HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1993_07_30SEAo Pickering . Edition ExckaWe Idnemry Aruba, Curacao, Granada, Barbadaa A St Lucia Fmm 8PECULOFFE 7 9 9 suis* I*Mar inTravel *ny III$ DFIRTISER AJAX 683-9411 PICK. 831-8411 Friday, July 30, 1993 24 pages A Metroland Community Newspaper t BABYSITTING COURSE OFFERED TO YOUTHS: St. John Ambulance is offenn- a day -long babysitting course for youths ages 11 to 14. The program runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday. Aug. 4. Partic- ipants will receiv e a certificate upon completion. All aspects of child care will be covered, including emergency proce- dures. diapering, meal planning, tips on keeping children amused and more. The session will be held at the St. John Ambulance training centre in the Harwood Place Mall, Ajax. Registration is S25. Cali 686-3457. Rough RIDE for drunk drivers Coes --u- n `orce I on weekenc / P. 2 j IATTHEMOVIES P. 9 `Regular features Letters.........._..... -....6 Steppin' Out..._................7 Sincerely Yours ------- 8 Billboard -__________.15 Sports ----------- —.--.17 C lassiried...-..-.-_»..-........18 Barterline--------- 22 :; EIARWWII 02� and OPEN CIVIC HOLIDAY PWKW, August Z 13) 10'00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M, Hxwood 8 Pressrun 35,000 51 c + 40 GST - 55 cents Vol. 112 No. 31 Cop cuts not cause for alarm By DONNA DONALDSON' Durham Staff DURHA1t1 - Police here have ratified a local social contract agree- ment that will trim S 1,0-17,000 from their budget in the first year and will see reduced staffing in the years to come. But, a drop in the number of cops on the beat shouldn't alarm the public, says a Durham Regional Police force Spokesman. The Durham Regional Police Services Board, the Durham Regional Police Association and the Durham Regional Police Senior Officers' Association met Tuesday at the Whitby Legion to vote on the pact. Au revoir, ma cherie Tammy Robinson of Pick- ering gets her hand (kissed during an emotion- al farewell with Herve 'Labrunie, left, and Martial Remy, both of France. The two young men were among 20 French exchange students stay- ing with Ajax and Picker - Ing families for three weeks while they attend- ed English at SL Wary Catholic Secondary School, Pickering. For- eign students have been visiting our communities for the past tour wrimers through a program offered by The Lanp hW Workshop, a Toronto - firm ,�ptiofq �".ii01t Pf�ltiA The agreement was overwhelmingly approved by the more than 30 per cent of unionized cops who attended. The provincial government's social contract legislation (Bill 48) has set a deadline of early August for public servants to come up with ways of trimming S2 billion from their pocketbooks or the government will do it for them. Durham's Police Services Board approved a sectoral agreement between the Ontario Police Service Board, Ontario Police Association ,f ham' V \��� , •'• S lk See COP ... Page 2 Looking to meet that significant someone? Call Sincerely Yours at 1-800-387-8009 PAGE 2 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JULY 30, M Cop cuts 'won't jeopardize public': Ryrie FROM PAGE 1 not risime dramatically." and the Prop ince two weeks Staff Sgt. Ryrie notes that. ago "At the present time break Durham cops have a bud- and enters and robberies are Let of S52.7 million and will down from what they were save S1.047.000 in the first two years ago." tin 19QI year throueh attrition: by there was a 90 per cent jump employees taking_ one unpaid in crime over the previous leave day. b,. year with 13 capping paid murders in overtime and _, Durham and at paid statutory least one rob - holidays: and by tkrN achy.) using funds in "Calls for their Ontario service are St u n i c i p a I _ sli,,htly down E m p l o y e e s t% ' I ri,_ht now. but Retirement S\ s- 4' that could go up tem to encour- , .: at any time." aze early retire- says Staff Sgt. mcnt. Ryrie. "If The local I crime goes up. social contract o b v i o u s l y target is expect- j Sancy Ryrie something is ed to save S1.4 going to suf- million in the 'We're fer." second and third Police man year until it definitely agement will expires Starch downsizing. hold meetings 31. 19�>fi. with the public This scree- But, Were not to _et their ment for police concerned input into polic- w•ill affect 598 ing in the uniformed offi- about It. It's reel.on. cers. 1-ih civil- NVithin the ians an,1 19 not going to next few weeks cadets. jeopardize we'll have Staff Set. some type of Sandy Ryrie the public. public forum to says the agree- ment will reduce staff throuchout its three-year term. -A'c're definitely down- sizing" he says. BuL -%Ve're not concerned about it. It's not going to jeopardize the public." That's because "The came rate isn't dropping dramati- cally. On the other hand. it's Read the News Advertiser for the latest news and views get people s input into polic- ing and to see what their priorities are in policing." says Staff Sgt. Ryrie. Police hope the consulta- tion process with the public will help determine the most advantageous ways for local cops to function and provide the best service possible in light of the recent cutbacks THE ONLY HARDWOOD FLOORING SHOWROOM IN PICKERING A AJAX • Dea1er of Pre -Finished H rdwood Floors • PmkssvW kntalaW d Sanding C°� Pncn M • Fnw*, owri ous service • Re-sinchng of exsw g hardwood boring CANADA HARDWOOD FLOORING WC. 1050 Brock Rd. Urtit 25 » » Pkkedna GRIMM , THE REGIONAL MUNICIPAL" OF DURHAM HOLIDAY CLOSURE DUNXAM OF REGION LANDFILL SITE The Metro (Brock West) Disposal Site will be closed Monday, August 2nd, 1993, for the Civic Holiday. Normal operations will resume on Tuesday, August 3rd, 1993. V.A. SILGAIUS, P ENG OOMWSSIONER OF WORKS Rou h R IDEfor drunk drivers '11**"` DURHAM - If you plan on drinking this holiday weekend, think twig about getting behind the wheel bemuse Lops will be keeping an eye out for impaired driven. The RIDE (Reduce Impaired Driving Every- where) Program will be out in full force this Aug. 2 Civic holiday weekend, says Durham Regional Police Staff Sgt. Sandy Ryrie. "Spot checks will be set up in different locations throughout the Region and the OPP will also be set- ting up at off -ramps." he notes. "1 Bark Nuggets 1 Sand, Stone "1 Screenings 1 Mulches 1 Compost 1 Peat loam 1 Triple Mix -1 Top Dressing 1 Top Soil 1 Peat Moss 1 Cocoa Mulch If you'll be drinking, police suggest you use a designated driver, take public transit, call a cab otr stav overnight. _ The RIDE program originated in Etobicoke in 1977 as a community policing effort to address pub- lic concern over drinking and driving. Since its inception, the program has grown` nafionwide to become the most effective traffic safe- ty program. Police say statistics show the RIDE program has reduced the number of impaired drivers on the road. Summer 15% O Off Fountains & Bird Baths uniLarKRj PAVERS • WALLS • PLANTERS • CURBS IM • FROM 99' PER S9. FT. • ON SELECTED INVENTORY SALE ENDS JULY 31, 1993 OR WHILE QUANTITIES LAST 1 Unilock Pavers 1 Pisa II -1 Pisa Stone 1 Garden Stone "1 Retaining Walls 71 Water -Fall Stone and Supplies Cl Flag Stone r1 Rockery Stone -1 River Stone 1 Bird Baths 1 Fountains A,rnts Conc. 3 Brock Rd. Hwy 401 ■ t$y LINDA WHITE Staff Reporter AJAX-PICKERING - Impending cuts to MPPs' pensions are necessary, your Queen's Park repre- sentative concurs. "They do need to be changed," says Durham i West MPP Jim Wiseman, who's particularly opposed to "double dip- I ping". I ar That term refers to MPPs who get pensions while collecting any other source of income — whether it's a pay- cheque or unemployment insurance. But Mr. Wiseman, a New Democrat, doesn't know yet whether that is among the tar- gets of a plan to cut highly -crit- icized pensions this fall. The move, announced Tuesday, promises to give MPPs fewer benefits and cost taxpayers less money. MPPs are now eligible for a partial pension after serving just five years in office and get a full pension after 15 years. Unlike most workers, they don't have to wait until retire- Densi gid: Wis Jim Wiseman MPPs' pensions e 'quite lucrative compared to some but not as lucrative as others' Phil Frampton T we lose our jobs today, we don't start collecting pen- sions tomorrow' ment age to begin collecting the pension. Mr. Wiseman says MPPs' pensions are "quite lucrative compared to some but not as lucrative as others" and is con- cerned MPPs "are in limbo tilt they get to the magic five and longevity in this business isn't great." Yet if he does win another term of office he won't have a teaching job to return to and "at age 48 no one will hire me " But a taxpayers' watchdog isn't sympathetic. "That's the nature of the 7 beast," says Phil Framp- ton of the local chapter of 1 the Ontario Taxpayers' ! Coalition. "If I was to look at a job move, I'd have to look at why I'm doing it and would have to take the responsibility of that risk. - "If we lose our jobs today, we don't start col- lecting pensions tomor- row. Why should their's kick in the minute they leave?" Still, Mr. Frampton won't applaud the plan until details are announced. "I don't know whether they're doing a politi- cal skate -around or if they'll do something substantial," explains the Pickering resident. Mr. Wiseman says he'd like to see centralized pension recordings, self-directed pen- sions, and a universal system "so everyone has the same Opportunity to use it." He would have preferred to give up his pension fund instead of taking the 5.5 per cent wage cut for the next three years, which was handed down to MPPs Monday. What's open, what's not AJAX-PICKERING - Not everyone will be relaxing this holi- day Monday, as many stores will be open. For groceries, you can turn to LOEB at Ajax Marketplace at Westney Rd. and Magill Dr. and Baywood Centre at Bayly St. and Monarch Ave., Ajax, each of which will be open from 10 am. to 6 p.m. LOEB Glendale Marketplace at Dixie Rd. and Finch Ave. was undecided at press time whether it would open, while Pickering's SuperCentre and Dominion and Ajax's Miracle Food Mart will be closed. The Pickering Town Centre and the Piekeriing Horne & Design Cen- tre will both be open Monday from 10 am. to 6 pm. Some stones at Harwood Place Mall in Ajax, including Shopper's Drug Mart and Woolco will be open. Call for hours. Liquor and beer stores will close at regular hours Saturday and re- open Tuesday. In Pickering, the liquor store at 705 Kingston Rd. is open Saturday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., while the store at 180'9 Liverpool Rd. is open from 9:30 am. to 9 p.m. In Ajax, the liquor store at 105 Bayly St. W. is open Saturday from 9 am. to 6 p.m. In Pickering, the beer store at 705 Kingston Rd. is open Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. and the store at 1811 Liverpool Rd. from 9:30 am. to I 1 pm. In Ajax, the beer store at 95 Commercial Ave. is open that day from 10 am. to 10 pm. GO Transit will operate on a reduced holiday schedule. Call • DELIVERY SERVICE WATCH FOR THESE INSERTS 3 FLYERS COMING TO YOUR DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND N THE DAYS AHEAD FRIDAY, JULY 301193 (AMUCK) �oMMfION (AUK) t'C NEWS ADVERTISER (AAMxiPCK) FOOD N U *CANADIAN TIFF (AIAX44CK) MAXI DRAG (AM 'FOOD TOWN WAWCK) 'SEARS (AIAINPICK) 'IGA (PCK) K -WMT WWAiICK) SUNDAY, AUGUST 1193 LOMAWS (K) NEWS ADVERTISER (AMUCK) M RACM FOOD MART (AMUCK) *A&P (PICK.) ONE HOUR MOTO PHOTO (AM SWAY (AMXAPICK) 'SAV-A4EWRE (PCK) 'CANADIAN TIRE (PICK) 'CASHWAY (AI U` CK ) • Dointed to nWbd howdalds onhr 665-0022 for more information. Neither Ajax nor Pickering Transit will operate that day. There will be no postal service. Most convenience stores will be off - Sunday, August 1st AMERICAN AIRLINES DAY –AT PICOV DOWNSM COKI OUT TO TM RAC3NII1 QUAR= ■Ows[ ItACIM ZVO SUNDAY UWnL OCt0= PARIMUTETU WAGERING POST imn 1:30 F4TA1 FOR TEX VZ©II3 RAKMYI woo. oses■ ■ tax.esn air ssasi■ s ausr seer a aaasoesasals I A Extra GO trains for ball game, Caribana AJAX-PICKERING - If you're headed to Toronto Saturday for the Caribana parade or the Blue Jays game, you'll find extra GO Transit trains departing from Pickering. The Caribana parade is set for 10 a.m. at Exhibition stadium, while the Jays meet the Detroit Tigers at SkyDome at 1:05 p.m., a half hour earlier than usual. Regular trains leave Pickering at 7, 8 and 9 a.m., with extra trains departing at 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. for arrival at the Exhi- bition grounds 49 minutes later. The stadium is a short walk from the Exhibition GO station, while ball fans can walk to the Sky - Dome from Union Station. Bus connections from Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa and Bow- manville will be provided for reg- ular trains only. No buses will meet extra trains. Homebound trains will depart from the Exhibition on the hour eastbound to Pickering. As usual, an extra train will leave Union Station for Pickering about 30 minutes after the Jays game ends. Bus connections will be provided to Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa and Bowmanvil le. For GO times and fares, call 665-0022 or, for people with hear- ing-impaired devices, 1-800-387- 3652. HAIR VENTURE ( THE JERK MACHINE BEAUTY SALON RESTAURANT O French Tarragon 686-1104 42&8787 U Pineapple Sage EACN 4 POL U Chives 33 Station St., Ajax 9s.99 0 Thyme (next to Hair Venture) WEEKDAY SPECIALS U Peppermint U Lemon Verbena BBQ/BLOCK-0 Relaxer t - Herbs! Sunday, August 8,1993 SSaturday) 25 BBQ Starts at 12 noon 1 Wash do Set Pat Henry (Wed' & $ 1 2 Thum) FREE HOT DOGS OR HAMBURGERS a All clients end FOR KIDS Plus Many More In -Shop Specials friends weim _. UDDER 10 YEARS DERM PERENNIAL PERENNIAL oapwort Spiderwort '%kv w- Blooms al """W or eary plant 0% Csorrs r, both TM brpnt rear sun &W g adt s mw.a6' pot pus 1296 n DA'brreM .n %"V fLVW one D« aatomer 7+ Dot Nes 112.Yf 09940990 , V. PERFECT GARDEN GUIDE July 28th -August 5th, 1993 . i6...a,.,. 0 Prune dead rose blooms to the 1 st grouping of 5 leaflets on the stem. Do not allow the coleus b corns onto flower. The bloom , is insignificant and the plant's energy is better conserved r, _ for the ornan*ntal foliage. ' Plant a herb garden in a day pot or a window box and M bring indoors before 1st frost This will ensure a fresh harvest throughout the winter. © Nursery for Inendy service and helpful � . OGolden Oregano O French Tarragon SALE U Basil U Pineapple Sage EACN 4 POL U Chives U Garlic Chives 9s.99 0 Thyme U Apple Mint � YOM U Peppermint U Lemon Verbena Otte Fresh U Tri -colour Sage U Purple Sage Herbs! . R4 SALE Gold Shir Aatiper (2X9 dIL)A-01 1.90 Golden Mound Spine (2 pL) ()10.95 Golden Globo Cedw (2 9e1.) 5.%_ 9s.99 LNso Dwarf Miss Kim (2 gel.) 514.95 __99.90 99.90 Blue Star Juniper (1 pl.) VANDERMEER NURSERY "where Greet Gardens Begin a * V o cc t Comer Of Gayly b Lakeridge _ ®427ax 2525 ftyly St. L • SUNDAY 9rs p km Mee1Ne uwt AspDt SM . , . . 0 While Q4MW@%0n e M -Burlington *Hamilton eBrampton •Mississauga •Kitchener •Windsor •Toronto •Guelph *Oshawa �r�l LA IZVO ILA i J i SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY! WE GIVE YOU THE BE$T VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY • 1000% SATISFACTION GI AJAX WHITBY ■ CANADA'S LARGEST CHAIN OF FACTORY DIRECT MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS SINCE 1978 The Ajax and Pickering General Hospital copped a generous donation for its Lifelong Friends buy -a- bed campaign when Durham Regional Police put $1,000 -toward their commitment to buy a bed, each worth $5,000. The money was raised through the Garden Bros. Circus. From left are Consta- ble Gail Ball and Cadet Rico Sirizzotti, both of 24 Division in Ajax, Heather Montague of the hospi- tal's community relations department, and Constable Terry Ryan of headquarters in Oshawa, chair of the circus committee. photo by A.J. Groen Irish eyes search for Ajax woman AJAX - The Irish cousins of an Ajax woman are looking for her. In March of this year, Jacqueline McClatchey of Ajax went to Belfast, Ireland, where she met her cousins Collette and Patricia Murphy. Alice Rooney, a friend of the Murphys, says they Obituaries LEHMAN, Rowena Fern - Entered into rest suddenly at the Cottage Hospital, Uxbridge, on Monday, July 26, 1993. Rowena Fern Redshaw, beloved wife of John W. Lehman. Loving mother of Robert and his wife Barb, Alvin (Vince) and his wife Nancy, Gor- don and his wife Cindy, and Jan- ice, all of Claremont. Loving grandmother of Steven, Leanne, Dwayne, David, Darrin, Keith, Michael and Jason. Dear sister of the late Vila, Charles and Ross. Funeral arrangements were entrust- ed to McEachnie Funeral Home, Ajax, 428-8488. Interment Clare- mont Union Cemetery. In lieu of would like to contact !Ms. McClatchey, but have lost her address. Ms. Rooney is visiting her daughter Mandy Loney in Pickenng and is hoping to reach Ms. McClatchey. Ms. McClatchey can call Ms. Rooney or the rela- tives she's staying with till Saturday at 839-0807. flowers, donations may be sent to the Canadian Diabetes Association. MacLEA\. Albert - At the Centenary Health Care Centre, Scarborough, on Tuesday, July 27, 1993. Albert MacLean, in his 90th Year. Beloved husband of the late Jean McNichol of Scarborough. Funeral arrangements were entrust- ed to McEachnie Funeral Home, Ajax, 428-8488. Interment Salem Cemetery. PELF_SCHAK, Metro - At the Ajax -Pickering Hospital on Tues- day, July 27, 1993. Metro Peleschak, in his 88th year. Beloved husband of Martha. Lov- ingly remembered by his son Michael and daughter-in-law Marv, grandchildren :Martha and her husband Brian Maznevski of London, Susan and her husband John Murray of Guelph, David of Ajax, and great-granddaughter Katie Maznevski. Mr. Peleschak will rest at McEachnie Funeral Home, 28 Old Kingston Rd., Ajax (Pickering Village), 428-8488, from 7 to 9 p.m. Friday and 2 to 4:30 p.m. Saturday. Fundal service in the chapel Sunday, Aug. 1 at 2 p.m. Interment Erskine Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate donations to the St. Paul's United Church (Ajax) Memorial Fund. Winners mast answer a skl t"V Wosdon m ordorb dwn a prigs '.10,000 Greed Prize �AH Callers Are Entered To Win 10,000 Selected Homes In Pickering Are Invited To Play THE TELEPHONE LOTTERY Watch For Your Playing Card In The Mail This Week You Have 4 Chances To Win! SPONSORED BY P.F. COLLIER & SON LTD. 24 Hr. Infoline PAGE 6 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JULY A 1993 Ajax-PickeringNews Advertiser Editorials/Letters A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday TIMOTHY J. WHITTAKER, Publisher 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor-in-chief Newsroom - 683-5110 Distribution - 683-5117 Retail Advertising - 683-5110 Classified - 798-7672 GREG COATES, Managing Editor FAX - 683-7363 National Advertising Sales - 493-1300 Real Estate & Automotive Advertising - 798-7672 HUGH NICHOLSON, Advertising Manager Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association BRUCE DANFORD, Retail Sales Manager Member of the Ontario Press Council ABE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager Have fun, be safe Another long summer weekend is here and many people are looking forward to having fun. Let's hope traged% won't spoil the holiday. as it often has in the past. The waming not to drink and drive has been given to us bN police so mane times it's starting to sound like a wom-out cliche. but, for some people, the message still hasn't sunk in. Here's hop- ing another innocent victim isn't mowed down b% a drunk driver this weekend. If %ou•%e been drinking and driving and if you're yen• lucks. police will stop }ou before you kill %ourself or someone else. Offi- cer; with the R.I.D.E. (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) pro- gram w ill be out in full force this weekend, and it would tk: nice to see them _get through three dans without an arrest. S�)t checks wiI1 be set up in different locations throughout the Region and the Ontario Pro%incial Police will also be setting up at off -ramps. according to Durham Regional Police Staff Sergeant Sandy R%ric. If %ou'll be drinking, use a designated driver. take public transit. call a cab or stay with your host overnight. Ignore that advice and it could be the last thing you ever do. Statistics show the R.I.D.E. program has reduced the number of impaired drivers on the road. Unfortunatel}, the practice hasn't been eliminated altogether. but %ou can help make it so. Make cure them's a soher driver behind the wheel of your %chicle this week- end, and you'll lessen the chances that your holida% will include tragcd %. Hair fun. but do it safcl%. MY ARE SUING You RR PAIN '�'• AND SUFFERING,. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR f Beyond the call of duty To the editor. I wish to 'ornmend Doug Barnes, one of our Ajax let- ter carvers for doing an out- standinc job. Doug not only fulfils his regular duties with excellence, but also serves his community above and beyond the call of dut-,. My family and I have experienced first hand his caring attitude and his abili- ty to think clearly and deci- sively in an emergency situ- ation. Doug was instrumen- tal in saving the life of our family pet. Brive, a large Great Pyrenees dog. It appears that Brine had tried to jump over the fence of her run, and had caught her front paw. As a result, she was hanging from the fence by one leg. bleeding, and was in state of shock. Fortunately, Doug discov- ered our dog in this condi- tion and arranged for an ani- mal control officer to rush her to the hospital. Doug had stayed with her until help arrived. Further, Doug took the time a few dans later to explain to my son the details of the accident to prevent a reoccurrence. Now that our dog is feel- ing so much better, I am confident that she joins the rest of the family in pro- claiming that Doug Barnes is a true watchdog of the- com-munity. It is comforting to know that Canada Post has employees of such high cali- bre. S. Zakis. Ajax Letter sent to MP and MPP To the editor, In response to Florence Ritchie and the gentleman who called re: my letter concern- ing the social contract and its effects on teachers and the education system. Rest easy, people. Not only did MP Rene Soetens receive a copy of my letter, so, also, did Jim Wiseman, our local NDP MPP. All levels of government should be con- cerned about what's happening to their con- stituents, wouldn't you agree? Ernestine Vallee, Pickering How do you feel about MPPs taking a 5S per cent pay cut? Do you think it's enough? Have your say, Shana Pankratz says, "I think it's justified. They should experi- ence wage cuts like everyone else." Maggie Hunter says, "It's not enough, they should cut more. They're finally taking responsibil- ity for their mistakes." Mauro Cirelli says, "No, it's not enough. They should set a bigger example, everyone else is." r - Steve Swaim (and Tyler) says, "If they're going to cut back everyone else's salaries and raise taxes, they should get a taste of their own medicine." V 41 ,'5� L r tet T� W, Ills I-ra I iI, ice► ABOUT US The News Advertiser wel- comes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything else of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal rea- sons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone num- ber for our information. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 or sent by FAX to 683- 7363. Metroland Printing, Publish- ing and Distributing group of suburban newspapers includes: Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser, The Aurora Banner, Barrie Ban- ner/Advance, The Brampton Guardian, The Burlington Post, The Collingwood Connection, The Etobicoke Advertiser/Guardian, The Georgetown Independent, Kingston This Week, Lindsay This Week, Markham Economist and Sun, The Milton Canadian Champion, The Mis- sissauga News, The Newmar- ket Era, Northumberland News, North York Mirror, Oakville Beaver, Oshawa -Whitby This Week, Orillia Today, Peterbor- ough This Week, The Rich- mond Hill/Thornhill/Vaughan Liberal, The Scarborough Mir- ror, The Stouffville/Uxbridge Tri- bune, Today's Seniors. Second class mail registra- tion number 1897. Mail sub- scription rates in Canada: 1 year, $70 per edition. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY„JULY 3G, IMpAGE 7 /❑ Full Moon Fever heats up Monkey Bar ❑ Dance to the tunes of Tom Petty AJAX-PICKERING - The Tom Petty cover band Full Moon Fever heats up temperatures at the Monkey Bar & Grill Saturday from 9 p.m. until 1 a.m. On Rockin' Fridays, dance to the music of a D.J. from 9 p.m. to I a.m. A dance party is featured Thursdays. The Monkey Bar & Grill is at 172 Hunt St., Ajax. Call 619-1236. To find out where the rest of the entertainment action is this weekend, just follow this guide: BOURBON BAYLY'S: Friday, there's karaoke and a D.J. from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 5 marks the final week of qualifying rounds in a karaoke contest with a grand prize of $500. Bourbon Bayly's is at 368 Bayly St., Ajax. Call 427-1888. CENTRF.F IELD'S: On Sunda} afternoon, there's a coun- try jam session featuring Tennessee Lace from 1 to 6 p.m. Sunday night features laser karaoke from 9 p.m. to I a.m. Every Wednesday, male exotic dancers take the stage in Centrefield's Centrefolds contest. Centrefield's is at 1050 Brock Rd., Pickgring. Call 837-1850. HARP & THISTLE PUB: Allan Martin takes the stage to Perform a variety of music Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to I a.m. There's karaoke on Sunday from 7 to 11 p.m. The Harp and Thistle is at 282 Monarch Ave., Ajax. Call 428-0943. FOX & FLOWERPOT: Jazz aficionados can blow their own horn at an open jazz jam session with the Jazz Cats at the Fox & Flowerpot Thursday nights from 8 to 11 p.m. Each Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.. there's storytelling, with a new storyteller featured each week. The Fox & Flowerpot is in the Village Courtyard in Pickering Village. Call 428-2162. KERRY INN”: The Kerry Inn has Mike McClusky and Caught In The Act Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The band plays 50s, 60s and current tunes as well as Irish music. On Sunday, there's karaoke starting at 8 p.m. The Kern Inn is in the Clovendge Plaza, 967 Westney Rd. S. at Harwood Ave., Ajax. Call 428- 8790. Stay in tune,, read the News Advertiser WE'RE MORE THAN JUST OPEN EVERY SUNDAY M 0 AUGUST 1 • Free Admission • Free Parking for 4800 cars GARAGE SALE - Over 500 vendors at the Pickering Flea Market Full Size Carnival Most Sundays * Antique and Collectible Area Vast array of product * Farmer's Market Largest Indoor Flea Market in North America METRO EAST TRADE CENTRE Brock Rd. & 401 * Pickering, ONT. Vendor Inquiries (416) 427-0744 CASH IN WITH THIS lJ BUY,,, 1 Limit 2 NeQ per family (wl Limited 2 Utre - Non -Refundable 9 Quantity SECOND STOREY: The Second Storey, formerly Danny's Place, has a Dance Night on Tuesdays, with prizes to the best dancers. On Wednesdays, there's karaoke with a grand prize of a trip to the sunny south. Thursday is ladies' night, and on Fridays, there's a wet T-shirt contest. There's a pool tourney on Sunday at 3 p.m. and karaoke at 9 p.m. The Second Storey is at 89 Harwood Ave., Ajax. Call 683-2940. JOKERS: Jokers has the coun- try and western sounds of Jocelyn Marie Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. A country and west- ern jam session with Al Matthews is set for Sunday from 7 to I I p.m. Jokers is at 335 Bayly St., Ajax. Call 427-0337. LORD BYRONS: Lord Byrons has relaxing piano music on Friday and Saturday nights to enjoy with your dinner. The music starts at 7 p.m. Lord Byrons is at 1725 Kingston Rd. (at Brock Rd.) in Pickering. Call 686-7000. THE MEETING HOUSE: Al Matthews takes his country and western sound to The Meeting House Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sunday is reserved for the Royz Band, which plays a variety of music from 7 to 11 p.m. The :'Meeting House, formerly Morgan's Place, is at 776 Liverpool Rd, S., Pickering. Call 839-4744. KANGAROOS: Kangaroos hosts the Ragweed Jazz Band each Thursday from 9 p.m. to midnight. The bar's at 985 Brock Rd. S. in Pickering. Call 839-6845. ROYAL SCOT: The Royal Scot has a pub night Saturday night from 9 p.m. to I a.m. featuring the music of a DJ. The Royal Scot is at 44 Hunt St. Ajax. Call 683-6657. JJJ If your club or restaurant offers live entertainment. call Al Rivett at the News Advertiser, 683-5 110, to be included in this weekly feature. Outta Bounds holds demo release party AJAX-PICKERING - The Pickering -based band Outta Bounds will release a demo recording featuring five original songs at an Ajax show set for Thursday, Aug. 12. Fans of the group will be able to purchase the demo, which includes three tunes never heard before, when Outta Bounds takes the stage at the Sapphire Bar and Grill on Hunt St. Titled Easier Said Than Done, the demo recording was just that in a large way-, admits bass gui- tarist Dwayne Clayton. The five - man band hopes the demo will soon land them a record deal. On it are tracks titled , Now, Last Kiss, Down On You, Painted Face and Wait. The three latter songs are brand new, while fans familiar with Now will fmd it's been re -worked. Outta Bounds will perform those songs, as well as other original and cover material, during the Ajax show. Easier Said Than Done will be available for purchase at all sub- sequent shows after the Sapphire date, Clayton adds. The price of the demo hasn't yet been deter- mined, but will be between S5 and S7, he says. Outta Bounds will also have a THE ASSOCIATION OF AJAX BINGO SPONSORS PLA & NEVADA BING AND CVotlintry DOUBLE YOUR PRESENT /1 �U 1"" song on a compilation CD expected to be released by Velvet Records before January. The band, which began in a Pickering basement in Ltarch of 1991, also features lead vocalist Keith Schram, guitarist Shawn Street, keyboardist/guitarist Jeremy Van Sluytman and drum- mer Chris Goreski. Known on the club circuit from Niagara Falls to Ottawa, they've opened for such act, as Teenage Head and Svengali. They'll take the stage at the Sapphire around 9:30 or 10 p.m. Aug. 12. Doors will open at p.m. and there's a SS :o% Ln • 3500AN PRIZES" rrIIUAY EVERY NIGHT AT 7 AND 10:30 P.M. 12:45 P.M. MATINEE I SATURDAY & SUNDAY MATINEES AT 1 AND 4 P.M. HAVE SOME FUN & SUPPORT YOUR COMMUNITY GROUPS: wEs1NEr ROTARY, KINSMEN (Lic. #M036396), SPARTANS MINOR BASEBALL, RINGETTE, LEGION, 5 PIN BOWLERS, AJAX AQUATIC CLUB, Z AXEMEN, NAVY LEAGUE, HUMANE SOCIETY, ERIN-OOG PARENTS, SPINAL CORD RESEARCH, 6t0 MONARCH DURHAM EPILEPSY, PINERIDGE HIGH, KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, ST. ANTHONY DANIELS C.S., DURHAM HOSPICE, rn ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE w►aw000 FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 427-8572 . - .. . ALL, sincere ysnMsntai3 iedereds an aassSaNMg, dancing. coftp Oy. kind kh eanedry` ,Nur, I�ovs/q body to share same, 35-40. BY 1073 SUCCESSFUL humorous. young 32, targets. confused by bar some, awls unattached. attractive ener- getic fwna*, 2332 to enjoy travel, dining, sports. music and mtedt- goo conversation. SY 1112 ROMANTIC handsome thtr- tysomething, established. fun male. 5.11-. 185 lai seeks land. Sensitive. gentle. caring, gorgeous female. 25-35 with a great sense of hunqur SY I I I JENNIFER. in Alan. please again. I ddnt gel your phone number SY 1124 SINGLE white male. 27, 5.6' 180 lbs . enjoys the outdoors. dining. dancing. quiet evenings at home. seeks single while female. 20-30 who enjoys the same. children are welcome SY 1133 SINGLE wide male. 21, enjoys music bowling. dancing the out- doors, quiet evenings at home, seeks female 18-24 who enjoys the same for possible bng term relabatshp SY 1134 OUTGOING single whine male. 36 attractive into sports count•v music, camping , midnight walks. holdup hands and thunderstorms seeks atractive lady 25-36 with twrntar interests SY 1135 GOOD LOOKING male t8 hon- estsense d Hama k>ves sports and gong to the gym kolag fa attractive female 19-21 SY 1136 SINCERE affectkxale gentleman 47 mays clanuxmg travel. Cottage We water skin seeks formals, 40. W with similar nefereats and a tow mere '^, long tem relattonshp SY 1136 MALE mea 30•s telt, quid, Sell rated homebody knees children owes outdoors music seeks female in 3C for companion or i.lahoMhip SY 1148 DIVORCED •+lab 4: oyes out doors oil music mewmss dews. sharing pull time See" yel to give and take egwiN 304C ce area attractive SY 1153 196• _epi bng Marr one previous ow'+e'-Ocwlty reb , oregi a risk. able handles wit; .inisided hie only no spare ' -e some rust Make an offer SY 1154 SINGLE good loci' *%Abkshae while made 33 seeks temake to r - . . bng Inn nonesl rewom- ihp Seneca* calor only SY 11 SS ATTRACTIVE gentleman young 4C 5 ' . sire easy going sero* of humor. srtcars con$K$WMt* responsible Enjoys outings and ovaaro{ n Seer sin easy go+q lanaw SY 1156 SINGLE wide businessman 39. nal •r!o bar score seeks single whole lama* 2535. non smoker honest. no head games must enjoy giggling. mouia* cuddling and ,cemanlc evMwg* logwfleer sY 1180 MALE when* 36 laves outdooe. ca.-g.ng fishing. baseball. 'e^4^ci'g. bolag for Isrnaks with frim rrore*Ila SY 1190 MALE 44 separatist enjoys evcy'mg danil marc p*opeo n gnwal oommerdatew veli out- 9oing teaks aemdar kind of Sim woman 3512 children welcome SY 1191 SINGLE -ria* 3a St 1' 19C be erpoys mcvesplays. draeg and danorig, look r+g for good lack Irma* for pomade relationship BY 1182 STABLE 39 lees yang. good bak. NV guy, w4ch 90 dadn diwey nut long romantic walks quew amigo at home* seeks lady 34- 40 to companionship possible rweaweo SY 118.1 MALE why. separated 45 6 200 IDs honest and sincere,. enjoys quint evenings. move". dancing. having fun. seeks delsc- bo ale INrwle with simJa enter- ests for Swing rewtanshp SY lies SMICERE make while* drworced. W. Sr good shape many el esu. hungry, for serious rewuon- *tep with sten while female, in 40•s n the oshawaANtnimy area SY 1197 SINGLE father, 36, divorced, Companionship - Friendship Call Anytime i10 1 976 1 iggi Only charge is $1.99 per minute, there are no extra long distance charges 1 Respond by selecting the ad(s) you wish to respond to and make a note of the four digit "mailbox" number that appears at the end. 2. Call Sincerely Yours 1-416-976-1991 * at any time of the day from any touch tone phone within the 416 area code. 3. Follow the easy instructions. You'll have the option of responding to a specific ad or browsing voice mailbox greetings from Sincerely Yours advertisers. anractrve brown har green eyes. 510-, 195 Iles enjoys the out- doors. walking, fishing, seeks attractive single mom. 28.38 who ortfoys the same SY 1188 HARDWORKING hones' black male 33 seeking white female 2810 for freoredsfvc maybe rela honship heavy set 180-30o jos SY 1189 ATHLETIC single make 39, kook elg for anractr,e M femae snob or maned for day 6me'ur geves great back nibs SY 1190 FUN LOVING honest angle whew male 29 enjoys camping. mores Jays and walks wilt, hat special someone Seen; ,; lemake 21-3C win similar airline for possible long term relationship. children wemrne SY 1192 ATTRACTIVE Slam, smgie whits male 3C enlovs walks movies Quiet evenings at home seeks white femaoe 20-33 for compan- anship or it tsaong Tema sit SY 1193 SINGLE canine mals seeking fwrnae ' 8-23 who enjoys romantic dinners. long walks moves and Selcerely Yours... The safer way to meet new people, lealfe your name and number only when you're ready. evorwngs 36! eralcreng 'M stars 0th Clea. wam ngxrs SY 1194 ACTIVE but shy male. 4C 5 11' '65 be seats 04n901 hsmale 2635 PoNo to campy quiet foman- I c inti* SY 1195 MALE 2' winds rased 8 5 on tfw sca* would like 1d dale the per fed mate and from thwer we vend mo what far brays SY 1196 GOOD LOOKING male 4C sr. - owe has tafdwonwig. secure, non smoker `e�joys ngetting pv. mw6 travel foray. sewn on' goo artract" lemake, Wim lama nonws 2635 for It cam few - bmaaiip SY 1157 SINGLE dark hall blot eyes 4a -days camping %wagdung ou and dancing. *elks fbmw 3648 W tnW dw"p SY I JU SON seeks companionship few dad petals* help goal hit out of the hones and my half I Wm hm. you w6 loo SY 1199 SINGLE male. 20. w'very' athletc. We moves wages on the bea& romantic evenings looking for female 18-25 will- smdwr rnter- 04n. looiag for along term rem- bwowep SY 13M ATTRACTIVE single wrhade male. 22. 6 180 b . wrnpys outdoors ov*nwys out quest evenings at home, romantic. shy and sncwe,. bong for slim when femur. 19- 25 wdd sante asaralte for tMMon- dip. SY 13M SHY. brWY nuts. Moldy bear 24. vaned mora M. *own MM&b. 2D- 0OM Y YOM SYSM: ttlidlil Ilia 705 area code jou may acne% Sit=* Yens: Banda, iidl" Oris, C*9%Ood 1-9'16.1993 hhIMfM11 K Lildsay 1$164321 A, Woo MIIn the 613 also code you may aIC0eS5 Sim* Yows: K6 PO ,110 IJJ76-74M hNtilw wft aha 416 algia code you may access Sine rots: Oslnlfe Ofty, l Pitib q 1-4169761991 cokn Pal Hope 1.4169761981 IlarkplR llski* Sloflllfie 1.416V54W *0513*1 1-41697600 Odlaie, Ilion 1.4169764321 ask" 1.416916.7700 Sarbor * 1-416976-0A66 i 30 Dong term row lime. up ls y 113111111tanstrp. SY YOUNG waw. 38, would like to wed swglt simdsem Conlan, 25-36 who er" good comnsrtation, country Me. and BOOS. BY 1707 CONTRACTOR, 28. 6', king on beets. currently short on lith, lo0k- wg be tomb. who "We eight unbridled passion SY 1304 BLUE eyed white male 25 not bad looking enjoys fishing. long walks romantic evenings, seeks possible long term relationship SY 1305 VERY handsome Italian born male 28 Btlfy Ray Cyrus lookaldke with a mustache 'Only better Seeks lady for fun relationship SY 1306 WANTED oeautitul blonde who was a: Wally's Restauran, Wedlesday. July 14 300 a.m We made contact but coldnt talk Can if you to sllwesld,d in the mar with the god ptiesses SY 1309 MALE while 37 Soso shinamac- five racy 2530 for trwi0arkp Pot- stble rilatan-shq Mks' be undw standing Serious inquires only SY 1310 SUCCESSFUL wn,fe business- man en 505 seeks attractive feral any ague for romantic •ilatanship on bng farm base SY 1311 SINGLE make 30clean cu and all rig looking for a remake 26- 30 nal is ho.eet and has a good some* of humor Sly 1312 HEALTHY raring. for to wide ma.e 4• 5 11' seeks a Lady to share tree sport of fur romantic times with SY 1313 SENSITIVE smafslim sprsual WNOWe CNUUW sOClal worker 32. G" ,n/oN9ont warm ,adv any race Goal alble•-• frianostwp. Possible marriage, meanings ad in music. thaatre. "ociw issues SY 1314 SINGLE rather 27 good looking. 6 . '90 be enjoys working out dancing dnwng - evww %p soaks Isrnale albacave. Slim 25- 35 wee swniw werews SY 1319 OUTGOING make 56- skit and '. n.., music Ih*atrs Con- vw%Wdsh cones . aid munr�ft. bowleg booking eclnr* attract" femaw el slmitar interests for poteoim rotational SY 1316 SPIRITED 'acarus. male Mine 40 5 t-. two d,ddrdsn, looking fora woman to satisfy my need to bo touched mentally, spetuaey, and physica6y, SY 1317 ROMANTIC ma,e .hila a0 seeks ov ame loyal ad &fit rm- ate fwnaw who wnays we ono walks and Quiet evenings SY 1316 ETERNAL optimist so rears l romantic seem mid 406 wpoys music conversation. movies Soelaedg mature let e*sonabuy slim attractive. femaie counter- part to factor relationship SY 1330 SINGLE wines mule 5'11' short brown hair blue wyes. enjoys romance havey a good twrw. am Um boa" and camping, seok- ig kndg relalorynce wish Single whde bng haired gens 18 to 20 yes SY 1331 HANDSOME male 40 yin old 5 11'. 175 Ib6., sort-dempbydsd. wleys •pons. MK", trard. du- ng, corn aftoW e n golf. seeks lady ower 27 wish sane wle-mda Sr 1332 DO you know who you are We" for. I do. Fit. serve, leoakfMed. attrachm nae semolarg, gook, 37 sesta h*WW. alba nek" Isak- .tg lsdy, did OX- SY tin JOANNA ph e d again I I ave rid howle pboo Move your rem* - bar wabq h**^, CHRI& SY 1334 GOOD LOOKING CMM, 37. 5'r wdh blew oyes and long brown liar. some dw stat*vle Moly in her 304 whoa ew". fun to be w9h. lcbmv. oww m, Mleebnaw OW hue awft. for assn" eM- komdlO. >W 1226 00n 30 yr. old w b. bds 25, S -11r, 150 bit, good kedging, am Ill law, light Now. 4 obsobg big weoko b". quid snrenielp,. Nis d rwlg SY I= LOVAKE Chwwbw same mak,, 30, broww hair, blw oyes. 510', ��gastw.s home kids would lie to cant tell 0- I- I My. 25-30 b gd io tkx for pontis ImiSy A PARE TOE DAD 36. S'6'. 145 be. Enjoys lserrt, w#mK aid Ne gnat outdoors. Seeks down to Sam sissy� y�9slpp Hard bwab lar Arced �9. BY 1326 ATTRACTIVE swgls while mak, mad 30s sssb a Madvs bw ft 20 to mind 30s who wVp brig and daric",; taking long •Cmanf,c moonlight walks SY 1339 ATTRACTIVE ma's 18, seeking white female 18-25. must be attractive. mays the feror things in life long drives, watching old moves SY 1340 ATTRACTIVE male 26, looking for att•acttie female who enjoys quiet evenings, outdoor sports. non wepker non drinker for possi- ble long term rotation", ip SY 1341 SINGLE ell male 5'14', short fight brown haw blue eyes, anfoys romance having a good tine aec hikes boating and camping. seek ng long term rolahonshp with sin ole own" female 18-20 SY1342 WHI-E make 35yoors 140 lbs 5 6- - 7okiflC for long term notation. ship 25-35 twos chnidren Serious ingwnes only p,okiii SY 1343 NON smoking 18 year old maks ereovs ntenale eve'wgs. cuddling, and colt outdoor, melerig female 18-21 that has the sane rdo S And a very opon-etnded SY 1344 MALE 2' S7. sandy bloridm NW owe eyes easy going enjoys camping. fesnaig. hunting, lweks female 18-30 who enjoys the same SY 1345 ATTRACTIVE make 27 enjoys cyano camping, and keeping phyausy M seeks fema*. 23-27, who rias some dee sane mgr. acts for ooffVwrondip and pooS- ble rdsatone ft SY 1346 SINGLE dad. 37 510'. 160 be. age" slim fun, a//g000% act". establesMd woman 25-40. for cariepow dental 0-1% ropey. SY 13" ONE angle while male 30dart him bkee eyes ocredwed aorac- M bokrg for attractive fweinfe woman early 40s for fun and romance SY 13se ATTRACTIVE affeclwnate make 23 en�o•n sports moves, and ION waits very roma.¢. btyrg Iwmale 18-25 possible rem or4*W SY 1360 SINGLE white Cale" retie 19 Iris 6 h 2 enjoys, sports. out. doors. novae. and quite soaks temaw 18 to 20 for possible r,r- sorohp SY 1361 ATTRACTIVE singes venae enwe 20 lens enjoys sports daeory wild gyeet luny love*/ to have fun. "*lung 18 to 21 yr ofd femaN www* for bng twin relatwwho SY 1362 HANDSOME and Smart man look - ng for welefi gem comparison SY 1363 AVERAGE looking wnds. non- smoker male 49 Introns get - defying cards talks, country and any amusing monk SocW dnMer birgtial not new on donceng SY 1354 ME! single whdo male. 33. u di &&m*i m. write tic tastes, rdu- *ncod by the Black Adder and Seinfeld. loved Mas Salton, addicted to moves, value good •rids. and your Sr I= SINGLE dna* fanate 40, bduig tar than spool moramw to slrrds dining and dancing. mucic and movies, and quid evenings at htorine. SY 13N MOTHER W -LAW looking for daughter in law hobo owlet w-dslAd. Weed bdaig 20 yr. all bows b dtaaroo between a Md erIo 0= lip and so games d III SINGLE whit mak,, 29, w4ow old other whiledoor aaAme, soft IsmsW 22.26 for ld tasobsNmles Ed pmssbk, mink p ri 1sN NOT IN dark and Aandawo or ^eh• y-ud a And we" prolw- soMl M yr. ant, mole pvy along a arca bdo** N ache lady to am as tont/. SY Ism ATTRACTIVE wAAo Maio. 25, looking for apndhvo 14woale ganger ow my Sao bat a a6ws it. enjoys Ins otddoars, dociry and quid eveenow, for pose" fY 17i1 IfA�l 42 nonsmoker enlov5 mcv,es music. camping area Sunday pec - n cs seeking slim to well built working female with no ties and a good sense of humor. possible relabonsh'p SY 1374 SINGLE college male t9. 62-. enjoys sports, outdoors. moves, and qurel ferries seeks female 18. 20 for possible relationship SY 1375 SEPARATED shy tamale 3: "s - am likes okldoas camping dn- ng dancing Vol minded seeks amecnonate male 3545 with same interests SY 2025 FULL figured female 31, wino envoys being romanced. country wakks picnics moves Seeks make me must be family oreMed $in core and honest SY 2047 FORTY-SEVEN :.d ifel forrale widow interests ane fine dung. msec rock and roe. danc- ing. stimks gonellel 45-50 wwtl sitabbMd SY 2052 IF YOU ars th any that ^se0ond- oc to my ad and you are 49 you won al :,M you•e tall and good looiag pieasi respond agar and jeave you lelepeore nunbwr SY 2091 1 *0 1c moil a good mr, 3637 for iusf a f•end;y rotation ship hopefully halt be interested n a goal the same as mine - home owrawiip. SY 2064 YOUNG lady 3'. evshe lg to Soo nHltiaenev wet, snare wortel gw*w on 3140 SY 2091 SINGLE wortry mother of 1, 40 fes some" for wrwwe gw*li- man who Irked chtkdren dining dant and Quiet linins SY 2066 CHRISTIAN mother. 