HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1994_12_29�t BOl�l�i �C �E SAYE � . • ALL ouw oaro OOMP1lTiRs ON TALE PICICERING TOWN CENTRE dZ0�9707 NEws Don't let the flu catch you Page 8 SPORTS The year in review Page 20 S rAd Greetings Of �T�ie Season tike HeservtRions for Nwr Yw's ()PEN t p.m. • 10 p.m. ger-'ti s er Thursday, Dec. 29,1994 28 pages A i�ietroland C��mmunity Ne.�•spaper Pressrun 37,500 Vol. 113 No. 5: ♦ ENVIRONMENT � ♦EDUCATION �� New tritium standard for water called watered down By A1ARI:kNNF. TAK?1CS and tiEITH GILI,IGAN STAFF RFpORTERS AJAX-1'ICKi;1tING —Anew standard for tritium in drinking water set by the Ontario Ministry of the Envirottutettt is too watered down. local environmental groups dtarge. The ministry :announced last week the nrw ��:., standard for tri- -,_ tium (a radioac- � rive form of "' hydrogen released by Irene KOCk nucic;u �eneral- in� Slalio115 SUCK as Pickcrin�_'s) is 7,000 bec- querels per litre. down from the previous Ontario and Canadian standard of 4(1.(100 txl/I. However, the Advisory Com- mittee on Environmental Stan- dards (ACES) appointed by the ministry to review drittl:ina water standards recommended last May that a new acceptable le�•el of 100 hy/l be set immediately, and that it be lowered to 20 by/1 over five _nears. Local environmentalists such as mc:mbrrs of the Ajax Save the Waterfront Committer and Durham Nuclear Awarcnc�ss have acbpted the 100 and 20 bq/1 stan- dards as their goal. Some have opposed the new water supply plant proposed for Ajax —which would also service Pickering — oa the basis that it could not reach that goal at its location on the lakefront. about 1.8 miles down- stream from the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. DNA spokesperson Irene Kock says the environment minister has "caved in" to Ontario Hydro, See TRITIUY...Page S Baby bonus Christmas for the Chandrakumar family included an added bonus with the arrival of little Dukechalini on Dec. 25 at 8:50 a.m. The bouncing baby girl, born at Ajax -Pickering General '� Hospital, tipped the scales at 7.75 pounds. Dukechalini and her mother. Subothini, are both reported to be doing fine. � photo by A.J. Grcen • Boxin Da bu g Y AJAX -DICKERING —Business watt booming on Boxing Day Dec. 27 at Ajax and Pickering shopping centres. "The mall was probably the busiest it has been in the last three years," reports Pickering Town Centre general manager Allan Arsenault. "The mall was packed from one ettd to the other... Stores at the PTC were closed on the traditional Dec. 26 Boxing Day because it was a statutory holi- day. But they opened at 8 a.m. the next day for shop- -� :.:SAVE �" . T�, . �. TOWN CElv1RE All -day kindergarten foes and fanciers head for showdown 13v ti.-�L BO�tA1ARIT0 DUEZII�LM —It's only been four months since the Durham Board of Education introduced controversial all -day kindergarten, but opponents and supporters of the program appear headed for a showdown. Most of the support for the pro- gram is coming from elementary school a(lminiaraton an(t a gn�up of trustees from the last sch(x�l board who sun•ivrd the recent municipal election. Meanwhile, opposition to the program comes from a group of parertts calling itself Dtnttttrtt Citi- zens for Quality Kindergarten. Thr Ajax -teased Troup is hopim: to garner support for its rause from some of the nrw trustees voted into office in Nove�rttber. Other than that. very little has changed since for program was introduced in Septetrher. In fact. the two sides have tougher .•d their respc^ctivr poslllons. (>pponc:nts say the program is counterproductive since kinder- ganen students tiro more eaeily and can't maintain their amcen- tratiun for a Cull day. They also ar_uc the pro��ram lacks continu- ity since the children only attend sch(x�l every other day. Qut supporters oC the pmgrtm stay it allows teachers to accom- ying bonanza pens who were willing to line up to get in ext the spe- cials at some stores. "A lot of stores kept doors partially cktsed to con- trol the fbw of traffic "says Mr. Arsenault. - Mall merchants have provided "very, very positive reports" on sales for the day, be adds. Mt. Arsenault -believes a rebounding economy and retttrniag con- sumer confidence are the main reasons why stoppers have been so willing to open their wallets this year. - See SHOPPING.»Page 4 � �% �Tanu�u - Cl cue •Every Dam plish more in a shorter prri(xi o time. They also contend the all day program allows younger stn (lents a way to gradually ease Tote the regular elementary schoo schedule. Spearheading parent_c' opposi tion to the program is Ajax resi dent Sheila hooker, who wouk like to see the schoo! board rerun to the traditional half -clay kinck7 i:trten. "1"o that end. Mrs. hooker ha: expressed optimism that a pre► nam review slated to tx:gin in thf tx;w yc�r will mark the be;inniq oC the acrd f(x all -(lay kindcrganet in Durham. "('an the school board revere its decision''" Mrs. Hooker ask rhetorically. "Yes. it can. lt� within its power. Parents' ani teachers' voices will finally h. tteartl." Mrs. l{coker is heartened h� tlx: chanEeover in trustees in the rccrnt municipal election. In all See ALL-DAY...Page Inside In the news Editorial ............................E Entertainment ................. l � Sports .............................2( Classified ........................2� Phone lines Genera1683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Sincerely Yours 1-416-976-1991 InfoSource 683-7040 The Nears Ad�trHser 7 tttscs tt�eled newsp�riat 93c + 7c GST = $1 .All Month � �. ,: �,. ��� PUZ 2 -Tiles NEWS ADVERTISER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2!, lift ► boa sseg 'Ato s &S es too ates� ►sQ :m V10 n U 0 P. LONDON BED compete with $ 12 9 mattress FUTON includes matrass & tra�tram 171 DAYBED DIVAN enamel $109 1O9 finish �1 MATES BED 2 large storage $189 1 8 9 drawers DELUXE FUTON includes 5' maress-$ & fra239 me CLASSIC DAYBED gin9ie d Mis"I ave its , s� 1 995 CAPTAIN'S BOOKCASE $3294 largestoragedrawefs with bookcase ECONOMY BUNK Guaranteed $179 179 lowest price JULIA IRON BED s . - available in black or white V ,. ooli�FGum $20-9-$229 - cm %1A SUPW Exp► sET 1654Sri$604 ET 114 T 6E>4 ppUB>F .... 439 s � .... 3a4 sE 459 SET �� � Qt1EEN .....619 sET 10� pUEEN ..... 564 s ET ^� KING ........ KING ........ = COLONIAL BED -- --tr fid • 17 a•on: on i :,.w`'* ''islul '1 IRON BED porcelain balls brass accents DOIJlLE •..`.' / QUM c wmm $279 $2 99 CANNONBALL BE double wood � S 3- posts STORAGE BUNK 2 large storage drawers 3 ADJUSTABLE BEI Twin $979 MATES BED 2 large storage $189 1 8 9 drawers DELUXE FUTON includes 5' maress-$ & fra239 me CLASSIC DAYBED gin9ie d Mis"I ave its , s� 1 995 CAPTAIN'S BOOKCASE $3294 largestoragedrawefs with bookcase ECONOMY BUNK Guaranteed $179 179 lowest price JULIA IRON BED s . - available in black or white V ,. ooli�FGum $20-9-$229 - cm %1A SUPW Exp► sET 1654Sri$604 ET 114 T 6E>4 ppUB>F .... 439 s � .... 3a4 sE 459 SET �� � Qt1EEN .....619 sET 10� pUEEN ..... 564 s ET ^� KING ........ KING ........ = COLONIAL BED -- --tr fid • 17 a•on: on i :,.w`'* ''islul '1 IRON BED porcelain balls brass accents DOIJlLE •..`.' / QUM c wmm $279 $2 99 CANNONBALL BE double wood � S 3- posts STORAGE BUNK 2 large storage drawers 3 ADJUSTABLE BEI Twin $979 3 3 THE NEWS ADVERTNS THURSDAY, DECO1OM 29, IM -PAGE 3 Election of conduct four schooltrustees,staff 0 waste of time and money9 DURHAM — A committee of the- Durham Region Rorna n Catholic Separate School Board will examine whether to sett down a code of con- duct to he followed by staff and trustees in the next municipal elec- tion. A motion from the policy com- mittee to the: hoard that staff prepare guidelines for the code of conduct was referred hack to the committee for further consideration recently. Most trustees made it clear. how- ever. they are atainst the board sct- ting dowry rules for staff and trustees to follow during an election. "Anyone who is a Canadian citi- zen is allowed to vote;' said north Durham Region trustee Kathy LeFort "I have a problem with set- ting rules for (staff) participation in an election." "1 think the study is a complete w-aite of time," Whitby trustee Mary Ann Martin said. "I don't think we should be spending board money to have staff study the conduct of trustees." Oshawa trustee Joe Corey argued. ' Trustees must answer to ratepayers during an electiat " But policy committee chairman Todd McCarthy, an Ajax trustee, said the motion resulted from a com- plaint h} former French -language Whithy trustee Louis -Arthur Lan- glois prior to November's municipal ekx:tion. Mr. Langlois objected to being questioned about the relationship between French and English lan- guage trustees on the board by a o'v Y-1 senior staff member during, an all - candid rnmting. Mr. McCarthy pointed out that beth Icderal and provincial govem- rnc;nt employees have some restric- tions placed on them during their respective election:. "1 disagree that it's a waste of money. It's an ethical problem we're: dealing with." Mr. McCarthy said. The policy committee will con- sider whether to make (tic c(xJe of conduct a priority at its next rncetim, jwl. 9. by leo, AITKENHEAD Saes RWesenaDve DREAM HOLIDAYS For those of you who have been calling about these clubs, as promised - here are the addresses... Vacation Exchange Club west world Holiday Exchange P.O. Box 820 1701 Plau Crescent Haleiwa, H.I. North Vancouver U.S.A. 96712 V7J IX9 There's also an excellent book available called: THE VACATION HOME EXCHANGE AND HOSPITALITY GUIDE. Partial listing of countries: U.S., Canada, England, Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Australia, Ireland, Mexico, The Channel Islands. Guadelope, Virgin Islands, Morocco and Polynesia. SELECT TBm BEST MLS 619-9500 QEA:-oa sutton group -heritage realty inc. ME 1URNUUM SPECIALIST TME FuRmtTuRE MALL af PACE 4T11i NPF6ADVZRU iZ:MWA)AT, PRCXW charged on Boxing Day AJAX-PICKERING — While Metro cops were kept busy laying charges against retailers who opened on Boxing Day Dec. 26, Durham Regional Police received no complaints about stores doing business in Ajax and Pickering that day. As a result, no charges were laid against merchants here, local police report. "We only act on complaints," notes Durham force spokesman Staff Sergeant Sandy Ryrie. "I don't think there's been a real problem here with stores opening illegally on Boxing Day," says Acting Staff Sergeant Danny Lloyd of 25 Division in Pickering. Stores coukd open legally on Tuesday, Dec. 27 without fear of being charged. Shopping malls busy FROM PAGE 1 "All through November and December there was very good traffic in the mall." he says. According to Mr. Arsenault. an estimated 150,000 shoppers per week visited the shopping centre over those two months. Management at Marwood Place Mall and the Wal- Mart store in Ajax also reported brisk business on Dec. 27. Harwood Place also opened early Tuesday morning to accommodate eager shoppers. Both the Ajax and Pickering shop- ping centres returned to nor- mal hours Wednesday, but the Boxing Day sales will continue through the week- end. Both malls will be closed this Sunday for the Jan. 1 New Year holiday and resume normal hours Jan. 2. Woodbuming has changed and advanced greatly in the past decade. Our engineering achievements to accomplish safety, gaallity, and of coarse the quest for clean burning performance distinguish Napoleon Fireplaces as a leader in the field of solid fuel technology. All -day kindergarten battle continues FROM PAGE 1 seven new trustees have been elect- ed to the school board, some of whom ran on platforms of being receptive to parents' needs and con- cems. She also points to a grassroots movernent against all -day kinder- ganen by rwkets of parents at some schools in Durham. One of those schools is Lakeside Public School in Ajax where 19 out of 23 parents of kindergarten children surveyed want to return to half-day kindergarten. "There was an overwhelmin response to return to half-day kindcrganen in 1995." she says. But other critics of full-day kindergarten are less optimistic that a review will result in a return to the half-day program. Wendy Stanyon. whose (laughter atterxis all -day kindergarten at Glen . 6; :, Dhu Public School in Whitby, says the all -day program has been diffi- cult for both students and teachers. "Teachers have had problems with the program they didn't think - they were going to have. ' says Mrs. Stan»•on, a member of the Glen Dhu parent-scho of assmiation. "lit the afternoon they've decreased content because the chil- dren are so tired. They have things like gym, play and social activities in the atitcmocros," she says. And some of the cost savines the school board realized from decreased busing have been offset by the hiring_ of more lunch-hour supen•isors, she adds. However. Mrs. Stanyon doesn't believe the neeative aspects of the progrtrr► are enough to result in a return to the half -clay version. "I think it's irreversible," she NEW 1995 MODELS says. A clear indication that the school board will move ahead with all -day kindergarten is its introduction of the provincially -mandated junior kindergarten program in the new year. The Imard's plan to offer full-day kindergarten on Monday. Wednes- day and Friday and junior kinder- garten on lull days Tuesday and 'lbursdav wasapproved by the Min- istry of Education and "frainutg ear- lier this year. The ministry also agreed to amend its grant regulations so the school bond will receive grans for the prograuns based on full-time pupil plit<LIS. Meanwhile, the school board is mounting its own campaign to imi:e sure support for the program ;unong teachers and parents is placed in its rw7,6r,� 6 p� opo 19% PRICES IH �LI1111W � EFFECT.". WE HAVE OVER 100 NEW CARS &TRUCKS WITH OLD PRICES IN EFFECT!! LOOK FOR THE BRIGHT RED 40 STICKER IDENTIFYING THE VEHICLES AVAILABLE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SIGNIFICANT $AinNG$ Proper per.Vective. "I haven't received one call fro, a parent who has made a negati% comment about the p"gram, walk Bev Freedrtuin, the school beard superintendent in charge of pre gran. There's always going to he percentage of people who are nes_; five about change, but system-wiel the program has been very succcs! ful." she says. Ms. Freedman says parent! teachers and school administrator will be surveyed and the intoxrnatio axnpiled to determine how the pro gran is going. But she says a loci month period likely won't be sufl' cient to determine what, if ani charges are needed. "Norrr►ally, in any education, program chane*e, we like to give it M o>- or thNC-year lecway." she sav: GM RENTAL BUY BACKS AND w"'" LOW MILEAGE PREOWNED92050/i VEHICLES ALL "` AI TO O KR �N14S 0% 7JV TOMO #OOELS ON WINDSHIELD PRICED , 40 Aon N E`-1 • AIR COND • V6 • AUTOMATIC OVERDRIVE TRANS • AWFM CASS. • DRIVER'S AIR SAG • ABS BRAKES • TILT STEERING • PLUS MUCH MORE :116995■ 4.,!r» 14" h - *AFFORDABLE FAMILY SIZE TRANSPORTATION! LSF $179995 I AFFORDABLE LUXURY TRANSPORTATION! =19.795 TAKE A LOOKover 90 Quality Cars A Trucks 1995 CAVALIER i WS LUMINA ttrestmte to choose from. _ —�� + i • ti 11 a � • •� s ESAP. AFt910B.1- f 16,1$ �SJIR Af TBt OQ.1 •�i2,T15 M • • • . • • NSApW"TOW_I -$I 5N rSAp PpfORTl)DBC 1•i71/B95 • •- YSAR DEFERENCE -=650 KS". DIFFERENCE •:1 080 • • • • X016 M". This eotmiitt•d OAK Ewtls T1tis• . Dec. 31•'. • • UM U'. f 14.000 rt 3!\ A►A.. TIE WICHLY PO"O f 6 F.XIUI FOR s MORNS WW OF •OI:IOMtlNG IS fi.oM. r. TOTAL ORWON ON IS '� AFMLlCAa1E TAM i LIC. eOLWFTREs Mr T.E OF . Sn.OM 76. 151 DOMNP!•161i 6 iEOIMED 9Ef OEAL61 faR RIR1761 DETALS IP. V 40 TOTAL 081,1fiAT10N IS 572.527. 13'1►MOIIT OONMPAYMEKT IS�pEOUiiED. SEE REALE �R7R DETAII.i.•OFAVX%VIG IS SAT/SFACrION .. AN EVERVDAy ExpER�E/VCE ' 1530 DUND" ST. E. gasE WHITBY H IlEll6i 668-330441CHEVROLET• GEO.OLDSMOWLE *CADILLAC .wr M• u"Yw �- ,lClF'* GM RENTAL BUY BACKS AND w"'" LOW MILEAGE PREOWNED92050/i VEHICLES ALL "` AI TO O KR �N14S 0% 7JV TOMO #OOELS ON WINDSHIELD PRICED , 40 Aon N E`-1 • AIR COND • V6 • AUTOMATIC OVERDRIVE TRANS • AWFM CASS. • DRIVER'S AIR SAG • ABS BRAKES • TILT STEERING • PLUS MUCH MORE :116995■ 4.,!r» 14" h - *AFFORDABLE FAMILY SIZE TRANSPORTATION! LSF $179995 I AFFORDABLE LUXURY TRANSPORTATION! =19.795 TAKE A LOOKover 90 Quality Cars A Trucks 1995 CAVALIER i WS LUMINA ttrestmte to choose from. _ —�� + i • ti 11 a � • •� s ESAP. AFt910B.1- f 16,1$ �SJIR Af TBt OQ.1 •�i2,T15 M • • • . • • NSApW"TOW_I -$I 5N rSAp PpfORTl)DBC 1•i71/B95 • •- YSAR DEFERENCE -=650 KS". DIFFERENCE •:1 080 • • • • X016 M". This eotmiitt•d OAK Ewtls T1tis• . Dec. 31•'. • • UM U'. f 14.000 rt 3!\ A►A.. TIE WICHLY PO"O f 6 F.XIUI FOR s MORNS WW OF •OI:IOMtlNG IS fi.oM. r. TOTAL ORWON ON IS '� AFMLlCAa1E TAM i LIC. eOLWFTREs Mr T.E OF . Sn.OM 76. 151 DOMNP!•161i 6 iEOIMED 9Ef OEAL61 faR RIR1761 DETALS IP. V 40 TOTAL 081,1fiAT10N IS 572.527. 13'1►MOIIT OONMPAYMEKT IS�pEOUiiED. SEE REALE �R7R DETAII.i.