HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1994_05_11NEWS Mutt on the job Page A27 SPORTS I' Marlin on the mend Page A29 1 $19 & 2 Pc. Suits S &a 95 res-nPw0110 J16 - r:_b21)2 831- wwit It . 2088 • Fit News Advertiser Wednesday, May 11, 1993 56 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper Pressrun 37,500 Vol. 113 No. 19 V EDUCATION Smallest publi*c s tax hl*ke ever y LINDA WHITE cent. Monday. the Durham Board of Education In approving a S369 -million budget That means it won't be business as usual B STAFF KFSYK HI That means Ajax residents will dish out for many students and staff, though "we DURIIAM - l uhloc school supporters about S'_9 more in public school taxes this trimmed millions from a proposed budget can't do any better." reports hoard chairman face Ilse lowest tat hike ever as the hoard year, while those m Pickering will be hit for which could have meant a tax hike of 6.71 Patricia Bowman. pointing to demands by passes on an a\era,_e one per an extra S21 per gent See BOARD—Page A4 Woman left in coma I Catch me if you can Ajax Wanderers bell carrier Charlene Richardson attempts to elude a Toronto Saracens player during the Ontario Rugby Union senior women's league opener at Ajax Sunday. Ajax won 15-0. photo by Celia Bronkhorst .riririri�riri■. NO after restaurant meal ❑ Ajax mom swears off hamburgers for life after near -fatal case of food poisoning By hl:rrH GILLIGAN STAFF RFTORTF1t AJAX - What started out as a routine tact -room meal on the e)e of a family excursion left an Ajax woman in a coma for two weeks, -closer to death than life". Donna Martin, of W ilce Dr.. was told by her doctors that she was "a 7 was a very sick girl. They didn't expect me to pull through.' -- Donna Martin: vet seriously sick girl and they didn't know which way it would go. They really didn't expect me to pull through." It beean March 11 when Mrs. Martin. her husband Lorne and one of her daughters ate at an Ajax restaurant where all three had a haShe sav She says; 'Iitere was no (had) Inside taste to the hamburger, the meat wasn't pink. There was nothing to In the thews tell me this wasn't good " Within an hour, Mrs. Martin Editorial ...........................A6 became sick and she remained ill Billboard ........................A25 throughout the night. Sports ............................A29 -1 thought I'd picked up a bug. Classified .......................A38 I didn't associate (the sickness) phone lines with the hamburger, not with as General 683-5110 many hamburgers I've eaten. I Fax 683-7363 thought it would work out and the next day we left for Rochester Sincerely Yours (New York)" 1-416-976-1991 Neither Mr. Martin nor the InfoSource 683-7040 daughter became sick. The News Advertiser Mrs. Martin, bet husband, two daughters, a son-in-law, and six regularly ruses recycled grandchildren left on Saturday, newsprint March 12, but by Monday, sbe 934t + 74t GST = $1 See HEALTH—Page A2 COMING SOON! Roots PAGE 2 -A -ME NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY 11,19% Health ins ector i p gves FROM PAGE Al was "passing nothing but blood" aril the family rushed hack to Ajax. On March 17, she was diagnosed with having E. coli, a strain of food poisoning, and release() from Ajax - Pickering General Hospital. lour days later. she was back at the hospital. when a doctor recognized Mrs. 'Martin's symptoms and trtnsfenvd her to Toronto General Iiospi4d. NIrs. Martin remembers the ambulance trip to Tonxnto. but she lapsed into unconsciousness once she got to the hospital and remained in that c(xkhtion for two weeks. The disease had gotten into her blood system and developed into Thromocytopenic Purpura (ITP). an advanced and potentially -fatal form of fo(xi poi Wining. -Ow doctor said you only need one drop of (T -IT) on a hamburger to cause all the problems... she Ll� While in the hospital. she underwent treatment 28 times to cleanse her blood. -1 understand they took all my bl(x)li out and put plasma in. Nly blood was one: awful mess. She was also on dialysis because her kidneys stopped furn-tming. After regaining consciousness. Sirs. 'Martin remained in hospital for two more week, and was discharged on April "; Doctors were concerned she would suffer neurological damage because her internal organs shut down. however. no such damage occurred and 'deny nu nd is as ck,.ar as it eyeI µac _ Her internal organ., are fine and her kidneys are functioning normally. "The nurses were aatetl. The. m said I did a 2(1( ! pet cent recovery in five days." A religious person fir.. Manin `knew hundreds were pra, ing for me and " .:now that*s what bn)nght me through... She feels the ordeal -took a lot out of hier family. -1 S!W%s it se%ired everyone and it just happened so a.luickly " 'sirs. Martin expects to be off work at her secretarial job in Searbomugh through the summer. "Doctors said it would be one year before I would he back to normal. - She's resumed eating. but saes. -Ill never touch another harnburser. of course." The family is thinking of taking legal action against the fast -foox ctLn. Mrs. Martin feel., the hamburger The Durham Homepreneur Group invites you to share it their: First Anniversary Breakfast Celebration on Thursday, May 12,1994 at Victorian Gardens 60 Randall Drive, Ajax 7:30 a.m. - 9 a.m. • Speaker - Fbyd Sutherland of Sutherland Satety • Display tables free of charge for your materials • Opportunity to network • Support other businesses in Durham For reservations or inforniaftion call Karen Dryden 686-1786 (fax) 686.2852 she ate had been left waiting too long on a rack after it had been corked. -You can't be careless atx)ut a hamburger sitting out. To think. for something like this to happen to a person because of carelessness. There should be public awareness - Durham Region's chief public health inspector Alex Connor agrees and provides the following helpful information: "You've got to understand these organisms are always around. Thev're very common. Under the right CireumsL'nnce<. people can get (sick):' he says. Organisms or bacteria present in raw red meat can he killed with proper preparation — c(x)king it at I6WI._,' C. making sure it•s not red or pink in the middle. and all the bl(x),f or juices have been cooked out. •' tips on vreventing p pamphleI on safe food handling. It's available by calling the Ajax office at 6834660 or head office at ()86- 2730 or 723-8521. When in a restaurant where !'ou have an option on how you want your hamburger or any red meat Cooked. dont order it rare. Nlr. ('onrxw says. Anv contamination on the surface is mired in when meat is ground into h:unburycr. Bacteria on the outside of the meat are killed when cooked. but those on the inside aren't if the meat is still red. Mr. Connor says people barbecuing at home should be careful to avoid cross - contamination — not thoroughly cleaning a cutting board after raw meat has been on it. dripping meat blood or juices in a salad. not washing hands before and after handling now mutt. Another common method of cross-contnrnination happens when people barbecue. Raw meat is put on a plate and taken to the barbecue. Biting dogs may be muzzled PI( -K1 -RING — A dog that has bitten a pe'rsoc or dornesbc animal will have to be muzzled or leashed under a new pet bylaw pissed last week h} Pickering council. Changes w the new bylaw were reawnmenekA by the Picke rig-Ajax- VrTaitby (PAW-) Jmt Ani rias Control Committee. The bylaw Aso provide.'s for a cat identification pf vram. likely availaabie in 1995. Wendt will enable feline fauxiers to voluntarily purchase a one-time collar or tag for their cal at a erose of S20. (A pilot cat id ification program is being carried out in Whitby in 1944.) Under the new muzsluw regulation, after a dog has bitten a person or domestic animal. the animal control and pound supenivar may order the canine to be muzzled or leached or both. for a period of time to be deticrmined by them. If the dog's owner disagree,, with the order, he or she: may appeal the dcx-i,ion to the PAW axnminee. The: committee's decision ,%iU be ecxtsider'cd final. BI(xxl or juices that drip from uw meat aren't cleaned off a plate before cooked neat is put back on. The health department has a ,>mNtA Q. e8a .Z, sf The Board of Di rectors of Tlu' .4jcn-Pic.keringr Getleral Hospital Cordialb.Invite You To e 'Share in T%lC' (peilftW CereiYl( ifie.ti ° of Epcoulecl Hospital i on Thursd i%, May 12th. 1994 ► ai 11:00 am. ► oil fL41.%,' OR SHINE '.. ..aa�r �euua�Y•!uaeu4 YJilea!!�:•Y'J1.?:',t'L' ttt::S::':?';:�r;;�S..,'c'c. ...r! iyt!�?: Angry parents oppose talk of homosexuality in school 0 'We don't oppose AIDS education,' Says mom By LINDA WHITE s FAIT REPOR•ITR DUKIIAN1 - Angry parents are calling on the public school board to put a stop to plans to discuss homosexuality when teaching AIDS. "We don't oppose AIDS education, but we don't believe they have to discuss homosexuality," Carol Switzer says of Reduce the Risk, a teacher resource on sexually - transmitted diseases and AIDS education for students in Grades 11 to UAC now in the works. The Oshawa mother was one of about 50 parents carrying signs reading, "Gay Sex Kills Children, Save Our Children" at a peaceful demonstration outside Durham Board of Education headquarters in Oshawa on Monday. "When they teach the dangers of smoking and drugs. the message is, 'lust say no'. They don't say, 'Don't do it, but just in case you're going to try, here's how';' argues Mrs. Switzer, critical of ittstructions contained in the document on how to use a condom. Mrs. Switzer insists she's not homophobic, but believes "nature is homophobic" because homosexuals can't reproduce naturally. The ministry of education and training mandated the teaching of AIDS in 1987. but in a letter to Mrs. Switzer, says homosexuality doesn't need to be discussed. Instead, it points to anal intercourse as a means of transmission. Chairman Patricia Bowman assured parents the board "made a conscious decision to move slowly" on the document. which is "in no way a done deal." She encouraged parents to read the document and send their comments to the board. But schools aren't teaching about homosexuality or promoting it as a preferred lifestyle, maintains Mike Brousseau, author of the document. Nor are they condoning or condemning it, he adds. Still, teachers must discuss homosexuality because it's "dire number -one means of Sharon W'dion and her daughter Faithe were among those at a peaceful protest outside public school board headquarters on Monday over plans to discuss homosexuality when teaching about AIDS. photo by Andrew Iwanowski transmission at this time: end of story," Mr. Brousseau told the News Advertiser in an earlier interview. A final Reduce the Risk draft should be complete within the next week. Before making its way into classrooms, it must be approved by the Family Life Education Advisory Committee, whose 20 members include parents, clergy and medical professionals. As well, it must be endorsed by the board's program committee, administrative council, and trustees. The board plans to test the document in one class in September before distributing it to all schools early in the new year. Accordingto board policy, schools must tell parents when family life issues are to be taught. Parents are invited to view any curriculum and resources to be used and have the option of removing their child from a class or trait of study they disapprove of. •THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY IL 1!!ri~PAGE 3 A 'Brutal' sex assault on visitor PICKERING - A woman was brutally sexually assaulted outside a Pickering bar and restaurant early Sunday morning. Durham Regional Police say a 20 -year-old Welland woman left her friends inside and went to her car in the parking lot of the Liverpool Rd. tavern around 1:30 am. When her friends were leaving, thev ncxiced she was `till in her car in a ,tate of distress, says Staff Sergeant Sandy Ryne. The woman told police she was attacked by an unknown man. "She was also punched in the face and quite brutally sexually assaulted," says Staff Sgt Ryrie.' The woman was taken to the Sexual Assault Unit tf Whitby General Hospital. The suspect is black, i' l 1". in his 20s. Ile was wearing hlue jeans and cowboy boots. Coupon $75" Value WINDSHIELD REPLACEMENT S50 DEOUCTiBLE - S25 CASH BAC - AN ShgP WORK ONL v BASED ON 'USU±ANCE RATES LEAVE ALL THE DETAILS TO US :�/ r,ov� r..v��ca conga.•,- •.e aOn�M ��e cW.n YmYate. W • E. V Apoo,rrnw t A—A b. .''.ALL POR AN APPOINTMENT 'PEE o'-W.uP 3 OELiVERV 860 BROCK RD. S. UNIT 1, PICKERiNG 837.7819 INTERLOCK DRIVEWAYS SpmiatitzkW in unique Bruce Smith per sq. ft. and professiooat imtaUadon. Landscape & Design 831-1860 A. A Ajax & Pickering NEWS. ADVERTISER_._-,, PRESENTING CARRIER OF THE WEEK Wednesday's Carver of the week is Leala Pomfret. Leala enjoys horses, soccer & enjoys reading. Leala will receive McDonald's Big Mac Coupon. Congratulations LFAIA for being our Carrier of the Week. PAGE 4-A THS KEWS ADVERTISER, WF•Dy MAY 11,1194 Bo ...ard slashesvrog erams t to achers FROM PAGE 1 come to freeze taxes and pleas by others not to cut programs and services. As a result of the most controversial budget cut. kindergarten students will no longer attend classes for half the day, every day. instead. they will go to school for two full days and one-half day a week beginning in September, saving the board S518.000 in noon -hour busing costs a vear. Other decisions: • French immersion: Parents wanting to enrol their children in French immersion must now wait until Grade 1. The board cut that program's kindergarten classes at a cost of 537.000 in provincial grants, arguing the delay will help determine if a student has a learning disability that could impede studies in a second language. 0 • 5PC 0 0 curb tax -hike • Design centres: Students can say teachers. goodbye to cooking. sewing. w(Wworkinv • Trustees: I ive trustees will tx dropped and other family studies and design and from the hoard's payroll in time r.for technology lessons after the board okayed November's munithe municipal election. Paring design centres which will offer such number of trustees from 20 to 15 will mean subjects as computer-aided drafting design. an annual savings of more than S68.000. desktop publishing and electronics. The Activities: The board has cut the move will save almost S9.000 a year in money it spends on Education Week busing costs and will free up 33 large activities. a performing arta progrm. and a rooms, some of which will be used at regional science fair, schools which would otherwise need The board will put almost S3.6 million additions when junior kindergarten is this year toward a number of building phased in beginning next Januar}'. projects. including a S24 -million education • Staff cuts: The board will lose 132 centre beim_ conswcted along with a 523 employees — including 94 teachers — in million secon(h school in ��'hithy. n September in order to meet savings dictated The board saw a decrease of more than by the Province's social contract. It has also S13 million — four per cent — in chopped a professional development budget provincial funding this year. while student in order to reduce the need for supply enrolment increased by 830 students — or 1.4 per cent. The tax increase passed on to public school supporters varies according to municipality. Brock residents will see the highest hike of 3.23 per cent, while Oshawa residents will enjoy the only decrease of 0.15 per cent. Ajax residents face a hike of 2.35 per cent, while those in Pickering will see an increase of 1.87 per cent. To determine your 1994 school taxes, divide your assessment by 1,000. Ajax residents should multi PIN that number by $57.84, while those in Pickering should multiply by 562.61. Oshawa trustee Kathleen Hopper was the only one opposed to the budget, arguing it was unfair to revamp the kindergarten program at all schools, even those which don't require busing. r}k E T aRo R EN C . N� D SCAPING Q - r � • J �e � i • . � � �. �i� aid r s1� NOW & • 1 J Many many other nursery specials. C340tt AN / AW . 4011- ,d - .• -,I Sunday / • • w 1111 !TLT.'�I -1:110 iE 650 Lakeridge Rd. S. sm_inan • s86-1680 3F11 OI PJ1 131 A NO] ` v hsla • 2.2L. 130 H. P. ENGINE • TILT STEERING • CRUISE CONTROL • DUAL AIR BAGS • AIR CONDITIONING • DUAL REMOTE MIRRORS pEc1A` S $23800 o0 Pelt �r • FULL WHEEL COVERS -AM/FM STEREO CASSETTE • POWER ANTENNA • REMOTE TRUNK & GAS RELEASE • FOLD DOWN REAR SEAT • CHILD PROOF DOORLOCKS TACHOMETER . POWER ASSISTED STEERING • POWEM BRAKES • wCHELIN ALL SEASON TIRES • DOUBLE W S -BONE SUSPENSION 40" EAST AC ACURA TBE NEVIS ADVEMSER, WED. MAY 11,190"'ACA S-A ELECTION PLu NONCOMS, HONOWS ACCORD SEDAN EXR u A 06.' C E ` v hsla • 2.2L. 130 H. P. ENGINE • TILT STEERING • CRUISE CONTROL • DUAL AIR BAGS • AIR CONDITIONING • DUAL REMOTE MIRRORS pEc1A` S $23800 o0 Pelt �r • FULL WHEEL COVERS -AM/FM STEREO CASSETTE • POWER ANTENNA • REMOTE TRUNK & GAS RELEASE • FOLD DOWN REAR SEAT • CHILD PROOF DOORLOCKS TACHOMETER . POWER ASSISTED STEERING • POWEM BRAKES • wCHELIN ALL SEASON TIRES • DOUBLE W S -BONE SUSPENSION 40" EAST AC ACURA TBE NEVIS ADVEMSER, WED. MAY 11,190"'ACA S-A ELECTION PLu NONCOMS, HONOWS ACCORD SEDAN EXR SAVE BIG! ALso_ air. loaded, orrq 7.000Imu P1676 ACCORD SEDAN LX BUY TODAY. 'Air. sub.. low in. del air be p 710 dboee from . ACCORD SEDAN EX CALL TODAY! Power group. ae. dual arf begs 3 n SO* ACCORD SEDAN EXR $191395 Power roof. ar beg. akW wfreels. P16M ACCORD SEDAN EX 517,795 Ar, sub.. Power group. --cbW P100. ACCORD COUPE EXR loedad. P102 $189995 Orly 10.950 km Powe rod. ACCORD WAGON EX :17,795 ?ons d spec.'. aulo . aw. a► beg. Pi 572. CIVIC DEL SOL Si ;179995 Samba Green •, tarps rod. CD PleY•r. ar P1 S78 PRELUDE SRV$21 loaded vt 542 995 190 H P power rod. spoiler , ACCORD SEDAN EXR P1647 417595 A00. Poww ,," , A 6 S, spod0l ACCORD SEDAN EX Pt S23A , $169495 G player. dub . spaded ACCORD WAGON EX $179495 ' :�nbalt blue' aul o beded Pt S7S CIVIC SEDAN EX Km 'cm P1637 $129995 Mr, p w. p d I cassette PRE erect s P167. $169395 43�� ACCORD SEDAN EXR P'6% 4159795 A _ 8 auto Dower gaup. 45 35' sur, ACC7RD COUPE EXR FQ63A $159395 A. --ac wnda power sof a" *task ceded ACCORD SEDAN EX ''3 810988 a .,o au po.hr 7oup jrgj,"1'. R t 33A , ACCORD SEDAN LX -.1 1-404A $1111995 7 me assafte CMC SEDAN SE P1662 $119495 So+aar Edson' tL" auc at CIVIC HATCHBACK CX P, $89995 ;-rr 45 500 .r^ 5'p_': -agog" 6445 CIVIC HATCHBACK CX $99495 :a4senn v ' -1 43 MCC P' 699 al< MltrO Etat l= O Y O Y COrryeftbOn O cc Centre ax tLcc 401 m m NO LIMIT FINANCING* ALL MODELS ONLY 14 "_ DAYS LEFT 365 BAYLY AJAX ST. 428-8768 S Timothy J. Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in chief Wendy Gallagher :Managing Editor Bruce Danford Advertising Manager Alvin Brouwer Retail Sales Nlanaeer Abe Fakhourie Distribution Nlanger A Metroland Community 'newspaper published every Wednesday. Friday and Sunday. 13(1-132 Commercial Ave.. Ajax. Ontario. I -IS 'H5. The publisher reserves the richt to classify or refuse any advertisement haled on his sole disLTdetion. I)ai-,e sizes niax vary slightly frompublishced rate card due to mechanical requirements of different printers. Second Class Mail Reeisuation 1 ,oj-. Mail subscription rates Can. 1 yT. GIVE US A CALL General 6:i =-51 1 0 \ev►sroom 683-5110 Distribution 683-5117 Classified 683-51 10 (Nightline - 798-7672) FAX 683-7363 Sincerely Yours 1-416-976-1991 InfoSource 683-7040 Real Estate and Automotive Sales 798-7672 National Advertising 493-1300 The News Advertiser welcomes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for length and legal reasons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone number for our information. They should not exceed one and a half pages in length. The News Advertiser regularly uses recycled ntemprbt Show and tell OK, give up the goods. According to some pretty reliable sourrea, a study outlining the future for Durham hospitals has been completed and is rieadV to show to the public. The acute-care study. commissioned by the Durham I)istriet Ilealth Council, calN for Whitby General Iospital to be turned into a high quality rehabilitation centre, and for the V`'hitby hospital's present emergency care services to be transferred to other Durham hospitals including Ajax and IlLk-cring Gencril Hospital. According to the I iealth Council, the study still needs a few finishing iouch es, and members claim that the official release date was never officially decided upon. anyway. The. council is now waffling on when exactly the report will be officially released (it was wpposedly w have hapNned todayi. Spokesrruut Lynda Ilessey says it could be another couple of weeks but. can't say for sort. It sounds to us like a case of colo feet. While the council is probably, and pe t aps undk'rstaixlabh•, relKLInt to open the pages of the report to Scrutiny— and criticism — from the public, members of the ctrnmunity have a right to know what s then, and as soon as porssible. Tie changes to Durham hospitals may be chic best thing for everyone in the long run, but they will certainly take ,omc ,,cuing accustomed to. But in any case. what's done is done. The d eLisidms have alreadv teen made over the most substantial items, so what's the point in holding back the report for the purposes of tinkering with it? If. in fact, they are even doing that much. By holding onto the report. the council is just incmtmn, people's apprehension over the changL% to cone. 'Ile best thing is to just get it over with — let's sox what's in then and. if there are f-wewdrks to come, then kis get read, for the show. Lt""I't,tans W 'w' t S 3 ti s v683-7363 KITF T() T}� ISE SAD 'EKTI fR 1.O CO, t. tFKCI.AL A F.., AJAX, LIS _HS oK FAX vs AT V HWY. 407 'Monster ons erproj* ect' gets r To the editor, this 407 `yesterday' because Durham is raise their families. Hold on a second .... Why are Durham supposedly losing S2 billion a year because 8y rushing approval for this before the Region councillors, who sneer and laugh at of traffic tie ups on Ilw•y. 401. Even if that November election, our local politicians are the NDP government at council meetings, ridiculous figure were true, the 407 would taking away our right to choose the kind of suddenly on their knees begging the not be the answer. life we want for ourselves and our children. Province to build Hwy. 407 right away? Road planners the world over have They did not ask us if we supported their Is it because the municipal election is learned that building new roads never hunger for another eight lanes of concrete. only a few months away and they don't reduces traffic congestion. The 407 will change the region and the want to discuss this monster project with A Queen's University professor of lives of thousands of people forever. We the people who will be forced to move and Urban Planning plainly stated the 407 should have an opportunity to talk about it, to live beside it? won't reduce traffic tie-ups and the Better to look at our real needs and to look at Two years ago Ministry of Transportation Coalition agrees. various options. Transportation officials held public And what will it be like to have another No official, elected or otherwise ><s going meetings and we were told the project was 401 right through the heart of Durham? to ask us what we thunk about 407 they 20 or 30 years into the future. What about the thousands of people who think they know what is good for us. Let's Local councillors said that people will be affected by this mega -project? use our voices now 'before ;we Lose them Shouldn't get all excited about something Many people who live in this rural area altogether. that might Dever happen. ;have been here for many generation. ;cep Leaby, Now, these same elected officials want Others, chose the quiet, country setting to grooltlin ... .:...._: .__ .. _ �(.. - ...+:i:i.4:S... \ sees•.:: .......::.. _:::::::::::.: _sees:::. �:::::::::::.. \•w::..:....:: n.ti..:: .: :... PUD by Steve Nease THE NEWS ADV1Z7iSM WED-, MAY I1. "0•>!Ii►G9 74 P �C N OF p� * A,0 ��. Town of Pickering .oma `�� * z (905) 420.2222 I)ICI* C-EltING(905) 683-2760 FLTBR ICKERIN(: PUBL.IG Form 3 ARY FIVE YEAR PLAN Rental Housing Protection Act Board members are holding meetings NOTICE OF PUBLIC at all branches to discuss the final MEETING A y * * * * * * * y T draft of the rive Year Plan, an its recommendations on Library Pickering residents are invited to attend the planning sessions and share their views on the Plan with Board members. Times, dates and branch locations for the May meetings are listed below: Bay Ridges Branch May 17,1994,8:00 p.m. Central Library May 18, 1993, 7:30 p.m. Rouge lull Branch h1av 19, 199.3, 7:30 m. p Please call 831-6265 if you would like to receive a copy to the planning documents prior to attending ag meeting. TAKE NOTICE that there will be a public to consider an application forbuildings. Conversion To A Condominium concerning the following properties: 1525 Diefenbaker Court 1535 Diefenbaker Court 1530 Pickering Parkway 1540 Pickering Parkway The meeting will be held on May 19, 1994 at 7:00 p.m. at the Town of Pickering Civic Complex Further information is available at theC PLANNING DEPARTMENT, PICKERING CIVIC COMPLEX, ONE THE ESPLANADE PICKERING, ONTARIO L1V 6K7, (905) 420-4617 or (905) 683-2760. Dated the 11th day of May. 1994. Taybi Town Clerk a "meeting 0Summer y T �y y T Health Club Special Includes the use of membership changerooms with sauna and whirlpool, the fitness room and warm-up track. Swimming during public and adult swim periods. May to Sept 5,1994 FULL DAYTIME Regular amial Pegular ;n' . SAVE 50% V9,18 $3959 $q 15 S2-17 • Available to high school students over 18 years STUDENTS 1H YEARS • aiease be prepared to show coil urrversiN ID AND OVER own of Pickering residents only please memberships that will help you reach your goals at rates that meet your budget o Hi S 37.45 (+ GST) Resident S 42.60 (« GST) Non -Resident Membership Prmieges Monday -Friday 6:00 a.m. - 7:OC p.m and Saturday 8 Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p m. Seasonally Reduced Tennis Court Fees • Prepaid Squash and Racquetba l Must Use of membership for participants 17 Present student cardchangerooms or ymrs of age ani when purchasing fitness rooms not younoet included EFFECTIVE JUNE 10 - SEPTEMBER 6. 1994 I Our staff will assist you in choosing the memberships that will help you reach your goals at rates that meet your budget 'K Call now 831-1711 or 683-6582 PICKERING RECREATIO-V COMPLEX A. s r' gummier LF yJfa1,PShy.' PAINT * %'• :.:, w ,...; _. I6 nes I ). ATTENTION VISUAL ARTISTS PAINT OUT ON LOCATION at PICKERING MUSEUM VILLAGE Sunday, May 29 Fof more information cau 420-4620 Regis"Wrts taken weekly. Student MUST have a project to work on. 1994 MUNICIPAL ELECTION Rouge Hill Branch Wednesdays March 30 - June 8 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. For children in Grades 4 to 6 Arc you thinking of running for a position on Council or one of the School Boards in the Municipal Election to be held on November 14th. 1994? If so, you will be required to file a Notice of Registration with the Town Clerk which basically sets out the Office you intend to run for and the names of your Chief Financial Officer, if any, or the names of persons who are authorised to accept contributions on your behalf. Pursuant to the Municipal Eioctions Act. you must be registered as a candidate before you can spend any money on your campaign or accept campaign contributions. Also, before you are able to be nominated as a candidate and have your name put on a ballot. you must be registered with the municipality. 7 Notice of Registrations will be accepted by the Town Clerk bEtween January 1st, 1994 and Friday, October 14th, 1994 which is also the last day to be nominated as a candidate. Registration packages are avpilable in the office of the Town Clerk anytime Monday to Friday between 8:30 am. -.nd 4:30 p.m. If you have any questions about the registration process, please contact Bruce Taylor. Town Clerk at 420-4611. (I I N Ww rr eS 1pS yrs a over on y New ships only (No Transfers) Recreation Complex our friendly staff at the 531-1711 or 683-658 NOTICE To RESIDENTS OF MNEGROVE AVENUE, WEST LANE & VALLEY RIDGE CRESCENT OPEN HOUSE HOUSE INFORMATION SESSION STORM AND SANITARY SEWER INSTALLATION A ROAD RECONSTRUC M ON MNEGROVE AVENUE Daring the Summer and Fall of 1994, as part of the Tow of Pickering comauctim program. storm sewer installation will take place on Pinegrove Avenue, West Lase and Valley Ridge Crescent. Rod coosuwcb a will take place on - Pisegmve Avenue Daly. The Regius of Durham will be imtaning a sanitary sewer in majuactios with tin project — p--staECT MEA to order that residents may be aware of the details of tie pwject and b give all homeowners the oppa4mily b ask gsestioss reg -ding sunup 1 PamP� interlocking stone driveway - neatmeata, bottlevad reslora0oa. ptocedssnx for sanitary sewer hook up, etc.. an opendouse will be held at the Pickering Public Library, 2nd Floor Meeting Room, One The Esplanade, Pickering on Tuesday. May 17th, 1994. The boos will be from 6:00 pm. to 8U0 p.m. We trust residents can appreciate that some temporary inconvenience may be experienced while the project is in progress, however. we give our aswasce that the wort will be carried opt as quickly as possibk Those residents who are unable to -tread the Open House, Please fed free to can Mr. Darren Selsky of the Public Worts Department, at 905- 420-4630, Extension 2149 so that he may provide the information you require. Steploen A. Votes, l! F.ng. Director or hblic worts tea. PAGE S -A -THE WiFS A' SI if tl M tom, MAY 11. 19% ♦ COUNCIL Hotel site likely to go to housing O Developer proposes apartments and stacked townhouses north of Hwy. 401 Ry'1IARIA111 TAKACS SirAFF RFPORT'Fk PICKERING — Hopcs for another major hotel in Pickering became considerable dimmer Monday night as Town council's executive committee approved the rezoning of a hotel site for other uses. If council approves the retuning, a twos -hectare property just north of Hwy. 401 between Pickering Parkway and the west side of Brck:k Rd. could be the site of apartments up to nine store\ s high and a neighborhood. of stacked townhouses. as well as facilities such as a church. day care. cultural centre and/or nursing home for the aged. Jack wtnberg of Rockport holdings Ltd.. which owns the property. told councillors that over the past 20 years three agreements which could have brought a hotel to the site fell through. The new zoning would still hermit hotel development. but Mr. Winberg said residential development is more likely, and people could be living on the site this time next year if the approval process moves quickly. Several councillors noted there is already a safety problem in the area for local children trying to cross Pickering Parkway. and the problem would only get worse if more housing is built. Town staff said the safety issue could he looked into. In speaking in favor of the rezoning, mayor Wayne Arthurs said market conditions are clearly not right at this time for a hotel. and that Pickering has other locations available near Hwy. 401 for a future hotel. Ile also noted people living in the area are likely to prefer residential development on the site. If the rezoning is approved. the Town would hold off on implementing the zoning bylaw while Town staff and the developer work on more precise design guidelines for the site. At Sears, your satisfaction's guaranteed... Voulave our pledge ^ ' \ nt•\d irl.tallc•d •tc•ri c•ntr\ d(Krr ►° N .r ( unlplt'le t•ntran(v ­ictn A • � Atte•►-. \ ( (u elegance• Auld } }t'lp reduc c IM rRPr IM Ile.![111L (�'%[N .til(} �.!