HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1993_08_13Coming sat., Aug. 28 The DOUG BARR Chften's show 11 a.m. 31 p.m. Pickering Edition DERT1811 [A;JL4X Cat' ��rvee� m0ln .�,,� Crtda M�71tiNl figukdr rM�a-wtt FCKB Gt>,wl" Friday, Aug. 13,1993 28 pages A Mefroland Corrxuxmity Newspaper Pressrun 35,000 1. 51 o + 40 GST - 55 cents Vol. 112 No. 33 1 Patients turned away?_`�:�.;^: Hospital hit with cuts By JUDI BOBBITT Staff Reporter AJAX-PICKERING - In a "worst-case scenario", patients will be turned away from the Ajax -Pickering General Hospital as staff struggle to meet funding reductions imposed under the Province's social contract. But that's a last resort only to be undertaken if other cost-cuttinc measures fail and services can't be provided, says hospital board of directors president Joe Atkin- son. "We're certainly not anywhere close to that at this point. Some- where down the line, that could happen." Service reductions and staff layoffs could also be in the hospi- tal's future. if a monev-saving plan approved by the board of directors doesn't work. That plan, designed to trim almost 5900.000 from the hospi- tal's operating budget, will be put into action in graduated steps as necessary, with what Mr. Atkinson calls "the most dis- tasteful" options left for last. It will work this way: • All staff wages are frozen until March 31, 1996, retroactive from June 14 of this year. • Every hospital department will try to restructure itself so as not to have to fill staff vacancies as they arise. "This could be tough," admits Mr. Atkinson. Patient care will ; not be compro- mised, he vows. "We t h i n k we've got enough people to Joe Atkinson In o v e around" • The hospital will encourage See DESPITE_.Pg. 3 Record numbers at summer school DURHAM - Tough economic times could be the reason for a record number of students at summer school this year, offi- cials say. "Just like last year, enrolment has increased and it's probably because kids can't find jobs but still want to do something con- structive," says Cora -Lee Bug - den, administrative assistant with the Durham Board of Educa- tion's continuing education department. Almost 2,650 students enrolled in summer school at the public school board this year. That's up almost 1,000 students from last year. That increase is due, in part, to an additional school offering courses this summer over last. Classes ended Friday at Dunbar - ton High School in Pickering, Anderson Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute in Whitby, and Eastdale Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute lin Oshawa. As well, the board offered two se n niers of remedial courses, up from one last year, to about 1,800 stridents who failed the class dur- ing the regular school year and don't want to fall behind when they return to school in Seplem- ber. The 835 students enrolled in accelerated (full -credit) courses are raising marks or earning credits for university or college acceptance. (Students are counted accord- ing to the number of courses they're registered in. Therefore, a student taking two courses would be counted as two students.) At the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board, almost 1,100 students are attending summer school this year. That's up slightly from last year, when about 1,040 students were enrolled. Among the reasons for the increase is an additional session over last summer's two sessions. As well, courses are being offered this summer at Archbish- op Dentis O'Connor in Ajax, St. Mary Catholic Secotdary School in Pickering, Father Leo J. Austin in Whitby, and Mon- signor Percynta is Oshawa. Last year, classes were held in just Ajax and Whitby. Fewer than one-quarter of stu- dents attending summer school at the Catholic board are seeking a full credit through an aoeelerawd course. Ti,1 TOUR OF DREAMS: You're invited to tour exclusive homes and help the United Way of Ajax -Pickering at the same time. Local buses will escort you to about a dozen area homes, including private estates in Staxton Glen and Deer Creek, on Sunday, Sept. 12 beginning at 11:30 a.m. You'll view soaring ceilings, exquisite decor, manicured lawns, a pri- vate lake and golf course. The cost is S15, which includes transportation from Transit Square in Ajax and a light lunch. The event is organized by local realtors and all pro- ceeds go to the United Way. For more information, call Anita Witty at 683-8661, Diane Bromley at 683-1861, or your local realtor. EW HOMES PULL-OUT SECTION Regular features It Summer Sizzler -7 EakniainmenL_»_....-.._9 S 10 BarterG 19 C »_.-....-..20 B' 1 Sbwwely Years ------?A 11 hooking to meet that significant someone? Call Sincerely Yours at 1-800-387-8009 1-M IMAGE 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTIM FUDAY, ILISr I% IM Pieckeri*ngOttawa stall sale of airport land PICKERING - Pickering has sent a message to Ottawa saying it "insists" the sale of federally - owned airport lands be put on hold. While Ottawa proceeds with plans to sell 5,100 acres of north Pickering property deemed sur- plus to any future airport, resi- dents are trying to determine the impact the sale will have on the community. A committee to study the impact was established by council in early June. But a staff report to council August 4 noted the federal gov- ernment is "proceeding with the sale without regard to any com- ments the council of the Town of Pickering may wish to make." Council agreed to "insist" the sale process be delayed. However, Pickering had ample opportunity to comment on the sale during 38 previous public consultations, says Ontario Riding MP Rene Soctens. "They should have made that suggestion (to delay the sale pro- cess) a long time ago. Not once was that point raised. Not once. It's too late." According to a resolution adopted by council, the sale threatens to "destroy" the Town's rural communities. Some residents who've spoken to coun- cil on the issue say tenants on the property are living with uncer- tainty because it hasn't yet been made public who will get the first chance to buy the land. But Mr. Soetens says tenants he's spoken to are in favor of the sale if they're given an opportu- nity to buy their homes. An announcement on who will be given priority to purchase is still a few weeks away, he says. Meanwhile, Pickering's Air- port Land Committee will meet Thursday, August 19 at 4 p.m. in the Civic Complex, One The Esplanade. Residents are invited to give their comments regarding the sale of the airport property. Firefighters lose wages., but will stay on the job PICKERING - The Town's firefighters will lose wages under a social contract deal but will remain on the job as usual. While some Town staff will take unpaid days off as the Civic Complex closes its doors to meet provincial funding cutbacks, the fire department cannot shut down. A deal worked out between the Town and the Pick- ering Professional Firefighters" Association will see service lev- els remain as they are, but employees will take wage reduc- tions. "Our firefighting service will be up and running 100 per cent," assures Tim Sheffield, acting Town manager. Firefighters and dispatchers will lost: some statutory holidaN paN, and — like other Town employees — wall have their wages frozen. The salary reduc- tions to be taken by firefighters 1xEfIeIILWS CARPET FROGGS featuring previous members of: GODDO, FRANK SODA, JUST ALICE, ZAPPACOSTA and THE INFIDELS SAT., AUG.14TH are equivalent to the reductions faced by other Town staff mem- bers, says Mr. Sheffield. Closures at the civic complex and payroll reductions will amount to a savings of S1.7 mil- lion between now and 1996, when social contract legislation will no longer apply. The Firefighters' Association "came to a good conclusion that hopefully will solve some of the financial problems the province is facing," says vice-president Bruce Compton. "I don't think the pub- lic has to worry too much. We're going to be providing the same level of service we were before." WE'RE MORE THAN JUST A D v OPEN EVERY SUNDAY 9.5 AUGUST 15 GARAGE SALE • Free Admission • Free Parking for 4800 cars • Over 500 vendors at the Pickering Flea Market Full Size Carnival Most Sundays * Antique and Collectible Area Vast array of product * Farmer's Market Largest Indoor Flea Market in North America METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE Brock Rd. & 401 * Pickering, ONT. Vendor Inquiries (416) 427-0744 CASH IN WITH IRIUY,,, Umkl PEPSI 0 per family 2 Ullm Bottle 9 9 United Quantity "First Of Its Kind In Canadal" SEE WEDNESDAY AUGUST 18TH NEWSPAPER SEARS TIR i I 1 11141 SUPERGUARDT" RESPONSE ALL -SEASON TIRES MADE Y PIRELLI... BACKED BY SEARS 4ch 999' 7900 9 er. WarTanty. tt�r�m Ro�a and WhM gwndoes last. Not an saes may be evelable in an stones. Sears Auto Centre Pickering Town Centre SEJM Expect more hoar Sears 0 Water Your lawn for 3-4 hours once a week. Light waWN by hand once a day promotes shallow roots which do not resist drought conditions. © Trim and dead head your perennials which have finished blooming. 0 Improve your mtxn hardiness by planting them row. Their root system will be larger and better able to withstand the etfects of winter. © visit Vandermeer for frim ly service and helpful advice. N RUCE SP Fast growingaen similarto Cob . $1750 Rep. $3.00.3! 1& Little Giant GLOBE CEDAR MOM 10 33 gf0ie. 19111. pot lob plm song". t it" W wa amdidet Ire Dinner time Caroline Bendek made some fine feathered friends when she fed the geese at Rotary Park in Ajax. With her is granddad Alexander Bendek. RC teachers reach agreement DURHAM - Catholic teach- ers and their employer have reached a local agreement under the Province's social contract. Ratified Tuesday by the Durham Region Roman Catholic School Board, the agreement will hand down wage freezes, days off without pay, and reduced staffing levels. But "the combination of reg- ular retirements, resignations and enrolment growth is expect- ed to assist in the down -sizing process while keeping the num- ber of layoffs to a minimum," the board says in a press release. The number of unpaid days off and how they will be sched- uled won't be decided until the board receives father details from the government. The num- ber of days off wi11 vary accord- ing to employee groups and the board will aim to disrupt classes as minimally as possible, direc- tor Earl Lagroix assures. Queen's Park had told the board to cut $4.5 million from its payroll. But that target was reduced by 20 per cent — to about $3.55 million — when teachers across Ontario met the New Democratic Party's Aug. l deadline for a social contract. The Province has already begun taking that money from the board through reduced grants, but the board will recov- er the funds through savings hammered out in social contract talks. Boards had until midnight Tuesday to hammer out details of local agreements. Unionleaders couldn't be reached for comment. �; �legse E IL FREEAPING MACHINE Du. WEAL WINGS 465 BAYLY STREET 1 2 UIS � ' (Comer of Bayly 3 Wes&") WINGSPURCKN tIYNGSAPDRECEIVE REENF 2 REG. SOFT DRINKS, 1 ORDER 1 1/2 WINGS 2 REG. VEGETABLE LBS. AND GET BAKED. MARINATED & STICKS AND 2 DIPS � AN EXTRA 1/3 LB. ][E nM SPICED FM A SAVINGS OF $5.86 RIBS FREE DELIVERY FREE SPICY °R PLAQi > COUPON n IA SAVINGS OF $4. `iEGICTABLR STICKS $10.00 DELIVERY 1 961-1000 SALADS ORDER ' 1 PICKUP ONLY GARLIC BREAD WrM 961-1000 1 1 COUPOW YAUD AT AJAX LOCAIM ONLY CINE P "UP ONLY COUPM WUJD AT AJAX 1 L------ '1.49 LOCATNOM ONLY VENMER FRIDAY, AUGUST U. Vision, hearing clinics for RC kindergarten I NG - Do you screening clinic aimed at identify - have a child who'll be attending ing any vision of hearing prob- senior kindergarten at the separate lems which may interfere with school board this year? your child's learning abilities. If so, you're invited to a If your child's vision and hear - Pickering woman hurt in accident AJAX-PICKERING - A Pick- ering teen is in hospital after she was hit by a car while driving a dirt bike Tuesday night. Nichole Price, 18, of Salem Rd. was driving her dirt bike in a corn field and then drove onto Salem Rd. just north of the 7th concession when the accident hap- pened, Durham Regional Police report. She was struck by an oncoming vehicle driven by a 43 -year-old Uxbridge woman around 6:45 p.m. The victim was unconscious and taken to Ajax and Pickering General Hospital. She was later transferred to Sunnybrook Health and Science Centre with fairly serious head injuries, says Staff Sgt. Sandy Ryne. "Fortunately she was wearing a helmet," he says, and the injuries weren't life threatening. The woman in the other vehicle was uninjured. Police are investigating. Despite cuts, patient care remains ing has been tested within the past year, or if you've already sched- uled an appointment in the near future, there's no need to attend the clinic. The clinics, offered to children only before they begin kinder- garten, are conducted by regis- tered nurses from Durham's health department. Parents are asked to bring their child's immunization record to the screening clinic and are reminded that information must be presented before a child attends school. The clinics, which will be held in early September, are for stu- dents registered at any of the fol- lowing schools: St. Monica, St. Isaac Jogues, St. 'Marguerite Bourgeoys, St. James, St. Bernadette, St. Jude and St. Catherine of Sienna. To arrange an appointment, call the health department at 683- 4660. number one priority at hospital FROM PG. 1 unpaid leaves of absence, reduced work weeks and early retirements. - Staff will take the equivalent of 12 unpaid days off between now and March 31, 1994: eight unpaid days off in 1995 and four in 1996. Employees can spread the paycheque reductions over an entire year if they wish. - If the hospital is unable to achieve its targeted reductions with the above measures, "it may be necessary to reduce services, layoff staff or take whatever means necessary," says Mr. Atkin- son. That could mean closing a floor for several days over the Christmas holidays. Whether staff layoffs or service reductions are necessary won't be known until it's determined how many employees will take early retirements or unpaid leaves. Whatever happens, "Patient care will always be our number one priority," vows Mr. Atkinson. "There's absolutely no reason for patients to worry. If we couldn't take a patient and provide the ser- vice, we wouldn't accept that patient." The agreement coven hospital management, unionized and non - unionized staff, with the exception of physicians, who have their own deal with the government worked out by the Ontario Medical Asso- ciation. Hospital staff making less than S30,000 annually are exempt from social contract cutbacks alto- gether. "Best Set Decoration— Guaranteed. " SEE WEDNESDAY AUGUST MTH NEWSPAPER rWATCDELIVERYSERVICE H FOR THESE INSERTS &FLYERS CONNING TOR DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND N THE DAYS AHEAD FRIDAY, AUGUST 1393 DEWS ADVERTISER (XIM PM) DOMNION (AWA4CK.) CANADIAN TIRE (AIAXJPICIC) END OF SIA ER SALE WWA)ICK) 'K MART (AJI MICK.) FOOD CITY (AJAX) MAXI DRUG (AIX) 'FOOD TOWN (Awmx) 'SEARS (AANICK) IGA,P M) SUNDAY, AUGUST 15193 NM ADVERTISER (AJAXIPICIC) A&P M.) AUGUST TRANSR FLYER (PICK) BIWAY (AJAXIPICK) -IWWi, ) ) LOBLAWSSAISICENTRE MIRACLE F 1fART ((AJAXIPICK.) SAV -A -CENTRE (PICK.) ss. M hounloWs cdii Aivin t3rouwer at bdJ-511 U. • .News Advertiser .............. AU..... MGZ 4 -THE Seminar examines Region's employment, training needs DURHAM - A snapshot of Durham Region's employment and training needs has been taken and it will be presented at a breakfast seminar on Aug. 19. (Preregistration for the semi- nar must be no later than today, Friday, Aug. 13.) The key purpose of the study, which involved 2,000 Durham Region businesses, was to con- firm the top occupations that will lead the economic recovery in Durham Region. Numerous issues were addressed, including: what sec- tors were optimistic about employment growth in Durham Region, what were the predomi- nant skills required to achieve this growth; which sectors fore- see employment opportunities in the near future; and what changes do employers expect in the ratio of full-time to pan -time employ- ees. A consultant will outline the findings in a 15 to 20 minute pre- sentation, followed by brief com- ments from a distinguished panel that will include: Gary Herrema, Durham Region chairman; Doug Holtby, board director of the Durham Region Manufacturer's Association; Jeff Schissler, man- ager of the Ontario Skills Devel- opment Office; Gail Cooper, pres- ident of the Human Resource Pro- fessionals Association of Durham; and Larry Cann, training co-ordinator for the United Asso- ciation of Journeymen and Apprentices, plumbing and pip- efitting, Local 463. The cost of the forum and a survey executive overview is S20 for ACT members and $25 for non-members. Copies of the full survey will be available at the forum or from the ACT office for S25. A better summer for student jobs DURHAN, 1 - This summer brought better weather and a brighter job picture for students. Year-to-date student employment statistics show an improvement over 1992. The number of job vacancies placed by Durham employ- ers increased 60.7 per cent, while the number of students finding work is up 64.5 per cent. "In July, we continued to see a significant shift in the quality of jobs," says Carrie Fleury, superyisor of the Canada Employment Cenves for Students in Durham. "More full time and pan -time jobs are being posted. - The employment cenves in Pickering, Whitby and Oshawa close for the summer today, Friday. August 13 at 4:15 p.m. Antique cars rolling into village museum PICKERING - Antique car buffs will want to visit Pickering Museum Village this weekend as lots of vintage vehicles roll in. Members of the Antique and Class Car Club of Canada, Durham Region and Great Pine Ridge Region branches, will be displaying their vehicles at the museum grounds Sunday. August 15 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Ontario Region of the Antique Automobile Car Club of THE FABULOUS CARPET FROGGS I exturing prwious nremEars st: WDDO, FRAW SODA, JUST &M Z VA=A, and THE NiFIOELS, SATURDAY, AUG. 14TH THE ONLY HARDWOOD FLOORING SHOWROOM IN PICKERING i AJAX • Dealer of Pre-Fndwd i I- ri - Pod Fbas • Professional butat Om i Sanding • Nwork Gus R1EE • Friendly, courteous service • Re lac vng of a uoV hardwood loorwp CANADA HARDWOOD FLOORING N1C. 1050 BMCk Rd UNt 25 America will also be participat- ing in the annual meeting. Residents are invited to take a picnic lunch to the village and observe the antique cars. Regular admission rates apply. Travel three kilometres east of Brock Rd. on Hwy. 7, to the village of Greenwood. For more informa- tion, call 683-8-:01. DIRTORTRASHIS LANDSCAPING, RENOVATING OR CLEANUP r �. YOU LOAD - = WE HAUL E yc 4 YO PINK FLRMINGOINC. 888-9030 RESIDENTIAL DISPOSAL CONTAINERS >SPEUAL � •ALL CONTAit�RS X99 - � �tg e'?A Now upen 4 THE V 'n 'AWN• L SPORTS BAR & GRILL Catch all your sporting events daily. We have the "BEST PRICES" in town. • Three satellite • Autographed "Wall of Fame" dishes • All sports teams welcome!! • Largest big screen TV • Pool tables in Ajax! • Dart boards • Twelve 21 " TVs. • All sports teams welcome. Hours: Mon.- Sat. 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. Sun. 12 a.m.- 12 p.m. (Beside Dona 1 ,325 Westney Rd. S. 619-0938 Miguers) EVE N1 " World Premiere- Opening ,Soon!" .. SEE, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 18TH NEWSPAPER I J1, - mow Matt Atkinson adds the final stamp of approval on the sparkles and macaroni art piece he made at the Creative Kids Camp, run by the Ajax Parks and Recreation Department. Looking on is Shamez Dosani. The camp is held at Rotary Park in Ajax. photo by Celia Bronkhorst 'It's the best we could do' Durham teachers reach agreement By LINDA WHITE, • Staff Reporter DURHAM - A social contract signed by public school teachers here "is the best we could do under the circumstances but is cer- tainly not great," a union leader concedes. "It will mean an increase in class size and an increase in a teacher's workload. That has to have a negative impact on morale," Shirley Smith, president of the secondary teachers' union, says of a local agreement reached with the Durham Board of Educa- tion. But she says teachers "didn't really negotiate locally" because they used the terms and conditions of sectoral agreements reached between the Province and repre- sentatives of Ontario -wide unions. The local agreement imposes a wage freeze for each of the next three years, days off without pay, and some staff reduction for high school, elementary and occasional teachers. In a press release, the board says it hopes to reduce staff through attrition and expects "lay- offs can be kept to a minimum." Ms. Smith is "hopeful" layoffs won't be necessary. "If the board continues to grow, we will have some flexibility... But we won't know how successful we are until the end of the three years." The board says the school cal- endar for students will not be affected due to unpaid days off. The number of days off without pay will vary according to employee group because the provincial agreement provides for fewer unpaid days for teachers based upon pension contributions redirected to the social contract target- According argetAccording to Ms. Smith, "teachers are very nervous" about money being taken out of pension funds and "feel betrayed by the NDP." Employees earning less than $30,000 a year won't be affected by the social contract, which says a local task force must be estab- lished to monitor the implementa- tion of the local agreement. Queen's Park told the Durham board to cut S14.4 million by slashing wages and/or benefits and possibly through layoffs. But it promised to reduce that target by 20 per cent — to $11.5 million — if a local agreement was met by Aug. 10. If an agreement wasn't reached, the government's so- called fail-safe provisions would have handed each employee a three-year wage freeze and 12 unpaid days off a year. A number of details remain unresolved locally pending addi- tional information from the Province, the board notes. Board chair Louise Farr couldn't be reached for comment " One of a Kind! " SEE WEDNESDAY AUGUST 18TH NEWSPAPER ObREAT CRUISE SAVINGS are now sailing your way offering PRICE REDUCTIONS 230/o from to 420/0 on a wide selection of 7 day Cruise Vacations on board CARNIVAL CRUISE LINES HOLLAND AMERICA ROYAL CARIBBEAN C.CRUISE LINES offerea tnrougrn E^core Crwses PLUS - Take advantage of our exclusive "SPECIAL TRAVEL PAYMENT PLAN"t with NO DEPOSIT - NO CREDIT CHARGES NO PAYMENTS UNTIL YOUR RETURN Don't Delay - Limited Time offer • Sears Club Members are offered free merchandise or air travel, or points.can be used for future travel' • Purchase regular American Express Travellers Cheques with no service fee and Voyageur Insurance on your Sears Card' • Travel with Sears Travel's Exclusive Travel Guarantee' • Receive a complimentary Tuck -Away Travel Bag' some restrictions apply - details tents & conditions at Sears Travel Service •Pnm reductions vary depending upon departure, duration, ship and cabin category, from selected sailings offered. tRequires booking to be made using Sears Account Card - subject to credit approval - details, tern's & conditions at Sears Travel Service. Offer applies to new bookings only. OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 6. 1993. Pickering Town Centre 420-7600 CaME A 1PRiSliIi c. Copyright Sears Canada Inc. Any reproduction without the written consent of Sears Canada Inc. is prohibited. Sears .Canada Inc. d.b.a. Sears Travel Serwoe. Ont. Reg. #2264141. PAGE 6 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 13~,1993 Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser Editorials/Letters A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday TIMOTHY J. WHITTAKER, Publisher 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor-in-chief Newsroom - 683-5110 Distribution - 683-5117 Retail Advertising - 683-5110 Classified - 798-7672 GREG COATES, Managing Editor FAX - 683-7363 National Advertising Sales - 493-1300 Real Estate & Automotive Advertising - 798-7672 BRUCE DANFORD, Advertising Manager Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association ALVIN BROUWER, Retail Sales Manager Member of the Ontario Press Council ABE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager Shake that money maker It's a real money maker — unfortunately it's also a scam. There is a counterfeiter out there and he or she is infiltrating the Durham paper money supply with reproductions. And these bills are very good imposters. At first glance. and even second and thirdglance, the bills ( usually 50s, but also 2()s and 1(X O look veno real. But there are a few sure-fire ways to sort out the phony money from the genuine, say Durham Police. One wa% is to take a knife and scrape away at greenish spots placed hapha/ardly on the bill (they are called planchettes and are a little larger than the head of a pin) — on a real bill thcN come off, on a reproduction they don't. The other way is to put the mono% under an ultraviolet (black) light — a counterfeit bill will glow, whereas the real one stays dull. Mone% that is just a little too smooth is also an indication of the fake stuff: real money is slightly grain in texture. The police are asking for help to stopping the flow of reproduc- tions into the paper money system. They are warning businesses that if the% accept the fake money they'll be out b% whatever amount the% accept. and if the% pass 1L on. they'll be guilty of break-in, the law. Unfortunatel%, new technology has made counterfeiting much easi- er than in the past. Color photocopiers are better quality and more accessible than ever, which must look like an open imitation to would-be crooks. The police are still looking into the matter and with luck they'll nab the bad guys before too long. But they need our help, and we all have an interest in helping them. Counterfeiting ma} result in money in the bank for a %ery few but it costs everybody else. If we are to put a stop to it we ha%e to be vigilant. And. who knows, some responsible citizen playing detective ma% help solve the mystery of the funny money.and help bring those responsible to justice. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Inhumane acts must be stopped To the editor, On SaturdaN. Jul% 2.3, our cat, Benson, stayed out all night which was not his normal pattern. On Sunday morning, we asked the neighbors in our immediate area if they had seen him and we were devastated to find him dead just three houses from his home. Benson had been shot. We had heard over the past few years of other cats in the neighborhood having been brutal- ly injured, either shot or spiked by a trap of some sort, so we called the police. Officer Vince D'Amieo was very prompt in arriving and was genuinely con- cemed with our loss and the reali- t% of our cat being shot so close to home. We appreciate the time he spent with us in an attempt to understand what, if anything, could be done. There is very little that the police can do unless they have a witness to who has been deliber- ately injuring these animals. We need your help and the support of the neighbors in our area who want to put a stop to these inhu- mane actions by some very unsa- vory person. If there is a trap set in our area and someone knows about it they should report this to the authorities. It is illegal and inhumane. The use of firearms is also illegal and could conceivably kill a human next time. Our Benson was a gentle, playful and friendly cat with a unique personality. He was not only our very close companion for over three years but he adopt- ed our neighbors to the south of us and he was able to 'con' numerous treats from them as well. To say he will be missed is an understatement. Hank and Janny Gaveel, Pickering 'Old days' To the editor, I want to let you know how much I have enjoyed the recent articles from the LACAC Committee regarding historical vignettes' of Ajax. In a town such as ours, founded so recently, it is dou- bly important to retain and remember the 'old days', espe- cially the courage and industry of the people. The articles have been inter- esting and well written. Hope there are lots more coming. V.E. Emerson, Ajax Have your say • Do you agree with Prime Minister Kim Campbell that MPs shouldn't collect pen- * sions until age 55? Bill Murdock says, "Absolut- ley. Everybody else has to work until retirement age." Ted Hamer says, "Yes. It's better they have to work longer to have rights to their pension." Laurie Williamson says, "I do believe they shouldn't collect a pension until they serve the coun- try for 60 years." Chris Aquanno says, "Yes. There shouldn't be any difference between MPs and ordinary peo- ple.". ! t ABOUT US The News Advertiser wel- comes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal rea- sons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone num- ber for our information. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 21-15 or sent by FAX to 683- 7363. Metroland Printing, Publish- ing and Distributing group of suburban newspapers includes: Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser, The Aurora Banner, Barrie Ban- ner/Advance, The Brampton Guardian, The Burlington Post, The Collingwood Connection, The Etobicoke Advertiser/Guardian, The Georgetown Independent, Kingston This Week, Lindsay This Week, Markham Economist and Sun, The Milton Canadian Champion, The Mis- sissauga News, The Newmar- ket Era, Northumberland News, North York Mirror, Oakville Beaver, Oshawa -Whitby This Week, Orillia Today, Peterbor- ough This Week, The Rich- mond Hill/Thornhill/Vaughan Liberal, The Scarborough Mir- ror, The Stouffville/Uxbridge Tri- bune, Today's Seniors. Second class mail registra- tion number 1897. Mail sub- scription rates in Canada: 1 year, $70 per edition. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. . . . . I- .. . .. i Ajax -Pickering QcIn��B��p a��A . . . . . . . . . . For More Information On Upcoming "Summer Sizzlers" call your Advertising Representative at 110 SUPER DEAL FOR ALL OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS THE INC REIXIII-E NN X%ty 171 Fox roup COLLECTION ktitw WOMW — -I Flame Broiled WHOPPER HOPPER with the ptffcmse of medium ties & IfWim drink when you RENT ANY 2 MOVIES OR GAMES Tates & cheese not kwkWe& No valid wkhany 06M oft. Pickering location only. aCx v��EoniiaX THE SUPER VIDEO STORE C • 1794 UVERPOOL RD. 420-1991 851-88181822 1822 WHITES RD. I— � � CM NOE: . 4 \illl) I Nh III IN 0, iuf I to LACE i 9NE NEWS ADVErrt4WR IMIDAV Atjr.twr r;_ ion WE PAY THE GST a x 77 x VS. '0 6 PERSON 263 GALLONS x�5 - -RES 6►� i r,•9_ M" SSS o,S09 0, 1 • Where Hot Water Fun Begins... Rioman SP a Inc. 1050 BROCK ROAD SOUTH, PICKERING, 837-6626 Store Hours: Mon. -Wed. 9-5, Thurs. 9-6, Fri. 9-7, =, Saturday10-4, Sunda 11-4 FACTORY MATTRESS i TWIN TWIN $109 $ 149 SET $189 SET $249 DOUBLE $129 SET 5229 DOUBLE $179 SET $279 QUEEN 5159 SET 5289 WEEN $199 SET $319 &UTUNY Nu R Rwiv St__ Pir_karinn $1 Bill Murdock says, "Absolut- Ted Hamer says, "Yes. It's ley. Everybody else has to work better they have to work longer to until retirement age." .have rights to their pension.`" _ _a f • • • . . • • • . J WE PAY THE "ASK ABOUT SWIM SPAS" 'INSTALLATION EXTRA FACTORYAWHOWD TRUCKLOAD WITH PURCHASE OF MATTRESS 5359 LE DMIB$379 IINCLU0ING CANOPY WHITE BAKED ON ENAMEL ' • - - 1 MATTRESS EXTRA $249 Laurie Williamson says, "I do believe they shouldn't collect a ,pension until they serve the coun- try for 60 years..' UP TO $ 279 WITH PURCHASE of MATTRESS $249 Chris Aquanno says, "Yes. There shouldn't be any difference between MPs and ordinary peo- ple.'. t $199 SET $309 DOUBLE $219 SET $349 QUEEN $239 SET $0 ji 25 YEAR WARRANTY I-lberal, The Scarborough Mir- ror, The Stouffville/Uxbridge Tri- bune, Today's Seniors. Second class mail registra- tion number 1897. Mail sub- scription rates in Canada: 1 year, $70 per edition. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. L'I HWY. 2 HWY 401 0 6 o a W U M Z PLUMMER m BAYLY 'INSTALLATION EXTRA FACTORYAWHOWD TRUCKLOAD WITH PURCHASE OF MATTRESS 5359 LE DMIB$379 IINCLU0ING CANOPY WHITE BAKED ON ENAMEL ' • - - 1 MATTRESS EXTRA $249 Laurie Williamson says, "I do believe they shouldn't collect a ,pension until they serve the coun- try for 60 years..' UP TO $ 279 WITH PURCHASE of MATTRESS $249 Chris Aquanno says, "Yes. There shouldn't be any difference between MPs and ordinary peo- ple.'. t $199 SET $309 DOUBLE $219 SET $349 QUEEN $239 SET $0 ji 25 YEAR WARRANTY I-lberal, The Scarborough Mir- ror, The Stouffville/Uxbridge Tri- bune, Today's Seniors. Second class mail registra- tion number 1897. Mail sub- scription rates in Canada: 1 year, $70 per edition. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. L'I A2rs & EivTexrnnvearT Carpet Frogs hop to the Monkey Bar AJAX-PICKERING - On Sat- urday night, The Carpet Frogs take the stage at the Monkey Bar & Grill at 9 p.m. Thursdays feature karaoke beginning at 9 p.m. and a dance party from 11 to 1:30 a.m. Rockin' Fridays with Q107 include prizes. The Monkey Bar & Grill is at 172 Hunt St., Ajax. Call 619- 1236. To find out where the rest of the entertainment action is this week- end, just follow this guide: CENTREFIELD'S: On Sun- day afternoon, there's a country jam session featuring Tennessee Lace from 1 to 6 p.m. Sunday night, there's laser karaoke from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Every Wednesday, male exotic dancers take the stage in Centrefield's Centrefolds con- test. Centrefreld's is at 1050 Brock Rd., Pickering. Call 837-1850. BOURBON BAYLY'S: Bour- bon Bayly's has karaoke and DJ music on Friday, starting at 9 p.m. On Thurs., Aug. 19, the bar has the finals of its karaoke contest with a $500 prize, starting at 9 p.m. Laff Trax Comedy is back on Aug. 21 with advance tickets at S5 each now on sale. Bourbon Bayly's is at 368 Bayly St., Ajax. Call 427- 1888. HARP & THISTLE PUB: Paragon, formerly the Dryed Nutts, plays a mix of music from '50s and '60s ruck 'n' roll right up to the current hits. The band plays Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to I a.m. There's karaoke on Sunday from 7 to I 1 p.m. The Harp and Thistle is at 282 Monarch Ave., Ajax. Call 428-0943. GLEENERS: Glecners has top country and western music with Jocelyn Marie Friday from 9 p.m. to I a.m. Gleeners is in the Ajax Plaza, Harwood Ave. S., Ajax. Call 683-7952. COCONUTZ TAPS & EATS: The new Ajax nightspot has karaoke on Wednesdays, starting at 9 p.m. There's a mix of DJ music Thursday through Sunday. Coconutz is at 520 Westney Rd. S., Ajax. Call 686-1549. FOX & FLOWERPOT: There's an open jazz jam session with the Jazz Cats at the Fox & Flowerpot Thursday nights from 8 to I 1 p.m. The Fox & Flowerpot is in the Village Courtyard in Picker- ing Village. Call 428-2162. KERRY INN: Bill and Mar- lene Dunn entertain with a host of danceable favorites Friday and Sat- urday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. There's karaoke on Sunday from 7 p.m. to midnight. The Kerry Inn is in the Cloveridge Plaza, 967 West- ney Rd. S. at Harwood Ave., Ajax. Call 428-8790. THE MEETING HOUSE: The Meeting House has Pip's karaoke Friday, starting at 9 p.m. Al Mathews plays a rock and blues mix Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 am. and again on Sunday from 7 to I l p.m. The Meeting House, formerly Morgan's Place, is at 776 Liver- pool Rd. S., Pickering. Call 839- 4744. SECOND STOREY: The Sec- ond Storey has karaoke on Wednesdays, after 9 p.m. Thursday is ladies' night, and on Friday, there's a Keg Party with lots of giveaways. The Second Storey is at 88 Harwood Ave., Ajax. Call 683- 2940. LORD BYRONS: Lord Byrons has relaxing piano music on Friday and Saturday nights to enjoy with your dinner. The music starts at 7 p.m. Lord Byrons is at 1725 Kingston Rd. (at Brock Rd.) in Pickering. Call 686-7000. DONA Y MIGUELS: For your dining pleasure, Dona Y Miguels has a Mexican singer every Friday and Saturday night from 7 to 10. Dona Y Miguels is at 325 Westney Rd., Ajax. Call 686- 4468. KANGAROOS: Kangaroos hosts the Ragweed Jazz Band each Thursday from 9 p.m. to midnight. The bar's at 985 Brock Rd. S. in Pickering. Call 839-6845. ROYAL SCOT: Don the DJ spins the discs Friday through Sun- day night. There's karaoke Tues- day nights starting at 9. The Royal Scot is at 44 Hunt St. Ajax. Call 683-6657. The forest has always been free. lun¢s,kat Furt,i n a vrum: tommumt% of feature -mocked hung�alow%& tuo,tom homes unh cathedral cethnt,. fantail x ha% wmdous..pa h-athrarms and Arden room kitchens on hull .tied 44 h m 4x h lot. , rroundinR a fore.i wotdlm. art pnced from just $Ii4.�NM1 Now one of these 3 option packages is free tool See Kingsway Forest todayt •.�a %owr HOT opbun LJ THE NEWS ADVEtxMER FiUDAY, AUGUST 0, 1"3 -PAGE f en: !Man. to wed. 2 pm to 7 pm; set. R sin. !Poon to 5 pm; Thum. & F.: ct.osm '(416)436-5161 ii i *SNAwA WL iw4 m mh -i "4r k- E:cfrsne Meat: ws R*Mt, tutu. Ora-revr �KINGSWAY LAFOREST 1%e thrneser ?.JO ek..oee t I.