•OFAVX%VIG IS SAT/SFACrION .. AN EVERVDAy ExpER�E/VCE ' 1530 DUND" ST. E. gasE WHITBY H IlEll6i 668-330441CHEVROLET• GEO.OLDSMOWLE *CADILLAC .wr M• u"Yw �- ,x flE Ngiyi AIWIS rIM 'fl XMAT, DeCMM 20; MWAGB S ium s ndarMONEY comes under attack FROM PAGE 1 which supported the 7,000 bq/1 standard. The provincial utility has maintained meeting the stricter standards recommended by ACES would be prohibitively expensive. "We need tighter standards on tritium to protect public health," says Ms. Kock. "The ACES recom- mendations were a reasonable com- promise between zero discharge and the present high levels of tri- tium pollution from Ontario Hydro's and AECL's (Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.) nuclear plants. "We're very disappointed," says Sherrill Willard, a member of the executive of the Ajax Save the Waterfront Committee. "The Ajax Save the Waterfront Committee had high hopes in the minister lis- tening to his own advisory commit- tee. "Now, when spills occur we can drink them," she adds, explaining that under the new standard resi- dents could end up drinking the water after a tritium spill at the Pickering plant such as the one that occurred in August of 1992, when the tritium level went up to about 1,3(1) bq/l. Shawn Murray, a spokesperson for provincial environment minister Bud Wildman, says the 7,000 bq/1 level was chosen because it's the internationally -accepted standard for tritium. '-The World Health Organiza- tion recommends 7.8(X) bq; I," he explains. Under the new Ontario standard. "7.()tX) bq l is the maxi- mum allowed and it's considered safe any time. The water is definite - IV safe." Mr. Murray notes part of the problem in establishing a limit is that there's "nothing to show a lower limit makes the water safer'. He also points out the tritium in drinking water provides only 1/10th of one per cent of the radiation exposure a person will receive annually. "Going to a level lower than others would have a significant impact on Ontario Hydro for what's considered a negligible benefit," says Mr. Murray. "Candu reactors are built in such a way as to release tritium into the air and water. They'd have to redesign the con- tainment system so there'd be no releases at all." The new tritium limit is an "interim" standard. The Province says it is asking the federal government, which is ultimately responsible for setting the limit, to speed up its review of the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines for radionuclides, including tritium. Ontario Hydro has committed itself to controlling its tritium dis- charges so levels at water treatment plants near its facilities stay below 100 bq/I on an annual average basis. But some critics of the S7() -mil- lion water plant proposed for Ajax. such as leis. Willard, have main- tained setting a standard on an annual average basis will still allow tritium to go above acceptable lev- els. Ms. Willard says her organiza- tion will continue lobbying both the Province and federal government to adopt the 21) bgr1 standard. Mr. Murray says the setting of the new standard at 7.000 hq, I doesn't mean the ministry has approved the new plant in Ajax. "It's something that's still being looked at," he says. "The minister has asked (Durham Region) to put in water conservation measures to help cut the size of the expansion." Pea(e_ on Earth, 10 a 4"110 aaea I voce a«>nd. . *wk" "M as "&K am ,Vuv ♦�Isit rM OII bN 1least hate so rorty about khat * "boat two aw rw " WWII do when you get hem. Boom saunas, MMrlpools sussed d holt ywle dots b r"ass"es and a byat NOW ,p hMMPk-e dmlt d** sib WWW book 1111• Of SW11W at dews. w reur4aso, ad 1Mo- Shop and saviors M the aroa. 613-7ZOW410RoydYork Bfd6333Y�bo�b C�rtPlaific t! }folds k Resais __. •s'4'(°!+ro+�raa.�..w�a �9w sDi.�as.am„ppt. �� _ GUARANTEED Government of Ontario Coupons 9.66%* annual equivalent, maturing Sept. 2006 .Diversify your RRSP investments with government - guaranteed stripped bonds from Midland Walwm Call IAN HAAR 619-6510 for today's rates. *Rate as or Dec.16/94. Rates VisitThelgest Warehouse Showroom In Southern Ontario Of Solid Wood Furniture y.:.; ". MIDLAND >s 'mow` WALWYN oak Canonball Bed.............................. alU{ CHIP t4I M[IM 4� to change and availability. Tm Blue Chip,rhinkint; is a trademark or Midland Walwvn CaDital Inc. flugeknp on Kitchen, Bedroom Living Room And Dining Room Furniture OUR BEST EVER [WitJ DI Single Pedestal Table 4 Chairs, Solid Oak 179c%Choice of Color %I ran 25% OFF Floor Stock Models Brentwood 25% OFF All Floor Stock 1 0=25 % OFF All Stock Complete Suite, Head Board. Foot 5:)a,d Mirror. Dresser, Armoire. tilgrt Tadie. 5 -acs � 1699 DOOR CRASHER Rft s"16991 Oak Entertainment Unit ... $799 Solid Oak Queen Ann Coffee & End Tables All 3 pieces... $699 SUPER WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM P20 BROCK RD. S., PICKERING est st south of 401 at comer off Plumnw Units 14 ��31=985 V;04 ftr. —.161i1l.s��►"� X899 Sofa Beds.....................=599 oak Canonball Bed.............................. .599 Comer Entem# 499 Units ............................. Misc. Prints .......... % oFF Misc. Scented Candles ................ 0 �0 oFF SUPER WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM P20 BROCK RD. S., PICKERING est st south of 401 at comer off Plumnw Units 14 ��31=985 V;04 ftr. —.161i1l.s��►"� PAGE 6 -THE NEM ADVERTISER THURSDAY. DECEMBER 2!,19% 'I'imotl y J. Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt 1-ditor-in chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Advertising Manager Alvin Brou"'er Retail Sales Manaeer Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manat_er A Metroland Communit% Newspaper published evc1ry Wednesday, rridav and Sun- day. !36-0 ,2 Commercial Ave;.. Aiax. Ontario. LIS 2H5. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. Page sizes may vary slightly from published rate care: clue to mechanical requirements of different print- ers. Second Class Mai: Recis- tration 1 S97. Mail subs<Yiption rates C at1 i yr. S7( ) C INF LS A CALL General b,�, , 1 10 NeNsroo ni ws- -;110 Distribution 0S.;-5 117 Classified (Niehtline - 798-7672 FAX 68_ -7363 Sincerely Yours -416-976-1991 I nfoSource 6x3-7040 Real Estate and Automotive Sales 79&7672 National Advertising 493-1300 The News Advertiser wel- comes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for length and legal reasons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All let- ters must include your full name, address and phone num- ber for our information. They Should not exceed one and a half pages in length. The News Advertiser regularly uses recyded- newsprint Well spent As we prepare to enter a new year, there's plenty of g(xxl news to report on the economic front. Area shopping malls tell us their merchants'cash ret, tors were ringing in the weeks leading up to Christmas and that business was Nx)ming on Boxing Day. That's good for several reasons: hirstl%. it tells us that consumers crippled by the reces- sion of, the past few years arc sooting to feel good about the economy once again, Ivo od enough to loosen their purse strings and spend. spend. spend. That consumer confidence in an improving economy and the resulting slxnding at local stores may very well rub oIT on the merchants whops: sales are improving to the point that they hire additional staff. When that happens and more people join the workforce. there's more money out there to be spent, which in turn also gives the economy a shot in the arm. People buy little things that they need, then bigger thinks that they want. Bigg -ticket items _get purchased, like appli- ances and cars. so the appliance makes and car manufactur- es. to keep up with demand. are forced to pay overtime u► stall or Nide on additional workers ... and so on. The goof news on the retail front follows closely on the heels of goof news from the real estate sector. -Ibe Greater Toronto Hone Builders' Association report- ed recently that November saes of new hones in its area of jurisdiction, which includes Durham, were up by 28 per cent over the same month last year. In fact, last month's sales represented the best November in six years for the association. When people arc buying hooses -- the mother of all big- ticket items -- that's a sun: sign of improving consumer con- fidence. Ilappy days may be here again. Bring on 1995. (el1(,e, � WwT-: To -nil-- News ADVERrlsGR, 130 C NINIERCL1I- Avt:.. AJAX, L1 S ?H OR t --Ax us68'-7',6',, � AT _. V SOCIAL CONTRACT A A dose of realityi s in order here To the editor: businesses can make: veru ht! -,h strong. I chose the profession of when I had the chance" In our continuing battle of words over Bob Rac and his merry band of marauders. I am compelled to respond once again to `tr Wright's comments con- cerning the Social Contract. Initially, Mr. Wright said he would he happy with a five -per cent pay cut. Now, to those self - employed persons, a I5 -per cent pay cut is nothing. While I am not ignorant of the toll the recession has had on pri- vate business. I do know that it was their decision to venture into the opportunity of owning a business and accepting the risks and enjoying the profits as they occur. When times are good, these profit margins. The public sector employees go crying to the ,government when our negotiated contracts are made null and void by the .Social Contract. My income does not increase in the amounts the private sector does when the economy is firctighier and with it I accepted the contract that came with the job. When my negotiated contract is altered. I've ,got a real prob- Icm with it'. Does Mr. Wright really believe that my responding to Premier Bob Rae's invitation have changed my class status' If he, does. I believe a dose of reality is in order. After all, it is comforting to know we have someone in power who levels with us. Rick Berens Pickering; V QUEBEC SOVEREIGNTY Hopefully, Parizeau will wake up To the editor: and definitely no federal subsidization at all. Let it start French is my mother tongue but I am a Canadian from scratch after it pays its share of the Canadian f trst. I do not want Canada divided. national debt. Before too long, hopefully, Parizeau will If Quebec separates, let it do so without any help wake up and see the need for an subdivided Canada. from the rest of the country. That means no common Matrgtuetrite Gutsole, currency, or stamps, no dual citizenship, baby bonus Oshawa I DON'T GET IT, ROWT, You HAVE A CLOSET FULL OF NICECLO114ES... by Steve Nease - I GUESS I TUST WANT LOOK DIFFERENT!, y . TE NEIISADYR11= 71USYA14DNC�M..MNI.YG61 TT�TTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTT�TTT '���N OF p� Town of Pickering (905) 420.2222PICIKIERING Jj (905) 683.2760 Mill r .. ,, � OF p L Hy�y%. yFZ OWN PICKERING TRANSIT S l/ T SERVICE SCHF,DULE DECEMBER 1994 to JANUARY 1995 for a new Official Plan for the 1— y' DECEMBER 23/94 TO JANUARY 2/95 qrj / Pickering Transit will be altering the bus service during POOL the Christmas and New Year Holiday period. Please note the following /y :. PUBLIC SWINI: "' .. changes to the service. Friday, December 23 - Regular weekday service tk.Yt lla fl FYaIK t a>'rac Sam Dsc 31 f as to 1,1310M CORPORATION Saturday, December 24 - Regular Saturday Service' All buttes will meet the % OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING n- 6:00 p.m. GO train. No ` `Sunday, service after this time. December 25 - NO SERVICE y� :` SIDEWALK SNOW w p.m to p.m Nanday, December 26 - NO SERVICE ;<• 4jCLEARING INGISMAX MI. f Tuesday. December 27 - Saturday Servicer January I st Closed commencing 5:55 A.M. Wednesday, Dec. 28 - Regular weekday service Sao* Dr- 31 930 am 101:00 p a Itos�,la 2 Qosrd yv NOTICE % ThursJay. December 29 - Regular weekday smicc Friday. December 30 Regular During the winter months, the "u weekday service Municipality cleans the snow Iy Saturday. December 31 - Regular Saturday servicefrom Trrdy >d 3 Reply Naa mme x various sidewalks in the ` All huscs will meet the 600p.m.GOtrain. �k ' Town of Pickering. H No service after this time. District Please be advised that the Town hy„ Sunday. January I NO SERVICE !Norlday. ', wi 11 not be responsible for any damages cause to object~, sic d h January 2 Saturday Service 3 (1*0110m �II3Mdfld roto rnrrr•inu G•GS m Planning BackgrolaldM No. 2L SIC eirI Vt-W.11%1 PCl ni nn heli Pl�C For further information, please call shrubs, fencing, and dower beds ' Pickering Transit at 691-4111 '' ' " adjacent to the sidewalk. Repairs to dammed sod will be undertaken by the Town, as deemed necessary. ti ,F For more information, please contact the Department of Parks & Facilities at (905) 420-4624. Town of Pickering Deporlisno nt of Culture and Recreation HC1L1.1Y SPECT yl -S - TOWN OF PICKERING .• *CHRISTMAS .,. January aril to January M. 1995 CHRIS TMA S ss se F-11 Do, Gaup: 7 a.m. to 6 a -m- or lilei:tuisr Camp- 9 `n` to 3:30 c.m- TREE COLLECTION C wAiinratlon Art and Spon Holiday Camp will provide an exciting daylong e,penome for earnpefs spas 6 to 12 years. Working parents choosing the Pleasc takL7 note that Cnnstmas -1-rces will be full day program will have supervised activities organized before and after collected for composting on your regular garbage the REGULAR Camp program. Camp ncludee daily swimming and optional skating (Wed. 3 Thurs.) day during the week of Monday. Janu n 1995 Campers will provide their own lunch b drinks daily and Monday. January 9. 1995. LOCATION -Parents will drop campers oll at the Pickwmg Recreation Cha Please ensure all decorations, hooks. wires. stan(h. Valley Farm Rd just south d Hwy. 2 (trananortabon not provided) etc. have been removed and our tree is at the Faaa_ Full Dav: 7 a_m b 6 p n+ =7 roadside fix collection by 70) a.m., on your regular Fe""0911111411: Como S70 garbage day. Spaces are wry IilwiMd n Oran wd.dor um Ine ouat�n.41=1"M ontcounter If you have any questions, please contact the Town Nand More Information? call 420-4621 or 683-2760 � of Pickering Public Works Department at 411-16 i1) or 693-27(4). To oonfirrn nam nlsase call. 420-4621- 420-4622 or 683-2760 by December 281h 1994 The Planning Department has TOWN OF PICKERING prepared the HO IDAY HOUR following documents as yy L S t>tsCk work ground T DECEMBER 1994 to JANUARY 1995 for a new Official Plan for the HOLIDAY SWIMMING REC. COMPLEX Town: POOL PUBLIC SWINI: tk.Yt lla fl FYaIK t a>'rac Sam Dsc 31 f as to 1,1310M EtrioMlUlg AAy Dec. 19 & 23: 6 am. to 7:30 am Moedsy, la 2 Cloled llludsy.11n 3 Repilm Nan rarer Vision for Pickering Dec. 24 to 26: Closed Da. 27 30: 7 9:00 lllllam}�,DeambQ29,1994 �� � c w p.m to p.m ;<• DtotaiQ 3Q (994 IliusBAY INGISMAX MI. January I st Closed 14t>� lsltsry 1995 i7olDd Sao* Dr- 31 930 am 101:00 p a Itos�,la 2 Qosrd �+W Lind Us"Jam 's Draft Cantinuniy 2 w 6: I p.m n, 4:00 p. m Jain. 2 to 6: 7 p.m to 9:00 p.m fXMeGlstita arrielleliig Seato�(itldlllit`WNW Trrdy >d 3 Reply Naa mme andPlafts; Picker�g fir%sass Awe e A atlsr�L Zisa ,q �k Ireiw►tsilof�inlatt�rYdytclffiielhys31 aorad District �....s:.�.er..A..asKt3J/7!/. >�� Z cimw lVaq >a 3 Reslsr Na � 3 (1*0110m �II3Mdfld Planning BackgrolaldM No. 2L Ji t��LlDa HOLIDAY SKATING Sam*3I tMal >>&z °"��� `` REC. COMPLEX ARENA Tilsa, Dtasic29,191K j` M�Nu1t Tom1• la 3 ReRdr Ilius farce w robe i /heal sh11611M1tt ' ^. ftii(tDlatitrD 19M strtiry,tlillttict3l•11)4 1�ouiliq>ta. Time: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. s.+l'hm"1,105 old N*'InW2.1995 ltpfrBeteReltte Sox* Do-, 31 10&M to 1100 MW Tlt"%1&3 Resul&Nassrsume � Dec. 27, 28 29. 30 Jan. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Rye Savin sail sot be a edod Tota services ad Witty operam will ttxwee apao6 hosts on Tull l�iy, laallay 3, To obtain aMof these documents or ton durther information regarding the Pickering Distrito Plan Review Call 831-1711 y 1995.rcw please call: The Town of Pickering Planning Department at (905)420-4617. •. .<.. ,: < :� ... ,, ;a, ,.�:: . ,..:.:.:.: � <.... :> f : �. ;:: •:: << asses ,; �`,,;:._ ;:.<.:. ,,: or and �f ens o ?cum Council uiih the ataat the ?'cum o Pic efing f� f k wish ou and our family a sae and- folida AACH0001. The flu season is visiting but you don't have to play the host By Donna Donaldson SPECIAL TO THE 'NEWS ADVERTISER DURHAM - Gesundheit! Make sure you cover your nose and mouth when sneezing, because influenza season is upon us. Durham's Department of Health has extended its influenza surveillance program to local schools and is asking school offi- cials to report absenteeism over 10 per cent. In the pact, physicians, work- places and nursing homes have been requested to report influenza cases to the health department. Now schools have been added to that list, says Dr. Linda Panaro of the health department. "Mainly because kids and elderly peo- ple are at high-risk out there and we know they're all not vaccinated." says the doctor. Influenza season usually runs from late September to April or May Panaro. or they can be vaccinated against the virus. A new vaccine ha% to be made; each year because the influenza virus mutates quickly and fre- quently, notes the doctor. "The vaccine is carefully tai- lored to the virus that is circulat- inle. However, there is no medica- tion which prevents the contract- ing of the Influenza 'B' virus. Influenza starts off like a cold and its symptoms include a fever. `It sounds trivial (covering your nose and mouth), but the virus is incredibly good at riding the air waves.' -- Dr. Linda Panaro Last year. the first influenza case reared its head in early Janu- ary- "So far it's been a very quiet season for influenza across the province." rotes Dr. Panaro. "But it appcan to be both Influenza 'A' and Influenza 'B'. That's why teNt- ing is so important." Adults and children with chron- ic heart or Lung disease are more susceptible to complications. such as pneumonia. if they contract the virus. "If it's Influenza 'A', children with chronic heart and lung dis- ease can have this preventative drug called Amantadine." says Dr. headache. runny nose, sneezing and coughing. "It's extremely contagious.