HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1993_08_20"WOOD bum W 1114111111011"_ I Pickering Edition p]CarWvd JW. 1 We* Cadbean CruiseCm& SW13Maylill from - firs DIERTISER $799AP= q Sorl.. AvW 29 Pw DOUG 8MM ChIkiren's show FI41EE INA11=1111 I= TM OW N__ll Ift" IAM *1W F09MUS411111 Friday, Aug. 20, 1993 24 pages A Metrolland Coffirmnity Newspaper Pressrun 35,000 510 + 40 GST - 55 tens Vol. 112 No. 34 1 �T <y Teen sex WASTE FIRM DOESN'Tr 1 diseases WASTE ITS MONEY: Laidlaw "Ka to Systems has joined the growing list of com- sV.: munity donors contributing toward the Ajax -Pickering Gen - a use for eral Hospital's Lifelong Friends bu% -a-bed campaign. Laidlaw has given a gift of S 1.000 toward the purchase of a S5.0(X) bed and will have its company Concern' name listed on a plaque with other contributors. Get vour bed By JOAN RANSBERRY by calling 428 -1407 - Durham Staff DURHAM Sexually -active teens here are urged to report to their doctors for check-ups in the wake of an increase in sexually transmitted diseases elsewhere. Area experts are somewhat alarmed about the number of local children nine to 14 diag- News nosed with gonorrhea last year. But, the rise in STDs among Durham*s teens isn't of epidemic proportions like in 4 Toronto, where health officials are calling the increase there cause for alarm. "We'd prefer to call it Je, a concern," says Cather- Over I in 10 ine Daigle, senior nurse at Durham's sexual area females health centre. -(STDs from 15 - 19 haven't) increased in '92 large numbers. We are teded in not calling it an epidem- Home sales ic. But, we are advising had an SM on rebound young people to get yearly examination ,%.- Page 8 i While the incidence of STDs in teens has levelled off over the past few years, it's sky- rocketed over the last decade. lRegular features And, the biggest increase has been in females aged 15 to 19. 1,etters— ____6 An Evening in Paris For example, Ontario statistics for 1985 Fatertainment--.._.....log that 240 out of every 100,000 females Sports.___......................11 I You're invited to spend an Evening in Paris. That' s the theme of a United Way of that age had chlamydia. a common and serious (Billboard......._.. 16 Ajax -Pickering ball on Saturday, Sept. 25. Here, Reid Sevigny works on a huge i disease that can render some women sterile Classirsed. —17 Eiffel Tower which will grace the HMS Room at the Ajax Community Centre. Cost and can cause infections in the eyes and lungs is $100 a person, a portion of which is tax deductible. Cocktails begin at 6:30 p.m. of babies born to infected mothers. Simmirely Yours. .....21 and dinner at 7:30. The Ken Meyer Band performs and black tie is optional. Tickets By 1989, that figure had skyrocketed so Barterfine— 72 are available at the United Way office, 95 Bayly St. W., Suite 407, Ajax. Call 686- chlamydia was found in 1,231 out of every 0606 for information. photo by Ron Pieftwiro 100,000 females from 15 to 19. It's stabidized since then with 1992's figures exactly the saw as those in '89. Meanwhile, in Durham, 11 per cent of WE MICYCLE Ajax school fire Kids flee young women tested last year were diagnosed AJAX - Two dozen cliddren escaped Injury student was whiisked away by arnbulance after with chlamydia, reports Evelyn Butler, Region when a fire ripped through a school here yester suffering an asthma attack director of public health nursing. day afrmoon. It took Ajax firefighters time short me io extin- In '92, there were 220 cases of chlamydia Most of the stutlents of BWsdale Montessoriguish the blaze, which began in the kitchen of and 22 cases of gonorrhea in that category here - School an Hwy. 2 east of Church SL were out- the one -storey building and cm "significant" MW MM AoMn= side when the fire began around 4 pmL Alarms damage, according to chief Tony Kuwff. That was down somewhat from the previous sent others fleeing in a calm man= taught to Pa=ts arriving at the SC11001 ID PICIL Up their year when Durham's health departrnent record - no eqded paW them in regular fee drills. children were Visibly shaken but rebtved. A young woman working there as a summer For more, gee Sunday's News Advertiser. See GONORRHFA—Pfte 2 LookkWto meet that significant someone? Call Sincerely Yours at 1-800-387-8009 a 11113 CAkowew POLOW bdumm W_ ...... VIDEOMA XX THE SUPER VIDEO STORE 1794 LIVERPOOL RD. 420491111 01-4111181822WHrrESRD. Flame BMW WHOPPER' FRES via ft wcdm d on&= ffin RENT ANY 2 MOVIES OR GAMES ",* 11 0 . . .". . . .. . # 6 4 4 - urs eAaaaa we odu" ft %IN ift my ow low aft. ri, below a* + 4 0 P W" wMewrowx ow" Now . . �., +.. I NIA11 I MN BILLM r. r ., � 1.. r l • ..• � •. I I I I I J I • I I WIyv��1�p.� .- y. Gonorrhea found ion c -9 to FROM PAGE 1 ed 222 cases of chlamydia and 51 uses of gonorrhea. But, the news is bad regarding STDs in Durham's children. In 1992, nine youngsters from nine to 14 years were diagnosed with gonorrhea here. The Region, however, had no reported cases of syphilis or gonorrhea among chil- dren the year before. Durham council health and social services committee chairman Tom Edwards is concerned about the rise in STDs in the region over the past decade. "Not only is there a significant increase in Durham, as is the case elsewhere in Ontario, but the highest incidence is among females in the 15 to 19 years of age group," he says. (One reason the highest rate of STDs is found in females 15 to 19 is that more females than males get medical examinations, notes Mrs. Butler.) Chlamydia, "unlike other dis- eases ... can prevent ability to bear children if not treated properly," points out Mr. Edwards. He encourages sexually -active teens to take advantage of STD clin- ics held Tuesdays from 3:45 to 5:15 p.m. in a Durham health clinic on the Pickering Town Centre's lower level near the food court. To make an appointment, or for more infor- mation, call 420-8781. "...The vastly -improved medical knowledge, which allows so many of us to live longer and more active lives, (will all be for naught) if our young people are infected during their formative years," says Mr. Edwards. He acknowledges that a minority of parents have criticized the Region's health department for tak- ing the message of prevention of STDs into the schools and else- where where young people congre- gate rather than preaching absti- nence from sex. Arson suspected in PTC fires PICKERING - Arson is sus- pected in two fires set outside the Pickering Town Centre early Saturday moming. In the more serious blaze, a tractor trailer sustained about S80.000 in damages after being set on fire. Firefighters were called to the scene around 3:14 a -m. and worked for about two hours. A door on the trailer was found unlocked and youths had been observed in the area earli- er, says Pickering acting fire ;l 11ILLUINE `1 Barn Dinner Theatre Alton Rd, Pickering HIlarious British Comedy "BED SIDE MANNERS" Open septerr,tr.r 10th Dinner show with all taxes Starts at $29.95 kF" Tkkab a wonmfion • pass tail 472-3085 �� A/A?oP5 CORRECTION NOTICE In our Sears. 'Back to School with Kx Vantage' flyer, the phrase ' N o payments until January 1994 on approved credit, with your Sears Card- was inadvertently left off our -No payments until 1994- promotions on pages U. CS and C7. We apologize for any kwconvenlenee this may have caused our customers. chief Rick Pearsall. While firefighters were work- ing to extinguish the trailer blaze, another call regarding a fire at the mall was received by the department shortly after 4 a.m. Firefighters from Hall 2 on Kingston Rd. responded to find a trash can ablaze. Both fires are being blamed on vandals and it's likely the culprits watched firefighters putting out the trailer fire before the trash can was set ablaze, says chief Pearsall. "They were probably keeping an eye on what was happening." But there's no reason to expect the arsonists to strike again, he says. "You don't even know if they're from this area. I wouldn't predict a problem. we keep an e\,e on these things." WE'RE MORE "�F s r. OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 9� •.Free Admission • Free Parking for 4800 cars - Over 500 vendors at the Pickering Flea Market Full Size Camival Most Sundays * Antique and Collectible Area Vast array of product * Farmer's Market Largest Indoor Flea Market m North America • METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE Brock Rd. & 401 * Pickering, ONT. Vendor Inquiries (416) 427-0744 r S\%ip UCASH INWITHTHI°YItt Orange Crusb, Limit i Root Beer & per family Cream Soda = Limited Quantity 2 Litre Bottle . FREE DRAW for 84rkj Hills 90210 Deas packet witlt ptttrutittse of 2 Burt boak of pop . �paew M lake 11111111141110 Soml., 8111111ILSO 0— `"The statistics that are available show our young people are at risk, and we must strive to protect them," Mr. Edwards says. "We should encourage young people to find out about measures (to prevent STDs) so that even those who are not sexually active can pass on information to their friends who are sexually active," he concludes. TELL US HOW YOU MET YOUR SPOUSE AND WIN A DINNER FOR TWO We want to hear about interesting ways our readers met their spouses. We'll publish as many letters as we can and will announce our winner Wednesday, Sept. 8. Please keep sto- ries to 250 words or less. Write to: Interest- ing Spouse, c/o News Advertiser, 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1 S 21-15. First place winner will win a dinner for two at Regalis Restau- rant in Pickering. .;:;PERFECT GARDEN GUIDE s August 18th' -26th' 1O Tomatoes rotting on the vine before they ripen is called blossom end rot. Imprvvirg the sol at the time of planting a the best defence. 2O Newly planned trees will benefit from proper wafering twice weekly. Encourage deep mons by Isa ig to waver ruining on a slow seftV for a half hour. 3❑ Warm sol and cooler temperalum make tab August the ideal time to over seed your lawn. OVisit Vandermeer Nursery 101' h molly semina and helpful adriae. TRHS SHIM & EVRKW Pink n. b MANYGRE4T Pink Baena Thr• LOWEST P�CESir OiF oa" �e c orourrul lofts in Breen, -Dmf Japarwse Blood Grass Zebra Grass s Blue IS JaPanese Sweet Flig�`` YANDERMEER .�� KOMI "Where Great Gardens Begin - Comer of Bayly & Lakeridge Ajax ® 421.2525 ft • OPEN SUNDAY - red; crisam or tMtiss M10 Oct Grass 8011119 8nah Grass 0Yebw Foxiall Gras ' Dug Fescue II,AIt vi WWW ■ %* St E. 3 .11 Ambulance cuts'avoidable': MPP By JUDI BOBBITT Staff Repel ki AJAX-PICKERING - Taking ambulances off the road to meet social contract cutbacks can be avoided, says Durham West MPP Jim Wiseman. "It strikes me maybe there's a lot of posturing going on," he com- ments. "Tulare are all sorts of other plans that are possible." As reported in the News Adver- tiser Sunday, the Ajax -Pickering Ambulance Service is proposing not to replace attendants who take time off work for illness or vaca- tions. Department director Steve Baric says that's the only way he can meet a $72,000 reduction in his operating budget being demanded by Queen's Park. Without two attendants per ambulance — one to drive and one to tend to a patient — that ambu- lance would come off the road until a full complement of staff is on the job. Or, as "a last resort", says Mr. Baric, an ambulance could be dis- paichod to a call with just one atten- dant. That means a victim would receive medical attention at the scene from the lone attendant, but would not be transported to hospital until a backup ambulance arrived. Mr. Baric's cost-cutting propos- al was submitted last week to the emergency health services branch of the provincial ministry of health. Both Mr. Baric and hospital president Bruce Cliff say there's no other way to meet the budget cut- backs, but Mr. Wiseman disagrees. "There are whole communities across Ontario that have no impact because of the social contract. One retirement takes care of the whole problem." He says $72,000 in cutbacks "is not a lot of money for the whole Regan of Durham." But the figure applies only to the Ajax -Pickering Ambulance Ser- vice, says Tracy Paterson, hospital Astonishing Savings Continue During Our Annual August Furniture Sale! A.-naung savings on Hurry! look for our landmark these recogn Hurryl showroom at: names: • Alrnira Furniture, • Hurry! 4747 Hwy. No. 7 East •ETR AM/FM stereo cassette 2. Mazda FAX -5 (Z" of Kennedy Reed) • Harden Furniture, 3. Tayoto Corolla SRS Unionville, Ontario • Jasper C4kbu ' U to we off p 62.9•Z • Kaufman Furniture. Hours Upholstery from: SALE END6 are: • Sterling, SA7LIWH )kion. -wed. 10 - 6 P.M. • Conover and SM. 4TH emirs. -Fri. 10 - 9 P.M • Peoplounger Recliners Saturday 10 - 5 P.M. Noone To Trail t,017V ft d// director of community relations. Hospital officials aro "absolutely" certain Mr. Baric's poposal is the only way to meet provincial fund- ing cuts, she adds. "We did our best." Mr. Wiseman says he hasn't read the proposal but wouldn't support reduced ambulance service levels. When the hospital receives a reply from the emergency health services branch in regard to Mr. Baric's proposal, Mr. Wiseman will be contacted "if there's any change (in service levels) to the community," Mrs. Paterson says. FK[DoAY,AUGWr'7R 1ltt3-FrWZ3 Elvis fan on the loose? Blue suede couch stolen PICKERING - A rare blue suede couch — the only one of its kind in Canada — has been reported stolen from De Boer's. The $8,000 couch and eight others were taken from the store at the Pickering Home & Design Centre late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning, Durham Regional Police report. The suede couch is manufactured by Ital and carries the brand name Cadillac. Some of the other sofas and loveseats stolen were leather. Together, they're valued at more than $20,000. A caretaker who arrived for work at the centre Wednesday around 8 am. discovered a broken window through which thieves gained access to the store. The investigation into the theft — which incidentally follows Monday's l6th anniversary of the death of Elvis Presley — con- tinues. AU OMM TPLANME&M H�l�Dm OR EQUIVALENT CREDIT SCOUR �r MOTOR TREND 'Top 10 Best Buy" .a • • i - (R) HYun[3RI Slone the .anrt moeeey Noes. DEALERS ASSOCIATION Pickering Hyundai 220 BavIv Street East, Ajax -427-0111 LaWe over 1993 ere mode Scop horn S10.495 wide "aubmahc ha wemoe or Wvaiertf sea UmM. tn'gM. P 0 1 aao lases extm Pie shown a Y S R P gess Drs al tom. Pvbc omm duirs mM sM for Ws So dealer for deWS T Lei" Smar Sporty meOe 1 11991 Wo at ward' 1993' Chart source Yards 93 Mack Boot 'es.Oual w ue � b — +QST+�".L__.._...,...-�+.---._.�..-�r ra+.=�.,..:.:.....•.r,:raly�...'-•-Yr s�N'i.-.a.+.',....; si..r...,-a... .. ' • New nigh energy "Alpha" engine • All -season radial tires • 60/40 split fold down rear seats aAO" 119") Avg. 1. NY1111pA1 SCOII�E 6i.tiX •ETR AM/FM stereo cassette 2. Mazda FAX -5 66.1 ;. • 4 -wheel independent suspension 3. Tayoto Corolla SRS 65.9'/. a 5 yr./100.000km Warranty, 4. Dodge Daytona 62.9•Z • 24 Hour Roadside Assistance' �r MOTOR TREND 'Top 10 Best Buy" .a • • i - (R) HYun[3RI Slone the .anrt moeeey Noes. DEALERS ASSOCIATION Pickering Hyundai 220 BavIv Street East, Ajax -427-0111 LaWe over 1993 ere mode Scop horn S10.495 wide "aubmahc ha wemoe or Wvaiertf sea UmM. tn'gM. P 0 1 aao lases extm Pie shown a Y S R P gess Drs al tom. Pvbc omm duirs mM sM for Ws So dealer for deWS T Lei" Smar Sporty meOe 1 11991 Wo at ward' 1993' Chart source Yards 93 Mack Boot 'es.Oual w ue � b — +QST+�".L__.._...,...-�+.---._.�..-�r ra+.=�.,..:.:.....•.r,:raly�...'-•-Yr s�N'i.-.a.+.',....; si..r...,-a... .. PAGE 4 -THE NEW ADVE111MISM FWMY, AUGUST 34, IM ►%N t HEpRE Kj,+1At�EHGE".. r, - ° e'el '711 comm bask d�YS'd fyou b -"*c eget 3t si ed �heoKe�m0te c Friday,S81UPd8y*, a S and Sunday save 1 . L" Rmly >fr H y Tna� so 530�m Washer. Dryer. Sears reg. Sears reg. 619.99 35 439.99 8 -program washer has a 2.45 cu. ft capacity 6 -program dryer —1 Fabric Master' helps -We, .eve s 3 «asr.. nse temperature selections for prevent overdry"ng of c�othes Large door opening grecther flexibility with big to small loads x42210 and drum light. x82210 Save S80 x suds saver washer. Some as above pws seas scver feature recycles water to help reduce water conwmption x5221 o Sears reg 689.99 609.99 Sears -O -Pectic° Innerspring SleepSets set These sets are approved by the International Chiro- practors Association. The cover is quilted to foam and fibre for added comfort. Meavy -gouge coil springs for firm support. 15 year worr'. $79320 ser Double set................................$349 Queen set.................................$399 Sere 5076 en Male's Bed...lYe lower Prue This S ea! Sears reg. 539.99 This Canadian -made, spoce-saving mate's bed has extra -deep storage drawers. Durable, mar -resistant sparkling White finish. $62900 series. �c �n .�Ye 1�ne No I�� �I,pniarg'94 On approved credit with your Sears card. $15 administration fee applies.This offers ends August 25, 1993. Ask for details. PRICES ON THIS PAGE END SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1993 s•s1= I. SEUM Expect more. from Sears j HWYs g g s•s1= I. SEUM Expect more. from Sears j *Burlington -Hamilton -Brampton -Mississauga -Kitchener -Windsor -Toronto -Guelph *Oshawa • the _ Sleep Factoryon— O �� ; • • 0 �� v U t0 co � C O i 'i r U� O • L � i� 0 0 C 0 0 H 0 C � r r V Y T J f C O Y.L E c� L m �pv�+ SINGLE MATTRESSES S48" $7 9 Ixoi FOAM SPRING LAI. e<. ORTHOMEDIC MARK -- Mattress Erna QUEEN SET 7 0. 3. 0 3 • 1 m F' d 'aa�F • N tQ m Set '339" Set '389 M ] X Milk Loot""� ADJUST -A -BED �: DYNASTY SERIES °4a�'5XTME 0 E Vrr JUNIOR SLEEP :. BIOPEDIC Regular Support Medium support single des• _ skw* Ma"ress ORTHOCHIRO CHIROCURE Extra Firm Support Super Firm Support Suis Mattress sire MaEbress 3 M -3 y ra 7< 0 PP•O•N o q 0 7 0 • O C cfl S O N • • Ui 0 W 3 CrCL • OSHAWA O SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY! WE GIVE YOU THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY - 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED �- the Sleep Factory PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED HOURS AJAX ■ WHITBY .::.....:::.: f—Htt DISPOSAL OF OLD ,ti1ATTRESS FHtt SET-UP LVHEN PRE 4RR..]NGED FREE LAY -AWAY 11 M ............. Affm RD. W W CANADA'S LARGEST CHAIN OF FACTORY DIRECT MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS SINCE 1978 itAM 01111llEwi • A �Xxx-Pickefing News Advertiser - E Ifor s Lette A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday TIMOTHY J. WHITTAKER, Publisher 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor-in-chief Newsroom - 683-5110 Distribution - 683-5117 Retail Advertising - 683-5110 Classified - 798-7672 GREG COATES, Managing Editor FAX - 683-7363 National Advertising Sales - 493-1300 Real Estate & Automotive Advertising - 798-7672 BRUCE DANFORD, Advertising Manager Member of the Ontano Community Newspaper Association ALVIN BROUWER, Retail Sales Manager Member of the Ontario Press Council ABE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager Protectiong ki from sex doiseases Perhaps it's a little early to push the panic button, but some of the numbers are definitely disturbing. While Durham health officials are discouraging the use of the word `epidemic,' sexually transmitted diseases have increased in Durham over the past decade. And some in the community (including Tom Edwards, chairman of Durham council's health committee) are urging young people to seek yearly examinations in an effort to prevent STDs. Among the more puzzling and worrying statistics are those sur- rounding gonorrhea in children aged nine to 14 years old. In 1991 there was no indication of a problem at all; in 1992 nine cases had appeared. While the numbers may not yet be overwhelming, even one case, especially in children, is one too many. (They may, in fact, be an indica- tion of more serious concerns — but that's another issue.) One indication of the potential seriousness of the problem is that Toronto, a mere half-hour or so to the west of us, is using the word epi- demic in talking about their own problem of STDs among young peo- ple. Now the figures being bandied about don't include calculations on AIDS cases, apparently not as much of an issue among the younger age groups. That's a bit of good news. On the other hand it could be that, in the light of the seriousness of the AIDS epidemic, the increase in other STD cases doesn't look as serious as it might otherwise. And we should take these numbers seriously. Mr. Edwards should be commended for his concern and his effort to draw attention to the issue. He certainly has the right idea when he points out that we must edu- cate our young people about the rising risk and "we must strive to pro- tect them." LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Ian action need T0 ime to fight rabies is now To the editor, Rabies is the scourge of warm weather. A new, virulent strain is moving north from Florida and affecting raccoons; animals hith- erto not susceptible to rabies. The concern is to prevent an epidemic in Ontario. This strain is predicted to hit our shores in late fall of this year, or early spring of next year. Toronto is taking precautions by inoculating its raccoon popula- tion. My concern is that Durham Region is not following this approach. It serves no purpose doing a job half way, thereby allowing for failure; when, by doing the job completely, you ensure success. If we do not attack this prob- lem in all areas, the spread will continue. We in Durham have a signifi- cant raccoon population and numerous other forms of wildlife. Our lack of protection will affect all these animals as well as endangering our children, pets, and livestock. 1 believe we meed to set up an inoculation program here. Budget limitations may impede the launch of this program in the minds of many bureaucrats, how- ever, we are not gamblers looking for a "sure thing", but are looking at the odds, and finding the "risks unacceptable." In order to ensure success of this program all regions through- out the province need to adopt a Plan of action. I would like to see the Region of Durham start the ball rolling. Residents of Durham should feel secure in their right to move around freely without fear of rabies. Linda Gilhody, Ajax Haveour s a Do you think jailed inmates should continue to receive a $10 per week allowance from y • the provincial government'! Chad Xavier says. "No. If Jobs Poets says, "They shouldn't get it free, they should have to earn the allowance �vark « ,thraut�b you're a criminal you've taken Kelly Riley says, "No they away a victim's rights, thus your shouldn't. They get free food and own rights or privileges should other privileges. They shouldn't . Ww bt CGL" z t be lw to. Qwpa crimes." , ,am upasinis says, "I think it's fair. They should be able to buy smokes and candy bars. It's a butmawtarian gesture.' • ABOUT US The News Advertiser wel- comes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal rea- sons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone num- ber for our information. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1 S 2H5 or sent by FAX to 683- 7363. Metroland Printing, Publish- ing and Distributing group of suburban newspapers includes: Ajax/Pidcermg News Advertiser, The Aurora Banner, Barrie Ban- ner/Advance, The Brampton Guardian, The Buroington Post, The Collingwood Connection, The Etobicoke Advertiser/Guardian, The Georgetown Independent, Kingston This Week, Lindsay This Week. Markham Economist and Sun, The Mikon Canadian Champion, The Mis- sissauga News, The Newmar- ket Era, Northumberland News, North York Mirror, Oakville Beaver, Oshawa -Whitby This Week, Orikia Today, Peterbor- ough This Week, The Rich- mond Hill/Thornhill/Vaughan Liberal, The Scarborough Mir- ror, The Stouffvil"xbridge Tri- bune. Today's Seniors. Second class mail registra- tion number 1897. Mail sub- scription rates in Canada: 1 year, $70 per eddion. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any a aYdvverrtilse�atent based on his Sob a 0 OMEN= r �• x✓. .� �,-�►„ --.n-�r.,ed ;'!.w-- - - m��..'�nrY,ew+►•r— .,"""',.;�.s ,c,,,.�,",,✓,„:;,;,,_,.: u.....__ � 1 �.,� - �, .• y, "' ���;:i�iwti�c:•-�r.r�t..��.i�. ' iii.° _` ` ��w �.., vow ., JWA. 1 Why Buy` a 1993 When you Can Buy a 1994 at Lmcredible a BRAND NEW DESIGN 1994 PLYMOUTH VOYAGERS • New Style Wheel Covers • New Style Moldings N Style Dash New Dual Air Bags N Sliding Passenger Seat A • 7 -Passenger • Big V-6 Engine • Air Conditioning • Automatic "\ ■ MAI :i • per month Based on 4a mond, lease n u 1"2 FOM ESCORT U •ASMI * C67M a dam, 4 *)bdW Iasi adlad dW^ adMW- IAY m mi. MW .n& dMod lir rda/ Ow bj" enSaKgebog lmw dn.ora"oawk0mdr.