HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1993_08_27pill!1 r MINI -GOLF FOR CHARITY: You can enjoy a game of mini - golf, feast at a barbecue and corn roast, and help the devel- opmentally -handicapped of the Ajax -Pickering and Whitby Association for Community Living at the same time. Thc event takes place Saturday. Aug. 28 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Pickering Driving Range, Brock Rd. N. Mini -golf is S2 per person. For more informa- tion, call !*ly na Picoue at 683- 3520. ItZ lzi 1 1013 News Library fate questioned Page 2 Store clerk pistol-whipped in robbery Page 4 -features Steppin' Out --------- S sports.—___ 10 Barter1ine._....._ _____ 15 C tassWiied....................� 1 S Billboard ...-------- 22 Sincerely Yours__._..?3 Armed standoff ends quietly AJAX - A tense armed standoff hem yesterday afternoon ended peace- fully when an Ajax man surrendered to Durham Regional Police. A police negotiator and the force's Tactical Support Unit were called to a Burden Cres. home after the man allegedly pointed a shotgun at someone, saes Staff Set. Sandv Rvne. Charges hadn't been laid as o(press time yesterday afternoon. The: man was taken into custody around 135 p.m. and taken to the Pickering police station for questioning. Neighbor Errol Sarpkaya says he came out of his house around 12:30 p.m. to pick up his garbage can when he spotted a uniformed police offi- cer kneeling behind a tree and was told by the cop to go back into his house. Area youngsters say the suspect lived at home with his parents and younger brother. Mr. Sarpkaya sa\ s, '"They're a very quiet family. They don't socialize much." The suspect was the only one at home during the incident, Mr. Sarp- kaya says. An eyeu iu'k',s says that. after the man had given himself up to police, a cop cairn out of the hour ,k itl- -A-LA ap )n.,J to be a foo0ong knife. Police I Heavily -armed members of the Durham Regional Police Tac- tical Support Unit prepare for a 90 -minute standoff Thursday afternoon in Ajax where a man was holed up after allegedly threatening someone with a gun. photos by Ron Pietroniro Pickering airport land for sale Tenants get second crack at property PICKERING - Tenants on the Pickering air- pon lands will get second crack at buying the property, Ottawa announced Wednesday. Up fust at bat will be municipal and provin- cial agencies, which will be given priority to purchase land for public use. "We never expected anything different from that," says Bryon Hutrle, chairman of a tenants' group called the Committee for the Pickering Airport Community. "We always understood any government would have fust rights on the prey. " The impending sale of 5,100 acres, deemed surplus to any future airport here, is expected to give Ottawa S60 million in revenue. The federal government expropriated 18,600 acres for an airport in the 1970s. But the sale process "opens up a whole can of worms," Mr. Hurrle adds. "What's going to happen to seniors? We've got seniors on the site. We've got unemployed. We've got dis- abled. Where are people going to go?" Residents were hoping for government assis- tance in obtaining mortgages and are afraid the community will be lost, he says. "A big concern also is the piecemeal approach (to selling). It will leave it wide open to speculation and devel- opment. We want to keep it agricultural and green. It's a lot more complicated than it looks on the surface." Pickering council, at the urging of residents, earlier this year asked Onawa to delay the sale until the impact on the community could be studied. But the surplus acreage will be sold in stages over a three-year period, Ontario Riding MP Rene Soetens said at a press conference here Wednesday. In the next two weeks, local and provincial governments will be notified they have 30 days See AIRPORT -.Page 3 � _,,-.looking to meet that significant someone? Call Sincerely Yours at 1-800-387-8009 RcardVarr&*: 1Week Caribean Cruise from SePt W - May'94 vsn r "a" M Tfave9IV$ADVIR 6"11 PICKSIM 8314411 Pickering Edition Coning Set., Aug. n Tim DOUG BARR ChUmn's Show '11 IIIAL i 1 pre. TisiR HEE wtoows Pow DE roes Friday, Aug. 27, 1993 24 popes A Metrolond Community Newspqper Pressrun 35,000 510 + 40 GST = 55 cents Vol. 112 No.. 35 pill!1 r MINI -GOLF FOR CHARITY: You can enjoy a game of mini - golf, feast at a barbecue and corn roast, and help the devel- opmentally -handicapped of the Ajax -Pickering and Whitby Association for Community Living at the same time. Thc event takes place Saturday. Aug. 28 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Pickering Driving Range, Brock Rd. N. Mini -golf is S2 per person. For more informa- tion, call !*ly na Picoue at 683- 3520. ItZ lzi 1 1013 News Library fate questioned Page 2 Store clerk pistol-whipped in robbery Page 4 -features Steppin' Out --------- S sports.—___ 10 Barter1ine._....._ _____ 15 C tassWiied....................� 1 S Billboard ...-------- 22 Sincerely Yours__._..?3 Armed standoff ends quietly AJAX - A tense armed standoff hem yesterday afternoon ended peace- fully when an Ajax man surrendered to Durham Regional Police. A police negotiator and the force's Tactical Support Unit were called to a Burden Cres. home after the man allegedly pointed a shotgun at someone, saes Staff Set. Sandv Rvne. Charges hadn't been laid as o(press time yesterday afternoon. The: man was taken into custody around 135 p.m. and taken to the Pickering police station for questioning. Neighbor Errol Sarpkaya says he came out of his house around 12:30 p.m. to pick up his garbage can when he spotted a uniformed police offi- cer kneeling behind a tree and was told by the cop to go back into his house. Area youngsters say the suspect lived at home with his parents and younger brother. Mr. Sarpkaya sa\ s, '"They're a very quiet family. They don't socialize much." The suspect was the only one at home during the incident, Mr. Sarp- kaya says. An eyeu iu'k',s says that. after the man had given himself up to police, a cop cairn out of the hour ,k itl- -A-LA ap )n.,J to be a foo0ong knife. Police I Heavily -armed members of the Durham Regional Police Tac- tical Support Unit prepare for a 90 -minute standoff Thursday afternoon in Ajax where a man was holed up after allegedly threatening someone with a gun. photos by Ron Pietroniro Pickering airport land for sale Tenants get second crack at property PICKERING - Tenants on the Pickering air- pon lands will get second crack at buying the property, Ottawa announced Wednesday. Up fust at bat will be municipal and provin- cial agencies, which will be given priority to purchase land for public use. "We never expected anything different from that," says Bryon Hutrle, chairman of a tenants' group called the Committee for the Pickering Airport Community. "We always understood any government would have fust rights on the prey. " The impending sale of 5,100 acres, deemed surplus to any future airport here, is expected to give Ottawa S60 million in revenue. The federal government expropriated 18,600 acres for an airport in the 1970s. But the sale process "opens up a whole can of worms," Mr. Hurrle adds. "What's going to happen to seniors? We've got seniors on the site. We've got unemployed. We've got dis- abled. Where are people going to go?" Residents were hoping for government assis- tance in obtaining mortgages and are afraid the community will be lost, he says. "A big concern also is the piecemeal approach (to selling). It will leave it wide open to speculation and devel- opment. We want to keep it agricultural and green. It's a lot more complicated than it looks on the surface." Pickering council, at the urging of residents, earlier this year asked Onawa to delay the sale until the impact on the community could be studied. But the surplus acreage will be sold in stages over a three-year period, Ontario Riding MP Rene Soetens said at a press conference here Wednesday. In the next two weeks, local and provincial governments will be notified they have 30 days See AIRPORT -.Page 3 � _,,-.looking to meet that significant someone? Call Sincerely Yours at 1-800-387-8009 PAGE b•THE NEM ADVLRTllSMt FRIDAY, AUGUST 27,1993 Paper takes Canada Post to court over access to mailboxes DURHAM - The Ajax -Picker- ing News Advertiser, through its parent company Metroland Print- ing, Publishing & Distributing Ltd., is taking Canada Post Cor- poration to court over a practice that denies private -sector compa- nies equal access to locked apart- ment mailboxes for the delivery of advertising flyers. Metroland, in conjunction with the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association (CDMA), Netmar Inc. and Les hlessagenes Publi-Mai- son Ltee., filed an application Aug. 24 for judicial review in the Federal Court of Canada. Management of the News Advertiser and other Metroland newspapers say Canada Post has exceeded its statutory jurisdiction and exploited its access to locked apartment mailboxes to acquire an unlawful monopoly over the delivery of unaddressed flyers to these mailboxes. In documents filed with the Federal Court, Metroland argues Canada Post's self-proclaimed monopoly is not sanctioned under its legislated mandate, which gives Canada Post a monopoly oniv for the delivery of letters. The application states Canada Post deliberately uses this unlaw- ful monopoly to gain an unfair advantage over the News Adver- tiser, its sister Sietroland commu- nity newspapers and co -appli- cants. "Canada Post's exploitation of its access to locked mailboxes provides them with an unlawful advantage over private -sector companies." said John Baxter, President and CEO of Metroland. heir self-proclaimed monopole "T denies the News Advertiser and other distributors equal access to locked apartment mailboxes, while they abuse their mandate to facilitate their own financial gains. "Such unwarranted extension of the Canada Post mandate has already cost Metroland newspa- pers and our co -applicants mil- lions of dollars in lost business," Mr. Baxter said. `The potential for future losses in the private sector is enormous if Canada Post continues unfairly to exploit its monopoly over access to locked apartment mailboxes." The News Advertiser and its co -applicants are seeking an order from the Federal Court to prohibit Canada Post from continuing to undermine fair competition in the household distribution industry through its exclusionary practices. They are also asking the Court to grant interim relief pending the ;%earing of their applicatidn for .judicial review, which is expected later this year. C i Kindergarten cop Natasha Burchell, two -and -a -half, got a close-up look at a police motorcycle courtesy of Constable Damir Kulas of Durham Regional Police Pickering's 25 Division. The two were at a picnic hosted by Royal Canadian Legion Branch 606. Pickering, for its members' families, handicapped chil- dren, Big Brothers and Big Sisters. Police and Pickering fire- fighters were on hand to meet the children. Starts Wednesday Rural garbage pick-up begins in Pickering PICKERING - Residents of the Town's neral communities are reminded that door-to-door garbage collection begins Wednesday, Sept. 1. As previously reported in the News Advertiser, Town council Aug. 4 approved expansion of garbage collection service to rural areas. The program is expected to cost taxpayers about $60,000 a year. Under the Town's current con- tract with Browning-Ferris Indus- tries (BFI), rural taxpayers will pay the same rate as their urban neighbors to have their trash picked up — $3.17 per household per month. The new service will affect about 1,600 homes. . Rural residents fronting onto . and living east of Brock Rd. will get garoalge collection every Wednesday. Areas west of Brock Rd. will have their trash picked up every Friday. All materials should be at the roadside for collection by 7 a.m. Pickering's department of public works advises that refrigerators and stoves will be picked up on the first collection day of each month. Other large items will be taken away with regular garbage. Items that will not be accepted by BFI include building materials, automotive parts and household hazardous waste such as paint, oil, thinners, pesticides and propane tanks. These items can be disposed of at the Brock West dump by residents themselves. For more information, call Pickering's public works depart- ment at 420-4630 or BFI at 619- 6506. Thief silences God's messenger AJAX - A thief who wants to be heard stale a public address system, including a microphone and receiver, from a church here. Dwimn Regional Police say she equip rtettt was udm host Holy Toni Anglia® Church h on Kings Library future questioned Small branches 'falling apart' PICKERING - Increasing demand for Pickering Public Library services coupled with budget restraints is forcing the Town to turn to residents for ideas on how to cope. A discussion paper proposing a five-year plan for Pickering libraries has been released by the library board, and residents, schools, ratepayer groups, compa- nies and members of council are being asked to comment in writ- ing by Sept. 30. "We have to make some hard decisions," says library board chairman David Farr. "We felt we had to do something because we can't just sit. (Library service) cannot go on existing as it is now and meet the demand. The facili- ties are stretched; we can't keep pouring money into it because the money isn't there." How to provide the greatest service levels to the greatest num- ber of residents with little or no increase in budget resources is the focus of the discussion paper. The future of community branches is also discussed; it's rioted existing buildings don't meet Ontario Building Code criteria and alter- native sites might have to be found. The Rouge Hill library "is falling apart", says Mr. Farr, and the Whitevale building "is a disas- ter. If someone pushed it hard it would fall over." The library board is not neces- sarily saying that community branches should close, he cau- tions. "It's not intended to say this branch or that branch will close. It's saying it's very expensive to operate libraries. Library service may have to change." Options to providing library service without placing permanent book collections in buildings include: • Delivery of library materials to homes and hospitals; • A travelling bookmobile; • Access to library information from home computer; • Provide library materials in grocery stores, schools, public transit points and large work places; • Locating libraries in a build- ing shared with another institu- tion, such as a school. By the end of this year, about 70 per cent of Pickering residents are expected to be library users. borrowing about 1.5 million items. Demand is particularly high at the Central Library, which serves 79 per cent of the system's circulation. "We have a good service and we certainly aren't going to let it deteriorate without a good fight," says Mr. Farr. "We feel something may have to change but we don't know what." After the board receives writ- ten comments, a summary outlin- ing community feedback is likely to be released, he adds. Exactly when the board will implement change is unknown at this time. Copies of the five-year draft discussion paper have been mailed to various groups and individuals, and further copies are available through chief librarian Sandy Cameron's office. Call ti 31 f>'65. Tit ES E KIDS (GhAdfent dothe5) / ACK-TO-SCH00 • / STARTING AM 10 TllLL SEPT. I I q:2 -OLD KiNG5TON RD. PI c KFRI NG VILLAGE 686-68%4 WESTERN ZIANC Western Ranch Manufacturers of Quality Hand Crafted Western Boots • Variety of styles and colors • Guaranteed workmanship • Competitive prices • Custom orders 487 Westney Rd. S. at Clements 429->1737 94 ,r Airport property for sale FROM PACE 1 to declare an interest in the land. Following that, current tenants will have 90 days to decide if they wish to purchase, at market value, the properties they call home. Resi- dents who commit to staying on their properties for five years will be given a 15 per cent discount on the purchase price. "We're prepared to see how we can work with tenants and see how we can keep the community as viable as possible," says Mr. Socteru. Though some tenants may not be able to afford to buy their homes, he points out, '"Tenants liv- ing anywhere in Canada face the challenge of tomorrow." If the land isn't purchased by government or tenants, it will be up for public bid. Any future land -use zoning changes on the property fall under Pickering's jurisdiction. To ensure there's no misunder- standing on the part of purchasers, Ouawa will implement airport zon- ing and restrictions on the property being retained, says Mr. Soetens. The federal government has not yet determined if an airport will ever be built here, he adds. The first pieces of airport land could be in private ownership by March or April. Several pieces of surplus airport property are being withheld from sale pending further review. They include: • Areas around Pickering ham- lets. The Town is being given time to review its zoning bylaws; • Property in the western perimeter where an access has been proposed to the Rouge Valley; • Properties that may be needed for Hwy. 407 or a landfill site; • Several individual parcels of laid where environmental concerns have been identifred. THE DURHAM REGION DISTRICT HEALTH COUNCIL IS NOW REQUESTING: APPLICATIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP ON THE DURHAM REGION LONG TERM CARE PLANNING COMMITTEE A leN Tones Cara Planning Cowwwlttoo is currently being fanned. As a dedicated robwber you will beconne Part of a drilled and ianwatloo regional Planning Sam wade sip of both consanwers and provid.rs of long to care services, and etber Interested people. Threngh ewplM e.wnnanlq Nilson, yon► fain will develop a progressive plan for a cowdlwated and accessible long torn care systewwhich will most the roads of tbo Durban PAVIon as a whole. K any one went fibre nacre bfornatlen or an application package, please contact the Darhann Reglen District ileallh Comm" by calling 14161 433-4262. The office Is open nrakdays between 4k= and 4:90. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS SEPTEMBER 15, 1993 • DELIVERY SERVICE PY(WX TCH FOR THESE INSERTS i FLYERS COIINrG TO R DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND N THE DAYS AHEAD FRIDAY, AUGUST 27193 DOW" (A WICK) NEWS ADVEIUM (AJAXrPICK) FOOD CITY (AJAX) *CN#DIAN TIRE CATALOGUE K MART (A PX44M) OAXPPICK.) LOBLAWS (AIAXIPICK) ma DRUG (AJA), MRACLE FOOD WART ("XWA) SAVnA�IE (PICK) SUNDAY, AUGUST 2M -YMCA CHAD CARE (AWA40C) NEWSADVERTM (MAXIM) .. , ADULT EDUCATION CENTRE (AJAXIPICK) 'A&P (PICK.) BIWAY (AJAXIPICK) . Dslrsred to 9WKfsd households onb �1rs .� .'iFAr"rigila� .�.�• FROAV'S CARRER OF TIE WEEK IS RYAN BODMDRE Ryan enjoys hod". rollerblading and dr"n. Ryan received McDonald's coupons compliments of ft News Advertw Congraiulatim Ryan for being our Friday Carrier of the Week C+MMRI . ­ - - ­ I 1. - ­­­ ­.. 1. . I - ... � X! . TBS NIB'WAVVZr N13( >k'1 "'#, At)iil1W27,1W3:FA" 3 are now sailing your way offering on a wide selection of 7 day Cruise Vacations on board CARNIVAL CRUISE LINES HOLLAND AMERICA ROYAL CARIBBEAN CRUISE LINES** "offered through Encore Cruises PLUS - Take advantage of our exclusive "SPECIAL TRAVEL PAYMENT PLAN"t with NO DEPOSIT - NO CREDIT CHARGES NO PAYMENTS UNTIL YOUR RETURN Don't Delay - Limited Time Offer • Sears Club Members are offered free merchandise or air travel, or points can be used for future travel' • Purchase regular American Express Travellers Cheques with no service fee and Voyageur Insurance on your Sears Card' • Travel with Sears Travel's Exclusive Travel Guarantee' • Receive a complimentary Tuck -Away Travel Bag' 'some restrictions appy - details terms & conditions at Sears Travel Service 'Price reductions vary deponding upon departure, duration, ship and cabin category, from selected sailings offered. tRequires booking to be made using Sears Account Card - subject to credit approval - details, terms & conftbrls at Sears Travel Service. Offer applies to new bookings only. OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 6, 1993.' Pickering Town Centre 420-7600 c Copyright Sears Canada Inc. Any reproduction without the written consent of Sears Canada Inc. is prohibited. Sears Canada Inc. d.b.a. Sears Travel Service. Ont. Reg. #2264141. MCR 4 -THE NEWS ADVERTIM FRIDAY, AUGUST Y/, IM ,s 1: ~.� ;- N� The cat's meow A papier mache program at the Ajax Public Library turned out to be the cat's meow for Sarah Lebel, seen here making a cat. photo by Ron Pietroniro Thugs pistol-whip variety store clerk AJAX - A convenience store clerk was pistol-whipped by gun -bran- dishing thugs who scooped cash and fled early Thursday. Durham Regional Police say two teens entered Mac's Milk at 34 Har- wood Ave. S. around 2:30 a.m. and confronted the 18 -year-old store employee. They demanded money and hit the teen on the head with a handgun. The bandits grabbed a small amount of cash and fled. The suss. is are descnbed as two black maks, approximately six feet tall. 150 pounds and betacen 17 and 18 years old. Post office open but no one home PICKERING - A Pickering man might have thought he'd stepped into the Twilight Zone Satur- day morning when he stepped into a post office to find it deserted. Richard Moulaison says he went to the post office on Hwy. 2 at Brock Rd. at 10:30 a.m. to find the doors open but no one inside. Mr. Moulaison, who had intended to fill out change -of -address forms, waited patiently for service at the counter for about 15 minutes before realizing he was alone in the building. "Everybody's mail in Pickering could've been taken," says the Rosefield Rd. resident. "The keys were in the cash registers and the cash registers were on. All the doors for `authorized personnel only' were open. The machine that makes money orders was right there." After ringing a bell for service several times and listening to telephones go unanswered, "I got pan- icky. 1 thought someone might've had a heart attack." He went next door to Durham Regional Police 25 Division and notified officers. Canada Post spokesman Chris Bartsch says a member of the corporation's cleaning staff forgot to lock the door. THE ASSOCIATION OF AJAX BINGO \/k.-1000 SPONSORS PLAY & NEVADA BING AND G)tlntryDOUBLE YOUR FUN PRESENT A t, • $3500 IN PRIZES!! THURSDAY/FRIDAY I EVERY NIGHT AT 7 AND 10:30 P.M. 12:45 P.M. MATINEE I SATURDAY & SUNDAY MATINEES AT 1 AND 4 P.M. HAVE SOME FUN A SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY GROUPS: wEsrNEY ROTARY, KINSMEN (Lic. uM036396), SPARTANS MINOR BASEBALL. o RINGETTE, LEGION, 5 PIN BOWLERS, AJAX AQUATIC CLUB. i AXEMEN, NAVY LEAGUE, HUMANE SOCIETY, 64 MONARCH ERIN-OOC PARENTS, SPINAL CORD RESEARCH, DURHAM EPILEPSY, PINERIDGE HIGH, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, m ST. ANTHONY DANIELS C.S., DURHAM HOSPICE. HAX= ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 427-8572 TOTAL INVENTORY I � I DURHAM MAW #1 WW DEALER IN DURHAM REI IN ORDER TO MEET MAZDA OBJECTIVES FOR AUGU WE MUST DISPOSE OF ALL INVENTOM, ALL &MA REBATES 6 LOW MAKING pgOGRAM- .N EF 9 % AND HUGE REBATES UP ? _ $aeoC GIGANTIC SELECTION! EVERY VEHICLE MUST BE SOLD! MAKE YOUR OFFER!: DURHAM MAZDA'S #1 SALES EVENT IS ALL ABOUT YOU! DON'T WAff TO SAVE:: WHEN THEY'RE GONE ...THErRE GONE 7 . f , TUE NEWS AD ,J1=EMFRIDAY, AUG ' 27,1911 -FACE S Enjoying the summer while helping others By BARBARA 1► KMAI DBUIR 13 Special to the News Advertiser AJAX - Summer's the time to enjoy the sunshine and meet new people and 17 -year-old Mark Mur- ray has found a way to do both, and help his community while he's at it As a volunteer for Community Care's Summer Youth Program, Mark spends one or two hours each week cutting grass for a senior citizen. The program offers elderly and disabled people help with odd jobs and gardening through the volunteer efforts of students 13 years and older. Poten- tial "clients" are assessed and then matched by their needs and per- sonalities with volunteers. Jennifer Mackay, one of the program's two coordinators, explains the over- „g whelming success of the program is due to its volunteers who in tum get, "an opportuni- ty to gain valuable vol- unteer and work expe- rience. It's great because it matches youth with other people in the community and li-y shows them the need there is for their help and for their goodwill.- Each oodwill"Each week, a coor- dinator drives Mark to his client's home and checks that all equip- ment is in working mkx and that the job is safe. Despite one "run in" with an electric mower last summer, Mark enjoys cutting grass and is happy to help - "It's kind of hard for senior citizens to do it in this weather," he says. "I'd rather I did it." .Mark started volun- leering for Community Care last year. "1 didn't really have anything to do for the surruna," he explains, "and my brother's girlfriend gave me an application." Mark enjoyed the work and re-applied this year. "It's fun and you meet people. It beats staying home all day with mom," he jokes. Last summer Mark was assigned to Mr. and Mrs. H. Anderson in north Pickering. 'Ibey have a nice garden, trees, a good piece of land," says Mark, noting be enjoyed working for them and filled the shacks and long talks that ended each voL Mark's one regular client this summer is Ines Richards of Ajm lbey've developed a hiadly rela- tionship and Mark looks Mrward Io their weekly cone sation& "I b1m uMdng io people. I'm a people pason,"he Josvnder Msdtay vMbins much of Malt's success in the prlopam is because, "He's a peat worker. He's vary Madly and gas along well with everybody, and that's a ' big pan of this job-" , .. Mark lives at home with his ' . oxots. one of.his brdltiem and a visiting pandn either He's been in Durham all of his fife — fun in Pickering and, for the last six years, lin Ajax. "Mae have been a lot of changes over the last couple of years," be says, "btu it's still a nice quiet area. There's nowhere else I'd rather five." Mark is going into Grade I 1 at Pickering High School and is working to keep all of his grades up — to keep his options open. 4There are so many things that I'd like to do. I have all these ideas and you just can't do them all," he says. He likes being on the go and trying different things. Last sum- mer he joined his brothers Keith and Jason in their window washing business "Two Guys and a Lad- der". It's a small local business and Mark is proud of his ongoing part in it After studying, cutting grass and washing windows, Mark still has plenty of energy left for his favorite activity — shooting bas- kets. "Basketball is my life," he says. He's on Pickering High's Junior Basketball team and spends Mark Murray is a volunteer for Community Care's Summer Youth Program, which sees h irn cut grass for an elderly person. "It's kind of hard for senior citizens to do it in this weather. I'd rather I did it." photo by Ron Pietroniro all of his free time practising. Mark plans to continue his vol- unteer work next summer, even if he has to juggle schedules with a paying job. Eventually, he'd like to apply for a Youth Program Coordi- nator's job with Community Care. Meanwhile, he's keeping busy and having fun. Editor's note: Volunteer Salute runs every other week in the News Advertiser paying tribute to those volunteers who help make our com- munity a better place to live. Is there a dedicated volunteer in your neighborhood that you would like to see featured? With their permis- sion, send us their name and tele- phone number, along with a para- graph or two telling us why their efforts mean a lot to Ajax or Picker- ing. Be sure to include your own name and telephone number as well. p t�7r' • • D 1 � 11 1 I I k --y 1 CORRECTION NOTICE In our Sears, "Back to School with KidVantage' flyer, page A8, the Clarion single -shade eyeshadow at 25% off should have read reg. price $4.45, sale price $3.34. Also in that flyer, on page A4, the denim laced trim shirt, #33519, $29.99 is not available. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our AUrOMAIK TRANSMSION ROCLUDm OR EQUIVALENT CREDIT NyundaiScoupe '93 Scoupe Retains Highest Valuet • New high energy "Aipha' engine • Ali -season radial tires •Model (1991) Avg. . 60/40 split fold down rear seats 1. NYYNDAI SCOYPE 68.8% • ETR AM/FM stereo cassette S. Mazda MX -5 66.1 •. . 4 -wheel independent suspension 3. Toyota Corolla SRS 45.9'.: a 5 yr./100.000km Warranty' 4. Dodge Daytona 62-9% a 24 Hour Roadside Assistance' J I A �Ic MOTOR TREND 'Top 10 Best Buy,. HYUrIDAI ulwmthe sn=nUKMWyRoes. DEALERS ASSOCIATION Pickering Hyundai 220 Baviv Street Fast, .-'ax l•21-i►1 11 -ccer Scan. ",^ $' ^. 495 nadOmq aL!praUc -3-c -ISS-^- , ..d q - - - .I v Jee xaK' r!3i ..* : I., gone. To snake way Po �e e of 5.896 financing 0 the 9g ,eaa 000 ho„rs: Mon. to This 9�P�:,�.. Jam" to -9 o`�� ♦ . • . P' y 4 moo` ._ .. ...• .+,• ,° •� o i N oto 7 o m 3 i 5 Bayly St.West z PAG9 6 -THE 149M ADVRdrLSER FRIDAY, AUGUST 27. IM Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser Ed* tor *als,letters A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday TIMOTHY J. WWII AKtK, ruousner 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor-in-chief Newsroom - 683-5110 Distribution - 683-5117 Retail Advertising - 683-5110 Classified - 798-7672 GREG COATES, Managing Editor FAX - 683-7363 National Advertising Sales - 493-1300 Real Estate & Automotive Advertising - 798-7672 BRUCE DANFORD, Advertising Manager Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association ALVIN BROUWER, Retail Sales Manager Member of the Ontario Press Council ABE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager Looking for ' good kids' Many lives have been touched and inspired, at one time or an- other, by the kindness or courage shown by a young person. There are youths in Ajax and Pickering who exhibit a tremendous ability to overcome obstacles, inspire their peers, serve the communi- ty, and display qualities of leadership, compassion and perseverance. We want to hear about these "good kids". All too often, the valuable contributions made by our fine young people go by without nouce or recognition. For this reason, the Ontario Community Newspapers Association (OCNA) and Bell Canada coordinate and co-sponsor the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards. For the past 12 years, the awards have been presented to individu- als and groups of young people six to 18 from a.ross Ontario, who've overcome various physical or psychological difficulties: con- tributed to their community in a volunteer or leadership role; per- formed an act of heroism; or otherwise exemplified the qualities of a ..good kid". All nominees receive a certificate of congratulations and award winners, chosen by a committee of community newspaper editors and Bell Canada representatives, will be honored at a luncheon during the March. 