HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1994_10_12com uc�Q�LR N PSA MUlMW 0^111 aMPIESM rULTilWA $2,2U U m w LOS IIInTEM >;t,199M N •, psi 'll�l CRIME Pair busted in ^r _ Z 1invasionG tr + '? � . � A pio Jort Ne Win tickets to Rompin' Ronnie .r<l Page A23 t MATERNITY Pants $19.95 Dress pmts, cords 6 stirrups 7" Rd.V,Y.831-2088 Advertiser Wednesday, Oct. 12, 1994 48 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 37,500 Vol. 113 No. 41 ♦ CRIME Stark put ' `Julie out with drink, court told MCIMUNIG — Julie Stanton blacked out aboard a boat in a j Pickering marina during a meet- ing about 10 months before she disappeared with the man accused of murdering her, court was toil Tuesday. Julie told friends Kim Kipp and Tanya Whitehead in July of 1989 that she passed out after drinking a cooler offered to her by Peter John Stark, who's on trial for her murder, according to testi- amy. Ms. Kipp, wbo fust met Julie in 1989, testified the slain teen timet Mr. Stark aboard his boat because he wanted to discuss problems his daughter Kim. a friend of Julie's, was having at home. Julie told the two friends she and Mr. Stark were alone aboard `. See TRIAL ... Pup AS - . CF -NT 'RAL-. F_— RANCH Dozens of tips in `gun range killing Tyrell MacKinnon appeared in court Friday murder last Monday of a man working at an and again Tuesday charged in the first-degree Ajax firing range. photo by Celia Bronkhorst Pickering future needs your say By MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPORTER PICKERING — The Town wants your help in planning the future of your community. To that end, the "Town is hosting a series of open houses and public workshops to discuss Pickering's official plan, which has been under review for the pact two years. The Town's planning department promises the meetings with citizens aren't going to be as dry and difficult as the term 'official plan' suggests. "This is quite different for us," says deputy director of planning Thomas Melymuk. "We're trying to get a bit more specific with people." In the past, says Mr. Melymuk, the official plan was mostly a matter of maps and deciding where Pickering's new subdivisions would go. But times have changed. "It (Pickering) has now sort of reached its outer limit of growth," he explains. "Now it's a question of desien, the abihiv to provide services, to keep the involvement of people in the process." The new official plan will still have maps, but it will also deal with issue such as the environment. providing local employment, and what the Town's priorities for services will be. "It's more (about) a way of doing things," says Mr. Melymuk. Ile adds the new plan will have to be designed for greater flexibility than it has in the past because Pickering is in an era of change and must be able to adapt quickly. So, Town staff will ask the public at the open hous- es and workshops what elements of Pickering's natur- al environment should be protected; what citizens want in residential areas besides housing; whether a public advisory committee should be established for planning matters; whether the environment or employ- ment should be given higher priority in planning deci- sions; and how far the "intensification" of neighbor - See CITIZENS... Page A9 Inside In the news Editorial .........................A6 Entertainment..............A20 Sports ........................... A24 Classified ......................A32 Phone lines General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Sincerely Yours • 1-416-976-1991 InfoSource 683-7040 The Nevus Advertiser regularly uses recycled newsprint 934t + 7t GST = $1 AJAX — Police have had plenty of leads but have mile no tx:w arrests in the murder of a 27- ycar-old Scarborough man at an -1jax gun club Last Monday. -There are dozens of phone calls corning in and each one thus ,ut to be meticulously followed up." reports Durham Regional Police Staff Sergeant Sandy Ryrie. "We're always getting phone c.ills. A lot tum into dead ends" Ile won't comment on whether Ix,lice have any other suspects or col what is known about the gums .uolen from the ranoe. No nnan Chow died of gunshot wounds at the Firearm Training Ranges at 10 Barr Rd. sometime between noon and 3 p.m. Oct. 3. Police have found no connection he: tween his murder and a Sept 14 robbery at Gagnon Sports in Oshawa during which store co- owner Roger Pardy was killed and three others injured. Weapons were also stolen. An 18 -year-old Scarborough resident and member of the Firearm "Training Ranges was arrested Friday and charged with the first -decree murder of Mr. Chow. Tyrell MacKinnon ar4vared in Oshawa court yester- day and was remanded in custodv until his next aplx:arance Ort 25. If 'they luaon J0, MDollars--' St MIWON Our Every little bit helps. To date, the Ajax -Pickering campaign has raised $200,000 to aid its member agencies. Can you help? To pledge veer soppat, Cal 6864M .; s PAGE 2 -A -THE NEWS ADVS1tMER, WED.: OCTONER 12.1994 Help needed rinding teen AJAX — Police need the public's help in Kristi is while, 5'6" about 125 pounds. with locating an Ajax girl missing a week. a slim build, red hair and blue eyes. 'I'bre Arch- Krisii Jackson, 15, was List seen by a friend bishop Denis 0'C onnor Catholic HighSc1110/1 around 6:10 p.m. last Wedrk'xbay in Ajax 1:un student was weming grey pious, a blue hotxbed and Crines at the Aixx PL= on 1larweW Ave. sweaLshirt i nd black shoes. Police sav she hit`s She wxs reported missing by her parenLs 'lhirs- been reported missing on previous occasions. day mom im_. Phone Dtrhmn Rc6onal Police at 683-9110. Kristi Jackson IIV11mIgI]k,IJII "USE YOUR MIND TO BUILD YOUR BODY" 7� 4 \ • Develop Intejnal Strength and lots more The study of MARTIAL ARTS is the only activity that brings together mind, body and sent. The result is a highly motivated individual ready to face all of life's challenges. Classes are forming this week for all ages; 4-65 yrs., male and female: Benefits include: • Physical a Mental Discipline - Release Stress and Tension ..00TOBER SPECIAL Durham Taefton-Do 1480 Bayly Street, Pickering, Ontario OR (back of Art Thompson Arena) 683-6070 The Pickering 0�NT CRAFT MARKET V Country Crafts & Collectables Decorating Accessories and more! Sat., October 15 r Sun., October 16 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Shop early for Christmas... folk art, furniture, quilting, wreaths, dried flowers, cross-stitch, pottery, chocolates, preserves and much more! M 7 E— ` IR r, .rrtiicsan vwwrq a � N b+ Exit MW The Kahn Auction Barn 2699 Brock St. N., Pickering Admission $2.00 Brock Road North, Free Parking Kid%: free (Look for Signs) Info: mo 649-3597 St. Mary Secondury Sclu�o! Pr&cents a Fund RaL,;ing Craft Show Saturday, November 12, 1994 `rune 10:00 a.m. - 4:(%)P.m. ® Location: St.:3Tary S.S. 1918 41 kit&; Road Pickering Ont. A Jor table reserva tions calf• (9105) 427-6" Price: $30.00 per table iiial'd�1 JEWELLERS &GIFTWARE Repairs and Appraisals d Remounts We're offering hundreds of settings for restyling and updating your old rings and pendants, plus come in for a chance to WIN a free mounting! THURS., FRI. & SAT. OCT. 27, 28, 29 TIMES: Thurs. & Fri. 9:30 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Sat 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 132 11ARWOOD AVE. S. The Ajax Plaza 683-0407 vim= -Layaway Plan - Free Gift Wrapping +TflE 140" ADVERTBERjWZD.1.0(1' wz 12,4"*,pACM v#% Builders win round in fight a ia nst school lev g DURHAM — The fight over lot and 26 cents for commercial pro - levies that school boards want level- jeers. opens to pay is going to the Supreme Both boards say the development Court of Canada. charges would generate more than The Supreme Court has granted $40 million in five years, which will the Ontario Home Builders' A.ssoci- be used to offset the costs of new ation's request to appeal a lower schools necessitated by growth. court ruling which upheld the school The school boards held informa- boards' right to collect development tion meetings about their respective charges. proposed bylaws in September. The dome builders are viewing the full boards will vote on the new Supreme Court's dedsicn to hear the bylaws at meetings later this month. appeal as a minor victory. But it may But builders want the school take years before Canada's top court boards to delay their (kcisions until rules on the issue once and for all. the issue is decided by the courts, In the meantime, school boards says Stephen Kissinger, first vice- like the Durham Board of Education president of the Oshawa -Durham and Durham Region Roman home Builders' Asso ci ado n. Catholic Separate School Board Durham's school board- "should intend to go ahead with plans to nnme&i1ely curtail further consider - enact new education development ation to this proposal," he says. charge bylaws. Builders argue the development The two school boards are charges unfairly single out new proposing nailing builders with a home buyers, who will have to pay combined S1,728 charge for each higher prices bec.au-e of the levy. new residential unit starting next 'llicy say that if school Ixxtrds �_o January. They also hope to impose: a ahead with their pmpotsads. they will $1.33 charge on every $100 worth of demand refunds of all lot levies col- non-residLntial construction. lected prior to a Supreme Court rul- The public school portion of the int, in their t?avor. proposed charges totals S1,389 per The sch(x)l boards agree they'd residential unit and $1.07 for com- have to refund money it' they lose mercial development, while the sops the court battle but argue they're arate school share is $339 per hone enlided to begin collectim_ the ekvel- INTERPROVINCIAL AUTO GLASS, umem 7.ONOW Your Vehicle Your Choice %u. 905-837-7819 We will pay up to $100 of your deductible or Qft $50 DEDUCTIBLE AP 25 CASH BACK �"° "r """"0' SAT. i EWNM MG ♦�I\.rr.•r.rrn •..... .... � r01 Is Mn., .w1 rld.dA.IW1.rIM CY�I SALE' IN TOOAY'S News Adrerdser WED., OCT. 12/94 News Advertiser Eaton's (Ajax/Pickering) Maxi Drug (Ajax) * Party Giant (Ajax) Real Estate (Ajax/Pick.) The Brick (Ajax) * Tide T-shirt (AjaxMck.) • 'Ibwn of Pickering (Pick.) •Ibys A Us (Ajax/Pick.) Sears (Ajax/Pick.) * Sears Lancome (Pick.) White Rose (Ajax/Pick.) • Delivered a «tested Mrelsetdr my Remember, all inserts, including those ou Glossy Paper, can be recycled with the rest of your KmspaW through your blue boa Recycling program, For information --F on delivering `��► your advertising flyers, call ALVIN BROUWER at �- NhW,0 1!4 11;., - WEDNESDAY OCT. 12/94 Wednesday's Carrier of the week is Melissa Nines. Melissa enjoys volleyball, basketball, reading & tract & field. Melissa received McDonald's coupons compliments of the N e w s Advertiser. Congratulations Melissa for being our Wednesday carrier of the week. J opment charges immediately. "Our legal opinion has always stated that we should enact the bylaw, collect the charges, but avoid using them until the legal challenge is settled," says Durham Board of Education planner Gerry Rogalski. Similarly, the separate school board is pluming to go ahead with approval of its bylaw some time within the next few months, reports controller of planning Gerry O'Neill. tic says any debt' in p.Lssing the bylaw Could cost the board millions. "We want to start collecting the charges as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more you fordo CollecUng charges. This has been in (limho) for three years. We want to get the charges in place as quickly as possible. - Reserve Your ossible." ReserveYour CoNow. cd ..M � pY 1C umbo Value o b �* � .2,., W�rTJ1iNE/v'S " A) r E R P I E L I tZcnlat 1 n071) 7\/ I onddleseien wjs if I Q.10,4-4 r.,I..i wailai 11..-.I.,.i.".. oo, Vit` PICKERING 705 KINGSTON RDJAT WHITES RD.=M0 :(WHITES RD. SHOPPING CENTRE) � ` V1in0 420-2900 — — — — — Reserve tour (.o �i�(n't6�W%� — — — — — — — — Puvc��a.m; mev�ll 191;O; i 16 nCKERING --- - _ •� `=� 7e5 KL�iCSTf)\ RD: AT D'IQrtS RD. (W Ir7FS RD. Saalp�G (ZYrRE� s2�21M Im Do you know a young person, "'*A aged 6 to 18 years, who is involved in worthwhile community service or a special person who is contributing, while living with a physical or psychological limitation? Do you know a youth who has performed an act of heroism? The Ontario Community Newspapers Association, with Bell Canada as the patron, is looking to recognize these "good kids"; the young people of our province who show a commitment to making life better for others. 19194 0,,9,_NTAR10 JUNIOR CITIZENS Do you know one? To nominate an individual or a group of young people for the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Award, please contact this newspaper or the OCNA at 905-844- 0184. Nominations for this year's awards will be accepted until October 31, 1994. Every nominee will receive a certificate and up to 12 individuals and one group will be the recipients of a plaque presented by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, an Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year lapel pin, $200 and a family portrait with the Lieutenant Governor. NOMINATION FORMS - are available by contacting this community newspaper or OCNA at 905-844-0184 ONTARIO 'I JUNIOR CITIZEN © Ontario OF THE YEAR community s BellAWARDS asatociation ••i'4f•Ri. MM I! �M�•MN}I 1N •1H••Np� 'MN,!►1eMNNN�Ht�:q�WVNMVN IMAGE 4 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, OCTOBER 1=,1!!x/ *'BRAND 194 leis 111 F - W- 1W - �� ow, lop, I "BRAND NEW" 1994 AEROSTAR J Sport model, XL trim. Air conditioning, AM/FM stereo. Automatic, luggage rack, two-tone paint, running boards, aluminum wheels, power windows & locks. Stock #RJ1,U.$1 6,888* "BRAND NEW" 1994 ESCORT WAGON Air conditioning, power steering, light conv. group, air bag. AM/FM stereo, luggage rack. Stock #RA177�. $12,888 5.0 L V8 has air conditioning, power windows & locks. Cruise tilt. CD player, 17" wheels, intermittent wigs. Stock #RC153. 09988* • Plus freight applicable taxes. t.icemm rebate appl NEW ou�c sociarg I "BRAND NEW' 1994 ASPIRE j Automatic, power steering. 5 -door hatchback. Stock #RH 107. $10,988 "BRAND NEW" 1994 EXPLORER 4 -door, 4x4 has XL trim, AM/FM stereo. Air conditioning, captain chairs, luggage rack, rear wiper washer.. tock #RL152. $239288* 1 Automatic SE option. Tilt, cony group, tinted glass, AMIFM cassette, rear wiper washer. Stock #RD103. $179888* led to sale Dries ,Mere aDDlicable. 1 2660 KINGSTON RD. P Y I 199414fasl 07'Tdnt • "BRAND NEW' 1994 ESCORT 5 -door hatchback. Air conditioning, power steering, light conv. group, air bag, sport appearance group. AM/FM stereo. Stock #RA141. $1 2,888* "BRAND NEW" 1994 F150 PICK-UP XL trim, AM/FM stereo. Argent steel wheels, cloth trim, air conditioning, step bumper. Stock #RM1 t34. $14,288* AM/FM stereo, cast aluminum wheels, split bench. Handling pkg., full carpeting. Stock #RD132. $11,988* ,T MIDLAND) GH 261-3311 wlileb- wAy not be wdhr wlMuMw�d. J0w •I' - t•l:�i-",r sSF a•'i C..r t.�t1'rr�•r+rd/;; J.'! 4. .1 4W THf; NEWS ADVERTISER, �'F,U«t,OLTOBER 12, 1994 -PAGE S-A kidnanninfy •Pair busted in brutal home invasion DURHAM — Two Pickering men face numerous charges follow- ing a brutal home invasion and rob- bery in south Oshawa last week in which a woman was abducted at gunpoint. Two armed men stormed an apartment above a Simcoe St. S. house around 5:30 p.m. Oct. 4 terror- izing the four occupants. The invaders threatened the three women and a man with their weapons, tired a shot that didn't hit anyone and stole about $4,000 in jewelry and stereo equipment, say Durham Regional Police. One woman was hit over the head with the butt of the handgun and another was choked and forcibly moved around the apartment, say police. The male was tied up, forced face down on the floor, beaten and pistol-whipped. After ransacking the unit, the men Answers to employment equity questions AJAX — Local companies struggling to comprehend employ- ment equity legislation they must comply with by September of 1997 can find some truly expert advice right here in in their own back %ard. Phebe-Jane Poole of Ajax has just completed writing a book on the topic — The Employment Equity Advantage: A Practical Guide. Her Ajax -based human resources man- agement consulting firm. P.J. Poole and Associates Inc., is offering a series of information sessions on the topic beginning Oct. 19 in Oshawa. "I've been working and studying in the area of employment equity for about eight years.' says Ms. Poole, who %Tote both a research paper for her master's degree and her PhD thesis on employment -equity -related topics. "1 don't find it dry at all because there are so many different perspectives and so many concems that need to he addressed." Ms. Poole notes there's a lot of misinformation and misconception in the business community about employment equity. People are fearful about quotas and the reverse discrimination they believe they'll have to practise when the legislation comes into force, she says, and that is not what the new laws will mean. "They want to get the best person for the job and you have to assure them they are really getting the best person for the job." Ms. Poole says employment equity is about "creating equality for everyone" and it will benefit busi- nesses by giving them access to a greater workforce and allowing them to use their workforce to the fullest. "In the long tun it's going to be good for organizations," she says. "In the short run it's going to be something extra for organizations to do in hard times." That extra will come in the form of increased costs and an additional reporting requirement. But, overall, she believes employment equity will be a "positive step" for Canadian businesses. (Only companies with 50 or more employees will he required to comply with the Ontario Employment Equity Act by having equity plans in place by Sept. 1, 1997. Governments must have plans in place by Sept: 1,,1995)_.. r _ ... ... .. _ . . . rpt-s.c"•rr W took a woman from the premises and forced her to drive to the Pickering Town Centre at gunpoint. The suspects fled that location on fcxiit and the woman called police. As a result of an investigation by Durham police and the Royal Cana- dian Mounted Police, two Glenanna Rd. men — aged 23 and 20 — were arrested Friday and face 54 criminal charges. They each face four counts of robbery with violence; four counts of 0 PHOTOGRAPHS (of Rural Ontario) on display by ".� 1. Roy Gaudaur also PORTRAITS taken in on-site studio in tints for amen d oe 4ete-e� 4 Christmas da �r Zf/alu�ct (appointments avad�li e) Thurs., Oct. 13, 6.9 p.rn g aafa" 44a Frt, Oct. 14,2-9 p.m CaCCCka « Sat., Oct 15,10-5 pm Sun., Oct. 16,114 p.m IN-STORE SPECIALS r 6 3-8243 -- ' 103 Old Kingston Rd. PICKERING VILLAGE _ NEXT TO THE COURTYA assault with a weapon; one count of The 23 -year-old was also charged cuted at the victims' residence and a kidnapping; tour counts of forcible separately with assault and the 20- loaded handgun and ammunition confinement; three counts of threat- year-old with wearing a disguise were seized. The four victims are ening death; one count of possession with the intent to commit an charged with possession of an unreg- of a dangerous weapon; one count of indictable offence. istered firearm and careless storage using a firearm in commission of an A search warrant was also exe- of a firearm. indictable offence; four counts of pointing a firearm; two counts of possession of an unregistered restricted weapon; one count of care- less storage of a firearm; and one count of being unlawfully in a dwelling. $12 HAIRCUT $20 CUT & FINISH $10 FINISH $3S9$4S PERM. CUT & FINISH Perms ror loft hair PMca b�, conwlL troy, Shampooing includw with cwn, scrvKC W appointment ncccssary WAErprtY nt.�ml�i m Md aing Town Centre 420-8000 ExL SSo & SS1 1M a Regrsteree tra tmaM d Sears named roe ".n CanaW t_T Our store is now open at 195 Westney Rd. S. (Unit 7) in Alax. Call or visit today to take advantage of our Opening Specials. PROTECTION PA • Ziebart Rust Protection • Inner Guard • Jnderbody Sound Barrier FRoM ONLY CKAGE 533995 INTERIOR CLEMING/DET111UNG • Complete cleaning of $8995 the vehicle interior FROM ONLY EXTERIOR CLEANiNG/I)EwUNG • Complete cleaning and �� polishing of the vehicle exterior FROM Ch199 OFFER EXPIRES OCTOBER 19, 1994 The look that lasts! 195 WESTNEY RD. Sir AJAX Phone 619-3612 ttttttl� io sew. awy. 401 N s >, � rati�rl • � � 3 ns ttw.r srl� Till ming 19�i!. $65 AUTO CBr11'"M Toronto East DRIVEN 70 PERFORM 000 PLUS PROXES H4 002 All -Season Ptttfrfoov.same wkntter Radials All -Season Radials Size Price � t,= � PM 'SSR7R•+ $a =•95fi!'c.: sm, '`.'V•t sR s>as s+e. ssws ss. ��sa•e sns. "W fin '11Yr K5 7r.Y WT $65 AUTO CBr11'"M Toronto East Scarborough North York Downtown Ajax Brampton Toronto g a 691-2111 3042 Danforth 291-7175 635-9967 368-3058 427-6075 456-1503 242-5531 Ave. at Victoria Park 5070 Sheppard Ave E at Markham Road 4300 Duffenn St 35 Bathurst St. South of Finch South of King 355 Bayry St. W. 370 Man St N. E. of Westney Rd. Kings Pont plaza 2325 Keele S*, i„�r®a,, Just S. of Lawrence ,00n AOGrowai ►-'.1 i , `s t �.,rss . y i • er :r A �. - JQMYMENTS UNTIL FEBRUARY 1995 O A C t�--�—� a About Us I Timothy J. �Nhittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Lchtor-un chief Steve Houston lklanai�ine Fditor Bruce Danford Advertising Manager Alvin Brouwer Retail Sales Nlanager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager A kletroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday. Friday and Sun- day. 130-132 Commercial Aye., Ajax. Ontario. LiS 2H5. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. Page sizes may vary slightly from published rate card due to mechanical requirements of different print- ers. Second Class :Mail Regis- tration 1Sy-. Mail subscription rates Can. 1 yr. $70 GIVE US A CALL General b� 110 Nem sro►om 6S110 Distribution 6S ;-5 117 Classified 683-5110 (Niehilinc - 798-7672) FAX 68? -736; Sincerely Yours 1-416-976-1991 1 nfo5ource 683-7(10 Real Estate and Automotive Sales 798-7672 National Advertising 493-1300 The News Advertiser wel- comes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for length and legal reasons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All let- ters must include your full name, address and phone num- ber for our information. They should not exceed one and a half pages in length. rqi�The News Advertiser � regularly uses recy- cled newsprint ♦EDITVI(IAL Wait and see As with so mane elements in our live. money provides keen motivation. In this case. school board,, in Durham Rcgion arc anx- iously waiting to enact new policies that would require builders to fork over lot -for -lot dcNrloprnent charges to offset the demand -- and huge cost -- of new schoils. But sch(x)l boards are beim_ too hasty in preparing to hit developers with a 51.700 -per -lot charge when new home are built in our communities. Indeed. the Supreme Court of Canada has agreed to grant an appeal of a lower court ruling to offer a final judgment on the issue. But it hasn't yct said it is legally acceptable. In that regard. Durham Region's school boards are playing a dan- gcrous game of anticipation. If, for instance, the public board i_,ocs ahead and collects what would quickly amount to millions of dollars in levies. and then finds the lower court rulin;_ struck down. it could be faced with hues financial ohliyations to the developers it collected money from. And what about consumers? "I'hey arc the ones who will ultimately hear the brunt of the decision on either side of the issue. If the collection of lot levies for education purposes is approyc(I. these costs would he borne by the people pur- ctLv,in_homes. if it is shot down. it will likcIv be the saunc People -- as taxpayers -- who will he required to help school boards return those funds. Huge legal and financial waste would he avoided if school hoards took a wait-and-see attitude. In this inslance, it is a prudent position to take. School hoard.i today we a cash cow to saddle and ride into the suture. But, if the cow is ordered to be returned to the barn by the Supreme Court of Canada. it will be a cost- ly walk hack along the trail. uAlJtT 6WRI-IT TO THE 1Ni: s AI VH<r1S1:R, 130 Cc»vtrKctnt_ A%,i:., AJAX, LIS 21150R FAX US AT 6R;-7 363 ♦ KINDERGARTEN REFORM We'll remember on voting day To the editor: it has come the time of year when the general public will start to Like note of those people seeking public oil -ice in November's munic- ipal election. A letter to the editor was pub- lished this spring from a Ajax public school board trustee regarding his concerns about the cut of five trustees in this municipal election. I have chosen to discuss this letter at this time. in reflection of how school board trustees have served us -- the taxpayers and our children -- in the past term. When 1 first read that letter I had to agree with that at a savings of only S68.000. we were giving up our public voice at the school h(xurd. However. this past spring the Durham Citizens Against Alf Day, Alternate -Day Kindergarten pre- sentcYf evidence to all school board trustees showimg that all-d;ay. alter- nate -(lay kinderu-men was not in die best interest of our children. Therc were also suggestions by truslLes that this prorgrun he offered as a pilot program first and that it only be oftercxl in rural areas where busing was prominent. We adso proposed that rural ver- sus urban needs were different and that kindergarten programs should rellect those needs. A-% well as the face that the pro - _,rum change would incur costs that would dramatically decrease the savings. After listening to our evi- dence. our suggestions and your suggestions (as well as listening to the concerns of other parents and tc1►che17%) only three trustees voted in favor of keeping the former kinder- eartcn progra n intact (every -day. half -Jay). 'l*hc other 16 trustees voted to change the program in order to save rnonev by cutting out noon -hour busing (which effects only 21) per cent of the kindergarten population). You seers to have con- vinced yourselves that our children will not suflcr from your derision. Rest assured some will. The Durham Board encourages parents to become involved and when they do. such as we did during this issue. your attitude towards us was o.00descendine and nxk. At a meeting held al Pickering Iligh School in March. when some parents spoke up with their concerns they were treated like children. We triad to become: involved and have our voices heard at hoard meetings and were not allowed to be put on the agetida. "Ilxreli re, we tkid to put firth our concerns in pub- lic question period where we were again treated like children and were cut of f by the chaupersxr whom we hrought up important bul sensitive points in this issue. We are not radical individuals — we are parents that have valid cou- cerns about our children's welfare and the quality of their education. In November. I know who I won't vote for — it will not he any trustee that voted in favor of all -(lay. allenxte-day k.indc-r arten. Some seem to feel that the eener- al public "doesn't have a clue" about the representation of school board trustees. Think again who doesn't have a clue! Cindv Foden. Pickering -4, J -f 04,1'1.1.y-i...t.