HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1993_11_12N tAGARA FALLS Pickering EditionA KATE EX JY' ALL NOVEMBER SKATE I PAY NO TAKES �c ALL IN STOCK. EXCEPT WHOLESALE 112 S DAY TOUR PRICE Nov. 20,21,22 190 firs Bw r SPOPis �o Mtt►es S11plr Cl11tf+! MSN 1M 4}dti Hodge►Sps[su�s arlin Qe, NOW 3 STORES OL!Tl vm avel gsyt„ gtit,l s" o * 5715610°m * ar~","; Friday, Nov. 12, 1993 52 pages A Metrokmd Comrrxmify Newspaper Pressrun 35,000 51e, + 40 GST N 55 cents t 1 �I WHAT TO GET THE PERSON WHO HAS EVERYTHING: Why buy a Clifistrinas gift for someone who has everything" This year, try something different. such as making a donation to a charity in someone's name. The Durham branch of the Canadian Diabetes AsKxiation will provide a Christmas card for the person in whose name the donation was made and a tax receipt to the per- son helping the diabetes fight. To have it all done m time for Christ - n s, contact the association at 436-66 by the fast week of Decc'mher. Pickering aTrojans chomps m Page 20 I NEW HOMES PULLOUT SEMON Regular features u 14 1s ShIiii=* Yams.. -.---V Policing, other services to be cud KE:'1N l ~GENTRAI- ERANCH .46 Re111 gion aims for tax freeze By KITH GILLIGAN Staff Reporter DURHAM - Your regional taxes may not increase next year, but you won't get the services you've enjoyed in the past. Durham council approved Wednesday a guideline of holding the line on taxes in 1994 at a cost of cutting services. To keep taxes at the 1993 level, $4.5 million must be slashed from Region department,;. including $1.24 million from the police force bud- get. Preliminary hudgets from regional departments would see spending increase next year h\ S5.7 million, a 4.9 per cent rise over 199 1. Region chief administrative officer Garry Cubitt told council that a tax freeze "won't be accomplished without an impact on programming. This is an extremely restrained budget and we face the challenge of going back and reducing more." In 1993, the Region raised $93.7 million through taxes and it will collect the same amount next year. Mr. Cubitt said, if one department can't keep costs at 1993 levels, another department will have to help by cutting deeper. Police services board chairman and Ajax mayor Jim Witty said the Strong-arm tactics Eric Sams, left, and Garth Carlson strain as they compete in the Stand -Up Arm Wrestling Championships at the Second Storey Restaurant in Ajax Saturday. Carlson wort this match to become the overab champion of the event. ' photo by Andrew Iwanowski • • Dump today DURHAM - The preferred location of a a.m. press conference in Woodbridge to reveal its Durbam-only dump site was to be announced by a final site choices in each region. provincial Amy may, In Durham, four of five candidate sites are in The Interim Waste Authority, charged with the Pickering and one in Bowmanville. task of finding a landfill site in each of the regions See Sunday's News Advertiser for further infor- of Durham, York and Peel, bad scheduled a 10 mation. See TAX...Page 10 Tec a/r,:r� �-rzce ea�uca or 'Frustrated' teachers 'ill-equipped' to meet needs of students By LINDA WHITE Staff Reporter DURHAM - Teachers are "frus- trated" and "feel ill-equipped" in their struggle to meet changing demands in classrooms, a union pres- ident warns. "Tire sullen body we face today has never been more diverse m terms of abilities, backgrounds and eco- nomic opportunitim- Shirley Smith told the Royal Commission on Learning at a public bearing at East - dale Collegiale and Vocational Insti- tute in Oshawa Tuesday. While the president of the union representing the Durham Board of Education's 1,500 high school each - See TEACHERS».Page 3 DON'T LET ANOTHER DAY END W"OUT MEETING THAT SPECIAL SOMEONE! CALL SINCERELY YOURS AT 1-416-976-1991 A WHALE OF A REBATE! M" -W S3LW 11111/,h COUPON aunt SPEC ALLY MAB® -INE VORLV" VDEOCASSIMM, NDfFMAetE MIM M MAOMM OF "INE "Ur VWSOC"SrrM AND 011E OF ort WOMM BOOS. MOM. 5 UNDER SEIGE • Additlerlal Produe, pu.eh.... I.quM�d. Dsuila on 13 00 rebate otNr an paeksd Inalde each videocassette box initial ====1 hipment odrh. Otter onlyy avails In Cauda. OINr a�Mas 03/lt/ai OUR PRICE se1698 - . I MfM �,Y .1D 1 i.r..i Nsr run VIDEOMAXX 1794 LIVERPOOL RD. THE SUPER 1522 WHITES RD. 420.1991 VIDEO STORE M�831-8818 Z Q 01993 Warner Bros. 61993 Warner Home Video s� r,7EPICA I �I 0 Z Z iJ J Q Q s� PAGE 2 -TRW Nir S ADVERTMER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1!93 PUTER�KLINIC COMPUTER TRAINING CENTRE AND SOFTWARE OUTLET -.- - Our Computer Training Centre will lead you through the Seriousness of the Computer `'Vorld... To the Fun of learning ' NO«' OPEN FOR BUSINESS We will walk you through Beginner, LOOK ��H.�T'S L1 YOLR ?��EIGHBOURHOOD 11tOWi1111 Intermediate and Advanced courses Entering Komputer Klinic will be like no signing you out with a clean bill of health. Courses available are: other experience. '-' We carry a full line Computer for Beginners of software, from: DOS `•6.0 DOS LOTUS x'3.4 WORDPERFECT Wordperfect `'6.0 Introduction to Windows COREL DRAW Bedford - Simply Accounting aX , Core] Draw *...Plus the LJWunate m games, and much, much more W X*- : K-:-:: �, F �,v KIDS AND KOMPANY The newest in Computer Training for the Kids!!!! f', ;.i/C'�, r, rip,•; {. V hA .. You've taken your kids to "Moms &Tots Swim Classes", now take them to KIDS & KOMPANY Computer Classes. Specially selected Children's beginner programs, allow kids to learn computer basics with an added Boomtwist... •pXW.y, LEARN TO COUNT AND READ WTI'H MICKEY MOUSE }�°[���( , r+ r, +Yx"' �+ . •..+. :, .... Write stories and paint pictures, to truly 7. :�iN•n,�+� ,'t• , + v :.lal. + i+ � v- } '�/,::: :y � Y', fl+,.•.. _-an.�'oVY ' • : •,�, v+ r:=: KIDS AND KOMPANY fun for ,< both you and your 4-6 year old. We ; .....r...1 '•,.,. ,f••:•..�.:.,•:.>:.,..:.,..;::r::+:>:;�.,:•.�.:::�.=>;<:J... _.- i�,,��::y..r:::;.•�,: ::.�.,..::.,..�..•.:,..::<.:.. - >:�.:?.�-�+...,.},.;?.?.:•+.:x +• •X'� have al so selected various Word- ........... processing and learning programs for �'P': :4}:+S+'.' v" .v .'.yv{y�{•?O?•G Wit:'r;r•rp. {' 5'Yex%•' +. �:. X: the older ch' •' • ild 7-12) to truly ( make this Training Centre a Family Klinic. �• a,: f!19 + DROP BY...OUR TRAINED STAFF WILL BE HAPPY TO ADMIT YOU INTO OUR �.. LIGHTER SIDE INTERPRETATION OF COMPUTER _ MANIA���t CALLUS AT 1 "800-668-8531 FOR MORE INFORMATION X888 SCUGOG ST. (HWY. 7A) PORT PERRY, ONT, L9L 1H6 (905) 985-8839 1— Teachers frustrated FROM PAGE. 1 ers commended the board's "excellent" retention rate of over 90 per cent, she believes teachers "feel ill-equipped to service the needs of such a varied clientele." Ms. Smith pointed to "eco- nomic restraint" at the board which led to the reduction this year of such support services as special education teachers and could cut social workers, psy- chologists and speech and lan- guage pathologists next year. The ministry of education "must clearly define the purpose of our public education system," she proposed, suggesting teach- ers are frustrated because "there are currently no limits on what is expected from us." Meanwhile, curriculum is "changing at a faster rate than ever" as a "quick fix to much more complex problems," Ms. Smith charged. For instance, Grade 9 classes were destrearned in September before teachers could examine findings of pilot projects on the removal of the basic, general and advanced lev- els of study. Within months of destream- ing's introduction, teachers have been ordered to test the English skills of Grade 9 students. They wonder why another grade wasn't selected and question if the test "is really in the best inter- est of education or just a politi- cian's response to the public's cry for accountability." Finally, Ms. Smith defended an increase in the number of Ontario scholars who graduate from OAC with an average of at least 80 per cent. Though teachers have been accused of "lowering our stan- dards," Ms. Smith maintained students are "more focused on marks" and repeat credits because the requirements to enter university "become continually more stringent." She suggested the Province establish guidelines to track stu- dents who repeat courses and encourage universities to accept students on criteria other than their six best OAC credits. The S3 -million commission was established in May to rec- ommend changes to legislation, structures, policies and proce- dures to improve the education system. It will hold hearings in 27 owns and cities in Ontario by December and will release its findings in a report by the end of 1994. The graduate Pine Ridge Secondary School in Pickering, which opened last September, held its first graduation recently. Here, teach- er Mirebra Himi Massoud helps Francisca Meyers with her commencement gown. photo by Ron Pietroniro Roles of schools, social agencies must be defined: public board DURHAM - Social services, overcrowded schools, co-opera- tive education and teacher train- ing are among the issues the public school board wants addressed. ..Socia) issues such as pover- ty, hunger, abuse and the deteri- oration of the traditional family structure have a major impact on children's ability to learn," the Durham Board of Education says in a report to the Royal Commission on Learning. It believes the ministry of education must recognize the cost incurred by those boards which provide an increasing number of social services to needy students. It suggests the ministry "redefine the primary mandate of schools and social agencies" to ensure children's DELIVERY SERVICE ATCH FOR THESE INSERTS A FLYERS COMING TO YOUR DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND N THE DAYS AHEAD NMFRL, NOV. 12193 ADVERTISER OAXPM 'CANADIAN ) EMM ( "tA PM) FURNITURE WILL (PICK) WIXI DRUG (AM NEW HWES & NrTEMM ?ICKEA ( AXCARE (PICK) 'SHAVER CENTRE (AJAX4WA) . udwrM to oolotiN SUN., NOV. 14/93 IEVISADVERnSER (AIAXiPM) -Ai P (PICK) M MIRY WAX1VIM) IDOIDNON� (AIAWN O (Ay►>Q *HMTHRRVLOB&PETE ID.A (AIAIQ 'GA.K! K MMT WA"M LOEB �+A�0E THIRTY K) ) THE BAY THE BAY ( services are properly funded. It also suggests the federal and provincial governments pick up the tab of English -as -a -sec- ond -language courses as a cost of allowing immigration. The board is also calling on the ministry to increase funding for new schools and additions to solve overcrowding, saying it's more costly to operate portables than permanent classrooms. Meanwhile, it argues sttdenLs must be given a chance to devel- op career goals through such workplace experience as co- operative education and apptren- ticeship programs - Finally, the board believes teacher training programs must be revamped to provide W=W - tion in new teaming themiies and the use of technology. MCA" CARRER OF THE WEEK tS TORREY PRICE Tarot' atjoys lackey, toast i wriiltp egotist. TW" mwivW McDtxwW`r, coupotK oolnpwttantr Of " Newt Advertser. CorpraUlaWm TWW for bane Our Friday Ctt w of to Watlk .•.•... ...-......-I.._....•••••. r O MRI iiop�edRalRbie '' THE NEWS ADVEIItTISEt F7tIDAY, NOYEMSPi 11,1ltI"M(:tt3 STUDENTS CONTEND: 'Unfair' tax system hurts RC schools DURHAM - Tax dollars are unfairly divided between public and separate school boards, charge Catholic students who believe sports, art and technology at their schools are suffering. "We propose that the break- down of tax dollars be made equal to the breakdown of students," stu- dent council members from each of the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board's high schools told the Royal Com- mission on Learning Tuesday. The group applauded co-opera- tive education a5 a way of apply- ing skills and exploring possible careers, but believes it should be expanded to expose students to a "wide range of career paths." The group fears students are "turning away from computers" because many related courses aren't practical and suggests com- puters be integrated into other sub- jects. Finally, the group believes "Catholicity is something very important in our schools" and sug- gests the ministry of education recognize religion as a credit course since many students now "coast by without learning any- thing " In a report from the board, chair Tom Oldman agreed Catholic schools "must be able to maintain and enhance their 'dis- tinct identity'...to develop Catholic themes across the curriculum" He criticized "greater and greater expectations" faced by teachers, who must deal with vio- lence, abuse, and AIDS instruction while teaching "the so-called regu- lar curriculum." Mr. Oldman suggested the ministry recognize the cost of implementing new programs dur- ing tough economic times. Finally, Fran Pereira, president of the Durham Catholic Parent - Teachers' Association, told the commission parents "feel their opinions (on education) are only given lip service" and are "tolerat- ed" by school administrators because they "are often looked upon as excellent fund-raisers." She believes the Province should establish a common cur- riculum so students could enter a school anywhere in Ontario throughout the school year and "receive the same level of educa- tion." Tete PWe TRY OUR 1 Where Fresh Is The Taste SUBS FOR 1 0� 00 $1 SUPPER! ANY FOOTLONG SANDWICH ' Not to be combined with any other offers, Expires Nov. 30th '93 465 Bayty St. 705 KinVoton Rd. 1340 Kingston Rd. ' ' (At Westmy Rd.) (At Whites Rd) (At Liverpool Rd.) AJAX PICKERING PICKERING 6867157 420-9911 931 -Subs L--------------a----- NOW OPEN • handmade chocolates • handmade eructs • melting chocolate • acrylic molds • bas Mmr+e • tuw 6 shred ♦ fang' V er resenA sn • tea & prlese►>uas din placements • ribbons r stocking sof% •V now taking Cbristmas orders •r 860 Brock Road S. (1.5 km south of the 401) Pickering, Ontario (905) 420-5100 . :4 1 .•0 * ' IF.'. . . PAGE 4 -THE NEWS ADVENrISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1993 i 3 F yy a .,y rya *�,'�: ✓ '_ t y. a. Double the fun Nancy and Doug Plourde of Greenwood are the proud par- ents of the first twins born in the new maternity wing at the Ajax -Pickering General Hospital. Hayden Douglas, left, and his sister Chelsea Jean arrived Nov. 4 tipping the scales at four -and -a -half pounds and five pounds respectively. Wait- ing to welcome the twins home are their brother Matthew and sister Katelin. photo by Ron Pietroniro Crash teen improves, but friend still critical PICKERING - One teen remains in critical condition while a second has been upgraded to fair after being thrown from a car in a collision here last week. lose Arsenault, 16, of Marks - bury Rd., was still listed in critical condition at Sunnybrook Health and Science Centre at press time yesterday. Tamy Davis, 17, of Zator Ave., was upgraded to fair condition at Toronto Western Hospital. Durham Regional Police believe neither were wearing seat- belts when they were thrown from a westbound Ford Fairmont sta- tion wagon when it smock an east- bound Ford Explorer at Hwy. 2 and Fairport Rd. shortly after 2 pm. last Tuesday. Police believe the driver, Amanda Jess, 16, of Creekview Circle, lost control of her car on a gravel shoulder, over -corrected and smock the Ford. Though she was also thrown from the car, Miss Jess was arm- ed at hospital and released the day of the accident_ rooked, S p a c e d, Discoloured ::I Ill 4) c, Teeth? Just like tln tetters n tine teem can flew iln same intpraasion v clave your w& work for you, not epaulet yt>,,. CA11*ed, "W* discoloured and clipped teats can r to eonected ttro110 W" COMM and orttodonttc ptocaAras. FREE CONSULTATION This eortsuNation is offered so that you can easily obtain information on dental procedures and cortdldons, allowing you to make an informed decision about your dental heaflh. Please rale that x-rays and a more complete examination are required in order to make a full diagnosis of individual conditions. Dr. Pavelic is a general dentist trained in all aspects of dentistry as by the University of Toronto. Dr. Pavelic's office is a prevention oriented dental practice dedicated to your health, appearance I $ and comfort. Offer expires November 15, 1993. "DEDICATED TO GIVING YOU THE SUCCESSFUL SWLE EDGE" M.S. Ptivttk, D.D.S. 42H188 49.90 Wesfrtdj► R&S.; Ajaet .. . DOW THE IROADGAN ADVANTA fam',�y of tires Out best qu d6, tavanced Out mos treot ds \ compitet design l n es veted by °lit o rpnties I Tread Weotout W _�•• i 130.000 Km Tread Wearout Warren Size Load Sears reg. 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Reg. 89.99-104.99 Now...79.99-94.99 with trade-in* 'Cwoete warranty details at sears fig• Prices shown are Sears prices GREAT SERVICE"' SALE PRICES END SAT., NOV. 27, 1993, OR WHERE SEARS IS OPEN, SUN., NOV. 28, 1993, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST 4 v�M) q ''W2 )cPect fnore froin Sears c a: o Q • .air �t • VISIT OUR AUTOMOTIVE CENTRE AT SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE Phone 420-8000. We're open Mon. -Fri. 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., r Sat: am a.rtr6:00 p.m. Sun. '11•a.m.-5:00'p.m: T THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVENNAM Millions ofpeople shop at lto7o/lro b0 ut wbich one zs the... The Secret Shopper is the one with 14 200 FREE L OYMY TICAETS for lucky Woolco sboppers, On November 13 and 14 a mysterious Secret Sbopper will roam the aisles ofemery Woolco store. If the Secret Sbopper stops you, a FREE L0rIE.RY TICKET is yours ,,,our special Thank You for sbopping Woolco. Winners will be selected tbrougbout botb days, and 14,200 FREE LOYTERY ?IMM will be awarded, 50 each day in eacb Woolco store. on zss t. Woolco's Secret Sbopper may stop YOU. satuirb�'13 ,,ot; I 0' 0' Low Prices. First And Always. WHITBY MALL ' h"Son & Hwy. #2) whnby 576-8370 40VS,1114ayq elnbeir 14 HARWOOD PLACE (Harwood & Bayly) Ajax 686-0811 s FAGEt ADVBRt 90M AWAV, Noman »X 19ii x-Pickern News Advertiser EAtoria s/LettersAJa A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday TIMOTHY J. WHITTAKEK, Publisher 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor-in-chief Newsroom -683-5110 Distribution -683-5117 Retail Advertising -683-5110 Classified -798-7672 GREG COATES. Managing Editor FAX - 683-7363 National Advertising Sales - 493-1300 Real Estate & Automotive Advertising - 798-7672 BRUCE DANFORD, Advertising Manager Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association ALVIN BROUWER, Retail Sales Manager Member of the Ontario Press Council ABE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager Remember the feelming Here we go again. More budget cuts, more dire warnings about the things we'll have to do without. Durham Regional Council has decided on a zero -per -cent increase in taxes in 1994, which is good news for taxpayers. But to keep taxes down to the 1993 level, spokesmen forlhe Region say they will have to make cuts in Regional department budgets — to the tune of S4.5 million. Preliminary budgets from Regional departments have been submitted, and according to the chief administrative officer for the Region, those budgets are already pretty bare bones. Those of us who are taxpayers will look at this news and say, 'Great. A break from the tax man for once.' But let's not forget that some of the resulting cuts may affect us in the future. So, if you are relieved that you won't have to pay an increase in Regional taxes next year, remember that feeling. Remember it when you find out that work on a local road that needs repaving has been delayed again; or that a much-needed playground in the neighborhood park is being put off indefinitely; or that new traffic lights at a busy intersection are deemed too expensive. While all of us pay a lot more in taxes than we want to and we all love to complain bitterly about it whenever we get the chance, we have to remember that those taxes are usually put to good use. Undoubtedly there is waste in the system, and we have to hope that those who have the power to do so are seriously looking at ways to root it out. But we also have to remember that the bulk of the taxes that comes out of our pockets goes to services and projects that we need and value — and sometimes take for granted. So when we find out a hoped-for project is being delayed or some essential service like garbage collection is being cut back, let's just remind ourselves that we can't have our cake and eat it too. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Volunteers help cncer society reach goal To the editor, The West Durham Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society has sur- passed its 1993 fund-raising goal. It was indeed a challenge this year, and one which was met only as a result of the tireless efforts of a team of dedicated volunteers. We would like to express our gratitude to Beta Sigma Phi Sorori- ty, and to the members of the South Pickering Seniors Club, who organized a most successful kick- off to the campaign with the annu- al Daffodil Weekend. Seniors from the Ajax Friendship Club and Har- wood Manor also assisted with the sale, which raised over $43,000. An additional $183,500 was raised through the April residential canvass. This involved hundreds of volunteers ranging in age from teens to seniors. Many of our area captains and canvassers have been volunteers for several years. We sincerely appreciate their loyalty and the service they provide. We also welcome new faces as our community continues to grow. This year, once again we must say a very special "thank you" to the staff and students of Ajax High School, for the enthusiastic support shown during their week-long series of fund-raising events, and also, to Pickering High School for organizing a very successful fash- ion show. The balance of funds were raised through a variety of special events consisting of ball tourna- ments, fashion shows, squash tour- naments, jazz -a -thous, cut-a-thons, casual days, hot dog barbecues, and golf tournaments, including the tremendously successful Longest Day of Golf hosted by local clubs. Ultimately, it was Gra- ham Jackson's "Dinner With the Stars" that just pushed us over the $277,100 goal. Our sincere appreciation goes out to Val Marshal Travel for its continued support in donating the draw prize of a weekend at the Prince of Wales Hotel in Niagara on the Lake for one of our lucky canvassers. We are so very appreciative of our volunteers and our sponsors, and we look forward to working with you all next year. Thank you. We would also like to express our gratitude to the staff of the News Advertiser, who work so hard publicizing our activities throughout the year. Our success M would not be so consistent if we did not have your supporL Juli Wheler, Canadian Cancer Society, West Durham Unit Have your say. Do you thmlt year-round schooling is the answer to overcrowding in the schools? Also Jones says, "I think it would solve some accommoda- tion problems, but there are many organizational implications, schedules, cost factors, holidays, staffltg, eecr Rose Gibson says, "It will ease the overcrowding, but will cause problems for working par- ents during vacations." Lee Boetto says, "No. I don' think it's the answer. The obvious solution is to build more schoo �0nd eliminate the portables." t Carrie Green says, "I think it would help considerably and I is would like to teach in a year- round school." ABOUT US The News Advertiser wel- comes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal rea- sons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone num- ber for our information. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 or sent by FAX to 683- 7363. Metroland Printing, Publish- ing and Distributing group of suburban newspapers includes: Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser, The Aurora Banner, Barrie Ban- ner/Advance, The Brampton Guardian, The Burlington Post, The Collingwood Connection, The Etobicoke Advertiser/Guardian, The Georgetown Independent, Kingston This Week, Lindsay This Week, Markham Economist and Sun, The Milton Canadian Champion, The Mis- sissauga News, The Newmar- ket Era, Northumberland News, North York Mirror, Oakville Beaver, Oshawa -Whitby This Week, Orillia Today, Peterbor- ough This Week, The Rich- mond Hill/Thornhill/Vaughan Liberal, The Scarborough Mir- ror, The StouffvilkA)xbddge Tri- bune, Today's Seniors. Second class mail registra- tion number 1897. Mail sub- scription rates in Canada: 1 year, $70 per edition. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advonigoment based qn hi$6 ti QW di0Cr69*&' ' - - ' ' -*,'# # -*� T mllpza4 • Ajax homebuilder Benno Tichloven demonstrates some of the skills he's shared with the Frontiers Foundation, a non-profit group that builds homes for aboriginal people. Mr. Tichloven has been named the organization's Volunteer of The Year. photo by Ron Pietroniro Hero wins award for 401 rescue Man pulled from burning truck DURHAM - A Whitby man smash the truck window with a received a bravery award from piece of steel. He suffered the Ontario Provincial Police minor burns to both hands. last week for pulling a man Both Mr. Green and the from a burning truck on a ramp truck occupant recovered from on Hwy. 401 in Ajax a year all injuries. ago. Craig Green, 31, came across the accident while on his way to work in the morning. In order to reach the trapped accident victim, the CP Rail- way worker was forced to AT 1110 ti110M ROAD 80U= under instructions received from the mortgagee' we have been retained to ofer the followingfor sale by pubic auction, to a minimum startim bid,RIAL 44,200 sq. ft. modern brick i b c ndrustrial bldg.. cwre* leased • ideal mfg. plant, wawftoose, etc. • 2 acts: d land • 1 km south of 'Hwy. 401' • zoned INIXISTRIALed•�5 irud lovel0°il'i 1kft - in doors • 600 amp too • gas 000 q L oftas on 2nd floor 1�IE>Z Froviniber 26, i Thursday December 2 from 10 am. until 2 p m. each day, & morning d m sale fro 9:30 a.rn. • A $50,000 certified egos a am is required at auction registration in order to bid • N not sold by auction the property will be offered for sale by private negotiations - Complete terms of sale a directions, etc., available WANADA NATIDNS LTD. (At An* of -REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS LTD.) p AL ESS ST, 00016"" 0NrAIM CANADAIW 701 CnmM FawoptrhwW REAL ESTATE AUC r103: 111111111 AJAX - An Ajax man has been honored for his volunteer work with the Frontiers Foundation, a non-profit group that builds hous- ing for aboriginal people. Benno Tichloven, a profession- al homebuikier by trade, has been named the organization's Volun- teer of the Year. He has spent sev- eral months for the past five sum- mers working with the group, most recently in Mattawa where he supervised the building of a home for a family living in a dete- riorating log structure. NpW 114 I�a,N PCG UMNEWS ADVERTISER cenT,: ;man Im Starting from 131500 `"There comes a time when you have the time you can go do things other than for you own comfort," observes Mr. Tichloven, 54. "It is a lot of fun." He adds he enjoys meeting the other volunteers, many of whom travel from other countries to work with the Frontiers Foundation. The organization's executive director, Charles Catto, says Mr. Tichloven put in a "magnificent effort" during the past construction season. Since its heginnings as Opera - Im Priced from =95000 Before we sell you any equipment we'll take the time to make sure It's well suited to your fitness needs & goals. When your machine needs servicing, our trained technida ns will perform the necessary maintenance or repairs ww" i retiabiy. NOVEMBER M 19N -PAGE 7 tion Beaver in 1964, the Frontiers Foundation has given hundreds of frontier communities new homes, schools, community and recreation centres, as well as providing on- site construction skill training. It's funded through charitable and pri- vate donations, the Ontario hous- ing ministry, and the ministry of Indian Affairs and Northern Devel- opment. The federal government also contributes financially, although it's cut back funds in recent years. FREE 300 Ib. weight tat L with the purchase ° ' As Low As " - r T T� =25000 rtie Half Cage dL ' JEnsemble 10'� ; ..t uthorized dealer for Precor, TtCriz, ' amount, Northern Lights, Tuff Stuff, unturi, Image, Yonark, Schwinn. BENCHES • BARS • DUYBELLS RACKS • MACHINE ATTACHMENTS • C� WORKOUT BELTS b GLOVES, ACCESSORIES PLUS MUCH YORE! Ski Machines WEIGHT PLATES From $43500 .491Ib. otal VISIT OUR SHOWROOM jf t 613 Kingston Road Pickering, Ontario MAINTENANCE & FITNESS 839-3885 EOWPYENT WC. PUBLIC OPTICAL 00, N NAYS I LAS SESMVLETE CONTACTS COMPLETE . or- sl�Ana sTAar �I CLUDss RTIM ME COAINO aril WPI111011EICT10iN �IIRAMC�EMD ASTARTER W QUALITY DESIGNER FRAMES EXPERT CONTACT LENS BIFOCALS 1118.00 COMPLETE FITTERS ON SITE EYE EXAM CENTRE FREE CONSULTATION FREE lens cleaner, no purchase necessary(Valid at any location with ad) �L BRING THE KIDS -Saturdays are KIDS' DAYS!!! FREE HOTDOGS, BALLOONS, PRIZES 1450 Kingston Road, Pickering (at comer of Valley Farm Rd., west of Brock Rd.) (90M • SERVICE AVAILABLE SERVICE A1MIL AtaLE PAGE s -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12,193• Area MPPs give feds Durham's wish list Ry NORMAN NEI SON Durham Staff DITRIIAM - Durham Region's five local members of provincial parliament — all members of the governing New Democratic Party — are having no problems with their Christmas wish list this year. Some media types, howev- er, weren't too amused when wish lists, past accomplish- ment.%, and federal Tory hash- ing were the only items on the agenda for a ha%tile-called Monday press conference attended by four of the five Durham MPPs — Durham West's Jim Wiseman. who represents Ajax and Picker- ing, Oshawa's Allan Pilkey. Durham Centre's Drummond White. and Durham East's Gord Mills. Held at Mr. Pilkey's Oshawa constituency office just hours after Monday's majcw announcement by pre- mier Bob Rae that the Metro Convention Centre would be expanded to twice its current size, expectation was in the air that a major project might also be in store for a Durfiam community. Instead. the four politi, cians just wanted to reiterate the party line — that (Queen's Park is ready to work with the new federal government to bring job creation to Ontario. and that the local members are anxious to mast with their federal counterpart.% to ensure a fair share comes to Durham. The four pointed out that, while the newly -elected fed- eral government had offered to pump in 5400 million for job -creating infrastructure impro%ements, their govern- ment was investing S4 billion. Mr. Pilkev said the feds arc being encouraged "to go even beyond what they announced in the election." Topping the wish lists of the four MPPs were such pro- jects as Rouge Park, Metro Toronto's Taunton/Steeles bridge, a speedup of Hwy. 401 construction. expedition of GO Train service exten- sion to Oshawa, improved cancer treatment facilities, and construction of Hwy. 407 across the top of Durham Region. M 930071 T Ontario Or"M Municipal Board Conrnlsslon des affaires munldpales de I.Ontarto Guy Colm and Gordon Zimmerman have objected to The Town of Ajax's application to the Ontaft 11111uricipal Board under subsection 4 (1) of the ftional 1�upl�jp�g(es Act. R.S.O.1990, c. R.8 to sitar Ward boundaries In accordance with By-law No. 48-93 APPOINTMENT FOR HEARING The Ontario (Municipal Board hereby appoints Thursday the 25th day of November, 1993, at the hour of 10:00 O'CLOCK (LOCAL TIME) in the forenoon at the Council Chambers, Municipal Building, Ajax for the hearing of this matter. K you do not attend and are not represented at this hearing, the Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice of the proceedings. In the event the decision is reserved, persons taking part in the hearing and wishing a copy of the decision may request a copy from the presiding Board member or, in writing, from the Board. Such decision will be mailed to you when available. Pour recevoir des services en frangais, veuillez communiquer avec la Division des audiences au (416) 598-2266, poste 238, au tains 15 jours civils avant la date 1ix6e pour l audience. DATED at Toronto, this 61h day of October, 1993. HYUNDAI SIWES UP 89•/.x!!• AmDvALUEIS THERW'Elliass-Vndmo N. ,� • aonlc must -ve .,' tue Inleacn • Ner steering • "� AM FM stereo cassette • '.' Heir� a:. season rad a;s • .•;ar1100.00Ok-, A3t,rty' • deur Roads,,,(, Asslstarrs' :4Ill '93 ELANTRA, "ECONOMY CAR OF THE YEAR" MOTORING 93 f- .�:* • Ra. K & U "1Dn steering • , season radial tires •1 n,heel independent suspension • wer brakes • �. Iinmg tront bucket seats • r,.ar/100.000km warranty' • ' t dour Roadside Assistance' HYunDAI DEALERS ASSOCIATION w1....•d...,...n�......��... Pickering Hyundai ? 10 Bayly Street Fast. A'ax 12--0111 0 Bases m national sales c wrow sw or -w..••' Sevwe m.- • WQ and Sep, bt* + 93 - Sre ma.