� 1242*"*P*w*w&bnw Y 111RIJ, l ,ate Tm w ri 19 1!3 DVMAM LE 4 DOOR SIL dY3101. a dr, f arl, lmt 9W iiK Ada► CA ON MOK a+. /e. ff aonc a amdoaa, a kdm. 4 ad* d rola aea arlq M armag andaa acarol Akwm uaa.. da7M�a err�19 �r wWon dd�aal w lard 9W4, aaa aad►al rum imaor mnaa, ki. n aA� a�ailr dhCmrrradr doll"4nftOdr 13,!00Mift 333560 m IM INADW 2 DIS Iom Mwd daaw wtoaaae, = I POW 4Mw.a lnrm m aaedlarg IN 4Mmw9. anaaa amwd t am, aw aaleI I lir w 71vk malar b1/ig mw nab@* ow Week to" roam dor ..rola r4drd he nd..antr aridsk rdaae. d r wrarx odr SI,IDO wda. 14349'prmo.�JLC. I I im am. TM i CWJITIM MOM. 4CILYrlalwddawao4K==W~%IIaMaA M" 4a awl. M. K MM 0l 8 10ft WAL AWN a:. Rao n 14*--Awd&K111Md"MCIA =a *man I"& aft"K am No ai ■ m On• ora maq mmk larch ddk ad dba aa. We" W w w a Ir 1awhtlaw nawhrliwawLad1X=ata 1771 uv�m i Li I • aM% / co, lmd clad dam, ado. 01m mr aaaw, r a, r. 0. m Mot, 0. ti R bd4 F ral. 0. Vw k M 4M4w a mm aaraal AWFM cm "— ft n9 ba. — awdaa 6bar. lir artad OW mft aw4 WSW, m m% isr awaw, radrt n wW awwdr ardaW b&m of Wftr wm* 0* 51400 If&& "mom uwft foal $ 2 l 1*mw*mmooC. 11 .TD SERVICE OPEN ALL i 'mV DAY SATURDAY PvfmlIwH AND EVERY NIGHT CHRYSLER Special S'ervice'; Ativ ik "MAY. At)b(W iM Bring-oneFifty new electric beds have been delivered to the Ajax -Pickering Gen- eral Hospital in the first shipment from the Indiana company that manufac- tures them. Eventually, 127 electric beds will replace worn-out manual in the models the hospital now has, and the community is being urged to help buy them in a fund-raising campaign. Truck driver John Lord, left, and hospital employee Brian Crawford roll the new beds into the hospital. To find out bedshow you or your company can have your name inscribed on a bed, call 428-1407. photo by Andrew Iwanowski Music equipment stolen from school AJAX - Summer will end on a sour note for the early Wednesday morning.A list of the equipment music department at a school here. taken wasn't aN-ahabie from Durham Reginal Police. Musical equipment was stolen from Harwood The twrglars gained access to the school through a Secondary School on Falby CL late Tuesday night or door on the building's east side. New home sales on the rebound DURHAM - Last month proved to be the best JWy for new bane sales in the Greater Toronto Area since 1988. "Considering that the adustiy is is the midst of the traditional summer doldrums, we are encouraged by this strong showing," says Murray Koebel, president of the Greater Toronto Home Builders Association. _ signals the distinct possibibty of a eeahhy housing marketthis aunimn.7 Affordability and consumer confidence m the key factors g buying i1mmom Way. be says. "Judging by the recent sharp increase in visits to sales offices, consumers recognize the tremendous value being offered by many builders and mahn that prices could escalate at any time.- The ime"The 742 new boons acid in July marks a 22 per cent iinarase over the prrviotss July. Ajax and Pkkerins saw Sl and 40 new borne sales, respec_ tivdy. Miississatngtt was the most Ctive with 110 saves while no houses tdsasngod hands in Newina keL •••.•• .v..?'�i•+4i 401kXKi:vK•'.a'n•3'iti>:v±�..J. :. ':.vv \r..4AZC':%v 4+SC .: Obituaries MATHS SON, Maisie IElmm- We - (Longtime R.N. at Tren- ton Meaaeorial Hospital). Peace- fully at Exteedicme - Oshawa, on Tuesday, Aug. 17, 1993. Maisie Matheson, loving wife of James Ocedeceased by Harold J. See- ley). Dear smother of Derek and his wife Barbara of Waterloo, Larry and his wife Carolyn of Whitby, Joyce and her busbeed Frank Verbeyden of Coquitlam, B.C., and stepmother of Heather Jessop of P kering. Gamb oth- er of eight. Private family ser- vice. Cremation. Arrangements entrusted to McEachnie Fungal Home, Ajax, 428-8488. Memori- al donations to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appre- cialod by the family. SCOTT, Daniel G. - Peace- fully on Tuesday, Aug. 17, 1993 Daniel Scott, dear husband of Lauri. Loving father of Patricia, Marion, Rouy, Ken, Peter and families. Poppa will be remem- bered by his many gtaodchiWten- Sadly missed by brothers Dave and Carl, sisters June, Maddine, Peggy and families. Family and friends will be received at the Royal Canadian Legion, Clare- mont, for a Legion memorial ser- vice on Fridty, Aug. 20 at 2 pm. lo fiat of flowers, donations may be sent to the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Kidney Foundation, or the Diabetes Association. A service wilJ be held in Maynooth at the Army and Navy Club on Saturday, Aug. 21 at 3 pm. with donations to the Club in Maynooth. Arrangements entrusted to MdEachnie Funeral Home, Ajax, at the Oshawa Gaieral Hosplotl. 428-84M. Rest m Peace.. . - . MFTMISS OUR ANNI1.U. V 3 Mit MY AM= 20,2 1,22 /93 Tfirtyd� b O4SMWA 571-5610 PICKERING 839-%10 Read the News Advertiser 3 times a week Money domes grow on trees at Vin,esway Forest. The forest has •_ s.n0 offim oPEL trwL tonna. 2 pm to 7 vm: Mwq been f ice• s.c. t sa Nos to 5 Fe kutp%n Forr 4 n a .trent r commwm o(k-&urr-palmd- ! 141611 4364161 bunplm-- s two Aom home% •vb cadKdat crdmK.. baud a ba %vWm!-..pa hadmom _ orad prden roan kaciKm% on _ tt full yard i9 ft. to 48 ft kt, 4unundmg a kxe,t swot. - vet posed from ItN f I i9.900. an n swo wr s7D cosec l1,7ls211, ipr I d7 ME09k r h . duos a Litan y i..t, SUM Bur now & choose your FREE option! at tow aur ws home! Thm ,�QwNo0�". 0 I.THE StN�R COMM MCKM A w"Iete oemer t air a nits "N" "M fir year news lows 2.1111E GED NAiCKM lrmerttuflr� store watkay! 3. THE CONVENIENCE MILAN I disk umbel . txwal vactwm ♦ eleeaic (Nrn�e, door t�erer! Tbr kvpxx F"V4 ce -. s�.. Timeb ad *4 WW* .r LA� 106 ash" tow V" arrear tsa sera must pluginto environMent Hydro Power suppliers need more bright ideas, says watchdog By NORMAN NELSON The Province, he says, needs "to retail businesses." Durhaue Staff focus on renewable energy and On the other hand, the caucus DURHAM - Results of a survey environmentally -friendly indepen- did hand out some kudos to the of Ontario's municipal electrical dent power." power companies for such initia- utilities, carred out by a local envi- The municipal utilities were lives as: ronmental watchdog group, weren't blasted for not providing financial • community-based, compre- exactly shocking. assistance for customers to switch hensive conservation energy pro - The survey found that municipal from electric heating to other cheap- grams by Ontario Hydro such as a utilities still need to pull up their er and more environmentally -sound program in Espanola; socks a bit on environmental and means of space and water heating. • promoting accountability by energy conservation matters. Ajax Hydro responded in the sur- supporting the direct election of all The survey of more than 120 vey that provincial data clearly indi- municipal utility commissioners (as municipal utilities — including Cates gas has an advantage by two or is done in Oshawa); those in Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, three times over electricity "which • the right of municipal utilities Oshawa and Newcastle — was translates into paybacks of less than to produce their own power, and to commissioned by a group called the two years for a conversion." buy power from independent pro - Ontario Energy/Environment Cau- A financial incentive, it reasons, ducers; cus which shares an office with is "not necessary and would be • the inclusion of environmental another environmental group. wrong, in any case, forcing cus- (roses in planning; The caucus is a 75 -member tomers, who for many reasons can- • the promotion of electricity group, with a particular interest in not switch, to subsidize those who conservation by support for individ- energy, that operates under an do." ual apartment metering. umbrella organization called the The survey also noted that Ontario Environmental Network. municipal utilities, for the most part, Tfrie NgMARVERrUM iZWAY.AUGU5'I'2% 1990-PAGZ 9 :TEZIN ZI A N C ZI _ Western Ranch Manufacturers or Quality Hand Crafted Western Boots ■1 11W.,1 I ■ 1 'tii'�i IIII • Variety or styles and colors ' • Guaranteed workmanship • Competitive prices • Custom orders 487 Westney Rd. S. at Clements 428-1787 HOURS: Moa. - Sat. 9-6 Caucus spokesman Dave Martin oppose the leasing of energy-effi- LOOKING F O R A BETTER says that on environmental issues, cient appliances to ratepzyers• �r Ontario's municipal utilities "are But Whitby Hydro responded, stig u"Mey divk that `spur role must be the gthe lip service to envi- provision o� le electricity to ronmental protection, but do not our customers at the lowest feasible U_ admit that Ontario has to phage out cost ... A publicly -owned utility JUA 17V nuclear power and get 100 per cent should not seek to widen its jurisdic- behind conservation with aggressive fiat in the name of conservation or efficiency by competing with local incentive programs." Shop the News Advertiser for the best bargains h NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING SEPTEMMBER 23, 1993 Possibk Modifications to Ame+dmem No. 79 to the Pickering District Plan (Highbush Cornmunity Plan) for the ALTONA FOREST AREA On September 21, 1992. Town Council ,doped Anwrdment No. 79 to the Pickering Disuja Plan oi%bbush Commis sy Plank and forwarded the Amendment to the Mimsuy of Muricipal Affms for approval. In Jute 1993. the Ministry referred the Amesidmeec to Board The tads $,ted by the Ameadrueatt are gwaMlty known as the -Aborta Forest Ara - and are outlined an the swap below. s t 21; - ppisew�a*r'ate f'the aticamingpnitrio U.;Cind Board kearitg, ie Tower is ooattideri� pos�le iairieoiotus to Anetdment Na 7A 7 ie.uif codow wri aspoo d to comins•t reoeised km the pro•ioeial ageacia dot tree circdatW copies of the Amindm nit follow" Tors Coula'1's adopiw of the and win morosid to do Metrepoi'sw Tassto =it Rep= Cawtwvstaat Atttho W's mm* alp and -hard for the Acquwtios of *9 Altar Farrar Bavkurao stall 511"t6tast AN" • Then 1? "m Weadfied as area for acquisom of about 33 hectaes in tis° s"ii fife AtlosaForestAtws Therefae. an Tburi day. September p• at 7-.%! pAL or as soon dm=hw as the ices WAY du be heard, b e Coatocd Chambers of the Pickerv4 Civic Compktt, as GW MW 6splasr0. a Public Mewing will be heW to provide information on the possible modificii ms to Amendment No. 79. If you wish to provide comments about this Matta. you may do so when the item is presented for discan on. An Information Report will be available at the office of the Town Clerk on or sha Sepuember 20, 1993 and at the Mme. It is anticipated that the Town's Executive Committee will oatsida possible modificstioss to AMemdmett No. 79 on October 25. 1993, and that Town Council will consider the malar on November 1. 1993. A subsequent advertisement will be placed conftnmiug due dam of the Executive and Council mottstgs. If you have any questiats. pkm contact Miss Catherine Rose, Manager. of the Town plannitg peparmnat st 421)•4617. +IiTHURS BRUCE TAYLAR .r�•.,. •'� 'TOWN CLERK AND A BETTER Then take a short drive to the countryside of Courtice and see Highland Gardens by Messinger. Where a simpler, safer way of life is a reality and you can feel part of a neighbourhood you'll be proud to call home. Theinverm-aa 3 Bedrooms, Cathedral Ceilings For $169,900 IN COURTICE Owkw&e 10 Yes► Nbrrarlty! $1 LA900 n=1 64 imknww G Q 'Q Q W A4(_ Q Z Z ' a jM,j3:_NASH ROAC IG STREET LAKE OWAM v Bourbon Bayly's AJAX-PICKERING - Bourbon Bayly's is 'comedy central' this Sat- urday night. The Ajax night club plays host to the side-splitting hilarity of Laff Trax Comedy starting at 9:30. Tickets, at $5 each, are going fast. Reser- vations are requested. The bar has karaoke/DJ on Friday night, starting at 9. Bourbon Bayly's is at 368 Bayly St., Ajax. Call 427-1888. To find out where the rest of the entertainment action is this week- end, just follow this guide: CENTREFIELD'S: Country and western band Blue Moon plays Friday night, starting at 9. On Sunday, there's a country jam session featuring Tennessee Lace from I to 6 p.m- Sundae night, there's laser karaoke from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Every Wednesday, male exotic dancers take the stage in Centrefield's Centrefold.. contest. Call 837-1850. HARP & THISTLE PUB: Limber Lost will fill the air with country and western music Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. There's karaoke on Sunday from 7 to 11 p.m. Call 428-0943. GLEEN*ERS: Enjoy live country and west- ern music with Jocelyn Marie Friday and Satur- day from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Call 681- 795'. COCO'.NL'TZ TAPS & EATS: The new Ajax nightspot has karaoke on 1L'ednesdays, starting at 9 p.m. There's a mix of DJ music Thursday through Sunday. Call 686-15.49. FOX & FLOWERPOT: There's an open jazz jam session with the Jazz Cats at the Fox &: Flowerpot Thursday nights from 8 to 11 p.m. Call 428-2162. JOKERS: Jokers has the country and west- ern and rock 'n' blues music of Al Matthews on Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. On Sunday, there's a country and western jam ses- sion with Jocelyn Marie from 7 to 11 p.m. Call 427-0337. KERRY INS: Bill and Marlene Dunn are back by popular demand to keep you dancing into the night Friday and Saturday from 9 p -m. to 1 a.m. There's karaoke on Sunday from 7 p.m. to midnight. Dickie Rock and his show - band take the stage, direct from Ireland, at the Kerry Inn on Sun..Aug. 29. Tickets are S20 each and are now on sale at the bar- Call 428- 8790. MONKEY BAR & GRILL: It's Rockin' Fridays with Q107 at The Monkey Bar with a dance party and lots of prizes to be given away - '%'an Wailin, a tribute to Van Halen, hits the stage on Saturday, starting at 9:30 p -m. Thurs- days feature karaoke beginning at 9 p.m- Call 619 -1236 - THE MEETING HOUSE: The Meeting House has rock 'n' blues master Jimmy Fraser on Friday from 9 p.m. to I a.m. and again on Sunday from 7 to 11 p.m. Taking the stage on Saturday is the band Paragon, formerly Dryed Nutts, who'll play a variety of rock 'n' roll favorites. Call 839-4744. SECOND STOREY: The Second Storey has a karaoke contest on Wednesdays, after 9 p -m. The finals of the contest will be held in four weeks time with a grand prize of a trip to the sunny south and $400 to the winner. Thurs- day is ladies' night, and, on Friday, there's a wet T-shirt contest with a S50 prize to the win- ner. Call 683-2940. LORD BYRONS: Lord Byrons has relaxing piano music on Friday and Saturday nights to enjoy with your dinner. The music starts at 7 p -m. Call 686-7000. DONA Y MIGUELS: For your dining plea- sure, Dona Y Miguels has a Mexican singer every Friday and Saturday night from 7 to 10. Call 6864468. KANGAROOS: Kangaroos hosts the Rag- weed Jazz Band each Thursday from 9 p.m. to midnight. Call 839-6845. ROYAL SCOT: Don the DJ spins the discs Friday through Sunday night. There's karaoke Tuesday nights starting at 9. Call 683-6657. Jo0 If your club or restaurant offers live enter- tainment, call Al Riven at the News Advertiser, 683-5110, to be included in this weekly feature. Stay in tune, read 11the' News Advertise WATCH FOR iMt:bt [PAtnI, 6 rLrrn� Vvlwirw 9%, OUR DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER r TODAY AND IN THE DAYS AHEAD FRIDAY, AUGUST 20193BIWAY(AJAXIPICK.) 'CANADIAN TIRE (PICK.) PIC NEWS ADVERTISER (AJAXIK) 'CA(AJAXIPICK.) 'CANADIAN TIRE (AJAX/PICK.) 'COTTOONN GININ NY (AJAX/PICK.) MAXI DRUG (AJAX) DOMINION (AJAX/PICK) 'SQUARE BOY (PKC(.) FOOD CITY (AJAX) ' VIDEO 99 (AJAX) ' VIDEO FLYER (AJAX) 'FOOD TOWN (AJAX PICK ) ' KiA (PICK.) SUNDAY, AUGUST 22193 K MART (AJAX/PICK) NEWS ADVERTISER (AJAX/PICK) LOBLAWS (AJAXIPICK ) - � LEARNING CENTRE MIRACLE FOOD MART (AJAX'PICK.) (AJAX/PICK.) 'SAV -A -CENTRE (PICK) - Delivered to selected households t FRIDAY'S CARRIER OF THE WEEK IS ROBERT PERRY Robert enjoys drawing, Nintendo 8 baseball. Robert received McDonald's coupons compliments of the News Advertiser, Congratulations Robert for being our Fnday Carrier of the Week S Membff of AJaxlPrckertng A ODM MRI r Li 'JJ V Lr3 � J 3 :1 W swoon wac'; �rx ±w (f o ? t Construction is under way and early buyers of our special "Hampton Freehold Townhome Design" will save big with more "Early Start Bonuses". • Brick -faced gas fireplace plus an installed dishwasher - or.. • Ensuite Bath with step up oval tub for the master bedroom - or... • Central Air Conditioning plus an installed dishwasher. OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 31, 1993. -' Tom- i6w ARMM OOMCEK- 7K HAMPTON S118AW 11619Q. FT. OTHER FREEHOLD TOY" HOMES FROM 5GO= UP TO 1807 SO. FT. son MW "" en Won" Ili Ih" IbAr d Mry. MI) 71L F� I HOURS: MON - THURS: 2 - 7 PM SAT - SUN: NOON -6115M 697-2112 or 14XX 3634= r BOWMANVILLE PTO QUAUFlED44JRGHASEM winz .o.wrau � f a a GALU: ieNv wi wrs ourwso son MW "" en Won" Ili Ih" IbAr d Mry. MI) 71L F� I HOURS: MON - THURS: 2 - 7 PM SAT - SUN: NOON -6115M 697-2112 or 14XX 3634= r BOWMANVILLE PTO QUAUFlED44JRGHASEM THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 2k 1"34PACE U Friday sports Did n r � bike racing's a fami affair Pickering father -daughter duo enjoy motocross success involved in competitive racing after buy By AL RIVETT - Sport Reporter ing a pair of motocross bikes and racing * a �. ', t 7tj; r ;s PICKERING - A father -daughter dirt them near his Pickering home. Kristin's biking duo has enjoyed its share of sue- cousin Shane also played a role in get- '�'� -•� ^ �r `� `'' cess while racing a local motocross cir- ting her hooked on motocross racing. Y. jrs cuit this summer. But, as far as Ernie's concerned, the Ernie Sundal, 45, and his daughter sport has brought him and his daughter -'- Kristina Sundal, 16, of Pickering have closer together. been leaving other competitors in the "It's nice to do something that you 4` r dust while tearing up the tracks at several both enjoy," he says. ' v r l _ recent events. As for Kristina, she's won several Most recently, the duo raced at the ladies races, while finishing near the top Markham Motocross Spectacular at the in six races in the schoolboy class, which Markham Fairgrounds on August 8. includes male racers, so far this season. Kristina raced her Suzuki RM 80 motor- Kristina says she's especially fond of cycle to a first -place finish in the ladies' beating the boys in the schoolboy class. ., Jr, .- category and was sixth in the 80cc Once the boys find out there's a girl in schoolboy category. Meanwhile, Ernie, the race, they try extra hard to beat her. "The women's classes are not so cote - aboard his Kowasaki KX 125, finished ,.�. second in the veteran's class. pe[itive; the boys' class is more competi- Kristina Sundal, 16, left, and father Ernie Sundal give their motocross bikes a The Sundays also made a clean sweep rive. You have to be more on your toes," at the Outback Motocross even[ in says Kristina who attends Pine Ridge good workout near their Pickering home. The two have had a successful season Uxbridge last month. Kristina came High School in Pickering. "Most of the on the motocross circuit in just their second year of competitive racing. photo by Andrew Iwanowski through with victories in the ladies' and boys are support - schoolboy classes, while Ernie crossed ive when they the finish line first in the veteran's race first find out and in the sportsmen's event. [here's a girl in It's been a breakthrough year for the the race. But, they pair of motocross riders who have only try twice as hard been competing in Canadian Motorcycle to beat me Association -sanctioned events for a short because I'm a time. girl. - Ern ie irl."Ernie currently sits second in points in The Sundal's the veteran's class in Ontario, having next big test is the four wins, two second -place finishes and second leg of the a sixth-place finish under his belt so far M a r k h a m this season. Motocross Spec - He says his veteran's status in tacular at the motocross belies his limited experience Markham Fair - in competition in the sport. "I'm not a grounds on Sun - real veteran, just an old novice," laughs day, Aug. 22. Ernie who's rode motorcycles most of Racing starts at his life, but took up motocross racing noon. Admission just two years ago. is S6 per person a[ Ernie says he and Kristina became the gate. • Ajax race car driver wins Mosport event AJAX - An Ajax race car of the Nissans faded after the driver took first place in his midpoint of the race as each class in the Toronto Star Wheels Grew Canadian 1difficulties began experiencing mechani- whichdropped km Challenge at Mosport � them well back of the A Aug. 7 and 8. Michelin Enduroseries the finish. After four races in the driver John Sherk and rookie series, Sherk is now in a tight co-driver Rene Boyd drove points battle for first place, the 1992 Acura Integra RS to even though he skipped one victory. Incidentally, it was the same car in which Sherk race while on vacation. Sherk's next event in the won last year's Firestone Fire- series is at Mosport, near Bowmanville, on the Labor hawk Touring Class champi- dip Facing tough competition Day weekend. The Michelin Enduroseries a trio of Nissan is Canada's national profes- .from NX2000's, the Royal Acura- sional endurance road racing designed in a format sponsored Integra ran nearly trouble-free fbr the seven -and- series, that showcases the talents of one-half hours of the event, drivers and crews and the reh- ability and durability of Pro - except for a damaged front tire which required an extra duction cars and the Michelin pit stop to change. The threat sweet tires on which they race. -robin-!play .winch ;was good ►8b to cc ua p lEmmat an Sum�isy. Ajit beat X808 rouundobin aetuon 08 Saturday, $4 and pickerinIg 54 while losing I-0 to Uxbridge on Sunday - Strong performances wire given by team members Lisa DiMichele, Candace.Uburd, Sara yiigour• Lim Smith, Kristen Aqummo, May Pedder. Lindsay' Nelsm Jennifer MacDougall, Tennille Norm, Amy Bond. Meredith McLaren, Nicole D -Rocha. and captain Micheie Murphy- m tea�mis coached by Art.Moreira. John McLum- Chris Aaaaaw /t %•:}.}.1Y K.SS.. AVAILABILITY Mon. -Thum. Sat., Sun. 41 MAGE MTHE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 20,19W C. •.t f . . 1 o1v G �Dp�V11N►UM GRAN� �KE9�� ee�M►FR � A9x YROA oI ct�i [catu�n$ a vary nth ,spacious Suitt Colonia► do° t eruct reathtaktn8 , brlcpnles b brass har�'� de bat t►nctive � wi d►s d man., lacvken%,lo s ►ocat►on Fabu►°us max Lakc n the, shore tts �� �BE�ROOMSGITE ON -1 �gTAlidded ACLU Rl CKvthe E UD bcr of ��� a mem s, m mom h �►dent ►�ttefs c�ccrc�ing ,gcach Club, w ms, Indoor s saunas,nnls MON, CkILL curt 9" an ,, 6mFo'R �O 2'l , . SNS 0" 1290 vw COMA Frf •5@w n' On HAM ,mc Ps.► e 401 and �,�„` E &pE GO train . • w4��s„�am�*''q' ,�►� �r _n►� 4 w M j � Z Y U Q m LMM tip 1� w M j � Z Y U Q m LMM tip A Aerials ready to fly into new gym season PICKERING - The Pickering Aerials Gym- nastics Club is gearing up for the coming sea- son. Aerials' gymnasts will be training at the Pickering Town Centre. The series of demon- strations started Monday, and will continue through to Saturday, Aug. 21. QXGK!�Q The Aerials' girls' and boys' competitive teams performed gymnastics AERIALS demonstrations at the Cana- GYmNAs-ncs dian National Exhibition Wednesday, Aug. 18. The Aerials' club will hold its fall registra- tion, starting on Monday, Aug. 23 to Friday, Aug. 27 from 5 to 8 p.m. each day. The club is at 1095 Kingston Rd., Pickering. Call 839-5260. Starting on Saturday, Aug. 28, the club's competitive gymnasts will be training with four members of the Hungarian. national gymnastics team for an unspecified period of time. JJ A The male gymnasts with the club are coming off its best ever performance at the recent 1993 Provincial Gymnastics Championships in Sault Ste. Marie. Pickering softball girls back in first place PICKERLNG - The Pickering bantam rep girls' softball team climbed back into first place after posting three successive wins and a tie in league Play - Pickering hosted the Oshawa Shamrocks with Pickering hanging on for a 6-3 win Hurler Emily Renaud fanned seven Oshawa batters as Pickering outhit its opponents 11 to 5. Renaud helped her own cause by leading the team with three RBIs, while Jessica Allen reached base four times and Kelly Gauthier contributed two hits. Pickering opened quickly in a league game against Stouffville, claiming a 7- 0 lead after three innings and romping to a 10-0 win Crystal Annis reached base three times, including a triple and a single, and Vera Malone contributed two RBIs. Catcher Allen had throe put-outs, including erasing an attempted steal of third base. Pitchers Renaud and Laurie Train scattered four hits for the local squad. Pickering and Scarborough hooked up for a bat- tle of the two top teams. Scarborough was no match for the fired -up Pickering squad who earned an 8-0 win on a 12 -hit outburst Gauthier led the team offensivdy with three hits; Allen contributed a home run and two RBIs, while Tara MacDonald also contributed two RBIs. Renaud scattered throe hits while striking out seven for the complete game shutout Pickering earned an 8-8 tie with Whitby in another league tilt. Offensively, Laurie Cook col- lected three has, Kim Savage contributed two and Train brought hone throe runs on a timely bases - loaded triple. Pickering pounded out 12 his, while pitchers Renaud and Train scattered eight Whitby his. Also contributing to the success of the fust - place Pickering squad are Stephanie Feuer, Cathy File, Heather Penhale and Anne -Marie Stephenlm The team is coached by Chnis Renaud, assisted by Ralph Gauthier and John Savage. 