HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1994_11_30L1 a. gwounw; CHMI COMpt"M SPECIALS HAVE WGUN DON? =8 OUT - IMM howl IE�Si A t1�� tIIR t�S1�S CATAItI� PICKERING TOWN CENTRE TIS'' * t11e 'seasoit bQ66-& 10' O"O" The News Advertiser invites local groups and businesses to publicize their goodwill efforts In the community as Christmas approaches. WEEKDAYS $95 LUNCH SPECIALS Ma. 3 ■ i ao Dine In Only �GNews ..Advertiser Wednesday, Nov. 30, 1994 48 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 37,500 Vol. 113 No. 48 - - -- -- --- VCOURTS .y instructedur On'the march for -Santa Juft J ftm Rmches in turps wtlh her parade and rnarthlg bands made their way from Ste - mates during the Ajax Santa Claus parade tion Street down to the Harwood Place Mall. which wound its way through town on Satur The annual event is sponsored by the Ajax day. Julia, a nien6a of the Woodwew Royals ,Lions Club. Baton Corps, kept in step as the colorful floats photo by Cela Bronkhorst on verdict call in murder trial of Peter Stark By SAL BOMMARITO up his actions, but the Croom must STAFF RFPMTER first prove that Mr. Stark made PICKERING — Even though those statements, that the state - Peter Stark lied to police about ments he made were false and that picking up Julie Stanton on Easter they were deliberately made to Monday, April 16, 1990, that conceal evidence with respect to doesn't make him guilty of —" '— his guilt," judge Glithero abducting and murdering said as several friends and the girl, the judge in the family of the teenager, man's first-degree murder members of the media and trial told jurors Thursday the public looked on from They must decide the Whitby provincial whether Mr. Stark lied to I courtroom's gallery. ! police because of his " j ,:, Jurors were told they sciousaess of guilt," Mr. Pier Stark must decide whether Mr. Justice Stephen Glithero Stark lied about picking said while charging the jury of up Julie "because he was fearful seven then and five women in the of being accused (in the girl's dis- case appearance) or to protect others. " The law, recognizes that a per- He may have lied to protect son will tell false stories to cover See JURY—Page A10 Inside U They Had Million Dogs... In the hews Editorial .........................A6 $1"LLIM Entertainment~ ............. 29 Sports ...........................A31 Classified ......................A35 Every little bit Phoee Yves helps. General 683-5110 To date, the local Fax 683-7363 United Way cam - ..Sincenely Yours nahm has raised 1-416-976-1991 JOp pp0 "$OfoSo'urce 683-70040 t0 aid its anemba The New Mvestbe<' : c h� regularly uses recycled Too PhAr 93t + 7t GST = $1 �scaeK 'a-_nlarW 3i% Moss;+► �4tt0�t��. � . .t. .. ..i. . 'i ., , .. ... . .. ... . . . . ....................•........ no Iff A 11%na a, %gy Expect more from Sears S 10 off romantic ruffled blouse in sand -washed silk. 4 colours, sizes S -XL Sears reg. 29.99. i louse Each Save $10 on coble-knit cotton tunic with side slits. 4 colours, sizes S -XL Sears reg. 29.99. or cofton sweater SALE PRICES END SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1944, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST 001 Yrigm 1991 Sears Carods kw- Expect more from Seas HW2i c � p�ItE� PK ge 4 . Each Save $10 on coble-knit cotton tunic with side slits. 4 colours, sizes S -XL Sears reg. 29.99. or cofton sweater SALE PRICES END SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1944, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST 001 Yrigm 1991 Sears Carods kw- Expect more from Seas SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open Mon. - Fri. 10:00 a.m. -10:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. . .....,��i►w11F11f� i��;ti HW2i c � p�ItE� PK SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open Mon. - Fri. 10:00 a.m. -10:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. . .....,��i►w11F11f� i��;ti w Cindy Young and her son GeoHery, a Grade 2 student at Lincoln Avenue Public School in Ajax, share a story during Family Reading Night for Kindergarten to Grade 3 students and their parents held recently at the school. The evening also featured children's author Sharon Jen- nings reading her stories, and editor/consultant Judy Green displaying original art from children's picture books. Young pupils above average in reading and spelling DURHAM — Durham Board of Education Grades 3, 5 and 7 students scored above the national average in reading, spelling and language expres- sion in the Canadian Achieve- ment Test, school board trustees were told Monday night. The elementary school results are similar to those of the Ministry of Education and Train- ing's Grade 9 reading and writing test results, which s h o w e d Durham stu- Pauline dents scoring Laing above the provincial average. "We're pleased we've mal tained our standards above the national average, but we hope the more detailed results will help us design curriculum and Program developatetu proms for the improvement of the skills of our students," director of education Pauline Laing said following the board meeting. Durham students were com- pared against national and regional norms for comprehen- sion, spelling and language expression. The board received the gen- eral test results last week. Indi- vidual student walks of the test will be released to parents dur- ing December and January. Information provided in the detailed reports for each student, school, area and tie region will assist the board in staff and Pments and staff will be sur- veyed in early 1995 to help determine the usefuloeas of the CAT results. CAT compares student achievement by mill pupils against a referettoe group of 50,000 youngsters from across Canada. Such tests are commonly referred Io as norm, - referenced tests ti r th School taxes up 1 % *9 DURHAM — Newly -elected board receives word of the grants it Durham Board of Education will be getting from the Ministry trustees will have their workof Education and Training, cut out for them in the new however. year as they try to whittle The school board is also down a proposed tax increase awaiting its final assessment from 5.7 to one per cent. data to determine whether the A one per cent increase is a number of public school board realistic target for trustees to shoot supporters is up from last year. Ir- • ' 1995 b d del be om etr u get t ra- tions and would be in line with last year's tax hike, according to board finance superintendent Brian Cain. "We anticipate a very low tax increase next year," he says. But before taxpayers can breathe a sigh of relief, trustees will .Ja have to reduce next year's budget by about 511. million, according to Mr. Cain. The exact amount of the budget cuts that will have to be made j won't be known until the school t 10016 HUMAN from BRAIDS $1 HAIR $10 and many more in-store specials BLACK HAIR PRODUCTS AT NEW YORK PRICES I • You ou" the pboee • free Wiehi loco/ cats • 65t per mmuSe Oshawa / Whitby Ajax / Pickering Ex"d' C ""a1iOns 576-1212 �dt C4 mmuakatiow 837-1212 Cellular Plus Centre Approved Agent $43 King St., W., Osbaws (just West of Tborawn) Fkkerinz Town Centre (Dower lael, Sears-Wumd e.. Muswp, PAOIZ . % 4 c oo oar s�iu ers'.Ye.....�.nppia 0,S�'Y By m B011IIMMMO the Region of Durham which cam- Durham, Mr. Rogalski notes S•MFtttPIOMtR pates for business with other nwrAC- "There are also other considera- DURHAM — The Durham palities such as York and Peel. tions in locating an industry to a par - Board of Education's development When you start adding on the addi- titular municipality such as land charges bylaw is a dexerrm to new tional fees it reduces the competitive value, labor costs and location." business and industry locating in the Posies (Durham) might have." Meanwhile, builders and devel- region, the Town of Ajax charges. School board trustees took strong opers have appealed to the Supreme Town Berk Joe Themay has told exception to the letter Monday night, Court of Canada to overturn a lower school board director of education and directed staff to draft a response court's Wiling upholding the right of Pauline Laing in a tarsi the Town of to the town. school boards to collect education Ajax "objects strenuously" to the Ajax trustee and outgoing board development charges. devekVment vice -chair Duncan Read argues Home builders want the charges charges imposed by the board and municipalities have "allowed unfet- overturned on the grounds they dis- "urges the board to reconsider lered growth and have done nothing criminate against new hone buyers' immediately the amount imposed." to manage that growth" resulting in who they say will have to pay higher Mr. Tramy's letter Contends the the need for education development prices because of the levy. charges the board will levy on devel- charges to pay for new schools. They say that if school boards go opers for uses The board of education's devel- ahead with their proposals, they will "places Durham Region at a compct- opment charges bylaw passed Oct. demand refunds of all lot levies col- itive disadvantage with oto Cir 24 calls for a levy of $1.07 on every lected prior to a Supreme Court nd- Toronto Area regions." $100 worth of non-residential con- ing in their favor. Mr. Tiernay notes Town coun- sonhcthon, reports school board Plan- Durham's two school boards ciil's conceau were iamed on in the nerGerry Rogalski. agree they'd have to refund the form of a motion on Nov. 7 and a "Ibat's only about $11,000 on $1 money if they lase the court battle. letter informing the school board of million of wnwuction," Mr. Rogal- But they argue they're legally enti- its decision was sent out Nov. 10. slo points out. tied to begin collecting the develop - "Town council is opposed to the "It's also wise to remember that ment charges immediately. amount being imposed an oommer- other school boards in other munid- cial and dial development, but palities in the GTA are looking to •1 restjob out o0 DURHAM — An outstanding job market awaits Durham resi- dents seeking work at the begin- ning of 1995, according to Man- power Temporary Services' latest employment survey. "It's the best outlook we've had in over five years," says Manpower's Lorraine Stevenson. "And it comes at a time of year which is traditionally the weak- est" Thirty-five per cent of Durham employers surveyed said they're going to hire workers between January and March, while eight per cent expected work force reductions. Three months ago the job pic- ture was much more modest with 13 per cent of employers antici- pating increases in personnel and seven per cent forecasting cut- backs. This winter the best job oppor- tunities, according to Manpower, appear to be in construction, man- ufacturing, transportation and public utilities. Mixed readings were reported in wholesale and retail trade, finance, insurance, real estate and services. The national outlook is more modest with 16 per cent of employers expecting to add staff and 15 per cent decreasing staff. However, the national results are considered excellent for the win- ter season and substantially ahead of the same time last year when nine per cent anticipated hiring and 22 per cent expected staff declines. The national survey included more than 1,500 employers. Man- power's Canadian vice-president Tammy Johns observed "a remarkable consistency in the results. No industry was exces- sively positive or negative." they have no problem with the Pass, or have already paswd, snutar amount of the residential levy, which bylaws," he adds. makes sense," Mr. Tiernay says. In some places like York Region, The comuhercial and industrial education development charges on ` levy uses a competitive imbalance ithfiutrial and Comirhercial develop- f far Ajax and other municipalities in ment are twice as high as those in� 1 1 Is Comin To ' Glendale Mar etP lace! ' 1 1 1 That's right! On Saturday, December 10th, from 1 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p -m., jolly 'd Santa himself A be of 1 ' Gladale Marke*m, r" out maty cants aboard the ' 1 � 1 'SoHo Express`. So grab your cornea, the kids and d 1 whole fil*! it's a day filed wilh joyous cdebraeion, � ' stroking avistw Cara w singing dossic fesbe fire, ' 1 � i speoal prices on Clristmas hails, and your dans to ow 1 to win $100 in groceries! Giendde Marketplace. 1 1 Corner of Finch Ave. E and Dixie Road. i Is BimR* X39 1 U Pre Boughs 1 Bonsai Snorters x.99 Holy Fem 1 swiss Cheese Pint W Zg�gCactus16.99 1 x.99 PrayerPhant x.99 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 Is Comin To ' Glendale Mar etP lace! ' 1 1 1 That's right! On Saturday, December 10th, from 1 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p -m., jolly 'd Santa himself A be of 1 ' Gladale Marke*m, r" out maty cants aboard the ' 1 � 1 'SoHo Express`. So grab your cornea, the kids and d 1 whole fil*! it's a day filed wilh joyous cdebraeion, � ' stroking avistw Cara w singing dossic fesbe fire, ' 1 � i speoal prices on Clristmas hails, and your dans to ow 1 to win $100 in groceries! Giendde Marketplace. 1 1 Corner of Finch Ave. E and Dixie Road. i Is BimR* X39 1 U Pre Boughs 1 Bonsai Snorters x.99 Holy Fem 1 swiss Cheese Pint W Zg�gCactus16.99 1 x.99 PrayerPhant x.99 1 1 1 Is Comin To ' Glendale Mar etP lace! ' 1 1 1 That's right! On Saturday, December 10th, from 1 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p -m., jolly 'd Santa himself A be of 1 ' Gladale Marke*m, r" out maty cants aboard the ' 1 � 1 'SoHo Express`. So grab your cornea, the kids and d 1 whole fil*! it's a day filed wilh joyous cdebraeion, � ' stroking avistw Cara w singing dossic fesbe fire, ' 1 � i speoal prices on Clristmas hails, and your dans to ow 1 to win $100 in groceries! Giendde Marketplace. 1 1 Corner of Finch Ave. E and Dixie Road. i Is BimR* X39 1 U Pre Boughs U9 Bonsai Snorters x.99 Holy Fem '2,99 swiss Cheese Pint W Zg�gCactus16.99 AbeVera PW j �J S 100 in groceries! See details at plaza. o. r C- C 4 I, �I i ,l SII I Livi 7 Io "A"L ra-nom., w`.'ti FRESH CUT HOLIDAY EXOTIC BIRD FEEDING CHRISTMAS TREES] GIFT PLANTS TROPICALS HEADQUARTERS Such Pre from 939 whiespruce from 11939 Balsam Fr nom 1939 Raseer Fr P939 Dougns Fir 'A39 •large Treesalso n SW Cedar R#q Is BimR* X39 Whie Pile Roping U Pre Boughs U9 Poinsettias, P*setaas P* tis from x2.99 s39 Scented Gain 12.99 Hh= X439 Banana Pmts IS Rex Begonias X139 Staghorn Fern '3,99 Croton U9 Bonsai Snorters x.99 Holy Fem '2,99 swiss Cheese Pint W Zg�gCactus16.99 AbeVera PW x.99 PrayerPhant x.99 BaWsTears U STACK YOUR OWN BIRCH LOGS • „ AND SAVE BAGGED 1/2 FACE CORD:-Xa 15,99 Pine Ridge Garden Gallery Brock Rd. North Pickering 114 mile north of Finch 605952 ` 18 4 Deluxe W reg 19.99 now 12A ' 8 4 Pai reisOro `50los• &d 0i SunBowerSeed 42 KINDLING DELIVERY BAGGED SERVICE '1!!t AVAILABLE CHRISTMAS HOURS \l � MON.-WED. 95 `) THURS.-FRI. g$ SAT. -SUN. gb s w � Denturn so natural..o you'll never know the difference !' ( Free Consultation Hew Softwtouch' materials for sensitive gums ' ©Juir 1992 Walter Wimmer, D.D., Denture Clinic PICKERING TOWN CENTRE ( LOWER LEVEL) 4204020e Toll Free 1.800.661.5020 // is Expect more from Sears GET GOING NOW TO IlIIAN AT IIf![N0 UCC UMDMN AIS SMU'A>R8 MM Otr UMM UMM They* the 6b dous IMAM Harp d mabeup eap 1 1, trained by 0eative Director Byron Barnes, here at Sears to male you more beautiful dm era writh a whole nt w kook! You? Beet the la6W &sh on eedmiques and color a to kook your beau" best, tram about sk oc w wad oohK awl tape home a full makeup dart. - Rewire a nabeover fiom are of our experts, �f-and tak home a whole new l ook kc a day, foe eevedv&..for anytime. fW �t for ym And all 7exclusivelyat .fo�{ Sears . ^ Call your UUN Beauty Advisor AND BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW SEAS PICLEMG TOWN CEN'BE Thursday, December 8, 1994 12:00 NOON to 8:00 P.M. Expect morefrom sears ' cavrr�>�raw.c�n.aabtc. tIMAN - . Al yon writ. AN you need tY Y S-A . r AsIntuded. lin,e:trrtW Rem" Serves in bcWgasAuftW & LjquWdffwvj0ft, for self, the bbwiq ln%i y end assets as secured wilder the t.ertdlord & Tom t Act. IMMEDIATE INVENTORY DISPOSAL 50 Church St. South :111 NOW UP TO 0yo OFF No Payments, No Interest 1JJ�p5�: MlNELM' ��1L►.� MAM N IMI is W Mh eN 119111 TIM, ' FOR SALE INFO. a ; - CALL 619-2323 FRI. 7 P.M. -10 RK ' SAT. 10 A.M.-6 RK -- 1 �' ► ilIr 3? SUN. 10 AAL -6 PAL 50 Church St. South '.r °' follow the signs N Mati�4iut d m m s M Gail Hoff for trhe Ski Train SILENT NIGHT hioaSin R' North Channel Holidays by by Fft 156813 "_ Hwy. A.J. Casson by Carola Black Allan Kingsland Trisha Romance so P1757OR13 $ 74 TERMS: Psymord by Cash, Visa, MmwCard, AmL Sary no peroral chegwm M *an MW. $ M PAnd&r 4 401 .Limited Ouantiti-al_ $ 93 14570814 $ 84 No Payments, No Interest 1JJ�p5�: MlNELM' ��1L►.� MAM N IMI is W Mh eN 119111 TIM, P18575R14 $ M 18570R14 $ 74 14560814 $141 41OR ��� I O P19575R14 � M 18570814 $ M 18565815 $1M P20575R14 w 17565814 $ " 19550815 X113 8 1, P21575R15 $ IS 19565R14 $Ilii 19560815 ;114 P2357O#w R15Sizes able 20 0w Si $123 20565815 =123 �' AY iO A OM►er Sizes Available Other Sizes Available Other Sizes Available R, ,,I t�rN288 While Stocks Last. Sale Phoes In E11ed until December 10, 1994. CENTRE* Tolonlo East Scarborough North York Downtown Ajax Brampton Toronto 691-2111 291-7175 635-9967 368-3058 427-6075 456-1503 242-5531 McDwdoe &% WM9r 9' "AME 4300 Du wm SL 35 Bathurst St. 355 Gayly St.W. 370 Man St. N. 2325 Keele St. at victoria Park at Markham Road South of Finch Saah Of Keg E.d Wtrtr " Rd. KMP Point Plata .Aat S d taww wwam Craw NO PAYMENTS LINTIL MARCH 1905 O.A.C. Fmndwe gVw%a0n A"WA , 1 1- Upon 101 LM EX N Mati�4iut d Y s lbod m s M Gail iias hioaSin 11139 Fft 156813 $57 P15500R13 so P1757OR13 $ 74 16570813 $ M P 5757ORI3 $ 47 P1856OR14 $ 93 14570814 $ 84 P18575R14 $ 1K 21565815 M1t P20575R15XYW $ M P21575R15 $115 2156DR16 $112 P20570R15XZ4 $ M P2157OR15 $117 21570815 $113 Other Sites Available Other Sizes Available 09m Sizes Avadable P18575R14 $ M 18570R14 $ 74 14560814 $141 41OR ��� I O P19575R14 � M 18570814 $ M 18565815 $1M P20575R14 w 17565814 $ " 19550815 X113 8 1, P21575R15 $ IS 19565R14 $Ilii 19560815 ;114 P2357O#w R15Sizes able 20 0w Si $123 20565815 =123 �' AY iO A OM►er Sizes Available Other Sizes Available Other Sizes Available R, ,,I t�rN288 While Stocks Last. Sale Phoes In E11ed until December 10, 1994. CENTRE* Tolonlo East Scarborough North York Downtown Ajax Brampton Toronto 691-2111 291-7175 635-9967 368-3058 427-6075 456-1503 242-5531 McDwdoe &% WM9r 9' "AME 4300 Du wm SL 35 Bathurst St. 355 Gayly St.W. 370 Man St. N. 2325 Keele St. at victoria Park at Markham Road South of Finch Saah Of Keg E.d Wtrtr " Rd. KMP Point Plata .Aat S d taww wwam Craw NO PAYMENTS LINTIL MARCH 1905 O.A.C. Fmndwe gVw%a0n A"WA , 1 1- Upon 101 t►•e.::aY�ti`?::a?yico,:is�:�iis5nai7iwEilS�:slt?Oetic?i+aos�9oe;:'o�•v�:?::.pxkwY;,a.?eoc�.momra�,.>n+.. About Us Timothy J. Whittaker .Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Advertising Manager Alvin Brouwer Retail Sales Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday, Friday and Sun- day. 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario. LIS 2145. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. Page sizes may vary slightly from published rate card due to mechanical requirements of different print- ers. Second Class Mail Regis- tration 1897. Mail subscription rates Can. I yr. $70 General 683-5110 Newsroom 683-5110 Distribution 683-5117 Classified 683-5110 (Nightline - 798-7672) FAX 683-7363 Sincerely Yours 1-416-976-1991 1nfosource 683-7040 Real Estate and Automotive Saks 798-7672 National Advertising - 493-1300 The News Advertiser wel- comes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to ora readers. We reserve the r-ght to edit letters for length arrd legal reasons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for pablication. All let- ters must include your full name, addrtu and phone num- ber for our inknuadom They should not exceed one and a half pages in ieagdL . The News Advertiser njularly ruses recycled at wspritut; VEDITORIAL Dig deeper There's a good chance your life has been touched by the United Way of Ajax -Pickering. And whether you're aware of it or not, the United Way has been working diligently in your community for many years to make life a little more bearable for some, a little richer for others. Through the 25 member agencies that get funding from the United Way, thousands of people in our communities are given a helping hand each and every year. And now it's time for all of us to put a little bit back into the community through donations to help the United Way meet its goal of $1 million in funding this year. There are people who have been volunteering their efforts -- both at the United Way and in its many commu- nity agencies -- to see that the less fortunate aren't forgot- ten. We can all send that message to those groups with a simple donation. Empty your coin bank, return pop bottles, take S5 or $10 out of your weekly allowance or collect from your card club on behalf of the United Way. Every dollar counts, and every dollar is put to good use in the community. If the local agency can meet its target, there will be fewer hungry families, more counselling for those who have problems to solve, more community services that otherwise wouldn't function, and a better place for all of us to live. It doesn't take much. In purely human terms, the potential for return on your investment is virtually limitless. And you'll be helping yourself when you help United Way agencies continue to deliver compassionate, community-based care. If you can dig just a little deeper, your help will be gratefully accepted. Call Dennis Goulin at 686-0606 to pledge your support. foal LelleizWRITE ro Tw NEws ADvERns 130 CommEmAL AVE. AiAx Ll 2H OR FAx -7 �, S 5 Ax us AT 683 363 ♦ NANDGUNS As a shooting instructor, I feel the same way about chai*nsaws To the editor. I am both amazed and puzzled by Mike Newman's letter on hand- guns (Nov. 201994). His assumption that all hand- guns should be removed from pri- vate ownership (except those of criminals that won't turn them in) leads me to believe that he thinks that possession of a handgun influ- ences the owner to commit a crime. Prohibitionists state that the im hof criminality is impressed on For example, you are a potential criminal if you own one or more firearms. Mr. Newman has called an inanimate object, namely the handgun, "a mean spirited weapon designed only to kill". This analogy doesn't make sense. The first so-called weapons (wood clubs, stone axes, knives and spear points) were used for a multi- tude of tasks including harvesting of game to eat and make clothing. Handguns are mostly used for target practice, hunting in some countries and the collecting hobby. According to the Canadian Cen- tre for Justice Statistics for the 30 - ., rttttu 'lift 0 , � r Iry 0M year period from 1961-90, legally registered restricted handguns were responsible for 0.07 per cent of all homicides in Canada during this period. Less than one tenth of one per- cent, or seven out of a thousand! Mr. Newman should not nega- tively continent on a sport until he has tried it. Upon doing so he will discover that handgun target practice requires mote more self-control and discipline than shotgunning where pin point accuracy is never required. 1NHAT DOES HE �• / Do WITH INOSE I;INC-S, ANYWAY2. You just point the shotgun, slap the trigger and spray a pattern of many pellets at the intended target. Incidentally Mike, I feel the same way as you do, except with me it's chain saws rather than hand- guns - Should we confiscate chain saws, knives, axes and arrows because they too can be used for killing? JeM BhKk, Pickering Ontario Hunter Education lnsdvctor by Steve Nease — • .- ... . r • ..• .•.. �. .•. r�•. .rw ir. •�n. �. rim .7.,t /F. - I �T A'o�,!M!vvyyrw rr+1,w fiK're17M��J' �`! vw � "4"i' � -i'�•i ►t'i a 1/ • F' . vsag7 a s ra r t 1. r V 1 t+h. ' * o�N OF plo �C * Town of Pickering* z *� * (905) 420.2222 * * (905) 683.2760 * * y� T y� T y* DONNE noma South Pickering ��5 Seniors'Club SENIORS POINSETTIA TEA Sponsored by the Canadian Progress Club 4"*Pick4ring1gja.T Women Saturday, December 3, 1994 � 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. $2.00 per person Siff money colfected unff be used as prizes I for those who attend this event. An afternoon fdfed with i Entertainment and Great food j (FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL 420.6588) ' Buy your tickets early to avoid disappointment SENIOR CITIZENS ACTnnTY CENTRE 910 UVEMM ROAD SOUTH, pICxERIK ONTARIO L I W ISIS ���F�HCNE:'905142-�� TOWN OF PICKERING HOLIDAY HOURS 1994 to JANUARY 1995 \h w,1J�. M �', irm,cw•1 \L�mc ..l t •von:; NusWa uric 1:tA i.secsu.e l uaarae. Wert" :'rwsda.. W"1-% Planning Cnrm wwc Mem" mniiday. Dec I" Coma,l Meeting \medic.. laic 9* F.verut— Cnmrrae Meeting F nd.n. I k•ecmhvr : t. I `+til Regular H„u. %I„qday. Ikcewitcr 26, i994 Cloyed Ticyday. Dft*cmtw :7.1944 Closed A.dnesday. Decemilicr 2g. 110” Closed Thursday. TJecemhn 19.1994 Regular Hour Fnday. Deandeer 30. 1994 Regular Hours N,mday.)asuary 2.1995 Cloyed Wh it CC.Jiccn,ne o%m mhe Holiday Sea n t including Muc Mx v will camtinur on regularly .ahedoled days ,Arno hrwt the T, n Fn,lay. Dec 21 Garbage C'ollrcnon Pnnrdcd Tse.day. De, 27 Garbage Loa ccucm Pmvwcd Wednesday. Dec:. 29 Gerbage Collectum Provided Thursday. Dec. -19 Garbage Cullecaim Provided Friday. Dec. 30 GrMge CdAe lice Provided Tuesday. Jam. 3 Garhage Colkctiaa Provided NML- Cbrbta limina WN be calbodsid tell. seri e.pir.r.w. tire ta..a. ef,aa..., 2.1flS 011 ! Ifl6 Fvday, Dec 2 Reatdr Watday Service Sounds., Dec 24 Regain Sonsday Service AN times rd meet the 6.00 p. a GU tram %o save after aim tune Ssaday. Dec. 23 No Service Monday. Dec 26 %0 Service Tuesday. Dec 27 Sstm,day Service commeacmi; 3:53 as Wednesday. Dec. 23 Reply Wedday Satire Tlrrsday. Ike. 20 Reply wedday service Friday. Dec. in . Regular Watday Service Saatday. Dec. 31 Regular Smwday service AN boo will meet ice 6.x0 p.a Go vary do service after this Not Sunday. Fan. 1 do Service Monday. Jan. 2 SAN”" Service cotmeacist 535 a■ For Brier idarms" dean ail Pkiering Traaml 4x1.4111 Friday, Decewber 23.1994 Repsir Hors SrairdaN Deeeier 24.1994 Closed Saaday. December 25,1994 Clad Monday. Decesaber 2A 1994 Clued Tuesday. December 27.1994 Regular Hors Wednesday. December2l, 1994 - Rdxulr Hers i6wsday. Uecewbv 29. 1994 RdgWar Flaws Friday. Demmrber 30, 1994 Reply Hams Saturday . Deraaber 31,199-1 7:00 am.4 L4D am. Snnday.lamu;; 1. 1993 Closed Monday, lawny 2 1993 Regdr Hours Rectae Twsdn% Dec 27 1-3 pa. Rec. Coplea Wednesday. Dec. 23 1-3 P.M. Rec. Complex Inanday. Dec. 29 1-3 p.m. Rec. Complex Friday. Dec 30 1-3 pm. Rec. Complex Mon.. lm. 2 1-3 pm. Rec. Complex TIM. Jin. 3 1-3 p.m. Rec. complex wed.. Jan. 4 Ion p.m. Rec. Complex Ilan, Jan ? 