- x detans 1994 E lantia GL Son $10995 1994 E aoel Cx from S) 995 ,cense freghi P C aria ta.es e.• .t Pre sNew . M S R P es, p- ­t -(^s1 chew ^' Part. "p q dealers may sell for *ss 'See dealer to (Jefads i . credible Freehold Tiownho es at Irresiesti*ble rices Carries from only $688 per month R & I. Halminen Homes has now made the charming new community of Fieldstone in Courtice more affordable than ever with the addition of just 24 spectacular townhomes. rttt �M JUST t c • Summer'94 Occupancy :. NYN W. .. V.... • N�.w. r rr+l 990 FOR 1352 SQ. F7: OF TOTAL LIVING SPACE 9 GST Included Call:(416)404.1880 %31_ Owwr 114—: M.." 11-4. 1 - "pa Fr.lw. 1 • Spa %-i- in 11_ hpa 1.4.x1 tiwnLm THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1196 -MCR ! in chedhere :;AJAX -Cartons of cigarettes were taken from a drug store in a robbery Tuesday morning. .Durham Regional Police say a Phar- ma Plus Drugmart employee found the 'rear door of the Harwood Ave. store open when he responded to a burglar .4larm which sounded off at 7:15 am. <The door's lock had been pried off and two padlocks were cut off a cage in which cigarettes were stored.BuS Police are investigating. 14 TRY!! TUES. &SAT. LASER KARAOKE U FREE TACO BAR N D.J. FRIDAY ■.lu m NIGHTS • O TABLES 0 6. DON'T MISS OUR 0 HOT TUB PARTY L SAT. DEC. 4 : FREE WINDOW SEMINARSAT F wimm- eVCPMT HONIE WROVEMEN5 Saturday, November 131 SEMINARS AT 10 am, H am & 12 noon Everything you wanted to know about windows but were afraid to ask. 71 STATION ST, Q R 46 AJAX E 427-3021 J CYCLAMEN ftwier flowering with 0 profusion of colorful blossoms. SPECIAL =4" YANDERMR WLFA RY 11MI a"GN"Awr Cww d Bay y a L*wMp, Alec 427-2525 OPEN SUNDAY ' ' / . 1 \fir/ r `_'i�`i+ - . w.. .. • • �".^'v J/ / f , AAA ..4 1 BE NO GST or PST on any bedroom suite when a mattress set is purchased. L �`' Bed- Suite Bedroom Suite 6 6 piece piece :et Bedro m a1099 ��y.d 9 `-,� al haws Suite Store ��s» Only F� anm NGST r P T seth urchasedess 8999 set $159" Double'l29" Set 1199" Queen'159" Set'279" / 42911$2"29t" Double 3159- Set $N9" Queen '1 a- Set Wr DRTHOPRACTI 4691'47'09t. Deubk I W Sid aw can =V set Wr $11999 , 99» Double" 49" Set lAr Queen ' • 79" Set 1299" 51499 �9" )ouble 4 ter' Set '289" been 11 W Set 0349n Dilased 1 a Ihawa �' �' _� �+► Stat ' ` .c ✓ Only Di+•+i Set• - SALVER SUN 199�� : I c N Mattress entre: ON t4A .. N'W%� DAY BED =1i • . FGPK Nr...wr' 10-s pa Thwe-list 10-! pm ltrwdada 114 M Atli dWh ft lint• ebaad ttaatlw a Nwatiw COPENHAGEN White Or Black Iron Mattress extra - SOFA B: ED :omplete, .. 1 with mattress �. $349�9���i� COUPON FREE.r r � r � Your choice of One... ; 2 e Bedframe ■ • Pillows ; • Mattress ■ Cover ' Naaa.asassaasa . NUM WT= NM ADVERMER M IM Tax freeze would see services cut FROM PAGE 1 body overseeing cops "is going to have a hard time reaching its goal" of cutting another $1.24 million from its budget. `The police have a hard time providintt services, such as com- recipients, I don't know where we'll find the money." Regional chairman Gary Her- rema warned the provincial gov- ernment "may drop something that's out of our control," which would further influence Durham's NVAOm BOIS, Arthur (Retued employ- ee of Du Pont Canada) - Entered into rest at his home in Florida on Wednesday, Nov. 10, 1993, at age 79. Arthur Bois, beloved husband of Mary Arnie. Loving father of Gerry, Maurice, Robert, Roger, Yvette, Emily, Shirley and Suzanne. Grand- father of many loved grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Survived by sisters Emily Samson, Jeanne Langlois, Martha Mailhoux, and May Leblanc. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Heart and Stroke Foundation would be appreciated. Funeral arrangements entrusted to Obituaries Truscott Brothers Funeral Home m Hamilton. For more particulars, call 549-2417. DICKEY, Samuel James - Entered into rest at his home on Thursday, Nov. 11, 1993. Beloved husband of Ocena. Loving father of Darla, Sheri and Jamie. Proud and adoring Grandpa of Michael, Court- ney, Andrew, Nicolas and Roger James. Father-in-law of Richard Reis. John Sheldon and Roger Lanceleve. Brother of Margaret, Bill, Sadie, Georgina, Fred, Roberta, Sid, Edna, GeocM Ron and the late Mary and Shirley. Friends will be received at the Aecettom & Lodge Funeral Home, 384 Finley Ave., Ajax, 428-9090, on Friday from 1 to 9 pm. Funeral smvices win be held Saturday, Nov. 13 at 11 a.m. at the Ajax Baptist Chtrch, Birch St. (Har- wood Ave. and Hwy. 401). Inter- ment Pine Ridge Memorial Gar- dens. In lieu of flowers, donations to the CanaHeartd and S ld be appreciated. i - �_..,.---- -- -- �'q � � � ►.'•i�.•-.'9'Il1L� Yl 1 �. •, 1'• r i�'4vf►/ '+�+'/.•'l'1''.A• ''-'qtr THE NEWS ADvmrr SER FRIDAY, Novusim 12,1"D-MGE U Get tS a*nta letters in the mail soon AJAX-PICKERING - Santa Claus has his reading glasses on, waiting to read letters from his many young fans. Children wanting to send a let- ter should address it to Santa Claus, North Pole, HOH OHO, Canada. Elves at Canada Post will try in answer the manv thnrncanrfc of letters sent to Santa from across the country and other parts of the world. Letters are always answered in the language they are written. Last year, about one million TWO HEARTS FLOWERS & GIFTS INVITES YOU TO OUR 'SCENT'S OF CHRISTMAS" SAMPLING OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY NOV 14th 12 TO 5 PM COME AND ENJOY A SAM OF GOURMET FOOD FRAGRANCES FOR THE HOLIDAYS FESTIVE MUSIC 'FREE" PERSONALIZED STOCKING WITH EVERY $25 PURCHASE WE ARE NOW FEATURING A WIDE RANGE OF CRABTREE It EVE LYN PRODUCTS ALL OCCASION BALLOONS GREAVESJAMS FIND US AT THE CORNER OF DIXIE A FINCH IN DICKERING 420-7544 i a e ONTARIO'S LARGEST FACTORY SHOWROOM = VACUUMS PLUS come and see us! The Works $589. 4 6111 smem Induces deluxe elect'ic powerhead and hose!! i :gi• �1 :-V ONUT i 30' Garage Hose ;;p And Cleaning " Attachments with 'Z11 _ this ad! _ r CA %-- . -AW - The easy way to clean! - Workhorse power unit #353 • 8 handy clean -alt attachernents and deluxe chromed wands. - Goof -Proof@ ducting, guaranteed for life, even against clogs! - Complete satisfaction or your money back - even 1 year later! - From Canada's best-selling, built-in vacuum manufacturer! - So durable, it's the last vacuum you'll ever buy. 1271 KINGSTON ROAD, FACTORY(just west of uwpoolRd., NoLet of supercenve> OUTLET 831 -BEAM® 99Bow dCaQUW I031209 N 001 Ui:�`�i.'•'•:�Y.':4 }:� M1��\.+1}�.'?:''v::iii::::v::'::iiiv. ... i'i> :i.....:ii iii::•.::. ++titiOFF A-'Ti}i:\�v ''•kC::' >}\'v' \4\v\,jCii:ii� ii::<i:; ' v :vF7 U4.i ' BUY 3 PKG. BAGS GET 1 FREE f Now avwW"a for 0 », •� • ALL LEADING BRANDS Fliiieemat>:e tLr�f alt '{::: • . :' OF PORTABLES A ALL 1271 l(jngsion f% y OTHER MODELS F'ICKER0 +� ; I letters were handled by more than 10,000 Canada Post employees, including about 135,000 children's letters from the post office's York Division, which includes Ajax and Pickering. Canada Post employees volun- teer their time to answer the let- ters. Children attending the Picker- ing Santa Claus parade on Satur- day, Nov. 13 can give their letters to the postal elves collecting let- ters destined for the North Pole. Letters going by mail should be sent as soon as possible. To ensure a response, don't forget to put a return address on your envelope. FLOOR MODEL RENOVATION I TAKE SALE ADVAN AGE OF THESE CLEAROUT PRICES 1 DOU DAT LT J 1. rK.M. 686-9846 - OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK , MON.-WED. 10-6 THURS. & FRI. 10-8 SAT. 10-5 SUN. 12-4 SAVE ON A HUGE SELECTION OF -SECTIONALS -WING CHAIRS -SOFAS -LOVE SEATS -SOFA BEDS LOCATED JUST WEST OF BROCK ON B AY LY r n a Theatre Durham pulls Harvey out of a tight hat PICKERING - Let me begin by congratulating the executive of Theatre Durham for their fine play selection this season — Har- vey, The Glass Menagerie and Barefoot in the Park. The troupe's emphasis this season is clearly on comedy and family relationships. All three plays are classics in their own right. Audiences will enjoy them and they will certain- ly be a challenge for both actors and directors. (One of my most prized pos- sessions is an autographed copy of the script for Harvey, the cur- rent production. What many read- ers may not know is that the late Colin Chase, son of playwright Mary Chase, was a long-time Pickering resident, a professor at the University of Toronto and a close personal friend of mine and many Pickering residents. He is deeply missed.) Harvey is a delightful play about Elwood P. Dowd and his invisible friend, a six-foot rabbit named Harvey. Jimmy Stewart, of course, immortalized this char- acter on the silver screen. Theatre Durham's production I enjoyed. Director Garvin Farr had his characters stay pretty close to Chase's intent although in a few places I felt I was watch- ing caricatures instead of charac- ters. It is always difficult when you have a large cast (12) made up of experienced as well as inex- perienced actors to have an even production, so this combination as well as opening -night jitters made the premiere performance a little rough. There were also some minor technical problems which the actors dealt with like seasoned professionals. Theatre Durham has always amazed me with inno- vative and decorative sets. This time is no exception but this time it just does not work. The troupe has placed the stage where the audience normally sits and vice - versa. This results in two distinct playing areas — right and left with little or no use of a centre stage area. It made for very awk- ward blocking as actors moved up or down to make room for another actor. More importantly, it was a real pain in the neck for anybody sitting near the end of a row of seating and having to strain to see the action on the opposite side. Having said that, I praise set designer and assistant director Anita Lawson for the concept, which will work, I am sure, for some future productions provid- ing some modifications are made and there are some attempts to make better use of a centre stage area A great plus for the concept is that it will increase audience capacity. Lighting and costumes were excellent. As I stated earlier, the acting was a little uneven but there were sottle fine performances. Bob Ptgtfbt x Elwppd P, Zp yJ.-rte . . excellent. His low-key, soft-spo- ken approach really worked. In contrast, the blustering bellowing approach of Gerard O'Neill as Dr. Chumley also worked. All in all director and cast did an admirable job and, apart from the points previously mentioned, I really did enjoy the show. So will you. Harvey runs Fridays and Sat- urdays, Nov. 12, 13, 19 and 20 at the theatre in Dunbarton-Fairport United Church, 1066 Dunbarton Rd. (Dixie Rd. and Hwy. 2). Enquire about the special dinner and theatre package on Nov. 12 and 13 — dinner at McGinnis Landing Restaurant, bus to the theatre and then bus back to the restaurant after the show all for $20 (taxes and tip included). Children perform Nutcracker PICKERING - A local children's choir will present a song and dance version of The Nutcracker in Pickering Saturday, Dec. 4. The performance, by The Jean McDonald Children's Choir, is 'set for 12:45 p.m. at the Pickering Central Library, One The Esplanade. Tickets are $3. Seating is limited and those planning to attend are asked to make reservations now. Call 837-2611 or 839- 1309. AJAX-PICKERING - Centre - field's has the Full Count Blues Band playing rhythm and blues Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. There's karaoke on Sunday night, starting at 9. Every Wednesday, male exotic dancers take the stage at 9 p.m. Centre - field's is at 1050 Brock Rd., Pick- ering. Call 837-1850. To find out where the rest of the entertainment action is this weekend, just follow this guide: BOURBON BAYLY'S: There's karaoke Friday starting at 9 p.m. Bourbon Bayly's is at 368 Bayly St., Ajax. Call 427-1888. HARP & THISTLE PUB: Enjoy country music with Jocelyn Marie Friday and Saturday from 9 to 1 am. There's karaoke on Sun- day from 7 to 11 p.m. The Harp and Thistle is at 282 Monarch Ave., Ajax. Call 428-0943. FOX & FLOWERPOT: A • jazz jam with the Jazz Cats is fea- tured Thursday nights from 8 to 11. The Fox & Flowerpot is in the Village Courtyard in Pickering Village. Call 428-2162.. MONKEY BAR & GRILL: On Friday, it's Q-107 Rockin' Fridays, hosted by Deanna Nason, starting at 9 p.m. On Saturday, the Monkey Bar has rock 'n' roll with the INXS cover band Kick, star- ing at 9 p.m. Tuesdays, the $1,000 Karaoke Challenge offers prim and a giant final competi- tion. The bar has Flashback Wednesdays with DJ and con- tests. There's a Hot Dance Mix Party on Thursdays. The Monkey Bar & Grill is at 172 Hunt St., Ajax. Call 619-;236. SECOND STOREY: DJ Wallin' Warren spins the tunes Saturday, starting at 9 p.m. On Sunday, there's a pool tourney with a $500 top prize. There's a dance party Friday at 9 p.m. with lots of prizes. Karaoke on Wednesday and wet T-shirt night Thursday each offer a $50 prize to the winner. The Second Storey is at 88 Harwood Ave., Ajax. Call F_ c i, 1 r I ! t o D 1 o% CINEMA GUIDE 683-2940. KERRY INN: Ireland's finest showband, Par 3, entertains Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The band plays all the top showband hits, along with Irish ballads. There's also live enter- tainment Sunday night. The Kerry Inn is in the Cloveridge Plaza, 967 Westney Rd. S. at Harwood Ave., Ajax. Call 428-8790. THE MEETING HOUSE: Pop and folk singer Tim Hewie plays Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., while Sunday is reserved for one-man boogie band Jimmy Fraser from 7 to 11 p.m. Pip's Karaoke, takes over Thursdays from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The Meeting House is at 776 Liverpool Rd. S., Pickering. Call 839-4744. TUDOR ARMS: The Royz Band plays a wide variety of music Friday and Saturday from 9 P.M. to I a.m. Four -piece band One Step plays classic rock Thursday nights through Novem- ber from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. There's karapke on Sundays, starting at 8:30 p.m. The Tudor Arms is in the Amberlea Plaza, 1822 Whites Rd, unit 18, Picker- ing. Call 839-8387, LORD BYRONS: Lord Byron has relaxing piano music Friday and Saturday nights to enjoy with your dinner. The music starts at 7. Lord Byrons is at 1725 Kingston Rd. (at Brock Rd.) in Pickering. Call 686-7000. COCONUTZ TAPS & EATS: Stevie Ray Vaughan trib- ute band Blue Texas plays Friday, starting at 9 p.m. On Saturday, it's a hot dance mix party at 9. There's karaoke every Wednesday at 9. Next Thursday, Coconutz welcomes Road Apples, a Tragi- cally Hip tribute band. Coconutz Taps & Eats is at 520 Westney Rd. S., Ajax. Call 686-1549. TUDOR ROSE: The folk, blues and country and western music of Rick Washbrook will entertain patrons Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The Tudor Rose Inn is in the Cloveridge Plaza, 700 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax. Call 428- 1815. SAPPHIRE BAR & GRILL: The Sapphire has karaoke on Tuesdays from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. There's a free taco bar during karaoke. On Saturday, Dec. 4, there's a beach party with hot tub, starting at.9 p.m. The Sapphire Bar & Grill is at 610 Monarch Ave., Ajax. Call 619-2344. DONA Y MIGUELS: Enjoy the delightful sounds of Mexican music while you dine Friday and Saturday from 7 to 10 p.m. Dona Y Miguels is at 325 Westney Rd., Ajax. Call 686-4468. ROYAL SCOT: The Royal Scot has rock 'n' roll with Trouble With Jan Saturday from 9 pm. to 1 a.m. There's karaoke on Tues- day nights, beginning at 9. The Royal Scot is at 44 Hunt SL, Ajax. Call 683-6657. 000 If your club or restaurant offers live entertainment, call Al Rivett at the News Advertiser, 683-5110, to be included in this weekly fea- ture. Stay.: n fiune -read h = = = UAMICALE FRENCH COMMUNITY CENTRE CELEBRATES ITS STH ANNIVERSARY AND Invites All the People To Attend its OPEN HOUSE - SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH, _1993 FROM NOON TO 4 O'CLOCK AT 707 Simcoe South St., Oshawa Everyone is welcome and will be able to familiarize with the centre and the organizations which give services to French people! AVELCONEI? 3MCOMUWELCOME! Loon WW TMJM NOW Rt 720. f.15, Sat i Sup. 225.720 Mn•Thn. 720 RUDY Ri: Tha. 925 ROBOCOP 3 R. 7.15.925, SIMR 2 7'.15.975, Mm: Thn. 715, BZ �,, Fd. Sal-S1a 220, 720,945 Man:Thn. 720.9:15 W UFE Fd. 715,940, Sri -Sun. 270.715.9.10 Mm -Thn. 7:15,940 THE BEVM N1LLd WD (� Ri. 715.9:15, Su -Sun. 215,71k 9:15 Mm.-Thn. 715.915 C�RL.1�0 S WAY ted. k15 9:0 S�•SJ.3, 6.45, to 1�Iorn .Thr: 0?I!; �1t ... • • . 683-2940. KERRY INN: Ireland's finest showband, Par 3, entertains Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The band plays all the top showband hits, along with Irish ballads. There's also live enter- tainment Sunday night. The Kerry Inn is in the Cloveridge Plaza, 967 Westney Rd. S. at Harwood Ave., Ajax. Call 428-8790. THE MEETING HOUSE: Pop and folk singer Tim Hewie plays Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., while Sunday is reserved for one-man boogie band Jimmy Fraser from 7 to 11 p.m. Pip's Karaoke, takes over Thursdays from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The Meeting House is at 776 Liverpool Rd. S., Pickering. Call 839-4744. TUDOR ARMS: The Royz Band plays a wide variety of music Friday and Saturday from 9 P.M. to I a.m. Four -piece band One Step plays classic rock Thursday nights through Novem- ber from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. There's karapke on Sundays, starting at 8:30 p.m. The Tudor Arms is in the Amberlea Plaza, 1822 Whites Rd, unit 18, Picker- ing. Call 839-8387, LORD BYRONS: Lord Byron has relaxing piano music Friday and Saturday nights to enjoy with your dinner. The music starts at 7. Lord Byrons is at 1725 Kingston Rd. (at Brock Rd.) in Pickering. Call 686-7000. COCONUTZ TAPS & EATS: Stevie Ray Vaughan trib- ute band Blue Texas plays Friday, starting at 9 p.m. On Saturday, it's a hot dance mix party at 9. There's karaoke every Wednesday at 9. Next Thursday, Coconutz welcomes Road Apples, a Tragi- cally Hip tribute band. Coconutz Taps & Eats is at 520 Westney Rd. S., Ajax. Call 686-1549. TUDOR ROSE: The folk, blues and country and western music of Rick Washbrook will entertain patrons Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The Tudor Rose Inn is in the Cloveridge Plaza, 700 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax. Call 428- 1815. SAPPHIRE BAR & GRILL: The Sapphire has karaoke on Tuesdays from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. There's a free taco bar during karaoke. On Saturday, Dec. 4, there's a beach party with hot tub, starting at.9 p.m. The Sapphire Bar & Grill is at 610 Monarch Ave., Ajax. Call 619-2344. DONA Y MIGUELS: Enjoy the delightful sounds of Mexican music while you dine Friday and Saturday from 7 to 10 p.m. Dona Y Miguels is at 325 Westney Rd., Ajax. Call 686-4468. ROYAL SCOT: The Royal Scot has rock 'n' roll with Trouble With Jan Saturday from 9 pm. to 1 a.m. There's karaoke on Tues- day nights, beginning at 9. The Royal Scot is at 44 Hunt SL, Ajax. Call 683-6657. 000 If your club or restaurant offers live entertainment, call Al Rivett at the News Advertiser, 683-5110, to be included in this weekly fea- ture. Stay.: n fiune -read h = = = UAMICALE FRENCH COMMUNITY CENTRE CELEBRATES ITS STH ANNIVERSARY AND Invites All the People To Attend its OPEN HOUSE - SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH, _1993 FROM NOON TO 4 O'CLOCK AT 707 Simcoe South St., Oshawa Everyone is welcome and will be able to familiarize with the centre and the organizations which give services to French people! AVELCONEI? 3MCOMUWELCOME! W THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEAUER 12,M -PAGE 13 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Christmas concert set for Claremont PICKERING - A Christmas concert will be concert is "Christmas in Claremont". given in Claremont by the Jean McDonald Singers. Performances will be given at 3 and 7 p.m. Both children and adults will participate in the Admission is $7 for adults and $4 for children. For concert, set for Sunday, Dec. 12 at the Claremont more information, call 839-1309, 837-2611, or Baptist Church on Central St. The theme of the Jean Drake at 649-2309. Serving the Community's Greatest Needs! 11.4: -:,2. Pickering Kinsmen Club is r, proud to present the -� E � th r �+ 26 Annual �-, Pickering Santa Claus Parade ` NSM �.� Saturday, November 13, 10 a.m. = r NE1Get involved! Call Rob Goldsmith - 420-9556 Saturday November 13 26th Ann ua I Pickering Kinsmen Santa Claus Parade Sat"Claus i DICKERING UM CENTRE ft 0 THE5EKIDS v+rtc� (chAdren's clothes) SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION!! INFANTS TO SIZE 16 wevE Mav®m PK KBU4G VILLAGE COURTYARD (FACM MY. 2) 1.0®OLD KDWTON RD. 6864M EXPIRES DEC. 24193 PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1993 M9 R5 Billboard Is a free feature for community events of a non-profit nature. To have your events pro- moted In Billboard, call us at 683- 5110 or Write to the Ajax -Pickering New: Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont., LIS 2H5. The dead- line for Billboard Items is 10 a.m. the Monday Prior to Wednesday publi- cation, 10 a.m. the Wednesday prior to Friday publication and 10 a.m. the Thursday prior to Sunday publication. nmim� CRAFT SALE: A Christmas Fantasy craft sale will be held at 16 Strathy Rd., Ajax. on Fri.. Nov 12 from 4 to 10 p m , Sat, Nov 13 from loam to 4 pm and Sun, Nov 14 from 10 a m to 4 p m Choose a Christmas decoration from the Wish Tree for a S 1 donation, wh;ch w r go to the Salvation Army 683-6467 (Dale). 683-7817 (Soma) ART AUCTION: The Durham Region vMCA hosts as 13th annual gala art auction Fri , Nov 12 at the Whitby Yacht Club. 70' Gordon St Preview at 6 3C p rr . auct,on at 8 D rr=edtured artist Is Wo!ter Camp - bei: Tickets S 12 in advance. S 15 c - the doo• Patron tickets are SK. which offer a tax receipt of S'8 and C chance to Min C prim' 668-6868 SWEATER SALE A swea•e• so e A1/:41D WIII be held in the Harwood lobby of the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital on Fri , Nov 12 from 10 a m to 3:30 p m Part of the pro- ceeds Will go to the hospital auxil- iary Coll 683-4734. SATURDAY CRAFT/BAKE SALE: A Christmas craft and bake sale will be held Sat. Nov 13,9am to3pm,at Steeple Hill Bible Church, 550 Kingston Rd . Pickering Proceeds to Pregnancy Help Centre 831-1761 DANCE: The Dun barton-Fairport United Church holds a fall donce Sot. Nov 13.830 pm to l am,at me Village Retirement Centre, 1955 Volley Farm Rd , Ptckermg S10 per person Tickets frorr the church office. 1066 Dunborton Rd. or trom Ray Bush at 420-6652 Proceeds to the sontucry roof Puna 839-727' BAZAAR: A snowflake bazaa• is held a' tt)e Pckering Village United Church. 300 Church St N , Sat . Nov 13. 11 a m to t o m Wh,te elephant, pet table. Christmas table. plants. crofts, lunch 683- 4721 BAZAAR: S' Martin's Ang can Churc^. '2--' St Martens Dr. P'icKer- ing, holds a Festival Bazaar Sot . Nov :3. 9 3C a r to 1 3C p m -ea room. crafts. 0e,.. bout,c; e. c- c treasures Santa visits at 1 1 3C a Your calendar of coming events 839-4257 ACCIDENT AWARENESS: Durham Regional Police host Accident Awareness '93 to raise public awareness of motor vehicle acci- dents. their causes and prevention It will be held at the Metro EosT Trade Centre. Brock Rd and Hwy 401 Pickering, Sat . Nov 13 from 10 a m to 10 p m and Sun , Nov 14 from g a m to S p m All welcome No charge 683-9100, ext 321 CRAFT SHOW: A craft snow and sale will be held at Heydenshore Pavilion, Water St. Whitby. on Sat Nov 13, 11 am to 3 p m 50 tables. tea room, silent auction Tables available for S20 each Admission S2. children under 12 free Pro- ceeds to help Rose of Durham, a home for unwed mothers 430-0707 (Mara) SILENT AUCTION: A silent auction and baKe Sae W'De held at St Timothy's Presbyterian Church. 97 Burcher Rd. Ajax. on Sot. Nov 13, g a m to 2 p m Highest to, ds announced at 3 p m and tems must be [)aid for ono picked up by 5 p In 683-3313 SANTA PARADE -ne K -s—en Club of P -Ke, -g ^csts its annuo: Sana Claus Parcae Sat . Nov '3 :See BILLBOARD.. -Page 17 THE UNITED WAY WISHES TO THANK THESE RESTAURANTS WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE 1st Annual RESTAURANT -GET -AWAY OCT. 27-28 PARTICIPATING RESTAURANTS PICKERING: • Golden Griddle • Ken Hong • Massey's • Mud Hen's Tapp & Grill • Papps • Regalis • Swiss Chalet AJAX: • Harvey's • Kerry Inn • Pizza Pizza (2) • Square Boy • Texas Burger • Yummy Donuts • Harvey's • Le Centre • Melanie Pringles • Olive Garden • Pizza Pizza (2) • Square Boy (2) • Ken Wong • Monkey Bar & Grill • Scrambles • Swiss Chalet • Tlk Tak 00 •rye00000 r - 4� mois, up -----_ -- ' 'i � . I JW FJP THE ROSEWOOD. 10:0 SO FT, S__';.996 lot-� IN PRESTIGIOUS AftESTBAVAft 9 Decorated Q 0 Wd Jr. ex,:u :re Ickr. Bc -'t' Home: -n tre :rel%Z:cus Fere>:�-cck Ccmmuc:tt•' Ctcose tiom.dr. acdr ct ..ass:' j:cme>. >:r,,. liar: ;- . •C. - t, -o 3. ::: Sy. ... _rile" troT S21-.q?0'0 C?pQ aa(J, do O: eRnQ SLCI CLal led:LreS is. • ZC- IR,•' is:i:1eLS C.fr .e W:, :Cse . cri.e� i:C aS ! :ntC iOT•: tt:r.CJu' d.c0%ts. ' :3rTalt' :OCT:1.'eplacts telt'- T.drJle 5.:r:01rl 5 an, ea n:aarels: S daft C:gtiait:OCn:S Ct'e:lOCtil ;i:amliC rOorns: ' Tdir, �ic: la:., OCtt'I:.. eS:':Ic: auris. F AST1. Misr.:..'.C:0crra:-edlSM5 ._ROrT Sall^•ce1lSe:li�.ii, �; Id"1,:SCape pd: adieS CCmfle., tc;,' fdt',•C alp. ".alt C'71%',-wJVs: ..._:... T.. rrc-t' Models To Choose From Pickering Fairport & Finch Mr++.www�..nrgw.nll.••...w orr.•.•..•.w•w..w raarww�•wwr•wl�wrwl•• ttna,1e r r. • . . M O TIN fi : CALL 831 Tia lAw Jlt G fiMM am 0~80 raw em" as Ire•-'ww f" "Ile. •-6 wi wwft f Waw w� 1e M -w w / •ww*w i • -2221 a090 SUNDAYS K ': - • IrM •'L '. qt r•1 Lys.._ .1 M • • • • . r :' •. t.�I. 1 1 • • • • • .• .. .•.•. re 1 • • • • • • • 1 1 A ♦. • .. • • • • 1 1 • • • • . • .. ., ., 1 • • • •. ► • + ok _P •' . 7 % • . . . 0 0 0 • • • • . . . . . . . . . . •-. . . • • • . • •.• . . . . . INVESTING IN THE ( 0 SITH v MUTUAL FUNDS To your comp rr.. ,,.�,y. CUP". C33 today 296-2613 © ScotiaMcLeod Dr. Kevin Tyber TILE HENS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, \OVF%IHF.R 12, IM-PAGF. 15 Or physiotherapy centres 200 Brock Street North WHITBY 666-8270 95 Bayly Street West AJAX 427-2119 To better serve the working public especially the commuters, Baywood Physiotherapy and Athletic Injury Clinic is pleased to announce the availability of evening & weekend appointments. We welcome the addition of registered physiotherapist Mr. Rob Winningham a former graduate of the University of Toronto with a solid background in orthopedic and sports injuries. To book appointments please call 427-2119. Fees covered by extended health insurance, motor vehicle accident insurance, department of veterans affairs, and workers compensation. When your doctor prescribes physiotherapy make sure your therap:st is a registered physiotherapist. -TREATMENT EDUCATION PREVENTION - OPTOMETRIST • Dispensing of contact000*4 - -- lenses and glasses • Evening and Saturday appointments available - �� • Complete Family e Care P Y E Y 427-4144 15 Harwood Ave. S, Alec Met~ Hwv. 401 6 No. 2) PODIATRIST TOM AM Ronald J. Klein B.Sx , D.P.M. , 4 Wishes to Announce the Opening of his Practice � R`�'• l At the Pickering Medical Centre` !� • Custom Foot orthotics.,� 1. _,85 Clenanna • • FuU Veteran's Coverage : . 1 Ste. #210 g © • Sports Mede E • Mabetic Feet831-FLET (333S) r� /! Cornr Calluses • CluWnen's Fax � WHITES ROAD � PHYSIOTHERAPY 4W & SPORTS INJURIES CLINIC NEW PATIENTS WELCOMED • Registered Physiotherapists • Day & Evening Appts. • Auto & Health Insurance Plans • WCB Approved 720 SHEPPARD (AT WHITES RD.) PICKERING 420-0647 4 a: Dr. Kevin Tyber TILE HENS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, \OVF%IHF.R 12, IM-PAGF. 15 Or physiotherapy centres 200 Brock Street North WHITBY 666-8270 95 Bayly Street West AJAX 427-2119 To better serve the working public especially the commuters, Baywood Physiotherapy and Athletic Injury Clinic is pleased to announce the availability of evening & weekend appointments. We welcome the addition of registered physiotherapist Mr. Rob Winningham a former graduate of the University of Toronto with a solid background in orthopedic and sports injuries. To book appointments please call 427-2119. Fees covered by extended health insurance, motor vehicle accident insurance, department of veterans affairs, and workers compensation. When your doctor prescribes physiotherapy make sure your therap:st is a registered physiotherapist. -TREATMENT EDUCATION PREVENTION - OPTOMETRIST • Dispensing of contact000*4 - -- lenses and glasses • Evening and Saturday appointments available - �� • Complete Family e Care P Y E Y 427-4144 15 Harwood Ave. S, Alec Met~ Hwv. 401 6 No. 2) PODIATRIST TOM AM Ronald J. Klein B.Sx , D.P.M. , 4 Wishes to Announce the Opening of his Practice � R`�'• l At the Pickering Medical Centre` !� • Custom Foot orthotics.,� 1. _,85 Clenanna • • FuU Veteran's Coverage : . 1 Ste. #210 g © • Sports Mede E • Mabetic Feet831-FLET (333S) r� /! Cornr Calluses • CluWnen's Fax � WHITES ROAD � PHYSIOTHERAPY 4W & SPORTS INJURIES CLINIC NEW PATIENTS WELCOMED • Registered Physiotherapists • Day & Evening Appts. • Auto & Health Insurance Plans • WCB Approved 720 SHEPPARD (AT WHITES RD.) PICKERING 420-0647 4 PAGE 16 -THE NZWS ADVM SU FRIDAY, NOMMER 12,1993 1109T73Tt7"TwTv L� a IF YOUR PRESENT DEALERSHIP ISN'T GIVING YOU... FVTHE BEST NEW CARS BUILT IN CANADA FVTHE LOWEST PAYMENT PLAN IVTHE BEST IN QUALITY SERVICE THEN MAKE VILLAGE ` CHRYSLE PART OF YOUR FUTURE FOR GREAT DEALS & BEST SERVICE. V Li JAX V BRAND NEW 94 VOYAGER Auto, air, V6. 7 pass., luggage rack. Stk. #8921 BUY $ LEASE$ #` ONLY ,888 ONLY 299 mo. ► -T - EMO 1993 DODGE D350 CLUB CAB DIESEL DUALLY Includes: Auto., air, power A windows, power doors, tilt, cruise, sass., buckets, console, ' power mirrors, DT SELL PLUS MUCH MORE Clearance SHADOW AIR Automatic, air, plus lots more. Stk. #3919. Mlr�a refory aveftbb.. 46, n11CD % SALE BUY ONLY" SALE v *$9,988 $183* mo. 4 '93 ACCLAIM Auto. air, tin, cruise, AM/FM cassette, a real bargain. Bohn" ieebuy - Stk. #3955 BUY ONLY Im-wo—BUY ONLY :11438 :213 Mo. ,.,UA..a, SR .S1641111=1 - — $3 • . • a 0 s • . ..-. 11 - rH Mir% A. I A If LTI). SERVICE OPEN A :t:tce.-x4rt: • OO n111111UMANpi ,MOMOBI F -CHRYSLER GE HWY.nUTH HWY. x401 njuxinsin Ir l • . • a 0 s • . ..-. 11 - rH Mir% A. I A If LTI). SERVICE OPEN A :t:tce.-x4rt: • OO n111111UMANpi ,MOMOBI F -CHRYSLER GE HWY.nUTH HWY. x401 Ir l • . • a 0 s • . ..-. 11 - rH Mir% A. I A If LTI). SERVICE OPEN A :t:tce.-x4rt: • OO n111111UMANpi ,MOMOBI F -CHRYSLER GE HWY.nUTH HWY. x401 I - =1 "Lei I I as i J liq ilk' 19!1 d J riq 1"14 on I I i rt_Wt�&W11;11 1994 TOYOTA TERCEL PURCHASE NOW AND ROYAL BUY BACK 0 WILL GUARANTEE THE VALUE IN 394 OR 5 YEARS WITH ROYAL BAW.BUY BACK OF $3.425 TERCEL i $4,675 COROLLA qiNAli y:u; inuIli If, T� 1994 TOYOTA COROLLA ROYAL BAN K Canada's leader in car loan innovations. •agra.d Trade Mark wRoyal Bank. TOYOTA f. ,. , r i7y-•.. .•y ... •1 T'r - , !•9''nl'�,.• .r • �. -r `i ,.-n �• T= NER6 ADVERTISER, FRL, NOVETU 12, IM PAGE 17 :> MID .. .; JEDeO /ur r/." calendar ,. n+:.. ... iD q ..r ........ /F.... r....iFf %f.. /%.. !.. r.. j.. f /. �F%%>✓ /f.C'ff 4 lFl!'�� F rFF. of o eveft FROM PAGE 14 beginning at 10 a.m. The parade able at area music stores, libraries and the Royal Conservatory of Nov. 17. Tables are $20. The sale will be held Sat., Nov. 20 from 10 a.m. 9 p.m. at the Metro East Trade Cen- munity members to voice their likes tre, Brock Rd. at Hwy. 401, Pickering. and dislikes follows Glenanno Rd. from Vaugh- an Willard Public School to the Pick- Music. Or, coil 831-5045. GARDEN CLUB: The Ajax Garden to 4 p.m. Proceeds to the senior on Catholic education Members $50 per table: non -mem- at a forum Thurs., Nov. 18. 7:30 to ering Town Centre. Santa will visit Club holds its annual fun and boys' and girls' basketball teams and the yearbook club. 427-6208 or bers $70. Registration, 427-4470. 9:30 p.m. at St. Francis de Sales CATHOLIC EDUCATION: The Parish, 72 Church St. S., Pickering Vil- with children in the mail that after- noon. For Info on entering theP•m•, awards night on Mon., Nov. 15, 8 at the Ajax Royal Canadian 985-1570(Steve Schwarz). FLOOR HOCKEY: The Barbara Durham Region Roman Catholic lage. 686-1541, ext. 316 (Kate Hud - Separate School Board invites parade, call Rob Goldsmith at 420- Legion, Hunt St. Slides of European Black Centre for Youth Resources com- son). 9556. gardens will be shown. 