HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1993_07_02THE TOWN OF P(CKtR NG PU UC ,. VRRaav DOZEN [ANG 878MMEU SATO E �• RED ROSES $99 Pickering Edition CLEARANCE FROM 99 A __CASH a ' CARRY 9 D VER TISIR PRE -DYED 14k.. E ,A- 19 ROS T�t OE BOX a 619 -ROSE �n� mmo m� 831-7009 Friday. July 2. 1993 16 pages A Metroland Canvywray Newspa per Pressrun 35,100 514 + 40 GST = 55 cents Vol. 112 Na. 27 1 r5 !, ENVIRONMENT CONTEST WINNER: Jeff Boucher of Pickering is the winner of the News Advertiser's recent You and Your Environ- ment contest For getting the most answers right in our 3R quiz, Jeff receives a $50 gift certificate towards dinner for two at Regalis Restaurant in Pickering. The correct answers in our multiple choice quiz were c), c), c), b), d), a) and e). Con- gratulations Jeff and thanks to all who entered. LNews Come on in, the water's fine Page 2 ;ate HOMES �.: SUcnox L Regular featu s Letters.......................-6 I Sports— __ _7 Sincerely Yours...»........8 Enter•tainment..........._8 C lassified.»»................111 RECYCLEWE i S 'eyi�' •'ti -:a Angry mob of teachers rips 'Rae-volting' social contract By DONNA DONALDSON Durham Staff DURHAM - More than 1,500 educators rallied here Tuesday to protest the "Rae-volt- ing" social contract. But, the party the protesters most wanted to see at the bash didn't show up for the bash- ing educators gave the New Democrats. Teachers' union members joined forces at the Oshawa Civic Stadium to send a message to Durham West MPP Jim Wiseman and other Queen's Park representatives serving the Region — Drummond White, Allan Pilkey and Gord Mills. But, guest chairs with the invited politicians' names on them sat vacant on the platform. "We're here to demonstrate our support of our federations and of our unions and to protest Bill 48, the social contract legisla- tion," said Stella Dorsman, past -president of the Durham Women Teachers' Association. 'This bill is one of the most dangerous pieces of legislation. It will destroy our hard-earned rights to collective bargaining." All public sectors have been told how much money they have to cut from their pay- rolls by Aug. 1 so the provincial government can slash S2 billion in spending. If the indi- vidual sectors can't find ways to make those cuts by then, the NDP will legislate payroll reductions. The rally was organized by the Durham Public Educators' Coalition, made up of more than 5,000 public sector workers represented See STUDENTS. -Page 4 IN! inor injuries ion crash Pickering firefighters and an ambulance attendant aid a blacked out behind the wheel. The woman was taken to hos- motorist who rear-ended a parked car on Glenanna Rd. in pitaal with bruises and whiplash injuries. say Durham Regional Pickering Tuesday morning atter she suffered chest pains and Police. photo by Andrew lwanowski Looking to meet that significant someone? Call Sincerely Yours at 1-800-387-8004 r EWS ADVERTISER JUILY IM Beaches;safe for swi ming...for now By DONNA DONALDSON Durham Staff AJAX-PICKERING — Come on in, the water's fine. Beaches in Ajax and Pickering are safe for swimming — so far that is. Harold Robinson, Durham's chief health inspector, says none of the Region's beach- es have been posted as unsafe for swim- ming. "We did some sampling last week and the levels were high, but I think it's the *11 result of the heavy rain we had," says Mr. Robinson. "We've chosen not to post any (unsafe for swimming signs) at this time." The health department checks for Escherichia coli bacteria at the Region's 16 beaches each week. Five samples are taken from each area. The standard is 100 E. coli per 100 millilitres of water. E. coli is an intestinal bacteria found in man or animal and is an indicator of sewage pollution. People swimming in water posted as unsafe are at risk of getting ear, eye, nose and throat infections. If water is swallowed, people are at risk of gastrointestinal problems, says Mr. Robinson. Four beaches were posted as unsafe for swimming last summer including Rotary Park in Ajax, Kinsmen Beach in Port Perry, Elgin Pond in tlxbridge and Beaverton South Beach. Even if beaches aren't posted, Mr. Robinson says, "Parents should he warned it's not good practice to allow their toddlers to be drinking the water' or splashing water in their eyes, ears, nose or throat because they're more susceptible to infection. "It's a real problem for little toddlers." Ile also warns people to stay away from swimming in any of the Region's creeks and streams. The health department doesn't sample creeks and streams any more because, in past tests, they've always proven to be unsafe for swimming. illllllllll!1;11�IMCII�IC rte i j ��1 •';' r -t' .�� ' JQ 11'1111' Two area Reform Party supporters will peddle politics on a 1.500 -kilometre trek to Halifax. From left are cyclists James Maingot and Ed Lothman and Ontario Riding Reform candi- date Don Sullivan. Area bicyclists Ride for Reform AJAX-PICKF.RING - Two area men will peddle politics on a 1.500 -kilometre bicycle ride in a bid to help the Reform Party journey from here to Ottawa. James Maingot of Ajax and Ed Lothman of Whitby will Ride for Reform from here to Ilalifax to earn money for Don Sullivan, who'll seek election in Ontario Riding this fall. They're also hoping to increase awareness of the Reform Party in eastern Cana- da. ..I could have written the Reform Party's book," admits Mr. Lothman, 32. "It mirrors what I think and what many hard-working people think. I want to take that message out to the people" Mr. Maingot, 30, agrees. "The Reform Party provides an avenue to make a differ- ence. That's why I haven't been attracted to politics until now." The two are critical of "eli- tist, irresponsible govern- ments" which endorse social- ism, pass on high taxes, and "pay lip service" to deficit reduction. They also condemn the Young Offenders Act and current parole laws. They fear governments are building a society "based on Vender. creed, race, color and sexual preference rather than one based on ability and desire." The cyclists are scheduled to depart July 20 and hope to cover 160 kilometres a day, bringing them into Halifax July 29. Until then, they're training by riding about 200 kilometres a week. They've each ridden long journeys before — Mr. Maingot from Halifax to Corn- wall and Mr. Lothman from here to Ottawa. The ride "makes me feel humble knowing they think that much of the party and their candidate," admits Mr. Sullivan. "It makes me want to run all the harder." The cyclists are looking for sponsors and point out contri- butions are tax-deductible. (A $25 contribution offers a tax credit of $18.75, for example.) They'd also like such items and services as bike tune-ups, helmets, goggles, rain gear and other clothing. For more information, call the Reform Party office at 686-0278 or Ed Lothman at 666-0608. Cop assaulted during routine traffic check PICKERING - A Pickering man is charged with assaulting a police officer after he was stopped for a routine traffic check Tuesday. Durham Regional Police say the door of a police cruiser was slammed on an officer's arm after a motorist was stopped near his own home on Fairport Rd. A 32 -year-old man has been charged. DOES IT OFM PRIVATE WOMEN'S EQUIPMENT i AEROBIC AREAS? (DOES IT OFFER 9 CONVENIENT MAN LOCATIONS? FINALLY DOES IT OFFER Au of TPAs 3VNWAW.�-50 FOR ONLY PER MOIL AJAX/PICKERING 59 Westney Rd. 427-2977 iAM�.�M.�•7M•-t a. rrrrmembov""Sob aboom Y.•w 1W�M/�.Y..� ti1sM *%am&2� poe" . gw.1bIMO.M. DELIVERY SERVICE WATCH FOR THESE INSERTS dr FLYERS COMING TO YOUR DOOR WITH YOUR NEWS ADVERTISER CARRIER TODAY AND IN THE DAYS AHEAD FRIDAY, JULY 2194 NEWS ADVERTISER (IUA UMK) MAN DIA TIRG(AAWICK.) IEW HWES (A AX" t.) SUNDAY, JULY 4/94 NEWS ADVERTISER (MAXIPICK.) BIWAY (AIAX/PICK.) 'CANADIAN TIRE (PICK) 'FOOD TO ((pp(A )AXIPIm) L ( KOBLAWS IUAIICKK.) FROAY'S CARRIER OF THE WEEK IS ROBERT DEABREAU • D.iwnd to s.r.el•d han•holds on Robert enjoys P�np besebal & bah" ti collects baseball cards. Robert received Lidkndh Your . • - To Our coupons oom0 rents of the Newt Adver1w. aranteed same day delivery Conpratulatans Robert br being our Friday Cartier of - the Week Funny money being passed here�3 DURHAM - Police are warning local couple of days," says Const. Jim Grimley of reported finding fake $50s in their cash reg- color on the fake ones is a little more faded merchants to beware of phony $50 bills Durham Regional Police. "Local businesses isters during business hours Monday. than a real one. being passed here. "Fraudulent $50 Canadian bills have should be made aware that these hills are being Four Oshawa eateries and one bank in Police can't say if more than one person been showing up at the Pickering "town passed." Tbree stores at the Pickering Town Cen- the city were also handed the funny money. Const. Grimley says the bogus bucks feel is passing the fraudulent bills. However, some businesses have reported Centre and the Oshawa Centre in the last tre and five shops at the Oshawa Centre different than a normal $50 bill and the it's been a man using the money. 7� .rit. 1 Teddy time Lots of Teddies and owners showed up at Pickering Muse- um Village Sunday for a picnic and other fun. Michael McLaughlin needed a wagon to tote all his furry friends. photo by Celia Bronkhorst Hospital helpers on wall of fame AJAX-PICKERING - The writing's on the wall at the Ajax - Pickering General Hospital. Several campaigns at the hos- pital feature "donation walls", where those who contribute finan- cially can see their names dis- played. The latest campaign will see "building blocks" mounted in the new maternity area. For a $125 donation to the department, you can have your name, or the name of your baby, inscribed on a pink or blue building block. The blocks will be arranged around a stork on a wall in the maternity wing when renovations are finished. Already installed in the hospi- tal's main lobby is a "Lifelong Friends" donor wall, which includes a montage of patient and staff photographs with lists of donors who've provided the hos- pital with substantial support over the years. Names are listed in alphabetical order under appropri- ate "Membership Club" cate- gories. As donors give more thereby reaching higher member- ship status, names will be moved to new categories to reflect their generosity. The names will be list- ed in perpetuity and, the hospital says, will become a history of community support. Donors can view the wall at any time, and anyone having difficulty locating their name can ask community relations staff to help. Meanwhile, a wall of bricks honoring 3,300 donors who helped pay for the hospital's expansion will be installed this summer. According to the hospi- tal, "an eclectic mix of names, tributes and poetry" will be mounted in the lobby of the new tower. Although official opening ceremonies of the tower won't be held until 1994, everyone who donated to the News Advertiser's Buy A Brick campaign can see the wall when the new wing opens for business later this year. For more information, call the hospital's community relations office at 428-1407. - ..rte w•a•i s•w•�•►r r - . , PAGE 4 -THE NEWS ADVEWMER FRIDAY, JULY 2,1493 'Students will suffer' from social contract FROM PAGE 1 by the Durham Women Teachers' Asso- ciation (DWTA); the Ontario Public School Teachers' Federation (OPSTF) - Durham District; District 17 of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation (OSSTF); and the Canadian Union of Provincial Employees (LUPE) Local 218. Bill Butcher, president of OPSTF - Durham District, said Bill 48 will "adversely" affect education in the Region. "Class sizes will increase, there will be a reduction in support services and less time for teachers to be involved in extra -curricular activities" if the legisla- tion is passed, said Mr. Butcher. That at a time when the Durham Board of Education anticipates a growth of 1,000 elementary students this fall. "We'll have extra students but no extra teachers," he said. "Classrooms will be full going from 29 students to 35 or 40 students in each one." Sporting a lime green ball cap with the phrase "Rae-volting" emblazoned on it, Shirley Smith, president of District 17 of the OSSTF, said, "The difficulty with this legislation is that it gives tremen- dous powers to employers and destroys collective bargaining as we know it. The impact will be less money available for spending and job cuts." 'wow. L Ilk" >WX .e �' �1 4. _ t tam Hundreds of teachers rallied at Oshawa Civic Stadium Tuesday in "Rae -volt" against the NDP's proposed social contract. photo by Ron Pietroniro Gene L s, president of OPSTF, told the crow is social contract "under- mines -ides of collective bargaining in thi wince". P .8 will "totally deplete" public services in Ontario — such as fire, police, hospital, and education — at a time when these services are needed more than ever, Mr. Lewis contended. Victoria- Haliburton MPP Dennis You can shapeup Help your heart nd heart foundation PICKERING - You can get into shape and to the You can buy the passes Friday and Saturday when Heart and Stroke Foundation at the same time. professionals will be at the mall to discuss fitness pro - A 10 -visit pass to 'Mademoiselle and P: mier grams and wellness lifestyles. Aerobic demonstra- Health Clubs is being offered at the Pickering Town tions and door prizes will be included. Centre this weekend for S2C. The entire fee will be For more information, call Chantale Bondoux at donated to the Heart and Stroke Foundation. 427-2977. Step & Stride classes at recreation complex PICKERING - Summer ses- choose from a variety of classes For more information, call the rec sions of Step & Stride exercise offered Mondays to Thursdays complex at 831-1711. classes start Monday at the Pick- between 5:45 and 8:15 p.m. erkng Recreation Complex. Unlimited classes for the entire The traditional Reebok step eight weeks can be purchased for classes are led by instructors S43-29, or pay between $32 and trained by Reebok and certified 536 per session. by the Ontario Fitness Council. To register, call the town's Sessions will be held for eight department of community ser - weeks, and participants can vices and facilities at 420-4621. Obituary O'NEILL, Catberine - Suddenly at the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital on Tuesday, June 29, 1993. Catherine (Kitty) O'Neill, in her 81 st year. Beloved wife of John. Loving mother of Catherine, Thomas, Frances, James, Anne, and families. Funeral mass on Friday, July 2, 1993, at 10:30 am., at St. Bernadette's Catholic Church (corner of Ha , wood Ave. and Bayly St., Ajax). Interment Resurrection Cemetery. Funeral amdngements entrusted to McEachnie Fuw al Home, 428-8488. THE REGIONAL MUMPAUTY OF DUM M NEW HOURS OF -OPERATION FOR imam LANDFILL AND RECYCLING SITES The Oshawa, Cartwright and Scugog Transfer and Recycling Sites will be open Tuesday to Saturday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. effective July 1, 1993. The sites will be closed Sundays, Mondays and all holidays. V.A. SILGAILIS, P. ENG. COMMISSIONER OF WORKS _:Read the News Advertiser for the best bargains Drainville was the only provincial gov- ernment member to attend the rally. He urged the crowd to write letters, send faxes, make phone calls and sign petitions to let the government hear their opposition to Bill 48, Barbara Sargeant of the Federation of Women Teachers' Associations of Ontario, said, "Never before in our his- tory have we seen a type of legislation or bill like this. It creates many, many inequities." She said her federation is anti -violent but, "We're going to fight this bill and we're going to fight it with all our might. If the legislation does go through, education will never be the same. Our children cannot suffer." Sid Ryan, president of the Ontario Division of CUPS, told the crowd "(Bill 48) gives employers the unilateral right to open up the collective agreements. There is not a piece of legislation in Canadian history that's as Draconian, that's as anti -worker, or anti -labor or anti -union as this one." He said the social contract will strip the benefits and collective agreements union members have worked so hard to get over the years. Protesters were urged to attend a march and rally at Queen's Park Satur- day, July 10 at 1 p.m. The rally will begin at Nathan Phillips Square. �ninnnnuinun ROYAL LEPAGE .. .s: x- $164,900 WESTNEY HEIGHTS CHARMER Shows pride of ownership, features eat -in kitchen, finished bsmt. with fireplace. For more info. Paul Cullen' 287-0740 One of Durham's Oldest & Biggest Sleep Retailers... JUST GOT BIGGER!! `'Master Bedroom" has been selling sleep products in Durham for over 12 years. The two stores arc locally owned no operated. The local sat Ply given to the stores over the yeah is greatly ETC appreciated and that is why "Master Bedroom" enjoys sponaoripg Cl local baseball, may. skating, soccer and school year books. �s L14EN t �J ►""' The first store was opened to serve Oshawa and Whitby t fir„ r customers at Thickson and Dundas in 1981. A second Durham store was opened in the Pickering Home A Design Center at Brock A 401 to better serve Ajax and Pickering customer- These two large stokes offer Durham's largest selection of sleep products. as well as spring mattresses from "Simmon's", "King Kod" "Backmastcr" etc. You can try and compare a foam, air, water or Futon mattress or even an electric adjustable bed. The profes"ooal staff are always glad to help you fund the product that will help you sleep best. a' "Master Bedroom" takes Pride in helping You find the best sleep products. They specialize in sleep because they know you spend 1/3 of your life in bed. - VAndw you seed a headboad of brass or wood, a bedroom suite of cokmw or modem or line a do the finishing touches. "Master Bedroom" has it all. Most of these products are warehoused at a oeaivemes t local location to service your purchase better This warehouse ' Mao stooks psodocts for franchise stores in Belleville. Kingston and Peterborough, stows for hewer" 31 power and lover prices to the Consumers. which ! Mus past gall and VARW "Master Bedroom" made a big commumem during these secesaian tun ea so become the sada complete sleep shop in the cot". Extended leases were rooted Mod can apnoe was scored for bath the Pickering and Whithy stores. Now besides offesisrg tie bat selection in full I P I n a suites "Master Bedroom" has brought in cribs, cheap tabies and rocket for the special baby's room. If you are ready for toddlers and up, we have added a selection of kids beds. car beds, canopy's, daybeds, bunks and juvenile funsitme and desks. This sdecum helps parents make it easy to finish the kids room as well as take more are about the quaky of sleep for their kids and the furniture going into their roams. Futon's are another product that Inas bean vastly expanded. Futon's are one of the countrys most rapidly growing slew products. People are buying Futon's for almost every room, kauding bedrooms, living roans, family roans. Porches and rec rooms in homes, cottages. Sundents even take them away to school. They are also reasonable and convenient. Futon mattresses can be used as a mattress replacement and usually set up with platform style frames, or on sofa style frames which offer a comfortable sofa to sit on oft drop into full size m double or queen beds which offer great comfort and support. These sofa Futon's have becorne so popular matching chairs, coffee and end tables ate now available with cover ; selection to match any room. The covers ane easily removable to wash or change. For almost any sleep needs or products visit the Sleep Professionals at "Master Bedroom" They will be glad to help you choose a manners or decorate a bedroom for yourself or a t family member. Mater Bedroom welcomes you any time to browse or inquire about decorating that special bedroom. You can call "Matcr Bedroom" at 668-4300 in Whitby or r :. 