HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1994_03_04Pickering Edition 11IFS ADVIRTISIR Scribe wins sports award AJAX-PICKERING - An Ajax-Pickerin,_ Nc%k s Advertiser reporter will receive an accolade from a provincial swimming or_a- nization next month. Al Riven. - sports reporter at the News Advertiser. is one of 10 jour- nalists from �- across the4 pro%incc to E receive a media Al Rivett a,%and from Swim Ontario, the association announced Wednesday. He'll be honored at Swim Ontario*s annual banquet at Novo - tel in .\9ississausa on April 30. The media awards are chosen throu;h a nomination process. Both the Pickering Swim Club and the Ajax Aquatic Club nominated Mr. Rivett for the special recogni- tion. Mr Rivett has been a sports reporter at the News Advertiser for the pant six -and -a -half years. NEW Hol[FS PULLOUT SECTION LRegular features 1,ett A Sports Xfflboard 12 cussweld M siacereiy Yea s-»» Is The Xm AerF.enslel uses recycled paper r DON'T LET ANOTHER I _PMMER BIKE SHOP ;SINCE 1970 ' y �t 980 SROCK RD. S. PICKERING 839 - 5610 KINDERGARTEN WOES All -day kindergarten By LINDA WHITE Staff Reporter DURHAM - All -day, every - other -day kindergarten is being "shoved down the throats" of angry parents who don't feel the public school board is listening to their concerns. "Parents have a right to be heard," believes Sheila Hooker of Ajax. one of about 20 parents who picketed outside the Durham Board of Education headquarters prior to the trustees' most recent round of budget talks Tuesday. Bowing to public pressure, trustees considered re -thinking their recent decision to introduce the revamped kindergarten pro- gram at all schools beginning in September. But 12 of 16 trustees at that finance meeting voted against such a move. (That decision could still be reversed at a full board meeting when trustees approve the final budget next month. However, it must be re -opened by a trustee who voted in favor of full-day 'being shoved down our throats': parent kindergarten and would require Parents angry over alternate -day kindergarten confront public school board trustee lain Mct:tay the support of two-thirds of all dunng a PickA outside board headquarters Tuesday. photo by Celia Bronkhorst trustees.) But chairman Patricia Bow- early December. through grants- school. man defends the revamped pro- Still, parents at schools which Trustees had initially consid- "What is our goal of educat- gram because the board don't require busing weren't ered changing the program at ing our children in the first "It's announced months ago its intent aware all -day, every -other -day just those schools which require year?- asks Mrs. Hooker. to examine alternate -day kinder- kindergarten would affect them busing, but argued busing zones supposed to be a gentle step into garten in an attempt to cut noon- because it was listed as a tiara- can change. The board also a learning experience. ' .hour busing. portatwo issue, not a program believes the cost-cutting mea- "Other boards have had sur- It was amaag dozens of pro- matler. sure will improve the program veys and forms on this issue," posed cost-saving measures out- The board estimates it will by providing students more time contends the mother of two, who lined in a budget report. All save 5895,000 a year by cutting for things like crafts and physi- !questions why the board didn't schools had copies of that report noon -hour busing to and from cal education and less time on deal with all -day, every-otber- for interested parents and it was kindergarten classes. About 'buses. day kindergarten the same way also available at public consuka- $432,000 of that is picked up by But many parents fear stu- it did with proposed year-round tion meetings held throughout local taxpayers, while the dents will be exhausted and the Region in November and ',Province funds the remainder ;unable to cope with a full day of See PARENIM -Page 4 Real nice I g dead after dispute over pets By MARIANNE TAKACS some pushing and shoving, police say. David Smith, who lives across the street. "I've SCAR Reporter The grandfather of three then went back seen him around and I helped jump start his PICKERING — A Pickering man known inside his home and laid down. About an hour truck a month or so ago." to police has been charged with manslaughter later his wife couldn't wake him and called an Another neighbor who preferred not to be after the death of a "real nice" senior citizen ambulance. He was Pronounced dead at Ajax- named says there had been an ongoing dispute assaulted in an argument over their pets. Pickering General Hospital. Results of an between the victim and the than charged — Lawrence Sputrell, 63, of 707 Yeremi St. autopsy were expected to be available today. over the victim's cat and the accused's dog. was confronted outside his home around 9:30 "Mr. Spurrell was a quiet man," says next- William Sanders Henry Shanks, 32, of 966 p.m. Wednesday by a neighbor over a prob- door neighbor Ann Alcock. "He was such a Oklahoma Dr., was arrested at his residence at lem with their pets, Durham Regional Police nice person. I'm shocked:' approximately 2 a.m. and charged with report. Mr. Spurrell fell to the ground after "He seemed like a real nice guy," says manslaughter. )AY END WITHOUT MEETING THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE! CALL SINCERELY YOURS AT 1-416-976-1991 Nokia 100 Nokia LX -12 $299.00 '` $99.00 = Sane term and conditions ap* See store for Bell Mobility Approved Cellular Agent PAGE 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MARCH 4,1994 G5�E�AIAIG5 Expect 1 201"e f Old? Sears ww_ our rabo�� , tee ,es Card S1 5 aa"ist 'ears 4s6Qdeta ASM or, approved M� aed m t, anot �ieare ` our Sears don'tpay `til,jarzucciy 1995 on All Furniture Furnikirc i 11Iudc':, 11� O-1'<Yti� ' �l<<h •<t�. Ii\ uio r( K )m. dinin,o r( M nn, hodre x,nI tiIII lit Lire and In )rc. ( *F_X'J Udill'I h,ttic > ,111(1 1X11\ furnitUrc. All • M � oliance.S. A . NIJi )r ahhli:lncc, indudC %%a.shc•r,. dn�r�. r(Angc•ritt di,hwas nu(rt �\\;1\<�. \ ;U:ulllll rhanc•r". -4-- ink; nlarhinc-„trld 111or . All Home Electronics I lomt El cVc )lic, in(•ILKI TVs. \'(:R :,. camc Orckr,,. uv re( )-,. co m puteiN and more. Plus 1 00's of savings at our knvcstpn'ces of the season! OFFER ENDS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1994. Expect Inow fi om Sears SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. c HWY2 g c a a y ■ m -' PICKERING PI 401M Expect Inow fi om Sears SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE We're open Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Sat. 9:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Sun. 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. VERTISER "4 -PAGE 3 Ontario hospital care worse. study By JOAN RANSBERRY Durham Staff DURHAM - Durham's six hos- pitals have not escaped deteriorat- ing conditions which are reportedly prevalent across the province, claims an official with the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions (OCHU). Gwen Hewitt, vice-president of the OCHU's Region Four, tells the News Advertiser funding cutbacks are hurting the quality of care offered in hospitals in this part of Ontario, including Durham. "There's an overall decline in the level of service across the board in central and southern Ontario," says Ms. Hewitt. "There's less staff. It affects patient care. A reali- ty is, there's a reduction in transfer funds from the federal level to the Province. When there's not as much money made available, how can the same level of service be provided"" People working in the health care field, including those in Durham, are paying close attention to an alarming new study on condi- tions in Ontario's hospitals, claims Ms. Hewitt. The Voices from the Ward, a report recently released by a York University study group, claims funding cutbacks are turning hospi- tals into places of filth where patients are neglected and the food is dummy. Voices from the Ward docu- mented cases of rising infections, dangerous practices, inadequate patient care and workers being pushed past the limits of endurance. (No Durham hospitals were visited.) "It starkly reveals the real impact of the goyernment's finan- cial squeeze on health care bud- gets,- says Ms. Hewitt. The university study group vis- ited nine hospitals in Ontario. None of them are Identified in the report. Study group members claim thev w itnessed human feces and urine fouling a laundry chute, cleaning; being done once a week instead of daily and patients being depri\ ed of basic hygiene and emo- tional support — all because there is not enough staff or mone). Fewer diapers, fewer walks and fewer bed changes may save money now, says Ms. Hewitt. "But, for patients, staying in a wet bed for longer periods, in wet dia- pers, is much more than just uncomfortable. These practices can lead to bedsores, ulcers and to embolisms that can cost lives and also cost the hospital more in the long run." Patients get full baths or show- ers once a week in most hospitals. And, more and more patients are diapered because no one is avail- able to help them to the toilet, states Voices from the Ward. The housekeeping staff used to help by chatting to patients, getting them a drink, a newspaper or a Kleenex or taking patients out for a walk. Now they have "no time," 'The care At Ajax- ,.►- Pickering ' =General Hospital is Bruce Cliff excellent' states the report. Officials of Ajax -Pickering General Hospital, Whitby General, Oshawa General and Memorial Hospital in Bowmanville all deny such conditions exist here. Bruce Cliff, president of Ajax - Pickering hospital, says that as far as ho knows the poor patient care described in the report is not plagu- ing his sick bay. "I think the care here is excel- lent — and the standards," he says. He notes all sick bays are regularly inspected, and Ajax -Pickering hos- pital has just received one of the highest ratings. Mr. Cliff maintains cutting costs does not necessarily reduce care or standards. "The way health care is deliv- ered is changing." he explains, not- ing hospitals are finding new ways of providing care at lower cost. For example, less expensive out-patient services are replacing some in- patient services, and new drugs. treatments and diagnostic tech- niques are also reducing some costs. "Doing things differently doesn't mean you*re reducing stan- dards," he says. The studv lacks credibility because the hospitals visited are not identified, says Whitby hospital official Marc Kealey. "This type of report breeds cynicism. They aren't naming where they visited. There's not much brokering going on here." As of `larch 31, WGH's emer- gency unit will close from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. daily. Patients needing emergency care will be sent to Ajax or Oshawa hospitals. Ms. Hewitt say's the partial closure will have "a direct and definite impact" on the community and is simply an example of health care deteriora- tion. The restructuring of provincial hospitals began in 1991 to promote a shift to community-based care. "So far, no equivalent community- based services have been set up to take the place of rapidly -disappear- ing hospital care and workers who provide it," says Ms. Hewitt. Hospitals province -wide are being mismanaged, she claims. "1'd like to see some accountability from the boards of trustees. 1'd like to see boards justify their spending. I'd like to see hospital boards elect- ed." Many organizations have point- ed out that "under the guise of reform and restructuring," the gov- ernment is actually "unloading the financial and care burden off itself and onto the individuals — mostly women " cave Ms- Hewitt. Instead of getting improved health care in Ontario, "People are falling through the cracks. And, more and more individuals, espe- cially women, are expected to carry the burden of providing health care and home care to their families. This move is clearly more about shifting the responsibility for health off of the government's back and onto private citizens. In that regard, it is extremely regressive." Ms. Hewitt claims restructuring of health care must not proceed until hospital funding is stabilized, democratization and accountability measures are introduced through the Public Hospital Act. staffing levels are made adequate and the community services that are meant DELIVERY SERVICE WATCH FOR THESE INSERTS a FLYERS COMING TO YOUR DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND IN THE DAYS AHEAD FRI., MARCH 4/94 BIWAY (AJAX/PICK.) 'CAN. TIRE (AJAX/PICK.) DOMINION (AJAXIPICK.) MAXI DRUG (AJAX) FOOD CITY (AJAX) ' MYSTERY PIZZA (PICK) ' FOOD TOWN (AJAX/PICK.) NEW HOMES (AJAX/PICK.) ' HEALTH RITE IDA (AJAX) SUN., MARCH 6/94 IGA (PICK.) NEWSADVERTISER KMART(AJAX/PICK.) (AJAX/PICK) LOBLAWS (AJAX/PICK.) ' A&P (PICK.) SAV -A -CENTRE (PICK.) ' BAYRIDGES IDA (PICK.) -THE BAY (AJAX/PICK.) • o.u.Med m eetemd nousMaide" Apix/pkitering nI ryy�r� l J to replace disappearing care are really in place. She's calling for a moratorium on hospital restructuring province - wide and has asked health minister Ruth Grier, Durham West MPP Jim Wiseman and other area MPPs to put a halt to the government's massive hospital restructuring pro- gram. �I + FRIDAY'S CARRIER OF THE WEEK IS TERRI ADAMS Terri enjoys baseball, iikes pes. 3 co6eceng different fh!rgs Tera received McDo-aid's coupons compliments of the News Advemser. Congratulations Tem for being our F -day Carrier of the WeeK. V % OMMRI :A.00.eeo.� swoo.c Of r+.Cw•w PAGE 4 -THE NE%S ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MARCH 4,19% Parents upset their voices weren't beard on all -day FROM PAGE I sch(x)ling in 1992. When the board considered intro- ducing a modified calendar to reduce over -crowding in schools and the cost of building new- facilities, it held information sessions at all pilot schools. Parents and staff at those five schools — including Highbush in Pickering — were also given a chance to vote on the issue and over- whelmingh rejected it. "Parents• voices �%ere heard (on that issue),- argues Mrs. Hacker. She believes all -day, even -other - day kindergarten is being treated as a -closed issue ... It needs to be treated as a specific issue, not one of 41 • on a list of possible budget cuts. But, unlike all -da%, every -other - Need that Tax Refund Fast*. Why not have your Income Tax Return prepared and mailed electronically using Revenue Canada's new E -File Option. According to Revenue Canada, most returns will be A processed in about 10 days. Call David G. Masters Chartered Accountant to arrange for your Tax Return to be prepared electronically 427-1614 is Fast - It's Accurate - It's Paperless IN K: } nwti}u _ Find the perfect Your arrangement in Our ll�cage FTD' Flora! Professional / Floe 4' Selections guide. Wt itever the mvie, -hatever your y budget - you can find nora: desigm for every occauon in our 1993,91 F?D* Flom.' Seiecuons guide A" FOR QUALnY. VAt.t,F t SENVWWX PHOS BAY RIDGES FLORISTS INC. Phone ordm acccpwd on &U 1215 BAYLY STREET charge cards 39-2949 f tom. = DAILY DELIVERED FROM OSHAWA TO OAKVILLE A asgsar\o? aorun of bass Tr&WMV 3d"n Assn • ATratl.nar\ d Ronat Tramo\rb D\Iwr AR 0 IM FT CA WE'RE MORE THAN JUST A - Free Admission - Free ParMng for 4800 are - Over 500 vendors SUNDAY DOOR CRASHER GARAGE/ANTIQUE COCA COLA I COLLECTIBLE AREA CLASSIC EVERY SUNDAY EAST HALL VENDOR ENQUIRIES 2MA � Each Call Rick 427-4423 Next Showcase features local Artists & Craftsmen. Phone for more information. Pickering Flea Market FuU Size Carnival Most Sundays Vast array of products' Farmer's Market Largest Indoor Flea Market in North America METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE Brock Rd. & 401 0 Pickering, ONT. Vendor Inquiries (905) 427-0744 day kindergarten, the board would have had to obtain special permis- sion from the ministry of education and training to introduce a modified calendar. It believed it would have been easier to obtain that permission it it had the support of parents. reports Mitis Bowman. The hoard hasn't \et decided how it plans to offer the revamped kindergarten kindergarten program, though it has considered providing it on the same da\'s each v -eek. such as Monda% and Wednesda\' or Tuesda\' and Thursda\, and ever\'second Friday. \ • • I • • ••.�ti-•4 b......•."r r ♦ r . •vim .�-•._. • •. .rrrr r . . . � —.r r. ..� .-. • , . . . . . • . I... ...sem.. a ., ... ..... .. . P Region taxes up $3 in Flickering PICKERING - Property owners will pay $3 more for Region ser- vices this year, with an average tax- payer forking out $584. Durham council trimmed SW,000 from the Region's budget Wednesday, which means property owners will pay $2 less in taxes than they would have if those expendi- turles hadn't been cut. The average taxpayer in Durham will cough up about 5435 to the Region this year. By using a system called equal- ized apportionment. some taxpayers will pay less and some more. Durham will spend $320 million this }ear, with property owners pick- ing up S93.25 million. Some of the money will be- raised by water and sewer charges and user fees for other regional services, while the rest will come from provincial grants and reserves. In approving the budget, council- lors decided to leave 138 staff posi- tions vacant, trim 45 police officers, mostly through retirement, and cut overall spending by $10.4 million. Region finance commissioner Jack Gartley calls the spending blueprint an "excellent budget", not- ing this is the first time in Dtnttarn's 20 -year history that spending's been reduced from one year to the next. Council did vote to spend 540,000 to join the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, a group which lobbies the feds on behalf of communities. THIS FRI. & SAT. BA.ti D AL PAATHEWS MONDAY N1Gin's - I(X)I. i ouwNA.NtYT - GA.NFS R<x).N IX)VL"NSTAIRS - U VD. NIGIM - KARAOKE -W171711 1106T TRAYEI3N' WTI-SURS T1n:NDERING,1111'RSDAYS SINGIJ'S NlCarrr 'Kiril 11t TED BY DFANNA MASON 619K -2138 r c Eaaa A.W 368 BAYLY ST. W. East of Westney /0Ae O /�19' S A Y L Y' S10-0 AJAX 427-1888 11N'W ,. N. and G9 Saturday N ITES Cxass1° Rock I)i 9:00 p.m to dosing All You Can Eat SATURDAYS01 z 95 CHICKEN OR BEEF FA,J 1714 gar. >tN A=.-F/LE umftsomis RETURNS PREPARED BY COMPUTER Q MOST REFUND CHEQUES 4 -10 BUSINESS DAYS Q NO DISCOUNTING FEES ©I MANAGED BY PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTANTS ❑✓ KNOWLEDGEABLE FRIENDLY STAFF Q✓ SENIORS DISCOUNT } CCT M ANYICES Pickering Town Centre - 905-837-0564 a (upper levet Consumers) 1020 Brock Rd.. Ste. 1007. Pickerina (Year Roun4l - 905-837-0564 SPURRELL, Lawrence — Suddenly at Ajax and Pickering General Hospital on Wednesday, March 2, 1994. Lawrence Spurrell in his 64th year. Beloved husband of Betty. Loving father of Shirley; David and his wife Wendy; Linda and her husband James Cooley. Dear grandfather of Brianna, Ash- leigh and Nicholas. Brother of Ron and his wife Marjorie and prede- ceased by Jean Brown and Germde Bradley. Mr. Spurrell will rest at McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax (Pickering Vil- d -M IN SMALL BUSINESS Pickering, Ajax Whitby, Oshawa 157 Hazelwood Dr. Whitby, Ont. L1 N 31_9 1-800-884-8656 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MARCH 4,1994 -PAGE S Obituaries lage), 905428-8488, from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday and 2 to 4:30 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. Sunday. Funeral service in the chapel on Monday, March 7 at 10:30 a.m. Cremation. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foun- dation or Ajax and Pickering Gener- al Hospital. WORK, Joyce Lillian — At Ajax and Pickering General Hospital on Wednesday, March 2, 1994. Joyce Work, beloved wife of Bruce. Dear mother of Robert and his wife Linda; Kathleen and her husband Edward; and Bruce and Lorraine. Loved grandmother of Marc, Amber, Donald, Rebecca, Terri and Dylan. Sister of Vici, Barbara and Bert. Loved niece of Jim Poyntz. Funeral arrangements entrusted to the Ronald Martino and Son Funeral Directors, Brock Road Chapel, 905- 686-5589. Memorial donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated. UT YOUR TAX BILL! GET YOUR REFUND FAST Why pay excessive discounting fees? use our electronic filing(E-FILE) PERSONAL INCOME TAX RETURNS FROM $3000 Call us about our complete range of accounting and financial planning services... Business Services for a BETTER BOTTOM LINE! AUTHORIZED AGENT WANTED: TICKETS FOR UPCOMING EVENTS eg. Leafs, Blue Jays & others Will Pay Cash at Face Value Call Bruce, 579.4400, Ext 207 Helpers sought to fight MS DURHAM - The Multiple Sclerosis Society is looking for volunteers to sell flowers in its annual Carnation Campaign this weekend. The campaign. which raises money for rawarch and local ser- vices, runs from Saturday until Monday. Volunteers are needed throughout the region. For more information. call 79-7727. 5169.900 5152.900 Aw.:.40C sc " 3-' odrrrs.. S Ajax. 1p. aoove-?round or o rr^ . CAC 'p.. mr. 1r pool 2 .wel deck, oar, r, rec BRIAN CRANN��� r Associate Broker 1 Min 5144.900 5179.900 Com A4ax. Lute 3.' odrrr., CAC. All WO, W�'Oy, 3 odr n fir bsr^L. wro CAC CVAC. securty. Ir tar+ a rC.ry $167,900 51291900 3 xr... N -by. mground Presogaus WIlittiy coroo. ow Welk6!slLk 30c, r `ar- ".. wro t —air' 3 oCr^s . 2 oaths, 7W.eck N sows yr9a: CALL BRIAN CRANN 432-8200 OR 428-5500. PAGE 6 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MARCH 4,1994 Aax-PickeringNews Advertiser :Aitori l:Je � �� A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday TIMOTHY J. W Hi i 1 DT, E , Publisher 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 WENDJOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor-in-chief Newsroom - 683-5110 Distribution - 683-5117 Retail Advertising - 683-5110 Classified - 798-7672 BRUCE GALLAGHER. d Managing Editor FAX - 683-7363 National Advertising Sales - 493-1300 Real Estate & Automotive Advertising - 798-7672 BRUCE ROUWE .Advertising Manager Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association ALVIN BRO URIE, Retail Sales Manager Member of the Ontario Press Council ABE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager Help keep our hospital healthy Ontario hospitals are on the sick list and in urgent need of surgery if they're to return to the healthy state we've come to expect of them. That's the diagnosis and prescription being offered in a province - wide study which claims funding cutbacks are turning hospitals into places of filth where patients are neglected and the food is crummy. Voices from the Ward cites conditions which would make even the strong queasy — human feces and urine fouling a laundry chute and patients being diapered because no one is available to help them to the toilet. Those conditions are simply unacceptable. Patients should be able to expect the best care at any hospital they may, need to visit. But by not identifying the nine hospitals examined in the report — none of which are located in Durham, we're assured — how can we determine why those deplorable conditions exist and how they can be rectified'? According to Bruce Cliff, president of the Ajax -Pickering Gener- al Hospital, cutting costs doesn't necessarily reduce care or stan- dards. It does mean. however, that hospitals must find new ways of Providing care at lower cost. We aeree. In Durham, for example, residents should have access to all medical services in the region, but may have to go outside their local communities to get those services. We believe cutting costs could also mean a crackdown on OH1P abuse, an issue that troubles every honest person. The report calls for a halt to the government's massive hospital restructuring plan. But restructuring doesn't have to mean yxxxer service — we believe it can bring with it increased efficiency and healthier hospitals. k�g LETTERS TO THE EDITOR y.� I STANDrF 0 U —� --�. _1--' _ to ` �► � r , Fond memories of Andrew Sears To the editor, A little boy passed away from this life recently. Tragically many will never know him, how- ever, those of us who knew Andrew loved him and prayed that his invisible enemy, his heart. would somehow heal so he could enjoy the kind of life most of us take for granted. From the time Andrew entered this world he brought with him a magical quality. He had an inner strength and joy that was remarkable! He dis- played a quiet type of courage and zest for liv- ing that most of us may never attain. Looking back now I guess you could say he was almost in a hurry. And so were we. In the dark recesses of our hearts we always knew that his time here was tenuous but prayed every day that there were answers out there to solve his problems. There weren't. Oh, not that the medical world didn't try. Thev did. But it wasn't enough. Andrew died on February 21st just before midnight. Heritage Day. His struggle has ended. Ours has just begun. To live without asking why. To cherish each moment we got to spend with him. To remember the joy he got from life. How he could throw a ball and handle a hockey stick! And dance! This is the hardest part. It still doesn't feel real. We know among us are so many others who have had to grieve in this way. Our hearts are with you as we now know how you felt, and pray you too will find a way to heal. It isn't fair, it isn't meant to be. It is to teach us to cherish and love as best as possible today, for tomorrow they may be taken from us. In our case the doctors were right, the odds were stacked up against Andrew from the day he was born but would we have done things differently looking back? Except to wish he hadn't had to suffer at all, no! 1 for one will be eternally grateful I had the chance to hold and laugh and play with that little guy. I looked forward to every minute I could spend with him and although today I write this through my tears, the pain so deep it seems unbearable. I know someday soon I'll point to his picture and tell somebody - this was someone extra special: ANDREW RICHARD SEARS. Dedicated to The Sick Children's Hospital and all those who tried to help Andrew during his short life. Andrew's Aunt Lynda Lynda DanBuk HAVE YOUR SAY. •rhe News Advertiser asked: Do you think a child should attend kindergarten, all day, every other day? Darlene Neville says, "I think every day is better, it gets the kids ready for school." Joan Braneau says, "It's a good idea, being there all day is a positive thing." . . . [ . , . , .. . . a ... . . . . . 4 1 i i Ginette Beaudry says, "I agree with it because the kids will like it." Brad Farrant says, "It sounds OK to me if it cuts down on taxes." ABOUT US The News Advertiser wel- comes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal rea- sons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone num- ber for our information. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1 S 2H5 or sent by FAX to 683- 7363. Metroland Printing, Publish- ing and Distributing group of suburban newspapers includes: Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser, The Aurora Banner, Barrie Ban- ner/Advance, The Brampton Guardian, The Burlington Post, The Collingwood Connection, The Etobicoke Advertiser/Guardian, The Georgetown Independent, Kingston This Week, Lindsay This Week, Markham Economist and Sun, The Milton Canadian Champion, The Mis- sissauga News, The Newmar- ket Era, Northumberland News, North York Mirror, Oakville Beaver, Oshawa -Whitby This Week, Orillia Today, Peterbor- ough This Week, The Rich- mond Hill/ThornhiliNaughan Liberal, The Scarborough Mir- ror, The Stouftville/Uxbridge Tri- bune, Today's .Seniors. Second class mail registra- tion number 1897. Mail sub- scription rates in Canada: 1 year, $70 per edition. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretjon. , ► , , -, P, .I. , 9 � ,i -.._.. 1 r.��.�+w•+'n1►'h ». N'.V�.l.,�i G'rirw.l� THE NEWS ADvEr=n FRIDAY, MARCH 4, Mill-MGB 7 Pedestrian bridge over troubled waters without Pickering help AJAX-PICKERR4G - Ajax can forget about getting money from Pickering to help build a pedestrian bridge over Duffin Cheek which the two towns share. That was the message from Pick- ering council executive committee members Monday night as they Wiled out providing fmancial support to the bridge project Ajax is consid- ering. The bridge at the mouth of the geek would join waterfront trails in the two towns. Pickering and Ajax are both KMON MATH The KUMON method has helped millions of students worldwide, age 4 tp 15, to master mathematics. KUMON is an inclMclialized after school math program that can help your child excel in math and develop superior study habits and confidence with just two 30 minute classes per week. Centres operate year round and you may enroll your child at any time. KUMON Programs that get RESULTS! 14800-"74"TH To arrange a free diagnostic test, contact the Kumon centre nearest you: • Brock 8 Hwy 2 Telephone (416) 491-2847 • Whites Road d Oklahoma Telephone X905) 4446212 • Bayty 8 Marwood A wS Telephone (905) 571-7200 The Kurnon Reads" Program n alsoN avadaWe at some centres \ �� involved with the WaterfroM Regen- Study.) A pedestrian bridge over Town of Ajax staff reported the Pickering politicians said Mon- eration Trust established by the Duffms Creek has been identified as two municipalities would have to day they're not interested in funding Province to, among other goals, a priority project for the waterfront come up with a total of $200,000 for the bridge now or in the future. develop a waterfront trail along Jake link along the lake. the bridge project. Ontario from Burlington Bay to the Trent River. (Pickering has set aside ' funds for a Pickering Trails/Bikeway - RECOVERYOUR �r GOLF , 1 EXCHANGE ka>Z 1 Large Selection of Golf Clubs 683-3476 N THE PLAZA WITH LORD BYRON BROCK RD. k HWY. 2 PICKERING HOURS: MON. Fia. 19 - 9 SAT. 9. S. SUNDAY 11 - S U—*' Live DJ - 7 days a week Q 2 Separate dance floors Q 14 TV Monitors Q 6 Pool Tables Q Dart boards FRI.-SAT-DANCE PARTY NEXT THURSDAY Tae Kwon Do exhibitions Best Body Conmetftbn $100 prize •••••••• • •••• •• ' •••� \ •�� �••• �•••• 1 l Saturday : ��Sunday • and We do custom built addltfons • Sunrooms • Solariums • Spas • Additions • Replacement windows & doors SATURDAY= TOMORROW ONLY 1993 GRAND AM SE 01 15 _ n 5 YR. WARRANTY FROM IN-SERVICE ABS brakes, auto„ air conditioning, 4 dr., tin, cruise, AWFM stereo cassette, power DATE AVAILABLE wkbwsAocks, low kilometers, 5 Yr. warranty avalable...See Salesman for details. » ar,M« Labour Included '1I DOUBLE SIZE SOFA $339 30-x48- whRelnatural 239°,E61� B E D farm table white neutral chairs s... BB 80 RED Tui = J1 68 Bi BLUE BB 82 WHTE _L T�r..,1 BB 83 BLACK-_y`"�� Twin over fullnupPort$15 999 Oak Veneer Tables $ O Bed with 3rd I s price based on 3 pc. set purcnase 1 II'll u1JitI 963 ME& � KS16ND SICN DESIGN "RCH 3445& 6 IT'S TH2 Idea Home S I LIE k4T AUCTI HI Don't miss our arxn.tel This is your once a year Clearance of Contents! chance to name your price! Put a bid on your was. linens, rugs, beautiful favourite itemsi accessories. and more... 11p] O DESIGN CENTRE Plckerinnc Noe at DOM"ontn fa mon inim.,dion cal us at (905) 421.4332 Droq[ Rd. R Hwy 4M Mo9daitw wrirtlgt 1t1� dh.1M i F1i _w lllon _9re, SMaMIc tOs"' dpn t -Swig sooa St"' PAGE a -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MARCH 4,1"4 Al MARCESWN PR► � 1 • - . .]I is]- 1993 CAVALIER 1993 CADILLAC 4 DOOR SEDAN DEVILLE AUTOMATIC 5,T0 - LEATHER TRIM CHOOSE - ABS BRAKES CHOOSE - LOW, LOW KMS. ROM• • AIR COND. ROM• - PRICED TO P. LOCKS SELL 10,988* 1M&Z* *Plugs r,cabie to:es d Lic. 4vailabiiit at the time of pnnt1 BDNO ST. Y Q poO Overlooking Frenchman's Bad- and Lake Ontario. Design your oNvn Dream Home 60 ft. Lots Also 3 New... BUNGALOW. DESIGNS I1I$229�900 WWYI M M M STOLP H O•M•E•5 NVtlY apt am 1#N 0102AMM" DPM_ QWM Cf. A 4 qW01KIVA110 1 4 At a 4 11 t l l0.s...a { { {ph♦ ♦ i ._ . • r . t 1 '. , --t. a a 1 a • . a . z < a. AI, Rousseau's Sofas from $899 ...Elegant Relaxation... A �4 f � } I , All At=r s Dreaming of a more beautiful home - put yourself in the capable hands of a - `--- Rousseau designer. They will help YOU achieve just the look you want, whether you are considering your entire home, or just one room, you're in for a pleasant surprise when you see the endless decorating possibilities available at Rousseau's. Drop in, we can make your dream home a reality. MUMEAU s ....�, ti (HERITAGF: Hol IF linutr.i T Store hours: Mon. -Wed. 104, Thur.-Fr.144, Sit.(Closed Sundasi 2161bry Shat, fist who 663+13, Tma Ila 6160061, 14oa31774242 poO Overlooking Frenchman's Bad- and Lake Ontario. Design your oNvn Dream Home 60 ft. Lots Also 3 New... BUNGALOW. DESIGNS I1I$229�900 WWYI M M M STOLP H O•M•E•5 NVtlY apt am 1#N 0102AMM" DPM_ QWM Cf. A 4 qW01KIVA110 1 4 At a 4 11 t l l0.s...a { { {ph♦ ♦ i ._ . • r . t 1 '. , --t. a a 1 a • . a . z < a. AI, 7 P THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MARCH Ir 1994-PAGE9 FRIDAYSPORTS Sharp goalie leads Pickering bantams PICKERING - The Pickering SuperCentre bantam selects captured the title at the 10th annual Scarborough City Cougars Invitational Hockey tournament last weekend. In the championship final, the Pickering selects prevailed with a narrow 3-2 overtime vic- tory over Georgetown. Gene • 3.1 litre V6 engine • 4 -speed automatic transm fission • driver's side air bag • 4 -wheel anti -kick brake system • power door locks and windows -AM/FM stereo cassette • sport appearance package FA. -Thum 935 MRS. DOUBTFlRE Eg Ft 7:05, 4.10 Sat - Sua M.M. IC Mon. -Thum TM, 9,.10 BEETHOVEN'S 2ND Eg S.r - Sun 200 REALITY BITES Fn. -This. 7:15,9:45 SCHINDLER'S LIST R. a Sat - Sun 1:90,1 Yon - Thus. a MY GIRL 2 Fn. - 720 Sat - Sup. 205, 720 Yon - The: 7211 GREEDY R. 7, 910, SwSun 2:15,7.9,.40. Yon -flus. 7,9,.45. No Pass e THE CHASE H. 7:10, 4.30. Sat -Sun 215.7:10, 430 -Yon-Thum 7:10.930. No Pasm 4... � �f 4;, Dr. Albert Chan wishes to announce the relocation of his dental office we offer quality dental care in a warm, caring environment New patients are gladly welcome Please call for an appointment today at (905) 839.0931 We are now located at: Pickering Medical Centre 1885 Glenanna Rd., Suite 201 FAMILY DENTISTRY Smith scored the game winner for the SuperCentre selects in extra time. To advance to the final, Pick- ering defeated Waterloo 3-1 in the semi-final contest. In preliminary play, Pickering defeated West Hill 1-0 and South London 7-0 to gain entry to the playoff round. The Pickering squad allowed a stingy three goals against dur- ing the tourney, with goalie Lanny Caldwell registering three shutouts. Rick Macina led the club in scoring with six goals in four games. to tourney title Quinn, Paul Sliwowicz, Gene Team members are Jody Smith, Justin Stern, Robert Brown, Chris Burgess, Lanny Ward, Jeff Watson and Jason Caldwell, Paul Carson, Brad Yashan. Cayford, Donnie Crumb, Aaron Coaches are John Burgess, Lang. Ryan Legassicke, Troy Bill Legassicke and Doug Cald- Levesque, Rick Macina, Mark well and manager is Greg Moosaic, Dan Panko, Ryan Yashan PICI(ER84G MEN'S BASKETBALL LEAGUE Results thorn Feb. 21. NONaffASTEAB DIVISION - PLAYOFFS FIRST GAME Elcyda Corp 50 vs. P*nrtys Auto Service 52. TOP SCORERS Elcyrda: Dodge Backford 28. Mark Whatton 13, Dave Joseph 10. Penny's: Andy Vanheuvein 17, Clem Ford* 9, Hay. den Leacock S. Matt McOuire S. SECOND GAME Hill & Co. 52 vs. Mud Hen's Bar b Grill 49. TOP SCORERS Hill b Co.: Dave Mitchell 14, Steve Graham 10, Chris Hall 10. Mud Hen's: Bob Harding 19, Ricky Hunte 15, Joe DiBattsta 7. THIRD GAME Trillium Hardware 74 vs. Insurance Portfolio 59. TOP SCORERS Trillium: Calory Williams 27, Crantley Bishop 13, Terry Welsh 12. Insurance Portfolio: Reynolds Watkis 20. Don Thom- son 12, Steve Leahy 10. FOURTH GAME Bay Sports 48 vs. ASG Cateran 41. TOP SCORERS Bay Sports: Tony Oliver 12, Eric Carter 8, Lloyd Exeter 6. ASG Caterers: Conrad Davis 18, James Lockett 6. MASTERS DIVISION - PLAYOFFS FIRST GAME Werken Contracting 63 vs. Canadian Protective Products 28. TOP SCORERS Werken: Ray Fox 20, Reuben Defrance 12. Chris Sheldon 10. Cdn. Protective: Don McDonald 8, Ron Faragher 7, Ken Ryder 6. SECOND GAME Van Kempen Insurance 49 vs. Mud Hen's Bar 8 Grill 39, TOP SCORERS Van Kempen: Bob Nickleford 16, Bill Boston 13. Nick Hoppe 12, Mud Hen's: Al Sakata 14, Dave Burda 8, Bob Pfizer 8. THIRD GAME sc011WB0,41n W.M. Elinger 54 vs. Gatardrys Eatery 38. TOP SCORERS W.H. Ellinger. Steve Hemphill 17, Glenn Scoff 17, Kevin Walker S. Gallentrys: Bob Wing 8, Peter Voth 7, Dave Bayliss 7. LAKES14ORE LADIES RINGETTE LEAGUE JAW. 30 RESULTS Sapphire Bar d Grit 7 vs. Papps 4. Sapphire goals by Cathy Fertile 3, Sherlyn Poland 2, Wilma LaRochelle, Shelie Snyder. Assists to Joy Hercia 2, Poland 2. LaRochelle 2, Karen Maloney, Snyder. Papp* goals by Sandi Cohen 2, Joan Murphy, Stacey Pappas. Assists to Pappas 2, Juliette McIn- tyre. FEB. 3 RESULTS Sutton Group 4 vs. Janis Mitchell Kitchens 3. Sut- ton Group goals Laureen Brown 2. Norma Ainsworth 2. Assists to Kathy Terry 3, Brcwn. Jams Mlichell Kitchens goals by Carrie Brown, Helen MARCH ,BREAK AT C 0 P A T E R rT I b?E S C U6 4 one hour classes beginning March 14. Monday - Friday 10:309 1:301, 3:00 I I i I i 0WIN A FREE MARCH BREAK 1 C© PQ TER rf^I E S U6 1 MEMBERSHIP IComplete the exercise and fill in the space below, then return it to: COMPUTERTIME KIDS CLUB 570 Westney Rd., South, Unit 18, Ajax, Ontario LIS 6V6 NAME: jADDRESS - 1 1 PHONE: FRIDAY. M ra LEVOLO $ 40 00 TAX INCLUDED ----------------- Draw a line connecting the pictures with their correct names Keyboard I Disk Drive J I Monitor =- 1 I Mouse- 4 Printer FRIDAY.DRAW TO BE HELD1 WEEK OF COMPUTER LEARNING FUNi 619-1014 i ra LEVOLQR r & LEVMCW VERTICALS 500%F1 page, Tank McKsgue. Assists to Paula Tits, Kim Bradshaw. FEB. 10 RESULTS Papps 9 vs. Sutton Group 5. Pepper goals by Joan Murphy 4, Sandie Cohen 3, Jackie Batho 2. Assists to Cohen 3, Murphy 2. Lenore Pearson. Sutton Group goals by Laureen Brown 2, Sharon Casteiar- in, Norma Ainsworth, Carolyn Chin. Assists to Ainsworth 2, Barb Prescott 2, Anys Rosati, Castel- larin. FEB. 13 RESULTS Janis Mitchell Kitchens 5 vs. Seaton Gob d Country Club 4. jehis til"Cheff goals by Paula Tile 2, Tink McKague 2, Helen Page. Assists to Carol Stecik, Lee -Ann McMillan, Kelly Page, Donna Palfrey. Seaton goals by Marlene Pisani, Karen Pearce, Diane Poeta, Karen Laing. Assist to Pisani. PICKERING SOCCER CLUB Game results from Feb. 20. SIX -AND -UNDER DIVISION Jim Nicholson Insurance 4 (Jordan Lianza 2, andrew Powell 2, MVPs Arnaan Rattansi, Shannon See) vs. Pickering Slo-Sports 3 )Jason Dale 2. Jeffrrey Gra- ham, MVPs Jason Cale. Jeffrey Graham); Noranda P Forest Rangers 11 (John Janke 6, Justin H4vvi 2, Liss Crowder 2, Brian Penfold, HNPs James Inkster, Justin Henri) vs. SuperC*ntre 0 (MVPs Amanda Lee Cassidy. Michael Johnson); Canadian Progress Club 4 (Waseein Moumani 3, Mark Gonsalves, MVPs Waseem Mcumani, Andrew Metcalfe) vs. Pickering Lions Club 1 (Alex Stwrou, MVP Brian Wrigley). EIGHT -AND -TINDER DIVISION Licks 5 (Kenneth Tam 3, Ryan Vsllillee 2, MVPs Kenneth Tam, Matthew Brown) vs. Pickering Slo- Sports 0 (MVPs John Powell, Marianne Aucoin, Alexander Marcos, Paul Gerditschke); Laura's Chargers 1 (Kyle Sorrie, MVPs Ryan Barath, Matthew Finley) vs. Premier Trophy 0 (MVPs Stephanie McDermott, Trevor Innes, Teri Rennie); Ganhwood Homes 4 (Jordan Doody 2, Ryan Geor- giadis, Marianne MacNeill, MVPs Jonathan Kaye, Alicia Sudarna) vs. PCCCA 1 (Matthew Zarnitti, MVP Matthew Zamitti). 10 -AND -UNDER DIVISION Peg Perego 1 (Standen Cassidy, MVP the learn; vs. More SCOREBOAR111-Tage I t� . SCOREBOARD PICKERING - The Pickering knotted the game late in regulation FROM PAGE 10 Kelaey's 10 5 3 2 19 16 12 W)Idwood Ford 0 (MVP the team); Kelsey's 2 But 'N Ben Bakery 10 i Des. Kkchens 10 5 4 1 8 32 11 11 (Andrew Visconti, David Vavala, MVPs Jason Johnocrt Controls 10 6 3 12 211 5 Peters, Andrew Visconti) vs. M 6 M Meats 2 (Matt Pickering SloSpats 10 1 7 2 15 39 4 Dennison, Jason Whitehead, MVPs Allison Janes, TOP SCORERS Pickering. Luke Gregoire played a Timmone Dongen); Ouality Tune -Up 6 (Mike PLAYER/TEAM GOALS DiPasquale 3, Ryan Doody. Shannon Blair, MVPs Andes Lowles (Cdn. Progress Club)15 In the third game, Pickering suf- Mike DiPaspuale, Shannon Blair) vs. Pickering Slo- So Kaiganic (Ban's Designer Kitchens) 10 Sports 0 (MVPs Yusuf Williams, Kareem Green). Alexander George (Pickering Slo-Sports) 8 IIOSOIJITO DIVISION Nathalie Urbas (Sinn's Designer Kitchens) 8 Canadian progress Club 1 (Andrew Lowles) vs. Bin- Igor Jen is (Ban's Designer Kitchens) 7 n's Designer Kitchens 0; Kelsey's 0 vs. But 'N Ben Juan Bunting (Kelsey's) 6 Scottish Bakery 0; Johnson Controls 3 (Matthew Ryan Topping (Pickering Slo-Sports) 5 Jee, Kelly Brown, Kyle Homby, MVP Andrew Macin- Michael Kerr -Stewart (But'N Ben Bakery) 5 Josh) vs Pickering Slo-Sports 0. Matthew Jee (Johnson Controls) 5 MOSOUITO DIVISION STANDINGS Steven Bookal (Kelsey's) 4 TYKE'A' DIVISION STANDINGS David Binns (Bun's Designer Kilchensj 4 TEAM GP W L T F A PTS Derek Mourao (But'N Ben Bakery) 3 Cdn. Progress Club 10 9 0 1 25 8 19 Ben Hunter (Kelsey's) 3 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MARCH 4,19!4 -PAGE 11 P Pickering atoms oust Newmarket from playoffs PICKERING - The Pickering knotted the game late in regulation Pickering roared back to win Beli Canada atom `BB' Panthers time. The teams played a 10 -minute game four 2-1. Craig Hillborn and rep hockey team captured the first overtime period, with neither squad Lusina were the Bell Canada round of the playoffs after ousting able to score. marksmen. Grieve, Jeremy Holmes Newmarket seven points to three in John Pater scored both goals for and John Reid had assists. Gregoire the six -point series. Pickering. Luke Gregoire played a was solid in net for Pickering. After winning the fust game, the solid game in net for the Panthers. In the fifth and deciding game, Bell atoms played to a 2-2 overtime In the third game, Pickering suf- the Panthers pulled out a 2-0 win to tie with Newmarket in the second fered a 3-2 overtime loss. Danny ice the series. Stephen Phillips and game of their playoff series. Lusina scored both goals for the Mike Cuzzolino scored for Picker - In a fast -placed contest, Picker- Bell atoms. Assisting were Sean ing, with assists to George and ing held a 2-1 edge through most of Greive, Sean Sadler and Scott Holmes. Curtis Gray earned the the third period, but Newmarket George. shutout in net. 0 0 9 ie ptleal. 4 i 'M4 . y e i -�CAIV,S,, • FOR "NA W/r/YA 1.0 S4 OR A • WOO ktj �tXAAUQ AM 2 FSR ?NE COOpa1F 69SO01 Not NO G.S.T. OR P.S.T. FOR RX GLASSES ONLY PICKER/NG OPTICAL AJAX, OPTICAL 1360 KINGSTON RD. (HUB PLAZA) PHONE 839-9244 56 HARWOOD AVE., PHONE 683-2888 • PAGE 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MARCH 4,1994 H. Billboard Is a free feature for community events of a non-profit nature. To have your events pro- moted In Billboard, call us at 683- 5110, fax 683-7363 or write to the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont., LIS 2HS. The deadline for Billboard Items Is 10 a.m. the Monday prior to Wednesday publication, 10 a.m. the Wednesday prior to Friday publication and 10 a.m. the Thurs- day prior to Sunday publication. SATURDAY, MARCH S SOCCER. The Pickering Soccer Club holds its third and final regis- tration for the summer secson ct the Pickering Recreation Complex (upper concourse). valley Farm Rd. and Hwy. 2, from 1C a m to 3 p m Toke your child's health card and proof of age if they haven't played in Pickering in the post. 831-9803. SPAGHETTI Dunbcrton-Fairport United Churcr 1066 Dunbartor Rd (Dixie Rd and Hwy. 21. Picker- ing, holds its second arnual All - You -Car -cat Spaghetti Supper at 5 and - p.m S8 for adults. $5 for children, aged three to 10 839- 7271 PHILHARMONIC. The Pickering Phi!harmon c performs ;n corcerf of 7 p.m. at Pine Ridge Secondary School, Liverpool Rd. -or*h of Finch Ave , Pickering. S12 for adults. SIO for seniors cnd students. Tickets at The door or by calling 686-753' MONDAY, MARCH 7 STAMPS '-e Ajax Pniiatel c Socie', ,reefs the frst and third Mcndcy of ecch rrcr'^ a• - a - c' St Berncce-te s Cc*hc c Church. Hc,woca Ave anc Boyly S' . Ajax 839-8364 (Ray) S1.0 -PITCH ---.e Ajax Lades' So - Pitch Assoc,c' an holds its annual general meeting at 73C p — the Annandale Goif and Curling Club. Church St and Boyly St , Ajax Women aged 2. years and over inferesTed ;r p'cying, cc!! Peggi Bristow of 428-6143 kx PARKINSON. The Parkinson Foundation Durham Region Chap- ter meets at 7:30 p.m. at St Mark's United Church, 201 Centre St S , • Whitby. Guest speaker is Lori Katz of the ParkinSons and Daughters support group. All welcome. 430- 8475 or 666-8576 for a ride. AIDS HOUSE: A meeting for James House Durham, a proposed AIDS hospice, is held at 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrew's United Church. 71 Your calendar of coming events Simcoe St. S . (corner of Simcoe and Bruce St.), Oshawa. Fund-rais- Ing and membership drive volun- teers needed. 404-2102. Moved! PUBLIC We OPTIC /k L 50 Yo Designer Frames SASE Free UV 400 Protection $40.00 and Tint 2Jor1 CONTACTS Starting at $129.00 Complete Ircludes irsury ce, fitting fee, S`C'`er k't Crd CCr`SU"C''CrS. FREE Lick's Plaza FREE Lens Cleaner 1163 KINGSTON ROAD Lens Cleaner No Purchase Necessary (South side, west of Uverpooi Road) No Purchase Necessary wothis ad. (905) 420-0247 with this ad. to CAU GAAW ;COI FLORA WATERS — —•- x:111X Sales Representative SUN., MARCH 6, 2d P.M 111111112 PVMREEK DESIRED GLENDALE LOCATION 2!�Wr2tquiet 3 bdrmi cot air, sun en., fp., appl& an a court, within steps to schools and $165,900. Call Flora Waters qday BRISCOE ESTATES as 4ho.21. ALAN DOYLE Sales Representative 741 BREEZY DR., PICKERING THINK SUMMER 3 bdrm. bungalow in excellent location near Frenchman's Bay. Alan Doyle 5764111 or 686-5877. SUN., MARCH 6,1.3 PX 14 FOTHERGIL.L Det. al brick 2 storey, dble gar., fin. bsmt, ceramics in kitchen a baths on Ajax-whnby border $159,900. Cal Midrael Dean Warren ROUGE RIVER Re11Aex Rouge River Ltd. 283.1500. BARBARA OKE In Representative SAT., MARCH 5,1.4 P.M. 1779 MEDOWVIEW AVE., PICKERING NEW PRICE $217,777 Mant. free exterior, 4 + 1 bdrm., 4 baths, • custom addition master bedroom with gas fp. For your personal viewing or visit the Open arka9e Reeky Inc. House call BARBARA OKE', 905-619.9500. BARBARAPRESTON C.G.A. Sales Representative Heritage Reeky Inns. SUNT., MARCH 6, 2.4 P.M. AJAX BY THE LAKE 967 FINLEY AYE., AJAX Gorgeous hone in prime S. Ajax location. Open wept, loaded with extras b upgrades. Decorated to perfection, super pool-s¢e lot. Cal BARBARA PRESTON 619- 9500. AL MERCATO Sales RepreserMaUw 741 BREEZY DR., PICKERING THINK SUMMER 3 bdrm. bungalow in excellent location near Fren&inan's Bay. Al Mercato 576.4111 or 686-5677. 5 NEON sum 1994 VOYAGER BRAND NEW ncl.. 2 2 L. auto p.s.. porn. i Incl.: V6, auto., p.s., — p.b., 7 pass. seats, Qr eFF. ropers, floor mats 5 NEON sum 1994 VOYAGER BRAND NEW ncl.. 2 2 L. auto p.s.. porn. i Incl.: V6, auto., p.s., — p.b., 7 pass. seats, Qr air cond., roof rack, ropers, floor mats reading lights, flood .onsole, dnver air lights, dual air bags, nag & more or, 24 mos side mouldings, _ storage drawer & BUY FOR ,OIi.Y $179888 more. 12 CA 1236THE 68n. 23 7 for PLAN 2 mos 1994 ACCLAIM BRAND NEW ncl.. 2 2 L. auto p.s.. porn. i Incl.: 2.5 L engine. — p.s, p.b., tilt, cruise. auto., AM/FM cass- ass .air vanity mirrors, delay aircond., alum. ropers, floor mats wheels, p. mirrors. .onsole, dnver air trunk rack, driver's nag & more or, 24 mos side air bag & more. Stk. #A9078 OR eONL°�$13 9881 THE $AN 16 23 7 per— ML 1993 ACCLAIM MAKE AN OFFER! 4 dr. 4 cyl., auto., p.s.. p.b., tilt, cruise, air cond., buckets. console. AM/FM cass., p. mirrors & more. Balance of factory warranty available. Stk. P4005. j 1993 CHRYSLER qN;'Lft— TOWN & COUNTRY MAKE AN OFFER! V6. auto., p. seat, p.w., p.d.l., p. mirrors, tilt, cruise. AKFM. CD player, sunscreen glass, leather seats. quad seats. loaded. Stk. 3964. Balance of factory warranty available. 1993 _ Y� CHRYSLER DYNASTY LE MAKE AN OFFER! 4 dr., 3.3 L engine, auto. transnrssion, power windows, power door locks, power mirrors, tilt, cruise, AMIFM cassette, W.S.W. radials, cloM seats & more. Stk. P3927. Balances of factory warranty available. �, `~4 1992 Wa. _-- SHADOW 2 DR. So MAKE AN OFFER! 4 cyfrtder, aur., power sber% power brakes. Privacy *& doth buckets, AWFM cassettet ournet: Balance %My warranty ararieble. Silk. 49252A wuwworr THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MARCH 4,1994 -PAGE 13 • ml 1111, COLT 2 dr, 1.5 L engine, buckets. air bag, power brakes. console, electric defroster, dual mirrors, plus much more BUY THE ONLY R$1 O l 9 9 �°��� $9 4992a mw. 1994 SUNDANCE 2 DOOR 1�1� ncl.. 2 2 L. auto p.s.. porn. i dual horns.. acond cond vanity mirrors, delay ropers, floor mats .onsole, dnver air BUY $9,998 12TM�$5399WTn.ra PLAft nag & more or, 24 mos ONLY 3 �O�c% 1993 M/[ES STEALTH RT TURBO AWD MAKE AN OFFER! V6, p s., p.t., ;..w. ; n oo n ;, seat, ors. auto 'e7c a, cond.. AWFWcass- eiectroric oak. air bag cor^fcr. r,re contra, tilt cruse & more. Balance of factory warranty. P4062. 1993 CHRYSLER ONLY ts,2p0 M1�S INTREPID MAKE AN OFFER! 4 dc, 3.3 L. V6, auto. .s, p b .pow- p door locks. p, mirrors, tilt. cruise, AM/FM cass., rear child seat, message centre. air cond Stk. P3989. Balance of factory warranty available 1991 COLT 200 E ,ONLY ss,800 Mks 2 DR. MAKE AN OFFER! 4 cylinder, auto., power steering, power brakes. AM/FM cassette, cloth buckets, privacy glass, dual mirrors & more. 1 owner. Balance factory warranty available. Stk. #S9300A. 1993 GRAND VOYAGER ;_.�. SE WAGON MAKE AN OFFER! 3.3L V6, aur., ps., pb., p.M., p. minas, Ik, anise, AWFM cass., air cond., gauges, omsole, aetead console, 7 pass. w/ehild seals & more. Only 12,500 1993 4 FIFTH AVE. MAKE AN OFFER! 4 .r V6. 3 . ; 5.. r.:. ..N.. , yea:.: .. _ ,.Se. 3.., .. G air. Ali mss.. Keyless entry. wire «,)eeis. sec-r*,4 aa— 4qm. vanity m rrors &^lore Baiarce of factory wan-rry ava lade :'K. %Z25 - 1993 DAKOTA ONLY 11,?0o CLUB CAB M/L,fes MAKE AN OFFER! Cloth txcKes, ocwer windows. Dower cecr OCKS. Dower soar ". Dower brakes, cr c%u. air. V6. a-=, a^: som,'wo mra. AMTM Doss.. a...- r.^ w!wats,LE oecor & Tore. t ow-er. Ba . of fogy war*ary avail. Sx P4; 836 1993 _ CONCORDE MAKE AN OFFER! 4 dr.. 3.3 L. V6. auto.. p s.. Dorn. p w . c c_. c. mirrors. tilt, :%ise. ar:opc rear child seat. A%'FM cars. w equai¢er. IT aiur^ wneei rk^y . o- Sea:. keyless entry & ^are. Balance of Factory warranty avadabie. Stec a40C, A PLYMOUTH SERVICE OPEN ALL AJJU LTD. :. , ,LAGE CHRYSLER DAY SATURDAY AND EVERY NIGHTSL PWnOD AVE. (North of 401) 683-5358 Special Services PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MARCH 4,1994 Oaantity Means Otu ty - advertise both Oshawa -Whitby This Week (576.9335) and Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser (79&7672) Combined Pressrun of 103,000 every Friday K ' ,�aX-Plcl[ettitll� Combined Pressrun t �t� ✓� r % 4 Wsie }: i ......... ...... ..:...:::L air (.;V"AY7�i 1 6-W W M,0 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax - Open: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m. 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 120 Office Help 120 Office Help 120 Office Heir IF i » or a sin le The Family Counselling Division is one of the largest providers of family counselling services in this area, offering ODD an extensive range of integrated family treatment. We are seeking an individual to fill in on a temporary basis (6 to 8 months; due to a leave of absence for our position of DURHAM REGION FAMILY COUNSELLOR Responsibilities include providing family, marriage, school, individual, group, short-term and some adolescent counselling. In addition. there will be involvement in family life education, domestic violence programs and work with community agencies on various projects Applicants will have a Master's Degree in Social Work or related field, plus several years of social work experience C.S W accreditation would be a definite asset. Interested candidates are Invited to submit a confidential resume quoting file number 94 -VAC -003 by March 16, 1994 to the attention of theStaffing Officer. The Department of Human Resources. The Regional Municipality of Durham, 605 Rossiand Road East. Whitby. Ontario L IN 6A3 We thank all applicants but advise that only those to be considered for an interview will be contacted Prsonai nbr^ranor is coi ecred under :ne aurhorirr or ne Regronaf AlurcpaMy of Durham Ac' and w,t tie ,crud ID assess Nrgbin for vrployment Ouesnors aDour rhs co•ecrer should be addressed to the Staffing g Ofte, 615 Rossfard Road Ease. Whaby Ontario LIN 6A3 Telephone .9.6. 668 7711 An equal opporrunrn, emlpleve, LOOKING FOR A WALLENGE3 EXPERIENCED TELEMARKETER WANTED We are looking for a self - motivated, articulate candidate who can sell over the phone. In return, we will provide an environment with friendly & supportive supervision, competitive pay 8 more. Send resume to: Classified Advertising Manager Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser 130.132 Conwwcial Ave. Ajax, Ontario US 2H5 or call 798-7672 EXPERIENCED COOK For classy seafood and steak restaurant. Wages according to qualifications. Apply in person only - 1180 Simcoke St. N., Oshawa. ALASKA JOBS Earn up to :30,000 in 3 months fishing salmon, halibut and herring. Also construction, tanneries, oil fields plus more. 1.504.641-1114 Ext A1219 24 Ms. LIKE CANOLEArvelift%laftiall�N party phi. Pnylls has a wo ID car" and reglYes apr6 in yah wee Ousaw Arg oaaanssiara no int4a•rt into tltkrstfss. a 1aN1471-ta7 Rscapbol Order Entry Clark required for Scarborough manutactunng company The ntrsWrisnbdites of the entry hire, positron are vaned and include answering the phones. taking telephone orders, processing orders in compeer and filling Appkcarnts should have basic computer •xperw= Please mai muses to 1370FiMrtipfu Blvd Until 617 pickvOntario L1 While we thorns all applicants, only the ones being considered null be tDntacied Associate with national retailer has oppppoortrt�tmmrtrtyy for. Car ESTMiIAToRSK:LOSERS. Earnings of 3,000 - 4,000/m tcormi possible. outgoing dependable ppeople with sales Tacnkuggrou o X d. Cara must. Cal Ir R IA AN. 428-201 1. Expanding comporgf 111111001110 womtow for ds*bArs* Ea* rnariagad from tiofla and most rewisli ng. Option fa earl retirement with S -figure mouthy benefis. Celt 031-6126 Local Pizza requires cook, driver Phone 683-1523 SUBWAV" ANOTHER NEW LOCATION IN PICKERING COMING SOON! ON SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BROCK & GAYLY We are now accepting applications for all positions, part time & full time. Are you mature, reliable & customer oriented? We need you on our team. Apply In person at the Pickering Hub Plaza Iocatlon Hwy. R2 A Liverpool No Phone Calls Please ITALIAN COOK required full -tune. Must have minimum 4 yrs. experience in Italian cuisine. Reply to: File #6158, OshawaWhdby This Week, P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, L 1 H 7L5 FULL-TIME HAIRSTYLIST WANTED $8.00/hr. to start + commission. Benefits. Thursdays off with pay. Phone 683-3650, ask for Jane. SUPERINTENDENT COUPLE For cordo building in Whitby. 