683-1463, TUESDAY, seeks teens to play floor hockey BAZAAR: The residents of Bally- NOV. 16 every Wed. from 3:30 to 5 p.m. All cliffe Lodge, 70 Station St., Ajax, DISCUSSION GROUP: The Tues- equipment supplied, no charge, hold their annual Christmas bazaar day Morning Discussion Group East Shore Community Centre, 910 I Sat., Nov. 13, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Bak- meets Tues.. Nov. 16. 9:30 a.m., at Liverpool Rd., Pickering. 839-6131. ing, crafts, plants, white elephant, the Ajax Seniors' Friendship Centre, MANUFACTURERS: The Durham raffle, tea room. 683-7321. 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. Robert Region Manufacturers' Association HOLIDAY SALE: The Kappa chap- ter of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority Snetsinger discusses United Empire Loyalists. 686-1573. hosts a breakfast meeting Wed., Nov 17 at 7:30 a.m. at the Victorian SAVE $$$ SAYE $$$ SAVE $$$ holds its holiday show and sale Sat., BONSAI: The Matsuyama Bonsai Garden, 60 Randall Dr., Pickering Nov. 13, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Wex- ford Collegiate. 1 176 Pharmacy Society meets Tues., Nov. 16, 7 p.m.. at the Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Village. The topic is Employment Equity. Members $15, non-members *BAY OR BOW WINDOWS Ave. (north of Lawrence), Scarbor- Oshawa. 683-5135.683-2568. $20. Register. 434-1412. e , CASEMENT WINDOWS ough. Free admission. 839-9805. DOWN'S SYNDROME: The HEAD INJURY: Support groups BAZAAR: Fraser Heights Co-op Durham Down's Syndrome Associa- with the Head Injury Association of { DOUBLE HUNG TH T IN SASH, OPEN holds a Christmas craft bazaar Sat., Nov. 13, 9 a.m, to 4 p.m., at 1 Hay- tion meets Tues.. Nov. 16. 7.30 p.m., at the Whitby Baptist Church, 411 Durham Region meet Wed.. Nov. 17, 7:30 p.m., 459 Bond St. E., FULL LENGTH TOP TO BOTTOM FOR ward Lane, comer of Harwood Ave. Gilbert St. E. Beth Hodgins of the Oshawa. Survivor groups main floor, EASY CLEANING and Clements Rd., Ajax. Crafts, Durham Board of Education will `aik family and caregivers upstairs. 723 -*STANLEY STEEL DOORS baked goods, refreshments. Free on sex education. 579-0187. 2732• admission .'Proceeds to support chil- LA LECHE LEAGUE: The Ajax La MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE: The _ _ _ - * ALUMINUM DOORS - 2 1J4" dren's Christmas party. 686-0506 Leche League meets Tues., Nov. 16, Canadian Institute of Manage- - 7:45 p.m. There will be information ment, Durham Region branch, (CUSTOM SIZE, IF NEEDED) and support for mothers wishing to holds a dinner meeting Wed.. Nov. * WE REPLACE DAMAGED breast-feed. Pregnant women, 17, at Cullen Gardens Restaurant, SUNDAY, NOV. 14 mothers and babies welcome.- Call 300 Taunton Rd. W.. Whitby. Socia- THERMO SEAL WINDOWS GOSPEL CONCERT: A concert of 683-0188 for meeting location. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17 ogist Dr. John Chiarot will speak on '90s. * WE SPECIALIZE IN FRONT traditional gospel music featuring managing stress in the Social the Kiveli family will be held Sun., MS SOCIETY: The Ajax -Pickering hour at 6:30 p.m., dinner at 7:30 PORCH ENCLOSURES Nov 14, 7:30 p.m., at Bums Presby- Multiple Sclerosis Support Group p.m. CIM members and students terian Church. 765 Myrtle Rd. W., meets Wed.. Nov. 17, 7:30 to 9:30 free, general public $25. RSVP at Ashburn. 655-8509. p.m., at the South Pickering Seniors' 434-7669. MONDAY, NOV. 15 Club, 910 Liv Rd. 839-8672. Liverpool SCHIZOPHRENICS: The Ontario - Too Small EMOTIONS: An information night MOMS i TOTS: Wednesday morning volleyball the Pickering Friends of Scnizophrerncs. Durham for Emotions'Anonymous will be at East chapter, meets Wed.. Nov. 17, 7 to TE . held Mon.. Nov. 15, 7:30 p.m., at St. Shore Community Centre, 910 9 p.m , in the auditorium of building Paul's Presbyterian Church, 32 W11- Liverpool Rd. S., from 9 a.m. to 11:15 30 at the Whitby Psychiatric HOSpi- CALL 9 a.m. TO 5 p.m. son Rd. N., Oshawa. Dan at 644- a.m. Co-operative bobysitting with tal, Gordon St. Dr. Fothergill, direc- 5175 (W) or 831-6214 (H), Eileen at Crafts and snacks available. 420- for of STEP at the ho p sital, will MON. TO FRI. 728-5764, or Helen at 723-8179. MUSIC FES: Mon., Nov. 15 Is the 6048 (Virginia). CRAFT DEADLINE: The deadline speak. 404-1301.; THURSDAY, NOV. I$ _ TEL:6.19w1602 deadline to enter the 1994 Picker- to rent a table at a craft show at St. TRADE SHOW: The Ajax -Pickering he d Feb 20 -March 6. Sylla-Metro East Music bi to School, Mary Catholic , Pickering. 1918 Whites Rd., Pick Trade Showade Nov. 18 from 5s Fail 5tto • FAX: 6iq 1603 -----ram----------- I - =1 "Lei I I as i J liq ilk' 19!1 d J riq 1"14 on I I i rt_Wt�&W11;11 1994 TOYOTA TERCEL PURCHASE NOW AND ROYAL BUY BACK 0 WILL GUARANTEE THE VALUE IN 394 OR 5 YEARS WITH ROYAL BAW.BUY BACK OF $3.425 TERCEL i $4,675 COROLLA qiNAli y:u; inuIli If, T� 1994 TOYOTA COROLLA ROYAL BAN K Canada's leader in car loan innovations. •agra.d Trade Mark wRoyal Bank. TOYOTA PAGE 18 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOV IOSER 12, IM NEWS ADVERTISER Of! 1. :W,,� , 5 .. of ,2d. Trojans play bombs away Aerial attack paces Picketing High in DYSSAA victory By AL RIVYrT Sports Reporter AJAX - Pickering High School Trojans senior football team used strong-arm tactics to dispose of the Markham District High School Marauders. The strong arm belonged to Trojans' quarterback Cameron Lee who aired it out to defeat Markham 42-13 in the Durham -York Sec- ondary School Athletic Association (DYSSAA) senior football champi- onship at the Oshawa Civic Stadium K Wednesday after - Innoon. The victory was sweet for Pickering High which last won the DYSSAA title in 1988. More importantly, the Tro- jans earned a trip to the Metro Bowl semi-final game. Pickering will play the St. Michael's College Kerry Blues, the Toronto District Catholic Athletic Association (TT)CAA) champs, at Birchmount Stadium in Scarbor- ough on Monday at 2 pm. Heavily favored in the DYS- SAA championship against the young Markham team, the Trojans dominated as they've done so often this season. However, the strong Pickering ground game played sec- ond fiddle to the aerial attack of Trojans' pivot Lee in this one. Lee, who was named the offen- sive player of the game for the Tro- jars, passed for three touchdowns and more than 170 yards to unseat the defending DYSSAA champi- ons. "Ota football team was known for the tun all season long, but today it was the pass," says Tro- jans' head coach Graham Hiron. "(Lee) was reading the defences. When our main man (fullback Shawn Williams) was covered, he went to our deep man (Kevin) Farde for two of the touchdowns." As finely tuned as the Trojans' offence was, the defence was equally slick. The defensive line, led by defensive MVP Terrance ,ysopped the Markham running attack, while �iWy ng prmure an quarterback Doug Waldron. Meanwhile, the defensive secondary also got in that licks, recording two intercep- doms in the game. After a scoreless first quarter, the Trojans went to work in the second quarter. Defensive back Sean Blewwing's interception put the Pickering offence on the field early in the quarter. On a first - down play at the Markham 33 -yard line, Lee threw a strike to Kevin Forde at the righthand coma of the end zone for the scare. Kicka Rob Horseman booted nue convert. On the next offensive series, Lee hooked up with a wide open 1 orde for a 15 -yard touchdown ;reception. Horstman canvated for .a 14-0 lead. , Markham Marauders ball carrier Brett Moore is thrown to the turf by Pickering Trojans' Terrance Alphonse with help from Dave Dulny during the DYSSAA senior football championship game in Oshawa Wednesday. Trojans won 42-13. Pickering now moves on to the Metro Bowl semi-finals against Toronto St. Michael's College Kent' Blues at Scarborough's Birchmount Stadium on Monday at 2 p.m. An interception by Trojans' Kevin Sylvester put the offence beck on the field in good field po- tion late in the fast hall Again, Lee went to the air, hitting tight end Marty McCarron with a 26 -yard pass, with McCarron fighting his way to the one -yard line. On the next play, Williams barged in from the one for the major. Horstman's convert gave the Trojans a 21-0 half-time lead. Pickering, after a blocked punt by Dave Dulny and Dwayne Spence, scored another touchdown early in the third quarter. Let found McCarron in the end zone on a 21 - yard pass play. Harman's convert, put Pickering in front 280. Markham scored early in the fourth quarter with quarterback Waldron keeping the bell on a two - yard plunge into the end zone. Trojans got that one back on their next offensive series as Lee carried it in from six yards out. photo by Ron Pietroni o Horstman kicked his fifth convert for a 35-7 lead. Williams scored on a six-yard tut far his second touchdown of the day with 26 seconds remaining in the game. Horstman booted his sev- enth consecutive convert for a 42-7 lead. On the final play of the game, Waldron thaw a Hail -Mary pass to receiver Gord Chihon on a kxwh- down play which covered 73 yards to end the scaring. in. e in sixth place, armd`the next BREW YOUR OWN BEER A WIM AT 1/2 THE RETAIL COST [FOR ONE N DERS ELCOME E'LL BREW U. THE ORE" BEER SHOP 1211 Kington Rd wu.t.ah a Urwpoon 9 .1116 PiCkWhg Pickering atoms in top form PICKERING - The Picker- ing Mudhen's major atom 'AA' hockey team maintained its hold on fust place in the Yor k/Sim- coe league with a 7-3 victory over Ajax Monday night- Pickering ightPickering goaltenders Matthew McMullen and Aaron Gray have played a big part in the team's success so far this year. This game, it was McMullen's tum to shine as he faced 26 shots, many from point-blank range. Clint Randolph scored a pair of goals with singles to Jason McCauley, Matt McMullen, Steve Johnson, Michael .Mitchell and Matt Steinke, who u -as called up for the game. Mitchell, Johnson and Steinke chipped in with two assists apiece with one each to Matt Scannell, Matt Peneycad, Matt McMullen and McCauley. The win improved the Mud - hen's record to 10 wins and three lasses. Team members are Jason McCauley, Matt McMullen, David Lewis, James Follett, Sean Sadler, Matt Peneycad, Michael Mitchell, Steve John- son, Clint Randolph, Mau Scan- nell, Paul Cane, Michael Van SantvoorL Cameron Spencer, Aaron Gray and Matthew McMullen. The coaching staff is Doug Cane, Kat Reid and Don Cameron. John Randolph is the team's manager. Papp's nip Seaton AJAX-PICKERM - Close games marked Lakeshore Ladies' Ringene League action last week. Papp's got past Seaton Golf dt Country Club 6-5 in a game on Oct 24. Sandra Cohen and Stacey Pappas scored two goals each for Papp's with singles to Sharon Searle and Michele Jade soh. Drawing assists were Cohen with two, Pappas, Jackson, Lenore Pearson and Jackie Batho each with ane. Diane Pioeto and Terri Mullins notched two goals apiece for Seaton. Marlene Pisani added one. Pisani, Pioeto, Mullins, Pam Johnston and Karen Piece all had one assist Sapphire Bar di: Grill outlast- ed the Ajax Angels 74 in a !dam played Oct. 28. Sherlyn Poland was the big gunner for the Sapphires with three goals. Cathy Fertile scored twice with singles to Wilma LaRochelle and Sue Westlake. Westlake and Fertile added two assists, while Poland chipped in with a single helper. Anja Rosati scored twice for the Angels, with one goal each to Janet Quinn and Michelfine Viau. Norma Ainsworth had an assist. : � i 1 Dunbarton High School Spartans' Mike Slean gets set for the vol- ley, while a Whitby Anderson Collegiate player goes up for the block during senior boys' action at the LOSSA volleyball champi- onships at Anderson Wednesday night. Dunbarton became the LOSSA champs after defeating Anderson 15-8,15-6. photo by A.J. Groen THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMNIM 12,1!!li-PAGE 19 SeniorprevaiS artions l -Ip for LOSSA volleyball DICKERING - There was some dropping the LOSSA title. Eastdale good news and bad news for Dun- won 15-11,8-15,15-2. Barton High School at the LOSSA In previous LOSSA playoff boys' volleyball championships in action, the senior Spartans defeated Whitby Why tight. Bowmanville High School in the The bad news is the Spartans, quarter -finals 15-5, 15-6. In the who had teams competing in each semi-finals, Dunbarton defeated of the Lake Ontario Secondary Pickering High School 15-8, 15-11. School Athletics (LOSSA) midget, The Dunbarton juniors defeated junior and senior boys' champi- Whitby's Father Leo Austin school onship games, managed only one 15-1, 15-2 in the LOSSA quarter - title to show for their efforts. (mals to move into the semi-finals The good news is that all three against Anderson. Dunbarton won Dunbarton squads still have a this match 15-6,15-3. chance to turn the tables at the Meanwhile, the Spartans' midget Durham -York Secondary School boys' squad defeated Oshawa Paul Athletic Association (DYSSAA) Dwyer in the quarter -finals 15-12, championships atPickering High school on Thursday. The Spartans senior boys', a force on the LOSSA scene this year, easily won the LOSSA title, posting a 2-0 victory over the host Anderson Collegiate Raiders 15-8, 15-6. Tice senior Spartans are current- ly ranked number two in the province, behind top-ranked Forest Heights school of Kitchener. The Spartans finished first in the LOSSA standings this season, and also have won four tournament championships . Meanwhile, the junior Spartans were defeated by Whitby's Henry Street High School for the LOSSA title in straight games, 15-11, 15- 10. The Dunbarton midget team took the Oshawa Eastdale Colle- giate Eagles to a third set before Dolphins football p squad advances to league championship AJAX-PICKERING - The Ajax/Pickering Dol- game, the Dolphins put the finishing touches on the phins peewee football teams was the only one of four win as Carlos Simon pounced on a loose ball after Dolphins squads to advance to the Central Ontario North York fumbled in the end zone. Minor Football Association finals. Excellent efforts were turned in by the defence. The peewee Dolphins dumped the North York Andrew Christie and Jayson Stirrup led the way Bandits 24-10 last Sunday 6o set up their appearance with help from Ryan Milanivich, Kyle Stafford and in the league championship game against the Mike Palachuk. Markham Raiders at Nelson Stadium in Burlington Meanwhile, in the tyke semi-final, the Dolphins this Sunday. Game time is 2 p.m. tykes were blanked by Scarborough North 7-0 on The Dolphins poewees opened the game with a Sunday. touchdown by Paul Sam who spun around several The atom Dolphins lost in the semi-final match tacklers into the end zone for the major. to the Oshawa Hawkeyes 36-8. Later, Dave Shore caught a 40 -yard pass from And, the Dolphins bantams also lost their semi- quaterbeak Brandon Boise and ran 30 mora yards final contest, falling to the Scarborough Thunder by for the touchdown. With 45 seconds left in the a 241 score on Sunday. Ajax ringette petites pot pair of wins 16-14 and beat Anderson in the semi-finals 15-12,14-16,15-12. The two LOSSA representatives in each category will play the top two teams from York Region at the DYSSAA Boys' Volleyball Cham- pionships on Nov. 18. Semi-final action in the midget, junior and senior categories will be played in the morning, with the tide games in the afternoon. If the senior Spartans prevail at DYSSAA, they'll compete at the Ontario Federation of Schools Ath- letic Association (OFSAA) Volley- ball Championship in London, Ontario Nov. 25 to 27. Read the News Advertiser three times every week BAY RIDGES FLORISTS INC. 1215 BAYLY STREET (IGA PLAZ.A),- PICKERING Let us help you snake the right selection from our wide choice of: • ARRANGE.ME.NTS • PIAIN'IERS • BALLOON ARRANGEMENTS • GTFr BASKE'T'S `� Cash & Carry Specials M� November '93 '' & ORA. FRAGRANT FIFESLIS 6• F(Yr�Q1NS � ONLY S9" �Z Beautiful Dolours � . tte"larr $15.00 ONLY$5" J 1NI GRNA710NS mm � v DAerfs C" na 6 e.,uu�ou $" to awe ,A, it na a anis .` s» soar. aOh1Y S • FOR QUALITY, VALUE & SERVICE PHoNE 839-2949 ` Phone orders acc accepted on art DAILY DELIVERIES Hafor cs FROM OSHAWA TO OAKN-ILUE WE'RE MORE THAN JUST A 0 s n AIAX - The Ajax Sokolows- opponents en route to a 7-3 win. Anne Forsythe with three ki Trucking petite `A' ringette Karla Romphf and Comeau assists, Faux with two and one OPEN EVERY SUNDAY team canned a pair of victories each notched a hat trick, with each from I Noonan, Cal - in recent Central Ontario Arnold adding a single. Play- houn, Mroz, Munro, Smith, . Free Admission Ringette League action, making was provided by Kelly Comeau and Romphf. • F" Parkkw for 4800 cars • Over 500 vendors In its home opener, Ajax AJAX SPARTANS MINOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION q . SUNDAY DOOR CRASHER SPECIAL Posted a 4-2 win over Picker- H, ing. The defensive unit of Laura Managers required for Ajax Rep. baseball " Calhoun. Beth a Hostess - Frito Lay Soka�olow�iiaZ teams in 1994. The teams include Minor N : Potato Chi S ALL VARIETIES and Am Derry Mosquito, Mayor Mosquito, Minor Peewee,,. p 17 held the strong Major Peewee, Bantam, Midget, Juvenile and " Lunch Box Snack Pickering nce in offence Junior Divisions. Also required are managers W. 16 gram (pkg. of 12) o" check, while for the T Ball select and Rookie ball select q n e t m i n d C r teams. Interested parties are to apply in ": Jamie Lynn et tie PickefingFlea Market Casscus made Maw out- writing only before December 15,1993 to: standing saves to record the AJAX SPARTANS MINOR ASSOCIATION INC. N win. "' Fut Size Carnival Most Sundays Kristine Arnold fired two P.O. BOX 31 Vast array of products * Famter's Market unassisted goals, with singles AJAX, ONTARIO ��� from Lindsa Munro and " from Indoor Flea Market in Notch America Colleen Faux. Heather Smith LIS 3C2� �l.<N METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE and Shannon Comm contribut- ATTN: MR. NORM SMITH � Brock Rd. &401 *Pickering, ONT. ed assists. REP. TEAM CONVENOR Ptaviiag ii --Vendor Inguiries (905) 427-0744 ' Yr.f'•,..•, ;'...,.'r'�.-.�..:r'��4-t+.+�r.,.._..�..,r,••rr�:i,-�.,,.. !rtMW►'Li`=;., �+�a�-Mv�t+� w�,M;.�t: :�� S„aca`�'Pt►lhtf R. ,Sj' .3�<•-.t. orf JY'' ISA f. qtr : � i 1 Dunbarton High School Spartans' Mike Slean gets set for the vol- ley, while a Whitby Anderson Collegiate player goes up for the block during senior boys' action at the LOSSA volleyball champi- onships at Anderson Wednesday night. Dunbarton became the LOSSA champs after defeating Anderson 15-8,15-6. photo by A.J. Groen THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMNIM 12,1!!li-PAGE 19 SeniorprevaiS artions l -Ip for LOSSA volleyball DICKERING - There was some dropping the LOSSA title. Eastdale good news and bad news for Dun- won 15-11,8-15,15-2. Barton High School at the LOSSA In previous LOSSA playoff boys' volleyball championships in action, the senior Spartans defeated Whitby Why tight. Bowmanville High School in the The bad news is the Spartans, quarter -finals 15-5, 15-6. In the who had teams competing in each semi-finals, Dunbarton defeated of the Lake Ontario Secondary Pickering High School 15-8, 15-11. School Athletics (LOSSA) midget, The Dunbarton juniors defeated junior and senior boys' champi- Whitby's Father Leo Austin school onship games, managed only one 15-1, 15-2 in the LOSSA quarter - title to show for their efforts. (mals to move into the semi-finals The good news is that all three against Anderson. Dunbarton won Dunbarton squads still have a this match 15-6,15-3. chance to turn the tables at the Meanwhile, the Spartans' midget Durham -York Secondary School boys' squad defeated Oshawa Paul Athletic Association (DYSSAA) Dwyer in the quarter -finals 15-12, championships atPickering High school on Thursday. The Spartans senior boys', a force on the LOSSA scene this year, easily won the LOSSA title, posting a 2-0 victory over the host Anderson Collegiate Raiders 15-8, 15-6. Tice senior Spartans are current- ly ranked number two in the province, behind top-ranked Forest Heights school of Kitchener. The Spartans finished first in the LOSSA standings this season, and also have won four tournament championships . Meanwhile, the junior Spartans were defeated by Whitby's Henry Street High School for the LOSSA title in straight games, 15-11, 15- 10. The Dunbarton midget team took the Oshawa Eastdale Colle- giate Eagles to a third set before Dolphins football p squad advances to league championship AJAX-PICKERING - The Ajax/Pickering Dol- game, the Dolphins put the finishing touches on the phins peewee football teams was the only one of four win as Carlos Simon pounced on a loose ball after Dolphins squads to advance to the Central Ontario North York fumbled in the end zone. Minor Football Association finals. Excellent efforts were turned in by the defence. The peewee Dolphins dumped the North York Andrew Christie and Jayson Stirrup led the way Bandits 24-10 last Sunday 6o set up their appearance with help from Ryan Milanivich, Kyle Stafford and in the league championship game against the Mike Palachuk. Markham Raiders at Nelson Stadium in Burlington Meanwhile, in the tyke semi-final, the Dolphins this Sunday. Game time is 2 p.m. tykes were blanked by Scarborough North 7-0 on The Dolphins poewees opened the game with a Sunday. touchdown by Paul Sam who spun around several The atom Dolphins lost in the semi-final match tacklers into the end zone for the major. to the Oshawa Hawkeyes 36-8. Later, Dave Shore caught a 40 -yard pass from And, the Dolphins bantams also lost their semi- quaterbeak Brandon Boise and ran 30 mora yards final contest, falling to the Scarborough Thunder by for the touchdown. With 45 seconds left in the a 241 score on Sunday. Ajax ringette petites pot pair of wins 16-14 and beat Anderson in the semi-finals 15-12,14-16,15-12. The two LOSSA representatives in each category will play the top two teams from York Region at the DYSSAA Boys' Volleyball Cham- pionships on Nov. 18. Semi-final action in the midget, junior and senior categories will be played in the morning, with the tide games in the afternoon. If the senior Spartans prevail at DYSSAA, they'll compete at the Ontario Federation of Schools Ath- letic Association (OFSAA) Volley- ball Championship in London, Ontario Nov. 25 to 27. Read the News Advertiser three times every week BAY RIDGES FLORISTS INC. 1215 BAYLY STREET (IGA PLAZ.A),- PICKERING Let us help you snake the right selection from our wide choice of: • ARRANGE.ME.NTS • PIAIN'IERS • BALLOON ARRANGEMENTS • GTFr BASKE'T'S `� Cash & Carry Specials M� November '93 '' & ORA. FRAGRANT FIFESLIS 6• F(Yr�Q1NS � ONLY S9" �Z Beautiful Dolours � . tte"larr $15.00 ONLY$5" J 1NI GRNA710NS mm � v DAerfs C" na 6 e.,uu�ou $" to awe ,A, it na a anis .` s» soar. aOh1Y S • FOR QUALITY, VALUE & SERVICE PHoNE 839-2949 ` Phone orders acc accepted on art DAILY DELIVERIES Hafor cs FROM OSHAWA TO OAKN-ILUE WE'RE MORE THAN JUST A 0 s n AIAX - The Ajax Sokolows- opponents en route to a 7-3 win. Anne Forsythe with three ki Trucking petite `A' ringette Karla Romphf and Comeau assists, Faux with two and one OPEN EVERY SUNDAY team canned a pair of victories each notched a hat trick, with each from I Noonan, Cal - in recent Central Ontario Arnold adding a single. Play- houn, Mroz, Munro, Smith, . Free Admission Ringette League action, making was provided by Kelly Comeau and Romphf. • F" Parkkw for 4800 cars • Over 500 vendors In its home opener, Ajax AJAX SPARTANS MINOR BASEBALL ASSOCIATION q . SUNDAY DOOR CRASHER SPECIAL Posted a 4-2 win over Picker- H, ing. The defensive unit of Laura Managers required for Ajax Rep. baseball " Calhoun. Beth a Hostess - Frito Lay Soka�olow�iiaZ teams in 1994. The teams include Minor N : Potato Chi S ALL VARIETIES and Am Derry Mosquito, Mayor Mosquito, Minor Peewee,,. p 17 held the strong Major Peewee, Bantam, Midget, Juvenile and " Lunch Box Snack Pickering nce in offence Junior Divisions. Also required are managers W. 16 gram (pkg. of 12) o" check, while for the T Ball select and Rookie ball select q n e t m i n d C r teams. Interested parties are to apply in ": Jamie Lynn et tie PickefingFlea Market Casscus made Maw out- writing only before December 15,1993 to: standing saves to record the AJAX SPARTANS MINOR ASSOCIATION INC. N win. "' Fut Size Carnival Most Sundays Kristine Arnold fired two P.O. BOX 31 Vast array of products * Famter's Market unassisted goals, with singles AJAX, ONTARIO ��� from Lindsa Munro and " from Indoor Flea Market in Notch America Colleen Faux. Heather Smith LIS 3C2� �l.<N METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE and Shannon Comm contribut- ATTN: MR. NORM SMITH � Brock Rd. &401 *Pickering, ONT. ed assists. REP. TEAM CONVENOR Ptaviiag ii --Vendor Inguiries (905) 427-0744 ' Yr.f'•,..•, ;'...,.'r'�.-.�..:r'��4-t+.+�r.,.._..�..,r,••rr�:i,-�.,,.. !rtMW►'Li`=;., �+�a�-Mv�t+� w�,M;.�t: :�� S„aca`�'Pt►lhtf R. ,Sj' .3�<•-.t. 1 • \ N11LIMllI 101r .'`.. - - .�y�., t'^s-w,»• .: 5,-✓_ �"ftn a -t.. 'i'i'i~ n / V N ' x`'�'" .. .. a $10,988 $11 488' s — *�.? 9 • 20 388 1 ®�_~ .IL ® ' � ® - � - --_--- -- fig, w — *• 1 r • Y( ., S' 1993 DEMO DEALS 1993 ACCORD �: • • 1993 ACCORD . . 993 ACCORD * WAGON EXR Lam. a SEDAN EX a WAGON EXR wo , w player A:, base ca„ Root rad, Co babe. c2t t : = 0 • s • : player, Aub. cm 4 :23,698 .:: 17,988 , .:: $23,688 { - _ 'A • • • 111 1993 ACCORD • • a 1993 ACCORD - *Si S.E. SEDAN LX SEDAN LX Auto., air, cobah 1 -,.r- Leather, baled, *' 4 blue. 0221 cassions. C261 a CSS 7 s17,988 ..'.' 288 ; 4 ,f � _ a -c. ..%a 1. .Fi. `" lP -�. "-*' •-y.•yh.=. 5.�__. . ^•S-, F+�'�K-. scs rs� ` ?^^ -^r c . SELECTION PLUS" PRE -OWNED HONDAS 7ti 1993 O 1992 1991 i Metro East Convention Centre 4 IWE ARE HERE* MR HoN aA .� NEW •PLUS PDI. FREIGHT. TAXES 8 GAS + L'C. HIGHWAY 401 & BROCK ROAD SOUTH n P'aE-0ti'r"'ED • D'c"^ c:! IS FREIGHT TAXE45 . LIC a - 970 BROCK R _4D 1990 Call the Honda Hotline 831.5400 1.800.563.6662 V A C Rome - beckons It's a great opportunity to visit Italy now that the frenetic tourist season is over — Trafalgar tour offers a unique opportunity to experience 11 days of Italian win- ter magic for only $1,2999 per per- son, including air fare from Toronto with Canadian Airlines. How about the weather? South- ern Italy's temperature is usually around 60 degrees — cooler in Rome — which is great for sight- seeing, shopping for Florentine leather and gold, and leisurely win- ing and dining. Space is still available from November through to March, with a special extra section for March Break departing from Toronto on the evening of Thursday, March 10, 1994. Spend two nights in Rome with the Forum, Colosseum and St. Peter's Basilica highlighted on the morning tour. It's followed by two nights in Florence with its rich cul- ture. Then on to Venice via Verona, with tours included on the canals by private boat, plus a visit to a glass-blowing factory. The next day, you head south to Assisi and unforgettable St. Francis' Basilica. Sorrento is the next desti- nation. En route, there is an option- al visit to Pompeii and a chance to visit the Isle of Capri and the Blue Grotto before heading back for the last night in Rome. The price includes four-star hotel accommodation all the way, continental breakfast with juice and cereal, four three -course dinners, all hotel service charges and taxes, baggage handling and hotel tips. Touring is by luxury air-condi- tioned coaches with reclining seats; a professional, multi-lingual tour director throughout the tour: specialized local guides in Flo- rence and Rome; plus return air fare. The trip would be a great Christ. mas gift for the whole family, giving them a chance to marvel at St. Peter's Square and toss your coin in the Trevi Fountain. For more information, call Val Marshall Travel at 428-1328. First Pickering TRAVEL CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO "A NIGHT OF TRAVEL" Tuesday, November 16th, 6:30-9:30 p.m. at the Victorian Garden 60 Randal Drive, Pickering Village Join us for a fun evening and learn about where you can take your next vacation, and how to make the most it, from Guest Speakers. Destinations covered include: • -Caribbean holidays - • Florida destinations • Costa Rica • Cruises is Ski vacations Refreshments provided! . Door prizes! RSVP 8311-5 1 32 limited seating AirCanada * Vacations Canadion Holidays wFiesta Stma t THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, IM -PAGE 21 T = • VA L 740199 ONTARIO LTD O/A MA R S H A L L TRAVEL "SERVICE IS OUR SPECIALTY" "DISCOVER TRAFALGAR'S" ITALY 11 day tour with departures from November 93 to March 94 (The BARGAIN months) $1 299 from ' p.p. (includes airfare) Featuring: ROME, SIENA, FLORENCE, VERONA, VENICE, SAN MARINO & ASSISI CALL TODAY FAX: 428-8670 428-1328 Ont Rea No 27AIA7A AIM I ACT FAST • THESE ARE SUPER DEALS! PUERTO VALLARTA Departs Mondays / 1 week Nov. 22, 29, Dec. 6,13 Ramada Vallarta $ 9 standard room 43 WAS $499 / SAVE $120 PER COUPLE Ramada Vallarta 1469 suite WAS $529 / SAVE $120 PER COUPLE Playa De Oro A111 -Inclusive 1579 (3 meals & drinks) WAS $639 / SAVE $120 PER COUPLE n Tropicana $399 standard room WAS $4191 SAVE $40 PER COUPLE Tropicana $419 ocean view WAS $439 / SAVE S40 PER COUPLE Sheraton Buganvillas standard room WAS $589 / SAVE $40 PER COUPLE Prices shown are for departures from Toronto via Air Transat and apply to new bookings only. EXPECT MORE FROM SEARS • Sears Travel Guarantee • Sears Club and AIR MILES' Reward Program — Earn points for just about any product or service we otter, including travel. Joining is free! • Purchase Voyageur Insurance and regular American Express Travelers Cheques wilt no service fee, and diairge them on your Sears Card • Al travel arrangements can be cl arged on your Sears Card • Receive a Complimentary `Tuck -Away" travel bag. (Some resin IMS appy to ft above - ditb at Sws Travel Sam) Pickering Town Centre 420-7600 4 PROTECT YOUR VACATION . • ' ION WITH VOYAGEUR TRAVEL INSURANCE — WE RECOMMEND R! Prices and dates shown are those available at advertising deadlines and are subject to being sold out or change and to a surcharge by the operator without notice. Prices may vary depending upon date of travel, accommodation selected and are per person based on double occupancy unless otherwise stated. Terms and conditions applicable to these offerings are those detailed in the suppliers brochure(s). Prices shown do not include any applicable taxes. G.S.T. surcharges, and/or service charge, or any items of a personal nature, unless specified. This offer may not be valid in conjunction with any other discount or incentive offered by either Sears Travel or its supplier(s). O Copyright. 1993 Sears Canada Inc. Any reproduction without the written consent of Sears Canada Inc is prohibited. NOTICE TO TRAVELLERS Travellers should be aware that different living standards and practices and different standards and conditions with respect to the provision of utilities, services and accommodations may exist outside of Canada. Sears Canada Inc. d.b.a. Sears Travel Service. Ont. Reg. #2264141 '"AIR MILES International Holdings N.V. Authorized User Sears Canada Inc. CINE A - Mw un . ,pct more fpm Sears , THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, IM -PAGE 21 T = • VA L 740199 ONTARIO LTD O/A MA R S H A L L TRAVEL "SERVICE IS OUR SPECIALTY" "DISCOVER TRAFALGAR'S" ITALY 11 day tour with departures from November 93 to March 94 (The BARGAIN months) $1 299 from ' p.p. (includes airfare) Featuring: ROME, SIENA, FLORENCE, VERONA, VENICE, SAN MARINO & ASSISI CALL TODAY FAX: 428-8670 428-1328 Ont Rea No 27AIA7A AIM I ACT FAST • THESE ARE SUPER DEALS! PUERTO VALLARTA Departs Mondays / 1 week Nov. 22, 29, Dec. 6,13 Ramada Vallarta $ 9 standard room 43 WAS $499 / SAVE $120 PER COUPLE Ramada Vallarta 1469 suite WAS $529 / SAVE $120 PER COUPLE Playa De Oro A111 -Inclusive 1579 (3 meals & drinks) WAS $639 / SAVE $120 PER COUPLE n Tropicana $399 standard room WAS $4191 SAVE $40 PER COUPLE Tropicana $419 ocean view WAS $439 / SAVE S40 PER COUPLE Sheraton Buganvillas standard room WAS $589 / SAVE $40 PER COUPLE Prices shown are for departures from Toronto via Air Transat and apply to new bookings only. EXPECT MORE FROM SEARS • Sears Travel Guarantee • Sears Club and AIR MILES' Reward Program — Earn points for just about any product or service we otter, including travel. Joining is free! • Purchase Voyageur Insurance and regular American Express Travelers Cheques wilt no service fee, and diairge them on your Sears Card • Al travel arrangements can be cl arged on your Sears Card • Receive a Complimentary `Tuck -Away" travel bag. (Some resin IMS appy to ft above - ditb at Sws Travel Sam) Pickering Town Centre 420-7600 4 PROTECT YOUR VACATION . • ' ION WITH VOYAGEUR TRAVEL INSURANCE — WE RECOMMEND R! Prices and dates shown are those available at advertising deadlines and are subject to being sold out or change and to a surcharge by the operator without notice. Prices may vary depending upon date of travel, accommodation selected and are per person based on double occupancy unless otherwise stated. Terms and conditions applicable to these offerings are those detailed in the suppliers brochure(s). Prices shown do not include any applicable taxes. G.S.T. surcharges, and/or service charge, or any items of a personal nature, unless specified. This offer may not be valid in conjunction with any other discount or incentive offered by either Sears Travel or its supplier(s). O Copyright. 