%7 9.011 ;t ,.;,. aff1.gaor �-1 L yy yy yy yy yy yy ,,yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, OCTOBER 12, ll"4-PAGE 7-A yyP �TTTTT��������TTT�T�T��T��T�TTT�TTTTT�TTT��T���T * its OF pick Town of Pickering �k W • • Z * ( 905) 420.2222 * (905) 683.2760 �k y� T �y T The Pickering District Plan is the Town's "Official Plan." It guides Council in making decisions about the development of the Town. As part of our review of the Pickering District Plan, a series of Open Houses and Challenge Workshops will be held. • OPEN HOUSES are informal sessions for you to view displays, obtain reports and talk to Planning Staff about the Review. • CHALLENGE WORKSHOPS will be held to discuss key challenges identified in the Town. By discussing these challenges together, we can establish clear positions on quality of life issues in Pickering that can be reflected in the new Official Plan. Now is the time to participate in making a better future for Pickering! FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL THE PICKERING PLANNING DEPARTMENT AT 420-4617 OR 683-2760 YARD WASTE COLLECTION Compostable Yard Waste matena:s will oe coilected separately from recyciables and regular garbage in the Urban part of Town. (that area south of Concession Road 3), from April 18, 1994 to November 28, 1994. During this period. compostable Yard Waste will be collected only on the fcllowing Mondays: October 31 November 7, 14, 21, 28 O T _ On Tuesday October 1A at 7:30 Pratt _ at the Pickering Central Library PNII no$$ of the �IDu�f�llallln �� � jC �� iPdTioe -Willi spea1k ,ori �C IPerson>til and Home * 'Safety To register for tNs FREE progr i n i e. call 631 — 6265 yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yyextension 2443yy yy yy yy TTT�TTTTTTT�TTTTT��T TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS (Traffic Lights) Residergs are adv.sed to please take note that the construction of traffic control sgnals (traffic lights) has been proposed for the following intersections in the Town. Glenanna Road 0 Dixie Road Highway 2 0 Allona Road Highway 2 0 Fairport Rd. Altona Road 0 Finch Avenue PickeringlScarborough Townime Road 0 Taunton/Steeles Construction is scheduled to commence to each location shortly, with completion dates ranging from Fall of 1994 to Spring of 1995. During the construction period motorists are requested to exercise add(tional caution when travelling through the intersectkms. All inquiries regarding the above improvements should be directed to Stephen Brake or Px:hard 6iolborn in the Town of Pickering, Pubic Works Department at 420- 4630 or 683-2760. -� AUPO%IATED NOTIFICATION SERVICE �► "" Placing a hold (also known as a 'reserve') on a book, tape or CD 01.6265 has become one of the Library's most popular and fastest. growing services. To keep up with growing demand. the Library will begin using a computer in October 1994 to notify users by phone that the item they have requested is at their branch for pick-up. It will also tell users how long they have to collect the item. ft is important that you tell us if you have a plane number so we can be sure you are tached when your requests are ready for pick-up. Please ask any library staff for an information sheet if you would like more details on automated notification. RECREATION COMPLEX MEMBER'S QUOTE: Pickering has been my home for the last 25 years. Although it has always been a good place to live in, it has become simply GREAT, since the opening of the Pickering Recreation Complex. It provides so much versatility, accommodating everyone from the very young with pre-school activities, to the senior who may participate in any activity in which he or she feels comfortable. Some of them being, swimming, skating, working out in the gym, or tennis. Myself. I have been a member since the Complex opened. and have held memberships in Squash. Racquetball and Tennis. These memberships also allow me to use the gym, which is a wonderful place to make friends while getting your body fit. I find all the staff are extremely nice and very helpful, and as I visit the Complex daily. I feel as 1 I'm coming -home" when I arrive. I lust can't praise this facility enough, without a. life would be so dull and boring and last but not least, I wouldn't feel so physically fit' Enie To" For Pickering Recreation Complex Info call our friendly staff at 831-1711 or 683-6582 15ICF REV"r.%I. K%TES + G.S.T. Prime Time (P.T.) -Monday to Thursday 4:00 p.nL to 2.-00 a m_ Friday 4-00 p.m. to 17..-00 Midnight Sunday Von Prime Time (N.P.T.) -.Monday to Friday 2..00 am- to 4:00 p.m. IGST - Not included. Please add GST to the rates below. IX)N BEER 6 C0%1PIEX .UWN PICKERING RECRESTION ( OMPtEX , `, V.P.T. 1. Pickering Youth Affiliates - Minor Hockey PICKERING - Fiwar Skating Girls Ringctte 5911/hour sm,l entr 2. Afflliated Adults and Residents S 100/hour FIRE DEPARTMENT 3. Cotomerciall and Non Residents S125, -hour $1151 hour 4. Elementary- Schooh (School Groups (fitly) S90/111our FAMILIES ARE INVITED S. High Schoob (Hockey only) 5100/hour $65 hour SFILNNY HCX]CEY - DON BEER .CRENA ONLY TO VISIT THE PICKERING FIRE Don Beer -Mon. - Weed. - Fri - 11 arm to 1 p.nL S3.50 per person including GST CoNMACTS FOR ICE RENTALS STATIONS BE'T'WEEN 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. f)ON 1 * Fire Station #2 on Hwy. 2 at .4dult Skate Rosebank Rd. 10:00 a.uL 1:(") p.:n. • * Fire Station #5 on Bayly St. )est of 10:041 a.aL - I:uo P.nl. CAL t: Sl'mo Brock Rd. * Fire Station #6 on Finch Ave. East of Dixie Rd. �k Learn -Not To litirn" Fire Safett Trailer INit Pickering; elementar%- ;clic ols hetween mica Wtf>lyer and mica Nt l%-eml)er 199-4. Contact the Fire Prevention Division for information 839-4835. O T _ On Tuesday October 1A at 7:30 Pratt _ at the Pickering Central Library PNII no$$ of the �IDu�f�llallln �� � jC �� iPdTioe -Willi spea1k ,ori �C IPerson>til and Home * 'Safety To register for tNs FREE progr i n i e. call 631 — 6265 yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yy yyextension 2443yy yy yy yy TTT�TTTTTTT�TTTTT��T TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNALS (Traffic Lights) Residergs are adv.sed to please take note that the construction of traffic control sgnals (traffic lights) has been proposed for the following intersections in the Town. Glenanna Road 0 Dixie Road Highway 2 0 Allona Road Highway 2 0 Fairport Rd. Altona Road 0 Finch Avenue PickeringlScarborough Townime Road 0 Taunton/Steeles Construction is scheduled to commence to each location shortly, with completion dates ranging from Fall of 1994 to Spring of 1995. During the construction period motorists are requested to exercise add(tional caution when travelling through the intersectkms. All inquiries regarding the above improvements should be directed to Stephen Brake or Px:hard 6iolborn in the Town of Pickering, Pubic Works Department at 420- 4630 or 683-2760. -� AUPO%IATED NOTIFICATION SERVICE �► "" Placing a hold (also known as a 'reserve') on a book, tape or CD 01.6265 has become one of the Library's most popular and fastest. growing services. To keep up with growing demand. the Library will begin using a computer in October 1994 to notify users by phone that the item they have requested is at their branch for pick-up. It will also tell users how long they have to collect the item. ft is important that you tell us if you have a plane number so we can be sure you are tached when your requests are ready for pick-up. Please ask any library staff for an information sheet if you would like more details on automated notification. RECREATION COMPLEX MEMBER'S QUOTE: Pickering has been my home for the last 25 years. Although it has always been a good place to live in, it has become simply GREAT, since the opening of the Pickering Recreation Complex. It provides so much versatility, accommodating everyone from the very young with pre-school activities, to the senior who may participate in any activity in which he or she feels comfortable. Some of them being, swimming, skating, working out in the gym, or tennis. Myself. I have been a member since the Complex opened. and have held memberships in Squash. Racquetball and Tennis. These memberships also allow me to use the gym, which is a wonderful place to make friends while getting your body fit. I find all the staff are extremely nice and very helpful, and as I visit the Complex daily. I feel as 1 I'm coming -home" when I arrive. I lust can't praise this facility enough, without a. life would be so dull and boring and last but not least, I wouldn't feel so physically fit' Enie To" For Pickering Recreation Complex Info call our friendly staff at 831-1711 or 683-6582 15ICF REV"r.%I. K%TES + G.S.T. Prime Time (P.T.) -Monday to Thursday 4:00 p.nL to 2.-00 a m_ Friday 4-00 p.m. to 17..-00 Midnight Sunday Von Prime Time (N.P.T.) -.Monday to Friday 2..00 am- to 4:00 p.m. IGST - Not included. Please add GST to the rates below. IX)N BEER 6 C0%1PIEX .UWN PICKERING RECRESTION ( OMPtEX USERS P.T. V.P.T. 1. Pickering Youth Affiliates - Minor Hockey %:W P.m. - 9:45 r.otL - Fiwar Skating Girls Ringctte 5911/hour sm,l entr 2. Afflliated Adults and Residents S 100/hour 590,'hour 3. Cotomerciall and Non Residents S125, -hour $1151 hour 4. Elementary- Schooh (School Groups (fitly) S90/111our 540/hour S. High Schoob (Hockey only) 5100/hour $65 hour SFILNNY HCX]CEY - DON BEER .CRENA ONLY Thur%d:n. Don Beer -Mon. - Weed. - Fri - 11 arm to 1 p.nL S3.50 per person including GST CoNMACTS FOR ICE RENTALS 1:[X/ pati. - 2:30 p -in. f)ON 1 COMPLEXAAE.NA......__ ___ _---__.x3t 1-11 .4dult Skate Both .Vena Facilities offer twin ice facilities and nxe tinK .pack c Wintcr 1911-4 H -Y; Puhlic,lutitiv 11our, PICKERING RECRESTION ( OMPtEX Fri": -:30 P.m - 9:15 p.11L vtur"N %:W P.m. - 9:45 r.otL Sund:ns 3:00 P. - 4:45 P.— Cue:IincludingG.S.T.) 52.So 1wr..m 10 rrw. .. 520, rwr� ,n SOAXNfamily (under' yr.. FREE) 10 pas c. ';36, family' S 1.00 Senior Citron parent, and Tot. Thur%d:n. 10:40 a.nL - 12 noon Frid.nN 1:[X/ pati. - 2:30 p -in. CA t: S1.54) .4dult Skate Mondays 10:00 a.uL 1:(") p.:n. FrKt^N 10:041 a.aL - I:uo P.nl. CAL t: Sl'mo October 17 - 23, 1994 REDUCE! REUSE! BE RESOURCEFUL AND DO MORE IN '9.1 c...rr r u. f+frin+.r waw. taaKe� aw.+ne.. Town 420-2222 a secl.2'Q of Pickenny VA. GE b-A-tRE NEM ADV'6WMER, IVED., OCTOQER 12, 99 11 o Real estate b . r a ds improve ...... :.... . service for sellers buyers DURtIAM —The Durh to Region Real Fctate Board is on the cut- (ing edge. Durham Region and the Lindsay and District Real Estate Boards have signed an agreement which will provide better service to home sellers and buvers. The Reciprocal Multiple Listing Services Access Agreement %%-itsinked in September by the two hoard presidents, Anita Witty of Durham and Catherine Comeil of Lindsay. This arecment allows either board, at an agreed cost, to receive NILS services and be able to list properties on the other bcrtrdIs NILS system without haying to join the board as a full member. "This is what re estate boards should be doing, sharing inti)rma_ tion with each other without members having to belong to two boards," Mrs. Wittv Qvs. "Hopefully we can set if precedent where other boards will follow our example of co-operation." 0 PRECIOUS PLATES 'N THINGS 475 Westney Rd N. 701 Rossland Rd. E. Ajax 686-7185 Whitby 668-1164 \ Second plate in the series COMING SOON "Legends of Hockey's <. "The Golden Jet:"' Bobby Hull" INE-ZO• Golden Era" $3990 ;a Taking Orders Now. vim_ v OLIDVALUE 8ollid Wood �i 0'J 1 ll I �ALWAYS 1 - •(,Ii -., rnttr��� LARGEST SELECTION, GREAT PRICES, CUSTOM DESION-8 WELCOME r `� 1►� .fit . �/— •! i SOLID OAK TABLE AND 4 CHAIRS CHOICE OF EDGE, COLOUR & 3 STYLES OF CHAIRS... LARGEST SELECTION OF TABLES & CHAIRS ANYWHERE 17,000 SGS. FT. SUPER SHOWROOM 401 1020 BROCK RD_ S., PICKERING N i 1 St. South of 401, at corner of Plummer, Units 1-4 �-►� 1020 831. -9846"°' S Rao SAT.,a;. SILK i1UjRS. sf3 0 Brock R6-YtY 1 Get Tuned In TV,, &Acsave. sis cessories TV%FM antenna for V r1i cnanneis ' 2-13. UHF channels 14-69 15-8228 Wk fi� sm so Boost TV and FM signals with this compact antenna. Has built- in pre -amp. 15-1611 TV antenna lt. 8" s y f a� is a LCD ow No" Up WN reception. 15-8030 i r. or TV antenna o 7" $ 7995 39� VHF•TV. FM antenna S""•shaped an- r tenna wall mount. 60 -degree swept -wing With clamps. design for improved mast, anchors. I signals. 15-8654 15-8040 Wk fi� sm so Boost TV and FM signals with this compact antenna. Has built- in pre -amp. 15-1611 0%INTEREST Mokinnom NSP" IN&] '3 low Amplified mini -state UHF/ VHF TV antenna. With wired remote. 15-8230 • fe i 31 x s16e 390 TV/FM high -gain signal amp Mount outdoors for strongest signals. 15-1108 1� 5-h 1' 4" swaged antenna mast. 15-8016 • _IN $20 Archerotor' aims your antenna for the clearest signal. Fits 1t/4" to 13/4" TV masts. 15-1225 129M 1.6" portable colour TV lets you watch the big game or your favourite soaps from anywhere. Backlit LCD screen. 16-166 ArgLLALW 0099 4 , t,.acm and white TV has a colourful cabinet. With telescoping antenna, earphone lack. AC or 12VDC power It's compact, so it fits lust about anywhere. 16-127 13” C0100f TVIMR 999 '3 colour TV has a built-in VCR—a real space �averl Features on-screen display. 8 -event. one - ,ear timer. and remote control 16-8200 VP19" TV antenna lt. 8" top section. Easy to tw install, improves is a LCD ow No" Up WN reception. 15-8030 TV antenna o 7" straight section.. Made from tubular steel. 15-8031 0%INTEREST Mokinnom NSP" IN&] '3 low Amplified mini -state UHF/ VHF TV antenna. With wired remote. 15-8230 • fe i 31 x s16e 390 TV/FM high -gain signal amp Mount outdoors for strongest signals. 15-1108 1� 5-h 1' 4" swaged antenna mast. 15-8016 • _IN $20 Archerotor' aims your antenna for the clearest signal. Fits 1t/4" to 13/4" TV masts. 15-1225 129M 1.6" portable colour TV lets you watch the big game or your favourite soaps from anywhere. Backlit LCD screen. 16-166 ArgLLALW 0099 4 , t,.acm and white TV has a colourful cabinet. With telescoping antenna, earphone lack. AC or 12VDC power It's compact, so it fits lust about anywhere. 16-127 13” C0100f TVIMR 999 '3 colour TV has a built-in VCR—a real space �averl Features on-screen display. 8 -event. one - ,ear timer. and remote control 16-8200 VP19" colour TVfVCR is for your bedroom, dorm, or den. With remote, on-screen dis- tw play. and 1 -year, 8 -event timer. 16-8210 is a LCD ow No" Up WN VHF/UHF TV with b cklightttand ow automatic tuning. 16-170 ANM & AM Cob APPLY TODAY! A ked,o aha. -x r thew Mote t Card IBIS you make ,,. inq„��an,l�unGavSwithoutdelay S* aft • �"'� f'rkes shown art a, tu.il retail pn, es. exdusrre of any ,pphcablr taxes We resern'e the ng hi t,, rurrert ft tum lm tonal or typoRtaphk errors it Check the Pages for the Radio Shack _ store or Part+npaung dealer near you ■ �z Citizens getfi n more involved FROM PAGE Al hoods with infill housing should be allowed to go. Another goal of the new offi- cial plan is to make it more read- able than it has been in the past, when only developers and lawyers were I(x)king at it. Now, explains Mr. Melymuk, citizens are getting more involved in the Town's deci- sion-making process, and the new plan must be clear and understand- able to the public. Citizens can get involved in the process of drawing up the ofticitd plan at either the remaining open house or -challenge workshops". At the open house, displays and information will be available and planning staff will be on hand to answer questions or listen to peo- ple's concerns. 'The workshops will break into groups to discuss "challenge issues" (such as envi- ronmental protection, economic development and transportation) and questions about them drawn up by Town staff with the input of various community groups. The open house will be held Monday, Oct. 24 from 4 to S p.m. at the Rouge }fill 1_ibrtry, 1340 Rougemou it Dr. Workshops will be held Tuesday. Oct. 18 from 7 to 10 p.m. at Brougham hall, on the east side of Brock Rd. Just south of llwy. 7, and Tuesday, Oct. 25 from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Pickering Civic Complex, One The Esphinade. A draft of the new official plan is expected to be complete by early 19195, and the plan is likely to go to council for approval in mid-PY)5. Details of' the challenge ques- tions and background reports on the official plan review are avail- able from the Town planning department at 420-4617. Dr. Kevin Tyber OPTOMETRIST - Dispensing of contact lenses and glasses - Evening and Saturday appointments available • Complete Family Eye Care 427-4144 15 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Wheelchair (Between Hwy. 401 & No. 2) Accessible THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., OC{'OUR 12,1994.1MAGE 94 p Peter's Appliances I ntroduces K10 * = Is 4m ws ALSO cl For the way it's made: ALL NEW PERFORMANCE &STYLE CASH BACK BONANZA UP TO • MANUFACTURERS REBATE ON SELECTED KitctienAid MODELS ENDS ON OCT. 15/94 COME IN & SEE US FOR FURTHER REBATE DETAILS ON TW GREAT Kr'tcftervAisi SELECTION AVAILABLE AT OUR PICKERING LOCATION ONLY Peter I s Applinances PICKERING HOME & DESIGN CENTRE 401 & Brock Road, Pickering, Ont. LIV 6K5 905428m6333 HOURS: MON. and SAT- 9am to bpm / TUES. thru. FRI. 9am to Spm Closed Sunday PAGE 10 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, OCTOBER =19" Food sought for needy Y AJAX-PICKERING — A local foal drive continues this week in an effort to re-slo k nearly bare shelves. The Ajax -Pickering Salvation Army campaign to collect food for area needy families runs till Mon(ay. Sally Ann Captain Doug Butt says there's an "urgent need for fox)d. Our shelves are just about bare." The Salvation Army helps about 130 families each month. Students at Archbishop Denis O'Connor Catholic High School are aiding the Sally Ann with a Stuff the Bus campaign. Non-per- ishable food items are being col- lected and stored on an Ajar Tran- sit bus, with the aim of tilling the vehicle. The public is invited to drop off food on the bus at the school on Mandrake St. in Ajax tetween 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. until Friday. Items for the Salvation Army drive can also be dropped off at Ajax fire halls or at the Sally Ann's 1 gamily Services Centre, 43 Station St., Ajax, between 1) a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. Non-perishable items sou,,h( include canned vegetables. fruits, fish, meat or stew, baby formula and food. soup, beans. peanut but- ter, macaroni and cheese dinners, jams or jellies, pasta and sauces, rice and powdered milk. The Salvation Army doesn't 1'et food from the Dailv Bread Food Bank. Costly Heating B ills DnvmLy You Mad? CONVERT TO CLEAN AND EFFICIENT NATURAL GAS NO PA" 1 2YORK-1'hr Right Ikwi01) June 1874 Wing�nC Nr ConWLonir.,; �S :)W OPENH IZzREFoR skrst To IFIFb ON oFASoN RFP,*EFoRSONAt cop �T S�SON I� Call about our Monthly Specials 1099 Kingston Rd. Ste. 218 PICKERING Furniture Mall Building 4Wk 0, r.wc -AW.A 211111 - Now, more hours to serve better, ROYAL BANK, 949 WESTNEY ROAD S., AJAX CLOVERRIDGE PLAZA ANNOUNCES ADDITIONAL EXTENDED HOURS OF BUSINESS Thursday, 5:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m.; Saturday 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m, AVAILABLE *The full range of personal banking services *Cash & transactional banking services through our automatic teller machines FULL SERVICE BANKING HOURS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 9:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Thursday 9:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Friday 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. ROYAL BANK t! 5,�.E"Au 11111 /RS5 I::xpect ntoni.fic»n sectrs SEARS S5 AUTOMOTIVE BATTERY 4"99 Each with trade in' A.- ALL ROADHANDLER^ ALLoSEASON TIRES '-QzaTo •gait il�-1r 'sTallat'on on steel nets&A 25m35% 95 000 K— T. .4 s.,. Led Featuring 35% off our best selling 6 " Roadllandler All -Season Radial .. w.99 74.99 - • - 76.99 Features 450 cold craking amps and 80 minute reserve capacity. Has a 55 -month warranty' with a 3 month free replacement through- out North America. 450776 Series. Not exactly as shown 'There is a $5 deposit when you buy a new battery at Sears, refundable with the return of your old battery for recycling. RoadHandler Touring ... a premium steel - belted tire mode for Sears by Uniroyal Goodrich. 65,70,75 and 80 series tires are 'S' speed rated to 180 km/hr* 2c9pOC seg es TTAlthouo tires can operate sately at given speed rating. «e recommend you adhere to posted speed 11mtts THE ROADHANDLER ADVANTAGE • Des' q„a'y fam,iy of tires • 0. r most advanced computer -designed t, eads • Covered by our longest Tread Wearout Vvorranhes CopyrgM 1994. TM nada Inc. THE KEY TO _ Sale prices end Wed.1Oct.19, _G R EAT�ities SLE RV I C ETM 1994, while JaW Ah A EXI)ec t Inow fi -0nl Sc�►►;r VISIT OUR AUTOMOTIVE CENTRE AT SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE ., ... Phone 420-8000. We're open Mon. -Fri. 8:00 a.m.-g:00 p.m., S 8:008.m. -V-00 p.rn., sun. 11:00 6-m.-5:00 p.m:' f • , •� N.99 $7.09 .,4 .�• :_ 64.99 y .-.. - - 7•.90 . � 'ti - - •• 77.99 91.99 $..a11.,•e.r Tewry $0.000 K- Trwd Vj •.• t MWr+" $4.99 : a>•a . - -- - 9].99 RoadHandler Touring ... a premium steel - belted tire mode for Sears by Uniroyal Goodrich. 65,70,75 and 80 series tires are 'S' speed rated to 180 km/hr* 2c9pOC seg es TTAlthouo tires can operate sately at given speed rating. «e recommend you adhere to posted speed 11mtts THE ROADHANDLER ADVANTAGE • Des' q„a'y fam,iy of tires • 0. r most advanced computer -designed t, eads • Covered by our longest Tread Wearout Vvorranhes CopyrgM 1994. TM nada Inc. THE KEY TO _ Sale prices end Wed.1Oct.19, _G R EAT�ities SLE RV I C ETM 1994, while JaW Ah A EXI)ec t Inow fi -0nl Sc�►►;r VISIT OUR AUTOMOTIVE CENTRE AT SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE ., ... Phone 420-8000. We're open Mon. -Fri. 8:00 a.m.-g:00 p.m., S 8:008.m. -V-00 p.rn., sun. 11:00 6-m.-5:00 p.m:' f • , • Burlington • Hamilton • Brampton • Mississauga • Kitchener • Windsor • Toronto • Guelp • Oshawa • -, the SleepFactory oo 0 6X., o Canada's Largest i o Factory Direct Im ` • NO GST • Delivery ,: • Mattress cover _ ■ 2 ECHOICES • NO PST • Bed frame • Pillows (STD) I SET SET $164 DOUBLE... 129 SET 214 QUEEN 159 SET 294 SET $214 DOUBLE ... 159 SET 2 QUEEN.... 189 SET 31 N - C Ilp SN SUND V Single ismatched Set ` V 1 ) vJ S ETs264 the FACTORY DIRECT LA • {' •" WE MANUFACTURE OUR —o �s OWN WOOD PRODUCTS DOUBLE ... •. GIVING YOU THE BEST '• rti:� =%: QUALITY WITH �~•` '%�' OUTSTANDING W VALUE 350SE' 309 QUEEN.... N - C Ilp SN SUND V Single ismatched Set ` V 1 ) vJ S ETs264 the SET'339 • {' Includes covered SET'534 —o DOUBLE.- 179 SET 304 DOUBLE ... 229 sE- 394 Sleep Factory r= DOUBL.. 334sE7 4 209 SET 36» QUEEN ..... 249 SET X34 W QUEEN 350SE' 309 QUEEN.... ECONOMY BUNK 409 SE- ;;4 m - Guaranteed 524c::- 3oa FUTON the CAPTA/N'S, ED • {' Includes covered —o marress and 1 y rarne Sleep Factory _urge 79 revers+ble s2 i9 W forage drawers ECONOMY BUNK SPA CESAVER BUNK 1 m - Guaranteed _ 2" Iron lowest >mgle over KING......... KIND ..... �- STORAGE BUNK MATES BED ADJUST•A-MAGIC BED arge. _ E_. storage - t ' `E+ • +� << . drawers S4009 \ arge - reversible storage 489 4 41drawers Atlj.s;aoie DANIELLA SOFA BED CHRISTINA BED IRON BED ate Double ` �••—".="" — the OSHAWA a - - Sleep Factory E m - • SET UP FREE PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED HO(�RS AVAILABLE LAY -AWAY ' r — r DISPOSAL OLD SET AMPLE FREE WE AWOF AVAILABLE PARKING SIZE MATTRESS CANADA'S LARGEST CHAIN OF FACTORY DIRECT MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS SINCE 1978 D e• W- _ U PACE 12-A-TNE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, OCTOBER 12,1994 Fewer apartments for rent DURHAM — The number of empty apa unents here has dropped by more thaut 250 in the past year. The vacancy rate for private rental units in Durttatn fell to 12 per cent in April 1991 from 5.8 per cent in 1993. the Region's planning department reports. 'there were 653 empty apart- ments this year compared to (X116 last )-Car. Figures from the Canada Mort- eaeeand (lousing Corporation (('N111C) cover apartment.. built by the private sector and not those developed through govenunent pro - *rams. The numbers also don't include basement units. The CN111C doesn't report on Brock or Scugo- Townships, so vacancv rates there aren't included in the planning oieparrtment report. While the vacancy rate is now 4.2 per cent. that's still well above the rate of.', per cent in April, 19811. Ilelping to reduce the vacancy rate was the decline in private sector building of apartment units in 1002 and '93, the report states. One and two-bedroom units are the rnost popular and have the low- est vacancy rates. The number of vacant bachelor aparunents is risur_ as tenants move to larger units, the report states. Threc-bedroom apartments are also easily available because people pre- fer home ownership over paving hiL,h rents. Me planning wix,rt predicts the vaatncv rate will "stabilize at about three per cent" over the next year because the private sector isn'I building aparunents. the economy is improving auul planners think the rush to buy hones will slow. BLOW OUT SALE '1r Yolk, Art Paintings f d1 Fofk. Art Suppftes HERITAGE CRAFT STUDIO INC 520 WESTNEY RD. S. UNIT 23 AJAX (905) 427 6666 1 40% OFF - ALL FOLK ART SUPPLIES! =7 Many More In Store Specials J r Includinb Store Fixtures, Shelves, Display «Valls etc. Stuck Up for Fall Classes Noiv! -1k\xS NOW OPEN 1652 BAI'Lf Mon. -Fri. to 9:00 p.m. OF - • RD.) vsl Sat. 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. PICKERING J Sun. 12:00-4:00 p.m. 831-7747 C1100SE MUL71MUR)AL NOW NOT Financial "Personal Finarci(d hidependence... Bx• DesignLffERJA " Independent Fund per(ormunrc to August 31. 199.1 pe Tht• SOON('? N011 [ha` - Brokers %01.11north•\ inter Trinittt►:. LIMal1r1►►Ifs. 2455, 25.9,,, 15.x''° 1 6.x° - ,ti, 1 LAR, 10 1 L ARS �_ Access to all th► .r,Im< r it run stent ` ( . be 111 Iiti►rg►Imr thr Mutual Funis ma-li r l Compound in ►�� n' a, o 16.4° 16.4° 10.E 13.7° Sith r ,.t 111tl1j1tX(' trI ,t; 5 11_ARs 101t.1R� OBJECTIVE ADVICE nutEit►trr►111. the' n soba I&TRIMARK Denis Ardw C.F P. Chris Ardag1 B.Sc. can be inrp►r>sitl•. MUTUAL FUNDS \� I \r k" 160 . ���0 ACCESS TO BANKS, TRUST & INSURANCE CO.'S. I,) of I III R1, RM BEST RATES (NO FEE TO CLIENT). All riturr,, uuahtnl ii, I rt,,, .