HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1995_01_22NoTEs She's got the music in her Page 19 SPORTS Swimmers are tops Page 20 Kitchens Plus 106ploln't;srrRDIN "PR 011M ,nu.. �. cao.Ntaor. t SM. 97YSd4•� News Advertiser Sunday, Jan. 22, 1995 32 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 40,000 Vol. 114 No. 3 Welfare numbers Durham Regikxnal PrAice Constable Terry Ryan lenge among police forces in the greater Toron- (in car) fights over a padlocked box of dough- to area. The challenge is designed to see which nuts with Inspector John Hamilton prior to force loses the most weight and to raise money embarking on the Battle of the Badges chat- for charity. photo by Andrew Iwanowski No more wai*st DURHAM — It's back and bigger than ever. The 1995 Battle of the Badges, commonly referred to as the battle of the bulges, will pit teams j of police officers and civilians in a fight to lose weight and raise money for charity. Teams from Durham, Metro Toronto, Peel and York police focc es will follow food and fitness plans from Weight Watchers while raising finds for The Sunshine Foundation of Canada. Close to S12,000 was raised last year for the foundation, which assists children who have life-threatening diseases and severe physical disabilities. Drunk bogged down by nature's call PICKERING — Resew workers hen saved a drunken man -wbo got stuck is a I muddy fatumes tied win he trent b wi- em eady TbursdayWig• Ewegr eac'y crews were called to cite field I in tie Glet Rand aed Fwldh* Bode- I va id area mored 2.55 a.m. When ticy got to the sone they dumv- end a sans s1Kk up to his Verist is toad. He Will be wa mhud into the field to relieve hitt self but got bogged down in the qua atire. • •Police • Last year the team from D%vham took the title by losing an average of 18.1 pounds each. ` Durham Regional Police Inspector John Hamilton is confident has forces can finish on top once again. "We know from experience that the Battle of the Badges is a fun campaign that does as much for offi- cer morale as it does for their health," says Insp. Hamilton. "Our success last year was the result of 90 -per cent dedication to the Weight Watchers pro- gram and taper cent inspuadon." That includes the mysterious orders of pica and Sas CRNE...PaP 8 up in December for the first time in nine months DURHAM — The regional welfare rolls increased slightly in December after eight months of declining numbers. The number of people receiving general welfare assistance rose 163 last month, or .9 per cent, to 17,779. Included in that number are 5,556 children. Whitby mayor and chairman of Durham's health and social services committee Tom Edwards notes welfare rolls usually go up in December. "It's traditional, but I was hoping the decreases we've seen in `94 would be maintained. I'm disap- pointed to that extent," he says. The last increase in welfare in Durham was in March, 1994. Despite the increase, the number of people on welfare is down dramatically over December of 1993, when 20,210 collected general welfare assis- tance. Also increasing in December were the number of people receiving Family Benefit Allowance, ris- ing by 64 to 20,662, or .3 per cent. There were 13,563 children on the Family Benefit Allowance rolls. ONNNOMINNE Between December of `93 and last year, the number of people on Family Benefit Allowance rose Ir 247 from 20,415. General welfare assistance is In the usually a short-term aid for peo- ple, while Family Benefit Editorial. Allowance is a long-term pro- Entertain gram. Sports.... Woman sexually assaulted, beaten, threatened with death ❑ Common-law husband faces several charges PICKERING — A 21 -yeas -old Liverpool Rued nuns Goes a metvus dYsrgu afthis cart oeowlatw wile was munft unubd ltiteadtty. Durham Regional Flab a say tie 20 -yew -old viksim was repem* assahed at her how over a period of four hours that day. The victim was s s* aweaten ulled, band Edd against her wt1t, poFm say A relative dtswvaed We wumn a her home m. wound 8 p and took her to the Whitby Creeeral h%spiars seusl assault cmc entre where she :vwas welad and nkand. _ _ Her a mtos-law husband is charged WO tnettt d monk three- iug deadi, On rRIF eoaCne- meat sed ag8mvated assauk Tan Edwards `I was hoping the decreases we've seen in `% would be maintained. I'm &mpp�Wd' aside ..........................6 mcnt.................19 .........................20 Classified ........................26 Phone Ones; General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Sincerely Yours 1-416-976-1991 InfoSource 683-7040 Death Nobx= 683-3005 The Hmm Advertiser t xqpftft uses recycled newspriat 93t + 7t GST = $1 F �.� l"!�"RY1�7CS!�••'iYJY."iMt Q4 .. t'bA�... .. $.:."q' .i�,." ... PAGE 2-T= NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JANUARY =1995 r Cm SMACTM m WE fantastic Savings On All Appliances, --Home'-.'- Entertainment, VCRs, TVs, Stereo"-;.".. he Store That Saves You - Money! , K—ME It ,4RJf JUA Ayf E MNT ys L 0 0 dal, = 01 the identical purchase you to same tw= and ccockbons fw Im money of I" Other r" oust, choice guarantees W beef the price or your purchase is free. ............ ­ ............................ _­­­ . ........ AJa'x and D Politicians from three government levels agree infrastructure program works By SAL BOMMARITO STAFF REPORTER DURHAM — Politicians from three levels of government were singing the same tune dur- ing a press conference announc- ing infrastructure funding for the Durham separate school board Wednesday. In a rare display of co-opera- tion, representatives of munici- pal government — represented by the school board — and their federal and provincial counter- parts, agreed the program is cre- ating jobs and stimulating the economy. Furthermore, the three parties concurred the Canada/Ontario Infrastructure Works Program, which divides the cost of pro- jects among the three levels of government, should be contin- ued. But that's not likely to happen since the provincial government is facing an election this year and the federal government is grappling with a multi -billion - dollar deficit which threatens to stall the economic recovery. Still, officials at the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board are hopeful a new initiative will be put forward to replace the federal/provincial infrastructure program. "We've been able to alter classrooms, restore roofs and upgrade energy systems, which has allowed our students and employees to work in the best environment possible," said sep- arate board chairman Tom Old - man. "The savings we've realized will also allow for flexibility in future budgets so that we can pass on those savings to the tax- payer. We hope these joint pro- jects will be on an ongoing basis," be said. The board received approval for $2.14 million worth of pro- jects last November but the announcement was made official during the press conference attended by Durham West MPP Jim Wiseman, Oshawa MPP Alan Pilkey and Oshawa MP Ivan Grose. According to the Province's calculation, the school board's ==Zmr" comes a The funding will allow the board to complete school reno- vation and upgrade projects which would not have otherwise been completed. In turn, the P i c k et i n- - g work will result in 30 new jobs for a period of one year, it was announced. "This is new work that's been created, new contracts and new full-time jobs," Mr. Pilkey said. 04 "The secondary bene- fit is to provide ongo- ing facilities for the school board to use in a the decade ahead." Mr. Grose added the 3r jobs will help stimulate the construction sector, which has been hit particularly hard by the recession. "We need to get the construc- tion sector going again to get the rest of the country's economy booming," he said. THE NEWS ADVEIMSER SUNDAY, JANUARY =1".19 -PAGE 3 separate -Schools get upgrades The infrastructure program • alterations to provide techni- dents at Holy Redeemer Catholic includes the following projects cal labs to Grade 7 and 8 stu- School. in Ajax: • roof replacements at St. Francis de Sales and St. Bernadette Catholic Schools. Mot • heating conversion at ��''� St. James Catholic School. ventilation upgrade for St. Bernadette. of In Pickering: • roof replacements at - St. Isaac Jogues Catholic School. • ventilation and heating upgrades at St. Isaac, St. Mary Catholic Secondary School, and Our Lady of the Bay Catholic School. M0M=NWE=A= I f 14�w W = IDE � 1r (fomnerty of west Hilo PROVIDING TRADITIONAL BURIAL b a.r.I-W,ov..w CREMATION SERVICES & IL N.*^•+-"'"* "THE DURHAM PLAN" Irnmedisto Burial or Cremation Services • Transportation of the DeoeasW 1600 • Farnily Consul atwn INCLUDES:• Documentabw • Minimal Cremation or Burial Container BROCK ROAD CHAPEL, ENQUIRIES PLEASE CALL 1057 Brock Road (,lust south of 401) PIC KERING (905) 6e6.5589 .0 PHome Decoration Series COME TO CASHWAY FOR DECORATIVE IDEAS DESIGNED FOR SAVINGS! PLANNING A ELECTRICAL PROJECT? CASHWAY INVITES YOU TO— A FREE ELECTRICAL SEMINAR COVERING... INSTALLATION OF: • RECEPTACLES • SWITCHES • LIGHT FIXTURES • G.F I., ETC. TIME: 7:00 P.M. THURSDAY, JAN. 26th/95 PLACE: CASHWAY BUILDING CENTRE 15 WESTNEY RD N., AJAX CASHWAY SEM IN GARTLAND BY ow OF RAND ELECTRICAL CONTACTING SERUM ..W . 51:1 .tqfteaftlaft wml 6@t - Ades /Wh#bvSlit! - Tarns and A0=/Plcke&g News Adtefter sm - Gold Sal- Caaear )sourcem - vbp 51M - Sootpb 5101 - Agrrrkrs, Spoaeore/ by NIRGY TCMA 9162 - plows 683--7040 5100 - INFOSOURCE DIRECTORY Call! 05.7040 us a touch-lom or p b1111on telephone 1 emits axles. l's FREE cal tr When pI"Datpill Enter 5010 d yc enter the 440 are not farnill Code Of yotr dike with INS SOW tram ft directory Press * to el BY RESERVATION ONLY CALL 427-9931 Ask For Maralyn - W apenowed by TW 0 NffrU , AJAX - Plok 3 . Super 7 - LOTTARIO 7M1 - Caabra sprls war 7016 - M""Man MM - EserCm than i 61e1 - CM04M M IM - AarrootCaabaA $100 - Erdea Vldas mmNow— s News AdK SUN., JAN. 22/95 News Advertiser A&P ( Pick.) *Beaver Lumber Biway tAjax/Pick.) Canadian Tire ( Pick ) *Cashway (Ajax/Pick.) Cherneys (Ajax/Pick.) *Consumers Distributing (Ajax/Pick.) *Emergency Plus (Ajax) Food City (Ajax) *Food Town (Ajax/Pick.) *IGA (Pick.) Lemon Tide Brochure (Ajax/Pick.) Loblaws (AJAX) (Ajax/Pick.) LOEB (Ajax/Pick.) *Marketplace (Ajax/Pick.) M&M MeaLs (Ajax/Pick.) *Sav-A-Centre (Pick.) Superccntre(Ajax/Pick. ) • Delivered to selecled Yuaeelolde rely Remember, all inserts, inchWing these on glea y paper, an be recyded with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling pncrain. For Wirnafion en de6veriog �,��+.•*� advertising llTirN.ws' .,++ .•�. -� all ALVIN BROVYER UWER at fia3.5116. Spaasrod by ML LYS[ 5104 - Taaalo 0*0 Loafs 9106 - Condles Food I Coelom 903e - Pro Spam up" sw - oakaaNwldlby Sports UINIMIS Me - W__ om 0 -1 MoeMy V4MA 5000 - 0dWM@ Gaaarala SO41 - line" llaolry leapw SW - prom 6961 - Dwbm Calls updob 5011 - yaks of sw Day 6137 - A0WPkkW" Spab 5017 - Oaob of rn Day updMa Or s.>, . Ti kda ly 5136 - A0*111kka" lloa•Y Sob -RdNs'AAA'Moefaiy a1M - Ala Okkulng Dolphins 5ee2 . w9m,- (om) Fooraa0 9141 - Local A' 9a0 tlpdaM Sponsored by MR LM MENEEMEAVA GM • Nee.- OlsaiPldr.) 5556 - Erwlrorrrrent Corrado �Ti1M�L . � 1l�aa�ond a Mti babe a STEAK HOUSE 7072 - Oaliaaa Canoe Cl 7093 - whiney Cinenne 7024 - No 1111o4erirt) Ciianse sporor� kr TIttAiMS A CM 7076 - Plekarirg Moviplait e W44 - We" Video 7003 - LORD BYRON SEAFOOD a STEAK HOUSE sm - D.w tnwtlor 11114W by 111Ctu1Mfiolt G1111111111118111mns Mulwl Furl L"Ift 7703 . Carnot Im►es4rosr - Ral" by 5066 - AGF Sin - WAft VMrares M - TOPS (w• ad porrra.+Nr-'A E �d fo ccan at 83 5110 ]PAGE 4 -THE NEWS ADVEnISER SUNDAY, Throwing money at traffic problem • not enough, say di*strict resi*dents D People living near lives directly across from Pine the complex neighborhood and Ridge Secondary. traffic problems involved. Coun- three schools want a She warned councillors cillors suggested the residents against accepting "Mickey could go ahead with forming say in how congestion Mouse solutions" such as widen- their own committee to deal with is to be handled ing Liverpool Road in the area. the issue and report their find - which she claimed would merely ings to the Town. turn it into "a four -lane parking Staff recommendations lot". regarding the consultant are to Ms. Simmonds added she come before council no later believes the only good solution than Feb. 27. may be building another access route to the high school from Valley Farm Road. The residents, generally, were not opposed to the hiring of a consultant, but wanted the com- munity to be given a chance to explain their problems to the Town and the consultant, and to have their difficulties properly considered before any changes are made. Councillors voted to direct Town staff to start the search for a consultant who could deal with By MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER PICKERING — The Town should listen to the concerns of area residents before spending $180,000 to deal with traffic problems on Liverpool Road near Bushmill Street, councillors have been told by the residents. During their 1995 budget deliberations, councillors have voted to allot $180,000 for road work to deal with the traffic problems, some of which would pay for a traffic study by a con- sultant. But several residents showed up at Monday night's Town council meeting to urge politi- cians not to go ahead with the study without giving people liv- ing in the area a chance to have their say. They noted a previous Town meeting and task force in 1993 brought practically no results. "Now suddenly you decide to spend a whole bunch of money for a traffic consultant, but you haven't even listened to us yet," said Madeleine Cheesman, presi- dent of the Maple Ridge Ratepayers Association. "Let's save the money for now and start cleaning up our own back yard," said area resi- dent John Sillaots. "I want a sep- arate community meeting, and then we can come to the Town and say `here is what we've dis- covered"' The stain reason for traffic difficulties is that three schools are located in the area, which has resulte(, in major tie-ups as par- ents drop off and pick up their children. Further, students drive themselves to Pine Ridge Sec- ondary School, to which Liver- pool Road provides the only access. Residents have com- plained that the student drivers in particular ignore traffic and parking signs. Louise Simmonds of the Enclaves of Maple Ridge Ratepayers Association said resi- dents have experienced a "traffic nightmare" ever since school bus service to the high school was discontinued. "I'm a virtual prisoner in my own home at certain hours of the day," said Ms. Simmonds, who Iw THAT 1�11 WILL FLOOR YOU! CARPET-TOWPiE "2 MONARCH, AJAX F_xt_)eCt mol e f y nt seav, Beat the GST .i on t pay ant• ffie job is (one Installed Installed Installed Installed Entry Doors Roofmg Gas Fhvplace Windows 'Sears will deduct an amount equivalent to the GST from your total installed home improvement purchase. Offer does not apply to previousl signed contracts and cannot be used in conjunction with any other special offer or discount. GST offer in effect until Fridav, February 24, 1995 Sears Guaranteed Horne Improvements Talk to someone you know' Call now fir a no -obligation in-home estimate 1-800-625-0025 Gtp%right 14M.15. wars (::arida Int. T.l�./b[.M.kr >:.ti1 /9sfi-al-s'�'. �1.I.llttla'r^I1-J1lL?.�i�1.7'^.�-wf fL'e'7 VT.7�1T-•_r P CORRECTION NOTICE In the Sears 'Sears Warehouse Sale' advertisement which appeared in the News Advertiser on Friday, January 20th, the 25% OH all in -stock winter -weight scarves, gloves, hats, mitts should have read: 25% OFF ALL IN -STOCK WINTER -WEIGHT WOMEN'S SCARVES, GLOVES, HATS, MITTS The News Advertiser apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused. DENTURE CLINIC REPAIRS (1 hr.) *Relines ' Complete, Partial Dentures LOWER DENTURE STABILITY NEW PERMANENT, SOFT DENTURE LINER FREE CONSULTATION William Steil, DD, F.C.A.D.(A) 84 OLD KINGSTON RD. W. - r PICKERING VILLAGE, AJAX 683-4294 After hours 428-8801 Pickering Philharmonic & P.A.C.T. Present a Fund Raising I F NIGI3fi M.C.: Ken Shaw, C.F.T.O. news anchorman y Music by the Pickering Philharmonic Orchestra and the Brook Hutchinson Disc Jockey Service Performance by the students of the Durham Dance Centre Reception with complimentary wine and hors d'oeuvres 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Meet the members of the orchestra and dance to the music Saturday January 28. 1995 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. PICKERING RECREATION CENTRE Valley Farm Road. South of Hwy. 2 Semi -formal Cash bar Door prizes $30.00 per person Gentle Dentistry for Adults, Kids, and Great Big Babies. To help you feel at ease: ✓ Ultrasonic fR cleanings `1` ` ✓ Soothing nitrous oxide &► general t anesthesia- ✓ Virtual vision headsets to hel% p you relax ✓ Autoclave sterilization ✓ Complete preventive & restorative dentistry Convergent care with you in mind: ✓ We file & accept direct insur- ance payments (you pay only portion not covered by plan) ✓ 5% discount for senior citizens ✓ Walk-in & same- day appoint- ments welcome ✓ Treatment for impacted wisdom teeth available ^_H for your free cosmetic cor�sultafion! e Learn how tooth whitening, porcelain veneers, and other cosmetic procedures can make your smile look brighter. - CALL NOW Dr. Steven Nadel, D.D.S. MFormer Editor of the newsletter 683=1432q F for dentists, THE DENTALE'TTER mod172 HarwoAve. South, Suite 101; AjaxMm s 1 Convergent care with you in mind: ✓ We file & accept direct insur- ance payments (you pay only portion not covered by plan) ✓ 5% discount for senior citizens ✓ Walk-in & same- day appoint- ments welcome ✓ Treatment for impacted wisdom teeth available ^_H for your free cosmetic cor�sultafion! e Learn how tooth whitening, porcelain veneers, and other cosmetic procedures can make your smile look brighter. - CALL NOW Dr. Steven Nadel, D.D.S. MFormer Editor of the newsletter 683=1432q F for dentists, THE DENTALE'TTER mod172 HarwoAve. South, Suite 101; AjaxMm s P Babies'day out Alicia Marshall and son Alexander take a dip make youngsters feel at ease in the swimming at the Pickering Recreation Complex Wednes- pool, day during a Waterbabies class designed to photos by Ard,ew Iwanowski Alison Dipasquale looks to be preparing Summer Olympics sometime in the next cen- daughter Emily for the diving event for the tury. Sammy Distefano glides ttxotgh the water with the greatest of ease ana the neap or mom mww THE NEWS ADVERMER SUNDAY, JANUARY 22,19WPAGE S WTO L WALL SAVINGS COMIl�TG SOOrT: CARPET -TOWNS Z8z MONARCH, AJAX Canadian Tire PICKERING * Environmental waste charges apply. WNoV tic MoneyDown!one apo" r; al naolaa pars ra V %c PaymentsFor 90 Days' A Ccntoaw"+ncwmnq1walOva'Slmtic Interest for 90 days!� CiaOa rm N DAY FREE" PAM Hepar your ar nan . Taaa no ogrrwrt i/ no n4sst lur 9C oat's. wayam x your CW06W Tea Card. 'tw *9 SO ISYS Mom M .ata l w - ars ino -err. TMsnadW. accoutb ant err Mar" at ew uar rain d 2.at par Tann'. TMs allacarr arrtuaf mars, •ab. rduarq M 90 Monera -Moa D�od s 21.01. Dw annin. TM aeArl aMrrl raM wA �a sYgMUy bear +dw+ !M 90 Ory ntn�fl rsa Mvd a nddo& neer oval cost d DonoW5 to ?* anomer .rye ward an QN amcwt Donw+o and " wq* of tow, an wmc!', M arnorm n nerd ror gartpls: for rte. M It anal over 5 Toner M hs1 3 manes an mMnat-M mo ft mtwnu Tonny po rrwo for astM oI M loloir+q 22matew a Sts, ew +hal osfnwnt n ew end mare+ n 3264.21. TMs vont of boo OWN 21 andtoSIOUS OWN Wkw ntattbsr. 14MA 1 2900 or oblin s Canadan w tAgward+^rw„ at arq C7�sAaoc'w SIX% c Ins SERVICE NOW OPEN O,I Lub�atlon a (ntct cn.ap< -"y AT PICKERING �,---.�.•r.-.>---•-.— °�s.o'roka' '.-.........� n.,._... rilrer - replace �S STATION .may r. a 1 ✓.-.rT. r i... Wr -i .�, n.wrfwlQ(roo rt,a ear Y a�rure) - n% wrW "'�" I- j_- p(i' fiIw fgAace every ! 1,h­ MON.-FRI.6 a.m.-8:30 a.m. --- ` --� ._ ^- n,osrl., 10.000 km nr —. rte+. w. — cr.-� �r..r .rr STARTING JAN. 16A5 (fir, 4i�ncaw» r r -" =^= -"-r = == rr...�.> . n,.,d"'d fill- y. .�.....r._...t ,h- "— In (xxI eat. SERVICE Uom-Fn. 7:30 a.m. - 0 pm. OPEN Sat 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. HOURS Sun. 10 am. - 5 p.m. SUNDAYS Pickering Store Only 839-8124 1300 Kingston Rd. (AT LIVERPOOL) PICKERING 40 If you see news in the making, call our newsroom at 683-5110. News Advertiser 1894 YVL.IGSr1/AGEN .IETi'A Power locks, tided class, dual rrwmM adwa med safety system, MOW cassene 8 speaker sound system and much more. FRONI X14. 7%NuLr- "World's Best Selling Car!" Power lodes, anted glass, duel minas. a Waned safety sysI ern, and much more. till *NJ r Timothy J. Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Advertising Manager Alvin Brouwer Retail Sales Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday, Friday and Sun- day. 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario. LIS 2H5. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. Page sizes may vary slightly from published rate card due to mechanical requirements of different print- ers. Second Class Mail Regis- tration 1897. Mail subscription rates Can. 1 yr. $70 exWRm To Tm NEws AnvmnsER,130 GIVE USA 110V ALL -DAY KINDERGARTEN Work together When mayors of the Greater Toronto Area munici- palities gathered together Friday, it marked a milestone in local politics. Several years ago, a smaller group of GTA mayors began meeting to discuss their common interests at the invitation of Mississauga's Hazel McCallion. The may- ors' group was embraced by a few but criticized by oth- ers as creating yet another level of government. Since then, more and more mayors or their delegates have been turning up for the meetings, which have been hosted by different municipalities on a rotating basis. Some, like Ajax Mayor Jim Witty, discounted the group at first but later expressed belief that working together on common concerns might be the way to go after all. Naturally, each mayor sitting down at a GTA meet- ing will have his or her own private agenda; after all, looking after their own municipality is what they're paid to do. But there's no denying there are many common problems plaguing the municipalities in the GTA: trans- portation gridlock. waste management and — as was the main topic of conversation Friday — economic development. All of the municipalities are eager to attract industry, and in as much as the mayors are working together for their common good, they're also in competition with each other in trying to lure companies into their back- yards. But by generally promoting the GTA to the world's business centres, all of the communities surrounding Toronto will benefit. And, if our mavors keep working together on these and other common interests, the bene- fits should become apparent to all of us. COMMEMAt. AvE., Alan, LIS 2H5 oR FAX us AT 683-7363 CALL Resistance to change is expected, but .;eneral 683-5110 lewsroom 683-5110 )Wribution 683-5117 lassiCted 683-5110 (Nightline - 798-7672) AX 683-7363 incerely Yours 1416-976-1991 AbSource 683-7040 eal Estate and uttonnotive Sales 798-7672 adonal Advertising 493-1300 let's give kids and teachers some credit To the editor: This is in response to the many letters your paper has received regarding the all -day kindergarten program. I am a "stay-at-home" mom of three chil- dren. My youngest has been enrolled in the all -day kindergarten program since Septem- ber. He has thoroughly enjoyed his year thus far, and I consider his progress to be equiva- lent to that of his older brother and sister who he Nevus Advertiser welcomes xers to the editor on topical apes, controversial matters and ything else of interest to our hders. We reserve the right to it letters far length and legal hsons and to withhold letters med not 5t for publication. 