\t' ll,t oil 7-9 a WW w installc"d high lwrt(lrmance \iml w replacemt•nt %indm% _ .\dctllI,uu1 .wny, r\.unhla•..nl ulc-,Ix-r• k•ud, svai, Otter, an in,t,llled hea\\ 1 z (lilt\ asphalt ::-tab .hing1v nKlt T \dllh t1111% Iran>terabIt' \%arrant\ installed vin\I ()r alutninunl pati() d(Hn• \dish 'Thermal Break to help rt•ducc• noise" and heat -( "anpicrc'all w:, d.lt 1, x k.u, Win a Kenmore' installed central air conditioning system maximum value S404H) incl. taxes) or S2511) cash. Odd, III \\ ulnttlk dt-pc'nd (m nutrlt)V1 ill c'1111 ir. rc•t c•r\vd. \r puldi'tw rtc'tc• ,ilv t.ontc•.t end. 11.11111:- 311. Itr►-t. D0.1,111 to .tt(rc'. Seal-, ( mu witeed Home Imps cw ements -L& to u mitt me cOIt kJ a n. CM OSHAWA 725-4322 PICKERING 420-5582 NW SEARS CANADA INC Mom and Me Pickering Town Centre recently held a My Mom and Me event when mothers and children showed off their summer fashions purchased at the centre. K rn Faraj and little Sercen walk the runway. Dentures so natural... youll never know the difference!* ( Free Consultation) New soft -touch' materials for sensitive gums jury, i992 Walter Wimmer, D.D., Denture Clinic PICKERING TOWN CENTRE ( LOWER LEVEL) 42040209 Toll free 1.800.661.5020 a __ Pi 0. StTlttO t0 ........ 0-1 ........... try again with charity ❑ First bid fails to raise money for sick kids By MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF REPMER PICKERING - Ward 3 councillor Enrico Pistritto has seemingly taken a financial bath on the Dr. Stephen Covey broadcast he brought to the Pickering Recreation Centre last Thursday. But he's not pulling the plug on his plans to make a profit on the broadcast and donate the proceeds to the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto. "We're working with the Covey people to get permission to show it a second time," says Mr. Pistritto. Iiicre will be a second screening: it's a matter of when and where" In addition to allowing the councillor to make good on his vow to make a substantial donation to the children's hospital, the second showing, probably sometime in late June, will give him a chance to recover his casts. The broadest by Dr. Covey. a successful self-improvement consultant whose writings and courses are very popular among business people, was shown here live by satellite film Australia. Mr. Pistritto has said he brought the broadcast here to clear up what he sees as misconceptions and rumors about the Covey program- A few months ago, a controversy erupted among Pickering councillors over whether it was appropriate for Mr. Pistritto to use the coaference allowance provided to him by the Town to attend a Covey leadership course in Sundance. Utah. Ile has not yet attended that ,-Purse. Among those viewing the I 1. i► ! 11 o — Bu jut' m rtcland s Reg_ 100c at Fab et the next u�at Price. 9 FREE` 2 absolutes , Zp 'rom spec aigplecnons or 11JA MIS 1 t 5cm :viae 10o,. cotton Our Reg up to 10 98 T or panel MI 1 GET 2 FAQ— nWWMfQEMM 11 5c wide 100°o cotton & ��ester co onn individually Priced 111111-=C1 T FAMES 150cm wide. Our Reg. 9.98 m Mf 11ET 2 FIK! im T CtlllilN M1�1 115cm wide Our Reg 10.98 m MI 11Ei 2 FTM! 1ACO M M M 11 5c wide. Our Reg. 12.98 m MI j T2FMt 1111Z MNLWK 1rOMWEM 150cm wide. Our Reg 9 98 m Mf 110 2 F1M! NTI1AEKiI am 150cm wide. Our Reg 8 98 m Atli 1 GET 2 FAZE! illi_ FMlIIt - - 115cm wide Our Reg 8 98 m Mf l GET 2 FLEE! 1355 UNPI n ted. Pk"hno Town Com►* a39-StM broadcast broadcast last'Ihursday was Ward I councillor Doug Wellman, who describes it as "excellent". "It's good sviff, he says, kind of like going to church on Sunday. It doesn't really do any harm and probably all of us need a little more of it." Mr. Wellman says he will only take a position on Mr. Pistritto's attendance at the Covey course in Utah if the issue comes before council again. "I think Enrico is letting it go," he notes. "I think this whole thing we've seen the end of it_" Mayor Wayne Arthurs &-cribes the broadcast as "extremely well done" and "food for thought". He believes Covey's ideas on changing the organizational structure of businesses can be quite relevant to municipal government. The mayor adds Mr. Pistritto should "be congratulated for sticking to his principles" and working to bring the broadcast to Pickering. "'Iite skepticism about the value of Covey has, in my view. been put to mesh '' says Mr. Arthurs. Mr. Pistritto said earlier about 500 tickets (at $39 each) would have be sold for him to brtak evert On the tnXK"1;t But just over 300 tickets were purctresed. The councillor gave away hundreds of tickets to politicians and municipal workers from across Durttm. and cfimatc'<i about g00 to 9(X) M)ple attended. Mr- Pistritto says he is satisfied he has aclueNed his goal of showing the community what Covey is all atxuL though he was disappointed by the turnout. "If you have to blame it on anything, it was my inexperierxx in putting on this kind of show." he says. Ij Out WEE SiOQ, yi7 I@NgM CEW 150cm Poryester viscose Our Reg 10 98 m M 1 GET 2 FK! --- _ Ml1Et1H F�Tti 115cm wide Our Reg 10 98 In Mf 1 GET 2 FW! _ It1T1■AM EMTS E 150cm Polyester: rayon Our Reg 10.98M ■f 1 GET 2 MM _ V j+&E pit<w Fill 150cm 1 00% cotton Our Reg. 9 98 m Mf 1 K12 Ftp F'E1E=1NAMi1M F'�1Ti 115cm wide Our Reg. 5 98 m Nf 1 K12 FM MAAIMN 1JNBK R MI1� 150cm wide Our Reg 1198 m Mf 1 GET 2 F1M! t051t1kTmE100'�cotton Km i 98m Mf l GET 2 FW1__ __ im to= W11 90cm ;nae Our Reg 3 98 m Mf 1 GET 2 FEE! so Mfrs TAtfI vE CECRS 115cm .i, de Our Reg 5 98 T NV 1 GET 2 FEE! THE !NEWS ADVO. WM NAY ik P,"-'-?A Gc)EA1A?G5 Expect more fro m Sears LLowestP n�e of the season on RoadHandler Tourin DIENARD GOLDI All SIZES NOW ONE LOW PRICE 999 Wrt!^ trade -n' Our most powerful battery has up to 900 cold cranking amps. Features a 72 -month worr. and 12 -month free replacement. •66000 THE KEY A prem um steel-beltec all -season touring rodioi made -or Sears by Uniroyal Goodrich 3(-j 75 7' t6 series tires are S' speed r�red +o 1 $C Km/hr :tt %7rC ;e, x/: •r?; ar )prate At" at �r - •or-•x'x'N FM. 7bry tY 7r4W Z1. rrtds DIEHARD` 'UTILITY X10 OFF Batter, -ICS a 12 -month worrcnry and 3 -month -ree replacement when anerr,ator ' generator equipped -t--)C ,ear Reg 59 J9 x to trade- n - Now with rade-+n' 49 99' DieHard 0.1, P C-, i, RV Mwww Oecr,a.ye IF !" 0 Off �1� M UTIM Features a 30 -month warranty, 12 -month free replacement throughout North America. #66600 ser Reg. 99.99 wish trade-in' Now, with trade-in `... 8999' GREAT SERVICETM SALE PRICES END MAY 49, 1994, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST SEARS Expect more from Sears "� VISIT OUR AUTOMOTIVE CENTRE AT a SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE W Q Phone 420-8000. Were open Mon. -Fri. 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., j ._..,..M Sat. 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Sun. 11:00 a.m..-5:00 p.m. PAGE I0 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY 11,19% Blanket coverage g News Advertiser photo chief Walter Passarella shot Tuesday s eclipse using 100 ISO film at 1 2000th of a second. with an F stop of 32 Missing man needs medicine PICKERING - Police are looking for your help in locating a man missine since Saturday and in need of medication. Raymond Cochrane. 4-. of Glenanna Rd.. is 5'4*' tall and weighs 130 pounds. He was wearing a blue jacket. blue jeans and black shoes when last seen and is believed to be driv ing a four-d4-x)r. blue I9S5 Dodge Anes. licence plate number 767 BHR. L1r. Cochrane is extremely depressed police report. If you have seen Mr. Cochrane or his car. vou're asked to call Durham Reeional Police at *�714-1 211 or 6l,—L)100. extension 321. Finance ministry man to speak on budget � DURHAM - Brantford MPP Brad Ward wits be guest speaker at the Durham Region Manufacturers Association (DRMA) breakfast vnceting Wednesday. May IS. Mr. Ward, minister without portfolio for the ministry of finance, �1r`•ill be Joined by Oshawa MPP Allan Pilkey. The mecung-w dl take place at the Oshawa Holiday Irm where Mr. Ward will highlight key components of the mcent provincial budget, ilrtcinding initiatives refacing to small business. He will also discuss the provincial economy. Both Mr. Ward and Mr. Pilkev will take questions from the floor. Tickets are $15 for mere bers and $20 for non-members. 1Rcgisavion starts at 7:30 a.m., followod by breakfast at 8 a.m., with sNte guest speaker scbeduled for 8:30 awn.. For snore infasntatioa, call the DRMA at (905)434-1412. P. 1 1 ii •I ..11 ciet nx offiff F • C�mjiff-conwwd and • wkCuoriiof ter.:, u • irv;talls i. doors or out. • • • ' :• ::a : by au10-Jet Accu -SW corsumer trogmM. nor'". Sex'" • • • of • of an I • Hone Leism L%mda Horeb i Dewr rAwe `R UO)Z IJF" 428-9767 acd� KINSMEN FIREWORKS I-0 SALE The Kinsmen Club of Pickering's Family Fireworks Sale FIREWORKS FROM AROUND THE WORLD Factory Fresh - 1001"c Replacement Guarantee I)iscounted Prices COME CELEBRATE WITH US All Proceeds Donated to the Community Ck �II.F k� «EEK DAYS C. T. tile. & til?L1DA1 N10N. 3 PM - 9 PM 10a%1 -8P%1 ()PF% Pit ARF %TRUI ON P1.47 1 FARM ® IIH\ 401 II%L: Y1k 11-F 11%1 Rio I'll FARM BROI k 11%) : R,i�n ROOD Roo, %illTr� R01W ItWV.3.1 H%l. Ml �J R \l MIX: N P1 '/ (1,11-rEllS COL ION FOR NEIGHBOURHOOD PARTN )ISCOtTNT lOcc ()FF.�I.I.FIRE%%()RKS PLR('EI atiEti OVER $100.00 AT PICKERING KINSMEN LO(::�TIO\S �cnri llrn00orAor 100 tali.. r Ta.• t, .'IV -N SPRING SP 1. General pawformance ine ormance a-— 3. n mi 4. Brakes 5. Driveline/Axle 6_ Steerin 7. Clutch 8. Horn 51. Auto trans. oil level 52. n on egint dWell 53. n on timing Hot e 55. Errilsslon Control stem BriTA N R• lam qrn li ur l iI - c Vcxnrt ECTACULAR After a steady diet of snow and cold slush don't you think you should treat your car to something a little more nourishing? Like perhaps a spring inspection with all the trimmings? W'e'll begin with, (an appetizer as it ,were) a 7 point electrical inspection. at will be followed with a healthy 6 oint interior inspection, a 6 point ody inspection and an 11 point on - hoist inspection. Then, to ensure your hunger for knowledge has been completely satisfied, we'll close off our spring special with a 13 point engine inspection that is sure to fit the bill. ALL THIS, 55 POINTS IN TOTAL $ 95 ONLY CALL AHEAD TO RESERVE A HOIST! HOUR& 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Mon. - Fri. 7:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 1 p.m. Saturday PICK-UP PICMon. - Thurs. 9 a.m. - 9 P -m- Fri. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 970 BROCK ROAD SOUTH, PICKERING TEL: 831-540011-800-563-M2 HONDAS ONLY PLEASE BY APPOINTMENT ONLY EXPIRES MAY 27, 1994 2 TIM NEW ADVF.TU;M WED.. MAY M 10""s ms's , . .. r r,, ,4 .. P.-'{ y... 3forne e3' Gtzrlcfert Outdoor lighting accentuates any size garden Today we take outdoor lighting for granted. However it was less than 100 years ago when electricity was first used to illuminate a garden. The home and garden of James Breese in Southhampton, NY, were a showplace - the garden almost one half mile long and 500 feet wide. It took Breese and Glenn Marston, an electrical genius, many months of experimentation before they finally created the hundreds of lights that illuminated the garden, making each lamp by hand, inventing as they worked. The final outcome was a huge success - complete with a social event of the 1916 season to celebrate the first illumination, written about in all the papers of the day. Breese and Marston would be astounded to see the changes that have come about in outdoor illiurniination in the past 75 years. Stores Carry an array of kits, complete with step-down voltage transforrners and different types of lights suutable to any situation. You don't need an electrician, you can install the lights yourself. Easy and affordable, installing outdoor low-vokage lighting is a legitimate home improvement that increases the value of your home. When planning your own Get down to eye levelfor safety This spring, would you Ike fewer accidents to happen around your house? If so, new parents and grandparents should make accident proofing their home top priority. How? By actually getting down on all fours to see at eye level what dangers lurk in your children's world. When babies start puUrQ up, infants start crawling or toddlers take thea first steps, parents and grandparents need to safeguard these rooms for their youngsters- Kitc hen - To prevent umecessary poisoning, fasten cabinets and drawers with either clear portable cabinet locks or cabinet latches. • Bedroom - To prevent electrical shocks or bums, install either dear electrical dugs or outlet covers. • Family room - To prevent accidental head bumps and bruises, attach cushions on all sharp furniture comers and edges. lighting system, look at the way lighting is used around existing home and gardens. Essentially there are three basic lighting techniques: uplighting (the light is aimed from below - usually ground level; this is the most unnatural lighting effect, but very effective for focusing attention as in spotlighting), downlighting (can be used to emulate sunlight or moonlight - fight is aimed downward), and sidelighting (usually lights low toe ground used for illuminating paths). Other techniques which include backlighting (placed behind a plant or tree, the light reflects off a house to create a dramatic silhouette), mirroring, perspective lighting, shadowing, spotlighting, contour lighting, cross lighting and moonlighting are creative variations of these basic techniques. Before you run out to buy you fights, consider the space you are looking to dluminate with the folowing points: • Designing with light is like are going for a theatrical look, keep the very bright lights to a minimum. - Allow the eye to choose what the focal points will be. Strive for balance. _ 111I L — 0— la.r,nef ZIn-i brightest lights first, then add in the smaller lights to create the right balance between light and dark - * ark• Consider which elements should be emphasized and from what point thev will be viewed. Especially when uplrgMing or spotlighting, make sure the viewer is not blinded by the light. Move the lights around and look at the effect you want to create. The combinations and permutations of low -voltage • garden lighting today are almost infinite. You can create almost any .type of lighting you can conceive - producing a beautifully illuminated garden for you evening enjoyment well within a budget, especially with today's low -voltage lighting systems. So many of us have little time to spend in the garden to really, enjoy it, so it makes absolute sense to create a garden for evening enjoyment, complete with lighting. Be sure to include several chairs or a bench so that you can relax and enjoy your outdoor space. Remember to fight some areas that can be seen form the house, even in the depths of winter, you can look out and see the beauty of an evergreen, subtly lighted from below, with the magic of snowflakes swirling around it. P&G .Z iz- ►-iimi PIS ,ls save. *=, MAY 1% 19% 3fome ems' Giz, n Dream up your bedroom decor (NU) -Did you know that we each spend an average of 60 hours a week in our bedrooms —that's more than four months of each year! Not only do we sleep there, but 58 percent use it for talking on the phone, 26 percent for exercising, 46 percent for watching television, 22 percent for working and 18 percent for eating. That's a multi-purpose room if there ever was one. So decorating today s bedroom is more important than ever. ThE obvious place to start is the bed, where a quality mattress really counts. After deciding on style and size, be sure to familiarize yourself with the various benefits of the three different kinds of mattresses - innerspring, foam and flotation -and pick the one that fits your needs best. Once you've chosen your bed, build the rest of your room around it, beginning with night stands that are the right height for easy reach to hold all your goodies — a lamp, phone, TV remote control, alarm clock -radio and other necessities. Storage space if also an important element in bedroom design. Make sure your night stand and bureaus have enough drawers. Consider buying an armoire if your closed are crammed. And make sure you have plenty of cabinetry to house the electronic -- toys of the 1990s —your television, VCR and CD player. Know Your Colors Remember, cool colors are relaxing, while sight colors are mutating. Since the bedroom is ~e easiest room in the house to redecorate, you might want to use neutral colors for the wall, ceiling and floor and use linens to change the room's mood from time to time. You can go more masculine one season with bold geometric patterned sheets and a duvet in stark white, black and beige, complemented at the window by Roman shades in a matching solid color. onlye finest in furniture at Solid Wood Bed &Table Bob Mowforth and Doug Peters invite you to visit their showroom at 1020 Brock Rd. S. The furniture in your home reflects your sense of style. Thats why so many people have gone to The Sold Wood Bed & Table Company to decorate their homes with the best in solid wood furniture. Owner Bob %towforth says that many people dont realize how affordable solid wood furniture is and that it can last a "People will go out and spend good money on a chrome kitchen set because that's all they think they can afford." he explains. -For almost the same money they could buy a solid wood suite that will retain its value and if you decide to sell it, you'll get what you paid for it in year, to come. You will find the largest selection in Durham Region of solid wood furniture in cherry. pine. birch. oak. maple. alder and There is no better way to start your day then waking up after a great night's sleep on a quality mattress. Country titattress Sleep Shop located at 1020 Brock Rd. in Pickering has been responsible for many a great _i)oht sleep since opening 4 years agu. Co-owner Doug Peters says trey have the largest independent name brand bedding store in Durham Region and carry only the best in four top manufacturers. That's right. Not two or three but four. "Other places carry at the most, two brand names, but we carry four including Sealy, Serta, Simmons and Spring Air," He pine. They also offer custom built furniture. All you have to do is bring in a drawing of what you need and they do the rest. The 17,000 sq. ft showroom also features beautiful upholstered furniture and you can choose from hundreds of fabrics to suit your home decor and lifestyle. While others have come and gone, Solid Wood Bed & Table Company has just kept on growing. Their buying power, because of high volume sales, is one reason why. "It means we can pass huge savings onto our customers says Bob." Once people visit our store they are pleasantly surprised and wonder why they never came here before. - says. 'That way customers har a wide selection from our in-store stock so they find the exact mattress to suit their needs. Right now you can buy a mattress and not make any payments for six months and their price guarantee states that if you find the same mattres; cheaper in another store they 11 reimburse the difference and give you an additional 5% off. That means when you go to Country Mattress you know you're getting quality and the lowest prices around. The store hours for both stores are Mon. and Tues., 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Wed and Thurs.. 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sun. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. There's no shortage of mattresses at Country Mattress Steep Shops giant shbwrookm P I— 3fome e3' Gizrrfert Create your own portable garden Container gardening continues to gain popularity for many reasons. Container gardens are portable, providing year-round color and continual redesigning options. They also work well in small spaces. But there are some tricks to container gardening. Get started by analyzing your available space. What kind of sunlight and moisture will plants get there? For example, if it's shady, you'll need to choose plants that will thrive in those conditions, like impatients and perennials. Potted annuals arranged in a bed introduce variety and provide nearly continuous color. Or try dwarf orange trees or miniature roses, both of which can be brought indoors when cold weather hits. The containers you use make a difference. Certain plant varieties, such as cacti, require shallow, porous and breathable containers like terra cotta. Others like moister conditions and prefer ceramic or plastic pots, which tend to hold water. The size of the pot also matters; for instance, roses need pots two times the size of the root ball. Make sure your containers have existing drainage holes or drill your own using a ceramic drill bit. Healthy well-balanced soil is critical to successful container gardening. Potting mixers that contain Canadian sphagnum peat moss are the best bet. Sphagnum peat moss is a natural, sustainable resource that retains moisture (nearly 20 times its weight in water) and nutrients to promote deep root growth. Before planting, place pieces of wire mesh or broken pottery over your containers' drainage holes to keep the soil from washing away with every watering. Put enough soil in the bottom so when you place the plant inside (after gently loosening the roots either your hand), the top of the root ball is even with the lip of the pot. Fill in with soil and lightly tamp it down. Water, drain and add more soil if necessary. H OFFEW S' W_-_= SALES ENERGY SAVING A SECURITYt �NCEE ROLLSHUTTERS i WINDOWS 1972 'ROLLSHUTrERS • RETRACTABLE AWINNGS -GARAGEDOORS • W l TURN MANDOMIS • SOLARIUMS FORM ANCINIYElnGilUMTAFEAT910 0 . fiS g1aTO1 RQ wAilA><, drT-ltSfYt P— L I F+` Designee's,, babycare tepry wirtc EGGSHELL , S 795 uTRLb, C&rSWwow U" JatYe so Exterior Fiat A ►etetl.etawt.at•ttitirt• •alrerrtlllat • ■d1r�� •orir.�eerlr• reraarir�s-s�os �•�"� 111Y•s.r.a Rw... � raw w"' _. rt■erAwr r TUE N9111VS ApV1Fi. Lq L" ►t ' "Nature at your door' LAN DoCON LANDSCAPE CONCEPTS Have you looked at your yard lately? SPRING CLEANUP, PRUNING, RAKING, REPAIRS AND MORE. STARTING FROM ONLY $75.00. C�lorYom�6rld" I INTERIOR FLAT LATEX Atter Ocie Price S'792 s• - 4,66ble in I00's of decorator colors $18 all ll1TZ1a_f4W_1IL11 INTERIOR FLAT CEILING 3 WALL WHITE LATEX s $V- _ - PAINTER'S CHOICE EGGSHELL LATEX • �.•aiabie _ _ e- 79L $w� �I j6 bobycore colors` • J.railab>e r o cdars & ' !shes- Eggshell & Semi -Gloss After Sok Pnce Sd7 92 $Z3". PAINTERS CHOICE INTERIORLATEX SEALER $ 10 " PAINTER'S CHOKE INTERIOR SATIN LATEX $14 ULTIMATE VALUE TV •. .L SOLD HOE, SEAWTRANSPAREM, DECK OR LATEX STAW • Availoble in a wide ronge of colon $16" e0 -WASH STROEX 0663 AkAMAA from ederiom woodsy 79L SIO -WASH STRIPER{ • skim Ift stows, ai bow vonidles, a dkm and p" from edaior woof miew s'% bc0-WASH WOODWAW look dirty, discolored exterior $1 • Restores new wood to --A- . IY. 7 78l 5 SO/O • f ALL IN-STORE BORDERS The hottest decorating trend. oxoIn ss�.r r• • +oox from our Dev sating 000-s nc ud�ng Mn MitCheils Garden -_ Club Checks S Chmtz. Perfect Semngs Souther Exoosure Disney Home and more • -Reg book Price MplChinrp 66-nc occessortes not included JCC ed slate books only 6WW ve"idle KM • Top _quoli AM gage okxninum in 30 Foshan odors. •pet Mor Custom Blinds Suggested Re"I Price. Toppers not induded. CWF4JWU0W11IA0IET RESISTANT am wow MW .� ad 'a AkAMAA s DEKSWOOD CLEANER • terve s grt m od dirt and reskires natural wood color to $I gn 91`90, W110111111rild Wood HOME l1151 r�r' DECOR J� ") ' STENC.1 S. IF YOU: ore not satisfied with our product Walft we'll reploce the product or give you a refund; find a � whNn 30 days we'll refund the difference; are dissatisfied with our service we'll send you o "ocher equal to 10% of your purchase. See in-store for cornpkte detaik dw saw 'rx" I"dws" UMmAe t vakn tw/ um peiwis) iRANIC:Ftl" oKOR"'Wan" "ANAati CALL 1-600-387-7311 fall Pte` M .aspire M" At, 1794. W A fMet -•milt.* a wens . . . . . , ....... ................ . .. AY 11, 11944 G arl&en Safelv Pniov outdoor activities this spring J J ✓ (NU) - As the temperature rises, people spend more time working and relaxing outdoors. The folbwing are important safety tips for you to remember while erVoying your outdoor activities. Around the Yard • Before using ary appliance or took — including your lawn mower, trimmers and ladders - reald and follow the manufacturers use and care instructions that come with the product. Use a tool only for its specified use. Follow the manufacturers recormiendations regarding attachments. • Always look for the familiar UL Listing Mark before purchasing a power tool, garden appliance or any other electncal Pod- - Before each use. inspect Power tools and electric lawn mowers for frayed po Ayer cords and cracked or broken casings. If the product is darTiaged. stop using 0 immediately. Don't attempt to repair R yourself. Send the product track to the manufacturer or have a qualified repair shop do the work • When using electrical tools, always wear proper attire. Keep your clothing, hands and feet away from cutting glades. Never wear jewelry when working with tools. Always wear safety glasses when using power tools. • Pay attention to warning markings on tools. Don't allow tools to get wet unless they are labeled "Immersbie " When using tools or extension carry outside. make sure they carry markings indicating they are appropriate for outdoor use. • Never alter a product or remove safety features such as blade guards or electric plug grounding Pins. • Use only properly rated outdoor extension cords with outdoor electrical tools. • Unplug all portable electrically operated power tools when not in use. These tools oontain electricity even when they are turned off but stip pl,gged in. PROBILT KITCHENS LTD. REFACE OR REPLACE 'For the -Kitchen of `�imr Dr_ earns SAW FIRM OF ff CUSTOM BUILT CABINETS MANUFACTURED ON THE PREMISES. COMPLETE DESIGN 3 PLANNING SERVICE. v W OUR SHOWROOM OR USE OUR FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE- AVAILABLE ERVICEAVAILABLE IN WOOD, VMIYLS AND PLASTIC LAMINATES. WRITTEN LF TIE WARRANTY. 16 YEARS IN DURHAM REGION. ALSO AVAILABLE, OUALrrY MODULAR CABINETS IN BOTH TRADITIONAL WOOD AND EUROPEAN STYLES OUT OF TOWN CALL COLLECT 427-1067,4 420-1732 1080 BROCK RD. SOUTH, UNIT 88 PICKERING LANDSCAPING %W1 1675 AT LAKE • INTERLOCKING • TREES b SHRUBS • FLOWERS • ROCKERY STONE • TOP SOIL & • CEDAR RAILS GRAVEL • INTERLOCKING • SOD STOW- 666 - TONE 666.4263 1427-41431 • Use and store power tools away from water sources to avoid electric shock Never use power tools in the rain. • Unplug power tools before cleaning or changing attachments and/or blades. Store tools out of the reach of children. In The Hot Tub And By the Swimming Pool • Never let children use swimming pools or hot tubs while unsupervised. • Never swim in a pool or soak in a hot tub alone. • Keep hair, body parts and clothing away from drains, Iwo and filters. • Never use a swimming Pool or hot tub while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. -Never use a telephone -even a cordless one -while in a hot tub or swimming pool. 0 i YOUR DON'T 1 NEED CASH! a z a • 1099 SELL...YOU Furniture Mail in Rd., Pickerli • 420-8311 SAVE 30-50% 3"TOREWIDI :Come ems' C� acrde n The key to green i*s water, mow, weed (NAPS) - The grass could be greener on your side of the fence if you heed these tips - Water your grass early in the day and allow it to dry off by sundown to help curb the spread of lawn fungus and disease. - To mow and grow a better lawn, be sure your lawn gets a half inch of water every five days during the growing season. Deep, infrequent watering encourages deep, healthy root growth. • Apply a selective weed and feed product in the spring to prevent broadleaf weeds like dandelion and chicken weed from robbing your lawn of nutrients and moisture. • To minimize stress on your lawn, adjust mower blades to a cutting height of two -and -a -half inches in the spring and raise s blades to three inches in the fall. • To help control lawn damage, apply a lawn insecticide in early spring while surface -feeding insects are active" - The best way to control crabgrass is to appy a pre - emergent crabgrass preventer to stop it before lt starts to grow. • Aerate your lawn to introduce oxygen into the turf, and leave ?- grass clippings on the lawn to decay and return organic 'f A matter to the soil over the mowing season" ` • Collect and discard accumulated leaves, sticks and droppings form trees to help prevent lawn insects and diseases. Classic window shades can be effective decorating tool Often, when decorating, the simplest solutions are the best. For example, simple window treatments can enhance both the architectural details and the fumishings of a room. One of the most effective - and, at the same time, the most functional - is the classic window shade. Made in a spectrum of fabrics and colors, with and without energy-efficient backing, it can be both a decorative and low-cost option. Set within beams that frame the windows, they lend an architectural aesthetic to the room, while inter cape IAY SALE - WALKWAYS FROM %00w!!• INTERLOCKING STONE • LANDSCAPING • RETAINING WALLS • DRIVEWAYS • WALKWAYS 416 - 346-2115 905 - 433-1102 A DIVISION OF BRUCE RONSON HOLDINGS, INC. P114obilf s ecictl Cvsfom kifAen cabinets Probilt Kitchens, in Picker- productswith Probiles customized in;, is well known to area resi- dents for providing customers products. Since Verne is a business - with cabinets built totheir precise nun who takes pride in his work, he wants everything Probilt is as - specifications- Custom -crafted cabinets w sociated wth to exemplify fine wood, vinyls or plastic laminates are all available from this local craftmmshiP- Ifa kitchen or bathroom reno- manufachm. vation or rev ulization is in the However, Probdt also of- works or you, you awe it to your- fers ready-made cabinets in tra- self to call Probik. Located at 1080 Brock Rd. S., ditional wood and European styles. As you would expect, these st'sOuth Of Units 7and 9, it is is attractive modular cabinets are Hwy. 401. are . to Tho priced lower than Probik,s cus- to P ma•.t m'0 a m. to 4 tom made products. Founder and owner Verne Cook says he is extremely Proud p.m. aro also Evening appojonents to be able to offer cabinets that available in the showroom• For more information, ca11420- won't disappoint customers when , '.'] .�� . _..