HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1994_08_19- ... 1-1 . - Friday, Aug. ♦ENVIRONMENT NEws Car break-ins plague area Page 2 Pickering sues Metro, Province over damages by Brock dump ❑ Town's 43 -million legal anion claims landfill harming environment By MARIANNE TAItiACS STAFF Rt PORTER PIChFRI`G - The Town has launched a S3 -million lawsuit against Metro Toronto for damages allegedly resulting from its failure to close its Brock West landfill site here. The lawsuit, for which a notice of claim was served with the Ontario Attorney General on Wednesday, also names the Province as a defendant. "We haven't entered into this process lightly,' says Pickering mayor Wayne Arthurs. "lt's been a very deliberate, considered position.' The mayor notes the Town would rather not have to spend the approximately 5200,000 in legal fees it will take to pursue the case. or to see �- Metro and the Province spending tax W" Arthurs dollars defending against it. But he says the Town saw no alternative. "This seems to be the only avenue left to bring Brock West to a close,- he explains. After a 60 -day notice period is complete, the Town plans to go to court to seek an injunction to have the Brock West site closed immediately, pending the outcome of the lawsuit. If the court agrees to the injunction, the site could be shut very shortly thereafter. Mayor Arthurs estimates it could take up to 18 months before the court process is complete and a decision is issued on the Town's suit. ♦ JUSTICE .un Ditww LtQtott See PICKERING... Pa9e 3 SPORTS Meeting of the grinders Page 11 A 1•, A Metroland Community Pressrun 35,000 Handy puppets with Erin Rynberk shows off two puppets finished Wednesday morning in a three-day program at the Pickering Village branch of the Ajax Public Library. photo by A. J. Groen Victim lobbies for justice system'shake-up' By SAL BOMMARITO STAFF REPMTER AJAX-PICKERING - The time for talking is over. The time for action is here. Fed up with government inaction on justice reform, advocacy group members from across the country will converge at a national conference in Hamilton Sept. 18 to 20 to thrash out an agenda for changes to the judicial system. "Government is continuously setting top committees to tell them what they already know, but nothing ever changes," says Dianne Lupton, a stalking victim and founder and chief executive officer of the area -based Victims Action Coalition. See CONFERENCE—Page 2 Durham gets $28.7 million for projects By SAL BOMMARITO STAFF REPORTER DURHAM - The federal and provincial governments will pump $28.7 million into nine infrastrWure projects in Durham Region. Funding has been approved for water main, sewer and regional road reconstruction projects as well as improvements to the Durham Regional Police headquarters in Oshawa. The funding approvals were expected to be officially announced by senior provincial government officials at a Friday morning press conference at Region headquarters in Whitby. The Region will receive $7.75 million for sanitary trunk sewer and force main work along Carruthers Creek in Ajax, 56.37 million for upgrades to the police headquarters and 55.7 million for watermain work on Taunton Rd., Thornton Rd. and Garrard Rd. in Oshawa and Whitby. Funds have also been granted for regional road upgrades in Clarington and Uxbridge. The Province, the feds and Region will each pay 33 per cent of the projects' costs. Inside In the news Editorial .............................6 Sports..............................11 Infosource ........................17 Classified .........................19 Phone lines General 633-5110 Fax 683-7363 Sincerely Yours 1-416-976-1991 InfoSource 683-7040 The News Advertiser uses recycled newsprint 93t + 7t GST = $1 = VIDEOsViAA DUCK POWER CHARLES GRODIN .-- Liverpool Rd. dt 1822 Whites Rd.= TRIUMPHS AGAIN U S, - f RESERVE YOUR COPY OF Im bkk m @Dft • ' " dt D2, THE MIGHTY DUCKS ® FOR HOME VIDEO+tett o t993tlrtHeraalsta�os ONLY vbAsd ►r 4 4t oTbe11MatJ>bneltComptii>y -,.� „ .•„ PACE 2 -THE NEWS ADViRTISM FRIDAY, AUGUST 19,1994 Louise Barbeau, an early childhood educator at over a young student at the centre's the Hydro -Durham College Early Learning playground. Centre on Westney Rd. S. in Ajax, watches photo by A.J. Groen ♦EDUCATION Day-care centre solves parents' dilemma caused by allmdaykindergarten ❑ 1 think it's great, especially To that end, the centre has designed a new p for working families,' mom says By SAL BOMMARITO St.atF kFI ORTFR AJAX - The Durhaun Board of Education's decision to offer full-day, alternate-dav kindergarten has left some parents scrambling to find suitable day-care arrangements for their children. But it has also created an opportunity for day- care centres offering flexible programs for children who'll attend kindergarten every other day starting in September. Some kindergarten student,% in the public school system will attend school all day Mondays. Wednesdays and every Friday, morning. Others will be in school all day Tuesdays and Thursdays and every Friday aftemoon. Although the new kindergarten schedule is being touted as a cost-saving measure by the board, it has left some parents in search of alternative day-care arrangements for their children on those days they won't he in school. "A lot of parents who have children in kindergarten will be in a dilemma about their day- care arrangements," says Judy Guay, supervisor of the Hydro -Durham College Early Learning Centre on Westney Rd. S. in Ajax. "We thought we could help out by converting our program to offer pan -time care. The community is changing so we have to adapt to provide the services," she says. an- ume program which will meet the needs of children attending kindergarten by emphasizing the stune skills and activities which would normally he offered in a school setting. The centre's part-time program will recognize the same teaching philosophy used in the centre's full-time program, Mrs. Guay notes. "The kin&rbartcn, part-time care program will recognize: how important it is to play and learnt at the same time. A wide variety of excursions and field trips have been organized throughout the year. Activities will include art, creative problem - 0 solving games, puzzles, gross and tine motor skills as well as language ants." Special care will he taken to ensure the centre's program complements, rather thaut duplicates, lessons being taught at school, 4 she stresses. Ajax resident Sharon Shanks, whose son will attend kindergarten next year, says the program will offer children like hers some continuity in their week. "The program saves me trying to find someone to watch him on alternate days. It will also keep him in a routine," she says. Diane Reed, also of Ajax, says the kindergarten program offers parents the option of keeping their children in the day-care setting for a longer period of time. "It think it's ghat, especially for working families. Without this program I would have to find other day care for my son," she says. For more information on the centre, call Mrs. Guay at 428-4302. Conference will 'help p shake u whole justice sy stem': murder victim's mom FROM PAGE 1 Ms. Lupton, an invited delegate to the conference, says the emphasis will be on coming up with solutions, rather than identifying specific issues, such as has happened in the past. "This will be a working conference to come up with legislative changes and ways to achieve accountability at all levels of government," she says. Spearheading the conference, dubbed Safety Net, is Priscilla de Villiers, who founded CAVEAT (Canadians Against Violence Everywhere Advocating its Termination) after her daughter Nina was abducted and murdered. Mrs. de Villiers has invited the national leaders of victims' rights and justice reform groups to the conference as a way of laying the groundwork for the creation of a country -wide network of advocacy groups. "It's the most exciting conference that's ever been organized. it will help shake up the whole justice system," ♦CRIME Rash of car break-ins AJAX-PIC'KERING - Police are investigating a rash of vehicle break- ins early this week, including six in one Pickering neighborhood. A total of eight car break-ins were reported Monday and Tuesday, seven of them in Pickering. Six occurred in the M ( le �. d ta�f ick a seventhp look lace in the ' Glenanna Rd. PRE -WINTER SALE neighborhood. The eighth break-in Furnaces from $1,299.00 was in the Duct Work from $2,695.00 Sherwood Rd. E. Sco6aFrnancingAvailable fmmW.00hnonih area of Ajax. Durham Regional Police say. Classic Cooling They believe some of the break-ins occurred & Heating during the daytime while the car Call owners were; at work. The thieves made off with adlial ; t various items from the vehicles, for some of which were vandalized. Free Estimates Police suspect some of the break-ins may be related. ruise &MC OAUNWO GREAT CRUISE SAVINGS i are now sailing your way offering PRICE REDUCTIONS' from 1v% to 50% or 1200 toll 000 U.S. per cabin on a wide selection of guise vacations on board CARNIVAL CRUISE LINES HOLLAND AMERICA CRUISES ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISE LINES" •,offered dirough Encore Cruises PLUS — Take advantage of our exclusive SPECIAL TRAVEL PAYMENTRMI with NO DEPOSIT- NO CREDIT CHARGES and NO PAYMENTS UNTIL YOUR RETURN Don't delay — limited time offer! 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Pickering Town Centre 420-7600 "rt✓ THENEWS Claremont centre wins ; � �AMAS°3i backing of McTeague D Liberal MP satisfied with answers from Town officials Claremont community centre, firehall and library that they're "substandard" and "wholly inadequate". If the project goes ahead, the three buildings would be replaced by a new joint facility. By MARIANNE TAKACS Mr. McTeague says the $2.6 million earmarked for ST'S REPORTER the project "would be well -used, irrespective of all the PICKERING —The prospects are looking brighter rhetoric at the municipal level that has gone on". for the proposed Claremont community centre. His principal concerns with the project had been The 52.6 -million project, to be built by Pickering over its size and the number of jobs it would create, under the federal -provincial infrastructure program, quoted by the Town as 16 person-years during appeared to be headed for trouble in recent weeks as it construction. The replies provided by the Town detail came under a barrage of criticism from politicians, the facilities which would be included in the some community groups and members of the approximately 20,000 -square -foot building, and public. explain the Town's estimate included only the Now, OnLuio Riding MP Dan McTeague on-site jobs that would be created. Mr. has come out in favor of the community centre, "' McTeague says the job figures looked bad in after receiving some answers from the Town of 1 comparison to those quoted for other Pickering to questions he and members of the �(, municipalities' infrastructure projects because public have had about the project. Ile says his the others' included spin-off jobs. support is based on the Town's information The MP notes the Town "might have avoided being accurate. Dan McTeague a lot of unnecessary anguish" if it had done a "There's enough information here to better job of explaining the community centre suggest the project is worthwhile," says Mr. project to the public instead of just letting the critics McTeague, who reports he's been pressured by both "pounce all over' it. Ile says councillors who sides in the controversy to take a position on the supported the centre "did not serve the project very project. well" by their "silence" in the face of the criticism of it. The Town's replies to his questions were hand- Mr. McTeague also notes the project's detractors delivered to the MP late Wednesday afternoon by have not come up with feasible alternatives for the use Town manager Tim Sheffield. Mr. McTeague's of the Town's infrastructure funding. He says the questions were based on concerns expressed by the servicing of the Runnymede industrial lands. favored public at an Aug. 2 public meeting on the community by Ward 2 Councillor Kip Van Kempen (the centre proposal, held by the Taxpayers' Coalition of community centre project's major critic), would have Pickering and Ajax. "constituted in some respects a gift to Runnymede" of The NIP concludes after a tour of the existing taxpayer dollars. Pickering sues over Brock West dump FROM PAGE 1 Tlx Town maintains the Brock West landfill is polluting its adjacent lands and contaminating West Duffins Creek. Pickering wants Metro and the Province to pay for the cost of cleaning up the contamination and to compensate the Town for loss of land value. In the statement of claim accompanying the notice, Pickering alleges the Province was negligent when it approved the dump expansion in 1980 without complying with key provisions of Ontario law governing landfill approvals. According to the statement, the Province breached the requirements of the Environmental Protection Act by issuing an amended certificate of approval for Brock West without requiring a public hearing and environmental impact studies. The certificate allowed Metro to increase the total volume of garbage it could dump at the site by 40 per cent, and the height it could pile the trash by 60 feet - The statement also asserts the Province was negligent in allowing Metro to exceed the approved contours of the garbage pile and the site, and in failing to order the dump closed when it became aware contaminants were moving off-site. The Town alleges Metro breached its contract with Puckering by opening and operating due Brock West landfill without obtaining proper approval frau the Province, TarfLi& JL WALKWAYS ROM U" • LANDSCAPE DESIGN • INIEtl.00KING • DRIVEWAYS • PONDS • FLAGSTONE • WATERFALLS (905) 723-3434 L w° and by heaping its garbage in a pile that exceeded the contours allowed even under the invalid approval. After obtaining the improper approval for expansion, according to the statement. Metro's operation of the dump resulted in the creation of a I00 -fix -A -high mound of leachate within the pile of garbage and a huge quantity of contaminated water has been spilling over the edge of the inadequate underground dump liner. The statement says Metro failed to construct the liner with reasonable care and in accordance with its own consultants reports. Pickering is alleging leachate plumes are moving off-site from the eastern and southern borders of Brock West and fouling groundwater beneath neighboring lands as well as polluting West Duffins Creek. According to the statement, the Province knew or should have known by 1991 that Brock West's leachate and gas collection systems were clogged or collapsed, that a kmchate mound existed, and that the dump's continued operation added more leachate to the overflowing nxxind. Pickering is maintaining that unless the landfill is closed and remedial measures taken, there's a significant risk of a total failure of the liner. The Town's statement of claim seeks damages from Metro for breach of contract, negligence, nuisance, pollution and infringement of its watercourse rights, as well as general damages from the Province. Brock West is scheduled to be shut in about two years, but previous -announced closure dates have been repeatedly delayed. PRZZA 4. VEAI. wl,"� ANDY3 HARW�30 Ail TEL. 619-2221 Call 683-5110 with your news items. News Advertiser CAL STANTON Friday's Carrier of the week is Cal Stanton. Cal enjoys camping, fishing and dirt biking. Cal received McDona;css' Coupons compliments of the News Advertiser. Congratuiations Cal for being our Friday Carrier of the week PAGE 4-TNIE NKM ADVEMMM MIDAY.AUGLIgr N, 19% MP's Public forum draws few members of public PICKERING - It appears Pickering residents have run out of things to say to their local MP. Only three citizens turned up at a public forum held by Ontario Riding MP Dan McTeague Wednesday night at Pickering Town hall. Previous forums held here by the MP have drawn only 30 to 45 people, compared to meetings elsewhere in the riding which have attracted hundreds. A June forum in Ajax drew about 150 and an Aug. 10 meeting in Whitby on the criminal justice system attracted about 350. "I guess I shouldn't be disappointed," says Mr. McTeague of Wednesday's Pickering turnout. ,These are the dog days of summer and people do take holidays." He notes the other forums may have drawn more people because they were on specific issues, while this one was only a general meeting. Notices of the meeting were published in the MP's newsletter as well as in local newspapers. Mr. McTeague says he's considering ways to better inform the public of the forums, as well as holding them on a more regular and predictable schedule. He plans to hold a meeting somewhere in the riding at least every four weeks throughout the year. Crusade by sones Soloist Jerome Ransome, in photo at right, and other members of the Shikinah Park. The crusade featured music, drama and youth speaking to teens about crime iGlory Singers performed recently at the Ajax Youth Crusade '94 held at Rotary and violence. photos by A.J. Groen CRIME "I highly recommend Glaisdale for parents who want the very best for their child!" Motber of 3 year old Tonya Cottage PICKERING - A I man was arrested Wed connection with a string break-ins in the klinden day. Ontario Provincial Peterborough say the pulled over in his y Minden detachment of break-in spree su 'ickerintt fled the scene on fexx. nesday in A manhunt by OPP most of the of axtage day ended in his arrest around 6 area that p.m. near the hamlet of (ioxxlerhatn. Police in A 26 -year-old man is charged man was with several counts of break and chicle by enter and possession of stolen beers. but property. Young offenders nabbed during gas bar break-in PICKERING - Two male young offenders who tried to break in to a Petro Canada gas station on Liverpool Rd. early Tuesday morning were caught red-handed. Durham Regional Police say the twoe would-be thieves tried to break into thgas station around 4 a.m. but were spotted by officers. They both face charges of attempted break and enter and possession of burglary tools. Youth assaulted twice PICKERING - A 16 -year-old male was assaulted during a scuffle with a group of youths in the parking lot outside an arcade in the Pickering Town Centre Tuesday around 6 p.m. Durham Regional Police say the youth and a friend left the mall's arcade to retrieve their skateboards which they had hidden outside the mall when they were approached by some young teens. An argument ensued and the victim was shoved then kneed in the eye. The group of youths then followed him to his home where he was assaulted once again. fie suffered a black eye in the incident. Police say they.t�ye a suspect in the case but no arrest has yet been NI fI{ia11P..