- 1 ,u,r} c irurtrrrd A ,0untaru,. wi hnston,al annual uwrtanundnl 101411 rata nl r,::,: a autd rrf w ahccnl;r, un wat .411ur and drslnhutunt, rrnta l. Thi, cls run takr uu,,,u,0urrr wlrsthat 9cs ar 0111111stialnr Iirs {knabli b, tuuth0ldrrs ulucll twuld hart rrduud rrturn, Pad I>,rl,vmaut ,I,K's n,v 4uarumrt Iran, r,+ulh 10111 unu ,alui and unrslrnrrlt muni ,.tel Itu,nuttr lny,,rtau ;nhnn1a1r011 abOUI arra 1111,111,11 fund IS ,orrt,unrd III It„unplrlud pr0slx,nrs Read ,rut ,ailulhlr'lari un(stun* )-It,,,ot0hta111lout a,anIII, fman,wl,ahun mrntu,nrduhnr We are available at your convenience evenings and weekends by appointment INCOME TAX PREPARATION YEAR ROUND UNIT 16 "THE COURTYARD" AjAx 428-8613 MUTUAL j' Vl\LSi ALL YOUR QUESTIONS MONTHLY INCOME POSSIBLE (VERY FAVOURABLE TAX TREATMENT). CAPITAL GAINS EXEMPTION ($ioun) DO YOU OWN: • COTTAGE • REAL ESTATE • ART • MUTUAL FUNDS • SHARES? HAVE YOU USED YOUR LIFETIME EXEMPTION ($100,000)? IF NOT, YOU MUST USE IT THIS YEAR OR LOSE M CALL FOR DETAILS. Yes, we would Bloc to do business with you. Why not come in and learn all the facts. Free consultation. No obligation. Feast anks Joshua Shelson imitates an aboriginal during a Thanksgiving dinner for the Grades 1 and 2 classmates at Roland Michener Public School in Ajax. Students came as pilgrims and aborigi- nals for the meal. Would -h parents get tips a seminar DITRI IAM — Couples think of having a baby may be interes in two seminars being offered the Region's health department. Prospective parents can i information they should consh before having children during s sions in the ground -floor conf ence room of Ajax -Pickering Cie eral Hospital from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays, Nov. 9 and 16. The first session will featurt doctor from Oshawa General Ht pital speaking on genetic Durham associate medical offic of health Dr. Linda Panaro ialki about environmental bazar before and during pregnancy a public health nurse Shari Phil addressing the decisions involv in becoming parents. On Nov. 16, Jan Silverman the Women's College Hospit will speak on fertility awarene: while public health nutritioni Milly Ryan-Harshman wi address the importance of healtJ eating. There'll also be a discu sion on alcohol and drug use. The seminars are free, but re istration is required. Call the health department 723-8521, ext. 2111, for mo jnformation or to sign up. . w .......... 1. .. •. •............. I .. r 11» � Ys photo by Ron Pietroniro THE NEWSADVERT]SER, WED., (XTOBU 12, L"41 -PAGE 13-A 0 0I=UL ��1 As awarded Investment Recovery Services in its capacity as Auctioneer & Liquidator will offer, for sale, the following inventory and assets as secured under the Landlord & Tenant Act. IMMEDIATE INVENTORY DISPOSAL Picke of rind Village 50 Church Street South (just south off Hwy. #2) Saunders prints available yEh notnecessanly as shown. Gallery 'Off LIMITED EDITION ART' FINE FURNITURE' CLASSIC REPRODUCTIONS' OBJECTS D'ART' COLLECTIBLES' ASSORTMENT OF ANTIOUE AND DECORATOR ITEMS ' DINING SUITES ' OCCASIONAL TABLES' MAHOGANY CARVED CONSOLES 8 MIRRORS ' CHINA CABINETS ' ETC. ' For Sale info. call 619-2323 Friday 7 p.m. -10 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. 50 Church St. South, follow the signs. TERMS: Payment by Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Amex. Sorry no personal cheques. All sales final. SALE CONDUCTED BY: INVESTMENT RECOVERY SERVICES AUCTIONEERS' LIQUIDATORS' APPRAISERS z 2 TERMS: Payment by Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Amex. Sorry no personal cheques. All sales final. SALE CONDUCTED BY: INVESTMENT RECOVERY SERVICES AUCTIONEERS' LIQUIDATORS' APPRAISERS ?ACE 1444HE NO" ADVtl BIRD; OC.'IP0tl1111R A 1994 Abilities, I 181" In Bankruptcy stren the � to g d- P-tsla", -41 focus of OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721.7506 GAYLY ST. W. AJAX- 50 Commerdal Ave. 619-1473 Durham COBOURG: 72 King St. W. 372-4744 74 KING ST. W. Saturday & evening appointments available. FREE initial consultation. • seminars ❑ Children's Aid Societies sponsor therapy workshops to help make people better DURHAM — A two-day seminar for social service profes- sionals is being held next week in Oshawa. The Children's Aid Societies of Durham Region, Northumber- land and Kawartha-lialiburion are sponsoring the seminar on brief therapy at the Oshawa flol- iday Inn Tuesday and Wednes- day. Oct. 18 and 19. Brief therapy approaches problems by focusing on people's abil- ities and strengths. While the seminar is geared to social service profes- sionals, anyone can attend. Brief Therapy Training Cen- tres -International representatives James Duvall and Chrisiophcr Wheeler will offer an introduc- tion to the basic concepts and techniques of the therapy. Cost is S85 per person or S75 per person for a group of six or more. The Oshawa Holiday Inn is at 1011 Bloor St, E. For more information or to resister, call Brenda NicConnell or�Slary Ciardullo of the Durham CAS at 433-1551 . ADVERTISING CORRECTION Eaton's Winter Warmth flyer appearing in this paper, Wednesday. October tz 1994. On Page 9 - Muskoka MI. Wolverine boots at 579.99, will not be available due to supplier problems. Inadvertently, the error listed appeared in our advertising. We sincerely ►egret any inconvenience or confusion to our customers. E ATO N'S I i #.J INCLUDING NEW ARRIVALS Mfg suggested boom pace Patterns may rory from those shown ■ ,,ii► JAMES R. YANCH 30to 50off* WALLPAPER BOOKS 'Mfg s.,ggested boo- p,,e '.Ac- (; -ab,c acces- ►I riot ot included Store books c-ly 11 1:=111 GRANDE CLASSIQUE CUSTOM MUNI BLINDS • 'op y u.:Y cN.:u7s a,u kxftr. i 2l. d,fferent toior3. 8 �,n,shes 'Del Mor Grande Classiclue Custom Blinds Suggested Retail Price Tnnner, ncM -1- 4~4 PAINTER'S CHOICE` INTERIOR LOW ODOUR SEMI - SEMI -GLOSS LATEX 96 GLOSS ENAMEL(546o) • Scrubbable W ^' • One coat coverage296 • No roller sponer 1 A at• 203 78L ': _I' ,... 3.781 INTERIOR FLAT CEILING NG SUPER —4e, 2 $ WALL wN1TE LATEX1096 ",."` "� `.•' l cool � �=.M"::.... SUPER WHITE �o • one coat cover ':,'=t".= '4 �; s CEILING LATEX`S 3 781 r.. • Easy to apply • No ►filer sponer CA R�• 2(3.781 New And U� SUE GREY PAINTER'S CHOICE A FLOOR PAINT T 1588, l EGGSHELL LATEXuto Pots o • %int'•, c • Scrul�bable ER • AJFI'MARM PARTS es stunt «. 163 781 • No roller spatter NEW fit USED BATTERIES • CARS•3.781 WHEELS ' 11REs • M=RS PA JNTER'S CHOICE' • olvs 'AND SATIN LATEX ,s+°" , MELAMINE .•.,r4 MUCH MORE POR BOTH EARLY AND • One coat coverage • Interior E shell Enamel -s 26!�MODEL • No roller spoiler CARS3.781 Mor resis�,t, super VEMCLES • • adhering finish '1 IF YOU: are not satisfied with ourwe'll r � rQeduct � ra replace the product or give you a refund; find a lower ice within 30 dogs we'll refund the difference; ore d"Issotisfied with our service we'll send you a voucher equol to 10% of your purchase. See in-store for complete detoils. FREE SCRAP CAR PICK -UPN. 4W M rmv WWodr..r. t«r.rMdamwelrr.r"Ksua. r.$WOWw WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR "W"W F- 84 aw MW so '� 'e""�"++ ��•+•�. v"a�"" eKOa*"mEs AWARMe cau t-aeo-aa7.7311 GOOD PARTS VEHICLES �e -- DOM AM 16 ti N Beedile Rd W. ttttttttat. as callltice .ro, d- P-tsla", -41 A` GAYLY ST. W. VTZ� & MTNERS LIMITED TRUSTEES IN BANKRUPTCY 74 KING ST. W. OSHAWA 30to 50off* WALLPAPER BOOKS 'Mfg s.,ggested boo- p,,e '.Ac- (; -ab,c acces- ►I riot ot included Store books c-ly 11 1:=111 GRANDE CLASSIQUE CUSTOM MUNI BLINDS • 'op y u.:Y cN.:u7s a,u kxftr. i 2l. d,fferent toior3. 8 �,n,shes 'Del Mor Grande Classiclue Custom Blinds Suggested Retail Price Tnnner, ncM -1- 4~4 PAINTER'S CHOICE` INTERIOR LOW ODOUR SEMI - SEMI -GLOSS LATEX 96 GLOSS ENAMEL(546o) • Scrubbable W ^' • One coat coverage296 • No roller sponer 1 A at• 203 78L ': _I' ,... 3.781 INTERIOR FLAT CEILING NG SUPER —4e, 2 $ WALL wN1TE LATEX1096 ",."` "� `.•' l cool � �=.M"::.... SUPER WHITE �o • one coat cover ':,'=t".= '4 �; s CEILING LATEX`S 3 781 r.. • Easy to apply • No ►filer sponer CA R�• 2(3.781 New And U� SUE GREY PAINTER'S CHOICE A FLOOR PAINT T 1588, l EGGSHELL LATEXuto Pots o • %int'•, c • Scrul�bable ER • AJFI'MARM PARTS es stunt «. 163 781 • No roller spatter NEW fit USED BATTERIES • CARS•3.781 WHEELS ' 11REs • M=RS PA JNTER'S CHOICE' • olvs 'AND SATIN LATEX ,s+°" , MELAMINE .•.,r4 MUCH MORE POR BOTH EARLY AND • One coat coverage • Interior E shell Enamel -s 26!�MODEL • No roller spoiler CARS3.781 Mor resis�,t, super VEMCLES • • adhering finish '1 IF YOU: are not satisfied with ourwe'll r � rQeduct � ra replace the product or give you a refund; find a lower ice within 30 dogs we'll refund the difference; ore d"Issotisfied with our service we'll send you a voucher equol to 10% of your purchase. See in-store for complete detoils. FREE SCRAP CAR PICK -UPN. 4W M rmv WWodr..r. t«r.rMdamwelrr.r"Ksua. r.$WOWw WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR "W"W F- 84 aw MW so '� 'e""�"++ ��•+•�. v"a�"" eKOa*"mEs AWARMe cau t-aeo-aa7.7311 GOOD PARTS VEHICLES �e -- DOM AM 16 ti N Beedile Rd W. ttttttttat. as callltice AJAX PICKERING 0 5 Buylr Sf• W A .o, 1705 Kingston Rd., Unit 18 683=2047 HWV .........., h 450-2548 .ro, A` GAYLY ST. W. LOEB COLOR YOUR AJAX PICKERING 0 5 Buylr Sf• W A .o, 1705 Kingston Rd., Unit 18 683=2047 HWV .........., h 450-2548 ,THE NEWISADVERTISER, WED,oCTORER 12,1994.1'AG81S-A , Ao home sweet hfor local By MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPOR"IER PICKERING — Chris Tavares and Nadine Noreiga are fed up with the rubble and garbage in the new Pickering neighborhood they moved to a few weeks ago. Wand and con- struction debris are scattered all over the subdivision, just south of Finch Ave. west of Whites Rd., and an enormous garbage bin sits on the street where they live. Seagulls pick over the yarbage in the bin and else- where. The couple's yard is strewn with bricks, bits of metal and plas- tic, and more garbage. Inside the house, there are ceiling lights miss- ing, unpainted walls and doors, incomplete trimming, mismatched bathroom fixtures and lumpy patching around electrical outlets. There's no (Tas line to the fireplace and the shower door in the bathroom off the mas- ter bedroom is mount- ed backwards and upsidedown. T house and every month there was a new problem," says Mr. Tavares. The closing date for their pur- chase was moved about six times, they say, each time with inadquate notice. They were originally sup- posed to move in June 30. When they finally did move in Aug. 31, they say the place was a mess and they spent two days cleaning it. According to the couple, the builder installed the wrong style of kitchen cupboards and incorrect bathroom fixtures, and has consis- tently tried to substitute continue homes and honor the commitments he forst time the couple tried to fill the bathtub there, water started pouring down from the ceiling in the family room below. (It was later discovered the overflow pipe hadn't been connected.) Instal- lation of the carpets wasn't finished until 16 days after they moved in. Until then, flaps of carpet were hanging down from the second - floor landine over the front -hall � entrance. 1Tte rancoven, stove and dish- washer weren't delivered until three weeks after they moved in. Mr. Tavares and Nis. Norciya say they've suffered nothing but misery and frustration since buving their new home in June of 1993. It was purchased from Whites/Finch Homes Ltd., which sells houses untder the trademark 'LwAford'. "We waited 14 months for this made to people" -- Glenn f Christoff cheaper items for the ones they ordered for their S220.(M home. "It's not like we made changes in the last week," says Mr. Tavares. "These are things we ordered six to ei!-Iht months aLo." "I expect to get what I paid for," says Ms. Norciga. *1 don't need this. I've given them my litc's s:avinys and more" Neighbors say they've sone through the same new-homc niohimare with th -ir c Landford purchases. A few doors over on Nipissing Crt., John and Lesreen Romain got their basement finished by the builders three months after moving, in. They think the work has finally been done txx-ause they've called in inspectors from the Ontario New Home War- ranty Program (ONIIWP). an agency that regulate. the new lxus- im_industry in the province. "I"he Romain: have also had problems with scvcral dch%cd cl,),- UN_ load,, on holt notice. work on their $318,000 home, and not receiving various design options they had chosen months in advance. "It's a hit of a horror story," says John Romain. Clarence and Carol Ann White were supposed to move into their new house at 1566 Nipissing 01. in May, but they're still in the apart- ment they had to rent when the sale of their previous house closed. "The house isn't even bricked yet;" says Mrs. White. -Customer .service can tell me practically noth- ing. I've had to store my fumiture for five months at 5200 a month. The effect on my kids has been unread. It's just tonal disruption." Mrs. White adds she's also lost the lower interest rate on the mort- gase she'd arrowed for the original closint_ date. Twenty-five residents of the new neiyhtxxhoxxd have signed a petition circulated by Mr. Romain describ- in�_ some of the difficulties buyers have had with Lauxdford. Ile's send- ing a copy to ONHW111, the Minister of Consumer Relations and a Pick- ering councillor. Publicizing the plight of the buyers, he hopes, rrrav get them some help. Glenn Christoff, vice-president of Whites/Finch Homes Ltd. and one of the principals behind a num- ber of Landford companies, main- tains his firm is living up to all its obligations. Mr. Christoff says the Nadine Noreiga and Chris Tavares survey their rubble - strewn back yard. photo by Andrew Iwanowski buyers arc being impatient in warrti- n;_z the final work on their houses finished so quickly. "17hey have a legal obli�_ation to _ive us 1X) days to allow the comple- tion of items on the inspection list," he explains. referring_ to the list of unfinished work documented with clients around the time of closing. Mr. Christoff says buyers might have to wait for items they've bought with their homc•, such as appliances or special features, buyers because they are not ordered or installed until closing in order to avoid theft. When they are ordered, he says, the supplier is often out of stock and the new homeowners have to wtut. "Unless I can tet that faucet, I can't get that plumber back to put it in," he explains. Mr. Christoff admits the building site may he messy "at any one time", but adds it is clewicd up regu- larly. "We continue to deliver the horns, and honor the commitments we've made to people," says the company vice-president. ONIIWP, however, says it's heard atxrut home buyers unhappy with I. uidfbrd. "There have been some com- plaints," says Willie Moscowitz of ONI [WI). addirn_ the agency is sct- ting up new terms and conditions for Landlord companies to meet if they wish to avoid havur_ their ONIJWP registration revoked. Landford's rating declined this year in the Home Buyer's Guide to After Sales Service issued by ON11W11. However, the firm still achieved an "above average" rating (based on the number of decisions against Landford companies when the ONIIWP has been called in to conciliate) in the 1994 guide, after receiving an "excellent . rating in 19*) 3. �1►'1�'ll►�Il`i.'y'l� s Is NOW UNDER "NEW11 OWNERSHIP e Has NEW Extended WINTER HOURS MONInFRI. 81.00 AAA I IN P.M. UTAH, 91100 A141,00 RM, • xns Nu NAIL SERVICE xns Fuu LIMOUSINE SERVICE Catering to Weddings s Night on the Town s Airport Runs a Or Any Special Occasion 1t1l�►GE Y6•AITH1E I�W� S1b�Ek1'13�;'W$D, OCittO�R 1z: tt�t ♦ RECYCLERIS REPORT C►'i rr yt�- good 'Next weeka time to practi in 3Rs Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Reject. Refill. Replay. Recover. Renovate. Refurbish. Rehabilitate. Rethink. The 10th Waste Reduction Week (WRW) Oct. 17 to 23, fea- tures events and displays designed to encourage the practice of the 3Rs. Ajax and Pickering challenge each other to determine which com- munity sends the least amount of residential garbage to landfill. Trucks from both communities are weighed before and after the weeks events. Together, both towns chal- lenge the rest of Durham's munici- palitivs: last years overall \�inner • J '. � 0 was Scugog. Pickering Waste Reduction Committee members launched the week at Tuesday night's Town council meeting with the presenta- tion of a '3111s' decorated cake which will then he donated to a seniors' retirement home. Displays, %k hich include. draws for comix)sters and other prizes, will he located at the Pickering Civic Complex and Pickering Recreation Complex. The civic complex display will offer a business card draw for companies to receive a free waste and packag- ing audit. At the Town Centre. a prize will he given if a shopper is found using a cloth hag or drinking a beverage from a reusable mug. The drivers of the BFI and Miller Waste trucks Hill be on the lookout in both communities for the least hags of garbage and the hest filled blue box, respectively. During the weekend of Oct. 22 to 23, you can participate in the "Great Driveway Giveaway'. Sim- ply place any unwanted items at the end of your driveway in the hope that someone will take them away. Be sure to clearl% indicate "FRFF". If your 'giveaways are not picked up, you can donate them to am charitable organization. OF ALL STOCK AVAILABLE AT BLOW OUT PRICES YOUR "CHEAP -O" DEPOT BOOKS AS* . O CHILDREN S BOOKS LOW AS 500 LOWEST PRICES AROUND OPEN EVERY WEEK Mon., Tues., Wed. 9 - 69 Thurs., Fri. 9 - 7 Sat. 9 - 5:30 We are not a traveling Book Show. We are a permanent place to save you money. TEACHERS!! We have a special room just for you. It's filled with educational manuals, books for the classroom. Ask us about SCHOOL BOOK FAIRS. 1050 BROCK RD., UNIT 9, PICKERING ;, ,.�,.. � ss.:.twds- .:d.,..,,r:, •www,,,,,.. _• — • EDUCATIONAL BOOKS • PAPERBACKS / HARDCOVERS • FICTION/NON-FICTION • MOTOR CAR MANUALS • COOKBOOKS • ART BOOKS • FRENCH BOOKS • DICTIONARIES • CROSSWORD PUZZLES • STATIONERY *BOOKMARKS • WRAPPING PAPER • HOW TO BOOKS • GARDENING BOOKS • & MANY, MANY MORE :�� �• L_J HWX 2 :%MER Y GAYLY m During the week. Mobile Vacu- um %%ill offer a dollar value on any type of vacuum that it receives. You also may have an educated guess at the number of beer bottle caps in a jar located at the Brewer's Retail store in the Whites Rd. Plaza. On Compost Tuesday at 10 a.m.. Cathy Cox of Pine Ridge Garden Gallery will talk on environmental garden care and offer composting tips. During Wednesday, Zero Garbage Day, at Pickering's LOEB supermarket, the Grade 4 students of St. Isaac Jogues Separate School will attend a garhageless supermar- ket tour. ANO Choice of Nokia 101 or Motorola DPC flip phone GET AFTER HOURS FREE FOR $ 1 00 First F Months' (Available until Oct 16/94) 'Moat activ— slt—, Gold, Platinum Of Dlanwnd Packap on Ball MobUtty 12 or 36 month rMe yuaranbe Plan' TRENTWAY COMMUNICATIONS APPROVED AGENT 725 \estney ltd. S., Unit 1, Ajax (905) 428-0437 Bell Mobility t w* Billboard Billboard is a free feature for community events of a non-prof- it nature. To have your events promoted in Billboard, fax 683- 7363 or write to the Ajax -Pick- ering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont., LIS 21-15. The deadline for Bill- board iters is 111 a.m. the Mon- day prior to Wednesday publi- cation, 10 a.m. the Wednesday prior to Friday publication and 10 a.m. the Thursday prior to Sunday publication. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12 SINGLE PARENTS: The One - Parent Family Association holds its weekly meeting for parents at 8 p.m. at Swan's Marina, 590 Liver- pool Rd. S., Pickering. Education- al, socia and sports activities for all, dances. 837-0328. VOLLEYBALL: Moms & Tots Wednesday morning volleyball is offered at the Pickering Fast Shore Community Centre, 910 Liverpool Rd. S., from 9 to 11:15 a.m. Co- operative babysitting with crafts and snacks available, 420-6048 (Virginia). COMMUNITY CARE: The Durhaun Region Community Care Association Careoiver Relief Adult I)av Program holds an open house from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at 487 Westney Rd. S., Units 19 and 20, corner of Clements Rd. W. and Westncv Rd. S.. Ajax. The progrun provides socia and recre- ational activities for frail elderly and physically disabled adults, and relief for their caregivers. Every- one welcome. 427-2315. THURSDAY, OCI'. 13 PC USERS' CLUB: The Durhaun P.C. [kers' Club meets from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. the second Thursday of every month at CAW Local a 222 hall. 1425 —1 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa. 905-728-9351 (Bruce Laycrtft). 905-623-2787 (Linda Netien). NEWCOMERS: The Pickering - Ajax Newcomers Club meets at 8 p.m. al the Pickering Village Unit- ed Church, Church St. north of Ilwv. 2, Pickering Village. It's for women living in the area three years or less and meets the second Thursday of each month. 831- 7824 (Lorraine). RINGETTE: Ladies' pick-up recreational rim_ette is at the Pick- erim: Recreation Complex at 9:30 a.m. and continues every -Thursday through the fall and winter. Pay and learn is you play. Babysitting available. All ages welcome, espe- cially those over 30. 427-3413 (June). 830)-836.4 (Betty). THE NEWS ADVBRT'ISEK WED, M-rt4E:jt,12, 1991 -PAGE j71 -A CHURCH PLAY: Grin and Board It, an original play by Glen Eagle, in celebration of the 105th anniversary of Claremont UnitedI Church, is presented at 8 p.m. at the church. 5052 Old Brack Rd. Also runs Friday night. S5 per.ticket, includes dessert. Proceeds to church huilding fund. 649-3030. WO11F.N'S RIGHTS: Durham West NIPP Jim Wiseman and the Women's Rights Action Coalition host an evening with Ontario Attorney General and Minister Responsible for Women's Issues Marion Boyd from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Pickering Central Libr.�r ., One The lsplanade. 683- 6707. INFORMATION: An open house markins the 10th anniversary of Information Ajax -Pickering runs from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. at 134 Commercial Ave., Ajax. 'The new on-line automated information database will be shown and infor- matior, on Social Development Council programs available. 686- 2661. UNIVERS;TY WOMEN: The Canadian Fcdcriuon of University Women- Ajax -Pickering_ meets at 7:30 p.m. at William Dunbar Pub- lic School, 1030 Glenanna Rd., Pickering_. Chrissie Stokell and Jan Woods will speak on breast can- cer. i0)-9828. 428-2308. FAMILY DENTISTRY IN PICKERING DR. P, GOODMAN O & DR. S. WEINER ,-� & ASSOCIATES (aJ IN HOUSE ORAL SURGEON & PERIODONTIST EMERGENCIES SEEN IMMEDIATELY EVENINGS 6 SATURDAY BY APPOINTMENT SENIORS DISCOUNT DENTISTRY WHILE ASLEEP AVAILABLE 839m5951 "VMV rA_ 'W, 927 UVERPOOL RD. SOUTH ;LIVERPOOL 3 BAYLY) �' 4 +� •-tea .. PAGE 16A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, OCTOBER 12,1994 Death Spirit of the season Notices alive at Pumpkinville D spooky Stuff shelters at the pcuk.) Admission and most activities abounds at are free. Paulynn Park Paulynn Park is on Ravenscroft Rd., between Rossland and AJAX — Sorne spooky stuff is Taunton Rds. Call the Ajax parks about to haunt Paulynn P,uk and and recreation department at 427 - the whole family is invited to take 8811 for more inforrnakon. in the thrills and chills. Pumpkinville Saturday. Oct. 1' includes hay rides, face painting, children's t�.unes, a haunted house for kids five to 10, pumpkin car\• - int,, a bonfire and marshmallow roast. barbecue. and scarecrow building_. ('fake clothes to dress your scarecrow.) The event's being held at Paulynn Park from l to 4 p.m.. rain or shine. (There are weather October 12. 1994 FLADBY, RACHEL MEGAN Rachel Megan Fladby died Saturday, Oct. R al the llospital for Sick Children in Toronto. Funeral arrangements entrusted to McEachnie Funeral Home. Memorial donations may he made to the llospital for Sick Children. NICO NTY, MAUREEN Maureen McGinty died Sunday. Oct. 9 at the Cente- nary health Centre in Scarbor- oueb. She was 66. Visitors to lx received Wednesdav from 7 to 9 p.m. and Thursday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. at McEachnie Funeral llome. 28 Old Kingston Rd. Ajax (Pick- ering Vihage). Funeral prayers Thursday at 8 p.m. A funeral mass will be held Friday, Oct. 14 at 1 p.m. at holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Pickerine. Memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. .:fie Yo -.0 (1 v :z F FOCEW .... 24WAL AUTO BODY Drop by for our free l 971 M6anes, P,ckanng courteousevil"M 839•St86 REQUESTAF FOR PROPOSAL GROUNDWATER INVESTIGATION SERVICES The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (M.T.O.) requires the services of companies or individuals to carry out investigations of non-insured liability claims. These claims deal with the contamination or depletion of domestic water supplies, allegedly the result of M.T.O. activities. Suppliers who have demonstrated experience in groundwater investigation, evaluation and resolution are invited to tender. Interested parties can bid for specific geographical zones. Demonstrated experience in the following is required: vibration claim investigations; drainage claim investigations; blasting interference claim investigations; the coordination of trades to remedy specific problems related to water contamination; and water treatment applications. The contract will be for one year. Tender packages are available from the M.T.O. Tenders Office at Room 146, Central Building, 1201 Wilson Avenue, Downsview. The tender must be returned in the envelope provided. Tenders will close October 28, 1994 at 1:30 pm. Late tenders will not be accepted. There will be no public tender opening. A copy of the R.F.P. can be obtained through the M.T.O. Tenders Office. Information on the tender is available through either DA. Sawyer or A. Dudin in the M.T.O. Claims Office at: 14161 235,4727, FAX: (416) 235-5090. &Ontario , The cars stop here AJAX — An all -way stop sign will be installed at an intersection on Meekings Dr. Town council recently approved installing signs at the northern leg of Mapson Cres. and Meekings in six to eight weeks. Wards I and 2 re;_ional councillor Roger Anderson tried to convince his council colleagues to Aso approve all - way stop signs at the eastern leg of Pollard Cres. but failed in his attempt. Some residents on Meekings have been trying to get stop signs on the street in an effort to slow traffic. Earlier this year, council reduced the speed limit to 40 kilometres an hour. -A-L Pickering awards honor good kids in Fairport area ❑ Community The awards will be presented I ratepayers' group wantsto honor `good deeds that don't get recognized' PICKERING — Everybodv usually knows who the neigh- horhood troublemakers are, but we seldom hear about the kids who do _good. The Fairport Beach Ratepay- ers' Association, however, is trying to chan�_e that in the Pick- erine neighborhood. Association member Jim Duncan says, "We hope to focus attention on the model kids in our community rather than hav- ing everybody think kids are bad. They're not. It's just that the good deeds don't get recog- nized." In order to shine the spotlight on the model kids in -their com- munity, the association has established good citizenship awards to present. Anyone 18 years old and under who lives in the Fairport Beach community (bordered by West Shore Blvd., Hillcrest Rd., Vicki Dr. and the lakeshore), is eligible for the awards. Any adult may nominate a child for a single significant incident of selflessness or onr.:o- in�_ actions to help others. ` For example, a child could be nominated for helping others directly, promoting a cause such as environmental preservation or race relations, or for their long- term commitment to community service. Those the association decides deserve an award will receive a certificate and a cash prize. In addition to encouraging and rewarding good deeds by young people, the association believes the awards will help build community spirit in Fair- port Beach, says Mr. Duncan. – cc a year, to October and April. Deadline for subrnitting a nomination this time is Oct. 20. Nominations forms have been sent out to area residents, and may also be obtained from and returned to Paul White. 