1 letters must include your 1 name, address and phone mber for our information. . ey should not exceed one and ' alf pages in length, typed, ,hble spaced. The News Advertiser wady uses recr- �7 ded newsptltat - - _ . - From the Managing Editor's desk sty .. /. lweaof participated in the more traditional half-day program. Change is difficult for most, but I do not feel we are giving children, nor their teach- ers, enough credit based on the extent of the criticism that has been registered to date. I am able to volunteer in the kindergarten class one afternoon each week, and I have not witnessed any signs of fatigue, lack of inter- est or enthusiasm (I only wish that I had half of their energy!). Let's not condemn a system that has been in operation for less than six months, as our children appear to be handling it more posi- tively than most parents. Children have a unique ability to adapt to new situations; let's give them the credit and confidence they deserve to give this new pro - grain a chance to work! C. MacInnis Pickering Fear -free i*n nuclear shadow L w most people tin Ajax and brdoering, I was Nmfited to find out about the lade December accident at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. I live and work tin Durham Region, I have a wife and 18- mooth•oid son and I occasionally wonder about the conse- quences of a disaster at either of the two nuclei plants I live between But unlike so many others in the community (and I am cynical both by nature and trade), I don't feel my safety is being given shonshcift by the people at Ontario Hydro so they can save money. This is not an anti -anti-nuclear group opinion. I believe in the aim of groups Glue Durham Nuclear Awareness. I believe they do have the best interests of the communities they serve at heart. I believe their existence is extremely important so that a vigilant watch on the people who rum our nuclear power stations can be maintained. But my cynicism won't allow me to take sides in the ongoing nuclear debate (which is to say I don't entirely believe arguments on either side). I worry that the well- iniendoned people at DNA sometimes put an unfair spirt on their message io scare people into 'action'. My knowledge of nwlear power, l fully admit, is pedes- trian. But I don't really know how an internal combustion engine works either, yet I feel safe driving my car. I put my faith in the designers of the car that I drive; I believe they have designed a vehicle that is as safe as it can be. And the truth is this. mtciear reactors designed n Canada have a global reputation for their safety record and systems. When the accident occurred at bickering last month. offi- cials at Ontario Hydro said it was nothing to worry about because all the safety systems functioned as they should have. Officials at DNA cond uded, somewhat hysterically in my OP, that we came within a hair of a mhclear caustro- pbe. I suspect the most amwme description of the event falls somewhere in between. The most important question for me in relation to the nuclear power debate is this: If we do stop using nuclear Power to feed our hungry communities, do wee go back to building coal-fired power -generating per? What other power alternatives are there that are economi- cally, environmentally and politically feasible to feed a growing collection of communities in the Cmeater Toronto Arra? There are answers, I'm sure. But I'm not convinced they could meet the three criteria listed above, at least not to the satisfaction of groups like Durham Nuclear Awareness. In the meantime, I'll continue to live nestled, relatively fear -free, in between the Fickering and Darlington nuclear generating stations. Petstuff THE NEWS ADYER77SER SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1"S -PAGE 7 OUR GUARANTEEED LOW WAREHOUSE PRICES TO ANY OF OUR COMPETITORS. WE SHOP THE COMPETITION SO YOU DON'T HAVE T0! N 9-LIVE5 CANNED CAT FOOD 156 g can $1999• TECHNI-CAL MAINT: ENANCE DOG FOOD 18 kg bag a 11 7510 PEDIGREE CANI DOG FOOD 380 g can a Is $1399. PURINA DOC, CHOW 18.1 kg bag $1299' NUTRI CHOKE DOG FOOD 18 kg bag $499 FM BROWN WILD BIRD SEED 9.1 kg bag i r> $1W PURINA CAT CHOW 8 kg bag $459 t SIMPLICITY PLUS CLUMPING CAT LITTER 10 kg corn $2999 - IAMS CHUNKS - MINI CHUNKS 18.1 kg bag i $1199 MEOW MIX ORIGINAL 8 kg bag PRous Goon THRouGH 1-29-95. 3.6 KG BAC' u%m 9a FPtEEI z.7 KG BARS EUICANI�JBA�` * BurA IS KG MG of AMS LmACTIVE DOG FOOD TAMS LESS ACT11/E AND GETAN 3A KG mG FRW DOG FOOD 18.1 kg bug OR $�, 99 &HA I3A KG MC of EtA(wm LIGHT DOG FOOD No off m 2.7 w, am FREE i} GIANT STORES TO SERVE YOU 9-11 1 ml I I ON I I or .. 7 1 u (006) 556 -WW (W) 850-4W 238 Oi Stmlat Ema 101 "1111,law 8M I" 0 aalwo m�ladnMY — an PNo. club (906) em -esu 1740 ramp SL Paa. N.aamarkat Nat 10Can" Ike i @sftw^ ftmw amt (905) 06-1015 1733 Pldowlma PIauF Dedw CGRUL "duwft EUKANUBA LIGHT DOG FOOD 13.6 kg bug PErvx f R®NB IME asoa 10 U11T OUANTSTE' L IT 6 OUR POUCT 10 MJN 1RTIRA. ACCLWn AOv6R61 r— N of EVBa Of AN WIMWE V LLL M"E EVERY RFASOWAU 6140W 70 ACCO►110C An OUR CUSTOPIM STORE HOURS Monday -Friday .... 9am-9pm Saturday...............8am-9pm Sunday .................. I Oam-6pm GROOMING HOURS Monday -Friday ...... 7am-6pm Saturday .................7am-7pm Sunday ....................9am-4pm 1 Kill PAGE $-THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1"S Crime righters battle the bulge to help sick children FROM PAGE 1 The winning team will be in lale March. pledge in support of The Sunshine service can call Weight Watchers at doughnuts which arrived unordered announced when the event wraps up Anyone wishing to make a Foundation and their favorite police 1-800-387-8227. at rival police headquarters. Durham police have denied any involvement. The 10 -week event will also involve life-style education pro- grams held each week at the various police headquarters. Weight Watch- ers contributes the program fee to charity while the officers collect pledges based on the amount of weight they lose. AUTO SERVICE SPECIALS Winter Service Package i3999 f Valvoline All Cli nate motor oil, chassis lubrication and new Fram oil filter. We'll top -up all fluid levels, test the anti- freeze, charging and starting systems, check the cooling system, AVR battery test, visually check %our brakes and more. Computerized Tun"p from 7999 4 cylinder anginas Includes o compreners ve computer vehicle diagnos s and installation of spark plugs For most vehicles, (eons $20 extra) All necessary ports extra *09 Systim en FREE Our experts will do a complete electronic diagnosis of your car's battery, starter and alternator. We'll inspect for worn, corroded or loose cable connections and alternator belt. SIN TO YOUR NEAREST SEARS AYTOAIWM CENM TMT sun sum SALE PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1,1995 Capp4t 1995. SKn Carodo Inc 420=8000 Ext. 227 or 299 Automotive Dept. It - 0 ricar: Lube • Oil @ Filter Goodwr¢nch Service��s Tune -Up Specials Goodwr¢nch S¢rvic¢ p,(;Iv Gus BROWN Pentre Buick MID 1hods hillby 66&886866Dundes St. 8-887 1 RIM-11NN1R 7 A.M. - 9 PAL M. 7 A.M. - B PJL BAT. 9 A.M.-2 P.Y. O �MOTO aeo - Cadillm 140 BOW St W., Oshawa 436-7441 72.541501 SOL-TMIIIB, 7:30 A.M. - 7:00 RIR PIN. 7:70 A.M. - I RML RATA AV a A -M_ - s WE - Goodwrench Exhaust Goodwrench Service ¢7tWa!�- Coolan..'§#�` [lush Goodwrench t¢rvice��s .� Goodwrench Servicepg&57 CLIFF MILLS Pe1111 e - tBaiet - aMC 1Fudw 2M King % W., Oshawa 436-1500 OPEN BAT. 8:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. MON.-M. 8 A.M. - a P.M. BOB MYERS C evnolet • Goo - 0" -6Wl. 425 Ba* St. W., Ajax 427-2500 OPEN SAT. 8 A.M. - 2 P.M. .'faa ROY NICHOLS Motor's LAd- Courfce (Hwy. 2 just East of Oshawa) 436-2222 436-2228 PEN BAT. a A -N- ..1 s" SHERIDAN CHEVROLET a o - - Caddis[ 1800 Kingston Rd., pldtemg 0 mile East of PTC) 683-9333 NURSE clraveew a" 0 0k%WAobw - CMMIM 1530 Dundas St. E., V*Aby 4044 668-3304 OPEN BAT. 8 A.M. - 1 RM. MICHAELBOYwER 1111" - aan a C.yllim 715 Kingston Rd., Pict&" (401 & Whites Rd.) 686-5859 OSHmHITBY 831-2693 PICKERING OPEN BAT. 8 A.M. - 2 P.M. r Come into DEN to discuss environmental bill of rights DURHAM — People inter- ested in the environment are welcome to attend the next meeting of Durham Environ- mental Network (DEN). The Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) will be the main topic of discussion with guest speaker Cathy Taylor, Ontario Environmental Networks Resource person on the EBR. The meeting will be held Thursday, Jan. 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the library of St. Mary's Catholic Secondary High School, Pickering (west side of White's Road North, south of Finch Avenue). Local environmental groups wishing to speak should call 509-3156 to add tbeir names to the agenda For more informa- tion call 985-3225. Education on agenda AJAX - The Learning Disabili- ties of Durham West meets at 8 p.m. Thursday at Pickering High School, Church St. north of Hwy. 2. Ajax. Officials from public and sepa- rate school boards will speak on educational plans. Call 686-1790 for more information. SATELLITE 18 inch DSS Systems Fec P N t� cabie? No space in your yard for a huge ugly dish? Simply bolts onto house wall Over 100 channels available. US. Movies. Pay Per View & Sperm Events • Digital Ouality • Only 18 inches in size. CALL NOW 416-931-3223 1-800-854-3535 Possessing a positive attitude is a key element to achieving success In any endeavor. While learning martial arts with one of our professionally trained Black Belt instructors, your child will develop a positive attitude. This Is just one of the many traits martial arts instills in children. Others, like self confidence, respect and discipline go a long way to ensuring your child's success in school and in life. On top of all this, our class schedules are convenient, affordable and fun! i w w alwt r,rdlift a pAn db* M Ar d d Call Now! 839=5000 SUPERKIDS KARATE ■ r -r' C- �11M'IM�t% 1 � . s THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JANUARY 22,1f9S-PAGE 9 Volunteers sought to aid hospital auction g ❑ Second annual event out with its second annual TV ing the pbone on auction days. a band is asked to call Diana Auction Friday, March 31 and Anyone interested in lending Hills at 427-7567, ext. 201. needs your help Saturday, April 1. The volunteers are needed AJAX-PICKERING — Ajax- now for tasks such as phoning Pickering General Hospital is potential auction donors, setting SAVE UP TO 25% looking for volunteers to help up for the auction, and answer- ALL OYER:: CARPET-TOWNE 282 MONARCH, AJAX SE, 1992 TOYOTA CAMRY LE f � Air, tilt, arrvfm cassette, power windows & locks & low kms. This is Toyota's hottest selling car and this one is ;ust perfect. a sor $15'995" you'll mi 1995 FORD WINDSTAR LX sw Demo. This dream van is loaded including quad bucket seats. Just what the family $24 988 needs. Blow out , 1994 FORD TEMPO GL 4 DR. a OF Auto, ps., pb., air, am/1m stereo, trunk rack, low km's. is' sharp inexpensive s taf11, 495 niy► kir only ON HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE New Home, Non -Smokers, Claims Free, Alarms FOR DETAILS OR A FREE QUOTE, CALL 4e, 683-9725 ';. PINE RIDGE INSURANCE 676 Monarch Ave. #13 Established 1978 Ajax, Ontario on% sop AR LOW.OUTI. 1991 CHEV CORSICA Auto ps., pb., cruise, arrfm cassette, tilt. power trunk, only 54,000 km. 3.1 V6. White. familis y car. $99995 1994 FORD PROBE SE Demo., loaded, all the toys. This car is for those who love to drive. "It's Not" $18,98 Blow out: 1994 ESCORT GT_. .. 1991 PLYMOUTH ACLAIM Auto, air, cruise, am,'tm. cassette, tilt, ps., p.b., 3.0 V6. 4 dr $79995 1994 FORD THUNDERBIRD LX Loaded, low km's. Come take this luxury bird for a flight. 8 18low-out I $199988 1993 ESCORT Only 17,000 km. Air, cn**, amAm cassette. Auto. air, amltm cassette, power mirrors. Only krins. For sionnone on $139995 %r ly :10,998 UUIqORD FSALES LIMITED AM RD__ SCARRORGUGH (JUST NORTH OF SHEPPARD) 293-3U 6111MMENZIC1010fIlll:l:I171111111:11�.`�LII: PAGE 104M NEWS ADVERTMR SUNDAY, JANUARY 22,19% PARKSIDE OPE—N--ING IN AJAX Elm 1 Doors Open Today- 11 a . m . Solmar Homes is ready to introduce you to the pleasures of parkside living. Harwood Heights has two parks directly across from it and a planned park and school at its centre. We know you 71 love the community, so all you have to do is choose the design you like best. �1 X 11 r- 7f - CUL -DE -SAC f - FREE DRAG' FOR 50,000 FIRST FIFTY PI MOM QI %LIFT Lower rate Mortgage available opening ueekend only CCL -DE -SAC (50'AXD60'L07-s)FDOM $189,900 Have some questions about buying a home? The purchase of a home can be intimidating for anti�one. At Sobnar Homes use are bappti, to help you through the maze. Gide us a call and make an appointment. And we're not restricted by business hours either. Just call our sales office and make an appointment. FREEHOLD FROM $ I29,9O0 office hours: Sat. and Sun. 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Ston. to Thurs. 1 - 8 p.m. (905) 427-0855 PRICES AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE E 3 0 E S OLMAR H O M E S, Helping young people meet the ir challenges Today's young people have many challenges immediately reflected in their school work and, in growth and show progress, both critical to skills. Sylvan also offers a pre-school program for make choices,' says AAs Duncan. 'By helping facng them. They dont need to be confronted general, in the world around them.' Sylvan's positive Isamlng ermirnment. children four and five years old. The centre also children overcome their lowning difficulties, we with the difficulties In dealing with their The Sylvan Leaming Centres method is 'Kids are motivated to work hard and they do offers the same programs for adults lice to thine we are playing a part n helping schoolwork. successful because each child is treated work hard: says Ms Durran, 'W they are also Sylvan Instructors deal with each child them in making Vvirown dx)icfm' Sylvan Leamng Centres specialize in MON individually. Standardized testing usually reveals rewarded for working hard.' individually and cater to their way of leamng using a you suspect your chid is lagging behind, rt children having problems at school. regardless of that each child's leamng difficulty is Inked to But children are not the only ones Meted by motivational methods and materials — including is time to do something ablest 4. Remember, age or grade level, and showing them they can specific 'skill gaps — missing information that is leaning difficulties. Ms Duncan says the centre is computers and other recognized materials. The fat ft smaller the gaps, the easier they are lo fill. succeed. Not only does Sylvan help children critical to academic success at the child's current often approached by parents 'at their wit's end.' that Sylvan Directors are in contact with schools For more information, call the Sylvan master learning skills, but the centres help thein grade level. These skill gaps may reach back No one lives to admit his or her chill is having and teachers ensures the progress the child is Leaming Centre, in Whilby, at 404-1818. Or gain the confidence they need to succeed in all several grade levels, problems in school and may need extra help. Ms making at the centre transfers to the classroom. visit the Sylvan Learning Centre during As aspects of life. 'Most children learn in building block fashion; Duncan says there s no reason to feel ashamed. Another benefit s that whie getting help within a open hale on Jan. 28, from 9 am. to 3 pm.. Sylvan Leaming Centres are recognized says Ms Duran. 'ft is virtually impossible to build 'The kids who carne here are not special in any specific area of difficulty, the chid is learning skills The Sylvan Leaming Centre is located in feeders in providrxg supplemental education. With future skills when critical blocks of information are way.' says the Whitby Sylvan Leaming Centre which impact in many other aspects of his or her Kendahwood Park Plaza, Hwy. 2 and Garrard help from Sylvan's Instructors, children rot only missing.' executive director. 'They are dust kids who need life — learning that the choices for the future are Rd in Whitby. cak h up, but they keep up and even get ahead in 'Skill gaps' are different in every child and some help with their school work.' theirs to snake. school This builds their confidence and self- occur for a variety of reasons — a chid is absent Lice the students, parents often see a radical 'The power of education is having the ability to esteem and motivates them in dealing with from school or lades the ability to grasp the change in their children. Directors conference with sihoWns at school, at horse and at play. concepts to keep pace with the rest of the class. parents every 12 hours and assess the skills of _ Better 111 1W te battle n sin cileag s believing you can Sylvan's standardized testing reveals the child s ft every 36 hours of instruction. In -_ CUV1 team,' says Kristi Duncan, executive director of to Sylvan Learning Centre in Whilby. 'Once we 'skip gap' and a learning program is established to help the child overcome the gap and progress general, children snake up approximately one grade level in each 36 hours of instruction. • show the chid he or she can learn, we estabbshh a tuwar their current grade levet. 'We halve moved people b tears, Ms Durran J poiln eroirorrnerl n which lo Isom. 'We focus on what the child doesn't says.'People are come lo us because they felt we From reading to math, Sylvan gives AAs Duncan finds that most children are understand and build on that,' It Durran says. were their last hope. Once they see progress in = students the skills and confidence sbarghy influenced by the 'positive leaming 'Each program is individualized and targeted to their end, they are moved beyond worst' _ they need to succeed We pinpoint erwrronrnent' and says they quickly begin to concentrate on the weaknesses.' Sylvan Learning Centres offer a variety of your child's needs, develop a airplay thein ability to learn, which ties further Each chid moves at his or her own pace and programs — from beginning reading and � pin and deliver deft does not move b a new skit uriess he a she has nreMhemahics ID academe reading and homework 'they see suooess right away and that builds mastered the skill on which they are waking. support There are also programs that will help it in a positive, fun and caring thetr confidence; site explains. 'That, in turn, is StrxderMs are tested at regular iutenrals to murilor your child with study sidle and 'improve writing environment. Sylvan has already ' helped over a milbm children boost OPEN HOUSE _ their grades and their self-esteern. Saturday, Januay 28 from 9 a.m.. to 3 P -nil. - Gall Sylvan, to* to learn how FREEI Fingerprinting identification for your child's Safety =- we can help your child. FREEI Testing* ('Test fee applied to first tuition fee) -_ FREEI Draws and Refreshments = 404-1818 SYLVAN LEARNING- CENTER® t, . T if , ' ,, %rr : I 1 h.�r,` t IIA sF""&-Se+h Gl� � � 1 THE NEWS ADVENMER SUNDAY, JANUARY 22,11"S -PAGE 11 B1*11board Jan. 22, 1995 MONDAY, JAN. 23 BUTTING OUT: The SOS (Smokers Overcoming Smoking) Support Group meets from 7 to 9 p.m. every Monday at the Durham Region Lung Association offices, 40 King St. W., Suite 300, Oshawa. Meetings are free and for smokers at any stage of quitting. 436-1046. FITNESS: An evening of aerobics and refreshments called Fun 'N' Fitness will be held at 8:30 pm. at St. Paul's United Church, 65 Kings Cres., Ajax. It's for men and women of all ages and sessions are every Monday. $3 a night with pro- ceeds to the church. Call the church in the mornings at 683-4740 or Catharine at 686-0258. SING: The Jean McDonald Singers needs adults to join in a tribute to the Brits review and reg- istration is on Jan. 23 and 30. For more information, location and time of meetings, call Jean McDon- ald at 837-2611. TUESDAY, JAN. 24 ROTARY CLUB: The Rotary Club of Pickering is holding a char- ter evening at Regalis restaurant in Pickering to celebrate 53 years in the community. Tickets are $25 and can be reserved by calling Peter Thompson, 427-8391. SOFTBALL: Pickering Rep Mite Boys (9 and 10 years old) are bokl- mg softball tryouts at the National Gym (Wbites Rd and Hwy 2) each Tuesday evening from 6:30-8 p.m. Cost is $3/session to cover rental costs. 837-0783 (Norm) or 420- 9049 (Bill). ITC: International Training in Communication hokls a demonstra- tion meeting on public speaking and developing leadership skills from 7:30 to 9 pm. in the Admiral Room of the Ajax Community Centre, Centennial Rd. Keynote speaker is Val Marshall. Admission free for guests, S5 for ITC mem- bers. 686-7188. QUILTERS: The Rouge Valley Quilters Guild meets at 8 p.m. at Grace Presbyterian Church on Port Union Rd., south of Hwy. 401, West Hill. The guild meets the fourth Tuesday of each month. 