-� -. 1 ►• l �,►bn1«'4'-��C• as"�':�.y:.'�. ipect nabbed He was scheduled to appear in Lindsay court Thursday. UCEF cards and Bins... for the future of children What makes UNICEF cards and gifts so special is that proceeds from their sale help the most vulnerable children in developing countries. For a sales outlet, call: UNICEF Canada 11400-567-44833 unicefMW YnfA ,qildrrn'. Fund "Introduction to Montessori" evening Tues., Aug. 23, 7 p.m. 545A Kingston Rd. (East of Church) Ajax Blalsdale Montessori school 686-5005 - (Jele6Tatl sy a5 ve-e" 4 -ocar4mome ,�suLLt real by 10"' AITKENHEAD Saks Rep Mata " RENOVATIONS Part 1 of 7 Of all the subjects I've been asked about - remodelling or renovating bas to be the toast oisnnderstood. And understandably so. It's a compin subject. For example. A remodelling project can add more value to your home than you acdtany spend to do it• Invest $1,000 in renovations and get back $1,500 on resale. Unfortunately the opposite is also true. A bathroom will return a greater percentage of value than a room addition. Knowing this fact and the different percentage returns can put money in your pocket when you sell your home. n But before we analyze the various projects - we should discuss over - remodelling. More about that next week. In the meantime - why not call me and we can discuss my SERVICE SYSTEM for selling your home. -.- --- - -- • • -1-i1-1----- - --- - -- - - - - - - - - - - • - - • ---.- ---- • .. J .• -. r s r� •. ��-. -.. -.. , , .. SELECT THE BEST M.L.S. 619_9500 REALTOR sutton group -heritage realty inc J LA Ride to raise money for disabled children DURHAM - A team of correctional officers is riding a tandem bicycle from Kenora through Durham to Ottawa to raise money for the annual Metropolitan Police Disabled Children's Games held at Variety Village each May. The Correctional Friendship Ride, which kicked off in Kenora on Aug. 13, will see a team of riders bike to North Bay along Hwy. 17, from North Bay to Toronto along Hwy. 11, from Toronto to Kingston along Hwy. 2 and from Kingston to Ottawa along Hwy. 15. The ride is scheduled to conclude Aug. 22 in Ottawa. Ride organizers are urging people in the various communities along the route to show their support by riding their bikes along with correctional officers and donating a loonie to the Children's Games. The group hopes to raise more than $10,000 from the event. Award for hospital AJAX-PICKERING - Ajax -Pickering General hospital has won a national award for a photograph in one of its fund-raising brochures. It won second place among hospitals from across Canada for the dramatic phot of an emergency patient arriving at the hospital in its "Lifelong Friends" brochure. The recognition comes from the Health ('arc Public Relations Association of Canada, which slxmsors the Ily .ia ,rxards to recognize excellence in all types of hcalth care cornrnunic ttv)n, This photograph won an award for Ajax -Pickering Hospital. The Summer Sale Alf-, • ;i z s on Harden & Hickory Chair Fine Home Furnishings Our Summer Sale offers you outstanding sav- ings on Harden and Hickory Chair fine home furnishings. Both companies have a long tradi- tion of high quality and exceptional value. And during our summer sale, you can save up to 40% on these fine furniture collections. Visit us today and take advantage of the saving! r% r, Ct HERBAGE HOUSE limited -, - �.« llrrbM*&.VAMK111ma14%is i►hi�tl�w/lAW - w� tl<ICtr�lueslttr.�W1iK31E,TiwtrlicftilEt.NN1 It • "Inowpows THLP NEft ADVOTBl%a 1t>1D W, AA3Glt19T 19,0% -PAGE S DMI Community Resource Centre COMPS Could= ) Computer Literacy (for first timers) $75 WordPerfect for Windows (word processing) $100 Lotus 123 for Windows (spreadsheet) $110 Quicken for Windows (personal finance) $110 WALK-IN USE OF COMPUTERS Members $5 per hour Non-members $10 per hour For further details please call 837-1059 or visit Pickering Medical Centre Suite 114 SheddanlsYARD SALE! ALL OF OUR USED CAR INVENTORY AND ALL IN -STOCK BRAND NEW & DEMO 1994 MODELS ARE WINDSHIELD PRICED FOR QUICK DELIVERY! SALE ENDS AUGUST 31ST. DON'T MISS OUT! Y li r ChttlC of the"Following vwM Each Delivery FE Lifetime Lube, Oil A Filter i Z' IKKillatt�Inlittril�,lE Bow. Bun Guarc#1 G.M. EMPLOYEES RECEIVE ADDITIONAL REBATE! EXCELLENT LEASE & FINANCE PROGRAMS AVAILABLE! a191•re � O Q N O cc > W Y LU x Sheridan N J m . W 3 Q HWY.2 PTC 01618icn! About Us Timothy J. Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in chief Wendy Gallagher Managing Editor Bruce Danford Advertising Manager Alvin Brouwer Retail Sales Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager A Metroland Community Newspaper published ev'ery Wednesda}. Friday and Sunday. '. 30-132 Commercial Ave.. Ajax. Ontario. LIS 2H5. The publisher reserves the richt to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. Page sizes ma,, vary slightly frompublished rate card due to mechanical requirements of different printers. Second Class Mail Registration 1897. Mail subscription rate Can. 1 yr. 57t G INT LS A CALL I V EDITORIAL Speak R A local woman is on her way to Hamilton to fight on behalf of victims of crime. Dianne Lupton, a stalking victim and founder of the area -based Victims Action Coalition, says it's time for the government to stop talking about the justice system and start doing more to combat crime and help victims. !1� Ms. Lupton has hit the nail on the head. i s 1 know what the issues ,� Canadian. already are when it comes to justice. Most feel criminals don't serve an appropriate sentence for their crimes: are being paroled too early, aren't afraid to commit crimes. and are likely to commit offences once out of jail. Most feel victims of crime are treated worse than the C accused through the court process; get little or no compensation for their suffering; and can't rely on the courts to keep their offenders off the streets. �I That said. it's time to take action. Delegates at the September convention include g p advocacy group members fed up with government inaction � on justice reform. Also taking part will be politicians, ,J judges and police chict:s. ( ��! When the group announces its new national agenda on IJ . justice reform at the end of the conference. politicians of all levels should pay close attention. You won't get a fairer representation of the population than those who'll be attending the conference. Camidians it have been demanding justice reform for a long time. They deserve it now. I� 'f May Ms. Lupton and the hundreds of others attending the conference speak loudly for the cause and for the I f Ij growing number of people who are becoming victims of crime. And, may those in power hear every word and take action to reform our justice system. t � 101,6 "T WRITE TO THE NEws ADVFRTiJF-R, 1'0 ComNIERCIAL AvE.. A]AX, LIS _HS rip FAX US AT AR'-71AI ♦RUNAWAY T General -- I r re s o n 6,? -5 I M Newsroom 6h3-5110 Distribution 683-5117 Classifies 68:1-5110 (Nightline - 798-7672 FAX 683-7363 Sincerely Yours 1-1116-976-1991 InfoSource 683-7040 Real Estate and Automotive Sales 798-7672 National Advertising 493-1300 The News Advertiser welcomes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for length and legal reasons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone number for our information. They should not exceed one and a half pages in length. The News Advertiser early lues recycled tl"trih� . s To the editor, i am writing this letter about an accident that occurred on Browning Ave. in Pickering on Saturday, Aug. 6. A pick-up truck went through a wooden fence into someone's back yard. After speaking with the police officer on the scene. I learned that a driver who police suspect was impaired had been in an accident on Sandy Beach Rd. and left the scene. He drove as far as he could and then jumped out of his vehicle, leaving it to roll down the road into the fence, while he ran off. RUCK sible driver abandons vehicle We all know the dangers of drinking and driving and yet some people still don't get the message. Well here is something to think about if you were the driver of that truck. What if your truck went through the fence and hit a child playing in the yard'' What if a child riding a bike came around the corner from playing at the bay and your truck hit that child" What if I was walking my daughter in her stroller and had my back to your truck? I would have beard the truck coming and wrongfully assumed that someone would he driving it. How dare you abandon your moving vehicle to avoid the consequences of your actions. How dare you endanger the lives of children. adults and animals in their neighborhood. "There is so much to worry about in life, now I have to worry whether moving vehicles have drivers` This is my neighborhood and I want to be able to walk the streets with my daughter and my husband without fear of moving vehicles with no drivers. People like you are going to take that pleasure away from all of us. 1 have always been told not to dwell on "what ifs" but in this case 1 believe the "what ifs" should he dwelled on and on and on. This could have been a vera serious accident and possibly caused loss of life. You as the driver were one very lucky person. Please don't ever abandon a moving vehicle. Controlling a vehicle while drunk is very hard but controlling a moving vehicle that you're not in is impossible. Lori Crosby, Pickering . Do you think the NDP can win the next provincial election? We asked. --asked at the Ajax Plaza TONT WALKER "I'm not sure, but I'd like to see the Reform Party run and win." HARRY ROBINSON "It's possible, they could, but I hope not. It'll be either Liberal or the Conservatives." ..-. . . .. . - - - . & 1 6 . a . 6 1 0 0 . 1A V 6 & % 1 5, 0 4, * . 0 . ..� , I VICTOR GRAHAM "The NDP won't. The Liberals are most likely to win." FRED WEBSTER "No. While Bob Rae does have guts, the NDP's days are numbered." JULIE BROWN "I'm not sure who will win. I'm sure though that Bob Rae and the NDP won't win." Wi THE NEWS ADVF.RMER FRIDAY, AUGUST 19,1!> &FAGIC 7 ger 9 re 0 nd Better . Free admission ltY% I Over 500 vendors • Vast array of Tan ,.,.o out products • Clown & balloons for the kids • Antiques & Collectibles Market -a real treasure trove • Farmers Market • Air conditioned • Plenty of free parking Gigantic Garage Sale Sat., August 20 lam -fpm ;Join us for breakfast Clowns, balloons and free face :h A -. ming for the kids _PUblic ction ���� r�r•,i .� � H'�� . ,VSE , Vendor Inquiries (905) 447-0154 Metro East Trade Centre Brock Rd. & 401 Al. LollOIn'n us at the, PickMarket FIeS Sunday M ga ww5P � FP PACE S -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 1% M4 _ ___ _ +Courses inmprove speaing skills, self confidence, bURHAM - Christopher Leadership Courses, a non-profit organization which promotes effective speaking and self-confidence in a friendly classroom setting, is offering a new schedule of courses beginning in the fall. The Christopher Leadership Course will be offered in Pickering at St. Isaac Jogues Church, 1148 Finch Ave., Sunday evenings at 7 pm. for 11 weeks beginning in mid-September. It will also be available in Whitby at Club Central, 2 Ash St., Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m. for 11 weeks starting the middle of next month. Cost of the courses is $115. Obituary KOVAC, %'iljem — (Quietly at Ajax -Pickering General Ilospital on Aug. 15. 1994. Viljem, beloved husband of Barbara. Loving father to Veronika and her husband Stan. Dear grandfather to Emma Marie. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Ronald Martino and Son, Funeral Directors, 1057 Brock Rd., Pickering. Funeral Maas held at St. Bernadette Catholic Church, Ajax. Interment at Pine Ridge Cemetery. M AM A% wnULL LW I - TIRED OF EXPENSIVE UNRELIABLE FLYER DELIVERY? THEN TRY US! FROM AS Low AS The News Advertiser is trusted by some of the largest and most respected companies in Canada. Why: because we deliver what we promise. But we deliver for your small or medium size business with the same care and aaeuracy. • aElm ni blerates • • »Iter �olio)w►opoa tipesetting"d cOd91 0 ffgeho available • guaranteed A veryda ie FROM Ise" -1,109066" WE DO M ALL CALL US " 68"110 ASI[ FOIL DISPL" o e a ♦ . . t U CAD vAI �� �wA�Icv w: rvn TAM 1 M KINGSWAY FOREST For years Durham Homes has been building communities of distinction in the Oshawa area. Kingsway Forest is no exception. The location was chosen for its ravine, woodlot. and greenspace areas throughout the site. Many of the attractive bungalow and two storey homes feature cathedral ceifings. gas fireplaces. luxury ensuite baths with soaking tubs. country kitchens and much more. Visit Kingsway Forest today to find the home you want at the price you want' NEW MODEL RELEASE ON 30'& 34' Lots! 800 FFM $ 143 WASHERIDRYER, DISHWASHER a . FRIDGE & STOVE INCLUDEDI The Kamount Eley B itf' CL 1710 so 11 5159.900 rM M. 4 PROPOSF- � t Y q q r j ♦ t • SPECTACULAR DESIGNS ON 48' LOTS! mcm $ J00 FROM LUXURIOUSLY APPOINTED ENERGY CONSERVING HOMES! x The KxWW Eiev B 2104 sq h $190.900 —� �+^'�. ti� ili►_ 411, ®!� Call (905) 436-5161 Monday - Wodnesday 2 p.m.. 7 p.m. me Saturday & Sunday Noon to 5 p m (Closed Thursday & Friday) the Kingsway Forest Sails Centre in on Town, ne Ro s! "'nrth :OR OVER 40 YEARS 4dera,de VVS Realty Ltd Broke, epresent •,g C r n Ic -es 905 4303693 Prices and spec,t�cannr s sunje ^a -pe « • ^ • ot,ty ONE LEFT M lot :lis a A I i, . r ri3,III o��ai�-�fl Billboard is a free feature for community events of a non-profit nature. To have your events promoted in Billboard, fax 683- 7363 or write to the Ajax - Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont., LIS 21-15. The deadline for Billboard items is 10 a -m. the Monday prior to Wednesday publication, 10 a.m. the Wednesday prior to Friday publication and 10 a.m. the Thursday prior to Sunday publication. 19 MUSLIMS: The Muslim Educational and Cultural Association hosts Pakistan Day at 7 p.m. in the HMS Ajax Room of the Ajax Community Centre, on Centennial Rd. Entertainment for children and adults, music and dinner. $10 for people over 12 years, S5 for children five to 11 years and free for children under five. 686-1152 (Amin Dar). BLOOD DONOR CLINIC: The Ajax -Pickering branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society holds a blood donor clinic from 2 to 8:30 p.m. at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 606 Bay Ridges, 1555 Bayly St., Pickering. All blood types urgently needed. 420-3383. CORN ROAST: The Whitevale United Church, at Altona and Whitevale Rds., holds its lith annual Corn Roast and Barbecue from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. All welcome. Adults $8, children 12 and under $4, families of two adults and their children $22.294-3457, 294-0927 SATURDAY, AUG. 20 NATURALISTS: The Pickering Naturalists go on a Late Summer Wildflowers field trip. Meet in the southwest corner of the Pickering GO station at 9 a.m. 430-9886 (Doug Lockery). SUNDAY, AUG. 21 PICNIC: A Homecoming Service and Pot Luck Picnic is being held by Mt. Zion United Church, on Concession 8, two kilometres west of Lakeridge Rd., beginning at I 1 a.m. Take something for the pot luck buffet and your own lawn chairs and dishes. Coffee, tea and lemonade provided Everybody welcome. 649- 5200 (Evelyn Jones). WESTERN NIGHT: The Ajax Alliance Church and Scripture Union host a family carnival and western round -up at 5:30 p.m. at Roland Michener Park, Ritchie Ave. east of Westney Rd., Ajax. Entertainment, barbecue, games, dunk tank. 427- 4947. MONDAY, AUG. 22 BIBLE CAMP: The Ajax Alliance Church, corner of Westney Rd. S. and Ritchie Ave., holds a Bible school called Body Builders from Aug. 22 to 26, 9:45 a.m. to noon, for children five to 12 years. Songs, drama, stories, games, puppets. 427- 4947. TUESDAY, AUG. 23 TEEN NIGHT: The Ajax Alliance RD141 Community Resource Centre Ready Access to Computers! Do it yourself or learn! Walk-in and use computers for $10 per hour Members pa% $5 per hour with 30 minutes tree access. Laser printouts for 50 cents per page t idual Course Announcements Computer LiteracN Aug 22- Aug 26 3 00-500 S75 WordPerfect for Windows Aug 22- Aug 26 600-800 5100 Lotus 123 for Windows Aug 29- Sep 2 300-500 $110 Quicken for Windows Aug29- Sep 2 600 - 8.00 silo Members get 10°/o discount on course fees. Reese eaU or visit for finrdur details Resource Development & Management Initiatives, Inc. Pickering Medical Centre 1885 Glenanna Road Suite 114 Tel 905 837-1059 Fax 905 837-0161 FAMILY DENTISTRY IN PICKERING DR. P. GOODMAN Q 8 DR. S. WEINER 3 ASSOCIATES INHOUSE ORAL SURGEON &PERIODONTIST .0 A 1 EMERGENCIES SEEN F49MOS i SATURDAY BY APPONMiff SENORS DISCOUNT NEW PATIENTS WELCOME 839-5951 = 11&VUV9WMW=M0UMM&&M'0 a Church and Scripture Union host a ALZHEIMER: The Alzheimer Units 19 and 20 (northeast corner e teen night at 7 p.m. at Roland Society of Durham Region holds a Westney Rd. S. and Clements W Michener Park, Ritchie Ave. east of support group meeting for families at W.), Ajax. The group meets th, Westney Rd., Ajax. 4274947. 