1-3 P.M. Rec. Complex Fr.. Jam. 6 1.3 p.m. Rec. Complex Emergency Fire Service will not he alfeead by the Holiday Schedule. Recresdrm C,mtplev Pnl �ICiI-1'111 Friday. Dec. 23 Indav IW 24 1'1dMrc S. vd>Ilam-I OOpa AdumRS�r 1 o0 p m -4 0 p a Psblrc swnn 7 00 p is APstiiac p■ Swan v On p m IJ T00 YS r m AdoY Som twdn. Dec 24 Qosd 9 am to 12:30 p.m. Closed .umday. Doc 25 Clad Regular Hours resume ltvmday. Doc 26 Clued FITNESS TEAM Tuedav Dec !'toFndav Doc 3D our fitness tc,:,: :� ic; s .,; &i"Iedl;eable ti 00 a m 730 as Public Srgw 9 Ou am -IAOpa A"So- 1 dl p m 100 p in Atha S.em 7 00 P m 9 04 m Ably Senor 9•p0 p m -10, Vin A40 Swum tstrday.lJyc 31 cln,ea of Human Resources. suaday. as I Clad %I, odiv to 2 to Friday, last 6 600am 710am P06c;Swan 9004m-loopm A" Swiss 100pa-4Wpa AbicSwim 700pa-900p■ ArbbeSw 9-01) p is -1040 p m Usk Sam Sardsy. In • d: Sunday. Jam 8 100 p a-4 00 p at Public Sala 70Dpa 9Wpm AbLcSnm Danburarm Pad Modm.11*09 w µadsi Jas. 2 Qdaed �y mmrs�mcsalr_r wn� --- Friday. Dec. 23 CEN VA1,11-111111111ART Friday. Dec. 23 Regular Flours Saturday. Dec. 24 9 am. to 12:34 p m. Monday. Dec. 26 Cloyed Tuesday. Dec. 27 Cloyed Wednesday. Du. 28 Regular Hours resume Saturday. Dec. 31 Monday. Jan. 2 9 am to 12:30 p.m. Closed Tuesday. Jam 3 Regular Hours resume �y mmrs�mcsalr_r wn� --- Friday. Dec. 23 Regular Hours Saturday. Dec. 24 9:30 am to 1:00 p.m. Mmdday. Dec. 26 Cloud Tuesday. Doc. 27 Closed Wednesday. Dec. 29 Regular Hours resume Saturday. Dec. M 9:30 am. to 1:00 p.m Momday. Jan. 2 Closed Tuesday. Jan. 3 Rep" Haus resume Saarday. Dec. 24 Closed Monday. Dec. 26 _closed Taesdsy. Dec. 27 Closed Wednesday. Dec. 2a Rww Hoare resume Saturday. Dec. 31 Closed Monday. Jan. 2 Closed Tuesday. Jan. 3 Regular Hoar sesame Saturday. Dec 24 Cloned Monday, Dec. 26 Closed Tuesday. Dec. 27 Closed Wednesday, Dec. 29 Regular Hwy resume Saturday. Dec 31 Closed Monday. Jan. 2 Closed Tuesday. Jan. 3 Rcaular Hour resume VMFrEViuf Saturday. Dec. 24 10 a m. to 12:00 soon Tuesday. Dec. 27 C'rscd Saturday. Dec. 31 J a at to 12:00 noun Tuesday. Jan. 3 Regular Hours resume town service's anon tacuuywin re wine regular operating hours on uesday. January 3. 1995. A SPECIAL. THANKYOU to John and Jane Snedden of Bay Ridge. For donating the beautiful Christmas tree now on display at the Pickering Civic Complex r Fitness Appraisers Personal Trainers Fitness Room Supervisors Fitness Instructors C0rp°fn'on of the Fitness Instructor Apprentices Town of Pickering One - The Esplanade' TO JOIN OUR Pickering. Ontario l.lv "7 FITNESS TEAM Ar ODDorunq our fitness tc,:,: :� ic; s .,; &i"Iedl;eable 'n'ploIe who want to work In a Prof progressive 3rd We ttlark all those professional :fitness rnoronment. rod vldtJals 'emo apply. "owever. x'ly Mose 3x-icans granted ar Please submit your detaiW resume oefore itavew will be December 9. 1994. to Darvle M. Cameron. Manager acknowledged of Human Resources. CM&MWOUNT1 Tri �.�C�-s cr�tlsu►.�s uc-rT 1CM AJ%r C.LCUNIIC sif-% ILS !t%r e Frs�CJ►�t� Cr:►�uE�c-tEc s IVO CK4RG£1 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER x, N 0 plit oe, Buses will be departing from the following S locations at 5:00 P.M. 910 Liverpool - Faet Singge Community Cetstre 1201 SL Martin's 1330 Foxglove I 1"0 Faylee 1956 Valley Farm - Village Retiirem ent Centre Joe, elf Specialized Services Passengers wishing to go on the Tour must book at least 3 days in advance. s Space is limited so book your ride early! • The Tour will last approximately 45 minutes. Following the Tour. refreshments will be served at the South Pickering Seniors Club. BERRY CHR1gW ! THE MAYOR AND PICKERING TRAJYSlr 11*,6�11 0 "O� ♦+ ��+r'�'1 �,'•��. VF����i�?Ji�` 4.74 .r �iviN,iiv.rMi'e+yyi•.i-aq« FAG&" -TBE NNW A>DVUnNOM 386 ilk D'Y Public invited to swearing-in ceremony for new Canadians PICKERING -- You're invited to welcome new izenship will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. in the Refreshments will be served. Canadians to this area Thursday. cafetorium of Si. Mary Catholic Secondary For more information, call Roger Racette at A swearing-in ceremony for people granted cit- School, 1918 Whites Rd., Pickering. 427-6208. * Today to Sunday, December 4th * There's 0 20% off all outerwear* P&S NO GST. Coats *Jackets *Scarves * Gloves *Hats Boots For Men, Women and Children. F.t+cG&gFun. Get 10% to 30% o, f,)`'and no GST on selected merchandise too! EATON 6'^ 1234 5618 9012 E ATO N'S "N""'"W Goods Satufacton• or Moller Refunded NONE TT: q' r True» �, teow►>ot, lltlliA►Gt l.n P New Altona Forestparcel close toprotection from •&Vdo hent P By LESLIE FLINT SPECUL TO THE NEWS ADVERTISER PICKERING — An additional parcel of land has been acquired for Pickering's Altona Forest pro- ject. Regional councillor Kip Van Kempen reports another five acres have been secured by the Metro Toronto Region Conservation Authority (MTRCA) providing Pickering spends $300,000 required to purchase the Property — an expenditure approved by council in the past. .As a director of the Conserva- tion Foundation of Greater Toron- to, I am very pleased that we are so close to obtaining this acreage. This is great news for the whole project," Mr. Van Kempen notes. The Altona Forest project involves preserving the 160 acres of nature sandwiched between Altona Road, Rosebank Road, Sheppard Avenue and Finch Avenue. The lands currently under consideration are located on the exterior rim of the forest and act as a windbreak to its interior, making them important in main- taining a delicate ecological bal- ance. "In order to achieve the pro- ject's goal of providing a true nature preserve, community park- land and bird sanctuary, the importance to the overall forest cannot be undermined by losing certain tracts of land from an envi- ronmental and wildlife stand- point," adds Timothy Sheffield, Town manager. "We're very close to obtaining properties we've ear- marked - Mr. Van Kempen says most bf the approximately 110 acres saved to date have been the result of donations, fund-raising and provincial support, but "we're still short $3.1 million. We're definite- ly looking for federal money. There are still other properties identified which are critical to maintaining the integrity of the forest." Over a year ago, the provincial government provided the MTRCA a grant of nearly S 10 million. Had it not been for some concerned citizens, however, the forest may Obituary Stafford Monuments 316 Durran M . c wbkby 668-3552 TOR Free 14M-461-"" oGnnie or Bmnze Mokers aft sal mauaniab for rnstalli at All Ontario carAlwis% k ckdM Pinta Mp Memorial Gardens, Erslt i - Gwveside & DuFm Meadows Alder Noun 66944" or 721-9faf2 MUM MIF=ff, FREDERM M. 50 ym resident d Ajax, Won of WW2, member of Local 46, on NNWAber 19. 1994 at RIM Ajax t Frederick, loving and devoted lttrsbarld d Crysid br 49 )uK Dear fow at Rol Mld and his Wire Jud, and Joame and her hilsband Jolt AimerL LoWng poppy of TMW aro Tyson. - - Freda4 Will be body remembered by his many sial m4n4 w, ft ters- h4aw, nWNm, , nieces, and kw* was laid to rest on Noventber 22nd at Plrte R* Cemelwy. DorOw s may be made to the Ajax 8 ftwirg ' i 00, `There are still other properties identified which are critical to maintaining the integrity of the forest.' -- Kip Van Kempen GRAND OPENING MERLE NORMAN CELEBRATED IT'S GRAND OPENING, NOV. 22, AT THE WESTNEY HEIGHTS PLAZA. DEBBIE CUMBER, OWNER, INVITES YOU TO STOP IN THE NEW STORE & BROWSE. have given way to bnwsWg. provincial NDP facilitator, fought As Mr. Sheffield recalls, "The for preservation." lands were never given a designa- Adds councillor Van Kempen: tion. When the Ontario Municipal "Ibis acquisition represents many Board became involved with pos- months of work and negotiation. I sible development, some local res- hope Pickering council will sup - idents together with Dale Martin, port it." Quality Dresses Dresses- rt For Leml U ZI 7 NEW YORK STYLE Dresses, Pant Suits, Skirt Suits, Sizes 3-24 Q WRY. W V MI K2EW__AVF_F_ 1 (416) 266-8890 w Dresses y MW &; �� Y 3208 Eglinton Ave. E. ate^' 12MOON-5.W PAt ALL CREDr CM7CS 4%0 .PrEAAC ;i�:'iii-.=;1ti!~�:n��-:';fC��:�„-�:=i�l�•:;���:'i�Cl��'���='�C���'i�.��''�C��=�Cl�-'i���'�i�l�=�i�`�,'.- �tE Q DON'T MISS OUT! SASE __ FSW r f A_ W► i � WALuta splits: $20 PIECE 99 OMNI'MMARE SET COMPARE AT $50 gmmwaw Sff POT cm 8, .$ PIAT�I>E M %%r"AB1E MYA�sn �� 6ww� TM "Ass S SET14999 " W. STAMILESs $999 STEEL C!/nm SET COMPARE AT $80 WSENSE 0 PIECE $199 � �LSTaNLESS $4999 HEA STEEL CUTLERY SET COOKWARE SET COMPARE AT $500 "U SERVICE POR al) COMPARE AT Slee 118 PIECE FMM PORCELAIN MASTER CUISMIE 17 PIECE Mads In holy DINNERWARE SET 18/1 STAW GI"IT VU Top Q uaJew Str el 7 ((FULL SERVICE FOR 12) la3/10 STAINLESS 18/10 TEAPOT. CREAMER, STEEL GOURMET' ft SUGAR, SFRVTNG COOKWARE SEI' CUTLERY SET PIATT IEW VEGETABLE (WITH GOLD (FULL SERVICE FOR 12) COMPARE AT $300 9 BOWL COMPARE AT $400 HANDLES) COMPARE AT $1400 0110010K0111'494I313:1'4FA\I1010K01ML*TL s � •• 'DR4.,r•rt rl^ .s•-Eat:^J(`: n�.�y P;..s•,t-s-�rri� United Way needs help; agency clients threatened O Fund drive short of $1 -million goal AJAX-PICKERING — The local United Way is only half way toward meeting its goal for the 1994 fund-raising campaign which conies to a formal end next week. Campaign chair Louise Farr says the deadline will be extended if necessary and warns that a short - age of funds could hurt United Way agencies and their clients. The Ajax -Pickering United Way has a goal of $1 million, but only $500,000 has been collected to date. "We believe the money is out there in the community," she says. If the goal isn't reached, "ser. vice levels will he reassessed." Ms. Farr cautions. The United Way supports 25 local agencies—_7 which help one in three families each year. t I t s absolutely criti- cal we support (the agencies)." she says. "We Louise Farr only hear of the increasing need (for services). The need isn't lessening and we set our Jury to deliberate soon FROM PAGE Al his relationship with his wife or because (his moth- er) Emily Stark told him to lie." the judge said. Julie was last seen getting into a grey Monte Carlo with a loud exhaust system fitting the description of Mr. Stark's car near her Maury Cres- cent home around 2 pm. the day she disappeared. Although Mr. Stark denied picking up the girl initially, he later admitted doing so in a statement issued through his lawyer. "If you have any reasonable doubt that Mr. Stark did not commit the offence with which he is 40 charged, it is your duty to find him not guilty," the judge warned. On the other hand, Mr. Stark is guilty if jurors are convinced the Crown has proven beyond a rea- sonable doubt that "Julie Stanton is dead, that (Mr. Stark) caused her death, that the death occurred at the time and place specified, and the death occurred under such circumstances which constituted mur- der." Judge Glithero is expected to conclude charging the jurors today before they can begin their deliber- ations on a verdict in the case. tl THE #1 M4ME� � WLEVOLOR° NOPIW OFF NLev%,makes it for you b , we'll get it y 6,Q'stmas r All ein a�or Product is on Sale r ow "Wouaft: vbaad St�:'� Y wtkals: " So i PVC D C1alr6 C l VER ATEX SATINF SAVE 4C� SAME _- 2000 est s5 � �4 COLOURSWacoun colGurs �i-i•L.M,-Mor Salt Pro S YY ••�• - aar ar Rp Is so ��` _ - M� Sa- Prti t 19 9D LATEX PRIMER LATEX CEILING FLAT LATEX SATIN LUSTRE ��� Seals am pars row or prevauyy Perfect to snloca+ a stucco owlwys E■ceaant for rrgn traMc areas 1 u0 s ar 2f! 1 8127 gra rt � uD V� Span rom"M cre a iron 91irePam 00 -rata colours Sau00atwe Sale pme 2699qL&M(act 10) Surface Waw cwan,up 1.9170! "'sh Waw C*311 UP (48137) �FREE COLOUR COMPUTER SERVICE 3MYYaaw Sae rise 191• New COt0W kKfwwkmgY MI GLOSS OIL SEMI GLOSS ACRYLICFLOOR ENAMEL PFar� tube exact muchaa•rooms ara woo_tan For kfttW l6. baarown aro waoarrr For ar•n Slrgacsaa W lravy ualagsit0 aft'r tptptKlbnabte aro ttWS (Bran pow ca�rocs a �� Fa•y b appy Long Nv i abt• wlws you see alis ato►as_r MI_tai 1111itsra71 sytttbW*Wow) Ready to Hang 1 a Vinyi VENETIAN BLINDS firpw f2rOxW WE STOCK MORE SIZES Ser our price dwwt for )Holli Atma Avedable on white and Novy (a . wfae Dilly) 2T &ao 31' &34 36' 5.11 40• RN 44' 7.SY 48• 7.94 IN -STOCK FAtW NO ytNYt VERTICAL BLINDS mm-Irfabric ar•ilab e in wtw9 and 9r" VnN --Hale in w h to and NOO hwdwm ValarlC• NO QST *&ft Y GUARAIIfrM& or a"" 7a' a M' ow aw AJAX Dit gM cMe a PICKERING h! Troll CGfltn SCARBOROUGH A" Un SM Wq 40#mft N* 1K Cwr 418.160Q� 39.1252 �p"Wilic 0751 the paint mW paper people goal based on the need." Ms. Farr says, "One has to look at the economic downturn" for a possible cause for the lack of con- tributions. The campaign. which began Sept. 7 with the theme If We Had a Million Dollars, formally ends Wednesday, Dec. 7. "If we're put in a position to extend the deadline, we will, but we'd like not to have to do it," she says. Among the agencies that get money from the United Way are the Big Brothers and Sisters, APPLE House for abused women and their children, Community Care and the Durham Region YMCA. If you'd like to help, call the United Way office at 686-0606 or write to 95 Bayly St. W., Suite 407, Ajax, Ontario, LIS 7K8. We pay the $50 deductible I and give you $25 cash back! So call us first and we will process your claim and call your insurance company for you. • Guaranteed Highest Quality Glass • Lifetime Guarantee on Workmanship • Free Pick-up and Delivery • Work done in -shop for best results r • Offer based on insurance rates Christmas Bonus! FREE 3 lb. BLACK FOREST HAM I Expires Dec. 31.194 APNA CAR CLEAN-UP SERVICE I ngine Shampoo _...... ..S25 Fabric Guard ...................S75 Exterior Wash & Wax ......S35 Interior Shampoo and Detail .........................589 AL Jq &A I _ f:.t1)C'C� 11101 C'-11'0111 ,SC'Cti;ti all In,tallcd Installed Installed Kenmore' Rrwlfing WindoM+ F:ntn Doows Furnaces IIF T hy not a gM for your home? . And don't pay until April '95 on selected installed home improvements On approved credit, with vour Sears Card No prepayment of taxes. No down payment required. Offer applies to installed roofing, windows, entry and patio dox)rs. $25 administration fee applies. Offer ends 13ec. 15, 1444. Ask for details. Sears Guaranteed Home Improvle ments Talk to someone you knm* G,inri}th1 1!0.14. 1t•a1s (:mads Inc. CALL NOW FOR A NO -OBLIGATION IN -NOME ESTIMATE 140042,54025 SEARS CANADA INC. Ila DAYBED enamel finish CAROUSEL BED,,�� i j ' kA4A1 Available in assorted colours DELUXE FUTON SOFA BED Available in black CHRISTINA IRON BED NEW-ftb 149 SET104 ooum_ 269sua QUEEN..... 289 SET 494 KING ......... 499 SET 749 ff _, _- . , I -rte _;P7 aI 4 _ A -INS tom..,( _ a`.E CAPTAIN'S �I ; -' �� BED 1 L1 arge storage drawers 19 "Credibie value' Our lowest pace O.W.- 249 SET 429 WEEN ..... 269 SET 464 '1W. . 449 SET 699 "Taunton Road West 433-1052 IFAWN WA: SET ;304 DOUBLE...1 � SET3 QUEEN. 229 SET MATES BED 1. P-AM;ilar7e 189 2S10rage Ira wnr5 SPECIAL OFFER FREECHOICES • NO GST • NO PST • delivery • bed frame • mattress cover • pillow WITH ANY NATCWNG MATTRESS SET d 1 5 comm' View am $159 SET 1264 0UBLE ... 179 SET 304 WEEN..... 209 SET 364 ECONOMY BUNK q,jaranteed ZZ lowest pace 5179 SPACESAVER BUNK I 2- iron tubing -._ single over double �93 JUPITER DAYBED 169 Biack enamei t n,sn POSM 10 C" SET 1214 DOUBLE... 159 SET 264 QUEEN..... 189 SET 314 PERSONAL � CHEQUES MO~ I" pun Ihur *d 10-9 pm III *s 10"6 pm a w aws 11-3 pm 5 SET s164 VUEE ...129 SET 214 N..... I a SET 294 I BAYLY C] C CLEMENTS Dtrscomy ;r_ W G c c��w�ti� 3 N 1 170 weowy Road south avaitaiti ? DF FACTORY MPECT MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS S!!grE 1978 LW."Al r - ft receive... e ertoan It9s AJAX-PICKERING — `Tis the season of goodwill toward others. To help spread the message, the Ajax -Pickering News Adver- tiser invites local community groups and businesses to publi- cize food, clothing and toy dri- ves through our 'Season of Giv- ing' column that we'll run each Wednesday leading up to Christ- mas. Simply provide us with your group's program, specify- ing what drive you've organized, where people can contact you, how you are collecting items and where they can be dropped off. Mail your 'drive' program information to the News Adver- tiser. care of the newsroom, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax. Ont., LIS 21-15, or fax us the informa- tion at 683-7363. If you are faxing it, put it to the attention of the newsroom. By all accounts, there are individuals and families in our communities who could use a helping hand this Christmas sea- son; by using our 'Season of Giving' column to publicize your attempts, we may all be able to have a merrier Christmas. ❑00 The Ajax -Pickering Salvation Army is holding its annual Christmas appeal campaign to help about 600 families. includ- ing 1,200 children. Items need - High schools challenged to help battle violence DURHAM - G.L. Roberts Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute in Oshawa has issued a challenge to all Durham Region high schools to get involved in the White Ribbon Campaign Against Violence Dec. 5-9. "We have issued a challenge to all other Durham Region high schools to match or better our fund-rais- ing goal of $200." says Joan Helmer, a teacher repre- • sentative on the school's equity committee. "We will be selling white ribbons to students and staff to raise money and raising awareness about vio- lence throughout the week" she adds. All proceeds raised by G.L. Roberts CVI will go to the Denise House, a shelter in Oshawa for battered women. WE'RE GROWING WITH PICKERING To help us serve you better, Canada Trust is opening another new branch in Pickering at Lookout Point Shopping Centre (Oklahoma and Whites Road). Our new branch - located south of the 401 - is a sign of your confidence in Canada Trust and in the future of your ccinmunity. We're proud to be growing with Pickering and we'd like to show our appreciation with a grand opening celebration! OPENING SPECIALS For a limited time, you can save money with these great bonus and discount offers - • 1 % mortgage discount for the first six months up to $100 bonus for every new RSP WIN A $2,,1.500 IC As a special thank you, well give you one entry to win a $2,500 GIC when you open a savings or chequing account at this branch. Hurry, this is a limited time offer! ed are non-perishable food and toys and gifts for children. Donations can be dropped off at the Salvation Army's Family Services Centre depot at 43 Sta- tion St., Ajax. Food can also be dropped off at the Ajax McDon_ aid's Restaurant, Maclean Hunter Cable TV in Ajax, and both LOEB stores in Ajax. Call Paul Carew of the Salvation Army at 686-1264. I i Pu4eeuaj (�isua�w.s "A show displaying a wonderful . variety of handcrafted treasures." Sunday, Dec. 4, 119 189 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Metro East Trade Centre, East Hall A Free admission. For information call 428-7610 1 YOU'RE INVITED TO THE SEVENTH ANNUAL LIGHTING OF THE LIGHTS AT THE AJAX AND PICKERING GENERAL HOSPITAL ON TUESDAY DECEMBER 6th AT 7:30 P.A. FREE CANDY CANES, HOT CHOCOLATE, PARKMIG SPONSORED BY PICKERING ELECTRIC HYDRO COMMISSION THANKS TO MACLEAN HUNTER, LOEB BAYWOOD, AND C M 9" V REMYCLETt'S REPORT • ia'x,' P residents waste not O Waste Reduction count to any customer who took in Patsy Leamon's Grades 2 and 3 Week a success in Ajax, Pickering By LARRAINE ROULSTON ENVIItoNMENTAL SPECIALIST The Waste Reduction Week (WRW) challenge between Ajax and Pickering to determine which community could reduce the most residential waste (with trucks weighed before and after the week's events) resulted in a Pick- ering reduction of 20.3 metric tonnes and in Ajax 16.4. However, when taking population into account, Ajax came out on top with 5.7 per cent less trash to land- fill and Pickering 5.5 per cent. Whitby won the regional chal- lenge with a reduction of 39.04 metric tonnes (12 per cent). In Pickering, WRW was offi- cially launched with a 3Rs cake, prepared by Bakery Plus, and given to Orchard Villa retirement home. Bakery Plus participated in WRW '93 by posting a sign offer- ing a 10 per cent beverage dis- a mug. The sign remains today class won a presentation of the which is an indication that every P.W. Worman puppet show for week is Waste Reduction Week. Pickering's school contest. In both towns, winners of the Each school was asked to compost draws were A. describe what could be done Ahluwalia, R. Shanks, P. Perry beyond regular recycling activi- and L. Pappin. Two draw winners ties, and Woodlands responded of the 3Rs newspaper contest, C. with its plant care and vermicom- Smiglicki and J. Dixon, posting project. received a children's envi-Chris Williams at Picker- ronmental book. .� ing High School gathered Trillium Community from students and staff a 10 won Pickering's free' nearly -full bin of craft waste audit offered by items which were donated Recycling Developmentfoo to a local day care. Corp. Travel mugs and pen- For those who set out cils were given to residents with articles in the Great Driveway the best filled blue boxes and least Giveaway. I hope your trash garbage. Chosen by Miller Waste became someone else's treasure. drivers were the residents at 705 A thank you to employees of Edgewood Rd. and 15 Stockbridge the Ajax Community Centre, Ajax Ct. BFI drivers selected 900 Vistu- library and the Pickering Recre- la Dr. and 122 Vaughan Rd. for ation Complex, who maintained a the least garbage. WRW display; Dunbarton High This year's bottle cap guess at School for a 3Rs message on its the Whites Road Beer Store result- outdoor marquee; LOEB at Finch ed in a tie. R. Feashy received The Avenue and Dixie Road for allow - Creative Cook's Recycling Book ing a garbageless supermarket and a WRW T-shirt was given to tour; Cathy Cox of Pine Ridge R. Hoes. Garden Gallery, who spoke on Durham March of Dimes needs its space ❑ Donated storage space required to prepare for winter garage sale DURHAM — Not only squir- rels are looking for storage space this winter. The Ontario March of Dimes, Durham branch, is looking for donated space to store items for its annual winter garage sale. Items to be stored include housewares, furniture and hard- ware. Storage space is needed from December until the end of March. FACTORY AFdS OUTLET a'] ::1_1_1 D IDFJ(0) ISOTo-, �R The garage sale will be held on March 26 at the Royal Canadian Legion in Oshawa. All proceeds will be used to purchase mobility equipment for adults with physical disabilities. If you can help, call the Ontario March of Dimes at (905) 434- 5280. yard care and composting to stu- dents; Fairport Beach P.S., which suggested parents send unwanted paper and magazines to be includ- ed in its mixed paper recycling pickup; Mobile Vacuum, which gave a dollar value on anything that came into the store that week; Whites Road Beer Store staff for the bottle cap guess contest; this community's media for great cov- erage-, and all the WRW volun- teers and participants. DDO COMING EVENT: Dec. 1, 6:30 p.m., Toronto Metro Hall, Room 303, 55 John St., Composting at university. For details, call 416- 284-6409. " Layaway for Christma � Illlllllhlilllllllll� 'ng��I Il llllllllllllllllll�, II Self correctiWord . Typewriters Processors b(othw 686-2015 CLARKE OFFICE CONCEPTS 91 Station S. Unit 9 SERVING AJAX FOR 15 YEARS Ajax PODIATRIST ° Trustee In Bankruptcy Offering all insolvency Ronald J. Klein B.S.c., D.P.M. ' Wishes to Announce the Opening of ,++ ;�11'h `` his Practice ti At the Pickering Medical Centre AJAX: 50 Commercial Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG: 72 King St. W. 372-4744 �' • F,11 vrwa.". Co M•f - J Ste. #210 FREE initial consultation. JAMES R. YANCH .5por"Me'l'one .-831-FEET 13338) Corn 4F= Faa s,►an,' s - - — Galbraith JEWELLERS & GIFTWARE M,m palm �1' 4 Trustee In Bankruptcy Offering all insolvency Services inducting personal & corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX: 50 Commercial Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG: 72 King St. W. 372-4744 Sattuday & evening appointments available. r FREE initial consultation. JAMES R. YANCH i) years ago you I wbisprre Galbraith JEWELLERS & GIFTWARE M,m palm �1' 4 Expect more from Sears Pair Converse court shoes Sizes S to 11 to & men's, women's and senior kids' One Stor court shoes with a suede upper. Black. Reebok" court shoes - :_ Men's and women's Newport a"Lsic 11 court shoes have a leather upper. Men's sizes 7-12, women's 6-9. FUM and 1/2 sises. C0WKJM 1994. Sears Canada Inc. -SEA= Expect moi e from Sems 3HUFSAR PICKERING TOWN .. _ . .E Nrsii%�* i i�'M{.•...1Nr...��•y•.►:+.1�.��I:ir.isis�itit♦y'ii`':i�1.��7Y1�.11:�.�,• lfiie�li4ils iRi Kti��r,r1�►71aNwrr»r���N�N4e�tyi��iaf�i+lFlii►tea• ��..,.; �n� , r..., ir�rararii�orr�r�atrr�Ci��ilii+i+ii+�irarr�r.l�+rrsrrrrriirr,arrir.rsr��t♦airr•♦ Nill��rira �i ii►1.11,i;- � •. �.�. wYi.wu�.w��4Tra a.��iaTv'L�/iYsai�K��LY��4 �...+ • ✓. 4, i HWY 2 1K � � u t w ■ � �cw �pcEnMw M C0WKJM 1994. Sears Canada Inc. -SEA= Expect moi e from Sems 3HUFSAR PICKERING TOWN .. _ . .E Nrsii%�* i i�'M{.•...1Nr...��•y•.►:+.1�.��I:ir.isis�itit♦y'ii`':i�1.��7Y1�.11:�.�,• lfiie�li4ils iRi Kti��r,r1�►71aNwrr»r���N�N4e�tyi��iaf�i+lFlii►tea• ��..,.; �n� , r..., ir�rararii�orr�r�atrr�Ci��ilii+i+ii+�irarr�r.l�+rrsrrrrriirr,arrir.rsr��t♦airr•♦ Nill��rira �i ii►1.11,i;- � •. �.�. wYi.wu�.w��4Tra a.��iaTv'L�/iYsai�K��LY��4 �...+ • ✓. 4, The Great fv��Ylf Fi :: Canadian .. .;...:" v:;rf}.::;i':4ii+iiii 'psi' Weather .::r...,. Contesd+ Old Man Winter is knocking. He's quickly gaining strength after being away for so long and stands ready to take over our lives for the next several months. Therefore, it's time for a weather check. We're going to test your knowledge of weather in Canada and how it affects people from coast to coast. Well draw a winner from all of the correct entries and provide you with a dinner for two to warm up your winter nights. Brace yourself and bundle up for the Great Canadian Weather Contest... 1. What major world city spends the most money on snow removal? A) Helsinki B) Montreal C) Moscow D) Toronto 2. What is Canada's sunniest province? A) Alberta B) Saskatchewan C) New Brunswick D) Manitoba 3) How much does an average fall of heavy snow weigh on an average driveway? A) 112 tonne B) 1 tonne C) 2 tonnes D) 4 tonnes 4) Which of the following moves the fastest? A) A large hailstone B) A hurricane C) Snowflakes in a blizzard D) The wiirxter of the Queen's Plate 5) What is Canada's foggiest city? A) Saint John, N.B. B) Vancouver, B.C. C) St. Johns, *Nfkf. D) Halifax, N.S. Well print the correct answers with the winning entry. Be sure to include your name and address with your entry so we can contad you. Deakin for entries is Wednesday, Dec. 28,1994 for publica- tion in the Friday, Dec. 30 Adtitic of the News Advertiser. Send your entries to: Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser Great Canadian Weather Contest, c/o the newsroom, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. US 21-15 Santa Claus shares breakfast with kids PICKERING - The Ginger- bread Co -Op Nursery School hosts a Breakfast with Santa this Saturday. The event takes place from 9 to 10:45 a.m. at Don Beer Arena, Dillingham Road, Pickering. Santa's elves and Barney will also be there. For more information 831- 9246. • NEW ` HOURS WED. -SUN. 10-4 NEwN � .lViVCS - LJVVLt:Y INSURAO/N�Cy0Ey��B��ROKER LOW HOME INSURANCE RATES Y. $100,000 - $192/yr.;150,000 - $318/yr. Package Policies - $200 deductible Durham area with protection & discounts ADD'L 15% DISCOUNT FOR AGE 50 & UP a THOUSANDS OF... *PRE -OWNED 7 BARGAINS!! *MANUFACTURERS CLOSEOUTS!! *FACTORY SECONDS!! T -- COMPUTER WORK STATIONS 98 11 a I a M � t rir...► Mil 4 1755 PLUMMER D" SL 1755 PLUMMER ST., PICKEPoNG 839-00 19 1/ / _7A NAVE A DUFFERIN FAMILY CHRISTMAS DUFFERIN 4 X 8 SLATE BILLIARD TABLES FROM ONLYmoo 49a OR't�et n�o�nN COMPLETE wmi DELIVERY, WTALLATION AND ACCESSORIES fig CiAOEN calm PUT A GAME ROOM 0 YOUR HOME AT A PRICE THAT CANT BE BEATI COME AND SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF GAME ROOM PRODUCTS INCLUDING, BILLIARD TABLES AND ACCESSORIES. DUFFERIN CUES, DARTS, SHUFFLEBOARD, BARS BOARD GAMES, PUZZLES, CASINO EQUIPMENT, CARD TABLES, AIR HOCKEY AND SO MUCH MORE. • COMPLETE SERVICE • COMMERCIAL SPECIALISTS • FINANCING • 0JA17!iV*;JA&.*I10A L 10 16 0- It b ;R'.' j . 1.