-.r.. *" •..wdv4nwb • 1732. - , ' " .' %'.* offering the important assets of assuring privacy and deflecting excessive light and heat. : TN8 X&M ADVUrFM i. MZ1v MAY 11.1lMdt',ilif+� u „ TM The Art of$-tZ1= Naturally f 2 it -USDIGO BLUES" (dose -up) 13th Annual SPRING SAILE 25-500/o OFF Limited Edition Prints Tues. -Sat. — =� (905) 10-5 683-7010 Sun. 11-4 1613 Hwv. 7 (2 Btk. %. of Brock Rd.) BROUGIFLA-M. ON 4 IN 41b • • i • • • • • • i • a • s • - • • — —• • • • _ . 40 a ell t �g t r t I.V. ' •.. •; 40 e. %r • �' • + t • •. *,SUNWOkTHYY' u • �• �/• •BenjaminYES YOU CAN :v_COvERin GS • • •� 00re i. • • VVAL•L.PAFOEFk PAINTS F' F9 O M 41 ft �! •: , ��-. � �" Fat' .- . AQUA VELVET _ •` Luxurious eggshell finish B O Ft D E Ft S • + SUGG. RETAIL S37n GAL. F Ft U M =•.�•• , SALE PRICE $25 .. a! GASek AQUA PEARL • . I •� SUGG. RETAIL $40" GAL 11%la. di' SALE PRICE $2895• t%m- MOORE GLO GAL. ,�7 a •�� : ` SUGG. RETAIL 54310 GAL. t , 95 $ -► `�c • ' _��' , SALE PRICE 28 .. GAL. + , ' • : 1. • ENAMEL DURABILITY ' :�'`�. • • APPLIES EASILY WE WILL PAY THE 1,�.. I +� SOAP &WATER CLEAN-UP GST & PST ON IN -STOCK M ' i• �• '379L 79 L SIZE SOME CUSTOM COLOURS MAY BE HIGHER IN PRICE �••'•. y • WALLPAPER & BORDERS ONLYASK", :•` + •.. . • • ' Op �•. —1 fol. •• 652 Bayly WEST OF BROCK RD. 'sio� ��. � � O Mon., Tues., Wed. 9:30-5:30 831=7747*1, =�?. Thurs., Fri. 9:30-9:00 • Sat. - 831 - 6 • � 0".0 9.30 5.30 663 G+I�v ' Sun 12 noon Oma• • • • ♦ • • • • • • • : • • • ♦ • • -i ♦ • ♦ • • • 1 • •pl!o+� t• AA • .t • • *r�� '� OO ,►. + • • ..,. `� • + 1 .: • ?f. • j �Q . rr • 4 n •• .: • •'`•i=••��� .• �. •t •• •y �,/ ••.0 06• •• • '•� •• `L ••• • ,•i7t••�41 0 00 % ��/� ••• •' • ••,� it • • .. _.—._.-r��,.-. rs►,+�twwe.�¢car�w..:ceserw.".w�,w:. _.-.�....,...�..�-. .. _._ THE NEWSADVE1113ISQ. WED -MAY 1U 1""*" 1" 3fome ems' G arden Create a fresh look in your home 4 (NAPS) - If you're a do -k - yourself deoorator eager for a different look in home furnishings, you're not alone. Happily, by using a Tittle resourcefulness and ingenuity, you can create fresh, high-quality boks. The follomng tips may point you in the right direction. • Start with quality furniture that can be easily accessorized. Select a brand that you're familiar with and pay attention to the warranty. Choose pieces that contain neutral colors, patterns and simple lines. Above all, look for furniture that you will feel comfortable using for seven to eight years - the average fife of a piece. • Be creative with furniture finishes. Metal fumiture always mixes with wood furniture, and using a variety of finishes gives the home a rich look. • Rearrange - or exchange - fumiture for new looks. For example, replace a wood coffee table with a glass -top table, or pull a sectional group towards the middle of the room to add a new point of interest. • Enhance the space in smaller rooms. Decorate in light colors and use simple window treatments - or no window treatments at all - to create the perception of a larger room. • Have fun with your window treatments. Try a length of fabric swagged over a window or distinctive cloth napkins on a brass curtain nod to finish the room's mood. • Substitute accessories for a quick change. Choose accessories that reflect the mood you're creating - brass Miniature Roses: The Perfect Perennials Did you ever wish for an easy -to -grown perennial terra cottas in between, miniature roses will delight that blooms all season ling? Check out miniature the novice and experienced gardener alike. roses! They are low -growing -12 to 24 inches With plenty of water, sunshine and a little fertilizer depending on the variety you choose - and they each month during growing season, your miniature bloom continuously from early spring to late fall. The rose plants will thrive year after year. They re totally flowers are perfectly forted small roses that are winter -hardy without protection, even in the coldest great as cut flowers, or to provide bright splashes of climates. color in the perennial border. Miniature roses are bred to be resistant to pests From the whitest white through the darkest red, and diseases, making them the easiest and most with all the wonderful mauves, bk)olors and unusual satisfying of all roses. candlesticks and plant holders for and fun artwork or a more an elegant look or wicker baskets comfortable atmosphere. Your Window Decorating Centre" BLINDS & DRAPERY Welcomes Elaine Visser to their staff In 1988 1 found myself looking for new challenges, which took me to Maryland for several weeks of training in both decorating and operating my own business. With all my previous experience in class I was able to combine my knowledge and open my own decorating business in Spring of '89. 1 have always enjoyed the decorating business and many of my clients are like "old friends' now. There's a certain pride in decorating - it comes through the smiles ar,d gratitude from my customers. Although I was unable to continue to devote as much time to my business over the past year (due to my 3rd son). I was pleased to become a part of the Sunshade team. As a former business owner I'm pleased to be a part of an organization that also believes in customer dedication. I look forward to assisting many new c!,entele through Sunshade 8 also remaining in touch with my past "friends Elaine Visser 88 OLD KINGSTON ROAD. MAX Oti 1'ARIO LIT 278 428-0937 ;BLINDS :SIMI-rERS ;SHADES Wallpaper Country Look at us now! Leslie Griffith and Gina wallcovering needs. If you're planning to deco- -ate your home this month then ,t's time you took a stroll through Wallpaper Country. Located at 1652 Bayly St just west of Brock Rd. in Pickering, Wallpaper Country has everything to satisfy your wallcoverina needs. Duthie will help you with all of your Open for 10 years, the store been completely renovated youll find hundreds of pat - Ls of in -stock wallpaper cho- from all of the latest styles In many cases the patterns half of the retail book price you'll be taking advantage of ge savings. With names such as inworthy, Provincial, Ontario A Crown Wallcoverings you Low that Wallpaper Country is the best quality and because Itterns are ordered in large fume youll also get the lowest The store has been newly ecorated with eye catching allpaper and borders. It has een completely restocked and ew racks have been installed. he decor has also been accent - d by beautiful floral arrange- ments creating a very inviting There is also a. newly deco- rated play area for the kids with lots of toys to keep them enter- tained while you take time t shop. Starting today there is a huge sale on wallpaper and bor- ders including a wide selection of country prints which are extremely popular right now. For a limited time Wallpaper Country will be pay- ing the PST and GST on all of your wallpaper and border pur- chases. When it comes to paint, Wallpaper Country sells only the best in Benjamin Moore an youll find a big sale on interior paints including Aqua Velvet and Aqua Pearl and Moore Glow exterior paint. The staff at the store are very friendly and knowledgeable including Gina and Carole Charron who've been serving customers there for the past 8 years. The store accepts Visa and Mastercard and is open Monday to Wednesday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Thursday and Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Noon to 4 p.m. on Sunday. You can also phone for information about your decorating needs at 831- 6636. PAGE I&A -THE NEM ADVEZnSEP, WED, MAV 1111"11 —5 L o 1"44- Ce ,,Ga_raCert Beauti*fyyard with a on Ifyou live in a wartrTer climate, you can elect from the most prized pond fish: beautiful and exotic Koi, from Japan. What should you do in the winter? Nothing! After the first frost, remove your filter and leave your pond alone until the onset of spring (as soon as the water temperature reaches 50 degrees F)• Never feed your fish during the winter, as their metabolism directly relates to the water temperature, and when it drops below 50 F, the fish will not eat. In the spring, reinstall your fiter and begin feeding your fish. Your yard pond will provide years of enjoyment and truly make you the envy of your neighborhood. If you really enjoy being in your yard and would like to give it that extra dimension to make it even more enjoyable, as well as the envy of the neighborhood. here's a great suggestion - put in your own yard pool! Too much trouble? Don't know how to do it? Through new technology. all these worries arE needless. Installing your own garden pond is simple, maintaining it is easy and, best of all, your pond will provide years of trouble-freeenjoyment. Ponds Around the Works European gardens. particularly in Great Britain, southern France, northern Italy. Holland and Germany, almost always feature a yard pond. Nine years ago. a Germanm con -parry Tetra Werke. known best in the United States for its horse aquarium products. developed a bonded two-piece heavy duty (32 mil. thick) flexible rubber pond lifin liner. This er allows homeowners to free -form a yard pond efficiently and easily, in whatever shape is best suited for the terrain or the homeowners needs. This liner can withstand the warmest summers and the coldest winters, and is available in sizes big enough to create ponds almost 10 feet in diameter. How do you construct a garden pond? Start by selecting a location on your property where the ground is fairty even. although because of the flexibilityof the finer some leveling can be achieved when digging your pond. The pond should be placed where it will get approximately six hours of sunlight per day. While you can place your pond anywhere, it is not recommended to place it directly under trees, since falling leaves can foul the water and tree roots wit make (dKKX)g ddFicult. Ta r 1�,%- • L-) C an�sca i �ng WALKWAYS FROM $600.00 • LANDSCAPE DESIGN • INTERLOCKING • DRIVEWAYS • WALKWAYS • FLAGSTONE - PONDS • WATERFALLS (905) 723-3434 RESIDENTIAlJCOMMERCIAL WINDOW TINTING W Softens light to accent your decor �9 Protects your interior from the sun's damaging ultra -violet rays (� Lets light in but keeps heat & glare out 5' Cuts cooling/heating costs 51 Adds privacy to your home ' Adds architectural unity and distinction to your windows s FREE ESTIMATES PHONE(FAX 427-2080 Using a heavy garden hose or a rope, free -form your pond design to conform to your landscaping scheme. When constructing your pond• dig both a shallow area and a deep area. Fish will feed on insects in the shallow area, and it is the ideal place for potted plants such as lilies. The deep area will provide security for your fish and protect them from birds and small animals. Depending on your climate, the deep area of your pond should be anywhere from 24 to 40 inches, and the shallow area from 4 to 12 inches. After digging out your pond location, line the ground with sand, carpet padding or even old newspapers, before installing the stClaw Luxury supreme available In \, tle•t•t, l cilrlur•' t tht• latt-i n tt•.1l t•rra ctlt1.l hur,tt'r >;rt•t•n palm ,'.t• tt•aturt• Canada.• t•In lrnnnx•nlal naiSl fur haunt In C an,xl,l . nlu.l nxxlt•rn I.x turn. \\t• ha\'t' more lW.1IUtilll1 h -order, rhan am. national h l txltttt•hit Ir Take Mntt• Mur trt't' 1111tr Ml hon hr(K hurt' Mi N)rrrnn Mur faux f ni.it Paint \ Idt•u at nt 1 k harge. 0Mn11fletc �uul dt•( Mr,llll1 look. t,lhtilMu• a•Irl hon MI 1,11)m\Asan/ t'• that art. t',I,% ti, Imtall. liner. This well protect the finer against sharp, protruding objects such as roots and rocks. To create that professional look, build a rock border around your pond, allowing the rocks to overlap the edge of the pond by 1 or 2 inches. You can landscape back around the pond and even build a patio, if desired. Go fishy What kind of fish should you put in your pond? The hardiest are large Common or Comet goldfish. Depending on the size of your pond, these hardy fish will grow rapidly and can withstand the worst climates. As long as the water in your pond does not freeze to the lowest depths, these fish can survive the cruelest winters. r. ' CI ac�IC EXTRA HIDE Uf CLASSIC PAINT IS... • Available In loo's of pastel coiows • Low odour • Fast drying • Low spatter - Long lasting • Stam resistant • Easy to apply • Water clean-up _ _ YOU WILL NEVER WANT TO USE St Clair 1'Ki alt LATEX PRIMER e. CIS V ".—ec -a• Y ra wOoc arc :.r•r E^v,.o^r•e^•a :^c:PDa^. Pne^• ^�tl ^c Ara est 14" St Clair BRAND! yI SAV CFill%(, FIAT +' .CCC Ce�bn9s � ^ S C. •7nrtK••.:a. - :e n,9r r,tlmG sGatte• •ess,a^. got's On 4. s., a"c ++S Xe, - c'ar •ac-, �-Mi� AakIm Also ava,ta0le Also arrarlap4 In a 18 91 pail ' '• '••• ,n a IS 91. pad to• S49 99 • •"' s.. tow fag 99 - L A ROYALE St Clair WOOD STAIN 5 c n, d^:,'e^CFS U, u At ton* Wats our qual/rr at this pace yt:� •'9ii6 wo t'v 3.78 Litres % LEVOLOR PREMIERE t t %TOM 1 Aft %1i\l lot VENETIAN BLINDS "JC DOD, a' ..D tC '2, a"c SAVE 0 • C• .. S, Cue 1.M. Sw •.., r IM M ••rr. se. 11 11TFt 1%1TIN 1 ATFL �ATI� it'SIRF • An.• SAN e•K. la wl LATE\ SE 41,114110titi 1, ., .,aa• •4n., S.401 -2%w of kala rwan r. as ON ALL IN -STOCK WALLPAPER BORDERS Choose from a selection o` beautiful colours The newest designs from the latest collections. Easy to hang You wont be disappointed ULTIMATE WOOD STAIN 1% -STOCK 1•• %I%vt IN3TrOCK F^UK VENETIAN BLINDS VERTICAL BLINDS • Wh'te almoneanticttev Non trayrtr9 8+ats wov ee Close cyeapng taw.c Faor.c ti A R2npi•sis'dtl�nG a•a,wea��I�I�1 11 11 • Easy tc ^.stag rune grer vay no lost BONNET'S AJAX PICKERING WHOLESALE NURSERY and GREENHOUSES Pickering Toon Centre Abbey line Shopping Centre &Cir 1822 Fairport Rd. N., Pickering 839-557 510 Nestney Road _ • 1 1 1 91 Rylander Blvd. • 428.1608 839.2252 724.0781 the paint and paper people 1 • • Come in and Check us out!! We are growers of a large variety of perennials, herbs, annuals and hanging baskets. We an located between Hwy. 2 Finch Ave. on FairpDrt Rd. Using a heavy garden hose or a rope, free -form your pond design to conform to your landscaping scheme. When constructing your pond• dig both a shallow area and a deep area. Fish will feed on insects in the shallow area, and it is the ideal place for potted plants such as lilies. The deep area will provide security for your fish and protect them from birds and small animals. Depending on your climate, the deep area of your pond should be anywhere from 24 to 40 inches, and the shallow area from 4 to 12 inches. After digging out your pond location, line the ground with sand, carpet padding or even old newspapers, before installing the stClaw Luxury supreme available In \, tle•t•t, l cilrlur•' t tht• latt-i n tt•.1l t•rra ctlt1.l hur,tt'r >;rt•t•n palm ,'.t• tt•aturt• Canada.• t•In lrnnnx•nlal naiSl fur haunt In C an,xl,l . nlu.l nxxlt•rn I.x turn. \\t• ha\'t' more lW.1IUtilll1 h -order, rhan am. national h l txltttt•hit Ir Take Mntt• Mur trt't' 1111tr Ml hon hr(K hurt' Mi N)rrrnn Mur faux f ni.it Paint \ Idt•u at nt 1 k harge. 0Mn11fletc �uul dt•( Mr,llll1 look. t,lhtilMu• a•Irl hon MI 1,11)m\Asan/ t'• that art. t',I,% ti, Imtall. liner. This well protect the finer against sharp, protruding objects such as roots and rocks. To create that professional look, build a rock border around your pond, allowing the rocks to overlap the edge of the pond by 1 or 2 inches. You can landscape back around the pond and even build a patio, if desired. Go fishy What kind of fish should you put in your pond? The hardiest are large Common or Comet goldfish. Depending on the size of your pond, these hardy fish will grow rapidly and can withstand the worst climates. As long as the water in your pond does not freeze to the lowest depths, these fish can survive the cruelest winters. r. ' CI ac�IC EXTRA HIDE Uf CLASSIC PAINT IS... • Available In loo's of pastel coiows • Low odour • Fast drying • Low spatter - Long lasting • Stam resistant • Easy to apply • Water clean-up _ _ YOU WILL NEVER WANT TO USE St Clair 1'Ki alt LATEX PRIMER e. CIS V ".—ec -a• Y ra wOoc arc :.r•r E^v,.o^r•e^•a :^c:PDa^. Pne^• ^�tl ^c Ara est 14" St Clair BRAND! yI SAV CFill%(, FIAT +' .CCC Ce�bn9s � ^ S C. •7nrtK••.:a. - :e n,9r r,tlmG sGatte• •ess,a^. got's On 4. s., a"c ++S Xe, - c'ar •ac-, �-Mi� AakIm Also ava,ta0le Also arrarlap4 In a 18 91 pail ' '• '••• ,n a IS 91. pad to• S49 99 • •"' s.. tow fag 99 - L A ROYALE St Clair WOOD STAIN 5 c n, d^:,'e^CFS U, u At ton* Wats our qual/rr at this pace yt:� •'9ii6 wo t'v 3.78 Litres % LEVOLOR PREMIERE t t %TOM 1 Aft %1i\l lot VENETIAN BLINDS "JC DOD, a' ..D tC '2, a"c SAVE 0 • C• .. S, Cue 1.M. Sw •.., r IM M ••rr. se. 11 11TFt 1%1TIN 1 ATFL �ATI� it'SIRF • An.• SAN e•K. la wl LATE\ SE 41,114110titi 1, ., .,aa• •4n., S.401 -2%w of kala rwan r. as ON ALL IN -STOCK WALLPAPER BORDERS Choose from a selection o` beautiful colours The newest designs from the latest collections. Easy to hang You wont be disappointed ULTIMATE WOOD STAIN 1% -STOCK 1•• %I%vt IN3TrOCK F^UK VENETIAN BLINDS VERTICAL BLINDS • Wh'te almoneanticttev Non trayrtr9 8+ats wov ee Close cyeapng taw.c Faor.c ti A R2npi•sis'dtl�nG a•a,wea��I�I�1 11 11 • Easy tc ^.stag rune grer vay no lost •Cotngredto St pr's Ahw 3a1eP►ice an Classlicand Preraiem Palrlts, wall fdbrle lAate! @Mitre old tovew PMW"ft'Minds. MlerSalte ►rite 1ntF11tlltt W AJAX PICKERING SCARBOROUGH Discovery Bay Centre Pickering Toon Centre Abbey line Shopping Centre &Cir 510 Nestney Road Highway 21 Liverpool 91 Rylander Blvd. 428.1608 839.2252 724.0781 the paint and paper people •Cotngredto St pr's Ahw 3a1eP►ice an Classlicand Preraiem Palrlts, wall fdbrle lAate! @Mitre old tovew PMW"ft'Minds. MlerSalte ►rite 1ntF11tlltt W wa.. of ".. ♦ . .., f....•:,• y Obituaries ARSENAULT, (Dutch) Harold John William — Peacefully on Sunday, May 8, 1994. Dearly loved husband of Marie. Devoted father of Carol, Mary and Linda, her husband Ulric and grandsons Dillon and Trion. Ile is survived by brothers Robert, Preston, Edward and Roy, and sisters Muriel and Donna. A man of great distinction and integrity, "Dutch" will be sadly missed by his close circle of friends, relatives and loved ones. Funeral arrangements entrusted to McEachnie Funeral Home, 428- 8488. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the charity of your choice. STANLEY, Janet — At the Centenary Ileaith Centre on Sunday, May 8, 1994. Janet Stanley, beloved wife of Don. Loving mother of Karen and her Murray McLauchlan to perform at Big Sister fund-raising concert AJAX-PICKERING - Tickets are still available for a Murray McLauchlan concert here Saturday. The Canadian folk star will perform a fund-raising concert for the local Big Sisters assox-iation at the Annandale Golf and Curling Club on May 14 at 8 pm. During a career that has spanned more than two decades, Mcl auchlan has released 17 albums, won 10 Juno awards and was the recipient of the Order of Canada. Toronto duo Lost and Profound — with members Terry Tompkins and Lisa Boudreau — opens the show. Tickets are S15 in advance and S20 at the door. Annandale is at the northeast comer of Church St. S. and Bayly St. W., Ajax. Advance tickets can be reserved by calling the Big Sisters Association of Ajax -Pickering office at 428-8111. Tickets are also available through TickcL%laster by calling 416-970-8(X X). This Saturday there will be plenty of water at Saturn. So bring- your boat. The , May rda t S h Wish Car W Children's as, auy, 14 rr h,,,nC.wr r.� , �..�.,�. ,t.. ,... .,.� . ,., uWn-n. a i.h :.�� 4.i.n inn :.n u„nl rhrcv wr II r u. �.,r..rJ.,• 4... . ..... �... n ..... - ur Ink SATUM SATURN SAAB ISUZU OF PICKERING I + 980 Kingston Rd. Wq 839.6159 ing , T husband Mark McNally, and Arlene Stanley. Dear grandmother of Shawna and Michelle. The family will receive friends at the McFachnie Funeral I come, 28 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax (Pickering Village) from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday, May 11. Funeral service in the chapel on Thursday, May 12 at 11 a.m. Cremation. Donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., MAY 11,1994•PACE 10-A A AAA DRIVERS SIDE AIR BAG 1.5 L 4 Cylinder multi -port Nei Infected engine 5 speed manual transmission 5 passenger seating Front wheel drive Rear window defroster Remote control outside mirrors • stminiess steel edmkw 'Baa• Colt with 21A inti oast rNr MmVrwd to 4aatR " WU d AM %MWXJN& P%o fiaylt. tt F and taaw :ocaM IA, be MquoN- MMlcta me ozoo, _ rwww pVA RE'S A ON #&J. AVA1�A�j�s'� 1995 a V Qv G00 E C LE STlossl - �' r neon • Dri,r.r.,<«tt pass.ng.r airbag • Sitio door"t bMtns . W1th 4wnpwu.h..i""i n..p«tdfaM ion . z.OL 1 4 CIFUndw S.O.H.C. angina < Y.P.G.5rn�).71J1001'4 Hwy. or 35 M.P.G. (8.1 U1 ) city, %Wit manual •stint. Nme a1w 2/A Pho MM bawd eowtw a mw L=sft n" be re**S& 1W –3- d..tw for dude.. A ANNANDALE DODGE Church & "My ST. BayIy, Picwering 683m5722 VILLAGE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER 19 Harwood Ave. (North o1401) AJAX 683-5 799 61M SL W., OSHAWA 404=0525 PAGE 20•A•THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY 11, 1"4 Fancy finish The students at the Monarch Youth Auto Refinlshers Project in Ajax made a Short Fuse sparkle and brought home the first -place trophy for the Best Paint Street Machine at the recent 1994 Performance World Custom Car Show in Toronto. Showing off the hardware are, from left. students Lee Hines, Rob Schiliaci and Taylor Andrews, and instructor Roger Beaudoin. The car, known as Short Fuse, is a 1967 Camaro and is owned by Lou Custodio of Ajax. The federally -funded project j trains youths in Durham Region in autobody repair and refinishing. Learn to be a life saver DLTRHAM — U'hat would you do if a family member had a heart attack' Durham Save -A -Life can prepare you do deal with the situation. Quality training courses are being offered daring May and June. Basic Rescuer, a 10 -hour course covering prevention. risk factors. signs and symptoms of heart attack: adult, child and infant CPR: and conscious and unconscious choking: is suitable for health-care professionals, lifeguards, emergency ser% ices personnel and those with a need to know. The course is offered in Ajax on June 6. 13 and 20 and in V4'hitby on May 27 and 28 and June 17 and 18. Cost is S50 a person. $97 a couple sharing a manual. Basic Recertification is a four-hour course to refresh skills learned in Basic Rescuer. Participants • Business to Business Networtang • kdomotive Business seminars • WAh and L/estyh Presentation • C MMA%4 Servim Suction • Artisans corner • hive ErdedaimtaK Door Prues tlduding a sunset Goll Mwbwshp at Claremont 4 Seasons Country Ckk Tnp for Two to lis Vegas! Buried By Your Bookkeeping? Friar►dy, qualified accountant All business and corporate taxes Bookkeeping 6 accounting services Rose Cronin, CMA Owner of Brothers Bookkeeping 85 Chambers, Unit 5 Ajax L1Z IE2 Phone 428-7886 Fax 428.8474 Meet us at Booth #506 must have taken a Basic Rescuer -level course approximately one year ago to qualify. It's offered in %Vhith% on titan 12 and 30. June 7 and 22. Fee is S35 a person. S67 per couple with one manual. Infant/Child, a six -hour course covering child safety, CPR and conscious and unconscious choking_ in infants and children, is suitable for parents, grandparents and babysitters. It's offered in Whitby May 9 and 16 and June 14 and 16. Cost is S34 a person. S65 a couple sharing a manual. Certificates are issued on completion of each course. Private courses can be booked for a minimum of eight participants. For more information or to register call 683- 1041. Saturday May 14th 1994 10-00am to500pm Mereo East Trade Centre RCkomg 401 and Mack Rd Adrtussron FREE For MOM.r«VIKOXXt CON '9os:e37-0491 Stop by our booth at the show. Meet Jan Sullivan or Ann Evans and we'll enter your name in the Hawaiian Sweepstakes trip for two • Central • Cannisters Mp • Uprights - Shampooers ON See you thereto .wv •r T.i •cM-•n i. 24 Hour Nursing b Homemaking Services fret Im Movie Assessment Or Out Nursing Supervisor �j (9m) 433-1494 �j -,� cfthat� andY our Personal Year Ahead (905) 725-9179 Communicate with Confidence SHOW SPECIAL Resume Preparation Consultation • Job Search Resumes prepared while you wait! Sae us at Booth #504 'Working together to pet you workingr She Village Secretary (905) 427-6930 Kearns Secretarial Services (905) 839-3134 Learn to lu free from wilt ;AJAX - A free seminar on guilt and shame .is'offered at the Christian Life Centre Wednesday, May 18. The centre is located at the corner of Rossland and Ravenscroft Rds., Ajax. Dr. Norman Brown of the Institute of Family Living conducts the seminar which runs from 7:30 to 9 p.m. It's the last of six Wednesday night seminars dealing with emotional trauma. For more information, phone 686-1411 (Family ministries director). The Place WM Tag hEWO UL7111:11110JW 99 Meal Where Fresh Is The Taste 15 Special Footlong Sub, Medium Soda, Dessert 465 Bayly St. (At Westney Rd.) AJAX 686-7757 1340 Kingston Rd. (At Liverpool Rd.) PICKERING 831 -SUBS (7827) 705 Kingston Rd. (At Whites Rd.) PICKERING 420-9911 981 BROCK RD. S. (At Bayly St.) PICKERING 420-9903 OOT Am PODIATRIST �;^F Ronald J. Klein B.S.c., D.P.M. Wishes to Announce the Opening of his Practice At the Pickering Medical Centre • C ustom Tool Orthatus 111111KAXVTZ,27�- TA• full vetnarr's Co.eraseSit. #210 i e KI • Sports Med wt" i • Dubetr Feet. v� ' 831 -FEET (3338) A corn 4 Caliu>a - CluiGrerr's Foot "HOME OF THE GREAT STEAK" ;P,Ua %K ;:P4Wd e44ae 5Vft fi tZ4qI, Q 5"I ff R eo ?e=4 5=W ice 7:6&"/ MONDAY TUESDAY COUPLES 44 A 1111117A _ATA WEDNESDAYLINE Wsm 'm THURSDAY LADIES BEGINNERS UNE AUK IRM NIGHT NIGHT Wcom INSTRunm INSTRUCT N LIVE 7:30 Pte+- WOKE BAND 1:30 PJL Pool 'Duff"tar�M $$ prizes 8 Pm. Prins FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY OPEN LIVE Er "t�. DAILY Terry Sheridan FEATHER &FOR BUNCH AND RENEGADE With Female Featured 1 NIGHT NIGHT2 FOR Artist20s Tem room oK Sat 2:30 pm pool toumy $ prizes POWL 2 FOR 1 LUNCH' DAILY LUNCH '_7,y S4 SPECIALS Iou � v�A 250 Bayly St. W., Ajax ,No.Bi1. r -Texas 427-5929 •�rurl Btu« ���xp" ,krM 11194 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — You're challenged to raise the flag in show of patriotism PICKERING — Pickering residents are invited to Raise the Flag Day celebrations at the Pickering Town hall Saturday at 11 a.m. Canadians here and across the country will join together that day in public events to raise their municipal and Canadian flags in a show of appreciation for each other, their communities and their country. After P i c k e r i n g' s municipal flag is raised, it will be sent to Ottawa where it and others will be paraded to Parliament Hill as part of the Canada Day Celebrations on July 1. Raise the Flag Day will mark the beginning of a s i x- w e e k Celebrate Canada festival from May la to July 1. During this time, people in this country are being asked to raise 127,000 Canadian flags in a Flag Challenge to celebrate the 127th anniversary of this Information on powers of attorney PICKERING — A lawyer will discuss both Powers of Attorney for personal care and Continuing Powers of Attorney for property at an information session to be held Thursday, May 26 at 7:30 p.m. at the Pickering Central library, One The Esplanade. A question -and -answer Period will allow People to ask specific questions on these topics. Some handouts will be available. To register for this free program, call 831-7809. RMR VENTURE BEAUTY SALON Vat Ilenry is p:eased to �v64- 428-8%8% K -sten as Nail Technician and 33 Station St.. Ajax I iiarocr (Andrew) BaBa Dreg, %taster of Styles to he, staff of WEEKDAY SPECIALS professional stylist. Retaxer�s MAY a JUNE SPECIAI-S (Tues. a �� - Full Head of Weave . $80 & up Saturday) • Braids .. ............... $60 & up Pat Henry,Nw nog nch.decO R'3.St1 Set Manicures ....................... $10 (Wed. a i Fiberglass (Nail) Tips .......... $35 Thum.) 12 Plus,many More In -Shap Specials Fill$15 g oche national. People will be encouraged to fly Canadian flags and the challenge is to find the most patriotic community (per capita) in the country. Locally, Raise the flag Day events are being spo n,,orcd by the Kinetic Club of Pickcring THEWEWS ADVEl15M M®, MAY til ,19%.PACE 21-A 0 Tmstee In Bankruptcy OfWrg al insohwry services inducting personal & corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX: 50 Commercial Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG: 72 King St. W. 372-4744 Saturday & evening appointments available. FREE initial consultation. JAMES R. YANCH Ti OIC DAY 0MY1. SIMMAY MAY 14th 0 0 0 0 TEVA SPORT SANDAL CLINIC 100100 Pew Davison will host this Teva demonstration be aaik6le to answer q he exciting line. I I I 1bil Whitby Mall LIN 211 (905) 728-9141 •. ,aaivjn1Y.FRIDAY 10:00-9:00 SATURDAY 10-8:00, SUNDAY 12-4:00 PAGE 22 -A -THE NEWS ADVERT VM WED, MAY 11.1"4 0 O L— s� .�Cd sL Cr Cr I'd vCd :o%SIZ Z— y C �, 1. 5--. „_,_� ✓% ad =d toS Z r. vtic • L Vim.. ..�./ ^ J � � � — ad T. ct Yom+ r � C � i . _ rte-- � � •� � -- O 1 v 3 cr �Z., 1� f L— .�Cd Cr Cr I'd vCd :o%SIZ ad =d toS Z r. vtic L— .�Cd Cr Cr I'd vCd ad =d Z r. ad ct Yom+ .7• O C � � > � f� O L; 3 cr /. 0 s ....'..�. ar _. 7 THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED, MAY 11, 1994 -PAGE 73-A .� 1r \� ^� � �..J �. •fir •� r lb toll 7Z 7t ... i �• � .mac c ._.. L � � c :. 'fir +oc b` is t b � . •5 9 M de s ....'..�. ar _. 7 THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED, MAY 11, 1994 -PAGE 73-A PACE 24 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY ll, 1"d -V SCHOOLS ' . " ........ Local students award winners AJAX-PICKERING - Some local students have won the right to blow their own horns after winning high honors at recent competitions. Nicole Nionpetit, an OAC student at Pickering High School, won first place at a public - speaking competition in Toronto for French -as-a-second-language teens. She was up against 12 other students in Grades 1 l to OAC from across the province and won with her thoughts on The Difficulties of Staying Optimistic. She'll enjoy an all -expenses paid trip later this month to Ottawa. where she will present her speech. The Durham Board of Education sent six students to the competition, which included a festival for elementary students. The competition was sponsored by Canadian ParenLs for French and the Ontario Modern Language Teachers' Asso6auion. Pickering high, home to enriched students. alio fared well at a February math competition sponsored by the University of Watcrkx). In a Grade 9 contest, teammates Sian Williams, Eric Tang and Jennifer Campbell placed second in their zone, which attracted more than 50 schools from Durham Region, Peterborough, Lindsay, Coborrg, and Northumberland and 1'ictoria Counties. (A school's standing is decided on the average mark of its top three: scorers.) Individually. Sian placed sixth in her zone. The contest attracted 13.500 students from across Ontario and 30.000 from across Canada. In the Grade 10 competition, Chris Ludgate, Justin Petrillo and Rishi Rakhit teamed up to place first out of 40 schools in their zone, ninth in Ontario and 23rd in Canada. That placed them on both the provincial and Canadian team honor rolls, which recogni7e the top 50 schools. Each team member also earned a place on the provincial student honor roll for finishing among the top 100 of 10.000. Chris also made it to the Canadian student honor roll for placing among the top 100 out of 2 I.00). He finished fourth in his zone. 14th in Ontario and 1 r'StSE - �; ?verfounCa �, ,� safis�ed _ . BESTD EAL S 1NT ^71pN Toy oTaOlt p/C� GI SV 2V i HIS CR aRS S� STOP * FOR fRSHIP SAT �. DFA t BEST �_ • --soon. � I1�il�+t'•�. 