7:30 p.m. at the Caregiver Relief fourth Wednesday of every month WEDNESDAY. AUG. 24 Program office, 487 Westney Rd. S., 576-2567. • Red Wm9s for W EN 0M Made in U.S.A. COMFORT FOR WORKING & WALKING! WE HAVE MANY NEW STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM. SIZE 5-12 WIDTH AA -EE WITH EXTRA NARROW FITTING HEELS BRAMPTON SCARBOROUGH 229 QUEEN ST. E. 1286 KENNEDY RD. (905) 4541305 t416 R 755-6898 > Red WShoes ------------------------------------- SAVE $2Ooo ON ANY RED WING BOOTS OR SHOES NOT GOOD WITH ANY OTHER OFFER. EXP. SEPT. 30194 f PAGE 10 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1"11 Arts a 0000 0 0*00 **so 690694 0 0060 000 00000000 **of**** 00000900 0*00 *gee 0*000000 so 0000 *0 00000000*000090000 0000 Country music fillspark air weekend AJAX - The Ajax waterfront Heroes will perform in a Music recreation department and the concert should take lawn chairs Rotary Park is on Lake is the place to be for country in the Park concert. A country Ajax Rotary Club are sponsoring or blankets for sitting. The Driveway W., near Parkes Dr. music fans Sunday, line dancing demonstration will the event from 1 to 4 p.m. at Rotary club will sell Call the parks and recreation Country performers Cyril also be presented. Rotary Park. refreshments for a nominal department at 427-8811 for more Way and the Working Class The Town's parks and People attending the free charge. information. Auditions upcoming for The Crucible AJAX-PICKERING - Theatre Durham has auditions set for its upcoming production of Arthur Sliller's The Crucible. Tryouts are set for Tuesday and Thursday. Aug. 23 and 25 at the Pickering Recreation Complex from 7:36 to 10 p.m. each night. Ten males and 10 females. aged 12 to 70. are needed for this play. Auditioning the first night is essential. It's also advantageous to read the script prior to attending an audition. To get a script or for more information. call play producer Brenda Denman at -420-3237. Learn to sing, get a shot at joining group nURI1AM - The Eastside Harmony Sweet Adelines are offering a six-week vocal training program for prospective members this fall. Registration for the free training program takes place Thursday. Sept. 8 at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium of the Village Retirement Centre, 1955 Valley Farm Rd. in Pickering. Women with an interest in :harmony .singing and .::;performing should attend this ;registration evening, as it's the only opportunity this year to join the dynamic "::performing group. Rehearsals will also be held in the auditorium at the '.Village Retirement Centre. Far more information, can Cathy at 434-1726 or Valerie mt 294-9446. Obituary Stafford. Monuments 318 Dundas S< . F_ WhUby 668-3552 -GraMe or Bronze Markers •we sell memorials for instalLibon at all Ord" oeetelenes, irldu " Pine Ridge Memorial Gardens, Erskine, Groveside b Duf m Meadows After Houm 6684460 or 721-9882 trir oint IPRiCES 200a maii6te • Burlington • Ha ttivi sissauga • Kitchener • Windsor • Torontl the Sleep Factory O � R � 19 SET 1534 DOUBLE 334 SET 574 QUEEN _ .359 SET 609 KING ...524 SET 889 C • 1 - EL c • A MATES BED i 2 M �` -i. rever5+01e _z 1 s«ar drawers V $189 to Il I NO Ai GST pST SET 1479 DOUBLE 309 SET 519 QUEEN.... 329 SET 559 KING........ 479 SET 799 Comer pr 1�1�!*tiR laJFMQ11li S 159 SET 1264 DOUBLE _.179 SET M4 QUEEN... 209 SET364 SPACESAVER BUNK 1 DELUXE FUTON Z.. Iron SOFA BED Over � VM9 1avaiao,e n sack - anawrde FUTON $� 79 eullress and tame CAPTAIN'S BED 'large` $219 Wrap drawers m FACTORY DIRECT n WE MANUFACTURE OUR OWN WOOD PRODUCTS GIVING YOU THE BEST OUAUTY WITH OUTSTANDING - SUNDAYS 11-3 20 Year III I—RE -011 T (7f EXTRA FIRM SUPPORT gle Sin SINGLE SET $339 SinMaffrgss Doaf ..................229 ............. SET 394 QUEEN ............ _...249 ...............SET 434209 K!NG...................... 409 ................SET 654 SET 1214 DOUBLE.A59 SET 2s+ QUEEN.... 189 SET 314 SET 1164 DOUBLE ... 129 SET 214 QUEEN ..... 159 SET 294 • r 11 1 i T I � ff 1 ADUUST A-YAG1C 179 tam BEDROOM SUITES S"N from... $699 Id.1 �� I Irl rrcrt PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED �c oil 10 AVAILABLE LAY -AWAY µ HOURS OF OLD SET DISPOSAL OF FREE WE MAKE ANY I AVAILABLE PARKING SIZE MATTRESS CANADA'S LARGEST CHAIN OF FACTORY DIRECT MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS SINCE 1978 011 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 19,1994 -PAGE 11 rf S P(:)R S Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110, fax 683-7363 Wanderers wan ' der in Canada, U.S. for weekendg amen AJAX-PICKERING - Two Ajax Wanderers helped the Toronto Rugby Union's boys' under -19 team to a gold medal at the Ontario Summer Games in Kingston last weekend. Chris Duffy and Adam VanStavern represented the Wanderers on the Toronto side against other regional teams from across Ontario. The TR11 squad played Eastern Ontario in the title game, posting a 14-9 overtime victory. The A Wanderers ball carrier (in white) is tied up by a member of the Lindsay team during rugby action at the Ajax Wanderers Rugby Club Saturday afternoon. In this game between the Wanderers men's third team and Lindsay's second team, the Ajax squad won 10-O. photo by Ron Pietroniro M. R COULD HAPPEN TO YOU Ftf.--Thus. z 720, 935 Fri. - Thu5.1:30,325.715,935 SPEED RL -Thum 2:05,7A TRIl� LES 945 RL- Thum 1,45,7.9.45 TIE LITTLE RAWALI Fti: Thutt.111 3:15, 6, a TME MASK RL 1, 310.6, 6, 10. SIL 1,3:10,10 S1EAK vcol u► COW Sat. 7:30 Orly Sun 1, 3:1 6, 8, 10. kkin. Thus.1, 3:10, !i, 8,10 NIS is the most common neurological disease affecting young adults in Canada. muff [pie 9�OdE1Yft.RO VOF A�S 1-800-268-7582 .mss— contest was tied 9-9 after regulation time before the Toronto squad scored a try in overtime to break the deadlock. Duffy connected on two penalty kicks and scored a drop goal in regulation time. The TRU under -19s started the Games on the right foot with an 18-8 win over the Niagara Rugby Union team. Duffy booted two penalty kicks and added a convert in the winning cause. After dropping the second game to Eastern Ontario 6-0, the TRU squad rebounded to defeat Southwestern Ontario 6-3. Duffy connected on two penalty kicks to lead the way for Toronto. Meanwhile, the Toronto East women's under -21 rugby team, which included seven Wanderers players, competed in the gold - medal game, but had to settle for the silver after a 5-0 loss to the Eastern Ontario squad. Representing Ajax were Missy Pfeil, Des Lidon, Theona Brown. Lisa Page, Charlene Iligashi, Scharlene Pretabsingh and Lee Fairclough. along with coach Annette Shiels. Toronto East opened the Games acainst Niagara, winning 39-0. Pfeil scored a try. Toronto East then defeated Eastern Ontario 12-5. Page scored two trys in the win. In its third game, Toronto Fast blanked Toronto West 15-0. D :J J All three Wanderers men's rugby teams were in action last weekend. The men's first team travelled to Ottawa for an Ontario FREE' DOUI Rugby Union Senior `A' league game against the Ottawa Irish. The Wanderers, who played one man short the entire game, were blasted 58-0. Meanwhile, the men's second team lost to the Lindsay first squad 28-5. The lone Wanderers try was scored by Joe Pascoa. The Wanderers thirds shut out the Lindsay seconds 10-0. A penalty try was scored, with Pat Byrne adding a convert and a penalty. Six members of the Wanderers women's first team played with the Ontario women's squad against the U.S.A. Midwestern select side in Ann Arbor, Michigan Saturday. Caroline Werheid, Helen Russell, Joanne Gardner, Laurie Lundy, Gina Minutillo and Kim Wells, who replaced an injured Shandy Davis, represented Ajax. Ontario lost the first game to the Midwestern selects 10-5. but rebounded to win the second contest 15-5. :]:1J The Ontario under -23 men's team played the Niagara Rugby Union's senior squad in an exhibition game in Burlington Sunday which ended in a 15-15 tie. Wanderers Glenn Miller kicked a convert and a penalty. while Barry O'Shea scored a try. Also on the Ontario team from the Wanderers were Adam Marshall. (filen Bureau and Brendan Traynor. Flame Broiled 3LE WHO PIPPOW -91 with ch7e!e�se� When you buy a double whopper & medium fries at regular price "" of Y.C. vim 1994' WHOPPEW FREEWffH @90[99 ; FREE, DOUBLE @M999@ 1 ' Buy a Raine Broiled Df0tlble Whopper' with *Buy 1 Flame Bro'led Double whopper' with edium 1 Chow and mfries at the regular 1 Chme and medium fries at the regular 1 1 � 'vW with Ch008 a second FREE - 1 WWbopper* with Ch@M FREE! - 1 1 Please present this coupon before llllUillglill& Please present this coupon before miiiiiiiMiiii1 ordering. Not valid with any other 1 ordering. Not valid with any other offer. No cash value. Applicable taxes WHO offer. No cash value. Applicable taxes 1 payable by bearer. Valid only at.. .1 payable by bearer. Valid only at.. . 1 1290 Kinapon Rd., Pidterina 1290 KWgsbn Rd, Pickering 1 345 McKenzie Rd, Ajax 1 343 McKenzie Rd, Alae 1 EMN WE SEPI am EX W DATE wt 26fe1 PICKERING DRIVE-THRU OPEN UNTIL 2:00 A.M FRI. i SAT. AJAX RIVE-THRU OPEN DAILY UNTIL 2:00 A.M. Also on Sunday, the Ontario boys' under -19 team played an exhibition game against the Midland County Colts from England at Oakville's Appleby College. The provincial side lost to the English visitors 40-0. Wanderers Kyle Nichols and Ryan Bennett were in the Ontario line-up. Wanderers Carl Svoboda played for Rughy Canada in an exhibition contest against the Russian national team in Regina, Saskatchewan Saturday. Canada lost 14-6 in this first-ever rugby meeting between the two countries. NUM 12THE NCWS ADVEZTEU nM&Y, AUGUbT 19,1!!1 ♦SOCCER Alax Unted under-17heartbreaker rls lose senumfnal Ajax United advanced to the semi-final contest with a perfect record of three wins and no losses in preliminary -round play. United defeated Mississauga 5-0, North York Rockets 3-1 and Aurora 2-1. Scoring for United were Missy Desroches with five goals. Nicole D'Rocha with four. Elizabeth DiQuattro with three and Shannon Murdock with two. Team members are Missy Desroches, Nicole D'Rocha, Elizabeth DiQuattro. Shannon Murdock. Lindsay AJAX - The Ajax United under -17 girls' rep soccer team overcame a lot of obstacles only to lose in heartbreaking fashion to Erin Mills in the semi-final contest at the recent Scarborough tournament. An injury -riddled and exhausted Ajax United squad rebounded from a 3-1 deficit to tie the semi-final contest at 3-3 and send it into overtime. Each team scored once in overtime. During a shootout, Erin Mills won, converting two penalty shots to Ajax's one. Call Al Rivett with sports news. 683-5110 LEi e b f - Free Delivery 1 1 • Free Disposal 1 1 0 -To when pre -arranged 1 1 Event Free Set of Legs HpSE ; J; with each set PuaC / NOT YAW IN CONJUNCTION WrrH ANY OTHER OFFER . - A - 1 1 �..... 1 Nelson, Amber Aquanno, Kathy McDougall, Meredith McLaren, Genevieve Hupe. Jennifer Cholewa, Lisa DiMichelle, Flavian D'Rocha, John Jamie Element, Erin Marshall McLaren, Chris Aquanno and and Kristy Pedder. Coaches are Paul Hamilton. S• MA. • 8• A- 13 SOW WL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1994 AT 7:30 P.M. PLACE: AJAX COMMUNITY CENTRE H.M.S. AJAX ROOM - SOUTH TOPICS: ELECTION OF OFFICERS (ALL POSITIONS) REVIEW OF 1994 SEASON PLANS FOR 1995 BASEBALL SEASON GENERAL DISCUSSION The most your car will ever be worth ZS TOGA is 626 Cronos DX the lowest price our C"ro will ever be. ,..., owl A sBURIfiM � •T• 1250 Dundas St E,, Whitby (90S) 6"1, Tor. (90S) 686.22j6 ... l..-y.yrMwrvn.t� 's. 3" L :'" i �w .." .' i ' �� Y� a � �4 4` • �. .. � 'i.'-'C'.�-�,y�., �� . # , .. , _. . ...�.0 . � 1 0....... .. .. . K .. u.. � ... •. , tll..iRF� 4 _ _ J . Chinese Restaurant (9 CANAAN F$4,997'Days',4 UNCH Best Prices In Town UFFET ----- :ROAST BEEF • LOBSTERa Week i 1 1 or dscounts. Expires sept. Ift Wien= 2 coupons ow table. ■ • ROAST BEEF • LOBSTER ` i• MUSSELS • ATLANTIC SALMON ' • CHT(XEN SHISH4[ABOB • SHRIMP , taan.. iAL i sur>I. 1 oN�Y 12, 9 1 cannct be oo nWned wnnollwr 1 or discaurft Expires sept. 1 L---====—°°"===== 1450 Kingston Rd. Pickering 831=2011 ALL YOU CAN EAT SHRIMP Vus more g=5 0 Chinese 94 SMCIAL OFF j 0 AFTER 1 4 PAL0 � Res. •34" NOW 16.99 1 1 • 4 EGG ROLLS 1 • BEEF LO-IIM 1 • VECEUBIE FRMD BICE 1 • sir R spine WONTON 1 • BBQ CMCKEN WP4Gs 1 • GENERAL TAO CHX31EN (amens 1 c�sx ,►aro n« ur oaaY. Ma �, cou" Wbm , aaa.■. C. be co.bwed vAh aha yawl* or amus.. 1 sq. IV%al . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ..h_ Limited c"m nm Time WE200 0X1Y 'M 01L Tl= TIRE AVW I R TPRIIaAY; AVMW 1% 090- AGX 11 1 t1567`IS6i45 � ► � �t! w � BON Garage Kit $69 Value 30 `t Hose. Hose to Hanger, Crevice d j l Uoholstery Tool r NO MESS OR DAMAGE Professional Installation ONLY $ 9!9 MOST HOMES AJAX 1AYA RIMUMAYRRIM'PICKERING 29 Harwood Ave., S. 375 Kingston Rd. (between Hwy. 2 &401) M"' (On Hwy. #2 ct Rougemount) I 428-1659 �° 509-3622 The Ontario Riding Progressive Conservative Association invites everyone to our annual 1411 I We i i I MIK00 - I - JRURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1994 5:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. PETTICOAT CREEK CONSERVATION AREA (In RD., SOUTH OF THE 401) Featuring... 'Great Food `Live Music 'Dazzle the Clown "'Face Painting for the Kids The Purple Dinosaur For more informat%n call John Spink at 427-104E0 i'�N+?Si♦ d> Flf ♦\f�'VR V���f�• - . �..a• .♦!..• .♦J+•♦♦. .• .♦•+ v..e .. ..•-...•v� ♦�♦ I•.. r� �r���s�i'����J�s=s �#i •.��;w;a'r�►'a/`L'1,'1b�i���'i�1e4��'����'►�•�1'�`•'w - . r A a ^ . . a • A A A s .+. A a A • . a ♦ ♦ A ♦ s� s r . . . .. a .......... a ....... � a a d � 4 .. . PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 19,19% I=A/R65 Expect more, from Sears Save' � om 10- 20% on all` omen's clothing accessories shoes This Saturday. ALIgUst 0th. 1994. save from 10 to 20" o off all *regular. promotional and reduced -priced men's &- %omen's clothing. accessories and shoes at ,ear. Retail stores. (Excludes Le Chateau. all fragrances and cosmetics). Pick up your Scr:uch card in store and Saxe' Save 5% - 20% on all regular clearance- riced Caipets,g p Rugs, Custom window coverin s TV's &Audio s stems�� y Check out the selection and sax e' ('This offer onlx applies t<> TVs and audio SN'stems Deer Si0o ). Save 10%- 30% on all re� clearance-pricedular&Housewares, Hardware &paint Home Improvements prodUrte In-store we ndow coverings, Automotive accessories Batteries & Passenger tires Plus,' days t this turda & Sunare the inal2 to Beatythe GST.11 on allfurniture ` & major appliances, sewing machin � pp es & vacuums ,.. tSears will deduct an amount equivalent to the GST from your purchase. tt Excludes patio and baby furniture MAW Expect more. from sus SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ' rwi.i.#,iiia.i rF .tri.iai s. s. r. �r..�. t -bate. t-iki is.x s. ✓_J.✓Y. s.i s. Y. s_� t. i. s.4i4a. +. :.•. + ✓ r • 1 r • r r • r r_i.r.a.s.v.v.�r.xts.s.r cer.r.rras..•r�r_a e•ai.. •*•�• � ./. r r r • s s.r r r . .•.rr- s.r•.rrwr •��a .r fa r. • • • - . . • • i • s s • v . r.. r . • r. r r r . r . . • . s • • • • - - - . • . r • • •-asa .r r.r - r. r r r .. • r r •- r r - r- • •-• • . . • THE NEWS ADVERMER FRIDAY, AUGUST 19,1996MGE 15 1 1994 DAKOTA CLUB CAB SLT • NC. CLOTH BUCKETS, 2 TONE PANE, 4 SVD. or AUTO, P MU M10ft mel MK AIR CO0VnO , Rei, n" DECOR, nLTVWlSE• STEP 36 c aw'ER 03L FUEL TANK LOWER MOLONer, AWFMW10DO CASs, ►STEERING, R SUDNG PALM , CHROME WHEELS STIL OWL WZ \\ RAOULL nRE3. PLIR MUCH MORE STK.1aM2 1994 PLYMOUTH 1994 PLYMOUTH ..:� ACCLAIM COLT 2 DOOR 1994 NEW YORKER DPT. PW= PM. AUTO. 472 • TEMV. • om'"E w CONSDLE 4:XTRY SYSTEM 4kMFlr CASS. '' WITH EOUAIRfA -SECURITY GOLC SYSTEM 41EMOTE MW "8* KP P�,AN IIFAM •ALM WHEELS -PLUS MUCH MORE. ST X OCH 576. -AUTO • P/S •P/B • AIR • TILT • CRUISE • DUAL MIRRORS • 1 Frim AM/FM CASS. • CAST WHEEL • LUGGAGE RACK • PLUS MUCH MORE • FACTORY WARRANTY AVAILABLE. STK. #V4162. ROYAL BANK PLAN INCLUDES 21A PKG. STK. #9767 1 1988 DODGE SHADOW Auto., power steering, power brakes, air power locks. AWFM Cassette, akim uem Wheels, IUggage rack. plus much more. 995 1987 SIJIOANCE 40L SOL O W47A 4 CNL, ado. Pte. PbL. P. door bale. Q el 0006 W Dot., AMIRI eon, doh bv*ft carob A oma TO 1993 DYNASTY 4 �C-XA >r SIL SV4042, V6. Hub. p.s , pb . p w.. p l l , p. m cors, it cruse. AtMFM casseo., W S W air - rilorr+q i mora. Balance of warn" &-ad b. MAKE AN OFFER SOL SCHWA. VO, aeb, Rs. pb, pa PAI, P. sad. P. mirrors ori mate. Oil, meisr, rima Omsk AtiIFM tats DrtAltad ma- . ', W* M* i new Orin 47,2x0 miss. 1995 & wD wAGONEER 4 Oil 4 wD SIL OP4116 * auo, p.s. pb. pro., p dl, p SW P mmm ML awn== Mlrsr bsdMrl OAK .task WC bdr dl . train low, t Bas aq�ft phyto 6 mow BsilHKs MAKE M OFFER 1993 LE8AIi00 2 DR CONMEM 1P/t2I. VA aft ps.• ph. pus. L P. Heist, P• sat 1A eros Ar esus.. a "I mal trod a a LBAWMd wsaryarai6b 1992 VOYAGER WAGON SHL 00213.3,0L V6. &a, p s.. pb., a< cord. 7 pass seawig Pr�7 glow Md rade, rim" boar% AtAfM cars, bip deflaw i maa. Ony 97,500 mills. PRICED TO SELL 7 �- �: - i C � ft v4m wl aAs. M "b P-., XtL, p sasl P. seas. IL am Harr. CLS M" Ass. .Mpria[ do heft,4 roma Brhnas d � s�arsMy� s�iil� i AV M 1992 DYNASTY 4 DOOR Slk aCFi4093A. 31 V6, a w, p s. D D.. OIC awn, M4FM mess. 5050 spit seats, ar cord.. W S.W. d more 1 0"'M Orry 45.600 mins BdvC* d lacbry warramy avaisde MAKE AN OFFER 1994M 4 ML SOL 04171. 3.SL, V6, aft. pa, p.b:. p Ha, p ash, P.dL. P. niirors st eneia AAIWYFFlYi cww, S*Wba►, W= Qlly sytbll W=* ahml aeb torp. ori aub dWi0d mirror tt mow. Btirloa d wwHy "Lftb. MAKE AN OFFER t DAM A1043M AX ELLMirON k& ud —.a�= 1992 CARAVAN WAGON SOL •A9M SAL V6, auto., ps.. pb.. pnvacy OW Md rack air card. Ah" an.. 7 past. seat% bug t' A"M r- or & mors. Ory 20,500 milt. PRICED TO SELL 1991 SM 1 4 DOOR SOL 0P4071 A 4 cyL, aulo, p.s., pb., AMIFM Cass., told down rear sea message centre, air card., til, cruise• mor+ budtft console 6 more. Orly 47.000 mies. SAL BANK PLAN. SEE DEALER FOR DETAL. mnL ASK KL BEFOME onym TOM HEAID WLLMNSON Ht)@" LEN= tttiOMER lOL Awl " r. .•� 7 ' t 1 t DAM A1043M AX ELLMirON k& ud —.a�= 1992 CARAVAN WAGON SOL •A9M SAL V6, auto., ps.. pb.. pnvacy OW Md rack air card. Ah" an.. 7 past. seat% bug t' A"M r- or & mors. Ory 20,500 milt. PRICED TO SELL 1991 SM 1 4 DOOR SOL 0P4071 A 4 cyL, aulo, p.s., pb., AMIFM Cass., told down rear sea message centre, air card., til, cruise• mor+ budtft console 6 more. Orly 47.000 mies. SAL BANK PLAN. SEE DEALER FOR DETAL. mnL ASK KL BEFOME onym TOM HEAID WLLMNSON Ht)@" LEN= tttiOMER FACE 16-Tld t' ft AbVU1fS lE MWAY, AUGUST 19,1fill' Investigative eye Patrick Wilson, a private investigator, has recently set up business on his boat, the Fathom Five, located at the East Shore Marina, 1295 Wharf St.. Pickering. Mr. Wilson can be En'k'oy Single Living at Its At Fairport Beach: • Stunning vlevr; of Lake Ontario • Huge 60' lots • Waterfront lots available • Two stt,rey models also a•,,ailable • Ali brink exteriors reached at 837-2692.He investigates everything from murders to frauds. 1 You cap own this beautiful home for as iiettle as $239ffrg(K Sales i rffi-:e Hours: Monday - Thursday 2 - 8 p.m. Closed Friday Sot., Sun. & Holidays 12 - 6 p.m. 837-0131 'I IIP�(.J 11W11rMi .,..M„IIrM�. 1'tw t7 �:�1 Alhl 10%lW rK^.ul wlopvl photo by Andrew Iwanowski I 1*ng all Shutter Bugs The News Advertiser is running a summer photo contest for kids aged 6-16. Snap a great photo of your life in Pickering and Ajax and you could win four passes to Canada's Wonderland! Is your back- yard a place for great photos? Anything funny in a picture of you and your Snap a photo favorite pet? Per- haps your birth- day provided Slid will News Advertiser tos..the posse neat ibili- ties are endless! We're looking for pic- tures of local people. in local places, that are sure to catch our eye. All entries will be judged by a News Advertiser panel. The contest is open to local readers aged 6-16. Be sure to include a description of the photo you submit, as well as your name, address and phone number. Deadline for entries is Wednesday, Aug. 31 1994. Mail your entry to: SNAPSHOT CONTEST c / o Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser 130-132 Commercial Ave. Ajax, Out. L IS 2H5 { fnioy the Surxiay palxer ov(I here �%hile tlxw can streams in through the patio (kxos. The kit(hen (punter o%erlook-% the / .I!eaktast noon and the harxiy "(.wing; slx+ mak(. it Bass to sm and clear the table. Your torrnal dining; room a( c"'Sible to the kit(hen through a y, h vxly s�% ing door. N(>tc the bench m the bay %%in(k)w. S The entire front to this living room is like one big bay window. This spacious foyer is the perfect place to gree! your guests. the balustrade in the hall over- I(x)ks the finished stairs to the lower level. Park his and her car right here and enter your home through the AIRPORT convenient door to the: house. BEACH rr ...