1993 Sears Canada Inc. Any reproduction without the written consent of Sears Canada Inc is prohibited. NOTICE TO TRAVELLERS Travellers should be aware that different living standards and practices and different standards and conditions with respect to the provision of utilities, services and accommodations may exist outside of Canada. Sears Canada Inc. d.b.a. Sears Travel Service. Ont. Reg. #2264141 '"AIR MILES International Holdings N.V. Authorized User Sears Canada Inc. CINE A - Mw un . ,pct more fpm Sears , PAGE 22 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. %OVEMBER 12.1"3 VACATION I Varadero beaches challenge world's best The beaches of Varadero ear: challenge the best in the world. and there's 20 kilometres of white powdery sand to prove if Add to that the typical Caribbean turquoise. blues and greens and you have the rea- son why thousands of Canadi- ans have made Varadero their top choice and many Euro- peans top -less. This Is the most sophisticat- ed resort area In Cuba and It has become even more attrac- tive wl(n the opening of Euro- pean hotels. Introducing superb accommodations, general ser- vices and facilities Varadero also offers an inter- esting variety of delightful restaurants, ranging from pleas- ant beachslde places such as Mia Cid to the colonial splen- dour of Las Americas Scuba divers will find them- selves in underwater heaven, with a choice of 23 dive sites. On land, you can rent every- thing from a bicycle to a car of jeep and explore the varied countryside. "Intur" shops are located in many hotels and commercial centres. Take home some world-famous Havana cigars. Cuban rum. jewellery and local arts and crafts Every January, Varadero cel- ebrates its "Carnival" -- four weeks of festive music. parades, dancing and excite- ment. Visitors can watch and par- ticipate in the colorful floats. dance along with the musicians. or sample Cuban food and drink Excitement spills into the streets, with locals and vaca- tioners alike joining in the fun, For more information, call Intra Travel at 619-2012. Fighting jet tag When you're on vacation, the last thing you want to experience is let lag But jet lag is preventable Here are a few hints - Try to start the time change before departure by gradually shifting meal and sleep times to fit the new time zone. - Adopt local time and routines Immediately upon arrival. Talk to your doctor about possibly using a Short-acting sleep medica- tion that may take care of your nighttime insomnia while you adjust - Don't overeat or drink alcohol before or during flights. - On the plane, drink plenty of water and juices (The pressurized air on the plane tends to dehydrate passengers. making it more difficult for body rhythms to adjust . ) - On the first few days after arrival, take walks out- doors to help reset your bio- logical clocks to function in the new environment. - WILDWOOD TRAVEL, "GET THE Y05i OUT OF YOUR HOLIDAY" CALL MARY HAMILTON DYNES YOUR LOCAL CORRESPONDEt1f (416)2238111 1{800) 461.8t11 oil :I 3.y Us ► l 1 17A k Fill 1. With a Touch Tone phone call 1-416- 976-0999 to browse ads or respond to ads. Be sure to make a note of the mail box numbers at the end of each ad, and follow instructions by the computer. A charge of $1.99 per minute will apply. you can respond to ads 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2. If you need help, call toll free 1-800- 667-6083 between noon and 11 p.m. A' ^e w !e•,:r0 --Qt c -. _ -r,s en canal to Ire nt all se,a a 'Cao 08 1081 (0SHI ,lame fit the Burl,. l BARTERLINE. Cotaw 3 tiedrocris or anal to Tram S'0C P,us hydro serviced road OB 2122 JOSH) WANTED. louse Ic'old respor S, - a =ca,nae wanr !a pav SeOC- in Ata. P,cxenng area OB 2124 (AJAI TW C Cea coin oasemem apart n•e-' =.•gale entrance a,,&Abie T^ed atlI 5'00 OB 2125 1 PIC BASEMENT „caronem one bed •xr- S5r, ;ices -mows 08 2126 (OSH) HOUSE '0l ren? 3 • 1 bedfooms backs on is schoa' lanced 'ard se, d*tacred 5' 100mon!h plus sures OB 2121 fWHI M.k,U`ES `or- 4e • one nea•xm, case-*nl apanmwnt pets n600. liable aundry faalres parking sva-ati• S45C first fast 09 2130 (OSH I P v,:rccrt vt Mir larlt)id4ic, ( x BANMRLINE. 5 GNS � � •. sleeve a•aw a..Anlrvrano 4"1 'or ow000, signs OB 3146 WEDDING less size %-A,' T, 0 a.d S'21c .viii set to S65C OB 3253 WEIGHT css. a must- En«gv a •,aec ;good Million assured on .nrs '0C Per, Cent natural program 08 3270 FULL capacity GE rn,crowaire and stano excellent cowd,hon OB 3442 I OSH) EATON .. mg 'uu size wasn*r AnC dry« 6 vets young Asking 54M 1c,'hir par Oil 35M -PIC) BEDROOM sure f:v* p e:ss Clark pine win" singe mattress set excellent =, ton 5495 00 rmm 083511 (PIC) KITCHEN ''able and Chan, good conaxipn S20C 00 o b c Two 1C speed bcvcws moo *act, OB 3512 (PIC) PRe1TER pans Epsom 'ohruba BM Po amd st*pp*t motors pillow roads Control pariets CW. sleet leaders sic 08 3514 (PIC) SILVER -BLACK 3 piece hying room sun* paid S1 600 asking St 100 or best offer 6 months old OB 3535 LOSE triches and reduce appear ante of ukum* waft herbal it" - menti Contains no Caffeine or preswyativse OB 3539 (DISH) WANTEDr Used hockey equip - "vers! in good condition for a r&W yeacld boy. must be reaspyab►y, priced 09 3540 JOSH) APARTMENT sue stackable washer, and dryer lot sal* 5450 o b o Very good condition 08 3$41 (OSM) G.E. fridge and self-cleaning stove Inglis washer and dryer 5200 each 08 3642 (AJA) KENMORE range Havess Gold. esceft t condition S10D or beer offer 09 5643 (WN) FULL sire baby stroller. S30 Chrome Curtis table and char se.S1So 003S44(COO) KING sire waterbed. sem,- 5'25 c• Des' one' Ce 3545 I OSH) .lvING•7Cm se'. black Cold also ,fl" i- end tables tin tena,m '-en1 centre very aood Condition -:ice ne"abie 06 3546 (WHI) 2001 York exe•c'se macn,ne will, pec -neck Sloe 08 3S47 (AJA) BLACK ealhe' t,.e lacke' S75 ages �tner pants s:e t3 S50 best offer OB 3549 JOSH) WANTEDCn,•s' a^ took J,svlbu- -•s '_ s^.ve n a lite- changing -Jstnlus. books 'apes etc 06 3558 (OSH) COUNTRY K 1'e" plate collet- - Ce^' Cates of authen t,cdy -ciud*d 6 of 8 plates St5 each CB 3562 JOSH) BODY -lo ­d mq set worm 5300 4si q 5'99 'w^ hCme stereo speakers S94 083567(FMC) LARGE ^ine piece dm nc •Com su,,e walnut hutch and bunts ' x 7. six C•a�n two captains Best offer, 08 3568 (OSH) SUNBEAM 'ood prpcessmc sys- ter -ew s110n01 $100 also natural and organic health beautv and cbanng products cat for free consultation 08 3572 JOSH'. ROBERT Balemar km4ed edition Bu' Moose Chanenge- framed S1 ox o, best offer 08 3573 1 BOW, SIX De-scr Beachcomber spa 1 5 pu'np imsuialed cover Pius one veal suppN of chemicafs 08 35741 OSH) LIVING •ciom setincludes couCh bv6soat clan foot stool. comes and site tables cabinet all for S40C 063STS(AJAI .ARGE 1,ee:w 2' cubo R per 'ac' wc•k -q _cndrlrow 5200 0• nest owe, oe 3578 (WH' LOOKING 'or used day oed •sa- snnat a p• Co with all the " m -Inas in good shape OB 3577 3SH) DRILL p'ess floor model third -c•sepcwer S300 firm OB 3579 SM) KELVINATOR '..a sire CO cream deet "eii a '0r a store 5 veal new Sax o, best Color 06 3579 (A -A APARTMENT we stacking wait" e• "C o'.e• 0.:0110.1 work'ng Condoic,• 5350 0, best offer 08 35K tAJA Find ,,r ItJJC ihil hard it, firxl antic Ic. I %e SARTERUNE. GUITAR '2-s'-; acoustc Fendi 5225 Spark 0 -Mani Al Alli casswite and 2 speakers S'SC die n6. 08 3541 (PIC) VIKING sung machine for S75 c t c OB 3592 JOSH) SUPER single walwted good condition $125 or will hada to, double bed in good condition OB 3544 (AJA) ORGAN for CMtslmas. Thomas Contra Phase II. 5650 0 D o OB 3M JOSH) A Child Blessing plate coYdwm. ce,ldicales of autherlrAv includ- ed 5 of 7 plates. S45 eaeh OB 3$K (OSH) PUPPIES. 2 Chow -Chow 5 .oaks 51,000 CKC micro Chip ID 08 3547 (NEW) ANIT10UES: mik erns S45 van- ety of bollors medicinesodas. inkwells S2 and up 08 3S6$ JOSH) YAMAHA PSR -150 electronic keyboard with stand and adapter 10 months old. 5225 08 360111 TYROLLA 190 ski. M26 Marker bindings. Alpena MS 810 adjustable boas. sae 8 1/2. 2 years. S2SO 08 35M (0514) TASTE nature's bee. We, sweet apple cider, from yourself to a reheshng tarty e:pl rwtce. 09 3503 JOSH) HUMIDIFIER, As". Boa model hurrddisr, woodgiran, used oro season, S75 or best offer 08 35M (BOW) FIRST PRIZE: Calvin Thompson SECOND PRIZE: Rosemary Leetch THIRD PRIZE: Mrs. Rattray "Bartering whose time WEDDING -as damrrd sr '^ ra�•e b"da' set 5500 Wedd'mg dress write Princess Anne sivke. sze9oC 5150 OB3595(80W) WEDDING d,ess s re P 10 Id iena"' sc Aclnti straps dress and lackei paid 5650 - best offer OB 3597 (PIC) INGLIS dryersuper capacity. exce,ent condition asking 5225 Small Iree:er. $125 OB 3598 (OSH) Ads will only appear a minimum of 2 editions per week. At the end of the week phone 1.800.667-6083 to renew if required. Please note: ads that do not have a voice mail- box will be deleted. INGLIS was^e• a-: '-,a' ;:x condition SIM OWNS' 50 par or best offer 0835M IAJA) FOUND 50 pound Chihuahua waddling down country road Dog lags reap -Tin.; Plea" respond 0 ew µK ~ dog 08 3900 HANDMADE Xmas P,16 cone •reams 'cr sale $20 each or olio^ange for other crafts OB 3601 (PICT TWO 9rw Java World Series lick- ofs 711 game collector s items Male w pmw 08 3607 (Mfwl RED bubble gum macr me with Phone and cast „On base S75 O b o Oe 394 JOSH) LARGE l,gh' blue used CCM hccke. bag side pockets for "es and two end pouches lot a cliewes 06 3612 ") W E DD#4G dress s,: e '2 straight S. " ae!achabia train. pard S' DOC asking $500 OB 3613 JOSH) PUPPY. eignt week old t6maw. abrado, Shepherd cross. most adorable puppy I 'he .0•,d 5100 08 3614 (OSH) Tradc that litiat fix a vMiw awhine or that crlinwmadtinc fox a viloAhlower. Use SARTENUM. IM G S 650 G Suzuki. into - night blue ". No~l condi- Jon asking $1.200 08 4057 JOSH) SCOOTER 1965 Honda Elite 3.000 km. medirkt^ Al. SOW of trade for a rower 14 h alu- m mum boat 09 406$ (AIA) 111$5 Ford Tempo SSW as is or beef offer OB 4155 JOSH) 1KS Ford Tempo. 540ssd, good cored. used daily. $$00 an w at bee tiller 08 4156 JOSH) 1961 Mustang. bolos like boas, new stereo, speakers. tree and radiata. V-6 3.8 Mack wish ba. 52.900 cm. OB 4157 (AJN 1978 Grand Marquis, Florida car. fully loaded. 52,000.00. 1982 No (wk. 650oc. bass dear. (6 11171' Chew Blazer from end. 350. transmission, trarnder case, fuel tank cap and mow. ler pane. 09 4201 SUZUKI 1$!10 RM 60, liquid cooled. many now pans, excellent toridddn S1,200 obo. 08 4245 (MM) 1K6 Buck Century must be seen. very good running condition, owner must sell 5000 08 4246 19* 1 Ford E350 cubs van, pmpar powered. orb side over- head door, and rear door. 40.000 W at S14.500 or bee oiler OB 4247 (DISI) WANTED: Rude from Pon Hope to north plant GM Oshawa and back. Second sh41 08 4241 (COB) 1979 Nova Rally Spon. rims good. 51.600 of best offer As is 08 4249 JOSH) INO Camact, maroon color. 305 O<yWdw. body and mscha ocaly in good condition. 5750 o b o., as is 08 4251(PIC) CHEAP second car. excellent condition 19M Nissan Puts&. 5 speed. St.000 original km, like now.S2,ODO 094250(AJA) is an idea has 1986 Cnrvsle _esA,cn GTs 4 am, air automatic great cond,- bon. 53.500 o b 0 OB 4260 (OSH) 1969 --isle, Newport, new rad bare Good tires me rusl Ask,ma 51 000 as's OB 4261 (BOW) 1976 Cordoba 8' ''OC 6 o -^a m -les 400 engine excellent body ,miencr Needshmna chair S2oC o b o OB 42621PC) 1987 W,unda, pony a^od !or par's SOX OB 4263 (WHI) RENAULT Ak,AnCe '983 certi- fied MAN x993 asking ct 300 A I condition OB 4264 JOSH) 1979 yamara 750 holden won super trap new ores on macs com,hed in spnra S1 500 OB MSS OSH) CHEVETTE. 1981 two door. auto 82 000 km red some rust. no holes $1 500 OB 4266 (OSH) 1966 Arctic Cat Pamela 44C .0 new Coriel Clutch. Coll. fuel Innes 'urs excellent S2 500 08 4267 JOSH) 1977 Dena 88 new Dans good running cond,tiom 5600 or best offer 08 4270 (PIC) 1993 Mairda `a' lon with cap good •unnmg order 10 lust Michelin fres certified S1 800 08 4271 (AJA) CERTIFIED 1983 ,rand Pn■ V6 excellent on gas no rust white body -l'• burgundy into, c• S2500 08 4273 (AJA) CLASSIC '2 Ppnliac ientura 1f. s:-aight six exceiier, nrrimi g con- dd,oe needs 10116 body work S650 or best offer 08 4275 (OSH) FORD Farmonl. 1978 low mtleaga 5500 or best offw 08 4276 (RC) TWO housolra,1«s. 1978 17' Repel!and6m $2.800 1988 21 Saow, S 10 00o 08 4278 JOSH) 1947 Pontiac Tuns AM T.Iop power w,mdows power brakes Pa.@ slowing baciugold S6 OOC or bass offer OB 4279 (W)M1 Fill that rxi in ,n and yu.dity vuiur rc%initn.cc. l �c SARTEI4LINE. EARN SSS from yaw hone. dis- Inbuting a nulntion/w«ght loss program I do and need help win by gro" business OB 5107 HAVE fun. earn extra income Ito fall selling Undercover Weer len- 9wo No MYmarkesng. V fran- rg 08 5155 (0511) FEMALE Country angw,musrtan kic" for musicians to form band of to Join established band OB 515G OSH) DELIVERY person wanted to deliver brochures every twPntree weeks in Bay Ridges area if undo 16 mue have parental Per - transition OB 5162 (PIC) SINGER, song wreer kicking for musicians and vocals interested in forming a contemporary k>fk bats 08 5163 (0311) HANDYMAN to Install interlock WO walkway. drainage and chain Ink fence. must supply equip - me" OB 5164 MR) COUPLES and n4mi4ak WOW pretwom busnew expw—wi I g to work. learn toogg.elIher and enjoy, Me 08 5166 JOSH) CEFMRED h44Mn can ads. will do prwM* duty. hoer. hospital. ntrsrg hoer. Rsasorrble rad Eitpsrieriosd o9 516610B" COMPANION home help for Orly tial good wtw for ambo, loos, c mpaable temlde. any abs 09 5167 (AJA) BREAST M. no risk. Nall" Wary So bestrMy and Increase bust sir.. 086261 (now) NEED help? Seniors will do housework ssiopptrg. laundry and nn errands. 08 6M4 (COL) WATER mlore. privaN lessor for begnners in your home. reason- able rates OB $1S1 PERSONAL tramer and former professional athlete Provides Is - nm and nutrition programs as• lornized to sut ndwKWS resits' 08 $221 (soca) MECHANIC er- - to put swtkh in go" column. do bales and Pu hat see in OB 6236 JOSH) POOL closing eadig al 575.00 08 6237 JOSH) DAYCARE available rear Lad Durham School, experienced, smoke -fres. fenced yard. any age welcome OB 6236 (AJA) START your own business from home Rubber stamps of ceramic pitologHrrg High'ncorte po ell oal 53.500.09 $239 (AJA) DAYCARE available, Central Park come." And RCssland Non-smoker het lunches and snacks 08 6240 JOSH) LEARN the techniques of makeup appl,Catior• Book a personal pro- fessronal make cel (make -over parties and weddings aiadable) OB 6241 )OSH) EXCELLENT expe„enced day- care available �r ^v home. close to Saint Catharines Senna School OB 6242 WA) FEMALE phr`Iecrap"e• ciuldmq bcuaC'r porlloliia free portraits exchanged Ion modeling services 08 6243 JOSH) DONT let caught ,n the cold. book now snow removal. save- strough cleaning S35 tree Prurr, ng and removal 08 6241 (OSH) PHOTOGRAPHER, budding pro- (essional portfol-c will exchange photos for modeling boudoir for men women as well 08 6246 BABYSITTING a,a,lable in my home pao.i,metuo-Irma reason- able rates Phonp Murray and cedar OB 6219 JOSH) TYPING. professional WordPerfect 5 1 Harvard Graphics laser printer, reports. resumes flyers transcripts Pick up and dekverv, OB 62S1 (AJA) GRAPHIC artist available Macntosn 2 filen or camera ready art lessons grv*n QwkMustrator O86257JOSH) PERSONALIZED designs; to your specification birthday. ann.w- sarycards and stag tickets. Aho - los poems and illustrate" 08 62SO (OW THINK Christmas gills for every - a" in the family for under $10, gill to, anyone olderng 08 6259 JOSH) EARN extra inoome full or pas- time wan natural and organic products 08 9260 DAY care whable tender loving care in my none. N&W-hm6. all ages smoke -lee Harwoodi9ayM OB 9262 (AJA) COMPANIONrhorn@maker 10 :•s akpa'"w" he" s,e elder v, responsible on -smoker .agesnegotiable OB $263 (OSH) DAY care available. Sandringham and Strathation area msals and fun included any ayye welcome Excellent ,alas oe t261(OSH) BROOKWOOD. experienced day care available from 12 30 p m awards smoke -hes enn- romment reasonable rates OB 9205 (wm) HOME cleaning. I do the little estas that put lie Mil lbuch b your hone OB 92" (01 ATTENTION tattleslook and leer great. personal train@( designs easy programs to lose weight 08 6267 (8091) DJ available for all party hunc- bon1bweat rales, in town and out Book early OB 9271 (OSH) ANTENNA services. hes *sb- makes on lowers. rolom anMn- nas and boosters Low rates prolessional service OB $272 (DISH) DRUM lessons read. wrnM and PL" , call now and ask about our Jud -rale prices. 09 $271(OSM DAT care available. Roseland and Harmony area, meals and activities. Reasonable rates. Rslewrucw 08$2$1 Need your drive shovcled'' Try a trade for ilian0 Lmu n5. Usc BIARTWLIM 1. With a Touch Tone phone call one of our BARTERUNE reps at 1- 800.667'6083 between 12 noon -11 p.m. and place your FREE 15 word ad. 2. You will then be given a 4 digit mailbox number and 4 digil pass code. 3. Using a TOUCH TONE phone call 1416-976-M (24 hrs. a day) and follow the easy recorded instruc- tions. When recording your message, do DW leave your last name, phone number or address. A charge of $1.99 per minute will appear on your phone bill. 4. If you need more help call one of our representa- tives at 14400'66 -M 0shaxallyNtDy 'ms Week. Aram-Ackenng News Adventist, and Nor4wmbsnaid News assures no lapt,ry for tfw Content or"ID any Barlsrlins adwNsement The atho lirr assunss ooftplele k"fy for de contra of. and all responses tany advenisemsrt or recorded message and for any Claims made against as a result MOrW tM ~Sff agrees b rid wilif and hold this puwalori and Mebouf Community Nwspapen and its employees harmisss lot all costs. *sponse; and damages issuing from of cawed by this pudcation or recording Dyad by the advertiser or arry reply to suit adJWh@ @i By vsr ; Ba wkns IM a ivi i ser agress W weave Now wsWone rumbr ueI nanopan , company name a address m IN~ messag9 AshawalVminDy This Week, stall -Pic" Haile.At;wnMtr i NeTftnbYlaiid Ileas'ssersel9w mil to loves ;wsttt a NrKel a^Y adrMser1M11 Qr �ifnige Mgory n which calewad's paw t •x•uxe vraur� .....e..r-rest .�w-w.o �,....e-.�e...� .�� �..... 100 careers 110 General Help FASHION Forturel The ultimate Lingerie and Children's Wear 33.42% prof''. Become an In - dependant Sats Consultant. Easy, professional and Funl Cal Exquisite Secrets, 1800 465 1393. (111293) 110 General Help SERVICE ADVISOR Must have minimum 3 years GM Experience. A working knowledge of GM warranties. Must enjoy working with the public and with minimum supervision. We offer salary, commission and good benefits package. Apply in confidence b: File /6117 Oshawa This Week P.O. Box 481, Oshawa, Ontario, Li H 71-5 All Positions Available. Please Apply In person at Mud Hen's 1211 Kingston Rd. (AM Wow at Lhsrpool) 839-5570 ALASKA JOBS Earn 0 to $30,000 in 3 months fishing salmon. Also wtlstrualon, cannery, o4 IsIM pia morel FOR YMDIATE RESPONSE CALL 1-51114-41,111 -Ml EXT K105 110 General Help 110 General Help 135 Skilled Help 135 Skilled Help MINES FULL-TIME NIGHT POSITION AVAILABLE Are you reliable, outgoing, quick learner, like dealing with the public? WE NEED YOU ON OUR TEAM! This is a very responsible position & advancement Is available for right candidate. Apply within 1340 KINGSTON ROAD AT LIVERPOOL PICKERING HUB PLAZA Full Time 02p2rtunfty Reliable, self -motivated individual required for full time position in local company. As an assistant to the plant manager, your enthusiasm and concem for quality will help you to assist in the day to day 'hands on' operation of the plant. Forklift experience is essential, ability to perform physical activities required, and a Class 'D' license for occassional driving preferred but not mandatory. Accuracy and attention to detail is a must! Reply•in confidence with wage expectations to P.O. Box 262, Whitby. L 1 N 5S 1 Kelley Atlantic Ltd. has an immediate requirement for WELDERS, MACHINE OPERATORS, PAINTER oft ASSEMBLERS Must be wiling to Work steady night Stift. The company offers paid benefits, profit sharing and a right shift premium. Appy in person to 457 Fajrap SL, Ajax, Ontario ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We are presently accepting applications for a Classified Advertising Representative. This career -oriented position offers a salary, commission and car allowance. The successh calixklate will be self- disciplined, goal oriented - - previous advertising sales & telemarketing experience is preferred but not wed Irltllirestied carxtidates should forward U1eir restme/appYCation to: AlmOkkarW Meas Advertiser 130-132 Catmumlal Are, AM 2HS Ahmdm: ClnshW b LIS Ad REOUIRED WINtime . •;.. EXPERIENCED full-time per 'P chYwo cook. AP- commis onreqCall wap- 992 Plcares fMet Iter- cilneselCw commission Call 434-299'1 tales cooking osflMm-- Per. EARN s t -e lig. list p -Id in ad- rnare,q job. Call Hong Kong Vance P Mg ntaa fronn Hath. 4320Q22 (111290 . I FIN Y/0. - SASE lo: AESTlETIpAM morn Bliss Production. P.O. Boa. avalYbls" be your awe boss In 910063475 Nhlenr Rd N tanning salon with large A ax, Ontario. LIT 3V2. c1arMW- 4267231. (111880) (111490 URN COUNTER p4eron(s) requited loans/letter s-mb� � leo �' �-F�• F� Par . 24 hr. labBne, (416)) ` 420-911111117-JI 20-and Cal (11239 91 References 7tH � (fl ed tw �ox N&IRS2390 two days par walk b M warL Mull downtown for satablMMd be a prilk, opsrat. d the owrtowth Whlbyb4atay salon. , MuRf 1250 with T51. Experience ws Two ya, ccbw on a Sona 125 would be an and Palm krwaAedge n ulted• asset, Must be capable to Par Call 43041M (/11880 press and post -press DESIGNER/TECMNICIAN for operadow Phase 44xid production management to P.O. Bak 88033 Town Carer P0e141m. CAD. puadinYg. In- Postal Outlet, 1265 l0rgston si ection experience an ass -L Rd.. Pldke ft OnL n V 1tP7. Sign. MafkA-curYp background N- its attractive I Ills for Preferred. send resume to escort of exotic dancing' Provincial Signs Services Ltd, corfperny. Mur be 18 plus, no 375 Franitcom AjKn, Ona. LIS' a prlence ill,1 1. Eaten bb 1R4. III in0 S$& please call In coi lid-nkc- to NEEDED - early morning 6834=6. (II129M newspaper earners with ear. LOoKkWW aperki Iced edY Contact Gaston. aft4rgopq., groomer for Pk kwYV salon. paper 416.245.6644 - 111M mast be ss6 motivated. CAN FYkanola) POOL (111480 420-8368. (111480 Full-time drivers, (2 yrs. exp.) dean abstract, start immediately. ICC and Dangerous Goods certificate an asset. Call Phoenix Plus (905) 4313867 500 King St W., Oshawa NAIL TECHNICIAN III ESTHETICIAN required for busy salon. Please call 728-4623 ask for Lina or Mary $200.5500 WEEKLY Asse-ble aroc.cs a' home. Easy No selling. You're paid erect Fully guaranteed No experience necessary CALL 1-504.641-7778 EXT. 100.24 HRS. EXCELLENT INCOIIEI $200-f500 weekly, assembling products at home. Fully guarantied, no experience. 1-504441-1114 ail H1219,24 hours. 120 Office Help IF you are single, at a single Parent or espraaed or divorced with three years work etperwro.. you mey qualify for financial aesstance or I you are wer 45 and Aare recently been lard off. you mail quality for train - Ing assistance. DIP/CERT.. Lotus. WordPerfect. D -Base. Word. Accpac• Bedford, Au=W. Vertura Pagemaker, Harvard, Corel, Computer Programming and Systems Analyst. Cobol Pascal and C. Macwaosh, Quark Express and Illustrator. Durham Business ConprMr Coisoa 427-301M LEGAL Secretary. ..p.rr.nhow. In Family Law aril Real Estate INJECTION MOLDING FOREMAN A small sized injection molder of consumer products located in the Whitby area requires an experienced hands on individual to supervise its day shift operations. You must be able to install molds; set machine conditions; troubleshoot quality and mechanical problems and supervise a small work force. For more information please contact: Leno Braida, Human Resources at 905-825-4062 QUALIFIED WELDERS & FITTERS (ASME CODE & CLUB APPROVED) 5 years minimum experience required immediately Call (905) 428-1980 AUTOMOTIVE appre^cies wartted.:ad ofP Do you require hours or practical experience for your apprent-Whtp7 Contaci H. Hryclu k at Cerxenrnll COMege. 4164NW3241 on. 5292. Offered by Ministry of Education and Training and Centennial co". (1 „493) WANTED - 20 etas Az drivers. 3 years experience• clean abstract. Need I.C.C. medical. Cal 7259324. (1118x3) 165 Available DAYCARE in my horns South Ajax. 5 mints. to Dulcins Bay A SL. Jamas. ♦dant ssQNMf1a PACOPN and r -imam. 7 NLIIL - 5.15 pin cdkWhita, US -16M Articles Articles 220 For Sale 220 For sale PIANOS GRANDFATHER 165 Day Care CLOCKS . Pianos. rant !o own. Available all 32/. upright. grand. digest. asses keyboards. CLOCKS - (!rise LESS s.pensive daycare 'r -y "irvery and set w1. Morph of hone. Reirabe ors in smoke- Nov. - RED TAG SALE. one of a Its envronrnent. Any age• pati. kind special. Taloo P.ano full time large playroom, tented Wow. 433-1491 (TF) backyard Discount for 2 Children in sane tamry. Close to Gtengrove P.S. LrverpoollF incl+ area Call Laurie 420-2620. 205 FABRIC Venrcais wan valance. 72^w x 84';.W9 00 84-w x 841, $82 OC other saes avaaaole also rrxns blinds t snadas Cal 429-M7 (1118x3) RIDER m �� we or. 11HP, 36-. 4 > . plow anAC11 Ont Used one summer only Bas' offer FREE Firewood. skids and Cal 426,0982. 0111293) pallets, delivery, available. Cal ova ngs only 430-9013. (TF N) 210 Flea Market HOUSEHOLD contents for sale. d-ningroom set, salt unit. rrsciciwave, sofastables and rtkrt74 more. Cal 905839.2343. 220 Arti`'es required kmnodwo0y. Full or' able a penenced babysna• hot Four Sale pan time. Whitby 430-8ta0. (11180 lunches, snacks. Rslerancw. two and up. Call 427.4937. COLLECTOR sailing sports YtpaMd ) 01129M cards, ofd and haw. 30 - 70% oil PART TIM data entry oPerarr DAYCARE available In my Betdkea. Cal 6838572 atter 7 or required for but �� Mutt y home. 427.2071. Anna. ww,,*m" "-011293) have Word Part and Win - es wAREHOUSE 282 requites as photographer b take elm- , 'a * . AJAX Weems- RdJflwy x12 CM Skew ngliied in our fuer tints for dows experience. Flexible MANNY - ECE person with etc- Two cyt gas anown arc wtshoer. hours. Call 905-649-1755. ee9art referarKes In my Item 225 amp. 115 volt• re outlet. AJAX Pickering Appiwa s - no for 1 W yens ofd. 2.3 days per' Extra parts, welding rods S� ('ilei sesta*. D-JJrL Cal included. Excellent working 130 420-70M. (11140M rendition. Portable for on job deal 4278794. 467 Wastrey, Rd. S. Ajax. (TF) HOUSEKEEPER . calling aaw. use anywhere. $39.2615. $ALES Rap • Doow: ovMleed native health min - person WASHERS Dryers. Fridges dons. CorinwrcirwridereW - needed I - 2 �s Par wesfL Stoves - now and reconditioned. salty. optnrtssion, boar ea- Good with childiso ea)eiwKW $225 and up for reconditioned elhsive territory, AjaslPickeriny Oshawa. Fax rums, salary and tefarerhcas mus a t. Call 427- . 3552 (111793) washe$175 and up far moon - rs, for IMe1ay and exprsatons with ' PICKEAING - pot yma jive out ditiored dryers. 6175 and up reconditioned fridges and re4arertoss 10"670.3400 as- ytnbn M. Bons (111680 namy required Wr two boys. stoves. Also coin operated children of all cess. FuUpart Dunbar Public SdWO CAN 837- time - lore or after school. Eve- 1584 Wed, or any emik Apes 2 and 9 months. Com, washer and dryers. TEL.EMARKETERS - Sales meriting in January. Can 831- Stepheinson's Furniture and People - needed Ire sales. 78x5 (I I 149 Appliances. 227 Court St., mat. - posllons, Good Brava LIVE -OUT Oshawa 576744L (TFALL) def potemial Cal 427.2977. for Ills John Soddy LINGERIE manufaahry alsfs No= , area Three dnikkOfh apes 7.6 and Of tins and epadtd kens at NIGHT cook required Immediately. experienced 150 and ICal 42041t!T2albr6pin. (111493) be loweAlolssahPeossloFlrrue Party Co suu I C Oarctal teoaP YtpaMd ) adPeavancement. a metuN nu. Wages shed fits 110 - DATCME required b aurhome "ed � � Pte• for 2 children (ons in Ing office. flexible hours. 6 4 a melt. VViss cash. by +IPVoi Contact Sarah (90fi)pi O�Apply a TAls Weak P.O Bat filing frtala edit Mev& ABEL mapb Ridge no MaiPk � � w^'er�er• 783 783}. f t t 149kt) 181, Oslssl-s. Ont. LIN 7L5. n11690 - . txlfft11 etpOrlrho- P I Cal Catty, SM449L (11140% uelsrerhoss 931-3840. (111790 BEAUTIFUL - Wise full fur coat. Shadow fox and wAREHOUSE 282 requites as photographer b take elm- , 'a * . AJAX Weems- RdJflwy x12 CM Skew ngliied in our fuer tints for coydlL Like new. plates cal Hope 432-1863. (TF) photos wart Santahun.gs CLa 160 all two clt9dren apes 6 and 1. Must pm* oppomarq, 12 MAeesk be sapI have a OW%ke AJAX Pickering Appiwa s - no for f6,- wasks. Phase cab 063 •PRIVATE daycare reelable, love for ehidrerh. A non smoker. � reasonable offer• refused. idly Guaranteed. Reconditioned 0083 for appoiktnwr (111693) we �p,a„ d 4m' +R lots rslenentess rsqufed. Cal 426 loys and large playroom. 0513 after 6 p nL (11 149M appliances. Cone mike us a wAfTREai/8arftrid. hNHYfe ptNaYnle lit wrk. R4*d If Nuorklouskefidhes vyeareyr4ol area Cal 693.0984. (111290 Whites i Strands deal 4278794. 467 Wastrey, Rd. S. Ajax. (TF) fr busy cls Cal N6.6472 (111790 IIs out miski^anny nqui r -d for DAYCARE available in my " hbiesasok. Cal 839.7550. CARPET - 1 have several 1000 yards of new Stanmaster and ADULT canrFe needed wih paca' Chu` s. ales. li(111793) part time. meals. eals• snacks s 100% nylon Carpet. n1 carpet living hall for car. MW be able b dslv-ry Tuesdays, Wednesdays. PICKERING - GlaniarMWDoki• provided. Loki d toys. aclMies ants. can ghw s � f�M T.L.C. Please Call 886 your room and $360• Price ition. * 0 a• pad and Installation. •30 Fridays and Sundays. PWm 6428. (1114663) mTe• 2 days Por weak (Mon - yards'. cal Judy, 6835110. (11144M Tues) 7:30am - 6:00 pm. 3 WHITES 401 and Finch ares. children, ag" 1. 3. i a (6 year Sts-• (416) 287.5072. (TF) HIRING immediately, as. modes at two will 9W TLC to. 010 attenids bile I d Wrlla,n OAKANNE FURNITURE pay retail prices? One of tablshed MorWV Brokerage Compwj, agpresslve, good children of all cess. FuUpart Dunbar Public SdWO CAN 837- time - lore or after school. Eve- 1584 Wed, or any emik Ontario's oldest and largest manufacturers is now selling people skills, Read Estate or Financial an asset, but not nine and Christmas care iMt apn, r g82.2055 Mon 8 availlble. Please cal 120.0940. Tues. (I I In3l) direct to the public. Eq. 5' oak n@DM4yy Trabig Ptwided' RELIABLE resPon4M dftvw*. CAREGIVER required In our lable with dw sun and 4 Windsor chain, $799 . 8' oak double Call 6862557. (111490 in my home, 15 years poke ft village hill1f1e IN too pedestal dw teat. and 6 Chairs, AVERS M*w hell and ped rims to dOMr auto parts App� experience. main floor. Cfiftils 5and3yearsdd.Mon- phyrorn, lunch and snacks, day to Thursday 790 - 6�0. Any ape welcome.;bday $1429. Cannibal bads- 11299. Over 20 stain Chaim • 408"jnpsrspat➢1886ChnrMnhRd' ngweswrr- Tradltl0gal) allning Rdorwwm and MOON. South t r YVoodtrofkl�• 905 9abi7?l. lint 170. Ptlwitg. (111893) 06.7923 del lips. (I11 Ajax. 663.9319. (111493) OVER Head steel rarhng for full nze pickup Will, tront Dox guard made or 1 1.4- tubing, $150 o.b.o. Call 432-7131. (1 t 1843) CALL CLASSIFIED 571 -SIMS Now A used - darts, a(N:;feb0afda. Mc. Vkh our now Ajax More. 3r60 an* St. (just saw d Wesinsy) 6869879 or our eoantw+ville Nov - 75 Kira SL W. 623 -SM 230 wild WANTED - :)b and ant -quo !,1n,1_1*. arymsng old, toots. ch.na. silver, advert,smg sporting. !oys. decoys. daft. muk boicas. collections or estates 655-8049 Brooklin (120M) WANTED - stoves. trrdges. wasner and dryers, wonting or not. Also wanted. PiCk-p .ruck (newer than 1978; Cal. g. 420 -SM (TFALL) 260 Arts a crafts 260 Arts a crafts Christmas Dreams* CRAFT SHOW SATURDAY & SUNDAY t NOVEMBER 13 & 14 9:00 A.M. - 5 P.M. Eastshore Community Centre 910 Liverpool Road South 0 (At Bayly) FREE COFFEE & DONUTS y� DOOR PRIZES HOURLY '�` crNtltlasTnaws ctliti►�r show Steeple Full Church Soft, Nov 13,9-3 - 30 vendors ffttffi0 tiClrtgast on Rd_, Pickering aBCi t'rrotrn 11:30-1:30. Lynn 031-1761 CHRISTMAS CRAFT SALE Sat Nov 13/93 9 am. - 4 p.m. 11 Gilmour Dr., Ajax CRAFT SALE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 10 A.fii,4 RM, 14 HUMPHREY DR, AJAX (Westfteyi'Leke Driveway) FRAZER HEIGHTS CO-OP CHRISTMAS CRAFT BAZAAR Set, Nov. 13, 9:00 - 4:00 1 Hayward Lane, Ajay (Comer of Harwood a Clements) Crafts, baked goods, refreshments HELPING HANDS DAYCARE in INCREDUKE Craft Sale - SIL Amber" Shopping Centre is Nov. 13, large selection of having a Christmas Bazaar. gc,stty crafts, fansestic prigs, Saturday Nov. 2M 990 arm. • 851 Breda St., Pickering (Banat 4 p.w: Some 940 do yooy >lB plifOrte.931.999A, San" Clailkn-i I1 .00,rh} (11179 r law. (111290 . i PAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVEWMER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, IM " AWFab tm "° "°um" 420 T 230 300 �" 400 ' �"�rn'� 400 400 400 � 410 FREE pick( -up. spacious basement aparrnenf. large two bedroom plus den. (11,683) Painted arpanmem with balcony, 430 PICKERING - Luxury one 1p AJAX - Oxford Tow". post AJAX -seam citrus batkorn. PRESTIGIOUS Pickeribedrooms. 