- admits Dr. Panaro. What really dis- tinguishes influenza from a common cold or flu is muscle aches and the long recovery period (about three to five days in bed). The elderly, peo- ple with chronic heart and lung dis- ease. diabetics, can- cer patients and people with immune deficiencies need to take extra precautions during influenza season, warns Dr. Panaro. These precautions include get - tint, vaccinated, avoiding contact with people who have influenza and making sure others coyer their nose and mouth when sneezing. "It sounds trivial (covering_ your mouth and nose). but the virus is incredibly good at riding_ the air waves," she says. Influenza can knock a healthy person off his or her feet for quite a few days. says Dr. Panaro and adds, in high-risk groups -we see a lot more hospitalization and even death." Help for parents DURHAM — A parenting discussion group is being offered by the Family Education Resource Centre of Kinark. The discussion group will meet for nine sessions on Thurs- day evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. starting Jan. 19 at St. Theresa School, 173 Crawforth St., Whit- by. Discussions will focus on understanding children's behav- ior and learning positive and HIGH QUALITY CANADIAN CORPORATION 9940% annual yield Interest Paid Monthly Call (416) 512.7621 Rates subject to change and availability $25,00 minimum Iwtwan rrsr seiviors TD EvvVew Investment Serviees Inc. is a wholly owned svWidiary d tltr TD dank practical skills for redirecting misbehavior and encouraging kids. The fee is S54 per person plus a textbook charge of S18.50. Pre- registration is required. For more information and to register• call the centre at 433- 0386, ext. 26. For more information on influenza, contact your family physician or the health department at 721-8521. PODIATRIST Ronald J. Klein B.S.c., D.P.M. Wishes to Announce the Opening of his Practice At the Pickering Medical Centre • Cudom Fog onAou s • '• © • Full Vewran's Covemp t� Ste 9210a • Sparta Med lo fane �y ` • abetic Feet. /! Com k Calllris • CHJdnn's Foot -NEWS FLASH - 1994 PONTIAC BONNEVILLE V6 LOADED iu• • • 1994 PONTIAC GRAND AM SE V6 LOADED x15,777. 1994 BUICK CENTURY V6 LOADED A NNW 515,995. 5 9o25% FINANCING DAYS NO LIMIT NO MONEY DOWN ONLY DEC. 21 UP TO 60 MO.O.A.C. to Limited Time Offer! DEC. 31/ FREE 5 Yr. GM Protection Plan with any Purchase of the Sale Vehicles CEK1'ff1EDFUFA G & AIR CONDITIOrTING THE HO A 'S FRESHNESS E 19 COME IN iOWROOM Convert to Natural Gas and save up to 65% on energy costs with Lennox high efficiency heating, we install the old fashioned way. • 24 hr. full service department • No sub contractors 4whorized Dealer It %%A,-1)eS • No piece work bw ow .#A IM ap"tft" eahism on p. ro e Factory trained installers CAW Wp 1M Yet � of aM y sasrwlc Lennox u • 1964 Notion Rd., Pickering 3-0380 . LENNOX ..11 cwmno..o .leairo :.. ...: . .:ori+ �••,syy„ ,�...asli4fYrtwb : ...: ut►Mwa.:r 4. •. Coming under fire Sarah Scott makes the most of her Christmas break by spending some time in the warm waters of the swimming pool at the new McLean Community Centre in Ajax. The pool has been busy in recent days as families in the community take advantage of the recreational services the Town offers. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Blaisdale Montessori School Age 18 months to Grade 6 103 Kingstor. Rd. W., Rotherglen, in, 115 Toynevele Rd.. Pickering, 545 Kingston Rd.. Ajax Call 1t°r 686-5005 or 509-5005 impres be a visit sed! I v Celebrating 25 Years of Educational Excellence!! What Doesn't It Do . d86SXM microprocessor • 420 M8 hard crve standard; • &A in teens=on 16ner • Five tSA exoars,on sats and five drive bays • Sports t 024 x768 reso,Lt or CON PUT E I +. * of video RAM standard expandable to 2 M8 . 8 M8 .......... RAM standard expandable to 100 MB • Phone Centre 144K bps tax'modem • Energy -Saving Mode • CD Entm Co 4mWs Sound System • 15' Flatscreen Color Display • 3 Year A� warranty .:L.7lil T / 'v Watch television, cable. or vim tape, ether full screen, or m an adjustable window while you work or play cloth your DJrdW TQ3I1 compaq Presano CDTv 920. 1199 comma PRESARIO CDN -r--- o e Certan exceptions and exclusms apply. Monitors. battery packs, and certain options are covered by one year warranty. Compaq. Registered US Patent and aaa� aaaaaxc �Im NE11rS ADVERTISER THMSDAY, DEMANER b; GENERAL NOTICE J & F Waste Systems Inc., at 610 Finley Ave., Ajax, is currently approved by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy, under Provisional Certificate of Approval # A390216, to operate a waste processing/transfer and recycling facility for up.to 180 tons per day of solid non -hazardous waste from construction, demolition, commercial and industrial sources. Our present Certificate of Approval was issued by the Ministry of Environment and Energy in late 1993 after having the application processed and approved through the Town of Ajax. With an expanded customer base planned for in 1995 J & F Waste Systems Inc. is now applying to the Ministry of Environment and Energy to amend our present Certificate of Approval to include up to 20 tons per day of solid non hazardous domestic waste as a part of the 180 tons per day of materials that will be processed through the approved site. All categories of solid non -hazardous waste are to be unloaded indoors, processed/sorted within a 6-12 hour turnabout time frame. Processed materials would then be reloaded for delivery to recycling plants for recyclable material and licensed landfills for non recyclable waste. There will be no permanent storage for received waste and or recyclable materials. A part of the Ministry of Environment and Energy amendment approval procedure is to inform property owners in the general area of the operating site and if you have any concerns/objections with the proposed amendments for the site, at 610 Finley Avenue, you should send any written comments, within 15 days, to the following Ministry of Environment and Energy District Office that will be processing the amendment application. Ministry Of Environment And Energy York/Durham District Office 7 Overlea Blvd. 4th Floor Toronto, Ontario M4h 1A8 J P2 IL Attention: Mr. Rodney Adams Senior Environmental Officer AL;" D WS L RICED LEF OIl C�HA GESS' FOR THE LIFE OF _ ��-v _ YOUR VEHIC*LEI LIEU OF THE 0 AYh1E, T PlA _ IN l� JD CHRYSLER .DEATH NOTICF CATHERINE BATES Catherm Bates died F-nday. Dec. 23. 1994 at Ballycliffe lodge in Ajroe. I:uneril Prayers were held at McNichnic l-uneral Home, Ajax, on Tuesday. Dec. 27. In lieu of flowers, donations to Ballycliffe Lodge would tx' appreciated. ALBERT ALFRED COLLINS Albert Alfred Collins died Satur- day. Dec. 24. 1994 at Ajax and Pick- erin�v General Ilospital. A funeral service was held Wednesday, Dec. 28 at Accettone 1=uneral Home. Ajax. Interment at Pine Ridge Mernoli:d Garden.. Ajax. ELMO GRAHAII DISNEY Elmo m (irdkun Disney died Sun- day. Dec. 25. 1994 at his home. A funeral service was held Wednes- day. IXc- 28 at McEachnie Funeral llome. Ajax. Interment at Pine Ridge Memorial Gardens, Ajax. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Pickering United Church Mortgagge F=und or the Canadian Caner society would be appreciated by the family - G O home safely AJAX-PICKERING — GU Transit will be doing its part to ensure Ne« Year's Eve revellers make it home safely. 60 will run train~ and buses a lit- tle later on New Year's Eve for pactiers heading home. The last eastbound Lakeshore GO train will operate 30 minutes later than usual on New Year's Eve. It will leave Union Station at 12:43 am. for Pickering. There'll be a bus connection at Pickering station for all points eau, including Ajax. All other GO services will nm on the usual Saturday schexlule on 0t:c. 31. Fyx the rest of the New Y=*s weekend. Cres wifl nm Sunday ser- vice on Jan. 1 and Sa urdav ser�im on Jan. 2. Regular service resumes Tuesday. Jan. 3. For more infclrma- tion . call 579-1224. ASK THE 7 COMFORT EXPERTS' Brought w you by Certified ticau ng & Air Conditioning 1= Mkbad Treleaven Oervice Manager) As Imlepawleal Lerman D=W SMee 1%2 Q. Wbat s\wld I do abort my beating system wben going away for a winter vacation and wbat aro my obligations wills no to my llame owner's knrrmem? A. It is the home owner's responsibility to maintain a minimum hat level while their home is uno nipied. Read your hone owner's policy carefully to 0c your responsibilities. Some policies can for your hone to be checked every 48 bora while you are away. You an ask a negltbor Ora family fhend to do this for you. A fumace brakdown can happen at anytime even with a well maintained furnace. pbwa failures are always a possibility — so para yourself --! Set your tbamostat to maintain a minimum bat level above freezing. Turn off the water supply to your bouse at the indoor meter, drain pipes by opening your hot and cold tap in the basement A frase-up is your home because of a funuce breakdown can result in costly apeits. Be me to comply with your Insurance policy g�tiddim or your claims may no be honoured. Tbcm we tunas and wanting devices available that can warn neighbors of fumsce problems. You may want to consider tbese options. Also have someone check your bane as often as Cwdfled Heatbag h Ak Coadidming would Wee to trice this opportually to wish every000e HAPPY HOLIDAYS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. ODA (nee DEVOLIN) STEVENSON Oda (nee Devolin) Stevenson died at the Oshawa Cue tleral I lospiLll on W'ednesdiv. Dec. 21. 1994. in her Dec. 29,1 994 83rd year. A private funeral service was held at the McEachnie Funerd Home. Ajax. Donations may be made to the Can.-idian Cancer Soci- ety or Fieatt anxd Stroke FYwndation. �- 4t �, Seasons Greetings and a Special Thank You To all our Friends & Clients for Your VAL MARSHALL_ Support in 1994 We're looking forward to a very busy `95, so book your holiday early GALE a CHERYL DONALD.' Ask about our Escorted Tours for i99s -Italy - April - Scandinavia - July 41ritaiss - July -Turkey - Septe"er South Pacific -January 1996 CORPORATE -LEISURE - GROUP C VAL MARSHALL TRAVEL Cloverridge Plaza Q 702 Harwood Ave. S. Ajax, Ont "S-428-1328 FAX OPIN SUNDAY. JAN. 1-1 9-5 pin *Over 500 Vendors *FREE Parking *Antiques. Collectibles, Crafts & Gift Ideas They'rc Back SATURDAY GAILIGE SALE Saturday January 14 For Booth Information Call 427-0751 Vendor Inquired: (905) 427-0754 3lI:TIt0 Ia�►,S'F TI; XI)E CI NTRE BROCK ROAD & 401 in Pickering BOXING DAY SALE BANK FINANCING AVAILABLE UP TO 36 MONTHS (O.A.C.) THAT'S RIGHT OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY ALL NEW AND EMONSTRATOR'S 194 &'95 MUST BE CLEARED 1vEw USED DEMO! MUST �.IMITED TIME 9-SFFFER. 5DAYS ONx x GOeI �`�TESDAY DECEMBER 27 T SATURDAY DECEMBER 31 *6.9% FINANCING APPLICABLE TO 1994 -1995 MODEIS ONLY! (maximum 36 monthtl.15% down payment req, O.A.C.) *9.2596 FINANCING APPLICABLE TO 1991-1994 USED. (NO DOWN PAYMENT O.A.C.) 4121 KINGSTON RD. (Fest of Markham Rd.) 284-1631 f� e r , IAT/W� I �,'I 1�� I f � U� all I�ai�rc; major applia�c lec�ua� I ler All �acuumsa��u�ee A` p repmment minimum p)'taxes plirchase required -d Pa 1111 doil"I P(11,ment , , dit llCCitl0ylS 1 •E'C�' i I i 1'eC� Card. approved credit n-ith Four Sears iI. 199-x• °n appro s Saturday. December a� until anuar}.1996 �e� are I)un't p� - lle�. This offer end. Toe purchases 2' adnlirlistratioll fee applies. es. Centre, and Cat a� gue �_� ask for Liquidation items 111 C � Ilot illcludcd 111 t111` offer. r• I �.lui• h.iti,\ I.th� tut-titur� E pest morefrom IID COADC air PAGE? A01 WAVjMVW q 2%0":. ; ' Quality the topic at meeting g DURHAM . - The Durham by campus on Champlain Court on Region ISO Network holds a free Jan. 9. ISO is an international quali- inhwmation session on ISO 9000 at ty systems standard. Call 721-3319 8 a.m. at the Durham College Whit- or 1-800-263-3735 for intixtttalion. 1 1 — — ' c Year's Eve Bash �• '• •III 11 �' I)an.in� in the Ica rnwrnt front 111:30pm to ntidnit:ht 11toit- prrn•ided frr the, I K4. 94.10 1'11 krcluct.'d %dmi•%ion Rate• • %% agora Ride•• • Siberian IIn%kiv% • li m ire - Indtwlr.& t uldlwlr I.i%v Entcrtainnwrit • I:anlKN Ind(wlr.\ t wdomw Faling IFacahtit, Cullen Gardens "I" I JUiirrt Iiniature Village (x -6m)6 A► MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT...-' Dear Friends , It you're considering the purchase of a new or used car this winter then look not turther than CLIFF MILLS r MOTORS in Oshawa. Since 1938 we have been satisfying customers with the best vehicles at the best prices and during our GIANT BOXING SALE this philosophy will be as strong as ever. We have more than 540)0.11110 worth of new and used vehicles that must be sold before the end of 1994 with prices that will fit into your particular budgcL In fact. we can offer financing through the Toronto Dominion Bank at 6.9% for up to three years on any amount which will give you the freedom to choose any new car you want. This low financing rate is well below the prime rate and I challenge you to find a better deal anywhere else in Durham. If you're looking for a used car. there are many 1991 to 1994 models available with most still under warranty. Also we are offering a free 5 year GM Protection Plan Warranty with any selected 1994 used sale priced model. Financing is also available thawgh the TD Bank at the very low rate of 9.25%. unlimited. O.A.C. Our friendly and helpful sales staff will be move than happy to show you the many great deals available during this exciting sale and we hope to see you after boxing day. Wishing you all a happy holiday season, Yours sincerely. Frank M. Wonnacott, President -General Manager Cliff Mills Motors Ltd. ,,.>.,xrr.: Ln el ll�e \�.'r��� .1 c�l�l`1•ti�l`'I. 1�)�)� I' 1 I1 SI I1 l' l'' Mow (t•'' l'' lilil I Iil I I' ti Invest in your Future'. Talk to finance professionals, one on one about personal and small business investing DOORS OPEN AT 6:00 PM F, A A FINANCING 36 MO. O.A.C. `15% DOWN ALL NEW VEHICLES 5 DAYS only Dec. 27 - Dec. 31/94 9 NOMONEY LMIT O.A.C. m25yo FINANCING ALL USED VEHICLES % - q ; FE Fssx .sapo. sgY`•s"s'x s � � �'�►#eCliort P[ clufmills 6 KING ST. W. 436-1500 • 0 • E 0 • Ql�I►ll:[al II&T41111 1 D.Virlit 1N ply Blockbuster Video is here. Our scene is just down the block and we have over 9000 movies here for you to choose from. That's about 10 million great performances including all the hits, all the kids and family videos, all those dramas that make you weep and comedies that split your sides. So split to our new store --which is incidentally the same address of your local Video Game Headquarters -with all the latest. greatest own %Un95 a 2� iN,9hw Y w� „ 14 Harwood Avenue fat Highway 2) 427-7 144 III111�If111I1 Come in today. Just show us ID and a major credit card and you're a member. We're open 365 days of the year, from 10 a.m. to Midnight With parking, no kidding. Our well-trained staff are great performers too. There's no better place to rent or buy movies and games, so as we say in Hollywood, babe... Make it a BLOCKBUSTER Night" Now that you've heard about the actors, here's something about the extras. GRAND OPENING SPECIAL! With the rental of any 2 movies or games, you can purchase a party - size Tupperware popcorn bowl (with air -,right lid) and i BLOCKBUSTER popcorn for only:99 •.r - By the way, this offer is valid from Dec. 28, 1994 to Jan. IS, I "S or while supplies last N Mike N A BLOC Ni#TM .00WStEI v�EO.ow .d tr.� .. gr.eo ,ae�,., .. v � - �... • .. �. ' ]OJe �, J.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It . . . . . . . PAGE 14 -THE DEWS ADVERTISER 7HURSDAY, DECE11ttfIER 29. N!1 O, T;W VPP - ROBERT " K -Y r— r ' G':,_ -W'rY ... . �s leiEAF s3 3_ -� s_ WY 9REALTY LIMITED, REALTOR � s�� � =� soo s � � EE—OW YEAFl I y. �. a i1 MAUR�N CLARK' �' FIRA7M�l 8Ik1iC5` - I _ �ASATH• i lOro OUR CUSTOMERS AND COLLEAGOES - ° ` im`- 9YOU HAVE MADE IT ANOTHER WONDERFUL. b "YEAR FOR US! WE THANK YOU SINCERELY AF FROM MEL KNIGHT MANAGER AND S�,AFF F-, ', ," NEW 1-2273 EW YE't �FO rsa• - 4111-,: - a��ra■ - �— ONLY $139,900 Imagine at this price you get a 3 bdrm. detached, 3 berths. Liograded brdkn. d kitchen cabinets, w/o to fenced pool sued lot & more. Cal today, Robert Chlebowski'. 831-2273 or 839.5568_ For Recently Licensed REAL ESTATE AGENTS OUR TRAINING CANT BE BOUGHT! (It's the BEST and ft's FREE!) Our concept In training is - MOTIVATIONAU!! ENJOYABLE!!! PRACTICAL!!! PROFITABLE!!: and conducted by a panel of 20 successful professionals. "Earn-while-you4eam" from the BEST, In small informal groups... (your ticket to financial Independence!) Wry competttive commlssions - to 95% - No Desk Fees! If you are considering a career change, or a real estate career adjustment call._ MEL KNIGHT. 931-2273 and discover why Robert Case Reatty has been moor.r1 REDUCED $149,900!! BEST DEAL - BEAUTIFUL ALL BRICK DETACHED 3 bdrms.. 2 bathrooms. fireplace. air, rec room, quiet court backing on to park. Ursula Takanol*. DETACHED BUNGALOW 50X200' $129.900 Good starter or income arocerty, rental income 5800 a -onth, walk 'o Lake and park. Yog Saran'. 905-831-2273. ?��-619-OOa9. MOVE -UP OPPORTUNITY! 3.050 SO- FT. 5 BDRMS.! FOX HOLLOW! Grand 2 storey toyer, mstr bdrm. retreat with freplace b cathecrai ceding' A lot at house! Wendy Rapson'. `lirmom` :141,900! DETACHED 4 BEDROOM, 3 BATHS, DOUBLE GARAGE Cern. air, rec rm. & wet bar. 532180' U. covered porch, immediate possession - Call Dennis Gazarek'. ONLY $1329500 - IST TIME BUYER ALERT! FULLY DETACHED HOME ON 40' LOT! Hardwood flooring! Updated kitchen & baths! Master bedroom en suite! Separate dining room! Oversized garage with hydro! Tree -lined street! Walk to schools& shops! Call today before its gone! Wendy Rapson*. 