�.....rrr..•. a���ra •tea a C. Every Friday , the News Advertiser provides space for readers with touch-tone phones to air your pet peeve in What's your beef? , tell us about your Athk t• of the Week or Unsung Hefo and give us your opinion on issues of the day in OPEN - UNE. Deadline for all three features is 11 p.m. Tuesday before the Friday publica- tion. For information on how to tell us about your Athlete of the Week or Unsung Hero, or, to access OPEN - LINE, seethe boxes below. To tell us What's your beef?, call 683-7040 and access box 8006. (You'll be given instructions when you call 683-7040.) My beef is with the man who commented about women play- ing sports. Young man, you are living in the dark ages. Women have all the rights in the world to play sports at both professional and recreational levels. Other • people must also believe this is true since women's leagues are starting up every day. If this guy is "sick and tired of watching girls play sports", my advice to him is: don't watch. But don't put down the abili- ties of women by referring to us as fragile individuals whose only purpose in life is to cook supper and please men. C. Stephens SWITCH THE CHANNEL Our beef is that society still accepts sexist remarks like, "Girls shouldn't play sports," despite of the fact it is now 1994. Decades ago we were given the right '41 to vote and we thought we were free. But we found we still had to work twice as hard as men to become the doctors and lawyers we wanted to be. We divorced the men we married because they hit us and we were single and hungry and we never got our support pay- ment cheques, but we thought to Julie Diemen, �— 14, of Pickering was selected recently by the Central Ontario Figure Skating Section to represent it at the Youth 1�nrichment Training Seminar in Ottawa in late August. Only 24 skaters from her pre - novice competitive level were selected from Ontario out of about 450 other skaters. Julie will skate this yat the Julie Diernertyear CNE and at the Bursary Show, both in Toronto. Do you have a local Athlete of the Week or Unsung Hero? Let us know by calling InfoSource at 683-7040. When the recorded message asks for a category number, use your touch-tone phone to call 9016 and leave a message. OR, drop us a line at Athlete of the Week or Unsung Hero, c/o News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. Ll S 2115 OR, FAX us at 683-7363. ourselves, "We are free." If Eric thinks we are too afraid of getting hurt, he has not walked a mile in our shoes. We are not gung-ho mea -bashing feminists. We are just two young women who are tired of being treated as second-class citizens. and Eric, if you don't like what you're watching, then change the channel. S. Martin, 17, J. Martin, 13 Z�� . & - 41 9-lq%� OPENLINE SETTING THE SCENE: Some local councillors will attend a convention held by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) starting Aug. 21 at the Royal York in Toronto. They will discuss "effectiveness and efficiency" of local governments, says AMO president Mabel Dougherty. However, some elected officials attend- ing may be out of a job after the munici- pal election this fall. THE QUESTION: Is this an inappro- priate time to attend an AMO confer- ence? To answer this question, call 683-7040. To record a YES answer, press 8026. To record a NO answer, press 8027. Last week's question: Did IYnsAhertixr you pass your very first dri- DuugkD ver's test? ftwaa 74% said Yes; 26% said No. 683-7040 ATTENTION ADVERTISERS! lnfosource is an informa- tion and advertising service where advertisers can sponsor a category or place message on their own box. .For more details call Marty Edwards at 683-51.10. - Martin Edwards n f1jsou rce Y Oshawa/Whitby This Week A*/Pickering News Advertiser = ? 4 IMNE ADY=ll=llt PR1tlM %AUGq/M M$ -X& JM KEEP IN TOUCH WITH Oshawa/Whitb This Week and Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser n fosource 68311111111117040 5100 - INFOSOURCE DIRECTORY Call 683-7040 using When prompted Enter 5010 if you a touch-tone or push enter the 4 -digit are not familiar button telephone that 9 emits tones. It's a code of your choice with this system. FREE call from from the directory Press " to end Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax -Pickering areas. provided. your call. ADVERTISERS I F - OSCOPES 7000 - J.T. Bean Coffee Market 50M - Today's Birthday 5021 - Aries 7001 - Custom Sports Wear 5022 - Taurus 7002 - Nice Photo Studio 5023 - Gemini 7003 - Lord Byron 5024 - Cancer Seafood a Steakhouse 5025 - Leo 5026 - Amp 7004 - Cash 'N' Dash 5027 - tea (Financial Services) 5026 - Scorpio 7005 - Money Mart 5029 - Sagittarius (Cheque Cashing Centres) 5030 . Capricorn 7006 -Windward Inc 5031 - Aquarkm ed by IMMTSY TOYOTA (Yllaterskds, Skateboards) 5032 - Pisces 7008 - Fire Patrol Equipment • . . (Extinguishers, Smoke 7026 - Town of Pickering Detectors) (Culture 8 Recreation) •- �• SPORTS UPDATE5016 - Joked the Day Sponsored try REsouttc SPOFM 5033 - National Football League 5017 - Ouote of the Day 5034 - Toronto Blue Jays Sponsored by 5035 - Canadian Football League TM am 0= WONS 5036 - Pro sports update 5018 - Trivia Ouiz SW - OslawaWhitby Sports I USTS] • Update 5062 - Big Brotlrers (oshswa) 5137 - AoxlPickering Sports 5063 - 1 Parent Faiailies Updm* (Durhrn Dishrict S03s - OdmwNfifty Soccer 6001 - ArMis Society (egg Office) Upds1le 5138 - AjaxRitlwing Sonar - Updi1e 7022 - Osl - Centre Ckuc+uas 5039 - Oshew@Nfi ty B•s"Sponsored by J.T. LlpdWe 70tt3 - Whiby Cuss 5139 - AjxRicMerin9 B"s" Sponsored by Upillift MIO GOLF, WWW 5041 - OW Lewd es"a 7024 - Aos tck[ei"g Oniimiis S11 R 5012 - Fiord lot► TiE LOVE STMI CAS! 5061 - Dahsrt Cor•9e LlpdMe 5044 . weekly videos LOTTERIES roto - SPMSWW by 3001 - 611, SPort• n by STOVE, O6IMIM flu lI OfflM A itX 7061 - Oftalt SO= t "M SM - Pick s 7 - RM 6003 - Lomlb ftm upiiiiiiiiii 6 3666 - Spri on by >,ei - PtlM F•am it 'to Acm OI�Mr IiALTY.IC. 7XI - LiU.gN. kbmdkmd •MAN cat 7011 SrphMt eildAt•n 6' rte•-�M4lMia 5060 - "For Advertising Information on Infosource call 683-5110" `•fig � ��J. '--..--.....__.._.............«-._.-............. T .R'AGF; MnW NEM ADVBSI'¢M,MUMT, AUGUR[, &% ON i � fa�a`�altia nW�1S IOal�q lOr a ht and its to be wiM bmab, tali linandship. travel and romuba BY 11=00 SLENDER lady wanted. It you an slim, cut • and late 30's, this man wants b meet you I am V. ht 40'5, sears wol wbM Nled and a giver. The IgM lady an have it at lads am Seim lw. SY IW M" GENTLE, caring, Macao male, sur gle. 40's, romanae, Lora. peltofntble !tumorous anddow'40-ar01, "Itcl life. has lots of lova In his heart to share with a special lady, must be hottest vinare and a rlon-wnolu r. BY 1423 SHY, angle gentleman. 39. brown hair and blue eyes. 5'8', looking for a sin- gle female. 28-36. who likes I L card games and camping. Kathreen, please call back. I dndnl gel your S. SY tats (Os" SPONTANEOUS, attractive, single make 23. 67, bred of head games. seeks attractive, athletic female. 19- 24. for Inerkift fil or possible tela aonshp. BY 1427 (COB) ESTABLISHED, attractive male. 34. 5. no dependents, seeks ssnaar work- ing lemals. with style. Gass and a big heart, SY 14n (OStn SINGLE, wh to mate. 26. 6'1', 170 'bs ^on -smoker, er.Ioys many out- door activities, country music and movies. seeking skm tamale. 20-26, lon-smoker, with "law interests. BY 1429 (OSHI) ESTABLISHED white male. 42. 175 !los.. back hair, brown eyes 'likes ouomg 66 Chevy. Spn g.1m . cot- tages. poor"". paying guitar. con - call seeks shm. non -nmol ng, social drinking break. 32-42. ler Ilia above. SY I= (OSM EASY going mate. 41, unattached. er-,oys sports. movies, dung and pmt going out and having a good time. W" la an eaygoag, good-Ae w - ad woman lot lnendsh), possible *ationshiti. SY 1441 OSH EMPLOYED. SacK mac. 43. 510•. ne^-smoker, enjoys soorts. dancing and cook lig, seeks tamale. 39-43, who envoys same -tenses. for a rola wnshe Rose. Cease call back: did - ,,T get your rkariber SY 1413 607 donde Bond. vor, Tc maw - ate :amonda may be forever but 1 mild be a gins bast lnerld Seeking elm, 10 medium Dwid tamale. non- amakmg 20.27 SY 1457 (OSH I HONEST- very attacnvs. whk Tale, 3' -10 -smokes wmr Daby-ansa ayes. not nib 0-N far axe, Scloys quiet roml eval and love most spojes. ookrg or a snows, romanfa; while Wrap 3C-40. wit writer inw- ors SY 149 (OSH) EASYGOING w•vte nae, 30. medium bung. 3ueeyec x,'N Now har. n0- personebry, -, - Kiril I you are alto am n fndng someone spacial. a," good kms. like amo% *al ring or a day at ale osach. cal' SY 1461 INTELLIGENT. _••wanly -fa, mos tare- - d 30s w -- abo" average looks. seeks she". 'y000-00king, left& grt and noepO 00 ! ably. 30-C Wt - or or vi l chldren. lot a long-term mmpanol , SY sign ATTRACTIVE -ae -v- -ed. early 3: s 5 •'5 cs . kv .c enjoys loos. ITu71�!1111 is CALL ANYTIME 24 HOURS A DAY as 7 DAYS A WEEK Here's how to use the service: 1. Select the ad(s1 you wish to reS. tortd to and make note of the four digit SY "mailbox" number that appears at the end cif each ad you are interested in. 2. !:sing a touch tone telephone call 1416.976-1991 any time of the day. You must be within the 905 arca code to access Sincerely Yours telephcxre scmcc. 3. Once you are connected follow the simple instructions. You will have the option of responding to a specific ad or browsing voice mailbox greetings from Sincerely Yours advertisers within each catego ry. Go ahead, try the serifioc out and see how easy it is to use. Need assistance? Call I-R00-387-RA99 anytime between 10:00 am. to 12 midnight. 7 days. You will not he charged for this call. Fix persons IR years of age and over. HONEST -ate er"s got:, courn a waste•^ must. ding out and quiet times looking for too. lady. 55.56. tnendShp first for D . N. IoN.f,inm Wal" 91 to SY 147S COO AFFECTIONATE sincere and rarest smgie map. 32 years old. kMea soot more$, the outdoors ono -omantc tsrn•s boll for someone nM good values and enjoys the $ame. !%at makes 1^endship and •etateonstnps s:-o^g single moms weicoms. SY 1476 LOVE or oust mels, 40. n good shape ler Te shape rm m• lop" for a ht fall 25-45, to a relationship. SY 1477(OSM) GOODADDKaSG. s, secure. sept.•, w+hte mak. K envoys sawl. bosh% moves aro erg out Seeks^te4• gent, attractive. sfr,r smp�oysd Is mals. 25.40 SY 1470 (09H) PHYSICALLY ht, si-ge wh,:e mak. 34 envoys ms oubm . lock roll. co nsY music. seeking at atraesv, of yseatly tit tamale. 25-36. W Inei slip first maybe more. SY 1479 (DSM SINCERE wsygonng make. 31, 5'S'. 13C M . ram -angler 0 obae by OR talo- and eireata by �t L- Animals.:he Jays 0-^d classic rock Milord kb D to meal :OMAN ledy for t-ernd$h,C los: to Does, Die •Wtam- 1or+snp. s_. !$ whale mak. 40-, knMCs.'sp krst possrI relefotelp. OW respOnt•e pfeese. Klin cal back - slip SY 140 T1MO Sys sleek of "is scene. lock- ill 5�s and 50s and courtry SY 20N Mad grew. W LARRY -sorry, not my drdn t get your number SY S495 RONANTK -0-p. 24. 5r. IW lbs.. ng fi somefhep moms %SOY tar sin- must. dancing. andkkght do NN . BLUE -areal. blonde Cindsretl4. 22. "a SY 2N1(Wil P" (Os" MATURE, single white mate. 21, seeks, ma!Lre. single wh4e female. 20.30. wrT baro to ntW 'ter bear y. looking for romanca a !rena or a Ibolrg form reason 0. SY 1497 (OSH) ATTENTION: if you we a Deme ady. 20-35. who !rk+f1' wants a gentleman, llornaL caring sersrtrYe. Numorous. nre4+marflwnd and genas. 0 you can caw Me $are quna es, give my dad a an S,rgk moms are we -come SY la 10" RETIRED maw 6& ron4maar. npr s:, foya. yatthy, eery -gang. seeks stat speWl lady who Mpys travel. home life, ouab, .. ouret:eve, darg aro 3wilong, to Does"'eko nefnp. SY taw (OSM EXCEPTIONAL e-trepwwo. 27, an- gle. -on to area. cc" for a young lady. 2C-27. veno s canng. compas- satate aro mat d a1 tun. SY 14" Of" RONANTIC, single. very anacun• mak. 33 =Insole. looting for aaac- vow land. owe. wngla lady. 26.315. to share a;' our dreams together. SY "a (0SM SHY. s ^gle lather of 1. 36. ajoys me Ws. !pons, oni g out or rL Me in onckerrg, has ow, ^,cine. seeking kwnale. 3640. Io k er deHp Andrea, 1413 SY 1$00 (006) BROWN'a^. gown -eyed. whro mals, 27 5 •C'. siocky bwld. enjoys quell tines. county mux, mares and ch l• draft. would i� to meet a female.2S- 35. 25 35, tate un-nportanl, for !rnernd$hrp, ooeatse fNsg* at np Sy Ism t"f) SHALLOW, mewsws. maenalistic. confident. 26 year old. professional, handsome male, seeks a :penal woman b hep me -1 range (no nal my -tomes ) SY 1502 (OSH) KIM eaMa. Bryk whir male, 35. 59' :town curly hot. brown eyes. loves kids. tatlet of Iwo. Kill walb. maw. divers and quiet sysnsgs at name. aeek, a Ismale for lendsekp, possible Owlb mVV SY 1 S93 fOBS1 WISHING c- a star Sage dad 40. 7^0-^x. sense of humour fare, a Sen - ow sioe. +crows ft%at life can be a wc^derful adve'•1-�re, m:h :he not osnnaeerit pDmperhort. Care ro Oona slag's SY 1S" EASYGOOM(w army, Mink may, 22. OOON for Cha! Special woman. 20--a who ova b be ing"d -V1 arnd k$we C "ave tun. Fa hvndshp, ooeeibfy naadOg b more SY IS" (0611) LOOKING 'o, a- ant air ve. 22-26. sh m le " ^yin' to bring Ipnk pack :nib my kPa and D of" long wales and to okAdoos. SY 1S" ROMANTK •^" ar -' mate one-on-one -elabors",p BY Is" UNIQUE se -se -1 `":J1. crucoy female. 25. wry tong brown hair, green eyes. smoker. loves M O. 611 as types of spot, especially seek er racing. s>k"+ng a professgtW wMte mule. 25.35. ler kendsf possible more. ro 9 RNK no gr0aga. SY i9t7 �R LOVELY. say. sr" mom. 34, ping browiblonde ham. blew eyes. great personably and gnat body seeks a tug. mountain nun will isimperamernl of a pussy Cat who kofas mar b Solid a feel woman and approosses being now SY 2we DREAM ever where an your I am atlract ve. s -cors. Sr. 39. M. ro daperwrss nag+q b meet an aria M. ntekgw+l, lel wnwsk mac. 36 48. for compangnshlp. SY 205e PROFESSIONAL. •ug-figlred'areae. 29, no dependent!, enip" music• do co gall. to aufdoos. trawl and Quiet hma, seeking 3 prolessioll non-smoking, rh,k male. 29.37. for musk. 4eels p-ac'-s,ng aonan Cdhohc gsn4Nrwn 30.40. 'ar -w ill er, b be good role model lot her 2 sons. S Y 3M (O61Q CUTE and sassy. angle while mother. '9. 5'9'. 130 lbs., short blonde har, 0-g clew blue •y0-. snloys dancing. -ping and wane sion; looking lar my harilworlung drum. Man. 19-28, W possible Liam, SY 20-47 (OSM HONEST. dowe •*4 rrl. non -smokier, attractive, single mother of one, 24, St0•, tt0 los . Mdva dsrntrg oockrg spot ampag and pqt swrsgs at haps looking lax Single mak 23-5. who's Mad. hornets, Caries mom-$mnpk- w. for kends! aro possible ciao - sfp. ST 3M OUTGOING lemaw 23. bad d meet - wigs of bang for a wee. down* b-s•rM man. 2530. employed. nut 6� men ndday mac , b an ad DOWN -To -each, slim, blue-eyed. blonds Cady. 36. Wks -worry rnuec, da ci canprg would like b mot a gentleman. !he cowboy type, lot film" -0. Dombw rNa".St p. SV 2M0 (06M BLONDE. Nueeyeet sangts mom. 24, ",dun :u40. $asks a man. 510'-4, 115 lea. -195 lbs., two no matter, a on• -woman mail, must be nib sports working out and a doer ro ssrM. No Sy 4050- (OSM M01EST white lady. 55. nom-wrtoker. JMKS a Irak. len, !quest, fnancrally self-supporting, would like to moat a go delta. 53-6, with same interests. Sy doss (o611 PERM awsw meL Pari b m "Paul* Af1�MC' E�nli�MwM�fI� ad antaiYA fol, 1M W bads t a ala IIepa�l�� faatr, brit kanrab fJketa 9 aa�ip0ouee fxnrMat friend,*two. a �ooaarta No fiup lo A P SY no ATTRACTIVE male. 32, 8046 essark" famels. For "bac f154M. SY $mom MALE, 23, Nickel la waffle. By SIM OBN AGGRESSIVE, Sponta sous, open- minded, $09W wbft lemafe, rim b the area. I'm a smoker and social drinker, 51', avly 20's, redheaded with green -blue eyes, 145 lbs. and heats congew a. SY S667 YOUNG Amin couple looking for young attractive female. I8-21, for anoounksm 5Y SM OSH DECENT ng professional mate, seeks same up to 35, it you know What 4 s Mks leis tock absdub discretion assured and espxled. SY sm 3o-somthirg let male. nMigent and sincere, looking for a professional female, 40-50. with eftapbolef bolts and build, for quiet times and romance. I you are comfortable with a blonde -haired blueeyed yyounger male, leave a message. SY $510 (osM CURIOUS female. 19. seeks female 19.23. SY SSII (OSM HONEST, caring, compass mab w gle female. 34, looking for the same, serous callers only. BY 5612 (OSHI MALE, 32. 51', 160 lbs., healthy and a:' efic. looking for same ler fnrsro- scop. BY 5513 (OSN) PROFESSIONAL educafad mals, 27, seeks same who Is good lo". non- smoker, white mak with same inter- ests for companionship possible rela- fionshp. SY 5514 (o6H1 ATTRACTIVE, aggressive •nab, 27. is Iook:ng for a young, agreeable lady, single or aaached for afternoon fun. -ouples wefcorhe. Must be dean and d'ecieet. SY 5515 (ash) 81 -SEXUAL Tale. 40. is clean and s,screst and a- - the sarins, seeks a male, 35.45, ler Iastrng kiendshp and dnsenet snowiliss. Plsese al my manbox for mon info. BY SSIS M" BW%MALE. 28. F. 110 Ibis. looksg for same. SY SSI7 (08" ATTRACTIVE couple. 20, seeking 'emale or toupee, dean and I , I fcr first Mme estper+srno" and special ewa,rp. SY esu P" WANT to De a slave !o a crabby. white lemws I m an ss11 East ndw male. W0- 30L broad-minded. trushiol" and h"N-CWW w and likes ti-avMmg ANN -pima d back I IN your,Nrhbar SY sale (OSM ATTRACT1VE, young males fooling 10r a ady for afternoon tun. Cteardmas and discretion assured. SY sm; M" TRAVEL, movies, music, dancing , loop O.ae praise armee ane some outdoor Actrinbe$. sounds like you') Professional, educated male, 27. seeks good-looking, non -snaking while mak with s ridar tntwests. for (C, een0ndshrptreatronship. BY $497 MWESSIMAL male. 32. 511-. 200 lbs. T,ilcu'a, Dutc. seeks a male hendsnp, must be proleseicna, to spend quell tan•e 'gas - one sen bwe eyes s^or :oro har. gra per- eona. 1. kfes faking. long woks and hynarc a e^"s0s. Would lake ic ^ver tamale, 24-27. for rola Dorlhp. SY/491 ESTABLISHED Loc, 27, tui-•trm• weer -as •m He Dg•Mw. wllp" b Wry and ,ave a good b me. cottages. 'raveling. ock.ng 'or krnaa young wom.,. 23-27. for a possible reloot- snc SY IAN (OSM HONEST -ale 4:, 6 2'. 