90'X. deeniirlg. You are professional in corded i have the highest standards of cleanliness. Co-operative 3 friendly without being intrusive. We offer, cornpetitive salary, 2 bedroom suite b alternate weekends OR. ALASKA JOBS Earn up lo S3o,000 in 3 moMa Willing salmon Alto owar a him canary. of fields plus morel FOR BlMEOtATE RESPONSE CALL 14044)464513 EXT. K100 WEEKLY Asserrble products a home. Easy! No Seting. You're paid dreg. Fuffy guaranteed. No experience neoessary. Cap 1-504641-7176 Eat 100.44 IMs- SEWING machine operators required. quiet work at morns•. Must hare indusbfal machine. Speed and experience essential. F4..a. call 43E<99eo. (031094) S WORK a1 hoar S. Earn $800- 1500 pan tint• or $2000.4000 full tint• mor". Health. rttri- me OFFICE CLERK 0: Required for Property Management Office in Whitby. Applicant must have extensive experience on Lotus 123 and WordPerfect. :. Call 668-6797 .: YOU are s ng g parent or separated or divorced with three years work experience, you may quality for financial assistance or if you are over 45 and have recently been laid oft. you may qualify for train - ng assistance. DIP/CERT., Lotus. Wordperfect. D -Base. Word, Accpac, Bedford. Autocad. Ventura. Pagemaker, �+arvard Corel Computer ■ ■ Programming and Systems IAedkal 5 I Hose d - Da Care 160 Wanted Analyst. Cobol, Pascal and C. BOOKKEEPER spw»n ced cNiawle worker requied duces. includes Photoshop, Quark Express and illustrator. Durham Business w 4eaied for Property Manayemen Once in Whtby Must be ere Fenwick Computer College. 427-3010. eooketp and aperatng the cash experienced on the New Views Computer System. DENTAL Technie»n required (TF) �c•• King St W., Reply: Fills 06160 Oshawa Whitby This Week register. Cal pat or Ruth al 884 881 t •:t. 283 8 a.m -4 p.m. PART time secretary for small for dentallirdenture clinic in P.O. Box 481, Oshawa LiH 7L5 N_ 502 private school with computer skills. mature attitude, good (031094) Training provided, for shit Whitby. Applicant must be telephone manner, must be reb- ■ e ableirespea confidentiality. Hours 1-5 p.m. $900 monthly. GROWING Whfby manufacturer Only qualified applicants need East Scarborough Office requires an experienced well or- apply. Send resume to: Fib requires ganized individual to handle 66159 Oshawa The Week. P O FULL aPART-TIME computerized accounting, Box 481, Oshawa. Ont. L1H SECRETARIES reception and various office re• 71.5. (030894) Must be hardworking with rated duties. Business Visions 11 OFFICE clerk required for Whit - good lelephone and ry(xng an asset. Please !orward by office. Typing and filing skills Skulls. Opportunity br resume with salary expectations neoessary. Some computer ex - advancement to Personnel Department. 119 perience on Lotus 1.2.3 and JOHN (416 321.3536 Consumers a.. Alat. Whitby OWordpe sect. call 66e-6797. -1N 1c4 (030494) (0310941 130 SalesAgenits 130 Sales Help/ 130 Sales genits Wallpaper Country requires :Z�dART/FULL TIME SALES HELP iately. Interior design experience an asset. Call Mary at 1 579-1655 JOIN CANADA'S LARGEST AND MOST TRUSTED BULK FOOD COMPANY PRIME CUT FOODS LTD. We are looking for sales reps. to work out of our Ajax office. This is a commission only job selling to pre -arranged appointments. No cold calling. If you've got what it takes and are motivated to earn above average income, you will find yourself fast tracked to management. Call Michael 619-6688 If it's fun, exciting, puzzling, challenging, and entertaining for the whole family, then Dufferin has it. And ... we are looking for someone to help us share it with others. If you have 5 years professional sales experience and an enthusiastic, self motivated attitude, we have a full time sales associate position available. Call 420-6113. NEEDED FOR HEATING CO. IN AJAX Wil have tits. i com sake expi"nce CALL 619.6991 AFTER 1 P.M. ALOETTE CosmMics. now open in Pickering. Full time earnings in pant time hours. No deiuery, no inventory, free training. Please call 427-8021. (031394) 135 Skilled Help NOUSTR IAL Engineer - local manufacturer has a contract page= (3-6 mthe plus) avai- able i medwely. Minirwrn one yew expwierr, with M.O.S.T. is mandatory, automotive ex- p eniwice is a pka. Plow cal The Minacs Employment Centre, Nancy Key. 427.4428 or tax 427-5023. (03089q 150 HosP. Medical Dental M&M -101 To start immediately 25 - 30 hours per week Mon. - Thurs., Friday url 6 Odomax locations. Related experience desirable. Send 1 aaya�wra a a4ss 1 tion and weigft loss. Success system Veining. ,-ado-3e7• IAedkal 5 I Hose d - Da Care 160 Wanted resume b: NATINE, spw»n ced cNiawle worker requied duces. includes 6330. M300")eq w ere Fenwick eooketp and aperatng the cash LOCAL -11 - blue rtp s conay re- DENTAL Technie»n required AJAX -Weeny Miplta area.' �c•• King St W., register. Cal pat or Ruth al 884 881 t •:t. 283 8 a.m -4 p.m. quire Bio" spwe drivem for dentallirdenture clinic in live-in nanny required. NonStl11lM N_ 502 (031094) Training provided, for shit Whitby. Applicant must be sm*w for 3 dl8dnam 5 days a esideal workers or retire. Must be experienced. Call 888-6797. week References piesse Cat Oshawa, Ontario NAIL Technician+ wanted in tan- over 2/ with clean driving (031094) 426-2573• (0306=4) L1H 1A4 n i n g salon. must have record. Cal 420.6779 or 427- RECALL Receptionist required FULL and pat time babysNNr eupwisttoe. Apply within, Tan Limos. 8865994. ask for Tony. 3882. (030894)for der" offer in yytrN�r. Part required, two children, non sv D-7 Care (030494) WAITREMWARER and dish- time evenings. Apperant must have excellent verbal teUpltone smoker. care required. Her. d/40, wooarea. call 426.2304. 165 Avallable EXPERN31 D 5 year presses washer required, full and part skills. Call 8666797. (031094) (030944) needed fon dryaeanirg pram in Whitby. Call 576-2510. (031094) time. experience nevessary. Apply in person Le Centre 160 Day Clare 6 1 Day Care 65 LONNG mother of two boys, ages 3 1/2 a 6 to provide claycanA full time for PROFESSIONAL Clips requires Restaurant, Pickering Town Wanted Available your child. lull time and part time ex- Centre. 837-0859. (030694) No pea, fenced yard, i nut►sious snacks lunnches dally wake. perienced hairstylist. Apply PROFESSIVE local satin seeks NATURE reliable babysitter RAVENSCROFT/ROSSLAND ages 2 1/2 and up welcome. 1300 King St. E. or call Bus. experience s t y I i s t with needed to look after two children Rd. area, daycare avaeable in LivepooYFMy 82. Elaine. 420. 576-4193 or 571-0181. (031794) professionalism, creativity, and in my horns. Ful days. 831-8196 my home, full or pant time. Cal 2585. (030494) FULL -TINE COOK - qualified has a committed miluds. Our after 5 p.m. (030994) Patsy at 6869813. (030694) LOVING daycare provided in my and experienced cook required salon offers incentive packages, RELIABLE babysitter required home, smoke Tree, fenced for some residential facility. uPgradng education and a caw- lin our hong for two eMldren, DAYCARE available in my backyard, no Y Pits, Good bakingskills essential. Good irnenpresonal skills. Able to sonal atmosphere for your cliental». Send resume to: 18 4 and 7. Ful time q venscroft and Delaney. Nutritiousalunches. snacks and atenutretous �� �� Hwy work within a budget. 696.4472. 701 Roseland Rd. E., Box 269, references please. Call 898- provided. Faster parent certl4ed. 82. available owware&. Ftes or morr2e (031094) Whitby, Ort. LIN SY9. (032494) 4575, 7 p.m: 10 p.rn (030494) 8967939. (030694) information, call 420-0208. ..................... ...... ... ..............................................................................mss....', 205 Firewood 220F"ar"e ,230 Wanted 260 Am& crafts FIREWOOD . excellent --fit. CARPETS - las of carpel 1009E w hardwood, seasoned, very d Or- nylon. new stain rebase mage, - phones from the l d. split. honest ffwmurat W.t. on hand, I will carpet 3 rooms. CK . P�e��� 7 .410 der now for next season. FREE $349. Price includes carpet, ask for Lil. (TF) DELIVERY. Call 1-905-753- 2246. (TF) premium pad, expert etc 1333 Boundary Rd Unit 93 manufacturers is now selling `B installation, last delivery, tree estimates (30 yards). Norman, Garageroard 50 2 0 Flea Market 2314' (/94) Xx Sales AJAX Pickering Appliances - no: CARPET - I have several 1000 YARD Salo to be held Mar 26 COMPLETE crib, swing cradle, bards of new Stainmaster and from 9 a.m-a p.m. at Somme change table plus accessories. 100% nylon carpet. I'll carpet Hall Settlement House. 387 Skncoe St. S. New and used Jenny Lind style, solid mapie wood. Excellent condition. $250. our living room and hall for $9. 34 Price inc items, fun raiser lot Father Fran- Call 6830523. (030994) installation. '30 yards'. Steve. cis Mahoney Grade 8 class. Please notify Rosy Langstaff for VENDORS warned for new in (416) 432-8244, rental of table, $20 per table door/outdoor flea market in PIANOS/GRANDFATHER Call 579-6592 it 725.4011. Bowmanville. (25.000 sq.11.), CLOCKS - Specials on selected (031094) daily/monthly/yearty rentals. Ex 1993 models. Pianos, rent to Learn The Motivanional Method cellenl location, parking, rates own, apt. size, upright, grand_ 260 Ams Crafts623-4622. (030194) digital, keyboards. CLOCKS dealers 40% off. 20 % off WEDDING gown, size 18, off (tree delivery and set up). Telep Piano Works. 433-1491. (TF) CERAMIC Factory -ready to 260 Im a miffs THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MARCH 4114 -PAGE IS 260 iAowa- is crams 330 Trailers Ann a !� r A r A r 0% r*V s, red. Call aper 5 P.m. 4369199. quality exterior and interior COUNTRY CRAFTS AND 1]00 Automobiles ' COLLECTIBLES SHOW S 3 Fri., March 25, 3 p.m. - 9 p.m. Sat., March 26, 10 a.m. - S p.m. OSHAWA etc 1333 Boundary Rd Unit 93 manufacturers is now selling `B CIVIC AUDITORIUM3111 220 For Sale 99 Thornton Rd. S., Oshawa DURHAM'S LARGEST CRAFT SHOW 1fridge, I dryer 140 Exhibitors 14,000 sq. ft. of unique crafts AJAX Pickering Appliances - no: table with c/w ext. and 4 Windsor chairs. $799 - 8' oak ARTISTS/CRAFTSPEOPLE: 43431IV '11111, 1986 Ford Mustang Covertibie. only 63.000 kms. V6. aryvfm white ld ace. beat to bodice, sleeves, small train, matching hat veil. $250. 839-5567 paint bisque. new pieces - OAKIPINE FURNITURE - Why hockey, baseball, cherubs, pay retail prices? One of s, red. Call aper 5 P.m. 4369199. quality exterior and interior Pets -supplies- 1]00 Automobiles w4h animals, lamps, muscal pieces,290 Ontario's oldest and largest 201111 3 Articles etc 1333 Boundary Rd Unit 93 manufacturers is now selling Boardinq For Sale 220 For Sale Oshawa. 725-6709 Sat. 10-3 direct to the public. Eg. 5' oak only. (031094) 1fridge, I dryer ^9 for you and your dog starting AJAX Pickering Appliances - no: table with c/w ext. and 4 Windsor chairs. $799 - 8' oak ARTISTS/CRAFTSPEOPLE: TEAM Obedience. next classes (puppy and novice) starts Mar, 1986 Ford Mustang Covertibie. only 63.000 kms. V6. aryvfm reasonable offer refused. fully double pedestal cJw ext, and 6 Contemporary art and craft shop 12 a 26. Evening and Saturday cassette, pw., pl cruise, air, guaranteed. Reconditioned o p e n i n g soon i n Durham chairs. $1429. Cannonball beds, classes available. Small classes , auto trans. Ask for pan or Pat atbanes. aPP Come make us E Region. Sill accepting work in SM. Over 20 stain choices - as guaranteed. Call 430-0025. Enterprise Ford. 576-1800. deal. 427-6784. 467 Wesiney sold. no veneers - Traditional most medium Please contact (030894) (030494) Rd. S. Alan. (TF) Lynn or Dave arrange an Woodworking, 905.985-8774. TRAINING for you and your dog. 'Pick -apt n# 1980 or newer I BUDGET CERAMICS. Green 905-579-6641. (TF) appointment, 9 Learn The Motivanional Method 1665 Celebrry Stationwagon, ware Sale. 30% oft all in stock (031594) GOLF Clubs - Men's right hand, in our new training facilities. For more information, please con. V6. high performance engine. Excellent running condition. dealers 40% off. 20 % off Shakespeare Graphite Shaft 280 Lost & Found 'act one o1 our friendly staff at 51200 as is. Telephone 432 - bisque. Custom firing 1/3 reg Woods Jack Nicklaus 'Classic Touch' Obedience 1456- 031094 ( ) price. Classes. supplies. Feb 28-Mar.5. 595 Wentworth St. E Golden Bear Irons. 2-11 $100 easse Phone 434-8730 after 5 p m HELP! My can ne and lehne antg. (9G5) 619-0664. (TF) 1965 Lincoln Town car, as is. X61. Oshawa. 721-1997. friend and I aro looking for per- STAFFORDSHIRE Bus Teener best offer. Plane 579-7610. ESTATE Sale, chesterfield. Articles maners Of 'poster lames. In ex- 230 Puppies for sale. CKC (0408") loveseat, chair, ottoman, brown Wanted change we will give love and regratered, Charplon sire and 1964 Thunderbird, totally and bei 3 tables excellent companionship. PLEASE OPEN. dam on prerrnses. Tattooed, first loaded, sunroof, good shape, condition. $400 o.b.0. 686-8220 or 686-7762. (031094) SHEDS - quality barn style sheds. built on site axe. $549. GST included Display at Lym- bird Lumber Kingston Rd. Pick- ering or call 905-770-5309. (031094) 25- Zenith colour TV. $300 Cornodore 64 with disk drive vJUR HEART. Call 263 -TAGS needier and wormed, $300used daily. 243.000 kms. $1200 or 420-1567. (031094) 433-0621. (030SW) as is or $1500 certified. (905) FOUND - boys bike. Call 420- PUREBRED American Cocker W%2223. (0JCWJ4) 7496. (030994) Spaniel puppies. blondes and LEASE to own vehicles. 1980- blacks. Clean. healthy adorable, 1985, $345 down, no interest, no Pets -Supplies- home rased Pkppies. $200. 1- credit checks. 686-7428 or 686 290 Boardinq 511-925.3364. (( wegl) 3775;. (TF) CHINESE Snar Pei one 3 year 300 Automobiles 305 Automobiles rs old male. free to good hoe. 4 For Sale Wanted '-ionth puppy for sale. Champion printer and games, $200. Com -CUP IS SAVE, s, red. Call aper 5 P.m. 4369199. quality exterior and interior TOP once for good Msec cars or puter desk. $100 Weight bench. WANTED 1030694) 201111 trucks. Free scrap picox-uo. un - we nus, slant board. $300. Tod g 'Appliances working or not: AT last, fun and easy dog train- 1992 Pontiac Sunbird SE. 4 round Cowin Call 24 hrs. Mr. Bit 9t�r68397375 (TF) colour TV/VCR Dox. $10bo. 1fridge, I dryer ^9 for you and your dog starting door. fully loaded. V6. of occasions. have my own 50 Combo. f500. For more • - REPAIRS Mar 22. Classes available toll Jr. automatic. 29.000 kms., WANTED - Camaro or Fweb,,J information. 668 1309. (030694) I Ito appiances. reasonable I and Senior puppies. ^ovist dogs $11.500 Call 404-0307 or 655 8883. (� �) 1981 a oiler for parts. Also GM MEDIUM wain -,A finished piano. piano. 20 Years Experience and trkal preparation. Small CLit- * turf size pidktW truck. 1984 or &par.n*nt size. $1200 Cas 668- ' WANTED see only. New location. Cal K-9 1991 Lumina- 6 cylinder. air, older for parts. Call (9C51 623- 0706 (031094) 'Pick -apt n# 1980 or newer I Klubhouse. 905-837-2364. stereo cassette, excellent 8996.1030494) __ WASHERS Dryers Fridges L�t0� E -6690-J686-0987_ �� 103179x) condition. Cerbfhed. $6995. o.D.o. NH's Auto. . 315 Trucks Stoves - new and reconditioned. WANTED cid car -ceras. ciodks, OSHAWA Obedience Assocla- (036494) Wanted $225 and up tot recOrdnione0 tion - tun, mawationai dog train- 432-6809 washer. 6175 and up for recon- toys' lewelbry, wrist and pocket watac hes, china and furniture. trig classes begin soon. Pupp989/1CAVALIER, y / Two door, WANTED 84-88 C,evy tial' O41oned d�y ars $175 and up for We buy most good used $terra . and advanced classes errs in- auto, excellent condition Ton extended cab. low kr-is.. reconditioned fridges and No appliances. 432.1678. d"rdual attention' small classes $3800 certified 1969 Stanbrrd, call 433.3811 ask for B•n. stoves Also coin operated rm.-rn.. guaranteed. Call Bev to pre- 4 door auto, 93,000 kms., () washer and dryers . OLD and antique fumitime. any- register. 435-0668. (030694) imrrree/ete. Eseeow4 rt m*V CM 4.73- Vans, 4 wheel $tephenson's Furniture and thing obi. tads. china. fuller. DOG TRAINING CLASSES - �' oarLMd 320 32 Appliances. 227 Court St , advertising, sporting, toys. starling in March. Apo and 0651' ode) Drives Oshawa. 576.7448. (030494) decoys, ddb• milk tombs. od- Oshawa. Train your dog in one 19s8 Chew Caprice Estate WASHER and dryeM r r Baia, factions or estates 655-804910 week course. For Me pet Wagon, tap -of the -line. Fully 1900 GMC one ton cargo van. avy duty apartment size, heavy _ (032294) owner and obedience Ioe dad, certified. all original. no excellent condition, certified, Admiral. Two years old, excel- WANTED Leat and Blue Jay enthusiasts. 35 years rust. As new. 144,000 kms. one owner, now ores. Must be lent condnion. Asking $650. Tickets at face value. Can Bruce experience. Barb Scott. 576- $4395 Brock Auto Sales. seen. Call 686-0987 or after 6 683-9359. (030894) at 579-44W ext. 207 (TF) 5635. (031794) Pi kering. 426-9423. (0308%) P -m. 432.7537.. (030994) ISM Hokday Rambler, 24 h., W79oond'nion. $2600 o.b.o. Cal 723.6161. (031094) 355 Motorcycles MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE 683-9725 PINE RIDGE 19" Yamaha Radian 600, red. $1000 der b o b.o. Call 905-885. 4735, ask for Greg. (0310941 ITvv For Rent AJAX Must See Spacious, dean, well lit, 1 bdrm., bsmt. apt Available April 1, $575 includes: private entrance, laundry, utilities, 4 appliances, parking. In quiet residential area. Close to all amenities, non-smoker, firstilast, no pets, references. 428-3382 f'LAREMONT - luxury lett one bedroom apartment, parking. utilities Included. March 1. First/ last. $550. Suit single. (905) 649.1917. (030894) Housing Housing Housing 390 Available 390 Available 390 Available HOME 0 BUSINES11,11 S4 �f��s�w,33s -SERVICES - 79&7672 Business _ - Home Home Services Driving Schools Improvements Improvements resumes. lefts arlod reports. Pickup and dekvettf available. Planes CA 68645M CONTROLLER - professional with 20 years. Small to medium size Canadian business exp. available a pa diem or con- e; your an busi- ness advisor. Increase the ef- fectiveness of your owner- operatored or management loam without the Ione ne term liabiity and hgh cost d full hr employees. Fa a tree initial ooroultation, please cat 905- 571.4073. (031094) ILLUSTRATION, cartooning, graphic design, advertising. Business or personal. Reasonable rates. Also lessors available. Randy Timms, (905) 728-7055. (TF) OFFICE Services including Word Processing, resumes, repons and bookkeeping. PK k - S i 6 School 10 lessons $150 3 lessons a test $75 Free pick-up 8 drop o8 287-3060 7 dapMeek CONSTRUCTION Interior and exterior repairs, renovations and construction. Fast and dean processional work guaranteed. - CRAIG 686.1913 up and delivery available. Call S.C.G. Construction Ltd. - 905-433-2076.(031094) quality exterior and interior OPEN HOUSE fenovatlone, repairs, additions. FAX US YOUR AD andrt A��mmanld nsshp guaranteed 201111 ' Willow Park Co -Op 004. (TF) rift' ! 610 Beatrice Street E. �Ir * Oshawa mepic for children's parties and oatrrrrcial. AN types of moves, of occasions. have my own Moving, Cal Carol or Jarw, 427-2856. magician. Call Ernie. 668-4932. Large, spacious units: - - PkaMng * 2 bdrm. apartments - $790 Nanny Services 2 bdrm. townhouses - $825 * 3 bdrm. townhouses - $860 (Light subsidies available only) * DATE: Tuesday, March 8th, 7:00 p.m. ' Orientation and unit showing ' FOR MORE INFORMATION OR AN * APPLICATION CALL * 432-6809 1 400 Apartments Apartments Apartments 400 400 For Rent For Rent For Rent SOUTH Arae new rwo 7eCroor- FAIR RENT basement apart--+ent, eat- n ONE oedroor spar a '. ery GREAT APARTMENT kitchen. 4 pce barn, cable. large and clean, f•rst-last I TERRIFIC LANDLORD foltles. laundrysuit working .n- recurred 7rertt Sr. Wtktpy Inclusive Phone Frank, $63C 668 Overaeed3tkdrm.sprtments. dividual or couo,e % s In suite waaherndryar, air Preferred. Available ()37()a723-1760. (031094) J conditioning, free parking. Immediately. $700 monthly. PICKER ING - Rosecianx Rd by Near Pickering Town Centre. 6867762 or 686-8220. (030894) the rake, one ti croon. sowous From $729. DICKERING large new two basement apanr-ier•.;qulot area. Call831-3667 bad_barernert apartrnarc bus at door. separate entrance. feparate entrance parking, Lr full 1t1Chen,bath, fireplace. untes induded Cade. iaundry. PICKEFNNG - 3 bedroom base- conditioning, large kitchen, ment apartmsm. Dose to Go. Close to shopping and Go. S70C Probe sago -b s April 1 Wort $725 Pius 12 unties. Available plus. Available immed,ately. last -,z (905) 509-3075 after 6 April 1. Phone 837-666' (416) 691-5202. (030494) p �030oli HOME 0 BUSINES11,11 S4 �f��s�w,33s -SERVICES - 79&7672 Business _ - Home Home Services Driving Schools Improvements Improvements resumes. lefts arlod reports. Pickup and dekvettf available. Planes CA 68645M CONTROLLER - professional with 20 years. Small to medium size Canadian business exp. available a pa diem or con- e; your an busi- ness advisor. Increase the ef- fectiveness of your owner- operatored or management loam without the Ione ne term liabiity and hgh cost d full hr employees. Fa a tree initial ooroultation, please cat 905- 571.4073. (031094) ILLUSTRATION, cartooning, graphic design, advertising. Business or personal. Reasonable rates. Also lessors available. Randy Timms, (905) 728-7055. (TF) OFFICE Services including Word Processing, resumes, repons and bookkeeping. PK k - S i 6 School 10 lessons $150 3 lessons a test $75 Free pick-up 8 drop o8 287-3060 7 dapMeek CONSTRUCTION Interior and exterior repairs, renovations and construction. Fast and dean processional work guaranteed. - CRAIG 686.1913 up and delivery available. Call S.C.G. Construction Ltd. - 905-433-2076.(031094) quality exterior and interior EXPERIENCED cleaning Is* HARRY -O-TME-MOVERS - will deyour house doing a su an fenovatlone, repairs, additions. FAX US YOUR AD andrt A��mmanld nsshp guaranteed 201111 and d Insured. Contact Gary 839- ( ) discourn. short notice naves, 004. (TF) TMS Painting a interior Dem Exterior European Workmanship. Fast Clean reliable service dNoukk OW WJM$, *PNA 3BpeltI , r 428-9112 COMPLETE plumbing and renovations. Emergency service. bathroom and kNoihan remnode"' .. All work ficersed, guaranteed and insured. Reasonable rases. Call John, 430-2754.(030894) DRYWALL, taping, boarding, studs and T -bar ceilings. Spray stucco, plaster repairs. For protmional service at compel CARPENTRY, drywall In-law We prices, call Bit a 432 8109. trterts and al home otaage Party Housecleaning S Services EXPERIENCED cleaning Is* HARRY -O-TME-MOVERS - will deyour house doing a su an � N' clown de, ready to entertain toll any agge, any parb job. Reasonable rates, 9 naw trig or small, we prior G occasion. Birthdays, thernall Free esbyalss,seniOm Patricia, 12420-29" alter 3 pm.P s, promotions. openings. 9 ( ) discourn. short notice naves, huidfaisers. Magic shows are USE )s bade. Excellent raves toll pianos moved. Comparable is b rte' Cal 432-2850. (TF) tun' Lettuce hep. 839.7057 or 72841394. (TF) well e job. 7hura i Fri evsiNblw Cal( 666.2991 or 723 MEN with large truck unit do RABBIT wants work doing 4939. (030894) 1hold moves. residertiA mepic for children's parties and oatrrrrcial. AN types of moves, of occasions. have my own Moving, Cal Carol or Jarw, 427-2856. magician. Call Ernie. 668-4932. Storage (TF) - - PkaMng Nanny Services RESPONSIBLE LIVE- IN BABYSITTER$ AVAN ABLE FROM QUEBEC. Competitive Prices. spat lane reDWs Lowwimw rates. Please EUROPEAN tib specalst wig - renovate your bathroom or MBCHALSKI Moving - houses, GAUTMIER S NANW SEpVICEs 5 RESPONSIBLE LIVE- IN BABYSITTER$ AVAN ABLE FROM QUEBEC. Competitive Prices. spat lane reDWs Lowwimw rates. Please EUROPEAN tib specalst wig - renovate your bathroom or MBCHALSKI Moving - houses, GAUTMIER S NANW SEpVICEs call aZ0 8105. (tx1099a) kitchen waft as Wei as floor +pannrnts. offices. oonages. d16 QUALITY work by father and toes. 20 years expaiernce. Good Licensed, insured. Free - - son team. Well experienced, references and satisfaction estimates. low rates. Call 728 - Chuck. 404-%N.(031594) hard working. Renovations, guaranteed. For free estimates, 1620. (032294) Paintings additions, decks. etc Cal us for D. Dykstra. 725-4913. (TF) AJAX Moving Systems - f0f 111"loecor2tin0 a free estimate, 571-1263 Bill or Rod. Oshawa. (TF) SABER Contracting - all carpentry, additions, renovations, kitchens, bathrooms. hone maintenance emergency service, furniture refinishing, quality work guaranteed. 15 years experlaroe. 688.2915. (TFEFG) services. naves, appliance and piano specialists, flat rate or hourly. We now have heated LONG Lasting Renovations - storage units. Now offering free painting, wallpapenng. stucco boxes with mow. Park and bad special, starting at SM and up. and general repairs. Top quality work at reasonable rates. 20% Cal for information. 427-0005. discount for seniors. Phone (TFI Chuck. 404-%N.(031594) CALL CLASSIFIED PROFESSIONAL Painting a wallpapering. No job too small. 576-9335 call anytirtr:430-2595. (TF) Jountej w PIMIr" No job too small - Fataon$, s wmm bas9nlat wUfta s, wo bars, alk. Any wavaion or adAWL Dayti le: 4274209, Homo: 427.9809. Ask for Tom Private Tuitions, Schools YOUNG RETIRED TEACHER OPENS CLASS IN HER PICKERING HOME. PART- TIMEfFULL-TIME. AGES 2 TO 7. ALSO AVAILABLE - DAYCARE i3 PIANO LESSONS. RCM EXAMS CALL 421,1.1271 Rubbish Removal TERRA ENVIRON ENTAL Rubbish removal, :lwrior a aXt9 w deff4c Complete foram f6m01ra! NO JOB Too SMALL 119.2626 Snow Removal SERVICE& 1 SNOWED W LET US DIG You OUT 683-1397 Tax, Financial Directory INCOME tax preparation - book keeping, small business. reasonable. 686-1514 Ron. (03299$1) SELL IT NOW CALL 576-9335 or 798-7672 - __.-._. .. --._• ._. - - _-.-.__. -. - � - .. _ _ �.� .•.r.� ... � - .. �. _ w .._ - .• � _._. -- -.... - r awK,•eirrlteyw'. � f s.�., .. . •• all, • • . - PAGE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MARCH 4,1994 strops. no pith. $1000. tt0ltiea. CONDOMINIUM for lease. TWO bedroom (converted from basement apartment, bright and apartment, new home, private AJAX - clean fumished room in adult home with shared lacilities. Close to bus stop. Downtown Toronto. St Lawrence 3 bedrooms) brick bungalow, 400 "� For R m 400 Apa pr a is 400 Ant prw 400 Apa p gentsRent 430 Room 455 CondosRFor ent 500 w PICKERING - one bedroom AJAX - beautiful one bedroom strops. no pith. $1000. tt0ltiea. CONDOMINIUM for lease. TWO bedroom (converted from basement apartment, bright and apartment, new home, private AJAX - clean fumished room in adult home with shared lacilities. Close to bus stop. Downtown Toronto. St Lawrence 3 bedrooms) brick bungalow, cozy, separate entrance. In- entrance, parking, icnludearA�UL s • e e Market area. Two bedrooms quiet area north of Oshawa chides laundry facilities. $600 cable. utilities, appliances, 33 & 77 FALBY COURT plus solarium over 1000 soft. Hospital. Country decor, large monthly. Call 839-7663, central air, vac. $650 monthly.PICKERING Non smoker. Call 686-4842aher Available Jan. 31194. deck, finished too room, nicely (031091) non smoker, no para please.Y 8 LIVERPOOL References. $1200 momhly in• lardsacped, hardwood floors. NON Smoker preferred, one 427-7374. (030894) ACILRIES INCL dudes utilities. 