3 bedrooms, 1 LL CoMract«wantsbreM 1865 Honda Prelude - Small heeled actor area, 100 aaaonrtri4 notaPowesow" and balcony, close to shopping. Go. Y• OedrorR bread new. basement apamrreN. Ssperals enhance, buldYq, dose to shoppktp. 401 recently decorated. finished Vllsgs dean. o and Go. Two bedroom basement, fireplace. garage. 2 nee morn wait o Go bbl• +IDPI�� i to 300 sq- h. n AllaxlPiclkrtrng brakes stir Pots► area 619-1996.(111493) atren c sseae. 33 FALBY COU11 sbse' fridge' one to bus. 5 apartment. Dec. I. and Jan I. traced yard. no, Pals, $1000 per 27 2684 ely . utilities. Dec. 1. able immediately 427-2684 suruod. arMm WANTED Colour computer Certified $4885. Brock Auto 428-9423 Pickering. 1 Two bedroom apartments in family minuses from Pidurkq Town Cance. No pals, snple fi300f 2 Three bedroom spamrsM ,Ian, month 1. Call 8838571 «883.8421 11 References. Can 426 -SM after days, 509.2974 evenings. 5p.m (111, (111493) monitor for IBM Compatible; Sales. home gym. Call 434-5780. (111683) building. Air conditioning,broadloom, """""'a' weeks, all Induskre. 6854291 after 5:30pm weekdays or 8p.m (t 10893) PICKERING - Frenchman's Bay WHITBY - three bedroom WESTNEYNOI - extra Wge 2 immediate 1a62 Toyota Toroel, tour door. 4 2�pp� facilities and appliances, Wrong weekrds. (111290) townhouse. �dt,don, with seponsia wake" Country living n the ossession, garage. fridge. P t. 9 9 ..s. r ft speed. good running condition. 260 M� C�oaW high kms.. SM as is. 837-1687. -"-"' underground paftng included. SOUTHI Alex - private entrance. swoo las"tling andlMinproon very dean. Walk may- Private dock mom your to Go station. Available Dec 1. boal N front d louse. la skate rove, tirst/last. $900 monthly Pius utakies. No pets. call Liz. (111293) $743.00 room, stow, Irldgs, cable. In winter, Ilvngroom and deck Asking $700/month. Phone 42B over look bay. Curse to shop 668-7015 «436-1800. (111293) HANDKNITS tion Christmas, 1978 Volvo Wagon, air, aN1m. beautiful fisherman knits, ski manual 4 speed. some body 686-0845 weekdays J Singh person only. $456 wrortMdy Cat 6934M 8 abler S 2925 «432-9174. (111(93) f1rw end Go tiara. 2 bedroom OSHAWA -three bedroom SM plus unties. townie available fa Nwem- PICKERING -large lest. sweatets, adults/cnildrens/ damarhpe, 5,000 o.b.o Richard, infants. Not sold in stores. 1871 430.6313. (111 6W) '/► 8.30 a.m. - 4i30 m.aP7m �• fill (1111fi1>) Cal • mtlenl $490 fisVlast. Cat (1 11169) Dec 1. Call 509 3162. icer and December. Fridge, Brookshire Square, Pickier LEASE b own vehicles, 1980 (o" Glenanna) Sat. Nov2(V21. bedroom basement apartment. laundry. ��WA ' nitre ionic betlroonn apartment In lower level of 837-1896. (1114931 (111693) stove. dryer, element, some LARGE two baserrhsnt with garage. Telephone 436 - PICKERING � Whites Come and See 420.9633. 1985.1345 down, no Merest, no (,11893) hone. Brightlenge kilcfhen, cul apartment. 4 pce• bath, private Rdl401. three bedrooms, 1 12 3346.(121393)9 three credit Checks. 725-1988 or 686 280 Lost & Found 7428 or 686-3775. (TF) Automobiles LOST - ladies gold Szeako watch 305 Wanted in the vacinitles of the Canad'uan Trust at Liverpool or the Beer store at Whites/Hwy $2. AAA FOREIGN AND REWARD, Call Wendy or Arnold 254-1315 (moble phone) I DOMESTIC w w .. Dote.Ct inniioc. I SCrap Cars and trucks ' a YTxr�sdmey. entrance, srtb montmry, Usines baths. 5 appliances, finished SOUTH Oshawa - near GM, firstilast. $595 month includes inckaded. Artilable irrvrediately. basement, waking distance to three bedroom townhouse, 1895 utilities. Nov. free. Call 427- 427-7124 «428-0311. (111493) schools. park and shopping. No monthly, all utilities included. 9134. (111693) AJAX - bright. clean warm 1 pets, $1100 monthly Plus Available immediately. Call PICKERING - SIN•bedroorn basement apartment, utilities. Dec. 1st. 683.8736. Sandy, 435.1088. (I 11993) bright modern two bedroom s Fere entrance. parking' bus (111793) AJAX - three bedroom basement aparundint separate route. air conditioned, cable. PICKERING - three bedroom townhouse, one -1 pce, two -2 entrance full bath appliances utilities included. $545. 686• detached house in Westshore, pce. Flnished basement. 1668 or 605-0353. (1 11793) I garage, water and cable. $995. laundry and parking. Close to main floor, 5 appliances. large g ag Go and amenities. Must be AVAILABLE immediately in declk, quiet selling near 401. First and last required. Available b 'Id' $850 1/2 Jan 1 1994 428-9961. LtfU - -- _ _ _ _ Boarding wanled. Top d0118r, 1a51 PICKERING - Fox Hollow area. PICKERING - overbdki res seen. $850 inclusive. FvaVlast. Whitby apartment cal Ing. parks and lake. + no pets. (905) 579-7576. Spacious, carpeted, newly ulikies. Cal (416) 222.4011. Rooms To 1�-1537 FREE pick( -up. spacious basement aparrnenf. large two bedroom plus den. (11,683) Painted arpanmem with balcony, 430 LHASA APso pups, known as s4f�-sisa 2 large bedrooms, kitchen. balcony, close to shopping. Go. Y• in All close to bus. shopping. NO down payment Good Rent 'tokens of good luck' non- office a m kom cite ap6csa W book keeping. Ivingroom, 4 pc. bath, aepwats marina and beach. $950 WESTNEY/HWY e2 large t utiaws included. � Dots One aedrt� Good led? You can buy was shedding, non allergenic. vet neanh ad shingle of as MndL entrance. CA/CV, extremely suitable for business couple. monthly, available Jan. 1. 427- bedroom basertwtt apartrnent, rate entrance. parkin bedroom $�• Tal° bedroom, saps 9• for the price d rent, while prices and rates are down. Call Doug PICKERING -bedroom for rent. Trucks For checked. needles, guaranteed. House training 31 Sale 6750 inclusive. Nonsmokers. 229,. (,11893) unities included, no pets. $650 $700. Call 4300134. (TF) or Brent, Community Financial. use of all house. Dixie/Finch Call Paul started. Payment terms tapft boarding. 7-wr 839-3451 after Spm. (112593) AJAX - newly renovated two monthly, frisulast, available CHURCH St. and Randall Dr. - 668-6805. (TF) area. Available now. available. (705)786-3124. 1-12 ton Creev Pickup. V8, AJAX - convenient one bedroom basement apartment. laundry. immediately. Call 686-3750. three bedroom apartment WHITBY - 2 bedroom and dining for details. 837.1774. („2393) (,11893) 1967 as a. $6000. Phone 509-1812. oWroom' sell Contained bass blight, carpet, snared separate entrance. dose to 11,693) available. (One month free)' Cap ( ) room, main floor bungalow, REASONABLE Clean working TRAINING your dog s fun and 11w prices. od Br al 432 908. mens apartment, available amenities. No pets. $750 AVAILABLE immediately - 444-7391. (111293) dean, ht, laundry.storage, women to share home with easy at K-9 Klubhouse. Puppy 1983 Ford 12 Ion Pickup, pe.. ,mrnedately. $525 per month in. 905.427-9032. incl(11 apartment, upper IovM TWO bedroom basement park treed lot. Wak to Go in9• game. Non smoker, references, (9 weeks) :o Novice classes Pb. small Y8. n excellent dud ng utilises Prefer non 1114 ( 149M of quiet 4 unit building, near apartment, 4 pce. bath, Iake/paAcs, $850 reclusive. FrsU on bus route. Available starling Nov. 16th, Can K-9 condition. No rust wrvfm Cas- smoker, no pets. 683-4015. s:tip b Oshawa Hospital. INctudes kitchenette, broadloom last, references. 683-8840. immediately. Call 686-3130. Klubnouse. 905-404-8617 and sone stereo, runs and locks like (111493) FREE Tenant rerun sevico. Ex• wpxies arrpie parking, $435. throughout. own entrance. (111493) (111493) 905837-2364 (1C2893) a dorm. Asking $19DO o.b.o. Must sail. 686.8985. (11,493) ONE bedroom basement ecutrve 4 bdrm, appliances. Whitby. $1200. 1 bedroom y' Cal 8669153. (tit693) Irid a/stove and laundry 9 AJAX -three bedroom main AJAX - unfurnished room in GERMAN Shepherd puppies. 12 ----- apartment, 4 appliances, basement. Oshawa. $550 LUXURY 1400 aq.1t., two fatilitiss. $650 inclusive- No level, appliances. Close to des^• Curet. Christian norm. all g mpo weeKs a e. Champion ureas. 1981 Ford F 150. Asking $500. Body in fair condition. good separate entrance, man extras. y Inclusive. , bedroom 3matretn bedroom basemsm apanmsrs n ps". no children. Cat 8347709. school. shopping. parking. amenanes. Non-smokw, board tattooed. vet checked. first shots C K C registered b^9 . Needs some rrneCuni- No smoking, no Pols, berwsen $500 $000 negotiable. Frulast apartment, Ajax, appliances, Separate entrance. bar, fireplace. 4 PCs. bath. $975 41 0 louses For Available irtnnediate .Cap 428- 2000. (111493) " optional. Call 819-1519. 11,793) . Parenis.X-rayed 5400 Call cal worn'. Call Tom ac 6835135. wit., references Phone Alex or WW inclusive. 4 bWroonL 3fuulDas inckded. Cap Rent 905-797.2062 (111693) Auto Parts b Dons 427-0842 (111793) bun• Oshawa. $700. Landlords' Lot your rental today. For, fast r>o^�Y• Mario, 8860773- (111693) WHITBY - two bedroom house. 'rashly to PICKERING - Liverpool S. One lar fumahed basement room 9e RECRUIT Do Train, - all 9 9 340 Repairs PICKERING Boast+ and Rolle yrvnce Sonet Realty. 427- y y AJAX - $l1pc &o1-2 three WHITES Rd. -dean fumnished bedmppTs, , : ,-2pc bun. renovated. close school and dowtown Fridge. Including cable. $400 mpance. phases F,ex beer on-going cine bedroom very Clean. sen 8732. (1116931 one bedroom basement. single garage. 4 appliances. dove, washes. Orye Large lot. fist last, private ads entrance. courses Juno in anytime Don, contained. privalo entry. 4 POD AJAX - quiet one bedroom Parking, separate entrance. full utilities extra. available Dec V 50 x 200. SSW monthly plus dean quill home. Gentleman waste moneyon numerous COMPLETE RUST bath, all inciusi- $595 per bsssmerf. carpet, Central vac. kitchen. a/c., car.. security. NI M 93. Call Valerie Pilgrim 831- utilities. Cap 430-2313. (,,,693) D referred. Available Nov. 30. courses Tran soca Cop i. one month.Nov. FrsL a/c.. share laundry. park' on Carpeted and Wn94 QLAW non 3300 Remo Fist Pa. Ltd. AJAX - .mile bedroom bade 8340257. (TF) course. Small classes. In- PROOF -8780.le lac: 6838780. ('1,493) __ ) no tx,s row.. non am,dun4 res Dols. smoke. Dec. 1. $550 Plus. 420- (,,,793) bungalow. req• ick, dose to n AJAX - d.an carpeted room n insnucUrie Enlist $6 AJAX - brand now 2 bedroom $500 inclusive. 619-2558. 6494. (112693) PICKERING - four bedroom cadge, stove able Nov. buret soon home, use d krtdves. anytime and experience the annum Ajax .ra+9.� basw•w+t apartment. separate full (11, 793) _ _ __ WHITBY . Home, basement, es. Call dos utilities. Call Lynne, and facilities. difference. guaranteed. (ppr� ��I) emrance. Dat'. appliances. TWO bedroom in quiet well �x� 4t. � apartrrnent, fortced yard, garage, mrnediate rd. garage. 428-S850 4249766. (112683) . $65/ndry Non smoker, $65/week) Nobatn smoker. location. 905.6, 9-9028. �3 �77 sundry. nDlt. parking Frss,tast �'arred aP>Krrne^t buildnq' stor dose to school and possession. $660 per momm. THREE bedroom bungalow with Furnished. 6863201. (111493) (t 121931 required. no pets Available excellent location, close to Dos iralWl, f1600 mammy . t/ - I/ Sutton Group Executive Realty. Fins. garage. Hwy s2: Thiclkson. WESTNEY Heights - furnished PTr�E b.skad Dooemnan Pntoer, AJAX RBST mrnediately. $725 ndusibl Oshawa Centre. $596 Der 2 u, Cd Bruce. 683f Bruce Oprwkudn, Router• 686- finished basement, $975 per room m private hart. shared Dlao b tan w,!" papers. tai i ��kay+p� Cal 6836561. (11 199M month torkaM pegs hydro. Avail- l t t t 893) 548, . (t 1, 493) t required. peas- smites- bus slop, ears done. 6 months old Cap CONTFIX 7�-,RVM BRAND new one bedroom able Dec. 1. Call 434.1349. ,ptaTBYCerrtry-onebedroomt 60WMANVtLLE newly No able DegmnWr 1st. No pets. able December ,PClose n 42. smoker, Phone 666-4842. 404-8086 (111993) ;21 Westney apartmertt. separate entrance, (11,49M duplex apartment. $500 wdovmW lake front home, 2 Call 723-8965. (111693) 9111793) Automobiles and Parttin4. 5 appliances. non AJAX tumished basement mor". Two bedroom mobile bedroom on a quiet bung' PICKERING •West Snore, 3 DICKERING - walking distance 300 For Sale smokes,nog. first/last required. $650 spwtmem• pdt01. Go tram' none, 1.600. F. Abe R-E-Lid air. Big lot. fully fenced, 416.292.444, 011 3) bedroom main floor. 4 to PTC. GO tram, generating 360 month, y• utilities and Cable Near Rouge Airier. buys SSW ,able, fra and novo. $750 per mbMa,. 1 SOO Dks utilities. station. angle room with use 1890 Muda MX6. 2 door. S 30 ��'t�bi� included. fit. Available now 427-0355 pNCIYWHITES - Oieeutiful arae Available Dec ,. Call M5746. 416) T24-2977. (111293) e kitdnen. $310 monthly. Phone mesa. y,1, aoomty. Ike Rew, walk to beach. 509-3586. (111693) bedroom Dasorrern aparb*ent• 91116830 - 420318. (, , ,793) certRied $7995 or best offer. YAMAHA Phazer 1989. low AJAX - two bedroom apwvnent. WHITBY - two bedroom apart- Pmmse errtranoo• wall 10 'all PICKERING . Modern, new Housing Root ,or rent in 3 bedroom 1967 Hyundai Expel, 4 door. 5 mileage. hot grips. 486 CC. suitable lot couple. Avaeable niers n 4 yew Old duplex. ,062 brpadoorn tisk* k9htrq rare detached 3 bedroom. tam family 415 Wanted ed f1O1Jso• located in Ajax. Near Go. speed. certified. Ners Auto carbides, cover, like new monthly new Firsulast, $650 month p.ri., Irstllast, parking. Wrhdry bathroom new kite w . laundry room double garage. reas 83 $400 monhly as inclusive. 683- Sales. 686-0967 (1„793) cond. $3000 /irmh takes x away 985-3183 ane 6 D r^- p.m plus uulrtes. NO Pete- 683-SWO taa8tis. Available Fob. ,. $775 tanities. amide snore and pent- 2 112 baahs. Close o Go bw TWO ortheebe iseiw 4869. („2393) lg000d �X= �� 5M 9663,83. (,,,6903, ask for Phillip or Bessy. (1,1493) rn nm Reference& w ing space, central air can.. tram, No pets. Avail- dehumidifier. electronic air � army $1200 ant Part$750 Into r �~ MwSete Shared 0422 M) Ont. dean tames Call 6632002 683-1939. (416)t?2• cleaner. oak Paneling In ,443. (,,,493) meash �i0e ra 450 ��r„ed I'll �a,..s 365 fiAarine COLOORME - PICKERING 2 bedroom 0idropR lresawy pointed. Close lws cal M06)666 6235. ,988 POrrtkaC 6000 LE.I door, oriented building nes two mainfloor apartment, to all amenities. On quiet OSHAWA-1-3boom serfs. ROOY mWe to sham detached awo. V6. air. loaded. Iwo -tone. exusent, dean run car, r' /6' GLASSTREAM Bass bort bedroom apartment. balcony appliances. parking, security appiandes. tun beth, $sprepe entrance. parkin close to 9• tree(.ne $test. No Dots or irdpoOld stove•air conditChad. cable and nyero near Cnnc. Available Jan. t. FAX US YOUR AD Oshawa ingrre with hal stales. with ratwenees. $3296 0ertaied. Cap 427A722 sc wp YamsrnA power trxr,cat depth finder. Iroxing motor, ria a,se c}1O°ai �ed� eniaren. included. Available Doe. t. 1 - 4 boa°°m bedkspk �, stable person $385 mommy. Cal Mike. 576 anytime, Russ. OPon Sundays. $8000 Easy load trailer. Cap $526 peer menti. 1344.7317. Dee. 1. $800 monthly, Shan $800/month. 420-3741. ern, avaiabieDec 1. Call 639• $700,Isawmessage.(1,129M Big Town Car Sales. (1t 179M 432-7131. (111893) (11 Isom wlbw 831-36$1. (111483) 6073. (11 ISM _ HOME & BUSINESS f�s��� -SERVICES - 79&7 Business Driving Schools D 8341 " lr � Moving,asb�s0 Services Tailoring _ • DRE tYAK1M naea�y ra AwlAng' OaeOWIshm vow �Rsltb AJAX Yakfg Sylvania - ull red PARRY S DRIVING Cal 1(�11�Y01 Proteesional ekwome. case T� Po"i t spadrsts and SCH• 6 Blelen's Home Srdass aft DaeOr '� M tttlit(a ,aha i hourly. We now, have tteala i ti nwkvc fah fly �_u 427-1041. (1114M kdww & EXIBrior allrlNtiw b rain Id°sl' - GrA7 Vf . �wINP EXPERN310ED holueswaw Em"m - a I6 ML (M mow. call 427- 6PAJAX Chirrtey Sweeps - Spe- el - ekintsy dsan1 0 as low :a -* wwoodk. Ressonew ratCar PsYiCis 42D•29M. (111401 F� � . 1�-1537 w «sly $0. Pet sereen1 0 1240061 ' maw so 'fNo fes. no I*" a herald Eaperlrtoe I muss guaranteed'. Free andel as chain "a Itase we"' office a m kom cite ap6csa W book keeping. estimslsa I1e47741. (111 top m cep great rases. to mo Senior dsoaass. d 725.4880 � 4 in fis*m landFor all gerterel otrw irviles d , or T1S72os Issue nrssags or ad shingle of as MndL SaB Orh(IqSChoN •Y7••'e'• �M F�sallntslss woAtrrewkb ¢ GN Rens Orssis. YTyponePerfect. lessons 3�so ! r ccsMae �tsa (i10 Call Jori ea6 i tapft boarding. 7-wr (ani 1d1 318SsorIS dk test $75 COfl1MUCTION OUAUW work by tat W and $Wb ander clomps. slM Flee Pi& --W & dmp of axle 0f . am ten WWI experienced. Renovations, stucco, plaster repairs. For rmirp, proles- ermatiors Willhard working. ptolisssirtsl servin as comped- omped• software desgrhed 1« . 2v r vV V V 1. Fat t11d Eii ms's' dadks Mc Cal us f« 11w prices. od Br al 432 908. nttheds. Reasonable rales a tree endmos 571-1283 BIr or (TF) res consultation. Call 420• 7 d�S/RRek eii0n81 work Rod. Oshsea (WALL) EUROPEAN yo spetalist will 1078. (111893) SABER Contracting - all renovate your bathroom or LLUSTRATWK camo«tkV. CMG 66.1913, carpentry, additions, kieten wells as wall as floor graphic fin• adverUsfnp' �ngr s:tip b renovations, kitchens. balhroons, hems trlsiasrtsrtoe Mss, 20 yearswperI Good references and satisfaction Reslnabi or personal. Reas«Iat,le rales, Anse lessors dal Vic. «smM Ca ng Cal Vk,428 M07. (111 emergency service, furniture pwa*wtForleeealYrslss ev4sbls• Randy Timers, (416) S.C.G. Construction Ltd. - refinishing, quality work guaranteed. 15 years D. Dykstra. 7264913. (TF) GENERALIfanrkrprorerrsrts 571 CARPET ant vinyl floorhtg quality exterior and uteri« saparMrtee 888 -?D15. (TFEFG) drywall, taping, painting. TYPING available - com- PA~Word Perfect. Mstallatlons. repairs very nnowtlons, repairs, aaddMiorts nwrrDM RsMwsctM Iron dMiprWuiW bis and ubktsls $96• linewwoe from SZ50 AN workmainship 9wameed TOTAL Renovations, corperery, and Ham h , � rsnnis ark, accoustic celings and UNO" gs. 30 ifews Routines. letters Ole- Piot atnd do@ -NJ s4.1d, Pies" car 579-01315. and Yawed. Contac Gary 834 knM�dE>perlap .' g old Piss basis 4o Nle. For � oxwbrros Very good rates. Call Steve at 888-7096. Please mm oe64604- NIXtills" OW. (TF) estkltsse. ON Damn 6140986. IN 0011h da6=016 P" 0960ow - .. Sa rwbm MMMY-O-THE-MOVERS 10 me gh list limos,, any move big or small. we priori occaasimonn. Birth iV lhamaMFleet ealfnrI sonkin Promotions, openings, discount, short rddoe moves, katdraYMs, ilsgic shows ais pianos. moved. Comparable turd Loam h it .838.7067 or lass. Call 432-29M (TF) 729.6334. (TF) MHN edit large track win do RARHTr wants pwordo� houishold maw. residential. mlapie to acrnle , - - Ar typal at maws, all occasions. have my own Call Carl of Jane. 427-2858. magician. Car Emic eee-4932. -- Private Tuitions, Schools ALL SUBJECTS, grads 6 to OAC. Teacher with 17 years experience. Call 663-8356. DONT wsk until the and of th school year. Experienced teacher ara4ble for tubring. Expertise Reading and Language. Whirs RdA lwy s2. Gil 837-7673. (11149M Plumbing 1119 �^ i�111Db1 too MA - list w IIMMI6, boom*. 9186600nw wM base► fie. Am f6lttrlllllion of adc l m Dwlkw 427-4200. Hltrn: SHARED accomodalbn oval - able for lernale senior ctlzen to share with other female senior. Near PTC, parking available. Call 839- 7397. (111793) p)CKERING at 401 and Whites Rd. Three bedroom luxury home. new subdivision by con- servation area, parking. share all facilities. Non-smoking lemate preferred. $400 monthly. 939-7540. (111793) Condos For 455 Rent PICKERING Tridel luxury high level. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 5 appliances. locker, vertical blinds, security, rec facilities, air conditioning, parking. $1100 inclusive. 381-7065. (111693) 460 Of Ice ff Rehdll SPM FOR rent, 1150 sq.tt. a/c office space. Westney/401 in Ajax. In- dustral location, tens. from Go. Great rate. Call Tony, 674-5555 ext 702. (TF) STORE for rent, approx. 800 sq.t1. Available now. 92 Old Kingston Rd.. Pickering Village. For more information, call Phillip 683-5399 (111493) CENTRAL Oshawa office avaiable. completely furnished, approx. 700 sq.ti., rent approx. $750 per month. Telephone 723- 8693.(120393) 462 Garage a Storage Space SPECIAL s!crage for spec ai cars Average, $45/monthly. Brook,n. 655-4731. (111493) 487 Travel 490 Fwds r<�� few GORGEOUS three bedroom condo, close to famous Clev- water Bead+, pod- pcuzzi. BBO and private yard. Available now. for information and to view photos call 686.9646. (113093) NEAR CLEARWATER. oemral to sroppmg. pole, etc.. Close to Gun Beaches. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. children welcome. Photos to view, weekly or monthly. Leave message. 666.3615. (111893) 500HOBS For Sale 535 Lasso 13500 full price, wooded grip imp lot. 3/4 ll oW of Oshawa. Sand beach, lishing, next to 10.000 acres county forest. Fred, 416431-1555. (TF) 545 Vacation Properties A distress sale? Waterfroml 6 acres plus Boo h. d shoreline only $149 monthly. Also 18 acres home site, close to Hwy 87, treed, serviced, $24,900. Call 428.6167. (111693) ACREAGE/POND/LAKE - 85 acres («/-), $49.900. Majestic hardwoods, adjacent to Crown Land. Owner financing as while as 1096 down. (613) 2743255. 550 Cottages For Sale APSLEY - $69.900 Cottage - ex- terior finished, 3 bedrooms, sundeck, private hardwood la. wirxerized, tour season access. All services complete, crystal clear lake. super fishing/ swimming. winter sports. Look- ing for peace and quiet, financ- ng by owner. Call 1-416-349- 2911. .416-3442911. (111993) 1575 Loans BORROW $10.000. pay as little as $110 per month o.a.c. Call Jerry. 668-7200. Free consultations. Anubis Invest- ments Ltd. (TF) MONEY Problems? Loans, debt consolidations. credit arrangements, personal budget planning, garnishees stopped. FREE CONSULTATIONS. Credit Counsellors (Toronto - Oshawa). 433.1425. (TF) 580 Mortgages 650 - 650 CASH SACK - 4 your m,omgagel 7.73%, 5 year term. no lees. No down, No problem. PLC's arrartged. Lowest rites. Call 68- MONEY today. (111793) &,aloft$ 650 ._ Allcaorla '.'J :-�•. -i+ THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVF.MIderr i* M IVIIi-PAGE 25 Card if 650 Auetlons 740 u..*.' fIo f, ' 750 Thanks Ni7tvSUNDAY AUCTION This Sunday, Nov.14th 12 Noon Preview 11:30 At The Knights of Columbus Club 133 Brock St. North Whitby (Hwy. 12) * PARTIAL LISTING * To settle the "Cromwell' Estate and for other legal principles, 9 pc. walnut dining room suite, 3 pc. bedroom suite, 4 pc. black onyx "Lancourt" camel back sofa set, oak accountant's desk, handmade quilts, bow front china cabinet, 3 pc. flapper style 1930s sofa set, pair of pine bookcases, pine wardrobe, oriental carpets, pine jam 8 jelly cabinets, fancy carved and other linen boxes, asst. lamps, washstand, shaving stand, antique rocking chairs, harvest table and 6 hoop chairs, stools, benches, carved rosewood planter stand and matching foyer table, various mirrors, an assortment of parlour and occasional tables and chairs, cast iron decorator pcs., weather vane, round oak table and 4 press back chairs, 3 pc. pine coffee table set, pine shelves and racks, prints and pictures, cups, saucers, dishes, cast iron toys, loveseat, bells, 4 poster bed, plus much more. TERMS - Cash - Cheque Auctions Unlimited � 'ISAIMC 3%) 1-519-345-2082 Relivery Available $1.00 BIDDER CARDS 670 Personals 671Persona s PSYCHIC Tarot Bards and Pdn Ings 1 AM w1l tmnvirlc• you 123 Mind" SL W, WAMby - eswe. - pew aedb) Cal 668-0499 590 Business SINGLE and unattached? Opportunifles Singlee World Dance every Friday. Dynasty kin Ballroom. DRUG RAID SEIZURES! Buy 5% alcor SL W. Oshawa. dress dirt chsap. cars. houses. boats. code. No jean. Every Sunday computers. Onect from U.S. at The Coral. 433 Simme St. S.. Canadian Government. FREE Osh- 9 per. tnhxrrlegion, 1 - ILLUSTRATED REPORT. 800'585.4163-(11129;1) Seizure Dept. USG -H-16767- 150-1857 Weal Fourth, Vancouver, BC. V6J 1M4. WANTED Owner Operator for brand name Chips. Candy and Soda route. High profit, uvea 11,6990. Call 1-800-267-9273. (112663) To Advertise Your l Business Service Please Call 576-933P or Fax 579-2238 500 Fo osmess r OPEN HOUSE SAT NOV. 13, SUN, NOV. 14. 12 - 4 PJL 9 HOUGHTON C[ - IN CHESTNUT GLEN Take Hldkory SL N, Iron Dundas SL E (9emer Lum Stora) - billow open hot" signs. Quiet Dotal, wall 6ctena fa pubic school i ale amani6a. 4 yrs- 1 wolessionaly landscaped, central air with abctic tissrtr- stsrlf uncrades. Cd 669-1 M. NOW $130.9001 Most Odt ter 401. twee dse•dkGd 1400 te3,900 each. Power Of sats. Two hugs, high 3dstoo y spllL, 47'x110lek, come let, two kkt:hens, 2 1#2 belly. *me rswmit. ositttps h Will . Cas Teresa Turner 416- 16bd 1, plus kMelr Gula is ew 321-3536. Associate Broker Romax Gone"Ltd. Realtor.da.. Paved drtisawy, oboe BAR rough In for a= OWIWw (11 4 571.4706. (111214 839-7271 P Warstrp s Church Sd ool WHY writ for $601. you can aswH Church Service 10:30 a.m. a now dMGclwd 3 a a bdrssrn AIM6ERLEA PlttsssYTER1AN CHURCN harm on a lege IDL TO suit PRIVATE sell defence kw a ntorlgees, no probbn Buy keVuc ion. bkm k bet pkdnacir. 10:30 a.m. tam/leS. Call 4328-110 s 41416407-O . (1 2114 SupwWoodN i13q� AJAX - 40 i 100 & lot, Iwo (111490) badw°m 17 il '. SAPTW CHURCH at APPiI Pubac School *Um*w* w� le.racn.d► $12a,1oo. 640 E`er Now vinyl windows. doors. (Ju�d�� �E_ast of LO® P10=11REV. NOW= WOitSM 1030 AAL -carpst drywal, I and dsdL SPORTSCAND &M SGL Nov. Abe his eraplao• w VIML No 1a 104 P -m HOMW blit' �' 3�7s3 0349 (gens$ pisses $i.t» es 1110fN MV0101. Dsdsr We. 416 (,,,613) 206.6108. (1/1s" POwERarwtgsd SUNDAY: Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Worshlip 11:00 a.m. able (r.Pe...s..d,, carless 670 p at under sWXM tan WEDNESDAY: 7:30 - Adult BbN Study with min. dip. Cat Dao or Anderson, BrakerlSaNs Rep. JE$Os litip can � bww we Guide Realty, 1111. 723.5281 qts blind?D your �p o west gl•• ss? 24 hr. page. (M ' " Mleah 3:11, MW inaielsr, m condos For 1 Sa"wh56:101 Jim canpbsM276.520 iiiiiiiiiiiiiis $romilloi> CAXLOWOOD Terrace, katari,i two Salk Ptd? bedroom, solarium, lakev)ew c,o��rn,e�,,r• sults. 5 raPhy rlsssbn, doe lastskally and prolsasionaliy. Great +tP.Pka_ * osgdna.� � , � anwnti•i. f30 Vaki saanw ChrlNmGs gilt fer Alm. AOor- . QCa2a7.8ast- ¢3,2 evailleble, pg- SW: - if(11� PSYCHIC - tart card readirps by rnail for people on the got Send $19.95 plus full name. address. postal code, day month and year of birth to: Mystic Mess ingsr, 5709 Old Sogop Rd. N.. R.R. at BowmwwM•. OM. L 1 C 31K2. (112503) Il you obs• _... You Pay MorWir 52000 ....... _ 550 $5,000 ...... ......... $125 - $15,000 ....... __._...5375 FAX YOUR AADIS 579-2238 li.� ti'P a Audley Ceramics � "4 WEEKS OF CHRISTMAS SAVINGS" Nov. 15 -20th Al sofilees Req. $2.40. Sala $1-89 Large tree kits Reg. $5.90, Sale $4.50 Nov. 22 -27th NO FIDE SNOW Reg. $3.15, �Slsle $2.40 Gare Shimmers Reg. $4.05. Sale $&00 Screw-in Sockets Reg. $4.75. Sale $3.50 Nor- 29 -Dec. 4th AN brushes and kits are 30% off Duncan Stains Rag. $2.56. sale $1.99 PA u4.75.� � N glance 30% off Al sealers are 30% off 352 Bayly St- W.. Ajax 428-2519 • • • e To PIM your pnwallind CON S7'6 = and Id ofm d our THANK YOU FOR CHECKING. �kX over your ad tl first day sure it reads as Ar f CALL CLASSIFIED 576-9335 798-7672 Degeer Coil - In loving memory of a Dlfaar Father, Grand & Grut Grampa ulho passed away Nov. 13, 1991. This day is remembered and quietly kept, For those we love don't go away, Unseen and unheard but always near, So loved, so missed & so very dear. Sadly missed by daughters - husbands and families. loan & Don Barbara & John Marilyn & Ito r memory Sister nnick. emories r forever. Time cannot change them Its true Our Loving remembrance of scele adly missed by Sister Adeline and xx Russ Cray. FAX US YOUR AD 579-ZM HOWARTH - The family of the late Kenneth Howarth wishes to express its gratitude for the support received from caring family and friends, during a difficult time. A very special thanks to Rev. Frank Conkey, the staff of McEachnie Funeral Home, and to those who made a charitable donation in Ken's memory. All that everyone has done is greatly appreciated. Thank you SELL IT NOW CALL 576-9335 or 798-7672 lease read your lassfflad ad on the rst day of ubikatlon as we ennot be lsponsibla for mora fan one Insartion In �I `CO ME AND WORSHIP THESE CHURCHES INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THEIR WORSHIP SERVICES oullsAlerofN - FAtftroar walrao cleaner PICKERIN VIL 1ON DunbartOn Pld, Pickaring UNITED CHURCH 839-7271 P Warstrp s Church Sd ool 300 Church St. N., Ajax Church Service 10:30 a.m. 683-4721 AIM6ERLEA PlttsssYTER1AN CHURCN Phyllis Spencer 1920 Whh" Rd. N- THE FAMILY CHURCH Worship & Sunday School WORSHIP TIME 1 1:00a.m. 10:30 a.m. SUNDA`,' SCHOOL ST. ANDREWS SupwWoodN i13q� PRESBYTERIAN Ml)ESTNW Mall 35 CHURCH ST. N. '. SAPTW CHURCH at APPiI Pubac School PICKERING VILLAGE Coin Ave, Norsk, Alva 683-7311 (Ju�d�� �E_ast of LO® P10=11REV. NOW= WOitSM 1030 AAL JAMES BIGGS WORSFNP & CHURCH SCHOOL Rek now P=601 � 11:00 A.Y. PICKERING STANDARD CHURCH To Advertise Your A community flittitodlst Church Brock Rd. at Hwy. #7 Church Events SUNDAY: Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Worshlip 11:00 a.m. call Janice at ' EwnkV ftft*,Mip 7:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY: 7:30 - Adult BbN Study 683_5110 - BIbN Club for Youth 837-01 Z6 ,holiday ca 'guidd"""terng_ Why spend your holiday slaving over a hot stove? Let us prepare everything, so you can really j enjoy the holiday! CAKE CREATIONS 0 aCoto � dfleigrled for " special • • W -11-g- showenk affnkwunies • • tom garble i sports Satisiecti14yam silperisnost. : • on guarmi" Deirery waloble. • • ` 428.2M a 430-8184 c7grna-nn i : • f'J, k�aEisse:ii • Fabulous Cakes, Pastries, Light Lunches, e Catering, Wedding Cake Rentals. • 101. DISCOUNT WITH THIS •. • 292 ortarch Ava., Unit 20, ax � • J'. PAGE 26 -THF NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1991 OR. E. GILLEZEAU & DR. M. FITZSIMMONS Wlfl1VVITE %&V PATIENTS By 4PF1INrbfEN'r WE OFFER FAMILY EYECARE • Contact menses • E nocuiar Vlsior • Percep?ual 7esr­)9 •Dispens,na of a I Vpes Of Frames d Contac•s 11 M "T B�SEM SALT OR WEATHER DAMAGED CONCRETE WALKWAYS OR STEPS' BASEMENTS WATERPROOFED CONCRETE REFINISHING AND REPAIR ANY SIZE JOB . MODERN METHODS tiQ DAMAGE TO SHRUBS LAWNS & DRIVEWAYS ALL AVAILABLE METHODS -EQFORMED INSIDE OF OUTSIDE &-i F, LARRY GOODWI 24 Hours Tel (416) 619.1703 or Fax 4161683-0421 IN, six %loN-Fils N OLR CHILD %ILL LEARN COMPITERS' A Fwaa,m camuit c°eW,m r c 8aVeoL= ;c fuo :mc .W... Mudd .a.: cbu&tfor e•bof= ,a oa.wend ortmocua=mgmeh* wftakvbei. Lx* Sod':: ..Q+a.: soe :m;um we ,e.- s :mmunit GW .w :laid ¢ C4, r OULm Ci W 6IT Via^ KOs s...orag naN.■ sd.uq • D kuo recut • +sdu. SAVE s20 (415) 509 -KIDS bRAW - IN (416) 509-5437 14 i(rglon Paw u.d 76 oruerq I FOUR SEASONS SUNROOMS 2020 %%rnt Aorth M. AV- Unit 19. N kith% 404-27X9 1-ti00-261W 111 INDEPENDENTLY OWNED A OPERATED 41111111111111 _ NOW OPEN I PICKERING I ,BA.r-rERY Racanditiorled Beheries From - $34.95 Full Yr. WwrarMy PAceiw'r disscourd with Itis ad 1750 Pkimmer Unit 1-A OPEN 7:30 a.m. - 6.00 PAIJliort.-Fri. Sat. 9am. -4PA. Sun.1 P.M. - 5 Pia. sowuft4la Br Fopwaaw rxi:.Aww. FREE -MI -NOME CONSULTATION I'16.6�6-+IA17- Focus ONBUSnvEss Advertising Feature loving service for your pet CINNABAR KENNELS. That four -legged member of your family is an important member and often needs almost as much consideration as each human member. Whether you are moving, going away for an extended period of time, or even just having a night on the town and don't want to rush back home for your pet, Cinnabar Kennels is a local boarding and grooming establishment in Ajax. It is located on Hwy. 2, about one mile east of Harwood Ave. (next to Picov Downs), and offers boarding and grooming services for dogs and cats. Owners Rena and Walter Jones are typical animal lovers who, for more than 20 years, bred Pekingese and show dogs. Their establishment is a clean and comfortable one, which comes highly recommended by veterinarians in the area. The fact that the couple live on the premises is a good indication that it is a comfortable environment for your pet. But once you visit the site, you'll be well pleased with the loving service - even Carlmar Health Foods Complete line of Natural Foods, Natural Vitamins & Minerais, Herbal Remedies, Teas, Coffee substitutes, Organic Grains, All Ginseng Products. Books, Cosmetics, Protein, body building supplements. 