOYPSONI SMI1TH~ $134,867. 3 bedrooms, huge country kitchen with $249,900. Fabulous decor. Finished basement with $136,900. Detached backsplit with separate basement ceramics. Custom pine cupboards, sun room. Lois sauna. Loaded with upgrades. Gableton model. Ron aparowntd Wa/kout family room with gas fireplace/ Nen, 77soxwon*! 8371054. Argue* 837-1054. broadloom. modern deco: Barb Smith"P 837-1054. The Undisputed Leader in Full Service Minimum Commission Real Estate. a 3"114IN6801110nH14980" I0 w I7 "~ ,,,y Apy°y s n t+e r r� tinx I s d H tv s .r L'+7 Q > t0i �11.11' COURTICE CUTIE $134,500 Well decorated. 2 storey home offering child -safe court location, 3 bedrooms, finished basement with pine bar and wainscotting, eat - in kitchen and large deck. Don't wait on this one! I" YOUR OWN PRIVATE WOODLAND Fabulous 4 bdrm. home on preferred Pickering St. Watch the wildlife from kitchen, sep. dining, family rooms, or in the hot tub on the deck. Main flr. laundry with access to double garage. A nice place to call home. MAIN FLOOR FAMILY ROOM $169,700 Bright & neutral decor, sparkling clean home, ceramics & full en suite, custom decking front & back, quiet crescent. $155,900 - IMMACULATE HOME IN AJAX Beautiful 3 bdrm. det. brick home -Finished basement - Private fenced yard -Cent. air Gond. -Located in Westney Heights. 9.259/0 available. Steps to sJmis & parks. v� We list a real bargain. This is d! Det.. all brick, 3 bdrm. with att. garage, eat -in kitchen, rec room, CAC, fireplace & finished basement. Nice decor! Quiet Wesbwy area. Asking $152500. 79 FT. RAVINE LOT - $106,900 Just listed! Whitby, 4 bdrm. exec., main floor family & laundry rooms. Big greenhouse kitchen, a great opportunity. Call today. NEW LISTING!! What a beauty!! Quiet court, main floor family room & laundry room, Bramalea built, large, bright kitchen, w/o to yard, CAC, CVAC & more!! Only $217,9001. AS LITTLE AS $6,245 DOWN Bright, spacious end unit townhome features 3 big bdrtns., 2 baths, large living & dining rooms plus walkout basement in a great Pickering Village location. Call today. lie -rim ` J- ■ t t SOUTH AJAXI 1,900 S0. FT. $169,900 Beautiful 4 + 1 bdrm., linked by garage only. Large eat -in kiL. man fir. family no. with 1p. & hardwood parquet floor. Master has 4 -pc. on suite bath. Newly fn. bsmt. has sep. side dr. entry, huge rec nn. and 51h bdrm. Door to garage from home. New flooring b plush carpet in bsmt. a All ELEGANT & AFFORDABLE 10 ft. ceilings w/crown moldings, marble fp., unique layout are just a few things you can expect! For a pleasant surprise, call today! s EVERYTHING YOU DREAM For only $242,000, you will have 4 very big rooms with plenty of closets, big laundry room, dble. car garage. Shows like '10". Central air conditioning, spotless 2,860 sq. ft. with finished basement. SOUTH AJAX $176,900 Great family home with 4 + 1 bedrooms, big, bright kitchen, sep. dining room, fireplace, yard has southern exposure & a large deck. 13 40 THIS HOME HAS EVERYTHING! M you want a South Ajax 4 bedroom finished top to bottom with a sparkling inground pool, gorgeous landscaping and iMertoc k brick walk, stunning floor plan 8 much, much more, then pick up the phone & call right now! STUNNING OPEN CONCEPT - 2,100 SO. FT. ONLY $194,500 Great central location -Super western view of sunsets & CN Tower. A 3 + 1 bdmt. home featuring fin. w/o burnt., sunken family rm., eat -in kitchen... '3 spacious bedrooms 'Master bdrm. walk-in closet 'Main floor family room 'Combined living/dining room 'Modern pastel decor. 'Walkout basement 'Rough -in 3 -pc. in basement 'Large fully fenced yard 'Walk to all amenities 'Central air/garage door opener.