31. likes dancing romantic waft conver salon ad having fur seeks hon. ow. rmtg, WUMN ma* wah semil W rwtesws SY 2119 LADY seeing man en hall SO's who drip" fig. weael travel. oct tape Md,. I Saw your ad. pleaded, rON" to sae SY 2127 FULL figured kbmabe 35. swat d humour mfoys ding ca. dank eq. "caws. Wild rang ce sacs co"wmwo male, who wed appeal ar my spwm qu Mm SY 2143 FUN LOVOM angle MW tuna* 23. *soft wry* Mae me* 23-30 W"O ift t dancing and has an ou/. 9dn9. spot%aroous sincere per. Sandell SY 211 SLIM, attractive, single white tenu*. rid 30s. lire loving seeks tad garnet we with good wrow of lienor for oompaneorlwep or Fong IN" m WboWW SY 2153 ATTRACTIVE, slim single while familial early 30 S. 5 6'. good stldee d humor st*ke, tad amrac. meds romaMte reclere working am- gfe while male. mod 30's for pass - be mWbmwnp SY 2154 ARTISTIC warn, wwwaoemc wily pmmnkdabb b be wgk dreams d gMM maw. 46. lar companon- ow. int 9w fie wort. you're the bat. ST 2155 Si twdA- d two, 26, single and aMadive, who Able k do many wIP. weld ire to nest am*- oee No's nd ao Irodgres 24- 30. SY 2166 SEXY pest Mtmds. 31. bolding for an altcbomb. warm. timemf�laly evset bgs6nmwi- w. 10 � i5? 22. blameihi & sti ilk rad". ddggcdi boldo for mak, 25.70 who o wp awe, to poew bk, wM+9Itd10. sr 2166 ATTRACTIVE prow Indy early We. am*" a mature sinclers owd- for big waft thing, dwA ft i eanL SY 2197 MINGLE Nib Mwds, 21, lin lov iii owpoing, brww". ad's a nl>bsd fombrlbe nMlb 21-30. SY 21 SLIM attractive• blond• single fmWs, 5'r. a" 30 entoys For persons 18 years of age and over. male 2025 for fun times together and possible long term relation- ship. SY 21 as ATTRACTIVE prolessronal mom of 40 enjoys all sports. music. walking. seeks unattached male 35-40 will) similar Interests SY 2109 ATTENTION you son-taneous cooversa!icnairun loveg dude 23- 25. be alert for a cute female who -cloys the outdoors fun filled -,xbts. who s looking for you' SY 2191 SOUL MATE WANTED outgoing. aci �nfe' iii in; health con. scious. straight gentleman 'Leo. single nonsmoker over 6' 35-50. BY non-smoking non -dunking slim tall. brunette Aquarius SY 2192 SINGLE professional mother of I. 2- 5 -- seeks male 2636 for 'monist reationship enjoys out doors movies. and quer evenings must enjoy cfwidwen SY 2193 DEAR heart one a Such a lonely number ad. share your dreams will a 53 yr young healthy. anractrve blond. pralessional lady Sincerely Yours... The s� way to meet new people, leave vow nail! and number only when you're ready. wife, a rot of love to 9^'e SY 2194 Sa4CERE reai*t, aryls man. oro enjoys all sports and concerts waking ale the tewerdwa4e seeks non "meokwr 3515 b sham snWar fmtrews SY 2195 OUTGOING slim• single whin bn%We 23. looking for halite !an 511 male for romance. daiang and *Uo w SY 2196 ATTRACTIVE lady. 37, single enjoys music, clarions molorcy- U* and the outdoors. seeks awracbwe easy gong man. 3010 who -+joys If* same SY 2199 INDEPENDENT oriole mon 38. WreOW roommates 14-1' many interests seeks tall Large build. "to white ends 37-45 with good sense d humor and a pout SY 23M YOUNG very pane mealier of 2. 22. wdpys campny wmwkwld gt- ways, quiet nights long drr dS wades lot" for kk Ron must WW -f or danger SY 2301 ATTRACTIVE single mom. 30, enjoys dancing camping sports romantic evening". country music and and rock, seeks honest finale. 3040 lar a Wool-, lime and pose - b* reWdael ell SY 2302 ATTRACTIVE while female, 29 smoker. no dependents. ""'" spat. su nem w lin. OOLN" music, old rock, bow. quo( and wild Imes seem mwe. 2635. SY 2302 PROFESSIONAL, female. 24, a1oY4 fwadin "waft. "awes and romantic dinners. I you have similar w*wooM. I world love to halon lean yell Sr 2304 ATTRACTIVE professional kamb. sspwawd. Iowa dalaig and music. Books ranaerp male, 3650 so sidar rt- . good sweo d htmw and a ail fa me. SY 2706 LADY s2, sleeks competition. ��mtate amags By 2706 SINGLE whiw altrattve kernels. 3oma� COU* aainot, di�, .les k RbM scapi* Nile mole• 2630 wt91 stair rasusds for brig lam fOkWIWMD Sr 2106 IIUM Ivy. 36., non-9wokw, non-annkw, look" for OWN" Hx* win b rids De's h%b-p with, eapp din -not, -a". eafeONAnc , n 7fup rel a pew so qui ATTRACTIVE dtvofmd tougher d 2. 33, baking for attractive mak, �'� 33-40 who ilea EXCITING want. 20, testing feasible 1621 who Mm fun, for tiatrnddnp and Posebls bhp Ina tmlbsornil o. BY 1m SMIGLE Sprli I gwt 33, Cones" student. ibsstooddanp eaMa, and mwwge. pasmionat, Woraaemw adg-W $sob lady 23 to 30, ron4mokw or drwkw. Sr 1377 seals Wong beach, videos. and ATTRACTIVE, whit. make, yang 0"*WWlwby Tho Weak 6 AhamlPidtomg Nowa Advwfaw amxrwn no liability lar to - I m or Imply b any Snowy Young dedlreAaarrwt The adwrew allrso, wa = . antrlwnp, quest country drives and more, seeks subOO whiw male. dim. 30-40, udw San mysd. possow com- aiaerWmkAimmi w. BY 2196 SEXY sieow�, green leyed red. bad. 31 May, seeks earwg, fen bvi10. VUONW" man n he 30s far now than a oto erghl stand. SY 21fn PETITE single while Mom, 20. Beaks spoMaeteous sintgk, while kids• tlw out- door.: music and romance.Sr 2716 SNGLE nam, 34. leejap mmm. I awl, dertang, looking for a fals- tanehip with a man who enjoys children. And who m honed and afse imet. BY 2319 EARTHY woman, 31, enjoys Mature, cycirg, bkia music, viii lardin mn wlon�alf«►tdN: w w a share similar interests SY 2330 DEAR heart. one is such a lonely number call, share your dreams with a young 50. healthy. attractive blonde professional lady with a let of love to give SY 2331 UNATTACHED shy. whee somi- five female. 39. likes to be romanced. long walks. movies. seeks stable honest raring, unat- tached tad ft make 39 to 43. likes children SY 2332 FUN loving attractive professional gal who loves life and people looking for honest sincere Clean cut good-looking male 33 to 41 SY 2333 SINGLE caring, sincere. while profess.onal female aged 49. seeking single male to 57, non smoker for meaningful long term relationship Interests down hill Sell goll outdoors. family and music SY 2335 SINCERE single mom 21 sealing an open minded. honest and sin core male who s fill and healthy. 23-33. who enjoys gang out. or quit nights at home SY 2336 FUN brng Christian forma* with =hrldren enjoys outdoors quiet ••mel dancing and much more. seeks honest romantic male 28. 40 for possible relationship SY 2337 SINCERE honest. attractive ogle mom 33 'mor' smoker, loves taugh- tor darireng. drwng, moves. seeks mals 5'a'. same ntensts. mus' enjoy ofW*a SY nn ATTRACTIVE single self- empoysd 35 yr aid woman. 2 children Seeks terw,ceasy secure wan 28-37 ft and non-smoking for a Casual rwwbonwitp SY 2339 ATTRACTIVE tamale 29. dark Mir bue eyes enjoys dancing. traveling. Quiet inners. very out - gong. kiokie for man who is lin great sorts) of humor. advMtuf- ous who ekes COL chddren SY 2340 SINCERE SOrsh young at heart, white widowed Fibra female, enjoys boanng dancing and romantic we onds Seeks uut- taChod cask established gentle. mill 50est, win sn"dar interests SY 2381 EXCITING angle whew female. 16 loves to have fun Sdoe" 1a- 20 ywa aid male aft" student non -evoker for long cam rwtion- wap SY 2342 AOUARIUS mom. established. heavy -St educaloWpedessronal seeks wswbl*hd taa jags build. educated prof-ess,onal LooSagnanus man 29. Enjoys -011 g ramprg, sports =ww- Italion moves. Me. social drinker. good humor SY 2343 ATTRACTIVE tangle ivhaw fwma*. 23, enjoys dancing, moonlight straight. cuddling and a variety d music, seeks tall attractive seregls while mals. 24-32• for possible "form relatM*W. SY 2344 ARE you an attractive snare humorous gentleman? I'm 23. attractive mother of one who enjoys movies, music. travel. Seek* someone hnaiiciaNy and -fgliwelfy stable. SY 230 THIS 30rsh, greden-eyed, slim, above avwage, atbadiw pews. sional, brutwttle. 5'6', 116 lbs, soaking wall, stables. secure, is looking for a 'real man,' blus- eeyyed7, blond• Proteaeional. BY 30 yr. aid, dingle prom, baking for sin's. Mud be .. - . dI OW- coy W - � lel. wmMdic and caring. SY ASH blanb hal. hazel Gym. 24 yew old female, enjoys 6", dw-9, qust ri" A how*. bng romanbe willing. ilea homed sit- cwlm bvig cads 24-M wi01 similar mkw". SY 2366 eon-emokw. Iw t4nniew baling for @;*dal Iran to share Besse. also dancig, dilnq tmlovisv. BY 27p DAM hair. and If danwg, iamItre ivvinc. fun, seem mals 27.32, tall, s 00 man b out with. fa9nsr wslea I0. r 2756 SINGLE whM femnals• «yoy, w9, dancing. long romaMnc w in a* mocieffeelight. 10 45, physicallyIt. good sense humor, young at heart with raen•sts. SY 2359 SINGLE white female, who on dining and dancereg, Country romantic evenings and travel' seeks male who is honest and cera. good sense of humor. 45 55 with great buns. SY 2360 YOUNG female 39 attractive. f figured, smoker. separated seeks Matic hatred male 38 to 42 who's looking for serious relationship, 2enjoys 3 1 50s music etc dancing SY ATTRACTIVE 5'6' white female likes animals and reading, and movies and has a little gin Would like to meet someone tall with the same interests between 28.35 SY 2362 i i i LOOKING FOR SUGAR DADDY Single white female. 48 likes o,r- wig dancing, music. theatre and more, married o k . I'm established and discreet SY 3013 ATTRACTIVE full figured, fun lov. mg femate 45 enjoys movies dancing long talks and laughter seeks mak. with sense of humor who hes to talk for tnendship SY 3075 SINGLE while male. 23, enjoys the outdoors right Ne. outgoing. SpoManeous. new to area seeks short bum possible la" 9 term rete. teonshdp with female 19-25 SY 3082 INEXPERIENCED widower look ng for a loyng romantic Spiritual believing woman to bring hen into the 90s has been a one woman man. very rewarding SY )063 ADVENTUROUS outgoing single white male 35 fun loving keel minded, with great sense �' humor tall dark and nrxhieyous. well established seeks anractrve le make 25-40 SY 3095 IF you to a >flgle whndi Iemake 25- 35 who enjoys everything horn will mate dining to sports ono travel give the cpen-mindW man of the got a cal. SY 3096 BRUNETTE 39 enjoys dining. music dancing. moves, walks 08*M senecers. normal man 37.5 low cornpananship. possible •Sal baroft SY 3087 HI rm and attractive goal Ororted 28 year oled busnmss man who a oulgong and M. 5'9 wnfoys slang roller baldi g and great Comvd,ru ton Looking for female 22 to 35 with same nlmrset ST 3120 ATTRACTIVE. fun loving slim pwde*ata+al lady S3 weeks amrac- five. established genllsman betaken 50-58 for enjoyaw snke and hnndshep no Couch potatoes please SY 3121 LADY 45 seeks seabkshed One sople". gw*Wnan 50-60 of da- Intceal, appra0aepn d an MUSK and anlquing travel auctions horsw. flora, few wine and good conk -saran. SY 3122 SINGLE mom d one 36 bicade hair. blue myes, enjoys music country. old rock. the outdoors Cycling. quit evenngs. seeking attractive male, good senee of humor. 36 to 40 SY 3133 WOMAN in early 40s seeking companionship i interested in forming a long relationship Gentleman has to be honest. 8 We Itis ouldoors, music i dancing SY 3134 MALE 31, would Yoe to met full- figured Lady. to 35. for hwW- ship, SYYOUM good looking. Wait ron- at guy. 30. se*ka dark hatred beady, who K awed, beano and adwwrdtuols, 20-30, for hands w 69. SY 3136 ATTRACTIVE, female, Mees movie*, diwg, dancing. walks. sport Imil I . seem+ .same in ssrnior mddy n SO's, apys dini sig danarg• Pori cards- Would like cowpanm"hip for social levans- Sy 4006 LADY in 50o "offs ding, darts w6• plays ends would No cow - 1 fair social eneMs. SY To browse ads in the alarm marls apai/tt OOmwoWirby The Weak as a rmA retinol. The advem9sw agemss b irndatwiy and held Urs pkbteallon and inwbolsmy Co - pals kabwy for the eonMnf d, and y fmoponsss to any advwksomont or recofdsd and for any Dubieabed or �q RMpad b1f b adtrefisw or 6P4POfS and fl) dnpbyo" ham tbas for a1 Cods. GxPwwm. kabites arca rtMatags ettlf PIy 4 sail advNlrtient by satrap Snowy Youn.6ga aelmri9mr apfines mol t Marmtltit41mr nwbw, MM flans or afte" w ironer g Ai nth catagd by, tie reslfll!!!Y'4atalhi�•°f�'��7 t'!'d°!iM�11yr/ .. „ � - , • l a . ► + d 9►ea0n9 mwaps. OshavalVMliby Tho week newws the light to Imvite. .r�.• ...�11 aAve k dlww,ya. rs sok t • s l I i / • U2 - Zooropa (island): Listen closely and pretend that you're not listening to U2. Indeed, it's some of the most innovative music you'll ever hear, which is pretty unusual from a band that habitually resides atop the commercial chars. But U2 does that: break ground while drag- ging all types of mainstream listen- ers along with them. Zooropa, like its predecessor, Achtung Baby, is a challenging effort that takes some getting used to. If you don't believe that, consider the last track, "The Wanderer," featuring Johnny Cash on vocals... But like all great records, it gets better with each lis- ten, and before you know it the weird is the truly wonderful. Janet Jackson - Janet. (Virgin): Hot. From "Making Shadows" in the flickering candle- light to the pulsating ' I-hrob " Janet loses control and unleashes her steamy. sexual vocals through more than 75 minutes of driving dance - pop and breathy ballads, often prompted by suggestive intros. But more than business as usual, the revelations mark a turning point in the carefully conceived career of Michael's little sister, and Janet. will surely stand as a high point, both emotionally and musically. Jackson mixes in a little of every- thing, from hip-hop to Motown and opera, to liven her stylish R&B — as if her aroused vocals wouldn't do the trick alone. Together the two aspects add up to a solid album. The Waterboys - Dream Harder (MCA): '"Ihe New Life," the rocking opener on Waterboy Mike Scott's sixth album signals a number of things: One, Scott has returned to the style of his early, great albums, leaving behind the wonderful but clearly spent Celtic ramblings of the past several years; Two, he's still in fine form - it's one of his best songs ever; and three, his move to NYC has clearly inspired him with new sounds and energy. Mysticism and internal tur- moil still seem to be driving Scott, giving a familiar ring to much of the material here, but overall, it's new and improved. Pat Benatar - Gravity's Rainbow (Virgin): Cynics have consigned Benatar to rock's dinosaur graveyard, but I truly like the diminutive rocker's latest; but then I like her last album, True Love, a strictly blues effort that was commercially unsuccessful. Although the style on Rainbow is certainly a throwback to her early work, there are subtle attempts to update the music to modern stan- dards. making it sound fresh. —Michael Raginski OPEN Eatery SUN DAY Banquet Haus ID 10:00 A- M. YOU CAN EAT FOR AS LITTLE AS YOU CAN AT HOME Breakfast Special (Sat. & Sun.) $249 EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK TWO CAN DINE FOR 1 Z99 0im+w Choirs: FiMt o1Soto, B..f Lhrer, bind SMaki Snail, lna^ Spaonal, Fah i Chips, steak an a KaMat: PICKERING TOWN CENTRE, 839-2507 I Top 10 Movie Guide I , J ="."Ommwim mppm4wmbm I. A Few Good filen *** R Dranla Some Lot Norte �05—moirv-941 I lil 1 X( PG -13 I{►lurch Some Some X. j*j**3* S Turftll ** PG Some Nate None q. 7. The Game **** R Drama Much lots ItlJch I Amos 3 kdrew (new) ** PG13 Comedic Same Some None _ ... Presetsthis coupon with a minimum purchase of $2.50 and receive a FREE SUNDAE B with our compliments B • RMS tin before Offal valid valid only at B A011 • 1I Jul 3D -Aug. 9193 • Not valid in mnirrc9on t(slh 222 shyly St. PI FRIM Wnnmm we THE NEWS ADVERTISER FlUDAY, JULY 301,1193 -PAGE f At the movies... IN THE LINE OF FIRE (AA): Clint Eastwood stars as a maverick Secret Service agent who is pitted against an assassin (John Malkovich) who has sworn to kill the president. Cat -and -mouse thriller with plenty of action. Directed by Wolfgang Petersen. WEEKEND AT BERNIE'S If (PG): Bernie's back, and he's still dead. Bernie II picks up the story on the day after the original film ended. Having survived an outra- geous weekend escapade on Bampton Island with the late Bernie Lomax (Terry Kiser), junior insurance executives Larry Wilson (Andrew McCarthy) and Richard Parker (Jonathon Silverman) return to New York City where they find out they've been fired, and have the mob chasing them. FREE WILLY (F): A heart- warming family drama about a troubled young boy's touching friendship with an orca whale named Will,,, the star attraction at a local adventure park. After learning of the park's unfortunate plans for Willy, the boy (Jason James Richter) carries out a plan of his own in a race against time to return his friend to his natural habitat. SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE (P(;): Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan star in this romantic comedy that humorously looks at the notion of destiny. Widower Sam Baldwin (Hanks) believes in the magic of love, but just doesn't think it will happen to him twice in a lifetime. Annie Reed (Ryan), on the other hand, doesn't know what to believe — she only knows that she has developed an obsession about a man she has never met. THE FIRM (AA): "Tom Cruise stars as a young, hotshot lawyer who lands a dream job in Memphis shortly after graduating from Harvard. The law firm of Bendini. Lambert & Locke seems too goad to be true and sure enough the job turns into a nightmare when he finds out the company work,, for the mob. Also stars Gene Hackman. Based on John Grisham's bestselling novel of the same name. WHAT'S LOVE GOT TO DO WITH IT' (R): Angela Bassett is sensational in this bio-pic of living legend Anna Mae Bullock — oth- erwise known as Tina "turner. The movie looks at the singer's turbu- lent life beginning with her impov- erished "Tennessee childhood. through her marriage to Ike Turner (Larry Fishhurne) and on to her continuing fame today. TOM PETTY" TRIBUTE Vu3kl 4001V FEVER THIS SATURDAY I�lo� grow onytrees lan�sway Forest. The forest has • \ Sa ea oF,« opm No( ;0 woe 2 pen ;o 7 pa. always been free. �.- Sat . A sur, %0041 .0 5 prn. = r r.,um Fc CLOSED r„etilumn of frArure.lrxhr(l_•(416) 436-5161 hwiaou, & rao tortm homt, M �4 wnh c.uhrdr l cerhr�p. fmLul "1 h--------- 7_7__Z_;7_7 1t hi\ wlndUw%. ,pa huhrgKm And Harden nMrrn I.,Ic hem on full wrd it) h to rr h io(% ,urroundrns! a forrV w(MKII(N. t J to pnc ed from iva $ I iotNioNow 71e l wu a LM El -bm A.1.775 4 R ivo 1 of 7 (wroc n. Mr trate r ar. kwg—y Fw$1 K33” �� Bu now B ChooN your FREE option! IHu packages is is �� t111-9wini on treat free tool It► .. a ill. t u it ■ : *a- W _ See Kingswal Forest today! Choo` %our new homt•' ch00%e wur FREE uptiq I. THE SUMMER CONFORT PACKAGE A complete cea&W air conditioning system for sour neo home! J � 2.THE GREEN PACKAGE landscape shrubben and an interlocking stone aWksa%! 3. THE CONVENIENCE PACKAGE It d6llomber + cmual , %acuum + ek uk garage door opener! _I OSUWA Eawtine Agent: WS Realty W 430.3" f IFAMW —Ir WW, �05—moirv-941 Lr� OD Not all Items exactly as Illustrated MON,TUE... 9.6 PM WED,THU,FR1...9.9 PM SATURDAY ... 9.5 PM SUNDAY ... 12.5 PM CASH. VISA MASTERCARD THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1993 -PAGE 11 SUPER DEAL D C A "r • N N s BURGER FOR ALL OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Flame Broiled WHOPPER I�ltl�li{tR�F�1.11�N+� with the Wcahse of medium fries . . & medium drink when you RENT ANY 2 MOVIES OR GAMES r Q� Taxes & cheese rat kwkWed. Not valid with any other offer. Fake" location oMy. • wwl Vill A 11.Io1 iw" node VIDEO=== �� THE SUPER VIDEO STORE _ 1794 LIVERPOOL RD. 420-1991 831-88181822 WHITES RD. . '': 2 • , ..ti�•1 ! •.�•. � � .. a y w ��J •;,.. i . y - ...'.'el.l.1.l.. 1. �. L. .L.� � J.. R• ..! r . • • • • • • . � r PACE 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1993 THE BIG ONE FROM 47 4' Lai =r� MI BEAM CENTRAL VACUUMS TOWER ABOVF. MERE PORTABLES M DESIGNED BUILLT IN hl i rR 10 wE#1 AND R CONDps SMAONES MES NOWl"49.9 PA I GE #4SOlN nE SALE ONLY �R1G�s Pk oEFT Tp FACTORY OUTLET 27' < -Cstc-i Road. PICKS;RING Just west c` "vercoo! Rd. L E oto Felt NAMES FT. 4000 SQ' 5819 PACKAGE #3 � 1HE U, -T1MSSEM POWER S 140 mm 831.2326 831 -BEAM BUNK BEDS COMPLETE FREE DELIVERY --= FACTORY M f' Isss sa,i„ St., Piwmi., NOW OPEN SUNDAY e �P No DOUBLE BED rO0 20 YEAR VARR ANTY FREE LAYAWAY ATTRE 12:00pm-4:00Pm I _. 32 25 YEAR .; WARRANTY can, -4 EM11 HOURS MON-WED 10:00am-6:00pm THURS-FRI 10:00am-9:00pm SAT 10:30am-6:00pm 1993 HOCKEY ` EQUIPMENT & SKATES MANY IN -STOP BIKE Arriving daily , SPECIAL � • , FOR TH GREAT WHOLE SELECTION FAMILY & PRICES • Durham's Largest Bike and Accessories Store S °pEN MWA 571-561 C S[ 1K c a w THE CYCLE AYJ HOCKEY SPECIALISTS AYH PORT � S _ i PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1993 -t R oY /` yt r � t t • t t I• ' '' SPAS Watch for our "Aerial Banner" flown by Captain Dave Richter of "Bannergrams". Listen to our radio ad on 1480. 1250 and 1430 AM the Fan. NATIONAL SPA S, CONTINUES... The Home Shows are Over. Now's your chance to Buy Direct from the Royal Spa Factory at the first ever "NATIONAL SPA SALE" You've shopped all the Dealers at the Home Shows. Now compare their quotes with our Factory Prices. ONUS! All your Home Show quotes worth $100 off any Royal Spa purchase_ %,v_, RITZ MODEL OUR 01 SELLING .. INDOOR SPA. a - y ,,o,e ounge ry 7r 5 seats 58woe . 71' 3ng x 29` deet �uuaec oufnc hate• • ate• its s ozone adapte• w — 'oa— and a; -3•1e• base NOW $2 ONLY 597 OR ONLY 149./MONTH' hey ; 99`, ROYAL COACH MODEL . — - uitlma;e Deep ounging Boa `or tall people wit, 5 f eats 61 " wide x 84" long x I •' deep nc wCes pump heater finer rets & ozone adapter with k roam and all weatne, base N ow ' OILY $2! 