^s 14 R 1'W I 4" Taunoc ne. r w dem. x K ey F_r L SI>Sl w CPAMM your FA EE ertwM � & 4 1 � & or I4 I. THE SUMMER COMFORT PACKAGE It complete central air conditioning wstem for %our new hove' 2.THE GREEN PACKAGE Lw&capc shrubben and an interfockinit stony aatkwa-.' I. THE CONVENIENCE N PACKAGE disbwash -r . central .acuum . electric gar.We door opener' U_ PAGE 10 -THE NEWS ADVER'T'ISER FRIDAY, AUGUST L3, IM P YSPORTS Windover rJapan at World Cupof field lacrosse sparks Canada to win over AJAX-PICKERING - Ajax's available at press time. A win we were successful in limiting 25 -minute half," says Boyes. lacrosse team by Audrey Kelly of Anne Windover led the way for against Wales will vault Canada Japan to possession of the ball for Windover is joined on the Pickering who plays as a defender Canada once again at the World into the medal round. less than four minutes in the first Canadian national women's field with the squad. Cup of Women's Field Lacrosse in Edinburgh. Scotland as the Canadians defeated Japan 13-4 Monday. Windover led the team on the scoresheet, netting six goals in making Canada's first win at the World Cup an impressive one over the Japanese. Canada's win coupled with Scotland's 15-1 loss to the defending world champions from the united States, created a sec- ond -place tie between Canada and Scotland in pool 'A'. Based on a tie -breaking formula, Canada claimed second spot by the slimmest of margins, based on a points differential of .03. The Canadians crossed over to pool 'B' to play Wales on Wednesday. The result wasn't Canada got off to a fast start against Japan, jumping out to an 8- I lead at the end of the first half and continued to domi- n a t e through to Anne Windover the end. Head coach Barb Boyes, a for- mer teacher at Ajax High School, says she was pleased with her squad's showing against the upstart Japanese squad, attending its first ever World Cup. "Our main objective was to maintain control of the ball and Pickering Power topped by Toledo at Kitchener event PICKERING - The Pickering overtime. Power Harveys under -15 girls In round-robin play. Picker - rep soccer team was denied the ing posted two consecutive championship at the recent shutout victories, with Karine Kitchener International Soccer Plouffe providing stellar goal - Tournament by the narrowest of keeping. In the first game, margins. Power handled the host Kitchen - Teams from Welland, Sarnia, er squad by a 4-0 score. Barnes Guelph, Toledo, Ohio as well as tallied twice for Power, with Pickering participated in the 'Melanie Den Heyer and Rupi Kitchener tourney. Randhawa adding singles. After posting two wins and a Power then blasted Guelph tie in round-robin prel►mi- by a -0 score in the second nary play, Pickering `6KER/,y Power game. Barnes led the wav �i arrived in theQ with four markers, while finals against a strong Heidi Sausik scored Toledo. Ohio Bavarians twice and Den Heyer squad. added one. The teams played to a 2-2 tie in regulation �O 40 In the final round - J robin contests, Picker - time, forcing a five- C Gb ing settled for a well - minute overtime half. Tole- CER earned 2-2 tie with Toledo, do finally broke the deadlock, Ohio. Barnes and Sausik were scoring near the end of the first the goal scorers. five-minute overtime half to win Members of the Pickering the title by a 3-2 score. Power Harveys squad are Karine The Bavarians drew first Plouffe, Danielle Amato, Natal - blood in the championship con- ie Brewster, Sarah LeGresley, test, before Heather Barnes Sarah Middlebrook, Rupi Rand - knotted the score for Power. It haws, Natalie Higgins, Caren was Barnes' 10th goal of the Maher, Heidi Sausik, Heather tournament. Pickering went Barnes, Lisa Bonser, Melanie ahead 2-1 on a superb header by Den Heyer, Kerry Irvine and Natalie Higgins. Andrea Mitchell. However, midway through The coaches are Don Maher the second half, Toledo tied the and Jim Irvine; the trainer is score at 2-2 to set the table for Laurine Brewster. Incorrect information in story PICKERING - Some incorrect information appeared in a story in the News Advertiser's Wednesday, Aug. 4 edition about a Pickering athlete competing at the Canada Summer Games. Long-time Pickering softball coach Rick Finlay was cited as a coach with the Ontario women's softball team. In fact, Mr. Finlay is the head coach of the team; he also served as the head coach of Ontario's women's softball entry at the 1989 Canada Summer Games. Mr. Finlay's name was also spelled incorrectly in the story. The News Advertiser regrets the errors. REP TEAM AJAX MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATIO TRYOUTS TEAM TRYOUT #1 TRYOUT #2 TRYOUT #3 Midget AAA (in association Aug. 21 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. Aug. 22 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. Aug. 24 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. with Pickering) Ajax C.C. Ajax C.C. Village Arena Midget AA Aug. 27 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. Aug. 29 4:00 - 6-00 p.m. Sept. 2 8:00 - 9:30 p.m. Ajax C.C. Ajax C.C. Ajax C.C. Maj. Bantam AA Aug. 21 Aug. 23 Aug. 25 8:00 -10:00 P.M. 8:30 - 10:00 p.m. 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. Ajax C.C. Village Village Min. Bantam AA Aug. 21 6:30-8:00 p.m. Aug. 22 7:00-8:30p.m. Augg. 25 8.1-9:30p.m. Ajax C.C. Ajax C.C. Ajax C.C. Maj. Pee Wee AA Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 25 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. 3:00 - 5.00 p.m. 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. Ajax C.C. Ajax C.C. Ajax C.C. Min. Pee Wee AA Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 24 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. 12:30-2:00p.m . 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. Ajax C.C. Ajax C.C. Village Maj. Atom AA Aug. 21 Augg. 22 Aug. 25 5:30 6:30 9:30 -11:00 a.m. 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. - p.m. Ajax C.C. Ajax C.C. Ajax C.C. Min. Atom AA Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 23 11:00 - 12:30 p.m. 11:00 - 12:30 p.m. 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Ajax C.C. Ajax C.C. Village Maj. Nov. AA Aug. 21 Aug. 22 Aug. 24 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Ajax C.C. Ajax C.C. Ajax C.C. Min. Nov. AA 8 29:30 a.m. 5.2 6:00 p.m. 5.2 6:00 p.m. Ajax C.C. Ajax C.C. Ajax C.C. PLAYERS MUST BE REGISTERED IN ORDER TO TRYOUT. EOES AVTO! '93 Sonata GL e 2.0 litre. DOHC.16-valve aryine e Michelin all -season radial tires e Power steering with tilt e ETR AM/FM stereo cassetu e 4 -wheel independent suspension e 5 yr.AOO,oDOkm Warranty e 24 Hour Roadside Assistance Where the smart numey goes. 441 OR EQUIVALENT CREDIT wunoRi DEALERS ASSOCIATION Pickering Hyundai 220 Bayly Street East, Ajax 427-0111 'lmesd sm• oAer ,993 soap a nom v I'm w k4%aworra0C trWW" W or O"awM aadn l,cerss, l�plN P.D.I. and ta.a estra Pnoe saoe n s M R P las pomoaorrl drooarr N159"N dews may so for las -Sae dealer ler derails Tips for the decorator For the homeowner who likes a hands-on approach to interior design and decorating, John Sutcliffe offer advice on nearly every aspect of inte- rior design in his new book Decorating Magic. From the use of color and patterns to more ambitious projects, Sutcliffe shares tricks of the trade that will help transform any house into an attractive and comfortable home while reflecting the owner's individ- uality, taste and style. The author explains such tradition- al decorative styles as Oriental, pan- eling, trompe l'oeil and molding and how these can be successfully rein- terpreted using modern techniques and affordable materials. Decorating Magic features over 150 color photographs of both period and modem interiors and easy -to -fol- low step-by-step instructions. The book can be beneficial to both the beginner and the expert in creat- ing elegant interiors. Fabulous forties are here ! To celebrate the arrival of six exciting new 40 -foot designs, Liza Homes is giving purchasers a $10,000 bonus in upgrades so they can customize their homes. Plenty of thought was put into the new designs, which have desir- able features like the eveFpopular greenhouse breakfast area, main - floor family room and laundry room, master en suite with step-in oval tub. These exciting new designs range up from 2,250 square feet and are priced from an unbe- lievable $129,990. What makes all these features at a great price even more exciting is that now you can add your extra touches and all for free. Bowmanville's parkside commu- nity of Rainbow Ridge is just min- utes east of Oshawa. To visit the newly decorated model home, just follow the signs from Liberty St. N. and Hwy. 2. or you can call the office toll-free at 1-800-265-0153. The comprehensive directory of source materials, a bibliography and glossary of terms makes Decorating Magic more than a book — it becomes one of the most complete reference books on the market today. In fact, all you'll need to add is the materials and a little bit of ambition. Sutcliffe was educated at St. John's, Cambridge, and lives in London where he runs a private design firm. Look for John Sutcliffe's Decorating Magic, which is part of the highly acclaimed Pantheon Magic Decorating Library at your favorite book store. Picture Homes presents LOOK AT THIS 1600 SOFT. ONLY All bnck fully detached wnh 3 spacaus bedrooms, full master en suite. gorgeous Itchen open to famiy room and fireplace, central an. Pnced to sell. Ask For Linda Clarke Sales Reprewrtteive Century 21 Briscoe Estates 839-2121 Pock.e_t Pleas0 6 ing Prices " 11HS WEEK s Q CLU11 SPE 7 7:' ,4$3�-- OWSWOKM MMR 2266 SQ. Fl: WAS $226;"@ NOW MN ONLY #214,900 40', 50' & 60' LOTS ftom $169,900 Also Building in Port Perry on 50' lots MCTORIAN VH.LA6E Exquisite Victorian replica home designs feature graceful porches. dramatic hav window. towers. Beautifully detailed mouldings and trim all architecturally corweived to work together h:u'numiousl%' to create a community with character and elegance of the Victorian Era. BUNGALOWS & 2 STOREYS 17%9 FINAL ORTUNITI UP TO 3365 SQ. FT. ., -,Y7,. OUNTRY "MANOR IN WHITBY By Picture Homes Walking distance to sepm ate schools and parks. Monday - Thursday 1:30 - 7:00 pm Friday closed Sat. & Sun. 12:00 - 5:00 pm • . 1416-66"164 WHITBY 787-6550 (TOR.) P"K 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST' 13, IM 1 (;"Ro 10 lz SI" E PREMIER RONA K1tiG & ppppp- MAN oN ° �� �Yl' ►�1�'i�" ""' eri of a ears nth us suites feat, ni I doo rmet • Spacious ACAN , are. bright t brass ha ode balconies brea with distinctive ani and m �;itchens location ,�7�ir Fabulous �� Of Lake, shote / on the inutes from F - m VIRVU p. � ST, Included CUR 1►CtiL gkkitUU berofth a nem ones ise rooms. Each resident b�Offers exe 1 ng which ge.ach Club ms• ind�r s saunas. par n� COurt and ten cku, 42710uu CIE HOL . SA►Es OM12490!Non �a5 c1osed veAm 5vo 1aa Ontario, sat. srn �` 1mc � E03je „c VaXwe► the �1 and n A Eyd,sNe Saks Bi1dcEV� ` LcA � E &0 E r,0 tram , . 5OO10 0 SO I a MD i c_ s Y -, M m — lkl Nero I3ometfs aaad I=iterloar,s THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 13r 199XFAGE 13 Honey Heights captures the natural beauty of Port Perry Just about the prettiest view in Durham Region can be You found at Honey Harbour Heights. m This cluster of exceptional waterfront and waterview lots overlook Lake Scugog on its western shore on Port Perry northern limits. For those not familiar with the charms of Port Perry, this is an active and thriving community populated by country and city folk alike. It is only a short drive north of Oshawa and looks like it just stepped out of a Walter Campbell painting. Residents take advantage of the many recreational facil- ities offered by the town — such as marinas, ball dia- monds, soccer fields, tennis courts, curling and figure skating clubs as well as fairgrounds and picturesque water- front park. Several times a year, the town closes off main street for an old-fashioned fair and street dance. ,But, of course, the foremost attraction of this jewel is the water . In any season, you will find residents taking advantage of what Lake Scugog has to offer — swimming, water skiing, windsurfing, boating, ice skating or just relaxing on a bench at the park and enjoying the view. Golf courses and riding stables are nearby and, for those who want to get mellow, the fishing is great. Wildlife abounds in and around this bustling town and, on a misty morning, you could encounter a deer, a pheasant or a variety of wild fowl. You will step back in time when shopping Port Perry's downtown area. Customers are still treated with respect and pride. Why not enjoy an ice cream cone or nibble on a bonbon from the town's own chocolatier. Crafts, clothing, furniture, food, hardware, restaurants and more are within walking distance of each other. These are just a few of the reasons why Rick Rondeau chose Port Perry to build his new community — Honey Harbour Heights. You might recognize the names of some previous projects — Saxton Glen and Fourteen Estates in the Pickering area. Communities of magnificent homes with a theme setting on acres of rolling grounds. As with his other projects, this community will feature underground hydro and gas heat. All homes will be cus- tomized and offer a minimum 2,000 square feet of luxury. The two -acre lots will enable purchasers the opportuni- ty to enjoy their home in a year round recreational setting without the upkeep of two separate residences. Rondeau says, "Although these homes will be scaled down slightly from our previous projects, we will be keep- ing the same high standards in architectural design and customer service. Attention will be paid to detail, work- manship, unique ceiling treatments and each home will have its own individuality." Rick and Karin Rondeau place great interest in the needs and desires of all their clients. Their wealth of expe- rience in the design and completion of a custom home will assure purchasers of an investment they can be proud of for many years to come. Why not visit Honey Harbour Heights this weekend and take in the view for yourself. The sales centre is on site with a wonderful vista of the lake. You can get there by heading north on Lilla Street (some still call it Simcoe St.). The sales centre is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Or call the office at 985-019.4, 427-0390 or 428- 22�.73 di'if.�.Z.,.�.�..'et.''.�.4 :�.� �,j.r�r•'a.. i'. a•- 11I 11:41M re SENDING FUNDS TO OUT -OF -COUNTRY DESTINATIONS we is an apocryphal tale about the father who received a wire from his offspring studying away from home: 'No mon, no fun - your son' to which the Ther repried: N w sad, too bad d' With our dad' minor vanabons, we hear stories like that everyday in the branch. Mostly though, the need is very nous and the urgency to get the kinds to their destination, very great. our job is to satisfy the customers need for urgency. This is what dictates the inner in which the payment is sent Depending on time, the amount and location, funds can be transferred by wire, money order or draft. ire Psyr oft e wire payment is the fastest means of forwarding money. h depends on the network of correspondent banks that your bank has all over the world. To ,e funds, the bank accepts the money and instructions in Canada Then it will either telephone or send a message electronically asking a particular rrespondent bank to pay the money on its behalf. e bank must have the payee's nacre, address, name of bank and account number so that the funds can be deposited directly to that account H the ,tructionts are simply to 'advise and pay', then the recipient must be called by the corespondent bank to come to the bank to collect the funds. The ole process should normally take no more than twenty-four hours. To help ensure the speed of the wire, it's important to supply all the needed xmation about the payee so that time is not lost betting information. e Money Order honey order is similar to a cheque issued by your bank and pre-sgned by a senior officer of the bank. Because they are pre -signed, money orders are rally used for amounts of money less than one -thousand dollars. You can purchase a money order in Canadian currency or US or sterling. You write in name of the recipient and forward it. The carbon copy should be kept for your records. rmally, a money order is used when you need a guaranteed payment similar to a certified cheque. They are very useful for foreign payments because y can be cashed at most banks. That offers greater convenience to the recipient nk Draft main difference between a money order and a draft is in the amount of money being paid. A draft is normally used for larger payments. For instance. i might want to send two thousand dollars to someone out of the country. You will purchase a draft from your bank which will authorize payment only Mh one of its correspondent banks in that country.gn make h payable to a certain recipient and then it is sed by an officer of your bark whose signature is on file with the correspondent bank. You may ail the draft to the recipient in the other country who will then, take it to the designated oank for payment Getting to know how to use these means of payment can save you time and money especially when the payment is urgent. LOOKING FOR A BETTER QUALITY 01.F UFE? AND A BETTER Then take a short drive to the countryside of Courtice and see Highland Gardens by Kissinger. Where a simpler, safer way of life is a reality and you can feel part of a neighbourhood you'll be proud to call home. MOP AWqh&x0wW oIV#e FanWY Olefscfwd iifofntes Fitorlt Yards an ,WCW Cawftw* YYrxaows W..PhnhX Q-,Bntacl000rnDIRsl�sher Anctt�ldetnl W-F.Piamwe BalarwW Showers Exlt:ktl " 10 Yaw NEar'raW. it InvernwMa 3 Bedrooms, Cathedral Ceilings For $169,900 all �• _ f >f FfO� 64imililmi" 54111111, IN COURTICE ?lease VW Our Oioe This Weekend Frorn N" i! Soc at 4 GeoW RWdcls DriVa Offer Tines By Appc i� Exchaive Agents Ratow flaming UrnNed. Reoftor I7. nrt��lr1VC1� � O\�17:[It�1I(1� 1 1.1111E I� 0 6 Cr Q } W Z Z M Z cc O Kl1$G STREET Z LAKE ONTARIO PAGE 14 -TIM NEWS ADVE MSSE R FRIDAY, AUGUST U, IM Solariums create a private oasis in the home Solariums provide year round enjoyment, added living space which is totally different from conventional "additions" and express your personal taste and flair. The backdrop scenery changes with the seasons. Winter snow storms. spring freshness, summer's quick caress and autumn's explosion of color are all privately displayed for you. your family and friends through the ever-changing scenery viewed from your own solarium. First sunsets and sunrises are always memorable occasions. Lightning storms and torrential down- pours gain complete new respect when viewed in awe comfortably high and dry in your private viewing gallery. O ty O 4� > O � P= a� cri .PO4 o rA N PC S-4 _ CZ o P= CZ 3 J Z C.) C FA 3 — V En P W R� W z The most memorable, for one client. was his first shooting star. No matter what your own discover- ies are, nothing compares to a properly designed and built solarium. Bump out a family room, enlarge a kitchen or dining area or create a private study. studio or library. People really appreciate watching their solarium start from an idea, to a drawing, framed and built through to the finished product. The real pride of ownership comes after the decorating is complete and the furnishings are in place. Selection of materials is your most important decision, not just the price. With the way ozone depletion is the topic of most conversations, properly -, - F:7:z7i�_ insulated glass is your most critical decision. Make a mistake here and your dream solarium becomes your worst nightmare. Heat Mirror is the first clear, color- less insulating glass product to let in natural daylight while reflecting heat back to its source — inside in winter and outside in summer. Heat Mirror provides up to 10 times the thermal insulation of standard dou- ble -pane glass. It also gives ultraviolet fading protection to shield furniture, drapes and carpeting from 99.5 per cent of harmful UV radiation. Heat Mirror not only protects the fabrics in your home, it also offers protection for plants from the sun's scorching rays while letting in the vital light plants need to grow. It reduces outside noise and condensation. Most importantly, Heat Mirror never compromises your view. Heat Mirror is available in six dif- ferent performance categories, one perfectly suited for your custom requirements. From start to finish, it is a wonder- ful feeling to explore the pleasure your new solarium will extend all year long. Besides the type of glass your choose, another element that should be high on your priority list is ventilation. Make sure that you have the proper ventilation to make every day, no mat- ter how hot or how cold, a perfect day in your solarium. Enjoy! T! _ : r a rr] !wet , �••I�II'�.r l'nN/M/d gyp, . — — 1-695 %04 R. from f199.SMM. \F:V1 • Decorated Model Horne • Single Family Homes On 50' Lots • Mkouts Induded from to Landscaping 9 n Ind uded $164NO Gourmet Kitchen Package • side by side frost free refrigerator • 30" self-cleaning electric stove • space saver Microwave oven • upgrade miro•stone kitchen sink • upgrade kitchen cabinets • built-in 30" pantry �t Summer Comfort Package • central air conditioning • electric air filter • 42" ceiling fan Care -Free Move -In Package* • mve pay your legal fees • we pay your moving expenses • �� a pay your land transfer tax glue $-5,000 (adjusted on clusing) i"A MX SE Mx t, a+ r w Me•. tMn. 12i rM. ti�� 1'lied Fn. t Sr. �� ; Km umTEl� �e�Mee SW" Reparow" = 133.2579 1�T4�w Honmcro saarid =at�eriors Energy flops There are a few things you can do to conserve energy. Here is a list of things you can do to save energy and you hard-earned dollars. 1) Raise your air-conditioning thermo- stat in the summer. For each degree higher, you'll cut your energy use by eight per cent. 2) Tum off incandescent lights when you are not using them, especially in the summer when they produce unwanted heat. 3) Use low -wattage light bulbs in halls and other places where no close-up tasks occur. However using a single, high - wattage bulb is more cost-efficient than using two lower -wattage bulbs. 4) Long -life light bulbs usually use more electricity than regular bulbs of the same wattage. Use long -life bulbs only in locations where access is difficult. 5) Use high -efficiency light bulbs in your outside security lights. Put them on a time or photoelectric switch. 6) Light only the specific area where you are working. 7) Grime from cooking, smoking and dust can dirty a light bulb and reduce the light it puts out. Inspect and clean bulbs regulariy. 8) Avoid checking on food while it cooks. Each time you open your oven door, 25 per cert of the heat is lost. 9) Cooking in oven -safe glass or ceramic pans allows you to lower your oven tem- perature 25 degrees from what the recipe calls for. 10) In an electric oven, turn off your oven 15 minutes before the end of the cooking time. The remaining heat will finish the job if you don't open the oven door. 11) Partially thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator before cooking them. In many cases, thawing foods lets you cut the cooking time by one third. 12) Use the automatic cycle on your clothes dryer. 13) Run your garbage disposal with cold water. 14) Use warm or cold water for washing clothes and always use a cold rinse. You also save more money by running full washer loads. 15) Keep heating and air conditioning filters clean. It's difficult to force air through dirty filters. 16) Use fans instead of air conditioning for cooling whenever you can, Fans use only about 10 per cent of the energy air conditioners do. 17) Weatherstrip all doors and windows. UNEXPECTED BUY! More than meets the eye! Features include fabulous finished basement, hardwood, ensuite, deck +++. Call Nancy Ethier-Shaw, Mary Jane Swanson, Sales Representatives, 477-7171. Min Com Classic Realty Inc. even those in rooms you are not using. 18) Replace your old thermostat with a newer clock model. These devices can be set to automatically lower your home's temperature at bedtime and raise THE NEWS ADVEIrMER FRIDAY, AUGUST 0,1"3 -PAGE IS it again in the mornin& 19) Keep your fireplace damper closed when the fireplace isn't being used. If you have glass fireplace doors, keep them closed as well. -OPEN OUSES A,ux SAT, AUGUST 14, 1.4 PX 0 WA a 1N WATER STREET, UXMDGE 3. ON ELGIN POND $259,900 • A home r/everythingl Pond frontage. skylights. 2 to., Jacuzzi, hot tub. oAlmm Wt. rarkftm 3.1 wwa rArllE bdrms . 1 112 Oars. aiint air. ant. vac It I forgot anyfry . ire /we. SUNDAY, AUGUST 15, i�1 vx Tam cwvenienaal lry m". : 2683 BUNDLE ROAD, Dir Hwy t7 (Taranto SC) io Mor n St to Mil $alae sgta COURTICE VENDOR bdrms new 4 -pc bath, country EDITH KELTER SUN., AUG. 15, 24:30 P.1111. pine kitchen sw dining rm , Sales Representative 1975 FAIRPORT RD., huge 113 acre lol and more 427-1177 Tor. Une PCIKERING Wont las, at $129 900 Call Don ; appointed, beautiful LePage. Sales RepmsentateEInsan DBMAL 24 his COMMRGAIRES y5794010 finished John Bodd aftoG ' Torestbrook' model. 3 finishedrenW Fury rwodumw M000 name 5 reflection ow levels, fabulous 1/9 pool withLMrrang.uodawd una emrnomw Z"Is good yea a OQ,ara.custom deck. Dir: Finch west ofgreat were Dobral a+y L279 900 Brock Rd. to Fairport, follow POA OTHER PROPERTIES WCL'JONG POWER OF SALES, signs. CALL DON LEPAGE SALES REP 579-4010 (24 HRS 5 5, 000 and up Come to Oshawa's best buying opportunity this Sunday, 1-5 p.m. at 401 Wentworth St. West and see the model suite (unit 19). 2 and 3 bedroom units available. This affordable project is YOUR opportunity to own your own home for 52,750 down (qualified buyers only), you can carry your own home for what you could pay in rent, - why pay down someone else's mortgage? 13t;Y NOW We will help to arrange financing or talk to us about our rent to own program. Call on the open house or call 441-2553 for details. Construction is under way and early buyers of our special "Hampton Freehold Townhome Design" will save big with more "Early Start Bonuses". - Brick -faced gas fireplace plus an installed dishwasher - or.. - Ensuite Bath with step up oval tub for the master bedroom - or... - Central Air Conditioning plus an installed dishwasher. OFFER EXPIRES AUGUST 31, 1993. Willie ...wwwurwert i i ARTISTS CONCEPT: THE HAMPTON $118,9901164 SQ. FT. OTHER FREEHOLD TOW 40WS FROM SQ9.9W LIP TO 1607 SQ. FT. o" wow W.wd ew wwnft as ow ►wrw of "WF «n OUy NO L$A 8. VE 1V0 C Mo i--M� I J I 1711* 1 1 HOURS: MON - THURS: 2 - 7 PM SAT - SUN: NOON - 6 PM 697-2112 or 148043634338 1 .l a VICTORU Go-AeReDsEeN .BOWMANVILLE 'TO QUAUFIED PURCHASERS A,ux WNTEY 0 WA a Avr 2 wwa rArllE a g : a : Q W SALSS nA to, o" wow W.wd ew wwnft as ow ►wrw of "WF «n OUy NO L$A 8. VE 1V0 C Mo i--M� I J I 1711* 1 1 HOURS: MON - THURS: 2 - 7 PM SAT - SUN: NOON - 6 PM 697-2112 or 148043634338 1 .l a VICTORU Go-AeReDsEeN .BOWMANVILLE 'TO QUAUFIED PURCHASERS MGR I&TRZ NRRs ADVZRTISRR FWDAX AUGUST L% 1"3 1�Tow Hoam�s aaarad Iaterlors mottle tes me a of GRAND BROOK HOMES STANDS FOR (QUALITY Everyone looks for value when buy- ing a new home. The way a home is built certainly shows value. But what many homebuyers look for is the extra little touches a builder brings to a home. Grand Brook Homes excels in those special touches which make buying a new home more enjoyable. The builder brings brings a conscientious approach to its communities in its use of quality materials and workmanship. Touches like sanding all floors before installing floor coverings and full cabinets for the tub in the laundry room are part of every Grand Brook home. Grand Brook Homes is now in the final phase of a development in a mature area in Whitby. on Anderson St., north of Dundas St. Here, you will find a group of homes ranging from 1,975 square feet to 2,340 sq.ft. and all on 50 -foot lots. These homes feature genuine clay brick exterior walls. fully sodded lots and many other touches which would be -included in other builders' upgrade packages if at all. Inside, you will find quality carpet, available in a wide assortment of col- ors. and no -wax vinyl flooring in kitchen, dinette, main bathroom and laundry room. All staircases have oak handrails and spindles, An extra touch is the standard oval tub in the master en suite bathroom. Other quality design and construc- tion touches include stippled ceilings in the living room, dining room, family room and bedrooms. A central vacuum system is roughed in. One of the most attractive features of these Grand Brook homes is how bright they are. The builder has taken great care in the size and placement of windows to allow for maximum natural light. It really makes a difference. Grand Brook Homes are also very energy efficient. Exterior walls are insulated to R-20 and the attic to R-32. The subdivision is also architectural- ly controlled. Home designs, materials and colors are pre -selected to ensure an elegant streetscape. It is no surprise to find out that Grand Brook Homes started out build- ing -custom homes and has 30 -years experience in the home-building indus- try- Home prices start at $202,900, which combined with all those quality features adds up to great value. There is no better time to visit a Grand Brook home. There are only a few homes left and they won't be around for long. For more information, visit the sales office and walk through one of the models. The sales office is located just off Anderson St., just south of Manning Rd. The sales office is open Monday through Friday from 2 to 8 p.m. and from noon to 5 p.m. on week- ends. You can call the sales office at 668-4038. The Glendale is one of the beautiful designs you will find at Grand Brook Homes Whitby development in the lakeside Town of Port Perry (on the shores of Lake Scugog) Live a stress free lifestyle by the lake and have everything at your doorstep. Fishing, Boating, Hospital, Church, Community Centre, Shopping and Schools 35 minutes from Metro Toronto Buniralows. 2 k tnrPvc Tim GM%W 1810 9% !t. if"- 00 The Story Book Homes of Victorian Village One look at the streetscape and you'll think you have gone back in time. Exquisite home designs feature graceful porches, dramatic baywindow towers, beautifully detailed mouldings and trim; all architechm lly conceived to work together harmoniously to create a community with the character and elegance of the Victorian Era, h&rmadoa Centre located in Part Perry an Ash Street LATE SUMMER & FALL POSSESSION FROM AVAILABLE $17999700 -1810 sq. ft. only 3 Homes Left 50'z120' Lots o0..K a allsr 1 men Monday - Friday by appointment only Saturday closed sun. 12.4 p.m. 787-GWO (Tor.) 1-416466.8184 Whitby THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 1419*1-MGE 17 N. 31441IC30ii "M a um4d Xn1t4&W1CWW Keep ldecorating'ifest le inmin d when No longer just a place to lay one's head, today's bedrooms are retreats of solace and luxury. In fact, it's not uncommon to see master bedrooms complete with a private or adjoining spa -bath, sitting room, dressing room and walk -out deck. With home renovation being so popular these days, there seems to be an endless variety or products and ideas available to consumers. With a little creativity or some helpful input from an interior designer and an architect, the possibilities are about as endless as your budget. If you are thinking about revamp- ing your bedroom or building a new one, keep versatility and your lifestyle in mind when planning. GETTING STARTED If your plans are still in the forma- tive stages and you are unsure of where to start, it is a good idea to scout around for ideas by consulting some design or remodelling publica- tions. Depending on your space and budget limitations, you'll be able to sort out your preferences and you should be able to get some indication of the costs associated with such a project. Other than a sleeping space, ask yourself what purposes you would like the room to serve. Do you want it to do double duty as a combined bedroom and sitting room? Do you want to have a portion of the room designated as working space for those work -at-home nights? Perhaps you want to have special space for a television, stereo or sim- ply curling up with a good book. You might also like your own private adjoining bathroom or perhaps an adjoining dressing area that leads to the bath area. You should also determine whether privacy and quiet are ulti- mate priorities. If so, you'll want to incorporate some sound muffling devices — especially if your bed- room is located close to the major activity hub of your home — the kitchen or the family nom. Thick carpeting is an effective tool in muffling sound. And windows on busy streets or close to adjoining properties can be covered with fab- rics that will help deaden sound and act as effective insulation parriers as well. FURNITURE If new furniture is also included in your plans, it's a good idea to visit several showrooms long before you get too far in the planning process. This will give you a realistic idea of the size and feel of the types of pieces you'd like to incorporate. A four-poster or sleigh bed, for instance, might look a little larger in real life than what you had initially envisioned. It pays to be realistic. Pick pieces that are comfortable, reflect your tastes and lifestyle, and stay within your budget l • ! rr : . w ,. n,.•.• USING EXISTING SPACE If you want to work within the existing space of your present bed- room, you'll obviously be more lim- ited in the scope of your project. However, keep in mind that windows and doors can be replaced or installed in new locations. Walls can also be removed or new ones can be installed. You can also incorporate a number of techniques to make the room look larger than it is. This can be achieved by going to a monochromatic color scheme or installing large mirrors. The installation of new, larger win- dows can also open up a room a great deal. I v� G� O WS O O � *Poo O t0 PC � O O S-4 C cn oil Yl P E CZ 0 WZ W 3 Z Q C epo N co O 4 F P a� 0 x H FOCAL POINT - Since a bedroom's primary func- tion is for sleeping, experts suggest that the bed act as the focal point of your bedroom. They also stress the importance of a good -quality mat- tress. Ideally, there should be enough room in your bedroom for a couple of bedside tables. But, if space is at a premium, there are several innova- tive ideas — like headboards with built-in, fold -away storage compart- ments — that you can incorporate to make the most effective use of exist- ing space. For ideas, talk to a deco- rating consultant or check out some remodelling publications. I 0 AVAILABILITY Design experts also suggest that you allow between two and three feet of clear space on either side of the bed so it is easier to access and make up. Adequate access room should also be left for items like wardrobes, dressers and dressing tables. Lighting is also an important consid- eration which is sometimes overlooked in the redecorating process. Most likely you'll want to have adequate lighting for reading in bed. You may also require task lighting if you plan to incorporate a work area into your bedroom. With a little foresight and ingenu- ity, you can transform your bedroom into a cosy, secluded refuge from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. GBY TIS ROUGE ��229,99 T W Y N ' I50 93 The Kaiffin Group Ltd. WEEKENDS & 12 PM - 5 PM R I V E R S •Burlington *Hamilton -Brampton *Mississauga •Kitchener •Windsor *Toronto *Guelph *Oshawa • - the ♦ Sleep Factory ♦ SS . '� 7 ° L0 3 �'C • • a W �G► Y x77, P. za ` • SINGLE w • .: bo, MATTRESS � y �� c • �- 3.�+pyo } lX F✓ !c }� " Al�Y $4899 $78 899 y��� CD FOAM SPRING� ,�,r,� FREE m • DAY *Disposal of old set •Set -Up 3Saftd on (when pre -arranged) •Layawar cc i► IIS 0 4.0 0.0 ORTHOMEDIC MARK 11 ORTHOPRACTIC MARK 11 �,qEq O— 'FF SQ� Sin • a7P .�• ..' wY66ib...6,laF'w., .;.:, ,:.:o.. a•u..... ... .... .:...:..... ..._ .v.xri.,:„a.,;.;"....a.;.«..,....a•.u.:lrr..i._:.r..::iid1:?uc®,. _— Ow r. N • ,99 DOUBLE Y ' N • • • • y. 423• OSET t269" .. m • u"net .. c m :. Etr. f #WADJUST-A-BED mummiYNA STY SERIES 'L4'e4 Includes our cD f� Orthopractic ManiressSALE 2 $ • 'RCE C) a W , __ 238" :Mattrns . C¢• v • • G 9vv C) 3 • - Q N r = JUNIOR SLEEP BIOPEDIC O'Regular Support Medium Support Wkft Or • 0 ° 19" Set 0 C ° 01- $14988 Do" - 149- Sd 8249- F-ftiss Extra avow '17 9* Sd 12W C •j (D O ? ORTHOCHIROftTi-1 Ar 11AM L"t CHIROCURE Extra Finn Support Super Firm Support) ' _ O �' Suis N12ttres8 Mit#tress ` n VN Set �0 14 9 189"4309" r y • .0 •:: - • • •91 '239- 6429-2) YQuem 1199-w WSW", , 3 Cr SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY! WE GIVE YOU THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY 100% SATISFACTION a GUARANTEED cn Iff the __ _ _ AJAX WHITBY s y OSHAWA - Sleep Factory .:. cD MEMO -,% ORDERS ACCEPTED HOURS , - • CL 0 M FREE FREE FREE rye DISPOSAL OF SET-UP WHEN Y r;... W. ,• OLD MATTRESS PRE -ARRANGED LAYAWAY CANADA'S LARGEST CHAIN OF FACTORY DIRECT MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS SINCE 11978 V_ TOWNHOUSE 3 bedroom, roc room. without. newly Iso ' wig take auto an hit down pay ven . 08 1063 (OSH) BUILDING lot Prince Edward County. water view $24,900 or trade smell late model 5th YNrwl 081064 (AJA) RICE Lake, t acre, waterfront, hydro, telephone, 21 oak trees, grass maintained, cow island 539,000. OB toss JOSH) WHITBY NE. 2,600 square lest, walkout basement, curds sac, large W, appliances. central air. central vac.. asking $224,900. 08 1066 (PIICCTON Omtim, 79,900.3 bedroom house, 2 acres. $600.00 taxesyear. great view of lake. 081067 JOSH) SMALL 2 -bedroom house with garage on large lot N. Oshawa St 19.900 OB Ion (OSH) 1- Call 1.416476'098910 browse ads or respond to ads. Be sure to make a note of the mail box num- bers at the end of each ad, and follow instructions by the computer. A charge of 51.99 per minute will apply. you can respond to ads 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 2. If you need help, call toll free 14800467-6083 between noon and 11 p.m. THE NEWS ADVER'T'ISER FRIDAY, AUGUST I% 1993 -PAGE b "Bartering is an idea whose time has come. " 1 Call one of our BARTER - LRE reps at 1-800-667.6083 between 12 noon -P 1 p m. and place your FREE 15 word ad. 2 You will than be given a 4 digit mailbox number and 4 digit Pass code 3 Using a TOUCH TONE phone call 1-416-976-0999 (24 firs a day) and follow the easy recorded instructions When recording your mes- sage, do not leave your last name, phone number or address A charge of $1 99 per minute will appear on your phone bill 4 If you need more help can one of our representatives at 1-800-6674083 31st torp SOFA, love seat and Mair, black +mt)A. high back atyl, very oomfort- able. M40 be seen. pard v 2x3 your once S490.08 3329 (Orf) UTILITY trail« with oriwAW type DON 5200. computer desk WS. Coffee and two end tables SW 08 3330 [OSH) WANTED washer spm dryer cr apt M washer. good condw, reason- able. 08 3331(809x7 LOOKING for washer, dryer, and tmwer, tarry, row, in good mrdngr, and cheap. 06 3332 (PIC) WIRE fence, two gates and hard- ware. good Condition 150'X4high 550.08 3333 (COB) TANDY 1000 RSX, with 25C caor. rat DOS 5. games mduded. 5800 cr best offer OB 3334 (COB) DRYER for sale. full size. ccndihon, $75.00 or best otter 08 3335 (OSH) TWO red bather bucket seats $200 or Dest offer 08 33M JOSH) TAKING or, wnsignmerl, dua,ryri- 7er's Clothes now 00--•4 toys. anC crtddren's lurrvtum. 