1994 OCNA convention. They'll visit Queen's Park and have a portrait taken with the Lieutenant Governor, receive a Junior Citi- zen pin, a 5200 cash aAard and a plaque. Do you know a young person deserving of consideration for the Junior Citizen Award'.' Nominations will be accepted until Oct. 31, and nomination forms are available at the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser. Invest a moment of your time to express your thanks and apprecia- tion to a special young person. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 0 Water plant location risky To the editor: We drink a trickle of radioactive tritium in our water every day. Scientists have shown that continuous drinking of even low amounts of radionuclides like tritium damages cells and causes birth defects. Tritium can't be fil- tered, and the closer to the Pickering Nuclear Station we draw our water, the more we get. The Canadian standard for tritium in drinking water is 53 times more than the American standard and 80 times more than the internationally recom- mended standard. Are we that much healthier than the rest of the world? If the Ajax water plant had been in the U.S. last August 2 (Happy Anniversary!) when we had the huge tritiated water spill at the Pickering Nuclear Station, it would have been closed for three days to protect our health, especially that of pregnant mothers. We didn't even get a warning from the Region or from hydro. Have your say: Why are we risking public aging, leaking nuclear plant? health by building a new Bob Willard water plant so close to an Ajax Reader%;'tested' To the editor: I was very disgusted after I read the article about Cherry - wood residents against the Mus- lim Church. I have lived in Pickering for over 30 years and have lately been concerned by the racial ten- sion and vioknce that is bgvc - iqg is our schools. Afirr waft this article I now understand where it is coming Emm. If there is such a thing as rein- carnation 1 hope all your respectable, white residents of Cherrywood come back as Intinorities and five in a commu- nity such as Charrywood. _ .Nava Catterall ;Pkkn* The News Advertiser asked residents their opinion of people quitting jobs to go on welfare. Jim Lindsay says, "It shows how bad our society has become that people get more money to stay hone than work." Dave White says, "Welfare doesn't cover rent plus living expenses. People shouldn't work if they're willing to quit." Mike Roxborough says, "It's Monique Peon says, "You not fair to people who do need shouldn't go on welfare if you assistance." don't have to." ABOUT US The News Advertiser wel- comes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal rea- sons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone num- ber for our information. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1 S 21-115 or sent by FAX to 683- 7363. Metroland Printing, Publish- ing and Distributing group of suburban newspapers includes: Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser, The Aurora Banner, Barrie Ban- ner/Advance, The Brampton Guardian, The Burlington Post, The Collingwood Connection, The Etobicoke Advertiser/Guardian, The Georgetown Independent, Kingston This Week, Lindsay This Week, Markham Economist and Sun, The Milton Canadian Champion, The Mis- sissauga News, The Newmar- ket Era, Northumberland News, North York Mirror, Oakville Beaver, Oshawa -Whitby Tflis Week, Orilliajoday. Peterbor- ough This Week,' The Rich- mond Hill/ThornhfllYWaughan Liberal, The Scarborough Mir- ror, The Stouffville/Uxbridge Tri- bune, Today's Seniors. Second class mail registra- tion number 1897. Mail sub- scription rates in Canada: 1 year, $70 per edition. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. Celebration Park offers family fun AJAX - There'll be something for just about everyone at Celebra- tion Park starting Sunday. The Ajax Alliance Church - sponsored park, which includes games, a barbecue, music and food, runs from Sunday, Aug. 29 to Thursday, Sept. 2, with activities being held at the church and at Roland Michener Park on Ritchie Ave. All events are free. On Sunday, a family barbecue and carnival will be held at Roland Michener Park from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. From Monday to Thursday between 9:45 a.m. and noon, games, skits, stories and puppets will be offered at Roland Michener Park for children from kindergarten to Grade 6, weather permitting. A video about Jesus will be shown from 1:45 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday at the church, at the comer of Westney Rd. S. and Ritchie Ave. On Tuesday, beginning at 7 pm., there'll be games and activi- ties for the whole family at the park. A teen rally will be held at the park on Wednesday, starting at 7 pm. and featuring a live band, a pitching machine, an obstacle course and a moon ball. Celebration Park closes out with an evening for the family at the church on Thursday, beginning at 7 p.m. For more information, call 427- 4947. Help sought for disabled artist AJAX - If you have a few hours to spare each week, you can make a difference in the life of someone here who's physically disabled The Ontario March of Dimes is looking for a volunteer to work with an artist who needs sane help with his painting. You don't need experience in art If you can lend a hand two to four hours a week, call Denise Harding at the March of Dimes at 434-5280. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY- AUMIST27_ ro4a-nAr-v 7 No one hurt as car flips No one was injured when this car flipped onto its roof at the Hub Plaza at Hwy. 2 and Liverpool Rd. in Pickering around 1130 a.m. Thursday. The driver reportedly hit the accelerator pedal instead of the brake and struck a median and then a curb. Durham Regional Police are seen here investigating the collision with another car. photo by Celia Bronkhorst You can fitvisit'' et with a g to Eaton's PICKERING - You could win a complimen- demonstrations by staff from Mademoiselle be given a free pass to Mademoiselle Spa. tary one-year membership at Mademoiselle Spa Spa, and Eaton's sporting goods personnel will A draw will be held for the one-year mem- by visiting Eaton's Saturday. demonstrate a universal gym. Calvin Klein fra- bership. Between noon and 3 p.m., the Pickering grance samples will be given out while supplies The event will take place at the store's upper Town Centre store will feature step -aerobic last, and anyone who purchases a fragrance will level by the mall entrance. Obituaries CROWTHER, Edith May - Suddenly at her home in Pickering on Wednesday, Aug. 25, 1993. Edith May Crowther, beloved wife of the late George Albert Crowther. Loving mother of Joyce Fulton, Joan Bridge and Betty Metcalf. Loved by many grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Will be sadly missed by numerous family, friends and neighbors. Funeral service Friday, Aug. 27 at 11 a.m. in the chapel at McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax (Pickering Village), 428-8488. Cremation. Donations to the Hospital for Sick Children would be appreciated. JUDGES, John Ross - At the Centenary Health Centre on Wednesday, Aug. 25, 1993. John Ross (lack) Judges. Dearly loved father of Gordon, Arlene and Charles. Dear grand- father of Bret. James and Jessica. Dearest uncle of Raymond Bechard. Funeral services and interment will be held at the Erskine Cemetery on Wednesday, Sept. 1, 1993 at 1 p.m. Donations to Centenary Hospital Fund, 2863 Ellesmere Rd., Scarborough, Ontario, M1E 5E9, would be appreciated by the fami- ly. Arrangements entrusted to McEachnie Funeral Home, Ajax, 428-8488. eE MSL'1'1<EIB'Ir8A0NEt�l'L7t>tRl11�Y,1rlflil�I'!'Rbl�� 0— L JS' L j 4r ear Dickie Rock rocks Kerry Inn AJAX-PICKERING - Irish per- former Dickie Rock and his show - band take the stage at the Keay Inn Sunday at 8 p.m. Tickets are S20 on sale at the bar. On Friday and Saturday, Alec McGuinness provides dance music from 9 p.m. to 1 am. The Kerry Inn is in the Cloveridge Plaza, 967 Westney Rd. S. at Harwood Ave., Ajax. Call 428-8790. To find out where the rest of the entertainment action is this week- end, just follow this guide: BOURBONS BA%'LY'S: The bar has karaoke on Thursday and Friday nights, starting at 9. Bourbon Bayly's is at 368 Bayly St., Ajax. Call 427-1888. CENTREFIELD'S: The Bakersfield country and western band plays Friday and Saturday nights, starting at 9. On Sunday, the show W5 will be taping during a karaoke session begirming at 9 pm. Every Wednesday, male exotic dancers take the stage in Centrefield's Centrefolds contest. Centrefield's is at 1050 Brock Rd., Pickering. Call 837-1850. HARP & THISTLE PUB: Alan Martin performs a variety of music at the pub Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to I pm. There's karaoke on Sunday from 7 to 11 pm. The Harp and Thistle is at 282 Monarch Ave., Ajax. Call 428-09.1;. GLEENERS: Enjoy live country and western music with Jocelyn Marie Friday and Saturday from 8:30 pm. to 12.30 a.m. Gleeners is in the Ajax Plaza, Harwood Ave. S., Ajax. Call 683-70 952. COCONUTZ TAPS & EATS: The new Ajax nightspot has karaoke with Lou & Lance on Wednesdays, starting at 9 p.m. There's a mix of let the mu PICKERING - The good times will soon be rolling with the Pickering West Hill Musical Theatre. Seniors square up to swing their partners :AJAX - Seniors can swing their partners during square dancing sessions this fall at the ��Ajja,,..x�� ,Seniors' Friendship • +++c. .... : • • , . ,The fun sMin J• �ept. 9 ani i ;e tch i Tblirsday 4hett�eaf'ta ffm # to 4 p.m. All adults age 55 and over are welcome. Couples or sin- gles, beginning dancers or those with intermediate skills can all take to the floor. The centre is at 46 Exeter St. For more information, call 686- 1573 or 683-2936. Dl music Thursday through Sunday. A golf tournament will be held at the bar Sept. 4. Coconutz is at 520 Westney Rd. S., Ajax. Call 686- 1549. FOX & FLOWERPOT: There's an open jazz jam session with the Jazz Cats at the Fox & Flowerpot Thursday nights from 8 to 11 p.m. The Fox & Flowerpot is in the Village Courtyard in Pickering Village. Call 428-2162. JOKERS: Jokers has a DJ spin- ning country and western tunes Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. and Sunday from 4 to 11 P.M. Jokers is at 335 Bayly St., Ajax. Call 427-0337. MONKEY BAR & GRILL: Appearing this Saturday is the John Mellencamp tribute band Rumbleseat. Coming Saturday, Sept. 4 is the Rolling Stones tribute band Between The Button. It's Rockin' Fridays with Q107 at The Monkey Bar with a dance party, Rockin' GO GO dancers and lots of prizes to be given away. Tuesdays, the $1,000 Karaoke Challenge offers prizes and a giant final competition. The Monkey Bar & Grill is at 172 Hunt St., Ajax. Call 619-1236. THE MEFTING HOUSE: The Meeting House has rock 'n' blues master Jimmy Fraser on Friday from m 9 pm. to I a. Karaoke is featuredm Saturday from 7 p.m. to 1 a. and Sunday from 7 to 11 p.m. The Meeting House, formerly Morgan's Place, is at 776 Liverpool Rd. S., Pickering. Call 839-474-1. SECOND STOREY: The Secorui Storey has a karaoke contest on Wednesdays, after 9 p.m. The finals of the contest will be held in four weeks with a grand prize of a trip to the sunny south and four • $100 cash prizes. Thursday is ladies' night, and, on Friday, there's a wet T-shirt contest with a $50 prize to the winner. Saturday, a grand opening Keg party features prizes, including tickets to Aerosmith at the CNE. The Second Storey is at 88 Harwood Ave., Ajax. Call 683-2940. LORD BYRONS: Lord Byrons has relaxing piano music on Friday and Saturday nights to enjoy with your dinner. The music starts at 7 p.m. Lord Byrons is at 1725 Kingston Rd. (at Brock Rd.) in Pickering. Call 686-7000. DONA Y %IIGUELS: For your dining pleasure, Dona Y Miguels has a Mexican singer every Friday and Saturday night from 7 to 10. Dona Y Miguels is at 325 Westney Rd., Ajax. Call 686468. KANGAROOS: Wednesdays, local bands jam from 9:30 p.m. to midnight. Kangaroos hosts the Ragweed Jazz Band each Thursday from 9 p.m. to midnight. The bar's at 985 Brock Rd. S. in Pickering. Call 839-6845. ROYAL SCOT: Don the DJ spins the discs Friday through Sunday night, and this Saturday is Casino Night. There's karaoke Tuesday nights starting at 9. The Royal Scot is at 44 Hunt St.. Ajax. Call 683-6657. SAPPHIRE BAR & GRILL: A jello wrestling contest will be held at the Sapphire Bar & Grill this Saturday, beginning at 10:30 p.m. The bar's at 610 Monarch Ave., Ajax. Call 428-9.03. If your club or restaurant offers live entertainment, call Al Rivett at the News Advertiser, 683-5110, to be included in this weekly feature. usical Good Times roll The company's Cabaret '93. 2. Good Times, will open Friday, Sept. 17 at the Village -Retirement Centre Auditorium, 1955 Valley Farm Rd., Pickering. The cabaret features something for everyone, including gospel, pop, Nickelodeon and more. A cold buffet is served following each evening show and the premises are licensed under the LLBO. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. with curtain time at 8:15. Additional evening performances will be Riven SeDt. 18, 24, 25, Oct. 1 and A Sunday brunch performance will be staged Sept. 26, with doors opening at 12:15 p.m., brunch at 12:30 and the show at 1:30. Tickets for all dates are S18.50. A special price of S16.50 is avail- able to senior citizens for the Sunday brunch performance only. Tickets can be ordered by mail now; for information, call 839- 7296. Telephone orders will be accepted at the box office from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. beginning Sept. 1. Call 839-9705. TOWN OF PICKERING DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES A FACILITIES DON BEER ARENA"-� AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER ICE TIME Bookings Aug. -Sept. 3 (Mon. -Fri.) 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. September 8 (Youth 14 & under) Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:00 - 2 p.m. 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (15 years & older) 1-1 mm,RE MORE THAN JUST A OPEN EVERY SUNDAY M - Free Admission • Free Parking for 4800 cars - Over 500 vendors at the Pickering Flea Market Full Size Carnival Most Sundays * Antique and Collectible Area Vast array of product * Faneer's Market Largest Indoor Flea Market in North America METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE Brock Rd. & 401 * Pickering, ONT. Vendor Inquiries (416) 427-0744 IN WITH THIS �UY,,, CASH� Orange Crush, Limit I Root Beer & per family Cream Soda Limited Quantity 2 Litre Bottle 99 FREE DRAW for Be.erley Hills 90210 Denim Jacket with purchase of 2 litre bottle of pop —Draw to take place Sun_ Sept. 51"93— � .o` 1 -a ti ANDDERIIAEERt VURSEFM here great garden s begin FALL BLOOMING PERENNIAL 61,'7 Baby'sMums � Breath .� Add colour to Exmeiier, ::;t flower • your tali garden. Otler+ used in arrangements 8" pot.Good (� !tomer) F 1 ti ea each ,,...JPEAFECT GARDEN GUIDEr::. ::. O Patch off the late flowers on your tomato plants These will not produce truit and the energy is better spent on e)asting ripening tomatoes. © Late August is a good time to plant ornamental grasses - we have an interesting collection all at 25% off regular prices. a0 Fertilizing your house plants through spring, summer and eary tall will keep there growth healthy and strong. a0 Visit Vandermeer Nursery for friendly service and helotul advice. ORNAMENTAL Peachleaf Bellflower CONCRETE PLANTERS Gentian Sta6Ce Pink Bergen 1 While Caps Campanula 1 and marry more! Many styles in black antiqued (Limit I plant Per variety and while peraustorrer) Gbbe Cedar Colorado -1.0e Giarlt Blue Sphpe� ' Q�arf F.I"Vrn uF .Allaerta'Spruce 1Y9& C"dwtwr Emerald d GDId Mu9 ho Pine Goldflame Spire VANDERMEER NURSERY "Where Great Gardens Begin" NJ * ; Q Comer Of Bayly b Lakeridge ax ® 427A12525 [ ] SUNDAY• taw price. etlacd unIN sept. 2W •r w wtWe aw`ee Int... ail WNW err to II 0 THSmtft ► w=T�,pa wxuowr34im4innt. . A E PLYMOUIH HRYSLE "ORTRUCKLOAD17 Cm's LOw —01s0—, WhyBW BRAND NEW DESIGN a =9931!994 PLYMOUTH VOYAGERS M%eZ you i New Style Wheel Covers Can Buy a ' New Style Moldings , t :E"4 at j " Ne.v Style Dash All New Dual Air Bags ,Incredible New Sliding Passenger Seat Sav'ln --- ::: 6•► , 7 -Passenger ' Big V-6 Engine Based � on Al\ `Air Conditioning 48 month lease ' Automatic RYSLER'S #1 SALES EVENT IS ALL ARC • • �Il1�l SOL 6"713c �. etyldK hr.ww. aaaeelt oo, p m@ aar NM c/6 v0 apd=r 6brds rail irr. Rf riwt firer. k* Wad Bm htha feat. to" wet ur/0dl "M An chi. now tbak aa1 radl 10"posma NOW dale" w %ft. hhloe d ablrp 6M" iwr WS $344Tm x •Luaaaae Racks MN 1903 DWA=TY LE 4 DOOR #M1.6 d . 6 cel� hm alad bre. ado. 00. am r. p.a. P -L. or cord., p. wrdoes. p. lode. p. iwk es ado a ft mi - truce coral 4" can. rn " h0ft FM w,doa deitet Idy sad glace. L add tock rewo. mom m in. n fret, prary sial, ted hday wary, dad, >9a sd{. Qy t3,6001nan 33356*= -=1 SMI - 4 DOOR 0"7106. a ryUM. Mort aAed *&* ad��75 0% � brahK ai w00i.iy toss wt}aria wadAleiM tan. g16aeerldoal.IN lbeed tae/badMtacos paw airs In w %rife Sarawl ry ova". try U.iOD fire 2668M 00 MIM111111111 nuovri co n_l L] 15` W CNI11( TORN t Comm ww Gcp , baadlal on, ANA we WK P00% phha 6BSbds• ar fel. pati 0. plana, p%uk a aan% est AWPA m. d•P Kd"alW"yaisrsrrdaiK%*WAO-GW ata, ON aha Weak abe an, asa, as at fes pa,a now W"bx*bmwn*^iddhsmr,hdtWeaaKOur I ewa0a6erealec OKhd I ar fel, alt 71.000 ndt • • 1 T 1991 DYNASTY LE - 4 DRa 6 cyt, hal ee,ed dns, ado. 00, as awrr, p a., p, b., ar oat. P. ,t, p.'aft P. sat. p Wink d wR caas oaaol AWga cart. d*m mm% Wa� ,ea Oel I d1h bey x610 gala rwd taw w.S.w., moat WIN Mame, 6edad In fns, -arw" awe"*, balms of taffy "Taft try S7.4t10 map,"am L"Ou ad. 271 12s. MO. OAC. WE Wilt UID wLLN 1 ON FM •*VILLAGE""y12 31 PLYMOUTH `= CHRYSLER s R mW111111111 FAGS 10 -THE NEM ADVER 119M FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, IM THE BRIM r MR SHOP 1211 KWgftn Rd (,lest wa1 of Lkwpoot) 837.1816 Pk*odna (HEWS ADVERTISER t �i• ' F j �+• its Getting their kicks A Pickering Playing Fields player attempts to kick the ball away from his Whites Road Shell counter- part during a recent Pickenng Soccer Club under -seven boys' house league contest. photo by Andrew lwanowski Oldtimers lace 'em up for charity hockey game PICKERING - It will be a battle Ch. rnpionship game in all divi- season. All new recruits must be of the oldumers to commemorate Sion will be played at Dunmoore residents of Pickering and be 35 cher 10th anniversary of the Picker- Park at the foot of Wlutes Road on years old as of Dec. 31, 1993. Ing Recreation Complex and the San -day, Sept. 11. Goalies can be 21 years of age or opening of the new ice pad on Sat- The schedule of games is as fol- older. urday,Sept 11. lows: League plays starts on Sunday, The Pickering Old Timers Hock- SMALL DIAMOND Oct. 3. All games are played at ey League champion Realty World 9 am.: Atom boys' division Don Beer Arena. Teams plays East Oldtimers will take on the I I a.m. Senior boys' T -ball twice a week (Sundays and Tues - NHL, ok imers at 1 p.m. 1 pm. Mite girls' division days). Players like Ron Ellis, Frank 3 pm. Senior girls' T -ball Cost is $380 per player. Mahovolich, Paul Henderson and MIDDLE DIAMOND For more information, call Neil Eddie Shack will be on hand for 9 a.m. Squimgirls' division Samson at 839-6657. some good, entertaining hockey. 11 a.m. Squirt boys' division Kinpaw Rd, is. Wde a spans ... Tor tickets, till Bin Ellison 2t' They will stay after the game for 1 pm. Novice girls' division ' Rin ette sign-ups g g n-un$ autographs and pthotogaphs 3 pm. Peewee boysdivision Y P OUR BEST MORTGAGE RATE 5m70% LimCarl any branch Bank of Montreal Gun club opens to ran e PICKERING - Hunters hoping to sight their guns or get in some practice before the season starts may want to use the Pickering Rod and Gun Club ranges. The club is opening its rifle range in north Pickering to the public beginning Saturday, Aug. 28. The range is open each Saturday until Oct. 23 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sundays until Oct. 17 from noon to 4 p.m. Cost for 90 minutes is S15, which includes targets. A trap range is open to the public every Sunday year-round, from noon to 4 p.m. It will also be open Wednesdays, from Sept. 1 to 15, from 6:30 p.m. to dusk. Cost is $6 for 25 clay pigeons. Mandatory eye and ear protection is available at the range. The club is on Sideline 22 South. one mile west of Brougham, on Hwy. 7. Call 472-0690 for more information. The Heart Facts What should I d OPEN HOUSE AND STROKE if I experience 9:30 am Mite boys' divisi m rOLNDATI N symptoms of a Ontario champions wdl participate ('` O►VTARto heart attack? sign -tsps next week. Tell someone immediately SATURDAY, AUG. 261.1 PAL and call your emergency 2663 RUNDLE ROAD, COURTICE medical service or go directly VENDOR SAYS -SEL. 3.1 bain new 4 Pc Dam county to the nearest hospital pine `e spiv � fm huge 13 acre at ane more wont lag at $129.900 Cal Don LePage. Sales Rops!wmxwe 579.401C emergency room 24" For more information, contact SUNDAY, AUG. 2911 PAA 168 WATER STREET, UXBRIDGE your local chapter of the Heart and stroke Foundation of ON ELGIN POND $259.900 - A horse wen ererytruno Pard Ontario. fro cage skfaptrs 2 fps..lK , hat U &atom kg sun dance tonight, FTiday, Aug. 27 room. 2 workshMs. 3.1 bdr. 1 V2 Daft C'eir. CSC. 1 1 ceeds go to support Variety Village. There will be Pin draws dtiffinS forgot anything - is these Tow =Wenevesicotory wasp tering. For more information, call Dr fty 47 (Torono St) to Mill Complex, starting at 7:30 p m, or Man St to Mil - Follow signs HIM Improving you- odds against 11 Cal Don LePage &ales Canada's 87 killer Rapasmatwe 57940') 24 1 hours. During the first intermission, the NORTH DIAMOND PICKERING - The Pickering Pickering Kinsmen atom 13' All- 9:30 am Mite boys' divisi m Ringette Association will hold its Ontario champions wdl participate 11:30 am Bantam girls' division sign -tsps next week. sin a simm against the NHL old- 1:30 pm. Midget girls' division Registration is set for the Pick - timers. The atoms have raised 3:30 pm. Bantam boys' division ering Recreation Complex on pledges based up0O the number ofMonday, � they� and the munber of Soccer dance Aug. 30 and Tuesday, they make. Aug. 31 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. �you ca a pledge. call PICKERING - the Pickering Club is holding its annual each night. Birth certificates and OHIP Mel Steutke at 839.6342. All pro- dance tonight, FTiday, Aug. 27 numbers are required when regis- ceeds go to support Variety Village. There will be Pin draws dtiffinS The annual Cup Dance will be held at the Pickering Recreation tering. For more information, call the second interrnissiD The prizes Complex, starting at 7:30 p m, Chris Renaud at 831-7838. have been donated by local mer- Dance the night away to disc chants After the autograph session, jockey mhtsic. A buffet is included in Mudhen's Sports Bar, 1211 .I.� $� F 4 a THEEEY'RE AT THE POST Kinpaw Rd, is. Wde a spans ... Tor tickets, till Bin Ellison 2t' ...... ....... paraphernalia auction with many 839-2862. signed souvenirs to be auctioned off with tai piocoeds to Variety Vil- le. ' NeW o� r en sought ' Variety Village poster kids "Alex and Amy", both Durham PICKERING -The Pickering -- .--- . . �g� ��, will � � P� it, RgiD Old Timers Hockey League will ...AT PICA V DOWNS!!! pntreside the orates hold its registration day next COM OUT TOTRZ2AC= o'"RW rtloys RACDC m'= BUND r Cat for tickets month. urnmo .-ro■Ae Champions Day PICKERING - Champions Day for the Pickering Softball Associa. tion is fast approaching. The league will host its annual meeting and registration for new and returning players at the Don Beer Arena on Wednesday, Sept. 8 at 7:30 p.m. New players are needed this PAREMMITVEL WAGERING POST TEME 1:50 FUN FOR TER wBOLE FAKCLYI reao+o ■rroe MM�eu■r�OI MAaelOOaAlIti1{t THE NEWS ADVM ISER FI IDAY, AUGUST 27,19x1 -PAGE H iA* SUMMER SIZZLER SECTION BACK TO SCHOOL SALE 2 FOR 1 SALE PICIiOClllg Onfleal 0 ­ ) v �C Eye Examinations Arranged. Safe ends Sept. 30/93. Call Now! ., , . ,.., -SWIL7ww� FREE FREE Buy 1st pair t cr ,,r regular p2 -e get Second pair Free trom our Special Selected Group of frames. Tint. U V Scratchgard. Ultra thin b Invisible bifocals available at an extra charge Some restrictions apply ��PICIfEHING OPTICAL 6aa11JAX OPTICAL 1360 KINGSTON RD. (HUB PLAZA) PHONE 839-9244 56 HARWOOD AVE., PHONE 683-2888 ----------------- r ------------------------1 Free Hamburger ; Free Hamburger ; 1 With the purchase of a Charbroiled Harvey's Hamburger I I with the purchase of a Charbroiled Harvey's Hamburger I and regular size order of French Fries get a secondIH I and regular size order of French Fries get a second Charbroiled Hamburger absolutely tree (cheese and 1 I Charbroiled Hamburger absolutely tree (cheese and bacon extra). Please present coupon before ordering. This I I bacon extra). Please present coupon before ordering_ This offer is not valid with any other offer and has no cash value. 4 I offer is not valid with any other offer and has no cash value. Taxes are extra. This offer expires September 26, 1993. I I Taxes are extra. This offer expires September 26, 1993. � Offer is valid at the 1 I Offer is valid at the /= Harvey's located at 1794 i•~~', I5 Harvey's located at 1794 - � Liverpool Road, Pickering 8 � _.____� 1 I Liverpool Road, Pickering 6 -- I Hwy. 2 a and Westney Road, Ajax UMI Hwy. 2 6 and Westney Road Ajax 1 —---------- --� r------ —— ------------I Free Chicken Sandwich IM I Free Chicken Sandwich I With the purchase of a Charbroiled Chicken Sandwich and I I With the purchase of a Charbroiled Chicken Sandwich and regular size order of French Fries get a second Charbroiled I I regular size order of French Fries get a second charbroiled Chicken Sandwich absolutely free (cheese and bacon I 4 I Chicken Sandwich absolutely tree (cheese and bacon extra). Please present coupon before ordering This offer a I I extra). Please present coupon before ordering. This offer is I not valid with any other offer and hos no cash vakie. Taxes I 1 not valid with any other offer and has no cash value. Taxes I are extra. This Offer expires September 26, 1993. I I are extra. This otter expires September 26, 1993. 1 Offer is valid at the 1I Offer a void at the 1 iHoney's located at 1794, I Harvey's now accepts VISA I Honey's located at 1794 `. 1 Liverpool Road, Pickering 8 �_� 1 and Mastercard *we locations Liverpool Rood, Pickering & 1 Hwy. 2 6 and Westney Road, Apr LHwy 2 & and Weshey Road.AiQX ----------J L-------- -----� Dog 1 Rood ;Family Meal DealFree Hot 1 1794 UVWPool With Mwptwhase Of a Charbroiled Harvey's Hot Dog and 1 Pickering I Enjoy 2 Charbrowd Honey's hamburgers, 2 Harvey's Juniorregular 1 size Order ol French Friar got a second Charbroiod1 I &vgm (choose and bacon extra), one large order of 1 1 Ire. (choose and bacon extra). Please I Hwy. 2 and Westney Road I French Fries„ ore regular size order of Orion rings and 4 1 expires o extra. t oiler and has no cash valueT coupon before Taros a p omtt ore Ordering. his Offer is not valid with I - ,Ajax I regular size salt drinks f« just oPlease present coupon 1 - 1 Mr . re his I - I before ordering -This coupon rotf valid wiMl any other offer arty otI cam expies Sepfwrtrlbet 26, 1993. 1 �'� I and hot no cash valve. Taxes an extra. lila ffer 1 September 26, 1993. 1 OMer Is, vatd at the - Offer a valid at the i Harvey's located at 17% � I 999 Honey's located at 17% UveMool Road. Pkkerkg fit I Liverpool Road. Pickering Road. &-- Hwy. 2 &and Wedney Road. Nax 1 4 2 6 and Westray Road. Ajax � s . new ads 1ti�I � jtf�lll_t��t:t1.1:.1t_ >3;i; 'i r����./1���i����'i:fi3�. - _.._ avallablill,, ir*Wiiv"b. r 1110 t4alal, COW STtf, 36tt,t}6iii) :__�•--=.=-=---- green, excellent condition. .. 1984 C.a "oupe-De-Ville low -prices, installed. 09 $325.00, 1 vertical 8,000 CELLULAR phones for $200 or best offer. OB 2 door, rare, small V-8, 3244 BTU, $395.00 OB 3373 sale, 1 car phone, 1 cord- 3412 (OSH) fully loaded, continental tire ADVERTISE with 6' static DRYER, Moffat, 7 years less mobile. OB 3392 MOVING sale, two grey kit, tint, must sell $4800. cling vinyl lettering, .50 old, good shape, running (PIC) love seats, Sansui stereo obo.OB4182(OSH) cents each or less. OB condition, $100.00. OB ANTIOUE three seater system, Nishka 3-D cam- 1979 Mercedes Benz 300D 3145 3374 sofa, beautifully reuphol- era. OB 3413 (PIC) will trade for 82 or newer SIGNS blanks, 1/8'x3'x28' STOVE green, top of line stered, will trade for futon CELLULAR phones, one domestic vehicle. OB 4183 polystyrene, large quantity G.E., perfect condition, or off-white sofa. OB 3393 car phone, one cordless (Wi 3. Using a TOUCH TONE phone call 1-416- 976-0999 (24 hrs. a day) and follow the easy recorded instructions. When recording your message, do M leave your last name, phone number or address. A charge of $1.99 per minute will appear on your phone bill. 4. If you need more help call one of our repre- sentatives at 1-800-667-6083. oshawallMrlby This Week. Ajax -f lie ng Nevis Advertiser and Northumberland News assumes no liability fa to content or reply lo any Barterfine adveAserrhent. The advertiser assumes corroele kability for the comlent of, and all responses to. any advertisement or recorded message and for any claims made against as a result thei too admilser agrees b indermty and fold this pAkcabon and Metrdand ConrraxNy Newspapers and 6 employees harmless for al costs. expenses and damages resWOrg from or caused by to publicabon or recmdrg placed by the adiertasr or arty reply to such adverksemar►t By using Barlerlm. too advertiser agrees not to leave hhis W telephone number, last name, company name or address in hhisiber message. 