839-5902. LADIES CLUB: The Tuesday Morning Ladies Club meets for aerobics and crafts from 9:15 to 10:45 a.m. in the HMS Ajax Room of the Ajax Community Centre, Centennial Rd. All ages. $2 per ses- sion. The club meets every Tues- day morning. 686-0258 (Catharine). CALORIE COUNTERS: Canadi- an Calorie Counters, a non-profit weight -loss organization, meets every Tuesday at 1400 Bayly St., Suiae 16A, in Pickering from 7 to 8 part. 509-1168 (Sandi). AMNESTY: The Amnesty later - national Pickering/Ajax Group mats at 9:30 a.m. at the Pickering Village United Church, Church Street north of Hwy. 2, Ajax. 839- 39619. SENIORS' DISCUSSION: The seniors' discussion group meets at the Ajax Seniors' Friendship Chub, 46 Exeter Road, at 9:30 a.m. Bill HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO knpnxv ng your odds against Canada's I killer. Parish will lead a discussion on the Quebec situation. Guests welcome. 683-7799 (Louise). WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25 COMPUTER: The Macintosh Users East Club meets at Anderson Collegiate, Room 135, Anderson Street north of Hwy. 2, Whitby from 7:30-10 p.m. The meeting is free and open to the general public and members. It will include a question and answer session for new Macintosh owners. 433-0777. WEALTHY BARBER: David Chilton, author of the bestselling book The Wealthy Barber, will make one of his rare Canadian appearances at the Metro East Trade Centre on Brock Road in Pickering, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Admission is $5 with some of the proceeds to the Children's Wish Foundation. 428-5725 to pre -regis- ter. LEADERSHIP: Christopher Leadership Courses of Canada begins its winter session. Learn to organize your thoughts and deliver a message effectively. Course runs for 11 weeks, one night per week. Offered to anyone 16 years or older. 427-5169 (Maria Judson) or 683-7550. ALZHEIMER: The Alzheimer Society of Durham hosts its month- ly Ajax -Pickering support group at 7:30 p.m. at 487 Westney Rd. S. (corner of Westney and Clements Road West), Units 19 and 20, Ajax. All caregivers welcome. 576-2567. PARENTS' MEETING: The par- ents' advisory committee of Picker - CHOOSE THE RIGHT PATH TO FINANCIAL RECOVERY • Guidance To Wage Earner • Relief From Financial Stress • Financial Counselling Free / • Initial Consultation "_S SCARBOROUGH 57 Division Street 2390 ERllnton Ave. F- 721 _8251 721-8251 tile. 228 1-800-563-8251 757-1918 I.(.RV Ql:IN1 R.1-BUCHANAN ADVICE 0\ BUDGETING • CONSUMER PROPOSALS • BA\KRI;PTCY • 0 HOMEBURGERS & ICE CREAM 4CAN DINE FOR 16.99! Your Pickering Family Meal Deal Includes: 2 HOMEBURGERS TM 2 KIDDY MEALSTM (with Fries & a Surprise!) 1 SMALL FRIES 1 SMALL ONION RINGS 2 MEDIUM SOFT DRINKS 2 KIDDY SOFT DRINKS PIUS 2 KIDDY ICE CREAM CONES! This Family Meal Deal is Valid only at: 1163 KINGSTON ROAD PICKERING, ONTARIO VALID TILL FEB. 28ttV95 NOT VALID WITH ANY OTHER OFFER OR DISCOUNT ing High School invites parents and community members to attend its monthly meeting at 7 p.m. at the school (staff room), 180 Church St., N. in Ajax. The topic will be: kids helping kids — peer -coun- selling, peer -tutoring programs. Speakers will be John Schievink and members of the guidance department. 6834760. pixie Finch EDEarital Office 83 401 -3603 M. Jay Petroff SA, Dr. Jonathan Sharnhouse es nos ffV t IMesltlq Toe rwwt AR PATM ASPS 1ELCCME . DMM i SY APPO1iI�itS APA M 21 iiiAGER �HICI' PSEIW - CDSrR aD W -11M MODE GOO= WW MR El MCX - REM• bull MOM .E6PAlil9if PI*-kLdSIMiINCE K*ACCF8 I r-_____1 F Dixie -Finch Dental Office 1 tali Finch Ave. E. Unit h, Vic"rinq 831-3603 VISA J 2ND ANNUAL INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE January 28 - February 11 C_,4 05/, KR_ R %`r/ 1 .Lf 6ffze swf� weff",e S' Red Wing Shoes 1286 Kennedy Rd. Scarborough (416) 755-6898 ]PAGE 12 -THE NEWS ADVFMWR SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, Ills Special needs childre O Guide to services accessible through computer modems DURHAM - Through the joint efforts of CanDoNet and the Chil- dren's Services Council of Durham (CSCD), the CSCD Guide to Services for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs is now available on a local public Registry service aims to help addicted DURHAM - For those who want to end their drug or alcohol problem, finding the right help can be a bewildering experience. That's why the Drug and Alcohol Registry of Treatment (DART), an information service formerly reserved exclusively for health care professionals, has opened up its toll-free line to the general public. From Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., anyone can call DART's line to find out how to get help for a substance abuse problem. DART staff will direct calls to a health ministry -funded local Assessment and Referral Centre or Detoxification Centre, depending on the needs of the individual. In addition, students and researchers can call DART to get information about the variety :A treatment services in the Province. The toll-free DART line is 1- 30-565-8603. i You are invited to attend a... FREE :infant Nutrition Class 1 A special 1 torr Infornador session coverirs: Your nut ritiorad need: "I Breast feeding ll;asmula feedingImperation j h poring of formula i Reducing food allergies in your baby t-:Weaaisg yow baby Introduction w solid foods 1 . i Sun, Jan. 29/95 -1:30-2:30 p.o. I McLean Community Centre 9S McGiU Dr. (at Westney) i If you world like to attuid please call Giselle at 1.800-883-6002 in poVm i ands avail" 0 run Corlyisma of mmuaho ctimr. Iilar�n.r s!'i1tLA� T.�a■ �+ *m n now have a lane on information highway A d for For more information call electronic bulletin board. The guide lists approximately 150 non-profit organizations which provide specialized services to Durham children and adoles- cents with special needs. Each list- ing describes who the agency ser- vices, what services they offer and any eligibility restrictions. Anyone with access to a com- puter and modem can use their communications software to dial CanDoNet at 666-8935, with para- meters set to N81, any baud rate. CanDoNet is the new name for "Steve's Bulletin Board" which has been active for many years. New users will be instructed to provide some information, then to hang up and wait for an automatic "verify" program to call their sys- tem back. CanDoNet offers free membership, plus three levels of paid memberships. The free mem- F YOU HAVE DEBT PROBLEMS WE MAY BE ABLE TO HELP OVER 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE oil] 01 IN Ll I III I TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY AND FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS. NO CHARGE CONSULTATION. KELLY DEY, TRUSTEE 1550 Kingston Rd. 201 Consumers Rd., 107 Kent St. Suite 210, Suite 204 Whitby Pickering Willowdale 839-8981 491-4644 430-4800 FAMILY DENTISTRY IN PICKERING DR. P. GOODMAN 4 & DR. S. WEINER neL & ASSOCIATES IN HOUSE ORAL SURGEON & PERIODONTIST EMERGENCIES SEEN IMMEDIATELY EVENINGS 8 SATURDAY BY APPOINTMENT SENIORS DISCOUNT DENTISTRY WHILE ASLEEP AVAILABLE 839m5951 927 LIVERPOOL RD. SOUTH (LIVERPOOL & GAYLY) �f�. CURRICULUM � b t APPLICATIONS INVITED ADVISORY COMMITTEE eaae�ia. Todog a Toaaor The Durham Board of Education is creating a Curriculum Advisory Committee to ensure on-going parent and community input into the curriculum and assessment development process. The Curriculum Advisory Committee will be to meet at least 3 times annually to: �! review current curriculum and assessment initiatives ,► suggest means of ensuring that Durham Region's cultural L diversity is reflected in the curriculum ` suggest ways of increasing parent and community participation in curriculum and assessment development suggest ways of increasing patents' involvement in their own children's school experience communicate with the public about the Board's curriculum and assessment initiatives In addition to several representatives from education, the Board is seeking 6 parent representatives, 3 community representatives, I labour representative, I industry representative and 2 Durham Board of Education students to serve on the committee. Interested applicants should submit a letter outlining their qualifications, background and reasons for wanting to serve on the committee to: Bev Freedman, Superintendent of Education/Programs, The Durham Board of Education, 400 Taunton Road East, Whitby, Ontario LIN 5R5 All applications must be received no later than Friday, February 17, 1995. bership is all that is nee e access to the Children's Services 4 Michael Kimball at the CSCD at Council guide. Greg: boo sa.ru IV Poo EIV 0, O+r,nt 86 FwWWm bcepr Fet 'C '.2 ,' •9 .Ian Me ro $195 .... , ., .. hD St66 tc $209 Mar S158 to S195 Rnervaaorrs Mdwat $75.90 Cry 1-tllttl-567-3376 Minn magic . t pwd Free (7081325-2256 RF 5 �nea .?v6,i5 i You are invited to attend a... FREE :infant Nutrition Class 1 A special 1 torr Infornador session coverirs: Your nut ritiorad need: "I Breast feeding ll;asmula feedingImperation j h poring of formula i Reducing food allergies in your baby t-:Weaaisg yow baby Introduction w solid foods 1 . i Sun, Jan. 29/95 -1:30-2:30 p.o. I McLean Community Centre 9S McGiU Dr. (at Westney) i If you world like to attuid please call Giselle at 1.800-883-6002 in poVm i ands avail" 0 run Corlyisma of mmuaho ctimr. Iilar�n.r s!'i1tLA� T.�a■ �+ *m n now have a lane on information highway A d for For more information call electronic bulletin board. The guide lists approximately 150 non-profit organizations which provide specialized services to Durham children and adoles- cents with special needs. Each list- ing describes who the agency ser- vices, what services they offer and any eligibility restrictions. Anyone with access to a com- puter and modem can use their communications software to dial CanDoNet at 666-8935, with para- meters set to N81, any baud rate. CanDoNet is the new name for "Steve's Bulletin Board" which has been active for many years. New users will be instructed to provide some information, then to hang up and wait for an automatic "verify" program to call their sys- tem back. CanDoNet offers free membership, plus three levels of paid memberships. The free mem- F YOU HAVE DEBT PROBLEMS WE MAY BE ABLE TO HELP OVER 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE oil] 01 IN Ll I III I TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY AND FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS. NO CHARGE CONSULTATION. KELLY DEY, TRUSTEE 1550 Kingston Rd. 201 Consumers Rd., 107 Kent St. Suite 210, Suite 204 Whitby Pickering Willowdale 839-8981 491-4644 430-4800 FAMILY DENTISTRY IN PICKERING DR. P. GOODMAN 4 & DR. S. WEINER neL & ASSOCIATES IN HOUSE ORAL SURGEON & PERIODONTIST EMERGENCIES SEEN IMMEDIATELY EVENINGS 8 SATURDAY BY APPOINTMENT SENIORS DISCOUNT DENTISTRY WHILE ASLEEP AVAILABLE 839m5951 927 LIVERPOOL RD. SOUTH (LIVERPOOL & GAYLY) �f�. CURRICULUM � b t APPLICATIONS INVITED ADVISORY COMMITTEE eaae�ia. Todog a Toaaor The Durham Board of Education is creating a Curriculum Advisory Committee to ensure on-going parent and community input into the curriculum and assessment development process. The Curriculum Advisory Committee will be to meet at least 3 times annually to: �! review current curriculum and assessment initiatives ,► suggest means of ensuring that Durham Region's cultural L diversity is reflected in the curriculum ` suggest ways of increasing parent and community participation in curriculum and assessment development suggest ways of increasing patents' involvement in their own children's school experience communicate with the public about the Board's curriculum and assessment initiatives In addition to several representatives from education, the Board is seeking 6 parent representatives, 3 community representatives, I labour representative, I industry representative and 2 Durham Board of Education students to serve on the committee. Interested applicants should submit a letter outlining their qualifications, background and reasons for wanting to serve on the committee to: Bev Freedman, Superintendent of Education/Programs, The Durham Board of Education, 400 Taunton Road East, Whitby, Ontario LIN 5R5 All applications must be received no later than Friday, February 17, 1995. bership is all that is nee e access to the Children's Services 4 Michael Kimball at the CSCD at Council guide. s � 0 1 Lc -s - s 4 N C • • o Colonial Schulers or Nom'•" GRANOLA jtfCbCODLA Potato Chips Chip Caoo cies • ° P., BARS R°s" R- C!—gular, BONUS SIZE �orpla)e Coated or Rpple a bpp .200 g f � � �iPj 0-25 � of 24 x 355 ml Cans BBQ 180 9 540 mL VALDI PRICE Una Cost 4T 79 Pr 100 n • 791 2 COTT SOFT DRINKS 750 ml Returnable Booms • UodC.#6.5' C— - Quaker ,�� • �.. ►- P, t00 mt Sb f 4 EACH > Ins►«N • ;; 4 Pius 4041 aotde Deposit Va -ty / 2 Mel iMa __ 380 g .. Tradition Uncle Ben's LimITT Corn Can arted Ground '9 Flakes Rice Coffee © 675 g a 2 Kg 2509 R t }y ' 3_riV50 Rice r pt�slt ' • 350 g E R D F LA FRUFRUITVOU ; DR CHUNK NK Oran , Gape HT TUNA CrColonial C� Bake a Fruit Pur -Ch IN WATER Parade- c�� Crocker ackers Mil 3 x 250 ml 1709 Plain or R ular VALDI vA, ^{ v/hoe Mutes Sailed a PRICE • LD ��^�+ ,es ar 450 s B 38s rnL B PRICE � �Orn • o 5109J' Faced YOU CAN'T BEAT THE REAL EVERYDAY SAVINGS! Cheese-R�e County Fair Success Oakrun Macaroni an All Purpose Flour Mushroom Pieces English Muffins a c�cesc Cheese Z5 se Dinner �' E;1 and Stems - 284 ml Package of 6 9 MUSHR00W l Al i Buffet Ready Lancia Spaghetti Kellogg's Sping Sarms to Serve Pea or c�ti,_,. Spoghenin, Ready Cut Cheese Sikes vegetable Soup -_�` Mocaron or Rotm, Special K Cereal 796 ml r sem' 475 g _ -14_ { 24 Sikes ' 5,00 g 900 g - - aN w 59 59 Purrr cat Food Cottonelle Pam�ers Phases Tide _. Assorted Varieties Bathroom Tissue Disposes a Dopers for 121 Powdered y..- 175 g ,,r=�. Girls or Boys Walker 2 Detergent _ r 52's or Walker 3 48's 99 99 9 .. Maxi Saver Facelle Royale Pine Sol Springtime Dry Dog Food Ultra Facial Tissue Liquid All Purpose Fabric Softener Srl1t'I 100 x 3 Ply Cleaner 49 39 59 • Corner of Harwood THE SAVING$ PLACE " .,and Highway 2 r�MrwY 2 pfiq�fOM ML) . ISoulh West Corner) laxTo SIONWRM SUNDAY .............................11-5 MONAAY-?l1ESD►AY..............9-6 WEDNESDAY-FRMY ...........9-9 SATURDAY ........7 ................. -6 • Mii�r�w dol: r We i', • PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY. JANUARY 22.19" BRAND NEW 1995 ESCORTS BRAND NEW 1995 TAURUS GL OUR CHOICE! f UP n_�7 1 •-—•—..�. ` SEDAN OR Auto., air, dual air bags, power steering & Auto., air, dual air bags, power steering & brakes, power locks/mirrors, alum. wheels, brakes, tilt wheel, AM/FM sass., speed AM/FM cassette. control. BUY ??�J or leass�e; for 24 mths. BUY � or lease f�rorr 24 mths. PER PER MONTH �9J/�zj)_ ** MONTH BRAND NEW 1995 CONTOUR Auto., air conditioning, dual air bags, power steering and brakes, AM/FM stereo cassette. BUY or lease for 24 mths. (59 PER (635 * �"2 �3 ** MONTH YOUR MINI VAN FACTORY OUTLET 1995 M AGER GS Auto., air, 7 passenger, speed control, tilt wheel, p.w., p.l., luggage rack, p. driver seat, privacy glass. BUY or lease for 24 mths. 1995 AEROSTAR XLT Auto., air, 7 passenger, sport package, running boards, two-tone, rear window washer, AMlFM stereo, XLT trim. BUY or lease for 24 mb. 1995 WINDSTAR GL Auto., air, 7 passenger, p.w., p.l., cruise, tilt wheel, cassette, luggage rack, privacy glass & more! BUY or lease for 24 mb. PIR 12 ��9 3,9 a '323 .. WM ATTENTION TRUCK BUYERS! Large selection of light trucks, dual ies, super cabs, cabs & chassis, turbo desels. HERE'S JUST ONE EXAMPLE 1995 F150 _ JqA., BUY or lease for 24 r -OWNED, CEKJ['1F D AND PRICED RIGHT! 94 TEMPO GL 4 DOOR 192 ESCORT LX S DOOR 192 FORD THLTWERBIRD 91 UW=X CONI7 GNTAI. Auto., a< aondAo i AMYFY sbm, kWW gwk P. tunas ir=nval wpars. p. brats. 23,802 las. Sk Aulo.. air conafor i .I I iI AIMFu can., inlsr=I Wom p. p. braMss 47.732 kaL Sk ��' .G _ 43tCOUPE 3.8 l super 1sd suh, * cadiM 4 0 P wMdows. R bda, SWvNATURE SERA Aub.. ai caul. MWW p. moat rod MMus 0". ,R ado1do =Quid %W^ a conMR ItAfYFM caa. ABS. 86.853 Met Sk =GB1742. Pm, P. L. Wnd a=dd. t1, p. sea~, ABS. 79M Pat SIL IMM . LL 792— 92 PROBE 2 DOOR_ 92 CROWN VICIO=& IX Aub., p windows R 1 FORD THUNDERBIRD LX Vg 190BRA O ZLT — '90 OIDSMOM E _ _ slocft ai w%w war washer mspwhas4 54,326 Mm sk i1�e1e61. a- aupwrim AM 74 M sk.r;+r,745. 4.6 litre, aulo., ak, power wk 1lows/locks, leacher, speed control, 8 CaA crab., ar aandlgnirp p w, R �. spe=d oawoi ail, AWFM acre, , P. L CALM MERMAT1001U ooaollaip p a�, =crit, rt �K 1�P P.W. Oft, power seat, ABS, AM/FM c ass.,14,900 km. Stk. #RF105A ML 00 "••'"o ea a� a.e4.es�soM.t ak.eBln4. ONLY s -V. 2 B a .°°"'a• 4 08 �9 'New ar p=bes W 0UL* C 1MW i " ?1 "X1100 0 WM basad on $UW dawn for oars Bra $3= dom for mils mm 3 pid111ps. Taal Slow" skit=. Floc 111011111 ata leliallfable seanhr d6petet 614ia4 OJI.c» j. 2660 KINGSTON RD, y7.11'Y.: <.►,. r;.:< 7 y'y.. .,-SCAR BC `261-3311 ATMIDLANDAVE.) .++ 264-2537IOUGH264-2537V*r.+rn.ea LL THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, II"S-PAGE 1S BRAMALEA INTRODUCES FOUR SIGNIFICANT WAYS TO BRING A NEW HOME WITHIN YOUR REACH LIKE NEVER BEFORE! BEST VALUE PRICING! UI Bramalea hoax, are competitiveh' priced. They are filled with value added standard features that cost extra with other huildrn. Corer see Bramalea's amazing differences today! BELOW MARKET FINANCING! Shen }ou choose this option you can afford a yualiti home with Bramalea's below market monthly mortXe costs tailor-made for vou! � .dle%ndge I Il Limner. F ew2bon f '1-43 CUSTOM FEATURE PACKAGE! 5rlto this custom Feature Package and you can personalize your home from Bramalea's extensive collection of options and upgrades worth thousand, of dollars. Come see the value for yourself this weekend! 0 EASY MOVE -IN PROGRAM! Bramalea s exclu-m%e Ea:v Notvr-In Program option will help you with such expenses as appliances and more! home see how eas% it is to move in to a new Brnnalea home! YES, NOW YOU CAN AFFORD MORE WITH BRAMALEA DURING THIS LIMITED TIME EVENT! EXCEEDING YOUR EXPECTATIONS `, ,�, 8 C 1 S Saks Centre Hours: Matti}- - Thursday. 12 noon - 8 pm. Friday 12 noon - 6 pm. Saturday, Sunday & Holidays I I am - 6 pm A rtBVl��� yn NUB Ar ZIUGB I11L Comm LAKESIDE VILLAGE COMMUNITY 116/F11W FILLAGB BEST SELLING SEMIS -FINAL RELEASE woossiviRl IVALLBYRIAGI 36' SINGLE FAMILY 80MESITES IN A EICITING NEIf DESIGNS AT TDE FASTEST BEAUTIFUL FORESTED COMMUNITY SELLING COMMUNITY IN TBE EAST C 11597900 F1$15%900 F. 19%900 Flom . (416)281-2030 (905)831-74416 ("5)4E20 -54E00 OrAWRIA mens, dk• r*m kr MK M %A, pn6n. k•ran. cvmdu.W Iwk-es a gnome raft" nitwr. tkv*ja o VIN'. rimm- ► **% an in x*- bow1 qumor% aa.&W in .war pmr rage•, i• s + t �' r, s a Pkar iiwyn NranlaMi .I enlTJl Ul cLawn• .e�nla4 �d dk• .Wesal ui Pkrdu�ad fur drril. m der NIIU 1 �IgpFarnal f urlkkawral gad l'aW4WIM "Mm. F i o F kv"Un . I945 Afs -� `la IL S 209,900 coo5>509-4701 ■ PAGE 16-7UE NEWS ADVE MSER SUNDAY, JANUARY ",19" .-_. College programsgetfinan'cial boost from (3 Agencies indicate gy program, students receive a after discussion with volunteer and established last year. It supports students for the ever-dianging job broad range of training in environ- social service agencies. college programs designed to tram market. they would hire graduates in areas being given funding DURHAM — Three Durham College programs received a financial boost from the provincial government's economic renewal fund recently. The college will get $347,865, which will be used to add student spaces to its environmental tech- nology, food and drug technology and human service counsellor pro- VMS- In ro- graves.In the environmental technolo- trental management, from moni- toring air and water quality to community planning. Population growth in Durham Region and its proximity to envi- ronmentally -sensitive areas creates a demand for environmental tech- nologists, according to a college spokesman. Increased enrolment in the food and technology program will pro- vide skilled staff to work in the food and drug manufacturing industries, developing and testing new products. The third program, human ser- vices counsellor, was established LOOKING FOR A CAREER AS A PARENT THERAPIST? Treatment Foster Care of The Children's Aid Society of the Durham Region is looking for a family who is: • eager to learn new skills; • a team player, • flexible and dynamic; • up for a real challenge; to work with troubled children in your home as a professional care -giver. This innovative clinical program features: • attractive pay, • extensive clinical support; ALO • weekly supervision; _WLIH4 • 24 hour emergency back-up. For more information contact: Joan Chcssell, Durham CAS (905) 433-1553, extension 2282 • DENTAL CENTRE WALK IN FAMILY DENTISTRY HOURS •Effwrgencies Seen in 2 firs. Daily 8 9 Sat. 10 4 e HExtraction* In Onp+t= cosnaft Amh I •mtrous Oxide Go Sedation citizem ~• o Dent it Services, Pa Nii s m *While Rllin*s - No YerCury ►i" 401 .