55,000 and up Come to Oshawa's best buying opportunity this Sunday, 2-4 p.m. at 401 Wentworth St. West and see the model suite (unit 19)• 2 and 3 bedroom units available. This affordable project is YOUR opportunity to own your own home for $2,750 down (qualified buyers only), you can carry your own home for what you could pay in rent, - wrhy pay down someone else's mortgage? Buy NOW. We will help to arrange financing or talk to us about our rent to own program. Call on the open hate or call 441-2553 for details. J Winning the fust gold medal for the club was Aaron Wiltshire who won the provincial men's vault event at the cadet level out of 34 participating gymnasts. Brett Covey also won a gold, beating out 18 other gym- nasts on the rings in the argo 'A' men's category. Billy Donald earned a bronze medal in the rings and placed Fifth on both the floor and vault events in the argo 'A' division. Ty Iwata won the bronze medal for the floor event and placed fourth on the parallel bars and fifth on high bar to finish eighth overall out of 19 gymnasts in tyro 'A' men's division. Andrew Taylor placed fifth in vault in the tyro 'B' cate- gory; it was his first year of competition. Soccer Warriors edge OshawaTurul AJAX - The Ajax Warriors Ron Robinson Construc- tion under -10 boys' rep soccer team clipped Oshawa Turul 1-0 in recent Central soccer League action. David Bird broke the scoreless tie, blasting in a penalty shot with just two minutes remaining in the game. The Warriors came up with a solid team effort to domi- nate much of the contest, despite playing shorthanded for the entire match. Ajax forward Andre Vincent played an outstanding game, applying constant pressure on the Oshawa defense. Corey Sevier was selected as the most valuable player of the game by the Oshawa coaches. THE NEWS ADYMISER FnMT, Ari GWr 386 lfl�-INCE 1A TM(E A WATERSUDE =, BREATHER! j $59.00 per room, plus applicable taxes r 'ti FREE Continental Breakfast for the a Family when you present this ad! THE ROYAL CONNAUGHT HOTEL 112 King Street East Hamilton, Ontario 1-800-263-8558 Take a Breather in ONTMJO* Stay in tune, read the News Advertiser 1 i im- - j1. 1. l � WERE gBiro ` Greenw.md •g' rnmm $199.9"!0. NEM' - • Detested NbM Noble • Single Fd[WIV Haws 0[150' LOtS • Volkouts I[Kki&d fm � (� • Landscaping Indtided 164 I a Choose any one of the following Special Bonus Packages on our remaining 50' Lots. 1 ' 2 ■ 3 ICare -Free Move -In Package* Gourmet Kitchen Package Summer Comfort Package • side by side frost free refrigerator • central air conditioning ' W e pay your legal fres • 30" self-cleaning electric stove � • electric air filter � • "r�pay your moving expenses • %%e pay your land transfer tax • space saver microwave oven • 42 ceiling ran Nlr%. glue S5,(I(10 (adjusted on closing) • upgrade miro-stone kitchen sink • upgrade kitchen cabinets I"A WX%F W)tLS a' ev. w►-la.a • built-in 30" pantry L+►y S,II ; A turd Fn. i +r. LMINE Un" DOD LAW"d Resow GATE y.`I ,. J433-2579 s ii►cc ��rei>� laitHs'�bi�ilslwa�Ittuuitn ave � ora a . . SCOREBOARD Anerar, SNphwi Tyler). Leecess) vs. CPTT 0 (MVP AmS. 13:Sheridsn Dental Dental MatleAd; %* 3 (Scale Cer" 22 (MVPs MaWww Parldtil 2. Erik Mati novie) vs. Keld1 Dwy) vs. Ireland 0 (MVP Pierre -Luc Diet Coke 19 (MVPs Aube): Canada 3 (Crap Black Wray. Andrea lock.Jin COOPK Diver' lock. TomNn);Wi, - M Ford Donell) vs. England 0 (MVP 10 w Noel Hiti eR) vs. Drew Evans). Bramalem Honors 10 U4 STANDINGS - Aug. 13, (MVPs Nicole Zorn. TEAM PTS Cabin Aban). Brazil 19 PEEWEE BOYS' - Canada 17 PLAYOFFS Scaalxld 16 Aug. 13: Spon Togs England 12 Sportswear 21 vs Joe USA 11 Stanley) vs. Village Ply ah 10 mouthAlat 6 (MVP Brix+ CPTT d Freemen). Aug. 16. Spon Pelona 1 Tops Sportswear 15 (MVP u -e STANDINGS - Aug. i The Team1 vs. Vikage °y. TEAM PTS mouth-Aw 7 (MVP The Canada 17 Teem). 17 -Sport Togs win. tet England 11 rood 3 gi , lonae. Braid 10 Aug. 16 LOES 16 ;MVP Mexico 3 The Team) vs. Durham retard 1 BaiMl 5 (AVP Darryl Ker. -Cup ay is Sat- Aug. 2e n shawl. Mortach Field st 10 s.m - LOEB ldres le, round U-7 GIRLS' DWISION Maas groes to ne Aug. 20: Mamwf,rvHunter Caere Aug '6 SDeecy M -"ie• 3 (Rachel Tanner 2, Ashley 16 (MVP, Ryan Goroon. Saunders, MW Rade Tanner) Ricky McCallum. Kev- vs. Midtown Ph= 2 (Ear Visser Colhnsl vs. P-ckermg 2. MVP Carom ,attrrer. aa64r Msr's Sow -Pin B (MVP Priming 3 (Buttary Petersor. Stt>mw yomr., Stephanie McDermott. Katy - Speedy wins lot Swats, MVPJessca Weedr; vs round 3 ge ree to rare Ajax Home-ataware C iMVP Aug 16 W"'es AINssa Barliorl Burns & Mom - Petro -Can 3C 'M VPs so insurance a (Kase Tippers 2. Glenn 'keda. Brian Mchose Ca rter'1arc"..,.:e Ragdtew vs Cerury 21 O'Brer. MVP Knirshe Wiltshire) L,rn,o B•cw^ c ;MVP vs Biam Argus r ewer Bed C Dom Hower—it (MVP Jenne Doheny. scoranc - Whows lid Prev-Can 7 (Megan Nem 5. Da^ie'te toes ter rood 3 groes Colles 2, MVP Megan weismt to more vs. J a F Waste Systems 0 Aug. 'a _DEB 15 (MVPs (MVP Ncoe Wats Jodi Harrison. Luxe -•as- ns. Spat Top 20 (MVPs Sam srl vs VO Rd. Pero- Can 7 (MVP Jason - LOEB bob 2nd our 1 gore to mars ALS IS Duni Baht 2C MW Jason Puopoof vs CortVy 21-wifte Brow is (Mw rnecI , and rid I gemw to none. Aug ' B Spsady M,;Nxr 17 VVPI Evil Ponsgn- by. Randy Resonant vs Soar Togs Sportswear 3 (MVPs Duren P,; - Trevor MciAubn. - Speedy Mads 2nd round one game to nae. BOY'S' DrOSION Aug. 12: Boll Syg-a " :MVP a.JAX BRIDGE CLUB Berd44twoc+pleyAug. 17 1. Kay _-rawror ..ranee Ar^„r Stso w Wsorn) vs. Sam os Erg. Andres Deus. arry Lazaarwa nee►ing 'C MVP Enc Key`. tlrinr 2 Donal Donna Jap. tar Cos. Paul mwr ' 5tMW Rogr Monarvrecr MacMws. Ctrs Cnamoos to) vs _onsycrah Woodwrvmg '4 2 Mike%ornr.. ohr Barton. Pat (MVP Evlr Zacnans). Surpass Crain" Ever B+arx air C►w*snr 19 MOP Lewy, Dlna^ ._ Maks Fernley. Ea Burger. Ker Yi .eve .'i Contractors 9 (MVP Biotic, Ratios O rwv Unkrs c Marden. Joe" Marine, 5. Are Poor. Err+ _APD& Aso 2C (MVP JarwC avicp' K P w to Schwarz., uirlusc auric, Trophy '• Morw C inominor . c AJAX WARAORSSOCCER (MW -he leamf Y's. Notor Autc Body t0 (MVP Ser Van Dsr.„ Mr*aDvs--rewh10< Aug '3 w Au& 13: BuA Bar t' (MVP Jasor Lovot aNtS70N Scotland 2 (Dorm O'".orrar -or Farrar -vs King ComDortsn' rents Reid) vs Plarma P'us 0 JUNIOR T-iALL DFV190M MVP Petr VwWtray 7 C-haho Aug, a S! wda Dasa Cas» 22 Caller 4, Andrew Fcow 2 Tharrtas (MVPs Andre Saterr Sir Era: Peowsor) vs Drattrr rve Oecont Vs OToows 22 MVPs Kyle Haps CTsrssMBauOur.Plove" Mars mg 0IMVP Ian Plan"), Ajax Stow -Pec' 22 !MVP , arvda Sew Lsgor 2 (Did CourssmsnCs 2 ors, vs Savoy Mem 19 (MVPs 1R Canada 0 (MVP Enc Dorw;. .Mnneer Pearson. Sachin Shasyl. Towinwi oty Pnlpwey Managerent 4 West Rouge Cyas a Sports 22 ponarr'an Curve. Michael Fyrr. (MVPs Enka Pratt Casey O'hed' Shame Gumbo. Mark Ross) vs. vs- Spon -ogs 2C (MVPs MatTw USA 0 MW Ryer Blnchato UNDERAM DrdS10N Thcmpeor. Stever DCrazto) Aug. 10 Kersey% 20 (MVPs U.S.A. 2 (Joshua Forth. Stephen Msghan H0 Jordan Law NoaA vs. Solid Wood 2 (Mitchell . ina) vs. Quality Tune -Up 17 (MVPs Earle. tlrtltsel Thistak Dsanakrs Nloole Patsndwsk Javttrs Dol: Decorating 1 (Watnwe Bush) vs coubr a Farads Insurance 22 Parka herrn 0 MW Etat Mac - (MVPs Andrew Bigoni. Leanne Daniel Somam 2 (Maanw Wha- Murson) vs. LOEBs 22 (MVPs saw Zvs, Braeil0(MWKyle Cum Ceurr Sbra1. Phillp Harrel). -40—rA. ismo rsy PlAputy Mar. AVO. 11: Mash 20 (MVPs Coawy "ot we 1 (Joshua Ropers) vs. Witter. Lynda" Ryan) vs. Drat Prtmarcis Frnanual ServrwAs o Coke 20 (MVPs Jlnhaaa Perreira MW TatsryFat 4_ Do" tidras); Br- Hoer 1NDEWSEMN ONION U.S.A. 6 (Chis Martin 3. Mark 21 (MVPs Kyle Bartlett, Maroo Gorse. 4 more s) vs. OToolas 16 [MVPs Clwtlpller IOrMhtrlisn. Kyle LsOirtq vs. Canada Tom 0 Michael Tuate. G ispri DOw"; IMVP Daniel Clutha); Prothenca Savoie Meas 20 (MVPs Larma EliooR Sean RoeD) Y's. tlsl0wood IF 11el Seavian 2 (Aar Sstank Ford 19. Aug. 12: Courter AMagnate,MssUonste) M Vs. kind 1 Faraasr Ovum= 22 pAWs Cady ISholdon D'Souza); Sciethand 4 Johnson, Kagan Ealarselon) vs. IJttah Khosrowkhani 2. Sen OA*f TWO-UP 21 (MVPs As" Pwmwse 2) vs. Airs Opirtio Ewsrrrbak Sao HaacorJQ; Woo Clue 2 Mairk Harz 2); Disrnizl �btge Cycle a Stals 21 (MVPs Deoo"A" 1 (Often Currie) vs - 1 Steven Muir. Tyler McCrary vs. CPTT 1 (B 11111 ) LOEBe 15 (MVPs TSOW Baker. 1110�A3CJROFAM M SosB.d2(AdAalAamwl6s Gear Nowtoor Him; Pidaaial Mens Qo&~ 21 MVP Rya Bal MuIPIMM Va. U.SJL ON" ns. Spat Top 20 (MVPs Sam Jain Blom; Bad 1 MSW w Al IiomWe Rad EstaM Int:. SAT. SUN. AUG. 21 & 22.2-4 PA. 1880 VALLEY FAM 4TI7, PICKERNG Luxury Tridel, almost new, 1024 sq. R. move -in caFtMoo Ft. Must seer come &sea Ad Wm a lido a on house. 472-Y200 100. 0 0 AT 112 TILE NETAL MST Rqyk salR etas slq. THE L EW4T SEER SHOP 1211 Kingston RAL (AW Holler of U"rpooq 637.1111 Pickerint0 , Nissan Features: Sequential Multi -point Fuel injection Maximizes efficiency and minimizes emissions. Fuel injection is computer controlled to send precise bursts of fuel to each cylinder at exactly the right time thereby reducing throttle response lag time. Please recycle this ....... .... .f Pickering Aerials Gymnastics Club 1095 KINGSTON ROAD PICKERING L1 V 1 BS REGISTRATION STARTS AUG. 23 Monday - Friday 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. BOYS - GIRLS - PRE-SCHOOL a RECREATION TUMBLE BUGS 2-4 years JUNIOR GYM 4-6 years RECREATIONAL 5 years & up TRAMPOLINE 7 years & up Month to Month Classes REGISTER EARLY - ENROLLMENT LIMITED C,II 839-5260 Picture Homes presents Pocket Pleas0 ing Prices III W_Q__ SPECIAL" GUMMM 11W" 2266 SQ. FL: WASE NOW ML ONLY $214P 40, 50' & 60 ' LOTS ftom$069,900 ALSO Wdiq in Port Peny on nor Lots )&TORMjbLIA 6E Exquisite Victorian replica home designs feature graceful porches, dramatic hay window. toners. Beautifully detailed mouldin-s and trim all architecturally conceived to work together harmoniously to create a community with character and elegance of the Victorian Era. BUNGAWWS & 2 STOREYS FINAL, fivm' 179190%PPoIRTUNM UP TO 3365 SQ. FTe IOUIVTKY CAN OR IN WHITBY By PkV" Homes Walking distance to separate . , schools and park -s., .. . ntiFolRiiA" Ce= L X&M Bf VH= Monday - Thursday 1:30 - 7:00 pm Friday closed Sat. & Sun. 12:00 - 5:00 pm 1416.666-8164 WHITBY . • M-6550 (TUR.) Green Book offers tips tophotographers By LARRAINE ROULSTON Recycler's Report DURHAM - The Recycling Council of Ontario's (RCO) membership news book- let Ontario Recycling Update reported in its spring issue two new resource guides that are worth passing on to people in pho- tography and in mstaurant/hotel services. The Green Book: A Guide to How Pho- tographers and Illustrators can Lessen their Impact on the Environment has recently been released for the Canadian Association of Photographers and Illustrators in Com- munications. Tracy Kett packs a lot of useful infor- mation for photographers and illustrators who generate small quantities of waste. The 14 -page guide explains the problems and available solutions as well as presents innovative ideas from artists across the country. Here is one common problem: your company is not allowed access to the city -operated household hazardous waste depot and your operation is too small to warrant the services of a registered waste disposal company. Possible solution: team up with a photo lab or art school to make YOU'LL GET RESULTS THIS ...AND AlaxViclorkV Real Estate use of a safe -disposal service. Commonly used art and photographic supplies are discussed with regards to health, safety and environmental concerns; less harmful alternatives are suggested where feasible. Excellent resources. To order The Green Book, send $5 (including taxes) to the Canadian Associa- tion of Photographers and Illustrators in Communications, #322, 100 Broadview Ave., Toronto, Ont., M4M 2E8. Book orders receive a discount, call 462-3700. ... The Green Partnership Guide: 12 Steps to Help Create an Environmentally -Friend- ly Setting for Our Guests, Ourselves and Our Future is designed for environmental- ly -responsible practice for hotels, institu- tions and restaurants. Drawing on the experience of the "green program" at the Canadian Pacific Hotels and Resorts, this handbook offers suggestions on how to reduce, reuse and recycle in every aspect of hotel operations, as well as ideas for saving energy and water, establishing a preferential purchas- ing policy and buying organic are all pre - THE NEWS ADWFJrr %M FRmAZo AUGUST 2a,.t90.I111AGB LS sented in light-hearted, easy-to-use format. The Green Contacts section includes information on organizations that provide advice and on companies that sell various products. The guide, at $23.95 plus taxes, is available from Public Affairs and Envi- ronmental Office, Canadian Pacific Hotels and Resorts, 1 University Ave., Suite 1400, Toronto, Ont., M5J 2P1 or cal 1367-7111. In the lakeside Town of Port Perry (on the shores of Lake Scugog) Live a stress free lifestyle by the lake and have everything at your doorstep. Fishing, Boating, Hospital, Church, Community Centre, Shopping and Schools 35 minutes from Metro Toronto Bunzalows. 2 Storevs 11e Gifford 1810 94 ft $179,900 The Story Book Homes of Victorian Village One look at the streetscape and you'll think you have gone back in time. Exquisite home designs feature graceful porches, dramatic baywindow towers, beautifully detailed mouldings and trim; all architecturally conceived to work together harmoniously to create a community with the character and elegance of the Victorian Era Information Centre located in LATE SUMMER & FALL POSSESSION FROM AVAILABLE $1799900 1§;,,sft. only 3 Homes Left 50'z120' Lots Port Pary on Asst Stlreet VICTORIAN OrurRl b VILLAGE WEST e $L * a a � w.c�wrr � I I Monday - Friday by appointment only Saturday Closed Sun. 12 - 4 p -m. 7137-6550 (Tor.) 1.4166®6.8164 Whitby OPEN HOUSE SUN., AUGUST 22,1.4 P.M. JUST LISTED - A REAL BEAUTY WALTER BROWN 77 GREGORY ROAD, AJAX Saks Representative Feat. country sized ki:. ^ew cpods 8 flooring, !ry rm wit °rend doors. 3 bdrms 8 4 Dc bath, upper eve . rec "n fir n pine wig wet custom bar, ^yieam hrdwd floors, ren: air. cent. vac., sec system, all rew wrdows. pre r jrr 55x!20' UAW lot vntF UG '6x32' heated poa w,'h crange shed Many a eras. asK for waive, Browr for FIRST Rm de�is.Askin ;1194.000 REMAX FIRST REALTY LTD. 831-3300 In the lakeside Town of Port Perry (on the shores of Lake Scugog) Live a stress free lifestyle by the lake and have everything at your doorstep. Fishing, Boating, Hospital, Church, Community Centre, Shopping and Schools 35 minutes from Metro Toronto Bunzalows. 2 Storevs 11e Gifford 1810 94 ft $179,900 The Story Book Homes of Victorian Village One look at the streetscape and you'll think you have gone back in time. Exquisite home designs feature graceful porches, dramatic baywindow towers, beautifully detailed mouldings and trim; all architecturally conceived to work together harmoniously to create a community with the character and elegance of the Victorian Era Information Centre located in LATE SUMMER & FALL POSSESSION FROM AVAILABLE $1799900 1§;,,sft. only 3 Homes Left 50'z120' Lots Port Pary on Asst Stlreet VICTORIAN OrurRl b VILLAGE WEST e $L * a a � w.c�wrr � I I Monday - Friday by appointment only Saturday Closed Sun. 12 - 4 p -m. 7137-6550 (Tor.) 1.4166®6.8164 Whitby wZ lfr1m maw ARVEMSErFROMMMK=34am t51,11MLIF Billboard Is a free feature for community events of a non-profit nature. To have your events pro- moted In Billboard, call us at 683- 5110 or wrNe to the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, l IS 2H5. The deadline for Billboard items is 10 a.m. the Monday prior to Wednes- day publication, 10 a.m. the Wednesday prior to Friday publica- tion and 10 a.m. the Thursday prior to Sunday publication. CORN ROAST: A corn roost and barbecue will be held Fri. Aug 20 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Whitevale United Church, Altora and White - vale Pals. Pickering 294-3457: 294- 0927. NATURALISTS: a,cke- ^g Nc*..,•c - iSts take c `ie+d trip to view late sum- mer wici +owers Sat. Aug 21 Meet leader Doug Lockery at 8 3C a m at rhe southwest corner o' the Pick- ering GO station tot 4213-1316 (Doug) CHRISTIAN SINGLES: "1�e Christian Sing es Se-v.^g Cn s' ^o a a Corn roast and baseball gore Sat. Aug 21, 6 p m , W Paulynr ParK. Roven- scroft Rd N , Ajax if *-ere s inclemert weather, a diner will be held C* the Christian Life Centre at the corner of Ravenscroft and Ross - lana PCs , Ajax 686-6193 (Juice). 929-0826 (Ruth). 728-9720 (Verna). YARD. AUCTION SALE -he con- grega"o^ O' V" Zor, --ea Church holds a yard and auction sale Sat , AtOg 21 Yard sale from 8 a T to 2 p m., auction starts at 2 3C o T Po- ceeds to the church Variety o' Items available The church is on The 8m Concession. two 4io—etres west of LOKendge Rd (Reg and Road 23). 649-5102.649-5200. UNITED WAY DAY: Pickering Play- ing Fields, 1610 Bavly, St. E., hosts a United Way Day Sat.. Aug. 21, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. New York Rangers goalie Glenn Healy will be there around noon for autographs and pictures (S2.50) and shoot outs (S 1 for one puck, $2 for three) Also, pony rides (S2) and display of vin- tage antique automobiles Pro- ceeds to the United Way 420-9090. NDP OPEN HOUSE: Ontario Rid- ing NDP candidate Lynn Jacklin hosts an open house Sat.. Aug. 21 beginning at 4 p.m at 132 Rather - glen Rd., Ajax. 686-8840 FLOOD RELIEF CAR WASH: Red Lobster -Pickering will join forces wilt) the Canadian Red Cross Society to host a fund-raising car wash for me victims of *he floods in the Ameri- can midwest on Sat., Aug 21 from 1 1 a rr to 3 p.m behind the Picker- ing Red Lobster at 1550 Kingston Rd (at Valley Farm Rd) Ca!! 831- 4559 SUNDAY, AUG. 22 GOLF: A c^or, y go'' tournament In ae o' •he Big Brothers Assoccanor of Ajax-Picke,ing will be held Sun , Aug 22 at Glen Cedars Golf and Country Club, Pickering Tee -Offs at 1 I a.m. S9C includes green fees, cart, dinner. Chance fo win prizes. All welcome 686-2871 MONDAY, AUG. 23 CHURCH FUND-RAISER: -tie Hope Spir'.c s' Crurc . 30C Court St Oshawa, holds a fund-raising work- shop Mon . Aug. 23, 7 30 p m Speaker discusses Forgiveness $5 at me door 427-7900 (Eva Pal) CHOIR AUDITIONS: -ne Jean MCDorocc Singers Wl! audition Chil- dren Over six, high school students and odutts Mon . Aug 23 All vace types welcome The group per- forms in cabarets and concerts. 837-2611. TUESDAY, AUG. 24 OVEREATERS: Overeaters Anony- mous holds weekly support group meetings Tuesday at 8 p.m at North Minister United Church, Sim - Coe St and Rossland Rd.. Oshawa. The next meeting is Tues., Aug. 24. Meetings are also held Mondays at 7:30 p.m. at St Phillip's Catholic Church. Oshawa. 427-1176 (Bente) or 579-5288 (Nancy). BLOOD DONOR CLINIC: the Ajax -Pickering branch of the Cana- dicn Red Cross will hold a blood donor clinic Tues., Aug. 24 from 1 to 8 3C p m at St. Bernadette's Parish Holl, Harwood Ave and Bayly St. Ajax I D. needed 420-3383 WEDNESDAY, AUG. 25 ONE -PARENT GROUP: Ti -ie One - Parent Assoc a',On o` A;ax-Pickering meets every Wednesday at 8 p m at the Volkswagen Rant, 777 Bayly St W. Ajax Guest speakers; special events planned 226-0062 (head office), 839-1877 (Sue) �IIIIIIluilliwilull ROYAL LEPAGE �illillilllHlN umi R-­,eoaoe Ren EmmeSrV.c eS Lta BrM, O00 . �-f THE HOUSE THAT -JACK- BUILT PICKERING VILLAGE JUST LISTED - 1189,900 Over 1,200 sq " finished top to Dxon Park -like 200 tt garden Orginai owner. David Vemwy, Sala Rep. 2844751. ROYAL L.&PAGE REAL ESTATE SERVICES LTD. 4517 KINGSTON RD. BCARBOROUGFi, ONT. CORRECTION NOTICE ON AD APPEARING SUNDAY, AUG. 15, 1993 FOR "STEP INTO MY CLOSET" Mn OPEN MONDAY HOURS ARE: TUES.-WED. 10-5 THURSDAY-FRI. 10-9 SAT. 10-5 SORRY, FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE Your calendar of cming heft FLEA MARKET & CRAFT SALE E AT PICOV DOWNSM C©U3 OUT TO q']P.71l: RAC38111 QUAR773t HORSE RACING EVERY SUNDAY UNM OCTOBER PARIMUTUEL WAGERING POST TUKE 1:30 REF RESHMEN78 FROM DOS ■ I,OCAlTD ON BIGBWA' f JUNr RANT OF BAWFOOD AVLYI.'R THE5EKID5 (chAdren't dothes) A ACK-TO-SCH00 STARTING AUG. 10 TILL SEPT. 11 )` 9: OLD KI NG5T ON RD. CKERI NG VI LLAGE 686-6?8u p Please Nrecycle this news000er. 71 0 1* D -JA, D ILI WE HAVE THE BEST VALUE IN SCARBOROUGH v�m The South Ridge 2800 sq. ft. $289,900 THE ULTIMATE WESTHILL LOCATION! • Pr'k to enckm of only 15 si dekxhed harries •Minutes 10 schools a stropping • Walking disl+ance to Rouge Pork FROM $259,,900 NOUNS: M011iiMY TO D*XC AY 1 RAM NM r+o~c Closm RtDIAYS ti. SATURDIAYS,SIt"Ye mo HOIDIAYS pcmm M &M • CALL 283-9140 u -•OnNONOtOGO00taO.AMP 1 CAO• t 1 1 1 r 1 LOOK BETTER. FEEL BETTER 1 1 FacklK Manicure 1 1 Fbmom Nark Prtapetxr,s, 1 1 Waxkgir Eyekwh/Eyobrow tkds 1 Horn• vWh avalla bio 1 10% off 'fill Aug. 31 1 1 Cop Kit appoinkin"t 1 831-1657 ' Glaisdale ontessorl school EST. 1go Ages 18 months to 12 yrs. 545A IDngston Rd., Pickering Village, (rear building) Ajax YOU'LL BE IMPRESSED! 686-5005 CLW A SAVE ---� "T Galbraith I 1 Repair Centre 1 1 Jewellery• Watches r .�. Watch battery Replacement a Watch Straps 1. hand• J jewel lery Cleaner < U Ring Cleaning and Rebuffing t Free estimates on roti piping of your precious rings_ l SHCPP'NG PLAZA 1 A SAVE - Smasher?°a amm P,., PE" PAM Am&" .german and lnternationadspeeiadtits Sunday Brunch 10:30 - 2:30 `ruts. -Sat. 11:30-2:30 & 5.10 p.>'n. Sunday 10:30-9 p.m. Located in Lit Courtyardef ft4riq wap 109 Did Wton V, Ajax 427-6760 it's not necessary to 'Rseplat e that old boat and motor. 'R'epair and OR'dirtish instead. We perform ttNle-ups and repairs of outboard motors, inboard motors and oultdrives. For help in getting your boat 'R'durbi:lted and on the larva Cap this season. r SAWYER MARINE SERVICES LTD_ 655-8347 tllE FROM 4.9996 12% W 3rd was. to 99% • Rst" Flep«lee . N : coapee • thbt :&w� >�� Flet Heie.dew p«ria. OR. E t+YI F"NI a OR. IL Rrnom RIE*VFTEWWRnarrserAPPO#fl*W WE OFFER FAMLY EYEwe • Contact Lenses • MM1001C V1191" OR LIVE .MI CAIEs FOR YOUR PETS. HOME a= • Binocular Vision • TeWV • HOME SECURITV a MAwnNANCE • LIVE4i OR NOIIRLY CHLD CME BONDED • DlspenuV of at • a MSURED, EST. 1M Types a Frames RELIABLE A AFFORDABLE - �w 686-1691 r . • At ilOUSESRTERS ` 7.i�wl� "M.•IIMA rr.. a•rI b•':M M�.r 'r+..r.VMt TUiii1.Y • DAT SPA • HAM by LTiKrT BELL • FACE • EODT • GO CEMCAM 49 Division St. Oshawa ret 5itters Etc. cares for pets, Going away on holiday might be , your ultimate goal, but there are always loose ends to take care of A. i before you take off. For example, who will put out the - �w garbage. who'll bring in the mail and newspapers, and how will the home maintain a 'lived-in look?' You'll need your curtains to be 4 open and shut periodically, lights to be turned on and off. If you have a pet, that's an additional concern. Many pet owners are preferring to keep their pet at home and have someone come in to care fcr the pet, whether it be a dog, cat, bird, or other exotic animal. : :l; l!1 •l w l li .,. .... if ��- -...1!%' Erica Brown -Dunn started Pet ret 5itters Etc. cares for pets, Going away on holiday might be , your ultimate goal, but there are always loose ends to take care of A. i before you take off. For example, who will put out the - �w garbage. who'll bring in the mail and newspapers, and how will the home maintain a 'lived-in look?' You'll need your curtains to be 4 open and shut periodically, lights to be turned on and off. If you have a pet, that's an additional concern. Many pet owners are preferring to keep their pet at home and have someone come in to care fcr the pet, whether it be a dog, cat, bird, or other exotic animal. For all of these needs, that's where Pet Sitters Etc. comes in. Erica Brown -Dunn started Pet Sitters Etc. out of her own need for solving the problem of taking care Of her pet.'