427-2047 it Pickering. Panning for gold! Rotary Club of Ajax president Steven King, foreground, found a unique way to deliver a donation to the Ajax -Pickering General Hospital. The bedpan full of money represents the club's final installment of a $150,000 pledge to the hospital. With Mr. King are hospital board of directors vice chairman Doug McKay and incom- ing Rotary Club president Val Marshall. photo by Ron Pietroniro Please read the News Advertiser . three times a week f, }l rir; i =r : 0. +— Join Eaton's at the Pickering Town Centre Friday, July 2nd for an evening of summer relaxation, entertainment and store wide savings during their midnight madness. Lincoln Waldron on the keyboards and Panman Pat are members of the Pan Man Steel Drum Band featured from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JULY 2,19VXPAGE S RC school board honors its 25 -year employees DURHAM - The Catholic school board recognized 600 years of service by presenting bells to those employees who have dedi- cated 25 years to education. The service awards, presented recently by the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board, went to: In Pickering: Joan Bouttell of St. Mary (formerly of St. Christo- pher, St. John the Evangelist, St. Bernadette and St. James); Tom Calnan of St. Anthony Daniel (formerly of Our Lady of the Bay and St. Isaac Jogues); Jose Gon- salves of St. Mary; Paul Lawrence of St. Marguerite Bourgeoys; and Sheila Lynch of Our Lady of the Bay. In Ajax: Edna Correya of St. Bernadette and Cecilia McCaugh- ey of St. Bernadette. In Whitby: Connie Andrews of St. Paul; Sister Colette Larmond of St. Marguerite d'Youville; Joan Maly of St. Mark the Evangelist (formerly of Monsignor Philip Coffey, Canadian Martyrs and St. Christopher); Brian Nicholas of Father Leo J. Austin; Brenda O'Donoghue of St. John the Evan- gelist, and William Stratton of St. Bernard. In Oshawa: Ann Marie Beattie of Sir Albert Love (formerly of St. Gertrude and St. Christopher); Tom Fitzsimmons of Monsignor Courses allow adults to up,,�r-,-Jr_, skills AJAX-PICKERING - A num- ber of courses are being offered to adults wanting to upgrade their skills this summer. A literacy and numeracy course is among those offered by the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Board's adult education centre. It's aimed at adults whose reading, writing, spelling and numeracy skills are below the Grade 8 level. It's offered from 9 a.m. to noon :Monday through Friday at 50 Commercial Ave., Ajax. The course is ongoing, so adults can join and leave at any time. Also ongoing is a self -study course for high school credits. An English -as -a -second -lan- guage cause begins Aug. 23 and runs until March. For more information on these or other courses, phone the centre at 683-7713. John Pereyma (formerly of Arch- bishop Denis O'Connor); Diane Jackson of St. Christopher (for- merly of Holy Redeemer, St. Theresa and Sir Albert Love); Marian Luna of St. Joseph (for- merly of St. Gertrude, John XXIII and St. Joseph); Stephanie Paster- nak of Sir Albert Love; Sister Gabrianne Romanowicz of Holy Cross; and Gisele Gionet Roussel of St. Christopher. In Brooklin: Valerie Leski of St. Leo (formerly of Our Lady of the Bay). Awards were also presented to Jean-Paul Patenaude, superinten- dent of education, Leo Doyle, supervisor of construction; and Len Byrne, custodian, Monsignor Philip Coffey in Oshawa. G5 EA IR G5 CORRECTION NOTICE In our Sears, 'Warehouse Sale, It's Here" flyer, page B8, the selected wall to wall carpet including textures and foamback are advertised incorrectly as bung 40-50% off. These items are actually 30-40% off We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers. PAGE 6 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JULY 2, JVM A'ax-Pickering News Advertiser J Editorials/Letters A Metroland Community Newspaper published every Wednesday. Friday and Sunday TIMOTHY J. WH1T7AKER, Publisher 130-132 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor-in-chief Newsroom - 683-5110 Distribution - 683-5117 Retail Advertising - 683-5110 Classified - 798-7672 GREG COATES, Managing Editor FAX - 683-7363 National Advertising Sales - 493-1300 Real Estate & Automotive Advertising - 798-7672 HUGH NICHOLSON, Advertising Manager Member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association BRUCE DANFORD, Retail Sales Manager Member of the Ontario Press Council ABE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager Tackling a tough problem There were a Icx of unhappy provincial public employees at Tuesday's rally at Oshawa Civic Stadium — 1,500 of them to he exact. They were there to talk about the dire conxxluertces of the social cdxttrx t on education ^ /.�E ..... among other things. ` ! / One of the spokesmen at the tally. Bancxua Sargeant, ofthe rederalicxt of Women Teachers' Association of Ontario, summed up their feelings when she said, "Never before in our history have we seen a type of legislation or bill like this." But then again, never before in history have we been in a situation a. we're in now. Part of the problem has to do with the rollercoaster ride the economy has gone through in the pact decade. We were launched out of the recession of the early `80s into the middle of a boom. And after that heady orgy of investment, spending and development, we were plunged back into another recession/depression. Such shocks to the system are hard on all sectors — but especially gov- �.• ernment. which has growing expenses and Ices money coming in. S When the Rae: government took power, members of his government _ i knew it would be, a tough ride, as they came in at the beginning of the eco} comic downturn. But their NDP solution, vastly increasing expenditures, EVE just made things worse. AST Adel to that all the downloading of federal financial prt►bk,ms onto the hacks of provincial governments and what do you have;? A real cash crunch — and hefty provincial debt interest payments that have to be paid out regu- : lady. / Now, all Premier Rae can do is cast about, k"-ing for answers to very difficult problems -- though marry were of his own making. 1)1 -spite all the % disastrous moves the Rae government has mask, it ckserves credit for hav- ing the courage to do something that the Tory f0deral government has only talked about — tackle the deficit. Among the changes the Rae government is talking about are reduced ff w� work weeks. clays oitho ut pay and other ways of cutting payrolls with- out actually having to lay oemployees. off - �\ The Province should br supported in such ideas, ratJxx than bashing _ them at every turn. Whale-. happertcef w cur ye�rrting for shorter work 4 ` weeks and the whole concept off acct leisure time anyway? As for tete other cutbacks — do we really have any alternative? The J soci,d contract may seem like head -Lusting inedicine to many of us right now. ' but in the end it may he gcxxi for our hdxtlth. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To leadership speeches lacked content, vision To the editor, The speeches in the Tory leadership con- test were about as exciting as watching paint dry. Each contestant pledged support for Brian Mulroney's failed economic policies. These have put two mdhon Canadians out of work. Each said they wound do an even better job of putting people out of work and bringing the economy to a grinding halt than the outgo- ing boss. Beyond the lack of content of the speeches. no candidate had any notable oratorical sly or abday lo move people, even the Tories m the ant6eria, much less Canadians as a whole. None articulated a compelling visiah. Yet almost no broadcast or print journalists have commented on the scarcity of ideas or inspiration. This was a super -bore, yet few reporters spoke of it. What a double standard. When Audrev Mclinghlsh won die NDP leadership in 1989, reporters complained that her speech was dull and flat — a position with which many Cana- dians strongly disagreed- Reporters have repealed dot assessuma ever since, much to the detriment of her and her party. It's too bad that so of en this kind of unbal- a we results in seff-fiffilling prophecy. Bob Wright, Aja_ Joyous concert To the editor, On �''uesday evening, June 15, my mother and I had the pleasure of attending a free concert put on by The Pickering Concert Band at Dunbarton Fairport United Church as part of the Festival of the Arts sponsored by the Rotary Festival. It was a most enjoyable experience, which was unfortu- nately attended by only a few people. We are lucky to have such a talented group of People as a resource in our Town, and I for one would love to see more people attend their con- certs and show them some support, The dedica- tion of Conductor Keith Bohlender and his assis- tant John Kowalchuk shows through in the enthusiasm and obvious joy that music brings to this band. H. Suzanne Derome, Pickering Have your say. How do you feel about Kim Campbell calling an election right away? ,dim McBride says, "She'll be Andrew Simpson says, "If I defeated taw." {w,,�a,,s,�i�n,, her position, I'd �(�b/e�waiting because she's gaining popularity." Becky Vanderburgt says, "I wish she would. People would like to make a decision, the soon- er the better." Chris Harris says, "She should. Just because Mulroney retired doesn't mean that Conser- vatives should have power." ABOUT US The News Advertiser wel- comes letters to the editor on topical issues, controversial matters and anything also of interest to our readers. We reserve the right to edit letters for style, length and legal rea- sons and to withhold letters deemed not fit for publication. All letters must include your full name, address and phone num- ber for our information. Letters can be mailed or dropped off at the News Advertiser, 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1 S 21-15 or sent by FAX to 683- 7363. Metroland Printing, Publish- ing and Distributing group of suburban newspapers includes: Ajax/Pickering Now Advertiser, The Aurora Barrer, Barrie Ban- ner/Advance, The Brampton Guardian, The Burlington Past. The Collingwood Connection, The Etobicoke Advertiser/Guardian, The Georgetown Independent, Kingston This Week. Lindsay This Week, Markham Economist and Sun, The Millon Canadian Champion, The Mis- sissauga News, The Newmar- ket Era, Northumberland News, North York Mirror, Oakville Beaver, Oshawa -Whitby This Week, Orillia Today, Peterbor- ough This Week, The Rich- mond HillffhornhillNaughan Liberal, The Scarborough Mir- ror, The SiouffviNeAJxbridge Tri- bune, Today's Seniors. Second class mail registra- tion number 1897. Mail sub- scription rates in Canada: 1 year, $70 per edition. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement based on his sole discretion. THE NEWS ADVER714ER FRIDAY, JULY 2,19M-MG6 7 BEER R dt WINE ��y SpOrtS 1 Area synchro swimmers fare well at Trillium meet AJAX-PICKERING - Area synchronized swimmers took part in the Provincial 'A' Trillium Championships, hosted by the Oshawa Synchro Club at York University June 17 to 20. The competition included all provincial teams, solos and duets who didn't qualify at the national level. This year the invitation was also extended to the top `B' swimmers from the provincial age group finals. In the 11 to 14 age category, Shannon Falconer of Pickering placed 15th out of 96 competitors in compulsory figures with a score of 61.13. In the team event, the 11 to 14 team of Tara Boyd, Shannon Fal- coner, Mary O'Brien and Brenlee Wood, swimming four short of the required eight swimmers, earned a fourth -place standing, just shy of a bronze medal. Also in the 11 to 14 division, the team of Amy McPherson, Melis- sa Redmond, Elke Sullivan, Tonnia Von Der Heidt and Sarah Ward placed sixth. At the 15 to 17 level, Cheryl Alexander, Lindsay Borisko, Hailey Cramm, Rochelle Fernandez, Nicole Kozack, Desta Ostapyk, Sharon Pugh, Chantel Roy and Erica Von Der Heijden teamed up to achieve a fourth -place finish. The synchro swimmers closed a successful season with their annu- al awards banquet at the Annandale Golf and Country Club on Mon- day night. Ajax fitness classes a complement to summer activities AJAX - Ajacians can keep in shape this summer with a variety of fitness classes offered by the Town of Ajax parks and recreation depart- ment next month. There's classes to fit every fit- ness level and schedule, says Sharon Meredith, a programmer with the Ajax Parks and Recreation Department. Best of all, a fitness class can serve as a "nice complement to other outdoor activities to keep up cardiovascular and muscle and strength conditioning," says Mered- ith. the shutout. Ajax has blanked the opposition five times in eight league games so far this season. Bird was named the most valuable player for Ajax. Christian Halkias, despite feeling ill, was a standout at the midfield position. Other members of the Ajax squad areLawrence Swailes, Joshua Tataren, Jason Barretto and Richard Beatty. The team is coached by Greg Bird, Michael Barretto and Bruce Sevier. BLOOMING ANNUALS Brighten your landscape. MANY VARIETIES AVAILABLE. Reg. $1.29 of 99 4 AJAX - The Ajax Warriors Ron Robinson WConstruction under -10 rep soccer team This is the ideal time to blanked Oshawa Turul 3-0 in Central Soccer {,�' League gue action on June 22. riw. David Bird led the charge for the War- Reg.. $9.96.612.25 ea nors, scoring three times in the second half MCI for the natural hat trick. Assists went to nder-1 N Anson Clark with two, Chris Walker and Joey Saltarelli. Mathan Yu and Robbie Kellet shared the _ . goaltending duties and played strongly to earn Ajax fitness classes a complement to summer activities AJAX - Ajacians can keep in shape this summer with a variety of fitness classes offered by the Town of Ajax parks and recreation depart- ment next month. There's classes to fit every fit- ness level and schedule, says Sharon Meredith, a programmer with the Ajax Parks and Recreation Department. Best of all, a fitness class can serve as a "nice complement to other outdoor activities to keep up cardiovascular and muscle and strength conditioning," says Mered- ith. the shutout. Ajax has blanked the opposition five times in eight league games so far this season. Bird was named the most valuable player for Ajax. Christian Halkias, despite feeling ill, was a standout at the midfield position. Other members of the Ajax squad areLawrence Swailes, Joshua Tataren, Jason Barretto and Richard Beatty. The team is coached by Greg Bird, Michael Barretto and Bruce Sevier. BLOOMING ANNUALS Brighten your landscape. MANY VARIETIES AVAILABLE. Reg. $1.29 of 99 4 0 This is a great time to choose your new plants from our beautifully bk)ominngg perennials and rose bushes. The selection is ess. ®Stake yourll growing perennials before a s pushes them torm © Fertilize your lawn with So -Green Summer Organic. It will encourage a rich green colour and more vigorous root growth. © Visit Vandermeer Nursery for kiendy service and helpful advice. &M Gwdm Val 4�m _ Premium Plus This is the ideal time to Summer Organic ' 10-6-4 LAWN FERTILIZER riw. Reg. $27.99 $1 go9� Reg.. $9.96.612.25 ea t gales pot 3 for $25.50 0 This is a great time to choose your new plants from our beautifully bk)ominngg perennials and rose bushes. The selection is ess. ®Stake yourll growing perennials before a s pushes them torm © Fertilize your lawn with So -Green Summer Organic. It will encourage a rich green colour and more vigorous root growth. © Visit Vandermeer Nursery for kiendy service and helpful advice. &M Gwdm Val Va ROSE BUSHES PEONY This is the ideal time to BEAUTIFUL choose from our many TREASURED VARIETIES. bloomft varieties. Reg. $7.5048.50 Reg.. $9.96.612.25 ea t gales pot 3 for $25.50 $5.50 VANDERMEER NURSERY "Where Great Gardens Begin" Comer Of Bayly & Lakeridge Ajax ® 427-2525 W • SUNDAY - s110111 .as�� & ail» Q Fifteen classes are offered this summer, ranging from entry level Somewhere to Start, right up to a more demanding work-out with a step class. Most importantly, says Mered- ith, the classes allow participants to go at their own pace. "The classes can be intensified or decreased in order for it to feel good for them," says Meredith. All classes are eight weeks in duration, and range from one hour to three hours a week of instruction. Classes are flexible as they're available in the mornings, after- noons, or after working hours. Registrations are currently being accepted for all summer fitness classes which start the week of July 5. Classes will be held at either the Lakeside Community Centre, 4 Parkes Dr., or at the Ajax Commu- nity Centre on 75 Centennial Rd. For more information, call the Town of Ajax parks and recreation department's programs office at 427-8811. THEEEY'RE AT THE POST ...AT PICOV DOWNSM CCl3 OUT TC TZ3 3L!_ a3am QUARTER HORSE RACING EVERY SUNDAY UNTIL OCTOBER PARIMUTUEL WAGERING POST -TIME 1:30 REFRESHMENTS %COV DOWNN 111 LOCATED ON EH(MVAT 7 JU9r EAST OF More SP401-tS on page 15 Another Soar Summer! xhxm a nem Som Dtscman' VLRI slim ath a I -ht D A Lom'crtrr..ti1(_.a Bass 8 fx)un of pU% trom 2 A.A battcm- AVLS. tcn pl:n rM-X'L.%L hca 1F4Ior c7,. AC adapter arkl a firk out lack KTth rTrktitirwop:thrcx ,h � our hor x sound ,►Siem 179* P 1 11 der it's a S "' Onc hit DisLman t%ith xl the hcaciplkxx cable rcYhargcabk- CD &F". 10 platy nkx1es Hith Digital xcs5ir1S. lixl c�� n't lxiL c the sol . iTkfl Satisfaction PPokyl • store )m,.1:1�t^ai rdum �txu Som with ihr Cf0�1fIfRtxlt for J hA tflYilr llr wrunwo round wdhn 30 &Ati N �xuth:ne `�••••""' ThCFC m R Sony Slobs IID SCI you cowl IID COOL Pickering Town Centre, 420-3224 Markville ShoppingCentre. Hwy 7 E. at McCowan, 513-7669 N AIAX vi ♦ : c Q 1NIInlr 1 Bayy St. E • SUNDAY - s110111 .as�� & ail» Q Fifteen classes are offered this summer, ranging from entry level Somewhere to Start, right up to a more demanding work-out with a step class. Most importantly, says Mered- ith, the classes allow participants to go at their own pace. "The classes can be intensified or decreased in order for it to feel good for them," says Meredith. All classes are eight weeks in duration, and range from one hour to three hours a week of instruction. Classes are flexible as they're available in the mornings, after- noons, or after working hours. Registrations are currently being accepted for all summer fitness classes which start the week of July 5. Classes will be held at either the Lakeside Community Centre, 4 Parkes Dr., or at the Ajax Commu- nity Centre on 75 Centennial Rd. For more information, call the Town of Ajax parks and recreation department's programs office at 427-8811. THEEEY'RE AT THE POST ...AT PICOV DOWNSM CCl3 OUT TC TZ3 3L!_ a3am QUARTER HORSE RACING EVERY SUNDAY UNTIL OCTOBER PARIMUTUEL WAGERING POST -TIME 1:30 REFRESHMENTS %COV DOWNN 111 LOCATED ON EH(MVAT 7 JU9r EAST OF More SP401-tS on page 15 Another Soar Summer! xhxm a nem Som Dtscman' VLRI slim ath a I -ht D A Lom'crtrr..ti1(_.a Bass 8 fx)un of pU% trom 2 A.A battcm- AVLS. tcn pl:n rM-X'L.%L hca 1F4Ior c7,. AC adapter arkl a firk out lack KTth rTrktitirwop:thrcx ,h � our hor x sound ,►Siem 179* P 1 11 der it's a S "' Onc hit DisLman t%ith xl the hcaciplkxx cable rcYhargcabk- CD &F". 10 platy nkx1es Hith Digital xcs5ir1S. lixl c�� n't lxiL c the sol . iTkfl Satisfaction PPokyl • store )m,.1:1�t^ai rdum �txu Som with ihr Cf0�1fIfRtxlt for J hA tflYilr llr wrunwo round wdhn 30 &Ati N �xuth:ne `�••••""' ThCFC m R Sony Slobs IID SCI you cowl IID COOL Pickering Town Centre, 420-3224 Markville ShoppingCentre. Hwy 7 E. at McCowan, 513-7669 • Ifvl►GE ti,'lt96 NL'RS ADVERT=t PlI m% ]W.Y 2,1!!t! �ti • .. , , +. ► • < < , ARTS & ENTERTAno=NT Memphis Committee plays Kerry Inn AJAX-PICKERING - The Memphis Committee will do some musical business at the Kerry Inn in Ajax this weekend. The band plays all the rock 'n' roll favorites from the '50s and '60s, present-day hits, as well as Irish music. The Memphis Com- mittee plays Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The Kerry Inn has karaoke on Sunday, starting at 8 p.m. and going to midnight. Call 428-8790. To find out where the rest of the entertainment action is this weekend, just follow this guide: CENTREFIELD'S: Enjoy DJ music Friday and Saturday, start- ing at 9 p.m. On Sunday, there's karaoke from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Every Wednesday, male exotic dancers take the stage in Centre - field's Centrefolds. Call 837- 1850. BOURBON BAYLY'S: Bour- bon Bayly's has karaoke Friday, starting at 9 p.m. A local karaoke talent contest continues Thursday with a $500 prize to the winner. Call 427-1888. HARP & THISTLE PUB: Allan Martin takes the stage at the Harp & Thistle for a weekend fea- turing a variety of popular music. Martin will sing and play guitar on Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Call 428-0943. FOX & FLOWERPOT PUB: Every Thursday, there's an open jazz jam session with the Jazz Cats from 8 to 11 p.m. Call 428- 2162. GLEENERS: Jocelyn Marie plays country and western music Friday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. On Saturday, it's karaoke with Rockin' Ron from 9 p.m. to 1 am. Call 683-7952. JOKERS: Jokers has country music with Darren Freeman, Mitch Mitchell, Larry Hachey and Big Bad Ronnie back by popular demand Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. On Sunday, the foursome is back on stage for a jam session Sunday from 6 to 10 p.m. Call 427-0337. MONKEY BAR & GRILL: Every Friday is Miami Night at the bar. It's the ultimate beach party featuring special fun events, dance contests, beach volleyball and draws for trips to Miami. On Saturday night, the Monkey Bar & Grill has a night with The Rolling Stones, with music by Stones' cover band Midnight Ramblers. Next Saturday, John Mellencamp tribute band Rumble Seat plays. Thursdays feature karaoke begin- ning at 9 p.m. Call 619-1236. SECOND STOREI': The Sec- ond Storey, formerly Danny's Place, has pro karaoke on Wednesday starting after 8 p.m. with the start of a four-week con- test. The grand prize winner will receive a trip to the sunny south. Call 683-2940. LORD BYRONS: Lord Byrons has relaxing piano music on Friday and Saturday nights to enjoy with your dinner. The music starts at 7 p.m. Call 686-7000. DONA Y MIGUELS: For your dining pleasure, Dona Y Miguels has a Mexican singer every Friday and Saturday night from 7 to 10. Call 686-4468. RUMORS: Rumors has karaoke every Sunday, starting at 9 p.m. On July 8, male exotic dancers will be on stage, starting at 9 p.m. Call for reservations. Call 831-4740. KANGAROOS: The band Dynasty entertains with dance music and soft rock Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Kangaroos hosts the Ragweed Jazz Band each Thursday from 9 p.m. to midnight. Call 839-6845. THE MEETING HOUSE: The Meeting House, formerly Morgan's Place, has local favorites The Royz Band who'll play all sorts of popular music Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. and Sunday from 7 to l l p.m. Call 839-4744. LYJJ If your club or restaurant offers live entertainment, call Al Rivett at the News Advertiser, 683-5110. UNDER THE GUN A Super Band featuring members from LIGHTHOUSE and ZON Sat., July 3 Juty 10 - Rumbleseat July 17 - Riders on the Storm THE MONKEY BAR & GRILL 172 HUNT ST., AJAX 619-1236 Xow OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK AVERAGE looking single white female. 