&'a•P"�. < k tet'.' .' .. .. Durham Region home builders honored with awards by local association DURHAM - TIM OAMMtkatm Home Builders• Associa- &W =vkeMS and two m hon of outstanding membef Oshawa -Durham Home Builders' AssocituM pig up tion homed its o� e at its first atnual awards evening held last cow H. Kassin� Conswction Ltd waked off with • 1994 Community Service Award. Alex H�llebraa� � Friday inWhitby.the prestigious 1994 Sales and Marketing Award for a new resi- president of the association. was awarded a Life Membership in presented three major awards, one for sales dential community. Mario Veltri, a past president of the reoognition of 15 years of service. — FEATURE FOR FEATURE YOU JUST CANT BEAT CHEVY VALUE — 1995 CHEVROLET LUMINA VM ✓aw►BaL aNn-Locir ems MD sEAnNc FOR SEM ME sruO,wo - NOT ON aeRosraR OR CARAVAN VRUST AND cEerr RESISTANT eocr PANELS ARE STANDARD ON LUMINA - NOT AVAILABLE ON W►Npy7,gR OR CARAVAN. s 3.1 L V6 Power sAir Conditioning a AM/FM Stereo Cassette s Driver's Side Air Bag ■ Tinted Windows ■ Stainless Steel Exhaust ■ Pulse Wipers ■ Plus Much More 995 CHEWASTRO VM&A/zwV ✓�s�nro Aaredn MTM MD cAurrw cMrr roucx nun VA vow�u. &AM aK+wE MW&cMcocMWrn _MTsc"VM awstyled for ,% - aAM/FM Steno Cmett+e ,rDeep Tinted Glass • ftw Wiry b*S r RAutomatic Pbwer Door Locks - if Captain's Chairs ■ 4■3L VG Pyr 8 8 Passenger Seating a plus Add Mone YALI� PRICED AT VOUR CIIEYROLET• GEO. OLDNp� � rai >d101R0 tocol► f!� UMMx [rIR and inllRan�e AOt &ftftAwffmvhmkrAw trued time dit MwMw tMflMl�ll 1 SMI QAG see LOOL/AO nEatw anftOwam :«"A`, r .e4•s■ ^J illboard Billboard is a free feature for Community events of a non -prof - It nature. To have your events promoted in Billboard, fax 683. 7363 or write to the Ajax -Pick- ering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont., L1S 2HS. The deadline for Billboard Items is 10 a.m. the Monday prior to Wednesday publication, 10 a.m. the Wednesday prior to Friday publication and 10 a.m. the Thursday prior to Sunday publication. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30 PARENTS: The One Parent Fam- ily Association of Ajax -Pickering holds weekly meetings for adults at 8 pm. at Swans Marina, Liver- pool Rd. S., Pickering. Social, educational, sports activities for all, and dances. 837-0328. CHOIR: The Metropolitan Toronto Police Association male chorus performs at 7:45 p.m. at Pickering Vil- lage United Church, 300 Church St. N., Ajax. Tickets are $8 for adults, $4 for children under 12 and available at the door. Proceeds to the church mortgage fund. 683- 4721. AUDITIONS: Antares Theatre holds auditions for the comedy How the Other Half Loves from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. at the Pickering Recre- ation Complex, Val- ley Farm Rd. south - of Hwy. 2. Three males and three females 20 years old and up are needed. Auditions are also on Dec. 3 from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. 831-6509 (Bruce), 837-1906 (Neil). THURSDAY, DEC.1 FIESTA NIGHT: Father Leo J. Austin School in Whitby holds a multicultural Fiesta Night beginning at 6:30. Entertainment and food from dif- ferent countries. $6 Im at the door for adults and $2 for children under 10.666-2010. BAZAAR: The Durham Region Community Care Association Caregiver Relief adult day pro- gram holds its arcual bazaar from 1 to 5 p.m. at 487 Westney Rd. S., Units 19 and 20 (corner Clements Rd. W. and Westney Rd. S.), Ajax. White elephant, raffle. Every- one welcome. 427-2315. BLOCK PARENTS: The Ajax Block Parents Association meets at 7:30 p.m. in the Carruthers Room of the Ajax Community Cesare on Centennial Rd. Mem- ber of the Oshawa Block Patent Association will discuss their pro. -grain. 619-1018 pay Goldmintz). WM CANADIANS: The pub - 'Nes invited to a swearing-in eae- mony for new Canadians from 10 to 11 a.m. in the cafetorium of St_ Mary Catholic Secondary School, 1918 Whites Rd., Pickering. Refreshments. 427-6208 (Roger Raoeae). Free admission. Lunch avail- able. Wheelchair accessible. 649- 5102 (Shirley Jamieson). CONCERT: The West Hill Com- munity Singers perform a Christ- mas concert to benefit the Picker- Relaxers Wash & Set .�);25 ; $12 so , Full Head of B up Braids (hair nm induded)---.$60 B Plus = More ftiFShop Specia Recall a��ucy Produ�u Nov. 30,1994 ing food bank at St. Paul's on the Hill Anglican Church, 822 Kingston Rd., Pickering, at 7:45 p.m. Cash, food donations to the food bank accepted. 839-7909. Specializing in Jamaican style Jerk Cuisine Catering for all occasions FREE DELIVERY IN AJAX & PICKERING ON ORDERS Pat enry OVER $20 p Hours MM •,' Monday -Friday 11 a.m.- 10 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. -10 p.r ftCliS effede ff0m Stmday, Novern6w 27 und SatLt , !WerviW 33. '2mn F A 1LL aaOY><1AR>t,>� I"#. AGZ 17-A eve ane reads aril she s ry p ;f r. the NkoV1 e ser! Assorted Varieties .Frozen. Concentrated. 355 ml Mlw_-a Mrd W e' Orange UniDry ce or pa h 2 L bd., 4.0000 ml. rso � ea. (puns deposit) ei.Stlroo ml 201 nWAY, DEC. 2 7 �� CRAFT AND BAKE SALE: A craft and bake sale is held at Mt. AcloBee"a Awax Ago ik m11 120my"No 62&5632 elyI-, 0 a d :osWAW 4" US -14a G1flldi� IND Obis Aoad pkkwtn9 flit-st Zion Community Centre, 4230 Salem Rd. between Conc. 7 and 8. .From 4 p.m. to 9 p.m., also runs iurtlay Aa4pin. ndStt l0am. X10 -1 . `Ifs-`. 161z W-10 A, PAGE 18 -A --TIM NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., N0yn1= 30, 19% IIs C-1 DON'T PAY A CENT EVENT! I ; 1994 MA] 323 - Fully a utomatic - 2 -dr. hatchback - AM/FM cass. - Power steering & power brakes - 1.6 L engine 6 *mel 01• ♦ ONLY 1249 PER MONTH! ♦ NO PAYMENTS TILL APRIL'95! HURRY..mmm- ONLY- 4 W &M LEFTN MEM "WE'LL MAKE IT WORTH THE " ,7im os 0S ' DRIVE TO WHITBY" HAM' fid 1250 DUNDAS ST. WHITBY 668-6881 TOR. 686-2256 •�► , .:- Dr. Kevin Tyber OPTOMETRIST - Dispensing of contact lenses and glasses - Evening and Saturday appointments available - Complete Family Eye Care 427-4144 15 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax whesi (Between Hwy. 401 3 No. 2) Accae r--------- ---- ----------------� WHAT'S FISHY " YOUR WATER? If you don't know, call us for a FREE Water Analysis and information on the water in your area! Try our Ultra Pure Water, P ( r see and taste the difference. 4 FILL YOUR OWN JUGS, 20 litres .........o-2.• nly `� iCourterTop FiMers..reg. '99° -...special -79.- 1 Reverse Osmosis -199.-..special -159.- ...reg. WATER COOLER SPECIAL ....... __ -only. 0259.0 PLUS 13 FREE REFILLS Water Softener Salt any size, 1 Buy 12 - Get one FREE ' 1 WATER SOFTENERS from -495.• ALL WATER FILTER CARTRIDGES 10% OFF Chemical free Kon removers, ULTRA VIOLET PURIFIERS 1 (Special Prices expire Dec. 31,94) NATURE'S OWN SALT SUPPLEMENT 1 GNE PURE WATER SOFTENER i WATER, AS 'till j FREE Jan 1/95 GFT FOR V reg. from -19.9- per mont i YOUNG'S WATER SYSTEMS OPEN Mon.-Frl. a a 5 p.m. � e2 j sae. 9 •.m. - 4 i p SCUM L sunt 2 - s P.m. (9Q� 655.4544 1-80fT263-1 — — — -- — — �.� Be Our Guest at Pickering Town Centre Saturday, Nov. 26, 19� " marked the opening Pickering Town Centn "Be Our Guest" custon service department. The department will of many services that w help make shopping pleasure this holid season. (Top) Ann DeMarz4 checks the coat of Altai Edwards. (Side) Jacqueline Hay, explains safe operatioi of stroller to mon (Cheryl Nazareth) and son Kyle. The "Be Our Guest" stop is located on the upper level, northeast side across from Dominion. EXTENDED C1011STMAS MOM: � Mon. to Sat.' 9:008.m.- 9:00P.m. Sun. i Holidays .j NV O_VE_R� i OUR TO CHOOSE -FROM! i OUR BIOME AT OUR L� SANTA'S CHOICE TINSEL .I-AR LAN D ---,=11111111111 15' of cheery tin- sel garland in 8 •__ '-�•�.�.- sparkling colours. 101 uses for your home decor. 118 YGMUNDa 20N WREATH Natural forest green & blue - Life -like. soft needle & heavy duty. 20" wreath, �10 tips. 9' garland. 240 tips, 8" wide. .., .. ... .. . �.. i-.' y.. ':gym .:'r;-w"Sv�.... Rd'kr�A��11"'4:' '•U,��*�'r��!�!' .:w r �,r s 9C+.' : r ,� r'Jtiw :':`'r31'tA,,t. �' % �yr�.� � by • ACJ .i. r.+:l �THB NEr1'dAO'1►) "MM ARd.IMD"R A ~NZ "A QN110E SELLING TREES AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER! LIFE-UKE DETAIL, TRUE RICH COLOUR & SUPERIOR QUALITY! tr Heavy duty construction t� Non allergenic A sturdy r�r Metal stand included 10 year warranty Flame retardant Easy set up 61 /2' CANADIAN PINE Green or blue, 1200 tips. N8pp431 668e 8a. � 44 ONLY — l 1/28 1 CANADIAN PINE Rich forest green. reen. 1786 tips 88 \01MY 74 ea. - OUTDOOR SILHOUETTI Light up your lawn this holiday season! Choose from tree, star 8 more! ea. DELUXE POLYESTER F OWERS Our most elegant & beautiful flowers ever. Choose from gold edge. velveteen. glittered 8 lame I finishes. Reg. 1.39-8.99ea. A Mown. to; Sat. 9:008.m.-9:00p.m. Sun. & Holidays 9:00a.m.4:00p.m. SALE ENDS DECEMBER 7,1994. GREAT CARE IS TAKEN 01 THE PREPARATION i PROOUCTKNI OF THIS AD. ERROR IN DESCRIPTION. ALUSTRIOION i PRICING MAY OCCUR 0 THE EVENT OF A PRICING ERROR. AiEC CS11 PRICE OEMMN). MAY E% D AVANAAIE STOCK. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES LIMITED TO STOCK ON MAND NOT ALL= AVAKAlLE AT OUR KENNEDY RO 011 WH1T.1' IOGT10N5 NO LEISURE PURNITUR SOLD AT MMOV WWTNY i NMlINGTON STORES. QUAUWp :I M„`t r : 11111jul I W 7L77 5" HAND TIED BOWS 5" bows make the perfect accent for all your gifts or holiday home decor. 15 colours, in velvet or moire. ONLY 1 LOW 8, 0 PRICE' ea. IAS T! 04 T"CW01 TREE PLASTIC ORNAMENTS HAPES Ready to decorate! 9 Wood, brass, / ,(� Pant, add florals 8 paper, glass & ( \ open up 8 fill with r more! Over 400 .` , ` toys, gifts 8 more! styles to choose Cherub, house, from. ( ball, Santa. snowman. bell. boot. v a y ea \_ ea HURRY! LIMITED TO _STOCK ON SPRAY GLITTER 165g. New colour for- mulations. Gold, silver, red, green 8 multi. Reg. 4.99ea. NOW 113 MORE SUPER LOW PRICE! • .• 70 MLAND RD. Port Union/401 SELEC OM & VALUE1 _7 - 7 a 9 �-sfilll BLOOMS!_ 25' NATURALLY FRESH INDOORR/IOUTDOOR 1 C DAR ROPE JUNO VELVET Decorate your BOW entranceway or stairway8frawith fresh In red or rope. become cedar Approx. 10rate to fix. 10"x" x 14'. match your decor or leave plain. 11 MI ,7iM 11110111111, 1 T / aa. ,.,.,.,,,�,�,�,.,.,�,.,�,.,.,.,.,,..,...,.,.,.,.,...�...•.,.,.,.,.,..•.•.•:::.•:.�.•.•.•.•.•.•.•7 1,•,•••,•, •, ",•,•,•, •,",•, ,•,• ,,•, ,•,.,•,.,r,. • .•.••.,.•.,.,.".,.,......•.•.•.•.•0.•�.'.•1.•.•.� Vri:.Qf;;qgj;rjZr1A !lt4 !.•i'l�i'i�i j•f'►'I'�•!li'I•t'!•3`� 7 �• Z• • t '' Jar' �' P�f��') , , • ; NR . , i' . �, S �4 �; �� ��N:s N� PIP P I� P• P�PI�� 1'f�P. �.• i 1 ��yy I� .�'.3^. 3•tif�'• � • f.M `•` it .��. +w.:At'+e a.•s... . On the block The annual United Way live auction takes place Dec. 4 at the HMS Ajax Room of the Ajax Community Centre. Helping to promote the auction are, left to right, executive director Dennis Goulin, media rela- tions co-ordinator Martin Olenroot, auction co-ordinator Mary Cook and campaign associate Grace Lenehan. The auction begins at 1 p.m. with a preview at noon. Call 686.0606. photo try Ron Pietroniro Durham group works t( provide youth housing By Leo Antonelli SPECIAL TO THE: %Eesti ADVERTISER DURHAM - A look through the classified section of any newspaper reveals an abundance of apart- ments for rent. But if you're young and on social assistance, it's not so easy to find affordable housing in Durham Region. About four per cent of 16- and 17-year-olds are receiving welfare, getting a maximum of $663 a month. Trouble at home has forced them to look for a place on their own. The combination of being young and on social assistance can make many landlords uneasy, says a youth outreach worker for Big Sisters N.O.W. "People think that because they're young, they're irresponsi- ble," says Susan Shepherd. "1 just try to break some of the stereo- types." Ms. Shepherd helps young peo- pie aged 14 to 21, male and female, look for housing. Last year iMs. Shepherd worked with 107 young Pte- . She is there to provide support, share information and let young people know their rights as tenants. Often landlords want first and last month's rent, and Ms. Shep- herd helps work out a payment plan. The outreach program also keeps a registry of landlords who will rent to young people. Ms. Shepherd says many young people have to make ends meet and go to school at the same time. The faster I can get them set- tled, the more likely it is they'll stay in school," she says. Big Sisters N.O.W. works closely with Housing Help Durham, the John Howard Societv and the YMCA to help young peo- ple find a place to live in their price range. The agencies get the majority of their referrals from Social Services. Housing Help Durham keeps a registry of landlords who offer more affordable rentals. About 30 to 40 landlords a month are regis- tered. The group's housing co-ordina- tor says a lot of the accommoda- tion in the area is new develop- ment and not suitable for young PW* - All of the Durham agencies agree that the region desperately needs an emergency shelter for yob Poopk "A lot of our youths end up in hostels in Toronto," Ms. Shepherd says. "We want to keep them in thea own communities." * New & used cons prrient and collectibles a Women's, men's & children's clothes, household goods & much more • Stretch your dollars • We pay all the taxes during grand opening (416) 284-8848 129 tNstld Rd. (South of X01, East off Pt. thdw ) fro diat i ,w .. ...... � '.�, : ;%a;);�k�lr:r.a';i :l. `! d►l1. ! !'��� a,r;a j`R`�"Jy"a►,�'i w inumher -fog' fa*lves-;,khedules- AJAX-PICKERING — There's a new telephone number to call for information on GO train and bus fares and schedules. Passengers in the Toronto local calling area — Ajax and Pickering residents included — should now dial 416-869-3200. The change is needed because GO Transit has moved its headquarters from Downsview to down- town Toronto. People using telephones with hearing-impaired devices (TTD) will continue to call 1-800-387-3652. YAMS - Each windshield priced TO CLEAR! - Great selection of colours and LFEM Lab%OkF ft SAND R<> w BOARD PACKAGE Arh WDEDf Deux ami e s For the past three months Baie Comeau, Ouebec, resident Jes- sica Martel, left, has been staying with Ajax High School student Beth Hamilton and her family. Jessica returns home on Dec. 1 and Beth will stay with the Martel family for three months begin- ning in February. The exchange program is organized through the Society for Educational Visits and Exchanges in Canada. photo by Ron Pietroniro o�OSi 431'j.2�63 ' > : p ERS LIMITED TRUSTEES IN BANKRUPTCY 74 KING ST. W. OSHAWA - II � r� sus.n anrrZANXIMSIN 61 Cum" Noe MU " � $199 4' Cae&2 s PLae SAME $24.99 3' Ciao" Mw SALE $19.99 ARAM w ro 30% 0WF ALL SATE $12" GREENERY ARRANGE WMN" 0 1755 PICKERING PARKWAY UNIT #19, HOME & DESIGN CENTRE h10N.-WE0.1Q6 P.M. aa�� 905-428-8750 S►T kt � Pit `J =XiADMWNW1M0, =^M* %=21-► j Vi+rcn Fv►c ave �R�ND b1"\'■ 1 0 11;2 n' •1, 070 • r • 9111'9 E RI 25 HARWOOO AVENUE NORTH km i' oum* Plamwwy Ipw;egu. Day St��.........9 a.m. - 6 p.m. HM - OU .... ......9 a.m. - 5P - m. la�day - Wednesciay..:B a.m. - 9:30 p.m. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. x wr3day 8 *rFnday ...........8 p.m. -10 P.M. Sunday day ...........................i a.m. - 9 p.m. 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Premier announces opening of waterfront s stem gy 0 Mayors from 22 the mayors of the 22 municipal example of co-operative partner- of the Royal Commission on the "I am very pleased that we are partners, local environmentalists ships, including all of the Whitby Future of the Toronto Waterfront. preserving our waterfront, not only communities loin to and private sector representatives. and Oshawa waterfronts." People will be able to walk, cycle for ourselves and children, but for mark opening of . "We had some really good par- The Waterfront Trail grew out or tour along the Lake Ontario generations to come," Mr. White g ticipation from some local folks," of David Crombie's Final Report shoreline trail. says. waterfront trail says Durham Centre MPP Drum - DURHAM - Starting in the Spring of next year, people will be able to walk a trail that stretches along Lake Ontario from Burling- ton to Trenton. Premier Bob Rae announced the opening of The Waterfront Trail at a meeting in Toronto last week. The meeting was attended by mond wlttte. JobsOntario contributed $8.6 million to the project, with $16 million coming from municipali- ties, conservation authorities, com- munity groups and the private sec- tor. "I'm excited by what can hap- pen when governments, the public and private sectors all work together," Mr. White says. "The Waterfront Trail is a wonderful St. Wilfrid hosts Christmas craft show PICKERING - St. Wilfrid loam. -3 p.m. this Saturday. Catholic School, Brock Road North Craft tables, book fair, chil- and Rossland Road in Pickering, dren's make and take, poinsettia will be the site of a craft show from sale and door prizes. FACIAL PLACE Durham's Relaying Day Spa P"PE11 -i -S SOMEONE SPECIAL Lrnd§ Mistrobuorro-AnfWn owrw Facials - Manicures - Pedicures - Waxing - Relaxing Massage Make -Up - Tinting - Nail Tips - Spa Packages Gift Certificates Available For your convenience, Gift Certificates can be ordered over the phone using your Visa or MasterCard. (Allow one week delivery). Monday to Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 pm. 216 Brock Street South, Whitbv (905)668-8128 acaumi;"gcirstancc 1-800-632- FACE Visit BodyScience dunng opon House Dec. 3rd and 4th Body Science �— feight Loss Centres MS Treatments and odyshaping is the lace to be this `t During the open ' souse you can enjoy a - me 30 minute E.K.S. . ession, a free facial, a roe makeover or just elan and get s ` ampered with a 0mpIimentary e8ezolagy session. fi At Body Science, t the counsellors help Dt'4'tVIM x B4djr genes: uu lose up to 201bs#**�4W"W#en>guoar+:` tis holiday season. Whatever the need, the trained professionals at ody Science will take care of you. At the centre, located at the Westney Heights Plaza in Ajax, lets are a definite no no. They offer a holistic approach to nutrition here you learn how to combine your food together to speed up etabolism to burn maximum stared fat. It's a natural healthy approach. There's no counting calories, +epackaged food or group starvation plans. At the same time firm up your body through electronic muscle mutation. EMS is a state of the art therapy that tightens and bby muscles making you lose inches and become more taut and firm. For an appointment call 619-2639. '*4 C " R I S T M A S PRESENT SOLUTION! IN n_ w - 4P. l' :. 50 �� Wo Huge inventory Including �• Including current items from this season's production • Limited Time Only — Dec. 2, 3 and 4 TO PRODUCMON DR. (416) 289-0509 STORE HOURS: Friday. 2-7 P.M. Saturday. 9-3 P.M. Sunday 9-3 P.M. H" 401 Progress A7 - F -2 v c o E E `: t f N FNesmere Rd. As_ A A A A� ,MMMW'Mmm MOW . (0*0 Kandi"esKook"V0.3 %%V 1%ft dowN >�>Ltea �r F00cm LT p. - - ` ANNOW, A As! - "W MOW 00001 PRE -CHRISTMAS SAVINGS A 10 _ on our ahoe* IOW ; prices,. until Sun. Dec. 4th ;.still close ,_ �. W. HOM MM-Vft 10-7 Candies Galore Thugs. a M. I" Sat. 9�8 &a 12-5 1163 Kingston Rd. Pickering w LM .:: 905-831-3737 E .�t�' � ,.. oP5MEMM�A/Att95 ^� Expe ct more from Sears Electronic digital computer with pulsemeter N CANADA'S BEST SELLERS at llnw Or advertising Preparation Sears reg. 1599.99 Save X600 on 2.0 h P DC electric treadmill Walk or jog with adjustable speeds Features 2 full-length siderails, a cushioned from 0-10 mph and automatic gas- running surface for comfort and emergency assisted elevation to vary workouts. shut-off for safety. #30156. SALE PRICE ENDS SUNDAY, DECEMaER 4, 1994, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. Copyngm 19M. sears Canada Inc. IMF Expect more from Sears SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN C We're open Mon. -M. 10:00 a.m. -10:00 p.m., Sat 9:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m., Sun. 11:00 am. -6:00 p.m. �.;...10 411r1.11.T "At ..:f.�l ./3 ..r.���.v•''.,�,..-1.�...��. .� 3,4 jf�4:!.4441 . �i�,*#4.-r,; -.x_ •��'"+H<4K rM�3r e . f�..•.�k.31�.�M�►ilbl:t. N��IMhyc7Nw•1•N+•Mi.Mw�.�+AI•.1�M��.1�V .�A41. 1�rt ��►1w�; „ilii+liili:..yii::i:ii•aiii::!!!!7lliiiiiiiiill� iii i li "` : g HWY2 0 � a W � ■ o zceanw PKw M SALE PRICE ENDS SUNDAY, DECEMaER 4, 1994, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST. Copyngm 19M. sears Canada Inc. IMF Expect more from Sears SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN C We're open Mon. -M. 10:00 a.m. -10:00 p.m., Sat 9:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m., Sun. 11:00 am. -6:00 p.m. �.;...10 411r1.11.T "At ..:f.�l ./3 ..r.���.v•''.,�,..-1.�...��. .� 3,4 jf�4:!.4441 . �i�,*#4.-r,; -.x_ •��'"+H<4K rM�3r e . f�..•.�k.31�.�M�►ilbl:t. N��IMhyc7Nw•1•N+•Mi.Mw�.�+AI•.1�M��.1�V .�A41. 1�rt ��►1w�; „ilii+liili:..yii::i:ii•aiii::!!!!7lliiiiiiiiill� iii i li "` : ♦ HEALTH CARE Durham Health Council seeks healthy proposals DURHAM - The Durham promote health and develop ways the money available." - recommendations to the ministry Interested organizations can Region District Health Council is to help solve problems related to The Council's Community by the end of the month. call Ms. Hessey at 433-4262 for calling for proposals from area health," says Lynda Hessey. ,Health Committee will receive More grants will be awarded more information or for a copy organizations that want to "Our intent is to try and meet proposals up until Jan. 4, 1995. to community groups in the of the ministry's criteria for improve health through commu- as many needs as possible with The council will then make its spring of next year. awarding the grants. wty-based mttiatives. The Council will be recom- mending projects to the Ministry of Health, which has made $20,000 available for one-time seed grants. The purpose of the Ministry's Healthy Community Grants Pro- gram is to enable people to gain more control over and improve their health by participating in local programs, says the Coun- cil's executive director. "The intent is to encourage members of the community to Ajax stamp club meets AJAX - The Ajax Philatelic Society meets at 7 p.m. this Sun- day to discuss their hobby. The meeting tares place in Room 110 of Ajax High School, Bayly St_ east of Harwood Ave. Monday, Dec. 5. The society meets the first and third Monday of each month. Junior collectors are always wel- come. For more information, call Ray at 839-8364 or Dave at 666- 9819. DEATH NOTICES Nov. 30, 1994 _ BERGE JULIUS HANSEN Berge Julius Hansen died Mon- day, Nov. 28, at Scarborough Cen- tenary Hospital, in his 87th year. A funeral service will be held Wednesday. Nov. 30, at 2 p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 35 Church St. N., Pickering Vil- lage, with cremation to follow. Arrangements entrusted to McEachnie Funeral Home, 428- 8488. Donations may be made to the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church or the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation. �g5 GA 5 �w o pica ennng— AMU& cff l ► 3 90000��YIELD 5 Year Tenn • wraw Fns mowittr taste[ twAtm UVOM Colaoearon CALL (416) 512-7621 •R" f*Jd M dw r . US,Mr oidmm /mvestraeltt services TD By a w. v..wmwmr smr ku tma b s wMM) w1mW wlkMW7 srMe TD itsak FEATURE FOR FEATURE YOU JUST CANT BEAT OLDSMOBILE VALUE 113.1 Litre 6-Cy4inder Engine 1 Air Conditioning 1 Dual Air Bags ■ 4 -Wheel ABS Brakes ■ Split Fold Rear Seat RAM/FM Stereo Cassette YN SNOULo "MON no l bm tees and i�ranoertotitClydsd DeMsr mqr bee or ml �� llrt�tf trme0l� oris► lime on awiibls. Some al1w r. fl Own **W.so 966far, fo,de0k AlGoodmumb SM-10al%r — LINKED EDRIOA— o_urin� Editi' i[• YALUE PRICED AT YOUR CHEVROLET GE041 OLDMOBILE STORE r oaxen o SKAU PRINT Front Bucket Seats With Console 94 -Speed Automatic Transmission With Electronic overdrive ■Sport Appearance Package ■ Keyless Remote 1 Tilt Steering ® ttiuwaattt� Ein Mon ris imC muds "WON rumor"& AWCftn eRAN* eaat ie` M" or M 'IW rrMr lero. Tlrlitl aw sa rM► �rt�li�g111w�sG�w� �Roe WASSISTANCE slsiwmtn,sy pw..rr� go* .Mr.araWis ap, r—ares#"4*SWdW1Ardffi ) sophisticated world travellers. 1995 NEON "Automobile of the Year" 1994 . Automoble Magazine 9Aftublu $111,640* 8 cot $ ** AS low AS nc P1dow • UMW red al►d air rP • !.i■i die dw :ed mm • Mraeilmft • AMIH trove atttlle • rti.el.iit.eAtels AvabW I, Im es ichWe • Sheierl &W ar Wo • SfeeisrA sw dw WW brans • AN"k An rrwm • 132 y MG 1.12A Ike li VdW ape • "1994 Ael.grie of ft ren" . Aaaltnsbit u,pziw • 5 n•mar • Car Aar" d1AP • Aub* i19 1 ddW sAt stet • F" ECommy- M MX (sn/la r.l bn- MEN (an /sa r.) My 1995 CHRYSLER INTREPID or a Mmited time get a world of aloe for Mk inbudnctory price. " I ALI] �l A 6 apm emr • ad neon klot mbm a cOl $29-9 ** •ftmtmtrsdme Is Ad ■tab rI• NE hr Murrit Ask about additional wW savings on other k q*ls MS OOOCE CAMYAWLYM M YOYAM TM aliMrMle .ii�►aa. aiO i o tart. THE ORIGINAL MINIVAN STORE . NtrariihtMmAlb *CHRYSLER 31IWav bcbhc • MM&W liar id * k • ftWWd sill k#W iti m • 3i1 �e ri ee jee • �taeei<..iww • A�ret.� • edr" • T facer stein • Buieefe A shove ' A DEALER YOU CAN BELIEVE IN. • hm miw..r,1.wn.rrir�dolw*rrrib.r.ii �.tM.r..r►n..+ir.rt.jre�.sM4r+*+snt.a a.�lrw�SIMr...... nAr...+ rwlri.Ai�rll�lali�i►w1V r.SreilrMi"II�1i► +MrMsl��>tri�ldw�iiwi�r■iwiri Iimmumd rd�wp@dsliadtl%1or11s1 4k * od6%2M(omwlfrpp. riw��rrl�wiMr Swwi4ririS�Mr��1ldr�f►r(wiUlSo�/i��rwli�c IS1SPlow MbmA-WSWW—At1wYswlvP dwak.In --Ak ilmriwisWIN 1St�141Yr►RItS1A wi1SllfSSlfwwlM��. FwWrrswl�l�rlt,SM1a0��i1Yl�irwilirw.l��nMV�iid�liiirsw�iwli�rw�04yii(wivs�idwiY�e wV�i��r ram Q�i9�R .:��alw�ir�lr��w� wrbti1w1�1iw�rr�r.Iwl��YiwlrMs.l+iilr 1w4rr1� 1`Iwi��(��wr�r�Mi�rS•�wi�► 11 u is -''p' ,Ii�y\l. 1dM�a l�-�N'lrrl'.�S�V�M• ,!L•J�i+ .�-�"�L' �3. Cdr. �,`Y 7,• ��a Provincial m0 inister c 0 Equality aim of act: human rights minister By KEITH GILLIGAN STAFF REPORTER AJAX-PICKERING — The aim of employment equity isn't to impose hiring quotas but rather to ensure all segments of society have an equal opportuni- ty at jobs, the provincial minister Workers scared but unharmed in -pet store robbery PICKERING — Two employees were unharmed during a robbery Sunday 4vening at Pet Valu on Kingston Road in Picker- `ing. A man whose face was concealed with a scarf walked into the pet ::food and supplies store around 5 _p.m. while a :male .and i e m a l e employee >:were working, ;Durham Regional Police report - The man indicated he Asad a gun and walked both -workers to the back or the The female employee was locked in the washroom .while the male employee .was directed to walk back 1 o the front of the store where be turned over an undisclosed amount of cast to the robber wbo tied the scene. Police say the suspect is "lite, between 3'3" and 115",13 to 20 years old. He was wearing black :wire -rimmed glasses, a i4Lc1t toque, dark scar( sad f nee -quarte: tesgtk jacket- Anyoae;.vitt iofWUNW1 " calf u rhsas_"peatwl L61Y ... LASER SURGERY FOR SNORING CERTIFIED SPECIALISTS DL R Kassel MD FRCSC DL S Siomra MD FRCSC • i&,",r-AJId*v I i responsible for the legislation assures. . Citizenship and Human Rights Minister Elaine Ziemba told a forum of about 50 people Thursday that all groups should have "equal opportunity to a job. Once they're hired, they should have equal opportunity to advance. Their skills should be looked at." The forum was hosted by Durham West MPP Jim Wise- man at the Pickering Central PONTIar r�t FP' _M •. f_ lefends'jo Library. The provincial Employ- ment Equity Act which became law Sept. 1 requires employers to develop plans to remove barriers that keep out of the workplace members of designated groups — women, racial minorities, aboriginals and disabled people. Ms. Ziemba noted a barrier could be anything that keeps someone from working, such as a building that isn't wheelchair accessible. - Employers and employees in a •b equity legislation business should examine the make-up of the workforce, the community they're in and barri- ers keeping members of desig- nated groups from being hired. A plan can then be put in place to move toward employ- ment equity. "When they promote or hire, we'll see how they bring some of the targeted groups into the workplace," Ms. Ziemba said. A business isn't expected to make immediate changes so its workforce reflects society, such as 52 per cent of all employees being women, she added. "Women may not have the skills right now. Employees have to have the skills to do the job. Numbers aren't the important part of the legislation. Quality is." Employment equity legisla- tion covers almost three-quarters of the provincial workforce, involving nearly 17,000 busi- nesses. PRICED GHT 1995 PONTIAC GRAND AM SE SEDAN r driver's side air bag power door locks V rear seat heat ducts f 4 -wheel anti-lock brake system r reclining bucket seats r 2.3 litre MFl L4 engine 1995 Pontiac Grand Prix SE Sedan e Dual air bags y 4 -wheels ABS • 160 HP 3.1 fume V6 engine • 4 -speed electronic transmission y air conditioning • power VAndowsAocks • tilt Steering y pulse wipers • fog lamps y AM/FM stereo cassette �.J automatic transmission T AM/FM stereo cassette power steering 7 pulse wipers r air conditioning 1995 Pontiac Bonneville SE Sedan • 205 HP 3800 SH V6 engine - dual air bags * 4 -wheel ABS . air conditioning • 4 Veed electronic transmission • cruise control 0 tilt steering • power driver's seat * power tnx*/wirtdowsfiocks •T• PONTIAC Based on a 36 month lease for Grand ArtUGrand Prix/Bonneville equipped as described. Minimum dowwyments of S26602401/S2745 and S304400/$475 security deposit are required Some mileage condition japply. FreipM (S5 N760W70), license, insurance and taxes no included. Olt applies ro 1995 new or demonstrator models. Dealer order or trade maybe nate � - �'r'il��iwir�atir�� - _ _ �.!r--+.a.,i•N^w3vrir?,+.M.a�+'++Ka,: i.