0shawaMMADy This Week. Ajax-pidrerrg News Advertser & Ncrtxmberlar4 News reserves the right b raise, restrict or uncal any sdimbsememt or doonge the calegary in which an ad is placed. PAGE 12 -THE \EWSADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1993 IN=STOCK ITEMS PRICED '- TO CLEAR! • Key West ' Aluminum sets :• Homecrest P AID Selected Items s0s • Lawn Comfort ' Fa 00 519999 Resin Furniture BEACHCo • S i kke n s Paints Hom L6 sure Pickering Home 3 Design ctr. 428m9767 PROWBrock Rd. a Hwy. 401 IT 9a T9a 1139 Double ... $119 Set $159 Queen.._.$l49 Set S189 5 YEAR WARRANTY W) $249 N Double ... $179 Set $279 Queen .... $199 Set $319 20 YEAR WARRANTY w 5 t_ l N 1309 Double..1219 Set $349 Queen .... $239 Set $389 25 YEAR WARRANTY IEE OBJYERY FREE LAYAWAY FREE LEGS FR Adult Classes Health Physical Fitness Stress Relief Street Awareness Children 4) Discipline , Self Confidence 4) Self Protection C Etiquette 0 l� o O m / w (Menkyo Kempo 1225 Bayly St. r 00006 The Education Centre for Martial Arts 1225 Bayly St. J At 831-0099 Fun For the whole entire family C Nempo C Karate C Kung Fu C JU Abu CANADA'S'SELLING BUILT-IN VACUUM Come and Visit Ontario's ARGEST OM 1. OwR� Check these features: BEAM - -s�' m �ru USH ECIC A ♦• 0 • , 1 m ZLE ASTVACUUMYOU LLBUYm N OAKVILLE 4.1 L'i I DOMT L UG A VACUUM -PLUG INA BEAM 831 -BEAM 831-(2326) ONLY AYAiLABLE AT A.—KRIZED BEAN DEALERS ACROSS ON?ARIO a Come in today for this and other in-store specials FACTORY OUTLET 1271 Kingston Road, Just West of Liverpool Rd. PICKERING NDE1 IV, 'Devclo V in&vidualskills, confidence andseof assurancc THE NEW APPROACH TO ICE SKATING • A positive and fun approach to build a solid foundation for ice skating. • Introduce your child to Kinderskate where fun, music, art and athletic discipline merge. • Developed by a Canadian Triple Gold Medalist. • Kinderskate incorporates principles in child psychology and development in such a way that children loam basic skating skills while having fun. • These skills may be used throughout their lives. • Register Now While Space Is Available. FALL SESSIONS START WEEK.OF SEPT, 13, WINTER 01 SESSION STARTS WEEK OF NOV.1# TORONTO, NORTH YORK, DOWNSVIEW, MNSSISSAUGA, CONCORD, THORNHILL, AURORA, AJAX, DICKERING. SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS AVAILABLE ADULT SKATING: It's fun, It's exercise, its a social gathering. Learn the joy of Ice skating! FOR MORE INFORMATION OR LITERATURE Off HOURS ' -M 512-7985 oR 512-7986 CREATED AND APPROVED BY ICE STUDIONS INCORPORATED 6120304 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, A UGUST27,1993-PAGE 13 MID SUMMER TRUCKLOAD LIGHTING AND FAN SALE! 42" HUGGER FAN with 3 lights 5 SALE$499 white. %hgied BrassfVllood 36" CEILING FAN dw LIGHT KIT SALE 2 for 6995 Whae 42" COMBO FAN with 3 lights SALE 35!995 woe 42" COMBO FAN c/W 3 LIGHT KIT $ 95. SALE P.B_ or AB 52" COMBO FAN CM 4 LIGHTS SALE$7995 White or p_Wwood *DOOR CRASH ER. THE 1 ST 100 CUSTOMERS WHO MAKE A PURCHASE OVER $50.00 ARE ENTITLED TO RECEIVE ONE NOVATEL 8300 FIXED N CAR CELLULAR PHONE OFFER INCLUDES: INSTALLATION ($100.00 VALUE) ANTENNA (550.00 VALUE) 6 MONTH WARRANTY 'This offer while quantities last, applies to new cellular phone users only, on approved credit by Bell Mobility. Phones must be activated by our supplier on Bell Mobility Regular Rate Plan for minimum 6 months. 52" FAN OUTDOOR DELUXE 5 BLADE LIGHTING V. alc. COMPLETE WITH REMOTE CONTROL 16" H �L"s RECESSED FIXTURE COMPLETE WITH OPEN 24995 $ TRIM UP TO 130 WATTS SALE SALE 1495 1 895 MFG. UFETUME WAFAANTY IWCLUDED SALE ROSEWOOD OR OAK COLOUR BLADES POLISHED BRASS 75w MODEL SALE $10" CEL.ING TRACK LIGHT KIT 4 FOot, 3015 VAK Morabla Nutt With Whet Ilawe PMNs PA@ft CMM Ad11111b l Haada Aral1B61a. tmkL A&Ank Alb. SALE VU - WEST DI RNR HOME OF IM tILr1ED LIGIf= EXPERIENM ttla dlW a ooaFrithBrlalra aarvioa at to of dwp wNl no ObilaYorl on r011wa a CEILING DOME 11" (Poll- ct eraw swirl GMM 2WWRINd SAIX$1995 CELM DOME 13" F1 a ft ok raga. ftm 61.11) ari0w WNM Rand Owx$2495 LIGHTING UNLIMITEI 1 660 KINGSTON RD., Irl (NEAR SWISS CHALET) NORTH oP PICKEIMNG FLEA MARKET SPECIAL PURCHASE T"Mm .AssorhdColors, , 683=7227 ' Rainchecks may I avaiebb on some iMrta at timed sale 'Items not exactly as 6usirated • Limited quo *ies SAVE UP TO 50% SNIlMG AN WALL LAMP • frm •T"~iliob* -SALE $3995 111 LU. o" 10adTONR0. CI FLEA 2mmvw kft& friday 9:309A0 p.m. B *V* 9:M. -W P.m. &a10 0M-40p.m. FACE 14MHE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, IM �— � 40 0 . ; e WOO 3 7At SII � , Y % For old.%orld eleguance «ith the benefit`s of today's technology, take a look at the difference It"inclbuilt shutters make. • Fully adjustable. tilt East' to install -will not t,ar action louvers div6irb the trim • Rcvolubonart hinges allow Two styles available, and to be removed Califomlan and Planta or easy cleaning Cttstom roads to your t • Durable vinvi construction rrficauons. • >` usron-welded frames. • 1) dear Iunited u-arrann. . t!agnetic closure • Available in white and' r mhanism almond DRAPERY - BLINUS - SHUTTERS - SHA0ES BLAWs s aRnP► THE Cottage MARKET _ The .'Vecu::'1aarhe t with t;« 0,,'' Or n • A FINE RESTAURANT ,Yoin Us For Our first Anniversary Special Dinners Full Course Dinners Are Only $9.95 CxOOSE FROM Roast Prime Rib of Beef Tender Boneless Breast of Chicken Topped with wine mushroom sauce Seafood Pasta Souvlaki (Pork Tenderloin) ALL ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL DINNERS SERVED WITH Soup or Salad N`egetable, potato or rice Garlic Bread & Coffee FOR YOUR SPECIAL OCCASIONS RESERVE OUR ELEGANT PRIVATE ROOMS 1305 Pickering Parkway Liverpool Rd. 420-7577 & 401 Fresh Baked Goods r Fresh Fruit r, NECTARINES 9901b. CAULIFLOWER 1)90ea. 257 Kingston Rd. East, Ajax 1 mile east of Harwood Ave. Fresh Vegetables Sweet Corn CARROTS 6910 2 1b. bag RED HAVEN FREESTONE PEACHES 89 " 1b. 428.616 >�. UK meas e Vanes ail- ' NeW of odors sought - Variety Village poster kids "Alex and Amy", both Durham PICKERING - The Pickerin g Region residaas, will drop the Pick Old Timers Hockey League will ...AT PICOV DOWNS111 b stall the contest. hold its registration day next Cont 0Vr TO THE Call 831-6000 for tickets. month. �'"aM u�i+rntt �tttsr"11°'`r The 1 will host its Waal Champions Day PICaCEMM - Champions Day for the Pickering Sofftll Associa- tion is fast approaching. 111b_ PARIMUTUEL WAGERING meeting and registration for new POST -Tam 1:30 and returning players at the Don WANRNZKM Beer Arena on Wednesday, Sept. !UN FOR THE WHOLE TAKEL?1 8 at 7:30 p.m. s„oo.ao WIAWAWW�•AWWWo. New players are needed this S...oa AVV 11:0 4641'l0l i 094kiUAI 1. With a Touch Tone phone call 1416- 976-0999 to browse ads or respond to ads. Be sure to make a note of the mail box numbers at the end of each ad, and follow instructions by the computer. A charge of $1.99 per minute will apply. you can respond to ads 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2. If you need help, call toll free 1-800- 667-6083 between noon and 11 p.m. AJAX - 2,400 sq toot executive home many extras. Will trade for small hobby farm OB 1071 (AJA) TRADE Want to move ups' We want to move down, save Realtor costs. Courtice location. OB 1072 ROOM to rent, centraily located, use of house and pool. GWM preferred, $400. 1st and last OB 2098 STUDENT to share four bedroom nouse with two Others. $250 per month inclusive First and last. 08 2099 WHITBY, one bedroom basement apartment, sep- arate entrance. parking, suit working non-smoker No pets $550. 08 2100 (WHI) AJAX, snare luxury home• mus: be very clean, quiet and responsible. $130 per week. Available Sept. 41h. 082101 STUDENT to share 4 bed- room house with 2 others. $250 a month all inclusive first and last (East Oshawa). 08 2102 OSHAWA Adelaide/Ritson furnished room, female non-smoker, share fil ties• free parking, central air, $70, first and last. 08 2103 AJAX - one furnished bed- room for rent in house, $350, first and last, share facilities. OB 2104 (AJA) ONE bedroom apartment, freshly pained and carpet- ed• second floor, 5500 inclusive, avail. immediate- ly or Sept. 1, first and last. OB 2105 (OSH) FUFONSIIE0 room to rent, South Ajax. suit student, share all facihites, non- smoker preferred. $400. 06 2106 (AAA) BED and Breakfast, in cen- tury home, peaceful set- ting, 100 acres in Eastam There .are over - ''330 -new ads THE NEWS ADVEMIM FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 190 -]PAGE 1S Ontario. daily rates. OB 1987 Dodge Charger, 5 your office. 06 5138. 2107 signs. OB 3146 DINING room set, 1 1 ROOMS for rent, short or JOLLY Rider 3 -double pieces, solid pine, made by long term, $275 monthly speed, must sell, leaving SEEKING first year auto Oshawa hospital area. 08 $175 or best offer, like must sell, $1,500.00 or 2106 brand new. OB 3163 (WHI) best offer. 08 3376 (WHI) MIDDLE aged professional province, $1,200 as is, or apprenticeship. Have taken woman, requires a large 1- OB 3207 (OSH) dition, $150 o.b.o. 08 bedroom apartment in QUEEN hybr d waterbed 3377 (AJA) quiet area, approx. mattress and box spring THREE piece almond wall best offer. OB 4184 (OSH) basic. Have tools, try me. unit, glass doors, asking BARTERLINE (WHI) $400. Good condition. OB $300 o b o Air conditioner, FOR sale Moffat heavy 3378 (COB) $850 firm. 08 3344. o.b.o.. OS 3134 (PIC) TRUCK cap for sale, two months free. OB 5136 al/Roo-baby carrier/rocker pads. 2 games, sonic, 1 8 $25.00. Never used. OB 2 window air conditioners; ror/desk/chair/hutch. OB avail AWi,;irt "*%ebkv; V hdrW*rAsl, 111,0008TU, y9'ti{IDiN) low -prices, installed. 00 approximate size, 75 inch- HOUSE cleaning -let me 3244 BTU. $395.00 OB 3373 sale, 1 car phone, 1 cord - ADVERTISE with 6- static DRYER, Moffat, 7 years less mobile. 08 3392 cling vinyl lettering, .50 old, good shape, running (PIC) es by 61 Inches• to fit small help you enjoy life, through ANTIQUE three seater 3145 3374 sofa, beautifully reuphol- SIGNS blanks, l/8'x3'x28' STOVE green, top of line stered, will trade for futon polystyrene, large quantity truck, $250 or best offer. corner cleaner, will take OB 4185 care of your extra special 79 Bronco, good condition, cleaning needs, references "Bartering is an idea needs1engine, $1,200. OB available. OB 5137(OSH) whose time has come." 1963 Pontiac 2000 sale. Asking $2000, new EMPLOYMENT paint lob and safety. OB Ontario. daily rates. OB and ideal for out door $175.00. 08 3375 2107 signs. OB 3146 DINING room set, 1 1 ROOMS for rent, short or JOLLY Rider 3 -double pieces, solid pine, made by long term, $275 monthly stroller, paid $250. wants STRATHROY. moving Oshawa hospital area. 08 $175 or best offer, like must sell, $1,500.00 or 2106 brand new. OB 3163 (WHI) best offer. 08 3376 (WHI) MIDDLE aged professional Z-28 Car bra Asking $45 MINK stole, excellent con - woman, requires a large 1- OB 3207 (OSH) dition, $150 o.b.o. 08 bedroom apartment in QUEEN hybr d waterbed 3377 (AJA) quiet area, approx. mattress and box spring THREE piece almond wall $500.00 range. 08 2109 Asking $300 OB 3222 unit, glass doors, asking (OSH) (WHI) $400. Good condition. OB $300 o b o Air conditioner, FOR sale Moffat heavy 3378 (COB) MERCHANDISE I duty washing machine. 4 WANTED -TOYS Little /ears old, asking $300 SPARE TIME CASH sell =irm). OB 3238 (OSH) COLOR TV E,ec;rcncme WEDDING d•ess size 16- excellent condition, small '7; Pad $1200, will $125 o.b.o. LP record col- sell for $650. Oe 3253 lection, 50s 8 6Cs plus WEIGHT loss a -.jst) classical. Brand new sky- Energy a need? Good light, self -flashing, 24-x48-. nutrition assured on this $12£ o.b.o. OB 3055 100 per cent natural pro- (WHI) gram OS 3270 CLARE central air. 17,800 PORTABLE d,snwasher, BTU, paid 52.300 new, sell two single beds teaK wrth $900 or best offer Used trundle, teak witn booKcase one season, excellent con- headboard, one double drbon. 08 3109 (OSH) bunk bed 08 3341 WASHING Machine, rigits, WEDDING dress and hat, apt size, 2 -speed. 5 cycle. Merma c stye, size 7/8. $300 o b o Air conditioner, paid over $2,000, asking Electrahome 6.000 BTU $850 firm. 08 3344. o.b.o.. OS 3134 (PIC) CENTURY Kanga/Rock SECA Genesis, 2 control al/Roo-baby carrier/rocker pads. 2 games, sonic, 1 8 $25.00. Never used. OB 2 and game Genie, $175. 3356 (OSH) WANTED -TOYS Little 08 3135 (OSH) SPARE TIME CASH sell Tykes n good condition. WEDDING dress, satin. Watkins spices, extracts, Cash pard. 08 3379 (PIC) pearl bodice, cathedral, and household products. GLASS display case for length train, size 16, pearl famous since 1868. Fund sports cards or models, 25 headpiece with fingertip raising available. 08 3361 compartments on each veil, $350 o.b.o OB 3137 FREE- $5 00 GIFT with a side. $250.00 OB 3380 (OSH) mmrmum S20 purchase of (OSH) FOR sale, used portable Watkins products. Famous WATERBEDS, one king Maytag dishwasher, good since 1868. OB 3362 sae. one queen size, good condition, butcher block THINKING of starting a condition, $20000 each or top, almond, $250 o.b o mad order business? You best offer. OB 3381 (OSH) 083138(PIC) need to read (It's in the FISH tank, 55 gallon, = maple, 641141nt crafts-' mail) Onl 016 95 OB includes tank stand lid y for computer users. Just 3363 complete set, $200.00. OB MIND OVER LABOUR, 3382 (OSH) after the baby is born, baby FREE to good home, 4 names. All three books year old male cat, good $28.00. OB 3364 natured, well trained, must SAVE time and money, find good owner. OB 3383 shop at home. Catalog with SECA and tour games. hundreds of Canadian Double bed and dresser. shops, only $11.95. OB Exercise bike. Color TV, 3365 good condition. best offer. COMPUTER acronyms 06 3364 and abbreviations dictio- SPARKLING naw diamond nary. Over 4,000 entries rings - 14k gold 1/4 carat GENERATION 3 Kirby for computer users. Just diamond solitaire. l0k vacuum cleaner, excellent $14.951018L OB 3386 gold diamond wedding condition, all attachments INSIGHT into mail order band, 4 diamonds in all. plus carpet shampooer, fraud. Caveat emptor, Let $1,500 value, askirg $550 $1,000 o.b.o. OB 3138 the buyer beware. 37 for the set 063396 (AJA) pages. Books only $10.95. COUCH and chair for sale, WINCHESTER model 063388 multi-colorso, with wood 1200 pump action shotgun, FOR sale apartment size accents $200 for the set. with 28', full choke and washer and dryer. Good 06 3388 26% improved, cylinder condition. Full sized dryer 6000 quality water bed barrels, $225. 06 3140 as well. $150 for all. 06 for sale. $400. OB 3309 0"C) 3371 (PIC) VICTORIAN screen doors . SANDBOX. wanted. for MAPLE bedtopm suile sin- = maple, 641141nt crafts-' &M. Fi11W Price of Lftb `glii'bo6l(cas6 bid, nigId manship, many styles, Tykes. 063372 table, double dresser/ril interchangeable glass 2 window air conditioners; ror/desk/chair/hutch. OB avail AWi,;irt "*%ebkv; V hdrW*rAsl, 111,0008TU, y9'ti{IDiN) low -prices, installed. 00 $325.00, 1 vertical 8,000 CELLULAR phones for 3244 BTU. $395.00 OB 3373 sale, 1 car phone, 1 cord - ADVERTISE with 6- static DRYER, Moffat, 7 years less mobile. 08 3392 cling vinyl lettering, .50 old, good shape, running (PIC) cents each or less. OB condition, $100.00. OB ANTIQUE three seater 3145 3374 sofa, beautifully reuphol- SIGNS blanks, l/8'x3'x28' STOVE green, top of line stered, will trade for futon polystyrene, large quantity G.E., perfect condition, or off-white sofa. 08 3393 (OSH) ALMOST new, fashionable lad es' clothing and acces- sories, sizes 6 to 14. Any season, could barter. 08 3394 (OSH) LARGE tart with canopy, will sleep six - $50. 08 3395 (OSH) SESAME street playhouse wanted. DS 3396 (AJA) MOVING sale. brown sec- tional, coffee table, end 'able, 2 -piece wall unit. fridge. stove. 08 3397 WANTED - Coca Cola vendor 44 pop machine• arty condition, will pay up to $500 08 3398 AQUARIUM 27 gallon Hage -,wit- matching Hagen fluorescent canopy Plus one aqua-glo light, ask rg $70 obo 06 3399 UTILITY '-ailer 6 ''2 by 7 1 2 'eel, $150, washer machine. $195. Masonic ring, new 10 K S175 OB 3400 FREE K.tlens to good homes. males. 9 weeks, comes with litter box, two carts of food. 08 3401 GARRETTE -aster hunter, 6 meta detector, carry case, nicads• 12 7 8 nc. toll. 08 3402 TEN piece drums _udwig and Rogers, heavy hard- ware. Office equipment file, hgflback, guest chairs and desk. OB 3403 CHARCOAL grey couch and lovessat, 5250 each. Very good condition. OB 3404 SOLID teak queen size bed, attached night tables with drawers, matching dresser with mirror, 5250. 083405 QUEEN size cannon ball water bed, dresser, triple mirror, highboy, night tables, asking $2,000. OB 3406 FOR sale or trade, frost - tree fridge two -door, stove white. Sell $400, trade apartment size washer/dryer. 08 3407 TAIWAN trade directory, thousands Oftelow whole- sale items, samples or small quantity, only $19.95. 06 3408 YOURK power flex, 4 sizes of resistance bands, $150, Nintendo and two games $70.003409 WANTED high back wing chair in any condition, will trade for child care or rash. 003410 ICEINIOfW stow, golden, excellent condition, self- cleaning, S17$."OB 3411 SOFA and chair set, green, excellent condition. $200 or best offer. OB 3412 (OSH) MOVING sale, two grey love seats, Sansui stereo system, Nishka 3-D cam- era OB 3413 (PIC) CELLULAR phones, one car phone, one cordless 4187 SEA -LARK 18 horsepower Johnson, 8 ft. long, 2 seater, lots of fun. Asking $850 Will sell separately or trade. OB 4188 1985 Olds Cutlass Cruiser. mobile phone 08 3414 $2 800 Cruiser $2 800 (PIC) NEW business opening. taking consignment items only, weavers, pottery, original art, jewelry, stained glass. 08 3415 (COB) IDEAL cooler, adjustable shelves. thermal glass door, 275.00. 08 3416 (WHI) certified, or best offer, 6 cylinder, automatic, silver with blue interior. 104,000 kilometres OB 4189 (OSH) 1980 Monte Carlo Landau. loaded, one owner, clean car. $1 500 certified OB 4190 (PIC) 1955 Chrs-craft clasic, 32 ft. galvanized steel cruiser, -'far. tour. $5.500 or best e :!far. OB 4191 (BOW) 1980 3u. --K Regal sports -oupe two door rebuilt 1980 G.S. 850 G. SuzuK . midnight o,ue snaft, exce,­ lent condition. asking $1.200. 08 4057 (OSH) SCOOTER '935 -'c-da E.,'e. 3,�,C K- mechani- cally Al. $BGG or trade for a newer 14 ft aluminum boat 08 4058 (AJA) FOR sa e. 1977 C-ev Blazer, for parts only, 1978 SUZUK GS1000. asking 5350. 08 4154 (OSH) 1985 =ord -empc $500 as is or best otter. OB 4155 (OSH) 1985 =ord Tempo. 5 - speed, good cond , used daily, $800 as is or best offer. OB 4156 (OSH) 1984 Mustang, ICCKs ke boss, new stereo. speak- ers, tires and radiator. V-6 3.8 black with bra. 52.900 cert. 08 4157 (AJA) FOR sale, 1989 Dodge Power Ram Four Wheel Drive, 6 litre, auto trans- mission. Liner and cap included $8.500.00. 08 4158 OSH WORK truck, 88 Dodge Caravan, 6 cylinder, new head gaskets, water pump and timing belt, $3.500 OB 4162 (AJA) 1988 S10 pickup. work truck, good condition, 2.8 V6, as is $2.500. OB 4163 (AJA) WANTED: 80 to 125 CC dirt bike, around $400. 08 4175 - 1978 Grand Marquis, Florida car, fully loaded, 52,000.00. 1982 Nighthawk, 650cc, best offer. 06 4178 1982 Firebird T -top, mags, lots of good parts. $550. Also JBL speakers. OB 4178 550,000 1990 Dynasty conversion van, fully loaded, TV, VCR, 85,000 km, extended warranty. Trade for cottage on water- front 06 4179 (AJA) WANTING to buy a cap for a Nissan truck and to sell Nissan box liner. 06 4190 WAN11Ebiiats model motor home under 25 ft. Private buyer. 06 4181 1984 Cadi-Coupe-De-Ville 2 door, rare, small V-8, fully loaded, continental fire kit, tint, must sell $4800. obo. OB 4182 (OSH) 1979 Mercedes Benz 300D will trade for 82 or newer domestic vehicle. OB 4183 (WM) 350. certified, good condi- tion, $2.800 or best otter 08 4192 (PIC) EARN 333 r:;_- ncme, distributing a nutn- norVweight loss program. do and need help wim by growing business OB 5107 PROFESSIONAL word orccess,rg, c"•ce -ver - load. resumes. uses busy nese oriented equipment. will PICK X and deliver OB 5127 (OSH) RECENT electronics grad- uate with background in business and technical ser- vice seeks employment 085129 CLEANING, will clean anytime , do nave refer- ences, and I wnil try to do my best 08 5130 DOMESTIC home help for elderly couple wanted Apartment available. Good home for reliable person. 065131 RELIABLE woman for live in or out required for 2 school aged children. OB 5132 NEED help? Will do gro- ceries, laundry, run errands, or housework for service charge. OB 5133 BABY sitting - mother of 2 and block parent. Lunch, crafts, and t.l.c., fenced yard. (Wilson and Eulaie.) 065134 81 -UNGUAL person, interested in customer complaints and services, etc. from own home or NEED help? Seniors will do housework, shopping, laundry and run errands OS 6044 (COL) SMALL CLAIMS COURT AGENT, will stand up in court and get your money back Low fee. OB 6142 (PIC) WATER colors, private lessons for beginners n your home. reasonable rates. OB 6151 UPHOLSTERER. ;et your old f-rn,ture ,,cx;rg new. wide selection of 'aoncs. reasonable rates. OB 6153 RIDE available in Dumam t. and from Toronto. 5 days a week ]on't delay call now 08 6166 MATH 'eacner w.. tutor se" c' courses, in exchange for carpentry and drywall home renova- tions. 08 6179 DAY CARE ava :able. -ncmer ws*r, E „ E exper- ence. nutritious .unciae. 'eferences available Brock and Hwy 2 area 08 6180 TUTOR K.nderga• e- r:, Grade 6. aso Engiis^ as a second language exoer - enced professiera. OB 6181 (PIC) (905) s :o- ^g, will you be ready' i can heap make things easier 08 6182 (AJA) LEARN :-anch, locally or in =retic', .mmersion pro- gram. country semng near Montreal, all agesiali lev- els. 06 6163 HOME oareisupport worker 1 w,,, care for ail yo,.r home persona needs. have references. 08 6184 (AJA) Barterline is fun and inexpensive the average call takes less than 2 minutes. 1. Wdh a Touch Tone phone cal one of our BARTERLINE reps at 1-800-667-6083 between 12 noon -11 p.m. and place your FREIE 15 word ad. 2. You will then be given a 4 digit mailbox number and 4 digit pass code. 3. Using a TOUCH TONE phone call 1-416- 976-0999 (24 his. a day) and follow the easy recorded instructions. When recording your message, do = leave your last name, phone number or address. A charge of $1.99 per minute Will appear on your phone bill. 4. If you need more help call one of our repre- sentatives at 1-800-667-6083. OsNwaiW by This Week, Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser and NorB>t+Menhnd News assumes no lisbily br Ifie rxx1W or rept' b any Bartarline advxfssmaill. The adverAeer asatrnes rornplele iabiity for tie content of. and all responses to, any advertise tient w recorded message and for any clans made against as a R" Owd. to a6mrlser agrees b indernity and hW In publication and Mi*oW d Community Newspapers and its employees harmless im all casts, expenses and damages resulting from or caused by tt a pribicab n or recordeg placed t.V the adverber or any raply to such advediserrient. By using Barlwkre. the advertise► agrees not to leave h lher Mkptiorre number. lest narne, con►WW name or address in Meitner message. OsfaimWitilby This Week, Ajax -Pickering News Advertser 6 NaCrrriberlard News reserves the right b W ae, reshot on Carlcal any adverleerwt a longe the calegory in which an ad a placed. • rt ] `t'1 t'rr tel ) t ♦, •. ,..,�.. .. '. �-�� .. ,,-. MGa I6.TBa Naves nnvFae un iiiii ►Y, AtilGtW' 27,1M 0 SCOREBOARD AJAX MIEN'S SLOIITCN ASSOCIATION Eastern EaMlstrouiprlp 1 (Kristina Carrop; Robio- STANDINGS - As M Aug. 23 son Hitt g 2 (Claudia San Marin 2) vs. Alex Opti. do MMWM SNOW* McDermott 2. Kary Swailt 2. MVP Brittany Peterson) vs. Midtown, Photo 0 Lipper Dsek 13, 5 6 2 147 152 12 Mar Mals rtRido Car 19 vs. Vllege PlymoullrChryNw LABATr'S BLUE'A' DIVISION mist 0; Cron Country DonuAs 5 (Sommr Blackman TEAM G W L T PTS 3. Brill" Link 2) vs. Medora's Hairstyling 0. (MVP Erin V'sserl: Burn & Morison Insurance 2 (Krystle Wiltshire rws 12 4 8 0 120 169 8 Sweat San 12 4 8 0 100 150 8 19. For Znbart. Lyle Robinson, 3 RBls; Mathew Ash had a honsnun, Dish& RawAey, Kyle Robinson each Cruisers 13 9 2 2 21 UNDERSEvEN GIRLS' DIVISION Harwood 2, MVP MacKenzie Campbell) vs. Ajax Homs Hard— 0 (MVP Rebecca Russell). Refs 12 3 8 1 102 169 7 Ajax Antqu•s 12 3 had 3 arts. Rem -AM Raiders 12 8 2 2 18 Black Angus Freezer Beef 3 (Louise Bedford 2. Renegades 14 7 4 3 AJAX SENOR MEWS SLOPITCH 9 0 135 176 6 AUG 23 RESULTS Pere- Touch O.J. Servkee 28 we. Witty Remo Emote 21. For Personal Touch, Matthew Andrew 17 Meehan Long, MVP Jennler MacDonald) vs. J 6 F Picksnng Marna Royals 14 8 6 0 16 Waste Systems t (Rachel Spears. MVP Katstyn LEAGUE STANDINGS (As el Aug. 24) TEAM Mile & Hadwn 20 vs. Ajax Antiques 12; Lipper Deck had 2 homeruns, excellent running. Daryl Pink was Steeters 12 5 7 0 10 Brown); Scotland 4 (Megan Nelson 3. Michels Web- Rebels GP W L T F A PTS Mils & Hadwin 13 12 1 0 lee 104 24 13 vs. Sweatsox 3; Cdn. Homs Therapy 16 vs. Mariners 6; Relics 9 vs. Brow Keele S. strong a plat, scored 3 times. Bradley MacDonald 14 3 10 1 7 bar, MVP Emily Fegan) vs. MacLean Hunter Cable 1 Santa 2 1 12 15 2 , 5 TV , (Ashby Saunders); Dickson Priming 5 Cdn. Homs Therapy 12 9 2 1 206 g0 t9 grew AJAX SPARTANS MINOR BASEBALL (Aug. 17) ran down a runner going a, for an important out. Dylan Curne had several put outs al third base. d2 (Aman. LABATT S BLUE Kettle 12 , s o ,So ,44 ,a r -BALL MAJOR DIVISION More SCOREBOARD—Page 17 Monkey Bar Napiers 13 9 2 2 20 Harp & Thistle Manns 14 7 5 2 16 Dona Y M txlis Express 14 6 7 - rI Pr , 13 Krnghthawks 12 6 6 0 12 W000group Gators 13 5 8 C 10 Tara Business Systems 11 5 6 0 10 MstRs 13 4 8 1. 9 t LABATTS BLUE LIGHT 'C DIMON TEAM G WL T PTS Coug-Second err agars 14 4 2c SeconRED EYE SPECIAL d Storey Untouch'ks 9 1 to 9 4 t t9 Kerry inn Resistors 15 9 6 C 1a VAN SERVICE TO AIRPORT Royal Scot SaswInoers 13 7 6 0 14 Dannys Boys 13 5 8 C 10 ;��� Upper Deck M McLeod) 13 4 9 C 8 per person Card,nals 14 3 1C 1 7 LABATT•S BLUE LXWT *Dr DMSIONs Ir Leper Dom Manners 14 13 • C (additional family members 5 ) MonhPaPPt3 8 2 0 22 686-1515 Monkey Bar Buser 13 B S 0 tis Sisaw 8 aves 12 3 8 7 res (Paul Day) 1a a 0 6 SeaWt1•El min vans also available Bnckyard Buloogs 11 3 8 0 6 Bel rrys 13 2 1C 1 5 PICKERING FASTBALL LEAGUE MEWS DIVISION STANDINGS (As of Aug 20) TEAM G W L T PTS Pick Mar.:nritng Cleaners 111 4 2C The PrudrRy 15 9 5 19 Fratell VoW,ng 16 9 6 19 McGnn-s andng 17 7 1C 0 14 Davis Contrac'ng 12 6 6 0 12 Baytys Resta.,ra-t 12 6 6 C 12 Sold Wood 16 5 11 C 10 Robed Case Reany 13 3 8 2 8 GAME RESULTS Marw%ZvV 10 vs Bayys C McGinn 12 vs %ben Case 3. Dave Contracting 13 vs Ort#ms 9: Bay ys 7 vs. Roper Caw 2. aayyg B vs Somd Wood S. Fraeds 12 vs Sorel Wood a. Pruoerlby 5 vs. Solid Wpod 3: FrAW1 8 vs. PruderEal 7: McGinn; • 1 vs Dave ConvactrV 6 Solid Woof '2 vs McGinn S. MarltrxZrlg 10 vs Rober Case Martn.-,ng I vs. McGnns 0. LADIES ONVNSION STANDINGS (As of Aug 20) TEAM G W L T PTS Bayyrs ;;Wtauram 12 9 ' 2 2C Rrd+andsons EGO Sports 11 7 a c 14 Or-, oOres ReslauraM 1C 3 6 1 7 PCk niayn9 %ends 1 • 1 9 3 GAME RESULTS Rchardson's 25 vs Z. _00res 2'. Sayly's 19 vs Ptsyxg Fads '5. C 7ooim ' 8 vs Dayrg Folds a. Baytys 2 • vs Rkturdscr, s ' 2 PICKERING SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION BANTAM BOvS DrvtSION REGULAR SEASON FINAL STANDINGS TEAM GP W L T F A PTS PcW,,g -tarda 16 4 • . 253 '32 29 Waw -.ow 16 6 8 2 18 • '76 ,a tftrhees Rd shed 16 5 8 3 181 t9C '3 Pcx Meas rastbap 16 6 10 C 165 209 '2 Arcs 16 5 11 C 136 200 1 C GAME RESULTS Aug . • Xs= 17 vs P,ciL Mr's ;—m 15: PCA ring '+ardor 'S vs Wr11106 Rd. Shed 7 Aug •0 P'grerrg .•lend& •5 ve Waternakr 4. Wi"it s Rd. Shed 16 vs. Pick Mens rastbaN 13 O! ' ;AL@X031 MUMM Outdoor Living... IndoorsMEN' eaullaxtx ON SREMD roots (IM 70 QIe N LNNCS, 1M1tc nE 2020 µeniv Orth SL N'„ Lnil 1Y. Whilbl 404-2789 1.88Y-268-0111 r%'DEPF.NDENTLY OW'%ED AND OPERATED Whitby Four Seasons sunrooms meets needs of extra space, lifestyle Imagine being able to home. Season% clients, now is a great transform a room in your house The choice of different styles time to 'add on.' so that it becomes full of natural and the modular engineering of As well, from now to the end light. each makes this a uniquely of September, the Whitby You can open it up to the sight versatile system to blend with showroom is granting savings of changing seasons or the your home and adopt precisely of up to $2,000 on selected changing light of day, in effect, to your individual requirements. units. bringing the outdoors right into Four Seasons lets you create Franchise owner and general your home. And imagine the an outdoor environment without manager Yolanda Lewandowski freedom to apply this idea the problems of the outdoors. is making that offer as an exactly as you would wish. Your 'outdoor' lifestyle will incentive for those who are Aug. •6: Warmaii 1C vs PCX Men's ratica 9. For example, you can easily never he spoiled by rain, snow, considering a sunroom. Wise, Rd Shot 06 of vs llertsx Osta,rl Aug. 19. Pow Ing -tonda •a vs Waternalw 7 PEEWEE BOTS DIVISION GAME RESULTS - 2ND ROUND PLATOFFS SERIES 'A Aug 23Cur.tar- Bair '3 MVP David CortoNaKy1 vs. Century 21 -Lr I 8rowr •2 (MVPs Tony-acKt.an. jo" Crawtordr. Durhar- Barr Rr 9 (MVP me lsarr) vs Com -,-y 2t-Ltnnre arow� 0 (MVP ate •ear-; - 0.