235 IDC.. Dearoeo. non-smoker, ,r,trany shy, grey s•rw d hu cur. NX bad 00%- rng, 'n I r moist playful and unpratsnbous ro. d .ke tc mea %M". 20.40. for "Wdiry -,O"b* relawsfto SY 140 (OSH) ROMANTIC. at-act.ve s-ge, while Tsma.e 33. 5 6'. sum el meaam :ramble W. t>w eyes. rc tsspwtdns. ookrg tali Mat Sip•cta: guy. 30.39. wino war.:a to snap arc's sp•cu1 Ia94 ts awerong ressaorhp.SY EASY "der, wary 30'5, physgay Mt oolong for a passenger wtso "lets Sunday afssmgon riles out n a Cou+- try on a fialey, drnve-lin Hopes. fel Lasa. wales n ilia roods, coq kzmrr tables and •city Barg unplanned adwrwn. SY /41f ft3IM •AMYEO, good-looking woman. 25- 35. keds welcome. who likes long wain, "awes and arwnwla. BS /0-M nm but %1 r :nes With we a^.-actrve gins 18-22 SY 1494 SEARCHING or mi specia altracsw o ve h an-womar 'am S7. 52. wilmol dw+cn¢ ill =.W W to outdoors. spas and aria. Wry caning and gal is but not a pkwy at. social *"lave. SY 1496 SINGLE !athsr of of 22. who lies bil y. mysic, romaMc dhows and vok ng on the bmcr., bo" for $n go rrur kamale. 2230. rho is opal matdeo ler knwldwtp naedag b a reit late+o. ST 1496 M" EASYGOING white Tato 4•. 5'. 160 .los . d'vor-ed alloys 'movies. out- doors, trsming, guet times and lots more. vil los to offer. posing 'o a special femtae etc araoys me soma 30.4.^. 'Oshawa' SY the (OSH) TWO 3Agong males, 20 8 22. '3okrg lands of music. seeks an nowt fries of humour, stable. born family conn; ane s-,::, 2 'roves, would uke a- fes) b thee' 1er^ak. 2? -3E. must rare a tali arc temays, 20.40, ler tin error lrusiworthy friend rrtn a sense of Ma, a log Mart bray Holiest b ria- YOUNG-loolumg male. te. 59'. 150 to ma , lar rot 7- trnu-jsl , pore Sy tum %M,r, iia nd hip. possibly Metal- lionst SY tw7 (Out 6e. and slim. asks same, 50.. for be se of Nim X for tnp ST o. P EASYGOING may. 22. 5'10'. lnp. SY I964 f( " VERY aftractrl,e, while tamale. 33 sense anco n rs. (Cels, pfeaes cal HONEST. s hcere and : -e- o' the bgrrtl•brown hair with h8el �• a CUTE and sassy, single mother of years young, likes country music, becs� your Cdseot plan Malabar). tssrry oopoas. -tae. 2C cow to boarg ler a tsm, nleAgsrtt atlracawe pts 2e, looYorg to a ssngle male who Rock She, spec a female ler ^c"ou"p, poli IN 1�F2's. web ioves rack 'n rot, posts lady, 35.45. who so" dining eryoys children. s. al ng my dog rypa of home, looking tali Nr�. R!� t a ATTRACT female, 29, s••b r -I $be wsonsnrc S1 1470106Nq tet ad a good laugh. Sr" mbmmw out dancing. camping and moves, music and gnrw ever - mut No close b 4 maw. Sy = Pawl sane. ler tfwrnci ft and tun. SY SIM AMBITIOUS. seer-emp.cyeo while wbonn.. By tale ktolang tats aplann naaaoWfp. sY the l •4fs b• loyal and 1bhesL Seigle Dowty TofARTH angle man a IOMq� THANK YOU make. 32. -oolong ler emale. 2C-35. 00 you a" mono, bingo, floor 1612 M" kow$ we.11 Sy m p" hese•, and d head gaM•s k"srfg ler OM arwgNee Mracave for (t y(r fp, with a sense o' ^:mo ' and who aleft n to pile c wenm � SLIM may. 60. 5'6', nor"thoker, EAST -going lady. Shan. 101 figial A male who's Ocwn-to-e rte. with a ssmaln, 30. IOOlilg ler sans. It you rind bg*wnm" nn honest dawn- amourous, easygoing and antra tve. occasional cinnill honest. clean, good sans• of humour, who knows No b parlyr an Pale wnWr 1 Mrs I Rk* and ! b memo. I molly wins b line* a arowe genuine gw+ to -earth male. 32, ro dependents, seeks good lodung arid tfdaprdaM good I . looking ler a mart Ser how b MeV a wish loss d Igen b would Inn b tow koro a mw for a Zang -term lelasonshkp. No yA, you SY SMe � abowBbt ! cor44l der head genus. SY 1472 fo6M s•elbng a lad!' d s ler a so If int mlady. 40.. lax diving OVer 0-+t m cul dant: me who ST 3 taw(a al and Patein a skin. SY Zane f 1 'Nater Someone tbrob a Nia6ollMlp I w answer 0-1 neplws 0-g romaltae evelwgs and euddkq mwatp. SY 7Bq (1JN+ ADVENTUROUS. D•kte InmaN. 21 �11 HMONAE •dkleassd IsaM TI, dating terr�ItA bat „ori / moves. quiet evenags, long walks. so" terhae „ w aamy 40s whc o anw-ma SYIWT(Osm s10BN mood oo" b Mad Muni'. gooc om;N. F. 200 fine" 40. sspara- 44 proterss;onaly •replay ed.:Owes Dow hurtling and a goad lail secs atraaeve Ismak SY ISN (OSH) SENSITIVE. anc owng. smgw while mare. 216, me0un ou4d, seeks sin- gle veli• -1s Wmale. 20-24. who amp" dil dartneg, wet evhags and lots of oreancs. possible blip -term rele$cn4hIF SY 150 STABLE 35 yea old may. 57, 160 !los . seeks adventurous very strac- srt Sam tamale ler orngong nelaeon- Sfvp. hof ndo orvraqK stands or Med �gw�*eess SY 1510 (rq BEAUTi1L ath lie mule. 25. W048- s,ona. 5'•^- '85 IDs.. dock mar -rye W Dkw eyes, Spanish Oatenl. seeks r attractive M krvle. t9.30. !or an kr+torgeleble,onrnarncs. M 1511 (O9MQ ROMANTIC, sneers, honest while MAW 0-6. 5'S, 135 b., kdolog fo a r.- smo%er. social dnnoer. enjoys horseback ndnng, darrmng aro dawg out seeks 0"roe Channing, 24.30, w^0 31s069d Te whale. wngle. a non- $11low and adventurous. with same inwe$ts SY 2061 (COB) PROFESSIONAL, cracbve. orgy ismase oou g 'o nanwh•ct liner, o+fltr and wnct orally sewn maw, w,!11 a sena of humour, 32.0-0. SY leu MALE. 315.0-5, my 901 to you s me' Don't be dscewed by the urge peck - age o the pan wrapping, lot nags. tbere is a lovely present, made n 1956. from ,mommy, s• iliti and lots of TLC SY 2N3 (0" DOWM40-eartn. Tu; -figured. while. c!ear .aey. 5t, colds, blue eyed, snpyt county dnw. walking and al EPENDENT, a!t•actrwe, single vin seek- see k0- lneroshp w,M r, 1lornest goo"ol ng. macre. wnosonaay and fmanclaay, stable mate, 29.35, limo e,toys pots. Maas. moves, darl alg aro lots of toughest. SY 2ap HONEST, caning, compassionake *mare. 34. wen a variety of rare" saw a mato. 3540, b a mlaton- shp. serious calls only. SY 2M5 10) SPK*ME, Nkwo dant down-b-earrn female. 41, with a grea: Sil of humour sntoys so, • xle9- watts at ev tae. and Rock 'n Roll is rfi r - as mi n V*ndsnp which Wald toad b a twoonafvp SY 2N1 ROMANTIC. a rac!ve nom, seeking a spsoal csng -tan. 3545, you owl have b M blealtluL pat hake a good ATTACHED lemas. 33. ST. IW b.. wwltea !C mat an I female to gs1 togethist for daytkne «pourers. OPEII-MNMD, attracts ie male. 36, seeks attractive couple for discreet erncouraws. SY SM GOOO-took,ng, masculine mate, 6'. 170 lbs., athletic, healthy, stral we". seeks $ame. SY SM SPONTANEOUS made. 2e. seals Same, for trwendahp ad good sires. SY Sa9S PROFESSIONAL more, 22. blonde hot a^d gree^ eyes entoys spots. moves. mucid and de ncn% looking for a guy. 15.24. for a •eletgnshp SY AATTRAC�TIVE couple seek; emaks for weekend encounifi SY Sao? aolM h Rol and par tlnuss a lax wlaaa--%- (Apo area) SY /St3 ABSOLUTE tnSaI: c adMraacq b", ratigefb4 nobprrfy, live*", 9� bob and loss mow am 0-6 dlelad b 26-A from a anp90 �le. w r n Is �3i Selp wAm wMoorns SY 15141 9 CArMrA. flibale. Ilontest afhile Oft 30, likes camping, country Music. 880s, quiet ewNga r baking for a female wroth th Simco irrYreaNs ler a In.-- . .f V. ST 1515 LONELY bay. male. 34. ud" cin, ar la, wft kidy. 3411, nafW40. Looking for saaaae b gtnlw ON with Workingfoothill are tenk•ete. SV 1516 (ots ATINACn*, 010 wlila mala, 25. ST, 140 los., romantic, itsumo rotfe, sesygwg bees eftsdnn and a�mfda s-fpbyad, looking far Mel spacial lady, with similar qualities M hopes of a mbbwd* Sy 1517 single white mate, 25, endr, -rt. drkdine boiling lot a moue whr bmal4113-90. nal nip ftnadpsmfas, Ed's spars ended lilw the outdoors and good time, kali hardship. p� 9• SY 1516 GENU* attack". •mpMayed ffi- wN CO" student, 20, 5'10', 145 6s., IswWsfwD, dater, then romance n ro fail r an*.. looking tar amb1lous, nsskgwd, goobl:obg, employed female. 16.22. SY 1519 !0-M COMPASSIONATE genneman who half so much love b give, single 25, ST, black mala, who r bokirg ler a companbnake black Manan, 4'9' - SS, alb I lea. sib w bolog for !LM and at attract" female. and AM en' b=@K eatpye 9se4I dancing wale aid a good pksk wsotld We lomeet stabs man wits maw sfter"ss wilt a good snores d I amw for la did SY SIM (DM PHYSICALLY let separated. what faweds� K, «fpye w61e1� fllalaaiy, bwlitg IaOvfee wa/d Iib mate s � � P42+$ ler a saYtlor► RDMA1111M ataackim sngla wkiki break", 33, 5'6', slim wIM madks e bMatde heir, blew eSa. 0-o dI - I bobg for mat sprawl guy. 30.3e, who wants to sham kiln's special un eNO site who mmiss 33,nib9w oowwyr kite, hared, swkfwaittg b^9 raft and campog, le looking s0- an horsait, laidthl man for kiandog, livefebtioneluy syfwQ21)0" yo.gr :wg1R ataacava wbwnat, hranast 2111011125. anfoklrs ndisg rperryioattaekse saafes, 2424 ler oow IBM rrgle, Mvfe� afek 0-3. aftyoys Blew Jays. eais on bameh, dancing, romantic dimmers, quiet a"mngs at home, not into dte bar sorra. s•eb esu*hW"t, self-oonli dent reliable Mafe, 46-W. kisrdsllq k$L ST W4 ROMANTIC, single norther of ane, white, 42. longs b Beet an hamlet ifar WXW paar�Y nuaflBS !M5 IIET�IC_ lady, 57,105 ba^ win dancing, Signing and perforNng nork-s dear. locking ler a len Man any W farML r kale (OQi MERCK Com isisma , blonde har, bile eya, 54', 13D ea. n "a" slock camn10w w alr�, lis" 9, kaft eb losing for a shite mala, 2e39, chm CK strm* OOmlalaaMt ani - saw. SY 3M (Do" BUBBLY Wade and tuit-ot•kla Wmab, 49, await warm. young-a- hooK telling and goo tiksi fg, seek- kq thN sDaaal. MINN. make kind for talaaoadtt- i1ENY ImnMfe. m active, mmmnkb. spanamale t. 43. S'9', slim with Ydlffnsls in tomm scab an""M mate. 36.43„ 5'10' s, physiatly kir ow*414 Nocores kis and TIRMBSS 0*. Cfeesy, lady dfss r who alloys does g raw ad Wo blas• r slaadrg ler a Wok Ef:l Mdb drive Eno walls b be paapwW anddww SYM WART of gold, anwilive Indy. 30, krg blonde has, groan sM 54', in good shape. •ploys th country kin. anmas ate dddrwt sen chis fare mils, 3035, with sanaar in , for landslip, Maypa mom. SY 2M9 LIOWRY widow, M, 125 lotl would Well 0 mast a:"cants and alarla gen- hateq ". who is a tsm"alift. far kw4o!P. pis 6b NWW&ip. seeks good-looking, non smoking. white make al swsdar rtferes- for 4wosis ! amws definitely n ndpOleale mtadioo- wrong. we fist tbougbt moan ST So"MALE„ 4S, molarsw+bg drw!g out, uwrd ray ' Ibank )Io r very us�ic. looking for same, SY SM mmoBeic Macb!' for playing The Gone 'Nidd/e'fwaw' and being mate, w" read arkpukre and spm iy demi will two couple or mv-silibliff- our 8ggible No atar' IforiaonlfMt�44"" lelwr r s S Lan good kind (loaf am ad gk" L J OMtIIalY111gf Thi 1lYiak AjlrNidarnp Nara Advarhis . Cb ingbn The Week A Norf%onbodoW News aasunw no kabuki fa do ounwM or reply, b any Ytwrs adrm'tiaemwtt. The-ensYaw "VA oanpble fabflilly Iw thin oonMnl ot, and d advwtiMllerM o noorded ntwalBa 0-M ler dry c4artte ralda agairrt oallfNaNlWltfiby 'This Wank • a reaMk Hereof. The atfwrI aMeen b indml-- fyf and hold Bits artd I I I eland pop ww�ig kaI a pwwed by. M pikolfan a rwooadirq pllfpad b5r Sia advertaar a OW reply b such S&WOaamanLL by wing Sonar* Yawn, 9n aduarbes, aPaeea sive b Ision k" nand ib wapbpaaa harntlaw ler in swala. ark 6abiMIn �ia WIIk adf"baultarM placid. r r"rN• ksM rtllNa to addeaaa in hiMr glaeeln9 Itwaa0w tie al9wMrl b sig1M bd[ai(M, wtwitlt o dN1dd dry a ttlaaNtge M �f n+vANoh N tial ial i • s' a t t , � r - r '•�; �,Ag - Y, AU�t(J�1" til, 77fFf•1!�'i� In co-operation with The Productivity Improvement Centre (PIC) of Durham College presents Quality Assurance and Computer Technology September 19 - November 23, 1994 At Durham College Skills Training Centre 1610 Champlain Avenue, Whitby Quality Assurance and Computer Technology (QACT) will take a systematic approach to Introduce participants to major quality concepts, quality management systems, and computer skills being ulilized in industry todayAt is targeted toward unemployed persons from manufacturing positions in quality production, materials management, Inspectors, technicians, and technologists. This course may also assist persons from skilled trades, purchasing, and middle management from manufacturing and service industries Eligibility Criteria: Applicants for this program must he unemployed and receiving UIC benefits at the time of the course start date and must reside in the Region of Durham. Eligible applicants will have grade 12 education or equivalent: a 'passion' for quality-, but lacking basil understanding and skills There will be an interview by PIC to determine suitability. Call 721-3319, or 1-1300-263-3735 (toll tree) for more information. fqw IC1Polio" Fk(A)-Lx--T NI rY W."t AIME ti T ( 1:1-4 IRE ART a TECHNIOUE I HAIRSTYLIST SCHOOL guaranties you will never be out d work again. Enrol now at one , hairstylingour 4 schools and IM nM paras Olio/ 45 yours ex- perience on to you. Free prafwional blow dry if you extol tom now until Aug. 31/1984. 15 Simme SL S., Oshawa 576- 0479. 760479. (08309/) ARE you 1esNng nonmed -in? Do you haft havirg a tering on you titans? l so. calf Gary Bit - their for an earert opportunity in the ansa d Financial Services Markstingl Excellent training and support. Can 666 4613. IL4eelltble prodtrts M home. Easy! No Soft You're paid Erect Fully gtlara mw - No atperieltce necesmy. W 11-41"W"11111 rt3M in tllMls� b stltlnolL Allo amb. lwiillg, pills udiiaiiad bift sod mom � cal 191.79F131112 Ext. $47% 26 inns. DUDS A SUDS Pal1 title tBlNl11111y atlBndsrM Days, eYe *SIS cit washitrids. /� Ap* ~.105 Ba* St., ' 7e' VWT eel kttossn nsstoAma in Oellewe Is looking fa All tine and pen wine shoo Miller cooks. Experience or wilting to from flglr ktdbidual Cal 906.723- 5051. (0819") $UMWEM'f Postale moll - circulars. Begin now. For E pease,, send SJLS.E. to J.Q. Enterprises, P.O. Box 44018 900 Qrardvlew SL S.. Oshawa. Ont. LIN BR5. NNW" ignt 1•vum 1111 sola than ofd etre (n:axie pews Pbm let or nil resum O: w M rtl lir CEOU U K 0111111111001111111111, pli tea t� 73L71M MAINTENANCE MECHANIC • Full-time • 10 years experience preferred •Good Wages Apply by resume to: Frk 17019��,,....ya, Oshan This 1�1 P.O. Bots 481 Ontwic LIH 713 ESTABLISHED =1 PAW BEAUTY SALON *``*��*��********* mgLi r`r h�' . ^!7n'a'w - $12M hr No osier W MMS- rte wain n�aryy. On -OV - t*VbW , flair wkh ptrollto- tl*S tion possiibam $45 hr. and up Flexible hours. WW Asklliorman%leir Cd �i w9') . ___ mom 00000000 tw• AZ DRIVERSpmkwft • :::1 �WANTED2 yrs. etperiance • • cap ADAMS • 1• SERVICES, • • 430.2204, • REAL Emm Secretary, mild • ask for Randy or Carol. - Sao-tw. 30 00000000 hours per ask. 1.6 evsrlirtpS 5 pm - 9 pm. Majw MEDICAL SscrlMery - full timo. tic Real Estate. 426-9766 Piano respond with WrMM LONG 8 Sun Tomb Temp AS- 'wt'trr silly 10 Or. N. Sults. 95 sign- w - Sci01Ouliff AZ -OZ Oft LIS 7*. (061606) , � Driest$. turret sbstracl a mueL Apply 9 a.nL-M pmt daily. EXPERIENCED Iebaner for Gk6W H men Resolution Cetrw. landscaping construction 777 Warden Ave.. Unit eB-. company. Own vshldo. Cal SwtOoraph. (0823") M83 19.(002194) *JOIN OUR TEAM* A mafor Canadian Retailer requires an experienced: IV . AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MANAGER If You already have: 3-5 yegls experience as an Automotive Service Manager in a high volume service centre A personal commitment to customer satisractiort Superior administrative b leadership skits Exceptional communication & motivaion®I akiNs. We offer. Secure - long term career Competitive salary, profit sharing, group benefits Forward your resume in Confidence by mail or FAX to: Canadian Tire Store 260 Kingston Rd. W. Ajax, ON LIT 1P5 FAX 905-683-6481 We shank all applicants to advance. only selected candidates will be contacted for Interviews. DUE TO INCREASED SALES cit SERVICE, we are Currently looking for class 'A' W-hnilian. If you have Chrysler Jeep Experience; a Class 'A' License and are Willing to work for our growing dealershlip, please apply in person to: John R. Johnson Service Manager Ajax Jeep Eagle 493 Bayly SL I - Ajax, Ont 683-4100 EARN $44 AT HOME we pay you directly t0 assemble Our products year round. For details send sett addressed stamped envelope to: LEISURE TIME MANUFACTURING 16715-12 Yongel St. Suitt: 344A Newmarket, Ontario. L3X 1X4 PART-TIME POSITION Atraili ble For Junior Tr1Wel Co mph m with APG. Minirrim 1-2 years Call ERICA 683-6690 �wwtII,BBBiwTSLx Slat lelwedo* to I ldl"ita� 2113 pOM. LIV M y150Vwif»kly sadwy a eonft. Iwus ptswria l tsime ler pincer ewww Cal tar an blerAw fes► fit"w ELECIROIBG ftatrssete rsPM person needed for small appliances, ntir:owarw. VCRs and poster tools, ate. Call DurAMn ll:; 11 , es Pale. MBM- 2223. 10823MI BEAUTY salon requires Iloawe . assiatatt mawapK and stylists In Wtttlby. Guaranmee plus oonrr I .. plus bonus. Excellent training, career advancement. Cal Rhonda. 576-2512. 0831941 IF you are single or a single Parent or separated or divorced with three years work experience, you may qualily for financial assistance or if you are over 45 and have recently been laid off, you may quality for train- ing assistance. DtPiCERT., Lotus, Wordperfect. D -Base, Word, Accpac. Bedford. Autocad. Ventura. Pagemaker. Harvard. Corel, Computer Programming and Systems Analyist, Cobol, Pascal and C. Photoshop, Quark Ertpress are Illustrator. Durham Business Computer College. 427 -3010 - EXPERIENCED permanent par time modicai secretary. 3 days per week, must have OHIP Compute Billing and Dicta - typing. Purse respond to nils 87038. Oshawa This Week. P.O. Box 481, Oshawa. Ont. L I H 7L5. (082394) C.D.A. with P.D.A. Cert. preferred. Please hand deriver resume to 203 Byron St. S.. Whitby between 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon -Thum, or phone 668- 5822.(082394; Day Care: 160 Wanted CHILDCARE req, ee home (Wes tney/Ross land). 3 children, 6 years. 2 years. 6 mwnndns. Mon -Fri. Fun time, live in or out. People with cnildren WO welcome to apply. Lace Sep- tember star.. 428.2566. (062194] ` +brookr Ashbrooks, the ultimate source for bedroom and bath are looking for MATURE PART-TIME SALES ASSOCIATES • Outgoing personality • Should have retail experience • Days, evenings and weekends. Apply in person with resume to: 1755 Pickering Parkway, Pickering, Ontario (no phone calls please) SALES Reps - Canadian Scholarship Company requires Skilled sales reps ful or par time wit^135 minimum 3 years experience. ' Weekly Commission, leads supplied. Paul- 434-7089 TOOL 8 ...b Uaner requred. :L • years progressive die eroenence. Pad benefits. Whrt- ' cv location. 6865799 or tax to 664-8978, (061994, 1 T, -5ery ce Me -a P•oc..1s. a a, ye�.y aG 'es FITTEFV3. expenencec " Pres�•,re :esse+s as well as WEILfDERS wth M.0 C P a -c c, �; N o caroor steel and aium num Please tax resume to (905) 428-6933 MATURE and experienced fCI1001 2-3 Mannose per week, elan babysiter required for 6 mons" (062506) old. References upon request. Day Please call 666-9641. No stu- derns please. (092994) 1165 Available MATURE 'esporerble dayCAM SEPTEMBER wes!neyHwy needed 'n my home or outside 82. exper erced mother arc home .n Prngle Creek area 4 1/ daycare Iwdvrder afters a sate 2 yr. old and 1 1/2 yr. old. loader happy errvronment for your thud in school hall days). Chddl Children 2 142 and cider References rsquee/ed. Sting onllyReferencesawdable. 