1-1 ` #- CHRISTMAS BUY! COSY FIREPLACE! GORGEOUS 60X140' TREED LOT. $169.900! Unque layout! Sunken living rm.! Separate dining,rm.! Fn. rec nn.! 2 baths! 3 bdrms. & more! Lynda ONLY $8,000 DOWN Spectacular Westshore location, deL Wick 3 bdrm. on large lot. Huge eat* kit, b" W. S din. rm., w/o b prorate deck. Hardwood firs., cent air, all new windows, Sep. ent. b part. fn. bsmt Vendor wants an offer. Graham Crompton•. SPACIOUS 4 BEDROOM HOME! QUIET TREE -LINED CRESA Separate dung rm. with lovely bay windows' Finished rec nm.! New broadloom! Freshly panted! Wendv Raoson'. —7— Mills --_ --rases RAISE YOUR EXPECTATIONS AND YOUR STANDARDS!!! 2,900 sq fL of luxury!! - Fam. rrr, massive kit., 4+2 bch , 4 baittrooms, 2 fireplaces, 2 wet bars, fin. bmt, cea air, ceramics+++. Only 5208,90! No mellaiW4 Gary Raymond. FIRST TIME BUYER? CHECK THESE OUT! ALL DETACHED!! 1. $117,500 - new windows & insulation, appiarim & drapes. 2.7 rooms on 5T wide lot, min. fir. fam. rm. w/fp., big, bright kit,1 T mstr. Only $124,699. 3.$134,900 - 3 bdrms., new oak kit, fum., roof & wkxdows. Garage, CALL DUTY AGENT, 905831-2273 MAflGARET HARVEY c-► �� �.•••,••• ••,-.�.r • - . > ti ., - -.. i!1111! WM. MVUn= MAY� W' MM 2! , N!1-IAGE is B � � � � O � � r... .. ... . -r .. s .e y r w a w .. -r.-..+, ir•w..rws s r • a s a . r r r .. ., TiIR Dec. 29,1994 Billboard is a free feature for community events of a non-prof- it nature. To have your events promoted in Billboard, fax 683- 7363 or write to the Ajax -Pick- ering Hews Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont., LIS 2H5. The deadline for Billboard items is 10 a.m. the :Monday prior to Wednesday publication, 10 a.m. the Wednesday prior to Friday publication and 10 a.m. the Thursday prior to Sunday publication. SATURDAY, DEC. 31 PARTY: The South Pickering Seniors Club, 910 Liverpool Rd. South Pickering, is holding a New Year's Eve Party from 8 p.m. to I a.m. for 55 years plus. Cash Bar, disc jockey, buffet, noise makers and more. Cost for members is $12, non-members and at the door $15. For more information call 420-5049. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4 OSTEOPOROSIS: The Ajax - Pickering Osteoporosis support group meets from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Pickering police station (rear), Brock road and Hwv. 2. There will be a demonstration of "easy access" clothes, clothes that are easy to put on and, take off. Contact Marg at 905-683-3948, or Moira at 905-420-9197 for more information. SUPPORT GROUP: The Osteo- porosis support group meets at 7 p.m. at the YWCA (recreation department), I McGrigor St., in Oshawa. 725-1683 (Millie). SINGERS: The County Town Singers hold auditions at 7 p.m. at Cormack Station, 250 Hickory St. south of Hwy. 2, Whitby. Tenors and basses especially needed. Auditions also being held Jan. 1 I. 837-2144 (Janice). THURSDAY, JAN. 5 BLOOD DONOR CLINIC: The Ajax -Pickering branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society holds a blood clinic from 2-8:30 p.m. at the Metro East Trade Centre (south end rotunda), 1899 Brock Rd., Pickering. The clinic's daily goal is 140 units of blood. 426- 3383. NATURALISTS: Pickering Nat- uralists hold their monthly meet- ing at Rouge Hill Public Library on Rougemount Dr. south of Hwy. 2. beginning at 8 p.m. Dr. Terry Discussion group helps co -dependants, adult children of alcoholics DURHAM — A discussion group focussing on co- ing Wednesday. Jan. 18, from 7 to 9 p.m. dependency/adult children of alcoholics (ACOA) Participants will learn a series of exercises to height - behaviors is being offered by the family education en awareness of co-dependencviACOA behaviors. Par - resource centre of Kinark Child and Family Services. ticipants will have an opportunity to share feelings, The group will meet for eight sessions at the John childhood pain and experiences. The fee us S48 per per - Howard Society at 136 Commercial Ave. in Ajax, start- son. To register call 433-0386, ext. 26. Amer Y Am� A106 hATt REWORLD YEAR-END SALE UNTIL JAN. 15/95 10% - 30% OFF MOST STOCK 53 Baldwin St., Brooklin 655-1163 (BEHIND THE QUIK BITE RESTAURANT) Carlton, professor of Botany at the Old Growth Forests. 427-1655 Univesity of Toronto, will discuss (Dale Hoy) JONES - DOOLEY • INSURANCE BROKER OVER 20 YEARS f, LOW HOME INSURANCE RATES ,-.- SAVE UP TO 35% Package Policies - $200 deductible Durham area with protection & discounts SENIORS AGE 50 & UP SAVE UP TO 50% f� NGS, ONS -%\04 \" Fad U MINTZ'& PARTNERS LI311TED TRUSTEES IN BANKRUPTCY 74 KING ST. W. OSHAWA Trustee In Bankruptcy ani nzsoi.en cy services including personal 8 ccrporate bankruptcies OSHAWA s` 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX: 53 Commerci3i Ave. 619-1»73 COBOURG: 2 K r.y St. W. 372-4744 Sst;.roa� 3 G�cr„rg appcir.�Tenis arailab;e.i�i IFREE .7 tial cons., talion. JAMES R. YANCH SW � 5 T t,g CA a+Es 5 cc so Picketing,- ARCnC CAT Marine 3c�1837-0653 "THE TERMINAL WHOLE OR HALF PRIM" - i.u, uoATS 20 - 29 1-8. AVG. 3.95 kg - WW'OF WOW MUM so�oo.s A 79w ��. 1,79 mROOUCT OF CMNDA AT T'4 �Rl)DUC7 GgEECE XU COLOTER HOLMS'TEAD Ar nE OEU COUrrEF FETA CHEENE 6AlalIIATA OUV 659 •q �8 : tTOA AW i1ZE 6 59 BONELESS RIB ROAST BEEF 5.93 kg FNODUC? OF CANADA CELD 1MWED90"WTH) COD FISH - 65.19 LB EMAM E STEAKS .4.301w �_l h.-., 14 - .1 0 These Specials available until closing Saturcla 1 These prices in effect from Wed. Dec. 28 thru Sa . Dec. 31. 19 4 "� WHOLE OR HALF PRIM" - i.u, uoATS 20 - 29 1-8. AVG. 3.95 kg - WW'OF WOW MUM so�oo.s A 79w ��. 1,79 mROOUCT OF CMNDA AT T'4 �Rl)DUC7 GgEECE XU COLOTER HOLMS'TEAD Ar nE OEU COUrrEF FETA CHEENE 6AlalIIATA OUV 659 •q �8 : tTOA AW i1ZE 6 59 BONELESS RIB ROAST BEEF 5.93 kg FNODUC? OF CANADA CELD 1MWED90"WTH) COD FISH - 65.19 LB EMAM E STEAKS .4.301w �_l h.-., 14 - .1 FROZENA HIGH LINER A f1sil IIs [,kTTvii •STI( KS •FRI '� (' APTAIN SEA KINGDOM loo tBox HEALTHY BAKE • FILLETS -FINGERS ENGLISH STYLE FISH IN BATTER boo it Box NIVI NABISCO AYLMER KETCHUP -BABY DILL •YUM YUM -SWEET MIX PIC14C .]ES LARC,:E 1S L BOTTLEi6! 750 mL SI7.E 2169 v. s. s l �viirur� . R.C. COLA ALL VARIETIES LEFOR •COTT •R.C. COLA PWS Ax eorrtE EA •t!V CAS IJ02 , DEPOSIT LIMIT LABATT 5 BEER C%XF MUMPTY DUMP'' SCHNEtOERS FROZEN OTATO CHIPS SHEPPERDS •SNACKS PIE KERB S CHRISTMAS~~ CANDIES149 35 �� ' i". ' 9O 9 200 g BAG EA 1'S 1 BOX 3OO g BAG w FROZENA HIGH LINER A f1sil IIs [,kTTvii •STI( KS •FRI '� (' APTAIN SEA KINGDOM loo tBox HEALTHY BAKE • FILLETS -FINGERS ENGLISH STYLE FISH IN BATTER boo it Box NIVI NABISCO AYLMER KETCHUP -BABY DILL •YUM YUM -SWEET MIX PIC14C .]ES LARC,:E 1S L FAMILY SI7.E 2169 JAR EA. GERBER BABY FOODS -JUICES EXCWOING MEAT & MEAT D00WRS1 12emL JAR FA *MIXED VEGETABLES *BEANS *CORN •PEA.: •RICE SUPREME *VEGETABLES WITH PASTA 41.75 ke BAC-) LARGE 2.27 kW SAG 142199 ASSORTED 9 A P'R610NTE ASSORTED SPWHJ79, J7T1� •; -DFOW BOX • - - - " �.� •. •. �....�� .. _-�.� . - ... s _ ` �'d: �• �a'q • r • �. t t 9, �,:, i.' rr. •T"��t<.a. r 1.�, i - t if�Pe.+.,..A �!� •-•=�.���I<�1�!'If'Mfd11,3DI1►Y I�S'�. (;F. 17 0- tjjRjMyS *COLD SPRING FARMS FROZEN YOUNG OVEN-READY UTILITY GRADE - 6-16 LB. AVG. 1 BIRD LIMIT FRESH NEVER r • ROASTING •OVEN-READY COZEN �:. CHICKENS 3 BIRD LIMIT -4 LB. AVG. s OCFMSPMY x Y- SAUSAGE ,� 2.18 kg CRANBERRY MEAT SAUCE SwgTm 14 w- TIN DUCT OF ONTARIO PRODUCT OF CANADA PRODuOr OF OANADA STUART HOUSE FRESH NEVER FROZEN FRESH OR PREVIOUSLY FROZEN FREG� PREVIDUSLYF?EN 10PSY 5 AT TME DELI COUNTER BO�� CIiICI�T WIIv(,S ��y�y�7�,=FT�OIALTcrAro�c�aEsu�w,�aA�CARow 3 73 k LB. 2.84 kg LB 5 Ll�fie 7 t 30 ►g LB.�&�,- q K 25 .t EA S p�sL6 PRODUCT OF U S A WASHED A T'RAAWD SPINACH 10oc CELL�BAG P.E.I. WHITE r--- — ----- POTATOES i SNACE3NG WHITE SWAN - BATHROOM TISSU 7W eel. Born>E • JE -PE PS -F24 x ass n TINS 50 UK FA M Y SM BAG 3 CASE 2 BAG LEWT --� -SCOTT ' SEkTW FAMILY *SOUR CREAM • COTTT AGE CHEESE , -SCOTTIES * 199 FACIAL ' KUPS EA. "'' TISSUE BOX OF 300 PRODUCT OF U S A BRUSSEL SPROM FILL YCt R OWN 8Ac 284 wa PROD OF USA FLORIDA2 ORANGES Cj7 01 GRACE GAS EBF,. 9OLL PKG. 2 ROLL PKG 159 EA "Tm 211FAT SAUCE Stan= -- -- E A AL WATER. 1 'OO:OIM mL NOTME –n r--- — ----- i i SNACE3NG WHITE SWAN - BATHROOM TISSU 7W eel. Born>E • JE -PE PS -F24 x ass n TINS - SCOTTOWEIS JUM 3 CASE 1 —J --� -SCOTT LIMIT FAMILY NAPKINS PKG. OF IN -SCOTTIES * 199 FACIAL ' KUPS ,99s "'' TISSUE BOX OF 300 lE F.A. _591tEPnOSiT EAGLE __ SWEETENED MI KwwD GG NOG KITCHEN " CATCHERS 23- _3M,* T% t L CARTON BOX OF 48 01 GRACE GAS EBF,. 9OLL PKG. 2 ROLL PKG 159 EA "Tm 211FAT SAUCE Stan= -- -- E A AL WATER. 1 'OO:OIM mL NOTME –n r--- — ----- i i SNACE3NG ' I CRACKERS 1 1 s�-MINX 1 —J 1 oax wwlacL=m Ls_T.�c far—aEAFTA SI RICE MIXES EA PRODUCTCALIFORNIA EXTIt.A LARGE SIZE "72s" -,sQ• SELECT Off YOUR OWN DOZ. 199 oROCI,r' 7F rALIF7RMAS DCAECrtOICE {V LEMONS ► PRODUCT OF MEXICO LIMES P , ;uc • yk .A RGE 31ZE E A ,1� • PRODUCT OF U S A CALIFORNIA • TRACTOR TRAILER LOAD$ 1 � 1 : • 1 • ' 1S • VA oRODUCT OF GAL Y_X7; 7f AUFro" EXTRAIARGESQE CHEST:b'L TS W ��o��wN5A,;.��-•- I� RUIT-; ;L'�pi OIM•3hi:4te CAULIFLOWER LARGE SIZE 12s SELECT Nt O OWN F.A. PRODUCT OF CHNA OF CHINA CLOVE Cl � GINGER�� JUA60 SIZE 328 hp I A 328 up 3®IF� vmwr oP GRAPES N FIIL YOUR OWN BAG 4.90 Ig aB. DOW VA%RELW PEARS F .L VOVR C WN BAG 1.90 ks X,a -RED -CK39JDEN DELICIOUS APPLE �.s bw 48w c ssaSAPPLE 10 IS. FAMMY BRIE BAC „Fn. FAGS 18 -IM NEWS ADV�iTI U 1HMMAY. �GBAQ 1Y�u. Entertainment Kick out t DURIiAM - Be Curious plays Carlos O'Brien's New Year's Eve party. Tickets for the bash are a steal at S10 and include a hot and cold buffet and party favors. For ticket information call Ted at 571-5115. ' Carlos O' Brien's is located at 50 Taunton Rd. F. in Oshawa. J J J Par Four will brim, back the days of the dance hall when thev play the Jubilee Pavilion in Oshawa on New Year's Eve. he jams in The band plays classic hits from the 1950% and onward. Tickets are available at Wil- son and Lce music store, \Long_ and McQuade. Ray's Smoke Shop and at the Jubilee Pavilion itself. -Pickets for the show are S 15 per person. J rJ J Sudden Storm plays the Gold- en Spurs bar. 114 Dundas St. F.. %Vhitby every Sunday night. Dec. 29, 1994 Durham New Year's Eve This weekend's lineup includes Sudden Storm for the New Year's live hash Dec. 3 1. J J J Dirty Pawz will he rocking-, Corkc's ( 799 Park Rd. S.) for the New Year's lave party. Dirty Ila wz plays original music as well as cover tunes from hands like I.vnyrd Skynyrd, ZZ Top and Stevie Ray Vaugh- an. Seasons Greetings HAPPY NEW YEARI Matinees Deily Dec. 26 -Jon. M4 Admission $4.25 AN Ages . . . . . • . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . . - - _.. - . .. it ! i♦ i.i ! • • • • • • . - . . . • . . . .. . � �.•.•,�..:... .. .... . ••.w.ns:w .��.�.,w.�a.,�. 6ati,r'.f �.. sr!+MMau'.:x9°;.. . xr x -. 4 Every Day Specials • starting$ 95 per 1 2 from Person All dinner specials include coup or salad, choice of porno or rice, �j/���•Y LITTLE LII 11•E wOWN (moi) fre4h YCI(f Akh & garlic INlad. Fri.-Thurs. 2:25, 7:10, 9:40 REGULAR MENU AVAILABLE AT AFFORDABLE PRICES JUNIOR (PG) Fri.-Thurs. 2:25 DONT FORGET! Dining& Dancingmost Friday & STREETFIGHTER Saturday nights Fri.-Thurs. 2:15,720, 9:30 • il.;%�ate roorns • Banquet facilities No Passes Available for arn, function READY TO WEAR ,M, Fri.-Thurs. 2, 7, 9:35 . \Nalso cater srllall c �r hi g No Passes • O,)cn - days a uv k DUMB S DUMBER mc) the „lost Elegant Dining in Pickering Fri.-Thurs. 2, 7, 7:20, 9:25, 9:40 No Passes (TWO SCREENS) MIXED NUTS �., ; ,ISPichcrirParl,w" Y� Fn-Thurs. 2:10.715. 9:35 , 420-7577 Seasons Greetings HAPPY NEW YEARI Matinees Deily Dec. 26 -Jon. M4 Admission $4.25 AN Ages . . . . . • . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . . - - _.. - . .. it ! i♦ i.i ! • • • • • • . - . . . • . . . .. . � �.•.•,�..:... .. .... . ••.w.ns:w .��.�.,w.�a.,�. 6ati,r'.f �.. sr!+MMau'.:x9°;.. . xr x -. 4 1 • 250 Bayly St. W., • Ajax R-1anRR9 m` EtJj;211 $CIIt &fTPIIT �41 44uni �ft., �jttx titt9-6ii57 NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY • Hot & Cold Buffet - 9 p.m. • Glass of Champagne at Midnight • Party Favours • D.J. Stefan • AI Matthews TICKETS $15.00 per person ENGUSH PREMIER LEAGUE Live via Satellite SAT., DEC. 31 st -10 am. Leeds United vs. Liverpool Yon., Jan. 2nd - 2:30 p.m. Tottenham vs. Arsenal VIVA LAS ?M Cog Mrietl D%=W iL.w L►M it UMMM L xlwj� VAXZ sA v Tet DaY.Am 9nM DANCIM8 COTIKIEDT TR=UTES sof ID. LU -0644 =via. senor & Cine. Jvr" 10% aft -644 TWO, Jai -q V Deft OF moreW 2s>loeda2r= Jlaa. til, 2j6 iE THE OLD SCOT! HOUSE - SCARIKiOR000B (us) sus [look Tawe Zaaas Party now Dar Veils Lass Shaw 94: Dealtbe ttBsaspiaall NEW YEAR'S DAY BRUNCH 11 am. - 2 p.m. Kids under t _FREE Naw rare Cay 11 aAL -11 pAL . X%S posit: enure. Zltru *Utbnv 683-9353 109 Old Kingston Rd. IN THE COURTYARD (PICKERING VILLAGE) m NEW ADVQTMM THWWAY, D!.('E AM 29, ~AGE if r Enjoythe tastes o 'Little Italy'? at EAST SIDE MARIO s When you walk into EAST SIDE MARIO'S For the main course enjoy Primavera or you're walking into a place far removed from the Genovese thin crust pizza or choose among Veal surroundings outside its doors. Bolognese, Hunters Pappardelle or Basil Shrimp You're entering the -Little Italy- district of Linguine. Manhattan, New York City, with all the sounds, When it corxes to service you better look out smells and action that makes this restaurant because it's an experience you won't soon forget. unique. -We overwhelm our customers with service, - Owners Vickie and Emanuel Camara have says Emanuel. -Many can't believe the attention owned the franchise since March of 1993 and they receive from our staff. Their every need is theirs is one of 42 across Canada. taken rare of. - The family dining concept has been a big All of the entrees at EAST SIDE MARIO'S attraction for area patrons and many comment on are served with an unlimited supply of homemade the interior design that depicts a streetscape in hearty Italian vegetable soup or crisp garden salad New York's Italian section. and their famous fresh baked garlic homeloaf. You'll enjoy the store front facades and The bar area is always popular at night with sidewalk displays with related paraphernalia and TV monitors showing sports event% or customers various scertesofthe Big Apple. can participate in the NTN interactive Of course the food is the big attraction at entertainment network of trivia games. EAST SIDE MARIO'S. 'There's always something going on here, - Right now enjoy THE EAST SIDE BLAST says Vickie,- It's the kind of hustle and bustle our event which features appetizers such as Arancini customers love. Its an exciting place to spend an and Agnolotti to start off your meal. evening.' Arancini is a rice ball made of a delicious It's also time to book a company or family get blend of arborio rice, herbs and cheeses, lightly together to celebrate Christmas. breaded and deep fried served with spicy So take a walk on the East Side for a taste of arrabbiata sauce. The Agnolotti is home made egg Little Italy. EAST SIDE MARIO'S serves a full pasta filled with a creamy biend of rieaotta, roman menu until I a.m. and is open seven days a week. and parmesan cheeses sautted in tomato sauce Its located at 100 Westney Rd. S just south of with bacon, onions, herb- and spices. Hwy 401. Tel. (905) 619-2229. vlclue ana KEmanuel Camara Invite you to enjoy the food and friendly atmosphere at EAST SIDE MARIO'S In Ajax Gemen & Hting do Cubicle BANOUET FAMES da Sun. BnNO 1INXI-x30 TwL4Fri.11:W2:30 i 5.10 Set 5-10 p.m. SuL 10:30*00 Located in the Coarty wd if Pkke" Nl:llaW 109 Old Kingston Rd., AjaX (905) 427-6760 Calling all night clubs, restaurants and entertainment destinations! N N N N Advertise where people will see you. In Hot Spots. Call Duncan at the i News Advertiser { 683-6110 ,Rask 'e m 401 P,H)I and Puh Billiards and Entertainment NEW YEARS PARTY • early and late buffet • open tables until 3 A.M. • [)raw prize. Drink ticket. included. S35"Advance Wat the dcxir ( 905) 619-9881 '�/1 lin h tit, unit 'JI i �k I�rrvir Pt-rrr I, • all] a wbuldet you ■re to be_ • SMOKE FREES ' p � - ' • Calling ' • Righter now for and .. — A five week, 7 session STOP enter.nl ilei t SMOIQNG PROGRAM in which you , 1 , •> will gain new mbw abort and sldNs to on BUFFE D 8 • T9.99 CAT $ 1= estebistt a IteaAltier titest�rle. ► Advwtise where people ' 8UFM I TUES., JAN. 17 at 7:30 p.m , will see you. FOR. 11 Durham Poice Station In it S". ► 1 ooupor par eta a 7 Brock Rd at Hwy. 2 ► Pnaertt before arching not arailabla on pickup a dsiwry i 195°° ' ' Cit Duncan at-#w� ' ` "°t�*^ �•� � ' ► ' 375 King" PAL (at (Ask how you can quaky for a'45 00 relaid) j1g Adtfct ua� ► ' `9M) ' Call � ► ' 509-9876 1 LUNG ASSOCIATION 4�683.611Q a . a �) X136.1046 1 .. 0:fH1 K1Es SAN 171!6 FEED A FAMILY OF s xy ,Dnh► FOURd ,4 13" Includes 4 reg. burgers, •'. 