-Ar0 Brrl adwmm to ford round SERIES S Aug 23 Speedy Murnr -5 MVP thr tearr) ver Soon TOgs Sportswear 5 (M VPs M1xe W son. Teva White) Aug 25 Sposdy Mu-,*, 2' fli Shaer Kenn. Rocky MCCai:un. granoon Wngrlf) vs Sow -ogs Sportswear 10 (MVPs _asoh BOoKr. Trevor Wh&e) - Speedy Wlbr aIee te to rlrrtd round SERIES 1r - Aug 2C: Powvg Mors Slow -PRO, 24 (MVP the 1Nm0 vs. Wiage P,ymouth-Aax 5 IMVPs David Fforverd. Mthe CON,ey), Aug. 237 Pia- erng Mor's Slow Poch IS MVP fee learns vs. Vii - lege Plymouth-A(ax 12 (MVP the town). Aug. 25: create a sun -filled dirung area to a kitchen, a peaceful addition to a bedroom, or a beautiful extension to a living room - all of this with the confidence of controlling the seasons and the weather, never being too hot in the summer or too cool in the winter. Four Seasons, the world's leading sunroom manufacturer, can make this a reality. The Four Seasons product line wind, insects, too cold or too hot weather. Your Four Seasons sunroom will become the most popular room in the house and it can and will he used year-round. It will also add drama and excitement to your home; it will enhance and increase the value of your home because it is customized just for you. You can choose from a wide variety of styles, features and prices, to Yolanda's showroom is one of the 270 in North America. Not only does she receive the support of the corporate establishment in Long Island, ,'`.Y., she also has the support of her husband John Lewandowski, who has many years experience in the construction industry. Yolanda firmly believes that when the economy is slow it c%wng wins sw.t-P.ah 21 (Mw cnn cn,psp has been designed in every add that special Four Sprove one's home vs. Village Plymouth -Ajax 20 (MVP Mdu Dawson) Seasons pays to int .oma Mm's Slow4 tch sdvavae to third detail for the purpose of feeling to your home. rather than buy a new one. SERIES v': Aug. 23: Whites Rd. Petro -Can 16 Mountainscreating permanent living space With the attractive CIBC bank The Whitby business invites MVPGlormkg$QVs. LOEB4(MVP Jorr'eBli Low" Fukni(idsW as an integral part of your financing being offered for Four both home and business Nam). Aug. 25: W?Am Rd. PefroCan 14 MVP the Own) vs. LOEB 16 MVP Jnon Mose". kWs oges 3.12 nX1 w twit =W by -1OEM1 owners to explore the JUNIOR T-SALL DIVNIM PRO Of With 9W 1 Kkm Bpd o* 4 ROUND ONE kids/r v -pyo ° ,do i„� assorted ideas for .. :,, et Aug. 23: Maw 21 (MVPs Brendan Daly. Cou" (°BIpI gibedmashandmdWSdei- ' incorporating a sunroom BauxroMtrter) •a. Some wale 2D MVP fttsar); onmoAOn mboli6 (� _: into their existing plan. Coulter & Faraono Insurance 25 (MVPs Blainsi Attwood. Dustin Thain) tin, Wildrood Ford 25. dw wahm On g skein. Whatever your reason -Comes I Faeate Ytaeeaos teen cob Meer ftr PW DNft&sft~-- _` ° -i--- ---_._ ""'°'"d 1 wA Weer Rouge Cycle for adding a sunroom or SOW 21 JMVPs Nll3toLa Fistiml Jordan Cash) wit • _- -_- -_ _ - _ - - == = _ _ ...�-r= Shteiorl octal Carpe VP th 1• (Me1• _ - _ - _ - _ _ _------_ _ - - - - - - -_ enclosing a porch or any maw Nxalm�iai(MVFaWBou teta ThaMalvs B� y��`�""r- - - - - - _ A other related project, 8004 rad bps: Kalssys, O'Tooles, Pique" 376 Kkwian PA. PICkNarirlg _ li� drop by or call Four Men's Slow-PI1Lil OuaMy TurUp tkilt 16, 509 -KIDS 0437) AJAX �•GO" RAVOM a�k Seasons Sunrooms in Resarlot Aug. 5 , Whitby. The store is Canada Poi t 2 (Alison Farr. Racmill" 2 Spun) vs. 1 PET SITTERS ETC. — --- _-- - open from 9 a.m. to 5 Hickson PI 440 s ca LeBlanc) Pwive 2): Robinson — _ P.M. Mon 1Q �I� an¢:.10 Hating t (Jessica LtlBlane) ter. Medora's Pet, Plant and Home Care Hairstyling 0; Ajax Liam; Club 6 (Andres Park 2 a m. to 4 p.m_ Sat. ^ r Amanda Choong, Joy Crmoney, Angela Croft, SERVING OURNAY SINCE 19" Heather SuUferluud) vs. A* Oplirrist 0: Cross Country Drxrwts 1 (Sommer Blackman) vs. ,&onto„ Yolanda or design h1orlallorw 0; Eastern Eaveararghng 4 (Knotirsa PROFESSIONIAL consultant, n S U l t a int Andrew Carta Z Lindsay Murphy 2) ter. Ajax Alio Pans 0. PLANRB A HOMES , Results g.12 NNONNOEoilasWED Matwiejczuk will be Medaa's Hairstyling 2 (Lon Van u^9sn, Diana WE CARE FOR YOUR PETS happy to d1SCUSS your McIntosh) vs. Canada Trust 2 (Erica Stevens. Radial Spurs); Ajax Lions Club 4 (Flssttten sun»►- IN THE COMFORT OF personal needs with you. land 2. Angola Croft. Andrea Park) vs. Robinson YOUR OWN HOME M� Howng 0; Morton Irsernaoonal 1 (Kelly Hart) YS. DKkson Pfff" o; Cram country Dora 3 (M'I" ' < < The showroom is at da Denbok 2. Brittany Link) vs. Eastern Eave `a°"D''"'D' Raub .16 ° 2020 Wentworth St. W., Dicker Pm" 1 (Lindsey ter) is ACI„ Auto wam This home was transformed when the deck was enclosed with Unit 19; tel. 404-2789 P'"` 0Motion ''"'""ti°"a" Alsitsu "el'"') a Four Seasons sunroom. , . or 1-800-268-0111. PICKERING FASTBALL LEAGUE MEWS DIVISION STANDINGS (As of Aug 20) TEAM G W L T PTS Pick Mar.:nritng Cleaners 111 4 2C The PrudrRy 15 9 5 19 Fratell VoW,ng 16 9 6 19 McGnn-s andng 17 7 1C 0 14 Davis Contrac'ng 12 6 6 0 12 Baytys Resta.,ra-t 12 6 6 C 12 Sold Wood 16 5 11 C 10 Robed Case Reany 13 3 8 2 8 GAME RESULTS Marw%ZvV 10 vs Bayys C McGinn 12 vs %ben Case 3. Dave Contracting 13 vs Ort#ms 9: Bay ys 7 vs. Roper Caw 2. aayyg B vs Somd Wood S. Fraeds 12 vs Sorel Wood a. Pruoerlby 5 vs. Solid Wpod 3: FrAW1 8 vs. PruderEal 7: McGinn; • 1 vs Dave ConvactrV 6 Solid Woof '2 vs McGinn S. MarltrxZrlg 10 vs Rober Case Martn.-,ng I vs. McGnns 0. LADIES ONVNSION STANDINGS (As of Aug 20) TEAM G W L T PTS Bayyrs ;;Wtauram 12 9 ' 2 2C Rrd+andsons EGO Sports 11 7 a c 14 Or-, oOres ReslauraM 1C 3 6 1 7 PCk niayn9 %ends 1 • 1 9 3 GAME RESULTS Rchardson's 25 vs Z. _00res 2'. Sayly's 19 vs Ptsyxg Fads '5. C 7ooim ' 8 vs Dayrg Folds a. Baytys 2 • vs Rkturdscr, s ' 2 PICKERING SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION BANTAM BOvS DrvtSION REGULAR SEASON FINAL STANDINGS TEAM GP W L T F A PTS PcW,,g -tarda 16 4 • . 253 '32 29 Waw -.ow 16 6 8 2 18 • '76 ,a tftrhees Rd shed 16 5 8 3 181 t9C '3 Pcx Meas rastbap 16 6 10 C 165 209 '2 Arcs 16 5 11 C 136 200 1 C GAME RESULTS Aug . • Xs= 17 vs P,ciL Mr's ;—m 15: PCA ring '+ardor 'S vs Wr11106 Rd. Shed 7 Aug •0 P'grerrg .•lend& •5 ve Waternakr 4. Wi"it s Rd. Shed 16 vs. Pick Mens rastbaN 13 O! ' ;AL@X031 MUMM Outdoor Living... IndoorsMEN' eaullaxtx ON SREMD roots (IM 70 QIe N LNNCS, 1M1tc nE 2020 µeniv Orth SL N'„ Lnil 1Y. Whilbl 404-2789 1.88Y-268-0111 r%'DEPF.NDENTLY OW'%ED AND OPERATED Whitby Four Seasons sunrooms meets needs of extra space, lifestyle Imagine being able to home. Season% clients, now is a great transform a room in your house The choice of different styles time to 'add on.' so that it becomes full of natural and the modular engineering of As well, from now to the end light. each makes this a uniquely of September, the Whitby You can open it up to the sight versatile system to blend with showroom is granting savings of changing seasons or the your home and adopt precisely of up to $2,000 on selected changing light of day, in effect, to your individual requirements. units. bringing the outdoors right into Four Seasons lets you create Franchise owner and general your home. And imagine the an outdoor environment without manager Yolanda Lewandowski freedom to apply this idea the problems of the outdoors. is making that offer as an exactly as you would wish. Your 'outdoor' lifestyle will incentive for those who are Aug. •6: Warmaii 1C vs PCX Men's ratica 9. For example, you can easily never he spoiled by rain, snow, considering a sunroom. Wise, Rd Shot 06 of vs llertsx Osta,rl Aug. 19. Pow Ing -tonda •a vs Waternalw 7 PEEWEE BOTS DIVISION GAME RESULTS - 2ND ROUND PLATOFFS SERIES 'A Aug 23Cur.tar- Bair '3 MVP David CortoNaKy1 vs. Century 21 -Lr I 8rowr •2 (MVPs Tony-acKt.an. jo" Crawtordr. Durhar- Barr Rr 9 (MVP me lsarr) vs Com -,-y 2t-Ltnnre arow� 0 (MVP ate •ear-; - 0.-Ar0 Brrl adwmm to ford round SERIES S Aug 23 Speedy Murnr -5 MVP thr tearr) ver Soon TOgs Sportswear 5 (M VPs M1xe W son. Teva White) Aug 25 Sposdy Mu-,*, 2' fli Shaer Kenn. Rocky MCCai:un. granoon Wngrlf) vs Sow -ogs Sportswear 10 (MVPs _asoh BOoKr. Trevor Wh&e) - Speedy Wlbr aIee te to rlrrtd round SERIES 1r - Aug 2C: Powvg Mors Slow -PRO, 24 (MVP the 1Nm0 vs. Wiage P,ymouth-Aax 5 IMVPs David Fforverd. Mthe CON,ey), Aug. 237 Pia- erng Mor's Slow Poch IS MVP fee learns vs. Vii - lege Plymouth-A(ax 12 (MVP the town). Aug. 25: create a sun -filled dirung area to a kitchen, a peaceful addition to a bedroom, or a beautiful extension to a living room - all of this with the confidence of controlling the seasons and the weather, never being too hot in the summer or too cool in the winter. Four Seasons, the world's leading sunroom manufacturer, can make this a reality. The Four Seasons product line wind, insects, too cold or too hot weather. Your Four Seasons sunroom will become the most popular room in the house and it can and will he used year-round. It will also add drama and excitement to your home; it will enhance and increase the value of your home because it is customized just for you. You can choose from a wide variety of styles, features and prices, to Yolanda's showroom is one of the 270 in North America. Not only does she receive the support of the corporate establishment in Long Island, ,'`.Y., she also has the support of her husband John Lewandowski, who has many years experience in the construction industry. Yolanda firmly believes that when the economy is slow it c%wng wins sw.t-P.ah 21 (Mw cnn cn,psp has been designed in every add that special Four Sprove one's home vs. Village Plymouth -Ajax 20 (MVP Mdu Dawson) Seasons pays to int .oma Mm's Slow4 tch sdvavae to third detail for the purpose of feeling to your home. rather than buy a new one. SERIES v': Aug. 23: Whites Rd. Petro -Can 16 Mountainscreating permanent living space With the attractive CIBC bank The Whitby business invites MVPGlormkg$QVs. LOEB4(MVP Jorr'eBli Low" Fukni(idsW as an integral part of your financing being offered for Four both home and business Nam). Aug. 25: W?Am Rd. PefroCan 14 MVP the Own) vs. LOEB 16 MVP Jnon Mose". kWs oges 3.12 nX1 w twit =W by -1OEM1 owners to explore the JUNIOR T-SALL DIVNIM PRO Of With 9W 1 Kkm Bpd o* 4 ROUND ONE kids/r v -pyo ° ,do i„� assorted ideas for .. :,, et Aug. 23: Maw 21 (MVPs Brendan Daly. Cou" (°BIpI gibedmashandmdWSdei- ' incorporating a sunroom BauxroMtrter) •a. Some wale 2D MVP fttsar); onmoAOn mboli6 (� _: into their existing plan. Coulter & Faraono Insurance 25 (MVPs Blainsi Attwood. Dustin Thain) tin, Wildrood Ford 25. dw wahm On g skein. Whatever your reason -Comes I Faeate Ytaeeaos teen cob Meer ftr PW DNft&sft~-- _` ° -i--- ---_._ ""'°'"d 1 wA Weer Rouge Cycle for adding a sunroom or SOW 21 JMVPs Nll3toLa Fistiml Jordan Cash) wit • _- -_- -_ _ - _ - - == = _ _ ...�-r= Shteiorl octal Carpe VP th 1• (Me1• _ - _ - _ - _ _ _------_ _ - - - - - - -_ enclosing a porch or any maw Nxalm�iai(MVFaWBou teta ThaMalvs B� y��`�""r- - - - - - _ A other related project, 8004 rad bps: Kalssys, O'Tooles, Pique" 376 Kkwian PA. PICkNarirlg _ li� drop by or call Four Men's Slow-PI1Lil OuaMy TurUp tkilt 16, 509 -KIDS 0437) AJAX �•GO" RAVOM a�k Seasons Sunrooms in Resarlot Aug. 5 , Whitby. The store is Canada Poi t 2 (Alison Farr. Racmill" 2 Spun) vs. 1 PET SITTERS ETC. — --- _-- - open from 9 a.m. to 5 Hickson PI 440 s ca LeBlanc) Pwive 2): Robinson — _ P.M. Mon 1Q �I� an¢:.10 Hating t (Jessica LtlBlane) ter. Medora's Pet, Plant and Home Care Hairstyling 0; Ajax Liam; Club 6 (Andres Park 2 a m. to 4 p.m_ Sat. ^ r Amanda Choong, Joy Crmoney, Angela Croft, SERVING OURNAY SINCE 19" Heather SuUferluud) vs. A* Oplirrist 0: Cross Country Drxrwts 1 (Sommer Blackman) vs. ,&onto„ Yolanda or design h1orlallorw 0; Eastern Eaveararghng 4 (Knotirsa PROFESSIONIAL consultant, n S U l t a int Andrew Carta Z Lindsay Murphy 2) ter. Ajax Alio Pans 0. PLANRB A HOMES , Results g.12 NNONNOEoilasWED Matwiejczuk will be Medaa's Hairstyling 2 (Lon Van u^9sn, Diana WE CARE FOR YOUR PETS happy to d1SCUSS your McIntosh) vs. Canada Trust 2 (Erica Stevens. Radial Spurs); Ajax Lions Club 4 (Flssttten sun»►- IN THE COMFORT OF personal needs with you. land 2. Angola Croft. Andrea Park) vs. Robinson YOUR OWN HOME M� Howng 0; Morton Irsernaoonal 1 (Kelly Hart) YS. DKkson Pfff" o; Cram country Dora 3 (M'I" ' < < The showroom is at da Denbok 2. Brittany Link) vs. Eastern Eave `a°"D''"'D' Raub .16 ° 2020 Wentworth St. W., Dicker Pm" 1 (Lindsey ter) is ACI„ Auto wam This home was transformed when the deck was enclosed with Unit 19; tel. 404-2789 P'"` 0Motion ''"'""ti°"a" Alsitsu "el'"') a Four Seasons sunroom. , . or 1-800-268-0111. FROM PAGE if fa+y TWO IftM alloIwt w, feet me Um soar to 06 eons wpertidil. For Famiy Tart Cant Low ked an ONMU#x lq job a exacts► Kyle Bond mads eater Ont Ht, over of which wool a Vole. Gorst swam" Retia by ML Cart lana lapr.saw.tt 31 rs. Light Fest ArOst Flomma 211, For Cereals, Main N hM 2 and Midori CiWW hM I h131 looks Sammy GYIIO had 4 hies. David Yorker, a tie couch a hone for an out. KrAly Moon made 3 phaab hom her plohng poli , . Stack Robison played well at Owns* and as pitcher. Caesidy, and Camp" 25 vs, Preoral Touch D1 Service 27. For Caddy. alweeIR - pawn hdirg by all in the seam ending gams- Firwyea psyr Joshua HIM wed 3 a 3; RW Slid and Michael Taros woo 2 a 3. Michel Tetroe mods a great nybal caldh on the lest baser fatting in no runners as Brieann Cassidy aught to tnow. For Paraoral Touch, Jeffrey Snow N a frrAriva triple; Daryl Pnk had 3 his. scored 3 •ass. Crystal Gendres u rends a good coach on a line drive at second aro bRed the furnr one. Ern Hayward Rade eacelrM retry Ias from the field. Usable Caters 27 vis LOE13 Awood 27. For Lab Caesars, Sarah Wilkinson, T.J. Ross and Kimberley ANnby were 3 for 3. Mad Russel !arm ; Camnm Smith had a 2 -RBI •pe. Good cadning by Jufs Vaz. Bobby Buns,. Solid infield by Matthew Haire and Ca em Smith. Parde Fund Raising 24 vis Aja Mat's Swftc h 23. For Sb-Pkk Ern Ryrbrk Adam Dunn had their fist homsrt i s of the season; Ryan Vndla trpbd. Salah Janmoihamsd stopped 2 sure runs in left field. Dane Auslkn tagged a runner out a second; Catcher Ryan Yitdua had a grew game. witty Reel Estates 29 vis. LeEertrrdr Cr 24. For Leben. Trays McWaters. Mathew Ash, Kyle Flobim son 6ton - - Andrew trilled. Tyler had 2 base hes and Brandon singled Waren pusek mads the last out a to plans. Ajax Hydro 30 vis Pal Mac Pel Food 24. For Paul Mac, catcher Laura Langer did a great pb; Tyler Leered has nwoved suostanWay, shoe that beginning of •e season. He had an examalif throw to snap a run Ught-Feat Artist Pigments 28 w. Village Pfy- mmaerChryair 22 Martin PelrS CAug-T 4 line doves. U. to Adan Lirpuat at fist for 6 more outs b bad tM delenne fair Light -Fast. Marc Cafagrwl caught 2 lies and got 4 more out at 2rhd. Creat all-round play by Short Rogers. Ashley Jones. Jesse Pamngion. Doug Gsmro and Sean as cadtsr to bad Leta-FaeL Family Truwa (Do" (lover) 37 ve. Ulan Caatatrat 25. For Fatly Trust. an aggressive gams to oe proud d.Enca Thome , Mathew Prolific, dohbbs withRBb. Cam erm Leake homwed with numerous RBI's. Alto Sir ng a ba was Kyle Rams" with 2 RBIs. On drones. Mwgfan Yeo stopped 3 rurnos at aro bas Bryan Eustice apht a N bell. For Los Caesars, a hot - un by Shawn Malone; 2 doubles by A.'an Mace nes. jet do MontgomMy. Kimberley Aartby werit 3 a 3. Good i milli n •w add by Miihar Per- mr. Good - mg by Carnww Smm, Bobby Butter. Canoe Hann Mnprowsm 24 va Debor4Tdy Cr 24 For Canals. Adan and Danny Leben had 3 xxoma rues and Ksrb" Gray had a holmonn. For ZwbeR Antenna Week'ytr sM and Crew Smart went 3 for 3 Opantit 17 vis Miller a Aub It 1, - t 1. For Mut"Cparr Jonathon Muttrnr 1. homrvh by sinter Coiner Muptry started or ma two ni with a being. Andiew WC4urn hod a 3 -run homer. Great f edii by Chesto- Phar MtCrum, Shane Sopron and ;an Fyfe. For Mike's- a doubt play by Jeff Talrray. pop ftybeft caught by Devon Murphy and Baan Edwards led Mets`t. w Gist Yd fits OAVAK For Art ift ANO Bink 3 - FO *W Hol pirhkq by VAM YoWwAkA Jewrinr Uel. session Lssi@4 Cady B Ca t vis OtFAVW Gnus/ Services E For Cassidy. Mae C. tlI "I I Mier Dmao, 340 double. Ryon Cartesian. Mass to dam Mak Qssttry bait a dao Dans• heel for 2 RBPs; pay a Ihomte. Ban Suaha- la d co ght 2 tap uwa. aesCpic Whobsat 4 vis w,iy Itoswtse 3. To ria player of Olympic Wholesale. Bradley Abbott Syphon Bupew, Dawid Cook Jell Cods Brad Dan. %-- Edwards, Ryan Irving. Tye Larwiere, Jason Les, Slaplsn Mansion -Hing. g. Mils McMillan, Saes Mur- ray. Jason Phypr and Ryan Vrdoch. Cagrauies" an a"^^n0 Its Iaxt game of to season. You're a lemi- ic but ldh of guys and your coaches have enpyed wok. ig with you and are baking tonilard to to playoffs. Best of LuduM SCOREBOARD BANi'AM BONS If "M Nmdby EML 1 1- 1. • vis Aja ObW Asads- flen 7. For A* Bigo, Rclw 5npsm, 2 acinose. 2 RB. s; Tim Burgas doubled; Andy Ma eetasdt dor► N4 welted and scored a run. Fly bilk were caught M Travis Barony. Frac* Salm and Andy Mawasa Mahn Itan MWM 1S vis Sun" Crrdl S. For Suppi.a Cargds. 2 -nun debt by Barrs; an RBI dou- ble by B. Walker. Morton's offence was keyed by Jason Moreau with a 2 -fun aple. Also hang strop offertsiw games a Morbrs war No Manson -Fling WPM 4 his and Tyler Lomas, Tim Lasseter, Jason Cha Yards -sad base 4 tyres. e I* fox stub 9be f lotuerpot Vub "A little something for everyone IF 109 OLD KINGSTON RD. "In The Courtyard" 428-2162 ME NEWSADYERMER FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 191113 -PAGE 17 Alen rll.w.rwt 0 ea CM tad 00 a Mon- son lsd by Jason CNVNm3 Zrun daft; Andreae Oidia neon's 2 hue bat. Andrew Oidlihson, Tyler lamas refired 1?dells est 13 bells Far CAW, Mal Tap Soon r arJhed be 3 vow. scale hnm Ads" Ever Seemly 12 vis SNp Owe Taira Caws l For Admiral Eras, Good pKtyng by Jesse Thompson. Michael Banish nods a grow burs pdelp and throw to Chs Masa ler an oil. Taylor Larrbury nods a get slop al aro and •rw to Ryan Shernfts for an out. Darryl Mad(i non had a bunt suet. Michael Banah, RBI angle, Chris Mows, 3 run triple; Jesse Thorrpson doubled as wall as a grand slam hornerun. Opliml1N 10 vs. Trophy Fecssry i For Opontst Jef- frey Yorke started the rally with a hard hit double. Nicholas DePass layed down a bum. Clench has by Tyler Baidreau, Brad O'NM. Darragh Mc?onaid and i -olm Candy. Jordan Service's pad is debU ndud- gra Sd-`ariun s By uw Cbar `000a sake `"*S.C1ASi- Easy koMment For silded PPMMAeue re;tl a�rc`ae -•r s - r CALLTODAY FOR YOUR FREE -IN-HOME CONSULTATION 416-686-4417 The Housesitters will look after your pets and more It's been nearly a year since your last much- Jeserved vacation, and nearly a year also since you acquired that new puppy. This time last summer, you didn't have to worry about the responsibilities of home ownership, let alone Snoopy. That's where The flousesmers come in. Not only will a Hotusc%itterx stal l member provide fool. lots of attention, play and ''' -CCr1 i -i exercise for Snoopy, its staff will S �- seri ca,ria Ittaniro bash N Ihomtenatha Brandin Cox nest cxcl usi vel y by The I lotisesi tters is One o f The Housesitters reliable sitters, Betty ptysd tirrnewry. riootR Lf4LL ELM ar4low live-in care. This service is often Patton, with Carly the dog and cats, Tiger and irelawe Ibhar 110 ea fMre ArflMeder-a For Mladaan Kyle Paanwn 2lofts. 2 FAM'•, Shwbl also male .sire your h(xne is no(a R°°iuEfiKLir16veNWA dumose x a.. Pale a W,ryatpr n rte � Far ear prime target for burglars by giving_ l ,o St. Crarr Used a big founts -ng r*1 a o.let ft it a lived-in look. Pompeii Rafter Spirt 4d to Paefars with S hQ. ind"dng a two urn triple. Evan Pons, Michael Drwc Om of 2n offices across (atLKl:l, Jason Handley also smhrcoatd run scorng trip". www the Durhan► Re -ion branch of 11><: Kyle Mann. Midair Sec. Chns Boulton and Tyrer c t H nuar at had mulple hlt. Orr+.ww. this big play Ilousesitlers has been providing of 1 9 ee M+renw 7i ea Teases coonds Bee- S For TroutsCatsda Good daAae Play by sari Dahow seep an Inst than gun to bell to saw who apkrd the tag a ted mff0a ng to double pray lit travelers with :rte of mind screen Danny Lutz on rte int Nim Will cul by CFri IW*- apo""'23vs. Millr••A""III— 1,'r.Par Mikes. 191;1. A professional. fully Monigo rat AMM Marr ted a 2 -FW daft•, Ftp booMaGashandJorHaedyterllwan a Devon Murphy had a " he to I awh n a run, Chis pets and homes are early retirees. TIVMCaAMbSocresite9valesOdWAMdir !r' 0. For Tea CanadR a err awls by stolen Amon hold a 2 R81 triple and ought 2 N ba06. For bonded Sitter will visit periodically Tlpptalo,i.utheynaaaaaoittingr4dttolted tpamar, Pad tsl Spurs 10 orad. y,,,y,,1efi�at F;,ato yrs 24 vis sptthateh let) care forYour pets-, water your arthaimitSRam'Md3ashi s12Se."°r` lerpWilif7.ForLevm. .AAA ptteae tonnesa ttahewaoe Awe 14. Congraulawn to Pnwmrnca plants: take In mail and flyers: Franaal who ended fa tsplr Beeson an a high rob �,. by p"their beat game dtoyerto bad amy ensure utilities are in w•orkina b"gh S$xxlrars epuad. P,r sea finished in a w ler order and CnCfa11V see to it the g fist plat». wMldh too in" tllenskre and dr.mew. trauma of an absent owner," trays to Mat w manage. co ac as and poroma woad house looks occupied. On to ken Ifs tam good luck in f ptyofls and 0 kwp up tM good wort For Spueuea, Mile Nelson Another popular service offered seri ca,ria Ittaniro bash N Ihomtenatha Brandin Cox nest cxcl usi vel y by The I lotisesi tters is One o f The Housesitters reliable sitters, Betty ptysd tirrnewry. riootR Lf4LL ELM ar4low live-in care. This service is often Patton, with Carly the dog and cats, Tiger and irelawe Ibhar 110 ea fMre ArflMeder-a For Mladaan Kyle Paanwn 2lofts. 2 FAM'•, Shwbl regiJesled by cusl(mers requiriva Marble. d• Rual Fitutell doubled. Ryan Haston 0`01414L0`01414Lsa winpanionship and/or supervlSion OsbtQiWatplsynd=Ngame a69boa lager» aaEsw.eeand Diseases .twmoft m & For for children and seniors, is well is deliveries. ria Leggin 11 -1 Relo, paid IF g ad VOP - ettleOgit0kWhorMMMerGrWWOh i 0000 kW hWrMM Miles 1311111W WOh 1els. Ont: of The Ilousesittcrs most of 1 9 ee M+renw 7i ea Teases coonds Bee- S For TroutsCatsda Good daAae Play by Owner -operator Sherry (kiodwtn unique tCalUreS IS 1lS Staff. The q Danny Lutz on rte int Nim Will cul by CFri IW*- points Out that pets are usually majority of people Who look. after Monigo rat AMM Marr ted a 2 -FW daft•, Ftp booMaGashandJorHaedyterllwan a happier staying In their own home PP Y b pets and homes are early retirees. TIVMCaAMbSocresite9valesOdWAMdir !r' 0. For Tea CanadR a err awls by stolen while their owner is away. These reliable people have p p Tlpptalo,i.utheynaaaaaoittingr4dttolted "Our sitters are experienced in experience with home ownership arthaimitSRam'Md3ashi s12Se."°r` lerpWilif7.ForLevm. .AAA ptteae tonnesa t care, and we t to duplicate to try P and all the responsibilities it a� caa�OMWV+ 11111" oand Wills O the pet's routine as closely as entails. CrnLseyurnUy, clients feel Colossi andChialaphaWood lralydupoff, "aft possible to help minimize the comfortable: having a mature adult -i11dvi01ip� i�l'OBOyStIMlON trauma of an absent owner," in their home, alines en) the K y OWE lad an a ss, Aja Mosasl Rpm 11. For Sherry says. "We're all animal opportunity to provide this service that Medd FaylsW J a Mtaptq. Chris Howmsc st hold h omearlow Wpm Poem scold 3 nor. Excellent lovers here," she adds. "Many of in their own community. aT owmkka Cooled adL'AOirP'a�ft" our sitters refer to their clients by Sherry points out. "Neighbors Ash" Secaadq dart 3 w homq sca yrs sari the pet's name-" and family members used to he Mails L Fal Gey Bow. Afttfwltt ha ntslMaor Lite tLa bmf you out t sea Creat pNrJsg lay Ryan 11 Services provided by The able to provide this type of McLinchmPlawiP.nsa~Bolaia Gws ` by Housesitters vary according to the assistance, but with everyone aweless ria. Mal OWN 11 vis CUPE tae+ ' client's individual needs: Slt�etr� , Wockin�, seed lamllles toeing 4wre. 10g0 7. Filey M&kdM hind a y1�lt� rani Oq Bork damsel; Mass do imp N aZRBI douDla t�a.aef�os t t pea ay �sy Illw froeesd his Ishet M . , a .. , t ♦ . - -provide periodic visits of ttuuiQe.(1t�e�.� � t2t shifts t ve lime ,►,L..al.,h,i �� r e" '� �'.eqVC , T" 1� V CNN@& Trust 11I&ftydwoo&unotie{ wwr-I ' may'= -C : 4 e ed*C k'ly4, t t Ati,tilik eluted home,(:anile it l t0. Map l3+Mti RBf tongs, At Smell f, 2 M der bs;IyaxArm.d,awrdonbre„Jeremy HAI -1 da Even i(you are not travelling. prime target for vandalism and eaminn""0310a-a"a• A oma tar..I Nva Aevive BeaaM Curd 4. The Ilousesittcrs offers a burglary nolhiu,_ looks more Far Moan, Joanih Wanfrptd, Ad Bank 3-RBl completely personalized range of cotlspicuous than two weeks Horth sign; John Reid nigsd Good dolrwtty Jahn Raid and Chris Stricfsrk Ghwt ttybaa usdh b7 Godwin services provided on a reg' ul:tr Lir P ul ► rs and elvers fled u on p p p %itari vs. Ain _ Rpm 14 For as -needed basis. These include the front doorste The p LOEEBB. Da��Tiaorr. Waaar half- d- Tyler weekday,loon hour dog walkint, b I luusesitters slab will put out your Carafe' grard-slarm hom"e"s"- J "she" crIlly• Chia sinaatBasle Ausandowtd.EratandAM" by for the working dog �� u u n e r, o „. garbage: lend lu lawns. flower Shaun Waft . Blake, Austin. Gond Ascent ptldrd a Supervision of appliance Lir repair beds. gardens. adjust lights and ncostlwa S h For •to sera tAEB tMya.ed 12 te. AitltM Itneeartos i. For people: movers. contractors Lir LOEB, Owe Giller kit a,homwun; infield led by Jataton Col. Brad lift -rlf--sane MspOuet and drapes, brim, in mail wid 11%crs - everythino fiecess:lry to make a home look lived in. "Not only dotes L•lwn and garden maintenance contribute to a lived- in I(n)k, but we all invest a la of time and money in our gardens, so upkeep is very important," says Sherry. hiring a housesitler leaves you free to enjoy your time away. knowing your home and pets are being cared for by a professional.. If an emergency were to occur, ilousesitters staff make sure the problem is promptly taken care of. Client information - home inwrauce, heating and veterinary �coliOvls arc all kept on computer ttof C I,Y 2ceela. - if I lC you Would like a free brochure, more details about Ute I luusesilters service. or if you are a retiree Lir senior who «ould cnjo� looking after anin)als in your own con)muuity, call Anne at The Ilousesillers: 686-10)1 or lax h.`l3- 0421. ed 2 Wave sae in ft is inning. Dabnsm play of this yams goes to Adam Our" blocking to M" leg. ping out a porneal nn. Boyd weeds LiteAa Mercury 10 vis Clear 011Cs catnpse 10. For Royal Woods POW Gaylor singled tow an RBI. also utalbled. Jason Pepin singled and doubled for 2 RBrs. Maw Wma singled twice and doubled for 3 R81's. Matt Dafton had 2 singles for an RBI. Andrew Kuebler, Jeremy Hill, Cory Lantengne combined for outs. Admirsf Ewer Security S we. White Sox o For Admiral Evans. Tom Solakov he a single. Adam Bakersman Stub home, Darryl MacKinnon. Adam Bawrsman and Mark Totvanen all rad RBI walks Adam Bakersman. Ryan Sheriffs, Jesse Thompson and Darryl Mackinnon all caught fly bans. Chas Breurkes and Jesse Thompson both pecked p,Aect innings. elaisdale ontessorl School EST. 1%9 Ages 18 months to 12 yrs. 545A Kingston Rd., Pickering village, (rear building) Ajax YOU'LL BE IMPRESSED! 686-5005 f---- civ a save - - Galbraith I �+ Repair Centre I ' Jewellery - Watches I Watch Battery r - Replacement el ` Watch Straps e Bands 7 � e K .nR �.ieam nE a .rte et.-buffi.X I iFree -tir, at.. on-tipp,ng of your ( ons ri awls PE i �L�I`333i� �AAiL =•r aartl' Plasm A.aisra �rtan and jttna�sj'Bna^ilt I3.30 - 2:30 -Sunday 10:30.9 p -m - Located in the Courtyard vj Pickering 'I SL4e 109 Did Xngswn Rd, . aT 4_: r: e0 • PERIOOIC VISITS OR IJVE-0V CARE FOR YOUR PETS, HOME i PLANTS • HOME SECURITY a MAINTENANCE • LiVEaN OR HOURLY CHILD CARE. • BONDED i INSURED, EST. tent RELUBLE A AFFiFDWABLE 6W6-1691 ` 11E e..•�, �..a. -t�j NOUSE51i1191S . t r .osew e"rt • •o . •• .,+• .-r• .err s iliftv FROM 4.99% tate 21r4 and If ion to 95% Co"n C mordaron gust Plop bs • SalFampl0* • Bad (yid! Me iat envie.IIItlilallt Pet Dub Ben Birk Rin Fruit PtoNaloiil Sw*o Silo 1M TIF BE PREPARED! You can protect yoxuseff - ' ' agalirtst Are and e,etfwith . "PICTURE YOUR - TREASURES" We will come into your home and prepare for you a personal and complete video file of your contents inside and out Worth Its weight In Golc. when you meed to file a cia m BONDED & INSURED FOR APPOINTMENT CALL _ ROSEANNE STRONG 509-1048 TAGS WTHE NEM ADNERTISFZt*IliM , AeGii ' il, iM O"rift Means +Val ty - advertise both Oshawa -Whitby This Week (516 9W5) and Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser (791 7672) Combined Pressrun d 103,000 every Friday _..:? r..,...z!`:... .......r�i��7t.Ii�rlsatr�wawaw ......... .............. _ , `: Mx WMTMz• .., :. ..........4i:}ti 111111,335 ...... 76ii F- VW"/W f ® Wo 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax - Open: Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Friday till 6:00 p.m. 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 1 10 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 130 Sales ants 130 Sales ants CANADIAN TIRE PICKERING REQUIRES An aggressive self motivated person to on our team of automotive service technicians. The successful applicant would require a class A license of at least two years. be neat in appearance, communicate in a professional manner, and be able to work in our busy 7 day, flat rate environment. Above average compensation and benefit package available to the correct individual. Apply direct to: David Scoff Canadian Tire, Pickering (Service Department) Hwy. #2 at Liverpool Local GM Dealer is looking for an EXPERIENCED TOWER OPERATOR & FLAT RATER Three years expenenlm. Also EXPERIENCED SERVICE ADVISOR With knowledge of GM warranty and extended warranties. Send resume to: File AM Osll�wa This Week P.O. Box 4x91 )Oshawa, Ontario. L1 H 71_5 MUSIC WORLD Pickering Town Centre's new location is now hiring MANAGEMENT/FULL TIME AND PART TIME STAFF Applicants should have previous retail experience. Please send resume to: PindofT Record Saks Ltd. 166 Norseman St., Toronto, Ont. M8Z 2R4 Atten: Monica Scopel Large Local GM Dealership requires GENERAL MECHANIC With at least 5 years GM experience in general mechanical. Send resume b: FILE AM I 1108km This week _P.O. Box 4" Oshawa, Ortltari0 L1H X5 EANN Ill irO>]elMMwi M satins'" Ctlltltna� ill/ deceileftse to at ams caada. Far ■6w Ula 6gaM a SN-meas% NbAil od _wak Cilllrw -Rao CONSULT KANAOM to IMs& pism or teas thins h houtt pedes a cawrll/c i saps, plaed Ike wow* Cal coNd War dMf CONTRACT POSITIONS (3-4 months) If you have solid experience within the steel construction industry and would be interested in a working contract, we have the following positions available: Assistant Project Manager with Microsoft Word, Excel and costing experience . Schedulers with project inventory control experience - Safety Co-ordinators with knowledge of Occupational Health and Safety Act. Please contact Carole Plummer or Donna Vella. The Minacs Group ■ THE 71 Albert St., tail MItiACS Oshawa ■■■■ GROUP L1H 4R1 ■■■■■ INC. Tel. no. 579-2911 Fax no. 579-6050 QUALITY CONTROL TECHNICIAN AFTERNOON SHIFT Required with minimum 2 years post secondary education in chemical field. Duties to include the physical testing of manufactured coatings as well as documentation both manual and computer generated. Please forward resume to P.O. Box I Do Ajax, Ontario LIS 3C2 Company located in Pickering requires person to Clean office. $6.50 hr., Sun.