(eve Sterni atbn gentok and C muig 'JReate ent • =Is 24 BR. EAWJFGEWY P40M WE COLLECT FROM INSURANCE CO.'S DIRECTLY i TF • 71W • QUALITY GF14M DEM CARE ARE EWPORTANf TO YOU WE ARE AVARAM" 3 TO SEj" YOU i l WE WEIJCCW B NEW PATI RIM 1 WE ff PEOPLE OF ALL AGES 24 HR. EJKBRGENIGY SEEra.t 3 Harwood Ave. s., Ajax, onfarlo (south of Hwy. f2) DR. JOSEPH A. MISEN, DENTIST b, s Human services counsellors are trained to help people affected by the recession get back on their feet. Over 20 agencies in the Durham area have said they would hire graduates from this program, the spokesman reports. The economic renewal program is a $13 -million provincial fund THE STOREIra THAT LAYS-DOWrT FOR A.TAXS: CARPET-TOWNE 282 MONARCH. AJAX RIGHT HERE.' 0 a lkq 0 0 'k 0 PLUS GST PST 5014 NO R;EIGiR - NO AIR TAX • MY EQUIPPED ALL INCLUDED: • 7 PASSENGER • AIR CONDITIONING • DUAL AIR BAGS • AUTOMATIC •AM/FM CASSETTE • TILT • CRUISE • V6 ENGINE • PLUS MUCH MORE • Balance of Factory Warranty PICK YOUR COLOUR IM IS OF 'THE YEAR D'T MWMWOUT. BECAlJSE W ONi�EN TISE -:�95 DONS Gonew IAffin" YOU KNOW... ,1 LOCATION ONLr,, I�,■� �_r.r�r�vvitt r :t:f'ca.'1ti»'f: I 'VIU- E Il M12 PLYMOUTH Punvt l en tIJtY, #0 �a f'wf • �1 0 t Oshawa expansionhos italp By Chris Bovie DURHAM STAFF OSHAWA - The public had another shot at speaking on pro- posed hospital Oshawa General Hospital expansion into neighbor- ing Alexandra Park recently. In the second week of an Ontario Municipal Board hearing, filed by the O'Neill Community Ratepayers Association (OCRA), the public took more than six hours to make presentations. Rep- resentatives for the O'Neill Ratepayers and lawyers represent- ing the hospital, Durham Region and the City of Oshawa were allowed to examine and cross- examine the speakers. A former member of the O'Neill Ratepayers spoke out against his former peers. Ken Freak, whose wife sits on the Strategic Planning Board of the OGH, said the member- of OCRA "intimidated" hospital supporters and "did not act in the best interest of memberships... Michael Clarke, speaking on behalf of OCRA, said that only one person from his group voted against going to the OMB. The only no was your wife," Mr Clarke said - Officials with OGH have been asked by their solicitors not to speak to local media about the case, which should run until the end of January. The hospital's solicitors are presenting evidence in the proceedings. OCRA representatives want to see a future cancer centre put where a proposed parking garage would be and move the garage elsewhere. Hospital officials main- tain the current 5106 -million plan (not including the cost of a cancer facility) is the only viable option and parking must be close to the hospital. The hospital's current plan would result in 20 mature trees being cut down and replaced with 40 new ones. Factors such as heritage, hospi- tal care, open space and parkland will all be weighed before making a decision, according to OMB officials. Many of the speakers in sup- port of the OGH expansion and the cancer centre commended the ratepayers group for its efforts to save parkland, but felt it was time to move on. "There is a fear that if this pro- ject is delayed that it may not hap- City debates new method of property tax assessment OSHA W A - Oshawa wants to look at a new way lo assess property taxes. but a few councillors fear the City will adopt market value assess - merit City council voted 10-4 in favor of reviewing other alternatives to Oshawa's current system, which Councillor Jim Potticary says is ` unfair" to taxpayers. "You could take three houses with the same square footage and frontage and find a 50 -per -cent to 60 -per -cent difference in taxes," Coun. Pouicary said. "People are not on the same playing fueid." Oshawa currently determines assessment an both 1940 and 1960 base years. City Manager John Brown, along with the Corporate Services, Treasury and Finance departments, will consult with the Regional Assessment Office on the feasibility of a new system. Oshawa cmwd has also asked that the Regional Assessment Office provide the City with a confidential study on the impact any change would have. Councillor Bob Boychyn said that the motion "smacks of market vale assessment tammuology " "During the election I beard no comments about the method of taxa- tion," he said. Under market value assessment homeowners who have installed additions or fireplaces "should expect larger bills," Councillor Pane Beal said. Councillor Jack Wiley warned his colleagues that this motion is to look at alternatives and does not mention market value assessment "I don't want to get into scare mouper " be raid amocil. pen," said Sylvia Blomme, co- founder of Citizens for a Cancer Centre. "Governments change" D�dMMe • >>:A- • DURHAM Not everyone was enthralled about General -Motors of Canada's recent job apphcatbo drive in Pickering. Kathy Short, who waisted two `days for an application along .with 24,009 other hopefuls, was "bopping, mad to find out that others didn't have to combat the a aassive crowds at the Metro ..East Trade Cen- .In Jan. 9 and 10. "I waited for two days while ':other people could pickup an ,appTicatiau in sve mirades," Ms. Short says. "They all have well - paying jobs while anemipioyed people had to stand out in the ::zooid." Eatpioyres at three ei GM's '.':feeder pleats didn't have to go b the trade cnterc to pick tip job applications, but were seat to a private «nae. Becakise so many of the employees lean the feeder pleats wanted GM applicadons, . Iprodnction would have been :shat down if an alternative -'wasn't round, explains Stew Low, spokesman for GM. We had to make a jadgsaeait Loy► say&''Ca#oaners .onlan't rendre their nus and ruedks if we hadn't made t>is r Vandals spur mall tenants to action WEMY - Tenants of a Whitby mall are 8ghtmg back against va xbd- ism. Karen Schwartz, director of Bona - coed Child Came Came, says she is fed up with the ongoing incidents of van- dalism occurring in and around the mall, at Bonacord Avenue and McQuay Boulevard in Whitby. The problems started in July and have escalated to the paint that a securi- ty service has been retained. The busi- ness owners agreed to conduct all the clean-up services while the landlord picks up the bill for sminty services. "It's an expense to us," said Ms. Schwarz. "Durham police coli us they don't have the manpower to drive by every hour." The mall will be monitored on a select basis by a Toronto security agency, Intelliguard. In the last six months, Ms. Schwartz estimates that vandalism and break -ms have cost the day care $5,000 to $10,000. Youths as old as 20 loiter around the mall, she says- Diuham Regional Police Inspector Walter Hall says officers only act on a complaint basis. "During the summertime we have youth hanging out at malls," he says. "Ibey're asked to move along." While hiring a security guard helps guard a mall it doesn't eliminate the Iticp. Hall says' "The Meat People" EARLY BI1W SPECIAL WED.9 JAN. 25 ONLY -a-Sale Bei,. fWMDAY January ZS sale EMk Irt Son, Jan. 29 10 ROASTS CHICYJN BREASTS ttSAVE °1'0 1b, 1b. $ 1 49 1b. BREAKFASTBACO���sia9 PEAMEAL BACON $ b9 Ib. SMOKED CHOPS S� 29 LW GROMBEEF $ I89 BREADED CHICKEN SHISKABOBS Just Feat a Ent 3 YX LONDON BROILS SAVE 99 $20 m. UXON MOKMH^99 AAM SAUSAGE 2&/6V SAN�cn9s s" APPIE PIE �69 COISY CHEESE $3 49.1 N01136 TM BOUT= ONUM Will9 MAU= RCWM 17% Liverpool fid. fthlab EntertainmentJan.22,1996��� Pickering musician's vork `all over the place' But Fmks love the music of Anne Walker By AL RIVETT STAFF REPORTER PICKERING — Don't try to eonhole the music of singer- Igwriter Anne Walker. Some might be tempted to label 35 -year-old Pickering resi- st's material contemporary folk. But, "Stylistically, it's all over place," notes the elementary fool teacher who's been pursu- her musical ambitions for the it nine years. "There's some k country, and some of it is a ,jazzy. It's varied. Lyrically, re of the songs are issues -ori - ed, while others are more per- „ Calker brings her all -original rtoire of acoustic music to JJ. ,y's Pub, at the foot of Liver - Road in Pickering, for three lerts — the first on Saturday, 28. Subsequent dates are Sat- ty, Feb. 25 and Saturday, * 25. Show time for all three is 8:30 p.m. be singer -songwriter released stlette in 1989 entitled Rainwa- a recording which is fie in its exploration of issues 11- ,Wrded in Toronto and independently, the 10- dio tape received critical from several sources in M media. fbe Mariposa Notes praised 's debut cassette as "hon - well produced. Her sensi- lings are well portrayed in voice" dian River Music, an lo, Texas-based publica- ns review of Rainwater, alker "writes snags with a perspective, deeply honest, !tint of bitter experience, yet still a seeker." I as also been active on festival circuit each sum- onderland seeks AX-PK�RII�IG — Do w►at■a be a star? alerted local perfa�mers trice that first step to�varti m as Paramornt Paris bold auditions for Para - t C nada's Wonderland in . Icer able mooch. Auditions for singers, ux W oosomled cbar- er performers and theatre will start at Sltetidm liege in Oakville Monday, 30. Other nearby audition are Tonxw on 'IDursday, Cb. 2 and Vaughan on Samr- sy and Stacey, Feb. 4 and 5. Peol* interested m audition - g should cordata the entertain - cut depaitineut of Wonderland 832-7000, elft. 5000. Pickering singer/songwriter Anne Walker will bring her repertoire of contemporary folk music to Pickering's J.J. Dorey's Pub later this month. Walker plans to record a CD of her work in the spring to be released later this year. mer. She's performed at the Mari- posa Folk Festival, Kingston All Folks, Summer Folk in Owen Sound, Guelph Hillside Festival and, for the past two summers, the Pickering Grassroots Festival at the Pickering Museum Village. "I enjoy the performing part of it. I'm also motivated to get my music out there and have as many people hear it as possible." she says. photo by Andrew Iwanowski She plans to follow up the 1989 cassette with a CD this year. Walker says the bulk of the music for the CD, expected to be record- ed this spring, will come from an eight -track demo cassette she completed last year. "I need a new product," she says. "I have lots of new material, so I want to get it out there. It's hard to get airplay with a cassette. You need a CD to get airplay " Ltrruav_ Karin MocDowall of Elegance Hair Design would Ike to Invite you to her new location at Strands The Heir People. With thn $uWemerbtal Diot Plan "MANYMN111 Try It! It Works. Using all natural ingredients. Available at IDA Pharmacy Centre. Pickering and other participating pharmacies and health food stores. For nwre kderanstion cattt 1400.361.4720 Controlled food intake and exercise are key components of weight loss. Tennen M dietary supplement capsules we part of the overall Supplemental Diet Plan and can provide essential vitamins and minerals which may be lacking with reduced food intake. I i TENNEN 111 Vitamin Mineral Supplement Din 02117835 IGet Fit - Stay Fit - Lose Weight - Keep It Off I Eat Well - Get Well - Stay Well Jan. 27, 28 & 29th Automotive Bldg., Exhibition Place Seminars, Fitness and Cooking Demonstrations, Door Prizes, Special Celebrity Guests and much more! Admission: $8.00, Seniors $6.00 Show Hours: Friday 12-9, Saturday 10-9, Sunday 10-6 For more information: (905) 274-7(X)1 or 1-800-729-8951 (Min. 10 kids) includes Cake. Pizza. Juice and party Supplies Other Options Avallable for Parties Up To 40 Cbtldren Dairy Play Hours For Children Under 7 yrs. Monday - Friday 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Saturdays & Sundays 9:30 a.m. - Noon The Peanut Club GRAND OPENING AJAX SATURDAY, BAYWOOD CENTRE 906431-6806 FEBRUARY 18th L 0 V F B0.1T�,CARIBBEAN 2-for—all SAVINGS on selected Princess cruises March & April 1995 from only $775 • Spacious Staterooms • Cruisercise Program • Elegant Dining • and all the excitement thv • Comprehensive Shore Tours Love Boat can give you! Call today for your place in the sun. (905) 883=4800 AJAX TRAVE',ENTRE 676 Monarch Ave., Unit 8, Ajax Ont. PRINCESS CRUISES /11, It's more than a cruise, it's the Love Boat: e 2 -For -1 fares are CRUISE -ONLY. PFA PERSON. BASED ON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY. and arc subject to avaiwAl y. They adrde catesafs FF. F. GG. G.1. L 4. M on Crown and Rgal Prticas and ca ftoris F GG. G. J. L & M on Star Princst and we trued on tariff rale. minus travel alb wane and divided by two. $20 uparads do not appy to suits. mini-suRu or beltony stalsoons and we rouble only on apps able cAaMprfu on time sa&np See paps 41 -43 of aloe January 1. 1995 Love boat Seven Guide br air city evailabibty. Offer b not combnable WIM any otlrar dYcounts Of promonos and is available to rsidana of Ontario and Quebec. Canada AN Nes are quaW laU.5 dobars Farea do not kidode pont dugs or govwnlwrt Nes A agyrA REYOU ruRA CHAN1'ff11J',, We are currently looking to add a professional sales person to our staff. We are a recognized sales leader for General Motors products in the Durham Region and can offer a positive and productive selling environment designed to achieve optimum results. If you can. offer current successful automotive retail experience preferably marketing GM products with proven customer satisfaction commitment then we would like to meet you. P2EV0XZAPM cATKMrlEcmv®l4®WTAff1N Please call David Harries or Gary Hooey to arrange a confidential interview. %Vnl U I %S E 905- ■ CHEVROLET • OLDSMOBILE • GEO • CADILLAC With thn $uWemerbtal Diot Plan "MANYMN111 Try It! It Works. Using all natural ingredients. Available at IDA Pharmacy Centre. Pickering and other participating pharmacies and health food stores. For nwre kderanstion cattt 1400.361.4720 Controlled food intake and exercise are key components of weight loss. Tennen M dietary supplement capsules we part of the overall Supplemental Diet Plan and can provide essential vitamins and minerals which may be lacking with reduced food intake. I i TENNEN 111 Vitamin Mineral Supplement Din 02117835 IGet Fit - Stay Fit - Lose Weight - Keep It Off I Eat Well - Get Well - Stay Well Jan. 27, 28 & 29th Automotive Bldg., Exhibition Place Seminars, Fitness and Cooking Demonstrations, Door Prizes, Special Celebrity Guests and much more! Admission: $8.00, Seniors $6.00 Show Hours: Friday 12-9, Saturday 10-9, Sunday 10-6 For more information: (905) 274-7(X)1 or 1-800-729-8951 (Min. 10 kids) includes Cake. Pizza. Juice and party Supplies Other Options Avallable for Parties Up To 40 Cbtldren Dairy Play Hours For Children Under 7 yrs. Monday - Friday 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Saturdays & Sundays 9:30 a.m. - Noon The Peanut Club GRAND OPENING AJAX SATURDAY, BAYWOOD CENTRE 906431-6806 FEBRUARY 18th L 0 V F B0.1T�,CARIBBEAN 2-for—all SAVINGS on selected Princess cruises March & April 1995 from only $775 • Spacious Staterooms • Cruisercise Program • Elegant Dining • and all the excitement thv • Comprehensive Shore Tours Love Boat can give you! Call today for your place in the sun. (905) 883=4800 AJAX TRAVE',ENTRE 676 Monarch Ave., Unit 8, Ajax Ont. PRINCESS CRUISES /11, It's more than a cruise, it's the Love Boat: e 2 -For -1 fares are CRUISE -ONLY. PFA PERSON. BASED ON DOUBLE OCCUPANCY. and arc subject to avaiwAl y. They adrde catesafs FF. F. GG. G.1. L 4. M on Crown and Rgal Prticas and ca ftoris F GG. G. J. L & M on Star Princst and we trued on tariff rale. minus travel alb wane and divided by two. $20 uparads do not appy to suits. mini-suRu or beltony stalsoons and we rouble only on apps able cAaMprfu on time sa&np See paps 41 -43 of aloe January 1. 1995 Love boat Seven Guide br air city evailabibty. Offer b not combnable WIM any otlrar dYcounts Of promonos and is available to rsidana of Ontario and Quebec. Canada AN Nes are quaW laU.5 dobars Farea do not kidode pont dugs or govwnlwrt Nes I IMAGE 20 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, IM SPORTS VSWIMMIHG Aquatic e waves at meet MM-PICKFRING — Durham Aquatic Club's Matt Ben and Sam Md.,oughiin made a big splash at the Markham Winter Invitational Mea )=L6so8. DAC sen eight swimmers a the fiat meet of the new year. Fifteen Ontario clubs competed, with 306 ¢whomers erred. Bell. 14, captured due High Phot T ophy as the outstanding swimmer in his age group. Bell posted five trot -place finishes — in the 200 - metre individual medley, the 50m bodafty, the 50m backstroke, the 1000 bock and the 200m back. He also placed third in the 50m breast- .301oke. MdAmghlin, 12, was also a Nigh PtoW Trophy winner as the oumand- ing swimmer in his age group with three fust -place snishes. M Lough- ho- was first in the 200m LML, 50m beck mod 50m fly. He planed wooed in the 50m breast, 500 fi restyle and 100m free. He also swam to third plaoe in the 1000 back. David Hinan, 9, made waves in the 2000 back, earning a silver medal in the event. He also registered two bronze -medal performances in the 50m breast and the 500 bee. Jordan Bell, 11, won bronze medals in the Sam fly and the 100m ey. Joshua Lumsden, l 1, posted per-. sonal best.tinwiP -tk "91 -foe, 200m back. 100m free and The 100m back. David Grose, 12, was forth in die 500 back and sat o the 000so- labon finals of the 200m back and 500 free. Joey Kelman, 14, finished sev- emb in the 501m 8y and 10111 in the . 50m bit. lain Johnston, 17, posted best times in the 200m I.M., 50m back and 200m back. Atoms deliver Ruta -wakening to Barrie squad AJAX-PICKEMG — The Ajax -Pickering Raiders IBEW kcal 353 minor atom `AAA' rep hockey am crushed Barrie 4-1 in recent league play. Paul Ruta was impressive scoring three goals. Derek Polowyk also tallied for Ajax - Pickering. Assisting were Brent Daniday, Bryan Choo-Wuug, lan Suginomort Jason Brookings and Kevin Brown. Cboo-Wing, Chris Griffin, Thomas Milne, Brown and Sugi- nomori played a solid game on the blue line. John Flude was solid is net. 0111111 CKLOAD F40 oz, Luxurious. Saxony Carpet Scotchguarded Static resistant 10 year wear Warranty Completeoly Installed 7 95 sq. yd. SAVE UP TO 80% ON VINYL REMNANTS gilligan's dropping Hello and welcome back to ame Dropping, the column Icking the San Diego Chargers win the Super Bowl. A noted, rid notoriously bad, rognosticator we know is icking the San Francisco 49ers win ("Bills and Bears, Bills od Bears", he once roclairned, only to see both go own to defeat). With his curse rued at the Niners, we can't pit to cash in for millions. til then, let's drop some Jan. 22 is a very special day r Jamil Kanji, because be's ring six years old. Wishing ;ir 'Little Prince' a happy thday and love are big sister Breen, Mommy and Daddy. A jty with a few of his friends and jow•n is being held at Burger I Kan# *so )minique Adele Gemmitl gated her first birthday on 19 and wishing her a very y birthday were big brother order, Mommy and Daddy. love you, Bello," the family Ri <s Look out world, another teenager will soon be roaming around. Brie Worgan will be 13 on Jan. 24 and birthday greetings come from Mom, Dad, sister Kara, Gran and Bobby, Aunt Nancy, Uncle Dave and cousins Megan and Willie. "Have a wonderful day, Brie," her family says... Jan. 20 was a special day for Richard Williams (D.J.), because he turned nine years old. His Mom, Dad and brother Sean wished him a very happy birthday with lots of love... Richard Williams Lara Telfer is a perfect 10. The Ajax beauty turned 10 years old on Jan. 19 and best birthday wishes came from Mom, Dad, big brother Joan, cousins Katie and Julia, Grandma and Gn oddmMy. Laura is active in school sports, having won the Durham Cup for trach and field two years in a row... .« "Jan. 23 is a very special day for Little Lamm Moody, as she will be five years old Family and friends send their love and spacial wishes for a delightful little girl, with extra kisses and bugs from Mommy, Ron and Eric. Laura would like to wish her best friend Alana Ondracek a very happy sixth birthday '... 0" "`All I want for my birthday is my two front teeth'. Alana Ondracek lost her two front teeth just before her sixth birthday. She'll turn six on Jan. 23. inkim Gemmili Wig her aU the best for a very Brie Worgan happy birthday are her Granny, Uncle Robert and Taz the cat. Very special wishes come from Mommy. 'I love you, sweetheart.' Alana would like to wish her best friend Laura Moody a very happy fifth birthday .. A happy little fella celebrates his first birthday on Jan. 24. Celebrating with Michael Dennis Noonan will be his Mom, Dad, sister Meaghan, Grandma, Grandpa, aunts, uncles, cousins and godparents... Michael Noonan THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JANUARY 22,199&PAGE 21 It was 25 years ago, on Jan. 27, that Lucy and Bryan Gray became proud parents of a beautiful, bouncing baby boy — Todd Gray. With next to no regrets, they would like to wish him all the best on hitting the quarter of a century mark. A special happy birthday also comes from the person responsible for this notice — his beloved baby sis Lica. "Love ya;' she says... Jan. 28 will be a milestone day for Taylor Stone, because she'll turn one. wishing her a happy birthday will he Aunt Pegg, Uncle Jim, Mom. Dad. and cousins Tammy and Tanya. Speaking of Tammy Kelly. she's going to be 22 on Jan. 26 and birthday wishes come from Mom. Dad. sister Tanya, boyfriend Brian and Taylor - Taylor Stone Latxa Moody Alana Ondracek Lara Toler Tammy Kelly Four youngsters were honored recently after giving a [tame to the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital's new maseoL David Gazarek Brandon Whittaker, Mark Gomm and: Daniel Kellar selectedBaod-Aid Bear and received a framed certificate. which was presented during aQ assembly at their respective sdtools,. attrel is:** stedw at St both at That brings as to the end of another edition of Name Dropping. If you have an item you want mentioned, caU us at 683~5110, fax 683-7363 or write to 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5. The deadline for submissions is 11 a.m. the Tuesday before publication. We're not responsible for lost or damaged photographs. Name Dropping no longer runs birth announcements. If you have a birth to announce, call the choitied department at 683.0707. .1 Al PAGE 22 -THE NEWS ADVEK=R SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, 1"S • COCA-COLA • CANADA DRY 2 L EKY17LE F.A. W -CAIN FROZEN PUNCHES 355 mL TIN 4 POT •RIF@STAR TREK FS ALL -DRESSED CRACKERS PIES 226 g PACKAGE 200 g PACKAGE F-14, E&I99 1O L>rI"IMEN ON FROZEN .STOUFFERS LEAN C SANE-� REES I •ENTRi;is m TED SIZES EA lvu • F�NSORTTED SIZES jJIW, Knob Hill Farms CANA�I A "THE FOOD TERMINAL" -my AM RNE•tsM Ro NO•a.ts �� DFW H ••OYR� sit B E •• ,MEW/FL �MOYRs ••OY l�4T K", Mwn2 g ••OaMt� S�_ F;;:: ff �wE �E - i.. F !r� .ot _ _ nQSGM 5'A� GERIWD 5_, -� �nV'� at /� . *a 401 �� • �� EMS' AVEIir/w EIEEr qt POE•USMMD 1 ~ N A/t 4044 d DIME VALUE MALI D— RO Swn - a� �� • T 2549 WE STON RD Ad awn d •� • �� 112 LANSDOWNE AVE a�� �� - •��— LI OMEX ST 4otAn d M �� • � LAEIUWAVE \ /A •� - �� aa000elNE � NoRTM % • � E1WY t ~0 IMI ' �� SYLOf a RITSON � Mlry 40t � v d O E W � v tlt IAI � at U W'a04 � v GERE4RD F A.T 1�VVV . -' T BIIOf:N RD r of sniwl•ni goo Y THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JANUARY 22,1!!S -PAGE Zi FRESH NEVER FROZEN The I rl Promise PICNIC of Pork POR aS HOULD RS 1.74 kg "� MILK LARGE 4 L BAG EVERYDAY LOW P1110E11 I.B. is m OIS TOF CANADAAT SERVK E COUNTER NEWVPREVKX1SlTFROZENVn ZEALANDPREV10USLv FROZEN1p(�kR-R19Ws A(�TTHOCK79 LAMB SHOULDERAR/KS 439 k9 LB. 3.95 kg LB. 174 k LB 1 !!JJ CHOPS328k !B���!!! SELECT YOUR OWN BUNCH .64 kg 5 LB. LEWr LB. NHUUM I OF U 5.A DiJCT OF GCS:qr�M -w_ -aroar �C�A �IFORNIAKIWI I:RUI12 9) dUMl �T4 1(;!