1271 Kingston Rd. (West of Liverpool Rd.) 905-839.6679 ����` - 1 r . �•i TO I f (� L - down to the continuous music played for the animals. As Rena says, "We show a lot of kindness to the animals. They're happy. These are light, bright, pleasant, surroundings." Soon to be added is an airport service. That means, if people are in the process of moving and need their animal picked up, Cinnabar Kennels will do just that. A total of 50 animals can be accommodated at one time. Cats are kept in large cages in the grooming area. Surprisingly, perhaps, Cinnabar boards a high number of cats, although the number will fluctuate from as high as 20 to as low as one. The dog grooming service, meanwhile, is well known. Regular customers who own poodles, for instance, will CINNABAR KENNELS BOARDING - GROOMING DOGS - CATS ALL BREED PROFESSIONAL GROOMING -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" • HEATEWAIR CONDITIONED FACIUTIES • OUTDOOR RUNS • CONTINUOUS MUSIC • PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS • RECOMMENDED BY VETERINARIANS "TRY US! WE WANT TO PLEASE" N*% 42 MAIN usually attend the kennel about every four weeks. A spaniel would be groomed about every six to eight weeks. Big dogs like German shepherds - are usually groomed twice a year. Rena points out also, that although some kennels don't take older dogs, Cinnabar is comfortable with these older animals. She encourages animal owners to "see the premises first" - regardless where they are taking their pet. She adds that it is important for the animals to be happy. "We make it a happy experience for each animal," she says. "We have many who come back regularly, and have been coming since we started six years ago." For more information on Cinnabar, call 427-6948. FROM 4.99% 1 st, 2nd, 3rd Mtges. to 95% • Rental Properties • Re-froving & Cottages • Debt Consolidatbn • Rural Properties • Self-employed • Bad Credo No Income - No Problem Prime Deals Below Bank Rates Fast Professional Service Since 1975 ANW§f MILLPOND CONTRACTING SERVICES LTD. RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL CUSTOMIZED CONTRACTING SERVICES & RENOVATIONS DESIGN, BUILT, INSTALLED SATISFACTION GUARANTEED with ' ad 10% OFF Exp. Jan. 30194 j AJAX DIVISION RANDY VINCENT Phone 686.6870, Mobile (416) 618-7953 PICKERING MEDICAL CENTRE AFTER HOURS CLINIC OPEN FROM. SATURDAY 9:00 A.M. SUNDAY 1000 A.M DR. M. SEMOFF DR. B. CHARTIER DR. B. FARBER DR. H. PETROFF DR. R. SHAFIR 1885 Glenanna Rd. Pickering 801-7277 K,ngsion Rd N n Tae w.wa "I G oww ce•rtwe ; vC AY'.J CARROLL HOME IMPROVEMENTS announcesthe Grand Opening of —fie • •oaA Snwiooms & Additions - 906 BROCK RD. S., PICKERING &mt3Q5-10 amm Ml>:StlalWEMI Free P" Roan Avsdab* ,;trrnan and Interrati, nai jpu:> :.s Sunday'Frunch ruts. -sat. 11:30-2:30&5 10 p.m. Qnday 10:40-9 p.m. Located in the Courtyard of Pirkering ii[Lage 109 O(d Kirn cton RLQ- Aia.T • PERIODIC VISITS OR LIVE-IN CARE FOR YOUR PETS, HOME i PLANTS • HOME SECURITY & MAINTENANCE • LIVE-IN OR HOURLY CHILD CARE • BONDED & INSURED, EST. 1961 REUABLE & AFFORDABLE 686-1691 FESTERS �A.r 19 0 PM 01 rrJ -..ME M 9 9.Old—..oiOrORLLs 77k- ) i�-<<�11311 G�l'i�11 CHRISTMAS Dixxer & DRAG' Friday, December 171b/93 IN OUR NEW GAZEBO DELUXE BUFFET T URICEYDINNER Cocktails 7:00 p -m..800 p.m. Dinner at 800Anc Disc jockey - Casb Bar 145" per person or '80°0 per couple 10% Discounts for Gt wisps of 8 or more 601eandau vnre 11 16 4 rum � rcb Si) f P^ng 1rUage •� rl (905)619- t��lfl�'Ili � Fall Specials • Natural Looking Fiberglass Nails $30.00 • Pedicure $15.00 • 1a Leg Wn $15.00 • Deep CleensiN Facial $25.00 For Other For 428-7536 41111111111111 _ NOW OPEN I PICKERING I ,BA.r-rERY Racanditiorled Beheries From - $34.95 Full Yr. WwrarMy PAceiw'r disscourd with Itis ad 1750 Pkimmer Unit 1-A OPEN 7:30 a.m. - 6.00 PAIJliort.-Fri. Sat. 9am. -4PA. Sun.1 P.M. - 5 Pia. sowuft4la Br Fopwaaw rxi:.Aww. FREE -MI -NOME CONSULTATION I'16.6�6-+IA17- Focus ONBUSnvEss Advertising Feature loving service for your pet CINNABAR KENNELS. That four -legged member of your family is an important member and often needs almost as much consideration as each human member. Whether you are moving, going away for an extended period of time, or even just having a night on the town and don't want to rush back home for your pet, Cinnabar Kennels is a local boarding and grooming establishment in Ajax. It is located on Hwy. 2, about one mile east of Harwood Ave. (next to Picov Downs), and offers boarding and grooming services for dogs and cats. Owners Rena and Walter Jones are typical animal lovers who, for more than 20 years, bred Pekingese and show dogs. Their establishment is a clean and comfortable one, which comes highly recommended by veterinarians in the area. The fact that the couple live on the premises is a good indication that it is a comfortable environment for your pet. But once you visit the site, you'll be well pleased with the loving service - even Carlmar Health Foods Complete line of Natural Foods, Natural Vitamins & Minerais, Herbal Remedies, Teas, Coffee substitutes, Organic Grains, All Ginseng Products. Books, Cosmetics, Protein, body building supplements. 1271 Kingston Rd. (West of Liverpool Rd.) 905-839.6679 ����` - 1 r . �•i TO I f (� L - down to the continuous music played for the animals. As Rena says, "We show a lot of kindness to the animals. They're happy. These are light, bright, pleasant, surroundings." Soon to be added is an airport service. That means, if people are in the process of moving and need their animal picked up, Cinnabar Kennels will do just that. A total of 50 animals can be accommodated at one time. Cats are kept in large cages in the grooming area. Surprisingly, perhaps, Cinnabar boards a high number of cats, although the number will fluctuate from as high as 20 to as low as one. The dog grooming service, meanwhile, is well known. Regular customers who own poodles, for instance, will CINNABAR KENNELS BOARDING - GROOMING DOGS - CATS ALL BREED PROFESSIONAL GROOMING -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" • HEATEWAIR CONDITIONED FACIUTIES • OUTDOOR RUNS • CONTINUOUS MUSIC • PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS • RECOMMENDED BY VETERINARIANS "TRY US! WE WANT TO PLEASE" N*% 42 MAIN usually attend the kennel about every four weeks. A spaniel would be groomed about every six to eight weeks. Big dogs like German shepherds - are usually groomed twice a year. Rena points out also, that although some kennels don't take older dogs, Cinnabar is comfortable with these older animals. She encourages animal owners to "see the premises first" - regardless where they are taking their pet. She adds that it is important for the animals to be happy. "We make it a happy experience for each animal," she says. "We have many who come back regularly, and have been coming since we started six years ago." For more information on Cinnabar, call 427-6948. FROM 4.99% 1 st, 2nd, 3rd Mtges. to 95% • Rental Properties • Re-froving & Cottages • Debt Consolidatbn • Rural Properties • Self-employed • Bad Credo No Income - No Problem Prime Deals Below Bank Rates Fast Professional Service Since 1975 ANW§f MILLPOND CONTRACTING SERVICES LTD. RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL CUSTOMIZED CONTRACTING SERVICES & RENOVATIONS DESIGN, BUILT, INSTALLED SATISFACTION GUARANTEED with ' ad 10% OFF Exp. Jan. 30194 j AJAX DIVISION RANDY VINCENT Phone 686.6870, Mobile (416) 618-7953 PICKERING MEDICAL CENTRE AFTER HOURS CLINIC OPEN FROM. SATURDAY 9:00 A.M. SUNDAY 1000 A.M DR. M. SEMOFF DR. B. CHARTIER DR. B. FARBER DR. H. PETROFF DR. R. SHAFIR 1885 Glenanna Rd. Pickering 801-7277 K,ngsion Rd N n Tae w.wa "I G oww ce•rtwe ; vC AY'.J CARROLL HOME IMPROVEMENTS announcesthe Grand Opening of —fie • •oaA Snwiooms & Additions - 906 BROCK RD. S., PICKERING &mt3Q5-10 amm Ml>:StlalWEMI Free P" Roan Avsdab* ,;trrnan and Interrati, nai jpu:> :.s Sunday'Frunch ruts. -sat. 11:30-2:30&5 10 p.m. Qnday 10:40-9 p.m. Located in the Courtyard of Pirkering ii[Lage 109 O(d Kirn cton RLQ- Aia.T • PERIODIC VISITS OR LIVE-IN CARE FOR YOUR PETS, HOME i PLANTS • HOME SECURITY & MAINTENANCE • LIVE-IN OR HOURLY CHILD CARE • BONDED & INSURED, EST. 1961 REUABLE & AFFORDABLE 686-1691 FESTERS �A.r 19 0 PM 01 rrJ -..ME M 9 9.Old—..oiOrORLLs 77k- ) i�-<<�11311 G�l'i�11 CHRISTMAS Dixxer & DRAG' Friday, December 171b/93 IN OUR NEW GAZEBO DELUXE BUFFET T URICEYDINNER Cocktails 7:00 p -m..800 p.m. Dinner at 800Anc Disc jockey - Casb Bar 145" per person or '80°0 per couple 10% Discounts for Gt wisps of 8 or more 601eandau vnre 11 16 4 rum � rcb Si) f P^ng 1rUage •� rl (905)619- ' , • SUCCESSFUL businessman, 34, att4s8c and ft 6'. 190 lbs. dark hair and eyes, seeks fit, attractive, young lady, 20-35, for romantic evenings, get- aways and hav l (simple moms weloorrte). BY 1426 ROMANTIC mate, adventur- ous, great sons. of humour, enjoys music, movies, dining PA and varied inherest, seeks finale with sirrtllar inhassts, for friendship and possible long- term ralebo ship. BY 1502 RESPONSIBLE, hardworking, Mbeci ive, awetic, angle male. 31, single by choice at this lime, seeks young lady, 2535, for friend l", poo" relation- ship. BY 1548 (OSIQ BROAD,shouldersd. attractive and cute whits mala, seeking soft -shouldered, attractive and cute whits female, must be skim, warm and affectionate, 22.36, non-smoker, BY 1SGS low ATTRACTIVE male, 29, 5'10', brown hair. brown eyes and a winning smile. enjoys romantic dinners with a woman who likes Companionship - Friendship Call Anytime 1 916 1 191 . Only charge is $1.99 per minute, there are no extra long distance charges 1. To respond to an ad, call Sincerely Yours 1-4/6.876-1991' at any time of the day from any touch tone Ph" within the 416 area code and make a note of the four digit'maibo>� number that appears at the and of the ad. You may also browse through the system to listen to other recordings. Just follow the recorded instnucthons. A charge of $1.99 per minute will appear on your phone bill as soon as you conned with the system. 2. After you receive your numbers, call 1316-976-1991. from any touch tone phone, 24 hits. a day and fol- low the easy (recorded) instructions. Remember you may NOT leave your last ,tame, phone number or address when recording your message in YOUR maibm. 3. To retrieve your messages cal 1-416-976-1991' from any touch tone phone and follow the instruc- tions ... Remember to enter your mail= number and pass code on your phone key pad. A charge of $1.99 per min. will appear on your phone bill as soon as you conned with the system. to be treated like a lady. SY 30's, seeks relationship with IS76(PIC) woman who feels sexy and EASY -going, attractive male, needs to feel loved. SY 1615 eery 40, established. romantic, (OSH) looking for relationship with a EASY -gong, non-smoker, veg- non-smoking, attractive, intelli- stanan. 32, who enjoys camp. gent. fit lady. 30-45, lets talk. ing, fishing, long walks and SY 1Se5 most sports, seelong someone LAST of the true romantics, with a sense of humour and laking for fun, adventure and same Interests SY 1616 (OSH) king -term romance with female. ADVENTUROUS fit male. 30 18.23, SY 1589 (OSH) non-smoker with wide range of SUM. white, single male. 27, interests, winter passion down - 62'. non-smoker. honest. sin- hill skeng, seeks fit female that core, ,retests -outdoors, dant- likes both adventurous and ing. travel, dining, movies and quiet tines. SY 1617 (OSH) falling. Seeks attractrve white HANDSOME, romantic. 6 fit female. 30-35. for relationship while male. young 49. no SY ISOs (OSH) dependents. enjoys motorcy- 000D looking male. 6. 40. on- cling and boating, seeks slim. core, honest and hardworking, white, affectionate female, 35 - seeks non-smoking tamale, t8- 50. with no dependents. for 35. who enjoys dining, rrowes. longterm relationship SY /6/s travel and fishing. for possible (OSH) king -Ism relationship SY 1602 EASY -going separated father (OSH) of two. 35, many varied Inter - SINCERE gent emar, 23, seeks honesL good humoured. female. 22.28. to share every. thing from quiet evenings aloe to rights out on the town SY 1607 to" ROMANTICALLY inclined male. 45. antero, honest- car. Ing. enjoys children seeking Petile lady to share good trues such as dancing. dining out. long walks, fishing, camping and hopefully for a long role- bonshp SY 1600 (OSM SINGLE white male, 23. long dark her. 5'9', enjoys gong out and having a good time, looking ter someone. 20-25, wilith same interests or possible reaton- 91 FORMERLY BOX @1552, past lespoiW to this ad SY 1600 (Osm) DOWN to MM angle guy. 4o, 5'11', 215 lbs., who a honest and responsible and expects 148 same, seeks cute female for big -bin fun, growth and oomrrken@rel SY 1610 (000 SELF -employed male, 25. blond. bks -eyed, enjoys chil- dren, romantic evenings arty. Whole. scuba diving, camping and various outdoor activities, seeking female, 20-25, with similar interest. Now to the J area, show me around! BY loll (0s11) aBISS, atkacsys, ai40 while fetes. 30. 185 be., sinks single while lemab, 2532. tell, aftc- live, endnstrndsep, no dspen- dents, non-smoker, for friand• Ship aid possible wlNonshiV. BY 1913 (ONQ SINGLE male, 26, non-smoker, kavefeg, cold -M looking for a single white tamale, 22-28, with sirmiar interests. BY 1614 DO you enjoy your door opened for you, your ups/downs listened to, your hopes/dreams shared with you? Caning gentleman, mid - eats, wishing to contact women. 3040, Who haw a zest or Iib and a sense of humour SY 1619 (OSH) OUTGOING, active, single make, 42. never maned,non- smoker , financially secure. cert brown hair, blue eyes. enjoys Mo. boating, fishing trivet. Glue Jays and Quel ovennge If you are interested in sharing fun times. please respond. SY 1420 (OSH) SRKXRE gentleman. 37. loves children fishing, camping. movies and a sense of humour, looking or lady, 25-40. who a affectionate, true. slim -medium build. for ancere relationship SY 1621 (OSM ARE you an honest, stable. established, health conscious, family-orented. natural lady iib a non4aatrucbw lifestyle, please respond Children wo- come SY 1622 (OSH) SINGLE, ft romantic male a5 55'. seeking petit• lady to shah a good time dining out, camping, fishing, long walks, enjoys children. SY 1623 MATURE male 22, seeks white f•rnale. 2433fo frlend- stop or rete0onship You want a hn lone or an ear to berth, nil be taw. SY 1424 (OSH) 1 have two bclats to parades' It you ave a single white female, 2634, in good shape, with a !bong desire to have fun, Sa R.S.V.P. SY 1625 SINGLE man, good values. attractive, ht vaned interests, nwsualY nckhed. seeks angis wiomWmom, 30.40, with good outlook, for possible reabon- slip. BY 1e27 (0" rU a 31 yeerold black male, ha'd-working, hues fun wotsn, You are Yoe a whits female nter- @Nod n a Week ,rials, must be heavy sat tarty 180 lbs, 10 300 ba SY 1 W (Doll') PATENT, sasygong male. 35. separated father, enjoys nlowiss -freaks, oubloa s, gar- denk home -cooked meat, quiet kemaNP elvonegs. apons and elniditn, kwkipg ter I - WAM simile hnww aBY 1625 EST a wallgroonid, S 46 years young, white male, seeks the companionship of sa whits female, whose Interests hndudo dancing, live theatre, dining, long walks, quiet ewerirgs, oft. SY 1070 MM ESTABLISHED, atlwekw and reeponablo male, 34, At and slim seeks aim and honest Mai" 22-M for snare long- 1 waoones By1861 (ONO SINCERE single lather, 34, ti nonsmoker, financially and 1 smialicirmifts.�� fun -loving, romantic. Enjoys reading, movies, dining and E dancing, outdoor activities, quid evwnirga, olc..., seeking g k mals 2638 with similar qwf- ties, for possible le prele- fonsiv. SY I=(ONO IF you are 5' Soh, dander, and thhnit form aitn't any roily time males out thew, why not give this w a ctlanco.Good looking 408, sense humour, of estab- kd an dlsd most ini t dslsl)r a ori woman man SY 1633 (OSH) SINGLE, fit. romantic. sincere, male, 45, 5'5', seeking petite Lady, to share good times, din- ing out. ramping, fishing, long walks. enjoyschildren SY 1634 (OS1f) ROMANTIC male, 27. 5'to', 180 'bs seeking a possible long-term relationship with a no-nonsense female. 25-35. who enjoys mainly quiet times 63 With lots of affection. SY 15 (OSH) Sincerely Yours... The safer way to meet new people, leave your name and number only when you're ready. UNDERSTANDING o^i woman mar 33 nonei afleo tiori down to earth, slim non-smoker win a variety o interests. seeks Whiter ancon female o share and snoy kk and growth with SY 1634 (OH) HI, my name is Don, 5'5' Looking for a gill who is sen bus. for a relationship,, Mies at music. gong or walks and tit acre. SY 1637 (OSH) MELISSA, you responded to box #161' you didn't leave a phone number. please call again SY SY 16 (03H) BLOND, 36. 511', 155 IDs slim burenjoys an ki eoys wild d quiet times, children and animals. affectionate, senates sincare, o warm and honest, ;King for fnendthhip/reaednship Pic SY tfi'7! GOOO-looking male, 31, steadily employed, enjoys shopping. Movies. long walks and Ou ro bar scene sometimes, seeks attractive female. 25-40, with similar interests. SY 1640 OSH) WIDOWER, 57. Ickes country and western music. seeking led y. 45-00, for companionship and possible relationship Sy 1641 (ON1) CROSS -dressing mala, 30, brown hair, blue eyes, 5'a', Ismaili looking for with open-nand pen- 5Y lea low for WV49rm f.Ironexp ARE you a real woman? Looking for a real guy? Male 32, and you ave 23-36, 1 am bell,, white and handsome grid I am oo lking for a good his, some games, I am very much in amend but hol lig my so" M she comas. BY 164. (OSIQ SNCERE, unattached, whits male, 32, W brown hair, loth Ww ayes. senabw, loving, '8', 150 lbs., wry confident slaw secure, seeking femalInterestsme ago group who's very str ndartdng. BY I"d (000ATTRACTIVE, professional moo. 38, qusnily person, non- anchor. sos of turioue, fte performing arts, sees tall, slenta der, professional male, 5.40, for friendship fast. BY tot ATTRACTmals, 26, enjoys epos, movies. having good mes, seeking attractive eMalo, 20-30, for possible bne-am Nkftfk iP. By opt (D�1 DUCATED, attractive, coq misn male, 34, dart laked roan -eyed, enjoys sports, moves, romantic evenings. long dines, seeking female. 22- 30. with similar interests. Must be sincere and independent. SY 1619 (OSH) I'M a perfect gentleman looking for a career woman. 30-40 1 enjoy country music, dancing. dining out occasionally and movies. looking for fnendship/retalanship SY ISM (OSH) ATTRACTIVE black male. 31. separated, single. loves chil- dish. long walkswould like to moot white heavy -set %Maio 35-45, for fnendshp, possible relalicnsh'a SY 1661 (Oki ATTRACTIVE, single. white nab 34. looking for a single, while fermate. 24-34, fnendy, fit and tun, for ail expenses pad Sambbean vacation SY 16S2 low ATTRACTr,/F_ single male. 25, very athletic, enjoys romantic evenings out and movies, seeks acrschve female. 20-26. with similar interest, for poaa- ble relationship SY 16S3 (OSH) FRUSTRATED, hard-working whits male 26, non-smoker. looking for sensible, attractive, —6-9 %r"&Ie 24-28 Must be N and lie to cuddle 3Y 1654 (OSH) TALL, 6'3' single lather of two ktle girt. 47. proleepor* weth own business sports type. rugby skiing, outdoors. etc . likes the finer things in life, roans b Onsdo person required to match the node SY 1t6S low INDEPENDENT single white male u. with vaned interests ndudng travelling, loheg for a lady 30-40 who is sincere. honest has a sense of humour and doesn't pay mind games Friendship first. possible rsa- borahp SY 1486 (OSH) ARE you an attractive sincere humorous genttemano I 23, attractive mother of one who enjoys movies, musk:, traw+, seeks someone r w,caly and erhobonaly sable SY 234. 22, independent. easy -gong, goakorhented. divorced fun W uned. educated, mother of one, with a great 3eme of humour. setlug Swill. 25-38, with per- sonality and inner beauty Single daft welcome. SY 2460 SINCERE, romantic, honest, good sense of humour If that describes you. than ors moth of one, 41, would like to hear from you. SY 2497 VIVACIOUS, successful, Se', 40's. mother of ors. welcomes a reponse from a non -s inch g white. excikrg, ar6eula4 mob, 45 to 55, intewsted in belanc- Ing romance and fainly kis. BY 2507 fOSQ TALL, slim. blonds, business woman, seems to attract Mr. Wrong looking for tel. Right or SO *ON int-bdvwan Must be tall, karty and pfflina of 36- 45. BY 25*4 (OSIQ PROFESSIONAL Nmale, 43, romantic at Mart, loves all nrhab, dstecn4 d -O sa dw seeks edaEfYtal M role, 40- 48. who tics to have kin, for Possible ameew wlalionship. BY 25M (CDB) FLM4oving fefnab, 32, with sorra of humour, find of the ba roan, enjoys 61no s in or out, fast -paced or laid-back aknoWw4m sodas mob, 35- 40 for hn fence, Poe" Fele- bonsAip. No hew game.! BY me BLONDE, slim, 26, single mom who is a oar man woman and a jeans and T-shirt kind of gel soaks male 30-40 for a long - Wm relako WV.. I'm attracted to a more rugged type of gu SY 2544 (OSH) ATTRACTIVE, honest, ea going, lull -figured woman. 3 who loves the outdoors. horse movies and country life a ing an honest, raring, since manage -minded male. 35 with similar interests SY 2S4 (OSH) FEMALE, unattached, hard working, down to earth. ouIgo- ing, vinery of interests. fit slim. looking for honest make 30-40. of similar qualities to friendship first SY 2546 (OSH) ATTRACTIVE Ady blonde sin 00. 35, interested n meeting single. honest attractive male 30-40. for friendship. possible miftonsty SY 2547 (OSH) HONEST and sincere whit female medium build. 35. smoker loves to dance an have fur seeks honest down - k -earth tall black mal. 36-40 ter Meaningful relationship SY 2548 (OS1Q EASY -going non -smiling, an- gle -torn. 27, enjoys camprg, fishing, long walks romantic times and country 00. seeks male. 27-37. angle. honest and sincere with good sense of humour single dads wekbme. SY 2S4s (OSH) ENGLISH lady. 2e committed Christian. icing ora Chnstan man. 28-32 for tnendei inter- ests include Christian music, walks n the country and a dog lover SY 2560 (OSH) GOOD-iookong 35 greened natural blonde fit slim inde- PendenL mliraaW in meeting a single, stable. honest. fit mals. 35-42. forfr""ift 1p. Poo - 990Y ably mo. Sy 25SI (0311) JIM, Industrial Engineer from GM, you responded to box 02536, brown -eyed. petite blonde. please respond agar. SY 2553 (DON) BIG brown eyes, single mom. 36. std looking for my, knight n sherrtg armor who a 36-40, sw, cere, honest, romantic, out- going and has a sense of humour. SY 2564 (06" FULL -figured female, 20, a, - «. seeks single male. 3435, who enjoys romantic dinners, long walks, movies and rock music. BY 2665 (OSIIQ PEYM 34, argils, never ma - nod, ktdep.ndel easy to tuft to, has a variety of interests, snkeg tab, wall built male. 36 39, who is honest and sirhcaw. BY 25M P" JY, villas 35, who reufporwfsd to female nurse, 33, pease n.0o►hd again to mailbox rear, bar 2542 as 1 didn't got your txrrioet Phone number. BY 2557 to" My siengb working mom. 31, with good looks and a good mind. seeks sincere conmpan- ionship aril PM" r"lon- dtp, Attractive, ssmhkve, ,ogle Bede web�onhsw, befivew 30.40. SY lift p "r MpEPENDENT, single white female, red hair, 27, enjoys ranitekc wmnl pa sports, ga, Pool, country music, seeking sings, whi, mob *We herd, fun and romantic and a ono wcl m typo of guy, 2731 with similar interests. BY 2659 ACTIVE. attractive, single lemab. 34, tab, professional. secure, enjoys sports, travel, pusdoom humour...zed for Me. Seeking mile coueerpsrt with similar intewsa, 30-40, non- smoker. BY 2551 (OSH) ATTRACTIVE woman. 3s, who is dim, poets, who likes all kinds of music, drag. Ward like to most someone who is THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY.14OVEMBER 12e 11113 -PAGE 27 For persons 18 years Of age and over. y 3715 and is 58', to share the same interests. SY 2S63 (OSH) sly• ATTRACTIVE, English. black 5. woman 36. Peale. established, 3, enjoys travel. music. movies, seek- theatre and dinner Seeks r9 financially stable. sincere. -40, affectionate gentleman. 34-42. S 'or romance and long-term re ihro ta- thor SY 2564 (OSI) ATTRACTIVE, -dependent mother, enjoys country music. and loves dancing, sports, horses. movies. walks, children and r country Irle. Seeks tall man. 35- 42 with similar interests. dads - welcome SY 2565 (OSH) a THIS 30rah. green-eyed. slim, alcove average attractive, pro- fessional, brunette (redhead). 5 6'. 1 I t ibs. *Do"vest a s- s ble secure. educated. articu- late and kin"' a looking for a d 'REAL MAN' a blue-eyed blond professional SY 2S66 (O3H) ENERGETIC, artracave, single female 22, who likes dancing. Sports . romantic dinners and moves seeking male, 22-27, fort 0oft iP possible Miation- shill SY 2567 low BLONDE and slim 28 single mom who a a one man woman and a jeans and T-ahtrt kind of gal seeks male 30-44 for a long-term reiauor p tm atbacled to a mon rugged type of guy with a besfd, mustache and ling hair SY 25" (OSI) ATTRACTIVE, 5 6' blonde blue eyes Ym. young 40. an- g e parent, meeting all the •rung guys Enjoys romance and dancing. Seeks 'oyal. sin- cere mals. 38-45 'or lasting Matronship SY 256. (OSH) ATTRACTIVE, angle 'homer 27 oya' wary with. a good sense of humour limes music. dancing enjoys watching car racxhg. so" a Tule 25-35. for frendshiO or possible rola- bonYko. SY 2570 (OSM SINGLE, whits female. mother of one 20, ookng tot l ri,ore. W1511111, while Male. 20.30. who down i want to pay games, but wants to share special times together SY 2571 (01 DAVE, 33please tall mailbox 02561, as your pncre number was cut off. SY 257% I'M a nice. tall 45 year old woman looking for an easy- going. fun-iovirg male. 4450. for friendship, possible long- term relationship SY 2S73 (ON) INDEPENDENT female, 27, non-smoker, loves romance, quiet owrwtgo, good oornversa- bon. family and inanda Looking for a snore male, 2635, non- smoker. who n humorous and huggable. BY 2574 (0516) SEXY male warted 6' and sin. 26., who as responsible, fun and hardworking. by a slim, .say. responsible kenelo look- ing for a serious relationship. SY 2S7s (as" ATTRACTIVE its , 21, long Is, heir, hate eyes, onjoys Pill"* and down ward lie b have a IN" Msdonshp, soaks atkaciwe, bad -boy NPs, Who can kW up. 22-26. BY 2m CAREERMW dad, 22, mother of ons, SWMML advenkaotr and full -figured, embracing life, seeking -open-minded young male. 1025. BY 2577 (0" VIVACIOUS, attractive mother of these. Ixobsskor d, flexible, redhead zest for Me, down to earth, "site sincere, male, tM same, 34-39. Working men 1apply only. By 2575 BLACK single mom, 41. bong for while nib, 4043. serious roW-whip ; I -Irle, bolting �2F 79biefnhf+ded pewon. BY ATTRACTIVE, full -figured mother of two, enjoys music, ding and drhdng, aleo quit Imes. enkirg amiAt" Maio, 2535, with a rrelar irohselfor friaWship firs, possible role - tool SY 2589 (ONQ ATTRACTIVE laprb. we 40's, Pwa. Ougorp, sponansous. good Sams of humour, onoys dining and dancing. quiet and fun times. seeking attractive tall teddy bear with a go head of hair, to make my life complete SY 2S81 (OSI/) OUTGOING mom, with chis dren. enjoys dancing, movies quiet evenings. seeks attractive ma. 40 pkm wxh similar nter. est. single fathers welcome S 2582 (OSH) FUN -loving black female, 26. looking for gentleman, 28-35. who s sincere. serious, sensi- eve and cuddy for lasting rels- tionship Race unimportant but must be unattached arta mot i. - vaSY 2583 (OSH) LONELY, caring lady. 5o. who s honest. enjoys nxsic. an and gardening, vogetanan, likes the quiet home lfe, non- smokor'drmker, would like to meet a compassionate, hone L patient, tall, secure male. for friendship. poserble relation- ship SY 2St4 tMTATION o n„ enjoy romance dinner talk, f you ave fit. sn- eere. stable fiwn a raring, it. 39 5 7' single lady SY 2S$5 (0310 RAFFI, cease iospond tack b mailbox 82564 because I didht get your lull phone number "'hanks SY 2566 (OSH) • •• • ' • Ii SW .UE E —om pretty and Debase 34 nightlymotivated. enjoys all aspects of life. Seeks nab. 30- 4C. must be attractive aeooll easy-going and gorilla, for friendship andoo gd tines SY 3162 LADY, 56 5 9'. now to area. who likes dancing, troweling ancinawg a outdoors mows gent•man. 5S lend 65 for frsn,p and possible reasonshic SY 3171 (OSH) SLIM. carng female 49 likes dancing walking, playing cards and bag or taang, asaes- ing someone. 49-60 who s in honest and scere. ter reaeor, one SY 3172 (OSM) STRAIGHT. attracts Lady lady, 47. would like to moot another female for shopping, travel. b n going out glw akube or dao - Ing. Ion fun and I snd0up SY 3173 (0804) ah FEMALE, 30r. ougg, with os a variety of interests. an , slid energetic, looking for friondioompanion with so Wee - ties. SY 3174 MW SOOGLE, part-time father of 2. 36. separated alloys spending time with his ofNdee . voloybo. dining, ing, country music, would We to rtsd lady. 3040. for frlendsrip/compatronatup. SY 3175 (0" STRAIGHT wt ite kiends would Mo to not sstraightnial, ght la35- 40. b go b Raw t]ub• with, fn for .nds hp. BY 3174 FEMALE 60. petite. 5. blue eyes, shy disposition, would like b moot a sincere g m%- man 5335. Enjoys deacisg, trawsig, cirdoaa Non-snepk- . I " ch,, er. sY 4060 ATTRACTIVE lody, 50, I liders- cian. abstainer enjoys quiet WdW dirrng, danag, classical music, traveling and nature. looking for a sourinab, 47-67 healthy gent for wlationatip. ATTRACTIVE, clean, discreet couple. 30. wife b, -female. both have a good sense of humo..- and very easy-going SY 5251 (OSH) oil rM a shy. attract" 26 year oldm gay woman. Interested �, rieet- nng other gay women for 'nend- Shnro. I enjoy swnrnrng. cycling. skiing. music movies new to lescene SY 5252 (OSH) r - MARRIED male ockinq for ma SY ,ked female for brief encounter SY S257 (OSH) YOUNG couple seeking young bi-sexual female 18-25 fit. good times SY S256 (OSH) MARRIED male. 30 s looking for female 18-35 for compan- Pa .hop. someone to share fur>- lknes togetw I-ke outings and travel. married. single or srgte morns wekme SY 5259 (OSH) ATTRACTIVE young coiuow b,- cunous seeks other couple for good tames SY S2W (OSH) MARRED Tale. mid 30's 5 -,1' 17; be tscunous_ looking 'of couple with bi/b xfus 'nale. for discreet er+cou+tsn for fix+ times SY 5262 (O9/) ATTRACTIVE :ouple hes black. 25 and she s European 23, operi - Wed and umrrsba- ed. looking for ciiscreet coen- mrnded. Of or bi-curious lady ten Wild wicoviMs SY Sm foSH" GAY male, 25. 5 185 to over pee and music. wanes to meet Other gay Men. -,8.30 kir fnsi,d- shrp or Doesrbae relationship OiiawalWhifay area. SY S264 low MARRIED, white bi-male. 29 seeks ongoing, 'ong-term Welt borwfro with ore other 'manned mae, 2635 Discretion expect- ed and assured Whitby area SY S265 (OSH) MARRIED 'errha a 27 toolung for a dtscrest reabahsnro Turned mace m 3C s someone who ,rkes to cuddle and spend time ,ust talking or taking ong wale SY S26s (OSH) YOUNG couple seeks same or hem". 18-25for romantic rser- audes SY SW t'OSH) ATTRACTIVE whte coupe 35 she s I>�curwu& seaul attrac- bve bh-female. 20-35, to fun times. discretion assured ono expected. tau awnportinf, SY SM(OW GAY nate. 31. ants phys,cafy At bolong or phys chi, ft -,ate. discretion a must SY S2if (000 GAY male, 30. 5T. 140 pounds. looking to share long walks. good wrwersabn and romantic dinners. please call. SY 5270 low YOUI IG, 096960 couple. 21 6 23, kindY, -VOM 1-0 good times, seek couple for laughs. hWASMrP and Ir -send sepal sicca BY 5271 fONfl "T .tete Mals, 21. would Iia to mut aom-arOdom and dt Poet if you are bo4eon the age 20-25. Please call. BY 5272 � male, 28, 5.1 I-, too be., bolieg to mrd operwrwhb td owned Isettl9 any ape. BY w3foultil HAPPIY i set couple, Ind 40'6.: L prefe•eherlat rnon,afgk- am diraest auk cauplis for kat gQmfMy a ki nd l SY 5274 PROFESS1011AL, 34. straight acting male seeking same, between 30-60. I'm 5'T, 14a lbs., not into head games. Soelag *low fret enjoy nrn• ming and movies. serious r@Phm, I ' ", , asaued. SY Will (own TAKE A CHANCE ON ROMANCE! CALL 1-416-976-1991 d agigainst Osha That, Week i This Weehating k «a Isiah armed. TheAdverilissir assume* a �y ter fi oonlaN or Y 10 sty fay Yours adwariasnhent The ativeriese aswan ow Of he for ter 8i wrftnt ol, and all p,Sponsp b arty a0weiksernint or recoiled any to + f f L_D ndaprvll and fhoid iw pubication and Mtbdand Conrnuhily Newspapors and ts employes hanniess for al cods, ooponaa, fsbilifes and n�� and far ay or oanoM�gay wartMan�int or orcaapayy a, whish an ad� by "SMOK* Yours. it wvaksor age" not b baa heether number, bat seen, or rddf�a(m in Iii, lir glpMh819NtMP. by�Ttse�w4dt��� to r�lp icy. 0 , BY 4"1 to" O OSNAWA/Pickoring unat- �j tached lady, late SO's, S'p', attractive. Intelligent. mteresled in travel, art, theatre and fun 9 bines, would like b meet unat- taehed gentleman with similar \ interests, for possible rotation. osa \1 a m. SY 4062 (0" EVELYN, pease respond to my box number 4039 again please, I did not get your complete phone number. SY 4043 (OSH) k ACTIVE, petite, youthful fernalle, mid Will, enjoys danc- ing, hiking, swimming, travel and sharing limes together, wishes to meet sincere, angle o male. nn-ernoker, 5985, with similar interests, for possible relationship. SY 4044 URSULA. Please respond back� to maox 4009, didn't get your phone number, would love to hear back from you. Thank you S045 4 (0" For persons 18 years Of age and over. y 3715 and is 58', to share the same interests. SY 2S63 (OSH) sly• ATTRACTIVE, English. black 5. woman 36. Peale. established, 3, enjoys travel. music. movies, seek- theatre and dinner Seeks r9 financially stable. sincere. -40, affectionate gentleman. 