4 small fries, 4 16 oz. soft - drinks & i 4 sundaes. NO COUPON REQUIRED 1 • 250 Bayly St. W., • Ajax R-1anRR9 m` EtJj;211 $CIIt &fTPIIT �41 44uni �ft., �jttx titt9-6ii57 NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY • Hot & Cold Buffet - 9 p.m. • Glass of Champagne at Midnight • Party Favours • D.J. Stefan • AI Matthews TICKETS $15.00 per person ENGUSH PREMIER LEAGUE Live via Satellite SAT., DEC. 31 st -10 am. Leeds United vs. Liverpool Yon., Jan. 2nd - 2:30 p.m. Tottenham vs. Arsenal VIVA LAS ?M Cog Mrietl D%=W iL.w L►M it UMMM L xlwj� VAXZ sA v Tet DaY.Am 9nM DANCIM8 COTIKIEDT TR=UTES sof ID. LU -0644 =via. senor & Cine. Jvr" 10% aft -644 TWO, Jai -q V Deft OF moreW 2s>loeda2r= Jlaa. til, 2j6 iE THE OLD SCOT! HOUSE - SCARIKiOR000B (us) sus [look Tawe Zaaas Party now Dar Veils Lass Shaw 94: Dealtbe ttBsaspiaall NEW YEAR'S DAY BRUNCH 11 am. - 2 p.m. Kids under t _FREE Naw rare Cay 11 aAL -11 pAL . X%S posit: enure. Zltru *Utbnv 683-9353 109 Old Kingston Rd. IN THE COURTYARD (PICKERING VILLAGE) m NEW ADVQTMM THWWAY, D!.('E AM 29, ~AGE if r Enjoythe tastes o 'Little Italy'? at EAST SIDE MARIO s When you walk into EAST SIDE MARIO'S For the main course enjoy Primavera or you're walking into a place far removed from the Genovese thin crust pizza or choose among Veal surroundings outside its doors. Bolognese, Hunters Pappardelle or Basil Shrimp You're entering the -Little Italy- district of Linguine. Manhattan, New York City, with all the sounds, When it corxes to service you better look out smells and action that makes this restaurant because it's an experience you won't soon forget. unique. -We overwhelm our customers with service, - Owners Vickie and Emanuel Camara have says Emanuel. -Many can't believe the attention owned the franchise since March of 1993 and they receive from our staff. Their every need is theirs is one of 42 across Canada. taken rare of. - The family dining concept has been a big All of the entrees at EAST SIDE MARIO'S attraction for area patrons and many comment on are served with an unlimited supply of homemade the interior design that depicts a streetscape in hearty Italian vegetable soup or crisp garden salad New York's Italian section. and their famous fresh baked garlic homeloaf. You'll enjoy the store front facades and The bar area is always popular at night with sidewalk displays with related paraphernalia and TV monitors showing sports event% or customers various scertesofthe Big Apple. can participate in the NTN interactive Of course the food is the big attraction at entertainment network of trivia games. EAST SIDE MARIO'S. 'There's always something going on here, - Right now enjoy THE EAST SIDE BLAST says Vickie,- It's the kind of hustle and bustle our event which features appetizers such as Arancini customers love. Its an exciting place to spend an and Agnolotti to start off your meal. evening.' Arancini is a rice ball made of a delicious It's also time to book a company or family get blend of arborio rice, herbs and cheeses, lightly together to celebrate Christmas. breaded and deep fried served with spicy So take a walk on the East Side for a taste of arrabbiata sauce. The Agnolotti is home made egg Little Italy. EAST SIDE MARIO'S serves a full pasta filled with a creamy biend of rieaotta, roman menu until I a.m. and is open seven days a week. and parmesan cheeses sautted in tomato sauce Its located at 100 Westney Rd. S just south of with bacon, onions, herb- and spices. Hwy 401. Tel. (905) 619-2229. vlclue ana KEmanuel Camara Invite you to enjoy the food and friendly atmosphere at EAST SIDE MARIO'S In Ajax Gemen & Hting do Cubicle BANOUET FAMES da Sun. BnNO 1INXI-x30 TwL4Fri.11:W2:30 i 5.10 Set 5-10 p.m. SuL 10:30*00 Located in the Coarty wd if Pkke" Nl:llaW 109 Old Kingston Rd., AjaX (905) 427-6760 Calling all night clubs, restaurants and entertainment destinations! N N N N Advertise where people will see you. In Hot Spots. Call Duncan at the i News Advertiser { 683-6110 ,Rask 'e m 401 P,H)I and Puh Billiards and Entertainment NEW YEARS PARTY • early and late buffet • open tables until 3 A.M. • [)raw prize. Drink ticket. included. S35"Advance Wat the dcxir ( 905) 619-9881 '�/1 lin h tit, unit 'JI i �k I�rrvir Pt-rrr I, • all] a wbuldet you ■re to be_ • SMOKE FREES ' p � - ' • Calling ' • Righter now for and .. — A five week, 7 session STOP enter.nl ilei t SMOIQNG PROGRAM in which you , 1 , •> will gain new mbw abort and sldNs to on BUFFE D 8 • T9.99 CAT $ 1= estebistt a IteaAltier titest�rle. ► Advwtise where people ' 8UFM I TUES., JAN. 17 at 7:30 p.m , will see you. FOR. 11 Durham Poice Station In it S". ► 1 ooupor par eta a 7 Brock Rd at Hwy. 2 ► Pnaertt before arching not arailabla on pickup a dsiwry i 195°° ' ' Cit Duncan at-#w� ' ` "°t�*^ �•� � ' ► ' 375 King" PAL (at (Ask how you can quaky for a'45 00 relaid) j1g Adtfct ua� ► ' `9M) ' Call � ► ' 509-9876 1 LUNG ASSOCIATION 4�683.611Q a . a �) X136.1046 1 .. 0:fH1 K1Es SAN 171!6 ►..�'l�/b�'�.�cti�� .qtr •�.`.t.:�:�aw�:i� .� r �►�sF-�i�-�tr��xif►,� r�` j�y,�:� ;{u: BEER a W AT 1/2 THE RETAIL COST WELL SPECIAL: BREL 1 R PRICE FOR BOTTLES YPHONE YOU. FOR DETAILS THE BREWtT BEER SHOP 1211 Kingston Rd. (Just west of Llvorpoot) 837.1818 Pickering !cies MuraCTONAM. SPORTS Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. ♦SPORTS -- THE YEAR IN REVIEW Ajax, Pickering home of many champ,, HOCKEY AJAX-PiCKER!NG — Ajax's Dave Duerden, 17, was a second - round pick of the Peterborough Petes in the 0111. priority selection draft in Belleville in June. The Ajax minor hockey graduate, who played the 1993-94 season with A the Metro Junior Hockey League champion Wexford Raiders, rated sixth overall and the top $ -- left winger available Dave Duerden according to the OHL's Central Scouting Bureau, was drafted 19th overall. Murray Sheehan, 17, of Pickering. a 13th-rotuid pick of the Detroit Junior Rod Wings, had a strong training camp and was signed by Detroit »> Long-time Pickering Hockey Asso- ciation president len Quigley was pre- sented a prestigious award at the Ontario Mirxv Hockey Association's (OMI IA) banquet in Toronto. (7uigky, 60, who's been involved with the NIA for the past 20 years, eight of those as president, was given an OMIIA Ilonor Award for his "out- standing involvement, commitment and leadership" to minor hockey in Pia-Lnnc. »> Carolyn Audc,. I,% .•f Pickering. was awarded a hockey scholarship to attend Lawrence Academy private high school in Massachusetts. Gl'N1\.A.STI(.'S Liv Surdas, 17, of Ajax, finished fifth at October's SoapBerry Shop World Gymnastic Challenge at Copps Coliseum where world-class male o ,� and female gym- nasts gathered from l3 the U.S., Belarus. Ukraine, Romania and Russia. The petite gym- - nast turned in a LISA Sirnes three -medal perfor- mance at the Commonwealth Games in Victoria, B.C. in August. Simes also earned a place on the Canadian women's team after placing third overall at the Canadian World Trials in Montreal in October. 000 PAuing gymnast Stephanie Wes- sely, 17, the reigning provincial cham- pion at the Senior 3 level, won a full athletic scholarship to the University of Iowa. The Dunbarton High School graduate was wooed by five other American schools before finally set - ding on the university. MARATHON Alex Bianchi was one of more than 10,000 participants in the 98th running of the Boston Marathon in April. The 37 -year-old Ajacian finished the grueling 26.4 -mile marathon in three hours and 32 minutes. Friend and training partner Tom Kelly, 20, of Scarborough and formerly of Ajax, ran the course in 3:06. HIGH SCHOOL The Picketing Trojans senior girls' hockey team won a high-level touma- ment in Toronto in February. The Tro- jans captured the 'B' division of the 32 -team Canadian Tire Coca-Cola Classic High School Tournament. 000 The Pickering High School Trojans senior boys' rugby team trounced Port Perry High School — the number -one ranked squad — 2.3-3 to win the Lake Ontario Secondary School Athletics (LOSSA) senior boys' championship in Port Pcm• in Nlay. zl::i :1 Ttn Dunbarton Iligh School Spar- tans junior txiys' rugby team capped a stellar season by blanking the Brock High School Bulldogs 24-0 in the final of the Durham -York Secondary Schools Athletic Association (DYS- SAA) Rugby Championships in Port Perry in May. :1 :1 :1 The Pickerini:l Iigh School Trojans failed to advance to the Metro Bowl finals after suffering a heartbreaking loss to Toronto's Northern Collegiate Red Knights in the semi-final contest in ° Q November. D In the Metro Bowl quar- ter -final., Pl�w�f::: :::ik.:>`Wi.::- oxigh City champs Woburn Wildcats -U( 0. The Trojans troutx:c'd the Dun- barton High School Spartans 32-9 to win the Lake Ontario Sccondary School Athletics (LOSSA) champi- onstup in OcIo er. SAILING Pickering's Road Davies made bit wave..% this year in laser (ore -rout ves- sel) sailinc. Davies. 2-3, won tln Great Lakes Championship in Hamilton in Junc and the Canadian las-r Clumpi- onship in Toronto in May. Ile also captured the: laser sailing (one-man craft) champtori4up at the Bnti%h Air- ways Regatta in Hudson fev the sixth time in seven years in June. At the North American Laser Championship in Westport. Connecticut in June. Davits fuushed second. Ile also sulcal away with first place at the Pre - Olympic Regatta at Savannah. Geor- gia, the site of the sailing events for the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympic Gamt_-i, in August. %VRFtiT1.IN(: Pickenng's Sean Pierson was the beat %westle•r in the Junior ail{ -kilogram class at the Ontario Amateur Wrestline Championships at Brock University in St. Catharines in February. 0» Pine Ridge Secondary School's Kerry Ashley won the 57.5 -kilogram (127 -pound) title at the Ontario Federa- tion of Schools Ath- letic Association (OFSAA) Wrestling , Championships in Windsor in March. The OFSAA title for Ashley was the first provincial high KGM Ashley school champi- onship ever won by Pine Ridge. 000 Pickering's Bruno Azevedo and Sean Pierson returned home with medals from the Canadian Wrestling Championships at the University of Alberta in Edmonton in April. Azeve- do, wrestling in the cadet (14 -and -15 - year -olds) category won the silver !medal. Sean Pierson, in the junior (16 - and -17) division, won bronze. FOOTBALL Andrew Greene, 25, enjoyed an outstanding season as an offensive guard with the Indiana University Hoosiers football team Greene, who played with the Pickering High School Trojans until graduating in 1989, is in his final season on an athletic scholar- ship with the i kxwsiers. The 6'4", 295 -pound starter is cur- rently ranked as a first -team National Collegiate Athletic Association fowt- ball All-American and could possibly be chosen in the first or second round of the National Football League draft next May. BASEBALL. Seven Ajax and Pickering peewee ball players aged 12 and 13 torus part in a tour of Cuba this past summer. practising with and playing several exhibition con- tests against team, in 'A small Cuban communi- ties. ,T Taking part in the' -..i tour were Pickering Red Sox players Nathaniel Ogborne, Jason Schwabe, Mike Hindley, Chris Megill and Scott Austin and Ajax Spartans James David and Evan Risk -o. Several players from Markham. Whitby and (larington also participated in the tour. Ryan Colburn. 14• pitched the game of his life in an Ajax Spartans Minor Baseball Association bantam house league contest in August. The hurler had a perfect garric, working seven innings, allowing rx, hits and no walks, while strikin out 19 ballers- »:3 The .Ajax Spartans Chrysler Trim Plant midget rep baseball team won the Gest provincial 'AA' championship for the town in m rc than 30 years. Tin championship was playexi in Ajax in Septemtle-r. SPECLAL OLYMPICS Several area athletes t ucd well at the Provincial Spring Ganes of the Ontario Special Olympics at McNlas- ter University in Hamilton car May. Five area athletes — Dave Swin- dall and Stephen Lefeuvre, of Ajax, and Blake Feetham, Kathy Dunlop and Gord Pidgeon, of Pickenng — were instrumental in helping Region 12 cap- ture the overall provincial cliampi- onship trophy for five -pin bowling. Region 12 encompasses Durham Region and extends as far east as Belleville and as far north as. Peterbor- ough. Tim Robertson, of Ajax, and Donna Mitchell and Amy Brown, of Pickering, competed in tete swimming events and emerged with medal -win - BOW The five -member senior boys' team from Pickering's Celebrity Lanes — Shane Sleep, Craig Schiele, Troy Smith, Randy Beckstead and Chris Bubeau — captured the senior boys' title at the Youth Bowling Council Four Steps to Stardom Provincial Championships at Bowlerama Cedar- brae edarbrae in Scarborough in April. SOCCER Richard Bellew, 16, of Pickering, and his Scarborough Malvern Soccer Club under -17 indoor team travelled to the U.S. National Indoor Champi- onship, bringing the title back across the border after defeating Michigan 4- 2 in the championship match in March. SWIlNMiNG Pickering's Dave Fogel, 17, a member of tete Pickering Swim Club, was ranked second in Canada in the 200 -metre freestyle event in February. Swim Canada assigns rankings based on times athletes achieved in previous months. Fogel was also ranked 13th in the 100m freestyle in tete country. ElD:3 Pickering's Lisa Flood swam to a me" at the Commonwealth Ganes in B.C. in August. She won bronze in the 200-netre breaststroke and was fourth in the final of the 100nt breaststroke. She also earned a spot on the Canadian Commonwealth swim team : Commonwealth Ganes Trials it toria, B.C. in March when she sw• a _,old and two silver medals. RUGBY The Canadian national wor See SPORTING...Pa; Dwh=Coller,e Continuous Learning Winter 119075 Brochure has bLe-k'e-Indelivered. ff you would like another COPY please contact us. For Telephone Registration Call: (905) 721-3000 Toll Free 1-800-461-3260 For More Information Call (905) 721-3052 OF rop L DURHAM Top 10 Movie Guide INENOMMENNEEMENEEMENEM1 "DEO PIC] **** 1 R B. The Ffrttsiones ** 9. When a blest} Lovas 10. Wyatt Earplosesseseasnesson *** BUY AN EGG "J:M It HASH BIID" ■ GET A SECOND EGG ICM1FF FREE Just bring in this coupon and when you buy one Egg McMullin sandwich A Hash Brown. the second Egg McMuffm is free. Limit one food item per coupon, per customer. per visit_ Please Present coupon when ordering. Net valid with any other offer. Valid until January 31st, 1995 PG R PG -13 Valid during breakfast hours only. ■eemossommemseen -.oar:..� :: �,.. �n . � •�.s..aw^naw. T -s,:. •nm..a.,..,� .. ,r.. d..•ti.a ;. .. ... ,ate s -.- .. � , VSPORTS -- THE YEAR IN REVIEW Sporting FROM PAGE 20 achievements galore in 194 rugby team's quest for the World Cup title came to an end with a 33-10 loss to England in quarter -final action in I:dinhurgh, Scotland in late April. Sandra Muller, Flelen Russell. Lau- rie Lundy, Joanne Gardner. Jen Ross and Annette Shiels of the Ajax Wan- derers Rugby Club played on the 26 - member Canadian World Cup team HANDBALL Pickering's Chris Jennings captured the open division and won the 1994 Provincial Handball C'harripionships in April. Jennings, on a handball scholar- ship to Memphis State University in Tennessee, obliterated his opponent: err route to the Ontario title. Lindsay Crothers of Whitevale cap- tured the girls under -15 provincial title after defeating Kate Philips of New- market in the final. BOXING: Ajax's Nikolas Farrell, 18, won his weight class for the second consecu- tive time at the Ontario Provincial Amateur Boxing championships in Toronto in November. Farrell is a rnemher of the Canadian 'B' amateur boxing squad. SQUASH Pickering',..; Nicole Carroll, 15, cap- tured the Ontario Provincial Junior Squash Championships in St. Catharines in March. Carroll, a mem- ber of the Pickering; Recreation Com- plex Squash Club. won the under -16 girls' division. Mixed year for hometown heroes D Healy's Rangers win Stanlev Cup; Wilson can't make major league squad AJAX-PICKERING — Pickering native and Ajax resident Glenn Ilealy savored sweet victory with the National Hockey League's New York Rangers this past June. The Rangers ended a 54 -year drought to finally bring the Stanley Cup back to New York after defeat- ing the Vancouver Canucks in the seventh and final game of the NIIL's championship series. 'To go from the Bay Ridges Big M all-stars to hoisting the Stanley Cup is something special," Healy said. "Words can't express how satis- mni: it is. It was probably tlx: most pleasurable thing I've ever experi- enced. No matter what I say could ever do it justice. It's the biggest prize you can win in hockey. It's the biggest prize in any sport because it is the toughest trophy to win." The Pickering hockey As.