727 #411, OR ONLY 152./MONTH- Reg 14 195 COTTAGE SPECIAL CLEAROUTS r We have a limited amount of clearouts. discontinued colours and factory seconds. Induces pump, treater finer d lets $1,888 1/2 A MILLION DOLLAR SELECTION - SEE 80 SPAS ON DISPLAY - TORONTO'S LARGEST SHOWROOM & FACTORY ROYAL BEACH 34 MODEL T7e industry s mos; cLrr,tortable spa that offers maximum hydro 1 . tneraput c pleasure nciwoes pump ',eatr• ',,ter & Gone adapter Como,ete'.a- package'o• al. +ea• use w+, a: *ea ­ e, base 02y $3,2_47 OR ONLY %2./MONTH' Reg 54.995 SPA & DECK SPECIAL O:t000' spa of your noise Y. a E x 14 ensure t'EateC wood del,xE de -k. Reg SE.S _. OR ONLY %./MONTH' ' Deck by Lanomarc Landscape Design YES 35% OFF Mft1XWrer's List YESWe make whirlpool baths. Luxury 5 foot bath ONLY GRAND OCTABEL MODEL TI -e perfect party and family spa Seats up to eight people. naudes pump neate• 'iter 8 ozone adapte' Complete !oaT package'or al, year use wrth air ; 1 weather base MW (Ky 247 • OR ONLY $62./MONTH' Reg. 14,995. "Why wooll par ka aar spa bw a kowl On pea coo #y•«r SP Tinct Ino tea �apal Spas factory road sars ow AM Lica I AM" COACHMAN MODEL This spa tits anywhere and everywhere. GREAT FOR CONDOS' 48" wide x 64" long x 23" deep ' Incluoes pump heater titter 8 iets mw my 1 898 OR ONLY "JO./MONTH' Reg. 13,595. ow Nsi►i� �a,s�736P9636 10% 10% kttarest SMkS Ave W z xso woRt:t� 0 z Furth y Ave W 101 I Billboard is a free feature for community events of a non-profit nature. To have your events pro- moted in Billboard, call us at 683- 5110 or write to the Ajax-Pk:kering News Advertiser, 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ontario, LIS 2H5. PHOTO CONTEST: Pickering Museum Village hosts a photogra- Phy contest Sat. July 31, Sun . Aug. 1 and Mon.. Aug 2 from I I a.m. to 5 p m daily Open to amateurs, stu- dents, camera club members and professional photographers Prizes in various categories. 683-8401 (Lynn Winterstein), 839-1734 (Mary Cook) COMING UP OVEREATERS: Overeaters Anony- mous nods weekly support group meetings Monday at 7 30 p.m at St Phillip's Catholic Church, Oxford and Dwight Sts.. Oshawa. The next meeting is Mon., Aug. 2. Meetings are also held Tuesdays at 8 p m at North Minister United Church, Oshawa. 427-1176) or 579-5288 TUESDAY, AUG. 3 AIDS DURHAM: The AIDS Com- mittee (Durham) will hold a fund- raising 'all you can eat' spaghetti dinner Tues.. Aug. 3. 6 p.m., at the Moose Lodge, 731 Wilson Rd S . Oshawa. Tickets are $5 (children under 12 free) and are available at the door or at the AIDS Committee (Durham) office, 78 Simcoe St N, Oshawa 723-8201. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 4 REFORM: Ontario Riding Reform Party candidate Don Sullivan holds a public information meeting Wed. Aug 4 at 7 30 p m at Anna -dale Golf & Country Club, Church St S. at Bayly St. Ajax. The topics Demo- cratic and Fiscal Reform — See how the Reform Party can Balance -he Budget in Three Years. 686-0278 MUSEUM -- PHOTO CONTEST - HOST: Pickering Museum Village (Hwy. 7' 3 km E. of Brock Rd.) CATEGORIES: Amateur, Student, Camera Club Member, Professional Photographers. PHOTO DATES SATURDAY SUNDAY JULY 31 st AUGUST 1 st j1 or MONDAY AUGUST 2nd, 1993 JUDGING 1. Photos identify the Museum 2. Photos convey a warm inviting feeling toward the Museum Village 3. Photos show good artistic and technical abilities DEADLINE Unframed, Unmounted 8x10" or 8x12" prints by Sept. 15/93 at 4:00 p.m. For more Information please phone 683-8401 or 420-4620 Town of Pickering �v Department of 'R Community Services &Facilities G 3 � FALL 1993 REGISTRATIONS 101 Anniversary Rec Complex Memberships * Health Club, Squash, Tennis, Racquetball * Fit Appraisals, Fitness Classes, Passports * Recreational Swim, Learn to Swim, Family Swim Pass - Preschool, Children's, Youth, Sport & Leisure ' Adult Leisure, Sports and Special Interest *Older Adults Program & Special Events Arenas, Public Skating, Hall Rentals BiiOCNIJRE DEUVEEiY BY IUIIL TO P .AVC"R G RESDENTS A* 25, 26, 27, 28/93 For membership discounts or program information please call our friendly staff 1.420-4621 or 683-2760 Your calendar of caning events SENIORS' LUNCHEON: An awards luncheon for the recent Durham Seniors" games will be held Wed., Aug. 4 at noon at the Ajax Commu- nity Centre. Centennial Rd. Seniors 55 and older welcome Tickets S5 at local seniors' centres or call Joe at 839-5293. BABYSITTING: St John Ambu- lance will hold a babysitting course for youths ages 1 1 to 14 Wed , Aug. 4 from 9 am to 5 p m at its training centre, Harwood Place Mall. Ajax. All aspects of child care covered. Registration $25 686-3457 SUNDAY, AUG. 8 THESPIANS SOUGHT: 'heatre Durham holds a read-tn,ough for the upcoming play Harvey on Sun., Aug. 8. 1:30 to 4:30 p m at the Pick- ering Recreation Comp4ex, 1867 Valley Farm Rd Auditors wiJ be held for people aged 18 and over Aug 12, 7:30 to 9 30 p.m , and Aug. 15, 1:30 to 4:30 p m 839-4324 (3411) or Garvin (432-3946) THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JULY 31k IMPAGE IS TAKE A WATERSLIDE BREATHER! ,., $59.00 per room, plus applicable taxes #., FREE Continental Breakfast for the Family when you present this ad! THE ROYAL CONNAUGHT HOTEL 112 King Street East Hamilton. Ontario 1-800-263-8558 Take a Breather in ONTMJO' LOOKING FOR A BETTER C U-Ati-11TV OF UFE? AND A BETTER Then take a short drive to the countryside of Courtice and see Highland Gardens by xr-mmminger. Where a simpler, safer way of life is a reality and you can feel part of a neighbourhood you'll be proud to call home. The 1nverng%%.,'.c 3 Bedrooms, Cathedral Ceilings For $169,900 IN COURT CE EXCIUSNf 10 YEAR WARRANTY ,�16Will& 4all , ° Imw Veit Our Sales Oboe Th s V"oend From Noon 1 d Sac 2d 4 George Reynolds Dti e. Olher Tres By AW(**nerllt Exclusive Ageng 576=2548 Ristow & Flemin Limited. Reoffor LAKE ONTARIO n 1XI 10SH BOAC EET LAKE ONTARIO PA 1 Urviw- m in= m FR0�1 IL1 �_ 'i a � arietr°` ultes featuring wih SQacious s views. Colonial d°�urmet br�thtaking ss ,bright distinctive bA man with nide bal�nies �gEDR�VISC►TE WIP Gslulduded '0� . CK�R v\wtv"DY, er of the es a nieu►b s, ,ch resident Noou� exercise room • ub, whers eX svviminiug Beach Cl ms, indoo punas, Par" is curt QO4 l and ten cku. EI�roRN.�►no. kitchens an location . Fabulous �ia`x' eke r on the shore of o minutes tr°n' tarsff t 427-70ou OFFICE HOl R. . Non' SMn 8► OD sand Wil. ;WWF te,nc IMCthe 4 n d�Ne Sates ad VA 6V 1M� E 6 OE oo ard �,�,ans suoted 'JUL � -- W t 0 cr idol �OFACE �. L Win an airline ticket at Picovs AJAX - A day at the races could land you in Florida, South with trips for two being awarded to jockeys and trainers. In the cial, the winning jockey and trainer in each race will get tick - America or Hawaii. Sunday, Aug. I is American American Eagle Stake, the jock- eys and trainers of the first three ets. Racing begins at Picov each Airlines Day at Picov Downs finishers will get airline tickets. Sunday at 1:30 p.m. and there are quarter -horse race track on Hwy. 2 and a draw will be held for two The stake will feature the eight fastest horses to run at Picov a minimum of six races run each week. airline tickets to anywhere the airline flies. Downs during this racing season. Admission is 52.50 per per - Also, three races will be held In the American Eagle Maturi- ty and the American Eagle Spe- son. Picov Downs is on Hwy. 2, Gilpin the kingpin as seniorcast oo Ha- A°Jax. f Aver, Warriors capture Barnes Cup with the Warriors pressing and getting sev- eral good scoring opportunities. Valentim made a beautiful pass to Gilpin, who tucked the ball past the rush- ing Adna goalie to extend Ajax's lead to 3- 0 at the 20 -minute mark of the second half. Adria got a consolation goal 10 minutes later when Warriors keeper Adam Wood misplayed a cross and an Adria forward headed it home. With Adria pressing — hitting the crossbar and the post — Ajax broke out and Roger Buckley closed out the scoring by booting in a rebound from the Adria keeper. Most Valuable Player of the game was Gilpin, with two goals and two assists. ,.j r- ARINANDALE' 1413 SQ. FT. Elev. B Was S188,900 $ 183900 M Prra.. .H /wrrnr.lr�+A.+rr /wdr •rr.rw. rrrA ldp4r.. rr....//r A.M,_u A.da..,_k _d—Aa,i— p§` �.�. •�,-. -t . 2142 SQ. FT. Ekv. A Was $215, 9W $21090' -M&W Z* r Af a* aaaiw. 4 .edrnow, .rrd rrrcA 2522 SQ. FT. Ekv. B Was $221,900 $'w216900 ArY- cb....r. />i•� lA..�r Mt Mr;� I1..1/. i;11 . MIM k>ya .�r M N11 IY► a.d y/IMf lA1IlI A 14 aurin. .yjTM 2142 THE NEWS ADVEWMER FRIDAY, JULY 31, H93 -PAGE 17 WER a MUNI AT 1/2 TME REAL TW BRE" KO SOP 1211 Kk"on ae. (Am we d L*erpw 07.1818 aekMna Skaters glide to medals r1k_thx11v(i - 1 wo members of the Pickering Figure Skating Club turned in medal -winning per- formances at the recent Skate Nia- gara competition. Jennifer Moss won the gold for placing first in the senior solo dance, while Nausheen Bashir was third and picked up the bronze in the junior bronze freeskate. At a test day on July 23, four club skaters passed. Jaimie Bisaillon passed , i Al . RAVINE - RAVINE - RAVINE STUNNING EXECUTr,E HI -YE 4 BED FAM RM LIBRARY' NCREDIBLE W!O BSMT' PRIVATE MATURE RAVINE' *LUXURIOUS MSTR ENSUITE 'ALL THE BELLS 3 WHISTLES MUST BE SEEN' LOIS WILLIS Assoc�a'e B,�-e, 297-1555 her blues in the senior silver dance, while Asheefa Sarangi passed her foxtrot in the junior silver dance. Amanda Gilroy passed her swing junior bronze dance, while Nausheen Bashir passed her third figure turns. While the skaters are Pickering club members, they're spending the summer at the Three Seasons Skat- ing School in Thornhill. OPEN HOUSE iL SUN_ AUG. 1, 2.4 P.M. 20 CHARLES ST. FABULOUS CENTURY HOME IN BROOKLYN This Dea..t'.r y esto e -ore -as --e ar^ 3 ofiaraCer :hat w not 5e repr"x ucee - ~ s the rea thirg. situated or a pitturesUue treed got, with a separate macM house - A T.,V to see. Now at 5248.900. CALL RF/A4W RON CRAMM OR FIRST �� ,lAYS�N � ULAR AJAX - The Ajax Warriors senior . , men's soccer team won the John Barnes Cup Sunday with a 4-1 victory over Adria at Oshawa Civic Fields. Warriors emerged as the best of I 1 Motor City Soccer League teams compet- ing for the cup by drubbing the squad they tied in two previous match -ups. Ajax took the play to Adria soon after r the opening kick-off. David Gilpin scored at the seven -minute mark of the first half when John Soler set him up from the left side to give the Warriors an early lead. Steve Valentim put Ajax up 2-0 after picking up a rebound off the Adria keeper and volleying the ball home. The second half started the same way, with the Warriors pressing and getting sev- eral good scoring opportunities. Valentim made a beautiful pass to Gilpin, who tucked the ball past the rush- ing Adna goalie to extend Ajax's lead to 3- 0 at the 20 -minute mark of the second half. Adria got a consolation goal 10 minutes later when Warriors keeper Adam Wood misplayed a cross and an Adria forward headed it home. With Adria pressing — hitting the crossbar and the post — Ajax broke out and Roger Buckley closed out the scoring by booting in a rebound from the Adria keeper. Most Valuable Player of the game was Gilpin, with two goals and two assists. ,.j r- ARINANDALE' 1413 SQ. FT. Elev. B Was S188,900 $ 183900 M Prra.. .H /wrrnr.lr�+A.+rr /wdr •rr.rw. rrrA ldp4r.. rr....//r A.M,_u A.da..,_k _d—Aa,i— p§` �.�. •�,-. -t . 2142 SQ. FT. Ekv. A Was $215, 9W $21090' -M&W Z* r Af a* aaaiw. 4 .edrnow, .rrd rrrcA 2522 SQ. FT. Ekv. B Was $221,900 $'w216900 ArY- cb....r. />i•� lA..�r Mt Mr;� I1..1/. i;11 . MIM k>ya .�r M N11 IY► a.d y/IMf lA1IlI A 14 aurin. .yjTM 2142 THE NEWS ADVEWMER FRIDAY, JULY 31, H93 -PAGE 17 WER a MUNI AT 1/2 TME REAL TW BRE" KO SOP 1211 Kk"on ae. (Am we d L*erpw 07.1818 aekMna Skaters glide to medals r1k_thx11v(i - 1 wo members of the Pickering Figure Skating Club turned in medal -winning per- formances at the recent Skate Nia- gara competition. Jennifer Moss won the gold for placing first in the senior solo dance, while Nausheen Bashir was third and picked up the bronze in the junior bronze freeskate. At a test day on July 23, four club skaters passed. Jaimie Bisaillon passed , i Al . RAVINE - RAVINE - RAVINE STUNNING EXECUTr,E HI -YE 4 BED FAM RM LIBRARY' NCREDIBLE W!O BSMT' PRIVATE MATURE RAVINE' *LUXURIOUS MSTR ENSUITE 'ALL THE BELLS 3 WHISTLES MUST BE SEEN' LOIS WILLIS Assoc�a'e B,�-e, 297-1555 her blues in the senior silver dance, while Asheefa Sarangi passed her foxtrot in the junior silver dance. Amanda Gilroy passed her swing junior bronze dance, while Nausheen Bashir passed her third figure turns. While the skaters are Pickering club members, they're spending the summer at the Three Seasons Skat- ing School in Thornhill. OPEN HOUSE iL SUN_ AUG. 1, 2.4 P.M. 20 CHARLES ST. FABULOUS CENTURY HOME IN BROOKLYN This Dea..t'.r y esto e -ore -as --e ar^ 3 ofiaraCer :hat w not 5e repr"x ucee - ~ s the rea thirg. situated or a pitturesUue treed got, with a separate macM house - A T.,V to see. Now at 5248.900. CALL RF/A4W RON CRAMM OR FIRST �� ,lAYS�N � ULAR Ouantity Means Ouatity -advertise both Oshawa -Whitby This Wee( (576-9335) and Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser (798-7672) Combined Pressrun of 103,000 every Friday o c�r� • • Thi 49335 ........... .......... .......... `57 .6683-5110 683 7363 ® IL 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax - Open: Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Friday till 6:00 p.m. Q General Help 110 General Help 110 General Help 110 General HelpSales Help' -- 10 General Help 30 Agents 135 Skilled Help 135 Skilled Help CONTRACT TEMPORARY COOK Qualified temporary cook required for residential facility. Good baking skills essential. Interpersonal skills a must.. CONTRACT MAINTENANCE WORKER Must be a self-starter. Knowledge of all aspects of maintenance. Able to drive a medium sized tractor. DRIVER'MAINTENANCE WORKER Must be a mature. responsible Individual to escort residents to various appointments. Excellent driving record essential. In addition. good maintenance aptitude CALL 686-4472 FOR APPOINTMENT. ..A :s celeDratlnc 112 vears of expenence Currently casting for 13 productions in film and TV including TEK Wars with William Shatner plus commercials, voice overs, mag ads, music videos. etc ALL TYPES NEEDED, Guaranteed work. no courses or exp necessary. Over 5.500 paid assignments Iasi year Make money nowt Call 404-0277. 10 a.m. - 6 o m for interview MASSEY'S RESTAURANT Now hiring servers. Apply in person Ti 4 Liverpool Rd. S. WANTED Sewing Machine Operator With own Industrial Serging Machine Call Dennis 428-9459 SUBWAY SANDWICHES i SALADS S 'ON hung for SeDt Full-time night posrior 3 part-time day Apply In person before 6 p.m 465 Bayty St. (At Westney Rd.) Now hiring for Fish i Chip Restaurant. Experience preferred. Should be seM - motivated. Applications being accepted at 15 Westney Rd. K at Hwy. 2 on Tuesday, August 3 EARN 1453 •6vvw-v asse- EXPERIENCED via see• ane - -- -.--- -.... -----Ez bong YgM prcouas bon- hone .-a,i teehn.aan re°err•d •orw TC 1631-479• relsr•nc• 780. 24 hr AtMraoss r tfe OC. ask tpr.-b•o C -'s: -•as a'cLOrenzO clothes. Call 434-6495. used. $200; Ka wee vacuum. and installation. 130 yards". x50. Bbl, 888611160. (080493) Steve. (416) 287-5072. (TF) 'NS est 66 CAKaPNaB FURNITURE. -233500 (C73093' v Cec�,a:ans yea- TOROMTO Star has seere tiEOl111iEDinv*roarey-perCanada W MO-� Wonaa4abr Formoreopenm9s for te>epnon• can- •rs m tM Oahawa Bar- wr to handle a, xr.espon. a Solt -addressed marine atel kdlva0uaaa willlewphone. on Word P•rrsc. answer n.oloo* id -h► Poor. the ir'wcy a MW owr• me a ver .rt' a dyer Cnnstmas - 1xm t PaysOnCo'""y""rpny„d duss=r,%Xg rane manual. oo 750 exr 22. basis Experience not a r•sur*s Io t -at SSMI. P 0_ c K t P IUi n e c e s s, t y. For 1 u "T h •' Box 48•. Oshawa. Ont _•w 7L5. (060293) UCE NSED boty Dereor warted r -to mMon. call 72&2342 air wopio M►67x•4767.� momm A selieW d7i•597R 655.5574. 06049c>) Pitinrkg, 421114M23. ( for busy bdttuon chop Can 579. V Mr Manna I DEMONSTRATORS needed tar 4000 (080393) ADULT carers nse0•C to. wrapr stomas per. enng,e Sc$ TELEPHONE Operstoewcus- M�w� F & k l area. sSOC-loo w..k�y 5 0 0- 7 0 0 weekly tomer aernce. exdellerx E SurL •T Ow- Vehicleverfabis owmarwr •,,I, rx-s mkf. hourly rosy. Caf Carla 68351 • Oe0a93 Cas 4 6-89' -7534 ;'cin vrec, shraa East Scarbo28 � M. ((0 ) For Sale - Fa■ ••sum• to 2B -8922 21 0 Flea Market 220 Articles For Saie 220 - Articles 330 Trailers paint (white), excellent For Sale SOFA CHESTERFIELD ane Condition. arcing $255. Cat 6864444. (080093) 305 SIR Wanted cnair, good COnd R.pr, ask mg 5200 Cali 6835048 x080193 FROST tree fudge and stove. harvest gold. good cononcr $425. Cali 427 5791 roeo493) 5000 be Nvoi ood. 2:300 o D.o. Delivery arartabie. Call 472. 4234 mwlg9) 220 Articles For Sale 1rORY sot& bveeea and Ca Us table, riga prntm exoer• dent condition- Cas cher 6 p.m. vstokdaye 224-0610. (060493) AJ" Px*o ng Appliances - no reasallibla oiler, refused. fairly guaranteed. Reconditioned appkw=*. Come mals us a deal 427-6764. 467 Wmtney Rd. S. Alex. (TF) FRIDGE. stow. washer and dryer. $250 o.b.o. Brunswick pool table with at accassorm, 5300. Aisw ping pong WA*. 1150. Cat 837-0556.(072492) WASHERS Dryers. Fridges Ttovts -Yew and reconditioned. SM and up for reconditioned washers. $175 and up to recon- ditioned dryers. $175 and up for reconditioned fridges and Stoves. Also coin operated washer and dryers WILLIAM PEAK CO-OPERATIVE HOMES INC. 1990 WHITES ROAD PICKERING.ONTARIO, LIV 6P5 MAINTENANCE PERSON REQL-IRED MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE WITH MAKE-1'PAIR SYSTEM FIRE ALARM/SPRINKLER SYSTEM PLUMBING. PAINTING DRYWALL INSTALLATION GENERAL CLEANING REQ1-IRED ABILITY TO WORK WITH MINIMUM SUPERVISION ABILITY TO WORK WITH PEOPLE. PLEASE SUBMIT RESL'%IE WITH THREE WRITTEN REFERENCES BY MAIL OR FAX TO (316) 837-2922 DEADLINE FOR ACCEPTANCE AL'GL"ST 6TH. 1993 ONL1t' APPLICATIONS GRANTED INTERVIEW WILL RECEIVE ANSWER Eam Extra Money Full Part -Time people required to pronncte a unique discount travel pian Cal K D K Marketing (416) 723-6986 t20"SM WEEKLY Asw-tore pr0ows a 'some Easy' No Setting You re pad dreg. Fully guarantee(: NO 80erlenoe recessary Call' -5G4-64' 778 Ext 1 D 24 firs 7579-ZM_ US YOUR AD 220 Articles For Sale k�� r 1 W �� C r \J • as seen at the Cottage Show 8 FOOT MOULDED PLASTIC FLOATS - READY TO BUILD CALL FOR YOUR FREE LITERATURE 120 Office Help BRIGHT •err,y ^a•_,e avduai needed for on we grtt loss eren spa E xpM tWC ar asset but nota muV Car 420-8906 ask for Roxanne (09C 193) FREE WEEK Join now, no charge, no inventory to buy. Free training, terrific discounts. Also free gift for 1 week only. InI, leaett Yo■, Call: Mrs. C. Lord 416-619-1574 150 Hosp. Medical Dental DENTAL asswant tc wort one matt- starting August 23 PCk- enng Office. &19-083- (073393) 1 60 Day Care V Wanted REOUIRED to begs ^vC A„ry�sr er engetc outgoing nanny for month th old. Iry-out a pos- sble iw•-mn . Shwork mostly atcernoons and evenings m Rererences a must. 639-6761. ;080493) BABYSITTER rsqurreQ in my ^one. DawGienanna area For air wean Oay •r>oth mrngs tro73D- n • ' a m _ Ong term convrrttrrnt Call 831 %Q (060493) CLASS "A" LICENSED MECHANIC Required for largest Dodge dealership in Durham Region. Must have own tools. Apply to: Robert Bennett or Don Will Jr. ANNANDALE DODGE ChurchiBayly St., Pickering 683-5722 All inquiries will be kept strictly confidential Large Local GM Dealership requires LICENSED TECHNICIAN With at ieast 5 years GM experience in general mechanical. Send resume to: FILE #6085 Oshawa Tnis Week P.O. Box 481 Oshawa, Ontario L1 H 71_5 I4A111fY r•owr•C fa Sevt "y" NEED 3C Crass AZ vers c tery 3 years •xaereno•. FAX US YOUR AD in a out. Prtlt•nng Village area. ; C.C.-eo•cal Cas 7259324. IF you we Mngw or a son" Cat 427-3967 '080193) (pep3931 579-22U oarsint or separated a Svat _ w :- Thr.e yea's wd•K Day Care 250 Garai eYard 250 Garai eNard "mere"°' stn ce Quality yo, nor 165 Available g Sales g Sales 'nancrat assistance a r yo,, an over 45 and have racenty beer Laid ort. you may qualify tar trarn- ,ng ass stance. DIP.CERT. Lotus. Wozeeenx. D -base. wo,d. accoac, badlord. aLAorad V•raura, Pagemaker. Harvard. Corel. Computer Programming and Systems Analyst. Copp. Pascal and C. Macintosh- Clark Expressm s , and Illustrator. Durha Busines Computer Coiwge. 427-3010 (TF) 280 Lost 8 Found FOUND a -a b,acit car. Genanna Rd S. Pxyrenng on July • 6 Cas 831-0486 1,-73M) 290 Pets -Supplies- -Boarding TEAM OBF=3,E%CE - nor, clas- aes (puppy and novice) starting Aug 7.. 19.. and 301h. Evening and Saturday crises available Smarr cusses gwrante•C. Can 430-0025 (0805931 DONT throw your clog waste cmo landfill saes. use tie new, Doggy Dooiey Ingrouno Dog Waste Septic System NOW AVAILABLE DOGGIE DOO SHOVEL 723-5413 Or 434-6762. San+ - %-. dart'. (TF) 300 Automobiles For Sale 192 Grand Marquis LS, cran- berry with rather interior, fully IotdSd, at options. ax suspen- sion trailer package. 50,000 Iwo. 117.000. 434-8215 or 263- all". 63all". (072993) 1691 Bonneville SSE, fully loaded, lots Of artras, low kms.. balance of warranty. Mint condition. 4361546. (060393) 191 Hyundai Accord ExR. fully Stephenson's Furniture and Appliances, 227 Court St., aAiUt walnut din r loaded, previously owned by n9 room set. AUTOMATIC heavy duty CARPET - I haw several 1000 Toronto Blue Jay. While, buffet and ham50 . $6. Call 726- wash wi&W, $650 Krolsr d Oshawa. 5716 7446. (TFALL) to; yards now &Ssi SSW and automatic, 4 door, excellent 8352. M0039M awival rocker, gold, 175; 100% nylon , i; - I,1 Cali; condition. Am/fm cassette. FOR "ft. porltly used strodrs, WANTED - gently worn tell and Bertvlo, rocker. $50; queen your living room and half for $1500, Call Mark 430-8766 or Lseam. prams, highchtass, wirer childrtn's and rtaerrry size bed chesterfield. never $360. Price inckidss calpot, pad (ism manage). (0B0593) children's clothes, sizes now born to 16 and maternity clothes. Call 434-6495. used. $200; Ka wee vacuum. and installation. 130 yards". x50. Bbl, 888611160. (080493) Steve. (416) 287-5072. (TF) 'NS est 66 CAKaPNaB FURNITURE. clothes. Call 434-6495. Why cylirider. fullyI oadll u. pay retail prices? One of UPRIGHT piano, excellent Aitl(:lQs and exhaust, 90,000 kms., vary (061093) Ontario's oldest and Iarg"I °0n�ion. Saffk*. $2500. ob o. 234 dean. certified, 56,895 o.b.o. manufacturers is now selling Call 432-6647. (073093) Wanted 1988 Chev Sia oak pedestal table. 