-� INGERI WRAPPED+sit �:Alux c-��c)v29 iNIV COCONUTS LEI 4 39 FILL "XJP TNN BAG 2 da .g g 3Y . , s% U PAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JANUARY 22, I"S Too manChiefs,goals strike for as drops title tilt named the stars of AJAX-PICKERING — Two opposition sharpshooters were too hot for the Durham West Light- ning novice 'B' girls' hockey team to handle in the final of the recent Mississauga 'A' Tourna- ment. Playing the Mississauga 'A' Chiefs in the championship game, the Durham West Lightning dropped a lop -sided 10-1 contest. The lion's share of the Missis- sauga scoring was done by two dominant players, Meagan Smith and Jessica Zerafa, who controlled much of the play. However, the score didn't accurately reflect the hard work of the Ajax -Pickering - based squad. Kelly Hart scored the lone Lightning goal, unassisted. To get to the final, Durham West posted a record of two wins and a loss in preliminary -round play. The Lightning outskated the London 'A' Devilettes en route to a 4-3 win in the first game. Aman- da Mona, Kelly Hart, Rebecca Lundy and Sara Poirier scored for Durham West. Adding assists Durham West atoms defeated " for tourney championship AJAX-PICKERING — The Durham West Lightning Bell Canada atom 'C' girls' hockey team finished as runner-up at the Scarborough Girls Hockey Tournament last weekend after a tough loss to Windsor in the final. The Lightning atoms were downed by Windsor 2-1 in the fast -paced championship contest. Mellissa Gaudet scored the lone goal for Durham West. The team got strong offensive play in the final from forwards Chris- tine Axe. Amanda Lovell. Meaghan Rocca. Ashley Trotter. Mellissa Gardiner. Andrea Gibson and Lisa Howard. Goalie Danielle Taylor shone in the net. aided by the defensive work of Diana Cholakov. Heather Clayton. Stephanie Mourao and Vir- ginia Ogilvie. The Lightning started tournament play by doubling Stoney Creek 4- 2. Gardiner netted a pair for Durham West. with singles to Kelly Ann Friel and Gaudet. Assisting were Howard. Rocca and Clayton. The Lightning then scored a 2-1 decision over Brampton. Lovell netted the game winner for the Bell Canada atoms with 3:17 remain- ing. Mourao assisted on the play. Cholakov scored the first goal for the Lightning. unassisted. i4be win over Brampton put the Lightning into the championship contest. Minor peewee Raiders fit to be tied with Barrie, Richmond Hill AJAX-PICKERING — The Ajax -Pickering Raiders Cough- lan Homes minor peewee 'AAA' rep hockey team was fit to be tied in recent Eastern Ontario league action. The Raiders recorded three draws, one with Barrie and two was injured in the third period. Ajax -Pickering was defeated by York-Simcoe 2-1 in an even- ly -matched game. Chandler notched the lone Raiders' goal, assisted by Crawford and McMillan. Martiniuk played well in goal. R; h and Hill while agutrrnst rc m suffering a narrow loss to the York-Simcoe Express. The Coughlan Homes pee- wees played to a 2-2 tie with Barrie. Shawn Cooper scored the tying goal for the Raiders, with +t an assist to Brandon McMillan: The other RRIDW% goal was scored by U Brent Chandler, from Kevin Crawford and Chris Reed. Brett Lemmon played a strong game in net to preserve the stalemate. The Raiders also skated to a 2-2 deadlock with Richmond Hill. Chris Stewart and Allan NJpcIsa scored, with assists to Millan, Michael Moorcrait, Chandler and Roy MacLeod. In a re -match with Richmond Hill, the game again ended in another draw, this time 1-1. Ikspite numerous Raiders' opportunities,.only Crawford was able to connect for a goal against a hot opposition netmin- der. Raiders' Michael Martiniuk was equally stellar in the cage, timing away all shots until he Late goals lift Canada Trust to win AJAX-PICKERING — A late -game goal by Jessica Armstrong lifted Canada Trust past Rebound Sports 4-2 in Durham West Girls' Hock- ey Association atom/peewee house league action recently. Bobbi Axe scored an insur- ance marker in the final sec- onds. Armstrong's game -win- ning goal was her second of the night. Sarah Suginomori also tallied for Canada Trust. Adding assists for Canada Trust were Axe, Suginomori and Ashley Desormeaux who set up the game winner. Forwards Ashley Black, Amber Desormeaux, Karen D'alimonte and Kelly Stewart constantly kept the puck in the opposition's Zone. The defence of Kerri Lynn Proctor, Kim Moore, Amy Black and Erin Girandry helped goalie Jennifer Aprile keep Rebound Sports shooters at bay. • w� - .C.�r+r- a.l.Y; ld ♦ - yip l�.w.yl�il1 . - . . . were Lundy with two, Poirier and 7-0• Porner were Rachel Spurs, Hart and Sara the tournament for Durham West. Hart In the second contest, the Lightning scored a hard-fought 3- ;. 2 victory over the Scarborough Sharks. Hart potted two unassisted I,pQjt i markers, with a single goal to vVl�l7sSr Laura Watt. Hart drew an assist on _ COMING TO ., ,... the play. In their final round-robin con- A.TAX:: test, the Lightning novices were CARPET TOWNS Z82 MONARCH, AJAX blanked by the Mississauga Chiefs RIGHT HEREIN No FREIGHT I " CANADA'S FOREMOST COMPACT CAR INA CLASS BY ITSELF - NO AIR TAX - FULLY rJ ALL INCLUDED: AIR CONDITIONING • DUAL AIR BAGS • AUTOMATIC TARNS. • AM/FM STEREO • POWER STEERING 3 BRAKES - FRONTWHEEL DRIVE FOR YOUR SAFETY - CAB FORWARD DESIGN - ROOM FOR 5 • Bairroa at Factory Warranh PLUS GST PST &0 AL 0 7'M IS 7M "UM OF TM YF.I1Fi°! DONT MSS OtlT: BECAUSE 1NHEN 71�SE '95 NEONS GO... WELL YOU KNOW... i LOCATION *ONLr. P Tourney final no rose garden for `A' belles PICKERING — The Pickering Olive Garden belle `A' ringette team had to settle for silver at the Whitby tournament last weekend. The Olive Garden belles suf- fered a heartbreaking 6-5 loss to Barrie in the champic ship game of the tourney. After losing their first round- robin game 5-4 to Barrie, the Pick- ering belles rebounded to defeat Owen Sound 6-1, Oshawa 4-3 and Whitby 6-4 to earn a berth in the final. the The Olive Garden belles got a Sleep Fa balanced scoring attack throughout the tournament. Team captain Erin Allaby led the team with seven goals and two assists, including a natural hat trick against Whitby. Laurie Train added four goals and J A six assists. Cathy File and Katie Edmunds each had four goals and five assists. Sara Dowley chipped P in with four goals and three assists, while Kristy Michea added three goals and three assists. The defence of Kenny Kelleher, Colleen Pelly, Danielle Esposito, Dani Ramsay and Erin Helmer ia�_ 0A continued to perform strongly at the tourney. Goaltender Karyn Allan was spectacular in net and also contributed an assist in the championship contest. The belles will now enter the Central Ontario Ringette League playoffs. Pickering will also com- pete at two upcoming tournaments here and in Ajax. Petites' record not good enough for berth in final PICKERING — Despite a winning record at the recent Whitby tournament, the Picker- ing petite `A' ringette team was denied a berth in the tourney's final. Pickering ended play with a record of two wins, one loss and one tie. Although they didn't make it to the title game, the Pickering petites turned in a fine effort in all tourney games. In an evenly -matched opening contest, Pickering played the host Whitby squad to a 7-7 draw. Lyndsay Civello led the way with three goals and two assists, followed by Chelsie Emshe and Courtney Puddister who each contributed two goals and two assists. Tara Edwards and Tiffany Thompson chipped in with assists. The second game saw Picker- ing trounce Markham 8-2. Jenna Clements paced Pickering with three goals and two assists. Sarah Barnes had two goals and an assist, Melanie Curran a goal and two helpers, Puddister a goal and an assist, Civello a goal and Ems' ie and Thompson one assist each. Playing a strong Upper Ottawa Valley squad in the third game, Pickering tinned in one of its best efforts of the season to win 4-3. Ottawa had won its first two tourney games by eight and nine -goal margins, respectively. Puddist w led the urge with two goals aed an assist, while Thompson corrected for a goal and an assist. Curran fired one goal, while Civello recorded an assist. Pickering needed a win or a tie in its final roved -robin contest against Kingston. However, Kingston scored a late goal to claim a 4-3 victory. Civello, Cur- ran and Thompson were the goal Scorers, with assists to Puddister with two, Edwards and Civello with one each. Kelly McNabney and Denise Spafford contributed strong defensive efforts throughout the tounvm%w ,- - - ....... _ THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JANUARY 22,1995 -PAGE 2S Peewee Panthers PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers Toshiba minor peewee 'AA' rep hockey team had a produc- tive week with two wins in three recent league con- tests. The Toshiba peewees opened the week with a 3-1 win over Whitby. David Lewis, Michael Mitchell and Jason McAuley scored. Sean Sadler recorded two assists, with single helpers to Clint Randolph, Lewis and McAuley. Matt McMullen and Aaron Gray shared the goaltending duties. Pickering dropped a 4-2 decision to the Bow- manville Toros. Jamie Follett and Mitchell scored, win two of three -h with assists to Steve Johnson, Sean Grieve, Matt Steinke and Randolph. The Panthers breezed to a 5-0 shutout over New- market. Johnson fired two goals, with singles to Fol- lett, Grieve and Steinke. Spencer Cameron, Mike Cuzzolino, Follett, Randolph, Grieve, Steinke, Mitchell and McAuley had assists. Fine defensive play by Paul Cain, Craig Hilbom, Cuzzolino, Cameron and Scott George helped McMullen earn the shutout. Three league games remain, after which the Pan- thers will begin playoff action. lft10i8l■!p F R E ETH SES • NO GST • NO PST • SET OF SHEETS •BED FRAME • MATTRESS COVER •PILLOW ORTHO LUXURY SIIt6LE $04 WTIAESS [IV 9 SET 1424 DOUBLE ... 279 sET 4a QUEEN.....299 sET w4 , .w, 25 239���184 )OUBLE...259 sET 4n )UEEN.....279 sET 474 ONG ......... 459 sET-a 15 1 W -M . COMFORT SLEEP iQf $ wrisS 16 9 SET =284 t� SAVE UP TO' 6 0 OYco Ak ON SELECTED FLOOft MODELS 10 ,WM. ORTHO PEDIC JIG ru $ 139 SET =224 DOUBLE ... 2011 sET 3741' DOUBLE... 189 sE 324 ' DOUBLE ... 169 SET 409 QUEEN 239 SET QUEEN ..... 219 sET 3& QUEEN ..... 199 SET 5 I SLUMBER REST X_ $88 107a ?7 %7 SET =184 DOUBLE... 139 sE-z34 QUEEN..... 169 SE7314 BAYLY 0 � CLEMENT Inc °o ,eehe���w!►Y 01 � N 570 We* eey Road SOA 619-1315 HOURS AVAILABLE SET UP ' FREE ' LAY -AWAY DISPOSAL OF OLD SET AVAILABLE N Tmgftn Road West 433-1052 Z F � c Z U N Tmgftn Road West 433-1052 PAGE 26 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JANUARY 22,19" L x1-111:4- nom... ...vlie� k^#h A•k.una-Whitlw.P_Iarinntnn Tht4 Weak and liatr•Pickerina Nems Ad"r6m. Combined Pretlsrun of 126,000 eYery Picture vornself in an exciting new career! It could happen in as Fmk as six months... and it all begins with one phare call. 0 ...Can lead t0 an Career in as little aria Choose From Our Exciting Career Options: musinit teem Secretary/ Hoi sledical Office R AssetantNero ►/icro C A nano Nord 147, d e 4 Chairsidt Applications Asusta'rt iiii�, ran a l Micro Corinpow Travel a , j ESedrsnia Tourmn sank T i aAccwnRurf i F'rxa.rcial I Sec,"an °fin � Services U you are 45 vests of age or older and recently taid of voo may gluliy for training assistance from die provincial go-rarnent. • Financial Assistance mar be Available • Pre 6nployineml Rehadaress Training Will Teach You How to Get a lob %ot all courses a.a .arae Al all campuses TORONTO School of i/�r� r lidpat6 YP,194a7d a BeuQ We i PICKERING y 4r 4► i �' ycr., .. (905) 420-1344 1490 Kigstao Rd., Soke 17 Picktrla& Ontar'lo I 1 _ • Durham Region i In co-operation with t Hunilan Resources Detrebp . Canso CUSTOMER SERVICE TECHNIQUES This 1234mw peoprant wi/ develop the skills needed to succeed in 3 wV ctustorrler service related position. Irtcl ded in the coarse are the employa6itr skits that were listed as essential in the i Conference Board of Canada study. Applicants will have at least 3 l ylssrs- work experience. This full -turas course runs from January 20 'p February 17,1995.' EUg1W11 ty Clft0d1l: tents for mese pnop ammust ust be unwnpbired and receivirq WC benefits at the time o1 Urease start 1 dae and must reside in Ura Payhon of aWom. In addition. you must r successli* complete entry tests. I Location: Courses arra held at DIAbbND Af4NAGEAfENT ' INSnTUTE (Ajax) at Suite 404, 95 Sayly St. W. C I Local: 427--1922 Long distance 14MO-268-0339 Business Appncations • Computerized Accounting • Word Processing YOUR CAR STA.R'I'S HERE REE OSHAWA 434-8585 The sland P azar VICTORIA - COOUATLAM • VANCOUVTR • BURNABY • SURREY • EDMONTON • SASKATOON WW41PEG - HAMILTON • MISSISSAUGA - TORONTO • NORTH YORK • SCARBOROUGH - OSHAWA • KINGSTON • OTTAWA • MONTREAL LAVAL - LONGUEUIL - OUEBEC - HALIFAX CDI Career Development klsMutes Ltd Cuctorner Serve o+oapsolay and senr ce) Feb. 2 -Mat. 21 During the 36 hors you will derrrelop customer servlow. busirnen success. coryrrxnloatbn and staff frothing sides. This program vA be of special Wared to those in the service and hoapiMaNy Industries. Quattro Pro (Whxiows) Feb.15-Mor. 22 During the 39 hors participants will cover Worksheets. Nlolaboofa, Moth Functions. Dotabor a Arwlysk. Graphics and Macros. Paradox (VWlidows) Feb.16-Mar. 23 In 39 hours participants wit cover Database Design. Dora ErNry and Elting Sortrlg and Indexing. Reports and Lobek. Forms and Introductory COMING UP IN MAKH/APRIL ✓ Rotail Mcnayomont ✓ Front -Una SeMce Skills DI/118fn 38105 ♦la SefVlce Ofga�On IOQMbS 8 StlOrlg accour&g i idlill uel b produce m r** tirlartcial stalerrlerlts and mortMt~erd analysis. To Cffi l carts 1 11111111111111 retQW A b han a ntillft um d tree years eq, ',rt % an accounting air perlial acommiliV degree and profidertI'll rl r'Adged ACCFAC (a1 rrtodubs) Please stbmit yaw resume to: Mhum i Asiodda 915 Sandy Beach Road Pkkwft Oriarb L1W 125 FLE A.0.n. 906 837 060 or Fax 906.837.5009 Vk b'w* aI �Erf*On br (hes hon~, only ftw carildidalles b be interviewed w9 be confaded 105 - cafes` Training 100 PROGRAMS M. soon - FlesMh Care Aide, PC TieMi cal support, WXdows Appkcr Don progr �tXrw�g LAN Ad- m.uatani a Dsskiop Pubksr- mg,rr"ning laminas in Mi - ..it Word , Excel, Power - point, Access. Tuibion Cour- Lsarrrshg C`a A00 -9C 7 9 A CAPITAL Property Manage- fllenl K ler 8 maWre coup). Tor so and buid- rg nOshawa, b Ito main- tsruarnoe and Ogax surperinterd- era duYee. Sand meant by bait b (416) 441-2625, aderrOon I ' 1-boo.2631461 ArM Doe a CAT OWIMIM TOP 4wW Pat food products home base business. Myons can do it. Car and carpe our product. Pleass call Florence at 906404.007. CALL Today. start tomorrow. Telemarkelers wanted for rap. idly expanding firm. Ovr 25 posi wo available. Guar- ar"ed hourly wage plus bo- mess. 2 sh ilts available. An► bilious people need only ap- ply. p.ply. phone 4333000. CRUISE SHIP JOBS Earn S300•S900 weedy. year round position. hiring msnlworrrn. Fres roorroboard. wd rain. Call 1-5044/6.4502 ext. 10OC-03 CONTRACT POSMONS S6AN61M - fi7.eS,/il<a. 8930 a Jm - 4130 PA& 436 1->•• - 12t3M-a. 12130 ata.>•. - 0130 aria. Assembly Line Workers General Labourers • Machine Operators • Interviews in Pickering • Previous applicants need not apply • Cal for an appointment TSL• (4=6) 292-2202 We pais you &a* to assemble our products year road For detail sand sat addressed stamped envelops to: LEISURE TIME MAN)FAMIRNG 16715-12 Yong* SL, Unit 344, NOWMWkK Ontario. I -3X 1 X4 PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IN PERSON Admin. Assisi. Trainee (17 k / yr.) for busy office at Markham b Lawrence. Excelktrlt Commun. skills, WVWledge of word perfect, lotus and windows. fax Resume at (416) 431-1880 ADULT C hI I_ I I$ DEEDED for Wed., Fri. and Saturday home delivery. Car a must. EIGHT wank Professional Fl, letry and Business Pro- gram; Mine wsslu oppontlntby Floristy Course. Part Ors emwhng course. lrrhon a video courses. Intensive Warning; start you own business; work at home or shop; know the se- a ats; know to bola; know tea leads. Carew Scholl of Floral Design, 200 Bad E. Oshaws (905)4361991. Training aa- aisroe may be available if you are over 45 and recently laid on. Drlrws waned l r hast grow ng company. Part time or fl/ Orm. No experience necessary W 427-7TT0 PART TIE COMM STAFF Required Immediately CALL(14116)IM-7M or tet orris rim for HERITAGE SCHOLARSHIP TRUST FUND. No experience. Ask 5W Kw% FEMALE RoomnaWaznr pardon rwrNsd to Ova in and wyxport sally wd h special treads Stipend available ler sarw." tendered Repily to BOX a 7104, P.O. B 481 ox , Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 71.5 W daaysand�ivsNngs, 683- 4134 034134 HAIRSTYLIST required for hisndy busy salon. Salary P" u:OrrXr mon. Contact Ms - arse 8663322. I. 100 Tuition Free career opportunities in motive power ! A new two year certificate program designed specifically to meet the training needs of youth and equity initiatives. Graduates will have numerous career options: • Grade 12 or equivalent • Must be eligible to work in Canada Z"ARN Must successfully complete Jpreselection process The course starts February 1995. For further information and to attend an information session, contact: NEW CAR DEPARTMENT MANAGER etc arc looking for a dynamic, well organized, results. orienta experi- c hied Saks Manager to join the highly successful team at Michael Boyer Pontiac Buick GMC in Pickering. at White's Road and Hwy. N401. We are a GM cenifted commercial truck centre, knowledge and experience in this area would be a definite asset. The compensation package awarded to the successful candidate will reflect the senior nature of this position and our expectations toward achieved rrwlts. To join our team please reply in strict confidence with a complete resume to the attention of - PETER MARTIN OR EDWARD BOYER Phone (9057831-2693 FAX (905)420-0299 Oshawa -Whitby (905)686-5859 SERVICE ADVISOR Ored by GM Dealership. Success - candidate will have at least two is GM experience, be dependable have excellent customer relations Apply to: WM. MOREWOOD MICHAEL BOYER PONTIAC BUICK 715 KINGSTON RD. PICKERING, ONT. L1V 1A9 PH- 831-2693 rJLRE TIML! RETIRBD3 KIDS Dol CHOOL? WANT BZTRA MONEY'' YOU like to talk on the phone, tum that spare time into money. Ayspky no sNpng required. For 21 hrs. ell week, earn s637Jmonth i fyou can work 10 a.m.-1 len. or 5:30 p.m. -9:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Plfea" can ��1aa �a�,tueia!S sadft rf�rs, Kathy, If111111111111E vill January 23-27,1995 FREE STARTER KIT ORM SAMPLES FREE BROCHURES N0 SIGN LIP FEE PLUS PREF $20 GFT PAY OFF THOSE CHF ISTMAS BILLS AND MAKE EXTRA MONEY. NO QUOTAS, GREAT DISCOUNTS CALL NOW iriaa beauty )home Calk citilmT NA (LORE 905-619-1574 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JANUARY A 19-9&PAGE 27 1 1 I �LL Your ful Your communi sales agents whitby, oshawa, pickering 8s. ajax At Allstate Insurance, our vision is simple -to revolutionize the delivery of insurance and related services by providing the tools and resources necessary to enable our agents and brokers to develop and sustain extraordinary relationships that give our customers 'peace of mind.' We're looking for Sales Agents who are strongly focused on their community. They need not have insurance industry experience but, rather, a commitment to superior customer service. You're self -motivated, entrepreneurial and have strong communications and presentation skills. You are able to work a flexible schedule involving some weekends and evenings and, ideally, have a post -secondary education and previous sales experience. If you have the ability, then we can offer you a unique opportunity as one of our multi- line sales professionals. We provide superior insurance products and a comprehensive two year development program that includes a guaranteed income. And al I combine to start you off on a rewarding career that will lead you to setting up your own neighbourhood office. We offer an attractive remuneration package and the opportunity to apply your abilities with an organization that values and rewards success. Please send your resume, in confidence, to: Leon Arendse, One West Pearce, Suits 207, Richmond Hill, Ontario L46 3K3 Fax: (905) 731-1508 No agencies please TRAVEL CONSULTANT GOUGERS TRAVEL P+ckenng Town Centre requires experienced travel consultant PLEASE CALL MARGARET 905420-3233 148)0-661-5169 or fax 905-420-7256 110 General Help SERVICE ADVISOR REQUIRED A dialbrtging position at a Vowing store. -GU experience required -Proven trope record eCanuni Inar t t0 Iso n aid custonwin -E1*W$iistic Apply To FUO •7101 Oshawa This iveek P.a481 Osibawa, Ontario LIN 7L6 MODELS NEEDED Female Ages 7 - 26 EARN EXTRA MNXW E Travel to exciting cities: New York, Paris, Milan. Call for Consultation. 4306715 PHONE From home. pled n each, mut be ereeriwtced d 8039177 SEWER required, axpwi rice on indrwaial nwd*w, 69M work, pert tine No tui .m.. please car 8867307 TNamarlatlng Pro. Elpwi- enced in 6lon Improvement MW work tram pans .part line evenings & Salyday morn- ings. Straight mrivil cion and 2% sales ovwnde . tkiirMW poienial for hard worker. slim 888 9372 SELL IT NOW ;CALL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AT 683_0707 OR FAX US AT 683-7363 Two POSITIONS OPEN IN WHITBY If you are: enthtaiaa- ic, enrgsic, and have exoap- banal people staffs Mrs post - bon is waiirg Iwo you. Powaw ,matt gwlwal phone and desk drMafamsirg in a pro dudi-e busy hair •abn. PNasa acre( resuew Ix Fie s 7105 P.O. Boa 481 Oahnow Ontario Ll H 71.5 WORK AT HOME we Par Pu dwdr io asranbls ale pooArda Eery Irak No ax- MOISurf Far RIEE d!iritdr" aft SASE b /0M 8rr, r, _ _ I rA Lt� oat AllstPq ate' , SALES REPRESENTATIVE To work Drug Stores Toronto East to Bowmanville Area. Large Food Broker. Challenging Prime Time Position. 