- Thurs., approximately 3 hrs. per night. Apply in writirq to: File +16094 Oshawa This Week P.O. Box 481 Oshawa, Ontario, L1 H 71.5 WAITSTAFF & BARTENDERS RA and part tine. Hoette9K experienced, able to work as a lean). Arw%6 wiiikitr EXPERIENCED TELEMARKETERS Required Nm!!l Salary a Cortin REPLA WINDOW STORE, AJAX JOHN 686.1112 427-9544 TURE sw- Mud Hen's aerie ort Lim. lelemantsd% potiionts available b those to 839-5570 TOWN OF AJAX a PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT HIRING NOW PART-TIME POSITIONS Applications for pan -time staff are now being accented for the following positrons: INSTRUCTIONAL BABYSrMNG INSTRUCTOR Tuesday and Thursday evenings (2 hrslroght) Preference given to E.C.E. or Recreation Diploma $16.5/ hr. SNACK BAR ATTENDANTS Village Arena,Ajax Community Centre $7 00,1hr RINK ATTENDANTS Wage Arena'AjaxCommunity Centre 56 50fir. APPLICATIONS ma be picked up at the Ajax Corrmunity Ce-tre For further information call 427- U11. REQUIRES IMMEDIATELY Experienced auto- motive parts de- partrrlent personel. You must be self - moovaled and able to work evenings and weekends Approx. 15-30 hrs. per week with possible advancement. APPLY TO: CANADIAN TIRE 1300 KINGSTON RD. PICKERING, ONT. 839-8017 TWO DOMESTICS NEEDED 15 haws per week Mondly-Faday, 7 Rein -10 Litt tx3pm-6pm $6.35 per hr. APPOINTMENT Bookers svar-od: No so" swoMed. Ful and part tirtr available. No •x- penionce necessary. }ug train" provided. Hourly wage . bonuses. Positive enwwsiswic individuals only. For inlmiew, call Farhana 428.2010. WANTED - gas Now with own van to► der . and servios in Dwnwn arse. Top wages and conrrkssion. call 686 6434. an years of ape and older. smir. A• training Dreaded 10 ihoee We q-*. call 420.69*, to arrange >n in.nview. (TF) MONEY For Christrlasl Fee in - 11, - n- tomle- to Sian now. h to and lend operon- - aysk" doiu'ntpg various crafts. Send ST E. to Box 21112 Ajax, On. LIS 7H2 (Oe02mi I - - - - - 1 CURRENTLY wwtdiep lot ex- Fwriertc iewowy dlnelal tl� NMLY —Uit rip for A[ labourers. - isseds Ask) slid 10On. imum 11wo 7" CD2' anw .l..r.rtb., clesn absa 410d qua w rws tell 40n.A� ihs edtanjca..t:�lt 41 /ale knowc.dge of automotive in- MMslar�tl�� dustily an asset. CAN Carole p ra at 574x2811 (a 11f Plummer at The Minute E Fgbe~ 890 and 1,90 a rise, am t LAMx400 weekly r,rinp IN lets and assembling light )trued for L� �� 5742811. (0631931 f Intim hon (416) 631- Town Cense. Ask t �Y• NELP srsmod - kalien spsaing 4791. Relenripss 76E, 24 hr 4261440. 10Y I" preferred. hours 7.1 a.m. recording. (090503) Isglitall for loth!/ Waitreas/bIIAMil:TYUST preferred. J e 's Cr. tenial* Preferred. Joe's Cate MAKE $50.000 n 90 days. For Ilei scion y . �anyd� 2200 Brod) Rd. IlvvnW - �rrr�� send a sail conlimission. Cog 434.2'324. F*er M. Hwy M 279M ask for addressed stanow s./0 ew- DEMON:TRATOfi4/lALE! . e, (8can Con a Joe, (062790► Volops to Cry" Pro". a Mid. town a. x230 oehawrt ors" commissiornd s58081ooli.. 1a01at at horns mrtig salts. L1Jal.2(09079M A- d -;-W1a /ift-L Major dePWIRU t slept. Full title, Earn 000 . weekly. Teff us about ywursd. P.O. fa 47006 CARP N CARPEN1ERs helper Coot'- No wpwlewoe,) trace Cal I1d.M1-7594. (IF) Doman Place, Vancarser 8,C. 11x03E1, IgeOQ93l hart �knit• madepreferred. Call 428-ia84. BECOME a Flom Designer in lust Mire* reeks. Full training and twsrecs set up. one on one. Loam Ve trade, Vr• secrets and nw vial tooiy you need to gel stared Work from _ m, or snap High Prost Also available on VHS Day and evenings C615949 Over 45 and recently Lad of from a job may quality for fus assistance Call Career S&ON of Flory Design, 43rt 0310 or436-1664 (063193) Real Estate Salespeople with licence or willing to train, required by New Homes Sales b Marketing Co. for projects in Pickering, Ajax and Bowmanville. Competitive Commissions Health, Dental, Drug & Disability program Referral program Plus Bonus & Incentives For your conridential interview-, please call 837-0085 and atik for Stan PICKERING TOYOTA WE REQUIRE A SALES REPRESEFATME. MUST HAVE GOOD PEOPLE SKILLS AND A DESIRE TO SUCCEED. A SALES BACKGROUND pRFERRED. EXCELLENT COMMISSION PLAN PLUS BENEFITS1 IF you ,,,, °N'"' ""' ""ti0i Det•rmnes An,tudo' and un - CALL 424.9000 WAYNE TURNER '""'d rroonrs potential your OR COLLECT APPLICATION FORM DOW, m 965 0542 fo an der. Partunity second :o none - 00029M SALES ASSOCIATES 150 NOSD` Medical 120 oflice Help RILL TIME Detrital detail experience anc fair P.D.A. - fun tune pal" enc Dug real ootaso agent VERY for demrafing are assets. O H functions in _ ien• department. Hours include reds an exp inenced, licensed Training allowance. W401a gs are soros Satsrdays agent so wak in a non art+okrg ire on a 486 PC wth commission and tenefltS. Large Picketing office. Cantooffice Koros. 631-3332. (01111129g3) ODREB and TRF_B access (:ill PaN ft"Mfir preparing C.M.A-'s. showed tours, }.tune turn shoots and illi fftallfff rill 1 60 Day Care brochures. eorrpietrg listing 21116-M - m2m Wand delta, call One, ups, lanae ane trtaiSON i ads. aft. 111 s T.P. on NANNY r*Qu . ow. Mon- EXCELLENT apponuinity - Ex. Fri for 6 morn_ old dant. Mull Will NO so" rtrotwe"d required.p•n•nc•d sales neva with t»nimature. experience. non owl•dg• of Durham Bus.- scker. Ralennce, good oonnrrrre d English, pen- manship and computer r mosses required. Excellent Cas 4269645. required. 51ea � PINee call 725- (� �) renurnoration. sonous /1Qinre, _ _ DATCARE warted coAe n a only. lnternarional Trade -ON. S•N IC66 434-36x8 (090193) go o'A atter so (330-5.100). IF you an airrple or a sirlple ated a divorced Arnarotto,Cognac area. St. DRAPERY and and sal aper Marys wl�itehr- threOr e years work ----no son for our Shop at Hom• CRN anon 5� m. (M1 3) Service. Must to �iWerierloe0 P- (083193) �lf kir , you may and haw own vehicle. Fill and DAY -011111 nanny required n my financial over 45 and haw recenly bow young W Dar} tins. 428 0937. (0831 90) � � Loa" �.�gWl• led off. you "my quality for trai► Ing assistance. DIP/CERT, NOW Medi s individual with previous 150 rr"�Is aseYR.� childcare Lotus. Wordp•R•el- D -base. training and/or VVV 1*1 experience. Must hay ted• acqua . bedlond• aiitor�e- Ventura, Pagemaker. Harvard. r•teroncee. Call 509-6161. DENTAL. AssisWWRier. large Pillaring Coral, Cornpuier Programming Dal► Car! Dental office, tug 65 TMf1e and Systems Anay.t Cabal. fOfT1- a'«nlpa and sat v hrs. Exp.ni.rH and AvaBabk Pascal and C. Macintosh. Quark Express. and Nkilivator. Durham P c }fling and HARP e•rti}ied ied preferred. Much opportunity. DAYCARavailable my in Busess Computer College. 2in Career advance. Call Kora. home lotchild L and 4 427-3010. (TF) 831.3332. (090290) )ears old. Twyn Rivers area References. Call 509-1957. 135 skilled Help 135 skilled Help 135 Skilled Help WEGU Canada Inc.. manufacturer of custom rubber products. is currently seeking qualified persons to fiII the positions of- MANUFACTURING f MANUFACTURING MANAGER Applicants must possess the managerial skills and technical expertise obtained by a minimum 5 years in the rubber industry in a managerial position. Experience in a unionized and/or automotive parts plant would be beneficiaL Vi"�a"� AMT TESTING aaRi 4 r✓aia++-WTAN APpltica>n19 .must Possess §PC knowledge. , APPu�ft wig ndary<$' training will be , givlen rience in an. automotive rubber plarts'. P r tial. Send resume, stating salary expectations. to: WEGU Canada Inc. Attention: Human Resources P.O. Box 567 Whitby. Ontario LIN 5V3 No telephone calls or agencies please. 165 220 " 220 220 so TENDER lain dayeans avail- able M my, norMt Ajax home. Hot kinc m. healthy environ do . new Lester S. Pearson School - 428 -0707. t080393) LOVING childcare available, en- riched happy ern honmsnt. 3•. French taught, music. crafts. Healthy lunches and snacks. Fenced yard. Brodr/Dellbook. Non smoker, First Aid and CPR. Reasonable rates, receipts. Available Sept. 13. 427.1047. DAYCARE available in my home, before and after school. waking distance from Roland Michener PS.. also taking children to and from St. Francis DeSales Catholic School, Wright Cres. and Reed Dr. For information, please call 428- 3483.(082993) DAYCARE in my home, hot lunches, babies welcome, near Whites Rd. Oklahoma, Fairport Beach and Lady of the Bay school, 420.1307. ((]82993) SECOND Hornell I have two girls needing playmates. Hot lunches, fenced yard. I under- stand your Milds needs. Crafts. activities. Dix*Clenanna area. Please call 837-1734. (090193) FRENCWENCLISH and Dutch mother has daycare available in my home. 18 months plus, Michael Bhd/Wesi Lyrde Ps., Whitby. First Aid. CPR, references, nutritious food. bundles of supervised acts oo. For Interview call Brigitte. 668- 2594.(082793) AJAX Westney Rd. N.1 Rosslam area, full time, part time daycare available for chd Th i a ►SID � i�W O C V � O e as seen at the Cottage show 8 FOOT MOULDED PLASTIC FLOATS' READY TO BUILD CALL FOR YOUR FREE LITERATURE � s PLASTICS INC. MOVING For Sale: chesterfield 6 2 chairs. Good condition. Call after 7 p.m. 683=1643 15400 Old Simcoe Rd. Port Perry, Ontario L9 1L8 Toronto (416) 439-6111 Port Perry (416) 985-8479 Toll Free 1 (800) 263-7943 230 Articles Automobiles Wanted 3OO For Sale SONWANTED =ear .s aC w.y o - gowns. Sargeants Rentals 433 1989 Honda l 1113. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon -Fri 9 am. 5Pm.Saturday 1090m) Aprr%rd CVi 260 Arts a Craps ren. nee years and W. Closeto St. Catherine of Sol 1964 -•0^oa Aaco,d 4 cylinder. 5 360 snovilinlDam Lower B. Pearson School. 427 speeC. very clean. 4HP rota 9062 (090193) taller. Moftat built in oven, couch. WATER COLOR LOVING mother with medical chair. two bveseats with match- Loca; ar: s1 s Offer ng experlence providing a safe and 'ng lazy -boy. tndge. stove. d~0 set with 6 chairs. office ';a55eS on a one to one mw stimulating eonmert for your child F time, boors and prions syslam. afce executive Oasts. Bookings amiable sc h after scribal. Any age Chair pax extra large rirsany new for workshops for other References 420-7196. (062993) �,, set a Harley Davidson studios 8 organizations 1998 Peterporo 17 1/2 It. Bo ender, 130 I.O. Merc. engine, saddle bags to it FX. FXE or Phone Melanie DAYCARE avmman for 175 FXR, 4363904 (062993) monthly • utilities. 6865519. (082793) Resoo^$;ole woman rias one Mooring cover, radio, excellem condition, $9,500 after 6 p.m. 427-1736 space available for two years WASHERS Dryers. Fridges bright modern two bedroom and Older P400003 Iii HN Stoves - new and recof tick ed. STAIN Glass courses begin wood / B a y I y References 1225 and up for reconditioned Sept. 7. Register rww. Sun- avai:abl, large lanced yard wasners.$175and upfor recon - dance Glass. 430-1727. Call 6836673. (090193) Cltioned dryers. $•75 and up for recond,noned tr dges and ���111 Pets -SU lies- /�O PP MOTHER c our and her saver stoves. Also coin operated ` Boarding one, •*'-able and caring daycare w a s her and dry - 416579-7576. (090193) for your kre ones. A}ax area. Stepnonson's Fumdun and TRAIwNG yo.,r sog is -,r anc Ages 3 and under. Please rap Appl-ances. 227 Court St., easy at K9 KkAnwrne. Puppy (9 428-2353 (090193) Oahawa- 576-7448. (TFALL) mss) to Novice classes start' Ing Sept. 7 and 8. Call K9 MOTHER of 3 (16,8,and 4) able EVANA 'bp Sal - screened and Klubhouse. 416-404-6617 to provide experienced daycan. snrwdad Trple mix, brick sand. ---. -.-. - - DONT throw dog waste tip ages . used ran ties. Also cedar your snacks tin a lorawelcomed..bt . Before and Other avail- nursery Stoprices rs0 landfill sues. use the naw Doggr pool" Inground Dog l Call 42 4W7 and aper 11Gthod. Call 427.0327 fdi able at Discount prices Pring Waste Sopic System, NOW EXPERIENCED fun daycare in ear's$ Cas 430-4733 or ever'- AVAILABLE, Doggie Doo my home, references. huge rings '-"'a (082 793) ShMW. 723-5413 or 434-8782 9 Yard. parks close by. Start MOVING Sal Irving room, a -m.-9 p.rrL daily (092793) imrtrdiaely. $90 per week Gayly din -ng room, bedroom, and tams_ DOBERMAN puppies, rednan, 8 and Sandy Beach area ly morn fumnwa for sal. Cap weeks. 113MOeals. Dew claws Cap 631-7491 (062993) 619-0714 (0910390 done Telephone 427-1372. NEAR Lecher Pearson P.S.. rep- DINNG loom set with buffet and able experienced babysinr, trot hutc table, 4 chairs, $650 luhcr,es. snacks. rNerences. as o.b.o. Call 726.8352. (083193) ages Cal427-4937(082993) PIANOS%GRANDFATHER PLAYMATE wanted for 3 1,2 cocks Pianos, rani to own, apt yea, old girl 880 weekly size upright, grand. d,g,tal, RMerences available Harwood, keyboards. CLOCKS free Cloveredge area 427-8508 delivery and set up Call Telep RESPONSIBLE care across and take advantaged our low from Weetrhey H«gms School prices on as stock. Best prices Outet crescent, fenced yard, non always' 433-1491 (TFALL) smoker Before and after school OLD Tea Wagon, lamps, FP or tug irrne 3. Receipts. fee accents. toffee and and tables, negotiable Call 683.0928 hexagon stroked glass kachen SISTER Team Is offering table, 4 chain, odd coffee table 9 and chars. Washer and dryer. daycare In out torte starting 6861385. (083193) Sepember. Ali ages welcome. paMul time, hot lunches and PATIO doors (brand now), 5' snacks provided. Glnannai $399: 6 $499; 6' $599. Blown or Dtxr Neo. Close to schools. white- Call 416-433-1738 be - 420 -SW or 4249237. (082993) twreen rile_ n and 8 o -m. (TF) EXPERIENCED daycare ENTIRE contemn of house, of - provider baking for playmads fico furniture and equipment, for my 3 12 year aid daughNr, computer, printer, clothing, also afternoon playntagee for my dining. bedroom. appiiances. 5 year old son anortding morn- 880, lamps. patio- 6831523- irg kindergardert at Lincoln (090193) Allxatder. We have kris of fun OAKAWK FURNITURE. Why "a sans, stonsis, musikpay retail prices? One of available. Call 686-6105. Ontario s olds and largess mauutacturea is now styling 21 0 direrx q Ipublic. Eg. 5' oak Ftfea Market table with COW ed and 4 War dsor chain. $799 - 8' oak double BRIGHT sectional couch to Passle" cw ram. and 6 chairs. sal. 1250 ob.o- Float design, $1429. CNronbal beds, $299. Over 20 stain as solid ercelem condition. Call after 5 dtoices - p.m. 428-9322 weekdays. no veneers Traditional Woodworking, 416.985-8774. 220 A"§Cft (TF) Sill! NEEDED - lose up to 20 los. in 30 days. Try our now, herbal AJAX Pickering Appliances - no nutritional program. Cal 436 - reasonable oiler refused. fully 3276. (082993) guaranteed. Reconditioned aq)rOLYMPUS Camera lex+$, 50 - deal. 27- Conn make t a 175mm, brand new, regular deal. 427784. 467 Nlestrtey � Rd. S. �. (TF) $180, sell for SM. Call 728 - GIRLS 6 peek bedroom so.In• ,8352• (083199) duding canopy beM, $600.-6a Oblit sale - rod and die make► 683-7162.'(082793) 'aid machinist tools' atd K&-' 11HP Ayiens, lawn Jraclor. 38 ' rooly Haul -away. Cal (705) 426l inch knower, $1100; 8 HP M.T.D. 9624. (090393) I snow thrower, 6500; 5 HP tiler, GE apartment We freezer, very 6300; electric mower, $40. Cal good condition, one year old, as - 668 -2959. (0827931 king $200: Fiber Oueen vacuum CARPET - I have several 1000 cleaner with all attachments. Vat" of row Stanmasler and One year old. Asking $1000. 100% nylon carpel. 111 carpet Call 5764367. (082793) your living room and hall for SW. Price includes carpet. load230 Artic�s and installation. '30 yards-. Wanted Steve, (416) 287-5072. (TF) FABRIC vwticads wish valanoa, WANTED - stoves, fridges, 77 wide a 84' ktrn, 369; 84' washer and dryers. working or slide x al long, $89. Other no. Also warded: pickup tnudt SizsavatilabWalashadesand (newer than 1978). Call mini birds. Phom 428 7: Ptpwrwn. 42D -MM 4TFALU I will give a good loving honk o your horse. Cal 571-1001 days, ask for John or 987-4230 evenings. (090293) 330 TIwws CITATION - 35 ft Twin Tpouts, TWO bedsroonta, full bathrooms, many extras. $11.000. To nw. call Paul alter 6 p.m. 416724- 4362. (TF) PROWLER 23 ft., sleeps 9. mcralwaw, arwwq• air. shed. extra Midge. Also 18 ft. Glastron Bowrdw. 165 Wo. nailer, radios, water skis. extras. $13.000 package- 428.8564- (090293) 86,000 km., loaded, asking $11,500. Phone 697-1390 1993 Obs 88 %yao _S. ^inti oaded. 18.500 kms . asking $21.900 CAN 11161362330. 1090193) 1986 L TO 4 door. V6- aiJlo. pa, Do . as, cruse, windows Clean. $2100 condo o Wmcnester Auto Sales. Brooker. 655-5437 D, 65541082. (062 133) I UG Pontiac Acadian, pg.. low Kin. mm Condition.4 it=. auto. $2295 certified o.b.o. 1969 EI Camino. news work. S,5ro0 -at 4331787 (082793) 1967 Pontiac F,reba . 400 cube nch, Ps . pb.. 4 speed, wry, clean inside and out. ongrral ral- ly whose. new exhaust. Asking s40CC or trade 1.705-277- 330C (083193) LEASE to own vehicles. t9eo- ! 985. $345 down. no interest, no credo checks. 7251968 or 686 7426 or 6863775. (TF) 305 Automobiles Wanted CADILLAC D Elegance Btougnamh or similar .. . 82- 85. Wanted for good caring noir. Would We to puncrase front Current appro0alwe owner. no dealerships please- Call Barb, 4243037. (083193) 310 TruckS For Sale ltIM Chov Pickup. auto. Pa. Pb.. rtew exhaust. newtins, ex. cellent condition. No rust. Certdrd. Also 4 can to choose from Net's Auto Sales. 420- 0784 or 432-7531. (090293) 330 Trailers ATTENTION! ATTENTION! READ ALL ABOUT IT! NEW HWY. FORCES McKEfZIE TRAILERS TO MM AFTER 38 YRS. A8 stock aallat gw- Aug. 27,21k 29 We'd rather safF Or them than nlovs thuffil • LARGE SELECTION OF NEW i1 USED TRAVEL TRAILERS, FIFTH WHEELS, PARI( MODELSAT BARGAIN PRICES • SEVERAL. HANDYM W SPECIALS'AS IS' AT ROCK SMOM PRICES ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED LIVE SOL Itf AL n, narks oo1MERr 124 DRAWS 59 rv§L= C 355 Motorcycles INSURANCE, open 9.9p•m. by appointment. Monday to Saturday. Motorcycle. Auto and lases. O�wr 20 years eoperiala. Cal 355 Motorcycles WANTING to Made 1984 GS 554. Sport Motorcycle ler a small car. Please alp 579.2336. (062793) FAX US Yt7UR AD S79111im - TRE NEWS AD,VERMER FRIDAY, AUGUST 2'f, l!(11-MGE H 250 Garage/Yard 250 360 snovilinlDam 400 Foriflent loss ion.Salad. 377x. exoned, AJAX i t.ao for GARAGE SALE SAT. AUG. 28, 9 A 8L- 3 PM condition. Well maintained, electric &W �ms t-• $1550 suiutbl cotuvl available Sept. 15. Firstflast. $700 par p 8 WILCE DR., PICKERING VLLAGE o.b.o. Call 7256488. (oe3193) month plus. No pets. 683.5399. Ask for Phillip or Bossy. (FAry. 82 to Rotheso W% North to GriMkK INt to wake)( 65�ne ) e.uielxhhw..lene.aw4Ni.,rJri ararielproxw,Isrwi.ee,ferpsle SOUTH Ajax - two bedroom 1998 Peterporo 17 1/2 It. Bo ender, 130 I.O. Merc. engine, basement apartment, fridge. Move, shared laundry, $600 4 FAMILY GARAGE SALE SAT. AUG. 28, 9 A Y: 3 P.M. SUN. AUG. 29, 9 A Y : 4 P.M. red and white. Custom trailer, monthly • utilities. 6865519. (082793) 1431 ROSiEBANK RD., N. Mooring cover, radio, excellem condition, $9,500 after 6 p.m. PICKERING - UvewpoovBayy. PICKERING, L1V 1P3 265-2672. (TF) bright modern two bedroom Something for everyone CHRYSLER 20Hp motor, ex- baswT1e It apart" m. gate cellon condition, $550 o.b.o. entrance. full bath. appliances. GARAGE SALE Phare 623-9107. (083,93) Laundry and parking. Close to 8 A.M. - 2 R.M. AUGUST 28/93 400 Apartments GO and amenities. Must be seen. $850 Inclusive. Frsutast. 28 ANDREA RD. HarwoodlClover Ridge Dr. ( ) For Rent no pets. Available Oct. 1. Call 416579-7576. (090193) Las ge fumture, small assorted articles Raindate Sunday. August 29 ATTENTION: COLLECTORS SALES: TOYS & ANTIQUES G L Jo. 111~ C.aEiss P irup. Logo 4 Fxtw Pl s m.W,w rlpyl 0"W 90,10il. le" T%1Y -P. -. 011.0 oWnW Aug. 28 8 29 9 a.m. 1770 Pinegrove Ave., Picketing CHRISTIAN HORIZONS 800 JACQUELINE AVE., PICKERING SAT. AUG. 28, 9-4 P.M.. Somehntg for everyone Toys clothes. pictures fuxnrWre. NO EARLY BIRDS PLEASE YARD SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST M t ->D aJilL - 2 4m- IF RAIN SHAY &XI ata - 2 NJn 1413 FERNCLFF CIRCLE rI.-Dow*n r.sk _ _..goo =War -r, =iiro� Isar Ir+t6. n.a, ae•.c •riM, aa.o ilii saw. YARD SALE SATURDAY, AUG. 28 8 a.m - 2 p.m. SALVATION ARMY FUNDRAISING FOR WOkEWS MINISTRIES CAMP 35 KINGS CRES. (AJAX, of nal -N wdl W ,Moa. rM) YARD MO'1ING SALE SAT., AUG. 28, 9 Alt -5 P.M. 1430 PEBBLESTONE RD., COURT)CE Crtb, numerous other oatoy Items, wooden --a`s, bys, r,oraehoid goods. NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED HUGE 6 FAMILY GARAGE SALE 1940 GLE14GROVE RD., PtCKERING SAT. AUG. 28 8 - 3 SUN. AUG. n 8.2 Exceptional Quailty -e-s too -1 .-Pno s to list GARAGE SALE SaUSurs , Aug- 28, 29 - 8 a.m. -1 pm. 819 Zator Ave., Pickerling (off Krosno) Swan cell saxort, ids' c1dhes, toys, books and lots mora GIANT LAWN A CRAFT SALE Saturday, August 28, 9 a.m- - 3 p.rrL 130 Rotherglen Rd- North Toys, sports cards, books, something for everyone! GARAGE & MOVING SALE Sat A Sun., Aug. 28 i 29, 8 am - 3 pm. 1281 Abbey Rd., Picketing (clear L'verpool,fmcr; waterbeds, TVs. spoils equip, krtctrrswre clothing, books paw furniture, toys, kion - All in excellent condton PICKERING - 1579 Dettbrook at Maior Oaks 2 Family Sale Furnism i household kams. Salwday, August 28, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. GARAGE SALE ONE bods'°°'" apartment ava)- SM Finley Ave. couple. Sep. , Suit war or couple. Norm Oshawa. mea Sailrrday/Sunday - 8 a -m. - 3 pin. hospital. Laundry acrines. parking. utiktes are Included. Il0lpaell0id COIMents SM7. Call 6869151 (090393) P1CKOWC - SM" non smok- GARAGE SALE 'nw ; , for row targe one 591 W. a and lei Andrea Road °i0i°0im apartnwtt, very sunny. spacious, wafto. green house SarNday, August 28193, 9 ain. - 2 pm, kaclton on rilt.k. lot. A muat t i vW taulg ba*w cdKabio& ippomft ,lee. 1700 notably. Available dotting tops, iWils ft9 non sol,, nude more. OCIL 1- Cil 427-9759. 1 17 Ousbw St, arta betMoan aal�s� apo Www for rem n okler aport- �•ING LE ffmg buildings. $420 lablunrrtedlat:`. Cali EVERYTHING MUST GO!!! SNPhok 571-3229- f' ' ' X 1) 712 Edgm*W W-.FWUN-AIIllMMa PICKERING Village - one SMWdWi & &MM. AUVM 2S.8 a.BL . 3 WR bet. M I baeennrd apwvrmtt, tug kkcfen and bath. private entrance. no pals. ss7s plus MOVING SALE 14eties, AMI" Saturday, August 28, 1111 aim. -12 noon 831-2941. (Dam 1749SIIverthornSquare, Pickering WHITBY - one bedroom Fridge, fumi0lre, games b lots of stuff. f�e�s, ss58� parking. u Two bedroom, $695 monthly. Call 427-2457.(082693) LARGE three bedroom ,n a triplex building, recently renovated, laundry facilities available. parking included. Close to Oshawa Centre and all city transits. available Sep. 1. For more information, call Torry 416-623-5116 after 6 p.m. or John 416-434-4588. (082793) PICKERING Pinch/Liverpool clean cozy one bedroom oase- -•ent apartmer,. pa•'ly turnished. 4 pce. bath, all ,nclusne. laundry. panting and Cable Non smokers. no pets On bus route. 3525•monthly Cas 837-0328. (062993) BRIGHT one bedroom base- -art apartment. $430 plus 114 "'rhes Pmch and Brock. Separate entrance. use of badkyrd. close to transit, s icp- png and facilities 757.3142. AJAX-arwobicBayty - beau: - `:! !wo bod,00m basemen! apartment, $735 plus hall ,!l41es. Must be seer. Avaiabs, Sept- 1 No tars Gose !o •+ar- wood Mau Ca, 420-128, AJAX - bright one oedroom oasernsnt agar, W 1. available r wlfesiney Heights Separate artrance. 3 pce bathroom. eat- - lutclNo , 4 appliances. Cable as nausne Non srhdkers only Cas 427.445a !090293) AJAX ar,ge two bedroom base- -•e^• aDar•-•e^• p••va!e alliance, 8650 Avadaow Oct ; rst,taw Ca,' aper 5'30 p + 9 -am, (762993) AJAX Oxford Tow-uvs QUW budding- close to shooting oong 40' and Go. Orr bec,00m Oct. "w bedroom r•r-W. Wery and oC! ' ',,roe bwroor- OCT ' 16589. $775 $823 Ca4, 428- -269 or 683842' ,;1,011 770 p.m. AJAX one bwroom basement Wan -el fi/�:aQe, a Tory tra 0 separate an. S575 nCktawe. Available Sea. • Cap 686.4755. (062993) AJAX large one bedroom basement apartnrnt, shared aundry facilites. seoc uriews, rcpded. First and av No pets. Sep. i C41111427-"79 !082793) AJAX two bedroom. ' 1,2 barns. outdoor pool. contra) air, indoor oaring. frostily pawned. now carpets, wNl •-tantalnw rawly budding. 8890 ,rdluWs hydro and cable 4.6.869--587 OSHAWA !wo bedroom apartment. win of storage. close To downtown Heat. hydro Included Laundry facil4ies avNiaole $600 montnly, troy Last. 434-6311 (090293) AJAX one bedroom walkout basement aparlmei non smoker. siring room, eat -n Mitchem, full bath. SM) plus 1,3 utilities- FirsvlaM. 428-7748 or 69&3178. (01101931) - - - . - - -STREET SALE �etreral Families 'suirmin Cres. (Dixie, Horth of Finch) 1 . , Watch icor signs Satorday, August 28, 9 am. GIANT 5 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Baby fumlWR, lays, children's clothing, housewsles, crafts, bikes 3 much more. Blocklesby Cres. (Westney Heights area) Saturday, August 28, 8 a.m. -1 p.m. Back to School Bargain Days Ons stop Shopping for your r nn If Ohienhce RugRats Children's Cloths$ and Tuppenwan Dillon Nom SeL, August N nen Ddv% Apo AJAX - ore bedroom apartment. appliances, low". dose to all amenities. Call 686-8905. (092743) OSHAWA - two bedroom apart- ments available immediately. First/last required. Laundry facilities. $525-$625 . hydro, also garage available, $75. Cal 579-3583 and 728-9345. (090293) DELUXE 3 bdrm apt. In well kept buil in Pon Perry. 15 mins. N. of Oshawa. Large fivngrm. 2 baths, balcony so, Private sliding doors. over 1000 sq. h. Iivng space. Ideal for relied person or someone who enjoys quiet living. 3825 . hydro. Altai- imnt 986-9253 or 728,2256. 10817901 THREE bedroom apartments available. Hwy *=hurch St. Available imn ediately. CAN 444- 7391.(090293) TWO bedroom two level base- ment apartment. Central air, private entrance, parking, 4 poe. bath , hardwood flocs. $750 mortthly all inclusive, No pets LiverpoovBayy area. Available Sept. ! Frsutast required CAN 420-2835 Pickering. (082993) PICKERING - Ambe,lea, one bedroom basement apartment. W Contained, mcitdes Cable. shared Laundry SlSM bei -or,n Phone 83,-3518.'^90,93) PROFESSIONALLY • n,shed one bedroom bdsemient apar'- mrnt or rant nckA,ng par%.ng- Cbse To Go station OCT. ' $50C ,nc-:s we Ca 666.4996 (082993) TWO oed,00m oasemenl apa••^enl. separate side entrance, parking. cable, ap oiances and .viries :rckuded Available Oct ' No pets Call 4274-82 (0602931 WHTBY one bedroom. $525 -wo bedroom. i60C ow -ontn opus ^ydro --.rst last •equ,red. phone days '25.891 ! or even- �rhgs 668-4^'6 (090693; WHITBY area. one oedroom apo••^e ova, aole rrinrda«y-'sanly rerhovatw SSSC -or•h y A so •wo oed•oorm apartmert avaiiai grin ed'atety S65C -,:Ius,ve First arid ast •liow sic Working 00000 'hew bury apply Cortac Gunter all 99 * 3 root' 93) SPACIOUS our bwroo- Oasis- -W, ases-ilei! aawr li open :oncept al oak :upooards per•,y Of storage, separate on -ace. $575 per month. ,slit es ncui oeo Call 83' -294' or 420- 3968 '08290.3) LOOVJNG !or a Cary apwlw+t wit«' •so -ace r Cnnsima route CICaa !o Go and 401 Only 5495 Call Mary K;assen. 2963993 ReMax Raga River PkkaxY -td '082793) BRIGHT oach4tior apartment. noe"ea-s: Oshawa. snOng door wakoi;t. ignf 4m -en facilities, Ara Ab a --a(: atoll Nor am+Gker pref«red. ilex -orrhly all nck.sve Cate 434-a434 or 434276. (090293) DOWNTOWN Osnawa. -a,r !,Go, o! ^o.ss ^ea, transportation, shopping. businesses. onerta irl =illy ar9 4. fridge- stove. Wagner dryer Ar oor , S580 mor by hydro Firsblast 436.7442 ) AJAX arge one bedroom basement apartment, Oa-, Ch., Iaurdry. separate entrance from garage. 4 pce. bath. access to pool, all uslMs included. Single fermi pielerieds. 6600 mor" Cal 427-111M. (090293) FOR rem rniediaMy - Whitby. brand new one bedroom base- ment apartment, separate entrance, apphances, central vac, fireplace Included. $550 pin utilities. 436.6253 or 666- 1157. (001 9M LARCE two bedroom apwMwe wial bntoony in 6 pia. close to Oshm a Corina. Available SOL 1- Fridge, Mow and utilities included. Call 686-2295. MGM" CI@MWA - two bedroom apart - "me in 5 urdo building. Midge• in 4 poo bath. parka¢ coin operated laundry, $543 . Ladities. F.stilest. Available Sept. I. Cal 668-0974. (082993) BLOORJSIMCOE - large two bedroom, 46 unit building, stwane, laundry, parting, wall managed. Clone b Maos/bun. $725 inclusive. Go " ,- b 123 Blow St W. (082793) AJAX - recently built one bedroon baterrerlt apartment. MP408 W*allce and paukirig- walkout to patio, foor appliances, air, $600 inclu ins& Non smoker. not pets- 683-0384. WHITBY - two level one bedroom pks den. $77,§ avail- able Oct. 1. Two bedroom. patio. available Oct. 1. $795 Parking. Call Toronto. 699-5287. PICKERING - Brockl401, im- maculate bright two. bedroom. two baths, 5 appliances, req facilities, security. Flxble rent. Availableend of Sept. Call 426- 0647 or 606-0112. (090193) NEW two bedroom alpagynera, fully equipped with tridge, stove, pausing, separate entrance. Laundry taalliea arailebl. $850 monthly. Phone 571.0631, MGR 24'I'N1 HERS )►DVEti'1Kft RRI>dAY, AtIC(�'I' 21;1 f 400 APS 400 " ms`s 420 T°� 430 R°°"%° 450 500 580 wmages 670 AVAILABLE vcateh a-ge cxea- one bedroom apamment (Close t0 all amenq,es)_ Omer area. S500montn'y plus hyaro 725-208' or 435-4097 (062993) AVAILABLE !"imed-ately it, ava•tmer! budorng. S PICI(EIi11G -large 4 bedroom T BROCK/RNCH - spacious a111OLE woekYrO (TerrMe d ale NE Oshawa - two storey MORTOJI3n a11d belts gill% a. 8O"^wtb'�wLr.L■ Newcastle and Port Perry areas. Plus Plus den. fisar Go and 401, 6 WON hrr^ished focal, shared IooknO for same b share her townhouse. 3 bedroom. at- or arIGLE i UrtaRached? Single nc. garage, 1990 plot lore^. beth. laundry. yard and -wcand ONE a $ $3 C monthly or are roc•- s $350 au n y Share tamed �. flushed fact arranged.R Qualified World offers din". dancing. utilities. Basement negotiable. Parking. Bus at door. $350 Town Centra Call . _ _ room. newly deoofakild, private unqualified. Cal Doug 668- cn*m And burs for angles, 420.2328 leave message. 9 monthly. Y George. 839-0594. to _- HOUSE in Ajax lo share dose CIA -do -sac -Only $105,000. Cal 6805. Comrnunuit Y Financial X19. (0831909 air We hold w dart as m sOshawa� Peterborough. THREE bedroom north Oshawa $918 cs.,,.-� to all amenities, own separate living Smites. (TF) PING WhIlss Rd. Kingston and beginning plus gas Condo fees included. F=rsulast. 450 •,.a.�wa.CY Accommr room. students wakwrs. $400 ncknive. Call . 3200 MORTGAGES As low as 5.75% sq.ft. wreatkle. 7 bedroorrs, Saturday, Sept 4 in Belleville. For information, Available Doro„gh border on lake Air, all Paul, 5 0ALc. cal Michael, 868-7200. oo noose call t - i m m e a a t e l y 723-991 1 or the aro of rent. wnrle prces +,d rates 686-0738. (062993) bathrooms. two ensuitee. two Ambit hvestnlertts Ltd. Seeing 900-566-41163. (091793) WHITBY -Bum St. Three . t bedroom. garage. fridge. stove. BRIGHT and clean two bedroom. Oct. 1. Paler proles.46 lemale. OMce i Rft) of kkdlens, sauna, iawzzi, pod, Ontario ante 1972.(TF) finished baseman. Close to al JESUS says, can the blind lead the blind? Does your minister central air, finished basement, sional $400 induaive. Close to Pickering GO.CaII 00 Spate amenities. $269,900. 