``± She understands fully that when people decide to go away special arrangements for that 'extra family be mem r must be made. It Asn t always possible to get a neighbor or relative to do the job; and besides, you might not want too many of your neighbors knowing that you're away. During the last seven years, Erica and her animal -loving staff have cared for just about every type of animal. A consultation enables the sitter and pet to meet, and for the exact tasks to be determined. Infacmatilin is recorded about the pet's habits, what times the sitter should arrive, exercise and feeding routines, the duration of . time the sitter will spend. A service sbeet and contract are drawn up. Another aspect of Pet Sitter's function, if required, is to make sure the house looks lived in: open and close the blinds and drapes, take in the mail and newspapers, water plants.... homes..... The sitter will do whatever is necessary- This yThis is particularly comforting in instances where the family is away during winter months. As most homeowners know, insurance companies require that the house is regularly attended to, because in cold weather, taps can freeze, or heating systems can break down. If a family is away for an extended period without having someone responsible for checking on the house and some type of crisis should aoealr, the insurance company might tat be liable for the damage. Besides this type of long-term assignment for the family gig on holiday, Pet Sitters also offers a service for commuters who are away from horse for extended bourn each day. A Pet Sutlers staff will take the dos for a walk, relieviaft the Det E6t 40 144 110fanvot Vub i "A little something for everyone" 109 OLD KINGSTON RD. In The Courtyard" ttoo4'R 1 ;,,. ....- 2- a I- ca and e n d a n own -Dunn h Patch, at t, Lady and The Cat. owner of the responsibility after work, or simply providing additional exercise for the dog. When Erica first started her company in Durham, there was no other firm providing such a Personalized service. Today, the mother of two still operates an independent business, =connected to any franchise. She believes strongly that keeping pets at home while the family goes on vacation, is "a nice alternative" for families to consider. Plot Siam is a locally owned and operated business, bonded and insured, and covers the arca from Bowmanville b bickering. If you are a pet owner who could use this service at any time of year. and would like to know more specifics, call Fuca at 433-2386 or 427-1681. sawthm Br � �� aA. i FREE -B KIM CONSULTATION RED EYE SPECIAL VAN SERVICE TO AIRPORT $2500per person (additional family members 686-1515 F& WheeMuk Vans also mW* CEDAR PARK Recreation b Trailer Resort (5 miles N. of Bowmmville, just off Durham Rd. 57) OPEN FOR SUMMER Featuring: • Beautiful 110x70' pool - 18 hole miniature golf • tennis court • fantastic children's water play area complete with 3 pools, water umbrella, mini slide, water cannons. ASK ABOUT OUR SEASON SWIMMING PASS Public Swimming 263-8109 SALT OR WEATHER DAMAGED CONCRETE WALKWAYS OR STEPS? BASEMEN'S WATERMOOFEO CONCRETE RERMSHiNG ANO REPAIA ANY SIZE JOB - MODERN METHODS NO DAMAGE TO SHRUBS. LAWNS i DAIVEWAVS ALL AVAILABLE METHODS PERFORMED MOE �'" DUTSIDE LARRY v(nivm m 24 Moura Tel. (416) 619.17M or Fa: (416) 68344 Owottr w LNWNF lttttM FuturAA ndps kids ages 3-11 master their amid by moslurilg the 1XIM of WIlli rs. VA gleet teodlels and ody 4 kids/pw-* a cuninium #& incudes key- bwdi = puUr MzW moth sad l WWS de4- top alrnntlion, rabolia and mole -yak ddil Idhim m adMI htaning oulrenlule. Heil teaw ftr 1w IIN i udietws■1 FUVUCW no Nw-or r Ampean r- rvGmmwm Unit 1K , 5004UDS P437) PET SITTERS ETC. Pet, Plant and Home Care SI RVNG DUO*" S111114M testi P1111011%2111111110W CARE OF PETS PLANTS a NOM SOIMED A Inum WE CARE FOR YOUR PETS IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN 1"* i • 0 To Advertise your Business in this Feature Call Janice PAGE IS -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. At)Cei>ErIk 110- Ouartdity Mens owrity - advertise both Oshawa-whitby This week (576 9035) and Apn AcherkV News AdMerl w (79A-7672) Cant i 11 Prosarw of 103,000 every Friday 110 3eneral Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help A: IDEAL we stand behind the quality of the electr,caj products that we manufacture. We also Stand behind our dynamic staff who have helped us became the industry leader we are today. it you're a resufts-oriented person who is committed to your work, then consider )o,ning our team In the tollowing position OUALITY CONTROL TECHNICIAN Responsibilities include the complete implementation of IS09000. process control. returns and defectives, with ongoing inspection and monitonng to ensure compliance. The successful candidate must have the ability to cortlple reports. liaise with Ideal U.S tJualay Control, suppliers and customers re all corporate quality standards including packaging. Good. solid technical background In inspection and strong knowledge of the IS09000 system is a must Good English com-unction skills and PC expenence is also essena M return for your efforts, we will provide you with a competitive salary and opportunity to work within a progressive, energetic. smoke -tree environmord. If you are interested n pursuing this position. Please forward your resume, wilt^ saiary expectations. to DEAL INDUSTRIES (CANADA), INC. 33 Fuller Road, Ajax, Ontario LiS 2E1 Attention: Human Resources No Agencies Please MATERIAL HANDLER - PLASTICS A custom injection moulding company Is seeking a Material Handler for permanent full-time employment. Candidate will have strong Interactive and communication skl'Is along with some knowledge of resins. loading and unloading of materials or reiated experience. If you are comfortable with computers and working in a team environment send your resume to... File #6089 Oshawa This Week P.O. Box 481 Oshawa L1 H 71_5 NOW HIRING EnUxJisiask, energetic leam -oriented people. WEPROVIDE. _ • Complete training • Cw"lve wages • Pad breaks a Fringe benefits AN positions open. Please apply in person: 1550 KinDsM Rd., Pfter" between 2 and 4 p.m. daily Local GM Dealer is looking for an EXPERIENCED TOWER OPERATOR & FLAT RATER Three years experience. Also EXPERIENCED SERVICE ADVISOR With knowledge of GM warranty and extended warranties. Send resume to: Ale #6065 Oshawa This week P.O. Box 481 Oshawa, Ontario. , . CARDINAL awblta[s a comwam ars IK Live in and Live out. Part time and Full time nannies required Call 619-3351 Large Local GM Dealership requires GENERAL MECHANIC With at least 5 years GM experience in general mechanical. Send resume to: FILE #6085 Oshawa This Week P.O. Box 481 Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 7L5 0 TACO BELL is now accepting applications for our new store TACO opening in Ajax. We are BELL. currently hiring full-time & part- time staff to till all positions. Applications are avail. at Ajax Pizza Hut or Canada M L I a Ba l F f 130 sa�9 � 130 saw96e;p/ 130 Sales AgeM SALESPERSON for com- AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICAL INSTRUCTOR puterized marriage therapy program. Call Andrew. 72146433 Commission- (082693) required t0 provide professional SALES Reps to call on schools and libraries in Ontario. E- trafning on late morcel GM fuel quvalent to two years college S electrical systems. and have own car. Resume to: Class A mechanics licence a must. Mr. Roy Bekuch, 25 Th rncrdt, Previous seminariciassroom experience required. Ajax. L 1 S 2SI- (062693) Please submit a detailed resume to Box 6090 135 skilled Help Oshawa/Whitby This Week P.O. BOX 481 Smtn. 292 K ng St. W_ FUK dependabe some ch -id MOVING . couch". chairs. 865 Farewell SL, Oshawa Ont L1 H 7L5 Oshawa ',I J 2.19 No Phone care avaltab le. ' offer good food. tabus. ap0anes. king size ,� pease. (062693) troop-t»d for safe. call 939- Traw"4274 For appoltnrrlent, call MACHNST, need upgrading" 150 H°� MDental Tooling Techniques. an ad - 150 Hosp. Medical vaned course mowing the high Dental tech demands o1 today. 36 weeks. Durham College. call 721-2000 sue 2453. (062093) NURSING SUPERVISOR Part-time Position One of Ontario's leading home care & supplemental staffing providers, have an Immediate opening ler a Regtswecl Nursing Supervtsor to service the Regional Munilapaiify of Durham. This highly mo�raled RNA, who has experience in oommunrty-based nursing 8 home care. will supervise our home care dlenleie 8 will conduct performance appraisals on selected field staff. Interested ndrvtduals should mall their resume to: 165 Day Care Available as DAYCARE available ,n my hoeme. babies welwme. close to parks. schools, WhAtis RdJ Strouds Lane. Please cal after 6 p.m. 631-1796 ask for Kathy. (082293) 220 oar S9- e WANTED - working partner for 1 60 7 Cal Leslie. 426-09/4. M82WM 9 pce. dnrt,ngroom suite, 6 the SPEEDY VINYL ftanhise Wanted rl+yrs. table. buffet and thatch. for the Oshawa Borrmanvilte. BROCKiF1NCH - near Valley Newcastle and Port Perry yeas. RELIABLE caring person to ' �1O°I cur time or berore As" S1350 o D.o. CBM 686 and after school. Fenced yard. 2447. (082293) Ask to Dan. Cash Service. Biu,- drive her c leen 10 SChOone 1.c ildICK Id d activities. Recaps Fee FOR sale - used pool Hess-Inve"trrterR. 724-5730. up and care for one M,Itl (09-2693) afMrnoon. 26Se445. (06250M negotiable. 2 1,7 plus. 696- wppment. hewer. few. mora. WORK at forte nrkng crafts. UVEOUT bwbysraw required n �� ) mor c ver,Kraet roll and sum Earn $300 . weekly TNI us our horn for 3 children, starting IEA Lester Peeroe P.S.. reF tiler cover, etc All exCeflent abour yourself. P O Bos 4700 SKr. 21 in the t.iWunnalQxie able sa wwoea boNsaw. tot Condition. Call Bin 939-3465 Denman Place. Vancouver St. Rd area 931-3296 (082293) finches, sharks. rallowoes. all Pickering. (092293) FLOORING SALES nn wer, lverpoo y Y. Or urther Linformationcall TACO BELL Scarborough entre 2%-1287. MASHERS Dryers. Fridges recondilhoned File SIM s:rn > w a ecaOsftawa This Week washer. S17S and up for recon- P.O. Box 481 Oshawa, Ont. de oned dryers. $175 and up for L1H 7L5 reconditioned fridges and naves Also corn operated MANNYaHOUSEKEEPER re- ONTARIO MOTOR SALES COLLISION CENTRE washer and dryers Requires experienced, licensed, body repair FULL time centea owns, as - :,slant required for busy 165 Day Care Sphanson.w Fummure and ADOI�anCN. 227 Court $t., per". Oshawa dental °ffrpw Sera or Available Oshawa 576.7449-. (TFALL) Salesperson Wanted bring 'esum* to Dr David Please contact Harry Kirkwood Or Smtn. 292 K ng St. W_ FUK dependabe some ch -id MOVING . couch". chairs. Brian Gardner at 725.6501 Oshawa ',I J 2.19 No Phone care avaltab le. ' offer good food. tabus. ap0anes. king size ,� pease. (062693) troop-t»d for safe. call 939- Traw"4274 For appoltnrrlent, call song and story sine. fun pt AM-ingis 4768. M8250M Da Care uric «� Rano � '�h Afy'. Starting wrtnm 3 weeks Call WANTED - working partner for 1 60 7 Cal Leslie. 426-09/4. M82WM 9 pce. dnrt,ngroom suite, 6 the SPEEDY VINYL ftanhise Wanted rl+yrs. table. buffet and thatch. for the Oshawa Borrmanvilte. BROCKiF1NCH - near Valley Newcastle and Port Perry yeas. RELIABLE caring person to ' �1O°I cur time or berore As" S1350 o D.o. CBM 686 and after school. Fenced yard. 2447. (082293) Ask to Dan. Cash Service. Biu,- drive her c leen 10 SChOone 1.c ildICK Id d activities. Recaps Fee FOR sale - used pool Hess-Inve"trrterR. 724-5730. up and care for one M,Itl (09-2693) afMrnoon. 26Se445. (06250M negotiable. 2 1,7 plus. 696- wppment. hewer. few. mora. WORK at forte nrkng crafts. UVEOUT bwbysraw required n �� ) mor c ver,Kraet roll and sum Earn $300 . weekly TNI us our horn for 3 children, starting IEA Lester Peeroe P.S.. reF tiler cover, etc All exCeflent abour yourself. P O Bos 4700 SKr. 21 in the t.iWunnalQxie able sa wwoea boNsaw. tot Condition. Call Bin 939-3465 Denman Place. Vancouver St. Rd area 931-3296 (082293) finches, sharks. rallowoes. all Pickering. (092293) FLOORING SALES nn EARN extra income this tan, VGG3E1 (ti9290M MANNYaHOUSEKEEPER re- abet Ca114271937. M022!X!) PIANOS/GRANDFATHER Part-time Jon our succowul teem d Un- women Oercovor Wear women Pan a tequan queen ltee children (Oren clocks - Pana. rem to own, apt. knees w2e. upright, 9 p 'A _s - wonting Col. what's rrportam. Cp, fret 9-,d ht, rand, digital, Salesperson Wanted tom' evero W, delivery no callectng. No lelertarketng. full S Waxing an asset. pan lime Wj pan Salary commensurate wnh l acnooi Halt Gays) with car polerabio. Reterwlees required trained, sate happy home. keyboards CLOCKS - free deMry and set up. Can Taft to work some Traw"4274 For appoltnrrlent, call wtpererce. Busy salon. 571- Starting wrtnm 3 weeks Call Oututp", balarrosd rrieYt, steps t Isle. Loa d TLC and and take adv d bee Call Hkry M. Call 427-9044 ask f« 427-8205. (082693) 1220 (062493) 686-0772 afar 7 p.m. a 867- 1555 ext. 338 before S m. p peril stock s p Barney. Lake Driveway/ p1Ous on stock Best prides evenings & SATURN Saab Isuzu Per ken EST/ETIpAN wertt,W for es- (092293) Harwood. 428.1107. (082503) always' 433-1491 (TFALL) weekends. s looking for a qr wptionsvd- Iabl,shed Pickering beauty salon. Excellent business DAYCARE r,eeoed n area d TWO mown trucks, artists MOT�+d twowrs prowde ref 9 Cats f,ce clerk Duties to Include opportunity Also halt styist, tun Roland M„7,erter PS, need full/ able daycare in my home on a prints. one dark oak bar. $500. 427-2856. reception. serv=ae follow up. aPam tnre.831-3205 (062003) Part time availability, hot hull a pen tine bas's. Please (082693) 420.6304 computer po"t'ng erre �lt19 Punches. a/nmies and referaa. call 686-2565 (Coles AVO.and' PATIO doors (brand now). 5' For interview. calf David Lee at Receipts preferred. Cal 693- Chap- area). (062093) $390: 611649111k. 9• $590. Brom or 830-6159. (062493) 120 Office Help 6758. (062293) MOTHER of 4 (2 1/Z S. 7. 9) white. Can 416.433-1736 be - EARN EXTRA MONEY EXPERIENCED Servio. Tell- LIVE4M nanny, non smoky family studies teacher wel- °ween nor' and 8 p•rrL (TF) FuAjPart-TPme nec,an required for major appliances. Call 686-sage. urea GENERAL Labo . shipping/ needed imne"Oty for two - DyYnaNs• 2 112 years HONEY pine dunet g room su. Dos to enjoy nutritious food. buffef, hutch. 6 efukt, 2 c4,P peOp✓B required b j08249� rscewltlp, illi todimGr, skied Vadat .sty Miscs Group rvil bots �K 2-3 years old. Her. wood dna 401. Phase 6711 creative free play. acim "and tains n 1'MY good Condition• promcfe a unique HIOIEYAKE 4 MATURE ski- be scoping applications for Debbe, 686-7360 or massages outings. Bair nudges. 839-1976. $1500. o.b.o. Telephone 997- dKc0uflt V" Pte- tlertts - pan time telemrarketng lori9 and short form aill at 427-0690. (062503) M02 -W 1406. (062603) CM KD1(1111111orkedn paean available to those 16 yews of age and alder. $7/hr. AM merits Wodnmlay Aug. 18 9- 11 am. and 1-3 P.m Please LIVE out narnyRousekeeper re. SISTER Team dlere dayeam ANTIQUE mahogany dining in our home. Starling room sue, double two (416) r2-3-60-00- venting provided b thaw who appy, n person to 375 F nley � active 10 morM old boy in BrodurDelbrOok area. pedestal. Seplombw• AN apes welaane. leavestwo captains chane, 4 quamfy. Cam 42o4mi to anange Ave., suits 204. Ajax- (092003) Mon -Fri. Call 428 -MS after PaMullin Me. Hot Munches and side chairs, bAN and hutch, an'^at^a"' (TF) ecretarreired - LEGAL S y required 690 p.rn (082W3) snacks provided. Gleranrw serpentine drawers, asking CRUIISE SHIP JOBS M MTYLJST required ler busy ttaua have a ntirrknnn of Iwo Dixie area Cbme t :drools. $2000. Cal 427-1751.992M M► Em $300 -SM we9kly, hair won in��r' Satiety ' years �y Fan* I- � immediately in our M�om�e. 420-502 or 420-B237. (00229It EVAMA TOP Soil • saesryd and Yew rotarx! posrborts. oomltrnissiorr. Call 034-2324. ion erperierlce: lunowwhsdpe d 2 area Moo men d one and her slpn shredded- Triple mit, brkk sand, Hiring rrtertnwomtsn. Free (0622931 The F army Support Plein: inti- mediae Word Per fsa 5, 1. high- term carrsrtilrnertt rat rrlHer 8 Olen relitbt ane C11110"daycare used siroad tea Aho cedar OFFICE tumiturs iratallation p m. 509-96!9- 110111124" kx your 09 cin§%- Aix area and other nursery skick aali- rOOrtVbOard. Wil barn. company requires neatly ly °d�� common 'mow Apes 3 and incl «. Plsese call able a discount pit=. Pia" CALL groomed ndwiduab ler physi• ' ability to hat I con- NANNY warbled. k* it of out. ,aped 4262353. (090193) slores. Cal 43"7M �� 1-50+-641-7778 �' q �y and in• ienspnbn; overtime, Mon- rL EXPENENCED (10 years) EXT. 0100 24 HRS. staMtfion tarn. Experieroe n9- L�ong aesiprnecessary. Keay Servicesere yw.ecXF resechiMr lic Dep call ee06oa4 « mare avaipbla it my wet• MOVRMG Sale -washer, dryer. Pr arbls a 434-5424. (002660) evenings 427.3122. (062493) Hot lunches,drirdtt. Mycks in hub Bine ria .9-1112052 doorioutdoor activities. $450: MV Sias wsMsrOd bed. (082503) CERTIFIED demon all"gem 165 Day Care lieasonafble rates 427-3292. ding optor a stop; queen Was DEMONSTRATORSISALES - wabled for Pan time nrtatertnNy Available M6229M sofabed. $175• maternity commissioned $500-$1000.. leave. Nor grads lkii wws, - TWO experienced daycare rdolltes. bar stook• eta 426 rw re Pwtr useta. rwy Award ajor aid -WV Product- MPbese CO Lids at 606.4343. Moms working together to 3435- (002`0 department stores. Full two. (092493) pealftW. No Easy. No experience. we train. DYNAMIC local real estate gftpp r fy, Cal 416-891-7534. (TF) brokerage seeks "going elf - Cell 1-504-641-77%8 MICREDIBL.EI Large prdi and eau recspbonst f« everwtpc &L 10024 his. career with a guaranteed and weekerds. Roel estae ex- motey-back investment. In just p«iercd required. Call Konen EARN three weeks well train you in a 619.9600. (002493) to b assm6b Chrilllaa and operatebusiness ilial' a pleasure w MF you are single a a single holiday dowliatlons yew of Floral and � Des Perot or >eP+r+14d or drorced t V4Mh".WOr11aYe�r Al now classes are hrrdedl with three years work provide a new and innovative OAKA4W FURNITURE- Why approach to daycare. Fu11A>,art pay retail prices? One of time. betorelafler school. AN Ontario's oldest and Largest apes welc«nedl Located Sul- manufactures is now soling Ilvan/Mapill area- Kelly 427- direct to the public. Eq. 5' oak 1541. Joanne, 663-6759. table with der eat and 4 Wi ndw (002293) chairs, $799 - B' oak double MOTHER of thea will provide pedestal We ext. and 6 chains. reliable daycare, fW and pan $1429. Camonbel beds. $299. We. IuncheafsnacMs. close to Over 20 stain choices - &I solid St Archon Daniel arock/M4 no veneers - Traditional Also available on V.H.S. Day expener-, you may quality 11- fnacial assatance a If you are FREE daycare. first day free. y alloff Oaks. Cal 693.0773. (062293) Woodworking. 416-985-8774. and evening lasses. 436.1991 a 436-0310 1293 over 45 and haw recently been laid off, may quality for train- Pa s Pla fes. An a e M Playmates, Y 9 welcome, full/half days. (TF) ENERGETIC mother of two immediately FOR sale - gentyusedsibrallsrs. EARN $400 weeldY mailing IN- you Ing assistance. DIP/CERT, .Experienced, references, available for daycare in my hone Prefer two Carseats, prams' highchairs• tens and assembling light Lotus, Wordperfed, D -base, reasonable, receipts, daily years .. Fenced yard, quiet children's clothes, sizes new products from homel (416) 631- ,yard bed1, - al,gbpad outings. ECE trained. Dixisi Fu F born to 16 and maternity HELP wanted - Italians 4791. References 78E, 24 hr Esc Ventura, pagemeker, Harvard. Fish. 420 6166. (062293) -f-. VPan ume, oxhomow er„a_ 899.3756. ��) clothes. Call 434-6495. preferred, hours 7.1 a.m. reco". (090593) Corel, Computer Programming CHILDCARE vacancy swing LUNCH hall da _-- en (082493) Waitress/bartender, female NEW car dearer required. Ex- and Syw win Anayfst, Cabal. Sept. in my home. Close 10 St. and after school care av BEDROOM suit 6 pos. Mediler- preferred Joe's Cats and BaMards, Brock lid. (Brock/ Pied only, apply to William Pascal and C. Macintosh. Quark Express. and IMritrator. Durham Margusrit Bourgeoys and Gan datsetiagon Scpool. Non in Southwood and St. Jades ►anion 111900. Oak finish, exosl- Call Hkry M. Call 427-9044 ask f« 1110e�d Michel Boyer Pon- toe Buick. 715 Kingston Rd. ^9" Business Computer College. smoker and relereneas. 831 erea. Nuhitioue lunches abld lent condition. Duncan Fyfe anacks. - Receipt Cal room sure' 9 PA.. Cora « Joe. (002093) Pickirkp. 831.26W. Mill 427.3010. (TF1 5136. (062493) given. 4274]w0- 1082M) : r ;Cal 1.0064. IOO5B31 , TW NM ADVER'rIftt r eta117111J,, jLJ&-UVr 2e,1jSj pkGE *H GARAGE & MOVING SALE SAT., AUG. 21, 8 A.M. - 3 P.M. 67 LINTON AVE, PICKERING VILLAGE (Columb & Kingston Rd.) SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE!!! HUGE STREET SALE - ORAE RD. SAT., AUG. 21, 9 A.M. - 2 P.M. (East side of Harwood, near lake) Household Items, bikes, games, hardtop trailer, books, Nintendo power glove, air conditioners. GARAGE SALE SATURDAY, AUG- 21 1543 SOMERGROVE CRIES. (Off Major Oak, Brock N. of Finch) Lots of bargainsll MEGA GARAGE SALE!!! MOVING, EVERYTHING MUST GO. 1760 Finegrove Ave., Pickering (Twyn Rivers & Woodview, area) Sat., Aug. 21 st, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. GARAGE SALE SAT., AUG. 21, STARTING 7:30 A.M. 1964 VALLEY FARM RD., PICKERING UNIVERSITY SPECIALS GARAGE SALE SAT., AUG. 21 2310 Meriadoc Dr. (Dellbrook/Brock Rd.) Computer software d equipment. camera, furniture 8 more. YARD SALE SAT., AUG. 21, 9 a. m. - 3 p.m. 3 TULLOCK DR., AJAX GARAGE SALE SAT., AUG. 21, 9 A.fll - 3 PX 1911 PARKS(DE DR. - (Kir9mon Rd. to Whites Rd. North on Whits Rd. to New St. Tum right on New SL n end of Naw SL tum lett - Parkside Dr.) Snowblower, Appitances d lots of goodies. GARAGE SALE SAT., AUG. 21 & SUN., AUG. 22, 9:30 A.Y. - 3:00 P.M. 1921 POPPY LANE (PICKERING) NEW TV stand & bed sheets & ice skates. MOVING & STREET SALE SAT, AUG. 21, 9 A.M. - 2 P.M. AT 10 It 12 STOCKBRIDGE CRES. (WESTNEY HEIGHTS) Contents: sofa, chairs. kitchen 8 dining nn, tables, stereo, beds, etc. Many more mtsc. Items. GARAGE SALE SAT., AUG. 21, 9 A.M. - 3 P.M. 18 MacDermott Dr., Aox (near Delaney/Church) Baby furniture. clothes. toys, bcycies. household Items ell GARAGE SALE SAT., AUG. 21, 9 A.M. - 3 P.M. 1106 TIMBER CT., PICKERING (FinctUDixie) STEREO EQUIPMENT SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE 210 Flea Market 210 Flea Market 210 Flea Market 300 automobiles For Sale V 365 Marine r-7 Nq -47 TIP 11961 Z28 Caro gooc oono, 6HP .o^iso, 0"l 7a! - : aor• in and out. $1600 o.b.o mdtor. $650 Call 725-7030. 509-0548. (082693) 10826931 Q O • C/ as seen at the Cottage Show 8 FOOT MOULDED PLASTIC FLOATS' READY TO BUILD CALL FOR YOUR FREE LITERATURE @EbC Sil R AJAX P,cykerng Appliances no seasonable Offer refused, fully guaranteed. Reconditioned ^nPkances. Como make us a deal 427-6784 467 Wastrel Rd S Ajax. (TF) D.J. equprrerif and IgM system Lantek Pro Modid. Twine TT Traynor speakers, all Nps, Mie, etc. $5000 firm. Also Baby Grand, black, Walagner. 5 $50 film fiC al 72`5. 0314. (082683) WANTED - Bandy woo sal and Winer rhifen's and now 14 Clothes. Call 434-6495. (082493) 15400 Old Silncoo Rd. Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1L8 Toronto (416) 439.6111 Port Pttlrry (416) 985-8479 Toll Free 1 (800) 263-7943 260 Arts a Crafts FOLK ART CLASSES O ARTISTIC TALENT squired. 2 teachers, tge selection of projects. FOR OPEN HOUSE NFORYATION CALL 430`1288 or d11DY 428-2186 270 c SOLID oak pedestal table. 4 1999 Peterboro 17 112 ft. avers. $760: Dins bu11M, hutch. Bowrder. 130 1.0 Marc. engine. 66• wide. $875: 48- wide 6750. Gartlea Wood Products. Custom VIDEO Production. overseas videO oarwarei n b and Own Bunt Furneure. 427.3142. e1e,I ce,e t,y _ 6nsn li+L $lees and pictures to video. (062093)WeOdr�p$, an niveteaief, sit CARPET - I ham seve1000 rs Video imaNss T►easuga 4316- 36lards llof now Stanmtaster am 2982. 100% nylon carpol ra ealpM LAPTOP Owmai computer. 388 Your living room and hal for DX. 4 Meg Ram, 33 MHZ ea - S360. Pres nckxlss cops 1, pad - I '11 1111 $1500 ob o. and installation. -30 yards-. Contact Neil, 686-2569. Stene. (416) 287-5072. (TF) (08240M Mure -280nopy.Lost �Z� Oft FOUnd rawers. low S10. S15 or Toyota 494. 1 - racking chair. Like brand now. FOUND. blue budgie in fir ase 420.3374• ( at Ea son Cm. Please call 619- 230 (06229% FOUND- long haled grey Par• WOWam sign cat. 1Mrse pant on cfnest. ca fossdedaared. WANTED - stoves, fridges, Pearce/Iiossland weal Can 427-2301(082593) at won Also wanted pickupasher al drytill ruck FOUND - ladies pfewrotion a" (newer than 1978). Call rte- Arm Of Mayor Cres. P ckering, 4268833. (TFALL) Cal 427-2653. (082293) WANTED -boys hockey 290 Pets -Supplies - equipment. eGu4xrlent, 5'9-, 150 b. Cal L� Mill alt, 8 p.m. 1.705.292- 5400. (01311l FREE to good home) 2-14 290 to oa f, one mals. one lerrtale. Botthh used and sixth. i f t & lutist 90% black 10% whit. Call 420 7128 Pidrring. (082083) STAIN Glade cows" IUgin Sdpl 7. Raglalar Issue. SW-, FOR sate - 10 all old Apnicot dente Glass. 