1992 SATURN SC Red exterior. bege interior. auloinna:4, ars p w., p.d I. Only 42.000 k:r. $15,495 1992 SATURN SC Bkoblack exterior, blue irterior, 5 speed, deep tirt, spoiler, 32.000 km. $13,495 1992 SATURN SLi Gray "wrior, automatic. air con 0w irtg, cassette, 101.000 km. $8,995 1989 TROOPER White exterior, gray interior, auto., ars sass., running boards. 92.000 km. $9,495 ya •�� 1992 SATURN SLi Red, awl.-x7atic. air cortditiawtg, cassette. 92.000 km ;9,995 1992 SATURN SLi Gray exterior. 5 speed, air conditioning, cassette, 92.000 km. $9,995 IA - 1991 IMPULSE RS 5 speed, turbo, air w4titiw". al wheel drive. 87,000 km. $12,995 1994 SATURN SC2 5 speed, air conditioning, ABS brakes, power group, demo. MILEAGE CREDIT AVAILABLE SA1TMN SAAB ISUZU OF PICKERING 98 . PICKERING snMN. 839w6159 'i l♦ JJ J ? :OJ.. .t JI/♦!JJJJ +!1 •!J! 1 0 11 f 1 11 t t • 1 r 36th in Canada. In the Grade 11 contest, Eddie !\taste. Sean Goldberg and 7,han Zhou finished second out of 35 schools in their zone and earned a place on the provincial team honor roll. Eddie and Sean both made it to the provincial student honor roll. That competition attracted 7,600 students in Ontario and 17.000 in Canada. Ajax high School placed third in the Grade i l competition with its top scorers Anita Parmar. Chris Hall and Glen Bastedo. They earned a spot on the provincial team honor roll. Individually. Anita placed fifth in her zone. Results aren't in vct for the Grade 12 and OAC contest,, Rockpff GIFT with PURCHASE* FREE UMBRELLA ($30 VALUE) Thurs. May 12, Fri. May 13, Sat. May 14 Quality, Comfort, Rockport gives you both. 161 Whitby Mall mention Style; Meet the Rockport Representative In Our Store FRI., %1AY 13 'Apo" to iM mini and Om wensteWW poC: P4ftatSwot.o $ Quwtws list 728-4197 o SATUR tfln 02N WY a L a IAVLY W E a 'i l♦ JJ J ? :OJ.. .t JI/♦!JJJJ +!1 •!J! 1 0 11 f 1 11 t t • 1 r 36th in Canada. In the Grade 11 contest, Eddie !\taste. Sean Goldberg and 7,han Zhou finished second out of 35 schools in their zone and earned a place on the provincial team honor roll. Eddie and Sean both made it to the provincial student honor roll. That competition attracted 7,600 students in Ontario and 17.000 in Canada. Ajax high School placed third in the Grade i l competition with its top scorers Anita Parmar. Chris Hall and Glen Bastedo. They earned a spot on the provincial team honor roll. Individually. Anita placed fifth in her zone. Results aren't in vct for the Grade 12 and OAC contest,, Rockpff GIFT with PURCHASE* FREE UMBRELLA ($30 VALUE) Thurs. May 12, Fri. May 13, Sat. May 14 Quality, Comfort, Rockport gives you both. 161 Whitby Mall mention Style; Meet the Rockport Representative In Our Store FRI., %1AY 13 'Apo" to iM mini and Om wensteWW poC: P4ftatSwot.o $ Quwtws list 728-4197 - AY 14 centre, upper level. Harwood a.m. the Wednesday prior to TRADE FAIR: The Durham Place Mall, Ajax. Refreshments. Friday publication and 10 a.m. Business and Professional 1-800-267-1032. the Thursday prior to Sunday Women's Club sponsors a Trade KINETTF.S: The Ajax Kinette publication. Fair and Exposition from 10 Club holds a garage sale «•EDNESDAY, MAY ll a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Metro East beginning at 9 a.m. at 38 ENVIRONINfENT: The Durham Trade Centre, 1305 Pickering Anstead Cres., Ajax. The rain Environmental Network (DEN) Parkway. The theme is Business date is Sunday. May 15. 683- meets at 7:30 p.m. in Scugog and Community Working 3567 (Cindv). Township's council chambers at Together for a Positive Future. FLEA :MARKET: A fund - 181 Perry St., Port Perry. Guest No charge. To exhibit or raising flea market and vard sale speaker Kevin Williams, an sponsor a community booth, call for the Individualized Literacv urban forester for the City of Kathv Cox at 837-0491. Project will be held from 9 a.m. Oshawa and garden centre NATURALISTS: The Pickering to 3 p.m. at the Ajax -Pickering owner, discusses the proper care Naturalists go on a Spring and Whitbv Association for of trees. Lug -a -mug. Take along Wildflowers outing. Meet at the Community Living office, 36 an item you no longer need for a southwest corner of the Emperor St., Ajax. Vendor waste exchange". 509-3156 or Pickering GO station at 9:30 space available. Barbecue and 9£i5-3225. a.m. Leader is Doug Lockery. raffle also held. Rain date Mav SINGLE PARENTS: The One - Parent Family Association holds its weekly meeting for parents atCValle GARDEN 8 p.m. at Swan's Marina, 590 CENTRE Liverpool Rd. S., Pickering. It plans educational, social and u QUALITY TOPSOIL recreational activities for parents Pick-up or Delivery - Screened/Unscreened and their children and also holds dances every second Saturday at•.LandscOODacKages - You Dc TRUCK WG En or VV ' c the Pickering Recreation Complex. 837-0328. - Roses - Shade Trees - Perenmxais - Beautiful Ha—Baskets THURSDAY, 1 A Y 'tt We Do Not Have It - We Wire Do Our Best To Get 11r LIMITED TIME OFFER - NO GS T. "A NEW DINING EXPERIENCE" NEWCOMERS: The Pickering- 1892 Kingston Rd. E. OPEN 36M ktKM Rd A) i.x Newcomers Club meets at PICKERING 7 DAYS BLACKSTOCK BAR & 8 p.m. at the Pickering Village 905 683-0749 AWEEK �`' 98"2898"28�0���' � PLACE United Church, 300 Church St. RESTAURANT `.. Ajax. The club is for women Ner, to K rmn, Imine in the area less than three FACTORY DIRECTpICK"EKING TOWN CENTRE Tears and meets the second ISPOSABLE Thursday of each month. 619- S Featuring DIAPER 1485 (Michelle). ;EtrExirDAi CH001 FROM 3 DIFFERENT SOUPS, Z VEGETABLES FC"\ FAIR: Lord Elgin Public 100%kXWY BACK GUARANTEE M IIAONDAY AND SALAD sAl0. School, 24 Ontario St., Ajax, • ' "to SATURDAY SUNDAYhosts a fun fair from 5 to 9 p.m. r 120 Diapers/Bulk Case ^� �`: N �A"AST-8:30AM.to11:00A.M &L ON All»T�p,I,Rto Barbecue, games, raffles. Medium Large X -Large 2eggs with baeon,ham wsausage, $� �� S:OCPY Garage and craft tables available hometries, com beet hash and toast for rent at SIO. 683-3581 (Mrs. 10 - 22 lbs. 22 - 32 IbS. Over 30 Ibs. ( LUNCH - „:00 A. M. to 5:00 PM 1 eggs we t>�tt W Roy), 99 99 gg l 114 eurntstyle lud.r,g',paiu 4.99 to =5.75 or 2 5 3 O 3 6 nom �m 49 O'1f PUTERS: The Durham Full menu available. � � it>� , \ y�_��` DINNER - 5:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. P.C. Users' Club meets from 7 i to 10 m. at CAW Local 222 SAYE UP TO 40% (Saturday until 7:00 P.M.) x6.45 '8.95 Hall. 1425 Phillip MurrayAve.. ' n Fad - Pew o 3 L4W - � Wqm 4 Outlet Style specials from to EYEli1' SWAY includin soup w salad. Full menu available. Oshawa. Annual election and • L�PoI . �* 6 : EVE Can E ESOAY NfTE � H All You Can Eat G im-.3 PffL '695 swap meet. 728-9351 (Bruce), ITALIAN BUFFET $FWIkbnuA% iW* � 623-2787 (Linda). DuF Ou*t Motr Choose from S items. 8.95 FUN FAIR: Gandatsetiagon � '�- v� himPublic School, 1868 Parkside Ma rlat+dllh+lelttt�!lrttt i16 """" • ;.. s i • TUESDAY SENIOR'S DAY - WE A ERY mi All MAJOR ! CARDS Dr., Pickering, hosts a fun fair EM SOttb0E8�S�rtIQA�e s.,V,yr, from 6 to 9 p.m. Food, games, e.� ° s .1®R r ,::: Prizes, book sale 831-1868 -` -� �. - . - BREAST HEALTH: An information seminar on Breast Health is held at 7:30 pm. at the Pickering Central Library, One The Esplanade. Speakers are Durham Region public health nurses. Both men and women welcome. Free. Register, 831- 7809, FRIDAY, MAY 13 FUN FAIIR: Sir John A. Macdonald Public School, 777 Balaton Ave., Pickering, hosts a fun fair from 5 to 9 p.m. Craft sale, white elephant, haunted house, magician, games room, bake sale. 839-1159. WOMEN: The Women's Rights Action Coalition hosts a free conference on wife abuse and sexual assault from 9:30 am. to 5 p.m, in the HMS Ajax Room Of the Ajax Community Centre, Centennial Rd. Open to all abuse or assault survivors, health care professionals and social service agencies. 420- 7104 (Linda), 420-5368 (Esther), Your Problems are our Concerns Call SANDI (Treatment Coordinator for immediate attention.) IN HOUSE ORAL SURGEON - DR. ELLER (gum specialist) PERIODONTIST - DR. GOLDMAN DENTISTRY WHILE SLEEPING - DR. M. KAY NEW PATIENTS WELCOLV, SANI>I WE LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR CALL Saturday and Evenings (by appointment) "NO INTEREST" FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS SPECIAL CONSIDERATION FOR SENIORS 927 LIVERPOOL RD. S. ® (908) 839-5951 = t E -FILE SERVICES AVAILABLE TILL MAY 31/94 MOST REFUND CHEQUES 4 -10 BUSINESS DAYS E] NO DISCOUNTING FEES 1994 TAX PLANNING SERVICES AVAILABLE BY PROFESSIONALS E]LET US HELP REDUCE YOUR TAX LIABILITIES FOR 1994. SENIORS DISCOUNT ACCT" MCPS 1020 Brock Rd. St. 1007 - 905-837-0564 Pickering, Ont. Located SW comer Brock & Plummer in Scotia Bank Bldg. ... _ Q joillboad Billboard is a free feature for community events of a non- CERCLE FRANCOPHONE: Le Cercle Francophone d'Ajax Migrating songbirds should be 625-0789. 15. 427-3300, ext. 225 (Janice at 1 1 a.m. outside Pickering profit nature. To have your in Billboard, est ouvert aux femmes done la langue evident. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE: Salsbury). Town flail, One The Esplanade. GARAGE SALE: The 1st Port All welcome. events promoted call us at 683-5110, fax 683- maternelle est le francais. Si vous etes The Ajax -Pickering division of of OWASCO Sea Scouts hold a SUNDAY, MAY 15 7363 or write to the Ajax- situtees a Ajax, Pickering et les environs, St. John Ambulance holds an fund-raising garage sale from 9 BRUNCH: The Ladies' Pickering News Advertiser, vcnez vous joindre a nous open house with demonstrations a.m. to 3 p.m. at 17 and 18 Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, pour pouvoir communiquer dans in CPR, displays of first-aid Banner Cres., Ajax. Rain date Leoion. Branch 606, hosts a Ont., LIS 2H5. The deadline votre langue maternelle at de scenarios, children's activity May 15.683-1673. Sundav Brunch from 11 a.m. to for Billboard items is 10 a.m. participer a des activies centre, course registration, draw for first-aid kit from 10 a.m. to 5 FLAG DAY: Raise the Flag 1 p.m. at 1555 Bayly St., Day ceremonies are being held Pickering. $2.50. 839-2990. the Monday prior to francaise. 8 du soir. 427-6580. p.m. in the St. John training Wednesday publication 10 SATURDAY -1 - AY 14 centre, upper level. Harwood a.m. the Wednesday prior to TRADE FAIR: The Durham Place Mall, Ajax. Refreshments. Friday publication and 10 a.m. Business and Professional 1-800-267-1032. the Thursday prior to Sunday Women's Club sponsors a Trade KINETTF.S: The Ajax Kinette publication. Fair and Exposition from 10 Club holds a garage sale «•EDNESDAY, MAY ll a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Metro East beginning at 9 a.m. at 38 ENVIRONINfENT: The Durham Trade Centre, 1305 Pickering Anstead Cres., Ajax. The rain Environmental Network (DEN) Parkway. The theme is Business date is Sunday. May 15. 683- meets at 7:30 p.m. in Scugog and Community Working 3567 (Cindv). Township's council chambers at Together for a Positive Future. FLEA :MARKET: A fund - 181 Perry St., Port Perry. Guest No charge. To exhibit or raising flea market and vard sale speaker Kevin Williams, an sponsor a community booth, call for the Individualized Literacv urban forester for the City of Kathv Cox at 837-0491. Project will be held from 9 a.m. Oshawa and garden centre NATURALISTS: The Pickering to 3 p.m. at the Ajax -Pickering owner, discusses the proper care Naturalists go on a Spring and Whitbv Association for of trees. Lug -a -mug. Take along Wildflowers outing. Meet at the Community Living office, 36 an item you no longer need for a southwest corner of the Emperor St., Ajax. Vendor waste exchange". 509-3156 or Pickering GO station at 9:30 space available. Barbecue and 9£i5-3225. a.m. Leader is Doug Lockery. raffle also held. Rain date Mav SINGLE PARENTS: The One - Parent Family Association holds its weekly meeting for parents atCValle GARDEN 8 p.m. at Swan's Marina, 590 CENTRE Liverpool Rd. S., Pickering. It plans educational, social and u QUALITY TOPSOIL recreational activities for parents Pick-up or Delivery - Screened/Unscreened and their children and also holds dances every second Saturday at•.LandscOODacKages - You Dc TRUCK WG En or VV ' c the Pickering Recreation Complex. 837-0328. - Roses - Shade Trees - Perenmxais - Beautiful Ha—Baskets THURSDAY, 1 A Y 'tt We Do Not Have It - We Wire Do Our Best To Get 11r LIMITED TIME OFFER - NO GS T. "A NEW DINING EXPERIENCE" NEWCOMERS: The Pickering- 1892 Kingston Rd. E. OPEN 36M ktKM Rd A) i.x Newcomers Club meets at PICKERING 7 DAYS BLACKSTOCK BAR & 8 p.m. at the Pickering Village 905 683-0749 AWEEK �`' 98"2898"28�0���' � PLACE United Church, 300 Church St. RESTAURANT `.. Ajax. The club is for women Ner, to K rmn, Imine in the area less than three FACTORY DIRECTpICK"EKING TOWN CENTRE Tears and meets the second ISPOSABLE Thursday of each month. 619- S Featuring DIAPER 1485 (Michelle). ;EtrExirDAi CH001 FROM 3 DIFFERENT SOUPS, Z VEGETABLES FC"\ FAIR: Lord Elgin Public 100%kXWY BACK GUARANTEE M IIAONDAY AND SALAD sAl0. School, 24 Ontario St., Ajax, • ' "to SATURDAY SUNDAYhosts a fun fair from 5 to 9 p.m. r 120 Diapers/Bulk Case ^� �`: N �A"AST-8:30AM.to11:00A.M &L ON All»T�p,I,Rto Barbecue, games, raffles. Medium Large X -Large 2eggs with baeon,ham wsausage, $� �� S:OCPY Garage and craft tables available hometries, com beet hash and toast for rent at SIO. 683-3581 (Mrs. 10 - 22 lbs. 22 - 32 IbS. Over 30 Ibs. ( LUNCH - „:00 A. M. to 5:00 PM 1 eggs we t>�tt W Roy), 99 99 gg l 114 eurntstyle lud.r,g',paiu 4.99 to =5.75 or 2 5 3 O 3 6 nom �m 49 O'1f PUTERS: The Durham Full menu available. � � it>� , \ y�_��` DINNER - 5:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. P.C. Users' Club meets from 7 i to 10 m. at CAW Local 222 SAYE UP TO 40% (Saturday until 7:00 P.M.) x6.45 '8.95 Hall. 1425 Phillip MurrayAve.. ' n Fad - Pew o 3 L4W - � Wqm 4 Outlet Style specials from to EYEli1' SWAY includin soup w salad. Full menu available. Oshawa. Annual election and • L�PoI . �* 6 : EVE Can E ESOAY NfTE � H All You Can Eat G im-.3 PffL '695 swap meet. 728-9351 (Bruce), ITALIAN BUFFET $FWIkbnuA% iW* � 623-2787 (Linda). DuF Ou*t Motr Choose from S items. 8.95 FUN FAIR: Gandatsetiagon � '�- v� himPublic School, 1868 Parkside Ma rlat+dllh+lelttt�!lrttt i16 """" • ;.. s i • TUESDAY SENIOR'S DAY - WE A ERY mi All MAJOR ! CARDS Dr., Pickering, hosts a fun fair EM SOttb0E8�S�rtIQA�e s.,V,yr, from 6 to 9 p.m. Food, games, e.� ° s .1®R r ,::: Prizes, book sale 831-1868 -` -� �. - . - BREAST HEALTH: An information seminar on Breast Health is held at 7:30 pm. at the Pickering Central Library, One The Esplanade. Speakers are Durham Region public health nurses. Both men and women welcome. Free. Register, 831- 7809, FRIDAY, MAY 13 FUN FAIIR: Sir John A. Macdonald Public School, 777 Balaton Ave., Pickering, hosts a fun fair from 5 to 9 p.m. Craft sale, white elephant, haunted house, magician, games room, bake sale. 839-1159. WOMEN: The Women's Rights Action Coalition hosts a free conference on wife abuse and sexual assault from 9:30 am. to 5 p.m, in the HMS Ajax Room Of the Ajax Community Centre, Centennial Rd. Open to all abuse or assault survivors, health care professionals and social service agencies. 420- 7104 (Linda), 420-5368 (Esther), Your Problems are our Concerns Call SANDI (Treatment Coordinator for immediate attention.) IN HOUSE ORAL SURGEON - DR. ELLER (gum specialist) PERIODONTIST - DR. GOLDMAN DENTISTRY WHILE SLEEPING - DR. M. KAY NEW PATIENTS WELCOLV, SANI>I WE LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR CALL Saturday and Evenings (by appointment) "NO INTEREST" FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS SPECIAL CONSIDERATION FOR SENIORS 927 LIVERPOOL RD. S. ® (908) 839-5951 = t E -FILE SERVICES AVAILABLE TILL MAY 31/94 MOST REFUND CHEQUES 4 -10 BUSINESS DAYS E] NO DISCOUNTING FEES 1994 TAX PLANNING SERVICES AVAILABLE BY PROFESSIONALS E]LET US HELP REDUCE YOUR TAX LIABILITIES FOR 1994. SENIORS DISCOUNT ACCT" MCPS 1020 Brock Rd. St. 1007 - 905-837-0564 Pickering, Ont. Located SW comer Brock & Plummer in Scotia Bank Bldg. PAGE 264•TOR NEWS ADVE[r1SE3, WED, MAY 11,1"4 A viev ■Wv%iAv SPECIAL EDITION �Oaded wrr ail the octans: dei, xe seats, V- der. a,Te.. air Dag. 7-passege•. etc This is not a Base W"m - But the BEST'. ;14ZAE 616v988 MARVELOUS 193 INTREPIDS Cab torwar^ air bags. arc, auto.. V-6 ane -are lixury optlom 4328. CMES17.999 193 SPIRIT SIWANS Xr, auto., stereo, PICKUP p.s., p.b. and more. P4071. $1193331 193 LUXURY 5h AVENUES M the amenities. Loaded luxury. Power options, air bag. etc. P4W5. $21 666 j - --� 1993 GRAND CHEROKEE LTD. V^ 3t, : s pC. ex e,. mss td, cruise, rurmrr, boarCs. ba sun steer ac Ana^. =` ask- aa;r w^ees, c w radaks. p seat 6 more Balance of taacry warm ara wbeMAKE N OFFER. 1993 LeBARON WU 2 DR. CONVERTIBLE il-6, alb., ps.. pb , p• seat. p.w., p.d.L, p. bp, ti, cruise. air. AMIFM cars, cM seats &more. Balance ol Factory Werranry Available. 5T0CM" PRICED TO SELL 1991 PLYMOUTH woo ACCLAIM LX 4 DR. V-6, aulo.. ps.. pb.. p.w.. D.0 . D. mirrors. p seat, titt, cruise. AMIN cass., arum. wheels. tnnk rack. console. scnrod & more. only 60,600 miles. SkOP110k PRICED TO SELL �.- 1990 CHRYSLER LeBARON LANDAU 4 DR. V-66. auto., p•s., pb.. p.w.. p.d.l., p. mirrors, lift, cruise, p. seat, AMIFM cassette, %%-,,w.. air corWanng & more. Q* 38,000 miles. W OP4140A. PRICED TO SELL 1991 DODGE RAM 150 PICKUP V-6, auto., ps., pb•. AMIN, cbth seat. step bumper. 6x9 manus & more. Ory 41,800 miles. Stk sT9"7A. PRICED TO SELL 1990 SUNDANCE 2 DOOR 4 cyl., p.s., pb., air cond., console, ci* buckets, delay wipers, AMFM stereo 3 more. ONy 27,900 miles. SOL sT9135A. PRICED TO SELL ori Naar lE0MM11! reE; 6 P CILM ■OODCOCK am ATIONNOU 1 lin - in VILLAGE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER ,� 19 HARWOOD AVE. (North of 4ol) >m WLUANsak wuwaso« sa o •VILLAGE Hwy -a AJAX i PLYMOUTH CHRYSLERz rnvr. aM M==W_=_W IlIffillill RlM 1 ON 10=101 110"_, 4 ..•i THE ME ADVERTIIIIIIIXIIII, W124 AMY 4% ~%=27-A Akela's on the job for ­humane society D Pooch who stayed by his owner's side after he suffered a heart attack and died now serves a new master By MARIANNE TAKACS STAFF RFP0RT11t DURI JAM - Akela is a dog with an attitude — a professional attitude, that is. She is unofficial canine assistant to her owner, Inspector Betty Van Seters of the Animal Protection Services branch of the Oshawa and District Humane Society, which covers Durham Region. As the five-year-old German Shepherd travels around with the inspector on calls. Akela serves as both bodyguard and public education consultant. and takes her work eery seriously indeed. "She knows when she's working," says Ms. Van Seters. -She knows when she's on a school talk." When she is taken on visits to schools and Brownie troops. Akela is very friendly and lets all the children play with her. But on regular rounds, she is a no- nonsense dog. She sits quietly in the car and, when Ms. Van Seters stops for a call. Akela watches through the window that is left Open so she can get out if she's needed. "She's very well-behaved," says Ms. Van Seters. "She stays there. She pays attention. She's not aggressive. But she's very protective if I'm in trouble." In a recent incident during a call, a stray dog came out of the bushes at Ms. Van Seters and started snapping at the back of her legs. Instantly, Akela was stretched out the car window with lips curled, teeth bared. and snarling at the stray, which beat a quick retreat. And while she will protect Ms. Van Seters from dangerous animals, Akela creates no problems when cats and other creatures are carried in the car along with her. Having Akela there can make the humans Ms. Van Seters has to deal with a little more respectful too. Many have abused their pets and don't welcome a visit from a humane society inspector. -1 don't have a (human) partner. You don't meet the cream of the crop. I know if I'm in trouble she's there to help me" Ms. Van Seters and Akela have been together for less than a year. Akela onvinally beloneed to a man who died of a heart attack, and she stayed at his side several days before police discovered his body. She was brought into the animal shelter by police and it was a week before Ms. Van Seters heard about her. "I went in the next day to have a look at her and that was it. She came home with me. My husband was with me and we both fell in Humane society inspector Betty Van Seters takes her trusty friend, Akela, with her to work both for protection and companionship. Call 683-5110 with your news items Dr. Kevin Tyber OPTOMETRIST • Dispensing of contact lenses and glasses • Evening and Saturday appointments available • Complete Family Eye Care 427-4144 15 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax (Between Hwy. 401 8 No. 2) wAcass+bat Sheridan, is talking value S N M=4.W� N0146CIranum– NOT A VALABLE C) N AERMTAR BA.4E CARAT " kAe r, u COMPOWANS ML4= IO FOR a1 1 – NOT AVAILABLE CIN OA11111M1901t0M0 CARAVAN ORAEROSTAR. CAPAC177–SEATS CARAVAN asr,W. - MOW HORSEPOWER THAN AEROSTAR OR / CARAVAN "4 OMW ASM L.",,LOY Econ CPWM kxkm* M C yX*borw9 • P.* V~• A1WFM Stems L7 CasseM , W T~ Glass • AulareOc Power Ebur Loch • Caotan's Chars iwuu" •4.3 L 46 Enyne • 4 -Sp -d Autorrenc Tr&w"S bn • &Pessan9er So "'• Sde Ar &V • Mo -Lock &aws • P1ilse Wipers • Plus iMXn. M-01 Ah TW NOT SO SMALL PRINT For 53251991 ChWM M rand CharaolM Astro Mata.111,8/7 darn W"01 "01 ad nsSCA dagonc !w 0'W Man WM 041". " Fr"M (4, kam, Lniutnoa and lout no uadldtd 011as +PPM to qakW ow WORM 0* Thus iniad inn dlaa mq no be wffb W +ah any 0" Ohm Sw Du* ra dob 6i■• ..ra tacit a W7 dl ll l I p E n I In E___--1= fir love with her." When Akela's not on duty, she lives at her owners' farm in north Durham along with their four children and a lively assortment of hamsters. guinea pigs, turtles, fish, birds. horses, ponies and donkeys. On duty, she makes a tough job a lot more pleasant for Ms. Van Seters. "It makes the day go fast if you've got somebody to talk to," she says. "even if it is a dog." Public Open Houses The Oak Ridges Moraine Citizens' Advisory Committee invites you to attend and participate in the review of the draft Oak Ridges Moraine Area Planning Strategy, "An Ecological Approach to the Protection and Management of the Oak Ridges Moraine'. Public open houses to discuss this draft strategy will be held: Wednesday, May 18, 1994 Wednesday, May 25, 1994 Goodwood Community Centre East Gwiliimbury Municipal Hwy. 47 & Hwy. 7A Office, 19000 Leslie Street Goodwood, Ontario Sharon, Ontario Tuesday, May 31,1994 Wednesday, June 8, 1994 Aurora Public Library Elgin Barrow Area 56 Victoria Street Church St. & Lorne Avenue Aurora, Ontario Richmond Hill, Ontario Public viewing of displays and an informal discussion period will be from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. A formal presentation, video program and a question and answer session will follow at 7:00 p.m. (approx. duration: 2 hours). For further information, please contact Debbe Crandall, Chair, Oak Ridges Moraine Citizens' Advisory Committee, at (905) Ba0-4111, or Fred Johnson, Ministry of Natural Resources, at (905) 832-7190. G)Ontario CORM 1 1 1 1 ►, L L r 25%Off 0 a - AO%6dm Nov "Ka PrenAnn All season Phdals DISCOUNT t5 OFF REGULAR *EVERY DAY LOW PRICE' 115/11137/5 $2 Come OF AlllftemR 1111 See Mite $ 145/1113 49.95 155/R13 43.95 165/R13 48.95 175/70R13 S195 175/R13 S3.95 185/70R14 SL95 4for3 E & 0+4 Hit M'iom'>tanoe All Season RaClIal BL. ' 'RES A' C i REGULAR *F4EV DP .OW ?R!C?' AND RECE vE --E 10(A161 A' NC f ADD70r,1A. :CK j VMNM! a RAS Ugft Twck &Ilan See Noe S 235/75RI5OWL 114.00 215/851116 0BL 100.95 225/75R1685L 120.9S B75R165 OBL 121.95 235/85R16 08L 122.9S 31X1050815 OWL 124.9S 245i75R16 BSL 132.95 M r lam NR MILES on all Goodyem Ives and service including the great votes Med Nit this ad. Ask ym participating retailer. Tie sale ends May 21, 1994. Coll for Q eddationel saes and sole prices. Savings may vary. Up to four months to pay on credit cad purchases exceeding S250.00. O.A.C. ry FM ROMM FM $51 a"SS�Bat!? S" M Seeson Rachis Size Priu S P155/80R13 51.00 P165/80R13 Si.00 P195/75R14 70.00 P205/75R14 81.00 P235/75R15 95.00 �c�T/F1ED AIAM s� OSHAWA SCARBOROUGH 3805 Sheppard Ave. 292-6113 AGINCOURT ©>+: «° 162 King Street East 4479 Kingston Rd. 3310 Lawrence Ave. E. 438-1195 2930 Finch Ave. E. • � 571-3400 ', 82-1191 , , , , 2906 ERYMen Ave. E 431-5324 497-9707 k+ i 26A --TME N* 1; ' RTIS- R, SHED, MAY 11, "N 'ENVIRONMENT Talking trash takes on a whole new meaning Knowing that changing everyday habits is not an easy task. Bell Canada successfully managed to train telephone users to precede all dialed numbers with an area code when calling outside their own zone. If I could only invent a system that senses what goes into a trash bin and repeat the following message: "If you throw that away. your waste will accumulate in landfill as usual, but in the future please remember to reduce, reuse. recycler. A change in habits is important for future generations. Thank you'" ECYCLER'S i EPORr BY LA WNE ROULSTON Imagine. if you will. putting your waste in a home. office or public trash bin and hearing the above message. with a special line added depending on Khat the person was disposing. • Your glass bottle can be recycled in your Blue Box or taken to a recv_ cling facility. Your small household battery can be placed into the red box attached to a blue dome igloo recycling depot. Buy a battery recharger. • Your disposable diaper can he replaced by a cloth diaper. • Your bread bag can be reused or taken to a supermarket that offers a poly film recycling bin. • Your magazine can he read by a neighbor. • Your banana peel and wilted flowers can be composted. • Your disposable cup can be replaced by a travel mug. • Your worn curtains can be made into cloth gift bags. • Your doughnut box can be reused the next time you visit the bakery or take your own cooking tin. You could undoubtedly add to this list yourself. The point is, change is not always easy but it is possible! Within a few months, Bell Canada accomplished a change of customers' habits to accommodate its operation. For environmentalists, it will probably take another 20 years to change habits necessary for our survival. ❑:3:3 In May, yard waste pick-up for both Ajax and Pickering is every Monday excluding the Victoria Day holiday. Ajax trucks will take leaves. thatched grass and dead plants. etc. in clear plastic bags only. A chipping truck will be out ,every day, in May and wi4l attend to any tree branches and large brush at curbside. Ajax supports Durham's grasscycling program. In Pickering, all yard waste materials are gathered at curbside from either hampers, open trash barrels and clear plastic bags. Large branches and brush must he bound in manageable bundles. :I:]:] CANCELLATION.- David Suzuki. �chedulcd to speak May 19 at I astdale Collegiate in Oshawa, unfortunately had to cancel due to a family illness. Cluj CORRECTIONS: In last week's Treasure Chest, the phone number for requests of white elephant table items for Sir John A. MacDonald's May 13 Fun Fair was incorrect. The right number is 839- 8260. Also the number of the person giving away kitchen cupboards is 683-3592. Som for any inconvenience. DISCOUNTS DOUBLE PARKING Libertv Mutual Insurance Company 375 Kingston Rd., Pickering, Ontario L1V 509-0697 Insure two or more cars with Liberty !Mutual and H'e'll reduce }'our rates Call us today for more information • Boys and Girls 9 to 17 years beginners to experts are welcome • Instruction available for novices. • Chance to qualify for an all expenses paid trip to the Ontario Junior World Golf District Championship TOTAL COST 512" Includes prizes. 18 hoes. iuncn, arinks. To pre -register call: Dave Cabel 427-3135 David Plewman 683-5772 First 75 Registrations accepted. SPO -PTS /BASEBALL JME NEWS ADVTyRT 5M WTD, MAY.116191II&PAGE 2 LA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . - • . s Ajax's Nigel Wilson injured after t ood start to ball season 0 Marlins prospect sprains ankle, placed on disabled list By AL RIVETT SPORTS REPORTER AJAX - The baseball career of Ajax's Nigel Wilson has stalled for the time being after he suffered an ankle injury while playing with the Edmonton Trappers, the AAA' minor league affiliate of the Florida ?Marlins. � Wilson was hurt in a game between the Trappers and the Tucson r. Toros in a - r Pacific 3 C o a s League contest in __k Fdmonton Nigel Wilson %lay 6. lie's 9 been placed on the club's disabled list. Prior to the injury, the left fielder was enjoying a solid start to the baseball season with a batting average of 299 with three home runs and a club -high 19 runs hatted in. Although he didn't have a home run through April, he hit three round -trippers in May and was starting to find the groove VBASEBALL Ajax Spartans girls victorious in ball openers AJAX - The Ajax Spartans mosquito and bantam girls' baseball selects got the season under way with an exhibition doubleheader at the Lord Elgin school diamond Saturday. In the fust game, the Ajax AAA Sports Photography mosquito selects pounded the Toronto Dundas selects 12-4. A j a x pitchers Jodie Dickinson, ;•. Cassy Clayton, a. Jamie Cassels and Sarah Gium combined on a four - hitter, which included 12 smUouts, to pave the way for the victory. Offensively, Clayton, Cassels and Lindsay Munro belted out doubles, while Erin Kitching and Chantel Miller each had three -RBI triples. Other hits went to Candace Corbett, Katie Risebrough, Jessica MacArthur-Ryckman and Tanya Harbick. In the second game, the Ajax Executive Copier Systems bantam selects nipped the Toronto Dundas selects 11-9. The combined Pitching efforts of Jaime Sheepwash, Megan Taylor, Brenna Taylor and Lisa Taylor allowed only three hits. Scoring runs for the winners were Jennifer Sharples with two, and Jaime Knox, Megan Taylor, Jessica Taylor, Margie Andrews, Heather Nedham, Lisa Taylor, Sheepwash, Jennifer Andersen and Laura Eagles with one each. when he was hurt, says Trappers' quite highly. They consider him as the league's Northern Division. He went 0 -for -16, including 11 media director Colin MacPhail. pan of their outfield of the future. Wilson played 'AAA' ball in strikeouts, in the games with MacPhail describes the 24- If there's an injury or if someone Edmonton last season, finishing Florida. year-old Wilson as "one of the (with the Marlins) goes into a long with a.355 average, 17 homers, 68 Formerly in the Toronto Blue Marlins' top prospects" and pan of slump, he would definitely be one RBIs and a .538 slugging Jays organization, Wilson was the a Trappers' outfield which is the of the players they would consider percentage in 96 games. first pick of the expansion Marlins "strength" of the ball club. calling up," says MacPhail. He played seven games with in 1992. However, he's unsure when The Trappers are in the midst the Marlins last September while He was on the road with the Wilson will get the call to join the of a six -game losing skid and sit still being hampered with a leg Trappers in Tacoma, Washington National League Marlins. three -and -a -half games behind injury which kept him out of the Monday and couldn't he reached "I know the Marlins rate Nigel division -leading Salt Lake Buzz in Edmonton line-up for five weeks. for comment. SPECIAL SPRING SHIPMENT STANDARD 4 -WHEEL ANTI-LOCK BRAKES NOT AVAILABLE ON AEROSTAR OR BASE CAR) COMFORTABLE MAXIMUM TOWING 4.3 L Y6 ENGINE SEATING FOR EIGHT CAPACITY — MORE HORSEPOViER NC T r ✓h!