3 Days Per Week - Competitive Wage Et Car Allowance Send by Post or Fax Letter or Resume to: C. Tos 40 Emblem Court Scarborough, Ontario 1111S 1 B1 FAX p 416-291-9096 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE SALES - TRAINEE We are a leading door sales/service com- pany looking for ambitious Sales Trainee for our residential 8 commercial divisions. The ideal candidates will be recent business/ marketing graduates with strong interper- sonal skills. We offer full training, exclusive territory and a generous remuneration package. (Territories - currently available are, Toronto, North, Ajax, Niagara) Forward resume including salary, history, and expectations to 905-670-3400. RODEO JEWELLERS REQUIRES EXPERIENCED SALES PEOPLE • Required to start immediately • 4 -5 years minimum of previous jewellery sales required. • FtA and part time positions avatiable. Please contact john at Rodeo jewellers, Oshawa Centre, 5n-7373. !F Went Of ,epwated or dr- .crced Will tlree years work expenence. you may Quakty for anen=t aswtance of if you me ow 45 and have scantly bean MW ON. you may qts ,or trammq aaaistanu. DIP, MRr. Lotus. WordPerfect. 0 - Saw. Word. Accpac. Bo0ord. Autocad. Wnara, Pagemaker. -Wvard. Corel. Computer Pro- 7anwnrhg and Sy+ipn• Ana- yst Coloot. Pascal and C. Pholoshop. Ouwk Express an„ IlluWalor. Durham Bus► leas Conwutw COINge 427- 3010 Part Male and or full Om• salla poemon row avdable at Puov s Wesrem Boot Store raid owenonce a must Ca hie at 6x6.09 E between 12- 4. Mon. - Fn Skilled 135 Help FURNITURE rehn ishec ex- perienced.required. Please tax resume to (905) 985-4751 Large Tube Mmufacturing Company Seeks the following • Gage makers • Tool makers min. of Syrs. exp. Apply in confiden e to 2533 Rena Rd Mississauga Ontario, L4T 3X4 or fax: (905)676- 0735 Dena recapdonim wanted for Ajax Dental office, call Susan (905) 428.2228. Mon. - Fri. gam Spm Part Mme Receptcnist for Dr.'s office. Neilson Rd. 4-t0 hrsJweek. Evenings /Satur- days. Reply to file a 7107. Oshawa This Week, PO. Box 481. Oshawa Ont 01+71_5 Required for busy Pickering Of im. Must be ' REGISTERED MASSAGE experienced, Harp cwtif lml,wiM knowledge of THERAPIST Work part bine ABEL Computer. Mature, easy-going, sense a"envons in a registered of humor a must. Saturday and evening Physiotherapy and Sports in - hours involved. 420-011147 uhg, y Clinic. Pckwcall (905) 420-0847 or Fax resunw to CALL IRENE AT 839-5951 (906) 420-2907 • repair and service technician • motor vehicle service advisor fleet leasing 1CCE !FA • technical writer - automotive journals 1 �Ieducation Vl and training Candidates will study: Ontario Training and Adjustment Board • repair, service and maintenance Conseil ontanen de computer technology for motive power formation ct (radaptation 0 communications de la main-doxuwc a business management • marketing and sales 46W • math and science for motive power Prerequisites: • Grade 12 or equivalent • Must be eligible to work in Canada Z"ARN Must successfully complete Jpreselection process The course starts February 1995. For further information and to attend an information session, contact: NEW CAR DEPARTMENT MANAGER etc arc looking for a dynamic, well organized, results. orienta experi- c hied Saks Manager to join the highly successful team at Michael Boyer Pontiac Buick GMC in Pickering. at White's Road and Hwy. N401. We are a GM cenifted commercial truck centre, knowledge and experience in this area would be a definite asset. The compensation package awarded to the successful candidate will reflect the senior nature of this position and our expectations toward achieved rrwlts. To join our team please reply in strict confidence with a complete resume to the attention of - PETER MARTIN OR EDWARD BOYER Phone (9057831-2693 FAX (905)420-0299 Oshawa -Whitby (905)686-5859 SERVICE ADVISOR Ored by GM Dealership. Success - candidate will have at least two is GM experience, be dependable have excellent customer relations Apply to: WM. MOREWOOD MICHAEL BOYER PONTIAC BUICK 715 KINGSTON RD. PICKERING, ONT. L1V 1A9 PH- 831-2693 rJLRE TIML! RETIRBD3 KIDS Dol CHOOL? WANT BZTRA MONEY'' YOU like to talk on the phone, tum that spare time into money. Ayspky no sNpng required. For 21 hrs. ell week, earn s637Jmonth i fyou can work 10 a.m.-1 len. or 5:30 p.m. -9:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Plfea" can ��1aa �a�,tueia!S sadft rf�rs, Kathy, If111111111111E vill January 23-27,1995 FREE STARTER KIT ORM SAMPLES FREE BROCHURES N0 SIGN LIP FEE PLUS PREF $20 GFT PAY OFF THOSE CHF ISTMAS BILLS AND MAKE EXTRA MONEY. NO QUOTAS, GREAT DISCOUNTS CALL NOW iriaa beauty )home Calk citilmT NA (LORE 905-619-1574 THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JANUARY A 19-9&PAGE 27 1 1 I �LL Your ful Your communi sales agents whitby, oshawa, pickering 8s. ajax At Allstate Insurance, our vision is simple -to revolutionize the delivery of insurance and related services by providing the tools and resources necessary to enable our agents and brokers to develop and sustain extraordinary relationships that give our customers 'peace of mind.' We're looking for Sales Agents who are strongly focused on their community. They need not have insurance industry experience but, rather, a commitment to superior customer service. You're self -motivated, entrepreneurial and have strong communications and presentation skills. You are able to work a flexible schedule involving some weekends and evenings and, ideally, have a post -secondary education and previous sales experience. If you have the ability, then we can offer you a unique opportunity as one of our multi- line sales professionals. We provide superior insurance products and a comprehensive two year development program that includes a guaranteed income. And al I combine to start you off on a rewarding career that will lead you to setting up your own neighbourhood office. We offer an attractive remuneration package and the opportunity to apply your abilities with an organization that values and rewards success. Please send your resume, in confidence, to: Leon Arendse, One West Pearce, Suits 207, Richmond Hill, Ontario L46 3K3 Fax: (905) 731-1508 No agencies please TRAVEL CONSULTANT GOUGERS TRAVEL P+ckenng Town Centre requires experienced travel consultant PLEASE CALL MARGARET 905420-3233 148)0-661-5169 or fax 905-420-7256 110 General Help SERVICE ADVISOR REQUIRED A dialbrtging position at a Vowing store. -GU experience required -Proven trope record eCanuni Inar t t0 Iso n aid custonwin -E1*W$iistic Apply To FUO •7101 Oshawa This iveek P.a481 Osibawa, Ontario LIN 7L6 MODELS NEEDED Female Ages 7 - 26 EARN EXTRA MNXW E Travel to exciting cities: New York, Paris, Milan. Call for Consultation. 4306715 PHONE From home. pled n each, mut be ereeriwtced d 8039177 SEWER required, axpwi rice on indrwaial nwd*w, 69M work, pert tine No tui .m.. please car 8867307 TNamarlatlng Pro. Elpwi- enced in 6lon Improvement MW work tram pans .part line evenings & Salyday morn- ings. Straight mrivil cion and 2% sales ovwnde . tkiirMW poienial for hard worker. slim 888 9372 SELL IT NOW ;CALL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AT 683_0707 OR FAX US AT 683-7363 Two POSITIONS OPEN IN WHITBY If you are: enthtaiaa- ic, enrgsic, and have exoap- banal people staffs Mrs post - bon is waiirg Iwo you. Powaw ,matt gwlwal phone and desk drMafamsirg in a pro dudi-e busy hair •abn. PNasa acre( resuew Ix Fie s 7105 P.O. Boa 481 Oahnow Ontario Ll H 71.5 WORK AT HOME we Par Pu dwdr io asranbls ale pooArda Eery Irak No ax- MOISurf Far RIEE d!iritdr" aft SASE b /0M 8rr, r, _ _ I rA Lt� oat AllstPq ate' , SALES REPRESENTATIVE To work Drug Stores Toronto East to Bowmanville Area. Large Food Broker. Challenging Prime Time Position. 3 Days Per Week - Competitive Wage Et Car Allowance Send by Post or Fax Letter or Resume to: C. Tos 40 Emblem Court Scarborough, Ontario 1111S 1 B1 FAX p 416-291-9096 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE SALES - TRAINEE We are a leading door sales/service com- pany looking for ambitious Sales Trainee for our residential 8 commercial divisions. The ideal candidates will be recent business/ marketing graduates with strong interper- sonal skills. We offer full training, exclusive territory and a generous remuneration package. (Territories - currently available are, Toronto, North, Ajax, Niagara) Forward resume including salary, history, and expectations to 905-670-3400. RODEO JEWELLERS REQUIRES EXPERIENCED SALES PEOPLE • Required to start immediately • 4 -5 years minimum of previous jewellery sales required. • FtA and part time positions avatiable. Please contact john at Rodeo jewellers, Oshawa Centre, 5n-7373. !F Went Of ,epwated or dr- .crced Will tlree years work expenence. you may Quakty for anen=t aswtance of if you me ow 45 and have scantly bean MW ON. you may qts ,or trammq aaaistanu. DIP, MRr. Lotus. WordPerfect. 0 - Saw. Word. Accpac. Bo0ord. Autocad. Wnara, Pagemaker. -Wvard. Corel. Computer Pro- 7anwnrhg and Sy+ipn• Ana- yst Coloot. Pascal and C. Pholoshop. Ouwk Express an„ IlluWalor. Durham Bus► leas Conwutw COINge 427- 3010 Part Male and or full Om• salla poemon row avdable at Puov s Wesrem Boot Store raid owenonce a must Ca hie at 6x6.09 E between 12- 4. Mon. - Fn Skilled 135 Help FURNITURE rehn ishec ex- perienced.required. Please tax resume to (905) 985-4751 Large Tube Mmufacturing Company Seeks the following • Gage makers • Tool makers min. of Syrs. exp. Apply in confiden e to 2533 Rena Rd Mississauga Ontario, L4T 3X4 or fax: (905)676- 0735 Dena recapdonim wanted for Ajax Dental office, call Susan (905) 428.2228. Mon. - Fri. gam Spm Part Mme Receptcnist for Dr.'s office. Neilson Rd. 4-t0 hrsJweek. Evenings /Satur- days. Reply to file a 7107. Oshawa This Week, PO. Box 481. Oshawa Ont 01+71_5 Required for busy Pickering Of im. Must be ' REGISTERED MASSAGE experienced, Harp cwtif lml,wiM knowledge of THERAPIST Work part bine ABEL Computer. Mature, easy-going, sense a"envons in a registered of humor a must. Saturday and evening Physiotherapy and Sports in - hours involved. 420-011147 uhg, y Clinic. Pckwcall (905) 420-0847 or Fax resunw to CALL IRENE AT 839-5951 (906) 420-2907 PAGE 2i -THE NEWS ADVENMER SUNDAY, JANUARY 22,1995 35• 111111111r, OAKIPINE FURNITURE -Why ' WANTED pay retail prices/ One of On- BOOKS AND PETS an taros oldest and largest man' large 4 Prefers in lar quantities, ufacturers is now selling direct Not sure' Rent to own' apt' b the public. Eg oak pedestal will trade for anything in my store. table c/w ext. and 4 Windsor chairs $799.. 8' oak double Books Pets and Things, pedestal uw ext. and 6 chairs 218 Dundas St. E. Whitby $1429. Cannonball beds. 11 $299. Over 20 stain choices - approved instruction by ex -in - all solid, no veneers. Tradition- al Woodworking 905-985- • , • 33 & 77 FALBY COURT 2 & 3 bedroom apartments in family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and un- derground parking included. From SOUTH PICKERING 2 bed- room basement aparbnent. separate entrance, laundry, parking. $650 6frstilast. Avail- ableFeb 1st. Cal (416) 724- 2977, or leave message. TWO storey apartment. Osha• wa Creek park setting. Large 2, 3 bedroom. $695 and $795. Includes garage parking im- mediate possession. 404- 1614. D B E Precision Tooling Ltd. currently 8774. 1 $ F43-$833. :., • e • VACANCIES! Call the one I M k 'th 11 1 t t PIANOS'GRANDFATHER stop rental shop for a BETTER requires a mould a er wl a eas en g Clocks -Durham s largest se - TWO _n size waterbeds years' experience to build plastic injection lecbon-New and used pianos. BASSET Found puppies for moulds that range in size from 8 x 6 to Not sure' Rent to own' apt' sale. $300.436-8439. 30 x 40. size. upright, grand. digital. CLOCKS- JANU- PALADEN DOG OBEDI- WHITBY - available imme- keyboards. ENCE- Qualified veterinary diately. 3 bedroom executive ARY CLEARANCE on all 1994 approved instruction by ex -in - We offer competitive salaries and 1tock' Telep Piano Works. 433 structor R.A F. Police Dog out. 4 appliances, air con.. monthly. Call evenings 837- Training school. °°anises comprehensive benefits. Please call:491. p PLEASE MUM Children's available for next classes Bruce Watson, Human Resources, Clothing. Canadian made, commencing Mon. Feb. 6- (905� 839-4232 ext. 632 D 811 E 1001,6 cotton. book your torte Puppy d Novice: Tues. Jan 31 -Puppy 8 Novice: Thurs. Precision Tooling Ltd., 922 Dillingham demonstration now. Great hostess benefits' Cal Beth at Feb. 2 -Senior Puppy a Trial Road, Pickering, Ontario L1W 1Z6. g (905) 579-7518. Preparation C.D.: Wed. Feb 8 Utility. Our FirsVlast required. Call 666 - QUEEN size bed frame $150, 22 -Open success rate speaks for itself. Tel. 668- 5535. 2 - 5pc bedroom suites $1250 9425. 0 ea . 4 pc Antique bedroom suite $650. 5 drawer wood chest dresser $150. Gentle- PETS Two adult cats, male d female Free to good home (Is man's dresser - wood $175. needles, neutered and spayed male declawed (905) 686-0845 weekdays selection. DURHAM HOME TWO _n size waterbeds Brougham, one owner. 4- RENTERS. (905) 428.1278 8.30 - 4.30 minimal fee. LANDLORD'S • a.m. p.m. ADVERTISE FREE!! BACHELOR apartment, new included. First/Last. (905) WHITBY - available imme- kitchen, new bath, separate 434-1292. diately. 3 bedroom executive entrance, park and utilities in- OSHAWA - BLoor/Park Rd. apartments, carpeted through- cluded. Close to GO. $550 One bedroom apartments from out. 4 appliances, air con.. monthly. Call evenings 837- $5901mo. with one outdoor $925 + hydro cable. Call 668- 1415. parking space and utilities in- 1477. BRIGHT - One bedroom duded. Call (905) 723-1126. WHITBY - immediately, quiet apartment in quiet 4 plex near OSHAWA - one bedroom bachelor apartment, fridge. dc. 2nd level. Bus route. hurt- apartment in 17 Quebec St. stove, $620.77, hydro extra dry, parking, first and last $410. $43a'month plus hydro. Avail. FirsVlast required. Call 666 - plus hydro Available March Ist. able immediately. Fest lr2 0l 5535. or ,center 723-1365 leave last required. Call Steven WHITBY - One bedroom, message. (905) 571-3229 walk- in closet, lots of windows, Brock / Finch- 3 bedroom OSHAWA - one bedroom North of Go, available March hong. dining , large family basement apartment. central lot. 5550 per month. 668-3161 Vanity dresser 513.5, 314 box room, 2 lul beth, garage. $9751 09723-9340 mattress $150. Ouncan Phyfe 6835099. call after 6 p m 1995 Plymouth Neon, 1 t.o00 location. Responsible person table w%4 chaos $700. Cheri month Paw 2/3 utilities.' Avail- km.. dual air bags auto. 4 dr., only. Own entrance, firsVlast. WHITBY -One bedroom main Y PUREBRED German Shop- wine colour $n.500 Peter able March 1st. 683-3553 T 4334076. o vine set 5475. Lg- glass pard pups black and tan good elePfror>a floor in triplex, near downtown. +:tchen table $125. Beige temperament all shots. paper 7231155 a 434 756x BROOKLIN - 2 bedroom OSHAWA - Walk downtown, heat and hydro included. $635 e •ycare 1 • • • couch and char $575. BRAND trained Parents can be seen main floor and basement of bachelor apartment. main Per month. female non smoker 160 Wanted NEW Hunter green couch and $200. 434 5920Automobiles souse with large garage, in- floor. separate entrance. $400 Preferred (905) 666.1531 chair $1200. 2 marble op end • dudes 4 appliances, heat, and per month. no pets. suit work - $300, F'.REWOCC tables 5'�' Oak bow front ROTTI pups. boort 12127/94. ' water. Lob of parking. $920 ngor(owedmale.6832778 WHITBY 2 bedroom apart - CAREGIVER re roe I:cr china cabinet $575. 2 - 26- CKC Reg.. micro -chipped. ley n,o, y o 'rsVlasV ment. main floor of triplex. qu+ seasoned firewood. lace cords family raised 905-7231926. OSHAWA - Cosy newly rero- laundry fackbes. parking. $795 and from 3:00- , Consols colour T.V.'s $250 Y WANTED - Honda Prelude, ref, required. Avail. A 1. Cal and bush cords. bags o ktrea.. 2 - 30• stovee $150 ea 984-1986. good condition. call e4u April vated I bedroom basement monthly Available Feb 1. 436 - of Monday to Friday. illi available Free delivery. 905-985-4049. � II $100 table saw h 6 m (705) 887-9163 apartment heel, hydro. fridge. 0253 Please call 686-7263 after �k up on Sat 8 Sun (905) sma organ • • . a .er p. 7 Oopm and on weekends 5200. grey secretary/reception V.911 655-8797desk w/ro8irg file 5400. 2 R.C.EMISSIONS bifimbi" DAYCARE required in my car hand controllers. office tome Looking for mature rek. yesk chs files and able person Full tine days to care for 5 year old and 18 month old. (905) 6867201 s. urs. more. 1982 CHE .,speck _as .1363904 sic. Asking $900 as is or best DIRECTV RCA Digital Salol- offer. Good winter car for stud lite System with CD quality ent 434-7509 ask for Re we sound and digital picture from a heave message our, 18" mini ,await dish 19SS Fln•bird 5 speed. T- $165000 installed c11(905) Bar root . sold as is $11100. 985-9106 obo- cal Maureen at "8 - Free Delivery To DIRECTY RCA Dgtal Sawl- Oshawa Area lite System with CD quality 1985 Lebaron GTS. 4 sound and digital P un fmm dr ,auto . ps. pb. air sunroof. Trucks i our 18' rices "beds dish, only 100.000 km.. good clean ' for Sale .1699 00 metalled call(905) rurreng car. Was 52495. now !�21' X85-9106 52295. coo sol. 4 more rocs, Market: SOFA and matching chair, cart 10 chtooae norm Car 427- 1980 L"E� 34 for ,utorn,it- performance sm, -,a beige oro duly roes. like 9722 anytime Russ. Open 7 K. . dual �iMweis, rebuilt car- niww. $800 or best offer. 723 lea days n, indoors. 9"^e• Sac tronas s::a swat =,-.t 7468. lforalor, now ores. $2500 certi- iforal nose pilon, back excel -1915 Pontiac Pariserne fed or $2000 as is a bo Cal 725-2383 OLDER tecble and a•�c +'nt condition. $350. berth TWO _n size waterbeds Brougham, one owner. 4- trance, nice bachelor apart- person needed to cars for 3 wood rocker 550 brasWglass complete $t 00 elects. 431- Fin - V8. auto.. fully loaded. FIn- 3 Bedroom brick bunga. dt,idren. 2 in school. m my square cocktail table 550. SM ishsd in a nice 2 -tons blue. 'Van 32 hones for owasm" relief 639-016 41•ave message WASHERS dryers. hide•. This car in in slam oan condi- 4 Wheel On work Westrtey Hsigftb. Please f4ncced in yard. Sloor st stove new and razrtdisoned. tion Was 53295 now $2995 and cty butt routes. Available Feb 433-0677 Call Lada 6834483 Articles S,25 and up for row WitiO certified. 4 mor• fw o can b 436-0278. Church St S rww fumished ' washer. $175 and up for re- choose from Cal 427-9722 1987 Bonnevolle Chevy full size WANTED: Non alnOkcin smoking . coitioned dryers. $175 and nd anytime Russ. Open 7 days van. 9 passenger. fully, loaded. caregiver o Ditiysi t tt niutcln 4 door. glass accents as uo ler reconditoned fridges week wk indoors aMung $7.500 or best offer. Ask old in out otoms. kul tine RE- non-smokers. $750 frst/lasL sbvs* Also wet operand dna Cal Linda at (905) 420- 9041 lesa r Linda or Rom 434-7509, OUIRED Transporteeon, ex. MOVING n,,,sk *ft.*,A.and Dep washer and it urs, Stephen- IM Buick t 2 dr. 1990 Rally Sport GMC. bb of penenee. First Aid. rewrenor with matching chair. 6125- soros Furmaur• ,ale,- wSome auto. fully Loaded. woot. rust extras Asking $11.500. 571- and retxnpb Cal 4 04-8412 3 black din room table. 4 Court StApps Co. Oshawa. Drooled. runt condition. $3495 SOUTH Oshawa • 275 Went - betwn pm,227 s• 64 chars. 550. vertical blinds, 550 5767448 1967 Chev Cavelier, auto, runs . WHITES/FINCH - loving re- kale knout nanny, 4 days acerbhed 619-2165 Articles good. 1Opke great 52495. Both or best offer. 433- '767- • artments / 1 weak 6.366 p_m. b cera ler APPLIANCES ebbs, sinks. ' F2 with 5o mm L 1:4 lens, $300. Nikon M 0-3 • 10 month old d -Ad tial after counter lops saw 50 - 90 % • IM Grand am, 4 cykndsr, 5 plus utilities. Townline and 6 30 p m 837-1729 below replacing. resurface on speed standard. exon" cordt- $775 430-0134. location AN work guaranteed. Appliances wanted working tion. 12.300 pet led or tent off- 2 BEDROOM apartment in • . _ from $45 Surface Whiz, toll d, not. Fridges. bvas, wash- M. 906-639.1367 quiet area. $665 includes n • . • _ its* 1-aOD-454-2268 am. dryers. Also wanted Pick /N6 Horizon 172 It auto frsdge. stove. heat, hydro. (LISA wil be happy to help you w lh all your daSShced adverUsng needs! CALL TODAY! 576-9335 Fan. 579-2238 stove, parking included. non- smoker no pets $475 monody WHITES/BAYLY. basement Available Feb. t Call 433 apt.. separate entrance, eat -in 1912 kitchen, laundry. air. patio. OSHAWA Olive/Grandview close b 401. No pets. First/Ias4' references. 5550. incl.. 839. area Large bight 2 bedroom 3053 after 6 p.m. or weekends. basement apt. on street pank- ng. h"L hyGo. laundry. cable WHY rent when you can own included. No pets or use of your own hone ler leas than yard- FirstAast. 5600 monthiy. You thtink7^ Cal DavisHaybck 905-571-7085 wave rriessage. Sales Rep. Flo/Max Summit Realty (1991) Ltd. (905) 666 OSHAWA 1 bdrm - $569 2 bdrm - S619 3 bdrm - S715 CYarMev Lines. Inchuda cwt. cable, rot water. tobng. new appharion. Trinmt pays hytko. 43WOO a 40"M 3800 or (905) 6663211. YOUNG Chnalion family has one bedroom apt. for rent. Ajax. 5595 Cal 905.686- 7830. YOUNG Christian family has one or two lodiooms for rent cal (905) 686-7830 Houses OSHAWA Shopping Centre rttkusive aihble &ace lac uar wall unit q 3Dc area. basement . private en- good running cardreon, some trance, nice bachelor apart- CENTRAL Oshawa - main ment. edge stow. washing L n v March 1. Cal NOW 4274669 racilesis• hydro. parking in- 3 Bedroom brick bunga. cluded $450 monaty. first/last low, for rent with option available imrtodsolely. Non- to bury. $925 + utilities smokers. 726-7137. monthly IMng room, OSHAWA. 2 bedroom Use, in kitchen, 3 bedroom, 4 9-plex with Laundry faahtiss. piece bath, garage. Includes uthliw. 2 apphances. f4ncced in yard. Sloor st parting. Converwent to 401 east. 1 block west of wd- and cty butt routes. Available Feb 433-0677 son- Available imms- 8001($ and pets wanted. Pre diately. firsVlast required. PICKERING Vdlage - 96 436-0278. Church St S rww fumished Rentals (al ends). reit b own, bachelor In apt. tending. osis AJAX - 3 bedroom man floor entry. Laundry, parking. clean. Samir, wry clean. new carpet no pats. clow to Go. 906-509- ,ridge. stove and Isuh6y. lob 2038 or 416284-1618. of per". Isinced yard. first/ las $940 A .FAIRPORT/F -o i &ace lac uar wall unit q 3Dc up truck and utility troffer d good running cardreon, some laundry tacrlibes and parking. Wdson/Obve Available CENTRAL Oshawa - main PICKERING - BROCK b HWY 2. Beautiful bright and large 2 L n v March 1. Cal NOW 4274669 your machrteexerciaer. Call 905- flatbed reasonable 905 427- body rust $1000 certified. 435 area. floor and basement of house. ties Lunches' tracks Non count prices. 100°/. nylon stain CHILDCARE available .r. my ,bar dsplay entertainment ) 2713 0419 immeft". Days 2638369 den. row carpet now, pant, bedroom walkout bROO. Mt ATTENTION TENANTS Pickering home by qualified as new . steal at $600 . also 8001($ and pets wanted. Pre chusive. 