08 3337 JOSH) STROLLER double Ge•t1)r 550 Bike caner to, 7' 4@r S' ; Meshed oedrads S5 01 06 3336 JOSH) TEN MINUTES from Whitby, laundry, bus, no pets and refer- shoes 082066 (�) BRAND now camera, Canon E05 630 and Ions 28-70, 70.210: range or a dryer for Years old. N �binddei tom'price� le to 6 Tupperware, Dots. and Idckeerh oleo- serve tee 08 3290 (BOW) LOST R Beewood area. sr -a" cacK ars w^'1e Ter1o• •Rale. red conar. eif) � between BrookININ00 P onKEN 012 Rooms available for rent. low 06HAWA two bedroom home, avai- also with flash 6 case Best offeror bads broadloom and negotiable Or 3232 JOSH) a other household bmf OB 7206 KENMORE washer and dryer for tie. picas ars reegdaabke 08 7251 (WH) DESIGNER comer bathtub brand full drolly y a '2 ft ham answers iy 3346 weekly rates 08 2015 (WHO slot Sept tela, � � month. ulilF Mper teas included. OB 2089 JOSH) f la PC OB 7171 (OS TANDY 1000 HX CorrgAer. 16 (PIC) sal. full size, n excellent condition. CHILDS oak bed. maKren ncud- new site, reg f440. asking $175 also dryer worluig condition OSHAWA - ParklJohn, furnished SEPARATED professional real will color 14• monde. 512K, expandable, toy- SPARKLING new Wiles' 14K sok- will set separately. 5300 for the par, tare with 10 a wedding n1% 4 dis- negotiable 083273 edoak. excedsnl condiKm Aseung S50 OB 3291 (AJA) 0 room, available immediately, includes kitchen use and cable, on trade tree room and board for Rani tens babysttng service. OB 2o90 skit 30 games and progrd11w best prices (AJA) 5550 not, Kamore slam in SATELLITE dish Star Track a $100 08 3255 (BOW) TRAILER - box trailer 5 few by 6 COOEY antique 1000 series 12 gauge shotgun, asking 5325 08 bus route Suit clan quiet mal. JOSH) offer 08 3175 (PIC) P6 FT. Mason Wpstrake boat with 65 9� d condition. 5175 08 3210 $1.500 O8 3254JOSH)Iew JOSH) with t 5 ro tree. asking 5250 00 3292 (COB) saS FesNast 08 2016 (MMI) MEDICAL /PROFESSIONAL BEAUTIFUL accommodation avail able for working or *luidern laefcr+rY. new trait« Trade la hragic MASSEY Ferguson combine, nadsl 7 Pc twhn bedroom set nduding two 72 wit she or trade for a 60 hors• 06 3256 JOSH) WANTED 12 gauge shot gun .9th VAGABOND 12 -spoked bike Bough for q2h, never used Pard S25C. ask- FOR sale 1377 C nev B,azer 'o• pans Only 1978 Suzuki SS1000. OFFICE. 625 sq It ,downtown persons But route and parking avahabie Magor 08 7176 (PIC) FOR sal. Emerson so vecbdes dressers and night table wceMem rte Dower farm tractor 083235(COB) condition, 5250. 063211 JOSH) LIMITED idled slug barrel. prefer somraub ng $175 OB 3M MOB) a "5350 0811 S410SH) Whitby. ground floor. loads of park- %asonabee rem. OB 2091 . tuner. tanker, equalizer. turntable, edition wildlife print SUNK BEDS. ate double nw ren Michael Ourris Tab«vvolf tamed but wit consider othkers. Trade for SPORTS cards. '.000 000 hockey ,96S Ford Tempo 5500 as s or Ing. Private shmence and washroom 00 2017 (WHO) WEST Wh tby ccur'•y nc-a, tur- room dubbing, dock. stand and re and two chests of drawers for and museum mood $850 or rddM* qts appilhie netarbor 00 3257 JOSH) and toasepal tarty Boxes cots and sngls Buy one or all OB 3294 best offer 08 4155 JOSH) IMS cord 'erroo 5 -speed MAIN floor of 3 bodroorn bungalow rssrrd room a board mcluded. GO bun. non smokers only OB 2092 Beg offer. 08 3177 (PIC) FOR sal. albums and 45 s. over cfiilds bedroom 08 3212 (PIC) print 08 3236 (PIC) DIAMOND rmg. dining room table FOR FOR sal 386 and 486 Composers. JOSH) good oon0 used daily M as s or beet it Whitby's We*l Lynda. 5 apph- anew. parking. large find bit. JOSE) WHITBY 3 bo&wm •nam 100 rock and Soh rock Mss. Bker 08 3179 sale. Laser sailboat. 14 loot. with four chairs, bedroom suds, excellent condition asking St.000. also Howle"r.1wkard "or, Deet off 06 3258 (WHA OU11K bad $t 50 Trader Woo 3. porn sofa wt $350. Desk 5100 fifer 081/56 (OSH 1 1164 mustang. my boo new near schools. parks. GO bus. floor. appliances. Pariung, garage. ober (PIC) COMMODORE N with color mon. 5999 each. Childs bed. $99 08 or beg offer 06IM(D W) 3213 (VM) NEW and exciting mixed Bodroan so SM Deng room aw hterso Rt•atere tees and •adwor Avalabr Aug. 15. 5695. than uyr I.. fw*Aar 08 2016 (MM16) le yard, aval. Oct 1193 5925 OC for. keyboard, disc dove and printer COUCH and HAMMOND organ, dkemo model. tweed Patt•rnw000 an and esp d too mailboxB 2SY IOve $1 0t 660 FI unit tab ii 3 8 beau with bra. 52.900 ter 08 4157 (AJA) WHITBY. garage storage available per month Includes uhitia. 08 2083 (WHq OB 3179 JWHry FOR sal•. Pioneer Power artrgnt excellent cord,t,on. 5350 or bow accwts on ami. $250 for both 08 dor. 08 214 JOSH) set :orduba 5900 08 7295 (AJA) FOR sae '989 Dodge cower cam to• collector car, boat or like Plesw KITCHEN W. round tablelfour stow and 1a ft. Sekriu chimney pin MR) 3276 JOSH) FULL size washer and Myer. MARCI exercise •qupirr for FREEZER. jbirrgM. 16 cubic feet. 1300 FROST "94 'ate `^oder McLary ,,edge Fou Mhoel Orvhe. 6 We auto •rans- Available Aug t. law mss- saps 08 2019 (WM) --a, excelle, condition. Askmq 2 (AJA) SUR hardware 500. OB 3180 JOSH) FREE eye. 8eaumora wash«. dry« hag dry f' Ailsa. new cotton dupers. 00 or best offer Also electric water coo. room any any Yiong No. bom why any S'x OC ,"driorg pow 0e 3216 meleleimn -m« and cap nctuded 38 -SM 00 1M 4156 OSH WANTED a rent aYar 2 IS FURNISHED D oaserr e rent to aged hone. pan poodle part Mathew. wdaDN for •Ice m' Kenmore. $200 each 08 7215 baby accessories nursing bras, y Kat leeeomhwnce We gra llon oakC raker tape ,rill Ihve gfion ,nag. gOM t1M0 G S. 6S0 G Su rvA ^'d14tt redoom wrtn fenced yard. pill« but nt for soparate entrance, replaced rent roe u ed couple couple or person OB 3101 (OSM products. Oe 3238 WASHM macri,ns. why. Ides new (60141 ft00 00 Oe 7110 (BOW) FOR sae Exeeurwe wood d.su. od- Moshaft. exCke/ers corhdwon am not lendod to rural gran 08 2057 (OSH) sort' •eprhs -09) For 04" coupe•. 08 2085 (AJA) WANTED to buy used poo stones. S25C 'Mill trade for electric !ype- RED and while kitchen table and BOYS tuxedo for say. sin 0-01 navy ten No 00 011113281 COSH) see die scree go r and a 35 not camera w�M '*'*photo ions 08 09 $1200 08 am JOSH1 SCOOTER 1985 �horida Eves :000 FISHER-PWE safety gats $2500. 24 .n by 30 m . textured Bnooldn -awwv she. will tack up a win a eraerwdh rhwheory OB 3214fOSH1) chair Lia new znddgn III SO a SATELLITE dish rsoener. ELECTRIC edekeelCleekr d taef S°0C 32970SH corn, yrJhreidy at 1x100 7r say Deka• atroter m excellent emrhdan 08 3182 (PIC) and ask bot dor OB 240 (AJA) mg $3.200 a best offer 06 32,7 BABY Oink wedding size 7 or bot otter 2 wars oil] Oe 3262 JOSH) 30 ne^ Kenmore $*Ii anmg nor 'or a 'cower •4 '! akainnum boar Oe x066 S55 00 Amazon Parra rage S50 00 082064 (WHI) s VIDEO game Jurtyrard. f200, n 'A' 9 9Ow^ (9aH1) $25C OB 211 (COB) IOSK' sirs water eked s•m.motxx9- sago fold. good c 0014 S200 best filer 08 2266 OSH vCL IIOTORCvCLE '964 'rorey a5C ATTRACTIVE room, doss to snaps fiord BrNbr race track 4 aooaa^cks and ilii- CANNON !at ar*wa .d• addamal Ions el," 6 -drawer bedestal 08 FREE KTkens '0 g00d nage umer new 'aAle + wferY $ w s Cshawa bus routes oentrd. Padang COLOR TY Eleetmnorlee ' 5. 11 Oxus 8 Can, contpW SW 08 3183 (FIC) nous all in ercaseri condeon 08 woes raub 3218 (OSH) 3263 (OSH) Taredxthg her and shoe her 08 10'nea to oorrpuer 08 41 7 share leacher+. laundry Fanial, non• kwx condition, 5125 0 o LP ram SIBERIAN ­iuskos for sal. SECOND hand rnriaQiment shop 3296 !OSH) 1979 FORD LTD 5400 c ; 08 smoke,id9es 565 1362 066 JOSH) g0ake, sm. 504 IL We Plus CWOSKW w."Ouf papers. 6 -Oaks old. e w rear nckudmq bridal and P1NBA1. mach,ne or tale and 41121COB1 ROOM 10 rent In dean quiet hone. grand new skylight. ske8-flsnrng $10C OB 3104 (PIC) • meremmy ch,ttren s wear and 'u- wantec .,r!age p•nnv arcado 1980 '•Oltt)ta -wv cede :rs auto air conditioned. indrees all a in i available. m torn OB 24 "r. $125 o b o. 08 3055 (91H6) ONE sloe -01 saw 30" wide. • B ererv+Ci OB 264 (AJAX) ALPINE CO prayer b mialkiMd 120 hrgphMe wareeC 08 3300 11VHt': FOR say .wrool !alone oird, nr, 3 ?an d :Orbiter Veloric S4Cr o b o OB 4113 low �7 A�JA ( CLARE central as l $e0o BTL pard 52.300 nor sell f9co General Electric wry clan. Good co tlekev- • 8 arab alto Alpine speakers 2-6x9 books, '19 and -11' ore /ear oil SKI o ',sn •6 11 Bow '.'seder THE now r]eoidke n dgden Ooreq+- Used t esters exeke11ent otrrdwon condom 30 08kel er 5130 OB rtks JOSH) 5 OSH) 24x6 5400 a best offer OB 3265 5365 X. OB 3301 (PIC) Mfr- dgeent-wen sus v er n accepting -Omc and a•Ihng ^chaff" W 3108 HING Machine tars. � CERAMICS Eq�an s w including c1r loth In 1� 3d today i5 a Pha�Y- 40" ETON{LEAN. 'w eiwke. reduced bow FOR sax apartment sin .ash« and dryer good cohow uo are wie4bawrl. --saw h -znd Sb -5C o b o 08 4114 i06H1 ltoo FIFIEBIRD maternity for all and mow 2 -speed. 5 obit. $300 o b o An If thing Mon -Sat 9 6 p n �e C011ld WIn OnC so Preirereswrerriahre lines For dryer. $150 30 for all 08 3302 Morn new pars $75C 'mr Suerool Up to 75•. caan Pad 0621x1 morudawiw. Elock ho; a 6.000 BTU la m onable Pro 08 Sin") Find it, Ph IC olid y OII non worreken, and bkebea OB 3244 (Mill) JOSH) G.E. dryer la ser .,m.6sref .0140 sus n pox SS 0e 4115 too") �"1 AVAILABLE room for rent at obi m oe 3134 (1++c) SEGA Gore*" 2 control pads. 2 sloEeoIIRDIS ora+ saa.ere. 33'certificates high. 34• wide, seemed. $IS was and Our grand of S dinner FDR so* 35Yty tsrw .4n 19%10 condom. S, Sex 08 3363 lit Li 1975 HONDA bike 16 roc km reduced rate in exchange for child cam services 00 2069 JOSH) games. sonic. 1 6 2 and game Gerhi S17s a 3t3s sander wen 5' women. S8 08 Cash• prize Of S 1 � Stead today s add a room with 170 square fool god and approx SOW service kx ELEVEN -PIECE w"d pine Strain" dung roan eek excebm 2110cc single e o~ saw beef Or taring bele $we 0 b 0 OB 411, FURNISHED roan !c rant F ndge (o8H) WEDDING dress. saim pearl rat JOISM OUEEN sire teat waenood, so" W acre's hoNk' IL is One ad n Devoe park isotopic b mailbox Oe31i7(OISN) condkpn IOSH) 1982 awry save cure baMroom. very cben, bode. camedgel, train. rein aar�Itr meod�onless S un oil, m r good ea a�� smMIt� Carefully. ads very �� t TMRTY one bot pert mile@ irony (2.500 x or best other 08 (III raaor et•gno nesds work, body n good oxlip• SSOC or $70 00 week Inst and lass OB Iy9. 2070 JOSH) 16. plead Msdprkecke with I go! wed. SM obi o 06 3137 (osHl condition, matross is 1 year old. uta a wring to loam« De 31M &Uy RL3Mc but Lt'S not for real disguised -call 1- like .sow oaded. n queof park. 35 DIGITAL peanif. PoW Abaco EPS C p o or will tray 'or portable ash - WANTED b rent. 3 botoom house FOR sal, used portable Maytag (AJA) cleverly L'C found it, have min t� :nnai.a oe 32X6 !OSH) cmrepl.i..al+ stand. w.c pnC1 a washer De 4,22+t35H) m northwest Oshawa with garage 08 2071 JOSH) bie,,,shen, good caidtron, tltAdeer LOSE an 1520 Ds without "'i 1f out think you y �, �pp C�eyponding the WEIGHT oss a must' Energy a meed" Good nutrition assured on y.er 5600 Oe 3305IPICI 1662 v N *rest Rabbet and Jean 1175 Bu et or tory good vnnn condemn SUM or bay Offer 2 os RETIRED couple looking for a Place bbd tap Mankind. 5250 o b o. OB 31U (PIC) changing your regular habits *Ming L/sllyls Det Cookie. 15 yy appy 416 9 T6 and Of $1.99/TnitlutC bks 1 00 cow naswti � kends .1 o ,c�daO.H, to ken my wines n exchangefor y �NERATION 3 KrA vacuum y day' supply 5745 OB 3,p `OIW a box numbs (a charge a a will g oe 3270I�OSN) MICRO -WAVE cebinN. dist oak a trayyD6 3300sHJ COMICS 'pr sago a +an• of ry f slams•: trap o. du nor optic$ their P lace in clor da O0 72 feowl ceaner, excellent wndddn, all aearaeneew plus caap*l gentpooer 4 raw sealed In o volumes in l l• AIC corded mess will appy what to do paid 5149 0C • yr ord. soil 9or rawlee 3amen conics as nett zn- tem. $7000 cert or of o 08 4124 MCI FURNISHED room north Oshawa $1.0000bo 063136(AJA) 9 caw d Canadian Enc�ycbpadi 90 you Instructions On y sits x or bot dnw 06 3271 (OSH) COMPUTER 'andy 1000 SX isms Best dor 06 3306 (OSH r WANTED. a Sboler horn moor Ilse =hie pita for we caber wale to Ourham dole• b bus $75 00 A week for room or 5100. la room WINCHESTER ngdeI 1200 pump action thdlgkin. with 26-, fir dexo sold n f10rks w $190. a@ug $75 06 3110 (Plc) give correctly g 1� le t0 Corr next. The first five P Box will pwe�e ~ta"orand cow 06 e ft b �'ky °" a aO` farm 4th pocks 06 4125 (WW) 1r peke. boy 'ewer AM board 002077(OISH) and 26- - iter cybder barrel. BEDROOM suds. Contemporary, > e Magical MVstCTy SW or c OSHi 0d FREE ) 'tons. won 3uN trader 'Oil slorag. caar�ng PETS -co" Orh•tHadoant4he► . u25 08 3140 Ct18NC loot ,a. IdCtlClfy The grand t:w,f x a poo some FR E p,at!orin Awe 5575 fewand A (PICA t�� j100 00. IndkotnW skewing white all. queen sin with fit. talose. he -boy. 64aww draswr and e�h win a din ner CCIL1fICarC. to a be FOR ear 1 Dar Dyregar Orruga trot size '-5 wrt!1 pot's S75 cr pact Boor Aooracy. S woes yeu1C 06 3310 r 700 08 4125 (DISH) 1147 cord • 2 !on X.' Lan•r ar1aD rrairst eagle for Susan or Joy. 062074 nuarJee f500.tx) OB 3153 (AJA) AIR cond4ons, 1 to ton, central. mortice $1 600 Oe 3191 (OSH) SELLING I" reptds cans. Wgo ptlZe Of S 1 f0 cash will awarded dra%%'ing wy over 08 3273 JOSH) COMPUTER a-cy *300"X, pans,-.: b� S6.10C 1963 Way s keep 305 15- by random MOTORIZED scool•r !or hand,- prmrr ane posit . lanae, ago mud Me sax OB 2( BEOIt0oh1 tssekenhonk apanmrnt worn hook -woo. work grant $45000 at beg dor 0831 sit )a rite. hu". amd rabble og•. whit rod +Dose winner selected Irespo�s. capped cahpaele with (steres lglits naleter Maw me an off« gree: !or stumps. S59c x Or per -nor 083311 4127IOSH) NEEDED sfersy aloe var Ali la rent avalsbts Aug" 1st iso HOCKEY pupniene, right )Pero from all Correct n 1 WEDDING boor •s -^w a^c o^oke 14 a rem try 70 a 31 OB 4126 All rckOve. on bus rant. 06 3175 (�) hand t, --I S60 00.ONIA LG40 70- olterrg WE are the bow service n will be 1derlLlfled All WlIlllers Of issue FULLB a Fox FULL Blew Fox coat, size ' 8 .or^ A sans, portio' co -d ton t03N1 SHARED SHARED accaredodsaori, Ieraai, Goal» pads $200.00 06 31SS (�) r*OKWdl@ and NII I cleaning, as - are bnmd and insured. Aug' 22nd g � SM Figure staling bag S50 Bra NMNsave•args•nood 083312 17' 1979 trailer swoops S. tnogs cog. hamuco non smoker to Shan NEW waddling gown and head person senors and maternity discounts Sunday Week W hltby This -Pontiac Sunbird. $40 08 3Gts (WMI WANTED. a propane •ewer'ce a't- leer loot poo. 3nas W". exmeaertt ogn- citron. OB Homs house away access b tra sporta- pees, pate 16. sawDo. Yea dean, vmmw, very aarapetaw rales 06 Oshawa/ � C W S Advertiser. tlPWf:MT treezr. 22 cubic few. WhaTE itdeher, cabrestt all :ower. ca Suck A 1980 Bury FteINi pores mope. 4r- axes. TObonre. one (PIC) TO aerm. err norm n fang house a rerrhote, No yaws oda $100.00. 05 310 JAJA) Ajax/Pickering August 19• A-1 c 11 ,n. Ad" 5396, pot- too !or sale Good oonoisor: ons, -a Mod, in mot cdndaran, s3.000 or tufty equipped Doke bedroom W. 3138 (MO) WASHING for COPPERTONE fridge and *lova ft 75 COniest C10SCS Thursday. less all wry clean. 08 3276 home or oDmag♦. $Sec 000. DB 3314 beg other 061130 (PIC) IM Chair both machine sale, with sell cbm awn. les. or (OBN) MOFFAT same, good.04, pond• Srvradg 1.2 ton pick - available October 1 pretan SIW0oo.063Is?p l) $300 for Darr, excellent Comdex" SHOTGUN, Laurona. double con, S15C or boa attar Elle Gurir up. fli loaded, cap and loner employed Ierrhake tonsets, prices - 11 TWO colored obwo n, ball mhso 08 3146 (x06) bare@. 12 gngle, dabs bigger. 30- =m coptosis dam $60. 06 331 s se-sw 061131 Mai se9, .06 2677 (O'MQ WHITBY, 1 , , .. ah ber•rawm yaws old. W nam. 14' - $150.00, FOR sale: Me woedIOM ppeo 3 09 wdo age, metro, zoom, ben@, 5300.08 3277 (UM MOVING saw, two bvessats, gray. 1$06 Yam . , soXT scooter one a - 2Y-$300.00.O6310(PIC) R. weuMed secbow 12 in. dam► WANTED an apaffraent oft, And Thyroter Fish. 08 3142 SPECIAL dW $6,500 gats you a Saran saereo system amplifier and canker. nuns eandiron, $1 000 or mm, tram GO webs, aor III tw- XEROX fi l - aP, 5750.00 or bed ter, never bees mood, $100 ea 08 we tower at an aPardebb probe. (COB) 17 bol bow, a 140 hp. W nhobr, ,'urn. Mehta 35mm 30 camera OB beg offer. 08 4132 (PIC) wMg WO TV. OW ndnrdrng rNi. affair . 08 3156 (OBI) 3rl$5 (o6H) 08 32211 M" WANTED: a toddler baclWedc Ior with traaw. 08 327E (OSN) 3317 ISM Chevy X10 stock pock -up. fou res 08 aQE (Mfr) FOR rant, in Coalition. basement WIT Nr ab dope 6. $100.00 or WATEIED. long size, in good me- FROST ffae kodgle. full am. sspr th rtsen month old. Metal hats. FANCY Guiana pigs for mob. regular STAGED glass arltow anc doors, mind►. lout spud wander. good low of. 08 3100 (06H I down. dark pore. Asking SWO. OB aft kwzr. "" acuu pug out -M be in good corm9m. 08 =a price r $25. well wM for $10. 08 well trate for wry nsovoW protsacl mandiae. $2,100 or bbl after 06 aprtment IN Drily* home. fur- STOVE. abased a celot, Mo". SM(000 *Alves,$100rboo aft. 0832M (COB) SM pill or ssrvhoe, p*w now 4133 MM 4 nwhed, sham %Citi NW sm per 3110.OB 3ti1JMp WANIED p mWb boll pmkcW y 4 01 VICTORIAN axion doors-nepls, WAN= - wooded ghowwordes nkn. lelenwmn or anew equpewiL I= Mercury Cape, blade, bide Ca moats, arailbi Aupd 1, awed bet LARGE Kehrwwo hiaeterpswA seater. VCR VHS rd 21Y POtabs CLEAN hybrid wsI I n40ew excellent cmftsmnfhip, many moth" or W. a 300 (OMq 08 33U 5 We H.O. T -foot, power opnins 46 and bd. o8 un (011) boom, w waweJ random SM or color TV. Will bather. 08 3158 and bat prig. Asking $300. 06 00-. nirdwgubb glass amed- SATELLITE dish and awWanw. CARPET wanted, well trade tires. Its. $3.000.06 4136 ft" FOR mot, ons turnish•d rfiom in bled aasr. 06 3Nf2 (M1) to6N) 3222 (M/) able, uabolewable lar prices. 51 500 a I I " ", dwewwy. or nor drapery. air travel phi mon much 192 Rover 3600 S nit• vat, Jim - how". we bathroom, shah JOLLY Rider 3, ped XM. warns OtEEN los biK k lrthw wait 6W FOUR bio in good osndaos. Older wasaad 08 3244 (C08) widows ocbdog moodalfon. 08 more 08 7319 111 pas.. $2.500.08 4135 (WHO) Macbh, Ombbb wm.dalab• SM 5175 or beat a$w. Me brad nam. win h$Mw. SM of bed cast. 08 go' new wall. 08 3253 DOUBLE side by ads strosw in 32BI ") PIANO, coligors item, apamment ISM Smock Century. 104.000 in. per WAVA. OB a111(E1 bhe and while. O8 31X3 (WHO rhe (Ara►) Asingdryer. (A) good coandisn. say or bed MGM .letfe cbMn Noon- sin. Patents and Pnrieeas trade- D.s-. ped, air. eerah•d, f1,600 or LARGE two bedroom new O.C. TIMMIXTIONAL wd6ng daft sidle KITTENS, tone b good home, am SERVICE wed support on all E wSar.08 SM dire4 $100 pko hiss dei, t.08 'nark. side lights. conversational bssr aNr. 084136 Mob) Fledge. sbvs. Wises. SM, I WAY 4, iacbdn henoom and detach- ones, orange and whits. 08 3200 and calopsa, , c mpLftm ie1aR ASHTON-DRAKE collector doll, Sit FC) torp, s1,2m. 08 sm RIO 1977 F -6t aordhon mors well. facilites, ahem-ou. Aug. 1. 08 abs veil, eacaUnt condioa. XM foe" bo field opus, tan ad taus. 08 Katma, 3125. Also Lovebirds, 2. MAN'S Rofu Wada. s prawed at TRADITIONAL wedding dress sae $ rt a= or bed want 08 4137 (AJA) 2M to" or bed aft 063164(04 s pl MM odeced from al nefwal 3236") no cele and attcworss 5250 or $3.000, asking 32,100 ob.o. Also 1D-12 SM. dusty rose brtdwrhad IMS --64".- $puler. nor ROOM Ion sent asst 11 nes a SATELLITE dM ad eotlpomsm, balwhirals wih a host pew be= her NEW coHan table and two sod bed eSw. OB 3419 fOrM ISM MCenfMMW pia.. $1.750 dose. below sylis $75. Pon Hope. cMch. "joke amftm. $snob, he s•b tirs a 3 boom light Toshiba, $2.600 or ori Wads her a peiapb wih loGNWW WW dm PNWM lab= $1 15. wanted old wood= ad r .kith kemon pads used 2 oar ob.o. 06 3263 (OSHI) O8 3X" Itco6) 33,500 as a 08 4135 JOSH) cw4mwwm Pool and pwkr4 08 pitll Maier. 08 sm (What lteada - 08 sm lo0) MYphane. cmamW hese. a 3715 was, wry good coaddm. aloe COMICS ter sash a variety of BROWN frost tree fridge $250. 194 sidoo. n good candhon, ask- arx (ol" NINTEMDD with 5 pwpdar gatass PERFECT for weigh -loss, easy. fC08) ahmitbs Nectar and carAer. 08 *mom Sanest comities fit met ton• Brown slaw, $150, good condtfon, ing $600 or best offer. OB 4139 LARGE man fsor b=hWW pat• ilcbdig Super M M 2 and 3 and w•p•n@ves, 3 meas a day, $9 a MUSIC and records, typing and 31247 (OBIM diwh. bed oEr. 08 374 fat) buy too! to 6 (all) went, 4 plea bathroom, large Gran Gens, $175.08 3105 JOSH) day or $63 a weds. 08 SM (WHO shorthand books, wool rug, .rid PIANO bit one, upright Hiawtalhfin STAN 9� windows and coots, KN6Y vacuum cbaremearp@ cls8n. um cls rice Poet Teo iwn tractor, 20 horsy bdiwh, �1 tObw podwgbu - NEWS size 40, Descent stretch EX rating go-cart. 2 Honda 6.200 wish, moble, padcw le, books, 19211s, n ors 9210 pndWom. her ori tackle Her slot fsasansbb ptodrl too new f6D0 a low offer. OB Dowty. 44• mos, and snowplow. ply. sm. o8 38M fol" digital d es pfihb Puts.): haihdnlnds $seise. tends nbuidirg. $100 r iav@ ion. Sar. 08 SM 0, 08 2111111111 (PIC) CAMERAS or wow, Follow cwpwq or hafhr 33or. 3 3323 too" CNue 03 hews $S P00. 08 HIO SMALL 1 bedaosm Nasanhef' aprl- maps blck.0831]19(O0) badAw 083 (000 WATKINS for personal use or -SECURITY cam*= Mrs. 08 IQ (all RANlBRD spnnttbrs brand row 6- (WM) lard. av&d" 3150.00 PROMMIy, 40 eM mel C8 radio and MW LEY•Oritboe pest black 6ak ihconr sass. 08 32V (BOW) and ffallow s wII glwlal low FREE whir cat 6 yam old Irnab, mm's, & 1004s. fou station con- 33 ft. loser, se54oF4me4 h maii wdiidled cable, 9161oe a Mow 2Ma. rMnaa *&W. $ISO or bed tither. hub. FXR may ba. soft tail from TWO year old Mairke Filler Onosn tight survefhncs, asking UM for spayed, food mousy, good with imam, 4-sobnoid values $425 boo. rear bedroom, 23 foot among, OB =4 oe sm (OM) Iain . and 16• rw Mom an o6w. wxum dm w, with aIuan•tms Om lemmas and on alenbas 08 clkldaon, bob" for a good home. 06 3314 4000 $7,500 or best offer. 08 4141 BOWMANVILLE, oats bedroom TWO ssewmobfss to pick-up for 083205 (PC) excelnt Coadtion. Paid $1.309. 37x(000 OB Jill foam 50 gallon fish lank for sale, canopy. (am basunwm aprbian' for Md. 3500 firms, so m -I - good tads ala (N#X=, whit bamoal 'lot keih adult 050 or beef dr. 08 32M CM the Pooh solid WW" Per 14 foot back tfberglau pour reads, gran everything IM Rle, sub lar month, of inclusive. 08 2NS die. OB 3178 (00) bed and scrawl o Ms dads O8 3116 tall) and nMarse, aeelr 3530. As" canoe, 3 sees, aawlor tawam, ofiaal- *moo. �rokrded Make an offer. OB 3325 o OB 33 5 wall. Powe► dor bob, eepMnt door to s, ex Bow FOUR • E. sections of Prs 0- (A&% MUNTElrs slowest, truck camper, 3360, or beef der. 06 3750 sill ooiii DO toe>NI (Orn nefrh•r, rertmad $1.600. OB 1111 PICKERING. awleeur o Maar• sale treated wood feace wih posts. DAYBED. was with bates aim, ask- sloops lour,aH) PMPaie and power WANTED stnndib sial Wrightper pink BABY pmt middling ne gown, size 7, gown, Discs table set round pedestal WA) bright roan will shared taeiiie, Adding �' � 3171(11e► wg 150. Z -2e Cobra Ad@g 545. $tsar hook-up. 5700 or Det offer. O8 w, good pndtion, under $100 or .Any asluhg $250. Anyone f•porhdng b t tabs and 4 hail back coatis $770 a 19T9 � nykepod, 1 owner ea. suitable for mature non-smoker. OLVXM Mil. 22 karat sslifiis, 06 33117 (004 3129 f oaq would Wade br house cYrahg 06 3241 pine nomad tis box twin- set OB 3710 (000 WWI, "I Pmm br "& Ws. UM.00. 08 3888 PIC aPPratiaad at $13,750. bode mmw POOLSAVM Pas@ve unit. $1 SO. WASHER wed dryer Liberator, 4 yr. 7251(000 bar. 06 3x18 (COB) 3 bide low seats, 6180 witch, bunk OB 4143 (00) FREE wile, 2 befdoan busm O aahod I Ballo iw or Ban Bow. 06 WIN save 50% •CtiiwmO, reduce old, no set Mo or bed oNw. 08 SONY U-makc VCR, 5250.06 32M WA iNN S 125 yms d swvee. u7aai- bed white metal harts, $150, bed. IOU Buick Skybok good nettling apartment, nor Oshawa Centre. 3177 (" algse. M4kwhmiofe, basals. 08 3230 fall) (PIC) y, CO &*" gAmftod prod. room will fro ieVao $275. 08 3327 condition, good fres, now battery 5650 per month avo*ft i ow& NEED *wen an wrslbed dteeta 3201 (AJil►) xa'S bis- probably for bora ape LOVE seat and Char for sale, uacts available lot purchase or (00) $500 as s. W8 so* lot ndlg bwn. any. O8 i17 001 and hing divest Cover, suitable for WILLING to trade framed and 2 to 5 US. 08 32M (000 bmwkb•op pled color. •dabs bit nowns pomn%W. 08 3718 (00) OAK 7 pop dimq room soil, 16 inch mm. 00 1144 1000 ATTRACTIVE one bedroom base- young nen. CID player. 06 3173 admwed b sod •diol) prime and FOR ub, pmWpong ibisire bd fancy room. SM for Me Psi. or GROCERIES, hrs rioppin lei Donl buftot and hutch, large artendible mem prarMar sufb one work" Mn content Wamiag ler gas or eI a , by eight bet, a1se leve wiefy all best offer. Abe available we have Mas? 1 wi dos for you. $10 We (2 pedestal). 4 den, $075 06 hon•swA*ar, espands •wtranee, OollumalMlltiby Ibis Week, Ajax-pchiff fig fins Adi161Nr and Nort h mblifland Noes a6turds no Y9b&f br MI6 oonli nt orm* b NW Ba W*W adwrbmrdfd The a&w%w h119tatw OOnpi6111 kkft to Itis cOr he of. and AN r66pmMis to, any advolu wit or recorded rti66sage and for mw L18itr fts9d11 agiirlN as a .hell Mlof. Mia atilMrl11w aRaw b fad6lw l and hold his pAf eim and fai11►Ol9rd Ca11 minilly Ill V s and its N1ItIon j s h116d9116 tff d Cook ONpwMM and dwFMW rn tlWq from at col66d by to publication a n0or6ng pi9cert bif Mo -woorll9r from no b IIUStII adwig1111M.� IfNr" to aaIs"RaBNs not b MSw Ww �» nulds►.J9MArIxP. ki011� fir118 a at�wi � tAltlw III9M�.. 11116 YV99k IyAX PICMMrq NOM AdYwtl11w d NwtuTbwlwtd Nw6 m90rma ttte ii�MTD mtI yM�ifPI'oRhoA all alt! lw dw1p9619 r.M11mjn.vokb on ad * owe& . , .•.e,l.etie.e.e.•.•. ...n•.•.e.e i ...•,e.a.a. •. • • • . • .. •e • . •••_•.• •.• .• :'r3tiH'ri1r.'.•.2.d.r '.'J a; i �: ".1xt•.r.r.s: .'••�. • . • ... .. PAGE 2&THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. AUGUST 13. Ill Otantity Means Guaft advertbe both Oshawa -Whitby This Meek (5764335) and Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser (798.71672) Combined Presanm of 103,000 every FNday 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 130 THE �1 1 r7 Volunteer Development Co-ordinator Reporting to Ute Regions Manage' (Oshawa) the Volunteer Development Coordinator wii! assist In devekopng the tundralsing campaign aro sett -help programs In Ajax d Pickering. We are seeking someone tarth strong mterpersona 8 organization) sglis that can work closely wrth voiunteers This Is a Contras posaill Salary 8 terra dependent upon quarticatlons and exoenence Please send or tax your resume or phone The Arthritis Society 44 William St. W. Oshawa, Ont. LIG 1.19 Attn: Mark Courtemanche Phone: 416434-7221 Fax: 416.434-5854 FITNESS INSTRUCTORS FOR CHILDREN S1 a'HOur - Part T ON EXPERIENCED nal technician and part time receptionist re- quired for L'Attituders in the Oshawa Centre. Ask for Lorenzo. 7233500. (081793) SMALL woodworking shop look- ing for helper 3-4 days a week to start. Call Glen. 683-4450. EXPERIENCED Auto Glass In- staller required mvneolately for the Durham Region. Apply in Person with resume to Akers Auto Glass. 19 Sever St. Bowmanviie. (081393) MACHINE shop training and word -9 'mer training. Durham College offers 40 week courses slanting Sepler ber Call 721- 2000. ext. 453. (061393) MOULDMAKER t•amrng - Tool and De Make• •raining - General Machinist training Durham Col- lege offers 52 week courses staring Septerrber Can 721. 2000 en 453. (08-393) ELECTRICAL Techn quos Tra ring Pip ng Techniques 7rainmg - Precision Metal Fabrication Training Durham CoMpe offers 36 week courses starting Sepe"ibr Call 721 J00 ast. 453. (08 1393) COUNTRY Stye Donuts. I 1 it Dundas St E. Whitby_ We are ;roil and require mature help Please apply in person. No !bore calk Diease (081993) sa 130 sa Aaem 130 sa ...a Sales and Training - Administration Part-dme temporary with potential for permanent The successful candidate will have knowledge of the training industry with experience/abilities in sales. S/he also will have regular access to transportation for the purpose of visiting clients. The position is a combination of program administration and selling training and consulting services. You will report to the president of a dynamic and growing private training and development firm. Your duties will include the sale of scheduled courses and customized training to businesses and individuals in the Regions of Durham and York. The position will replace an incumbent who is on maternity leave, on a three day per week basis, for approximately six months. Due to the growth of the business, the position has potential to become Permanent in the future. interested individuals may apply in writing, by August 20, 1993 to: Diamond Management Institute Suite 404, 95 Bayly St. W. Ajax, Ontario LIS 7K8 - -Tfe y Our physical education program for pre- CARPENTRY training. 2C we" Indutnal Ma'ntenance Meman.,; in PART nine Grandma regur.d 6 aycare In my tome startmt Sept LwtirpooLFinch area sctloolers requires Instn)ctors who are tramr,g. 48 weer` D""'a`- Coll -150 W90 o"ers co"ses starting Hosp. Medical Dental Day Care 160 fitness tanatics, love children and have s.prer O- Cel 721-2000. ext up tram school bus and un- Wanted eXpenetlCe folgroup Ir1SiRlCtgn. 453 los 1393) DENTAL Ass.s•a^• and or rgctiononat 00x6 floe Call STRETCH -N -GROW AESTHETI(3 warmed oar" a.a.udti. required part twna did onwerned Cas t»tweer DAYCARE rpu,rec, area of at 420-2569 be your own- boss n tanning Ila o n w, •• a r g e clrentelle Call 4267231 3-4 P m. (416) 668-400• - D Lord Durham before and altar scfrod I0r aPProx 2-3 hoursPer ONTARIO MOTOR SALES COLLISION CENTRE requires experienced Auto Body preper. Please contact Harry Kirkwood or Brian Gardner at 725-6501 BONNIE TOGS Children's sear Pickering Town Centre 6 row accepting appika airs for lull - time sales. Palm experience Please apply in person only. EARN UP TO t3"Milisssk to asteftb consists std holiday decorations )y�ear M" 9 hate. walk neilblt ataow cataria For trots ado. glad A sell -addressed Now*" onvoiape Is Tbo Workta M%c� Ckttltttt • 130 Slow at so 750 aid. ill, Olrwa, Otx vx KtPBE2 .Sell m oflww fol lelemarkehors. H6udy Me plus bonuses. Cal 428-7917 8:30 am. - 5-.W p.m. EARN EXTRA YOIEY Fu1UPan-Ti People required ID promole a unique discount travel plan. Call KOK 1111folie ft (416) 7236966 6-K. Baun Landscape Ltd. look- ing for landscape foreman, knwwAe�geabie about hard and opt Vrdscaping and equp"eht. Cal 5091786. (081593) THE Bay Partial Studio is look- ing for enthusiastic highly motivated inOtviduab for part tine position n our studio at Oshawa Centre. Training provided for sales and p meW raphy and communicators. Please resume to The Pam SMA0 ASAP. (081993) 1ay Care day. R.o.ota required Pls m WORK at hoe -ukng craft. 6 0 Wanted call 4266297 (081503) e" arr $30C - week's Tell us abOM yoursef(. P O Bos 470M Denman Place. Vancouver B.C. VBG 3E1. (0a2201) BILLIARD Hal Operator - I own an excellent ocaton and will as- s,st In es tablrsh ng a now business.You should have entin tispce. sones CZC" and a strong interst r, owning and osorat>� y� own business to ,said Hair. 24 Elm R Dr T 165 Day Care Available EXPERIENCED seer %am d - ,am caring stable daycare In our 11pna ler your 1R" ones. Ages 3 andunder. Call 426-2353 (090193) PLAYMATES needed for my 5 yw old and two "romhs old. D EXPERIENCEDi nt IA68 -I f Cr°ni°' ° 1A3 MG'593) in PART nine Grandma regur.d 6 aycare In my tome startmt Sept LwtirpooLFinch area CARPENTER ESTHETICIAN wanted nor a. vow oleIna to" mal runs loving gran otA Pifor ck her Reasonable rates. can, to St. MUst have own tabl-shed P,ckii beauty fl up tram school bus and un- m School. Cal t137- PRINTING salon. Eaceuem business s fit 6 ."t daily,West /Rech*. 00x6 floe vehicle. Must be a oodoAll her stow. fug 3726 =1503)nunaY PICKEipNG Brock,1112. ax - self -starter & able to or hart late 831 3205. (0613011 NANNY/HOUSEKEEPER re- Dererced mother of 4 offering A Work without 120 iOffiCe P pored for three ch40ren (ore n is hoof hart days) with car References daycare in her horns, References. hot lunches. supervision. 427-2856. (081793) Drabrable. required. snacks. ouWtgs. Iarced yard. dining room guile. excellent dryer. $torp: one headboard and Starting within 4 weeks. Call icu d activities. Reasonable Q _Q�Q� 831 831 F you are swig" ora g 90 686-0772 after 7 peril o• 867- rafts. 619 -OM. (091303) -M WW Darer% or separated or divorolid with to 1555 ext. 338 before 5 p.m. MOTHER d are efdyp" to COIMi MY STYLE DONUTS is 100iarIQ for OXper10 x d 00~help. Ful 8 part-time. Apply in persan:1050 &ock Rd. S.. Pidwi ng gee years work etpe►eerhoa, yes+ mil qualify for NANNY warred. law n or out. dare for your Will one. lobe }nanccal anstanoe or I you ale Mon -Fri. Mature, experience, walks, fenced yard. lunch, over 45 and haw Actively been references. Two sefhoof aged snacks wd kms of TLC. Non Laid off. you may quality fortrain- children. Days cat 8i0•e03rt or smelter. full or pen tune. Atone Ing assistance. DIP/CERT, evenings 427.3172. (0817tf3) and hall 82 area Cal kaisn, Lotus. WordPerfect. D -base. 50432'78. (oelum ad. wagar. bo&wd auloo0. PART time the requ ww n ou 220 Articles For Sale we NEW 210 Flea Market 220 " c e WASHER and dryer. Hotpoint. FOR sale - gently used stro8sn. whae, exoslem condition. $400 car seats, prams, highchairs, for the pair. Telephone 839- children's clothes, sizes new 0600. (061393) born to 16 and maternity MCCLARY ,w� and dryerclothes. Call 434.6495. Available Aug 24. $425. Call (�93) 427.6766. (061393) CARPET - I have several 1000 Articles Y� d naw Stainmaster and 220 nylon carpet. 111 carpet ` For Sale your living room and hall for $380. Price inckr'des carpet. Dad TYPEWRITER and installation. -30 yards-. Steve. (416) 287-5072. (TF) CLEARANCE MOVING �e - 6 "an spa hot From $150 Up tub, valued at $6500. Oak table Were $450 new and chairs, valued at 520oo. Pascal and C. AlacinbsfL Quark Household aPpliarl fudges, Call Sheila at stove, microwave, matching DICKSON washer/dryer. freezer. bedroom PRINTING suites, painting. etc. BEST 683-1968 OFFER. For more information, 5794. (Of1503) non smoker. fenced yard. please can (416) 985-7930. ANTIOUE Salei Sar. 9 a.m. -1 (061993) P.M. Oak hall stand and PINBALL machines, arcade secretary desk. ash side board. games. 19W Honda Accord. two Pro chat dressers, tables and moving trucks. Artists prints, more. 29 Haebmd Cres.. South � (081 one dark oak bar. $.•150. Cal mania• experience. Must have snacks• retiIF Hlwy a2lBgdk 427-2856. (081793) hNWMG - mtwu see. Debating HOUSEHOLD ileac: One gas dining room guile. excellent dryer. $torp: one headboard and omxwwn. Paid $7000. Asking $6000. CAN 5042620. (0618 dressing tape. $60: two teak wardrobes. $75 each: one fling PIANOS/GRANDFATHER cabinet. 4 drawer. $35: one clOdks - P,anOt. ret b own. aa. 00" Cabinet. whil $25. 683 sl20. upright. grand. digital. %45. (06159M keyboards. CLOCKS - frN delivery and set up. Call Teisp FOR sale - said oak bed am and take advarxape d our low, set includes headboard. Dikes on al saodt Bat prigs highboy. dressar with triple ak e"i 4331491. (TFALL) murral two night tapes and op - ELECTRIC furnace - 51,000 tional double box spring and BTU. like new. $300. can 9e5- "wRtea. Exee/ex CCIKWort. 3401 (0815931 83143017. (081993) V r 0 V O as seen at the Cottage Show 8 FOOT MOULDED PLASTIC FLOATS r READY TO BUILD CALL FOR YOUR FREE LITERATURE T�ECHS10 oal TAR 15400 Old Slaw" Rd. Port Perry, Ontario LK 1 LS Toronto (416) 439-6111 Port Perry (416) 985-8479 -Toll Free 1 (800) 263-7943 Vewura pape"rke, l war . muxh o0fnr111atlOfled 1500-ft000.. O0 ;� cw Y hams in Gltnanrn arta for one UCTHM of 3 (16.4.11rd 4) able CONTEMM -hes hidgae. hes ,ANTED . gsrrly wom fall and Corel, Coni~ +tr�r�q and Systems Anayst� Cobol, child. ages! 9 maria Lookkg to Provide erperi8nmd daycare, ler fovitg irtdiridlal Wilt pts ha k+nctes and snacks, bis d slaves. Washer and dryer. Winli, eA-Id o . arh0 285 Ltvestoek mictowrare Rosewood was 0721 t....a.,.a. `Ai/ Pascal and C. AlacinbsfL Quark rious childcare training, fin • Rt1Uh" R!• and Hwtr clothes. Call 434-6495. Owcite equpmr'C eobr N, ) Express and grsuator. Durham experienced. non smoker 82.427-0327. (061003) watnbed w M dresser. Call Gfn- 27-301 s Computer Cofktpe, 427-3010. (TF) peNmeQ Must have ussna- DAYCARE available in my Call Karen cher 7 p.m 834 )tp,nw Finch slid Liserpod arwl ny 4�'t• (001503) WASHERS Dryers, Frid grey IIEMN � blrJ[ �olttp gK gray yearling Ii1y big -alfa PATIO door Ssoses -new and wcorrddphed MISpE Customer Service Rep 5794. (Of1503) non smoker. fenced yard. (brand new). S aBreahra Shaw PONY amb - SM; V$49e;t SM. 81mwtor SM and aP for 00CF41stted Wabk /4 htndl, tuft! OWN n FrenchlEnglleh for modam local visa OAYaff nary regwd in emy reasaeble rales. Call 420 ser fits" Mete. Cal 416433-173@ lees 1175 and up Isr wup. d�otkbn• ARAB �� gray WNW M. firml �hhPr9l b mid Sept. yowl� �p Looking for s tM�COiI" children wad Moen and a pin. (TF) r ;t a fridges i d ( X5371 paw table 4 chair, Oock tib Junior position Exwtrr company bonfits. Salary previous individual with previous apes to joM M the tun and childcare training and/or activities. Nwlleue stoves. Also coin operated pW^ VIM lus c blaekrsthbkeulehlble trot{ washer and dryers.. Ir�si 119000. Cad Genf at 83"7350• Graham Personnel Services Ltd. mania• experience. Must have snacks• retiIF Hlwy a2lBgdk it" condition. 176 Couck p(t,e Allah dusty nese (ower, StePlethson'tf Furniture any �ied�. 227 Court 0 s relerenees. Call 50a a1a1. R0. awes 427-"W psi 5@q WootNn frames. mo maehkg OMMM 57ti•74,W (TFALL) TUN Obeditnot - Maw Cow chairs, $400. Excellent 130 A"^ll*w @"TOTTER wanted in out ER�0M dW=e for in. homes. two gib ages 7 flowingtanit riser Saldssood Schad. and 7 E Rslefsrlots. wM (P�y a N,;04 Aug. 30 condition. Cad S%W 6 Pm. 723. �O AI'� and SepL 11. EvwMp and 4373• Mallwa W. �hosd M Late d TLC. 693• �� �dsy ckwees Cal Amwkwis babies. RWarertcat requwed, um(OefluM EVA14AT Sol-j_a and 430-0025 small classes Award wihrhing Pmdud- Maier fastest growing party plan Pickering. Whft&fbxh stet shhredded� WANTTcO - stoves. f BkhswhMatd (otl7" department stores. Full time. -Pwr#Uw hin Doerr to Canada DAYCARE available in my r MK brick sand. rsatlw riffs. Cal 831-8317. (OBIUM hoot. used initial lila Abo cedar grid : tslolkilg a FOUND. one boys one speed Easy. 6- ax-7534.oe, we trap. and requires consultants! B"YSITTER needed in our lCIh001 arid other nraey ebdl avai f101 Also ' Pkk P 1nKk BMX ttlyb baba) bite, Di lar Ca1416 801-7534, (TF) mwagas comin a urr aar s,0 0 ler two dwldrerL � �a� ''� d discount t Dikes. Pswal P ewer than 1878). Call Hwy a2. Call 420-8280. PART tam. housekeeping standing sea 5 ' f_age kanloed raid• hklPDy c kom4g 420 -SM (TFALL) and child supervision. South ino Cal ytarsAnd 8monlls,msetbeex- envfronmer. Call 683'8673. stones. Cad 43D4733 or evert.PALAOEN OBEDIENCE - 416-471-2087 9 a.m.