639-5086. (TF) $117,000. 434.2332- (TF) large bedsming room, share WHITBY - three bedroom In75/MTH. bath OR 95MlEEK. 460 OfBCe & Retail OSHAWA bungalow, great area. two bedrooms sunroom. and use d kitchen. Work- duplex. fridge, stove, �' basement apartment, dose to I. Spwe Professionally finished rec ing lady preferred. Call 668- fenced yard. $775 . utilities. _ room. $129,000. No agents 3767. (031094) 905.509.2091 immediately. appliances anC tumrshed rooms Space available in please. Call 905-571-6342. AJAX - Ba I /Harwood, two (030894) Y Y COZY dean furnished room in donsseyOFFIC populated residential (031094) bedroom basement apartment. PICKERING, L n�pO°VB�ly' quiet adult home in Pickering near Rouge Valet' for employed area d south Oshawa Ideal for service Wanted to available April one bedroom basement adut/student. Cable, parking. �estat�� etcnwo: appliances, carpet, parking, apartment• c/a.. available bus. share separate kitchen, 1300 sq.ft. units or one -2600 5 5 BUy clean, quiet. $650 . 40% immediately. Separate entrance, utilities. References. First/last. bathrooms, first/last. $340 sil.h. unit, 12 offices already In no pets. Atter 5 p.m. 363-0610. monthly. 509-2459. (TF) place. For more information, call SOUEEZED by failing prices? 283-1927. (030994) (031094) PICKERING rooms for rent in 623.4172. (031194) Lost your equity in your home? TWO bedroom nice clean spam Houses For townhouse. Hwy s2/Brock. 686- - ---- In dan er of it being taken HISTORIC office building in ? 9 away mate buyer interested merits for rent, $650 1 monthly. 4 • O Rent central Oshawa. One bedroom. 9811 alter ♦ p.m. or 8398643. (p3p8g4) picketing Village with in purchasing detached Home n rk strops. no pith. $1000. tt0ltiea. $550. Two bedrooms, $650. Great service and location. C lose to aN amenities. Bus route• ROUGE area. immaculate delac od 4 ballrooms• double AJAX - clean fumished room in adult home with shared lacilities. Close to bus stop. secretanaVclencal suppon, fax - telephone from $276 monthly. Call 428.8162. (031694) Oshawa to Bowmanvlme area. Must have assumable mortgage. No agents please. Call 721-15W. (030894) April -pec. F« information and to 0 tastefully 33 & 77 FALBY COURT available immediately. Call John, 576.2882. (031094) garage. 2 1/2 baths, 5 appliances. no pats/smoking. Non smoker. Call 686-4842aher 470 Cottages For Townhouses 683-2130 or 683-3165. (030894) 2 & 3 bedroom apartments in familyPICKERING - three bedroom $1200 monthly plus utilities. 5 p.m weekdays. (030494) -- ---- Rent 510 For Sale 535 wilding. Air conditioning broadloom, basement apartment, dose to 509-2771. (030494) PICKERING - lumished room d kitchen. Seymour KAoodlanUE beautiful lot n bedor will holo credit? Good pb't you can buy appliances anC tumrshed rooms school, shopping. GO. self WHITBY - Gardery Rosatand, 4 with cable and use tate, m -Woodland Estates housekeep- +'FINALLY! tub, tenrvs. 20 minutes to Blue 2 appliances, laund facilities and ry contained, parking, laundry. bedroom, family room with w'� to Pickering Go Station. Ing cottages. 3 . pce. $3500 fu i price, wooded camp - furnished $575 mont'+ty. Also underground parking included. FjQ,[n $750. (030894) -- fv double r 2 112 barna, fenced 3 Towncentre. Generating Station. Phone 4201318. (030494) bathrooms. fishing, pool, beach. store. playground. 90 minutes r9 668-6805. (TF) DICKERING 401NVhass Rd. S. �O $743 $743-$833. - 5833. WHITBY - Regency Place Apartments - one and two yard. appliances schools. shoppng _ Shared NE d Pickering. Leave mes- a at 705.653-1317. (041294) Townhomes/Sera, Yew round road. Fred. 416 -431 - 686-0845 weekdays bedroom apartments available in Mar. $1200 per north plus unties. Available April ,. « co sit. Cam 450 Accomm. Fk>rldat detachedproject id targe eat -n ktCthen, separate 8:30 a m - 4:30 p.m. senior complex. and Apr Park aka setting. appliances. as 668-8093 after 5 p.m. (030494) FEMALE smoker, 35 years re 490 VWSIiOn Rf ntAhL the historical Estate site in Ajax, are entrance, puling. coo" 1.0 Go -owmme Rd. All serviced. utirtas included. Call 430-7397. (TF) AJAX - brick bungalow, newly Painted interior, detached qu es room male to share The is FIRST ^e Byre's No now ray to be ncluded Separate entrance. $1800 Flnt/last.416-666-7119 (030694) New homes. :rtormatron, cal Bus. 576-4193 excellent expert House a cozy expenses. GORGEOUS th•ee oec•oo- released. «571-0181. (031094) 8327 (030894; AJAX - Rideout I. One garage. n nahbourhood dose ttl 4ol/ older two bedroom with f I ted n condo, dose to famous Clear W B n I For in{ot'RIdDOn tall' PICKERING 1480 Pickering Parkway Spacious 3 -bedroom apartments • Four Appliances • Close to GO Transit/ Pickering Town Centre/Hwy. 401/Rec Centre • Immediate Occupancy From $769 Per Month Call 420-6305 Fcr Appointment, or visit rental office at: 1480 Pickerinq Parkwav #110 LOOK Large 2 Dorm am n Ou+asla and Whiny �1' M" m downtown Laundry facilities From $5504799 Avad" row 132-0011' bedroom basement �artmern. Der strops. no pith. $1000. tt0ltiea. (replace. pa ing, oca I -or eac . poo. )acuzzl, Pickering Village. $500 per BBD. Private yard, available 427-0390 queer street. close to shoppn 9 •ransportar,on. Firsuga2 nagw,ed. Mon -Fri 5-9 month includes utilities. Full use April -pec. F« information and to 0 tastefully pm. and Sat./Sun. 11 A.Tri d house. tumished room. Cal view photos, 686-98x6 or 579- 2 last 839-7336. (030894) decorated. appliances. parking, p.m. 683-3262. (030894) 683-2130 or 683-3165. (030894) 3788. (033194) -- _ - Lots For pnvate entrance. 5600 virus 1.,3 NO down payment'7 Good PICKERING home featuring sic CLEARWATER - mobiles. 535 utilates. 683-7164 1031094) bedroo^ n 46 unit building. $900 plus utilities. Avadabts appliances. garage. fenced Sale beautiful lot n bedor will holo credit? Good pb't you can buy appliances anC tumrshed rooms clubhouse. healed Pools. hot yard • handy to G o . S 6 5 0 BLOOR/PARK Rd_ Oshawa for the pike of rent. while Prices at 5295 or $3'C plus unities. tub, tenrvs. 20 minutes to Blue nessape)_ (030x941 One bedroom apartment. fully and rates are down. Call Doug %Or, smokers. Call Ken, 420- Jays'Philies baseball ca'*ps. $3500 fu i price, wooded camp - furnished $575 mont'+ty. Also or Brent, Community Financial, -347.(030694) NHL Hockey, dog/horse tracks. ^g hof. 34 hr. east of Oshawa. one room bachelor, 5325 668-6805. (TF) DICKERING 401NVhass Rd. S. boat cruses. available from Mar. Sand beach, trout fishing, next to 10.000 acres county forest. monthly. Parking, frtat.last OSHAWA - four bedroom, ret: New three bedroom, three 12 and on. Call t 813-538.2123. Yew round road. Fred. 416 -431 - required. Cali 728.5382. !030894) room, 5849 Der month. 5 bedroom. double ga•age. 5999. bathroom home by conservation 4 Homes 500 '555. (032494) 0385 «668-5066. (030994) targe eat -n ktCthen, separate area. appliances, parking, For Sale READY io bui10 - 45x213 on AJAX -two bedroom baserent 3 bedroom exec,:rlve 'arm, stare ail facittes. Non smoker. entrance, puling. coo" 1.0 Go -owmme Rd. All serviced. apari-ort. 4 appliances norse barn.. 125 acres, Hwy e7. $375 monthly. 839.7540 FIRST ^e Byre's No 3'0.000 each. For more ncluded Separate entrance. $1800 Flnt/last.416-666-7119 (030694) New homes. :rtormatron, cal Bus. 576-4193 available anytime. PHpea 686 p310g4 AJAX mature work 9 Pownoaymenll Pickering to Oshawa. EG 1920 «571-0181. (031094) 8327 (030894; AJAX - for, n1. execu- g Herr^nage persons) to share clear, quiet sc't. f« $1350 nonthy P.I.T. _ Out -of -Town LARGE one bedroom baswrrnt hve three bedroom home. Gose lD GO. rent $1150 home_ westney Heights. Now Cam 6660601. (030494) 540 apartment, full eat -n kitchen. schools and month turtles 5 shopping, schools and WHITBY-$109.9oc.detached3 Properties p bathroom, large living room, . u transportation. Call 428-6440. appiances. centra.' air. Ma etc. (031094) bedroom, saran kitchen and Apt) LARGE bright, twc eve/. tvvc Pm ate entrance. avargWe Can 6865126 iC30894) yard, Ips d charader. dose to dining room, Large Itx. garage. BRIGHTON R200C oLngalow. bedroom baser-ter•t spa*rrbnt �. > am nckxlw. Frit and 1 ''ant budding. convenient 401 NORTH Ajax - share rause with wait Sx down. net for 6721 3 rte. ' ',2 baths. wheel near Oshawa ;:�nt•e avaiaae 2 last 839-7336. (030894) N.E. Oshawa three bedroom one professional male. Large i per mourn including taxes Call airacc chair accesable. wide (oyer and nxneokatey 5695 •nonthly. BLOOR'SIMCOE - large two sem/, fenced yard, rec room. bedroom w -!h ensulte. 6 Ted Houghton, ReMax SurrrrY, hamway, town water and sewer. ..tilnrea and launC•y lacrlrt'as bedroo^ n 46 unit building. $900 plus utilities. Avadabts appliances. garage. fenced 668-3800. (TF) beautiful lot n bedor will holo Incited" cit d" 666-9463 evenings. storage. •aundry. parking. weep Aptl 1. 6862454 (please leave, yard • handy to G o . S 6 5 0 -- - Oshawa $143.9005 mortgage. Asking only (032293) menages Close to storwuDus nessape)_ (030x941 Inclusive. (905) 683-3468. EAST - $119.900. Won't last long. CAN for OSHAWA - bright one bedroom rivet $675 ncksiw. Go direct to DETACHED 3 bedroom n me- (031 511M) bedroom& two storey. garage. Paul Kan Real Estate, ask 4 bedrooms. 3 baths. 2 walkouts. Yvon ns at 613-475-1824. $549 monthly. Two oedroom 123 Bloor St. W. dr can colla lure neigtlbourii in PICKERING - two bedroom plus round Pool in-law apartinent 10310941 fireplace Flnvtast. references. No pea. Cal 905.6867896 t0304W) PICKERING nowty renovated one bedroom walkout Dasomern apartment• first'lasl required $700 nsnthy nclusne. Avail- able immadately. Cal 839.5872 or 831-7794. (030694) AJAX - ore bedroom bl"ient am. erne . Separate entrance, utiittss included. Cable. air. use Of pool. $800 per month. Avail- able March 1. 683.8452. WMTBY - two bedroom bas l- ment apartment n hoofs. pianoes and utilities. Available lrhsrtadtotely. Parking. suit arlgle person or couple. $600 fslcksiw. 43D-8745_(030694) AJAX � large two bedroom renovated baseman apartment separate entrance. complete leaden, 3 pco. bathroom, avai- abls imehlOM*. No smoking. 619-1070 aper 4 Pm. (030894) AVAILABLE April 1, walking distance to dowreown. Older two bedroom semi, fenced backyard, to basemen. Fridge and straw. saes plus hear and hydro. FirsWst. 723.0619 leave m mmulga (001794) AJAX - Oxford Towers. quiet building eWSWAI tirrp pod, dose to shopping, 401 and Go. Two or three bedroom apartment. lnrdiafe. March 1 or April 1. Cal 683.8571 «683-8421 tit 8 p.m. (TF) WHITBY - architecturally desiphed one bedroom plus den. two level, deck parking, now Go. $796 inclusive. (416) 609-5287. (031194) DOWNTOWN Whitby in small apartment building. 2 bedroom _ aparlmam with balcony. $6401 montbly. Available April 1. Laundry facilities available, parking. Close m aI amendies. FirsVlst. WS -669-.4009 « 1- 905-7384574. (030894) 'WHITBY - one bedroom apartnw.. SSW monthly, two bedroom apartment, $625 monthly. Two bedrooms in oshawa, $675. Fiat and last requited. Phone days 725.8911 or oViinpa. GOB-4o16..(Cp1794) WHITBY - one bedroom, large walk-in closet, lots d win ice". nice area north d Ga April 1. $550 per mourn. 668-3161 « 7239340. (030694) u . nc us 0. - Cal Pager Neal. Sales Assoc. Paid $3695. Must sell 5500. 1- nwn ava'Iatle. $425 flrsLlast. fenced in yard, close to all. 0564. (030844) Guide Realty. 723-5281. NO -2364)327.(030494) One bedroom In Whitby. $550 $1125. May 1 1905) 471-3729. New decor. Two bedroom. (030994) Mby W. 5725. Cali 4335550550 « WHITBY - tn.ee bed•oom )house 5768381. (030894) Idgib� 11111, m m 670 Personals LOVETALK Flirting, Intimacy, Compatibility, False signals, Romantic illusions, True love ... March 18th. 7:00-11:00 p.m. Flirting Workshop and Cocktail Party March 19th. 9:30 - 4:30 p.m. Workshops (Lunch incl.) 7:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Dance (Formal Buffet Dinner incl.) Reservations by Marcb 14th. $180.00 Call 416-%9-0457 In 740 Memoriams OF 5ardint, ` Gertrude (7mtdiuJ 1. folety • al tary e a Mother and Glandmtother who parsed away mareA 4, 2993. Beloved wife of ow dem Dad, Lawenu Bahr yardmit, Sept. 20, 1993. So" end7ro8tlr, So wy poaarf" So say ttro,* it, and f -Strang, Sopit andha/pftiC 7lle ony she dub so Juddenly, 'Iiia ilwcf u burial /cap rwAM our last ire love for W, W" Wade of and" desonon. Of lamfiu and Pe1'� u wa1 forever and i.n etffuh. 1.ndwtng corns rwhat " for no," could destroy u or take than •ora ar✓ay. Sadly, Dad could not -dwe the pain of ,gxiratoa, and 11.{ ret,,.,tiht rata nae. 1.t and[ h - for therm ve vrll a!-ay1 ttnsp, they are foresee too deeply raved to se er be forgot tan. Children, graadcA&Uren 4ndfanaly J Please read your classified ad on the first day of publication as we Cannot be responsible for more than one Insertion in the event of an error. FREE Laundryl Our huge three txdroom aDartmants corer win 5689. Available Mar. .r apart. 416-223-5419 . (TF) yard, Ips d charader. dose to roc room, share Kitchen and now flooring, rod, great vow full kitchen, 4 pce. bath, AVAILABLE -'•^ea ate y - ''ant budding. convenient 401 OSHAWA - two bedroom apart- all amenities. Call 655-5679 pain with one person. Price Call 571-6685 or 987.5751 560 Mobile Homes 5 dear two bedroom apartritent. location, includes appliances. ment n 5 ,/nil building, hedge. cher 4 p.m. (030841) negotiable. 6867239. (030694) sac -three bedroom nobts V b Parks chase to sou h GM $600 .Hydro• parking. 433-0677. Aove,4pds.bathroom-pakig. OSHAWA newer three PICKERING - BaylyrSanoy -coo horhe. excellent condition. Year IN "tonally. utilities rndud c 967- 3043 « 579-0706 (1!1094! (030894)_ train operated laundry. $560 bedroom noise on quiet court. Beach Rd Beautiful apartment round noble park in Port Hope. FOR sate - two bedroom modie on earlier. Plow al 4361456 WHITBY three bedroom apart. monthly plus utilities. FirsVlast. near GM. $950 per morns. Agri to share, laundry facilities. Should be seen Cam 905-885- home- furnished. Including AJAX Harwrood,Bayly. one mart n trplex, quiet resoenna 6116-0974. (030991) 1.619-1326. (030694) ping. c(� to all amenities. 0538. (030494) Indge, stow. air. very clean. bedroom apartment available area, close to snoppng. 5827 LIVERPOOL/BAYLY - two 1600 soft. 82000 home, dose 5500 all inclusive. 420-9307. - $17,000. Call 723-2612. Irtnadkasy. Flre"I st. no pea. monthly . hydro Phone 666- bedroom basement apartment. to 40•. 3 bedroom. 2 baths, 5 Condos For HUGE heated doubts garage f« listed (030994) ran ar-otuer. apprax 650 aq h . 0385 «668-5066. (030994) targe eat -n ktCthen, separate appliances. fireplace. 2 Car 455 On - big y $,,,.000..2ust house. 4 bedrooms, fainly, 683-7311 utilities included. $550 monthly h suitable for isngle working female. Includes cable, entrance, puling. coo" 1.0 Go garage. available April ,. 5„0o Rent _ ram ff p �e d� Camper negotiable 427-9490 (030494) PICKFJiHIG mea' :.o. Largetwo train, PhGtennq Town Contra. plus uttlitre4. 728.9529. view d bay, 4 appliances, 3075 Inclusive. Linda (bus.) 967-3702 living and dining roam. rnlrrtacu- 570 Trailers Sites PICKERING two bedrooms, bodroom baser•eni. air, ap- S750. Available Immsolaioly. (030894) AJAX - oonpte/ely furnished, late hardwood floors. sat -n spacious baser -em aparv,'ent- pliances and shared laundry 837-0016. (0309941 BROCK!FINCH - large 3 ensune, 4 pce. bath, separate dining, 6 kitchen, new furnace. Good private ermance. own laund ry inckAed. 5600 "Mea. 416 bedrooms. detached. 3 baths. appliances, balcony, financing. Will carry f« $7501 LIFETIME membership into 4aokes. parking. $eoo/nlon, ly. 2641010. (031094) FURNISHED bachelor apart. fir lace basement walko t indoor parking. sauna. Pool, tennis $950 I Cam 427 mond . Wim be sold this week. Coast to Coast Carrpvg Resor. Flnvtast. references. No pea. Cal 905.6867896 t0304W) PICKERING nowty renovated one bedroom walkout Dasomern apartment• first'lasl required $700 nsnthy nclusne. Avail- able immadately. Cal 839.5872 or 831-7794. (030694) AJAX - ore bedroom bl"ient am. erne . Separate entrance, utiittss included. Cable. air. use Of pool. $800 per month. Avail- able March 1. 683.8452. WMTBY - two bedroom bas l- ment apartment n hoofs. pianoes and utilities. Available lrhsrtadtotely. Parking. suit arlgle person or couple. $600 fslcksiw. 43D-8745_(030694) AJAX � large two bedroom renovated baseman apartment separate entrance. complete leaden, 3 pco. bathroom, avai- abls imehlOM*. No smoking. 619-1070 aper 4 Pm. (030894) AVAILABLE April 1, walking distance to dowreown. Older two bedroom semi, fenced backyard, to basemen. Fridge and straw. saes plus hear and hydro. FirsWst. 723.0619 leave m mmulga (001794) AJAX - Oxford Towers. quiet building eWSWAI tirrp pod, dose to shopping, 401 and Go. Two or three bedroom apartment. lnrdiafe. March 1 or April 1. Cal 683.8571 «683-8421 tit 8 p.m. (TF) WHITBY - architecturally desiphed one bedroom plus den. two level, deck parking, now Go. $796 inclusive. (416) 609-5287. (031194) DOWNTOWN Whitby in small apartment building. 2 bedroom _ aparlmam with balcony. $6401 montbly. Available April 1. Laundry facilities available, parking. Close m aI amendies. FirsVlst. WS -669-.4009 « 1- 905-7384574. (030894) 'WHITBY - one bedroom apartnw.. SSW monthly, two bedroom apartment, $625 monthly. Two bedrooms in oshawa, $675. Fiat and last requited. Phone days 725.8911 or oViinpa. GOB-4o16..(Cp1794) WHITBY - one bedroom, large walk-in closet, lots d win ice". nice area north d Ga April 1. $550 per mourn. 668-3161 « 7239340. (030694) u . nc us 0. - Cal Pager Neal. Sales Assoc. Paid $3695. Must sell 5500. 1- nwn ava'Iatle. $425 flrsLlast. fenced in yard, close to all. 0564. (030844) Guide Realty. 723-5281. NO -2364)327.(030494) One bedroom In Whitby. $550 $1125. May 1 1905) 471-3729. New decor. Two bedroom. (030994) Mby W. 5725. Cali 4335550550 « WHITBY - tn.ee bed•oom )house 5768381. (030894) Idgib� 11111, m m 670 Personals LOVETALK Flirting, Intimacy, Compatibility, False signals, Romantic illusions, True love ... March 18th. 7:00-11:00 p.m. Flirting Workshop and Cocktail Party March 19th. 9:30 - 4:30 p.m. Workshops (Lunch incl.) 7:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Dance (Formal Buffet Dinner incl.) Reservations by Marcb 14th. $180.00 Call 416-%9-0457 In 740 Memoriams OF 5ardint, ` Gertrude (7mtdiuJ 1. folety • al tary e a Mother and Glandmtother who parsed away mareA 4, 2993. Beloved wife of ow dem Dad, Lawenu Bahr yardmit, Sept. 20, 1993. So" end7ro8tlr, So wy poaarf" So say ttro,* it, and f -Strang, Sopit andha/pftiC 7lle ony she dub so Juddenly, 'Iiia ilwcf u burial /cap rwAM our last ire love for W, W" Wade of and" desonon. Of lamfiu and Pe1'� u wa1 forever and i.n etffuh. 1.ndwtng corns rwhat " for no," could destroy u or take than •ora ar✓ay. Sadly, Dad could not -dwe the pain of ,gxiratoa, and 11.{ ret,,.,tiht rata nae. 1.t and[ h - for therm ve vrll a!-ay1 ttnsp, they are foresee too deeply raved to se er be forgot tan. Children, graadcA&Uren 4ndfanaly J Please read your classified ad on the first day of publication as we Cannot be responsible for more than one Insertion in the event of an error. FREE Laundryl Our huge three txdroom aDartmants corer win PICKERING - Spacious one bedroom baswrwht apiarvrterm. morc,ajpossibilities on Hwy $2. No outdoor maintenance, 6865 L;OME AND WORSHIP washers and dryers. Fuse Dank- full kitchen, 4 pce. bath, mionthly plus heatJnydro. 666 For Rent SUNDAY: Sunday School 10:15 a.m. ing and air conditioning - fide, Laundry, p�� sudr 4321 «655-4623 «269-5u9. dous carImod. newly pointed nistledifurdurnished second floor Worship 11:00 a.m. Pickering. Gil Etvka. 831.36e6, (031894) single workirlppwson. Available April 1.$000mKinthily.t31-921/2. M30M) Churches Invite You To AJAX - ora bedroom basertasnt (030894) AJAX - 4 bathrooms. 3 baths,17"These available April 1. Call 663-6890 $660. Kan, 6836725- (0308e4) $450 ail inclusive. Cal 888- • UWJ" - Im or 638-7W5. (« 994) }= Attend Their uNno ties except Piton. sTtdtrgpM Av&MMRimme6aMly. Call SM bsdroon bassimard spafWnwa. kitchen. $600 monthly. Availabka April 1 NEWLY renovated three bedroom. two bathroom. an _-' _.-�. -_ Worship Services 6434. M30084) on earlier. Plow al 4361456 quiet street, near Adelaide) - - 837-0126 CENTRAL Whitby - one rtrs. (03a an0 Have aape =4) Central Park Oil heat. $900 pl us uiilkiom_ F istAm t. Please phon6. walk to Go, parking. non disc to Caff tic ane bedroom basement, bright, clean, carpeted, separate MARCH - 1, Pickering/ vwaalgre,5min. tobeach and 4369900 (030%4) PICKERING available immediately. 883- 0996. (030894) PICKERING VILLAGE entrance. applirtces. Pa *ft. Go, one bedroom basement. OBHAWA - close to G.M. Semi. PRESBYTERIAN OSHAWA - bachelor aparmwu. 420-7260. (030694) available now. $475 monthly aeaffirmerics.suit at 1e 3 bedrooms, 4 appliances, STANDARD CHURCH $325 montMy, iirst^matt Includes al ueias and appliances- Lo- UNITED CHURCH plus 1/3 utilities. 886-2032. int. S r. last. lease, suit non smoker. f000. Relarerlces. Agri I. Cal called coed Ration and Arthur. apart private entrance, tieantoemllorwe,3 1 1/2 baths. dose to schools, SM irldusive. (416) 206900$. 434-7797. (030e94) A cornirnflunititi, Methodist Church 300 CihufCh SL N Ajax AJAX by the take. am' ba%WrM* fi+Waa• M30094)laundry 420 Townhouses Brod); Rd. at Hwy. 97 683-4721 •1 p� GREAT downtown, Whitby a/c-, ion., facilities, Labor, One bildroaft b... For Rent SUNDAY: Sunday School 10:15 a.m. t031 094) parking, transit non smoker refer» apartment with laustdry. dous carImod. newly pointed nistledifurdurnished second floor Worship 11:00 a.m. Phyllis Seen= patented. No pets. Fast/tau. aOM09 «arance. non smoker. 1 KOM= TOOMIOIISE, included. No pets. One non smoking student/working Evening Fellowship 7.00 p nL bedroom. 3800• Two bedroom poison. $350 monthly. 420- $660. Kan, 6836725- (0308e4) $450 ail inclusive. Cal 888- fridge, stove, dryer, WEDNESDAY: 7:30 - Adult Bible Study Worship & Sunday School AJAx °irw'i °nit b'd19O M68. M30e") garage, common pool. - Bible Club for Youth 10:30 a.m. apanrrrnt, salable for single working person. $500"-V*bedroom PICKERING - clean one basement oplrrrrtt Playground, walking 837-0126 inclusive. Parking, f-ast/l . walk to Go, parking. non disc to Caff tic ane ST. ANDREW'S available immediately. 883- 0996. (030894) smoker, $550 monthly. Fired (mall' WMm included_ Cal 405- public schools. Available " 1► May 11 dune 1 f LEA ravel CHURCH RCC PRESBYTERIAN OSHAWA - bachelor aparmwu. 420-7260. (030694) ,�� 1820 Whiles Rd. N. 35 CHURCH ST. N. $325 montMy, iirst^matt Includes al ueias and appliances- Lo- p�pI, - dean w.do1. one bedroom basement PICKERING Village i THE FAMILY CHURCH PICKERING VILLAGE called coed Ration and Arthur. apart private entrance, tieantoemllorwe,3 1 1/2 baths. dose to schools, WORSHIP TIME 11:00 am. 683-7311 their5 p.m571-3679. (�4) suitable for isngle working female. Includes cable, shopping- $900 monthly lus utilties. A1giYWe May 1. 888- SUNDAY SCHOOL Rev ,lames Biggs A Rev. Ken Rowland _ ram ff p �e d� bedroom apartment halo bohm. fireplace, laundry, c/o., civ.. $600 inclusive. 839-6941. 9120. (D91o94) Supeni 5Bd Nummy Worshl p and Church School view d bay, 4 appliances, 3075 Inclusive. Linda (bus.) 967-3702 (031194) THREE bedroom ownhatse, 4 �a"0s`' maed" April 1 M1383 11:00 a.m. Everyone Welcome r alter 5 p.m. 721-1793. o r after o AJAX - available MrrdislNy, $875 mor". f rawast. Cour- 4) pleasant two bedroom with ticdTowinkne. 432-3226 aper 6 • • PICKERING - large two fridge• stove• ssparaMentrance. p.m. P30%4) bedroom basement, 5 working finplace.transit amdoor. Rooms TO applanptl, control air. private Fro parking. 244-3471 « 428- 430 cl entrance, ow m Go, shopprp. 255!'1. (031094) Rent 3825 mdusive. (905) 420$440. AVAILABLE immediately in man t031 094) Wfrlby apartment building. Spa- PK*ERNO - Whlet/401, fur- PICKERING - spacious. modern dous carImod. newly pointed nistledifurdurnished second floor two bedroom apartment Iwwn atW.,wr with balcony. Clow bedroom in spacious house. floor of house, 4 appliances, to bus and shopping. Al udlliss Shared facilities, suitable for quiet taeming, $675 plus 112 included. No pets. One non smoking student/working utilities. 1-905-770.9757. bedroom. 3800• Two bedroom poison. $350 monthly. 420- (03090y $700. Cal 430-0134. (TF) 1909. (031094) ....:..................•........... io aaveRise your taster services or those Special Events at your church call Janice at 683- 5110 575 tom 590 o�ort es sn s ale ttonay ow 1,0.000 paaa y s you, lle stylell Ma. to Manitoba, clean air and water. as $R o per month Call Jerry, 668-7200 Free 1100 a" Riding Moun- consultations. Anubis invest. lain National Park including two ments Ltd. (TF; creeks. Excellent hunting, 2000 699dx t111I4hs, 501. custom built horse, older SVObarn, SVS Mortgages metal graineries. 235 acres cultivated. Excellent SUNDAY 10700 A.M. recreational area, ski hill, world UNES d credit - mortgages ,st. Gass golf course nearby. Huai. 2nd. 3rd. Cal Janet Hunmann gess opportunities abound, grain farming rattle, gams farm, (905) 428.1232 Johnston and Cook Financial Services. dude ranch. B a B. Timber NO (031794) AGENTS. Fax Cregg Alfonso, 1- 604-861-8772 or call 1.604.861 - ARE you having trouble geeing 5332. (031094) a mortgage? Is your bank giving you the run•a•round. Do you RECEIVE over one quaver of a need a second mortgages We million dollars in just a few monthsl For your aazing, free Can help, call today. 668-6805, report, send a X10 SASE to Community Financial Services. Power.. 8 Midtown Dr., Suite • Rural Properties • Self-empbyea 184, Oshawa. Ont. L1J 81-2 DR. E. GILLEZEAU & DR. M. FIIZSIMMONS WE INVITE NEW PATIENTS BYAPPOINTMENT WE OFFER FAMILY EYECARE • Contact Lenses • Binocular Vision • Perceptual Testing r • Dispensing of all Types of Frames & Contacts - WE FiAVE MOVED TO lift- _10 1885 Glenanna Rd. 683-1175 839-5303 Wlurham umbing and Drains 24 hr. Service 837-2198 Seniors' Discount Al rRrlrrltim an lsan:+� 61 r SCML Or al 6iiiiiii'm 1 b To oldm1a�,I ad6 to in bq- ml Cott 376 &9" tiA Rd-" 509 -Ions SW54V Ryleric Crafts • Supplies • Greenware • Bisque • Firing CUSTOM ORDER FINISHED WARE 831-9151 1009 Albacore Manor Pick., Bay Ridges area. " Al You Can Eat i m�QliPlntnmQ Bay un we we um Bt 0 W 499b1 i tMltFJlit 699SLC* 001111ft 699dx t111I4hs, "RATE Ask about our fa 1aStiC 1 %larch deals >r rr•r:•r 7771 r 650 Auction 650 Auctions Auction Sale - Sat. evening March 5 at 6 p.m. at Myles King Auction Hall, 33 Hall St., Oshawa. Estate of Clare and Marie Haywood. Collection of 50 dolls, Swarovski Crystals, 50 Rockwell plates, etc. Dining room suite, chesterfield suite, coffee and end tables, bedroom suites, chest of drawers• antique rocking chair, bow glass china cabinet (oak), wall units, 2 La -Z -Boy chairs, bookshelf, antique centre table, mantel clock, drop leaf table, large quantity of glassware, china, silver, etc. Very interesting sale. All consignments welcome Terms cash. Myles King Auction 725-5751. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MARCH 4 1994 -PAGE 17 Carl (owner) gives advice on proper form &t breathing during weight training "Unlimited use" keep fit March special at Goodbody's You would almost be inclined to think spring is in advice to clients on nutrition, martial arts, weight gain, the air. weight reduction and body building. Goodbody's, well known in the locality for its karate Having always been a fitness enthusiast, Carl started and tanning centre which opened two and a half years in the business 20 years ago at the age of 15. He says ago, has undergone extensive renovations. It has he saw many of his friends back in those early days in added, among other things, toning salon, aerobics and Liverpool, England, get involved in drugs and crime. an expansive gym. Thanks to karate, he was kept on the straight and If that wasn't enough, for the month of March, narrow, and was never intimidated by bullies. owner - otherwise known as Sensei - Carl Stedmond is The martial arts instructor stresses that karate is a offering women a wonderful spe�ial that includes great sport for developing self-confidence in young unlimited use of the gym, together with the tanning, men and women, in addition to being a health toning, aerobics and karate sessions for a mere S50. enhancer. If all five health and fitness activities were used by one individual during the month, the regular cost would add up to $212. (Few people use all the areas, however). Still, to encourage maximum usage of the facilities while ensuring that his expansion is promoted during the month of March, Carl is offering the $50 special to entice newcomers and previous users to take advantage of the savings. In addition, during March, students will get a special discount, and families will also receive further discounts. "I want people to know that they can come to a club that's not owned by a big organization," says Carl. "I'm here all the time. And there's a family aanosphere here." In fact, family rates are available year-round for every area of Goodbody's. Unlike many other fitness establishments, there is no obligation to join Goodbody's. There is no maintenance charge and no contract; people simply pay as they go, or select the discounted monthly fees. At the Club, Carl is available all the time to give In Goodbody's fully equipped gym, you'll find stairclimbers, lifecycles, punch bags, and speed balls. to increase your reaction and timing. or if you prefer, you can spend time skipping. The other services of Goodbody's include two estheticians, a masseur who will perform shiatzu, an Oriental therapy used for relieving stress, plus there is a hairdressing salon. Finally, there is a juice bar, which lets you enjoy a protein drink after a workout. Other incidentals available are vitamins and supplements, as well as swimwear. Taking advantage of the services at Goodbody's will result in your not only feeling better, but looking better as well. Carl also provides personalized training at the gym, or off-site, if you so choose. Goodbody's is at Fairport Rd. and Hwy. 2 in Pickering. It is open from 9 am. to 8:30 p.m- during the week, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays and noon to 4 p.m. Sundays. For more information, call 839-3488. umlam&iea amen i m�QliPlntnmQ German & International Specialities Sun. Brunch 10:30.2:30 Tues. -Fri. 11:30-2:30 & 5-10 p.m. Sat. 5-10 P.M. Sun. 10:30-9:00 L.mmed in the Coumard of Pickering `I/tllage 109 Old Kingston Rd., Aia.T 427-6760 PICKERING MEDICAL CENTRE AFTER HOURS CLINIC OPEN FROM: SATURDAY 900 A.M. SUNDAY 10700 A.M. DR. M. SEMOFF DR. B. CHARTIER DR. B. FARBER DR- H. PETROFF DR. R. SHAFIR 1885 Glenanna Rd. Pickering 801-7277 (0900-:4d ti N xxeP..c GMnane Ad sE'-ca. ciff -1111! vc ' ao•,Ex � youR FOR REGISTRATION INFORMATION CALL LAURA 428-0180 r %h A'_ -TUR Y FROM 4.99% 1 st, 2nd, 3rd Mtges. to 959, • Rental Prppeettes • Re-fnancng & Cottages • Debt Consolidation • Rural Properties • Self-empbyea • Bad Credit No 6 Ka. - No Problem Primp deals Bobw Bank Rales Fast Probsaim Service Since 1975 CALL WHrrBY N, Picture Perfect r• ,o. 'Affordable Quality Interior Decorating "If your home is not becoming to you, You should be coming to us" 683-0234 Use your ideas together with our expertise. Why Advertise In Focus on Business 4. Durham businesses wanting to increase their profile and sales volume find that being a part of the Focus on Business advertising feature definitely has its advantages. Over the last few years a great many businesses - of all sizes - have found that investment in the Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser's and Oshawa/Whitby This Week's Focus on Business feature have generated extra phone calls that likely would not have otherwise occurred. How do you get involved? A When a company makes a commitment to advertise for 10 weeks on the page, it also receives a full feature story, complete with pictures. The story reinforces the advertisement, enabling the business to explain in depth its product and/or service, philosophy, goals, special promotions and even a historical overview. Unless the business chooses otherwise, everything is done by the newspaper's staff: the ad design, story interview and writing, plus the taking of the photographs. All the business needs to do is prepare for the increased sales volume. For more information call Janice at 683-5110. PAGE 19 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MARCH r, 194 • i " of Pickering Business Leaders Luncheon Tuesday, March 8, 1994 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Regalis Restaurant Pickering Corporate Centre CP 1305 Pickering Parkway $25 per • Prime Rib Dinner person a Potatoes • Vegetables • Salad Includes • Dessert/Coffee/Tea GUEST SPEAKER Dr. Tim O'Neil Deputy Chief Economist and Vice President, Bank of Montreal In Support of the Pickering Easter Seals Campaign Tickets can be purchased: - Bev Hunter Pickering 683-9660 Doug Wilkinson Pickering 619-0375 For all your crews, read the .' IJ times a Vee �.: _._ ENGLISH lady. 28. committed Christian. looking lot a Chnshan man. 28-32 for htend- shlp. interests Include Christian music. walks In the country and a dog lover SY 2550 JOSH) JIM. who's 35. who responded to female nurse. 33 please respond again to martbox number 2542 as 1 dldn t gel your correct phone number SY 2557 JOSH) ACTIVE. attract". single female 3., all. prolessional. secure . enjoys spn.l�. ravel. outdoors. humcur zest for Lle Seeking mak ocunjerpan with similar nleres's. 30- 40, non-smoker SY 2561 (OSH) WARM, sena. caring, browntwed pelde blade We 40s loves country music. trav- el dancing romance. seeks a tae teddy boar in same age bracket with similar inter- ests to make my life complete SY 2581 (OSH) CUTE single female. 32. medium weight with vaned interests, looking to mak 30.40 with sense of humour. Pavful and enjoys corrredies for bng491 Irieidshil pontile retaicnship SY 2638 JOSII) ACTIVE female. 45. divorced. 57-. slum. cronde ha,, and hazel eyes, looking for someone 40.50. that's sncere and honest ,Gary. pease respond again I didn't get your nwrnberl SY 2675 (OSM AFFECTIONATE white female. 40. with a busy career ooking for a young at head white mak 36-45 who enjoys candlekl din- ners for two moves. dancing and travel. fo A asting relationship SY 2696 (OSH) VALENTINE needed. Ares mom 4C 56', attractive easv-going. romantic. loves coun- -watestem music Would like to most a aentlemian wins smiler quawes SY 2697 RED-HAIRED green-eyed babe. seeks a n01 musician to a collaboranve. tun and rei- -ate unfon SY 27M FRIENDLY, ouiclil divorced female 40. who mays roadill travelling. sociallnrg. 'music and singing. booking for Intelligent malty 35.40. for a friendship Dowell total ,onslvp SY 2712 INDEPENDENT single mom 35 enjoys dancing. country music, bobng to some - 11 with a served humour and positive .+^ •Ude nor frendship first. Possible fill —sl SY 2713 %DEPENDENT t8 yr old. who Is pretty ,nc slim •n searcn Of an attractive male. 2^r 25 who has A sense of h umw brains and wants to snare We and love at Its beef SY 2714 ATTRACTIVE ady. 35 57-. gorgeous smile sense of numow udng a wwge and honest onto s winter sports biking moves. dancing travellnq, Independal vabls jangle mom seeking acnehonest and sincere man. 3240 for tnerdshp. pos- vbe relationship SY 2715 THIS very atmactrve slim ache mon", 29. t-vr,g, ~KX%Ma and ging with varying interests seeks a tall smi white mate 2-33 wilt, same U,aracterMics to a sn, xre reaionsnp SY 2716 (OSH) ATTRACTIVE black lemale 57- new to .irsa does '101 want 10 be aicns ar,t' longer :Quid like !c "1" genneran, 45-55 who enrovs dancing music, mows. trawl and :-air evenings al hone for jaeilouA tiling �rlationwnp SY 271f (OSH) ENGLISH Lady 36 fus-hgued single moei- it, of one seeks mak. 38-45 who ekes -dickey Nasal quart evenings and com- puters must haw a good sense of hNmpr and to ertremely affectionate SY 2719 (COB) FULL FIGURED are there any men out •here who would like to meet a large woman with a sense Of humout and pretty taco He mull be horst. snceie kid and romantic. rte "leaf kke children and treat trite special. and be 35-48 SY 2720 JOSH) ATTRACTIVE, still lemale 19. who enjoys weer sports, bar scene and romantic tunes seeks mak 19.26good lookup. well buts for friendship possible relaaorohlp. SY 2721 JOSH) OUTGOING segs white female. 29. enjoys moves dancing, long waflts, soelong single white mak. 29.38. no dl4drerl. for big lenfn reationstllp SY 2723 (PIC) NATURE lair. air -hippy. friatcay, sea" and emotionally stable lady, seeks nlo*l gall gatlsman. 45.. BY 2724 (OSI)) Two fun joining oft. 20 and 21, who Mie 10 go to the clubs, and kks some quiet Wines. seeking two auractwe malls 20.27. for friendship and possible relationship. SY 2725 (OS1i ROMANTIC and attractive. young 50. enjoys dancing, dining. country and '608 mux. ran -snake. baking ler a mals, 45 5G n my W kin a Icing term r.lslarenip. sY 2726(OSH) PETITE. 32. Independent. outgoing. wark- Ing female. antatis coulry, eaeic, dancing. the outdoors and romantic dimers, seeks honest. sncwe mals. 30.35. with s i nlar interests, for a possible rNalionsAip. SY 2727 (opt) INDEPENDENT, black female, 27, 5.11', single mom, drys nrtwrg. loyal, Mlpful all responsible, looking tar a tall, fu gls. mulatto or who male, 3040. cion-sniokw. in leeching or business pn2lssrm, It, tikes dancing. SY 2726 (OSH) EASY -going, sirigle l mals. 34. would lila to mess Inrraoft ng down-lo-eN make ale who Mus to laugh, enjoys moves. ndi g mdacydes and biassing SY 2729 [OSH) CHRtsTIAN lemale. bealdul blonde, lwm. physically to, 2e, seeks Christian roar. 25- 36. o-36, for fun and easy -g" friands tip. a vari- ety at interests, term daughter. Chratan music, church and special momenta. SY 2730 I am a 26r full figured, brown haw, green eyed lemale. enjoy the outdoors, quiet even" and thunderstorms. basing for a sags, snare pNWnw. 2535. for a last- inig relationship SY 2732 (0314) GOOD-LOOKING blue eyed ergs mother. 27. fantastic smile nice light brown hair. enjoys music. dancing, moves and and big walks. bolus for tun bwig man with similar interests SY 2733 I'M not petM bks I m fun to be with. 43. and looking for white male4550 who enjoys the fIna tlxige in Mo and looking 10 get that someone special in his We SY 2734 JOSH) "The Most Important Call You May Ever Make!!" VOLUPTUOUS, pretty. fall and fun -figured professional family, oriented single mom 33 enjoys theatre. candlelit dining. outdoor expeditions. seeking tall, warm, mlelkgent. hard w- -king, hnanaWly secure gentleman Vk1l. marriage minded SY 2735 JOSH) ILC to give and recerve I'm 36. tun -figured and a angle mom, mdeperdenl and finan- cially secure. I enjoy camping, baseball and long romantic walks tm looking for some- one to share my lite with who will recipro- cals and who knows few to treat a lady SY 2737 HI, I'm a single while female I'm liking for a man, so I can be the best that I can I've Ivied some of the rest. but haven't found the best. I want a krill that's always mine, so here I am Irving b 6r,d love to last let all of time Call this ad and you If be glad that you re not with the love you had SY 2738 EASYGOING. separated English Lady. 44 great sense of humour. attractive. enjoys music. dining outdoor activities. seeking stable. sincere, established single male with a sense of humour for friendship, pos- sible relate nsf+q SY 2739 INDEPENDENT 23. looking for a single mak 24-30 la lasting reallorohrp, If you are vol Into head games but looking to spend lonely nghfs with someone, then l am the one for you SY 2740 ACTIVE 30s shm female who is oulgong. enjoys sports and worlonq out looking for a man 30-40 who warns to find and appred- ale my special qualities SY 2741 INDEPENDENT set mother of 3 31, 57-. blonde ham. )coning for a tan, stocky man. 3h40 who likes honor We for fns dshp frail possible rWbonshp SY 2742 M! ' m 27 yrs old. 5. brunette. hazel eyes I have an adventurous sprit and outgoing personalty, enjoy a wide variety of muse and dancing Looking for an affect iorwe. M Cal me. SY 2756 (COB) F1111144oving, down-to-earth female, 36, smoke, looksfor a man's man, sense of humour a must SY 2760 (OSH) SLEEPLESS m Oshawa. affectionate, car - ng woman, 40 Indepondenl, jangle mom, with a good serve or humour. looting for a gentleman who Is sensitive and romantic. for companionship It, share dinners and fun times SY 2761 JOSH) AFFECTIONATE, single mrnrn of two. 34. with Ids of love to share. aeradtve, full -fig- ured woman with hazel eyes and brown hair I enjoy dancingbaseball and quiet evenings at home I wish to most a genlle- man with similar Interests for friendship and possible relationship SY 2762 JOSH) AQUARIUS woman. 39. 56'. 120 be with bell In new age learning and holistic heal- ing, seeks Libra of Gemini male 33-55with positive attitude for adventurous love rela- ttorehip SY 2763 JOSH) SUM attractive 57, 33. mom of two seeks honest loving man who likes to dance. moves, sports and the family Mee fix Poesl- ble relationship SY 2764 JOSH) HONEST and caring female. 29, long red hair, Scorpio. employed lull time would like to meet dean cul professional male. 30.40. SY 2765 TWO Independent single while females. 20 and 22, seeking two single while males. 22- 27. who are physically M, very outgoing and interested in a relationship SY 2766 (OSH) WHERE have all the nice guys gone' If you are honest. stable -minded, understanding. have a greaj sense of humour and are 25- 32. then you are who ll, -s 5'T blade blue- eyed girl rs looking for You must also love children, movies, music and quiet nights SY 2767 ATTRACTIVE while full figured woman, 27. seeking tall black man 28-36, for trend" and possible romance SY 2768 (OSH) TONY Its Becky, call my mailbox 92773, didn't get your phone number You called and left a message, please can again SY 2769 ARE you bo" for that one special Person to share your Me wdh7 Do you have goals or dreams and wan! someone to share them with' This attractive full -figured blonde female Is seeking a loyal, honest. hard working make. 24-35. for possible rotation - ship tat on- shp SY 2770 JOSH) TWO very straightforward cutgong females looking for good -lookup makes. 22-28, la friendship possible long-term reatk nship. mit love children and also be straight Ion ward and horiesl to make our dreams come true SY 2771 JOSH) DIVORCED lemale. 50 smoker social dnnkwenjoys animals. camping and quiet Innel looking for single gentleman. 47.57 w o smear Innerests SY 2772 (OW SINGLE white female 18 enjoys phone sex and shinny dipping in broad daylight seeks tin-lovrig, romantic mak. 19-22for friendship possible relationship SY 2773 JOSH) ROMANTIC single while female enjoys duet times and romantic inedudes seeks make- 40-45. who likes choose, and cooknq THERE ARE a2S N EW �K31is THIS WEEK! horst, tin-lovkg man Single fathom wwl- come SY 2743 JOSH) SENSrrVE. jangle while female, altractivs very voung looking 38. wry s hresf and cal. likes candlelit dimers, theatre movies travel and Children wishes to meet an honest. sincere fun outgoing single while matter with similar intervals SY 27" (OSH) SEEKING honest unattached . W40 while male 45.46. It" to spend quality lima I Ike romantic wake dancing reading or No an everwig wg9eer Cuddlrig SY 2745 FIT and young at heart !lode lar bleu► eyed. 47 yr old lady who enjoys the out- doors dancing and quiet romantic wrvrgs at none with a movie rim searching tar a single, sincere gentleman. 35-55 non- smoker prelid, but not a mwt SY 2746 JOSH) ATTENTION males 40-50 for a kmMd lime only single while female 40-somehing. francialy secure. seeking male compan- Ier,shrp I enjoy baseball. moves and the- atre. it you are si gledworced. ran-smioker wish a good sense of humour and ready to a true friendship. Possible relationship do not delay can today SY 2747 (OSH) PETITE lady 40s. very activeenjoys the ouidooja. nunieroUe other Merph. $waking tall gentleman 45-50 who is active. honest and knows how to communicate SY 2748 JCOB) DIVORCED lady, early 50s. looking for male companion. 40-50, who is sincere, honest, enjoys dancing, dining, moves. good conversation. Possible relationship SY 2749 FRIENDLY, oulgorg, sincere. 35 -year-old black female who Iles muul dung out. quits evenings, looking for a black malo. 35+, to a releaonship. SY 2750 SENIMVE, easy-going, down-taearth. it& figured female, 36, who laws hisses. Cour try living, outdoors and quiet romantic ewraigs at home, s seekeig a spicae. car- ing, down-to-earth, romantic. marriage - 0 id.d male, 3548. watt similar eitersW SY 2751 PHYSICALLY M, bur-bvsg Libra lady look- ing for a IA. dark Sagittarius wh a good saes all litrncur. BY 2752 (06N) FAIR -skinned, full -figured. single. black ismale, bwrrtg, easy to talk to, honest and non-arioker. Desiree a stable. sideperdwit, romantic, ntortemokng gentle 9wa, 4555. who knows how to tri a lady. SY 2753 CHRISTIAN single mom, 31. blonde, blue eyes, 120 In., lies hisrig. camping. hock- ey. Burgo, dancing and quol romantic din- ers at home. Would tileo to most Christian while male. 30-35. to beoorrie hnsinds fret, then possible islaill , lllp. Single dads teat- corie SY 2754 (0311) Two single w hiss females. 19 8 21. ktolag for two athletic. attractive, single white males. 20-26. 5'10• or talar. to fun tortes and possible retatarWrp. SY 2755 (OSI) FLUFFY while finale, 36, with a settee of humour, jasria/fve. romantic. Moo tet quiet things In We. looking fo white male. 35.45, wlh similar nlerests. SY 2756 (COB) INDEPENDENT, attractive, 20 -year-old, 5'6' blade had, bks -eyed, athletic lookng. row to the arel searching to Intelligent, sincere male. 20-30, interested in friend- ship. mnvles, theatre, quiet times and mearagful corwersaharo. SY 2757 (C09) THIS skin We". blords. woo morn. early 30 s is looking for lore I'm responsible and Jun loving I you are tact and over W. elm. established. like country music and you to for frie'l p puss. ti •@,,I! onyhp SY 2774 JOSH) Il 24 5 7. shm, looking tot a will off S Prince Charting. 25-32, willing to spend money on me, pamper me m return have my body, soul and mind till death do us pale, penniless reed rid respond. SY 2776 JOSH) SENSITIVE attractive blends lady, wound leis to meet emotionally opened and secure cau.casian mak, 45. low relationship SY 2777 (OSH) LOOKING to you Are you that carp gon, is" whde male 3545 5'9'. Ill who can put bwinere,er In her head and sparks n her oval Then or s get together and make Our own lasting music SY 2776 JOSH) PRETTY, mnetkgord. single while female. 22. 5 4' ' 15 Ibis smoker. looking Ia a mak. 2230 winos clew culsincere and honest. who Mas cartpngdogs and quiet liners at home and not afraid of commit- ment It this sounds Me you respond SY 27» JOSH) ATTRACTIVE single mom 32, enjoys trav- eling and movies Ickes country and rock and roll would like to meet sincere, honest, adraci ve man. 32 35 SY 27M EASY -going, attractive 33 yr old single man. with lots of spunk and a great sense of humour Would like to meet a single male, for tnerdshp and pots" relation- ship SY 2761 (OSH) UNOUE female 24, enjoys young men, 20- 24, currently accepting resumes, sadists need not reply, only those able to answer the skill testing question will receive a response. The skull testmg question Is. Please name the seven wonders of tet world in PETITE r5'. �sbokng for JOSH) ome body 30-40, wO sense of human and must be snowe am hastssl SY 2703 FEMALE, 39, financially ndpaidait, medi - um build. 56', seeks while male, 43.47, with same qualities SY 2764 SO what's a now gel Mo Ino doing in an ad As them I'm not into de bar scene o'hey baby what's your sign, yor Place Of mine'. I'm 57', medium build, brown hair, hazel eyes, brobglcally I'm 42 but feel 35 SY 2765 (OSH) VENUS and Aphrodite seeking Gods of their own Fun -loving, sincere, between ages 19.227 Then these are the Goddesses for you SY 2786 JOSH) ATTRACTIVE while female, late 50's, seek IaN, non-smoking whet mak. 55-65, who is caring, warm and has a good sense of humour, who likes moves. dancing and du- ng SY 2787 JOSH) ACTIVE, pilule blonde, early 30's, apprecr- ales nature. outdoor sports, camping. romantic dinners and gourmet cooking. A you are committed to personal growth. have Integrity, maturity and a positive attitude toward life. I would love to meet with you SY 2788 JOSH) EASY -going. good-hearted. sincere, 36, working mom, who loves the outdoors, campingfishing, animals. children, etc . down-to-earth, looking for someone with inner beauty. a good sense of humour and nil afraid to be themselves SY 2789 (0SH) DO you desire the wadnth and sncenty, of a meaningful relationship" Do you hesilale to respond to the typical Barbra/Ken doll syn drome ad I'm 37. a single mom. 200. les seelung frig dohiplcorrrpanronshp SY 3193 (OSH) AVERAGE white man, 43. 65'. 190 lbs wants to meet active lady. 2332 for fiend - ship SY 3194 (OSH) SINCERE, fun -loving, aducated. while temale, well travelled. looting fa a co npan- Ion. tate 50's SY 3195 SINCERE. honest. 45 yr ole lady. looking for friendship, male or female. SY 3196 JOSH) FEMALE 60 poMe. 5. blue oyer. shy de- position would like 10 most a WICWO igen. tleman 55-55 Enjoys dancing. traveling. outdoors Non-smoker social drinker SY Aso FRIENDLY lemale. 68 reddish blonde had. blue eves. who likes re dance, dininq. moves. quiet evenings looking for gentle- man who likes to cuddle no � smoker. social drinker and has a good sense of tumour who shares the same Imerests SY am OUTGOING 'e Po-2C s e- '.s sports camprp and the outdoors. looking 'o same ler companionship maybe more SY S303ICSH) OUTGOING. sncal affechawaw femme. wady 4C ; Ickes the okrdoofs. seeking the same with a good sense of humour for companionship and possible relalionshp SY s323IOSHi SM' fermate 36 limited Woe" rnerested m lalk�nq and compamonsnip SY 5326 (OSH) ATTRACTIVE male. athifil prafeesicnal. 38 would Isle to most an AM actwe lemale. 1640 for coMidental relatr ,ship. decre- hon is assured SY S3361COB) GAY te^ale. open and haesi not into role pia til seeking &ansa will, coos sense ON humour and strong sante of see for Irski d - snip, Possible relationship il this sparks your nswil gine ins a call SY S337 MALE. 25, educated. enjoys travel music moves seeks similar for Irendship SY S338 (COSI MALE. 29 an,adive, interested in meeting wl,ile remake 18-45 lot decree rdalron- shp Discretion assured SY S336 SHY ?small* 45 interested in n eNrp oiler women for friendship poeslbie reWionsewo Oshawa area SY S341 ATTRACTIVE couple 30 s looll for sint, Lar coupe tot gel4ogethws aria fun limos SY sm 1 OSH) VFRY romantic tamale. 30, looking for female friend friendship tint. possible wncouwers for clew and disdoet relaicn snp SY S343 f OSH) FEMALE looking for someone to shove my dreams recently, broken headed. give me a cal SY SW JOSH) FEMALE 19 looking for same SY S345 (COB) HONEST caring female. mid 20s. seeks single lemale who s sincere. affectionate and has a good sense of humor. for herid- ship and possible relationship SY S346 (OSI)) EASYGOING female 27, enjoys sports. diners and long walks. seeks female. for tnwxb kp, possibly, more SY S3r17 (OSH) ATTRACTIVE outgoing femake, 29, wants to meet same for arrivals. discreet good tones. SY S340 JOSH) FEMALE- 19, straight male. 20. seeks same SY S3M(OSH) NUDIST male, 42. 5'9', 160 lbs., seeks female nudist, enjoys country living. antiques and travel. SY 5350 ATTRACTIVE young couple looking for famale to stare tin teres. BY 5351 (OSN) How to respond to ,4inrerelgours personavads For individuals 18 years of age and older Dia110416w 76miggi CALL AN TIME A charge of $199 per minute will appear on your phone bill from time of connection. Here's how to use the servile: 1. Select the all you wish to respond to and make mite of the four digit SY "mailbox" number that appears at the end of each ad you arc interested in. 2. Using a touch tone telephone call 1416-976-1991 any lime of the day. You must be within the 905 area code to access Sincerely Yf lis telephone service. 3. Orale you are connected follow the simple instructions. You will have the option of responding to a specific ad or browsing voice mailbox greetings from Sincerely Yours advcnisca within each cale- gory. Go ahead. try the service out and see how easy it is to use. Nted assistance" Call 1.800-387-8009 anytime between 12 noon and 1 I p.m. You will not be charged for this call. *j('- OOKING FOF siolinragtr81)tmyL! SUCCESSFUL busnestlman, 34. athletic and It. 6'. 190 lbs., dark hair and eyes, seely filo allrWfw-. young lady. 20-35. for romantic evenings, getaways and (single moms weloome). BY 1424 (OSH) GOOD-LOOKING male, E. 40. sincere, honest and hard-wryk:ng. Seeks non-smolunng female 18-35 who enjoys dnntng, movies, travel and fishing for possible tong !ens relationship SY 1602 (OSH) AFFECTIONATE. fun -loving, out- going gentleman, 37, enjoys quiet evenings. going out, computers and the outdoors, would like !o meet an affectionate lady. 25-35. with similar Interests, for possible Icnq term relationship. SY 1728 (OSH) SPORTS -minded single male, 30. 5r, brown shoulder length hair, blue eyes, looking for slim lemale rocker. 2630, who's not Into head games. looking for serious rela. tlonshp SY 1761 SINCERE, singlewhite male. 28. phvs,Cally activeseeks honest and attractive femalefor friend- ship. possible relationship, who enjoys quiet romantic evenings and o caslonal outings SY 1782 Two sngle guys 20 looking for '.-'un-loving single girls '13-22 for fun times and possible relation- ship SY1783(OSH) EASY GOING, single whop male, 2q 5. beard an long hair smoker. tieeks female. 21-30 for serous romantic relationship SY 1799 (OSH) EASY -gong. single. white male. 34 6 1 195 lbs . seeks slim. allectronale, single. whoa female. 27.33, for fun times and possible relationship, some Interests are sports. camping. movies. dining oil and rock music. children wel- come SY 1604 KIND -hearted educated man wtlh :radltional values seeks alfectron- ate woman. 30-40. for fnendshp and or a relationship in the Courtice area SY 1808 EASY-wng, down-to-earlh. good look,ng male. 23enjoys music and being spontaneous once in a *nits. would like to meet female. 2625. for fnendsho first, possible (xv-term rMationshkp SY 1814 HANDSOME black male. 35easy y+irq enjoys movies. music, quiet evenings. looking for honest car- inq lemale for a relationship SY 1817(OSH) SINGLE Parent, divorced male. 35 father of two. who enjoys horseback rdwg, moves, fehwg, camping and family time. seeks g female. 2535. for friendship first and possible relationship SY Ian (OSH) HI, 1 m a single white male, 27, enjoys romantic dinners. quiet everrlgs and king Couwwry dotes. seeking female, 22-30, to share those special moments. possible Ie^,term relationship SY 1630 (COB) PROFESSIONAL single, white 'rale 34 •nterests Include down- hill skiing. golf and weekends a1 the collage. also dining out or qutel evenings at home. kicking 'or single 'emits. 