%ocia- uon graduate brought the Cup home fir ;day -long visit in August when he stopped by Ajax -Picketing Gener- al I lospital to see his father who was convalescing then and to give a treat to patient% in the hospital's children's floor and pulmonary warts. The Cup also attracted a steady stream of visitors to the backyard of I lealv's Ajax residence on that day. "The big thing was getting to bring the Cup back to Pickering to share it with the people who W- ped rix: to get to where I am' he said. However, Ilealy and his N111. col- leagues have been inactive since the league locked out the players in early Clltobe:r. In the interim lie continues It, stand behind players' union boss Bob Gcxxienow in negotiations with management. y Ilealy skates and works out daily, and has helped out at local minor hockey teams' practices as well as turning out at numerous charitable functions. OOD Ajax's Nigel Wilson is still on the outside looking in on major league baseball's Florida Marlins. Wilson, 24, spent the 1994 season with the Edmonton Trappers. the Marlins' 'AAA' affiliate in the Pacif- ic Coast Baseball League. Befom suf- fering an ankle injury in May, the left fielder was enjoying a solid start to the season with a batting average of .289 with dum home rms and a club - high 19 rims batted in. Trappers' media director Colin MacPhail described Wilson, in a May interview, as' one of the Marlins' top prospects" and part of a Trappers' outfield which is the "strength" of the ball club. " 1 know the Marlins rate Nigel quite highly. They consider him as Part of their outfield of the future " However, due to the Major League Baseball strike that started in late August, Wilson didn't get any playing time with the Marlins last season. Wilson had a strong Grapefruit League exhibition season with the Marlins in spring. Ile turned a few heads by launching a home run which covered an estimated 450 feet in an intrasquad game at Florida's Space Coast Stadium. In a contest against the Los Angeles Dodgers, Wilson belted a two -run homer. The outfielder faced an uphill bat- tle to win a job with the National League Marlins at training camp. The club has one of the strongest outfields in baseball with Jeff Conine, Chuck Carr and Gary Sheffield. All three came off strong seasons for the expansion Marlins in their first year of play in 1993. Formerly in the Toronto Blue lays organization, Wilson was the first pick of the expansion Marlins in 1992 - At last report. Wilson was playing winter ball in Puerto Rico. THE NEMS ADYWIM THURSDAY, DECE1NdER 29, ~AGE 21 PICKERING MEDICAL CENTRE WALK IN CLINIC Announcing Dr. John Veale Pediatrician has joined the clinic HOLIDAY HOURS DEC. 24 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. DEC. 31 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. DEC. 25 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. JAN.1 10 a.m. -3 p.m. DEC. 26 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. JAN. 2 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. DEC. 27 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. REGULAR HOURS MONDAY -FRIDAY 5:00 p.m. - 9 p.m. SATURDAY 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. SUNDAY 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 1885 Glenanna Rd. Pickering 839=3883 N Kingston Ad f>Wwna Ad +=AL C01PO PICKERING TOWN CENT REE CNS C0 PA X -22 -THE NEWS ADVERTSMNI: TMURMAY. MCEMINF= 2% IM I 71 wl I I ki -It. -Ik 111F YOU'LL FNS THE BEST HOLIDAY VALUE UNDER THE SUN... RIGHT HERE! Thcrc's never been a better time to experience y;►ur town kind ()f fim Iona talxll(►tls all inclusive tlo atiltt- res(►rt. hw an inti►nlal, carefree h(►lichty under the sun l(x)k no further. Carrlival's Great Canadian Winter ( :nli%c Sale (offers (nitstandinli Valuc :Ind quality for t•()ur vacatio n..\nd just A -oo)tlt cvcn-thin� is included in the price of ymir ` I�l�/(:mise l!(►lida� at sea. With all \-(nlr meals and entertainment included therc•s n(► ncvd to c► Ix miecrnlx►u cd at hiO, i my meal csts, cower eharl;�-.bs , cxlerlsi\-c ca()r 4cttin� I()st ()n the "T0►114 side (►f town. In the cvcllill� ymi Call 'tr. I .1i'm ! the promenade and dr(►p in un a &izzlin, ; 1.:L. V`044' Es style sllo\%. Sino :Llo u! in the piano Kin h(q) to hits fr()nl the sixties, phy the table and sl()t machines, cllj(w a late ni,,.Ilt c()nled\- show ()r catch a first nim nwvic. PRICES INCLUDE ROUND TRIP AIRFARE , FROM TORONTO, ALL DEPARTURE TAXES, AND PORT CHARGES. Prices arc h:Iscd (►n / Catc,L?ir11" -I ace(►IIIIIUxlati(►i1. (Inside twin Or kint; I xed cabin). hi\ just l 'tiff I 1 N ► nl(rrc ti ►ran � ()utsicic (►c.call \•icy\ whin. (I •titin(► ()n .t ()r 4 day cnliscs ):'" Prievs arc in 1'S d(►ilars except for prorams (gvi-ated by Canadian I i(►IicUys, which are in (:anadian d(►Ilars. YOU MUST BOOK BY JANUARY 17TH 1995 t l ) take adcantaac I furry, l)cti►rc the ix.st harlains have s:Iilcd away. PI(K YOUR SAIUNG DATE. PIa( YOUR SHIP... YOU'VE GOT A DEAL! CEIBRA" 8 SENWiON (EAST): E=Y 3 DAY. NAM, Sal Juan. St. Thomas Miami NMM Alan. St Mw IN Mian KRASY 4 DAY: NOIJDAY & SENSATION Miami, Key West Mian Cozwwli Ploys fid (nrmen. (ommeV%a fid (armee. Alan. Gad Caynral, Odw RIDS,111i0m. aX— DATE SHP FBOM 5# X— DAi1 SIKP FitOM 06 JAN 95 EGIASY3 USSS74 21 IAN 95 HOUDAY USS1024 30 JAN 95 KSULSY-4 744 04 FEB 95 M BWA110N 1024 03 FEB 95 ECSTASY -3 634 04 FEB 95 HOLIDAY 1024 06 FEB 95 KSTASY-4 794 05 FEB 95 SENSAiiON-E 1124 10 FEB 95 ECSTASY -3 634 11 FEB 95 CHEBRATION 1124 13 FEB 95 ECSiASY-4 794 11 FEB 95 HOUDAY 1124 17 FEB 95 ECSTASY -3 654 12 FEB 95 SENSATION W 1424 14 FEB 95 ECSTASY -3 654 11 FEB 95 CELEBRATION 1124 17 FEB 95 KSTASY4 794 19 FEB 95 SENSATION -E 1224 03 MAW 95 ECSTASY -3 634 25 FEB 95 CELEBRATION 1124 06 MAW 95 KSTASY4 794 25 FEB 95 HOUDAY 1124 10 MAW 95 ECSTASY -3 634 26 FEB 95 SENSATION -W 1324 13 MAW 95 KSTASY-4 794 04 MAR 95 UABL T10N 1024 17 MAW 95 ECSTASY 3 634 04 MAR 95 HOLIDAY 1124 20 AZAR 95 EC9ASY4 744 05 MAW 95 SBFSATION-E 1124 24 MAR 95 ECWM-3 634 11 MAR 95 CREMION 1024 27 AZAR 95 ECSiASY4 744 11 W95 HOLIDAY 1124 31 MAW 95 ECSTASY -3 634 12 MAR 95 SENSATION -W 1274 03 APR 95 ECSTASY4 744 18 AZAR 95 01MATION 1024 07 APR 95 EMM -3 634 18 MAW 95 HOLIDAY 1124 10 ALR 95 ECSTASY -4 744 19 MAR 95 SENSAIM4 1124 14 APR 95 ECAAM 634 25 MAR 95 allMM IOM 1024 21 APR 95 E SM%3 594 25 MAR 95 NOl1DN 1074 24 AR 95 EM04 734 % MAR 95 S6IWION-W 1324 28 AR 95 FaM--3 594 01 APR 95 Q313A110M 1024 01 AIR 95 NOIIDR 1024 12 AR 95 S815A110M-E 1124 M AR 95 CHE1IRM N 1024 08 AN 95 NOLM 1024 09 AR 95 SB15A110N-1M 1124 15 APR 9s 519WAil0M 1024 15 APR 95 HOLIDAY 1074 16 APR 95 SB5A11ONf 1124 22 APR 9s CHAWJI m 974 22 AR 95 HOLIDAY 974 NMI 23 AN 95 S815A110M-W 1174 29 ARK HOl10AY 974 A L R CANADA 30 AIR 95 SBOMMM-E 1074 Can" tearures steed Mgtft M Arr Ca mM aq osier MxkV worm AMR TROPIM This program n offered and Waned U program is offered aid Wooed Ila program is offered Alta Wooed 1M kwaies RMID QW1111. Tonga, Grad CaYrrron Caner► b1' (rad- fldday% fea" by (Tadao "Alps W" Ylr (0068 ""ys 6un^9 MozoNon Cabo Son LIM filo fid Camen. New "o s'Tompa (0-^ AAM % (ate + tow %*. (00win A.ines %hos 90k-- — — — -- — - ------ Cozumel/ SB Ju 7 DAY TROPKAI CRUISE FAS(111ATlON FANTASY 3 DAY CRUISE: -5— FROM SAWING_DA5E -STOP fi�M Grand(n�rrarI an. SI . DOMPo (xlodebupe, rt Canaveral, Nassau. Port 22 AN 9s JUBIifE 11551074 22 JM 95 TROPI(Ali USS1014 �� 29 JAN 95 JUBILEE 1074 29 JAN 95 TROPKAtf 1024 playa (NM, New Oklenns• )aro Genoda. la G(rord(argcos, Canoverd. 12 FEB 95 JUBILEE 1174 19 FEB 95 TROP WI 1124 7 DAY FLORIDA STAY Aruba. Sm Juan. 4 DO LUC STAY 19 FEB 95 JUBILEE 1124 26 FEB 95 TROPKALE 1024 MI RKB ARE IN (MOM DOLLARS F6TWE: Hoiday Im (nhrnolimrd Drive 26 FEB 95 JIIBNEE 1124 05 MMR 95 TROPKALE 1024 SARING DALE _ SFBP FROM Son Juan• St. Thomas St. Maarten, MI RXESA_N IN CANMAN DOLLARS O5 MAR 95 JUBILEE 1124 12 MMR 95 TROPKAIf 1024 22 JAN 95 TROPKALE (DN_51652 Dominica, Barbados,OM 12 MAR 95 JUBILEE 1124 19 MMR 95 TROPKALf 1024 19 MAR 95 TROPKALE 2002 SFS _-- F Malirrglle, Ser, Juan. 26 IAN 95 FANTASY CDNS10000 4 26 MAR 95 XMLEE 1124 26 MAR 95 TROP M 1024 26 MMR 95 TROPKALE 1872 MI PAB ARE IN (NAM DOl1ARS 23 ALAR 95 FANTASY 1054 02 AN 95 JUBILEE 1124 02 AN 95 TRON(Alf 1024 02 AN 95 TKOPKAU 1871 S" MT SHIP FROM 30 MAR 95 FANTASY 1054 09 Aran 95 JUplff 1224 09 APR 95 TROPKAU 1024 09 APR 95 TROPKALE 1872 26 FB 95 FE$TIVAtf CDNS1524 06 AN 95 FANTASY 1054 16 AN 95 AMM 1224 16 AN 95 TROM(Alf 1024 160195 TROMM 1872 04 MMR 95 FASCINATION 1994 13 AN 95 FANTASY 1054 13 APR 95 JlMH 1174 23 APR 95 TROPKAtf 974 23 AN 95 TROPKAIf 1652 05 MMR 95 FESiNAIf 1524 20 AN 95 FANTASY 1004 30 APR 95 JINWfE 1171 30 AN 95 _ TRON(Alf 914 30 AN 95 TWOP M 1652 19 MMR 95 FESMW F 1524 27 APR 95 FANTASY 1004 25 MAW 95 FASCBIA110N 1994 26 MAR 95 FfSTMMf 1524 • 01 All 95 FASaNAM 1994 02 AR 95 F1S11YAlf 1524 08 APR95 FASOIAII N 1814 09 AN 95 FBTNME 1474 . 15 APR 95 FASON M 1814 160195 FESTMUf 1474 47All " n AN 95 FAS(BIA1814 �/j�J v/ 23 AN 91, FFONYF 1Vi THE HOST POPU a. CRUISE LINE IN TI IE WORLD! "' PROTECT FOUR VAC:ITION A ITH VOYAGEUR TILWEL INSU LME—ArE RECOMMEND IT! ARS MAM� ta,rtnr 4OPickering • 420-7600 11 r N t Pres and mates snow.+ are ease availlebre a adverMM deadras and are sA n bang sola One or dwa and a a wdnarge by enc aperawr wwnpx . we reserve to nghl b renwve arty smog ram he Pararaal doer wToul poor noboe Pines may varY deperndrn8 upon dared travel aoommwdarbn sebded "we per persm based on double Ooaparx.Y urrals o9wrwa9e staled Canwal Fly MOO waves are based on category 4 and nmxle roLwXj4 p aAae ran ene sprlcl1- cily Prnoes are stwwn n u S ands to Borne saigs and Can rads for c•ners. phaco reler to he above vice gids Pnoee +%rude port larges and departure tables Canaman Hdndays prices ere ba9ed on coNgory 1 and ndude ronnmrp arbre ran One spec#iea city. pat drarges. air and depenue tames Ar %oft are n accordance wah ere or regnasbas of he Norval Trasport Ager . Tema and oa,daors appkade w hese offerings are ewee delaled n Canwars 1891 - 1995 brodxxe Not rnduded G S T Caade Arport Fac ay dirges. Ira Matalia tar and rnelaled Vasportaaon bas Or arty eons d a DOS" ratrxe unless spoofed Ths oiler may riot be vara n oorWxx*on Noah any cher dsoanr ol nnoeave o•ded by eats SearsTravel oras strpollm NOTICE TO TRAVELERS Travelers stoup be awaretar d8eernt"standards and prachom and d•erernt standards and candaors wrath respect n enc vOvwM d uarres serves and a000nanodaras mal• 1x00 oUade of Savageh any finer Cwwds may not be oombned wwprar%aanal db nndudrV Carnival s Caadw Exoww Program or rer upgrade fiProgram is cap" mnva•ed and avalable waadan Creadees Only boo6w trough a Canadian ravel agency Sears Canada Inc d b a Sears Travel Servnoe Orr Reg &� 141 Quebec: pal M twirler Regslered m Libena Paarna and The Bahamas -- ::cmc: :VFr 4S11:i1"t. rl•. • .r,r, a •'a• .r•f.•x•a' •r r •laic• ve.•ara. • . ---...-•.. •• ..... �.... r rw ■ nansaveae, UrA.&ME LK AV, 17711 -PAGE 23 We., Ajax - Open: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m_ 1 O General Help WANT TO PAY OFF THOSE CHRISTMAS BILLS 9UICffi.Y? 6 PEOPLE REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY TO WEAR & DEMONSTRATE FINE JEWELRY Qualified Fashion Advisors will possess managementcapab4hes, entrepreneurialskdls and a desire b help other people achieve their polenaal. Earnings unkmired, flexible hours, bonuses and more. Cal LADY REMpVGTON for more demris. Ilk (905) 420-3734 FX(*I.1'IN(: \E" Fl R.%n-URF. ~TORE; NOW OPEN In Aurrx„rn (>.hawa, rcyuuca c xpencoced sales tam. Eucilent ae or>t pwmraL Plew rax m said ie-ir b' Demo Sherman Wilum Furniture 20 Centre SL N. Oshawa, Ont. LU; 463 ru (905) r.3-7764 .. pliwr'r. prw. CRUISE SHIP JOBS Earn $300 $900 weekly, year round oosinor. hiring niervwomsrl Free roorn,'bowd, will Vain call 1-504-646-1502 stilt. C100 FACTORY OUTLET DRY CLEANERS Experienced cashiem. countar help. Call between I a.m & 10 a.m. 416-266-7213 LOSE weight the naturai way -' lost 23 Ds. in 1 mrornth aro made 6200 U.S Colors plus weekly too - Call (905) 686-4317 (0106961 RESIDENTIAL Clearer rust have experience, references and own transportation. Must be reliableand bondable. 686- 1601.(010495? $13-20 hrs. full Shifa people required Position and perfor- mance based. Must have good telephone skills. Full training provided. Contact Scott at 905- 6664412. (010695) ENTERPENEUR Distributers carred imm diatMy to serve the Durham and surround" area FuIVW biter. Plow contact Lyn" (905) 432.0369 or Slew (705) 932-7078 for information and a poinunsrr. Code 19W. please leave message. (123094) E111PEAHICED Telenfrk@W to take trawl package orders. Work from home. awnings. =7.50 • commission. Send resume to: Oshawa Cern, P.O. Bok 30509. Oshawa. Ont. L1J B19. (010496) HEAVY duty truck disibbumr is ex -lwkip for a person who is or a000ur" racwi- able and accounts payable. Planet amp resume to: Wheel a Rim Traction, 250 Wentworth SL E., Oshawa. Ont. L1H 7R7. no phone calls please. (010195) IF you are single or a single patent or separated or dinorcad with three years work axporimwe. you may quality for financial assistance or I you aro over 45 and have recently boon laid off, you may quality for train- ing assistance. DIP/CERT., Lotus, Wordperfect. D -Base. Word. Accpac• Bedford, Autocad, Ventura, Pagenwker. Harvard, Corel. Computer Programming and Systems Analyst, Cobol, Pascal and C. Photoshop, Ouadk Egress and illustrator. Durham Business computer Cosaga, 427-3010. (TF) CALL CLUWED 576.935 ' 35,000 - $60,000 Immediate - Commission Potential Sales Reps Pickering Ajax Owl" a 1, 111 be ercMlOnal vias R; Wst dome above average 9100010 Brock Farms Food Services At Nath is yes-q�ali6•d and she n as,anca Call (416) 751-9100 ask for Peter • amw on &,wage oalimsaws ENJOY TRAVELLING? First Pickering Travel has an opening for a sales person for both corporate and leisure opportunity with benefits for a self Working flexible Fax resume to 905-420-9889 or call Candice 905-831-5132 �u UNISTRL; , Unistrut Canada, a subsidiary of Unistrut Corporation, has been manufacturing an extensive line of metal framing components and Space -Frame at its Ajax. Ontario facility since 1971. Unistrut is know the world over by construction and design professionals for quality support systems. We currently have a vacancy for an experienced Materials Manager. The successful candidate will possess solid skills In modern inventory Control and purchasing methods gained from a background in manufacturing, plus PMAC and/or CAPIC training. Other assets could include knowledge of steel. PC usage, and production scheduling experience. We offer a competitive salary and full benefits program Please send or tax resume to: Unistrut Canada, 585 Finley Ave , Ajax, Ontario LIS 2E4 Attention: Allan Ash, Plant Manager (Fax No 905-683-8987). e Flea • a aWyacrdae'd 2 10 Marker 77 LIVE out runny required to cam tot 2 boys. ages 6 & 4 n my hlotrie. Mon -Fri. 7:30-6 pm. Ar ;AWShoppard, cal Lisa. $31- 6776 Alli 6 p m. (1229"! OUAUTY oayicare required in my 'oma for 4 and 2 year old. Mon -Fri 7.30-5 p.m Ow, transportation, non smoker. West Pidter ng 905-509.2634 (010495) CAREGIVER wanted J,gerrtly starting ;n-anuary. -eve n or out. CRurch,Rossland area. Ages. 6 momhs and 7yeas. Call 619.2238 anytimili 1123194) RELIABLE mature sorer re- quxec r •-'y hone to look after 5 year old and 17 months old. Looking mor an experienced. energetic person. full ileo days. References required Can 905. 686.7201 after 6:30 p m (123194- CHILDCARE 123194 CHILDCARE available in my Pickering home by qualified E.C.E. teacher Starting in January 1995. Krosno Sayly M,F Salesperson for travel area, Call Linda at (905) 420 - company. Expor000 a phis- 9041. (122694) Must be able to work unsupervised. 67.50/hr. . commission. Sow resume to , • Oshawa Centre, P.O. Box 30509. Oshawa. Ont. LIJ 81.8 to10495) SKILLED Labour - Injection Moulding Plant in Whitby re- quires Moulder and Set -Up Parson. Please rail (905) 670. 0185 or tax resume to (905) 670- 4642. (010695) Rerefer$/ WW%WA'S and Horrawd •Is. Ni@WW for 1(o AOW Fridlsrjrg ants WTERN HEALTHCARE 40 Hunt SL will #4 App. Ontario (905) 426.1810 DENTAL Assistant - must be certified for busy Pickering office. Cal 839-4486. (010395) PICKER ING S. Whites Rd. Nan- nyrhousa kesper law in or out for 2 school aged children, current references required. Must be mature. Call (905) 631.6975. (123194) 4XiX12"$W 4X6Xli"ilea Lfni4•d �� fAEE DEUVM Falls" sol W du DRY FIREWOOD FOR SALE CALL DAVE 831-7055 FIREWOOD CENTRE 4'x8'x12' :60.00 4'x8'xl6' $65.00 ESTABLISHED 1963 Days 705.277-3381 Evenings 905.434.6665 Froe DeVry to FIREWOOD - excellent quality hardwood guaranteed. Extra PART time babysitter/house hal- king time fully seesawd. Cut per re1,1 1 in Pic konN. Own and apo. Honest measurement - transportation an &$lint. Call Free delivery. Kozy Heat 420.4390 (homy) or 327.53.7 Firewood. (905) 753-2244. Students welcome. (123194) GLASS �s ay �o_rter. sec LIMITED Edn on conec!o• plates with !,arras. 10.5-• THE GRIST M4L DELTA by James Ke,rstead THE SAW MILL Kings Landing by Ke rstead Anglican Church at MAG NETAWAN by A.G. Casson Telephone 430.2143. (010895) OAKPINE FURNITURE - Why pa y •-,a prices? One of Ontario's oldest and largest • anufacturers is now selling direct to the public. Eg oak pedestal table with Utw ext. anc 4 Windsor chairs. $799 8oak double pedestal rJw ext and E fairs. $1429 Cannonball beds. $299 Over 20 stain choices - ail sold. no veneers - Traditional Woodworking, 905.985-8774 (TF) UNDUE Christmas Gifts and Co ect o'es - was^ stands. Wank boxes, dressers, desk, •pptiry chars. w odern chairs- :.Opper Cookware-ahogany dining room s,oe, bedroom wrtee. soca boos Ywr -ne Fur. n/tire Store located r BIOCK'' in Hwy 012 Open waekerds 905) 655-3536 (122794 CARPET dont buy anywhere •1160 rt,, I show you what 1 car do for you. Call Gold. 434-0222. 122994, FREE one book •o any new _.s•o-er. 45.00 boons. now. .sed and rare. S3 each 4 AN' E D - books. pMs. arts. _•eats and mugs 218 Dundas E. WFirtby (012e95) Ot ce desk with two ock:ng STILL paying cape calls? What drawers. SSO Sma i long have you got tosr+owfor rt,)Ow, dresser wrtf mnror S25 Call your ower, saw" system for as 837.1997 22694 'atle as $5C rmonthl r uo to 200 Arlicles• annalsm! N to Choose from- A wry Merry Christmas. T�220 Sale' ., ,41*44a. 432 7565 1122794, COMPUTERS -+ew 4866 from WASHERS. :•rues. Cw 5999 -dp •ops -cam 1475 :Ora stove. now ano reCOnO111011 01 286s ••o•- S35C CO Muir, f225 and'. Ireconditioned media Packages wit^ +Nes M. washers. S1 75 and up for recon- audirg �ns:a,ui,ons *mom 5299 04ionea dryers $175 and uo for Cornputer Clearance Centra. recond,t. dried rridges AMC 161 K.ng St. c Bowrramnile. stoves. Aso coin operated washers ano dryers 6973059 mvryln�ng Stephenson s Furniture and guaanleec O"5951 Appliances. 