436-1727.Toy Poodle. First sad seoMW (0182$3) . dint. Cal 427.718$. f MOM 290 mases• PURFARED German Shepherd pups aI shah. black and tan. parents can be seen. Great terrPill list .show quality dogs. $300. Call 434.5820. (082OM DONT Crow your dog wasp irso Inn 0 siam we the now Doggie Dooley Ingrounld Dog Waste Septic System. Now AVAILABLE. Doggie Doo Shawl 7235413 or 4344782 9 a.11 pm. der- l 1 1 300 "" Fwswe 1989 Honda Accord Sa 06,= kin, ktiaded, 511,500. Ph= 697-1390 tan Convertbld Cam aro I -Rite, $18,000. Low sties, call Al or Syl. 72540314. (082593) 1986 Cavalier RS. auto. air, sunrod. arMm canal now ties, esbeletit condition. 80.000 sties (Ipy). Must "IL Sam o.b.o. Call John 697-1283. (082583) 1967 PornraC Feall d.400 cubic 1999 Peterboro 17 112 ft. 'r+ch. ps., Pb.. 4 Speed. very Bowrder. 130 1.0 Marc. engine. clean inside and W. original ral- red and whits. Custom trader. Y +hikes. new exhaust. As" Mooning cover. raft. pcistol $4000 or trade 1-705-277- Condition. $9.500 after 6 p m. 3300 (082793) 2652872 (TF) LEASE b own vehicles. 19ea '985 Recreation $345 fawn, no interest. no aedt Checks. 725-1%8 or 696 Vehicles 7428 or 6863775. (TF) mal eraras. $11.000. To view. bedroom $660. Cliff 6665173 19e6"bnda coun•ax 4 wnes,er Automobiles spud court. two sirme. excel- 305 Want lent condition Never rated or abused Asaung $2250 or trade low S10. S15 or Toyota 494. 1 - 705.277 -Woo. foe2793) AAA FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC AUTO 400 a For Scrap cars and trucks al wanted Top dollar, fast FREE pick-up. pbase cap 5404788 CAMARO or Firebird. 1976 to 1961 wanted for parts. 623 SM. t082093) 310 Trucks Fa Sale tetra Chew Silverado Z71 Package. under 50.000 kms.• 350 VS EF 1 4 speed auornatc. Ps.. pb., pil pct.. as. cry". am itnt cassette• black and saver. bed kner, tool box. PA e o half. Idea than two months old, hitch never used. $16,995. Trude can be seen in Oshawa COLBORNE/ ONTARIO OuiK. large 2 bdil dears all padtlil4 selling, Troll spam. MA plus WI. AJAX - large 1 berm bsrl SO, bright Carpeted, kitchen sutktlyaeod teing i Ceramic Mas, bathroom dune in cedar, 7epm a 11 . lantry ". Coosa lo everyttrrg. Awl ifttnwd fjM 4V-1416 or til SSR Cal (416) 342.2264 ailed 630 weekdays. Anytime on 1888 Chav PC". sub. Pa, Poll new exho sL new tires, ea - cattail coadkton. No rust. CoOlod. Alio 6 cars to choose from. Nora Aub Salve, 420- 0704 or 432-7531. f08208% AJAX - Bal and Harwood, neo bedroan bsenwt aparttwfl Privets entrance. 4 pica- blah, 4 appliances, cable, parking, dose to a• anterlOaa, avaitabla Sap. 1. $650 plus 40% uMbM Relerwnop. Fist and hol 283- 1927 8319127 or 420.9040. (08229% 330 Trailers -(TF) LARGE badslo► spoinme tt In a � north Oshawa Frage. Boom. sspwate badroorrt a tial able Sap. 1. $490 rnonday. Cas on Horaay RanMo. sleeps 7, 723191z lost is f ar ton.. itckedw shed wins fridge and elafic Iwrttowsr. AVAR ABLE imwnednaely in 63000 o.b.o. Cal 683.9474. Whitby apartment building. lam► Spacious. carpeted. newly CITATION- 35 IL Twin TpOuts, dose to boars apartmentwft A lent bedroon6, fuN bathtoom, „tidies included. No pets, two mal eraras. $11.000. To view. bedroom $660. Cliff 6665173 call Paul slow 6 pm. 416-724- or 4300134. (TF) 4362 PROWLER 23 h.. $leeps 9. "*3owmo6 sinning, air. sired. eatra fridge. Also 18 IL Glop tron Bovwrder, 165 ilb. traitor. radios, water skis, extras. $13.000 Package. 420$564. Mill 355 MOtorcycies 18n Mercury Sable wagon, good condition, 430-7223. MMKNUk"CE. open 9.9p.m. by (082293) appointment. Monday to 1848 Plymouth Reliant. Saturday. Motorcycle. Aub and automatic, anift 4 door. rw Ower 20 pstrs May rase. years experiafce. Cal defrost, exodlert ooendaion. As- 427-3595. (091093) king 82200 earthed. Cal 571- 0468. (0824 0) Srlowrnobiles 1118$ Mazda 626. auto, lady 360 driven, $3000. Excellent condition. 43502/2. (062003) 1998 Yamaha Phazer, red on p 1981 Buick Regal, taw door. lar.. latk ora coif pb., exGlMt otflldlibfn 51986 war fres motor '92. Gulp o.b.o, , Ae I. Cal 427.7tiK warmers, .Aftercarbids, cover, o 83200. ob.oAver 6 (0.116 985 (082293) 31113 (06288Ci) AJAX - large one bedroom basenwnt apartment, available, rr Todkv*. "Paras srftrarnce, 4 appliances, parking. 5595 monthly includes utilities. Michael 282.5754 tram 9 a m -5 P.M. 6WO961 after 5 P.M. (08268% AJAX - large carpeted two 1.. I I basement aparti wt in quiet area private entrance and pollparking. 4 pbath, fridge. stove, washer, dryer. Near schools and shopping. No pets. Available Sept. 1. $625 . udhiea 686.3201 or 666.5513. WMTES*U" - besutdul one bddroonn basalrmt apamnam. too corny estras to list. $700 trWAast. Avaiabte Oct. 1. No pets or children. Non smoker psO mad 4203741. (082093) PICKERING Village - one 1, A .pin basemuert apalrrwtt, aI inclusive, liral/taft. 5800 monthly. Call $83-2427. GARAGE SALE 26 WRIGHT CRES, AJAX SAT. & SUN. 7 A.M. - 12 NOON ESTATE SALE SAT. & SUN. 9 A.Y. - 3 P.M. -13 LEWIN CRIES., AJAX Home contents, furniture, appliances, linens, kitchenware. costume jewellery, toys, tools, sewing machine, lawnmower, etc. GARAGE SALE 1601 ALWIN CIRCLE, PICKERING (Brock & Hwy. 112) SAT. & SUN., AUG. 21 & 22, 9 A -M. - 3 P.M. Computer stuff, furniture & lots more, STREET SALE SAT., AUG. 21, 9 ALM. - 3 P.M. FLAZINGTON CT., AJAX (1st right off Mayor) 400 Ap For ext 400 Ap Frog Rentents 400 Ap aents For ent PICKERING 1480 Pickering Parkway Spacious 3 -bedroom apartments • Four Appliances • Close to GO TransiVPickering Town Centre /Hwy. 401 • Immediate Occupancy From $769 per month. Call 42G-6305/635-291 9 for appointment, or visit rental office at: 1480 Pickering Parkway, #110 BEAT THE HEAT 77 & 33 FALBY COURT Two bedroom apartrltents in tamiy buidlrlg- Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appiarlces, laundry wities and underground parking included. $743.00. 686-0845 weekdays 8:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. WMTBV Downtown in sma6 apartment building, two bedroom apartment available Sep. 1. $680 inclusive. parking - First and lost. laundry facilities &variable. Clow to tnfwPorl+ tion and schools. Cal 416664 4009 or 416-7364574. (082MM WHIM - one * ,.. n avae- attale Sept- 1. $586 plus Peril. No pots. FirstAsst aelenarn, ouias people ptaee. Cal sal 2230. ($24831 AJAX - bright a" bedroom bsearrnent aparrnso available in Wlwatey a46tfs Sepsae «fwa+a. 3 pica b.rreera sat- in stin 1I4c1ten 4 atppaarcW call TV. all krAnim. Non arrnolras only. sal 427.44% (0826 M WMTBY - one b000ci 5525. Two bedroorrl SM per rtoilt plus ho- F-r"Isat squired. g' , days 7254811 or even- ings 668.4016. PXXM% MRK;HT spacious /vest isvei apartment separate warance. walk out b deck and badgrard. all appkaces, Hwy 820me Rd. $700 per month induel Await- able watable i ilmodiately. 4209306. ($22931 AJAX South - kwnshed, deaf one bedroom basement apartment, new kitchen, separate entrance, cable. parking. laundry. non smoker. $580 inclusive. Available immediately. 427.7596. (061293) PICKERING - bachelor base- ment apartment, next to GO station. no lest month deposit required. 9500 monthly. Call Javed or Fred, 683.2888. (082593) AJAX - Harwood/Sayly - two bedroom basement apararrrd. $735 plus hal utilities. Availablo Sap. 1. No pass. Close to Ha - wood Mail. CAN 420.1281. WHMW - one and two bedroom apartments, close to all amrnods. $495 frlomhfy includ- ing utdom and per". Call 6661171. M626" EXCELLENT N.W Oshawa rental opporttrWy - one Oedroorn basement apartment and 3 bedroom main floor of bungalow. Sepwae entrances and yards. Just redecoraed. Cal Gane, soil . (082190) LARGE three bedroom in a triplex building, recently renovated. laundry facilities available. parking included. Close to Oshalw Cwntre and all city trandas. available Sep. 1. For f wo irllorniMm, cal Tonal 416434,4566.10 SRGIIT too bedroom basement apartment. newt' mmirated, laundry, parking, utilities included. Clow to trained, in Whitby near Brock and Roseland. $630. 666-0627. WHITES Rd/Hwy 82 - two bedroom bsemwo apartment, private entrance, parking. Privet laundry and appliances. Non smoker. $650 . 1/3 uslaies. Available Sept. 1. 4202138 or 6196603. (082093) AVAILABLE immediately. Clean, bright one bedroom apartment. Park/King area in- cludes parking, laundry and William $575 per month. 404- 0101. (082$3) AJAX . apartinal Cgwenient location. bedroom soling room, bathrooms small kitenerwne, sun single working person or students, non smoking. no pets. Inclusive. $475. 6830522 or alta 7 p.m. 686-6199. (082293) PICKERING - two bedroom basement apartment, 4 appkanas, separate enhance. $775 incl sail. Cal 420-0376 or 636,4668 ( -611 AJAX --ea- s:.3_ -a z:.* o.aoo-basemnt eaoavtrwl separate er•r•ance. broadlotmed. mities included Close to Go. no pets. on .rnoker. hrfylafl, re1«.*+cea. $600 monthly Ava: able rrrrhedL"Y Cal 6% '754 after 5 p.m. (0820" Two beoroorr• wo ever tiew ment apartment, sill aur, pmrae entrance, parfung. 4 pie bath.. hardwood ,loon. 6750 roil y as ncusive. No pets. uv«vooY9ayty area Avadaol. Sap. 1 Frsf/taw requred Call 420-2635 Penang- (082-93) AJAX 3ayy,H4nvl. two bedr'odr* basemenr apar-r-wil prrvare entrance. 4 Z" airs, 4 appliances. cable, parking. Close td all arrenitee. Availabe Sept 1 $65C plus 4.'16 or Unless, Rd.r.nces : nsr and ast 283 1927 or 420-9040 ;092583( WMTBY professional non snobg ft""" warned for large span obrwp- apartment Few runs$ include separate entrance, air con., fireplace, laundry, 1500. Contact Jim or Steven at 430.00511. ro62ea31 OSHAWA - hastily oectwapd and newly carpeted two bedroom suns available for rant in South and of Oshara Ouief buitdinp. close to GM. schools and sono *NW Cal 728 4080 for appowe wC (082793) WeB7IEYMMV 82 - special one bedroom basement apartment. private entrance. lartdl new public t woe Non of Wall no pest, $800 inekasivs. Fist/tsL Avaisbls nnwdw* 619-3025 leave message. ($'25831 WHITBY - one bedroom apmansaL parking, laundry liabilities. $39& fond ly. Two bedroonn sass monthly. Call 427,2467. 002MM BACHELOR, one bedroom spam ant. furnished. second asor. Pichon Llroq" Rd. 5550. monthly. First/laal, rslerernces 8343717. ($256% NEW bright one I I - an apart - mom on ground Isvel in quiet neighbourhood. Separate entrance. fireplace, 4 po& bah, clow to am alwfaip Suit quiet couple or single person Avail- able Oct. 1. $0 morthly, trail mat. Cad 837-1590. (08200 PK3U31 G - LNWPooW01. 3 bsdrom. two balconies. ' ' , , parking, security, carpets, drapes. Mo appianew avai- able Sept. 1. SM inclusive. Call 497-4308 evenings. (082'86% NORTH Oshnasua - one bedroom separate entranaa, fridge, stove, arae of washnw and dryer, cable and all Utilities. Clow to hospital and Durham College. No pets, prefer non smoker. $475. Call 721-1681. (082693) PICKERING - Womhors. one bedroom basatwnt spariment, clean and bright. dishwasher, era. ay.. cable, parking. 4 pol bal calb, laundry ad Aftes ir1C , I I. Available Sep. 1. 5600. FWWMSL Ask to Paul 8346260. ($26601 1PAG61ili1:' lk NkVi ADVbrrI1SftVtWAT, AVbt* 1 :K 10M ca wGekerwfs -502 of 400 ''I 'it`s 410 "N" Fw 430 `=T0500 S* large yard. On Go bus route. wt PAN $520 per month. 668-7634 OSHAWA - 401. large clean AJAX rental - SM monthly. AJAX - kwnWtod town for rent. 5236,900for 2,244 $4 E in a bright 1000 sq.fl. basement detached two bedroom use of kitchen. family room, teat Pick location1588 apartment. c, V cod. seprate n bugalow• double (Wage• large laundry facilities, non a. offer. inclusive. Can Uu9sen Dr. Quick 60 day entrance. Laundry, cable• ubMiss Included. Non smoker only, no backyard, eat -in kitchen, in- crudes Indgeo stove, window $300 monthly 427-0173.(082493) c osr gsl This must see howl pets. $575 available Sept. 1. coverings. Availrol Sept. t. PRIVATE room to rem. Key to has a pool sized lot wqh a 579-3682 leave message Firlit/lau. 426-3723. (082093) your private room. $3ooi beautiful western exposure. 182493) _ _ COUNTRY fJVMG - beautiful 4 monthly. First last. Available Spectacular features inckJde PICKERING Beach and Rob . bedroom farnrttouse, just east at immediately. For more Man jt fans ml w0l main one bedroom basement Oshawa. Newly renovated. Cal information, call 686.6687. ft LNDRY oval Wb A sop. apartment, prnvae entrance, an 4335586. (082993) "2293)Mm on suite, arc, 5 yr . i incluso. Sues single working OSHAWA - three bedroom BRIGHTbedsltilm room in adult warranty 8 much Morel Ytst person. $625 monthly, first and last. 683-8780. (062593) luxurious mdependant house family home. Suit resportstbls out open ham Sat a sun. Car t afford to rent a 'house and utilities, central air, portholeIsmab. Kitchen and laundry P between 2-1.30m. Or callWHITBY - Large one bedroom vac fa ferny a 3 friends, $1250 privileges• on bus route. $70 SHARON EBY 683 -151018 - basement apartment in 5 piex, per month. Available fa Saps. weekly. Call 7236284. (062593) STUNNING model home on Recently rermodesed with oak b t d .1 P 15. Cal 416.502.0641 or even- i 41- BROCK/FINCH - spacious 167451. me s an oar, rivate ugs of bright furnished room, shared entrance. laundry facilities and 9005. (082493) kitchen, bath, laundry. yard and large yard. On Go bus route. PICKERING - three bedroom parking. Bus at door. $350 $520 per month. 668-7634 house two appliances avail_ monthly George. 839-0594. (082493) able Sept 1 $995 rronthly. Cal (090193) PICKERING - large two 839-3069 (82493) ROOM lot rent. Westney bedroom apartment. fireplace. I-OVELY three bedroom Heights .Furnished "OOrninadult laundry tacilities. par". $750 bungalow, modern kitchen, horse. share faclilies. close to per month. 420-9766week private drive. washer/dryer bus stop. Non smoker. 686 - nights after 6 p.m are ,ncluded. $850 monthly plus 4612. (082093) weekends anytrme.(082293) utilities. Call 430-29W a 1116- PICKERING Parkwayr'Brock - WNTBY small bachelor base- 283.6222 (082293) nice. clean spacious room in my when ape^Ment 'n house near MAIN ' oor bungalow. 3 home. use of kitchen and Meade Mar, Plaza on Dunlop peCroorns. 4 appliances, avail- laundry to Mem Close to Pick Si W. suitable for one person, able Sept I Central A)aii. Eat -in airing Mall. Cablecentral air. $360 per month Call 430-3280 k,tchen, close to all amenities. reasonably paced Phone 426, lot ntormat,on (082293) c - s t last plus u 11 1't ' e s R f or n $850 C 0 683 98% (062693) - -- -- WHITBY unique large one Gee Cos. a 3378 (082293) DIXIE FINCH room in 3 SMALL 3 bedroom huuse bed-oom lower unit of irrpba. _ becroom house. use of all Oshawa Hospital $79.00 tirecace. 4 apo'ances. storage. PICKERING Livorpoo6'Krosre faokties. female preferred. Cal ob.o. Call 427.1637. (082493) no pets. available Sept. 1. SM5 iw•ee becroom main floor Paul at 837.1774. (082593) 683-3969 and wve ffs ' . Call 420-6652 (082693) bungalow, walkout to deck. Shared �� by owner - Bseu VaMy SALquiecourt. r - Bell Tw AJAX South twc bedroom private ya'c eat -In bright 45 Sto'le'n' 4 b'dr°°r", leap° bwe' spa^went, nape area. new- k,tdherl, appliances and Laundry ACCOmm. Mcfw and bathroom, fn' h enovatec. private entrance. 'arl'tes. parking Available woonni we" roc room. landngr laundry. dock $ OC plus Sept 1 $875 inclusive. First )) .don Bin a 432 m 409 9 poo(. Open Hprae $.a orad SaJfl House Sat. S utilities Ava,Labie Selz 416- and Last. 4362951 (082M) FEMALE required to share a 2b p m. 209 Violet Cri Os 619 0264 ask for Matt SOUTH A/ari spacious three r4x58 '«ated in '" near 433-0004 agent selected. (0824931(061293) becroo-. two Storey. oat -or GO 11350 inclusive, Cal 666- 66LOVELY bungalow, upper level. LOVELY•wo bedroom sunny kitch•n. garage. Urge yard. 4256. (082493) PICKERING - well maintained' spar,•-ie^t or •-ta,n floc.. n �' shad• laundry. S95C 2:3 TIRED d ling n an apartment') bedroomheid in AnEerW wit family oat -.r kprorridg•. scow. utilities. Available Sao CAN Car t afford to rent a 'house main flop room. Main near anopanl; and bus rpVlet g Judy 284-8886 or 466-2317. yourself) Then give me a call. I "DO' Laundry room and upgraded S 75 all induSrhre Araelibes Oct ) am a doling parnMx bolo Ikitchen, bathroom and Cerins ere Dung brodishwasher. 1 Ca'1434-878' !0826931 STUNNING model home on r an Pa for �� snpd working dishwasher, garage door 1:450 south Oshawa- fumirehetl Dnmer RnKeOent'aIWRnlDyyiea 5 parent to Cern a horse together to lsr our children have a nice o0erlereklcrronc air cbww baso' wll bachelor suite. 4 gds o•croci s. eruune, yr.. cN.. place to love. Can ltd to discuss ncock/ded. Waneng distance to bath kitchenette. u t' i rt' es rnah od ba omerrt. HotywOOd etl•as Please ria/ air 4:30 p. m Schools and at amdnnties As- includedkd~. AvLlWbie $opt 1 beaul4uty Landscaped 'mow ^vssage 404-9891 kmg 11168.900. For amoenvrom. O0 w;th underground sOrinkier 9 ) Call a24 t 538 (082693) Gal b•rv%•r 10 int -11 p.m Ovilwont�elaa.on-irI P. or sys'em Ca'1 668-6797 '082493) AJAX � tJrrllsf a room n three NO dow'npaym,ernt or we ie'II ,t 723168. 082'93) bedroom horn- Sha+aknc hon. mate, your Oownpaynwtt up to MOUSeS For WHY -ent7 Three betlroom bun- 'nice wash oom. ut included. C. Take er �sitinq buyers). ge �� O ;a ow c^y 697 000 'hoar bus and GO- Nor srthokxhg O N ov5000 %p M Rel" b•droo^• "° storey and garage. tamale preferred Ideal 'or 11225.000. 2750 sq It SpaciousS' C'.000 a bedoorr hadsoes. student. f400 mommy. Call 409• 4 bedroorn Whitby honks with ,' A poet bans. reit morn. bar. 6 642' (�9l upgrades. a1 appliarloea 436 PICKERING VILLAGE 'mar Acuz:•!. 11'27.000 Cao R1AJAX house On7 ) 3 -0 66eSt5 Astor. Brumig' LIC (082293) to share. s40C per •rwi fon . an Wx*isrve Private HUGE Ranch Bungalow - north- i - Dorm. SpaGOUS rwrr Laundry. deck. does, east Oshawa area of -her VefY �C filed. Central, HOUSE 1p lent - Brod Rd1wy ,o Go Call Paul. 686-0738 homes. 4 bedrooms. 2 car a2 2 3 bedroom sem wrtr garage. Hardwood floors. 1K + �am $ garage. netiwiir decorated f975 (002293) fireplace. pip fust reduced lo Gall mOrt1 utilities Ca 444 739' HARWOODiSAYLY non $145.90C Sounds too good') UWRIeS (Mte93) $maker to share townhouse Bees tI l writ to sold the C�fkng5. 427-7452 OSHAWA Semi - 3 plus 1 incur GO $425 ndusw• Cal week- Don't miss out Other b•droormt. 1 12 brie. two~ Sfit' 426-880C ) good deals available from ADELAIDE RITSOr1 'house 'ec 3 teppkances y deck „cry Condos 1165.000. Peter Neal, Sales . dear No porgy SM plus I:ww 455 Rep Gkxd' Rehr td 7235241 a.a.apr. ee O s'oc ' Jul ties and Last. references. Credit Real (082493) Can 683.5'17 ask for Ab• (062493) . . I lrn mean to Cal ,116 YOU take $1 d(; rids sm. saw 49335'' tOd26931 NCLAUGHILM SEuwe Cordo Alan location near Go. 401. bedroom. PICKERING bright Intoe for rem. two bedrooms. 1 12 schools 4 bedroom brick. storey house vad •monrht ono slo vDous,40i Saw plus AraiaaDle Oa groom hot,*. 2 12 baths. 5 Delft. grey view. 'bean $875 basement, an con., GDO, 1 83' •a75 ft38a493) 1 9 ' 75 (0 arolianoet- ensuN Finlsned monthly indusiw Gall 432- Orapes. S appawrow, aoenahr roc . garage. fenced. near 612. (042493) features 42741117. (012893) DOWNTOWN Wnilby 3 schoc" and amlenrties Easy OSHAWA - 4 bedroom bedrocr- •,outs• $BOC "'Or"h' 401 access Sept 1. $1100 s1� barhtpu. 2 12 baths. ret roomy Two edroorn apartment. S6i0C b plus @364644 (042093) w4m+ fireplace, wall liar. dell mon"vy 1,2 D•droan •rwbeie THREE b•Moom two storey new poem. 4 appfarKwt, clwn Hary SSOC monrniy F Aburee older semi 'n K -Mart and Knot) and vacant. $117,900. 636 RE _tc 2921.544 ;062093) Hill area in Oshawa- Asking FOR rent• 1150 aq.I. arc office 5", (0820431 AJAX AJAX souls clean threeies t n Alex. Ir- space. dustirsall1.9 s- m �any. � 4 bedrooms. P� detached. 3 baths. � 1 a pit t. Cat 436.6045 . 674-5556 5 huge . $158.900 Call Fnrariec rec rooms, newer broad- (0e26w) ext 702. (TF) Howard. Associate Broker. loon^ m fenced yard. AJAX upper flow d hose, 3 RelAaa Rs/letzronInc. Rwy it age, slrolo� dishwaser n.i�. nslltfts a3t-sm or 427-1177. (082543) Retntrences f 1125 . uoulf.". bedrooms. 4 Pce. bathroom. 4� Car 6834661 (06254) kAddn with 4 aPrakarrdw. 2.t VACId epi ifnlm - 4 (aedra- . 2 12 acres. 51000 plus 427 baths, executive home in AJAX erownaaCUW 4 bad r001 1807. (042093) BLUEGRASS MEADOWS. sr► able SEPI upper level. Avail - THREE bedroom, fenced FLORIDA - Madeira Beach. nredilee possession. $179.500. abd 1 11111X) Pkut t2 ISM sg.h. luxury 9UN front SM Johnston Rs*sy. 433177, s 4 ut+hies a26?121 (082290)) backyard. apttaWaces. condo. 6 appliances. 2.1 9�aS03 ask for Pat Horghloe. ng O sta Pickax ng sin S*50 ' bedrooms two baths all m �-- Business Home Home --Music, Dancing Services Improvements Improvements Institut. OFFICE CLEANER MAN with truck anNor man ler LEARN� ofbcel Ajex church has open - irgs for stkadelns at your h01I MANIFEST CONTRACTING 666x1428. (TF) Carpentry and General Contracting Free Estimates with Excellent Princes or studio. Fan* discaxns. Can we6kfy domngs Lowest Rates for Seniors 683-3969 and wve ffs ' Vacuuming, washrooms, CALL LENNY 472-4590 Painting kits hens, windows 8 morel Licensed - Bonded - Insured Decorating Page 330-5244 Free estrnaNs. Flexible rates. CALL GLENN 619.1866 ILLUSTRATION, cartooning, graphic design, advertising. usnness or personal. Reasonable rates. Also lessons available. Randy rnmrris. (416) 342-2279. (TF) Driving Schools S b B Driving School 10 lessons $150 3 lessons a test 675 Free pad( -tip & drop off. 287-3060 7 daysJweek Handyman CWISTRUCTION Interior and exterior repors. renovations, and =s ruciion- Fast and clean prow"iortai work CRAIG 6861913 TMS Painting & Decor interior & Exterior European WwWriarLShp. Fast Gears reliable Serol 4200061 EAST SIDE NTERIOR - CONTRACTING Conviee home a allies Itrpfpwfnenb ifitcherls, bathrooms. rec worms, in -Law apts. 20 years experience free estimates 801-1945 •DEL. ZOTTO WOOD FENCM Spowww lg in ammaidd Fence a Decks, OrMW Heise and SN Pasta Fer Free Etl hadme Can (416) 2$3.3668 Orrice 408445$ Mobile Brick, block and concrete masonry work new or repair, chimneys built or repaired, x10 job too big or too small. Ouality at compeOWe prices. Oshawa 571-1906, Pickering 420-5311 ARTISTIC Masonry - tpeaai¢- Housecleaning it; in fireplaces and chimney pianos rowed. Comparable •spa its Works with bricks. rants Ca14�R-2160. (TF) - _ b+ocks and stones of all funds, MAN with truck anNor man ler c'ee estimates. workmanship y-uararteed_ Call Rene Gervars, COMPLETE construction and COMPiderLETE 666x1428. (TF) New bond wall papering, fencing and renovations. washm9. BEAT the Recession - Peck. windows. personalized mad food Rodinig - get yourshngles service Owner supervised, installed fp $1200 or less We Work guaranteed. 4330393. stow you now. E ogar or Gordon. M6259M Page 330-5244 Free estrnaNs. HONEST reliabie mature person (082693) will" 16 yens experenoe lo 00 DRYWALL, taping, boardkfg, pie bit and dal'. rale U-1- 4Sstuds studsand T -bar ceilings, spray 65. T~Km 5761367 leave stucco. plaster repairs. For "w"I'Sagow on machine. (0e258M prO/esanonal service at coRperi. Car garage, diads, c.a_, cr.. Be - king $185.000. Call Fred )) .don Bin a 432 m 409 9 Moving, EUROPEAN the specanst wail Storage vnovat• your bathroom or outcroon waft as awl as floor (SM t+•s. 20 years experience. Good -eferences and satisfaction guaranteed For free natrr•etet, C Dykstra. 7251913. (TF) HOME Repairs - carpentry, drywail porches and decks. err naw apart, i w i Cal 7213628. MOUNTAIN MOVMf' SYSTEM We ell move ar+Nfsr-hynf$ C M r caul Orto OWKWINt boon arait�Dle o-; a alld erOnt81 decoarts. FIM SOb AM HOW (062093) i _ 5714M .JOURNEYMAN electrician. knPrOVerillerltS Speceal'ieng in Lrvio$ c -V-. NANNY -O -THE -MOVERS - rewiring, additions, and move bog or small, wis prim renovations. All work itemailFreeestkrws,solutions guaranteed. free lwgru es. Cal dYmcwa, short nope naives. 4206320 (status) pianos rowed. Comparable - - - MARTEK Cawrapors - 20X an rants Ca14�R-2160. (TF) - _ at glee ow 11500. ComPble in MAN with truck anNor man ler 1090 and exterior renoatens. ON yaw RWoo nMds, prices w interna and exterior painting. R your budget. SRacW raw for wall papering, fencing and oaeicions.-We trytobeif* best in dells Frew estimates, quality loan_- Give free a cal a 571• guararwooa 4341420. (TF) 9633. (TFALL) OUALITY work by talher and MEN with Large truck will do son team. WWI s iparientas1. household move. re idifer fE. hard working. Renovations. donnieieataL Al typss of moves, addoons. decks, sec Cal us ler a few asbrrass 571-1263 Bit or Cal Canal or Jame. 427,2161. Professional Psktting and Wal Cowliftg 35 its erg. bill Of erral jobs Free edmars If doraul WM Job satisfaction Mopie a acanow (]l sob 603M ALL Pro Painting and Wallpapering. Top Quality work at reasonable rates. 