5'3", 120 lbs.. mom of 1, enjoys cycling, tennis, long walks. seeks male, 35-42 with similar interests. SY 2178 GENTLE caring romantic and humorous, yet senous when necessary. I enjoy the outdoors, music, dancing• life and more. are you my special someone. SY 2179 SINGLE white female. 21, seeks honest romantic fun loving man. aged 23-30. interested in possible long term relationship. SY 2180 ATTRACTIVE white female. 21, enjoys camping. movies and baseball games. looking for attractive, fun loving, honest male, 23-30 with same interests for possible long term relationship. SY 2181 SINGLE white female, early 50's. enjoys reading, gardening, outdoors, walks and movies, seeks single white male with similar interests. SY 3064 SINGLE mother of 1, 34 yrs. old, seeks male, 35-40, for companionship, enjoys movies, dancing, outdoors and must enjoy children. SY 3067 MR. RIGHT WANTED: taN, good looking with sense of humor, emotionally stable, single 40-50 who's looking for a wonderful adventurous fun filled relationship with a sensitive temafe. SY 306E GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR, divorced while female, 41, financially independent, likes romantic walks, dancing, seeks non- smoker, sincere honest white male 38-48 for relationship. SY 3070 LOOKING FOR SUGAR DADDY, single white female, 48, likes dining• dancing• music, theatre and more, married o.k., I'm established and discreet. SY 3073 ATTRACTIVE full figured, fun loving female, 45, enjoys movies, dancing, long tacks and laughter, seeks male with sense of humor who likes to talk for friendship. SY 3075 SINGLE gentleman of 32, seeks female, 25-35 for companionship and possible relationship. Respondents should enjoy an active lifestyle and children are ok SY 3076 LADY widowed, early 40's, non smoker, seeks same for companionship/friendship. SY 3077 ATTENTION: long dark haired man wanted! Responsible single while female, blonde, into Harley's and partying, animal lover• seeks the same 25-35. SY 3078 ATTRACTIVE single lady, 40, who looks great in evening gowns or jean shorts, enjoys many interests including, travel, seeks male 40-50 for lots of quality time together. SY 3079 WARM hearted sincere attractive Chnstian male. 32. is looking for that special lady to spend his life with. SY 3081 ATTRACTIVE, female, likes movies, dining, dancing, walks, sports minded, seeks same in senior malady in 50's, enjoys dining, dancing, plays cards. Would like companionship for social events. SY 4000 LADY in 50's enjoys dining, dancing, plays cards would like companionship for social events. SY 4002 SNOWBIRD to snowbird, tall goodloolung grandmother, seeks male snowbird for companionship, friendship and possible lasting relationship, enjoys outdoors, must be kind and sensitive. SY 4003 To browse ads in the Alternative Category, Call A charge of $1.99 per minute will apply )t,' :li i9i£Y!{t^'�.r�t�Y?.J"t�ti.�F�i4'."'• 7la.ti'L :�`'; For persons 18 years of age and over. TALL, sincere gentleman, 43. interests are baseball, dancing, cottage country, cycling, seeking sincere, kind hearted, fun loving lady to share same, 35-40. SY 1033 SPORTS minded male, single, 25, tall, rugged, likes camping, shooting pool, baseball, seeks outgoing female, 20-28, for long term relationship. Let's share some fun. SY 1119 SINGLE attractive male, 38, honest, responsible, sincere, hardworking, enjoys quiet evenings, home body type, seeks single attractive Filipino woman for serious relationship. SY 1120 ABOVE AVERAGE male, 35, muscular build, enjoys movies and dinner, seeks female, beautiful both inside and out, to share life. SY 1121 ATTRACTIVE single white male, 28, enjoys evenings out, movies and the outdoors, seeks single white female 25- 35. prefer smoker, for companionship and romance, let's share a bottle of wine. SY 1122 ATTRACTIVE single white male, 42, enjoys sports, camping, walking, dining, dancing with a zest for life, seeks lady 30- 38 who enjoys the same, children welcome. SY 1123 SINGLE FATHER, 37, enjoys church, walks, the beach, loves romantic evenings out and quiet times at home, seeking lady with same interests, children welcome. SY 1124 MALE 43, widower, honest and sincere, enjoys music, dining, dancing, walking and quiet times at home, seeks lady 40-45 with same interests, children welcome. SY 1125 WELL ESTABLISHED single while male, 57, recently divorced, non-smoker, social drinker, enjoys sports, quiet evenings, outdoors, seeks single white female 48- 54, not too tall, affectionate, sincere and dependable. SY 1126 SPONTANEOUS, single white male, 5'10", 160 lbs., 32, two children, outgoing (nature hikes), intimate, mature, responsible, enjoys quiet evenings, looking for committed relationship, if you feel the same, please respond. SY 1127 COLLEGE STUDENT, male, 31, social drinker, smoker, seeks attractive mature female, mid 20's - early 3Us, not into head games, (prefer a red head) SY 1128 SINGLE white male 32, recent college graduate, shy and witty, seeks attractive down to earth female, 18-25 for outdoor activities, quiet evenings and conversation for possible relationship. SY 1130 SENSITIVE man, 36, seeking female of inner beauty 30-40 for meaningful relationship, enjoy romantic moments, walks, music and the arts, kids, o.k Sincere only. SY 1131 SINGLE white male, 43, 51r, searching for petite lady who enjoys travel, theatre, romantic dinwiers, tory walks, along moon M beaches, we can make it happen. SY 1132 SINGLE white male, 27, 5'6" 180 bs., en joys the outdoors, dining, dancing, quiet evenings at home, seeks single white female, 20-30 who enjoys the same, children are welcome. SY 1133 SINGLE white male, 21, enjoys music, bowling, dancing, the outdoors, quiet evenings at home, seeks female 18-24 who enjoys the same for possible long term relationship. SY 1134 OUTGOING single white male, 36, attractive, into sports, country music, camping, midnight walks, holding hands Companionship -Friendship Call 1416 � I�WAn Anytime 976 1991 1. Respond by selecting the ad(s) you wish to respond to and make a note of the four digit "mailbox" number that appears at the end. 2. Call Sincerely Yours 1-416-976-1991* at any time of the day from any touch tone phone within the 416 area code. 3. Follow the easy instructions. You'll have the option of responding to a specific ad or browsing voice mailbox greetings from Sincerely Yours advertiser. A charge of LW per minute will appear ,,n your next telephone bill f„r mpr,nding tri sincerely Y,,,r and thunderstorms, seeks attractive lady 25-36 with similar interests. SY 1135 GOOD LOOKING male, 18, honest, sense of humor, loves sports and going to the gym, looking for attractive female 19 21. SY 1136 SINCERE affectionate gentleman, 47, enjoys dancing, travel, cottage life, water skiing seeks female 40-50 with similar interests and a few more, for long term relationship. SY 1138 CUTE male 25, blonde blue eyes. 5'8 - non -smoker, seeks slim female to cuddle with, enjoys tennis, music, travel, movies, skiing, quiet evening, and thunder storms. SY 1139 COME SAIL AWAY on the waves with me, 34, blonde hair, blue eyes, well built, seeks professional lady 20-30 preferably with dark hair, to pin me. SY 1140 ARE YOU THE ONE? I'm, 6', have brown hair, blue eyes, enjoy golfing, baseball, horseback riding. seeks female 28-33 for romance. SY 1141 LOVER AT HEART 5'5 35, single, looking for a lover with heart, willing to try just about anything twice, looking for love and romance, call me. SY 1142 SINGLE well built attractive male, 21, enjoys fine dining, horseback riding, and weekend getaways, seeks female, 19-24 with similar interests for lasting relationship. SY 1143 SINGLE white dad, late 30's, outgoing, good sense of humor, outdoorsy, likes dancing, romantic quiet evenings, sees slender, petite white single mom, in 30's with same interests. SY 1144 BLUE EYED unattached male, 23, fit, active, outgoing, likes sports, outdoors, wining and dining, seeks white female. unattached, 20-25 with similar interest for fun and possible relationship. SY 1145 SINGLE white male, 35, enjoys movies, riding my Harley and quiet evenings at tome, seeks single white female 30-35, slim, blonde and attractive who enjoys the same. SY 1146 SPONTANEOUS, humorous, very athletic, career minded gentleman, loves travel, fine foods, prefers thin, voluptuous, Italian female, 20-28, looking for fun relationship to start with possibility of long term fun. SY 1147 MALE mid 30's tall quiet separated, homebody, loves children, likes outdoors, music, seeks female in 30's for companion or relationship. SY 1148 ATHLETIC gentleman, 29, do you enjo� candlelight dinners, movies and plays. sports events? weekend trips? we may have something worth sharing. SY 1149 CHRISTIAN man 45, seeks Christian woman, 30.40 who enjoys lite, has a good sense of humor and quiet times at home. SY 1150 WOULD you like to make the best summer of '93? I'm looking for a lady between the ages of 20-30 who enjoys cycling, music and quiet moments. SY 1151 HONEST hardworking athletic guy, 31, who enjoys its and all Il has b offer, seeks female for possible reMdionshQ. SY 1152 DIVORCED male 42, loves outdoors, old music, movies, dinners, sharing quiet time. Seeks woman to give and take equally 30- 40. Fif and attractive. SY 1153 1961 Leo long hair, one previous owner, recently rebuilt engine, reliable, handles well, unleaded fuel only, no spare tire, some rust. Make an offer. SY 1154 SINGLE good looking, established white male 33, seeks female for possible long term honest relationship. Sincere callers only. SY 1155 ATTRACTIVE gentleman young 40. 511-. slim, easy going, sense of humour, sincere, considerate, responsible. Enjoys outings and evenings in. Seek slim easy going female. SY 1156 SENSITIVE, honest, easygoing, 30, 6'6". enjoys music, campfires and quiet times. seeks potential mate and curious about what kind of girls answer these ads. SY 1157 PORTLY professional over 45, gentleman. enjoys autumn, country walks, conversation and satin bedding, seeks relationship with attractive lady with same interests, marred or single. SY 1158 SINGLE black male, 23, fit, romantic, enjoys clubs, music, dancing, walking. talking, seeks similar non-smoking, slim single white female, 19-24 for fun and Possible relationship SY 1161 FAST driver, attractive male. 33, seeks female with soft shoulders and dangerous curves. SY 1162 SINGLE whrte male, 32, college student. shy and humorous, nature lover, enjoys walks, conversation, and quiet evenings, seeks attractive female 20-30 who is open, honest and caring. SY 1163 GOOD LOOKING single white male, 34, loves sports, movies, evening walks on beach, romantic nights, treats that special lady well, seeks attractive female, 27-40, single moms welcome. SY 1164 SINGLE white male, 6', blonde hair, blue eyes, very family oriented, financially secure, enjoys quiet evenings and sporting events. seeks single white female with same qualities. SY 1165 THOUGHTFUL, caring, male, 35, non- smoker, enjoys movies, travel, quiet times as well as evenings out, seeks slim lady with same interests for romance. SY 1166 NORMAL while male, 39, single parent, smoker, I'm not Robert Redford tut I'm not Frankenstein either, looking for normal white female to enjoy life with. SY 1168 HOPELESSLY romantic white male, 28, attractive, lovable and loyal, seeking sweet, affectionate female, 19-2910 share dreams, discoveries, cuddles and a lasting relationship. SY 1169 SINGLE dad, 29, blonde hair, hazeVgreen eyes, enjoys sports, music, romantic dinners and dancing, seeks female, 25-32 with similar interests. SY 1170 BLUE eyed white male, 30, active and attractive, enjoys art, travel, reading and weekend getaways, seeking ion smoking women, 25-35 for possible long term relationship. SY 1171 SINGLE while male, 28, 5'5', outgoing, likes quiet evenings, enjoys travel, rock music, seeks single white female, 20-28 with similar interests for possible rebtionship. SY 1172 SINGLE male, 32, loves children, movies, music, romance, great sense of humour, seeks female, 30-50 with similar interests. SY 1173 SEPARATED, shy female, 40 yrs., who him outdoors, camping, dining, dancing, sports minded, seeks affectionate male 3545 with same interests. SY 2025 BLONDE, blue eyed, female, 27, enjoys outdoors, country music, likes motorcycles, especially Harley's, seeks male 30-39 who enjoys the same. SY 2038 FORTY-SEVEN yr. old white female, widow, interests are fine dining, music, rock and roll, dancing, seeks gentleman 45-50, well established. SY 2052 THE NEW ADVF.A7117116ER FRIDAY, JULY 2,1"3 -PAGE 9 YOUNG lady. 31, wishing to seek relationship with sincere working gentleman 31-40. SY 2091 ATTRACTIVE established female. 43, outgoing personality, enjoys dancing, travel, theatre, looking for tall, well established white male 44-55. SY 2112 CHRISTIAN mother, 31, likes dancing, romantic walks. conversation and having fun, seeks honest, caring, trusting male with similar interests. SY 2119 ATTRACTIVE single mom. 33, great sense of humor fun loving, who enjoys dancing, music, movies. romantic moments, seeks male 30-40 with similar interests. SY 2120 BLONDE HAIR, blue eyes, unattached female, in 50's, 5'8", likes dinners, gardening, cooking, seeks unattached gentleman in 50's with similar interests, for long term relationship. SY 2139 THIRTY SOMETHING, single white female, very attractive. loves horses, dancing, roller skating, dining and the country life, seeks gentleman with same interests for companionship. SY 2141 A CONFIDENT captivating catch. I'm a petite female. 34, with roommates under the age of 10, I'm seeking a fit. intelligent. male. 30-35 for a relationship. SY 2142 FULL FIGURED female, 35, sense of humour, enjoys dining out. dancing, movies and romance. seeks compatible male, who will appreciate my special qualities. SY 2143 ATTRACTIVE female. 21. 5'9' 120 lbs. looking for intimate companion. 25-30 who enjoys the outdoors, travelling and fine dining. SY 2144 TALL young mother, white, large framed, enjoys baseball, broomball, fishing and riding my motorcycle, seeks honest, tall, white, working, family minded. outdoors man with similar interests. SY 2145 FEMALE unattached. 35. 5' 1-, brunette. brown eyes, loves camping, dancing. cooking, gardening, baseball, traveling, seeks male. 35-40 who is sincere, sensitive and established for relationship. SY 2146 OUTGOING single mom, enjoys camping. fishing, music, and quiet times. very caring, affectionate and sensitive, seeking possible -Mr. Right" who can offer the same. SY 2147 WANT TO GO ON SAFARI to the wilds of Northern Ontario, want to survive the jungle of the civilized city, strong man. 45- 55 required. SY 2148 LET ME LISTEN to your words of wisdom as we share a moment together, my friend, you are male 45-55, established, Confident, self accepting, Hi! SY 2150 FUN LOVING woman in fabulous 417s, looking for gentleman same age or younger,x to share laughs and good times. FUN LOVING single white female, 23, stt+eks single white male, 23-30 who loves dancing and has an outgoing, spontaneous, sincere personality. SY 2152 SLW, attractive, single, white female, mid 30's, fun bvng seeks tall gentleman with good sense of humor, for companionship or brig lasting relationship. SY 2153 ATTRACTIVE, slim single white female, early 30's, 5'6", good sense of humor seeks tall attractive romantic sincere working single white male, mid 30's for possible relationship. SY 2154 ARTISTIC warm, enthusiastic lady comfortable to be with, dreams of gentle mate, 46+ for companionship, light the fire within, you're the best. SY 2155 F,,r perxons 18 years of age and over. SLIM mother of two. 26. single and attractive, who likes to do many things, would like to meet someone who's not into headgames 24-30. SY 2156 SEXY petite blonde. 31, looking for an affectionate. warm. financially secure gentleman to enjoy romantic evenings together. SY 2157 ATTRACTIVE full figured female. 22, loves fishing, hiking. horseback riding. dancing, looking for male 23-30 mho enjoys same. for possible relationship SY 2158 TALL attractive full figured female. 18. smoker. seeks tall attractive, tong haired. bigger build, teddy bear type male 19-23 for fun and romantic times. SY 2160 ATTRACTIVE s;ngle mom, enjoys dancing. sports and Harleys, I'm caring, open minded and outgoing. looking for while male with similar interests. SY 2161 ATTRACTIVE outgoing female. 26. enjoys fishing. camp;rg boating. romantic dinners and fireplaces, looking for attractive honest gentleman 30-40 with ambition. SY 2162 SINCERE attract we single mom. 38. sensitive and caring, looking for an honest affectionate fun loving stable male 36-45 who loves music, dancing quiet evenings and children. SY 2163 ATTRACTIVE full figured blonde. blue eyed female. 26. enjoys camping, dancing and quiet times. seeks single white working male 25-35 who is honest, easygoing and romantic. SY 2164 SHY lady, enjoys dining, dancing, the outdoors and fishing seeks tall gentleman. 52-58 who enjoys the same SY 2165 SINCERE honest. single while female. 41. enjoys Jays games, dining, dancing. seeks non-smoking divorced white male 38-48. to share love and life. SY 2166 ATTRACTIVE petite lady early 50 s. seeking a mature sincere gentleman for ��walks. dining, dancing 8 travel. SY HI! attractive white professional female. enjoys romantic dinners. theatre. dancing and the Bluejays, are you a male 40-49 sincere and affectionate with similar interests plus a few more. feel free to respond. SY 2169 BROWN eyed brunette, loves the outdoors. animals, fishing, reading. music, fine dining and intelligent conversation, seeks male. 39-46 with same interests for possible relationship. SY 2170 YOUNG mother of one, 20, seeks Mr. Right, enjoys cards and quiet evenings at home, interested in long term relationship. SY 2171 FUNLOVING secure female, 35, 55'. white, seeks sincere, honest established male 35-40 for sharing good and romantic times together. SY 2172 HONEST. sincere, fun loving lady 36, who is looking for a serious relationship, (smoker). SY 2173 ATTRACTIVE outgoing female, 18, enjoys camping, boating, romantic dinners, fireplaces, seeks attractive gentleman 18- 23. SY 2174 SEEKING opinionated domineering I'm great male (not!) however. if you're 37-50, can laugh on the dance floor, fish with the kids and cuddle with kritters. SY 2175 SINGLE white female, 21, fun loving, outgoing, brunette, seeks a rugged, romantic male 21-30. SY 2176 MOTHER of 2, divorced 29, looking for gentleman, 29-40 who enjoys children, camping, sports and the outdoors for possible long term relationship SY 2177 Oshawa/Whiiby This Week & Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser assumes no liability for the content or reply to any Sincerely Yours advertisement. The advertiser assumes complete liability tux the content of, and all respoa>,.es to, any advertisement or recorded message and fix any claims made against Oshawa/Whithy This Week as a result thereof. The advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold this publication and Metroland community Newspapers and its employees harmless for all costs, expenses, liabilities and damages resulting from or caused by, the publication or recording placed by the advertiser or any reply to such ativeniscmeni. By using Sincerely Yours. the advertiser agrees not to leave his/her telephone number, last name or address in his/her greeting message. Oshawa/Whitby This Week reserves the right to revise, restrict or cancel any advertisement or change the category in which an ad is place. �� �•�r'.•�.�1'1 iii I.li .rr4.1,.4 i �i�Y 1:-.s••'��e•Yr•'�N'1:1'��a:��f�jl��t•:�:��:!'��:�I�i�1AIR�:M:�:��:N:�H;�.�l�'V1a •:�:�'VV��'!Yy• �.�117Mti �'v ��'�IV'•' • • • • •..• • • •• • •• •, !C ,�� i '4 � �h�ij'YW�w'�;►y�'W���'i���•���••Pi••• �'.•r'•::.'i►•Pa'�•S� • , "1� .7. .'a. 1,( s•r . • ., �•i/ , ...., r'1 .1 . .l r �. ...'�. .