_r.c-E csE� "S �rR� , r'J THAN AEROSTAR OR CARAVAt. ^� �`��- '�� CARAVAN 7, TZ'_1 4 FAT • Luxury Edition Options Include: Air Conditioning • Rally Wheels • AM/FM Stereo Cassette • Deep Tinted Glass • Automatic Power Door Locks • Captain's Chairs • 4.3 L V6 Engine • 4 -Speed Automatic Transmission • 8 Passenger Seating • Driver's Side Air Bag • Anti -Lock Brakes • Pulse Wipers • Plus Much, Much More. 0 • PER MONTH/48 MONTHS I . . • • • THE GM 3-YEARI60,000 KM' -11 Pik NO DEDUCTIBLE 19MASSIST414CL� TOTALAvailable 24 hours a day. Professional WARRANTY help is s a a phone call away. 'WHICHEVER LS FWT 365 days a year.• OB THE NUT SV SMALL PRINT Price for 1994 Chevrolet Astro equipped as described. tFor 1994 Chevrolet Astro lease, $1.807 down payment and $325 security deposit required. Other lease terms available. 'tFmKp ($820), license, roxance and taxes not included. Offers appy to qualified retail customers orgy. These limited time offers may not be combined with any other offers. Dealer may sellllease for less. See Dealer for details. .Some charges may apply. See Dealer for details. THE -PICKEMM - A Pickering driver took the chattered flag in the fust race of the 1994 Castrol Can -Am Midget Racing Series at Lancaster Speedway in New York Saturday. Jim Mrmcie drove his Harry Macy Engineering midget car to fust place, orltduelling Paris, Ontario's Wayne: Turnbull, who finished second, and third-place Dan May of Mount _ •' r f •a 1 t . Hope, Ontario b win the 20 -lap evuc The race rtml feaoied a field of 24 tars. The last time Munsie drove to victory was May 14, 1988 at Barrie Speedway. Munsie won his qualifying heat in order to race in the final. Deep tinted glass\ Air conditioning." :µ 8 passenger, seating Power door locks— Rally wheels�.� i 4 speed electronic transmission Captain's chairs 24-hour Roadside Assistance" • Smart l)er month I-eases279 for for 48 111ontlls' Driver's side air bag ___---AM/FM stereo kft cassette 43 litre r EFI V6 engine 4 -wheel anti-lock brakes EQUIPPED NOT STRIPPFJLJ • driver's side air bag • 4 -wheel anti-lock brakes • 4.3 litre EFI V6 engine • 4 -speed electronic transmission • 8 passenger seating • air conditioning • rally wheels • 24-hour Roadside Assistance" • AM/FM stereo cassette • captain's chairs • deep tinted glass • power door locks The Performance you deserve. Piiced Righ PONTIAC • GMC —='pla► bead On Me 1994 Safer) SLX On a N nWild "0 10-whid 041 PPed a ds@Crt d. A ntYtrrtrn wn doPIV 10 of SZ129 and SM OWWWY OpoaA a NgLorsd. 04w aPOiM M Owlr+d retail cuaw sm Wry. Starr ftWp w -me appy FroWs SM. ft~, IIMY wm wW tat" net mckaded. 00w aaphn to 1994 rww a drtnnabaM mbdti Ofry. DPMI Oda► W trade may be nwen ry. 0*@W Tay Maw M/ w& This eller may net be cvrrffin0 wO any ether ~ S" Darer for dMk. "Santa dwPaa Tay xv* SM Darer Mr dame. ♦HOCKEY Petro -Can selects running on full at West Hill event pICKERING - The Pickering Whites Road Petro -Canada six-year- old select hockey team captured the consolation title at the recent West Ilill Shamrock Tournament — the squad's last ice battle of the season. Pickering faced off against Wexford in the consolation final, with the teams skating to a 1-1 draw after regulation. Richard Schofield scored in overtime to give Pickering a 2-1 win and the title. Schofield also notched the regulation -time mark -Lr. the Petro -Can selects suffered a disappointing 2-1 overtime loss to the Brampton Maroon in the first game. After a 1-1 draw through regulation time, Brampton scored midway through the extra frame. Kele Wetering scored the lone Pickering goal, assisted by Brian (iotsalves. Pickering defeated East Gwillimbury 4-1 to advance to the consolation final. Scoring were Gonsalves with two and Francis Masse and Jason Flower with one each. Assisting were Brandon Silcock and Wetering. Sctx)fteld and Matthew McCallum produced solid offensive efforts. The steady defence provided by Kele Carson. Ryan I:ickmeier, Matthew Perrault, Bradley Smith and Cory Young. along with solid goaltending by Jeremy Nicholson. allowed only four goads over three camel in the uxu arrient. `Women's softball lea`ue recruiting NCKFRINO - The Pickering Softball Association is looking for fem:de players IS yLmrs and okler for a women's league this year. Cost is S60 Per player, which inclildes a uniform. For more information, call Lee ,Utrt at 420.60(X1. KMON MIRI H The KUMON method hes helped miNions of students worldwide, age 4 to 15, to master mathematics. KUmom is an individualized after school math program that can help your child excel in math and develop superior study habits and confidence with just two 30 minute classes per week. Centres operate year round and you may enroll your child at any time. KUMON• P10!P .s *at 9" IIESULTS! 14100-bs74"TH To arrange a free diagnostic test, contact the Kumon centre nearest you: • Bayty A Harwood Ave. S. Telephone (905) 571.7400 • Brody 6 Hwy. 4 Telephone (416) 491.4847 • Ravenscrort i aossland Telephone (905) 839-4414 • Whius Road 8 Oklahoma Telephone (905) 440-6414 The Kumon Reeding Program K also avada>e M some centres. Crooked, Sp a c e d Discoloured 1.`ohi fed Teeth? Just like the letters in the headline, your me our teeth can make the same impression. Have your smile work for you, not against you. Crooked, spaced, discoloured and chipped teeth can all be corrected through today's cosmetic and orthodontic procedures. FREE CONSULTATION This consultation is offered so that you can easily obtain information on dental procedures and conditions, allowing you to make an informed decision about your dental health. Please note that x-rays and a more complete examination are required in order to make a full diagnosis of individual conditions. Dr. Pavelic is a general dentist trained in all aspects of dentistry by the University of Toronto. Dr. Pavelic's office is a prevention oriented dental practice dedicated to your health, appearance and comfort. Offer expires Friday, May 27, 1994. "DEDICATED TO GIVING YOU THE SUCCESSFUL SMILE EDGE" M.S. Pavelic, D.D.S. 428-0188 #9 - 570 Westney Rd. S., Ajax The Saturn "I want to know 0 the details right up front when I shop for a car" lease F re C • a SATMN . qT7 A I)ItFFRr\l kl\i, „) ( ('"PA i 4 t)IFtFk)\1 K11,U „f (Ak ROTARY CLUB OF AJAX presents AT HOME - TV BINGO with � Marian Hunter Cable 10 -Ajax csisf, ry Every Thursday From 7:30 P.M. - MAY 19 5 Games each night - $1000 in prizes $3.50 including taxes Bingo cards available at all Beckers Stores in Ajax, Nelsons Hobbies, Amanns Cafe, Pickering Village Pharmacy & from Rotary Members. LIC. M025941 5189/month. S1560/down-36 months. Your pa-vments based on a 1994 SI . AM, I'M .tete,,. dru er-side atrhaz. split foldirrg rear seat, ad)ustable steertnl; column, remote trunk relea intermittent u rpers. AURP Sll.y9i excludinv tax. licence and tnsuran,t•. brat nt„nt! paiment ,•• Slsl).14) plus S W0.00 ic•curitc Jeposit and J„u n payment .,r 11 Cho r.u(+ r.,r a !„sal of S2041).00 plus taxc>. dut at Iease S,Znfn�:, Lase.! „rt :4., ru(, km per star. r )t{ er dour pai anent anJ :rf trail bile . leR<t.::.'< let :L•. 5229/month X1674/down. 36 months. Your p,n•ments based ,m a 199.1 S('1, AAL'h.41 stereo cazssette, dni e'r-side atrl,a�. split finding rear seat, adiustahle steertn.i; column, remote trunk release. intermittent uzpers. AISRP S14.29i excluding tax, licence and insurance. Fust month pn•ment of S2_9.00 plus S i0f),00securit depositanJdown payment,)f S1n-4.o) fora Pdal of S2203.00 plus taxes, due at lease signing, based nn 23.000 km per year. ()the -r down payments znJ vehicle options R ailable. See Retailer ri,r details. $249/month. $1653/down. 36 months. Your paawients based s m a 1994 SI.11I S(;, 4 speed automatic transmission, A.WF.M steres, cassette, sir conditioning, driver -side ,airbag, adiustable steering column, power steering, intermittent utipers, NISRP S15.3 1 i excluding tax, licence and insurance. First month pa}me'nt of 5249.00 plus S3(h).00 security deposit and dour payment of 51h i i.(N) Jur a total of 52202.00 plus taxes, due at lease sgnmg, based on 24,00) km per.year. (other down payments and vehicle options atutlable. See Retailer lir details. Saturn Saab Isuzu of Pickering 980 Kingston Road, Pickering 839-6159 s ■ � o KINGSTON RD. 3 N 2 W HYYY SO1 • s •l � i 11 • _ i C • 7 i . e tl • , . , . PAGE 32 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY 11, 1994 NO 11.0 no no no w� you re thinkni�, they can lbu*ld a dap under $n9000aYiless its stripped to the bale necessities and dY'iVes 11'elke a L101" flea a1oni4 eoneession roadiin the land of compromises NN*e" along comes neon with standard dual air ba 0S, comfort for eve, theb' p4t engine in is class winner of automobile of thar , andyes yeS,y%e..$.),ye$.)yeS. DARE TO HORSE -POWER AIRBAGS WHEELBASE COMPARE (SAFETY) 1995 NEON 132 � st" E•O" 1994 CAVALIER VL 120 NOT AVAILABLE 101.3" 1994 ESCORT LX 88 DRIVER SIDE ONLY 98•4" 1994 CIVIC LX 102 ADTRIVER/PEXTRA COS ONELRY 103.1" Just compare Neon's big -car features like 16-,.al`e 2.0 litre 4 -cylinder engine, contoured bucket seats and spacious interior with the most headroom in its class. Then check the price below. You'll agree with Automobile Magazine that Neon offers "the best ratio of dollars to cubic feet of volume:"Yes, indeed. Starting from Standard dual air bags Standard side door impact beams Available ABS brakes 132 hp (98 kw) 2.0 litre 16 valve engine -Automobile of the Year" - Automobile Magazine Ff 5 passenger seating Iff Cab forward design Id Available integrated child safety seat td Fuel economy so mac (5.11100 kin) M7.35 mac Ic.l l IN W city F{ Qualifies for $100 Ontario gas tax credit. ® SEE YOUR LOCAL CHRYSLER DEALER.1 Dodge DEALER . • CHRYSLER ..: .. ". - w I ,.. ...., ..... CHRYSLER mph W 7,0►'h kb► _4 I.,Yn 00c,+. x. swO w 7,o"tK x '':.! J STIR ma.d �'o.mnw, 4"" M• •.. mwVM. Yet•t•. `IHOCKEY Peter's Appliance atoms champions PICKERING - The Peter's Appliance team was the big winner in the Pickering Hockey Association's atom division this season. Peter's Appliances wrapped up a 'dream season', finishing as the winning team overall in the reiular-season division play and round-robin playoffs. losing only one game all season. They met Hogan's in the 'A' playoff final, taking the championship with a 1-1 tie in game one and a 2-0 win in game two. Coaches John Cox, Al Lillie and Gary Harrison and team members James Kimball (captain), Jordan Hutchison, Tim Verboom, and Ryan Tracey (all assistant captains), Brian Mulholland, Rejeev Ruperelia, Jamie Ward, Tom Vahey, Steven Lever, Craig Lillie, Adam Dixon, Matthew Hill, Brian Smith, Ryan Semon and Craig Cox worked together to produce a total team effort. Peter's Appliances also won the atom title at the Pickering Christmas tournament. Netminder Craig Cox shared the best goalie trophy in the atom division with Garret McKinnon of Hogan's. AT 112 TIS WTAL COST PMEN MIMI * WELM weu NIX RA VM 1211 O006 w 01100wat d tMMPNq JOE DICKSON G one of a minimum of tow people seeknp to Durflam West (Ajax i Pickering) Provincial Liberal nunnation JOE NEEDS YOUR HELPI for mon information cd DONNA DK3" BuBkon 6814407 JOE D"SON Budlmn 113•7110 or Joe or Dolma at Rome THE NEWS ADVERTISER, TIED, MAY 111, "-*&!'AGE S}A Pickering Master Splashers Swim Club recruiting members for summer session PICKERING - An adult swim club is recruiting new members for its surnmer session. The Pickering Master Splashers Swim Club is accepting members, age 20 and over, for swimming for lune, July and August. The sessions are at the Dumbarton High School pool on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 to 10:30 p.m. You don't need to be an accomplished swimmer to join. For more information, call Cathy Mills at 128-7338 or Kathy Crallows at 420-7679. 0 KIM GRACIE Monday's Choice Golf Centre 0 CRAIG BOSWELL Deer Creek Golf, Country Estates 0J. HARDY Thunderbird Golf Club 0 RICK CHAMBERS Lakeridge Golf Club ®GRAHAM HYLAND Fawn Brook Golf Club Right now buy a Mamma Gn for $2, 000 less than Toyota Camry. If we offered it for any less. it'd set off the anti -theft device. 523.990 mmmni V-6 3.0 litre 160 -hp engine • Auto temperature air-conditioning • Power seats. windows. antenna. door locks • Anti -theft alarm • Keyless entry system • 4 -wheel disc brakes • AM/FM 100 watt Dolby stereo cassette • Alloy wheels • Cruise control • Heated power mirrors • Driver's -side airbag • Child -proof door locks Niasan offers the best full -line warranty • F vrat I too u00 km .1apa ( omptmenta Warranty • h vrarl 100 000 km Emuuon Control Sv�trm Warranter _ • F vrar Rut Prrfotauon ( o%crage with unlimited kilornetin • ', vrar180000 km ( umpletr Vrhule Vd arrant- with Gr Ikductible • . vrar loll hrr _'1 Hour Rt ad�rdc A..r.taneranv%vhrrr «) (.nada/( ontinental UI A • vrar Travcl Planning Srn rir a Your Ontario Nissan Dealers. Making it easier to get the car you really want. Call 1-800-387-0122 for further Information 8.00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST. Saaat PWPk aheaya rad *c fax pica. Attd they al"aya rear then xatheha. t mired unit oQen hated on aratoca unw only. t9aacd m as N.S.RP. oompwwm of a Ntaan Maatrm GXE herr 325.6901 to a Toyota Carey !E v6 (527.676) a of Mardb 11, 1991. Toyota Caaay a a regreed aakvrt of Toyota Croda 4rc. 'Spmelly pnced 1991 Naauta GXE hue. "36tmai-inert cad Ieaae rtW 52 550 do m and ria month Paytrrea retfrrtred O.AC. thrott6h Nwraa Canada Darter lac. Vman 6uaraotcea the (trine value of dr vehrk a 511.175.74. The hyate has ro ublyatim w buy. PD L. tutu tad laeoce ettn Ser dealer for derab. e M�C�A•1� 1tR1M6 Ap��,�,1NAY i1.11N' . ' Pick -off attempt Ajax Spartans first baseman Michael Hall waits for the relay, while Whitby runner John Barr scarmbles back to the bag during a minor peewee baseball contest as part of the annual Mayors' Cup slate of games played in Ajax and Whitby Saturday. photo by Celia Bronkhorst TRACK AND FIELD Pickering High athlete smashes meet records AJAX-PICKERING - A Pickering ziigh School athlete was a record breaker at a 7-oronto track and field meet on the weekend. More than 1.6W athletes from 70 schools participated in the Cardinal Carter High School Track Classic at Etobicoke*s Centennial Stadium Friday and Saturday. Devon Davis, eompeung in the midget boys' category. captured two gold medals while breaking two meet records in the long jump and triple jump. Davis won the silver medal in the 200 -metre and 100 -metre sprints, with a personal best time of 10.93 seconds in the 100 metres. He also anchored the midget boys' relay team to a second -place photo finish. Teammates are Nicholas Thomas, Kevin Browne and Keith Binns. Davis picked up gold when he recorded a personal best and a meet record in the long jump at the Husky Relay Invitational last Wednesday. His leap of 6.57 metres was only 11 centimetres shy of the Ontario Federation of Schools Athletic Association (OFSAA) record. Also competing for Pickering High in the midget boys' division at the Cardinal Carter meet was Kevin Browne who ran to a silver medal in the 300 -metre hurdles. He placed third in the triple jump and fifth in the 100 -metre hurdles and the 200 -metre dash. Keith Binns was third in the midget boys' 300 -metre hurdles. David Grainger placed seventh in the shot put and discus and eighth in the javelin. Corrine Smyth was eighth in the midget girls' 1,500 -metre race. In the junior boys' division, Louwen Allen won the gold medal in the high jump. lie also anchored the relay team of Dwayne Soverall, James Arnold and Phil Brady to a second -place Tnish. Allen was seventh in the 1200 -metre dash. Neal Yarde placed fourth in the long_ jump and sixth in the triple jump. Roscoe Fleming was third in the senior boys' 100 -metre dash and was a member of the silver - medal -winning relay team along with Dion Trovers. !Maurice Kondell and Kelvin Cumberbatch. The Pickering High School track and field team is preparing for the Lake Ontario Secondary School Athletics championships at Oshawa's Civic Stadium on May 17 and 18. VI"ESTLING X -L grapplers excellent at Canada East event AJAX-PICKERING - The Durham X -L's Wrestling Club capped a successful season with two impressive team wins at the Canada East Wrestling Championships in Pembroke April 29, 30 and May 1. The X -L's captured both the kids (ages 11 and 12) and the bantam (13 and 14) division crowns at the championships. The X -L's won the kid team title over 23 other teams from as far away as Cornerbrook, Newfoundland while the bantams were the best of 26 clubs. A total of 41 t e a m s participated at the Canada E a s t championships. Four provinces — Ontario, Quebec, P.E.1. and Newfoundland — sent wrestlers. In the bantam boys' division, five X -L's captured gold medals in the various weight classes — Matt Grant in the 32.5 -kilogram class, Sean Martin at 48 kg, Jay Blain at 51 kg. Mike Harris (65 kg) and Stuart Everitt (76 kg). Winning silver medals were: Andrew Thomas (34.5 kg), Sean Martell (41.4 kg). Dave Persaud (46.5 kg) and Sean Fawcett (51 kg). 'Earning bronze medals were .GOLF Cars up for grabs at tourney at 5 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:30. Cost for golf, cart rental and dinner is $80. For dinner only, it's S40. Hole sponsorships are also available for S50. Call DRMA at 434-1412 for more information or an entry form. DURHAM - The Durham Region Manufacturers Association (DRMA) holds its annual golf tournament June 16. The event is being held at the Thunderbird Golf and Country Club in Ashburn (north V1'hitbv), with tee -off times between 9:30 a.m. and noon available. Ontario Motor Sales is sponsoring a hole -in -one hole and a duffer with an ace wins a new car. Attersley Tire is sponsoring another hole -in -one hole for a set of new tires. There'll be a raffle for a gas barbecue donated by Consumers Gas. A putting contest will be held WANTED: TICKETS FOR UPCOMING EVENTS eg. Leafs, Blue Jays 3 others Will Pay Cash at Face Value Call Bruce, 579.4400, Ext 207 tl�4A.S.M.B.A. BASEBALLwow South Durham Select Baseball League Tryouts For all ASMBA Registered Boy's Houseleague Players Date: Saturday, May 14 at 9:00 a.m. Mosquito (,born 1983-1984) at Roland Michner Public School Pee Wee (borr 1981 982, at Millers Creek North Ba7?a^ at Hermitage Park John Martin (41.4 kg), Pat Rossi (51 kg) and Nick Lioktsis (54 kg). Matt Sullivan, Savvy Dees, Kent Martell and Adam Snow all finished fourth in the bantam boys' division for the X -L's, while Brad Ballinger, Brad Jamieson. Ron Boucher and Jeremy McGaffin placed fifth. Six -place finishers were Mike Plowman, Justin Jones, Drew Henry and Mike Gondosch. In the bantam girls' category, Alana Wagenaar (57 kg) and Amber Martin (60.5 kg) both wrestled to g o I d medals. Kim Oke • and Sara Mackie managed silver medals, while Janine Miller won a bronze. In the kids division, four X - L's wrestlers — Josh Lumsden, David Williamson, Fraser Wallace and Chris Russell — pinned their foes en route to gold medals. Neil Reading, Eric Kailan, David Martin and Tony Yanuziello all won silver medals, while Blair Price, Jonathon Kirwin, Chris Reigert and Malcolm MacLea captured 'bronze medals. Eyeingthe ball Glendale Tennis Club president Scott Smith gets set to return the ball during an opening -day round- robin tournament at the club on Sunday. photo by Celia Bronkhorst TH91!IRVMt aov>Erwt�,+w»��► ff►!e�>� �� �TRpMPOLINE Snape snaps up medals at Elite Ontario meet PICKERING - A Pickering trampolinist bounced to a bunch of medals at the Elite Ontario and Provincial '94 Gymnastics and Trampoline Championships in Burlington last weekend. Ben Snapc. 15, a member of the Skyriders Trampoline Place in Richmond llill, won two gold medals, along with silver and bronze rnedals at the high - Calibre competition. Snape captured top spot in the double -mini trampoline event in the junior men's level. Ile won with a combined score of 12.6. His other gold medal came in the level 3 male synchronized event with partner Mathieu Turgeon. 14, of Markham. The pair posted a total score of 124.5, with their nearest competitor finishing well behind in second spot with a score of 90.9. The silver medal for Snape came in the level 3 synchronized mixed competition with partner Lvdia "Zanon. 13. of Etobicoke. They led the event entering the final. but a back injury hampered Zanon in the showdown, leaving the pair in second place. Snape clinched his fourth medal at the provincials with a third-place finish in the senior national male competition. Snape qualified as the first alternate to the Ontario senior men's team which will compete at the Canadian nationals in Burnaby, B.C. June 14 to 19. llow,cver, Snape is cxpected to compete as t,xo members of the team ,irc currently injured. He'll also compete at the National Age (iroup 'mals in Bumaby June 12 and 13. A solid performance there will guarantee Snape a spot on the national team traveling to the World Age Group Championships in Portugal in October. Snape will also vie for a spot on the national men's team at the second world trials in Burlington May 21 and 22. The world championships will be hosted in Portugal in October. e Ben Snape 3:1 :1 Lynn Taylor. 11, of Pickering also competed at the Elite Ontario meet on trampoline. She finished fourth with a score of 52.4 in the provincial juntot female category. IF x rq s ir Seaton Golf & Country Club !VW 9 Hole Scenic Executive Golf Course Gree- lees $': : G i,nc GS" , 'or 9 rows =ary Bea I W Pubic LBO Ken Fulton's MONDAY'S CHOICE GOLF CENTRE New tees (gass 6 artir a Uf) nors sea K& amts un Pat - 9am% Cages Pro shop - Lessors Gmd eedk for fire all VW '9iMNG N THIS AD FOR 110 OFF LARGE BUCKET' Mr} 02 a A"n ria.. Aim 427-0590 �► ■ berwooa Age. . Lal eAm ria. Twft webxm, I -well me Beeulihrl oak eenquet room BO's to hill course meals. '• - - J�OEgei �IEBIl�l7 Q00 G Try our great course! Special May offer $ *10 W 0 OFF weekday green fees with this ad Offer expires May 31/94 Call 686-1121 .:v "This Week's Feature" course's S20 booklet. which gives them a free green fee. In addition, you can play the course on weekoays before 9 a.m. and seven days a week after 3 p.m. for lust S29. cart included. Even though it's mature course, Seaton has all the modem golf goodies, including a top notch pro shop, a licenced bar, and two dining rooms which can accommodate almost any sae tournament. 'We cater to tournaments," Haynes says. "Mast of the Saturday dates are gone but we stfil have plenty of openings for the rest of the summer." Another distinct advantage of playing the Seaton Golf Course is its location, especially to Toronto. Centrally located just minutes from the 401, its a short drive from both Oshawa and Toronto. The Seaton Golf Course welcanes all its customers from over the years, and invites new golfers to the are to give the course a try as well. The dub professionals will be happy to answer any questions you may have either about the course or about your YoYou can contact the Seaton Golf Course at 683-3822. The Seaton Golf Club has stood the test of time. Since its opening in 1954. the course has been one of the area's favorites. it still 6, after 40 years of operation. Located on Brock Road North (north of Finch), in Pickering, Seaton has aged very well. In fact, its age is one of the best features of the popular 18 hole, 6.018 yard lay -out. It's not an overly long course, but ifs a challenging and scenic one that Durham area golfers have enjoyed since its opening. 'The course really hasn't changed very much in 30 years,' says assistant pro Stat Haynes. 'For a public course we're In as good a shape as many private courses are. It's a very mature course and we've got some 100 to 150foottrees on the course, too. It's a great course to Seaton is actually a semiprivate course that has about 300 loyal members. You can also pay as you play too, of colrse n&vid W green fees are $225 on weekdays and $30 on weekends. Godeers can also take advantage of the TRIP OUR NEW DRMW RANGE PlMWE A WAV LOSM UM AKLE MERSIfPS AT 1913 RATES "LIC; WELCOME SPECIAL SENOR RTES (56 ph6) -TOURNAMEKSA • BANOt1ET FACILMES (Cep. 2001 • FULLY STOCKED PRO SHOP Awe &AN101114 eDEER -11VW!Z Ko�, GOtlaa.us Premium public, no twwnents 18 'rely &awging' holes. Starting ones booked UP to one week in advance. Cww marshaled daffy. Alember" available! 427-7737 ` BPickering rock Rd. N. (North of Fid+) SPRING SPECIAL $20" Booklet gives you •FREEmm"intorae "M . • p� lat' "you p Coil_ t m;; for more i dornation .^ GF\ CED -QRS GOLF CLUB The perfect MnK for your of tournament specializft in lortpe Moore picturesque por 72 course • t.arpe banquet facilities, blurs, showers a saaoa Call now for your COMPANY TOURNAMENT 294-4457 You have a chance to MAIL TO: Golf's Finest I c/o Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser P.O. Box 481 Oshawa, Ont. L1 H 711_5 INMI a Green Fees NAME I(weekly Draw) I ADDRESS ' • 2 For 1 Golf Card NEW NEW SUN .(weekly Draw) POSTAL CODE PHONE: PAGE 36-A.MKI IWAIMMISEf,MM MAY IL 104 C� UFF JUICE COOLER 1.14 L BtYI'I'L,F- o SARA LEE FROZEN CAKES 369 g PACKAGE • 5 ALIVE BEVERAGE b%.- 355 mi. T av ,.OUT F•A., , MINUTE MAID FROZEN • PUNCHES • LEMONADES 355 mL TIN to .ORE3� _,APPLE 1 eJ2 L JT4G LSSY'S ASSORTED PINEAPPLE 540 mL TIN arms "THE FOOD TERMINAL" SHOO BY TIE Across -the -Board Specials available gA51(ET6SAVE . � . PR/CE SA INGS until Saturday 10 p.m. ®' $ZOO DEPOSIT SHAMPOO PLUS CONDTl'IONER •2W mL •300 mL ®oT['lE *SHAVE GEL OR CREAM • DEODORANT STICKS •AFTER SHAVE ASSORTED S+ PICKERING DURHAh1 r---------------- 1 GENERAL MLLS CEREAL 1 HONEY NUT CHEERIOS 1 rte 9 BOX 1 COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOSING _ -- 1 HAL5TUi PUMMA •� � � I . 1 1• BUICEUM BIEND 1 •ICIEU31 S E CHEM 1 J kg BAG 1 COUPON VALID UNTIL CLOSING FUL ----f-2 L ATS MAY -4S4--- STORE �- --------------------- CHRISTIE BROWN CO. 1 1 pPRFL� 1 1 1 CB � ,RS 1 1 1 1 COUPON VALID LINT IL CLOSING THE NEW ADVEMSMW M, MAT 11,1!"f"=37 -A f KELLOGG'S CEREAL • RAISIN BRAN 1 800 9 BOX • MI%Wt�ATS WUPOM VAL ID UNTl ClO6NCL%47 M01444 INSTOREPIETAILUM PACE 31116A TIM MEws ADvEiCi ism wED„ mAv it, im Own" Mases Quality - advertise both Oshawa -Whitby This Wwk (576=5) and Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser 0198.7672) Combined Pressrun d 104,500 every Wednesday Combined Pressrun of This We:e':':"*""`:lk':.. 127►;► l tr1r►�r�Q� •X.: 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax - 0 100 Careers 100 Careers 100 Careers Start Your Training Today! 6 1 graduated in 6 months, instead of having to study for 2-3 years. I -yen . J...J­l to go to Toronto N n.x, of tiu.­ .I ova, auee I warned to Rpt to -(" 31 .e Lire as ", tale I d.dn't in .drool for Iwt. ", thrre• wars Al T,N ,nto S. hoot 111 ova+read` ever th,• wcxkpla.r .n lust .$•'north.' Choose From Our Exciting Career L)Pw s: IPA `1 COW1.TER 9' 51%ESS WORD ACCOV%TI%C i PIOGiAMMI%C L Q-41%1ST .4T101 PROCESSNC COMPLTERS SYSTEALS &%ALYSIS FCAL �Ec IF- All kSS15 OE1 AMtCC4TIOtiS I KA%kGEMf%1 I tr FI fLSAI MKROCOMPLTEIIDETA;CHAIRSIDE `TtAsili MCUMI ELKTIOMCS A5SISTA%T TMItISM SECWAP ,you may qualify for Finandal Assistance. Can and Inquire. TORONTO • • • : The PICKERING CAMPUS Practipf T 1450 KkW* M Iltd-, 1' Choice! 420-1344 M - 576-9335 - W3-7363 . : Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. till 5:00 P.m - 100 camrs 100 careers 110 General Help 110 General MP 110 G"Wral Help FINELLE COSIV= IDdcllp 101 990-919 to tliiit nes n Ing fat /rawinp ��El18nor c 2 CASINO STAFF NEEDED High earning potential $10/hr., full/Part-time many positions available. Training available. CRUISE SHIP JOBS Earn $300-$900 weekly year round position. hiring menm omen. Free mornlboard, will train. Call 1-504.641-7778 Ext C10024.hrs. CAREER SESSION WEDNESDAY, MAY 18,1994 6:00 TO 8:00 P.M. Success in real estate sales requires proper training and management support. We guarantee it! Learn more about how you can make it to the top at our next CENTURY 21eCareer Session • no experience required, Just ambition! Call for a reserved seat. CENTURY 21 BRISCOE ESTATES LTD. (905) 839-2121 Each otic• is independerttty owned And operated Feud fyrpbyrrw,t OPPO's' ! Fashion consultant mill •r sidwat af�erietlae Establish Hour owls Nistnem, en"Ing the t-enefiu of fieuble hour and an excellent income. )oin the Canadian le2der in the homy frihion indus7n CUL We01TICE: 1-800-4163-1672 .4"'j,:. Andre•nitena.1WPSI ,:Relance 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 105 Tral reer 110 General Help 90DGERS SCHOOL TRUCK DRIVER TRAIIRIC CLASSA. B, C 0. FA 2 One To One Trainr'g FREE I11OVt .Y SEI9hARS CNN M Ibwrwa-- AiAx 80&403 -MG erToRomm 25$4m uMT 8 CAIEIIOt.E604364ar C FALA?6&4 stn TOLL FREE 110 GeMW Help ADULT CARRIERS defn►WANTED 4 Fit's. Il Sats. V*A requied vid valid WORK a HOME EARN top To s1,00111mmt • Easy ■0-k • Start owedtwly For fres dmils sand S A. E. b Five Star Erdaroporlisn. PA Suite 313, Ptc Orttl/YdM3 ALASKASUMER JOBS salmon fishing and anneries. Earn up to 30,000 in 3 months, Most Vint; eN>eraft per- Frog wwl 504-646-20M text ;478 urd 10 pm. 7 its. TIM 1119101 a UCC Etpa6ale vie tsars rtP"m w 11:1113111111: We are accepting applications for the following positions: • General Labourers • Cafeteria Help • Factory Workers • Transportation Preferred • Safety Boots Required Previous applicants need not apply. Please apply in person to: ■ The Minacs Group Inc. la■■ 71 Albert Street, Oshawa l:Thursday. May 121h c a.m.