-.'-� - ._:!?7-':'"_'f"�• : _ ...... -... __ ._ H .__.�.__.........o.s�.-. ......,--....•.....w• — ,..., v.., .....: .. .. _ e�.3¢:i,:�ae.T.rrr�•tw.ars «;.,...?F.•t,�:'fr.•fai�A ' THE NEM ADVERTISER, WED., HOVE WM 30,M4 -PAGE 27•A iver 3oo 0 vehicles Available ■ .. ... 'iL" - 195 NEON CCLAI-M r�HIGHLINE r INCLUDED: • 20 L 132 HP ENGINE •AUTO • PIS • PIB •CLOTH BUCKETS • AIR GOND. • CONSOLE • Al11FM CJ1SS. e DUAL AIR BAGS • DUAL MIRRORS PUTS MANY EXTRAS � STK. #4224 SFwN 131444 NOIft All FREIGHT NO TAX* ONE WEEK ONLY! INCLUDED: •-.5 L ENGINE • AUTO • P/S • PIB • R MIRRORS • TILT • CRUISE • AIR COND. • BUCKETS • CONSOLE • AMIFM CASS. • PLUS MUCH MORE F' 1 1�'1 STK. #4190 Saw NOF VOYAGER SE All Included ,'NOMMON"� INCLUDED: • V6 • AUTO • P/S • PIB • AIR COND. • 7 PASS. SEATING • TILT • CRUISE • AMIFM CASSETTE • ROOF RACK a P. MIRRORS • FLOOD LIGHTS • PLUS MORE ._,.1 snc.�v� AIR 1777 NOTA FS � 12 444 � � 1 l AIR REIGNT NO TAX HO FREIGHT r E PLYLJ M%/CUc o TH AIf A H 0 RW[,nD AVE. (North of 401) bt • .. .: r .i�a'+r7i�Yi:KiJ►i�1.�..Jia•li 4�aawsr 9 •i 'VILLAGE Ma PLYMOUTH Moves CD W.w ,.....�+ra.a+. y.sai'•as�auaara►uaa&1LiA6LLJ6L&a&&& Lt►saiaai..aaik.L....... ......................... �lt116L9L�llr1�! 903l9r � 427-0337 355 B from Acrosssfrom Chrysler spor FkMILY RESTAUTAAI' T Good Food At Reasonable F!lcsa AIL DAY BREAKFAST SPECIAL 3 eggs, bacon orham or szusajle� _3251 2 5 home files & coffee LUNCH dt DINNER SPECIALS ENTJ"AY 95 3 695 FromEroTo OPEN 7 LH FS A WEEK Elea 6 as - 2 ps; Ta: frL 6 am - e pm; SaL 7 as - 2 p.a: Sum Sam • 2 p,s 44 Coaawm l Ave. atSodoe SL 686-3922 VIVA LAS The Csmsly rtaaaieaE Din -sr Show starring FRANKIB VOG'L, ROBYN, LAN n MC3tA M 11ULJX= , VANESSA & THE DRE" GIRL DANCERS COhWMY TRIBIU'l'1F.s Maria Bin. Iiberace. aw* sonny e Cry Jerry Lea, SMis. Tea. Johnny sr Det &anon EVM FRMM & SAIVSD" THE OLD SCOT! HOUSE - SCAtltOR000H Gtr) s� t ear zaaas F'arty now gas zags sllrow► sw t be tlBsappointed. Book now.". D0YewChrbftnSheppImg at Esu aide YsrWs • Fru EM Sia. I NW$ Hula sasmomcookoInch" 01ft c Wicaw rt-.i.sw.rEE,asass ..� Aribw km aw woke Sbso X -*9 Auric gq�� t " 4=6 94ru Autbug 683-9353 1019 Old Kingston Rd. IN THE COURTYARD (PICKERING VILLAGE) :=F,�= �. at Mud Hen's Taps & Grill It's a sports fan's paradise. There's no For the racing enthusiast you can bet on other way to describe it. your favorite horse at the off track betting 427-0337 355 B from Acrosssfrom Chrysler spor FkMILY RESTAUTAAI' T Good Food At Reasonable F!lcsa AIL DAY BREAKFAST SPECIAL 3 eggs, bacon orham or szusajle� _3251 2 5 home files & coffee LUNCH dt DINNER SPECIALS ENTJ"AY 95 3 695 FromEroTo OPEN 7 LH FS A WEEK Elea 6 as - 2 ps; Ta: frL 6 am - e pm; SaL 7 as - 2 p.a: Sum Sam • 2 p,s 44 Coaawm l Ave. atSodoe SL 686-3922 VIVA LAS The Csmsly rtaaaieaE Din -sr Show starring FRANKIB VOG'L, ROBYN, LAN n MC3tA M 11ULJX= , VANESSA & THE DRE" GIRL DANCERS COhWMY TRIBIU'l'1F.s Maria Bin. Iiberace. aw* sonny e Cry Jerry Lea, SMis. Tea. Johnny sr Det &anon EVM FRMM & SAIVSD" THE OLD SCOT! HOUSE - SCAtltOR000H Gtr) s� t ear zaaas F'arty now gas zags sllrow► sw t be tlBsappointed. Book now.". D0YewChrbftnSheppImg at Esu aide YsrWs • Fru EM Sia. I NW$ Hula sasmomcookoInch" 01ft c Wicaw rt-.i.sw.rEE,asass ..� Aribw km aw woke Sbso X -*9 Auric gq�� t " 4=6 94ru Autbug 683-9353 1019 Old Kingston Rd. IN THE COURTYARD (PICKERING VILLAGE) :=F,�= g Steve Fwu tlnrilas Vou lo enjoy a vW to Mud Hen's. And what better thele to do It than Dec. 13th when they're hwi g their annual Chriones Party. Also don't forpt to book tits bar for your own Chrishnas party. Go em & FACRIM AVALAM Stn. Brunch 103-04M Twp.-Fri.11:30 2M k 5-10 p m. Salt 5.10 p.11L Sun.10'.ft.00 Lxated in the Coqjr 1109 OW KPWston Rd, AjaX (903) 427-6760 Calling all night clubs, restaurants and entertainment destinations! Advertise where people will see you. In Hot Spots. /, sports fan's It's a paradise at Mud Hen's Taps & Grill It's a sports fan's paradise. There's no For the racing enthusiast you can bet on other way to describe it. your favorite horse at the off track betting When you walk through the doors of Mud teletheatre located in a separate room at Hen's Taps & Grill you know you've arrived Mudhen's. It's operated by the Ontario Jockey where the action is. Club and for a small cover charge you can bet Owners Steve Petru, Alex Petrou and on races in Canada and in the U.S. Perry Kotsopoulos have created a place where The food is fantastic and the menu has you can enjoy great food and have loads of something for everyone including the very fun• popular feature where you can choose any one On the roof are seven, yes, seven satellite of two items from a list of nine for only $9.95 dishes to pick up every game on football and that also includes soup or salad, fries, nights, basketball nights and hopefully soon beans or coleslaw and garlic bread. If you hockey nights. choose three items to share with friends it's There are televisions everywhere so you only $12.95. won't have to strain your neck to watch the The relaxing atmosphere at Mud Hen's game and above the bar is a row of seven attracts people of all ages including families televisions that show a different game so you that enjoy the entertainment including video won't miss any o f the action. games and the pool tables. For the interactive sports fan, there's the Mud Hen's has also always given back to NTN Interactive Network where you can call the community since opening 18 months ago the plays on QBI or try your hand at trivia in by sponsoring more than 2500 people on the Big Showdown when on Tuesday nights numerous sports teams in the area. you can win prizes for your winning ways. Visit Mud Hen's for great food, great To make the games more interesting, Mud entertainment and great fun. Hen's has Proline as well as all the other Mud Hen's, 1211 Kingston Rd. in lotteries. In fact its the only one of two bars in Pickering. Tel. 839-5570. Durham with a lottery mac'^.:ne g Steve Fwu tlnrilas Vou lo enjoy a vW to Mud Hen's. And what better thele to do It than Dec. 13th when they're hwi g their annual Chriones Party. Also don't forpt to book tits bar for your own Chrishnas party. Go em & FACRIM AVALAM Stn. Brunch 103-04M Twp.-Fri.11:30 2M k 5-10 p m. Salt 5.10 p.11L Sun.10'.ft.00 Lxated in the Coqjr 1109 OW KPWston Rd, AjaX (903) 427-6760 Calling all night clubs, restaurants and entertainment destinations! Advertise where people will see you. In Hot Spots. /, V", '1044 Pool and Pub Billiards and Entertainment fvll mala uotd 3 am e0pen 7 days a weds -Bm* the office arty tut. cue UP a gm tunne at Rade em up! •Shuffleboa d. Pw-shW, darts TV (905) 619-9881 zre � St,.dt re (l>idGetie 4 THE POWER TO BRING YOU MORE! Durhaan's Ultimate Dining, Dancing A Sports Facility. BOOK YOUR CHRISTMAS r ` PAR'T'Y NOWT! JON US FOR TFL FOOTBALL swi f y i fflot ft nib 12111CIn"on Rd. Pickering 839-5570 141 ',14 i 4:191Ani36 i WY ONEMWW BIIIRT i T'9.>igOff A 011 N FOR.Cc= vam 008* 10 I not aN"lie on piciaj p ! 1 375 OWN Rd. (at Roisgwm t) 1 509-9876 ! • -• — 0FRa51 E>Wft DEC.1W 1 " Eaval Scat &a trn ` 44 Aunt o$t., Aj= ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE Live via Satellite SAT., DEC. 3rd -10 A.M. TOTTENHAM VS NEWCASTLE NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY TICKETS: $15.00 EACH lt4E THE ROYZ BAND FRI., DEC. 2 & SAT., DEC. 3, 9p.m-1a THE "NICKY TAMS" Scottish, Irish 8 Contemporary Folk SUN., DEC. 4, 4 p.m. - 7 pm. V", '1044 Pool and Pub Billiards and Entertainment fvll mala uotd 3 am e0pen 7 days a weds -Bm* the office arty tut. cue UP a gm tunne at Rade em up! •Shuffleboa d. Pw-shW, darts TV (905) 619-9881 zre � St,.dt re (l>idGetie 4 THE POWER TO BRING YOU MORE! Durhaan's Ultimate Dining, Dancing A Sports Facility. BOOK YOUR CHRISTMAS r ` PAR'T'Y NOWT! JON US FOR TFL FOOTBALL swi f y i fflot ft nib 12111CIn"on Rd. Pickering 839-5570 141 ',14 i 4:191Ani36 i WY ONEMWW BIIIRT i T'9.>igOff A 011 N FOR.Cc= vam 008* 10 I not aN"lie on piciaj p ! 1 375 OWN Rd. (at Roisgwm t) 1 509-9876 ! • -• — 0FRa51 E>Wft DEC.1W 1 inmentnter ?li9nl!!� lam-^ilAMieli'ilwr•.t r...�• r • i nwa� * ss.�.R.i s r:r..as* r r>�.i.�.t.�+I�l.•.�.s.s.�.=� •_•_�.� _ <� : z s r,r.•�.• - ac W -s•• Nov. 30,1994 t'llyingIF solo... Pickering artist's PICKERING — Local artist Maureen Killam is exhibiting her original paintings at the Pickering Civic Complex, upper and lower level, until Dec. 9. The exhibit includes watercolors work displayed of historical buildings in the Durham and West Hill areas, along with pastel florals and acrylic land- scapes from the Pickering artist. Killam is also exhibiting some of her works in Yorkville in Toronto. Pickering teen Mark Jackson has been busy in his Pickering home laying down tracks for a two - song cassette in recent months. Mark, whose ❑ Pickering musician goes it alone in recording, producing and performing homegrown music on cassette By AL RIVE= STAFF REPORTER PICKERING — A Pickering youth had to be a jack-of-all-trades to get his first music single from the recording studio on to audio tape. Mark Jackson, 18, whose stage name is Clan (a northern Scottish word for 'cold') cut the two -song stage name is Clan cut the two -song cassette over a two-month period. photo by Ron Pietroniro cassette over a two-month period last summer. The pop/rock single Stranger is currently getting some airplay on college radio stations in the province. Like mega -star Phil Collins, Jackson worked completely alone on the project, writing the music, singing, and playing drums, guitar, bass and key- boards on the single and recording it on a four - track studio in his Bay Ridges home. Does Jackson enjoy working alone? "I like it that way. No one tells you what to do." In the course of cutting Stranger and Life Blood on the 'B' side, he recorded many other songs which he eventually hopes to cull into an album titled Chain. He notes Stranger and Life Blood Please see MUSICIAN...page A30 Still haven't booked your office party? Call us today. We've got everything you need for a fun, -festive, hassle -free Lunch, Dinner or Cocktail party. Walt's Grill & Bar -1790 Liverpool Road, Pickering, Ont. (905) 831 -WALT LU1,1,EN (__,-nQ[ XV) ((5 M1NINrUPA V IIJ.ACE A Fine Dining Restaurant Special Dinner Menu $9 Sunda to Thursda 9 Sunday Y pe ` s tk-rson Friday & Saturday $1per295 All dinners indude soup or salad, choice of potato or rice, fresh vegetables 4 garlic bread. s" REGULAR MENU AVAILABLE AT AFFORDABLE PRICES l DONT FORGET! Dining & Dancing most Friday & e' Saturday nights t ; • Private rooms • Banquet facilities Available for any function -` • We also cater, smaU or big OPrn ' • days a week The most Elegant Dining in Pickering a 1305 Pickering Parkway Ai) RMW 1420-7577 »•:» ar.:•�7�"`wwzc, ` c;;,� x'"•+'=ar''"'� �,rr..:'�.+�`.t.w��}°E'�rc?;t,R •'^ �. T:�37rT1'i�'%PgW3 rf� '.Y,.C..�.."'. .:�. ,�'1'. F ENTERTAINWNT , .rte Plenty of entertaining action at Durham clubs The Moon Room, in conjunction ages show featuring Squirrel, by every Sunday night. The Deeem- with Durham College, presents the Lavender, Doodle and Trim ber lineup includes Phil Halliday band One with the Modern Day among others. Tickets ane $6 in (Dec. 1-3), Sudden Storm (Dec. Braves this Friday, Dec. 2 at the advance and $8 at the 8-10, Dec. 15-17), Rick Eclipse Club. door. , Jones (Dec. 22-24) and One plays danceable music 000 Sudden Storm for the based on reggae and ska rhythms The Gandarvas and New Years Eve bash, combined with catchy pop Elves Cry the Shoemaker Dec. 31. melodies, funk and soul. play in an all -ages show O O LlIt's an all -ages show and your on Dec. 22 at the Eclipse. Local band Dirty ticket also gains you entrance to the Tickets are $6 in Pawz plays at the Ware - Moon Room. advance and $8 at the door. house II on Saturday, Dec. O i7 0 D O O 3, and will be back at Corky's, The Royal Crowns will appear at Sudden Storm plays the Golden keeping the joint hopping, for the the Star Club, aka the Eclipse, on Spurs bar, 114 Dundas St. E., Whit- New Years Eve party. Saturday, Dec. 10. The Toronto bend is a four -man rockabilly outfit that mixes the stylings of rockabilly gnus Elvis, Gene Vincent and Eddie Cochrane with the influence of jazz artists such as Nat King Cole and Charlie . Parker. GMC Tickets are $5 ;n advance and $6 at the door. SAFARI It's a 19 -and -over show. DDS On Dec. 16 the Moon Room pre- sents a benefit concert for Simcoe Hall Settlement House. It's an all- *• 11D ce E1 . �.stly...,interipa� %*.., goes it alone FROM PAGE A29 were chosen for the singles as they were in the most finished form. "I thought they were the best two to start with." The graduate of St. Mary Catholic Secondary School in Pickering says he'll continue to work on his song writing and production skills which he'll put into use in recording the album. "I would like to enhance my song writing and production abil- ities. Because technology is moving so fast, l have to keep up with the latest stuff. I would like to do things differently in pro- duction." Ubu 10SURYy�S, Wbodburning has changed and advanced greatly in the past decade. Our engineering achievements tv aecmenplish safety, quality, and of course the quest for clean burning performance distinguish Napoleon Fireplaces as a leader in the field of solid fuel Dirty Pawz plays original music as.well as cover tunes from bands like Lynyrd Skynyrd, ZZ Top and Stevie Ray Vaughan. They have recently been joined by new band members Bob Bulger (who played with '70s rockers Moxy and the group Christmas) and Randy Weales. I]00 Local band Cosmic Boogie brings its psychadelic rock and unique percussion style to The Warehouse II on Dec. 16 and 17. The band does cover tunes from the EDITION ✓ 190 H.P. 4.3 lime V6 engine ✓ 4- wheel ABS ✓ driver's side air bag ✓ air conditioning ✓ 4 -speed electronic transmission EITHERVAN: 1299� Grateful Dead, the Beatles and the Rolling Stones along with a number of original songs. 000 'The General Motors Choir per- forms their annual Christmas Gift of Music on Dec. 3 and 4 at G.L. Roberts Collegiate in Oshawa. Times for the performances are: Saturday, Dec. 3 at 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, Dec. 4 at 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The concerts are held at G.L. Roberts Collegiate, 399 Chaleur St., Oshawa. Plus ✓ 8 -passenger seating ✓ tinted windows ✓ A,YI/F,kf stereo cassette ✓ C'aptain's chairs ✓ tilt -wheel steering ✓ cruise control be pulse wipers Pontiac "Ecans Sport has a lot of Plusses going for you. ✓ 4-w1eel ABs ✓ 7 -passenger seating ✓ automatic transmission ✓ remu' heater ✓ 3.1 litre M V6 r ✓ tinted windotn ✓ drivers side air bag ✓ dent resistant body panels ✓ AM/FM stereo cassette ✓ frontihw pulse wgxn ✓ air conditioning PONTIAC PRICEDRic,IATT TEAM G �G Based on a 36 month lease for Trans Sport ark Satan equipped as described A minimum down payment of $2,095/52.657 and 5350 security deposit are -required Some mileage conddiorx ap* Freight (S7453M). Ilcrose. Insurance and taxes not Included Offer applies to 1995 new or demonstrator models Dealer order or (rade may be necessary Dealer may sell/lease for less Offer applies to qualified retail customers only Limited time offer • % ' not w cortWerd or wed wth alba offers. Sea Dealer for detaik. .. . ! > l 1r 1.I•l Atom Panthers have Bells rung in recent conte§ts0 PICK "G —The Pickering Panthers Bell Canada atom 'B' rep hockey team suffered losses in league and tournament play recently. The Bell Canada atoms travelled to Vaughan to take on the Rangers, only to lose 4-3 in a league tilt. The two teams were tied 3-3 after the second period, but Vaughan scored the only goal of the third stanza to ilex: the win. Joel Markham with two and Brandon Saker scored for the Bantam Panthers Partners. Drawing assists were Scott Vey Mark Skinner and Andrew Jackson. The Panthers competed in the recent Port Hope tournament, but came away empty with a record of one win and two losses. Pickering started the tournament with a 41 loss to Port Perry. Grant Gooley scored the lone Pickering goal, assisted by Markham. The Panthers bounced back in the second game to blank the declaw Jaguars, edge Redmen to grab first place PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers Julie's Esso bantam 'A' rep hockey team grabbed fust place in the York-Simcoe loop with three victories LW week, including a huge win in Newmarket. The Panther's pounced all over the Richmond Hill Jaguars 9-1. Brian Docherty and Gene Smith led the way with hat tricks, while Erick Costa registered a two -goal gauge. Defenceman Darren Dzikowski chipped in with a goal. Goalie Dave Harris stopped 12 of 13 shots to record the win. The Panthers' big victory carne against the Newmarket Redmen. A pair of late goals by Drew Marks proved to be the difference in a 7-5 win, which moved Pickering past Newmarket into fust place in the league. Pickering rallied from a 4-2 second -period deficit to take a 5-4 lead in the third period. The Redmen scored the tying goal b set the stage for the late - game heroics by Marks. Other goal scorers for Pickering were Docherty with two, Costa, Jody Brown and Matt O'Brien. The Panthers finished the week by once again hammering the woeful Richmond Hill Jaguars 13-1. Smith scored five goals, while Docherty and Chris Hibbits each netted a pour. Single markers went to Eric Cuzzolino, Brown, Owen Kennedy and Marks. Ilse �:tlJrs�KrLSL4Cl �ilG%ti4r,9 �� Fivattray. J eAa# 4154a "A show displaying a wonderful variety of handcrafted treasures." Sunday, Dec. 4, 11 18 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Meta t Hall Metro East Trade Centre, Ess Free admission. For information call 428-7610 G«ttrg On bat MWM possible W YOM rMirms -t savage b Important. That's why It's stmsr110 shop. MAh. N I - VAdwyn RRSP. sf oppi g Is am. 1 year Gwrartteed w esti ionts ylvld &75% 3 Year Guaranteed bwsprNnts ylold 7.8596 5 Y9' Guaranteed htwestments Yield 8.35% 5 Year Guaranteed Wnpape Backed_ Securitla Y1W &41% Monthly Income Mort spa Fuad one year perfomtertca 1.40% 5 Year Govermtent Stripped Bonds Y" 8JW% 10 yNttar Govarnmertt Stripped Bonds YMM 9.27% Caq Ian Naar Financial Advisor 619-651 O MIDLAND _ WALWYN 6��_ ala/ CNIr rNINi1N4- _ ,�� 4%4. TM 01 BE GMP nolo" is ti • �x Georgetown Raiders 4-0. Chris Jackson and Markham. Assisting Valley. Franz earned the shutout between the were Matthew Thompson and In the third game, Pickering faced pipes. Scoring for Pickering were Gooley with two apiece, and singles the hometown Port Hope squad, Greg Cusack, Saker, Andrew to Markham, Aaron Calder and losing 3-0. WHAT THE ARE WE GONNA VO TONIGHT? Find out in Backbe-at. It's been a long time coming but Durham's finally got it's own entertainment newspaper, where you can find out about all the things that matter. We also want to hear what you have to say. Spill your guts to us. Exercise your creative abilities. Send us stories, suiMestions, and whatever else you think we need. We could make you a star! But I doubt it. Send your stuff to: 7_7 ' i 130 Corrarrsercial Ave Ajax, Ontario- 1_1S 2145 Corning to all the coolest places in the world on Decer" ber 7 1994 For advertising info, call (905) 683-5110, ask for Debbie Mohns or Duncan Fletcher The United Way of Ajax -Pickering \bklLn WVE homTHE AJAX COMIWNITY CENTRE 62 Netws drfans Val Mahal Tran) 500 78 &a Taw AJu Tram 200 108 Luncheon Cruris Cpt Joh Franke 300 107 C1 gran Bion PAUM 800 106 Fomily VwAls ►4kiendo Val Marshal Tralai 1160 Aff 3 Fteral Print The Maps knage 40 10 Now Caiewed PrW - Part "W T1111 50 16 2 phds -alder owning hamar TMI 70 23 Wrier i Was- asiing Prim TMI 40 31 hakdon - 9mm y Ere Prim Teel 100 39 Oqs - Dower Print TM1100 48 disk Nail - Barn hent TM11so 54 dun Trkd" - Flaarar Gil TIM 150 64 KNOO - Skio Ira TIM 150 76 Tb AWW Bay - B dAn TMN 200 63 B.C. Coast - Print TW 100 91 Comm Framing Michel sa,rosdw 200 1 Gift CaNlinse ! 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Crown Sir Coaners 20 29 Wlfnbw kelt PyMW Wrdows 56 3urtaa Serer Bees Des" Kakkar+ 20 do Gilt corwiau Canadian TWO 25 69 Girl cortpkm Astbroolu 50 70 Drill Bouquet Bay Rtgas Fbrat 50 85 GNt Cwtiiieab Was Mt lw 25 86 Gift CeKirines PiCke - Eledncal 46 87 Slrface Som lural Deswor Kedans 20 W g lace Mom l/arnhctuw's Dr4es 50 89 4 dwre Wry Real Esm 356 93 OAT Omr TaaavraysCortrrarrnam !Z 97 Nktey Mwae Phone-wbrppk /rQ Lal *1C 99 Bud Warr The Kstrar Court 200 100 Care"W Shia Reck TLXDerrare 64 7 ladies Watch PaUl Jweiery 40 u 16- seer Rep Chin GaDrar iseei s 90 66 PWINA Prdwe, lisrielne Bodies Plus 50 21 Siwft"t Apn Nkwnp Hasp" 25 5o Gift C«tiliceta Staples s sway Sudo 30 56 firers Plebe Rdo" Canraery Cam 95 61 GNt Cutlfeae Ajax OPt" 25 73 Mira Portrait In Coale Pkoar930i 124 12 Ylaebashi0 Spam d ROOestion 105 37 Geer Few eve Gag L emem by Kdy Wks TknJodwd Got and eatery Ckt 12o 66 BtwknwP European Warmer's HmM Cklb 146 67 Goo Fes A Carr Lib L1t40hsy Doers Gat 6 Ctarty Okb 300 1013 eta NMI lip Tom of Pods" 200 104 4 Mar day Ticker Coni -Al Hon" 92 Good luck and every success with the United Way TV Aum and all future p rojects..=_��, Management RUCE BI 201 Bayly 6 M' f • v a• r r r r�, r r r r� r r.� r�� r s 0 VAGR 32 -A -T= NRM Ad11RWrUM WW, NOVRM 3k I!!t THE FOOD TERMINAL" SH01nL0ER & BLADE _ ST—AKS 4-ZW ka PROU&T OF MAN WHm muslatoom 439 kg low 129 LB. IOM USA SKNLESS__ -- - DEVENED FROZEN k��COD ���" SLICED BEEF LIVER ioLB Box FISH 6 Si ►q lB CHICKEr NN 1L C -w QUARZTER.S 1-08 kg ,.. SLB. • 'rY�r 1 a �.r I.B. 49 TARTOUR � PROOU; DF ;�Ya�pa Ff�$11 TDURTFRF OR aEInOUSIr Fpp�p MEAT PKFS CHICii�N w 9 BOY WU`l§GS 2 M Mq e F,81.4m • 4.w � RAL • COCA-COLA CANADA DRY r TUMS ANTACID SFNFPoFF GI•AD TIE 'N TOSS P� ST��--� TABL.E"I`S LEMON PIE G�IRBACtE �� •40W •sow • Ioow BOTTLE OF I oo a 1 jQ EA PILI 425 gBOG Box OF 20 LIGHT BLTI.BS PACKAGE OF 2 FROZEN • FISH IN BATTER • STICKS • •CAPTAIN SEA KINGDOM 700 •HEALTHY BAKE 4111,0M •FINGERS • ENGLISH STYLE FISH IN BAT i• 2 F.A. CAFTAN JAC WNG KRAB CRAB FLAVOURED JWA eFLAIMS 340 g PACKAGE FROZEN sw 7 . I M9 BAG EA • KPAF- SENErA, �00:4 D SMRH ASSORTED FRENC►+'S *JAMS HAIr =ER •JEMLI,IES' EA F•>�NS JARASSORTED SUES 'TAM SHKLIS PKG OF i8 •NACWS 4N BAC •TACO FEEM =1 -B_OB •o TACO SI� it g aim •Sl M TACO SBTli1.s W g B03 •&UM 4M .L JAB r¢acn J rrwAGM •FLOUR YELLOWCORN TORTQ.LAS W u OR = 9 PACKAGE 6t, �; �• • :LD1• I-- 1I I1 ` �• ho . • II • .�, �.� OF via •LAUNDRY DEIERGENr *SUPER SOFT FABRIC SOFI'E ER, LARGE Z7 L J - - •BIEACH 5LJUG A Allk Ashk Ore OUTCH a W E TOW WATT EACH pup"on Tm1cwsiipi�Z W66 movzm=3, LOIN OF VVHOLE OR HAT -F TENDERLOIN END E OR 11M END Imo• 1!90 29 •• • 5 POT LU411 ' CLEMENTINES IE2.3 kg BOX 3 BOX LIMIT - r,C�►NDY 16ggOaffA•61 MOaPACKAGE CAHE ASOgi00gC810BAG _ Ajo Ir ------- ga------------ 1 CSOCOI.t�TF 1 /«GEAR 0i 1I � 1 oa•aElWanuKnolaEla L��.a�c.a—a��sia��►�a 001.1 WAS wa CLOM - a..r=��=s��*:sem----- I LARGE ORIG NAL BUNKS BmEL.®CT YOUR OWN I C 10 I.B. FAlIIIII+Y 91ZE SA[3 1.4ROE OIZB COOKING ONION! 10 I.B. FAD1MY SiZB BAG 1 91I YUKON GOLD 1 10 LH. POLY BAR' I-Ja—y—Ir-- scour- -� i i RICE i 6 MLA9C,AT OF 1• LOS. GRAPES 16A F7Yovs OWN BAG Sag III a FANCY P"VE[. Om ORANGE.S�� soe�c-r �novs o1�vN `�-�oo�. "QIDiAN RIVETL R>E41 1#19V 5 .:N:' Sqy J R.'•• Y• r�• �1 JP �. •'�k, h.. t4 :L. ����, •;a�w`•.a•f•r .•• 1 {'f`4"'1'r•/^ ���.�' •I�$^•i'�tSt e,R ! ,'1"• =Y .�•ti� ��#mss s � 1 ••.• . f. - !i �•f .��i.1� . ,�.. rr p�1►P +,+• ' _` �•�w •w e. A 1[ R��� r�kTr��� -�� _'..'t, 3.. .-� e E •.�, �r � . ..5:�'*'�w _ t; _ rr � ,..t'.�.rFS•4"Ji'. t�eC'ti ' .. •••• ••.►1•r•.•y .�..r t '►'w' �..•'•. te!• .w. ow•,-1ni••u..nvt.,frrtr o»•iaa,a.f'.Mr•�c:+�•frc•-rr.••. ,r t VHMKV Central Red Arminv sade' ❑ Premier Russian junior team'A' Hockey League. In total, the Russians will play 31 doors for Russian players to come to Canada to play junior hockey," says Bower, adding that the Ontario junior 'A' leagues will also benefit from the increased spotlight. Among the Russian contingent will be highly-touted m forward Sergei Sasonov, who is currently ranked as one of the top junior players in the world and is a shoe -in to be ,a first-round draft pick in next year's NHL draft. He's also drawn comparisons to Wayne Gretzky as a junior star. Bower hopes the hockey fans in Pickering will support the tour. "We hope to get great crowds for the games," he says. "If we want to get these kinds of teams to come to Pickering, we have to support them." He's confident the Panthers will put on a good show against the premier Russian junior players. "I really believe they'll rise to the occasion. Canadian pride will take over. We're not going to lay down and be pushed around. I think they'll dig down a little deeper," says Bower. Tickets for the games are $7 each and are available at the Pickering Recreation Complex arena box office. takes on Pickering Panthers By AL RIVEIT SPORTS RFPOR7ER PICKERING — The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming! The Central Red Army junior team from Moscow will play three games against the Pickering Panthers Metro Junior 'A' hockey team, two of them at the Pickering Recreation Complex. The Panthers will play host to the Central Red Army team this Sunday, Dec. 4 in Madoc. The Russians will play a return match at the complex on Friday. Dec. 9 at 7:30 p.m. The last in the trio of contests is slated for the complex on Saturday, Jan. 7 at 7:30 p.m. Dubbed the International Junior 'A' Hockey Challenge, the tour will pit the Central Red Army team. the national squad of Russia, against opponents from the Metro Junior 'A' Hockey League and from the OHA Provincial Junior Got a score? Call the spovu department at 683-5110. games during their 52 -day stay in Canada. Panthers' head coach and general manager Bud Bower says the Panthers became involved in the Russian tour after Doug Baumken, one of the tour organizers, offered the Pickering squad a chance to play the Russian nationalPickering juniors. The Panthers readily accepted. Bower was also instrumental in setting up other games for the Russian squad with Metro junior opponents. It's the first time in Panthers' PANTHERS history they've played a game with an Metro Junie► international flavor. Hockey Club Bower notes the tour should prove to be a boon to the Russians who will benefit both financially, as well as from increased exposure to college, major junior and National Hockey League scouts during their tour. "They want to play North American teams for the exposure and to make money. It's going to open a lot of S PORTS Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. Two Ajax Figure Skerting Chd) pairs glided to fine are Brume Delcourt and t:..! Pugh arw merecian rest Its at the recent Sun Life Sectional Figure Leedle and Kevin Johnson. Skating Championship in RkhnxxW Hil. Pictured photo by Andrew lwanowski ♦ FIGURE SKATING A 0 0 t meet jax pairsdazzle a AJAX — Two ice duos made gold medal at sectionals, while and were third at Octoberfen m fine figures at the recent Sun Life Doodle and Johnson fnished a strong Woodbridge. fourth. Meanwhile, Doodle and Johnson VCURLING r BEER A WINE AT 1/2 THE RETAIL COST SPE CU LL : WELL iMUCE BREW BOTTLES FOR PHCE YOU. QALS THE 11REtr4T SEER SHOP 1211 HLigalon Rdat . (Jut aid UI -i -i wrp**Q E+3T-tet• M � Annandale rink vies for Ontario junior men's title By JIM EASSON SPECIAL To TEE NEWS ADVERTLUM AJAX-PICKERING — The Annandale Curling Club will be well represented at the Ontario Curling Association's junior men's playdowns at the Whitby Curling Club Dec. 10 to 12. Annandale will send a rink of skip Brad Roberts, vice Wayne Warren, second Kevin Roberts, lead Matt Broga and alternate Bill Goodchdd Jr. Junior players now have an extra year to remain a junior as they can participate to age 20. It's hoped the extra year will produce more mature teams that will enjoy more success at the international level. 