420.1846. Bus' 10906"590 wear glasses? The hiroiin g a close to GO Pool in complex, available Sept 1. $860 per mon- Mark, 882-1374 after 6 p.m. FOR rent, 1150 sq.ft.c office K area, custom buil MLLBROOOpportunities the hired minister. Micah 3:11, Isaiah 56:10-12, John 10:11. th ut'litre ;. First last, references Call 668-9690. AJAX - large house to share, walk o GO train, 3 bathroom, space. Westney/401 n Aim. In- dustriat location, inns. /font Go. Victorian style house on 4 WANTED Owner oparabr for wooded acres, two plus one brand name Chips. Candy and Jim Cartpbell. 1.705-9539475. SOUTH Oshawa near Gm. 3 your own nvingroom, double garage, laundry laiikies, Great rate. Cal Tony, 674-5555 exit 702. (TF) bedrooms. two bathrooms, Soda route. High profit, invest country kitchen 2! 24 days. Fat tree, bet increase n �• eliminate fat, increase bedroom iownhome. $895 all quiet area. $425 monthly all irdusive. Cotta Cottages For with maple $6990. Calf 1-800-267.9273. fIO°'s' Large • ^+a^Y extras. 02393) Lar dock. any ow82. energy' feel great and do f safe utilities included Available Sept. Can Doreen. 404-8159. 428-9276. (0627931 470 Rent $16s. WEEKEND busiresa of3por- and naluraly. (416) 434.2102. COURTICE near Oshawa -three FEMALE to share townhouse welt two others Cable, phone, K A W A RT HAS cozy two ) tunity - retail sales of baked HUGE Ranch Bungalow - nosh. goods at Country Market. Van a PHYSIC Reading and consultations. Appointments bedroom townhouse, separate irv'ng and dining areas• steps to bus/P.T.C.- must lite bedroom modern lakefrom cot. east Oshawa area of finer car wnh trailer required. Would arranged. Call 623-7558. garage, 1 12baths a appliances, avail- aninais and be a fon smoker. $320 monthly plus 1/3 of Hydro. Cages (45 min. NE of Peterborough), good fishing, homes. 4 bedrooms. 2 car suit retirees For more garage, hardwood floors. information. RELIABLE ride needed each able enmedatefy. $900 monthly . utilities Call 839-2345 or 839- B; monthly. Call 837-5135 evenings. (082993) swimming. Boat and motor rentals. From $17o weekend. call 985-8424. fireplace, price lust reduced to (090293) weekday from Harmony Rd. and 401 to south Etobrodce (or to 20% (0827x3) - - - - - - - . ----- SHARE house with teacher. $395 weekly. (705) 877-2159. $145.900 Sounds too goodrt WANTED . working tor ingpan Believe lift l will be sold this TTC tubus TTC subway) andback. Pio 13 'ear I (090293) oto SPEEDY VINYL nchise we" Don't mss o f Oth ti above fro later !tart 2'110 pm. hrr•wY. Sei mas7 OOmS 0 - ocaton now Crvic Dome u or for the 430 Rentand OC, well GREAT fishing and }am, fun and good deals available trom a. 8O"^wtb'�wLr.L■ Newcastle and Port Perry areas. 'Ttlrait n' dbnt►asher ,dry deck. $325 per month. In- on Rice Lake Trent River. Moderil cottages. sandy beach (65.000 Peter Neal, Sales Rep-. Guide Rett' kd 723-5281. Ayr fp Dan. Cash service, gust_ 1ny,r,a 1 1 -wcand ONE a $ $3 C monthly or are roc•- s $350 au n y Share c,udes ut i't'es. 57 1 -5320. covered docks. roc hall and BROKER has $10.000 to lend at nest -Investment. 728-5730. (082793) (J rt' K'C"er, bat^. laurtd m clean d e! name Su t student or DICKERING V'I Iage -baking for Playground. Low off season dai- lY and weekly rates. One hour ftt0 Per month. Contact at s681i8p5. Community Finan- � wort„ng }emtale. No smoking 430 7523. (090293) P'ptesstaral working non Smaller adult to share clean 3 from Oshawa. Call 705-696- 2601. (090393) sal Services (TFALL) 20 Tenders I �r office WEST Pic�er ng on Scar bedroorn house. offers air. pool. fireplace• outdoor hot. eta 490 Fwds Wanted t0 505 iiiii-iiiiiiiininiew i, I,'Envronment' Doro„gh border on lake Air, finished basement. Buy of O or the aro of rent. wnrle prces +,d rates PaCipus. Carpeted. newly Painted apartment wen balcony. _ Douses For -ark'ng. cable. walk 'C Go. no Sharon, 619-9500 or 428-6120 cats One turn4neC room. S -C message (090193) FLORIDA Mace ra peach. WANTED rata-• arc •• Wn'tby. acreage �� �, ' Close to bus shopp ng A. utiares mcluoee No vers. two 41 0 Rent Dir weer, 509-212- 090'93) - RESPONSIBLE Person required FURNSHEO 1500 ao It luxury guff front condo. 6 appliances. 2. t or large Ips. Peons 666-8482 (063193) 9 .. 0 rte . �t .� �" iwJ WOR L a mAe- bedroom. $66C Call 666 5' 73 of 43r,0134 ": morn to rem. Alax to snare 3 bedrooms. 3 bathroom south. S;'ts student- use d al townhouse r S a'�t bedrooms, two baths, all 51 Q Townhouses � hG �. - cJ 'aahtws. f40C accessories. Heated pool. t. Houses For r.+C^� Good (Obi Y� Can buy monthly Non two house. . parking. arrldke- Dreier• y appliarloes. Wrkng, ed Can 686- SA25 monthly Cal 619-3332. ,acuzzi, acn«tee SurlpOlch, top tbor. For Sale , 1� �1 0 Rent or the aro of rent. wnrle prces +,d rates 22'1. have message (090193) tU9C2431 -- weeKly -ionihly Phpas and marls. 723b069 w cc/oct AJAX 3.' bearoor 'fee hoc town �+ �'F We fCCVCIt alt tilt Ot Ct are aowr Cain Doug 5113369,33. (OP2993) end Lina. central air, No+ : Brenn. Comtr++,^rty clnanctal 8O Announcements 680 2 1? baths. wakosn from I" TOWN OF RCKE0415 �$ Your xwspW +rix t %e'+ •- -68C5 (TFl Announcements CLEAR WATER three morn. close oschoolsand 401 te-a> Mar !vecdaos. fn'shed bedrooms. to/y !umshed. air (155.000 Call 686-1862. Trndafor Real Yrpipwalays II Q(�j�yy�Y7tlpyc bass^'en' ti-rsacaws Rent to ow- oat aria, Ca; 433.5586 (OB?997 t COUNTRY UVING beautiful 4 oecroo�--'a•^v+e_sr st east or Oshawa tbew•y •trnovateC Cao _Cndrt'onod mobde homes. -torted pods. hot tub. tennis. -ear 540 out ot'Town T-7,7 Sealed todrs ail be I fila. , Wel DENTAL UPDATE beaches and major pro ��� reaeaed by � FRESHLY DynteC two bed-oOn• 433-5586 ;08&"'993' attractions. chaser treicorrte _-.. f» inillaa ,ed dowlinenf for cw or• Hoplo ns S • Wh tby Large oack yard. r" "'AX "'` "a'° ` °°°'°°^ ?CCC We at 92 Liverpool Road South D11Gos (Less than r WWd $275 weeK'y 6835503 (100793) 53500 ',,r once rge rudod d ch` aril. Sara llu.000 gnat ti above fro later !tart 2'110 pm. hrr•wY. Sei mas7 tS/ ,1 ! y1C OUIIR.( a� iCE�iG ^+scare cossets or Can to, 0etaAs.668---396 (OW -93) s� " ,pipe. level AvaJ sae SEpt 1 S, OC plus utart� 428.212' '090'93)! p Drs. P. Goodman, S. Weiner & -._. __._.---- -- -- GORGEOUS three bedroom axtdo, dloee to tar.ous taningtg fsnv,g, ne=t to 10.000 acre county forst One how oast d The work r+ckrdes ox of d ox M ars" road. raplaclanent d x++~r aW cam t HARWOOD 401 iwc Clear Beacn, Toronto. Fred, (416) 431.1555, yrant4u bass and asphalt boaghoattbtka ing. bedroom. one s'o•r•. -cute f85C ^rpnlhfy AJAX country bungalow 3 br:r�:-^-. 4 Oce bath. tap. staff Ovate• pod. )acuzzn. ago '''C prorate yard. Available now. -- - 060 Mobile Homes pavement on Concession 3. relnova and moaownon of the Pka t.2 ut4s'es Ava,Qble oil = a3' 1475 ;39C293� pkan`rrs n ka, -ac �5C air inn wilt. f95C are proud to announce that '�r information and to vow �•1pLpS call 6969646 (090293; J 6 Parks existing asonalt reseray and enterer Orbs on Slaebre r LOVELY !arae bed, .centra• Plus. p1Lia caH427 to^7 t0829W CLEARWATERLARGO one Paco Lam ane Salim � av We me mugs, 1 Z 'o U,,. "alcor win tby ^vale ' oor. Dr. Mitchell Shields 500 HOmeS '�"y furnished OeCrddmx in -wb'le rrdrrte, tear 11100o,'"accodano, 0 Sans umre n -fir "oil c*,' � wooer- keener. prnc,udod dive. was'eir,C•yer ea id75 Or Sale seniors Dat#. 837.2937 x� icasti or or Morn d %korl k^^I"I= " 680 Announcements yCa�yn. (062993) g. ,,7 Cott a'U toil rroel-ay cuss urrterea Cas a3C- ,1110% 33W sq - c000re sone or, 5 Terrier forms ane mpolcasdnti 2990 or 416 283.6222 1Dr. Seema Sharma barns. }missed basertrnt, ra+raaaaadbycenorang„w r AUDITIONS nardv.00a and oxtinrrrc Boors. y 75 LOirW Department of supply arta Srwcs I r .d= 'Wt atoar>Qt to. AVAILABLE AVAILABLE mxrucaey, n.,r Have joined our practice. For central vac. must be seen will =ria. fdr icon a acro+etindable payor -t as3000prsobycurt alar.- los •erlOC P g ares alae 4mik.r noLise, (249.000. Open house Sun. 2-4 BORROW tnont say r iytegi- made psyabr to M trust stud rttyele s spiClo..s semv. f85C Mus Cour 3850 , ditto i autfsionrrlg for toren annWl Pantomime 'ALADDIN• your added convenience more p m 896 GrarK*ww St- N 432- Per as f1 tC per rr1br11h o.a_c. Cal c Cr!keall Tan d Rdrrn9 lice area Ansa co: y ore bedroom a""! 1011 rap =tbbr d Needed Actors. Comics 8 ) _ _ -. _ Jerry. 666-7200. Free COnsuRatiOns AnuO'e Invesl- Lowow or any terola nil r4mm "a0 mom II f pr I home. separate •-!ranco all Singers tronl toonagers up evening hours and Satu►Jas SALE oy owner B.w Va'ley. moM Ltd. (TF) rr+ciusr.e. $475 Agnes St Oshawa 436-0278 (083193) Cal 416623-00177 for details Of Show is at Pick Roc appointments are ava'dable. quiet court, ft 72.000 Two Slo/ . 4 bedroon . upgradedconsolidations, YO Wt' Probrmso Loam., deo( Th d M To. of Ba�iscwtaicabont AJAX Y °'"K ht B^9 spa Centra on Sun. ?9th At 2 p m MOM Aug 3Dfh at 7 ` New patients welcome -ley appt. xtdtlat and oaVINFOOt fndhod roc room. Irepoaee. round � credit anangemNts. pertortal budget rer�aeat Department d Srpply rd s.w� lk !sloe bedrooms. appliances. largo k icner. 0 m wed SeP= 1t' a! 7 POOL�nHouse� an Pb^r.tp. ga.ne,,.e, etd99 F REE CONSULTATIONS. (lila Esplanade mvi m= ,r� fireplace. Datiement, arae p m 39-5951 2-6 m. 209 Violet r�� Caes (P�19' fin lip i g backyard. bus at door Fur- 433-0004 agent a.LCt.d (063,93) Oshawa). 433-1425. (TF) UViKf (4141 4244616 TM is 001 m a sem 3bDA rtehsd optional Avarlaole rW'W" until ADnkrMay 1994 $975 . utilities 686.49A,, o• 472 3888 r062993! AJAX ,alque three tearoom ee•acned model- I.e.'or. 4 appliances. avalUb'e Oct t Jacquerynrt Tanner. Sats Rao Sunor Group - Hentage Reany Inc 619-95M (09C' 93 AJAX spotless three bedroom., oaths. gfeonho-se • Linen, 1mewaco. double garage. walk 'o GC. S'100 Der month Frst,as . avaaaae OCT I Cao 683-;962 (083193; AJAX ^ew at;; three oradrom nor,* 3pr• concept. doubt car garage sw•msmt'ng poo . 6 aPP a"s. close to all am snaI res 1290 . 1.2 utilities Call 42•-2380 (090293) PICKERING main floor. 3 oWroorns. all .pplianceS and air Clean and quiet, non snroKer Avadaoie Sep. 1. $900 . 112 ulwas. FirsVlast. 839- 0018.(062793) AJAX - house for rem, 4 pkls bedrooms. 5 appkances, dace b school. on bus rouses. $950 per month plus uda". FtrWlaa required. References, available Sept- 1. 686-1710.(090193) HOUSE for rem. BroduHwyt a2. 2-3 bedroom semi with garage, newly decorated. $975 . utikiss. Cal 444-7391. (090293) SOUTH Ajax - oozy 4 bedroom house. 1 1/2 baths. 4 appliances, with deck and garden. Available mid Sopernow. Suds smtal tartly. $1000 pus utilities. 6834661. PICKERING - (Bay Ridges) 4 bedroom main floor, shared laundry. No pets. close to school and Go. $950 monthly. unities irckideo. First and last. Sep. 1. Call 427-8479. (062793) OSHAWA - three be3room semi. close to 401, fenced yard. available Oct. t. 3800 . uslkies. Carl 668.3213 atter 6 p.m. X090393) STUNNING model home in prime Residential Whitby area. 5 bedrooms. ensues. arc.. Uv., finishm ed basement, Hollywood kitchen. beautifully landscaped with underground sprinkler System. Call 668-6797. UD . FAMILY DENTISTRY "OUR PLEDGE" Our warm caring staff at 927 will provide you 1 927 with the most modem materials and techniques. Above all - we use only the latest methods of STERILIZATION FOR YOUR SAFETY - TOTAL ATTENTION TO YOU AND YOUR CONCERNS CONVENIENCE (AT 927) ' GENERAL ANESTHESIA (Dentistry while you sleep) DR. MARV KAY M.D. ORAL SURGERY DR. D. ELLER ' PERIDONTIST (GUM SPECIALIST) DR. S. GOLDMAN - NEW PATIENTS WELCOME - SAT. 3 EVENINGS (BY APPT) - FNANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS AVAILABLE - SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR SENIORS WE LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR CALL (416) 839-5951 ® Serving Pickering for 30 years THOMAS AND CHASE ASMIAM , Certified General Accountants are pleased to announce the relocation of their offices effective August 30, 1993 to: Suite 211, 50 Commercial Avenue Ajax, Ontario LiS 2H5 Telephone: 6IW2407 POWER at "10 "Po"46 avall ab 'lliposse80s som. prices snit 580 Miortg�ges �A� I . CPIrO. Ain �� at under $.000. F rlrmcrtg air- Wiser of Solna and Semon News A�rerffst► ranged with minimum dwnpaymrnt. Gnat for two MORTGAGES And Personal opiiii 8ypM f/etard trtr . Eq. Loans - call a you are sired- PMMN@ftd In dL �yr�y $100.000 mortgage oom less employed. have payments ti�lti� �/11DrRy than 5796 monNly. Cas Dale a credit. income diffitaaltles or S7� all/ M Gia Carl Anderson. Broker'Salee been turned down. CityCan &Wmtdiiq* Rop Guide Reamy. 1991 723 Ftnartcial. 4368104 Oshawa a MPl�a+ar 5281 24 hr. pager (TF) 254,M7 Pidtenng, (091790 s/f`Ma t* tN i COME AND WORSHIP . THESE CHURCHES INVITE YOU TO = ATTEND THEIR WORSHIP SERVICES AMBEALEA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1520 Wbkm Rd. K • . THE FAMILY CHURCH WORSHIP TIME Sunow Hours: 10 &AL 8o_PF sr_vMsd Nurser HIES I MV NEIGM, 56 Coln AwL NOIn. Aim (r4t$t EW d LO® Plm) JSRM6 N I ft 1 PPayor .1 'r i ,s.eer� wl a "• t1mm NO Dunbstgn K'rickutrg 839-7271 W=hV i Church ScFaol PICKERING STANDARD ' CNURCh (l MMODIST) 3595 Brod, Road at Hwy. 7 SUNDAY SUMMER WORSHIP W011fliP 11= anL Evelf irlp3 7A0 C01119 and wpliflfi► t81rf us afaly `•rrrn'rl. ST. ANDREW'S PRESSYTERu►N CHURCH 35 Church St. N., Ajax 683-7311 and PICKERING VILLAGE UNITED CHURCH 300 Church St. N., Ajax 683.4721 Combined Summer Servlces . ' i t • 10.00 @in: July to - In PiCkedng, VUMge , i r August 1 United Church ` Auguste - In St. Andrew's to Sept.1 Presbyterian Church Junior Congregation and Nursery Care To Advertise Your Church Services Call Janice 683-5110 SwIllim Ofil % SCh00IS ILLUSTRATION, cartooning, graphc design, advertising. usiness orpersonal. Reasonable rales. Also lessons available. Randy Timms. (416) 342-2279. (TF) Dressmaking, Tailoring ALTERATIONS and clothing repair for men and women by a professional seamstress. Please WI Helen. 8372591 (0904931 S a B Poring Scholl 10 Wilsim $150 3les1ort4d test $75 Five pick -cep a drop off. 287.3060 7 dwslweek. nousecieaning Handyman L3 Home Home Home Improvements Improvements Mnp ovementa M CONTRACTING General Contracting with Excellent Prices ates for Seniors ENNY 472-4590 Bonded — Insured DEL ZOTTO WOOD FENCNG SilecWl:4p M AnWerdid Fence i Drell Dried Now aw sell PostL For Free Esdisabs Call (416) as -nu Mks 401!455 Mote CLEANING lady available with ARTISTIC Masonry - special¢ - GCB a■cesem references will clean Ing ,n fireplaces and cfirm>ey e"ire house Including fnd9e and CAMSTRUtTIAY repairs. Works with bricks. S Give SSS) Please call 839- biocfts and stones d ail kirWs. Interior and QXtOftOf 3379. (062993) Free estimales workmanshp repairs, renovations and MATURE, skrfed cleaner. avail- guaranteed. Call Rene Gervars. COflstrueUon. Fast and able to clean your home. also 6664428. (TF) clean prolessiortal work able to do repays, paint walk and wallpaper Call Sandra. DRYWALL, tap! boardm guaranteed. 427 3178 and leave message message. studs and -.bar taping. Mores CRAIG 6861913 1 '083193) stucco. plaste, repairs For S.C.G. Consr•.ctior 11 RELIABLE nousekeiner witting Professional t:s,vae A conoeti quality exterior and Interior to do vacuuming, dlwe prices. call Bill a1 432-8409. ,enovatidn5. repairs. addtrorts. bathrooms and floors (Oa3193) DECORATING Crud Renevatiw so -wk For all your Home Renovation Needs at Great Prices A Fra Estimates. call 391-5791 bars, drywall, wirings, dada, redoes, etc. FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALLTOM CARPENTRY, drywall, porches and decks. 7213628 (083193) Painting, Decorating THE NEWS ADVEIrMEIL E7U"Y, AUGUST 27, illi AGE b swa /, '' Plumbing MOIMrSYSTON Vk ail move ONd C0f1, Vial er 1 1 ape and Monies awi ft. Seritx i mid mobil tlbcaAc Fro satinlaMs. . RV -TRAILER A BOAT STORAGE 12 minutes north of Poenng. Recession rates. After 6 p.m 649-1116 Experienced Journeymen Plumber No pb too small - Faucets, s1100119M basement. washrooms, wet bars. etc Any renovation or addition. Daytime 4271209. Home 427-8809 Ask for Tom CALL i SAVE PLUMBING 8 RENOVATION Drain tearing, repairs & now installations Basemerl washrooms. twraMK 449 Competitive Rates :xtroes 22 yrs expenence Licensed ALL Pro Painting and Wallpapering. rates 20Xdb AJAX Moving systems - full ,ervices moves appliance and 404- Yard t« senors. phone Cnuat. 404-9669 (090293) Drano specialists, Plat rate or Maintenance it hourly. We now have heated storage units. Now offering free CALL Complete Painting, '4 boxes wrth move Call 427 Plasterng and Drywa3l .+orae 0005 rTP) PYE'S PROPERTY improvements. Basirienr suites Credit terms ava,Ubie Mike. ?253782. (092793) HARRY -0 -THE -MOVERS design/build bars and cabinets. Reasonable rates. Call after 5 EUROPEAN tee specalsi will Canadian & North American Champions 1 A.: workmanship guaranteed and insured. Conrad Gary 633 pm 686-2077 (083193) renovate you or SABER Contracting - ail, 9 carpentry. additions. COLOUR PLUS Painting and move oig or sr -tato we or them am, Fre•estmatss senors 0984.IOG/5931 btc?nn woes as was as floor wed as 1Ns 20 fears �� Good renovations. kitcnens. dsc« a 'spars, tap Y'^g•�'s' discount- shop "arcs moves. — �y references and satisfaction bathrooms none man,,na„0e Quafrty, work ar reasonable rates. 2qX dsmurn '« s•nrora Ser Pianos moved C«nparabe 'ate{ Cae 432 2850 (TF) Music, Dancing tai guaranteed F« free estimates. err •r gonct' service. furniture Qat 0 Instruct Services 0 Dykstra. 725-4913 ('F) .finishing. quality w o •. vas Durham Recon Carl Ray. guarantee0 15 yews 9e7f854.(TF) JOURNEYMAN electrician. experience 611ill rTFEFG) MAN wren• yuck and« mer 'or LEARN;,.J-C o •acro• a' ^:sc 0 Mail Aral church has open- MAGICtAN, slow( •rends. r futile Spiel n swvrw ^g C+Y+gss• SIGON Construction M4TEgOfi'EXTEFaOR Damsfg, ail rat., moving weds. arses •o Ns f« Students at your hones to enrenai" to, are age. any occasion. Birthdays. rew,•ing, additions, and r enovations. All work .1d serv- Durnam 1d ^0 Region t« 7years. gooeo„ces. work ;or a budget Speer 'ages. for y«. -We o• crane( Studio Fame y Call 6837863 promotions. openings. guaranteed. free esrr^affm Cao Additions. sundecks. Patio sswraiss. cae Mer 576.6553 roya93) s•nos Try tobetn•beein how - C-ve Per• a call x 576 ;5 aunts and ante -essage 1082793: fundraseM, Magic shows are 420.6= falai) doors, rec room. etc Free 96M 7 -ALL) tont Lettuce hill 833705' a .2&8994 ,.F) YARTEK :asrarxors 20% dA esnrrtUm. cad 1-416-576,5760. — PAINTING By telly Buddy and I n To Advertise - - - -– - --. - ad !ODs over 3,500 Canpial in. DUALITY work by lather Yid P.oless Ona, Painting.men« RABBIT wants work dom g ten« and •+terror •«wvarions. son ream. Wel' experrenceC, and (tenor fioonng Aso MEN with large truck win do ^Agic for Children's parties and Interior and este,« pawning. hard working. Renovations. wanpapering, free •stima:l5 ho."no,d mow, resdert a. Please a occasions. haw my own wa, papering, fencing and addtoi . decks. etc Cad us for Senors dscocnt. SOX Dale. corrv�+ercertl. As types d ves mo- Call S76-9335 l agaan. Cad Erna. 6686932. decks Free set xTtelss. Quaky a free est -mats 57'-1263 Bre or 683715 6819309 or Red 3 Call Card or .tans. 427-2856 or Fax r -FI guarameed 4344420 (TF) Rod. Osnawa (TFALLi (0!2793) (TF) � FALL � Registration O'BRIEN DANCE CENTRE 40 Old Kingston Rd., Alai) ,vicrws vire.. -..•r ...e..... i Classes oonvrtKtce the week of Septerrnber 131th. Registra00n dates: RETURNING UDENTS- 11Aonday August 30th - 6-9 p.m. TueWay August 31 - 6-9 p.m. Tuesday Sept. 7 - 6-9 p.m. Wed. Solpir. 6 - 6-9 p.m. NEWSTUDENTS: Wed. Sept. 1 - 6-9 p.m. Thurs. Sept. 2 - 6.9 p.m. Tues. Sept. 7 - 6-9 p.m. Wed. Sept. 8 - 6-9 p.m. DIRECTOR - KAREN BRITTAIN - C.D.M_A_ (CANADIAN DANCE MASTERS OF AMERICA CERTIFICATION) 683-1269 DHAM MVic Ifi 103 OLD KINGSTON ROAD, AJAX - 428-6266 - 428-8792 rililkirol LARGE SELECTION OF SHEET MUSIC AND MISTRLWNTS • Music Classes for younger Children GURAR with Rosalie OBrien RECOFOM VOCAL • Adultgrsup guitar classes STUDIO PIANO with Meredith Cuffing NOW VIOLIN. Recording classes beginning in October P Y cT� SES IMPROVISATION WORKSHOPS AN instruments. Improve your impmvlszl8on • skills - by sti irli9 theory concepts Ice their, practical uses.•IAikZillg- a - library Air Ove; 2.000 play along tapes. Blues, jazz, rock 3 pop idioms. AN classes are recorded & each student takes a tape recording home of their live performance. This is beneficial because the student, not only can refer back to the spontaneous ideas, but can also learn from others. Call Rick Washbrook 619-0167. a � Assure your child a better .: •chance.or-success in life Full time grades 1-6 also ages 18 months - 6 yrs. IS MAINTENANCE Laver Gutting Rob TAN Garden work Tree Tor -ming 10% DISCOUNT SENIORS Classtified Dept is "an fwr:ry Mon. to Thur. I Iltft tip 8 PAL Call 576-ZM to place your ad or tax K 579-2238 Don't Forget ClshaftesAV itby This Week fi Aiex, Picitering News Advertiser zsified Dept. is open for your convenience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Placa Your ClalssHied Ad Please Cali 376-9335 FAX YOUR ADS 579-2.70 2 tee. �'m-���ssf e -v e.������e. F�FF. O'DONNELL SCHOOL OF TRADITIONAL IRISH DANCING Canadian & North American Champions 1 Beginners Welcome i Help develop your Child's l ' confidence ' co-ordination ' social grace Adult Ceili Classes -- For Fitness & Fun -- Classes Held: 1 Pickering, Scarborough, Windsor Z s Professional Instructor Anne -Mane Cr Donned, TC R G j Registered Member of - An Cotmisiun Le Pull Gaelacha. Ireland tai • Insh Dance Teachers Association of Canada w Qat 0 For Further Information: j (416) 267-9833 1 F Don't Forget ClshaftesAV itby This Week fi Aiex, Picitering News Advertiser zsified Dept. is open for your convenience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Placa Your ClalssHied Ad Please Cali 376-9335 FAX YOUR ADS 579-2.70 2 tee. �'m-���ssf e -v e.������e. I O'DONNELL SCHOOL OF TRADITIONAL IRISH DANCING Canadian & North American Champions 1 Beginners Welcome i Help develop your Child's l ' confidence ' co-ordination ' social grace Adult Ceili Classes -- For Fitness & Fun -- Classes Held: 1 Pickering, Scarborough, Windsor Schod offers students Direct contact with rile Orotessionaf dance -world 1 1 Professional Instructor Anne -Mane Cr Donned, TC R G j Registered Member of - An Cotmisiun Le Pull Gaelacha. Ireland w 1 • Insh Dance Teachers Association of Canada 1 1 • Irish Dance Teachers Association of North Amenca 1 For Further Information: j (416) 267-9833 1 Also, Available for stows r k��:; ft/ , QUALITY TEACHING IN A I�4�— L �k\ CARING ENVIRONMENT... t` Crneltdre 10110im DanceI = allet B 3.6 5-Tno 6-18 6A a slmom me crws raoauces = aw oar rurm ft -rill s wtaaa ret appruon1 w, are rleaaai tonna ford lyes d glace d Belot M Tell tradldtel Jou laKlarstrldelg of music are nlosrllefft a BUK via adarioan of Jou intt a loch! gluo in ft FUN daebpd stag ail' tf0e01opilq illel�aItifsys d Cfsdoe Denixf. des aIsch daMops SOWigh made 111110, cygdileson 8 delft( &Am co•adrstiat bode 6 grape. files a1d txtridMlce. PLUS BEGINNER CLASSES FOR TEENS & ADULTS • Q L TEACHER: Terri Robitaille, B.F.A. Dance * THE BEST PRICES ON CLASSES, COSTUMES, RECITAL ETC. • SPRUNG FLOOR FOR SAFETY •IxntiQ:lFa w-renw�. . . 1—�sv . nn ■ we.. . . Aug. 30 8L 31 for returning students 'September 1 st & 2nd for new students All registration 6-8 p.m. CALL TERRI FOR MORE INFORMATION 683-5767 THE DANCE EXPERIENCE 73 Old Kingston Rd. Pickering Village rI PACE 2= -THE Nib! ADVERT19n FIIOAY. AUGUST 27,,11x� Your cdendar 15 Of cavi events Billboard is a tree feature for community events of a non-profit nature. To hove your events pro- moted in Billboard, call us at 683- 5110 or write to the Ajax -Flickering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5. The deadline for Billboard items is 10 a m the Monday prior to Wednes- day publication, 10 a m the Wednesday prior to Friday publica- tion and 10 a.m. the Thursday prior to Sunday publication. SATURDAY GLAD DAYS: Epilepsy Durham Reg on sells bouquets of gladioli Sat , Aug. 28 in Ajax at The Beer Store, Commercial Ave. and at the LCBE on Bayty St_ and in Pickering at The Beer Store and LCBO outlet, both on Liverpool Rd Proceeds help provide services to epilepsy victims 666-9926 CAR WASH: A car wast, in aid o' the A,ox-acKenng General Hospital expansio- tuna will be nerd Sat . Aug 28, 11 a.m to 4 p rr . near me new wing of the hoswai. Oft Cen- tenn,a, Rd . Ajax S4 per wash Clowns. balloons, snacks Spon- sored by Me Ajax-Plckerng Arnbu- lance Service Ran Otte :s Sunday. Aug 29 428-1407 $AR G'R IeL I, I TONITE 0107 Rockin' Fridays SATURDAY JOHN COUGAR MELLANCAMa 1N • ��' CONCERT NE* $1000 'tF`y TUESDAY NIGHT Karaoke Challenge Millwork home oentre Due to an aaor by tAf k on �«�� Tha iini our Auglust 2511h ttlliw On Pop 32. 1111m pias of #w 42- Fan, 5 KAO@ «telt■ or poidwd bmK dxwW ham boon $f.". Kae. va °p°t°R M Qor aw woman this enw I" twin cauwd. •I'Ili .`1:3e amftimes: Umited Slip Differential Prevents drive wheels from spinning on slippery surfaces. When a drive wheel begins to lose traction, power is transferred to the other wheel until traction is regained. BAJMECUE/CORN ROAST: A bar- becue and corn roost to aid the developmentally handicapped of the Ajax -Pickering and Whitby Asso- ciation for Community Living will be held Sat., Aug 28, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., at Pickering Driving Range, Brock Rd. N. Mini -golf $2 per person 683- 3520 (Myrna Picotte). COMING UP NATURE: Save the Rouge Valley System hosts a bluebird box build- ing event designed to help bring the bluebird back to the Rouge Valley on Sun, Aug 29 at 10 a m at Hillside Outdoor Education Cen- tre, on the northeast corner of Meadowvale Rd. and Old Finch Ave. E.. Flickering Box building from 10 a m to 12 p m , lunch ana o"fi- cial ceremonies from 12 to 1 p m and box placement in Rouge from 1 to 3 p m 287-1776 (Glen De Boeremoeker or Colette Heiner) AUDITIONS: a cke—g P;avers hold auditions for their Christmas pantomime production of Aladdin at the Pickering Recreation Com- plex, 1867 Valley Farm Rd.. on Sun.. Aug. 29 from 2 to 5 p.m.*Mon. Aug. 30 from 7 to 10 p.m.; and Wed., Sept 1 from 7 to 10 p.m. Actors, singers, comics teenaged and older welcome No appointment necessary 416-623-0177 after 7 P m. (Nigel Alderson). OVEREATERS: Overeaters Anony- mous holds weekly support group meetings Monday at 7 30 p m at St Phillip's Catholic Church, Oxford and Dwight Sts, Oshawa The next meeting is Aug 30 Meetings are also held Tuesdays at North Minister United Church, Oshawa All wel- come 427-1176 (Bente) or 579-5288 (Nanny) CHOIR AUDITIONS: The Jean McDona e Sngers oudinon children over six, high school students and adults Mon. Aug 30. All voce types welcome. The group performs in cabarets and concerts 837-2611 TAKE A WATERSLIDE BREATHER! $59.00 per room, Plus applicable taxes FREE Continental Breakfast for the Family when you present this ad! THE ROYAL CONNAUGHT HOTEL 112 King Street East Hamilton, Ontario 1-800-263-8558 Take a Breather in ONTN&JO' Is a loved one celebrating a special occasion? Let Keith Gilligan know and �\ we'll tell the world. t Call him at 683-5110 NEWS ADVERTISER CAROLS JOYNES WANTS YOU TO "GO FOR Ir An experienced dance instruclor, Carole is team% country we, couples and WOW " in Dwfam Region. trs tun, healthy, sbmulati% and a great way to msec people. ' S111e11 start with the warm-up and some basic steps. Ffom there, more advanced steps, couples. group and line dances will be taught If youte bashful. Carole will help you get started. You dont meed a partrter but it you ; have one, bn%'am along. Canole's motf■r got her started with dancing and singing when Carole was k• ttm. She took to it like a duck ID waive and by the time she was 14, Carole was a quaffed dance teadw In fact, she ran her own children's dance school n her native England, teactrrp bdK tap, pa, mime and national styles. . Upon arriving in Canada 14 years ago. Carole continued to teach, adding ballroom and dirty dancing to her repertoire. Famiy, demands torted her to put dancing aside for a while, but she's now back at d. Carole's Country also performs for association, charry and oompany functions. Western dancing 4 a low-rmpact execee and fun, fun, fun, Carole says. 'People who dont dance have nes idea what fun they're missing. When someone tells me they have t left feet, I laugh and tell them I will find them someone with two right ones. Atter a few lessons, everyo goes home very happy, because they have had fun and now have some knowledge of dance, which is t spat of kle,' Carole says. Classes for of ages are being taught at: ANTAtDALE GOLF A CMM CLUB - 7pm Tuesdays, Beginning Aug" 31. 6813210 OSHAWA NAVAL VETS CLUB, 330 Mala - 7pm Wedrdedeya, Beginning SepMath w 1 PORT DAKNGTON YARNTA, Boattaevib • 711111111111 Tltutsdsp 809110 reg SVbm*w 2 • M9192 CANADUN NOUL LEWK of SWM SL S., O*an • 7pm Fftp, BsgkNrp Sspbwbw 3 - 723-611 aempo is a Japanese translation Of the Chinese Chuan Fa. an ancient martial art that can be trAced back some 5,000 years. Our specific school (method) is Kosho Ryu which came to North America by way of Hawaii. The literal meaning of Kempo is 'fist law'. The real meaning is the study of the natural laws of the body and mind. Because of its long history, Kempo is more than just a fighting art. It also contains restorative arts for training such as calligraphy, sword, shiatsu (massage) and the like. The mind and body are interdependent. One cannot enjoy a healthy body without a healthy mind. It is this harmony of mind awareness programs and body that Is so important to Kempo. Kempo is not a style, it is a method for self-defense. A Kempo practitioner will avoid conflict at all costs. Children can take advantage of classroom studies which include street awareness programs, discipline, self defense and etiquette. Children receive understanding of how an attacker thinks. The adult classroom studies at the Pickering location focus on principles and concepts for survival on the streets. Adults require noteba)ks to take notes on a regular basis. For more information on either program, call Sensei Rick Buckhan at 831-W)9. Indian Summer Specials riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Lube, oil & tine hange T WHEEL ALIGNMENT, / 1595 1 $24.95 2•WHEEL �°� � :44,95 4 -WHEEL Bumper to Bumper 1 Maintenance Inspection (MOST CARS h"th the ` upon) SHIMS EXTRA) Ind brakes, tins, suWer4ion, steering, GeWw Vehicw Condclon Otter espirea Sept 993 ' Offer agues ScpL 893 CUSTOM TRAILER HITCHES INSTALLED FROM =8495 -- • ■ ■w saea■a■■ww6 RECREATION COMPLEX Call our friendly staff at 831-1711 or 683-6582 Ali lR .I . SING male. 20, wry w, like moves. waft on the beach. romantic evenings. looking for female. 