26.35 with smu- Iar mte-esus for friendship and possible relationship SY 1931 (OSH) TO Gloria who responded to Mal - box 01599. could you please respond again. did not gel your right telephone number SY Iow (OSH) EASY -going young man, 29. handsome. 160 lbs , would vice to meet that someone who likes to have fundancing, movies. walks -n the snow. 0 you would Like to meet someone nice. answer my ad SY 1933 (OSH) EASY -going young man. 29. IF looking for an affectionale, good natured man, 29, Scorpio. 5'9', 150 Iles . to with long brown haw THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, MARCH 4,1994 -PAGE 19 • CALL ANYTIME • 24 HOURS A DAY • 7 DAYS A WEEK 116 976 iggi Here's hrtw to use the service: 1. Select the adts) you wi,h n) respond In and make note of the four digit SY "mailbox" number that appears at the end of cath ad you are interested in. 2. Using a touch lone telephone call 1-416-976-1991 any time of the day You must he within the 905 arca code to access Sincerely Yours telephone service. 3. Once you are connected follow the simple Instructions. You will have the option of responding to a specific ad or browsing voice mailhox greetings from Sincerely Yours advertisers within each catego- ry. Go ahead, tri' the sen ice out and sec how easy it is u1 use. Need assislancc'' Call 1-800-3X7-6009 anytime hctwcen 12 noon and I I p.m. You will not he charged for this call. and blue eyes, enjo'!s good Co,. versatlon, movies, walks and van- ety of other things. If Interested. cal SY 1834 SINGLE father. 26 years ofd, hon- est, responsible, famltyonented, likes the country. enjoys Camping and sports, also enjoys quiet everimp at home. looking for spe- cial girl, 24-30, attractive, good personality. likes children. SY Ian SINGLE father with two boys. enjoys sports. Ile" and the oil doors. looking for a simple. down- to-earth type of girl. 30-40, must like children. single moms wel- cane, for possible long-term rete tions.. SY 1837 (OSH) MALE 25. 5'5'. would like to mneot female for Companionship. poser bly more SY I636 WANTED: Slim. shapely lady of means with no dependents 40.. who enjoys dining out. movies, travel. quiet hmes. literature and Ingate. then this slim. 50s, non- smoking gentleman would love to hear from you, for possible reia- honship SYIM(OSH) HONEST, established male. 43, win good sense of human would love to meet a skin, non-smoker who likes the country. music. moves. quiet evenings and good. honest discussions. for a serious relationship SY Iaw (OSH) EAS'," -going male, 41. unat- tached. enjoys sports, movies dining and just going out and hav- ing a good time, looking for an easy -gong. good heaved woman. 35-40, for friendship possible relationship SY 1941 (OSH) ACTIVE single white maie Virgo. 6 t would Ike to meet a Virgo 40s or early 50s. non-smoker. petite who can be a lady who has an honest, ~died passion for We and love, who is kokrg for an honest gentleman who really needs hor SY 1642 (OSH) AMBITIOUS. male 30non-smok- ing single father. physically fit employed enjoys family outings. physical actnnlies and romantic times seeks an honest unat- tached. non-smdung lady for pos- sible relationship, single moms welcome SY 1643 (OSM) VERY outgoing male. 27. truck dnver, enjoys gong out on week- ends. quet lanes. seekwg female. 30-40, for friendship, possible relefortslwp. SY 1644 GOOD LOOKING. separated, sn- gle , while male. 42. looks younger. 5 g' 2'Y; CS believes in honesty and slncenty enjoys country music and all outdoor activities would like to meet female. 35-45 with s,m far Inter- ests for possible relationship SY 1545 (OSH) MALE. 39. looking for an unat- tached lady. 30.40 kids o k., who loves to be loved and wants a serious relattonshrp and possible home life SY 1a" PROFESSIONAL dmoroed, one - woman man, late 40s. seeking a slim, affectionate. honest, attrac- tive. non-smoking female who likes to be treated like a lady for kerdshp. possible long tern reia- tionshtp, single Morris welcome SY 1947 (OSH) SINCERE. swngie while make. 29. 5'9'. 160 be. physically it, enjoys music, romantic dinners, sports and the outdoors seeks attractive. white segle femaN of Similar age. fa Dosslble reub0m*h* SY 1844 (OSH) TALL, blue-eyed you ing. 41, single while male. enjoys music. the our - doors. tie Itself and afternoon on my Harley SY IU9 SEXY, good looking male looking lot a roil relationship with tomato 3550 serous reply only SY 1850 HARD working, single. white male 31 not into head games never been maned, likes long dn- ves fast Dace or lad back atmos- phere, kioknq for attradwe single while female 21-31 for Inerdship possible relationship SY 1851 (OSH) HONEST and caring 30 yr old while male 6 good looking wish- es to meet an attradve lady 22 30. who ,s snare, romantic and affectionate for possible reletion- shp Single morns welcome SY 1 SS2 1 OSM) FRIENDLY, outgoing male. 28 6 2" 195 lbs . no dependents. seeks female 2635. for friend- ship possible relationship SY 19S3 (OSH) SINCERE. honest, make 33. 61" 190 Iles . enjoys MUSIC. racquet Spats sitting and moves laking for slim, energetic. employed femala. 25-35, someone with same interests and who s looking for a Sartain relationship SY 16S4 (OSM) SINCERE attractive, semi-profes- sional. white male enjoys week- end getaways. some Sports, the- atre and dwwtg out. seekeg skrn. attractive, sincere female, 2536. Only charge is $1.99 per minute, there are no extra long distance charges. "The Most Important Call You May Ever Make!" THAT'S ENTERTAINMENT! • Escort Service a Stags/Stagettes • Private Parties • Strip -O -Grams• • 7 Days •24 Hour< • Discretion Assured - - Free Transportation The Professional Choice *airJ wt', 5 womnq !C ovir a :omrror aofe ';a..re SY I M5 (OSH) OPEN -,mw angle while mats. 36 awactrve seeks attractive single, write tomato. 29-40, for compan,onsmp or more many Ickes and dislikes 10 head games Please SY 1456 (OSH) HARD-work,ng «hJe male. 44 likes music. romance and good We kxatunq Ia that special Cady for a stable eiabo-sh.p SY 1657 (OSH) FULL -figured female 26. brown hast green eyes. who enjoys bo- ng. camping. dancing and jt" out- doors ung for sincere gentle- man. 2535, for a relahixat SY IM 10SH) SINGLE, while male, 2S, well built, enjoys camping, country music, horseback riding and Hartays, looking for female, not into head games, for good tines and possible relationship SY law (OSH) SINGLE while make 30. 55-. 160 les., employed and "O-ornployed. enjoys slung, fishing, seeks son. gle, whileshm female. 2533. who is open -man I and goal oriertled. SY lsso AFFECTIONATE, artractwl pro- fessional. Id. 40ish, singke whoa male, enjoys children. skiing, movies, travel and candlelight, seeking similar single white Iemale, 32-36. for future Partner. I'm loyal, kind, generous, n1e0r gent and financially sewn. SY 1091 NINETEEN ffty-nre model, rea- sonable mile&", good condition, presently dr- by Barri" porton, unique situation forces need for wood dryer. mat be over 25. in good shape and is not into hot- roding. For a pass& " tat drive pleas• cal. BY 1663 SINGLE daddy. two kaokng, u, 51', 160 Iles., smoker, likes sports, dining - great cook, and movies seeks slim single whore lady, 30-45 or single moms for possible relationship. SY 1091 I'M a dreamer who believes in romance. I'm a fool who believes n low, vA someone wake-up the 21-yeaotl male. SY 1965 (OOH) SINGLE while male, 30, sealing honest and attractive female for friendship, possible reaalanrshp, who enjoys quiet roman lie werwngs. BY 1609 (OSH) SHY male, 25. likes sports, movies and romantic waft, look- Ing for single female 20.25. who hall simlar nterests for Mwldshp, possible relationship. BY 19" (COB) GOOD-LOOKING black male, professional, now to area, enjoys music, quiet evenings and occa- sional dining out. Would like to most lady. age and race unnpor. tans SY 1869 ROMANTIC, easy-going white male looking for special lady 32- 40 for candlelit dinners, long walks, good times and quiet evenings SY 1670 (OSH) TWO confident malas looking for two unique females 18.23. to fill the empty void In our hearts must be spontaneous and caring SY 683-5055 ENTERTANMENT SERVICES SINGLE r%:!e maie. 32. 5 :: 190 abs estab lined. very out- doorsy. Private Pt101. seeks single white female ler possible sonata relatonshp Come fly the frendly skies SY 1872 TALL handsome blue-eyed 32 year oil toddy bear wase love 10 cuddle awn. attractive ,acy ono 's this blue. Mies king haw. leather country, rock and roll SY 1873 (OSH) SINGLE, white male 27, 5 10'. brown hair and eyes Clean cut image will sports. moves, cou r - try music. kiva children and quiet evenings at home looking for female 25-35, with stM,lar inter. ests, single mom would be well come SY 1674 PASSIONATE male 30 M. outgo- ". rion-stritaksw utgo- n9.non-smoker enjoys outdoor activities. movies music. seeks female with enthusiasm for life and adventure SY 1175 (OSH) AFFECTIONATE mate 26 5 7 - non -smoker enjoys music. movies, cookingdarting. dirkng out or spending lime one -w -ons with an affectionate outgoing female SY 1676 EASY -going. single white male. 32, physically ht, honest, loves children and animals enjoys sports, country dines and movws. Looking for a lady. 2634, some- one very honest and omC7 who enjoys similar things. SY 11111177 (COB) FRIENDSHIP fret, possible rele- tionalwp woo" by the 39-yow- old white, 5'11', fit, attractive. wouaNrlyd ;xi -.k- non-smoking female. 25-42. to For persons 18 years of age and over VERY attraa,ve 35 rear ov: -Ale Drown has blue eyes and a mus- tache seeking female 23-40, attractive. who knows what we Is all about and no head games chtt dren welcome. SY ISM OIRET, shy, single male 46. hon- est and sincere, enjoys country and western music, the outdoors and romantic dining. looking for fitimale. 30-40 who 6 honest and slnosre No tad games SY I= (OSH) TALL, attractive. single. write maie 30. seeks amactive six ge while female 2530. 57'. dark nalf non-smoker_ hall and no dependents For senous nMation- shp SY 1464 (0 SH) FABIO: I m as good looking as Facto wMbotl tel 9111 1 s, honest' With my muscular skit, -tight body Comparison, 1 seek only one prettir. slim lady for companionship It you to going to reaped, eels is the limo' SY I61s5IOSM) SINGLE dad. 38 young. consid- ered anractnre. sincere and ht enjoys loo. country waks qu.et evenings and good times seeks lady with similar qualities aril WAS riwef SYIM(OSH) DEBBIE. I responded to your mairbox Fob 11. lost your phare rumoef. please respond to this Mabox SY 1467 (COO) OUTGOING, singe wr fe 'hake. late 20 s enjoys the outdoors sports Meeting .e* people. would Ida to meet fetnate 2530 whos looking for a long-lerm reia- tionship SY IM(OSH) FRIENDLY. outgoing maie. 24 now to Port Hope area. enjoys fishing camping and outdoor activities, would like to meet female. 22-26 who enjoys the same SY 1469 IOSH) TWO sngo. white makes bah 19. looking for two attractive. single while females. 18. for good times and possible relationships SY 1460 (OSH) DO you love life. believe .n romance and togetherness't Do you understand that happiness cornet from what you put nto We not what you take out') Are you looking for a friend and at the sa/rq time someone who acitee you. well I am Male, 31, 61, skin and altracbve SY I461 MALE 27, searcfwng for fun, who enjoys closeness, discussion. quiet times, for passible retarlon- ship. Please be snare. honest, non -superficial and able to com- mu tcate. SY 1092 ROMANTIC male, 20s, enjoys a W48 variety at mew. kwkng Ior NW special Iedy, 1630. to enjoy life with, also tove Gulden. SY Durham Region & the Port Hope/ Cobourg area �*incerPlg 1gours ham received 5897331 share Me velli Sw O mans "j, looltg ler a female. 18-22, who come. BY 1979 a" 1ipbAs, movies, big want. QUIET, yang at heart male, 47. quiet and alacal tens. to share 5'10', 166 to.. enjoys marc,big possible relationship. BY III wall b". spats, cooling and movies. looking for ohm. al racene OSM (z ,__,-_•r9_ Goo""°u'k,"sale. 36, quiet and lady. 3545. to bog my hire. fail a easygoing type of person would serious relationship SY 1879 like to meet attractive, sawn one (COB) man woman for a possible long ATTRACTIVE, divorced. very term relatiorutwp Reaped to this open minded male, no depen- and e f seyou are lot no. SY ly dents' seeks well built' fnanciaVERY secure. very open mWitted tenial". 1ad Merl 20 dly year cid male. 30-45 for friendship, companorr hone. pdfN, *my to talk to. non - ship and possible relationship. smoke. enjoys most sports would must like boating, hshng and all like to meet Special person for Noes Of MUSK SY 1881 fnendshlp first, possible redtfon- snap S'r 1997 LONG brow lair, hazel eyes. maie 32. employed who `Iles snooping, movies and spending time at home looking for female 2535 fa hierWshrp possible reia- tiortshvp SY ION HANDSOME Clack. 30. profes- s,o^al male enjoys movies music camping. baseball iboth playing and waren mgr seeks female with similar stereos SY 1899 MALE mCus,le 1952 model. reasorawe' 16age good Condr- ton solids a good owner to take control 4husr De heavy $et SY 1900 I OSH) SINCERE easy gong and yeas minded male 27 seeks female with srmriar Juald so for friendship a^o pcss,b• re,at'onsf p SY 1901 (OSH) WIDOWER. 5'9" loves to darnu. Calid'nners travel a romantic. active 63 yr old really 49 and low". seeks that special lady, $hm, non-smoker 4555, to snare the good things ,n Lits SY 1903 (OSH) THIS ,s a lady dream I'm S9' 155 lbs 42w1,1e very open Mindednotnew and caring, loof- Ing for a Iadv 32-44 with same qualdes for friendship possibly relationship SY 1904 EASYGOING. honest single wide male. 30. attractive, slim. M hard-worbng active smpl{en likes rock n roll sports and children would like to meal a similar lady. 2637 for fnsidshp possible rel? twnakp SYIWS(OSH) TO Maggie nurse in Bownarvie leep011dng to mailbox 01721, you forgot to leave your number. plow calf again SY 1906 (0*0 HANDSOME single while male. 34. 62. athletic. educated. bno- hearted. seeking similar female, 22-32, to wrestle with SY 1907 103111) HONEST male, 43, average, world Ilse to meet Islnale. 7332, ler compawaliq. poeealy more. SY 1909 (0" FINANCIALLY sWMe. 34. W. 170 lbs.. , it ,ed whee male who ei1 Mae to rock a bolag far a female companion who enjoys Leaf games. rock concerts and much more for 1le serous rslabon whip. SY Iwo (05" OPENdMIOEO, single male. We 203. outgoing. hort3et and attic. honale, enjoys a vansty of irM3r- eels nckafl mows and muw. would like to most while female with friendly PtrsalaflY n her 203. BY 1910 (000 HONEST caring gerlleman. 3D, enjoys movies. dorg and tan* file. M you're find al being mis- treated and can share the same qualities. then Will ms, a hal. SY 1911 CHALLENGE and promose. 40. single dad, oaf -aware, fun and loving, looking for partner with clear setae of hdure. fill provide the daalonge I proal. SY 1912 HARLEY duds, single male. 40, father of ori. physically fro Mae to nde Hluleyst earnprg. looking for female, 30-40. physucany f6 who Ickes outdoor and motorcycles, not wMo bar sosne. BY 1913 1 have, a great male friend who is too shy to wnte an ad He's 30. 5'8'. elementary teacher from down east. Iwai damug. movies. very easygoing and a real roman- tic Csets grim hon a call BY 1914 (OSH) ESTABLISHED male. young 63. non-smoker en" the outdoors. travel quiet times, candlelight din- ners and much more looking for 0sihawa,Whdby This Week d A)ax'Pickenng News Advertiser assumes no liability for the content or reply to any Sincerely yours advertisement The advertiser assUmes complete lability ler the content ofand all responses to any advertisement ,x recorded message and for any claims made against Oshawa.Whitby This Week as a result fhereol The advertiser agrees to indemnity and hold this publication and Melmland Community Newspapers and Its employees harmless for all costs. expenses. liabilities and damages resulting from or caused by the publication or recording placed by the advertiser or any reply to such advertisement by using Sincerely Yours, the adverliser agrees not to leave his,yror telephone number. last nnrne or address In his ber greeting message oMawa Whitby This Week reserves the right to revise restrict or cancel any adversement or change the category In which an ad replaced. that special attradive lady who would hoe to be sI , I BY 191S FUN4oveg but shy, easy -gang, slim and attracirve, single, while male, 32. T. 190 be, enjoy music. sports, moves. seeks attractive lemale, with similar wooriefs. chil- dren welcane SY 1916 (OSH) QUIET, down-to-earth, .:ogle. while ma)e. 39, with good sense of humour. likes summer, the out- doors and quiet romantic 'wormers looking lot a single white .ornate. 2535 who likes to be treated like a lady, for lasting relationship SY 1917 (AJA) ATTRACTIVE male, 24. looking for honest sincere female who enjoys travelling. camping and being spoiled, for possible rela- tionship. single moms welcome BY 1916 (OSH) SINGLE easy going. attractive. earty 40s. enjoys movies, roman - 1K eve" gs dinners, looking for female. 35.50, any site 'c• fun I'M" Inf a possible relatia's rp you will net be disappo,n SY 1919(OSH) SINCERE Rowmarville mar pro fesslonal and fit seeks «omen 30-40 0 Row,,anvdie area Infer - "led ,n good w? 'ate night films W11 home -cooked rood ro bull," i close friendship SY 1921 HONEST cannq s scare s male early 40s physical,. looking 'or female 3,, a0, ith, enjols 'ns outdoor^ ;U'9' evenings for possible reurvr5^ v SY 1922 (OSH) OUTGOING male 35. iock 1, 'of fnerosnip with female. 36ar lone likes Camping and all outdoor spot's SY 1923 (OSH) HONEST and caring -A a 29 enjoys 7uief times at home ro, irg for a female 21-35. who s vn. core understanding and noresr with a warped sense of hu-o.;r Single moms welcome SY 1924 COSH) CARING gentleman early 30 s 9nllyys'he oUddors. movies din. nq out and quiet evenings a: cine seeking a special gar' for '.,endsntp possible relationship Sy 1925(OSM1 SINGLE Saq,llarian male 30 5 5• 145 'les shoulder length brown half bka eyes loovnq or slim onq-haired female 7;-3r, for a serious relationship Sy 1926 (OSHI SINCERE. -Y:-Arw hones Sense of ni/ngfn 4 Ilia desGrDes youthen this MoMf r of 7e 41 would kite to Weer from rdu Nat - smoker SY 2487 (OSH) FUN -roving female 32 wfr i sense of htanourfired of 'he bar scene enjoys dinners n on out. '-••t. Paced or laid-back atmospheres. $soft make 35-40 for fun •lines Possible reial,bMhip Ho head genre SY 2536 FEMALE. urraaaChed. had- orli rig. doom 10 earm x0gotnq rar- Wit at Interests 14 and shim ,00x - f19 for honest make 30-40 Di sir, filar qualities for friendship first SY 2546 low ATTRACTIVE 'adv Dionde sin- gle 35 n'eresfed ,n meal ng a So" 10.001. attracOve Mar 30- 40 G40 fon 'rendsho possible '9,a 90hol tip SY 2547 OStil HONEST an- r -:re «r s terraw ^edtum'Ac 35 sm:.er 'Oves : :4^:e 1^d -9.e seeks non" low- --ear^- i black mae 354C -v -ea-rf- rehons.io Sy 2544 le:S- -ee Ing o -e y u^d b lie re Novernto right' was'seaingihrarfi your ooko"r :are X""!he gem - 00 ad and ro more .aa sc solemn WON he maippti number WW anC hurled to riy of ara as � kill~ his genii voice no cngr 'ed SC I left a meMege Vol very night and hoped out M would cal l wOndered i he'd tke am nrsssge and be +ftfw- ed In no at al. He did cal lack in lose ars" days an M ta3td for an hour of So M Iprq we were quite compatible so on a dols M Mand go I Went to fel m hoard to most tam wing my nervousness to ds le welred in and Our ease met and the soft began b N. We In M hod Mimi in comman as we LOW for vials sant lie fr seemed kb that on in a m8on man M women rarely Ind He ties a reel and ince tomartic with a kid and sing hart. The r1M day he sent rte roses and the on ust the start Since than hit's der so marry mngs to show me he does care he truly twat me Me a glwsn and in good or bed hr's two. In to ad hs was gulag ler somearke to telt a raa3I will hen but wipe I sus 94 slim m Story my dientia d gong wow aka Bu r I gol to know ham belief I knew, I had nothing to fear. He was the toast men Ill over met aks3ys han and OWN So at Chrmee I packed my sialiase and agwed the I would go. 4 was the beef dsI ' IW akar meds and our Ise" corenued to grow He took me to er salty Sola+ for Iwo weeks in paradise I was armed and dined and romanced belea!h !rte Caribbean Mies I was a kypndwful 11p fa both at n xe we wont sow 4orgel and wtnou' 'le help of your column we may -are relief Mel. SO !c all of you at Sincerely Yovrs nary !fano 'a Drngng ,s together we grow Clow with each paswirg day Im we tent I will aw Iclev -loug A Sher, t.,10-7-IfIlL INLWbAUVLKI-WEII CKIUAT, MARS n -% ■��+ Don't list with anyone until you've talked to a Royal LePage Representative! illlllllllllllllllllll ROYAL LEPAGE ���.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Broker � 7� '>r DON'T RENT - BUY!! Clea- .: cero0m aw�home n great ,xar,o - B ioh' break`ast area 3 was rooms. Ca' tooav hathrvr Parish' ` r PRICED TO SELL' MaD eca e ­xc^^cc. mT.ac�ate 1 bedroo^ mamie foyer, a aor;lances. wpe recreancr centre �t �a a '.. ...... _... .. .. - .: , �.wa•*'-. - .... . r » ..,iyWpveY'c v' �� . yrs �r"'��WiW'A•,;w.1w-HW,x+�.v.-e:A'.»..� � �. HISTORIC POST MANOR 7970 BROCK RD. PICKERING 683-y 790 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS ONCE 2 bec-oo- :;„nga,ow o- .r SOr'�ce^ -avme lot Near PAYMENTMORTGA$19346 Fincn, ne. gar, kennel ul So each `or so me D 2 f reoiaces e*mnoes a Joyce**. 683-179C o -&Vol ". THIS ONE WONT LAST! -a-ye of - Eads o^ 'c park' ca!­K� w centre islanc Man aundry. centraair & vacuum. Pat MCAd,ster•_ 6Fj,^ 7?r' I. FOR RENTIL GORGEOUS BUILDING LOT' a' 50x42^ a xs 'c sream, Mos: levies paid Call e tooay for more information ' Katt+ry^ aansn'. 683- 1790 MAPLE RIDGE AREA PICKERING AREA Exea "ve 2 storey 4 x^^ Executve four beoroor^ PAYMENTMORTGA$19346 home w!- linisned osm: 8 ul eat -in kitchen. Jill Brown'. 2 f reoiaces e*mnoes a 284-4751. must Aor. 1st pons Po > , Bern'-. 683-1790 y IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ROYAL LEPAGE 1111111111111111111111 Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Broker QUALITY. LOCATION. PRICE! 71iis 3 bedroom customPA bur, home on a create lotnear Rouce River has 'i au. Cal Errol Moffat+'. 683-1790 EXCELLENT VALUE 2.700 sc " 4 Xrms.. 3 baths. main fkoor far^. $j laundry rms. Cent. air, window covers. q,:iet ocahon. Call SVnna Kv'le', X83-1790. . QUIET r PICKERING AREA 0 Executve four beoroor^ PAYMENTMORTGA$19346 home includes mar floor family room with fireplace, ul eat -in kitchen. Jill Brown'. 284-4751. TRANQUIL RAVINE LOT! 70' Spotless 4 bedroom executive home. Main floor library, Beautiful 34 x 31' �.' rec rm. Many extras' , Kathryn Parish'. 683- PROFESSIONAL/ RESIDENTIAL Custom fam-iy home wattached professional -a offices w sep. entrance. Pickering Village. Jill i Sr -i—, 683-1790. GLORIA DAHL - MANAGER FARM EAST OF OSHAWA 42 ACRES Want land with your brick bungalow's Call for lin market garden site on Hwy.2 near H0- Rd. 0. Joyce'. �� Joyce'. 683-1790. 003 ZONE OUTSIDE STORAGE 6,000 sq. ft. plus home, 3 0 acres and Kingston Rd. PAYMENTMORTGA$19346 address Near Pickering INCOMEHOUSEHOLD $57,000 Village. What buy D 905-683-- 1;90. Joyce', Ravine setting2 Country home? Hobby farm? We have serious buyers looking now! Call Chris Burner,*. 683-1790 FASHION BOUTIQUE Ladies' clothing store for sale in Pickering Town Centre. Perfect business for couple. MassaratCS Nagvi', 683-1790. AJAX 235 BAYJL�YX T. W-9 427111111111111116522 Wilma Tanner* Royal LePage is proud to announce that Wilma 'fanner is the recipient of the Prestigious "Chairman Club" Award for the seventh consecutive year. This represents the top 1 % of our sales force across Canada. Wilma would like to thank her customers for their continued support. AJAX BY THE LAKE Absolutely stunning! For discriminating buyer only! Call Z4 1 ST AD - ONLY $207,900 Hurry - 4 bedroom on 155' lot, approx. 2,448 sq. ft. Evelyn Regan* LET'S TALK DETAILS Information on financing. LD List of resale homes in your price range. �] Current information on market value of your home. 'Transferee trauma? Relax and let me show you how to enjoy your new hometown. 5% 10.3% PAYMENT WN $9,245 $189980 PAYMENTMORTGA$19346 $19271 INCOMEHOUSEHOLD $57,000 09000 5% 12.2% PAYMENT WN $11,495 $279980 MORTGAGE PAYMENT $1603 $1482 HOUSEH OLD $719000 INCOME $739000 V* 427-6522 FOR MORE INFO. ON THESE PROPERTIES CALL EVELYN* 427-6522 February 25 - March 5 W MA OSMAN I This Week Ajax & Pickoring NEWS ADVERTMER Scarborough Mirror PRESSRUN 200,000 i�=-�;.L t - In Aw"a ALL-C1,111-i"'o-i JL you can filrid a hande cDiidom-inium in a g-r&locab6n,' an fordable price. In fad, moving into East Hamptons, beauff* located next 16 puffins Bay in Ajax, is possbe for just over $80,000. ,Also known as gCondominiums on the Lake,- this low-rise endooffers so( Tyles of suites featuring one, two or three bedrooms. Prices start at $811,600 for he one -bedroom Newport which features 733 square feet of living space, a f xkony and ensu to laundry room. lndvda suite prices vary depending on level and view. Base prices range up to $121,900, for the 1,099 sq.tt Fairhaven. The average monthly maintenance fees range from $156 for the Newport to I233.86 for the Fairhaven. East Hamptons is comprised of four separate clay -brick buildings. Each building is four stDreys, high and has its own exercise mom, sauna, change rooms and whirlpool. There is also an indoor swimming pool, party room, Un* , ,Z N =4 ctften's pk9mund and landscaped area with B.B.Q. pit. Suites feaboe 800 Series doors and Cdonial trim, brass or equivalent fixWres, Euro -style cabinets, 36 -ounce ca" and ceramic We. .,, M homes comer in mW appliances wadw, dryer, fridge, stove and burin �!,teaum a spamz rifflywvng room aria mp mamer oeurmn mm lull insuim. The main bedwoom is nod to the family mom and the laundry room is ,r located next to the n. 500. Hampbns is Walled dose ID dqoV1 schools, reslauranis other amenities and it is just a short drive south of the Ajax GO Transit station and "Hwy. 401. 1jid Eagky�, exit Hwy. 401 atWestney inAjax and continue` -youth. Tum right on Lake Driveway and follow it to the site. Sales office hours are noon to 8 p.m. Monday to Thursday, and from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m on ,,,-.,weekends. The sales office is dosed on Fridays. For more information, call 427 71M. DACE 2 OSHAWA THlb WEEIZAAX IIEWS ADVERTISER; Feb. V4hrch 4,1 tIY4SM HONIM Fik n4 rdt S, ISM NCW 1Ei0=R1ei iad 31=*- Sweet Sixteen townhomes are full of charm The phrase "sweet 16" brings to mind many different images for many different people. For some, it will take them home to Courtice. Sweet Sixteen is an enchanting collection of freehold townhomes now available from Liza Homes at its new Courtice location. Here you will find two-storey homes that attractive on the outside and efficient and com- fortable inside. Sweet Sixteen offers four different home designs featuring two- or three bedroom layouts. Homes range in size from 965 square feet to 1.423 sq.ft. Prices start at S 104.990. Some lots backing onto a greenbelt are available at a premium. Since these are freehold townhomes, there are no condo fees or regulations. A four - appliance package is included in the price. The first thing that appeals in a Sweet Sixteen home is the fact that exteriors are a combination of clay brick and vinvl or aluminum siding Choose your contractor or builder carefully One of the most important aspects of ensuring a satisfying renovation is havinz realistic expectations, says one expert. Terry Mills. of The 'Master Building Group, says getting your renovation done right begins with the hiring of a professional reno- vator. He recommends choosing a renovator by doing your home- work — check their references, ask if the company belongs to the Greater Toronto Home Builders' Association and check their finan- cial solidity to ensure the compa- ny will survive the job. Try to hire people who do the exact kind of work you want done, says Mills, a members of the Greater Toronto Home Builders' Association Renovation and Redevelopment Council. To test this, contact three of the ref- erences and ask if they are happy with the work. "A renovator's previous cus- tomers are his sales staff. People shouldn't feel shy about caning these people up and asking if they are happy," says Mills. 