507 Cliffview Rd.. Pickerine. I.IW 2N8. ` Prices effective from Sunday, October 9 until Saturday, October 15, 1994. YYe reserve tree nght to omit quarmties THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., OCTOBER 12,1994 -PAGE 19-A P News Advertiser Grades 2-8 Student Challenge el EST "**4 It's verrry scamy out there. Halloween is just around the comer and we challenge students in grades 2-8 to thrill our readers with a Halloween Tale. Send us your best Ghost Story. Your story should be no longer than two pages long, hand-written or one page typed. The winner will receive a pizza party for his/her class. Mail your entry to.- - * Deadline o: "'Deadline Oct. 21, 1994 Winners will run Oct. 30'-' The Savings Come Home SPECIAL! Product of Canada Canada Fancy Bosc Pears SPECIAL! Product of Canada Canada No. 1 Carrots or Cooking Onions Iib SPECIAL! Cut From Canada "A" Grades or U.S.D.A. Select Beef Outside Round Roast I SPECIAL! Singles Process Cheese Food Slices - pkg. of 48, 1 kg or Cheez Whiz Process Cheese Food Spread - 1 kg Kraft Singles or Cheez Whiz SPECIAL! Product of the Tropics No. 1 Grade Dole b. Bananas SPECIAL! Fresh, Whole or Butt Portion Pork Leg Roast fib ea.Oil kg Size fib We're close to "V! Ajax Marketplace 475 Westney Rd. North Ajax 6686-5632 Baywwd 105 Gayly Street West Ajax 6686-1440 Glendale Marketplace 1900 Dixie Rd. Pickering 831-5632 P9G J: 20 -A -.TAF !SEWS ApYEI T,$ER, WEI), OCTOBER 12, 19" Ar s t t d Entert i me .. • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • t • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • to • to • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • `The Hawk' still rompi*nl and roc n' 0 Canadian music legend plays here Saturday to help the local United Wav By AL RIN'ETT SIAlI RF N)RIFR AJAX-PI('KERING — Rennie 'The Hawk Hawkins refuses to slow down. After more _ than 40 years of — -- "playing every honky tank in C that many bars between Windsor and Toronto. We didn't make any money, but we had plenty of places to play." During that time, his hand worked numerous times in this area. He remembers playing at bars in Pickering "lots of times", but his fondest local recollections were of playing at a pair of Oshawa nightclubs. "We played at an old place called the Red Barn in Oshawa in Most recently, the Hawk per- formed in New York City for the first time in 31 years. He played the Bottom Line for two sold -out nights. "I've told so many lies over the years. people just wanted to see what 1 was all about." In the works for Hawkins and the Hawks is a tour with long-time colleagues from The Band which will take him through the U.S.. Europe and Japan. But, don't look for Band alumnus Robbie Robert- anada the' music business= { hasn't lost am of its lustre for the 1__ft .. venerable rock 'n roller. In fart. Rompin' Ronnie is hark on the - road, pla,.ing %ari- ous parts of Ontario. with a tour of the U.S. and Europe in the %korks. Hawkins and hi. hand The Hawk• appear at the Pickering bis. \1arkct Bandstand ,4 at the Metro Fast Trade Centre in Pickering in sup- port of the Aja%- Picke: in Unitcd Way Saturday. Joining The Rompin' Ronnie Hawkins and The Hawks land in Pickering for a concert Saturday. Hawk are for- photo by Walter Passarella mer Hawk Robbie Lane and his band The Disciples. the '50s and 'oils. They used to son to be part of the tour, says Decked out in jeans and have a band there called The Lin- Hawkins. 'Hawk' T-shirt and speaking—, in a colnairrs with this kid named Billy "Robbie and Levon (Helm, The southern drawl. The Hawk Layr a Dancer. That was his stage name. Band's drummer and vocalist) wide-raneini; inter iew with the He used to dance all oyer the dont know if they'll ryer play New, Ad%crtiser in the restaurant stage. The Red Barn was kind of a together again. Robbie is all busi- ot a Whith% hotel, as he alternate- teenage place. I think it burned ness and Ixvon is all redneck. All ty drank coffer. smoked cigarettes down three or tour times. %%e also those vears with me they were like (something hr's not supposed to Played the Jubilee Pavilion. The Siamese twins; they were as close do), and told "some more lies" old man who owned the place had as brothers could get. But. time about life at the forefront of the e%erybod% in there - all the big and money..." Hawkins %nice Canadian music business since acts." trails off. cominiz to this country in the late The 60-vear-old legend has CREV t . (;=3awm influenced numerous musicians 0.MGN: who've gone on to stardom, most notably The Band. He's won Juno Fa 1410 Bayly St., Pickering - East of GO Station Awards, helped countless young Next to Ausi Mortons performers launch successful 1 careers, and has had four top hits in the U.S. With all that behind Coffer • Pastries him. The Hawk has no thoughts of reducing his workload, let alone Cappuccino • Espresso • Cheesecake retiring. "Scaling back? Because of the GOURMET COFFEE BEANS BY THE POUND economy• l want to scale up. I could always make a living in Regular $8.99 Flavoured $9.99 Canada, but there's only half as many good jobs as there used to OPEN UNTIL_ MIDNIGHT_ F_RI._& SAT. be. This is the first time in 30 -odd — — — — — years where I have to go down to t CPUCCIN0AP' the states. I don't like it that much, t_ 1 but I have no choice. I'd like to I wfth PINd". Of &40110keacamia-enol stav in Canada six months of the i WeWIFhave.the000&AW1 FREE year if I could." 1 _ _. _ _ _ WITH THIS CO_�_ The Hawk recalls in his heyday l during the '505 and 'hos his band THANK YOU could work every day of the year in Canada. Thanks to all our volunteers and the wonderful "Canada, in my younger days, people who elected me as your nominated was the promised land for a young Provincial Liberal MPP Candidate. Thanks to band. We figured it out once that the Joe Pacione and his team on a we could live in the Kitchener professional campaign and especially my area, play 365 days and come nominator past MPP Norah Stoner and my home every night — there were seconder George Khouri. Thanks Joe DicksonJOE DICKSON •:�u8[Sivirs�r..,,�s+�eswsltw..'.,aw..._.. ' _ - - -- - - _... ....... The Band almost reunited for its recent induction into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame, saes Ha%%kins. However, in retrospect. hr's kind of glad there was no reunion that night. "Levon didn't want to go to the Hall of Fame because Robbie would be there. I tried to convince him to go and, finally, he said he was going to go. He had the lim- ousine, the whole hit, but he backed out at the last minute. It was lucky that he did because there could have been a fistfight right there on TV. Robbie came on and said nobody could have done his songs any better than The Band. Well, Le -,on thinks they were his songs." Hawkins and the Hawks (Terry Danko, Rick Danko's•younger brother, on bass; Ronnie's son Robin on lead guitar; Buzz Thompson on guitar and vocals; Gerry Baird on drums; Brent Bai- ley on keyboards; and Bert Her- monston on saxophone) will play all the hits from the '50s right up to the '90s at the Pickering show. Tickets for Saturday's gig are 5,7.50 in advance or $10 at the door. Thev're available through the Metro East Trade Centre. Doors open at 8 p.m. Refresh- ments and food will be available. For more information, call 427- 0744. A Fine Dining Restaurant Special Dinner Menu Sundae to Thursday $9� Ix'* 1wrson Friday- & Saturday $129 cr tx•rson All dinners include soup or salad, choice of potato or rice, fromli —vegetables & garlic bread REGULAR MENU AVAILABLE AT AFFORDABLE PRICES DON'T FORGET! Dining & Dancing most Friday & Saturday nights • Private r(x)ms • Banquet facilities Available for ari function • We also cater, small or big • Open - days a week The most F_legant nittitrg M Pickeritrg ., Ay o 1.305 Flickering Parkway ■ rwr rr — 420-7577 I Top 10 Movie Guide CfOber7 -3 R AG G ■ THEME FREE■ %' COARSE LANG. SEX iRATING NUDITY 1. Jurassic Paris (new) **** PG -13 Adventure Much Some Nota 2. Noitinare before Xmas *** PG Fantasy Some None None 3. Nailed Gun 33113 *** PG -13 CarSome ■ Offer. a. valid with any other orkr. Some Sarni 4. Schindler's List **** R Drama Lots Lots Much S. The Crow R Aeon Lots Lata Much 6. Above the Rim (new) R Drama Some Lots Mild 7. Bad Girls ** R Western Much Much Some & Four Aleftlo and.. **** R ROITI Com Mild Lots Some 9.3 hNrtjtsls Wick Back ** PG Acbm Some MidNom 10. Surviving the Game it* --- - -- R ACbDn Lots Lots None BUY AN EGG UMFFIN li HASH BROWN cue value Ito of I cent �* ■ GETA SECOND EGG *WlTW CI"2 McWnald•s corpomtion a FREE■ %' ■ .r Just bring in this coupon aid wben you buy one Egg McMurfm ■ A ,IJI r satdwwh A Hash Brown, the EWMuf IIIsecotd gg fm is bee. limit Looe y ■ one food item per coupon, per ■ ■ custot M. per visit. ■ Please pmaent coupon when Not AJAX McDONA1.D's 222 On* St. ■ ■ ■ Offer. a. valid with any other orkr. PICURIN �i■oDO11ALA'S ■ tO nd td until otaober 3I U1" y did during bw4ld'an hours only. SNI■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�• lu THE NEWS I�IyVER'I'IS/t�, NfEd,'6C`1 Otk 12,19 4-PA(,;E fl=A� Cabaret + baLife is a caret old chum. Pickering Village, at 8 p.m. Tickets are $10 for adults, S8 for g 'lt Nilfeatures At least it will be Saturday, Oct. ....The night will include sons from children and senio. ;, 22, when the fifth annual Cabaret Broadway and proceeds will rsgo to For more information on the night an evening of fun Night is held at St. Andrew's Presby- numerous charities in the communi- of entertainment, call Bill at 427- terian Church, 35 Church St. N., ty. 1351 NUMBER ONE SELLING CAR IN CANADA CHEVROLET CAVALIER DEMAND BETTER... DEMAND OLDSMOBILE t OLDSMOBILE ACHIEVA BEST FUEL ECONOMY IN CANADA �atl�- • GEO METRO CHEW S -SERIES OLDSMOBILE SUPREME SL LONGEST LASTING MOST DEPENDABLE TRUCK CHEW C/K LOWEST PRICED CONVERTIBLE IN CANADA GEO TRACKER CHEW ASTRO VAN OLDSMOBILE EIGHTY EIGHT CHEW BLAZER .i . CHEVROLET • GEO a OLDSHOWLE DEALERS ..... , • re oun t orew sty As sm" l - - _ , • --t0M-,- 3M= -RW ....................... ArPAR11CIPA7ING DEALERS • PAGE 22•A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, OCTOBER 12,1994 il'il:a1i I I I Iona M01111 k91:111 ME [I Introducing New Lennox Firep/a es 4 No Masonry chimney is required • fi Modular construction fi Wall furnace standard •: Clean and efficient burning /h,1Mi VNNERSA� • • NAPOLEON • FIREPLACES Call Or Visit Our Showroom Today 520 Westney Rd., S. Ajax (905) 686-0017 SAVE UP TO 65% BY CONVERTING TO NATURAL GAS �r E A 5 YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY A 24-HOUR SERVICE A FREE ESTIMATES 11 i t!4SA/ _LENHOX� CALL OR VISIT OUR SHOWROOM TODAY 520 WESTNEY RD.. S. AJAX (905) 686-0017 91A :4010 ROOFING SPECIALIST FREE ROOF VENTS (905) 686-9216 C U -L OR N7SIT OL'R tiHOWR(-1OM UNCONDITIONAL LABOUR 8 MATERIAL 232 f:1IR1iJST1U--.ET,, AJAX( WARRANTY UP T^ YEARS TEL: (90S) 68-3--3-309 FACTORY DIRECT WINDOWS, DOORS & SOIIARIUMS tE �� , I o� Custom OUR FINE SELECTION • REMEMBER... JUST BECAUSE IT'S AN ANTIQUE. IT DOESN'T NEED TO • LOOK OL Fa*s4M Construction Ltd. D PICKERING VILLAGE 03 Old Kingston Rd. NEXT TO THE COURT YARD ECURITY ROLLNUTTFRS I i OFE HR'S SF G' TiJRI'I-Y ENERGY�VING ROLLSHUTTERS = C aWNDOWS F' SALES , a SERVICE SINCE • ROLLSHUTTERS-RETRACTABLE AWNINGS • GARAGE DOORS •TLT&TURN WINDOWS -SOLARIUMS FOR APPOKTMB{T CALL ALFRED TAFERTSHOFER Sts KINGSTON RO. W., AJAX, ONE LIS w1 01Ua00261:411111 THIS SPOT IS RESERVED EXCLUSIVELY FOR YOUR BUSINESS. TO ADVERTISE CONTACT SUE AT 683-5110 OIt ncccr�x ME% -&t 074 " 333 KINGSTON ROAD, DICKERING 509-5555 V STEVE ,� SMITH �'lCARPENTRY LTD. CONTRACTING EST. 1979 • Complete home and office remodeling • General improvements and additions • (duality workmanship at reasonable prices REMEMBER, YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR GUARANTEE 427-7400 17 , PLUMBING FOR YOU LTD. 1050 Brock Rd., Pickering, 837-1350 e + PRICES SHOWN NCLUDE POLISHED CNROMETRM=_771 v -c_ 9FAS5V AVAILABLE `_. - • 6 ADJUSTABLE JETS • 3/4 H.P. PUMP • A' R SWITCH ;vuwaurrar _'ST $1,345.00 NET: 152991 • 55 AIR JETS „ • ELECTRIC SWITCH • i H.P. AIR BLOWER -AUTO DRYING ■. -AIR HEATER EXTRA p _ ST S1,g44 00 NET: 1689% ■ n 0 11F.RiZv"M J, 11:1:111: 1• Glass Replacement and Repair � III Al 603 Kingston Rd. W. (At Church St) 686-4093 PICKERING VILLAGE _1:I U :31 141►IsW-* m :71T: SPECIAL PURCHASE 60 oz. Carpet SALE PRICE $ 99 16 $. q yd. Sale ends Oct. 22, 1994 PICKERING'S FLOORING 6 DRAPERY CENTRE 1211 KINGSTON RD., PICKERING, 837-8888 SUPER SAVINGS VERTICAL & VENETIAN BSAv°s 4 E % WINDOW TOPPERS SAVE 30% Sale ends Oct. 22, 1994 PICKERING'S FLOORING & DRAPERY CENTRE 1211 KINGSTON RD., PICKERING, 837-8888 6ROP IN AND SEE Refinishing ining Sets Tables Dressers 683-8243 Washstands OFE HR'S SF G' TiJRI'I-Y ENERGY�VING ROLLSHUTTERS = C aWNDOWS F' SALES , a SERVICE SINCE • ROLLSHUTTERS-RETRACTABLE AWNINGS • GARAGE DOORS •TLT&TURN WINDOWS -SOLARIUMS FOR APPOKTMB{T CALL ALFRED TAFERTSHOFER Sts KINGSTON RO. W., AJAX, ONE LIS w1 01Ua00261:411111 THIS SPOT IS RESERVED EXCLUSIVELY FOR YOUR BUSINESS. TO ADVERTISE CONTACT SUE AT 683-5110 OIt ncccr�x ME% -&t 074 " 333 KINGSTON ROAD, DICKERING 509-5555 V STEVE ,� SMITH �'lCARPENTRY LTD. CONTRACTING EST. 1979 • Complete home and office remodeling • General improvements and additions • (duality workmanship at reasonable prices REMEMBER, YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR GUARANTEE 427-7400 17 , PLUMBING FOR YOU LTD. 1050 Brock Rd., Pickering, 837-1350 e + PRICES SHOWN NCLUDE POLISHED CNROMETRM=_771 v -c_ 9FAS5V AVAILABLE `_. - • 6 ADJUSTABLE JETS • 3/4 H.P. PUMP • A' R SWITCH ;vuwaurrar _'ST $1,345.00 NET: 152991 • 55 AIR JETS „ • ELECTRIC SWITCH • i H.P. AIR BLOWER -AUTO DRYING ■. -AIR HEATER EXTRA p _ ST S1,g44 00 NET: 1689% ■ n 0 11F.RiZv"M J, 11:1:111: 1• Glass Replacement and Repair � III Al 603 Kingston Rd. W. (At Church St) 686-4093 PICKERING VILLAGE _1:I U :31 141►IsW-* m :71T: SPECIAL PURCHASE 60 oz. Carpet SALE PRICE $ 99 16 $. q yd. Sale ends Oct. 22, 1994 PICKERING'S FLOORING 6 DRAPERY CENTRE 1211 KINGSTON RD., PICKERING, 837-8888 SUPER SAVINGS VERTICAL & VENETIAN BSAv°s 4 E % WINDOW TOPPERS SAVE 30% Sale ends Oct. 22, 1994 PICKERING'S FLOORING & DRAPERY CENTRE 1211 KINGSTON RD., PICKERING, 837-8888 .. •.r .'. .'✓•.'Na'✓♦*rat u. r••'tr,a.+••,+. .-• • .'.+�'•'.. • a ✓•'d•'. Ronnie Robbie `'` Free help the ON tickets! United Way Here's a chance to test your knowledge of Ronnie and Robbie! Simply answer the questions below, mail them to the News Advertiser and we'll draw five winners. Each winner will receive a pair of tickets to the Ronnie Hawkins and Robbie Lane United Way Dance at the Metro East Trade Centre on Saturday, Oct. 15. Each winner will receive a pair of tickets to the show, and Ronnie Hawkins new book 'Last of the Good Old Boys.' THE QYESTIONS: 1. Ronnie Hawkins' band is called: The 2. Robbie Lane's band is called: The Send your entries to the 'Hawk Contest' News Advertiser, c/o the newsroom 130 Commercial Ave. Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 ■ "Ihis Nl n,- ,,U ioAideo receiver in DD11% Pn)lt* mode anah2r:s the multi-dunnel soundtrack found on most %ideotapes and I.aserlhscs. then routes it to the appropriate sp Aer to amate pre- ctsehthe dimensional effect the movie director intended. Plus it F.niag the LhpU clans I)f uxir (:1) coilen(H1 oil flus .S4)v-, carousel thatfiY.Mirt-� HNhnd 1' il*. I)H' :uu1 Ihx• t\ I'h,.r roc'. atlt>u' Ung}'ouk)khanWtipto- 1(1xAii,1t'I!�It'!ll:r ' :r ;r!. ►9y, ; ;ti !�; Perfect for making compilation tapes of your CD eo;lection this Sony dual deck has Dolbv B✓(mx Pto. double auto mwtse. hi -speeds dubbing. headplx)tne jack and electronic aottrttets. 299 WAR+; .. _..................„.: This pair of SSC521Ati'tower speakers isacousti- Add this Sony Stutn W Sound � PackW for PaOD� cath and cosmetically matched to our Som Ipplr>dtiction of your videotapes orIa9erDiscs You get 2 rearspeakers Hi-Fi and Home Theatre equipment. 2`0 watts and one ngwticalh,shieldedoentiechannelspeaker I"WR300 maumumpower handling. 299 pair SW.i2IA� System Price: 1599 \\ f j l.faeYtR the Sony store 2* • rrtLlrwrtr corrtmva The Entertainment Experts! Pickering Town Centre, 420-3224 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., OCTOBER 12,1994 -PAGE 23•A `°The Best Pricing with Great Service" All of your home, auto, life, and business insurance, can be handled locally with my helpful and knowledgable staff. Three Generations Inusrance Of VAN KEMPEN INSURANCE 1550 Kingston Road, Unit 9, Pickering 420-9650 Kip Van Kempen RIC, CIB Dr. Michael Foo & Associates Family Dentistry ° NEW PATIENTS WELCOME AJAX RICHMOND HILL 427-0822 1 771-0788 95 BAYLY ST. W. STE #328 9019 BAYVIEW AVE BAYWOOC PLAZA E OF HARWOOD PROFESSIONAL BLDG SIE *203 Open Monday to Saturday, evening appointments available. Call 683-5110 with your news items WE'LL REBUILD YOUR HOUSE NO MATTER HOW HIGH IT GETS. Liberty Mutual Insurance Company 375 Kingston Rd., Pickering, Ontario L1V IA3 509-0697 w'e offer a policy that guarantees to rebuild your home even if the costs exceed your coverage Call today for a free home evaluation. LIBERTY MIJT'CTAI.. C 1994 Libmy Mutual Insurance Gro%WUn. lk. (lntano AUTUMN ART AUCTION "gaSUNDAY OCTOBER 16 AT KW AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE CENTENNIAL ROAD. 130 PIECES IN ALLH FEATURING TODAYS MOST POPULAR ARTISTS: A.J. Casson Robert Bateman Trisha Romance Bev Doolittle Laura Berry John Newby Walter Campbell Carl Brenders James Lumbers Preview 12:00 Noon Auction 1:00 P.M. Highlights Include: *r0004ardk war Muskoka Lake L.00re I Rowt 9arrnan weer Crsttrws Back Light Muft sow sum MOfns'9 I Trena Romance Chnstmas Story season Of The E ov vaimttsm am r Walter Campbell HiAe'n SeeBev Doolittle WtW The WkW Halt Wrgs ( SraAftmell A Boy And Ha Dream Yiap Leosam I A.J. Casson r James Lurt bars Thurmw Hearts Plus More! Hery 401 Visa Mastercard ........... ................... .......... .....� st w.at SMOG M. AUCTIONS < DOLLARS "" , Cagan P.%w Saw No tAn CeraerrORa t25.00 n• moo Ewt .01 At Harwood Ave .............................................. '. ,..,.... `..rtrw ........rte.. t. z ..w.i.� r PAG)E,?A•A-7'!HE I1TEIn APVP=M WED, 4CI'OREE 1;1994 tine sports departmei at 683-511 SPORTS AT 1/Z THE PuouE w ORDERS WELCOME WE'LL BRE w roR You. Locals mean tri'*ple threat at maj*or U.S. meet Ry AL RIVETT represent the country at a major Kwon -Do Club at the Ajax SPORTS REPORTER international meet in the U.S. Community Centre, along with AJAX — A trio of area Steve Wilson. 25, the head students John Barry, lX. and martial arts specialists will instructor of the Wolverines "far Jacqueline Frank. 21, will compete for Canada at the World Martial Arts Championships in 1'olcdo. Ohio Oct. 15. An estimated 15 countries will compete at the world championships, with Canada ranked among the top nations in Tae Kwon -Do. The meet features several areas of competition in both Karate and Tae Kwon -Do, with competitors performing in the sparring, patterns, breaking, self-defence, impact power test and the team synchro patterns events. Wilson, a third-degree black belt, is making_ his second trip to the world championships, lie competed in England in 1988, winning the overall silver medal. Three local black belts in Tae Kwon -Do will represent Canada at the World Martial Arts Championships in Toledo, Ohio this Saturday. From front to back are John Barry, Jacqueline Frank and Steve Wilson. photo by A.J. Groen ♦VOLLEYBALL Dunbarton grad wins award at Uies. U PICKERING - A former Dunbarto t High School volleyball player won a big honor from a U.S. university last week Jennifer Law, of Pickering, a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, was chosen as that university's female athlete of the. week for her efforts during the week of Oct. 3 to 9. r Law, a middle hitter with the Quakers women's volleyball team, led Perot to weekend victories over Harvard and Dartmouth. She had 22 kills and nine services during the two matches. i In the 3-1 win over Harvard, Law had 14 kills, six aces and five blocks. In the 3-0 victory over Dartmouth, she added eight kills and three aces as Penn improved its overall record to nine wins and Jennifer Law three losses, and 4-0 in Ivy league play. Law is cumendy sixth in the Ivy league in kills and fifth in block-.,;. A former stand -out at Dunbarton High, Law received a volleyball (scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania two years ago. _ Meanwhile. Barry and Frank. txilh first-degree black belts, will make their first appearance on the world martial arts sta�,c. For Wilson, a gold medal at the world ch�unpionships would be the "last brick in the pyramid" in a martial arts career filled with hiohli�_his. He's a three -time national champion, five -time North American champ and winner of the U.S. Open crown. This time, he hopes to win Bold in the men's sparring and breaking competitions. and to help the Canadian squad capture the team patterns event. While it may tx- the first time at the worlds for Barry and Frank. they're nonetheless committed to winning medals. "I have high hopes of going there and winning a world title." says Barry. The threesome was chosen to he part of the Canadian team based on past experience and previous performances a1 tournaments. In preparation for the worlds, the trio has trained seven days a week for the past six months. ..We're prepared." says Wilson. "We've worked really hard to be in a position to go down there. We've made a lot of personal sacrifices to create the type of training time we need." Wilson expects the Americans and the Australians to send strong_ contineents to the worlds. However, the Canadian team is also ranked as one of the top squads. "Canada is favored to do really well, according to the world games committee." says Wilson. 0 .wt -.►,�• ;. SKYL� The family ski club. Imagine Skfing In Your Own Backyard SKYLOFT FAMILY SKI CLUB IS ONLY MINUTES FROM YOUR DOOR! Fin, the past 25 years, Skyl(►fi bus 1xvii a private, "kWi1vr-(►u4cd ski club with a maximum of 225 jumilies. Dur limited rrt<mixrship ensures you of sh(m line-ups, safe c(mditi(ms and an enjoyahk, skiing exlxrknce for y(►ur uh►k family. T) see this re wrkahlr club for yourself, we invite you and your jumily u) att,_nu1 our annual'( )pen Hills Day' ce0naui(m. UIIMDOE _- SKYLO" SM CUM ffATUOW S HWY. a � I(.Juunhill.kt run,an.l f at Ith. OURMAM21ac (',mit rchrn.t.e Mkt tih.x.I 1F> �unr.r> a.e.�Y<wt. 1 Inanicncm.tl.ni.Ic antruttvrRacmRpn�rant. tN(ERt()GE 1.9 KM � Fulls-t:nwauc.Itrul,uuh.lit wnrtkIng cyuiPmcnr N 4� tMcuuw 'k SlumlNurdilIV.ut.l North. program. I Ra. a * SknnR in mi mkl-I k•cemlvr It) tlhe �9arch Break aAREt+oHr s1tc Re s1i3 �(c F,nnth I clic Hath .n.kk h.ir mi,l nurx•ry t:wthtic. „AF„tH,,,, 21HARtWOOO RD Ysit us THIS Su Ida Oct, l 6th -11:00 to 4:00 Y Come and enjoy a FREE hot dog barlxyue &apply cider at our anual �K t t �� 0lxn Hills celebration. Take your children on a hav-ride tour of the Hwr. at WHITBY o ptoMly and attend our Ski Swap sale. (NOTE. if you can't jour us this uucE ONTAM_ �---� .Sundae, come 2 -Io -4 IF -I ANi'.Sundar• from Oct. 23 to Nut: 2(1 inr lusn i• ro ser the prop ern l tt er arae rrMowullotn Phcal! 2N -M711 ..._............................... ... r F f ' Al Rivett 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. P L* '' sports reporter ��"L037018111�' rwr V MARTIAL ARTS Locals mean tri'*ple threat at maj*or U.S. meet Ry AL RIVETT represent the country at a major Kwon -Do Club at the Ajax SPORTS REPORTER international meet in the U.S. Community Centre, along with AJAX — A trio of area Steve Wilson. 25, the head students John Barry, lX. and martial arts specialists will instructor of the Wolverines "far Jacqueline Frank. 