18-25 with similar inter - ass, looking lot a long term rete• ti0nelwp. SY 1300 ATTRACTIVE single while male. 22. 6', 180 Iles.. enjoys outdoors. evenings out, quiet evenings at home. romantic, shy and sincere. looking for slim white female. 19- 25 with same interests for relation- ship. SY 1301 SHY. lonely male. teddy bear 24. vaned Interests. seeks female. 20 30 who enjoys quiet times for last - Ing king term relationship SY 1302 YOUNG male. 38, would like to meet single sincere female, 25-35 who enjoys good conversation. country We. and BBOs SY 1303 CONTRACTOR. 28. 6. long on love. currently short on time. look- ing for lernale, who enjoys night walks along beach, videos. and unbridled passion. SY 1304 BLUE eyed white male. 25. not bad looking, enjoys fishing, long walks, romantic evenings. seeks possible long term relationship SY 1305 VERY handsome Kahan born male. 28 Billy Ray Cyrus lookahke with a mustache. (only better, Seeks lady for fi rV relat"IS! ip SY 1308 WANTED beaublul blonde who was al 'Nally's Restaurant Wednesday. July 14. 3 00 a m We made contact but couldn I talc Call it you're rnerested In the man with the golf glasses. SY 1309 MALE while. 37 seeks slim, attrac- t ae lady 25-30lor friendymp, poi side relation -ship Must be under- standing Serious inqu Pres only SY 1310 SUCCESSFUL while businessman ,n 50s seeks anradive female any age for romantic relationship on king term bases SY 1311 SINGLE male. 30. clean cut and workm, looking for a female 26 30. who is honest and has a good S~ of honor SY 1312 HEALTHY caring. honey It while male 41. 5 11' seeks a lady to share the spark of tun romantic imp with SY 1313 SINGLE father 27, good baking 6- 19r, Its enjoys working out dancing denol quiet evenings seeks lemale, attractive. skm 2s- 35 with svnie -deem SY 1315 SPIRITED Taurus. male, while 40 5 4' Iwo children, looking for a woman to safely my we to be touched mentallyspiritually and physica6y SY 1317 ROMANTIC "Pae while. 40. seeks Iovan,e :cyan and alfectionate female. who enjoys golf. long walks and quiet evenings SY 1316 ETERNAL some what rorri slim mid 409, enjoys music conwrsalion, movies Seeking mature honest reasonably slim attractive. lemale counterpart. b lower reiatornshp SY 1330 ATTRACTIVE single working per ink 34 noes the outdoors. camp - wig. dining and dancing sports ininded, seeks lemale. 2535 vino enpyfi children with simian •mer- lin SY 1350 ATTRACTIVE S W M 26siowe. c,e4t,,e romarinc enjoys lazy walks cuddling. moves. seeking aaracteve mature S W F 19 to 2(1 for Lasting relationship SY 1392 WHITE nue enjoys walks music And going to moves. liti for single white lemale 2225 SY 1411 (OSH) SINGLE while male 38 likes Maks. movies, and arel evenings. see" single lemale 27.35 with similar interests for possible rein honafmp SY 1412 MALE 5S, 5 6' 160 lbs green eyes. gray hair seeks petite aflec borate woman oriental or black who lakes boating. dancing and Quiet tines Les start as !rends SY 1413 PROFESSIONAL male. 35. black. attractive. likes politics. sports. moves. seeks anattacled female Companionship - Friendship Call Anytime � t976 t 991 Only charge is $1.99 per minute, there are no extra long distance charges 1. To respond to an ad, call Sincerely Yours 1-416-976-1991' at any time of the day from any touch tone phone within the 416 area code and make a note of the four digit "mailbox" number that appears at the end of the ad. You may also browse through the system to listen to other recordings. Just follow the recorded instructions. A charge of $1.99 per minute will appear on your phone bill as soon as you connect with the system. 2. After you receive your numbers, call 1.416-976-1991' from any touch tone phone, 24 hrs. a day and fol- low the easy (recorded) Instructions Remember you may NOT leave your last name, phone number or address when recording your message In YOUR mailbox. 3. To retrieve your messages call 1-416-976-1991' from any touch tone phone and follow the instruc- tions.. Remember to enter your mailbox number and pass code on your phone key pad. A charge of $1 99 per min. will appear on your phone bill as soon as you connect with the system companion. 2540 with similar interests for romantic times SY 1414 GOOD iooking 33 year old white maleinto motorcycles. music. out doors and family Looking lot romantically nctined. ft 25-35 year old female SY 1415 (AJA) REDHEAD. Wean^, slim 4" •nm, humorous nfelligent professional seeks down to earth slim. funbv N. attractive woman for romance and companionship SY 1416 (OSH) WANTED i single mom 20-32 len Casual'un Innes. and adventure, possible romance Required by dad. 32, and son both easy gong and undemanding. cute too' SY 1416 PISCES late 30s single no chi - Ow heavy setseeks xrderstand- ng lemale for friendship maybe romanceI'm in business. and can be molwated SY 1419 (OSH) Sincerely Yours... The safer way to meet new people, leave your name and number only when you're ready. CORINA' please !espcnc ayain ddn t get you number SY 1420 1OSM) I DON'T believe We starts as 40 but I don ! believe it ends ether' A young 47 yr ofd man looking to, dee heart in same me-K*o Please cell SY 1421 (03H1. ATTRACTIVE. drvorced father 32 6 brown Hair blue eyes, entoys sports camping, cook,nc; kids would like to meet a Minae 26-40 for lasting relationship Single moms wokone SY 1422 MALE 5T'. 160 les established. seeps singe lemale. sem. a" and race unimportant. wets -3 rnckrds camping. Inial photography, and rod music for possible rola bMtOV SY 1423 (OSH) SUCCESSFUL businessman 34 years old athletic and fit. 6' tall. 190 Ill dark hair and typ Seeks he attractive young lady 20-35for romantic everwgs, getaways and travel SY 1424 SINCERE single attractive write male 32 established. good honored, blonde hair. bkwgreen eyes aid a nape smleseeks non - eel. sincere. attractive lady la pos- sae relationship SY 1425 SINGLE male. 36, very easy going. likes to be clow. 5 T. brown ham, silver green eyes. looking for someone that enjoys every day Ye. loves animals SY 1426 ATHLETIC male. 26. blonde halt likes dancing, dinners, is honest and sincere Seeks woman. 22-30. for possible relationship. SY 1426 OTHER SMrCE aY YOURS SYSIM Mywhere a& tte 705 area cede you may stoles Smog* Yoas: Bailie, li till, Oriia, Coirtgwood 1-976.1993 Pelerborall9k Uldw 147fr4321 Anywhere III to 613 area code you may access Sinoerdy Yours: Kingston area 1.976.7400 Anylil wihe tte 416 area code you may access Sine Yours: Oshawa, Whiby, Aja1(, Pd*" 1-416.976.1991 Cabourg, Port Hope 1.416.976.1991 Alarldtltlrl, lhlbridge, Stoldlvile 1.416.976.4897 lisstssa r • • 141Q91894fi6-' 0**, Mion .. • • . 1416'9764321 ` 44• BiliVon . • • ' 1416�7Ir7]Q9 • 4 Scarbaouoh . • 1.416.976-08A8 ' lk lure to an the full so secomb available when sea A 1w 11Olce 39 yrs old. likes camping. out- doors, romance, S8' sincere, also likes children, looking lot single woman who is honest, sincere. for friendship, possibly relationship SY 1429 IIIALE, 38 quo. bnoy, non smok- er, enjoys all spats, camping, THE NE WS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AWI.Wi7,1!!�-�A4iEti low) VOLUPTUOUS, attract' A svrgle lemale 30, dark -haw, dark -eyes, hoping there ars handsome. rorrgntit and honest on our there somewhere looking for a sincere relakorrltrp l this sounds like you please respond SY 2442 (WHI) DIVORCED while female 32 kook ig forkir Right for my mom rhes Sim. trim. and kind of pretty P S you can help me teach her to fish bo SY 2443 (PIC) country music the outdoors. just SY 1456 aways, quiet nights. long drives, having fun, seeking female 30-40 ATTRACTIVE white male. 35, walks. looking for Mr Right. must for companionship possible rola- adrie prys,rally fn oulgong and enjoy children SY 2301 tgnship with similar interests SY sincere, seeks attractive female. ATTRACTIVE single mom 30. 1430 20-35 for serious relationship enjoys dancing, camping sports. REGULAR qui. 29 yrs old. brown Formal Box #1081 SY 1457 romantic evenings country music nair blue eyes, very out- going. GOOD looking male 40 sincere. and old rock seeks honest male. responsible. likes cottage ide, honest hardworking, secure, non- 30.40 for a special time and posSi- walks and good conversation. smoker enjoys dining. movies. blerelationship SY 2302 seers lemale 22.32 who enjoys travel and (fishing seeks single ATTRACTIVE fii lemale. 29 same SY 1431 (OSH) attractive lemale with same inter- smoker -c dependents. enjoys SINGLE while male I'm 18 enjoy est 20.35 for long-term relation spat. summer fun. country musii dancing. irstenelg to music. gong ship. SY 1458 old rod beer. quiet and wild trees out, long walks seeking single I AM a single guy. with long hair seeks Maio 26-35. SY 2303 while female 18-20 In the Oshawa snit tattoos, lookaig for a relation- PROFESSIONAL !ema a 24 area (nonsmoker) SY 1433 ship with honest sweet Lady Must enjoys reading. ,ag walks. moves (OSH) put up with guitar paying. 18-25 and romantK dinners if you have ATHLETIC mate 30. black hair SY 14W Similar interests. I would love to gown eyes pays guitar. Ives al SINGLE lafher of two 35. varied hear from you SY 2304 sportssubstance free teed of bar nterests looting to someone 35- ATTRACTIVE rofemonai Iemaie, scene seeks attractive female 30- 40 for stimulating conversation. s•9A'ated .,es dancing a^d 45. substance tree, for relatkrhstw and o0ea,ble reie6onsfvp SY 1461 music. tells romantic male 38-50 SY 1434 (OSH) ATTRACTIVE. elm, tar hair bks with similar interestsgal sense SHY. sersil,ve maleestablestied tyed. Xe 4C5 No and Sincere. of humor and a test for de SY and secure bpkng fpr that special enjoys quit evenings. interests 2306 .Indy, 32-38. to enjoy moves, long are trawl daylong and compan- LADY 52 seeks comps- or, walks candlelight dinners and ,onsnkp Seeks attractive female enjoys iardenwg, cooking :A" - quiet evenings. SY 143S (OtSH) 35 4S with smilar ,reerems. SY cal music and mnagm SY 2306 EXCITING, sngio artra0w rnae 1462 SINGLE white attractve remail 5 ZOC Its 50 years ofd. Sooki MALE .niv i educated, 38 31 all :.,onbry music. dancing attractive lady 35-50 for I of No uuudacned. I terested in meeting ronantic so and aauk7Yg. wnh- and ; , 1 1 M relabwwhp. SY 1436 4tfecbonate lemale 28-40 for pos- so to mem Wigle whre 'Wale 26- (OSH) sable kong-term relationship SY 36 with smAar nWil for long FUN loving honest single whito 1463 term reunorrfup SY 2306 muie. 29 enjoys camping. moves. ATTRACTIVE 30 yr ofd fw hips- HARLEY 'ady 35. •non smoae basebal. hockey and walks withM enjoys ewnng pct. quiet tree non dr1rKer 1ppk,ng for serious :Rat special someone, seeking at home and outdoor activities. Harley elan to ride lbs highways female 21-30. with similar Aerests looking for professional female, withenjoys dancing. camping. for possible long term relatipnsfkp whoa 11 and 1 i;' . SY 1464 romance, no ling rail or pan in eke SY 1437 ENERGETIC while meet. 25 5'9' ox's SY 2317 YOU dor' have 10 be gorgeous. browr ,air blue eyes. enjoys ATTRACTIVE divorced will of you aka don't have to be rich no canpwg, king walks moves, quiet 2. 33. 'xo:nq 'or attractive male certain signs of the todiac evenings and dancing Lpokng for 33-40, who L,kes kids the out - required. I ooui0l rare lees how female with WFAW n4oFoM 2026 doors, music and romance SY old you are. you just have to be hit SY 1465 2318 to be with and even i you to not ACTIVE single whine male. 35. SINGLE -om. 34. enjoys movies. gw rte a cal anyway SY 14M "Avitsned seeks slim red -head- travel dancing, ookrrg !or a nla- INNOVATIVE and humorous 37 ed lady to share tum^ times with tionship with a man who enjoys yrs young 5 10- 166 be. English hopefully to lead to a king term children, and who is honest and male, min vaned Interests seeks GNOorwhip Chkldtwt welcome SY aMnchonsle SY 2319 optinkstkc, ohm. ft. 2S-40lemale to 1486 ARE you an attractive sincere share all We has to oiler and posy- SINGLE *Hite taken male, 45 year humorous genremaml I'm 23 blelongfermrslasmieellp SY 1439 vourg 55- 160 lbs . seeks an attractive mother of one who SHY. sensitive. hardavorlug male asaaw lady who Mies oukloors. enjoys movies music. travt 2! wino likes movkp walks and dining, dancing and quiet seeks someone financially and cuddling Seeks attractive temais wmwgs Haieel. sincere. working emosouey, wady SY 2346 22.32. must be honest and lady with edMy dkldren. SY 1467 THIS 30,sh green-eyed s ,m. believes nquality low SYIW ATTRACTIVE 36 yr ole wh,te above average. attraclrve "so - SINGLE white male 29. enjoys rnaia « ^ no dependents with s4onal, brunette. 56- 116 lbs movies plays dining out quiet many interests. looking ler fil"i soaking wet stable. secure. ,s evenings at hare, golf and hock acracdrve white lemale 29-33. SY looking !or a 'real man .• blue- ly seeking female 2231 who 1468 (OSH) eyed blonde professional SY enjoys the sane for possble rola- SINGLE 4i 30. 511'. lees 2347 tionsfmp SY 1441 dancing dining, camping, would LOVELY blonde lady. Ops. enjoys DO you wan success, copy Ill like to mem an attractive, well- dining, dancing. quiet evenings. el') I m looking for someone to established woman. 30-35. SY romance Seeks romantic. tall. share my business with and rest- 1469 (OSH) teddy bear, late 40s, with !hick sets like. outdoors. spans events 60 yr old. slim, non-smok,nc hair, who enjoys the same for and fin. SY 1442 sailor, with boat in Caribbean 11 friendship possible long him rala- KIIt, I didnl race" your number you are a lemais with the wander- tlaMnp SY 2369 (OSH) Please leave it again at box 1428 kit pin me for ocean sailing. SY SINGLE mom 34, has gram sense SY 1443 1470 (OSH) of hump. enjoys ding out. daric- SINCERE male. 45. seM-ampoyed A single man. good values. athi Ing. movies Seeking male 30-40 and well-established enjoys dining. C. attractive interests ndude guitar with Sandar wterests, for possible movies, the outdoors, and quiet and singing seeks single relationship SY 2M evenings at home, looking to an woman mom 30-40 with a good SINGLE while female. early 40's established, slim, affectionate outlook and sense of humor. SY klofcng for that special someone to lemale 35.45. Children welcome. 1471 (OSH) shot* dining and dancing. music. SY 14" FIM guy 21, brig brown has, blue movies. and punt evenings at TONY, 5'7', black hair, brown syn. 56', kis to music. neves, tnonrha SY 2391 eyes, outgoing, enjoys dandN sports. foolleg tot someone who wMITE female 30. blonds haw, and quiet evenings. Seeks lemale has the sane itereos. SY 1472 boom eyes, attractive and well 19-22 who annoys ate same. raw (OSH) slaElehsd. Seek attractive single u snponant. SY 1445 fes) SINGLE whits wnrs 44 alabfalyd white mat* 26-38 non-smoker MAN 20, aesfag woman 40-47. 1 prolessional seeks attratAiw lady loves taughng, tet ouldoors and like candelight divers, moves. 30-40 fa dining. movies. cottage diaig at. SY 23I3 Well waft and music. Please no tame and boakrg. SY 1473 (0811) ATTRACTIVE 20tsh single while lead games. SY 1452female, brown hair, green eyes. SINGLE lathe of one wishes to • • Moss enusit ab, spats, movers and meet that special woman, toF70R mowafid people. Seeks iMebgot Inendship and possible relation- JIM male 22.30 who enjoys the same. ship. Enjoys quiet times, kid's FEMALE, 35, unattached. 5'1'. SY 23M movies and camping. SY 14W enjoys camping. boo", garden- HUMOR, HUGS and hrnantanan SINGILE,wJute genllgmayk ape , ung snit traval,990ft m*40W , lady 36 years old wapting an on seeks sYrn single wNle b*wb. 22- who is sebetewtd fsslabfoled for gang relationship. My int arestI are 32 wlho is altrac;ive, rgrinarl plx;shble hii1olop" 11y AA a . u .r dancing. cycling, craft. Lam also a 914ogsImblvls, music. dit"s our ' ATTRACT111ladr, 37!s**d,# smoker. SY 2M - etc., ler kwg term relaticnsOW fY, music, 4 enjoys aacwig, IPploWlike 11011.60 years') not yet, this my 1454 r ' cles and"the'olltlldors. seeks' Spsaal, pretty, yang SO's profes- ROCK Musician. 23 yr old, white allractrve easy gang man. 3040 sional lady, may, share them with male. 5'4', blue eyes and long who enjoys the same. SY 2199 you. Wer4aleir Don't by shy pro - bland haw. Mies cooking. moonlight INDEPENDENT single Prom, 38, fessonal gentleman, you may be swims, weekend parties and hang- smoker. roommates, 14-11. many the one SY 2396 Ing out, serve of humor world be wNerests. seeks nal large build, sin• SEPARATED mother of three. late coo(. SY 14SS gle white male. 37.45, with good 20's enjoys sports, dining, dancing LADIES are you lonely? Tired of sense of humor and a heal. SY and quo few, I lag for some - sitting at home-) Sick of the bar 23M one 29 to 37 who hies children for scene') So am P I'm 6Y' 230 lbs. YOUNG. wry poldle mother of 2, possible wmpenoWkp and pow board and pahylai. Ladies 22.32 22. enjoys camping. weskod get- bet ralabonship. SY 2387 For persons 18 years of age and over. ATTRACTIVE heavy set female. 27 enleys being romanced, long walksboating. seeks established single while male 28.35. who is horew, swicere and good sense of humor SY 2396 ATTRACTIVE single while female 31, enjoys golf music movies ee^eing o%" personality seeks attractive male 25-35 black or whits for some fun SY 2400 19 yr did single molter oo.mg for a single male who enjoys crmldren dancing, camping and walks by the leke SY 24W (OSH) Sincerely Yours.. The safelf way to meet new people, leave your name and number only when you're ready. M a «rine a2 r 'e ­a flint W,41 On king wail music. dancing and' quiet romantic yvenings if the sounds like you please leave me a message SY 24M fOSH) ATTRACTIVE. 27 511' smoker ,e'y ndeperdent, blonde ha - hazel eyp. bo..r+g la sonneorr over 8'1', good sense of humor SY 24M ATTRACTIVE to. , 59'. elrnok- er 00"'or a!all and handsome man 2530, with a swine nein. to enjoy party tins Arid quiet Imes SY 2404 BLONDE. 40 s Temele kits cour- try r nusic keeping 14, tun ocil" ler a rafrg while male 40-48. for If max Post and to" out SY 2407 NATURAL fooling single 'em4re 3C ove'wegM but very il sports minded. feekeeg Mule 30-40 Wo er" sports, movies cards. quiet times. for !nendsAp-refation- Shp SY 2408 (OSH) N EED someone naerstandi g in my Ido who a fwweasly and ammo tangly secure. who ejoys chil- dran I'm 40, very artradve. ser s- tet. sweoere SY 24M (OSH) COME or guys you Ore as lonely as fit a:a it tloesnI matter what we boil like il s wharf needs ""at corrfi it hurts SY 2410 (OSH ) FUN iovmg attractive mother of o^e who enjoys the outdoors water danck+g, quer evenings at home. seeks male 25-35 for casual M twee and possible relationship, Children welcome SY 2411 (OSH) ATTRACTIVE, king Mord hair en - gm while forriale with green eyes tired of the bar sceneseeks attractive Single while male with long hair personality and charm SY 2412 SINGLE while female 18 . looking W good looting romantic swcere single male 19-25 for long term relationship, race not important SY 2413 LADY with many exeesta. looking for emdonally healthy. established man around her own age 47.51, must be 5107 with brown eyes for caripMble relalrorWnp. SY 2414 WHITE 5'4', large lull figure woman. 39. tun, good natured. Car- ing, loves dancing. socializing. camping, aeelag wMe male, sin- cere, 36.45 yrs. and mill low dtA &W. SY 241S GOOD boll green-eyed bland. SV nal and bountiful. seeks nal as. 36-54 man who, loves dancing, doing, conmmrsalon, nnalws, travel. and children. SY 2416 ACTIVE, creative, eclectic lady. 38: interests: PBS lo Jays. seeks w4ty. boniest, nd►sndaig geptle, main, brequalepannesh)P. Sy 2417 SINGLE white female 33 seeks man who's well liked by friends. likes laughler, coccasonal cazh ress, fainly atmosphere. outdoors, country and western and old rod" music SY 2416 SINGLE mom 37, slim, enjoys walks. moves, Outdoors. seeks male to share Same. SY 2419 22 YEAR old queen sae single molhor d ail, looking for male 25- 35 who thinks !hat personality counts Someone who likes chil- dren. SY 2420 SELF-EMPLOYED single mom who tikes ca'rp'ing and "he Zoo, seeks single dad Must be proles. sional and articulatewith a temhc sense of humor SY 2421 ATTRACTIVE lemale t? coking ,or Mr Right must De good ,odvxg and have a wild streak in him SY 2422 SINGLE blonde 20. 52', enjoys dancli,q •nisi spats quiet finel and drw+g otawould mile to meal someone for compansorsrup. poi sibis relationship SY 2423 AVERAGE coming 'ema.e. 36 strong ^, hny,dn 'aluea, honell. caring. allectionate, wide ranefy, d rill 1looking 'r companhkp Ons or;reufiorrship SY 2424 PERSONABLE bfnnde ^aged green eyes artractr.e teniae 405 enjoys roe Blue Jays country -uric. keeping ';t working out. -on-smoker seeks someore for tun tines and romantic evervngs logos of SY 2430 ATTRACTIVE s - blonde. 21 Looking 'ler employed man 24-28 hones, no kids or dnyis. loves to delve and everwye at Home SY 2431 VIVACIOUS u cosesti SS' 405 not", dine welcomef a ,-Pon" from a non smoking kinds. Pxo1l artab"is male 45- 55 Interested in baianemg roleanve and ferny We SY 2432 FRIENDLY while female 36 attractive, enjoys muAec, amicng. canoel camp fires star I,ght skies midnight waikstalks and trunoeratarms tnleremed in meet - Ing warm outgoing male 35-40 with sxrww resreets SY 2433 ATTRACTIVE. Ong donde ver 'kbhrr, 7krc «" green eves. teed of the 'bar scene seeks attractive single white mae. with ong haw Personauy and :har* SY 2431 RED head. 59' 46 loves county, nusK and the outdoors Seeking tail, white mals 46.56 who enjoys tie same SY 243S SINGLE 30 year o,d mother of one brow^,sh bonds hair. Sim butt So' blue eyesenjoys denc. Ing. Dirtying. long wails or the beach, dining out, fowl L,ke to meet single mai* n 36 'rat likes children SY 24M NEVER marred «hire male 36. looks olderfeels younger tall. large build, seems single working grf. 25-32 non-smoker well ikisd by friends, for king term row l Ship SY 24M BLONDE anract:ve singi5 fulfig- ured ,ady 40s loves music. moves. dancing. Outdoors. candle. light and wine seeks single. !al while geraman. non-smoker 35-50 for friendship and romance SY 2438 (OSH) • ATTRACTIVE, wAobgwm 22 single while female has chid, university student, full figured, out gang. searching for humorous. smart, employed mate. Must love out - must low barrel SY 2439 (OSH) SEEKING SOMEONE SPECIAL indepedan like ferrule 41. non- smoker, great sense of humor. Ides romantic walks, dancing, reading would Mato meet angle wMe main for possible lag form r4labwwt p. SY 2440 (08H) FULL -FIGURED woman- 35. with sense d Mina, seeking man wet will like me as I am, must enjoy move dancing, dnidren. and also have a sane of humor SY 2441 OUTGOING woman (not Bi or gay). 29 seeks other similar women to socialize and hang out with I like working out, clubbing Sports. dinners the gin thing SY 3154 SEMI-DETACHED !all figured attractive female 45 years young, enjoys movies dancing lravel,ng and conversation has good sense of hums seeks male to share with forfrtendshrp. SY 3155 SINGLE. 45 w^ite ady ',kes cocking_ piGgo. court:-) music trave-g, shows would Ike '; meet someone of 'he same inter ests SY 3156 31 year : d -,1 9. who enjoys moves, dancing. dining out and quiet times Wishes td meal full-Ig- ured Lady. 25-35 with similar nler- ests for frieroashro and so mparili Ship SY 3157 , OSH , SINCERE. nanasr a :ark male 33 seeks single. wMe terneie 27 35 for Inendisint and possible - a twoh.p Enjoys gwee and roman¢ evenings long walks an(: rine Adventurous SY 31" SINGLE'ather cl re esaomshec III. nor-smoner attractive. 37 Mc CycMtg. slalril Irl. MUSK • oun- try bout goat onorwed Seeks a spark SY 3145 OUTGOING male bol, r a young 4dy 20 s for CAmca^von- Ship. Must enjoy fashidr smowl the outdoors. U S wee.ere '--ps family and goal nim oc's wei care SY 3146 TALL. ser•snwe lioness 'aures roma^ 547. bow" ofd OWS Sane Ing. good senile Of M M -W and a poetaw look on We plus leeks a oanpsable gentleman 5314' SINCERE. ^a'dworkv s ^�• mom 24 en,oys 'am,,, orenled adr4lbeil such as watts sports cooking seeking •nae 25. with twmiar interests for serous -Ota harmonic Chidren welcome SY 3149jOSH) WHITE -tail 35 prosesaionai rot ,00king'or a moiler but someone to spend good and bad lmes -e Looking for finale r-35 SY 3150 TALL ady 5'9' Smoker ear'v 5Gs mnte,ested m memni 1-11n n with old lashmon Wires toy Inerd- WW and oarnpareeartnip r4erests are many. dancing hockey Soil music, and ening out SY 3151 (OSH) LADY earty We smoker r terew oc r meeting op+er angio allies for companions !o anend singes dances and social evens SY 31 S2 (OSH) BUSINESS *Wan of town hwc AWS a week and keeps a home -rare in erested n gr • 9-29 cor ;n - r ers. moves and travel world wide SY 31S3(OSH I OUTGOING woman -lot B dr gay' 29 seeks 3th►r, s,m,,ar women to axaalize and Mang oW with mile working aA. dubbing spots dinners the gin ^fire SY 3154 ATTRACTIVE lerri .-es movies dining danong. walks Sports minded. seems• same in senior malady in 50s, enjoys on Ing, dancing plays cards Would like companionship ',/scc,a' events SY 4000 LADY in 50s enjoys dining danc- mg. plays cards would like con pamonship for cowl events SY 4002 FULL figured lady, feel 50s 51' I'd bite to meet a now gentleman who likes moves, country music and calls. for hendst"? SY 4032 (08H) 1 would like to meet a man between the ages of 50.63. who ,s wteresled in dancing, drives and waling an tfe beach. I am a pose lady, 58. and am klolrg for a com- Portion. SY 4033A LATE 60s. lady. tall. blonde. slim. looking for snces senior gentle- man for companionship. I'm Item- ble, hmrrlOrOus. assonad wtteresls or" social and quo tyres non- smoker. SY 4034 To browse ads in the Alternative Category, Call Toll Free 1.416.976.199P Only charge is 1.99 per minute, 'there are no extra WV d'IStaince charge. Oslwwal w0by This Week 8 AllawA iclrerrg No Advertiser aasrrries no haboky for Ire wrNent of ripe to any Sincerely Yours adveraso elk. The advenuer assumes complete liability for the conl&M of, and all responses to any adverbsoment or recorded nwmap and for any clams made against Oehowwalwhiby This Week as a re" tMrsd. This adwAser agrees to indemnity and hold On publcabon and MobolrW Conmwny Newrapopers and db anployees hanrikem for all coats. experaee, kabiba and darnages remst ang from or caumd by. 8e pubataapn or Pis" sing placed by the advisAsisr or any reply to such ad4risrbeaneent by using Sincerely Yours. Iro advertiser agrees not b leave hWMr telephone marrhbisI. last name or addhose in haler greeting moselage. Oshawa by This Week merves tet n" to revue. resfrrGr or Cox* ant admom ov" fG win Nan" 44owR+n ' PAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 27,199! /7— RUE .11AN o 0 Amm SL N, Awl i Jg1HG ES 9111 fool* P►�',� c•o•vP•o•N •� r 1 Your Choice Of One "'e, 1 *Bedftame -Pillows -Mattress Cover I 1with any mattress set purchased I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — a # 7s 1115 i ', , 011 - 17 ME DOUBLE FUTON ,3j5 99 ROLL -A -WA ' Y BED $1 1999` DELUXE ROLL -A -WAY BED 449" Sofa Bed ' 99 Maftresses F. of. $ gg 1 8 199" 6et "$249" 4 29" $14999 set j$8999$159" set $ 11999 -set Double 11 2!11 Set $199" Double 1149' Set 1249" Double /1 Sr Set 0269" Double slogms Set $2890 Queen 116!11 Set 1279" 11 1 Queen 117!" Set Wnr Queen 1189" Set $329- Queen 1199" Set 9349ss uperience, tt*ADJUST-A-BED mwenwe SOFA BED CANOPY Includes Our Best Selling Extra BE CANOPY E=5 Orthopractic Mattress 051, SALE PRICE J coffmkft 9 $898 99 Z! Wft S $3499 99 Tmn LU :16999 .2set 79,010 I Double '199" Set 1339" Queen t2290 Set 830- N 0 PAULINA "0 b~ a Enw*1. aftns Extra. Doubt or WSW lie 1111: DouW 8199" 71V Qum• 11229" Ma"ress Extra EE US BEFORE YOU BUY! WE GIVE YOU THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY 100% SATISFACTION GUARANT99n E:T 11-3 MEMOS MV 111111111111111111F *ftm 011owd 10� , ommkw rt_mr swosr"I rat 7!!j IT RY nIRlPr_T RAATTDI=Q4 79 Taunton Road Wesl 43$01 M SINCE 1978 Oshawa This Week AUGUST 27 - SEPTEMBER 4 rQr Best Homes A*&fv NEWS ADVERTISER PRESSRUN 200,000 Over the last couple of decades. environmental issues have become concerns to many Canadians. Many_ of us have decided to be better informed when it comes to things like energy consumption. - I The building industry has taken huge steps to making our homes more energy efficient. The R-2000 rfiome program promotes the con- struction of houses to advanced r "technology standards that exceed provincial codes. Set by the Canadian Home Builder's Association in partnership with Energy. Mines and Resources Canada. the standards result from mote than 550 million of technology ' research. product development and builder training that started in the early 1980s. The goal of this investment strafe-- gy is to promote energy efficiency R-2000 homes come in many styles. The four-bedroom house picture above features Victorian exterior 'bousing for Canadians. i - �.R-1000 homes can range in size design, while the inside features an energy-efficient heat fecovery unit that changes old air into new. From a small row house to a custom- bit mansion. These homes are certified and are % t 'typically more healthy, environmentally -responsi- ble. comfortable and energy efficient than conven- E 000 3 mal houses. Homeowners will also benefit in the2 IH • r pocketbook. since utility bills can be up to 50 per MORE rr�1 ANNERGYcent less. ►S AVINGS I in lune while announcing the growth of the R- 2000 Haeme Program. Energy. Mines and Resources nister Bill McKnight reaffirmed the federal gov- include the home-building industry. energy �nment's commitment to the program. `They g ry i = rima' attracted the support and co-operation of utilities, provincial governments, financial institu- Canada M11::1 and Housing Corporation, for some a key partner W organizations from across tions and others. And they are the key to the pro- example, is a longstanding supporter and elements Canada and the partnership is gmwinQ," he said. gram's success.' of its Healthy House Competition are beiAg-used in ri,P nnor-AM rk-w ctandard for the R- _-. ._- _ �...,� �, -..�+ �$. �.�.,q ..� .. � �r,..:........... ♦ r„rsM..pw�gPy�wrp!ppa@.�y, PAGE t OSHNNA TMS WEBUMAX IEWS ADVERTNEN, Alp. V - Sept, 3, IOU49ST HONK Aug. s - Sapt.4, IM � NCw 1Fl4MZ]M4Ww aad I1X1t4er1ors John BoddyHomes.