1sVLasL Suit femafe. everoga 2632522. 2 a avad- gareF' P$695, apartment. dose o shopping rig mall and Pickers trarmt. Rentals (al ends). reit b own, E.0 E teacher Starting in black lacquer Oaring room lerablv in wdl hies 1la7 Ods Delta 68 Royale 3 bedroom. iron Level. Boa Fi able Feb. t 5695. FrsVlasl parking and utlities nch,asd. too assumable rrtCal January 1995. Krosno/Ba Y1Y niutcln 4 door. glass accents as bade ler anytrng n my store Br gin curb• air. load, 8 Grandview Close b 401 SSS non-smokers. $750 frst/lasL , now. Y to kat. Cal now. Ride dna Cal Linda at (905) 420- 9041 raw $150 bosh SSW 906 420- Books Pets and Things. 215 ed. good clean rurtrwrng nr. . Pine floors. Fridge. stove. desh- DOWNTOWN Whdb n small Y Available March 1 686-1650 Oarwefe, Map, Really. 579- 3537. h mom 9039 a11er, 60rrt Dundas St. E Whby. was $3995 now 53495 CM- fred. 4 more nice cars o washer $600 + 11/2 ubhbet. Ca14044t99 apartment build Two bed r9' PICKERIfIG - Fwrport Rd. ub10w included. Cal Me.3852 • ,nc v ^9 offers babYsiitirg in my home cabs. CARPET home at dols- WANTED - Nordic Track Ski anytime hums Cal 427-9722 �,�. premium pad, expert room apartment available Feb ona Any age Irndoor/outdoor aces,- your machrteexerciaer. Call 905- anytime Russ. Open 7 days M1 Two be&- apt. North 1 or Mar. 1 $725, everything partment. privatoom e basement aarea. ties Lunches' tracks Non count prices. 100°/. nylon stain 623-0451 week indoors Oshawa, finished basement included. L facilities, Y entrance. 5500.00 Per mo n- smoker Call 905-420- 7278 resisunt. Price rnehudes pad WANTED - old and antique PONTIAC Grand Am Incudes hydro. water. sewn o 5. 69 a 1, 10 chusive. 1sVLasL Suit femafe. $1.995. Rseale system from as and expert instalabon Call furniture. anything old. Scien 1%8 and appliances. S85Wmonth' FirsO'last. 905 689.1009 or 830-71157 MOTHER with 4 Years day Nick at (905) 4366551 rntrumenor dnina. silver. Spatial Edition. loaded. 4-tur- bo. safety. 50.000 kms. lady Cal Doug 434-2410 906-738-4574 PICKERIIG - FindVDixia - eldren is offering care CARPETS bb of carpel adi sporting toys. driven. 55200 Call 66"l60. AJAX - ons OOru hese Great 2 bdrm apt. in estab- bright spacious new one bed - fore 100% nylon, new stain release co". doll col- . ddb. rtwk, bottles. cd- . ee warranty 15,000 inn. y menu apt. i1OxeL apacian. 4 pc bathroom lall lished Whitby, duplex. Fully room basement aparlment, years. Non-smoking enwren• Robert hent. outdoor play. rubnous tarpete on (land. I VAN vrpst 3 rooms. $349. Price Includes Iecbons a esbbs. Cal Bowen An(905) 655- lunches and snacks. Aro.' �,�. premium pad, expert 8049. Brooklin. crab, lees of TLC pelta. 427- rstallabon, fast delivery. free WANTED - old and antique X26 estimates (30 yards). Norman furniture. anything old. Scent, OUALITY daycare for 2 yin 6862314. tfic instruments. china. sitver. „vand up Westshore/Oaklato beck guaranplus,se Pm*ftrul advertising sporting toys. de - Nn, Across from Frentcftrtan's COMPUTERS - NEW 486 DX coy*. ddb, milk, bosses, Col - Bay P.S. Fullipart trio. before' 66 multimedia specials with factions or esytes. Cal Robert awn school. From 8 a.m.-6:15 Microsoft fame suite pkg. Bowen Antigws (905) 655- . pm. Rebable. byre rare in a $1.995. Rseale system from as 8049. Brooldrt. ^­ 7• renovated, bright cozy, dose separate entrance. ground Lev- pets. $1050 plus. Inckeive, clow to as amerr to all amerwass.. non smokers. N wakout. cable, all ukk9as. 4 839-= ties. $625. available imrrhediat• $725 plus available March 1/ Fite. bath. Non smoker. no 1y. 693-0799. April 1. call Robert 905466 pets. Available Mar. 1. $650 Allah hrys 2 bdrm. bernt liv- 4427 montdy. FirsNlast. Cal Upper IigGES 837- hrxydining. 4pc. bath W/0 b LIVE IN to corntry, baaUtiki 2903. 2 L>lAYY Fstor4 b back yard . laundry, parking. 99MV n Nath Oshawa. Two Pickering 1 beirm. bat Apt W' Harwood / Bayy. Available bedroom apartment in farm close to Hwy.N2 / Liverpool 1800 sq. ft. now flooring, Feb. I. $7004kn, 40% utilities house,t 1/2 baths, (replace, Rd, separate laundry , first / IM paint, Carpet, 4 new (906)294-0760 5950 per month, available $600 inch Mive available appliances, private AJAX Oxford Towers - Spa- Mardi Ist 725-9991 March 1 195 . 509-1651 abr laundry, fenced yard, sob, ran smofuhg hone. lab of bys, ohlings, nutritious food. Experienced motor and nan- ny. CPR/Fwv Ad. Linda. 839- 2135. F!rew• • • 1 low as $250. Lap tops from $495. New prireus Irom 6175. Our overfhsads low - prices lap low - e at Clarng Qs+ebY � son Computer Cimsncs Cert- 161 Kling St E.. Bowmaw ville 697-3059. ho, JUKEBOX - Seebug mdel 160 records great party at- WANTED CAMERAS - old dnha and glass, pwwwy. rv- awcopes, beerscop rs, bmoc- ulars and related iters. Clocks, *Qldws. Iurnitre, art- ytog old 432-1678 WANTED to buy - oder erre- me. glass. china, wlecidsa, memorabilia- watshw, etc. /9e t ACURA INTEGRA. 2 door carpis. 5 speed, bhGk on black. 84 K. p.*., pits., black cruise, factory surroot. pm, 4vats snows on car. 4 speaker am kn Gass, lop condition, est lad $11,000. (906) 723.1631 days (906) 6663128 after 6 cious apartlsix b, quiet bond- Ing, chow ot shopping, 401 she Go. Pod, sahaha 2 tied- rooms. Feb 1. Cal 683-8571 Irbl 7:30 AJAX- 1 bedroom twin. apt. Private entrance / driveway . frig, sbve, waahar dryer, 4pc. LUXURY one bedroom. Bright ground Level, largo tit- me room, with frdwood Goys, mel kitchen, hardwood boors. walkout b features. Non smoker, no pats. March 15. $700. (905) 427- 1903 Picker".PICKERING 6-- - . 11kl6 Liverpool / 401 a , eande , 1 1/2 baths 2 appliances, 2 appkshow, ,hear G0, PTC., avaiiWor now, 5950 inclusive.be. no puts dal (416) SM2732 Village - 98 church SL S. Now furnished bachelor --kr-It bsildrg dock, no smokers, no pets. $1050 plus. LIFESTYLES of Canada BELIEVE IIT $500 Down. Why traction. $750. or beat alter. SwQW Pose Or estates. Call 199 VOLKSWAGEN I ' able113 illa .First t T 4360822 Wil de -(905) 723-7834.Flair last .rel. $595 mioviMn, available acep elephhons liver. MOVING SALE • GREEN / CREAM STRIPED COUCH, TAPES • JETTA saver gray neyF tic, 5 speed, 2 doer surrad. mmy 905819-9613 clufted Laundry end Pill"-wM. Arts & Askwq $6.500 darlil ad. Tal*- Aiw-WMbwy / I ". +n• LIFESTYLES of Canada • 1 9 111 (> ) 72f-03� . - , bachelor apt or WIntra- a 23 hole l drink mhorwy availaWa nrrwdably 723- 111.1 Sunblyd LE, air con., 4 stairs room. No pats rnon beck guaranplus,se Pm*ftrul ANTIQUE HIGH CHAIR, TEAK door, 74,000 kne,certiled. smokers. available after Feb. 1 high fibre coolies and com- 7163 1986 Bereft GT, 6 cytindar, MS. wave massage (906)427- ss meal replacement bars CERAMIC WAREHOUSE auto, lit. Of. clew brakes and 31replacementPlate and shakes. For retail or now showroom, new pieces tins. Certified. Nara Jan. 31, clean 3 bdrm. by floor wholesale phone MBA Intra starting at $1.00 for everyone.- Aup,(905) ON-WO7 Atl*nfon ! 1 bdrm. a own -ft. Mondry, parr", dean, no pats. Coss to Go. (905) 5062038 or 416-284- 1618. F4CKEROG-LwrpoOl Rill Iwrrw rlvllro. h.xNx Go Station area. BasemaM �� 623-6549. apt, separate or rance, central air, utilioa included. $550. BOWMANVILLE - wanted month. Cal 905.837.0520. responsibl* coupe or sigh swoE street Nath (south Perms to font a cab newly Preneurs 987-4152 or DLS Folk art -ceramics -home deco- of Taunot) in 12-psx, fro renovated 2 bsrtoom ptrgN Intra Preneus 688-4266. rata -children. Saturdayson downtown Oshawa Fridge Ona bedroom apt. $601.00 bedroom. uftiias and �• ronIng Lab Orntsio. Rah. y 1911 Taurus Stakoriwagoh. and stove $560 and ubmwe in- Per month. Includes twat Pee' r Trod, fist and 10-3 p.m. 1333 Boundary Rd. B3 GOOK wN mairWined cable included except hydro. sW list. anrail hardwood. Guaranteed, extra MOVING SALE • GREEN / CREAM STRIPED COUCH, TAPES • Unit 2 Oshawa. 905.7254709; non smoker. WfM usual Power clufted Laundry end Pill"-wM. water and cable I V.0 Laundry and Parking for dine Laundry leckibn. Available awl* now. (905)639.5746. long time July seasoned, cut TRY WING CHAIR. WOODEN ROCK- 1-600 567.9225.. options, air, etc. $12,000. a.b.o. dean and Cozy. No pats No availaWa nrrwdably 723- March I. $.wmorih. "Nov 666 and Honest mrleafkrertlerht spit.ER, ANTIQUE HIGH CHAIR, TEAK Call 668.2137 smoker*last / lift 432 704 7163 last. Call 905 5762962. ( ) DWIGHT AVE., available { Fr. delivery. Kozy Heat Fra- TV.. UNIT. PROFESSIONAL DRAFT- VENDORS WANTED FOR ONE Bedroom basement SOUTH AJAX - now two bad. Jan. 31, clean 3 bdrm. by floor wood (905)753-2246 ING TABLE. ANDIRON DECK CHAIRS. HEX CEDAR PICNIC TABLE dovale CRAFT SHOWS Maaw 1994 Chev. Cavalier Z 22, 5 speed, powei locks / trunk AM AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE- apartmwnt, Close to Go train room basement apartment Of I"W duplex, 4 apple., huh - AND CANVAS UtaenE". STA- Town Centre. April 6 - 8• FMM CD 2 sate of rims, aidad LY - in Whitby apt. building, and all amenities. Available $"month' Please Call for dry rte. Per". forced yard SELL R NOW TIONARY FANS. FIREPLACE Brampton Ree Car*& April 22, . ee warranty 15,000 inn. y spacious Corpe�' neN1ly immediatel Y' i65o Pah nsonlh kwtrr debts f�'�• close l0 amenities. $775/ CALL SCREEN AND TOOLS BUTCHER BLOCK DINING TABLE. EXERCISE Brampbfl $tappers world May 10 - 13. (bookings also avail- $12,500.00404-8863 alter 5 painted spy. with balcony. Close to bus, shopping, allworth ub10w included. Cal Me.3852 SOUTH Oshawa • 275 Went - mo. plus hydro 725 0856, yd 707 BIKE. CALL 676.00D3 able ler hal and chnstimas '95. APPROVED - bad or no utilities included. FirstAast re- ONE bedroom, Simcoa S., SL E. large 1 and 2 bad - rooms, sloes b buses and Howe for rant, sow month 1�R FAX F2 with 5o mm L 1:4 lens, $300. Nikon M 0-3 Furttwr Information bookings, Slaw naOoro (906)454 Credit. 1960-M vehicles. Corti- fwd o as is. APPROVED. quy red. No pa, oro bdrm. 3 bdrm. $625.2 bdrm4300 $400, frWta 1. 5766326 Rick. shopping Available imme• plus utilities. Townline and call $775 430-0134. OSHAWA- 3 Bedrooms, 4 dial*ky, Feb d Mar. Cal 721- Boor area . Fridge / stow ,gw 683.7363 words ler F2 $250. 4344M t 3828 Brampton. Sunshiro Auto. 8669237 Call 4. Bathrooms, Laundry, Pair". 9722 or 134 5183 ostoses 9-8 ,6ago available Feb.1 725- O.A.T. Fob.1/95. $7fe.00 utikties p.m. 7997 N.W WHITBY 3 bedroom main floor bungalow. etenstu- late condition. all appliances, inckudtng laundry, hardwood floors a carpels. Seo nortu,ly plus utilities. referemes te- quhred. Call 666-8441 or 1- 416-551-9540 (Pager) NO DOWN PAYMENT? Good credit? Good )ob? You can buy for the price of rent. while prices and rates are down. Call Doug or Brent, Community Financial, 668- 6805 OSHAWA - Luxury 2400 sq. ft. 4 bedrooms, central air/vac, 2 1/2 baths, double garage. N.W. area. Furnished - negotiable, unfurnished - $ISM plus. Phone 7238382. Oshawa 2+1 bedroom bun- galow , detached garage $050 month plus utilities. Available Feb. 1 st / last required call 985-0172 THREE BEDROOM detached bungalow, King SIJ. E/, east of Townline . Fridge, stove, central vac, parking, quiet area. $875 monthly Isti available Jan. 30. WS. Refer- ences. (416) 2667119. WANTED - Clean. 3 - 4 bed- room tome, to rent with option to buy. in Ajax/Whitby area only, sought by responsible professional couple with young family. Flexible posses- soon- Stave. 683.5320 WHITBY - 3 bedroom walk- out. laundry off kitchen, ga- rage, close to shopping, $1020 monthly. Avail. Mar. 11. 655- 4682 after 6 p.m. WHITBY - main floor, 3 bed- rooms. dean, spacious. near 401; Go, now, Feb 1. 5675 monthly+, relaronees. even- ings 666-4650. days 420- 9477. WHO says you Cannot afford to buy a cause, 3 bedroom townhouse carries for S46W month. (P 6 1) 3 bedroom bun- galowtarries for $780 /mond, (P61) plus more. Call Mark Stapley. R*Uax Accord at 5763111. RELIABLE rwn smoking fam- dy looking for dean 3 bedroom home to rent in Alax/Wtrtby area Excellent references. Re - qui MardVApnl 1. Excellent references Can 706-721.0409 and Naw message. 420 CAPITAL Woperties would tike to offer you the beat b Oshawa Living. Spadous 2 and 3 bedroom town homhea. Starting at $700. Call Wendy 404.2067 now 11 N.E. OSH. 3 bis., 2bths., Freshly painted gas ht. ga- rage. $85o/mo. available im- mediately, Roger Bourn-a- socials As- socials Broker. Re/max R, As - tion Realty Inc. 434.5222 / 427-1177 SPOTLESS 3 bedroom, 1 1/ 2 baths, garage. near 401 and schools. Bowmanvdle. 2 ap- pliances, Feb. 1. References. no Pets, $835 monthly. 576- 2183 WHITBY - 3 bedroom A-1 condition. Private garage, fenced backyard, fridge/stove, 5900 +hydro. Available Feb. 1. Call 639.2867. AJAX Furnished room for rent in clean quiet home• laundry and utilities included. Claw to bus and shopping $400 per month. 6867260 AJAX - Vilestrwy Heights. fur- nished room in quiet honkie. Air, Cable, laundry, share facilities.non :molar. s400 monthly. Available Feb. I. Phone sw 428.9114 or 6669782 Aye furnished Or unfurnished bdrm. in 3 bdrm. townhouse, Mare ail lac. Ublibos and cable included. I st 6 last req -d. 5325/mo. avail. imrned. call Steven 905- 686 -1231 leave message. ALTONA/SHEPPARD- large furnished room n doen adult born,e f« rmaturo en - P" pereoNs[udent. Cads. Bus. Parking. Stara separate btden, bathrooms. 5100.00 weekly. even tga 509.2459. Central Ajax large dean fur- nished room with rear en- trance to upstairs. quest Noma S340 mo. also 1 loam,. learnt 5450 ad hnckuaiva 643-7390 ROOM for rant - maslorbwd- room. 4 PCs. ernsu . fable. Phone hndud•d. $unable for tamale. Laryo home. dna to transit. Weekly or monthly 420.6526. SOUTH AJAX - blear, bright accommodation f« a non- smoker. Full use of house, in. coding kitchen, laundry room $80 per week. 416.806-2831,. Whitby 905.668.1983. AJAX - HIGHWAY 2 AND WESTNEY Road. Full use of 3 bedroom house Non smoker parking utilities $425.00/mont h Call James at 6861528 AJAX - your choice, basement bachelor apt. or share main 8 upper floor with one other. 5 appliances. Very clean. S501Y month available immediately. Call Dave (905) 619-0575. LARGE quiet country home to share. 401/Brock Rd. No pets. Car a must. S400 monthly complete. Call Craig 686 1913. SINGLE room with full ac- commodation, full use of house, lots of parking, Swrwow Rossland. on bus route, silo0 month, available now, non- smoker. call 432-26% THREE bedroom house b share. Pickering. Includes ca- se, nn smoker, no pets. Avail- able immediately. 5450 monthly. Call S31-8776, WHITBY - 4 bedroom house to share with one other. Park- h^g, laundry. cable. pod and on the taus routs, f.3Wmonth ubliti•s incursd. Call 839- 1151 ext.3029, days or 430- 5695, evensgs. AJAX - two bedroom condo. Westrniii 5 appliances• full birth and Messer w3pce. bath, caro from k,rangroom to largo balcony. Includes all utilities/ parking. Frstilast. Sublet Feb 1-Nov.1 $079 Cal 42745129 A I• ' • VERY o usy plaza. 3500 sq. R. finished spew. ideal for bar,- QMt W. pool hal or any kind of dub. All facilities in plan. Reasonable rent. 416-515- 7e42. SAVE BIG seas Read TlfF; 1 kCwLffer REPORT Mtques, Audiolts, Bail*uptties, BaZam. CONCtables, Estate Sales. Flea Markets, Home SNOWS, LigUidationS, Power of Sale, Rummage Sales, Swap/Barter, Wholesalers, Yard Sales and more. Times, Dates, Locations. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALLANYTIME 905.666.8469 1-eoa746.6478 FLORIDA- Madeira Beach1500 HOME is where the business , luxury t OPEN HOUSE Sun.. Jan. 2gulft condo. 6. apftpl 22 629. 1.5 p.m., 20 Pk= rooms. 2 baths. all accesso- costal Rd., Cobourg. Minutes to ries, heated pool, lacuzzr, town, all bight bungalow with screened sunp«ch. top floor, attached garage on 112 acre. 3 weekly/monthly. Photos and plus t bedroom, finished mailer 9. GORGEEOUSOUS - 3 bedroom basement apt. potential. New condo. close to famous Clear- Clear- carpet one 4 Pc bath one 3 water teach. pool. )au uzn, k re Mtge. Nee for one year BBO. private yard. available upon closing' Vendor wild .pay Now - Dec. for into and to view up to 572,000 off appraised photos 686-9846 or 579.37W value of $127,500. 905-372- muss and starts you on your 5565 no agents please. MADEIRA Beach, March, fur- way to success and hapq- nished. $700 U.S. one bed- Oshawa Canada employ - room 6664670. PICK E RING -perfect 2 year Ment Centre is offering a old 3 bedroom. 3 bath, do- e- r ladned beck garage, huge ', 1111 kirchen,dock. main floor. family r room cal fireplace. 142ft tit FEES. OTHERS DO NOT. IT ISnfOr111ailOn $199.900. 905-031.3595. 4952. OPEN HOUSE SAT/SUN. /- 5137,900 Oshawa ,Gran(l- 4PM vnew/Cherrydown area). de- taGrod, 2 storey, garage-inlaw apt. inground pod, 4 plus 1 REDUCED! Can Mark 1-MO- bdrm., 2 walkouts, gas heat. 637-5744 $166,900. Pncksmng cross to all amenities. Call - Brock Rd. area, 1600 sq. ft. 571668.5. detailed. 3 + 1 bedroom, 3 . 1 paths. family room wM firth FROM $69,900.00. Brand new 1,2,3 bed- room condo's up t0 1442 sq h. Call now for more information. (905)623-6549 place. walk out frnrahed base - meat in-law poMntia1. Vend« Motels back below bank rate. Mark Taches Broker. ReMax Brampton Inc Raaf or Trade in your homer for an executive 4 bedroom. 4 bath. hone with Nannys or in law apt. Triple garage on 2 IQ acres in prestigious area of Halliburton Highland, . 2 K Pickering cal Fred Dupew old ranch style 3 bedroom sales Rei. at P Kowal hortnw on 1 3 acres within lits Reel Estate Lha Broke. Bow - 1 rde to 3 cWw takes. snow manvdle (905)623.2453! rruobe' , is fadning . sw.r.- 1905) 697-2702 mug . bonding . Wang in Burn roar (706) 489--20ts3 THE NEWSADVERTISER SUNDAY• JANUARY 22.1995 -PAGE 29 Brook Rdd Hwy.92S121 town 00. lovely 3 bedroom f * Match at• _ L tw Mates pal town neo -room, garage, J►�l C /� JYL Introductions... . Hqunt trStr IstLtwd Rcomp (416) r If you want a safe way to meet 461-2233 screened sincere compatible singles. 10, FANTASTIC OFFER IN Try the Match -Maker way. BOWMANVILLE 1 PRICED FOR 434-M99 QUICK SALE. 2Br town home w fin. basement, 5 appliances. Assumable Mongage, no qwl- • 11M.11 : ityirg. Call Fred Dupee. sales • • • • • • • . • Rep.at Peter Kowal Real Es tate Lmrted ,Broker, Bowman- vllle. 905-623.2453 bus. 905- HOME is where the business 697-2702 is. Looking for a way out of PICKERING GO 3 bedroom Corporate America? Looking for a way up? Watkins provides townhouse like new, Mort- the nudge you need to get gage available with low rate started in one of the top 10 and low down payment. horse based businesses in the $107.900. (905)837-0568. Country. The rest is up to you' One visit will convince you Call Independent Representa- Consultations to assist tive at 1-800-645-T773 ments. personal budget plan- LEARN HOW TO reader you, have seen Lifts $5.000-525.000 to lend RUN YOUR OWN you, out of sorrow and dark- from Sso monthry. Call Doug or BUSINESS muss and starts you on your Brent, 668-6805. Community February 61h. If you are way to success and hapq- Fina Mal Servhces. Oshawa Canada employ - cess. You owe it to yourself to BORROW + Ment Centre is offering a consult this gifted lady Spit. SINGLE If you feel , "there's someone better than the people you've been meeting and tired of the places you've been looking; Call TOGETHER Today! T CITHIRr 1-800-667-0117 $ o.000 . pay as little as $110 per month., o.a.c. Self Empb en! Trainor g Call Jerry. 6667200. Free program. This fully sub- PSYCHIC READER - card consultation. Anbuis Invest- sidized full-time 12 week and palm reader r loge, mar- ^ents Ltd.program is followed by nage, business and health MONEY problems) Debt several months of one -on- One visit will convince you consoldatons, cretin arrange -any Consultations to assist Shen superior W any other ments. personal budget plan- during the actual start-up reader you, have seen Lifts ring. creat repair. FREE CON -phase of your business. you, out of sorrow and dark- SULTATIONS Ontario Credit Counsellors (Oshawa -Toronto) The training starts On muss and starts you on your 4331425 February 61h. If you are way to success and hapq- not In receipt of Income cess. You owe it to yourself to OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT consult this gifted lady Spit. GUARANTEED SOME COM- support, you are encour- cialize lin house partes $5 PANIES CHARGE UPFRONT aged to apply. For mere special Call today 416-693 FEES. OTHERS DO NOT. IT ISnfOr111ailOn contact the 4952. SUGGESTED THAT YOU IN VESTIGATE THOROUGHLY Federal BUsln im BEFORE SIGNING ANY CON- Development Bank at TRACTS. (905) 725-3366 MORTGAGES. Dans kart purpose) Lanes of Credit Free Consultations We can hap. Call Tanner Financial Servnon. 404-9336 or 1-800.881.3923 SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX $83-7363 PSYCHIC CAMILLE. t:a card, palm, aura. crystal ball reader rwurxte t w separated. Available for parboil. Danlorl h and Victoria Park (416!691- 7490 ROMANS 7 VS. 3 So then. If while her husband liveth. she be marred to another man• she shall be Called an adulteress. Jesus at Scarborough Holiday Inn 7:30 pm. Every Sat. Jim Campbell r 1-705-324-2364 News Advertiser 707 68Fax 3-7363 Rim I" � DOORS 'R' US GARAGE DOORS OPENERS INSTALLATION Sues, 8 M a Repair (905) 837-0949 SVECIALISTB Additions, trimid ads, bdh- rooms, idctiens. diddig, lanc- es. hardwood floor:, Oudaly, Rales, Fre•Ffe9�F: I i lK. MOODY CONSTRtl1CTION CALL NEIL (9051837-2165 is ins. Kitchen, bash, ceramic li•c bsmt. apes., pMntbirp, electrical. We're mice people 10 deal with. ;p�9uarattSed. C 8 R Mainteruahce Systeme - ,e5kdenhal, eomfrweiW build - ng maintenance. Electrical, Numbing or general repairs. It 1au�h� ring or repladrg, estimates. visa accepted.(90518Ga-3300. CONSTRUCTION Hoot• repairs a deraeons, dents, batt, wildnrls., wir dow selarAy bm, &rest all him work 3 flaiddirpri Service. Ciel 6W9182 •vim , alddnral, dryrlal. 15yrs Etlp•rism Free Edi idhe al Mario (90) 619663 VAZ GENERAL CONTRACTM Cudbm Homes, alfdiYorls, BelThs, kitchens, Basements, RD*, Ceramic Ties, Hard- wood floors, Windows, lids ! call Justin (905) 6834St18 WENARD 6 SON. 15 vis. ex- perisnc•. Plaster, new and re- pain, drywall and taping, painting, stucco, caanrc tiles. bxtursd ceilings, free e00- mafa. 9863794. SELL IT NOW CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 � ;t Interior and exterior re- pairs, renovations and construction. Fast and clean professional work guaranteed. Craig, WS -1913 TWO Handyman to handle, all yaw Mom. P•ywrig and anal eo'°iao:rasonrmim a » job or two men at 535.004nour. CIA Mr. Snail 571.6463. ELECTRICIAN- Licensed will do all types of electrical work Reasonable rated, Son- ion, oo-ion discos t Fast service. Cad Alex at 4337632. LICENSED MASTER PLUMBER Wil d• repairs I nn•va- boms. NO JOB TOO BIG call Paul 6864636 pager (416)-589-7601 Pasartl 81 Pkperwd by .,,,11 Caaaafbed GREAT PRKTS! Cal Chia (905) 619-0747 1W PAINTING a DECOR Interior & EXI6f10r EUIOpBan WO loied-0 Fast dears, deliable service. 