21, will compete for Canada at the World Martial Arts Championships in 1'olcdo. Ohio Oct. 15. An estimated 15 countries will compete at the world championships, with Canada ranked among the top nations in Tae Kwon -Do. The meet features several areas of competition in both Karate and Tae Kwon -Do, with competitors performing in the sparring, patterns, breaking, self-defence, impact power test and the team synchro patterns events. Wilson, a third-degree black belt, is making_ his second trip to the world championships, lie competed in England in 1988, winning the overall silver medal. Three local black belts in Tae Kwon -Do will represent Canada at the World Martial Arts Championships in Toledo, Ohio this Saturday. From front to back are John Barry, Jacqueline Frank and Steve Wilson. photo by A.J. Groen ♦VOLLEYBALL Dunbarton grad wins award at Uies. U PICKERING - A former Dunbarto t High School volleyball player won a big honor from a U.S. university last week Jennifer Law, of Pickering, a sophomore at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, was chosen as that university's female athlete of the. week for her efforts during the week of Oct. 3 to 9. r Law, a middle hitter with the Quakers women's volleyball team, led Perot to weekend victories over Harvard and Dartmouth. She had 22 kills and nine services during the two matches. i In the 3-1 win over Harvard, Law had 14 kills, six aces and five blocks. In the 3-0 victory over Dartmouth, she added eight kills and three aces as Penn improved its overall record to nine wins and Jennifer Law three losses, and 4-0 in Ivy league play. Law is cumendy sixth in the Ivy league in kills and fifth in block-.,;. A former stand -out at Dunbarton High, Law received a volleyball (scholarship to the University of Pennsylvania two years ago. _ Meanwhile. Barry and Frank. txilh first-degree black belts, will make their first appearance on the world martial arts sta�,c. For Wilson, a gold medal at the world ch�unpionships would be the "last brick in the pyramid" in a martial arts career filled with hiohli�_his. He's a three -time national champion, five -time North American champ and winner of the U.S. Open crown. This time, he hopes to win Bold in the men's sparring and breaking competitions. and to help the Canadian squad capture the team patterns event. While it may tx- the first time at the worlds for Barry and Frank. they're nonetheless committed to winning medals. "I have high hopes of going there and winning a world title." says Barry. The threesome was chosen to he part of the Canadian team based on past experience and previous performances a1 tournaments. In preparation for the worlds, the trio has trained seven days a week for the past six months. ..We're prepared." says Wilson. "We've worked really hard to be in a position to go down there. We've made a lot of personal sacrifices to create the type of training time we need." Wilson expects the Americans and the Australians to send strong_ contineents to the worlds. However, the Canadian team is also ranked as one of the top squads. "Canada is favored to do really well, according to the world games committee." says Wilson. 0 .wt -.►,�• ;. SKYL� The family ski club. Imagine Skfing In Your Own Backyard SKYLOFT FAMILY SKI CLUB IS ONLY MINUTES FROM YOUR DOOR! Fin, the past 25 years, Skyl(►fi bus 1xvii a private, "kWi1vr-(►u4cd ski club with a maximum of 225 jumilies. Dur limited rrt<mixrship ensures you of sh(m line-ups, safe c(mditi(ms and an enjoyahk, skiing exlxrknce for y(►ur uh►k family. T) see this re wrkahlr club for yourself, we invite you and your jumily u) att,_nu1 our annual'( )pen Hills Day' ce0naui(m. UIIMDOE _- SKYLO" SM CUM ffATUOW S HWY. a � I(.Juunhill.kt run,an.l f at Ith. OURMAM21ac (',mit rchrn.t.e Mkt tih.x.I 1F> �unr.r> a.e.�Y<wt. 1 Inanicncm.tl.ni.Ic antruttvrRacmRpn�rant. tN(ERt()GE 1.9 KM � Fulls-t:nwauc.Itrul,uuh.lit wnrtkIng cyuiPmcnr N 4� tMcuuw 'k SlumlNurdilIV.ut.l North. program. I Ra. a * SknnR in mi mkl-I k•cemlvr It) tlhe �9arch Break aAREt+oHr s1tc Re s1i3 �(c F,nnth I clic Hath .n.kk h.ir mi,l nurx•ry t:wthtic. „AF„tH,,,, 21HARtWOOO RD Ysit us THIS Su Ida Oct, l 6th -11:00 to 4:00 Y Come and enjoy a FREE hot dog barlxyue &apply cider at our anual �K t t �� 0lxn Hills celebration. Take your children on a hav-ride tour of the Hwr. at WHITBY o ptoMly and attend our Ski Swap sale. (NOTE. if you can't jour us this uucE ONTAM_ �---� .Sundae, come 2 -Io -4 IF -I ANi'.Sundar• from Oct. 23 to Nut: 2(1 inr lusn i• ro ser the prop ern l tt er arae rrMowullotn Phcal! 2N -M711 ..._............................... ... r F f German & Hungarian Cuisine BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE Sun. Brunch 10:22:30 Tues. -Fri. 11:30-2:30 & 5-10 p.m. Sat. 5-10 p.m. Sun. 10:30-9:00 Located in the Courtyard of Pickering Village 109 Ofd Kingston Rd., Ajar (905) 427-6760 Serving Your Favourite Imported Beers b Pub Grub Xibe ffluzic �. Thurz Zhru ,,4unbav 683-9353 109 Old Kingston Rd. IN THE COURTYARD (PICKERING VILLAGE) '0071S sPor FAMILY RESTAURANT Good Food At Reasonable Prices ALL DAY BREAKFAST SPECIAL 3m o bacon - C ham or sausagee, home fries a coffee J rC_ H 8E DE"ER SPECALSIAY 95 95 3 To G OPEN 7 DA YS A WEEK 16M6L8L-2pm:TwLFri6Lm-8pm: SaL7Lm-2FM4 Sua.8LUL -Ipm 44 Con aercW Ave. ai station SL 686-3921 EVERY DAY N.Y. SIRLOIN STEAK & SHRIMP GARLIC BREAD & SALAD ALL FOR ONLY $9.95 69 COMMERCIAL AVE., AJAX (BY THE BEER STORE) We're Rockin' �P ;8t0 19c,��this weekend! 427-0331 355 IBayly St. Across from Chrysler THE NE* ADVFRTISER, WED., (XTORER 12, 1994 -PACE 25•A �M / SAUTER'S INN RESTAURANT, Pickering Village Sauter's Inn Restaurant. highly vIs- ible in the Courtyard, Pickering Village. has much more to offer patrons than attractive surrounding. Mike and Helen Sauter, together with their friendiv staff, invite you to the Court- yard and Sauter's Inn "for a little piece of Europe. " And while it might seem a little early to be thinking about Christmas parties, both Mike and Helen encourage patrons to book now, to reserve the date they would like. Sauter's Inn has two rooms for host- ing your business or family party. From 40 to 70 people can comfortably be accommo- dated. Yet, whatever the occasion, Mike and Helen promise that you will definitely enjoy the relaxed European atmosphere, comple- mented by the great food. "Many of our customers bring their European visitors to seethe attractivecourt- yard," says Mike. And thesevisitors are r never disappointed with the restaurant's international menu It comprises a vanety of schnitzels. goulash, chicken papnkash, pork hocks, sole, steak, and much more As forGerman desserts, you'll findthe likes of mouthwatering strudel to tempt yourpalate. Your choice from the menu will be complete with a refreshing stein of Ger- man draft or other beverage Becoming tncreastngl% well known for its Sunday brunch, families can enjoy this German -style meal year round, which in- cludes hot and cold buffet dishes. Brunch is served every Sunday from 10.30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Once you've experienced the all -you - can -eat Sauter's Inn brunch, you'll want to return repeatedly. While in the Courtyard, Mike invites you to visit the authentic Irish Courtyard pub, for an added treat. Sauter's Inn is at 109 Old Kingston Rd. in Ajax; tel. 427-6760. Calling all nightclubs, restaurants and 11 entertainment destinations! Advertise where people will see you. In Hot Spots. -`Ow 160 Hot do Col! llfnatl0nat Food WC11 tr SL N.,,:;.:H _AJYS- Vlest Indian Take -Out Oxtail • Curry Chicken • Curry Goat • Stewed Chicken • Jerk Chicken -Roti -Much More a; ^Anners Indude 29 Harwood Who Rice, Peas & Rlce, Ave. S., Ajax a Yam. Banana Dumpling 'WE DELIVER (905) 428-3003 c1 �'�RIO� 49,41- You COO - EAT SVNpAY BRU6I1V ,' EVERY %O 11�0 a.m. - 2:00 Po] in. �� �o17ut cut �2ifTern'�' 44 Tiunt t., _Ajax 6a3 -W7 ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE Live via satellite SAT., OCT. 15TH, 10 A.M. NEWCASTLE VS. CRYSTAL PALACE Listen to the sounds of JIM O'GRADY Sat., Oct.15th, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. AL MATTHEWS Sun., Oct.16th, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. +�. :; :..�.. ::a^ c2. "<'.,..::8'�L'y` .'t};LI.R:E... i��'M:�.a': �-'f`!1'/.: . .. r>., ,. .<• . .. .... AN ELEGANT;ESTA jRAN- -CP ALL XCASIONS . 4 DAIL4US4NES DtNNLP U':E ENTER K THURSDAY: DINO STAKOS, GUITAR, VOCAL FRIDAY DONNA BARBER, PIANO SATURDAY: PAUL GRECO, PIANO OUR FOOOPREP.RED TO ORDER ESPECIALLY FOR YOU �T25 K1Ni.6TON RD PICk EKING I 68s 7000 OR INF05OURCE 6811p.EO I�DU.71 r +�. :; :..�.. ::a^ c2. "<'.,..::8'�L'y` .'t};LI.R:E... i��'M:�.a': �-'f`!1'/.: . .. r>., ,. .<• . .. .... 1 PAGE 26-A•THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, OCTOBER 12, 1994 VALUE DAYS.. In today's economy, businesses want their advertising to hit the intended target the first time around. That's why Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser developed VALUE DAYS. VALUE DAYS is a flyer distribution developed to service small to medium size businesses. Look for flyers from the following businesses in your mailbox tomorrow. I %%. 46L . 3 TOPPINGS P17JA (11"iSIJCE) E N IN(:S 42-2 24 VU I NFJMNM 11 TOPPINGS PIZZA (11- 10 SLICE) O12 N INGS 3P()PS blww an.. nn9a`.a 9w.. Infosourcc Harwood FishQChips ltltllfftllf iI (X'Restaurant 7EE _ .. DINE IN OR WCEOUT ALL MEM! ITEMS ODOKED N CHOLESTEROL FfIEE VEGETABLE OE We've boon In 1M food b9d M IT over 30 poem Opwl 7 slays a week 3 llarrtrood Ana. MIE [3EL°Lntario IVER For FmI Tr ft lam pu� C11111 irel 1111,27-12" -rho P"Ple»lftah Look for your Pickering Town Centre newsletter coming to your door this week. = = ®. I LAR(.F 3TOPI"GS PIZZA (K" 1. IJCE) 2 0 16 Fq*N 9n94 loP►1K:. a s p1M...A.ltMi« box #7029 I KAM SIZE ! 1YSPPMaIN PIZZA Alt-XIS"EiSLH:EI 0 24 'A J%GS • POPS 0 iii .,•, 694 nM►w1Aa7 93T4..i .l MJ.: w BILLL'%"GSGATE Fisb & Chips 0 -1 50 -- HADDOCK SPECIAL :Non., Tues., Vied. ONLY. Purchase 2 orders of Fish & Chips at the regular price ($3.95) and receive 1 order of Fish & Chips FREE PRESENT COUPON WHEN ORDERING EXPIRES OCT 3WSr 46 Church St. S. (905) 686-0901 f71= :.=- 1�,,�„ ..►•. TO iso oso U .[�IA,M rut G. n.L.:.oA loin G.00E a„pry. w ti ]J 7.br a Vpp..s 1, .9 y.pyU ..9 GarCCn ..9 _rq�. AAAA 9.9 ..a.o 599 �.... AAA A.. .99 _. A 0 .. :90 • .moi..— ..9 U A.6.. .. Y M.aO M'.0 .AW > y. LLL. S. our PLUS MANY MORE nVa 1550 Kingston Road Pickering 831-0831 For additional sizes & prices, call Info Source #7037. AJAX 439-0000 7-141-1- *1-10161-1111111 homes superv&W a kLvacw. clients' oW11'a lhiatfry mafntaM►1ed. a Mauls a e%W~t provided. SN Of Damm The Old I 1. n-oonnl A R9I-.Ar a Dm�a.. - — Take a Break From Your Hec tic• Pare.. Relax and Enj(q Our Warm Atmosphere and FineCuisine Todav! `l °iP. ZP Ft A..I :4.,.,,. —4 �J—a f..t. (905) 831-1000 1294 Kington Road, Pk -kc i i Livc-rp(x)l R(W) Durham Carpet ' 60 OZ 100% Continuous Filament Nylon Premium High Density Underpad ' Expert Installation ' 30 Colours To Choose From ' 10 Year Wear Warranty ' Stain Safety 785 Westney Rd. S. #5 Ajax 427-8838 ing Info Box #17028 7027 vlb;�) I I lu sot 250 Bayly St.. FRESH DAILY hovh S• t Ajax Soup Info Source Open box At Sandwiches 7031 24 Hours I hl 1-4-1, �` ISL-% -i-1 I10!1lky\1 BREAKTHROUGH NATURAL HERBAL ENERGIZERS • Feel better •Look better Have more energy Introductory offer - 5% discount off all products. Seeing is Believing! FOR DETAILS CALL 905486-4317 Infosource #7035 Check your infosource directory on page 35 to listen to a detailed message from the businesses, on this page plus many more! For more information on Infosource contact Martin Edwards at 683-5110. NE RC It ING O.H.W% 1`0 rI IR11\TI) .N , GEWAALCONTRACTNG J&BABATHROOM9A.e� .<� .RCA(16 BATHROOM s A SEVENTH • Vlkn s109a -CERA M: nes LINGS LA DSCAPNG .00VVE EYSEA -HOUSE 80OLIS10 -alwvTIE waaa-uaiatoesnmo) ROWER 0313 •GARAGE CLFAMVS -SOGOFIO-SW.L9air OAwt. ►S - G.IOM MIFO A9SE1SllMG •MMIM6(M1F1Y011EORFlr01+ PATIOS. SIIERLOCA STONER-AI.RI161T PASR7IG PLAWNGSCurIm TREE-OOOA$i -1IEEIYIOML .H619O11 WLMTM0 . am= WnSa (LOUR ISOS1" . 9@COE IWAA E n1SRS10 1010002"01Q10 ALSO FOR SALE IORML1rM&WALOS I» •RIWADO0 WILL TLB E TOPE -ORII6AMT ONIONS 4000 -scAuw�uloEHr -COMNAMMtIAM FOUND uMm 1 91101LAH'Lw1rMSOF EACH MCRIAWSroaRoEUlm SHOW ME YOUR CHEAPEST ESTIMATE AND ILL BEAT ITr (905) 619-2145 KEEP IN TOUCH WITH Ostwwo/WMtb This Week nfosoe'���A�''w u rce 3-7040 w 683 7m es" When prompted Enter 5010 if you touch lone or push Iron telephone that enter the 4 -digit are not familiar nits (ones its a code of your choice with this system. "Wa. wnl(o t� from the directory Press ' to end lu Pickering seas 1)r0Vtded. Vour caM. T ickerin PICKERING — The Pickeri Toshiba minor peewee `A, hockey team salvaged a 5-5 1 with the Barrie Flyers at Don Bc Arena Monday night. Pickering roared back with t goals in the final three minutes earn the draw. S t r o n g goaltending �G was supplied by Aaron Gray and M M a t t 1' McMullen, 9 the latter A�O� coming up with two bia saves on breakaways in the last minu of play. Clint Randolph scored tw goals, with singles to Sean Sadie Steve Johnson and Jaso McCauley. Paul Cain and Mich Mitchell had two assists apt . - with one each to Jaynes Follet Johnson, Spencer Cameron. Crai Hilbom and Sean Grieve. In the season opener i Richmond Hill last Sat urda Pickering came out on the sho end of a 7-5 score. A steady parade to the penalt box was too much to overcome Pickering was given 29 minutes i penalties, including a five-minut ♦SKATING Ajax skaters figure out ice tests AJAX — Ajax figure skaters figured out their Fall School Tests at the Ajax community centre recently. Passing their figure tests were Meagan Reuben (first figure), Meredith Leedle (second figure) and Amanda Kinna (fourth figure). Making the grade on their preliminary dances tests w e r c Samantha Barber and Kimesha Witter (Dutch Waltz), Natalie Pazilli, Sylvia Nesci and Caroline Vincent (Baby Blues). Lauren Leslie passed her willow test in the junior bronze dances category. Passing their senior bronze dances tests were Adriana DiGiorgio (Four(censiep), Meredith Leedle, Lindsay Gaylor, Adriana DiG�rgio, Jennifer Clabby and Michael Crichton (European). Lindsey Brown passed the tango while Jennifer McGillis was successful on her American test in the junior silver dances section. Siobhan Johnson and Carrie Norman passed the Starlight, while Denise Hynes succeeded in the Blues test in the senior silver dances category. Passing their gold dances were Darcy McAlear (Viennese) and Kate Bourke (Quicks(ep). Passing her gold freeskaie test was Cindy Dauncey. Dauncey, a professional coach with the Ajax Figure Skating Club, is the club's first skater to acquire gyuadru�le fold -status. _ �s� THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., OCTOBER 12,1994 -PAGE 27-A Toshiba• minor earn tie major. with singles to Randolph and two assists, with one each to Johnston, Scott George, David McCauley scored a hat trick, Mitchell. Mike Cuzzolino added Randolph, Mitchell. Steve Lewis turd Follett. wo to to , r, n gel o , y , n Y. n , , as e , e LE R T During the 1994 Clearout, your Ontario Nissan Dealer is offering , low 5.8% retail financing on every remaining '94 Sentra 4 -door, Altima and Maxima. Inn a% Nwan S"tra DU L -&W fln am Nwan Atbm IE , :12,690'75.8%stat Rmicin $1600" /5.8%wa nnancins ■ St.rnrLrul traturr\ tn.ludr I lU hcx,ctxmt i tit.rnrlu;c lratun, mucurc i.rl nonrlx)%%rr , I6lrtrrDOW I6-valrrrngrnr.lxrwrrbrakr-, 2il1r1rI0H( I(­c•rhrr•ngrnrdualauKtg, t-whc•c•Itndrprndrnt,u,lx•n,xm.childlrcxrcteddoor ;,lxakcrA\1/I�l rcrcucavcttr , la k,, i pA%srngrr watrng.,tvlyd- pa,.sivr ;-whrr•i ,rr r r:,: .lu.d Ix»err mirror, strrl whrrIs. dual out,rdr muror,and much morr crcu,r control ills ,tyre:;:., rrl and much mo;r , Dt t+!!1 Nissan MaximaCNE , _ .. Animm hiumcd w ,nc n,�.tt I I* , • • r� nwnth, �1r11NN1 S' l'!f+ , 5.8%ftwFl t I; I N 11) 5: /,,►y Standard fratwr, include• too hor,rlx)wrr. ;Il lrtrr Vii rnguu• , lxiwrr,c•ats window, antrnl>.c Ctdoor Icxk,. AS1/FSt IINlwatt 5'i! tMNI Dolhv,trrcoca,scttc krvlr„rnnv,vucm.annthcttalarm. allovwhrc•I,.( K-frrrautotc•nrl)rrdtutc•au-condrnonurg:5'�UIItI Sn(I15 , drivrr,-sidracrbag. heated out,rth• mrnor,and noch tmore ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL LEASE RATES. , Nssa11- , offers the best auteetttotire full line u►artratttx , • 1� year J II111111111 km ,S1aMrt (umlxmc nt, Warranty• (� vrat J II NLINNI km Fnu„ron ( ow fol Sv,tc•m A'M rants• • 0 year Rust I'c ttotanon (ovc rage w rth unittnrtrd krlomrtrc,•.� vcatJ811.1►IIU km (an.tnty wuh tic, I t-ducnblr , • 3 vt•at/ loll-hc•c 2; -how Rtuchuk A\,r,tancr anvw he rc m (.mala/( onrtnrntal 11SA • .1 vrar I ra, c•I I'Iannrrtg "WIVIu• Your Ontario Nissan Dealers. Making it easier to get the car you really want. CRII 1-500-361-0122 for further information. , r4rur,l.opl..Ju.n.u.wAM b...pruuarr.I Jrr, .rhr.n..r,.0 rMn...xhlr. n„ril 1,r.nrrh.Oir �r�rr.,.I`^N\:..«•1--14- Alnn.r.uh l lL.nn.r :., h 6o'.,& 'a”, lw, «rpt. V•rl.rr,«.rn.rJ.•. nrl•..x•:>r.A/'H,.,;�rpn..r tht 0A r.,l.a:.;,•'yr•..r!h lranllwl\r..mr,rvr,,l,lr+rrlN l.•yr/.ur.l Ihrnu hr1,1)1 inn.uhllhnh.r.«.rlr.dlItrr.�r,h dry t..r rl. r.rr(. 14 J.r rrnn .. it h. L.. :: -:tet- -s -� s :s :_ ■.-�.�-.s-as ■'-W.s'atAr.WWW W W W 111c'." PAGE 29 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, OCTOBER 12, 1"4 ♦ HOCKEY Atom Raiders suffer two losses in `AAA' action AJAX-PICKI'RING — The Ajax -Pickering Raiders LUI:B Glendale mikjor alorn 'AAA' rep hocked• team suffered two rc�_,ular- season losses recently. Despite an all-out eftbrt to net the equaliser, the Raiders fell shot to the York Sinlcoe Express. The Express scored an empty -net marker to salt away the yin. Colin Jennin`_s. AJAX Ryoma Ito and Tvier McGre�_or scored for the 1_01:13 major atoms. with assists to Rocky Ruta with two and Andrew Hopkins with a sin�_le. Scott Gray played %yell in net for the AAA 1 Raiders. AAA The Raiders were doubled s the RRIDEWS Richmond Hill/Vaughan Kings 6-3. Jennings. Jeff Tobin and Ruta each scored for Ajax -Pickering. Assisting were Ryan Morgan, Michael Carroll and Ito. Please recycle this newspaper a er ,EVER AOA IN! Na War Amps video series 'In a war, everyone suffers ... we must never let It happen again." The War Arrllps bt;r 'If" it has a responsibility to wam younger Venetradoris aboLd the true horrors of war. Who better to recount the baths as they really happened than the veterans ,who experienced war firsthand? The NEVER AGAIN! Videos provide historical accounts of Canada's participation in the First and Second World Wars and Korea. Military preparedness may be a necessary deterrent, but we must strive to avoid another global conflict. For more information about NEVER AGAIN! please contact: The war Amps National Headquarters 2827 Riverside Drive 1 ,; -Ottawa, Ontario K1 V DC4 i Tel.: (613) 731-3821 (Ottawa) or 1.800-268-8821 cnwrtabr. RogMmCron Numbs. Meeal 09 A S t;ggGCSsoaty-1 pN� Pickering7;'mc CAr Marine (905)837-0653 ;1 „,,1OV'" i1 fir; Obituary Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 Toll Free 1-800-461-4848 Cemetery Monuments Granite or Bronze Markers -We sell memorials for installation at all Ontario cemeteries, including Pine Ridge Memorial Gardens, Erskine, Groveside & Duffins Meadows After Hours 668.4460 or 721-9882 Horne appointments gladly arranged TRY OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU DECIDE All-star cricketers on tour in Bahamas AJAX - PIC•KFRI I6 the Durham All-Star Cricketers are currenth. participatute in a cricket tourn.iment in \a.sau. Bahama. The tour started this pa.,[ Dundas and will continue throueh to Sunday. The all-stars feature 12 local pla}ers and a team manager Captain :\neer Omar of Ajax will he assisted by Grayson Shillinford. a past national plater of the West Indies Test Team, who also represented Canada. Other members of the team include Fd \Welch. Flamm Quenshi. from Ajax, and from Pickens; the club's president ley Ratnasingam. Kamru Shamasdin. Raj %'adera. Imran Malik. Steve \Williams. Thiru Suseenthiran. Karim Keshvani, and Bruce !Maxwell of OshaHa. A jax, Pickering novices split two -game set AJAX -PICKFRIN6, - the Max Kni ,has Video Game Junction minor novice 'AA' h,wke% team split lca_'ue contests with Pickerui , recently. The Knights were defeated 5-3 by Pickering in the fiat ,arae of the two- gameset. Craig Mclk said had two goat to lead Ajax, with Ben Piemontese getting the other marker. Robert Beckett contnbuted two assists. with singles to Brock Robinson. Jesse Adams. Joshua O'Dea and Adam Elvin. Andrew Dissanayake scored two goals for Pickering. Michael (\finning. Chris 'Wilkinson and Trevor fray notched the other markers. Adam Wan Dyk recorded three helpers, with Rlinniil_. Wilkinson and Chink Btitskey adding one apiece. In the second game. Ajax refounded for a 3-2 victory. Piemontese, Derek Kelloway and Jesse Adams scored for the Knights. Stephen Ross Budai counted two assists, with single helpers to Pietnontese and Kyle Cunningham. Blake Araujo and Dissanayake scored for Pickering, with assists to Kevin Dudgeon and Brad lfughes. Ajax The Kwon -Dos fight way to medals AJAX — A local martial arts school captured 26 medals at the recent International Tae Kwon -Do Tournament in the It.S. The Ajax -based Colin lames School of Tae Kwon-Dio competed at the tournament in North Carolina and finished second in the team fighting category behind Spain and ahead of the U.S. contineent. Richard \Wiltshire. Charles Wiltshire and Chris Madden Jr. all won double _,old medals in both the forms and sparring divisions at the event. Also earn&_, top spat were Michelle \Wlltshirc.:\aron Wiltshire. Mathew Madden. Ali (Iihafour. Rommel ( ahanatan. Mike Mandarello. Colleen Land•_raff. Maria Macabno_ and Remmy Macahlo`_. - Silver medalists were I.eisa Wiltshire. Don (;ou`_h and Jerome ('ahanatan Earnln_ hronic %, ere Michelle \Wiltshire. Justin. Wiltshire. Jerome ('ahanatan. Fnedel AnNtN 1 and Chns \Whitlock Ajax soccer girls Durham champs AJAX \Wildcats under -13 girls' rep soccer team ended its season on a high note by defeating Pickenng in shootoutc to win the Durham Cup. The two teams played to a 2-2 tic during regulation time to force a shootoul. Christine Axe and Candace Chapman scored for Ajax. Axe drew first blocd in the shcxoout followed by a goal from Natalie Uayy. United goalkeeper Jessica Nelson made two diving saves a) keep Ajax in front for good. Stephanie Gau.iet also sexed for I lnited. The Wildcats beat \Whith) twice in Cup playoff action. winning the first Same 2-1 on goals by Natasha Smith and JWia Rick.:\jax elutunated any hope of Whitby reaching the Cup finals with a 3- 0 victory. Chapman scored a hat trick. while Davy added one for _o od measure. SCOREBOARD AJAX BRIDGE CLUB RESULTS FROM TUES.. SEPT. 27 'A' FLIGHT — NORTH -SOUTH Helen Johnston and Jim Martell 63%. Ed Burgan and Sonia Bell 58.5%: Hennca and Walter Soetens 57%: Donna Diz g and Hatez Dandouh 54%: Monica Duquette and Frank Pacnler 53.5%. EAST -WEST Mary and Rene Lawand 66%: John Arblaster and Mel Barlow 60.5%: Taky Bohoss an and Andzel Kol nsk 59.5%: Mauve Shorten and Alex Dear 58%: Fred Day and George Creighton 563%. 'B' FLIGHT — NORTH -SOUTH Dave Orme and Lorne Sykes 50%: Jacqueline Mollaret and John Atkin 47.6%. EAST -WEST Maurie Shorten and Alex Dear 58%. Peter Jennings and Mike Bekk ng 47.6% RESULTS FROM OCT. 4. Stratified Open pars Silver points 'A' FLIGHT 1 Fred Day and George Cre gnton: 2. John Barton and Mike Norman, 3 Mark Martinek and Doris Oodenvelde: 4 Neil Holmes and Pete Molt. 5 Flo Bain and Herb Gladman: 6. June Pattison and Hatez Dandoun. 'B' FLIGHT 1. Gene Lengyel aro Gei.-3e Rutkowski '2 n Nancy Adams and Judi Deby: 3. Sandra Vinson anti Ga,1 Wooe.,OW, 4 Dave Orme and Lorre Sykes SPONTANEOUS, attractive, s male 23, 62', tired of head ga .epks attractive, athletic female 1.1 lot friendship first or pos rr:,ahorship. SY 1427 (COB) ESTABLISHED. attractive mak; tic• dependents, seeks sir ritino female, with We. class ria heart SY 1428 (OSH) SINGLE. while male, 26, 6'1'. h, nor -smoker. enjoys many 1^ r activities, country music - :ies, seeking slim female. A - .r -smoker. with similar inter( SY 1429 (OSH) ESTABLISHED while male. 42, �.� Mark hair, brown eyes, I sirg 68 Chevy. Spnrgsteen. :es. picnics, playing guitar, c 1s. seeks slim, non -smoke ial dnnkina female. 32-42, for )v9 SY 1438 (OSH) ^ 7 blonde Bond. license to ex :-ale. diamonds may be fore I could be a girls best fne -akmg slim to medium b( -laic, non-smoking. 20.27. 57 (OSH) NCERE. ;:. ;reed. while male. br"r,r hair, blue eyes. horx ,ependent, lives in the count vs all aspects of nature. distil ,.life and bar scene,' Seeks -male with no young childrf --e 7talnies SY 1463 (COB) A7RACTIVE ma;e divorced, ea who enjoys ick km_, and stupid movies, wol to meet female. 27.38 mL e a Serve of humour. for Ener C D ss bie long-term relatlo : SY 1469 -^ NEST, cinrere and fired of t CCtrs. male. 20. looking al female. for fnendshl :c _'o rc;;1iG^Ship. SY 14 :SH' -:NEST -%e 4C 62". 235 b -' : gmnaer vtially 5h ice of humi�;,r. not b eroSled in honest layf e 9nh:us would like 'en,alo 20-40, for frondsh ^'- 'veil' -nshlo SY 148 :5h -✓ y o5 bingo, bow A+ fie park. receivin gethemess, ;-An-ro'rearm male. 32. ice^ arts -eks a lady 20 :ermanent relationship iT 1 ^ack Chone rumbert S `iC COBi '•"EREST NG v.orced roan aft 6' brown haft and n3sxvof 10-Ima6or7ry ng .utsae of Port Per -tied •n'rawel seeks a woman "11ondshic first SY 1523 :_`rTLEMAN -azure. understand - 44, "Ing for a 31-40 who enjoys children. .a s good intends. music, auto �l rnovies. long talcs and cosy -r1ngS. look r,')r Someone 10 :n 40, SY 1525 (OSH) one olrrr.,ed. 41, 55•. k^; , for a down to -earth X -4C ", an honest, open af,:nshlp Sencus calls only. SY • i45 fOSHI `_NGLISH ;enfleman, early 305. ?n!•:.,-loonlo walks, dancing 1,J:iet evenings. seeks an attrac- frt female. 30-45. for meaningful ;i,onship Kids welcome. iLolila. Ise cal back with your number). Sy 1550 (OSH) EASYGOING male. 33. 57', brown rreAn eyes, wide variety of -'-rests. enjoy cooking, travelling, _'npmg, fishing, long walks and '-el evenings, seeking a lady, 24 for friendship, possible relation. SY 1554 (OSH) BLUE -eyed, sirgle, while reale, 29. -r.An hair, enjoys country and -western music, fast cars, sports, ekes children, loves animals and horseback riding, if interested, Please call SY 1558 (OSH) FRIENDLY male, young 42, parr native, various interests, dining out. movies, marshal arts, fishing and :ottage life. seeking a lady who is anesi, sincere and someone that I :an spoil. Dennie: Call back. SY I"vmg, single, white male, 37, awn hair, brown eyes, 57', 135 , who enjoys lie and spending let evenings with that special y. SY 1577 (OSH) VCERE, easygoing, personable, Ti gentleman, 34, with positive 'look, loves the outdoors, seeking n. single, white lady, 28.38, non- oker, working moms welcome, nds first. SY 1578 IGLE father, faldy attractive, 39, osis sports, likes long romantic its and quiet times at home, fairy kn-io-earth, not into the bar tie looking for friendship, poss,- relatlonshp. SY 1579 (OSH) • CALL ANYTIME • 24 HOURS A DAY • 7 DAYS A WEEK J Hem's how h/ use the ser, ice: I. Select :hc atlf,l -u vk i,li 1(,rc,prind to and Make liole III life four Ji^II SN IIIa11141C" tllllil fief that appears at the end of cath ail y ou are intcrc,led in. 2. t'.ine a touch Ione Iclephrvlie call I-116-976-1991 ;u n_ time of the Jay. N'ou inu�l he Ailhin the 9(),;9(),;arca colic to accca Sincerely Your, telephone ,cn icc. 3. (hire you are connck.9ck1 Iilllmk the ,implc nl,iruchon,. You will haw'c file option of respondine to a ,peritir ail or hrow,ine Cnire Ill lllfhlC '(1ee1111L% from Sincerely four, adccrtiscr, A ulun e wll catceo- ry. Gil ahead, try the ,ercice out an(l ,cc Ilou, ca,y it I, nI u,c. Need assistance? (-all I -!4141 -3x7 -%INN) ;u 0inc hetwccn 111;(x) a.m. to 1_2 midi •hi. 7 (ai,. You will not he charJ,cd for fill, call For pler,nns 1R %can of age and over. n_ HUMOROUS a, 'aC'Ne 58. enjoys sports. walk - he Ing, movies and dinners. seeking a for female. 