4 t tuft, $760: pine burn t, hutch, 68- wide. $975'4r wide. $750. lull size pick-up, drtd to the public. Eg. Vomit PATIO doom (brand new), 5- -0. t o . power brakes a n d table with QIW ext and 4 Windsor $399; 6' $499; S. f599. Brown a WANTED - stoves, fridges. Woring. arMm 4 now ball loins; Gartlan Nbod Produce, CuMlan and �' wortcirp or and exhaust. No rust. Bran. Maim, $799 - 8' oak double white. Cat 416-433-'1739 be- Built Furniture. 427.3142. no. A P@dtstr dw ext and 6 chars• tlaeenn noon and 8 rtL AYo ' Pickup 'n" candied. $6500 o.b.o. 1964 $1429 Cannortb 11 bads, SM. p' �) (newer than 1976). Call Buick centuryLimited, 4 (fid door, 6 Over 2D scan lit."- . d1 Solid EVANA Top Sod - Sao~ and Pia WN. 420.6633. (TFALL) ryMtdar, au rn., fury k door,6 cylinder.r c sdod. PIANOS/GRANDFATHER tdodls - Pinnas rent a own. apt. no veneers - Traditional shtredded.Trplemu. bridksaw, ' very nicro rust Woodworking, 416-965-8774. used railroad rias. Also cede o bo. certified. Nets Auto Salts, size. upright. grand. digital. (TF) and other -Yore alodk - 280 Lost b Found 4200764 or 432.7531. (060393) keyboards. CLOCKS - free delivery and set up. Call Tel p able at discount prose. FOR sale - 26- Electrohome Mores. Cat 430-4733 0►� 197 Chev, Sprint, auto. radio. and low a*w"ge of civ► low colour Tv, floor modM. very trigs 426.2670. Ioe06931 LOST - Boy* mountain bills. CeMitd, on' I t college stw prlae an all Stock a" prions always 4331491. (TFALL) goo cooditiorL. $=11. suit" bks with while dor. Muskoka dent car. Positively now lo► lad 1001rt or co$NW Phone FREE two snowmobiles rr1tqq Gerlisus. Reward. 666.7650 or condition. $2666. Brody Auo 0 0 9 4 • . • • wopio M►67x•4767.� momm A selieW d7i•597R 655.5574. 06049c>) Pitinrkg, 421114M23. ( "THE" GARAGE SALE 8 Barbour Cres. (SE Ajax) Sat., July 31, 9 a.m. Raindate Sunday Camping gear, microwave, retail fixtures, toys. GARAGE SALE SAT., JULY 31ST 31 PEMBRY DR ROCK BOTTOM PRICES 9 A.M. - 2 P.M. MULTI -FAMILY GARAGE SALE SAT., JULY 31, 8-2 1980, 82, 84 BOWLER DR. FINCH W. OF LIVERPOOL GARAGE SALE MOTHER available for daycare. SAT., JULY 31, 9 A.M. - 4 P.M. non smoker, clean happy 51 'TER CRIES, AJAX tronron O" dairy °"`rugs war parks close ny. Flnsrled base- Household items, sports cards, ment with walkout to fenced video records. yard. Receipts given, south Alax. 427-6051. (060193) EXPERIENCED daycare avail- YARD SALE able in my fans. fended yard. SAT, JULY 31, 9.4 Poll. non smoking, lots of TLC. TAUNTON, wast Of C1ltx* Ajax Frtluim, W►weNOklahorm just south d Hwy 02/401. 631-1605' �rden urns, �•� (0A0/9M exercise equipment. DAYCARE in my, lone. mother-- of am will provide daycare in my home. Rowland 340 Automobiles Vans, 4 Wheel 320 and wii. area. I For Sale Drives an trained in Fiat Aid and C.P.R. For restorable rales CON 7218561. (080493) 1119 Fa00 Ford Galaxy 5, hard top. 53000 o.b.o. Call 576-6969. 197 Voyageur Van, V6. good condition. $3800 o.b.o. 200 300 automobiles LEASE lo duan vehicles, 1960- 1965. x345 down, no interest, no � M. ((0 ) For Sale QedR daedks, 725,988 a 666 & 197 Caprice, on propane. now 7428 a 1186-3775. (TF) 330 Trailers paint (white), excellent Automobiles Condition. arcing $255. Cat 6864444. (080093) 305 SIR Wanted 1976 Coleman hardtop tent trailer, 6. 3 bumar stove. 1 9un 7 Sbrd, power stewing, Power brakes. 4 door. $2000 FAST CASH - FREETOME isle" tr 9• and sink, excellent Condition. $1250 ob.o. Call 839- o.b.o. Call 571-0381 leave D&B Towing Offers top am. (09012MIrm"ge- M90593) doWs for y" $Crap cam CITATION - 35 K Twin Tpour. 199 Century. Buick Ceury. excellent or trucks. AM caM for two bedrooms, full bathroom, condition, air con., power windows. loaded. now tires, will drivable vehicles. 7 many Ards. $11,000. To vim, CIA Paul after 6 p m. 416724- Brite, $3500. Cat 72546453. dy$�L 34a73e4 4362. (TF) MIX1593) UONEL hardtop trailer, 3 way, 1985 Dodge Charger 2.2, automatic, ps., pb., good TrUCks For 1 tom• sem• auto furnace, port. a -pati and extras. Excellent condition, ask' Dave cat Dave ar 427 8388. leave ntss- Sale condition. Asking 12500. For fur - tier Information, cat 639.5258. "go a 420.8535. (080390) 1111111112 Toyota INS GMC 304 Ion pidwp, red, Tonneau cover chronr (0804931 Tercal good nxI nloG 37 ties, Mc. Asking 13900. Cat 365 Marine condition, $I OW o.b.o. Cat 8835117, 9-7 p.m. (073090) Tony 4355236. (060600) CARS for sW - ceniffed or uncortiflod. 197 pick, Fond Ranger piwith pip. re 11 "I' value $1650 and a 1888 Peterboro 17 1/2 ft. liowafdw. 130 I.O. MWC. engirt`, $1000-$1500. Toyotas. Nissans. Chwy's. Dodges. 195 Gate cr M while van, ew, wMSelt vara $4026. m mile an wd and when. Cuwpn taller, wft Mom0 so. raft, e■oeNs,t Call 72$-0617. aft. Calf 676.1to& Mod" W50DDAw 6 pnt =. 340 Auto a"s a 400 Apartments rt Rent Repairs Cars Painted $S0.00 plus materials 683-2977 Apartments 400 For Rent 410 HOI� FOr Rein LUXURY SLATES AT THE LAKE • Superior 2-bdrm. suft s; • Lake views still available • Balconies • 5 appliances • En suite laundry • z batn6 OSHAWA - 3 bedroom two Moray. good bastion, kiahen, living, dining, good looking home. Complete basement, redecoraled reaemfy, available Aug. 1. Alto centrally located basinful bachelor apartment. wood stove, excellent d 470 to* RVy GREAT fishing and family holiday) Low family prices. Modern cottages. Pickerel, muskey. amen and Inge mouth bass, pan fish. 1800 ft. Walarfnont. Level grounds, rec hall. children's program, sandy beach. Boat and motor rentals. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JULY 30, IM -PAGE 19 Business Nome Home Services Improvements Improvements c.b.o. Call 428.6477. (080193) SAILBOAT 23 h. Paceship, PY23 vith I OHP sler Chryo.b. $8500. Excellent condition, phone 436-8854 after 6 p.m. 400 Apartments For Rent AJAX Spacious modern 1 bdrm. basement apt., sep. entrance, dose to amenlbes. $600 plus. Call 427-1416 or 'ONE MONTH'S FREE RENT 77 &33 FALBY COURT Two bedroom apartments in family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and underground parking included. $743.00. 686-0845 weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 P.M. e Limited time offer or Brent. Community FInarhd- I ley (416) 299-9159. (073) I, -. master ensuite) 'Individual en suite heatjng/aircondjtloron ecoratlon. For more Information, call Steve 576- One hour from Oshawa Sun- nymead Cottages. R.R.a3 ILLUSTRATION• cartooning, Ajax - spacious 3 bedroom two storey. and y coney •9Dalrs. Works Fill -son Dr units • Underground parking g 6999' (081 ) Hasta^9s• - ICOL Ivo. t-705 696-2601. praphic design, adwrtroin9. Bu.iness or psraonar. Reasonable able Sept. 1. Call Judy 284-8886 Condo. close to ramous Clear- water leach. pool, )scum. BBO 365 Marine or 466-2317. (090593) --- -- • On-site OSHAWA - four bedroom (081993) rafts. Also lessors available. Randy Timme, tennis. boating. fishing. Pool. Single, close to Person. $525 Der month. bus and shopping. utilities • On-site maintenance maintenance •xeeutivs. targe yard, four Iasi 668-8196 or 665 3 2t evenings (060593) (416) 342-2279 - l :PVWALL. taping, boardwg, • Parking included appliances, available Sep' I. References. first lag. 5 Resorts (TF) WORD Process '-oar ceilngs. spray cco. Diaster r*ca rs For Const Peterborough 250 Constellation non Perry Marina, "s 5970.00 t0 1 570 p ; , PER MONTH and 51050 plus utilities. Call 428.8070 house. •vso baths. woods rove. . excellent turn around time. Thesis, In water, 230 OMC Cobra - - y ^ o . a r ons All woe + PLEASE CALL belore 9 p.m. (080393) MUSKOKA waterfront, 7 x 1 and resumes. essays. proposals. head, trim taps, stereo, S (AJAX) (TORONTO] __ NO down payment? Good cottages business letters. Competitive r«or two locations: microwave, fridge. sink, depth mater. {pare Prop.. many extras. I «� r9c hall, Dnval� aka good shopping. r side. g� 427-0363 OR 861-1000 credit? Good orb? You ran buy for the price of rem. wnfie prices $230bedroomweekly. beach sea swimming Sandy fishing 9 9 g' convenw" Durham Durham Region, Lar 416 ion. Larry ( ) Excellent condition. $22,900. AJAX South - clean three $45:, month) or yCanadianfunos and Fades are down Call pp boat and motor rental. Few 83 or g Shire c.b.o. Call 428.6477. (080193) SAILBOAT 23 h. Paceship, PY23 vith I OHP sler Chryo.b. $8500. Excellent condition, phone 436-8854 after 6 p.m. 400 Apartments For Rent AJAX Spacious modern 1 bdrm. basement apt., sep. entrance, dose to amenlbes. $600 plus. Call 427-1416 or 'ONE MONTH'S FREE RENT 77 &33 FALBY COURT Two bedroom apartments in family building. Air conditioning, broadloom, 2 appliances, laundry facilities and underground parking included. $743.00. 686-0845 weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 P.M. e Limited time offer or Brent. Community FInarhd- vacancies.Ca689 Call 705 2874. ley (416) 299-9159. (073) 669.68M. (TF) 490 Florida Dressmaking ' SOUTH Ajax - spacious 3 bedroom two storey. and y coney •9Dalrs. Works Fill -son Dr Tailoring eat -in- kitchen, garage. large yard. share laundry. $950 . 2/3. Avail- GORGEOUS threere`dtlo o JUST moved to Whitby - prof96- s'o^al European able Sept. 1. Call Judy 284-8886 Condo. close to ramous Clear- water leach. pool, )scum. BBO dressrriall des g n e r. Many years Of or 466-2317. (090593) --- -- and Private yard Available now. ondexcier ehaid Wedding gowns bnde6 mad EAST SIDE INTERIOR - CONTRACTING Coml"e home i office improvements kitchens. bathrooms, ret rooms, in-law apts. 20 yeses experience free estimates 801-2945 LA.S. HOME IMPROVEMEI NTS Focus on Quality at afforfable Prices, Coliviete ntenor renovations. Iramng, arywav rng. panting. Ron at 639.2610 days or 631.8644 slier 6 and weekends. AVAILABLE Immediate) Y for mtprmauon and to new photos Calf 5869645 (08!0931 s' evening gowns. suns and allWahbms For ail ex ARnsnc Masonary sp9caz ^g 'i hreplaCe6 QUALITY work by rather and amara two bedroom bungalow n 9a Whitby. Self contained two ST. Petersburg - Isla De Soltwo clus� design. tall gegny 728- rn '420'atteoorts) %06+093; and y coney •9Dalrs. Works Fill -son Dr tea^. Wel' experienced. hard bedroom basement apartment, . beC•o...o.Ams, two baths, ful y -- - - D.I. any stones of al Kindslcks. Fm ^^shpt ree estimates. workia worsing. Renovations, addrlons. decks. etc. Cas is for separate entrance. garage. large yard. $895 plus Uncles Fist/ equipped. villa lin bead,. golf. Driving Schools guaraneoc Call Ree Ger+ass a free Fill rmwe 571-1263 &e or guaranteed 5 yeses tennis. boating. fishing. Pool. Single, close to Person. $525 Der month. bus and shopping. utilities :,cr,da2e ''1 Rod.O6^awa •'FALL) Iasi 668-8196 or 665 3 2t evenings (060593) Iacuzzl. sleeps 6. only $350 US Call 839-7571. (0805931 - l :PVWALL. taping, boardwg, SABER Corcraci n - all g PICKERING - Whltes/ Oklahoma two bear , CLEARWATER 3 bedrooms. 4• e s '-oar ceilngs. spray cco. Diaster r*ca rs For carpe^••y. additions. renovar,ons, k •chens. 6835578 i=Uarart.-4 �Rroom oornd pus fully Ur -sped. air Sor. _ob,ie �essan r _ ..,,9s3.OmaI. ser.Ce at co_- bamn7orns hones airtenanee bwhroorrt, finished Dase•ym, baSeenn't" aapDar""ent yAyh,1byABLEapartmentebutlding. Ion attached garageuIllitlers.f$825 t9nnns nearteachld maior monthly InU272 Call 839- ___- _---- ry)eOD� es.,cal &il at 432 6f n snonnegercng. quaal •service.ryrwo•e o eAJAX bedroom o gbasemene separate entrance, air arund realon . spacious, carpeted, newly Panned we^ yko^Y FAGmonthly allamenitiesCad 754. wiractors Crhldrer wifirA^o tidos 'less than basemTiii lar g• lore cou"T -' JOURNEYMAN eecruan guaranteed 5 yeses rtment. spa separate entrance. Single, close to Person. $525 Der month. bus and shopping. utilities 4730. 073093) rooter; $275 week r, 683-5503- !0805931 WHITBY Trplex. 2 bedrooms, eta z r vrr Fran ' ' sipreroe 68629+5 rTFEFG) fully eoupped kitchen. shared 7541730 (080593) inall430. Two bedroonhs- $675. OLD Whitby - 3 . t bedroom Leaside. one bedroom base- 1 Fridge, stow and utllmes rtent _ s « • -9. a d l , ons, arid SIGON Constructions _!d sell laundry f a u t m t e d Sly Ca/430-0134 TF PICKERING - Westahoro, new ) house. •vso baths. woods rove. WINTER r Florida - moo, y , :: - y ^ o . a r ons All woe + ^6 .ham Region rpt 17 years. t parking. $SSC mhontr.ly Indusnr• First Last. available n•,med,ately References. Call Jennifer one bedroom basement AJAX south - bright t]aser•eerht apartment,rfireplace, bachelor. available mnw0at9y. sdanurrt walkout 10 Pool. rvak sand ole C31 to alCuh f park a sale or •ant, two DeCrooms, aurid , 1OOm. S ; .ararneeC. 'nee es' -sees Can a1-6320 •+rain,, ACC,ron*. s,nCecks. Ca!lo doors, res room, etc =rpt '>w"mates Haodad. Tor. 6861961 rh) Or laundry ry and cable. 'uay tumeshed, new broadloom BP * 26. I «� r9c hall, Dnval� aka good shopping. r side. g� 8 B Driv1"M School M i M Constre,aror speeaiz- ::Zi til+6576-576C 751.8300 (off). (080193) Tran{ponaton. $600 mciusne and tiles. all IncWsNo $500 AJAX South - clean three $45:, month) or yCanadianfunos 1� iessvn$ $ 150 ^: - 3^d'tiors. DiJ-o ^g MARTEK I J- aaofs - 20% 0;: WHITBY -cry bedroom, $525, Aug._1_ 837-2766. (073093) monthly. Call 427.0232 bedroom detached. 14 Doe. 22 chase price. 3 test 575 base-er!s. fences. •oof.rg. a, xg """ $s(y; Cor•niete n- 'error •enovat:ort;, Twc bedroom, $600 per rronth PICKERING Whltes/Finch. (080193) nos . • Die. and 2 Doe. Finished 571-1820. (073093) $110 per month. Contact Doug doors. ntertockmg stone. retain. and erer•or nava ^ydro Flrstlast rsoulred. Good size yutnul one bedroom AJAX - then bedroom baeer*em reg room, newer broadloom as SO -0". (TFALL) rfBQ ick & dr0 Oft. pick-up P ng was Ail work guarartesC. .� ^ren or a^C ex•ef•Or pay^Ung. wa ^g. priory days 725-8911 «even- inns 666-4016 basement apar.mynt, private apartnyn, available Sept t, entrance. angle InrpugnOUt, fenced yard. hxtq•. Stove stove Coo Homes J 87-3060 .%Count a ••9e Srowc•ow n 93.94 4271234 ;6,,3,93 , oacter tent ng aro Kola =nee estrrhate6. 7',airly (080693) txarkmq and $650 Der m,orsn . sox unit and des^washer. For Sale Clean ' unit. Av a g al --- -- ��.a•a^•99C 434 ad2CT WHITBY spacious two bedroom with dosets. New bathroom and F rsti ass required Two kitchen. broadloom. laundry appliances. negotiable. ties.ow as 681666+ x080493) LEAVING A,.- y Aax 4 2L-1-4 daysiweek Plumbing Moving, area, laundry'aCilaies, park "'q• _aund (shared). Centra air. IHectrbnt n ry ookuD. no Dots. 427x)821 PICKERING � main floor of bodnotornsLEAVING 3 t.2 Detms. 2,700 'ail Stara^e $726 per month. Phone 427- air cleaner. includes ro and P9039M cwt detached 3 bedroom tarn- akundry' fa^+N Hand man 2457. (080193) cable. 40!•amwhtlm. 5675 hrov PICKERING - new one last. Available Sept. t 420- aloes on 9 quiet street, near room ry"''epiace. watkou, basil mane tEc PL. RE34T`r y CALL 6 SAii_ PL JMBING 3 UNUSUAL scudo apartment. 37x1. (061 bedroom. walkout apartment, 0931 school{. ahopPlnq and GO. Central 7 7242202 Or 4741234 ask or o RENOVATION MCI,Tt'A:N SYSTEMS Priv to downtown pshawa, Private osHAwA - two n ciudtiti Imvnweo s oker io No smokers or cane an, broadloom. atooarancaa. laundry. tented Dtu,e r 080593) GC8 Dran-ba^rr s Ons Sl0k i{ neer s aJatiors we mpvts garden. skylights- l; r WO d S&8 Do" P mh•nt{ available at 900 and 888 pay. Otlory 837-1475. (0803931 gi yid. $925. Nor smokers Bat- PICKERING ourgaiow - ntithng CONSTRUCTION 3asement ar1Yw'hol anyrme private entrance. $625 "a cry Glen ST Close to sdcok. Dark 2751. (080593) 0ow Owner ,«rant. Assume in,er,Or a�0 ex'Or,or waShrboiM Go^ hv� ai « ns+dertu. bedroom, private deck and D ",Ores ars south PICKERING esecunw wallies � - _ Irortgage and you own a house '9081'5. renovations cerar*Ic at Pecliagmg, w yy private entrance. $550 Also small cnarmsnp apartment, ri required Cad two bedroom basement !rsiplav, TOWnhOUses 420 4 bed-- renovared kirchen 'riO sail^. dome Or•ve. `arQ' and �nstrxton. Fas' and Corepeettve Pates cv,mi.ates %x" avail�le� .omior b •ns: •nor?+ en- 726-4ed. 7281993. 9-9 D -m. (080593) aD'�rter't• wail ro cal -9P(OeC59 For Rent 'Mho"C 22 yrs espenenc�e ' iCe'� ditcourta ;i we third now. fi400 monthly. 434-7012. (073093) 10- " orted, oeramiUnooing. PICKERING - Marksbury. roar laundry tac{,sa". Cade. close to VERY ^ yard. 260-9391 or yaw '"sate 1080193) dBan orafessioytaj work Call sw"MI Mimates 571-0755 COLBORNE Ontario - quiet, lake. two bedroom basement, in- 401, ahoy'^p non an1Dke'• dudes parking. laundry -ran townhouse for rent. two DedrOOms. two roll OSHAWA - nprtn•a{t. a CRAIG 68�1913 lige 11x10 bedroan, CYiin with and $825 Inclusive. 420-0157. Call•. Separateemrice, $400 1081293) bwhroorrt, finished Dase•ym, Oed•oo•- bac%,) semi, Two S.C.G. park like sett) trout stream. ng, monthly InU272 Call 839- ___- _---- a appkanpe{. Uel Nile{ nCkided. b 4 - s part a y f n { h • tl CO^{IruC!On .•C - $526 Plus utilities. at6-3u- 1287 «8314272. M8039M LARGE Two bedroom apartment Oshawa. raw 401 SW frsr basemTiii lar g• lore cou"T 7�aiity •xterlor and Interior •enovaitore, 73!7 (07309CI) wrm bakAny n 6 pias, dose to ihd last 134-5060 ager ' p.m. Iocat on. Close to schools, moars. ad. lot . deli mbuil0 bars and WHITBY Trplex. 2 bedrooms, PICKERING - Oklahoma and Oshawa Centre, available Sep. NEWCASTLE raw Oshawa 5123.000 CAN 571-0037 aper 6 cao,ners. All worltmalml guaranteed $602 per month .hydro and Leaside. one bedroom base- 1 Fridge, stow and utllmes rtent t^nee oedroor- townhouse. D r^ 0 1 and -ngjf d Contac Gary g3g. gas Close to shopping and bus apartment, no pals. Mort Included. Call 666-3297 lu ckr $560 rt as Irwy 'ndudee (080343) sparse living and 0" areas, 1 W/eTBY Wes Lynde_ three 061893) - route. Available immediatelyutilities. utilities. FrsWast required y C garage. 112 baths. 4 bedrooms. 1 1.2 battle. new pin" CON 420-3734. (073083) Cas 668-7196 (a 73093) . 4240603 AJAX South, bright one X10", available 1. Aug k�!chen, central air, w• ..__ NEW bright spacious One (080593) bsertwt apithient. AJAX ply bedroom basomemil bathroom 4 $950 monthly negotiable utiles. Cas 839-2345 or M nsu ated. double garage. •enced .n, near schools and bedroom apartment, alga private p entrance. PCs apartment with fireplace. bathroom, parking, snared 2095,(080593) shopp ^9• "Piotiesstwo Agents. entrance with patio and access to pool Parking' no smoking' aeparae entrance. no pals. non laundry, $550 ncluarve. Fist SOUTH Oshawa near r rn, 3 $165.000 Call 2828961 filhil t. $650 ndusive. Avail- smoker• available rrrrlediat". and last. Suit single norm amokr $550 monthly all Inclusive First Available bedroom townhom+e. $895 all FOUR seasons park v,ng. able Sept. 1. Must ant Call Imrediately. 428- and last. Call 428-8875, 34157. 108039M utilities included. Available Aug. 1. Call gens) RV 40x2s. 3 miles south Jaret, 6817466. (080,193) ( Doreen, 404.8159. of .3obcayg•on, carport and AJAX - a bedroom Plus den. 21/ PICKERING - one bedroom WNTBY - dose to Henry High, basement apartment plus -- - - - 450 Shared derx on waemrom"Ort Pigeon -01. :79.90C Phone 705-738. 2 oaths. fireplace, huge lutchon, nice b a c h e l O r e t t e large bachelor basement apartmtent Ac comm. 5741 080593) Upper level. $999 . utilities. Iwngroorn. bedroom Bono. eat- plus rooms for rem. Appliances. Alfredo or Helia, 723-1337. an orxasions, have my own fw,l Lattice hep. 839.7057 or Available Sept. 1. 492-7639. (080593) in Itschen, 4 Poe. bath, prrvaa parking. G86 8905. (073093)E WHITBY - house wen pool to -.1 country hong 15 mens. hY of Oshawa, space" 2000 entrance. Parking. weir ^o^ snare with non smoker. Snare COLOUR PLUS parotin and PICKERING Village - one at faortes. Goa• ro w`• beautifully decorated. t 9 PICKERING - Major Oaks, smoking finale. 5525 Phone bedroom basement Apartment. an and GO gAvaim t evw Lde"Pait on 34 sae lit itecorating,gonsral repairs. lop Brock one bedroom basement 428-6533 ask for Al Rynbeek « quality work at reasonabr renes, AJAX Mov^g Sysre•-•s' service{. ^roues. appliance and Dano xoedaiiels. •i! 'at* Or ^ouny. We now ^ave Neared scrag' -ray. bow orrenng 1•ee' boxes wet..?, move call 427. 3005.:TF, HARRY -O -TME -MOVERS •-love big or small. we, once Iver" all Free e{tmares, senior; discount "noir notice mrove{ Yard Pianos moved Comparable Maintenance rant". CAN 4W-2BW (TC) MAN wen truck and or men for as your 'loving heeds. prices to 't YOW budget. Soecul -arae for seniors -We try to be tits ow in 'waM.- Gats Pey a cal! at 576 9533. ' TFALL YEN with large Truck will do housrroid move. •Kdtsr•. al. rnmYrercW- MI types of -vv". Cas Car« or Jany. 427-2856 Party apartment, sen contained, suit full kitchen and bath, Private 8333451. (081293) entrance, no pets, (675 immediately. $400 monthly Inclusive. Call 668.5625 Douce car garage. 3 bedroorrs. Two Darns. two fireplaces. oak 20% discount for seniors. Ser- Party Seririces Single working orison. Fist and AJAX spacious cry bedroom Inclusive. Available July 15. evruhgs. (Deal cupboards and railings and vs Durham Cal Ray.Pa••7 987-1954. (TF) Services MAGK]A►A Goer bends• ready last. $500 monthly. Cal 686 2972. (080393) basement apartrtwt, separate 831.2941. (080893) SSW in- PICKERING - modem clean more. Reduced to $187.500, Crint PROFESSIONAL to entertain for any age, any apef1no t, POIAN till yard, wank a sdhoole and buses. hol main foot Iaurhdry, filmy entrance, per ,tonin W+OmQ ut"m and cabin. IFW WHITBY - dean Iwo bedroom three bedroom house, near ice'' 263.2890. (��) Parting' rte "nor «pier' drywm tapng RABBIT wants work doing occasion. Birthdays. g r m l PAIN }soon d three bedroom last required. Available walkout basement Town Centre, all utilitlea WHITBY - Roseland Garden . plastering and spray. Call p o o ons , openings. '^a9lo chrl0rent Dart'et and fundraisers. Magic sr+oxes are bungalow in Whitby's West immediately. 427-9778. :600 per month plus ut"ies- included- $400 momnhr- a you $209.900. 4 bedroom, two Alfredo or Helia, 723-1337. an orxasions, have my own fw,l Lattice hep. 839.7057 or Lynds. 5 appliances, parking, First/last. Call 686-4025. an a tidy, non smoking female, storey detached, central air and TAUNTON and Simcoe -three ftsapicnn. Cat EMO. 666-4932 large fenced lot now SUbols, BASEMENT apartment on Rouge Pickering Houses For pin" CON 420-3734. (073083) much more. Open House Tues- Thur:. 6348:30. month. braviast plus utilsiea Cal 436-9119 evenigs or leave - rEasye401 to very quiet Itpfibourhood, yard,vate across nd�aeYty parks, Go but. Available Aug. 15. SM First/ Valley / Scarboro. Two bedroom, 410 OMMAWALtE - share house Sat. and Sun. 12.6. 