666 n Seprerr0er. Call 668-1396, 6105. 998) (O"Ot9a) T -LC. daycare avalable in my LEVE -IN Dabyslmirg required. none, mother of 2 w th Mon -Fn for 6 year old. If experience. OixreGuenanna interested, call 686-3474. aeaCalt420-3276.(0021 - 4) BABYSITTER neefw to come IEUAKE Claircm - rib hone 4 days a week from 6 DAYCARE available in my am -630 am. To nquirs. Car home. experienced. reliable. (905) 4249552 atter 5 p.m. loving mother. Reasonabie dry endo oak and sugar MOPb By loos cert Start' a $55 for rates. Hwy 82%Brock Rd.. WHITBY . live in Pickenng. Paola. 428-7733. HOUSEKEEPER/NANNY re- (oe2aw) quired for 2 young children. 2 tr and 8 months, own private, EXPERIENCEDmotherd 3 we living quavers. Call (905) all-tdo�yeaw � 4856. (062304) to and Highbush P(n FAX US YOUR AD for parents with children in W/BTaY Thick$ONDr n 1de kindergarten. nursery school. area. Nanny r suited. nus in a Avail P.A. and holidays. 420 - out. 2 Children 1 year and 5 0648. (0826e4) years old. Non smoker. References. Cal 721-2774. DELANEY/CHURCH St. Wary Krazy 571.1412. Mili (Farmers Ave) mother of 2 MARY Poppins whew are you? providing daycare, localed doss We regyir• T.L C. ler our tIMN b St Paridu Safe ATTENTION F airstylsta . ward drsdrert in our hone. weekday home. ferlosd yard. eon-snok. you like to Increase your mornings only. 831-0752 inghlo pew fiulrsious ketches, i IC011 tiered you art, to run ersrtittgs- f061aoa) snacks. (905) 683-9289. yew own business? If so. a CABMAL bebysiar, in my hon (062694► 210 Market CHOCOLATE D•ow^ ve c-- 11.gr7back 6,sepe, sofa wile snatching targe aomfortabie am Burr. exoNlett condition. Car 839-0501 save message. (o8219t) "HOOKED on Phonics- new. pard S38C t,.S.. asking 11300. washing machine Good Condi- tion 310C (905) 420-1332. (082494: $CAIDINAVIAI4 ch•sterfek:. IOveseat, chair ane lamps As- king $35C Call 837.0927. (08211 941 L -SHAPED bunk ow. Closet. drawers, booksten within unit. 11175 o.b.o. 4263673 (082194) AJAX Pickering Appliances - no reasonable filer relkAW. tally guaranteed. R•conaitionec appliances. Come make us a deal. 427-6784. 467 Westney Rd. S. Alex. (TF) FABRIC vertical blinds with valance, 72`W x 84%. $69. 85'W x 641.:89. Cuu m saes anarable. Also rt-ftigi and shades. Call 428-0937. dam' !Migal is elle say to go. Jole 2-3 Mannose per week, elan DAYCARE available in my (062506) us st i w tutrtove0ss quant Per- smoker. own trarrsg ortaW 2 - home, nussiotrs mea. outside CARPET - dont buy anywhere am Lew Halt Skdio and we7 slow you how. Cal RWh. 430 r,- I n Whiw Iid./Bayly awa. OM 8314563. (08108) play. Class ID valley Farm P.S.. SL Are=". Bus for French •isa until I show you who I can do for you. Call Gard, 434-0222. 2060- )for re I I nersim Sir JA MacDonald. daycats in my home, clot• to CHEF 1 0) respons" /1AMIG 0 mon. old in ourtree, 2-3 ResosiPrr- 686.7085. (06/90-) 831s11MwB aS Bio sown hill agar, - sigh lutoa6edge drys per wesk. 7 am -12 p rn. BAe"irrIM a elMe in my remiss, an WOW is ey set up. of North Amwk= food. Cal Whiea ttdt alae. Non stellar. -oils Livatpod a Fendt ask. Sumo surround sound. Picture Monday, Tuesday and CON M3018, fpB2106) Close, ID Pirmidges1 11 , I Non- inpiam Noe=will dow, %W Thursdq, 9.5 pAL Friday 9.1 IEUAKE Claircm - smoking• lots of TLC. $70 b awl. Only S24.083 Cal pin. =51831.2158. (08270) my horns. Man - Fri 79 - SAO -N* -0 420.5073, (0120K) Gerry a 571-1413. 1082 ) dry endo oak and sugar MOPb By loos cert Start' a $55 for P- StarYtvg SM for 21 nrM DAYCARE available in my Oo 10 the Movies at hone Fu/ bikeExit • racin . g gears, and 4 year old. Non-anokM, home. FulUpan time. Hot honer fees" sysian vCFt big ' own verb, (''05) kelclns and snedts Provided- $croon, surround sound, FAX US YOUR AD 500.26,96.1 ") loges and Gi nsata 420'=37• speakers and lunar. Rent to eokaegr utile. 872oili cal IIAlB/Y tsglrtsd 5 dap a week (09/2") own. Only, $21.00 weekly. Cal These year old and ltfars. own BEFORE and after school. Wary Krazy 571.1412. Mili at���a Re rt�.ptaVaDa�7a - ar. commencing 5epl D'otiel cltldeae, PA days, holidays, ,wpY•S Bridal Rent . alim. Hwy 02 area. 420-1722. nutritious arwdts, fun at3Miiss, dablDw MW ad on rte fty Or =Hoon all we ot be Ilrttm flee 11" on m gin In Full "Me Seekift� an entituslas- lic irWi tia) with good ailephorIB, and elBnti OOItlTN911Ca- tion skills 1D work in a busy real estate ollios. abl Most be e b work in a Wilw1ows environ- ment Real estate erRleriierto9 sst an a Personally delver suites b: TIM Ibd E90 Uel., 14*11 A Bayltf SIr111, plebrklF NO 1111111111111111110 Co OIL sseddig tulor available. Close to Lord V__ -7 of targe eAletb0rl d sues and Ourham and St. Bernadotte. styles. sty -. Cal Judy. (905) 579 e Very aAcrdebie PMese Cal 88e- 4 ) of 13. (08190) FOX Hollow -experienced Mfg PATIO Doors - ThwrrW King - r a+a Thermal d: Vinyl Guard aitd daycats in my home, clot• to am mi Crafts. gat". close to Parka. 4 Door Tberrrrl C mnfL SM to Highbush Pubie School Full or SL parlck Schaal. Receipts f $1049 (taxes included). Best lime a 911) ra.e, 420 rs�red. 427-06,6. (082194) for P nein guality uard. olde . 6 n $525. Cal OUAUTV delicate full time. Mon -Fri, 9.8 Pm. 4332537 or avatYble In my torte lots of 725.4537. (0112006) TLC. NMriious snacks, mei. PIANO - older upright with specs avaaable for two dlldwn ages 2 and up, Lissfpool and FIREWOOD for SAID - SeroW. - ee beech, tuning and delivery. 11""5. 576-2414. (0826W) Hwy 82 aS. Cal Eisler. 420 w dry endo oak and sugar MOPb By loos cert Start' a $55 for 1902Fiori Modena /0 ape"11 25111015. 06) law odd• for mow inkin wilion9 bikeExit • racin . g gears, MMsr Pappire has r•ksrrd ft CM 43D4$17.1002394) Parwracer 700 x 25C sMlsela. AN Alaxi Fun filled days, hot ArayaAkrtiniumnmeplusmore. temperablechea, tempeble raps. ECE FAX US YOUR AD Raring shoes included. Ab- ate CPR ratted. RMaeneft 1 I eokaegr utile. 872oili cal Shelley. US -730D. (06/906) - 579-2= Trails. 906996:314117. (09259) V*6VJ$-"& NE'IysAOV9kr AElt ft1D&, AVGtW 119,19% 220 220 FOR SALE, Washer, dryer $375, Silage, SS,tim$4400 - 30 day wa • a .nr'7- Exit eNeet condkWL 68ll-SW CAME71i - Ills of carpsL 100% nylon, naw fileln ralaas� eopsls on Itared, I *A earpM 3 mons. SUM. Prue includes carpet. premium pad, expert hstaladon. fast delivery. free esth+tsfes (30 yards). Norman. 6862314. (TF) EVERYTHING Must Go - double mattress. $125. Ousen size headboardframe and mfthoss. SHIDYAN - Will barn style $225. King size 4 poster sheds, bulk on tile. 6x8. We. waterbed complets. $250. 6 GST Included. Display at Lym- drawer dresser VWmirror. $150. MM'S Apple- - *-* applwtoe clearance (rear and rebuilt). Prices slashed on quaky appliwxm. V -sl Hwtkla for best prices. quality. warranty and service. 191 Boor St. E. 06. (behind Muhitech). Oshawa. 728-4043. (090194) PIANOS - Yamaha Demo Sale - Waers Music. Oshawa 57S- 2414. 762414. (062594) KAYAK pool, 12x24, all acessories. $3500 o.b.o. Call bird Lumber. Kingston Rd.. Prdk- Maple dinette sof -atand 404.2757. (081994) Bring or call 905-509-4961. hutch, $500. Ash Prohibition Ariicles COMPUTERS new 466 40's, table vW4 splens chairs. SSW. , Wanted $998. IBM and Compaq 396's Chrome and glass kitchen table from $575. IBM 286's $475. $350. M accents) and 4 chars' Toshiba 386 lap tops, $849, 3 do M fadMoffat buil a oven, akar WANTED . Buie Jay Tickets at New and used 3 door Mollat fridge w/ice -raker lace value. Call Bruce a1 579 - Now from and matching stove w/self 4400• ext. 207 (TF) Numerous other name brand doening over. $1250 Candle systems complete and microwave. $150. 17 cu.ft. WANTED - old and antique guaranteed. Computer -General' freezer. $150. 2 furniture, anything old. Scientific Clearance Centre. 161 King St, matching porcelain tablelamps instruments. china, silver, E.• Bowmanviie. (R" 41112). 697• $75. 3 pce. coffee and end advertising, sporting, toys, 3059. (090394) tables. $300. Brass coffee table os. dolls. rnilk bottles. col- or estates. Cal Robert SPICE bedroom suite. Kaufman, */one and table. $75. Wood and $450. Antique coffee table, glass curio stand w/brass Bowen Antiques (905) 655- $425. Call (905) 579.6987. accents, $150. Bentwood 8049. Broolklvh. (TF) (p82%4) rocker, $75. 27" Sony console 'WANTED APPLIANCES - work - CONSOLE T.V. $150. Rodon colour stereo TV, $575. Thomas ing or not. Fridges, stoves. kxdee table. $200. King water organ w/rythym section. $450. washers. dryers. ALSO wanted - bed. $150. Dresser, high boy. Oak roll top desk, $900. Metal pickup truck. 1985 or newer. side table. $100. Hanging executive office desk. $100. Ex- Reasonable. (905) 427.6690. painted glass Vr'D W5 Cal ecutive office chair. $175. (082594) 430.2263. (062394) teary desk. $75. Secretary OLD and good cameras, gold. chair, $25. IBM typew iter. $75. sterling, optical instrument. OAKMINE FURNITURE - Why OFfice phone system wvbox (6 pay retail prices? One of fine capacity) $175. 2 students lowellery' watches• old china Ontario's oldest and largest desk. $75 each. Humidifier, $75. and glass• antique furniture. Cal manufacturers is now selling GMC sldback ing bawindow, $40. 432-4678. !0823941 direct to the public. Eg. oak 1981 Olds Cutlass complete for ' r - r pedestal taws with c fw ext. and parts. $400. 4.15• ray wheels 4 Wit. chairs. $799 - 6' oak $250. weights. benches and �25 Sales double pedestal c/W ext. and 6 bars, etc. Best offer on chairs. $1429. Cannonball beds. everything. 4363904. (082394) SELLING Little -Tykes Play House and Granda's 14otse and want to bur Babys(tw% Lima Sister Books. Call 686-4046. (0621941 POWER Wheels .)exp. red 4x4. Excel" condition, 2 batteries and charger, 2 speeds and reverse, 2 passenger, SM. 420.6881. (062194) FREE fort wanted. Will dism- semble and remove your old I— Call Joshua (age 7) or Dad, 834-8758.(0821941 HAVE a Plant Party. 'Sik'tress, plants, cacti and baskets. Earn cash or merchandise. Call (905) 649-1506.(082394) TINY Tykes kilohm. tarp chairs, fridge. stow. table. food. dishes. pots, sieik. $55. Girls phtk/Mhi e bike, basket. $30. 839-8147. (082194) GIRLS bike. 16- with training wheels. Girls skilowak bike. 12" with basket. also with training wheels. Boys 16- Woe BMX with training wheels. 683.4278. GERMAN Sheppard puppies, CKC registered, Microchip, shots and dewormed. 12 weeks old, ready to go. Cal 905-355- 1566.(082394) DONT "now your dog waste into landfill sibs. use a DOGGIE DOOLEY PET WASTE DIS- POSAL SYSTEM. 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., 7 daysMreek. Call 723- 5413 or 434.8782. $2.00 off with ad. (TF) LHASA Apso pups. non shed - FREE to a good home, 3 gor- ding and non anergetic. Vet, geous kittens. Grey tabby 6 needles, house training started. weeks old, sand boxed trained. Payment terns available. 705 - Call 428-8279 (home) or 427- 7()6.3124. (TF) 4947 (bus) (082494) FREE to a good Moms. Becarse of poor health, elderly gentleman must give up family pet. 4 year old Pointer Cross brood. Black and white spayed 0t ' - ' female, medium size. Very �25Sales affectionate. House trained. 640-5339.(082194) $299. Over 20 stain chores - all CONTENTS of Gift Store in•ALL solid• no veneers - Traditional MOVING SALE MOVING free to cod home - 3 adua display cases. up to Woodworking. 905-965-8774. 50% off. THE PURPLE 1420 OLD FOREST RD., PICKERING kittens one female and ons Purebred Cocker SPee* (TF) TURTLE. Hampson. Can 263- (Hwy. #2 & Fiosebank) SAT, AUG. 20TM 8 a.rn- - noon with papers. 15 months old. not PAGERS: We offer a oomplats x940. (0849941 Ringette equipment, girl's Raleigh 12 spd., electronic recommended with children. range of communication services. featuringstattsd-the- lel/ COmpat�le COrhpUler. 11450. rgan. exerase bike, desk, tools, toys. light fixtures. Cal 725-9419 (082394) an numem and abhhanutim Cas 571.6109. (082594) pagers. For more details. Cas TWO unframed 'Trish TEAM Obedience - nark classes Marc DeSouza. (416) 551.6824 Romance- r,, low prints. Iv tree). RAIN OR SHINE (Puppy and Novice) starting (loN (082544) Castles and Chnsinas Morning. Aug. 25, 27. 29. Evenings and CARPET - I have several 1000 $400 set or $750 par. Large SAT, AUG. 20-ISUN., AUG. 21 Saturdays classes available yards of new Stairrreaw and metal desk, x75. IBM SMsctm 9 A.M. - 3 P.M. wn h sin Cyeses guararesed. 100% nylon carpet. 111 carpet Typewriter, $30, Al Or. filing43 CARR DR., AJAX (Hwy. #2/Chapman) Can 4340025. (082394) your living room and hall for cabinet. $35. One Vantage Furniture. houseware, appliances, baby needs & S299. Price includes Carpet, pad gluons system with 2 sees. Pick- much more. PALADEN DOG OBEDIENCE - and installation. -30 yards-. up remaining contract. 728- O"Ified vetennary approved ir► Steve. 430-98 2349.(082594) 85. (TF) strurtion by sot-iratrupor R.A.F. PIA NOS'GRANOFATHER SATELLITE dish, 10 ft. mesh. Police Dog Training School. CLOCKS Bad io School So*- $1300 o.b.o. Acorn fireplace.Openings GARAGE SALE available for next pos. $200 Wall over. $250 Stavied caLL - Now and usedian rem to own. apt. skis. upright, glass door insert. $25C Pedes. SAT., AUG. 20, SUN., AUG. 21, 9 A -M. classes commencing Thurs. Sept 1, puppy and novice, and grand. c g hal. keyboards fall situ. brass taps, $400 Ory 1975 LODGE RD., PICKERING Mon. Sept 12. Jr. puppy and CLOCKS - 'free ::Wv"and set brass sink. S20C 2x4 nigh rise (corner of Poppy L.are) novice. Our success rate Lip). Trerrhendous savngs: Teeop intake Carer Cams for S B.0 Sorne household artcies and muck -e,e speaks for Itself. Tel. 668-9425. ParaWonus.433149' Tc- S85C 98'4'23 ',6,994 1M0 Grand Prix STE. 3.1L. auto, loaded mint condition, must be seen. 103,000 kms., $11,200 o.b.o. Cab 723.0537, ,teff. (062394) 18th Suzuki SMI GTI, 16 valve, 5 speed. white. clean car. First $3500 takes it. Certified. 721- 2365.(082394) 1N88 Camaro, V6, auronrial ps.. pb., 130.000 kms., red with red interior, good condition. $3600 o.b.o. Cal after 5 p.m. 905427-4041.(082394) 1986 Mercury Grand Marquk, fully, loaded. excam. running condition, many good years left. $2500 firm. Please call 428- 3269. (082394) 1986 Olds Cutlass Supreme Brougham, 1984 Toyota Colica Hatch. bash in great condition, will SON package. $5000 o.b.o. Moving, must $e0. Uncertified. 416.602.3993.(061994) 1986 Olds Custom Cruiser Wagon, Vs. WAD, air, txuiee, windows, door locks, arMm stereo cassette, ordy 106,000 Km. original. $2895 certified. 3 more nice cars to choose from. Cs8 427-9722 rtylirne Russ. Open Sunday. Big Town Sobs. (062S94) 199S Dodge Diplomat Salon, well maintained, very clean. dependable, classy yet economical transportation. $2450 cert. Eve. and Weekends. call 839-5502. (082`.+94) 1985 Lincoln Town Car, 4 door, fully equipped, excellent condition. Private. certified. $4200. CON 427.0490. (082494) 1964 Buick LeSabrs, as is, $1000 c.b.o. 5762303 alter 5 p.m. (082394) H64 Olds. Delta 88. 44r., V6 euro. loaded. new park orry 104,000 km. Excellent clean running car. Only $2695 certified. Hurry on this one. 3 more nice cars ro choose from. Cal 427.9722 a litir . Russ. Open Sunday. Bp town Sales. (082594) 300 ,..>< cut► �r.--.v�. Buri. (s speed, air, 30.000 kms., $1o,2W obs. Ca 43S.M7. (0112494) ion Chrysler Nor Yorker. now in 1993 Nr - - ill sla conation, 4 door, loaded, air, am/fm cassette, stereo, cruise, automill teal, w1+d, and lodes. $16,500 obo. Ca SM 43M WYJnr or Nave message. (0e909m) 19114 Faro S.E., fully loaded. automatic, lady owner, never seen winter, white in colour. Ex- teN condill low mileage. Leave message at (905) 433 8871 or page (905) 404-7318. ion Ford Mercury Capri. 3.3L. running order. S.E. $300 o.b.o. Cal 619.1782. (082694) 1977 Pontiac Grand LeMans - two door, one owner. loaded, ony 67,000 miles, 305, VB, $1500 ob.o. 905579-4626 after 7 p.m. (062394) LEASE to own vehiclee, 1900- 1985. 9601985. $345 down. no interest, no Credit checks. 686-7428. (TF) ,355 .. 1976 Harley Davidson Shovel Head, $8500 firm. Call 666.6161 days or 697-3229 evenings. 1991 Wet Jet Sport If. 432. 2 seater. new coil, battery. with cover and trader. $2900. 935- 7132. (082594) FIBREGLASS and Epoxy materials. How-to videos and books. osmosis repair kits. boat paint, prop repairs. Oshawa Glass Fibre. 341 Durham Crt. 579.1AM. (083094) O(Bi1MA 2 bedroom Gip famished ba$ement sp. b"K "M per month utcfusive. FtrstAM req. References. Avaiklbl11 immediately. 4344514 CENTRAL OSHAWA 2 bedroom house 10 rent, includes fridge and shove. $750 - utiu6es. Available Od 1. 576-8976 SOUTHEAST OSHAWA 1 bdrm. apartment, newly painted, access to washer, dryer and backyard. $495 per month, utilities included. Available Aug. 19.435-0110. SPOTLESS, bright bath. apt northeast Oshawa. Sliding door w/o, light kitchen fac., avail. Sept 10. $425 monthly, all inclusive. Non smokers. rge 2 bdrm. apt., eat -in cher, fridge, stove, large irg/dinirg room, fenced lyd. Close to shopping US, 401. Please cap after 5 p.m. 33 & 77 FALBY COURT 2 & 3 bedroom apartments in family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and underground parking Included. f= $743-$833. 686-0845 weekdays 8:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m 1400 400 400 PIComrAn - West Shote, large AJAX - ate b4dtoorn besenwtt PICKEPICKERING one bedroom basement RINGHteya7Mlepnsy� apartment. fireplace, a/c.. 4 poo. both, *operate *guano*, "n otout to Pw o, 880, laundry, dose to Go. Non smoker. no LRGE 1 bdnn. apL on m.Rk. non smoker, first/last. pets. $575 monthly. Available P4%r m. Avalable Sept. 1. Aug. Inin lately. Call (905) Brand new, f** MIND, W/O $650 Inclusive. 637.2766. 686.1179. (002494) to private petro quiet ablO.3 (082306) houses from Ftendlmlrth BOWMANVILLE - large 4 On "-onebodroom bedroom house for rent, Ideal Bay. Bus s>aP commit Ley basement apartment, own location, - schools, man TO ADVERTISE fac $70ohn51h. Altai. Sep. witrana, parking. suit single e>nrax WIXI first and last. niched or unfurnished. $625 all entrance. nor smoker. F -UM. nclusive. Leave message or Available Sept. 1. $450 all I. Cal t>�ed Jim soses4 working person, finAMI. $450 7 Cal 623 7824.(()72594) YOUR FALL 1098 between pm. -10 pm. now. (905) amen ,ties . Available share laundry. $1050 plus 60% immediately. References A must see - Oshawa, two BROCK d Hwy 92. pekering. 434-63W.Ivailable) bedroom bsawrtart AJAX -two bedroom basement DICKERING - two room bed basement apartment, $750 REGISTRATION AJAX •two bright. Clae monthly. available Sept. 1.4 ace quiet and secure. Laundry, immediately. First last and to GO, sh piing, apartment available to Go, shopping, stsrooY. Arg- irrwnedfaley. Separate emrarnce, 3plarrogg 248.