• ide and outuali ns Many builders talk of the "workmanship and finish" of their homes, but looking around a John Boddy Homes community and house you get the sense this builder goes the extra mile for its customers. The range of interior features offered is certainly appealing to new -home buyers. John Boddy Homes feels the exterior of the home is just as important and appealing. And you can see it. The quality workmanship and care in design details is perfectly evident in the facades of each home and in the streetscape of the community as a whole. Each home perfectly compliments the one next door. and vet each is different from the next. The all-important "workmanship and fin- ish" is something John Boddy Homes devel- opments don't take lightly. The builder believes supervision during the construction phase of a home is one of the essential ele- ments to ensuring quality. Many construction supervisors have been with John Boddy Homes for over 30 years. They know what the uncompromising level of quality the builder expects and they deliver it to the customer. You could say it is a form of loyalty — loyalty to the company and loyalty to the cus- tomer. Loyalty to the customer is also something that John Boddy himself brings to developments — like Forest Brook in Pickering. Involved in the home-building indus- try since 1955, John Boddy has earned a reputation as a builder of quality homes and as a developer of fine resi- dential communities. One of the builder's premier achieve- ments is Bridlewood, an award-winning I.(XX)-acre devel- opment in Scarborough. Boddy continues to bring his experience to developments by personally overseeing plan- ning and engineering of all communities. Loyalty is evident in the fact that eight kev members of the John Boddy team have been part of the company from the start. Nine years aeo, Boddy opened Forest Brook in Pickering. The attractive community featured practical and innovative single-family :comes in designs that form a warm community atmosphere. With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that many home buyers , after purchasing their first John Boddy home. stay in the community — moving up two and three times as the family needs increase. Forest Brook offers a variety of home designs and sizes — from 1.775 to 3,444 square feet. Home prices range up from 5214.990. The builder is offering $3,000 credit toward upgrades, which allows the purchaser to customize his new home. One of the more attractive home designs is the Avondale Classic. This variation on the traditional backsplit offers 2,800 sq.ft of living space and features a fantastic master suite that has to be seen to be fully appreciated- Like ppreciatedLike was mentioned above, the Avondale Classic starts with a traditional backsplit design. The front door opens to a central foyer and hall. On one side is the living room and dining room area and across the hall is the kitchen and breakfast area, which looks down to the family room. This is a spacious 22'2"X16'3" area which can accom- modate a variety of family activities or provide ample entertaining space. Also on this level is a den and powder room. A half dozen steps up from the main level are two bed- rooms and the main bathroom. Both rooms feature ample closet space and one has a private entrance to the bath- room. Where the Avondale Classic differs from the traditional backsplit is what lies a few steps up from this level. There is a huge master bedroom suite that has a large sitting area and a luxurious en suite bathroom that features an oval soaking tub, separate shower stall, twin sinks and private commode stall. To visit Forest Brook, go north on Brock Rd. to Finch Ave. and. proceed west to the sales pavilion on the south side of Finch Ave.. The sales office is open from Monday to Thursday from noon to 8 p.m.. on Friday from noon to 6 p.m. and on Saturdays and holidays from 10 a.m. to 6 P.M. Sales representative John Anderson, Kathy MacKinnon and Judi Hayford will be pleased to show you all that John Boddy Homes have to offer — quality inside and out. The Avondale Classic combines the convenience of a backsplit with a luxurious master suite, complete with sitting area. Money oes grow on trees at Kinizsway Forest. The forest has ahrays been free. lunX.w.it hwv l t, 1 xrcnc tt�mmurut% (A frlture lrAckrd hungakm. & tuo .tort% llomk� n th cAfirdrAl crdu4n. fxvW 1i tu% %inllos%. 4p1 hwhr(rtm% Ind rArden r(xxn luldwn% on full vcrd i4 h to 48 h la. surrounding A fortmt immAx. �tl pnced from lu-t S 1 i4.()(K) Now ose of q��aqcea 3is OptJon swo free toot KhWway ist today! %ax w% home! Then your FM opW ! .,c .® t s s I 1 74 ftft r LW de.Mn A. 1,M sq. . pw111 neafar* esu we 6own ar Wnsmy FwaL UW,5M Buy now & choose your FREE option! It's like Hnding money growing on trees! I.TNE SU MM COIFORT PACKAGE A mmpkye cemW air con itiwWX syslea fir yolr MW ttwFt e! LTHE GREEN PACKAGE Ia.6eape strobbM- and m i . UP 6A store wx&vw . THE CONVENIENCE PACKAGE � + I P `actcllla ♦ ekcwk prapr dow *pent rf Man. to wed. 2 pm to 7 pen: Sat. A: sun. Noon to S pm: Thum. t Fri.: CLOSED 416) 436-5 161 Oft WA I'b(• Iuatt.Mn Fart•.( Vk� ,W null ,d %*Isdr EadoMa &elm vvs n..ictr tss. "o -M T 09"MM TIS WEDVAM Wft ADVERTNUL Ari V - SSPL % INUM I0tty Ari U - S@/1, 4, I= PAWS � New H n --- n - aaad JUMIL ars All-purpose study benefits all members of the family During the times your children are in school, you likely find that your kitchen or dining room table does dou- ble duty as an all-purpose study area. You also likely find yourself con- tinually tripping over piles of school- books, papers and other paraphernalia simply because your kids don't have anywhere else to put them. If the situations above sound like those around your home, you may want to consider installing a home study to give your children a room that's quiet and comfortable — a spe- cial place where they can study and do their homework without being dis- tracted by other household activities. You'll find that a designated study area will give both you and your off- spring more breathing space. You may also want to use the study yourself at times when you bring home work from the office or to take care of household business. Keep this in mind when planning your study. It is important to realize that a home study doesn't have to be elabo- rate or large to be functional or effec- tive. For instance, you may want to turn an existing room of your home — like a small spare bedroom or a private corner in the family room — into a study area. Or, if you have an awkward "catchall" room that never sees much use, you can make it into a suitable home study with just a few modifications. You may even want to consider renovating your attic, if it is large enough, to provide a cosy quiet study nook. Today, more and more people are renovating their attics and base- ments to expand their living space. However, keep in mind that an under- taking like this would be more costly and would probably require a contrac- tor as well as a building permit. If you are thinking of expanding your home to accommodate a study by building on an addition, you'll need a contractor, detailed plans of what you intend to build and a building permit. When planning your home study, be sure to keep your children involved in the process right from the very beginning. After all, they will have primary use of this room. Consult them about the types of furniture and equipment they think they'll require. If you plan to use it as well, you'll have to blend your tastes and needs with theirs. Depending on the location of the study, you may want to install thick carpeting in any rooms above or around it to muffle any distracting sounds — such as televisions and con- versations. You may even want to errstall special sound -deadening panels or acoustical tile in your study if you 'have a particular noisy household. When considering the types of fur- niture you are going to install, keep simplicity in mind. For instance, instead of trying to cram one or two bulky desks in your study, you may simply want to install a very large, functional work table. Portable drawer units could be placed underneath the table for easy access to files, pens and other necessary items. .Another alternative is to buy small, two -drawer, inexpensive filing cabi- nets and place them under or beside the table or desk for extra storage. Open storage carts are another option for keeping things neat and out of the way. These movable, plastic - coated wire units usually contain three or four storage bins and can be placed either beside or under the desk or table. They are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased at most hard- ware, department or shelving stores. Also keep in mind that desk chairs in a study should be sturdy but com- fortable to encourage good posture. Other furniture items should be both durable and flexible so that they can continue to be functional as your chil- dren grow. Bookshelves are also handy items to install in your home study, particu- larly if you have a lot or reference materials — like encyclopedias — which you and your children use on a regular basis. Inexpensive book- shelves can be purchased at furniture stores or building centres. Most are EM1ER pre -finished and all that's required is a little elbow grease to assemble them. For an interesting effect, try combin- ing bookshelves of varying heights. This can make the room appear some- what larger. If you are handy, you might want to build the furniture yourself, thus tai- loring it specifically to suit your needs. Built-in bookcases and desks are attractive and make effective use of available space. Lighting is another important con- sideration. There should be lots of ade- quate lighting over and around the work area to minimize eye strain. You could install ceiling lights as well as desktop lamps, depending on the size of the room and your family's own requirements. Wiring is an important item to con- sider, particularly if you have a home ate; computer which you or your children 'use. There should be adequate outlets for lights as well as a grounded one for the computer. If you have inade- quate wiring in your study area, you should hire a licensed electrician to do the necessary work. Depending on the availability of space in your home and the size of your study, you may want to use it as a family room at times when it is not being used for study or work-related purposes. However, keep in mind that the mere presence of a television or stereo in a study can prove to be a distraction to anyone using the study — even when these items are turned off. It is better to store the TV out of sight — in a special entertainment unit, which closes up, or a closet — until every- one is ready for recreation. O p�Ii1�I1[�M �Rp�pM SL1TE �.5;�, Included � C)a1Sob .WA IWOO-05 6,tcw Too*' too**, ubW W**� coot164 ma c" ma A IF111h. AM 04 4%%S%%1 HAMPI '9voll 1 s+►� moo*** got PACE 4 OBNO MATHS WE MAJAX NEW ADVERTISER, Aug. 27 - SpL 4, I gnIEST HOPES. Aug. 25- SPL 4. IM New Hoacnes sad Iaterlors Solving the color mystery People who like to do a bit of home decorating now and again (which is just about everybody) find there is a great deal of mystery attached to colors. Some of the most often asked question.% are: Which colors work together? Is aubergine in or out" Why does the paint on the wall never look like the paint in the can? How can 1 use color to make a room appear larger/smaller/brighter/cosier? For all those people who think a complementary color is a free can of paint. Color. A Stroke of Brilliance should help clarify a few things. This lavishly illustrated book. written by Leslie Harrington and published by B & E Publications of Mississauga, demystifies the whole mystery surrounding color. Color. A Stroke of Brilliance star% with color psychology — the basic reactions which everyone has to certain colors and why. Then. the book shows how this new-found knowledee can be used to create rooms treatments that are more func- tional, more comfortable and longer lasting. Harrington is a qualified designer who has made color her specialty. She also has a close understanding of the needs of do-it-yourself home dec- orators and brings to this book a great deal of down-home practical experience that can help anyone do a better job of creating a unique home environment. Throughout the book. Harrington fully illustrates her sug- gestions — like a foolproof way of starting a color scheme. "Search through your belongings for something with the colors you really like — it may be a painting, a scarf, carpet or a set of pattern drapes," she says. "If you like the way the colors work together in your 'inspiration piece,' you'll like them in the room." The next step is to acquire sample pan -A chips that match each color in your chosen piece as an aid in select- ing wallpaper• carpet and other fur- nishings. Color. A Stroke of Brilliance explains how colors work together and can be applied to correct design defects, to highlight treasured pos- sessions, to create an atmosphere appropriate to the way the room will be use and, even, to make the room appear larger or smaller than it really is. it also shows how to create dozens of roan treatments based on the principles of color psychology. You can pick up Color. A Stroke of Brilliance at Benjamin Moore paint dealers for $9.95. A video, Fantasy Finishes and Beyond, is also available. Home improvement includes child safety Little explorers are dependent on moms, dads and grandparents to dis- cover the potentially dangerous areas lurking in their home. What is a common sense for adults can become a serious, severe or possi- bly fatal accident for an infant. KinderGard's Safechild booklet offers home improvement ideas to help prevent accidents before the smaller occupants of the home get around to their exploration. KinderGard says "it is important to experience for yourself the temptations which could lure your innocent youngster into an unnecessary acci- dent." The Safechild booklet was first available in 1982 and is now in its fifth printing. The booklet is used by pro- fessional parenting educators — Red Cross, Lamaze, LaLeche, many doc- tors and hospitals —to help parents learn of the pitfalls around their home. Safechild takes new parents and grandparents on a room -by -room tour from the crawler's point of view. It teaches adults to identify dangerous areas where toddlers may play, explore and discover when the guardian is not watching. Packed with valuable tips to acci- dent -proof the home, Safechild also offers dozens of insights into what pre- cautions need be taken by moms and dads to help the younger set avoid injuries. Safechild recommends essential home improvements like: installing cabinet latches on drawers and cabi- nets where household chemicals are stored to prevent accidental poisoning; fitting electrical outlets with outlet plugs to reduce the risk of electrical shock; installing corner and edge cush- ions reduces the risks of cuts. If you are planning to baby -proof part of your home, also beware of poor quality toy -grade plastics and choose only materials which provide greater strength and security. t • :. `,4 - '' :� r..: , "' ; F'.! i'" •' ti _ v. ��1 CGIMMA TNS WEEJVJAJAX IES ADVERTISER, Aug. 27 . SGPL 3.19MIE T HKMESG PL Aug. 28 - 8t 4,1483 PAGE S T94NW 31ffC" >[i4Ds il4l41 ZZ&e4D* 24MM AAakefurnishiornengs oo new As summer draws to a close, many of us start looking ahead to the time to make simple repairs in and around the home. Here are a few helpful hints on how to make your home furnishings look new after another year of wear and tear. For example, the daily opening and closing of kitchen cabinet doors is bound to leave behind a few nicks and scratches. Cabinets can look new with a little project. First, strip the old paint or varnish with remover available at the local hardware store or home improvement centre. Then, fill in the nicks and scratches with wood filler. After the Today's investment is tomorrow's pride and joy So often, people under- serious crisis and prevent estimate the need for sea- possible permanent dam- sonal household chores age to your home is to and repairs. treat the problem before it At a time when stretch- becomes serious. ing every dollar seems so Remember, in the win - important, there is a dan- tertime when you spend ger that home mainte- the majority of your time nance projects will be inside the home. The time overlooked. to repair the outside is But it is important to now, when the weather is remember that many more conducive to work - tasks, when properly and ing outdoors. promptly attended to, can The first thing to do is alleviate an enormous run a household check — amount of stress and pres- inside and out. Jot down sure in the future. what needs a touch up, While the sun is shin- what could use work soon ing and the temperature is and what needs immediate warm, it is also easy to put attention. A second opin- off chores that during the ion from a neighbor or winter months you will friend may be useful. wish you had looked after. After the checklist is Sealing cracks in window- completed. it is time to get panes or repairing a leaky to work. roof are two jobs which Too expensive, you should be taken care of as say? It is not as expensive soon as possible. as it is going to be when For most of us, these disaster strikes and type of household jobs are prompt action is required. hardly a festive occasion. By then, the damage is But it is pointless to usually so great, repair is ignore repairs that need out of the question and it attention. Contrary to will cost hundreds of dol - what we may like to fanta- lars to replace damaged size or hope for, these areas. nagging problems will not Your checklist should disaltpear. also include problems If you think you are arras that you could tackle saving money by neglect- yourself. Fix -it books or a ing the needs of your more experienced do -it - home and "waiting until yourselfer can help in this next year," try adding up case. the amount of time and So assess your home's dollars you have spent on needs while it is warn past emergencies — the outside and get started on basement floditg, leak- the most urgent repairs. ing pipes, clogged gutters You may find the project causing water back-up. is not as involved or as Whatever the case may costly as you thought it have been, taking preven- would be. tative measures would Besides, having peace have made the situation of mind and a warm, dry far easier to handle. After home during the winter all, the best way to avert a makes it all worthwhile. wood filler dries, sand it flush with the cabinet's sur- face and wipe clean. Finally, refinish the cab- inet to restore its original beauty. Before staining cabinets, test in a hidden section to be sure you like the results. Remember, some shrinking will occur as the wood filler dries. To compensate for this use plenty of wood filler and sand after it dries. Also remember that wood fillers react differently to staining and you may have to blend the stain the stain to match the rest of the cabinet. Hours of television viewing and game playing, may have left your chairs with a wobbly leg or arm. To fix, disassemble the piece and clean joint surfaces. Apply glue designed for wood to bond pieces and reassemble. If the project is more involved, you may consider looking for a "fix - it" book at the library, book store or local home improvement centre. These books are usually full of help- ful information not only as to tech- niques, but sometimes as to the mate- rials and proper tools to use. There is always the extra pride in knowing that you have fixed it yourself. Following a few simple steps and using quality wood fillers, glues and other materials can help to refurbish your kitchen or make that cozy chair sturdier than ever — and ready for another year of abuse. LOOKING FOR A BETTER AND A BETTER Then take a short drive to the countryside of Courtice and see Highland Gardens by .....singer. Where a simpler, safer way of life is a reality and you can feel part of a neighbourhood you'll be proud to call home. i V At A .... e Invernew 3 Bedrooms, Cathedral Ceilings For $169,900 IN COURT EXCLUSIVE 10 YEAR WARRANTY 35 Oz. Svedkom Ezchnh a 10 Vbw YIQr► W. 'lege Vise Our Soles Oioe The Weeka-d From Noon 11 Sbc at 4 George RWrM Drive, CAher Tines Ey Appc* *I ant Exclusive Agents RWow & Fleming 576=25 Limited. Realtor m"a 2 KING STREET Lint OWAM PAGE i O6NMR THIS WEE UMM NEW ADVER71MM'Aug. 27 - Sspt: l,1N&BW HOMES,- Aug. b - SepL A, IM Noov Hoazees aaatid Iaterlors Don't sacrifice beauty convenience Oversized dark walnut speakers in the pastel -toned formal living room. Unattractive intercom units that stick out like a sore thumb in any room. Stereo components and VCRs that make your house look more like an electronics store than a home. If one of those statements sounds familiar or describes a part of your home, you are not alone. Many homeowners find it a struggle to achieve a balance between performance and good looks when it comes to home entertainment systems. Sure, you could purchase a basic intercom system, run speaker wire to different rooms or purchase a VCR for each television set in the home. But you are bound to wind up with a home entertainment that looks patchy. The problem facing homeowners is finding a system that would integrate all those function without disrupting the home's interior design. New technology has made it possible for people who want all the latest electronic conveniences without sacrific- ing the look of the home. Svstems are now available that offer technically -advanced audio, video and telephone paging capabilities in attractive components that will blend in with the home's decor. These systems are often grouped under the banner of a "home electronics network." Basically. what these systems do is allow the user to access television. VCR and stereo equipment from any room in the home. Think of it: You can enjoy music from one central sound system throughout the home or watch your favorite pre- recorded movie in the bedroom, while the kids watch car- toons in the family room. Some systems also allow the homeowner to turn a tele- phone into a paging device for house -wide communication. without the obtrusive wall -mounted intercom systems. In some cases. your door bell can also be integrated into the system and sound through the speakers, momentarily muting any music that is playing. Optional features to some systems include closed circuit television cameras that allows the homeowner to monitor selected areas — the backyard and pool area. the baby's room, or the front door — from any television set in the home. How do home electronics networks achieve all this" The system integrates the home's existing audio and video sys- tem components — CD player, cassette deck, radio, televi- sion, VCR. In each room, in -wall speakers provide quality sound, while keypads allow the user to access each of the components including controlling the sound level. Wall speakers of the past were easily spotted, but today's technology allows speakers to be recessed into walls or ceil- ing for flush -mount installation. The speaker grilles can even be painted or covered with matching fabric to blend in with the room's decor. ' There are so many things you can do with in -wall speak- ers," says interior decorator Renee Eha. "In addition to painting speaker grilles, you can cover them with fabric or wallpaper. I've designed rooms where wall speakers are completely hidden by quilted wall panels. They still sound great, but you don't notice them until the sound starts to fill the room.'. Other decorator touches include faceplates for the control pads that match other wall switch or outlet plates in the room. In -wall speakers fit in beautifully with any home's interior design. The speaker grilles can be painted to match the color of the walls (as shown above) or covered with fabric match- ing accents in the room. Caulking can lead to huge savings in energy dollars The cost incurred in caulking your home can easily be returned to you in energy sav- ings within two years. The higher the temperature variance over the years, the quicker the return of your investment. To determine where caulking is needed. look at all your windows and doors. If caulk- ing is old and cracked or missing, new caulk- ing is needed. Drafts are also a good indica- tion of faulty caulking. Other potential trouble spots include the area between the window sills and frames and the siding, at joints between the door frame and the top of the door and siding, at corners formed by siding, and outside water faucets and outlets. Caulking requires no special skills and only a few tools — a ladder, a caulking gun, caulk- ing cartridges and a putty knife or screwdriv- er. Since caulking compound is available in a variety of types, ask for assistance from a knowledgeable sales clerk, at your local home improvement centre, regarding which is best for the particular project you are doing. As a rule, you will need half a cartridge per door or window. For best results, never caulk when tempera- ture falls below 10° C (50° F). Make sure the area you are caulking is dry and free of loose dirt. To accomplish this, dry area with a cloth and deep crevices can be dried using a hair dryer. If caulk becomes runny in hot weather, place it in the refrigerator for an hour or two before using. The ideal time to caulk is if you are paint- ing. Caulking adheres best after you have applied the primer coat. Allow caulking to dry for a couple of days before adding the finish- ing coat of paint. A good bead of caulking overlaps both smooth surfaces for a tight seal. Beginners may need to practice drawing a good bead of caulk. but it is not a difficult task to master. Remember the general rules of safety when using ladder and your caulking job should go smoothly and produce some impressive ener- gy-saving results. Ontario New Home Warranty Program fact sheet ❑ The Government of Ontario passed the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act in 1976 mak- ing the then existing voluntary war- ranty program mandatory and ensuring that every new home and condominium unit built for sale in Ontario is covered by warranty. J The Ontario New Home Warranty Program is the only mandatory new home warranty pro- gram in Canada and one of the very few in the world. ❑ The Ontario New Home Warranty Program was established as an independent, non-profit cor- poration to protect consumers by administering and enforcing the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act. ❑ The goals of the Ontario New Home Warranty Program also include regulation of builders to ensure they comply with the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act. ❑ Since it was established, the Ontario New Home Warranty Program has provided protection to more than 600,000 new homes in Ontario. Currently, more than 300,000 homes are covered. O Over the years, the Ontario New Home Warranty Program has expanded and enhanced its cover- age. It has introduced the Home Builder's Guide to After Sales Service (a builder rating program), established the Ernest Assaly Award to annually recognize the province's best builder for after sales service and published the Code and Construction Guide to Housing. OWMA TNS wEBUAJAX MEWILAOVERTISEttr Aug. 27.- S"L 3, J M SM Ht)8M Aug. b - Sept- 4,103 PAGE? NeW Roues• at=ti IaMtetZ 4MW is Classic design lends character Despite innovations in the home-building industry and the improvements in materi- als and energy -efficiency, the classic design style has retained its popularity for generations — both with new home buyers and home builders alike. The straight -forward lines lend character and provide the home with a look that says "warmth and hospitali- ty... As popular as the design is with home buyers, the classic style is also popular with home builders because its lines make the home cost- effective to build. The best feature of the classic style is flexibility. The interior features cre- ative, flexible living spaces, while the exterior is designed to allow for many different types of finishes and customizing touches. In a typical classic design, the main floor includes abundant space for private family life and entertaining. A spacious foyer usually ushers guests to a formal dining room or a large living room. The entrance to dining room can be accented with decorative columns or I I I French doors. The living room takes on a cozy atmosphere with a fireplace framed by built-in shelves. The kitchen and breakfast nook overlooks the living room and can feature a walk- out to the patio. The classic home design allows for a secluded master suite, including luxurious private bath with spa tub. How you home looks inside is up to you, but its classic design offers the fea- tures that have made this style of home popular for generations. Classic home designs singnify warmth and hospitality. Even though people are looking for various other features in a home, the popularity of a traditional home design contin- ues to attract home buyers. T1 IL 01, flEtH T9NE 1 1 —1 MAI Ilium" Incredible at Irresis Carries from only Townhomes f ti*ble Prices $670 per month P. 6L I! Halminen Homes has now made the charming new community of Fieldstone more affordable than ever with the addition of just 24 freehold townhomes. From just 990 �1 G.S.T. Included Sales Office Hours: ' I Mondav-Thur%dav t - Spm Friday. 12 - Spm O� I ' Sunday t lam -6pm Clod Saturday 1 ytultbnl pur.ha—r,. .Am.v+nt babel on; 7; ' for -earn and.appev .urrmt rate t.w 2 cean. laminal it me utter. see Plc, rrprc mtatnr I,w,:eud. I'n,e•anal npa-.h.an••rrt are wbteo ro atAng, +ithout neti,c. t. \ kI.I • S APPUANM INMUM • 5 total down/flexible deposits - Spring'% occupancy Call:(416)40+ 1880 w� k• iallE OMTANIO a 0 wwE i OSHMA TM WEEUAJM BEMs ACMERT03k Aua. V - sem. 3-1"30M "OEM Aug. b - SOp.1, IM ASPEN t -Y r F1 JoAk The Kaitlin Group Ltd. Make Your FIRST HOME a NO -COMPROMISE Detached Home in Bowmanvifle's Finest New Home Community', AS LrrT1x AS DOWN PAYMENT WITH 10% DOWN f MONTHLY P. & I. YOU C.1LN OWN A REALLY BIG 1634 SQ. FT. DETACHED* HOME WITH FAMILY ROOM AND FIREPLACE, 3 WASHROOMS, FULL MASTER ENSLTM, WALK L1' CLOSET, 5 APPLIANCES AND SO MUCH MORE! �� . $140490 1634 Townhome & Detached Models available from $99,990" GST INCLUDED • ee• � �r Ma a s 41 .. "A� UV FAP r w IIIINDAT - THURSDAY 1PM -SPM FRIDAY CLOSED WEEKENDS 8 HOLIDAYS 11AM - 6PM 'Ca�...�. 623-7027 or 427-8605 -POWXS MauoE s F"M @ONUS 'UMM NElow GRAM + a TEM MW - 4%