-6 '�• (dal Ajax area. Wages and hours p.m. perienced with babies, non I!DB150R e1Bt �) A��w■ Veteril►atp spptoved iwkrctipu negotiable. Phone 428-8578. GROUND floor oPPortIrwill nears smoker. Westray PAVHwy a2 MOTHER d 4 gik wig provide Fl1RNITURE Why MVV Arts i Crafts by e' irbuclor Ii 11 F. Poirot Oshawa based company seeks area. Needed for Septetite. laving can n my hare, hex pay retail prices? One of Dog Trafnng School Few open..EXPERIENCES Full time two professional sales reps with Please e call 428-0513. (081hashes, stacks ard actmtise. Ontario's oldest and largest STAIR ago" Cow"*M Wipe sly a wsum for domingn .Ir s t y I i s t required for knowledged Durfharn gspiaal YANTSITTEA twrhed ful time Brock/Finc�h area. Call 427- manufacturers w rww soling Sept 7• ors jNer waw, commencing Aug. 23. L'Attitudes. Pickering Town businesses. Excellent 3383. (081993) daex to the public Eg 5' drk dance Class. 410-1727. TelephrneBBB•I1t25. M8179M Centre. Ask for ap- n our hoer. Mon Fri Two boys. table with Wig std and 4 wndtol ( ONE male Rottwedwr Stacy. 420ho is remuneration. oil Serious agar 5 and 2. Holy 2"Was Rd. DAYCARE available n Clean chain, $799 - 8• oak double PkIPP7• PLUMBER required who k HUNGRY- only. 434.3648. Cal Lisa. 831.6776 �;�, smoke free home. 20 years pedestal cw eKL and 6 pais, VENDORS reg second an- good with chlithen, axoellem famiiar will oamhwcial work HUNGRY - door to door (091MM experience, excellent (1429. Cannonball beds, SM nualcrap stttlwand sale. Saar- temPerm wv. CKC registered, own vehicle (truck or van) salesperson, part time, alosuem �YWTTERAMMf7 required nsleretcM. Infanb wako"a. Al. Over 20 stain croicw -tai solid ode 13 at Sleaple HalrCM81111111M blood lies• Bg5 0331. required. For service work. tarsi ry 427 -OM.. Fax raiurrr Church, Picker Call g31.N read yourimmediately in our home. ��' n• Please kwl 504 "o veneers -Traditional �•Please call Brant 427-7409 b Terry 427-0388. (OB1993)�y2area. �9623. (081893) W000dworking. 416-906-8774, 1761 and leave message. ad on Ille t� COO -- -M al alter 6 RESPONSIBLE care across tiles Of AUTOMATED Office Skill 135 ft Sk��d Help f>m sa495ea' cgB1503t ban W..r,.y Heignb School. A Pid'tJiarApi tc" 280 Lost A FWW kauon res training, 40 week or Word RESPOM�E k� worker Oust aemcm, lanced yard, non Processing training, 20 week smaker. Before and a1Nr scrod reAs°rwW refund. fury Durham College aftm course[ SKILLED Trades Tranng aide needed in my home for 8 as full es fiats 34 fare guaranteed Reconditioned AFFECTIONATE young al be CtiYMIOt staring September. Cal 721 slew M Durham Colepe. Wide month, old, 9 dap Dar Weill n otiable. Call M3 0928. ��. Corms melte us ■ white cad found, Brock and for no range of courses stat in own terht(tor4ltorl Rslarehoaa K deal 4V_6l A67 Wsatnsy Findil. up ler adofNbn d rat In 2000. awl. 453 (081383) Sipe„�, Donk miss ode Car Csff 4o4.0 . foBl;Z PAN14' 3r ltd. S. Ajax. ? called by owner. eq 8032, 1lifafl iNIR i101T 721.2010 sal 453. (Mt383) rl WW, e .... i • :. z r , a .. . s • a • . a • • a r ■ . e) •- ! . ! r 5 S .... • . ie O ile D Your glendar or coming events Billboard Is a free feature for community' events of a non-profit nature. To have your events promoted In Billboard, call us at 683- 5110 or write to the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5. The deadline for Billboard Nems is 10 a.m. the (Monday prior to Wednes- day publication, 10 a.m. the Wednesday prior to Friday publication and 10 a.m. the Thursday prior to Sunday publication. TERRY FOX GOLF: The deadline to register for The Terry Fox Golf Tournament is Fri., Aug. 13. The tourney will be held Wed.. Aug. 25 at Glen Cedars Golf Course, Pickering Sideroad 32 and the 7th Concession. S 100 per player, includes golf, hors d"oeuvres• steak dinner, tax receipt for $50. Prizes for gross and net scores. closest to the pin. 50-50 putting contest and a hole -in -one contest for a new car. Limited to the first 144 entries. Proceeds to cancer research. 420-2507 (Stephen Brake), or 839- 3464 (Kevin Cohill). UURW GARAGE SALE: The Ajax Warriors Urdef-'2 rep soccer team holds a garage sale Sat . Aug 14, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at 274 Wright Cres.. (corner Of Wnght Cres and Ritchie Ave) Ajax 428-1057 DMI(V[Z IIC CASTING CALL: Thea*e Durnar- ^.o as aua,- tions for people 18 and over for the play Har- vey on Sun.. Aug 15. 130 to 4:30 p m of the Pickering Recreation Complex. 1867 Valley Farm Rd 839-4324 (Bila or 432-3946 (Garvin) ANTIQUE CARS: Vintage vehicles from the Antique and Class Car Club of Canada and the Ontano Region of the Antique Automobile Car Club of America will be on display Sun , Aug 15 from t 1 a.m to 5 p m. at Pickering Museum Village, three kilometres east of Brock Rd on Hwy 7, Greenwood. Regular admission rates 683-W I MONDAY, AUG. 16 OVEREATERS: Overeaters Anonymous holds weeiuy support group meetings Monday at 7:30 p m at St. Phillip's Catholic Church. Oxford and Dwight Sts.. Oshawa The next meeting is Mon., Aug 16 Meetings are also held Tuesdays at 8 p.m at North Minister Unit- ed Church, Oshawa All welcome 427-1176 (Bente) or 579-5288 (Nancy) AT 1/2 THE RETAIL THE BREW4T BEER SHOP 1211 Kirptton Rd. (Jtt w" of Uvwpooq 837-lsls picksrim i FLEA MARKET & CRAFT SALE ...AT PICOV DOWNSM COU3 O:r. 7_0 = 3-kC30111 QUARTER HORSE RACING KVM SUNDAY UNTIL OCTOBER PARIMUTUEL WAGERING POST -TIME 1:30 R �j+�� tyw Hl�IT6 aANWOM AYp461r •11,11-1• Thank You: A sincere thank you to the good Samaritan who found one of our large busboards on the road and returned it to our showroom. ZIA I ZVC Western Ranch Manufacturers of Quality Hand Crafted Western Boots • • ,111 � 11"• - • variety of styles and colors • Guaranteed workmanship f • Competitive prices` • Custom orders 487 Westney Rd. S. at Clements 428-1787 Mea. - Sat." ro 'r_ •r A . •C .,•. .:171/f, A-1-:,0---,,-7-•, - • - • • • ; e 4 , • . owes*:. .TNB NEWS ADVZKrMM FtiDAY,AUGUST 13.19g3.pAGZ 3& MCI �J lY'Jl. 20 kg $99 bag 8 9 k9 $499 bag 9 kg y $249 9 4k9 Just Pets - 975 Westney Rd. S. at Harwood Ave. (Clover Ridge Plaza) . 619-1687 i OPEN SUNDAYS 12-3 P.M. Rr� NIGER SEED 2 kg99 bag 6 • Check out our feeders • Other great bird feeds at everyday low prices Eogle Lamb & Rice Formula 20 Ib. bag 40 Ib. bag 19'9 34'9 118 kg $i o99 bag � 9 kg $c99 bag J 4k9 S�19 bag immediately. $535 utilities We also carry quality products from these very reputable companies. IIAMS0• :�,.,,,, •411 — — — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — E$N�AMVSA&. PUPPY 1 1 : $00 OFF 8 LB. $ 00 OFF 20 LB.; 1 2 BAG � 1 BAG Evm Se(ot is, 1993 ►� 1 Just For Bets ; 1— — — L Clover Rid975 Westney Rd. S. 619-1687 -moi 1 a. as tig —Plaaveza — — � — — — — — — — — — — ear of '>• se -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � : EI_A14UM8t* ADULT MAINTENANCE 1 1 $00 a i6. $ 00 20 LB. $ 00 4o LB. 1 1 OFF BAG OFF BAG OFF BAG b •;200 ; Ezpirm SwL 15, 1993 A' 1 1 Just ForPets',t CloverRidge Plaza 975 WestneyRd. S. 619-1687- r7.:_--------------------------•�- 14SURAL � LAMADERM ; MXXJCT PROWC,Mj DOG FORMULA 1 $8 LB. `0 20 L 3 4o LB. 1 OFp BAG. OFF BAG OFF BAG Expinsr SWL 11, 10* LL ust For Pets� 1 , clover Ridge Plaza 975 Westney Rd. S. 6191687 r rtainame- eons f+ug. 1.3 Crum lor *GVWZ. a.an cep 4697vrg vonings, weekends or .,-., ,-„........,-.�q. Available Oct. 1. Cal 931-3W4. immediately. $535 utilities viewing appointment call Lynn garage. 1 1/2 baths. 4 srtdter,BrodtarWFstdt-Bata Wave a message during days • .(081593) included- Alto large� �. at 436.6666. (061793) appliances • available door. 5400 monthly discount for COATER YARD SALE Ha” books, eta Also teas Peterboro 17 t/2 1t. AJAX - Bayly/Harwood, two utilities inducted, large deck, Sept. I. FirWlast. $625. 576- BLOOR/SINCOE - large two irrrrwdiatey. $9D0 monthly + utilities. Cal 839.2345 or 839- home 7528 keepingdutiet Call 6W � e� WarB, sOftm, fliskelteS, house110kftnibn t1 %. Bownider, 1301.0. Marc. engine, nod and wl . Custom trailer, bedroom basement apartment. privale entrance, 4 pce. bath. 4 3474 or 725.6760. (061393) bedroom. 46 unit building. storage.ry. parking. ' 2095. (0B1gg3) FLAT - furtiishe0 Aiatc south, Rhin. , Aug.14 `—"'•""!' ^"a ' Mooring t�rw, radio, s><cMWM appliances, cable, parking, WHITBr - baehelor W meter Creek, level. ��. CLose 10 sl NORTH Oshawa - three IgM mein floor roan. 2 pow 755 Tauf on Rd. (at ThkkUM) 837-5063 condition• s9,5W after 6 p.m 265-2872. (TF) class, to aN amenities. Available Sept. 1. $650 plus 40% of ground private entrance. 3 pce. bath, $725 wicknive. Ouann Agencies Ltd. 721.9147. (061993) bbroom4 bur appliances. SWO Plus utilities. First and last. Car bath, cooking facilities: entrance, steed laundry, close 3 0 Reaea�°n 'blies. References. First and last 263-1927 or 420-9040. kitchaneae• microwave. parking and utilities included. Available AVAILABLE irtrnedlately in Whitby 725 7582 cher 6 P.M. (061393) 10 00. women preferred. Non smoker, cal 619 2565 and 424 YARD SALE 1 Vehicles (OB154� SsA• 1. 44.50 per month. First building. R� To 1145, (061993) �ft, � 14, 11,2 p� TalnMon Rd i i (baltleeR Sleek i GMMCh) lffee Honda Fourtrac 4 whe" — AJAX -available irmtediaey brand an0 last. 430.2527. (081993► Spacious. carpeted. newly s, carpeted, patraed �merw with balcony. 430 3 Rent - room for Two bedroom ayartna"a dtoee Fa1W C'11, - 0-. (olno Ip0wl6, exerci a *A. 7W liquid cooled, two stroke, esCel- Wm condition. raced or new two bedroom walkout basement apartment. $700 toGo and ening close to but. shopping. All utilities included. No pea, two room DIXIE/bedroom Will 00 1em A College student includes kacnen facilities, bride;.glob ilelllii 4274 1015. ' abused. Askinrg $?26b a trade for S10. S15 a Toyota 4a4. 1- inclusive. Call 427.2126 or 424 2121. 48e6perr OKW- unities. Cal 9345712. 01110% bedioa4 MW CAN 696-5173 436013%_ house, Ofall moo. h� �� � pa*kW $75 weekly. Avgieble Cita 705-277-3300. (Pontypool). (0615931 .a (TF) . . I - , , r , Pat/ a 837-1774. (09259(►) eir. 725-2391. . . _ . .. . . . . . . . . - . .. , � , . • . • r t e PAGE 22 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST U, Igo CANADA'S SELLING BUILT-IN VACUUM o i CTO R►ZED pUT 0 V =7 - F741 !S riii DON'T LUG A VACUUM -PL UG INA BEAM 831 -BEAN 831-(2326) Check these features: m DELUXE ELS BEATER BRUSH 10 NO BAGS TO CHANGE G21 UGMWMGWCOWB43MWUM TWrE THE POWER 10 PATENTED NO -CLOG DucnNC 0 THE LAST VACUUM YOU'LL BUY {{ m MADE IN OAKVILLE i ONLY AVAILABLE AT AUrmmED BEAM DEALERS ACROSS ONTARIO R Come in today for this and other in-store specials FACTORY OUTLET 1271 Kingston Road, Just West of Liverpool Rd. PICKERING kNDEf (SRTF THE NEW APPROACH TO ICE SKATING • A positive and fun approach to build a solid foundation for ice skating. • Introduce your child to Klnderskate where fun, music, art and athletic discipline merge - Developed by a Canadian Tnple Gold Medalist. • Kinderskate incorporates pnnapkes in -child Psychology and development in such a way that children learn basic skating skills while having fun. • Register Now While Space Is Available FALL SESSIONS START WEEK OF SEPT. 13, WINTER #1 SESSION STARTS WEEK OF NOV. 1'� TORONTO, NORTH YORK, DOWNSVIEW, MISSISSAUGA, CONCORD, THORNHILL, AURORA, AJAXIPICKERING SATURDAY AND SUNDAYS NOW AVAILABLE AT ALL OF OUR LOCATIONS- 1/2 HOUR FULL INSTRUCTION ADULT WATNG•• It's fun, it's exercise, it's a social gathering. Leam the joy d ice skating! FOR ADORE MFORIh1Ti#ON OR LITERATURE: 1,O�IIot1IIs 512m7985or5`12m798§" CREATED AND APPROVED BY ICE STLOW MIICORPORATED 6120004 0 42" HUGGER FAN with 3 lights SALE 4995 White. Polished Bras~ 36" CEILING FAN dw LIGHT KIT SALE 2for 6995 White 42" COMBO FAN with 3 lights SALE $5995 Wh1e 42" COMBO FAN dw 3 LIGHT KIT $ 95 sa�E . P. B. or AB 52" COMBO FAN VW 4 LIGHTS SALE $7 995 White or p.bJwood *DOOR CRASHER: THE 1 ST 100 CUSTOMERS WHO MAKE A PURCHASE OVER 550.00 ARE ENTITLED TO RECEIVE ONE NOVATEL 8300 FIXED N CAR CELLULAR PHONE OFFER INCLUDES: INSTALLATION (5100.00 VALUE) ANTENNA ($50.00 VALUE) 6 MONTH WARRANTY 'This offer while quantities last, applies to new cellular phone users only, on approved credit by Bell Mobility. Phones must be activated by our supplier on Bell Mobility Regular Rate Plan for minimum 6 months. 52" FAN DELUXE 5 BLADE OUTDOOR LIGHTING I , COMPLETE WITH 16" H 0 MSYSI�� wanted tut time REMOTE CONTROL SOUR BRASS BEVELLED GLASS commencing Aug.23. Telephone 6669425. (OB1793) RECESSED FIXTURE COMPLETE WITH OPEN 249 in our home. Mon -Fm Two boys• 'ag« 5 and 2. HWY 2/N t"m Rd. .40 TRIM UP T0150 WATTS SALE $ 95 SALE 1 4 PLUMBER required plicants only. 434.3646. SALES 95 1 g ROSEWOOD OR OAK COLOUR BLADES POUSHED BRASS ith c good with children, a:plNm , exc iiw" 7SW MODEL SALE 81006 CEILING TRACK LIGHT KIT 4 Foot. 3x75 Won. Nov alSy Heads We Black 90it Plus Floe" Canopy. Additi0nd Ht9ads AtvW*. white. SALE $3995 WEST DURHAM HOME OF THE UNLIMITED LIGHTING EXPERIENCE We offer a comprefNtw" salvia of 11141D Ise- oortseMi+tg cau Ulf Mimed with our-in•mv" dbovps PMIS Ww#pd vollito $ wilh our fra of m S"I s9a a s gAnd abligatiofl. =%%W=== acwalts i=pect= CEILING DOME 11" (POIW Ray r • Saris Goss) 214OSALE $19 CEILNr1G DOME 13" (Poke - Bft& Sunil Glass) 2X60111 Bulbs Rayl WSALE$2495 SPECIAL PURCHASE TIFFANYS LIGHTING UNLIMITED 1 SAVE 50P TO O/o SWING ARM WALL LAMP 1z • Many shade cobrs Reg. 149.95 to Choose from Assorted Colors. 15C Watt Rated ' Takes trifight bub SALE S? 9 95 11 SALE x39% 1660 KINGSTON RD.,-PICKERING V (NEAR swiss CHALET) NORTH OF PICKEFNW FLEA MARKET 683=7227 Rainclable an some hems at tine Of Sale Items not exa* as i1lustwed • Limited quantities MoftdhaFridey 9:349:00 p.m. Sdwday 9:30-6:00 p.nL SWL 10.30 a.m. - 6:00 pAL ® . (416) %� g L.U. a CHOW 1016a10aVAX 0 MSYSI�� wanted tut time Brodk/Fmch area. Call 427- 3363. �1�) FLEA commencing Aug.23. Telephone 6669425. (OB1793) in g for, landscape foreman. MARKET in our home. Mon -Fm Two boys• 'ag« 5 and 2. HWY 2/N t"m Rd. .40 table with crw ern and 4 Windsor fa>@02&t chairs, $799 - 8' oak double MoftdhaFridey 9:349:00 p.m. Sdwday 9:30-6:00 p.nL SWL 10.30 a.m. - 6:00 pAL ® . (416) %� Oshawa based company seem EXPERIENCES full time two professional salsa reps with --- •-• ••-.••-••--•. rwnry ,,.,. u. r.q ..,,.�». ...,, Please c 428.0513. (081593) lurrchas, wtlis ala aaivsies. Ontario's oldest and I&peatSTAMas� B.K. Baun Landscape Ltd. bok- nairst list required for y q knowledge of Durham Regional L'Aitrtudes. Pickering Town businesses. Excellent MSYSI�� wanted tut time Brodk/Fmch area. Call 427- 3363. �1�) manufacturers now sea' r^9 SqL 7. RagieM ttetr. stet• direct to the public. Eg. S' oak dance hilae•. 430-1747. commencing Aug.23. Telephone 6669425. (OB1793) in g for, landscape foreman. Centre. Ask for Stacy, 420.1440 remuneration. Serious ap- —who in our home. Mon -Fm Two boys• 'ag« 5 and 2. HWY 2/N t"m Rd. DAYCARE available n clean table with crw ern and 4 Windsor fa>@02&t chairs, $799 - 8' oak double ONE male Rottweiler k about hard and PLUMBER required plicants only. 434.3646. Cal Lisa, 631.8778 evenings. smoke free home. 20 years prWrt" dw ext, and 6 gyirs, VENDORS teartNd. second � ith c good with children, a:plNm , exc iiw" softlandscaping and equ0martt. familiar with cwrvrwcial work HUNGRY - door to door (081593) experience I rNiil craft t110tM and eaM S temper CKC Cal 5091786. (081593) own vehicle (truck or van) salesperson, pat rims, excMlertt , e x c e l e n t aAaYS1TTERf11AlAlY required rMerentft. Wants 'no a. Al- $1429. Cartnwww beds, 1299. Over 20 stain ryl0ices - al staid day November 130 Steeple Hill THE Bay Ponran Studio s look- required. For service work. ash commissions. Fax revert- immediately in our home. � n- Planes all Wil no veneers -Traditional Church, Picker . Call 831 - � ng for enthusiastic highly Please call Brant 427-7409 to Tarry 427-0389. (061993) R" 2 area Long' (D81M3) Woodworking, 416-985-8774. 1781 and leave message. motivated ndroduals for part ire position in our studio at Oshawa Centre. Training (081593) 135 skilled Help term �r call after 6 RESPONSIBLE car• across P.- 50"w- (Oel5m) I—, Westr»y Heights Schod. (TF) 280 Lw bit Found AUTOMATED Office Skills provided for saws and PhQ"- training.40 week or Word Processing training. 20 week thief crescent, fenced yard, non neeed in RESPONSIBLE worker daycans smokier. Beloit and after scfwd home for 6 �� P � xk" a o� refused. lolly AFFECTIONATE SKILLED Trades ►appy and communicators. Pleese,prg resume w The Port Duman College offers courser starting Sepwriber' Cal 721 Training avail able a1 Durham Cottage. Nfide y or IW time. 3.. Receipts. We rrwntls old. 3 days per week negotiable. Call 663-0928. guaranteed. Reconditioned appliances. Come reWte us a 1=9.:,, white cat Lound• d Finch. Stu6o . (081993) 00 20. ern. 453. (081393) range of courses start in owl tranapptelbn RelererlcM. 10818Y3r deal 427-676C 487 Westrtey Up for adoption Y not , , Sia+,. Don% miss flu. Cal Cal 4044XM. M0179M Rd. S. Ape. (tF) delisted a . nits 8032 '. 721- 000 at 453. (081383) ebr . . . . . vr000 noes. 885.0331 so read your dned ad on dw day of kation n we lot be oraft for more ate Mwwftl In r V 250 - Garagen d 250 G Apaffism"'s eta THE �ADVEA77St �� FRIDAY, I%1"34AGEU "'�"sem 300 400 For Rent 400 For Rent 400 �r R 410 Rett 410 "ou" Fo truistttr ttairsat tar ijub 1989 Honda Presents Accord EXi 1 at ANNUAL YARD SALE & CAR SHOW bedrooms, mis ft. ala, W.. finished basement. Holywood SAT. & SUN. 66,000 km., loaded, AUG. 14 a 15 "SCAN THE asking =11,500. AHS,° 2 Myrtle SCOP phone 697-1390 - available Sept. 1 StationTME (just south less Tempest LE 4 door, air con., loaded. 90.000 kms., ex - of the tracks) GOODS- celent condition. Certified Gerrard area. Call 721-1842. AJAX clean sunny y quiet one $6195. 1969 Daytona 4 cylinder. TWO FAMILY GARAGE SALE auto. Ps- pb.. stereo cassette, excellent condition, certified. 1799 Ustowell Cres. (Dlxie/Glennana) 15195. 1984 Bulk Century, 6 cylinder. 4 door. air. loaded. best Sm., Aug. 14, 9 a.rn, offer. Certified. Call Net's Auto Queen size waterbed, 18M electric typewriter, kids' sales. 4200784 or 432.7531. clothing, Fisher Price toys 8 collectibles. 19e8 Bulk Park Avenue, fully WHITBY Downtown in small 3723- (081393) loaded. good condition. Asking GARAGE SALE 42500Certify. call Russ. 223.. 428-0 (08 1593) 20 Varley Dr., Ajax (off Lakedrivewa y) INS Chrysler Dynasty' a"'p, Saturday, August 14 CD, anni stereo, loaded. 65.000 miles. Excellent 9 am. - 3 p.m. condition $6500 o.b.o. Call 837- fireplace. an apWn iaces, avail- 1885.(061893) GARAGE SALE SAT., AUG. 14, 94 P.M. 985 RAMBLEBERRY SQUARE (Dixie Rd.) Baby `urniture, children's clothing, toys, odes and ends. MOVING SALE SUN., AUG. 15, 9-3 P.M. 1924 BOWLER DR., PICKERING Mostly furniture. NEW LIFE COMM. CHURCH YARD SALE SAT., AUG. 14,8-3 P.M. 364 KINGSTON RD. (Rougemount cit Kingston Rd.) GARAGE b MOVING SALE SAT., AUG. 14, 8-4 P.M. 67 LINTON AVE., PICKERING VILLAGE (Church b Kingston Rd.) SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE!!! GARAGE SALE SAT., AUG. 14, 9-4 P.M. 250 DELANEY DR. SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE! GARAGE SALE 54 CHAPMAN, DR., AJAX SAT. & SUN., AUG. 14 & 15,8-2 P.M. 'SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE - GARAGE SALE SAT., AUG. 14, 9-1 P.M. 17 COOMER CRES., AJAX MOVING SALE SAT. & SUN., AUG. 14 & 15 Starts at 8.-00 am. 83 FINCH AVE, PICKERING GARAGE SALE SUN., AUG. 15,7-5 P.M. 26 WRIGHT CRES., AJAX 311`11 ANNUAL YARD SALE - SAT AUG. 14,9-3 Pal 267 MOIMTCASTLE CRES, PICKE04G Wont Roddy -Frith A Huntinidq incredible amount of gin's Clothing. birth - 212 years. Infant car seat, toys, pts many household tams DONT mass m GARAGE SALE Set., Aug. 14, a &AL -4 PAL 11117 Wedshm tihid., PfckennD Mostshmia i ) Fridl bullet, tables, exercise bike, patio chairs, blinds, fbMres 8 much morel! GARAGE SALE ssWrfty, Aug. 14, 9 am -4 pm. 72 DUCAiEL CREST, AJAX (APPLE CROFT VILLAGE) Office equQmerd & ftxnAure S much more!! STREET SALE Rain or Shine Saturday, Aug. 14, 9 a nL-4 p.m. 83 89 Clover Ridge Dr. W. GARAGE SALE 12 Coomer Cres.. Saturday, Aug. 12 - 9 a.m.-3 p.m Raindate: Sun., Aug. 13 COMPUTER YARD SALE Hardware, software, diskettes, books. etc. Also householdlfumilure items. Saturday, Aug. 14,9-3 755 Taunton Rd. (at ThkcCaoft) 837-5063 YARD SALE Saturday, /flue 14, 9.2 pAL TaNtion Rd i Ajut (boseeR flood( 8 Churl Final clearance. Rbwrp machine, exercise bike. 700 bricks,11ombolld Ileflls< Wpties 427-111M. 1966 Nyundal Stellar SL. 60.00o KTIS.one owner. $ISM. Can 430-2122.(08'793) J1966 Mustang LX. 4 cylinder. auto. 97.000 kms , excellent snaps. Ps.. Fib. asking 525(0 cert -led. 1988 Taurus LX. Faded. 180.000 kms , good $nape Asking 55.200. Call 427. 3536.%081793) PICKERING 1480 Pickering Parkway Spacious 3 -bedroom apartments • Four Appliances • Close to GO Transit/Pickering Town Centre /Hwy. 401 • Immediate Occupancy From $769 per month. Call 420-63051635-2919 for appointment, or visit rental office at: 1480 Pickering Parkway, 4110 *BEAT THE HEAT 77 & 33 FALBY COURT Two bedroom apartments in family building. Air Conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and underground parking included. $743.00. 686-0845 weekdays 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. OBHAWA - bright sunny two AJAX - upper fico► d house. 3 bedroon in apart lent bulli" STUNMNG model home in bedrooms. 2.4 pee. baths, on ot+let street. Easy 401 aocw heater with onsuite. da, prime Resift nttewhib,rarea. 5 w., and city bus route. $689 an fir splece, large set-in kitchen, bedrooms, mis ft. ala, W.. finished basement. Holywood utisies and parking included. appkAnces. laundry facilities. Cad 4330677. (081983) Available Sept. 1. $1075 kitchen. inclusive. References. 683- WRaTESrRNCH - beautiful one 7172 (061893) with underground sprinkler system. Call 668-6797. bedroom basement apartrrwm' too many arras to Ist. $700 WHITBY - three bedroorn tun- THREE THREE bedrooms, 4 fftVIM. Available Sept. 1. No k)alo on quiet mature street. available Sept. 1 P61% or children. Non smoker unfurnished. s 100 0 • l Ajax. Central Ajax. Earle kitchen, kitchen, Preferred. 420.3741. (081893) Furnished, $1100 .. Manning/ close t amenities. F st Gerrard area. Call 721-1842. AJAX clean sunny y quiet one P� utilities. Rdeies. "W. Cal 663-3376. (0e1593) (011 1793) bedroom. steps to town and bus. THREE bedroom sem", walk out to large fenced garden, AJAX rental - north end two south All 1 1/2 baths' 4 appliances.• bedroom bungalow. double oMarric, eat-- ksdten, includes 9 image' fenced yam• suits small central air and utilities. Fur- garage included. fndgs/stove. nished or unfurnished. Asking available Sept. 1- $975 monthly family.Seq. 1 42s- 26 Oil (9. $650. $650. Call 6861832 (os 1593) Pus utilities, First last. 428- oe ).. WHITBY Downtown in small 3723- (081393) PICKERI04G - fully detached 3 apartment bulldmm. two AJAX - Westney Heichts. bedroom home, walk to GO, bedroom apartment evadable e two storey. 3 x,ii . _,ups. ale, w000siove. Seq. I. 80 inclusive %6 . parking. b bedroom, room, dose everything. available September sioo0 First and last, laundry facilitieshashsh li paint. appliances. $980 plus utilities. Call 1.416 -986 - available. Close to rransporta- Plus utilities, Ava�iable t 1 Sep - 0957 collect. f081793) 'ion and schools. Call 416-669- Cas now after 3 p.m. 346-6652 NO down payment'r Good 4009 or 416-738-4574. (081793) or 298.7237 (081593) Credt7 Good lob' You can buy TWO bedroom basement NORTH 4 bedrooms detached, for the pace of rent. while prices apartment. separate entrance, fenceo yard. t"epaoe. tinisneQ and rates are down. Call 7019 or Bran.. Community Flnandal. no Dets. Fully carpeted, centrad em oasemt. immaculate. Rent to "OPliances. separate entrance a,. Go bus. AnonarHwy 02 own o moral. Call 433-5585 668-6805. (71-) 5680 . utilities Free cable arc '082993) PICKERING main floor of many more. Cad 509-3805 leave AJAX 3 bedroom. garage, clear de,acned 3 bedroom "essage (081793) arge ya•d, ingrourd Pool. bungalow. $895 Deluxe two AVAILABLE'mmediate'y - fireplace. an apWn iaces, avail- nt bedroom oaserenr apartme' Win •Dy apar!ment ou'ld,rig. able Sept • $1050 per •fort^ $650 Ou e, street, SPaCOu s. carpeted. mew's Dlus unl•res. Call 683.8797 b,oadloomed. appliances. Parted will balcony close to (081993) aund rear sch ools shopping. g. :.s and snoDpmg J!:! Ties AJAX , GO. Non smoker 831 8777 1972 MG Midget, excellent 'morn ) OSHAWA - large two bedroan AJAX - two bedroom apartment. �„�t ,a r� "room AJAX a�a ape Sect '. :wc __ 575 loon d sem, 3 bedroo $neat -r ktcner AJAX avatabfe Oc ! $1100 mechanics clondif. Florida LARGE 2 SEDROOU .Oroom basement aoar7nenl. rro� b90 0o s $6755 Call430- ming room. g atom. 4 oke bath. _� storey. 3 bed onm. -taster car. must sept. Beer otter. Call 7237055.(081793) LOWER APARTMENT 5525 monthly Pius 40% uolRlet. - 0134 f TF) - *a -o,, t o deck . laundry w' ^ ensu i e . -a ^ ' !act !arm''Y'oom. stove, washer, dryer, 4 pce. ROWMAMVk1F . ane bidroon LARGE bright one bedroom .at;las• reqs red. Two WHITBY Brie beCr�rn. 5525 taC''es Avaiable sect 7 Powae• and 1967 Pontiac Firebrd. 400 cubic jfil frPLEX "OPliances. separate entrance Two 7edroorr-, 5600 Der ,-or-r^ $895 . 6M unlrties 294L'60. -dry sundry. wo apdances near nc r•. Ds.. pb.. 4 speed. wry Near Oshawa 427-0827 after 5 P -. 108'793) Pius nydro :�rstlasr req,,,w,. 'O8' 7931 d0 420.5456 '08.8931 •dean nide and out, nal ral. 0^9 -ospital. BACHELOR apartment walk phone days 725-891' or even AJAX No" sem dMacned 3 COUNTRY IJVtMG Deakxlul 4 Y wheels. asking %4000 or Ve'y clean, nice ^9 d stance o hosora' and nes 668-4016 (0906931 o9d,00 ^s 1 4 Pce-' 2 p0e owroo-'af -noise. usr east or rade 1-705-277 3300. 'Port, 1 spool). (06 793) building. Ing. good landlord. ;ovrlow^ area $45C ncludes PICKERING - ss.• ale^e t , r c^em and yarC. 4 Osnawa �.evr enovarted Call 433-5586 very corrpstilive property ►alss. 5542 DhlS hyt 7. .edges Ca.' St«e 5761999 se-e•d pre 091100m Oasgm•nt applia^m. hrs!;last. $950 . 09299 , LEASE o own vehicles, 1980- inclusive. Available 382093) apartment. 4 pce OV -1. unll:es References. Cr-• ! THREE oedroom oungabw me- rr- * '985 5345 down. no interest. no (416) 479-0127 AJAX origin' clean two app,ances, parking P'us 4271253 '08.89J) garage. emra ale. Mary 5 ti -428orsas.7251968or686 kitchenette,microwave, Parking and MOWS Included. Available =90'00•^/. $625 rro^•n y bactMOrapartmert.4Pce bath. PICKERING lags large Oshawa Available Oct. t No '428 or 6e8 3775. (TF1 Sep. 1. $450 per month. Flat .!ices and laundry n kXW Dark leg. Close o all amwd es bakyksG t 4 oed'001%. 2 oaths. Pets $950 from•^'y Contac. 305 Automobiles Pickering Town Centre i86-389• 1061393) - Call 6868905 1061393) army Por pus a 9nra comm T June 7238902, :087793) Wanted �r1e oecroom t?35emer; PICKERING V +/age - two NEWLY ,onovated one OoC•oom ^t %0 Pers 5••x pus :vst WHITBY C• -!,a three brand new two bedroom walkout ed basement apartment, $700 to Go and Pickering Town bed oo- oasemgn!, side aPart"wtonman!1Ocr sundry �dtles and as: Oct - bsomform badksoiir sem, 'ams indusiw. Call 427-2126,1428. Centre. SM pet molyd includw aof . i7nvate er7anoe. entrance. 4 pce path. park c�,. room. 1'2 garage. near Boit Call 427 8479 '08'893) room. ^,in�ngroom. -ear Dark utilities. Call M5712. (0a13a3) AAA FOREIGN AND laundry, broadloom, laundry faculties, gas freplace, xurse and snOPP,mg 5595 SOUTH Ajax �y 4 Dwroor- Avafabie Secymomn- • I DOMESTIC AUTO available mmedlatery. ar con-. S65C •rontnty Frsttast monthly Cali 263 432' ^ o .. s e , , 1 .2 baths . 4 'Y kA Appy 33C B. ASh Sll 668-6980 Ava'Labio Sao 1 686-3328 ;oet5911 apo-ances. w •^ lack and or 4'6 986 0876 Stxao Ca.5 alc T.O(s Udlltles'rlduded• $SOC (081793) BEAUTIFUL large !um,sneo ga,den Ava ao s WHITBY . mr•e o.crOOn , •,2 wa^ted. Top (toiler, `clef 424 21 PICKERING bachelor base. apanr"Al r, ktcner. dining area Becker oar Sums small taints barna. �nrry a r garage. ss FREE OIGk- p '-'en! aea-onto most to GO f''dge, s'Ovg, was^er, dryer, 5'0 00 Plus uhles kt683-666' Oeiiglocation Available Sea pie*" tall 534 WMT7squired ration. no Last mourn dopos,t microwave Cou^••y rocat,on, Lake -08' 793) t Z-00 monrriy Cail %a '061793; S5oc monthly. Ca" Dark sening. 10 rm n,les wESrWy 401 2000 act a 64& 540-8788 WHITBY Jav•d or Fred. 663-2888 from 0,cker,ng To-*- Cgn1r• ne"00•- •w; -,.Orgy "0"03 0664AWA Two oed,00r-1 house AVAILABLE QCT. 1.93 (0111093) ssao "W"' . ^Ydro rck4Gd Paths. 11nn9Cirng room; ri Taff rec loom. 'enceC far-. garage FAST CASH-FREET0IN One �^e 8 t^nee bdrm apt . PICKERING one bedroom 329 6824fo67593) room vr,r• -"�Large so Laroat in air, alpoiancea now eke. 5896 D&B Towtn ottt g ers avail in dear. quiet. low asemen b: apartment. separate LARGE Iwo bedroom MChoil. double garage. avail- 1 DkX111111,44,X111111,44, Can n ,• cooler Om :ni dollars Wap orfs nse building, Jill., appi5. A entrance cable. ;Ill•{ and apa`41101 tireD'ace, laundry, faahties. able Sea. Asx.N %1000 Per montr Call 4329-4 or Danny 416462 C2-6 ;ayt at Parking Inducted For an laundry included $525 Parking S75C Der or 426 2925 1061 6686841 or 576-676 08, MM ks.tor Also Or SfipCiL%. Also psh ip.' inclusive. Available sea. - Cap flicii 420-97% (08!393: M) 1t0ATH A,a, Sea - Three drivable vehicles. 7 2d5C to View call 666- 6868562 or 267-S628 (08,590,) BACHELOR aparrr-kil -of Tell. AJAX south - Gleam !hinge OedrOorms. 2 1,Z barns. familyd•ydw11ek. AJAX Two oedroom, bright Soutr Arai Ower Wouor. own• beaoomastachW. 1-40M 2-2 room. ale conl tanked and two 346-736 WALKWT aASEME%- - o•ry !' ng Tool-. new y Painted baehroam, 950C IWO If Cap Dce ' 2 Pce F ^ shed Tec arParkang. Garage. apaances. bright !w0 bedroom, laundry Oasemert Available Sept. 1. 6830602. (0615931 loom.. -owe- broadl00^ schools aro snom,rg ngarpy a C I I t I e s . very Quist !-.Ac $spam,* entrance. now school AJAX two bedroom 1 112 th-ugnour, fenced ram. it". $' 075 . uti4 b" : rs: and ac 330 Trailers nAc.1.1o'ais - Park ng, walk leo and bus. Cable. Danumg. snared baths. central art. Pod. indoor star•. d4hiaasngr agferencss. 427-8475. (08,593; shopping. 6650 mon!n'y Ca'. $33.5586. laundry. gkr•r People, NO Pets Parking. newly decorateC. avad. 5!•25 - a,itw "y 683-866' PICKERING semi leached 1e79 Borlyr 1200 warQtap tent (^c082993)e. Flrattaat. $600 monthly pus able Sept $920 :a ZV '7890) hwo storey olown coricea house aier. good condition. $/gaps 8 Cal 6131976 angle 730 P.m or F,rstlast Call 4 6 B69-0587 PICKERING 4 bedrodrm mar 3 argg bgdrOOms 'irgpiaC•i with lots or extra corlwniences. AVAILABLE 'mmod'at•ly . hove rmossag , (061393) (0017n '00' s-a'•d a„^Cry. 5950 fenced yard. appliances. eats S 1800 Can 6232973 (OB 7 993) brand new spaoous bactieiw. WA frog decorated CENTRAL Oshawa two monthly. uWares ,riduded = ry krtcheir', single garage. 5.050 . CITATION 35 it- Twin TupOuts. Oshawa. 5425 includes utilities. a^C -*w'y carpeted !wo bedroom loin•• apartmgm at ari0 last. Sap. 1110 Pees Cap utdties Ava,LaDlg Sept Can two DeOrbOr'1t, full t?ithrObmt, :3big. Pa•.'ng. separate entrance, laundry negotiable bedroom tu'tgf avaiLabig to, duplex, uhirres and park ire. 427-84.9 (081893) :Yivt•. 4269766 '081893) many extras. S! 1.000 To vwv. Non smoky. no pets ati 728. No" moxg'.3) rem in Sough and d Oshawa. laundry facto" nauded $695 THREE b•drOOm bungalow. PICKERING - FOX "0ibw - 4 can Paul after 6 P m 416724- 7!7schools Ou"m Ju Idmg, Cbse to GM Per `ncntn Call John, 430-7'34 near G M 546 Hont•th Ave bedroms. 2100 to •' 5 4362 (TF) and ShOPPing Call 728- a '-4165543142 ;page top Rent. 5950 . ut,ktes crulasr. apokanos. avaiabe Sea 1 HARDTOP taint trailer, soaps 5. PROFESSIONAL rice smoking 49M 'or appointment ;082793) tree) (0111993) ayssabie r-vredkatey Cap 579- Cap Namely, pounder. 83' 33(0 9 cod condition. $600 Cas 420 Tom" warted for Large open concept apartment. Includes PETS weicone one bedroom PICKERING bvato or arort 6106 O8!393f - ---- Housing 2436 atter 6 p.m. and wieekerds. Sd"fM* entrance. air con basemies, separate entrance. ,ant 'or nut. pnvatg ernano. NORTH Oshawa executive 3 a415 Auto Parts 3 . }rspiace. I>'+^drY-$Sop. Contac utilities, barking. !sundry faun nckrtl.d $575 irsLlaat. After 5 located ROuggmO..^1 and 4 beC•OW" hot#g. total Prnracl' Wanted 340 of 111 430-005e. Rosgpar9c area :<Sc ,nctus,ve Oshawa Centre SOWIN s two Repairs A )S7«gni foes P.m 433-8971. (06!893) Cap 5033782. (081793) bedroom acammem Downtown OUT of town ekeclnca con- con- AJAX - large basement PICKERING - AvsLaDle Seq. t. CLEAN one bedroom r uppg Oshawa - ! w o bedroom struction Obrrlwy needs leo right iaAg cit OOrrls for rrne" 4 to 6 r.�� �,w �,�6apartment I-ain6CY apartment, one bedroom, One bedroom basement rrignt.uTialrt+ included. floor of du DN: m Oshawa. mmgd'atg 01,11, errpbyw A.SAP For approx. 12 Wlel Shared laundry tacd5es. 5600 t q erFledge, Giongr Pickering. stow. washer. dryer. Pcleise 1576-04 8b(081r993) Lakweek . a416-262-5196, unties included. First and lift. $550 monthly. Flrst'Last. Call Parking. Adeiaidr French Si area on bue route. 1550 monthly g� No pets. Seq. 1. Calf 427.8479. (081893 420-51M after inclusive. Call 436-6085 AA d/n TOhOUses Ain Townhouses I11t► rasa ;rte PUs materia ) OSHAWA - large two bedroan AJAX - two bedroom apartment. �„�t ,a r� "room (081993) SOUTH Oshawa near Gm, 3 bedroom townhome, $895 all suitable for couple, available 4 �' .ding SOUTH AW • one bedroom e 683 2977 S1100n. Sep, 15. FirsVLast. $700 per pce hath, parkin $800 r PC*. g' W ��' separate entrance, entrance self-contained. snared utsties included. Available Sept.Rent 1. Call Doreen, 404-8159. momh Plus. No Pon- 6835399. Ask for Phillipor Bess rrtorMh �eeR' ri0 pets, Y' �hery• walk to sAapping. avail - generator. SHP, 2.6 Available Available Aug. 15. Call 434- (081893) 5W7. (OB1B93) able poneyy�,. (�„ srhoker KW. $700. Call 221-7529. P1CKEt7Nti -clean quiet ea - preloned $600 monthly. 683- stove, washer, dryer, 4 pce. ROWMAMVk1F . ane bidroon LARGE bright one bedroom 66.56. McI39M USED engines and transmission, foreign and spiwMquse apartment pill rentp,TM� eft►arkp, 4 $275 monthly, Cas 6239983 applian0ei' Pickering. Cad 420- OSHAWA - two bedroom domestic car. Installation (0111793) 1832-(081593) apanmtent, bright livingroom, guaranteed. Free towing for Oshawa and Whiny area Cad HEAR Shopping Centre . bright NEW bright one bedroom appliances, con Mundy. ample Parking. Close to all 728.0817. (0817931 clean 3 bedroom basement apar,,1fent ground W.* cable. transpotabon- $695 monthly appliances. p l I a n c e s . available apartment, stove, laundry central vac, one parking plug hydro- Available Sept. I. �y/� 355 Motorcyt:les fadities, no :making and pets. ihckrded. 3625 inclusive. 427- utilities w". included, available 0915 42&1397. (0111793) Immediately. $900 monthly . 2195.(. Cas 8332345 839- anytime. (001�R) Sept. 1. $700. 579-4909. COLIaORNE Ontario - quuat, bedroom basement apartment (081993) PWXER NG - LiverpooY401, 3 large two bedroom, clean with INSURANCE, open 9-9p.m4 by bedrooms. two balconws, -door park** setting, trout suigisM appointment. Monday to PICKERING Village - one parking security, carpets, 3526 Plus utilities. 416344 - Saturday. Mcomycla, Auto and bsdroonn basement apati ent, drapes. two appiarwes. avail- 7317. (081993) very corrpstilive property ►alss. full kitchen and bath, private able Sep. 1. $995 inclusive. managed CLose o storo&tf Over 20 years experience. Cad entrance, no pets. 3675 Call 497-4308 avenin s. 2 SOUTH Ajax - two bedroom 427-3595-(091093) inclusive. Available basement apartment. hidge, -vw _ For Rent -Tw For Rent PRINGLE CREEK CO-OPERATIVE HOME INC., WHITBY is now accepting applications for - 4 bedrooms s871,11907 townhouses NO SUBSIDY IS AVAILAPLE. Near shopping and 401. Large units, lovely park -like setting. For more information call 666-2008 365 Marine immediately. 831-294 t . (M1523) t7 Quebec SL, ore bedroom stove, shared laundry, $600 apartment for rent n older apart- monthly . utilities. 6865519. mere buildup. SOUTH Oshawa near Gm, 3 bedroom townhome, $895 all 430 Rooms To PICKERING - large emscorn's $420 plus hydro. Available immediately. Call (081893) OUAUTY tenants for utsties included. Available Sept.Rent 1. Call Doreen, 404-8159. t5• MacGregor, fiberglass, 4 sail. Evinrude, miler, slip n one bedroom, walkout to garden, custom kitchen. hides, Stephen. 571-3229. (081993) wanted quality 2 bedroom apartments. NEWCASTLE near Oshawa - P1CKEt7Nti -clean quiet ea - Pon Pickering. Includes Go stove, washer, dryer, 4 pce. OSHAWA Centra - bright large References required. No pets. three bedroom townhouse, scutrw him a wsA IN" bright room with shared facilities, cruising for $8995. Call 283- 4697 evenings, weekends or bath, central ale. $700 inclusive Available Oct. 1. Ca1831-3504 apartment, avail. immediately, $535 utilities Avail. Sept. 1st b Oct. 1st. For viewing appointment call Lynn separate living and dining areas garage. 1 1/2 baths, 4 suitable for a mature non leave a message during days. • (081593) inck/ded. Also main floor, large at 436.6886. 061793 ( ) appliances. p l I a n c e s . available smoker, &odc and Finch. But at door. $4owmomnly, discount for 1944 Peterboro 17 tit ft. _ AJAX - Bayly/Harwood. two utilities included, large deck, �. 1. F"swast. �5. 576 BLOOR/SIMCOE - lartwo 2e Immediately. $900 monthly . 2195.(. Cas 8332345 839- house keeping dktiea Call 8B6 e^g Bownder, 130 I.O. Merc. engine, bedroom basement apartment 3174 or 7258760. (081393) bedroom, 4fi unit building. Or 2095 OB1993 7526. (081893) red and wine. Custom trailer, private entrance. 4 pce. bath. 4 WHITBY - bachelor --- aparrrtenI n storage. laundry. laundry. parking, was FLAT - furnished Ajar sash. Mooring cover, radio, exoellerr 6 appliances, cable, parking, Otter Creek, level, managed CLose o storo&tf NORTH Oshawa - three bright man floor room, 2 pos. condition. $9,500 after P.m close to all amen,,,. Available ground 6725 inclusive Quann Agencies bOdroom, four appliances. $800 bath, cooking facilities: 2652872. (TF) Sept. 1. 