-11 a.m. & 1 p.m. 3 p.m. ASHBROOKS "ULTIMATE SOURCE IN BED & BATH" Expanding bed and bath store is iooiung for AGGRESSIVE CAREER MANAGEMENT/TRAINEE Suaysstul candidate should have retail management experience. Transferability an asset. Ashbrooks provides excellent advancement opportunity and benefit package. Also SALES ASSOCIATE POSITION AVAILABLE Apply in person with resume: 1755 PICKERING PARKWAY, PICKERING L1V GK5 (no owne cars pease; STUDENT WORK • full and part time positions no door to door or telemarketing $11.00 to start $9000 in scholarships awarded annualy All majors may apply Openings M Oshawa, Wh toy, Pickering and Ajax 666-4660 FULL-TIME HAIRSTYLIST WANTED SB.00/tu. to start + commission. Benefits. Birthdays off with pay. Phone 683-3650,ask+f`or J THINKING ABOUT A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE? CALL DAVE THOMPSON Saks Manager Century 21 Briscoe Estates Ltd. 1905) 428-2121 120 Office Help RECEPTIONIST Part-time required for evenings and weekends. Must have excellent communication, typing and telephone skills. Please deliver resume personally to TRECO REAL ESTATE LRATED Atin.: Susan 1400-11 A Bayly St Pickering No phone calls please. Previous applicants need not apply. PART-TIME OFFICE HELP Bookkeeping and computer exp. an asset. Flexible hours. Scarborough Office. Please call Dean 416-297-M9 ACCOUMT Fl"WabtelWWS once. expenenoed. Mauro Per eon reoured- For ApUMN:IW- irt4WH4by area. Appty Fib 07011. P.O. Box 481. Osnawst. Ont. LIN 71.5 PSI 794) OF you an 6094 or a simple npa'ent or separated or dvormd with three year• Mork sWenence. you may Dually I r frnanca aesstance or I you as over 4S and have —*My been Ind 0-M. you may qualry for train - Ing Ing assistance. DIPiCERT- Law, Wordperfect. D -84110 - Word. Accpae. Bedford. Autocad. Ventura, Pagwrob-. Harvard. Corel. Computer Programming and Systems Anslylat. Cdlol Pascal and C. Phdoshop. Ouank Express and Iluwator. Durham eeriness Cornptmsr College. 127-3010. 130 sales PAXI"A STORE available. Autot:ad Oralliq o" Rifteboak PfCMeOrg 091MMgt" Door t�y Sones FX- call" 11109,299.4091794) SALESPERSON etaim.eand ApPlicaotloass perlertce an anal Pur cd ELVERIENC110 it* aqM aid�y � e -tip. rtegrlred appeoxirtttWy 20- swat' plttpar ad tooeptaoA*Ndtr*AWiKUIL rm tips. Pregssloaal tralaing moons per wok to hep bugtaran I 6SdeliatHiBasdtw available. Guaramted job pl•ce1�- 435$190.4053194) fatly ova Awtaadsritg and mtetd praparatbn IItMt hat's above averap trlllt d Two teachia0 positions It1••d dar■Mk dOL Looelad er itclow. available. Autot:ad Oralliq o" Rifteboak PfCMeOrg 091MMgt" Door t�y Sones FX- call" 11109,299.4091794) plowft etaim.eand ApPlicaotloass perlertce an anal Pur cd ELVERIENC110 it* aqM aid�y � e -tip. Ron Durhamt Business Ce} ad Isr/ntfaiam for VAOtkrMa at mes and aerobic iewudas, 279• A 427-3010. (0611304) OMtama Cnmrs. 72"M adv VENOINfi conparty t1eg11iM IN Comma•. 4061294) 428-9768 bondable route service and EARII over 91000tweddy frau a" person Wren be highly home. Fre supplies. ire YO'B glue yourself the Y� natwated sale starterwith details. Seen S /IS.E. to: ----• --• -r_.. 0. 1 c-..-.-,... 9%7-%aweanomnela % Day Get of al. c� a Oleeover To r y CARPET cWrnr needed for '--------'--- ---- --- - --- 1051304) %—) wlVaea „p,l gkL Sans trawl $t'il'ed Or.. Pidterktg. Ow. Ltx 2X or PM060-2221L 1051304) Durham anit. p110"Ir r 411111M Reply I* File 07010. P.O. Ban LAOIEi Hee Club 011*11W W mus have one ger enperlerroa 491. Oshawa. OnL. LIN 71.9. mes and aerobic iewudas, in eorp•t and aphabwy •Mtn (061794) =Mad. Abe required. a" 135 Skilled Help clearing. Mw hom your one 998-01.0. BEAUTY Salon requires rep's. previous previous direct sales equipment. Call licensed stylist In Whitby. eglerlance. 9964510. (061794) E you -les 9•lr9•r kWuwy Salaryicominission. Ongoing and � Call Khania 5762512 120office Help dead sake, we n� (• bkl Fax resume b (1106) 50W LABEL Press Operator 0605- (051794) required, Flow expaisnoe an ' PAYROLL - Durham Region. CLASS •A• urlk d0mrs, part awek wiling to wain R you ham Temporary assignment* npr tine unll October. Cali 906-637- ~ aperlanc e. For irervins. lend to hrllpert tires ptlsMiotts. 5151. (051294) please call 905-579-9119. 24-32 Ire. per week, nkat be WANTED - 30 individuals to pr. (061794) flexibleand Roel Bank. Fperform rWW � it C Yeip•la b a ON" group nitaN LOCAL tx,tit otAlta t0-■ IttYg and Excel Experience. Please W190 Io bee wight. FREE. Cal Must have own car. For ame 199.2122 or 698.5050 (Oshawr Iraerview. place cal 819-0869. Its resume to Nanry Key. brat 11161111 ov e n „�, RIEww �Call p kbM Whf�Y) Or. 420-4220 4Ajax/ MaWay and Tupdgy. 9 ani. -9 . Mina" T. 905-837.5000 5. 3g4)� 4 430-9767.(051204) Picke•^O. 06120) p- (061394) ng Office. Please send resume Dental to: Dr. Daemi. 112 Athol St., ARE you a Mrs. Doubtlre? Do ring to babysil 6 months and up. $200. WHitby• Ont. ON 3Y9. Westney/Hwy s2. (905) 683- you love children, are you 8576 (051394) IP"i paralamed 110 HEALTH SERVICES IMMEDIATELY REQUIRES Home Support Workers', Certified Health Care Aides, RNs and RNAs for Private Duty and General Duty shifts. Please contact us at: (905) 433-7600 or 1-800-463-3965 Ecual Opportunity Employer reliable? l you have answered ' -yes" to these questions, please DAYCARE in my home, las d THE NEWS. ADVVER'T•LSER,,WV p,, MAY 11,1914-PAGE30-A, 130 salesAgnts Help 135 Skilled Help 16065 Telephone 420.0330. (051194) 21 Flea Market 220 ZZV 220 free, learning, all -basement or yours. Cal 427-2900 leave playroom, walking distance to message. (051594) Four Seale For,ale for Sok gALESPEOPLEllES=ATORS WANTED - air conditioning/ hea ding mechanic for service DURHAM Professional Horne Day Care needs with PICKERING - experienced ONE counter top dishwasher. FRIDGE, gold, $95. Stove. 1S' Diamond Bads Ascent. ex- two $500. 434- PATIO Doors Thermal King required with � Instalall Must haw own people pycod sense of humour who home day care for ages /2 =60 and venial air conditioner, 3 8000 BTU's. almond, years aid, $195. cadent condition, 051794 Thermy Guard and Vinyl Guard. 'TAXES buyand retailer- You must be van and bola• Call 619.6991. loves children 10 do daycare n morphs to preschool. Learning.used seasons. Lar luxuryhouse, 4 1/2 x 5098. ( ) 399 to $1049. tonal dependable, outgoing and (051294) their home in the Aiax/Pickeirrtg Crane. stories and �y walks Cal 839.6367. (051194) 6250.619 1664. (051194) 6 f $175. Pdoigrfect condition. Please call 7251462. (05/2%) AJAX Pickering Apef used. - N fully INCLUDED". That's yforght. pr's no Best lois BEST positive- Earnings Of $3.000 - i4D00 a month k proven tot AUTOMOTIVE Painter wanted area Call 905-509-1207. (051194) EXPERIENCED reliable AIR Toner, exercise machine, brand new. $200 o.b.o. 420- reasonable often refused, FUTURE Tanning Bad. 26 lamp, Cuaranteed. Reconditioned misprint quality PRICES. Cash b Carry. Call performers. All appointments for busy Oshawa shop. Must be provided, sales ex- fully experienced. Cal 579.4000 PART tirrte/ful time nanny (live daycare, includes crafts, 7348 leave message. (051394) excellent condition. For salon or appliances. Come make us a 427-6784. 467 Westney Mon Fri, 9.8 p.m. 623-9493 or 725e537. (060594) and training p erience an asset, but not or apply at Wilson Rd- S. out) for two year old. Available playroom, tanked yard and he. lunches. References available. FREE to good home. Female, 6 Home use. Also 4 h. neon spin deal. reading 'TANNING-. Call lois Rd. S. A)ai . (TF) necessary. Car amust- Mr. Oshawa (05139x) Zeman 428'2010. (052094) to shift work, (days/ewnings). Possible overnight, weekends. South Westney, Rd. One year sears, male. 5 years. dec awed. Daded and neutered. indoor information, 905-683.0499. DC418LE Ultramafic ped with 3 CLOCKPIANS /Tremendous SavingsR ^Annual EXPERIENCED heating and air Experience preferred. Referee• and up. 686-8719. (051194) cats. Must go owner has (051294) positions and vibrator. $495. classroom piano sale. H Medial Udrlditionirlg technician rweded OW for Oshawa duce. Call 721- des a must. 8396761. (051194) DAYCARE available in my allergies. Please call 837.0341. EVANA Top Sol - wholesale o.b.o. 427.9975.(051194) Pianos, rent to own, apt. size. 150 Dental 8195 for interview. (051794) LIVE irvoutnanny required. First horte• child CPR and First Ad courses taken. South ax area. AI (051594) and retail, screened and SHEDS - quality barn style shredded. Triple mix, brick sand, 8x8 5549. upright, grand. digital. keyboards CLOCKS - (free Y Ad. CPR an asset. Experience with young children. Canadian Cal Alicia. 683-6545. (051594) A ArtICIeS /O sheds, bwtt on site used railroad ties. Also cedar GST nciuded, d5play as Lym• dei -very and set up). Telep EXPERIENCED dental asps- 150 Mos Medical tantireceptiorust tot non amok- p• references please. 420-7444 alter 6 p m (051194) DAYCARE available in my home responsible mother want L For Sale and other nursery stock avail- bird Lumber. Kingston Rd., Pick able at discount prices. Paving at ng or call 905.509-x967. Piano Works, 433.1491. (TF) WEDDING gown, stunning ng Office. Please send resume Dental to: Dr. Daemi. 112 Athol St., ARE you a Mrs. Doubtlre? Do ring to babysil 6 months and up. $200. WHitby• Ont. ON 3Y9. Westney/Hwy s2. (905) 683- you love children, are you 8576 (051394) IP"i paralamed 110 HEALTH SERVICES IMMEDIATELY REQUIRES Home Support Workers', Certified Health Care Aides, RNs and RNAs for Private Duty and General Duty shifts. Please contact us at: (905) 433-7600 or 1-800-463-3965 Ecual Opportunity Employer reliable? l you have answered ' -yes" to these questions, please DAYCARE in my home, las d call 837-5050. (051394) TLC, Finch/Dixie area. WANTED - daycare provider la Telephone 420.0330. (051194) two boys. ages 2 3 5. Ap. 10 years experience, smoke plecroh/Lester B. area My home free, learning, all -basement or yours. Cal 427-2900 leave playroom, walking distance to message. (051594) Lakeside school. Wesineyl 165 Day Care 165 Lakedriveway. 683-6679- HEAVY dui washer, $200. Y 433-2155. Monday-Fnday, 29 Ggas Rd.. Coun ce, Trucks. 205 Firewood 401 V W TES Rd daycare. any tools mrsc building materials, age, low rates. Fuivpan Ime, CPR trained, daily outings, ROKA LUMBER & 112 PRICE SALE Natural Wicker Dresser, 6 drawers. NEW 13500 Natural Wicker Etagere - Glass Shelves NEW '1990 SLEEPMASTER LTD. 895 Sandy Beach Rd., Pickenng 831-1315 stones. Cal 430-4733 or even- (052494) Ahsa Marc design. Size 10-12. Ings 428-2870. (051794) DRYER, Admira: 3 cycle, brand Shactung t;oo, ',ength with 7PCE. Irving room set. A-1 After ne+ newer used. 3275. After 6 used. detachable 3 metre train, portrait conditcn. asking $700. Cali m. 905-5r 1051 P_ neckline trimmed wrtn Shantung 905-668-7328 evenings. -_--- roses and pearls. Asking 5850 (051794) CONTRACTORS Yard Sale. Call (805) 9859104 (05',794) HEAVY dui washer, $200. Y 433-2155. Monday-Fnday, 29 Ggas Rd.. Coun ce, Trucks. CARPETS - lots of carpel, 100% Electric dryer, $1 75. Fr Gold tools mrsc building materials, onion, new stain caries. Winne, side -by -sole. 1350. God used wmdows. (051294) 3 on nanC, i will carpet 3 rooms. carpet 30" stove. $150. Apartment size sand filter. 1HP moor. etc Cal OAK. -PINE FURNITURE - Why $349 Pince 'rad. carpet. Ireezer. $175. Call 432.7565. FABRIC vemcals with balance. premium pad. expert (051394) 77 wide by 84- bng. $69 84" 'nstanatan. fast del very. tree NEW Nikon Camera. 35mm. AF- wide by 84" bng. 589 Umer es; mates 13C yards) Norrnar. -ate F-8C1S. N:KKOR tenses. AF- sizes available. Cal 428-0937. 68lr G5319x 50mm. AF-75-300mm, tele- (0517941 SPRING water cooler, $150. photo. AF-28-70mm wide angle. 1988 Springbok, 14'6- Deep V. Commercial microwave Oven. speed lite. SB -24. Tanvac car. 30HP, ,johnsor and Iraer. Front 5200. High q„al�+y cusnion $200 lunches and snacks Call Mary, 1 FIREWOOD CENTRE JBD Sora e,, 10C y gal 400 Ing case, 51850. 428-8062- casting Cock with OX seat. chain. $45 each Deluxe bul- 8396812. (051594) 4 X8 x 12• j60.00 hose. Honda engine. $1100. real (Q51294) driver and passenger seat. ive Iain board. 280. Two cubic too DAYCARE - WAney 4'x8 x16- 565.00 Dower. Bannerman. SHP, 5350. POOL Cbsecl Equipment, for wail two storage corroan•nents and transom saver. $460, o o.o office fridge. $125 Caen opposite Fairport Beach P.S. ESTABLISHED 1963 Poywaler tank. $325 U.S. Gal- sa.e. Kreepy Krawly, thermol 623-9107 (0517947 -eg,ster. S40C- Scales. S40C. Toledo 'OOC CPR trained. snacks. lunches. Days 705-277-338,Ions wrtn Dross valve, 5250. Cal corer and roller. laazzi filter etecrcruc scales. FUlupart time. Before/after �ings905-434-11665 683-2413. (051294) sand filter. 1HP moor. etc Cal OAK. -PINE FURNITURE - Why b. tapas-y. 51100. 726-2255 or 43C-7816. school. Call 837-2388. (05139x7 Free De CARPET - I have several 1000 M�5. (051794) P y D ' a rela l aces Ons oI T Ontario's oldest and largest f051194 ) BROCK, WY 82. Eric and Lindsay say Mrs B. s raring, does good crafts. makes alias soup. we love her. Thou mom says: A you want rreplaceabis care, I you want the next best thing to -YOU-!')on, give them tine best. give them Mrs. B. Call 9C5 - 6d6 -9710.1057594; I yards of new Stanmaster and DURHAM 0osoi - we deliver. • 2/'0 file cies Oshawa Area p T„ y, Sand man facturers s now sella 33 210 Flea Market Cra!;Srrvan Snowblower. 5HP, 23-. Only 20 hrs running toe. Sa50. Phone 839-22x7 - nylon carpet. nl carpet eal roam, pe a. - 9 aur living room and hall for 5299. Screenings. Gravel. Bag your direct 10 the pubic. Eq. Oak wanted Pace mdudes carper, pad and ✓nn ary product. S2'bag. 427. pedestal table wrtn cw ext. and nstalatcn. '70 yards", Stew. 0403- !C5 494) 4 W ndscr cnaas. $799 - 8' oak C-^ ,� : r .--�--e•.s. 705) 432-6244. (TF) STACKABLE apartment size In- 0ou01e pedeafai Uw ext. and 6 ;U.0 S-enng. opkicai rstrx-w-. LADY'S darnond ring, 1.09 Cit. 91,S waster and offer w•;n Fars 3'429 CannorcaA sleds. .ewei.ery- wa:cnes. Did Irma Clar4y S12 Cour t. Appraised, stand. $475 Call 619-6730 O+er 2C ear cnoces -all anC g•ass. anf,gw t rn.ture. $12.000 $ell $3995. 427-2668. fO5t5941 �'ti no veneers - Tradcona1 432-7678. 1053'94; w0odwork,ng. 9C5 905 8774 HOME �3 BUSINESS 4t, Ps7�s33s -SERVICES - 19&7b7z`� Business Gardening, Home Home Housecleaning Housecleaning Pod Pool Services Landscaping Improvements Improvements Maintenance Malrh!enance ILLUSTRATION, cartooning, �rapnic design, adverts�rq v4iness or personal. Reasonable raise. Also Wows availabre. Randy Timms, (905' ) 728 7055- (TF) TYPING available- Word processing, resumes. letters and reports. Dicta -typing. Peas. call 6a"504. (060194) WCII, -C. CPP Problems? Cal w C B. Ci Inc 1.1100-323- U42 ext. 39. (0609") Driving Schools 3 lessons & test "s Free pick-up 6 drop of 287-3060 7 darsAwalk K.A.C. Electric yryiflg Durum and 101 1 guaranteed. E. msrgency service. reasonable rates. Industrial, residential, oortvnerckal. Ken, 427-7412 or Kevin, 436-6594, (052794) Ca etln' - � g CARPET and Tlingit 00ori g, In hors shopping. guaranteed work. For tree eetintates, nal Sant (905) 432.2750. (06208) Gardening, _ Landscaping CLASSIC Landscape Design - � a!1 Y gardens, in i erlodkirg. Koller Idalures. dedW ye(ajni g kva s, Specialize in designs �r'r' No obligation to buy rr'aterals. Cer led Landscape hOmculturalisL (905) 668.7622 a 051 328-im 10Li2wi a r• 41' GARDNER'S TOPSOIL SPRING SPECIAL ROTOTILLINO TREE REMOVAL CLEAN-UPS, PROPERTY MAINTENANCE FREE ESTIMATES CALL ROB Ajax - LAWN MOWING - FERTILIZING - HEDGE/TREE TRIMMING - ROTOTILLING Quality Lawn & Garden Care 121 GRASS CUTTMt1G twow cmm Not 11:111111:8. ret For free estimate Car /ton or leave (�� 7!e•7l10 CONSTRUCTION Interior and exterior repairs, reravations and wrlstruction. Fast and dre�w, professonel work C.OP.E. Construction walarproollin uldtrpw+Mg ^tenor sir anor r.n,oddlrkq Free Eslntalas Al t.ork 837-2429 (905) 837-1858 Aro Uc 6724 VAZ GENERAL CONTRAcustom Homes. MHome Additions. Baths. Kitchens. Basements, Roots. Cramc Tiles Hardwood Floors, windows. Decks, Cal Justis. (905) 683.5818 M CoNSTNXTION Des, wipw interlock, wakoLts, bathrooms. atllfiAorts 8 basemerrs. ALL trrM G ARANTEED CALL AFTER 6 PA (905) 5714416 r (416) 5104005 ov iete u Norjo Enterprises Specializing in •$rd Enr.naht -ernss.e (.k.s+a.srvnrt) .Iso Deers Fax 634.2255 Phase 839-7205 Fite Consultation BASEMMM BATHROOMS, SECOND STOREYS ADO "v* Mfg 42&2145 ■000 pRIMCIm FtrraalDscks All wesltt ewww " Comm Ileo. 0N•i4if1 0111111! • !033000 BUDGET Pairing - lois aN your painng, interior and sawicr. Clew 20 years *Vwiros. No iib 10o sma1L Free eetimales- 721.1997 or434-1051•(051794) CARPENTRY, drywall Pry and decks. ret mom general horns repairs. Call Tommy at SABER Contracting - a 42081lJ5 (051994) carpentry, additions. renovations, kitchens, COMPLETE plumbing and bathrooms. home rrowdlerarM renovations. Emergency emergency service. furniture service, bathroom kitchen and refinishing, quality work basement re'r'oda8rg d work A 15 years CRAIG 686-1913 guarantee . e,parlance. flefl 5. (TFEFG) licensed, guarantee an Insured. Reasonable rates. Cal S.C.G. Construction Ltd. - SIGON Construction Ltd. for al John, 430-2754. OF) quality exterla and Interior hone repairs. addgipls. patio Moving, isnovialtiom cltel bias bars orb dlior&KWls. doors. sundecks. sc(een- enclosuenclosures.o' etc. Free estimaees, DRYWALL, taping, boarding, studs and T -bar ceilings. $Way wNorkmi guaranteed insured. Contact Gary M CeN 905.5765760. (052494) stucco, plaster repairs. For and 0964. (TF) Wolf F D" Rer ovasiwr Ltd. professional service at cortpmt- five Call BYI al 432-8409. Baserrlents, carpentry. Custom prices. cabinets. dryreefing. flooring. (TF) services, moves. appliance and ,- painting• fence and dock piano specialists, flat rate or psi, more. very reasonable rates- construction. Willer (9051 725 POLDOM Construction and Cal 571-3864. (051794) storage units. Now oft" free 5159. (051794) Renovation- Blocks. bricks, con- boxes with mow. Park and bad \ / ARTISTIC MasOnAry - sPac yyd- Crete work, fireplaces. Chimney's. docks. porches. Some works kw and Chimney Willi bridles, block- fences. kitchens, bathrooms. ceramic tiles. Paktnrtg a and storWsof all kinds. Free estimates, workmanship 'basements• hardwood flooring, drywall, 'Occasion. t puYanlNdCall Rans (0551794) Gervais, astim par" os 1 X10. wallpapering- Free GAILLIND MAD SERVICES SPRING SPECIAL Three bec•oc- 'fomes '-or' $39 X Fok., bedroom Homes !,or- $45 Free dean rg w ;` cook Ns of wee" or or-weewk service E%u.,e'or details Ca- ^5 'or your Home w-,1 oe-sonal zec and o►oiess"i service for over a eecace A Fully balcec a -C rsurf:C} 583-7515 GARDON POOL and SPA COMPLETE POOL SHIVM _-0 ,0 $17.Q "47154 471.7916__,. Painting, Decorating Bergli12 l ii Pk MDIBRABI kW%16 6 SYSTeas we ori Ir1011t aribm Commerna) or ntln +ps and bowaiaaes Sema a Trial monigh discounts. Free esti on. HARRY -0 -THE -MOVERS - move big or small, we price prem all Free estimates. seniors discount, short notice moves. pianos moved. Comparable rates. Cal 432.2850. (TF) DECORATIVEW GIVE YOU HOME A FRESH NEW LOOK! FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING ale WALLPAPERING NEEDS CALL CHRIS AT 619-0747 FREE ESTIMATES! GREAT PRICES! MEN 1h lar a truck will 0o L TMS Palriirg i Decor Irrtenor di Exterior European VYorkrnansttip. Fast c18an rel" Service. lunl Lettuce help. 839.7057 or 728.8334. (TF) - RAae1T wants work doing (magic for tl ... s lawdes and SA occasions, haw my own ttrrrigiciarr Call Ernie, 066.4902- I(TF) Roof•ilng Starting from $100 per sq. ft. Call for details 686-8449 we g household novas, residential. Commercial. All types of moves - Call Carl or Jane. 427.2856. Private Tuitions, Window Cleaning (TF) Schools "' MICHALSKI Moving - houses. apartments, 011ices, appliances TUTOR fon OAC phyte &r4 DURHAM Window a n d and piano specialists. Free OAC Caloukre, 16.10 Science by Eavestrou h Cleaning. wardrobe service, licensed, certH)sd teacher. Available Residential. Phone betwert 5-8 insured. Free estimates. Call no" and ssesbrlds. Cal Jim, p•m- (905) 697.1055. Freie 728-1620. fTF) - $19.16" owl?") - sutrrutes. (OSt39y Pwml ling I Batfroorm, floors. kidwls, golf sin diShwashem, reirlovaborm, r�epelf$. Free Es rfallest i Please cd 4V -s662 Jourropm PIUiAK No job orilts/ o silts/- Fa cf►ts, wasMOoms. reek berg. Ole. Any renovation or ad*m Daytime: 42r-4209, Ham: 427909. Ask lex Tom. Window Cleaning WINDOW CLEAN NIG • Hand polished • EXterior A interior • Discount for storms • Work guamiew For free estirnate call 683.7458 INTERIOR a:4 ea:erior painuvg QUALITY house G.eanng - and war papering tot good phots and good work. Cau Mel. Moving, privately by two ladies. 9 years 0xper, ince. excellent gage 576-6553.(C5779x1 reftrences, guarantee PROFESSIONAL Panting a sat stact cin, out -as include AJAX Moving Systems - fuk Wal,paperin9. No pp too Small. fridge. stove ins de out, loons services, moves. appliance and call anytime. 430-2595. (TF) washed• no mop used arc many piano specialists, flat rate or psi, more. very reasonable rates- hourly. We now have heated • �' �l Cal 571-3864. (051794) storage units. Now oft" free Services boxes with mow. Park and bad Moving, special. starting at $99 and up. Some Cal for information. 427-0005- MAGICIAN, clown friends. ready, Paktnrtg to entertain tot any age, any 'Occasion. Birthdays, Fiqp Decoratin promotions, openings, fundfamers. Magic shows an Bergli12 l ii Pk MDIBRABI kW%16 6 SYSTeas we ori Ir1011t aribm Commerna) or ntln +ps and bowaiaaes Sema a Trial monigh discounts. Free esti on. HARRY -0 -THE -MOVERS - move big or small, we price prem all Free estimates. seniors discount, short notice moves. pianos moved. Comparable rates. Cal 432.2850. (TF) DECORATIVEW GIVE YOU HOME A FRESH NEW LOOK! FOR ALL YOUR PAINTING ale WALLPAPERING NEEDS CALL CHRIS AT 619-0747 FREE ESTIMATES! GREAT PRICES! MEN 1h lar a truck will 0o L TMS Palriirg i Decor Irrtenor di Exterior European VYorkrnansttip. Fast c18an rel" Service. lunl Lettuce help. 839.7057 or 728.8334. (TF) - RAae1T wants work doing (magic for tl ... s lawdes and SA occasions, haw my own ttrrrigiciarr Call Ernie, 066.4902- I(TF) Roof•ilng Starting from $100 per sq. ft. Call for details 686-8449 we g household novas, residential. Commercial. All types of moves - Call Carl or Jane. 427.2856. Private Tuitions, Window Cleaning (TF) Schools "' MICHALSKI Moving - houses. apartments, 011ices, appliances TUTOR fon OAC phyte &r4 DURHAM Window a n d and piano specialists. Free OAC Caloukre, 16.10 Science by Eavestrou h Cleaning. wardrobe service, licensed, certH)sd teacher. Available Residential. Phone betwert 5-8 insured. Free estimates. Call no" and ssesbrlds. Cal Jim, p•m- (905) 697.1055. Freie 728-1620. fTF) - $19.16" owl?") - sutrrutes. (OSt39y Pwml ling I Batfroorm, floors. kidwls, golf sin diShwashem, reirlovaborm, r�epelf$. Free Es rfallest i Please cd 4V -s662 Jourropm PIUiAK No job orilts/ o silts/- Fa cf►ts, wasMOoms. reek berg. Ole. Any renovation or ad*m Daytime: 42r-4209, Ham: 427909. Ask lex Tom. Window Cleaning WINDOW CLEAN NIG • Hand polished • EXterior A interior • Discount for storms • Work guamiew For free estirnate call 683.7458 PAGiE 40 -A -THE NEws ADVtF.rmsm, WED., MAY it, t"4 ,230 W" 260 Nu & cnns 260 Arts & c:im 260 Ari & craft WA P 260 Ar 400 APF"rRRent & � NTEO AP DANCES - work- ing or not. Fridges. stoves. mOurY washers, dryers. Also wanted,onrearl pickup trudt, 1985 or newer.66Reasonable. (905) 427-90. Fro `0514' 260 Arts &crafts .5th Annual Spring Country Collectables CEAAh4,CVA; :;, ErSE - 00. ng 10, new and exciting pieces of ready to decorate bis4..e"' V.sil us •very Saturday 10-3 D m. 1333 Boundary FIC 93. Oshawa ;or P%liv titumay, act= fto- CAW Hal). 725- 6'79 280 Lost 8 Found _..- ..N_• i '.0 ma • cat lot C Je:l a^c '..--pow: area. War 3 W -x lC like thave curl mine REWARD. 686-2266 l05! 55.1 290 Pets -Supplies - Boarding SaWas 77SH .f •'b a•as and to inax"..v- nn. 1:rst needs. vet crocked. csnewo $9CC firm Cali 434-9069 (051794; TFWNNG for you aid yaw dog. Loam The Moovaarona Method in our new trairwng facilites- For more rsoma[ron. P'eaee con - No err of our friendly etaft at -Classic Touch' Obedience Training. (905) 61P0664. (TF) OSHAWA Obedient• Association. Fun. mrinvions log training classes begins Soon- Puppy and advance Cas- co& with hndv.duat attention. Smarr class•• ghNrarned. Cal Bev to pre egaer. 435-ONA (0524941 & Craft Show and Sale May 14 & 15,1994 Sat., 10 am - 5 pm & Sun., 11 am - 4 pm Bowmanville High School One block North of HWY #2 on Liberty St. � --- Adults: $2 Seniors: $1. Chidren tinder 12 FRE Door Prizes Info: (905) 985-1616 (905) 985-0572 Automobile Automobiles Automobiles Automobiles 300 For Sale 300 For Safe 300 For Sale 300 For Sale lea? Dodge Omni, auto. 4-_---_----- ROTTWEILER Pupo-es. cylinow. 2.2L. cis.. PC- annual 330 Trailers registered CKC. males and rust chock. only 71.000 kmt.. lemeaxes, tanrwty raced. tr'endly amvtm SL-- P~ co'c o41n 1964 Tonace 30 h. *Mops 10. and heathy. Big boned.9tr"un inside and out Non smoker. seasonallipainowt Dfor. nhr• lees. $5(0. Phone 472-8224 $2500 confect Cal •veniregs, nate and dock, extra "It- fM1794) (9c5)427-1818 (051791) defrosting +nope and shed. force - ye possession. p ng plaza, bus. laundry. 725- 1866 Ods Frranz& hate hDacL ly park hug* lit. Call for mon FREE to good hone. 3 year old gra, tabby chow cit. nouterea. excellent condition*certified. information- $8000. (905) 725- 3991. (051794) has all shots 683-1085. $2500 fern, Cal afar 6 p.m 668- (051191) 1656 (05179/) FREE to good thorn*. v~ year 1966 Pontiac SuriWd. 171.000 old tomato Lassa, all shot$. kine.. 4 door. auto. amrlml stared A.K-C. spayd- Cam 1405-504 radio. ora owner. good running 4978. (051591) condition. Candid. $1350. 905- 00 you dog and yard a tovokr. 420-6571 (051791) Use the now o n iconmentally friendly DOGGIE DOOLEY WASTE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. 9 - Q. 7 daysnreetL Cam 7215413 or 434-8782. (TF) 300 AutomobFor e 1991 Rodeo. fully loaded, 70.000 kms.. s- Pb., ado. M. cruise. low.. p0.. aiii stereo cassette. tinted Windows. rtes• traitor ho h. running boards. bur screon. Asking $16,500. Cam offer 6 p.frL 725.6325. (051794) 1966 Frttly, 4 door aJiometic, excellent condition, $2500 cended. 1985 Buick Electra wagon. loaded, excellent shape, $2500 certified. R a G Auto Centre. (905) 420-1389. (051194) 1988 Plymouth Horizon, 4 cylinder, auto. 4 door. HB. FS ­ lob., no rust. one owrw. in good running order. To be Codd *d with purchase. first $2200. Trade in considered. 43$-7014. (05179$1 1988 Reliant, 4 door. auto, Spotless. 66.700 kms.. factory waranty, $3650 Candid. 623- 1463. 231463. (051794) 19a8 Taurus wagon, 7 passenger. Ps.. pb., air. AmOm Cassano, only 44.000 kms.. im- maculate condition. Asking $7000. 839-2309 after 5 P.M. (051294) 1997 112 black Jaguar XJS with TWR package. 93.000 kms.. $19.000 cenf'd. 905.2632555 day or night. (0513") 1987 Chew Nova. 4 floor. 5 Sp96d. excesert condition. OW - sloe 53000.426.8291 (051194) 1963 SunWd. 4 door, auto. Ps.. ATTRACTIVE 35 h. Travel Liner. Dark - . completefy furnished. two pule outs. factory made ado -a -room with skylight covered porch. storage shed. 30 amp Power. sepbe Whk. good water on tap. For further Hormati n, 576.5095. (051294) pt).. I.K. 6114190. new Into. dean PARK ModoL new. on targe ale Car. So Certified. Wnda437sior in beautdut quiet family park Auld Salsa. (051794. 655 5437 dom but a twin. fumy tumished. a 655 9062. (OSt791) microwave. full kation- 3 pce. 11162 Chrysler LeBaron, new bath. Seniors welcome. 905 - fres. runs was but needs four 10 349.2%4.(061294) Certify. $350 tib o. 9958905 or Auto Parts & 985-3183. (051794) 1961 Pymoudi TO heldibadt. 34 Repairs 90.000 original kms., good DURHAM Region's at U-Fic•9 condam. airs rod. sum. $999 Shop and Perlofmtnm Cerus& condhec o b -o. 905428-1716. Auto PdK P*AOmnar" Dye f05t394) car and truck ooassormW tree, 11171• Cado*e Eldorado. while.custom whelk. trailer hfchcW custom exhaust work, 4x4 ore drkral must be seen. At sPecialiaL Bownorwiso, 697 - parts Changed. in matt olindition. 5555. (051294) Approx. 98.000 mile*. $7000 ob.o. (905) 68-x- (051394) LEJ►SE to own vW* **. 19ea355 Motorcycles 1985, $345 down. no irdeniat ro credit decks, 6867429. (TF) 305 Auto Wanted WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE CASH REWARD For Scrap Cars, Trucks KEN'S TOWING 283-6325 310 TnlCksSa 11N8 Isuzu Pickup. 180.000 kms., all highway, Oshawa - Toronto. Regular MMMT XW Flow battery, nuns great. Asking SMIXIL owlet". Cat 6704?51$. Ik OM RCYCLE INSURANCE 683-9725 PINE FUDGE Es1197i ItSUFtANt INSURANCE, open 9-9 by appointment, Monday to Saturday. Motorcycle. auto and, wry cpmpeltn , property rates. Over 20 years Sxperwm Cad (905) 427-35%. (051794) 365 marine, 12FT Aluminum Springbok, 5.5HP Johnson motor. both good condition. SOW. CAN (905) 8819665. 1061291) 365 marine 20FT What Cuddy. pupped for salmon fishing or fainly boating, tandem trailer. two tops. excellent condition. Asking $12.500.430.6672 (051794) 400 A° Four Ren AJAX - Harwoodminy a2 Two bedroom baserrert apavenett- laundry, utilities. close to schools. Separate entrance, ava4able now $675 'redusrve. 686-7692 leave message. (OS t 794 ) 400 A� ForrRR'en SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED BLUEWATER PARK WHITBY APARTMENTS 1 bedroom suites and 2 bedroom suites, in immaculately maintained building, broadloom, 3 appliances, pool. snooker tattle, games room, tennis courts. exercise room, laundry faalltles and covered perking. 101 Kathleen St. W. Mon. -Fri. 9-7 & Sat. & Sun. 12-5 571-3522 AJAX 55 FALBY COURT 2 bedroom apartment In family budding Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances. laundry facilities. saunas and exercise room, underground pa rig included call 683-6021 Mon.-Thurs. 9-8, Friday 9-5, Sat.Sun.12-5 400 AJAX - boNAM Oft bedFoofn apertic"NK neer home. private entrance, parking. Includes cow. uliaie*, appliances. ca., cv., $695. monthly. Non smoluera/pals or Children. 427- 7374.(051294) AJAX - one Of the niosr hast ment apartments. large one bedroom, gas fireplace, hardwood floors. table. parking. shared laundry. $700 Inclusive. Available June 1. 426-9790. (051794) CLEAN, bright two bedroom basement apaninei with siding door walkout. $600 Inclusive. Parking Included, lirst/last required. 404-0459. (051794) WESTNEY/HWY 82 - one bedroom basement afoarsrem, newly renovated. carpeted, available Immediately. private entrance. parking, c/a.- utilities included. No smoking/pets preferred. SW monthly. Call 428.6778 leave message. (051294) OSHAWA - three bedrooms. $699. Clean and large units. In- cluoes cable. heat, hot water, parking, new appliances. tenant pays hydro. 576-0973 or 404- 6222.(052694) TWO bedroom. north Oshawa in a clean 8 piex, fridge, stove. parking, available June 1. $650 n d Teleprwne 723./912 Wrokent. references, no PINS. wreak W -+-'Y• - r ..' ex- a-rrw„ -,-,.- - r..,.. FrsL'last. $725 rickrslve. 420- Fifst/test, references. $650 bath, all inclusive, air Con., 9510 (051794) lnckus^N- 839-7970 afternoons- parking, laundry, partly (051134) fumiew. No a itg. no pets. BAY Ridges, one bedroom basement apartment. $550 aft PICKERING . beautifully fur- Suits single student or inclusio. Fusulast. 8347054 nish•d bacoW apanmera in wort ngperson. $495 monthly. after 5 P. m. (051594) Whites ROJ401 area. private 837-0326 after 5 p.m (051391) ONE bedroom apartment in walk's Hastings. $450 monthly . HSH. Solt [antainild, trstlast. $550 A 0 Houses For dus+w. Suit working tentalo. 3 to choose from CLos• to ,. rt Reef Cas 831.7510. (051594) Apartments ONE and two bedroom apart- . y to. WHITBY . prime 10--. one WESTHEY Heights, Aiam. Two 400 For Rent menta in Oshawa. Central (051794) bedroom apartment available bedroom basement apaArtaM, locaixxh, it". stow. Carpet. Shop- WHITBY . bright one bedroom Mrrrhe0lalefy' Includes panting. fridge salve' $520 per month. FALBY COURT ye possession. p ng plaza, bus. laundry. 725- basement apartment, gully Can. 905-420 9650 or 6867870. 