1f more than one trade is required for the job, homeowners must be realistic about who has the ability and time to oversee the job — themselves or a general contractor. Acting as one's own general contractor is "a little more complicated than going shopping on Bloor St.," says Mills. It is exceedingly time consuming and potentially disastrous. . . . . . . 4 t i . 4 and garages have sectional clad - wood roll -up doors. Inside, you see features like ele- gant curved staircases with oak rail- ings and pickets in most models, Colonial trim, brass hardware and 800 Series doors. Floors are covered in quality broadloom and underpad in living room, dining room, family room, stairs and all bedrooms. Kitchen, laundry room and bathroom floors are covered in quality cushion flooring (where applicable). Ceramic tile is available in some foyers (as per plan) and in main -floor powder rooms. Liza Homes has taken great care in designing these homes. A fine exam- ple of this is the 1,423 -sq. ft. model. and end unit which sells for $124,990. When you enter the main foyer, you are greeted by a curved staircase leading up to the second floor. To your immediate left is the large kitchen and breakfast area that is sur- rounded by windows. At the back of the main floor is the dining room liv- ing room area that features a walkout to the rear yard. A powder room completes the main floor. At the top of the stairs you find the master suite and two family bed- rooms. The master bedroom features a large walk-in closet and three-piece ensuite bathroom. The other bed- rooms share a three-piece bathroom. A handy sliding -door linen closet completes the second floor. Closing dates for Sweet Sixteen range from immediate to a couple of months. Models are available for viewing. You will find Sweet Sixteen on Pidduck St in Courtice. To reach the site, turn north on Trull's Rd. and continue past Nash Rd to Cecil Found Cres. Turn right onto Cecil Found Cres. and right again onto Pidduck St. The site is nearby all shopping, school and recreation amenities. The sales office is located on Hwy. 2, just west of the Oshawa town line. Office hours are from 2 to 7 p.m. Monday to Wednesday and from noon to 6 p.m. on weekends. The office is closed on Fridays. For more information on Sweet Sixteen, call 432-0008 and ask for John Randall. I OSHAWA TM WEEKIAJAX NEWS ADVERTISER, feb-. 264Awch *, 1994MEST HOMES, Fob: 264AWch 6, 1994 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 OSHAWA THIS WEEKIAJAX NM ADVERTISER, Fib. 2SMwch 4,19HIS T "O11M Fib. 2i4brah k 1904 1�T�oy owes - aaua Zimtarloms Builders making homes energy efficient Professional builders are increas- ingly using environmentally -respon- sible building techniques and materi- als to lessen the impact of our homes and how we live in them on the envi- ronment. There is no better time to find out about the choices available than when you are looking for a new home. ENERGY EFFICIENCY Buying an energy-efficient home is one of the most important contri- butions that a homeowner can make to the environment. Fifteen per cent of Canada's total energy consump- tion is attributed to heating the coun- try's homes and the vast majority of this energy is derived from non- renewable resources. New homes are considerably more energy-efficient than homes built just 10 years ago, thanks to higher levels of insulation, advanced sealing tech- niques, improved windows and more efficient heating and cooling sys- tems. "High-performance" windows with thermal resistance ratings of up to R-8 can further reduce the energy requirements of your new home. These windows may include: triple - or, even, quadruple -glazing and low - emissivity glass (low -E) to let in the warmth of the sun while preventing the heat indoors from escaping: argon gas to increase the thermal per- formance of the window. and heat mirrors between the layers of glass for superior insulating ability. Consider selecting an enerev-effi- cient heating system. Mid -efficiency furnaces are 10 to 15 per cent more efficient than standard products. while high -efficiency furnaces can provide close to 95 per cent efficien- c), and create up to 30 per cent less pollution than standard products. While they may require a higher ini- tial investment, heat pumps offer greater energy performance returns. Reduced environmental impact is only one of the many benefits of an energy-efficient home. Homeowners will enjoy the energy savings, which can be significant over time, and increased comfort (even heat throughout the house, warm floors and no drafts), convenience and a more pleasant indoor living space. The R-2000 home is an environ- mentally responsible home that uses half of the energy of a conventional- ly -built home and provides home- owners with a cleaner, healthier indoor environment. R-2000 homes are built by specially -trained builders, tested and certified so that consumers know exactly what they are buying. APPLIANCES In a typical household, washers and dryers, refrigerators, freezers, stoves and dishwashers account for approximately 15 per cent of residen- tial energy consumption. Many builders today include a full range of appliances with their new homes. Homebuyers should try to ensure that these appliances are energy efficient and water conserving. Not only do energy-efficient appliances have less impact on the environment, they are also less expensive to operate. Energuide, published by Energy, Mines and Resources Canada. lets consumers compare the energy per- formance of one appliance with another. All Canadian -manufactured models of major household appli- ances are tested to determine their energy use according to standards set by the Canadian Standards Association. The results of these tests are indicated on the label attached to every new appliance. Typically, energy-efficient appli- V ances reduce energy use by 15 per cent. Recently, the market has seen the introduction of a new generation of appliances that are up to 48 per cent more energy efficient than con- ventional appliances. Buying the full range of state-of-the-art appliances may cost approximately $900, but the energy savings can range from $180 to $250 per year. LIGHTING Energy-efficient lighting is one of the easiest conservation measures that you and your home builder can undertake. A compact fluorescent light bulb uses up to 80 per cent less energy than a conventional incandes- cent bulb and lasts about 10 times rT FRIAR elev. 111' InC015 ree longer. While energy-efficient light bulbs are more expensive initially, you may expect savings of up to $30 over the lifespan of the bulb. Not having to replace burned -out bulbs in hard -to -reach places, like the tops of staircases or cathedral ceilings, also makes energy-efficient light bulbs more convenient. Dimmer switches and times give you more control over the amount of energy you use fdr lighting. At the same time, you can create "atmo- sphere" for pleasant evenings at home and increase security when you are out. Energy-efficient lighting goes hand- in-hand with housing design that makes the most of natural light through lot orientation, interior layout and the use of windows and skylights. $177,900 37 EXCLUSIVE HOMES NESTLED IN A QUIET RAVINE SETTING VISIT THE MODELS AT LINCOLN GREEN AND SEE THAT DREAMS CAN COME TRUE. Exclusive marketing—Anne Wisniewski, Sales Rep. 434-8575 NRS Realty One Inc. Realtor 4 6 18 ADELAIDE a9DICr ONTAW�D WW WWWARRAWY _ PROGRAM "MM 3 = 00 SITE HOURS: Mon - Thur 1 - 5:30 Sat - Sun 12 - 5:30 LINCOLN GREEN RWY,62 0 VIE NWY N01 WA ,� ,.... . .... ..�,wsw qMl.=1w:�>...u,..ArM1,M4!✓'iArwv,•s rilr�w...+i�r MA 2469/U1W'N0f ffEs„ fib. 2$ANa 0.1W4 PAdE'S 1�?dov Ho>tw�fs Wawa IwlCMICNr f>< s SisiToa 'itc ens ene t rom nene BY BARBARA BOSSE New approaches to kitchen design have made the sink area a focal point. Whether your kitchen is a spacious hub incorporating other living areas or a cramped Cubby hole, your sink selection can enhance the look and function of your space. If your kitchen area is spacious and has ample counters, your options are as numerous as sink designs available. A single large bowl, the popular bowl and a half or, even, a three -bowl design options are available. Some sink manufacturers produce a full line known as food -preparation centres because of their many functions. Regardless of size, these sinks take every inch of the design into consideration. Dish drainers, soap dispensers, chopping boards, waste chute systems and colanders are just some of the convenient features which assist in food preparation and clean-up tasks. If space is not a problem in your kitchen, you might opt for a second food -preparation area with a second sink in the kitchen. In this case, , you might choose the larger sink as a centralprep and clean-up area and a secondary. smaller sink for vegetable cleaning and preparation or to be used as a bar sink. Bar sinks are available in brass, chrome and a variety of other finishes. One of these finishes is Silacron, an easy -to - clean quartz material that is one of the most durable sink materials available. Silacron is available in a variety includ- ing a new metallic onyx color. However, if your counter space is already limited. you might want to con- sider a single bowl, the "mini" models of certain sinks or another popular choice — the comer sink. A comer sink is a good choice when counter space is a consideration. More often than not, the counter is a wasted area in the kitchen. By changing the plumbing to make use of the comer, you gain valuable counter space for addi- tional food -preparation tasks. Most cor- New sink designs help make your more attractive and func- tional. ner areas can handle a larger sink while leaving room for some decorative accessories or plants. The smaller "mini" sinks will most often fit com- fortably in a 60- to 70 -centimetre (24 - to 27 -inch) base cabinet — a feature that makes placement of the sink con- siderably easier. Although smaller in scale, many of these models include waste -chute systems, built-in colan- ders, cutting boards or draining boards like their larger counterparts. Remember, the main sink or water appliance should relate to other appli- ances involved in food preparation. The stove top and dishwasher, for example, should be close by for easy food prep and clean-up. Before you choose the size and placement of your sink, first consider what functions you want it to per- form. By planning this first step you can then choose the type, size and position the sink in order to make it most effective. Don't forget that if you are remodelling your kitchen. work areas can be repositioned for convenience. Remodelling kitchen makes sense Talk to any real estate agent, and he or she will tell you the same thing: You get the most for your home improvement investment from remodeling the kitchen. The chances of recouping your dollars are better than good - they're 125 percent! So while the majority of home- owners may live in a less -than -new home, most want a kitchen that's like new - and for good reason. Once you decide to remodel your kitchen, a professional designer is the first person to contact. A designer can review your ideas, discuss how they would work and offer sugges- tions. Additionally, a designer can provide you with the benefit of expe- rience on similar projects. When you begin, remember. someday you might be a home seller. And, while most home buyers don't mind tearing down old wallpaper, ripping out cabinets or replacing a wom faucet is another story. Items that are costly or difficult to replace should be viewed as more permanent additions to your new kitchen. Thus, when you're selecting them, choose classic styling with superior quality that appeals to a broad audience. Here are some tips on kitchen remodeling: • Work closely with a professional designer. They can save you time, as well as money in the end. • Begin your remodeling project with a visit to a variety of kitchen show- rooms. Look at products. Ask ques- tions. • Choose a faucet that combines both time-honored styling and high quali- ty. • Select a neutral background for your kitchen, then accent it with brighter colors. White has recently made a comeback for the kitchen and continues to increase in popularity due to its clean. simplistic appeal. So. be certain to consider it. • Have fun. Today, people spend a good deal of family time in the kitchen. Make yours an inviting place with special touches. PAGE 6 OSHAWA THIS WEEK/AJAX DEWS ADVERTISER, Fib. 254weh 4, IMfi EST HOMES. Fib, 264wel 5,1994 PTeW *K4MZI lets sad ItiteriOrs Unique desi ns make u the Collection When you are looking for more in a home than some walls and a roof over head, the Riviera Collection offers old-world charm combined with superb craftsmanship which only Veltri Homes can deli%er. This beautiful collection of homes is set on a seclud- ed treed cul-de-sac and nestled among an established community in Bowmanyille. To ensure the uniqueness of these homes. Veltri Homes has brought in two inde- pendent designers to create an atmosphere that truly sur- passes the buvers expectations. The result is five enchanting models available onlv in this enclave of homes. The discriminating buyer will find these homes that comfortable and full of ambience. The homes in the Riviera Collection distinguish themselves with it European -inspired charm. Raised front gables and the interior open concept add to this old-world ambience. where families gathered each evening to discuss the day and enjoy each other's com- pan'. The Riviera Collection features elegant two-storey homes with a varlet of convenience and comfort features. Homes are available in three- and four-bedroom layouts. all ha -,e bri,_ht roomy kitchens. an abundance of windows. oak railings and some have oversized garages. You will also find third -storey lofts, second -floor laundry rooms. laundry chutes and skylights as per plan. These charmine link homes on 30 -foot lots range from I.76S to 2.1OS square feet and prices start at only S 150.9140. Sonic premium pie - shape lots are available. Veltri Homes is offering a pur- chaser's choice incentive. which gives buyers the option of an interi- or upgrade or exterior landscape package valued at over S3.500. A experienced interior co-ordinator is also available to offer homebuyers advice on how to customize their home. The Ri\ iera Collection is Bow man ille's newest development and all amenities are only a short distance away. Schools. parks and shopping facilities are nearby and Hwv. 401 is just a short drive south. What makes the Riviera Collection truly attractive is the benefit of liv- ing in a community which offers all the conveniences of living in a city while surrounded by a pleasant smalltown atmosphere. Buying a home part of the Riviera Collection also means you are bene- fitting from Veltri Homes' 30 years of experience in the home-building industry and Excellent Rating from the Ontario New Home Warranty Program for the past three years. The Riviera Collection is located on Borland Ct. in Bowmanville. To reach the sales office. exit Hwy. 401 at Liberty St. and proceed north past Concession St. which is just north of Hwy.21 Sales office hours are Thursday to Sunday from noon to 5 p.m. For more information on the Riviera Collection. contact sales and marketing director Michele Smillie at 623-9.362. M -," � The San Remo is one of the beautiful models part of Veltri Homes' Riviera Collection. OPENING! 7 .I=; ;ice" -'r =JI =�lF,- - •�4t`. ZEI 29 1: More to Come Home to From rULLY � 'll 1 Mon. to Thurs. 1-8 pm Sat., Sun. 8 Hol. 11 am - 6 pm 434-3897 7 � r EXECUTIVE REALTY (1M3) WC 41-7 Q cc Z En W v ~¢ MALES Ir Q cc f— =O U CENTRE = HWY 2 rULLY � 'll 1 Mon. to Thurs. 1-8 pm Sat., Sun. 8 Hol. 11 am - 6 pm 434-3897 7 � r EXECUTIVE REALTY (1M3) WC 41-7 HALMINEN HOMES LT[). i I a 1:1 .-....� .., r. LI� a loom IL m fIEIOST�IE "WT ■Il Call: 40+1880 SALES OFFICE HOUV& 14b, W-1, e 0, AM Monday-Mmnday 14m Friday 11.5pi Sunday llam6pm CLOSED SATURDA w �.e widM t notice- E 4 n.E PAGE s GSHAWA THIS WEBUAJAX NEWS ADVERTISER, Feb. 254lrreh 4,196 SM Ho ES, Feb. nawch s,1 994 Kaitlin Group celebrates Phase Three of Aspen SP rings When you visit the Kaitlin Group's popular Aspen Springs community this weekend, you will experience something truly special. The Kaitlin Group has just announced the grand opening of the third phase of the community. The success of the Bowmanville community speaks for itself. Over 270 families already_ call Aspen Springs home. These families were attracted by the fact that the community has been carefully planned and developed to give people a great feeling .-.,hen they come home. Homes are attractive, comfortable and have all the convenient features and the community itself has been carefully planned to ensure house designs, construction techniques and service are second to none. The special feeling continues at Aspen Springs with the debut of the third phase of the community. This release of 56 detached homes on a private crescent features seven new designs. Architect V%'avne Cassidy, the designer of the homes in the first two phases of Aspen Springs, has designed a series of homes that incorporate elegance and comfort. These homes range from 1,054 to 1,578 square feet. Prices start at S122,990 after builder's grant. A larger home, of 1,926 sq. ft., is also available for 5164,990 after builder's grant. Closing dates are for fall of 1994. What makes these homes special is the fact that thev are full of the convenient features people look for in a home. The distinctive features is the open concept of the homes. Some models have second -floor laundry rooms and familv rooms. Homes are detached and linked by the garages only. The Kaitlin Group has made sure the quality of building materials, construction techniques and service are second to none. At Aspen Springs, you will find a variety of home designs and sizes to suit the needs and lifestyles of you and your familv. "Aspen Springs is well suited to different requirements in home sizes and family lifestyle," says Kaitlin Group president William Daniell. "There are a good range of home styles, whether you are a first-time buyer or looking to move up to a larger home." And, Aspen Springs has plenty to offer. Eventually, 10,000 people will call Aspen Springs home. A shopping centre will be part of the Aspen Springs community as well as it will be the eventual site for the proposed GO Transit station. For the leisure times, a community park was completed in the fall and the Bowmanville recreation complex is located nearby. Now is a great time to take a close look at Aspen Springs. With interest rates holding at attractively low levels, it continues to be a great time to invest in a new home. This is especially true when you consider that in many cases you can carry a mortgage for less than it costs to rent. Then there is Kaitlin's after-sales service. Kaitlin stresses the importance of each resident and, with that in mind, the developer has established an efficient after-sales service department on site that keeps information on each and every home sold in the community. This attention on the part of the Aspen Springs is located on 500 acres on developer ensures the purchaser of a Martin Rd. (Durham Regional Rd. 57), positive homebuying experience, which between Hwy. 2 and Hwy. 401. To visit translates to excellent referrals. In fact, a Aspen Springs and see one of the large number of homes sold in Aspen decorated model homes, exit Hwy. 401 at Springs thus far have come about as a Waverly Rd., proceed north to Martin Rd. result of "word-of-mouth" advertising. and watch for the Aspen Springs signs. Visit Aspen Springs this weekend. Office hours are 1 to 8 p.m. Monday to When you combine great designs with Thursday and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on great prices and a limited number of weekends. The sales office is closed on choice lots available, it is easy to see this Friday. - the newest phase of Aspen Springs - For more information on Aspen Springs, won't last long. call 623-7027 or 427-8605 ERE*' CKERIH6 FORES'/' T'4 WHEiOMEs -- 29 hon ' 99 y !�'in& oar 0"06 �+owse1 W*h ON" of fps and sce w y rw* ' I yow hw* door. soi &d s bar OnosrA @k on " -m* awd m we -46 s�awwwljr dr sari.:far K�aliillin Qr+�p�s w Forret is a of OWY 67 !sons 12�,99�0 fo s 139,99iQ SW aNJIM" year M ' . he wait of aythadt, consWer dw eaiaaa[ orer I► w1�a1's ALTONA The Kaitlin Group - FOREST , •;, I J C r -T-1.+- �T_12LL rc , Z �7GI l`r You get a special feeling at Aspen Springs When you visit the Kaitlin Group's popular Aspen Springs com- munity this weekend, you will expe- rience something truly special. The Kaitlin Group has just announced the grand opening of the third phase of the community. The success of the Bowmanville community speaks for itself. Over 300 families already call Aspen Springs home. These families were attracted by the fact that the commu- nity has been carefully planned and developed to give people a great feel- ing when they come home. Homes are attractive, comfortable and have all the convenience features and the community itself has been carefully planned to ensure house designs, construction techniques and service are second to none. The special feeling continues at Aspen Springs with the debut of the third phase of the community. This release of 56 detached homes on a private crescent features seven new designs. Architect Wayne Cassidy, the designer of the homes in the first two phases of Aspen Springs, has designed homes a series of homes that incorporate elegance and com- fort. These homes range from 1,054 to 1,578 square feet. Prices start at $119,990, after builder's grant. A larger home, of 1,926 sq.ft., is also available for $164.990 after builder's grant. Closing dates are for fall of 1994. What makes these homes special is the fact that they are full of the convenience features people look for in a home. The distinctive feature is the open concept of the homes. Some models have second -floor laundry rooms and family rooms. Homes are detached and linked by the garages only. The Kaitlin Group has made sure the quality of building materials, construction techniques and service are second to none. Buying a home in Aspen Springs is also extremely affordable — prices start at $118,990, for one of the beautiful freehold townhomes. At Aspen Springs, you will find a variety of home designs and sizes to suit the needs and lifestyles of your and your family. "Aspen Springs is well suited to different requirementsIn home sizes and family lifestyle," says Kaitlin Group president William Daniell. LOOIGNO TO BUY A NEW HOMS? LOOK IN ON C7 EVERY FRIDAY IN OSHAWA WHITBY THIS WEEK AND THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER "There are a good range of home styles, whether you are a first-time buyer or looking to move up to a larger home." And, Aspen Springs has plenty to offer. Eventually, 10,000 people will call Aspen Springs home. A shop- ping centre will be part of Aspen Springs community as well as it will be the eventual site for the proposed GO Transit station. For the leisure times, a community park was com- pleted in the fall and the Bowmanville recreation complex is located nearby. Now is a great time to take a close look at Aspen Springs. With interest rates holding at attractively low lev- els, it continues to be a great time to invest in a new home. This is espe- cially true when you consider that in many cases yuu can carry a mortgage for less than it costs to rent. Then there is Kaitlin's after-sales service. Kaitlin stresses the impor- tance of each resident and, with that in mind, the developer has estab- lished an efficient after-sales service department on site that keeps infor- mation on each and every home sold in the community. This attention on the part of the developer ensures the purchaser of a positive homebuying experience, which translates to excellent refer- rals. In fact, a large number of homes sold in Aspen Springs thus far have come about as a result of "word-of- mouth" advertising. Visit Aspen Springs this weekend. A W C When you combine great designs - with a great prices and a limited number of choice lots available, it is easy to see this — the newest phase A of Aspen Springs — won't last long. I Aspen Springs is located on 500 v acres on Martin Rd. (Durham 5 Regional Rd. 57), between Hwy. 2 i and Hwy. 401. To visit Aspen' Springs and see one of the decorated a model homes, exit Hwy. 401 at Waverly Rd., proceed north to Martin -5 Rd. and watch for the Aspen Springs signs. N Office hours at I to 8 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 11 a.m. to 6 c p.m. on weekends. The sales office is D closed on Friday. UJ For more information on AspenQ Springs, call 623-7027 or 427-8605. 3 W z 4 12 W W 3 a a 0 PAGE 10 OSHAWA THIS WEEK/AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER, Feb. 2S-ftd 4, 1"VBEST HOMES, Fsk 2Ubmh 6.1994 UNHEARD OF LOW PRICES! TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!! TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS!!! TELL YOUR CO-WORKERS!!! EXCLUSIVE AGENT V 'r V r TERRY MANTLE 77 (;UUH-f K; U ASSOCIATE BROKER RE/MAX CORNERSTONE awl f 1- 1. REALTY LTD., REALTOR CE"A000MMKMNAY APPLY * PRICE'S AND SPEC*-XATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHA14GIE WITHOUT NOTICE E AND OE Un *5% Downpayment Fall '94 closings * and 50 ft. lots Close to lake and recreation NOW, rc !!I I011111 I ' wayo" bmilwis- in mind.... 12 cc SALES OFFICE HWY W, EXCLUSIVE AGENT V 'r V r TERRY MANTLE 77 (;UUH-f K; U ASSOCIATE BROKER RE/MAX CORNERSTONE awl f 1- 1. REALTY LTD., REALTOR CE"A000MMKMNAY APPLY * PRICE'S AND SPEC*-XATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHA14GIE WITHOUT NOTICE E AND OE Un *5% Downpayment Fall '94 closings * and 50 ft. lots Close to lake and recreation NOW, rc !!I I011111 I ' wayo" bmilwis- in mind.... OSHAWA THIS WEEKIAJAX NEWS ADVERTISER, Feb. 2SMvch 4,199MEST HOMES, Feb. 264Aarch 5,19H PAGE 11 old all, GRAND OPENING b. UF ir • COMPARE! YOU WON'T FIND DI;TYA N W HOME VALUE ANYWHERE! 1 DETACHED* 9190 up $ ro, �m TO PRI, tom' eti 1r s_ �Y :.ASPEN DOW SQ. ff. $137,990 W -1mv :Ia:dff. :11 Atc �`�. ; ya. �� � . TW IN jewy MI f0 w�wlry Ild 0. MMrt Wararlr M nala Iqe Yrs. R1L }M aaAl d IIIc } •� "'�` r01 aa• M ••1•a a�0• Y alaCtl, M yal• IeL M•r. 2 s ay.. PICK RM A. AK WMT wA s Y � 77a eroocis g � mm. 4m e I _ A� ONLY 56 AVAILABLE MODEL SQ. FT. PRICE ASPEN CUFFE 1054 $122,990 ASPEN PINE 1210 $127,990 ASPEN NORTH 1326 $132,990 ASPEN DOWNS 1422 $137,990 ASPEN WAY 1518 $141,990 ASPEN STREAM 1578 $144,990 ON A PRIVATE CRESCENT :Ia:dff. :11 Atc �`�. ; ya. �� � . TW IN jewy MI f0 w�wlry Ild 0. MMrt Wararlr M nala Iqe Yrs. R1L }M aaAl d IIIc } •� "'�` r01 aa• M ••1•a a�0• Y alaCtl, M yal• IeL M•r. 2 s ay.. PICK RM A. AK WMT wA s Y � 77a eroocis g � mm. 4m e I _ A� %I -1 .. _ ...err -r ..... ... ..