�•� ... r •1' � •r•, I'1 ,. PGE I0 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY. JULY 2• lfll Ajax library keeps kids busy this summer AJAX - Youngsters looking for something to do this summer can take part in activities at the Ajax Public Library. A number of free drop-in pro- grams will educate and entertain children in July and August at both branches of the library. While the programs are primarily aimed at elementary-school aged children, younger kids are also welcome. With all drop-in programs, parental supervision is required. Professional children's enter- tainers will perform throughout the summer. T.V. Puppetree, featuring pup- pets and music, will entertain Tuesday, July 6 at 2 p.m. at the main library branch and Thurs- day, Aug. 5 at 10:30 am. at the Village branch. The Really Little Theatre Company will perform Travellin' the World Tuesday, July 20 at 3 p.m. at the main branch. The same company presents The Sen- timental Scarecrow Thursday, Aug. 26 at 10:30 a.m. at the Vil- lage branch. The Nunny Bag, featuring Canadian stories and music, will be performed Thursday. July 29 at 10:30 a.m. at the Village branch and Tuesday, Aug. 10 at 2 p.m. at the main branch. A free craft program, Em'iro- crafts, will be offered at 2 p.m. every Monday from July 5 to Aug. 23, except Aug. 2, at the main branch. Each week will fea- ture common household materials which can be recycled for crafts. At the Village branch Wednes- days from July 21 to Aue. 18 at 10:30 a.m. youngsters will work on a different craft — sponge painting July 21, a pop-up card July 28, a with a rubber glove Aug. 4, collage on Aug. 11 and dough art on Aug. 18. Activities days will be offered at the main branch beginning Thursday, July 22 at 10:30 a.m., with marble madness. On Tues- day, July 27 at 10:30 a.m., kids will have good clean fun with Bubbles — blowing them and doing experiments with them. Bug Day Tuesday, Aug. 3 at 1:30 p.m. features insect collec- tions. A Teddy Bear Picnic, with crafts, face painting and stories, will be held rain or shine Thurs- day, Aug. 12 at 10:30 a.m. Participants can learn about rockets and intergalactic travelling on Space Day Thursday, Aug. 26 at 10:30 a.m. At the Village branch, young- Village library closing for renovations AJAX - The Village branch of the Ajax Public Library will be closed for 10 days so renovation work can be done. The branch, on Church St. north of Hwy. 2, will close at 5 p.m. Saturday, July 3, and will reopen at 10 am. Tuesday, July 13. The renovation work includes installing new shelving and rear- ranging the interior to expand the program area. Library materials due back during the construction period can be returned to the main branch at Harwood Ave. and Kings Cres., next to the Town hall. A free reopening ceremony will be held Friday, July 16 at 2 p.m. featuring a magician, bal- loon sculptures and refreshments. Call the library program office at 683-4000 for more informa- tion. sters will make a kite Thursday, July 22 at 10:30 a.m. Beach Day Thursday, Aug. 12 at 10:30 a.m. will include a sand- castle building contest. Youths can make a puppet and star in their own puppet show Thursday, Aug. 19 at 10:30 a.m. The main library branch is at the corner of Harwood Ave. and Kings Cres., next to the Town hall, and the Village branch is on Church St., north of Hwy. 2. Call the main branch at 683- 4000 or the Village branch at 683- 1140 for more information. ter_ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AJAX \_PUBLIC NOTICE/ Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Ajax proposes to enact a by-law to stop up and close and transfer those parts of a street set out and described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel and tract of land lying in the Town of Ajax in the Region of Durham, formerly in the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario as shown on Plan of Survey of Part of Lot 14 & 15, Concession 4, and more particularly, described as Part 8 on Plan 40R-7287. The proposed by-law will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting at the Ajax Municipal Complex, in the Town of Ajax, on the 5th day of July, 1993, at 7.30 p.m., and at that time Council will hear in person, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected, and who applies to be heard. The subject lands are east of Church Street North and north of Taunton Road and are no longer utilized as a Public Highway. It is proposed to close and transfer these parts to the adjacent property owner. Plans can be viewed at the offices of the undersigned during normal business hours. Dated at Ajax this 11th day of June, 1993. A.T. Hodges, C.M.O., C.M.C. Clerk Corporation of the Town of Ajax 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, Ontario LIS 2H9 -Z15 O'CLOCK RCUILS (All specials start At 5 p.m.) TUESDAY: FREE FRIES! WrTH ANY BURGER ORDERED WEDNESDAY: BREAKFAST for DIIINER THURSDAY: All You Can Eat! RIBS A FRIES - s8" �. FRIDAY: All You Can Eat! l�'➢r?-;� FISH S CHIPS - s7" SATURDAY: All Ycu Can Eat! PASTA - MOW' sters will make a kite Thursday, July 22 at 10:30 a.m. Beach Day Thursday, Aug. 12 at 10:30 a.m. will include a sand- castle building contest. Youths can make a puppet and star in their own puppet show Thursday, Aug. 19 at 10:30 a.m. The main library branch is at the corner of Harwood Ave. and Kings Cres., next to the Town hall, and the Village branch is on Church St., north of Hwy. 2. Call the main branch at 683- 4000 or the Village branch at 683- 1140 for more information. ter_ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF AJAX \_PUBLIC NOTICE/ Take notice that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Ajax proposes to enact a by-law to stop up and close and transfer those parts of a street set out and described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel and tract of land lying in the Town of Ajax in the Region of Durham, formerly in the Township of Pickering, in the County of Ontario as shown on Plan of Survey of Part of Lot 14 & 15, Concession 4, and more particularly, described as Part 8 on Plan 40R-7287. The proposed by-law will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting at the Ajax Municipal Complex, in the Town of Ajax, on the 5th day of July, 1993, at 7.30 p.m., and at that time Council will hear in person, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected, and who applies to be heard. The subject lands are east of Church Street North and north of Taunton Road and are no longer utilized as a Public Highway. It is proposed to close and transfer these parts to the adjacent property owner. Plans can be viewed at the offices of the undersigned during normal business hours. Dated at Ajax this 11th day of June, 1993. A.T. Hodges, C.M.O., C.M.C. Clerk Corporation of the Town of Ajax 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, Ontario LIS 2H9 I THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JULY 1,1993 -PAGE 11 QQ Careers 110 General Help 110 General Help 135 Skilled Help 120 Office Help 220 or s'ee 220 Ar s 220 For Ar"cl s SY local firm teaks active NEED - 30 Class AZ Driven r rner for exttasion rrnirhirrlrn Gary -1 oy 3 ani are sige or a singlemenx required. Cam now. Ifbars elpwiwrce, Parana « s4tparmed « divpoad36-3108 or 404-2903. I -C -C- medical. Cal 7259324 with three years work fAe Wine enancia l as you may quaky Iw150 HOsp. Medical ri,m,cial assstanae w r you are 0 General Help Shome Dental laid OR � � �h bow MODELS NEEDED Femek Apes 12-26 EARN EXTRA INCOME Travel to aCiCikng Cities: New York, Paris, Milan Call for Consultation 430-5715 EARN EXTRA $$ PART TIME Full training provided. Work from home 5-10 hrs. per week Corrie. first served basis. 619-9632 ALASKA ,LOBS Eam up to $30,000 in 3 r,onfhs fishing saknon. Also construction, cannery. oil fields plus morei FOR MWENATE RESPONSE CAL! 1800-737-7887 EXT. K100 CRUISE SHIP JOSS Earn &=-$goo we", year round positions. Hung mWVWornen. Free+ roorrvboard. Will train. CALL 14MO-737-7887 EXT- C100 24 HRS. DEMONSTRATORS handed for Pick_ "Dow dsprrbwou employment for qual-ffied individuals. DENTAL auks requires ex- Ing assistance. DIP/CERT. O perienced dental receptiorMst. Lotus. WordPerfect. D -base, rs6sssrrces Diploma 427.4937. Canada's leading vintner of fine wines has assislant and hygenist, part rd. accPac, bedlord, awocad. - openings for enthusiastic and flexible part-time time. Job w6I involve one « two Ventura pagemaker. Harvard. evenings. Please Send resume Corel• Computer Progran,r;,p 130 Agents salespeople for our new Ajax location. We are � looking for people who know what it means to Pi kers Ki. Onston L Suite 4.' and systems akin iS1, Cabd. L/ Pickering, Ont. L 1 V 384. Pascal and C. Madmoth, Quark - Expess, and Illustrator. Durham Day and vwekend. As i isited , 1f rief�� give outstanding customer service. Must be Care Business Computer College, (v`� 160 47-3010 an available for days, evenings and Saturdays. lTF, Wanted Articles YAM SALE We offer ��\ DAYCARE provider, required 1« For Sale two 220 SALES parson wased . aril • a very competitive hourly rate• starting at \ v children apes 2 and 5 part i/ time in September. Loft of acanew - snacks prided. Lott a T L.C. gallon Water Saturday, July 3, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. WhdTV o� „^� Phone `2° o $7.50 tivifies and other children of sant ape required. St. Jude`s Nine -piece maple dining oil ref wok condition. best offer. Cali 728- 12 Empson CL, Ajax (off of Ramd$ Rd.) • a great group of people to work with school vicinity. Please call 619- room suite. Six chairs, Lis Seen at the Cottage Show available. Mort BABYSITTER Fr,. 7973.(07049M Rain or shine. • all the training you'll need to be successful 1919 alter 5:30 p.m. ro7o7txh - circular extension table, 3 months aro up. Fines Brook area- Plass call 881- MOVING sale - Kenmore with us_ 8 FOOT MOULDED PLASTIC FLOATS ` READY TO BUILD 6G Day Care buffet and hutch. Best 165 5279. (070493' wrasher a1d dryer, dshvashr. GARAGE SALE If you want to learn more about a future in retail J Available otler am $4W iakes CALL FOR YOUR FREE LITERATURE freezer. vertical and horizontal' WES711EY and Hwy a7 arta need a reliable babysitter? Irirds Cal 6e6-0744. 070490) Sat, a Suir1-, July 3 & 4 and would like to grow with us, please call AJAX - Wes,ney Rd. N.r Call 420-0454 Snacks and hot lunches. 12XSO or 67 sq.yards, new lira - 5 mrri. (416) 725-1298 on Monday, 1u1 5 between y y and summer Reliable f`l" tart' 15400 Old Simcoe Rd. and r darn►• arrasabie Pickering San Hd 10.00 & 6�0. y home in my horns r« two years and Port Perry, Ontario L9L 1 L8 CARPET - I tine ww" 1080 Job NPI 15 ober Call Q7-9062. (07040.I1 WASHERS Dryers, Fndgt a Toronto ( ) 439-6111 Stoves 416 130 Agues10� it a bag Ewa Saesday. Raio- Sire. rhe fomarktg Saterday. 510 PICKERING - reliable daycare - new and reconditioned. t in my horns. lunch and snacks, 5225 and up for ramKhtiorlsd Port Perry (416) 985-8479 �� � pay retail prices? One of GRANDMA'S MOVING SALE BONAN7A extras prod ved- two full or reA part washers. $175 and up for con- PLASTICS INC. Toll Free 1 (800) 263-7943 dtioned dryers. $175 for /�.� Doors: ors: [Immediate Overhead INSTALLERS/SERVICE PERSON time days openings. several and up yeas training experience. very reconditioned fridges and neas«ablie raft. References. stores- Also corn operated 250 Garage!fard 250 Garage Yard Automobiles Ramblebwry washer and dryers. SSL i Sure, July 3 i 4 9 aim - 4 n nit year round, full-time and Faicionaeo Dr. 937-2039. (070493) Stephenson•s Furniture and Sales Sales 3 For Sale DEMONSTRATORS handed for Pick_ "Dow dsprrbwou employment for qual-ffied individuals. DAYCARE available in my Appliances, 227 Court St.. home, responsble babysitter osha"`a 571:.7.49. (TFALL) YARD SALE rs6sssrrces Diploma 427.4937. Fax resume to: with 20 years experience. good PIANOS/GRANDFATHER Sae rday�A43,8am-4pin(Railda�July4th) "" `may - rn 670-34M lunches, lots d activity. lanced cocks - Pianos, rent lo own. apt. W�.�.,�, yard. good rates. Any age size, upright, grand, digital. �-e Rd & X17 130 Agents 205 Firewood welcome. Call 831-0066. keyboards. CLOCKS - tree Clothes, Childrm's IWS, sports equpmerrt,futitfeand and vwekend. As i isited , 1f rief�� Only the best need apply EXPERIENCED daycare given. deli1ery and set up. Cal Telep lots ofother grea an 20 sten dno1 - sped no veneers - Traditional willbabysa fug or pan time in my ane take advantage of our low YAM SALE vriiabis. Call 416101-7536. hone. nutritious Inch and +� i 433.1 �Lorib•x 2 FAMILY GARAGE SALE SALES parson wased . aril FOR sah+ - r1 i birch fkeseood Movie Extra Work snacks prided. Lott a T L.C. gallon Water Saturday, July 3, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. WhdTV o� „^� Phone `2° o mIIC4 OOM Ch opracic aesb- Ads, Acting and Modeling oil ref wok condition. best offer. Cali 728- 12 Empson CL, Ajax (off of Ramd$ Rd.) Industrial Cortrarip co„ ,y knowledge of no writing- Over 4,D00 paying assignments last year. available. Mort BABYSITTER Fr,. 7973.(07049M Rain or shine. 12t7 Fle1de10M I* i $torch � �� ��1 ) A -a-_- taws. (hliidren needed. No courses to 3 months aro up. Fines Brook area- Plass call 881- MOVING sale - Kenmore FANka fon and pipe kwtalaipt take. Guaranteed Work_ 5279. (070493' wrasher a1d dryer, dshvashr. GARAGE SALE L00. of baby pirfh ci0dlei and IDs n10r@ /�.,a� A� s... Can 404-0277 sari an appdnwient freezer. vertical and horizontal' WES711EY and Hwy a7 arta need a reliable babysitter? Irirds Cal 6e6-0744. 070490) Sat, a Suir1-, July 3 & 4 Bash salary � 0io^ 21 0 Flea market Snacks and hot lunches. 12XSO or 67 sq.yards, new lira - 5 mrri. DEMONSTRATORS handed for Pick_ "Dow dsprrbwou sSOMAf In you matltbat_ Sed sof addressed ell pam,p.d .n Sales rs6sssrrces Diploma 427.4937. Droodborrt dusty nose with un de pea. 35 gaups. $750 o D.o. 9864 Brookshire care, PickQri Sq ilg - enri1vScS500- ughlOsAawa Moos opa Mhys k.smaiohal 130 Agents 205 Firewood PlanesoY aftersm p -mL 939- SOOZ and vwekend. As i isited , 1f rief�� area. $500-700 weekly P. PO. Bat 9�7, 265 Yewteortn an 20 sten dno1 - sped no veneers - Traditional (070493) YAM SALE vriiabis. Call 416101-7536. St W., Osht ria Ont LN tor- SALES parson wased . aril FOR sah+ - r1 i birch fkeseood FUN and chip truck two Irysn. 4 b-.skw. grill. refrpeator. SaL, July 3, 9 alrt. - 3 p- m mIIC4 OOM Ch opracic aesb- NANTED - 10 20 people for Irand New Dim Progran 100$6 tariff he bum tom- Pat sons Industrial Cortrarip co„ ,y knowledge of no writing- Cut and sp16 1 h ulna Pick up or can deliver. 436-94548. 1�, 3 d„� ,wan d� 12t7 Fle1de10M I* i $torch � �� ��1 ) fare and and docim poesile fun itch._ Yost be lbsela Cam 8344721 f070M FANka fon and pipe kwtalaipt sw�T� (C wwrdoes. f Price reduced. (416) 372-5261- L00. of baby pirfh ci0dlei and IDs n10r@ ded.Natural fcorrrlwrnded. Contact @02 X72- nd8Pi Pin. tar@sa soon And 8 pJn aJW931 Bash salary � 0io^ 21 0 Flea market tD7Dgg3I ansewE RAN DATE: Suit. JULY 4 N7DM31 San Hd Fax resume to 683-0060. GARAGE SALE CARPET - I tine ww" 1080 Bal► clow olrm used clothes he MORTGAGE Underwriter/ 130 Agues10� it a bag Ewa Saesday. Raio- Sire. rhe fomarktg Saterday. 510 -°i" �� � pay retail prices? One of GRANDMA'S MOVING SALE BONAN7A coker. Oshawa. Private S= Prbs hick es .angst P•dArticles and whsLiNnOw, -3o yards'• 230 coME � eobea �� Onwio's oldest and largo SSL i Sure, July 3 i 4 9 aim - 4 n nit bclasr ragrias sa- irsssidural 1D anon Isrrdnrs and balstssrs Ex_ as mat~ brow Phfwonsl sides an as rtecsesiy. Salary -. 4S3• 1070@9311 TORE cadetsnia regiiied Dean bills" Cam Ruth aal 611WM1I 2.18 alta -4 paL VIOMflt IRSTYUST required, kd Sm /w TM AbovePickering Tow hire. High salary, high Call 837474. loftepwdacts hn= hohanad 1791 wisrawDD 70M 26 ht: (wheal .aDa se kora year hotlas work so" a Nutrition An andwA prograarl . also sensible. blFull 4ProvidDIL 070294 1 -416 -OW YOU Ila classes? AnwAoas net growing gamer plain, fiat cam to Canda requires Cahwtianw In yew area. Out - ding conwaissloas. 00 Ne dsir.rlss Call 700L Woo" Aent)c tad bus a as, lot a ffr@dhali' ow ring technologist. Ex - 0 aft and we be an st- P14,1126 reply to 457 SL, APs, Oat_ US IFUL VER needed with Sloan ►a0. A2 moons as 16am N. Must be 50 a more. d _J1 ff y0U are: • Eel isiaslic • L0010ng for a flew career • Sales Oriented for t* eaMifW We are . A new gmwing company •P/►ayinV Wocommissions (35%) - Committed ID sasislac fur r •MLN" ID Vain fie right candidate Please call Michael Didone 0 WHITBY TOYOTA 1045 D1 riM St, tlYM" Tor. 686-ZMMA a VA 4M REGISTERED REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON Required for active new home site in Courtice. New home sales an asset. CALL ROSS RIEENNCED full time 135 SwNd Hdp 135 skilled Help flat. Es@lsfdan and plot re, pleruM Aw1116d for MrotHANCAL M)llright for ti udes. Pidarltg Tern small IrldusiVW contracting CARPENTER - cabinetry, fabrication and k alk for Suaq, 426,440. cabinetry. 1 Fes Henna o .g5- YwlmiYart. 72&SM 1070�B71 K4 4fM vi, moss owl � own bow ia manufacturers is now setwp d1 - to to public- Eq. 5' osk t1DrfirVIM Sty PkkwkV looking for eytyetic people ss5- table wM COW o and 4 WhOM khg Irrnonnslve products Is loin thaws. $799 - r oak double sww. 9ritdine's wait, Collecele4 e1G us rerndoes The makm Is dawn, pedestal clw art, and 6 efnYt.ndly and vwekend. As i isited , 1f rief�� L Cannonball aml $� C A C f SAIX each side OP -M s25kN. enwim 20 sten dno1 - sped no veneers - Traditional iPle'fI'�GE iSINI,Ad y3i4,g&AL-1 pin - Rein CirSUife 6101day_ Open yoar round, phones 416.806.8126 for none Woodiworkwp. 415-905-@774. 64 t MC" CML. � (H@I1@o n - � M lttaerrktn 1070@M moviao saw - cortsrles in- Loll olrrp11R eardk tads te0IC0111e. lads Safi[ flflNft Articles 220 cluding Press, twin stro@er, a„@, a,r„g ,,,a,� aeioaR for eslt knick flacks efytlr For Sale "i0707°idM fa` GARAGE SALE m.e PATIO doers (band nes+) S sufk r Sew. wn r sm Boom or &M picks, l- _aa sw�T� (C Mid, cam Irm 04 �,�near „ate k* guaranteed 8 +'�' - nd8Pi Pin. tar@sa soon And 8 pJn aJW931 nim ned, us �, Comas naalw uCi a S J . 3rd , e,..r7 AMR don, 12,000 BTU, naw, 90 dad 42747M. 40 WaMM Rd. S_ Nan. (M in bort paid $115% asking WN Ciao. 57"12L 107'09931 Jors khd@hlakd "M & wipws GARAGE SALE CARPET - I tine ww" 1080 Bal► clow olrm used clothes he SMIMDAY, JULY 3, L-30 A.M. - 12 NOON yards of near still ___ ad IOD% nylon talpd n wPs6 it a bag Ewa Saesday. Raio- Sire. rhe fomarktg Saterday. 510 46 i Opt{ SUFASNiifIAMORES. your avltp room and has Dor 1�amh E Ajlae, 9 ama90 p m � WW R0dW9lgyy In - k-•swVftp) S= Prbs hick es .angst P•dArticles and whsLiNnOw, -3o yards'• 230 Stare, (414) 267-5072_ (M Wanted, CkA %AOE =J" Sandra .k- 0. le arse - Sae Pew► EVAN& Top Sol - @oewus' and FUIMFUIE Pre 19601t_ At,, 366 iswvlwrl� s tilMedds I Triple mit. brfdt sand. uod raiioad Ikea. Abe Gado thin old. is: Milk bottles, . enables, Pww advsrhunp, lays. monk on Aaewr f1W are. m� severe i =1 Testas. to ler en Waftd d Owns, ties hm so and other ears9ry stock awm- decoys, t pnr`q, ON pest CladL non=i br Ds. ties ler r alenraewrY Fwnb w. alkDsbrrw lam Ilisheas worsew sone- heseelnM able in discount plots_ Pat" old dim dol, dodo, etc. Cas r... ,slam. Cas 430.4733 a even- 41665648049.(g717931 k425-2970. gs CHMR win motorized Nuns STREET SALE THREE band saws, beaver lathe, table saw. Bronson's frwdhatf,nn meq"' , for sarliw cPizen. Must be M excellent Stockbridge CM. Aia)4 1111111NOWNeighs Sharpening. 723-rM7. (070493) yAm eoandiion 43437ND. (D708e3) WANTED - slaves. fridges. Sat, Ady 3,8:30 aim - 3:30 pjL JOE'S lrndu@oil & Woos jYi�l im@ti1, � � � ID►er@lyclna OrEi�1a - Cloth 1rt now and used ttnaslw and dnyars skip or shop carts. used olstltklp naw Ba torroseaket, ill" then I/ not. Also oats . Pickup Wit fhan 7It � Pcwhhg 420.9B3D.MALL) 290 Pets -Supplies- 2�0 URFA 2 price. 610 Bsyly E.. Ajax Holum 9 am4l pm. Sakadays. 280 lost b Found BoUlli lg purebred GOATS A-nh b 9 am -5 pm. 427-2009. (TF) p1o5r0� F- �. -W F11EEZER. and Mdps for .pis, DONT mrew > w.r � or as. 673317 or 06 Ito hnM �' lore the new second hand, $30-6240. LOST - MM wnisr wire bilassei ~ halt. black bOm 926-3297. 070163) Doggie Dooley Mproard Dog fD70 1 paldhe , Dols• wih Rabin tag, anstws warts Septic System NOW DOG 1raiWg clseess wYn9 ELECTFAW organs, renown- to Jake. Lost In Wad Lynda AVAILABLE DOGGIE DOO Judy 5 at 790 p.n, Sued crs- tiont puarantsed. Call 725- ata. Cas anxins owner. 430- SHOVEL 723 -mill a 436.87a2. 9w for morn i dluldvol alfnems 00D1. (O>pppp 320L 10704931 gem -spire, daily. (W) Khoss ar Keensh. BMmn W& 4871.10704% ,sol Pontiac $unp,rd, Arnrvr. %ary t6ttrbn, exce@ers cor%,nlpn. 'emale dr,ver. take over oayrrkemt. $320mornhry fiefs 9153. (070693) 1969 Chrysler Daytona. two door. auto. td steering, arvtm osSane. lactory warranty. very risen, now Tures up. $5295 o b o Call Kers Auto Sala. 420-0.'84 or 432-7531 (070693) feta Buick Regal Ltd. aur. 74.0010 kmt.. loaded, one ow,,W. Lady driven 67995 cast oNtw Car %Os Auto Salt. 420-0784 or 432 7531. (070093) 1967 7oyaa Carrvy Wagon. Cir. a -f -T. cruise. excellent condition. $59M Car 721.1741. (07 Q IM6 Cavalrr. auto. 4 door. one owrw. 160K krrs. $1700 o.b.o. 425-2937. (071193) 1906 Chfvstte. 4 door automatic, excellent runnrrrg oorrde , - $1900 co fed oD-o. I9@0 Gilds Delta 86. prom car. $IWO car• - 5.o. 4331787, 1 19" PiymwuM Car"oft. 4 dam. 4 tiAkdw, a/som bir ps_. Pb- very clean. best dew. Ndti Auto Saks. 420.0794 or 432- 7s3I_ amee3) fLIDS Ford Tempo, 4 ;;o;. _5 speed. as. arWim eassono. ohM. $1200. owras4 1985 Cutlass Cierra. V6. 4 door• sunroof, air• cruise, amam CJsesaL $3111100 owohsd Cal JW 415-7231301 (070490) IM Its Awad in exosiwt oorndlli1 5 $peed, ai• good body, or* 110,0W lenw.. $1400 tlfrtiwd 19@4 Mavisis soon wagon, needs transmission raI i =0 as la. 435-7814 or 72.225& 070293) 1@62 Tolosa Cwira GST, sporty wide body, 4 611' -1 r motst, ww wide ties, elsdric anode. 5 @past, sew eMs paint and made atom 831100 owtilea Cam M69827. 10706931 305Wanted FM CASH - FREE 7+011 dolts for yolr scrap on or tm L. A 0 No cash for ori i" vehicles. 