30-45. for friendship firs;. p, possible relationship SY 1580 70 (OSH) ATHLETIC. alractrve. single shoe s 2J. 6 2-. enjoys music, soon$ Y. camping. movies and motorcicie; ad looking for a slim single Ah'f5 ul female 1°-29 for possible relation. 1, Shp, SY 1581 SINCERE gentleman 36. anracwO :OAn-t)-earth good sense Of humour atsi to m?el air^n:noSt f warm, attractive lady. 30.12 Ano is g a one-man *Oman for friendship m first SY 1582 (OSH) NEW'- no a'9a kne:;, simr10 Ahrte ma e 21 looking for a female 1?- 25. If old time rock n roil the Oafs y and the Outdoors ikkle y -lu so All ! sense of humour a mus; SY 1583 HONEST ^cere. blond hal, D:ue eves 1.:, 150 lbs., smoker non- drinker. loves bicycling. movies and dining out. Interested In meeting a Pretty blond. 35.45 Social dnnkar and single moms welcome SY 15&1 (OSH) SHY Tale. 25. who Ickes balks. dinners. country music. quiet evenings, boking for single. white female 20,26, for friendship Possible relationship. SY 1585 (OSH) WARM -hearted, caning attractive maie 33 seeking that special woman. 19.30, to spoil and Damper Serious inquiries only SY 1586 (OSH) ARE you tired of the bar scene and are a single lady. 22.29, then this 510', blue-eyed, single, white male 25 would like to hear from you. SY 1507 (OSH) EASYGOING. fun yet quiet. black male. ma 30 s. likes movies. music. comedy, dining and conversation, is looking for a sensitive, fun, open- minded female. for a relationship SY 1588 (OSH) SEPARATED, white male. 4C. 510'. 175 lbs., black hair, brown eyes, non-smoker, enjoys the out- doors, movies, warm hugs and a good sense of humour, would Ike to meet a female with sinwlar interests for relallorshp. SY 1589 (COB) ATHLETIC, sensitive male. 35. blonde hair, blue eyes, dog lover, enjoys sports and music, seeking to, sincere, non-smoking, single female, 25.35, for a possible rela- tionship. SY 1590 (OSH) PROFESSIONAL make, 28, 5'10". 165 lbs., blondish hair, hazel eyes, enjoys dung, dancng and movies, seekng a female, 26-33, for hies ship first and maybe more. SY 1591 r (OSM) TRUSTWORTHY male, 29, on ds- ly ability pension, epilepsy, enjoys dancing, walks, sports and quiet F evenings, would like to meet a sin- t cere, raring lady, 25.30, for friend- w ship or possible relationship. SY 1592 (OSH) 1 HI, this s Doug, 41 and 5'8'.1 like to go to stows and dinner, but best of S all, I Ike romantic evenings at home. So i you are a Caucasian, average build. 21.40, female, hey, we 11 have si some fun! SY 1593 S HONEST, attractive, to male, 29. E with a great sense of humour. to ._ :. and S:C a izln,. Sok ng fir a att'actvre honest :anng female 24_ for fnendshp and a cossible reationshp SY 1595 (OSH) QUIET 5 - 5.rgie - ;^^c '-•ale 24 5'C. erj,ys hockey rcmant: walks and quiet evenings at home looking for a down•6-o-earth female 18.26 Neth similar interests I -r trierx�hic and a DOSSIb E reiahon- shrp SY 1596 (OSH) NICE -'..s firnsr ias1 Separate, ath= ''wr 36 �cves m:v.Os canClr nuSr and Sp.rS. 'i;kir^ .o share time Adh a s,9rial lacy single moms beiccme. SY 1597 EXECUTIVE caw dac 4: f6rnaiE r''at erlry5 rm'M and lancing Must have Dassicr fir fe and a s:'Ong sense of se'- este9m SY 1598 GOOD ^; �`? t.,ra' 32 h-rey ani ca Ing kith a serse of humour Seeks an a"rac- live. down -tic -earth larn, 23.2y with similar qualties, for a Possbie Long. term re;ahor*IV Single, moms 'Ael- ,Me SY 15H (OSH ALL 'tic goo^ :nes die riot gone :Ae "eart of a guy. single 40's caring. gentle. honest. hunlcurous. aeatrve and romantic Libra Enjoys Ile. seeks sweetheart of a gal wilt similar qualifies. Non-smoker a must SY 1600 (OSH) SINGLE A^ to male 34, caring, canvas ^ale. sincere alcoholic, looking for a Single female. to enjoy ;,line fun times togettx?r. SY 1601 (OSH) VERY :--od-lookln; white male young 42. educated professional and established. athletic and ht. Is ock;n, for an attractive, nen-smxk- Ing, pr:fesslonal female. slim and frt. wth old-fashioned values SY 1602 NICE, easygoing, introspective sin- gle, white male. 31, 6 seeks a reflective. sensitive, single. while female. 24-34, with a sense of humour. SY 1603 (OSH) LOVING, stride. whte male, 24.6 180 lbs., enjoys the outdoors. movies. long walks and quiet evenings, seeks an attractive, sin- gle white female, 18.26, for a possi- ble relationship. SY 1604 (CDB) HARDWORKING single father, 28, enjoys outside activities, camping, bokirg to meet a single female or a mother, 25.35, for friendship, possi- ble relationship. SY 1606 (OSH) LONELY. honest male. 25, seeking a sexy, slim lady, 18.25, non-smok- er, who is looking for a romantic, 3 sexy relationship. SY 1607 SINCERE and honest single male, e 44, 5'9', dark hair, green eyes, ange of interests, looking for an r Wive, financially and emotional - secure female, for a possible sen- f o is relationship. SY 1608 (OSH) AITHFUL and consKderate, attrac- Ne, interesting, single, white male S ants to meet a healthy, good- bl natured, white female mend, 50.65. b or a possible relationship and trips f south. SY 1609 (OSH) g EPARATED father of two, easy- I goIng, athletic, kites sports, racquet- S billy and ferns. would like to meet a E ogle female for companionship to Y 1610 (OSH) ASYGOING male. 29, would like 50 meet a lady, 25.30. enjoys camp- yo r ; and s„ ending qu ei e,o^ing5 home single moms belccme c 1611(OSH, LOOKING' • a female 25.3 Ar-:: -.^cC aM SlnCen? miJst ill 'nuSlr moyiE;, balks r rro •r..r. ght and lnm, out SY 1612 SEPARATE.' hoar Set n int- bar :r rear; games -Kes :L :;:•s Arnie' ar m❑ !:me Searching f:r a shoe lemafe 354 '^r p-ssltle reiati.,sh-p Sing', ^kmskek-m SY'613(COS) HAPDWORKING G:mie male. 33 Io -' - ; a e white 'email 25.H AMC enl:rs rnr. es. balk and TnrlerS, fir'^ems iC. ;rS;Ibl retat)nshm SY 1614 SEPARATE: -'j,? Ahite ma 3r G ...i^1159 erlo,G a SVons. Leafs arc' le .ays ano me music seeking white female 29 35 Aiih similar interests 1: tnendshlp pcsslble relat;onsn mw !iko kids SY 1615 GOOD --king. single while mal ea^, 2': s ooking for a stem, an, live female in her 2: s :nteresi Should Include country music sports. SY 1616 (OSH) CONSIDERATE, active, attractive man, sem-retired, wishes to meet a one man woman for relationship, possible manage, many interests. one who knows what she wants, prefer 50.60. SY 1617 TALL, attractive, sirgle, white male. 1, seeks tau, attractive, mature, sirgle. white female, 25.35, who is asy-gong, honest. sincere, serr+ true and romartic, for a meaningful elatioinshp. SY 1618 (CISH) MALATTO male, 24, seeking single emale, interested n music movies id personal get-together. SY 1619 SH ENSIiIVE male. 32, short dirty onde hair, happy-go-lucky guy yes hockey espeaaly leafs, 1A. Ing for lady, 20.30, to attend Leafs ames 94.95 season gold seats coking for long-term relationship Y 1620 OSH ASYGOING, divorced male. 63. yes dancing and trips south, is loo for a good-natured female. -. who knows what she wants. If u thunk you are this woman, call THE NEA4'S ADVERTISER, WEU., (X-TOBER 12,1994 -PAGE 29-A AP - g„ u_'oi«y, tic le es' .::-.ct,onalk segue' Are y II fit ;'ear shaver have browr ha k a got Siwe r the Pickering Ajax area . ,rtt u5ly Amo w IS a 0 rr. ask b nave a lot ; c offer SY 2059 ! CSH) C MALES 35.45 rN 7,t,- , a a eve veil by the larg e packaae .•r the pialn wrapping, to ac ;nsile there is a ioveiv present S made n 1458. from smcem and h, % and Tots of TLC SY 206 CSH' Al -7.E. iiriced Homan, 45. 5 -- cu- :IV nonde with f1az81 eyes. OOk n,')r a sincere and hones t"!Oman 46-50 SY 2097 tNTHUSIASTiC emale 3C e n -elk ^ ..C< and good times Seek ng prlessional such a ..lkemar or firerran. single whit male. 30-38. who is sensitive. ?st and outgoing, for a long-fe . teiahnnsh:p. Pick:' -g. SY 2116 (OSH) SLIM 'a 3ttractve female. 45 sin- xre noresl enjoys theatre danc- ing. walks and a good joKe would like til meet stable man with Similar mlerests and a good sense of humour SY 2117 (OSA) FULL -FIGURED temaE 41 140 lbs . smoker whc enjoys fishing, camping and quiet evening at home seeks male 30-50, who Is secure and ready for a senous relationship Children welcome. SY 2132 OSH SINCERE. attractive female. 25. 510'. ex -model, enjoys the outdoor activities and spending quality time at home, seeking an easygoing male, 20.25. for friendship and a Doss*A relationship Single fathers "Icon. SY 2135 (OSH) SENSITIVE female, 23. short brown hair, happy -plucky. loves music, swimming, hockey and baseball, would lie to meet male with good personality, understanding and is easygoing for pfxssibke relationship. SY 2137 (OSH) GUINEVERE (Amazon -not Glamazon) in search of Lancelot, 28, brunette, intense romantic, allediorele, music lover, also loves travel, movies and horseback riling, seeking a caring, sensitive knight with a passion for life. SY 2138 (�) SINGLE, sexy. black female, 24 looking for a single. sexy, black male, 24.35, enjoys sports. movies, quiet evenings and long walks. only romantic men searching for a seri- ous relationship need apply. SY 2140 WANTED: one nice, sincere guy. d Buie, h, -,me life Seeks since, ' dw Nlth s�miaf 'ntere5lS ^ - is! ^a.e Seise S SELEC-'''oE'e-a,E n,?penne es a+G .cc«s s;rre'c a^. estat sre; -o", Einar An. s ut non-smcker ,:,nq F S Sv 214. (OSH -v SINGLE r. -e. Date. En7isn 'ady e 5 lure ntelligert kve+ r dancing. animals walk; -r th, beach ane romantic ever rigs sent' would ine 'reef a stable gentle 3 man 5:-= '-r :om^: -nsrlp ;OSSIbIv more SY 2145 (OSHI SHAPc-v ^,lr*ra _,441 I, anti - fe I lo•,e r a• _ - r. 1 camping. classical music and God Have good sense of humour arts ploys libido Seek;r-, sngle white male 45.55 5IC" :r :ver with .:orCle S mentar'v cerscnaily SY 2146 e LONELY 3rl -arir: : - bon le: aE likes courtry and west mr ern, fishing and the outdoors _001(ng 10 meet a gentleman. 35- '0 friendship SY 2147 l0SH; FRIENDLY. fu w,gur: ECa a:ed nailer :' < 36 enlO,vs the simple Inings Aa'ks 2n the beach romance and tamv'y Nle, lock:nt';r a sincere male. 35.45 `r fr:end- ship. pcssible relahcnshc. single lathers are welcome SY 2148 (OSH) SINCERE female. 45 eniovs the. atre. 3anang. walks candlelight din- ner, chats by the fire, would like to meet stable sincere, honest man with similar Interests. for frlencift. possible relationship. SY 2149 AFFECTIONATE lady, early 60 s. would like to meet gentleman, 55- 65, ran -drinker. establshed, who likes dancing. travelling a bit and good laughs, fa companionship. SY 2151 ROMANTIC. attractive. single, white female, 34, 5'6'. slim with medium blonde hair. blue eyes and no dependents, kx bV for a sensitive, affectionate male, 3039, for seriars MIODrt4hp. SY 2152 (OSH) PROFESSIONAL female, 47, smok- er, Nkes outdoor activities including camping. fishing, golhg and horse• back riding, country music and dancing, is looking to meet a man. 40.50, with similar interests. SY 2153 SENSITIVE. late 40 s female, meth. um build. 5', short brown hair, non- smoker, non-drinker, loves musk and rides In the country, looking for a caring male for friendship first. SY 2155 SINCERE. single, wthle female, 28, looking for single, while male. 28. 35, for sincere open relationship d Lcves :ounlry mUc r ;nrf Jamil and the outdo�:rs SY 2156 (OSH) EASYGOING A' e', -;e 5 21 a.'urr hair gree eves nor-smrkEr gild rip .l :t ma mour y,":rr a maw 243 SY 2157IOSH! AFFECT CNATE -a- freer eve r-gmr«er Er :rS Aa k " mrrieg ^r.,dlrg ^airs ltrvrr ri Seek rg sxglo 'Hale 50-^, An: -a^ ice ^-reg• icer an Sy 215a FR ENC* -ale a ay ..... :e^pK •W a -�.. % -E Tie -e a ail SY 2159 AFrE:7 CNATE : a,. 4: os - .. r:a ^ wes :res 'tie 1cIGCrS 5kai rg rn Aa ks re e -ares C'k�ng': ma e b:r fr,encishlp leading reiationsinic acct d +oure ocicrr,'o a gcod *:mar 1 - ,,:,:« ^C ' r good roan SY215CCSH' -fe TIC separated one year locking in get baai at r ;sports I 4i Are you ',nteres;ed 'r, Playing racquetball arc ticang other Physica acnvil SY 1161 I+EAR- " ,ery attracliv `e-::= -'.'Ong blonde ham 'arg ,peer Wes. 54 Nth a slim build ores Chridrer anima s soeciaii horses. too 1)r air r-mest sin- cere orl-an,•*ar ':r fnend- ship ty)silble retarionshc SY 1162 (OSH) INDEPENDENT ;-?..dive. 37. 53'. 12: rs :.? eyes. ofMwde. Single rnrlfll, inrk!ng icr afnactrve estab- llsned singe male 354'. who tikes dining, dancing movies, music. walks and into'". aanversalrons. SY 2163 OSH HONEST, sirgle write female seeks a back maie. 20.23. who enjoys spontaneous things and horseback nding, for a serious rela- txgl5hp. SY 2164 ATTRACTIVE 'woman, early 20 s, woo likes long drives. movies. and good tiles, would like to meet sin- gle male. 22, 36, for friendship pos. SIA relationship. SY 2165 FIERY Marlette, attractive. romantic, sincere female, 43.5'6'. slim with Interests In fitness. seeks attractive male, 39.43.5'10' ., physically to. employed, energetic, loves lie and romance. SY 2979 (OSH) TRUCKERS Only. Classy lady driver who enjoys dancing, races and quiet times, is searching for a single. white, male diner who warts to be Rnwed and cherished. SY 2980 SENSITIVE. late 40's female, medF um build, 5'. short brown hair, non• smoker. non-drinker, loves music and holes n the country, looking for a caring male for a good compan- ion SY 3215 TRAVEL. movies. musk, dancing, Whitby This Week. essdc ickenng News Advertiser, Clarrngton This Week 8 Northumberland News assumes no liability for the content or reply to any Sincerely Yours advertisement The advertiser assumes complete liability for the content of, and all responses to any imenl a recorded message and for any claims made against Oshlawa,Whitby This Week as a result thereof. The advertiser agrees to indemnity and hold this publication and Metroland Community Newspapers and its employees harmless for all costs. expenses liabilities ages resulting from or caused by, the publication or recording placed by the advertiser or any reply to such advertisement. by using Sincerely Yours, the advertiser agrees not to leave his,fier telephone number. last name or address in his;hei greeting message WhlbY T4ia Werlkreserves the rght io,revwe, restrict or cancel ply advertisement or Change, the calligor)L in which an ad is placed quiet leisure times and some out- door activities, sounds like you? Professional, educated male. 27, seeks good-looking. non-smoking while male with similar interests. for friendship relalionship SY 5467 (COB) ATTACHED female. 33. 57' 160 lbs.. Aishes to meet an attractive female to get together for da,l me encounters. SY 5489 (OSH) VERY attractive ccuplo 9arly 205. :eking for a very anrarlrre sexual female for get-togelhers and encounters. SVIOus inquiries only SY 5524 ARE ianely, attached lady 20. ^eOling someone who is wiling to listen and to add that extra excite. ,rent for happmesS, 'r- a mar 1ed man 37 who car De thoro for you luno, roJgh ' meS, discretion assured SY 5530 ATTENTION - 9rr 1OUSE'Nives or ;; ,� Acmw^ s,in worker a�adable spice up your lays or e,,erings If ou re skin and between 1945 give e a call Discretion a -s, SY .5441OSH: A^ACHED - ,� 34 5�' -301bs fnenashi,, 3ndor ationshic SY 5545 HVENTa _ .-.. •ihe• Jnr'. Ci�a rg - :';rham arca 'rr'elo*shlC 5-ria -ClOies- ,&re and xrr,e .atl•:r SY 5546 COSI» TINGLE A -re -a,? 21 ar"e _ r'eankness aro ;,5, -• irri assured SY 5547 CSH 4QUiS17VE r a ACair-.-- rs SY 554a OSH MALE ::« 3^ ;• ;-er no :--c 5,rr femae casual wr-urxers SY 5549 CS'- MALE5afir 3C s gree ,C -S • sear,rg Same ,erlse sre av::omLBracrsrS SY 55% C VERY ar a�r,a vie s?e«s s.�a- a enc JmeS-SY 5»1 'OSH s CUA'C' a --ae 5 c SY 5552 ICS_ 3C -SONE 1-ING.: SY 5553 OSH aCS,:'S :r - -. -a tic a'e SY 5554 CSH MA ,�aE -- ea' :,c A- -: - a a :net Ar^ a .%,j ma, - ^ ails 'elu.-ec ^r:r-Lr • 2-c S '? m 'mesas;"Ot, Sv5555!OSH GOOC-,CCCNG -ae :' 5 :ice, ret '- ^eA teas..- a' -'rile A•r'�5 3r imp;hrre 'rag'nai,-" a^^ a :esire f:' excaemert Sy 5555 (OSH e MALE -:-ly 30 5 ^mass :ra e st-C SY555'm^S. J.'or'1Enn,- 26-36 liscrenin exile:'e; ane iss;ded. SY 5.458 'WO --a-es ar, { s are ;ock;r- for 'A: a;lracn'+e tema�e; 2C s nterested in wird limes SY 5559 (OSH TWC -a es. eatty 2C s boc , or olcer Nc r.er :r gcoo'Irnes Sy 5560(OSHI INTERESTING, aCraclive couple .arty :I's *Cwd like 1C Tieel same for fnerdsnip and ;_ Mmes SY 5561 TALL, donde attractive racned female wishes to meet an arraaae male. 6 -. for passic'nate encoun- ters. Nto commitment. Discretion a must SY 5562 (OSH) PROFESSIONAL male. 27 looking for same for fnendship posside relationship, non-smoker SY 5563 GAY male. 23. seeking same. i9 - for tnendshlp. possible relatansho. enjoys clan . navies, socializing and quiet leisure tine. d this sounds like You? Respond SY 5564 (OSH) MALE. 39, looking for an attractive, attached or single female. 2545. for casual encounters, discretion assured SY 5565 (OSH) ATTRACTIVE male dancer, 29 seeks stm older female for Interest' ing romantic times. discretion assured. SY 5566 ATTRACTIVE male. 32. seeks 3 companion for tnendship posslbie relatiOnShp discretion assured and expected SY S567 OSH GOOD-LOOKING male 45. Iookirc for an attractive female 3045 for discreet, affectionate enc:urters discretion assured and expecied SY 5568 MALE, lookup for same SY 5570 OSNt DISH" 'roves tali 'ars'. `rso'aces at CARING, divorced father of two. show !m a simile emoloyed moi 155 lbs 3'rerage-lookng. 4C. 56' blue eyes seek- :or er!:ys piaying cards cuddling. DanK,rshc long term 'elatcrshl romance and MUNN music. Seeks Sinrye lads Dw SY 2141 a female who loves kxtS. for mend- ROMANTIC A"rie'?may9 ;,roroe Ship. DolsSible irng-term relation- 2- s i:• -� frr a Srgle maie al sho SY '622 race 35-45 A s eslacnshe SINCERE. ;•.-•-ec Ante maie 35 Secure and rv;t,l'ax;': commit a• -r.A^ car t,Ue eye erjOVS to smaro a . e -I adorer. Dmgc--c*hrg and came- an rbc great iarts Sy 2142 irg would like f: -el ',hat sperai WELL educate^ areae a Dossit'ie elatknshc SY ^:[ •� :^rrerSat••'roil 4' :,5 1623 OSH AP - g„ u_'oi«y, tic le es' .::-.ct,onalk segue' Are y II fit ;'ear shaver have browr ha k a got Siwe r the Pickering Ajax area . ,rtt u5ly Amo w IS a 0 rr. ask b nave a lot ; c offer SY 2059 ! CSH) C MALES 35.45 rN 7,t,- , a a eve veil by the larg e packaae .•r the pialn wrapping, to ac ;nsile there is a ioveiv present S made n 1458. from smcem and h, % and Tots of TLC SY 206 CSH' Al -7.E. iiriced Homan, 45. 5 -- cu- :IV nonde with f1az81 eyes. OOk n,')r a sincere and hones t"!Oman 46-50 SY 2097 tNTHUSIASTiC emale 3C e n -elk ^ ..C< and good times Seek ng prlessional such a ..lkemar or firerran. single whit male. 30-38. who is sensitive. ?st and outgoing, for a long-fe . teiahnnsh:p. Pick:' -g. SY 2116 (OSH) SLIM 'a 3ttractve female. 45 sin- xre noresl enjoys theatre danc- ing. walks and a good joKe would like til meet stable man with Similar mlerests and a good sense of humour SY 2117 (OSA) FULL -FIGURED temaE 41 140 lbs . smoker whc enjoys fishing, camping and quiet evening at home seeks male 30-50, who Is secure and ready for a senous relationship Children welcome. SY 2132 OSH SINCERE. attractive female. 25. 510'. ex -model, enjoys the outdoor activities and spending quality time at home, seeking an easygoing male, 20.25. for friendship and a Doss*A relationship Single fathers "Icon. SY 2135 (OSH) SENSITIVE female, 23. short brown hair, happy -plucky. loves music, swimming, hockey and baseball, would lie to meet male with good personality, understanding and is easygoing for pfxssibke relationship. SY 2137 (OSH) GUINEVERE (Amazon -not Glamazon) in search of Lancelot, 28, brunette, intense romantic, allediorele, music lover, also loves travel, movies and horseback riling, seeking a caring, sensitive knight with a passion for life. SY 2138 (�) SINGLE, sexy. black female, 24 looking for a single. sexy, black male, 24.35, enjoys sports. movies, quiet evenings and long walks. only romantic men searching for a seri- ous relationship need apply. SY 2140 WANTED: one nice, sincere guy. d Buie, h, -,me life Seeks since, ' dw Nlth s�miaf 'ntere5lS ^ - is! ^a.e Seise S SELEC-'''oE'e-a,E n,?penne es a+G .cc«s s;rre'c a^. estat sre; -o", Einar An. s ut non-smcker ,:,nq F S Sv 214. (OSH -v SINGLE r. -e. Date. En7isn 'ady e 5 lure ntelligert kve+ r dancing. animals walk; -r th, beach ane romantic ever rigs sent' would ine 'reef a stable gentle 3 man 5:-= '-r :om^: -nsrlp ;OSSIbIv more SY 2145 (OSHI SHAPc-v ^,lr*ra _,441 I, anti - fe I lo•,e r a• _ - r. 1 camping. classical music and God Have good sense of humour arts ploys libido Seek;r-, sngle white male 45.55 5IC" :r :ver with .:orCle S mentar'v cerscnaily SY 2146 e LONELY 3rl -arir: : - bon le: aE likes courtry and west mr ern, fishing and the outdoors _001(ng 10 meet a gentleman. 35- '0 friendship SY 2147 l0SH; FRIENDLY. fu w,gur: ECa a:ed nailer :' < 36 enlO,vs the simple Inings Aa'ks 2n the beach romance and tamv'y Nle, lock:nt';r a sincere male. 35.45 `r fr:end- ship. pcssible relahcnshc. single lathers are welcome SY 2148 (OSH) SINCERE female. 45 eniovs the. atre. 3anang. walks candlelight din- ner, chats by the fire, would like to meet stable sincere, honest man with similar Interests. for frlencift. possible relationship. SY 2149 AFFECTIONATE lady, early 60 s. would like to meet gentleman, 55- 65, ran -drinker. establshed, who likes dancing. travelling a bit and good laughs, fa companionship. SY 2151 ROMANTIC. attractive. single, white female, 34, 5'6'. slim with medium blonde hair. blue eyes and no dependents, kx bV for a sensitive, affectionate male, 3039, for seriars MIODrt4hp. SY 2152 (OSH) PROFESSIONAL female, 47, smok- er, Nkes outdoor activities including camping. fishing, golhg and horse• back riding, country music and dancing, is looking to meet a man. 40.50, with similar interests. SY 2153 SENSITIVE. late 40 s female, meth. um build. 5', short brown hair, non- smoker, non-drinker, loves musk and rides In the country, looking for a caring male for friendship first. SY 2155 SINCERE. single, wthle female, 28, looking for single, while male. 28. 35, for sincere open relationship d Lcves :ounlry mUc r ;nrf Jamil and the outdo�:rs SY 2156 (OSH) EASYGOING A' e', -;e 5 21 a.'urr hair gree eves nor-smrkEr gild rip .l :t ma mour y,":rr a maw 243 SY 2157IOSH! AFFECT CNATE -a- freer eve r-gmr«er Er :rS Aa k " mrrieg ^r.,dlrg ^airs ltrvrr ri Seek rg sxglo 'Hale 50-^, An: -a^ ice ^-reg• icer an Sy 215a FR ENC* -ale a ay ..... :e^pK •W a -�.. % -E Tie -e a ail SY 2159 AFrE:7 CNATE : a,. 4: os - .. r:a ^ wes :res 'tie 1cIGCrS 5kai rg rn Aa ks re e -ares C'k�ng': ma e b:r fr,encishlp leading reiationsinic acct d +oure ocicrr,'o a gcod *:mar 1 - ,,:,:« ^C ' r good roan SY215CCSH' -fe TIC separated one year locking in get baai at r ;sports I 4i Are you ',nteres;ed 'r, Playing racquetball arc ticang other Physica acnvil SY 1161 I+EAR- " ,ery attracliv `e-::= -'.'Ong blonde ham 'arg ,peer Wes. 54 Nth a slim build ores Chridrer anima s soeciaii horses. too 1)r air r-mest sin- cere orl-an,•*ar ':r fnend- ship ty)silble retarionshc SY 1162 (OSH) INDEPENDENT ;-?..dive. 37. 53'. 12: rs :.? eyes. ofMwde. Single rnrlfll, inrk!ng icr afnactrve estab- llsned singe male 354'. who tikes dining, dancing movies, music. walks and into'". aanversalrons. SY 2163 OSH HONEST, sirgle write female seeks a back maie. 20.23. who enjoys spontaneous things and horseback nding, for a serious rela- txgl5hp. SY 2164 ATTRACTIVE 'woman, early 20 s, woo likes long drives. movies. and good tiles, would like to meet sin- gle male. 22, 36, for friendship pos. SIA relationship. SY 2165 FIERY Marlette, attractive. romantic, sincere female, 43.5'6'. slim with Interests In fitness. seeks attractive male, 39.43.5'10' ., physically to. employed, energetic, loves lie and romance. SY 2979 (OSH) TRUCKERS Only. Classy lady driver who enjoys dancing, races and quiet times, is searching for a single. white, male diner who warts to be Rnwed and cherished. SY 2980 SENSITIVE. late 40's female, medF um build, 5'. short brown hair, non• smoker. non-drinker, loves music and holes n the country, looking for a caring male for a good compan- ion SY 3215 TRAVEL. movies. musk, dancing, Whitby This Week. essdc ickenng News Advertiser, Clarrngton This Week 8 Northumberland News assumes no liability for the content or reply to any Sincerely Yours advertisement The advertiser assumes complete liability for the content of, and all responses to any imenl a recorded message and for any claims made against Oshlawa,Whitby This Week as a result thereof. The advertiser agrees to indemnity and hold this publication and Metroland Community Newspapers and its employees harmless for all costs. expenses liabilities ages resulting from or caused by, the publication or recording placed by the advertiser or any reply to such advertisement. by using Sincerely Yours, the advertiser agrees not to leave his,fier telephone number. last name or address in his;hei greeting message WhlbY T4ia Werlkreserves the rght io,revwe, restrict or cancel ply advertisement or Change, the calligor)L in which an ad is placed quiet leisure times and some out- door activities, sounds like you? Professional, educated male. 27, seeks good-looking. non-smoking while male with similar interests. for friendship relalionship SY 5467 (COB) ATTACHED female. 33. 57' 160 lbs.. Aishes to meet an attractive female to get together for da,l me encounters. SY 5489 (OSH) VERY attractive ccuplo 9arly 205. :eking for a very anrarlrre sexual female for get-togelhers and encounters. SVIOus inquiries only SY 5524 ARE ianely, attached lady 20. ^eOling someone who is wiling to listen and to add that extra excite. ,rent for happmesS, 'r- a mar 1ed man 37 who car De thoro for you luno, roJgh ' meS, discretion assured SY 5530 ATTENTION - 9rr 1OUSE'Nives or ;; ,� Acmw^ s,in worker a�adable spice up your lays or e,,erings If ou re skin and between 1945 give e a call Discretion a -s, SY .5441OSH: A^ACHED - ,� 34 5�' -301bs fnenashi,, 3ndor ationshic SY 5545 HVENTa _ .-.. •ihe• Jnr'. Ci�a rg - :';rham arca 'rr'elo*shlC 5-ria -ClOies- ,&re and xrr,e .atl•:r SY 5546 COSI» TINGLE A -re -a,? 21 ar"e _ r'eankness aro ;,5, -• irri assured SY 5547 CSH 4QUiS17VE r a ACair-.-- rs SY 554a OSH MALE ::« 3^ ;• ;-er no :--c 5,rr femae casual wr-urxers SY 5549 CS'- MALE5afir 3C s gree ,C -S • sear,rg Same ,erlse sre av::omLBracrsrS SY 55% C VERY ar a�r,a vie s?e«s s.�a- a enc JmeS-SY 5»1 'OSH s CUA'C' a --ae 5 c SY 5552 ICS_ 3C -SONE 1-ING.: SY 5553 OSH aCS,:'S :r - -. -a tic a'e SY 5554 CSH MA ,�aE -- ea' :,c A- -: - a a :net Ar^ a .%,j ma, - ^ ails 'elu.-ec ^r:r-Lr • 2-c S '? m 'mesas;"Ot, Sv5555!OSH GOOC-,CCCNG -ae :' 5 :ice, ret '- ^eA teas..