42 Lumsden Cres. 666- 680 Announcements 680 Announcements fi80 Share utilities Rent ,nth workingff1aN cbe. to 1621. Peril y area. Must be sold. Announcements past. 668.6620. (080393) Imbrium own entrance. paukirq massshopping mall on bus route (060593) Hope. Cas now 668-0515 Aston finished two bedroom lower and parking included. No pats. Sap). 1. 2045962. (0801930 - ail con•• cable. 4 appliances, PICKERING Village - three 9 Quebec St.. one bedroom mrllaes so GO station and 401. be0rdotm ba luiplt ,gage - *erencm required. Available immediately. y. $ -monthly. POWER Of sale properties avail - able (repossessed). prices start $675 plus. Available June. min. 10 snoop and GO ­`Larne apannert lir rent b dldr apart -427-4822 mwll building. S&W hydro. Telophoe 509.3208. (073093) p Mit badryrd. appYaruoes, leave message. at under (80,000. Financing i- ranged with plus a bright o finialned bessmarlL Alto two -, - - n = plus AJAX - looking fa tw 450 SOUTH Ajax -responsible minimum downpayment. Great for first Sam CIO" 10 al "nitessi1�050 6838277 ChafroStepA en 571 29. 10 share hot" all other Nx the of kMtrisn. pwkml;. aa+na- $100.000 3~O separate entrrwoe�wtll�w (073043) poo l. etc Bus at door. $3oo mortgage costs lass 1 ! wall cwpsft laundry, polka LARGE one binn n basement air pdndtie^tw large Iwh - WNIISY - modern 2000 64.f r11onMltly 42&2545 "OSS3) man $796 mon8ry. Cal Dais or Gail Anderson. Brokw/Saim apef1no t, POIAN till yard, wank a sdhoole and buses. hol main foot Iaurhdry, filmy -Condos For Rep. Guide Really, 941. 721 Contained. parking• available Cal 4211 -Mil, $840 plus. No with fireplace. 2 112 baths, 455 Rent 5281 214 M. irnnsdialMy. Fol and *AL 8600 la>w (073003) drhwas1w. two car garage. SOUTH Cant Ajit - two Morey aanvat awvaa monthly. call 131.7089. WHITBY ions -ane bedroom ton area i400 AvaF AJAx two bedroorn cordo toil eMaayd house. 3 endroorR , "041 apartment available' AJAX two im adi� Freshly rethovated able Sept. 1. 666-9833. f" Or tale, treure lata dry. pool, exercise axonsF111". al appliances.CarPOW i850 aI 1/2 bath, recent broadloom. neutral decor, modestly apammtnt, pafk{yq• (may. SSW monthly. First and last PICKERING - prestigious Fos y�Caped. 4 appiatioes. Sale fadatiss, dislnalaelltr, awiable '4" �le9 people Ont Hollow. Wge lettr in yard, Fi � 489-1024. (� by owner. $159,000. 6865231. insttdialety. $850 monthly. need ogee �7 Gary. 839 its Sept. 1. Teltphothe 429 683-2977, TAUNTON and Simcoe -three � dOxwfPal rrttrN a werl match ask for John. bright sunny bedrooms, 1 1/2 bat-, hre laundry. 4 aPPiaflces• $800 per lam downpayrtent up to $5000 Take over at0eDRI193) hill mnOSHAWA bedrodn, air CdThditiortd, hose, ssparaft oWa nm two >�. scum bedroorR m i ntin away from Go eat -in kitchen. ceramic tit". o month. braviast plus utilsiea Cal 436-9119 evenigs or leave existing mortgagified e. S225.000. 2750spacious 4 bedroom rEasye401 to very quiet Itpfibourhood, yard,vate across nd�aeYty 00153) Wtutby home with upgrades. al f�01A JA pi utinies and parking included. appianim 420.7248. (09039M appkan M. 436-0997. (073093) Cal 433-0677. (073090) Immaculate, asking $875 BEAU71F11L 4 bedroom caeca- 460 Office & Retail WHY rent? Asking$97,500. Port inckutlre. ALSO room to rant. WHITBY - downtown triplex, tive home, over 3000 sq.ft., Space Peril y area. Must be sold. Cal 6861832. M0030M three bedrooms. $685, bachelor appliances, central air. security $107.000. Lovely home in Port PICKERING - Professionally $375. Available Aug. I. utilkim system. premuim lot. $1500. FOR rent 1150 sq.ft, all: ot•„e Hope. Cas now 668-0515 Aston finished two bedroom lower and parking included. No pats. Sap). 1. 2045962. (0801930 space. Westney/401 in Ajax. In- Brumley R.E. Ltd. (080393) mat. laundry. Waking, uslntim First and test. Cal 655.3406. AJAX - detached $1050 Pr dustrial location. mins. from L.O. Great rate. Call Tony, 674.5555 BROKER has $10.000 to lend at included. $850 per month. WHITBY - one and two bedroom month. Available now. 4 so 702 (TF) $110 per month. Contact Doug Mips 837-2210 of Soon 882- apartment*, close to all appliances, central air. close to at 668.6805. Community Finan - 94a9. (Oe0593) amenities, $495 monthly and school, ail wrentiea. Call Jas -470 min Ruez, POMax Qua* including odrig Cottages For 470 as SO -0". (TFALL) utilities AVAILABLE imr. iatey in $595 monthly u Whitby apartment building, and parking. Call 666-1171. Ott LLtd.6811861. (080593) 5 20 Condos For Spacious, carpeted, newly PICKERING . badtbr base OSHAWA - main floor of 3 BAY Of OuinN - 2 -frac bedroom J Sale Painted aW "wd with balcony. ment apartment, next to GO bedroom bungalow, garage, close to bus, shopping. All Station, no last month deposit may. Pool. Donnan area waterfront cottages, clean shoreline with northwest CONDO for sale - $49,900. Two $laths iRt'Laded. NO Wes. raw required. $500 monthly plus fe00 Pct 1/2 wMies. Available exposure. Both have large bedrooms, 1 bath, as kitchen appliances, south Oshawa. badfPOIR OW. Can 6WS173 Inilitioi. shall Javed of Fred, 881 immediately or negotiable. 655• Or 430-0134. 4036. (0006991 walkout declks, great fistil wry private. Call 725.5814_ Clean ' unit. Av a g al (TF) 2889, (0801931 - lmmed,ately. 721-0156t! DENTAL OFFICE ANNOUNCEMENT We at 927 Liverpool Rd. in Pickering, are thrilled to give our clientele a warm cozy atmosphere to experience the finest and most up to date dental techniques as well as the most modem sterilization techniques. However for those who still require even more special care. Dr. Mary Kay M.D. pins our staff to help you sleep like a baby, while you have your dentistry done. Also joining our staff is Dr. Steve Goldman, (periodontist, a gum specialist) and Dr. David Eller (an oral surgeon). We also offer evening hours and Saturdays. New Patients accepted Emergencies seen immediately 839-5951 Keep Smiling Drs. P. Goodman, S. Weiner B. Labovitz, Y. Choi 927 Liverpool Rd. S. . , Pickering, Ontario. r PAGE 2&THE NEM ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JMLY ^ 1"3 570 Twwnsfts WE CAN ill THERE is site tanhaws= tirrle b enjoy $ners We ha s a large ttelee• tan of new and used Park Models and Travel Trailers. Many units are on Biles in a Large beautiful campground with full hook-ups, spacious farnily or adult sites and organized activities. Call for an up to date List or drop in to Pigeon Lake Trailer Park Inc. Open 7 days a Y week. 705-7W5376 MOD55931 1711.Fr7.1'e 575 Loans BORROW $10.000. pay as otls as $110 per nN"ll, o.ac. Cal Jerry, 668.7200, Free consultations. Anubs Invest - Ltd. (TF) 580 Mortgages MORTGAGES and Personal Loans - call it you are sen - employed, have Payments credit, income ditficunies or been turned down CityCan Finan art, 4368104 Oshawa or 254-0897 Pickenng.(0819931 MORTGAGES and bans. 95% financng, down Payment afro arranged Qualified or unpualifboc Cas Doug 668. 68 05. Cornrnunutty Financial servoole ITh_) MORTGAGES ae —low= 5.75% c a c. Cat Michael, 868-7200. Anubm Iny4s ~Wilk Ltd Serving Orftafo since 1972 (TF) FOR MORE INFORMATION / CALL 27 BUGGEY LN AT TAUNTON & SALEM ROADS JUST MINUTES NORTH OF HWy4CI N AJAX 590 Opportunities GREAT omp.TjrrTy be you, Owl' boss No scams No Tnbks True: as Don, wart. Cat now a1 430-7088 for adoointrne,• TAKE Catalogue Orders we drop-sno 1C 000 best -self.,; COM UMW DrdduCtf. Dr coo tw `e below w+•oresaie. a Sc1py a tour anto-rs-v"wdu.:a dowry SPectacv a, `-or",- Business OPDortunM. For Co^OMe n1or manor k,T w.•!e Nal,onal. Depat ori uNil 1394 Mar St E 'wnson, Ont LAIK ICT MGM Droht Cash business snack sada vending rote tar Sabo tDw nvestr'sent, tit Mum. flnone !'9-86339" '082493) VIDEO store corrprst• tum key .a- ,y ope,at on cul'y CO Putenzed. triers inventory, grew toter iw. grow boa", was fisted S54.90C No. W .90C Mus: 0e sod 1416, 404 -ISM 710 Births STEACY ULRICH ?wry a Donna are pl $set 1c announce the hony0pnyng of 1 oa , aAtoaA Sammie was Darr nine heeb easy on May 27 1993 aI 1522. weighing 2 Ds 4 ozs She now We the scales r 4 is 9 on Merry earats ro Drs Morton Gruner Kane Famine Whyte i Chang A al tie NICU star at Mount sinal A Centenary Nollb" Delighted test -tome graninother Marilyn Ulrich at Oshawa a second -fir" pnnKIlbriens. Gran i Albert Steacy of Scarborough, wekane Samantha home Terry a Donna weh to slue of au Urso tamely a trwtct for ser cros nt bue. slRDort is Prayers while they taaeed b bring God's Precious fro gd 670 Personals JESUS says. car! the blind and Vie bfed7 Doss your, rrenisbr r ** - - Jax SPORTS HOW OPEN SUMMER • SoftbalWBaseball Bats, Balls, Gloves • Hockey Sticks A Equipment • Team Uniforms • Basketballs, Tennis Racquets, Darts Hemngate Animal Hospital HAVE A SAFE HOLIDAY WEEKEND! 65 Kingston Rd. E.,427-0789 Ajax Dave really tied one on last night Too bad his 0 � llu$w along Please Don't Drink and Drive This Holiday Weekend TRILLIUM CABLE Taking the medium to the maximum 751 McKay Rd-, Pickering 438-5807 670 Personals SINGLE? Singles Kurld Dances. 890 p.m every Friday. Dynasty ballroom. 554 aloes St. W. Oshawa. Every Sunday - The Coral. 433 Simcoe S:. S. Oshawa. Dress Code - NO Mertes. Inlorr++alron, 623.7007 MO 1093) wear 9" —7 The twelirrg a P44ALLY Fat Free -bee 16 bs. try heed m+ksfer. MCAh 3:11, in 24 days, eliminate tat, in - Isaiah 56:10.12. John 10:11. crem" your energy. loot great Jim Ca"WbolL 1.705953-9475. and... do it Sale and Natural. (TF) (416) 434-2102. M9030M Pi"n read yOtl1 FOR your pleasure - xxx tan- dusi09d >. nn Ms. tasy and Pholos. Decreed For inlormstion. wree Karen, am &du ft K•bwnar . (T) 7P4. 630 eg 630 Registrations adi'� °"'y' �. �) R tstratiorts titan a ;; i; 535 `°� r Sale Idwil SmIl of an :3501111 lug price. warrpirg secluded kx. Sand �beach. grow 535 Lots For fishing, next to 10.000 acre �� county forest. One '(41'6')431' our east d Toronto. Charles, (416) 431- 1555. (060393) L E N N OX Young Drivers of Canada Re teach vutt nisi than iris- to pass .rwr�trtrrr�trst DRUM LTD. - � W e• trach vas to McEACHNIE —= drtt•r ars/ sun•A•r. if a Safe , ofiday cWeekend 233 Fuller Rd., Ajax 427-1441 McDonald s Restaurant A1oa , and tine Lig �. NEWS ADVERTISER i LLL Reser! All YW. Co n Dios! ar di Pape, c,assmea (t C $ouse) a ou A�Aa GiCKEPiNG NEWS AD. ZV'$EQ Osr'.CE 13C Con &r,ra AW Ara. aria 'lCe v! a Balker$ cornfw MC cxzms a Coupon fa a FREE COMBO MEAL from McDonaldV �. 0-90 10r.0—Ch mm" m Prey ono 'n O�u �0e�e.agef. McDonald's Restaurant VC" only at 222 8cyty, St. West. Aga Durham College is pleased to be able to now offer "Autobill"; a new software package used for O.H.I.P. billings. Topics include: requirements of the Ministry of Health's system, diagnostic codes, service codes, provider numbers, successful billings and how to electronically file patient information for quick retrieval and reference. (950 -11 -AB) $30.00 fee. Aug. 9 - Aug. 13/Mon.-Fri, 9:00- 12:00. For more information call: 721-3052 or toll free 1-800-461- 1306. LC.°oo D U R H A M C; F C; F IT'S YOUR LICENCE COURSES FILLING QUICKLY CALL TODAY! 686=6446 FUNERAL HOME 28 Old Kingston Rd. 428=8488 -'� # COME AND WORSHIP A THESE CHURCHES INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THEIR WORSHIP SERVICES AMBERLEA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1120 whits Rd. K THE FAMILY CHURCH WORSHIP TIME Summer Hours: 10 a.m. SuParrlsed Nursery WESTNEY WEIGHTS BAPTIST CHtN ►►l1DDYIS► +t APPieer- Pubk clroo &OSoi 56 colas Ars. Nath. Aim "JUN of LOEB Place) YORNNG WIORSHBP 10 bO AY Ria Jams Renick, Pastor DUMBARTON - FAJRPORT UNITED CHURCH 1066 Dumbarton Rd, Pickering 839-7271 Worship 8 Church School fpL® Church Service 10:30 a.m. �I� PICKERING STANDARD CHURCH (METHODIST) 3595 Brock Road at Molt, 7 SUNDAY Sunny School 10:16 Worship 11:00 LIR. Ettanilp$ 70 WED. 7:30 Bible Club - Chiklrnl 4 -Tom Adult Bible Study Come and Momlimp wyM us every Surglpy, . ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 35 Church St. N., Ajax 683-7311 and PICKERING VILLAGE UNITED CHURCH 300 Church St. N., Ajax 683-4721 Combined Summer Services 10:00 a.m. July 4 to - In Pickering village August 1 United Church August 8 - In St. Andrew's to Sept. 1 Presbyterian Church Junior Congregation and Nursery Care To Advertise Your Church Services Call Janice 683-5110 1 I V 1 1 - 1 1 l 1 LOOK BETTER, FEEL BETTER � 1 Facials, Manicure Fibreglass Nails, Pedicures, 1 Waxing, Eyelash/Eyebrow tints 1 I 10% discount ' Home visits available 1 I Call for appoinhnent _ 831-1657 COMPACT SERVICES We offer a compact service package in several commercial activity areas. • Computerized Accounting • Bookkeeping • Taxes • Financial Management A- "N •Personnel • Agency • Marketing 1 for small or medium size Iii r businesses. 61 Commercial Ave. Ajax 619-3399 You Won't Be Disappointed r--- CL.O. SAVE ---� II Galbraith I l ��{ Repair Centre I I � rewrl4ry' Watchee I I Vit watch Battery R Rrri—ement n > watch strap, d. r JI..��Ilrr. r ;,•�nrr Frng Ueaning ■ • and Rebuffing t Free e•tirnaten nn reti rp,ng ut ♦our I iI t•r.. r.,. I L--- CII.A SAVE �'�1T1433�d ?:Tiw K 2" %om A.aiaei. --T_�_ `u -7nanan.t Irternati.naiSpecuurms Surdau'Rrunch 10:30 - 30 es. - Sat. 11:30-2:30 e'- ; 10 P.M. Sunday 10:30-a p.m. Located in the Courtyard of Pickertns 't't!lage 109 Old Kingston 9Z.d .:Ala.T 42,7-67 e0 It's not necessary to "Weplace that old boat and motor. "Wepair and "R"efinish instead. We perform tune-ups and repairs of outboard motors, inboard motors and outdrives. For help in getting your boat "R"efurbished and on the lake this season. Call ,SAWYER l MARINE SERVICES LTD. 655-8347 .11 Fc -AGE S. FROM 4.99% 1st, 2nd b 3rd Ytps. to 95% ' Rental Properties & Cottages ' Re -financing ' Debt Consolidation ' Rural Properties ' Self-employed ' Bad Credit No Income -No Problem Prime Deals Below Bank Rates Fant Professional Service Sit=1976 fo 686-2557 rY DR. E. GILLEZEAU i DR. M. FTTZSNMA= WE INVITE NEW PATIENTS BYAPPOWTMENT WE OFFER FAMILY EYECARE • Contact Lenses • Binocular Vision • Perceptual Testing 1 • Dispensing of all Types of Frames 8 Contacts • PERIODIC VISITS OR LIVE-IN CARE FOR YOUR PETS, HOME a PLANTS • NOME SECURITY i MAN4TENANCE • LIVE-IN OR HOURLY CHILD CARE • BONDED i INSURED, EST. IW RELLABLE A AFFORDABLE 686-1691 }. I�ol�sr>�lls r M rfMw rlw.M11•.Y '•• n, rr�. ..r• ,.,r„. THE NEWS ADVEWMER FRIDAY, JULY 3e, 1"3 -PAGE 21 • APAX JPA HAIR by LYNN BELL * FACE BODY 1 9 GIFT X CERTIFICATES 49 Division St. Oshawa L uzie is Es the tics : Makes the body beautiful With today's busy lifestyles, any kind of therapy that helps us look more beautiful without extra time and effort is worth considering. Both men and women can enjoy such a therapy, thanks to the efforts of Luzie lvens, who used to operate her business, Luzie's Esthetics, in the Whitby Mall. A little over a year ago, Luzie moved her business from the mall to her north Pickering home. 00 t The peaceful, informal t" setting is conducive relaxation - an importa element of Luzie's service a the entire concept of looki and feeling good. The cosy upper floor sal comes complete wi everything one would need a beauty treatment - includi soft, melodious music. An assortment of facial treatments are among the services offered. So too are such permanent creations as eyebrows and eyeliners: as well, earpiercing; manicures and pedicures, wax depilation, natural manicures, and fibreglass nails. Relatively new is a slenderizing body treatment that not only is effective for various ailments, it also works wonders in eliminating cellulite. Four years ago Luzie's introduced the Clayton Shagal products to her salon. Previously, the hypo -allergenic products had only been used in [though Luzie Ivens loves pamperini ients at the salon in her home, shl ill gladly take her service to you )me, if that is more convenient. to hospital settings in Germany. wiI nt But increasingly, more people pro nd are being introduced to these co ng products. p Luzie emphasizes the T on effectiveness of the Clayton pr th Shagal line. "Thev produce ap for results that can be seen in a me ng relatively short space of time," lea she says. ren 0o FOUR SEASONS Ci©SUNROOMS orfAil The collagen and elastin in these special products are capable of penetrating the skin, causing them to counter the effects of aging. In fact, the products are also known for their healing properties (hence the reason they were first used in hospitals for bums and other skin problems). The effectiveness of the products are due primarily to the stringent pharmaceutical laboratory processing conditions established by the manufacturer. With the wealth of items at her disposal, Luzie is not only s -- ling, but full} capable of viding a level of service that rmsponds to the high quality pro Luzie ogether with the range of o dducts, Luzie's expertise in plication and counselling ans that her clients always ve her salon feeling totaVy ewed. The businesswoman maintains her knowledge by taking pan in ongoing seminars. For those who are unable to attend her salon, she offers in- home visits. Senior citizens and mothers of young children, in particular, value this service. Manicures and pedicures are especially popular among seniors. Continuing throughout August, clients receive a 10% discount off the already low prices. Anyone interested in finding out more about the products and services available from Luzie's Esthetics is encouraged to call Luzie at 831-1657. I* fox e�t� 9b: 1101mervot dub 2020 Wentworth SL W, Unit 19, Whitey 404.2789 _111 -NO -26111141111111 "A little something for everyone" 109 OLD KINGSTON RD. "In The Courtyard" 1428-2162 :.:. RED EYE SPECIAL VAN SERVICE TO AIRPORT $2500per person (additional family members =50) 686-1515 Wheelchair vans also available I �� CEDAR PARK Recreation & Trailer Resort IS miles N. of Bowmanville, just off Durham Rd. 57) OPEN FOR SUMMER Featuring: • Beautiful 110x70' pool • 18 hole miniature golf • tennis court • fantastic children's water play area compiete with 3 pocis water umbrella, mini slide, water cannons. ASK ABOUT OUR SEASON SWIMMING PASS Public Swimming 263-8109 SALT OR WEATHER DAMAGED S CONCRETE WALKWAYS OR STEP BASEMEN -S WA'=PPaOCr� CONCPE-E PEFINSHING AND REPA,a ANY S7E ,C8 . V0DEP% ME' -CDS NC DAMAGE': SHRUBS _AWNS A D07EWAYS ALL AV&LAB,E ME'wCDS PEPFCpMED INSIDE DP OU -SIDE 7r,1z" ttlttltr�ieets L - LARRY GvkZW"t 24 Hours Tel. 14161619-1703 or Fax !416) 6838421 comp"W Llowm PId � J%reluds helps �� :ge:: _ -cs*� 'neer Pond =Y " tastenny 'he Dower of computers. WO great tethers and only 4 Kids, group--pkts a curruubm to Includes key- >wtlirxj computer assured matfi and reodirg, dexk- top *hshin onnotion, robotics and more -you► ;ttiid will have an exati g l ming adventure 6R tttltre tit ow 7W[awadmaw Pill - The Feww t4 Empo .- I 376 Kingston Rd., Pickering Unit 16, 509 -KIDS (5437) C. rn PET SITTERS ET Pet. Plant and Hoe Care SERVING OURNAM SINCE 19th PROFESSIONAL CARE OF PETS PLANTS A HOMES BONDED A INSURED WE CARE FOR YOUR PETS IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME O Blabdak nOlit IrlSchool EST. 1969: Ages IS months to 12 yrs. Invites Parents to an "Introduction to IMontossori" Evening Wed., Aug. 4, 7:00 p.m. S45A Kingston Rd., Pickwi ng Village, (rear building) •VCUU BE I#�itESSED! 606-5005 f, F 9: 00/9 f . � ; ; 1l' L uzie is Es the tics : Makes the body beautiful With today's busy lifestyles, any kind of therapy that helps us look more beautiful without extra time and effort is worth considering. Both men and women can enjoy such a therapy, thanks to the efforts of Luzie lvens, who used to operate her business, Luzie's Esthetics, in the Whitby Mall. A little over a year ago, Luzie moved her business from the mall to her north Pickering home. 00 t The peaceful, informal t" setting is conducive relaxation - an importa element of Luzie's service a the entire concept of looki and feeling good. The cosy upper floor sal comes complete wi everything one would need a beauty treatment - includi soft, melodious music. An assortment of facial treatments are among the services offered. So too are such permanent creations as eyebrows and eyeliners: as well, earpiercing; manicures and pedicures, wax depilation, natural manicures, and fibreglass nails. Relatively new is a slenderizing body treatment that not only is effective for various ailments, it also works wonders in eliminating cellulite. Four years ago Luzie's introduced the Clayton Shagal products to her salon. Previously, the hypo -allergenic products had only been used in [though Luzie Ivens loves pamperini ients at the salon in her home, shl ill gladly take her service to you )me, if that is more convenient. to hospital settings in Germany. wiI nt But increasingly, more people pro nd are being introduced to these co ng products. p Luzie emphasizes the T on effectiveness of the Clayton pr th Shagal line. "Thev produce ap for results that can be seen in a me ng relatively short space of time," lea she says. ren 0o FOUR SEASONS Ci©SUNROOMS orfAil The collagen and elastin in these special products are capable of penetrating the skin, causing them to counter the effects of aging. In fact, the products are also known for their healing properties (hence the reason they were first used in hospitals for bums and other skin problems). The effectiveness of the products are due primarily to the stringent pharmaceutical laboratory processing conditions established by the manufacturer. With the wealth of items at her disposal, Luzie is not only s -- ling, but full} capable of viding a level of service that rmsponds to the high quality pro Luzie ogether with the range of o dducts, Luzie's expertise in plication and counselling ans that her clients always ve her salon feeling totaVy ewed. The businesswoman maintains her knowledge by taking pan in ongoing seminars. For those who are unable to attend her salon, she offers in- home visits. Senior citizens and mothers of young children, in particular, value this service. Manicures and pedicures are especially popular among seniors. Continuing throughout August, clients receive a 10% discount off the already low prices. Anyone interested in finding out more about the products and services available from Luzie's Esthetics is encouraged to call Luzie at 831-1657. I* fox e�t� 9b: 1101mervot dub 2020 Wentworth SL W, Unit 19, Whitey 404.2789 _111 -NO -26111141111111 "A little something for everyone" 109 OLD KINGSTON RD. "In The Courtyard" 1428-2162 :.:. RED EYE SPECIAL VAN SERVICE TO AIRPORT $2500per person (additional family members =50) 686-1515 Wheelchair vans also available I �� CEDAR PARK Recreation & Trailer Resort IS miles N. of Bowmanville, just off Durham Rd. 57) OPEN FOR SUMMER Featuring: • Beautiful 110x70' pool • 18 hole miniature golf • tennis court • fantastic children's water play area compiete with 3 pocis water umbrella, mini slide, water cannons. ASK ABOUT OUR SEASON SWIMMING PASS Public Swimming 263-8109 SALT OR WEATHER DAMAGED S CONCRETE WALKWAYS OR STEP BASEMEN -S WA'=PPaOCr� CONCPE-E PEFINSHING AND REPA,a ANY S7E ,C8 . V0DEP% ME' -CDS NC DAMAGE': SHRUBS _AWNS A D07EWAYS ALL AV&LAB,E ME'wCDS PEPFCpMED INSIDE DP OU -SIDE 7r,1z" ttlttltr�ieets L - LARRY GvkZW"t 24 Hours Tel. 14161619-1703 or Fax !416) 6838421 comp"W Llowm PId � J%reluds helps �� :ge:: _ -cs*� 'neer Pond =Y " tastenny 'he Dower of computers. WO great tethers and only 4 Kids, group--pkts a curruubm to Includes key- >wtlirxj computer assured matfi and reodirg, dexk- top *hshin onnotion, robotics and more -you► ;ttiid will have an exati g l ming adventure 6R tttltre tit ow 7W[awadmaw Pill - The Feww t4 Empo .