000 Annandale Curling Club will have good representation at The Investors Group Trophy Bouspid — one of the world's oldest aiding events. The 'spiel runs the first week of January and uses 27 curling rinks in the greater Mara Toronto area The only rule change this year. is that the three rock OCA free guard rule will be in effect pD0 The first major television coverage of curling ticks off this weekend with the McCain TSN Skins Game. Vying for the $80,000 purse is coram Carndum ad world c l ampiou Rick Folk, past world champ and defending skins champion Russ Howard. 1991 Canadian champ Kevin Martin and two-time world champion Ed Werenicb. . ::Southwood Park boys, girls Sectional Frgnre Skating have also bad a successful skating C3. win DEAR volleyball titles: a su > union in only six months Pugh and Meredith Leedle and together for only about 10 moods- competing together. The pair placed AJAX — An Ajax public schod Gandatsaiagon in straight games partner gCevin Johson represented The two placed fico at the F.attero first at the Summer Free Skate ruled the cart during die Durbin the Ajax Figure Skating Club in the Blades Interclub meet at Seneca Juvenile Pairs in Thornhill and . Elementary Athletic Association Yp-wo.15-9. Meanw>uiled, its the girls• category. pre -novice pairs category At College, earned second -place boners fourth at Octoberfest m Woodbridge. sectionals. at the Central Ontario Section Both pairs ate coached by Jacqui (D ) mennedittte boys and pt vo&.ybau chmpionslhip Tb raday. Southwood Park qualified for the final by defeating Dr. Robert Deloomt and Pugb captured the Interclub Competition in Noblewn POO. It was a clean sweep for 1lharnton 2-0 in games in the semi - Localairs lace third at sectionals competition p p Southwood Pack Khool at the US- four at Whitby's Sinden High Scbool. r final. Applecroft school of Ajax blanked Pringle Creek 2-0 in the other semi-final. AJAX-PWKptM — Two local skating duos stoned juvenile take division A sectionals and also planed third In boys' action, Southwood Pack Southwood Park went on to on ice at the recent Eastern Ontario Sectionals Figure The &W -place finishes for both pairs were quite a feat advanced to the final after defeating defeat AWlecnoft 16.17, 13-12, IS - Skating Championships in 0shawa, as they've only skated together for the pest two macuds. Whitby's Pringle Creek 2-0 in 10 in the all -Ajax girls' final. Nicholas Brann, 16, of Ajax and partner C 91nhe Braun and O'Donnell are coached by Tracy Tutton games. Meanwhile, in the other A total of % public schools fmmu O'Donnell. 10, of Bowmikuvft. placed third in the pre- and Anna Forder -McLaughlin. Farren and Van semi-final, Gandatsetiagon of across Durham Region competed in novice > Vroeubm= ate coached by Tinton and Lisa Maddock Pickering defeated Sr. Robert boys' and girls' volleyball at the ane members of the Oshawa Figure Skating Thonilon of Whitby games Mearwbile~ Jason Famd1,12, Qf Pidooring. P� . A� �s....�....-........,...........,..... tby 2-1 in •151 intermediate (Grade 7 and 8) level ,r- dirt itit>Itlit> . to, of Oshawa, skated in the Club. m'lkllC ,* "" The CA-operetora Ryerson Polytechnic requires a Claims RepraVdab" 10 Ai L1' Vwsize n ha v*V A utmd.Ne injury Claims. %spiorsibilities will include assisting the injured person - University Campus in return to regular daily activities through the devektpmerlt of rdvtdlraized rehabil ion plans comes toou We require people who are self -motivated, possess good J organizational skills, manage their time well, deal effectively wM persons of authority cphysicians, lawyers, at Durham College service providers, ex.) can relate well to all age groups, The Hun fi Shaka Foudeam of Owe has a 5 elorah oor*a� have strong verbal and written communications skills and an investigative mature. TAKE COURSES FOR CREDIT TOWARDS A RYERSON Preference will be given to applicants with post DEGREE secondary education in a related field. Previous exposure OR CERTIFICATE to the insurance industry s not rewired but would be an WINTER SESSION BEGINS JANUARY 11, 1995, asset. You wiN requirea car and a vaid driver's license. ONE EVENING A WEEK Please submit your resume by December 14,199417. tb fret Whft �n � uib join us at our Information Night - Thurs., Dec 8, 5:30 - B:OD p.r Pally Wilburn, t:tsims Supervisor The Co operalora at the McLaughlin Public Library Auditorium, til 13agot St, Oshavr • offer an opportunity for you to be is business for 1614 Dtxntss St. East, Suits 205 Whitby, Ontario, LIN SYS NURSING Good talus from People You Can Trust'■ _ OFFICE & INFORMATION G%O,, the w -operators MANAGEMENT insurance /F,nanaai Se",ces - TELECOMMUNICATIONS APPLICAIM Enpawr - grow a)',,,n, MANAGEMENT _ - HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT per. product Papaw Y- wN uv* otn * wIM sand pw- (Selected Courses) LEAM Hpyy To FVp AJON sosnol on quotation and TirMearti9trakeFisaisfeael0aaaris I _ ji (( ) -P K I M 14'A It I� A 6iaatar talo Taraats RapMal OKoe - OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & `�' I ,r .. �� Financial Serv11•(`ti son Rd. S.. Suns 2411-1420 ptstweasnt gpraslay oaratp a Whhbr. ors. LIN 7T2 (12019" aorapotltive salaryl a SAFETY ..�/o y.... f..i... For more information about Ryersorn AN EXCITING CAREER WITH programs & �x ODur'm UNI1MlTED OPPORTUNITY! cau Sondra at 571-3283. _ �— — — Yon are: 1 vvl v • business-mindedentrepreneurial with a r000rd Ai L1' inteQity and achievement_ • enthusiastic and resorueefud • required to exercise ioterpersonai skills to train 1110 Genera Genef and develop people. Hell. • 10 Hi! YOU WE br. — --- - - • suoocssf .1 by u=& an educational approach and The Hun fi Shaka Foudeam of Owe has a 5 elorah oor*a� by betas competitive and dedicated to aastomer I poedom pos" a the Gaoler deco Twonb Region wodriq out service. I d the Mu olb • • motivated by an eth" consumer chine. MEA C04WAM70R rYe- r M : Fj* Mail d, &01 r- individual to • offer full traibios and commiteed team support. tb fret Whft �n � uib • offer unlimited opporpmi y for you to achieve toaaaurMy derrebpmwit, voirrrNer reeruibaent aspariarloe your own levd of financial success. ! namemy Exralera Winiumalian canmwicMion dtis and tru • offer an opportunity for you to be is business for HEART d a whcb is a alult Coatpuw fleraly old woAap larortbdpe of ymseU but not by yourself. AND STROKE Word Purred 5.1 and Laos 123 an auK For An Appelntment Call Kelly Mott i FOUNDATION rA3paNNNInM. Caffbs Out obpdm d FaadSjok w4ft ("S) 427-2763 tinartcial peak at ouiliried in Annual Plan, consudrp cruor vokxopi is 4 '9Ft and M81111tains, 0011111.61m of voinaeers to mum all kadtaisiq APPLICAIM Enpawr - grow a)',,,n, a*Aile no' . and evsk ale d6dite m, tarries out at rAn when volareara roaraiabb, devaiops pnories 10 tarty out edlrtaiorW aaivi W prapaldadatrtiatar stn/ and tMqWW asMliortbrr to prspew ohetswl dWW faldpels, Allende Mx1lim I ataetrlps as al swetll as rapuaaMtlyiila of HSFO. per. product Papaw Y- wN uv* otn * wIM sand pw- aR ilvbd b tal'�aM a asuale b: LEAM Hpyy To FVp AJON sosnol on quotation and TirMearti9trakeFisaisfeael0aaaris For yow V*ft send Blinn 4 pmoonla ton- an anpMnerino 6iaatar talo Taraats RapMal OKoe endow or nanny actor te: depwo ane nantrtnnr 2 yore Cawsr &008"&008"An. so 711111111:11111-rOsrMtas Y wt tied TNs is a 4b6 OMwb taCeara taawat, t�aaksarpar LQ 132 fllWUNWpa son Rd. S.. Suns 2411-1420 ptstweasnt gpraslay oaratp a Whhbr. ors. LIN 7T2 (12019" aorapotltive salaryl a AftRqbwear hC low-Im DnatNl m DeL 22lM * WEPW EXPANDED! �r COOK * > >k Expenenced ine cook for a busyrestaurant CVW * �k Uftknale wagm good Cbft DWN Facility worldng is swrldcouting Apply lo: IOt1S * HM ENERGY i YOTNATM WAIT a WMHEN STA" Gallantry's Eawy * wmf no of ams a msoau,mr � PWoft Town 70 JOIN O Centre * ALL STAR (905) OW2507 * Resum. era Eupeft= Rta"red va N." cled, GROW WITH U31 w1a ala ptoeli o nalli a cue -low eNpwiw1Ybaee.aeYaelfeMl 1211 KINGSTON RD. .ep.rwae. alts aertteaoe. 1,2 tea In ft o * PICKERING �k aeae sea. vote ttnnt woak.r.t► """"' a"ft'"° :& * 839-5570 ' ^�, t( Vit' � Y� '%�O�txi;b'. •" RI 10M1-0 ADCD AT�1D per tour. Please reply to hes Dce ions Colwood Tours knc, Box 244 per hr. It Earn uQ to !1282 Over 45 and bare Fa(wtty been 1 B 701 Rossiand Rd E per hr. It gwlMled. No •:- Mid d1, you navy qually for trot^ IPfCERT 1h WJ TF M WA tittle Ttlrr vwm tsmresws - •arm wE �� wary watt�I tw �tewa rrsrrarw wrw�. — 9Mo, M as an badoperadota bead butbim apparawe -h— R.I.a.O. Lie. C.S.R. ATTENTION FULL time office position Person newt be highly OVAbr. alihim a ttaaltar. tltiag your own vehicle you rw I ow wnh. r your Rasa• M "No Is, sow 1LAS.E. r TM a�i.�°b9 *—brim .lottt. « ane 1Coria* Pat[Lead Are you swerknf:ed In aNNng (120Dey es(tttnd to a dMpa-' for your and defverMa. JWP Group. PA. ea 41=10. C1me Labsask LMN% Ctrabsts52 � and a'� 7� oar nu In,f1011N YaClAfln syste pipers are Invited to join the pickups DMIrbtAbn Serviaa Inc. M a H7112V002'") 1#2 5711317.(113094 w, 19k OdWWL -C0snotlesorperhNtMs w., Oawawa 1250 T iftegan Ave.,Oshawa. a. courier and distributiono s ons M WHIM Adniroka-of - Stowing'MitK � slsiSllM � companyl A strap gag-* hop for sm ltaug meet and dd � � film ramisPs yofl Iown0 for a direct sake eerier Won low. Poskkn b begin Jan. Piave send rearwtne b Lit k, .40e of Metro Toronto weourN be an at a isreetsd BrkrO wtrtr p Mone. De"� Pmoduoa, 3tI70 eald* w' N., Whry. ail rtntYutted parsone for ;ilostrativelreceptlen have recertify btrodueed int Iter Cloning Syllunt Full Syr. • all Vag at (905) 42747175. (120494) (120894) poaMNf. Dudes ktckm I bocknaleswat keeping, t gh financialnty. Top conallisskrM and bonuses paid. t ECE - full time position, E5T1ET1C1AN tegktmed to 0an1resume;exapMd una Tuedty 6.K Child COW aoarwsa rettspllon am* OPWW— Muateration and dais base ntarketirtg system tunr equipped cabin In «- Sabra has , , r �Y Pidrrkip kmcirde acoawt 05.723-3411 or send a brief man. to: .( htkdro satin. hairdreeen. 3 eslMtidarns, Ont L1V 8P5 (1201094) and word pr�i^g. ONOW p�L 10' send resume to I'i h, An :Gary Davidson, boutique and teapllon. Must AZ Drwas egaried for btoi and FM 99423 Aj"Mia l ring News N 600 Grandview St. S., Unit 12, tattle astablNnsd tcamnsle Cas "distance runs. Flttbed and Advortlw. 130 Corn gal l i • 723-ae87. (120Wf•) vr,lwoyam roil. amp, cumarM A Ont LIS 2H5 ~ �h�>t. LiH 6P6 • •ENIAIM Mose Paint Sup- abstract a nowt ICC sl ansa. Ave. lax. -s -s -a -s -i -s -s -s -s -s -s -s -s -s -s -a -x -s -a -i -s -s -s -s -s -s pia Iequkes akparbncsd to Apply M parson or cut A a R (120294) time s&Me staff for Durham k available Driver Education. 390 Baytf SL FULL time office position Person newt be highly Region store. Fax resume to µ16)2862149.(12D484) W. #7, 9 a.m-5 p.n* Monday b Friday. (905) 68e-0758. aMailrltM. mosvaa0d, non utndeer. have E.C.E. to work In a jurra pro- (120Dey ocarnputer skits and be customer PIPERS Was Md - saperkarced � and a'� 7� oar sarwtos allotted. Appy In writing pipers are Invited to join the W.Inms? Sol Discovery Toys. only B Oshawa 19bn Branch $43 Pipe EASY rwdu from hot w., Oawawa 1250 T iftegan Ave.,Oshawa. a. Barrs - a band pronating rton free int send for tree inioO. AS 112019 L1J 7095 (120194) competitiveness and family pies" contact d BOO, SASE. b: P.O. BOO 31086.armailpherai. a you aro single or a single Hodgson. 8869199 (120894) Westray �)Rd. Ajax Ont. LIT �K a separated or divorced Won low. Poskkn b begin Jan. Piave send rearwtne b Lit 3H0 (1475 with three years work EXPERIENCED Bus Tour Es- STAiiT Now - loal Dot *Mwfinancial you may q oftYou Dons required. Contract 0101 In an In an O financial aellanoe a I you ars m Wlrby, Ont. LIN BY9 (120191) perience necessary, own transportation required. Call ing assistance. D Law. Wordperfed, D -Bates, WANTED - an experienced 404-9747.(120194) Word, Accpac. Bedford. Autocad. Ve . Pagsrt er, E.C.E. to work In a jurra pro- DD nMd $alvo atony fa Harvard. Carol. Computer school room. 2 112 b 4 �' � and a'� 7� oar Programming and Systems Previous expedertoe workirtg W.Inms? Sol Discovery Toys. ASL C,abol. Pawl and C. with 141 age group an ansa. 00 beg geso, ioM pub Photoshop. Ouw k Empress and Must be able to handle a urge and books. Cal Larl et 576 Illustrator. Durham Bwkvess group situation. 40 hn. per 4523. (120194) Cortpumw Colpo. 427-3010. be announced a rtes.* Pay b nn $150-1857 Was 41h Vancouver. CIM. and New Views. Slot Jan. (TF) Won low. Poskkn b begin Jan. Piave send rearwtne b Lit ADMINISTRATOR for 710 WO3095. EXPER1F.NCED B.C. V0J iM4 (120294) 1. PWne forward resume to 100 Peeples PVysctug 33 Fal_ housing co-op in Oshawa. Skillecl, 135 by Crt.. Ajax. L13 3R3. Dubs• includsId rt"Walion Of Help fl****" EXPERENCED LAI PERSON i0111rapefy In Ston Pick�own ON for Day •0 • LOOKIING for babysitter in ray &wont• for 6 . wind old baby to start in January. 427-0363. (120494) TEACHER requires non anak- Ing live out nanny to are for 3 dHldren (6.4,2yrs) in our hoot. RofrenCss required. 427.8163. . ' Asontion: Sureprrlsor. Clas'N oot9 and tinarndal a" a t (120411M) uslness or pso low" ow ., ReeawbM ran. Also Isssorr doe Dec ta, 1094. (120!94) and general office work. Prslsrn0d quWboiwr an Co- MECHANIC for HCSC • eASYSITTER wonted. Pon Ilene 721.705.1. (TF) LOCAL. PIZZA ^ 'Q too sloe paidv w title. Books sent tup o housing experience. dim � with �� Aa �~ required used o Own , � � prolismad Mumbe Pus- work STORE FREE. Writ today. Fres mpon: to work with volunteers, w ares Gil deelereh� �y File #7092, Oshawa This Week. artd orad Fog 311IMS CON US T� Go"awy Pubkoo. Dept. TW'- pronciency in Word Perfect. P.O. Box 481. Oshawa. OM. able to household. aimwm � . mallo REQLTEM $150-1857 Was 41h Vancouver. CIM. and New Views. Slot Jan. L1H 7L5 (1200 4) for TA �� Plast Bintain 3 (/ � FH" Sw��. call 427 -tai. (124394) today EXPER1F.NCED B.C. V0J iM4 (120294) 1. PWne forward resume to Ings aid Sawdga. Approx. 22- e/ACHINISTITOOL and Die 25 hnawool. oorrp,aar « 4234 list details. Member of tee (/2D194) DRIVER peope ktokrwp 1�or asCa.ir Kirec p Co-Opzo Harmony Rd. Conwritneis N. per Malty rpurW Must have 2.3 pNM,� es a«a. DerRal sx-FFAX US YDUR ADCALL spas we er stwsll, we Priam 427-2959 1 to start .n►rwduoely. Cap 721- Oshawa. LIG 7x7 by Monday Cears al �1�'g5 ! • )oed. can579-2238 sawaaams.iNatty111tae, MM admoust. dwit make names. IL 9413. 9120094) Deostnbsr 5 ac 5 p.m. It 20194) «ion »s1�: Busy BteaVem a ccs uslness or pso low" ow ., ReeawbM ran. Also Isssorr CONSTRUCTION Samoa Rrrdy Timms. s. MIS) Interior and exterior 721.705.1. (TF) repairs, rerlovatiofn and COIIIpN1a Chw*V cortstruaion. Fast •rad • � Pus- work ...r,A Hwy -"tows - •exp 10 % autim gow IN 14 f ... I nkmtals out d yaw d*w OW faerar with a dna - cap S.C.G. Construction Ltd. - a pest screen. We clean, leaWci, repair and correct *Nft •aasrr and bwerior aaakey dnMrneys. Call Glib ester- tsYaks, adu94ans. 77x1, (t2oa94) bus and eabkrat. o«d9a4 Domed Gary am NO job too small 24 M anaI'm - CIM 9064239407. (1 1301M) yes O our �at�M Free oldwAlte. D i N fiusoell M7�f7M M NA11101L M FALL SALE PEW ON, )REFAC14i1G Free Counts Ointied value) Free Pluanbing C XUXX:tioat • LOW p� • Excellent quality Any styie • For your in-home estimate. call Z-800-46-1-5746 QUAM-CRAFT THE TILE MAN Yaw Mail 10 swddd Qrjnic Mm* -MM mer 2D yaws srpaiatoo wbm price is a concern �is ounp i�Solts owbam 1fI0N 7-34a VAZ GENERAL CON RAMINO Iota Ibiata. II MM 083-M : --1 CARPENTRY - 25 years alpaitfmoe. foamed. ba orrent 11 ' ' lmtg adorns, loins. of hair k littowrW «5.90,5. (12DM4) ratlidtrmaamoa. Elsdric4 phmta t�•i�`oP1nw ao �t.e (pill 110bl1000k (TF) w, Gj . Norio Werprim Busy BteaVem , . �:s. ap'o a" 161 SPedai** b WW SaiViM �p . flat rate or I hore himself � its.NOW Wkdom r1sOr�rvlwu COIIIpN1a Chw*V uWeaAsrirq Ito• Park Mad • � spnd•d fir III•INW bores ail move. and • DOW Don't Delay speclK takrtilg 0:1111109 ars tip. far a 7260005 a Fog 311IMS CON US T� � CA 686-7121 I aimwm � . mallo Mai N Ortsmaclon - asrpslsry. meow. olociricaL ARE you haft Prablms fUtb Hlq 11sta to char gar Mans For art/ plop Boomolleam Fuse foemsel. Masa ft Snow fallowing. rooldemlaiF mrossacY 10% dboras or � FH" Sw��. call 427 -tai. (124394) today tlaltdebe saevios. klswad. Fres a anlslsa Call 4567790. (m fres wA pbwklg. CaN 427- 4234 list details. Member of tee (/2D194) »aktPdetails.IE dead HARM-0-T400VE _ We dsap baa 4MYag h kms spas we er stwsll, we Priam Starting from $50. Fra *Am alFlats Olsrtoss.swAm sawaaams.iNatty111tae, MM admoust. dwit make names. Pfaawa slaved. Cospaabb nets. Call! 4E4>IM (W) GAILLIND , FALL Ma& FREE Ciaw ft Wiltd %* ft i bit• weeldy of rvati s. Ingllinfor . Cefilp for your home wait pefeoft0 d! and sw*9 for over a decade. 1r(F*jn 'ed end i au" ai -tion: 1 g Croy W"fs to s aimcisI a Ieelflfllil� 4a waaft 4 ., dIO F~ e. mt. ft >l� M-12 famn Mo bags taut* wit do omusacbL NM %w of mores. CO Carl or Jame. 427-21054, I" REIA■1: . p81f1ag • Vtel'Ocd . Apairs Cellular phoria 409-4143 Freer, II - I wast Rain Pro'leeabed 8eftiioe� To Pails" & MW Ifilafior III Ex*W EXOPM VM10n0tsit10. Fast Chian r•fable ser ". assatlboap napabs N10eryp►1Ni DRYWALL and Painting bonding taping. tetttvrktg painting. renovations and wp nim. jobs. 15 years Free estimates. Serving Durhorn and out at fosm arum. Kok 43N1i00. (1208" INTERIOR PatinlinglFaux finishes. a credited Worrier ddoolliignper wit asslat In co.or- bradaAm or The ase. (12001045 ) V blbfN XW down binds. Heady a sown" rat any am ace •ooasles. slnbdays. �rtloss. openings, wdrMeste- -1101* sinews ata ��� e3a70ti7 a RAefpT wants rock doing moan; r 14 "dn. e@ paws ail d e - " have my ow.n amighlim. Call Ernie, 004M To advertise your specialty ca11683-Si=o ;'J^T+':. .. . o:.�'•a;.t �; r.. pray L • :L'aJ rl'J,..l•�:1ri./•4.�1Nr• rr�.i•. 44.6j.;4V• 4-V.:A;.... . : w • �.�..4.•.... • :. w vw . w ... w • r w ................ .. aive'waeoiLafa`af .. . .� . I II it Local company requires Tool & Die Maker with experience on progressive and compound dies. Please fax resume to: Amosaw CAROLE PLUMMER INC at 905-579-6050 J 5artla min. SL Balt 16 yrs. eXperiarm Rebrencewpaceipts Bade up taf))re ' DAYCARE available In my mat smoki g hoar. 1 1/2 yew aid fo 3 years old. VVNM Wylllawood and 401 ane Planes ail 427- 111M. (120294) INSIST on 'Only the beat daycare-. Nutritional hot finches. anadcs, loss of fun and TLC. Only the beet rates'. Cal Charlene (905) 837 -Ml little. snd Hwy s2 area. (120494) ss. FIREWOOD CENTRE 4'xlixtZ, $60.00 4'x8'x16' $65.00 ESTABLISHED 1963 Days 705-277-3381 EYenrgs 905-434.6666 From DWlvwy 10 APPLEw000 - bun the beet. nee delivery. $7S119' face cord or $200/bush cord. Fair measure. TWIN BRAND ORCHARDS. Newcastle. 11-906- 211745111 (TF) FIREWOOD, ct and split a lir. 9D% ash. $50%ce cad. pick up. Lop Will- Rope. SHIP. 12 ton. $12511 Napofrh air +blot inns w/chinnsy. $500. Can 504 loss. (120194) $ECTMNAL Saw a pow hr n blad~l ave amm daft. table $125. mmi10 �, $� Can 6644542. (120w) F1aDGE and alsre, ahtand. $VS- Microwave. $76. Good owxmbm Poeando. $0.0. deb 7275.(120414) g SLE ter tea w m heater• bladder, drovers in base. bookcase Iradboard. $100. Cal 726-2313. (120264) FWMNJ%M NsERT ELIORA $400.00 432-190 CAWM- rr er tsps. =% %Iwk saw alalia tatM- ample $349. Ptlos laelNMs oapeL. Premium d. aha 6 >~d11 , Phil," • M�bbcguara w wpkncw pmR•o. l6�s a rdftt42740 tp tiwaltayspoft ban I" shk Sae. Stet =KWOWn M. r CIA ao6400 44MM. OW Mese N db@NW loe tad 110mit stale 304acd lam am" �na a6nn swl OIL !non NUM. Call 427- 1%, grew. 100% Hitm milan Neil," IS. F��towns, wiy $M1 ON*ft 30 'e pad and ��f is hemi From, atlMalfon b eSo wt6 MIa air wn i Dwell. 1410007.OW !"ININ 4, PIANO$/GRANDFATHER hirgs" "INC thin - Neused iow d I ' , Not ane? Fieri to own. apt. dze. upright. grand, digital. keyboards. CLOCKS - (Free dally and ON up). Tmnwxims savingel To" Plano Works. 433.1491. (TF) PHONE table. $1S. 11-1 mg- I ++$apt F,tabeach. les, $35 ea. Cof- fee and ons and table. its. Wood oMR and one and table. SM. Two round marble and tables w/sculptured brass pedestals. $300. Bentwood rocker, $100. Beige couch. IovasM I and chair. $360. Couch and chair. $800. Couch and chair, brand now. $1200. waterbed ban* wirmatchkfg draseer (Cu b A q~ alas box i no . $360, 5 poo. bedroom sults. $400. Two apYg bed on SM eahmh Largs chron and glee kaon table. $150. Chary dkiig suit. $5D0. Oak bow front china c .. _. $600. Two floor modal colon T.V.'s. $200-300. 30' gold stow. $175. 30- white clove wAnerheA doss 6150. In.. gill; n - gear 12 eu.Q. Aldpe. 11401% nearly now dryer, 6250. Office Funiurs, 625.225. 2 FLC. d hrha umd.olk". best ofs. 436- 3004.(120294) COMPUTERS - 466 SLC33's Fast $1099 - 446 OX 20" $1499 faster - 586 PentkMU $?206 toolmL Yes" we do Mo trade -Ins. We oleo `sock monks (torn 5191. Lapaops and note books from $495. and budget p - Ila* $99. Call 057-3059.(121304) OAKMW FURNITURE - Why pay retail prices? One of Onwb's oldest and largest manufsctwas is we swig died so the public. Ea. oak padewal table Min dw saL and 4 Window olhaie. $7M - r ooh double pedo" ole am and a dais. $1420. CaAwbd beds, SML Over 20 gain chicken - a1 sofil. no Williams - Tadralsl Woolwerlift 905-M5a774. (M PWO - Ahs M key bWnaal- leve ' - I - :1. 1 hone SdMCW . 3 reveab awItchss. owners gales, head phos$ and beach itcl dad, aa" slow 166 4131. (1202"" DONT miss St" Juan in rine for ChfWt l A beautiful soma by of to Iry d nkvf Meclan sit 0* 2 wsrrdts ole, ad" $M6, pee $1400. Seo Nig due to wlnfng www ant Coe 4362110E (120M4) Col so Wulf t T wit)of Vaco"Irk` the rate— of" 5lajw1 0 aa=eanoed i ohm 9 aa�- 41Ark wbalkemia and tis hd Mo& friee Cbdotmaf 640-1325 CHRISTMAS TREES Cut Your Own or Precut Spruce 6 Pins WHITBY - TMdcsort Rd. Exit off 401, North 5 miles to Conlin Rd. then East 1 tulle OR 2 miles West of Durham College Open Daily 9 a.m.-7 p.m. BOWMANVILLE - Waverley Rd., Exit off 401, North 12 miles on Durham 57. Open Daily 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cut yotw own $22 any size includes G_&T. Fresh Cut trees $10422 includes G.S.T. FREE TREE BAJUNG WATSON TREE FARMS (905 263-8858 FREE CandrCanes for kids FREE pine boughs 6 cones ************* * RYURIC CRAFTS * FIRST ANNUAL. CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW , DKwnbar 3 i 4, 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.wL '* EASTSHORE COMMUNITY CENTRE 910 Llwxpool Rd S. M of "I Plckw" �r FREE Ad muton * Vbit Sofas$ R.RI. - pl6oe.t1. b Ma•Pb+ ' 3rd Annumil C>tristimaas Crag Opel Roche Set, Dec 3.9.30 a.m. - 2-30 p -m. San., Dec. 4, 1" arm. -X30 P.M 1220 Boy Dc, fill a■Urrt K.rracb) 99s4m-628i " . Gourma gin baskets, tree ornamams, cbbis& died flowers, and arose. A 1942 Chovelto. 4 door, t91$ Pautlae Tramper al ap PAM i WHM4 UE WATER Iii i N ITAYLOR I I 1 38 ST. W i afe..yr are i 101 LEEII i OWL -RL "PA, Slee & 8at 12-5 PAL i 1992 GMC. V9. air, SIOM6. 1990 Olds Royal. loaded. � s � $79111npam..wVS. air. tele Chev 2, Ion. van, heavy 97916. 19M Cadillac DsVW _ $Met 19M Dodge Shadow. 4►NNNNNN�+►04► air, $3995.1969 Corsica. AJAX .CLIPPER APTS. CHRISTMAS TREES Cut Your Own or Precut Spruce 6 Pins WHITBY - TMdcsort Rd. Exit off 401, North 5 miles to Conlin Rd. then East 1 tulle OR 2 miles West of Durham College Open Daily 9 a.m.-7 p.m. BOWMANVILLE - Waverley Rd., Exit off 401, North 12 miles on Durham 57. Open Daily 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Cut yotw own $22 any size includes G_&T. Fresh Cut trees $10422 includes G.S.T. FREE TREE BAJUNG WATSON TREE FARMS (905 263-8858 FREE CandrCanes for kids FREE pine boughs 6 cones ************* * RYURIC CRAFTS * FIRST ANNUAL. CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW , DKwnbar 3 i 4, 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.wL '* EASTSHORE COMMUNITY CENTRE 910 Llwxpool Rd S. M of "I Plckw" �r FREE Ad muton * Vbit Sofas$ R.RI. - pl6oe.t1. b Ma•Pb+ ' 3rd Annumil C>tristimaas Crag Opel Roche Set, Dec 3.9.30 a.m. - 2-30 p -m. San., Dec. 4, 1" arm. -X30 P.M 1220 Boy Dc, fill a■Urrt K.rracb) 99s4m-628i " . Gourma gin baskets, tree ornamams, cbbis& died flowers, and arose. A 1942 Chovelto. 4 door, t91$ Pautlae Tramper al ap sta111111011 runnier. oadfa' toe Ralabls of ear. i WHM4 UE WATER Iii i SE00 ebe a IL CNN SIIwMI, CNN 1 and 2 bedro SWISS, brOOdb , i M6.6063M1 (113094) 38 ST. W i CAJfnCAR Awo Ctnoe - lee King SL W. • WAft M Alai - i 101 LEEII i OWL -RL "PA, Slee & 8at 12-5 PAL i 1992 GMC. V9. air, SIOM6. 1990 Olds Royal. loaded. (906) 571.T8?Z l` >fI19R$r Caflafsran ProplANs LIfN9d i $79111npam..wVS. air. tele Chev 2, Ion. van, heavy 97916. 19M Cadillac DsVW _ $Met 19M Dodge Shadow. 4►NNNNNN�+►04► air, $3995.1969 Corsica. AJAX .CLIPPER APTS. loaded. $6666. loss cutin. ciwm M from $4M6. lea 2 and 3 bedrooms, broadoorn, 2 apPManoes, 1 saran. a passahger. M906. underground , 110 Lasa Rs ()OhIC. ori, sub. p8 S FALAL19 Y COURT s o-2886. Mi open Mon. -Free E -S p.m., Set. a Sun. 12-5 p.m - rveh�icles Sunday. (120194) -� •- - (905) 683-6021 ..- •--, LEASE to own vehicles. 19s0 1966, 5345 down. no interest, no CMA checks. 6M7426. (TF) 1961 Chev S10, 5 sposd• Wedenkaly At, saoeplbnall war m oitaied. Now cap• maty owes. 66 (11 Low mileage cert SIM Vans 4 Wheel' i / Drives GERMAN Shepherd pups. t91$ Pautlae Tramper al ap gr+aWy, pee for tally, pnote, -, . Mons Including ISOM. 50= Parent Scutzhund trained. kee. $11.100. Cal 72342167. FrWWII• hard on do so . Pupa 1990 Grand Caravan I.E. senses $1100. 107.000 kms.. boded. asking 906 4e6-9eM. (, ) $12.000. 0.0.0. Cal 5767900. PM ADEN DOC OBEDIENCE - tele Chev 2, Ion. van, heavy QuaYfwd approved duty shocks and springs. $1500 instruction by ox -instructor as is. Cal 43,1-5602. (120294) R.A.F. Police Dog Training CEWMAL Oshawa - 2 r3 School Opawhgs an"i 1« bsdwsmk araamblo Deer I. real classes oonwrrrn ing Two E ' . Dec 13, puppy and nwlmw Our m ChiysW Catavealk 4 doer. am°wtw neoarK pa' iW`' awoass raft speaks for trate. ClydW. Maar Island so sam MAoO bay len. seen r so TeL eq 1425- (120964) 1699 ramWa Endear300. Sp► DPhots call fti tan cooled. a ihjeoad. DOG Trall* Classes - N- 'on wry good condition. Very and Open staling January. n reliable. $660 o b o 966-4666. Oshawa Durham Dog Training. (120M) Bab Soot. 57651$36. (011 IM snowman sums. irekrtaes HAALEY would like a good 91110ss and acmaodw an safe home mus is hal. lad sited 2 for Christmas gma for anow- low did Ise feI I ills mit rtnbiers at Cinch Cale. 12730 Laves hilt and mom 636.1451. Sineoe St.. Port Perry, gas. (120494) 9312. (12066) GERMAN SHEPHERD PUP- PE - S -went She bale at non -i►- � ' flated prices? Ideal family (2MIMi �Farlr+4k �0°ta eenparhlem. Ge►nrrh woAuirg i CKC the rattlE - . Vet Mspeet on. Reil) Al pre -lift shola Tarboed. Prioress caroled hips deer. Big bold and banAIIIA Tel 1969425. (120294) "M Awns su runar. (ate a 00 black 424 cawerlblw 5 speed. standard. am/1m tasaaWR tp aSair Cary SIMS-1011. SIM Lars manage 51011. (1 4 kmdxx/m n. cnned: //o 1905) hep Oldtatabon Clara 4 des leadad. 