20% dis- count for sennas. Phone Chuck. 404.9669. (090293) COLOUR PLUS painting and decorang,general repairs. top Quality work at reasonable rates. 2o% discount for sensors. Ser- ves Durham Region. Call Ray, 967- IOU. (TF) PAINTING By My Buddy and 1 Professional painting. orate, and exterior flooring. Also wallpapering, free estimates. Seniors discount, SIO Dab. 6839309 or Ride 683-3715. Party Services MAGKCIAJA clown funds. ready to entertain for any age. any occasion. Birthdays, promotions, openings. lyndraffers. Magic thaw{ are funs Leeuce hes. 839-7057 or 728-8334. (TF) RABBIT wants work doing magic for chow 0 's Dam" Will an occaswns, have my own nuigician. Cal Erns, 66&1932. Plumbing Expioiwienceld `laurrwynon Pklmber No job too xnel - Faucacs, showers, bmw fwit, rs wastiratims. tit ba, etc fe Any vwbw w mte addton. Day427.1209. Horth 4274609 Ask for Tom CALL A SAVE PLUMB= A INg1MTlOi DIM deaelNtp qms a row iwla6/aaa HMltatr alalhNN*Olaa, Rowa Eifimo 22 yrs. enperiert, . Ummd Yard � aa,. SABER Contracting - all Rod. Oshawa (TFALL) (>,I MAKrENANM AW CAWQ COURTICE - three bedtoorrs. good sMpfwtp � carpentry, additions. 1°8269'J) AJAX Mwng Systems - full PAW Tbv renovations. kitchens, SIOON Construction Lb. sen- Dervioes, moves. applauds and Godo Work bataroons. hand maanlenanaoe nM Durham Region lex 17 years, pum specialists. its, rage on TrM Tn emorgency service, furniture Additions. sundecks. patio hourly. We now haw heated Now lees Cal f100J000 magags fa0e/< lees Aja-. 3 bedroo - two as ry per x-72 brtteatli, MI -in I,kls„ ttMl Jerry i8a-7200 Free refinishing, quality work doors, rec room, etc. Free a leorage ania"s. 18%oiscom guaranteed. 15 years elerris. . alt 11165765780. boxes with move. Cal 427 - SENIORS eapersnce. 6962915. (TFEFG) (TF) 0005. (TF) 4V -7M AJAX three bedroom man floor sen% worn 4 appMar+cet. . utrMda. Cal Jared. 68328!19. accessories. Mated pool. POWER d sale PApenres snow COURTICE - three bedtoorrs. good sMpfwtp � 1900. monthly plus uhl4iet. Ava,uDie Oct t Cal 298-9745. 1°8269'J) Noor, SvO. 72ntolletly. Photos ''al ems'under mailer. 723410N w solea ebb Pop -Sas -aft prices stns Followsir- c,�_ i101r� a ranged with 510 T°'"rFff 575 ranged with minimum 590 a� 590 NO down payment? Good (8�3) creat" Good Ib? You Can ler the price of rent. while priow and 613.338A133. 10820" doentpaymeno . Gnat far first tate Eg. EXCELLENT starter, South BORROW $10000 pay as rale iw AJAX 3 bedroom backspin. dining room, eat -in kllehen, and rates are down. Cal Doug a Brent, Conrrxwdy Fkaarirral, WINTER in Florida - mobile lOtnaO in adult park ton sant w Cal f100J000 magags fa0e/< lees Aja-. 3 bedroo - two as ry per x-72 brtteatli, MI -in I,kls„ ttMl Jerry i8a-7200 Free 112 baths, two walkouts, Innngroom, private laundry facilities. m. private Pon. dee q a• 6686805. (TF) renis, hm bedleonls. lanwndry. than $7911now.1 Cal Dab w Gail Anderson. B►allerl$ilw bkr' in dishwasher. finished colssulations. Anubie -it-, Large large backyard- No COURTICE - three bedtoorrs. good sMpfwtp � Rep. Guilds Ready. 1941. 723- Oa•eiiew. now nwtas Lid iTFl thro ugho5A psts. Non smokers. Rslewriosc. large eat -nn kaclasn. main slow $450 monthly or (7000 put- 5261 24 h. pager. (TF) MOIEr PleblerttsZ Low's. dell ieeds. Cliff" to *Choofs and Call anytime, ask fair Kerrie. laundry, family room with dining chase prc* Canadian funds Invhg.. room. COURTK:E - oversaed ar brick consolidations, credit shopping Shona beanMntllly. amangolsntle blldgst 6833977. (082293) 2 1 571.18 20. M8280 morn. 2 112 baths. applieriees, M raiesd bungalow. 4 - - n -ns. 2 p*rsonle Cal 88>•586a. � pinalWW gwnbh- slapp*d. AJAX main door d semi 3 double QQadage. $1100 plus GORGEOUS Intoe b"own 112 baths, two walkouts, AJAX - 3.1 bsdm m kee hold FREE CONSULTATIONS. bellow. . so -in kb~. " utilities. Saptenitber. 434-7646. o011da• Clee 10 brnous. Char- Sawa* fig" tarns- townhoawe and unIL ow" air. Credld i Cgdws (PcMerallg- mooM dining room. 4 poe. bath. (062693) rtile*r Beads, Pool. jlcliaz� SMy town with fireplace double 2 IM basis. r•dtota kMn*om OsAweell. 433-1425. (TF) walkout to deck, laundry facilities. Available Sept. 1. NORTH -4- l eon -detached. and flab lfad- Atiei� now- Car garage, diads, c.a_, cr.. Be - king $185.000. Call Fred Close to and 401. .082493 1AMss. 294-0760. fenced yard. freplace, linfat" for on and 10 view BarNner RINK $155 000. all 68 $(082493) Call 6a6-1842. (SM basement. Immacutaw. Rent o s696 n146 1 1 725.94114.11Cafd5sel PICKERING - three bedroom own optional. Can 433.5586.M020M (062993) WHITBY - West Lynde area LM FW r� ow 9sa bungalow, upper level. Homes spacious 24W eq.1f, hanre. 4 atw Sok IIIOnclorw Ave). Steps to TOIMNiOIJses Mrary. Fbrida n rill eosw 'Mo (Rougemourn and lake. on bus rouse. �%,,I,• 420 `mar b.ero1 pkus a KENDAL arranged. Qualified or parks $1000 iriCklsnve per month. Cal FM Rent IqM g inktwdien,brealdast room overlooking sunken unqualified. Cal Doug 618- � so �a X05, Comensinuity, Financial Rd 30 1/4 416-284-4322 or ( 05) 689- TAUNTOWSIMCOE - three 9M.(062293) bedrooms. 1 112 baths, own THREE bedroom bungalow, with Laun iry, 4 appliances, SM per month. FirWlast, plus uOMies. garage. central air, Mary St. N. Cal 4369119 evenings or have Qshawia Available Oct. I. No ( ) MIS. $950 monthly. Contact messaga Jure 7234902. (082493) PORT Whitby - luxury getting h THE secret of getting rich. THE Amazing book tela all. Free Ioewt - w. 3 bedrooms. msstar OSHAWA - Adebide/Sirrtooe. eniruie, 2 lot blew, 00 atracfive three bedroom house, close to Go lean. 611050 plea two baths. yard. deck, Inutdry, 310 - utero'- Available Sept 1. 430 par". available emsdileWy. 1518.(082293) 16.481 • SOW. fxstllwt. Cal 416481- msbib home, seniors park $500 Canadian 837-2937 7268. 7268.(082493)M To ROORent AVAILABLE Oct. 1 sash A,ax, 430 4 bedrooms, two bathrooms, ise 61despht, familyroom with RI1 0 1001fl b Cera. Alm largede, Koff Md roc room, large deck off It $1250 sauM. wits skKWK use d an phis Mies. monthly. Fnnspg7. plus u o mwe. 6400 Nor, , Nwiie..eDg p,� Q318 w 839 So okW prabw". Can 4W ?M.(002093) 2M. IMO nn s"goL 1082669) tarraiyroom twit lends faeplac*, Semoes. to asmaf air. c*mal vac. alert.. erosive forest. An pernris system. 430-7223. no agents aveiMle. Ptwmoque. Profiles. MORTGAGES as low as 5.7511. please ( MS -7832. MV40M oAx- nal Michail 1667200. Alwbis hwo wnwtb Ltd. Sewing $610 down paymwN win move Out -of -Town Ontario silrbe ion. (TF) you into a new 2.3 a 4 bedroom lairs on " len. &adder says Business SELL and will assist with $3610 full price. Large secluded UVU OpporhMes mortgage. Can early for more camping let. Sand beach. gale VIDEO 91ae - OOmplle* ikwfl fish' next to 10 000 acre details. 116-047.2702. (082093) r^g. anitwttai*sa/6 0"" forest. One how asst of MGN profit cash business - ltd BROKER has $10.000 to lard le Torofio. Fred. (416) 431-1555. �kosode lowidirag rouse lex f110 par mush. . CommCom to pa806, 1090293) sale, low fast return. Cl le Finan• cial Services. (TFALL) Mobile HOMeS . 33448 PICKER= - 1Mtlles R0. 32W 5�0 & Paf*S getting h THE secret of getting rich. THE Amazing book tela all. Free sgJL soca& . 7 bedrooms. 5 deans - rush S A S.E. 2. T b1l�ooms. NO ansuniM MO CLEARWATERILARGO cite .O. Khan, departnsri LW -2. P.O. dldi*rs, sauna, oCuzzi, pool. fully furnished bedroom in Box 86171, Poral Outlook, 1355 finished basemrnt. Cine b r msbib home, seniors park $500 Canadian 837-2937 Kingston Rd:.Pickering. Cliff. key family Operation. Fully computerized. law inventory. greet pow mdmk or" Mawasse. w listed !611.900. Now $27.900. Must be sold. (416) 404-1555. DIRECT SaMaAAdiw Fashions . 9"" 3 ley Maple to Isis ch fabulous abuus fall lis In ur yoane. High commissions, low f28�=00. i 1 L1V 8P7. Cps Ywepnaenl Call Jarboe, yt- I Phalle MlOien. M@25"\ r""-' e • r .. 41$4251. • - . s • THS Nil:Vlfa ADVEWMER FRIDAY, AUGUST 20,1991PAGE 21 Coming«NeY• ntoviea, tltealor, dining. asvnaI .sit, ST ala (OLIN) and nava a VW ear. d it~. 'v • _ Eve Ms UM Aiiiow reli1afb W %m-a:KMmin phis. ar � well tin»o cm onas we ; gulls t* ass n* �sy 314a 3( I�vridaon.daral.. loci. AUCTIOM Saturday Aug. 2s, 11:30 a.m. Koslong Lake, Halburim. Ort@ we Is" tor. b1 with cabin, needed antongto large red pines. rocgr shorefine with gently sipping area for small children. Southern *It- powre wish he0@ deck at shore. Hydro and leleIII - service to cabin which is furnished as seen. Small pontoon boat with outboard motor a included ill tionesr Don Cornea 705.7Bfr 2183 or Peter Epps Century 21 Highlands Realty inc. 705.457- 3696. (062293) 670 Personals JESUS says. can the bind lead the blind? Does your minister wear glassil The hireling is the hired minister, Micah 3:11, Isaiah 56:10-12, John 10:11. Jim Campbelf. 1-705-953.9475. (TF) PSYCHIC reading and consultations. Appointments arranged. Call 623-7558. (082493) SINGLET Singles World Dances. 8.30 p.m. every Friday, Dynasty ballroom. 559 Boor St. W. Oshawa. Every Sunday - The Coral. 433 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa. Dress code - NO jeans. Information, 623-7007. (091093) FINALLY Fat tree, lost 1611bs. in 24 days. elm inane tat. increase energy. feel great and do a safe and naturally. (416) 434-2102- (062293) 671 Business Personals M you owe .. You Pay Lllon Ny $2-000 ............... _.$50 $5,000......._._..-.._ $125 $15.000 ....... _........ $375 680 Announcements WATER aXOR LOCa arts: is offering ::asses on a one OD one oasts Bookings avallabie 'c, workshops for other s:..c!os a orpuzations Phone Melanie 427-1736 720 Deaths SCOTT Daniel G. NrearJriy o 'a 1 9 Awf. 170M at ilia Oise. Camara! U@Vd&L 131.. &Wb= 4 4)7 rswieie, Mari. i,taif, Kr*m P"" ad fi - -a rail two k wtw ..dwmd by W army jromildgYwa Sal s.e.d by (nete.e Dow4 Card midrra hum Mdriiwt, hay ave[ fawafa Family arN filarrid• will M remond at lir Royal Candirs LefNo at CLwrrt Owl: for a farm Monona sower am Frailly Jing. 21111 2 ra Is am 4r fwmmwi6 aeeeekm ave be rrwt to lNeIf b siair Fund or Kedwry w olive, Fam Brim acacia ave/ be fsU in Mo wwaart Away rand Marry Iii da Set, Am* 22 et 348 Fa eft Amoss r i Chi inmopwwk Nati new in Nim. ad 011 dW IS elm ler = an kmrftl DENTAL UPDATE We at 927 Liverpool Road South Drs. P. Goodman, S. Weiner & staff are proud to announce that Dr. Mitchell Shields O[ Dr. Seema Sharma Have joined our practice. For your added convenience more evening hours and Saturrjay appointments are ava-Diable. New patients welcome - by appt. 839-5951 SLW eteftor of two. 28, ought s we toot On. to ~* irtei 18rl am. apanirndad, will *&0u1_ and attractive, who likes to do colada. it hale. SY 2410 (OSI) door*. camping, canoeing. car many things, moue! like to nt•el FUN ill"attractive mother of racing, seeking shm to nedhunrh someone who '- not into head one, who enjoys the outdoors build lady. 3636, for conpan on - gorse•. agar 22-28. ST 2378 wafer. dancing, quiet wertetgs at slip. SY 3142 FUNNY, out going full figured, home, seat male 25-35 for casu- O.K... So it's come to this' Two who* fir We. 19 yr*old, enjoys al fun term and possbla retalpn- bright, fun -loving. professional dance dubs, singeg. romance. ship. Children wokxxe. ST 2411 woman. WASPS, seek two unat- and movies, seeks male 2625. (OSI) filched. Intelligent, gregarious ler socializing and poewbN cohn'. ATTRACTIVE, long blond hair, men, 3640's. Call us the rest m parwnshp. SY 2379 single white female with green easy. SY 3143 SINCERE, honest, single white eyes, tired of the bar scene. SINCERE, handsome dark male. farrnald. trod 40's, enjoys doing in elle. attractive tingle white male. 33, seeks single, white female or out, quiet evenings, movies. with long hair personality and 27.35 for klendshsp and possible sports ..to . seelong single car- charm. ST 2412 relationship Enjoys quiet and ng male. 4ds, ran-snmoker, sone SINGLE while lemale 18 looking romantic evenings long walks of humor, respmmnble and profes- for good looking romantic sincere. and very adventurous SY 3144 sional for possible relationship. single male 19-25 for long term SINGLE father of one esiab- SY 23W relationship, race not important Irshed, nit. non-smoker anractrve HUMOROUS blonde. 31. looklig SY 2413 37, Into cycling, spot's plays, for tall dark fairly handsome. FEMALE. adaptable sincere and music, country bound goal orient - established man meat love kids, honest, smoker, like to meet ed Seeks a spark SY 3145 be intelligent and mentally browneyed man, 510" plus. must OUTGOING mase Iook7ng To, a healthy. and enjoy quiet evenings be emotionally healthyestab- young lady 2C s for comparnon- at fame SY 2369 ished. 47-51, for sincere relation- ship Must enfoy fashion shows CAREER woman. late 30's. 5 6". ship. SY 2414 the outdoors. 'J S weekend trips enjoys dancing. golf, travel. varied WHITE 5 4-, large full figure farcy and goal r oil v7ds wei- mterests. Seeks unattached -tel- woman. 39, fun, good natured, come SY 3146 hgent mak 40-. to share smiar ung loves danang wcah TALL, sonsit a ^onosl -a r nrhg.I u u morests. Sense of humor a must camping. seeking white male. sin- wcwnan. 50. loves ole, ars dant- SY 2383 cere, 35.45 yrs and must love mg, good sense or hurray ,lmd a ATTAACTtVE uhdependent mom children SY 2415 poserve look on ate plus seetis a Al you do is place an all paper classfied (10 issues) at our AJAX-PICKERING 3', blonde haw blue eyes. seeks GOOD looking green-eyed blond. cortparibie gen!'ieman SY 3147 NEWS ADVERTISER OFFICE �esponsibil independent anrac- 59' tail and bounhtul, seeks !ail SINCERE, hardworking single McDonald's Restaurant Ajax • !e, male 28.36 with sense of � f ° children and pit as. 36-54 man who loves dank- ^9, song corne^saY nature mom, 24 enjoys family oriented such as walks sports. and receive a o'.h SY 23.5 (OSH) travel, and chtkken SY 2416 2 cooking, seeking mak. 25- with cooking, special combo McClassified coupon for FUN loving single white fomak. ACTIVE, creative. eclectic lady similar interests for serious rill the 2:. 58.. 165 lbs Enjoys movies. = baseball *" nights at 38, interests. PBS to Jays. seeks witty honest. rn-smoking le arolulends-31 rfonsh7p Children welcome SY 3149 (OSH) and ,rrm Sem male for compare- man. for equal partnership SY WHITE ^+aie 35 professional mol ATTEND THEIR -n*v and possible reiationsnp 2417 looking for a money old someone 'i"" an lady 36 years old wanting an or � ��g Mir nkreem SY (Osla white eked ,ends to spend good and bad 27-35 N EWS ADVERTISER 41pat 11= •002 lima one coupon per astomer per visit & nd void wth any dher otter and no cash vdue SINGLE white kmak 18. bolang GLE man wit man who s well liked by fiends w2th Looking 'or female 27-75 P1Cl(ERIN6 s�� v4= �� e same r!endts Sr •030 feseonal geno•nan you may be 36 lot corrpamonsnrp SY 3051 WIDOWER 5C sol sttm lady :r good looking-or'tanttc. Ln- likes laughter coccasonal craz7- SY 3150 52.50 w^cse nflil nctude dan«nq song walks gardening outdoor* and camping Look,ry Uk kir ttlrtA I p. SY 3M dancing and quell trrw tookng :ere, single male 19-25 for long nese, family atmosphere. out- TALL a?y 5 9- smoker early ler someone 29 to 37 who likes 9mn relationship Race To wripor• doors. country and western are S0s ^terested in meeting gent-SY children for possible companion- 2367 (OSH) old nickrroN music SY 2416 man with old fasfnon aiues for g • a Present SINGLE, attractive ndspendaM -weer woman. love% island SINGLE room 37. shin enjoys walls. movies. outdoors. seeks mh-p friendship and copannns nteresls are many lanc,nq WORSHIP 7ullE c. -wmdancing, rornanbc di ndrs. rile to share same SY 2419 hockey. 50s music. and dining DAY 7 " rveing seeks nkNtgwit. allec- 22 YEAR old queen size s:ngk out SY 3151 (OSH'r 3wg .lE>VOIlE14C® witftaeer, bot. -:`,DAYS A s%MY�isd NIMSM i�-1Sp t1U/d m Opp spy{ I&V walls, sec, dmmg and q" foattsake ft wig.. I :nate. fun owing guy. 35. mother of onsl looking for mak LADY early 50s s^ro.e, rater. PICKERING VILLAGE we � �t Oft fell WEEK Amor COW irrelevant. ,nlorxw 25-35 who !hwrq 'hat personably ti n meet,ng cling, s ngie UNITED CHURCH ATTRACTIVE, V. 911', arrteliar, AD1fE14r1lRDLls pulgeetg ,etgh, -sesl be true bkJs. SY 23M counts. Someone who 'd[°5 -Phot- 'Ladles. ler oti porton to araind "«T nyeP boll . canes hilsomeone hotel eyes, ktolsg IDs fOmr1.OIM hat b sin keen. wh.s d, with of minded, with great sense of ogi . Awe iso 300 Church Si. N., Aj81c SINGLE 'nom 34, has great din SY 2420 wngls* dances and social everes L L11 Eaf1 r Los h19 A IL ori good rw.. ST 11011111111 tai dell and m.drwa. seeks allrW%* well aT sense of kiurnor. enjoys dining SELF-EMPLOYED s,rpo mom SY 31S2IOSH) ATTR=M wtdsi s9-, sort or, Mo" for a N. and hand. Lintels 25�-.0. 390 IF you're a single white fen ele FOR BEST .1. dancing. movies Seeking who dues :amol and the Zoo BUSINESS ^tar in town'wo Zan OIINfAt1TOM - FAtAPoltT tMTEO g1uRCM July 4 to - in Pickering Village hent, a enjoy, parr Intel aro quiet Iir- sT ago• :.e 3640 with ss+sur interests seeks angle ded k" be prokas- a ww" and wept a ,orb bre August 1 united Church KONK Was'""''' fie 0till tri, keeping knoNt "' 9a a `al. SY 3988 sMMME WHEN REPLY - rpoeelbb relationship SY SY 23on s a, and articulate wen a +rusk n ~1004c gir -4-29 Fa dn. 39, enjoys dining. VVwS rp R Church �® August 8 - In St. Andrew's JOHN 6 50 in old widower yr> sense of humor SY 2421 mors, movies and ••awl world ,LASSIFIEDS, to Sept.1 Presbyterian Church 2m for �• posabN I do t leave your number SY ATTRACTIVE rmtal4 '6 ookmg wide V 31 S3 rOSH) � W40Nrmw PIqCt�ING =TANDARD CHUIRCh 23.0. ler Mr fight. musl oe good look- OUTGOING woman ,not R. or BOX LEAVE A op SINGLE rN'ae Ismake wary 40s ng and haws a wild streak in nen. gay, 29 seeks o'her s. -.lar 3M5 Brae* Rad at Flury. 7 ooki g for MA sIII ' Someone Sr 2422 manlier •c socialize and vng oul Al you do is place an all paper classfied (10 issues) at our AJAX-PICKERING share dining and danc!ng ^ �shc. movies, and quiet gverwge at noir Sr 2381 terse bloode hyo. S1NC•LE >,onds 20. 5'7. enjoys dancing. -us7c sports. quiet tines and ening out. wouic kill to mew ,�.°" for with ,.e wor>t;nq oul.::utong soons dnrers 'lhe 7 ling Sv 3154 NEWS ADVERTISER OFFICE orownWHIT orosvn eyes, attractive and wolf ra snip poserDe •e4tansn,p SY nsh.p S YOUNG 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax °stabksred. Seek attrateve swigis watt•mak 26-38 non -smoke, 2423 AVERAGE ,00tid temak 36. AT HEART and receive a -owe. The ��nd da strong Chrrsttan waivae hdn.,t special combo McClassified coupon for Zang out SY 23@3 ATTRACTIVE sr>w whe4 caning. aMcanae. wide rstory or raereet loo b ^ r ATTRACT'. VE e:r.a.e ..las movies }nnq lancing walks a hasty female brown hair. green eyes le l efr0 a poeYOk etatWnshp SY Sr sports minded. seeks• aline n FREECOMBOMEAL McDonalds® et4smhuehnJe sports move"and mwnvated people Seeks 7ntew- gent r.tW 22-30 who enjoys the same Sr 231M 242. • • • • ' • • ,neon m,an g n s . emcys ]n - ng . Sy 4 pay, any +o co -pan o^sh,p 'or soc7al .h,.rxs Ss' 4000 ATTEND THEIR HUMOR. HUGS and hu manearh- SINGLE a �». �,. quiet werong at Acre. movies, LADY r 50% e^lovs dr+rg canc- page sandwich, medium fries beverage) an lady 36 years old wanting an or � ��g Mir nkreem ATTRACTIVE s, m tun loving mplher pr*. 3< ecce, °1g pays cards would eke :cmn- sit p to >ony ever!5 SY and medium are � ry� crafts Ian ur, ncr0 fhn sling tlowawl gertir emw 41pat 11= •002 lima one coupon per astomer per visit & nd void wth any dher otter and no cash vdue also a smoker SY 2396 GOLDEN yawn' mitt y« 'he very skis W Welty Yong Sas prole► man. 3640 who enjoys cwdrer ler ; - - iiatronelkp SY 3044 SM' awractrve mak 32 enjovs EARLY 5.; s 5, 129 be wiloys ,us,c walks shows opal occastonai dr7nkc- ren-smo-e- McDonald's Restaurant ,� r�»t mein you Yhaereeldd" Doul by shY pro- otdooro "wptrg � •veno¢. seeks sneers 'ad 25- s�� v4= �� e same r!endts Sr •030 feseonal geno•nan you may be 36 lot corrpamonsnrp SY 3051 WIDOWER 5C sol sttm lady Valid only al: 222 Bayt St. West Ajax 'he one SY 23M SEPARATED mother . thine, Late 20'5 enjoys sports. dung. SINGLE wee ketals aanv SC s dojoss walks a garoemng out- Odors, wake and mama, seeks 52.50 w^cse nflil nctude dan«nq song walks gardening outdoor* and camping Look,ry Uk kir ttlrtA I p. SY 3M dancing and quell trrw tookng single venae maid with similar for king lasting rtationsny SY assts aaratare nils 25x6 tmNck ler flat ST ler someone 29 to 37 who likes ehsereets SY 3064 4031 children for possible companion- LOOKNG FOR SUGAR DADDY FULL fg,ynd ladv mrd 50 s 5 1' snip and possible reiaponsitV SY woo writ• lemak 48 likes dun- I'd We to meet a nice gentienti 2397 ng, dun«ng, musi Il eatrs and who hikes mhoves country -use \ - � � o COME AND WP ATTRACTIVE heavy set *nab 27, walks. boaoys, �n9 ekeromestab long boatatg, seeks established mon, marred o k I m eatab- TIRED of being hurt. very anrac- TIREDbehed of being h �Yery and crafts for fnendsh7po SY .= (�N) I would Ilk• to meet a man single rrhtld meld 2695. who a live Nmals. 29. sngk mother of btblwen the ago of 50.63 who "' and g°°° �"' "'`" ma'' b'r""" �" is interested 'neach THESE CHURCHES INVITE YOU TO oaim a S d IMarhor. SY 2388 for trhdredblhrp and Possible rola- W and 'vekn9 on the beam I am a I am a ATTEND THEIR WORSHIP SERVICES SINGLE a �». �,. quiet werong at Acre. movies, �. must b. and , lads. SY 3974 aoo � 58 and 33 lddking tdr a oomparron SY 1033 ring, dancing. seeking mak ATTRACTIVE led figured, fun low - with viols ow". must lib chill ng female, l5, enjoys navies. 11 dirt. SY 2389 tfarntarg wtsatrd gotwnyv, bn9 ATTRACTIVE ategelwhileraft while Ivn" 31. enjoy golf. istui , navies. an"law,d aw, seelsrtg irk wrih sense, of hun W of w.. to OPEN 24 daneey. outoing personality Uk kir ttlrtA I p. SY 3M �tt�ca� wuaaswu wfsf�@r`iw CHUMM ST. ANDREW'S assts aaratare nils 25x6 tmNck ler flat ST SINGLE .e mall, 23, «Moya ,azo Ra. K or uta lotto 5180 de its tan.deprs„ rngl. i, ougwtg, HOURS A TME FAWY CHURCI♦ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "yr O'd'11 I`' VAOM 1oo1"g IN 0 UN& inti who ar WA di Sp°"""'°"s, rise to aa& "oft chert UM ptian> b long Nim ret WORSHIP 7ullE ,v. �y Church els. NM � and wia tiMthip with Isnw" 19-25, ST DAY 7 " Summit Hows: 10 am 683-7311 by a li.]1r* (owa n a inti. 42 a yr. aid fond. m.lt• 3wg .lE>VOIlE14C® witftaeer, bot. -:`,DAYS A s%MY�isd NIMSM i�-1Sp t1U/d m Opp spy{ I&V walls, sec, dmmg and q" foattsake ft wig.. I AS let a br.t4 rorttss�e 4pn.id bolnitg •omit b brag We leo WKSTN" Hilemn PICKERING VILLAGE we � �t Oft fell WEEK >f UNITED CHURCH ATTRACTIVE, V. 911', arrteliar, AD1fE14r1lRDLls pulgeetg ,etgh, at "«T nyeP boll . canes hilsomeone hotel eyes, ktolsg IDs fOmr1.OIM hat b sin keen. wh.s d, with of minded, with great sense of ogi . Awe iso 300 Church Si. N., Aj81c 61', d Ittrror. Isailsr, L L11 Eaf1 r Los h19 A IL ori good rw.. ST 11011111111 tai dell and m.drwa. seeks allrW%* well aT TIPS 110ii1t1G RSli t MM Ms RtN t Fonar ® �.....a683-4721 Cof11bk " SWnrner SmIces ATTR=M wtdsi s9-, sort or, Mo" for a N. and hand. Lintels 25�-.0. 390 IF you're a single white fen ele FOR BEST 10 0 a.m. s� a■rt 25,10, w.h a since. 2545 who enjoys af+t"" from OIINfAt1TOM - FAtAPoltT tMTEO g1uRCM July 4 to - in Pickering Village hent, a enjoy, parr Intel aro quiet Iir- sT ago• .dint ding a spoil and star- eL give Ilis apswow dad man of RESULTS toes DW"lon Rd, Pldarirg I August 1 united Church KONK Was'""''' fie 0till tri, keeping knoNt "' 9a a `al. SY 3988 sMMME WHEN REPLY - 839 -7271 music, g . g for a carbo ands tout Ion 39, enjoys dining. VVwS rp R Church �® August 8 - In St. Andrew's ogi friendship and nights out. SY music. tf.rnp.tg navies, calks, assts aitpare, heneall non 37-51 r1NG TO A m to Sept.1 Presbyterian Church 2m for �• posabN VOICE MAIL- Junior Congregation � W40Nrmw PIqCt�ING =TANDARD CHUIRCh and Nursery Care 30, Overweight bull very alcove, 'fie l m >»elling nrN 30- SMhic 10.45 him �r,ing, outdoors, traveling, and quiet BOX LEAVE A op 40 who enjoys sports. movies, I.rra Would Iiia to sued soms- 3M5 Brae* Rad at Flury. 7 To Advertise Your Church � ST '°(D am of VU fired �8, �A FULL60 MIMAY SUMMSR WORSHIPNEED Services Call. Janice . sonraa tndsnlrntg n er ATTRACTIIVVEE -headed female, 18. Seeks fun loving SECOND ` 118100 q u 0 M Ewlli g 71p my file. who is financially, and ' down to earth mak 18.22 for ` Cole Wad Ma ho WO US &W Mill • 683-51 t0 • - «Iskewai)r sa' ' who N4"8 110"; 1)% 40, " t 10 It �1 Naerrg@fipashp and possils owls "moliip- Masi be •pert modal _ ■ IIII ESSAGE. FAGS 22 -THE NEWS ADVERIUM FRIDAY, AUGU r 21k M TA ttlaro*ngaebmewl,l5, Companionship - Friendship ita*ets ore baStOdf, datncirg, 28J0 for friendship maybe rela- 36. amracirve, into sports. country honsfip, heavy gal. 190-300 loo. music. camping. Midright walks. SY 11119 coup country. cr* N&rl wrim fun loving 1•dy to d6 -- Cal seeks attractive lady 25-36 with ng for attractive fit f nvwe.faingle sertifar intsto s SY 1135 or manned ler day tine Fun. gives GOOD LOOKING mai@. 