7 34s -ries 310 T=ks � Sale 1"S Toyota pickup 4.4. 1110.000 kms. on motor, now Perot 7 atspesion fit tint, Mack with grey interim. mint oo wmm $5600 cwwmo - Cal 686.9103- )0702" Vans, 320Drives t@@0 Safari Mini Van, very nips, $7M Abd 1979 BMW 320, needs cktdh and body, work am can emsel1. (07080.9) IPAGIIZ % ,1�iEiYS AD4 1�S6R i�a �.1<�.�•2r' 1 I . ,'. r Fr'. ' ► ` r 1't . ! :'t ' ' Automobile Automobiles Apartments Apartments 300 For Sale 300 For Sale 400 For Rent 400 For Rent LARGE two bedroom in WWMY Go, throe bedroom Colborne. $526 plus utilities. M In VuM Odor t ONK Paddlke going. Available now. bloodbomrd throughout. Jorge Telephone 416-344-7317, backyard, two entrances, (070493) parking, $725 plus partial 4b WIaTBY Is one bedroom utiilies. Avaiable July 1. Cal r" 571-1820.(070993) main floor apartment in duplex, oak eal-in kitchen. parking and PICKERING Go Station, very large yard. $590 monthly. One Quiet large clean bright two block from Go train. 668-7634. bedroom basement apartment, 1988 PONTIAC GRAND (0793) walk entrance. Go station, separate trance. parking, 4 acs. bath. OSHAWA - bright sunny two fridge stove, laundry, no pets, PRIX SE bedroom in apartment building please ran smoker. Available Excellent condition, AIC, p.s., P.W., P.b., P.M. on quiet street. Easy 401 access immediately. Call 420-2472. and city bus route. $689 all (070493) P. seals, AWFM cassette, white wigreyl utilities and parking included. Can 433.0677. (070893) PARK'R __SLAN0 -nice one bedroom basement apartment with walkout• has large picture HOUSE trailer 25 it. sleeps e complete with fridge. stove, furnace, fun bath d shower, like new Asking $6200. Asking $6200. 509-0666. (070293) 1990 Cobra Sand Piper 39'. one tip 0.,1, two bedrooms, lull bathroom arc add a room, 317,00C Call 666-3699. 1070893) 1996 Slarcraft Stariite 24 So hardtop camper sleeps 6, stove• sink. awning. two new tires. ex- celient condrtion $3000 fimh Call 427-0505 (070293) 1t' Gulf Stream Conquest Camper Trailer. 1992 made.. based $9995. Call 967-4353. 34 0 Auto Parts & V Repairs Cars Painted $50.00 plus materials 683-2977 • Balconies • 5 appliances En suite laundry • 2 baths (ind. master en suite) • Individual en suite heating/air conditioning units • Underground parking On-site secunty • On-site maintenance • Parking included $970.00 to $1,570 PER MONTH PLEASE CALL (AJAX) (TORONTO) 427-0363 OR 861-1000 `ONE MONTH'S FREE RENT 77 &33 FALBY COURT Two bedroom apartments In famdr building. Air conditioning. broadloom. 2 appliances, laundry facilities and underground parking included $743.00. 686-0845 weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. • Limited time otter 355 AJAX - :a6sana'.vestney area. AJAX Westney,wwy 2 tear 11AOtofC y ,Ie3 5040 heo bedroom, 6 mann soacious one bedroom bases _1w apartment- ammhaCulate ment apartment. separate INSURANCE, open 9.gp. 5y --::d Ton $77C monthly in. emtranp, broadloom• utilities a: p o , r t m e n t Monday to cods heat. hyoro and Parking inck4w. CION to Go. no pets. Saturday. Motorcycle. Auto and Immied.ate possession. Fust First,last, references. $600 very corroetsrve property rases. las; Call 5712177 or 428-1106 month double. Available Over 20 years experience Cal leave message if necessary inrv*edia•.y. Call 686-3750. 427-3595 (072593) 40 70M) (070293) OSHAWA two bedroom apan- mints evadable. one available PK:KERING Village - luxury one 365 Marine �r ents a ail Fredet r•quared. bedroom aWrtment exea�tns sundry facilities $550-$650 Home. Bright ground level, HARWOOD/CLEMENTS - two bedroom basement apartment, separate entrance, laundry, fridge• stove, central air, central vac, utilities included. Transit at door, no pets, ran smoker. 3650 monthly. Available immerf.a•ely. 4288936. (070693) WHITBY - basement bachelor apartment with pnvate entrance in duplex, large yard. parking. $430 monthly. One block from Go Train. 666-7634. (070493) CUTE and cozy two bedroom basement apartment, fridge, stove included. Available immediately. $650 all inclusive Cmo'Oshawa Centre area. App- ly ppy 52 Vancouver Crt.. 6-9 p.m. or call 430-1071. (070693) AJAX - new bright two or three bedroom basement apartment separate side entrance, parking laundry. carpeted. fenced yard bus at door, no pets Two bedrooms $640 + or three bedroom 5720 +. Cal 428-9214 (070493) AJAX - WestneyMvry, s2 - ons bedroom basemen apartment separate entrance, utilities ncluded, laundry facilities. Please Call 427-0700. (o7o793) WHITBY . freshly a painted tnrw bedroom apartment on mair floor d triplex. Private 1`191100C laundry facilities. im mediate possession. $750 plea utilities. Cal 683-6661. (o70OW, 410 Houses For Rent NORTH Oshawa urge '^nee bedrOpme, QWIST court. 6 appliances. central vac. two lireptac«. +•rices yard. near ei:npols. Transit. shopping. $995 Plus uulrtles. Call 434-6497. (070493) SOUTHEAST Alas. 4 bedrooms. 2 1;2 baths. fireplace. 5 appliances. tirwAam required. $1100 monthly, references. Call 4271966 evenings. (070793) ADELAIDEAITSON area, arras three bedroom house. $700 . utdshes. Avadalow Aug. 1. Calif 72&3647, ask for Shannon. NO CALLS AFTER 9 p.m.(TF) 410 H w"20rdr 470 Cottages Fort 500 roH Sia s Ren3 bedroom 2 storey, south KAWARTHAS - cozy two $139,m00 -three bedroom brick Oshawa location. wry clean bedroom modern Iskelront cot- bungalow, finished basement newer home, single garage, 1 a ge s (4 5 min. NE of with fireplace, 19x36 inground available Aug 1/m0 Can see- Peterborough) good fishing, pool, now bathroom, roof, 4312 after 6 p m Pt@ese t@aw swimminp,boat and motor furance and windows. 10 (070293) SM From $170 weekend. minutes walk to GM insulated 3395 weekly. (705) 677-2159. garage, two sheds. Call 728 - AJAX - lovely 3 bedroom walk to (070993) 3150. (070693) Cao train. acttaok and park. Air CROWE River Waterfront - two PICKERING - attractive three conditioning, central vac, bedrooms plus sunroom. Three bedroom semi, 12 years old, 1 1/ fireplace, large yard and garage. piece bath, private setting, good 2 baths, air, garage, close to Go. Ouist neighbourhood, avaiab(e fishing and swimming. Boat $146.900. Call 839.5267. Aug. 1. $1025 plus utilities. 430- included. $400 per week. 435- (071393) 3760 Whitby. (070493) 0100 or (705) 778-7377. PICKERING - main floor d well (070693) Pt C K E RING : 1207 Bramblewood Crt., immaculate maintained detached 3 bedroom GREAT fishing and family 4 brooms. 3 1r2 bath home on bungalow. Central air, custom hohdayl Low family prices. quiet cul-de-sac next to park. built k,tchen, appliances, Modern cottages. Pickerel. Vaulted foyer with oak spiral laundry, fenced yard, near muskey. small and large mouth stairs connecting 3 fabulous schools. shopping and Go. $975 bass• pan fish. 1800 ft. levels. Main floor den wi monthly, non smoker. 831.8777. waterfront. Level grounds, rec fireplace. large tamiyroom w/ (070793) hall, children's program, sandy ceramic flooring, gas fireplace. OSHAWA - Bloor/Ritson, close beach. Boat and motor rentals. wet bar, walkout to pool, wine to 401.4 bedroprn house, fridge, One hour from Oshawa Sun- cellar, large ensuite bath with stove, garage. $650 plus nymead Cottages. R.R 43 whirpooUoeramic fleecing. Spa. utilities. First/last required. Pets Hastings. Ont. KOL IYO. 1.705- sous cedar deck overlooking O.K. Cal( 668-9486. (070693) 696-2601. (073093) fully landscaped inground pod. Ownt 8 C t FRIENDLY three bedroom bun- galow in beautiful WEST LY DE. 5 appliances, parking, large fenced lot, near schools. parks. Go bus stop. Available Aug. 15. First/last, 668-8620. 415 -- -- Housing Wanted RESPONSIBLE family n need of a three bedroom house to rent mh in Mitchell's Coers/COunlCM Bowmamrille area for anytime in July. Must be in wen kept condi- ion and affordable rent. Please call 579-0135 and leave message. (070693) 4 Townhouses 20 For Rent NO UTILITY BILLS TO PAY windows in LR, eat -n kitchen, 330 Trailers own parking, available Aug 1. Apartments 1993 $525 all inclusive. call 400 family corn pi". For Rent 666-8867 anytime- (070293) CITATION - 35 h. Twin TpOuts, paaArrig, fr+dge, slove, washer, two bedrooms• full bathroom. LUXURY SUITES AT THE LAKE management. many extras, $11,000. To view. . Supenor 2-bdrm suites tennis• clear beaches and major call Paul after 6 p.m. 416-724- 4362. (TF) .Lake views still available attractions. Children welcome. HOUSE trailer 25 it. sleeps e complete with fridge. stove, furnace, fun bath d shower, like new Asking $6200. Asking $6200. 509-0666. (070293) 1990 Cobra Sand Piper 39'. one tip 0.,1, two bedrooms, lull bathroom arc add a room, 317,00C Call 666-3699. 1070893) 1996 Slarcraft Stariite 24 So hardtop camper sleeps 6, stove• sink. awning. two new tires. ex- celient condrtion $3000 fimh Call 427-0505 (070293) 1t' Gulf Stream Conquest Camper Trailer. 1992 made.. based $9995. Call 967-4353. 34 0 Auto Parts & V Repairs Cars Painted $50.00 plus materials 683-2977 • Balconies • 5 appliances En suite laundry • 2 baths (ind. master en suite) • Individual en suite heating/air conditioning units • Underground parking On-site secunty • On-site maintenance • Parking included $970.00 to $1,570 PER MONTH PLEASE CALL (AJAX) (TORONTO) 427-0363 OR 861-1000 `ONE MONTH'S FREE RENT 77 &33 FALBY COURT Two bedroom apartments In famdr building. Air conditioning. broadloom. 2 appliances, laundry facilities and underground parking included $743.00. 686-0845 weekdays 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. • Limited time otter 355 AJAX - :a6sana'.vestney area. AJAX Westney,wwy 2 tear 11AOtofC y ,Ie3 5040 heo bedroom, 6 mann soacious one bedroom bases _1w apartment- ammhaCulate ment apartment. separate INSURANCE, open 9.gp. 5y --::d Ton $77C monthly in. emtranp, broadloom• utilities a: p o , r t m e n t Monday to cods heat. hyoro and Parking inck4w. CION to Go. no pets. Saturday. Motorcycle. Auto and Immied.ate possession. Fust First,last, references. $600 very corroetsrve property rases. las; Call 5712177 or 428-1106 month double. Available Over 20 years experience Cal leave message if necessary inrv*edia•.y. Call 686-3750. 427-3595 (072593) 40 70M) (070293) OSHAWA two bedroom apan- mints evadable. one available PK:KERING Village - luxury one 365 Marine �r ents a ail Fredet r•quared. bedroom aWrtment exea�tns sundry facilities $550-$650 Home. Bright ground level, HARWOOD/CLEMENTS - two bedroom basement apartment, separate entrance, laundry, fridge• stove, central air, central vac, utilities included. Transit at door, no pets, ran smoker. 3650 monthly. Available immerf.a•ely. 4288936. (070693) WHITBY - basement bachelor apartment with pnvate entrance in duplex, large yard. parking. $430 monthly. One block from Go Train. 666-7634. (070493) CUTE and cozy two bedroom basement apartment, fridge, stove included. Available immediately. $650 all inclusive Cmo'Oshawa Centre area. App- ly ppy 52 Vancouver Crt.. 6-9 p.m. or call 430-1071. (070693) AJAX - new bright two or three bedroom basement apartment separate side entrance, parking laundry. carpeted. fenced yard bus at door, no pets Two bedrooms $640 + or three bedroom 5720 +. Cal 428-9214 (070493) AJAX - WestneyMvry, s2 - ons bedroom basemen apartment separate entrance, utilities ncluded, laundry facilities. Please Call 427-0700. (o7o793) WHITBY . freshly a painted tnrw bedroom apartment on mair floor d triplex. Private 1`191100C laundry facilities. im mediate possession. $750 plea utilities. Cal 683-6661. (o70OW, 410 Houses For Rent NORTH Oshawa urge '^nee bedrOpme, QWIST court. 6 appliances. central vac. two lireptac«. +•rices yard. near ei:npols. Transit. shopping. $995 Plus uulrtles. Call 434-6497. (070493) SOUTHEAST Alas. 4 bedrooms. 2 1;2 baths. fireplace. 5 appliances. tirwAam required. $1100 monthly, references. Call 4271966 evenings. (070793) ADELAIDEAITSON area, arras three bedroom house. $700 . utdshes. Avadalow Aug. 1. Calif 72&3647, ask for Shannon. NO CALLS AFTER 9 p.m.(TF) 410 H w"20rdr 470 Cottages Fort 500 roH Sia s Ren3 bedroom 2 storey, south KAWARTHAS - cozy two $139,m00 -three bedroom brick Oshawa location. wry clean bedroom modern Iskelront cot- bungalow, finished basement newer home, single garage, 1 a ge s (4 5 min. NE of with fireplace, 19x36 inground available Aug 1/m0 Can see- Peterborough) good fishing, pool, now bathroom, roof, 4312 after 6 p m Pt@ese t@aw swimminp,boat and motor furance and windows. 10 (070293) SM From $170 weekend. minutes walk to GM insulated 3395 weekly. (705) 677-2159. garage, two sheds. Call 728 - AJAX - lovely 3 bedroom walk to (070993) 3150. (070693) Cao train. acttaok and park. Air CROWE River Waterfront - two PICKERING - attractive three conditioning, central vac, bedrooms plus sunroom. Three bedroom semi, 12 years old, 1 1/ fireplace, large yard and garage. piece bath, private setting, good 2 baths, air, garage, close to Go. Ouist neighbourhood, avaiab(e fishing and swimming. Boat $146.900. Call 839.5267. Aug. 1. $1025 plus utilities. 430- included. $400 per week. 435- (071393) 3760 Whitby. (070493) 0100 or (705) 778-7377. PICKERING - main floor d well (070693) Pt C K E RING : 1207 Bramblewood Crt., immaculate maintained detached 3 bedroom GREAT fishing and family 4 brooms. 3 1r2 bath home on bungalow. Central air, custom hohdayl Low family prices. quiet cul-de-sac next to park. built k,tchen, appliances, Modern cottages. Pickerel. Vaulted foyer with oak spiral laundry, fenced yard, near muskey. small and large mouth stairs connecting 3 fabulous schools. shopping and Go. $975 bass• pan fish. 1800 ft. levels. Main floor den wi monthly, non smoker. 831.8777. waterfront. Level grounds, rec fireplace. large tamiyroom w/ (070793) hall, children's program, sandy ceramic flooring, gas fireplace. OSHAWA - Bloor/Ritson, close beach. Boat and motor rentals. wet bar, walkout to pool, wine to 401.4 bedroprn house, fridge, One hour from Oshawa Sun- cellar, large ensuite bath with stove, garage. $650 plus nymead Cottages. R.R 43 whirpooUoeramic fleecing. Spa. utilities. First/last required. Pets Hastings. Ont. KOL IYO. 1.705- sous cedar deck overlooking O.K. Cal( 668-9486. (070693) 696-2601. (073093) fully landscaped inground pod. Ownt 8 C t FRIENDLY three bedroom bun- galow in beautiful WEST LY DE. 5 appliances, parking, large fenced lot, near schools. parks. Go bus stop. Available Aug. 15. First/last, 668-8620. 415 -- -- Housing Wanted RESPONSIBLE family n need of a three bedroom house to rent mh in Mitchell's Coers/COunlCM Bowmamrille area for anytime in July. Must be in wen kept condi- ion and affordable rent. Please call 579-0135 and leave message. (070693) 4 Townhouses 20 For Rent NO UTILITY BILLS TO PAY Lovey 3 bdrm. garden home In well maintained family corn pi". Heat hydro, water. paaArrig, fr+dge, slove, washer, dryer included. On -swig management. For appointment to view rat. OSHAWA ih•ee bedroom 'ownhouse, living and dining •cpm, rec room• dishwasher, nuontenance. water and hydro tree. Available Aug t. $1000 monthly. Call 427-3572. (070293) COSOURG - two bedroompt Townhouse. avaiabis Se. 1 $717 per month pus ubl4es. ro Last month rent t required06 Cad (416) 372.1855. (0793) • i k 590 OppBusiness ortunities Fyfe 490 er moving o .Sept. $262,000. Open house July 3 r ��i.�• Stir V2ef, n Rentals and 4, 1-3 p m. 839-8225. __- - 3 bedrooms, PRIVATE Sale: three bedroom Coming CLEARWATd. 640 fully luished, air con., mobile Semi detached, dose to East Events homes. Heated pods. hot tub Mall Plaza. very good area. & & othlour washstands, tennis• clear beaches and major Price: $115.000 o.b.o. Phone BATTLE OF THE BANDS - Aug. attractions. Children welcome. 571-0401 to view anytime No 21, 1993. Has your band got Photos. (Less than motel). $275 agents please. (070893) what a takes? Why not come week:y. 683-5503. (080593) --- - - -- and enter our contest at the Port - BROKER has $10.000 to lend at Perry Country Flea Market. Homes $110 per month. Contact Doug Cash Prize for the first place, 500 For Sale at 668-6805, Community Finan- bands must be registered by brae foundry recross. m� bachelor apartment with sal Services. (TFALL) July 31 by calling 985-8424. wes woo on 70 ft. ex eornt blades, punches, chisels, wood stilot with ane lot win t70 h. excellent � Country, soft rock. SO's and rrephacs, utilities incuow. sea baicony. lowly Panted and nods• Good po'l' You can buy 60's. (070893) PRIVATE SALE OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN., JULY 3 & 4 2-4 P.M. 34 BLOOR ST. E. OSHAWA Clean, 5 bedrooms, 1'12 baths, sunporch, 1'/2 Storey, aluminum siding, detached garage, paved drive. Near GO bus, 401, schools, shopping. Priced to sell at $109,900. CALL 579-1943, 579-63149 725-2360 650 Auctions SUNDAY AUCTION THIS SUNDAY JULY 4TH 12 NOON PREVIEW 11:30 AT THE K OF C HALL, 133 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY PARTIAL LIST ONLY Antiques reproductions hand tools. 2 1,2 ton floor lack, pine wardrobe. 4 poster bedroom suite, wing back chairs, persran & oriental carpets, pine harvest table & 6 hoop ` chairs, varous lamps, pine china cabinet, piano, 2 900 �tdC1i0 gas hearse - - oak S,deboard, wrench & Bouin oatkitcor , extra yard, use put -of -Town socket sets, hand made Payr beat i °`°r `or Ssfor d poo Properties paymwn W41 carry for $520 p« 540p quilts. d loot pine tab's n Ben mboorn . or than remng. Cal ok SOUTH Oshawa near Gm, 3 430.2799. (070693) n I LAND .IC­:)A7CN..• ad cases (oak, pine) cast iron oe" brass aces. bedroom turfed me.Avit $8e all included Available July NO down froni hit trag Rr s mkac sM Ori• acre ver 321$24,900 g lass, ch --a. decorator 1. Ca Call Doreen, 404-8159. 2750 sq.tt . double with acres C1060TOto oces •flat top desk, open 0 (0625W) remote �� reacioustreat. Two acre lakefront. $49.900 & & othlour washstands, COURT 1 C E - Nash R d . I bedrooms. master. retreat. wakin closer. 5 ace. ensue°. 3 Two bedroom cabin ' po':n• $19.900 Best otters. c inancng IT parlour 8 occasional occasional tables mirrOrs II 198916 t.2m. Crest Lrw. Extra 'wide. Mery „ separate •ntranr-•, fireplace. ydro. Also garage available. 1renCr Odors. hardwood floors. ELEGANT three bedrooms sus ow Ouse comp ex, 3 bedrooms. 21 Nx, bathrooms. peakg tans. 19 blinds, central available o see photos. please le Y VaC. rrlerbW Corartsa. 4 x,11428-6167. (070293) cupboards, beds, extra deep warn ry Cussc 50 a H D. Trader. As- $75 Call 579-3593 or 728-9345 etc. Utilities included. $765. home, sunroom, balcony, ceramic. huge kitchen. one 2PCe living mom, separate poe. main bathroom, 'nal oak Cottages For dressers, asst. chairs. long $4500, Also tWi salmon (oma) Awl Sep Non smokers. oak, garage paved drive. prime dining room, solanum, large staircase w�out to 550 Sale bow glass china tering squxorrlern available. Call PICKERING - Liver I and No Imo downtown Oshawa location. kitchen. all appliances. air. fenced yard. many other cupboards, curio shelves, Jay Jim. 66&7585. Bayty.mem bright one bedroom base- mem '�^i ^M'y�. AVAILABLE Immediately n Available July 15. 5768999 ask $1000. Locker. Parking 1a 16 49;}7965 or 432-7300. (070493) y. interest 5.75%forr 6 months. BEAUTIFULLY finished 1000 hack saws, 1 ton chain C on ass o3) 11' CaoOretN Fiberglass boat with canvas top, seats need eat in kitchen., 4 Whitby PCe Darn. Y apanmhent budding, tip Steve' (070293) __ - AJAX - three bedroom 5225,000. Call 436-0997. cottage, pin• floors, two falls, screwdrivers, saw �sor-w work. 40 H.P. Johnson brae foundry recross. m� bachelor apartment with NO down payment" Good townnouss. Westr»y Rd,Nwy (070693) woo on 70 ft. ex eornt blades, punches, chisels, wood stilot with ane lot win t70 h. excellent � moor, runs well. to trader, $950 rrephacs, utilities incuow. sea baicony. lowly Panted and nods• Good po'l' You can buy 92 . end unit with garage, $975 PRIVATE - three bedroom waterfront on Buckshot Lake. in drill press, stools, o.b.o. Also 12' Alumnum boil entrance, parking, walk to lake. Carpeted, close to bus and $650. F-rsL'latt Call 6,')9.7834 Napping. No pets. First/last for tfe Oras• d r°m, while pros and rates are down. Call monthly plus utilities. Frsvlast, apanrrom. Whitby. Appliances Bon Echo Provincial Park area. (tenches, pine deacon's •nIh 3.6 H.P. C Yen (rola, MPs (070693) required. $sop monthly, Call a Bram, Commxwnry Financial. references, ran srnoking, no included (washer, dry°(, h�• Road access, full septic, bench, rockers, aces, $500 o.b.o. Cal 8335086 after 666 St73. (072299) 6688805. (TF) pets, available immediately. stove, dishwasher). Nicely $105.000. Phone 723-2880. COffe 8 end table set 630 p.m. (071193) AVAILABLE Aug. 1. West Shore area, lar one bedroom PICKERING Village - two WALK to Pickering Go and 428-3236. (070793) decorated. clow bathroom and front entrance. Storage and Real Estate (pine), bow glass (double) 1411 aluminum Ponce Cry. Boy wrtn 6 HP Johnson moa. Both t bedroom mar, floor d house. spacious apartment with wap shopping. piping, includes one ROOMS TO /�30 laundry rY areas• $69.900. Cas b 555 china buffet, plus more, $efVIC23 an so9-13ellem ft250. ate I af+0 � and fireplace, cable and uldslies sear 'n^m inn room, bedroom in law apartment. three sib Rent see. 430.6821 and leave terms - cash, cheque Cas 6131326. (070793) (070 93 irckoded Close to school and large sat -in kitchen. 5 bedrooms upstairs. 