+.- a -, - , ... --.. .—..._ ......�... �•..---.•.�+..t.- +c ._.--....,ra•+���w�..r..rr..�+niw•rwww. �.�•:'. �J7�11/1�7�.�wn^. PAGE 12 OS1uWA THIS WEEKIAJAX NEM ADVERTISER, Feb. 2s Awch 4,19su mW NoilM Fsb. 264%rch 5,104 NOov IlOartas WOM41 Iatawlcwrm Fabricprotectionimportant�s in the home What is fabric protection? How does it work? Is it used on all fabrics, for both fashion and furnishings? Does it protect against all spills and stains? As fabric care products become more sophisticated, consumers are asking more questions. They seek attractive, comfortable homes combined with a carefree lifestyle, they seek colorful, fun fash- ions with built-in performance: they seek sportswear and workwear that will stay clean and comfortable. And they seek answers to their fabric care questions. Those answers are provided by experts at Du Pont, makers of Teflon fabric care products. From silks to sails, from board- rooms to bedrooms, from city -slicker rainwear to skytop skiwear, there's a fabric care product to protect almost everything from almost anything. The same magic that slides the eggs out of the frying pan can slide spills Rating your bathroom How does your bathroom rate? Is it beautiful... functional...safe? Take a few minutes to answer the questions on the survey below and find out if you bathroom makes the grade. 1) Is the shower safe — non -slip floor, grab bars, bench seat, tem- perature -controlled faucet? 2) Is you bathtub safe — easy to get into, faucets within reach, non -slip bottom, grab bars? Are all the fixtures an attractive color? 3) Is the cabinet -door style and color up to date? 4) Do cabinets include a well - organized storage system? 5) Is there space for towel storage in or near the bathroom? 6) Is there an efficient ventilation system in the room? 7) Is there adequate lighting in the right places? 8) Are all the electrical outlets protected with ground -fault -cir- cuit interrupters to prevent elec- trical shock? 9) Are all the surfaces easy to keep clean? 10) Is the existing bathroom big enough? 11) Can two people use the bath- room comfortably and conve- niently at the same time? If you have "no" answers than "yes" responses on your score card, this may indicate that you need a new bathroom. This simple evaluation may help a designer plan what your bathroom should look like in regards to size, shape, fixture and material selection. . a 's♦s>r rl and stains off ski jackets, upholstery, and virtually any kind of fabric. There are basically two kinds of fabric care products: repellents and releasers. Soil, rain, and stain repel- lents form a molecular shield around the fibres, making them significantly more resistant to oil and water based stains, as well as repelling dust and dry soil. These products are used in uphol- stery and drapery fabrics, shower curtains, and outerwear. Soil and stain release products pen- etrate fibres. Activated by laundering, they allow soils and stains to be more eas- ily released from the fabric. These products also make apparel fabrics more comfortable by increas- ing wickability - the ability to draw moisture away from the body and then evaporate - making clothing more comfortable. These products are used in fabrics for workwear, sportswear and chil- dren's wear. That means that con- sumers don't have to worry about their clothing during active sports and messy chores. Most printed fabrics are given a soil and stain repellent finish at the mills, as the final step in fabric pro- duction. If you buy fabric by the yard, read the printing on the selvage to learn what type of finish has been applied. When buying a finished piece of furniture. look for a hang tag. A tag that says 'Teflon', for instance, assures you that the fabric finish has met Du Pont specifications. Many furniture retailers offer an after -treatment plan, in which the entire piece is sprayed with a fabric protector by a trained technician. This can be a valuable service. Even if the fabric has been treated, the extra treatment protects welting, trim, deck fabric, stitching and seams. Clothing which has been treated with either a soil/rain/stain repellent or a soil/release product will usually carry a hang tag. In today's hectic world, people want products that make life a little easier. Their changing needs have created a whole new world of convenience and easy -care. Only a few can This land at the very edge of the Rouge River Valley is land that time forgot. Or perhaps we all thought it too close to nature to build upon. But here it is in all its natural beauty. Now, thoughtfully drawn into magnificent estate lots, for a few very fortunate families. Marshall Homes builds with respect for the land in Tall Trees. Established streetscapes seen against the backdrop of the forest and the valley of the Rouge. • Architecture on a grand scale, dramatic rooflines, noble entrance ways, soaring windows, all the details that bespeak a million dollar home, priced now =from $339,900: call the Rouge th e In Tall Trees and The Grove, best friends are made for keeps. Small wonder! Little League plays in a field close enough to walk. The Rec Centre, 10 minutes from Tall Trees, is home to the Hockey Team. And the pool is right nearby. So when you get home, you get to stay home. A"iffooft—kh, Craig Marshall builds these homes as if he lived here. And he does. In this quiet pocket, with the hustle of the city near, but far, Tall Trees invites you to come and look and stay for a long, long time. Perhaps a ,•:lifetime. ----------------- r own backyard. Wah* out for the *40*1 Take Me Ateadowt * route dl`401, haxhM for the Zoo. Fast on Sit"ant then care%tdtl' fork kR an nvyn Rivers- The nim w4nsh wiay dour w the river on dte Rote VaUey floor, and osw dw bri4A die old foest nskW owral At the top of dw VaUey, on the odta side, yowl! find TO Tiers, a gtdet endaw of map* w homes laaning up against the w+oodfands of dte RoW. We hope youll plan to stay. .4 V111 -AGE OR THF ROUGE. Sales Office Hours: Monday - 7hursday 1 pn - Bpm, Weekends 6r Holidays Ilam - 6prn Tekp%m (416) 509-33S0- - - 02: -1 OSHAWA THIS WEEK/AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER, Feb. 254broh 49199WO ST HOIESy Fik 26 hreh 5, 1294 PAGE 13 New H4Mz3MftW aund ZatteW110WM Open and shut Natural finish wood shutters reinforce the appeal of natural materi- als in this Southwestern -style living room. The louvers add textural appeal and architectural dimension and the home benefits from their insulating properties. Guaranteed!!! These Homes Will Be Sold!!! long* •— .� •ffw a. •f • � L s -a` Your Choice of either a Bungalow or Sidesplit or Your own design These homes include Solid Vinyl Windows, Whirlpool tub, Energy efficient Lem= gas furnace. Plywood floors and roof, Clay brick exterior, Optional walkout basements, Oak kitchen and vanity, Oversized colonial trim with rosettes, 800 Senes doors, All in Courtice, ckw to trangOrtation, schools and shopping. G.S.T. included, Ontario New Home Warranty Enrollment Included, Early summer occupancy, Builder in receipt of an excellent rating. . These homes are fully detached on 55' wide lots You say you want even more??? O.K. Here it is!!! Prices for each start at $1299900&==.� " Call (905) 723-5365 any time for complete details Only 2 lots remaining Presented by Simkins Homes Ltd. BUUXR OF FM CUSTOM HOMES - Also Available 2 Lots on TmUs Rd., 3/4 acre each with a walkout base n a and a peat view of Toronto Big News From NOW WITH -VERY COMMANDING • 50' Lots at 40' prices • 1913 Sq. Ft to 3066 Sq. R. • Harrowsmith-Oshawa's Chosen Community e All Brick Homes IV - !1 _9 0 t E 1 _ + .i M AiM*M 3066 Sq. p. $207,900 -- . • SALES OFFICE HOURS: CALL: 7ZS-1181 MON. TO THURS. 1 MSA - SPM ' W. i SUN. I IMA - 6PM PAGE 14 osMwa M VEE uA= NM Fav , i *-n4"4, 1s li0*B. F:e: " Owth S. 1"4 New HO!!><e1� NOM42 Interiors e c o e s 1*1010 rii C Treadmills are just one of the many versatile, compact and affordable ways homeowners can bring a workout centre into their homes. Build a mood with the right decor Today's bedrooms are no longer just a place to lay one's head. With a little imagination they can become retreats of solace and luxury. If you are thinking about revamping your bedroom. keep versatility and your lifestyle in mind when planning. Depending on your space and budget limitations, you'll be able to sort out your prefer- ences and you should be able to get some indication of the costs associated with such a project. If your plans are still in the for- mative stages and you are unsure of where to start, it is a good idea to scout around for ideas by consulting some design magazines or hiring the services of a design consultant. Since a bedroom's primary function is for sleeping, experts suggest that the bed act as the focal point of your bedroom. They also stns the importance of a good -quality mattress. Other than a sleeping space, ask yourself what purposes you would like the room to serve. Do you want it to do double duty as a combined bedroom and sitting room? Do you want to have a portion of the room designated as working space for those work -at-home nights? Perhaps you want to have special space for a television, stereo or simply curling up with a good book. You might also like your own private adjoining bathroom or perhaps an adjoining dressing area that leads to the bath area. You should also determine whether privacy and quiet are ultimate priorities. If so, you'll want to incorporate some sound muffling devices — especially if your bedroom is located close to the major activity hub of your home. Ideally, there should be enough room in a. your bedroom for bed- side tables. If space is at a premium, there are several innovative ideas — like head- boards with built-in, fold -away storage compartments — that help make the most effective use of exist- ing space. With a little fore - 44 sight and ingenuity, you can transform your bedroom into a cosy, secluded refuge from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. , J 0 . I 'I , ... . Today's homeowners are spending more and more time at home. The current "cocooning" trend is preva- lent as many people chose to make their homes a place of warmth, comfort, recre- ation and peace — a sanctuary to escape from daily pressures and hectic routines. As a result, home gyms, solariums, special recreation rooms and hot tubs are becoming standard features of many homes. To enhance your home and make it more of a sanctuary, there are many relatively simple things you can do — such as altering or changing the lighting, choosing new decor, painting, wallpapering or adding new decorative touches. Or, if your budget is more extensive, you may wish to carry out more elaborate plans in making your home more of the "perfect getaway." For instance, if you are a fitness enthusi- ast but would prefer to skip the health -club scene and work out at your leisure in the privacy of your own home, you may wish to convert an existing room of your home into an exercise area or "home gym." Now that personal fitness equipment is more accessible and reasonably priced, many fitness enthusiasts who used to seek recreation away from home are now installing their own equipment. Many homeowners are also installing items like saunas or hot tubs to help them unwind after a workout or a hectic say at the office. Units are available in a variety of sizes, shapes and price ranges. If you lack space but would like to enjoy the comforts of a home spa, you may wish to simply replace your bathtub with a new one, complete with built-in whirlpool jets. These dual-purpose units conserve space and provide a viable alternative to conven- tional hot tubs. You can also purchase light, portable tub jet units (which you can remove after using) for your existing bath- tub. If your hobbies includegardening and enjoying the outdoors, you may want to build a solarium to give you access to more natural light and a better view of what's out- side. Solariums are available in many styles and sizes, to suit your needs, budget and local building code restrictions. These versatile additions can be merged with existing rooms, like a kitchen or family room, to create even more of a special ambience. With today's building materials, a solarium can provide you with a bright and cosy indoor retreat. However, if a solarium is out of the ques- tion, either because of budget or space limi- tations, you may want to consider installing a skylight or two to help brighten up and customize your home. If you are like most people and enjoy indulging in a "couch potato" regimen now and then, you may want to revamp an exist- ing family room to accommodate your entertainment needs — or build a new one, if you currently lack the space. With today's large -screen televisions and other acces- sories, you can create your own custom mini -theatre. You can also incorporate a games area and create space for other recreational activ- ities. If you enjoy certain hobbies, then you may want to consider creating a special hobby or work area. You can incorporate a special area into an existing room, or you might want to consider building an extra room. Some homeowners have successfully turned their garages into customized work areas. However, if you plan to use garage or attic space during the winter, you should consider installing insulation. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you plan thoroughly first. It's essential to make sure your particular project will not exceed your budget limitations. Get two or three quotes if you are having any renova- tion work done. It is also important to get input from the rest of your family, since they will be affected by any changes which you make. Make it an undertaking that everyone can participate in and enjoy. Where do you find the best deals in new homes? In New Homes & Interiors, which has a pressrun of 200,000 copies every two weeks. To advertise In New Mnes & Interiors call 579-4404 or (Tor. line) 1-905-798.7672 OSHAWA THIS WEEK/AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER, Feb. 2541weh 4,19MBEST HOWA Fib. U Nod- 5,104 PACE 15 N'dvv Momma aaad =aterlora V ILritcto aGarden opens new model When visit Lira Homes' charming Victorian townhome community — Victoria Garden — you will now see its new fully decorated model home, the Coventry. This beautiful home features a cathedral ceiling in the living room. California -style open kitchen and family room with a fireplace, a luxu- rious ensuite bath with oval tub and much more. Victoria Garden is an intimate townhome community nestled in an established Bowmanville neighbor- hood. It recaptures the spirit of the ever -popular Victorian architecture, combined with the most up-to-date interior designs. Wayne Cassidy, of Cassidy & Co., boasts, "It is extremely exciting to see our architectural concept become a reality. Now that the homes can be seen, the interiors are even better than I imagined." At Victoria Garden, purchasers can choose floorplans with wide-open living spaces not usually found in townhomes. Homes range up to 2,000 square feet and are priced from an unbeliev- able $109,990. To visit Victoria Garden, exit Hwy. 401 at Waverly Rd. and drive north to Lawrence Gate. Then, turn left to Rhonda Blvd. For information call (905) 697-2212 or 1-800-363-6338. Energy Saving Tips 9 Why should I buy an energy-efficient refrigerator`' AYour refrigerator consumes more energy than any other kitchen appliance. So, it is very important to pay attention to energy rat- ings when you are shopping for a new refrigerator. An energy-efficient refrigerator can save you money in two ways. First, you will save money in operating costs. The more efficient a refrigerator is, the less electricity is used and the more you save on utili- ty bills. Over the lifetime of the refrigerator (approximately 17 years) savings could easily equal the purchase price of the unit. Secondly. you can save money indirectly. The greater our collective energy efficiency, the less the need there is to build new generating stations. Another important reason for buying an energy-efficient refrigerator is to help protect the environment. When electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels, the pollutants released into the atmosphere con- tribute to ozone depletion, global warming and acid rain. There are an estimated 4.4 million refrigerators in use in Ontario alone. Together, their impact on the environment is substantial. Apart from size, what other features make a refrigerator more expensive to operate? AThe size and placement of the freezer compartment are factors which also make the refrigerator expensive to operate. There are four basic types of refrigerators — single door with a small frozen -food compartment, two door with a freezer above, two door with a freezer below and two door with a freezer along side. The last is usually the most expensive to operate. Other features that drive up operating costs include through -the -door ice and water capabilities. These Energy Saving Tips are brought to you by the Ontario Ministry of Energy and New Homes and Interiors. LOOKING TO BUY A NEW HOME? LOOK IN ON ::: 4 .:........ no S. irate ri o rs EVERY FRIDAY IN OSHAWA WHITBY THIS WEEK AND THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER B 41 ig News From Th Iide. WTOON ID HOMES AT VERY ATTRACT • 45 Foot Lots • 1481 sq. ft. to 1975 sq. ft. Harrowsmith-Oshawa's Chosen Community • 6 Lots Only FT. �GA-BLES LAW OR= HOM MON. M TKAS.1 PM - BPM CALL; 725-1181 SAT. & SUN. 11 AM - 6PM � m 'PM 1i OOMW 'W/AJAX NM KD'VEMOK M. 2SAwth 4,19W9ftT WOW Fie. n4ft MIK "64 GRAND..,.,OP,EH1NG.,... Y sa �hav UUb ASF ,.. • . , <. '' 3 a M' i k tri "+ 11j"� 1► �i��: ° 4' W, 3 FF 11 It 11 •Fi _ wc li y -("--,-_. :.. -- ►met . , } Mal T r'i ,rat El 0 11 4 TREE Appliances •FREE Built -In Pantry/Storage Cabinet `Mansion -Look designs featuring large 3 bedrooms, toolsheds, opt gas fireplaces &skylights and more... 4; 10 O i � D w�>sFcimsiuE uestions • ' iwrN ena DR. � y Caff now. ' PW UNU RO D(FF FROM 101 "OUR5: Monday - Thursday Z pm - 8 pm • Closed Friday • Saturday & Sunday Noon - 5 pm A ' :. New I34Mazes mama IsztQrlOSHAWA TJX WEEWAJAX KMADVEtRTI M Feb.2SYraA A, 404M T HOMM &C Uft" $. UM MR47 ors No more closed curtains for today's homes Closed curtains are a thing of the past. Today's homes are bright and airy due to designs that incorporate windows of various shapes and sizes. Windows with low -E coated glass, which can help block the sun's fading rays to help protect your furniture and carpet, allow homeowners to keep their curtains open and let in plenty of natural light. It is time to look outdoors Call it wishful thinking, but spring is just around the corner and it is time to start planning your outdoor landscaping. Turf is for play areas, emphasis, or unity, but not for just filling in wherever there is nothing else. Planting beds around the house have a less formal, more interesting appearance. Use your landscaping elements like you use elements of interior design. Colorful flowering, fruiting, fall foliage shrubs, perenni- als and annuals we outdoor equiva- lents of lamps, tables and pictures. Walkways and outdoor lighting add to the usefulness of the area while they bring out the best aspects of the architecture. Fences, hedges or careful accent planting can create a focal point or screens as needed. Careful planning and planting can result in lovelier and lusher -looking' foundation plantings with much less water use. Below are some easy ways to do your own exterior design. Prepare your soil well. Soil in planting beds, no matter what its nat- ural structure. will be more work- able, retain more water and fertilizer and grow healthier plants if it is well mixed withorganic matter. It also makes fertilizers last longer because they don't leach away. Plus, earthworms and beneficial soil bacte- ria thrive in organic soil and activate such good growth that most of the pest and disease problems that can plague poor soil plantings never occur. Choose trees and shrubs that are either native or well adapted to the region. Group these and flowers according to water needs. Some will need regular watering. Put them within easy reach of the hose. Others will need only occasional water once established. Cut the turf areas around the house down to a reasonable size. Ground covers. shrub borders, wild- flower meadows, even attractive mulches, can tie more interesting. They're also less trouble and much less water, since turf uses more water, work and care than any other planting. If what you have now is not what -you want, replace one section at a time. You can dramatically improve the look and the value of your house, both from the street and from the inside looking out. Big News From NMI im I I CALIFORNIAMING AT EARTHSHATTERING • 1448 sq. ft. to 2060 sq. ft. e Harrowsmith - Oshawa's chosen community Featuring soaring 2 storey great room open to kitchen with glass block entrance • Built-in appliances Hollywocdensuite and more THE MAM 1 48 SM FT. SALES OM HOIJRSa MON. TO THURS. 1 PM - 8FM SAT. & SUN. 11 AM - 6PM CALL: 725-1181 X11 93 JES M T/0 Q, 4 .VYM 16 OSHAWA THIS WEEVJAJAX N MS AOVERTj@M Feb. 2S4AWch 4,1MMUT HOMES, Feb. U.MWeb Sk 1M S kw0 FT. .,OR,o A,%, lee ).T. INCLUDED MAZNIK HOMES IN WHITBY'S BLAIR VALLEY HAS 12 HOMES LEFT FOR SALE AND THEY'RE GOING FAST. IMMEDIATE TO 60 DAYS POSSESSION. BEST OF ALL, THESE HOMES ARE PACKED WITH REAL QUALITY FEATURES AT VERY AFFORDABLE PRICES. WE DARE YOU TO COMPARE. NO COST FEATURES 12" X 12" LUXURY FLOOR CERAMICS THROUGH- OUT. 38 oz. BROADLOOM WITH SCOTCHGUARD. SOLID OAK KITCHEN WITH MICROWAVE SHELF AND CERAMIC BACKSPLASH.`� CASEMENT WINDOWS IN ALL ROOMS. MOEN TAP SETS. CLASSIQUE TRIM, DOORS, CLOSETS, - ARCHES. ALL BRICK & 2x6 CONSTRUCTION. _ - _ �■I iii �A BRICK FIREPLACE - & CHIMNEY (FAMILY ROOM) 50' LOTS or LARGER NO PREMIUM CHARGE. PLUS MUCH MORE. 50' LO S BUNGALOWS FROM $179,900 ON 60' LOT. TWO -STOREYS UP TO 2400 SQ FT G.S.T. INCLUDED THE "REDWOOD" 2356 SO.FT. TO THE BES T 00 T"R%M WALK TO GO TRAIN MAIN I K HOMES CREATING A HIGHER STANDARD MON. - THUR. 1 - 7PM WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS 12 - 5PM. 430-3193 668-4340 LEAVE T �. - OSHAWA 1103 WEDUAJAX IES ADVERTISER, Feb. 2541weh A, INVO ST MOMM FWL 2&Mwah 6, t!M PMM 19 imQmas atad late 4CM,-M Plants to enhanceyour Indoor landscaping The 10 plants named here are not listed in order of importance or via- bility. Nor are they the only ones to seek out. For instance, the aspidistra is hard to find but it deserves the name "cast iron plant" for its durabil- ity, and the sanseveria labors through almost any adversity. But for all-around durability, relia- bility and decorative effect, here are 10 choice houseplants. — Beaucarnia (elephant foot palm). From two -foot giant, this tough -look- ing customer with its widening trunk will add a tropical dimension to your collection. Keep it as dry as you can, letting the soil ball dry out around its bul- bous base before watering. Some sun on its foliage will keep it producing new growth. — Schefflera amate (umbrella plant) is similar to its more common cousins, but is much less likely to get spider mites. Its leaves are thicker and a darker green and hold their spread better than its relatives, and it needs less light as well. — Crassula (jade plant) can grow a convoluted series of thick stems and fat leaves for an Oriental effect. Being a succulent, it reacts badly to overwatering, and in sufficiently bright light it will grow to a hefty size. Small spaces offer great opportunities Sometimes the place where extra space can be found for a growing family is within the home itself, say experts. Norma King, of Norma King Design Inc., says there are a number of places which can be used more effectively to enlarge small spaces. Some of those ways are as simple as converting existing under-utilized spaces, such as porches and garages, into 'living space. Other ways are a little less obvious, but equally as effective. King suggests opening up space by removing unnecessary doors. If the doors are needed, they can be replaced with pocket doors, which do not take up valuable space sinct they slide into a space between the walls. Another option is to change the swing of a door so that it opens to the larger room, freeing up space in the smaller area. Walls, too, can be removed to open up rooms. If a sense of separation is still desired, King suggests adding a vertical column, which adds to the spacious feel of a room due to its elongated height. The designer suggests finding extra space in small traditional bathrooms be removing the linen closet. Adding that extra two feet may not seem like a sig- nificant addition of space, but in a stan- dard cramped bathroom the extra room does "make a major difference," says Wig• — Anthurium Hookerei is described as almost unkillable, an abundance of broad attractive leaves. Keep this plan potbound and it will produce masses of aerial roots and foliage in moderate to bright light. — Strelitzia 'Nicolae' is a true bird - of -paradise plant, and you may be surprised to see this variety do so well in your home. Its exotic foliage will split and shred as it does in nature, and its tol- erance of low light will not produce the famous flowers, but this typical tropical will become a graceful fan of foliage in quick time. — Pleomele reflexa produces an abundance of sinuous stems, each covered with a mantle of short, dark green, pointed leaves. It makes a good replacement for the dracaena marginata in shape and style, but with lower light and water requirements. — Philodendron homelamena is an upright standing plant which looks nothing like the standard trailing types of philodendron. — Philodendron monstera is a mis- understood plant. Only in its largest form will the splits and Swiss cheese holes appear in the broad round leaves. Smaller varieties may show this tendency at first, but will eventu- ally revert to plain round leaves. The true monstera prefers quite low light levels, so it's a suitable large spreader for those dim areas we all seem to have. — Spathyphyllum 'Sensation' is a giant compared to its rather puny rel- atives. Its large mottled foliage is more reminiscent of the dieffen- bachia than the white -flowered spath we've seen for so long. Its low light tolerance and broad multicolored leaves make this a pop- ular plant for a gloomy corner. — Palmus Kentia (Kentia palm) is about the only palm you should let into your home. It's one of the few palms that will, with frequent mist- ing, resist the ravages of spider mites. Its graceful fronds add a truly tropical atmosphere to modern and Victorian decors alike, and its dislike of strong light makes it a valuable floor plant in a setting that's less than bri eht. ONLY 2 LEFT 1W . pi/lei%Il/ FT. When you buy at Fawn's Landing, well buy your existing home GUARANTEEM it's a NO -RISK way to move up; MON.-THURS. �- 1 - 8 P.M. CLOSED FRIDAY Mme.., SAT. & SUN. j 12 - 6 P.M. Al pw 831-9269 �•. GST INCLUDED 93 • � I � w'w WHEN YOU BUY A COUGHLAN HOME, YOU BUY A TRADITION OF EXCELLENCE!