227 Court St.. Oshawa. 576-7448 (0105) ArIkles CARPETS cats of carpel. 70% 0 23 Wanted nymon. new scan release carped on harp. w, Carper 3 •oorrs. 5349 Prig includes carpet. APPLIANCES wanted MDn`n9 or premum pad. expert nct -rages. stoanted washers, dryers. Also wanted. st intta4avor. lacolin ery, free D'Ck 4p truCb and utility trailer or estimates (30 yards) Norman. tytbec Reasonable. 905.42' 6962314. t C) 2713. 1123195) AJAX Piotenng Appancs no WANTED ole and antique reasonable offer refused, fully tumilLoe. anything Old. SCNntAK guaranteed. Recondrt:oned instruments. china, silver. appbancss. Como make us a advert-s,ng, sport ng, toys. deal. 4276784 467 Wesinely decoys. doll,. milk bortles. 004 - Rd. S Apx. (TF; lectrons or estates Cap Rooke t tfli Fiore racing bicycle, mint Bowen Antiques 905) 655 - condition. 10 speed. au W49.8roosin .'F1 aluminum, 5200 o.b.o. Cxlzer mule portable CD Plapr. hardy •' used. st00. Goth perfect Christmas gifts. After 4 p.m., Trays• 985-3183. (010195) CARPET your Worry' dsoountFFumiture ORGEOUS prices. 100% nylon, stain resistant. price includes �LL •OHOUSE pad and expert installation. CalKITS Nick at (905) 430-6551. (122994) & aooessones 10116 size badapm d includes o ate for words' bad slue, canopy top and side (905) 831.1536 drapes. Excellent condition. (906) 427-1822 (TF) 7PCE dirrel- she with glass top. ARE you a por enced in an art lacquer base, gunshot ..at form or craft form. We haw chairs. 4 years Oki 11200 naw. space available. Please Call Will all 3550. 9056/9-160s. 576-9853,(010395) (010496) CERAWC warehouse open this FULL size wlasawr. dryer. 3250. Sat. 10.3 p.m. New pieces ar- Apartm ent size washer and rI-V weekly. 25% an Christmas dryer. 2 yws old. 5900 o.b.o. lo". s 1333 Boundary Rd. Unit Blue couch. best otter. Can 2, Oshawa 725-6709. (010495) Brad. 905.697-3140. (010195) CARPET Broker, 100% Nylon, e ' thick. plush. stain resistant • carpet For 3 rooms. only $329. Prion includes 30 sq.yds carpet, s50 deluxo pad and installation in your tome. Free quotation in REWARD your home. No interest, no pay- I" monis for one full year until Doc. Sinless K2Ma 1995. Daniel, 1-800-217-0104. & 3arldyBsach Rd. (TF) on Faym Blvd., PKkstag PIANOS/GRANDFATHER on CkrWwm Day. Clacks - Durham's largest soled. Affirms to Wk, a tion - Now and used pianos. Not • sure? Rent to own, apt. size, upright, grand. digital, keyboards. CLOCKS - (Free • ► e • do" am eft up). Trisma 1dgD savingaf Talep Piano Works, 4331491. (TF) ELECTRIC Snowblower, saw. DOG Training Classes - Nov" ciao bike, stair climber (w/ and Open star" January in ►oposl. electric pas trkirlfar, Oshaws. ��n Dog Trawsall, humidifier. 905-509-2344. Batb�� 5765.36 VDI 1111111% _ .. ........... I - - - - .. _ -. _- _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ - _ . - _ - - - _ . • - r• ... - . ... . . . . . . . . . . 9 e e r • e • • • - .. s C r r r r • .. • ..... . PAGE 24-1`11M NEWS ADVERTBER'IfRJRSDAY, 29,1"4 ' • • • . , • • . . . • . . ..... . ... . p d400 START oar on the right paw with 1680 C1sw $Is Um, wlewae8c, baso T R=3101G train fkW of 3 RE C rti our fun and easy dog training at 350 Ngh pit Ponos ongMne. our spacious tactility. For all dIW ttAwM W $2500 ow. ages starting at 9 weeds old. Velled W $%fico n IL O.b.o. 72S. reasonable rates. Call K9 2363. (01088$) Khubhouse at (905) 683-7852 or (905) 837-2364. (010595) 111 OSHAWA Obedience Associa- tion presents show handling classes starting Jan. 9 and obedience classes. Puppy (under 4 mths) and basic beginning, Jan. 10. Advance Registration required. Small classes guaranteed. To register, call Bev at 435-0868. (011095) 1988 Chrysler Caravelle, 4 door. one owner, automatic, ps., pb.. radia. Good condition, $2990 Phone 427-8333 after 5 p.m (TF) 1967 Hyundai Excel. 4 door auto, am/tm cassette, low mileage, excellent clean running ear. Only 61995 earthed. 4 more nice cars to choose from Cal 427-9722 anytime Russ. Open 7 daysMreek!y. Big Town Sales. (010695) APPROVED - bad or no credit. 1980-89 vehicles. Certified or as is. APPROVED. Sunshine, Auto. 666-9237 O.A.T.(010395) BEST wishes for a sate and happy New Year from the Staff of Certicar We have 35 excel. lard owns led pre -owned vehicles in stock. 1990 Lumina Euro. loaded. 72.000 kms.. $8595. 1969 Cadillac Sedan DeVilie. loaded. 59495. 1989 GMC Safari 8 passenger van. 6 cylinder. auto. , - - . $8995 1988 Cutlass Ciera nt., 6 cylndw, auo. wades. $6495 1988 Cougar LS. 8 r -y!,• der. auto. leaded. $4595 1988 Sable LS. 6 cy:.ndor. auto leered. ss111195 1965 Tempo. 4 cylinder, 5 speed. 106.000 kms.. lit"S. 1985 Chev Astro Cargo Van, 6 cylinder. auto. $2995. 6 pickup trucks, 1967.1992 f-om $3495. Coni ar Auto Corriere. 155 Kang St. W at Midlow- Mall. Oshawa 579-2666 '010695 LEASE to own vanhcies.1960- 1965. 5345 dove-,. rz) r!eres• -.c credit checks 696 '426 AJAX - CLIPPER APTS. 2 and 3 bedrooms, broedloorn, 2 appliances, underground park)ng 55 FALBY COURT Yon.-Flrl. 9.5 p.m., Sat. i Sue 12-5 pm. (905) 6834MM S mi eir Calc den Ploperkies Limk*d 7. 6600 all indusive. Call (905) Laundromat facilities. $668. 4274222. (010395) 576-2982. (010495) - 10 • + 19001&06 19019100000 SOUTH Oshawa - 275 AJAX - large two bedroom IIOUOE 1a1sy - _y MAMA MAMAOalod owes • Spadats SNA a now ou mem RfartmsM with tWepaoaf rpartrrente,quiet building. don bedroom bungalow, all lownhonee with quiet per wet bar. one bedroom. full bath. to shoppitg. 401 and Go. Pool. applarloss, hien yard, air, die. sional male single pares Available Jan. I. Cal( (905) 500- sauna, 1. 2 and 3 bedroom, to Go. Non unclear. $925 . 1/2 Pill",laundry. ab +pP� 6120. (123/96) _ _ Jan. and Feb 1. Cal 68341571 571 hiss. Fit*~. available Feb. arad tatdNiss. Student welcor AJAX Westney/Hwy 02. new ural 730 p.m. (123094) 1.905-839-0018. (010695) available irtxnedimely. 54 large one bedroom basement SIMCOE SL N. Oshawa. S. of monthly Inclusive. Call 41 apartment. separate entrance, Taunton. 12-plex, two ' 2190. (010396) own south yard, pokag, non bedroom, includes parkin, all GERNALFAMPOSSLAND, W snicking no pets Available Jan. inclusive except hydro. b tSRhed bedroom n OUVE/COURT - tumrstrd one WHITBY 3 bd.... main floor WHRHY-& l� WATER PARK i Wentworth St. W. Bachelor, apartment, available bedroom condo. 5 appliances. - ar, renovated two month. Ground floor and large one and two bedrooms. immediately. $765 inclusive. • 1 and 2 bedroom suites, broadloom, if dose to buses and shopping. 5764178. (010495) • 3 lances. � Available line, at*. Cal 721- vA6rANclEst call the one Stop 65-4120 101 KA HLEEN ST. W. 0 9722 or 434-5193 between 9-8 rental shop for a BETTER WHITBY - two bedroom main Mon. -Fri. 9.7 p• P.m, $�. & Sum. 12-5 trt Creek park setting. Large 2. 3 bedroom, $695 and $795. In- p.m. (010495) selection. DURHAM HOME ONE bedroom apartment, (905) 571-3522 0 OSH1AWA . two bedroom apart- RENTERS. (905) 428-1278 min- + S1NRer Csnadian Properties Limited 0 at 900 and 888 imal too. DI D'S AD• pets ploaso. STILL Ronrirgs Nonh Oshawa, basement aparmom. pamally Galen St. Close o1 schools. shop- VERTISE F EEIilable (TF) • ! i • • 0 it • i • • • 0 • • • i ping and Grin. Lnflties included. FirsWst months rent required PRIZE Location - NW Ost OUVE/COURT - tumrstrd one WHITBY 3 bd.... main floor WESTNEYiHWY 42 - one Cal 726-4993. (010695) bedroom apartment. $525 per duplex $965 . hydro includes bedroom condo. 5 appliances. - ar, renovated two month. Ground floor and heat, water, fridge. stove. sauna, exercise room, poo(, bedOSHAWA rooms' 4 parking. Call 728-9348. washer, dryer, dock. 2 car• parking space, $825 monthly' eat.applhydro and monthly . heat, hydro and (010495) parking, available immediately Available Mar. 1. Call 905-837. water. 436-0663 message or rtrond y (pip 3 bedroom bun - 65-4120 0639 (010495) 462-3578 direct. Available TWO storey apart.. same. Oshawa EAST of Oshawa - 2 two WHITBY - two bedroom main irrrrediately. (010495) Creek park setting. Large 2. 3 bedroom, $695 and $795. In- bedroom apts. 1 13 man pan of floor d triplex, $775 includes ONE bedroom apartment, eludes garage parking, im- Inowe. utilises Vinci. $495/$790. 905.686-3201 or 905-697- utilities. Freshly painted. new carpet. riewGO station. bussing $601 03 monthly includes heat, mediate possession. 404-1614. mm availahlw. (:all [i fi6.n6R7 lights. water and cable T.V. Coin (012095) - apartment, quiet, clean and (010195) salary, a..e w1�^w mowZ3- �ub(e'rtnrled'ately. Cal �- • I� NORTH Oshawa freshly --- - BAY Ridges - two bedroom 7183. (0105%) , , panted newer two bedroom up- basentenl apartment, close to e per floor of house, large kitchen OO, on quiet street, $750 month- . and livingroomt laundry room. (1 including1964utilities. 839 5229. BOWMANVILLE -ens bedroom close to schools and shopPin9� (123194) apartment, close to doemtown, faIXIE/lfwr 82 -upper three $775 per "Ken" . some utilities rtrond y (pip 3 bedroom bun - available Jan. 1. $463 per bedroom. fireplace. oro 10 deck. :ncLuded. Available Jan. 1. First PICKERING - Liverpool/flatly, month. Includes heat, hydro. 51000 . utilities. Lower one last, no pets. 683-2996. hear Go. very large two bedroom parking, fridge and stove. 623- bedroom, privale. parking. $700 (010495) basement, full bathroom, 7996, (122791) . unties. Cal Harry (416) 283- all amenities. 686.9905. k.tchen and laundry. own 7393 or Jennifer (416) 283- - apartment, quiet, clean and emrarw. very aaracirve irW. 416-494-3765 or 905770.7222 --- ..__�_ ... �_. �... mart floor now Go. O -et Street. -1. %,.,�.,�--, WHO says you afford to spaccus 4 tow bathroom, no (122994) parting. $760 inckles. des utilities. 3 b buy a mouse. 3 bedroom smoking. no pets. $650 all -- _ Ca163l;5229 !010495) . inclusive. Calf 663-0799. BACHELOR Basonrre Apart- from 6675 inckusrve. cut direct to toevnhousa carries for $460 (010394) ment m cuiet roighbourhood PICKERING one bedroom rtrond y (pip 3 bedroom bun - SMALL one bedroom near King/Ritson. Separate basemen! apartment. 3 put. gyow carries for $780 (Pep . LARGE one, bedroom basement entrance. parking. fridge and both, thundty. parking, dose to mora. CAN Mark Stapley React apart-o,,t includes cable, stove. $450 . hydro. Jan. 1. all amenities. 686.9905. Accord, 576-3111. (010495) unties, use of Laundry. Pnvato 430-0908. (010495) (010495) NO down payrntient7 Good entrance, trsVlast required No Feb t $650 905 bontral air. in ndusne. DICKERING - one bedroom CredsP Good joi you can buer pets ploaso. STILL Ronrirgs Nonh Oshawa, basement aparmom. pamally IOP ire priced white priors 627-25W (010495) $75.300. Three bedroom, furnished. fr ! AVAILABLE n Oshawa 3 Whirl- finished rot room. workshop. St. T sundry' and rates 4 down. Can Doug sgarate emance. Temporary. or Bram. Cotarwxnsy t:inandal. by apart• -hent butdng. Spacious hardwood floors, walkout 10 $500. trail 420.2183. 023195; 6. (TF) arpslsd nowly Denied apart patio. econorrxc gas '+oat. -ow BLOOR.SIMCOE largo two WHITBY East - dines bedroom '-font with balcony, dose to bus. snapping. Aa utttos included TAUNTON rt 1w.o (n 1 1 1 43. ( 1 o1 9s ) TAUNTON Oshawa PICKERING spacious oar OOOfOorm• tondo with fr- 9O513b 3741. (01 01951 cos, to own s79Smonrnly. Phone (9051 723-5281 Peter bedroom t <6 unit building. man flew d raiasd bungalow. FwVAW required. No pets. One Neat. Stales PAP. Guido Ready. storage. aund►y. parking, well Good nwghbouA+cod. dose to bedroom. $625. Two bedroom. (TF) managed. Coos+ to storeslbus, shopping 5800 . utaaiss. Await - $725 Cal 430.0134 1TF) Condominium. Excellent from 6675 inckusrve. cut direct to able Jan. 1. 728.6481_ (0 10005) Available Mara, and April. NCHWHITEs one bedroom Am 1 Be= St. w or can coca - - PICKERING - two bedroom plus SMALL one bedroom baser -her! apartment. separate 9055714289. (TF) Florida room, wood stow . apartrnerlt, laundry. parking, all entrance. now kitchen, bath. COUNTRY Living - Courtice, two fireplace, attached garage. utilities. $475montnly. Available laundry, broad ! 0 0 m • d . bodroom apartment for rent. 1!4 alio lel ii re No pets 576-8675. 'rackl ght,ng, amp.e close!, 5650 montntrly. Available Feb. t. $900. k. s. withelsobativie 590 (013495) bontral air. in ndusne. Private entrance. 436-2543. aayvia•e. 839 - Ava.tablO mid January. 839- Available Go, firsUlasi required. Available kitchen, fully fenced. monthly. s600 monthly. F.rsulast. No I ­ 0 1d9e• A6ilAWA one bedroom baso DICKERING three bedroom Lodroorm basement apereir ei stove, washer and dryer. MAIN 'ktor of law Whiny ox- ment apartment, central detached Wick house. fenced an inclusivs SSW Aleo. lum. Broadloom. Good storage Owne hone, indoor parking, location. Responsible parson yard, finished basefrent. $1050 bdnn upstairs Share SM. space. Available r m od&MW. bwl&y. f;XnohOd or hot. $450 only. Orn entrance. first/last, . Uities. 4 appliances. Avail - Available m►meOOtoiy. Call 5650 . hydro Cal 72B-3878. per month. f-ttsVlast. CW 666- 6425 mof thy. utilitiK included able now. Call Lynn Papiszo at A19.9634 r010595) 1156 010495) Telephone 430-4076 (122794) 428-9766 (010496) a & ' IV ACCusERV - accounting aro consuking services; for (small) businesses. Monthly book busuinsgsm. co- puNnaod accounting system. Cal 668-1039. (122894) ILLUSTRATION, cartooning• graphic design. advertising. Business or personal. Rsouorubie false. Also lessons available. Randy Timms. (905) 729.7055. (TF) S i 6 OrMng School 10 lessons $150 3 lessons a test 175 Free pick-up //&drop off 2Vsk-�-3M _ 7 daysJwegk SPECIAL move in bonus on two & three bedroom townhouses. y - ume smoker, avaMsble Feb. I. tatiralas and utiles Indud $380 per ..we ti. Cal 725.94 (010395) All utilities included PICKERING. Whites/401. m t cable. Ells except y 10 1ent len four bedroom him private bath, share kitch access to 401. Please s400 monthly. Call 420-36 call 579-4520. (123194) e AVAILAM for January & February - one bedrooms, one bedrooms plus den 6 GREAT Vacation Spot - F two bedrooms In luxury I piano Reach, two b9droor"S' Condominium. Excellent bathrooms, swimming, hot tennis, close to all amen recreational facilities & en- Available Mara, and April. suite features at discounted 0006.(01 Of 95) rents. Please call GVP 60. GORGEOUS three bedn condo, dose to famous C THREE bedroom town- water Beach. Pool, fact houses available. AN BBQ, private yard, avail, now -May 1995. For imorm; utilitieS ex t Cable cep and o vow photos. 686-9e4 579-3788. (TF) included. Easy access to 401./�nr C4 M1 6W AJAX - three bedroom free WHITBY - nearly new 3 townhouse. No mainton, bedroom townhouse. sups from We. Living/diming room. i Go, firsUlasi required. Available kitchen, fully fenced. Jan. 15. 5875 per month. Cal appointment. afw 6 p.m. (905) 666-3452. 1010595) Thurs. Ursula. 905-4294 • 01p5a5) PRIZE Location - NW Ost terse large hardroorte, in ec room, office. 3 batt ROOM FOR RENT Per week Or month. owtornaWhites Rd. Hydro staff Welcome. Sunny, dealt home. (905) 4204042 docks, Largs forced yard- P to move in. 434.1844. $154 (010406) 1 LIGHTFUL detached •home. 2 yews Tomuna bit bsdroorn, 3 bath. garage. 1 room with fireplace. ' kitchen. deck. Picket $199.900. Cal WS -831.36 61".8o0 BoarmanvkM FURNISHED rood for ren'. Clean, clow to Go and bedroom. 2 storey, 2 b shopping. Non smoker. $75 FAG neat. Imsp wesLiy (`x1686 -540g. rolniew) pine throughout, uPgr kadts l and bath- largo h UIVERPOOLIBAYLY - see con- yard. play Contra. 4011W. tamed mom. full kitchen, bath. Rd. 623-2376. (01111495) laundry prlvisgas. Cable. Now $104,1100 - tfinn bedroom in and bus roues. fAv Availfonthable y with garage to Oshawa_ Lar inclusive. Availabl• 61 - fatNy. Cali (9)S) 637- shaped dninW" room' 0538. (01ON$) kndnei . partially tin$ - - merit on a nice and r LARGE !right room. scow- aresoenc walwrg distance floor of houses. now Pickering anentes. Extallert ftp; . Town Comm. Quiet mature ler het time buyers, latrn person, 6400 inclusive. 424 possos4ron. Owner -N 1975 betas 3 p m. (010494) SELL-. (905) 432-6 NsewAdvertiser'683-5110 CARPET InslalaborK - 25 years experience. restretchng, our specialty. Free estimates D A N Duncan. 997-1790 or 987-1800. (TF) TtION kl'18r10r 8114 BXMIIOf rBpBNs. refl0ilistiori aid ooflgnxtiolL Fad and polle tut _ � work guaranteed. CR US -1913 S.C.G. Construction Ltd. - quakty sstMior and interior renovations, rspais. addiiorls. desigwbuad bars and cab.tels. All workmanship guaranteed and insured. ComnaCt Gary 839- 0984. (TF) VAZ GENAL COWRACTMIG Custom Holmes. Hoare Adrxliom$. 13afM, f(fIc1181M, 8686186fI1, Rob, Close c Ties, He d000d Flom, Wiird0lo 09" Cal JutMifl. (N% 6"18 ftmi. Mok Comm as bat M�f� �M r110t psOpY q b� tsNl tii��� 110 111100101 (dW& aA " mm (�eaMA � d6Crf�r NItrM� imesiA 8 /Psi. FI6Mr eodmo< Ylady CeaIMBt" CLEATING Lady special - ft" clewirg for the right answer. Where are al chis germ left in your bathroom? Cal 905-721- 0030.(010495) GAILLIND , WD S0111111111CM c1 FALL C& t�E Cbuntp litrt ba�idtgl d tr�lftly i f� wl�ldy stlnrioes. tltquile ler �l�i Ca" for yafl tt0 m *0 psllOftdz lipid nisinimsionall SBIV' for oliew a d Kett. .'