4 r-iessago. (070993) (Vasa m/c 3% prem), . shopping.Call 839.1696 aookaric"- ex �-• Parking- appliances, fireplace. lanced AJAX - lust north d Packer nm PORT Perry -good bungalow. • Snar3( bar, del. avall�ble. NEW Suzuki outboard Never ehyr„ _ (070290) $775 + iniitiee. Call 509 9209 or -------- Ped with deck, $1200 per month Village luxury furnished room wale a O$13novan, incudes ea- SERVICES AUCTIONS molor. used. $500. Cas NW. 433,1922. 70493) ro 427-0622 evenrtigs. (0718tH) NEWLY finished basement AJAX puts utitiea. Fisvla:t required. 6666858 before 5 m Mon Fn. p- in executive fhomhe. Kita:heh and laund facilities. $275tra ry Per 3t�'�- Blue Gram • • UNLI�IfTED - wes apartment, two bedrooms, trieyhtrvy an - Orie (070693) mi0nm first and last. Suns ran Meadows. 4 bedrpOfn Whitby.BUYING SELLING• . Recreation "cheri. cable. P�ing• separate bedraor, basement apartment, smoking lenrt@. 901-3552 a executive home, 3189,90. s19 -Sas -242e 370 i Vehicles emrst". r con., Brock RdJ PWISS& �ft finished, separate AJAX - Hairwood/401 area, large 427-5752. (070793) Johnson Reality. Pa. Houghton. 519-345.2062 Major Oaks area. Rent ertrarhOe. 4 f>a beth. 1>i�Y. three bedroom, two storey. 4331677i9B5•-8f500. (07ps93) CALL 198" Rockwood hardtop .Ont n• otaible, close to alt parking, non smoker. $550 9 amenities. Celt 619-1509 665 inclusive. Call 886-3546. fenced yard, 3 baps, walk b schods, no baserrhern. $1125 in ROOMS ler rent, share kitchen. Cal 683.8237. (070493) UPGRADED min. bedroom tarp trailer, exoeaerK oonMationi ieth turarica. Must to seen. $3500. a 8671 anyttmie. (070893) (07003) codes wttt@s and Cable. Avail _ Shared away solid brick hoar ileo and Knob Hill. New luranoe, • Gal 4338972- (070493) BRIGHT, keen one bedroom target Quiet able Aug. ,. 686 76912 elle 6 leave message. 450 ACC7000 OMRL � te� � �n�. Aug. 670 Personals Apartments 400 WHITBY - on° �oo� &''rura n . Two bedroom, $600. appkrhoss. ro vacancy. 72842U o 57li (072593► For Rent Per rronnan tarsMtsy deooralW 3Nez 575 Loans plus hydro. FtsUIsSt re0iulied hod and b.cky.rd. inrrrdi.ee PICIfEi1MIG - Amtaerlse vNhites len boor shoe kitchen wNITBy O phone days 725. 011 or even- aoxees to 401. bus rouses and Rd1401, thi bedroov1r ms, 1 1/2 awro-prkele Oslram oo, team Storey home. utiwto sttaorccaseses (TFT MRS. Roo tarot card. ESP, „ill, inclusive. 436-6065 or 723 Close to GO. no pets, non ings 668.4016. (071683) Park- AN ktdwim. Cal 579- tI109 970193{l baths. 5 appliances, finished Included. Near bus and Go, bassnrd, wlkirg diaanoe to prefer non smoking 1°male. from upper level apodous fa.>f MDIEy Prnbisx g, Loans, debt FOR oto XXX tan For � arhd OWillormatian, � AVAILABLE IMkEDIATELY- M PICKERING - largo throe Oshawa 639 Cubort St. 2 9 tcloA park. shopping• no pas• $400 rrrortln*. Call 128'•724• $1200 mart ly plus, ubidn. (070293) ly room, huge rec room, 3 badroons 2 1R *s consolidations, credit arranhgorwMs, personal budget 670.80 arae Kelowna. 7P4, bedrooms. $650 bedroom W g� private Pat nwnth entrance. (kin shared t5' 683.8736. �� SHARE four bedroom, 3 yard. l airiioic. lands ulate. antra aiNvac. IrrtrrcuWe. FREE garnshhss slgtpod• FREE CONSULTATIONS. adub only pleats (TF) (T) looks". Foo and IaSt mpuied. foundry, woke t. now schools, bus to band shappYg. No GO train. SM rhfo� r" ; 112 baltoofn south Ajax hoar with HOUSE for rid- Mag bedroom hiedy w00% non snoksrs. 6 $174,900. Call668-1394. 970693) Craft un (Plakerlrp Oshawa). 4331425. (TF) JESu6 s+ls can to bind Mo the blind? Doss your rrinnilsr pies. Cal 009-5173. 972293$ ydkt@a Available July 1. 837- CLEAN ono bedroom locoed n 2714. 970283) semi with gorses in Pickering. appiencee, NUX SM weekly Newly decorated. 444-7391. inclusive. MichsWJ1ohn 427- ~ / O01R BORROW $10.000. PW as fiNis ww gleless? The hineliig is hired � . MkaYn 3:11, Oshawa, fridge and stow _clean spacious one 1070 ) 0316 days or 686-8579 owtrw �• °snail vaR moray upgrades, professionally Js $110 Per math oar. Cad y 668-7200, Free Isaiah 56:10.12, John 10:11. Jim Campus s 1-705.953.9476 Included, private entrance SOUTH evenegs (070893) rbn leu• ��• bus aes• Adelaide aid soaps ate tsonrnertentr� anci. Mary St. Area. $550/month b,d 111 _ _ __ �"w'm hams keut www - -- Condos For reeplace pmlessiphwy rtntwn.a 455 su tons. Anubs Invest- • S199-900- � � � �' �) (TFT MRS. Roo tarot card. ESP, „ill, inclusive. 436-6065 or 723 Close to GO. no pets, non roc ram. 5 aPP�toss. garaps Rent 7620• (0715) spiritual advisor On love, 1587. (070293) smoker, tksvk=L Iowa cgs PICKERING - two bedroom $625 monthly single, $650 $1150 Illus unties. Cal 428- 679,11. (070293)Cando.hato Q -- 580 OAortgages mwla9e• hr.Nn and kawe. yo- known hsppeltgs• wpb cots Iateenrnt apartrhwrL Separate double, avaiabt@ ImsYrdw* bedroTM two below AJAX - dMachsd two "M walkout terrace eY• overlookrrg bay, �_ Town, J�IeS 51 0 Psychic.30 yeas erpedernoe Available for parties. Scar. 289- entrance, air, cable, 4 Call 688-1754 alter 5 p.m. appNances, suitable for two (0702113) immacutate, large pie lot. 3 idow pool. sauna, gym, tennis. bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 4 courts, $700. July 1625. 683 For Sale MORTGAGES and bats, 95% 2109, (o70293) pecpfe. Non smnknD• no POW AJAX - largo one bedroom apphanow. fireplace. doubt@ SM. (07069M fruncng, dosrrn payer also arra- d O 5. (b7P12931 WHITBY Townhouse, ct@an, V. • us led or CALL 4=-1"Z1 l $660 irneAval. Fist and last kitchen, apanrtled. eat -i- garage. close to GO, 101, CO es For perleafpfirsttimehon(buyer. unqualified. Cal osgauilod. Aveileble Juy 1. Cas separuo eMr.. @&nook and n mMkg. Aug. 1. Hwy three bedrooms, finishe0 � Communuity�Fignancial AJAK931-OWZ foemm parking. laundry. close to 477-4535. (070693) 470 Rent Services. (TF) bassm ai 107 Dovedals Or., 3 bdirri U IB* 4- 8 Ousbee St.. one bedroom amrmlla. mom smote. - PMI- PICKEMUG - Gt@rdat@, Lis- UIn 57. For sate owner. MORTGAGES as lbw as 5.75% IOW sparufter4for tettiholdersinn- $600 marl#* inclusive. Avail- towel Cit., throe bedrooms,1 l/ KdWARTHAS oozy two $96.000. Pa C;Wrw ts. 39& o.ac, eat Michel. 068.7200. pr- Will. W. livJdin mat able immediately. 427.1795. ta.droorth modern lakefront ea- 9490 Or Douglas kanadl. 43D- Antill iwewr ease Ltd. �, �� �, M(� bkddig. 5420 plus hydro. y 2 baths, 5 appliances, air, tapes (45 min. NE of �im9 Also two bedroom $450 plus CW4 AWA - two bedropn - fireplace. finished basement, Peterborough). good fishing. 9074. 970693) Ontario since 1972. (TF) b beak deck; shared hydro. Available ImnmrdnaMy distance Io schools and swimming. Boat and motor laflr►dry fac. s600hmorith Call Stephen, 571-3229. nnerts atwilaDM w 900 and ON wakwq $1200 mtorth Galen St. Close to schools. park '110pPi'0 y plus rentals. From i17o weekend Lots For P uhllbes. A1l®Ileble (071303) states alyd south GM. Ulliies 'Apes. Cal after 5 p.m 939- :395 weekly. (705) 677.2159. 535 Legal Aug. list. AVAILABLE Int- I i"y in included fisulast requied Cal 0149, (0705931 (07(7993) Sale 610 NOti CALLS -b:/ Whitby apartment building. Spacious, carpeted, (newly 729490. 9.9 p.m. (070493) NORTH Ajax - three bedrooms, DORSET - three well kept ga Cva OSHAWA - two bedroom aPa . closer to panted with BAY Ridny.ges - large two dpuble ��°• three • bedrooi baeerrlNM 1psAinsit tally redecorated, available Private cottages la rem on tmai quiet lake. Road to the door, al $3500 full price. Large secured . ,r -rtise Your m-- camong Ips. Send beach, grew E�gCROFr it 7 fridge, stove, heal, hydro included. Coin Tawdry• fir"AM. close to bus, shopping. All bus. s shopbalcping. All � Included. N0 �• too Immediate) First/last, on 4olM streM, (near Go, doubt@ Y• drwe°ray $700 Inclusive. Avail -$1050 mouthy. Sum conveniences, rose to tonin, available July, August and i^9• Ravenscrott Rd. Ajax, Ont. Business Service fish' next to 10,000 acro is t. county forest. One hour stet d oym p announce pM die- . $600 monthly. 434-6311. $600 or 430-m 4. ITI Cath 886 5173 or 430 0131. tTF) able Aug. 1. Call 939-5228 or Duehetnay. W. Frank R.E. Ltd. 6961921 Seperrlpor, Cal 433.0362 cher r Toronto. Charles, (416) 431- fnfefon of Me ptrppti(pn � Int. Io7De•31 592-5930.97049C!) Or 9963295. (070493) 5. (b7P12931 154 (07020 nrdire arlleCt 9702931) 4IN 11j =-•1CCslLAr.III Services Housecleaning Housecleaning ILLUSTRATION, canooning, graphic design, advenisinp. Business or persona(. Reasonable rates. Also ktesons available. Randy Ti—. (416) 342-22-79. (TF) Driving Schools Gardening, Landscaping ass OUAUTY Lawn and Garden Care - lawn ..w ng. hedge and tree vin., ng. fertiszier, lawn and garden care while you vacation. Handyman. 839.1215. (071193) Handyman GCB CONSTRUCTION Interior and exterior repairs, renovations and construction. Fast and clean professional work guaranteed. CRAIG 686-1913 S.C.G. Construction Ltd - ,.ai,ty exterior and interior .9^ovations, repass. addagns, non build bars and cabinets. A workmanship guaranteed a^ soured. Contact Gary 1i39- :Su4.(072493) Housecleaning HONEST reliable experienced arson Mnq do cleaning by the GAILLIND Ae MAID SERVICES SUMMER SPECIAL Book your weekly and bi-weekly services from $29.95 and receive your 4th CLEANING FREE. Caring for your home with personalized and prof sional service for over a decade. (Fully bonded and insured) 683-7515 Paintin e X15pdndq ft 33 YM sm. 4«� Free aiatiles i otratibim Job saisfacion glarartYed eat vis aw4lable rm Call Bob M3508 PROFESSIONAL panting, Int rior and exterior. drywal t3pirt� plastering and spray. Cal Alfredo or Heli&. 723-1337 TMS Painbng & Decor Interior & Exterior European Workmanship. Fast dew reliable service. 420-0061 MOUNTAIN MOVM SYSTEMS We will move anything, anywCrwmaal or an)nrne. restdensy Packag Doses 21=101=1mid month discounts. Free estimates. Journeyman Plumber %o job too small - Faucets, showers, basement washrooms. wet bars. etc. Any renovation or addition. Daytime427-4174, Home: 427-809. Ask for Tom. .ay, rates S40-65. Every Other -hursday available. Call aver 6 - DEL ZOTTO WOOD Party HomeHome _ M. Or anytime on weekends• s7tr4367. Services eervioee. moves, appliance and piano specialists, flat rate or Int Improvements P Improvements MAGICIAN, clown friends. ready to for hourly. We now have heated Schools entertain any age, any stascalaing in RMW*n ial JOURNEYMAN electrician. occasion. Birthdays, _1 & B ]L_5�,� sizing n service promotions, openings, "d ere' M sham are DECORATING rewiring, additions, and renovations. All work }u"' Lettuce' 7057 or Craned Renovation guaranteed, free estimates. Core �) For Free Estkeatsscall 420.630 Mme) RABBIT wants work doing Services (Ili 2fp 38611bile magic for children's ponies and For all your Hoene M i M Construction . specula- all occasions, have my own Renovation Needs at ing in additions, plumbing, magician. Call Emie. 668-4932. Great Prices A. Free basements. fences. roofing, decks, irderbck ng stone. retain- (TF) - Esti nates ing walls. AN work guaranteed. Plumbing g Call 420-0120 cox doccurt or free snowplow ing n 93.94.427-423[. (070693) 4W-2850. MARTEK Contractors - 2o% off rCALL & SAVE PLUMBING BnCK block and lobs al iover 11500. Conpiste In- , RENOVATION concrete masonry work,interior tenor and extenor renovations. and exterior painting, Drain cleaning, repairs new or repair, no job bo wall papering, fencing and 8 new instal!ations. big or bo Small. OUality decks. Free estimates. quality Basement washrocrns. at competitive prim. guaranteed. 434-4420. (TF) ceramic tale. Oshawa 571-1906, Moving,Competitive Rates Estimates. ch,fdron. Cal Ebea. Now St.. 22 yrs. expenence. Lnenced. Pickering 420-5311 Storage Cate 686-170 TMS Painbng & Decor Interior & Exterior European Workmanship. Fast dew reliable service. 420-0061 MOUNTAIN MOVM SYSTEMS We will move anything, anywCrwmaal or an)nrne. restdensy Packag Doses 21=101=1mid month discounts. Free estimates. Journeyman Plumber %o job too small - Faucets, showers, basement washrooms. wet bars. etc. Any renovation or addition. Daytime427-4174, Home: 427-809. Ask for Tom. .ay, rates S40-65. Every Other -hursday available. Call aver 6 - DEL ZOTTO WOOD AJAX Moving Systems - lull _ M. Or anytime on weekends• s7tr4367. FENCING eervioee. moves, appliance and piano specialists, flat rate or private Tuitions, (070893) hourly. We now have heated Schools HONEST, hardworking lady one- stascalaing in RMW*n ial storage, ung. Now offering free N to dean your horny. Please Fences & Docks, Drilled boxes with mow. Call 427- a'' Janice. 420.6433. (070293) Holes and set Posta 0005. (�) AVAILABLE SUMMER'S herel Wouidnl you For Free Estkeatsscall HARRY -O -THE -MOVERS - big QUALIFIED Ke to spend your w (Ili 2fp 38611bile move or small. we price o.tsde instead d cit ring the fns 4096456Mobils then aal Free satimtates. sonom -o;sss Why not try a try discout short notice moves.TEACHER -'c sssional. can arrange ARTISTIC Maeaiary -specula- pianos moved. Comparable p D Grades 1-8, to sue your rieads and ing "' fireplacesoris with chimney rs airs. Works with bricks. 4W-2850. grade 9-11 Math. loan b ro.,r budget. For a }res . MAN with truck and/or men for :,011sutaticn, nil 416666-6755 blocks and storws of all kinds, Free al your moving needs, prices to 683-5641 x,iect calk accepted. (070293)� - es ess, isd4 ww kmsnshq grn�- Cal Rer Gervas, it you budget. Special rates for Home 666-4428. (TF) ssrrors. 9Ne try 10 be the best n SPANISH teacher for adults and Improvements DRYWALL, town' Give Pete a Call at 576 ch,fdron. Cal Ebea. Now St.. taping, boarding, 9533. (TFALL) Pickering. 831-2780. (070293) x1AUTY wont by father and studs and T-ber gup collage. say stucco, plaster repairs. For MEN with large truck will do Yard o^ learn Wen experienced. • service all corm household mow. residential. corrimencial. AN types of moves. Maintenance and working. Renovations, positive pry. call Bre at 432- Call Carl or Jane, 427-2856. ..d ns docks sec. Cal us for 8409. (070293) !roe est "am 571-1263 Bel or MASONRY - brick block and (TF) i0. Oshawa (TFALL) chimneys including all repair Painting CABER Contracting - all work• free estrrtat.s. di counts Decorating arpentry, additions, for seniors. Call Kms• 868.9/50 enovations, kitchens, anytime. Leave messaoe. athroorne, horror nri ti nance SMN Construction Lit. sen- COLOUR PLUS painting and mergency service, furniture kVDurham fior 17 decor�'g—al repairs. top etinishinp. quality work Additions. sRundedks, path qualtyworkatreasonableraies, 20% discover kill $errors sw- uaranleed. 15 years doors, ret room, etc. Free voo Regiot xperence. e862915. (TFEFG) esdwddn. d 1 -416.576 -SM 987-1854. (TF) Call Announcements 680 Announcements 680 Announcements DENTAL OFFICE ANNOUNCEMENT We at 927 Liverpool Rd. in Pickering, are thrilled to give our clientele a warm cozy atmosphere to experience the finest and most up to date dental techniques as well as the most modem sterilization techniques. However for those who still require even more special care. Dr. Mary Kay M.D. joins our staff to help you sleep like a baby, while you have your dentistry done. Also joining our staff is Dr. Steve Goldman, (Periodontist, a gum specialist) and Dr. David Eller (an oral surgeon). We also offer evening hours and Saturdays. New Patients accepted Emergencies seen immediately 839-5951 Keep Smiling Drs. P. Goodman, S. Weiner B. Laibovitz, Y. Choi 927 Liverpool Rd. S. Pickering, Ontario Don't Forget Oshawa/Whitby This week a JO011,11111V Now Adwrilser ClsssMisd Dept is open for your con vwlf«eclevelly Safi 9:90 to 3:00. To Phos Your Classt8ed Ad Peewee Call 576-9335 To plelce Your pereonellzed In Wmorfan, Call sx-Mend let one of our professional advisors o read your Mad ad on the day of cation as we )t be mible for more one Insertion In 1 11 t '.:.-r • . ', 4"1 , -,'t . -4 •,THE NEWS ADIrStICMIM FRIDAY, JULIE 2,19113 -PACE 13. Ajax -Pickering 0�N� A47QL?���J@T CLASSIFIED Extended Hours Monday to Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. To Place Your Ad Please Call: 683-5110 or Fax: 683-7363 McDonald's Restaurant Ajax and the AJAX NEWS ADVERTISE; Present IWSISLIPIPV_� All you do is place an all paper classfied (10 issues) of our AJAX•PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER OFFICE 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax and receive a special carbo McClassified coupon for a FREE COMBO MEAL from McDonalds" Cage sandwich, medium fries and medium beverage) IiN ane coupon peradaner pav'si 8 ndvaid v7h ay aMKralkrmd nocmh vdue McDonald's Restaurant Valid only ah 222 Bayl St. West, Ajax TO ADVERTISE YOUR HOME & BUSINESS SERVICE CALL 516.9335 PAGE 14 -THE NL'ASADvEMrwm FRIDAY, juLY 2,1"3 1 • 1 1 1 LOOK BETTER, FEEL BETTER ' SUMMER SPECIALS ; ' Facial A Manicure $49.95 t Full legs and Bikini Waxing 1 $34.95 1 Permonenf Eyebw and Eyebrows 1 1 Cal for appoinfrnent 1 _ _ 831-1657— _ _ , RICHARDS KWIK PICK TAXI NON SMOKING Lincoln Town Car Airport Two Way Service 420-6999 e CA -m- A MAIM l--•� Galbraith I Repair Centre l j 1-11—y ' Watch— Watch riattrry _ Replac —t p Watch Straps 4 < sands � • S � t U 11— CA— U < Ring Cleani „g • and Rebuffing I IFret —ti—t— on nrtipping, -f your l Iprk:ous nn,ts- L — — — W1.1- &MIalvIcs min L3Q�4a�>nm4 1 Fine Pam Roo-bai0r ,;. rman and International Sr -c lues Sunday 'Bn ch 10.30 - 2:30 ues. - Sot. 11:30-2:30 & 5-10 p.m. Sunda] 10:30-9 p.m. Located in the Courtyard of Ptekerz,W liffaw 109 ord !Ki g on X0-- .qjax 42,-6760 It's not necessary to 'R'epiace that old boat and motor. 'R'epair and 'R'efinish instead We perform tuirw-ups and repairs of outboard motors, inboard motors olid outdrives. For help in getting your boat 'R'efurbished and on die lake this season. Can SAWYER Lc MARINE SERVICES LTD. 655-8347 Md JILT" M FROM 5.5% 14 2nd dt 3rd Mages. to 95% ' Rental Properties & Cottages • Re -financing • Debt Consolidation ' Rural Properties • Self-ertlployed ' Bad Credit No Income -No Problem Prime Deals Be101N Bank Rales Fast Proiessiml Service Sime 19'!5 11686-2557 term >F DR. E. GLLEZEAtI l DR. IL FR7S4lM NS WE INVITE NEW PATIENTS BYAPPOINTAIENT WE OFFER FAMILY EYECARE ��� • Contact Lenses 1 • Binocular Vision • Perceptual Testing • Dispensing of all Types of Frames & Contacts • PERIODIC VISITS OR LIVE-IN CARE FOR YOUR PETS, HOME A PLANTS • HOME SECURITY i MAINTENANCE • LIVE-IN OR HOURLY CHILD CARE • BONDED i INSURED, EST.1981 RELUIBLE & AFFORDABLE 686-1691 1'• ?� s i NOUSESRTERS ,. .re+.wn nH er,ra rn n, n.ar +rr•.,,w., 00000000000000 JA�S FACE FASHIONS 1 COLOURS • e HAM by LYNN SECT. . • • FACE • • • BODT • � 1 •GIF? � • I 1 CFR?IFICAM• • 49 Division St. • • Oshawa • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' P59 ----- — 'a ` . •s ��.i' - r a .tin :,s- , �x; +h'P`?fi� 4s � . •..3[tx...- _.., Ian Richards of Richards' Kwik Pick Taxi, gives his customers a smooth ride in his firm's Lincoln Town Car, purchased this past May. Ride in comfort, class, with Richards' Kwik Pick Taxi service Traveling by cab doesn't have to mean giving up comfort - or even luxury. Richards' Kwik Pick Taxi lets you ride in style, wherever the destination. In the taxi business since 1989, Ian Richards bought the elegant Lincoln Town Car this past May - and customers are loving it. The Pickering area taxi firm, operated by Ian Richards offers both local and two-way airport service. But that's not all. Ian will make sure you get to your destination, in style as well as elegance. The Town Car seats five people comfortably and charges a flat rate. That means, whether 0 I FOUR SEASONS CD bUNROOMS • off off Mu weat.rorm St. w, Unit 19, wbitny 4W-2789 14MO-268-0111 one, two, or even five people are traveling to the airport, the rate; remains the same. Of course, the more people share the ride, the more economical the cost for each person. Ian is proud of the services of Richards' Kwik Pick Taxi. Travelers can ride from Durham to Pearson International Airport in air-conditioned style and comfort. The businessman says unabashedly that his rates are 25% lower than those of airport limousines; and that's thanks to his own financial stability and the fact that he is an independent operator. In essence, his car is his office; Ian's lifeline is his 044mMi 4b4PIm04 AMUS IIIX INIIE nR,. aslawlcE • Bicycle service i Tune -Ups • Bicycle Sales, mans A Acosssmr)es M ttlsll W TIL 5004 Ab% OHL, L1: sur cellular phone, which keeps him in touch with clients and prospective clients even while he is on the road. Although it is generally known that this taxi firm covers the Ajax -Pickering area, [an will pick up customers from further east, who are travelling to Pearson International. In fact, Ian sums it up by saying, "I go anywhere." Special occasions such as weddings are ideal times to pamper yourself :n a luxury vehicle like the Town Car. To be sure you don't miss the chance of booking Richards" Kwik Pick Taxi, call 420-6999 today to make your reservation_ PET SITTERS ETC. Pet, Plant and Home Care SERVNIIG DURHAM SINCE 19M PROFESSIONAL CARE OF PETS PLANTS 11 HOMES BONDED i INSURED WE CARE FOR YOUR PETS IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME all .. RED EYE SPECIAL VAN SERVICE TO AIRPORT $2500per person (additional family members 686-1515 Wheelchair Vans also aV8ft* CEDAR PARK Recreation 8 Trailer Resort (5 miles N. of Bowmanville, just off Durham Rd. 57) OPEN FOR SUMMER Featuring: • Beautfful 110x70' pool • 18 hole miniature golf • tennis court • fantastic children's water play are complete with 3 pool, water umbrella, mini slide, water cannons. ASK ABOUT OUR SEASON SWIMMING PASS Public Swimming 263-8109 SALT OR WEATHER DAMAGED CONCRETE WALKWAYS OR STEPS? BASEMENTS WATERPROOFED CONCRETE REFINISHING AND REPAIR ANY SIE JOB - MODERN METHODS NO DAMAGE TO SHRUBS, LAWNS i DRIVEWAYS ALL AVAILABLE METHODS PERFORMED NstQE OR OUTSIDE ssrvit ..