6650 plus 40% of Prints entrance, 3 Poe. bath- Ltd. 721-9147. (08191X1) Plus knows. First and last. Cas entrance, shared Laundry,, dose 370 Recreation Neuss. References. First arc last 283-1927 or 420-9040. kitchenette,microwave, Parking and MOWS Included. Available AVAILABLE immediately n 7257562 after 6 p.m. (pe 1393) to GO. women preferrec. Non smoker. cad 6132685 and 42s. Vehicles (08 1593) Sep. 1. $450 per month. Flat Whitby a Y Pantment building. Rooms TO 1145. (081993) AJAX imrttedia9el and last. 4342527 (06 1993) Spacious, carpeted, newly 430 Rent 19116 Horde FtixMrarc 4 wheeer, - available Y. TWO bedroom apartment close partes apartmem with balcony. . room for liquid coed, two stroke, excel- d lent codrion. New raced or brand new two bedroom walkout ed basement apartment, $700 to Go and Pickering Town close to bus, shopping. All utstiss included No polls.two DIXIE/FINCH - room in 3 tint to temate co" student, includes kitchen facilities, abused. Asking $2150 or trade indusiw. Call 427-2126,1428. Centre. SM pet molyd includw bedroom. SM. Call SM5173 bedroom house. use of all pill". $75 weekly. Avlf abia for Sic. SIS a Toyota 4n4. 1- 2121. (Oe 1593) utilities. Call M5712. (0a13a3) or 4340134. (TF) tac*m. female preferred. Cal itlt I fatally. Cad 725.2393. 705.277.3300. r ontypoci • I , Paul at 837-1774. (0112593) ft" 24 -THE NEW ADVERTISER 1RIDAY, AUGUST I% 190 ofd 430 R°°"�NO 500 � 490 „,�„e1POW LARGE room or 112 1- 1 no OWFAMED all brick raked FLMDA - Madeira Beach. altpartmN I it elesel quiet our. buntgalow. 4 1 dr-, 2 12 1500 sq.lt. luxury "I from .. War eho00% lou. Go train bailiffs, o M. se11 1 condo, 6 appliances. 2.1 and -II "Olt. Mlsatnsy HsiplMe, living and dining, familyroom bedrooms, two baths, all Ajax, 428-6440. (061393) with fireplace, double car accessories, heated pool AJAX - Harwood/Cloveridg•. garage, decks, central air/ Jai serosnrd sunporeh, top Clean quiet townhouse, a/c., Cental vac' asking $185,000. pool, non smoker, Call Fred Mitchell, Cddwell Moor, alekly/moMhly. Phots and mWrr• 7236089 or collect no pets, Banker RMR. 726-9x14. n k . 61 Bank reasonable. Evenings686.13 613-336-9133.M82MM Keith message 520-2528. 3) Homes 1081593) IMMEDIATE possession - 5OO For Sale BRIGHT bedslning room in slut Bownranville. throe bedrooms. 1 central vac. Call Jenny 837- family horna. Suit responsible 1/2 storey, 3.23 acres. out 576-9335 female. Kitchen and laundry buildings, fenced, ideal for PICKERING - welt maintained. 3 privileges. on bus route. $7o hobbyist. $159,000. call 1116- bedroom horde in Arribeirkra with weekty. Call 723-0264. (062593) 6231539. (08 1793) main floor family room. Main POWER d sorb Soared Propertime all floor laundry room and upgraded kitchen, bathroom and able (repossessed). pries start 450 AcCMM at under $80.000. Financing broadloom. Central air. built-in ar dishwasher, garage door ran g e d with minimum FEMALE required to share three downpayment. Great for first opener, electronic air cleaner included. Walking distance to bedroom house located in Ajax time homw*ins yinvsstors. Eg. schools and all amenities. As - near GO. $400 all inclusive $100,000 mortgage posts less king $168,900. For appointment, 6831863. (061393) than $796 monthly. Cal Dale on call 420.1538. (08/793) LARGE house to share. walk to Gail Anderson. Broker/Sales PRIVATE sale - detached three GO Irvin. 3 bathrooms, private Rep. Guide Realty. 1991. 721 bedroom, ensuite, main floor livingroom, double garage. 5281 24 hr. pager. (TF) family room, bright eat -in laundry roam, storage space. HANDYMAN Special . two kitchen. double garage. Durham quiet neighbourhood. backs bedroom home. treed la, near Shores Oshawa $147.000. Can m ap Lark. 428-9276. (081893) Lindsay. access Sturgeon Lake 576-7349- (081993) STUDENT to share an elle two $62.900. ALSO one bedroom PRIME pick ' A m b e r l e a' bedroom walkout basement home. hwy •121/Kinm0urt, localrbr, detached two storey, 3 apartment. rot rub. firepaao, 15 remodeled, new roof. sling and bedroornc 4 bath 7"JQCard of Thanks 750 Thanks 650 '9NASN'T THAT A PARTY!" The William Peak Co-op wishes to thank the following franchises for their generous donations. • B&B Computer Connection Ltd. • Beckers Milk Company • Celebrity Lanes, Pickering • Jumbo Video, Kingston Rd. • Payless Drugs, Whites Rd. • Sheraton Hotels • Toronto Argonauts • Toronto Blue Jays • Toronto Blizzards • Toronto Maple Leafs • White Rose, Scarborough min. to Durham Cortege. Close ookrorage. Large ". $67.500 rooms. es - slonaly renovated. immaculate w"I Whites Rd. 3200 to 401, snapping, gym, scenic John Wonahey Broker. 705-359- condition. close to GO. 4C1 and FAX SELL IT NOW xccheirs. sauna_ fawzzi, Dos. trail, non smoker. No pets. $400 1131 before 8 am. (of; 1793) Hwy 82 and all amenities amentia :?69.900 42o -!s46 sw _mrng. Boat and motor temais From :,>c we. Townhouses monthly. 436-3505. (081399) TWO storey sem Oshawa Fir. shed basement. alarm, YOUR ADS CALL EXCELLENTstarter So,:1r• WANTED 'Mature luring couple Centre area. gas heat. centra central vac. Call Jenny 837- bathrooms, e>< -n ksctrn torr burn in drsl/wasner. finished 576-9335 basement. now broadloom who would Ike to share a home air, hardwood floors. drapes. 2166. (OSIM) 579-2238 or 798-7672 Calf fis3 59W M "39M W 11 a g e n t i e m a n w� T h a blinds. 3 appliances. $118.500 nymead Collages R R e3 Out -of -Town Hastings. Ort. KOL IYO 1-705 Ifp Oeveiopmental handicap. He Open House Sat. and Sun. 2.4 $7600 nus puce. Large seck+ded 1 needs a stab;e home tilt V+ar will p.m 4337006. (06199;,) 630 R 63 cowry forst. One naw oak of hep nim further develop his Ito skills and give hum a sense of belonging in a ham ly II interested, call Lisa McNee - Baker at 427-3300 ext 231 fool 5W) HOUSE to share in Alain - S45C per mor•ip-. laundry facilities. private room, wasp -room, can 619-1693. ready wee.• you aro$ 460 office & Retail FOR •est -'SC sic ^ ac o"7 specs. Wsst»yr401 in Alan. en. duatrial kocation. Minns. from Go Great rase Call Tony. 674-5555 ext 702. (TF) WRTBY - a bedrooms. 2 1,7 barns, execut ve home ro BLUEGRASS MEADOWS. Int mod -e possession $179.500 Bob Johnston Realty 433-4677 985-8503 ask for Par Houghton (061393) WHY re,r? Throe bedroll, bu^, gaicw on,y $97 COC -"gee bedrbar- Iwo storey and garage $107,0oC 4 bedroom boMsoic. 2-4 pp, baths. rec roan. bar, e man )&Cuzzi. $127.000 Call ,515 Aeon Brumley RE Id. (08159M BROKER rias $10.000 to had at $110 per nxtntn Contac] ^)OUg a< 668-6805. Community Finan - 470 Cottages For - I- ITFALL) Rent w"I Whites Rd. 3200 Isle, sc..h. sieanrve. 7 bedrooms. 5 K A W A Ia T H A S --. ' .Z: d,1hroiorrs. two •nsueoe thio bedroom ^bourn-. ,aRH:ron; :.or xccheirs. sauna_ fawzzi, Dos. t a g s 45 m r N E at finished besnent Close o all or if•rt�oughl, good (ming. amentia :?69.900 42o -!s46 sw _mrng. Boat and motor temais From :,>c we. Townhouses =395 aro•k!y (705) 6772.59 510 For Dale rob . 9931 GREAT 'shrug and famnly EXCELLENTstarter So,:1r• 9k0i'day _ow 'A -"Y prices Ajax 3 bedrooms. two Modern collages. Pickerel. bathrooms, e>< -n ksctrn torr burn in drsl/wasner. finished rrxurkaiy. (mall and large mpufrh b. pan rase 1900 tt ass basement. now broadloom water'rorx. Levet grounds. roc throughout. low marntenano• foods. Close to schoWs and kat. cnidron's program- sandy an 19. Shows beautifully. bear( . Boat ant mora tarsals. Calf fis3 59W M "39M One hour from Oshawa. Sun- nymead Collages R R e3 Out -of -Town Hastings. Ort. KOL IYO 1-705 540 Properties 696-2601 (061993) $7600 nus puce. Large seck+ded 490 �lot sap 1000,. tanto nation lie fishing. eat to 10.000 acro cowry forst. One naw oak of Torortb. Fred. (416) 431 1555, ST. Pes•reburg - Ial Dei Sd. - - two bedroom. 11111110na o me. Puny ..1�. Flo equPped, visa on beech. golf, ft 4 teens, boating. fshwlg, pod, y aNen Remis lacuar:i, sups 6. onry $350 U.S. Call M7571 (061393) GORGEOUS WINTER in Fior4a - mobil - 10x60i n egtstrabons 0 Registrations 630 Registrations Ryerson Campus comes to you at Durham College TAKE COURSES FOR CREDIT TOWARDS A RYERSON DEGREE OR CERTIFICATE FALL SESSION BEGINS THE WEED OF SEPTEMBER 7, ONE EVENING A WEEK Come join us at our Information Night - Ked., Aug.1& 5:00-8:00 p.m. at the Oshawa Public UbrarN Auditorium. 65 Bagot St-, Oshaiwa - NURSING - EARLY CHILDHOOD - OFFICE INFORMATION SN'STE NIS - TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT - HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (SELECTED COURSES) - OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY three bedroom borudo, close o fornoue Clear- water Beach. 0001. prcunt. SM sous park for axle or 590 Business rent. Iwo bedrooms. laundry. /�.�.,.,•, F" ' loom, roc hall prrvase Owo tunities ICQttages For 550 Have joined our practice. For Isle, Sak and lwivase yard. Available noel. for information and to view good shopping, gulf sae. $450 monthly or $7000 put. HIGH profit cash business adults only pease (TF) JESUS says. can the blind lead photos call 6060646. M0029M crate Price. Canadian funds vending route for safe. low nvestm o t. tau return PM, wear glass"' The rvreing s 571.1620. (lode 51 Who ted 3 bif 11 pc Dr- P Goodman FAMILY DENTISTRY Dr.B. U kw "OUR PLEDGE" DI: Y cw Our warm caring staff at 927 will provide you W with file most modem materials and LiVr rPOO1 Rd. lec hr*pas. Above all - we use only the latest methods of STERILIZATION FOR YOUR SAFETY - TOTAL ATTENTION TO YOU AND YOUR CONCERNS CONVENIENCE (AT 927 ' GENERAL ANESTHESIA (Dentistry whale you sleep) DR. MARV KAY M.D. ' ORAL SURGERY DR. D. ELLER ' PERIDONTIST (GUM SPECIALIST) DR. S. GOLDMAN - NEW PATIENTS WELCOME - SAT. b EVENINGS (BYAPPT) FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS AVAILABLE. - SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR SENIORS WE LOOK FORWARD TO YOUR CALL (416) 839-5951 ® Serving Pickering for 30 years bift 1-2 pc em sure. Taw •fir bSKtk Oftel was lthnttactlYl•. talar ac=w AMle f17g 000 {s2o,000 of original prict►. {11g04M el66khP 7%11ss wetdcer,ds 575 Loans BORROW $10,000. pay as little, as $110 par mored otic. Cat Jerry, 668-7200, Free consultations. Anubis Invest - r w Lid. (TF) HOMY Problems? Loads. debt consolidations, credit s FREE CONSULTATIONS. crodit ca.sefda (Pickannig. 0skaws).433-1425.(TF) 580 Mages MORTGAGES and Personal Loans - call if you are saH- employed, have payments credit, income difficulties or been turned down. CityCan Fiwtcial, 4368104 Oshawa or 254-0897 Pickering. (061993) MORTGAGES and bans, 95% fisncng, down payment also arranged. Qualified or unqualified. Call Doug 668- 6805. Communuity Financial ) Services. (TF) MORTGAGES as low as 5.75% o.Ac. cal Michael. 6667200. Antis Invest. M- Lid. Serving Ontario since 1972. (TF) MW t>0i --.A Awtions 650 Aud= 650 Awfta OUTSTANDING AUCTION SUNDAY, AUGUST 15th at 1 P.M. PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX 1867 Valley Farm Rd. 1/2 mile north of Hwy. iff401 between Liverpool Rd. & Brock . Rd. (from Kingston Rd. (Hwy. 4 take Valley Farre south) Over the past three months we have put together a magnificent collection to be sold at public auction. Fine dining & bedroom Suites (both antique & reproduction) fine home furnishings, interesting & unusual items, decorator furniture, artworks & collectibles. HIGHLIGHTS:•Superbly inlaid (6) pc. bedroom suite with highboy chest s high rice -carved (4) poster bed is '(10) pc. flame mahogany diner with curved fronts having (6) shiefldback chairs '(9) pc. mahogany diner with pinstripe inlay on all pieces 'Chippendale dining room suite with large 4 door china cabinet 8 • ' pierce carved chairs r '18th 8 19th Century reproduction bedroom suites with cannonball 1 star beds 'oak dining table with clawfoot trestle base & (8) Windsor chars 'Oak round clawfoot pedestal table & (6 essback chairs IN ALL (15) SETS MUST BE SOLD 1 '(5) brand new sofa sets in contemporary style 'Over (40) fine Chippendale d Queen Anne wingback chairs, camel -back sofas, swivel office chairs 8 more 'Louis XV s lealhertop toyer desk 'Selection of 18th Century style cuno b collector cabinets YcLman style rose carred lady b gents chairs 'Heavily carved mahogany console table with matching mirror 'over (20) original signed oil paintings 'Grandfather dock wrth broken arch pediment by 'Desks, hal) tables, coffee, sofa, end & dnJm lades 'Signed 8 numbered limited edition punts by Bateman, Lumbers, Casson, Fdklns and more -Leaded glass tiffany style )amps Carved Motorise style horses 3 carriages 'Bronze statuary 'MUCH MORE Preview: Noon - 1 PM Visa Accepted - Delivery Available _ li� 671 Business Dr. Mitchell Shields Personals & milm:044 III 680 Announcements 680 Announcements 670 Personals Have joined our practice. For FOR ,nd ,� .e ro 'a lily and Dsaeet � DENTAL UPDATE pfxaos. or writ ARD Ko rna. Karen, �x 674X0 Kelowna. BC V 1 Y 7Pa. We at 927 Liverpool Road South adults only pease (TF) JESUS says. can the blind lead Drs. P. Goodman, S. Weiner & tree blind? Dom your minter wear glass"' The rvreing s staff try need mnrster. Micah 3.11. New patients welcome by Isaiah 56.10-12. John 10:11, are proud to announce that Jim Campbell. 1.705.1$539475 671 Business Dr. Mitchell Shields Personals & milm:044 III Dr. Seema Sharma 101111111:13-140:141TI f Have joined our practice. For PU oe6...... You Pap art sz000......- .....SSp your added convenience more S5,000 ............. ..... =t25 evening hours and Saturday 5-15000 .............. appointments are available. • ' ' New patients welcome by r • • - appt. 839-5951 COME AND WORSHIP THESE CHURCHES INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THEIR WORSHIP SERVICES A�ERI.EA PRES6YTEMM CHtxm 1420 titi7dem Rd. K THE FAMILY CHURCH WORSHIP TIME Swnnw Hours: 10 a.m. Suparotaad Nursery MIESTNt V HOGHT; BAPTIST � � IC=EM of LOEB Pim) Rft imm ROW* pa"1 OUIBARTON - FANPORT UWT= CNURCH ION Dunberton Rids Pid WIN 839-7271 WOMNIP & Church School �® Church Service 10:30 a.m. PICKERING STANDARD CHURCh (METHODIST) 3595 8100 Road at Hwy. 7 SUNDAY SUMMER WORSHIP Worship 11:00 LffL E•v6rlirlpf 7= -- 'Cant and worship wish us awry Sun* - ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 35 Church St. N., Ajax 683-7311 and PICKERING VILLAGE UNTIED CHURCH 300 Church St. N., Ajax 683-4721 Combined Summer Services 10:00 a.m. July 4 to - in Pickering Village August 1 - United Church August 8 - In St. Andrew's to Sept.1 Presbyterian Church Junior Congregation and Nursery Care To Advertise Your Church Services Call Janice . R . • •683,51:10 1 t � - 1 CAO 1 1 1 LOOK BETTER. FEEL BETTER 1 Facials, Manicure 1 1 Flbrsgikins Nak Pel;il ur%K I 1 Waxing, Eyelash/Eyebrow 1kNs 1 1 10% discount ' 1 Home vbits available 1 1 Cal for appointment 1 831-1657 ' Blaisdale ontemill School EST. 1969 Ages 18 months to 12 yrs. 545A Kingston Rd., Pickering Village, (rear building) Ajax YOU'LL BE IMPRESSED! 686-5005 CLAP i !.Arlt — — — 1 Galbraith I I Repair Centre I Itewellery - Watches j 1 Watch Battery Replacement Q Watch Straps & r Bane. 1 J I�wellery Cl.aner V Ring Cleaning and Rebuffing I iFree estimates on retipping of your I precious romp. I �---- CLA. 112.,lamwem4 ons o•Ih PA*M AvW1@1* _IXEX� ;emian and Internatiowa(Specuitw Sunday Bruwch 10:30 - 2:30 ::cs. - Sat. 11:30-2.30 & 5-10 p.m. Sunday 10:30-9 p.m. Located to the Coumyard of Btckrriv TiZve .109 Old Wton ?J., Ajax 427-6760 It's not necessary to "R"eplace that old boat and motor. "Wepair and "R"efinish instead. We perform tune-ups and repairs of Outboard motors, inboard motors and outdrives. For help in getting yotu boat OR"efurbished and on the lake this season. C" - SAWYER `� L_MARINE SERVICES LTD. �.•"' •�w• 655-8347 of y]�-1-G 6 J FROM 4.99% 1st, 2nd & 3rd Mtga to 95% ' Rental Properties & Cottages ' Re-fmancintg ' Debt Consolidation ' Rural Properties Self-employed Bad Credit No Income -No Problem Prime Deals Below Bank Rate: Fast Professional Swvke silo.Im C168fi-2557 mmY OR, E. QMZEAU i DR, M. FffZSMWM WE 111MTE IYEW RTiEMS IWAMXINTMENT WE OFFER FAMILY EYECARE 'tea • PERIODIC VNM OR L1YE4N CARE • Contact Lenses FOR YOUR PETS, HOME A PLANTS • Binocular Vision • HOME SECUFWTY A MAwTENANcE • D CARE PMeptUal T"• 90NMD It INSURED, EESST. I M • Dispensing of at RELIABLE Types of Frames dl AFFORDABLE & Contacts 686-1691WE HAVE MOVED T Z 11885 Gic-nanna Rd 83-1175 839-5M 1 'Tft irlavn"s Ab*=11BR FtI AX At1GOW-L1k 1"s.rAdgr 25 • DAY SPA • HAIR by LYNN BELL r • FACE • BODY • GIFT i CERTIFICATES 49 Division St. _ — Oshawa Repair, waterproof, crumbling foundations For most homeowners, there's nothing worse than a leaking basement. Short of the roof caving in, there's nothing more daunting than the prospect of having to repair that irritating Icak. But before you start thinking that 'weeping system' is aptly named. considering the moss! _.ou're in, give yourself some peace of mind and call the professionals: Drycon Building Services. Drycon specializes in basement and foundation waterproofing. While many people continually assume this is a complicated and expensive job, owner Larry Goodwin points out that isn't necessarily so. In many cases, the problem is pinpointed to a specific area, and can be fixed without spending additional time or matey. ('racks in the foundation are a major cause of leaks, but if they're caught early enough, the damage can very often be reversed. Although the deteriorating of the home's concrete block and poured foundation is a natural occurrence over time, it leaves many people not knowing how to properly solve this problem. But Drycon has the answer. Unique products offered by this waterproofing firm allow its specialists to effectively combat concrete deterioration while beautifying the property. When concrete deteriorates, a special product is applied to �o FOUR SEASONS ii©Sl1NROOMS off �fi 0 IA.EM�? transform it. resulting in a clean, fresh, look. as well as providing waterproofing protection. The coating is particularly useful to repair and waterproof the outside foundation between the brick line and the bottom of the house: as well, for older basement interior foundation walls that have deteriorated. I atrry says. --Ione product fills up any crumbling, arty holes. It cleans up the pitted foundation, fixes cracks or falling pieces. and waterproofs at the saune time." It comes in grey or white, and can be used both inside and out. Newer houses are just as susceptible to cracks, due to the settling of the building, but tunfortunaiely the warranty on new homes only covers the basement for the first two years. That's where Larry comes in, repairing the small problems before they become Mg ones. (kcasionally the weeping system, the system of tiles and gravel that prevents water from seeping in, has to be re -Jug. This generally involves a strip being dug around the outside perimeter of the house, though, as with crack,. sometimes o niv isolated section, need repair. In cases where it's difficult or impossible to dig outside the house, a similar set-up can he installed indoors. Whatever the situation, I -arm _nsures complete wawrproo ing. and extends his warranties on this kind of work Ior up Io 10 vea rs. Dncon's other area of specialty is concrete rctinishm_ Instead of replacing chipped and brok.n concrete. sou can simply ha%c it refinished! I)rycon uses a special Concrete coating to lc,cl out uneven patches. Whll_ Ikyron dols pour its own concrete, the main 1,/cu,, of this business is in the refinishing of existing material. W hcther you need a complete refurbishment or just a tcw crack, in the sidewalk tilled. Dn-con can do the job. Laura imitcs you to call for a free estimate if you have some work that needs to be done. Ile suneys and completes all jobs himself. and offers advice on the best way to accommodate vour needs. Extensive work is not always necessary: some water seepage problems can t>< cured by a hit of caulking around the window's. and Ui ry will tell you so. So before you give up hops: and turn your basement into aI swimming pool, ;;ive Drycon Building Services a call at 619- 1703. 9b: fox ani 9bs tlointrpot dub 2020 W"t"irtd St W, unit 19, Whitby "A little something for everyone" 109 OLD KINGSTON RD. "In The Courtyard" ' - 4280M 62 10 RED EYE SPECIAL VAN SERVICE TO AIRPORT $2500per person (additional family members 150) 686-1515 WhIlekCtas Vans also available CEDAR PARK Recreation 6 Trailer Resort (5 miles N. of Bowmamrille, lust off Durham Rd. 57) OPEN FOR SUMMER Featuring: • Beautiful 110x70' pool • 18 hole miniature golf • tennis court • fantastic children's water play area complete with 3 pcois. water umbrella, m!!,; siide, water car^ons. ��•• ASK ABOUT OUR SEASON SWIMMING PASS Oubhc paws •Al Swimming .o...eK 263-8109 SALT OR WEATHER ^AMAGED CONCRETE WALKWAYS OR STEPS? BASEMEN'S WA-ERoaooFED COWPE-E REFINISHING AND PEP&P AW SIZE JOB - MODERN ME'»CDS NO DAMAGED SHRUBS _AWNS i 3RIVEWAI'S ALS AVAILABLE ME 44CDS PEaF0RME7 +N SIDE ulnnl" �iUVv1Y:�l 24 HourS TN. (416) 619.1703 or Fax 1416) 683-0421 Kids ages : ' Tesler !heir wont 9v 7ztenN the Xsuer of computers. With great teochers oW ordy 4 klds/grwp-phn o c rntukr to uldt& key- boarding, Computer mss* mat and reading,le4- top *hsh% onmlotion, robotics and more-ym chid 0 *eon exchN lean>,tg tldrenture. CW Imiiiir filr liar *a N&IMIlmaw S wr a The h�� 376 Kingston Rd., Pickering Unit 16, 509 -KIDS (5437) PET SITTERS ETC. Pet, Plant and Home Care SERVING OUR*i M SINCE 1996 PROFESSIONAL CARE OF METS PLANTS A NOTES BONDED A MORED WE CARE FOR YOUR PETS IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME Q i To Advertise your Business in this Feature Call Janice 683-5110 , PAGE 26 -THE NEWS ADVEMISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 0, IM li 1 ALL. hdare'gan man. 43. 1 in am baseball, darwnp, Companionship ng Friendship =ft" seell sane"' lets loving lad,, to sham sane. 36.40. sr low Ca ll SUCCESSFUL. humorous sin - gle. confused by bar ecere.a atbr-32 1 976 1991 rge female. ttve erergebc fsMle. 23-32 to to Anytime enjoy travel, dining, sports, music and intelligent conver- sion SY 1112 ROMANTIC handsome th,r- tysomthing, established. tun Only charge is $1.99 per minute, there are male 5 esti 105 lbs.. seeks kind, sensitive, gentle. caring. noextra long distance charges gorgeous female. 2535 with a 1. To respond to an ad. call Sincerely Yours 1-416-976-1991' at any time of the day from any touch tone great se ne of humour SY I I IS phone within the 416 area code and make a note of the four dlge 'mailbox' number that appears at the end JENNIFER in Ajax. please again I didn't get of the ad. You may also browse through the system to listen to other recordings. Just follow the recorded your phone number SY 1124 Instructions. A charge Of $1 99 per minute will appear on your phone bill as soon as you connect with the SINGLE white male. 27. 5'6• 180 Iles enjoys the outdoors. system. 2 After you receive your numbers. call 1-416-976-1991' from a touch tone ane day and fol- dnng. dancing, quiet evenings phis' n low the easy (recorded) Instructions. Remember you may NOT leave y ( y y your kilt name, phone number or at home. seeks single white address when recording your message In YOUR mailbox. female 20.30 who enjoys the 3. To retneve your messages call 1-416-976-1991' from any touch tone phone and follow the instruc- same children are welcome SY 1133 tions ... Remember to enter your mailbox number and pass code on your phone key pad. A charge of $1.99 SINGLE while male. 21 enjoys per min will appear on your phone bill as soor as you connect with the system. mus -c bowling, dancing. the outdoors quiet evenin s at 9 home seeks tamale t62t who • , , M , , • To place • 1-800-387-8009 • • • enjoys the same for possible • s etwZ lona term relationship SY 1134 CsnawaWfby area SY 11 OUTGOING single white nate SINGLE father 36 divorc 36 attracvve into sports coup- attract,ve brown half gr try music camping midnight eyes. 5"10. 195 lips enjoys walks hokknq hands and them- outdoors waAong fishing derstorms. seeks attractive lady attractive single mom. 28. 25-36 will`• Skn,iar interests SY who enjoys rn the cae SY 11 1135 MAROWORKIt4G hst onebar GOOD LOOKING male 1a. nae 33 seeK:nc white tem honest, sense of humor kms 28-4C for fr,endsh,c Tay bsports and going to the gym •*latic, Sl heavy sat 190- ok•nq for attractive lemale 19- be SY 1189 21 SY 1136 ATHLETIC s -gl* male SINCERE a"ectonate gentle- k cw.ng 'd attractive fit fema ma^ s- enjoys dancing,e or travel single, Marred to, day ti COM90 lite water skiing seeks fun ghee great back -Jbs female 4C -SC me,similar �n fee. 1190 gists and a few more 'of long FUN LOVING -onest sing nn irelaeonstkp SY 1138 waits nate 29 enjoys caf*o+t MALE -d 30s tali Quiet. sap- movies Jays and walks w a'a!edmarl -oaDody loves chfl. that special aean6 seek, dren likes outdoors music bmdale 2'-30 with sidniar rix seeks f6^hale ,n 306 for toll eel for possible long me nm• pe'on r r*abo wlmv BY 1148 I onwh,p cha&en •y«rr coe S DIVORCED •hale 42 kivea Out- 1192 OOC•c „d music 'sores din- ATTRACTIVE shin angle wind 101 sharing quiet ems, Seeks -nae 3ys c onto" wall woman to gree and take eouaav quiet evenings at nom6 30-44 Fit and aura ,, SY c. ve 1153 1961 -es on h" one or.M- c4s p.Ill recently rebuilt en9rn•. r*f,atll*. handles, .ell unleaded fuel only. no spare the some rust kAake an offer SY /111.4 SINGLE ;-,cd kook,r.y estaD- �•s^•c w•'0 male 33 seers famals to, pose ble long teem hOn*11 relationship Sincere comers O^if SY 1156 sang» w� 1e 'ef-a.6 21-77 's SINGLE wnrt6 bUS,neseman campanionohp or nog lastn 3' - : ntc bar scene seeks relationship K!I1r pleas singe while Jami• 25.35 nor nowtod ld again BY 1193 smoke• ^on*st no head SINGLE wn,te -,ale see. - games must enjoy logging ll o 'e-23 whc enlcy morescuddling and romantic romantic dinners ON walks ovennot togoth« BY 1160 movies and evenings ot.-, MALE •inrt• 36 loves c,.-- watching the Ca's on clear app's camping, Its" base- warm rspht* SY 11% ball romancing Iook,ng for ACTIVE oast shy •nae 4:. 5'I I- tornao -re, sarhiar once" SY 165 to seeks oulgorig tomale 1100 20-35 Peuts to en!oy quiet MALE 44 separated enjoys too hnnsc nes Sy 1196 cvcung n sacirs Munk: people HALE 27 while rated a 5 On in gwal lerdommkrfCal" .e-0 scale skald Jake ic dole the a/�Orng. seeks SOVA&f kind o' Poll mea and from Viae •re Off" woman. 35-42 chsoron wwo . w l cowhat fate brings BY Come SY 1101 1196 SINGLE ma,* 34 5 t 1- 19ak 0 GOOD L001WSG me 4C sr. be sk-oys moves obys din- cere noniest na•dwcrk.ng ting and dancing looking 10, secure cion joys smoker ordrys good i0oll female leun r Doe*eme g Movies Crave fishing NabOnohc SY 1102 seeks sing)* attractive female STA" 39 rs young good with same Intone sa 20.35 for lookifwlg g guy enjoys golf dance long lean cwtovvp SY 1197 did" big famantic waft "OGLE dark her blue oyss 48 tks*t overwrgs at home seats enjoys among ti•hx'g doming lady 34-40 for compandnsnrp out and avmaks ab Jamle PO"6e rwbc$ W IP By 1183 30.48 for Inwidshp By 11M MALE when separated 45 6 SON seeks companatlp nsIII 20C lba«a s hora and srnce d. planes hall gel hen out of enjoys quart ovonmps movies the house and my hair. I like dancing having fun seeks him. you wd 8-0 BY 1168 aftwbonab lenale with Whaler SINGLE mats. 20. very atvbc. s InterestsInterestsbbf for ig i,slaaonst Mle moesft v. waft on Iia teach. SY 1105 romantic *venings. looking for SINS nee.. ANO, dtrorosd. beteg. 18-25 with srMar ~- 50 5'8- good shape. many ests. looking ler a long term interests. hungry for serious rtlationnfrp. BY 1180 relationship with slim. white ATTRACTIVE single whit* female. in 40'6 in the mule. 22. 6'. 180 lbs., erwovs I SAY YURS M. OSYST 11e wft die 7M area Cc* jou"ao m Sil =* y0o: If W, Orin, Coirgwood 1-976-1993 �. L116"1476.4321 Ire Wm the 613 area code you may um Sifto* yours: A area 1-976-7400 re wft 111.416 area code you may a mm Slit mj* Yours: L Ofty, A* Pd" 1-4169 6.1991 D. Pon Hope 1416976.1991m. m. LWo dpe, S w h k 1416976.1897 11111M11111M I110,8111111,1111 !O Ile! 91e fog soWASEaa0allda 1 �a 1416976.9186 1416.976.1321 14169767789 1416.9760888 outdoors. overruns out. quot ovowrps at hoot, romennc. shy and sinews, looking for slim hMith wb nals. 19.25 wsame ingress for relationship. BY 1301 SHY. lonely make, teddy bear 24. varied interests seeks femur, 20.30 who enjoys quiet 87 !7-esn^ -es for astIm Iona ter ed bonstup SY 1362 ear YOUNG male 38 would the meet single Samere female. seeks 35 who enjoys good conve 38 bran. country Me. and Becs M 1303 acv CONTRACTOR 2e 6 long ale .eve c,:_--e-v,, snort on I' be locking for female whc enj 300 night walks along teaks and unbilled passror SY 1 39 BLUE eyed whits male 25 �o ✓1i bac 0.r1m enhdvS hshnq me waft romantic evenings See SY possible long term roAbonsh SY 1305 10 VERY-a^dsome Italian w gI mar 20 Body Pay Cyrus to hke -I- a n%atache. lorry nc tar Seeks adv for funleOoh no sato sSY 1308 WANTED oeautrtij blonde Y was a: wary s Restau•a Wsdreoday July 14 3 OC a arta We made contact but cc,.lor -+ovdes talk :an .f you're mt«.sled i Peeks the "ear with t1e gold ala- Sa,gcn addicted to movies value good friends. and you? Nle to SY 1365 25- SINGLE while female 40 look- rsa- rig Mat at special someone to SY snare ding and dancing, music and moves. and dust evevngs Or, 66 at home SY 13 I'm MOTHER IN-LAW coking for oys chug"tef r law broker hearted, vids06 wonderful. good looking 20 r 304 old. knows the d,fferen Ce ,of n-&Iwsw a •ear 101aborahic and 0^9 the games of We SY 1364 seeks SINGLE white male. 2e enpye IC skyc,v,ng. camping and other outdoor acavities, sect sngJa m write ferrake 22-28 for tantask loOka- times and postocke rela/ordship bel. SY 13" nip - NOT :aa dark and handsome or reen lenPr ct a hard .or" ofeo- who conal 46 yr old. nice guy seek - n t nne Intelligent a ohm active b•dy M b ehfOv life wart+ SY 1370 IV f ATTRACTE w 5. n to 114,6 2 n m loo -g for attractive female gaaaees ganger than My $ 0 that is art - SY 1309 lew enjoys the outdoors. done - MALE w^ Is, 37 seeks VIM ng and quer owefit for pose. a'•act,va .adv 2S -3C for 'nerd -r• lerstw orarkp SY 1371 sf•lp possible relation -snip EXCITING mal* 2C so",ng win be undnstandi g Serious femad* • 8-2' who lies len. ler I ,oudie• only, BY 1310 friendship and possible long SUCCESSFUL wine nes- ousoTim rolation*hrp SY 1372 ma^ r SCS seeks a'tracll SINGLE Soan sh g*nn*man f*mal6 any 496 'o• •omanbc 33 :c *go student. likes to relationship on big arm base dance salsa, and marorgs pow SY 1311 Sonit6 SpOntsnooce Outgoing SINGLE ^-%&*30. caw` cu work•ng looking ler a !•mal* g 2630 whc r no -dew and has e 9000 senso d humor SY 1312 HEALTHY caning, honest h g whit• -,a.* 4• 5 11- seeks s lady to share t* spark of ton anbc unites will" SY 1313in SENSITIVE amar_ sk a, sincere Chnsfaw go" war lir 32 seeks inlefloWt .r lady any race :r ng Olot«- trandsh,p possible, mar•,ago erInterested n music theatre social blues BY 1314 IN SGLE lathe. 2' go -d look. Ing E enjoys w 9C be onwil; out dancing dining qu,ot finials evenings see"als wrac- t v* slam 25-35 with similar seeress BY 1315 SPIRITED Taurus male sin o 4C 5 a- two cho~ toOken ler m a woman ID sassy my rtelotl C be touched mw1Wy. spinttialy, sly and Phjfd BY 1317 ROMANTIC male whit* 40 seodlovable. t lovae. loyal and affec- bonake female enjoys who eoys golf wig waft ane quiet evendege BY 1310 ETERNAL opoo . sort what romantic firm, fired 40s. enjoys music. conversation.es ON moving see" mature Presnor► ably slim, attractive, female counterpart, bdor ,orwabon. ship BY 1310 ATTRACTIVE sngle working parent. 34 Woes this outdoors. n camping. dig and dancing. sport melded, seeks female. 2535 who r jO1fs chdrtr*n with amm, rnweab. BY 1350ONErTghen Osia w. Mb 30. ark hair. blue eyes. considered atrsebn lock" ler afraeove lemmm me women ni" 40S for tun and romance. BY IMIMSa ATTRACTIVE aeaonmb nes 23. enjoys spore. movies, and II wafvery y fa --- , took - ng knob 18-25 bpomefte rain- tlnP. BY Iles SINGLE who C•oeil7o main 19 yrs.. 6 a y 2, wjos, opco ohi- doom nmovarid k) quiet seeks female 18 b 20 for possible raw-- - I IF. BY 1x1 ATTRACTIVE single white mal*. 20 yrs.. enjoys sports anemg and qu l longs. loves b how kir, saMug 16 b 21 yr old %mob student lex long ferm two-- , IF. BY an HANDSOME and smart man lookup for nWWgent fwmpan- on. BY 1363 AVERAGE bokrry, whin. norl- anroow. Make. 49. Wnw. gar. dial".dial".rands. Soft. country and easy listening music social drinker, bilingual, not keen On dancing SY 1364 ME! sign whda Mle. 33, us, adventurous, oclgcuc tastes. influenced by do Black Adder and Seinfeld. loved Miss and seeks lady 23 b 30 nanwrok. e or droner SY 1373 a ATTRACTIVE, di male. young 42 non -amok« enjoys t movies music camping and m b + Sunday pica- seeking si ^om wall bank wokwo larnan with no ties and a good sense of aprmu- humor. pos•bb relationshp BY 1374 SINGLE -nate Mab 24 enjoys "OM4y basso". among and quet nights at hom* seeks attractive, female 18-25 who ,s rwresbd n to nils BY 1376 WHITE -%we 19 56' nnret. lid - Politics boating and romantic walks seeks 26-30 year old woman to share Int. male tIMes possible rWbOn- sfsp BY 1377 GOOD looking sectio. whte M410 S6 145 pounds, enjoys spm• sports conagirg. taidw On" out and good converse. ban Looking for secure aQac- M 90m female 25-40 yin sen gle Marls O K BY 1370 SINGLE whet male. kicking fir woman with good son" of humor. ages 1625 must like chocolate and flowers, and romantic ovenIf." aloe. By 1380 HANDSOME GoUbistod main. 33, non-smoker, seeks slim twinaJa 22-31 kir snows con► psrsorsfkp. mnwlawg conver- aabw and good Ines, sn9f• trmow s sea", - . SY fm TALL slim male, 32, enjoys music. waft on ft blood roe - quo[ spars. movies, st•nrrrrg and quiet romantic nvorwngn. Speirs ..dr female. 25,16. for BY 1� ' Page" mlNorsdi p. ROMANTIC nes. 3f, ktokirg for a bhp semi rsI I'd hip. no hand gaining, mNA Mn ddd wt, compsg, adwg long ranTta weft. 2540 and alraews. BY 1381 COUPLE d mbbfstsd of y nrd 30'6 guys, ISWM 19 with som- al years •ttpwience, Mo cot tagse. Caribbngn Itavnl. water Sports. wwwenobilog, and len. Y Would like b now sane. BY 130 S MALE 30. good kiola g, stn, ft hwrget will many arI cele, no i df►pendents. Seeks same in fwrob 22-30. To sham kin" rowborwNrp. BY I= HONEST. hard working, avide c 31 yr. old guy. who enjoys his c and all it has b offer, enjoy sot. ng, nabreychn% seeks boos a for Possible relationship. SY 1 1387 w GOOD kioltg corals lint tarred m 30. 5'a• wet bkle eyes and long brown hair, seeks shm. altrac. 22 Ove lady In her thrum. who me SI Carling. fun b be w4 h, starkers, w and trust worthy for a posed* relabonuhip BY 13M 27 25 year old male with strong Chnstlan ballets. I enjoy rrdoon- light dinners. long walks. soft music Would like 'o meet SOmeorle with slimlar ntereab SY 1390 ATTRACTIVE single white male 24 yes 5 1C. good sense of humor enjoys romantic evonrl9 - moves. walking. den Ing seeking attractive female 19.26 with smdar nteress SY 1391 ATTRACTIVE single white mage 28 sincere, creative romantic, enjoys lazy walks cuddling, movies, seeking attractive mature. single white fens{*. 19 b 29 b � ro{a- Wai BY 1302 ESTABLISHED blew oy*d male 17C los 35 yin. old. enjoys sic, ng, Cottages. travel keeping ht seeks secure attractive. sponta- neous and tun ferrule wdh Writ - tar so so SY /3M SINGLE father of two enjoys w'+lkang, aitdoors. looking ler a woman between 22-30 must love chddrw BY 1395 23 r old while male 5-7'. 745 IDs seeking sarin female 29 to 33 to enjoy •onantic dinners, moves. long wall and quet ~"I at home Looking lor brig rearm relationship SY 1396 HANDSOME ^al* 3c s neve, hared 5 . aubvr, has whoo and working enjoy, variety of music sports comcen get- aways quiet and a c, ting oven,ngs seeks attractive female 20-29 tc share good tines wit•. sy 1397 EUROPEAN -ale 59 1a only chid see" remaa, web arm. Ie problem SY 1398 III star sea•cf• .andsome while mal• 5 10-, 178 Ds 36 Professional, onjoys country n%isiC. dirlcafg, drive rOM%L-" and more Seeking foxy 'nsa- tfablo .ntelligent female By 14" osm W. bona her blue eye, thenen ceatty $*cure family on*nted enjoys elf spat and especially Outdoor* Loodl.ng for pos",e r*lattonshep with that 2pocral someone BY 1401 DOH TINGLE dad. 29 bro.n,sh blonds ran, hal green eyes micas Spas, music. romantic dinners and dancing Soaks twrab 25.35. for long lens rata- I 1101 1 o BY 140 OSH GREEN eyed male 31 5 6-. enjoys dining. dancing waft, sports. and the outdoor lite Sells Iwnab %ow-lnthout cfrk- dinn 2&33 with swear, dnlnf*$te Must bide ddd a SY 14M NICE. sronsou guy, wsltes b meet single. sincere bmele 25- 36 who wjoys movie. waI , ber0eeues and dourer parbee. Someone who has a positive % lmk and awns of Minor. BY 1484 OBH MDOWER, mels, 52 yews S4•, b 135 bs.. rowed, seeks compwr- ron, enjoys eoobng, casercal nwrnie and outdoors. children ars wr$icdrrma BY 1485 OfMT kfw d one. 36 yews. enjoys music. codrrg. waft. ttPortn, seeks women 30.45 for oow4mw"oruhip possible res- ksfow BY 14M; BBICEM. white make. 5.10'. i ar I, li slI , - gull, nrovieg and antrm seeks altactis, frrrab. 2a -27. average btid, m1h sam- o . . - for num No ninon. sY /len OUNG looking, divorced. w john. nwr-smoiwrg. 30's dad, F. 135 In., variety d inW- mb. Seeks hot rew. nomanok- 1. family oriented, white F I For persons IS years of age and over . , S tam or leg. BY tam ON) di GOOD looking male 20, with good sense of humor, enjoys So amping, movies, romantic 1' weft, moot liffing, bolowg for 37 esmaie wash ainwlar w*mmtg 624. BY 14M (ONq KITE male enjoys walks, usre, and going to movies, iooltg ler single whale bmab -25 BY 1411(OSH) NGLE white male 3a, Ickes elks, movies. and quiet sys i gs. -Ww g angle bmee 40 35. with similar interests for Possible relationship SY 1412 dining. dancing and quiet MALE 55, 5'a•. 160 Ibs green SY 2098 eyes pray hair, seeks petite CHRISTIAN mother, 31, kk affectionate woman oriental or dancing, romantic walks. co black who Mees boating. dancing variation and having fun, and quiet times Lets start as honest. caring, trusting ma (rands. SY 1413 wrlh airrvlar nforess. SY 2119 PROFESSIONAL male. 35. LADY seeking man in his 50' black attractive likes politics, who enjoys dining, dancing Sports. movies. seeks unat- travel, cottage life. I saw y tached female companion 25- ad. please respond b mins S 40. with similar interests. for 2127 •omanac Vrdes SY 1414 FULL figured tonal*, 36. GOOD looking. 33 year old of humour. enjoys dining ou white male. into motorcycles. dancng, movies. and roma music. outdoors and family seeks compatible male. who Looking for romantically appreciable MY special quart inclined fit 25-35 year old SY 2143 %male SY 1415 (AJA) FEMALE, 35, usa0acrrd. 