&(Ft*'fended and, oil 14 681-7515 -- - -r FmiliesNARRr-o-TNE-raovERs - ►-Mill 268006nl PifiiAfil1 is " ftlie EflMtlrei Ord Robs Pf a llsssonBr .S/rVIM Cram M, move big or sinal, we price in � 1101,IeR as"dacaxa. di snrl ail Free estimates sertises short ^oto trrovas. DRYWALL and Painting. Pianos moved- Comparable boarding, taping, texturing, piano Ppiano Kkk rates. Cal 432.2960. (TF) rams. painting, renovations and YEN with large truck will do household residential. "Ors- Small jobs. 15 years experience. Free estimates. NMImmterCiW. mows. Ali types d moves. Serving Durham and out d town Cal Carl or Jane, 427-2856. area. Call Kon, 434-4500. (010695) AJAX Moving System - full (TF) sonless, moves. appliance C a, R Maollwwv" erns ' hourly. a now have boated IBCiIAL.SIU �� �� piano specialists. flat Tato or residerdw. comrlM tdirtg apamm»ma, offioas. appk.no. comp! 1.wls. Now oRarMp tree m r Vis. M it raids � piano specialists. Free bocce wNh now. Park asld bId <? l `•k ing oring a rgMadrg. cal for wardrobe service. licensed. apoeiel. starting N (188 and up. los satire X VW slceeplee. insured. Free eswlwoe. sae 00 for * dorarlsn. 7250005tIr (905) 8643300. (TF) 438.7796. (1F) 427.0006. (TF) UAGK AK down hiends. re to arrtortmin Im any age, occasion. Birthda promotions, openinj 1839-7061heelp. 837061 721111-8334. (TF) RABBIT wants work do nlag)c for rhildran's parties all occasions. Have my c ffwGicim. Call Ernie, 668-45 Psi.. . �. .. County Town Singers need vocal people DURIIAM -The County Town Singers needs a few good men anti women The group is holding auditions Wednesday. Jan. 11 at 7 p.m. at Cormack Station, 250 hickory St. south of llwy. 2, Whitby. Tenors and basses especially needed. Call Janice at 837--144 for information. TO GET THOSE *********** * PHONES RINGING ADVERTISE IN FOCUS Sarre day services { CALL NOW FOR IMMEDIATE ACTIpN Ems. CALL JANICE AT 683-5110 ��-h,v 6dt�l r by Elizabeth inexpensive Quality Gifts • Country A Ylctrian Mia, Bunnies, Crafts ti Ascots • Scerulad Candles • Throw Rugs • Spins 8 Jests • Gourmet Coffee i T- • Lwe 1 linen • Afghans. Badtings ti Accessories • Ilene Decorating ConsulbMs • Swags i wrestle • Dried rid silt P~ ArrangNMIS 956 Dillingham Rd., Pickering f 839-6333 MWFROM 7.5% 1 st Mtge. 95%/2nd, 3rd • Rental Properties & Cottages • Re -financing • Debt Consolidation • Rural Properties • Sen -employed No Income - No Problem Prime Deals Below Bank Rates Fast Professional Service Since 1975 CALL TOLL FREE 686-2557 STRAHL CONSTRUCTION 1%2 . ,Since •Windows 600ors .---, •Additions 4kn votim •Cot model Rellift ��� 'r� •Ctntotw •Fi•2000 905-435-0450 MEW ■ • Ctxlhact Ltlnses • anocular 1 ism • Percepkw Testing • spa niqd eA Types of Frances A 188 GWWM Road. Suile 212, Pidw ft Orllao, L1V 6R6 Osftatra Cwft SletreLLson Ruck Oshawa, OrMad0. L1J 2K5 sn-= 'VIA f oferNCIAL man -me moms o� * • •Ci1tOREN'! t+AanEs * No AIUSS' No FUSS LEAVE THE WORK TO US" &rthday paries for all ayes 1400 88ylySttf nit 16A 1-*** , it Mortgage Factory net earnings top 1 billion for 1994" L___J A TORY i •1st, 2nd &3 Mortgages t,1 ' Open Privilege Sarre day services { CALL NOW FOR IMMEDIATE ACTIpN Ems. lL A The friendly and helpful staff at The Mortgage Factory are from left Lesley Singer, Glenn Campbell, Paul Chatham and Sylvia Jules. UNFORTUNATELY NOT!" sectors would benefit, from the retail levels to the manufac• However, it boggles the mind, how our major lending institu- tures, to the contractors, to the builders, and so on and so on. tions can justify or at least attempt to justify the exorbitant profits for this year, while the majority of the population is CONSOL.IVATE NOW'!? struggling just to survive the economic crunch over the past Christmas is appr(mching a lot faster than we want to believe, few years. and with that comes those massive after Christmas bulls (at very high rated. We are doing large quantities of consolida- HARD FACTS• tions and debt restructuring, with the rionthly savings in the Bank of Canada ["rime in December 1993 was 4.11%, Bank areas of $500 to $900 a month with one client &acing $1281 a prime was 5.50% (spread of 1.39%) and 5 year mortgage rates month, were as low as 6.90% (spread 1.40%). Current Bank of Canada Prime is net at 5.62%, Bank Prime is 7.00% (spread of 1.38%) "AWAY FROM UP FRONT FEESM and 5 year mortgage rates are set at 9.90% (spread of 2.90%). Every article I stress this, and every month we have 6 or more clients come in with horror stories. Remember if it seems to WHAT DOES THIS IMEANZ" gaol to be true it usually is. On a mortgage of 150,000 on a 5 year tern, there is_an addi- tional $2250 fnterest charged each year, or $11,250 over the 5 IMPORTANT!!' year term (This in my humble opinion is called pure profit, and As sometimes happens, I get caught up in writing this article don't forget this additional amount we are paying is after tax and thankfully my excellent staff point out some things I dollars). missed. The most important, being the fact we have 5 year mortgages available, at 9.40'X0 a full 1/2% lower than the WHAT CAN WE DO??? majors. Well, one thing you DO NOT DO is blame your friendly bank teller or even the Bank Manager. These margins are not with - LET EXPERIENCE WORK FOR YOU!!! in their control, these are corporate decisions made by the From our Whitby location, we have been serving Durham and upper echelon in the corporate towers. CHANGE will only surroundings areas, (as far north as North Bay and East past come by letters and complaints to all levels of Government. Cornwall) since 1985, and have been serving Ontario since Everyone wants to make a profit, and they should be entitled 1975. to one, BUT LEI'S GET REAL, do our economic Gods not realists that with more confidence and disposable income, all 1111 next time kilenn A Uam Why Advertise In Focus on Business Durham businesses wanting to increase their profile and sales volume find that being a part of the Focus on Business advertising feature definitely has its advantage. Over the last few years a great many businesses - of all sizes - have found that investment in the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser's and Oshawa/Whitby This Week's Focus on Business feature have generated extra phone calls that likely would not have otherwise occurred. How do you get involved? When a company makes a commitment to advertise for 10 weeks on the page, it also receives a full feature story, complete with pictures. The story reinforces the advertisement, enabling the business to explain in depth its product and/or service, philosophy, goals, special promotions and even a historical overview. Unless the business chooses otherwise, everything is done by the newspaper's staff: the ad design, story interview and writing, plus the taking of the photographs. 44.0 t a business needs to do is prepare for the increased sales volume. For, more irrtb6iii"don call Janke' at 683-5110. GARDINERS DUCT CLEANING, CHIMNEY SWEEP i EAVESTROUGH CLEANING Hook-up $34. 95 $5 per vent FREE 75E - Airside Cleaning, mm. ? 0 ducts .t Chimney Sweeping oro $39.95 >> GARDINER DUCT CLEANING .0 A CHIMNEY SWEEP (416) 282.3292 DISCOUNT WHOLESALE WAREHOUSE SPECIALIST Multi-piy stainless steel waterless cookware, lifetime guarantee. 6 mo.. terms. Revolutionary new style vacuum cleaner will outdean anything, terms. BOTH PRICED 1 DO'S OF DOLLARS LOWER THAN THE COMPETITION _hAA_ 1 CALL BOB 576-5363 SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF NOMA SNOWBLOWERS Price includes setup & delivery to Ajax. Pickering arra. 855 Westney Rd. S. AJAX, Ont. 683-%21 THIS PROFESSIONAL STILL MAKES HOUSECALLS... Your time is valw6k. So why waste it shopping for the right insurance and investment products' I'll help you make the best financial planning clwices_.at your convenience. At The Prudential, we are committed to Takia; Care of People with innovative products, sound financial advice and top quality customer service. Call rte today, for information about: Insurance: lavestanestr • Life , Annuities • Heam • Mutual Fusels • Horne • RRSP's • Auto • RRIF's • A career with the Prudential _.and residential awrtllages Mike MaW MDA Tbg Pradealisl lanmraaa C—PM7 of Awferka 100 wselasy Road Soulk. Suits 101 ThePnXbrtM Ajax, Ontario LIS 7ti3 low sem a Tel: (f105) 427-4060 Menem Semi= Fax: P05) 4274M FUTURE KIDS CHRISTMAS COMPUTER CAMPS December 27-30 January 3-6 Call for details. F0 tae a compwu r.p ws a upgrades Ali Rd+ lI a16, Pi�lntliq PAGE 26-THE NEWS ADVERTISER T HtJRSDAY, DECEMBER 29,1"4 ���[500 500 polimm $10,000 ph as kth S� ae st 10 per rrwnth o.a.c. Cal w>Iwt,^►��Iwr► � fA � alt► .f■►�w►. >A�w� onvhcn vivinumic�uu. v ' •EAUtIFUL bun 'ow, 3.1 Ja668-7200 Free 3edroorrls, finished nrec room consultation*. Anubis Invest- RARE gpmunttytocash inon' We pay the $50 deductible Q er E pith M1111 -to -wall fireplaw. 2.4 rrnenls Ltd. (TF) low housiry pnes. Lower inter- i� ice. baths, large yard. oeTA1NNG A LOAN IS NOT iwvnhouc7eremodrn cleaano1 and give you $25 cash back! wrdwood flooring, central air, GUARANTEED. SOME COM- applia„cyc, nart(3ag8 at 8.99% 3.5% assumable mortgage to PANES CHARGE UPFRONT 4 yrs. Cal Barrie Lennox, 668- Before YOU decide who works on YOUR car, call us for '-001• $159,900. Self contained FEES, OTHERS Do NOT. IT IS 3800. (oto595) I FACTS on glass quality and correct installation procedures n•law apartment. Call 725.8769. SUGGESTED THAT YOU IN_ 1229") VESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY • Guaranteed Highest Quality Glass CONTRACTS. (TF) • Lifetime Guarantee on Workmanship • Free Pick-up and Delivery SUNDAY, JAN. In 24 P.M. , • Work done in -shop for best results 2543 PARKDALE ST., PICKERINGITS A GIRL I • Offer based on insurance rates DELIGHTFUL Detached brick home, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, garage, family room with fireplace main floor, huge kitchen, deck. $199,900. Call 905-831- 3595. &N1110-10111110 67U Personals, LOST We,glc =ee G,eat' %ew breakthrough in Herbal SINGLE while male, 34 years Supplements. -I've lost over 20 old Arractve and active seek - lbs. and 3-. and made more than ing single attractive non smo k- $10.000 in 3 months from ing female for long term homer' Free Gift Offer. Call now. relationship- Please reply to File 1-800-331-3241. (TF) 87084, Oshawa This Week, DELI- equpment and location P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, Ont. L1H 71-5.(122794) la sale. $7500 o.b.o. Call Andi. 432-1011, leave message. (122794 ) MOTHER'S Dreamt Slay, home. Lost wo9ty. Gain Energy. Make Money. -1 lost 20 lbs. and make $9600 in 3 months. Cal 1-800- 561-5216.(TF1 WHAT'S in store for 1995? Pam, present and future psychic readings. Complete confiden- tiality assured. By appointment only. Call 433-4099 Oshawa. (010695) HACHEY 'THE NEXT GENERATION" Steve Hachey and N a King-Hachey are thrilled to announce the safe and early arrival of their beautiful daughter MARISA EFFIANIA, on Wednesday December 21, 1994, weighing 7Ib6.9ozs. She will be the first to be spoiled by proud Grandparents Norm and Marg Hachey, Great Grandparents George and Effie Nicholson. Lucky Marisa is also welcomed by experienced Grandparents Ron (Zadie) and Kathy King. Adrienne (Grama) and Don Banks. Great Grandparents Grace Tobis, Joan Salter Hayden. Other pleased family members include Uncle Dave, Aunt Karen, Aunts Irene, Melissa, Honorary Auntie Heather, Cousins Joseph, Justin, Laura Felines Sasha, and Freeway. Extra special thanks to Auntie Becky for helping out with the labour and the delivery. Thanks also to Dr. Somerville, and the delivery team and combined care staff at Scarborough Grace Hospital. e_ ;W455k'li W '(� Pat, � 4,:;72� 00, ' WINTER REGISTRATION CLASSES and SEMINARS JANUARY 3rd to 7th During Regular Business Hours: Tues. to Sat. 10-5, Tiies., Wed., TI For all levels of classes, seminars, workshops in Folk Art, Fabric Painting, Basketry, Ceramic M THE COURTYARD PICKERING VILLAGE 109 Old Kingston Rd. W., Unit #1, Ajax { 905-683-6109 f -11,51-R19, I ®�©111 m m "'e'er � ti• Steve and Sylvia are I CA EAN-UP SERVICE thrilled to annouce the safe arrival of I ngine Shampoo .......... S25 STEPHANIE ANNE - MARE TIMPANO born I xtedor Wash & Wax .... S35 01 on November 11, 1994. weighing „Ibs.40zs. F. Guard.................S75 Happy Grandparents are I Interior Shampoo & Detail ....... S8911 Anne and Fred Goering of Pickering and Stephan and Maria Timpar o of I Ontlia. Special thanks to I W Dr. Henderson and the _ nursing staff at MEee� SEEN eat NEW NEED ME ws, erg NEW!ens erg � recite 1 the Ajax/ ..� . j,y:rwPickering r f�`•'•?•:: :.. .. , SIMON- ;. Hospital Imi : rP�° 1995 RATE ATE DECREASE '7 Pickering Hydro is announcing a new schedule of electricity rates for electricity consumed on and after January 1, 1995. The average impact of these lower rates is as follows: Residential - reduction of 2.5% General - reduction of .6% The lower rates are supported by cost reduction measures, and better than anticipated financial performance. The new schedule of rates is as follows RESIDENTIAL SERVICE 1st 250 kW. Wmonth 11.22ctkW h Balance per month 7.45c/kW h Minimum Bill $ 6.00/month QENERAL SERVICE 1st 250 kW.fVmonth 11.22ekW h Next 12,250 kW.h/month S.19ckW.h Balance per month 5.86cJkW.h Demand Charge (0.50 kW) No Charge (Over 50 kW) $5.80/kW/month Minimum BID $6.00/month ' or 60CAW of maximum demand in excess of 50 kW established in previous eleven (11) months. EEauryENT RENTAL 40 Gallon Water Heater $4 50 per month 60 Gallon Water Heater $5.00 per month 100 Gallon Water Heater $5 00 per month Miscellaneous rate schedules are avaitable on request from our office. The Goods and Services Tax is applicable to all energy consumption and taxable services. PICKERING HYDRO -ELECTRIC COMMISSION 1920 gayly Street PickerkV, Ontario L1 W 31146 (905) 427-0791 FAMILY DENTISTRY IN PICKERING DR. P. GOODMAN O & DR. S. WEINER �^ j & ASSOCIATES 0► 00 � IN HOUSE ORAL SURGEON & PERIODONTIST EMERGENCIES SEEN ;IMMEDIATELY EVENINGS & SATURDAY BY APPOINTMENT SENIORS DISCOUNT DENTISTRY WHILE ASLEEP AVAILABLE ® - 1139w595 1 _W UYERPOOL RD. SOOT" OJVERPOOL & fIAYLYt— , X A SE T 5544 4 ET 584 369 W619 QUEEN ..... 534 sET esu KING —' CAPTAINS BED maple 4 large storage drawers Disc ce ET $364 S404 DQUB� 39 SET 259 SET 444 QUEEN ..... 419 SET 664 KING .. — i— s NO GST 'delivery mattress Over ET $314 S, ^ :^9 T374 ppUBIE.... $SE QUEEN 39 T a,9— ! " F., 1. 2 T 51eE In VMr� PNONE ORDEK \ ;p J� `. w IM M e w only SEV264 DOUeLE.... 209 std 304 QUEEN — THE NEWS ADVERTISER THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1"4 -PACE 27 ill r OICES •NO Pg • bed frame •Pillow o� $214SET 159 ss 2EA pQUBIts.- QUEEN - — 6 -PIECE. BEDROOM SUITE W-9 71 u Upiku M ANY r%1nd_%c �L- J }, ./ ! from $89 1 Tues. -Fri. 10-9 Saltu�d�l 10-3 WtM $89 $14SET 6- DOUBLE 1. 129 QUEEN - Fwanad O Large,sta,F actOry Direc t 36 - 'tOres r� i' TAUNTON z � D w •` of ', w Y z —> o �_� :� z £ NN AV LA L �"' ____,�, ..Y�,.YfYy i rytr.�y �.,�,.. , .. :'ia.X %t.}. `.:.u'r N• i��: PAGE 29 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER THURSDAY. DECEMBER 29, 1994 011 i Waft\ .•�" if �` - \ ' e. ■..,tom " ����' w PANORAMIC NORTH EXPOSURE! Two bedroom condo apartment with underground parking. 2 -piece en suite & walk-in closet and large balmy overlooking north Pickering. Only $89.500! / Ia IV i ri•t�rt�iiG',�� 3 BEDROOM DETACHED - ONLY $137,500 Come see this immacuiate Ajax home. Beautiful country decor. hardwood floors. great room sizes Call today. 4 BEDROOMS, DETACHED ONLY 5149,900 Great value for a growing family. Hardwood floors, firwshed basement, pool plus much more. Call today OVERLOOKING CONSERVATION AREA - =102,000 Professionally decorated ' Shows immaculate 2 parking spaces ' Indoor pool Walkout balcony ' Cenral air conditioning En suite laundry facility THIS AJAX HOME IS A MUST SEE!! PRIVATE RAVINE LOTI Ranch -s" bungalow with finished walkout basement. Also has balcony across back of house, perfect for Wdd-watching! Terrific potential. $219,500. 1107 START OUT RIGHT - S157,500 Immaculate detached. 2 storey offers double bay windows, eat -in kitchen, main floor laundry, central air, b/i dishwasher and is fenced and landscaped. TREAT YOURSELF!!! All the toys for Christmas. Central air & central vac., roman tub. marble fireplace, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 -tier deck, quiet peacelul neighborhood. appliances included. Only 11K down. Cal now. try your offer! IL =map SOUTH AJAX - ONLY $119,400 $5.995 down and payments lice rent when you assume the 4 year, 7.75% mortgage. Finished basement, fireplace, new carpets. A must to see. WALKOUT BASEMENT N WHITBY Fabulous Bayfield home ' PrdessiaaMy fnisfred basement Huge premium kt • Solid oak starcase 2 skylights 2 freplaces ' Loads of ceramics ' Family room Huge eat -in kA&oen SHOWS TO PERFECTION!" a A NEW BUNGALOW Priced at $175,000! 3 bedrooms, central air, your choice of kitchen & broadloom, roughed -in kitchen & bath in basement. Basement waft will be drywaled and a deck built off the kitchen. What value! 011ILA I/ 10111,a:V W 10, V r„ - -/1 GREAT BEGINNING AT $104,500! 2 storey cordo townhome offers new broadloom, new windows, new flooring, finished basement, eat -in kitchen, built-in dishwasher - and more! �.; • $0 MUCH FOR $0 LITTLE! ' A real deal for a smart shopper Det., al brick stager home in dtwrable We*" aft dose to 4018 GO Finely Mrrsfred basement with real bamboard - bi> great ' Cent. ar, cent. vac. & low manienanoe ' 4 aDpls.. newer foroed air aas kmace s� 4 BEDROOMS N SOUTH AJAX - ONLY $165.900 Huge eat -in kitchen with Peninsula Courter Quiet famiy street dose 10 all schools Finished basement ' Comes cortplete with private lot Vendor finance available. This one was just listed and 9 won't Iasi bngm �. •� ,tom 1l' {� "'� ��� �� - WALKOU BASE TENTkin Three level wit Ajax lowMouse features rec room with wet bar, eat -in kitchen, 2nd floor balcony & is just steps to ffhe lake. 04 $107,500! TREE -LINED STREETI Cosy 2 bedroom bungalow sits on nice, mature lot. Features hardwood floors, newer windows & more for only $109,500!