33 & 77 mai Ca968341623affair 6p•rr basement apartment, 4 neighbourhood. centrally 2642 after 5 p.m (051794) 2 & 3 bedroom apartments in family (051394) located, $5oo inclusive. Fns. BLOOR/SIMCOE -large two ani ehtranoe, dose to Go. I "" Message or call after 5 building. Air conditioning, broadloom, kitchen, jacuzzi tub, laundry last. References. No pets. Avail - able June 1. Cas 6663090 after and stove, a9 inclusive. $890 morhthly, available Jure 1. Call 2 appliances, laundry facilities and �'a9d Close us. BRIGHT tailed two bedroom aodirect 5 p m. (051794) evenings. (051394) Included. LrM AJAX - large 3 bedroom bun PICKERING • wry spacious 416-2215419. (TF) $650. FirsUlast. Available June underground parking 905-6970276. (051294) above ground basement S7 43 S$33. apartment. fireplace. own Laundry. own •rrcranCe, appian- 686-0845 weekdays des and parking. $575. per 8:30 4:30 month. � = 4,626si a.m. - p.m. 4) TWO bedroom apartment. loww lqui unit. laundry. LM1448 and Palk - ng included. Adela'derMary THREE o•Croom apartments AJAX - bright one bedroorn area $695 per month. FrsUlast .JaDle Juno and July. Church wakoa.i basement apartment. 4 Can John. 401-0307 or 430. St. and Hwy 62. Pisa" call 416 app!,ances.unl,tos rc'!.:CoO. 7134. (051794) 444-7391- (051194) groat vow $675 monlr!y. (9051 BACHEapartmentR apartment In No TWO bedroom apartment in 686-7694. leave message .^ HSmall all bright. full kast,ngs. Bnght and roomy. 4 smoker, no pots. Firstrlast. sae tinge and stove, kacren. 4 cite. bath, kitchen. Close to Available July 1. (051294) locie- Dan. Close t0 ii amenities stores and parks. etc $350 - 0S41AWA - two bodroo- apart Walk to stores and parks. 705- nbH. 705-6345816. (051294) mom avaaabe Fndge. Slay. 6345816. (0512941 OSHAWA - Small one bedroom parking and laundry included WHITBY - attractive t w o basementapartment, private $650 utilities included. Cat 725- io bedroom, spacious, Parking. entrance. 4 apouanoes. Parking. 0067. (051794) quiet buifQnp, now GO. Jure 1. c306e to OC. Ideal for student or WHITES Rd..40,, lar • two Large $795 inclusive. (416) 69115267. s.ngle person- $415 monthly . 1/ 3 ubkties. FrU.Iast, avadaDle bedroom basement apartmw+t. June t. Call 416-698-8735. private entrance. shared OSHAWA, spacious bright ore 1051394) laundry, Cra., no pots. non bedroom apartment. clean. smoker. Available Juty 1. $650 - pow. dock. nice yard, washed PICKEIRNG now GO - largo two udaes. 839-6014. (051394) dryer. close to downtown. Pn>� bedroom basement, at, w- plances and shared laundry PICKERING - two bedroom t Olt0�(OSt790 - NO • ed. $625 . utdaws. Arai- tsssernt aparrnerri. separate includet able ..it adtely. Call 416284• entrance. own laundry facilities. AJAX - small bachelor aPW- 4010. (CS1794) pa #,%. 6800 monthly. FrsV nail With am bedroom suaabis dist. references. no pets. Call for one person, separate AYA11J►Bl� mrtediatety, •neo ttety,apatwoent. 7895. (05 291) •mrance. available now. $400 bedroom basement bedroom area. 4 pas bath. PICKERING - one bedrooplus inclusive. Close to Hospital. 5n 4 appliances. separate don. smoke detectors. ArC, but routs. 6864M 1. (051394) entrance. fully, carpeted. Non I*OPIM Prhvaw entrant•. off PICKERING - FirtdtlL.Merpoal - Wrokent. references, no PINS. wreak W -+-'Y• - r ..' ex- a-rrw„ -,-,.- - r..,.. FrsL'last. $725 rickrslve. 420- Fifst/test, references. $650 bath, all inclusive, air Con., 9510 (051794) lnckus^N- 839-7970 afternoons- parking, laundry, partly (051134) fumiew. No a itg. no pets. BAY Ridges, one bedroom basement apartment. $550 aft PICKERING . beautifully fur- Suits single student or inclusio. Fusulast. 8347054 nish•d bacoW apanmera in wort ngperson. $495 monthly. after 5 P. m. (051594) Whites ROJ401 area. private 837-0326 after 5 p.m (051391) ONE bedroom apartment in walk's Hastings. $450 monthly . HSH. Solt [antainild, trstlast. $550 A 0 Houses For dus+w. Suit working tentalo. 3 to choose from CLos• to ,. rt Reef Cas 831.7510. (051594) Apartments ONE and two bedroom apart- amenities. walk to Ihsh'ng, stales and parks. 705-639-5816. WHITBY . prime 10--. one WESTHEY Heights, Aiam. Two 400 For Rent menta in Oshawa. Central (051294) bedroom apartment available bedroom basement apaArtaM, locaixxh, it". stow. Carpet. Shop- PICKERING Village - 98 Church Mrrrhe0lalefy' Includes panting. fridge salve' $520 per month. soft contained. walkout level. two aPWhar fug DattvoortL ye possession. p ng plaza, bus. laundry. 725- St. S., large lurnished now Can. 905-420 9650 or 6867870. luny carpeted) First month only! mai Ca968341623affair 6p•rr basement apartment, 4 619.9500.(051794) 2642 after 5 p.m (051794) badlolor in 6 plex. own entry. dose to 130, no (051394) $675 rickusive. (905) 686.5237 BLOOR/SIMCOE -large two ani ehtranoe, dose to Go. I "" Message or call after 5 • kitchen, jacuzzi tub, laundry parking. pets. and stove, a9 inclusive. $890 morhthly, available Jure 1. Call or (905) 666.0282. (051794) Hostile of 2nd Clixiiiiiiiiiii Firlstort0 Ior 0oiee11- wdwd Iwo and S P" 420iii" NORTH OSHAWA Clean, quer building, large, 2 8 3 bdrms., kit., bath and large balcony. Fully brdloomed. Available immediately Or later, from $685 monthly, utilities, parking for one car included. Cal 697-2475 or 623-0079. AJAX - bright, dean, 3 bedroom) bungalow. mewl Hoot; quiet street appliances, laundry, parking, large fenced yard.' Available July 1. $850'. montllly, plus 60% ublibes. Cd 839 -Ml OSHAWA • $600 MW". 41101111111- able rabable June 1. Large two bedroom, hardwood floors, eat - n kitchen, fridge. stove. NmMd backyard For information. cel 728.5501 of 4334160. (051794) PICKERING Village - two $595 all reclusive 905-5042038 AVAILABLE immedhaely in bedroom main floor, large or 416284-1618. (05 1594) Oshawa -839 Cuban SL, wWHITBY - 4 bedroom. familyet room with fireplace and deck lutaten, dishwasher, separate LARGE bright ore bedroom bedroom, $675 monthly, ore ePkou dining room, laundry, ao con- 9 bedroom $575 L o e to Ira. basement walkout, 12 cu ^9 Aastrreent apartment, newly last requited. Clow to Dus, garage, large lot. $1200 . paming, June 1. $700 + L4dama. decorated, minutes from GO utiMitt Cal 6664480 or 08SB (9051 ru09-9209 or (�) 427 train and 401, available suing. No pets. Call 430 0622 evenings. (051594) 0134. (TF) AJAX (051794, irSrediawly. f650 Per month in - AJAX • detached 4 bedroom, 3 PORT Union/Lawrence •tun- dudirg Utilities. fronlief. Cal OSHAWA - bright two bedroom,. 666.4540. (051794) $689 in apartment buildup. bath, main ticor family room with nished basement bachelor, dose to TTC, GO. 401 and close dudes 2 appliances, heat. AJAX - gorgeous now Prdd hydro, paAtirg. Convenient so fireplace. includes IrdgeraWve, $1200 plus utilities. Credit mate socially finished bright larye orebusroutes. 4 401 aid check, references required. shard Laundry. Available Jure bedroom bsenent apartment, 0B77 �O49,)) $650 Available July 1. Jacquelyn 1. $500 monthly. 416282-6705. separate •ntrane•, Inclusive. Suitable for single PICKERING Large 2 bedroom Tanner, Sales Rep. Sutton Group Heritage Realty kit. (905) (051194) mai Ca968341623affair 6p•rr basement apartment, 4 619.9500.(051794) AJAX - huge caw one bdroom (052494) appliances. 4 PC. balk C/A Moors throughout. +++, $1150 monthly + utiklies. 2811500 or basement apartment with separate entrance, Dight eat -in BLOOR/SIMCOE -large two ani ehtranoe, dose to Go. I "" Message or call after 5 MAIN floor, 3 bedroom Ix+n9�• Paedn9• caw hidge kitchen, jacuzzi tub, laundry bedroom in 46 unci building, p m. (905) 619.2495. (051294) storage laundry. parking. and stove, a9 inclusive. $890 morhthly, available Jure 1. Call facilities. Available July 1. $700 monthly. 427-0318 or 686-9579 �'a9d Close us. BRIGHT tailed two bedroom aodirect 4361568. (051794) evenings. (051394) to from $675 inclusive. Go direct to basement apartment, clean e. 123 Boorsr St. W. or call collect quiet home. parking and cable. AJAX - large 3 bedroom bun Tony, 905.623.5116 of John 416-2215419. (TF) $650. FirsUlast. Available June 9alow main floor, nicely MUST see. beaasully finished AX 1. Can 43230. (051794) OSHAWA - two bedroom open- .69 decorated. new carpel. clo*e 10 Available June 1. $975 + 1/ basement apartment private fully carpeted. art. chants available at 900 and NO ONE bedroom, Dunlop SL W. .lake. 2 utilities. (905) 825-9657 or entrance, cable, �r dge awe. 4 pee. bath, Glen Sl.. dose to schools. shop Whitby. rear plaza and bus. in (416) 640-8521. (051294) a1 uUrties included428.7266 and 401. FuWlast squired, Yvigfdlnt fktclnen, tpmbiMd utilities included. For basomers d pdvaw quiet one PICKERING - Wectshore, •s - before 9 p.m (05 1394) appointment call 728.4993. person accomcdati- Non •cutive well maintained, 4 LARGE 3 bedroom apartment (052494) smoker. No pets. 430-3280. bedroom 2 baths. hardwood for rent, top floor of triplex AJAX - Oxford Towers. quiet (051394) Moors throughout. +++, $1150 monthly + utiklies. 2811500 or building. recently renovated. fa parking induced, y ren fated.cility parking building w/swrrming pod and WHITBY - Regency Place ��. (05 1794) waking distance to sauna, close to shopping. 401 Apartments . one and two and Go. Two or three bedroom bedroom apartments avadab AJAX • Wastney Heights, Oshawa Contra, school and Cam ment. June 1, or Jul I. 11Part Y in senior �frtplex, Mat. and detached 3 bedroom, 5 park. Available June 1. Cal 6838421 or 683.8571 til 8 oak Ike setting, appliances. a1� appianow 1 1/2 baths, finished Tony, 905.623.5116 of John p•rr (TF) utltiee ictuded. Call 430.7397. ;em�'rel. Call 883.3923. 905-6970276. (051294) 600 n two (TF) - AJ - now sq. . bedroom basement apartment 4 PICKERING - large two PICKERING Village - 3 bedroom PICKERING - bright one Da bath, private entrance, bad.= basement apenri em, bungalow with 2 bedroom base - bedroom plus den basement parking, electric smoke Livefpool(Bayly, walk to Go, mteruapartment- (sift evtrance), apartment. walk 10 lake• own detectors, meets all safetyprofessionallyf�finished. private,available June 1. $1500 laundry, fireplace. two car standards. References. frsVlasl, �Yw' P�i1D avadabb May nwigtabb plus utilities. FirW packing, couple of wgle. No no pets. $700 monthly inclusive. 31. $750 inclusive. No pets. last. refererioes. (416) 3637260. smokers, available June 1. $650.420.5713 (051394) Available now. 686.2154. 905-420.9457 after 6 P.M. (0!1 394) 410 Houm ern 430 R°° s TRert 500 a% 500 s'" 415 Wanted Ontario, luxury one bedroom, 1 FoHo Fo"r NO down payment? Good SOUTH Alas - Harwood/ of Oshawa. S275.000 905-985- 05-985- ? You tan serf?? Good job? buy for the price of swM, while prim Clovrldpe, clean quiet lownharse, air eon.. pool non °v T� -`� �t f •� �rf' and rales are down. Cal Doug Smoker. share bath. kitchen, �� or Brent, Community Financial. laundry. evenings. W51 686 O 1 I C Ne-6eos. (TF) 1361 or (416) 520.2528. yard and deck. Asking GAYLYrUVERPOOL - three (051294) _ $1 12.000. Open Nouse May 14, bedroom louse. main flow. Shared 10.2 p.m. Ca.i 4048815. freshly renovated. ample park- 450 Accomm. (051294) close to 4of. Shopping and Ing and large yard. Appliances. Paul, Paul, 9054561050&6P -ncknne. 428.5734. (051293) schooe. $85.900must be sen available immediately. 8850 PICKERING.401rWhkm Rd. S. stow and Mope boll and mover (0512 $32900. 905-427637. plus utilities. FYSVlest Call 837- New three bedroom, three ..r am 2429. (051294) bathroom home by conservation - W1 Y are you a renter of lot with area. 4 appliances, parking, 710 Bft only $500 downpay"fai you share all facilities. non smoker. =375 monthly. 839-7540. . +" r ,_' K +'• „ + �' can own a new 3 w 4 bedroom home one large lot? Great PS 1594) FABULOUS PEBBLE COURT financing available. 623.1644. SOUTH Ajax - private bedrooms, 3,200 sq. ft 4 bdrm beauty in Pickering's Prime (051794) bath. fridge and parking. Share Location. Immaculate, recently fully decorated with all WHITBY - two bedroom, all other facilities. near all extras. Beautifully professlonaliy landscaped. large kitchen. livingroom, dnigroom, amenities. All inclusio. $450. heated pool and new large covered cedar dar deck. Sale two bathrooms, ret room on Cal 4269 (051294) Owner. main floor, close to all AVAILABLE June 1. Room OPEN HOUSE - SAT., SUN., 1.4 P.M. amenities, Large yard, 723-0861. mate wanted to share 4 839-9224 769 PEBBLE CT., PICKERING (051794) bedroom hams. parking laundry TWO storey executMhomes. Beau Valley area Immediate 3 facilities. $350 per month. Cal Rick, 430.7103. (051794) PICKERING - roomy 28M sciJi 4 bedroom, all brick, 5 pee. C90 Business ly J ensurte, huge krtpen 0 bedrooms. familyroom, hrepoece, firwAast. $1100 per 455 Condos For room. 11236.500 open Hok,sa, W rtunities House, Cal( 725 Rent Sat. and Sun. 420-4365 or 420 - month plus utilities. 9135. (051794) CHP truck for sa,e. turn key 4145. (051294) EXECUTIVE furnished sures. THS 3 bedroom beaus s Io- operation' $25.000. Selling due Y hearth reasons. Call 1-94) BACHELOR apartment. Ritson SJ401. Private entrance, utilities compete with dishes, mons. Telephare. etc_ Full kite d rec, cared l a Desirable Whitby 7863339 after 9 p.m. (OSt 7941 7 area. Close all amenities. Included. $495 monthly. Call 576.3072 or 576-5554 evenings. facilities. Pane WH sbY location. $1400 plus. Call 1.905-852- Afire, loaded with upgrades. A Iru PAVEMENT making business, u excellent proti. equipment and (051 79A) 5128. (051794) time buyers delight. Ouiet prtraining. $,5000. Cad 576.3868privatelYwde. CoA while it lasts. ROSSLANO/HARMONY - 3 COURTICE - luxury one (051794) Paul Marney - Landmark 2001 bodrooms semi 2 apWances Can 427- bedroom will" 6 appliances and arc,on-site tonna courts. $800 Realty ltd. 416.298.6886. (051294) 600 Public $825 Pius utilities. per month plus utilities. 683- Notices 5564. (05 1294) - 0315 (OSt794) PRIVATE - three bedroom 20 Housing WHITBY - overiocking Lake year old custom tx:,w Crick home on 39 fenced acres win Cahn, 415 Wanted Ontario, luxury one bedroom, 1 driving shed. pool, 20 mn north docoraled ,mmaculate 3 2 baths, furnished or of Oshawa. S275.000 905-985- 05-985- WANTED two or i n r e• WANTED unfurnished. indoor pool, $900 2788.(051294; bedroom house won a mnmum all inclusive. July 1. 6662631. CENTRAL Oshawa - titres two bedroom basement apart- in iOith Ali References (051794) beoroom detached w.,n Dacok. meat ava.laPlease call (905) 428- ole. PICKERING .two bedrooms two yard and deck. Asking 0322 or (905) 428-1897. bath, l u x u r y c o n d o w• t n $1 12.000. Open Nouse May 14, (051594) e01arkam roc tadmes. Chi to 10.2 p.m. Ca.i 4048815. Go. schools. PTC, parking (051294) 3G days at?w May '• 'i94 Ajax Men Storage will sell by ;udre auction, the LoilOwing accounts which are delinquent 'o cover the ccst of rend and expenses JANET CURRAH IVER ERICKSON Airy, of the above lenants Tray PROFESSIONAL dependable Available July 1. $1400 BOWMANVILLE - beautilktily ;ay amount owing and responible dean taupe need 3able. rt•9« F rst/tast. (416) 363 docoraled ,mmaculate 3 I n3de9mthew m@rCndndse at bedroom housetownhouss Afan,P,o)kenng by Jure 15. Huh 7260 or (4,6) 926-5982 (051394) bedroom townhouse. Inisned ttnv',mfe priorb The auction bard is good handyman. (905) -- basement. 11aiao,.1 to yard. _ -- 723 6665. $(751344) IJAX - Westnsi e2 One rng separate Ixand d,^ng room,, JESUS says can the Wind lead ly enrolment. pay as you go bazemera, one pr" sp Suit bedroom condo. 5 app antes. new w, Qo■•s, roof ono sdng 670 Personals Townhouses aur, gym, pop?, Go. AvadalDle Contra vac, all Wards, garage, 420 Fcr Ren) im•noolaely- Ground now. $790 close to 4of. Shopping and himah 56:10-12. JOhn 10:11, fro• brochure. 683-2414 Paul, Paul, 9054561050&6P -ncknne. 428.5734. (051293) schooe. $85.900must be sen NO -_:d PRINGLE I REEK CO-OP IN WHITBY Accepting applications for 3 bedrooms $795, $808,S816 4 bedrooms S880,$916 Townhouses lor our waiting list NO SUBSIDY IS AVAILABLE .ear Shopping b 401 large .r as. lovely partllske sett For more info. call PORT i-icpo. a three bedroom condo in Port Hope. $695 monthly . heat and hydro. close to schools. hosptala and 401 for commu$M. Available June 1or July 1. Call 1-705-639-5a 16. (051 79A) 470 Cottages For Rent BALSAM Lane - one and two bedroom cottages. good swimming, fishing, boating. weekly and seasonal rates. Cal 905-4360609. (051 71X) BOOK now for May Long Weekend or summer. Fully equ,pped 2 and 3 bedroom conages, 4 PCs. bath. gas 880, boats and rine Sorry. no D•ts. Smoking and Non smoking cottages. Northern Heights Resort. 1-800-565-2991. (051794) to be aVprecalod. To new. call Date L 4 Canada.. -90C-1St• 6212481 (C57394; 4010 ext 1454. $2 9"s per m.nute --%E 9C0 CA%ADA. PRIVATE Sale - 3-1 bedroom LnIo. t -80C 230-'636 (CSt294) back sp..t, new „paraded - - --- broadbom. oak u.tc h n over - bows tams roi woodslove, two bathrooms. pnvate fenced yard. Desuat;s 'Nest winds Oshawa $162.000 Open House Sunday. 2-4 p.m. 434- 6149. (Ci 3.1 bedroom backspl-t, dr.,ngroom, big kicnen over- looks famflyroom. I,hi place. two baths, mostly finished basement. Deanbe Bowman - vi lla no,ghoournood. $159.900. Open Nouse Sundays. 2-4 p m. 623.9326.(051394) WHY are you a renter when wt-' Orly $Soo dowrnpaymen:, you on own a new 3 o1 4 bedroom home one largo lot? Great tsnancna avalaWe. 621-4644. (OS 17941 6"-200• GEORGIAN Bair now Waisaga ts For or visit 95 Crawforth SL Beach and Midland. 3 535 LO Sale bedrooms, access to sandy unit •s whitby an beach wdeck. 1180 and TV. May be viewed on vdso. 434- THREE bedroom townhouse, 6631ileo tui price. wiooded carp . (TF) ling lot. 314 normeast of fridge. stove, dryer, garage, common pool. I. walk- LAND -O- Lakes. one bedroom Oshawa, card beach. troi f,sn. n 650 Awwm 720 Early Bird Boat d RV Auction, UNRESERVED Repos, New and Used Set. May 14, 10 a m , Barrie 400 Market, Hwy. 400 exit 95. Al saes of Boats, Molorhomes and Travel Trailers Over 150 buss Here's the chance of the season to steal the BoaVRV of your dreams For details rap Aero Manne Auction Sales 705.7344777 670 Personals ADULT TALK WAITING FOR YOU I 1-s;6 -976-7399 1-416-976-9453 ONLY f1 00 pr 1/2 mu ONLY $1.80 per 112 mom ing distance to dwholic and ty Pudic sctade. AwilaDle June $295rweekly, two bedroom fi395twooklyr cottages. Fully Next to 10.000 acres cow forest. Year round road. Fred. TIMING is everytn,ng, proven a July. 436-3346 (060794) pupped, 3 poo. bath. gas BBQ 416131-t 555. (050194) success formula call our 2, nr. companlions hotline for 675 KE Oshawa -dears and cozy microwave, screened morn• boat. Excellent swimming.Val;atl0n From brochure. 416-7571944 recordea your derision pack, 416 -631 -sass PARTNER Search • we want tic two bedroom bwa"hotwelooed0. two appkanose• irtrArdea lailoies l fishing, walking trails. eau 545 Pro ertleS p P.I N. 4576. (051794) fid your panner. only M. yew except heating. unfinished anytime, 905-6a6-0695. Great fishing, heated Pool - JESUS says can the Wind lead ly enrolment. pay as you go bazemera, one pr" sp Suit 051794) A 15 sae ptt•ef sale. rr4k4- a the blind? Does your munrsler solea people who appeal tc Couple. Available June 1. Si �� KK Cottages Lake dmf welland Hardwood trees Only $14,900.... Also 7.5 acro wow gtassos? The hireling a you. Porsorukaod and encore the hired minister. Micah 3:it. mate" seance. Cal for ow FwsVtsst releronpas rrspoaied Cocebs, 3 pce. bath. 1-4 titr>terfrord, SO -sane himah 56:10-12. JOhn 10:11, fro• brochure. 683-2414 Paul, Paul, 9054561050&6P bedroortLsiacVie ttiz• deans S" ita� to build a for Jun Campbell 1-905.953-9475. (any""" (052094) weekdays, (051304) stow and Mope boll and mover (0512 $32900. 905-427637. (TIF)PICKERING -three bedroom IleMal, fishing• sandy beach• M"- tgbo, noose to famous Clear water Beach. Pod. Jacuzzi. consolidations. credit amwtcemonts• personal budget to mouse. low* Iswels. srsiislrsd opon )pear round. 705-387.301 I��,.�wer w 710 Bft wa"*)mal bwsnwatt. I un*y. KAWARTHA•sll " Serrour - 570 3788. (052604) fthww. *w. SMpUe- Leve Wrin -- Estates housokesP TMy ---- msessaga 83742M 051794) Imp cottages 3 plus piece 580 fiAortgages ova ?obis immlediately with imm separate entrance and OSHAWA - two bedroom W-tt uW 1.4 pos. 1-3 Pon. bash. urlporch. ba8taats• �f�• P� beach. AFFORDABLE Lake Ontario OM M, PVID�a• 90 oneou"S pfp mmm" (alter ekes near NE d Pkkwbit Lente nes- Theiler► Fully serviced. mature tinalled AassmarM, Millis Included. Awsl ble A" 1. $886 saps at 706,6531317. (052604) wom~o availabl docking.. M"". tirsiAM L 416437-2142 LAKE Soy mtwrme Valley - mat a& Full price. 69900 termss- a 905.4363141. 061904) $360 plus pot week, fully From brochure. 416-7571944 PICKERING - spacious 3 pufpped, 4 bedroom pottapea. Nom'Frl' ( 194) bedroom louwnhousek spc bin* 0o minutes N.E. of Oshasww clean, cathodieral tailings. Great fishing, heated Pool - bright bright• airy with ptlraps s980.- playlifound. Famay cottage 575 Cal (416) 4360800. 051304) lesat. woodland Estatos• 1- ROOIIIS To 430 ��1317. (050994) n.f. IFIo1M111 BORROW slo.tx70 Pay as reale as $110 per month o a c. Cal Fro* Re� 4� Jsrry, 668-7200 smas � consultations. Anubis Invest- t1Y - available, room to mans Ltd. (TF) rent. $350 ply ttnat6l itCMrsisre GORGEOUS three bedroom MONEY Problems? Loans. debt Close to sltopF, and bus Mop. Ca166606W 061794) tgbo, noose to famous Clear water Beach. Pod. Jacuzzi. consolidations. credit amwtcemonts• personal budget PICKERING - foomieW roars, 5W. privets yard• available piwt� ganokhses stopped. shared laundry and kitchen facilities. �m�-� photos. p 57t FREE CONSULTATIONS. Credit Counsellors (Toronto - Available June 1. Close to P.T.C. $425 mor". 3788. (052604) Oa 4).433.1425. (TF) Cal 420-7416 (051194) FLORIDA - Madeira Beach. • ---- AJAX freshly room paintedimmediately 1680 6 luxury cul Irons tondo. 6 appliances. 2.1 580 fiAortgages ova ?obis immlediately with imm separate entrance and , bedrooms. 2 baths, all boated pool, al credit cards, bainroom. Close to shopping accessories, top CONSOLIDATE hJe rates ars low. and bus stop. FinUim. Cal jaCuu6 screened s loans. SIC w o also 686-0959 Jeave message. �' we"/Monthh, p y- Low av e1eCa1/J.Ra9o5706 - and mailer. $0.60 exchange. 052494) AJAX - teem 1, rMtl. dose 10 723.8080. (051894) 0556. aNing Capi ( • Advertise sropPlop and but Stop. Cal CLEARWATER - mobilss, ARE you having trouble going 13usiness Service =05.6868905. (051394) dWouN, beamed poplar hot a mortgage? Is your bank giving ROOM to room mesh P tub, Mads. Near beaches and you the run -a -round? Do you • ' 335 Town Centre, UM rho," . major attractions. Children meed a second m7atgage. W or Fax 579-2238 uu4es. Clow q all amtartties weloontn. 6275 r ti� 663 Comstrnib FiCS cloo, help, Cal tnancty � t l Available inrltsdialMy. 619- of" of In your lsorrte• 0620. (051294) 5603. Meow) THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY.14 1994 -PAGE 41•A Deaths 720 Deaths 110 cww* Mp CAMERON • May Amis, ordered God's kingdom on Sal, May 7, 1994, al O G H. wile of the late Hugh Cameron. Loving mother of George of Newcastle, Manson of Cornwall, Joan Earner of Avonmors, Betty Sauve of Ottawa, Doug, Carol Raderford. Robert, Heather Dillon all of Oshawa Laura Young of Casselman, Bran of Bowmanville. She is also survived by 26 grandchildren, 24 great-grandchildren and many extended family members She is predeceased I 'J by one daughter, Anna and her parents George and Ada Elgh. Memorial service was held Tues, May 10 at Hillsdale Church Oshawa. with interment at Paul's Hills Cemetery Avonmore. �Sal.,Mayiil In lieu of flowers donations maybe made to OGH Palliative Care of the Canadian Cancer Society 740 MemoriaIn ms 720 Deaths DEGEER - REVA MAY 11, 1991 In Memory of a dmr mother & grw- grandmother. Memories ham gone day by day, Its novo three years since she watt may, Wonderful memories of one so dear, 7•essurad still with a Ivor sincere. in ow hearts she is --g yet. :til loved her too ,iearly to!orgd. ,,idly messed by .La UXglten b -u ^m d:es 147rtara, hfarilyrr & an SAINDE&SON Most VIE's-1 (U. 1.1 D. Manufacturer, of cit mrt�'r� and civic mvmonals SIr1C'1 ltyr 2. (905) 427-4366 1 18M) 461-0282 32 (Nd King%tnn Hri s; rI DRIVERS REQUIRED FOR DURHAM BASED CARRIER To Haul General Freight Between Ontario, Quebec and Central U.S.A. KE OFFER! • Steady work at competitive rates • Bi -weekly pay - no hold back • Group Medical Plan • Safety Bonus • Computerized Driver Statements • Late Model Equipment WE NEED: • Class AZ Driver's License • Clean Abstract • Good Attitude • Willingness to work Apply in person to: T.T.R. Transport 8 Chisholm Court Ajax, Ontario LIS-iti8 Don't Forget OshowalWhltby This Welds i AlaWPfck..Ing News Adwlydaer CTassiflad Dept is open for troy oonvenkNloe every SaL 9M to 9:0• - To Placa, Your Clasellilled Ad PIM" CON 576-9333 CORRECTION NOTICE In our Sears, 'Expect More from Sears, sale prices start Thursday, May 5, 1994• flyer, page B5, the MOW Touch Control' kitchen or bathroom faucet, #93400/8 is incorrectly shown as including a We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our New addition to a championship course • Bent Grass Tee & Target Greens • Private & Group Lessons Available Warm up before your game w just come out b practice MONTHOF Lar � •50 Smaii •4 Bocket 75 B • rly $2 -when you bring in a greens ticket from any golf course Call Today To Book Your Tee Time AKEPe Dim 428-6321 Lak ff" Road North North of Hwy. V to F us BraWay Road East PAGE 42 -A -THE NEWS ADVEWrISER, WED. MAY 11, 1"4 Chain gang Students from Lincoln Alexander Public School in Pickering i Village were back on the chain gang as they raised almost S450 lot the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital's Make Room for Baby Campaign. Displaying a paper chain which will be linked to others made by area students and hung throughout the hospital are. in front, from ieft, Cory Kozmlk and Jeffrey Buchanan, and in back, Kevin Collier. photo by Ron Pietroniro Police need clues in robbery B% SGT. GP,.kN-r ARNOLD Dt ii�R ',%I Ri (,I()\ V CR I M! sT()PPI R�, DURHAM - Crime SlopperN and Durham Regional Police are al:sking tot the public's help in sol% ing a robben in Oshawa on SundaN,. April 24 At ':10 p.m.. a lone male entered the Subwai, Sandwich outlet at tAM King St. E. after he %as seen hang zing around the front of the store. He approached the till at the counter and asked the clerk if she could change a S20 bill. Nk'hen the cash register % as opened. the bandit showed the clerk that he might have a weapon in his jacket po-cket and pointed it at her. The robber demanded rrifolitij and then fled the store. He ran west through the lot and then south across king St. towards Bob Phillip% 1-1w" and Video store - The suspect is Central or South American. with tanned complexion, in his mid-20s, 5'10", with broad shoulders and possibly a nxxilstache. He had short dark hair, shorter on the sides than the top, which was curly. He wore a three-quarter length greyish -green jacket and blue jeans. Crime Stoppers is asking anyone with information on this robbery or any other serious crime to call. A cash reward of up to $1,000 is being offered if your information leads to an arrest. Call 436-8477 (436 -TIPS). ADVERTISImG coRRECTION Elbe's a 6 A "Pleeri" im da pow, waftesid", No 11 , Inc Due to supplier delivery problems, the following itern will not be available for immediate oldivery. However, orders will be accepted for delivery by date stown. Front Cover (Page 2) hern 1B - Attitude ribbed T-shirt available June 8,1994 Due to supplier delivery problems the following item will not be available Page 9 Ilern B Sony Discman Model D-132CK Will be substituted with Model D-124CK inadvertently. the errors listed appearec in our advertising We sincerely regret any inconve- nience or contusion to our custornerS EATON'S ,10 ROMANTIC VVU TIIIIIIIE for a change. full Of life. attraC- five, understanding, compassionate. slim male, late 20's. Sri or. wanting an attractive, slim female with no dependents, who enjoys music, movies and evenings in/out, who's looking for a successful relationship. SY 1"2 (OSHI) ATTRACTIVE, single, while male. 38, 5'8'. physically fit, non-smoker, into health foods and country Irving. finan- cially and mentally secure, perfection- ist of all trades, wanting to start a farru- ly. seeks slim fornals. 25-35. with sil"11- lar interests. one child welcome. SY 1994 (OSH) WELL -established and upwardly mobile. divorced rnal 0. 39, young at heart. seeks a conVantOn. 28-36. who enjoys music. swimming, rnotor rac- ing. romantic times and Blue Jay baseball at the Dome. friendship before a relationship SY 1995 WOMEN LOOKIN(i FUH ROMANTIC MEN FEMALE, unaltaCheo. hard -o,kinq. down to earth. outgoing, variety of interests. fit and slim, looking for hon- est male. 30-40. of similar quallbes for friendship first. SY 2S46 (OSH) ATTRACTIVE lady. bioncle, siNle. 35, interested In mee" a Single. honesil, =tiracirve male. 30-40. for tnondshiP, oble relationship. SY 2S47 (OSH) HONEST and sincere white female. med,u� build. 35. smoker, loves to dance and have fun. seek$ honest. dow,_to-earith tall black male. 35-40. for meaningful relationship SY 2S48 (OSH) ENGLISH lady. 26. committed Ch"tian. looking for a Christian nan. 28-32 for friendship. interests include Christian music. walks m the country and a dog lover. SY 25N (OSH) JIM. *ho's 35. who responded to I*ma-e nurse, 33. pl*aso respond again to mailbox number 2SA2 as I did - M1 got your correct P41,011 . number SY 2W (OSH) ACTIVE, attractive. "a I@m**. 34. ta professional, secure, enjoys Sports. baviiii. oukloorS, hurrsour...Z" for life. Seeking Mal* cof,814forpar, with Similar interests. 30-411C. n0M-Srn0k8T SY 2S61 (OSHI) ACTIVE fornalo. 45. divorced. 5'7-. siorni. blonds nor and hazol OY". 10011ii rig for someone 40-50 that's se. ore and honest. SY 2675 (OSH) Hill, this is not ono, of those boo 119 Oft 10 Soo myself. I love adventure. onfloys We end naturia. so give me, a calf and kileve, ypour name and number and IN call you soon. (Jerry who Is 38. PW"o cap arx" 1 1 phone num- ber) Y .111111131hICA) Your HARDWORKING. 23 -year-old. great sense of humou�, oves chirldrem and country musil seows single "We. 23- 3S. for relationsifto. must be honest and responsible. SY 2CM (OSH) Mi. � a single, wtlt!o le -a 0. 27. twovor, shouldowr4ongth, curhy heir. bbJG- "ad. 5'4'. 220 Ilos, and losing. non ­ Sri or, oor.&sKwwl dnr*w colung for a tun-ioving malifil, "wig be honest. Son - core. coning with a good **rise of hum.:.ur. good I-slonfer. -1 this Is YOU. p6oass, CA", SY 21111134 PASS40N yea -,N to b* UrA**ShOd by someone very special. sesiong liall, dark. handsome. muscul&' m&l* betwoof to ages 27-32. who :an Pro- vide excitement and romance I am attractive. intelligent " playful. 35, Woo polionto (Joe S' Who MWPOrK$sd. pseelas Call ago,,, didn't got phone rarriber). SY 2&rA (OSH) GOOD looking biack professional lormiso, ii young looking. alim, Wnd. worm. honest and sincere. he" a KX of love to We 10 a handw . block. intelligent man. 30-50. with similar cluaks". serious gi only SY 29= CAREER woman. 31. oulligoongi. a&'iM- ic. affectionate. looking to( fromentic. easy-going. good **no* of humcour. carow.onented. non-smokor. licir fuln on re sun, clancinig. covage life. cyc". romantic dinnerill. for a rOLSOOrWhIP. SY 2863 FRIENDLY female. 