5'1 - REDHEAD, healthy slim and enjoys camping. bagebaf. gar arm. humorous. omtelfigem pro dining and traveling, seek teeaiOnal feet down o earth male. 3540 whole arKee slim. funlorng attractive established for ; 11"e woman for romance and conn ship BY 2146 par"otMPW,BY1416(OSH) FUN LOVING single whit WANTED 1 angle •nom 20-32, female 23 seeks stngJa wfk ler casual M trees, and adv* main. 23-30 who hues tire. paesibke romance. required and has an outgorri Spon by dad 32 and son. both easy rssoue. sincere personality. SY gang and und•mandrng. cut* 2152 too' BY 1410 (Os" SLJM arractm, single, whc Slam* Yours - TW sift my to NMI MW people, Ibare your aamae sed - ho 1111101111, Wkv you're ready. PISCES, ale 30 s. single no cn„dr•n heavy set. S64Nua udsrstandtrg Kemal* for frond. ship maybe romance. I m in busn*a* and an be moevand BY tats (OSI" CORNA! Ptoses "POO again didn t got your number SY 1420 (000 1 DONT b*ksv* W e sirs at 40 bull i dont behave it ands acne' A young 47 yr Old nen loo king ler dear heart n Sam* "U dsst Pima** as BY 1421 (OWM ATTRACTIVE. drvorew fatty. 32 6 brown hal blue *yes. enjoys sports. amprlg cook - 019, kgs, wOald kke b meet a femgle 26-40, for kasting rW- bW1p Singe mans welcome SY 1422 MALE 5 7'. 160 lbs estab- hshed so*ks single female. slim. age and radon uewn tunic tierces dncude camprlg, tho- etre, photography, and rock mstoc ler Possible rwa orrtyp SY 1423 (Odl) RXXXNFUL b alo aesnrn 34 yews dill. swsac and it V tall. 190 Ilea.. dark hair and eyes. Wake fit attractive yoiag lady 20-35. ler hit onOc evenvigs. g*bways and travel. BY MW MMERE single attractive. while mals, 32. estableshsd. ood humored, blonde hair. Iue/green eyes and a nice smile. sea" honest, curare, atrac9ve Ida for poseeb rsla- tTdrshp. SV las SEPARATED, shy % mob. 40 ars.. "ft Meng ousdoom, comp. ng, dining. dancing, sports nrrrdad sods aSectrasn "we 35-45 with am" rrareeNn. BY e as FULL 5, 1' fnnmds, 31, who Ill bares rmingi ed �Y efts, parties. tlav, , a*eks nmob w4to NOM be, bnfy aiwd- nd, sinews and honest. BY 2007 XM -SEVEN yr. old while bmale, widow, rrnrees am Am rung. music. rock and roll, daneirg, seeks 9WOMnrr 45- . wet mbbl ' SY ZM D Me b mss a good mak, 3o- fou just a *"in* ►abfonshtp, hropOuDy he'll be .nereebe n a gild 90 soft m mins - Milo owfwshp. BY no YOUNG kmdy 31, wishing b Male rniab onsMp with sinowe working gentleman 31-40. BY 2081 BNNGLE workup motes d 1, yin., $*arching for saner* esrM by This 17$11,•146 Alf -by kwi WNew* AWetser assumes no for M consent or ad., an who like* children habiay haply b any Yours advent*rtsnl. The advertiser aagumns awnpleb fx M 1, 26, 6.7•, salt. Mob. 26 316 *N= nl„sr,Nrir enjoys outdoors. navies. and quiet tawnirgs, must a". children. SY 21M OEM heart one a such a kir► ly number, call, share your dreams with a 53 yf. young, iwWOIll. atracfw blond, proles mortal lady with a lot of love b give. BY 2194 SINCERE honest single mom, 40, enjoys all sports and con - Parts. walking on to boodwak seeks non smoker, 35-45 to sham airrrlar rnteress. By 21" OUTGOING slim, single while female, 23, klokrg for hxresL tall, 5'8'. male, for romance, dancing and laughter. BY 2196 ATTRACTIVE Isdy, 37, single, enjoys -. dancing. moary- cles and the outdoors, seeks attractive easy going man. 30- 40 who enjoys the same. BY 2199 INDEPENDENT single mom. 38. smoker, roommates. 14-11, many interest. seeks tall large bukf. single white male. 37.45. with good sense of humor and a heart. SY 2300 I YOUNG. very petite mother of 2. 22. enjoys canlpng. weekend getaways. quiet nights. long dr, yes. walks, looking for Mr Right birrnes must enjoy children. SY 2301 ATTRACTIVE single mom. 30. is enjoys dancing. campvg sports. n- romantic evenings, country seat music and old rock. seeks hon - le est male. 30.40 for a special tins and possible relationship s SY 2302 ATTRACTIVE while Jamal. 29 our smoker nc oependens enjoys Y sport summer fun. country mi. mic. old rock. beer. quiet and serve wild times seeks mal 28-35 I. SY 2303 hoe. PROFESSIONAL. female. 24 'x'111 enjoys reading, long walks flea movies Yard romance dimers. ,f You have similar interests. would Move to hoer from you. BY 2300 s ATTRACTIVE professional and female separated. loves danc- nM•esn' ung and music. teaks romantic mal*. 3650 with simebr MJar- • ass. good seise d humor and te a zest for rile BY 2306 dancing LADY 52. seeks companion. tor enjoys gang cooking. cse sisal music and cottages By 230M te SINIGLE whits ataacsve Its 'emale •nrd 30s. fun lown9 31tan. en,loy country music. arK- ecce b. glandedmisin wit' good Ong. romantic strolls and cub oOMPfr"Oh- dkmg. wishes to moot single $No or" I=" fsi"M at Ohl male. 2630 wild, Windier BY 21 S3 n'a►eskt for brig term relation - ATTRACTIVE skin srlgb while stip SY 2309 fema,6 early 302. 5.4r good HARLEY lady 36.. ronnsrmok- sense of humor nooks tall er. 'hon-diniite kr0lwg lex vers �• romarsc 2rxx" work- oue Harley man to rid• fife s ,ng 90 wr1rJa male mdd 30's higAways with. Enjoys dancing. or possible reatdnship SY cynpng romance rip rat r sa rtig or ARTISTIC warm. entNllsiastK fawn fm ft a'e sr 2317 ATTRACTNE divorced motor lady comfortable to be with of 2. 33. looking for attractri dim of gwnee nib. 46. ler male. 33.40 who Mss kida. the companionship. light the tyre outdoors, music and when. you're M beef. BY 2155 ronrnce.SY 2718 SLIM mrotlar of two. 26 angle SINGLE mom 34. enjoys and attracts. who hides to do rnovdee. rav*I. dancing. bokvg many twig:. world Jake b "a*1 for a relationship el a man someone who s not Into Who *r joys chldlen, ant who w faadgwn" 24-30 BY 21 S6 honest and affectionate BY SEXY Pesti blorh I . 31. lddi•ng 23" ler an a-rfeceonan warm, bran- EARTHY woman, 31, enjoys ck•af sarxro gersill b cloy naturs. cycling. duos music. 01 mm tie evenings �1e BY vegeia an coo". non snlok- 2157 ATTRACTIVE full h urgd er Seeks man with albrnawo 9 view on tit* to share similar fernmJa. 22. lova: baring, hdon% rswow, SY 2)18 horseback ndIM dsncsg. look- UNATTACHED shy, wrvss. sen wig for mel• 23-30 aiflo enjoys sdtive female. 39. Ickes to be sa e. t Ooeede, retmOnahip romanced. big waft. iffolr es. seeks stable. honest. caring ATTRACTIVE Pleb lady errty u ignischad tal k make. 3913. SP's. seeking a Mare ardere Mus chdow SY 2372 gentleman for long raft. din- ARE you an attractive sinews mg. dwlwlg i ravel SY 2167 humorous gontonan7 I'm 23, SINGLE wlwn female. 21. M attractive motor d one who �g a+t➢o•r9 bunnies, -Oft enjoys movies, music. travel. snagged. rcin Atc: make 21-30 seeks someone �ioy and SEXY. sirume 31. green aged. 2179 wnabo 016 ,blob. SY 2LM TIMS 30ah, green eyed. shin, redhead lody. soon lovwg. Vues for" man In urs fun abov a averagn' brunette. tr"e pro I It We. ler mOh etas a one night be. scoral. h1M1e no mi 1 s. stand. BY 2M deng fo •cyst stable, aeon. PETITE singe while Morn, 20, • ioolarg fear a 'real can,• baa. sob spOrTbrrate singe when nor profeesiorTd. salt male. 20-25 for fun times 30 yr- oldfe40 j� �g mMb shhp. BY 21M snfTr ler suits. Must its estabmsfmsd. ATTRACTIVE prol**sional p 181f fk m�rlmorHe NW car - mom of 40, arpys ON OPMU, AM bfordoi her. l anon wpm, aN music, VIM". seeks unall- yaw old fi f eo spas dinall tidied nib 35-40 woh -dw �+ng• qua signs at ih, . Nftmmb. BY 2t1M " rontoiP vmmw gals hurt. ATTENTION you son-twoom Pet niri" 0 IMM aab 24-35 edntvamafplM tut fovrg dude. we taxi►itlwsel XV2= 23.26, be alwt ler a cum fsamab SSIGLE none Icy. a" 5th, Who enjoys the outdoors kin- non wndhw, ton indsr looking fOod o, to. who's fooling for Iw tlpeCo smart b share gust yore BY 2Mf SOUL, MATE WANTED: otter and �n � 2W d� out icing, active, inlwesWg• heMh OM( hair. vias and hacMsa. f OIs- staign 9WWM~. 21L angle name of 1, enjoys mill. 'Leo', sigie, non wTtolwr, over door*• dancing. alternative, 6', 35-50. BY: nom-whoking, t1Na11d, ilpllg fn, eaeb man Aquarius. BY 2M blT Oft 27-32. 101 khan• carob non b SINGLE probgsiorTd na9rr d waeioemr Ante9�a1a ngle hews To browse ads in the Alternative Category, Call Toll Free 14164764991* Only eMrp is 1.99 per min^ Uwe are no oxw IOn9 disw" ftr. *ale ng AN is*ulf 9aneof Tno advsAser agrees to, rndwnrl it and hold thepub"bon or iscoftog placed by and ffeO101irW COIlrrkrh foe bip/ay oOnlrN d, aril" reepCrees a any aWwngwMnl a redOlded mgncntct OrAW4 l any adwrlimmeintt osr charge 9owcsa�or�y n wheh an ad tto such � by u> Sfnoom►y Yours. M adverbwr agrees not b lean hiafiw telephone, number. losti ria oVsimkkea l Mr De• expenses. �� � �o� ms�0 fifum or loused by. go osfaasaaAlhbY Th* Weak mswvas Nn4V M n maw, c. ve 1153 1961 -es on h" one or.M- c4s p.Ill recently rebuilt en9rn•. r*f,atll*. handles, .ell unleaded fuel only. no spare the some rust kAake an offer SY /111.4 SINGLE ;-,cd kook,r.y estaD- �•s^•c w•'0 male 33 seers famals to, pose ble long teem hOn*11 relationship Sincere comers O^if SY 1156 sang» w� 1e 'ef-a.6 21-77 's SINGLE wnrt6 bUS,neseman campanionohp or nog lastn 3' - : ntc bar scene seeks relationship K!I1r pleas singe while Jami• 25.35 nor nowtod ld again BY 1193 smoke• ^on*st no head SINGLE wn,te -,ale see. - games must enjoy logging ll o 'e-23 whc enlcy morescuddling and romantic romantic dinners ON walks ovennot togoth« BY 1160 movies and evenings ot.-, MALE •inrt• 36 loves c,.-- watching the Ca's on clear app's camping, Its" base- warm rspht* SY 11% ball romancing Iook,ng for ACTIVE oast shy •nae 4:. 5'I I- tornao -re, sarhiar once" SY 165 to seeks oulgorig tomale 1100 20-35 Peuts to en!oy quiet MALE 44 separated enjoys too hnnsc nes Sy 1196 cvcung n sacirs Munk: people HALE 27 while rated a 5 On in gwal lerdommkrfCal" .e-0 scale skald Jake ic dole the a/�Orng. seeks SOVA&f kind o' Poll mea and from Viae •re Off" woman. 35-42 chsoron wwo . w l cowhat fate brings BY Come SY 1101 1196 SINGLE ma,* 34 5 t 1- 19ak 0 GOOD L001WSG me 4C sr. be sk-oys moves obys din- cere noniest na•dwcrk.ng ting and dancing looking 10, secure cion joys smoker ordrys good i0oll female leun r Doe*eme g Movies Crave fishing NabOnohc SY 1102 seeks sing)* attractive female STA" 39 rs young good with same Intone sa 20.35 for lookifwlg g guy enjoys golf dance long lean cwtovvp SY 1197 did" big famantic waft "OGLE dark her blue oyss 48 tks*t overwrgs at home seats enjoys among ti•hx'g doming lady 34-40 for compandnsnrp out and avmaks ab Jamle PO"6e rwbc$ W IP By 1183 30.48 for Inwidshp By 11M MALE when separated 45 6 SON seeks companatlp nsIII 20C lba«a s hora and srnce d. planes hall gel hen out of enjoys quart ovonmps movies the house and my hair. I like dancing having fun seeks him. you wd 8-0 BY 1168 aftwbonab lenale with Whaler SINGLE mats. 20. very atvbc. s InterestsInterestsbbf for ig i,slaaonst Mle moesft v. waft on Iia teach. SY 1105 romantic *venings. looking for SINS nee.. ANO, dtrorosd. beteg. 18-25 with srMar ~- 50 5'8- good shape. many ests. looking ler a long term interests. hungry for serious rtlationnfrp. BY 1180 relationship with slim. white ATTRACTIVE single whit* female. in 40'6 in the mule. 22. 6'. 180 lbs., erwovs I SAY YURS M. OSYST 11e wft die 7M area Cc* jou"ao m Sil =* y0o: If W, Orin, Coirgwood 1-976-1993 �. L116"1476.4321 Ire Wm the 613 area code you may um Sifto* yours: A area 1-976-7400 re wft 111.416 area code you may a mm Slit mj* Yours: L Ofty, A* Pd" 1-4169 6.1991 D. Pon Hope 1416976.1991m. m. LWo dpe, S w h k 1416976.1897 11111M11111M I110,8111111,1111 !O Ile! 91e fog soWASEaa0allda 1 �a 1416976.9186 1416.976.1321 14169767789 1416.9760888 outdoors. overruns out. quot ovowrps at hoot, romennc. shy and sinews, looking for slim hMith wb nals. 19.25 wsame ingress for relationship. BY 1301 SHY. lonely make, teddy bear 24. varied interests seeks femur, 20.30 who enjoys quiet 87 !7-esn^ -es for astIm Iona ter ed bonstup SY 1362 ear YOUNG male 38 would the meet single Samere female. seeks 35 who enjoys good conve 38 bran. country Me. and Becs M 1303 acv CONTRACTOR 2e 6 long ale .eve c,:_--e-v,, snort on I' be locking for female whc enj 300 night walks along teaks and unbilled passror SY 1 39 BLUE eyed whits male 25 �o ✓1i bac 0.r1m enhdvS hshnq me waft romantic evenings See SY possible long term roAbonsh SY 1305 10 VERY-a^dsome Italian w gI mar 20 Body Pay Cyrus to hke -I- a n%atache. lorry nc tar Seeks adv for funleOoh no sato sSY 1308 WANTED oeautrtij blonde Y was a: wary s Restau•a Wsdreoday July 14 3 OC a arta We made contact but cc,.lor -+ovdes talk :an .f you're mt«.sled i Peeks the "ear with t1e gold ala- Sa,gcn addicted to movies value good friends. and you? Nle to SY 1365 25- SINGLE while female 40 look- rsa- rig Mat at special someone to SY snare ding and dancing, music and moves. and dust evevngs Or, 66 at home SY 13 I'm MOTHER IN-LAW coking for oys chug"tef r law broker hearted, vids06 wonderful. good looking 20 r 304 old. knows the d,fferen Ce ,of n-&Iwsw a •ear 101aborahic and 0^9 the games of We SY 1364 seeks SINGLE white male. 2e enpye IC skyc,v,ng. camping and other outdoor acavities, sect sngJa m write ferrake 22-28 for tantask loOka- times and postocke rela/ordship bel. SY 13" nip - NOT :aa dark and handsome or reen lenPr ct a hard .or" ofeo- who conal 46 yr old. nice guy seek - n t nne Intelligent a ohm active b•dy M b ehfOv life wart+ SY 1370 IV f ATTRACTE w 5. n to 114,6 2 n m loo -g for attractive female gaaaees ganger than My $ 0 that is art - SY 1309 lew enjoys the outdoors. done - MALE w^ Is, 37 seeks VIM ng and quer owefit for pose. a'•act,va .adv 2S -3C for 'nerd -r• lerstw orarkp SY 1371 sf•lp possible relation -snip EXCITING mal* 2C so",ng win be undnstandi g Serious femad* • 8-2' who lies len. ler I ,oudie• only, BY 1310 friendship and possible long SUCCESSFUL wine nes- ousoTim rolation*hrp SY 1372 ma^ r SCS seeks a'tracll SINGLE Soan sh g*nn*man f*mal6 any 496 'o• •omanbc 33 :c *go student. likes to relationship on big arm base dance salsa, and marorgs pow SY 1311 Sonit6 SpOntsnooce Outgoing SINGLE ^-%&*30. caw` cu work•ng looking ler a !•mal* g 2630 whc r no -dew and has e 9000 senso d humor SY 1312 HEALTHY caning, honest h g whit• -,a.* 4• 5 11- seeks s lady to share t* spark of ton anbc unites will" SY 1313in SENSITIVE amar_ sk a, sincere Chnsfaw go" war lir 32 seeks inlefloWt .r lady any race :r ng Olot«- trandsh,p possible, mar•,ago erInterested n music theatre social blues BY 1314 IN SGLE lathe. 2' go -d look. Ing E enjoys w 9C be onwil; out dancing dining qu,ot finials evenings see"als wrac- t v* slam 25-35 with similar seeress BY 1315 SPIRITED Taurus male sin o 4C 5 a- two cho~ toOken ler m a woman ID sassy my rtelotl C be touched mw1Wy. spinttialy, sly and Phjfd BY 1317 ROMANTIC male whit* 40 seodlovable. t lovae. loyal and affec- bonake female enjoys who eoys golf wig waft ane quiet evendege BY 1310 ETERNAL opoo . sort what romantic firm, fired 40s. enjoys music. conversation.es ON moving see" mature Presnor► ably slim, attractive, female counterpart, bdor ,orwabon. ship BY 1310 ATTRACTIVE sngle working parent. 34 Woes this outdoors. n camping. dig and dancing. sport melded, seeks female. 2535 who r jO1fs chdrtr*n with amm, rnweab. BY 1350ONErTghen Osia w. Mb 30. ark hair. blue eyes. considered atrsebn lock" ler afraeove lemmm me women ni" 40S for tun and romance. BY IMIMSa ATTRACTIVE aeaonmb nes 23. enjoys spore. movies, and II wafvery y fa --- , took - ng knob 18-25 bpomefte rain- tlnP. BY Iles SINGLE who C•oeil7o main 19 yrs.. 6 a y 2, wjos, opco ohi- doom nmovarid k) quiet seeks female 18 b 20 for possible raw-- - I IF. BY 1x1 ATTRACTIVE single white mal*. 20 yrs.. enjoys sports anemg and qu l longs. loves b how kir, saMug 16 b 21 yr old %mob student lex long ferm two-- , IF. BY an HANDSOME and smart man lookup for nWWgent fwmpan- on. BY 1363 AVERAGE bokrry, whin. norl- anroow. Make. 49. Wnw. gar. dial".dial".rands. Soft. country and easy listening music social drinker, bilingual, not keen On dancing SY 1364 ME! sign whda Mle. 33, us, adventurous, oclgcuc tastes. influenced by do Black Adder and Seinfeld. loved Miss and seeks lady 23 b 30 nanwrok. e or droner SY 1373 a ATTRACTIVE, di male. young 42 non -amok« enjoys t movies music camping and m b + Sunday pica- seeking si ^om wall bank wokwo larnan with no ties and a good sense of aprmu- humor. pos•bb relationshp BY 1374 SINGLE -nate Mab 24 enjoys "OM4y basso". among and quet nights at hom* seeks attractive, female 18-25 who ,s rwresbd n to nils BY 1376 WHITE -%we 19 56' nnret. lid - Politics boating and romantic walks seeks 26-30 year old woman to share Int. male tIMes possible rWbOn- sfsp BY 1377 GOOD looking sectio. whte M410 S6 145 pounds, enjoys spm• sports conagirg. taidw On" out and good converse. ban Looking for secure aQac- M 90m female 25-40 yin sen gle Marls O K BY 1370 SINGLE whet male. kicking fir woman with good son" of humor. ages 1625 must like chocolate and flowers, and romantic ovenIf." aloe. By 1380 HANDSOME GoUbistod main. 33, non-smoker, seeks slim twinaJa 22-31 kir snows con► psrsorsfkp. mnwlawg conver- aabw and good Ines, sn9f• trmow s sea", - . SY fm TALL slim male, 32, enjoys music. waft on ft blood roe - quo[ spars. movies, st•nrrrrg and quiet romantic nvorwngn. Speirs ..dr female. 25,16. for BY 1� ' Page" mlNorsdi p. ROMANTIC nes. 3f, ktokirg for a bhp semi rsI I'd hip. no hand gaining, mNA Mn ddd wt, compsg, adwg long ranTta weft. 2540 and alraews. BY 1381 COUPLE d mbbfstsd of y nrd 30'6 guys, ISWM 19 with som- al years •ttpwience, Mo cot tagse. Caribbngn Itavnl. water Sports. wwwenobilog, and len. Y Would like b now sane. BY 130 S MALE 30. good kiola g, stn, ft hwrget will many arI cele, no i df►pendents. Seeks same in fwrob 22-30. To sham kin" rowborwNrp. BY I= HONEST. hard working, avide c 31 yr. old guy. who enjoys his c and all it has b offer, enjoy sot. ng, nabreychn% seeks boos a for Possible relationship. SY 1 1387 w GOOD kioltg corals lint tarred m 30. 5'a• wet bkle eyes and long brown hair, seeks shm. altrac. 22 Ove lady In her thrum. who me SI Carling. fun b be w4 h, starkers, w and trust worthy for a posed* relabonuhip BY 13M 27 25 year old male with strong Chnstlan ballets. I enjoy rrdoon- light dinners. long walks. soft music Would like 'o meet SOmeorle with slimlar ntereab SY 1390 ATTRACTIVE single white male 24 yes 5 1C. good sense of humor enjoys romantic evonrl9 - moves. walking. den Ing seeking attractive female 19.26 with smdar nteress SY 1391 ATTRACTIVE single white mage 28 sincere, creative romantic, enjoys lazy walks cuddling, movies, seeking attractive mature. single white fens{*. 19 b 29 b � ro{a- Wai BY 1302 ESTABLISHED blew oy*d male 17C los 35 yin. old. enjoys sic, ng, Cottages. travel keeping ht seeks secure attractive. sponta- neous and tun ferrule wdh Writ - tar so so SY /3M SINGLE father of two enjoys w'+lkang, aitdoors. looking ler a woman between 22-30 must love chddrw BY 1395 23 r old while male 5-7'. 745 IDs seeking sarin female 29 to 33 to enjoy •onantic dinners, moves. long wall and quet ~"I at home Looking lor brig rearm relationship SY 1396 HANDSOME ^al* 3c s neve, hared 5 . aubvr, has whoo and working enjoy, variety of music sports comcen get- aways quiet and a c, ting oven,ngs seeks attractive female 20-29 tc share good tines wit•. sy 1397 EUROPEAN -ale 59 1a only chid see" remaa, web arm. Ie problem SY 1398 III star sea•cf• .andsome while mal• 5 10-, 178 Ds 36 Professional, onjoys country n%isiC. dirlcafg, drive rOM%L-" and more Seeking foxy 'nsa- tfablo .ntelligent female By 14" osm W. bona her blue eye, thenen ceatty $*cure family on*nted enjoys elf spat and especially Outdoor* Loodl.ng for pos",e r*lattonshep with that 2pocral someone BY 1401 DOH TINGLE dad. 29 bro.n,sh blonds ran, hal green eyes micas Spas, music. romantic dinners and dancing Soaks twrab 25.35. for long lens rata- I 1101 1 o BY 140 OSH GREEN eyed male 31 5 6-. enjoys dining. dancing waft, sports. and the outdoor lite Sells Iwnab %ow-lnthout cfrk- dinn 2&33 with swear, dnlnf*$te Must bide ddd a SY 14M NICE. sronsou guy, wsltes b meet single. sincere bmele 25- 36 who wjoys movie. waI , ber0eeues and dourer parbee. Someone who has a positive % lmk and awns of Minor. BY 1484 OBH MDOWER, mels, 52 yews S4•, b 135 bs.. rowed, seeks compwr- ron, enjoys eoobng, casercal nwrnie and outdoors. children ars wr$icdrrma BY 1485 OfMT kfw d one. 36 yews. enjoys music. codrrg. waft. ttPortn, seeks women 30.45 for oow4mw"oruhip possible res- ksfow BY 14M; BBICEM. white make. 5.10'. i ar I, li slI , - gull, nrovieg and antrm seeks altactis, frrrab. 2a -27. average btid, m1h sam- o . . - for num No ninon. sY /len OUNG looking, divorced. w john. nwr-smoiwrg. 30's dad, F. 135 In., variety d inW- mb. Seeks hot rew. nomanok- 1. family oriented, white F I For persons IS years of age and over . , S tam or leg. BY tam ON) di GOOD looking male 20, with good sense of humor, enjoys So amping, movies, romantic 1' weft, moot liffing, bolowg for 37 esmaie wash ainwlar w*mmtg 624. BY 14M (ONq KITE male enjoys walks, usre, and going to movies, iooltg ler single whale bmab -25 BY 1411(OSH) NGLE white male 3a, Ickes elks, movies. and quiet sys i gs. -Ww g angle bmee 40 35. with similar interests for Possible relationship SY 1412 dining. dancing and quiet MALE 55, 5'a•. 160 Ibs green SY 2098 eyes pray hair, seeks petite CHRISTIAN mother, 31, kk affectionate woman oriental or dancing, romantic walks. co black who Mees boating. dancing variation and having fun, and quiet times Lets start as honest. caring, trusting ma (rands. SY 1413 wrlh airrvlar nforess. SY 2119 PROFESSIONAL male. 35. LADY seeking man in his 50' black attractive likes politics, who enjoys dining, dancing Sports. movies. seeks unat- travel, cottage life. I saw y tached female companion 25- ad. please respond b mins S 40. with similar interests. for 2127 •omanac Vrdes SY 1414 FULL figured tonal*, 36. GOOD looking. 33 year old of humour. enjoys dining ou white male. into motorcycles. dancng, movies. and roma music. outdoors and family seeks compatible male. who Looking for romantically appreciable MY special quart inclined fit 25-35 year old SY 2143 %male SY 1415 (AJA) FEMALE, 35, usa0acrrd. 5'1 - REDHEAD, healthy slim and enjoys camping. bagebaf. gar arm. humorous. omtelfigem pro dining and traveling, seek teeaiOnal feet down o earth male. 3540 whole arKee slim. funlorng attractive established for ; 11"e woman for romance and conn ship BY 2146 par"otMPW,BY1416(OSH) FUN LOVING single whit WANTED 1 angle •nom 20-32, female 23 seeks stngJa wfk ler casual M trees, and adv* main. 23-30 who hues tire. paesibke romance. required and has an outgorri Spon by dad 32 and son. both easy rssoue. sincere personality. SY gang and und•mandrng. cut* 2152 too' BY 1410 (Os" SLJM arractm, single, whc Slam* Yours - TW sift my to NMI MW people, Ibare your aamae sed - ho 1111101111, Wkv you're ready. PISCES, ale 30 s. single no cn„dr•n heavy set. S64Nua udsrstandtrg Kemal* for frond. ship maybe romance. I m in busn*a* and an be moevand BY tats (OSI" CORNA! Ptoses "POO again didn t got your number SY 1420 (000 1 DONT b*ksv* W e sirs at 40 bull i dont behave it ands acne' A young 47 yr Old nen loo king ler dear heart n Sam* "U dsst Pima** as BY 1421 (OWM ATTRACTIVE. drvorew fatty. 32 6 brown hal blue *yes. enjoys sports. amprlg cook - 019, kgs, wOald kke b meet a femgle 26-40, for kasting rW- bW1p Singe mans welcome SY 1422 MALE 5 7'. 160 lbs estab- hshed so*ks single female. slim. age and radon uewn tunic tierces dncude camprlg, tho- etre, photography, and rock mstoc ler Possible rwa orrtyp SY 1423 (Odl) RXXXNFUL b alo aesnrn 34 yews dill. swsac and it V tall. 190 Ilea.. dark hair and eyes. Wake fit attractive yoiag lady 20-35. ler hit onOc evenvigs. g*bways and travel. BY MW MMERE single attractive. while mals, 32. estableshsd. ood humored, blonde hair. Iue/green eyes and a nice smile. sea" honest, curare, atrac9ve Ida for poseeb rsla- tTdrshp. SV las SEPARATED, shy % mob. 40 ars.. "ft Meng ousdoom, comp. ng, dining. dancing, sports nrrrdad sods aSectrasn "we 35-45 with am" rrareeNn. BY e as FULL 5, 1' fnnmds, 31, who Ill bares rmingi ed �Y efts, parties. tlav, , a*eks nmob w4to NOM be, bnfy aiwd- nd, sinews and honest. BY 2007 XM -SEVEN yr. old while bmale, widow, rrnrees am Am rung. music. rock and roll, daneirg, seeks 9WOMnrr 45- . wet mbbl ' SY ZM D Me b mss a good mak, 3o- fou just a *"in* ►abfonshtp, hropOuDy he'll be .nereebe n a gild 90 soft m mins - Milo owfwshp. BY no YOUNG kmdy 31, wishing b Male rniab onsMp with sinowe working gentleman 31-40. BY 2081 BNNGLE workup motes d 1, yin., $*arching for saner* esrM by This 17$11,•146 Alf -by kwi WNew* AWetser assumes no for M consent or ad., an who like* children habiay haply b any Yours advent*rtsnl. The advertiser aagumns awnpleb fx M 1, 26, 6.7•, salt. Mob. 26 316 *N= nl„sr,Nrir enjoys outdoors. navies. and quiet tawnirgs, must a". children. SY 21M OEM heart one a such a kir► ly number, call, share your dreams with a 53 yf. young, iwWOIll. atracfw blond, proles mortal lady with a lot of love b give. BY 2194 SINCERE honest single mom, 40, enjoys all sports and con - Parts. walking on to boodwak seeks non smoker, 35-45 to sham airrrlar rnteress. By 21" OUTGOING slim, single while female, 23, klokrg for hxresL tall, 5'8'. male, for romance, dancing and laughter. BY 2196 ATTRACTIVE Isdy, 37, single, enjoys -. dancing. moary- cles and the outdoors, seeks attractive easy going man. 30- 40 who enjoys the same. BY 2199 INDEPENDENT single mom. 38. smoker, roommates. 14-11, many interest. seeks tall large bukf. single white male. 37.45. with good sense of humor and a heart. SY 2300 I YOUNG. very petite mother of 2. 22. enjoys canlpng. weekend getaways. quiet nights. long dr, yes. walks, looking for Mr Right birrnes must enjoy children. SY 2301 ATTRACTIVE single mom. 30. is enjoys dancing. campvg sports. n- romantic evenings, country seat music and old rock. seeks hon - le est male. 30.40 for a special tins and possible relationship s SY 2302 ATTRACTIVE while Jamal. 29 our smoker nc oependens enjoys Y sport summer fun. country mi. mic. old rock. beer. quiet and serve wild times seeks mal 28-35 I. SY 2303 hoe. PROFESSIONAL. female. 24 'x'111 enjoys reading, long walks flea movies Yard romance dimers. ,f You have similar interests. would Move to hoer from you. BY 2300 s ATTRACTIVE professional and female separated. loves danc- nM•esn' ung and music. teaks romantic mal*. 3650 with simebr MJar- • ass. good seise d humor and te a zest for rile BY 2306 dancing LADY 52. seeks companion. tor enjoys gang cooking. cse sisal music and cottages By 230M te SINIGLE whits ataacsve Its 'emale •nrd 30s. fun lown9 31tan. en,loy country music. arK- ecce b. glandedmisin wit' good Ong. romantic strolls and cub oOMPfr"Oh- dkmg. wishes to moot single $No or" I=" fsi"M at Ohl male. 2630 wild, Windier BY 21 S3 n'a►eskt for brig term relation - ATTRACTIVE skin srlgb while stip SY 2309 fema,6 early 302. 5.4r good HARLEY lady 36.. ronnsrmok- sense of humor nooks tall er. 'hon-diniite kr0lwg lex vers �• romarsc 2rxx" work- oue Harley man to rid• fife s ,ng 90 wr1rJa male mdd 30's higAways with. Enjoys dancing. or possible reatdnship SY cynpng romance rip rat r sa rtig or ARTISTIC warm. entNllsiastK fawn fm ft a'e sr 2317 ATTRACTNE divorced motor lady comfortable to be with of 2. 33. looking for attractri dim of gwnee nib. 46. ler male. 33.40 who Mss kida. the companionship. light the tyre outdoors, music and when. you're M beef. BY 2155 ronrnce.SY 2718 SLIM mrotlar of two. 26 angle SINGLE mom 34. enjoys and attracts. who hides to do rnovdee. rav*I. dancing. bokvg many twig:. world Jake b "a*1 for a relationship el a man someone who s not Into Who *r joys chldlen, ant who w faadgwn" 24-30 BY 21 S6 honest and affectionate BY SEXY Pesti blorh I . 31. lddi•ng 23" ler an a-rfeceonan warm, bran- EARTHY woman, 31, enjoys ck•af sarxro gersill b cloy naturs. cycling. duos music. 01 mm tie evenings �1e BY vegeia an coo". non snlok- 2157 ATTRACTIVE full h urgd er Seeks man with albrnawo 9 view on tit* to share similar fernmJa. 22. lova: baring, hdon% rswow, SY 2)18 horseback ndIM dsncsg. look- UNATTACHED shy, wrvss. sen wig for mel• 23-30 aiflo enjoys sdtive female. 39. Ickes to be sa e. t Ooeede, retmOnahip romanced. big waft. iffolr es. seeks stable. honest. caring ATTRACTIVE Pleb lady errty u ignischad tal k make. 3913. SP's. seeking a Mare ardere Mus chdow SY 2372 gentleman for long raft. din- ARE you an attractive sinews mg. dwlwlg i ravel SY 2167 humorous gontonan7 I'm 23, SINGLE wlwn female. 21. M attractive motor d one who �g a+t➢o•r9 bunnies, -Oft enjoys movies, music. travel. snagged. rcin Atc: make 21-30 seeks someone �ioy and SEXY. sirume 31. green aged. 2179 wnabo 016 ,blob. SY 2LM TIMS 30ah, green eyed. shin, redhead lody. soon lovwg. Vues for" man In urs fun abov a averagn' brunette. tr"e pro I It We. ler mOh etas a one night be. scoral. h1M1e no mi 1 s. stand. BY 2M deng fo •cyst stable, aeon. PETITE singe while Morn, 20, • ioolarg fear a 'real can,• baa. sob spOrTbrrate singe when nor profeesiorTd. salt male. 20-25 for fun times 30 yr- oldfe40 j� �g mMb shhp. BY 21M snfTr ler suits. Must its estabmsfmsd. ATTRACTIVE prol**sional p 181f fk m�rlmorHe NW car - mom of 40, arpys ON OPMU, AM bfordoi her. l anon wpm, aN music, VIM". seeks unall- yaw old fi f eo spas dinall tidied nib 35-40 woh -dw �+ng• qua signs at ih, . Nftmmb. BY 2t1M " rontoiP vmmw gals hurt. ATTENTION you son-twoom Pet niri" 0 IMM aab 24-35 edntvamafplM tut fovrg dude. we taxi►itlwsel XV2= 23.26, be alwt ler a cum fsamab SSIGLE none Icy. a" 5th, Who enjoys the outdoors kin- non wndhw, ton indsr looking fOod o, to. who's fooling for Iw tlpeCo smart b share gust yore BY 2Mf SOUL, MATE WANTED: otter and �n � 2W d� out icing, active, inlwesWg• heMh OM( hair. vias and hacMsa. f OIs- staign 9WWM~. 21L angle name of 1, enjoys mill. 'Leo', sigie, non wTtolwr, over door*• dancing. alternative, 6', 35-50. BY: nom-whoking, t1Na11d, ilpllg fn, eaeb man Aquarius. BY 2M blT Oft 27-32. 101 khan• carob non b SINGLE probgsiorTd na9rr d waeioemr Ante9�a1a ngle hews To browse ads in the Alternative Category, Call Toll Free 14164764991* Only eMrp is 1.99 per min^ Uwe are no oxw IOn9 disw" ftr. *ale ng AN is*ulf 9aneof Tno advsAser agrees to, rndwnrl it and hold thepub"bon or iscoftog placed by and ffeO101irW COIlrrkrh foe bip/ay oOnlrN d, aril" reepCrees a any aWwngwMnl a redOlded mgncntct OrAW4 l any adwrlimmeintt osr charge 9owcsa�or�y n wheh an ad tto such � by u> Sfnoom►y Yours. M adverbwr agrees not b lean hiafiw telephone, number. losti ria oVsimkkea l Mr De• expenses. �� � �o� ms�0 fifum or loused by. go osfaasaaAlhbY Th* Weak mswvas Nn4V M n maw, I SAY YURS M. OSYST 11e wft die 7M area Cc* jou"ao m Sil =* y0o: If W, Orin, Coirgwood 1-976-1993 �. L116"1476.4321 Ire Wm the 613 area code you may um Sifto* yours: A area 1-976-7400 re wft 111.416 area code you may a mm Slit mj* Yours: L Ofty, A* Pd" 1-4169 6.1991 D. Pon Hope 1416976.1991m. m. LWo dpe, S w h k 1416976.1897 11111M11111M I110,8111111,1111 !O Ile! 91e fog soWASEaa0allda 1 �a 1416976.9186 1416.976.1321 14169767789 1416.9760888 outdoors. overruns out. quot ovowrps at hoot, romennc. shy and sinews, looking for slim hMith wb nals. 19.25 wsame ingress for relationship. BY 1301 SHY. lonely make, teddy bear 24. varied interests seeks femur, 20.30 who enjoys quiet 87 !7-esn^ -es for astIm Iona ter ed bonstup SY 1362 ear YOUNG male 38 would the meet single Samere female. seeks 35 who enjoys good conve 38 bran. country Me. and Becs M 1303 acv CONTRACTOR 2e 6 long ale .eve c,:_--e-v,, snort on I' be locking for female whc enj 300 night walks along teaks and unbilled passror SY 1 39 BLUE eyed whits male 25 �o ✓1i bac 0.r1m enhdvS hshnq me waft romantic evenings See SY possible long term roAbonsh SY 1305 10 VERY-a^dsome Italian w gI mar 20 Body Pay Cyrus to hke -I- a n%atache. lorry nc tar Seeks adv for funleOoh no sato sSY 1308 WANTED oeautrtij blonde Y was a: wary s Restau•a Wsdreoday July 14 3 OC a arta We made contact but cc,.lor -+ovdes talk :an .f you're mt«.sled i Peeks the "ear with t1e gold ala- Sa,gcn addicted to movies value good friends. and you? Nle to SY 1365 25- SINGLE while female 40 look- rsa- rig Mat at special someone to SY snare ding and dancing, music and moves. and dust evevngs Or, 66 at home SY 13 I'm MOTHER IN-LAW coking for oys chug"tef r law broker hearted, vids06 wonderful. good looking 20 r 304 old. knows the d,fferen Ce ,of n-&Iwsw a •ear 101aborahic and 0^9 the games of We SY 1364 seeks SINGLE white male. 2e enpye IC skyc,v,ng. camping and other outdoor acavities, sect sngJa m write ferrake 22-28 for tantask loOka- times and postocke rela/ordship bel. SY 13" nip - NOT :aa dark and handsome or reen lenPr ct a hard .or" ofeo- who conal 46 yr old. nice guy seek - n t nne Intelligent a ohm active b•dy M b ehfOv life wart+ SY 1370 IV f ATTRACTE w 5. n to 114,6 2 n m loo -g for attractive female gaaaees ganger than My $ 0 that is art - SY 1309 lew enjoys the outdoors. done - MALE w^ Is, 37 seeks VIM ng and quer owefit for pose. a'•act,va .adv 2S -3C for 'nerd -r• lerstw orarkp SY 1371 sf•lp possible relation -snip EXCITING mal* 2C so",ng win be undnstandi g Serious femad* • 8-2' who lies len. ler I ,oudie• only, BY 1310 friendship and possible long SUCCESSFUL wine nes- ousoTim rolation*hrp SY 1372 ma^ r SCS seeks a'tracll SINGLE Soan sh g*nn*man f*mal6 any 496 'o• •omanbc 33 :c *go student. likes to relationship on big arm base dance salsa, and marorgs pow SY 1311 Sonit6 SpOntsnooce Outgoing SINGLE ^-%&*30. caw` cu work•ng looking ler a !•mal* g 2630 whc r no -dew and has e 9000 senso d humor SY 1312 HEALTHY caning, honest h g whit• -,a.* 4• 5 11- seeks s lady to share t* spark of ton anbc unites will" SY 1313in SENSITIVE amar_ sk a, sincere Chnsfaw go" war lir 32 seeks inlefloWt .r lady any race :r ng Olot«- trandsh,p possible, mar•,ago erInterested n music theatre social blues BY 1314 IN SGLE lathe. 2' go -d look. Ing E enjoys w 9C be onwil; out dancing dining qu,ot finials evenings see"als wrac- t v* slam 25-35 with similar seeress BY 1315 SPIRITED Taurus male sin o 4C 5 a- two cho~ toOken ler m a woman ID sassy my rtelotl C be touched mw1Wy. spinttialy, sly and Phjfd BY 1317 ROMANTIC male whit* 40 seodlovable. t lovae. loyal and affec- bonake female enjoys who eoys golf wig waft ane quiet evendege BY 1310 ETERNAL opoo . sort what romantic firm, fired 40s. enjoys music. conversation.es ON moving see" mature Presnor► ably slim, attractive, female counterpart, bdor ,orwabon. ship BY 1310 ATTRACTIVE sngle working parent. 34 Woes this outdoors. n camping. dig and dancing. sport melded, seeks female. 2535 who r jO1fs chdrtr*n with amm, rnweab. BY 1350ONErTghen Osia w. Mb 30. ark hair. blue eyes. considered atrsebn lock" ler afraeove lemmm me women ni" 40S for tun and romance. BY IMIMSa ATTRACTIVE aeaonmb nes 23. enjoys spore. movies, and II wafvery y fa --- , took - ng knob 18-25 bpomefte rain- tlnP. BY Iles SINGLE who C•oeil7o main 19 yrs.. 6 a y 2, wjos, opco ohi- doom nmovarid k) quiet seeks female 18 b 20 for possible raw-- - I IF. BY 1x1 ATTRACTIVE single white mal*. 20 yrs.. enjoys sports anemg and qu l longs. loves b how kir, saMug 16 b 21 yr old %mob student lex long ferm two-- , IF. BY an HANDSOME and smart man lookup for nWWgent fwmpan- on. BY 1363 AVERAGE bokrry, whin. norl- anroow. Make. 49. Wnw. gar. dial".dial".rands. Soft. country and easy listening music social drinker, bilingual, not keen On dancing SY 1364 ME! sign whda Mle. 33, us, adventurous, oclgcuc tastes. influenced by do Black Adder and Seinfeld. loved Miss and seeks lady 23 b 30 nanwrok. e or droner SY 1373 a ATTRACTIVE, di male. young 42 non -amok« enjoys t movies music camping and m b + Sunday pica- seeking si ^om wall bank wokwo larnan with no ties and a good sense of aprmu- humor. pos•bb relationshp BY 1374 SINGLE -nate Mab 24 enjoys "OM4y basso". among and quet nights at hom* seeks attractive, female 18-25 who ,s rwresbd n to nils BY 1376 WHITE -%we 19 56' nnret. lid - Politics boating and romantic walks seeks 26-30 year old woman to share Int. male tIMes possible rWbOn- sfsp BY 1377 GOOD looking sectio. whte M410 S6 145 pounds, enjoys spm• sports conagirg. taidw On" out and good converse. ban Looking for secure aQac- M 90m female 25-40 yin sen gle Marls O K BY 1370 SINGLE whet male. kicking fir woman with good son" of humor. ages 1625 must like chocolate and flowers, and romantic ovenIf." aloe. By 1380 HANDSOME GoUbistod main. 33, non-smoker, seeks slim twinaJa 22-31 kir snows con► psrsorsfkp. mnwlawg conver- aabw and good Ines, sn9f• trmow s sea", - . SY fm TALL slim male, 32, enjoys music. waft on ft blood roe - quo[ spars. movies, st•nrrrrg and quiet romantic nvorwngn. Speirs ..dr female. 25,16. for BY 1� ' Page" mlNorsdi p. ROMANTIC nes. 3f, ktokirg for a bhp semi rsI I'd hip. no hand gaining, mNA Mn ddd wt, compsg, adwg long ranTta weft. 2540 and alraews. BY 1381 COUPLE d mbbfstsd of y nrd 30'6 guys, ISWM 19 with som- al years •ttpwience, Mo cot tagse. Caribbngn Itavnl. water Sports. wwwenobilog, and len. Y Would like b now sane. BY 130 S MALE 30. good kiola g, stn, ft hwrget will many arI cele, no i df►pendents. Seeks same in fwrob 22-30. To sham kin" rowborwNrp. BY I= HONEST. hard working, avide c 31 yr. old guy. who enjoys his c and all it has b offer, enjoy sot. ng, nabreychn% seeks boos a for Possible relationship. SY 1 1387 w GOOD kioltg corals lint tarred m 30. 5'a• wet bkle eyes and long brown hair, seeks shm. altrac. 22 Ove lady In her thrum. who me SI Carling. fun b be w4 h, starkers, w and trust worthy for a posed* relabonuhip BY 13M 27 25 year old male with strong Chnstlan ballets. I enjoy rrdoon- light dinners. long walks. soft music Would like 'o meet SOmeorle with slimlar ntereab SY 1390 ATTRACTIVE single white male 24 yes 5 1C. good sense of humor enjoys romantic evonrl9 - moves. walking. den Ing seeking attractive female 19.26 with smdar nteress SY 1391 ATTRACTIVE single white mage 28 sincere, creative romantic, enjoys lazy walks cuddling, movies, seeking attractive mature. single white fens{*. 19 b 29 b � ro{a- Wai BY 1302 ESTABLISHED blew oy*d male 17C los 35 yin. old. enjoys sic, ng, Cottages. travel keeping ht seeks secure attractive. sponta- neous and tun ferrule wdh Writ - tar so so SY /3M SINGLE father of two enjoys w'+lkang, aitdoors. looking ler a woman between 22-30 must love chddrw BY 1395 23 r old while male 5-7'. 