��•t•a:..::rt tip, ..; *Md" LARRY GOODWIN 24 Hours Tel. (416) 619-1703 or Fax (416) 6834421 U Reliable rs F,xternu!!�L-00w Sure 1938 3 GENERATION FAMILY BUSINESS FOR ALL YOUR PEST CONTROL PROBLEMS • PROMPT PROFESSIONAL SERVICE • AFFORDABLE PRICES • E IViRONMMALLY FESP01JSBLE Masai M this ad br 1076 discount on aRy Pest Cord Service JD AIR & ELECTRIC TOOL REPAIR 676 Monarch Ave., Unit 3 AiM Ontario Pborle/Fax 427-2595 SEE OUR NEW LINE OF CORDLESS A ELECTRIC LAWNMOWERS BY BLACK A DECKER BEST PRICE iiN TOWN TO ADVERTISE IN FOCUS ON BUSINESS CALL JANICE 683-5110 Ajax bcaball reps sweep doubleheader AJAX - The Ajax Spartans Empire Financial Group minor mosquito rep team swept a' recent doubleheader at home in Eastern Ontario Baseball Association action. Ajax posted a 10-7 win over Havelock in the first game of the dou- bleheader. It was Havelock's first loss of the season. Strong pitching by Drew Knox and Axle Riley led Ajax to victory. Great clutch grabs in the out- field were made by Russell Graves and Jeff Warrack. Offensively, Adam Cun- liffe, Knox and Riley each bat- ted in two runs while Jason Sharpe, Graves and Scott Robinson had one RBI apiece. Lead-off hitter Grant Taylor went three -for -four in the con- test. In the second game, Ajax blasted Belleville 12-3. Pitch- ers Neil McBride -O'Brien and Ian Wight were outstanding. McBride -O'Brien also led the offence, going four -for - four at the plate with two dou- bles. Warrack and Sharpe smacked two hits each, with single hits by Jeremy Black and Wight. Kip Linton chipped in with two runs. The Empire Financial group minor mosquitos have an SOBA league record of six wins and three losses. Scoreboard DURHAM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD CHAMPIONSHIPS Civic Fields, Oshawa 100 METRES GIRLS: nine yeas: 1st Jennifer Bruton, R.N. Cornish, 0:14.8; 2nd Nicole Brown, Glengrove; 3rd Cindy Hai, Lincoln Ave.; /0 yeas: tat Sabri- na Fords, Highbush, 0:14.8; 2nd Kim Carrique, Uxbridge; 3rd Erin Ramsay, Ormiston; 11 yews: 1st Amanda Brown, E.A. Lovell, 0:13.9; 2nd Jill Malbeuf, Wm. Dunbar; 3rd Becky Foster, Conant; 12 years: let Shelley Ann Brown, E.B. Phin, 0:13.2; 2nd Perdita Felicien, Glengrove; 3rd Natalie Smith, Sunset His.; 13-14 yews: 1st Roxanne Woodley, Bellwood, 0:12.9; 2nd Stacey Taylor, Harmony His.; 3rd Natasha Greaves, Lake Vista. 100 METRES BOYS: 9 yeas: tat Dean Van Camp, R.H. Cor- nish, 0:14.6; 2nd Kevin Duhaney, Glen Dhu; 3rd Kevin Woodley. Bellwood. 10 yew: 1st Nathan Morrell. Lakewoods, 0:13.7: 2nd Curtis Woodley, Bellwood; 3rd Lawrence Allison, Sunderland. 11 years: 1st Danny Cohen, Dr. Thornton, 0:14.3; 2nd Colin Biggart. R.A. Hutchison; 3rd Derrick Cummings, Dr. S.J. Phillips. 12 yews-. 1st Dami- an Ramsaaran, Applecroh, 0::13.0: 2nd Jason Alexander, T.R. McEwen; and Mike Runcieman, Bellwood. 13-14 years 1st Dannis Vlllena, Fr. Bay. 0:12.3; 2nd Josh Dolstrov, Adelaide; 3rd Sam Vang Prachanh, Central Pk. 200 METRES GIRLS: 9 years: 1st Jennifer Broughton. R.H. Cornish, 0.32.3. 2nd Cindy Hat, Lincoln Ave.. 3rd Michelle Corndf, Southwood. 10 years: 1st Erin Ramsay. Ormiston, 0:13.9; 2nd Heather Lee. Uxbridge; 3rd Sabrina Fords. Highbush. 11 years: 1st Amanda Brown, E.A. Lovell. 0:29.5; 2ndMon�pus Nelson. R. Mrichener; 3rd Noelle Miley, Glengrove. 12 years 1st Shelley Ann Brown, E.B. Phin, 026.7; 2nd An,Ka Jarrett. Sir. John A.; 3rd Jen Medland, Valley Farm. 13-14 yeas: Colleen Tinker, T.R. McEwen. 027.9; 2nd Sarah Abrahams. J. Gould. 3rd Natasha Greaves. Lake Vista. 200 METRES BOYS: 9 years. 1st Dean Van Carte, R.H. Cor- nsh, 0:30.8; 2nd James Cummings. Highbush; 3rd Matt Clarks, Duthn's Bay. 10 year* 1st Nathan Morrell, Lakewoods. 029.7; 2nd Cutts Woodley, Bellwood; 3rd Dwayne Higgins. West- ney His. 11 yews: Danny Cohen, Dr. Thornton, 0:29.6; 2nd David Nortes, L.B. Pearson; 3rd Ryan Westcort, Thorah Central. 12 yeas: Chris Baggom, Lord Durham, 028.1; 2nd Mike Huns, Central Pk; 3rd Jeremy Gals, Scott Central. 13- 14 years: Darryl Moore, Farewell, 0:26.2; tad Darryl Ma,ony, Sunderland; 3rd Stave StanW. Southwood. 400 METRES GIRLS: 9 years 'st Judy Ann Lopex, 1:16.4; 2nd Kristen Sco!!. Scott Central; 3rd Amber Lewis. Wm. Dunbar. 10 yeas: 1st Heather Lee. Uxbridge. 1:12.7: 2nd Stacey Gordon. Harmony His.; 3rd Jill Crate, Glen Dhu. 11 years: 1st Shannon Crowder, Wm Dunbar, 1:14.9; 2nd Nor itta Peters. Glengrove: 3rd Lindsay Porter. Pringle Cr. 12 years 1st Jen Medland. Valley Farm, 1:10.2; 2nd Jana Lea Tryan, Adelaide; 3rd Amanda Waketord. H.N. Cornish. 13-14 years. Jenny Cramm, J. Gould. 1:05.3; Dara McKenzie, Glen Dhu: 3rd Shannon MacLeod. E.B. Phin. 400METREB BOYS: 9 yeas: 1st Shane Goldman, Dr. Thorn- ton, 1:15.7; 2nd Derek Longley, Bellwood; 3rd Matt Chase, Duffin's Bay. 10 years: let Judd Stevenson, Bellwood, 1:09.7; 2nd Chris Corner, Beau Valley' 3rd Kevin Taylor, Meadowcrest. 1 it years: list Oliver Lopex, Valley Farm, 1:08.1; 2nd Adan AF, Highbush; 3rd Colin Biggart, R.A. Hutchison. 12 yews: tat Deighton Jarrett, Ade- laide, 1:02.9; 2nd Josh Smith, Pringle Cr.; 3rd Derek Tindell, R.H. Cornish. 13-14 yeas: 1st Bob Cochrane, Maple Ridge 0:59.1; 2nd Kory Geissberger, Sunderland; 3rd Shane Valinsky, E.A. Fairman. 800 METRES GIRLS: 9 yeas: 1st Stephanie Stroh, Westney. 2:59.8; 2nd Brooke Primrose, Maple Ridge; 3rd Becky Lockett, V. Willard. 10 yeas: let Jenny Yolevsky, Pringle Cr., 2:53.9; 2nd Stacey Gor- don, Harmony His.; 3rd Sarah Smith, R.H. Cor- nish. it years: 1st Jackie Heyes, Sunset His.. 2:48.9; 2nd Christina Chapman. J. Gould; 3rd Stacy Archer, Maple Ridge. 12 yews: let Kira Worsley, Adelaide, 2:44.1; 2nd Alana Waganaar. Central Pk.; 3rd Shannon Wilson. Maple Ridge. 13-14 years: 1st Lindsey Hayes, E.A. Lovell. 2:37.6: 3rd Brenna Crockford. Ridgeway. 8D0 METRES BOYS: 9 years: 1st Derek Longley. Bellwood, 2:47.3. 2nd Brennan Kirby. K Rowe; 3rd Ryan May. E.B. Phin. 10 years: 1st. Ian Hales, V. Willard, 2:38.3; 2nd Brandon Wellwood, Gandat- setiagon; 3rd Chris Russell, Valley Farm. 11 years. 1st Adan Ali, Highbush. 2:34.6; 2nd Andrew Hanna. Fr. Bay; 3rd Craig Woods. Lake- side. 12 years: 'st Ryan Johnston, V. Willard. 2:29.2; 2nd Scott Jeffrey. S.A. Cawker: 3rd Jason Thompson, Lord Durham. 13-14 yeas: let Rob Seibel, T.R. McEwen, 2:15.8: 2rd Andrew Rimar. Central Pk.; 3rd Robert Cox, J. Gould. 1500 METRES GIRLS: 9 years ist Melanie Curran, Westney His.. 6,03.9: 2nd Brooke Primrose. Maple Ridge; 3rd Marcie Byron, Uxbridge; 41h Angela Stavin, Beau Valley. 10 years is! Jenny Yolevsky, Pringle Cr., 6:04.1; 2nd Sarah Smith. R H Cor. nish; 3rd Nicole Davidson, Pringle Cr.; 4th Nancy Roulsion. Fairport Beach. 1/ yews 1st Rosalind Janes, Ridgeway. 5:44.3; 2nd Shan Vryksa. F.M. Heard; 3rd Amanda Kuiken, Palmerston; 4th Michelle Jones, G. Corpus. 12 year* 'st Kira Worsley. Adelaide, 5:34.9; 2nd Rebecca Langer, West Lynde; 3rd Lorissa Stroud, E B. Phin; 4th Susan Bunker, Central Pk. 13-14 years 1st Felly Byron, J. Gould. 5:38.9; 2nd Awry Dyer, Grandview; 3rd Brenna Croddord. Ridgeway: 4th Sarah Gersaborger, Sunderland, 1500 METRES BOYS: 9 yeas: 1 st Brennan Kirby, K. Rowe. 5:39.8; 2nd Brendan Pool. Pringle Cr.; 3rd Sharks Goldman, Dr. Thornton; 4th Josh Lums- den. Gandallsobagon. 10 years: 'st tan Hayles. V. Willard, 527.7; 2nd Fraser Wallacs, Gandat- setiagon; 3rd Brandon Tarbonom, R.H. Cornish; 41h Aber McNiol. G. Coipus. 11 years: t st Ryan Kendall, Valley Farm. 5:13.0; 2nd B J Noddle. Pringle Cr.; 3rd Andrew Arley, Dumn's Bay; 4th Kevin Mavor, Highbush. 12 years: 1st Aaron Shea. Adelaide, 5:09.0; 2nd Ryan Hicking, Ormiston; 3rd Scott Shadbolt. Gandatsetiagon; 4th Chris Johnston*. Uxbridge. 13-14 yews: 1 si THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JULY 2,1993 -PAGE 15 Andrew Rimer, Central Pk, 4:55.5; 2nd Chris Stewarl. Fr. Say; 3rd Stewart Hurd, Fr. Bay; 4th Neil Gladstone, Ormiston. 4 X 100 METRE RELAY GIRLS: 8 years: 1st Maple Ridge 1:07.7; 2nd Southwood; 3rd Palmerston. 10 yeas: 1st R.H. Cornish 1:04.3: 2nd Ormiston; 3rd Uxbridge. 11 years: 1st Roland Mitchener 1:01.1; 2nd Will. Dunbar; 3rd Dr. R. Thornton. 12 years: Glen - grove 0:57.8; 2nd E.B. Phin; 3rd Lincoln Alexan- der. 13-14 years: let Bellwood 0:55.9; 2nd Joseph Gould; 3rd R.H. Cornish. 4 X 100 METRE RELAY 80YS: 9 years: let L.B. Pearson 1:07.1; 2nd Bellwood. 10 yews: Gandatsetiagon 1:02.0; 2nd Bellwood; 3rd L.B. Pearson. 11 yeas: Uxbridge 0:59.9; 2nd Beau Valley; 3rd Southwood Park. 12 yeas: let Lord Durham 0:56.5; 2nd S.A.Cawker; 3rd Bayview His. 13-14 years: 1st Frenchman's Bay 0:51.7; 2nd Woodlands; 3rd Central Park, LONG JUMP GIRLS: 9 years: 1st oheriese Lucas. F.M. Heard. 3.38m; 2nd Megan Banns. Dr. S.J. Phillips, 3.36m; 3rd Laura McIntyre, H.W. Knight, 3.22m. 10 year*: 1st Stacey Gordon. Harmony HIS. 3.88m; 2nd Amy Mitchell. E.A. Lovell. 3.59m; 3rd Vicki Halligan, Thorah Cental, 3.36m. 11 yews: 1st Jill Malbeut. Wm. Dunbar, 3.95m: 2nd Tracee Downer. Southwood. 3 83m; 3rd Debbie Becklord, Glen St- 3.71 12 yeas 1st Perdita Felicien, Glengrove, 4.32m; 2nd June Henry, Gandalsetiagon, 4,17m; 3rd Becky Evans. R.H. Cornish. 4.10m.13-14 years: 1st Stacey Taylor, Harmony HIS., 4.53; 2nd Chary' Barkley. Pringle Cr., 4.53m; 3rd Rhoda Leann. Cadarackoue. 4.21 m. LONG JUMP BOYS: 9 years 1st Sheldon Beals. Valley Farm, 3.65-; 2nd Dean Van Camp, R.H. Cornish. 3.58m; 3rd Ross Gower, Epsom, 3.46m. 10 years: 1st Dwayne Higgins. Westney His., 3.86-; 2nd Judd Stevenson. Bellwood, 3.73m; 3rd Keith Woodcock, Lord Elgin, 3.71m. 11 years: 1st Ryan Holmes, Waverly, 4.13m; 2nd David Ndrtes, L.B. Pearson, 4 08m; 3rd Taha Clayton, Dr. S.J. Phillips. 4.00m, 12 years 'si John Reed. S.A. Cawker. 4.59m; 2nd Ali Palachik, Claremont, 4.48m; 3rd Chris Johnson, Pringle, 4.26m. 13-14 years. 1st Josh Dolstra, Adelaide, 5.33m; 2n4 Sam Vang Prachanh, Cen- tral Pk.. 5.19m; 3rd Sean Crossirid, Woodlands, S.D8m. TRIPLE JUMP GIRLS: 10 years: 1st Sarah Greer, College Hill, 7.64m; 2nd Anna Peters. Valley Farm, 7.16m: 3rd Dianne Siu, Valleyviaw. 709m. 11 years !st Justine Nauklt. Sir. John A.. 8.44m; 2nd Andrea Gabs, Dr. R. Thornton, 8.30m: 3rd Michelle 'Wal- lace. Gandatsetiagon. 8.D6m. 12 yeas 's: Lasa Morgan, Glengrove. 9.20m; 2nd S!eonanie Mark". L. Alexander, 9.08m1: 3rd Lisa Walters. Harmony His.. 8.97m. 13.14 yews 'st Roxanne Woodley, Bellwood, 10.13m: 2no Amanda Krieg - is. Farewell. 9.72m; 3rd Saran Cranston, L.B. Pearson, 3.14m. TRIPLE JUMP BOYS: 10 years 1 st David Ferguson, Gandatse- 1 agon, 8.83m: 2nd Curtis W000ley. Bellwood, 8.58m; 3rd Durrell Bernard. Glengrove. 8.40m i 1 yew 1st Stew Haid, Dr. R. Thornton, 8.77•n; 2nd Ryan Westcon. Thorah Central, 8.67m; 3rd Mark Harlem, S.A. Cawker- Ill 12 years 'st paanaaarnon�• Deighton Jarrett, Adelaide, 10.67m; 2nd Neil Simpson, Gandatsetiagon, 10.04m; 3rd Jody Hudtin, Waverly, 10.01m. 13-14 years: let Brad Sproat, Lake Vista, 11.77m; 2nd Sean Crossfield, Woodlands, 11.36m; 3rd Steve Mitchell, Bayview His., 10.20m. SHOT PUT GIRLS: 10 yew: list Tara Blanco, Bayview His., 7.89m; 2nd Heather Lee, Uxbridge, 7.26m; 3rd Sarah Greenwood, College Hill 7.26m. 11 yew: 1st Shawnette Thompson. Wm. Dunbar, 8.11; 2nd Missy Pigeau, Coronation, 7.93m; 3rd Amen - da Post, Duke of Ed., 7.82m. 12 yeas: let Lisa Walters, Harmony Hits., 9.59m; 2nd Tara Dwight, Duffins Bay, 9.D2m; 3rd Tanya Chappel, Glen Dhu, 8.95m. 13-14 yews: tat Candy Valentino, Woodlands, 8.53m; 2nd Carolyn Shaw, H.W. Knight. 6.44m; 3rd Geninne Bridge. Fr. Bay. 8.12. SHOT PUT BOYS: 10 yeas: let Allan Gibson, Duke of Ed., 9.51m; 2nd Judd Stevenson, Bellwood. 7.89m; 3rd Mike Palonessa. Rosebank, 7.75m. 11 yews: 1st Corrie West, Canningion, 11.44m; 2nd Paulo Cavr to. G. Colpus, 9.72m; 3rd Jeff Ashton, S.A.Cawker, 9.61m. 12 years 1st Jamie Waduck, Adelaide. 11.87m: 2nd Ned Simpson, Gandaisenagon, 11.55m; 3rd Peter Triantafilou. Meadowcrest. 13-14 yews. 's1 Peter Boychyn. Kedron, 13.48m; 2nd Marc Legrande. J. Govid. 1 1.89m; 3rd Man Gregory. J. Gould.: 1.39m, HIGH .,'UMP GIRLS: 11 years'st Christina Chapman. J. Gould. 1.33m: 2nd Jesswa Semple. Waverly. 1.30m: 3rd T ttary Wood -Palmer. 1.25. Jordara Gimrilen . Sund. MGH JUMP BOYS: 10 years 'st Matt Wingate. R.A. Hurchir•son. 123x^; 2nd Julian Volpe, Rosebank. 1.20m; 3rd Renaldo Best, Valley Farm. 1.20m. 11 years -st Jett Greenfield, F.M. Heard. 1.35m; 2rd esse Ramless. Lakeside. 1.30m; 3rd D. Campbell -Can.. 1.30m. Casey Gaskin -H ghbush. MEDLEY RELAY 200 X 100 X 100 X 400 M. (COED) 11 yews: •s! L.8. Pearson 2:x1.1; 2nd Canning - ton. 3r1 :Da merston. 12 years 'st Adelaide 2:07.2; 2nd Waverly, aro Higncusn 13-14 yews let Adelaide 1:58.7; 2nd Maple Ridge. 3rd Joseph Gould. 60 METRE HURDLES GIRLS: 11 yeas 'st Megan Slsar. Gandatserr- agon. 0:11.0: 2nd Amanda Brown. E.A. Lovell; 3rd Diana Burnam. R.H Cornish 12 years 'st Natalie Smith. Sunset Has.. 0 10 1; 2rd Ama-da Wakeford. R.H. Cornish; 3rd Perdi!a Fshaen. Glangove tip METRE HURDLES GIRLS: 13-14 years 'st Roxanne Woodley. Bellwood. C 12 6, 2nd Stacey Taylor. Harmony His.. 1-1 Cate Lewis. R.H. COmrsh 60 METRE HURDLES BOYS: 11 yews 's1 - ^ Wdliarieon-tie; Gandat- setagor. 0:'C, 2-d Andrew -•a-na tie. Fr. Bay. 0:10: 3rd Mar. Purchase. - -:o,- Ave 12 yew let John Greer, T.R. McEwer. ; 1C 3 2-d B-ardon Ayieswortn_ Sunset His . 3•d Jammal Ander. son, Glengrove. tip METRE HURDLES BOYS 13-14 years 'st Kev n Brown. Glen- grove- 0-12 0. 2nc .asci Ward. Adeade: 3rd Ricardo Wade. Glengrove. • DAY SPA • HAIR by LYNN BELL BYTEMAN CHU 1CH �;rrI • FACE . + BODT WORSHIP TWE • GIFT \� CERTIFICATES �\ 49 Division St. \_ Oshawa UNITED CHURCH a Cm" Aa. Norrx Alm tAr6t Ea6t d LOEB Plen) WORBW IIA A IL + COMEAND WORSHIP THESE CHURCHES INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THEIR WORSHIP SERVICES BYTEMAN CHU 1CH �;rrI _i6j ST. ANDREW'S Whites R& K THE FAMILY CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WORSHIP TWE 35 Church St- N., Ajax 11:00..RM. 683-7311 aw PICKERING VILLAGE WESTNEr MGWM 198 ft UNITED CHURCH a Cm" Aa. Norrx Alm tAr6t Ea6t d LOEB Plen) WORBW IIA A IL 300 Church SL N., Ajax 683-4721 PALdBRMS R6Rdf, Pam® Combined Summer Services 100 a.m. July 4 to - In Pickering Village wassaii 01 MARTON - FAERPOER tAI M CMUMN 1016 Ourhwtm Rd, Pickah 839-727 1 August 1 United Church Wwship a church Sabot M® August 8 - In St. Andrew's CAutch Service 10:30 a.m. t0 Sept. t Presbyterian Church Junior Congregation PICKERIN0�oD � CHURCH ��rodl awl► and Nursery Care SMY .&WAYsti1160 I&IS To Advertise Your Church ""�''�"WM 70 '°`'�0 Services Call Janice `*0 Wavy WIN 683-5110 PACE K&THE NEWS ADVERTISER FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1993 *Burlington sHamilton e.9, Ajax & — pshawa OPEN SUN�AY whnby C�osed Sunda �,�, %A %_7z SNA Oki" rsmGLIE Mp'"RESSES 88 � 1 NO GST & PST JUNIOR SLEEP ' REGULAR SUPPORT SINGLE MATTRESS 9 SET 115995 DOUBLE... izvJ6 SET 1999 QUEEN...... ;5994 SET 279* BIOPEDIC MEDIUM SUPPORT SINGLE MATTRESS ' 91 119S SET 1 9 995 DOUBLE... 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CHIROCURE EXTRA RRM SUPPORT SINGLE MATTRESS wl 189" SET 530995 DOUBLE 19s SET'37V QUEEN 259` SET'42V KING '»t" SET'649n A)F ra the Sleep Factory ORTIIOFLEI( SINTLE SUPPORT NGLE MATiAESS �24995 SET 54 19 DOUBLE :696 SET'459% QUEEN z89" SET'499% KING '41V SET 170995 FREE Bonus Coupon Receive your choice of any TWO • FREE • FREE • FREE Mattress Pad Sheets Frame with the purchase of any matching mattress set 0 't41. ali 6' .v ��� • 4 MONEY - 10 V 5 If I lin ulruu 4rM911`J�' C7 TOP-OF--THE-LINE >• = �� DYNASTY SERIES SLEEP SYSTEMS 1 Double i1" Set '419 995 Queen ' s Qot•IR;MTErtaWt0W_AYYDUTYSTMCOX SYSTEVFOR== s3 7995 Z=1,10%". SWVORT TC PpEYQ,T EDGE &EAKDOIMY RIDOa1G RE�RCNG Cf11R1iE CONST N CWX TO PWVVVTSAGGIN. Available 'C'0N`F ,�` PORT �'L"'�"F0R°"°�""' in King • ��TTEw RSR SUM" SOFTNESS T►ML7(L1�4g101a Size rWSS:,E""N�o�AwA�PRL LFE FREE Bonus Coupon Receive your choice of any TWO • FREE • FREE • FREE Mattress Pad Sheets Frame with the purchase of any matching mattress set 0 't41. ali 6' .v ��� • 4 MONEY - 10 V 5 If I lin ulruu 4rM911`J�' C7 Oshawa whitty This Week Ajax & Pftvinq NEWS ADVERTISER -MLAP- —AIL- -AM,- -AM.- ''� �► Best Homes 1 rlor JULY 2 JULY 10 PRESSRUN 200,000 14EWS AQygRTtSER 200.W) pit E Best Homes ItUAICY 2 - ff'" PL youl? FOR wit T 1p F u R • oil r PAGE 2 OSHAWA THIS WEEKIAJAX HEWS ADVERTISER, July 2 - July 9,1993IBEST HOMES, July 3 - July 10,1993 OF LIVING SPACE r,r,r9r.-T-1We1M,T, • r: 000e0 . PSN so '0,u For Onty • • m' A MONTHLY � ISIO 0 DOWN P & 1 AS LOW AS PAYMENT WITH 10% DOWN • M5 .. r IIS 1 1 t� t 4 EXECUTIVE REALTY 00113► INC Mon. to Thurs. 1 P.M. to 8 P.M. Sat., Sun. and Hols. 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 434-3897 11.11 ,1 F1 J eEOy„`a o 9� Townhomes with 4 Appliances Priced from $104,900 M -- 'A - &ick ELEVATION B y 1606 p. R. ENw. B =153,900 a ARTIST'S CONCEPT 2406 ttq. R. Elev. 8.=162,900 11 11=1111 08HAWA THIS WEEVJAJAX NEWS ADVERTISER, July Z - July 9,1"VI EST HOWA July 3 - Ayr 10, IM PAGE 3 1N'ovw ]Ei011ies ilia I=i 1 0=: Decoratin ' on a bud et is s le These days, making every penny count is more important then ever - but that doesn't mean we can't indulge ourselves a little when it comes to creating a beautiful and inviting home. These new tips, provided by Kmart's decorating specialists, make it easy to use imagination instead of money to create the home of your dreams - without changing the furniture or mak- ing a dent in the family budget. WALLS WITH A DIFFERENCE A little paint, fabric and imagina- tion can add an exciting designer touch to a room for very little money. Try do-it-yourself stencils above doors, along the ceiling border and around window frames. Ordinary bedsheets provide an elegant tented look. Choose stripes or small floral printed flat sheets, and make a 1" hem at both ends. Install curtain rods along the top and bottom of each wall, then slide the sheets along the rods carefully to create a shirred effect. This is a great way to disguise damaged walls or dress up a bedroom or bath. ARTWORK ADDS STYLE Give any room an instant facelift by showcasing an affordable art col- lection, using art that matches your decorating theme. For a contempo- rary room choose bright images. If country is your preference, try landscapes or floral prints, or work by artists such as Charles Wysocki or Currier & Ives. Botanical prints give a fresh, natural feeling to any room. In the den , create a casual look with colorful sporting prints, equestrian or hunt scenes. You can collect prints by a single artist, by style or subject - or you can mix and match to create your own personal style. RAISING THE ROOF Use artwork to change the dimen- sions of a room. If ceilings are low, hang pictures above eye level to create a feeling of height. For high ceilings, display pic- tures lower on the wall. In a long, narrow hallway, use lots of different sized prints hung at a variety of lev- els to break up the space. Keep proportions in mind; try not to overpower a small room, such as a bathroom or guest bedroom, with oversized prints. Instead, try a group of smaller pieces with similar styles and frame and mat colors. PRETTY AS A PICTURE When hanging pictures, use your head before you- use your hammer. Group several small prints in a similar style over the sofa, instead of one large piece. Vary sizes and shapes, and don't hang everything in a French doors add elegance to your home The classic design and clean styling of French doors give a light, airy look to any room in your home. French doors are espe- cially popular now because they versatile . and easy to install. Many builders offer French doors as an option on their homes. Styles include glass panes divided with wood or brass strips, engraved etched glass, or a single glass pane. Whatever style you choose, the full-length transparent panels let more light flow in - the room seems more open, even when doors are closed to control noise. French doors are also the perfect way to divide two rooms and make both appear larger. _ You'll find French doors at your local hard- ware store, building sup- ply or home centre. The newest styles are now available prehung, com- plete with door jambs, hinges and hardware. They are also available as bifolds when you need to save space. Whether you want to add a touch of elegance or simply trying to give a fresher, brighter look for your home, French doors provide a quick afford- able answer that's right in style. straight line. To find the perfect spot for each work of art, cut a sheet of paper approximately the size of each pic- ture you want to hang. Put a small piece of double -sided tape on the back and use these models to work out perfect wall placement. MAGIC MAKE -OVERS The secret to changing the style and feeling of a room without refur- nishing is using inexpensive acces- sories. Decide on a style, then follow these basic rules. First select a 'sig- nature shade' - the color of the sofa, rug or other furniture - then add accessories in coordinating shades. Accessories include framed prints and artwork, throw pillows, vases, baskets, and figurines that help set the style. Artwork with a country theme, landscapes or botanical prints, bas- kets