- I 376 Kingston Rd., Pickering Unit 16, 509 -KIDS (5437) C. rn PET SITTERS ET Pet. Plant and Hoe Care SERVING OURNAM SINCE 19th PROFESSIONAL CARE OF PETS PLANTS A HOMES BONDED A INSURED WE CARE FOR YOUR PETS IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME O Blabdak nOlit IrlSchool EST. 1969: Ages IS months to 12 yrs. Invites Parents to an "Introduction to IMontossori" Evening Wed., Aug. 4, 7:00 p.m. S45A Kingston Rd., Pickwi ng Village, (rear building) •VCUU BE I#�itESSED! 606-5005 t;,, OrytasN TaM WANTED aduaArnp moss rap. 1W Camaro, ballet iftndard INI Toro lawn tractor, 20 trans., low nwlaage, Mw new horsepower• 4111- nwwar and aeridftim . $7,000 cart or o.b.o. snowplow. Mains 83 hours. OB 4/E4 (PIC) $6.100. 06 4140 (WH" CN -W earls for mals, dA- 33 h. 600, ssK•cceftned. ;ur. II= ole 11" . OB 4123 (1>1111,11) nate, roar bedroom, 23 foot 1967 Ford 112 Ion XLT Lariat. awns $7,300 a beet oBw. 06 loaded. $6.700. 1963 Willy's 4141 (tom Jeep. 306 aONw, 15- mud Ines. 19K Renault Alkane. 4 -dos. 3800 OB 4127 (0611) automatic, power door locks. NEEDED urgently cube van, excellent runner, certified approx 14', to tent July 3D b 31. $1,600. 06 4141 (AJA) 064126(OSH) 1985 GMC van as • $1,400 or 17' 1979 trader, seeps 6, $ridge, best offs. 1981 GMC camper stove. furnace, toilet. excellent van factory Interior. excel. condr. condition. $3,750. OB 4129 lion $2.200 or best offer OB (BOW) 4145 (WHI) 19W Buick Regal sports coupe. 1960 Cutlass Supreme. bur- certifeed, in mint condition. gundy and black. 350 4 barrel. $3.000 or best offer OB 4130 needs Wakes $750 OB 4147 (PIC) (BOW) 1989 Chev Silverado 112 ton 1962 XR80 good condition runs pick-up. fully loaded cap and well owned by mechanic $500 Muer. $9.500 OB 4131 (OSH) 08 4148 (AJA) 1986 Yamaha 180X7 scooter. 1982 Fxebrrd 4 speed $1.200 or one owner, mint condition, best offer 08 4149 (COB) $1 .000 or best offer OB 4132 trative experience I'm the per- mon you're tooling kx OB 5027 (PIC) permanent 08 5100 (WHI) 1986 Chevy 510 truck pock -up. EMPLOYMENT four cylinder. four speed, stan- bartender for social lunctrons7 I'm at our service. awaitingFree dard. good condition $2.100 or LOOKING for training as a best offer OB 4133 (WHI) receptionist, dental or medical 1983 MercuryCapri black black office. will work free for training cat 5 'ore H O T -roof power OB 5002 (WHI) opbors46k's $3.000 084134 ADULT carriers wanted for (WHI) delivery Tues . Wed . Fri and 1972 Rover 3500 S. red. V-8. Sun Must have vehicle OB P w jo b p s.. $2.500 OB 4135 5005 (WHI) EXPANDING home business. 1985 Buick Century. 104.000 neer distributors work from km : s . pubair, certified. your Itartp. no experience now- $' 60C or best offer OB 4136 ed OB 5020 (COB) (COB) LINGERIE sells itself. earn S20- 26RED RED1917 Fat. condition runs $4C air hour part-time or full - well $4 500 or best offer 08 time lom my successful team 4137 (AJA1 now OB 5021 (COB) t;,, OrytasN TaM WANTED aduaArnp moss rap. JFXCFLLENT business ,lppsiLr ELEC UCIAM - no Job Ioo big for Durham am, well expert- We an loobnp for hwdwor" racy My spaea i= -9l-d WW of bo wrath. Ream- tablet rafsa. rAOIC1AM down flierida oncod, over 10 yrs.04111 90== h** , apsssn s Santa in Feb. 1992 and now makes OB OWS to onleftin for any ago. (PIC) PROFEBB1091AL Typist we do people eagar to now up in a young. dynamic organization. $4.000 a 1011 if in his part III or.carton- You can too with LAssfye Olst CAf1PB9TEf1 doss. son, iril► Sys. openings, hridrateers. typeg out d my home. ^oe+ng OB 3073 (COB) Cookies. OB SOK JOSH) odor and exferiof renovations, repaao, t>tytxaN. RemidarNal shows an krn'Let us leap. JIM too WW or too will OB 8024 (�) BEST way to eau a thousand LIVE to nanny -housekeeper for and commercial. OB "M WORD Processing excel $ play onstru- dollars a week, incredible work at home opportunities. limited two school -aged children m exchange for rent References AFFORDABLE pa-brig(paper. turn around time. ms&CIAN i ng and write music, kids. positions available 085074 and non-smoker OB 5096 Ing, flexible hours, let me do resumes essays, propos business letters. Compete working with part-time. DAY CARE provided by mother (AJA) it'Ouakly work. OB $=I pays well OB 5026 (AJA) Dass^ - SECRETARY • Friday of infant meals and snacks $100 WILL work 5 days for 4 days ARTISTIC Masonary - apecrmkz- rates, two convenient Iota Durham Regional y reo:epeorratwAh 17 yrs. aolrrwnrr per week. Rltsoni Taunton area 06507S pay Experience counting plus customer service Temporary a m m firs laces and chimne trative experience I'm the per- mon you're tooling kx OB 5027 HI, looking for an experienced permanent 08 5100 (WHI) ,e airs. Works with brlcksy D blocks and stores of all kinds. I wlt�rgllsh6asKa language and tutor any gr (OSH) bartender for social lunctrons7 I'm at our service. awaitingFree GRASS cutting available. free esbmatea. good pees OB 5101 estimates, workmanship grarnmarandapeNnng.OB BACKYARD mechanic needs nquanes OB 5076 (OSH) guaranteed 08 6025 EXPERIENCED painter, m opportunity to earn in garage environment, good worker and INDEPENDANT distributor INSTALLATION crews needed- QUALITY work done b f ri other and outside work OB 6037 NEED het p Seniors well Itserter. OB 5030 OSH (OSH) required. consumer electronics. windows. doors. siding. roofing, and son team. Well expenaoed, hard working, renovations• housework, shopping. tau 17 old for work ben- no door to door Serous Ines only. 08 5077 WHI 1 (WHI) fences. and decks Crew must be fWIY equipped. OB 5102 adds- tons. decks.etc Free esti. and run errands. OB 6 (COL) ble. adaptableand willing to s 08 learn OB 5031 AJA responsible 16 yr old TELEPHONE work for rest FORTUNE 500 service company looking forrParl-time work such COLOUR due painting and ileo- and small businesses. ins has immediate positions avail- as bats ysittirg. cashier work OB orating, general repairs top bon. repair and cable pulling ode hos sales repslmanagc SO90 (WHI) quabtywak at reasonable rates most systems. OB 6046 (AJ meet. serious ingurnes Only 08 INSURANCE. open 9.9 p.m by 20% discount for seniors SPECIALIZING in swemm 5032 (OSH) DRYWALL metal framing. all appointment. Monday to Saves all Durham Region OB pools service and maintera BABYSITTING to my own renovations to your home Sabuday. Motorcycle auto and 6097 also available, carpentry, home Mother of 2 will baby -wt. Kitchens. bathrooms and very competitive property rates AJAX Moving Systems. full ser- cal work, haulage. arc we enced to back yard, swing set, sprayed ce"lengs. 20 years exPe• Over 20 years expenence 08 vices moves. appliances and and much more 08 6047 sand box. other toys Wilt pro- nence OB 5091 (WHI) 6015 piano specialists. flat rate or WANTED 2 love seats, re vide lunch and snacks daily FRIENDLY energetic. mature COMPLETE garden se.vice hourly. We now have heated stered. trade for electrical. walks. indoor activities Lots of 17 of old seeks employment Specializing in hedge and shrub storage units Now offering free gentry. construction, etc crafts OB 5070 flexible and quick to eam 08 fr"TMT"ng 08 6016 boxes with move OB 6028 6048 I'M a recent early childhood edu- 5092 (AJ A) MR. Fix It' Big or small lobs. yard work. house MEN with large truck *W do DRIVEWAY sealing and cafon graduate. seeking PEOPLE needed to insert repairs rea. household move residential. r employment �n the Durham papers and n vers, part-Iff a only sonable rates. Seniors' dis- counts OB 6017 commercial, all types of moves OB ing. speual seniors' discou Call Larry or Terry 08 6 013req5 Pease can if interested OB 5071 (AJA) OB 5092 (AJA) HANDYMAN - grass cutting. 6029 HARRY -O -THE MOVERS move (AJA) QUALITY electrical work by CONSTRUCTION supefinten- dent civ,. eng:neer 12 years trimmi dean hedge g, ups etc Reasonable rates 086018 erg or $malt, we price them all HOME Improvements to an journeyman electrician nc Job experience. industrial and rem- MOTORCYCLE mechanic good Free estimates. seniors dis- count, short notice moves, hiorte improvement needs c Debt ve rates, drywall r too big or small Recession dental Protects Seeking suitable rates last service. 08 6132 pianos moved Comparable rooms decks. lencing etc tabs 08 5072 (M) position 08 5094 tPIC) (AJA) rates 08 6031 6068 (PIC) .10 Ate- 35'•5" ` 1 L 4_ •, ' _ hp. 11� I he f4cenvioud 1.095 Sq. R. fr"tn 5199,990. Nk:wr • Decorated Model Hmne 0 single Family Hones on 504 Lots • Mtrouts Included f nim • �Landscaping included $164NO Gourmet Kitchen Package • side by side frost free refrigerator • 30" self-cleaning electric stove • space saver microwave oven • upgrade Miro-stone kitchen sink • upgrade kitchen cabinets • built-in 30" pantry Summer Comfort Package • central air conditioning • electric air filter • 42" ceiling; fan e a 3 Care -Free Move -in Package* g • we pay your legal fees I • we pay your moving expenses • we pay your land transfer tax e *tax. %'slue $5,000 (adjusted on closing) ()rFu HOUSE IIO1.ts 47 t. W Mss: TMrs 124 ►.N. ssa6n (1wN Fri. A So. "MAX AMk Beak w Ul#tar] Lim"W Bteow GATE Daiwa Maws$ Sales Nepeaearslive i 433.2579 PLANNMIf a cnaaa a nptit" ready , , 1, . call for boat rats avai any abikly on a9 ships and demlrr Magee Bore. OB •070 (PIC) CAO se►vices, certified engi- 09 noeratp lechnologeI. Providing ellent �✓di filing layouts for your sis, business or personal needs OB els, 11071 (AJA) ELECTRICAL repairs done in live my hone, 30 yrs. experience eons. music amps, tape decks. VCRs and irk. OB $076 (OSH) INCOME (Opporimrty. Electronic ode d Company, recnnbng for dmtnbu- 6036 tors to market unique security side products. OB 6075 (AJA) A-1 lawn mowing, hedge and Iree trlmmtrlg, eavestrough do cleaning OB 6077 (AJA) ndry KIDS fabric stamping birthday 044 parties. Man provides T -shits I dente provide the rest II interested $mice call. OB 6078 (PIC) for FREE craft classes. in t -shirt A) painting, and other crafts. with purchase of necessary supplies Ing 08sow (OSH) ice. WORD Perfect class available. electri- Book now, evening classes on a weld one 10 one basis 08 6081 LICENSED class A mechanic uPtol_ save on those high repair esb- car- mates just call and we'll discuss OB it. 08 6062 (WHI) FOR information or prospectus on tax sheltered registered edu. rep cation savings plan (founded nt 1965) 086093 066 NEED an effective writer? Press rebases busress'sales letters your you name it Speedy service oWill- OB 6094 (AJA) ec DAYCARE in my home. woman OB with 15 years experience hot lunches provided References available (Brock Rd 6 Hwy 2 areal OB 6085 (PIC) QUALIFIED renovator Anything from wall repairs to renovating an entire home Reasonable rates Free quotes 08 6086 OSH. Carpet cleaning services available Steam cleaning car. Pets upholstery and automotive detarlmg 066087 EXPERIENCED plasterer Paper. taper. Board 6 ble com- pany Please can la a free esb- mar OB 60$6 SEPARATED Professional male will trade free roan and board for part time babysitting ser. viow OB 6099 (OSH) BUSINESS ' ^a^ce specialist will help you with government and other hnanc,ng for your olssang bkerrrss OS 6060 SMALL claims court agent for I— ; will help get your money backvery low 'ee OB 6092 JOSH) LEAKY basement cracks and damp ara6s repered from inside by Professionals no digging SOMA d OB sm (OSH) A QUALITY painting service win, special attention (moven to excellent workmanship and cus. tomer Satisfaction 08 $094 (PIC) PART time housekeeper cook f, 8 P m Mon -Thurs on sa.t'- Alax bus roue $6C 00 a week 08 6101 (AJA) WEATHER training for prbts sailors and rarmters 08 6102 JOSH) LICENSED mechanic waking from name will do repairs for 7 Very reasonable rates certrk- cars available 06 6103 (PIC) EDU -SERVICES tutoring stu- dent testing, special education Carver cause" For handyman hone xrti rovemtents Iby exper,- ertced educator)_ OB 6104 (AJA) EXPERIENCED sailor wrff 2e R sailing sloop in Oshawa Harbor willing to offer Lake Cniaric cruises and/or instruction in exchange for cash or bartered Services 08 6105 (OSH) EXPERIENCED qualified French teacher will tutor your oemen- tary school students in French as a second language OB 6106 (AJA) WILL hold for you, garage. mov. ing or contents sale. big or small. we do it all. OB 6107 (PIC) LIMOUSINE service, super stretch limos, business or Plea- sure, compsMne rare, Special woof . ng package, arport, eon carts. OB $106 JOSH) STUDENT. 20, etperiened in babysdsrp, louesclearwn9 and aomParson for elderly licking to part -Moe work. 00 6109 JOSH) BABYSITTER to pick-up child from day care at 5:30 p.m, and to babysit unlit 6:30 p.m. OB 6110(AJA) WANTED a 6- vice, wiling to Pay SM. OB 6112 JOSH) BABYSITTER wanted for oeea. Monal evenings. Must M in the Ceder Park area Would am aar dents. 08 6113 (AJA) GRAPHIC wbK egos, skkkon ary, ads, ik"akon, almost any, 9ti v. Good false. Services for floral .OB6114(PIC) COBOURG sports card show P irwx s Loom. Nw9kanbsils,d MAN, 9 to 5 P. m.• August 2nd. Tablas $2s. Admission one can of food of $1.00. OB 611$ (COB) E.C.E. mdh w of 2 will care for your children in my home OB 6116(OSH) COUNTERTOP repair. Specialists in re-colorfirg bath- tubs, stoves, fridges and coup. tertops Workmanship guaran- lead 08 6117 (WHI) MEMBERSHIPS BLUE Jay tickets. Sat. Aug 7 1993 at 1:35. 2 tickets, $15 ,via,. Oil 7000 THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JULY 30,1993 -PAGE 23 Till ood eorndition Askimg f4s air 'SH : - .- 1 • PLACE,' beet offer. 08 3245 AJAX office cordo, $60 sq. ft., Y e , , 1. ASMTON-0RAKE c ovebirds.2 Katrina. ds, 2 eat location, lull finished ail 1 1 ' cage and accessories 525, sones e and$125. accAlsessories conditioned, $75,000 o b.o. 08 , 1 AD BARTERLINE or b or best oiler OB 3216 (OSH) 1050 (AJA) 31 inch Keaton pads used 2 sea ONE acre land for rent in Napnee, price negotiable. OB a 1 To place your FREE 1S- sons. very good condition. also 1051 word ad call toll free 1.800- avadable blocker and catcher RICE Lake. 1 acre water front, 1. Call 1416- 976 �t t0 667-M b t' between ��n end 08 3247 (OSH) PIANO for hydro. telephone. 21 oak trees, browse ads or respond t0 P.M. n9 sale, upright Hemzlman 1920s in very good grass maintained, Cow Island, ads. Be sure to make a reprresentatives will be happy to condition bargain at $950 OB $3.900. OB 1052(OSH) note of the mail box num- help you 2 BARiERUNE 3248 (PIC) TOWNHOUSE 3 bedrr oom, ret room, walkout, newly decorated bens at the end of each ad, 11 � � � Bartering i s a n idea will then issue Y our a mailbox and a confider- CAMERAS -SECURITY cameras and monitors, industrial oual,ty, will take auto as full down pay- and follow instructions by t� ° r low light surveillance asking ment.OB1063JOSH) BUILDING lot Prince Edward the Computer. A Charge of p 9 11 whose time has come retrieve ve to retrieve responses to your to your ad EeoO for twee cameras and two) e monitors OB 3249 (OSH) County, water view $24,900 or $1.99 per minute will apply. 3 After placing your ad -- using CRIB- Nhrnny •he pooh solid trade small late model 5th Wheel you can respond to ads 24 your both tone phone -- call 1- pre and mattress new 5530 OB 1064 (AJA) hours a day, 7 days 415-976-0999 to record your Asking S350 or best offer 08 REAL ESTATE a iytime message to expand on your ad 3250 (OSH) I Week. , A charge of $1.99 per minute WANTED smaller size upright RentalsWA 2. If you need help, call Hours24 ' , , 9 apply f-eeze, good condition. unde• LOOKING for a house trader on toll free 1-800-667-6083 , , 4 if you have any questions can ton free 1-600-667-6M $100 or would trade for house cleaning OB 3251 (OSH) site on Bowmanvtlle to rent for between noon and 11 p.m. and one of our representatives SONY ''-^ray'= !l -P $250 OB professional single female will be happy jo help 3252 (PIC) Available for Sept./Oct, 1993. WEDDING •lass size small (7) Must include utilities and appy- OB 2011 to share wase, eat access to r mer prices. Free delivery. We only 2 years old, used only twice signs OB 3146 (BOW) WANTED to buy used pel,o 3211 (OSH) paid S 1.200 will sell for S800 antes TEN MINUTES from Whitby. transportation 08 2076 (PIC) TO rent. one room in family care for your heat' Cobourg area 08 3034 Asking $375 o b.o. 08 3110 AIR WOULD like to purchase small stones 24 in by 30 in textured BUNK BEDS 9ne double mat- OB 3253 (OSH) LOVE sea! and :^air fv sale between BrookliniPort Perry on house a fully equipped one bed. COLOR TV Electrohome 16' conditioner for sale. very good condition, 21.000 BTU garden shed, wood or metal In good condition O8 3147 (OSH) Brookkn concrete style, will pick up anytime OB 3182 (PIC) tress f^s wo :hosts 01 drawers for child s bedroom OB 3212 brown bege plaid color. ,unable Hwy. s12 Rooms available for rent, low weekly rates. OB 2015 room apt, both available October 1 prefers employed excellent condition, $125 o b.o LP record 5500 o b o. OB 3111 (OSH) WANTED Blue ay tickets for VIDEO game .unkyaM $200 in (PIC) for fam lo •oom $250 for the parr. or psi offer Also available (WHI) OSHAWA - ParklJohn, furnished female tenants. prices nego- collection. 50s d 60s plus classical Brand new sky- FIREWOOD quality maple -sea- sonedisplit/dry. $65 face cod. Sat Auq 21 will buy or barter Good seats preferred. 08 3148 "A• shape Record Breaker •ace track plus 8 ars. complete $500 DIAMOND -9. dining room table w'h 'aur chairs bedroom are Tupperware pats, and kitcrnen room, available immediately. liable. 08 2077 (OSH) WHITBY, 1 bedroom basement light, sell -flashing, 24'x48'. $125 o b o 083055(WHI) Honest measure free delivery, Courtwearea OB3112(OSH) (WHI) WHITE Kenmore potable dish- 08 3183 (PIC) SIBERIAN-,sxies for suite $999 each Chad's bed utensilsprices are nem Rabb OB 3254 fWHI) includes kitchen use and cable, on bus route Suit clean a min. from GO station. complete furnishing SIGN business rieM advert", WE wdl fill your container up is washer for sale. in good condi- sale withou• papers 5 weeks old 599 0832131WHI) HAMMOND organ ^erno model ELECTROHOME a•=ondt,xe, 9 DOC ?-, quiet male. $85 First/last. 08 2016 with TV. 5550 includ- utilises. 08 2078 HI ^9 (WHI) 400 di!ferent industrial mes- 20L of lab tested natural spring room Asking $350 o b o 08 $100 08 3184 fPIC) exceoer• -,""tiara. 5360 or best 2 summers ask ; 5200 OB (WHI) FOR rent, in Courtice basement sages. ween pnntinq. looking to barter 083072 (OSH) water S3 OB 3113 (AJA) MISCELLANEOUS Nikon tens 3149 (PIC) BRIKONA Shepherds, 6 months ONE stave for sale 30" wide Ge^e,al Electric. very clean offer OB 3211 (WHI) FULL size washer and dryer. 3219 AJA , 85 ' :^.ge 500 OFFICE. 625 sq. It, downtown apartment in private home, fur- nshed• share facilities, $550 per GOLD STAR computer. VGA colored monitor. 101 keyboard, for sale Manual focus. OB 3114 JOSH) up. 15 yrs . clean lines, show bred, good working condition will Beaumont washer, dryer heavy MEDICAL/PROFESSIONAL excef'er• •u^^ ^, -old • on St.50C ; p 08 4000'OSk. Whitby, ground floor, loads of month, available August 1 road )oy stick, mouse. 51/4 31/2 LOST cat ferrate calico• spayed versatile, property contract- ed sed, lease serv-ce/foster dekvei 5'30 08 31 a5 (OSH) CERAMICS for sale mcludmng duly Kenmore, $20C each 08 3215 (COS) I • parking. private entrance and washroom 08 2017 (WHI) first and last OB 2079 (OSH) FOR rent, one furnished drive• noton command windows 6 yrs old She has been missing exchange OB 3150 g,eenware D,sque and custom WASHING ^+achene while, like MAIN floor of3bedroom burga- room in house, own bathroom, share menu includes programs and games OB3073(OSH) since Aug 91 Want to know if she aOK 083115(OSH) COMPLETE baby needvnnater- finishing Mon -Sat 9-6 p m new S25C Nd' trade nor electric • • low in Whitby's West Lynda. 5 kitchen, available rrnmedrately. SHARP home stereo, S1200and WANTED. good Kiln. for belung 11rty wear boys Ririe. newborn to 2 yrs new/slightly used OB Reasonable pace OB 31% (AJAj !ypewrte• with memory OB 3216 (OSH) S429 -S•:6• ^ia .-. ., appliances, near parks,, large lencod lit• near sclnooN. GO bus. schools, $400 per month. OB 2080 (PIC) LARGE two bedroom dear O C. Bianchi banns bike. pks extras $400 a wit trade for motorcycle ceramwcs. OB 3116 (WHn VICTORIAN 3152 (BOW) SIDEBOARDS with 3 -drawers SATELLITE C,sh and receiver, k aird ••„Ns i dd'yS a wee. f arm - 9 p m OB 4010 Available Aug. 15. $895. share Fridgestove utilities. 5649. OB 3074 (COB) %creel doors - maple, excellent cransmanelhp. 9 CUBIC fool 'reezer 510000 Industrial sewing machine 33- nigh 34- wide. vaned. S -r. wall sander with 538 ask. , S--1200 or best offer 08 1981 � levy p�:. _p power ussses, firsNast 08 2016 (WHI) WHITBY garage storage avail- laundry facilities. eleven-piex Auq 1 OB 2061 (OSH) DRYER. Westinghouse. almond many styles. interchangeable SSW 00 OB 31531AJA) extension. OB 3187 (OSH) 3217 (Wrap MOVING sate. 4 appliances and evei $1 Ill OB 4011 CAMAPO .arcs -; Z23 3' able for collector car, boat or color, in excellent working pond S 10 OB 3075 (OSH) glass available. unbelievable low prices. nslaasd OB 3117 (COB) AIR conditioner 1 1:2 ton den- triol with rnook-ups. work QUEEN s ze teak waterbed. sery •notiorkess. 