745 IDs seeking sarin female 29 to 33 to enjoy •onantic dinners, moves. long wall and quet ~"I at home Looking lor brig rearm relationship SY 1396 HANDSOME ^al* 3c s neve, hared 5 . aubvr, has whoo and working enjoy, variety of music sports comcen get- aways quiet and a c, ting oven,ngs seeks attractive female 20-29 tc share good tines wit•. sy 1397 EUROPEAN -ale 59 1a only chid see" remaa, web arm. Ie problem SY 1398 III star sea•cf• .andsome while mal• 5 10-, 178 Ds 36 Professional, onjoys country n%isiC. dirlcafg, drive rOM%L-" and more Seeking foxy 'nsa- tfablo .ntelligent female By 14" osm W. bona her blue eye, thenen ceatty $*cure family on*nted enjoys elf spat and especially Outdoor* Loodl.ng for pos",e r*lattonshep with that 2pocral someone BY 1401 DOH TINGLE dad. 29 bro.n,sh blonds ran, hal green eyes micas Spas, music. romantic dinners and dancing Soaks twrab 25.35. for long lens rata- I 1101 1 o BY 140 OSH GREEN eyed male 31 5 6-. enjoys dining. dancing waft, sports. and the outdoor lite Sells Iwnab %ow-lnthout cfrk- dinn 2&33 with swear, dnlnf*$te Must bide ddd a SY 14M NICE. sronsou guy, wsltes b meet single. sincere bmele 25- 36 who wjoys movie. waI , ber0eeues and dourer parbee. Someone who has a positive % lmk and awns of Minor. BY 1484 OBH MDOWER, mels, 52 yews S4•, b 135 bs.. rowed, seeks compwr- ron, enjoys eoobng, casercal nwrnie and outdoors. children ars wr$icdrrma BY 1485 OfMT kfw d one. 36 yews. enjoys music. codrrg. waft. ttPortn, seeks women 30.45 for oow4mw"oruhip possible res- ksfow BY 14M; BBICEM. white make. 5.10'. i ar I, li slI , - gull, nrovieg and antrm seeks altactis, frrrab. 2a -27. average btid, m1h sam- o . . - for num No ninon. sY /len OUNG looking, divorced. w john. nwr-smoiwrg. 30's dad, F. 135 In., variety d inW- mb. Seeks hot rew. nomanok- 1. family oriented, white F I For persons IS years of age and over . , S tam or leg. BY tam ON) di GOOD looking male 20, with good sense of humor, enjoys So amping, movies, romantic 1' weft, moot liffing, bolowg for 37 esmaie wash ainwlar w*mmtg 624. BY 14M (ONq KITE male enjoys walks, usre, and going to movies, iooltg ler single whale bmab -25 BY 1411(OSH) NGLE white male 3a, Ickes elks, movies. and quiet sys i gs. -Ww g angle bmee 40 35. with similar interests for Possible relationship SY 1412 dining. dancing and quiet MALE 55, 5'a•. 160 Ibs green SY 2098 eyes pray hair, seeks petite CHRISTIAN mother, 31, kk affectionate woman oriental or dancing, romantic walks. co black who Mees boating. dancing variation and having fun, and quiet times Lets start as honest. caring, trusting ma (rands. SY 1413 wrlh airrvlar nforess. SY 2119 PROFESSIONAL male. 35. LADY seeking man in his 50' black attractive likes politics, who enjoys dining, dancing Sports. movies. seeks unat- travel, cottage life. I saw y tached female companion 25- ad. please respond b mins S 40. with similar interests. for 2127 •omanac Vrdes SY 1414 FULL figured tonal*, 36. GOOD looking. 33 year old of humour. enjoys dining ou white male. into motorcycles. dancng, movies. and roma music. outdoors and family seeks compatible male. who Looking for romantically appreciable MY special quart inclined fit 25-35 year old SY 2143 %male SY 1415 (AJA) FEMALE, 35, usa0acrrd. 5'1 - REDHEAD, healthy slim and enjoys camping. bagebaf. gar arm. humorous. omtelfigem pro dining and traveling, seek teeaiOnal feet down o earth male. 3540 whole arKee slim. funlorng attractive established for ; 11"e woman for romance and conn ship BY 2146 par"otMPW,BY1416(OSH) FUN LOVING single whit WANTED 1 angle •nom 20-32, female 23 seeks stngJa wfk ler casual M trees, and adv* main. 23-30 who hues tire. paesibke romance. required and has an outgorri Spon by dad 32 and son. both easy rssoue. sincere personality. SY gang and und•mandrng. cut* 2152 too' BY 1410 (Os" SLJM arractm, single, whc Slam* Yours - TW sift my to NMI MW people, Ibare your aamae sed - ho 1111101111, Wkv you're ready. PISCES, ale 30 s. single no cn„dr•n heavy set. S64Nua udsrstandtrg Kemal* for frond. ship maybe romance. I m in busn*a* and an be moevand BY tats (OSI" CORNA! Ptoses "POO again didn t got your number SY 1420 (000 1 DONT b*ksv* W e sirs at 40 bull i dont behave it ands acne' A young 47 yr Old nen loo king ler dear heart n Sam* "U dsst Pima** as BY 1421 (OWM ATTRACTIVE. drvorew fatty. 32 6 brown hal blue *yes. enjoys sports. amprlg cook - 019, kgs, wOald kke b meet a femgle 26-40, for kasting rW- bW1p Singe mans welcome SY 1422 MALE 5 7'. 160 lbs estab- hshed so*ks single female. slim. age and radon uewn tunic tierces dncude camprlg, tho- etre, photography, and rock mstoc ler Possible rwa orrtyp SY 1423 (Odl) RXXXNFUL b alo aesnrn 34 yews dill. swsac and it V tall. 190 Ilea.. dark hair and eyes. Wake fit attractive yoiag lady 20-35. ler hit onOc evenvigs. g*bways and travel. BY MW MMERE single attractive. while mals, 32. estableshsd. ood humored, blonde hair. Iue/green eyes and a nice smile. sea" honest, curare, atrac9ve Ida for poseeb rsla- tTdrshp. SV las SEPARATED, shy % mob. 40 ars.. "ft Meng ousdoom, comp. ng, dining. dancing, sports nrrrdad sods aSectrasn "we 35-45 with am" rrareeNn. BY e as FULL 5, 1' fnnmds, 31, who Ill bares rmingi ed �Y efts, parties. tlav, , a*eks nmob w4to NOM be, bnfy aiwd- nd, sinews and honest. BY 2007 XM -SEVEN yr. old while bmale, widow, rrnrees am Am rung. music. rock and roll, daneirg, seeks 9WOMnrr 45- . wet mbbl ' SY ZM D Me b mss a good mak, 3o- fou just a *"in* ►abfonshtp, hropOuDy he'll be .nereebe n a gild 90 soft m mins - Milo owfwshp. BY no YOUNG kmdy 31, wishing b Male rniab onsMp with sinowe working gentleman 31-40. BY 2081 BNNGLE workup motes d 1, yin., $*arching for saner* esrM by This 17$11,•146 Alf -by kwi WNew* AWetser assumes no for M consent or ad., an who like* children habiay haply b any Yours advent*rtsnl. The advertiser aagumns awnpleb fx M 1, 26, 6.7•, salt. Mob. 26 316 *N= nl„sr,Nrir enjoys outdoors. navies. and quiet tawnirgs, must a". children. SY 21M OEM heart one a such a kir► ly number, call, share your dreams with a 53 yf. young, iwWOIll. atracfw blond, proles mortal lady with a lot of love b give. BY 2194 SINCERE honest single mom, 40, enjoys all sports and con - Parts. walking on to boodwak seeks non smoker, 35-45 to sham airrrlar rnteress. By 21" OUTGOING slim, single while female, 23, klokrg for hxresL tall, 5'8'. male, for romance, dancing and laughter. BY 2196 ATTRACTIVE Isdy, 37, single, enjoys -. dancing. moary- cles and the outdoors, seeks attractive easy going man. 30- 40 who enjoys the same. BY 2199 INDEPENDENT single mom. 38. smoker, roommates. 14-11, many interest. seeks tall large bukf. single white male. 37.45. with good sense of humor and a heart. SY 2300 I YOUNG. very petite mother of 2. 22. enjoys canlpng. weekend getaways. quiet nights. long dr, yes. walks, looking for Mr Right birrnes must enjoy children. SY 2301 ATTRACTIVE single mom. 30. is enjoys dancing. campvg sports. n- romantic evenings, country seat music and old rock. seeks hon - le est male. 30.40 for a special tins and possible relationship s SY 2302 ATTRACTIVE while Jamal. 29 our smoker nc oependens enjoys Y sport summer fun. country mi. mic. old rock. beer. quiet and serve wild times seeks mal 28-35 I. SY 2303 hoe. PROFESSIONAL. female. 24 'x'111 enjoys reading, long walks flea movies Yard romance dimers. ,f You have similar interests. would Move to hoer from you. BY 2300 s ATTRACTIVE professional and female separated. loves danc- nM•esn' ung and music. teaks romantic mal*. 3650 with simebr MJar- • ass. good seise d humor and te a zest for rile BY 2306 dancing LADY 52. seeks companion. tor enjoys gang cooking. cse sisal music and cottages By 230M te SINIGLE whits ataacsve Its 'emale •nrd 30s. fun lown9 31tan. en,loy country music. arK- ecce b. glandedmisin wit' good Ong. romantic strolls and cub oOMPfr"Oh- dkmg. wishes to moot single $No or" I=" fsi"M at Ohl male. 2630 wild, Windier BY 21 S3 n'a►eskt for brig term relation - ATTRACTIVE skin srlgb while stip SY 2309 fema,6 early 302. 5.4r good HARLEY lady 36.. ronnsrmok- sense of humor nooks tall er. 'hon-diniite kr0lwg lex vers �• romarsc 2rxx" work- oue Harley man to rid• fife s ,ng 90 wr1rJa male mdd 30's higAways with. Enjoys dancing. or possible reatdnship SY cynpng romance rip rat r sa rtig or ARTISTIC warm. entNllsiastK fawn fm ft a'e sr 2317 ATTRACTNE divorced motor lady comfortable to be with of 2. 33. looking for attractri dim of gwnee nib. 46. ler male. 33.40 who Mss kida. the companionship. light the tyre outdoors, music and when. you're M beef. BY 2155 ronrnce.SY 2718 SLIM mrotlar of two. 26 angle SINGLE mom 34. enjoys and attracts. who hides to do rnovdee. rav*I. dancing. bokvg many twig:. world Jake b "a*1 for a relationship el a man someone who s not Into Who *r joys chldlen, ant who w faadgwn" 24-30 BY 21 S6 honest and affectionate BY SEXY Pesti blorh I . 31. lddi•ng 23" ler an a-rfeceonan warm, bran- EARTHY woman, 31, enjoys ck•af sarxro gersill b cloy naturs. cycling. duos music. 01 mm tie evenings �1e BY vegeia an coo". non snlok- 2157 ATTRACTIVE full h urgd er Seeks man with albrnawo 9 view on tit* to share similar fernmJa. 22. lova: baring, hdon% rswow, SY 2)18 horseback ndIM dsncsg. look- UNATTACHED shy, wrvss. sen wig for mel• 23-30 aiflo enjoys sdtive female. 39. Ickes to be sa e. t Ooeede, retmOnahip romanced. big waft. iffolr es. seeks stable. honest. caring ATTRACTIVE Pleb lady errty u ignischad tal k make. 3913. SP's. seeking a Mare ardere Mus chdow SY 2372 gentleman for long raft. din- ARE you an attractive sinews mg. dwlwlg i ravel SY 2167 humorous gontonan7 I'm 23, SINGLE wlwn female. 21. M attractive motor d one who �g a+t➢o•r9 bunnies, -Oft enjoys movies, music. travel. snagged. rcin Atc: make 21-30 seeks someone �ioy and SEXY. sirume 31. green aged. 2179 wnabo 016 ,blob. SY 2LM TIMS 30ah, green eyed. shin, redhead lody. soon lovwg. Vues for" man In urs fun abov a averagn' brunette. tr"e pro I It We. ler mOh etas a one night be. scoral. h1M1e no mi 1 s. stand. BY 2M deng fo •cyst stable, aeon. PETITE singe while Morn, 20, • ioolarg fear a 'real can,• baa. sob spOrTbrrate singe when nor profeesiorTd. salt male. 20-25 for fun times 30 yr- oldfe40 j� �g mMb shhp. BY 21M snfTr ler suits. Must its estabmsfmsd. ATTRACTIVE prol**sional p 181f fk m�rlmorHe NW car - mom of 40, arpys ON OPMU, AM bfordoi her. l anon wpm, aN music, VIM". seeks unall- yaw old fi f eo spas dinall tidied nib 35-40 woh -dw �+ng• qua signs at ih, . Nftmmb. BY 2t1M " rontoiP vmmw gals hurt. ATTENTION you son-twoom Pet niri" 0 IMM aab 24-35 edntvamafplM tut fovrg dude. we taxi►itlwsel XV2= 23.26, be alwt ler a cum fsamab SSIGLE none Icy. a" 5th, Who enjoys the outdoors kin- non wndhw, ton indsr looking fOod o, to. who's fooling for Iw tlpeCo smart b share gust yore BY 2Mf SOUL, MATE WANTED: otter and �n � 2W d� out icing, active, inlwesWg• heMh OM( hair. vias and hacMsa. f OIs- staign 9WWM~. 21L angle name of 1, enjoys mill. 'Leo', sigie, non wTtolwr, over door*• dancing. alternative, 6', 35-50. BY: nom-whoking, t1Na11d, ilpllg fn, eaeb man Aquarius. BY 2M blT Oft 27-32. 101 khan• carob non b SINGLE probgsiorTd na9rr d waeioemr Ante9�a1a ngle hews To browse ads in the Alternative Category, Call Toll Free 14164764991* Only eMrp is 1.99 per min^ Uwe are no oxw IOn9 disw" ftr. *ale ng AN is*ulf 9aneof Tno advsAser agrees to, rndwnrl it and hold thepub"bon or iscoftog placed by and ffeO101irW COIlrrkrh foe bip/ay oOnlrN d, aril" reepCrees a any aWwngwMnl a redOlded mgncntct OrAW4 l any adwrlimmeintt osr charge 9owcsa�or�y n wheh an ad tto such � by u> Sfnoom►y Yours. M adverbwr agrees not b lean hiafiw telephone, number. losti ria oVsimkkea l Mr De• expenses. �� � �o� ms�0 fifum or loused by. go osfaasaaAlhbY Th* Weak mswvas Nn4V M n maw, SY 1309 lew enjoys the outdoors. done - MALE w^ Is, 37 seeks VIM ng and quer owefit for pose. a'•act,va .adv 2S -3C for 'nerd -r• lerstw orarkp SY 1371 sf•lp possible relation -snip EXCITING mal* 2C so",ng win be undnstandi g Serious femad* • 8-2' who lies len. ler I ,oudie• only, BY 1310 friendship and possible long SUCCESSFUL wine nes- ousoTim rolation*hrp SY 1372 ma^ r SCS seeks a'tracll SINGLE Soan sh g*nn*man f*mal6 any 496 'o• •omanbc 33 :c *go student. likes to relationship on big arm base dance salsa, and marorgs pow SY 1311 Sonit6 SpOntsnooce Outgoing SINGLE ^-%&*30. caw` cu work•ng looking ler a !•mal* g 2630 whc r no -dew and has e 9000 senso d humor SY 1312 HEALTHY caning, honest h g whit• -,a.* 4• 5 11- seeks s lady to share t* spark of ton anbc unites will" SY 1313in SENSITIVE amar_ sk a, sincere Chnsfaw go" war lir 32 seeks inlefloWt .r lady any race :r ng Olot«- trandsh,p possible, mar•,ago erInterested n music theatre social blues BY 1314 IN SGLE lathe. 2' go -d look. Ing E enjoys w 9C be onwil; out dancing dining qu,ot finials evenings see"als wrac- t v* slam 25-35 with similar seeress BY 1315 SPIRITED Taurus male sin o 4C 5 a- two cho~ toOken ler m a woman ID sassy my rtelotl C be touched mw1Wy. spinttialy, sly and Phjfd BY 1317 ROMANTIC male whit* 40 seodlovable. t lovae. loyal and affec- bonake female enjoys who eoys golf wig waft ane quiet evendege BY 1310 ETERNAL opoo . sort what romantic firm, fired 40s. enjoys music. conversation.es ON moving see" mature Presnor► ably slim, attractive, female counterpart, bdor ,orwabon. ship BY 1310 ATTRACTIVE sngle working parent. 34 Woes this outdoors. n camping. dig and dancing. sport melded, seeks female. 2535 who r jO1fs chdrtr*n with amm, rnweab. BY 1350ONErTghen Osia w. Mb 30. ark hair. blue eyes. considered atrsebn lock" ler afraeove lemmm me women ni" 40S for tun and romance. BY IMIMSa ATTRACTIVE aeaonmb nes 23. enjoys spore. movies, and II wafvery y fa --- , took - ng knob 18-25 bpomefte rain- tlnP. BY Iles SINGLE who C•oeil7o main 19 yrs.. 6 a y 2, wjos, opco ohi- doom nmovarid k) quiet seeks female 18 b 20 for possible raw-- - I IF. BY 1x1 ATTRACTIVE single white mal*. 20 yrs.. enjoys sports anemg and qu l longs. loves b how kir, saMug 16 b 21 yr old %mob student lex long ferm two-- , IF. BY an HANDSOME and smart man lookup for nWWgent fwmpan- on. BY 1363 AVERAGE bokrry, whin. norl- anroow. Make. 49. Wnw. gar. dial".dial".rands. Soft. country and easy listening music social drinker, bilingual, not keen On dancing SY 1364 ME! sign whda Mle. 33, us, adventurous, oclgcuc tastes. influenced by do Black Adder and Seinfeld. loved Miss and seeks lady 23 b 30 nanwrok. e or droner SY 1373 a ATTRACTIVE, di male. young 42 non -amok« enjoys t movies music camping and m b + Sunday pica- seeking si ^om wall bank wokwo larnan with no ties and a good sense of aprmu- humor. pos•bb relationshp BY 1374 SINGLE -nate Mab 24 enjoys "OM4y basso". among and quet nights at hom* seeks attractive, female 18-25 who ,s rwresbd n to nils BY 1376 WHITE -%we 19 56' nnret. lid - Politics boating and romantic walks seeks 26-30 year old woman to share Int. male tIMes possible rWbOn- sfsp BY 1377 GOOD looking sectio. whte M410 S6 145 pounds, enjoys spm• sports conagirg. taidw On" out and good converse. ban Looking for secure aQac- M 90m female 25-40 yin sen gle Marls O K BY 1370 SINGLE whet male. kicking fir woman with good son" of humor. ages 1625 must like chocolate and flowers, and romantic ovenIf." aloe. By 1380 HANDSOME GoUbistod main. 33, non-smoker, seeks slim twinaJa 22-31 kir snows con► psrsorsfkp. mnwlawg conver- aabw and good Ines, sn9f• trmow s sea", - . SY fm TALL slim male, 32, enjoys music. waft on ft blood roe - quo[ spars. movies, st•nrrrrg and quiet romantic nvorwngn. Speirs ..dr female. 25,16. for BY 1� ' Page" mlNorsdi p. ROMANTIC nes. 3f, ktokirg for a bhp semi rsI I'd hip. no hand gaining, mNA Mn ddd wt, compsg, adwg long ranTta weft. 2540 and alraews. BY 1381 COUPLE d mbbfstsd of y nrd 30'6 guys, ISWM 19 with som- al years •ttpwience, Mo cot tagse. Caribbngn Itavnl. water Sports. wwwenobilog, and len. Y Would like b now sane. BY 130 S MALE 30. good kiola g, stn, ft hwrget will many arI cele, no i df►pendents. Seeks same in fwrob 22-30. To sham kin" rowborwNrp. BY I= HONEST. hard working, avide c 31 yr. old guy. who enjoys his c and all it has b offer, enjoy sot. ng, nabreychn% seeks boos a for Possible relationship. SY 1 1387 w GOOD kioltg corals lint tarred m 30. 5'a• wet bkle eyes and long brown hair, seeks shm. altrac. 22 Ove lady In her thrum. who me SI Carling. fun b be w4 h, starkers, w and trust worthy for a posed* relabonuhip BY 13M 27 25 year old male with strong Chnstlan ballets. I enjoy rrdoon- light dinners. long walks. soft music Would like 'o meet SOmeorle with slimlar ntereab SY 1390 ATTRACTIVE single white male 24 yes 5 1C. good sense of humor enjoys romantic evonrl9 - moves. walking. den Ing seeking attractive female 19.26 with smdar nteress SY 1391 ATTRACTIVE single white mage 28 sincere, creative romantic, enjoys lazy walks cuddling, movies, seeking attractive mature. single white fens{*. 19 b 29 b � ro{a- Wai BY 1302 ESTABLISHED blew oy*d male 17C los 35 yin. old. enjoys sic, ng, Cottages. travel keeping ht seeks secure attractive. sponta- neous and tun ferrule wdh Writ - tar so so SY /3M SINGLE father of two enjoys w'+lkang, aitdoors. looking ler a woman between 22-30 must love chddrw BY 1395 23 r old while male 5-7'. 745 IDs seeking sarin female 29 to 33 to enjoy •onantic dinners, moves. long wall and quet ~"I at home Looking lor brig rearm relationship SY 1396 HANDSOME ^al* 3c s neve, hared 5 . aubvr, has whoo and working enjoy, variety of music sports comcen get- aways quiet and a c, ting oven,ngs seeks attractive female 20-29 tc share good tines wit•. sy 1397 EUROPEAN -ale 59 1a only chid see" remaa, web arm. Ie problem SY 1398 III star sea•cf• .andsome while mal• 5 10-, 178 Ds 36 Professional, onjoys country n%isiC. dirlcafg, drive rOM%L-" and more Seeking foxy 'nsa- tfablo .ntelligent female By 14" osm W. bona her blue eye, thenen ceatty $*cure family on*nted enjoys elf spat and especially Outdoor* Loodl.ng for pos",e r*lattonshep with that 2pocral someone BY 1401 DOH TINGLE dad. 29 bro.n,sh blonds ran, hal green eyes micas Spas, music. romantic dinners and dancing Soaks twrab 25.35. for long lens rata- I 1101 1 o BY 140 OSH GREEN eyed male 31 5 6-. enjoys dining. dancing waft, sports. and the outdoor lite Sells Iwnab %ow-lnthout cfrk- dinn 2&33 with swear, dnlnf*$te Must bide ddd a SY 14M NICE. sronsou guy, wsltes b meet single. sincere bmele 25- 36 who wjoys movie. waI , ber0eeues and dourer parbee. Someone who has a positive % lmk and awns of Minor. BY 1484 OBH MDOWER, mels, 52 yews S4•, b 135 bs.. rowed, seeks compwr- ron, enjoys eoobng, casercal nwrnie and outdoors. children ars wr$icdrrma BY 1485 OfMT kfw d one. 36 yews. enjoys music. codrrg. waft. ttPortn, seeks women 30.45 for oow4mw"oruhip possible res- ksfow BY 14M; BBICEM. white make. 5.10'. i ar I, li slI , - gull, nrovieg and antrm seeks altactis, frrrab. 2a -27. average btid, m1h sam- o . . - for num No ninon. sY /len OUNG looking, divorced. w john. nwr-smoiwrg. 30's dad, F. 135 In., variety d inW- mb. Seeks hot rew. nomanok- 1. family oriented, white F I For persons IS years of age and over . , S tam or leg. BY tam ON) di GOOD looking male 20, with good sense of humor, enjoys So amping, movies, romantic 1' weft, moot liffing, bolowg for 37 esmaie wash ainwlar w*mmtg 624. BY 14M (ONq KITE male enjoys walks, usre, and going to movies, iooltg ler single whale bmab -25 BY 1411(OSH) NGLE white male 3a, Ickes elks, movies. and quiet sys i gs. -Ww g angle bmee 40 35. with similar interests for Possible relationship SY 1412 dining. dancing and quiet MALE 55, 5'a•. 160 Ibs green SY 2098 eyes pray hair, seeks petite CHRISTIAN mother, 31, kk affectionate woman oriental or dancing, romantic walks. co black who Mees boating. dancing variation and having fun, and quiet times Lets start as honest. caring, trusting ma (rands. SY 1413 wrlh airrvlar nforess. SY 2119 PROFESSIONAL male. 35. LADY seeking man in his 50' black attractive likes politics, who enjoys dining, dancing Sports. movies. seeks unat- travel, cottage life. I saw y tached female companion 25- ad. please respond b mins S 40. with similar interests. for 2127 •omanac Vrdes SY 1414 FULL figured tonal*, 36. GOOD looking. 33 year old of humour. enjoys dining ou white male. into motorcycles. dancng, movies. and roma music. outdoors and family seeks compatible male. who Looking for romantically appreciable MY special quart inclined fit 25-35 year old SY 2143 %male SY 1415 (AJA) FEMALE, 35, usa0acrrd. 5'1 - REDHEAD, healthy slim and enjoys camping. bagebaf. gar arm. humorous. omtelfigem pro dining and traveling, seek teeaiOnal feet down o earth male. 3540 whole arKee slim. funlorng attractive established for ; 11"e woman for romance and conn ship BY 2146 par"otMPW,BY1416(OSH) FUN LOVING single whit WANTED 1 angle •nom 20-32, female 23 seeks stngJa wfk ler casual M trees, and adv* main. 23-30 who hues tire. paesibke romance. required and has an outgorri Spon by dad 32 and son. both easy rssoue. sincere personality. SY gang and und•mandrng. cut* 2152 too' BY 1410 (Os" SLJM arractm, single, whc Slam* Yours - TW sift my to NMI MW people, Ibare your aamae sed - ho 1111101111, Wkv you're ready. PISCES, ale 30 s. single no cn„dr•n heavy set. S64Nua udsrstandtrg Kemal* for frond. ship maybe romance. I m in busn*a* and an be moevand BY tats (OSI" CORNA! Ptoses "POO again didn t got your number SY 1420 (000 1 DONT b*ksv* W e sirs at 40 bull i dont behave it ands acne' A young 47 yr Old nen loo king ler dear heart n Sam* "U dsst Pima** as BY 1421 (OWM ATTRACTIVE. drvorew fatty. 32 6 brown hal blue *yes. enjoys sports. amprlg cook - 019, kgs, wOald kke b meet a femgle 26-40, for kasting rW- bW1p Singe mans welcome SY 1422 MALE 5 7'. 160 lbs estab- hshed so*ks single female. slim. age and radon uewn tunic tierces dncude camprlg, tho- etre, photography, and rock mstoc ler Possible rwa orrtyp SY 1423 (Odl) RXXXNFUL b alo aesnrn 34 yews dill. swsac and it V tall. 190 Ilea.. dark hair and eyes. Wake fit attractive yoiag lady 20-35. ler hit onOc evenvigs. g*bways and travel. BY MW MMERE single attractive. while mals, 32. estableshsd. ood humored, blonde hair. Iue/green eyes and a nice smile. sea" honest, curare, atrac9ve Ida for poseeb rsla- tTdrshp. SV las SEPARATED, shy % mob. 40 ars.. "ft Meng ousdoom, comp. ng, dining. dancing, sports nrrrdad sods aSectrasn "we 35-45 with am" rrareeNn. BY e as FULL 5, 1' fnnmds, 31, who Ill bares rmingi ed �Y efts, parties. tlav, , a*eks nmob w4to NOM be, bnfy aiwd- nd, sinews and honest. BY 2007 XM -SEVEN yr. old while bmale, widow, rrnrees am Am rung. music. rock and roll, daneirg, seeks 9WOMnrr 45- . wet mbbl ' SY ZM D Me b mss a good mak, 3o- fou just a *"in* ►abfonshtp, hropOuDy he'll be .nereebe n a gild 90 soft m mins - Milo owfwshp. BY no YOUNG kmdy 31, wishing b Male rniab onsMp with sinowe working gentleman 31-40. BY 2081 BNNGLE workup motes d 1, yin., $*arching for saner* esrM by This 17$11,•146 Alf -by kwi WNew* AWetser assumes no for M consent or ad., an who like* children habiay haply b any Yours advent*rtsnl. The advertiser aagumns awnpleb fx M 1, 26, 6.7•, salt. Mob. 26 316 *N= nl„sr,Nrir enjoys outdoors. navies. and quiet tawnirgs, must a". children. SY 21M OEM heart one a such a kir► ly number, call, share your dreams with a 53 yf. young, iwWOIll. atracfw blond, proles mortal lady with a lot of love b give. BY 2194 SINCERE honest single mom, 40, enjoys all sports and con - Parts. walking on to boodwak seeks non smoker, 35-45 to sham airrrlar rnteress. By 21" OUTGOING slim, single while female, 23, klokrg for hxresL tall, 5'8'. male, for romance, dancing and laughter. BY 2196 ATTRACTIVE Isdy, 37, single, enjoys -. dancing. moary- cles and the outdoors, seeks attractive easy going man. 30- 40 who enjoys the same. BY 2199 INDEPENDENT single mom. 38. smoker, roommates. 14-11, many interest. seeks tall large bukf. single white male. 37.45. with good sense of humor and a heart. SY 2300 I YOUNG. very petite mother of 2. 22. enjoys canlpng. weekend getaways. quiet nights. long dr, yes. walks, looking for Mr Right birrnes must enjoy children. SY 2301 ATTRACTIVE single mom. 30. is enjoys dancing. campvg sports. n- romantic evenings, country seat music and old rock. seeks hon - le est male. 30.40 for a special tins and possible relationship s SY 2302 ATTRACTIVE while Jamal. 29 our smoker nc oependens enjoys Y sport summer fun. country mi. mic. old rock. beer. quiet and serve wild times seeks mal 28-35 I. SY 2303 hoe. PROFESSIONAL. female. 24 'x'111 enjoys reading, long walks flea movies Yard romance dimers. ,f You have similar interests. would Move to hoer from you. BY 2300 s ATTRACTIVE professional and female separated. loves danc- nM•esn' ung and music. teaks romantic mal*. 3650 with simebr MJar- • ass. good seise d humor and te a zest for rile BY 2306 dancing LADY 52. seeks companion. tor enjoys gang cooking. cse sisal music and cottages By 230M te SINIGLE whits ataacsve Its 'emale •nrd 30s. fun lown9 31tan. en,loy country music. arK- ecce b. glandedmisin wit' good Ong. romantic strolls and cub oOMPfr"Oh- dkmg. wishes to moot single $No or" I=" fsi"M at Ohl male. 2630 wild, Windier BY 21 S3 n'a►eskt for brig term relation - ATTRACTIVE skin srlgb while stip SY 2309 fema,6 early 302. 5.4r good HARLEY lady 36.. ronnsrmok- sense of humor nooks tall er. 'hon-diniite kr0lwg lex vers �• romarsc 2rxx" work- oue Harley man to rid• fife s ,ng 90 wr1rJa male mdd 30's higAways with. Enjoys dancing. or possible reatdnship SY cynpng romance rip rat r sa rtig or ARTISTIC warm. entNllsiastK fawn fm ft a'e sr 2317 ATTRACTNE divorced motor lady comfortable to be with of 2. 33. looking for attractri dim of gwnee nib. 46. ler male. 33.40 who Mss kida. the companionship. light the tyre outdoors, music and when. you're M beef. BY 2155 ronrnce.SY 2718 SLIM mrotlar of two. 26 angle SINGLE mom 34. enjoys and attracts. who hides to do rnovdee. rav*I. dancing. bokvg many twig:. world Jake b "a*1 for a relationship el a man someone who s not Into Who *r joys chldlen, ant who w faadgwn" 24-30 BY 21 S6 honest and affectionate BY SEXY Pesti blorh I . 31. lddi•ng 23" ler an a-rfeceonan warm, bran- EARTHY woman, 31, enjoys ck•af sarxro gersill b cloy naturs. cycling. duos music. 01 mm tie evenings �1e BY vegeia an coo". non snlok- 2157 ATTRACTIVE full h urgd er Seeks man with albrnawo 9 view on tit* to share similar fernmJa. 22. lova: baring, hdon% rswow, SY 2)18 horseback ndIM dsncsg. look- UNATTACHED shy, wrvss. sen wig for mel• 23-30 aiflo enjoys sdtive female. 39. Ickes to be sa e. t Ooeede, retmOnahip romanced. big waft. iffolr es. seeks stable. honest. caring ATTRACTIVE Pleb lady errty u ignischad tal k make. 3913. SP's. seeking a Mare ardere Mus chdow SY 2372 gentleman for long raft. din- ARE you an attractive sinews mg. dwlwlg i ravel SY 2167 humorous gontonan7 I'm 23, SINGLE wlwn female. 21. M attractive motor d one who �g a+t➢o•r9 bunnies, -Oft enjoys movies, music. travel. snagged. rcin Atc: make 21-30 seeks someone �ioy and SEXY. sirume 31. green aged. 2179 wnabo 016 ,blob. SY 2LM TIMS 30ah, green eyed. shin, redhead lody. soon lovwg. Vues for" man In urs fun abov a averagn' brunette. tr"e pro I It We. ler mOh etas a one night be. scoral. h1M1e no mi 1 s. stand. BY 2M deng fo •cyst stable, aeon. PETITE singe while Morn, 20, • ioolarg fear a 'real can,• baa. sob spOrTbrrate singe when nor profeesiorTd. salt male. 20-25 for fun times 30 yr- oldfe40 j� �g mMb shhp. BY 21M snfTr ler suits. Must its estabmsfmsd. ATTRACTIVE prol**sional p 181f fk m�rlmorHe NW car - mom of 40, arpys ON OPMU, AM bfordoi her. l anon wpm, aN music, VIM". seeks unall- yaw old fi f eo spas dinall tidied nib 35-40 woh -dw �+ng• qua signs at ih, . Nftmmb. BY 2t1M " rontoiP vmmw gals hurt. ATTENTION you son-twoom Pet niri" 0 IMM aab 24-35 edntvamafplM tut fovrg dude. we taxi►itlwsel XV2= 23.26, be alwt ler a cum fsamab SSIGLE none Icy. a" 5th, Who enjoys the outdoors kin- non wndhw, ton indsr looking fOod o, to. who's fooling for Iw tlpeCo smart b share gust yore BY 2Mf SOUL, MATE WANTED: otter and �n � 2W d� out icing, active, inlwesWg• heMh OM( hair. vias and hacMsa. f OIs- staign 9WWM~. 21L angle name of 1, enjoys mill. 'Leo', sigie, non wTtolwr, over door*• dancing. alternative, 6', 35-50. BY: nom-whoking, t1Na11d, ilpllg fn, eaeb man Aquarius. BY 2M blT Oft 27-32. 101 khan• carob non b SINGLE probgsiorTd na9rr d waeioemr Ante9�a1a ngle hews To browse ads in the Alternative Category, Call Toll Free 14164764991* Only eMrp is 1.99 per min^ Uwe are no oxw IOn9 disw" ftr. *ale ng AN is*ulf 9aneof Tno advsAser agrees to, rndwnrl it and hold thepub"bon or iscoftog placed by and ffeO101irW COIlrrkrh foe bip/ay oOnlrN d, aril" reepCrees a any aWwngwMnl a redOlded mgncntct OrAW4 l any adwrlimmeintt osr charge 9owcsa�or�y n wheh an ad tto such � by u> Sfnoom►y Yours. M adverbwr agrees not b lean hiafiw telephone, number. losti ria oVsimkkea l Mr De• expenses. �� � �o� ms�0 fifum or loused by. go osfaasaaAlhbY Th* Weak mswvas Nn4V M n maw, SINGLE ^-%&*30. caw` cu work•ng looking ler a !•mal* g 2630 whc r no -dew and has e 9000 senso d humor SY 1312 HEALTHY caning, honest h g whit• -,a.* 4• 5 11- seeks s lady to share t* spark of ton anbc unites will" SY 1313in SENSITIVE amar_ sk a, sincere Chnsfaw go" war lir 32 seeks inlefloWt .r lady any race :r ng Olot«- trandsh,p possible, mar•,ago erInterested n music theatre social blues BY 1314 IN SGLE lathe. 2' go -d look. Ing E enjoys w 9C be onwil; out dancing dining qu,ot finials evenings see"als wrac- t v* slam 25-35 with similar seeress BY 1315 SPIRITED Taurus male sin o 4C 5 a- two cho~ toOken ler m a woman ID sassy my rtelotl C be touched mw1Wy. spinttialy, sly and Phjfd BY 1317 ROMANTIC male whit* 40 seodlovable. t lovae. loyal and affec- bonake female enjoys who eoys golf wig waft ane quiet evendege BY 1310 ETERNAL opoo . sort what romantic firm, fired 40s. enjoys music. conversation.es ON moving see" mature Presnor► ably slim, attractive, female counterpart, bdor ,orwabon. ship BY 1310 ATTRACTIVE sngle working parent. 34 Woes this outdoors. n camping. dig and dancing. sport melded, seeks female. 2535 who r jO1fs chdrtr*n with amm, rnweab. BY 1350ONErTghen Osia w. Mb 30. ark hair. blue eyes. considered atrsebn lock" ler afraeove lemmm me women ni" 40S for tun and romance. BY IMIMSa ATTRACTIVE aeaonmb nes 23. enjoys spore. movies, and II wafvery y fa --- , took - ng knob 18-25 bpomefte rain- tlnP. BY Iles SINGLE who C•oeil7o main 19 yrs.. 6 a y 2, wjos, opco ohi- doom nmovarid k) quiet seeks female 18 b 20 for possible raw-- - I IF. BY 1x1 ATTRACTIVE single white mal*. 20 yrs.. enjoys sports anemg and qu l longs. loves b how kir, saMug 16 b 21 yr old %mob student lex long ferm two-- , IF. BY an HANDSOME and smart man lookup for nWWgent fwmpan- on. BY 1363 AVERAGE bokrry, whin. norl- anroow. Make. 49. Wnw. gar. dial".dial".rands. Soft. country and easy listening music social drinker, bilingual, not keen On dancing SY 1364 ME! sign whda Mle. 33, us, adventurous, oclgcuc tastes. influenced by do Black Adder and Seinfeld. loved Miss and seeks lady 23 b 30 nanwrok. e or droner SY 1373 a ATTRACTIVE, di male. young 42 non -amok« enjoys t movies music camping and m b + Sunday pica- seeking si ^om wall bank wokwo larnan with no ties and a good sense of aprmu- humor. pos•bb relationshp BY 1374 SINGLE -nate Mab 24 enjoys "OM4y basso". among and quet nights at hom* seeks attractive, female 18-25 who ,s rwresbd n to nils BY 1376 WHITE -%we 19 56' nnret. lid - Politics boating and romantic walks seeks 26-30 year old woman to share Int. male tIMes possible rWbOn- sfsp BY 1377 GOOD looking sectio. whte M410 S6 145 pounds, enjoys spm• sports conagirg. taidw On" out and good converse. ban Looking for secure aQac- M 90m female 25-40 yin sen gle Marls O K BY 1370 SINGLE whet male. kicking fir woman with good son" of humor. ages 1625 must like chocolate and flowers, and romantic ovenIf." aloe. By 1380 HANDSOME GoUbistod main. 33, non-smoker, seeks slim twinaJa 22-31 kir snows con► psrsorsfkp. mnwlawg conver- aabw and good Ines, sn9f• trmow s sea", - . SY fm TALL slim male, 32, enjoys music. waft on ft blood roe - quo[ spars. movies, st•nrrrrg and quiet romantic nvorwngn. Speirs ..dr female. 25,16. for BY 1� ' Page" mlNorsdi p. ROMANTIC nes. 3f, ktokirg for a bhp semi rsI I'd hip. no hand gaining, mNA Mn ddd wt, compsg, adwg long ranTta weft. 2540 and alraews. BY 1381 COUPLE d mbbfstsd of y nrd 30'6 guys, ISWM 19 with som- al years •ttpwience, Mo cot tagse. Caribbngn Itavnl. water Sports. wwwenobilog, and len. Y Would like b now sane. BY 130 S MALE 30. good kiola g, stn, ft hwrget will many arI cele, no i df►pendents. Seeks same in fwrob 22-30. To sham kin" rowborwNrp. BY I= HONEST. hard working, avide c 31 yr. old guy. who enjoys his c and all it has b offer, enjoy sot. ng, nabreychn% seeks boos a for Possible relationship. SY 1 1387 w GOOD kioltg corals lint tarred m 30. 5'a• wet bkle eyes and long brown hair, seeks shm. altrac. 22 Ove lady In her thrum. who me SI Carling. fun b be w4 h, starkers, w and trust worthy for a posed* relabonuhip BY 13M 27 25 year old male with strong Chnstlan ballets. I enjoy rrdoon- light dinners. long walks. soft music Would like 'o meet SOmeorle with slimlar ntereab SY 1390 ATTRACTIVE single white male 24 yes 5 1C. good sense of humor enjoys romantic evonrl9 - moves. walking. den Ing seeking attractive female 19.26 with smdar nteress SY 1391 ATTRACTIVE single white mage 28 sincere, creative romantic, enjoys lazy walks cuddling, movies, seeking attractive mature. single white fens{*. 19 b 29 b � ro{a- Wai BY 1302 ESTABLISHED blew oy*d male 17C los 35 yin. old. enjoys sic, ng, Cottages. travel keeping ht seeks secure attractive. sponta- neous and tun ferrule wdh Writ - tar so so SY /3M SINGLE father of two enjoys w'+lkang, aitdoors. looking ler a woman between 22-30 must love chddrw BY 1395 23 r old while male 5-7'. 745 IDs seeking sarin female 29 to 33 to enjoy •onantic dinners, moves. long wall and quet ~"I at home Looking lor brig rearm relationship SY 1396 HANDSOME ^al* 3c s neve, hared 5 . aubvr, has whoo and working enjoy, variety of music sports comcen get- aways quiet and a c, ting oven,ngs seeks attractive female 20-29 tc share good tines wit•. sy 1397 EUROPEAN -ale 59 1a only chid see" remaa, web arm. Ie problem SY 1398 III star sea•cf• .andsome while mal• 5 10-, 178 Ds 36 Professional, onjoys country n%isiC. dirlcafg, drive rOM%L-" and more Seeking foxy 'nsa- tfablo .ntelligent female By 14" osm W. bona her blue eye, thenen ceatty $*cure family on*nted enjoys elf spat and especially Outdoor* Loodl.ng for pos",e r*lattonshep with that 2pocral someone BY 1401 DOH TINGLE dad. 29 bro.n,sh blonds ran, hal green eyes micas Spas, music. romantic dinners and dancing Soaks twrab 25.35. for long lens rata- I 1101 1 o BY 140 OSH GREEN eyed male 31 5 6-. enjoys dining. dancing waft, sports. and the outdoor lite Sells Iwnab %ow-lnthout cfrk- dinn 2&33 with swear, dnlnf*$te Must bide ddd a SY 14M NICE. sronsou guy, wsltes b meet single. sincere bmele 25- 36 who wjoys movie. waI , ber0eeues and dourer parbee. Someone who has a positive % lmk and awns of Minor. BY 1484 OBH MDOWER, mels, 52 yews S4•, b 135 bs.. rowed, seeks compwr- ron, enjoys eoobng, casercal nwrnie and outdoors. children ars wr$icdrrma BY 1485 OfMT kfw d one. 36 yews. enjoys music. codrrg. waft. ttPortn, seeks women 30.45 for oow4mw"oruhip possible res- ksfow BY 14M; BBICEM. white make. 5.10'. i ar I, li slI , - gull, nrovieg and antrm seeks altactis, frrrab. 2a -27. average btid, m1h sam- o . . - for num No ninon. sY /len OUNG looking, divorced. w john. nwr-smoiwrg. 30's dad, F. 135 In., variety d inW- mb. Seeks hot rew. nomanok- 1. family oriented, white F I For persons IS years of age and over . , S tam or leg. BY tam ON) di GOOD looking male 20, with good sense of humor, enjoys So amping, movies, romantic 1' weft, moot liffing, bolowg for 37 esmaie wash ainwlar w*mmtg 624. BY 14M (ONq KITE male enjoys walks, usre, and going to movies, iooltg ler single whale bmab -25 BY 1411(OSH) NGLE white male 3a, Ickes elks, movies. and quiet sys i gs. -Ww g angle bmee 40 35. with similar interests for Possible relationship SY 1412 dining. dancing and quiet MALE 55, 5'a•. 160 Ibs green SY 2098 eyes pray hair, seeks petite CHRISTIAN mother, 31, kk affectionate woman oriental or dancing, romantic walks. co black who Mees boating. dancing variation and having fun, and quiet times Lets start as honest. caring, trusting ma (rands. SY 1413 wrlh airrvlar nforess. SY 2119 PROFESSIONAL male. 35. LADY seeking man in his 50' black attractive likes politics, who enjoys dining, dancing Sports. movies. seeks unat- travel, cottage life. I saw y tached female companion 25- ad. please respond b mins S 40. with similar interests. for 2127 •omanac Vrdes SY 1414 FULL figured tonal*, 36. GOOD looking. 33 year old of humour. enjoys dining ou white male. into motorcycles. dancng, movies. and roma music. outdoors and family seeks compatible male. who Looking for romantically appreciable MY special quart inclined fit 25-35 year old SY 2143 %male SY 1415 (AJA) FEMALE, 35, usa0acrrd. 5'1 - REDHEAD, healthy slim and enjoys camping. bagebaf. gar arm. humorous. omtelfigem pro dining and traveling, seek teeaiOnal feet down o earth male. 3540 whole arKee slim. funlorng attractive established for ; 11"e woman for romance and conn ship BY 2146 par"otMPW,BY1416(OSH) FUN LOVING single whit WANTED 1 angle •nom 20-32, female 23 seeks stngJa wfk ler casual M trees, and adv* main. 23-30 who hues tire. paesibke romance. required and has an outgorri Spon by dad 32 and son. both easy rssoue. sincere personality. SY gang and und•mandrng. cut* 2152 too' BY 1410 (Os" SLJM arractm, single, whc Slam* Yours - TW sift my to NMI MW people, Ibare your aamae sed - ho 1111101111, Wkv you're ready. PISCES, ale 30 s. single no cn„dr•n heavy set. S64Nua udsrstandtrg Kemal* for frond. ship maybe romance. I m in busn*a* and an be moevand BY tats (OSI" CORNA! Ptoses "POO again didn t got your number SY 1420 (000 1 DONT b*ksv* W e sirs at 40 bull i dont behave it ands acne' A young 47 yr Old nen loo king ler dear heart n Sam* "U dsst Pima** as BY 1421 (OWM ATTRACTIVE. drvorew fatty. 32 6 brown hal blue *yes. enjoys sports. amprlg cook - 019, kgs, wOald kke b meet a femgle 26-40, for kasting rW- bW1p Singe mans welcome SY 1422 MALE 5 7'. 