tied with calico ribbons, dried flowers, a decorative quilt, and a few country collectibles will turn your living room into a country cot- tage. An oriental style rug, velvet throw pillows, brass and crystal accents and English hunting prints on the wall„ give an elegant traditional look to a living room. LOOKING FOR A BETTER I TA AND A BETTER Then take a short drive to the countryside of Courtice and see Highland Gardens by Kassinger. Where a simpler, safer way of life is a reality and you can feel part of a neighbourhood you'll be proud to call home. LTE=IuM a 10 Yew Ybllirr mW! The Inverness 3 Bedrooms, Cathedral Ceilings For $169,900 $ 900 all - .0- ♦ JV r IN COURTICE EXCLUSIVE 10 YEAR' WARRANTY Fromm inch dv* 'lease Visit Our Soles aim This Weekarid From Noon 11 Sic at 4 George Fleyrlolds Drha 01'ler Tines By Appoin� Exclusive Agents 5 � 6 = 2548 Ristow & Flememin Umde►d. ReaHor Q Lu ' 'a0 Z W J Z:; 0 NASH ROAC KlgG STREET 2 LAKE ONTAF94 a PAGE t OSHAWA THIS WEEK/AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER, July Z - July 9,1993/6EST HOMES, July 3 - July 10,1990 New Homes and Interiors Hardwoodand healthy floor...s axe You're strong and healthy. But another summer draws to a close, a mild cold that seems to hang on until the cold weather hits. This has happened every summer for the last few years, so you finally go to see your family doctor. He tells you that you are having an allergic reaction to something, and recom- mends that you see an allergy spe- from familiar? Sound DecoFufing Whatexactly is an allergy? eound up An allergy is an g abnormal reac- Today's exciting array of floor covering designs and colorations makes resilient flooring the hottest way to bring a kitchen to life. More homeowners are discovering that one of the simplest, yet most dynamic, ways to change the look of a room is to start at bottom. Changing the floor can transform the entire look of a room, while setting the stage for the addition of personal styling. Updating old, worn sheet vinyl with today's more durable, sophisticated resilient flooring can make a dramatic impact on your kitchen. And, with people spending an increasing amount of their free time at home, and even more time in the kitchen to entertain and eat, as well as to do paper work and watch television, the floor needs to be durable and comfortable to stand on for long periods of time. In most cases, flooring shows the most wear and tear and replacing it is accomplished with the least hassle and expense. New flooring can also give the kitchen a whole new look. For instance, wood cabi- netry that looks unexciting with a dull can achieve clas- sic proportions when com- plemented by shining faux - marble vinyl flooring, such as the Carrara design from the Mannington Sterling col- lection. For a classic look, acces- sorize in soft tones of grey and white (i.e., napkins, dishes), with accents of lemon yellow or rich sky blue for interest and impact (i.e., glassware, vases, art- wodc). If your white kitchen could use a little pizzazz, there are several options available. For a high-tech look, select a bold geomet- ric -designed resilient floor (checks, diamonds) in black and white. Add 'industrial' chrome and silver counter appliances, and maintain the black and white theme for accessories. . White kitchens also can be given added warmth with the neutral tones of imitation sand, granite, stone, gravel or stucco floor designs. The benefit is that resilient floor- ing simulating marble, gran- ite, slate or stone is offered at less cost than the real thing. and is more giving and warmer underfoot, more for- giving when objects are dropped on it, and easy to care for. The whiter, brighter. kitchens so many homeown- ers want can also get just the touch of green - jade. seafoam, forest - so popular in today's environment -con- scious society. There are flooring types available in advanced designs, such as the Mannington Gold, light jade and Venice green mar- bled Florentine design or the Mannington Sterling Checkmate design, a checkerboard style in classic white and deep forest squares. Both add just the right amount of appealing, clean accents to the uncluttered freshness of a white room. Sparse touches of peach or rose for dishes. linens or crockery are also ideal for this type of kitchen scheme. White. natural and light to medium wood cabinetry also can be updated with terra cotta and spice toned floor- ing, which helps to bring an earthiness (such as a com- fortable southwest theme) to the kitchen. These tones are especially popular for faux stone or ceramic flooring designs, although corals and yellows are also popular for the floral patterns so comple- mentary to country -themed rooms. These rich tones work well with lighter wall colors, and jewel tones are attractive accessory accents (as evi- denced by the recent popu- larity of bright pottery and ceramic dishes in bright col- ors). Take the time to plan and to visualize, as much as possi- ble, the finished look you're trying to achieve. Once you take care of these basics, remodeling the kitchen, even on a tight budget, can be a fun, creative process. ,` s.t. Ctli s.,�e•�i�.l�rr �r.aa.y...—...w..>..►•.:+wsWro. tion to a com- mon substance. Allergies are so widespread, and cause such dis- c om fort and inconvenience, that their treat- ment and care are matters of intense concern to millions of sufferers. According to Allan D. Gilbert, M.D., a Texan allergist, "A person with allergies should try to make his or her environment as dust -free as possible. One excellent decorating choice for minimizing dust in the home is hardwood flooring. Hardwood floors definitely reduce dust -related difficulties. There's no dust flare-up as you clean, a problem more likely to occur with carpet. "We especially recommend hard- wood flooring for bedrooms, where possible, " Dr. Gilbert continues. "The hardwood creates a much less allergy -inducing environment. Many carpets are petroleum-based, and 'out -gassing' may occur for as long as a year or two. That 'new' smell You may notice when you've just had carpet laid could be out -gassing, and the fumes can cause burning and sneezing. Dr. Gilbert concludes. "Hardwood flooring means less dust, no out - gassing, ease of cleaning, and no odors from smoke, pets or food lin- gering in the air to cause reactions." When you decide to make the clean switch to hardwood floors, look for a quality company and product. There are a number of firms that offer a wide variety of high-quality flooring choices. One example is Bruce Hardwood Floors, a hardwood flooring manu- facturer in the United States for over 100 years. Its state-of-the-art finish- ing technology, with a choice of the exclusive Dura -luster"" urethane or Dura -satin"" wax finishes, makes its floors easy to clean and less apt to trap dust. Not only can these floors reduce the presence of allergy -causing irri- tants in your home, they will add incomparable beauty, durability, and lasting value as well. r r J!!%'AM .�ii'��Srs.....:.... ..... .. F/ F �.wr..... ..:..,l,.c rh.../ sir. �.... .. fi{Gfii�°'•r' ..:...:. Y. :+%'r...:..:%�/.3:..'i!;% does Kin The forest has always been free. hine,akai hiresi u a scrcnc tomnnunm of feature Ncked h11,11WOlws & t-1 VOM home!, with cathedral crihngs. f ntail & 1).1% wtn6m,..pa hathnx"s .enit carders room kitchens on till .tnel 19 h to 4s h lits ,urroundmR a fore i uoafloi. yet pnced from lust S i Now one of these 3 option packages is free too! See Kingsway Forest today! Choose wur new home Then choose your FPJ.E option P,ckW' i .® Money grow onIrees at SWaY Forest. WW . Office ("-n %fon to Thum L pm to - pm Vt & Nun boon to pm _'(416) 436-5161 The tlarenaar 1360 Ete„o.e .i 1,7753g. R is'N I or 7 romamic new tome demM at Kine"ay Fwvc i [til ,W Buy now & choose your FREE option! It's Illi NndinB "WW Browing on triw l a TME SUMMER CONFORT PACKAGE A complete central air cO"tioninS system for your rte • hone! 2. THE GREEN PACKAGE Landscape shrubbery arta an interloclting stone walkway! I. THE CONVENIENCE PACKAGE A dishwasher + cetral 1 "acuum + electric ypr qe door opener! t.T sI OSUWA the Nnti.w�a FaraV wk•. Centre i, on riranhna• Rd ju.l nosh of "-Wde• rettdugn A=uG VVf llealtr W, 430.30 OSHAWA THIS WEEWAIAX VEINS ADVERTISER, July 2 • July 9,199MIEST HOMES, July 7 - duly 10, 1993 PAGE b New Hoaracs sad Iarateriorss Aspen spr3Lngs s n a m ood When the Kaitlin Group intro- duced its Bowmanville community of Aspen Springs two years ago, the builder announced its plans for the development. The community would eventually house approximately 10,000 people, a shopping centre, a park, a recreation complex and be the eventual site for the proposed GO Transit station in the area. All this was announced in the middle of a recession which included the worst housing slump in 50 years. Now, two years later, we can see that the enthusiasm with which the plans for the community were announced was surpassed by the popularity of Aspen Springs. To celebrate the success of Aspen Springs, the Kaidin group hosted a two-day barbecue June 26 and 27. "We are celebrating the sale of 200 homes in this model community," said Kaitlin Group president Bill Daniell. "We are proud of the sales we have achieved. In a tough market that is quite an achievement." The popularity of Aspen Springs is due to the fact that there is indeed something for everyone in the community, which will take a decade to complete. There are 26 different styles of homes to choose from and they start at an extremely affordable $99,990. Large detached homes providing 2,901 -square - feet of living space on 50 -foot lots, homes on detached 40 -foot -lots, link homes on 30 -foot lots, bungalow designs and recently released freehold townhomes offer purchasers a variety of options. Regardless of the size of the home however, the Kaidin Group has taken great care and paid close attention to detail and incorporated the thoughtful designs into all home styles. Even the townhomes feature attractive arched windows, decorative brickwork, varying rooflines and recessed styling that makes for a pleasant streetscape. "There are a good range of home styles, whether you are a first-time buyer or looking to move up to a larger home,: Daniell said. The first phase of Aspen Springs is essentially completed and approximately 175 families already call the Bowmanville community home. But houses are just part of the development, Daniell explained. "«e really are building a �:ommunity here." he said. "We careful]., planned house .iesiums that blend into and �0111plement the whole, schools. parks and recreation facilities as ,,%ell as shopping plazas and commercial facilities." Canadian Tire has already moved in and a Loblaws and Zellers store are expected next ear. Land has also been allocated for a proposed GO train station. Then there is Kaitlin's after-sales service. When you plan a community the size of Aspen Springs, the careful planning doesn't stop once construction starts. Kaitlin stresses the importance of each resident and, with that in mind, the developer has established an efficient after-sales service department that keeps information on each and every home sold in the community. Some inventory homes are already built and available for almost immediate occupancy. There are a number of special incentives available on inventory homes. To visit Aspen Springs and see one of the decorated model homes, exit Hwy. 401 at Waverley Rd., proceed north to Martin Rd. and watch for the Aspen Springs signs. Office hours at 1 to 8:30 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends. The sales office is closed on Friday. For more information on Aspen Springs, call 623-7027 or 427-8605. PAGE G OSHAWA THS WEEVJAJAX NEWS ADVERTISER, July 2 - July % 1993A30T H OAFS, July 3 -July 10,1 M 14NOWSHOVVING! in PICKERING by SENA HOME S Elevation A 3020 Sq. Ft. $267,900 (Price includes Goods & Services"Tax) Standard Features include: • High Efficiency Furnace • All clay brick exterior • Ceramic the in kitchen & breakfast areas • Colonial Wood trim H 0 L L 0 Homes from $257,900 up to 3,177 sq. ft. on 50' lot frontage minimum NATIONALMARDI GROUP HOURS: SENA nu..Us Real Estate Inc., Rltr. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 837-2760 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. BUILDERS OF CUSTOM AND FINE QUALITY HOMES SHeite Sales �Kf or by Reeaally Head Office 743-5000 Appointment (Prices. terms b availability subject to change without notice) F"ii, sLoviEVICTORIAN CHARM OF QUAKER VH.JAGE It% not surprising that more and more families are choosing Quaker With its long history as a quiet residential community, Uxbridge is a Village a, their new home. Its unique country life offers the perfect town tailor-made for families. With its schools, parks, shopping and blend of ve,terdav and todav - a relaxed, small-town atmosphere, historic buildings, everything is close at hand. A new 10 -acre community enhanced with all the modern amenities. Nestled in the historic town of centre features ball diamonds and a skating arena, as well as a myriad of Uxbridge and surrounded by rolling countryside, it is in an area rich club facilities and sports programs for all ages. All in one of Southern with heritage. Pioneer farms and Victorian homes serve as a gentle Ontario's finest areas, just 35 minutes from Highways 7 and 404. reminder of days gone by. Quaker Village is being developed by The Foxbridge Corporation, It was these beautiful vintage residences which served as the Wycliffe Homes and The Seaton Group - three companies which have architectural inspiration for Quaker Village. Each of its homes are earned an excellent reputation for their exceptional quality and service. enhanced with inviting touches such as gingerbread trim. And of course Together, they have been devoted to the community since 1986. This each includes a large Victorian -style porch - the perfect spot for sipping spring marks the opening of Phase IV of Quaker Village, and to honour lemonade on a hot summer's day. All homes are on large lots with the occasion Foxbridge is creating a brand new model home, The minimum 60' to 70' frontages. There's also pie -shaped cul-de-sac lots Brookdale. With over 2,600 square feet of living space, this spacious four which back onto a green belt. No matter which you choose, there's bedroom residence includes a main level study, stately fireplace in the plenty of space for the kids to roam. family room, gourmet kitchen and breakfast area, and a two -car garage. Inside, you will find spacious living areas where the emphasis is on if you're interested in discovering this friendly family community filled convenience coupled with elegant design touches. Beautiful Paris with Victorian charm, call the Quaker Village presentation centre at kitchens, exquisite master ensuites, main floor powder rooms and 642-0618 or 852-7469 to set up a personal appointment. Hours are from basement walk -outs are just a few of the wide range of desirable features. 1 to 7 Monday through Thursday, and from 12 to 6 on Saturday, Sunday There are eleven models from which to choose, with prices starting at and holidays. The centre is closed on Fridays. just $189,900. A one year membership to the Foxbridge Golf Course is included with the purchase of each home at Quaker Village. To date, over 225 homes have been sold in this community. As a result, Quaker Village has already become a thriving neighbourhood with kids playing in the streets, afternoon barbecues and friendly get-togethers. "VV , _ x Kids and adults alike love to relax in the 23 -acre park located in the heart of Quaker Village, as well as visit the Uxbridge Historical Museum which backs right onto the community. There is an existing separate _. school and a proposed public school located within the community of Quaker Village. N at W H O =!i e i i=i d Z i t OSHAWA THIS WEEVJAJAX NEWS ADVERTISER, July 2 - July 9,1 MIMIEST "ORAE July 3 -July 10, IM PAGE 7 Home security checklist For many people, their home's appearance is a great source of pride. It can also be a source of protection. According to national crime prevention experts, homes that look lived-in are less likely to be burglarized. Following are some practical tips from home safety experts at First Alert. These tips are intended to make your home less attractive to thieves. ♦ Be sure your home's exterior is well lit. Replace burned out lightbulbs over doorways, garage and yard immediately. Consider replacing standard outdoor lights with motion -sensing floodlights that turn on whenever anyone approaches. Not only do these floodlights deter criminals, they also provide a light whenever you or guests arrive home. ♦ Don't give thieves a chance to get into your house unobserved. Trim any, shrubs or trees that hide doors or windows. And avoid giving burglars a leg up to second -storey windows by cutting back tree limbs. ♦ Buy home lighting security timers for your home. Lighting timers are an easy way to create the appearance that someone is at home. Set timers to turn on lights before you get home in the evening, to avoid coming home to a dark house. ♦ Keep your yard well-maintained to reinforce the impression that you're at home. Store ladders and tools inside your garage or basement when you aren't using them so they aren't stolen, or used to enter � our home. "Most people only think about burglar-prc ohn'g their homes when they are going out of K �I -- d 1 ,t town," explains v Rich Timmons, � }r,� � �T m' director of �� .;; � , IL marketing for First Alert. ;� r-.�.* - �.� YOUR "People should be �{ D HOME! aware of the need i A, FROM 2,000 SQ. M. & L: P to take the same O I-ARGE LOTS....... L{ x atc c1 ar I.rvl{ w%w x xi K.i types of simple NorTh (khawa - Fam of Durham College precautions every WC Rill c ustom build y"ir ncx„e. >r builder of your choice day.,, GALL MICIiAEL 7�'CACiCI - ?2K-971 "They were very accommodating... and they remembered everything!" Chelsea Gardens... Che Make It Your Own! visit Our Models BUILDING LOTS ti)r one ota kind HOMES 40 Exclusive 1 t& 2 Acre Lots Lots QO, Priced From 99 An exclusive enclave of lots in Solina (just a fe►r miles north east of Courtiee). Saturda t• & a 1 Sunda}• Q 10 a.m to N 3:30 P. m. ° For further information and a lull cnlour brochure Custom Homes on / acre lots From '259, 900 r e,. E.�tA.ttr.� call Bruce Rondeau at 721-8583 or %lob. 132-12111 IN .. Pictured left to right are Doris, Connie (holding Nookie) & Paul Latour. After having lived in their 2 storey Oshawa home for the last 15 years. Paul and Doris Latour and their 2 children, aged 16 and 20 decided it was time for a change. After shopping around the many builder sites available, Paul and Doris knew instantly when they saw City Homes, that they wanted to buy.., sure enough they signed an offer on their bungalow by the weeks aid! When asked why they chose the bungalow Doris responded, 'The house had lots of character. There were a few things that we wanted changed on the plans to suit our families needs, such as moving a wall and taking out a closet. City Homes were most accommodating. Were there any other special reasons why you bought from City Homes? Naturally, Doris responded, all of the little things we asked for. such as extra plugs, were taken care of. Also the fact that City Homes uses quality paint instead of standard grade and upgraded broadloom as opposed to standard. were more the reason that we enjoyed our purchase. FHow do you rate the sales people at the model home? "Absolutely Wonderful!" replied Doris. The girls Arme and Barb were on top of all the requests that we made. Would you recommend a City Home to anyone else? Yes! To anyone!" Doris responded. If you would like to enjoy being an owner of a City Home, as are Paul and Doris Latour and their home, stop by our site today! We would love to serve you. Ask about our new release of custom bungalows on walk -out ravine lots. Sales Office Hours 416-427-1493 CITY Mon. - Thurs. (TORONTO LINE) pin. - t3O pin. From Scarborough, H�Sat. & Sun. 401 east to Oshawa, h I noon - 5:30 p.m. exit Harmony Rd. EXCLUSIVE MARKETING by NRS Realty One - Anne Wisniewski, Sales Representative oi■�� PAGE 8 OSHAWA THIS WEEK/AJAX NEWS ADVERTISER, July 2 - July 9,1993I3EST HOMES, July 3 - July 10,1993 ASPEN F 11 40Ak The Kaidin Group Ltd. Make Your FIRST HOME a NO -COMPROMISE Detached Home in Bowmanville's Finest New Home Community! AS I.ITI'I.E AS MONTHLY P. & I. DOWNT PAY VIEN. 7 NN ITH 10% DOWN YOU CA 0«.N A REALLY BIG 1526 SQ. FT. DETACHED* HOME ATrH FXMILY ROOM .SND FIREPLACE, 3 WASHROOMS, FULL 'NLASfER EN SUITE, WALK-IN CLOSET, 6 APPUA CES :SND SO MUCH MORE 1526 �� Townhome &Detached Models available from $99,990' GST INCLUDED '�i'r1 CFI i R a r .0$13 5990_ s�i rNMb � � a rro ----1- THE ASPEN VIEW 1526 SO. FT. he neat etAccoy l MONDAY - MRSDAr 1 PM - SPM FRIDAMOSED WE8(M a HOUDArS 11AM - 6PM 623-1021 or 421-8605 E„Eppr rrr xa Take Highway 401 to Waverley Rd. Go North. Waverley Rd. runs into Martin Rd. just north of the 401 and the sales office is directly on your left. 0 a HWY. z PICK ROfG AJAII WNRBY WA i c a MrN—N E SALES C m = = OFi ICE x U C m 8 = t = m Q Y Q z = a lrooE;s Q a Q m W a W 11WY wt I 3 _931"ER 170 FAFT11LIES CALL US HOME! "PRICES INCLUDE $5000 FREE BONUS 'LINKED BELOW GRADE