34-42. S 'or romance and long-term re ihro ta- thor SY 2564 (OSI) ATTRACTIVE, -dependent mother, enjoys country music. and loves dancing, sports, horses. movies. walks, children and r country Irle. Seeks tall man. 35- 42 with similar interests. dads - welcome SY 2565 (OSH) a THIS 30rah. green-eyed. slim, alcove average attractive, pro- fessional, brunette (redhead). 5 6'. 1 I t ibs. *Do"vest a s- s ble secure. educated. articu- late and kin"' a looking for a d 'REAL MAN' a blue-eyed blond professional SY 2S66 (O3H) ENERGETIC, artracave, single female 22, who likes dancing. Sports . romantic dinners and moves seeking male, 22-27, fort 0oft iP possible Miation- shill SY 2567 low BLONDE and slim 28 single mom who a a one man woman and a jeans and T-ahtrt kind of gal seeks male 30-44 for a long-term reiauor p tm atbacled to a mon rugged type of guy with a besfd, mustache and ling hair SY 25" (OSI) ATTRACTIVE, 5 6' blonde blue eyes Ym. young 40. an- g e parent, meeting all the •rung guys Enjoys romance and dancing. Seeks 'oyal. sin- cere mals. 38-45 'or lasting Matronship SY 256. (OSH) ATTRACTIVE, angle 'homer 27 oya' wary with. a good sense of humour limes music. dancing enjoys watching car racxhg. so" a Tule 25-35. for frendshiO or possible rola- bonYko. SY 2570 (OSM SINGLE, whits female. mother of one 20, ookng tot l ri,ore. W1511111, while Male. 20.30. who down i want to pay games, but wants to share special times together SY 2571 (01 DAVE, 33please tall mailbox 02561, as your pncre number was cut off. SY 257% I'M a nice. tall 45 year old woman looking for an easy- going. fun-iovirg male. 4450. for friendship, possible long- term relationship SY 2S73 (ON) INDEPENDENT female, 27, non-smoker, loves romance, quiet owrwtgo, good oornversa- bon. family and inanda Looking for a snore male, 2635, non- smoker. who n humorous and huggable. BY 2574 (0516) SEXY male warted 6' and sin. 26., who as responsible, fun and hardworking. by a slim, .say. responsible kenelo look- ing for a serious relationship. SY 2S7s (as" ATTRACTIVE its , 21, long Is, heir, hate eyes, onjoys Pill"* and down ward lie b have a IN" Msdonshp, soaks atkaciwe, bad -boy NPs, Who can kW up. 22-26. BY 2m CAREERMW dad, 22, mother of ons, SWMML advenkaotr and full -figured, embracing life, seeking -open-minded young male. 1025. BY 2577 (0" VIVACIOUS, attractive mother of these. Ixobsskor d, flexible, redhead zest for Me, down to earth, "site sincere, male, tM same, 34-39. Working men 1apply only. By 2575 BLACK single mom, 41. bong for while nib, 4043. serious roW-whip ; I -Irle, bolting �2F 79biefnhf+ded pewon. BY ATTRACTIVE, full -figured mother of two, enjoys music, ding and drhdng, aleo quit Imes. enkirg amiAt" Maio, 2535, with a rrelar irohselfor friaWship firs, possible role - tool SY 2589 (ONQ ATTRACTIVE laprb. we 40's, Pwa. Ougorp, sponansous. good Sams of humour, onoys dining and dancing. quiet and fun times. seeking attractive tall teddy bear with a go head of hair, to make my life complete SY 2S81 (OSI/) OUTGOING mom, with chis dren. enjoys dancing, movies quiet evenings. seeks attractive ma. 40 pkm wxh similar nter. est. single fathers welcome S 2582 (OSH) FUN -loving black female, 26. looking for gentleman, 28-35. who s sincere. serious, sensi- eve and cuddy for lasting rels- tionship Race unimportant but must be unattached arta mot i. - vaSY 2583 (OSH) LONELY, caring lady. 5o. who s honest. enjoys nxsic. an and gardening, vogetanan, likes the quiet home lfe, non- smokor'drmker, would like to meet a compassionate, hone L patient, tall, secure male. for friendship. poserble relation- ship SY 2St4 tMTATION o n„ enjoy romance dinner talk, f you ave fit. sn- eere. stable fiwn a raring, it. 39 5 7' single lady SY 2S$5 (0310 RAFFI, cease iospond tack b mailbox 82564 because I didht get your lull phone number "'hanks SY 2566 (OSH) • •• • ' • Ii SW .UE E —om pretty and Debase 34 nightlymotivated. enjoys all aspects of life. Seeks nab. 30- 4C. must be attractive aeooll easy-going and gorilla, for friendship andoo gd tines SY 3162 LADY, 56 5 9'. now to area. who likes dancing, troweling ancinawg a outdoors mows gent•man. 5S lend 65 for frsn,p and possible reasonshic SY 3171 (OSH) SLIM. carng female 49 likes dancing walking, playing cards and bag or taang, asaes- ing someone. 49-60 who s in honest and scere. ter reaeor, one SY 3172 (OSM) STRAIGHT. attracts Lady lady, 47. would like to moot another female for shopping, travel. b n going out glw akube or dao - Ing. Ion fun and I snd0up SY 3173 (0804) ah FEMALE, 30r. ougg, with os a variety of interests. an , slid energetic, looking for friondioompanion with so Wee - ties. SY 3174 MW SOOGLE, part-time father of 2. 36. separated alloys spending time with his ofNdee . voloybo. dining, ing, country music, would We to rtsd lady. 3040. for frlendsrip/compatronatup. SY 3175 (0" STRAIGHT wt ite kiends would Mo to not sstraightnial, ght la35- 40. b go b Raw t]ub• with, fn for .nds hp. BY 3174 FEMALE 60. petite. 5. blue eyes, shy disposition, would like b moot a sincere g m%- man 5335. Enjoys deacisg, trawsig, cirdoaa Non-snepk- . I " ch,, er. sY 4060 ATTRACTIVE lody, 50, I liders- cian. abstainer enjoys quiet WdW dirrng, danag, classical music, traveling and nature. looking for a sourinab, 47-67 healthy gent for wlationatip. ATTRACTIVE, clean, discreet couple. 30. wife b, -female. both have a good sense of humo..- and very easy-going SY 5251 (OSH) oil rM a shy. attract" 26 year oldm gay woman. Interested �, rieet- nng other gay women for 'nend- Shnro. I enjoy swnrnrng. cycling. skiing. music movies new to lescene SY 5252 (OSH) r - MARRIED male ockinq for ma SY ,ked female for brief encounter SY S257 (OSH) YOUNG couple seeking young bi-sexual female 18-25 fit. good times SY S256 (OSH) MARRIED male. 30 s looking for female 18-35 for compan- Pa .hop. someone to share fur>- lknes togetw I-ke outings and travel. married. single or srgte morns wekme SY 5259 (OSH) ATTRACTIVE young coiuow b,- cunous seeks other couple for good tames SY S2W (OSH) MARRED Tale. mid 30's 5 -,1' 17; be tscunous_ looking 'of couple with bi/b xfus 'nale. for discreet er+cou+tsn for fix+ times SY 5262 (O9/) ATTRACTIVE :ouple hes black. 25 and she s European 23, operi - Wed and umrrsba- ed. looking for ciiscreet coen- mrnded. Of or bi-curious lady ten Wild wicoviMs SY Sm foSH" GAY male, 25. 5 185 to over pee and music. wanes to meet Other gay Men. -,8.30 kir fnsi,d- shrp or Doesrbae relationship OiiawalWhifay area. SY S264 low MARRIED, white bi-male. 29 seeks ongoing, 'ong-term Welt borwfro with ore other 'manned mae, 2635 Discretion expect- ed and assured Whitby area SY S265 (OSH) MARRIED 'errha a 27 toolung for a dtscrest reabahsnro Turned mace m 3C s someone who ,rkes to cuddle and spend time ,ust talking or taking ong wale SY S26s (OSH) YOUNG couple seeks same or hem". 18-25for romantic rser- audes SY SW t'OSH) ATTRACTIVE whte coupe 35 she s I>�curwu& seaul attrac- bve bh-female. 20-35, to fun times. discretion assured ono expected. tau awnportinf, SY SM(OW GAY nate. 31. ants phys,cafy At bolong or phys chi, ft -,ate. discretion a must SY S2if (000 GAY male, 30. 5T. 140 pounds. looking to share long walks. good wrwersabn and romantic dinners. please call. SY 5270 low YOUI IG, 096960 couple. 21 6 23, kindY, -VOM 1-0 good times, seek couple for laughs. hWASMrP and Ir -send sepal sicca BY 5271 fONfl "T .tete Mals, 21. would Iia to mut aom-arOdom and dt Poet if you are bo4eon the age 20-25. Please call. BY 5272 � male, 28, 5.1 I-, too be., bolieg to mrd operwrwhb td owned Isettl9 any ape. BY w3foultil HAPPIY i set couple, Ind 40'6.: L prefe•eherlat rnon,afgk- am diraest auk cauplis for kat gQmfMy a ki nd l SY 5274 PROFESS1011AL, 34. straight acting male seeking same, between 30-60. I'm 5'T, 14a lbs., not into head games. Soelag *low fret enjoy nrn• ming and movies. serious r@Phm, I ' ", , asaued. SY Will (own TAKE A CHANCE ON ROMANCE! CALL 1-416-976-1991 d agigainst Osha That, Week i This Weehating k «a Isiah armed. TheAdverilissir assume* a �y ter fi oonlaN or Y 10 sty fay Yours adwariasnhent The ativeriese aswan ow Of he for ter 8i wrftnt ol, and all p,Sponsp b arty a0weiksernint or recoiled any to + f f L_D ndaprvll and fhoid iw pubication and Mtbdand Conrnuhily Newspapors and ts employes hanniess for al cods, ooponaa, fsbilifes and n�� and far ay or oanoM�gay wartMan�int or orcaapayy a, whish an ad� by "SMOK* Yours. it wvaksor age" not b baa heether number, bat seen, or rddf�a(m in Iii, lir glpMh819NtMP. by�Ttse�w4dt��� to r�lp icy. 0 , )!l11GE MTBE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12,19" .. 1BT;ov1 _.Akc SAT., NOV. 13, 2.4 P.M. 11 GEORGE ST., AJAX Harwood north of 401. Upgrades! Big eat -in kitchen. Stop by! Karen Neundorf' 427-6522 SUN., NO V. 14, 2.4 P.M. 3 BANNER CRES., AJAX 4 bdnr beau'y' Fin. basement. S. Finley Rands area. Brenda Clyde' 427-6522 SUN., NOV. 14 2-4 P.M. 397 PRINCE OF WALES. WHITBY O* In Mawr. N of Hwy. t2 to Pine Hill. C+ean & spacious' Perrin Murphy' 427-6522 At f SAT., NOV. 13 35 P.M. 17 CADBY RD., AJAX Off Lake Driveway W. 4 bd. with Dake new & prem. lot. Do drop ne Wilma Tanner > 427-022 Rill 4 + 1 bdn. , mn. ftc den, fn- bsmt, cert ak cond., cent vac., each 11110* landscaped Shows Wer! 427522 A showcase home! Boasts exquisite decor & upgrades , family &I rec room. Wilms Tanner' 427-6522 ri'l SUN., NOV.1 20 DEAN PARK RD. 2 bdrm.. 2 bath, luxury condominium, 5 appl., neutral decor. Ted Scragg' 683-1790 235 BAYLY ST. W., AJAX - 427-6522 1970 BROCK RD., PICKERING 7001 683-1790 we 171 -� = 4 �- Don't list with anyone until you've talked to a Royal LePage Representative! - IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ROYAL LEPAGE IIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIII 2-4 P.M. SUN., NOV. 14, 24 RV SUN., NOV. 14, 24 P.M. 1004 LONGBOW DR. _ 922 DUNCANNON DR. Rare opportunity, Gorgeous executive upgraded John Bodily home on ravine lot, 70' 'Forestbrook" 2,900+ ,w, wide. Fm. top to a, sq. ft. premium lot. bottom. Jill Smith S •: ylvia Kyle' 6831790 683-1790 YOU, not o n-- our texAwe ve a suggestiag. SUN., NOV. 14 2.4 P.M. 14 WILCE DR. Beautiful decor, huge 4 bdrm. home. Prestige neighborhood. Loaded! It +� Tom Bozanis'83- 61790 KVTAL LE9'~lt RO'K. LEPAGE REA, EVA'E SWCES VD BROKER SUN., NOV.1 678 AMARETTO AVE. Gorgeous pne kitchen! 2,691 sq. ft.! W/O to deck & private yard! Dave McIntyre* 683-1790 24 P.M. SUN., NOV. 14, 24 P.M. 1259 ABBEY RD. T 'THE ENCLAVES-. Elegant 9 rm. 2 sty 3 .+, ,- car gar., fin. bsmt., hall '. E. acre trees! Fabulous home. Call Flo Betts- 683-1790 etts '683-1790 or 631-8613. Law ii SAT., NOV. 13, 24 P.M. 1826 APPLEVIEW RD. Exceptional bungalow on deep country lot. Upgrades galore! - Jill Smith' 683-1790. ' F_ SAT., NOV. 13 2.4 P.M. 20 DOYLE CT, AJAX ,.. First time buyers. has+ / separate entrance to in- law apt. L, Gerry Jaeger• 683-1790 SAT-, NOV .13, 24 P.M. 1004 LONGBOW DR. 2,900 sq. ft.! Well cared for home on premaum lot. 73' rear! Kat M Parish' ` 683 -IM SAT, WN. 13,1 :30 - 3:30 P.Y. 1008 RAMILEBERRY AVE., PICKERM NEW - 9 no., c ble. gar., w/o bsmi., fp., 50X130' U. Trade n. Call Flo Betts -683.1790 or _ 831-8613. SAT., NOV. t 1596 ALWIN CIRCLE Glamorous prop. Large rms., fn. bsmt. fp, & wet bar, 2nd fir, laundry, gas heat. Paule Whiteley' 6831790 P.M. v JL ?f wa Than Week 0 - I . wftay b\ A 00P W y �esf Homes I & r }r :} NEWS ADVERTISER The Greenbaum family have been Interior features inchxle sunken family building distinctive, upscale homes for rooms with cathedral ceilings, master en the past three decades. This past summer, suite bathrooms. main -floor laundry smmzv— Whitby became part of another chapter in rooms and cat -in kitchens. The new the builder's history. when The Vogue Hcatwood end unit. with 1.565 sq. ft. of Development Group introduced freehold living space, has been designed with a. townhomes to its new community of "country kitchen and bay -windowed Abbeywood. eating area and is selling for $142.900 V The sales have been going so well that. includirtg an premimns. OGUE Inst weekend. there was a new release of "First-time homebuyers; will be 1) L � L L 0 11 M L N additional units -- including a new end - interested in the "early -bird" five - R 0 U P I N C. unit model.Six distinctive three-bedroom fivehold Mance package being offered by the townhomes. featuring bey windows, and builder for selected models. In addition down payments we avaihible from only Tudor -style turrets, offer a variety of S5.9w. elevations and interior layouts. Prices start at $117,990 and range up to The Vogue DcvekVmmt Group brings" 3147-990. for harries of 1.061 square feet high levels of design. materials and to 1.631 square feet in sim Freehold workmanship to Abbeywood. The voems; there are no condominium community wW be comprised of 293 maintenance fees or associated units. irKtoding 88 9 P P1- a Id kmahomes -regulations. Servicing the site is now In its first phase. The Whift project is underway with home construction the first for Vague which includes tcheduled so start in NovesnJim The run towmlronnes as part of dM* dewsiopmat. Vice president Lou Gcseob� says. cbmings we scheduled fair March 1994 insend so momd she same level of PAIW .W The Wwohornes have s&Uick fioirts. "'Rte sod brick acrd sluss=um at the raw qum&y so the first phase of -a holecomnaft A we ban done in our pmvnm propos. bt fact V"m will shorft be shv& �--:fantily detached banes for ask at A0, Mu AbbrywoodL" % 0 13 win also, AN"M a put said them is as wall a Proposed school 7 site. There we sheady existing parks. schools and swasy other coannoviity services and axamities; nearby. A A] -6— shopping canine is now open within a five minute walk. MIN! IRA= Commuters will like the kwom of Abbeywood. The colo nnoft is Wood can of Thickson Rd. The sales office is • Ave. at Thidksoa kwAkwd an Champlain A -7 _71 Rd, just am b1m* aorth of Hwy. 401. The sales office isopen Monday to Thursday from I to 8 p.m. and on weekends std holidays from 11 iiin. to 6 pis. The office is dosed an Fridays. For I a. PAGE 2 OSHAWA THIS WEEKIAJAX NEWS ADVERTISER. Now, 5 -.1.2, 1 M/B�*T HOM�S, Nov. 6.- 13,1993 " d1�`?-tyo-� ia'. ` �,. ;« Y ,{ . � :'-'�cac•`.at' �'*�'�`'� '�g.� c. , y r fi i, r t prir,4M N Olt, Y. a,�` 13- �W, - 4�1 clev. N — - Z� - I I I In - ==-_-:2-!-._-=_. ., 1-13. ­�71 z4 ­ J C 'I .7 W. 7 sq- ::,;X� QED y ca 7 7, OUN, -here is a special wholesome feeling that co most comes to mind when living in the country, but in ru car cases this is not an easY luxury to find. A'c prefer the convenience of the city as well as the freedom of the but rvi%%-a1-ivs We"find that most country areas have already been urbanized. IV If, 0 NVa-, nc Jeffen . owner ot'Jcf1cr_v - Homes, has made the impossible - Possible. Ile has found away 17 to offer a true country seating without giving up the amenities of the city. Courtice Crossings ,its on the dividing line between the country and urban area. Only minutes from downtown Oshawa. vct yards away from rolling fields and farmland which is to remain agricultural for �L7 many years to come. developing this unique neighborhood. Jeffery I lomes has strived to preserve as much of the %N*hile de 7 . -n saved and incorpovated into the project to enhance the _4 existing landscape as ix),sible. Mature trees have bee beauty of the strectsLapc. A'ayne's eye is on detail and quality - from the advanced technology construction, double -coated waterproofed basement- crushed run limestone driveway, fullys(xMed lot, wired smoke alarms, to the exterior coach lamps, high quality polished brass door hardware and colonial d(xvs and trim, all are standard tare. In fact. Wayne Jettery defies anv builder to match his homes in both trim and punt. And, as if this is not enough, Jeffery Homes also offers his exclusive "Premier Pearl Finish" -fil . 'urmice, Interior and exterior above standard paint, superior kiln option which includes -I ligh I icienc-, I- dar dried lumber, high quality thermo pane casement and vinyl clad windows and coloured plumbing fixtures, just to name a few of the added extras. The Jeffery Home is home of quality. A'iLh nearly thirty years of experience as a builder in this area. NVavnc Jeffery has made a point of improving every year through newer building methods and better building products. Jeffery homes is a family business with son, Scott as construction manager, son-in-law Jim - electrician, and nephew Rob in charge of trimwork and finishing details. Together they are proud of their success with projects such as Athabasca Forest, Westwincls, CorIvrfields, Beaver Valley and are proud of their latest project - the community of Courtice Crossings. 1P The Jeffery home is truly a 'care' built home, and Courtice Crossings reflects this. Visit the Courtice Crossings sales office for more details about this great place to live. The quality, all solid brick homes of Courtice Crossings range from 5129,9(1) on 30' - 50' lots and are convenient]%, located close to parks schools, shopping areas..... and the country. Courtice Crossings - the best of both worlds. �1 IC s oLT� �� �u c ., .CRO S1. -A U �a I BAYFIELD We believe in quality not quantity From *LUKrrEv QUANITIY BUT NOT QUALITY... ...STANDARDS (ON MOST MODELS) STANDARD - custom built fireplaces STANDARD - upar,�ded broadloom STANDARD - CErA%1IC TILES THROUGHOUT Lower `tea ,,%ays & Bathrooms STANDARD nsulation walls STANDARD - s b 3ak handrails STANDARD - � L�stom structural changes upon request STANDARD - SEPA;ATE SHOWER STALL IN EN SUITE STANDARD - CASEMENT WINDOW FRONT ELEVATION STANDARD - x c exterior wall construction STANDARD - c on al mahogany trim or series 800 STANDARD - rough n central air conditioning STANDARD - �il brick exterior. no alum. siding STANDARD - rough -in .AM FM and intercom STANDARD - s!ngle lever washerless taps STANDARD - rough -in central vac system STANDARD - WOOD SECTIONAL GARAGE DOOR STANDARD - cold cellar wine cellar STANDARD - solid oak staircase stringers STANDARD - be!I bay windows STANDARD - pedestal sinks STANDARD - 3 coach I chis STANDARD - PAN C up to 3,665 sq. ft. Exclusive Marketing by CMF Realty 666-S771 or (Toronto)241-w6000 I- 404 RATED EXCELLENT BY THE O.N.H W.P iA%:�,ieolSHAV&.I$bWtgojAjA)(pW"ADVEffftk*, Ik,j j '-, 42, iMSESI HOMES, "ow.6.3,9993 NOR 0 Ci FINCH AVE. E . le -M.- -0 0 z z Ac ci 0 w co 4 HWY. 21 w 0 Q -mm. HWY. 401 1- - s OT I LOU Alllllllllllllll�. Q E. e- P. I ,a,- 2. - ELEV. B - $315,900 BROOKWOOD IS WHITBY'S MOST DESIRABLE NEIGHBOURHOOD! ...So Come In and Take $25,000 in Free Extras or Take $15,000 Off the Purchase Price Iry lwk;m '%V00"-00d�od .,I t. ull I( F 1101 k%: z; -P1t c t u•l I► FKIU11 �t....N 1 ELI 0111111_ ��� fill i -1= i i_—i �uunnnnwnwnn.mwnn��=�_ I�� �•n. i B" il The Fabulous Seaton, witli Fire B_I I Bed roosts, _x-100 Sq Ft, -` - on a j0' Lot, - - - from wmluoiuum flumul , s234990!; orrther-n Ontario PAGE • 08MM1A TMS ME M&OX WN ADVERnSM Om -50.12. "WMT MMr.: Nov. i 1 *kiM : i 1 PPL -E L OSS -70111 1 PPLE X L 009901 n- .TS rr Al IE YOU ALWAYS PICK A WINNER WHEN YOU PICK SCNICKEDANZ, VISIT THIS WEEKEND AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF JUICY SAYINGS ON 9 REMAINING MODELS. FROM 4W Schickedanz ;pji ros. Limited 'Quality builders since 1951 ' =1 PIKES. TfM YK CONDMONS SAW TO OWN WMW MOW. Et O.L USM MON - TNURS: 1 - 8 PM FRI: CLOSED SAT 8 SUN: 12 - 6 PM 623-1713 � X31 ✓w r ,boomo WRY OWWA IMMANM Sda bz 016. N M. 401 ► ► ► : �.:<<:.,,. w= Y 1 1wNml► re IV►Mrs rk IOSHAWA TMS WEEWAdAX NEMADVEWRW% Nw&-12,1"MM MXAEa, Ndrt $- I% *W*Ak 7 NMDw► )Elomes Barad Xim*Q 1oz Bui*lde look afthoebuyer*s n Today's new homes reflect the changing lifestyles of Canadians. A return to traditional values, the Holiday decor ideas The Christmas season is not far away and it is time to start planning the decorative touches you will give your home this year. Little things mean a lot. Although an oft -used phrase, the idea goes a long way when you're looking for ideas onpampering holiday visitors. For guests, the gift of festive sur- roundings and personal touches is one of the most memorable and thoughtful ones you can give. Now. just as you want your guests to feel at home, you want your home to express your individu- al style. For easy and affordable dec- orative touches, fabrics not only add warmth and richness to holiday decor, they also allow you to create a one -of -a -kind setting. To spice up holiday your holiday decor, consid- er the following: — Change a room's decor easily with a special comforter cover ( a duvet), new pillow cases, and deco- rative pillows. Co-ordinate the bed linens with accessories for a finish- ing touch. — For the tree skirt, use a rich fab- ric to make your tree unlike any other. You need two to three yards for proper draping. A traditional Indian sari -style silk fabric with metallic threads is especially rich. — Use the same or a coordinating fabric throughout the house: tie around bathroom towels, tree branches, and bunches of dried herbs; cover jam jars and lids, potted plants, vases and centrepieces; and wrap presents. — Replace the shower curtain with a colorful solid or patterned fabric to freshen up a bathroom's entire decor. Select a fabric or shower curtain with water- and stain- resistant prop- erties. — For home sewers or for children's craft projects, make your own Christmas stockings. Such simple touches make your guests and the decor in your home feel extra special, during the holi- days, and at any other time. J � aging babyboomers, environmental awareness, the desire for personal expressions — these are some of the trends that dominate the marketplace and show up in the design, function and interior decor of today's new homes. In the 1990s, home is the place to be. Today's homeowners value time spent with family and friends in the relaxed and comfortable setting of their own home. Open -concept liv- ing -eating -working areas promote easy, enjoyable togetherness. Kitchens, often the hub of family activity. are designed for conve- nience and efficiency. Well-designed layouts make joint food preparation enjoyable: pantric. and kitchen cup- boards with racks, lazy Susans, spice racks and interior lighting make organization easy; and built-in microwave ovens and under -cup- board coffeemakers leave less counter clutter. The master bedroom and ensuite bath, with whirlpool tub, continues to offer homeowners of the '90s a quiet, relaxing and private retreat from the demands of their busy lives. The rich warmth of natural materi- als and fibres — wooden cabinets and floors, ceramic tiles and stone — provide lasting beauty and solid, enduring quality and value. Today's economically -minded and environmentally -aware homebuyers place a premium on space efficiency. New homes are carefully designed to make the most practical use of each square, with functional working and storage areas, effective traffic "corri- dors" and room layouts that promote togetherness. Cathedral ceilings, the elimination of interior walls, large windows, solariums and greenhouses create an impression of spaciousness and style. Professional builders keep up to date with the latest trends and demands of the marketplace. They build homes to fulfill the needs and desires of today's homebuyers and work closely with them to create the home of their dream,, — a home that rctlect, the homehuyer's personality and I i ttet. If- PAGE 6 08HNXj%TM WEEKIAJAX NEWS ADVERTISER, Nov. 5-12,19l5GM HOWA Nov. 6.15,1991 h a s O.m :.. - L��rMG BKFS s' Kr1q C ] ,s G�a,GE 1 Mp�N f`�aP ; sVjTr E T . M 0E90014COO v eE 0,000 rnsu�'_ ` � r f'r 07 l'. T! SECQNp FLOOR z QNknRIIP_1� tl(oERS Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 1-5:30 •S CITY Sat, & Sun. 12-5:30 Exclusive Marketing by HC)n1�S Anne Wismewski - NRS Realty One Inc. .-: =: -. I ILTAUNTON RD. .�: E RR` BEATRICE 563 Q a: ¢-Il 2 800 3 i I OMAWA THS WEEK/AJAX DEWS ADVERTISER, Nov S-12.1'l36M WWS- Nov. A -13. IM PAGE wINO COMPARISC There's no finer community in BOWMANVILLE than Aspen Springs, p the complete master planned community that over 230 families call home. Carries From xa N� Dow 0� Detached • Homes From • Spacious Living/Dining Room • 3 Washrooms • Full Master Ensuite • Walk-in Closet • Much, Much More! � .....a � •.- `ice:: FREE'5000 BUILDER'S GRANT The Kaitlin Group '', GST 623-1021 INCLUDED or 421-8605 c. MONDAY THUMAY IPM APM FRIDAY GOSED SfHW d HOUDAYS I JAM - 6% 'Iodude. S501041 free builder', Kram -Linked below Kande "Indude% 51M %q fl walkout ba ement FALL `93 / SPRING ' 94 CLOSINGS Townhomes from $99,990* • 40' Detached from $134,990* • Up to 2134 sq. ft. for $152,990** "0 COMP -ETI I TION:.-UTLIN GROUP 1S :ALSO PRODU TO PRESENT T«'O 60' LOT CONI IUNITIES 1 PICKERING UXBRIDGEKE N CsNoo;' Onl-*- 31 60' x 147' _ _ Historic Opportunity". -M jGM Treed Lots on the Only- 15 Minutes North PP P. Rouge River Valley of 'Markham Men . ThLIS "T ,.. 229 990 F.- �� $1899990 I r,,,tl weP.�._5 ..3� ^T 509.3593 (116)852-1913 from i PAGE 10 OSHAWATM WEEKIAJAX HEWS ADVERTISER,pm. S -.1Z, i9WIBEST HOYESt Nov. 6- 1& 1090 - NCov 'FWD--- 04D WL=41 Iat aW A D tcs -Plan your home purchase -carefull Making the right choice when it comes to purchasing a home is a mat- ter of good planning, not good luck. No one person can be expected to know everything, so it is critical to surround yourself with qualified pro- fessional assistance throughout the process. Before starting out in search of a house, take the time to determine your financial capabilities. Based on your income and expenses, your real estate representative is qualified to calculate the maximum amount of mortgage you can obtain and, in most instances. can put you in touch with a financial insti- tution which will provide you with written confirmation of the amount. _ Knowing your price range can save a lot of time, energy and, especially, frustration during the selection pro- cess. It can also re -assure the vendors about the validity of vour offer and. L_ Home building facts • The country's home builders con- tribute $43 billior annually to the Canadian economy. • Canada's home-building industry generates one million person-years of employment annually. - • Toronto Home Builders' Association members build more than S5 per cent of all new homes in the greater Toronto area. • The average cost of land in the Metropolitan Toronto area compris- es more than 40 percent of the total price of a single-family home. • One and one-quarter million Canadians move annually. Nearly three-quarters of this group moves within the same province. • Nearly 40 per cent of immigrants to Canada locate in Toronto. • Two-thirds or more of Canadians home builders include more than the required level of insulation in their walls, ceilings and attics as a standard feature in new homes. • Almost three-quarters of Canadian builders construct more than 75 per cent of their homes on a pre -sale basis. More than one-quar- ter build exclusively pre -sold dwellings. These home building facts were sup- plied by the Canadian Home Builders' Association and the Toronto Home Builder's Association. therefore, swing negotiations in your favor. The structural soundness of your new home is your next concern. Certified home inspectors can be hired to thoroughly examine the house prior to your offer becoming firm. This can be a few hundred dollars well spent, especially•if you are interested in an older home. To have an inspection done you should consult your sales representative, who can refer you to one or more certified home inspectors and then you submit an offer on the house that makes it conditional for a few days upon completion of the inspection. You must pay for the inspection, but at the very least it will provide you with peace of mind. Once financing is in place, you should carefully select one real estate representative to look after your needs. It is important you feel comfortable with the representative and he or she be very familiar with the neighbor- hood into which you want to move. A professional representative spends a great deal of time researching the market on your behalf and you will be better served having one person looking after your best interests rather than "working with" a number of peo- ple. Before submitting an offer, you may ask your representative for a computer printout of comparable homes that are listed for sale and that have recently sold. Sale figures can be misleading because they do not indicate the extras included nor any mortgage benefits, but they can serve as a solid general guideline of value. Even though you may have been pre -qualified for a mortgage. you can further protect yourself by making your offer conditional upon final approval of your mortgage. This should be done if you are wanting close to the maximum amount approved for your purchase. If the lending institution appraises the home for less than what you offered, they are likely to offer you a lesser amount of mortgage, leaving you with a firm offer and insufficient funds. If you are making a sizable deposit, ask your sales representative to include in the offer a clause stating you will receive the interest earned on your deposit. The amount may be small, but every little bit helps. Regardless of what route you fol- low to find your home, the timing is right for you to do it now. Interest rates are down, builders are offering excellent selection and prices have not yet started to rise despite the fact the market has gained significant momen- tum during the last few months. �vl� NDOMINIUM UNUE ATE CS PREMIER1'A�AI� nn V . BE-�°°- scIRE 0`E G.sT• included R1NG�'�'�E�1 Q� AGE "" -� es a,�pbt1' �t the a 1►tp►�tctse cNW' suites tcat"rt'i`6 j '*0 `� wathtautStac*Wlw ye,bcib u fes tsttnedve bre y.rlta 1e F.� Ksl htcl► soat n3 BeaClub, mto1116W sem►; is 00[i c+u '117.014000 eas30 atNa ter�� • F'd„►r,,ce bake ; �+F�wassr• at r ao s s..t '1` �utcstt� a>,� � the w � �Vcc I 1C H AM? sd. p,.b.•K PROO Ll In 7 -re • ,I � A �/ 1=,,,L PHASEH-11_ WHA' -6` W VON 4 `10AV YNs ,l. GtZO l -- cOi OSHAWA THO WEEKWAX NEWS ADVERTISER, Nov. s. 12, 199woT Ho11ES, Nov. S • 15,190 PAGE 13 The"'°°df Yrst- ll T(o Get Into A New Home From $599 Per Month Just Send Us The fax. LAURENTIAN BANK CHESTNUT HILL CREDIT APPROVAL F"=m 7331111111111,8811 Illlllllli11111111111111!I FIRST NAME LAST NAME IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ADDRESS IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII��l1111111 CITY POSTAL CODE full bme you'p'°yam I I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I EMPLOYER BUS. TELEPHONE How long ye° roRWn '°"e been employed W W °ent I I I I I I I I I YEARS MONTHS HOME TELEPHONE I I I[- I I 11.1 1 1 1 Berth I I I I I I I I SOCIAL INSURANCE NO. MO DAY YEAR TNS wd is aimepcW Mw mAwl deposit DATE SIGNATURE Canada's leader in mortgage innovations CREDIT APPLICATION Chestnut Hill and the Laurentian Bank have teamed up to design the easiest home buy you will ever make, at incredibly low monthly rates. Just fill out this form and fax it to (416) 733-8811 right now. Only at Chestnut Hill Homes. .we QIJ D •1 OWD So Much For So Uttle In Whitby Presentation Centre is located North off Hwy.401 on Brock Street between Rossland Rd. and Taunton Rd. in Whitby. Just minutes from Go Train. Presentation Centre Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 1 P.M. - 8 P.M. Sat. and Sun. 11 A.M. - 6 P.M. Closed on Friday. w.