18. hon- two, 354 05 0. BY 10 eat. sense of humor, loves sports FUN LOVING honest si ngt white and gong to the gymlookng ler male. 25 enjoys camping. attractive ktrriet 19.21. SY 1136 movies, 'Jays'. and walks with eU fused by , ark scions sook Contused by Dar seen*,seeks ted. a„rall. • Anytime 1 raneC. homebodv. loves children female 21-30 with saintar will s for possdbIe long term relabM- female in 30's ler companion or Om We. Om We. 2332 b enjoy fraveL dn- reia•onstip SY 1140 ATTRACTIVE situ. Single white DIVORCED mace 42ksves out- mel@ 30enjoys, walks. novas. ig, sports, music and 4Meligert quiet evenings at home. seeks Sharing quiet we seats women Single while female. 20-33 for to glue and Ube oduser 30-40 Fit Conversion. SY 1112 and attractive SY 1153 ielalioriefirp KIM pkmoo rSaco. 1961 Leo long hair one prenous again SY 1190 ROMANTIC handsome thir- tysomething, established. fun Only charge Is $1.99 per minute, there are alae. 5'"-,'85 cosi. wsa Iona no extra long distance charges serstne. 9wtl%, coming. gorgeous krnele, 25.35 with a groat sense 1. To respond to an ad, call Sincerely Yours 1.416-976-1991' at any time of the day from any touch torte of humour. SY 1IIs phone within the 416 area code and make a note of the four digit *mailbox" number that appears at the end JENNIFER, in Ajax, pkvaw again. of the ad. You may also browse through the system to listen to other recordings. Just follow the recorded I didn't gal your phone number instructions. A charge of $1.99 per minute will appear on your phone bill as soon as you connect with the SY 1124 system. SINGLE white mals. 27. 56' 180 2. After you receive your numbers, call 1.416-976-1991' from any touch tone phone, 24 hrs. a day and fol- tbs. enjoys the ouldoors' darting. low the easy (recorded) instructions. Remember you may NOT leave your last name, phone number or dancing' quiet evenings at ho, . address when recording your message on YOUR mailbox. seeks singlesingle. of dwhite fernale. 20-30nldren ars20-30a who enjoys thea same. sa 3. To retrieve your messages call 1.416-976-1991' from any touch tone phone and follow the instruc- welcome SY 1133 tions... Remember to enter your mailbox number and pass code on your phone key pad. A charge of $1.99 SINGLE while male. 21, enjoys per min. will appear on your phone bill as soon as you connect with the System. music bowfin i. daring- the out- doors. quiet evenings at home. To p1we a free ad "s female 18-24 who enjoys the sar-.e for possible long term call Toll Friele telalanahp. SY 1134 Rale. 33, feeling white female. OUTGOING single white male. 28J0 for friendship maybe rela- 36. amracirve, into sports. country honsfip, heavy gal. 190-300 loo. music. camping. Midright walks. SY 11119 hold" hands and thiriderstormms. ATHLETIC angle male. 39, look - seeks attractive lady 25-36 with ng for attractive fit f nvwe.faingle sertifar intsto s SY 1135 or manned ler day tine Fun. gives GOOD LOOKING mai@. 18. hon- great back nibs. SY 1190 eat. sense of humor, loves sports FUN LOVING honest si ngt white and gong to the gymlookng ler male. 25 enjoys camping. attractive ktrriet 19.21. SY 1136 movies, 'Jays'. and walks with MALE mid 30's. W. Quist spa- that special someone seeking raneC. homebodv. loves children female 21-30 with saintar will s Ickes outdoors. music, seeks for possdbIe long term relabM- female in 30's ler companion or 91 driben welr . SY 1192 reia•onstip SY 1140 ATTRACTIVE situ. Single white DIVORCED mace 42ksves out- mel@ 30enjoys, walks. novas. doors ocd nxrs+c. moviee, diners. quiet evenings at home. seeks Sharing quiet we seats women Single while female. 20-33 for to glue and Ube oduser 30-40 Fit companionship of long lasting and attractive SY 1153 ielalioriefirp KIM pkmoo rSaco. 1961 Leo long hair one prenous again SY 1190 owner, recently roburh signie. SINGLE white mate, seeking reliable. handles well! fame 18-23 who enjoys romlah- W only. no spare tire, some ruo tic dinners. long walks. movies Make an offer SY 1154 and evenmgf out. walchng the SINGLE good looking Swab- stars on cis,warm ngfts. SY fished white male 33 seeks 1194 ISiner ler poesiDt long term hon - ow rel taOnalnp Sncers cellars oily SY 1155 SINGLE while busne••n w, 39. not into bar scene. Seeks Single white to was 2536. non Smoker honest, no Mad games. must enjoy togging movies, cuddling and romantic o enrngs logWw SY Ilea MALE VMN 36. bvn oUkbon. canc­q. fishing, baseball ACTIVE t x MY mat AC 5 „- .04vw rg ung to %rmst'ii4 65 lbs, seeks outgoing %rnat ur" r*wo" SY I180 20.3S, "its to enjoy quiet MALE 44 separated. enjoys maiwlic kir" SY Illy 'vca'S darnq Miaac. people n MALE 27. stn 1 ,raid 8 5 on No general. communicates well scale would W to date the per gong, seeks smoker kid or elm be mate and from len we wil: women. 35-42 clWclw welcome see what We brings SY I IN SY 1181 GOOD LOOKING mat 4C sin - SINGLE male, 3C 511', 190 IDs. con. honest hardwork,ng. &. mov&. pWa' dining ad or4omove secure, non •tricker. enjoy" din- dWCM look for good 1rng as movies. travel. belong, seeks Female for possblo reletiorij single attractive female. with BY 1142 same interests 20-35 ler long STABLE 39 yrs. young, good horaldorn@fnq SY IM loolumig guy ento" old• drew SINGLE dark has blew eyow 46. do"N out- big ronennc wabs onto" camp". iahn% daring quiet evenings all Immo. seeks out and dancing. soaks %not, lady 34-40 for conponionship 30481or Mawmdhp SY 1198 possible roWwnetip SY 1183 SON seeks companionship for MALE. wow. sepaatod. 45. 6. dad. planes hSkp flet hon out of 200 tbs . honest and *ancone, ole have and my five. I Mo hon enjoys quer ewnrngs, movies. you will too. By Ila danot him len. sks aaec ee SDIGLE mole. 20, very atlilehc, bonale %mole wah W"dw @Ire- koro moves, waft an M beach. eats for iMog retail c I p. SY roffdWic @m ming•, looking for 1185 %Mise, 10-25 wart erosion ~- SINCERE male. waw. divot sslw b"q ler a bsq hum wive 50. Sr. good s- 0 . moray saw- YorollJ . Sy 11390 esu. hungry for serous reUMn- I ATTRAC n wlgt@ white xrb, ship wr41i ohm w lsmuala. an 22. S. 100 ba, wheys olydoors. 40's n rw ft OahslYNeiby area. eYNllljga sat. Wet *-Raga at By top home, rowwai, Sky and snows. ISIIIGLE father. 36. divorced. bill" pre SIM white kwab. 10- aSradi%W brown hair. gllon "ft, 25 with *ane wlanMS Our neW 5'117, 195 b e., enj-1 the owl- . I Slim loon. wa"M i*". seeks MY, bear trait, biddy bre N. aillisrfaw silgb nww, 28.38 who varied mijama a, memo bmas. MOP so euro. By I NO 21),-= vela opym suet kites ha MMDWORK111G borSM bbd l SAY YMi SYSI'19rS nail eft785 as e*you Noyaxw Set * Ydn tidrld, Ori, Cm1 pilo l I-Mi921 XO* Vld R 1.9764321 =wildi613 serecodeyore flayscores 5l =* Yow M afla 1916.7/00 wwild%416setscodelyseIllyues Sm* rales S **i Ai■4 FdmiF8 1416.916.1981 9, Port Hose 1416916.1901 R llbr* SIM --- lh1 1416$16407 W* 14*06M R i0oe 14169764321 loft 1416916.770 Mid 14169160888 ss an tie seat tete >hi N ssosmk ill! W MM erCSe n Per kudos Fagg ft0 terve NYlwttd0- BY an YOKING male, 30, would lite b word wiggle mmMe bflldm, 25-M 060 enjop good comwrsNon. array Na, and BOCIL BY 13M CONTRACTOR, 28, 6', bnp on love, fawmi ly drod on air, k ti- ne fa Naneb, war ajjlrp "M walks along beach, videos. and unbridled passion SY 1304 BLUE eyed while male. 25 not bad looking. enjoys fishing. long walks. romantic evenings. seeks possible king term relationship SY 1305 VERY handsome Italian born Male. 28. Billy Ray Cyrus looka- 1 ke with a mustache. (only bow) Seeks lady ler fury relationship SY 1304 WANTED beautiful bkm who was at Wally's Restaurant Wednesday. July 14, 3 00 a m We made contact but couldn't talk.Ca1 it you're more I in the man with the gold glass" SY 1304 MALE white, 37 seeks slim. attractnre Lady 25-30 for friend- sfrp• p,ss rMatan-ship Mug, be understanding Serious inquiries only. SY 1310 SUCCESSFUL white buaness- man in 50s seeks attractive trrrrat any age for of, Six main - t onehrp on long to i basis SY 1311 SINGLE mat. 30, dean cut and working, oolong for a tenist. 26 30 who a hxx and has a good saw of humor. SY 1312 HEALTHY caring. honest, fit while neje 41 . 511- seeks a lady to share the spark of Fun romrrkc to with SY 1313 SINGLE later 27. good Iooifriy 6. 190 Ibe . enjoys worim as. dancing, drill¢ quiet evenings. seeks to attractive, flim. 25- 35 535 we, an iw ritereaf ST 1315 SPIRITED Taurus. "tort. whit. 40. 5'4'. hoe dNraen, look ler a woman M smb* my need to be touched mentally. opwtualy and physically SY 1317 ROMANTIC mat, white, 40. seeks bvaDt."and &%CbCo ore %Mist, who etijoye 9d, king walks and quiet evenings SY 1314 ETERNAL op•nrL some what fonentic. slime. Mid 40s, enjoys music, conversation, moves Seeking mature tiorioSI reason- ably olm aaradns. %nob cou- Sa wt, to betw reMloorietip. Sr 1350 ATTRACTIVE Wigle a-" pm - ant. 34 Mos to outdoors caw Mg. dseg snit dw-4j. pots nwidsa so" w00%, 2535 thio epys 11 11 with Whir MOW sew SY130 NANDSOME saubbe ed male, 33, eon-Smokair, sera Sian %Ids 2231 ler offiare colyi- loaSiro. slirrsdMwp coervsros, , and goad %cuss. *angle mrsor's rnloonr. BY U01 TALL Sian agile, 32. enjoys nun, waft on so beach. nme- Vwl ports. movies, -*Mv irg and quill romantic *-wogs. Seeks smaller Mab. 2535. ler By 11M ROKMM WAik 38, bokg ler a 11M Um mkf wmhj, w head gainum, mond No c ibw, coW IN& 666 1-9 -Oft wsee, 2510 andabsebm BY 131110 COUPLE d add"W sky mild 3W* VIM bebg 19 wit WMW y*afs epwiemGm, lir caNmgam, C.aribbSam baud, w I I o - arwflMbBmp aid bL abide ler to a" soma. 3Y INS KALE 3k good belwg, flak St, homm. veil woy wbuaw for dependent. Seeks same in %male 22-30_ To Skan M009 wbforwk0. BY UM 11,I011ij bad wiidnp mibkc 31 yr. ald guy, who mop lb red all i his to odw, s*y gttlfljp M. JA* g, Sora bmda ler, poobb Nlaltwr* By CBOT 25 year old nolle with Mromg Chnob n blob, I elpy mrool- IigM dinners. ft0 walla. soft mark:. Would No to wed sonj► ono with slllllbr interests. By 13M ATTRACTIVE will while male, 24 yin.. 510', good some of terror, mop nomjrrae doMn. . e i , wo- - ding, eaddn soot% a bmab 10-28 with now Ire jawed. By 1325 ATTRACTIVE awgls whim make, 28 sincere, creative. romantic, enjoys lazy walks. cuddling. movies. ssekng attractive unsure. single white female, 19 to 29 lex Wing relationship. SY 1392 ESTABLISHED blue eyed male 170 lbs 35 vrs. old. enjoys slitting. cottages. travel, keeping M. seeks secure attractive, spontaneous. and fun lennk with similar nler- ads. SY 1394 SINGLE father of two, enjoys walking. outdoors, looking for a woman beewom 22-30 mart low children . SY 1395 33 yr. old white male ST. 145 9x04 Seeking shm 10 a" 29 to 33 sow" i ix to dinners. navies. king walks and quiet evenings at hone Looking for " rum relw bmtw SY 1386 HANDSOME male 30's never marred 6 h auburn haw single and working enjoys rarefy of music sports, concerts, gel- aways. quiet and exciting 20-29 to Share good tarries with SY 1387 EUROPEAN male 5'9-, tor. only dMd. see" Ynsis with -- do ProblemSY 13M 1983 star search. hand@om , whet nae. 5'10'. 179 be. 36 Professional. enjoys country music. dancing. trines, romance and more. Seeking foxy. nnss- Yaj rnletiP lip ST 14M OSH r. blonds her, bks@ sties. icer► sally secure. family oriented. enjoys all Sports and especially outdoors Looking for poewbt relationship with that special Someone SY 1401( OSM SINGLE dad. 29 otowrrh Illi, hair. hazel green eyes. enjoys Sports. music. romantic drovers and dancing Seeks %net 2536. ler long term islatnonship. SY 1402 (06►) GREEN eyed male 31. S'8". enjoys dung, dancog. walks, sport and the outdoor a%. Seeks %mete wtNwahaa titidren 26-33 wet senlm interests Mist Iwo dwd wi. ST 143 NICE, U=csn ul guy, weutI to R" two*. wracom bimb 25-M who enjoys moves. walks, bob* - cues and dinner pages. Strmi• I who hes a poem* aull- look and sense of humor. BY 14" (ONO WIDOWER, nla%. 52 yeas S'4', 135 be.. ON e4 Sawa congw- ion. enjoys cooking, classical music and oladoos, chibsn are ae,o*nnla BY UK OWET father of one 36 years. Enjoys malwai Cooking, waft. pons. Seats wo num 3645 ler Cornpwworrl0, penbb Pat* - imp. SY 1488 SINCERE, whit* wale, S'10', wnjeys spa%, gill, nlo"iem and doorman area attractive Mal•, 20`27, ave p bond veil aims WA esb, ler emamrtie purrs- SY t140r ytol bd=a awm@4 SOW nor-wmSliog 3f7a dad SS, 135 los., misty d :a«e.b sada homwt, nonennkinlg, fancy ad. OR" at" bwak, S b0 or b$w, BY /ant (0014 0000 looking nab 20, air good ars, d humor, WOW gwro • w0iaba, Nati Aft Noom weloA flRilO, bong br a bwds win sial it ibMds 110-24. IT 1410 gNffE nob dmj6p ad0ml, mmm, and goig b waifs bolig ler Slagle white %mala 22-25. BY MI (Own SINGLE wkde wake 36, likes waft, navies, mad ant even. 0 -WON $ij(/e blwab 27-M, SIM Siwler imleeesllo M Pdddib fekekoadj0- BY UU MALE 56. 5"r, 100 No.. snits eyes. gray hair. seeks pelta a hichande wonwj oriental or bifid who Ned bnoang, amc g and finial lines. Lars Mart as 9ieln . BY 1413 PWFEN 0NAL nods, 36, Mack. apradive, M- pokYa. pale. mtwiem so" trjeR , , binds oofpafjion, 25.40. with ails" idasdb ler Nmake Fired. BY 1414 GOOD bobng. 33 year old whore male, into motorcycles, music. outdoors and fainly Looking for romantically inclined, fit 25-35 year old female SY 1415 (AJA) REDHEAD, healthy, slim and tnm, humorous. nteIigi probes, sronal seeks down to earth slim, funlovng, attractive woman for romance and compasonshap. SY 1416(OSH) WANTED 1 single mom. 20-32 ler casual fun irmnee. and adventure. possible romance Required by dad, 32. and ren. both easy going. and undemanding. cute Koo' Sr 141$ PISCES, wife 30s, arae no Chi dren, heavy ssr, seeks under- standing female for friendship maybe romwnce. I m in besress. and can be motivated. SY 1419 (OSM CORMA' Row respond ager I didn't gel your number SY 1420 (OSa4) 1 DONT bele , bb alerts all 40 but I don't bebve t erode a~ A young 47 yr. ora men kaolug for dear heart in same Minj phone cal. SY 1421 (OSK ATTRACTIVE, divorced father. 32. G. Drown hair, blue eyes. enjoys sports. carrmpir'4• cooking• kits. would " to most a for 26-40, for Lasting relationship Samoa mono wrateorie SY 1422 MALE 5T, 160 ft established, seeks single lemlale, slim, or and race unimportant, interests include cam poij tiedoe, plicsog raphy. and nock m i sic for poeSbt rdaboriW SY 1423(OSM SUCCESSFUL businessmen 34 yeas old, athletic and M. 6' tall 190 tbs , dark hair and eyes. Snake h a racbe yang tidy 20- 35. for romantic evenings. get- aways and trawl ST 1424 SINCERE arig% aaracsw. white male 32. established, good humored blonde jus, ttuWyew syn and arra sums. seeks hon - ea, enoero, attractive Iady ler possible raI - - I F SY 1425 ATHLETIC mat, 26, blonds halt. Yrs dancing, doinws, in honest and sincere. Seely women. 22- 30. for possible nelsaioriI ST 14i 39 yin. aid. Yes cmwWm , ou- doofw r$araaa, Sr =no", abo Ys, dalb*n, bowg for Single worm vela 0, 1. maw, w Iriared , 0. 0 , r rwlownal0 By 1138 MALE, 30 quiet. bialy. non -"'or. esprit all aI cow etg, tB01•any n1•nSic, Bra Oddoae, juwl how" low, sea" bnaab 30140 ler con0oliwrlr0 Possible eslm.. .. with mein abweb. By 1470 RECULAII guy, 29 yin. cid. bines, hair bko ryas, very ad - 900% roitF , -, Mea ixraep Ms, wafs, and Blood comw se - we, dela %sob 22.12 who stop steer_ BY 14111 fooR MOLE Sitio Midi, rm 18, a" o n-& VMO to --j gewg Oil, " wale, sedwg -orb whis blorb 18,20 is aS Osbses area. (mm-smokw). By 1437 (0" ATHLETIC wale. 30, bbd ori, known eyes, plop Diar, loves am pub oWboar oro. Fwd d bar some, mom momcwo bmals, 3045. WAGW ora iva. M fdb. ti A** SY 1134 (01" IM, =NOW WAIR, dsubfs M mrd amore, looking ow ad q► tial Indy, 3338. b enjoy mjaied " wide una0+aigh, deltas sad gmiN evenings. BY 14M 101 EXCffMiM, siagb, snraelive mile, 9, 200 eta, S0 yam old Seeking overactive lady 35410 IN kiloadal .I and possible IsrlMl- ehp. BY I= P" RON lowing hcw" moo whie woo. 29, enjoys camping, movies, baseball. hockey and will;, am ad spear s oom eadmig burs 2130, writ ulir tna*reet$ for pw"b we tam rallfofrtq. sy lw YOU dont haw to be III, doe you *a deet how b be titA loo For persons 18 years of age and over. certain signs of the zodiac required, I couldn't caro loss how old you are. you µr,1 have to be fun to be with and even it you're riot. give me a call anyway. SY 1438 INNOVATIVE and humorous 37 yin young 5'10'. 165 los.. 8199 male, with vaned nkeresb seeks optimistic. slim. ft. 25-40 female to share all Idle has to offer and possible long term relationship SY 1438 SHY, sensitive, hard-working male 21 who likes movies, walks and cuddling Seeks attractive trek 22-32. nW be horisal and believes in quality time SY 1440 SINGLE while male 29 enjoys movies, plays, dung out. quit nrsewigm at hoi e. got and hock- ey, seeking female 22-31 who a" Bre same for pto@bie ratio- IN, nln-IN, .;. SY 1441 Sinmely Yom_ The sdw way for ■feet new PO RPk•, lem your ankle orad Kwidw only Mlles you're rw*. DO you r.arN success enjoy trav- or fm looking for someone to shore my busier with, and mW - "ft me. ouadoas. Sports cents W4 kin SY 1442 IDM, i didn't receive vow number please Woe a again al Dort 14M SY 1443 SINCERE male, 45. sort - employed and weft-estabMehed enjoys dining, movies. the out- doors, and quiet evenings at home, hloleng for an essabiard. $Nn, afleeti ii feeriako 35.45. Children weicoi SY 1444 TONY, 5'7-, black haw, brown eyes. oulgowig• enjoys daring and quilt ewrwgs Seeks toot 1522 who enjoys the some. race utmpor%nt. SY 1445 (OSI) SEPARATED, shy femur, 40 lyra. who ire ouldeos, cwmpng, rt -% dmncxb% sports mrd I, seeks aN c -N AW male 35-45 wet Sara 0awedL BY 2025 WiCLE morel of one. 20. enjeye c0Y1Wy wwwi uampwg and quietewrl. al horror. Seeks mole 25-30 she Sapp the Sano ler Poe"" nkhonoh p. By 2845 fo19 RILL Oga*d %web. 31. who enjoys being rttmjenlS, =Sol +rase, Picnics. Snovi- . se"s Ovals who unlet be wily aiMbd. MAA and home L BY 280 FORTY-SEVEN yr. old whin bwab, widow, ibneb an fora dmwg, MAA rich and id, den- i g. oro" g mbw m 4600. red edoNsked SY> rD flu b wlod a good ilea, 30- 37 o-37 ler jail a bin* lel+wdt0, htpobfy 047 be bt coded in a goo to aSmo as mom - how OWAn - Sy aM6 Tomm bay, 31,Intitkwgbmak Nbfotldq wtih ainnta wwAwp pot mwa 31.41. BY 2M1 saftE trofltilg meter of 1.40 lyes, Swdwg br $waw gni - aem uM tilos Ghildma. 6nbw, dfilnMB ad WAd `mea SY MM CNINSVIM mMker, 31, fleas od9rtaij96 it- "" wslfw, oamwr• MOM and halo* hm, sib ho- wl, OWS k MMM mob wet ave► it Mwool . Sy 2110 LADY soMmM nem in hall 50's wet MPP bete, blmowg, low, ell. ooltage Me. I Saar your ad. Please npond b nwa. BY 2137 FULL Ogwed beds, 31L Swra of hmmal. Opp drag ora. dela rep, waif. and wmence, spb mltrslblet MAC trap tai OF - doe ivy ape" gootg m. By 2113 FEMALE. 35, w anadrad, 5'1', wgop camp -9. beembef, gr- dmn ane lava, MM" wits, 31140 who is Siff, red stab• NOW for podsbb NbkomhiP. SY 2146 FUN LOVING single white female. 23. seeks single white male, 23-30 who loves dancing and has an outgoing, sponta- neous, sincere personality. SY 2152 SLIM, attractive, single. white female. mrd 30's. fun loving. seeks tall gentleman with good sense of humor. for companion- ship or long lading relationship. SY 2153 ATTRACTIVE. slim single while female. early 30's. 51', good soros of humor seeks tall atVw- bwe ramontec srroers wor" sin- gle white male. and 30's for pose - be n1jmo si SY 2154 ARTISTIC warm, •nthusustrc lady comfortable to be with. dreams of gerille mote. 46. for ox Wo ixonal , light 025 ire with- in. you're the beet. SY 2155 SLIM norther of two. 26. angle and attradrw, who jukes to do many tho would like to neer someene who anot into hieaidgonrs 24-30. Sy 2156 SEXY petite blonde. 31, looking ler an affoctanae. warm. anan- CNOV sewn goo= Mo to enjoy romiartrc evenings together. SY 2157 ATTRACTTVE lull 9gtwd Im wle. 22. lows fishing, h un% horse- bacic ndn% dwwm looking for mole 23-M who of same. ler possible reI ' i, Irp SY 21541 ATTRACTIVE potato lady early SO s. seeking a Mauro sinceregame -_t for log works *-9. do " A feral. SY 2167 SINGLE whet I . 21. /un kw - ng. outgoing brunette, seeks a nagged rain- is net 21.30 SY 2176 SEXY. sincere 31. green eyed, redheod lady. seeks coming. fun loving, trustworthy man in ha WS. for "lore than a one right am SY 21$7 PETITE sage while Mom. 20. seeks spontaneous .- - waits nit. 20.25 for len %nae Iogetluw and possible long rem reldan- shq. SY 210 ATTRACTIVE professional nam of 40, enjoys all sports. nr•wrc. waauq serfs uiaaac ed not 3540 with Swrler Waste" SY 21M ATTENTION you son -Canorous convenalional han lovmp djuds, 23.26, be awn ler a ant lanual• who app to ousdoas IA N- d ovonw vac's bang for you! By tt81 SOUL HATE WANTED: oapo- 040• acwo. oftnebag. boom con- acielK, $Claps gMOMPAM 'Lwj aarjoa. aft a11r011$f, ave 8', 35- 50. BY: nowowAi g, ave-dmk- ft Slim, SW bnnafre. Aftwimm. By 2112 MUM pNbOW" Worn Of 1, 26. ST, Saab mob, 2658 ler hamM MiS$k ANP. emioya Cut - dam. saw". sod awn essm. RVM wtpy Ck barL fly 21M OEAR bell e s b a"a badly Wilber, d, abrin your dfaane wit a S3 yr. yolrng. bool*y, a11m411rm blend pisbso-Ad bap win a ked bre b give. Sy 21M SINCERE koljd . swgb mum, A anj$pd WOO and-----, walft an Ihe boasdmaft, soda mon mads,, 3545 is duan sow IN beru$a By 2105 OUTOONIG Sive, airgte while famda, 23, kN j ler fsomeml, WA. 5'r+ mole. M fl)olli e, dancing wit btglMsr. BY 2tM ATTRACTM bdy. 37, s mom. W4090 mwlale. dWn L mMblay- ebe sod tide ed6deam, dmeo swedhe Sart' 9@4 mm. Swito 'l*o W*p So sheet- $721M KBIT dwgb areal, 30. wrloker, rodlmmtald9, 11.11, ml6my bWjeMs wm1m Hit kelp bund, sirtple white male. 57-45, wri0l goad Swm d firma and a bar. BY 23111110 YOU Nei, very pots mmom of 2, 22, wpYS ' F i Saeaenld ga- aways. quiet nights. long drives, svelte, 'm i" for Mr. Rioltt. must enjoy drltlren. 0Y 2301 ATTRACTIVE single mom, 30, enloYs dencn9, camping purls, ,Oman evenings, country,. and old rock seeks hornet nab, 3040 for a special time and pow stile islaliornhip. SY 2302 ATTRACTIVE white female, 29 maker, no dependents, enjoys port, summer lull. oatMy muse, old rock, beer, quiet and wild times seeks male, 26-35. SY 2303 PROFESSIONAL. female, 24, enjoys reading, long walks, movies and romantic dinners, if you have salon nlereds. I would love to hear from you. SY 2304 ATTRACTIVE professional female, separated, loves dancing and music, seeks romantic male. 311-.50 with sirralar interests. good sense of humor and a zest for We SY 2306 LADY 52. seeks companion, enjoys gardening. cooking, ciasat- cal music and cottages. SY 2308 SINGLE while anractrve %mak. 31, enjoys country music, danc- ing, romantic strolls and cuddling. wishes to Meet single while Trek. 28-38 with similar interests for long term relationship. SY 2308 MARLEY lady. 35.. ran -snooker non-drinker. looking for ssrnous Harley man to nide Me's Mgffways with, enjoys dancing, camping. rorrnnce. no ring ral or pan in the it's. SY 2317 ATTRACTIVE civoced molMr of 2. 33. too" ler a&adwe sole. 33-40. who likes kids, the out- doors, music and romance.SY 2318 SINGLE mom. 34, enjoys moves. travel, dancing. bokrg ler a rdn- bone) with a man who enjoys dlidren, and who is hoiest old aibcbornt SY 2319 EARTHY woman, 31, arijoys nature. cycling, bkm music. veg. Stamen cooking, non-smoker Seeks man with aasr Were view on We to share " We riletee4. SY 2330 UNATTACHED shy. whw, sone- tive female, 39, likes to be romenced. long walks. moves. seeks stable. •loose, ring wt- tached W fa mine. 3043. likes diben. SY 2532 ARE you an attractive sincere humorous gentemanl I'm 23, attractive mother of one who enjoys movies, musk, travel. seeks sonioaio inanesa8y and smo mmu*l sbbfe. SY 2946 THIS 30r•h, green-eyed, slim, above average, aaradao pros Suomi. brunette. S'6'. 