47AW WML. bins war a.AJA)< - spacious ono SINCE peal ape, dMaaa. Mur. bilas Nonfat. $11,600 sed 1113 badrsew bowman$ apwwtaaL 3 Sd m eymbsr. hadsawe std Main Alb. Ale am SM! �A Fell ars pear SWAM, hi- =m&@ i- t10aMan sisa caa po6)1m 2147.(120294 =U pwAn calls bib? VANS Aare you gMtsdawtw 4tOlml Coast sdaal6 symm Mr as n Sao taeow up to 2n choose a Chow bow Hates Ford Tawe, VS, air, SI I AW pokillaMaw loasldy, araeir Call P4W 431141144. (12019,91 Jas 1. $610. 10. Call Jury IMS Gay Cewloa LT, VW 14I(1)92e6S1ee or 431-1529 Vs, bodet ttaa.b., abs _ Call 676-7 62 ten Nd tearraatl, excellent� __ Im ewmellN� 72.m fir+tsw $1000 a0a1I - ease le oJb e. Please cam ae4S770. sdedL Fddfk summi $Mtn ttaos " hyele aria. FMMW wgiai tilt wilt acct RgrL bur, Cell ma` "am" gassy NaadW. 4 claw, bndaA CEWMAL Oshawa - 2 r3 AIM li jaalat Idyb oars No bsdwsmk araamblo Deer I. a my Many Cbdob=L Comompw 104417$5 , ori-eslp Sodb%4!e'f9M746a. (f2l79"TJ 4zi�7Wts CriwT � 4�T tiALt Call 676-7 62 - taw e.iotrw a G MI Mom FftiW ec. 2 atnd woe" and 1906 Poetlae �s Dve. A (1�M) PSR 4 deer. Nein Aute, eaL Dec. & 227 PAL 124 Q- naettd 0� OaAwaa I M1aht IlmAm.1duMibKMLM _ _ OMI Od Oft UNIONS 1NIa1� - Inas bAatn sash �• AAabatt, sad sesplss, $hoses M Maplllr• FFIEE Md9asw and bAft by FMOM mmom no wNoft& QteE, Ales tea 1111afatp COruvartlbM. 4 Y. S btSen f(Ilg abs. JaR 1 b& Jou Coara 9e6nM. (12aM4) wpwrnad buLiki6n D i M m ChiysW Catavealk 4 doer. am°wtw neoarK pa' iW`' im diveryam ClydW. Maar Island so sam MAoO bay len. seen r so pgy p - 3 bo* a coda (12(11M) ■AO Mit. etyma. k1rM- rom sew ane MwAb W A $225 std 14 ter s wmdolld tlaft*AM 9175 sad * fir mo66r diamond wpm $I?$ and VP for roeoaclN)IMN fridges and aeeves Alae oohs lipwated rashers and dryors. ompbwaoa"s FwLRNl6 and AppNoa". 227 Court 81. Oaharra 5767441(12If2e41 1 w000*0 Mwuewe- a i, aft�111da o aai.ui1=e Instruwmts. china. advortle" SPOd g, toys. hOolA cob, NO bola, 11101- imaillin or names. Call Robsit son - Antiqu" 11005) a49i, amdit (M 455- ad am+ hawwowd I Md $i $. anngw iN MINN. 4l•1g71(1go " IllMWATE'tash For low somp CBO Pow PRIM Kara, a1WW^ 4e64@a1 neon" us" for JEEP YJ lea or apowom 1 1Q bog& a" ormL 4364PM 02N" khoh . 2 #Pima *. under - Md i M Q P+taale GMXK 4 doW. Pie l576 ll. 42111. 0. -sk.I=PaWftT LE4 an 1 Prdg AVAIL. JAK 1. sionaly fin. 1 bdrmapt. very dew. WV ows, $55 monthlye, stove, washing ities, cable d wifties Phin 40440156 PARTIALLY FURL achelor apt., sop. trance, all utilities, no Abstainers or iy. $100 Avail. immed., t/ia t Scutt Oshwra 723.5411 or 725-1091 OSHAWA NORTH TWO bedroom apartments, clean, quiet buikfing, from $600 per month Call 576-2541 LARGE 1 bdrm. apt MlsorVOlive $490 + hydro. Toll free, 1-800.565.2062 RIMRWG? Looking for a quiet spacious 2 bdrrn. apartrrt11nt Close b downtown and Shopping Centre. Availat" Dec 1 UTELY gwgmx bdrms , brand rose Euro Wrl Nim, 2 ortinnow to deck 2 hell kundly JWL 1. PA ar W3�4S94 be, O0111,sm mditie Dec. 1. Fist 2 weak$ Ives. Cleft SSI, Oshaw 404.9130 Arai LalwdFirelleyllMb6tllgr New 2 b/mL awal L 2 Ail 6@66 appL• if4pY99e, baMlarl,, tlli4l!♦if2 ani Imam apt, tea. eNMI. blldr AaliMt4dllmiwL, air own I11;It$n a 4 poo bars, Mp. OG MWA -- rl in . SM. Oro bedtoot $686; Two bedroom $819. Three bedroom $706: dean and Wge units. Inckude hest. able, hot water, parking. new applanoes. Tenant pays hydro. Call 4368700 or 404 - SM (TF) PICKERING - two bedroom bwoftww apartment. awn entry. 4 pee. bath• close to GO/ shopping, on bus roue. FirW WK reIw regaled. $700 Inclusive. Available Immediately. 420-9497. (12021M) OSHAWA - JohnlCentre St.. are bedroom apaltmes $845 ,middy. utWJ= included. Go died to super at 4202-70 Lloyd SL. or d 906402-9104 after 6 p.m (12061) AJAX - " 2 bedroom bare► merit Moto sixt, available Jan. 1. $725 per month. FrWlast. Cal 427-7124 or 426-0311. (120494) SOUTH Oshawa - large one bedroom reed basement spam - Mont in semi. Like new aspaancas laundry Societies. 2 ear poking prlvwft entra-nce. $660 all kncihwi w Mathes wak- WV save or coupis. No pea Also 2 bedroom available. $660. Call 579 -IM. (120604) VACANdESi Cal the are amp rental shop for a BETTER selection. DURHAM HOME RENTERS. (905) 42602711 mi► inW lee. LANDLORO'S AD- VERTISE FREEII (TF) LANCE one and two bedroan apartments in 6 plea. Close to O.C. Available Jan. 1. incudes Mega. atone, utallse, Parkn6- FinUWt required. Can 666 9297. (12066) THREE bedroom upper floor of bungalow. ublitwo included. as- king $600. ALSO two budrow basement apartment. appliances. oftes included. 6600. Boon f rsVis at RftawO, ase Cal 263.2M (120294) PICKEOMM - uwraw ihymut very large two bedroom base - nom aporia$, sell-ih dldsan. A/ bWt, grey brosubharl elope to Go. SM inclusive. Call 4116- 496-3M& 16494-3796. (12041) - PICKERING - one bedroom bassm+arr apartmoK commit location (non smoker) all the nivs. $500 nrn00y. Anti• abs Jan. 95. Call 639-4537. (12m ) AJAX South - 3 bedroom main floor. prlvale yard. parking. landry. SM ♦ i12 Ismaelor Induelve. 619-2727. 4113064) AJAX - bright spacious one bs*m m ben ant Sit- ret dwas so scltoob and MaII l g $660 per mark Fineman. des $590. Anthony or Carla. (lam" ACNM 16*0 $'fell. Plat - ar bedroom apartment fully waoAsftaL sapram Moslem elle FkFNau L Call OW 7S441M7 aur S PAL (12011" a0Y1N Aim - bond ave tee beMmaw bommaa apwwmok appbmom or_ I= WMW* b*VkV6 UWMK bq "M tea o slashed. Plane call tar Shoals. USOM 02N" ONE bodroow basement 4MWAML 1143 command! Am LaW Milliken, 111mbill ease and aft now Mvl�f Crit r or- AhaYls Dec. 1. Fir waw Ndwwammti as Air. Sbdik P41bIMa (lam " SOL, palllifp Q0 peNorl. AJAX - lege ase bsere non $Ia01lr, a pals WouraM ape°111 M r4Adn Md". stew. 4 Pt»• bOb. all Ind Fholbo 0 eapWral0 mtt1e. M pow OafNwA . bit & Class tato Pomba• Avaaabls GO& 16. baelseln is apatason bled$} CbM Is all alrmmm$s. 5700. mend apon- Fbelaeal (1aer a Cara 906 traOMM to 401 ad Cly bill AJAX - a Wmm:0m walla be► tatma SM0. Cal 433.0677. MOP - very AAgo ale (lana" b"K taco Wga bseisat. Wag AJAX -Milo eedrown en mm Cali I gllali ' ty' boded L $776. Atralllee Dec. 6WO$75MmoatCly. Available 1 6m wm (12DO" NwlwiMy. Cara 0067e4/3q ' a9065794171(IION) Oat WA-wfpueWnbmthtlow FOR root - one bedroom a>I - MM Mo sPallouo 4WWAK my dnkll� �' lslse NA YOM Aidan, More, offs , Wmdry 16:11111d0k VtneeNo bath. iWNWaaukft M�lsr• me pea Araashis, COMM ark ttha1n2 lNlteil� Cas 57441M2 w lea leder area a7a0 • V L 4a$4niboom" aaJwlipia tsluaap�l, 7 Se'0`(1""" COaalYli111 (jlfs�po 3M w9aalA deer.l6oded.11a7�Ply Rallaa, 4 doer. ton Curs - taw e.iotrw a am NHZ. 4 Mea. Remi 200 woe" and 1906 Poetlae 11aNee araadb a1 coo Md are! MA D. wilt $.VAA. colour PSR 4 deer. Nein Aute, (ill SL CbM i• aehaab. Moo IlmAm.1duMibKMLM 906-Sf6-Of47 aaytiwe. OMI Od Oft UNIONS SLIM NdebeeM 'Neer 4- Mea. (1124" FMOM mmom no wNoft& Raw. 120 M.B.H.D.. Co- Cal P201" �u Mfole m ChiysW Catavealk 4 doer. am°wtw neoarK pa' iW`' ---- CILDE to daWllmtn Odorsim 1mMrmtAL Good andel,, SISK WWa oGH. Tro bodroow and OG . Twnilnd DPhots 427-q�S Ow S Rin2041. SMEali (TF) + otllNlos. Available "mm ale. "M b t Cwbrl I.M. 4 *=-4 (1p.an 2=4 Vs, ass. new pate. abs Sam now $21§6 , 011111 - 7 DAY �lAx -Mew one badness ban* 1 I SALE - malls Trina Doc 1., 6 PAL N an aiduced MO 4111% + At apart earl. $45-5 all laobalve. Avolibibla Doc. 1. 7 mpg rAm 111 -t11$euIefR A" 41mle. (lam$" Cel 4?I-aTAt afFyaiM Rues a7NL Rewftp Monk Oebaa. Pnu p - dohu and peelers r (2MIMi �Farlr+4k �0°ta $7AYulehe8 5.000. hrooml, teso �wslMmltap, the rattlE roc *~APEcanawaEmultm�r� no p Ruin, 4 door. 1 - I "" fowl, wa&" to ow 40 emOw a 4M' aoMed, vel wlollla 141.f00 Pe wo s ML (tauter naval Moauw)r 10 low $1aos, Cara ppN q1. - 67@6f1 rA*. 4+>dA t12alleN �eeR haga>M► �e (am Pow 1161$ ache pip. Gtech %I* Prdg AVAIL. JAK 1. sionaly fin. 1 bdrmapt. very dew. WV ows, $55 monthlye, stove, washing ities, cable d wifties Phin 40440156 PARTIALLY FURL achelor apt., sop. trance, all utilities, no Abstainers or iy. $100 Avail. immed., t/ia t Scutt Oshwra 723.5411 or 725-1091 OSHAWA NORTH TWO bedroom apartments, clean, quiet buikfing, from $600 per month Call 576-2541 LARGE 1 bdrm. apt MlsorVOlive $490 + hydro. Toll free, 1-800.565.2062 RIMRWG? Looking for a quiet spacious 2 bdrrn. apartrrt11nt Close b downtown and Shopping Centre. Availat" Dec 1 UTELY gwgmx bdrms , brand rose Euro Wrl Nim, 2 ortinnow to deck 2 hell kundly JWL 1. PA ar W3�4S94 be, O0111,sm mditie Dec. 1. Fist 2 weak$ Ives. Cleft SSI, Oshaw 404.9130 Arai LalwdFirelleyllMb6tllgr New 2 b/mL awal L 2 Ail 6@66 appL• if4pY99e, baMlarl,, tlli4l!♦if2 ani Imam apt, tea. eNMI. blldr AaliMt4dllmiwL, air own I11;It$n a 4 poo bars, Mp. OG MWA -- rl in . SM. Oro bedtoot $686; Two bedroom $819. Three bedroom $706: dean and Wge units. Inckude hest. able, hot water, parking. new applanoes. Tenant pays hydro. Call 4368700 or 404 - SM (TF) PICKERING - two bedroom bwoftww apartment. awn entry. 4 pee. bath• close to GO/ shopping, on bus roue. FirW WK reIw regaled. $700 Inclusive. Available Immediately. 420-9497. (12021M) OSHAWA - JohnlCentre St.. are bedroom apaltmes $845 ,middy. utWJ= included. Go died to super at 4202-70 Lloyd SL. or d 906402-9104 after 6 p.m (12061) AJAX - " 2 bedroom bare► merit Moto sixt, available Jan. 1. $725 per month. FrWlast. Cal 427-7124 or 426-0311. (120494) SOUTH Oshawa - large one bedroom reed basement spam - Mont in semi. Like new aspaancas laundry Societies. 2 ear poking prlvwft entra-nce. $660 all kncihwi w Mathes wak- WV save or coupis. No pea Also 2 bedroom available. $660. Call 579 -IM. (120604) VACANdESi Cal the are amp rental shop for a BETTER selection. DURHAM HOME RENTERS. (905) 42602711 mi► inW lee. LANDLORO'S AD- VERTISE FREEII (TF) LANCE one and two bedroan apartments in 6 plea. Close to O.C. Available Jan. 1. incudes Mega. atone, utallse, Parkn6- FinUWt required. Can 666 9297. (12066) THREE bedroom upper floor of bungalow. ublitwo included. as- king $600. ALSO two budrow basement apartment. appliances. oftes included. 6600. Boon f rsVis at RftawO, ase Cal 263.2M (120294) PICKEOMM - uwraw ihymut very large two bedroom base - nom aporia$, sell-ih dldsan. A/ bWt, grey brosubharl elope to Go. SM inclusive. Call 4116- 496-3M& 16494-3796. (12041) - PICKERING - one bedroom bassm+arr apartmoK commit location (non smoker) all the nivs. $500 nrn00y. Anti• abs Jan. 95. Call 639-4537. (12m ) AJAX South - 3 bedroom main floor. prlvale yard. parking. landry. SM ♦ i12 Ismaelor Induelve. 619-2727. 4113064) AJAX - bright spacious one bs*m m ben ant Sit- ret dwas so scltoob and MaII l g $660 per mark Fineman. des $590. Anthony or Carla. (lam" ACNM 16*0 $'fell. Plat - ar bedroom apartment fully waoAsftaL sapram Moslem elle FkFNau L Call OW 7S441M7 aur S PAL (12011" a0Y1N Aim - bond ave tee beMmaw bommaa apwwmok appbmom or_ I= WMW* b*VkV6 UWMK bq "M tea o slashed. Plane call tar Shoals. USOM 02N" ONE bodroow basement 4MWAML 1143 command! Am LaW Milliken, 111mbill ease and aft now Mvl�f Crit r or- AhaYls Dec. 1. Fir waw Ndwwammti as Air. Sbdik P41bIMa (lam " SOL, palllifp Q0 peNorl. AJAX - lege ase bsere non $Ia01lr, a pals WouraM ape°111 M r4Adn Md". stew. 4 Pt»• bOb. all Ind Fholbo 0 eapWral0 mtt1e. M pow OafNwA . bit & Class tato Pomba• Avaaabls GO& 16. baelseln is apatason bled$} CbM Is all alrmmm$s. 5700. mend apon- Fbelaeal (1aer a Cara 906 traOMM to 401 ad Cly bill AJAX - a Wmm:0m walla be► tatma SM0. Cal 433.0677. MOP - very AAgo ale (lana" b"K taco Wga bseisat. Wag AJAX -Milo eedrown en mm Cali I gllali ' ty' boded L $776. Atralllee Dec. 6WO$75MmoatCly. Available 1 6m wm (12DO" NwlwiMy. Cara 0067e4/3q ' a9065794171(IION) Oat WA-wfpueWnbmthtlow FOR root - one bedroom a>I - MM Mo sPallouo 4WWAK my dnkll� �' lslse NA YOM Aidan, More, offs , Wmdry 16:11111d0k VtneeNo bath. iWNWaaukft M�lsr• me pea Araashis, COMM ark ttha1n2 lNlteil� Cas 57441M2 w lea leder area a7a0 • V L 4a$4niboom" aaJwlipia tsluaap�l, 7 no Pas. available Dec. 1 and ---- 15. $575 8 $775. Cal Fred. 427. THREE bedroom townhouses. 9951. (113094) 1 W Common Poole and sauna, wak ,400 schools. Available Nov. and 667. Close to buses and tt� se$ E1gh Cat. 2 bedroom in 27 NO down payment? Good AJAX - 3 bodroorl tots dwjW ATTENTIOWDoyou haw good - .. I auM brfldYq, 1586. Cal 434- txedt? Gtaod job? You tars buy �r 02• End unit with cre dk ment or a but no down pay SM monthly. Call 905-428- 7408 ... Now btrrdktp, INS Wl- monthly . for the price d rent while gibes garage. Fit~. and races ace down. Call Doug . Releretices. small down payment and poor (l blit? Vou an buy a house ,,itdnsrn and evingroorn• indudss eon Rd. N.. two bedroom avant- able Jan. 1. First/lai Call 725• no Nonutaksmoking. no pets, of Bnnl, Comsnmsy Fkrwicial, b^ (also rent to own). or R Rick �� wasfner, dryer. fudge, stove, 2546. (120494) atey.9.323.nalitablo 866.6805. (1F) ; �4iately. 905128.3238. r., 579-3537 (121391) dahwashr. trmws. antral vac. BLOORf$IMCOE - large two HE Oshawa - flea V*wdvisw RENT/OWN • 4 bedrooms -cps• WIMTSY • knmaculate bun - BIO. $1000 inducrve. Dec. 1. 72S. bedroom in 46 unit building, Park. Three bedroom, formal deck. dour end int n NE Oshawa, on a 137• lot, $119,900. � hided formesure couple. 6ae4 or 72347%. (120194) tta. ige, laundry. parking, well m meed. Clow to atoreslbua, diningroom. fireplace. tetwed yard, new fumaos. newer broadloom, freshly Available includes m. detached garage. M central air. With SX 94CKEMOIG - one bedroom from $675 Inclusive. Go direct to $925 + utilities decorated, ensuite. 5 garage, drapes, appliances. down, carries for $960 per buss. carpeted. clung area. 123 Bloor St. W. r all celled immediaNy. 5762601 afor rem, $1200 own. Venda month including Ted� Fe ttle. $Iso - a h m. Cal 906-571-4289. (TF) p.m. (120694) will con- cell assist with financing �xes.�• gh1O^• emax Houghton.ancing oar 390 p.m. Rick, 6864242 PICKE§WIG _ bachelor b816e COURTICE - largo 3 bad-" sider rent to own. 436.6454. 3900• (120494) or Donna. 4249511. (1208e4) mem apktrtrram for rem in nor bungalow bated on try 02 (120194) ATTENTION Buyers. Have a Smoking home. Available Dec with a new et6cken y furnace. SunroonL 3 baths, whirlpool and AJAX - lovey three bedroom down payment? Credit FOUR tlydno m hams forrem. Bloor/Simcoe area. $850 per 1. Call 420-2673. (120294) attached garage. $995 per townhorre, eat -in kitchen and problems? Mortgages as - sumable without qualification. rrtt7rttL rant nw and save ors PNCkERING Weatshore . lent walkout to yard. 3 baths, ensuite month. utilities. Cap 436-2449. Y Call Teresa Turner, 416.321 - months rent. 666-3478 One bedroom basement pamtmn en suflable for maim• off masts bedroom, broadloom, lt, • - alove/trklgs. near transportation 3536 Assoc. Broker, Remax (120194) . non smoking female adult. 1 - and shops. $1030 . per month. Caews (120194) OSHAWA - 2.1 bedioce 1928 Parking, separate entrance. Call 416 292.8140. (113094) 27" Hancock Rd.. Counties. + udder 1r woo can. Cable, laundry, $550 momhy Available now. 837-2309. - Newly upgraded century charmer on private 2+ acne. 3 bedroom, living mom. family Cal Dave. 68 1. (1206") (113094) PRINGLE CREEK room, large eat -in kitchen, AJAX - second floor of house' bright one bedroom apartment. Indigo. CO-0PERATIVE ST., WHITBY mainfloor laundry, 2.3 pce. baths. Largs unfurnished loft. one bedroom potential. P%MgMlti DKWFnch - 25M private entrance. stove. #85.95 CRAWFORTH separate slgA 4 - - 11 2 Morey nemm parking, utilities included. Flexible possession. $650 monthly. Call 839-0941. Lar bus 3 bedroom Large f townhouses from $795 per month. Detached 2 12 Storey garage' futy fenood, two hone stalls, paddock. No agems.:189.900. detached home, ensuite, (120694) Includes basic cable, water and 434-6715.(120294) IYePbcek above ParpO Pool. AVAILABLE in Oshawa s Wht- by apani si building. spacious t parking. Close to all amenities, large playground. LOVELY older 2 1n storey All brick hnonha on a 40x145' lot b - on Mary SL N. close to II ,Ill. $1199 + 2(3 utilities. wwmapart Pd „y painted a- mem with balcony. dose to bus. Phone 666.2 coed schi Detached garage. bal- Alvaible Jan. 1S. (806) OW an ing. Al ktdnkn '"n1ded No Sutnidy Available Cony off R1ii1ar bedroom over- 710L (TF) Firevlast required. foo gds. One / e 1 looks a fully fenced landscaped - aabMdrtg I" Spa-pOOY bedroom, Two bedroom, z,y„� adz *z err y, backyard d with walkout from eious clean executive 4 1725. Cal 430-0134. (TF)ItA6 43D- +Rb•K}+q+s+sarmie+a+q>ir•Ktbf++ kk�ren to rear deck. 16x37 in - bedroom sideeptk. Gamble pompe. ovembed tautly monk AJAX Hermitage basement ce^� THREE bedroom townhouse in ground p• roof• soma the well maintained Brad • tascia, FAG. 2-3 pea. baths and leyas. IdI'f neml Sby hums. NOTMI's Orem Lao SIL Gain Energy. Make apartments, one and two Estates. Includes 4 ap0lian 450 Accomm ntarty mom upgrades. $135.000. 1 I •t IoM 2D bs. and male bedrooms. new and spacious. $900 + utilities. Available Dec. For more details. call Mks. 579 - 81800 lo 3 malls. Cal /-00- separate ertlranC0. No srrhokers. 1 668-8585 (120294) beach. Call (905) 723-5495. 6613216. (TF) no Pas. available Dec. 1 and ---- 15. $575 8 $775. Cal Fred. 427. THREE bedroom townhouses. 9951. (113094) fridge, stove, dryer included. 275 yventwonn St. W. Lar one Common Poole and sauna, wak and two bed'oons from $512- schools. Available Nov. and 667. Close to buses and Janto North Oshawa. Call 476 shopping. Available vrvrsdiately 3346. (120694) and Jan. 1 Cal 721-9722 or - .. I 434-5183 9-8 D m (120694) ' �% IV For Rent' AJAX fDOkenng Boaz- 'wc bedroom bungauow. immaculate condition on " 100 ft.x 135 h. kx, parking for 6 cars. $800 monthly or toll, low down Vermont. vendor hod mortgage 6035503. (1206941 AJAX - 2.1 bedroom horns• 4 appliances arc Parkin AJAX - Person needed ID share Town Home, fully lumkshed, all appliances, dose to shoppnp and transit, affordable rent. referertce6 available now. (905) 686-1628. 6572. (120194) • BROCK!HWY 62 - $124.900 Lovely 3 bedroom condo townhouse. finished basernern. small complex. on quid street. Chris Hurt.416.481-2233, C. Hunt R.E. Ltd.. Realtor. r?11% .i PERSON nesoed to sure three ---- bedroom noire. All inclusive. Vacation II monthly. Close to • ••- rties shopping. transit. Cam Steve. 1545 4110-2150. (12029 OSHAWA - 3 bedroom semi, 6 AJAX Westney, largo three FRLE Literature. out of town bedroom home, newly invest. M . Startvg as low as decorated. wall lu.neall . share $150 mon". Lak46att lots. with professional person, 5 river ttont ' SPOCMNI ISO, • 2000 R- wraleMOm, appliances. Parking, pool SM monthly. Call 905-428- npotiable Male or female. last and references required. • Y v. utilties included. CLOSO to SOUTH GMOshawra-tumKhed Child accepted. Leave 6167.(120294) schools and transit. $900 clean room in quiet home. massage. 696.020e. (1204941 5025 monthly. Possession Nsxuble- Privileges include kitchen use. OSHAWA - 3 bedroom semi, 6 Loans: Cal 8340811. (120694) cable and pedung. Su"Ne for appluences. pool. porkm% cable 5032 NORTH Oshawa - 7 t»drooms mature working male. $70 weekly- fi wAmt Call 7241388. inekMed $400 monthly. First/ BORROW f10.aoo pry as into (top part bungalow). large (120194) last and references required. as $110 per mottle o.a.e. Cal ,,itdnsrn and evingroorn• indudss 5499 - Call (905) 721.1883 leave Jerry, 668-7200 Free wasfner, dryer. fudge, stove, BETTER class room• antral n o"aga (120/94) consultations. Anubis Invest- dahwashr. trmws. antral vac. Oshawa. AN new Osco. cable Big Btrodws (AIBx4rick-) menta Ltd. (TF) BIO. $1000 inducrve. Dec. 1. 72S. TV. parking. laundry. share kitchen. Call 571-7077 or 283. REDUCED Rate - S3W only for professional. Freshly decorated. _ OBTAINING A LOAN IS NOT hided formesure couple. 6ae4 or 72347%. (120194) 268.5- (120194) spotless interior, clean/safe environment. Brock/82 GUARANTEED. SOME C0M4 PANES CHARC•E UPIRNIONT 94CKEMOIG - one bedroom AJAX - room r here in 4u14t fo Pdkenmg, now Go. FW harks. F:ElEa, OTHM DO NOT. IT w buss. carpeted. clung area. adult home. use Of kitchen. P.T.C. ImrteO-sly 905-683- SUOGESTED THAT YOU I* Fe ttle. $Iso - a h m. Cal taMtvoan and laundry tad.»:- x719. (120494) vEsn"TE THOOMGlwY oar 390 p.m. Rick, 6864242 Furnished, non smoker, Site • • BEFORE SIGNING ANY G G or Donna. 4249511. (1208e4) way. Cas (905► 686 3201. J CONTRACTS (1202941 FOUR tlydno m hams forrem. Bloor/Simcoe area. $850 per LAtumrn islmd moin dean llf.E household for mare m WHITBY - ono bedroom luxury e 1 rrtt7rttL rant nw and save ors gomploal a" Jan. I. slow• months rent. 666-3478 eyed person. Bus, pWksg able, share seperaau ksdsn. cordo available monthly. Cal Carol Nowt. 434- (120194) balMoona- 5042459 evenings. 5222 Remax Reflection Inc. 3 or 4 irwestas required to join OSHAWA - 2.1 bedioce 1928 (TF) our ltw osvnwg gwP An you + udder 1r woo can. J willing to work hard up b is Cal Dave. 68 1. (1206") AJAX • furnished room. full use e e hie~. not algid o take fits, of rec room, laundry room, lease leash $loss. and wptt b P%MgMlti DKWFnch - 25M operate fridge. $a0 weekly. molts morsm N this is you. cal slgA 4 - - 11 2 Morey nemm Cal (90tH 683-5861. (120684) CLEAN inside nested storage Dada. 432-7621 or see -OW. detached home, ensuite, 1r booze, jM /lois, cars. trudu, (120194) IYePbcek above ParpO Pool. GAR06. L area 1Mdby •nom n fraise, use d ail tacsisss :h- ntotorhranres, etc. Call 668-0207 outer 6 p.m. (120694) LOBT waigla -Fat Greeff Now II ,Ill. $1199 + 2(3 utilities. eluding laundry. Available breakthrough In Herbal Alvaible Jan. 1S. (806) OW a ylie $100 wsmv. CMN 430- suppim m-. 'I lost 14 lbs. and 710L (TF) 819L (12M4) / e 1 3 in 3 weeks, and rflsde $6 from - aabMdrtg I" Spa-pOOY forret N re -demist Cants w. 1 itl' Foes GR OIs. Cali now. 1 ?J4t. (TF1 eious clean executive 4 homes Great location Mar D.C. BEA ale ndominiums - bedroom sideeptk. Gamble pompe. ovembed tautly monk i Civic Oenw. Dishwasher. laundry. detiL SM 8ree bsdwonL 2 bocce. ks0iarl S1iafit Florida -Lao gulf d IdI'f neml Sby hums. NOTMI's Orem Lao SIL Gain Energy. Make /lnpleca oertea' air. 2112 bells, areaMy. 00dm b%*Ided. Cal Medoo. Haabd Post walk b 1 I •t IoM 2D bs. and male bps IMI, treed 10L mtdMn 5713,120. (120684) many actkime and beautiful 81800 lo 3 malls. Cal /-00- hSrJren and move. RefMatas O@H WA - unkee tried wont beach. Call (905) 723-5495. 6613216. (TF) S11400 + uBDes. A affable Dee 1S way Roil Eetale 6831111. frr1 use d Witter Isis(. Shaw Idldsn bet. um frictudas Reasarsble rases (1 12914) axicit loom beata4d Mw atW 1 and , , • WHITBY) -two bedroom W adaces ry l 1 , cable, prefer lirs~t. Available BssL '��' tri floe bedroom, $700 U.S. Two haw• longe Y". *lift diMartoe 10 dt'00' 0 ifrsr--dfMAy. Call /06-725.1647. (120194) be4roonn SBOD U.S. Rick. 67• 0. 6328 or eve. 60111-467ow DM utlbm Fiction. Rsfswrkosa VERY dean and qulst loom m- GORGEGUN& UNee bedroom Private l eso 61$5331. (/201684) coiwnt downtown Oshawa locadlon. BMA and kllidtsrt, non coeds, dose b tattima Clear water Beach. tool. jatalui, osons avaiabl• for b"w- 4+ one bedroom detached. «tteker prole,ie , site arN*- BBC. pkvft sal avaN.ble ngrS, roasatablo atnelsbb Dna 1. Garage, hips Pimo tall Belau. 576.7635. nowaW 1686. For Ydoranalbn r&W$ Cal an !L mwapwhilifty (120191) and b vises phelos. MaiMN a $1000 udklss.81F6/41.(120284) AJAX - roan in quiet hems 511`94Mt'tF► 4 & VV suitable la working female WORM - FlorldfL eaaportdble , ATTEamoN � �: Sten PrMarb• Use d btalh.0m. w4b seek aoomadrlsn let Al ANTI NOW— cent b otran, a ffOO94 es. Why wr kbchm and foundry foully. AN Included. FsbOw. on OAO COOL Here 1 assumsb iffiftes a" cable enol dog. Phone (colli SM • :set ashen you tail buy? Cal $400 per month. 616-7260. 1414. (120194) Rick Dorsals. Now ad MSW Mnly 10i 679.3W7. (121 314) (120191) POIfN►Alq Beady Citable GwA I - PSVCWC Roodkw_- - cold and THREE bedroom Detached MIEBT EY H@Va - lurniAwd vabotial spot, Too If , ,at 2 ps68 jea . In low, iypsrt(Nos morn in teriet homak air, able, baths, everything kloluded. rVA7 ss and hnML Ore vk* house, fully fenced yard• pWkitng• shaved fadlsn• non Peo1 hot tub, annk.Cities IsSO upe- vA aorwlrr, you. She Is supe- - - ate 4 MppMMrlOee acrd alk. ar"*N. $M. nlNM %. AT• 42$ 8114. arllMtNfss Cad (WI 0884=L tier b any adw wader you hours AvaNlble Dec $1100 imlNM) + able Dec. 1. tt05) CLEARWATER • fully Ito id wd rasa Lam you out of wrow and irlNNss. Cal 416.811,26.'11 or 4164296411. (111w4) /Ips - single worn with moble homes. clubhouse, darkness and Mars you on you foray b success and happiness. cable• use of "N"' . wok b tubnis, healed pooh, het s, Ca You area, It b youma b coneuN SOUTH Pickering -three Pickering Tom Contra. Go 4111111 cep 2D miKAesbbeeches- filL gib OW lady. epeclaitte in bedroom "Mbw- "fain Soon, Pidtafng Gonsisgimg StAion• Hockey Bin Jay basbaK dcg house parties. Cal bdW. 416• Close to Clio. OR" may. &W $170 biweekly or 8960 monddy.. and horse tracks. Children 193.4962. (120684) lest. $650. Avail" Dec 1. Phot w 42.01315 (1204%) an wk 1- 1. Lass thaw rn W. fly NIIQLE Me" Imroducbn 427-9794 leave a message. SM& 10106861 Service feslhre season salol {113084) 1 Ladles receive another a0di WHO says you awlM settled to • al Man $10 Na buy a house. 3 bedroom 111. NO nes--.140 ye ly nlall lownlwuse conies for SM AJAX • to btldroon apamnwa adver- fN. Retxakn personal adver- ort$ pp- IN 0160 3 btt11m (Nal• lO show win aludsm Ft" able NEW, bow Etaepel For a16NNie eforness in Ms mafN CM NOW glow eWdo ler l$l77W ((P10 +• Rolm and utlllles. Bl1NytfHarwod. AYd1N04 UwradkMl)L -6B$-.. PNM wM with ON d for Nee kdormodon package. JIRt 1 �.-..'$J "US'HM1Mi =- -- - X11. �IllofaB� f1�1 1744. (1201eq 1 7 t �- • 1 650 IMPORTANT PRE CHRISTMAS AUCTION NOTICE Aching under instructions received, we will NO: • 266 PCS. L.E. ART • OAK i MAIIO"w FURNrTu lE • COLLECTIBLES • COM • 156 DIAMOND I&= • RHOS • COMPUTERS • ELECTRONICS • WOOD CARVINGS • SPORTS MDAORABNJA • nAUAN FIGURBIES • PUBLIC AUCTION HELD AT: THE PMERM SPORTS i RECREATION COMPLEX 1667 VALLEY FARM RD. PICKERI G FRIDAY EVE. DEC. 2ND AT 7:OOPM (PREVIEW 6:00PM) PordN UstNr¢ Over 600 lots of Computers. Stereos. Phones- Printers. Answ machines. KAISER, SCHMDT, FITZ i FLOYD, ROCKWELL. Passible Dreams, Btstrix Potter, Dor, B•Icarl, Vases. Figurines. Musicals. Sardas. etc Selection of Fine Quality Mahogany d Oak Tables. What Nots. Consoles. Minors. Easles. Tea Cabinets. Chairs. Chippendale Loveseal Wine Tables. Desks. Dol furniture etc LWAW Edbw Art by: ROMANCE, TAR, KINGSLAND, BLACK, COOPER, A.J. Casson, Blackwell, Bourke. R.S. Simon. A.Y. Jackson CarmichaN. Townsend, Trinidad, A Lismor, G Lost* G. Mclean. i mon (Al to Be sold to regardless of Pace) Cherished Teddies. Hand Made Parachutes. Air Balloon. Bugath Car. Dol Buggy. Laurel 8 Hardy. jazz Fgunnes, Roosters. Chickens, Frogs. Framed Mahogany Minors. Cranberry. Gun Replicas, Austrian Crystal. Xmas Giftware. Elect Toys, 8 more Large Selection of Modem Jewellery. Diamond 8 genuine Stone Rings. Gold. Watches. Pearls. Pendants. values to $5000.00 ea. Many More items too numerous to mention Always a large sale owing Terms Cash. Visa Mc. as per posted 8 announced at sale Additions 8 Delta" aWY tie sale time, NO PREMIUMS, No SURCHARGES = PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS INC. 416.298-1762 GOING OUT OF BUSMIESS UQUUWATION PIANOS, DIGITALS, APARTMENT SIM KEYBOARDS. NEW AND USED. BOOKS AND ACCESSORIES EVERYTHING MUST BE CLEARED TO THE BARE WALLS UP TO 50% OFF Shop early for bat selection. THE PIANO SHOP 71 OLD KINGSTON RD. AJAX, ONTARIO (905) 427-5051 KEEP IN TOUCH �> WITH Oshwa/Whitby This Week d Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser nfciso" u rce 683-7040 5100 - INFOSOURCE DIRECTORY Call 683-7040 using When prompted a touch-tone or push ter the 4 -digit button telephone that en9 emits tones. It's a code of your choice FREE call from from the directory Oshawa. Whitby and Ajax -Pickering areas. I provided. eREEJja- 7000 - J.T. Bean Coffee Market 7001 - Custom Sports Wear 7005 - Money Mart (Cheque Cashing Centres) 7009 - Pyrone/22111 B Security (Fire Probation i Security Systems) 5033 - National Football League Sponsored by MR- LUBE 5034 - Toronto Maple Leafs 5035 - Canadian Football League 5036 - Pro Sports Update 5037 - Oshowel"Whitby Sports Update 5036 - OshawalWhitby Hockey Update 5039 - Ostumm Ganwab 5041 - National Hockey League 5042 - ProlMte 5051 - Durham Collage Update 5737 - A0wJPickerirp Sports Upd.a 5136 - AllaxiiPiekering Hoek" 5139 - PAkims 'AAA' Hockey S140 - Aowfi%ckwing Dolphins Football 5141 - Local Rin gatle Update - Today's BkMIday 5021 - Artea 5022 - Taurus fa , . 