+nor n MIN 401 m A � r Presentation Centre is located North off Hwy.401 on Brock Street between Rossland Rd. and Taunton Rd. in Whitby. Just minutes from Go Train. Presentation Centre Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 1 P.M. - 8 P.M. Sat. and Sun. 11 A.M. - 6 P.M. Closed on Friday. PrAW 14 05KWATM-WElEV&W NEWS ADVERTISER, Nov. S-12.1tI MST S. Nov. 6- 13,19U 3N4&w Hts�ls iaat>id =aterlors Furniture can set the m 00 of throom Buying furniture can be a confus- ing and time-consuming process, especially when there are many fac- tors like quality, style and price to take into consideration. To avoid making an expensive mistake, here are a few ground rules to keep in mind the next time you go furniture hunting. The main objective is to establish a distinct purpose for the item so that you can get the most use out of it. For example, instead of buying a lux- urious, leather love seat, you may get more use out of a large sofa which accommodates more people. Another important factor is dura- bility. It is easy to fall into the trap of buying something that looks good. but won't withstand a lot of' wear. When you are out shopping, don't be afraid of testing the furniture. Try feeling it and moving it around to get a sense of how strong and flexible it is. The third factor is shape. The item should compliment the rest of the room and help create a visual pattern. A piece of furniture can be very sim- ple, but because it is too wide or too high it can look awkward. It is also important to recognize distinctive furniture %%hen you are out shopping. You can buy a very basic piece of furniture or a unique item which seems to have a personality of its own. It should have a special warmth which adds comfort to your surroundings. Try to purchase items that reflect your individuality and style. Other factors to consider are sym- metry and balance. Each item should have smooth, flowing lines which complement the rest of your furni- ture. Even though the pieces may be different colors. textures and sizes. they should look like they belong together. Before you go shopping, familiar- ize yourself with the spaces and sizes you are working with. Measure the wall or floor space that you have to fill. If you're buying furniture for an entire room, you'll need to measure its square foot area. If you're pur- chasing furniture for more than one room, it is a good idea to prepare a basic floor plan. If you find you have problem areas, try to develop solutions instead of ignoring them. Once you are armed with room measurements and a good idea of what to look for, you are ready to hit the stores. Take your tape measure with you when you go shopping. Make sure you measure the height and size of the furniture you like and remember that it may have to fit through doorways or be carried up or down a staircase. Also keep the size of the piece in mind when envisioning it in your home. Ceiling height is especially important. A piece of furniture that almost reaches the ceiling can have an overpowering effect. Another point to remember is that the size of the furniture in a store can be very deceiving. A piece of furni- ture that seems small in the store can turn out to be a "big" surprise when you bring it home. Don't be afraid to ask salespeople for help. Even though the final choice is yours. the advice of a quali- fied salesperson can be very valu- able. Most salespeople know their mer- chandise and can save you time by taking you directly to the type of fur- niture you are looking for. They can also assist you by explaining addi- tional features of the products and informing you of other items that may be in their store catalogue but not on the display floor. As well, they can explain special sales reductions, the store's financing plan and deliver procedures. Many of' them will also go over a floor plan of' your home with you to help you make the best purchase. Unless you have just won the lot- tery, you probably have budget restrictions that will affect how much you spend. When planning your bud- get, try to think of the purchase as an investment instead of' an expense. NEW RELEASE Don't forget that if you spend a little more on good quality furniture it can last longer. If you have to furnish your whole home, concentrate on your immediate needs and how much it will cost to pay for those items. Once you have bought the necessities, you can take your time and develop a long-term budget for special purchases. Putting aside a set sum each month can add up to quite a substantial amount of money. Remember that you should never buy furniture in a hurry. Take your time, be choosy and buy something you really like. After all, if you choose well, it should last for a life- time! NEW RELEASE WHITBY • Sunken Family Rooms with Cathedral Ceilings • Master Ensuites • Three Washrooms • Bay Windows • Tudor Style Turrets • Main Floor Family Rooms • Eat -in Kitchens • Lots up to 164' Deep a G.S.T. INCLUDED ri . r,. .r r ri r �r MMLJ-MWLJa=LJ � r O&M j SEDgODM 2 H`I,.; � s „Mtty Ro(NA J . i J A P'wD a.yyG Root" . • P� _.ice VO v U I. I 1 80*001+ from FREEHOLD TOWNHOME§ -/ 5�LW J 'SayaW moAay ony Sw atlas rap "W"aa y for dW.Is " Sony Pram S CO aoWY Pncas 6 apaaholery aubaa 10 r hw F It 0 F „0"'00-s" FOR 1061 ., .dMiViATHIS VW3UA IAX NEWS ADVEATWR, Nov s 1z, 19 Si gd1JEs, Nov. j. 13, 190 PACE 15 Ndw HCVWM4b ► iarid bate 14cbm o ecorating on a budget These days, making every penny count is more important then ever - but that doesn't mean we can't indulge ourselves a little when it comes to cre- ating a beautiful and inviting home. These new tips, provided by Kmart's decorating specialists, make it easy to use imagination instead of money to create the home of your dreams - without changing the furni- ture or making a dent in the family budget. Walls with a difference - A little paint, fabric and imagination can add an exciting designer touch to a room for very little money. Try do-it-your- self stencils above doors, along the ceiling border and around window frames. Ordinary bedsheets provide an elegant tented look. Choose stripes or small floral printed flat sheets, and make a 1" hem at both ends. Install curtain rods along the top and bottom of each wall, then slide the sheets along the rods carefully to create a shirred effect. This is away way to disguise damaged walls or dress up a bedroom or bath. Arm,ork adds style - Give any room an instant facelift by showcasing an affordable art collection, using art that matches your decorating theme. For a contemporary room choose bright images. If country is your preference, try landscapes or floral prints, or work by artists such as Charles Wysocki or Currier & Ives. Botanical prints give a fresh, natural feeling to any room. In the den , create a casual look with col- orful sporting prints, equestrian or hunt scenes. You can collect prints by a single artist, by style or subject - or you can mix and match to create your own per- sonal style. Raising the roof - Use artwork to change the dimensions of a room. If ceilings are low, hang pictures above eye level to create a feeling of height. For high ceilings, display pic- Energy Tip Why should I choose an energy-efficient gas furnace? AThe more energy-efficient your furnace is, the less gas you will use — whether nat- ural gas or propane — and the more you will save on your utili- ty bills. An energy-efficient fur- nace may be more expensive to purchase, but the purchase cost will be offset over time by lower operating costs. Over the life- time of the furnace, your savings can be substantial. A new gas furnace of high efficiency will also help fight global warming by cutting carbon dioxide emis- sions by up to 1,000 cubic meters a year per household. _•T tures lower on the wall. In a long, nar- row hallway, use lots of different sized prints hung at a variety of levels to break up the space. Keep proportions in mind; try not to overpower a small room, such as a bathroom or guest bedroom, with oversized prints. Instead, try a group of smaller pieces with similar styles and frame and mat colors. Pretty as a picture - When hanging pictures, use your head before you use your hammer. Group several small prints in a sim- ilar style over the sofa, instead of one large piece. Vary sizes and shapes, and don't hang everything in a straight line. To find the perfect spot for each work of art, cut a sheet of paper approximately the size of each picture you want to hang. Put a small piece of double -sided tape on the back and use these models to work out perfect wall placement. Magic make -overs - The secret to changing the style and feeling of a room without refurnishing is using inexpensive accessories. Decide on a style, then follow these basic rules. First select a 'signature shade' - the color of the sofa, rug or other furniture - then add accessories in coordinating shades. Accessories include framed prints and artwork, throw pillows, vases, baskets, and fig- urines that help set the style. Artwork with a country theme, landscapes or botanical prints, baskets tied with calico ribbons, dried flowers, a decorative quilt, and a few country collectibles will tum your living room into a country cottage. An oriental style rug, velvet throw pillows, brass and crystal accents and English hunting prints on the wall„ give an elegant traditional look to a living room. •11M6E /6 00MA IM WE13UAJAX NEWS AOVERnSER, Nov. S-12,19o3IMT W&W-% Nov, 6 -13.1993 rgmMW Hoaanes sand I>atasrlorar Dishwasher can be the home's showcase Creativity in the kitchen needn't be limited to food preparation.. You can become your own decorator by designing an imaginative front panel for that kitchen mainstay - the dishwasher. So says Julie Bundy. Maytag Company's manager of consumer education. The front panel can become a rotating gallery, showcasing children's art, enlarged photographs. posters, theatre playbills or other decorative items you fancy. "Hobbies or special interests can he reflect- ed by displaying sheet music, book jackets• collections of matchbooks, coins or auto- graphs, postcard or greeting cards, travel sou- venirs, and the like.*' says Ms Bundy. "Your dishwasher front can even chanze designs with the seasons, or be decorated for holidays and special family celebration.%." Other suggestions include using a piece of decorative wallpaper or a piece of patchwork quilting, a hand embroidered sampler, ging- ham fabric or folk art to complement an Early American or country kitchen decor. For an Oriental accent. select a tatami mat. silk paint- ing, an Oriental kite, or a paper reproduction of a kimono design. It's easy to transform any dishwasher from ordinan_ , into a worm of art. The consumer education manaeer says. "For extra protection and washability, just 0 mount your selection on 1/8 -inch thick tem- pered hardboard to tit the space indicated by the manufacturer. Cover with a sheet of clear acrylic plastic the same thickness of the hard- board. Delicate fabrics can be placed on a lightweight poster board cut to the exact size of the panel. Smaller items selected for a collage can be mounted on cardboard backing. Artwork. such as a photo, can be enlarged to the desired size. ­ When mounting fabric, a photo or poster, cut it to the proper size, then lay it on the hard- board so that the design is in the exact position you want it. Carefully pick up one quarter of the material to be mounted. Apply a spray adhesive product on both the hardboard and the underside of the material vou're mounting:. Lower this portion and apply gentle pressure to make sure it's secure. Continue this proce- dure on the remaining three quarters. When the entire area is glued. check to make sure there are no wrinkles or bubbles, always smoothing your work from the centre outward toward the edges. Voila'- Your kitchen workhorse• the dish- washer, has been transformed into a designer showcase. Of course, today's dishwashers offer not only decorating versatility, but a wide variety of features as well. - W.r -n.EDARBROOK Fir - - N 11 .IR�:IN• •N:.. a�t IrC- I'-� �i .• •. �� � ..I � IIIIK�M.I:...t) �••.. II NII INI f . __� 11N�l1111: .. - - i � �+ t !1 ,1'1!� �,• = ' ::in:,:! . IIIpI1fIMIHI `� „ • �_�Ii111HIIHIII11H111 �i -�=�=''-•�•��u a"= - iw7w: I .,v . 16'. 11= 1 °Fc OR qPF/ O° ` r THE VICTORIA 2482 SQ. Fr. !189.990- you-re 89,990- you re oo g or eBestV ue...Look East. To Halminen's Detac -Brick Homes on 50'Lots in Courtire from ONLY 20 MM. FROM SC'ARRnR0UC'H Q MOATM 404-2186 Sales Office Hours: Mon. Thurs. 1 8 p.ni.. Sunday 12 6 p.m.. Closed Fri. & Sat. MF40 GST INCLUDED FOR 1902 SQ. FT. • New Designs • All -Clay Brick • Colonial Trim Package • Great Location in Mature Area • Furnished Model Home I'r!cls .Ind slr•r J,( .tlwns arr subiv, t In I hinge without poli. a E. R O. F.' Available (MU -P- 1-4 6— C: - • blil"WA TINS lli EKMdAX NM AD'VEMSER, Nov. S • 12, 41 t EST HDAIES, Nov. d -15,1!!0 PAGE 17 New HOamees 8zti42 IaterlOrm Condominiums offer great value New condominium home buyers don't have to accept lower quality as a consequence of the current recession, say members of the Canadian Home Builders' Association (CHBA). Condominium builders continue to stress design excellence and top-quality social and recreational amenities, as well as a wide array of luxury features in the current stock of higher -end con- dominiums. Because builders are relying on top- quality offerings to attract buyers in the hotly competitive condominium mar- ketplace, making the most of today's market means making quality your cri- teria, builders suggest. Buyers, especially in the move -up markets, should consider making a move now because quality will never be less expensive — the current market condition has narrowed the margin between the cost of the average condo- minium home and a luxury one. Here are the reactions of a few pur- chasers of condominium homes in recent months, all of whom moved from detached family homes. Lois Gibson, who lives at Hanson- Needler Corporation's The Mansion condominium in Mississauga, was leery about condominiums after spending 30 years in her own single-family home and decided to be very selective. "I spent a long time shopping and saw a lot of condominium," she said, "but when I saw The Mansion, I knew immediately that 1 had found something special." A busy professional schedule gives Gibson a heightened appreciation for the hassle -free lifestyle of a well- planned condominium, while social activities organized for residents also helped encourage a sense of communi- Space saving tips No matter what size house you live in, one thing is likely — you are always in need of more space. What can you do when you are out of space? Create more space with a few organizational tech- niques and some comfortably affordable devices. Space -saving sweater and shoe racks add a lot of utility to small closets. Wire baskets, which can be purchased in most hardware and building supply stores, can hold everything from scarves to shoes and be stacked to economize space. Outside of the closet, a chest -like blanket box can be a handsome piece of furniture and, at the same time, create storage room where none existed before. ty. With her numerous night meetings, the building's round-the-clock security services are also an important feature for her own schedule and providing peace of mind about her daughter's wel- fare. "The site design appealed to me because every room is slightly different and the living area has an unconvention- al shape." Gibson said. "That helps make living here special." For Eileen Thomas, condominiums provided not one but two homes in rela- tively quick succession. She moved from her Lome Park, Mississauga, fam- ily home to a smaller condominium as an "interim step," she said, knowing eventually she would want a large home. " I was content to wait, though, until I found exactly the right condominium for me." she said. E1 Q) 0 C� o o C) li U O Ln � V � O I 4� oLM P E 0 O �_ Q •O 211 W 1�d� Z 0 Thomas didn't have to wait long. Her condominium came came on the mar- ket soon after she purchased her first condominium home. "I liked the location and its price for the size and quality of condominium it offered," Thomas said. "When I saw the penthouse floor plans, I knew it had exactly the features and design ameni- ties I wanted in a condominium. In both purchases, the condominiums more than lived up to what was promised to me." Karen and Sal Napolitano also are pleased they took the plunged into the condominium lifestyle. "As soon as we walked in we saw 'quality', no doubt about it," said Sal. "People who come to our place are just amazed at the pillars, the design, the layout, the trim and the details like ceramic doorknobs and the nice fixtures they gave us in the kitchen." Karen added "most of the features weren't even upgrades, they were stan- dard." Condominium vendors place greater emphasis on spending extra time with first-time buyers as well in today's more competitive condominium marketplace. Buyers can be assured by how much time condominium vendors spend with their customers, not just showing homes, but explaining how the whole process of buying and finishing a con- dominium works. By taking advantage of the current supply of quality offerings, buyers stand to benefit a great deal from making an informed decision. ,Many market watchers feel we are at the end of the current downturn. Traditionally after a slowdown, prices rise to higher levels that they were in the previous cycle. iA - - - W4 THE ROSEWOOD. 2.020 SQ. FI.. S223.990:; � 4joft lot —� IN PRESTIGIOUS FIVIRESTBROOK This s it! Your foul opportunity to own an exclusive John Boddy Home in the prestigious Forestbrook Community! Choose from an array of classic homes, sized from 1775 sq. ft. to 3,444 sq. ft., priced from S214,990 to S269,990, and offering such quality features is: - gourmet kitchens complete with angled sinks inset into comer window alcoves; • family room fin aces with marble surrounds and oak • sunny breakfast rooms overlooking family, rooms; train floor laundry rooms with exterior access; - muter bedroom retreats with fabulous ensuite baths; custom stairwell skylights; • old fashioned verandahs; landscape packages complete with paved asphalt drives • much, much more! 9 -Decorated 11' 1 Choose From 0, Fftr& FACE HOURS: J I THURS., 12 NOON TO 8 PM, r A" 0011-0101111 NnoN Te A. oma � L / t L _ 1 iA - - - W4 THE ROSEWOOD. 2.020 SQ. FI.. S223.990:; � 4joft lot —� IN PRESTIGIOUS FIVIRESTBROOK This s it! Your foul opportunity to own an exclusive John Boddy Home in the prestigious Forestbrook Community! Choose from an array of classic homes, sized from 1775 sq. ft. to 3,444 sq. ft., priced from S214,990 to S269,990, and offering such quality features is: - gourmet kitchens complete with angled sinks inset into comer window alcoves; • family room fin aces with marble surrounds and oak • sunny breakfast rooms overlooking family, rooms; train floor laundry rooms with exterior access; - muter bedroom retreats with fabulous ensuite baths; custom stairwell skylights; • old fashioned verandahs; landscape packages complete with paved asphalt drives • much, much more! 9 -Decorated 11' 1 Choose From 0, Fftr& FACE HOURS: J I THURS., 12 NOON TO 8 PM, r A" 0011-0101111 NnoN Te A. oma � Canadian housing technology has great reputation Canadians are among the best - housed people in the world! Canadian housing technology enjoys an unparalleled reputation in the international housing community! How often have we heard these statements and simply accepted them at face value without wondering what lies behind them'? The Canadian housing industry is a complex network involving builders, trade contractors, manufac- turers, lenders, researchers, utilities, government agencies and many oth- ers. "At any given point in time, the industry is engaged in a number of activities that have the single aim of building better homes for Canadians," says Bruce Clemmensen, chair of the Technical Research Committee of the Canadian Home Builders' Association (CHBA). "These homes are more comfortable to live in, more afford- able. more cost-effective to operate and better for the environment." The Advanced Houses Program, a research and demonstration program Ontario Home Warranty facts • Coverage under the Ontario New Home Warranty Program includes: — deposit protection up to $20.000. — protection against delayed closing and delayed occupancy — protection against substitu- tion of key elements set out in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and made without the homeowner's agreement. —One-year builder's warranty on workmanship, materials and Ontario Building Code violations. — Two-year "power train" builder's warranty covering electri- cal, plumbing and heating delivery and distribution systems. — Two -year's builder's war- ranty against water penetrating the basement through the founda- tion and building envelope: detachment or deterioration of exterior cladding: violations of the Ontario Building Code's health and safety provisions. — Seven-year protection (for homes enrolled after Dec. 31, 1990) against major structural defects. initiated by Energy, Mines and Resources Canada and the CHBA, offers a fascinating look at the homes of the future. The program is the test- ing ground for innovative ideas and products that will have a profound influence on the way we build houses in the future. On the surface, the 10 "advanced houses" located in communities coast to coast may not look all that differ- ent from neighboring homes, but the,.- are heyare the most energy-efficient and environmentally -responsible homes in the country. All of these houses use only one-quarter of the energy and one-half of the water of an aver- age home. Each house provides its own unique blend of new and inno- vative ideas and technologies — such as hii h-efficiencx heating_, cooling and hot water systems in new and unique combinations: materials with recycled or non-toxic content (from insulation to carpeting made from pop bottles). heat recaptured from waste water: and "zero -water" land- scaping. The "advanced houses" will be carefully monitored for several years. The best of the results will be incor- porated into the R-2000 standard, Canada's leading-edge system of' building energy-efficient and envi- ronmentally -friendly homes. The aim of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's Healthy Housing Design Competition was -to design houses for the Canadian cli- mate which are in keeping with the principles of sustainable develop- ment — houses which offer healthv indoor environments, conserve resources and are environmentally - responsible and which remain afford- able.- Construction of the winning Picture Homes Presents FIl�A� CO ,K,K 8 Homes Re designs, including an affordable urban infill project, was to begin early this year. An aging population means safety, accessibility and independence arc growing issues in housing design. CMHC's Open House is a barrier - free display home designed to accommodate mobility. sight and hearing limitations as well as envi- ronmental sensitivities. The Open House offers a wide array of products and design features — such as wide doorways, roll -in showers, non-toxic floor finishes, a smoke detector -acti- vated strotx: light and motorized win- dow controls. Collaboration among all facets of the industry in these and other pro- jects keeps Canada at the forefront of housing icchnologN, and Canadians among the best -housed people in the world. main AI.L REDUCED TO CLEAR i00 (50' Whitby's hest VALUE, LOCATION & QUALITY from (approx. 1900 sq. ft., 40' las) • Walk -out lots available • Walking distance to Separate Schools &park MondaY -Thursday�1:30 - 7:00 pm Friday SaL et Sun. 12.00 - 5:00 pm 1-905-666-8164 (WTIIT m Jr 787-6550 (TOR.) , ; , , J# DUNTRY MANOR IN WHITBY By Picture Homes Also Building in Port Perry on 50' lots VICTORM V1t LA_GiE Exquisite Victorian replica home designs 11 feature graceful porches, dr:unatic hay w'indow'. 1—vers. Be:tutif011\' detailed mouldin-'s .111d trim all :11•c11itecturd1v ccmceiVed to xv(wk t()geliler 11:11'mUniOUsly t() create a community with ch:uacter :utd elegance of the Vicun'ian Era. 3 ONLY BUNGALOWS & 2 STOREYS FINAL from S179,900OPPORTUNITY TAUNTON RD. Z Q 0 FAMAND RD DUNDAS ST. 4 HM +01 MondaY -Thursday�1:30 - 7:00 pm Friday SaL et Sun. 12.00 - 5:00 pm 1-905-666-8164 (WTIIT m Jr 787-6550 (TOR.) , ; , , J# DUNTRY MANOR IN WHITBY By Picture Homes Also Building in Port Perry on 50' lots VICTORM V1t LA_GiE Exquisite Victorian replica home designs 11 feature graceful porches, dr:unatic hay w'indow'. 1—vers. Be:tutif011\' detailed mouldin-'s .111d trim all :11•c11itecturd1v ccmceiVed to xv(wk t()geliler 11:11'mUniOUsly t() create a community with ch:uacter :utd elegance of the Vicun'ian Era. 3 ONLY BUNGALOWS & 2 STOREYS FINAL from S179,900OPPORTUNITY ....... OWAWA THIS WEMAJAX NEWS ADVERTMA Mev S. 12, IMMM NOTES, HMO. j3. jM pAOlf'1O Geranium presents Phase 2 of Springfields, an outstanding FR collection of homes on 30' lots! *Vi 11M BRA =� V EE C I I THE ALrMMN ROSE, 1360 SQ Fr ON A 30' LOT, ONLY $139,990! H E OM S • 1• F YT24 1 GST I\CLI990I 1 DED! . A AND SPECIFICATIONS SI:BJECT TO fllA\I;F 171101T NOTICE, E. O.E. r zce. Geranium presents Phase 2 of Springfields, an outstanding FR collection of homes on 30' lots! *Vi 11M BRA =� V EE C I I THE ALrMMN ROSE, 1360 SQ Fr ON A 30' LOT, ONLY $139,990! H E OM S • 1• F YT24 1 GST I\CLI990I 1 DED! . A AND SPECIFICATIONS SI:BJECT TO fllA\I;F 171101T NOTICE, E. O.E. PAGB.0 OSHAWA-TIR WEEKIAJAX NEM ADVERTNWk 11mis •12j "G&UST 1gl�ilsa.6�7�,'1M� Pq I RATE ! !?0(d0fte-d, FROM AS LOW AS ($939.24 MONTHLY P & 1) Artist's Concept of the Riverwood 1551 sq ft. Please See Sales Representative for Futher Details Thornwood Village i 0 MONTHLY =HOMES= "Built by our family for yours" DIRECTIONS: 1. Itwy. 401 east to Thk*eon Rd. 2. North on Thickson to Roland Rd. 3. East on Roseland to Thornton Rd. 4. North on Thornton to Dryden Blvd. S. west on Dryden to the Sales Centre SALES c Elffm t. 4 OSHi11M1Tf�19 wEplOAdltlt'IiL At1VERT1i5ER; Nov-`1Z,19kl/dE T l�O g, Ir>�►. i 1�, illl�t f E Z'1 V NODov 3W4:0m4bft aaatd Iat/Qrlosar Tribute's*pde shows at Ravenscroft You can't help but get an incredible feeling when you visit Tribute's Ravenscroft community. At the north Whitby residential development, homebuyers find incredible designs, incredible lot sizes and incredible prices. At Ravenscroft, homes come in vari- ous shapes and sizes but all loaded with unbelievable features that add up to great value. Home sizes from 1,572 square feet on a 40 -foot lot are priced starting at $163,990. For outstanding _ . . value consider a 2,860 sq. ft. home on -t0-ft. by 118 -ft. deep lot that includes r four bedrooms, two ensuite baths, three , , walk-in closets, a library and a large kitchen with breakfast bar overlooking M on 50 -ft. by 120-f[ I the family room. A home with all these features is available for $195.990. Closing dates are available for the spring of 1994. There are also a 1 ` The 2,096 number of homes square foot deep lots. Partington is Floorplans range a beautiful from 2.458-sq.ft. to 3.056-sq.ft. and example of have such quality the pride features as double Tribute takes in design - front doors. dream Ing and building its kitchens with break- fast bar and pantry, homes. Tribute's oak railings and Ravenscroft, in Whitby, pickets on the main features incredible staircases and Colonial trim. designs on 40- and 50- Ravenscroft fea- foot lots starting at tures many excep- $163,990. tional homes. Take the Partington, for example. This 2,096-sq.ft. home features a large kitchen with centre island and a breakfast area that overlooks the sunken family room and has a walkout to the back yard. The family room features a beautiful gas fireplace, while the living room has a cathedral ceiling. Optional French doors enhance the formal dining room and a main -floor laundry completes this beautifully designed home. Upstairs, there are a total of four bedrooms, including a master bedroom with sitting area, a large walk-in closet and ensuite bath. One of the most appealing features of the Partington is its price. This two-storey home on a 40 - ft. lot is available for $175,990. Ravenscroft is located just south of Taunton Rd., west of Garrard Rd. Shopping and other amenities are within walking distance as are many public and separate schools. Nearby is the Whitby Recreation Complex and the GO Transit station is just a short drive south. Tribute takes pride in its homes and reputation, which is rated Excellent by the Ontario New Home Warranty Program for its after-sales service. LOOKING TO BUY A NEW HOME? LOOK IN ON New Homs &:interiors EVERY FRIDAY IN OSHAWA WHITBY THIS WEEK AND THE AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER To visit Ravenscroft take Garrard Rd. to Rolling p.m. and from 1 l a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends. The Acres Dr. and follow to the Tribute sales office. Sales office is closed on Fridays. For more information, office hours are Monday to Thursday from noon to 8 contact the sales office at 686-5441. � Y ly - I] 10 UAM( IU111 t The Dartmoor A V Kingsway Forest by Durham Homes offers the location and quality you've always desired. This serene and attractive community offers discerning purchasers bungalow and two storey designs pecked with features such as cathedral ceilings, fantail & bay windows, spa bathrooms and garden room kitchens. All homes are situated on full-size 39' to 48' lots in a forested and open space environment. Buy now and choose your FREE OPTION! 1. The Comfort Package A complete central air conditioning system for your new home! 2. The Green Package Landscape shrubbery and an interlocking stone walkway! 3. The Convenience Package A dishwasher, central vacuum and electric garage door opener! OSNAWA The Doll FuM Sala Cahn is on TowMin Rd 1W MM of Adeloida. No. to TAors. 2 Mn to T pa Sol. sad San. lloaa to 5 pm Frid" • Chad to C - -Rhout nous. (416) 436-5161 Exclusive Agent: WS Realty Ltd. 130-3993 PAGE 22 OSHAWA THIS WEEK/AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER, Nov. 5.1 Z,19MEST HOMES, Nov. 6 - 13, 1 M MWSE 25 1 CLEAROUT Victoria Garden OF J~� on Waverly Rd. just OCCUf% r% north of Hwy. 401, za) ir LAJ � cc 7 AJAX WHITBY OSHAWA 9090110MAIMVILLE SALE HWY 2OONCESSION Uj cc ONLY cc U — KING ST. EAS 0 z Q >_ z Q >_ :77. PA > I Iml; SALES LU OFFICE VICTORIA GARDEN FREEHOLD TOW Z:4 r A FF j. .4 tmi-1; AA- F- 5 ONCE;- TWE COVEN-:;. Av41LADLE INASE 2 S*3S 9- VICTORIA GARDEN SINGLE FAMILY HOMES nQ\ ARTISTS CONCEPT THE 4OS_Ei F7 f1__64i;0_rN s0 LO V1CMRU 3 25 &A,,R#D@EoN 1 Victoria Garden OF sales Office located on Waverly Rd. just OCCUf% r% north of Hwy. 401, `'1164 V owl 301 1384 WEST PRICE '84,990 *109,990 1117,990 1120,990 '122,990 P&I PER MONTH* $735-68 '851.86 '913.82 1837.05 *952.54 *HOMES ON 30' & 40' LOTS eP TO �E816NS *1U2 FABULOUS2 *PARKSIDE COMMUNITY i fill' rk 1rl I IS 1 10 T IF i -11J g mi 4141 W1�14 0 1. _* .4, 11107's _R Rainbow Ridge Sales Office located on Mearns north of Concession east of Liberty St. TOWNHOMES HOURS: MON - THURS: 2 - 8 PM, SAT - SUN: NOON - 6 PM BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE 1-800-383-6338--285-0153 OP 697-2112 HOMES' 1800 OP 897-2000 �E�ti�T►:�F�A'I�IN;THF> F�� 25 MINUTES EAST OF METRO APPLE BLOSSOM za) ir LAJ cc SALES AJAX WHITBY OSHAWA 9090110MAIMVILLE OFFICE ST. HWY 2OONCESSION Uj cc cc 0 cc cc U — KING ST. EAS 0 z Q >_ z Q >_ CC > cc SALES LU OFFICE Hwy 401 1 VO LAKE ONTARIO _R Rainbow Ridge Sales Office located on Mearns north of Concession east of Liberty St. TOWNHOMES HOURS: MON - THURS: 2 - 8 PM, SAT - SUN: NOON - 6 PM BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE 1-800-383-6338--285-0153 OP 697-2112 HOMES' 1800 OP 897-2000 �E�ti�T►:�F�A'I�IN;THF> F�� JEFFER S HOMES fJf'i v r Kli_: ite t ¢ NEW 45' LOT RELEASE! LUXURY DETACHED ALL CLAY BRICK HOMES IN A RUSTIC RURAL SETTING COMPLETE WITH TREED COMMUNITY PARK! 93 3UNGA IODEL 4 �- = �—i - - W.�� —D:� Mq i &I i C7-0—�Q' -4 —�Am - ft �—a —1 '�P Rao r IU OSHAWA THIS WEEK/AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER, Nov. 5-12,1993BEST HOMES, Nov. 6 -13,1993 JA ` KASSINGER QUALITY ��///I'Cl�► Not only designed for young families. our Current models are GJ '" equipped with four appliances. The entire package can be privatety financed at 7 3A% for five years Home ownership made easy by Kassmger. a trusted name in community building. Good deals star, at $146.900 by KASSINGER ..: mss.. Zia" 10 U Soo - . T �ta �•'��.� t.�i1L"3 .- rrrr 1.414 Sq,Ft. - ALL BRICK - 35' LOT -1 112 CAR GARAGE (15) -$150,400 rjJ71EEFFE :� _7 FRAM quality at unMard of prices. Upgrades galore. AN clay brick 4 bedroom, master has sitting ares plus an suite with oval FRAM W 12D oe 3:"bYKx ,p BUILDING Gerrard Rd. & Hartrick (north of Rosslarid) or call 619-9616. GROUP o fil TAYLORWOOD COURT ,.. a..�..o.- A distinctive neighborhood of fine estate homes from $300,000 in M Nw • i North Oshawa across from Durham College Michael Zygocki will J. design your dream home or buy a lot and choose your own budder. This home has been reduced for quick sale. Michael Zygocki728-9471. A DREAM MEANS A LOT! Lincoln Green by City Homes...unique setting for that special home. Call Ann Wisniewski for details 436-1800 or 728-5639.