116 bS, eoalu g wet. etaDke, sewn, a looking for a 'real Rin,' blue- eyed, blonds profeesamk. SY 2347 LOVELY lead lady. •404 ssoks mob. Vt" liaxed, fel nbud, yet 9w+ as a teddy bow, to mole my Mo anti I I . Larry a GM. 49. d aper! SY 23N LIVELY Swoo ktdy, 43. o joys tot muwc. theatre. da ang out. soda alkacbm. w mmdued, sin - we godim ren 4650, who him similar imiMeeta lar pombb roles tiarluy. BY 2570 rM a tie bong 47 yr. aid pro- brioml, I can %ugh barn the Indy. itri bom los IoM, and thwh on ivy feel. 0Y 2771 A @wW* mother of one. looking ler while rasa betwreen 22-30, rddbSn wdo , enjoys mwr- fo emmp at ho mL Sr W2 IF yawn an albad a able curls 35 to 45, mop milk *Aoo, comedy. sports holding hands, klnwg and art arrow¢ by as Oro. Cd res. BY 2373 SUN, anraetive, single white loom", 22 with baby, Seeks rmaltla, baled Swiss sub web, 27 Is 31 wit a Woo semina of k~.bbeaamtwn,netta dead,,_ BY 274 F yew are nedia0 my ad fee menet M each" be. se d res it !ant Ne, vokgk-m N Ipmed VANOW Lrarrsiwp demtwtg, 640- aft. ►alfa, wales be wrem ION si- GM SY 331E ATTRACTIVE bdy 24, eajep wOdslrg, wt... 414 weeiw SOWN* orb 23,27 ill & Sine asalibe Md wbe eajeya 60 aalm a 2675 LADY. "mod 53 leekimg M edWkbod gndb bdbsm 47 sad SS, bmum b* send ops, To browse ads in the Alternative Category, Cali Toll Free 1416.9764991' 0 mrallilmlibe, OdjawNVMriby This IMnk i A&-Awdwab New Mra09a amewws no idbi0p ler M oonwnl wpIV b any Yows adwfaeenrw "The advwamr amawre oomjpNb kbit ler 0o orjbfjt A and as naporMda b any abr !1'. wa1 a 111 11 1 d we6sag l std br ay claims mica apalrM OdKemrim Tkia Meek as a watR 0rwd• The aduafaer agrees b Kiy and hold oris a d NotoMM CQWA- y Nawapapew ad ibl ialpbyaam hammker Mae oodb, agamede, idNOaa curd warMljg bow.as saved by. Ore %t�/$I1401a00r� �OM lei 0b adsAgM►�Oy aey rJw�/ lit Will am08m ly Yams. ow maw rat b bIM (iMW whowawo Mlab 1 841 �a �R�iA�d9d, w 9iM i0M0al MP �fIr M If st*h Ila adol pkmd r r f. f i 4 1 4 r n y 1 I. 1 r , r• i. 04 1 r rep ♦• .! e f a 'F •' d if # •�•,'� y. M4.w.e•C+f-f lett; • f4�..--e1.r+. 11111 0 • _,}.lp' Wart jt-.; HBli*�UCki11 Imlk WA 1. With a Touch Tone phone call 1416- 976-0999 to browse ads or respond to ads. Be sure to make a note of the mail box numbers at the end of each ad, and follow instructions by the computer. A charge of $1.99 per minute will apply. you can respond to ads 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2. If you need help, call toll free 1-800- 667-6083 between noon and 11 p.m. RICE Lake, 1 acre water- front, hydro, telephone, 21 oak trees, grass maintained. Cow Island $39,000. OB 1052 AJAX - 2.400 sq. foot execu- tive home, many extras. Will trade for small hobby farm. 061071 (AJA) TRADE Want to move up7? We want to move down, save Realtor costs. Cour ice location. 08 1072 TEN MINUTES from Whitby, between Brookln/Pon Perry on Hwy. 012. Rooms avail- able for rent, low weekly rates. 08 2D15 MW OSHAWA - Park/John, fur- nished room, available immediately. includes kitchen use and cable, on bus route. Sud clean quiet male. $85. First/last. OB 2016 (WHO MEDICALIPROFESSIONAL OFFICE. 625 sq. ft., down- town Whitby. ground floor, loads of parking, private entrance and washroom. 06 2017 (WHI) MAIN floor of 3 bedroom bungalow in Whitby's West Lynda. 5 appliances, park- ing, large fenced lot, near schools, parks, GO bus. Available Aug. 15. $895, share utiktias, firstAast. OB 2018 (WHO WHITBY, garage storage available for collector car, boat or like. Available Aug. 1. Please leave message. 08 2019 (WITH) FURNISHED 3 -bedroom bwnhouse. Nov. 140. 30. rwaorstil nwt for good tan - art. 08 2060 (OBM) WANTED to rent small 2 bedroom house wth Ianosd Valid, prefer but no imfbd to Waal area 08 2857 (009 OFFICE space, beside Oshawa City Hal, will bailor any reaswnsbM product/ser- vice for rent ON nor to" ROOM to rent, centrally located, use of house And per. GW1M pwleled, $400. 1st and bot IMI'Mt S7i DENT to disma far bed. mons haws With te0 ,- $ $250 par nnionilli indutive. First and last. 08 0M THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST' 20,191113 -MGL Yt "Bartering is an idea whose time has come." WHITBY, one bedroom VICTORIAN screen doors - basement apartment, sepa- maple, excellent craftsman - rate entrance, parking, suit ship, many styles, inter - working non-smoker. No changeable glass available, pets $550-08 2100 (WHQ unbelievable low -prices. AJAX, share luxury home, nstaNed. OB 3244 must be very clean, quiet ADVERTISE with 6' static and responsible. $130 per cling vinyl lettering, .50 cents week. Available Sept. 4th. each or less. 08 3145 OB 2101 SIGNS blanks, 1/8'x3 -x28' STUDENT to share 4 bed- polystyrene, large quantity room house with 2 others. and ideal for out door signs. $250 a month all inclusive 06 3146 fast and last. (East Oshawa). JOLLY Rider 3 -double 0132102 stroller, paid $250, wants OSHAWA Adelaide/Rdson $175 or best offer, like brand furnished room, female non- new. 08 3163 (WHQ smoker, share facilities. tree 2-26 Car bra. Asking $45. parking, central air, $70. fest 08 3207 (OSH) and lest. 06 2103 QUEEN hybrid waterbed AJAX - one furnished bed- mattress and box spring. room for rent in house, $350, Asking $300. OB 3222 first and Yost, share facilities. (WHO 08 2104 (AJA) FOR sale Moffat heavy duty ONE bedroom apartment, washing machine. 4 years freshly pained and carpeted, old, asking $300 (Firm). 08 second floor. $500 inclusive. 3238 (OSH) avail. immediately or Sept. 1. WEDDING dress, size small first and last. OB 2105 (7). Pad $1200, will ser for (OSH) $650. OB 3253 FURNISHED room to rent, WEIGHT loss a must? South Ajax, suit student, Energy a neod? Good n utni- share a1 fathers, non -amok- tion assured on this 100 per or preferred. $400. OB 2105 cent natural program. OB (AJA) 3270 PORTABLE dishwasher, two single beds task with MERCHANDISE trundle, task with bookcase headboard. one double bunk COLOR TV, Electrohome bed. 08 3341 (AJA) 16' excMent condition, $125 WEDDING dress and hat, o.b.o. LP record collection. Mermaid style. we 7/8, paid Sos 8 60s plus classical. over $2,000, asking $850 Brand new skylight, soft- firm. OB 33". flashing, 24'x48', $125 ACRYLIC artist pant $1.00 o.b.o. OB 3056 (WHI) a tube plus variety of flee CLARE control air, 17,800 market vending supplies. BTU. Ind $2.300 now, a" Prices negotiable. OB 3347 $900 or boot offer. Used am (PIC) seoaon, excollent condition. LOST in Bellwood area, ON 3108 (O*Q small black and ahib Temx, WASHING Machine, Irglis. male. rid uoolw. dragging a apt size, 2 -speed. 5 cycle, 12 ft. chain, answers to $300 ob.o. Air conditioner. Molly. 08 3341 Eloctrahome 6,000 BTU COMPUTERS: used IBM *Jxo.. ON 3134 (PIC) compatible computers from $375.00 ON 370 itmA W Coli TV, -- - - I -. good condition. $50.00 ON 3760 (AW 3 pe. dweawfoW suite, light blue carpeting and kAeMn cabinets, also one u2ande- N r. 08 =51(AJA) WANTED. Nintendo and Sepal les in good cord - tion, will pay $10.00 to $20.00 ON 3712 DWITAL piano PAW EPs comphla wit a8md used 1 yr.1111MO0 08 3393 (PIC) SEBA Genesis, 2 control IIATCHNG gold fm* siva pada, 2 genes, sonic, 1 ti 2 fridge and stove, wicalM M and gams Gsrfie, $175. 08 noril>wliori. $5600.00 for pair or 306 (OOR sepwab. on 304 (osl) WEDDING dress. satin. FENI39t pncwn base gui- pearl bodice, cathedral. ter, U.S. modK and Gemat WVM train, size 16, pearl tube amp 400 watts with Ineatrpfsoe wit Sngm P veli cabitsI best aNer. ON 3365 $350 oJm 08 3137 (004 CENTURY Kanga/Rock/ FOR sale. used portable alRoo-baby carristhocker. Maytag dish - - 1Mr, good $25.00. Never used. OB r m 11111, bul h r block top, =(000 almond. $250 o.b.c. OB COUNTER top water fNW, 3135 MO NSA $100.0008 3367 GEMMTNM 3"veto- WANTED baby Jogger. mud tun cloom oxnl int condi- be in good condition. OB tion, all attachments plus 3351(0*9 carpet shampooer, $1,000 FEMALE yellow lob spayed ob L 08 3/319 (AJA) 16 mos. ole! $300.00 with WN CHESTER modal 1200 papers OB 3360 (AM4 pump action shotgun, with IWO Lemons wagon. as 28% fuN choke and 26% addrg $300.00 or bed cler. improved, cylinder barrels, 08 3380 (PIC) $z25. ON 314 F4q SPARE TIME CASH sell Watkins spices, extracts, and household products, famous since 1868. Fund raising available. 08 3361 (WHI) FREE $5.00 GIFT with a minimum $20.00 purchase of Watkins products. Famous since 1868. 08 3362 (WHQ THINKING of starting a mail order business? You need to read (11s in the maiq. Only $16.95 OB 3363 (WHQ MIND OVER LABOUR, after the baby is born, baby names. All three books. $28.00. 06 3364 MM Ads will only appear for one week. At the end of the week phone 1-800-667-6083 to renew if required. SAVE time and money. slop at home- Catalog with hundreds of Canadian shops, only $11.95. OB 3366 (WHO COMPUTER acronyms and abbreviations dictionary. Over 4000 entries for com- puter users. Just $14.95 local. 08 3386 ff" IV foot Starcraft alum boat, 20 hrs. power motor, plus trader. $1,950 or beat offer. OB 3787 (0" INSIGHT into mail order fraud. Caveat emptor, Lot Me buyer bwama. 37 pages. Book only $10.95. 08 tip (WHO SATELLITE Star Tract 8 with /0 foot mesh dish. $1.750 or best offer. ON =n (o" WEDDING dress, lata off Mia shoulder. full Maki. size 10, ivory color, aslirg $300 or best otter. ON 3378 FOR sale apartment size washer and dryer. Good . I fill' Ft/ sized dryer as Willer. $150 for OL ON 3371 SANDOM we I for child. Fisher Prion or LitMo Tyhu. 00 33n 2 sliidow air condi`onsrs; t horizontal, 6,000 BTU, $325.00, 1 vertical 8.000 BTU. $316.OD ON 3173 ORTM filotrt, 7 year: old, good dispanursing condl- tion, $100.00.08 3374 STOVE green, top of line G.E., perfect condition, $175.00.083375 Dlpdrd room sat, 11 pieces, solid pine, made by STRATHROY, moving must sell, $1,500.00 or bat offer. OB 3378 Mill) MINK stole, .ac.d.nI condi. tion, $150 o.b.o. 08 3377 (AJA) THREE piece almond wall unit, glass doors, asking $400. Good condition. OB 3378 (COB) WANTED - TOYS, Little Tykes in good condition. Cash paid. OB 3379 (PIC) GLASS display case for sports cards or models, 25 Comparbnerrts on each side. $250.00 08 3380 (OSH) WATERBEDS, one king sue, one queen size, good condition, $200.00 each or best offer. OB 3381 (OSH) FISH tank. 55 gallon, includes tank, stand• lid, complete set, $200.00. OB 3382 (OSH) FREE to good home. 4 year old mak cat, good natured. well trained, must find good owner. Da 3383 SEGA and four games. Double bed and dresser Exercise bike. Color TV, good condition. best otter. OB 33" SPARKLING new diamond rings - 14k gold 1/4 carat diamond solitaire. t 0k gold diamond wedding band. 4 diamonds in all. $1.500 value, asking $550 for the sot 08 3385 COUCH and chair for sale, multi -colored, with wood awaits $200 for the sat. 08 3386 WANTED: Victoria maga- zo . (I 990's). will trade for picnic basket and wicker breakfast tray, or cash. Oshawa OB 3387 (OSH) GOOD quality water bad for sale. $400. OB 330 (PIC) S IUM Hu sloes 8 weeks ofd, $100, without papers. OB 3310 (PIC) MAPLE bedroom sute,sn- gle bookcase bad, night table, double dresser/mir- ro r /d esk leh a i r /hutch . OB 3301 (004 CELLULAR phones for sale, 1 car phone, 1 cordless mobile. ON 372 (PIC) Allem E ft" amw sola, trade for futon or off-white sola ON 3780 (03" 1888 G.S. 860 fir. Suzuki, ImiAiig>tt bku shag. ea r Isr - aoridY m ailing $1 X00.ON 40" (0011) SCOOTER, 1985 Honda Ella, 3,000 bin, madmiica� ly Al. $800 or trade for a n -a- 14 R aluminum boat. 08 4665 (AM) 1M88 Dodge Omni, $1,900, 1184 Renault Le Car, $800. 1976 International Scout, $2,000.08 41Q7 MOTORCYCLE. 1964 Honda 450, nest Was. chat►, batlery. $890, as is. will fade for om*ubr. ON 41 W 1979 FORD LTD.. $400 obs. OB 4112 (COB) 1988 HONDA mini bike, 70cc, auto.. 3 giants, good oorni6ori, adiig $400 ob.o. 08 4113 (ONQ SO or lldn, 18 fL Bow rider, 80 Mac. fidifinder, dowrtrg- gers, skiis, kneeboard, excellent coed. $6,750, obit. oe 4114 (OSH) IM Fes, many new pols. $750 rem. Surnoll still in box $50. OB 4115 (OSH) 1975 HONDA bike, 18,000 km., 200cc engine, perfect starter bike or touring bike. $300 o.b.o. 08 4117 (OSH) 1980 Buick Regal Sports Coupe. rebuilt 350, certified, in mint condition, $2,900 or best offer. 08 4130 FOR sale, 1977 Chev Blazer, for parts only. 1978 Suzuki GS1000, asking $350. OB 4154 (OSH) 1985 Ford Tempo. $500 as is or best offer. OB 4155 (OSH) 1986 Font Tempo. 5 -speed, good corid., used daily, SSW as is or best offer. OB 4156 (OSH) 1984 Mustang, looks like boss, new stereo. speakers. twos and radiator. V-6 3.8 biack with bra. $2,900 cert. OB 4157 (AJA) FOR sale, 1989 Dodge Power Ram Four Wheel Drive. 6 We. auto t ten is - soon. L.rier and cap included. $8.500.00. OB 4158 OSH WANTED. 80 to 125 CC dirt bike. around $400. 08 4175 1971 Grand Marquis, Fkxda car, full boded. $2.000.00 1982 Nighthawk. 650cc. best fifer. OB 4176 1964 Honda prelude auto. sun roof. AM/FM $3,500. OB 4177 (OSH) 1982 Firedrd T -top, mags, lots of good parts. $550. Also JBL speakers. 08 4178 $60,000 1990 Dynasty con- version son fully boded, TV, VCR. 85,000 bin., extended warranty trade for cottage on v000tront 08 4179 WANING b toy a cap for a Nissan truck and to sell Nissan bar liner. OB 4180 WANTED late model motor home under 25 ft. Private buyer. OB 4181 1984 C 6Caipo-0►VM* 2 door. rare. small V-8, fully boded, continental bre kit, tint, must sail $4800. obo. 08 4'ti2 OSH 1979 Mercedes Benz 3000 will trade for 82 or newer domestic vehicle. OB 4113 (WH) 1N7 Dodge Charger, 5 speed, must sell, leaving province. $1,200 as is. or but offer. 08 4188 (0" PROFESSIONAL Drywall Taper for Dnrtnm area, was wIF uric ft over 10 yr:.ON swi Pqq PROFESSIONAL Typist will do typing out of my horse, nothing too large or too small. ON 69M (01" MIfIICMII nnud pby intro- ment. sig and write music, wodmV wih lids, pat -tine, pays wall. OB 6 (AJA) SECRETARY - person Friday - raosplionist wit 17 yrs. administrative exped- ence. I'm Ma person you're bolQg for. OB 5107 (00 INDEPENDENT distributor regwW consumer electron- ics no door b door, serious inquiries only.08 5077 (WH) EARN eta Mom youu rn ho.. distrbu+lirg a rnaa w -will loss program. I do and need haip with by growing busi- ness. 08 6107 SECURfT'Y plus, videos for insurance theft claims, idem. property, scotchshield win- dows and for protection/safe- ty. 08 5124 (OSH) SECRETARYIWORD pro- cessing Operator, experi- enced on Microsoft, hard- ware graphics, specialty trained to design resumes and cover letters. OB 5125 CHILDCARE needed, start- ing Aug. 30, for 8 month old. in White Oak area. Experience preferred. OB 5126 (WHQ PROFESSIONAL word pro- cessing, office overload, resumes, uses business on- ented equipment, will pick up and deliver. OB 5127 (OSH) RECENT electronics gradu- ate with background in busi- ness and technical service seeks employment. 08 5129 CLEANING, I will clean any- time' I do have references, and I will try to do my best. 08 5130 DOMESTIC home help for elderly couple wanted. Apartment available. Good home for relisWe person. 06 5131 RELIABLE woman for live in or out required for 2 school aged children. 08 5132 NEED `deb' Seniors will do housework shopping. laun- dry and run. errands. 08 60" (COL) HOME improvements for all your home mprovement needs, competitive rates, drywall. roc rooms. decks. fencing etc... OB 6068 (PIC) ontest winners of the MAGICAL iYSTERIES CONTEST will be announced in Sunday's issue CAD services, cortillod wV- -. Pg technologist. provid- ing desugn/draftng layouts for your business or personal needs. OB 6071 (AJA) RECESSION paced resumes, typing and taxiing. same day service. Special price resume with proof of unemployment. OB 6079 (0111") LEAKY basement cracks and damp walls, repaired from inside by poeteesiotrls no digging required. OB 8083 (01" A QUALITY psi itng service with special attention gnarl to excollent workmanship and customer satisfaction. oe 8081(PIC) ALL ilia I genond corttrac- for, plumbing, electrical, painting and drywall. One CIA does it a6, fully woured. 056130 SMALL CLAIMS COURT AGENT, will stand up in court and get your rwney back. Low fee. OB 6142 (te) WATER colors, private lessons for beginners in your home, reasonable rates. OB 6151 UPHOLSTERER, get your old furniture looking new, wide selection of fabrics, reasonable rates. OB 6153 HOME improvements for all your home improvement needs, fencing, decks, dry- wall, painting etc. Low rates. OB 6169 (PIC) PROFESSIONAL Daycare, 20 years experience, exten- sive references, new boors welcome, non smokers. South Oshawa, reasonable rates. 08 6170 (OSH) BABY slitting mother of two and block parent. Lunch, crafts, t.l.c., fenced vard. (Wilson - Eulake). OB 6173 (OSH) DOG: male needed, Samoyed/mix. to mate with white Samoyed/Shepherd- Must be white, 40-45 lbs. maximum. OB 6174 (AJA) ARCHITECT student warted to drat' 'he front of my house. Cash or trade. Needed immediately. OB 6175 (BOW) DRIVEWAY sealing. Thorough preparation before sealing. Very professional work garanteed, your drive way this fall. OB 6176 (OSH) C.A.D. services ergineenng technologist providing design drafting layouts for your business or personal need. OB 6177 (AJA) MUSIC essons-sax ;prone. clar:ret. ` to, and recorder instruction, OB 6176 (OSH) MATH teacher w .. t senor courses. in excf�ange for carpentry and drywall home renovations. 08 6179 DAY CARE ava 'lan.e. mother with E.C.E. expen- ence, nuMbous lunches. ret - Orontes availaWs Broac and Hwy 2 arm. OB 6180 TUTOR K ndergar.en, to Grade 6, also English as a second language. experi- enced professional. OB 6181 (PIC) (905) is coming. wilt you be ready') I can help make things easier. OB 6112 (AJA) TWO tickets for R ng; ng Bros Circus Saturday right Aug 28, Oshawa Auditorium. Reg. $30.00 pair, soling $15.00 pact OB 70110 (AJA) Itrterline is fun and the average call takes less than 2 minutes. 1. With a Touch Tone phone cal one of our BARTERLINE reps at 1-800-667-6083 between 12 noon -11 p.m. and place your FREE 15 word ad. 2. You will then be given a 4 digit mailbox number and 4 digit pass code. 3. Using a TOUCH TONE phone call 1-416- 976-0999 (24 hrs. a day) and follow the easy recorded instructions. When recording your message, do 1M leave your last name, phone number or address. A charge of $1.99 per minute will appear on your phone bin. 4. N you need more help call one of our fepre- sentatives at 1-800.667.6083. OlhasaAMdp ih4 Mbsk Nr+w weaa ae dtNlill tr fits aaMilt ar ineptly b any BorMlie 4dleleeewYt 71n alMMost session ixralplob frlbrtAr for $ie ooaral d old atwtltagew b any adrafswstnt or wosrdo0 �n000�po aid ilraly flies Irtafl NlliMr a4dt i 6iwat M sMIMM>rses b iafwwf"ad kohl tllir pita Alsba and Ulnllobnd QaAeweA' Nsalpopw sad lr enntptRM hwilI I, d 000b, wgwstw o d dedagn rsndurlq Mora ar amid by So puhkmim or reoordrtg Abad brit atrelle or any mill b much a8rsrtwmwd By 04 Bernd», ins atballew spew and b rola hiMnr rrphonue ralnnlbsr, V 11eeA aoupsnly esnlle a< etliaes b IIfIAist 8111eepl 011lewalay 1ltieiMellr, AjwpkMwlq New ABrwlssr i Nw6MalierlMd Ness Iweses Bio tlrMbotais, wMlldor oeneslannl adMalreMMwshelgetfselletq M 1�M a/i proe/. ♦.. • . . 1 , . • • . J . , , , , , . . ♦ , • , , , 1 rrwve, sir* nE n>EWOAUVEM IM PIUDAY.AwL1111IF-r m 17M ANI you need is 1 buyler. �■ ,,,�,,,,,, We have 5,000 at the HomeMatch-- Open House, ROYAL LE' AGES �I Ir I Your Royal LePage Representative and HomeMatch can find the buyer looking for a home Ice yours. Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd_ Broker `r=-� So get in on the HomeWch Open House, August 21 &22 L___ 5- ir ' - ? -X -W 1$157,750 1 1 • 1 1• OPEN HOUSE SUN., AUG. 22, 2-4 P.M. 156 QUIET COURT - SHHHHH! PICTURESQUE COURT OPEN HOUSE SUN., AUG. 22, 24 P.M. "ENCLAVES" COURT LOCATION BRUNSWICK CT. Clean & spacious home wdh gas fireplace, deck Quality Couglen home. 4 big bdrms. & super 1756 SPRUCEHILL RD. Gracious living rm. radiates hospitality & charm. King St. E./Harmony S Gorgeous deep and cent. air coed. Walk to lake. Close to'GO' family sized kitchen For a g•owing family. This homes special. Spotless upgraded 7 nn. Gorgeous private yard 162' deep' Kathryn property home shows a lot. Hwy # & �arnorv. _,rte Lyon' 427-6522. +x93242? 9. Wilma Tanner• 427 6522. •932G CC brick split level. tr. .fam rr ., trees! Flo Betts" Parish• 683 1790. *9325659. Evelyn Reg a n' 427-6522. +9325689 FRI-1790 #q32479, Bei • _i �_ nK',i:Q ,l OPEN HOUSE SUN.. AUG- 22, 24 P.M. TRULY A RARE HOME! SOUTH AJAX LINK SUN., AUG- 22, 2.4 P.M. PICKERING VILLAGE 14 BARTLETT Superb condition. neutra decor. "fished Don't miss this one Super kr,. Lovely sunroom. 922 DUNCANNON DR. Large lot, 3 bdrm bungalow. fm. basement with 0" _aKe Crrvewa,, sc,.^^ rax c. aKe 3 COC se basement. central air. On manicured lot. Evelyn 3 bdrms.. cent. air & vac. & much more. Call 70 ft. ravine lot Prestige area. Fm basement. fp. and wet bar. updated bathrm . sep. dn. rm. Lots of extras. steps .-- lake S -a, Regan' 427-6522. #932442'. Sharor Whole• 427-6522 09325285 air. vac. Shows to Der'ectlor Sylvia Kv+e' 583- Barbara Vacrrca• 583 -?790. #9324788. % lend r`• 427.6^22 +4"24 t r 17 OPEN HOUSE SUN.. AUG. 22.24 P.M. OVERLOOKING CONSERVATION SOUTH AJAX LOCATION OPEN HOUSE SUN-, AUG- 22, 24 P.M. LARGEST SEMI IN AREA 54 BUDWORTH DR. Splendid 3 Wrrr.. ;r. exec. n fashlonac a area, 4 bdrm. fam. - &are^ Backs or tc greenbelt- 1966 FAYLEE CRES., PICKERING 3 spec. bdrms., ex - r Ka. with lots of cabinets, `red of _a•ge 4 eve Bacase1rt• great K' &torr -m y ravine. YYlma Tamer• 2.260 sq. ft. Call Sharon White' 427-6522 Fabulous Ink. fntshec too to bettor" rside & fin. reC rm. For more into. please Cal ptassarM tilorrrngside?aw•erce pemr M or . 42-65« •9324908out. Heather Cullen' 683-179C #9325272. Nal 6831790. •93237^2. '' SUP OPE11 HOUSE SLk. AUG, 22 2a P M WOW -EE FLOOR PLAN RENTAL - WHITBY - TOWNHOUSE OPEN HOUSE SAT-. AUG. 21, 24 P.M. ER VALUE! 3 BDRM. CONDO nd 6 FARRr'w Live the life c\, e :a&; -e -e "', s 1008 RAMBLEBERRY AVE- Over ? .200 sc. " . 2 -c es. cloergro es. yon gorgeous 3 bdrr^. to••nhouse. 4 appliances available vsrtors parkx,c. b363'me incl. taxes. -uge lot npiesagous S Na� -�--�� Te- r rovely 4 born prrrate of ^ea• aKe Wilma-arner• rnmedsatey. attacx+ed garage. Sharon White' 9 mr. 2 storey brcx, dble. garage, wlo bsrnt. a, maintenance. ns d -eat 3 _cyte" 683 ?790. x%W slumw*lg Dov Scree-- *1n9 42'-6522#932368C 522 427.6. trade -+n available. 2.950 sq- R. Quaky- Call Fb maintenance. r tieirjyris ,M I `- - .rc 1 1 1 t it 1 1 1 S174,900 DESIRABLE SOUTH AJAX! AJAX -1 ST TIME BUYERS GREAT S'TARTERIINVEST'IENT OPEN HOUSE SAL. AUG, 21, 24 PJM- SOLID BRICK BUNGALOW Lovely home with bright `rrlsnec ec room on a Wonderful north end none 2 od". Totally Spacious bunpiow with 2 bdrin. oasemert 1006 RAMBLEBERRY AVE. Sturdy res. with 3 + t bdrm . 2 baths. Doss. in - large treed lot' Ask;or Brenda Cl"' 42-6522. upoatec. very well •nantaned. Call Sharon suite. Backs to park walk to schools. Heather 9 rm 2 storey birch. dtle garage. *to bsmt., law apt. Open space r front. located or dine* 0932562C White' 427-6522 #9324422 Culler' 683-1790. *9324479, trade-in avaltabie. 2 95C sc. ft. quality Call Flo court. P. Whiteley 6831790 99325270. 683-,79 +9324800 IPA ?� s arc .•�� �;, - � Ep , �- � � J _ ir ••. FAMILY FRENDLr. No THE ELITE MEET! ONE OF A KIND BEAUTY" OPEN HOUSE SAT., AUG. 21, 24 PX OVERLOOKING ROUGE VALLEY Sturdy brick home with family room, 2 1/2 baths Gorgeous 4 bdrm. on premlun lot with n•b Secluded terry style S9' Custom btrR• •107 WINTERGARDENSTR. Fantastic home on ravine lot. 4 + 2 bdrm.. 4 & 4th bdrrn. in basement. Quiet court near lake. basement in Discovery Bay. Elegant decor! Fabulous ferhdscepng Greenhouse kitchen. G. Wast Rouge River. 6 level brick home. cent air. bath, greenhouse kit. + solanum. ceramics, on Wilma Tanner• 427.6522. *9025602. Wilma Tamer' 427-6522. *9024795 Fryer 6831790.0902391. Wet sea!! Visit Tom Bozariis' 6831790. professionally landscaped lot. Paule Whiteley' 106 y- F 10 ACRES NORTH WHITBY Good area, robing, great area • • • • • for future home, needs road 900 - • • CENTURY CHARIMI R BUY A L FESTYLE! upgraded. V.T.B. available. CaN OPM "WE StUN•1 AUC. 22,1.3 PA ROUGE VALLEY BUNGALOW Updated 3 bdnns on 1K are in quilt vBage 3 bdrm. bmtIome opus an suite boll h. Private, 6 CULTRA SQ Lovely *chilly upgraded home, gorgeous lot, di D of Myrtle. A treasure! Padiniln or Diana garden & pool. Wok to lake, shops & bus SM Jordan 683-1790. Large four -level badcspk, super tartiiy home riodo ic'S dream garage wdh furnace, water, Pitz' 427-6522. *9025785. Wilma TanrW 427.6522.0=1641. #9324272• Don't miss ft home. Errol MoAatt' 1790. p JuV Smith- 683-1790. *9324853. rPL rwe zftII AL Ak S249.9 k• •• S226.340 S650,000 S 795,000 • DARE TO BE DANT! QUALITY SURM - 61' LAT 426 ACRES 87101E 91RIGALOW NOUST111AL OPEN STORAGE SOUTH PDKEUEIC Eppy gracaots kwg in this open concept home. Sparking 4 bdlmh. boasts UG sprNcler system, Hwlt 2 frontage assures Westmont potential 3 ares Iti nldrhg Kingston Rd., Pidwrig Village, Overlooks pad- 4 bdrri 3 4pc., 1 21x Approx. 2,600 sq. R. of kuxury IMg by nice. w/o basement, ceramics & skyllgfht Cal Wilma Operated as market garden, house set bade. D. 6,000 sq. 1L, steel Marty uses. DOW baths., 2 bdrm. in-law apt Famly en. (replace, Barbera ora ElW 427-6522.09324311. Tamer' 427'6522.09025261. Joyce" 6831790.09025734. Joyce" 683-1790. roan fir. laundry. Premium lot Bramalea built. W • Win Ro too tod " Ill " Anociste Brohar S. Kyle- 683-1790.'19325268. WHEN CALLING, PLEASE AJAX 427-6522 PICKERING 683-1790 REFER TO HOMEMATCH OFFICE235 Bayty St. W: ..... -OFFICE 1970 Brock Rd., ' '