160 lbs estab- hshed so*ks single female. slim. age and radon uewn tunic tierces dncude camprlg, tho- etre, photography, and rock mstoc ler Possible rwa orrtyp SY 1423 (Odl) RXXXNFUL b alo aesnrn 34 yews dill. swsac and it V tall. 190 Ilea.. dark hair and eyes. Wake fit attractive yoiag lady 20-35. ler hit onOc evenvigs. g*bways and travel. BY MW MMERE single attractive. while mals, 32. estableshsd. ood humored, blonde hair. Iue/green eyes and a nice smile. sea" honest, curare, atrac9ve Ida for poseeb rsla- tTdrshp. SV las SEPARATED, shy % mob. 40 ars.. "ft Meng ousdoom, comp. ng, dining. dancing, sports nrrrdad sods aSectrasn "we 35-45 with am" rrareeNn. BY e as FULL 5, 1' fnnmds, 31, who Ill bares rmingi ed �Y efts, parties. tlav, , a*eks nmob w4to NOM be, bnfy aiwd- nd, sinews and honest. BY 2007 XM -SEVEN yr. old while bmale, widow, rrnrees am Am rung. music. rock and roll, daneirg, seeks 9WOMnrr 45- . wet mbbl ' SY ZM D Me b mss a good mak, 3o- fou just a *"in* ►abfonshtp, hropOuDy he'll be .nereebe n a gild 90 soft m mins - Milo owfwshp. BY no YOUNG kmdy 31, wishing b Male rniab onsMp with sinowe working gentleman 31-40. BY 2081 BNNGLE workup motes d 1, yin., $*arching for saner* esrM by This 17$11,•146 Alf -by kwi WNew* AWetser assumes no for M consent or ad., an who like* children habiay haply b any Yours advent*rtsnl. The advertiser aagumns awnpleb fx M 1, 26, 6.7•, salt. Mob. 26 316 *N= nl„sr,Nrir enjoys outdoors. navies. and quiet tawnirgs, must a". children. SY 21M OEM heart one a such a kir► ly number, call, share your dreams with a 53 yf. young, iwWOIll. atracfw blond, proles mortal lady with a lot of love b give. BY 2194 SINCERE honest single mom, 40, enjoys all sports and con - Parts. walking on to boodwak seeks non smoker, 35-45 to sham airrrlar rnteress. By 21" OUTGOING slim, single while female, 23, klokrg for hxresL tall, 5'8'. male, for romance, dancing and laughter. BY 2196 ATTRACTIVE Isdy, 37, single, enjoys -. dancing. moary- cles and the outdoors, seeks attractive easy going man. 30- 40 who enjoys the same. BY 2199 INDEPENDENT single mom. 38. smoker, roommates. 14-11, many interest. seeks tall large bukf. single white male. 37.45. with good sense of humor and a heart. SY 2300 I YOUNG. very petite mother of 2. 22. enjoys canlpng. weekend getaways. quiet nights. long dr, yes. walks, looking for Mr Right birrnes must enjoy children. SY 2301 ATTRACTIVE single mom. 30. is enjoys dancing. campvg sports. n- romantic evenings, country seat music and old rock. seeks hon - le est male. 30.40 for a special tins and possible relationship s SY 2302 ATTRACTIVE while Jamal. 29 our smoker nc oependens enjoys Y sport summer fun. country mi. mic. old rock. beer. quiet and serve wild times seeks mal 28-35 I. SY 2303 hoe. PROFESSIONAL. female. 24 'x'111 enjoys reading, long walks flea movies Yard romance dimers. ,f You have similar interests. would Move to hoer from you. BY 2300 s ATTRACTIVE professional and female separated. loves danc- nM•esn' ung and music. teaks romantic mal*. 3650 with simebr MJar- • ass. good seise d humor and te a zest for rile BY 2306 dancing LADY 52. seeks companion. tor enjoys gang cooking. cse sisal music and cottages By 230M te SINIGLE whits ataacsve Its 'emale •nrd 30s. fun lown9 31tan. en,loy country music. arK- ecce b. glandedmisin wit' good Ong. romantic strolls and cub oOMPfr"Oh- dkmg. wishes to moot single $No or" I=" fsi"M at Ohl male. 2630 wild, Windier BY 21 S3 n'a►eskt for brig term relation - ATTRACTIVE skin srlgb while stip SY 2309 fema,6 early 302. 5.4r good HARLEY lady 36.. ronnsrmok- sense of humor nooks tall er. 'hon-diniite kr0lwg lex vers �• romarsc 2rxx" work- oue Harley man to rid• fife s ,ng 90 wr1rJa male mdd 30's higAways with. Enjoys dancing. or possible reatdnship SY cynpng romance rip rat r sa rtig or ARTISTIC warm. entNllsiastK fawn fm ft a'e sr 2317 ATTRACTNE divorced motor lady comfortable to be with of 2. 33. looking for attractri dim of gwnee nib. 46. ler male. 33.40 who Mss kida. the companionship. light the tyre outdoors, music and when. you're M beef. BY 2155 ronrnce.SY 2718 SLIM mrotlar of two. 26 angle SINGLE mom 34. enjoys and attracts. who hides to do rnovdee. rav*I. dancing. bokvg many twig:. world Jake b "a*1 for a relationship el a man someone who s not Into Who *r joys chldlen, ant who w faadgwn" 24-30 BY 21 S6 honest and affectionate BY SEXY Pesti blorh I . 31. lddi•ng 23" ler an a-rfeceonan warm, bran- EARTHY woman, 31, enjoys ck•af sarxro gersill b cloy naturs. cycling. duos music. 01 mm tie evenings �1e BY vegeia an coo". non snlok- 2157 ATTRACTIVE full h urgd er Seeks man with albrnawo 9 view on tit* to share similar fernmJa. 22. lova: baring, hdon% rswow, SY 2)18 horseback ndIM dsncsg. look- UNATTACHED shy, wrvss. sen wig for mel• 23-30 aiflo enjoys sdtive female. 39. Ickes to be sa e. t Ooeede, retmOnahip romanced. big waft. iffolr es. seeks stable. honest. caring ATTRACTIVE Pleb lady errty u ignischad tal k make. 3913. SP's. seeking a Mare ardere Mus chdow SY 2372 gentleman for long raft. din- ARE you an attractive sinews mg. dwlwlg i ravel SY 2167 humorous gontonan7 I'm 23, SINGLE wlwn female. 21. M attractive motor d one who �g a+t➢o•r9 bunnies, -Oft enjoys movies, music. travel. snagged. rcin Atc: make 21-30 seeks someone �ioy and SEXY. sirume 31. green aged. 2179 wnabo 016 ,blob. SY 2LM TIMS 30ah, green eyed. shin, redhead lody. soon lovwg. Vues for" man In urs fun abov a averagn' brunette. tr"e pro I It We. ler mOh etas a one night be. scoral. h1M1e no mi 1 s. stand. BY 2M deng fo •cyst stable, aeon. PETITE singe while Morn, 20, • ioolarg fear a 'real can,• baa. sob spOrTbrrate singe when nor profeesiorTd. salt male. 20-25 for fun times 30 yr- oldfe40 j� �g mMb shhp. BY 21M snfTr ler suits. Must its estabmsfmsd. ATTRACTIVE prol**sional p 181f fk m�rlmorHe NW car - mom of 40, arpys ON OPMU, AM bfordoi her. l anon wpm, aN music, VIM". seeks unall- yaw old fi f eo spas dinall tidied nib 35-40 woh -dw �+ng• qua signs at ih, . Nftmmb. BY 2t1M " rontoiP vmmw gals hurt. ATTENTION you son-twoom Pet niri" 0 IMM aab 24-35 edntvamafplM tut fovrg dude. we taxi►itlwsel XV2= 23.26, be alwt ler a cum fsamab SSIGLE none Icy. a" 5th, Who enjoys the outdoors kin- non wndhw, ton indsr looking fOod o, to. who's fooling for Iw tlpeCo smart b share gust yore BY 2Mf SOUL, MATE WANTED: otter and �n � 2W d� out icing, active, inlwesWg• heMh OM( hair. vias and hacMsa. f OIs- staign 9WWM~. 21L angle name of 1, enjoys mill. 'Leo', sigie, non wTtolwr, over door*• dancing. alternative, 6', 35-50. BY: nom-whoking, t1Na11d, ilpllg fn, eaeb man Aquarius. BY 2M blT Oft 27-32. 101 khan• carob non b SINGLE probgsiorTd na9rr d waeioemr Ante9�a1a ngle hews To browse ads in the Alternative Category, Call Toll Free 14164764991* Only eMrp is 1.99 per min^ Uwe are no oxw IOn9 disw" ftr. *ale ng AN is*ulf 9aneof Tno advsAser agrees to, rndwnrl it and hold thepub"bon or iscoftog placed by and ffeO101irW COIlrrkrh foe bip/ay oOnlrN d, aril" reepCrees a any aWwngwMnl a redOlded mgncntct OrAW4 l any adwrlimmeintt osr charge 9owcsa�or�y n wheh an ad tto such � by u> Sfnoom►y Yours. M adverbwr agrees not b lean hiafiw telephone, number. losti ria oVsimkkea l Mr De• expenses. �� � �o� ms�0 fifum or loused by. go osfaasaaAlhbY Th* Weak mswvas Nn4V M n maw, Slam* Yours - TW sift my to NMI MW people, Ibare your aamae sed - ho 1111101111, Wkv you're ready. PISCES, ale 30 s. single no cn„dr•n heavy set. S64Nua udsrstandtrg Kemal* for frond. ship maybe romance. I m in busn*a* and an be moevand BY tats (OSI" CORNA! Ptoses "POO again didn t got your number SY 1420 (000 1 DONT b*ksv* W e sirs at 40 bull i dont behave it ands acne' A young 47 yr Old nen loo king ler dear heart n Sam* "U dsst Pima** as BY 1421 (OWM ATTRACTIVE. drvorew fatty. 32 6 brown hal blue *yes. enjoys sports. amprlg cook - 019, kgs, wOald kke b meet a femgle 26-40, for kasting rW- bW1p Singe mans welcome SY 1422 MALE 5 7'. 160 lbs estab- hshed so*ks single female. slim. age and radon uewn tunic tierces dncude camprlg, tho- etre, photography, and rock mstoc ler Possible rwa orrtyp SY 1423 (Odl) RXXXNFUL b alo aesnrn 34 yews dill. swsac and it V tall. 190 Ilea.. dark hair and eyes. Wake fit attractive yoiag lady 20-35. ler hit onOc evenvigs. g*bways and travel. BY MW MMERE single attractive. while mals, 32. estableshsd. ood humored, blonde hair. Iue/green eyes and a nice smile. sea" honest, curare, atrac9ve Ida for poseeb rsla- tTdrshp. SV las SEPARATED, shy % mob. 40 ars.. "ft Meng ousdoom, comp. ng, dining. dancing, sports nrrrdad sods aSectrasn "we 35-45 with am" rrareeNn. BY e as FULL 5, 1' fnnmds, 31, who Ill bares rmingi ed �Y efts, parties. tlav, , a*eks nmob w4to NOM be, bnfy aiwd- nd, sinews and honest. BY 2007 XM -SEVEN yr. old while bmale, widow, rrnrees am Am rung. music. rock and roll, daneirg, seeks 9WOMnrr 45- . wet mbbl ' SY ZM D Me b mss a good mak, 3o- fou just a *"in* ►abfonshtp, hropOuDy he'll be .nereebe n a gild 90 soft m mins - Milo owfwshp. BY no YOUNG kmdy 31, wishing b Male rniab onsMp with sinowe working gentleman 31-40. BY 2081 BNNGLE workup motes d 1, yin., $*arching for saner* esrM by This 17$11,•146 Alf -by kwi WNew* AWetser assumes no for M consent or ad., an who like* children habiay haply b any Yours advent*rtsnl. The advertiser aagumns awnpleb fx M 1, 26, 6.7•, salt. Mob. 26 316 *N= nl„sr,Nrir enjoys outdoors. navies. and quiet tawnirgs, must a". children. SY 21M OEM heart one a such a kir► ly number, call, share your dreams with a 53 yf. young, iwWOIll. atracfw blond, proles mortal lady with a lot of love b give. BY 2194 SINCERE honest single mom, 40, enjoys all sports and con - Parts. walking on to boodwak seeks non smoker, 35-45 to sham airrrlar rnteress. By 21" OUTGOING slim, single while female, 23, klokrg for hxresL tall, 5'8'. male, for romance, dancing and laughter. BY 2196 ATTRACTIVE Isdy, 37, single, enjoys -. dancing. moary- cles and the outdoors, seeks attractive easy going man. 30- 40 who enjoys the same. BY 2199 INDEPENDENT single mom. 38. smoker, roommates. 14-11, many interest. seeks tall large bukf. single white male. 37.45. with good sense of humor and a heart. SY 2300 I YOUNG. very petite mother of 2. 22. enjoys canlpng. weekend getaways. quiet nights. long dr, yes. walks, looking for Mr Right birrnes must enjoy children. SY 2301 ATTRACTIVE single mom. 30. is enjoys dancing. campvg sports. n- romantic evenings, country seat music and old rock. seeks hon - le est male. 30.40 for a special tins and possible relationship s SY 2302 ATTRACTIVE while Jamal. 29 our smoker nc oependens enjoys Y sport summer fun. country mi. mic. old rock. beer. quiet and serve wild times seeks mal 28-35 I. SY 2303 hoe. PROFESSIONAL. female. 24 'x'111 enjoys reading, long walks flea movies Yard romance dimers. ,f You have similar interests. would Move to hoer from you. BY 2300 s ATTRACTIVE professional and female separated. loves danc- nM•esn' ung and music. teaks romantic mal*. 3650 with simebr MJar- • ass. good seise d humor and te a zest for rile BY 2306 dancing LADY 52. seeks companion. tor enjoys gang cooking. cse sisal music and cottages By 230M te SINIGLE whits ataacsve Its 'emale •nrd 30s. fun lown9 31tan. en,loy country music. arK- ecce b. glandedmisin wit' good Ong. romantic strolls and cub oOMPfr"Oh- dkmg. wishes to moot single $No or" I=" fsi"M at Ohl male. 2630 wild, Windier BY 21 S3 n'a►eskt for brig term relation - ATTRACTIVE skin srlgb while stip SY 2309 fema,6 early 302. 5.4r good HARLEY lady 36.. ronnsrmok- sense of humor nooks tall er. 'hon-diniite kr0lwg lex vers �• romarsc 2rxx" work- oue Harley man to rid• fife s ,ng 90 wr1rJa male mdd 30's higAways with. Enjoys dancing. or possible reatdnship SY cynpng romance rip rat r sa rtig or ARTISTIC warm. entNllsiastK fawn fm ft a'e sr 2317 ATTRACTNE divorced motor lady comfortable to be with of 2. 33. looking for attractri dim of gwnee nib. 46. ler male. 33.40 who Mss kida. the companionship. light the tyre outdoors, music and when. you're M beef. BY 2155 ronrnce.SY 2718 SLIM mrotlar of two. 26 angle SINGLE mom 34. enjoys and attracts. who hides to do rnovdee. rav*I. dancing. bokvg many twig:. world Jake b "a*1 for a relationship el a man someone who s not Into Who *r joys chldlen, ant who w faadgwn" 24-30 BY 21 S6 honest and affectionate BY SEXY Pesti blorh I . 31. lddi•ng 23" ler an a-rfeceonan warm, bran- EARTHY woman, 31, enjoys ck•af sarxro gersill b cloy naturs. cycling. duos music. 01 mm tie evenings �1e BY vegeia an coo". non snlok- 2157 ATTRACTIVE full h urgd er Seeks man with albrnawo 9 view on tit* to share similar fernmJa. 22. lova: baring, hdon% rswow, SY 2)18 horseback ndIM dsncsg. look- UNATTACHED shy, wrvss. sen wig for mel• 23-30 aiflo enjoys sdtive female. 39. Ickes to be sa e. t Ooeede, retmOnahip romanced. big waft. iffolr es. seeks stable. honest. caring ATTRACTIVE Pleb lady errty u ignischad tal k make. 3913. SP's. seeking a Mare ardere Mus chdow SY 2372 gentleman for long raft. din- ARE you an attractive sinews mg. dwlwlg i ravel SY 2167 humorous gontonan7 I'm 23, SINGLE wlwn female. 21. M attractive motor d one who �g a+t➢o•r9 bunnies, -Oft enjoys movies, music. travel. snagged. rcin Atc: make 21-30 seeks someone �ioy and SEXY. sirume 31. green aged. 2179 wnabo 016 ,blob. SY 2LM TIMS 30ah, green eyed. shin, redhead lody. soon lovwg. Vues for" man In urs fun abov a averagn' brunette. tr"e pro I It We. ler mOh etas a one night be. scoral. h1M1e no mi 1 s. stand. BY 2M deng fo •cyst stable, aeon. PETITE singe while Morn, 20, • ioolarg fear a 'real can,• baa. sob spOrTbrrate singe when nor profeesiorTd. salt male. 20-25 for fun times 30 yr- oldfe40 j� �g mMb shhp. BY 21M snfTr ler suits. Must its estabmsfmsd. ATTRACTIVE prol**sional p 181f fk m�rlmorHe NW car - mom of 40, arpys ON OPMU, AM bfordoi her. l anon wpm, aN music, VIM". seeks unall- yaw old fi f eo spas dinall tidied nib 35-40 woh -dw �+ng• qua signs at ih, . Nftmmb. BY 2t1M " rontoiP vmmw gals hurt. ATTENTION you son-twoom Pet niri" 0 IMM aab 24-35 edntvamafplM tut fovrg dude. we taxi►itlwsel XV2= 23.26, be alwt ler a cum fsamab SSIGLE none Icy. a" 5th, Who enjoys the outdoors kin- non wndhw, ton indsr looking fOod o, to. who's fooling for Iw tlpeCo smart b share gust yore BY 2Mf SOUL, MATE WANTED: otter and �n � 2W d� out icing, active, inlwesWg• heMh OM( hair. vias and hacMsa. f OIs- staign 9WWM~. 21L angle name of 1, enjoys mill. 'Leo', sigie, non wTtolwr, over door*• dancing. alternative, 6', 35-50. BY: nom-whoking, t1Na11d, ilpllg fn, eaeb man Aquarius. BY 2M blT Oft 27-32. 101 khan• carob non b SINGLE probgsiorTd na9rr d waeioemr Ante9�a1a ngle hews To browse ads in the Alternative Category, Call Toll Free 14164764991* Only eMrp is 1.99 per min^ Uwe are no oxw IOn9 disw" ftr. *ale ng AN is*ulf 9aneof Tno advsAser agrees to, rndwnrl it and hold thepub"bon or iscoftog placed by and ffeO101irW COIlrrkrh foe bip/ay oOnlrN d, aril" reepCrees a any aWwngwMnl a redOlded mgncntct OrAW4 l any adwrlimmeintt osr charge 9owcsa�or�y n wheh an ad tto such � by u> Sfnoom►y Yours. M adverbwr agrees not b lean hiafiw telephone, number. losti ria oVsimkkea l Mr De• expenses. �� � �o� ms�0 fifum or loused by. go osfaasaaAlhbY Th* Weak mswvas Nn4V M n maw, r sa rtig or ARTISTIC warm. entNllsiastK fawn fm ft a'e sr 2317 ATTRACTNE divorced motor lady comfortable to be with of 2. 33. looking for attractri dim of gwnee nib. 46. ler male. 33.40 who Mss kida. the companionship. light the tyre outdoors, music and when. you're M beef. BY 2155 ronrnce.SY 2718 SLIM mrotlar of two. 26 angle SINGLE mom 34. enjoys and attracts. who hides to do rnovdee. rav*I. dancing. bokvg many twig:. world Jake b "a*1 for a relationship el a man someone who s not Into Who *r joys chldlen, ant who w faadgwn" 24-30 BY 21 S6 honest and affectionate BY SEXY Pesti blorh I . 31. lddi•ng 23" ler an a-rfeceonan warm, bran- EARTHY woman, 31, enjoys ck•af sarxro gersill b cloy naturs. cycling. duos music. 01 mm tie evenings �1e BY vegeia an coo". non snlok- 2157 ATTRACTIVE full h urgd er Seeks man with albrnawo 9 view on tit* to share similar fernmJa. 22. lova: baring, hdon% rswow, SY 2)18 horseback ndIM dsncsg. look- UNATTACHED shy, wrvss. sen wig for mel• 23-30 aiflo enjoys sdtive female. 39. Ickes to be sa e. t Ooeede, retmOnahip romanced. big waft. iffolr es. seeks stable. honest. caring ATTRACTIVE Pleb lady errty u ignischad tal k make. 3913. SP's. seeking a Mare ardere Mus chdow SY 2372 gentleman for long raft. din- ARE you an attractive sinews mg. dwlwlg i ravel SY 2167 humorous gontonan7 I'm 23, SINGLE wlwn female. 21. M attractive motor d one who �g a+t➢o•r9 bunnies, -Oft enjoys movies, music. travel. snagged. rcin Atc: make 21-30 seeks someone �ioy and SEXY. sirume 31. green aged. 2179 wnabo 016 ,blob. SY 2LM TIMS 30ah, green eyed. shin, redhead lody. soon lovwg. Vues for" man In urs fun abov a averagn' brunette. tr"e pro I It We. ler mOh etas a one night be. scoral. h1M1e no mi 1 s. stand. BY 2M deng fo •cyst stable, aeon. PETITE singe while Morn, 20, • ioolarg fear a 'real can,• baa. sob spOrTbrrate singe when nor profeesiorTd. salt male. 20-25 for fun times 30 yr- oldfe40 j� �g mMb shhp. BY 21M snfTr ler suits. Must its estabmsfmsd. ATTRACTIVE prol**sional p 181f fk m�rlmorHe NW car - mom of 40, arpys ON OPMU, AM bfordoi her. l anon wpm, aN music, VIM". seeks unall- yaw old fi f eo spas dinall tidied nib 35-40 woh -dw �+ng• qua signs at ih, . Nftmmb. BY 2t1M " rontoiP vmmw gals hurt. ATTENTION you son-twoom Pet niri" 0 IMM aab 24-35 edntvamafplM tut fovrg dude. we taxi►itlwsel XV2= 23.26, be alwt ler a cum fsamab SSIGLE none Icy. a" 5th, Who enjoys the outdoors kin- non wndhw, ton indsr looking fOod o, to. who's fooling for Iw tlpeCo smart b share gust yore BY 2Mf SOUL, MATE WANTED: otter and �n � 2W d� out icing, active, inlwesWg• heMh OM( hair. vias and hacMsa. f OIs- staign 9WWM~. 21L angle name of 1, enjoys mill. 'Leo', sigie, non wTtolwr, over door*• dancing. alternative, 6', 35-50. BY: nom-whoking, t1Na11d, ilpllg fn, eaeb man Aquarius. BY 2M blT Oft 27-32. 101 khan• carob non b SINGLE probgsiorTd na9rr d waeioemr Ante9�a1a ngle hews To browse ads in the Alternative Category, Call Toll Free 14164764991* Only eMrp is 1.99 per min^ Uwe are no oxw IOn9 disw" ftr. *ale ng AN is*ulf 9aneof Tno advsAser agrees to, rndwnrl it and hold thepub"bon or iscoftog placed by and ffeO101irW COIlrrkrh foe bip/ay oOnlrN d, aril" reepCrees a any aWwngwMnl a redOlded mgncntct OrAW4 l any adwrlimmeintt osr charge 9owcsa�or�y n wheh an ad tto such � by u> Sfnoom►y Yours. M adverbwr agrees not b lean hiafiw telephone, number. losti ria oVsimkkea l Mr De• expenses. �� � �o� ms�0 fifum or loused by. go osfaasaaAlhbY Th* Weak mswvas Nn4V M n maw, SON" sculls famale, amara *rift "Cling. lag NM" k waft in the mwala0R itaallnq assts 20 to 46, phyefsaay tit, good sale of Iowa. Yainq at head with sinter irtarehsls. By 2>N SINGLE white female, who enjoys dining and dancing, country music, romantic evenings and traveling. seeks mak who in huonhsat and Siltoere, good sere of humor, 46 to 56 with great bur. BY 220 YOUNG female 39 attractive. full Wad, smoker, separaled seeks black haired mak 30 to 42 who is looking for serious relationshnip, enjoys 504 music w. dancing. BY 2361 ATTRACTIVE OW while Irrnals Mae arenas and reading, and movies and has a little girl. Would Win b meet someone tall wdh ilia same intereek between 28-35. BY 2352 ATTRACTIVE full figure white female, hair stylist 21 yrs., 5'6' sense of humor, likes karoke. sociakzmg, movies, and danc- ing. seeks caning honest mak who enjoys Sams. BY 2363 SHY, Single, white female, 29. separated Enjoys music, danc- ing. and king walks. Seeks sin- gs. sensitive make 29.35 black or white for possible retation- *w SY 2364 ATTRACTIVE SINGLE mom. enjoys harisys. 4x4 (ing), and the outdoors, has a good atti- tude so I am told, looking for white male with a good attitude. SY 23165 A cross between Michelle Pfeffer adnd Ah Mcgraw. 29, educated. artistic and athletic, honest, sincere, loving and urderstandrg. But my no 1 pn- onty a my son. SY 2366 REDHEAD, BROWN eyes. tax. slim. attractive. 51 year young widow. Ickes dancing, music. travel, cottaging• dining. humor Seeks atl+ksec maie 6, 200 be.. 49-56 for poeerble rele- bohdvp.SY 2367 W you are the Larry that rseporhded to M ad box 2061 and you're 49 yin. aid and you work at GM, you're td and good looking Please respond again as you forgot to leave your of Km number SY 230 LIVELY Scottish lady. 43. enjoys folk music. Metre. dkh- wg out seeks attractive. und- tadhW. mneere genius w. 40- 50. who has smdar whteresss, lar possible nsbonww BY 2370 1'M a bre kidvg 47 yr cid pro IsesionaL I can laugh from M belly, cry from the heart, and think on my feet SY 2371 A single of m of she, kwkkwq for white male between 22-30. children welcome, enjoys ronensc ewhings at hone. SY 2372 IF you to an attractive white mals 35 to 45, anpys music. Mase. conwdy. sports, 0 tidy I1hande. kissing and quiet ovenrigs by the Me. Cam me SY 2373 SLIM. attractive. single white female. 22 with baby. seeks mature, honest single white male, 27 to 31 with a great sense of hums. a be a com. prion, not a dddy. ST 2374 IF you are res h m" ked you must be saachng too. So call me it you lie. vokpRpus, full figured woman. wareleg, dane- wr9- Mase, uthass bassoon 46 48 ancrs. SY 2375 ATTRACTIVE lady 24, enjoys mkdela . walrg out movies. Seeking mals 23-27 with same qualities and who enjoys Me same. SY 2376 LADY, yound S3 iooking for eeMbfidrsd as Iskrrrr between 47 and 56, b►orwn hes and eyes, pus BY2777ta Obt& quiet Yew SM nr-0m of two, 219, Single and ataaeisve. who Male b do mer" Rings. world Or b am Samsons who k not into hold Room apes 22-20 BY 2378 FUNW. oull go" *A figured. Willift fitmae. 1mks er01 enc. ckft a, " 0. mmm m. WW sautes, assts ark 20-M floc Socialising Arid possible wwomemshp� BY L i�ple whit. %sub. skid 4 ft wf jots d n" in or out, quest evenings, monies sports-hihdeq -dmv mingle caning auto, 4111s. "a- smoler. sine of humor, romponebla and I iulrl for Pommble nI>ionr- 4 SY 2MIt ATTRACTIVE eIll I single wonitiq am fill 386owp awd- eling, jokmnsnon. dancing. roRrashto svanipa kwk:g br warms, in- Iligerkt male 32.40, good aero of h m sr. ST 2 HUMONOUB bbnft 31. boll i g for tag dm k Direly Itafrds, established man, awes low kids, be, 941 and mhelhtay healthy, and eni" quiet evonigt at ,rents ST 2Mttt CAREER woman, lag 30's, For. N*Wp deficit got• ravel. varied intirsels. Seeks uist- tadied i - -9erN mak 40+. b Shore unbar ih- - Serve of lumen a MAL SY M ATTRACTIVE independent atom, 31, blonde hair, blue eyes, seeks naporslhle, ill► 1 Peeks antac,rvo, male 2636 with sere of horror. Must lis children and pit buss. ST 2MIi (004 FUN tieing origin rdlib Insists. m 20, ST. 165Iba Enjoy nkais , inj cahRWS baseball, quW �s at hone. Stieliq mots for mom paniYolip and possible tela tkntahip ev MSR ILII =ME sub Dmate is, look - W4 fair Bond IN" am wihoala. wt/la 1ti for long "slip ties not SINGLE. aftraetive�ipo dent, career woman. loves WOW music. dancing. ce es dinno wevilp, seals iNaN'i- gon1, affectionate, fun loving 9uY. 36+. Existm cola Iwai► visit iOmior must be bus blue. SY 2m SINGLE mom 34, has grant see of horror, enjoys dining out, dancing, movies. Seeking mak 30-40 with similar inter - Oft. relationship. JOHN 6', 50 yr. old widower. you didn't leave your number. sY 239a. SINGLE whAs female, eery 40's looking for that Special someone to share dining and dancing, music, movies, and quiet evenings at home. SY 2391 WHITE kmas 30. blonde Iver, brown ", attractive and well established. Seek attractive on, gs white mak 2636 nor"mok- er lows laughing. the outdoors and dining out SY 2393 ATTRACTIVE 20ish single wtve female, brown hair, green eyes. likes musicals sports, movies and motivated people. Seeks intelligent male 22-30 who wheys the sane. SY 2394 HUMOR. HUGS and hirnandar- ran lady 36 years old wanting an On gong relationship. My inter- est are dancing, cycling. crafts I am also a smoker SY 2395 GOLDEN years7 not yet. this very special, pretty. yang Sas Professional lady, may share Own with you. Interaebd'u Don't by shy proleesonal gentleman. you may be the ore. SY 2396 SEPARATED mother of three, tate 2as enjoys sports. dwwhq. dancing and quiet truce, kook og Oar someone 29 to 37 who likes children for pwrble oompervors ship and Poewble relationship tC 2397 ATTRACTIVE heavy set female. 27, enjoys being "NnW%Ced. long walk*. bossing. seeks eotabhel wngis white mete 2636, who a too son - owe and good sense of humor By 2394 SINGLE nwthw of ore. 23. likes asst live wig at from.. movies. dining. dancing, seeking mak with same interest, must like ci dduen_ SY 2309 ATTRACTIVE single white female 31. enjoys golf. music, movies, dancing. outowg per- sorWny seeks attractive male 2535 btedk or white for Some fin. BY 3400 19 yr old angle rtwilho. looking for a Whsle male who enjoys children. dancing, camps g and walks by the lake. SY 2401 rm a white 42 yr. olid female who aWys long walks. music, dancing and quiet romantic ehrwrrga x the saurhds kiss you please leave rte a nheassge. SY 2sa2 (Dere ATTRACTIVE. 27, S11', snhok- n. wry independent blonde haw, hazel eyes, looking for sonsae ow 6'1-, good Sona d hwncr, BY 2Na ATTRACTIVE female, sig'. smoker. kic" for a tam and harrdsI man 2530. with a sincere heart. to enjoy party Innes and quiet tangs. ST 2404 ORIOLE mom of ore. 20, eryoys country music, camping and quiet ova n - at hone. Seeks male 2S-30 who enjoys the ammo for yoesiWa role' , 1 0- SY 300 (OSIq 6 a ATTRACTIVE slim fun honing mother d ons. 30, mesh uhd- 0lcrad Mm kung "maw gin► frost 3od0, wee enjoys chil- dren fa possible robbondhip. sT 39" MY allMCb a Bela, 32. anjgs N*bwe. cam I isAng, quill wranwhso. seeke sineer� lady 26-36 to oempnuionMhip. BY 31181 SINGLE while le -sale. early 6a'e, Opp wmd g grdwiq. kutdoors. walla and movies, sOWN sine resile real- with amain ilmroame, BY 3060 LOOIDIIG FCO SUGAR DADDT, sWgb nwllib %mala. 49, Bus dm dsrle 9. manic, Rutle and WOW married OJL, l In sobhbihed and 6eaest W atvs TBEO of being hurt my aBlao- as bm-ab, 216 single mother of Mem. seals male Immense 2631, b flisshidhp and poasitb Ios- boshslip. -oast be caring and We lids. ST 2/74 ATTRACTIVE til figured, tin loving bosio, 45. enjoys morias, Jae .. 0 wuselrhd 91 Weise long Ida and laughter. leaking male with sense of humor who Nkos to Wk. for Odell By it75 SINGLE whit nub. 23 enjoys Rh. aMdooro, night Me, outgoh f%ht. fRpnlolMohs, new b are, Wee short Minn Possible long brm felabonslip with female 9-25. W MtlStl INEXPERIENCED widower, looking for a lovirq, romantic. spiritual believing woman to Osiq has iib this Otis, has been ane wof to wdm very need ADVENrtlnous kalg0irg cin• gb who WA". Be. fun ksa missided, with great apse of limiter, V d11ak ant! Rtlaci► trona. wa aat"khed seeks a"t&C ve NRrale 25-40. BY 3m 25.33 re a ON40 while female who enjoys everything from intimate dining to sports and wavi, giro RIs opw n wmts- ed man of the 90o a car. BY 3m BRUNETTE 39, enjoys dieting. music, dancing. moviN. web, seeks sincere. honest man 37- 51 for Caepanionslip, possible relationship. BY 3n7 SINGLE mom of one, 36, blonde hair. blue eyes, enjoys music, country. old rode. tM outdoors cycling, quiet evenings, seeking attractive male. good sones of humor. 36 to 40. BY 3133 WOMAN in earty 40s seeking cornpanionslnip a i dereated in forming a long relationship. Gentleman has to be hosed, a like the outdoors. music a danc- ing. SY 3134 MALE 31, would like to mast full -figured lady, 25 to 35, for friendship. SY 3135 YOUNG, good looking, profee- sional guy. 30. seeks dark haired beauty, who is sweet. loving and adventurous, 2630. for kends at frsL SY 3136 SEPARATED -31 YRS. old le male looking lor trend to hang out with. I am not Bi, theone's who responded last fime please cal again I was very A. SY 3137 WARM hearted. sincere. attrac- tive. Chnstirh make. 32. a look- ing for that special lady to am his He wdh. SY 3130 SLIM blonds 45 likes camping. outdoors. trawling, and quiet Is Wald Ike to meet some- one of M same. SY 3139 ATTRACTIVE red-headed female 1S Seeks fun loving down to earth male 18-22 tar companionship and possible relationship Must be open corded and have a good swee of humor SY 3140 (OSH) 33, single white female. very attractive, problem free. Al health, varied interests and acsvraes. seeking someone who appreciates compamonshrp. possibly I g to a long term oonrrWwent BY 3141 MALE, 36. kind, considerate. honest. open-minded, enjoys the outdoors. camprg. canoe- ing. Cir racing, seeking aim to medxrn bkaltd lady. 30-36. for oarper*Orahv SY 3142 OJI _ So urs tonne to this, Two bright. furl -loving. professional women. WASPS, seek two unsaid @4 wesMgm L gregari- ous mien. 30.4Cs. Cal us.. M red a easy, SY 3143 SINCERE, handsome, dark make. 33seeks single. white female, 27-35 for Insriddhp and posskbk relationship Enjoys quiet and romantic evenings. keg waft. and very advo as- ous. BY 3144 SINGLE father of one, eafaA honed. fit. non-smoker. attrac- tm. 37, into cycling, sports. plays. music. country bound. goal oriented Seeks a spark SY 3146 OUTGOING mete. khitkrg for a young lady. 2(ra, for compervc r. sling. fust enjoy No sfhowrs. the outdoors. U.S. weekend It". family, and goal minded. kids will= SY 3146 ATTRACTIVE. female, likes masse. dew g dance waft. spats mirhded Seeks- same in Senior malady in se* enjoys ding, dancing. pleys cards. Would kite companrondnp for social events. BY 4SM LADY len SOe enjoys dining. dill On" Banda would lie companionship for social evenU. BY 4Mt3 EARLY ata, S. 129 ba, eujojs music, walls. shows. bowling oot.ionhr dtillr, non nolo, a..l.q oompeirslrp with Ra cams inhlosk. sY 4It39 rImostat so. seeks arum Id7. M -W, wtrose wdwem wckda dreiq, low9 ads, gandalirg, los singkmq bossy nelotarlhp SY an FULL figured lady. grid We. S1'. rd No to meet a nice gal Mntran abs Ora Moving. Dour ti it and CF&Nk for 0iutd- shpt SY 4= (OSIq THE NEWS ADYF.I =Z1k FRIDAY, AUGUST LI, 1993 -PAGE 27 n Business; r orm tiGfrle mess -M VP s _ Ifnmements ImproveneMs ILLUSTRATMK cartooning, sin graphic design. advePersona?.. business MANIFEST.CONTRACTINO or personal. RsaSonable es. ratAlso lessors Presents -MID SUMMER SPECIALS' available. Randy Timms. (416) On "w Ya rtry and General contracting I 342-2279. (TF) Free Estimates with Excellent Prices D.m. 696-2077 (091993) Lowest Rates for Seniors Driving Schools CALL LENNY 472-4590 Licensed -- Elo ad -- Insured S 6 B Or ft sdw 10 liessom $150 3 lessons a test $75 Free pick-up b drop off. 287-3060 7 dayslweek Handyman GCB CONSTRUCTION Intens and exterior repalss, renovalwf16 arts t %rL alert. Fast and den prolesskonal wont puaranleed. CRAIG 686-1913 E.C.G. Construct -on Ltd. Quality c=orer and witenor renovatana. repars. a0 in, . desgrvbudd bars and cabinets. Ali wrkmanship guaranteed and insured Contac Gary 934- 0964. (081a93) I" DECORATING cams/ Raises less swvim For aD roar Hoare Renovation Nth& at f;,aem Pripet A Fret Fdtinalli. can 391-5791 8R1rISH TRAINED 18 YRS. EXPERENCE All renovow walflt undertaken. 1 ddw s, betxaorns, basements, decim. Ierces, et. FOR A FREE ESTIMATE CALL TOM EAST SIDE NTERIOR - CONTRACTING CartpleM hats a office kip ov"Inkrita kitchens, bathrooms. ret rooms. In -18w ap1S. 20 yens experience fres asthmates 801-2945 DEL ZOTTO WOOD FENCING Specia big len Rsaidwttfol Fences i Declts, Orlid !Diss rte Sot Posta For Free Eatkseass Calf (419) n3_3t6t Odle 40"451 Mobile TMS Painting b Decor Interior a Etfterior European WarkmanS.*. Fast dealt reliable service. 420-0081 SABER Contract;ng . an carpentry, additions. ren ov athone. kitchens. bsshrooma, nomh. maweenanc e wrangenCy Service, furniture refinishing. quality work guaranteed. 15 years Srpsrncce. 6062915. (TFEFG) SOON CWNMX an Ltd. serv. Ng Durham Regim for 17 yam. Additions. sundecks. patio doors, nc room, etc. Free sebmalw. cal 11165765760. (TF) ARTISTIC Masonry - sfeciat¢- ing in fireplaose and chimney repairs. Works with bricks, blocks and stones of all kinds. Free eelimatm, workmanship guaranteed. Call Rene Gervars, 666-4428. (TF) EUROPEAN tde speralst wrt len Ovate your bathroom or kitchen walls as wall as floor tiles. 20 years experience. Good references and satisfaction guaranteed. For free edrfrhatee, D. Dykstra. 7251913- (TF) HOME Repairs - carpentry, drywall. Porches and decks, m - law aPwtmwft. Call 7213628 (082093) JOURNEYMAN electrician Specializing in service dhangm, few r ng, additions, and renovations. All work guaramsed. free astmales Con 420{320. (Ifalax) MARTEX Contractors 20% or am ;ops over S5W. Conpoe .n - tenor and snenor rerwvanorn. kmerior and eirtenor painting, wall papering, fencing and decks. Free estimates. gkua►ey, guaranteed,434s420 (TF) OUALITY work by faller and eon !earn.. Well experienced. hard working. Renovations. addecns. deco. etc Cam us for a tree satkrruse 571-1263 Bim or Rod. Oshawa. (?FALL) Moving, Pxv Storage Services MAGICIAN, clown friends. ready ADAM'S Moving . serving Durham Region and Surround - "V areas. APanrtrnts, houses. storage pianos. appliances moved. Short notice moves, 24h call. 16 years experierkoe. Com. perilive rates. seniors discount. 432-7566. (TF) AJAX Moving Systems - fun services. moves. appliance and Piano specialists, flat rate or hourly. We now have heated storage units. Now offering tree boxes with move. Call 427- 0005. (T;:) AJAX Moving Systems has trader heading for western Provinces leaving after Sept i Good rates 427-0005. (TF) HARRY -0 -THE -MOVERS Iove bug or smtal�, we pr,ce them ani Free e6tintates. senior; discount. short notice, moves. Pianos moved. Comparable rafts. Cam 432-2850. (TF) MAN with truck and'or men for all Your-lovvhq needs. Drees 'o fit your budget. Special rates fpr sonars 'We try to be the bear n I- - Give Pete a Call at 576- 95M !TFALL) MEN w1rh large truck will do h0 �ser`od move, residenr,aj. oomv*erckal. Ail types of moves Call Card or Jarmo. 4272856 (TF) OSHAWA Movers. hourly or flat two. 26' 'ruck Also truck rental Cam 434-2410 108/593) Painting, Decorating Housecleaning ALL Pro Painting and houseeeaner w•anr, *allRELIABLE x req Top Quality "°'4 'easonible rates !o do vacuuming, dusting. bathrooms and floors 2096 ds - c0ut Ifor serwors Phone Chuck, Reasonable fags Caa alter 4 404 g66® (0902931 D.m. 696-2077 (091993) COLOUR PLUS painting and Moving. decoratwg.genwal repairs. too Q-" wrk at rworgble'ates. Storage 20% discount tar seniors Ser was Durham Rpon. Gy Ray. YOIB(TABI MOVING SYSTEM W7 18U cTF) PAOFES90MAL Dowsing, krrlw nor and wrl4rhW drywall acing. We will mous Am IF puslertnq and spray Carl aflywhon. aMpM Alfredo or Hetra, 723-1337. Con =ogc r M61993) Pakagm fatarrnl�aiaderttlal Domes avli1l0 $arkpr� TWO P- GUYS With &usn - Md month tlaCp111tt Flea Wolfs canal painting. wwerior. atm exterior. wallpapering. Sh4m Est -nates. Call 428-2298 ;081993) to entertain for any age, any occasion. Birthdays, promotions. openings. fundraisers, Magic shows are funl Lenuos help. 8337057 or 728-8.934. (TF) RABBIT wants work doing magic for children's parties and all occasions. have my own magician Call Erne. 9681932. Plumbing Journeyman Plumber No job too small - Faucets. showers. basement washrooms, well bars. etc. Arty renovation or addition Daytsna: 4771174, Home 4Z7.88M Ask for Torn CALL i SAVE PLUMBING a RENOVAT(Cti Dicisarkirr. repairs rise Installations 8uemerr wastvooms. Ceramic tie Conpalrtive Rates sfrures 22 yrs erperenCa ,rAn and Call 6>161781 Yard Maintenance KAINTENANCE Lawn C itrg Roto Tutng Garden work Tree T -ming 10% DISCOUNT SENIORS FAX YOUR ADS 579-2238 vaivlv7iftd is upi"ng with 1 9nW deals From stereos and TW to pets and farm dcfuiprnente dassi od dbm readers au softs Of llama for sale DOn"t miaa out on any hot d"Is. Heald Ow Ajax Pickering News Advertiser 0assifieds - - - 683=511 O ' Ciasslfisd Advertising Department "You 'IlHave theBest Seatin theHow! „ SEE WEDNESDAY AUGUST 18TH NEWSPAPER n ]PAGE MTHE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, AUGUST 0, IM W DURHAM'S LARGEST. CHRYSLER RETAIL STORE DOES I 1r AGAIN A ,VILLAGE PLYMOUTH CHRYSLER AJAX NORTH O'New Style Wheel Covers v * New Style Moldings * 7 -Passenger * New Style Dash * Big V-6 Engine * All New Dual Air Bags * Air Conditioning * New Sliding Passenger Seat Automatic gpAND NEW Tt� u19��p9Ci5 tvo permonth Based on 48 month lea SPECIALLY EQUIPPED ... CALL US TODAY! • WE HONOUR SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR EATON CARD HOLDERS & EMPLOYEES '93 PLYMOUTH ACCLAIMao '93 2 DR. COLT • • • "Oniff k • air • 11ft Steering • A&UM Caeseue _ `► rf 1992 FOW ESCON 'LX •AO N a IT075a a d . a cql dp tmm angst dkw• &AWa M:• n. knew. Dow camp Pow baba, W = dw- W:M cats. nm wndow daMoat tt/y MW ynaa, tavdrt Ian. bkdrg — saaeaat ftw Va. mot rack Pow IIIA "MM bow n nww an*. Ont'. &'= adaa. 'w**W*WMM 242 WOO.Nm - tri>fI nn�013 • 1Y30.11. s b. a qt., Ion ~ Ovit &Ao. CYO. pN r. Ds.. P.A. ar Md. P. srkdosn p Oaks. D tonic rs so adap, N sawn auaa I 1 1. AAIf11 caw• ar nan"y Wft 'Our swrdow d OK 4Iy Iraad glaze• L radii tras, kV Kft Taps, bn. in WM' warrant' arat, C& d WIM warrarOV, 0* sola scan. Otey 13.800 mdaa. 33356Woo wz yr. 1 SK ITamak u *ft. front .swl daa. aaonwac, akw oarw, Ds., p.a. ar OWKNORM AWFM redo, k* Inw Ow, bmw sun, ram VW roof M* ntnota neon, fintwd n k3nrcoy gwy warrant' araaable, Galanca d factory -arty 5 page saaMg 34.500 msas 26879* v.f.I** bnW Mo. an48we& W W CM. TORN & e mm Vft 09� IaMdad rs. uds aK saaaaR I�ki p/tns AISIdaa, a ask. w. PL Iaas, Pwk 1 saaak� akaa. dlRl ata kklakpraR kt�ar nwq f jit,.YMkYr art IPP � /M. Al saga, sMN *- dark aftbot. "K. ad tat ant "W nna, anw) InrtY. isdrl n krY, Il /rd. kwc, bnd Yalu ssrR Iw I 1 M .MVTOU M740. 2 dw. aq*dw hm whW dw k 4M. am r. Pa. Pb- ar cad.. IM anarft AWFU raft, w ow d**K 1* dknd Oaaa, brAM mn. mft nag, r., rawon pow atirars• rat .pr, a* SE70 oft rr a- wtr" a agoi 15507*** Per a.bmW an M WA& wa " ON= yq�, o lowum M". a v�rwoirtH a M".. w VILLAUC CHRYSLER AJA 19 HARWOOD AVE. (North of 401) 6A.61. W W CM. TORN & e mm Vft 09� IaMdad rs. uds aK saaaaR I�ki p/tns AISIdaa, a ask. w. PL Iaas, Pwk 1 saaak� akaa. dlRl ata kklakpraR kt�ar nwq f jit,.YMkYr art IPP � /M. Al saga, sMN *- dark aftbot. "K. ad tat ant "W nna, anw) InrtY. isdrl n krY, Il /rd. kwc, bnd Yalu ssrR Iw I 1 M .MVTOU M740. 2 dw. aq*dw hm whW dw k 4M. am r. Pa. Pb- ar cad.. IM anarft AWFU raft, w ow d**K 1* dknd Oaaa, brAM mn. mft nag, r., rawon pow atirars• rat .pr, a* SE70 oft rr a- wtr" a agoi 15507*** Per a.bmW an M WA& wa " ON= yq�, o lowum M". a v�rwoirtH a M".. w