(06249ded,Cap9p5725 3248. (002494) CALL CLASSIFIED pliances included. $775 tuff bath. cable, parking.Non 100x200. City water. walk to kitchen. private dine, waster. F■aVlast, r lerences. no pins. AVAILABLE immediately - 3 inclusive. FiratJlast. Available �• no peft $700 inclusive.TWO bedroom basement teach. Sale $122.100. Rent -utibb(908) 6664018. Sept. 1. 683.4216 or 781-8199. 683-6584. (0719g4) apartment, prestigious North AT 683 5110 (082394) S.OSHAWA - two bedroom DICKERING - large three West Oshawa area. air, cam' fridge' stove, parking for one, NORTH Oshawa - freshly bedroom, close to schools, apartment, share backyard, bed100m basertent 6pw>•Trert, separate entrance. fireplace, Sept'$clu 1 possession- r SW5even quist, Professional non smoker, references, $775 per month, Highland Dance available Sept. 1. walk 10 GO inclusive. Firstllast, references. Call collect after 6 Phone (905) 434-7165. (082394) 10 schooi and shlppinq. $775 p.m. (705) and shopping. SM ut"ut"'I'ss 277-1311.(082194) included. 831-02% TWO bedroom apartment, $600 Lessons PICKEAtNG •Twin River area, per month in Whitby above 683.2996. M62394) arge bdroo�Altb�enfaParmartce4 furnished basement, one sloe. Immediate position. In - appointmreM• al rn-41111111- bath,Bing room and dining bedroom. kitchen, kving room, clams ,�� stove, parking. Cal Alla es welcome. 9 pce, bath, laundry. parking. No full bath, separate entrance, 668-2246 (002394) bedroom basment apwn sea border, large one bedroom pets/smoking. References parking, single preferrable. DOWNTOWN Whitby - im- Member of B.A.T.D. vequired. 509-9005. (082494) $650. 509-2491. (082194) maculate one bedroom base - W*Ane*. non smokers, no pets. Cal 4329174. (062386) AJAX - two bedroom walkout AJAX - basement apartment. mens apartment. great location' BEGINNING OCT. 5. basement apartment backing convenient location, one Close to all amenities' $550 ` onto greenbelt. near Go, private bedroom with small kitchen, entrance, parking, stove and monthly. All utilities included. rate entrance. parking, iron Please Contact yew om hlywith available Sept. 1. n hook-up for laundry. $625 Non smoking single person. Pius 40x. undies. (905) 666 686-6199. smoker. available invnediatety. Cafl 668 3568 (0823%) Trac for more information Y (905) (082194) 3201 (082194) SPACIOUS basement __ _ _ - _ EAST Osnawaicourtice - bright L; 619-0200 OSHAWA - one bedroom apartment close to Beach and two bedroom apartment in b*dtoorR bgk kidWk "10 ktdusiwe. Call 8839029 after 5 apartment, downtown area. Go Above ground windows, Available Aug. 1. $400 plus 40x. residential area, 4 appliances. fenced yard. parking. L ` Registration Night sauna. one age bedroom. large ,tilities. Firstilast. 434.6902. living room, kitchen includes references, no pets. Sept. I- SEPTEMBER 7 7:00 •'082394) fridge/stove. Available Sept. 1. $650 inclusive. Call collect at p.m. BLOOR/SIMCOE - large two $750 inclusive. 839.6378. evenings (416) 483-5999. LLL LL L bedroom in 46 unit building. (082394) I Houses storage. sundry. parking. soon CENTRAL Whitby rok7 . I ■•--gooClosetostoresybus. betlroom, near shopping •om $675 inckusive. Go direct to schools. $750 per month plus 23 Bbo Q. W. o tall tblert unities. Call 430.8820 after 5. 4162235419. (TF) (081994) OSHAWA - small one bedroom PICKERING L basement apartment. private wry s entrance, 4 al pliancet, Parking, pacious bedroom basement ::060 to OC. Ideal lot student or single e e idea for a giro o single person. Above ground S ngw person. $415 monthly . 1; ,endows. 4 appliances. parking, 3 utilities. FirsUlast. available a/c.available mmtsdatety, no Sept. 1, Call 416-698-8735. Pets. ets Cal collect (905) 830-9064 082394) or831-2855.(002594) ROSSLANO Ridge Co-op - one AVAILABLE 1n Whitby apart - Ind two bedroom apartrn■nha ment budding. spacious car - available. One bedroom. $562. poled newly pwftd apartment •wo bedroom $645. Includes with balcony, close to bus. L494N6 and cable Approt min - 410 Hoses For Rent OSHAWA small 'wc oe000m house for rent, avaiable October 1st. Private bacityarc. suitable for couple or single person. Only $700 monthly plus utilities. References essential. (905) 7257062 shopping. An unties included. - EXCELLENT 3 bedroom. 2 re re tram iMOD"quierrrnt start- Firstling: required. No pets. One ng at $23.200. Community bedroom, $625 Two bedroom, atmospinae. NO su b@kgss. Cal $725 Three bedroom $775 Cal 432.1567. (062304) 430-C 134 (T�; AVAILABLE immediately in PICKERING bright large two Ckhawa - 639 Cuben St.. two bedroom basement apartment. 0"'oom, $675 monthly. fist' separate entrance. washer and ask required. Close to but. dryer, to backyard. $700 .. shopping. No pets. Call 430- Available Sep. 1. Call 905837- 013*. (TF) 0236. (083044) BfaGFIT storey home in Oshawa- Close to schools. bus and amsnsies. Available Sept. 1. Cal! Steve. 576-6909. (090094) PICKERING - Lite by the Lake. One bedroom house. broadloomed. gas fireplace. ?ridge, stove, fenced garden. patio doors ort kitchen. deck at front. Available immedgrety SSW per month . ueikiss Fest' two bedroom basemen:, NORTH Pickering . small one apartment, targe windows. bedroom apartment in second est. Cal to an appoinsrrnt. shared laundry, parking, fur- floor of house. Separate (905) 5042577 0 (W5) W9 - SOUTH Ajax - four bedroom 0077 eve. (002504) niched or unfurnished. $625 all entrance. nor smoker. F -UM. nclusive. Leave message or Available Sept. 1. $450 all main �,, private house. 2-4 NEWLY renovated two bedroom call after 7 p. rr905.721-0031. inclusive. Evenings (905) 649- pce. bath, eat -in kitchen, corm- house ,n Pickering,. Close to all bl„a ion LRlOR, store. fridge. ;06 65 2394) 16. (08/994) amen ,ties . Available share laundry. $1050 plus 60% immediately. References A must see - Oshawa, two BROCK d Hwy 92. pekering. utilities. Oct. 1. Ajax Realty Ltd. 420-5935 required. Days 99. bedroom apartnert in a 3 urst Large bright bachelor basement 663-1811. (062394) eve. (416) 202-7929. (062594; 062594) oomenperay txidircp. Clean, apartment. Available FOR Sale or Rent . Brechin quiet and secure. Laundry, immediately. First last and (Hwy 412) - two storey- 4 WHITSY - lovely 3 bedroom private yard andon bus references required. $500 P*rUirr9• bedroom, den, beautiful lot. bungalow. man floor. modern mane. $725 mouthy inclusive. monthly. 686.8634. (062594)_ 100x200. City water. walk to kitchen. private dine, waster. F■aVlast, r lerences. no pins. AVAILABLE immediately - 3 schools, stores. 2 miles todryer Included. $675 per rt1 one Phone 6661432 please leave bedroom man Noor of house. teach. Sale $122.100. Rent -utibb(908) 6664018. Message- 109011104)northend location. $890 per $700 . utilities. 60 min. from 4) PICKERWG - self contained month, ut*t_ viduded. Cal G. M. CallAW4230. (062394) SOUTH Ajax - main floor 3 one bedroom basement 576.4362-(082394) NORTH Oshawa - freshly bedroom, close to schools, ipammerp, *bee to 081 Parking DICKERING . Whtes/401 new shopping A Go. $600 + 1/2 parsed. newer two bedroom up- Wines Awilable Sep. 1. Cal Sep. amenities. 905.666.8905. bright mn„ t am based,w„ MmIgl4) d per flow house, large kitchen. Craig, 6864510.1 Irving room, laundry room. close apartment, kill kilchen. separate OSHAWA - 2 6 3 bedroom entrance, air, parking, non 10 schooi and shlppinq. $775 apartments avaibb at 900 a smoker. $600 monthy. 837- monthls in monthly, utilities; Avail- J ' 880 Glen St. Cbee to schoole, 0227. (082394) able Sept. 1. First/last. No pets. shopping and 401. FksUlasl 401/wESTHEY - large two 683.2996. M62394) requited. UYIMies krAtded. For h apartment: with 4 pcs WHITBY - 2600 sq.ft. 4 OSHAWA - three bedroom appointmreM• al rn-41111111- bath,Bing room and dining or new fa- r9• PwkaPool rhow bedto. 2 storey me (081904) moiy. Cal 426 om, o $660 ntt Two tar garage• stove. avallable paws• no lees. has apihliwrc66 _ GREENWOOD In Pkkarinp, one 2925. COURTICE/OSHAWA Sept• 1. $1300 mrmery. Days kClose ! 75 aing- 9 bedroom basment apwn sea border, large one bedroom (cos) 764.6254 o own (416) 3156660. (082586) AwrTs6le Flan $ Per nlweh krcksiw First/ alpartnrfa with 4 poo bath icon 600 (416) 294.0. M1123M) LOBI. 4 appYa im. separate smoker. no pass. 5600 monthly. AJAX - detached 3 bedroom Plp tlhfee bsdfoon6 W*Ane*. non smokers, no pets. Cal 4329174. (062386) r� ceranhic tiles. fklialted tleeertlarrl wrh in Is.n Quite MIMM adull*. Matadi*COLBORNE Ont. - I+r9e two Sept. 1.4272775!092306) hA belronnI speiyn,go, hardwood Ikhore F LR and OR. sperimant (one - Poking. Family foam with firpiatw 5 $1 S0-+ WESTSHORE - sunny one arpst, Iaun*y, PMkkl@. Iola Of anwflablsfl, Udli@L Wbwras• arc., central vac. Call 683.9230 or 683.1125. Avail bedroombasetsortapa1lrslara,4 plgr asw Mout a ii, school $1100 amid" + lie"Iss. - 2@23") Pon. bath. air noi pwkip. bus at door. $66,1 + ulil *L 1- $625 per montlx FiMllst and 905.3566372. (0/2394) able Oct. 1. (416) 492-0231. polo") AJAX - 3 bodrvorn U nbokm w wlwwww feelr4ed. Oust non AJAX - newt seep brvd "OWN* NO down payment? Good we $1100 � "Waw ru toke s only No Dos- SW bedroom basement, great osW Good Job? You an buy plus utilities. FIrsVlast and 2135. MM94) location. sepwaM entrance. lar Yue price of oft Mole prices releriances. Non smokkq, no UPPER level of house. 2 patkksg, 4 appliances, $725 ow rate ale daMk Cal Omq pat Avatillable; SoM 1 IN" b*dtoorR bgk kidWk "10 ktdusiwe. Call 8839029 after 5 or anwill. * Firusio lL 426,238 (082x94) MM dining foam, garage, 5 pin. (082394)OBB4M (TF), rein. from Guo TraK 401.5700 + - - AJAX - chw three bedroom hose and %*& RmNaG Oulet AJAX - 00 bsdtoom batenrsra main floor of bungalow, 4 ns10 6waAood- (BOOT 471.4740. new, Laffa NEW ler ongis wort- appliances, (ole Of PI*Wio. ' 1062194) Ing pewi non sfrloker, antral aw,,,d,y fasilli s, Iwhad yatld- OMM AI= In quiet wean twI plCftHMI(i - leas to Go ttslt9, Mr PWOD Onerienos' taurhdry and ��• SM inclusive, Near Harwood Mal, 5800 + ankh aepuate rMpgnoe and sep a No 3 bedroom nlsit 9odr d hotrae. 5 +PPlaaoes. 9960 newly Fiw bsL ANN" Oct. 1. 427- tallies. A� MPL 1. wim Includes puking. pets. Call (416) 696 8735. dudes Mel wapr. Hyft adFa SM (082394) f0 ) nopowmils sof. 5�950 SM an on amslr. Sul2 $btwifees LARGE one bedroom wn AVAILABLE Oa t. - Ajatr, se. 4288131. (08298x) people. 420.7982 or 83/42111. apartment, Courtiee area, oe>Rim Iharefe, 411 - 'm R upper UVEIWKXXA WY ail - roan in M82304) parking. use of yard. hid of N' not banerrtent• Single Isvel4 alppL 3 baths, huge yard. house, second floor, share WHITES Rd. - clean, one bedroom, fully carpeted, p �y Close to al arnentios $1050 + kitchen and bath with two 1/2 caliche Cal Owmk MOrPA othsm $320. induslw. Call Anlr"IttL separate Entrance. flue k(Ichen, Century 21 Briscoe, 905.426 42D•1975. (002194) - 08250) central or. "vac,. security. 'x50 6.6 2121 or 8068.4623. (002594► SOUTH nowa - nLadRoom soma am single non smoker. IMMACULATE bright, one PICKERING - spacious one with parking. utltities and 5550 Pkrs• Call 420.8494. ■wall- bedroom bassmerd apambnL bedroom, private entrance. 4 lair„ dry facilities. Share kitchen abl* IR*rwdistEfy. (082386) 5500 monthly uti tles Included. appliances, non smokers, with owner. In quiet private sROCK RD/H1MY 12 -one Central M' suitable nhalure ImmadWile. $600 + 12 UbMiea. home On bap lite. $375 and persona non-smoker Civic area 72&8122. 1082694) Firstilast. Call 839-0018. $350 monthly. Students Private entrance. laundry. 082394) payed (g(R) 688-4443 after carpeted, located In quiet NORTH Oshawa - bright one PICKERING - three bedroom 730 p.m. (081984) neighbourhood. Case to bus bedroom baserttarN aWrs'r1era• house, Pw< 2 bedfoon bas♦ AVAILABLE Nowl Quiet lur- and 00. Non sacker, no petsown entrance. fridge and stow. 5550 Inclusive. Cal M410s. 5496 per nota al krcAntve. Trent apartment, appliances. nettled roofs I.awcdry, pIW Or $1300 mouthy utilities. low. Cal 8 elrerhkhps a (091094) Cal we -am (geg.W) _ plus sage. : (0823941 Wave message. 8,082306) y . , . . aS•.1t7rL'a-• y -`ti r a`r i`4"► `a f. & IL aK a a. • a.► ar e• . woo, • . • • • . • . . N . . . a ,/r 4THE AUEWS AD FkklpNll,•AUGMr 19, 2911~11M =9AVA r 10 Pickering Aerials Gymnastics Club 1095 KINGSTON ROAD PICKERING L1 V 1B5 REGISTRATION STARTS AUG. 15 Monday - Friday 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. BOYS - GIRLS - PRE-SCHOOL • RECREATION TUMBLE BUGS 2-4 years JUNIOR GYM 46 years RECREATIONAL 5 years & up TRAMPOLINE 7 years & up TESTING FOR COMPETITIVE PROGRAM AUGUST 22, 23, 24 6:30 p.m. -8:00 p.m. ,0`AGES of Sept. 1, t5G`5-8 ppoienOnly Month to Month Classes REGISTER EARLY - ENROLLMENT LIMITED Call 839-5260 411 A10- 5 i fie 0-5 Cewaren 12 and wrCW ' �bP Free Classthed ad to 1 Week 19 Words or less Mail or drop off to. (No phone calls Oshawa -Whitby a Whi by Thisi I Week RFFr 865 Farewell St Osthawa. Ontario, L 1 H 71_5 ............................. ■ From: ■ • •.ami. - - ■ ■ 4Cdress ■ ■ ',one Number - ■ • '' (rents Signature. ____ ___. __ - _ _-. _ - _ ■ • -Items must be personal property of chiad under 12 • COME AND WORSHIP These Churches invite you to attend their WORSHIP SERVICES TO ADVERTISE YOUR SERVICES CALL JANICE AT 683-5110 PICKERING STANDARD CHURCH A eommounity Y.t1 F, 11 -Church Brock[M�Fhry. f7 wcrshlp 11.00 Evsrft Friowrship 7.00 pin. AllllllEALEA PRESOYTiE1f3AN CNIIRCN 1820 Whites Rd. K THE FARLY CHURCH WORSHIP TIME FOR JULY AND AUGUST WILL BE 10:00 LLL SUNDAY SCHOOL St7pefvised Nulwy 839-1363 TO ADVERTISE YOUR CHURCH SERVICES CALL JANICE AT 683-5110 -ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN 35 CHURCH ST. N. PICKERING VILLAGE 683-7311 Rev. James Biggs & Rev. Ken Rowland Worship and Church School ® 10:00 am. Everyone Welcome ""e Cbur(cb of God" (sabbath K -ping) Presents A Cbristtfan Fellowsbip Service - Every Sabbath (Saturday) at Ajax Community Centre 75 Centennial Road, Ajax, Ontario Bible Study commences at 12:00 - 2:00 Divine Worship commences at 2:30 - 4:00 For Further Information Ajax (905) 686-0229 Evangelist Murray 3 bs^vwto 416.6-$&9591 Passer a Lee PAGE 22 -THE NEWS ADVEMSER FRIDAY, AUGUST 19,1 REAL ESTATE AGENTS, BROKERS, BUILDERS, DEVELOPERS: To have your properties shown here, call Mary van Kessel, Oshawa/Whitby/Clarington This Week or Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, 576-9335, 683-5110. Tor. line 416-798-7682, Fax 905-579-2238. 430 R°Ret 455 orRe 500 ForSale on S. - one nished room in clean quiet bedroom. 5 appliances, 2 park - Christian home. Non smokers, Ing spots. $775 monthly. Avail - $400 monthly, board optional. able Oct. 1. Call (905) 683-1333. Professional or mature student (082494) preferred. 905-619.1519. THREE bedroom cordo, 2 12 () baths, master en -suite with COURTICE - 1.3 students roman tub, fireplace serves wanted to share new 4 bedroom dining room and Irving room. house. Kitchen/laundry access. eat -in kitchen, solarium $400 monthly. Cal 404-0545. skylights. central ail, two levels. (081994) 2000 sq.ft.. $1195 . hydro. Ten. nis court. car wash. rec oentre, DICKERING working female very private. Neary Harmony/ wanted bungalow. share full use a lower Hwy a2 References needed. level neSepMust like pets. Call 2634321. (062394) Available Sept. t. Call 831- 9364. (082594) ATHOL Place - exoeptional one PICKERING - Whites/Finch, bedroom corner unit cordo, 5 room with washroom, includes appliances, central air. under - parking, utilities, laundry ground security parking, $650 . hydro. First/last, references. facilities. Share kitchen with Available Sept. 15. Call 728 - owner. Female, non smoker. no 1211 or 7239379. (082594) pets. References. $350 monthly. Cal 831-7122. (082194) EA• AJAX - large furnished room $ ' •• ._ p 11 MAPLE RIDGE SUt3DIY1SK)N OPEN HOUSE WEEKENDS 1,906 sq. ft, 3 large bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, main floor laundry 8 family rooms, fireplace, double garage, Central air, professionally landscaped. 905 839.1633 ARE you having trouble geftktg a mortgage? Is your bank giving you the run- a -round? Do you need a second mortgage? We can help, cap today, 68 668.05, Community Financial Services. ESTABLISHED Soft Pretzel dis- tribution business for sale. Can be operated from home in spare time. Call Ron, 725.3016 Whitby. (062394) CHIP truck, 2 fryers, grill, stover oven. refrigerator, 3 sinks. 8 h., stainless steel serving counter. Not certified. Best offer over $1000. Call (905) 349.3483. (082594) VENDING Route - pop and snack machines in the Oshawa area. Steady accounts, good stable part time business. Cal 725.7078 for more information. wh private bath, Cental air, cable, phone and packing. Share OSHAWA $133,900 - 3 BEST value for BE among the first in durhaml your dollar. OFFICE'STORE space. 500 laundry and kitchen. Suit Dedman brick Du with n- Athabasca Forest, 3 bedrooms. 20 year Japanese company square feet, 4450lmonth. 214 responsible non smoking Bksor St. E. Call 579-7715. law apartment. Established gorgeous oak kitchen. new rated AAAA with Dunn and Brad Street larger than -Mercedes employed female. $400! area. close to Holiday Inn. windows, carnal air, 1 112 baths 1 112 Benz' and the Hilton Hotel motthly. First/last. 686-3048. ' • • • Central air. fireplace. fully broad- loomed pins roc room wine woodstove. 5 chain. Operating in 14 countries. $ and appliances. Call appliances. Prime location. as filo per math o.ac. Call Shared (905) 420-2653 for more $154,900. By owner. 7254432. trrith 8 billion in sales.les ' riarrrhatiort. () Sd•e ".WAa•r•• 20 motivated individualsfor • • • 4" FOR sale by owner - 4 bedroom Duman area. Business presen- mmoi C L E A R W A T E R - m o b �' e s . OPEN House • country living in house In Falingbrook. Finished tation August 25, 730 p.m at clubhouse, heated pools, hot AJAX -two bedroom aparment tub. tennis. Near beaches and the sty Raised bungalow, 3.1 large bedrooms. immaculate. basement. a/c., civ.. 5 min. walk Rundle Park Community pity Centre. so share. use d al facilities. in- major attractions. Children ng.ova welcome. $275 Photos front and back reenbeh. 5 mit- to gd�iSy acces le 0 publicols and Park Rd. S. (near Gbb St.) � Kevin (4/6) 425 weekly Sep. $500 k air month- shown in your noire Call 683 from 401. Fireplace. roses. fret transportation.sshopping, les last. 6I. 9046. 5503 (090194) trees. firhial rec room, walkout and 401. 6665 2214. (081994) 170 EXECUTIVE home n Whitby - GORGEOUS three bedroom to deck. trench country kitchen. centra( air, high quaky neutral BueYr•ee a au•srsos e 'Personals ions bedroom with 4 Pin- bath. cordo. dose to famous Clear Carpet throughout. Cal fa an • shared facilities, suitabM for non Water Beach, pod. Jacuzzi, appointment mid -week, 135 1545 Properties "comm. Fr Si smoker professional. $550 BBO. private yard. available Limerick St., Oshawa. Sat. 1-5 an LOVE? Money° Success? Cat monthly 668-5030. (062394) now -Dec. For information and 10 p.m. Sun.. 11-3 p.m (905) 728- 210 our amazing Psychics right rCw WHITBY - Roesland?hKkson view Photos, 686-9846 or 579- 4722. (081894) A 175 acres plus 5000 1t. for a glo pse into your future. area, house to share. 