- a' -'rile A•r'�5 3r imp;hrre 'rag'nai,-" a^^ a :esire f:' excaemert Sy 5555 (OSH e MALE -:-ly 30 5 ^mass :ra e st-C SY555'm^S. J.'or'1Enn,- 26-36 liscrenin exile:'e; ane iss;ded. SY 5.458 'WO --a-es ar, { s are ;ock;r- for 'A: a;lracn'+e tema�e; 2C s nterested in wird limes SY 5559 (OSH TWC -a es. eatty 2C s boc , or olcer Nc r.er :r gcoo'Irnes Sy 5560(OSHI INTERESTING, aCraclive couple .arty :I's *Cwd like 1C Tieel same for fnerdsnip and ;_ Mmes SY 5561 TALL, donde attractive racned female wishes to meet an arraaae male. 6 -. for passic'nate encoun- ters. Nto commitment. Discretion a must SY 5562 (OSH) PROFESSIONAL male. 27 looking for same for fnendship posside relationship, non-smoker SY 5563 GAY male. 23. seeking same. i9 - for tnendshlp. possible relatansho. enjoys clan . navies, socializing and quiet leisure tine. d this sounds like You? Respond SY 5564 (OSH) MALE. 39, looking for an attractive, attached or single female. 2545. for casual encounters, discretion assured SY 5565 (OSH) ATTRACTIVE male dancer, 29 seeks stm older female for Interest' ing romantic times. discretion assured. SY 5566 ATTRACTIVE male. 32. seeks 3 companion for tnendship posslbie relatiOnShp discretion assured and expected SY S567 OSH GOOD-LOOKING male 45. Iookirc for an attractive female 3045 for discreet, affectionate enc:urters discretion assured and expecied SY 5568 MALE, lookup for same SY 5570 OSNt PAGE 30-A•THE 11th ADVEi %Q6, Vh*, baa& E 1j,19l4 • , Y ' IK. RAFT DINNER • VEGETABLES • BEANS 100% PURE g PKG. 14 fl. oz. TIIv ORANGE JUICE 3W 131L z'nv " CASE OF 24 .mi.auaao.. r ca 11.99 ss wEA., • 10 LIMIT, POST C9 0 S EREAL ..HONEYCOMB .. USM ASSORTED Froom. GENERAL MILLS CEREAL •ALPHABrrS EA ifflf{/ IlMn s pal'.: t l , + '. 19 oz. TIN EA �� �� .....S 0�H1*111 Kn b `THE FOOD TERMINAL' HE Cut your food bill, shop Knob Hill SHOPDYTAV T proud • DAsseY � SAVE where there's more in-store for you! These prices in effect from Sun. Oct. 9 thru Sat. Oct. 15, 1994 s2.00DEPW +ot._ BONELESS CROSS RIBROAST BEEF 5.kg LB. WEE'PCKLE 2o69 ;OANIN AL SHOAT _ _ PORK LOIN RSH' 10IiACKV#LT1 PEµ`A- Co S' -` 375 g VAC OAC av "�E AmECE 5 A %3149) PRODUCT OF CANADA • FRESM UR PREVIOUSLY FRULENV CHICKEN QUARTERS 1.30 kg LB•Vv v 'XIODLC" GF GREECE A- JEu COUN'Ea KALAMATA OLIVES JiO4SEAGLO SEAFOODS • FROZEN VAC PAC IPP KING KRAB RCZEN "AVENCiS XSSOA CRAB FLAVOUR •ikikHI A616 • LEGS •FLAK ES A• SHAPES 340 g PACKAGE EA 500 g - 1 kg BAG EA a, @N�94wpwnw (Q*E• Q NOYR R>i NOYR=13 ewvt f? NOY /R/11111D Imo= W •01 9af M �� � W 9— UO gust _ MI= • 10L90• Sf - rIF ••, 1 iENY MOWN no a•IYWI at ONE VALUE MALL QAs 250 WEsroNn0 ` 222 uwaoOM•E >� Z22 CNEmv Hf a. CARLAW AVE /� • 82.9. WOOD" STN NYFF 2 ..wa t— lIIICOE a wrloN s =04, 0� M !nM a o E w Y ra ma a wq 4W AVE a o. a a•,n a r WWP Y OEMAIID E 1 a Nw ? a�aac no _�_ ____ rr noAn a Nwv 4o, TORONTO TORONTO TORONTO PICKERING OSHAWA a - a: ve0 tr'� THE NEWS�aY�1�1jti�R,WF:�;°FIi�"s��t:'�!t�1F.E��'A FRF_CH NLVER. FR.OZEIV ` LEG 01F PORK 60 NO MVW D1 SEMEST-SKIMMEC •,% PART ONE LOW AullK LARGE 41. &1G 20%111 PRICE EVERYDAY LOW PRICE _ _ 2.18 kg ONTARIOPORK PRODUCT OF ONTARK PRODtxT OF D�vTAaiC FRESH NEVER FROZENPORK �RES� OR PREVgUSIY cgCZEN ROOUC CF AHA( BV1T SHOULDER SHOULDERS � PORK HOCKS 79 aEsPORK S�IDE� 1 �9 �• SIEAKSa35kgLe / 2'e Lel iTa�j Lel RIBS395k Le 1 1 750 ml. :•- ALL VARIETIES - CASE OF • RC CO LA • C OTT REDPATH GRANULATED WHITE SUGAR, 2 kg BAG EVE" — PRICE FOR 2 CASE LIMIT RVILLERE�E%6AC-=? GLA ZIPPER CATCF+ALLCLEAR MICROWAVE STORAGE _ COMPOST OPPING CORN7M/ FAMILY PACK OF E 1 GjDs EA I I g BAGpwr�SS is �: /. SPJR A��G - 13CC -L E-_ ; 1 •SMORGAS -BEEF & CHEESE BZJ 9 FROM -•- BANANAS SELECT YOUR OWN BUNCH .55 kg Allk om 5 LB. :. LIMIT vr .= H I:A.ArC KSI _e GLGRFxUIr 35,g114 ` e1 • BOSC • BA I-LE'I"I' PEARS `LARGE SIZE 1.74 kg FILL YOUR. `OWN BAG 79 LB., CHOICE LEMONSWIAXRC� YAIVLS L.APGE �T * 'Xis e 1 PRODUCT OF CANADA - V GRADE CARROTS LARGE ILO LB. POLY BAG o6E PRODUCT OF CriNAxipC C' CF Ch'ARIC WHPrE (SARI •CPEPPER xAleo slzECILOV PE18 Iq Ls SQUASHNs] aa _ ANY SIZE •TElOMP90N S®iFSS IXIABV i1S G APESMLAIiGE FlK.JLhim G 218 L Y4DUR 4DWNSIBE 8G -18OiAPH'OF18iOZ �IQ8 M1cQ 7tJELMj •DnLwIm ORwrrHotyPGAW.IC '� +-� nOMAUNM :wn�s n iT ' CE LARGE 1.5L B'1L �• 7 HONEY / FIIA.LNYoGuEWT11 z.ls2E: COLI sum le. ANS 2 L CARTON IYOUR owN 1sA. r-----------------------------� 1 KRAFT GENERAL FOOOS 1 Ems VA JENCIA COQI��TG CW ORANGES oNioNs 1 cw+ow VALID L•rti uosl•c y . ' 1 8 L.B. BAG 10 LB. BAG LSAT �� ����� -J r--- JOMISON Ni IOINSON -- -����-�------------- 1 V � eJ-CI,QIM i POri`ATOES "-"--- 1 1 1 LARGE 10 I.B. FAMILY STI.ETd BAG 1 COUPON ALI)UNTiClos�c lELA. 1 10 LB. POLY BAG OCT STO SAT r-------------20--W -----� r--------------------------------� r----------------- -7 -- SAET 1 pIRNg 4X=ES 1 1 NESTLE MULnVACK 1 1 CAWaAnON -- 1 •0 1 1 HOT 1.00 AHOY 1 1 1 1 CHOCOLATE w'�.• s l 1 . W 1 1 PKG OF F -� 1 1 22S i S00 TIN ••• 1 1 1 1 COUPON vKo uNt► CLoswc 1 1 cava v�lw uNTr CtOSNG 1 1 OOu a vAlo uHrK cLOSM•G -� i.:L- 1 aL�� �-J L -tet -Z LW-AI�-..pK� ' -J L.�---ss' N-Ti-�T-� �� - --J PRICES EFFECTIVE FROM 9kK0CT.fj%70SfI7MYOCT. Nij11 WE RESERVE THE RW M LMR yrs 1 00 Careers '� 00CareTrsJ00 Careers MICROCOMPUTER ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY Start Your Training Today! My name is Frank Wiseman. I teach Micro Computer Electronic Technology at The Toronto Aw.•School of Business in Pickering. In addition to OWN, teaching I also run my own Electronics Consulting ,. Company. I know what is happening in the industry 4' -- on a daily basis. You will learn what you need to know to get started in this growing industry. \O« IS THE T11IE TO E %ROLL. We don't waste your time. We teach you A -hat you need to know in as little as 6 months. Choose From Our Exci6M Career C)060m: TOu may quauty tot rinanclal Assistance. Call and inquire. TORONTO The IMMOM Practical PICKERING CAMPUS Choice! 1450 Kingston Rd., Suite 17 Pickering, Ontario 420-1344 ext. 33 Starting October 17, 1994! \ \ \ Zw.&-'- W 7 " ff., • PROGRAMMER ANALYST • COMPUTER TECHNICIAN • OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR • BUSINESS APPLICATIONS • COMPUTERIZED ACCOUNTING • LAN SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY Career Development Institute Ltd. 560 King St. West (The Island Plaza) Oshawa, Ontario Ca 434-8585 :C1 fiu.rdI ■ Learn a NEW skill! ■ Increase your tax KNOWLEDGE! ■ CONVENIENT times & locations! M&R BLOCK For more Information call MOLLY Maid now accepting ap- SALES Help required, new and plications for employment,VW dealership. Must be drivers license required. Call clean and neat. Provide drivers Monday -Friday. 8:30-4:30 p.m. abstract. Experience preferred 4276466. (101494) but not necessary. Apply with resume, Pickering VW, 503 HAIRSTYLIST required. Must Kinston Rd. Pickering. Ont. be experienced. energetic. -TRY THE BEST' friendly personality and enjoy all facets of the business. Cal 434- 2324.(101894) Skilled CLAREMONT Field Centre Help needs mature evening and =POP= weekend kitchen staff. Ex- perience an asset. Phone 649- 2208 (Nancy) (101294) ALTERNATE Long Distance Phone Company needs friendly outgoing people to register new Customers.$450 weekly. Cal for interview . (905) 619-6547. (110394) RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY required evenings and 725 4563 Saturdays. Celt Maureen Clark. 831-2273 Robert Case Really ■ Ltd. Reason (101290 Homemakers/Mature Students Part Time Evenings Telemarketing Positions Available 7/HR. Training provided Call 420-6991 between 6-9 D.M. IF you are single or a single aarent Of separated or divorced with three years work expsnenoe, you may Quality for • '.nanc al assistance or / you are ),w 45 and have recently been ad off Sewing Machine Mechanic required for Textile Company in Ajax Must be experienced. Please submit resume to 458 Fairall St. Ajax LIS IR6 No phone cans please yW ^kali Qualify for train- ing assislance. DIP/CERT., and tilers, dryvrall, palrttets i.otus. Wordperfect. O -Base, and tither trades. Word. Accpac. Bedford. 1-9015-6Ia6-OZ06 Autocad. Ventura, Pagemaker, f10w■ ohm �larvard. Corel, Computer Programming and Systems ELECTRONC Techropart - per per - Analyst. Cobol. Pascal and C, marterx opportunity to peAorm Photoshop. Ouark Express and troubleshooting and repair electronic products. You must '�lusirator. Durham Business 'have a techicians diploma. Computer Colpo• 427.3010. preferably with R.F. or com- (TF) miunicaiorn train W ®� rrrsc'rinitaey v+clned To $24K. FORKLIFT OPERATORS Sales Please call M macs area Associates. -500 937,GM1304 a ' • lax (905) 637-5009. (101394) Long term contract positions in Whitby for forklift operators. Damp truck experience an j asset. Shift work. Please can Ian Martin Ltd. (416) 436-6400 ext. 320 Ajax is wrrentty looking for fullipart-time KITCHEN STAFF Apply in person 100 Westney Rd.S., Ajax F TTkkWPwt n* for light assembly and packaging. Will train. Apply in person at 85 Chwilibers Dr., Ut>k 6, Ajax NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Class D and AZ Drivers Clean Alzirad 2 years experience. Clean criminal record local and kxp distance work Call 905.686-8034 Pro -Tech Training Systems Earn up io 1130,000 in 3 ntafli■ filtNflp saUan. Also year round fief tg for kt q crab, halibut and twktp, pka COfWuai 11, awmifas, oft bids and mom CoN 601. MI312 Ajax Chair for rent. Large hair salon. 683-7821 Ask for Pat or Vk*W Experienced STYLIST with own clientele $400 plus. Also experienced ESTHETICIAN 831-6531 ESTHETICIAN, Masasuse. and Receptionist for day spa in Oshawa. Phase Can 723.6667. (101894) s■UWUNOKEM wanted with own truck, 1990 or newer preferred, 3 years erpederI minimum Cal 416299-0313 or 905430.8655. (101994) SALES TRAINEE MANAGERS Thi! FAI Group is txle of Ausnia's largest mrrparw wdh assets in exoess of 3 bias dauars 0u newly opened Caudarl tir d is Seeking to ip M mo0valed sales tra ntles badxg b otltstandrtg ma'rage<ttertt post0atls We offer: • C ids rd srlsme Tralrvg • Amittaliart DesT 3 TWT161ogy Award Product Exc*N Comttsw s Pkls Bmuses • Promoton to sedan Sales Aden 6 YPOK ars A� AWkanls should forward resw a b: SALES MANAGER FAI Nome Saeurity 1815 fronswine I aim, U-5, Plickerifg, Ont. Lt W 3We MEDICAL Laboratory Tech- mcirr for EKG. Hollers. String Tee Mc. Lab Tech or AN suit. le. Call 430-3716. (101494) DENTAL Recaptionnt - large Pirherirq office. fun time. eve- neV and Saturday flours. HAW Preferred. Can Tina. (WS) 831- 3120. (10139) 1ay Care ' a 6Wamec Professional Pickering couple seeks loving live -out nanny for content 8 month old Days only. Salary negotiable. Ught housekeeping. Start Nov. 28. (905) 831.0274 leave message. LOOM For Mm. Dalblda - ruf arM n�Yabllewiti m" i car tare for a 3 p ya.► old boy and Iris 7 year old akar beforelafw OVER 50. looking for prosperity lELEYAiKEiER.S school in our home (Thidolow in Me ntirwrwo years? Irs not too tale to own big M$ throkrgh � IOfw � y Reastarrd aretl), Mon-FrI, 8 a.rn- 5..30 p.m. Pawnts would ap- promotion promotion of U.S. Patented f10w■ ohm '� toAe hour walk and Health Products. Ideal for ���b15) g T�assisiance.C«omit retirement. Contact Royston. (005) 831-3516. (1013M) OpplfN�at to Plum on and Weekend a 579.4580. patent - W STESSfHOST - part tine be- abM &WW wages pkx ales nquind. murnrtaa o8 ran be arranged if preferred). [ween 12-3 p.m. Speak Iluara Wai"L We we tarn (1018") English. Apply in person at Man- AQpicalk tilOUld b wit BABYSITTER needed in my dannRedaturard,1725Kingston 111141Mb: Ajax home with own Rd. Pickers Brock). (101494 equ d 1110WAALttAUMMAIIA00 wopwtaaon. Non smdw for 3 LOOKING for female model Ils■s �:��• "li year old and 10 1 imide old. 2-3 days Pat weak from 9 a.m.-9 types for escort service. Must be �nY~ OsL ltw>f P.- dam. ���• (1012") 18 years and own. 619.3033 please leave a message. TEACHER requires malum non (10189) 8121MR - walk from horns. asent smoking nanny to tate 3 for ChllOren ti nn ham. Rfor 3 EXPERIENCED food wagers =exibl. sidu fllidwur School area, Rafearl. and waitresses, bartenders to. and professg W publishers. rslt C- required. Cita 427-8183. quired for Durham Region's you are motivated. enthusiastic, (10/6M) Iargswn—*w restaurant and well-spoken and have excellent CAREGIVER/BABYSITTER night spot. Mondo Cafe. Apply in people skills. we are wiling to on cell. experienced Orly. No so Person. 121 Green St. Whitby, 430.7759. (101494) tram you as a sales representative. Call 905-404-' hours. Minimm wu Ca11663 f�94' (1012") WOULD you be interested in 2081 Or fax 905-433-1541. (10189) REOWRED for Noverrtber. Ma. making extramoney? Do you haw hours per week t CALL CLASSIFIED tun` experierrCe five out nanny for 4 year old twins. Non For so? For more informationn,, plsal: 1-600-331.3241 (24 576.9335 smotter. rMerencm Can area 7 (TF) P.M. or weekends. Whlby. SM 0485.(101994) 0185.(101994) 1 IN E � NO CAREGIVER Mnuired in my' D1(A LU Moms. part time. 2-3 days per week. 2 gifts. agee 2 and 4. FNEWM CENTRE Alex. Westray/Ritchie area. rxrxir (60.00 References a must. Please call 4'X8'x 16• $65.00 428-9483. (101694) ESTABLISHED 1963 TEACHER requires live in nonDmfs 705.277-3361 smoking nanny for 3 children. a Etrertrtps g05 4366665 nlartth, 3 and 6 years old to, FreeDelivery to January. Experienced with references, legal. in Whitby. Call fthsoiifiil� A- 576-4056 after 8 p.m. (10 1394) FIREWOOD For Sale. Cut, split OCCASIONAL Babysitter re- and delkrered. Price i6tl/faa quired evenings/weekends to ted' Call may' 281'5455 or care for 2 boys. Ages 3 and 5. 619 1363.(101694) Brock Rd/401 area. References LARGE old apple trees, about :squired. Call (905) 427-3809 one face cord per tree. S25/tree. evenings. (101694) Cut your own. SatJSun. 8.6 p.m. each weerd in October. South Day Care on Lakeridge toward lake. Range Rd. W. tkm to farm • Available entrance, sign -LAKERIDGE FARM'. At your own risk. SHARON'S Specialized (101894) Daycare Program, 6.18 months FIREWOOD - quality seasoned plus. ECE. NNEB. CPR and 16- hardwood $190 per bush First Aid Qualifications. 5 years cord Limited quantity. Call :- experience. Safe. stimulateng, 705 944-8801 7 fun environment. Lots of TLC p.m. -11 p.m. Brock/Hwy 02. Call Sharon, (102594) Pickering, 905-428-3441. FIREWOOD . excellent quality (101694)hardwood. Guaranteed extra NURSEIMOM will provide a long time fully seasoned. Cut loving teaching environment m and splen• Honest measurement. Ajax lox your chid. Nuirrious Free delivery. Kozy Heat menu, crafts, themes, books Firewood, (905) 753-2246. park. stories. even a rest area. (103094) Cal for an apponument, you'll be happy you did, come see for1 yourself, 619-9630. (101394) Market DAYCARE available in my home, lunches. snacks SERTA double box spring mat - provided. 14 years experience tress and bed frame, $75. York Brock/401 area. All ages Exeirciss bench. cur mat. $75. arelcorre. 427.3999. (101494) Two red arm chairs. $25 each. MARY Poppins has returned 8311339. (101691)_ - oving mother of two. CPR anc WHITE baby crib. 5 years old. ECE. Daily outings. hot lunches excellent condition, 550. White 5 arts%cralts, weekly visits to drawer dresser, $45. En- Ibrary. References available cyclopedia set' brand new. 30 Any age. Shelley, 686-7300 chair sddry chair aro dressing � chair. $200 o.b.c. Call (905) ' 'Ma - 831.6268 alter 4:30 p.m. (101494) APPLES for sale - pick your M�_ ' own. 55,bushol (Brag your own containers and Liddell). Apples not sprayed. Great for Pres. juice, cider. Sat./Sun each FOR S weekend October. South on M1 E Lake dge toward Wks, Range _ rrR 1-ime Recorder Rd. W. tkm to farm entrance, programmable - Sign -LAKERIDGE FARM-. At your own risk. (101 MM) 5800 SEASONED Fitervood - cut and split. Delivered. Available in fal half bush or bush cord. 6630709.(102794) ILLUSTRATION, cartooning, graphic design, advertising. Business or personal. ReasonabW rafts. Also lessons (TF)Randy Tirana, (905) ARPET I *Wftkms - 25 Yom 1perience, restretching, our locally. Free ss*naW& D i N uncal, 967.7099 or 987-1800. F) F3 2 office desks $1100 each - Deposit type safe (Chubb) 51,200 Call Claude - 839-8017 S.C.G. Construction Ltd. - quakty exterior and Interior ►enovations, repairs, additions, desipNbudd bars and tabirhe' Articles 220 Sa Ole ' a •' ' AJAX PI'" APP' -'M - no AIf11GIIE8 for sale. Furniture mason" Cali► refused. fully and glassware. Victorian sofa, + Y A V guaranteed. Reconditioned (yam aha' THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, (X-r()8ER 12, 1994 -PAGE 33i -A aDplanws. Come malls tri a deal. 427.8784. 467 Westney and . 1rlClurian corner, Glair and much more. Calf 905 a ro. ors.. pb., amain, teal blue, - Rd. S. Ajax. (TF) . (101394) washers and dryers. (101894) ------------------ CARPETS - kttsFATHER d carpet, 100% nylon new stain release tarps. Clocks $Back i To DSchool Spe APPLIANCES Wanted: Working Fridges. CO V NMY on hand. I will Carpel 3 3 room, ciao . New and used pianos, will to 01, IC SHOW $349. Price includes carpet, own, apt. size, upright, KING size waterbed, pine, con- 1985 or newer Reasonable. premiumgrand, pad, expert installation, fast delivery. Into digital, keyboards. CLOCKS - (Free delivry and set Tte C Durham Region's eMirrt31- (30 yam)' Norman• 6862314. up). r-Kims savingal T91W Piano Works, 4331491. (TF) 'Too cute for wcW largest and best. (TF) CONTENTS d House la sake - COMPUTERS - 486/40'1, 4/ W One of southern bedroom fkrnOurs. livingdlorry diningroom table, "°� ' Complete systems from $999. Twoyear parts/ advertising, sporting, toys. Ontario's top rated stereo, T.V., VCR, patio furniture. Further 4lbokn' Warranteed used sys- C shows. Oshawa details, call Rob(Viv. (905) 420- 3073. (101494) terror from $199. 386 Lap Tops, $825. Guaranteed quality, parts, -nessage. (10 1194) CIVIC Auditorium, _ WEDDING dress, lice new, size Service at Computer Clearance Centre, 161 King St. E., ' Oshawa: 10. Complete with veil, train, Petticoat 5500' Bowmanville. (101894) Fri., Oct. 21, 3 - 9; (9D5) 852-4259• ; OAK/PINE FURNITURE - Why retail One C Oct.pay Sat., ct22, 10 - STEREO and tape deck, 5300, King priceso of Ontario's oldest and largest ,5t; Sun. Oct. 23, 10 - '+. size sofa bed, $350. Small Theatre organ, 5400 and much more. Call manufacturers is now selling direct to the public. Cg. oak ' Over 140 quality 831-7409. (101294) Pedestal table with ctw ext. and unique and original oohs and KING size bedspread' incudes 4 Windsor chairs, 5799 8' oak collectibles. located m me Jubilee Pavnhon in beautiful exhibitors occupying bed skirt, canopy top and side drapes. Excellent double pedestal caw ext. and 6 chairs$/429. Cannonball beds, cal In crencnmar, s Day area. please nli Beta n Mike at area. 28- Over 14,000 sq. ft. of condition. 9°5`2'-'822'('°°494) SHEDMAN 299 iOver 20 stain choices -all Solid, no veneers - Traditional 4762 1-394r unique and original - quality barn style sheds, bull on site. 8x8. $599. Woodworking, 905-985-8774. crafts. GST included. Display al Lymt- bird ' Info. - Lumber, Kingston Rd . PickWanted C ering or call 905-509-4961.905-434-5531 ('02594 WASHERS, dryers, fridge, OLD and good Cammend. sterling. optical instrunstru ment, stove, new and reconditioned. jewellery, watches, old china $225 and up for reconditioned washers. $175 and up for recon- dator dryers 5175 t artd glass. antique furniture. Call 432-1678. (101894) M UP or reconditioned Indges and wanted. Need mens and Lades. Must be a ro. ors.. pb., amain, teal blue, stoves. Also coin operated in excellent condition. 434 5780. Sale, washers and dryers. (101894) ------------------ GORGEOUS ' Stephenson's Furniture and Appliances. 227 Court St. APPLIANCES Wanted: Working Fridges. DOLL HOUSE Oshawa. 5767448. 101494 ( ) or not stoves, washers, asset air, excellent ,oncirtion. Certified. S445C. Cal , cy,nder 4 speed. ors., Co. dryers. ALSO WANTED. pickup. KfTc� KrTS KING size waterbed, pine, con- 1985 or newer Reasonable. J rented over to regular mattress (905) 427.2713. (101394) Fumiture 8 accessories. (lop of the line Pillow Top WANTED - old and antique 'Too cute for wcW Mattress, valued at $1000) King size duvet with Sheets and duvet furniture, anything old. Scientific 831-1536 ALSO 1983 ChevyMalicu. 4 instruments. china, silver, (goy) a mover, large dresser with Twor. advertising, sporting, toys. 04 $800 firm for everything. decoys, dolls, milk bodies, cal - Telephone 404-0944 or leave lectors or estates. Cal Robert -nessage. (10 1194) Bowen Antiques (905) 655- e CARPET dont buy anywhere (1049. Brook Lr - e ' else unhi I show you what I ion do for you. Cal Gord. 434-0222.0��� (101894) LOST cat, greyblack tabby. PIANO Baldwin, 2 year old song Hared. answer to name baby grand. S560C to the first POPULAR C^, s' --as _rj!: *Pepsi". Maple R�dge area. buyer. Can 72532'?. (1018941 Show, 62 quant exhibitors with y h Reward. Call 420-3135. unique and original oohs and (1016"1 ; JUDY'S BRIDAL RENTAL - at- fordable wedding gowns to buy collectibles. located m me Jubilee Pavnhon in beautiful FOUND female brown tabby or rent, la-ge selector of saes Lakeview Park, Simvcoe Si S. cal In crencnmar, s Day area. please nli Beta n Mike at area. 28- and styles Can Judy. (905) 579- Oshawa or, Nov. 13. tables S45 1577. (tOt2941 4762 1-394r Info 434 5531.(1013941 `MISTER Cheap' Home YtiphovNnMMs, too rooms, in- law apartments, additions. Iernoes, decks, etc. Lbeneed for over 20 years. All work guararreed. For FREE estirraft Call Freie. 905 Ml 4170_ RFI saarolM orocss. nreopsaces, dlinartsys. Any OarnCrsle repairs Cheapest prices around. Cal 721-2044. ('1F) C i R Mairrsnance Systems - mairrasnoe. Electrical. plumb• ing or general repairs. N it needs lepairig or replacing, call fur free estimates. Visa atxap (905) 66111-3300. (TF) DRYWALL, taping, borditg. sands and Tow callings. sprslr stucco, plaster repairs. For professional service at coarpMl- fian pries. call Biz A 432-84M (TF) EUROPEAN tile specialist will renovate your bathroom or kitchen waft as well as floor ties. 20 yeas experience. Good tolerances, satisfaction guaranteed For free estkrwtes, call D. Dykstra, 7254913. (TF) K.C. Masonry - brick block end stores at all types. Gus-- - workmanshp. No job too big. no job too small - ase do it sit. For free estrnMes, call 579.3611. (TF) SABER Contracting - all carpentry, additions, renovations, kitchens, ARE you having problsrtrs find- bathmons, homennairrerwrroe tint to clean your home. For professional Cleaning, call emergency service, furniture Hetsn's 1401 Services today, refinishing, quality work 427-1061. (101294) guaranteed. 15 years experience. 6862915. (TFEFG) NORSE Boarding , S140 IMP monthly. Grain and hay feed. Great trails. Call Pam, (905) 472-5217.(101894) CHOW c.os a-: No papers 11;100. parents on site. 905 668-4321 or 905-434. 71105. (1006941 r•rV Cars, full grown, ternae sisters. neutered. deClawed. 'ndy. eftFree to a good home d s to alkerg:es 905 834 1 35 7 31294) - - - SAMOYED puppies, CKC eg s erec. tattoos. shots. super 'erltperrnal Phone 983-6255. BEAGLE pupa. 5150. Ready mxd %0vember, Can 428-6033 11018941 DONT throw your dog waste imc arc I sites. use a DOGGIE DOOLEv PET WASE DIS- POSAL SYSTEM. 9 a.m. . 9 P . m., 7 days/weerc. Call 723 5413 or 434 8782. $2 OC ort we- al 'c; AJAX Moving Systems . tug services. moves. sopsance and piano specialists, flat rate of hourly. We now have heated storage units. Now ullerirtg hes boxes with move Park and bed special. atartng at S98 and up. Cal for wOorrr ahm 7254006 or 42743Oth RFI nwnnv-v-rase-savweaaa - move big or small, we price own all Free ounimses, seniors discover, short noWn moves, Pianos moved. Comparable rales. Cal 432-2950- tTFI r.••..,.,•• wvwape rcr oostts am cars. sic. North Oshawa Asking 540/monthly. Call (905) 965- 2191.(101394) MEN with large truck will do household neves. residential, conrrwrc 1. Al types of moves. CAN Carl or Jars, 427-285f1 RFI apartments, offices. appliances and piano Specialists. Free wardrobe service, licensed, insured. Free estimates. Cal 436-7795. (TF) 1906 Cavalier Wagon. 4 door. auto, ps., pb., amvfm stereo Cass., buckets and console. 2 wagons to choose from. Was 52395, now $1995 cert Call 427-9722 anytime, Russ. Open Sunday. Big Town Sales. (101394) 1966 Chevette, running good, asking $900 as is. Call 686. 4224 after 5 p.m. (101494) foes saim"Suy stand bannrl 1986 Chevere, automatic. two des on a Isla to art' basal =hatchback. works well, not twplsIt all lrorl2yasog certified. but can be. Asking 1 we dr'olatw' Yom aheS 5750. Call 831-5198. (101894) act any approvals' (usually carts Down payments as low as 51,000.00 a nada OA.C. Ualhly, paynwMs ac lar as $2%.W. FORGET THE HEADACHES OF LEASING USED We w8 ha• you aeaaaabfsh your as*. Tfugaa mcwwwl ad ur O 60 ars. vans, turfs to choose Iran 1992 Mazda P•otege S ac. sunrooh, auto. arrolm cassette. $12.500. Phone 430-9003. nt�9at 1994 Ford LTD, air. all new Paris. $1000. Call Doug, 905- 509-1815.(101894) LEASE to own vehicles. 1980- 1985. 5345 down, no interest, no credit checks. 686.7428. (TF) WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE CASH REWARD For Scrap Cars, Trucks KEN'S TOWING 283-6325 11066 Chrysler (Caravelle. 4 door, 1990 3 a .: , r.: : , a ro. ors.. pb., amain, teal blue, Trucks 1For good running condition. One Sale, owner $3300 Certified. 427- 9333 after 5p m. (102094) _ 1984 1988 Pontiac 6000 LE. lady 1950.905.420-2577 r101394) dnven, two tone grey. V6. arrNm 1883 Ford 150 Pick -Cori 4 asset air, excellent ,oncirtion. Certified. S445C. Cal , cy,nder 4 speed. ors., Co. loaded, finshed n a nice candy Tr^ stereo careens. This truckis 579-2556 leave message ,01294) �n showrooCOnConditionOks m iOn Only 54295 Cert- Can 427-9722 52495 candied. Hurry on the 1967 Cavalier R.S. Automatic. one. Cali 427-9722 anytime. two tone. black. seller. 4 door. Russ. Open Sunday a n d air, fin steering. •ally wheels. Monday B g 7o*- S a i e s hmay rtvles. Certified. 52750 S55C o+Dntnly. Can 579--952 ALSO 1983 ChevyMalicu. 4 1 t ^, • • g4 door. V6. clean. $750. Call 686- • ' • • riws 8568.!'Ot694) 1967 Cutlass Caws. two door. 1990 3 a .: , r.: : , 10C.30C miles. 5 speed. 4 S17CO O D O 965 256's, cy+inOsr, amtm, air Con. tax, new, brakes at around. 52495 cert. Cali 666-3070. leave / ' ' message.(1014941 For Rent_ 1947 Olds Dena 88 Royale ✓TCKERING 77,77. -c- Broughar . 4 allots. V6. auto. air. sr,,,, ,,r ,o oars Class to Rick loaded, finshed n a nice candy (ring -oven Centre, bus. a apple red. Hurry on this one. inclusive. Nov 1 S50C Call 54295 Cert- Can 427-9722 Karen, 837-0028 (/01494) anyhow, Suss Own Sunday BASEMENT apartment, .arge Bq Town Saiss (101394) bedroor- ,;seen. 3 PCs bath. 1697 Olds Delta 88. 'uily loaded. Targe irtf ng room. N W W"'fby P 9000 oondson 53600 o b o S55C o+Dntnly. Can 579--952 504144 - (101894 , 1 t ^, • • g4 GREAT While Painting - we take a fume out of high prides. For good rates, tall 5766409, 8-9 a.m . 