5 by^,+ -'e an n excellent colla - tinct •o s speed 705 moor Irk•. Available Aug t Please Nave message OB 2019(WHI)hutch MERCHANDISE ANTIQUE dung room set, with CANON SD lenses 28mm & great $450 00 or bast ofry OB 3154 yeah ole ,n good condition. mattress 1s 1 Ism, OB 3218 (OSH) WANTED a^ apartment sirs hood wneNs, doors '-roof bps, etc 08 4012 CLEARWATER. Florida 3 bdrm and china cabinet, 5450 orb o. Swimming pool. 16 x 24' 200mm Sea or trade be mens mountan bike OB 3118 (AJA) (OSH) HOCKEY equipment, Bruns year old. $250 or willing to Darter 06 3168 (AJA) f•eeze• a' a^ amordaDie price OB 3220 (OSH) 1987 -,rbo Sp, -• excellent tum mobiles Pools.hotWb Kids o.k S275 wkly 08 2025 WHEELCHAIR wa lie• w •h hand brake both like new anal, above ground, dock, lad- der, 5800 b 0133075 WANTED mens mountain bike right hand catcher $4000. DNA LOSE Air easy 15-2'!bs w111iout FROST 'reeft" flil%rte.set> tori. iron, $2 950 1995 Toror W Caaiente hilly badr: 2 ROOMS . private washrm. 8 (1,000 for the two. or will sell tib. o o. SWIMMING pod chemical food- reasonable 08 3119 (AJA) LEATHER motor b-ke lackst _G40 30- Goalie pads $200.00 0631 SS (WHI) charging your •eqular habits eat- .ng Lifestyle Dow Cook!" 15 arae ',eeze, easy access pull leather ,nteror sun ,00f miust Y entrance Partially turn Some separate OB 3004 (OSH) or $25 Fence she" yellow, ladies size 12. black excellent NEW wedding 7owin and head day supply S75 30 day L. poly out shelves. $100 or best offer 08 3221 (AJ A) seer` las 250 06 4014 -o.d kitchen lac. Harman park area No pats $95 wkly incl util. d TRUE IBM 386 corr'purn xVGA monitor, 4meg ram, 160meg SS sa. 2x6 exerted Dike. low mileage, SW 083077 (OSH) condition f60 OB 3120 (PIC) WANTED used pod lyrr Lange. tete size 16 5400 00, Yorx stereo remote. two 5'45 OB 7189 (OSH) 4 CLEAN ^yo ­C wa'erbed mat- 1963 Ltd . 5 :,Imder 4 swine, doer sedan one Cw^,air 7adr- e, ;,.)d Indry. 1st a last. Avail. July 26. hard drive. mouse, wwndows31. 9.6 HP MERCURY outboard leaks dont matter OB 3121 years old $10000 083156(WHI) new sealed complete volumes .n caas of Canad�ar [ess and Dox sil ^g As.�ng $300 OB 3222 (WHI) condrtedan $t 082026 ROOMS for rent Weeidyhnonlh• DOS 5 and more 52.000 ob.o- 08300S mokor. good cord. 5600 obo. OB 3078 0061 "Leave WASHING machine for sale Encydopedo set sold in stores -asking X. FOUR Dikes n 7� :on bon 084015 FOR SALE 21 foo steel hall iy Street Side Im. 082027 PINTO overo mare promxum. (WMn FULL sure camomile, 2 Tits. cid PET -House %fitting, your cares at horns with ui perso. 5100 00 D8 3157 (OSH) TWO cobred role, Sams. boon for 5190 $75 06 3190 (PIC) Older gas :awnn, ins cues 110 flat Head = :•d '✓6 ^andyman RESPONSIBLE No o1s; to share 2 bdrm furnished apt. with 14.3 hands, 14 yr. old trained English/Wal and with case and acceesonies. $650 OB 3079 (PIC) . al,zod service by the bonded three years old, We new 14• - BEDROOM suite. OB 3223 (WHI) SERVICE and support on aA IBM sat ft 200 o b o Also 15 foot C'+ryslsr 90 '.,p :0hnscn same. Close to all amenities jumps S' Quiet and sound, an foal to orb o SOFMceeterheid, good as new. po*mwwm s. 08 3122 (WMI) LATE model self-dei,ssi. $150.00. 28' - $30000 08 3158 (PIC) :ontemporary wnw ash- quson and compatible computers. "oto, will, trader. S2 20C o b o Now 5 Poria Mal. 5350 nondh Appaloosa. (2.200. 08 3006 clean. asking $225 OB 3060 Kelv1nator fridge, & matching XEROX photocopier $75000 or size with $uds tabkos. hi -boy S drawer Crosser and mirror nstaaaton and repays. IM ess. mutes 08 3224 (AJA) or will trade !or a 24 beat trailer 082026 FURNISHED room in family USED portable drshwasher for sale Removable top, excellent (OSH) FISHER price sand box (cad's). Inglis alive Excellent condom. SOW o bo 08 3123 best after 08 3190 JOSH) TENT lir 6. S1OC S1 600 OB 3191 (OSH) NEW come able a -d two end pray ?D hp Evwnide w,tr al tor. trona. 311100 0 D o Cobourg area home Cable sop entrance. condrCon. OB 3015 OB 3061 (AJA) WANTED video cassette sale %keeps 30 or best offer OB 3160, OS14) SELLING arge rept:'e page. urge 'aloof hutch, small rabbit tables S• 15 wanted old wooden wan Telephone carousel horse 094016 16 WOOD CANOE bait' N washroom, cooking parking. etc Close to bus & O G H $75 WANTED - oscilloscope, prefer- ably 20 MHZ.dual trace OB WEDDING dress ✓iolpnan. aim recorder, good condition, as STOVE, almond in color. Mdfat, cage Small ha nslaw G&W Piano OB 3225 (COB) by P a:: P cs Lake ,a^x post week 2029 3016 10-12. with lace, cost 92000, Asking $600 oDo. OB 3062 donation for F,refghtw's Aeuiesurr, Port Hope OB 3124 $110 083161(WHt) LARGE KoMnator Masterpiece sbdwanted 0831/2(AJAI WE are 0" line beer se^.+ce MUSIC and records typing and sna4vnd bodes offer Cobarga0,:>#,ost FURNISHED HED 3 bedroom town- WHfTE stove. $325 A-1 corhd- (PTH) WANTED to buy - tandem e freze, once" teendnDon. $200 r •esidentai and office ryanng wool tr- "`wISW y watch. ma,b,es postcards a S. •50 G. S,zuk: -•,d- houso. Nov 1 -Apr 30 reason- able rent for good tonant, 08 son 063017 BABY, baby"Owkty gentility worn PRINTING - computer forms. paper enveopes, labels. station- stroller •.cost be ,n good corgi- soh OB 3125 or best offer 083192 (WHI) JOLLY Rider all personnel are bonded and books travel mon Scar OB rsD1t oiue shun exce,kvnl =ordr- !,on asking f1 20C 08 4C57 2050 (OSH) ROOM for rent n bungalow .n chidren's clotting lir talllwnnbr season Also ary. koolung o make a trade 08 3083 AQUARIUM 35 gallons corm- 3. paid $250 wants S175 or best offer. like insured sonars and maternity, incounts available very com- 2226 WATKINS 'or aersonal use or ( ) SCOOTER 985 Honca Elite. quit area d Whitby. pros, nego prams, strollers. car seats, highs -chars, crib*. play (OSH) AIR -CONDITIONERS 9000 6 vete with said canopy, talars, hewn gravel and other acoee- 9r brand now. blue and white OB 3193 MMI ( 1 pettivs rates 08 3193 (AJA: COPPERTONE a ane stove d9e rrcorhw %res OB 3227 (BOW TWO did Ma 3 OC k -h arknwr,y A liable depending on facilities pens, swings, soya and maarnty 12000 BTUs very good coed sora. f175 o b o OB 3129 TRADITIONAL wedding dress with %ell-caaanng .oven, S 17 sa .ear arfo !c• Due" .acuum c�sanor. wi:n r for SSOG y trade lir a newer, •4 t used Preler female non-smoker 08 2051 (WHI) wkwar'The resaN store fon lids b Up 7596 OB $150 IS S2S0 OB 304 (OSH) COMICS valiance. ,mage mw- size 4. ircki es. headpiece and or S30C for pay excoswnt condi- attachments oxcMNnt Dond.son y,f.,ytur" Dort OB 1058 (A•:A) CAR wanted. a nine' HOUSE to share Park Road corn paid. 3018 CHESTERFIELD, suites, bed SPORTING goods. we buy and Will new and used sports equip vel, do Many %las good pips. Some trade exeopled. 50c to OedrluDN veil. expserit condi- son, $800 or Dost offer 06 3164 sen JB 3191 (COB) FOR Pad $1 389 aaknq 56.50 a beatebeattrti tx cerapN 0810 40 699 (WHI, 6 8401 area Non-smoker pre- sofas, secnonais, 1/2 prig. 08 rwnt plenty of good youth hock- SM 08 3127 (MMI) saa !^roe woodstove pipes 3 R ,nsulased sector. 12 offer OB 3228 (OSH) HUNTER -S s04i truck 1999 NISSAN pick .p 4 -mn- Jerred. Rant negotiable 08 2062 (OSH) 3019 DINING suite, bleached oak. ey equipment available Oki 3095 (WHO TWO car top carriers, a sb cam- .of lir car trunk, a storm door and SATELLITE dish and compo- nen! Tosniba. $2.800 or will an diameter, never beer uSod SICIC sa OB 3195 (OSH) campe• seeps four propane took 'son 5 speed 0 s p b Nt, jons Dc. exceller: Gond Cons,ee• WANTED to rent small 2 bed- table iparquw effect top) with FOR SALE mien's left handed apcessonee for barter 06 3126 trade for a pull sailer 06 3165 WATERBED king s,zs r Wod and power -up $700 or boat offer 08 3229 (OSH partial trade for bike Ask -; room house with fenced yard. leaves. 6 velvet upholstered gond clubs. Campbell 11 pc . bag RINGS, ori 14K gold sapprxre• (MMI) c"dition dark pinio Asking WASHER and drver _ berator. 4 $3 00L 06 4060 iA,.A, 1196 BMW K-75 prefer but not limited to rural area 08 2057 (OSH) chi lighted breakfront Excellent condition. 5995 OB and cart $f 75 08 3067 (COS) FOR SALE 21 ft steel hull flat S200 0 b o 14K good ruby dia- mond ring, $200 14K gold da- NINTENDO with 5 popular games xnciu0ing Super Mans 2 $200 08 3196 (OSH) LEATHER motor Dike y did 'rust W1 $30C or Deet fifer 06 3230 ow -- seddie bags eNtre guards eveceorc FISHER -PRICE safety gate 3020 head Ford V-8. handyman spa- mond ring, $200 o D o Floral and 3 and Game Gene, 5175 jacket lades size 12. black, excellent (OSH) KID'S hovs pelwabio for bovs ignition owl ,nfectior, staid to, the last 2 1;2 Sit SOC 08 S2S 00. Deluxe stroser in excel- MATTRESSES and box. Less ail 51200 08 30M (COB) design OB 3129 06 3166 (OSH) coo on Aslong SW OB 3197 ages 2 to 5 $25 OB 3231 (OSH) yrs 1061 (COB) lent condition S55 00, Amazon than 1,7 prop 083021 1S FT. CHRYSLER. 90 hp , SLOT machine wanted MENS size 40 Descent stre" (PIC) FOR sate prig-pong aborti tow 1999 SUZUKI RU125 A! Parrot cage $50 00. OB 2094 (WHI) TIRES new and used. installed balanced. Custom Johnson motor with trailer. Mechanical, any condition Also down ha su pants (now)hard. WANTED paddle boat, prefer- feet by eight keel. also have van- b.ke gw oiwrt conn „hyal amwnec ATTRACTIVE room, close to and •hooks. tune-ups, of changes, repairs (2.200 obo- or and trade for 24 R. boat trader 0630M(COO) electric trains, Marx. Lionel, American Flyer 8 Moceano. 08 made maple hutch 08 3199 (OSH) ably 4 seater VCR VHS and 20- color TV Will Darter oty or toys, for ages ^ to 6 years Al: 5850 o bo o trade for gas snow Oshawa bus routes. central. 083022 28 HP Evwwude boat motor with 3130 40 charnel CB radio and antan- portable OB 3196 (OSH) old prices negotiable OB 3232 (OSH) bkow•er 084o62(COB) Parking. share kitchen, laundry. Female. CHANDELIER, 9 lights, bered, 80 all controls. $0 o.b.o. OB 3090 KENMORE air conditioner, nalnwelsr. 5150 a best offer O6 QUEEN Size black leather KENMORE washer and dryer for 1971 Cnevr nal on good engine a prey asking S1 20C non smoker, $65. OB 2066 JOSH) beveMd glass pias, S90 o b.o. 08 3023 (COB) VIKING fridge and stove 1 yr 6.000 BTU. $200 08 3131 STOVE - 2 yrs old, excellent 3109 JOSH) TWO awnepuck-up li roWeo b r waterbed with heater, 5300 or et beoffer O8 3199 (AJA) sal full size in excellent condi- soh, or will trade for 4-ar car m goodCondition ROOM to rent in clean quiet CLUBS: Golf, right hand, mini row, warranties inducted, Ingle condition. Fudge-Ireanr, two less, no moors. good tracks and KITTENS. Kee to good home all will sell separately 5300 for inti pair prices negotiable OB OB 4102 (OSH) 1963 Ford Ranger pock -up with home, air-condiDoed, incl des . bag. 11-pa..2 pullers+Carl. washor, Kersnore dryer. 12 yes. door, 8 yrs., good condom. 08 skas. 083!70 JOSH) male, orange and white. OB 3233 (AJA) cap. redbook value S1 650 and aitrrwbes, meals available. in $250. 06 3024 old. 08 3091 (PIC) 3132 FOUR 8 It sections of proso rer 3200 JOSH) SATELLITE dish Star Track 8 make an offer, ass OB 41M bwn. OB 2097 (AJA) FAMILY sue ledge, gold. good FURNITURE for Sale, sofa, WASHING Machine. Inglw, apt treated wood fence with ppb. INTRA is produced tom all nat- 51.500. OB 3234 (OSH) (OSH) THE row cfhoioe n t9Metren con- condition.$M.063025 SMIt end tables, dung area set size. 2-sposd, 5 cycle. $300 Y AskrgS75. OB?171 (WHI) ural botarxreats wath a but juee MASSEY Ferguson combine. 1990 Cresssner boat. 75 Mercury signment now accepting and RIDING lawn mower, 8 HP, 5 063092(COO) o. b. o. Air conditioner, DIAMOND ring, 2.2 karat sok- base for pegpie with low energy model 72, wed Sell or trade for a horse power motor with power seMig quality, gonl y worm cel- speed. golf car nodal. 5475. OB SIDE BY SIDE freezer/fridge. Electrahome 6,000 BTU o.b.o.. taire, appraised at $13.750. skin problem headaches. OB 60 horas power farm tractor OB tilt, fully loaded. hardly used droni and maMtiy clothes for 3026 almond, $750 self-cleaning 06 3134 (PIC) trade never model Su6ndw or 3201 JOSH) 3235 (COB) aakng S18A00'd 04104 favotes. ll and vu. Up b 75% cash VANITY, large minor six draw- Sl ow. W washer, dryer, lilts SEGA Garment. 2 contra pads, Base Bost 08 3172 m PERFECT �K easy. Michael Duman wildlife pant 11M G M., white tvan like e new. paid. 002OW JOSH) ars, maple, refinished. $225 now $450.08 309? (AIA) 2 games, sant, 1 3 2 and giro NEED queen size waterbed iroxperwriw, 3 nheals a dela. M a Michael Dumas Timberwolf yen u re�ppk „ 025 Make an AVAILABLE room for rent at o.b.o. 06 3027 NEW wedding gown and head Genie, 5375. 06 313$ JOSH) sheets and king duvet cover, day or $63 a week. OB 3202 framed and museum matted alien. 06 4106 JOSH) reduced rate in exchange for VCRs thoroughly cleared. $25. piece, sirs 16, 5400. Yoa sand WEDDING dress, satin, peed suitable for young man, CD (WHII) $860 or wddlie pint. O8 3236 35' house trader. 2 bdrms 2 child care services. 06 2069 06 38011111 temple. 2 yrs. out. $100 o.b.o. bodice. cathedral. length train, player. 08 3173 (WH) EX rating go-cart 2 Honda G- (PIC) . tipouts, water damage to roof JOSH) OAK dining roam set wits iruth, 06 3084 (MN) size 16, pearl h odpasice with Nn- BRAND new camera. Canon 200 moors. Needs rebuilding. FOR sale. Laser sailboat. 14 55,800 or trade for work on FURNISHED room to rent. S2,200. K/S ehorrywood WHITE oak office desk excel. gsrlp vel, 5350 ob.a 08 3137 EOS 630 and Ions 28-70, 70- 5400 or best offer. 08 3204 foot, excellent condition, asking ham. 08 4106 JOSH) Fridge, allow. shah bathroom. %ealerbed. brrdtoan est $1.700. fond. Asking 5200 OB 3095 (OOM) 210; also with flash i cattle. Beet (OSM - 51,000, or beat offer. 08 3237 194 Honda Pnkde. aub.. sun very cissn, f70.00 weedy, fast O/S w&terbed bedroom set. (AIA) FOR sale. used portable MAsytsg after a trade lir PC. OB 3174 MARLEY-Davidson parts. black (BOW) roux. $3,ra6. 06 4109 a and last 06 2070 JOSH) $1,000. 3 -pc, coltse table, 5225. SKLAR4EPPLER bad, coach 5 dishwasher, good condition, (OSN) disk hub. FXR assay bar, soft tai COUCH and matching chair lir 1979 GCC Suburban. 45" bar - WANTED to rent, 3 bedroom Ampit and dresser, $7S. OB yro. out, $150. Assorted bulc9hr bloc[ bd p, almond. $250 TANDY 1000 NX computer, 16 front funder and 16' tin. Make sale, tweed pattern, wood and rolb wig papaya needs body, toin ricelf s O"wsa with w 3029 drsae I Ings Owing room beige ob.o. 06 3138 (PIC) color 14' moribr. 512K, expend an offer. 06 3205 (PIC) Drop aoani s on arms, $250 for worts. 52.000, trade or best offer. garage. 06 2071 JOSH) OAK/PINE furniture. Why pay coir SM. 06 30M (OSN) GENERATION 3 Kirby vacuum able, pyatick, 30 games and pro- WANTED. while headboard for both. OB 3238 JOSH) 064109 RETIRED couple looking lir a reW prices? One of Ontario's WANTED phot 69" unbrol- cleaner, esee96nt condition. all grams, beat offer. 08317S(PIC) twin bed and small whits desk. MARCI exercise equipment for MOTORCYCLE. 1984 Honda place to stay this winter in oldest and larges maradactiasrs las. white or aifwr, ad)uslaW attachments pka carpet sharn- 18 FT. Masco lapstrake boat OB 3206 (AJA) sale, $150. Also, now option (be- 450. new, bras, than. battery. exchange for their place in is now sting died b to public. stands desirable. OB 3097 poosr, $1,000 o.b.o. OB 3139 with 65 Mercury, now trailer. DAYBED, white with brass trim, pen, baby accessories, nursing 5880 as is Will trade for com- F•londa. OB 2072 (BOW) Eg. 5' oak table will dw ext and JOSH) (AJA) Trade for magic wagon. OB asking $50. Z-28 Carbra. Asking bras. Incorfor ce products. 08 pater. 08 4110 FURNISHED room north 4 Window chairs, $799. 8' oak SINGER knitting machine with WINCHESTER model 1200 3179 (PIC) S45.00 3207 JOSH) 3239 (BOW) 1979 FORD LTD.. $400 o.b.o Oeh cos walk b Durham close b double pedestd dui' ext and 6 ribberiace, carriage, cable, pump action shotgun, with 28'. FON sale, Emerson stereo, POOLSAVING passive unit. RED and whge kgchen table and 084112 (COB) bus $75.00 a week for room or coifs, $1,429. Ca norbrA beds, cones, books, core rads, $1,000 full choke and 26'. improved, inckudes liner, Meer, equal ter, 8150. Wil save 50% .chlo ine. chair. Lid new condom $150 or 19M HONDA mom bike, 7occ. $100, for room and board. OB 5299. Over 20 Stains to crooee or best offer. 08 SM (PIC) cylinder brrrsle $225. 08 3140 turntable, dubbing, deck, stand reduce algae. PHfructualhons. beat olm. OB 3240 (AJA) auto.. 3 gearl good cawflmon. 2073 (O,RH) from. ALJ sold, no vwrwws. OB 41 FT. mason Sts% hull »iDost (PIC) and romols. But offer. 08 3177 hassle. 06 3209 (AJA) BABY pink wedding gown. sae asking $400 o b.o. 08 4113 PETS welcome. One bedroom 3031 825,000 or beat offer. 06 30M WANTED O"m nonaabia, (PIC) WILLING to trade framed and 7. $250. OB 3241 (COB) (OSH) basement apartment $575. frit CARPET - 1 have $ovral 1,000 JOSH) pat cards, crocks, bolts%, auto- FOR see, abumti and 45's, over unframed Nmited edibon prints CANNON t90 camera. with addF and last. Available August lel. w Stamaster and yards of ron VERTICAL blinds, excel. cond. npbie, etc. Byhtses other on- 100 rock and soft rock tithes. and custom tram" for gas or tional lenses, including wide SKI or fish. t8 ft Bow ndr, 00 Leave message for Susan or 100% nylon carpet. I'll carpet beige, size 56x48 and 72x48, mwrhitiss. 06 3143 JOSH) Best oNr. 06 3176 (PIC) electric range or gas dryer or angle, macro. zoom, etc. And Merc. hshlnder, downnggers. Joy. OWN4 JOSH) your living room and hall for asking $125 for both, may be STROLLER Carriage Alcot COMMODORE e4 with color drywalling for basement or Thyns ar Flash. OB 3242 (COB) elor, kneeboard, excellent cod. 2 BEDROOM basement apart- 8360. Prices includes carpet, sold separately. 06 3100 JOSH) make gray and dusty rose good monitor, keyboard, disc drive broadloom and blinds or other WANTED: a toddler backpack M o.b.o. 06 4114 (OSH) resent for rent available August pad and irutalatiorr. (30 yards). CLARE Dental air. 17,900 BTU, ebrhdlaon, 575, also sib bun ties and Pin ler. 06 3179 (WHI) household Am 003209(PIC) for thirteen month old. Metal 1960 FIRESIRD. ma; new 1st. $550. AN inclusive, on bus 06 3092 pad $2.300 new. sell $900 o.b.o. pads and Playtex nurser boalm FOR sale, Picrer Power airtight SPARKLING new ladies' 14K frame, must be In good condi- Pants$750 firm. Sunroof sdl in faults. OB 2075 JOSH) NEON by Slreetlites. Used / season, excellent corhb- OB 3144 (WHI) *love and 18 ft Selkirk chrriney addaire with 10 u wedding ring, tion. OB 3243 (COB) box $50 OB 4115 JOSH) ROOM torrent responsible male Residential, commercial. roan tion. OB 3109 JOSH) ADVERTISED 6' static cling plus hardware. 5500. 06 3180 4 diamonds. $650 set. Kenmore VICTORIAN screen doors- 1975 HONDA bike, 18,OW Ion, Or lemsb, b share a 3 bedroom house numbsn, specializing in CLARE cental air, 17,600 BTU, vinyl, sot or less. OB 3145 JOSH) stove In good condition. $175 maple, excellent craftsmanship, 200cc engine, perfect starter split condominium. Pool and aubnatvs ram. OB 3033 paid $2,900 new, sell $900 o.b.o. (BOW) FREE to good hoer, part poodle 08 3210JOSH) many a les, interchangeable bike or touring bike f300 o.D o parking- OB 2092 JOSH) FIREWOOD. Excellent quality Used 1 season, excellent condi- SIGNS blanks, one eighth by 3 part Malaise, suitable to ekfedy, T pc. town bedroom set including glass available, unbelievable low OB 4117 JOSH) SHARED accommodations, hardwood, seasoned, very dry, bon. 083109JOSH) inches by 28 inches. Large couple or person. OB 3191 two dressers and night table. prices, installed. 063244(COO) BOX trailer 6'. 16• fires. $250 female, employed, non smoker spit honest froostrefnrnt. sun- AIR conditioner. 10,000 BTU, quantity and ideal for outdoor JOSH) excellent condition. $250 OB DOUBLE side by side stroller in 08 4121 (OSH) 05119MiaWhilby This Week, Alax-Pickeri g News Advertser and NorOKxrlbefland News al dumas no kabity lir 1 he wnient or reply to any Barlerline adverbsen19nt The advertiser assumes oor plele liability for the content of. and all responses b. any advertialament or recorded message afd br any downs m&d• agMinst as a rwA thrd. the alfvrti•ar &West b irld•mli[)t and hold to plbbin and Merdmd Community Newspatims and i6 empbyeas harmless for all costs, expertise; and damages resulting from Of caused by the ptlbkcafon or receding placed by the &*WbW OF efly ripply b suCh &drrb•Irt•rt- By llNSWO ria, ilt9 #* 10 and ague notlo leas• hMM ItMpltaM f&I106f, kip niffru, Iznlpafry mm or address in i Wtw nlM9ap•. 01houtlJYNti0y This Week hix-Pilieng ilii» Advwfa•r i NorRMwlbetifind News reseNI 6 the fi t b r9Vlea, r•6rICI d CarlC61 any adverY••nlolt M drrlj�:m9 O Of y n ttAicA Nn tMd%Jh�O•d • a .. . PAGE 24 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1993 °s�GGi I M L T/ A BUILDING CENTRES INC. FOR THE YEAR -qqq4 aturday, July 31ST Tv . FREE N BALLOONS FOR THE KIDS IT'S A SALE FOR EVERYONE FROM THE DO-IT-YOURSELFER, HOMEMAKER, RENOVATOR AND CONTRACTOR CEDAR FRENCH DOORS CLOSET MAID DECORATIVE GLASS Flat Glass Ventilated storage system. Bifold doors 00 11#2108 -fits up to 94 11 BEVELLED1!9 $) 00 99 O O ONLY GLASS s149.00 ONLY 48 - ONLY 0 0 OFF ALL BBG ACCESSORIES ALL LAWN FUANRURE 0 0 Y(OFF •ALL DISC LIGI FIXTURES WHITE 4 SHELF BOOKCASE &55-00016 $2499 ONLY wHirE sTuDENrs _DESK 355-07130 I�,��4999 AJAX Westn" HIMIght Plaza IMlesiner A Hwy. 21 HOURS Mon. -Fri. 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m A p.m HT OFF •SPRINKLERS GARDEN TOOLS OFF • LAWNMOWERS TRIMMERS s� iii - K& 7 C.&C. Tue & cAncM 25% OFf DOM 25% OFF CHOO COUNTRY ON LOCATION 11 a.m.-3 p.m. AND A LOT WE. WALL POEM 25% OF "HOT DOGS & DRINKS BY Harvey's & Cashway Proceeds do& cw. to the Canaddan Cancer society 11 a.m.- 3 p.m, MICROWAVE STAND 355-06047 $2999 ONLY PINE STUDENT'S DESK --- _ 355.00016 x ' �: �e ONLY . . ., CASHWAY • QUA111jjrM • IN-STOC ITEMS ONLY • NO RM NCmCM MAX LOCATION ONLY Sunday 10 a.m.-S p.m.You can depend on us!APPLY FOR YOM CASHWAY MDIT CARD 427'9931 MONDAY, AUGUST 2ND OUR STORE WILL BE OP _ OUR EN ll -S • . . ,1 14