5350 per 3788. (TF) ArYefts Mftre•w rnwrfront. $79.900. ALSO are Talk one-on•one with a live month- includes furnished Homes' • •r sae lakefront distress sale. south of Bancroft. asking psychic or astrologer. Call t- 900-451.40590 n. 14.f2.99per Dedroom and den, sham• " • Sale $49.900. ALSO 14 acres, only min. 24 his. per day must be 18 bathroom, kitchen, laundry • est,419,90011 (905) 428-6167. (TF) yeah old or older. (TF) facilities and porkng. Cal 571- TOWNHOUSE Condo locator an PSYCHIC readings done by 38W-(082494) OPEN HOUSE -hums, '.r.. anC µiE Oshawa. now scrods andCampers. m maid. 3 Ousstions. 435 M.O. or OSHAWA - 3 bedroom semn to Sat.. 2.4 p.m Prnate SaN bed o shopping 3 bedrooms. 2 ' send S.A.S.E. to R. Anderson Share, 6 ap3 pod and area, three bedroom. I 314 storey brick. new upper bathrooms, attached garage, 64a6o llorwft a Pad o Box 158, 27-1300 King St. E.. parking, cable tncktded. 4400 ��- fireplace. $122'900. No onay nse professillfinished basement, (103.500. For Cagor Timone soft Oshawa. Ont. L1H 804 Att'n: monthly. Firsi/tast and releren- please. Call 7252027. appointment, call 433-7694. LAKE Ontario - affodable pC. Lynn (0825W) o•s required. Call 721.1883ago (0819W) (082594) turesqu• trailer sites near •�� says can eft• blind lead 15ave message. ) WwTBY - ground floor con- AJAX - private. quick closing. Trenton. Ful serviced, mature y trees. sheltered docking. the blond? Does your mnater SHARED Acoanodationi Large dominium wrth garden. 2 Clm* to lake. 3 bedrooms, 2 waterfront available. GorgeousnMrear glass•s� The tnireiitg s dor hired minister. Micah 3:11, new home. Inchides private bedroom . den, f105.000.Cai baths. 2 fireplaces. 4 Sunsets. Fun price. $99001erms. Isaiah 56:10-12. John 10:11. bedroon. bathroom and " 905-640-8940 for appoininant. appliances, rec room, w/o to Free brochure. 416-757-4944 Jim Campbell. 1-905-953-9475 room.Sher• kitchen and No agents please. yb62594) deck, enclosed backyard, Man-F�- M02594) ane laundry,ladry, 5425 mwntny. Can 434- B L A C K S T O C K 3 plus 1 detached. double garage. as LtOtt I ale 6�' (0825941 bedroom sdespnt, h Nva. lung 6132.900- 905.427-0594. TWWM e75 CompanionsD~NORTH Oshawa - tar G� fainly plus rte Large 10023Wh •. MO Collegeand Hospital. On bus prorate let. Must sew f155K. COm•e Erwts ane rant, Were 3 bedroom home (905) 966-9679 or 644-2541. • PARTNER Search - we want to with on• other, $350 moruhly . (082594) • • 112 utilities. Available CA immediately. Prefer working OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY. 249 Malaga Rd. Affordable 3 BRIM 6pl•n situated on about person. . ( pets. Please call bedroom with apart- 6 acres. landsca•d. luly rented. 4350964. (OBt994) �i Orilla area. well matntained, merit and private yard. For S3. � Jew R AJAX - need one parson to (0619 ) cal (905) 579-1582, tat• Lmrt•d. 4315-6464. (091 Will) air• 4 bedroom hones by lice (081994) lake wrth two other mala. Own FISH A Chip Store - great washroom Must Ike dogs. $ BEAUTIFUL 5 level shdesplt• 400 ktr;atiorh, good leas•, $29.000. .. Call 426-9913. (08249k) 3.2 bedroom, man floor family Call Leonard Kilingbeck for room, kitchen, dining room, ma• details Jear L71oy Real lnd your partner. only M. year- ly •rroamsnt. pay as you go Select people who appeal to you. Personalized and sinker• rlwitching service. Call for our free brochure, 683.2414 (anyone). (091994) WKTBY Central - looking for ppdrt Coroep. central ail and Estate Ltd.. 905-728-0511 or Index �n �m9 pr�siohal, large vac, double car garage with 905-436 484. (0819941 YOIIEY Ploblert+s? Loans, debt Victorian home, itcktdes heat• electric pope 0pef»r. Irtgi oun0 consolidations. credit hydro. cable TV. Landry. $402 poo). Spotlessy clean. Close to arartpen texift• personal budget monthly. Call 1-416-599-4962. y amenities. Grn•a area Aakitg planning. coda repair. FREE $178000 4921863 (TF) CONSULTATIONS. Ontario Credit Cours•Ibn (Oshawa- SELL IT NOW PRICED TO SELL . Iiiiiiiiiiiiiis Toronto). 4331425 (TF) CALL Oshawa, throe bedroom, 1 12 SECLUDED wooded tracer bit, BMpM $10.000 pay as Mile 1 baths. air, 2 appiances. Open close to Oshawa. Tan pines. 1 as filo per math o.ac. Call 576-9335 House Sunday, 2-4 p.m. 202 sandy beach. fishing year round! Jerry, 668-7200 Free Of 7W7672 Sagebrush St. $139,900. Cal aDcSes road- $3500 full price. 90540640006• consultations. Anubis Invest - Sd•e ".WAa•r•• 434-2652. (009254) (92394) marts Ltd. (TF) **4_0VJkk * * * * lovlk CRUISIN' CLASSICS CAR CLUBgL* P"Sewrs 2ND ANNUAL CAR SHOW-* • classics • muscle cars 8 trucks • antiques a street machines • hot rods • pre 1979 Mdash es IYe'a';_,V. Free plaques to 1 st 100 cars Admission $8/show cars - includes 2 passengers General Admission - $3.50/adult Cars to be judged must be onkc grounds by 12 noon SUN. AUG. 21 Scugog Shores, Museum, Scugog Island (Port Perry, east on 7A to Reg. Rd. 7 (Island Rd.), north 1/2 mile. Hundreds of cars 8 trucks all lined up, generously spaced, waiting for your arrival! �� ��� MANPOWER TEMPORARY 4) SERVICES Now recruiting for Ajax/Pickering and Scarborough areas •As$MTIWef $ •Y.Drial Handlers •Lkensed ForkNft Operators -General Labourers Apply In person Saturday, August 20 at 1305 Pickering Parkway, Suite 612, 8:00 am. -1:00 p.m. PreviousappliCarKs reed not apply Equall Opportunity Classification Index tE� 4 MIIMNed aYl c_ 100 Rown 4 Boas w40 C_ T__V "a 1ndwo" unse Fr Rws oft G3 WH•nP 11e shred Aaoeww-wwww 4M once Help 12111 C-doo- rws For f1w4 wM Sd•e ".WAa•r•• 170 pike L Rwr spot- 4" Ss/ew eMp 130 W..#- Spur- wM Cwpookwfpeee /N C 0.p- Fa Renk 4M NeoP••1 Modest ow" 100 c•a•••• WrN. an Dory Glu WWt•d me R•a-wst L -V 4" Dory Cow AvetsOft les Recede 406 Ew "woof Wad 170 Florin vacob" MO BueYr•ee a au•srsos /M Lane Fa Rot was BrYM >p "comm. Fr Si M Frwod an Wr••t To our ane Felt MrYr 210 Tawikare Far set. 5114 Meer For Soft 335 Orusswat to vowly ata ArYefts Mftre•w an Crwo. Fee Si an Bala Eorelweao Bed OwwolOe"r•'• Land Bao G.ag,i Solos an Fworw Fs Sao ale Mora Cwft as LAM Fr Sorb an c..Pt•r 14/oe an OWasIlorwr F cow kiw ane LAel L Frac m M•etoom P "a 5" Pao - Supper - 0•••'drM no C•emem Fr sort- � 64a6o llorwft a Pad o aa0 Cagor Timone soft as hers ata A tawoOie Fee Soft Me �4•OA •'err•• MO Artwratlso wftnld 3M a-opitwounikos ane Trude Bi 31 .. nrN Teb IIII•rftt 7156 Vow. 4 Wlwd pit.* >M Twiwe 370 Pubes Msk-s ane Auto Pift L R•to 30 LtOtt I ale Arlo L.WMG R•rt•Is 30 TWWM ane MaewryaW M5 R•e•beOn• MO COm•e Erwts ane SM..Mob o M•.rbr an 3"'ir• MO Rsa-oreen M•Wfts 370 am@- Me Forret Eergrwrs ala Penarwis an RM+► Duty Equipnww 3M Canparuerw 070 Amancwrwr4 MO Ap•rs"wta Far Rat 400 fit• Ww"d 4" Oilldsys 7M Nose• Far Rio rt 410 Binh p„h, 710 .n, Hama ytftrrl•0 415 I n p,•„ ,wr,w 740 Towrtrswft Fa Rsrt Oil Cad• of Tlwrrke 7M Spw Fa Rot 41111111 Wddin Mwurwonwn• 7M Rowors Fr RrM as Elgpo-ear 770 Rants World 4= 7M 7m IN LOVING MEMORY OF PRECIOUS PEPPER °I am not merely lonely for you, I am mutilated for you were a Part of me - Nobs Ad"rftw Classified Dept Is ow *Very Mon. to Fri. 8.00 a.m. to 5-:00 pim call 683.5110 to pias your ad or fax It 683.7363 WINDOWS & DOORS (905) 579-2222 DOUBLE cASErENr Complete Selection of HUNG Vinyl Windows & Doors nT-ACT_wN • PATIO DOORS • BAY & BOW WINDOWS • PORCH ENCLOSURES • PICTURE WINDOWS •STORM DOORS -NEW CONSTRUCTION WINDOWS • GLASS & SCREEN L REPAIRS MOBILESHDWP4006 WAYNE HUTCHINSON 696 KING ST. W. SALES. SERVICE & OSNMWA. ONTARIO INSTALLATION LIJ 21.3 THE FACTORY FROM 7.5% 1st Mtge. 950/*/2nd, 3rd • Rental Properties & Cottages • Re -financing • Debt Consolidation • Rural Properties No Income - No Problem Prime Deals Below Bank Rates Fast Professional Service Since 1975 CALL TOLL FREE 686-2557 24 IrALST GCLE Plating Service "IMPORT OWNERS" personalize your new/used vehicle with real gold. Emblems, antense, grills i more. SPECTACULAR RESULTS from only $14900 Free Mobile Service J.R. Enterprises 905-686-5795 YOUR CHILD CAN MASTER COMPUTERS. FUTUREKIDS, teeming computers Is an SwIti re in fun M could guarantee your okfs future success. Our blend of hands-on achn9 and high lectin" helps boys and rls from 3 to 15 years old master computers Id learn to love leamrg. Cal the JTUREKIDS in vour nedItorhood loday. ulna #16, sum 1108 RAID ESTMAM GUNTHERIVENS CONTRACTING LTD. ti1110e 199 Wood and Vnyl w ridows, doors, decks, basements, additions plus ale 06191' ttKM renovations. iia N LASS Cal GUNTHER 839.0681 "Rates? Rates? Rates?" What's going on now? Bank of Canada prime have dropped approximately 130 basis points over the last month and a half, yet our major lending institutions have reduced mortgagee rates by anywhere from a U4% to a 1/2% for most terms. The MAJOR question on most peoples minds are WHERE HAS THE OTHER 3/4% TO 1% REDUCTION IN PRIME GONE TO??? WELL We not rocket science, I think it is called PURE PROFIT, same type of mystery that has all gas wars end on Thursdays and start back up on Mondays, (but that is another beef for another time). "ACTUAL GOOD NEWS" Information that I have been receiving from both Appraisers and Real Estate agents ,are that some areas of Pickering and Ajax lea 11 1 be ve actua y gone up in va ue tween 396 and 8% over the last six months with supply � i here are some great tthe The staff at the Mortgage Factory back and demand being about equal. Good news is row: Robert Brown, Paul ChathaM Glenn also in play for both Whitby, and Oshawa, A. Callnp64& Front Row: Lesley A. Singer, with Whitby showing some good solid steady Syhrta Jules, AngWkw Taybr- activity. Oshawa, especially in the north end, purchase, the mare jobs we create, and you finally appears to be out of the downward will be amazed at how fast the local economy xlump. will grow, and how many new jobs will be "GET LIQUID":=' { : created. I have been advising our readers in this •WHAT TO LOOK FOR AND WHAT column over the past six months, to TO AVOID" consolidate your debts and mortgages into Look for a fair price on all your either larger mortgages or lines of credit, purchases, and try to avoid impulse ,and I am pleased to say that a great number shopping on larger purchases. (I am going to of readers have responded to this, and the try and follow my own advice on this one, as r , monthly reductions have ranged from $300 I am probably the worst impulse shopper ' to $1365 a month savings. QUITR ever created). Take your time, sleep on it for SUBSTANTIAL IF I MUST SAY, and do a day, don't worry it will be there tomorrow, not forget, these savings are after tax and if you still want it the next day, buy it! 'dollars REM>®[BER, in this economy, the Avoid any where you have to give Wg.,;.. most important thing you can do is to be money up front. (generally looked at as an liquid, or simply put, have as much cash on application fee). Remember, a credible, hand as possible at all times. legitimate licensed Brokerage company sem, Attempt to put two to three hundred a legally cannot take ANY up front fees or r month in to a savings account. it does not costs. BB.)1lSMBSB any time something - x - sound like asxeb, but You, will be ami►sed Alt appears to be tied good to be true, it usually _bow quickly it adds up. This is a creat is. Wbea 8nandng or re-finalncint, go to as .Ama gency fttitad. ,, eetadi%i�Ii a* -in yaw nee. 'lbores is ,.. "GO 1iVs l a/1v ?7 4,*jao wpbmmeInt or for lei buys; tii.rre allad kaov,kdee. cwt ro, a eedoe everything he'lla clothing, fimniumra, us" so" dsool 'auteagbe7*a heaaleetl% Re+mamber net ( A. ' Ay .V c ' plead 1" tilde ih01• ]Ile at * �±.q,�4t^ >a t ' } .: TO Gd Thu Why Advertise In Focus On Business? FUM pj1ng Durham businesses wanting to increase their profile and sales volume fund that being a part of the Focus on Business advertising feature definitely has its advantages. se� i in Ih Over the last few years a great many businesses - of all sizes - have found that FOCUS On Ainvestment in the Aox/Pickering News Advertiser's and Oshawa/Whitby This Week's &Wrws Focus on Business feature have generated extra phone calls that likely would not have otherwise occurred. now do you get involved? When a company makes a commitment to advertise for 10 weeks on the page, it also receives a full feature story, complete with pictures. The story reinforces the advertisement, enabling the business to explain in depth its product and/or service, philosophy, goals, special promotions and even a historical overview. _Unless the business chooses otherwise, everything is done by the newspaper's staff: the ad design, story interview and writing, plus the taking of the photographs. All the business needs to do is prepare for the increased sales volume. For more Celt Jaeice at 683-5 � 0 information cAl Janie -at 68-70-Mtb, , ... - - . - . . �5 l • 1 NNeIOVATIVE BUILT4111 SYSTEMS CORP •SURGLAR1► - MEDICAL •calf • INMFW M Reaidemial COflYflerCiil IrKkw& N ULC Approved nlonitorkp FREE Estimates FREE consultation A Oamomtration - 5 Yaan Parts Warranty Rah .r8 P_ Available SALES, SERVICE, IN5TALLATION a.I ' ' AlriNaw Massa UlA p4C ftm L•3e�cnt?mm4 German 6 International Specialties Sun. Brunch 10:30 - 2:30 Tues. - Fri. 11:30 - 2:30 6 5-10 p.m. Sat. 5-10 p.m. Sun. 10:30 - 9:00 Located in tfu Courtyard of Pickering `Village 109 Old Kingston Rd., AlaX 427-6760 MBI�SE.M� �" • BASEMENTS WATERPROOFED CONCRETE REFINISHING AND REPAIR Tel. (905) 619-1703 LARRY GOODWIN grucon Building Sflv1CeS 71KCAC £tea 714-00V 'Iden 54. �a No inventory to buy EI - STARTER KITS FRE -SALES AIDS - SAMPLES NO QUOTAS - ONGOING TRAINING AVAILABLE SELL AVON WHERE YOU UVE OR WORK We brei_ -g beauty home Call: `RS. C_ LORD. (905) 619-15-4 District Saks Manager Custom Bordered Area Rugs Starring at just $319 eowprrably p►ieed at f40A size 4'r 6' ( 430.8941or p+9 1 -NO -2674609 Den*11 \JTT I r7r ATl Sam • canm Lenses • Bkwcuier Vision • Peroevllial TesSt9 • Dbilerift of al Types d Frames A C41111885 Glttneme Road, Sulle 212, 0i5581, mi"75 Dune Cwft Stere "M Road, OttheM Orrerio, L1J 2K5 571-M GLAD ELEMC SINCE 1970 FREE ELECTRICAL . • 15% on 4119 3W Vkn (LhWW time oiler) • Electrical ModernMtfon • Electrical Renovation • Electrical Netting • Electrical Troubleshooting SERVICE UPGRADES 100, 200 or 400 AMP RAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 19,19% I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ROYAL LEPAGE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Real Estate Services Ltd., Realtor • Aim Higher. '139,900 ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! 3 fxtnn. freehold, approx. 1,500 sq. ft., parquet floors throughout, only 4 yrs. new, �. Call John A. McLellan' 683-1790. _► I 4 BEDROOM EXECUTIVE Prestigious Hermitage Village, 50' lot, 4 -piece en suite, lam. rm. with fireplace. Call Tom Bozanis'. 683-1790. GLORIA DAHL MANAGER AIMI H1� HER TM • x� R `WALKOUT BASEMENT" • • This super family home has a sunny & bright finished "A BEAUTIFUL BEGINNER" basement. Hardwood firs., wrap - Stunning home finishec top to around deck, cent. air & more. bottom. 60 oz. luxury broadloom. location is the best & so is the SHIRLEY OATES* Act fast for this one' Call Shirley price. See it today. Call Shirley 683-1790 Oates'. 6811790. Oates'. 683-1790. ;in FABULOUS PEBBLE COURT. • • Exceptionai home on private 'MAPLERIDGE" BEAUTY! premium lot. Inground heated Popular 'Brougham' model. pool, gourmet kitchen, gorgeous Circular staircase open to rec separate dinng rm. wlhardwood, room, heated aground pod, JILL SMITH* main floor tariy & den, walkout greenhouse kitchen. walk to 683-1790 basement. schools, many upgrades. r -77 r r HE WHO WAITS LOSES! This stunning home is totally upgraded. Features large ANNA KRIETE' bedrooms, hardwood flogs. ceramics, finished basement wet 683-1790 bar, excellent decor. For info. call Anna Kriete', 683-1790. 1111111111111111111111 ROYAL LF -PAGE Real Estate Services Ltd_. Reafltor Aim Higher., ANNA KRIETE Sales Representative Royal LePage Pickering is pleased to welcome Anna Kriete to its expanded team of real estate professionals. Anna has over 22 years of successful real estate experience. She has a very strong background in residential sales. Anna looks forward to not only working with her past clients, but to expanding her network with new clients. You can reach her at 683-17901. 11 it fl; STUNNING DESIGN/ FINISHES Premium lot wifabubus ; deck & garden, main fir. hardwood, open concept w/plenty of natural light! Nancy Kozlowski*. 683- 1790. FOXHOLLOW Super family home in sought after area. 3 bdrms., 2 4 -pc. & 1 2 -pc. bathrooms. Family rm. fp.. � „• sep. liv. & din. rms., air, extras. Syhria Kyte', 683- 1790. Wilma Tanner* • Finished tap to bottom! • Inground pool • Pretty, private lot • O uiet court, $183,900 • Sunroom addition overlooking lake • Sweeping lawns • Stately trees • Decorators dream • 12Z lot on lake front. HISTORIC POST MANOR 1970 BROCK RD. PICKERING 683-7 790 MOVE IN AND ENJOY A GEM Spacious & immaculatej family home. 3 + 1 bdrms inn. fir. faro. rm., eaNn kit., large deck, good area. Many extras. Heather Cullen' 683-1790. Aim Higher TM CALL ME: LISTING OR BUYING ' OVER 10 YRS. EXPERIENCE ' AREA RESIDENT FOR 25 YRS. ROGERHOLMES • OVER $1 MILLION 683-1790 SOLD IN 1994 ' GET RESULTS NOW HUNTSVILLE Escape north to this picturesque 75 acre property. Your own stream, waterfall and pond. A beautiful three bedroom home. Outbuildings and paddocks for horses. Call George Coutts", 683-1790. 14 WEEKES DR., AJAX 1,563 square feet - big rooms. 3 bdrm., master en suite, family kitchen, main floor family room: great neighborhood. Call George Coutts" to view. 683-1790. 1001lUaMZ•Z•M 1845 PARKSIDE DRIVE, PICKERING Take time to view this bright. sunny. modern, 4 bdrm. home, well located to schools and amenities. This home features an open, airy feeling, two fireplaces, a walkout finished basement to a mature, pmrale back garden. A beautrtuul custom Hanover kitchen. Cal George Coutts" to view, 683- .190. AJAX 235 BA�Y�LT. W., 427m6522 SOUTH AJAX • $189,900 • Owner transferred Private yard • 4 bdrm. pie -lot • Lakeview Renovated kitchen • Gorgeous basement • Premium lot, fin. basement • Finished basement • Former model home • Now $259,900 fv *6522 • .. , FMAU Evelyn Regan* 2 ACRE BUILDING LOT * $139,000 * Hwy. 12 & Townline Rd. * View of Lake Ontario +68 ACRE FARM $379,000 * Century Home * Bam AJAX BY THE LAKE FALBY COURT Executive home 2 bedroom plus den 3,000 sq. ft. En suite bath plus laundry . Lakeview EVELYN