6 p.m. -10 P.M. (101894) MAtiCI^ town friends, ready to w wrtain for any age, any occasion. Birthdays. promotions, openings. kamOMmm hilegic shows we funll Lelkroe hip. 839-7057 or 728.8334. (TF) RASSIT wants work doing magic to children s parties and al occasions, have my own magician. Cal Ernie. 688.4932 (TF) PACE 34 -A -THE NEWSADVERTItiER, WED,OCI'ORER 12, 1994 e WINT•tl - bright clean two • bethoorn basso tt apamnert n triplex. Separate entrance, applanoes, laundry facilities, BRIGHT, LARGE, NEW f°re'e"Cef $625 ' utilities. Im- � (walkout basement apt., a possession. 1o18W) sew. patio entrance, 5 appliances. Available November 1. Prefer non smoker, =600 inclusive. 723-8111 PICKERING WESTSHORE/BAYLY 1 bedroom, ground level, basement apartment. Bright clean, includes utilities, laundry, cable, parking. Available Nov. 1/94 or sooner (905) 420- 3897 Maria. spaciotu 1,860 54 ft. 5 yr. old home in Bowmarwllle. 3 bdrm., 2 bath . 1/2 bath, Jacuzzi. Fp. gas heated. Close to all amenities. BROCK/MAJOR Oaks - fur. notted room to rem hap' home. Non smokers/pets please. Air, parking, $35 monthly. Use of kitchen and laundry. Please call Chris. (905) Avail. Dec. 1st. $995, ata -1a96. (101294) DICKERING •Hwy 82/Atonia Rd.. large two bedroom base- Frstflast. Ref. Jay (906) menl apartment, 4 Poe. bath, 4M. 1166, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. 435 laundry, parking, no pelsl AJAX Rooms floor d bungalow. immaculate Wanted Non smokers and no pets. 5850 1. $1100 plus. Referenoss. Cab STUDENT or adult to share 2 s��' References requite• BOWMANVILLE . newer 3 12 utilities. Call 404-8499 (416) 741-5418. (1 of 509-9005. (101694) bedroom. 2 baths family room WANTED Immediately . large AJAX - bright top teen bachelor garage. dock. 5 appliances on furnished room or basement apartment on bus route, avail- qui court, large lot, $850 . apartment or shared able imnledWey. Parking, $500 utilities. Nov. 1' Rick, 697.2569. accoradations. Ouiet home for monthly inclusive. 1.905419, 0018w) non smoker. 433-8831. (102094) 2743 leave message. (101494) NOOSE for rent - three large cated on Stevenson Rd. S. only finished Mete, parkinfriendly AJAX - bright two bedroom bedrooms, fridge. stove, laundry • J basement apartment. separate included. Outer street, Oshawa I e entrance, wall to wall carpeting, $800 inclusive. 725-0067. Available Nov. I. Please call 401, Town Centre. $875 plus. parking• large background. Non (101394) wxa_ smoker, no pets. $595 - First/ PICKERING Fai s2 f. HOUSE to share in A)all Har - Watt. Can 428-9214. (101494) Beautiful two storey. Stone S wood/Hwy e2. Call for iMormation, (905) 619.1547 ask BLOOR/TOyy�NE. upipe� -„ Heritage home. 4 bedrooms for Mark 'lot - one bedroom basement, of house, quiet residential area. one acre plus lot. Available Nov. floor d bungalow. immaculate separate entrance, parking. Non smokers and no pets. 5850 1. $1100 plus. Referenoss. Cab STUDENT or adult to share 2 8V8i1ab10 immediately. $525 12 utilities. Call 404-8499 (416) 741-5418. (1 of goon'• 2 bathroom basement monthly. Firsi'las'. Also one after 4p.m. (101394) PICKERING - three bedroom apartment with male adult stu- dent in Pickering. $350 per room, $400 monthly. Call after 6 OSHAWA Centre - spacious two main floor, separate entrance. 5 month all inclusive. Phone 905 - p.m. 427-0849. (101694) --- __ bedroom apartment for rent, b- appliances, skylight, freshly 430-7463. (101294) s - DICKERING - two cated on Stevenson Rd. S. only finished Mete, parkinfriendly PICKERING - person to bedroom basement apartment, a few steps away from O.C. ne'g hbourhood Minutes to Go share, furnished home. Close to Go, separate entrance, laundry, Available Nov. I. Please call 401, Town Centre. $875 plus. IBM a Parking. fireplace, air, available 576.0418. (101394) Dec. 1. References. (905) 420- amenities, laundry, utilities Nov. 1. CusVlast, no para 5800 monthly unties included. Cap 1280 leave message.101394 PICKERING Wsets� area 1 ) Included. First/last. $500 monthly. Call (905) 837-0603 (905) 420-8584' (101494) one bedroom spacious base- SOUTH Ajax - close to Go, frhertt schools. 3 bedroom semi, apartment, suitable far me- leave message. (101294) OSHAWA -bright one bedroom, tura working couple o r garage• lamely room. available Office 5550. and two bedroom $689 in individual. Separate emrance. Nov. 1. No pets. 51050 plus • ' Space apartment building. Includes air, no pets. First/last. utilities. 6835057. (101694) bedroom. $725 mouthy. Avail- able Nov. 1. Laundry facilities. heat, hydro, two appliances, references, $625 inclusive. Call HE Oshawa - 3 bedroom maul Cachia, Broker, ReMax Brampton Inc. 1-800-637-5744. parking. Convenient to 401 and 837-7779, (101494) floor d house, park for one OFFICE SPACc ;;•,r -,e -,m.y +2 city bus routes. 433-0677. (101394) AJAX - one bedroom basement �• stove. fridge. $800 monihy Pickering Dation. Professional building surfs from 500 sq.t. fernab adult. neon srlolur, no Parking, apartment on GO bus route. ' utilities. Available at $450 monthly, 1000 sq.ft. at OSHAWA-onebodroormSs69; clean, bright with private immediately. First/last. $900 montMy. 2000 sq.ft. at two bedroom $619; clean and entrance. laundry, air, all utilities references. Can 728-3050 or $1800 rhonthly, etc. Excellent Large units. Include heat, cable, included. Available Nov. 1. 571-1157. (101394) value and location. For more hot water. parking. new $545. Non smoker. 427-5445. THREE bedroom near Oshawa information. call John Williams. appliances. Tenant pays hydro. (101494) Centre. schools, $700 per month (905) 683 2992 ReMax Duality Cart 576-8217 or 404.6222. AJAX Westney Heights - bight . utilities. References. Available One Ltd. (1 10194) (102894) _ __ _ modern one bedroom basement. Nov 1. Cal 576-7017 message. Firat/last required. No pets, one No OSHAWA -smolt one bedroom hwaAout wrtn full kitchen and (101894) / 0 basement apartment, private bath. bus at door. Cbse to 401: NO down payment? Good Student or responsible working entrance. 4 appkanoss. parking. GO. NO pets. Available Nov. 1. credrt? Good )ob*) You can pets. Available immediately. close to O.C. Weal for student or $625 Including utilities and for the price of rent, while p Ki w GORGEOUSc- "is person. $450monthly . 1, cable. First/last. 428-1341. and rates are down. Call Doug Condo. dose to famous Clear 3 Uhtnmw Fnst'lail Available (1013941 Or Brent, Community Financial, Water Beach, pool, )acuzzr, irtmwdiateiy Call 416-698-8735 THREE bedroom rthain floor d 668-"05. (TF) B90 private yard, available (101394) rause laundry stove h now May 1995. For information BAYLYIWESTSHORE - main '011e. _WA rent wrth option ro and to view photos. 686-9846 or tog backyard. east Oshawa buy . clean rnrm bedroom two 579.3788. (TF) floor d bungalow. immaculate Non smoker p *"ad, available storey house, full basement. condition. 3 bedrooms. Irving DOAWANO Beach Cando. Gnat Nov. 1. First'lass repured $8W large fenced room, dining room, spacious yard. garage, vacatur spot Twp bedroom, 2 inclusive. Call 436-2829 appkances as $890, utilities' -' Seg37 kitchen, hinge, stove, washer, (101094) Nov. 1. Call after 5 baths, everything r^c,uded. Pool• tier dryer' newly renovated Large tub, tennis. Close at D -m. 1014941 WHITBY 839 Dundas Si. E. ( yard, parking, $850 . 50% utilities. Available Nov. 1. Cas amenities Call 0 6. O 6660006 one bod,�, apartment with LARGE 4 bedroom house. (TF) ) 837.2429 after 6 p.m. (101384) _ garden vow. n vv Decor' ' spacious. good locatnon in CLEARWATER ful Tum' -Vi Q quer. no pets Laundry. parking. Bormanvdl• y OSHAWA Available Nov. 1. mob 'e n II I �1 • $1s,tloo - B acre forested build- fl„e ing bit. Kingston ares. Beaver pond, year round road. VTB 0 financing. (613) 634-0150. PE•.- A 175 acres plus 5000 ft. nvorfront, $79,900. ALSO one acre lakefront distress sale, south of Bancrott, asking $49.960. ALSO 14 acres, only $19.90011(905) 428-6167. (TF) '570 Trailers. Sites AFFORDABLE - Lake Ontario - Picturesque trailer sites near Trenton. Fuly serviced, mature trees, sheltered docking, waterfront available, gorgeous sunsets. From $9900 terms available. 1-416-757-4944. (101494) $3500 Full Price - wooded trailer lot, 1 hr. east of Toronto. Fishing, swimming, year round. 905.686-0006.(101294) Loans MONEY Problems" Loans. debt I consolidations, credit arrangements, personal budget r planning, credit repair. FREE CONSULTATIONS. Ontario Credit Counsellors (Oshawa. Toronto). 433.1425. (TF) OBTAINING a loan is not guaranteed. Some corrpanies cnarge upfront fees, others d0 not. t is suggested that you in. vestigate thoroughly before signing any contracts. (TF) BORROW $10.000 pay as lime as $I is per month o.a.c. Call Jerry, 668-7200 Free consultations. Anubis Invest- ments Ltd. (TF) A•ey0: eo�r�'herk o 30 you hate having a cetirlg on your ilcomel' -please ca Brian for an excellent opportunity In the i area of Financial Service Marketing Previous expenenCe not necessary We Provide excellem trairrlg 8 support Can anytime rxhrvCentre St.. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments tnxr a inclusive, $675. 905-509- $1085 Per plus utilities. 2036 01`416-M-1618. (1100941 Telephone (905) 470-0997. o es. c ubhouss, heated pools, hot tubs, tennis, PET LOVERS get rvonec it 10 billion Collar pet care 5645 monthly. utilities included. DICKERING Rougemoum Dr. ;101494) just 20 minutes 10 beaches NHL ndustry. OPTIMUM has ull"le Go drrelq to s aper at s202 -7p L d St. Or Cal r 4Ol" Largs basement apartment, GO - 1 bedroom Hockey. Blue Jay baseball. dog and horse tracks. Children product line. For free brochure tree Wocnwe and samples. Cab ahM 6 p.m. (TF) to $•Donate entrance. •at -in main door bungalow, large main floor kitchen. full bstm, park% Cable. kitchen. welcome 683-5503 (102094) 905-420-2536 (101494) BEAUTIFUL two bedroom base- molt apartment. utrktees, cable 4 appliances. aw eon., utdties included 5600 monthly, inchuding park,ng Dg backyard. FirSt3ast. Single non smoker 5995 monthly 60% utilities. - I ' Homes . I and laundry included vate preterred. Available 4162945157. (tOt89a) • r Sale, • entrance, close to GO and immediately. 905-509-5051. IBM a 1600 sol -ft. no"*. Brook/Major downtown Whitby. Very (101294) • • uses 1 reaso^able Call 666-0952. AJAX Appi•crolt Vi lage, brand A ' Rent (1013941 • __ new 1 len gni and soacaus err YUPPIE 3aserhent apartment bedroom basement apartment, THREE bedroom separate emrarim. Hosywooc townhouse. wrath pnvate emtranc• and drive. 960 Ggen St. S. Oshawa near wat hole kitchen. fireplace. One bedroom 2 arge windows. ceramic floor. G.M. Swmrrvng pool, 4 appliances, air con. 5725 appkanoss Oak cabiners, cabin now. S78C gas. 723-0419. incluswe Available Nov. 30 kitchen and 4 Doe. bath. Close (101894) Please can Christine. (905) 837- to all arenas$ $625 monthly. - 7007. 11018941 for nine -Iwo Fust/last. Single non srak•r AJAX close to arrhenlone ies preferred. Available Nov. 1. bedroom, finished basement, WHY ARE YOU A RENTER When wen only s5o0 clown payment you Can Own a new 3 4 bedroom Home on large kx Great Inar>an0 ave, bedroom basement hent apartment (905) 428-7120. (101894) dryer and 7pphances. Available immediately South AJAX Vacant - 'J T O 5% all appliances, separate OSHAWA two bedroom Oshawa area. Call 686.2673 downpayment.Three bedrooms. entrance, $550 monthly, inclusive. FmsVlast. apartment, fridge, stow, heat, from aa.m.5:30p.m.(101894) new carpet. ceramics, appliances, double garage, no pets. Avaiiable rrvned,atey. Robert. hydro mckd•d. $620 monthly. F,rSVIast. 434-6311. (1013941 NORTH Oshawa -two bedroom, beautiful kitchen Call Raul (905! 428-0425. (101294) STILL Renting$ North 0111hawa. 4 appkanoes. no" decorated. Near all arenitie&. 5880 per Casino. Min -Com New Choice Peaty Ltd. Rsator. (905) 837• AJAX - Westnery Heights - im, 575.000. Three bedroom, month. Available Nov t Cal 1054. (101394) maculate condition• spacious bedroom apartment, single finished rec room, workshop, hardwood floors, walkout to 728-59 1 anytrne. (10 1894) 1600 sol -ft. no"*. Brook/Major working responsible non patio. economic gasheat Tory �•• Oaks. Three bedroom, 2 ?!2 &maker. 428-800?. (101694) Cost to own - $795 rtanthly. I I baths, finished walkout DOWNTOWN Whitby in small Phone (905) 723-5281 Peter e basertwd. Vendor will hold a first mortgage a v4% below a 1/4% apartment building, huge I= Nye Safes Rep Guide Really- ( ) PICKERING Village - unfur- bank rate. $7 Mark bedroom. $725 mouthy. Avail- able Nov. 1. Laundry facilities. nished room in clean, quiet home. Non Cachia, Broker, ReMax Brampton Inc. 1-800-637-5744. IG PKEINNG, Weslshore, yrge Parking. dose to all amenities. pre bedroom basement, mature smoker, all a me n tt i e s, available (101394) Firsviast. 905-689-4OD9 or 1• 9057381574. (107894) fernab adult. neon srlolur, no Parking, imrndiately. Professional or SOUTH Ajax •Lakeview ex - pets. separate student preferred. Call 619- clusive neighbourhood. 4 AVAILABLE In Whitby/Oshawa entrance, cable. 837-2309. 1519. (101294) bedrooms, 3 12 baths, proles• apartment building, spacious (101894) s.AJAX - large clew private fur- s'onaly finished basement. eat- carpeled newly painted apart- 0S"WA - Olive/Gfalldvieaf flighted basement room. includes in kitchen w/walkout• new mem with balcony,ar close to bug. incl ded- shopping. All ud. yN. wigs bright two badroont own cable, fridge, microwave, carpet• central everything. Firat/last required. No pets, one No basement apartment, heat, hydro, cable and laundry desk, dining area. Share ktphernfbazh. Suitable for mature Security. intercom, satellite TV. Cal 686-7848 for appointment. bedroom. $625. Two bedroom, bedroom $775' Cath included. On street parking. no Student or responsible working (101494) 430-0134. (TF) pets. Available immediately. person. References. $100/ INCOME Propefty - 1 12 storey. FirsiVINst. $675. Cal 905.571- VANWY. 686.5834. (101494) King St. E. Three bedrooms, PICKERING - close to Go. 7065 L•aty! message. (101494) AJAX - Lakeview, professional fireplace. double garage, lower small. Three bedroom main floor of house, 5 appliances• $950 1MNTBV - neo bedroom base then small woman wanted to share condo. $450 monthly apartment. two bedrooms, 2 baths, near Kingswood Plaz& monthly, includes heaVwater. hydro extra. Own mater, suit 2.3 mini apartment in new raised no ea, Mck4m: Private bedroom, bath. 728-0062.(101494) tan smoking business people. 420-7392 ample sue non W"0kir'g angle aduk. 686 4237. laundry, parking, shared kt&O Vl(virg room Also pool. BEAUTIFUL 5 level tlidespll, 3.2 bedroom. main or 8311201. 101894 l ) (101394) exercise room. BBD, tennis. room, kitchen, dining room, dining room, IMMACULATE one bedroom Close to Go, firsvlast. Leave Open concept, central air and basement apartment. WHites• message, (905) 683-8010. vac, double car garage with Rd. south of 401. $550 monthly. 4T 11 I WESTNEY Heights - large room electric door opener. Inground unties and cable included. Non for rent in clean quiet home for pod. Sp011aal clean. Clime to smoker preferred. (Owner responsible single person. al at amenities. Grow area. Asking cc oupied). Call Jenny or Allen, WHY ME YOU Share facilities, non smoker• $178.000. 432-1863. (TF) 905.839-9411. (101894) RENTER near shops and transportation. BLOOR/SIMCOE - large two 428-9001.(101694) • • bedroom in 46 unit building, When with Orly 5600 PK:KERING -lens M g spacious For Sale� stooge. laundry. re well own ne�rt tit own a claw 3.4 bedroom bed seting room. private 4 pos. managed. Close o si store home on large lot. C><� bath, includes cable, laundry, WHY rent when you can carry e. from 1675 inclusive. Go direct ro act to f•Ierlonp tea ' utilities. Share kitchen in adult this beautiful townhouse in very 123 Blow St. W. or all oz•ect 905.623-4644 hall*. Furnished if needed. Bus 'gable Whitby area to as fit - 416 -223-5419. (TF) - li 3,d to Go. $425/monthiy. Available Ile as rent payments? Call Doug, 579.9575. PICKERING Finch/Dixie area. T� imn•diyel y. (905) 428.8508. (101394) Large two bedroom baserntxt BOWMAIMLLE - beautifully (101394) apanment with fireplace,decorated se. new 3 bedroom - WHITBY -room for rent • • I raiwd bungalow. 5 appkarkim. townhouse. s rinng • � �� �0AV�� gas hog. wmral ar. 2 baths. to s g Air out-- ut- Irtrredl•IMy. RMefsrloes. Flrw $mwt o lean Available el Property $1060 door 6Mkrrrllrlg pool faglkfN. PETERBOROUGH 3 acR�OUGces - must eel, bet- Cee f Management. 404. 8605. 250. (101�)� s � Plxenliak access aN F� A notice to all creditors in the Estate of Brian Herbert Blackie. Anyone having a claim against the said estate is to provide proof at the address below before October 17, 1994. After such date the estate will be distributed without further notice to Creditors. Timothy C.R. Vanular 1450 Kingston Road Suite 13 Pickering, Ontario L1V 1C1 650 Aucllony RINVMOW UQUIDAMIN DISPOSAL �_ Adrtg under r>stnxlrors receved hon they mc_ s -- 300 LE PRINTS - CON COLIECTj0N • 2pp DIAWNND RIGS • MAHOGANY FURNITURE • RUGS •COLLECTIBLES•GFnVARE- 3M/486 COMPUTERS • PRINTERS - EL ECTROfaM • SANTA FE• PUBLIC AUCTION SUNDAY OCTOBER 16TH AT 11:00 A M. (PREVIEW 10:00 AM.) HELD AT: THE METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE 1669 BROCK RD. DICKERING (JUST NORTH OF HWY 0 4011 Partial Lilgkq: Over 600 LOTS OF Computes Printers. Phones, Answer Mach 19' Cd TV VCR Combo, 14- Col TV Fine Duality Collectibles by "Fitz A Floyd "Kaiser-, Schmdt- Cherished Teddies. Cranberry. Crystal. 'RAKES- Collector Dolls. Santa Fe- Wood Cawgs. Mahogany Wine Tables, Chars. Consoles. Mirrors, Valet Stall. Easels. Desks. Coffee Table, Cheveret Stand, King Stool. Davenport Desk, etc quanM of Modem Jewellery. Watches Etc Sports Collectibles A Signed 1992 93 World Serres Ba 6 Ball Set (RARE). Sports Wpr•»iom Sgned Figurines. Plates. etc Xmas Saga Statues Ceramics. Wood carvings, Hand Made Air Balloon, Harley Bike. Arpene. Cherubs, Dog buggy Sleigh Ducks Horses. Cas. Trunks Roosters. Frogs, mm Chars. Accent items etc (Ag suitable for interior designers 8 Decorators,) Over 300 Limited Edition Prints A Decorators al Custom framed by "GROUP OF SEVEN ARTISTS" A J Casson, Carmichael, A Y Jackson. Thomson. Romance. Brenom Bateman. Bourque. Townsend. Blackwell. Lester. Parke. Black Campbell etc Special Editions, All to be Sold Regardless of Price Mary more items too numerous to mertion A large Sale offering Terms: Cash Visa MC. NO PREMIUMS OR SURCHARGES, as per posted A annouxed a sale additions d deletions appy PROFESSIONAL AUCTIONEERS INC. 416.298.1762 680 Announcements ASTHMA - WHAT EVERY PARENT NEEDS TO KNOW Does your child or teen have ASTHMA? If so, and you would like to learn more about this mysterious ailment, then 4 is time for you to register for the Lung Association's -Aidorre Family Asthma Program This eight session program begins on Monday, October 17, 1994 at 7:00 p.m., at the Y Pace Centre in Pickering and concludes on December 5, 1994. This 'hands-on" course gives basic information about asthma and provides personalized instruction in relaxation, breathing techniques and the correct administration of prescribed medications. A presentation by paediatric specialist, Dr. Sunil Mehra, highlights the first evening. A $20.00 pre -registration fee is required. Spaces are limited and the registration DEADLINE IS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 AT NOON. For more information or to register, please call the Lung Association at 436-1046. THE LUNG ASSOCIATION CC UMER WE AH REALLY CLEAN uP rmis TOWN! 441f A � 1)S PITCH-IN! QUES71ONS ABOUT BANKRUPTCY? Is a Consumer Proposal the Answer? Fne Confidential Advice - Cd (905) 579.8901 or (905) 818.8949 Ask forA6son or Doris Deloitte dr Toache Inc. TrateeIn Bankniptey PSYCHIC Readings. Tara, te; leafs and crystal ball, all in orN reading. Free cassette tape o reading included. For appointment, call Bonnie, 905 263-8205.(101394) QUESTIONS about ILIe? Relationships, Career, money, low, talk to psychics five. 1.900- 451-3530. Ext. 9345, 53.99 per minute, must be 18 years. New - call Ltd., 602-954-7420, PARTNER Search - we want to find your partner. Don't pay hundres, pay as you go and only for people who spark your interest. Confidential, no Pressure. Cal anytime for free brochure, 683-2414. (101494) / ' Memoriams HUBBARD, ROYGEORGEJOHN Peacefully in his 63rd year at Ajax/Pickering General Hospital on Friday, October 7, 1994. He will be sadly missed by family and his many friends. Special thanks to Dr. Colin Syme and the "girls" an 2 oast, as well as the Ajax Rotary Club and the Ajax Morning Ifealth Club. Funeral services held on Tuesday, October 11, 1994 at St. Georges Anglican Church, Old Kingston Rd., Pickering Village. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Ajax/Pickering Hospital or St. Georges Church. Don't Forget Oshawa/Whitby This Week 3 Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser Classified Dept- is open for your convenience every Sat- 9:30 to 3-00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 576-9335 FAX YOUR ADS 579-2238 }'yC' 4i., Fit Victims' rights activists for murders committed by crimi- nals out on conditional release or by those unlawfully at large. Ajax victims rights activist Don Sullivan, a former Toronto police officer whose daughter Pamela was murdered in 1980 by an ex -con released from prison on mandatory supervision days before the slaying, says govern- ments have demonstrated a lack of political will to move forward on similar legislation enacted several years ago. While some provinces such as Quebec. Alberta. Manitoba and British Columbia have embraced changes to the Criminal Code. Ontario has lagged far behind. Mr. Sullivan says. "Ontario is the biggest viola- tor in dragging its feet,"- he says. Before those changes can take place in Ontario, all victims* Tights groups must speak with a common voice. Mr. Sullivan says. "It's going to take the vic- tims' movement to he as strong as we were in 1984." when activists had convinced the provincial government of the day to enact new victims' rights leg- islation, he says. -But that all changed with the change in government." he says. THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., OCTOBER 12. 1994 -PAGE 35-A KEEP IN TOUCH WITH Oshawa/Whitby This Week d Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser � o nf6source 683111111117040 5100 - INFOSOURCE DIRECTORY Can 683-7040 using When prompted Enter 5010 if you a touch-tone or push button telephone that enter the 4 -digit are not familiar emits tones. It's a code of your choice with this System. FREE call from from the directory Press * to end Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax -Pickering areas. provided. your Call. 7000 - J.T. Bean Coffee Market 7001 - Custom Sports Wear 7004 - Cash 'N' Dash 5023 (Financial Services) 7005 - Money Mart 5025 (Cheque Cashing Centres) 7006 - Windward Inc. 5027 (Waterskis, Skateboards) 7008 - Fire Patrol Equipment 5029 (Extinguishers, Smoke 5030 Detectors) 7027 - Liverpool House 7028 - Durham Carpet 7029 - Gino's Famous Pica 7030 - Billingsgate 7031 - Baker's Dozen 7032 • Harwood Fish `n' Chips 7033 - San Francisco Cafe 7034 - Ashley's Home Cleaning 7035 - Herbal Energizers 7036 - Ron's Home Improvement 7042 - Regalis, Fine Dining b Ban uet Rooms SP0RTS UPDATE 5033 - National Football League Sponsored by MIR. LUBE 5034 - Toronto Maple Leafs 5035 - Canadian Football League 5036 - Pro Sports Update 5037 - OshawalWhitby Sports Update 5038 - Oshawa/Whitby Hockey 5060 - Update 5039 - Oshawa Generals 5041 - National Hockey League 5042 - Proline 5051 - Durham College Update 5137 - A00ickering Sports 7090 - Update 5138 - AjaxlPickering Hockey 5139 - Raiders 'AAA' Hockey 5140 - AoWickering Dolphins (Tante of pounds seraft) FootbaN 5141 - Local Ringette Update 1111111 = • -s • • 5020 - Today's Birthday 5021 - Aries 5022 - Taurus 5023 - Gemini 5024 - Cancer 5025 - Lew 5026 - Yugo 5027 - Llbra 5028 - Scorpio 5029 - Sagitu rk s 5030 - Capricorn 5031 - Aquarius, Sponsored by WINDY TOYOTA 5032 - Pisces 5001 - 649, Sponsored by THE BREW KETTLE, AJAX 5002 - Pick 3 5003 - Super 5004 - LOTTARIO • W,• 7026 - Town of Pickering (Culture & Recreation) 5016 - Joke of the Day Sponsored by REBOUND SPORTS 5017 - Quote of the Day 5018 - Trivia Quiz • 5062 - Big Brothers (Oshawa) Sponsored by Mr. Lube 5063 - 1 Parent Families (Durham District) (Regional Office) 5499 - DURHAM REGION CRIME STOPPERS 6002 - Big Brothers (Ajax/Pick.) 7022 - Oshawa Centre Cinemas Sponsored by J.T. BEANCOFFEMARKET 7023 - Whitby Cinemas Sponsored by PRO GOLF, WHITBY 7024 - Ajax/Pickering Cinemas Sponsored by THE LONE STAR CAFE 7025 - Pickering Moviplex 9 Sponsored by LICKS HOMESURGERS 5044 - Weekbf Video 5556 - WEATHER Environment Canada Sponsored by Recycled S orts INVESTMENT INFORMATION 5060 - Daily Investor Report by RKMMSON GREENMELDS 7283 - Current Investment Rates by IAN HAAR - NOLAND WALWYN, 7090 - Current Mortgage Rales by LYNN BETTS - NOIILfTE FIMNCIAL SEIMICES 6003 - TOPS (Tante of pounds seraft) "For Advertising Information on Infosource call • PAGE 36 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., CX70BER 12, 1"4 oP5EXN�A/RoP5 Expect mo re ro m Sears r Our lowest $ 130 off Kenmoroe 11"ram washer. Extra -capacity 3.05 -cu. ft. model has Dual -Action" agitator and Sears exclusive features like Automatic Temperature Control. White. #44762. - MI Dryer Reg. 529.99 , ►' Kenm"s ram dryer. Extra -capacity 7.0 -cu. ft. model with extra -wide door opening. Exclusive Soft HeaV, automatially adjusts heat until clothes are dry. White. #84762. SALE PRICES END SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16,199A, WHILE QUANITITIES LAST COPrRIGHI 1 "4 SEARS CANADA INC. ZWAR5 Expect more from Seal-,,; SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE Were open Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Y HV" 2 a rWEa " �� ,j``;`•,�il!!ia♦4ir-'7"1 }.L.r! %ivI I1w1 Ill � r 1' f • � 1`r l: r r r � I r / , r r 1-i / 1�/ .'I i . u O ... .. N+1 r1NNN�b'If l�"M MI:R'A-�'� "+ Y„Y V.Y�4�►V► j���r�r�l �►�/ 1 1 1 1 1• _JpICKEitING PKIt 401 MI Dryer Reg. 529.99 , ►' Kenm"s ram dryer. Extra -capacity 7.0 -cu. ft. model with extra -wide door opening. Exclusive Soft HeaV, automatially adjusts heat until clothes are dry. White. #84762. SALE PRICES END SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16,199A, WHILE QUANITITIES LAST COPrRIGHI 1 "4 SEARS CANADA INC. ZWAR5 Expect more from Seal-,,; SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE Were open Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Y " �� ,j``;`•,�il!!ia♦4ir-'7"1 }.L.r! %ivI I1w1 Ill � r 1' f • � 1`r l: r r r � I r / , r r 1-i / 1�/ .'I i . � i / / r r 1 � ��r a�1. r r�rr rIr Y r�I�N�ip u.lii �+, �,., .��.i:�s.,yYAr.. ��•. .i 1r ��/, ... .. N+1 r1NNN�b'If l�"M MI:R'A-�'� "+ Y„Y V.Y�4�►V► j���r�r�l �►�/ 1 1 1 1 1•