19. likes sports. any typo of music and quiet times. looking for mWo. 19-22. who enjoys same interests. SY 2m (0804) ARE two any males in their SO'S who are lookunig for a rise" lady with a great sense of humfour and values. who likso good old-tasheonod home - cooking but &Igo I*" to wine and dine, looks good in a &A and PO &a good in loons. a social dnr*or and It -v� Kp� GARDEN SUPPLIES LTIL Sandy Loam (Top Sod) Mushroom Compost Loam & Compost Triple Mix * Cow Manure • Sand (Fine or Course) • 314 Stone Gravel • Screenings • Patio Slabs • Rockety Stone, nmwm smoker, If so. I*m YOUlt gid. ST 9 no (01" 1 ROMAPFnC tody. 36. "1110"ll' Of two F young child -ren. attractive in body, 0 attracitive in mo -lid, smelting a meW who is down-lo-sorth and am &nd a happy life. SY =1 (`C�r FAIRLY attractive mother of two. 43, Seeks attractive, fit. intelligent. rating. professional male, 35-45, must be honest, loyal, trustwor". arricitionally, and financially Secure, old -fashion val- ues a must. for friendship. possible relationship. SY 2872 SILIM. pretty. Petits. single mom, who enjoys life with a positive attitude, many interests. would like to Meet migile. 30-40, firiust be attractive, athi ic with a good sense of hurnour and a flinTile nature. SY 2074 (COU) S ABLISHFO, loving - widowed. Christian woman, ". seeks friend shiforcompanionstvp and Possible "- term relationship with male. 40-55. who knows how to treat a lady and can love as he loves himself. SY 2875 SLEEPLESS In Pickering. attractive. single mom. 34. blonde. 5'2*. and eyes are blue. likes romantic dinners, danc. Ing and sports. quiet evenings at home, looking for male. 34-44. who is honest and down-to-earth. SY 2876 SHY, white female. 39. mother 01 two, looking for fun. down-to-earth gentle- man. 38-45. with good sense of humour. for possible relationship. SY 2978 FULL -figured, while widow. 51. who likes old country music. camping, fish- ing. casual dinners and quiet evenings and is a srnoker. seelking niale, 50-55. with simitarenterests. SY 2879 (OSH) PRETTY, full -figured female. 27. with blonde hair blue eyes, who is easy going. loves camping, long drives, M"9S. quiet evenings and not into 13he bar scene. seeking male, 26-34, with- out dependents wf*Io is 10"l. honest and sincere with similar interests. SY 2M" (OSH) SINCERE. caring. very attractive. si-. fernale 41. with a great zest for life, looks 35. feels 25. outgoing. witty. woricierlul sense of hurnour. enjoys ramping. boating. fishing, romantic evenings by the fire and especially country [its. seeking attractive. InstUrs. secure man with similar SY 2202 SH) Do you own a broom) Can you owes this 41 year young romantic off her footI if you are a sincere. honest. whirte. non-smoiting; met* with a Sense of humour. try iestsng out your Sweep- ;sialls. SY 2883 (OSH) 90FESSIONAL educated. dyn-. "llf. white larrias. 23, seeking 50-- ulating conversation with a Male Who has Similar injewrisells. ST 2U4 (OSHI) OUTGOING female. 23 "eavy set. loves children, country music and spowts, seeks malo. 23-35, for relation- ship. mus! -awe a groat sense of humour SY I (OSH) LOYAL. hones! and !'ustw0filhY divorced white female. shy. 5 4"� bxx , blue-eyed. 135 lbs.. non-enick- or. Social drinker. on" cooking. !ast cars. dancing arid mklSk;. Would Ilik" to "we officers. whits, mae. 30-40. with Similar quaftee and Interests, SY 207 low ARE vou a sexy. v" good looking wl��!@ -nale. under 36. independent thicifto'. good attiftide. great sense of humour, enjoy life and Dorsonal DIRT CHEAP PRICES TRIPLE MIX 13 yds. $9000 TAXES AND DELIVERY INCLUDED BRING IN THIS AD 112- 200 Finch A venuo Wfoo$ of Altonis PICK UP on DELIVERY SPECIAL PICKER111111,110 PRICES unwam" PAV( R-1 - *Ali b, - litAFAMRS - CUMUS M 7 Are yw a bit wdd "'M yaw 9@111 on the grotlindi'll' I'm a )*%" 36. 1* &W ohm, with a variety of I"t*(- a%, let's take a chance. SY 29" 09" INGEL looking for Mr. Right to cbP My wings. Do you have the right Pair of cissors'? 24-26. SY 2$W HIRISTIAN female, single. sincere, luiet, honest. likes the ouldoors and sports. would like to most a Christian ni 28-35. for friendship. SY 2991 OSH) SuM, single mom, tired of others play - ng mind games. looking for someone to laugh with, talk to. to have a com- parmon in mid 30's, 59*+. 1 en?OY Poet- ry, quiet evenings, outdoors, meeting new people. going new places and doing different things, SY 2092 (OSH) I'M told I'm rare and honest, loving. warm and sweet and pretty to boot. I'm boillng for that special niale fnsnd. I'm 49, bionde, petite, looking for tall male, for friendship and possible relationship SY 2M (OSH) FUN -loving female. 55, seeking a corn- panion. I am a warm Italian woman seeking male 55-. who enjoys family cooking, travelling and country music. SY 2994 (OSH) YOUNG, single morn, 37. loves life in general. is looking for that special someone to have great times with. ages "= 30-45. SY 2M FULL -fig led female. 30, seeks tall. 6.. heavy -set male. 30-40, 1 enjoy the outdoors. camping. bike riding, going for walks. auto raVcjyand country life. serious replies or . 28% READY lo take a chance o� love, petite. single mom, non-smoker. outgo- ing. wArty and pretty. looking for man. 30-Ao. who is secure. stable and good k)ok,N, SY 2997 OUTGOING 7,other. 33, enjoys hock - try. Toronto Blue Jays. Country music and old time rock 'n roll. every second weeke-1 f,pe SY 20M T" oulip" W 19 111 ak look - IN Itw ftv , 110 1 - I *-V. %ft on" 90M lo"Ho low . -'d-"- jogsillikor Wild auto for friendship arid I neliew SY 29M (00" FRUSTRATED, single. white fornals, 25, tired of the bar scene and of headigamers, likes camping. the great outdoors. horse -back ficling, amuse- ment parks and country music. Looluing for a male who loves children and walks in this rain' SY 2W7 (03H) I'M a busy kind of gal looking for someone to hang out or party with, mature female, 19. 69. 135 be., sexy, social drinker and smoker, enjoys working out and the outdoors and small talk. give me a call. SY 2900 (OSH) GOOD-400king, 5'a', medium built. honest. hardworking, white. monoga- mous. single morn of 40, looking for an intelligent, sincere. outgoing man with a sense of hurnour. SY 2909 (OSH) WE are two single. white, attractive females. 22. outgoing, who enjoys sports. outdoors, cottage life and love a good time. looking for two employed. good-looking white males. 25-30, for good times. SY 2910 SUM. attractive brunette, 34. looking for a single, white. established male. 30-36, must be physically fit. attractive and very sexy If you are romantic and sincere. please reply. SY 2911 (OSH) OUTGOING, single, white mom, 35. professional, great sense of hurnour. two grown boys, enjoys movies. danc- ing and long walks, looking for nuirnourous, emotionally and financially secure rnale. 35-40, for friendship first, kids weifoomis SY 2912 (OSH) A iady. 5-r. slim, white fornale. very attractive and sports -minded. lovies to dance. onjoys candlelight dinners, trav- el and good music. seeks gentleman. 50-aio, for linendst,"p. possible relation- ship SY 2913 (OSH) How to respond to iticere-In vlours personal ads For individuals 18 yean of age and oldier Dial 1-416-976-11991 CALL ANYTIME A charge or s I." per minute will appear on your phone bill from tinw of connection. Hm's lim to ow Ur ml -v L Selfx, 11j aijj ym wull, to reallmd to And wAki, soft Of &c lf� d*m Sy "S"kiii WA06" th" m sk, aw of each ad ym we fouvemed is. a tck,,,&� call 1-414,W76-11111011 my tour of dw dov ym ORION bc willb- is dw 905 Awitis c.& 1. wiziciiiii, S y',iiIant wilgri.- saviiet. 3. Owe ym we I-eil tolij the %-NW4c lav"c""O" ym will hsvc the all"w" of mspoeSix, to A zpecd.c ad m fxrr,,iIii,=xS -c ion.,lbox preiruess friei Slis"TelY Y001m ad,critiom -obs ench cawgiin, G� hirad. " the -" mW � IMM ­" -1 " %ted AeoloolixI CAN 14IM397400 auvwar fwl-Ii,iis 1.1 iikio�ial mod I I p.m Y - be chirood fm thlis call. IDEAL HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING MORE THAN JUST LOW PRICES .dmL- FOW _. 14" : OUALITY MATERIALS & INSTALLATION GUARANTEED ELECTRIC TO GAS & OIL TO GAS CON'iiiERSIONS NATURAL GAS OR PROPANE AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR AMANA - JANITROL - KEEPRITE - SILANTIFIN - POLARIS FMMXEs 428kA9876 421 in fact 99% of what we sell is made by our fwnily right in Ajax, not m some distant city. Chances are, you will probably meet the person who will ultimately build your piece of ftirniture. Custom designed and built by craftsmen who care, and sold at a reasonable price. Solid wood quality... for today and tomorrow. DISCOVERY BAY CENTRE, AJAX MON. 10-6 TUES. CLOSED WED 4-9 THURS 10-9 570 WESTNEY RD. S. FRI 10-9 SAT, 10-6 905-683-2831 SUN.CLOSED W -W MEN LOOKING FOP ROMANTIC WOMEh AFFECTIONATE, fun -loving. outgoing gentleman. 37, enjoys quiet evenings. going out. computers and the out- doors, would like to forkeet an affectionate lady. 25-35. with similar interests, for possible long ' term relationship. SY 1200 (OSK) EASY -going. sincere and honest male, loves children, loves all animals. enjoys country drives, movies. $Parts and quiet evenings. Looking tar someone with the same interests. for long-lasting role- tionship. (Mpry, please call again. I didn't got your num- bar). SY 1204 HEART-to.heart, 32 -year-old white male, looking for an honest woman who likes to be romanced and likes comedy TV and movies. Would like to refeet a slim female, 28-34. 5'6* or over. Prefers single mothers. SY 1206 (01 SHY, lonely, separated. white male looking for lady. 18-27. .no enjoys fishing. sports. long walks and children, should be up to 5"r and look- ing for a long-term relation- ship. Sharon, I lost your nuren- bar. call again. please. SY 1212 (OSH) LOVING. caring gentleman. 4o. would like to meet lady. 30-35. sincere calls only. SY 1214 (OSH) OPEN refindec', single, while male. 19. 62. enjoys Outdoor activitles and quiet nights a, home. looking for a single, white female. 18-21, who is outgoing, adventurous and has a good sense of humatur for friendship and a Possible reja tonshep. SY 1215 (OSK) PROFESSIONAL. single. wr,te male. 34. enjoys golf. vottei ends at dke conage. drl Ing out or quiet evenings at home. looking for "a. while female. 28-36. with similar interests, for Inendshop and possible relabonshi SY 1217 Jos") SINCERE gentleman. 37, likes sports. dining out and dancing. looking lo r a Siommedium built. easy-gicknig female. 27-40. for possible future relationship. SY 1218 (OSH) INDEPENDENT mat*. 30. 63". enjoy Sports. walking On me beach. dancing, music, looking forr formal 20-35, who is s ncere and enjoys the Samop things. SY 1219 (OSliq BLUE collar. divorced. white Mo. 35. P"airt. easy-goorn. actrisooddiffirste. enjoys Outdoors. barbecues. movies. theatre. arefusernent Parks and kids. baking for forhodia with sorroolar interests and qualities. SY 1220 (OSH) NEW to PiIckerfing.ionarclsome. price,@ well-balanced man, 37. woudd love to meet a slim lady. 25-35. who likes kids. music and personal growth. SY 1221 (DISH) HANDSOME European man. 37 6 !*. 19C IDS_ enjoys Sko- Ing, camping. romantic din- ners and travel. Seeks tall. slim, attractive lady, 26-37. for long-term relationship. Noi smoker Single mortis wel- come SY 1222 ATTRACTIVE male. mood-3as, oo-t,t ous. level headed, responsible. with thirst for his. 0 your heart is open to nature. 4among. music, yoga. senso- bit eating. trial healthy ralla- loonshops are aullonornouis and life s misfortunes teach and exparvi love So mai you. SY 1223 (OSHI) ACTIVE, professional male. 48 enjoys skiing, squash. cling- gardening. seeks son - card. honest, non-smoking lady, 28-36. for friendship. possible relattionallop. SY 1224 (OSH) TO all slim, attrachlore. stinglet gets out there, I'm looking to have a possible relationship with, "ONE' of you. Myself, Im 38, honest. quiet. slasy-going guy who fenjoys, movies, sports, long country drivill's and the DOPM share together. SY 1225 (OSH) THUNDERSTORMS, milooriffil beaches and campfiross. these are a few of in favorite things . want to 2 me so. of yours. I am 28. 6'2'. %** baby blue elitists. SY 1224 (OSH) THUNDERSTORMS, moloorift beaches and campfires. thelai are a few of my jaivoritif things, want to Will ims soned Of Yours? I am 28. 612" wilt baby blue syles. BY 1224 1 0 0 0 of I # # 0 If of It 0 0 # 0 0 0 CALL ANYTIME 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK Here's how to use the service: 1. Select the ad(s) you wish to respond to and make noile: of the four digit SY "mailbox* number that appol at the end of each ad you are interested in. 2. Umng a touch toine telephone call 1416-970-.1991 any time of the day. You must tit, within the 905 area code to access Sincerely Yours telephone wm ice. 3. Once you are connicill follow the simple instructions. You will have the option of responding to a specific ad or browsing voice mailhom greeting% from Sincerely Yours advcrti%LT% within each cairgo- ry. Go abilead, try the smi out and %cc how cai it is to tmc. Need amistani Call I -FAM -397-1111109 anytime between 12 noon and I I p.m. You will not he charged for this call. For per -Ams 18 v cars or age and over. f . . I , I P , . if , I , , , , . THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED, MAY 11, im-PAGE 43-A (OSH) ROMANTIC, attractive male. 21, blonde hair. orqoys horse- back rodoil g. eager ska" and quiet evenings. Would like to meet a slim. blonde [*male. 21-23, to share possible future relationship. SY 1227 (COB) EASY-gckng. honest. single. white rnale. 31. who likes the outdoors. smoker. occasional drinker. W-famployled. who likes drag races. looking for female. 27-36, for a rotation - shop. strigle, Moms w*IcOm* SY 1223 (DISH) EA-SY-going black male. 32. very loving. likes darkicki and parbes. would like to moot a heavy set woman to share hill borrold, I ther, SY 1229 OUT0007I.yp*, (il 40. who enjoys power boating. looking floor adventurous Lady. for bN term relailtionshop. SY 1230 HONEST, wrIgild, whitis mals. -9. easy-going. loves good fooreal seeking dow, -to-odarth female 18-20. for trieniclishm. �o� rejabonishop. SY 1231 (05H) ADVENTUROUS white finale. 21. 57", 135 tbs.. drummer. seeks a female. 19-22. who enjoys parbles. for Indondsheri and a possible relationship. No Intact games SY 1232 (OSH) TALL. dark and handsome stranger awaits your Call. I've climbed the highest moun- tains and sailowd the seven sales and must a2flourindo you've, been hold captive. Need res- cuwog') Love life and its many adventures') Call and discov- er. SY 12U OUTGOING while male. effloys travel. movies. boating and camping, looking for while poll female. 35-45. with samolar tintarei SY 1235 (OSH) CHRISTIAN male looking for devoted. very attractive Chnstsan female, 22-29. I'm an extremely happy follow. very good looking and in eigiceffent physical condition. SY 1236 HONM. songlike, white Imaile. 27. 6% or4ays tr'ays"- Sports and outdoors. Looking for non-sonvoloung female. 20-27. for lasting relationship. Sy 1237 HONEST. single, whole Male - 29. 5`110% ISO bs.. bed - ayes' sexy. -toy* boating. long walks and romantic evenings. family oriented. Looking for & gorgeous. phys- cally fil. "I -haired beauty. 20.28. who wants to be Swept on her f04L Please, no head Games. SY 1234 (OS#O EMPLOYED, single. while . 30. Slim arid shy, active - sr-�­S� se -se -,, "-D" honest. antloys music. inter- ests vary. seeks fennaile. 26- 34. with Similar interests, for friendship arid/or nalabons! p. SY 1239 PONIANTIC. honest, sloor-cers. very trusbrig. shy malle. 35. 6'. separated. love children. country walks. seeking a friend, 28-35. children ;it* Wfoicome. Someone who is honest arid no head gamers SY 1240 MY contact ferriale. SW to 6'. 120 IDS to 140 tbs., 24-30. attractive. koves to run. work- out, sat heat". nor-smokong. Intelligent. trustworthi sill you m" equal is waoibrotog for you. SY 1241 (OISM CARING. down-to-ol sin- gle trials. 32. no dePorKknts. quilit, enjoys horna, life. seeks Sincere, lady. 20-. for good conversation and a lasting roadabonsh.p. I will answer all rephes SY 1243 (COO) ROMANTIC. single. white male, 22, 5-1 1". 190 tbs . tx.m hair. blue, Wyss. lococing for female. 21-24, for friend- ship, possible ropiabonshop. SY 12" (OSHI) SINCERE. quiet. nornst, or male. 30. erloys all aspects Of tarmly lits, and quiet( everwhogs. not into this bar sceno. seeks . slim. single female. 26-32. with similar qualities. ?or tnerxbftp and a possible rate- tionship. Single moms will - I - SY 1245 (C1W SINCERE male. 6'. GO. white. forianicially, ndoPendent. seek- ing a companion. 55- Sy 1246 (01 EASY -going male. 57". enjoys jusuc. MWYVWS, traysi. dancing. would like to rn"t pallid. white ?*male. 35-45. with similar interor, is, for Iner,oliship first, possible rei sortshop. SY 1247 (OSM SLEEPLESS in Fit c kering. male, 36. 5'8'. blonde hair. blue eyes. 145 tbs.. looking for friendship or possible 161 tionship. likes camping and outdoors. SY 1248 (OSM GENTLE and caring male. single, 40's. romantic . anrac- live. blueneyfid blonde. non. smoker, personable. humor- il and down-wasirth. enjoys Its has lots of love in his �L� to Share with a speciial lady. Could it be you"i SY 11240 (OSH) HOMEBODY, M010- 22. 6-3% 170 tbs.. orqOYS movies. fishing, all music -W rap. no head games. loves chol, dren. Seeks while fwnWs- 1 S- 25. with similar interest$. for friendship, possible relation- ship. SY 1250 BANG. You have just found this non of your drearrod. I'm a 20 -year-old while male who's Co. nq ,,, so- 9 , _- , -os. with a beaufstul, sexy Lady SY 1252 (OSH) TWO guyi 29. suracirve. son- gle and sornpilloyed. looking ?or two gins for datorg, Infandi and posslibille relationship SY 1256 HONEST. hardwoorking rrale. 26. dark hair, 510". 175 tbs.. enkc," cycling. sports and him times, Loolk­q 10, Single Ismaks. 24-30. to share PO&V- ble elool,ci SY 112117 (OSH) VERY easy-goorrig. Quiet arid 27 '-,, .-I i Dole relationship SY 1265 (OSH) TWO good look,,,q graduate Students. 25. home for the summer. loolI for two fun- ov"hig. Sher. attractive females to have fun in the sun w1e, until this tail SY 1266 (CISH) SINCERE malt. 39, 513'. 215 Ibm'single. w1ho enjoys music. dancing and quiet favemongs, Ilookong toe laterals. 30-40. for felitiondship. possible relabon- ship. Single -0-S are we, - come SY 1267 (OSK Durham Region & the Port Hope/ G bou-rQ area inrerriUvaurs has received 72 47. calts to date! (Since May 1, 1993) shy -A 16, Z6. Itall.arvCafroadian. likes going for long walks. also enjOYS quolat evenrogs at I KO , iOW09 children. Looking to( fg"-AJO. 20-26. who also loves ii arson. for future F , 10, reli tionshop Single, moms will come SY 1260 SINCERE, honest. singlia. white male. 3c. 5'6*. 170 lbal.. long Drown hair. MNOuStmc"*. lclookiing for a Permanent rsi ficionship SY 1261 101 SINCERE. easy-goong Maio, 30. 5'10* rion-smoker. non- drinker, sedolking a female. 245- 30. for companionship Sy 1262 WELL- established. single gentleman. so. would like to ft," Srogtid. whrille ISMI0. 25- 45. who enjoys Sports. 1-01. for friendship. possible long- term relationship. SY 1263 (Ol CONSIDERATE. single. recently separated rnalle. 29. win good sense of hurnour, who loved choldren. enjoys the, country life, looking for female. 2o.33, for friendship. poss,ble long-term rellation ship. SY 1264 (OISH11 PASSION and soul. whole, male, 24. 6`11% bludo eyes and brown hair. interes ted in music. sports. reading and going for walks. see". a swv- gle. honest, genuine, smws and an attractive fwrm". 22- SO his s -he s­a�e S nd ' r :' the nineties. ah wait. it you are a site". attractive tun to be KInC Of Worran. 19-25. and want to moot a moold-u,-i built. attractive. fun to be kind of guy 25. you linow what to 60 SY 12" (01 ACTIVE, :,dative "-- 40's. handsome. white gointletman. loves the Outdoci and the aclovadols out go wt?- �t lock- ing for an attractive female, 28 -AC SY 1270 (OSH) SINGLE to, !no [as: six months, roll to start going out lifoakin. malle. 33. shoulder - length brown hair. 5*11", 175 lbs., secure job, home owner, no children, looking for an honest. attractive. lit, SPIcoal friend, 23-33. for fun and quiet limits. SY 1271 FUN-ioving. easy-going, romantic male. seeks rornarn bc female. 32-40. wha anicys Wets. music. intimate don- ners and king walks. SY 1272 (OS" IT'S a wonderful life. Jimmy Stewart type of guy, (33, son - gift dad. Ill fun loving) ready to share life again with the right woman (single mom. Intelligent. fit). No casting couch, SY 1273 (BOW) ATTRACTIVE male. 27, loves dancing, selling. that outdoors and antique furniture. would like to ~ fernale with stornin tar Interests. I'm soncers. car- __4 sawi- S,lM. V- ng ou* looking fair F , 1, rellill tborishop a fewaii this ad and we can have a chat. SY 1"7 (OSH) RUGGEDLY handsome, tall and muscular European mele. late 20's, you might say tall. dark and handsome, seeks a pretty tamale for friendship first, possibly nitiors. SY I ZO VERTICALLY challenged (5'5*) professional male, v6fo, passionate about life and motorcycle. Seeking female, 22-30, who is independent with no dependents, enjoys and appreciates the gift of everyday life SY 12" (OSHI) GOOD natured. pleasant arid honest, single, white male. 28. with many interests. looking for female, for friendship. possible relationship. SY 1300 (OSH) SINGLE whole male, 36, loves music. lives in and loves the country, lookong for a lady. 25- 35, for friendship, possible relationship, riot into head gamors or bar scene. SY 1301 HAROWORKING nriale, 4'. 1 kes Alternative rork music. �Asstc rock. sports. movoes. nave good sense of hurrniur, 5'10', 100 tbs . children *el- f .ome, looking or a worra In th bove ualites arc I a a q .-,) s honest wilt, .3 slim to -3-J,unn build. SY 1302 (OS14) %4NGLE male, 24. - jolk,rq for sirigile, attractive i,mi interested in cottages -_,erpiric; and good times lot a -lationshop SY 1303 (OSH) ATTRACTIVE w --le -aler 43- ,ears-ood. 1neci 'i look -q for petile Lady 35-42. tha' .,joy$ candlelight dinners. Ong azy walks or, a beacn. P.,e theatre and being sPOdeo -ake .3 sharce. give nos a zail SY 1304 (OSH) SOOD-.",:. nq -ale 6'. Ar'. honest: aria hardoorcA 9: seeks a non-sms.", '11 p.m. - 7 days a week �na"", I orriale, 18 - 35. who fortoys Jor - moves. travel and fishing. Inflond3n.p and relationship SY 1274 NEW 'S ne provincoll malt. 25, 5 ­)'. dark hair. green eyes, wc.,.old lolke to Initial you. 18-25. and talk r Doctor !a discuss our irtfiroists SY 1275 OSH MALE, 10. f000lo,riq 'or attrac- I've '13 -year -Cod ornaI* W", kkes spons and 70 out I?,* flown SY 1776 t;%Ii ARE IS's 4*09 crazy. or am I Jo rq so-looth.rog foreonii It someone slim and sincere. would give this Italian male. 29 fantastic terkind. face arid Dody a chaorif:A, &WY rrolight be pi -Illy --d- SY 1277 RUGGEDLY nandsorne. tall a-- European -a You rhoght Say �ol late 20's . dark and handsome. seeks A pretty fer"allif for friendship first. Possibly "%OfQ Sy 1278 DARK-HAIRED, European mj,e. 6 *92 bS . .at* 20'S. rAW 9. Seeks a 9 fOrrhWO. b$A will "me to, a, ortledlogent 7 SY 1279 jUST right mal with children. wooulci Poster. just right lady. with no Choldle . Ohio 3 look - Ing for a man. who -S hand - son". trushloorthy. loyal aR-- honat* and compassionate -,,is woman w,il be a career lot,ornifor solith a taste of advW't, lure. Travel moonlight walks. and who also lokeer Staying a -4mis SY 1200 SENSITIVE. sincere. affrac- we Ind for ma,le. 36 interests ,nciude. sports and :re out- doons. Lookrlg for ar -WWSL attractive female. 26-38, 10, friendship. possible elation- sh,c) SY 1201 SKY s Ile "t. single wintitill ,ri, a 26. rion-sorrooKer slim - interests include. movies. 411111111 - mats. walks and ftylen. seeks songle wor,,te female. it-, 23- 26. to share solmolar interests. aviation interest preferred, friendship. possible r9latI00- ship, SY 1282 MALE, 40. looking for long form relatici enjoys camping. long walks. horse back rolikeig. Wet ev-ngs at home. SY 1293 (COO) CHINESE male. 5'5". 150 tbs.. 29. quiet. affectionate with a good sense at hurroctur. look - Ing for single female who enjoys, Mo~. lailikorig. Cycling! or just harloging out, fn*r-dSNP first. maybe more. SY 1284 (OSH) TALL- dark. handsome with good moral values. securp. independent. would like to meet a lady between 30-40. must be romantic and like to hold hands. SY 12BS SHY. quiet majoe. 30, honest. sonceirs, into family life. camp- "Nolook. r 1i � New assumes no habillity fair ill content or reply to any Sonce" Yours aconsirliserneont. The ad� asidumes, 0011no" Ubdft for the content at. and all responses to any ii -I - -A,-- harmless for aill coaft ammnMft liabilities No" Advertiser, ChvwVtOn I "I -- - ­- _- - imm�w lii'lilieloor-l' 01hawa/Witw1by Tt" Week Allax/plicketing :)shawalWhirtbile, This Week as a reSILA **fad. The ad-*- agrees 10 ondjollentolly and hold this publication and row"ber. We rinins, cc address on hosollosor WOON mos"P advertisement of recorded message and for any claims made aglaors' Ig placed by 90 advarIlleir or any repity, Id. lumilh "mtsbradoL 11111if USM SI YduoLt Sol 8""f 99ft" ard dFi . If or caused by. f- Pub"cation or repardi any advandemell of change the c~ry in which an ad is placed M"n MaiRm M" revse. restrict or ocarical Cstiallowrifillhilby Thits Week reserves " right 10 A. 0 long -,a- rela- �f Pas 5101, failhof of two. 175 tbs . Winship 1602 (OSH) Sv seeking porrrialMent 911allon- KINDI-ea,`ted -1j"Alell -ar ship and Inandshoo. o0vies chot- wr- "ditoria, 'aJuill Seeks Oren SY 12M (OSH) ar atieclionostal warrior. 30-4C EAS'1i �a-e 5'110 �)r a rotation - for theiricifili arkil enjoys music. movies. would ship. Counki arm Sv iniiii 'ke to meet Petite, While SINGLE white make. 27. 5 -7 fitorrate. 18-25, for Inervi twow, -A., Ana eyes. clear, cut a, relationship SY 1287 image kes sports. movies. (01 country -ii lowers cinridesin DESPERATE 'alhol of tw,. and ,,koi s,,,nng, at cornls ajCae,oi,C, ga-Dier. Smoke, liookriq for lotornsid, 21 WIV' Into head games and honest. somollar mildiforsts, Single, Wait 19 ?01 h&"JwO'jK -1; fL,nda B Poetarike, wrirr,afn to cut the awr Bring ca'' ;tgair, I 1�1,, I get you, the gasoline SY 1288 (OW ourroboor SY 1674 DO you enjoy fo" 10" QUIET J-_nq A, -*A'1 malle, opened tar you. you, 4 - S , -,* I tir, 03 . enjoys uPsJdOwrS 113tored 10. Your music. icing ova -3 n-IlIng. hoofols,dreams shared -!n sports. cooking a,-1 --,Ovm" yii Caring gotiontismar. -"i ooki or iiiiii attractive Lady 30's seeks woman *"c 'SO's 35.4S ., .9mi -y "'is. !a, 4 sexy and loads to !00 <,ilood Sanctus rewb~,p SY If" SY 1209 (COO) LONG -A 'WJ 'at*. 42. 5'9'. OUTGOING s nigid, "at* -r' . 6C bS w"o 5 honest. Mr- 20-3. batooas n !nje -credence care arid atillectoonate. enpoys and that finite Tforl9i life also Iho Jay$ and Loll CaNeriPtrig. loves pi SY I sea f OSHI) 880 s and most outdoor SINCERE Elowmat-v 14 -%ar scarortliss. lociourx; 'Of mat spe- pialooss,onal And fit, Stools coal Lady, 34-44 who -3 Slim worran. 30-40. in Elow-logerldle, anid tit with similar interests, area ' interested in good AZZ. choidren welcome SY 1290 atir night "Orns and "icireso (Ow :ooked load. 'a build a -ZbOW FL*4.ov,ng. worldfourfar-boalor , Sy 1=1 diatiorshor and ;.amo pla)"Ing ramper. ATTRACTIVE. ov ng mat*. loves concerts and children. li 4: 1 1 ­,Ciff ;)WSV with riot a bol , walld Ilk* to mww good sonsdo of murnour. who an same sirgie rocry, 30-37 has a 01 of ove and good SY 1291 (0311,111) !wrws to "roll w1-14 11-0 !a EASY -go" -a '9. witairs moot a lady between 30-49. Quiet at name, mailis or a testing froatiolon,g) -To and SOMM, $Pon$. 10OKIrig 'Or Tarry, who espon011 to �e-i- foricere. -K~ female. '8-22 "INE 1929, please loospond SY 1293 agerit did riot get vour correct QUIET -a a. 6% 33. Dolordle. nurribigI Sy 1 "If (OSH) green ory". has many Inter- SEPARATED 'a:le' wlt!e fool.S. likes fooreve Sports. look- ­ia-0 44. a Dit Sny, Or,Ovs cog for ler-aile. 25-33, for Dad- o,cycling. hoviril kra k ng sibs relationship SY 1294 going to this beacr, anc farkovs RECENTLY soliparatec father quiet @Vgnwqs in , -ont of a %roji ot :.0. 35. 57r. 165 tbs.. "Or' piece or TV. see" ornoldl coi Smaller. staking lady who's dly fernale. 35-47 'of tridirld- sitim. attractive, 25- *410 sil Shp' r - to oviabonshool SY kro*s "W to have fun and 1962 dDeSr I take h*fS*lf too son- SINCERE. working trials. 29 Oui riot ["to head games Of bland hair. blow eyes. sker, Il onal root stalrooft. SY 1295 looking for the Sarre. likes FABIO! FABICI li IF Outdoors, Occasional night Out YOU CAN FUC THE AD ON on the town and romantic THIS PAGE THAT CON- evisroings at moring, Serious TAM THE WORD *PUAWA- replikes only. SY 1961 (OWQ MENTAL" AND YOU APE CAPINM attractve. alliqction- THE IST. IOTH OR 2STH ale. single male. ale 30's. CALLER, YOU COULD VAN wish" to mom a lady. 30-4C. YOURSELF A FAMO'AFTEP to show her love and affec- DARK' CO. PLEASE tion. to have good times RESPOND TO THE 4FU#& togettridef, call and meet !or a DAMENrALO MAILBOX coffee, for possible relation - NUMBER, MMEMBER. YOU ship. Sy 19" WILL BE CHARGED $1.99 FoICTUf;j is wary person in PER Mft TO A MAX. OF 5 fts papal, really as annictroi MIMS. AS SOON AS YOU as they say) I say the only CONNECT WITH THE SYS- way to find out is prove it. 11 a TEM. SY 1216 (03" slim, pretty Woman wants a M, I'm 38-years-olod. average Sincere, stunning man for a fooking maks whito Is looking for loon toarm relationship. answer that 3P -W someone 10 share and I will send a picture. SY good broned. with. It you are a INS (OSH) New assumes no habillity fair ill content or reply to any Sonce" Yours aconsirliserneont. The ad� asidumes, 0011no" Ubdft for the content at. and all responses to any ii -I - -A,-- harmless for aill coaft ammnMft liabilities No" Advertiser, ChvwVtOn I "I -- - ­- _- - imm�w lii'lilieloor-l' 01hawa/Witw1by Tt" Week Allax/plicketing :)shawalWhirtbile, This Week as a reSILA **fad. The ad-*- agrees 10 ondjollentolly and hold this publication and row"ber. We rinins, cc address on hosollosor WOON mos"P advertisement of recorded message and for any claims made aglaors' Ig placed by 90 advarIlleir or any repity, Id. lumilh "mtsbradoL 11111if USM SI YduoLt Sol 8""f 99ft" ard dFi . If or caused by. f- Pub"cation or repardi any advandemell of change the c~ry in which an ad is placed M"n MaiRm M" revse. restrict or ocarical Cstiallowrifillhilby Thits Week reserves " right 10 A. PAGE "A -THE NEWS ADVEWrISER. WED, MAY It, 1"4 Winners has just bought an 9 entire collection of spring & summer'94 fashions from a famous niaker. 11IL-Iliks fCLsJ11O11CJ)1C IIILL� and-paitcs Wiming Prices $14:* -S39:"" C01711XVie at S40"' -S125-"'_ • Hundreds of styles in fabulous silks, cool cottons, and relaxed linens • F2s�� looks mi weekend Nvear and career dressm*g • Related separates mi gorgeous spring and summer colours '�w lit, 4 I J4 Y fir V Hundit-J,ot Sl.%'CS Pnav %at-%jimi 1110VC fty SlOrt pi&aixig Supff Ctnm liverpool Rd. & King$ton Rd. (Hwy. 2) Phone: 8-T7-0429 Plus 17 other Metro Toronto locations. W N N Open Monday to Friday 9:30-9:00.. Everybody lAwes AWMner 1 Saturday 9:30-6-00, Sunday 11-00-5-00