5023 5024 - - Calker 5025 - Leo 5026 - 11iIEo 5027 SM - Libra . Scorpio Seskin 5029 54M 5041 . rice - Capricorn - Agmwiu•, Sponsored by 5032 VAWW r TOYOTA - Pisces SM - See, SpoMne n by TIE BIEM IOTTLie AJAX 60102 - Pick 3 6003 - Super 7 5004 - LOTTARIO 7026 - Town of Pickering (Culture a Recreation) Enter 5010 if you are not familiar with this system. Press ' to end your Call. 7022 - Oshawa Centre Cikwnwn ;D611 - 5016 - Joke of the Day 7023 Sponsored by PARTVTYME RENTALS 5017 - Quote of the Day 5018 - Trivia Quiz • Sponswoof by 5062 - Big Brothers (Oshawa) 7025 Sponsored by MR LUNE 5063 - 1 Parent Families 5044 (Durham District) 7003 (Regional Office) 5499 - DURHAM REGION CRIME STOPPERS 7070 Sponsored by PYRUM 221 B SECURITY 6002 - Big Btrodws (AIBx4rick-) Sponsored by Mr. Lllsb• 7022 - Oshawa Centre Cikwnwn 5060 - Daily Investor Report Iftilituad Fund 7203 - Curytord/Ivt.waritt by will fi1AA1! - MIOLANo WALWrtl1 - AGF . Working Ventuir•s SM - TOM= (Taman poundle Nr- 'big! o`~ Adl7tf!rttlisdug Infalfwlatlon oat 14fbsource frail Susanne Plougbt aau at 683-5110 • :'C+u:' � "era :9., . nil` 'aiS c r •.t"d.'�^'ti Ty tS*.n � Sponsored by J.T. B corm RUM" 7023 - WhIWy Clrnnles Sponsored by PRO QOLP• wifin y 7024 - AldPlcherkq Crnnlls Sponswoof by TIE Lam WAR CASE 7025 - Plck rMlp MOvipl•x 9 Sponsored by LICKS 0 -mall -am a 5044 - Wkly Vldeo 7003 - LORD BYRON SEAFOOD 5666 i STEAK HOUSE - Emrirolrnerd Corn" 7070 - BByMTRAVEL 5060 - Daily Investor Report Iftilituad Fund 7203 - Curytord/Ivt.waritt by will fi1AA1! - MIOLANo WALWrtl1 - AGF . Working Ventuir•s SM - TOM= (Taman poundle Nr- 'big! o`~ Adl7tf!rttlisdug Infalfwlatlon oat 14fbsource frail Susanne Plougbt aau at 683-5110 • :'C+u:' � "era :9., . nil` 'aiS c r •.t"d.'�^'ti Ty tS*.n � Me.. . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . , eAAA••1/•ItN N•••.ryry/� NN•/•1.11/NAJ •new A•1•+� XTAftEOW aMalalre, ai je b 23, x, ,loolw *I* W fid Of Podbb =0"19M Aha mob, 3t, :sats aimtar b,g letn 'dMyykeb dao add g W. ST 1111;r IGLE, while nub, 26, 61', 170 non-smoker, enyga coral' Std- activid". country NMIC OW slem eb, 2111-2111, smoker, with sirdar iderads. 14291�f1 rABLSIED whit nab, 42.175 black hair, brawn eyes. Breis dog 68 Chest', Spriagsken, 00l. s, phrnacs. Pig tokr• crF Is, seeks 9. al dooking temrb, 32A frbr Ihs ve. SY 1438 (OSH) blonde Bond. kavas b asag- ate. damands may be forever I could be a girls best hiend. ,king slim to medium build sale, non-smoking, 20.27. SY 7 (OSH) CERE divonoad, white mob. 38, . brown hair, blue eyes. honest, ,pendent, lives in the country, rys all aspects of nhme, d dices file and bar scene, seeking ale with no young children. 3MM tihes. SY 1163 (OSH) rRACT1vE make, dhvaced, early 6'. 175 be., who enjoys Idris. ,king and stupid movies, would Io mem fenele, 27-38, must e a sense of burnt, for friend- s. possbie worm nowashup. 1469 • CALL ANYTIME • 24 URS A DAY it, 7 DAYS A WEEK Here's how to one the service: 1. Select the ad(s) you wish O respond to and make nota: of the four digit SY "mailbox" number that appears at the end of each ad you are interested in. L Using a touch One telephone call 1"416-976-1991 any time of the day. You must be within the 905 area code to access Sincerely Yours telephone service. 3. Once you are connected follow the simple instructions. You will have the option of responding O a specific ad or browsing voice mailbox greetings from Sincerely Yours advertisers within each catego- ry. Go abead try the service out and see bow easy it is O use. Need assistance? Call 1-800.387-8009 anytime between 10:00 a.m. O 12 midnight. 7 days. You will not be charged for this call. For persons 18 years of age and over. 11iliftMA6VU' left 1R1Ay10�W3y1*A%=WA .'"WbmwArftiA+Ml6dc, aiaem beak A 6W. do %* womb in f/oatt, tato am" ode, 3111AS�tO�r +,= D, �� iris b std TRIIMM sty. C Yd)r duns d0 enjoys eanoq, somas ase gad times, is ses tchisg b a single Ab, mala driver d0 rah b be pati; and I ' ' I SY M TRAVEL, neviee, music, dancing, quiet biome wmss and some out- door activities, sounds lie you? Professional, edualed mob, 27, seeks good-looking, son-smokingl utile nub wile similar hrdres, for friendshipirebtinship, SY S467 (COB) ATTACHED female, 33. 57, 160 Iles. wishes to mem an ~his female to get bgeiar for daytime encounters. SY Sm (06M PROFESSIONAL male, 27, boning for same for friendchp, possible relabooft, non -snorer SY 5663 GAY male. 23, welling same, 19«, for tnendshp, possbb reglionshp, anfoys dencrg, movies, socializing and quell leisure tin. l the sounds we you? Respond. SY 566410" MALE, 41, doted. sin, fit, moan to Oshawa area, seeks honest, muauia mals friend, possible into weigh, for hrondahp. dc., serious replies. (Dan. please cullagan I didn't gel your number). SY 5561 (OSH) GOODLOOKM mese, nal. In, 26. with own car, seeks same. 1635, for franclehp SY 6612 (OSH) HONEST, sinters and lined of the • • - • "@Ti� GENUINE rale. 27, non-smoker. •IQ:-,,/ 1 • enjoymss�traavverll.thheeaoutdoors for sannd teeny tappers. male. 20, Iooloog for L IFJ44• - 1 I 1 • e • • . shat special tamaw. for hierndshq. - possble relationship. SY 1470 (OSH) �• moo* and possible reletbnshp. (OSH) HONEST, sinews male, 31, frsmdgtp possible relation- nnoo-smoker. with a good »nee a 45, boon for a black male. 40.15, 2335. SY SW 0514 FATHER d one. divorcad 41, 65', HONEST and enjoys ship - 1616(0514) hmaar. WOWS Ma b meet an hon- likes dancing, amm�ls, smoker, COUPLE, wry 30's. very dean. quiet limes al home, ATTRACTIVE while male, 27, 57, THERE ORE ea white gentleman. 3S AFFECTIONATE TION SY 2213 OSH leaking to same in IM for mom 143 los, kakng for a down-to-earN b�sn for a merinos releYoraflp. SY 135 lbs., bond hair, AuN eyes, 45. 5'fY+, ler friendship first. SY AFFECTIONATE Clrmtian ady. 30-40. for a honed rebton- 1679 (�f) , loves c hibn and am- p lady, Ss. Ona Pleeee cal neeiDos for rtoee s p Serious ale only. SY 1545 SELF•enployed mels, 35, 20.30, mai, music and moot, seeking a XPi OFESSIONAL fwsaM. 33, smoker/drinker. oker/who a drrinka� whoa enlaYicars. rine deo. SY 5606 OSH enjoys camping, watching sports, female with shmilar qualities, for rot's W ATTRACTIVE male looking for 8L LlEeyed, sigle. alis male. 29, groin b to soca tack boMan lora kiendsl+p. Dcaable b^9 larm sena dtracaq, loves hones and uxnrntry Qreel outdoor bolan9 ler geml� sena. Planes cd nuabox to mon irsng, asks swy-goin nub. nos- man wetn sari irweds and vias into. SY SM own man, enjoys country and lady, 2D 30, in the Qefeseee area ler Ianshp. SY 1W610sI+f cine, no depern11 rand 92" for comparionshv possible long. HONEST and sincere maie. ext' .stem music, fast ora, sports. kiwndeltq, Dcarbfe Wim 110. 5T COUNTRY boy. 36, looking for ups SY2181(COB) term rsYeorainp. SYZM4OSH Sob. enjoy; uamipwg, fehng and ekes children. loves animals and 1W0 (OSH) hmale for friendship and Dosabb 26 VERY alracti". 57, _ •crseback riding, d interested, UNDERSTANDING, mr,ip►rtwhQ rekrherarhp. SY 16n pohesoreL CARING female. 5'4' non- quiet romantic evenings, seeks (� ed mde, 36, divorced. &"a quiet ESTABLISHED male'�5ti , blue bmalewho ma alfra0iw. mite& bva music. bae� rib II , same. discretion SG07 (OS*SSH) and Leasevr SY 1551 whiler'.��� ADS sg. bm9 '"�. •rpeUed. SY 5607 (�I FUN n hair, brown while mOK57, 37. evenings, og1yw, a �, browjoys f hon. tR non-smoker gerd and Massorout, ler friendship k>trw b Book, enjoys greet wrenngs HE An alhaebve eoupl.e early mid brown has, brain eyes, 57, 135 b ter loon hrrales, who Me seeks i days, hSPmn enjoys rhdopwndem I I and far roosebla rsYionulnp, mhd d hone, lovas culture and homy 20's, bsarg ler a temab. 1630. Na bs., enjoys lb and 1; 1 quid 3040 SY stn (OSH) lady who is sincere lookingfor love kid. SY 2115 evenings with that special lady. EXECUTIVE, single nab seeks a guy. ;THIS EEK Win. les n good sons d hinddnp. etc. Plwa d monbox Kam Dbeu al beck and have dependable AN fit non / HEART d gold tensa. not thn, led luarnar, wlxitd silo b meet a gran► b mors rib SY SWI a35H ponos number again). ST 1577 a uorrtrt nnobg 0-9 an * man planes / Aaned• Ong and now man. 3550 SY 2215 (COB) OSHAWA male. 31 seeks same. ars*. pelma mom, 3641, must col, all sepia answered SY Iles soler, would No to meet haseY COUNTRY raised blonde INnaM. 16-35. 'or relationship SY S601 (OSH) enjoy music, movie rid dancing. Wear avenngs, hugs and cuddles dinmg out. seeks a non-smo % snare man,, 40.50. ler rekka 10- 23. tram". Vasb male meek (OSH) WARM-HEARTED. caring.caring.Mae- SY 1612 ESTABLISHED. mo while nab. SY 1716 intelligent woman, age not irgos- Richard: Planes al bock, lows dal would knoll you soda o1. let BLONDE. bks►eyeQ single tensile. five mak. 33. seeking that spacial OUTGOING, humouross, single. no children, 5'10', 170 Its., non. FUN -LOVING, very sinews gerA► tai, to share fiwtds1W, to and rawill SY 2112 (OSM Herm• 2335.55' to 6'.154100 los 23. looking km inn for an Is oft women, 1430. to spot and paper. while nab, 21, sen a smoker. 40, travel, men. 37. with average looks Miss Poable mono SY 1731(OSH) SINGLE onkr apply. SY 2216 (OSH) relationship, dean and dourest bug enjoys plwfogra- lady. 5'g', t25 lbs., es rheed Serious inquiries only. SY 156! black Iesra, . 19.21, for I ply and grisg. balwn for Spwid maws. Music• -01—M rft - s but ATHLETICALLY mckned, prow dependents. - joys working out, SINGLE nnofhei of one. and 20's. Swims talus onif SY 5611 OSH - in Possible relationship. -0 moan o s relationship. ins boki g warsand 30's, loves to outdoors seeking working seal male. 31, 5'10', seeks ener- spats, country must and rid Rods eat downt went to spend heibyrs FRIENDLY eagle seerdmg for a EXECUTIVE single Dad 43 lookwnt okay (Vanua. planes al span, to Im ndshp. possible niaahshp. siin female with good morals and gekc. altrac4ve, praleeeorrl kehWe. 6 Rol tlledan Canada gid bolrlg alone. would kb to meet godenra, dean. open minded. singe woman. ler Petite temak Out enjoys dnin didn't get your num"). SY 1603 SY 1702 (OSH) fnsly, bK11VID1111111i SY 1717 22-31, fo fosialdup and sScidang. for a hand. possible relationship 2333. for Dcasble to term nl• 2440, cop thgued okay. �snawa and dancing. Mat law porion lex (OeSy{) pyo epewy. iMrr+mOlvo-rat. HANDSOME, tut, with a degree, Single nhdhws w1111M 0 SY IM SY 2200 (OSH) IEnassp. SY 2217 (COO) ata He s 6'4', 246 Its. Might 36. life and a strong some of self- WANTED: Attractive, sexy. slim. ty. divorcad. 47. have no children. non-smoker. seeks semmiou, U. (OSH) COMPASSION, dlerw and loyally CIRCLE ria, tel, attract".she easem SY ISMwarn, 2636. Mas pr- 57. ban liver and eye. - scab hqN• secure lady. 22.42, b shun PROFESSIONAL. youthful main, >� bon t 57. e a nain e . Cal ow b alnane with a sped inn. 3515. nealhr d Iwo. ?e, nrwsn drdare, ba b Wave a nresege. start with EASYGOING male. 29, would flys 10 easygoing. has good job, single 1 to to, about a S. enjoy country do- ks)OW. cftp Me as pot- while. 57. sin build njoys kavel He meq be sincere. trustworthy. n--si okr. ssebg mete. 21.40. cotes SYS612 meet a lady. 25.30, enjoys unpin moosim wdcarne. SY 16" itarewk aslsquu. movie. looking sole melstrordrp SY 1718 OSH dancing -d music. seeks slim. oaaidwale Clapuuible. Sao with a good swam a Almrnat and MALE. 29. slim. atuagirs. sky, bawling, baseball, dere ori and HONEST, very attractive. while loseemea, 3548. SY17M (OSH) ONE wan- m-, seer . hang, altacM 1-rle. 20.35, nth same, d rte. I we a fid kpered positive outlook on life. single seeks sin goodbdag tserM. tb spwndng quiet werungs d hare. make. 37. nwwnoker, with baby HONEST, whit, r9tERnd mob, 40. while. and 40's, 55'. 135 lbs., smok- saeeests SY 17M (OSH) single nam, 37, friendship first, Mus saloons ST 2218 (OSH) 40. with an open mind. SY 5613 single moms welcome. SY 1611 bin syu, ad iolo do br memo. me- smoker, very ramrnntic, -joys r social driitor, in nerd of ape ung b a b",. MbbOft. NURISE fe•lun anweon hon 000- OSH !OSH) enjgm qsd r0nanoc ««logs and dnncimg, movie lok okd9 out and n rs all � see hnour, king LOVING. hoot roAnq. ban ad. Ma will «yoy indepwWZRI fident. sin Il r, sd rid mockery 23. male. 22. seats LOOKING for a female, 2530, low mod aPOrts. bdog for a M� cloying hoot hm01.g for - asset- � ' rhos honest and sicca, mrd lie cars, rorlmriC whit breufs, 3410, We tsmsb, 40-50. tandshp test walks, holden hands• movies and palpad lady. 46, pretty, suae of salt-suliaenl smgis mora. fm 54', W40SH mustl mom. waft in Ie moon- with swww interests. ST 1605 posswbke rekfiomahip. ST IM ; SY 171f 106N) ARE yon 2635, good loolsn, hon- humour. Mrs In mrhon, sats, attractne, alem, bri aids, 34. SY ATTRACTIVE, cowls. lets 204, qM and dining out. ST 1612 511111,11) (pg) PE I I I whis lady, boned, dim-- ed and em0kunly scan? M you country music. social drikaanon- 22t/ (OW soft allmidive timate. Plane ted SEPARATED, caning. employed DOvpwrta, k8, good losing HAFAMOPAIING, honest single ah foam. ee►aakr, "Clow, R den dawn, how brows hon smahr. need duaonle man, 46 EASYGOING die hmob. 57, 51. manor for mow aic. SY SMS OSH Wer of 2 haws, 39, he" sol and make, 32, hood and ha -0 g nab, 2e, V. 185 be.. Part-hme nth a variety of m*sdi , wishes to rid M in lke PidwngfAps —7 Be, kMkd, i se aly ucwo b,g• baking lot a W pwYnrn. meet MALE, dib, 51, bolwg I& angle into bar or head gases. Lies cul. trio gliod waw of hueew, seeking talker. loves lads, nnhtb and meq meet a gentleman, 51145. non- Seriously. I know is a lot to acts, bd tum rtdatbrahp. SY 21A2lWq is country meet, dmrg, dotting lady, or a csepke Pteeee col narI loors. winter and home times. am atkactrvn Oalia lady, 23 21, etim pe", boiling for that Arad Ire SWJWW- lor aampniom l ij , poe by I have a Id to dr. SY 1166 (O" 1 m no benury, queen bet ad an amd teal SV ?!71 ler mon d0. ST 6617 (OSI) seardwg lex a whis foals. 35.10, sneaker gteiff" who enjoys fan bdy. ST im moa sr 1721 (OSH) AC11YE, dvacod ammo• 45, 57, a, *Kickr4 I am your 1 0111 rOf11 01ll' ansa mask 31, in Port ATTRACTIVE male, 30's, seeks 'or possible relalwashp. Single tines and 9M ma ina a avai ngR SME b/er.21, 510', enlIk I I PROFESSIONAL milk. wAim• 11110 slim and blond win huW SM is feesb boring ler winsome Nw Hape, who's leer ndr ban been mals 18.. lar a nsletronslnp, enjoy Matic welcome. SY tie (000) for bum reyicashq. ST I= npbd, depeaftia, kovss week- y smpmnNd, 5-11',195 es., 50. looking Nor a snare ret honeel y� � b lend a hmale, moll. wahine owA.e ", seeking a good oaweabk. I we a good is - SEPARATED, single. whir ash, (Opq ted sray farm Toemb, haaeoimh nPmr for , MM a woman, 4o or BIIBOIT.40-50. SY 31111117 blonde Iu1 al -Ye sm build with a me year rid as WA waive, hand mans b spend � ��s and m SY mW - 39, feels 29, attractive, enjoys d �, dbackw male b r. ad ado b e bar ewe, tiding Ir 9 pr�Y balling to s=oon, 23-29, angle tb rid a Ma rife, mud be a moons Lwts and to Jaya and sods ladling for ta mmstalc took 2540. swesons wick to Mme worsen. yrungin good Ism . I. pad 4 hmrb. 40, seed, war y00941- it we wtbpes. ST 1708ph) moo4aiw. SY 1221 mop" n sol music, amdaug aAit bade, SY 18A(06fq SY17f8 w, Mrs to be spoiled, for I mid- bait. striking rid good looldtkg FUFbvng laab. 31, 55. boars FRIENDLY widow. 48, medWm GAY shin male cople. wry good - 2910, mud IN uiai ' TO ami- NEW in hem, ssusive, daftoolk 441er-0Id, good•bolwg, fl while ship and ala hroe. SY 1112 Mian tinct *KIK r Nab Mail. hon, genet gee. m*m of thea boft wWp dnc ft =asking looking mescube, 37, 6, 180 los.: hr "Kenn, for Mines Okb*iq. Mid, noo-arediq, PhD pee sale. 51% mndrsvbaial passim CALLING all slim, long liti ed ler kirn' - O unit, Iaa ansa to her bag wall or jud peel fi.es d 31, 5t0', MO ba, air dews, l6 SY 1615 fai tlOnal, While sem, 35, g, NOD b. d* apo lens, grog, gicfng and Indian. Would you IM b mod a mese ship. SY 21W U llrs oo0" colic, dWA60, hoax asdwg a male IS66, wit a 30, ler dhnaat huh ad hindhp. ATHLETIC, attractive and very rents, manic, 'tutors', home and long was. seeking a shorter, guy tlat's 30? lays Iasis a0 oma SNNC6E hub. 41, dawei►ealM byes b drna SY 21M p6tlq good snared heats, met be sig call our bus Ow am info.. lab a warty $in* tAK 30ok i look- at1-ireprowmatM. tesb sbalar tlnpty fantab b dew re above sure, no bad games, Mtifsclow with a gnat sense of humosr. DEEPBDEIIT, attaalrs ienala Taw ad heasat ri 2123I011111q chance yam wat be sorry. SY SW ng for a sigh hadk apo sad mice Isotac. waladj"warn. SY ad 90 tion Ilene. ST 17M IM � ST 1728" =joys sgmlt, qcb& movies ad 27, 57, its ba, sik! jib am saw RNZ soft logs. hoard. inns- 0661 unnnporint, you rat be 6W m p) NET bass, Mille, 27. bonds lei, wrtee d hsmaur,wals, 5, illi a Yr b Ell wAp powib kdoo� SY mg a aft mals, 27-33, wb Moa daffy wa, , son-sauokr, widow. A do and I L good being aoulk poised. SY ti47 (OOD; EfTAK11N1E0 male. 4 t. sant Ohs •yrs oaami0naly goo oral b oddoon and quid even. 0 for rile a veiny d editor, ribs b 40's, would lie b mod others. WIDOWER, 62.5'10 . 155 is., m h4 who ""joys art pomabbmtlsroreeAp•ST matt a gmmMoreem. 5166. nom Diestli0sm rid emphtyed ren dapeadtata would Bevies ad reiglMdabs, •anima wooled � and hwdrg privaq pivam and dme0sislt. wimgla woi MkaMt lr IDT' aturar 1a0a ieiPf temlr. for crreipamiomrlmR flm�M rpmdad ST S62t 0!1 mtjoyy imam9, 10111111 rain. inseam, Be b mad a does sWaoliure Ydy. Mwaooss womrk, 7632, w tial ;r SY VX p6Nq bol:g for amok do mak 7F35 MIKE Ike 10 m, ttw urepar ay, world 25•, fir tiindlbp. pomift nriIM A lot Bali. A 17M (OM) RAMT, tbgb, rife mule, 27. Wad hid, PM" MWWA* mw�whaA a reryiralic 14 �T�PeMmi b*, 32, heswL sea- ire Nr Mdh� abler @ba n We b moil a afro lady, ip. C far a daq. Ib.wufws plena BY 11N11 i hiss bad ig lams, Mrchbap reevits, damn om1L gaid Loves wodry wmc, -MM ted sop I love atddeM Well, mase PWN long testing nbiadap. !;,alley: pal ler h's drwd b dikaw, rig b wfojfs b a !dais IM omaad0ors. Paint aliotr John. �' ha.esh and tiliw wfA a wear d klanetfs, amber. S l ti9 dill gd ploa tBICHE, ditar0a4 chis orb 40 sauiics on" whirl sleywg al eseresgl baliq # m sadal. ST 2119 COD would I n b mad bonK Monte and rerrnit diners. Left line a I�fq ST, ataad4 lows d ld% cords dt om fhd any bald yAm, ?536 binals, 20 0, for a potable ala oboes d bads, t ddel get ymkm a. Frt iia srwcfw areata hsaarf. okda. 3331 hr obmdiMq PosaiY caiee aredtak SY � (Oleg SUPER sexy aaalt, rery lady!. kalhp. ST 1715 (C" ST Za pf" Waal anew oil selor, awls a! OWME p ST 3M p" PROFESSIONAL, gay mob, 32, seeks that try as0aie, d'ming out, also tar- SY 1TN (OBI' 00 yon 9" deaei iC cow" EASTOOM whfe laeb. ST, bk mecca mala, reeresraohr, 4o- Ml6IONATE Placer, 32, Sit', it just ad d` brep loom rdafomaMiP. special tray ag b a.ul ln' IrYa rreaarsae, lombag ler PEllCEPTItE, haM, trds and To 120 lot., 24, atbsw W. urea S0, loriimsiop ST 1718 ppq pit Forsch enjoy dammhi Wit. Malta Itad.O sed share as bugdaa wile b mtaapc d breams ire Isla 40 s lar iraddip, wry aiactime, 35, !iagla mrd reami5 oara0s imD romance and Paaaloa b HabreY! Tore yam M w inane eyes, n=-=abr and good area SWM. rid 10ffJmd oodry, ban" SUM a poatble reldicatAip. BY 1606 m 9 M day. bolting los thorn for my dad M 46, 54', 136 ba•. d kraus, Mdiq a mob. 2430 Pte' adds Ii oma. could would b mad n�oinshp. ST!866ptllj (0 I .rI wsirM lady wet is Dan to bobag M• agls mi, arks A rreo8m+r drhb. b Mint, l idrwand.ould 1. b NIDUS, broad, crap, retia D 10111.1. liar. 27,5T, teeb far bw tea SY mit p6lq hardinig a p nore-saaOharA . BY AF ECTI 6q 46,1p, b► iwdd b pomhb ala• M . tial bear ad lanae pal bast mow, AK loo in Stllf '"ata 32, bolil for beefs. &M. donor reed MOT fowl, MLt. sltfo. 31, Man & icbb aaalo,sg . pthM lady. 364s. ar AFFECTIOIMTE, gawp d Rand rineMay idrMM ie bodw daa� nr. sT?1!i(OY+ �MAE ark ladP+q ler gees► for Im o, Pmabb Nabloreullp staltic MW Me b to kill& 1 phpsd Mass. iWsaAawb, MttVa 1776 woman S3', 130 lka. green efts ail m.emff. wig, dodo AFFEC110NATE aMlrr look 44, man 46, wet i 608K PW bok • who ilea ccs, didtare, romw`e yroa s. 2030, Drib b to loll, til i�tooi6 i cod bmiy, want ON b TWO ambo W earl 2Z, bolig for awsmolier, enjoys �1. od cod Germy ndsm Mic. >jY belbg ler binds ar tremliro nab. ip erect ib a rWWW SY ii27 aagviss and d.reds Bred mal a Itrei tri dm& kW"k bo bnde4 04 ler dduls and asses, hd" hwd1. eat moo" 40.50. wbo likes dea ft Pd d b low redo ukm* ala me. u tltl p" dance, wlMkesew ri SaaYa6'a�a nek >1TE6MVIE hied, bond bmak eta. , mini td's beliag b 30'a, geodlooffng, ask- paysAar sY tNq NAIDBOfE. attptalid ptarimw, b bald a �slo aaas rko Nen He M.ad. eP«a and 47, a". Dina mmiaa. dmeiq, . mkia.sh� sy m p" i.p t.me Pltaw a1 muco lr icer d tan.ape koy, wtlp 4ok. wetctatre. me' fT INKE bber, Sr, 152 iia, NIM alone. Alr Iwg klm wklwd* alba:) cul h.g wens set haw i A 111E. eltlpbp, lllsmoad .aw ile SY l� RECEfITLY divorgd mob, M, 5Y,166 iia. bele ytawtu fences 1y12 Ilan Ani. wile a load d MZHt I.= ler. ,lase. ISM silk lady. 17, Sr, d Ifae. aaAe 1ALF .SIO".115 M. Imam Aar, babtag IN an aNacOr. bmi lea lei , in ayw, ores ear. dwdy NOIEST. aide, Aft nab. 37. for re. mdpskq, M11118 11=1E, bail �. A m.s M M & ler WART j Paml. s.pys 1e b kiM. bMMd b .assi� baki6 rr w eklsr bdp. bw fats 40's. � Inst, si�byaMettr, taridr d iMN.de 67. bode, 700 i....o dww Iwai ret bk d bldg b 5T. 130 let., bon be r. aye fi fT 21!11 gs.Neam.. 46-M. ler 1631 Rao si i ler asw rauY amnia, brep wd. IA.f Age ad mw nam. w. kmmh* urea• 1 m*y gr d�ttA� $T ml Iww 111111111 M.`i (� a', � for a ow a m. fj1 walm.a. f un psi lot. � silk wkb wstie b ft bw46. mam.1 � WI�M�ib�38, afA�feuea.�M 6to��e atatd~ie,� of A RT1 �TiM. mos lessor. V. MUSICALLY-MICLNED m.re. gm gW ad ML= lWidto illi plmw dint boll longe, apodal census b ohne � V. V. 170 � � lo<Aireifp loughs a a! Will fM odds=, maks ad 1i, fT Zaf p� MUSS � aoaaL sd 1a. w btAig oonipbMb octan aMvere. Mab pmfty. and I teat ad o Week def 1b rtes N0 aNer. SY 1713 oddoMa � � 9wahp and l yaktie bra � narreMalc w.aaga, taesttl1MMlapp . VHIY ti.0arr I.dy w arar.gt ottgMriw bb arw inn d tdaildren, dhtdiw, sieab se po",e, 26.71 l ad lar lad. p� wrrrwliq lemic, b pend alsook lire bulit for a t� abase, secin r mmipe•.isid NO. time Ramie, •remote strata• Clow cod dbptat ITSM1 tMOAaa wile go0dtraArtt fY 1Qf G"0111111110:11 JK IDMEST .d akan mob. Pow All cob wi be react fY ZIM pet' while ode. 31.46, b ohm my ant aMaaw. wdig a oda. fib KIM 3t. tuba band kok CONSIDERED � . E. GLOM slaps Mir, 30. S, Carbbaan desats, lookwt b a SEPARATED, ail a, r� reale. ed.caMd, rea•analskt. rind TOUNnas dl O an pp) ad edy SO'i. rovift good send be ZHO, ler histillu peesib mks eye. ady by, 2535, Ir a bagfaam tabiore No bed bods. 26, SY, haw dada, la• YOIINO d w and wdapedol ad badgram4 mut M iwdp, dead== sand ad n to till, male 2/, C. tet ie., 110 69, M'ab ag wO WW t=ub, ale., comm, YOK dam oaMk Ing In ok� tum Wo mabe dorso- SCA erect vid fY mit pratpiR rpedNL fT le seekmp tall i er.ork , raakae, Ano- Mir. enjafs remsiR dYnlirep apw it*- fY 1114 Jay and ltal genet ealaic, Aawa 1e SQ ysela y0kreq rent ful. ad stirs feed, coy aP. try dalm. lord► est end caresN•orkMed, salts cod =dM drama, b far a WWWER deo 0rhfe 52, awls b al be � and �A" d lot PWW b bin, Mi a mw Ay a d Led a day d 1e maw. SCAM 1111 widOW, was b 6fMOLE, trots male allle0. 21- kteratip, atdan wa.ea., ,Wits enjoys timer baikp pores, fiokt a& m be �, prig yaw acre dour SY aakbg Whet mdt. 27.32, ler a bad aft and wesod plaunis, bad d bap alone, another, las pet, omoul wmutbw. ST SM *JET, 21.2/. M 1611 were k. PAM weiapaAnd- ST ptdeMktd. imdpeadaref potilha 17>t �Mbw Bawd OWWAh j. SY b QUIET, aaagla, whfs arta, 63'.110 tIM peY bdp• (40"s Taw amaWO fY riAbO a mei mreawe 9645, mac. Tv, OM&W Yawl. I jos w orks dm*rea�mt�lt Tf ST, white mule, 29, 5'10', 2171 with simir blarwb. SY 2712 WM bw winds, am septa in il.d ido51111111. ST 0 eirf.ds.. 1SINfiIE mob, 40. boloag fora iw otdleok Invites movies, reanec 31smglTi�poNmlo.d mom)antill. no Acrd peme� pb.a. Playing bad glium win fY 1p1 dm b modem inn 4S5O, 57' warm•Asarled womaaa. rho ihat ATMACTIYE, wkis eagle flank RiiodeltsLfYZZII Wisili Tlmin VMeek rip Naw Adverloar, CNarirmpbn Thb Week i Natountbwbnd New sm um rw Matriy ler to oaawht a npAr b any Yap arMweeamnwK The advaraor sewremon awipfele Itaiay ler to oonhnt oL end d rnapanw b arty a r _ , clad rrw ler try abwa roub spinet OefhewrAMrbY TAim. mss wa/A Tlr aderwr avnes a imdosrmilji ant hold , O ad MMaknd ti1�r IMwmpgr ' and he emo me s or arida laies d o Mother mMasw� NYkibn py���j�..�. ,kont.xns clntmaad or- 11N aTbset� M eduwMar aWaee ad Is teles admphorr mmaubnr. led owe v dawes Is Mier �reatra! �}� new ra•�is llhl�wz 1.t�e�wO�•f 0Na • • .%.44 . • y , a - w . ! t • r l , t e R i q. yr x 4 . .'����lA-sY�.i�irnv s+l��.�oi►���siwr ^rr+►�I■�+w�� '�• .�''�. .. 6.iL'F':�..+�?Ei`,;,�...u.,M•wN+�NNj1�NNN NNMNNN/,. iM.� 16 6 4 0 0 0 0 CANADA S COMPLETE COMPACT DISC WAREHOUSE III l 1 w, /1 1 `10h1d:111 : COME CELEBRATE AND SAS WITH US TODAY AT OUR SALE ENDS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4th DOOR CRASHERS OF OUR $15u WALL 13 1111 EA. No Coupons MI TRAVIS TRrrT � � VfflO T Ten Fut TO Reem 's "y RRA NDCO 1 1okM ! cRANe9alie WSV KM Ne Need To Aryue Gnwst Nf1e OM = TITLES TO COOOW FWN NIMLchow-Two" Nutt comic pub iiARA11 Mci.ACKAN - Ftt�bittR Tatmde PEAMJM - VS SFu.lotmud■ ERIC CLAPTON :191 AN �tnttt The Nleide Miatslsr r COUMT11Ki chows - AtleM ala Ev�MV11tMg AAfar SMASHM PURIMNS - Sifat O� fli'llJll"a/ Uz - Baby GARTH BROOKS - In PNoaa PRINCE - Vol. Z dw. Hks BONNE RAITT - Loi 91 m in Their Hearts EAGLES - Hell Freraes Owr 1054 Brock Road 1 Unit #1 Pickering BAnr 837=1816 OF THE �1 Mon: Wed.1 9,, Thum, i, .1 Sat. & $un.10-� r•.� �. s�,. �. 4 Fre. f DOFF OUR 2 o s22= WALL 88 NOW EA. �= No Coupons STEVE MILLER SWERTRW Greg" Nits &eeI I ' In A■erim DAM WILCOX ELTON JOHN Oeer,o WON Graw iw. Over 500 MUS ro ClMU FROM ERIC CLAPTON - Tim. PNoss NEB+ YOUNG - ft to t LENNNY KRAVRZ - Lot Low Raft TRAGICALLY HIP Unto Here MEATLOAF - Bit Out Of Hall MONKS - Bad Habits LOOK FOR For Builders Beef Horses ' EVERY Brokers and SATURDAY Affiliated BOXES FWM SCARBOROM Services Only TO BRIGIf?ON • - - - • • • 6 • • • WY ANY MOMS TMROUOM RICK AND SAVE UP TO =1,500! 'VUL.E" 1,51E MOMIS SOUTH AJAX FOR CHRISTMAS $139,9001 - DETACHED ; �` '�--� • Mn. or. fault. nn. for Ow tree (and __- t''t 3 z� 1 ' l-er9t, vfi1ete, tend lot In lots of prssante) prints ab ares. Welk b schoobBIa bow window, bright kit 1 whiledie kids M 1w snow orky + you pv;-v in � ` � 4�G. errs tt� n ' kitchen With Full nlastx •n suite with � , _ �,��r1�'�_ wNkDut. Ihftery truisit � Orli � _ -- --pitkoe -- oval tub (For �. Career . _. _. r•COII•fir19 �� >. the annual ordeel� i - - - -- T _ � L 2 With b VENDOR TRANSFER! GIVE THIS �_. T< .. ' $1629900 --mai' _ �l r s NICE HOME AN OWNER FOR �, JACQUELYNN / CHRISTMAS! CALL RICK - WATANNER* j._.