420 -Ml AJAX Moving System - full services, moves, appliance and pow specialists. Flat rate or Mwaty. We now have heat- ed storage units. Now eserine free boxes with mow. Park and load special, starting at so. and W. Cad for mforma- ban. 725.0005 or 427-0006. HARRY -0 -THE -MOVERS - Move big or small. we price them air Fria earns*&. sen- iors distant, short notice mares. Pianos moved. Com- paalale rates. Call 432-2850. MEN wilt largo truck wa do household mows, reeidernbal, commercial. AM types of mows•. Cad Carl or Jan• 427- 2656. MICHALSIO MOVING - houses, apar9nwift. offices. appliances and 0-OP•tml- .t rtes s ardi aavn. Li- censed, insured. Fro* esti- ma6m Cad 1967795. MOUNTAM MOVING SYSTEMS we will naw K"Wg. COWAMCid f•Cdarrial Faddi ft Borst• and bots anima. swim a mid Mae decautlL rte• atmoiK. FM -0755 CARPET Iretak%om - 25 years exparisrroe, restrefeMg. our speciality. Fra estimates. 0 6 N Du ncon, 967.1799 or 987 -ISM ARE you having problems finding nim• to dean your horn•? For professional home cleaning call Helen's Home Services Way, 427-1041. ITS TILE TO CALL CASTLE CLEANING LTD. WE DO IT ALL! DUSTING, VACUUMING, BATHROOMS. STAIRS, KITCHENS AND LAUNDRY ROOM. OR WE DO SOME.... DUSTING AND VACUUMING OR KITCHEN AND BATHROOMS. It all depends on yar needs and your budget. We bring everytFwrg we need to clean your tame Nom top to botlom, and we even hand wash all ttfe floors. (Some Thursday time is available, but tall Soon. It goes fest.) Fully bonded K insured fPkem call 827-9765 HOUSE cleaning do by d•pe baa woman. Reasonable rata. For more imlorn ow. please one Mala, 430010¢. RELIABLE hags cleaner, will do vatuarei dueling, kitchsrs badeoone and doors ofd., reasonable rates. Weak- III. eaky, lswe•Wy. monthly. or occa- siornaky. Cal (905) 619.6957. MAGICIAN, clown friends, reedy to entertain lot any age, any occasion. Bwadays. pro- motions. openings, fund rais- er. Magic shows are lin! Ler- tun hap. 839.7057 or 726 6334. RABBIT wants work doing rtagic for children's pa- bes and all occassions. Have myyo ziagician. Cad Emile PIANO LESSONS ler begin- ners, very reasonable rates. Call Joanne 509-5056. • • •• SCHOOL 10 Lessons and Car for road test $195.00Full Nurse $289.00 - Free pick-up and drop off 287-3060 R•sidanll'1 f COMWA M sea ty provided by expen- enosd . licensed. *,ended mo- b" patrol personal. Weal for Wirier Vacationers. Business holiday closures. For confi- dent 1 inforrnabon on services Provided please call Carlisle Security Services LW (416) 261-4747 WORD MAGIC - Word Processing Business or Personal. layout a design of resumes, proposals pre- sentation. etc.., for more info. 6 great prices Sandy(905)a3i-313o SELL R NOW �p CALL 683-0707 OR FAX 683-7363 PAGE 30 -THE NEWS ADVENMER SUNDAY, JANUARY 22,1995 THE �, i-------- — i CARDINAL SCHOOL 1 HAIR x I NANNIES i COWAMM INC. • • • rF me Relief "Rea�9 W heights in Premium SINCE 1985 11RC H SERVICES INC. 1 • CenCtre PROVIDING HOME CARE I Unisex Hair Design " .. and & NURSING SERVICE 1 . - .. • ELDERLY • DISABLED 1TANNING - 376 Kingston Rd. • NEW MOTHERS • . at Rou amount 'ATTENDANT CARE 1 ! 'CardiwtlivyteCare' g • PALLIATIVE, CHRONIC 8 CONVALESCENT • FutL a PART TIME ONLY Bartending industry.PRIVATE HOMES • IMARS W HOMES • HOSPRALS • LIVE-IN & LIVE OUT Pickering GOOD SERVICE- PROFESSIOWLS•COMPASS)ON guaranteed results 1 •LONG BSHORTTERM rian• •b training in _ •ur 1 ks in 509-2559 � a "ftd) 2200 Brock Rd. N. NANAWN NIES FOR PREFERREDHIL �EAssE�Nr�rA�AeLE NANNIES FOR CHILDREN "Please Support 1 (905) 428-7618 1 & ELDERLY • ' the March of Dimes" '472-0709 1 Expires Feb_ 28/95 1 619-3351 r' IN 13 s^TM :!4- 1@ SATURN SAAB ISO IZI OF PICKERING 980 Kingston Road Pickering, Ontario (416) 839-9159 Im 759 KINGSTON RD. W., -A,IAx ?he ?ozvn of Nax Confirms its support for the Ontario Manch January is MARCH OF DIMES Month PICKERING SQUARE ROUGEMOUNT SQUARE FIRST PICKERING PLACE The Goal for Ontario is $600,000 839-0000 ONTARIO LA MARCH MARCH DES DIX SOUS �u� OF, DIMES DE L'ONTARIO Developing nye ability in disabled adults DeHebpyer des competences pow rarpenser les handicaps Ontario March of Dimes' programs are offered in over 100 communities in the Province of Ontario. Over 1.2 million Ontario adults have a physical disability. This represents one out of ten people. Ontario March of Dimes offers skill training, rehabilitation and employment programs; provides funding to purchase mobility equipment and helps people live independently in their own homes and be actively involved in their communities. In support of the March of Dimes, we ask that you contribute to their ability Tree Program. In the Town of Ajax, the "Mayor James Witty Ability Tree" is organized this year to purchase mobility equipment for residents of our community. For a donation of $100 or more, your name will be placed on the Ability Tree which is being displayed in the main foyer of the Community Centre. You will also receive an Ability Tree Donor Certificate which you can proudly display in your office or home. All donations are tax receiptable. Thank you for your generosity! 365 Bayly St. W. Pickering Ll S 6M3 428-8768 TOYOTA or. 10 NGRATULATIONS TO THE KIDS' SAFETY VILLAGE' 416✓4Z0-000 - _ 1 -M263 -N31 Feat 420-2100 Tormb lin•: 7904000 Coughlan Homes ' Building quality for over 35 years WARY -hearted, caring, attractive male, 33, seek- ing that special woman, 19-30, to spoil and pam- per. Serious inquiries only. SY 1586 (OSH) ATHLETIC, attractive and very romantic single father, 30ish, is looking for a single female, age and race unimportant, ed. SAY 1647 (CO disappo�- SUPER, sexy male, very lonely, seeks Mat special sexy lady to share the kingdom with the magic of romance and passion in mystical relationship. SY 1658 (OSH) HONEST, very attractive, white male, 37, non- smoker with baby blue eyes, not into the bar scene, enjoys quiet, romantic evenings and loves most sports, look- ing for a sincere, roman- tic, white female, 3040, with similar interests. SY 1685 (OSH) YOUNG looking, fit, while male, 44, 5'9', medium - build, passionatey enjoys fermis, golf, cycling, long walks and new country music, seeking fill, shape- ly female, 5'4' or shorter, to share the above and gg�o from there. SY 1708 10cu) FUN -LOVING, very sin- cere gentleman, 37, with average looks, likes movies, music, romantic dinners but loves the out- doors, seeking working, slim female with good morals and family back- ground. SY 1717 SINCERE, dependable, single, white male, 38, 510', 160 lbs., enjoys music, outdoors, dining and quiet times, looking for a female for friend- ship, possible relation- ship. SY 1736 (OSH) • CALL ANYTIME • 24 HOURS A DAY • 7 DAYS A WEEK THE NEWS ADVERTISER SUNDAY, JANUARY 22,1995 -PACE 31 CHRISTIAN white mak, quiet. single, 36, 57, 160 lbs., average looking, working, easygoing, kinct considerate, loyal, who enjoys movies, dinners, darx ft sports, outdoors, seeking a marriage-mirXi- Od Chnidim wwhft Is We, 30.36. SY 1737 (0818) KEEP the firegoi I British Columbia sire mind, or"s bass- caraeig, naNlve all, and my music:, no cad games, expecta- b hew from�a fins to share sono time ! SY 1738 (0811) TRONG, attractive , 26, W11h oro much to e, seeks a tamale. 20 - to papa or and By 1736 T. GSUM*d d, mals, 44, 8', los , whh a sense of for a ski - re, affect gfornate. slim Nle 0" music:, to doors and good con- lations' Ip. SY 1740 1 r woLISMED, aerial - e, affectionate, non - dung, dark mite, 35, toys casual dining, 10 everurvis. al fres to mo an aambi- ,s, energetic and sin - 38. SY j7wift 5� uis, PARATED, single, ale Male. 39, 5T, feels I like the Lealls. the Is, rock 'n' roll music, intry and the blues, king for onest a someone who nd has a Ge of humour, for seri- relationshQ. Must Ike i• SY 1758 (ONO - 190 lbs., loves talk laughter, intimacy, look ing for a female, 57-+ 25-35, slim to average build, who is unique fun loving. SY 1760 FUN -LOVING male, 31 enjoys movies, sports swimming and fun times seeks a sincere and quiet female, 25-30, for f ship and a possible rela- tionship. SY 1761 (OSH) SINGLE, white male, 38 5'10', 155 lbs., brown hair, green eyes, love music, the outdoors and long walks, looking for a single, white, indepen- dent female, 32-39, who has a good singing voice and loves karaoke, for a relationship. SY 1762 YOOLNG male, 2o, enjoys reading, movies, televi- sion, seeking a girl around 19, for friendship. SY 1763 (OSH) HONEST and hunorous ride, 39, civoroed with 3 children not living with me, love all kinds of sports, long walks, movies and rock musk. I am a smoker but non- drinker. Would like to mod an honest, fun-bv- ing woman, 30-45. SY HARDwORK/14% single flll", 33, athautiive, OrA- gong. enjoys golf, out- doors and bowling. I am bolding ler a airs, a linsi 04 torrlals,� ndd 111111011, = IIII'm 11,�. Sy 1M SBN wm: single. white male, 39, 6', 10 lbs., smoker, bdit ler sin - aro, wamlhowbK sin, attractive woman who would Mks a quiet rola- EST male. 32, professional, 6'2'. 160 ft., a1hlelb, handsome. seeks stint, white lady. 25-34. with no depen- dents, itlersaMd in bnt term relationship. SV lam BACK In town, athletic male, 28, 5'9', 160 bs., good dupe, blond, bilre- nights aid andquiettimes at home, would like to bmostt an attractive, ftrn- 3S affedionme lady, 25-36, for possbb rele- tionsl ip. SY IM GIVE me a ctail good hearted, sentimental, reflective single, white male, 31, 6', loyal, good sense of hi our, baking for a single female, 25- 35. SY 17T73 OSH ARE the ladies crazy or am I doing something wrong? h someone sin- cere would give this male, J..l. V, Idle and body a chance, the might be pleasantly su prised. SY 1774 HONEST, sincere, and father, 42, established good job, enjoys coach ing hockey, soccer, etc, loves dancing. seeking lady with a good hes and laces children, 35-45 Wend SY 1775 OSH NEW Year's wish list One loving and sarin lady for 37 -year-old English father of 2 t s spend fun times an great conversation Single moms welcome SY 1777 SINGLE male, 32, with good sense of humour affectionate, loving an caring and an al nice guy belong for a sin- gle woman, 22-31, for serious commitmenterm relationship. 1 1779 ( Spossible. SY DROP dead gorgeous! that is you, 30-34, sexy. refined and inteligent, I don't play games, but I love to play, you ar going to want to know more. For more itlo. cal. SY 17M (OSH) ESTABLISHED, single male, 37, cheerful attlude tln ar Is title, Ilkes caw" MG. Open-midsd towards different interests, seek- ing working female, 25- 35. somewhat slim, for Idettiime commitment. Si glia moms welcome. PROFES IONAL, sops, rallied mita, 35, 56', 160 Ms., enjoys jogging, Cycling. '60s cars, very handy. priers, hopes b most active, fit, non- smoking. professional female. 25-35, who is AF�TE, single. while nab, 28, h s dwork- ing and established, enjoys movies. dinners, sports, no head for friendship �. SY 1 (081Q MALE, 32, 57, 170 los., muscular build, enjoys wolfing oul, martial arts, looking for a sensitive and true romantic. SY 1717 HONEST, wide mob, 21, non-smoker, seeking female, 18-22, who enjoys walks, movies, camping and outdoor activities for an honest friendship or relationship. SY 17M SINCERE male, 36, 6', 180 lbs., seeking an older woman for relationship. SY SINGLE (OSH) aft SMNGLE � dad, 39, 5'6', vegetarian, non- smoker, artist with a good sense of humour, enjoy V ydivanrng, travenng Y �png, theatre, look r- for a family oriented, k" easy-going, petite lady single 28.40, for companionsh maybe more. SY 1790 SHY single white male 24, looking for sing) a whRe female, 19-23, rt laces music and walks the beach, for long to relationship. SY 1791 INDIAN male, 33, attrac g five, seeks slim, good o SY 1� (OSH) d PHYSICALLY fit, sing) male, 35, established resporu�bie. looking for passenger who like a Sunday afternoon rides the country on a motorcy- cle. d drive-in movies, fal around fires, walks in the and cosy comer tables a SY 1790 (OSH) or EASYGOING, indepen as dent, energetic and gent male, 34, into friends, family with on K dependent. AlMugh I not a sport fanatic, I enjoy and baiw bat bakkg for someone 4 with similar interests. SY 1794 EST (ARLIS E.D, separat- ed, sensitive, affection- ate, non-smolkig male, young ktokig 51, enjoys casual dining, quiet evenings, all music and 8lodre, wistles b meet a female, 35-50, to share 8Y 1786 SUCCESSFUL, profes- sional male, down-to- earth, mid 30's, never marriod, loves Me, hiss in the country, lives a last Mosyle. I want b moat a female counterpart. SY 1716 FATHER of one, divorced, 41, 5'6', 140 Itis.. bolding for a down- to-earth lady, 300, for an honest relationship. Serious � (06" Is only. SY CAREFREE, happy�o- lucky male, 30, single dad, 5111% who likes dancing and the out- doors, would hue b mem female, 27-35, who enjoys the same things and must Ince chit iron, SY 1788 (O" HONEST male, 40, 6'2% 225 lbs., bearded, non- smoker, i*k* shy, greet sense of humour, not bad bdft Interested in hon- est, plsyluland unprslon- bous. Would like b mem female, 20.40, for friend- ship, possible relation - 111111 \'trlln'ht\1, I Ill! Itln�l ►\ 111 �I I \ ACTIVE, divorced women, 45, 57, slim and blonds wlh hazel eyes, is looking for a sincere kind ho �gentlerrlan, 40-50 CARING, romantic, sen 4 sitive, friendly, attractive white female, 5'8', 26 seeking non-smoking e sincere, white male, 27 who 33, for committed rela- tionship, all this plus love nn children. theatre, the out- doors, dogs and dining inlout. SY 2170 INDEPENDENT, attrac- tive brunette. 36, 5'8' single processional mom e non-smoker, with a sense of humour, would a like to meet an honest s sincere, while gentleman, n 35-45, 5'9'+, for friend- ship first. SY 21 so I ACTIVE, fit, slim, woods profes- sional, single (no kids) white female, 38, 5'6' 115 lbs., enjoys travel mountm ntei . running crosscountrysiding � o into spectator sports), e seeks similar man. S am 2198 (OSH) do WARM, affectionate, slightly plump, white female, 37, who loves animals, the outdoors, movies, and quiet roman tic evenings, seeking a sincere, secure, marriage milled, while mak, 40- 49, to share my dreams with. SY 2211 PETITE, white lady, hon- est, financially secure, non-smoker, widow, with a variety of interests, wishes b moat a gernle- man, 58.65, nonM.smoker, possi- bly ;ZrSWR� U1Mf311E, sin, blue-eyed brtnere. alr'active irnsiitla and out, desies honest, skeine mil who iia good looking on the outside and also has an a mmom interior, 25.96. SY 22*4 Y almL,- live female, 49, pellte, b�td �,mwltola �der*- tic evenigs, baking for a 90(lid-loolift WA gentle- man only, 49-55, who is hweell, am" and Ihs yood(�thrtgs In oltbN°>fY 22�ft10wN8 TO -EARTH lady looking for a oorllpartion, 45-55, must be honest, sincere and trustworthy as I am, who's looldi ler a long -Mum relaborishlp. I enjoy dancing, theatre and country drives, some- one Me with. SY SINCERE, single, white female, 19, non-smoker, looking for a non-smok- ing, single, white male, who enjoys going to the movies, bingo, walks, ppllnadying cards, lou mfriend- ship/relationship. rtpendg- ship/rels aot ship. SY and 2250 (COB) SINGLE mom of three teens, 36, enjoys country music, romantic dinners dancing, camping anc quiet evenings, looking for a tall gentleman, 35- 40, honest, with same interests, friends first, Possible relationship, sin- gle dads welcome. SY 2251 SINGLE mom, 22, not physically perfect but sweet, kind and a happy- go-lucky woman seeking good a patient man who loves a little girl, must have future goals, looking for a commitment. SY 2252 ENERGETIC, slim, estab- lished female, 40, 5'8', who enjoys dank ing, trav- el, boating and romantic times, looking for a tall guy with a sense of humour, ince and mat sincerity, for un times. Y 257 HONEST, attractive female, 5'8'. 21, seeks responsible, mature- mitded mole, 22-28, who enjoys sports, music, movies, dericing and the outdoors. must be affec- tionate and have a good sense of humour. SY 2258 SEPARATED woman, 41, will offer a shoulder for a single, while police constableto lean on. Enjoy Irish Rovers, pho- tography " creative and honest, with good sense of humour, single female, 47, seekin eo somne with same ipes, fora rawkin- ft-SYZ (CAM) PAOFESSIONAL, ou%p- ft single lemma, 23, 211iffilldilln single while mtlb- wlh sense of humour, no depen- dents. who is Carew- * rim and knows tint romance is all about. For hiendel , possible nria- tionalnQ. SY 2252 PETfM blonde, profes- sbrnal k* boldrg for cal, 45-56, so li mte- nature, walks,ek mwsic, dancig 1 asn b IM and to shwa my No with. BY 2M (INDEPENDENT, attrac- tive Dianette. 43, 5'5', fan �humarous and hwast, enjoys Mx,- ing, naive art, enure and travel, no head games, (� first. SY 2264 HONEST, single mom, 31, enjoys cuddling and nice evening walks, bak- ing for a single dad or someone who loves kids and is very romantic. If You want to know more about me, call my mail box. SY 2265 (OSH) INDEPENDENT mom active, very attractive white female, 41, ver} young at heart, enjoy: music, dancing and the outdoors, looking fol friendship with a male. 30-45. SY 2266 TRUE blue, loyal too sense of humour, 50, 5'6', 160 Iles., widow, smoker, animal lover, enjoys country music, bowling, movies, quiet evenings, searching for SY long� male partner. PROFESSIONAL, sirxpe, black female, 30's, seek- ing warm gentleman for friendship. SY 2268 FUN loving single mom, 28, 5'8', enjoys Ion walks. camping. garden- ing, movies, evenings home and the outdoors, looking for a family onient- ed male. SY 22N (OSm) SHE'S A KEEPER, tall, slim, good-looking, blonde, professional, interested in msetig tall, professiornal that is inter- ested n fun, travel, the- atre, quiet tines and con- versation, 35-45. SY 2632 CUTE. single female, 32, medium weight with var- ied interests, looking for male. 30-40, with sense of humour, playful and enjoys comedies, for lornglarm kienldNlq, pos- sible relationship. SY DOWN -TSO -EARTH sin - 9b mom, IoM 3Os, seeks gentleman for relation- ship, must be family on.. who Biles m ovvii leanted, kind, easygoing, fi g, sation. drives SY 2887 (OBHjm- SINGLE lady baking for single arat females, 40-M, for outings. SY 321 WIDOW, gentleman, in good health. non-smok er, non-drinker, enjoys home life, traveling, wouldromnce, hlo mehetna Christian widow with similar interests. BY 4060 (COB) SENIOR citizen, alone and would like a com- panion with a car to go out and also enjoys homelife.(OSSY 4061 WAR of the Roses! Attractive athletic, non- smoking businessman, 40, would like to meet an attractive female who will give and receive atten- tion. Please call mailbox for more info. SY 5284 (OSH) SLIM male, non-smok- ing, mid -50's, would love to meet an understand- ing, caring, established gentleman of means, 50- 75, for enjoyable good times. Please call mailbox for more info. SY 5295 (OSH) 30 something male cou- ple. recent Toronto trans- plant. seeking other for friendship, likes country music. gardening. Yahtzee. Please call mail- box for more info. SY 5322 PROFESSIONAL mz,c. 27, looking for same for friendship, possible rela- tionship, non-smoker. SY 5563 GAY male, 23, seeking same, 19+, for friendship, possible relationship, enjoys dancing, movies. socializing and quiet leisure time. If this sounds like you? Respond. SY 5564 (OSH) SINGLE female, late 20's. seeking same, for friend- ship and/or relationship. I love outdoors, travel, music and romantic din- ners. Lers have a coffee and talk. SY 5625 (OSH) MALE, now single. late 40's. seeks two, 35-50. for encounters. discretion assured. SY 5640 (COB) OUTGOING female. 26. blonde hair, 105 lbs., hazel eyes, looking for same, for encounters. SY 5648 g ADVENTUROUS, clean, discreet couple. 30ish, at looking for an adventur- ous. attractive female, 20- 40, for discreet encoun- ters. SY 5649 HEY ladies! Have you ever had an urge that can only be fulfilled by a blond male, 23, 6 tall and mus- culaPt Lers go for coffee and talk sone me. Don't be shy, discretion assured SY 5650 MALE, 42, looking for a female or couple ler dis- creet encounter. SY 5653 MALE, mid -30's, physr- cdy and mentally in good shape. looking ler a phys- ically ft female for friend- ship and romance. Please call mailbox for more info. SY 5661 GAY mak, 18, bo" for same, 18-50. I'm 5'10', 130 lbs., brown hair, blue eyes. interested in casual encounters, SY 5$n MALE seeks a fwn*. For more Information call MY ilbox. SY 5663 low MALE coulpls. 30's, look -for stable web couple for friendship only . Interests - dinners, navies, music and wF40 alIt Please l t n i r for Aware kdo. FEMALE for same for discreet encounters. SY 5866 SYSMOS m soft feale, INDIAN reale, 33, attii five, seeks slim, good- looking girl. Please ct* mail= formai k*. SY O GENUINE M019 pay, 45, seeking same, Is-% for casual encounters, dis- cretion () assured. SY 56% ATHLETIC white male, 23, looking for female, 23-40, for intimate encounters. Clean and discreet. SY 5670 (OSH) r Tai. Week N.we Adrertiesr, ckvk len Tire Wtesk 8 NMhume«trw Nwa assumes no napifyr nor eua coroeig or reply 10 any S.�o.rMY Y_ aa.rYe«n«lt Tn..aar�.« ..«.e.e So a recorded ler any cWna rn� apurim rlev This week w a result rrr n . The aMrkNr aQw ic indo .- * and hod ft prbieakon and Moliolmd OOn�w leo& I ler at o bar of. and ore noporow bi any rr Nu m Prom i v ow by, ft puekorl in or ra000ft Om -d by Ow adwrwr or any npy to such ad a dieemeri . joy yMn4 giu!o!►!hr vara ah..ewrtissr o0m'"'"y a"d in""'a0I"" hrml.ss nor ar ooab aoqu«ws. liaww.s nal advM4ranr�[ c+irgilry OIkAQ . . . �� not b k11ava NOw rwni6s , bat nine or !11" in hiMwr rpa >b hrdsY; a earfosl fry drsrrga HM MMirJ► an ad b - g!aYnp ryy; i IPAGE32-THE NIM ADVMIISER SUNDAY, JANUARY 2& 19% oM Me En ideposit it in one -and 4meAr hgoPlace ur chance to *`Watch for the Ar'A aye from: eVf! w -wlWl .7 ....................... VI/m of �`♦ IF/) — ............ A6W& • 04* 41.10'rN. �0. Frg #elm I es" u -1-16 16 -N;g 74 . ........... ..... - -------- I