- r `= * _ RICK SERGISON*� 619-9500 831-3300 CALL RICK AT 831 -3300 TO RECENE FIRST LReally td : YOUR FREE PURCHASER POWER PACIGw HERITAGE REALTY LTD. SOUTH AJAX Q - . /�� � $127,90YOUR ops o3 d HERErootca she.W ft with pml:�11;10 1 �' basement, very specious floor Q' hu hlwo� gas plan. Walkout to sundeck, Q`� a. huge hot kitchen, big w+� ; fireplace in family room, ` Wr bright kitchen. Direct access �� upgraded broadloom and from garage. This gem is `r underpad i much, much beautifully decorated. - - more. Just steps to school, Call _ -- _ park, t no# & GO station. A _ STEVE - ; _ must see 0 on $164,500! FEARON* BRIAN �! ', N KONDO* 683-2992 _ 683-2992 RIM QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. r. =�=~ - . QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. LUXURY QUNGALOW Nt ,� WHY WAR FOR THE Q� �.P�� • SLE 6W sq $269,900 te er N16M RATE TO GO UP. y -�!: 'b living space inducing When you an buy today this basement � Totally upgraded op to� fabulous horn• with double Oversized french doors, a fantastic sin .Workshop ppq R aeroz 660 sfamily kitchen, fl0rida Milling, from t 6 has its own furnace from Y room, antrum ' This home is a must see trom he gunge with double! it* marble foyer to automatic door opener, at., r r spectacular c dm dock with �+ etc., etc. The on suite 4.piep �---*- I must see. Cap now and let's hot tub ova ng the private ,.. talk. lice Please Call PATRKU X. REABIAiN* BARRIE COX* 939-7449 683-2992 Rim � �- - - - _ R:/m' ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. _ QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. BUST USTED $133,900 l Looking for that special home! ,t0� LOCATION, Located in desirable Westney �Q► LOCATION: H"hts Ape! Backs an to 0 rwribettr Huge country MctF q &U -P -E -R s _ V Beautiful mature atnet _ en with freplace! tager h011N _- arofessionally tinislwd hese pQ' Three good sin "M. mer"! fts"My Fa•' �� hodirig ALSO FOR SALE immsa,k J 00"driw�wa _ 15.6 saes neer Hwy. 7. Only -� Deck Out hour A hack sr $195.000. , v 75% rower windows CALL BERNARD LEE* - J Large ad -in IdIrl an =n' OR RICK CHONCY* - .1 Pick Vow i 905-428-6533 OR "' CALL 1-0.663-7119 .; .: "'� ;>�Yp DAVID dEATON' 80 PNI 683-2992 WMWR~ _ - ROUGE RIM REALTY LTD. w QUALRY ONE LTD. RLTR t SOUTH AJAX AND v A SHOWPLACE IT HAS IT ALL: ,��� _ COUNTRY Ihordivooa ttoorfkl�r,a'�.d �?�' STYLE - eL r - y .- - - ttttat wougltotR, Illfl ftr. ��� _ _ _ X04,900 - - '-" 3 rkrk Wirt tp. I nr. S, N� + bdlttlt, 2 Ow" prfaa lot erects on to � y ttridk hosts, dOYba oortserwtiort anq+ ga. rider nd Pte. H0 �I deck, prof. fin- b=L Youll coder gir- CALL BETTS" CALL rAliY noir ,k OR CNRIS BUIVWM TO YEW OR FOR r° P 416-283-1500 OR DETAK.3 - 831-3300 . - 905-831.8615 W -Am R~ s'- FIRST Ude. ' RoiIGE fi REALTr LTD. QUALIW B8IJILT MAPLE�DG� _ roucW 1 LWI* loco sY'� �'�.� + !N • QW" buu9,eoe 4 R•• ; � P *ltd In A that .► ,` • Add rec hien plus dke • oNMI - Flar- Fat M" - alrtwt� Bantft pWkIlictim I� fm :irk tr�ia`I�Irepho6 • � ; 1 sp•dow lb Ch - a -tn �QC� _ - • ooAl6 L6rapw a coo ss imus , Y Cow I! ,o,,, "`` • le" tt • En stub' L6n61ot' * A 12w tl JOHN , 1212,000 a► 0831 N N�� DOW TAYLOR" 851-3300 j R�MPiC q— RWMW alAURm Wr�sirwli� 1!G o� rio1111■olrronoE ,;,�, FIRST �"'' - . +_ �► �•'+ FIRST Lid. qaffr_7.,_"q9 ......... ,.. JAN BUITERLEY• tAIL DiiLLV JANINE DUPUIS' DEBORAH EADY' TO GAUDER' fATTIE NEItiNAN' 4 MOREEN STILES' 683-8542 IBANEZ* 683.8542 STREETER* LORi SPENCE' MOREEN STILES' ,140", DARYL THOMAS" UNBELIEVABLE VALUE! POWER OF SALE! y The Scarlett O'Hara staircase, stumng ceramics, = `„ ` 6 -piece on suite bath and so much more are here for you to enjoy in this luxurious executive home. Just MARVN reduced to $264.900! Cal WEST' Morm Stiles, 6834542. 683-8542 "ONE OF A KIND" NEAR THE ROUGE Country home lot* _ renovated and tastefully IF decorated. Situated on Ige. VOW lot with AIG pool. Feadues eel- n kil., formal 1fdin. rm., iv. rm. wfairtight fp., m� E� fin. bsmt. ticudes all MIKE IKE - Must be seen. appll NE WMAW tiances. Caarty, 668-fte66. 683„8642 LOCATION PLUS! LOTSA SPACE FOR THE i WESTNEY HEIGHTS - $1le,= Mid-level familynAireptace Hollywood kdloak cabneis FVessuorel Gleamng hardwood floors Three large bdrmsAxdh. Call Marva for more details at 6834W Save on your mortgage! Urded tine otter! LUXURY LIVING FOR $198,000 Prime Pickering location. Premium lot, 4 oversized bdrms., fih bsrnt., appm 2200 sq. ft. N the bels and whistles, hrdwd. fks., Ige. eat -in greenhouse kfL Rorrralttic fp., masterpiece kit. Cal We Newrrien•, 663- 8542 - This dean home features an ed n kkhen overlooking V� bn*room,mesterbedroorn D . D ,Nap ,•oQNew yad Asking $177,500. For your pwsonal viewing cal George at 683- ° d 10 hornel 8542, 24 hr. paper. °o, °0010 JUSTUSTED Start the new year in a new home. Come in and look through our complete listings to find the right place fo be proud of, look no that fits your budget and your family's needs. Our iu ther than lhis 0"*V al professional staff has one thing in mind - your brick 4 es F�;a, s, ffatie satisfaction. Call today for a new place to live In 19951 mom! Fa ." i FAMILY REALTY FIRST CORP. d extras cal 1MRTYh.ETER 683-M2 330 Dom St• W., Ajax 683-8542 2�x. Don't wait. Call.... RVMW FIRST nenLrr pro. 831-3300 or 686-3330 PICKEFUNCI AJAX 1885 GLIENANNA RD., PICKERING " Vn� 40 ANNOUNCEMENT When Helen, Art and Maureen decided to join a new real estate organization, they wanted to work with professionals of the highest calibre. They are a true testament to GREAT Companies attracting GREAT people. Re/Max First Realty Ltd. proudly welcomes their arrival. AFiT" 8c ILUREEI 'AWL E M TRY $6,000 DOWN AMU. 7 314'x► MTGE TO 1999 Pay approx. $1.003 P.I.T. monthly. Stunning 3 bdrm. with large ultra modem kit.. 5 appls. = & lots more. Sep. entrance to bsmt. apt. Presently rented at $ 2Wrnond*. Tenant will stay i or leave. CALL BRYAN RODRIGUES'8331-3300 CALL PAUL IKEELER• ER MELISS 831-3300 THE HANDYMAN CAN!! This 15 acre gentleman's farm is fust north of BowmarnnAe near the go# course. R offers a 2 storey fix-er-upper, a bam, 2 car det. garage, pond and more. Call Peter Melisses for details! 1-3300 CASH! FOR YOUR HOUSE! :11A11111111k le A DELIGHTFUL HOME AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE! $139,900 Steps to schools, lake & parks Three spacious bedrooms Finished basement New carpet throughout All appliances included Just $7,000 down A definite to view Call Valerie Pilorkn 831-3300 JUST USTED-. 1002 CLOUDeERRY CT Aboolt. y gorgeous! • 1 Odwd. Ms. throughout inn. level Charming country kit with coni e stand 6 OWN, rc firs. • Fam. rm. wM heplace • Healed n7mM pool • 2nd level -greet room- with cathedral M" & frena, boors • Finished basement wlgarage door eraance frk" DoWnaar, • ouwt chiid-safe cow! 'n desrable am- neylw«.nood WANTED - Pickering/Ajax - Bungalow - Must have garage - Proximity to shopping - Flexible closing - Call immediately! MARY ROY* 831-3300 EVER DRIVE TOWNHOME "SUPERB LOCATION" \ ? 'Fox Hollow" beauty �--"---•. ;. 4 large bedrooms Gorgeous all brick end unit in 2 1/2 baths - fam. rm. & presb'ge omplex. Brand new h ,4 Huge greenhouse kit. prcand freshly painted. � king $223,990 L J u ST: Ci� ;L' O UtIS AT 831-3300 t THEY WILL COME HOME FOR CHRISTMAS With 4,000 sq. ft. of living spaces. walk b lake and r itentation. space, this holiday season ° doesn't have to be cramped. Beautiful hrdwd. firs., tri -level 1 oak staircase, 2 tps., CAC and �- CVAC, nestled on the rouge. A wonderful home to 'dock the - - — 831-3300 hads•. Cad Elaine to view. TRY $6,000 DOWN AMU. 7 314'x► MTGE TO 1999 Pay approx. $1.003 P.I.T. monthly. Stunning 3 bdrm. with large ultra modem kit.. 5 appls. = & lots more. Sep. entrance to bsmt. apt. Presently rented at $ 2Wrnond*. Tenant will stay i or leave. CALL BRYAN RODRIGUES'8331-3300 CALL PAUL IKEELER• ER MELISS 831-3300 THE HANDYMAN CAN!! This 15 acre gentleman's farm is fust north of BowmarnnAe near the go# course. R offers a 2 storey fix-er-upper, a bam, 2 car det. garage, pond and more. Call Peter Melisses for details! 1-3300 CASH! FOR YOUR HOUSE! :11A11111111k le A DELIGHTFUL HOME AT AN AFFORDABLE PRICE! $139,900 Steps to schools, lake & parks Three spacious bedrooms Finished basement New carpet throughout All appliances included Just $7,000 down A definite to view Call Valerie Pilorkn 831-3300 JUST USTED-. 1002 CLOUDeERRY CT Aboolt. y gorgeous! • 1 Odwd. Ms. throughout inn. level Charming country kit with coni e stand 6 OWN, rc firs. • Fam. rm. wM heplace • Healed n7mM pool • 2nd level -greet room- with cathedral M" & frena, boors • Finished basement wlgarage door eraance frk" DoWnaar, • ouwt chiid-safe cow! 'n desrable am- neylw«.nood WANTED - Pickering/Ajax - Bungalow - Must have garage - Proximity to shopping - Flexible closing - Call immediately! MARY ROY* 831-3300 EVER DRIVE TOWNHOME $136,900 -- Gorgeous all brick end unit in presb'ge omplex. Brand new prcand freshly painted. ` Prof. fn. rec en. with access door to 2 urrdergroutd padding spaces. walk b lake and r itentation. . /s-831-3300 _ OVER JOHN NODDY $ $ $ �eB40 This shoring home is a rare find and On once in a lifetime opportunity. Class & To elegance are the order of the day - from the huge studio loft to the rec room with billiard area & wet bar with fridge & dishwasher. The upgrades are too s t numerous to mention. This incredible premium lot property may be viewed by "v appointment only. CALL BRIAN O'DONOCHUE* AT 831-3300. GO AHEAD TAKE A CLOSER LOOK! $119,900 This home is wall to wait spaciousness. Nestled in a great family neighbourhood of Ajax. it features beautiful ceramic floors, eat -in kitchen w/pantry, main floor family room, main floor laundry room, en suite w/step-up roman tub. An attractive home at an attractive price. Call Mary for details. : fC li 0111C fC 41 I 1 "TRY AN OFFER" $219,900 This home is waiting for you. 4 bedrooms, large eat -in kitchen with walkout to huge deck, sunken solarium overlooks nicely landscaped deep lot, family room with woodbuming fireplace, central air, central vac, interlock walkway, even the appliances & window coverings are included. Call now to view. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,sbdie g*iiei� iey d1illw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 0 0 r 0 FRANK ,30 sq. ft. completely finished with a elivery door at rear, reception area, 2 ffices, working and storage area and 2- c. washroom - All for 35,000. With 25% own, VTB possible. AP :all George Cardona, ssociate Broker, W. rank Real Estate GEONZAssochw� imited, 435-5375. .-w- AT S UTTON GROUP - HERITAGE REA] ELEANOR STANDFIELD* NOT YOUR ORDINARY LINDEN MODEL NOT & shows to perfection. Mn. fir. fam. rm. with hot tub close by. Beautiful skylight. 3 bdrms.. 2 4 -pc. & 1 2 -pc. 619-9500 baths. This home deserves your attention. $162.900. Eleanor Standfieki. 619-9500 GLOVER** K ' START HERE!! Manager This fabulous home in demand, mature area is calling you! 619-9500 With 6 ithh a 66 X 11345' lot, it's country Irving - in town! Darryl Doreen �'s winning the real estate rare while iompson others aren't even out of the starting block. i-.ut's why she chose Sutton Group. suffeK Te- 110� LGROUP W,` When Doreen got onto her career track she knew she had to go for the gold. That meant committing herself to four basic values. - Honesty, Integrity, Service and Excellence - Over the years Doreen has helped hundreds of people reach their dreams of home ownership. For Doreen, the race isn't over until she's holding the winner's banner: a sign that says "SOLD". INDEPENDENT MEMBER BROKER WE S THAI Ther Silt We thni OCTOBER SALES FICKERING AND AJAX (MLS) LISTINGS (E12 - E13 - E14) % 1a FIRST TIME BOWEN* ARE YOU BUDGET WISE? Exceptional buy, very clean all brick detached, 2 storey 619-9500 home, has fn. basement, central air conditioning. 3 appls. moo el• very well located. $154.900 Tina Bowen. 619 - FROM T.H.'s, SEMIS & DETACHED... 3 m 12 $89,900 - $139,900 - PRICES TO FIT YOUR MIKE BUDGET, CARRIES LIKE RENT, ALL FINANCING LYNCH* A-1 COriD(TION This home is immaculate! Brand new hardwood floors, eat - 831-9500 n kitchen. large master bden. Full size bsmt. Private fenced low ' Orgy $119,900. Mike Lynch, DAVIS* , 9500. Nicely � $107,90D. 428-8274 2. Btx QW=, 3 bdmis. +=119,900. 3. Serol, tnlrnaa Wo. 3 b$114,8DD. Sullm Gmun SMs 4. Newer, 2 storey 3 bd r, + oaraao- s1 m am ,o It h fX F � � � ' Y ;r 2 L o17 yy TINA FIRST TIME BOWEN* ARE YOU BUDGET WISE? Exceptional buy, very clean all brick detached, 2 storey 619-9500 home, has fn. basement, central air conditioning. 3 appls. moo el• very well located. $154.900 Tina Bowen. 619 - FROM T.H.'s, SEMIS & DETACHED... 3 BEDROOMS, REC ROOMS + GARAGES. $89,900 - $139,900 - PRICES TO FIT YOUR MIKE BUDGET, CARRIES LIKE RENT, ALL FINANCING LYNCH* A-1 COriD(TION This home is immaculate! Brand new hardwood floors, eat - 831-9500 n kitchen. large master bden. Full size bsmt. Private fenced low ' Orgy $119,900. Mike Lynch, DAVIS* , 9500. Nicely � EIIECUM HOME! Sturini g 4 bedroom gem on a 5011. lot. Huge beck yard, prof. landscaped, finished basement with sep. entry. 2 stone fireplaces, loaded with upgrades, appliances hckxW. Super location. $224,900. Mite Lynch% 831-9500. FIRST TIME BUYERS! 'BUYER'S MARKET MANY HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM T.H.'s, SEMIS & DETACHED... 3 BEDROOMS, REC ROOMS + GARAGES. $89,900 - $139,900 - PRICES TO FIT YOUR BUDGET, CARRIES LIKE RENT, ALL FINANCING ARRANGED. ;ONPAYMENT, ,�Q� NoPAULINE NEYD,M DAVIS* 1- Townhouse, Al, oak kit., 3 bdrms. + garage. $107,90D. 428-8274 2. Btx QW=, 3 bdmis. +=119,900. 3. Serol, tnlrnaa Wo. 3 b$114,8DD. Sullm Gmun SMs 4. Newer, 2 storey 3 bd r, + oaraao- s1 m am INC. HAPPY ENDINGS ARE NST TIS BEGINNING. EL ORE HOMES IN A AXIPICKERING OTHER REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 'C n be only one leader and that's us... to Group - Heritage RealtyInc. CATHY RSI PROFESSIONALS! 1Z, INVESTORS! Prime commercial building in the heart of downtown V sold more homes in Ajax and "BRAND NEW" McGILL* Cobourg! Highly visible, well maintained' 10 park -ng spaces. Ideal for off ice/cliniciretaill Currently occupied ry 3 Pickering EMPTY NESTERS DREAM COME TRUE! 619-9500 thE vrL usinesses, Amazing 1,437 sq. ft. bungalow with lots of windows, A CATHY ki@11LOL TODAY AT 619-9500. i y other Real Estate office and superior kit. design featuring a nook overlooking a covered weave patio, spacious master suite with 2 Ige. sep. closets, mn. ��, �Ro t the numbers to prove it. fir. laundry, grand foyer, sep. formal din. rm. with dble. 9 french drs., convenient gas fp. with your choice of location, So, if you're thinking of buying or traditional liv. rm. setting and a 1,437 sq. selling your home, look to the top ft. usable bsmt. area. Under fullconstruction warranty for your protection. producers of Sutton Group - Act now!!! Heritage. We get results for you... the "PLEASE CALL" IAN 111i TINA MARIE MASON, Associate Broker MacLEOD* FABULOUS FAMILY HOME, BACKS customer. On to Petticoat Creek. 3.500 sq. '1.. 3 far garage. 6 You're the reason we're in business. (905) 831-9500 831-9500 and bedstart rooms, 4 baths. Only $299.900 -Call Ian MacLeod now packin' Thank you Ajax & Pickering! lit r Z Rosalind Menary Wayne Einhom President, Broker Vice President, Broker ri LU(,4Y J. BEAUTIFUL SOUTH AJAX HOME `AJAX 619-9500 Z)4"a I Spacious, gracious and !r-e-,tiyolecorated. Pour bedrooms WHY RENT WHEN U CAN OWN? BATESON and a den. Sunlit greenhouse kqchv, formal dining room, 7t 5~9& Great home in move -in condition with central air & 2 professionally finished walkout basement could be PICKERING 831-9,500 Associate Broker apairtmert or Nanny's quarters. presently Iwo Short bedroom apartment. To see a or for a copy of my exclusme and rec room. Quiet crescent. mature trees and Short walk or 831-9500 homes newspaper. call now'. 619-9500 to lake and park. Call Lucy Batesor. 619-950C or 683-5311. 01 -in I JIM9 If IAMES LAURA CHANTAL NORTH AJAX EVERYTHING ON YOUR WISH LIST 'PARR* De� tinck: 3 bdirms., 3 baths, tam. rm., tp., laurdy rm., MARKS* S229,900 -La "VICTORIAN HOME- DOWNEY 4.00C fintsheo. s�. " -,- ­eSt'gCLS -aKP D-4eway. Apt 4 cera. air. cent. vac., dble. car gar., wki to deck. fully fenced -Lar 3 bedroom 1,ome 1, Claremont. updated bdrm. home with Deautiful bsml. apt. & w ent. or 36 x lot. AN this for only $184.900. Call James Carr at (905) 619- kitchen & baths, income units. $900/month. Close to 1.13 sq. ft. lot. Extras inciudernuftDie fps., 5-oc. Taster en 19-9500 M, 24 hrs. to view. 619-9500 everything' Call Laura Marks. 619-95X 619-9500 suite, french drs.. Pantry. c!rcular staircase 8 more, 7 iz L PAT CLARK* $89,900 WHY ARE YOU STILL RENTING? KYLE GREAT COUNTRY SESETTINGA -BEAUTY-1 ONLY $217,9W Sales Representative Here's your opportunity for affordable home ownership. Mins. from downtown Whitby. This beautiful 2,400 so. It. bdrm 'GEM" sparkles! Formal dn. rmi. with hirdwd. 1110 French drs.! 60 With $4.500 down payment this sparkling modern condo home is framed by tall cedars and is nestled on a 1.2 ot. Am.! Huge eat -in kit.! Cart. air! it I could go on NA you should see carries for $1.063 per month - rcludes. taxes, EINHORN* Entertain in your 6 person hot tub or relax n Me 8x8cecar - Call now, Rosemary Perkins, 831-9500 - You won't be m age urself condo fees and all utilities. (Heat. hydrolgA 'water.) sauna Priced to sell at $263.000. Wor� last - cal Tocay 1cr lionted"I O.A.C. Call Pat Clark*, 619-95M. 831-9500 your private showing. Kyle Einhom, 831-9500. FRANK PWM AS A PIC I WE URENCO* Come & see this beautiful 3 bdrin., 2 Storey home with woindeftl open concept & fp. in sunken liv. mill. Some MONICA luftm include Pont. air & vac., fin. berit & much more. At CKART* $184,900 you cant go wrong. Cal Frank or Monica 0 831- SEASON'S GREETINGS!! VO. We also have a cosy, del., 3 bdri in East York 0 You'll have years oi delightful holiday living in this beautifully 31-9500 si 1 9,9oo. cam for dem! maintained 3 bedroom brick bungalow! Charming colonial decor! Skylight in kitchen, sparkling hardwood floors... and A VIEW OF FRENCHMAN'S SAY & PARK FROM THE LIVING GREAT BEGINMNGS I ROOM WINDOW!! Only $111,900 for a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhouse in prime south Ajax location. This ® i. MAKE A exceptional value home carries for low than rent. This home needs your tender loving care to make SMART MOVE!! 4 your own. Cal Peter for more details at 416-281- CALL SUTTON GROUP OMEGA MTHIA ASUMEASOAM(OA.C.)DOW CAROL E. REALTY Will help you own On lovely 3 + I bft. h", aW has KUDLA PETER MUELLER LUCKIE* stiper ow porlicept rec ffn. with Or. to 00" 11p. plus Will. fir (416) 281-9500 tam, rm. Close 10 aff amenities & in family oriented Assoc. Broker BROKER/OWNER 9-9500ommm"i"t co cy"I"'a 0 ""I'm "' your personal VE WH MUELLER (416) 410-9500 wp**nom A& BRISCOE ESTATES LTD. 428=2121 839=2121 284=7177REAL A CHARMING COUNTRY ESTATE Fabulous stone manor built around 1858. Approx. 4,000 sq. ft. Located on its own manicured fenced grounds of 4.5 acres, which includes a 10 stall horse bam, grooming station and grazing area. A paved circular drive leads to this magnificent home with huge family room, central library area, office and separate nanny suite. A rare opportunity in North Oshawa. Asking $425,000. For further details ask for Richard MacLean' or Linda Clarke'. 428-2121. 'fiillM1Mpeewrrlhre �'� - .• DONT WAR, s �^• �' _� CALL NOW! Detached 2 storey home with 3 bdmts., 3 baths. cosy eat -in kit., walkout from dining room, fireplace in family rm.. central air, fenced yard and more. 83.000. CaR Wendy k+acEachem' at 428-2121. `��• open House. Sun., Dec. 4, WHAT 'A'LOT.... �Xn�fR1. Well maintained mature treed 101. Offebest. Cosy 2 r naRUr@ 5 starter with � family sized �kitichert. Lots of room to grow! Asking E166,999. Cal Alasdair McLean', 428-2121. Open House Sun.. Dec. 4.2-4 p.m. CLAREMONT! _ Beautiful custom bait n,4" 1M■ , ■ r.el � bungalow on .88 alae. F,pprx. 2,400 sq. ft., fully finished bsmt., upgrades - throughout, curie, CAC, huge deck on large country ,t kit., double car garage, wheelchair ramp and much more. $263.000. Call Anne**Anne*** or Rick' Briscoe at 428-2121. AMBERLEA- i..r.���r�, 4 BEDROOM Spacious 4 bedroom semi detacrted with finished ret �--- room with fireplace, 2 baits, 5 appliances, wall in from garage, side entrance. large kitchen with `bay windrnral ow, oeair, �x�._::::,•r.. - *� -f: $159; Judy Shaw at 428-2121. GREAT PICKERIWOW*KKM kW= NG WESTLOCATION N Wick home, 4 bedroorrtS approx. 1,976 # sq. ft. double car garage ferrliy matte floor budy im, well to sores, el adlools, mires. to 401. Asking $198,000.000. cal Flora waters*, 428-212. PICKERING POWER OF SALE 2 storey, 3 bedroom with finished base' - meetr ret room with fireplace. $152,900. Call Anna -Marie ' Hubbard' for your per- sonal viewing at 428- 2121. "Aeeodaftsnort "'Illidatl0mm EXCLUSIVE SAXTON GLEN AREA OF PICKERING! Georgian estate home on 2 12 aces with creek. Quiet court ktcation plus 1130 ownership in private lake. Spiral oak staircase, huge M. with buiN-in Jennaire, tam. room with brick fp., solarium, formal living 8 dining rooms, 4 bdrms., separate nanny's quarters, triple garage, security system. All the expected amenities are here! Showings by appt. Please call Fred L. Dupes, Sales Representative 905-623-2453, bus. 905- 697-2702 res. PETER KOWAL REAL ESTATE LIMITED BROKER, BOWMANVLLE YOU CAN RELY ON OUR "KOWALrTY" SERVICE NATIONAL AJAX 428-7677 SERVICE PICKERING PICKERING 831-7677 NRS ACHIEVERS REAL ESTATE SERVICES 0 LOW TAXES, HEATING AND MAINTENANCE H you only require a 2 bdrm. detached home in beautiful condition check this out. 45x156' lot. Immaculate and professionally upgraded inside and out. Heated gar., BILL 26x14' Ige. living - dining rm. and kitchen. Many extras. LEGROS' Call Bill at 428-7677. T glli r tl'fill Ilii i SPACIOUS PICKERING SIDESPLIT Sep. Irv. & din. rms. Rec rm. 8 wet bar. Fam. rm. w/o to pool. 2 skylights. Finished in-law apt. Call to ELVIRA view. Elvin Larocque', 428-7677. LAROCOUE' 'Sales Representatives "Associate Bro ker MLLING YOUR HOME? I n HERE'S WHAT DM FOR CAN YOU... It r eq M NEW CHCE R tv M E M B E BROKE R goo Whxe custom burg., dbU. per., 25 x 2d worksAop. pe - shaped fol. Backs on to JU* sracee"'. LITTLE BIT O'COUNTRY large Awa' wMom•bui Data on Qsenepece m Rckernq, rA.ny w.My teattaas, um - hone Garry Fns"' ✓Guarantee Savings by Reducing Commission Rates: MmCom nas a comm,svon s!r„aure aapnec to -"w-dc you ■dn su 0shnt.a::ay.nys ills i110w YW 4 n1LY11Y2t YOW IpRw fpWN ✓ Guarantee Service: rnt M,nCon Sut[CST $yT:t T. ,ie­Ct (j„tallrp 401/ 1Mn111tn con Mnmlwfll b prOwOt you with nw DK! Setter ,n Int rYl ti4et tiAuSO'Y ✓ Guarantee Experience and Knowledge: MinCorr ..;)'ures s.cnais art !LAI tine uses And ar �nk eunq pr0ttas�onfls ME triY ; ^'.0 w,M nee nrwst ml wore fOrtt endaek h ONLY ONE BUILT" John Bodily' Foresfbroak special. Exquisite home in Fairport, Pickering. M at>SoIWa beW Garry flee'•'. DONE TD TME MLP.! Fab. Canac kA with bneerQaM bar, tam. rm fro to deck, 3 bdrms.. ft_ to ceig tp. Open JUDY GARRY RAUL LOIS RON STACEE*** FREE**' CASINO* THOMPSON** ARGUE* "FOR A CONFIDENTIAL FREE EVAWATION" O Z O F couz.n you Win with Experience.... � 1 Call J u'' e 3 IMAGINE LIVING HERE? 70 Trebilcock r- - Associate Broker -4 Ravine lot! Q Immaculate, tastefully decorated _ home �, S - Q Gourmet kitchen with centre__- _ island Q Sunken main fIr. fam. rm. with _ G fireplace - Y H Master bedroom with en suite E' soaking; tub & separate shower 5 � ru Y A must see home CALL TODAY! loll BARBARA EDWARDS*, 683-2992 err SANDY M. DUDLEY r +z. /-' 4 F y. 7„ 683w5000.'1-.-,X- SITTING ON THE SHORES OF LAKE ONTARIO With an all embracing view of open waters and blue sky is this extra t unique property. WOULD YOU LIKE A BUNGALOW OR WOULD YOU LIKE A Two -STOREY FOUR BEDROOM HOME WITH ATTACHED y = TRIPLE GARAGE, SITTING ON A 150 X 149' LOT. YOU CAN HAVE THEM BOTH WRAPPED UP IN ONE. ONLY $139,960 -AJAX - BEAUTIFUL TREED PARK LOT Bungalow area features 2 bedrooms, 4 -pc. bath, Jacuzzi, separate 4 bedroom home with sunken main 72 x 167 lot in Somerset Estates. 4 dining room, spacious living room, two-storey area features 4 bedrooms floor fanny► room with mound Pte, (or 3 bedrooms + den), 3 baths, formal living and dining rooms, main slave, forced air ga heat. To view CAC, CVAC, sem, etc- This home floor family room with fieldstone fireplace, skylights, walkouts, huge please cat Sandy AL Dudley, 683- has t at. S2M,900. To view please deck, AND THE LIST GOES ON....... TO VIEW CALL JULIE T. AT 683- 5000, r'4 tall So* k Dufey, 683-5000. 2992. CALL YOUR BOOKLETS -'AYOUR Call Julie Trebilcock* 683-2992 OF �' OWN HOME." � CALL r 1 JUDY DENBY*'. 683=2992 y __ $126,500 41* 3+2 bedroom bungalow * 2 bdrm. in-law apt. with separate entrance W. * Double detached garage 4 appliances * $157,500 * 1,285 sq. ft. * 3 bedrooms SOUTH AJAX ESTATE PICKERING VILLAGE * Eat -in kitchen HOME MASTERPIECE *Main floor laundry Custom-built home with fantastic view 4,025 sq. ft. of luxury. Former model * Central air of the lake. Finished walkout base- home. Professionally decorated & * En suite merit. One of a kind on a huge lot. landscaped. Upgraded to the MAX. FOR �NU� `1u�TV PLEA= LTD,JUDY � AT FEATURE HOME REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE:- rte f' • 5 bedrooms • 2 4 -pc., 1 3 -pc., 1 2-pc.baths w�'. - • Main floor tam. rm. & laundry rm. • Eat -in Idtchen • In-law apartment - modem • Huge premium lot; • Cent. air, cent. vac • 200 amps, upgraded brdlm. 4" • Shows great - only $207,000 FEATURE HOME ow l FULLY FINISHED W/O BSMT. Great view high on a hill. Sunsets & CN Tower. No neighbors peering down on you. Open concept, upgrades throughout. You won't regret viewing this home. $197,400. LL ONE OF SOUR AGENTS FOR A FIDE HOME EVALUATION WESTNEY HEIGHTS BEAUTY $164,900 Seautitutly maintained all brick 3+1 bdrm. home on larger lot loaded with cent. air, fireplace, 3 baths, rec room, large kit. & so much more. Don't miss it. Call today. EVERYTHING OLD IS NEW AGAIN! $163,M Incredible 4 level sidesplit. Premium private lot. Sought after location. New kitchen, brdlm., baths, roof, cent. air and more! FIRST-TIME BUYERS SPECIAL $134,600 Three bdrm. detached home in S. Ajax. Large back yard with extensive decking. Rec rm. with fp. eat4n kit AN appliances included. Garage and double driveway. With $7,000 down carries for $937 per month. Call now. ':`,V MW QUALITY ONE LTD. FOOD & TOY DRIVE Pe/Max Quality One Ltd. has the Holiday Spirit! Together with our local Salvation Army we are collecting Food and Toys for Needy Families. PLEASE join us in this worthy cause. Bring your unwrapped toys and packaged food to either of our offices by December 19th. Please call if you have any questions or if you need us to pick up at your home. REIMAX QUALITY ONE LTD. 2200 BROCK RD. N., PICKERING OR 513 WESTNEY RD. S., AJAX HAVE A SAFE AND H"PY HOLIDAY SEASON! 4 WASHROOMS" $199,700 Spacious home with large principle rooms. New flooring on man floor. Prof. finished bsmt. with custom bar. Man floor fam. & laundry rms. Rec room must be seen - Incredible! INCREDIBLE VALUE!! $219,900 • Premium lot W/o basement • Big, bright kitchen 2,631 sq. ft. • Cathedral ceilinq Totallv fenced LOOK AT THIS DEAL! 1,600 sq. ft. ' • In-law apartment FW* room wilh fireplace • ' No CMHC fees' Seven M appy • • 3.4 pc. & 1-2 pc. baths Mortems rate 11/4% below current rate Call for as the details. $174.500 11 $149,900 WHY PAY RENT? SOUTH AJAX Beautiful home with 3 bdrms., Nv. rm. combinafim dining room plus fully finished in-law bsft apartrnertt or big son quarters. Close to schools, rewired in 1993, new windows; new furnace W. Don't wait, call now.